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John Leary - Ano 2005 (Inglês)




Ano 2005


Saturday, January 1, 2005: (Solemnity of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, this large split in the rock represents the many divisions among peoples that are causing your wars to continue. My peace on earth is what I bring to you on Christmas for your New Year. My blessings are always available for your peace makers and to settle your differences with one another. But there are those, who do not want to forget the wrongs done to them, and they continue to hold grudges or animosity to others. If you do not try to make peace, then you will condemn yourselves to constant wars. Wars never solve problems, but they cause more deaths and destruction. Wars promote hate instead of love and create deficits on both sides. At times disasters make men stop their wars and they struggle for survival. When you see the breadth of this latest devastation from the tidal waves, you see how small man is amidst the power of natural disasters. Life is too short to be killing each other before your time, so make peace with each other instead of making war.”

Jesus said: “My people, year after year America has involved itself in many wars. Yet the results do not gain you anything and your war in Iraq has only caused a dragged out guerrilla war. You are spending billions of dollars and human lives in trying to establish a democracy that will be difficult to bring about in an Arab country. The only ones profiting from these wars are the arms dealers. Work to make peace and refuse to be misled by those trying to force wars on you that are not necessary. Love and compromise has more hope than fighting and hatred. Follow My call for peace and bring your troops home. After you leave Iraq, another militant will takeover despite your desires for a government to your liking. Then all of your troops’ lives and the money spent will be in vain. If you spent the money for arms in helping the poor from the tidal wave, it would do more good than any of your killing.”

Sunday, January 2, 2005: (Epiphany)

Jesus said: “My people, even as the three kings came a long distance to give Me homage, you can come to give Me homage and reverence as well. Your struggle in life is made much less burdensome when you call on Me to help you through your trials. Looking up the mountain toward your goal in Me is how you keep focused on Me as your eternal destination. I also had to climb a hill to get to Calvary where I suffered and died for all of you. You can pick up your daily cross on your climb through life. By your love for Me and others in your prayers and good deeds, you can receive your reward and be resurrected later as I was. You can come to Me in Holy Communion at Mass or visit Me in Adoration or My tabernacle. Trust in Me and I will guard you from the evil one and provide for your every need.”

Monday, January 3, 2005: (Holy Name of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, you are starting out fresh on a new year, and now is the time to think how you could change your life for the better. This beautiful rainbow is a ray of hope to show you how you can truly improve your life. Call on My help and I will inspire you with more love than grumbling and complaining. You need to smile with a happier disposition in order to spread love to those around you. Think on the bright side of how things could be instead of worrying that things could go wrong. The more you spread love and cheer to others, the less sadness and hate there will be. Peace on earth and good will for all of mankind starts with each individual. Changing your life’s outlook will put more joy in your life as you serve Me and your neighbor out of love. Reach out from your complacency and share your time and wealth with others, and your reward will be treasure in heaven. My Christmas Season is an uplifting celebration of life amidst the dullness of the winter blues. The Light of My grace will counter the fewer hours of daylight. Lift up your hearts with love of Me, and your life will be less burdensome.”

Jesus said: “My people, these sharks in the water represent demons who are attacking unsuspecting sinners with their deadly temptations. When the devils urge you into mortal sin, it can be like death to the soul. The more you give into sin, the harder it will be to break sinful habits. You need My grace to come to Confession and cleanse yourself of deadly mortal sin. When you are starting another year, think of how you can please Me more with a better prayer life and a firm purpose to avoid your habitual sins. Breaking sinful habits means you need to avoid near occasions of sin, and have a will to fight off temptations. Do not be idle with your time or waste time on things that will not bring you closer to heaven. By focusing on Me in helping your neighbor, you can strive to imitate My life of love. Trust in Me that I can help you through all of life’s trials, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Tuesday, January 4, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, these two wedding rings are a sign of how I love all of My creations. Some wonder why I would allow so much death and destruction in this latest tidal wave and earthquake. This happened in the natural order of the plates coming together. More and more people are living in these coastal areas with very little warning of earthquakes. You saw similar destruction on the islands of the Carribean that were struck by the hurricanes. These areas are vulnerable to such natural disasters. Some nations have faced chastisements for their sins by natural disasters. Even America has been tested by hurricanes, tornadoes, and fire. You are being chastised for your abortions by your own natural disasters. Even with testing by these events, it offers an opportunity for people in other areas to offer prayers and financial help to the needy. If you love Me, you will help your neighbors get back on their feet.” Jesus said: “My people, the more you view pictures of the destruction in several countries from the tidal wave, the more you can understand the scope of this disaster. This 9.0 earthquake had considerable force to send out these sixty foot tidal waves. The number of deaths and displaced people are climbing with each new report. One of the lessons that you can learn from this disaster is how insignificant man is compared to the fury of nature. No matter how many contributions that you make to society, it is still small compared to all of the people in the world. You may be small, but I love each one of you as precious to Me, and I care about your life and your soul. I died for the salvation of every soul from their sins. I do not want to lose even one soul, but each of you have free will to love Me or reject Me. When you choose Me or the world, there are consequences for your choices. Choosing to love Me could lead you to heaven, while choosing the world could lead you to eternal fire in hell. This is your soul’s choice for eternity throughout your life here on earth by your daily choices.”

Wednesday, January 5, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, the readings today speak about the contrast between love of God and fear. Those, who truly follow My Will in their lives and are united to Me in My Eucharist, have nothing to fear because I will take care of them for trusting in Me. On the other hand, there are those who refuse to accept Me and do not see themselves as sinners in need of forgiveness. While I still love these souls also, they are on the broad road to hell unless they change their ways. It is for this reason that I have sent My prophets, as yourself, to go out and preach repentance to all the nations. There are many who believe in Me, but they are lukewarm and some have fallen away from their prayer traditions. Remember when I said to those who only cried out in calling ‘Lord, Lord’ that they only give Me lip service while their hearts are far from Me. There are some who will come to Me out of fear of punishment in hell for their sins, but the most desired way should be to come to Me out of love of your own free will. My mercy reaches out to all sinners, and you know that I will always forgive you if you come to Me with contrition for your sins. It is the souls who sin against the Holy Spirit with an unforgiving heart that cannot be forgiven. Unless you come forward and seek My forgiveness and are sorry for your sins, you cannot be saved. If you die in your sins without asking My forgiveness, you do risk the fires of hell. I am merciful, but I am just as well. That is why it is important for My evangelists to wake the people up spiritually because they must repent or be lost forever in hell. Many are reaching out to the victims of this latest disaster to save their physical lives. It is even more important to reach out to sinners to save their spiritual lives. There are two eternal destinations for souls in either heaven or hell, and you have only a short testing time on earth to choose between them. Those, who come to Me out of love or fear of hell, will be saved in heaven, but those, who refuse My love and reject Me in favor of worldly comforts and pleasures, are choosing hell and will be lost forever. You have until your dying breath to repent, so choose your destination wisely in every action of every day.”

Thursday, January 6, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming soon when your spirit bodies will all be drawn out of your bodies through a time tunnel to see Me as a bright light. You have seen previous messages describe this as the Warning, similar to those who have had near death experiences. Everyone in the world will experience this at the same time and I will reveal Myself to you as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. You will know beyond a doubt that this will be a supernatural experience. You will taste briefly the peace and joy of heaven to know what you are striving for. Then I will lead you through all of your life’s experiences showing you your good and bad actions and how these influenced people as seen through their eyes. Then I will show you where you would go if you were to die that day at your judgment. Some will see purgatory, some will see hell, and very few will experience true heaven. You will see how your sins offended Me and have a great sense of guilt for your sins. You will be warned not to take the mark of the beast, nor worship the Antichrist. You will then return to your bodies as you are now and be given a second chance to reform your lives to love Me more and your neighbor. This Warning experience is a blessing of My mercy to wake everyone up from their spiritual complacency to deal with the most important choice in your life between Me in heaven or the devil in the world. Those, who choose to follow Me, will suffer much persecution, but your reward in heaven will far outweigh any of your worldly trials. Those, who choose worldly comforts and pleasures over Me, will face the actual hell on earth and in hell that they viewed in their Warning experience. This may be the last act of love for the lost souls to be saved. If they refuse Me, they will have to suffer the consequences of their actions.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you just celebrated My Blessed Mother’s feast day of her Solemnity and the Epiphany of the three kings giving gifts to Me. Now after these devastating tidal waves, you are seeing many orphaned children and mothers looking for their lost children. Only instead of gifts at Christmas, many are sending financial gifts for food, water, and shelter for all the homeless. With millions without homes and food to eat, the compassion of the world is reaching out to help these less fortunate. What little these people had was taken away from them. All of you, who can well afford to donate to this cause, should send your alms to a reputable agency that will use the money for the most benefit. This is true giving out of love for seeing Me in these people.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Christmas Season lasts just a short time and you relish My infancy but a moment. Some treasure My infancy throughout the whole year with either a Nativity Scene at your prayer altar, or a statue of My infancy. You can pray to your Infant King at any time and I will answer your prayers just the same as you pray to My adult images. So as you put away your Christmas decorations, think of Me throughout the whole year as the Light that comes into your dark world of sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen much damage in Florida and the Carribean from the hurricanes. You suffered from oil and food shortages that resulted from these storms. America has wealth and resources to rebuild, but imagine the widespread destruction in Asia where they cannot afford to rebuild. Many are speaking of years to restore an economy back to normal in these poor islands. When you see people in need from storms, your heart goes out to want to help them. It is these donations that will help greatly and store treasure in heaven for the donors.”

Jesus said: “My people, with St. John’s Baptism of Me you are bringing another Christmas Season to a close. There will be a month’s time before you will start another Lenten Season. Almsgiving is one of the penances of Lent, but you already are donating to groups like Catholic Relief Services that are helping the victims of this terrible earthquake and tidal waves. You have some time to prepare what you will do for this coming Lent. This time of year is a chance to look at your spiritual life and how you can improve it in your striving for perfection. You need a consistent prayer life so you will keep your focus on Me. Many do extra prayers and daily Mass for Lent. Any way that you can show more love for Me and your neighbor will help your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have celebrated the Christmas Season and many beautiful saints’ feast days that give you inspiration to be saints yourselves. The saints gave up much of this world’s wealth to the poor and they wanted to depend entirely on My help and not any of their own. This is living in true trust of God even for what little you may have. The less you are influenced by wealth, possessions, and comforts, the easier it will be to detach yourself from earthly desires. It will be this severing of earth’s ties that will make it easier also to aspire to be in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is easy to receive the food that I distributed to the 4,000 and the 5,000. It is also a blessing to have the dead raised to life and the sick healed back to good health. In the same way it is easier to be faithful to Me when everything is going well and you have all of your needs satisfied. But then when I brought My message of love, the people did not want to change their sinful pleasures, and they wanted to persecute Me. Again when you are persecuted for your faith, and your money trials test you, you grow weak in your suffering. Lift up your hearts and trust in Me to provide for you and I will take care of your needs. Give praise and glory to your God in good times and bad times.”

Jesus said: “My people, even the Wise Men of the Epiphany are a good inspiration for you because you all have gifts that you can present to Me, not just at My crib, but you can share them with Me in the faces of the needy. You may be called to help and feed the poor in the physical life, or you may be called to spread My Gospel of love to save souls all over the world. Evangelization and healing gifts will help more spiritually give grace to souls through your talents and efforts. I love you always and I want you to share your faith in saving as many souls as you can.”

Friday, January 7, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, many times when it snows, people are more concerned with removing it from their driveways than looking at its own beauty. After all, snow is just frozen water, but it comes in a beauty of delicate snowflakes. If you looked closely at the structure of one snowflake, you could see the Creator’s hand in its creation and the uniqueness of each flake. Without snow your winter landscape can be quite dull with no green vegetation. With a white covering there is a beauty in the purity of new fallen snow. You can liken snowflakes to the uniqueness of each person, and you can think of this pure white layer as a white purified soul with no sin after Confession. When snow is around for a while, it can pick up a darkness from dust and pollutants before it melts. This is like your souls after committing sin. But if you desire to have a white pure soul, you can go to frequent Confession and I will forgive you your sins, and restore your soul with grace to your former beauty at Baptism. Unfortunately, many are spiritually lazy and keep putting off Confession because they want to make more time for worldly activities than cleaning their soul’s sins. You think dark or black covered snow looks so ugly, so imagine how unpleasant your sinful souls appear to Me. If you truly love Me, you will be sorry for your sins and try to make amends by asking My forgiveness in Confession. By keeping your soul pure, it will be easier to strive for being more perfect and your soul will always be prepared for your judgment when I take you home at death.”

Jesus said: “My people, the people, who lost everything from the tidal wave in Indonesia, did not have much to begin with, so rebuilding will not be as difficult. Some may have to be satisfied with temporary dwellings such as tents until their homes could be rebuilt. In America you have seen people lose their houses to tornadoes, hurricanes, and fires. You may have insurance to pay for rebuilding, but you would lose a lot more possessions if your lost your home than those in Asia. The more you have, the harder it would be to lose everything. Yet all that you have has been acquired, and you cannot take it with you beyond the grave. So do not let your possessions control you and run your life. When you are called to My refuges, you will have to leave most everything behind except your holy things and a few things for survival. So do not put a big importance on your possessions, but the spiritual things are of more importance. Love Me and your neighbor, and follow My Commandments. Then you will be focused on what will bring you to heaven.”

Saturday, January 8, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, no matter how strapped you think you may be for money, you cannot compare to the hungry, homeless survivors of this latest disaster in the Indian Ocean. So do not be personally stingy to these poor innocent victims. Every soul, no matter how poor, has the temple of the Holy Spirit residing in them. When you help them, you are helping Me in them. Many countries have responded and they will be rewarded. Just as you were moved to help the victims of last year’s hurricanes, so you should equally be moved to help My little ones in Asia. Your reward will be stored in heaven for reparation due for your sins. I use your hands and legs to help those in need, so do not be lazy in fulfilling your Christian responsibility to help your neighbor.”

Sunday, January 9, 2005: (Baptism of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, when I created the Garden of Eden, the two trees in the vision are the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. (Gen. 2:9) It was the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that I forbid Adam and Eve from eating or they would die. When they ate the fruit after being tempted by Satan, they committed original sin which everyone inherits at birth due to this fall. The consequences of original sin are death, sickness, weakness to sin, and banishment from the Garden of Eden. The gates of heaven were closed, but a Redeemer was promised by God. Today’s reading about the Baptism of Myself displays the Blessed Trinity of the Three Persons including Myself, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. This Baptism represents Me as the new Adam in the Redeemer promised by God. I baptize with fire and My Baptism, that is available to everyone, will forgive your original sin and let you enter the faithful of My people. Baptism is your initiation into the faith and the beginning of your walk towards heaven where My death on the cross has opened the gates to enter. It is My Blood Sacrifice that also forgives all of your sins when you seek My forgiveness, so repent and be baptized.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing these traditional old churches, but it is how people lead their lives that matters most. You now have rampant divorce and living together without marriage. Your modern age has turned more evil because the people have lost their sense of shame in sin. In years past even getting a divorce was a stigma and parents would not allow their daughters to live with someone without marriage. You are too lax in not following My laws and each generation is further away from Me in sin. Because you are living in sin and not repenting of your sins, you are bringing My wrath on your country. You have laws favoring abortion and now protecting gay marriages. Pornography is all over your internet and your movies. You cannot flaunt your sins in front of Me and mock My laws, or you will face the chastisements that you are seeing in wars and natural disasters. If you want My blessings to return, then you must change your laws and your lifestyles to following My laws. If you continue in your sins, then worse things will befall you.”

Monday, January 10, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, many remember My promise to Noah that I would not destroy the world again with a flood and I gave you the rainbow as My covenant. Yet, I still use water in various forms as a chastisement for sin. You have seen the devastation of tidal waves that struck areas of pornography, prostitution, and trafficking of children for money. You have seen rainstorms, floods, and heavy snows in California where pornography and ‘R’ movies are made. Even snow came to Nevada that flaunts gambling and lewd dancing. When people’s sins cry out for My justice, and you mock My laws, My wrath can be felt in various natural disasters in places of great sin. Do not think that you can defy Me without receiving some retribution. All over the world you are seeing chastisement for sin, but man is responsible because of his own sinful actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, the survivors of this disaster have had difficulty finding food and water, let alone medical help for injuries and diseases. Medical supplies and doctors are finally reaching the worst areas that were struck. Some remote areas are receiving more help than they ever received before this disaster. It is unfortunate that people sending donations have to be careful to give to reputable sources, or they could be tricked by thieves trying to steal their money. Giving alms to such a good cause, as helping people to survive, appears to have touched hearts to help the needy. Every soul that you help is like helping Me in that person. Once all of the major debris has been removed, then the people can try to have a more normal life. Give glory and thanks to God that you still have not yet been tested in such a disaster.”

Tuesday, January 11, 2005: (Anniversary of my son’s death)

David (my son) said: “My dear family, I am happy to greet you again with my love and I know how busy all of you are. I thank you for remembering me at every Holy Communion that you receive. I especially will be interceding with my prayers for the autistic boy, Noah, that you gave over to me to pray for. Whether you all are remembering me or not, you can express your care for me most by acknowledging your presence at my very grave site in the cemetery. This is real personal and shows Our Lord the beauty of my creation that you are giving glory to God for. I am in heaven, as you know, and I watch over each of you: Dad, Mom, Jeanette, Donna, and Catherine, as well as their own children. Do me this one favor of coming to my grave at least once a year.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing already how there is going to be more snow blizzards across your country than usual. California and some southern states have already had more snow than they have ever seen in the winter time. It is just a matter of time until the Northern and Eastern states will see more severe storms as well. The intensity of wind and blowing snow will be higher than ususal. This could cause considerably cold temperatures and more power outages. Your high fuel costs and the need for more fuel because of the cold will strain your monthly budgets. Much of the severe cold and intense wind is becoming worse due to the influence of microwave HAARP machines. The temperature extremes are becoming more influenced by your continuing pollution, and it is a sign of the hot and cold hearts of the lukewarm. In addition to preparing for your unusual weather, America needs to repent of its sins, and this coming Lent is another opportunity to change your lifestyles. You are too concerned with your possessions and comforts, but you will lose everything if you turn your back on Me. Increase your prayers and good deeds for Lent and you will be storing treasure in heaven.”

Wednesday, January 12, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, the darkness of night represents the sin of your evil society. The clouds covering even the little light of the moon suggests that the evil of your actions are getting worse and more people are forgetting about Me in their lives. You claim to be a God-fearing people and you keep calling on Me to bless your country. But you are continuing your abortions, your sexual sins, and encouraging gay marriages. Instead of blessings, your actions are calling down My wrath in My chastisements. There are some prayer warriors among you and that has held back your total destruction, but most of your people only give Me lip service and their love for Me is weak, as they make their money and possessions their gods. Your moral life in America is like a sinking ship, and all of your physical things will be going down with you. Those, who will be going to My refuges, are like those escaping on lifeboats from this sinking ship that will be taken over by the one world people. You think that you are well off for many years to come, but I assure you only destruction and death lies in the future for those who disregard My laws and refuse to follow My Will. I keep calling America to wake up from its sin and put Me back into your laws and your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more pestilence in the wake of serious natural disasters. In Africa and other areas locusts are devouring crops and anything green. Droughts and insect infestations can ruin your crops along with other disasters. This will worsen to cause a world famine with scarce food available for everyone. It is one thing to send surplus food to needy countries, or those suffering from the tidal waves. If food is scarce, then it will be hard to help people when everyone is starving. America with its vast food supplies of grain does not have near the amount of starving people as some third world countries do. The day that famine and drought strike America, it will be very difficult to believe because you have always had plenty of food. When people start killing for food, you will see this as one of the signs to leave for your refuges. Trust in Me to feed you, even amidst the coming tribulation.”

Thursday, January 13, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a wake up call to your people that your factory workers’ days are numbered, and all manufacturing may cease to exit unless your government stops encouraging the export of your manufacturing jobs. You are reading in today’s paper of the $60 billion of trade deficits and how your currency is down over 30 per cent to some currencies in the last few years. Your manufacturers by your current law are sending your jobs to foreign subsidiaries for low paying labor. The leaders and rich stockholders are profiting at the expense of lost manufacturing jobs of American workers. Your country as a whole is exporting its money, or lowering the value of your money at the same time. The American worker can only see low paying service jobs available with a lower standard of living for all but the rich. Unless your government changes your free trade to some protection for your workers, your government will not be able to collect enough taxes to survive, and all of your social security and medical pay outs will not be able to be funded. Your trading partners are not playing on a fair basis because they are exploiting their people with slave wages. Even your illegal aliens are eroding your jobs and using your social service pay outs. All of your financial woes and your natural disaster chastisements are wages of your sins in your greed for money and pleasures. Your moral and financial decay is pointing you toward the destruction of your country and the signs are all around you, but you do not want to believe it, or change your lifestyle of sin. You have seen other civilizations self-destruct for disobeying My laws. If you cannot learn from history, then America will repeat the destruction of your nation.”

Thursday, January 13, 2005:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, every one of your souls are beautiful and special just because of who you are. You do not have to have riches to be famous in My eyes. You do not have to be a beauty queen or a renowned actor or actress to win your crown in heaven. All that I ask of you is to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. Imitate My life in following My Commandments and consecrate everything to My service. When you do everything for My sake, you do not desire earthly possessions, nor do you need anyone to tell you how important you are. Serving Me out of love and seeking My forgiveness of your sins is all that you need on your way to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to be only who you are and not anyone else. Each of you have unique talents and graces which are to carry out a mission that only you are to accomplish. Do not put on airs of someone important or try to hide from doing your mission. If you refuse to carry out My plan for your life, then you are wasting the talents that I wanted you to use. Fulfilling your mission for Me is your life’s most important responsibility.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know of the Wedding Banquet in heaven that I have prepared for all souls being rewarded in heaven. I also have come to the earth to establish My Kingdom. When I came to the earth, I told you the Kingdom of God is at hand. This Kingdom is a spiritual kingdom centered around My Church. The banquet table on earth is the altar at Mass when you celebrate My Eucharist in My Body and Blood that you consume at Holy Communion. You all become a part of My Mystical Body when you receive Me in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, you think that when you live in a democratic society that you have freedoms. It is the will of the majority that directs the laws of your land. This way of government needs checks and balances in order that one group does not dictate its wishes to everyone. The real freedom that you can have is in spiritual freedom. When your love for Me and your neighbor becomes more perfect, you will not see My Commandments as limits, but only guidelines for living a proper Christian life. You have free will and when you choose to glorify Me before yourself, then you will be living closer to My Divine Will.”

Jesus said: “My people, sometimes you feel trapped by the things and events of all that is in your life. When you try to solve life’s problems on your own, you many times fail miserably. But when you look up and pray to Me, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. What may seem impossible to you, can be possible in prayer and trust in My help. So take courage, My children, and call on My help in every desperate situation and I will lighten your burdens.”

Jesus said: “My people, these are real lives of souls that are found in your criminal prisons. They need to be visited and given hope for a new life in the Spirit. There are some who do prison ministry and find it very rewarding to put a spark of life back into these hopeless souls. Unless they see the need to repent of their actions, it will be very difficult to live in society once again. So pray for your prisoners and visit them to give them hope in this life.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I came at Christmas, I was bringing peace to all of mankind. I showed you how much I love all of you by My free will choice to offer up My life for all of your sins. My Divine Sacrifice was the needed price for the salvation of all of your souls from your sins. If I could love you so much, you can show your thanks to Me by loving Me and your neighbor. Love in a marriage is the harmony that I want you to bring to this earthly life. In Matrimony you have the grace to love each other and bring children into this world under the marriage bond. Love requires a giving over of yourself for the benefit of the other spouse. It is this willingness to do things for each other without expecting anything in return that will seal love at the center of the marriage with Me in the middle. It is important to help families stay together as you help your children in their needs. Divorce results from a lack of love and self-giving. To keep a marriage thriving you need loving communication and a common family prayer time. If God is missing in your family, then you are allowing the devil to divide it. Love one another as I love you.”

Friday, January 14, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you come to an Eastern Rite church you are awed by the beautiful icons, crucifixes, and mosaic artwork. They have kept the old traditions even if they are different from the Roman Catholic Mass. These people give Me more reverence than many of My Catholic people. In contrast many new Roman Catholic churches have very few, if any, statues and pictures of the saints, no crucifixes with My corpus, and My tabernacle is usually in a back room. Little by little all that is holy, including My Blessed Sacrament, is being removed from My churches. This is because of the Satanic influence of the masons in My church. I have long been warning My followers not to let the New Age symbols and idols into My churches because they have evil power associated with them. If a church continues to place such objects on the altar of the Mass, then leave these churches, even if you must go into the homes for Mass. I am protecting My people from evil influences, but you must discern in the Spirit when you must leave for My refuges. I will give you advice and warnings when you need to know about the time of the great tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people that use the internet for banking, buying things and sending mail. There are also malicious thieves trying to steal identities to ruin people’s bank accounts by stealing their money. These computer writers are sending viruses and other malicious software to ruin companies and steal information just because they want to flaunt their skills on everyone. There also are those computer people who take money to try and destroy the internet by terrorist tactics of takeover. It is the control of buying and selling that the one world people are interested in, and they will go to extremes to accomplish it, even if it means bringing down the whole internet. Many are profiting from selling antivirus programs and programs that clean off electronic trails to where you were on the internet. Unless others send out bad programs, no one would have to buy these repair programs. Beware of all that you do on the internet. You need to be cautious of every unknown program that finds itself onto your computer.”

Saturday, January 15, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you have many sports enthusiasts that will come to watch a football game in all kinds of weather. Yet, you find a lot fewer people that want to pray or adore My Blessed Sacrament. Your earthly desires many times overshadow your heavenly desires. You would much rather please your senses than follow your soul’s craving to be with Me. During Lent, it gives you time to evaluate what is more important. Is a short enjoyable moment on earth more valuable than an eternity in the peace and glory of heaven? It is the devil who tempts you to desire sinful pleasures, just as he enticed Adam and Eve to sin. If you worship things and pleasures of this world more than Me, you will die in your sins and be on the broad road to hell. If you desire to be with Me in love in heaven, then you must follow My Commandments of loving Me and your neighbor as yourself. I told My apostles that I came to heal sinners and die for sinners, and not the self-righteous who do not want My healing of their souls. All of you must recognize that you are sinners and are in need of My grace. I am warning you as the time of tribulation comes, that the Antichrist will be a charismatic man of peace who will draw many weak souls to worship him at these same large stadiums. Do not go to see him and avoid looking at his eyes in person, in pictures, or on TV because of his demonic powers of suggestion. Do not take his mark or computer chips in the body that will control your mind. At the coming of the Antichrist let your guardian angels lead you to safety at My refuges. There I will protect you from the evil ones and provide for your needs. As the Antichrist reaches full power over the earth, then I will come and conquer all evil and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. You will then see a renewed earth and My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”

Sunday, January 16, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this small cross drifting away on the water is like many people who have drifted away from Me and have let worldly things and concerns replace Me. I am the Creator of the world and even of your very lives, so how can you forget Me and refuse to thank Me for all that I have given you. It is bad enough that your love for Me is waning, but even worse, you are mocking My laws by your wanton sin. You are also destroying the earth and your environment with your pollution and manipulation of the plants and animals by altering their DNA. This large cross that remains before in the water is how I am using water to bring chastisements against those violating My laws. If you will not pick up your daily cross of following My plan for your life, then I will send you many crosses of destruction to bring you to your knees. You can decide to follow Me or not, but the consequences of sin is death and destruction. Repent of your sins and My blessings will return. Refuse Me and you will taste My wrath for your evil deeds.”

Monday, January 17, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, when you think about your spiritual life, you do make an election between Me or the world. It is also a secret ballot between you and Me, but your actions make it evident to everyone what you are choosing. If you voted to love Me and seek the forgiveness of your sins, then you will be drawn behind another curtain at your confession. Those, who choose to follow the worldly gods of pleasure and wealth, reject going behind the curtain of confession because it will mean giving up their earthly desires of sin. You are spirit and body, but the most important is the spiritual life which lives on forever after this life. Choose life with Me, instead of eternal death and suffering with the world. I can offer you love and the glory of heaven. The world only offers you a brief pleasure at the cost of eternal hate and fire in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the bones of a spine because I want My faithful to have a strong backbone in standing up for your faith. There are some who are spineless in being quiet instead of outspoken about your sins of abortion, fornication, and homosexual acts. I love the sinner, but your sinful actions offend Me, especially when you know My laws and how you should be living. If you see these mentioned sins in your family, you cannot be quiet, but you must speak out to warn your family members of their sins. If you see souls on the broad road to hell, it is your responsibility to try and wake them up from their sinful habits. Even if you will be criticized and even rejected, you must speak My words of love and forgiveness. If they refuse to listen you, then pray for them and give them good example. If you make some attempts to save them, then you have done your job and it is their responsibility to take action on your words. When you stand up for your faith in public, then My heavenly Father will stand up for you at your judgment.”

Tuesday, January 18, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of My suffering on the cross on the altar is what goes on at every Mass, whether a church has a large crucifix or not. You are seeing My Body on the cross and not just a plain cross, no cross, or a resurrected body, but My suffering Body. Every Mass is a sacrifice of My Body and Blood, and not just a meal of bread and wine. You are to call each Mass a sacrifice that is offered to My heavenly Father for the remission of your sins. This sacrifice of the Lamb of God is what has brought salvation to all of mankind. This also is why it is important to have a large crucifix on the altar to remind the people of My sacrifice at each Mass. My Real Presence of My Body and Blood is being received at Holy Communion and you need to give Me reverence by receiving Me in the state of grace without any mortal sin on your soul. Do not commit sacrilege by receiving Me in sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people in other countries who live in poverty with very little to eat. Here in America you are blessed with jobs, food, and good homes. One thing, that is missing in America, is a need to seek the simple life without wealth and many possessions. You are so busy and concerned with making money to get your possessions that you are under constant stress with little time for prayer. Each day you waste too much time on worldly concerns that will not help you get to heaven. You should focus more on a good prayer life, giving alms, and taking time to help your neighbor. Speak to Me in your own words of how much you love Me. By slowing down your fast paced living by not busying yourself every moment, you can have more time for Me in your life. Then you can focus on seeking My forgiveness of your sins, and receive My grace in the priest’s absolution for peace in your soul. Live the simple lives of the saints and you will see the true beauty of this life.”

Wednesday, January 19, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you had a train wreck by an accidental side track turned to go off, which could have been accidental or on purpose. Some died and were injured from released chlorine gas. You do not realize how many dangerous chemicals are traveling on your train tracks that could cause major problems in a city from accidental or terrorist reasons. This vision of an explosion on a train shows you how such an incident could happen at any time. It is also a sign that better security and safety measures are needed in handling explosive cargo. America has many enemies who would want to destroy your infrastructure with their terrorist activities. Beware of more attempts to cause havoc in several cities at once. If you did not carry on with so many wars against people, you would have less reason for them to hate you. Strive for peace in the world without looking to destroy your neighbors. Refuse to listen to the voices of the one world people who are calling for constant wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know when it is foggy or a blizzard of snow that you need a light for a reference where to go. Otherwise, you would be wandering in the darkness without any direction. My spiritual Light is available to everyone that is blinded by their sins. By calling on My grace, I will show you the best way to heaven and you will not lose your focus on Me. My people also need to be beacons of light to spread the faith where sin is rampant. The desires of the body are blinding people’s faith and it is getting harder to wake up the people from their sin. You are seeing a storm of evil actions in war, abortions, and the sexual sins. Pray for the people around you that they may follow your good example and learn more of My love through seeing your prayer life. My faithful are always being watched by your peers, so be vigilant in doing only good deeds so you are not seen as hypocrites.”

Thursday, January 20, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in this vision how all of heaven is cheering and encouraging all of My faithful in your evangelization efforts to save souls. There are many evils and distractions going on in your society. The saints are your models of a simple dedicated life focused on serving Me in helping others. You are constantly facing a battle of good and evil, so you cannot relax and be lazy in your spiritual life. Prayer and frequent Confession is the constant cleansing that you must be about. Just as you keep clearing out the snow from your driveway, so you must keep cleansing the sins from your souls to keep close to Me in a pure soul. It is not easy to instill this love for Me in people who are worshiping the things of the world. Money and possessions are cold and you will not find My love in them. You must have others see your love for Me and how you love everyone. Then they will desire this love of Me over love of the world. Call on My help and that of the saints to help you in saving souls.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you are just inaugurating your president for a second term, but you are still deep in an Iraqi ongoing battle with insurgents. Many of your people want your troops to come home, and still other rumors are speaking of more future wars with other difficult countries trying to make atomic bombs. Your Congress and your people need to speak out against these trumped up wars that are not necessary. Instead of killing and running up major deficits, now is the time to speak out for peace and the stoppage of constant wars. Pray for peace, My people, or you will suffer more losses and more destruction.”

Jesus said: “My people, many countries have contributed millions for the tidal wave victims for food, water, and materials for shelter. It is going to be difficult to keep enough aid coming over the years that it will take for reconstruction. Another need is for building schools and supplying the materials needed for writing and teaching. This vision is another dimension of the needs of these poor displaced people. Those, who are receiving this aid, are thankful to all the donor nations. Continue with your donations to reputable help agencies to carry on with this needed help.”

Jesus said: “My people, your scientists have sent some startling pictures back to earth from the latest probe on Titan, the moon of Saturn that had the most interesting features. Continuing pictures and sampling of rocks on Mars also are claiming previous water present to form certain minerals in the rocks. You also are trying to hit a comet to see what it is made of. Some of your experiments could alter the course of these bodies that could bring them closer to hitting the earth. This curiosity is not worth the risk of an undesired result. Man has manipulated nature in many bad ways and you are going beyond discovery into changing the world and the universe to your own liking. Beware of the consequences of your bad actions and let things be as I created them.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some strong concerns about spreading mad cow disease after a second case in Canada. Much of the meat of the animals that you eat every day is always subject to disease and passing it on to man. More attention is being focused on protecting your food from disease, but there is much manipulation with the feed and hormones added to grow them fatter. You must be prudent and do not adulterate your foods, or you could cause more cancer and other health problems. Try to eat healthy foods and less of them so you do not get overweight.”

Jesus said: “My people, your normal winter weather is returning with heavy snowfalls around your lakes and ice storms in various places. I told you that you would see more power outages with winter storms that will bring wind and ice storms to challenge your ability to provide heat and food for your families. Now is a good time to have some extra food and alternate fuel for the times when you may not have your electricity. Prepare now before it will be difficult to survive.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you more floods and natural disasters in your future as you refuse to stop your sinful lifestyles. Many of these chastisements are for sin in certain areas. If you do not repent of your sins, these disasters could worsen. Now is the time to repent and turn to Me for help while you still can change things. Pray for sinners to see My Light to change, and take advantage of this coming Lent for improving your spiritual lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before of avoiding any New Age influences in My churches. Now songs about the earth and various gods of the earth are being introduced in some areas making way for more obvious idol worshiping. It is bad enough that you worship money and possessions instead of Me, but do not take on these Eastern mysticisms of transcendental meditation that worship things of the earth as gods. Pray for My help and discernment to avoid idol worship and only worship Me.”

Friday, January 21, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, now that you are back into the cold and snow of winter, people are having to struggle to eat and stay warm. Dealing with life’s trials is at times a test of your physical endurance. With faith and trust in My help you will be able to overcome all the obstacles that may be placed in front of you. You will also be tested by the evil one in your spiritual endurance as well. This battle with sin and temptation is life’s real hurdles that have meaning for the direction of your eternal life. Even if you should fall on occasion, you can have grace restored to your soul in Confession to the priest. With Confession available, you have no excuse to not have a soul free of mortal sin. Just as you struggle every day for your physical survival, so you should work even harder for your spiritual survival in keeping your soul free of mortal sin. Mortal sin is death to the soul and you should be driven to Confession to keep your soul alive in My grace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are experiencing some very cold weather and this is a sign for you of all the icy cold hearts who are far away from Me in their sins. I am warm and My Baptism of fire inspires you with My love and helps you to come closer to Me in this cold world. It is love that is missing in your hearts both for Me and for others. If you are to follow My Commandments, you must have this love in your hearts, minds, and souls. So I am inviting everyone to come to My graces and turn your stony cold hearts into hearts of warm love that you can share with Me and your neighbors. The coldness of sin in your world is represented in your cold weather. So when you gather together in your prayer groups, your hearts will be burning with My love, just as the disciples on the road to Emmaus were when I explained the Scriptures of My coming. Now you are preparing for when I will come again in glory.”

Saturday, January 22, 2005: (Roe vs. Wade Anniversary)

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you many graphic representations of your grisly killing of unborn children. This vision of a tomb for a proper burial is more than you are acknowledging of the human dignity of each conceived life in the unborn. I showed you stony icy cold hearts before, and this also relates to your cold blooded killings of the unborn. The numbers of your abortions far surpass all of those killed in your wars. How can you deny the humanity of each unborn child? At conception all of these fertilized cells have a soul and an angel bestowed upon them, so that taking this life is against My Fifth Commandment of ‘Thou shall not kill.’ It is the angels of these killed infants that are witnessing this carnage to Me. You cast these dead unborn infants into garbage containers and do not give these little ones an honorable grave. How callous your people have become in keeping this authority in your laws to allow the killing of My children. Unless you stop your abortions and repent of these mortal sins, your country will be brought to your knees through continuous disasters and the ruination of your civilization. Choose life, or you will choose death and its consequent destruction.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are those in your society that do not want to be confronted with their sins of abortion. So when you show them models of the size of the infants that they aborted, or more graphic bloody pictures of the suction abortions, they are appalled and want to put you in prison. They cannot face the reality that they killed their children, and they become angry at you because they want the right to kill their unborn infants. Every time that you protest abortions, you receive this backlash from women demanding their rights to kill their babies. In My eyes these mothers have no rights to kill, and everyone, who has an abortion, will have a heavy reparation for this premeditated murder. The vision of the banker’s desk for settling accounts is a reminder at your judgment of how you will have to settle accounts with Me for the taking of any life. This is the most serious mortal sin that you could commit in taking another’s life. You can be forgiven in Confession, but you are denying My plan for this life. At your death or at your Warning experience, you will see what this person, that you killed, would have accomplished in their mission for this life, but you cut off My plan. Pray for the mothers to not have abortions, and it is your Christian duty to speak out publicly against abortion.”

Sunday, January 23, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you have read in today’s readings of how I called My first disciples from their fishing boats. I told them that with Me they would be fishers of men. My calling is received differently by various people. This vision of four drawers is likened to how people receive My call and My Word. In the parable of the sower (Matt.13:3-9) some are like seed thrown on the footpath where the birds eat it up, as when people hear My call and they cannot accept My commitment. Others are like the seed thrown on rocks that sprout and wither for lack of roots. These hear My call with rejoicing, but they are not persistent in following Me because of their lack of faith. Still others are like the seed that falls among thorns that become choked by the cares and comforts of the world. Finally, there are those where the seed falls upon good soil that yields a hundredfold, sixty fold, and thirty fold. These are My faithful people who hear My call for their mission and drop everything to come and serve Me without reservation. Within My faithful some are called to be priests and deacons. Some are called to be prophets or evangelists. As some are called to be leaders, the rest are followers of My Church. All of My disciples are baptized and called to save your soul and the souls that you meet in life. Even if you are not a leader in My Church, you can still be a beacon of faith to bring souls to Me. Heaven rejoices for those who willingly accept My call and use their talents to fulfill the mission that I have given them.”

Monday, January 24, 2005: (St. Francis de Sales)

Jesus said: “My people, your priest talked of St. Francis de Sales’ teaching that everyone should be seeking perfection to gain heaven, and not just the religious. Even in My Gospel I have instructed My faithful to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. (Matt.5:48) This striving for perfection in your spiritual life can start with fasting and daily prayer. You are not far from the beginning of Lent when you can focus more clearly on bettering your spiritual life. Going to daily Mass and Holy Communion can give you the added grace to work toward your perfection. I know that you are weak in your sinful nature, so a frequent cleansing of your soul at Confession will also help you to perfect yourself with a pure soul. Love Me and your neighbor as yourself, and you will have a life’s work to follow Me in holiness.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am doing everything to get people’s attention to listen to Me, but many are too wrapped up with their worldly pursuits that they have turned My message of love away from them. I want to remind you of what happened to the rich man who tore down his old smaller bins to build new and larger ones to hold all of his harvest. Yet, he was a fool because I called him home in death that night. If you store up riches only for yourself, to whom will they go when you pass on? The things of this life come and go in a short time and your life will pass you by until suddenly it is your own moment to die. Since you are only here for a brief time and you do not know how long you will be here, then live the present moment in sharing all that you have with others. When you have true love to help someone, you do not look for something in return. When you give alms freely, even tithing ten per cent of your income, you will gain more in heaven than what your money could buy you in possessions. In like manner you should be willing to share both your time and your faith in helping to save souls for Me. The more souls, that you bring to Me, the more merits that you will gain in heaven for your judgment. I want My faithful to be reverent to My Blessed Sacrament, and be persistent in working to improve your perfection. You should also be persistent in seeking to save wayward souls. Once you understand the beauty and greatness of My love, how could you ever refuse to serve Me? Love is My most important message because I died for all of you out of love for you. Those, who are saved, will receive a joyous reward in heaven that will be beyond your human comprehension.”

Tuesday, January 25, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these footprints as a reminder that I want you to walk in My footsteps in imitating My life. If you are to be a Christian, then people should be able to see that you are one of My followers by your actions. You have read in the readings about the miraculous conversion of St. Paul to being one of My greatest missionaries of the faith. Very few conversions happen with such a flash of light, but the reaction to following Me in love has been a reward to many people. Many converts to the faith are stronger in their devotion to Me than those who are born into the faith as an infant at Baptism. Even though you may be baptized, you still need to make a personal commitment of your life to My service. I talk of many lukewarm in the faith who only give Me lip service without love in their hearts. Many have received My Word, but they have not yet acted on it. Unless you accept Me as Savior and seek the forgiveness of your sins, you are not headed on the narrow road to heaven. I have called everyone to repent of their sins because the first step of conversion is accepting that you are a sinner and in need of My grace. Baptism and Confession cleanse the soul of sin and this is your way to saving your soul. Baptism and Confirmation also call My followers to be evangelists in spreading My Word of love to save souls. I died for all of mankind to have your sins forgiven, but you must make a forward step to accept My gift of salvation in repenting of your sins. Follow Me in My footsteps throughout your life, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you already have been challenged in Boston with a false plot to set off a dirty bomb by your news reports. You will see more and more potential for terrorists to set off a nuclear device in one or several of your cities. In some populous cities this could kill many millions of people. The reaction from such an attack could cause a nuclear conflagration against Arab countries or other countries that could even endanger man’s own survival. This can be mitigated by prayer and repenting of your sins. War and hate will only result in more wars and killing, so America needs to make peace and leave Iraq or worse things will befall you. The militant terrorists keep telling you that the next attack will take many lives, so you should be prepared for even a nuclear attack. Pray for peace that such weapons of mass destruction are not used, or World War III could break out.”

Wednesday, January 26, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, remember when you went to the hospital to celebrate your new born daughter, or son, or grandchild. There was great excitement and anticipation to see a new life come into the world. The parents and the doctor were all smiles together. Now contrast this with your abortions and how your culture of death tries to hide these gruesome killings by calling them fetuses and only tissue to dehumanize these babies. All abortions kill a human life, and there can only be sorrow and guilt for these mothers who kill their children. The doctor also shares in this guilt by accepting his blood money as just a business. How can Americans endure the millions of babies that you have killed? Even I cannot endure your killing of My little ones only for your own earthly convenience. Do you think that I will forget these killings? I tell you they will witness before you at your judgment. You can be forgiven in Confession, but there will be a heavy reparation for this sin as individuals and as your country. Pray for mothers to stop their abortions, and that America will change its laws that allow these killings. America will pay dearly for all of your abortions, and even worse if you do not stop your abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, life can be lived normally according to My laws, or out of the norm according to man’s laws and desires. Why is it that many choose to live together in sin without marriage, in divorce, or in homosexual relationships? I made you male and female to live normally in marriage, but man desires freedom to have pleasure, even if it means violating My laws. Living in sinful relationships is a source of constant sin and you need to examine your spiritual relationship with Me. If you desire heaven and want to love Me, you will need to follow My Commandments and live a life of commitment in marriage if that is your calling. You can live a single life, but without fornication or masturbation. Living a normal life without sexual sins is the desired path to heaven. It may be difficult to avoid a sinful lifestyle, but it is purity in your soul that is far more valuable for your spiritual life. You may fall at times, but you can refresh your soul at Confession. So focus your way of life to please Me and not your selfish desires of pleasure. Living a life of consecration to Me and a loving commitment to your spouse will give you a much more satisfying way of life. When your love is focused on Me and others more than yourself, then you can fully share your life without any misgivings or holding anything back. Love means that you want to give of yourself to Me and your spouse without expecting anything in return. The more perfectly that you have love, the easier it is to follow My laws of love. You always have My love, and I am always seeking your love in return.”

Thursday, January 27, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this narrow opening represents the difficulty that man has in opening up his heart in the love of forgiveness to those who have wronged him. You have offended Me by your sins many times throughout your lifetime, yet when you sought My forgiveness, I have given it to you out of My infinite mercy. Even when you offend someone or damage their property, you want their forgiveness and are willing to make amends. Anyone can make a mistake, but how big is your heart when someone seeks your forgiveness. Your human sense of justice is very exacting, and you sometimes even seek more reparations in money for someone’s offense. Look at how much you sue someone for the least little infraction, and you will see how cruel your justice system is. But once restitution has been made, you still have grudges without forgiveness. You need to let go of all the hurts that people have done to you, even if it is unjustified. I want you to love everyone, even your enemies or those who hurt you. The more you harbor grudges and hate, the less loving you will be. If you die with these grudges of not forgiving people, you will have to make reparation for them in purgatory. In order to come to heaven, you must have pure love in your heart. Forgiving people is very difficult to man, but you must ask My help to have a more forgiving heart. This is just one more thing that must be cleansed on your road to perfection in heaven.”

Thursday, January 27, 2005:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who are worried about renting or keeping up their payments on their homes. Life has challenged many households with job layoffs and an economy that has been shaky with deficits and wars. I keep telling people to have trust in Me and I will provide for their needs. I feed the birds and dress the lilies of the field, so I can find miracles to help each of you. The uncertainties for your country are a result of your own actions in abortion and your sexual sins. All of your troubles have come as a result of your own greed and your unnecessary wars. Pray that your people will find shelter and jobs to feed your families.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that your standard of living would be decreasing as your manufacturing jobs leave and you are left with lower paying service jobs. You will have to cut back in your family budgets for expensive new cars and be satisfied with less expensive homes. The middle income wage earners will suffer more losses as you will see more of two extremes of rich and poor. Your country is wasting away financially just as your poor morals are dragging you down spiritually as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Lenten Season is not far away and just as you chose New Year’s resolutions, now you can plan some penances to help improve your spiritual life. Fasting, prayer, and almsgiving comes to mind as well as more focus on the cleansing of your sins at Confession. Some may have difficulty with doing a little penance, but it is good to deny some of your sinful pleasures. Take on a little suffering so you can share in what I suffered on the cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, your winter storms are a real test of your endurance. No matter where you live, you are being tested by many natural disasters. In winter the Northern states suffer from cold and snow. In the fall the South suffers from hurricanes. In the spring the center of your country suffers from tornadoes. In the summer the heat and dryness causes fires out West. Be grateful that you have resources for plentiful food. You are blessed with many riches, but your sin is corrupting your lifestyles. Come to Me more in prayer to balance the scales of My justice.”

Jesus said: “My people, your numbers of new homes have been high because of your artificially low interest rates. As rates increase and inflation picks up, there will be more problems in financing these new homes. Debt levels for governments and individuals are going to be tested with a shortage of funds and the value of your currency will continue to decrease. Many of your financial problems are coming from greed for possessions that you cannot afford.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is very difficult in your busy world today to get Perpetual Adoration started and even harder to maintain all of your hours. Those, who are faithful to their hours of Adoration, receive many graces and blessings that you do not realize. When you are before My Blessed Sacrament, you have your very God and Creator right in your midst in the Sacred Host. Even the few that manage to make time for Me are helping to atone for the many sins of the world. Adoring My Blessed Sacrament may seem very simple, but My Host is one of your strengths and weapons to battle the evil of your day.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your prisoners of crimes have been in the lower levels of your economy, but your future detention cells will be filled with patriots and religious people. These are the ones that the one world people think will cause them the most trouble in bringing about their new world order. These rich leaders want the masses of poor with little education so they can control them like cattle. If you refuse to be controlled by New Age thinking and the mark of the beast, then they will try to throw you into prison or insane asylums to silence your objections. During this coming tribulation, you will have to flee to My refuges of protection so you will not be controlled by the Antichrist. Be patient for I will come and conquer all evil and renew the earth in My Era of Peace.”

Friday, January 28, 2005: (St. Thomas Aquinas)

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion worthily, you are joined with all the saints and angels of heaven in My Mystical Body, even though you are on earth. Receiving My consecrated Host is a little taste of heaven at every Mass. This vision of heaven is to be shared with everyone so they can realize how beautiful and glorious your eternal life can be with Me. My love and peace will surely give you the eternal rest that you are seeking. This life is a difficult suffering to endure your test of faith among many earthly temptations. The most important things in this life are those means that help you to eternal life in heaven. When you pray, fast, or adore My Blessed Sacrament, you are united with Me in Divine love. I ask all of My faithful to serve Me and consecrate everything that you have over to Me. Do not let attachments to all that is earthly come between us. All earthly things are temporary and are passing away, and that is why you need to be desiring only heavenly things. Those, who choose not to follow Me, are risking the eternal fires of hell. That is why every soul is important to Me and I seek each soul until your dying breath. I also am inspiring My faithful to reach out to evangelize as many souls as you can to bring them to Me and away from the devil’s clutches. Be persistent in pursuing every soul as I do because you would not want to lose anyone to hell. Many souls are lazy and spiritually in a daze among the pleasures and attractions of the world. Pray for souls and give them good example in your actions and in your love for Me and others. Your reward for being faithful to Me will be eternity in heaven which demands perfection in holiness.”

Jesus said: “My people, I bring you ‘Living Water’ that is My grace that runs throughout your whole life. In life water is necessary for your very survival. Without water your crops cannot grow. You are made up of mostly water and you need water every day for your nourishment. Fresh water is very important and My pure rain from the sky constantly replenishes the soil and fills your reservoirs. I remind you of the woman at the well. I told her that she could receive My ‘Living Water’ and she would not have to draw it every day. I spoke to her of My grace that is just as necessary for your spiritual life as water is needed for your physical life. This vision of My ‘Living Water’ running through a house represents My flowing graces that are always available to you when you ask Me for them. In every sacrament you receive My heavenly graces. In Confession I forgive your sins and I replenish your soul with sanctifying grace. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you receive My grace to heal your sins and strengthen you against temptations. So when you want to seek heaven, you must follow My Will and My Commandments and I will give you My ‘Living Water’ of grace so your soul can be alive and vibrant until your death. Keeping your soul pure in grace should be your goal. Those, who have mortal sin on their souls, are in spiritual death and lacking of all grace. That is why you need frequent Confession to seek My forgiveness of your sins and renew your ‘Living Water’ in My graces. I am like a spiritual oasis with abundant graces and ‘Living Water’ to satisfy your spiritual thirst in your soul. Come to Me always in everything that you need and I will provide for you.”

Saturday, January 29, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel My disciples became fearful of the tossing of the sea, even though I was sleeping on the boat. When I calmed the sea and the wind, they wondered what kind of man I was that even the sea and the wind obeyed Me. My disciples still had to recognize My powers as God’s Son and even more they still needed to have trust and confidence in Me as I was with them. This fear of things and people of the world is still among you in your humanity, but you should have no fear because I am always watching over you, just as I take care of the birds of the air. This vision of Daniel among the hungry lions takes your faith even one step further in trusting in My help. Do not be timid in speaking out about loving Me and standing up for your faith and My Commandments, even if you may suffer criticism or persecution. As time draws closer to the tribulation, you will even be risking your life in martyrdom to witness to your Lord. Better to be strong and die a martyr’s death than deny your faith in Me. You are being tested in little ways now, but if you cannot stand up to testing in the green of mild persecution, how will you stand up to testing in the dry of tribulation time. You cannot fight these principalities and powers of evil alone, but you must call on My help in trust that My power is greater. I chastised My disciples for not having trust in My protection, so do not disappoint Me in your own trials. By being faithful to Me even against the powers of evil in the world, you will win your crown of sainthood in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the powers behind your government are scouting for their next war. They cannot tolerate peace because they like to stir up constant wars over nothing in order to make money on arms and the taxpayer’s debts. Your Congress should stand up and vote no against any future wars, but they are succumbing to lobbyists paying them off or giving them contracts to their states. Do not be surprised when your Congress will again give your military the go ahead under some pretext to attack more countries that need regime changes of leadership. You are in a constant circle of wars that do not benefit you in any way, yet your leaders are cajoling your people into these wars. Killing and destruction does not solve anything. Then America spends millions more repairing the damage and replacing the government. These constant wars have only one purpose and that is to neutralize your armed forces, and bankrupt your country so the one world people can take over. The American people need to protest against your war makers and strive for peace with no killing. If you sit back and let these wars continue, these evil ones will destroy your country. The devil is behind stirring up wars and continuing abortion, so you need a major prayer and fasting effort to stop this killing. If you do not listen to My words, you will be doomed to repeat the history of nations who have selfdestructed.”

Sunday, January 30, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you many times of praying in your room or in front of your home altar. Your prayer life is a way of communicating your love to Me both in formal prayer and informal prayer from the heart. You pray for your petitions and to give thanks to Me for all the gifts that I have shared with you. Prayer and fasting are a way of purifying your soul as well as refreshing your soul with My grace. When difficulties come into your life, you can ask Me in prayer to sustain you and lighten your burden. This is why daily prayer time is a necessity for you on your road to heaven. Just as I ask My followers to tithe ten per cent of their income to charity and support of My Church, so you can also tithe ten per cent of your time to Me in prayer and good works. You have been given enough money and time so that you have a Christian obligation to share both with Me and your neighbors out of love. The more that you give in your contributions of money and time, the more treasure that you will store up in heaven. You will be beginning your Lenten Season soon, so now is a good time to put these goals into your life of sharing ten per cent of your income and ten per cent of your time.”

Jesus said: My people, this top of a hill and the valley below are a sign of the ups and downs of life. The monastery is also a source of traditional worship of God, while the valley in its darkness of fog, represents the evils and trials that you must suffer through in life. While you are with Me at Adoration or receiving Me worthily in Holy Communion, you feel My comfort and you are protected. While you are on the top of the mountain as My disciples were at My Transfiguration, they did not want to leave, as you desire My peace to go on forever. But this life has trials of testing your faith and you must endure them. You do not have to endure them alone because you can call on My help and strength to get you through. At times your faith is weak and you think that your trials are impossible to bear. But remember with God, all things are possible. All of the spiritual graces, that you gain while you are on a spiritual high, are sufficient in faith to carry you through any valley that you will face in this life. The devil will test you with fear and he will try to break your confidence and trust in Me. So do not let the trials and disappointments in this life get you down that you fall into despair. With Me at your side, you have all that you need in this life. When you feel down, call on Me to uplift your spirits and your joy will know no end, even in this life as well as the next.”

Monday, January 31, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read of how the early prophets were abused and killed. Many of them were forced to flee and hide in caves and out of the way places for protection. For now you see Masses said in the crypt or basements of your churches. In the future you will have to go to your homes for an underground church and Mass. Persecution for your faith will again prevail in your world that grows more evil every day. Once the evil ones seek you out to kill you, you also will have to flee like the early prophets for a place of safety. Some in hilly areas will be led by their guardian angels even to caves as refuges. I will protect My people at My refuges where they will not find you. Take warm clothes with you and I will provide for your needs. Some of My faithful will be martyred for My Name’s sake, but those remaining will find My protection. Rejoice when you see the Antichrist take control, because you know that I will come soon to vanquish all evil and renew the earth with My Era of Peace. Have trust and hope in Me always as My victory and power are greater than the evil ones who will be cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I suffered so much on this earth because I had a world of people to save. I suffered here for your sins, so in imitating My life you must suffer also in carrying your own cross. Many seek riches and pleasures to be comfortable in the body, but do not be misled by affluence and power, and do not worship anything before Me. Some make possessions and pleasures their gods, but it cannot be that way with My disciples. It is harder for the rich to be saved, and that is why I want you to live simple lives. If you are not suffering or doing penance, then you could be enticed to follow the body’s desires. You must detach yourself from earthly desires if you are to gain heaven. So the more prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and good deeds you perform, the less time the devil can tempt you if you are spending your time idly. Keep focused on Me in all you do and pray for My help in all of your projects, then life will be less burdensome in My service. Every morning that you wake up, greet Me and be joyous that you have another opportunity to carry your daily cross closer to your goal in heaven.”

Tuesday, February 1, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this ladder going up into the sunlight represents your daily struggle on your way to following Me to heaven. Each day brings you one step closer to your death and judgment day. Climbing a ladder is how you have to endure your daily trials, but with faith and trust in Me you can work toward one day entering heaven. This light draws you to Me as I show the way to heaven through love of Me and your neighbor as yourself. You have two choices: one to climb the ladder to heaven by your good actions, or stay at your current level in the world and risk eternity in hell. If you desire heaven, you must also be working on this ladder to improve your spiritual perfection. Following My Will and My Commandments in serving Me is against your earthly nature which seeks to please the flesh. Focusing on Me, as the soul does, will always be a battle with the body. I give you sufficient graces in My sacraments to have the spiritual strength to overcome earthly temptations. Even if you fall in sin, you can be refreshed and forgiven in Confession. All souls are called to My Light, so live in faith and trust in Me and you shall have your heavenly reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, remember that I told you where two or more are joined in prayer, there I am in your midst. Weekly prayer groups give My faithful a chance to share their faith with each other and you are balancing the need for prayer against man’s sins. Many times you are praying for lost souls to return to Me just as when I seek the one lost sheep among the rest. I asked My disciples to pray one hour with Me in the Agony in the Garden. Prayer is necessary to show your love for Me. Your daily prayers for My intentions are helping to bring about many conversions. There is much darkness of evil in your world, but there is a bright Light also in the souls who are becoming holier. Your prayers are powerful in your prayer groups, so do not lose hope even when your numbers are fewer.”

Wednesday, February 2, 2005: (Presentation of the Lord)

Jesus said: “My people, you see many wearing rings to mark special days in their lives as wedding rings, and rings for high school and college graduations. It was a special day in My life when I was presented as a first born male to the Lord. The offering of turtle doves is a prefiguration of when I would be offered up on the cross for all of mankind’s sins. I came into the world as a Redeemer to bring salvation to everyone. I am the new Adam without sin just as an unblemished Lamb ready for the slaughter. Simeon foretold to My Blessed Mother how a sword of sorrow would pierce her heart at My death. Much of this image of sacrifice for the first born son was a foreshadowing of My worthy sacrifice for all the sins of everyone. Consecrating infants to the Lord is what you are doing at Baptism when your original sin is forgiven by My sacrifice. Rejoice that you are now free of your sins every time that you are given absolution from the priest in Confession. I have paid the price for your sins and you should thank Me for your physical life and your spiritual rebirth in My forgiveness.”

Jesus said: “My people, many have heard and seen your president’s State of the Union address and there are mixed opinions on many of the issues raised. It is one thing to speak about your intentions, but it is another in carrying it out with your Congress. In the end it is the life issues around abortion and your unnecessary wars that will determine your country’s fate. Many issues around both your tax collection and your expenditures will determine the extent of your deficits. The more deficits you have, the harder it will be to keep your currency from dropping in value. Some hard decisions will have to be made to keep your payments viable to retired people as well as your medical expenses. Your time is running out to stop your immoral society from getting worse in its worship of everything but Me. Americans need to express their desires to solve your problems to your leaders and your representatives or they will dictate their decisions upon you. The next few years will determine the direction that your country will go. The further you move away from My laws, the more chastisements you are calling upon yourselves. Keep Me close to you, My people, for I have the words of everlasting life.”

Thursday, February 3, 2005: (St. Blaise)

Jesus said: “My people, every week you go through your house to rid any refuse and garbage to be picked up. Just as you concern yourself with the tidiness of your homes, so you should also think of keeping your soul cleaned up from your sins as well. Each night you could take a few moments to think over any sins that you committed that day and write them down for when you go to Confession. If you have any mortal sins, you should plan to get to Confession as soon as possible so you can receive Holy Communion worthily at Sunday Mass. Seeking My forgiveness of your sins in Confession is similar to removing your trash. Only in Confession you are cleansing your sins to have a pure soul renewed with My grace. People may forget how dirty with sin your soul becomes because you cannot see it as easy as the physical trash in your house. That is why frequent Confession is good to remove your venial sins while you still remember them. All sin offends Me and that is why your coming Lent is a good time to root out your most frequent sinful habits. If you do not have shame in your sins, then some will think they are not committing any sin. Your human nature is weak to sin and only through My sacramental grace can you resist the devil’s temptations.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I have given you the signs of when to go to My refuges which are: a world famine where people will be killing each other for food, a formal schism in My Church, and when people will try to force chips in the body. Some have been concerned about where the refuges will be found, but My angels will lead you. Some are concerned that there will not be enough shelter for you. I assure you that I will multiply the existing houses so that everyone will have a place to stay and call their own. With Me all things are possible, especially in the testing of the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, the fighting in Iraq has carried on for two years and still your military says it needs to stay longer. Much of America’s reserves are being used for several tours of duty because your troops are being stretched too thin in too many conflicts. There are some trying to fan the fires for more wars, but you have neither the troops needed nor the funds available. The American people need to see that constant wars are not solving any problems, but they are killing your troops and causing larger deficits. Stop the wars now before they will destroy you. You need to be peacemakers and share love instead of being war makers that create hate.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your new churches and renovations are excuses to remove the traditional statues and crucifixes that were on the altars. My tabernacles also are disappearing into back rooms as well. Do not despair when some in authority are changing My worship to do their own wishes. Many directives have been given from the Vatican that are not being followed. These are more signs of the coming schism in My Church. Fear not because I will return things to their former beauty. Trust in Me and pray for My help to protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, this church of St. Blaise in Dubrovnik is another example of how war has scarred beautiful churches. Ethnic cleansing by various dictators created much turmoil and killing in this area. Many times My saints had to suffer martyrdom because they would not bend to the current ruler’s demands. This will be coming again to test your faith, so do not bend for comforts or money, but stand up to your persecutors.”

Jesus said: “My people, some will need to use their bicycles to reach My refuges after their cars run out of fuel. You may be in a race to escape the evil ones, but once you arrive at your refuge, your persecutors will not be able to see you. St. Paul speaks of fighting the good fight and finishing the course, and this will apply to your flight to My refuges. Do not fear the evil ones because I will give you the grace to endure your persecution.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see many miracles at My refuges. Not only will your dwellings multiply, they will also expand upwards with more floors as in pagodas. These miracles will be beyond the normal earthly possibility, so believe that My miracles will provide for all of your needs just as I did in the Exodus. Pray much that you will have strong faith when evil will test it.”

Jesus said: “My people, many keep asking when the Warning will occur, but I continue to not give you dates, but call you to look for My signs to indicate when this will happen. The many trials for obtaining food because of disasters are bringing a potential world famine closer to reality. My pope son’s health has many concerned about how long he will live before a division occurs. Many smart cards are being forced on people and some are already taking chips in the body. Since the Warning comes before the Antichrist, so these signs suggest it is soon even by your standards. Prepare for this time by good Lenten devotions that will keep you pure of heart and soul.”

Friday, February 4, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this reflection from the glass combined with My image is a sign to you that you must let people see Me reflected in your actions. If you are to be a real Christian, it means that you must imitate Me in your daily lives. You already are made to My image and likeness when you were created in having a free will and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. You know that I was without sin, so you need to work toward your own perfection in limiting any sinful actions. If you follow My Commandments, you will witness love for Me and your neighbor. If you witness to true love, it will mean speaking only good things about others, and striving for peace in your world by prayer and good actions. Start your own peace movement without any anger or hate among your own family members. Better to add your love to the world than adding to the world’s hate and discord. Pray for peace and love among all nations and the stoppage of all wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, the image of Me suffering with the crown of thorns is how I suffer for all the sins being committed by those in the world right now. The image of the shattered glass is how those evil ones in the world are striking out at Me to remove My Name from all things that are holy. You are even seeing attacks on My Blessed Sacrament where the evil one is trying to destroy places of Adoration and hide My tabernacles. My faithful need to take a stand in public to witness to My laws as true and do everything to remove man’s laws that are allowing abortion and homosexual marriages. Do not condone these evils of your society by your silence. Abortions are taking thousands of lives of infant babies daily and should not be tolerated. Homosexual marriages are a distortion of true marriage between a man and a woman, and such homosexual acts should be labeled as sinful just as fornication is sinful between unmarried men and women. Christians need to speak out on these issues of your day to show love for everyone according to the Word of God.”

Saturday, February 5, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, do not wait until your death to review what actions you did to witness your faith to others. My Gospel speaks of you as being the Light and the salt of the earth in witnessing My love to those that you meet in love. You can witness My love and peace first in your own families so you can be peacemakers in keeping a loving family. You can show your kindness to other drivers on the road, or to those that you meet in the grocery store or on the street. Your actions do speak louder than your words and your love for Me and your neighbor should overflow in all that you do. If people know that you pray and are Christians, you should not be hypocrites in your actions as people witness how you act. You are constantly being watched by others and you need to give good example in spreading My love. In essence it is not enough to talk about how a Christian should act, but it is how you live your life as a Christian. Do not put on airs of someone that you are not, but be yourself in good deeds and actions, as you are sincere in your heart with My real love behind you. Love one another and My Light will shine through you. If you are following My Will, then truly you will be the salt of the earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, this door represents the golden opportunity to use your life to fulfill the mission that I have given each of you. This open door also represents how I want you to keep an open mind and heart to follow the changes in your life to follow Me more closely. When you have a closed mind and a hardened heart to only do your will, then I have a difficult time to bring My graces into your soul. By being open, you can listen to My words of love and make them a part of your life. Love should shine through all of your actions, and it is difficult to improve your spiritual life unless you are willing to change your desires from earthly things over to only heavenly desires. Every day you are given another chance to serve Me in your actions by your daily consecration and commitment to following My Will. Live My life of peace and love, and you will be giving good example to those around you.”

Sunday, February 6, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this lamp stand is My Light that dispels the darkness of sin, but it also represents the Light of My followers that I shine through you. In order to be a beacon of faith, you must have your spiritual life in order so that people will see that you practice what you believe. Do not hide your gifts under a bushel basket, but share your gifts of faith and love with others. There are many ways that you can perform good deeds for others in helping them with food, clothing, and shelter. Not only can you send donations of money to the victims of the tidal waves, but you can help with your time in Church organizations. The water that you are seeing is an example to you how you can keep your soul cleansed from your sins by seeking My forgiveness in Confession. You can also encourage your children to go to frequent Confession and daily prayer as a good example. Do not be afraid to witness your love for Me in public, even if you may suffer persecution or criticism. You all should be striving to be evangelists in bringing souls to Me. It is the most important duty in your life to bring your soul to Me, and help save as many souls as you can. Be the Light and salt of My love for all of those around you.”

Monday, February 7, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you could hear of creation beginning with the first four days. The vision of a beautiful sunrise is an example of My creation and how you should be giving Me praise and thanksgiving for all of My gifts in the world to you. The vision of My suffering and death on the cross is My personal gift to you of My life. My Blood sacrifice has been offered for the forgiveness of your sins and the salvation of your souls. Every time that you come to Mass and receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, you receive the gift of Myself in My Eucharist. Again give thanks to Me for My Eucharist and you can show Me your love in return by following My Will for your life’s mission. I thank all of My faithful for your staying close to Me and your reward awaits you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of seeing a beautiful room represents how you are comfortable now with all of your possessions. When the time of tribulation comes, you will be led by My angels to a place of refuge. The vision of going down into the basement represents how you will be going into a place of hiding, and you will have to leave your possessions behind you. When you come to My refuges, it will not be as comfortable as you are living now. It will even be more of a rustic surrounding in the wilderness. Do not have fear in this time of tribulation because I will not test you beyond your endurance. Do not worry about how you will be fed or what shelter that you will have. I will protect you from all the demons and evil ones, but you must call on My help and I will provide for all of your needs. Those, who are faithful, will see their reward in My Era of Peace and also in heaven.”

Tuesday, February 8, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this clock over the earth because you should be more conscious of using your time for My Will instead of selfish things for yourself. Even as Lent is approaching tomorrow, you should be looking at your spiritual life in how you could improve in your perfection. Love of Me and your neighbor is what I am preaching to you always. If you love Me, you would do everything to serve Me in doing My Will and using your talents for My greater glory. Many times you are so taken up with your own agendas that you forget what true consecration is all about. Consecrating yourself to Me means that you are giving up all things that are worldly and focus on doing only heavenly things. I must be the reason that you are doing everything and by imitating My life, you will have love in all that you do. During Lent you will be more focused on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, but let these things have a deeper meaning of doing them for Me, and not just going through the motions. You may give certain things up for purifying your soul. One focus should be around not wasting your time. Maybe you should limit your television time to only one-half hour of only news or a religious program. Maybe you should limit any time on the internet to one-half hour for just answering mail. The extra time you have could then be spent on reading the Liturgy of the Hours, Bible study, or reading about the lives of the saints. Spending time improving yourself on constructive spiritual reading can give you an open mind for moving ahead in your spiritual perfection. Use this Lent to help you grow, and you will have the benefits for the rest of your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is a place of holy ground and it is consecrated to Me and My Blessed Mother for our service. Many are drawn here for prayer now and even more will be drawn here for protection during the tribulation. This will be a safe haven or refuge for My faithful. You will see miracles to provide water, My manna, and food for you to survive this evil time. You will see shelters enough to provide even for the numbers that you are seeing in this stadium of the vision. The vision also shows you a spring of water that will be found on this site. The vision of the dove means that the Holy Spirit is sending His graces and blessings to protect this holy ground from all demons and evil people. Those, who will be seeking you, will not be able to see you. Rejoice, My people, that many refuges of protection are being raised up for My faithful in your call to Me for help against the evil ones. Be patient that as this darkness will have its hour, I will then come in glory to defeat Satan and bring about My Era of Peace.”

Wednesday, February 9, 2005: (Ash Wednesday)

Jesus said: “My people, I am happy that you are coming together here at this miracle of My cross to My sacrifice of the Mass. Give praise and glory to your God for sharing this miracle on the Third Anniversary. This Lent will be a very important time of preparation spiritually because your time before the coming tribulation grows short. This world is in a moral crisis of faith because many are falling away from Me. You must call on Me in prayer and My sacraments to strengthen you in your souls to avoid temptation. I love all of you and I am giving all of you Myself in My death on the cross. I raise My crucifix for all of you to kiss My feet and bind all of your sins to the foot of My cross. This miracle of the Luminous Cross is to emphasize the importance of My cross in remembering how much I love you. I come to you in every Mass to share My Body and Blood with you in My Eucharist. My gift of My crucifix is for you to come to serve Me in spreading the words of My Gospel. As you look upon My Luminous Cross, see My love for you and return your love to Me. By your good deeds, prayers, fasting, and almsgiving, this Lent can be a cleansing of your sins, especially in Confession. Repent of your sins and work at changing your lives so they are closer to imitating My life of love in everything.”

Thursday, February 10, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, your focus in Lent should be on Me as you carry your cross through life. I want you to walk in My footsteps, even if it means that you will share in My suffering. You know how much I love you because I died for your sins. You should be uplifted that I have brought you salvation, and My graces are available to all who call on Me. During Lent you are focused on My Stations of the Cross as you follow in My shadow. Fasting and prayer should help you to strengthen your spiritual life. Every day you should consecrate everything that you have over to Me. Then every action becomes like a prayer to Me, because you are doing everything for My Name’s sake. Be open also to help your neighbor in their needs without being asked. When you help others, you are helping Me in them. Lent gives you an opportunity to grow closer in your love for Me and to think less of your comforts, eating, and your possessions. All of your efforts here on earth can store up treasures in heaven to balance off the reparation due for your sins. Better to come to your judgment with your hands full of good deeds. Show your love for Me by thinking of Me throughout your whole day. Then you will always be focused on your path to heaven.”

Thursday, February 10, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this wired detention center is a sign to you that a police state of martial law is not far off. Many religious people and patriots will be captured and imprisoned in detention centers for not going along with the new world order. A time is here when smart cards will become mandatory and your passports will contain smart chips. As these chips will be forced on the people, you will have to make some hard choices how to use these chips. If you refuse to honor them, you could be arrested or lose your money. This will be the first step before mandatory chips in the hand will be demanded by your government authorities. Again, those, who refuse to take these chips in the body, could be martyred or tortured in detention centers. You would not be condemned for taking smart cards, but you would be more vulnerable to accepting chips in your body if you did. As chips are made mandatory, you will be seeing the time to go to My refuges with your angels to avoid being captured. The image of the Nativity scene is a sign that I will come to defeat these evil ones and renew the earth for My Era of Peace. Pray much to trust in Me and be faithful, and you will share in your reward on earth and in heaven.”

Friday, February 11, 2005: (Our Lady of Lourdes)

Jesus said: “My people, this deep sucking sound into a large vortex of water, as in a whirlpool, represents how fast your country is being drained of your money and your military capability. Millions of dollars are flowing out of your country in trade deficits because you are allowing your manufacturers to export your jobs and your wealth. Your unnecessary wars of killing are draining so many billions of dollars out of your country that your government is afraid to include it in your national budget. Your budget deficits are setting record amounts and draining further capital to pay the interest on your national debt. These fiscal problems, which you have brought upon yourselves, are sinking your dollar and heading your country into bankruptcy. Unless you stop your wars of the one world people, and control your spending, your country also will be sinking like a large boat going under water. Pray much for your leaders to change your course of action, or you will no longer have a viable country. Repent of your sins, or you will suffer the consequences.”

Jesus said: “My people, many are attracted to fame and riches for its own sake as an idol. Some accumulate wealth for its own sake, while others strive for power and prestige. Some even use others to obtain what they want. It is the stealing and cheating to get rich that can destroy others in the process. It is one thing to help someone, but it is worse to blackmail or threaten someone for money. Some steal identities for taking other’s bank accounts or securities. Once you can see how futile and passing this world’s wealth is, then you can understand how much more valuable heavenly treasure is. Worldly wealth passes away tomorrow, but heavenly treasure lasts forever and can help you to eternity in heaven. Worship only Me as your one true God, and your soul will always be in My peace and love. Do not let the attractions of this world sway you from your focus on Me.”

Saturday, February 12, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to be child-like in your innocence and blind faith and trust in Me in all that you do. A child depends on its parents for everything, and you need to see that everything that you have came from Me, along with all of your talents to do things. In that same vain you should be thanking Me and be grateful to Me for all that you have accomplished for My glory. If you must boast, you should boast about Me and not yourselves. Give all the credit of what you have done to Me so you can diminish your pride. In the same way of My love you should accept the fact that you are a sinner and in need of My forgiveness of your sins in Confession. Do not think that you are better than anyone because you may have been given more graces, and more will be expected of you than others. You can instruct your brothers and sisters only to help save their souls and not to insult them with your selfrighteousness. Do not be hypocrites in your actions, and always give good example to those around you. Lent is a good time to improve your prayer life and see the need to confess your sins frequently in Confession. By becoming closer to Me, you can assure yourself a place in heaven with My grace and My help.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some nurses rushing to some kind of disaster to help the sick and injured. You could face natural disasters, plagues, or terrorism as a result of your many sins. You have just witnessed the worst disaster in many years with the latest earthquake and tidal waves in the Indian Ocean. A new type of HIV is turning quicker to AIDS and is resistant to current medications. Threats of war and terrorists obtaining nuclear weapons are constantly in your newspapers. Even though there are many chances for these disasters to occur, I will be protecting My flocks at My refuges. At My refuges the angels will protect you from being harmed, so have no fear of the evil ones. Many governments are being manipulated by the one world people in their finances and in making wars. Continue to pray for peace and the lessening of disasters by improving your lifestyles.”

Sunday, February 13, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent many are found spiritually in the dark of their sins. Unless you open the door and windows to your soul, My Light of grace cannot enter and you will be walking in the darkness. You see the beauty of My creation all about you in the physical world. But you are body and spirit, so there is also a spiritual world of My creation as well. It is this spiritual life that needs the most attention during Lent because many souls are sick and dark with sin. I am the Great Healer of souls in conversions, but you need to let Me into your life so you can have a meaningful love relationship with your Lord. You are all My creations and I love you because I made you into My image and likeness with a free will. It is your soul that is immortal and it will live on past the death of the body. Lent should be a time to get closer to Me in your prayer life so you are pointed on the right path to heaven for love of Me. If you truly love Me, then you should show it in your words of love to Me and how you can help your neighbors. Love for Me should not just be limited to one hour on Sunday, but every hour of every day. Confession of your sins to the priest in the sacrament of Reconciliation is the best start to opening your souls to the Light of My grace. Thank Me for all of My gifts and ask for My help every day to lighten the burdens of your daily trials. Take up your cross daily and follow Me, and I will help defend you from Satan’s temptations.”

Monday, February 14, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this race track because many of you run your lives as if you were racing through the day to do as much as possible. It is time to slow your lives down so you could do a few things well and have time for your prayer life. Trying to accomplish a long list of tasks each day may make you feel good, but are all these things necessary to get you to heaven? It is better for the peace of your soul to live a simpler life and not a life of constant rushing. If you are fixed on doing so many things, you will be anxious and worried if you do not accomplish everything. Look to those things that will bring you to heaven first as necessary, and then fill in with earthly things that you have time for. By slowing down the pace of your living, then you will have more time for Me in your lives. Remember that My agenda is more important than your list of things to do. Better to follow My Will and My agenda than being focused only on the things that you want to do. Do not be selfish with your time by showing Me how much you love Me and how much you love your neighbor.”

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, the reading tonight and this vision are all about my coming to Bernadette. I gave her many messages, but the most shocking to the people was an affirmation of my Immaculate Conception. Jesus so loved me from the beginning of creation that He prepared me to be without sin so when He would be carried in my womb, there would be a pure heart and soul to receive Him. This was just one more step on His path to bringing salvation to all of mankind. One day you will see this proclamation of My co-Redemptrix with my Son, Jesus. You have also witnessed the death of Sr. Lucia to whom I gave many messages as well. Her passing should be a sign to you of how close that the end time events are. Give glory and praise to my Son for all He has done for you. Continue to pray your rosaries for my intentions for all souls to be saved.”

Tuesday, February 15, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you have subways for transporting people underground in large cities. There are also secret cities underground in several parts of your country to protect your government people. These underground shuttles are for influential one world people and government officials. There is a secret group of financiers who finance your country’s debts and these central bankers are the hidden controllers and directors of your government. They are causing your wars to be started and your huge deficits so they can reap the interest on your national debt. These are the same one world people who want to take over your country when you go bankrupt. Your whole financial system is corrupt from its foundations with little or no backing of anything with value. Unless foreigners or these bankers keep financing your debts, your government would be bankrupt. They are blackmailing your officials to follow their orders or they will refuse to support your debts. This hidden government is running your country and that is why you have constant wars and constant huge deficits. Pray that your people and your elected officials take back your country, or you will see America destroy itself.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may think that it is unusual to see a cart pulled by horses, but a time is coming when your fuel may be hard to find. As more industrial nations compete for scarce energy sources and more nations become involved with wars, your oil supplies will become strained. It takes a number of years to convert over to an alternative fuel and those in favor of perpetuating oil will hold out to use gasoline as the main fuel for cars. There will be a major disruption in your oil supplies and you will see a major effect on how your country will have to deal with this sudden shortage. Your standard of living relies heavily on consuming large amounts of fuel supplies, but when these supply lines are broken, you will see a dramatic shift in your lifestyles. Pray for My help when your country will be dearly tested by wars and commodity shortages.”

Wednesday, February 16, 2005: (Ray Leary’s Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult when a loved one dies in a distant city and there is no body at the funeral to come and see. My son, Ray, is in need of your prayers, so you can continue to remember him as you pray for your deceased relatives. As the years go by after a loved one passes, they are not in sight all the time to remember them. That is why when you pray at the Consecration or at Holy Communion, it is a good time to remember and pray for all of your relatives both living and dead. I have given you many messages to pray for the souls in purgatory and not to forget them. Then they will pray for you both here and if you should find yourself in purgatory after your death. Love your relatives, and even love them by praying for them after they die.”

Jesus said: “My people, there will always be chaos and fighting in the Middle East for land and power. Oil has been one target, but wars and being in control are constant problems for the Arab people to get along with Israel and those who support them. There are several factions in each country that find it hard to live together. Peace is only a short time between the next conflict. Dictators and Islamic leaders have caused many divisions that make peace almost impossible among the many factions of people. True peace will only be when I come again in glory to conquer evil and bring about My Era of Peace. It will be difficult for today’s cities to be like Nineveh which repented in sackcloth and ashes and changed their lives when Jonah told them the city would be destroyed. Because of today’s stiff-necked people, it will require My intervention to make things normal again. Rejoice at My coming when the Antichrist will be defeated and My reign will once again be established.”

Thursday, February 17, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, America has tried to rely on its technical advantages in computer chips and software to take up the place of your lost manufacturing jobs. But as soon as something is discovered, your manufacturers ship the technology out to other countries to be made where many nations do not honor your patent protection. Unless your government stops the tax free distribution of your jobs overseas, you will have fewer manufacturing jobs with a gradual decline in your average pay. More of your people are becoming financially strapped with the decline of good paying jobs, and your middle class will be dissipating. The rich are plundering your jobs and your wealth to make themselves richer, but in the end there will be a massive uprising when your taxes cannot afford to support all of your mandated payments to social security, medical support, and welfare programs. The greed of the rich and the sins of your people are bringing your country to selfdestruction. If your people do not change your morals and your bad finances, there is little hope for your future.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you in the past to pray for the Holy Father as he recovers from his sickness. His strength and endurance have been a source of hope for all the faithful remnant. All of My people need to carry your crosses as persistently as My pope son. This Lent is a time for strengthening your spiritual life. Do not be lazy, but keep up your prayers and fasting for your Lenten penance.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are praying your rosary or reading other prayers, it is good to have a holy picture or a statue in the room where you are praying. That is why it is good to have a crucifix, statue or a holy picture in every room. When you are praying each Mystery, you can look on My picture and tell Me how much you love Me. Prayer is an expression of your love for Me, so stay close to Me and you will receive My reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you in Lent to make an extra effort to pray My Stations of the Cross on the Lenten Fridays. You are preparing for Holy Week and commemorating My death on the cross when you pray My Stations of the Cross. Concentrate on the words of your prayers and try to apply them to your everyday life. If you cannot pray the Stations of the Cross in church, then at least pray them before your altar with a crucifix.”

Jesus said: “My people, some make daily Mass an extra offering during Lent, so it is not unusual to see more people in attendance. As you come to daily Mass, be thankful that you have a priest to offer Mass every day. Again, continue to pray for your parish priest who gives you My Body and Blood in the Mass and My blessing of grace at Confession. Many times you take the priest for granted, but they are being attacked by the demons and they need your prayers to keep their vocation and a good spiritual life of holiness.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you have electrical power outages from storms and grid problems. It gives you a helpless feeling to be cold and in the dark during winter. It is also difficult in your spiritual life to be away from the warmth of My love and suffer the darkness of your sins. Just as you are joyous to have the linesman restore your power, you are also joyous when you come out of Confession and you are restored in My love and your sins are cleansed with My grace. I can Light up your life anytime that you can come to Confession, or when you receive Me in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good that many parishes are meeting in groups to study the Lenten Sunday readings, and as a result, these readings can be more meaningful to your spiritual lives. This interaction with others can reinforce your faith and help you share your faith with others. By focusing on the readings, you can work along and understand the homilies better. Learning about your faith and studying My Word will help you to grow more in your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you share your relics of the saints with one another, so it is good to share your holy statues in prayer also. Your rosaries at your prayer group are joined together and there is great power in My Blessed Mother’s weapons of her rosary and her Scapular. You were given a great gift in this statue of My Blessed Mother, and you are sharing this gift with your prayer group as well. Give thanks and pray for those who give you such gifts.”

Friday, February 18, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this message is about not letting clocks dictate your life. I know you need to think of meal times, bedtimes, and special meetings, but do not fill your day up with so many activities that you do not have time for your daily prayers. If your time is so rushed, then you need to set a particular time for your prayers and plan other events around it. There are very few things other than work that cannot be put off to a later time. Try to get your prayers in early, instead of leaving them to the last moment at night when you are too tired to pray. I have given you the gift of all of your time in your gift of life, so the least you can do to thank Me is to give Me some quality time back in prayer. If you continue to put Me off each day with little or nor prayer time, how will I recognize you as Mine when you reach your judgment and there is no more time. Now is a good time during Lent to establish a love relationship with your Lord before your time runs out.”

Jesus said: “My people, during life no one is spared trials and disappointments, but it is how you deal with your struggles that will point you in your life’s direction. Many at some time in their lives have had to deal with lost jobs, deaths, and sickness. There are also good times in your life to raise you out of the valleys. But some do not have a strong faith to trust in Me to help you through your dark moments. Some even let despair and addictions take them over because they cannot stand up to reality. You have friends and relatives who may help you financially, but you need My help and your prayers to get you through life’s trials. It is better to have confidence in Me than to trust in your own devices. No matter how bad things may get, you can always come to Me with your needs. With patience all of your troubles are eventually resolved. For being faithful to Me, I will see to your reward both here and in heaven. Do not search beyond your capabilities, but be satisfied with all that I do to provide for your living needs. Even during the coming tribulation I will provide for all of your needs. Rejoice that I will never abandon you, and I am with you to the end so you will never abandon Me either.”

Saturday, February 19, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, My pope son, John Paul II, holds Me up at the Mass and he has a great love for Me in My Eucharist. That is why he has encouraged Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in as many churches as possible. The devil knows the power of My Eucharist and he is doing everything to attack the priests and remove My tabernacles from My churches. You have been assured that the gates of hell will not prevail against My Church. No matter how much the evil one will attack My Church, there will always be a faithful remnant that will be true to My Word. This glass shield around My pope son in the vision is how he is being protected in his health, and his life is being preserved to the proper moment of his leaving which he knows. Even during the tribulation, My faithful remnant will also be protected from the evil ones at My refuges. Have courage and trust in My protection and soon I will cleanse the earth of all evil and renew it. I will then establish My Era of Peace and My love will consume all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the coming tribulation some people will be captured and transferred to detention centers aboard these trains. The rest of My faithful people will be fleeing out of the cities in their cars. When you see the signs that I will give you of the world famine, division in My Church, and mandated chips in the body, then you will be led to My refuges by your angels. If you refuse to leave everything behind and go to the refuge, then they will come to your houses to try and force chips in the body on you. You will need to be strong in faith to resist urges to try and keep your possessions and comforts. Learn to not let possessions control you so when you have to leave for My refuges, nothing will hold you back. This is an evil age and the Antichrist will be battling for souls, but you must call on My help to resist him. Trust in Me and I will protect you from the evil ones in miraculous ways.”

Sunday, February 20, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a huge crowd of people that have come back to celebrate Mass in the Vatican. Many people will be going back to Mass and the sacraments after My Warning experience. People will have seen Me in My glory and their lives will be completely revealed to them. You will desire to confess your sins in Confession to the priest, and then come to share at Mass. As you read of My Transfiguration, this was a preview of My glory to My apostles in My Resurrection. So My Warning experience will be a preview of My coming in glory to conquer all evil. Just as I had to undergo My Passion and death on the cross for all of you, My disciples had to endure suffering and martyrdom for their faith. My people of today will have to suffer the pain and suffering of the tribulation after My Warning. Some will be martyred and the rest will be protected at My refuges. Rejoice because when the evil ones are defeated, you will share in My mountaintop love and glory in My Era of Peace. Be patient, My people, because this evil reign of the Antichrist in the tribulation must precede My glorious victory. Be assured that My victory will come even when it will seem hopeless. Hold fast and trust in My help and protection at My refuges.”

Monday, February 21, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you many times to pray to make up atonement for the many sins of America. I have mentioned them before, but you know they are your abortions, fornications, masturbation, birth control, adultery, homosexual acts and homicides. Your leaders and the one world people are behind your wars against your people and the wars against other nations. All of these sins are weighing against America on the scales of My justice. There is not enough people praying to make up for all of your sins on the other side of My scales. Without repenting of your sins or a changed lifestyle, you can only expect My wrath to fall on your country with disasters, and bankruptcy of your financial system. You have seen other countries like Rome pass into oblivion, and America is on the same path to its own destruction.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you many times to repent and save your souls from your many sins. You have not heeded My messages of warning and have turned your back on Me to worship your possessions instead of Me. You are seeing My hand of wrath coming swiftly upon you and you now will be tested by more severe natural disasters, financial upheaval, wars, and terrorism. Within a short time you will come begging to Me on your knees to take away these trials. You are beyond the point of no return and soon your destruction will be at hand, just as Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. My mercy is infinite, but My justice is being overwhelmed by more sin than can be made up by prayers and good deeds. Your country has chosen the path to its destruction and you will be seeing it destroyed before your eyes. Your greed for wealth, possessions, and pleasures have harvested your sins with the wages of death. Pray for souls to be saved, even as your country will be no more.”

Tuesday, February 22, 2005: (Chair of St. Peter)

Jesus said: “My people, when your weatherman forecasts rain for the day, you think to bring an umbrella to protect yourself from the rain. In today’s spiritual world you are beset by another need for protection, only this is from a reign of evil. The devil and his demons are real and active in this world, and that is why you have so much immorality and so many wars. They are tempting everyone and exploiting your greed, anger, and pride. Your spiritual umbrella is My sacraments of grace and My Blessed Mother’s mantle of protection in her rosary. When you are being tempted to sin, you can call on heaven’s help in Me, My Blessed Mother, the saints, and the angels. I always give you enough grace to endure any trial or temptation. Today’s feast day is around the authority that I have given to My Church to guard your souls from error and evil. You are to look to My pope son’s leadership in faith and morals. It is this teaching authority of My Church that should unite all Catholics and inspire conversions to follow My way of life. There are various divisions among people that do not want to follow My pope son as leader, yet St. Peter and the succeeding popes are given this authority by My own words in today’s Gospel. Pray for unity in My Church and for all who follow Me as Christians. Unity in faith in Me will help give each soul the protection that you need from the devil’s temptations.”

Wednesday, February 23, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this loudspeaker is how I want you to spread My Word of love to everyone from the rooftops. The message that I give to everyone is to share your time, talent, wealth, and faith with everyone. Your consecration to Me means not only that you give everything over to My use, but it also means that everything you have has been given to you through Me. When you accomplish something, you need to give Me the glory and not yourself. Boasting of yourself shows that you are doing things for your own glory. If you must boast, you should boast about Me in helping you to gain what you have. Pride for fame and greed for more wealth are temptations of the evil one. I call you to the opposite virtues of humility and generosity in sharing. Wealth and possessions are cold and temporary, but your sharing with others shows love for others and your good deeds will store everlasting treasure in heaven. Better to be seen as great in heaven by your good deeds than to be praised by men for your financial success. Remember, that where your treasure lies, is where your heart lies also. If your treasure is on earth, then your heart desires more worldly things. If your treasure is in heaven, then your heart desires heavenly things.”

Thursday, February 24, 2005:

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am very pleased with your prayers at Mass with my Son, and your many rosaries on this fourth anniversary of this Gospa House. Myself with my Son, Jesus, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit are watching over this refuge of love. My mantle of protection and the angels are watching over this land also. All of my faithful sisters and brothers who have been faithful in building up this ministry are to be thanked for their labor of love. By witnessing to me and my Son, you all will be greatly blessed with many graces. Continue in your good work as you prepare for my Son’s coming victory over all the evil ones. Consecrate your hearts and souls to me and my Son, and continue your prayers for all souls to be saved.”

Friday, February 25, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I want to focus this message on My Real Presence in My Eucharist. When I instituted My Eucharist at the Last Supper, I told My apostles and My disciples that they were eating My Body and Blood when they partake of My consecrated bread and wine. Even though you hear these words at every Mass, some still have a difficulty in believing that I am really present and these species are not just symbols. Some have had an opportunity to see miracles of My Eucharist in hosts that bleed. These miracles were performed for those that doubted in My Real Presence in My consecrated bread and wine. For true believers in My Real Presence you have a deep reverence for My Blessed Sacrament. I want you to pass this belief on to your children and those who do not believe in My Real Presence. Your God and Creator is present in My Hosts in every tabernacle. I have humbled Myself to be present in My tabernacles, and I desire your love for Me to be witnessed in visiting My Blessed Sacrament so I can talk to your heart. You are many times discerning your mission from Me and deciding the direction of your life. Pray about every important decision in your lives and walk with Me in imitating My life. Let your children see that you truly believe in My Real Presence by your frequent visits to My tabernacles.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel is full of great meaning in your very life in how you live. In one word it is by My love that you have life. I am the Resurrection and the Life, and all life comes about by My creative act of your soul. While you are alive in the body, you are experiencing My gift of life. I have died for all of your sins, so you have salvation by claiming your redemption. My death is the greatest act of love that I could give to all of humanity. You know that My love is infinite and I also love every soul that I created. Even though you have offended Me with your many sins, My mercy awaits your request for My forgiveness. Do not refuse to come to Confession because you think that I will not forgive you. I will forgive any repentant sinner of their sins, but there still may be some reparation due for your sins. You are the one who has received every gift that I could give you. I call on everyone to return My love by sharing your love with Me and My image in your love for your neighbor. Love is the most intimate experience that you have in life, and it is this love of Me and your neighbor that you will be judged on. This beautiful heavenly experience when you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion is how I communicate My love to you. I know your needs before you ask Me, and I am always anxious to reward repenting sinners for loving Me. You need to be humble in consecrating everything to Me and you will be repaid many times over in heaven. The more you experience love in this life, the more alive in the Spirit you will be.”

Saturday, February 26, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this message is all about how I want My faithful to pick up your daily cross and follow Me. This is especially your Lenten journey as you are more focused on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. The deeper meaning of carrying your cross is that you should be willing to suffer any trial or temptation for love of Me. I will give you enough grace to bear up any suffering that you choose to endure. Even some may choose to take on more suffering for your sins and the sins of others. As you offer up these sufferings, give your complete free will over to My Divine Will, so I can mold your perfection in union with Me. As you reach higher in your faith and perfection, I wish that you would not make any complaints of difficulties or testings in your life. Give all things over to Me so you do not take credit for anything, but you should only give praise and glory to Me for what I have accomplished in your life. The more you take self out of your life and detach yourself from the things of this world, the closer you will be to imitating My life as My true follower.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel of the Prodigal Son is the most loving touch of My compassion in all of My Gospel readings. You know of My mercy, but you are overwhelmed by the father who forgave his son even though he lived a sinful life and wasted his inheritance. Even in your families it is hard to forgive a daughter or son who may be living together in sin. Just as you love your children even when they have gone astray, so I love everyone enough to pursue their souls to be saved. My people, you should understand how much you offend Me in your sins. There are even those who insult Me by not even recognizing how they are sinning. In this material world of rationalizations it is difficult for people to form a proper conscience where you can judge right and wrong. Do not let your peers encourage you to sin because everyone is doing sinful actions. Look at My Commandments and My Gospel readings to decide if something is right or wrong because My law of love is unchanging. No matter how serious your sins are, if you repent and are reconciled, I will forgive you as the father of the Prodigal Son. As the Scribes criticized Me in eating with sinners as tax collectors, I told them that sick people need a doctor. I have come to forgive sinners and not the self-righteous. When you see the guilt of your sins and how you offended Me, you also will be drawn to this path to the confessional in search of My mercy and My forgiveness. When I forgive your sins and give you absolution through the priest, you will be set free of the shackles of your sins. When you repent of your sins, your soul will again be filled with My grace. Recognize that you are a sinner and are in need of My forgiveness. Do not be spiritually lazy by staying away from Confession. Frequent Confession, at least monthly, is needed to keep your soul pure and available to worthily receive Me in Holy Communion. By having your soul pure, you will always be ready for your judgment when I call you home. Reach out to bring souls to Confession, especially those in your family. Your goal is to save as many souls as possible and keep them from hell. Reconciliation is the sacrament for making peace with your Lord.”

Sunday, February 27, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult in your society today to help people to conversion because there is such a problem with idol worship that has been put in place of worshiping their one true God. The other problem for people to come to Me is that they do not have true love in their lives. Some people are worshiping their jobs, their status, their homes, or other possessions. Others are involved with New Age idols or even occult practices. Some even worship themselves and everything revolves around self than Me. In order for Me to come into your lives, there must be an openness to Divine Love. Without this openness, then souls need others who are praying for their conversion in order for My seed of grace to be planted in them. There are many distractions in your TVs, movies, and media that are broadcasting the worldly message and it can drown out My calling to their souls. My faithful need to be My prayer warriors for your family members and those that you meet in the world that are crying out for a spiritual healing. By your good example, prayer, and fasting, you can lead many souls to worship Me in place of their cold idol worship. Idol worship leaves an emptiness in the soul because the soul cannot find peace anywhere else than in My love. That is why it is so important that the spiritual soul should be in control of the body. Fasting can improve your spiritual life by not allowing the desires of the body to control your life. It is this strong attraction to My love that will be the salvation of sinners. It is My infinite mercy and My compassion to forgive sinners that will lead to conversion. That is why your evangelist mission should be focused on My love and trust in My help to win sinners over to Me. When I open your eyes to the true worship of the Divine, then you will be able to open your eyes of faith to see the mission in life that I have for each soul. Put your trust in Me and worship Me only, and you will receive My grace of complete peace and love that is your reward for being faithful to Me. Then you will be able to share My love with others and their souls will be drawn to My love that will save their souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, I assure you that the coming evil of the tribulation is not just another evil age, but it will be more evil than you have yet to see. It is not a time to be fearful, but a time in which I will give you all the grace that you will need to endure the Antichrist. You will not be able to last through the tribulation on your own, but you must call on My help and My grace to save your souls. I will be protecting My faithful remnant at My refuges of My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites, places of holy ground, and even caves in mountainous areas. You will be seeing this time as a modern day Exodus when you will have to leave everything behind so you can be protected at My refuges from the evil ones. At all of My refuges you will see luminous crosses of protection, healing waters at miraculous springs, My heavenly manna from My angels and even meat to eat. Do not complain of how I will provide for you because I will be protecting and saving your souls from the evil ones who will not be able to find you. Some will be martyred, but the rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges. I have given you this mission for the people to be prepared for the tribulation time. The signs of this time are all about you for those who have the eyes of faith and for those who read My Scriptures that describe these end days. I love everyone and I want all souls to be saved, but I know there will be many who will reject Me and they will choose to follow the evil one. Come follow Me in My Word and be prepared in your soul for this test of your faith.”

Monday, February 28, 2005:

The Holy Spirit said: “I am God the Holy Spirit and I am sending My gifts of the Spirit out upon all who are here today. You come to this Luminous Cross to find the meaning of this sign, but you are witnessing a presence of the Holy Trinity in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This is holy ground and all, who come here, are receiving heavenly graces. Many come out curiosity, but there are also healing graces available here. I place My hand over those who come here and the flame of faith is over each of you. When you bring your petitions for healing to Me, I will heal those who have faith in Me. Many will be healed in their hearts and souls as well as physically. You have witnessed the healing of the leper by the prophet and you will see healers and prophets healing you through My power also. Give praise and glory to your God and Master for all the gifts that I am bestowing upon you. I am placing grace in your souls, but I am also placing My love in your hearts so you will find rest in Me. This heavenly love pervades your whole being and many become slain in the Spirit when they are prayed over. I love all of you and I want you to follow God’s laws and Commandments as you worship Me. Give glory to God as you love Me and all of your neighbors.”

Wednesday, March 2, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this image of a mountain represents the strength of your faith in My Commandments. The darkening clouds are the coming trials that will test your faith. Wars, natural disasters, and financial trials will be harrying you in the coming years. As the tribulation begins, these trials and that of the evil ones will become an ever increasing burden. You will need all of the spiritual strength that you can obtain through My grace to fend off the evil ones and save your souls. The signs of the end times are all around you and now is a good time to firm up your prayer groups for spiritual support. It will be your friends in faith that will help you the most at your refuges. I will perform miracles of protection at My refuges, but you must have faith and hope in My word of encouragement. Your faith will be tested to the breaking point, but do not fear because I will be in your midst. I will never leave you.”

Jesus said: “My people, this portable flashlight with the light on is a sign to you of more power outages coming. You have had power outages in the past from ice storms and a grid failure. Most of your power outages have been of short duration, but this time it could be for a good number of days. The need for a crank to keep generating light means that your batteries would run out of power from long usage. It would be well to have such a crank powered flashlight for when fuel and batteries will be scarce to find. Your two previous ice storms have occurred in March and April. Have some preparations ready for some possibly cold weather when you are without power. I am the Light that dispels the darkness and I am giving you this warning so you can have some light without power. Trust in Me for My warnings when you need to prepare.”

Thursday, March 3, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these heavy beams of wood that are used to make a sturdy house. This message is all about how strong your faith will be by how deeply you are rooted in Me. If your faith is shallow, it will be like the man who built his house on sand. When the winds and rains of temptation buffeted his house, it will fall in destruction. If your faith is strong and rooted in My Church, then it will be like the man who built his house on rock as a firm foundation. When the winds and rains of temptation come, that person will be saved because their faith was firm as the rock. Do not be weak in your faith and do not just give Me lip service on Sunday. You need a deep fervor of faith to endure the evil ones’ taunts throughout the whole week. Build up your strength with daily prayer and always be focused on following Me in your everyday actions. For those, who are faithful and persevere amidst this world’s trials, you will be greatly rewarded in My kingdom of heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, even though it was a nice change to have your prayer group at the home, you now can have Me again sacramentally in your midst. This small house is a symbol of living a simple life as I did with the Holy Family many years ago. Even with all of your scientific advances you are still human with a body and a soul. Your worldly distractions may have changed, but you have the same mission of loving Me and your neighbors. You may have more conveniences than I did, but you also have more affluence and possessions to distract you from loving Me. Do not let the worldly things control you so you can give your praise and glory to only Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, no matter how many ways that you try to make excuses for aborting your babies, they are still being killed by the thousands every day. Your society is focused on pleasure on demand, so it is not surprising that accidental pregnancies are disposed of by your abortion on demand. Science has proven to you that the unborn are human from the day of conception. Still your society wants to dispose of life when it is convenient. Many do not want to face the consequences of their sins of fornication and adultery. All life deserves to be protected, and you are fortunate that your mother did not abort your life. Continue to protest abortions and counsel the expectant mothers to see the value of life.”

Jesus said: “My people, the young children are precious to Me and I do not want them to be abused in any way. Remember how I said that anyone who harms one of My little ones should have a millstone tied around their neck and be placed in the sea. These lives should be protected because I have a plan for each of their lives. Give good example to them and bring them up in the faith so they can experience My love for them.” Jesus said: “My people, not everyone can afford to buy an expensive speedboat or a sailboat. Those in the boat can experience My creation more as they explore the seas. Some people treat boats and second homes as status symbols of their wealth. I am only concerned with how you love Me and help others, and not how much wealth that you have accumulated. Focus more on those means of getting your soul to heaven instead of any worldly concerns.”

Jesus said: “My people, I keep encouraging My faithful to follow the narrow road to heaven that is less traveled. Avoid the broad road which appears to be popular for being the easy road that leads to hell. Do not be led astray by anyone trying to take you away from Me. Many are called, but few are chosen because they do not want to give everything up to Me. Unless you come to Me as a repentant sinner, you will be traveling down the wrong road. At the end of this age I will separate the goats into hell, but My lambs will be called into My barn of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times your old things do need to be replaced by newer things. It is one thing to fix something that is old and obsolete, but changing things just to have the latest fashion is more of a worldly desire than a necessity. Keep your focus on living a simple life than spending all of your time and money to have the best looking possessions. If you have excess wealth, then you should focus more on sharing it with others than being selfish in buying things that you do not need.”

Jesus said: “My people, I keep reminding you of the Lenten Season that you are in so you can make the most benefit for improving your spiritual life. Your extra fasting and Lenten penances should be kept up throughout all of Lent. Keep reviewing your initial fervor to improve your prayer life so you can continue your Lenten intentions without falling back into your old sinful habits. Lent is an excellent time to take spiritual stock of how you could be living a more Christian life. If you do not suffer to change your life, then you will not see much improvement. It is difficult to train the body to follow heavenly ways because you have many human weaknesses to sin. If you are not willing to improve during Lent, then it will be much harder to change during the rest of the year. Focus your life more on Me and do not let the body’s cravings mislead you.”

Friday, March 4, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, just as you have harmony in music when you play the right notes, so you can have harmony in life by loving Me and your neighbor as yourself. If all of your world lived in a harmony of love as I created you, you would not have the wars and injustices that you have today. Many of the problems, people have, are a result of your greed for money and possessions, and your struggle for fame and power. If you were satisfied with your lot instead of desiring more than you could afford, then you would be more at peace. If you did not waste your time on TV and too many unnecessary activities, you would have more time to love Me. Love takes some effort to establish, but if you are too wrapped up in self and selfish activities, then you will not have time for love. It is how you manage your time and your priorities that will allow you to love Me and your neighbor. Work more in Lent on freeing up your wasted time so you can have more time for loving activities of prayer and helping others.”

Jesus said: “My people, this fast train through an underground tunnel would be some new technology for fast trains with less wind resistance. It will also be an underground link for various underground cities that are being built away from water and earthquake centers. These cities would be protection from impacts of comets and asteroids, possible nuclear war, or a major volcanic disaster. These undertakings would be expensive, but they could be a possible way to protect humanity from massive disasters. I have mentioned caves before as a means of protection for refuges. A properly vented cave with water and food storage could protect My faithful from the evil ones who will be controlling things on the surface of the earth. Caves also would not allow the evil ones to see you as well. Trust in My leadership to protect My faithful from the evil ones in the tribulation.”

Saturday, March 5, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of locusts is a sign that these hordes are going to continue to threaten food crops in various areas of the world. These disturbances will be one more step to the coming world famine as hunger will be spreading more, especially in the third world. In some places these disasters will be a punishment for sin and wars. The Gospel reading of the Pharisee and the tax collector in the Temple should focus your prayer more on seeking your forgiveness of your sins than lauding how good you are. I have created you as spirit and body, and I know that you are all good in yourselves, but you also need to admit that you are weak sinners in need of My grace. That is why the tax collector gained more out of his visit to the Temple because he was asking for My mercy. In the Old Testament the people sacrificed animals and crops, but you have the most Divine sacrifice of all in My death on the cross. At every sacrifice of the Mass, I am being offered up for your sins, so you do not have to make any sacrifices of animals. It is mercy that I desire you to seek instead of animal sacrifices. There are other sacrifices or penances that you can do during Lent to atone for your sins and help your spiritual life. Trust in Me that I will always be watching over you to protect your soul from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that I would bring America to its knees with major disasters. This volcanic disturbance is definitely from Yellowstone and it will create a massive effect on your crops and on your weather. Many will be killed in its path, but there will be increasing earthquakes before this eruption. It is not a matter of whether it will happen, but only when it will happen. You have seen larger and larger earthquakes with the latest tsunami. The earth is about to be shaken to its core as the poles will be in a state of flux. Those, who could not believe that you are in the end times, will be humbled with more catastrophic events. Even the evil ones will be humbled by My smiting them of their power, especially with My comet of chastisement that will destroy the reign of the Antichrist. I have shown you before how the evil ones will be suffering a hell on earth as they suffer the flames that will not consume them. My faithful will be protected as I renew the earth in preparation for My Era of Peace. My justice will fall on the unjust, while My mercy will rest on My faithful remnant. Do not be fearful of these events for I will protect your souls from the evil ones. Call on My help and you will be saved.”

Sunday, March 6, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, a train track is like following your mission path to heaven. It has been laid out for you to follow ahead of time. You have free will to follow Me or not. When you refuse to follow Me, you many times are like the destruction of a derailment. The distractions of the world can lead you off on a side track detour and you will not be able to accomplish the mission that I have given you. Each of you have been given unique talents and skills to carry out your specific mission. Remember this also when you are contemplating abortions. Look at all of the skills being wasted by your frivolous killing of My little ones. If you keep on the right track in life, then you will be directed to eternal happiness with Me in heaven.”

Monday, March 7, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, do not hide from your fears and from your hates of others by avoiding them. I want you to love everyone and it starts with being able to forgive everyone. You may have some in your family that in your mind may have violated you in some way. In order to have peace and harmony in your family, you must be willing to forgive any hurts between your relatives. Life is too short to hold grudges, or keep away from the ones you should love. Work to reach out and repair any hard feelings, even with those who may have addictions. Even if your relatives continue to refuse your overtures, keep giving them good example in your love. Even in the world it is hard to forgive killers, abortionists, and terrorists, but you are still called to pray for everyone and love them. Loving your enemies and forgiving them starts with loving Me and forgiving yourself of your sins. Frequent Confession can cleanse your souls so you have the power of My grace and love to share with others. Get your own spiritual house in order so you will not be a hypocrite in what you believe. Love and forgiveness should pervade all of your actions and you will be moving closer to that needed perfection to gain heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the coming tribulation you will be traveling in the wilderness among many dangerous wild animals on your way to My refuges. Just as I will protect you from harm by the evil ones, I also will protect you from any wild animals. You are seeing the dove representing the Holy Spirit, and He will be your guardian of protection. You will see this protection at My refuges and on the way to your refuges. I will make it so the animals will not see you or smell you. I will even deliver some animals as deer to you for meat. Your testing time will be coming soon when you will have to put your full trust in Me for protection, food, water, and shelter. When you call on My help in faith, everything will be miraculously provided for all of your needs. Even when things will seem hopeless, I will come with power to defeat the Antichrist and all the evil ones. So do not lose hope, but trust in My victorious power that will bring you into My Era of Peace with no fear.”

Tuesday, March 8, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, man has caused nature to become more unbalanced by all the mischief he has done with the plants and animals. You have experimented with bee production and you created killer bees. You have modified insecticides so many mutations of insects are creating plagues of locusts, grasshoppers, and other insects that eat your crops. Many of your cancers and diseases are a result of your bad methods of producing food and man-made diseases for population control. Man needs to go back to the ways that I have created things and stop upsetting the balance of nature as I created it. Nature is rebelling against man’s abuses and you will be seeing worse storms and food famines all over the world as a result. I have warned you many times that your abuse of your environment will affect your lives in many ways that you did not realize in the effects on your delicate earthly balance. Strive to follow My ways in nature and not man’s abuses and you will have fewer problems.”

Wednesday, March 9, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, do not be discouraged or disheartened when you see fewer people coming to Mass on Sunday and fewer people coming to your prayer groups. This will be a challenge in faith in the end times and many will fall away and turn their backs on Me. It is because of the spiritual laziness of people that I am taking away many blessings from America. Your affluence and earthly activities have taken the place of your worship of Me, and you are in effect worshiping the idols of money and possessions. I still will never forget you and I am always awaiting sinners to repent, but I will not force My love on you. My people need to come in prayer and worship Me at Mass if you wish to establish a loving relationship with Me. If you do not say, ‘I love you,’ to Me, how can I know that you are sincere when you call My Name? I have the words of eternal life, and if you refuse to follow My Will, then you will be walking the broad road to hell instead of the narrow road to heaven. Choose eternal life with Me, or you will suffer forever from the devil and the flames of hell.”

Wednesday, March 9, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, when you were conceived, the strands of DNA in that first cell were the gift of your parents, but the soul that I joined with your body is My creation that gives you life. All of your physical traits, your eye color, whether you are right handed, the gift of your intelligence, and your skin color are all who you are, and are found in your DNA. You would not want to alter your DNA because it would change who you are. In the same way why would you want to alter the traits of plants and animals even by cloning? By man’s manipulation of DNA, you are also changing the identity of a perfect plan that I had for that plant or animal. It is these changes that I abhor and nature will rebel against your mischief because man’s manipulations do not take into account the balance of nature. It is one thing to research things to learn how life works, but it is entirely wrong to seek research just to change nature to man’s idea of perfection. It is these changes that man needs to stop making before you create monsters that could destroy life instead of prolonging it. Be satisfied with My perfection in creation because anything man makes is imperfect and will upset nature’s delicate balance.”

Thursday, March 10, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the image of Me knocking on the door of your heart to let Me in. It is everyone’s freewill to open this door to My graces which is the light shining through the bottom crack. To open the door it means that you are willing to accept Me as Lord in your life and that you will repent of your sins. Once you accept that you are a sinner and want My forgiveness of your sins, this is the first step. Then you become sorry for your sins in offending Me, and you are willing to take the next step to the confessional. At Confession you admit your sins to the priest and I absolve you from your sins through the priest’s absolution. Now I have set you free of your sins and My light shines forth My graces into your heart as the door is opened. It is this constant openness to confess your sins that will keep your soul pure and keep a loving relationship with Me. I long to forgive the repentant sinner and welcome you back to My love. My graces and forgiveness are always available to you. All you have to do is make the forward step as the lepers who wanted to be cleansed. Keep the light of My grace always burning in your souls and you will be well on your way to heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you are saddened today by the latest news of a priest being arrested for misuse of offensive pictures on the internet. You are living in an evil age and I have stated ‘Will I find any faithful at the end times?’ Even though you are seeing disturbing things, I do not want you to despair in your sorrow. This only points out how much more that you need to pray for your priests. Remember that I am always with you to raise up your spirits when you are down and to give Me your burdens to help you carry them. Trust in My power that is greater than Satan and come to Me in Confession to release you of all of your sins, both large and small.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a time when prayer should be your main focus in answer to all the sin in your world. Prayer is needed for all of your secular and spiritual leaders, especially My pope son, John Paul II. Prayer is needed for all sinners because you have not reached your judgment yet. Prayer is needed for all the souls in purgatory. There are many needs for prayer and that is why it is so important to make time to pray. Pray with your heart so it is sincere and not just lip service. I listen to all of your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, some use wood all the time to heat their houses in winter. Most use gas and oil to heat their homes because there is less maintenance. It is till appropriate to have a secondary source of heat in the cold. There are many causes of power outages and those, who are prepared, will have warm houses. You are all seeing energy prices of various fuels rise, so it is even more advantageous to use cheaper sources of fuel. These high prices are also teaching you good conservation by minimizing your fuel needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, your local governments are dealing with higher medical costs and increasing costs for retirement benefits for government employees. These tax increases are causing more burdens on those with fixed incomes that already are paying more for drugs, gasoline, and heating bills. You will be seeing heavier resistance by your taxpayers to take on higher taxes and higher deficits that increase taxes and devaluate your currency. Pray for your leaders to lessen your tax burden than increasing it when they spend irresponsibly.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is spending far too much money on weapons and supporting constant unnecessary wars. Your defense budget is one of the biggest expenditures, but it does not have to be that way if people were more reluctant to keep entering more wars for whatever trumped up reasons being given. Your prayer efforts also need to be focused on peace in your world and not forcing democracy on nations at the end of a gun. Seek peace and harmony with your neighbors instead of finding reasons to go to war. Love will go farther than making nations angry with wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, in World War II you were abhorred at finding crematoriums in the death camps in Germany. In several places in your country such crematoriums have been made for ridding those who will not go along with the coming new world order. I have prepared you to be ready to leave for My refuges so you will be protected from the killing and the torture by the evil ones who will be coming to power for a short time. Pray much that you will be strong in these end times by calling on My grace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you must admit that your hurricanes and tornadoes are becoming more violent and more frequent causing more deaths and destruction than ever before. Some ascribe increasing temperatures in your global temperatures that are increasing this intensity. Others are showing man-made weather machines are affecting this increase. Still others speak of sunspot activity and effects from large events in your galaxy. I am pointing out also that My wrath is also falling upon places of constant sin and some of these weather disasters are chastisements for sin. Pray for your country and its people because the weight of your sins will bring you to your knees.”

Friday, March 11, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, when you think of aspiring to be with Me in heaven, it seems like a dauntless task to achieve the perfection of a saint to enter heaven. Even though in man’s eyes this may seem impossible, yet with Me all things are possible. Myself and My Blessed Mother are the only ones that did not sin. Even the saints sinned, but they were converted through My grace to be examples of goodness for all My faithful to imitate their lives. Take each day and walk with Me through all of your trials and temptations. I will not test you beyond your endurance. I will always give you enough grace to sustain you through everything that you will face in life. So do not let sin, fears, or anxieties disturb your peace, but be confident in Me and trust in My help. Before you start any task, call on My help first so I can relieve your burdens. Do not think that you can accomplish everything on your own. After you were frustrated in your feeble attempts to work through something, you finally come to pray for your intention. By asking Me first in prayer, you will see things in life will be a lot easier to bear. It is good to build up your spiritual confidence in My help, and you will minimize any of your worries because I will take care of them with your cooperation.” Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for and help the infirm, the disabled, and those that are handicapped. These are some of the works of mercy that you can perform to store up treasures in heaven. The sick need your care to return them to good health. Those with chronic or permanent problems with backs and knees need help with wheelchairs and their physical needs. By the grace of God you may be healthy now, but some day you may have to deal with needing assistance to move around. If you have friends or relatives in need of your help, do not avoid any call for help, but assist them joyfully without question. Every person that you help, you are helping Me in them. The sick and disabled also appreciate your visits and your concern for their welfare. You will receive many graces for doing such good deeds. You have opportunities for graces every day, so do not commit any sins of omission by not reaching out to My sick and disabled souls.”

Saturday, March 12, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the beast opening his black piercing eyes is a sign to you that his coming into power is close. I have told you that I would be the one to free him for his brief reign that will be a test for all souls on the earth. Many are weak and are in the power of the evil one already. The general people do not realize that unless they have Me with them, they will not be able to be saved from the Antichrist. My Warning will be My gift of mercy for all souls to be prepared not to accept the mark of the beast and not worship the Antichrist. So if the Antichrist is about to declare himself, then you know the time of the Warning is also close to happening. I have told you that the Warning will be heralding the beginning of the Antichrist’s coming to power. Lent is a good time to prepare your soul for the coming evil onslaught when I will protect all souls who call on My help. Build up your spiritual strength now and have your blessed Benedictine crosses on your person to protect yourselves from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, this map of the United States burning up in flames is the same fate as other great civilizations such as the Roman Empire. This old empire fell from within because of its loss of morals. America is repeating this destruction in the same way because of all of your immorality in abortions, fornication, adultery, and same-sex marriages. Do you not see the moral fiber of your country falling apart with all of the sex, violence, and foul language in your TV programming and movies? I tell you because of your sins and idol worship of money and possessions in place of Me, you will meet with My swift justice. Wars, deficits, natural disasters, and terrorism will bring your country down as chastisements for your sins. You have seen My justice in Noah’s day and with Sodom and Gomorrah. So do not expect any less stripes for your sinful behavior. The just I will reward, but the unjust will face the fires of hell.”

Sunday, March 13, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, all of today’s Gospel is focused on Me as the Resurrection and the Life. The vision is of My burial cloth. When I resurrected, My radiance of light burned My image into the cloth. The raising of Lazarus from the grave and his burial clothes are a foreshadowing of My own Resurrection on Easter Sunday. I asked Mary and Martha if they believed in the resurrection of the dead. This is a core belief in your faith because My Resurrection is also a foreshadowing of every soul that will continue to have life after death. My Transfiguration, that showed My glorified body in all of its brilliance, shows you how those, who are faithful, will also be reunited with your bodies in the glory of heaven. Without this hope of resurrection, you would not have much to live for with no reward for following My ways. So rejoice now in this life for My victory over death and sin. I have paid the price for your sins and by accepting Me as your Savior, you will truly be saved and resurrected at the final judgment.”

Monday, March 14, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, the two elders, who were charged with perjury against Susanna by Daniel (Dan 13:1- 63), shows that even your leaders can be corrupted. Many trust those in authority to tell the truth, but even your elected officials can be tainted by sexual offenses or financial rewards. Everything must be discerned against My Commandments to determine that it is true. There are also prophets in every age that are revealing the truth of many sins going on in your society. If the Holy Spirit did not alert Daniel to this injustice against Susanna, the elders could have had her killed, even though she was innocent. Even your justice system is warped with unjust laws that allow abortion, pornography, and same-sex marriages to continue unchallenged. The moral deterioration of your country is evident in what your society allows. Speak out against these unjust laws, or you will be condemned for condoning them with your silence.” Jesus said: “My people, these roots in the ground represent My faithful remnant that will always be well grounded in the faith, even when many have fallen away from Me. My faithful are about to witness a persecution all over the world that will be worse than you have even seen. The evil ones will soon be coming into power, and you will need My protection with My Blessed Sacrament, your rosary, and your blessed Benedictine crosses. I am preparing My refuges of protection for when you will have to flee from your homes. When there is an artificial famine, a schism in My Church, and forced chips in the body, this will be the sign to call on Me and I will have My guardian angels lead you to My refuges for all of your needs. I will protect My Church from the evil ones and you will not be harmed at My refuges. Have trust and hope in My victory over evil, even when it may appear hopeless. Keep rooted in your faith in Me and you will have nothing to fear.”

Tuesday, March 15, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, when Moses raised the bronze serpent, all of those, who were bitten by the serpents, could live by looking on the bronze serpent. This is a strong connection to Me in the Gospel, since those, who look upon Me and follow My laws, will also live on in the Spirit as well. This is a foreshadowing of how I would be lifted up on the cross for all to see and be redeemed. The bronze serpent is also another foreshadowing of the luminous crosses that will be over My refuges. When you look on these luminous crosses, you also will be healed of all of your infirmities. I provided for people in healing in the Exodus and I will be providing healing during the coming modern day Exodus as well. Even today many healings come by calling on My Name and blessing people with My crucifix. I am the Great Healer of sicknesses both in the body and in the soul. Your most important healing can come in Confession as your sins are cleansed and your soul is healed in My grace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are here today and buried tomorrow. Your life here is short as you see the flowers wilt. In the beginning of your life time seemed very slow, but now in your later years the years are flying by like fence posts going by in a speeding car. This vision of the clocks suddenly disappearing means that the time for this age is drawing to a close. Even before you die in your physical body by normal aging, it is possible that I could bring an end to this life. Once you see the Antichrist come to power as he is declared, you will know My time of coming to defeat him is very close. You need to be spiritually prepared to meet Me at your judgment because you could die at any time. Even more so at the time of tribulation, your faith will be tried to its breaking point. Call on My help and I will be there to save you from the evil ones. At this time of trial I will have your angels lead you to My refuges of protection. With Me beside you, you will be saved. So do not fear how you will be tested. The Holy Spirit will give you what to say in your trials before men, so do not be afraid to witness My Good News, even when your life may be endangered.”

Wednesday, March 16, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I keep showing you signs of a simpler life because you spend your time on too many activities that will never help you to heaven. When you go around your house and clean up the clutter, you are free of things in your way. It is the same way in your spiritual life. You spend your time on many distractions, bad habits of addiction, and unnecessary busy tasks every day. By living a simpler life with less clutter in stealing your time, you would have more time for Me in prayer and for helping others. It all comes down to priorities. In your house you decide what is important to stay, and the rest you dispose of. In your spiritual life you decide what will help you to heaven and keep them, but those things that will not gain you heaven, you can dispose of also. This is why a simple life without rushing and without many distractions is better for your spiritual life. The more you can detach yourself from your sinful habits, addictions, and possessions, the closer you will be to the perfection that you need to enter heaven, and this will set you free as in the Gospel.”

Jesus said: “My people, it does not matter whether you live in the city, a suburb, or on a farm. I watch over you wherever you live and you are called to My service. The crucifix in the ground means that you are to give witness to My suffering on the cross in the example of your own suffering. Some have to bear sicknesses, or chronic health problems, or even deaths in the family. It is not easy in this life to carry your cross because you do not know what will happen to you next. If you have faith and trust in My help, you will have nothing to fear. Keep close to Me in your prayers and frequent Confession, and you will be able to bear all the burdens of life. Rejoice in My graces and blessings because I will protect your soul from the evil ones.”

Thursday, March 17, 2005: (St. Patrick)

Jesus said: “My people, these students taking an exam are a representation of how every day everyone is faced with a test of being a Christian in your actions. At the judgment day you will be again walking through every day of your past life, and you will have to make an accounting of all of your actions each day as well as the intentions of your actions. I see every one of your actions and you do not fool Me with your outside actions because I know the intentions in your heart and what you are doing in secret. All of heaven and those around you also see your actions, so you should be mindful of giving good example in all that you do. Some people try to hide their sins in secret, but they are only fooling themselves and not Me. Many will feel great guilt for their sins when they see them in their life review. You can prepare for your death and your Warning experience by reflecting on your sins and confessing them to the priest in the confessional. You cannot change your sins, but they can be forgiven and you can start making reparation for your sins on earth instead of waiting to suffer more in purgatory. You can work to stop repeating your habitual sins, so you will have less to make reparation for. My death on the cross paid for your sins, so claim My graces by seeking My forgiveness.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you have heard Me say many times that ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life.’ At every funeral that you attend, you know that this soul had to come to Me in judgment. No matter how much you might wish that this soul should go straight to heaven, it is proper that you pray for their soul in case they are found in purgatory. If they are not there, then your prayers will be directed to other souls in purgatory. If they are in purgatory, then they will thank you even more for shortening their time there.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know many have a great love for St. Patrick and especially those of Irish descent. On his feast day many of the Irish people remember their dearly departed as they pray for his intercession for their souls if they are still in purgatory. You, yourself, have Irish ancestry, so it is special to remember your parents and all of your family members that have passed on. These souls are grateful for your remembering them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you look out on a clear night and are awed by the size and order of the universe of stars. I am the Second Person of your God who created all that you see in the heavens, and even all that you have not seen as well. Give praise and glory to your God for all of My creation and a special thanks that I have created you as well. Your very life is a gift of God given to each soul. Thank Me for all that I have done for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are those who commercialize certain feast days that traditions have honored for many years. Even Easter has people buying candy and making Easter eggs with bunnies. This may be well for the shopkeepers, but My faithful know there is a deeper meaning to My death on Good Friday and My Resurrection on Easter Sunday. You are about to conclude this Lenten Season with the coming Passion Week. Make yourself available to all these beautiful services that walk you along My path to Calvary. My death has given everyone an opportunity for salvation. My sacrifice of My Body and Blood has atoned for everyone’s sins. Accept Me as your Savior and come to Me in Confession to forgive your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good for you to meet on the holy days because it unites your family with the Holy Family. As you come together in joy, you can share the gift of life that holds you all as one large family. As you celebrate My Resurrection, you are also celebrating your gift of spiritual life as well. It is your belief in My Resurrection that gives you hope one day of resurrecting your own body with your soul. This glorified body is the same body that I showed My apostles.”

Jesus said: “My people, your definitions of life in your laws and judgments make it hard to discern who should be kept alive and who should be allowed to die. My pope son has talked to you about how a person needs breathing and hydration. Feeding tubes and other means for life have been debated and you need to discern what is proper for your loved ones. Usually a person’s health will dictate your response, but there is a time when heroic measures become futile. Pray and discern what is best for each person’s welfare.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you follow Me in My passion and death, think of how much My Blessed Mother had to suffer in watching her innocent Son beaten and crucified to please an angry mob. She knew of My mission and the prophecy of Simeon that she would suffer such sorrows. All the mothers, who have lost sons, should be comforted by My Blessed Mother because she is your mother also. My Blessed Mother even comes to help lead each soul to Me at their death. Those, who have a deep love for My Blessed Mother in her rosary and her scapular, will have My Blessed Mother intercede on your behalf to save your soul. Rejoice that you have such a heavenly intercessor at the time of your death.”

Friday, March 18, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, all of nature is ordered to My plan by instinct and survival. Man is made to My Image in that I gave you freewill to love Me and follow My Will. You also have instincts for survival, but you also have reason to think and choose. I have a plan for every human being and I desire you to follow My Will. If you follow My Will, you will use your talents properly to achieve your mission in life. It is when you do not follow My laws that you fall into sin, and you will have difficulties in performing your mission in live. You are here to accomplish things for My glory and not any fame of your own. I am showing you this example of order in nature so that you can understand the harmony of following My ways over man’s ways. You are made up of a physical and spiritual life in the body and the soul. By being in My grace through frequent Confession, you can walk in harmony with following My Will.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that on the day of the Warning experience people would be frightened from what they saw in the sky. Now I am showing you a comet that will come close to the earth with a great white tail that will frighten many when they see this event. I have told you to be spiritually ready with pure souls for the Warning which is coming soon. This sign of a comet tells you that the Warning also is approaching soon. Everyone will see Me and you will have a life review of your good and bad actions. If you have serious sins on your soul, you could have a vision of yourself in hell. This will be a mercy for sinners and an opportunity for conversion from your habitual sins. My faithful will be working at a fever pitch to bring as many souls as possible back to Confession because of the guilt of your sins. Look for the signs of these events in the skies as the Warning will be the beginning of events leading up to the time of the Antichrist declaring himself.”

Saturday, March 19, 2005: (St. Joseph)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these pieces of wood joined together to represent a joining of your will with following My Divine Will, and the water of Baptism uniting us. You read in the first reading about My covenant with Abraham that I would make him a father of nations and his descendants would be as numerous as the stars. Again in the Gospel My Blessed Mother gave her fiat and I was conceived in her by the power of the Holy Spirit. St. Joseph also agreed to follow the word of the angel and took My Blessed Mother into his home as his wife, even though she was with child. You have so many examples to follow in giving your own freewill over to following My plan for your life. Instead of acting out just your desires, pray for discernment if it is the right thing to do according to My laws. If you give everything over to Me in full consecration, then I can work through you to accomplish great things for My glory. By the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph working with Me, they were the instruments in helping Me to bring salvation to all of mankind. You will be witnessing to My Passion and death on the cross in Holy Week, so you can appreciate how much I love each one of you enough to die for you. I bring love into your lives for Me and when you are married to bring forth your own children. Follow My laws and you will be greatly rewarded in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is time to ask why is America involved in constant wars that do not gain anything for your country? For the answer all you need to do is follow the money being spent on your current war in Iraq. Oil companies and weapons manufacturers are the ones getting rich on the available contracts. You saw how corrupt the oil for food program was and you can imagine the billions of dollars being misappropriated in your own government. It is the rich who control the spending and they profit from wars. The deficits that increase the national debt, that are caused by wars, put more taxpayer interest in the pockets of the central bankers who hold the loans. Once you see that the rich profit from wars, then you find the same people who make excuses to start these wars. Pray and search for peace instead of seeking out more nations to destroy. Love comes in living peacefully with your neighbor and not forcing them to live according to your ways.”

Sunday, March 20, 2005: (Passion/Palm Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the Spirit of My Soul as it left My Body when I died on the cross. I became human with a mortal body and My Soul so I could offer My life up to My Father for the perfect sacrifice that would atone for all of mankind’s sins. This separation of body and soul at death has been a consequence of Adam’s original sin. When I was resurrected in a glorified body, I still had the five wounds in My Body which was a witness that it was the same body. With My Resurrection I give everyone hope after their death that they too can be resurrected with their glorified body after the final judgment. I also became the new Adam, so by Baptism in the Spirit, your original sin can be forgiven. Now with My sacraments you can be freed of your sins even while you are still alive on earth. Rejoice today as you lift your palms to My glory and My victory over sin and death.”

Monday, March 21, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this newspaper being printed because My Good News of salvation is the most important news that you could receive about your eternal life. You have Bibles all over, but unless you pick one up and read it, My Word will not be read. The Good News is that I died for all of mankind’s sins and you are now set free of your sins. This should be shouted from the rooftops to every soul that will listen. If you come to Me for forgiveness, I will cleanse your soul and grant you My grace to restore your soul to the purity after your Baptism. Do not pass up this opportunity to deny your sins and convert your life to worshiping Me instead of the idols of the world. Those, who love Me and follow My Will, are on the right path to heaven. Do not remain in bondage in the darkness of your sins, but come out into the beautiful light of My Easter celebration. By enduring your own Good Friday on earth, you will be carrying your cross to your own death, and then to your final reward in heaven. Be persistent and true to your faith in Me and you will have nothing to fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, man, by all of his scientific madness, is threatening the very survival of everyone on the earth. Your nuclear proliferation among nations threatens nuclear war. Your microwave experiments are threatening your weather and worsening earthquakes and volcanoes all over the world. Your pollution still threatens your warming of the earth and all of your droughts that could cause a world famine. All of your DNA manipulations are threatening diseases and pestilence that you have never seen before. When I return to vanquish all evil on the earth, I will renew the earth as I created it because man has almost destroyed My creations on earth. The blue light all along the horizon is a picture of how I will replenish the earth to its former beauty. Rejoice at My coming because I will restore life to harmony both in the physical world and the spiritual world.”

Tuesday, March 22, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, from dust you were created and unto dust you shall return. This was the theme of Ash Wednesday at the beginning of Lent, and soon you will be ending Lent with the Saturday Vigil of My Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Holy Week is the most moving spiritual event of the year. This is your core belief in My death and Resurrection. This walk to Calvary with Me represents your whole life’s struggle. Each day you pick up your daily cross and witness to your faith in Me by your actions. Your birth is blessed with Baptism as you enter the Church, and you are blessed with the Anointing of the Sick as you leave this life. All of your actions are offered up to Me as your life is consecrated for My glory. Give glory and praise to God for My gift of My life so that all of you may have life in the Spirit, even after your death. The joy of My Resurrection is a promise to all of My faithful that you will also see Me in Paradise.”

Jesus said: “My people, in many ways sinners strike Me with their sins in offending Me. During My Passion I was struck in speaking the truth to the High Priest. I was struck many times in My scourging at the pillar. Then I was lanced with a spear on the cross. I suffered people spitting on Me and belittling My Divinity as the Son of God. I forgave these people for not knowing what they were doing. Even when you commit sins against Me, it is as if you were striking Me again at the pillar. You should be sorry for offending Me and be willing to confess your sins in Confession. With contrite hearts and repentance for your sins, I will pardon you and restore grace to your souls. Give Me reverence in My Blessed Sacrament and protect My consecrated Host from destruction and irreverence.”

Wednesday, March 23, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing this relic of My Blood because it is by the sacrifice of My Blood that your sins are washed clean from your soul. During My scourging and crucifixion it was the loss of My Blood that brought on My death. Even when the spear pierced My side, you saw blood and water come forth to indicate that I had given up My Blood for all of mankind’s sins. You are about to go through these readings of My Passion and commemorate My death on Good Friday. Fridays and the three o’clock hour remind you of My death when you pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Remember that the devil is still among you and tempting you to sin. You must be on your guard to ask My help in fending off his temptations so you can keep your soul clean. Even if you should fall victim to sin, you can be cleansed again by seeking My forgiveness in Confession. My mercy awaits all repentant sinners, so do not remain in your sin, but go to the priest and I will release you of your spiritual burdens. I died for your sins, but if you do not seek My forgiveness, then My death was in vain for you. You have the opportunity in Confession to be freed of your sins, so take advantage of My gift of mercy and grace, and do not pass it by in your spiritual laziness.”

Wednesday, March 23, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this hatch to a ship opened to darkness because this is how you went blindly into this war in Iraq. You have destroyed Saddam Hussein’s tanks and armor, but you are bogged down in dealing with insurgent suicide attacks. It has become harder to exit without some means of authority present to keep order among the Iraqi people. The darkness inside the door is the unknown of how soon America will be able to leave these countries that you have invaded. Fighting a constant battle in a foreign land is not going to be popular with your people when your lost soldiers and expenses are not improving the situation. It would be better if you did not even start these wars because your exit strategy is too hard to determine. War is not going to gain America anything in this region. It would be better to leave gradually and stop interfering in these governments. It is love I desire of your people, but you cannot love your neighbor with constant wars. Look to live in peace without forcing your ways on these people.”

Thursday, March 24, 2005: (Holy Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, this ball of light represents My soul as I left the cross. On Holy Thursday I instituted My Holy Eucharist for every time you remember Me in the breaking of the bread at Mass. This life that left My Body is now present in every consecrated Host. I have not only died for each of you, I have given you Myself as captive in My Blessed Sacrament. I call on My faithful to give reverence to My Real Presence in My Eucharist and to receive Me without any mortal sin on your soul. Anyone, who receives Me in mortal sin, will receive no grace and will commit another sin of sacrilege. If you have mortal sin on your soul, you must confess it in Confession in order to receive My Eucharist worthily. You can adore Me at Adoration or in My tabernacle. You can show your love for Me by making special visits to My Blessed Sacrament. Every time you take time to be in My Presence, you will gain extra graces as your reward for your reverence and love.”

Friday, March 25, 2005: (Good Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you each of My wounds so you could appreciate all that I went through in My Passion and death on the cross for your sins. Just as you commemorate My death, I am still suffering for all of those dying now from abortions, wars, killings, and from natural causes. When you die, you are brought before Me in your judgment when you will see all of your life before you. After you will see all of your sins and good deeds, you will agree that My judgment will be fair. Pray for the souls who are dying now, even as they share their suffering with My death. Everything that you have focused on in life leads up to this final moment of your death. When you have some quiet moments with Me, you can meditate how to prepare yourself spiritually so you are ready with a pure soul to meet Me at your death.”

Saturday, March 26, 2005: (Vigil of Easter)

Jesus said: “My people, I first appeared to the women at the tomb who came to put spices on My Body. They saw My glorified Body and they did not recognize Me until I called Mary by her name. As you read in the Gospel, I told the women to tell My disciples that I had raised from the dead as I told them that I would rise on the third day. My disciples had a hard time understanding what raising from the dead meant, so they found it hard to believe the women’s report. Only when they saw the empty tomb for themselves did they believe. Still St. Thomas had to place his finger in My hands and My side to believe. I told My disciples: ‘Blessed are they who believe in My Resurrection and have not seen Me as they did.’ This is true of all of My faithful who have received My Good News and believe. I love all of you as evidenced in My gift of My life on the cross. I want all of you to love Me also and show your love in your prayers and your good deeds for others. My Resurrection is My ultimate victory over sin and death. It is also My promise to every faithful who believes in Me that one day you also will be resurrected with a glorified body. Live your consecration so you can be with Me for all eternity in heaven.”

Sunday, March 27, 2005: (Easter Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, when you see Me walk out of the darkness into the light, you are seeing all of the sins that I took on from all of mankind. My Father saw Me as sin and accepted My sacrifice on the cross as worthy atonement for all of mankind’s sins. God the Father forgave the sin and the Holy Spirit restored life into My Body. The Light of My Resurrection blinded the soldiers guarding the tomb, but they were paid not to reveal what they saw. My disciples believed in My Resurrection when they saw the empty tomb and My wrappings folded neatly. I revealed Myself several times to My disciples and they saw Me eat food and realized My Body was real and not a ghost. My disciples rejoiced that they could share this Good News with the rest of the world. They even were joyous that they were whipped for witnessing to the beliefs that I taught them. My disciples of today should also be joyful in proclaiming My Good News to all the nations.”

Monday, March 28, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this blackboard is a teaching tool and I want to explain to you what rising from the dead means. You all are knowledgeable that death is a separation of the soul and the body. Everyone is also appointed to die, but death is also the only threshold to reach heaven. The apostles had seen Me raise Lazarus from the dead, but they could not comprehend anyone raising themselves from the dead. They also had a hard time understanding My Divinity and that death could have no power over God. My plan of salvation of offering My life as a sacrifice for everyone’s sins was also difficult to understand. The enlightening of the Holy Spirit helped to inspire the Gospel writers and infused this knowledge in My disciples so they could teach My Good News to all the nations. In today’s Gospel the Jewish leaders tried to keep My Resurrection a secret by paying the soldiers to testify against it. But My appearances in bodily form to My disciples are evidence to everyone that I did rise from the dead on the third day as I foretold many times while I was alive. My disciples only recognized Me when I called their name and broke bread with them. At death you will also have your soul separated from your body, but you have hope in My Resurrection that at the final judgment your body will also be resurrected.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given Myself to you in My Blessed Sacrament in every tabernacle all over the world. You are to follow Me in My tabernacle until your dying day. In other words I have given you My example in My suffering to imitate Me and stay close to Me. You can stay close to Me in daily prayer, frequent Confession, and as many visits to My Blessed Sacrament that you can make. When you find yourself in front of My Blessed Sacrament, you have your Lord and Master always before you. Listen to My calling of My love for your souls and unite your heart and soul with Me in your daily consecration. You have witnessed great things in Holy Week as I died for you and rose again. I gave you Myself in the Last Supper when I instituted My Eucharist in the consecrated bread and wine. Always keep grasping to have your soul in Divine obedience to My Will by giving Me praise and glory for all I have done for you. Give Me thanks for My gift of My Eucharist to all of you. Even if only a few come to worship Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, these few are accepting My graces to be shared by the rest of My faithful. Come to Me with your petitions before My tabernacles and I will hear your prayers more closely for those who are close to Me in My Blessed Sacrament. Encourage others and especially those in your families to make frequent visits to Me in My tabernacles.”

Tuesday, March 29, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, these plates underground in the Indian Ocean are becoming more unstable with each major earthquake. Gradually, there will be a change in the landscape of this area. This pressure will continue to spread along related plate lines in the rest of the world as earthquake activity is increasing in intensity and frequency. This increased earthquake activity will also affect volcanic activity as well. Natural disasters are increasing with ever increasing amounts of deaths. All of these events are adding more signs of the coming tribulation described in the Scriptures. It is a time to prepare spiritually by seeking My forgiveness and for people to move away from these active earthquake sites that will only worsen with increased activity.”

Jesus said: “My people, various people have received messages or apparitions in the mountains, before springs and in churches. It is appropriate that those, who receive messages from Me, should receive them before My Blessed Sacrament or during Holy Communion. Each message should be tested in the Spirit for its source and discerned with the Holy Spirit for the truth of its content. These messages are given to strengthen and assist the faithful in carrying out their Christian responsibilities, but they do not add to the revealed Word of the Scriptures. Heaven sends prophets and messengers of My Word to every age and every people. It is up to the faithful in prayer to test the words if they are in keeping with Scripture and the laws of God. If a message is true, it will also bear good fruit. Follow the words of the true messenger’s of God because I am directing My Word to you through them. I have told you many times that you are living in an evil age, and you are in great need of prayer and fasting for the souls living now. By your good example and prayer, you can bring many souls to conversion. Give glory to Me for all of those souls that you could bring to conversion. Give thanks for these messages, and put them into action to save souls.”

Wednesday, March 30, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel of My meeting My disciples on the road to Emmaus is another example of how people had difficulty recognizing Me in My glorified body. I used that opportunity to explain the Scripture passages describing the coming Messiah, and the suffering servant of God. I showed them why I had to suffer and die to atone for all of mankind’s sins, and to bring everyone salvation by My redemption. This is a fulfillment of God’s promise to open the gates of heaven that were closed by Adam’s sin. This breaking of bread in an upper room allowed My disciples to recognize Me and realize that I truly had risen. I vanished from their sight, but they clearly saw that I was flesh and blood in their midst eating with them. My explanations to them helped them to understand My Divinity and My plan for man’s salvation. Many are touched by this account of how the hearts of the disciples were burning with desire to hear Me explain the Scriptures. Give glory and praise to God that you can recognize Me also in the breaking of the consecrated bread at Holy Communion time in every Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen two major earthquakes in close proximity within just three months. This vision of another massive earthquake with many deaths is how many major disasters are happening with a high intensity and in a shorter time between them. Before you have cleaned up one disaster, another is striking. You saw this also when four hurricanes struck Florida in one season. Many of these events are the worst ever or since many years ago. Natural disasters are occurring all over the world, but many are occurring near water. Open your eyes, My faithful, because I told you that you would see one major event following another. These signs of the end times should alert My faithful to get your spiritual life in order because the tribulation is close. By having a pure soul from Confession, you will be ready to face Me in your Warning experience. Establish your love relationship with Me now while you can, since time for repenting will become more difficult as the Antichrist comes to power.”

Thursday, March 31, 2005: Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, your country has been drawn into a life and death issue over Terry Schiavo and it has polarized your culture of death with those who strive for life. Your laws have allowed the spouse to withdraw water and feeding tubes from a viable woman who had been living this way for fifteen years. Even My pope son favored the feeding. It is your doctors and judges that are determining who should die and who should live. There is a strong concern about euthanasia or mercy killing based on a certain quality of life. This case may be used to emphasize health proxies, but do not be quick to snuff out life early because you may be denying someone’s suffering for the reparation of their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for the health of My pope son because he may be in his last days. It is difficult for the Church to have strong leadership while My pope son has a hard time communicating. Yet he is still pope until his death. These decisions about life and death may be coming in My pope son’s position as well. Pray that your cardinals and bishops will provide the right leadership to direct My Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many disagreements between various nations, ethnic groups, religious groups, and even among family members. Instead of wanting to fight each other, I desire that you all love God and your neighbor. This is My Law of love that binds everyone in harmony, instead of discord and wars. This even means that I am calling you to love your enemies, whether they are abortionists, or Islamic terrorists. This is a hard challenge, but love will heal more hurts than constant wars that solve nothing.”

Jesus said: “My people, your last election voiced many opinions on many subjects and it created many divisions. The most important issue focused on moral issues and family values. After all the talk, America made amends and healed some of its differences. So after many of these court cases on death, it is time to make peace among your people and not accentuate your divisions. If you truly want to follow My laws, then love one another.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen struggles with your homeland security and more recently troubles with Mexican people trying to cross into America for your jobs and health services. You have one side exploiting these foreigners for cheap labor and you have the current residents who are having their jobs and taxes threatened to support these illegal immigrants. Security has been a problem, especially since the terrorists took down your buildings. Unfortunately, this striving to fight a war on terrorism has left you with constant wars with no way out, and a striving for a National Identification through smart cards in your driver’s licences. Be aware how so called noble causes are being used to take away your rights. Strive for laws that are fair to everyone and not just the rich.”

Jesus said: “My people, your ease of transportation has been taken for granted for many years in your use of gasoline cars. Now with high prices for oil and gasoline, people are starting to seriously consider alternate fuels and alternate means of transportation. Ways that do not affect your environment are one incentive, and fuels other than oil could change your political landscape. Work to help each other instead of wasting energy and using energy to control people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in your Divine Mercy Novena preparing for Mercy Sunday where you can have the reparation due for your sins forgiven with My mercy. Celebrating My Easter victory over sin and death carries over into My forgiveness of your sins. Each person has to make a free will decision to choose to follow Me and accept Me as your Savior and Redeemer. I will have mercy in My forgiveness on all repentant sinners, but you must make the first step to admit that you are sinners, and are in need of My grace of forgiveness in Confession. Rejoice in My mercy as you are rejoicing in My Resurrection.”

Friday, April 1, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this image of Me receiving St. Peter represents him as leading My Church and those who are converted to the faith. St. Peter represents the first pope and even now My pope son John Paul II needs your prayers in the hour of his need. In the first reading you are seeing how all souls have to be saved through Me. I died on the cross to redeem all souls no matter what each soul believes. My Word in the Bible is available to everyone to hear the Good News of salvation. In the coming Warning everyone in the world will see Me personally and they will know that salvation can come only through Me. Then there will be no excuse because everyone will either accept Me or reject Me. Those, who know who I am and still reject Me, are going down the broad road to hell. Those, who accept Me as Savior, ask My forgiveness of their sins, and follow My ways, will receive eternal life in heaven.”

Sunday, April 3, 2005: (Mercy Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this kneeler in front of My tabernacle because this is where you can pray and re-charge your spiritual batteries so you can endure the struggles with evil in your life. Some of you have electronic devices to take pictures or movies and you need to re-charge the batteries so they can continue to operate. In your spiritual life you are battling sin and temptations to sin. The more you sin, the more you deplete the graces in your soul. If you commit mortal sin or enough venial sins, you can empty yourself of all grace and you become spiritually dead. It is when you are low on grace, that you can come to Confession and have your sins forgiven. Once you have received absolution from the priest, then I will renew your graces and your soul will be vibrant. When you pray and when you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, you can also gain graces to keep your spiritual strength up to full power. When you are at full strength, I can use you more powerfully in bringing souls to conversion, and you will be strong in your actions to give witness of My love to others. When you find yourself down or weak in your faith, this is the time to gain your grace back in prayer and My sacraments. By keeping your soul pure with full grace, you also will be ready when I will call you home to your judgment before Me.”

Monday, April 4, 2005: (Annunciation)

Jesus said: “My people, this belated celebration of My Blessed Mother’s Annunciation highlights her acceptance of being My Mother for fulfilling her mission in life. She was created without sin and was faithful in following the will of God in the Commandments and her mission. My Blessed Mother has cooperated with Me in fulfilling My planned mission of salvation when I died on the cross for all of mankind’s sins. As you give Me praise and glory on My Resurrection, remember also to thank My Blessed Mother for her role in salvation history. This feast day is placed on this date because it points to My birth that you celebrate on December 25th. My Blessed Mother was faithful in following Me, even at My very death on the cross. I gave her to be your mother in St. John the apostle. She will always be faithful to her children as well when you petition her with your rosaries.”

Tuesday, April 5, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you are born again in the Spirit at Baptism when you become a member of My Church. You are truly a resurrected people when you believe in My death and Resurrection. My suffering and death on the cross was a worthy sacrificial offering to redeem all of mankind from their sins. I have paid the price for your sins, but you must come to Me as a repentant sinner and accept Me as your Savior so I can forgive your sins. Every time that you come to Confession and receive absolution from the priest, you are born again in the Spirit with grace just as at your Baptism. Just as you have witnessed the Easter readings in My appearances to My disciples, so My faithful will also be raised up in your glorified bodies at the final judgment. Rejoice in the Spirit when My graces are bestowed on you as you receive My sacraments.”

Wednesday, April 6, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am the cornerstone rejected by the builders in the Pharisees and Sadducees. I brought a new teaching of love that was a fulfillment of the old law. But the religious leaders of My time felt threatened by My miracles and My teaching in authority. They did not want to accept Me because I was a threat to their power. Also, today there are some religious who also see their authority threatened by those receiving apparitions and locutions. My Word and My death on the cross are My gifts to all of My faithful believers. Those, who believe in My message of love and redemption, have a Christian responsibility to share My message of Good News with those in all the nations. I appointed St. Peter as the head of My Church, and all of My apostles were sent out as missionaries with the power of the Holy Spirit. They went into many lands to convert the people into believing in My Good News of salvation. Even though I left My apostles so I could go back to My Father, they were inspired by the gifts of the Holy Spirit to spread My Gospel of love. All of My disciples of today also have been gifted with the Holy Spirit in Confirmation. You also are called to go out and spread My Good News to all the nations.”

Thursday, April 7, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading My apostles were chastised verbally and later whipped for speaking in My Name and healing a cripple. It was My disciples that I sent out two by two to spread My Word of the Gospel, but they spoke out even though they would be persecuted and later even martyred for their faith. My disciples of today are also called to go forth and speak out in My Name against all of the immoralities going on in your society. Even at the risk of persecution, you must speak out against abortion, homosexual acts, fornication, adultery, masturbation, and birth control. These killings of the unborn and the sins of the flesh are bringing down America and calling down My wrath upon you in chastisements. There will come a time when speaking out in My Name may even endanger your life in martyrdom. Do not be fearful in these days of persecution, for I will protect your souls and give you what to say. Those, who are martyred, will also be instant saints that are accepted directly into heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, many people have talked highly of My pope son John Paul II. He has accomplished much in his younger years by his many trips. Soon all eyes will be focused on the new choice for pope. Not only is there focus on who the next pope is, but focus will also be on his teachings and pronouncements. Pray for My Church so it has good leadership of the faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times you take air, water, and food for granted, but those become hard to acquire, especially in poorer countries. If water is not filtered and purified, you can have many waterborne diseases. If your air becomes so polluted with smoke from manufacturing and power plants, you can develop lung diseases. Chemicals leached into your water also have caused cancers. Your foods also have become tainted with hybrid plants and DNA manipulated crops. Work to improve your environment and your food to cut down on so much cancer and other diseases.”

Jesus said: “My people, the price of your gasoline will continue to rise, but these high prices will affect many parts of your economy. Some of the price is due to the instability of terrorism in many Middle Eastern countries. That is why many are trying to get oil from other parts of the world. Better gas mileage on your vehicles will also influence new research. Man has many opportunities to change fuels, but oil companies will be influencing any options. Much of your traveling may be curtailed by price as it becomes more expensive.” Jesus said: “My people, the latest fight in your war on terrorism has moved your people to develop security that requires smart cards in your licenses and passports. Your passports will soon require digital pictures, iris scans, or voice signals. It will start first with your borders in passports and move to license Ids for airplanes and state borders. In an attempt to control terrorists, you have given up some individual freedoms that will allow your government leaders to control your buying and selling. Avoid using smart cards because they will lead to chips in the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are always seeking to be entertained by TV and vacations. You have a lot of leisure time, but you are spending most of your time on worldly concerns that will not help you get to heaven. If eternal life with Me is your goal after your death, then seeking heavenly things of love of God and neighbor should be your main concern. Prayer and good works will gain you more for your soul because these things store up heavenly treasure instead of your temporary earthly goals.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you are to shun your earthly desires to gain heaven, then you should hear Me when I tell you to come to Me as a little child. The little child has much more trust in Me than adults who worry about having the necessities of life. Teaching the children the faith with enough desire to carry it throughout life is very important. You see very few young people at your prayer groups because they are not being taught the traditional values that you received. Reach out more to your youth to attract them to be closer to Me. Teach them to focus more on eternal life than on the pleasures of this life.”

Jesus said: “My people, your defense industry spends many useless billions on research for the next weapons program. You spend money on stopping missiles, killing machines, and bombs that kill more people instead of trying to provide food and health for your own people. If you reduced this defense spending in half and stopped your constant wars, you would not have to worry about enough money to support the retirement and health plans that are running out of money. Focus more on life in helping people survive than on your death culture of abortions, wars, and man-made diseases for population control. It is better to love and help your neighbor than killing them.”

Friday, April 8, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, when you become sick or are dying, you are sharing in My suffering on the cross. Just as My sacrifice of pain and agony brought everyone redemption, so you can offer up your suffering for reparation of your sins or the sins of others. When you are well, you do not think of how vulnerable you are to sickness and death. But when you are sick, you realize very quickly how your condition can change in your physical weakness. This happens also in your spiritual life. When you are free of sin after Confession, you think that you can stand up to the temptations of sin or you do not even realize that you are a sinner. Remember that you have a mortal nature subject to sickness and death. You also are weak to sin because of Adam’s sin. So you should call on My help daily in giving you good health physically and strength spiritually to defend against sin. You cannot avoid sin on your own, but you need My sacramental grace. With Me all things are possible and you can trust in My love for you and that I will protect you from the evil ones.” Jesus said: “My people, this life line of buoys in the water represents how I am reaching out to save as many souls as possible in the coming tribulation. I have given each of you a gift of faith and it is up to you whether you wish to nourish your faith or refuse to accept My safety line for your spiritual life. My sacraments, especially Confession, are the spiritual life preservers. You must discern what is being taught by calling on the Holy Spirit to inspire you. Follow My teachings of the Gospel and what My apostles have given you. There are truly two choices. The one is to follow the narrow road which may result in persecution and criticism. The other is where most will follow the broad road to hell which is the easy way out of not obeying My Commandments. Do not use the excuse that everyone is committing sins of the flesh because they all are being led by Satan to hell. Those, who follow Me, are called the faithful remnant because they will be fewer in number that will gain heaven. Each of you choose the road that you travel by your own actions. If you want to be saved, you know that you will be judged on how you love Me and your neighbor.”

Saturday, April 9, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, during the tribulation My faithful will be taken to refuges by your guardian angels. This vision of a large cave is an example of such a place of protection from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you. The gleaming crystals will reflect light back into the cave. Many in the Bible sought refuges in caves for protection. There will also be springs of healing water in the caves to heal any disease or infirmity. This water will be for drinking and I will provide food for you as well. There is not much comfort in caves so you may have to make something to sit on or bring a sleeping bag with you. Also bring some warm clothing because they are cool and damp. You will not have to spend a long time in hiding before I will come and defeat the Antichrist and his supporters. Then I will renew the earth in preparation for the Era of Peace. Rejoice when this happens, for then you will see a new heavens and a new earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you to be aware and avoid the snares of the devil. Look at his weapons as he tried to test Me in the desert. The first temptation was for Me to change rocks into bread or a test of pleasures that can test you with gluttony and lust. His second temptation was that the devil would give Me the kingdoms of the earth if I would bow down to him. This was a test of greed for fame and power. The third temptation was for Me to throw Myself over a ledge so the angels would save Me. This was a test of pride in showing My powers. Remember these temptations of the devil for he is cunning and dresses these sins up to be appealing to your earthly weaknesses. If you keep your focus on Me and avoid sin because you do not want to offend Me, then you will not be giving in to your weaknesses to sin. It takes a strong person in faith and grace to avoid succumbing to temptations. Even as a temptation is at the door, you can turn away from entertaining that thought. It is harder to fight off habitual sin, but you can avoid the occasions that lead you to that sin. There is a battle going on for each soul and both Myself and the devil are working to capture you until your dying breath. You will have to keep your guard up against sin at all times because the devil is looking for the least let down to strike. Even if you should fall into sin, you can still be cleansed in Confession. Many souls are lost because they are too lazy or proud to ask My forgiveness in Confession. The sacrament of Reconciliation is your greatest weapon against Satan and sin because it brings your soul back to grace. Take advantage of this sacrament by coming frequently to Confession where I wish to receive you back into My loving arms as did the father of the Prodigal Son.”

Sunday, April 10, 2005: (Mass honoring Pope John Paul II)

Jesus said: “My people, My pope son, John Paul II, has had many accomplishments in his Pontificate and he followed My Blessed Mother’s leading in his devotions to her. Early on he was instrumental in promoting Perpetual Adoration of Me in My Blessed Sacrament. He reached out a welcome hand to all faiths, especially the Eastern Christian Rites. He traveled to more countries to spread the Gospel than any previous pope. He beatified and sanctified many beautiful souls for the faithful to imitate. He reached out to all ages, especially the youth in many countries. He even asked forgiveness from various faiths, and he forgave in prison the man who shot him. His writings and teachings also supported Christian principles even when they were unpopular with this evil world. He spoke out against war and promoted life issues out of love for everyone. All of the traits of this great pope are an inspiration for all of My faithful to carry your own crosses in life.”

Monday, April 11, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a crib scene means that you have come full circle from My birth until My death. My life on earth was very short, but My mission on earth was to save all of mankind by My sacrifice on the cross. My mission of suffering is an example to all of My faithful to have trust and hope in My help throughout all of your lives. Your lives also are short and this life is a test and preparation for your eternal life. Do not fall in love with the pleasures of this life, because you are here to give glory to Me in your actions. In order to enter heaven you need to deny yourself in all of your earthly desires because it is heavenly things and treasures that will bring you to Me. My sacraments of grace are always available to you, so wake up out of your spiritual slumber and follow Me even through persecution and suffering.”

Jesus said: “My people, you heard the witness of St. Stephen in the first reading of how he defended My Name even against the religious authorities of his day. They could not debate him, so they brought false witnesses against him, just as they brought against Me. In the end they stoned him to death as they crucified Me also. If you have joy in this life, know that it is fleeting because this is a life of tears and suffering. When you proclaim My Word in public, you can expect to be persecuted and criticized for My Name’s sake. But if you remain silent in cowardice, how am I to know the sincerity of your love? So if you truly love Me, I call you to share your faith and love with all of those around you. All, that you suffer for Me, will be rewarded after this life. Have hope and trust in Me that you will not be fearful of any punishment or trials here in this life. Even St. Stephen saw Me coming for him as he was being stoned to death. Many saints suffered martyrdom for My sake, but they are with Me now in heaven. Give praise and glory to Me every day of your life and soon you will share Paradise with Me as the good thief did.”

Tuesday, April 12, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, as a part of your Easter celebration, you display the Easter Candle on the altar representing My Light that shines down on everyone. This Easter Light of Mine is also present for the sick and the dying. Every time that you come to a Catholic funeral, you see the Easter Candle in front of the casket. When you were baptized, you received the candle of Light from the Easter Candle to light your way. Then at your death you are given the same Light of the Easter Candle to light your way to Me at your judgment. You are trying to follow Me, but My Light is always following your soul because I give you the spark of life that keeps you alive in this world. When you see that your very life has to be sustained by Me, how can you refuse to love Me or refuse to follow My Commandments? All life is too precious to waste, so you can appreciate more why life is so worthy to defend in all of its forms. Anything, that is alive, has been given its life by Me. That is why any sin against life in killing or abuse in its creation becomes a serious mortal sin. Rejoice when you unite with Me in marriage as you bring new life into this world with your children. Babies are the joy of your life at any age. The light that you see in these little ones is the light of life that I share with all of humanity.”

Jesus said: “My people, natural disasters are increasing and many will suffer from these problems as a consequence of their sins. There are some very devoted faithful who by their prayers have postponed many events that could have happened before now. Some are critical that the events of the end days are not happening soon enough. These events have been minimized for the sake of the elect because you could not tolerate a long time of suffering. My refuges will be places of help for all, but do not be concerned about the time or place where they are. Be thankful that I go to prepare a place for you both here on earth and in heaven. I love all of you and I will provide for your every need.”

Wednesday, April 13, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you many times to have faith in Me as a little child does, because it is a simple love without conditions. In the vision children can have fun with the things of this life as adults have fun with their own toys of this world. But do not become so occupied with the things of this world that you leave no time for Me in your life. Your time on earth is short and precious. The more you direct your time to fulfilling My mission for your life, the closer you will come to having your reward in heaven. If you only want to serve yourself instead of Me, then it will be hard for Me to use you for My plan. You need My grace for purpose in your life, but you must open your heart and soul so I can come in and be a part of your life. I want you to love Me and be in harmony with love for your neighbor. Stay close to Me in your daily prayer life, and you will be able to ward off any selfishness to control your own desires and time. Being in control of your life could lead you on the broad road to hell. Let Me be in control of your life and you will be on the narrow road to heaven.”

Thursday, April 14, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, your Homeland Security is the vehicle that the one world people will use to force smart card chips on everyone. They will use terrorists, illegal aliens, and a rash of staged identity thefts to get the people to encourage mandatory smart cards. This will not help any problem because smart cards can be manipulated anyway, but this will enable control which the men dressed in black will enforce. You will see the thieves and terrorists running free as the men in black will be more focused on patriots and religious for hate crimes against abortions and homosexual people. Once the smart cards are in place, then mandatory chips in the body will follow. This will closely be followed by martial law to remove those who are against the new world order. I have called My faithful to go to My refuges before these men in black try to force chips on you at your homes. If you refuse, you will be taken to detention centers. All of these events about world famine, divisions in My Church, and forced chips in the body are all coming to fruition. I will protect My people at My refuges, but many will have to leave their homes or face martyrdom for your faith. The end time signs are all around you. All that you have to do is open your eyes of faith, and you will see that the tribulation is almost upon you.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you have seen two major earthquakes in Indonesia with hundreds of thousands killed from the tsunami and falling buildings. Recently, you are now seeing volcanoes in this area triggered by all of this earthquake activity. I told you that these plates are very unstable and continued activity could lead to more serious earthquakes and volcanic activity. This area has a high population in dangerous areas that could cause more deaths. See that all of these earthquakes are continuing signs of the end times.” Jesus said: “My people, fresh water will be increasingly hard to find as more people with an increasing population are putting strains on your available water supplies. All of your wells need to be ready, especially at your refuges for the people to drink. Volcanoes and various natural disasters could poison or destroy your present fresh water supplies. I have asked you to store some water and food so I could multiply it in the coming tribulation. My miracles will be needed to provide for My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, your oil and gasoline prices have been at historically high prices not because of supply, but more from increased demand from countries like China in addition to America. More people are using vehicles that consume more fuel than in previous years. Demands for cars, heating homes, and running businesses are pushing up fuel prices. People and countries need to start conserving their usage, or inflated prices for all commodities could cause inflation in many industrial countries. It is America’s fuel consumption that has provided your high standard of living, but it will soon be decreasing because of cost and a loss of manufacturing jobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, look at how evil your movies and TV programs have become. Many are living together without marriage both in heterosexual and homosexual relationships. Together with your abortions, euthanasia, and cloning, your actions are crying out for My judgment. America needs to wake up and change its immoral ways before you will see natural disasters and martial law take over your country. You have only a short time to repent before the evil ones will take over your country. You forget how precious your freedoms are until you will be persecuted for My Name’s sake. Leave at that time for My refuges and you will be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been ongoing wars all over that are resisting America’s occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. America’s troops are stretched thin in many countries in the world and you are vulnerable to more wars. Many countries are angry at America for forcing its ways on other peoples. America needs to use diplomacy more than war to settle disagreements. Seek peace first and not war at any price.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your problems with nature occur because of where you choose to live. People near mountains do not realize the potential problems from floods and mud slides that could kill many. Those located along your Southern coasts are very vulnerable to hurricanes and tornadoes. You saw many killed from the tsunami near the water as well. With so many natural disasters on the increase, it might be better to choose to build your homes out of harm’s way in safer terrain. Many of the latest killings from nature show you that these things are just waiting to happen, so be far away from them or pay the consequences.”

Friday, April 15, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, these New Age symbols of pentagrams in star shapes, crystals, and all their gods and goddesses are being brought into My Church by curiosity and modernism. Many do not understand that this one world religion worship is straight from Satan and it is his plan to destroy My Church. He will not be successful because My faithful remnant will live on as I told you that the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church. The masons in My Church will be stripping your churches of all that is holy to replace them with the evil influence of New Age teachings of Eastern meditation. When the words of Consecration are not said properly, there will be an invalid Mass and I will not be present in that church. When you see this or New Age teachings and symbols brought into churches, then leave these churches to avoid the evil influences. My faithful remnant will be forced out of the current churches into proper Masses in the homes. This will begin the division in My Church and I am warning you to prepare spiritually for these attacks. Some already are saving blessed rosaries, Benedictine crosses, and those things needed for Mass with a holy priest. As evil progresses to the time of tribulation, you will be leaving for My refuges of protection. I am giving you these warnings to save your souls from the evil ones. Do not have fear, even when things look hopeless, but trust that My victory will come soon after the Antichrist comes to full power. Stay close to Me in prayer and My sacraments, for you will only be saved by calling on My power and grace over evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not going to be a safe time to live during the tribulation. The choice will be almost sure death at a detention center, or some safety once you reach a refuge. The one world people are building more detention centers as well as crematoriums to dispose of the bodies. These people are very callous as they want to dispose of their opposition as quickly as possible. They see patriots and religious people as their enemies and the first to go that will not give up and they will not change their ways. Since it will be difficult to control so many people, martial law will not be declared until they have secretly captured most of the leaders of these groups. Many will lose their lives for My sake, but you must trust in My help for your souls to be saved. As you see all the signs around you, know that My coming in victory is not far off also.”

Saturday, April 16, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, many Roman Catholics and other faiths have found it hard to believe that My Body and Blood are fully present in My consecrated bread and wine. Even many of My disciples fell away when I called them to eat My Flesh and drink My Blood. For those, who do not look beyond the physical into the spiritual, it is hard to comprehend this belief in My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. I have told you that I will be present among you even until the end of time. I will be present to you in My tabernacles, and even protected among My faithful remnant when you will have to protect My hosts from desecration. Even Satan and the evil ones know My Presence as powerful because they use My Hosts to desecrate at their black masses. Satan’s attacks are strongest against My priests who consecrate, and in his attempts to remove My Eucharist from the churches. As in My day, there are fewer today who believe in My Real Presence. Those, who do believe and treasure My gift of Myself to you, embrace Me with love at daily Mass in Holy Communion, and at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Come to visit Me in My tabernacle and give Me praise and glory as you will do in heaven. My Eucharist is a taste of heaven, so you are prepared to praise Me every day as My angels and saints do. Everything that you do should be for My greater glory and praising Me should be your joy to share your love with Me.”

Sunday, April 17, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the beauty of creation as I have made it, and not as how man views it in your Darwin Theory which has never been proven. You have only one God in Me and I am the only One worthy of your praise and worship. Do not follow the New Age view of creation which worships created things instead of the Creator. Man wants to develop his own thoughts of how the universe was formed and not the words of Holy Scripture. This picture of light and darkness shows you the contrast between good and evil. This battle will be coming to a head as the tribulation is at hand. My faithful need spiritual confidence in My power and you need to build up your spiritual stamina with prayer and My sacraments. Wear blessed sacramentals as protection against the evil ones. Now is the time to put on your spiritual armor and speak out courageously with the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are blessed to have coal, oil, and natural gas in plentiful supplies. It is the oil that you need to import that is causing a large drain of money to leave your country. With the high price of oil, other alternatives such as wind, hydrogen, and oil shale are becoming more feasible. Even alcohol from your grains could give you added industry and a source of energy. Until your government removes the strangle hold of your oil companies, it will be difficult to have a viable energy source beyond oil. Other fuels are available, but you may have to build new vehicle engines to adapt to these alternatives. Technology can help you, if your companies had a free hand to do this development. Your standard of living has relied on cheap available fuels, but it will be lowering because newer energy sources will be more expensive. America will become less of an influence in the world as your economy lessens and your military becomes weaker. Trust in My help to provide for your needs and do not depend on your transitory wealth.”

Monday, April 18, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Good Shepherd of many flocks and not just the Jews and Catholics. I died for all of mankind and not just a few, so My mission is to call everyone to salvation out of love for all of you. So do not think that any of you are more worthy to be saved than anyone else. In My eyes of love all of you are equal. So when I call you to evangelize souls, do not just stop with fallen away Catholics, but reach out to save souls of all faiths, all languages, and all ethnic groups. In the early Church St. Paul and later even St. Peter were instructed to evangelize even the Gentiles. Some of you are more comfortable speaking about religion to those of your own faith. But I am telling you to reach out with My Good News to those of all faiths because their souls are just as valuable to be saved. In every case all sinners need to repent of their sins and accept Me as their Savior. Some religions may not want to accept Me now, but after they have their Warning experience, they will see that salvation can only come through My redemption on the cross. Trust and have hope in Me and I will bring your soul to heaven.”

Tuesday, April 19, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, these missing candles represent how the structure of My Church will be changing because of the reduction in the numbers of priests. You are seeing more churches and schools closing than new ones opening. Only where the faith is strong with Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament is My Church thriving. The other areas where faith is weak, My Church is dying on the vine. Many vocations are being turned away because of the effects of modernism and homosexual problems in My Church. Bankruptcies are closing some churches, and financial problems due to priests being sued have threatened other dioceses. Where the morals have deteriorated, My Church is in a state of decline. Where nations lose their faith in Me, these countries will fall in importance and financial disaster. Now is the time to revitalize your faith and lift up My Church, or you will lose all of your freedoms and be forced to worship Me in secret. Many countries like America are becoming infected with affluence and a loss of morals. This will lead your country into oblivion because you are turning your back to Me and you are losing your faith.”

Wednesday, April 20, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, some of My faithful will be called to hide in caves for protection from the evil ones in the time of tribulation. My Light in the darkness of evil will be needed to light your way in the dark caves. You will need warm clothes in the caves, but they will provide a place to stay where I will provide you with healing water and food to survive. At My refuges you will be protected by My angels from evil men searching for you and you will be protected from any wild animals and snakes. Learn to trust Me in the most hopeless cases and you will see how My protection goes before you as I protected My people in the Exodus from the Egyptian Army.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you in Scripture at My agony in the garden of how I was tempted not to drink of the cup of crucifixion. But then I said that I would do the will of My Father in heaven. I talked also of how the devil would have his hour with Me. (Matt. 26:45, Mk. 14:41) Up to that time I walked through those that wanted to capture Me and kill Me. It was only at the appointed time that I allowed My betrayal and My crucifixion. I am showing you this vision of Stonehenge because it also indicates special times of special events. I have given you that the tribulation leading up to the time of the Antichrist would not start until after everyone has witnessed their Warning experience. The events of a world famine, division in My Church, and forced chips in the body are all in position to happen. These events will not come together until this appointed time after the Warning. Just as Satan was given an hour to crucify Me, so he will again be given his hour to test My faithful remnant to try and destroy My Church. I will protect My remnant at My refuges, but many will be killed and some of My people martyred for My Name’s sake. Trust in My power for I will bring victory over Satan, the Antichrist, and the false prophet. Then you will see the earth and the heavens renewed and My Era of Peace brought about.”

Thursday, April 21, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you come to Mass, you are given the grace of My Eucharist to go forth and share My Gospel of Good News with everyone. It is not easy to preach My Word to those who are not listening, but you can always be a witness of My love in your daily actions. Do not be afraid to pray your rosary in public or to say your prayers before meals when you are in a restaurant. Your children should be nurtured in the faith so that you give them good example in daily prayer, Mass, and frequent Confession. You need My help to strengthen you in your daily battle with the evil one’s temptations. To be a good soldier in faith you must be constantly armed with blessed sacramentals, a rosary, and My Blessed Mother’s scapular. By being focused on family prayer and keeping your focus on Me, you can be an evangelist even in your own little way of carrying My cross.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I have prepared My faithful remnant with My messages about the coming tribulation time. You will witness an internal division in My Church, and then you will face the authoritarian rule of the Antichrist when he will close today’s churches for worshiping Me. You are seeing a partial Host at Adoration as an indication how you will have to protect My consecrated Hosts from desecration by the evil ones. Some may even suffer martyrdom to protect My Hosts. Enjoy the proper Mass while you still can because you will have to go underground to preserve My Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, the United Nations and many one world organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) are trying to flaunt their authority over all national laws. Many of your government leaders are giving up their authority to go along with all of these one world edicts. A current proposal is to put all of your herbs and vitamins under control of WHO and your FDA that would control these substances as drugs and raise their prices by ten to twenty times your current prices. This is just the beginning of how the one world order will control you.”

Jesus said: “My people, mandatory smart cards in your passports have been delayed briefly to have time to implement this change. This will force everyone to have biometric images in chips for your identity on your passports. If you refuse to use these chips, then your travel to other nations will be limited. The next attack will be on having chips in your driver’s licenses because of terrorists and aliens coming into your country. These will eventually be needed to cross state borders and fly on airplanes. Again your travel will be limited without using these smart card Ids. Then your buying and selling will be controlled and this will follow into mandatory chips in your body. As your lives become threatened by these chips in the body, you will have to call on My help and leave for My refuges. Trust in Me and I will help you to endure this tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, without using smart cards you may lose all of your money. You would not be condemned for using smart cards, but I am warning you not to take chips in your body, even if they threaten to kill you because these chips could control your mind. Those, who knowingly take chips in their bodies and worship the Antichrist, will assuredly be condemned to hell by your own choosing. Do not take chips in your body and warn your friends and relatives also to avoid these chips. Many souls are at stake and it is the duty of My faithful to protect people from being controlled by Satan. Pray for My protection of your souls and do not be concerned if you must die for your faith. Better to be in heaven as a martyr than in hell as your condemnation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you to put aside some food that I will multiply in your time of need during a world famine. Natural disasters will reduce your food supplies so that many will be starving. Buying and selling of food will then be controlled by smart cards and chips in the body. If you do not have these chips, you will not be able to buy food. This will be the time to seek My refuges for food and water. Everything that I have warned you about is coming true so you can witness to the truth of My Word. Act now to provide for this time to help yourself and your friends and relatives.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you have been blessed with plentiful food, while many nations have a high percentage of their people that are starving in the third world. America has never suffered from starvation, but during the world famine many will be killing for food. This is why I have asked you to call on Me and I will have your angels lead you to interim and final refuges for food and water. My faithful should not fear because as in the Exodus, I will provide for both your spiritual and physical needs. This will be a time of full trust and deep prayer for protection from the evil ones. Rejoice when you see these events because you know that I will soon conquer all evil and you will see the new heavens and a new earth in My Era of Peace.”

Friday, April 22, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, on the surface in the physical world things may appear calm to you. In the spiritual world you could see the flames of hell all around you as in the vision where evil is running rampant. The flames of the evil ones are a warning that you are in a battle with evil in the principalities and powers of the demon angels. This will only worsen as the Antichrist will be allowed his hour. You cannot fight this evil by yourself, because you will need My graces and My angels’ power to defend your souls. Even as this family is protected from the flames, I will be with you so you will not be tested beyond your endurance. The most important warning is that all of My faithful need to realize that you are in the midst of this battle for souls between the good and evil forces. You cannot afford to be lax in your spiritual life because there are more distractions and temptations to leave Me than ever before. You must keep your spiritual strength up with constant prayer and work to save as many souls as you can. You are dealing with a life and death battle in the spirit world. Hold fast to Me even more as you are approaching the days of tribulation and an evil that you have yet to experience. Have total trust in My power over Satan, and you will have no fear even amidst the flames of evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, all along the Pacific Rim of fire you are seeing continuous earthquakes and even multiple volcanoes going off in Indonesia. Much of this new volcanic activity is putting a lot of ash into the atmosphere that could begin to affect your weather. I have mentioned to you before that demons are being unleashed from volcanoes going off. These latest large earthquakes that caused the tsunami are more warning signs of the coming tribulation. The morals are worsening in the world and they can be described as similar to the evil as in the time of Noah and the flood when evil was also rampant. These increasing signs of the end times should bring you more to prayer in preparation for My return in judgment of the earth.”

Saturday, April 23, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you have been basking in the sun of My Light from My Resurrection in your Easter Season. You have come out of the darkness of My tomb just as this train came out of a dark tunnel. Now that winter’s cold and snow has melted away, you are witnessing the new growth of spring in the flowers and the budding trees. This new life should be an inspiration to improve your spiritual life as well. Much of your increased prayer life in Lent could be carried out through the rest of the year. Just because Easter and Lent have passed, do not become lax in your spiritual life. You constantly are in a battle with the devil’s temptations, so always be on your guard to protect your soul by asking for My help. Those, who cannot keep swimming upstream against sin, will be swept away by your sins and addictions to this world’s desires. Stand up and carry your cross boldly and do not waiver from your focus on Me and your goal to be with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this trip traveling up an escalator represents your lifetime as you age through life. No matter how long your earthly life lasts, it is a very short time until you meet Me at your judgment. This is why it is so important not to waste your time on frivolous selfish interests, when you could be following My mission for your life to give Me all the glory. As you love Me and your neighbor every day, let your actions give praise to Me in your prayer and good deeds in helping others. You do not know how long you have to live here, so your life should be a constant preparation for your death. Live to please Me by following My mission for you, and you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Sunday, April 24, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the vision many evil demons walking among your people in America. It is no wonder that evil lurks in your cities with drugs, crime, and prostitution. In the rest of your society you are dealing with abortions, sexual sins and homosexual marriages. Your food and science have been perverted in cloning and misuse of manipulated DNA. The evil of Sodom and Gomorrah is no less than what is going on in your country. That is why you have been given so many warnings to repent and change your ways before I will bring My wrath against America for your many sins. You have seen some natural disasters as chastisements, but worse things will befall you because you still do not admit your sins and see the need for repentance. Your time for change is running out and you will be facing hard times as you are floundering by your own bad decisions. You all will face the consequences of your individual actions, but even more your sins as a nation will also exact My retribution. You have seen the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah described in Scripture from My justice, so you will also see destruction facing America for its evil ways.”

Monday, April 25, 2005: (Rose Polizzi’s funeral Mass)

Rose said: “I am so happy to have all of my family and friends here to say one final good-bye. I want to thank all of my care givers in my last days, even if my memory was failing. I truly enjoyed life, and sharing my life with others was my greatest joy. I want to thank you, John, and your beautiful prayer group. I always looked forward to our meetings and our sharing in prayer and sharing our life’s experiences. Your group truly helped me through my dear husband Tony’s passing. Thank you for sharing my gift of life with you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the first design that I showed you represents the perfection of My creation. The darkness represents how man’s manipulation of nature is destroying it. Man in his pride thinks that he can improve on My perfection, but he is sadly mistaken. You are imperfect, so everything that comes from your hands only will be imperfect also. The only way, that you could ever come to perfection to enter heaven, is through My help and My graces. You desire to heal people through medical discovery, but using fetal tissues for this purpose in stem cell research and cloning will not be allowed to be successful. Your manipulations of DNA are for man’s idea of a better plant or human cells, but you do not take into account the balance of nature, or natural processes. Be satisfied with My creation of things and you will not have to worry about side effects. Man has so distorted My creation that when I come, I will have to make a new heavens and a new earth to put things in their rightful place.”

Tuesday, April 26, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, peace and joy in this life are very limited in your vacations, a new baby, or one of your children graduating or getting married. You also have to deal with the everyday struggles of life in sickness and death. You have some spiritual joys and peace in your life also in your prayer life, receiving My sacraments and time with Me in front of My Blessed Sacrament. Your ultimate peace, that will last forever, is your goal to be with Me in heaven. It is your need for spiritual peace and rest that can only be found in Me. You rest in sleep and you get a break on vacations, but your real rest and respite from life’s trials comes from prayer and receiving Me in Holy Communion. When you can go on retreat for a weekend or contemplation, this is a better rest than the world can offer. Life’s trials are difficult to handle on your own, so seek your true rest in Me and I will lighten your earthly burdens.”

Jesus said: “My people, loving relationships in marriage are beautiful expressions of devotion for both spouses. Those marriages that have lasted many years require true love and giving of each spouse to the other. A good prayer love of similar faiths also is helpful in binding a marriage with Me in the middle. The love for the spouses is magnified in their love for Me and a desire to love others as well. Love is contagious because it cannot be contained, but must be shared. There should also be a commitment by each spouse to strive to live by the vows that you shared on your wedding day. Each spouse by keeping your vocation to your marriage can also be a means of salvation for the other. I have called each person to their own mission and their own vocation. Some are called to marriage, some to the religious life, and some to the single life. Whatever is your calling, strive to be faithful to your vows that you have made before Me and you will find your reward in heaven.”

Wednesday, April 27, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, life in many ways can be considered as a race to the finish line at death. St. Paul the Apostle gave this testimony near his death. (Timothy 4:6-8) “As for me, I am already being poured out in sacrifice, and the time of my deliverance is at hand. I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith. For the rest, there is laid up for me a crown of justice, which the Lord, the just Judge, will give me in that day; yet not to me only, but also to those who love His coming.” St. Paul is an example to everyone as one of My greatest missionaries. All of you are called forth to share My Good News in the Gospel with all of those who will listen and be converted. The same reward in heaven awaits all souls who have fought the good fight against evil throughout their lives. Every soul that you bring to Me in conversion is a witness of My glory in your work to spread the faith. Every day of your life is a struggle, but you are led by My grace to endure your trials and give Me praise and glory in all that you do. Then when your life draws to a close, you will be able to repeat the words of St. Paul in the previous quotation.”

Wednesday, April 27, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen terrorist plots to assassinate certain heads of state or lesser officers in Islamic states. This will be an attempt on a world renowned head of state. If the attempt is successful, that country will have a severe setback and it could even influence the finances of that country. Pray for your leaders and their physical protection in a world where sacrificing one’s life for a cause is strong enough to cause suicide attacks. Pray also for peace in your world where radical elements want to control those in authority.”

Thursday, April 28, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you do not want to gamble or take chances with either your physical life nor your spiritual life. In this life some gamble with their lives in taking excessive drugs, alcohol, or cigarette smoking. Others abuse their bodies with eating too much fast food or desserts causing problems with diabetes or cholesterol. Some also avoid seeing a doctor or a dentist for long times. It is against the Fifth Commandment to abuse your body that would endanger your life. You also have only one soul and you should not gamble with your spiritual life either. You can endanger your soul with mortal sin, habitual sin, or bad addictions. Living in sinful heterosexual relationships without marriage, or homosexual relationships are also death to your soul. Just as staying away from doctors is bad for your physical health, staying away from the priest in Confession is also bad for your spiritual health in your soul. It is your Christian responsibility to take care of your bodily health and your spiritual health in your soul. These are two areas of your life that you cannot afford to gamble with because it could cause the death of your body or the loss of your soul to hell.” Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, it is in the breaking of the bread that the disciples recognized My resurrected Body. It is in the raising of the Bread at the Mass that you recognize the Real Presence of My Eucharist. This table against the wall of a dining room represents how you will have to share the Mass underground in the homes. Be joyful that I will be with you even during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, many are being called by the Holy Spirit to set up refuges in rural areas. Some have the finances to maintain a decent home in the wilderness. Some are only fortunate to have the land and dilapidated wood cabins that need repair. Now is the time to discern about preparing places of refuge by repairing whatever homes that you can fix up. My faithful will be protected at My refuges by My angels as you are provided for in your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, the sun setting represents time running out before the time of the tribulation is at hand. The pictures are reflecting My Light and it is entering the hearts of the faithful. Some are working hard to set up viable refuges so the faithful will have a place to stay in hiding out in the country. Those, who have discerned to start refuges, have been given the right land and finances to carry it out. Rejoice that I have gone before you to prepare these refuges to provide shelter for My remnant. My angels will also bring you food, water, and healings as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, springs of water will be necessary for survival at all of My refuges. In addition to providing water to drink, these springs will contain healing waters for all diseases. You will see many miracles of multiplication to provide enough food for all the faithful that will be led to these places of protection. The evil ones will not be able to detect these refuges, even with all of their sophisticated technical tools. Just as I provided for the Israelites in the Exodus, so I will be providing for all the needs of My faithful remnant.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many concerns to provide security for airplane flights after the highjacked planes destroyed your buildings. These steps indicate how much to do is being made over the need for a National Identification smart card to be able to identify suspected terrorists. Much of these efforts will not deter terrorists from still making fake documents and many Americans will have their identities compromised by these smart cards. Trust in Me and I will see to all of your cares.”

Jesus said: “My people, the disciples were afraid of the Romans and the religious leaders, so they hid in the upper room. Until they received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, they did not have the courage to speak out about Me. It is this grace of the tongues of fire that gave them their grace of speech in foreign tongues that helped spread the Good News all over many nations. It is this same Holy Spirit today that also inspires missionaries to spread the Word of God to all the nations. Continue to rejoice in this mission for all of you to bring souls to salvation.”

Friday, April 29, 2005: (St. Catherine of Sienna)

Jesus said: “My people, many times I have given you messages to express My deep love for every soul that I created. This vision of a joyous time of a wedding to confirm the love of a marriage of a husband and wife is likened to the love I have for My Church and all of its members. You also know of the love of a mother for all of her children. There is a deeper love for all of you because you are the souls that I have created. I represent the new Adam because My death on the cross has freed you from your sins. I paid the price with My Blood for all of you. This is how much I love each of you that I gave up My life for you. You still have sickness and death as a result of Adam’s sin, but once you are resurrected in your glorified bodies, there will be no effects of Adam’s sin on you. To enter heaven you must be purified by My grace and your suffering either on earth or in purgatory. You have a choice to love Me or not because I have given you free will and I do not force My love on you. If you truly love Me and you want to thank Me for My love and your creation, then you must show Me in your actions. You can share your love with Me in prayer, good deeds in loving others, and seeking My forgiveness of your sins in Confession. Just as in a marriage there is mutual love for each spouse, so your love can be mutual with Me. I love everyone without any conditions, so it is always your choice to love Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the stadiums where the Antichrist or his predecessor will be gaining in popularity as a man of peace. By traveling all over the world he will begin to control the minds of the people that watch and listen to him. He will perform miracles or magic that will entice people to believe in him. As his time draws close to declare himself as a world leader, his powers of suggestion and mind control will grow stronger. Once he declares himself in authority, just looking at his eyes will hypnotize people to worship him. It will be at that time that you will go to My refuges of protection, so do not look at him or listen to his words. He will have demonic powers and will be heavily influenced by Satan himself. Once the Antichrist comes to full power, this is when I will come to defeat all the demons and the evil ones as they will be swept into hell and chained. Have faith and trust in My power as I will then make a new heavens and a new earth. Rejoice when you see this figure come on the scene because it is a sign that My coming is not far away.”

Saturday, April 30, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, these stains on the wall represent the stains of sin on your souls. The sacrament of Reconciliation is where you can come to Me in the priest to have these stains removed and your soul will be renewed in My grace. When you come to make a good confession, you prepare yourselves in prayer to remember your sins and to seek My forgiveness of your sins. When you sin, you also offend Me because you are following your ways instead of My ways. In order to stay on your path to heaven, you should focus on following My Will for your life. When you follow My Commandments and My laws, your life will be in harmony with the mission that I have given you. It is when you deviate from My plan that you fall into sin. But your sins can be forgiven in Confession that puts grace back in your soul and puts you back on your right path toward heaven. When you do things out of love for Me, you will be more focused on Me and less likely to fall into sin. I love all of My people and I want you to love Me in return and keep your souls free of sin by your good actions and frequent Confession.”

Mary said: “My dear children, I thank you for all of your rosaries and intentions which I send on to My Son, Jesus. I am here blessing all of you for your work to spread My Son’s Gospel and help to evangelize souls to be saved. You really are in a battle against evil and only through heaven’s help can you be protected. Pray to Me and My Son daily for the spiritual strength to endure this battle. My mantle of protection is around all of My children so your souls will be protected. Your scapulars, rosaries, and blessed sacramentals are your weapons for this battle.”

Sunday, May 1, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you are preparing for receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and He gives you courage to speak out the truth about My Word of Scripture. You have seen a great witness to My truth in today’s homily from this priest. I have come to teach My people how to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. I have come to fulfill the law and enhance it with love. When I teach about the truth, I have a deep love for mankind and My desire is to save every soul. If you follow My Commandments of love, the truth will set you free from your sins. You must look to Me as your Savior and seek Me in Confession for the forgiveness of your sins. The Holy Spirit has been poured out on you in Confirmation and He gives you courage and spiritual strength to speak of My Word of conversion to all the nations. In every sacrament that you receive, you have grace from all the Persons of the Blessed Trinity. Even in receiving Me in Holy Communion, you receive grace from God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. I have sent many saints and prophets to defend the truth of faith that I gave in My words of the Gospel. When you are called to defend My Word against abortions, sexual sins, birth control, and homosexual acts, do not remain silent, but with courage speak out as a witness against the evil of today’s society. The morals of your country are so low that I have sent many chastisements for your sins. Unless America repents, you could lose your souls. So call on My grace in constant prayer to help you battle the evil ones that are influencing your people to sin.”

Monday, May 2, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the early Church as seen in the Acts of the Apostles, St. Paul and his disciples had their Masses and meetings in the homes before they had built churches. After the persecutions were over, Christians built many beautiful churches so that Masses could now be said in them until today. I have given you many messages of how there will be a coming division in My Church. The schismatic church will control the churches for a while as the faithful remnant will have to move to the homes again for a proper Mass. As the Antichrist declares himself, a new persecution will occur where evil people will take over or destroy the churches. My faithful remnant will then have to seek out My refuges for protection. Once this evil reaches control over the earth, then I will come and vanquish all the evil ones and chain them in hell. You will not have proper Masses much longer in your present churches, so appreciate your daily Masses while you still have them.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a cross on the water represents the struggle that you have every day to keep your head above the water as in your finances. Jobs are being transferred out of your country, or to places of cheaper labor making it harder for someone to hold down a good paying job for a number of years. With all the evil movies and evil behavior all around you, it is also harder to keep your soul above water from falling into mortal sin. You cannot fight these battles and carry your cross all alone. Only with My grace and My help will you have enough spiritual stamina to survive your trials. Once you can admit that you need My help and you are willing to give up your earthly desires to follow My mission, then I can use you to accomplish a lot of beautiful things that you could not do alone. If you truly want to see My glory in what you can accomplish, then give your will over to following My Divine Will. Many souls can be saved when you follow My ways to give a witness of faith. Others can see the effect in your life of My love and grace and they will desire the same joy of My peace in their lives. Give Me praise and glory every minute in your actions, and you will have My peace and rest that cannot be found in the world.”

Tuesday, May 3, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, your children are all gifts from Me, but the parents have a deep responsibility for their physical and spiritual well-being. No matter how many problems are going on with the parents’ finances, jobs, or places to live, it is important not to take it out on your children in either physical or verbal abuse. Such situations have even caused social services to take the children out of harm’s way for the safety of the children. Such abuse can scar a child for life in causing many personality problems in later life. As you bring children up in the faith, it must be your good example in prayer that can help your children truly desire to know and love Me. As children grow older, there are many distractions and time constraints with work and school that could lead them away from going to church. Every child has free will to choose their religion and at a certain point in their lives, they need to make a personal choice that I am important in their lives. Once someone has fallen away from their faith, it will require much prayer and fasting to put My love back into their hearts. That is why it is also important for a child to witness true love from the parents so they do not lose heart and cannot even love themselves. Many problem children in crime and killings result from not enough love. So hug and love your children and it will give them a feeling of worth and security both in this life and the spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, this serpent represents Satan and his attack on mankind to steal souls away from Me. The forked tongue represents the lies and deceptions that will even be spread by religious people. My people must be discerning at all times what is being preached by religious and today’s messengers. Some could be corrupted in their speech and could mislead even some of My elect. By testing the Spirit in everything that comes forward against My Commandments and My Gospel, you can judge the truth of what is being said or close your ears to falsehoods. If you are told to change My laws in any way, refuse to believe or follow that calling, no matter what the source. I have given you everything in Scripture that you need to be saved. Now it is up to you to be true to My Gospel and follow My Will on your path to heaven.”

Wednesday, May 4, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you can recognize the evil of Satan in blatant sins of abortion and wars. It is the more deceptive and subtle temptations of Satan that are even more dangerous because some people may not always think of these actions as sinful. Living together outside of marriage, masturbation, artificial insemination, vasectomies, tying of tubes, and birth control devices are all serious mortal sins that need to be confessed. Satan is always testing you in temptations. Rationalizations and denying known sinful actions as sins are not excuses that will be accepted by My justice. Deep down in your conscience, you know that these things are sinful and need to be forgiven in Confession. Stop denying My laws just to make your pleasures seemingly acceptable. I have given you the sacrament of Matrimony for procreation, but the abuse of this right in artificial means denies the openness to life that was originally intended. Only Natural Family Planning methods that do not block life are acceptable ways of controlling the number of births. All artificial methods of procreation and manipulation of DNA are unacceptable in My eyes because they are not in harmony with My creation and the balance of nature.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages about hiding in caves and this cave in the vision is under attack with fire and darkness. This means that the evil ones will be trying to find you, but you will be hidden from their sight and will be undetected. Once you go through the opening, there will be a miraculous light and water that will give you rest. At My refuges I will provide for all of your needs and you need not worry about anything. You will be in a battle with the Antichrist and I will give you where and when to go to be safe. Trust in Me and I will bring My faithful remnant home to Me in heaven, despite the attempts by Satan to gain your souls.”

Thursday, May 5, 2005: (Ascension Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, I gave My disciples a direction to go out and teach My Good News to all of the nations. I also told them that in a few days that they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit. My faithful of today are being asked to also preach My Good News to all of the nations. You already have been empowered by the Holy Spirit in the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. The apostles were still too frightened to move until they received the Holy Spirit in tongues of fire on Pentecost. Then they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit which gave them courage and the language of the area that they were being sent to preach. It is a great gift to be able to teach the faith to the children, or to travel in teaching adults. The mission of working to save souls is the most rewarding mission that you could have, but like St. Paul it will come with persecution and trials as well. Pray to the Holy Spirit for spiritual strength in every work that you do for Me.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many signs and warnings to know when to leave for My refuges so you can avoid being captured in a detention center. The plan of the evil ones is to subtly capture those who are outspoken against the new world order before they declare martial law. Those, who refuse to take chips in the body, will be the ones taken to the detention centers where they could be tortured or killed. Those, whom they cannot change, will be killed or martyred as an example to the rest.”

Jesus said: “My people, today the police are struggling with thefts, murders, and traffic infractions, along with drug smuggling. In the days to come the Antichrist will control the police authorities and they will be hunting down patriots and religious people. The controls of chips in the body will make your country just like Germany in World War II. Avoid all chips in the body, even if it may threaten your lives. Better to follow My laws than man’s laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some countries where communism is rampant, Christians need to have their prayer groups underground. Gradually, it will again be unsafe to meet in your churches from a coming persecution time. You will have to meet in secret so the authorities do not know that you are practicing Christians. I love you, My people, and I will give you enough warning when to go into hiding for your own safety. Saving souls from the evil ones is why I am preparing you to face the coming tribulation. With trust and hope in Me many can be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, those at the refuges will find it difficult to bath and wash in wooded areas. You will have to keep covered in enclosures to protect yourself from mosquitos and ticks. When you drink the healing water and look on the luminous crosses, you will be healed from any diseases. Trusting in Me will be all that you can do in the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your family meetings are focused around feast days as Christmas and Easter. Not as many gather on Pentecost, but this feast day of the Holy Spirit should also be a good reason to come together. You are now celebrating a novena between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost. All the more reason to celebrate this feast day because it was the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that enabled the disciples to spread the Good News.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a certain beauty and serenity in nature that is undisturbed by man. These scenes are the habitats of many animals, but the animals are slowly being pushed to the few remote areas left. Streams in the cities and suburbs are fortunate not to be polluted and have fish in them. Man needs to be more conscious of sharing nature with the rest of My creatures. This beauty needs to be preserved instead of exploited for financial gain.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know that you need shelter and transportation, but dwelling on the desire of such things for their own sake can take away from your love of Me. Created things are not to be treated as gods or idols in themselves, but you should only worship and give glory to Me only. In order to be perfected to enter heaven, you must be able to detach yourselves from any desires of earthly things. Think and focus your lives on Me and heavenly things, and you will find your reward in heaven for being faithful to your Savior.”

Friday, May 6, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion at Mass, you are all joined in My Mystical Body. At that moment you are one piece of My Body in the faithful on earth, the saints and angels in heaven, and even the saved souls suffering in purgatory. Those on earth and in purgatory are suffering with Me on the cross. In every phase of your life on earth and after your death there is a struggle to gain heaven. Keep your focus on Me because you can only enter heaven through Me. This truth is mentioned in the Scriptures very often and it will be revealed again to every one in their Warning review. You are with Me every time that you pray with two or more people. On this First Friday some can come and visit My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration. Rejoice that all of My faithful enjoy this unity in faith as One Body in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are times when the instinct to survive in difficult situations is enough to save people. This happened as you saw in the latest earthquakes. You find energy in desperation to find a solution to freeing the people from the rubble. This instinct to survive in your physical life should be as strong to save your soul in the spiritual life. You are tempted to sin every day and sometimes you may fall into sin in your weakness. Even if your soul is dead in mortal sin, you can still save yourself by struggling to Confession and ask for My forgiveness. I am your Savior and My sacraments are like lifesavers awaiting you to come to Me. Do not remain long away from My confessional, or you may sink too deep in your sins to come back on your own. When you look out and see sinners held down by their sins, you can give them an encouraging hand to bring them to Confession. No matter how many prayers and good deeds are done, each person has to decide for themselves that they want to be saved in My grace. Many sinners are so distracted by their sins that they do not realize that their soul is in a battle between heaven and hell. You should desire to love Me and follow My Commandments if you wish to gain heaven. You are all struggling to save souls from the fires of hell, and you need to wake up and repent before it is too late.”

Saturday, May 7, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, as you await the celebration of Pentecost, you are like the apostles in the upper room waiting to receive the Holy Spirit. It was very difficult leaving My disciples, but I had to leave so they could receive the Holy Spirit. My disciples were so used to following Me that I was concerned about them going their own way. Even after I resurrected, I had to keep My apostles focused on their mission to spread My Gospel. I knew My Church would carry on with My help and that of the Holy Spirit. I encouraged them to ask in My Name in order to have their prayer to help people answered. The disciples did cure the cripple and others when they asked for healing in My Name. My Name is still powerful even in healings of today as people and healers pray in My Name for others. Remember also when healings do come forth that you give Me all the praise and glory and not yourselves. Continue to pray your novenas for this great feast day of Pentecost.”

Sunday, May 8, 2005: (Mother’s Day)

Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel of John witnesses to the intimacy of Me with My Father and that the Father and I are One. There also is an intimacy that I have with everyone who receives Me in Holy Communion. You have a taste of heaven in My Eucharist and you will be one with Me also in heaven. You are a part of Me, but you are still an individual person with a free will, even as We are Three Persons in one God in the Blessed Trinity. Your priest gave an excellent homily on the Real Presence of Myself in the consecrated Host of My Blessed Sacrament. No other sacrament contains My Real Presence as My Holy Eucharist. In the vision of My tabernacle in the church it is My very presence that makes your church holy and different from any other church. This power of My love and the gift of Myself to you in My Real Presence also is a redeeming grace because it is My sacrificial Body and Blood that I offered up on the cross for all of mankind. This beautiful sharing of Myself with My people is why the devil and his cohorts are attacking My Eucharist and all means of giving Me reverence for My Real Presence. I have promised My faithful that I would be present to you in My Blessed Sacrament even to the end of this age. Rejoice in My love in Holy Communion and share your life with Me in these precious moments that we are united as one.”

Jesus said: “My people, man has been over fishing the oceans and the streams. In addition the pollution in the streams are killing off the fish as well. Some countries are resorting to fish farms, but these fish are not as healthy. Crops and other sources of meat are having similar problems as more countries are finding it difficult to feed all of their people. Signs of the world famine are all around you with increasing populations overtaking the capacity to grow enough food and distribute it to the needy. Add to these problems the control of food sources in the hands of a few, and you can see how the one world people could control people through the food and the electronic money in the microchips. You are seeing many of My messages come true that are about the world famine, the division in My Church, and forced chips in the body. When you see these three things come to fruition, it will be the beginning of the tribulation and a time to let My angels lead you to the nearest refuges. The refuges will be found at My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites and places of holy ground. Ask My help to endure this trial for a short time and I will come to renew the earth and defeat the evil ones.”

Monday, May 9, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am encouraging My faithful not to lose heart in your troubles and stay strong in your faith by your regular Sunday Mass attendance. Some are having some dislikes of their priests and their homilies, but there are not many priests available. My priest sons are needed for your sacraments and you need to pray for them daily. Some are having struggles with the homosexual priests that have caused scandal in My Church. For many reasons some are falling away from their faith and fewer are attending Sunday Mass. You need to be praying for your own faith and for those who are weak in their faith that are using any excuse not to come to church. Catholic schools are being closed as well as churches for lack of attendance. This is becoming a real crisis in faith and a challenge for My faithful who are growing smaller in number. Do not get disheartened at your decreasing numbers because the weak and the lukewarm are going to be sifted by the evil ones. Only those strong in their love for Me are going to save their souls with My help. Stay close to Me in your prayer life and keep strong in your faith, or you could be lost as well in this tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, some are aware of pending legislation in your Congress to try and force a driver’s license on everyone containing a smart card with a person’s fingerprint or iris scan imbedded in it. This mandatory chip, that is being forced on all nations, will soon be implemented in the name of security. The ironic part is that the computer terrorists can make fake Ids as soon as a system is ready to be used. In essence these schemes will be controlling innocent citizens’ lives while the terrorists will continue to use fake cards but real fingerprints. The first stage will use readers of a short distance. The next chips will be read even by satellite. This ID will then be used to control financial transactions. Once Ids are legislated, then for reasons of theft there will be mandatory chips in the body. Some will refuse to use such smart cards which will wipe out any electronic money. My faithful are encouraged not to use these smart cards because they will control your lives. As chips in the body are mandated, you will then need to go to My refuges because they will eventually imprison offenders without chips. I have told you for many years of this time of chips controlling people and now you are seeing this acted out before your very eyes. Continue to refuse chips in the body which could be abused for mind control purposes. Scripture states in Revelation that those who accept this mark of the beast and give allegiance to the Antichrist could be condemned in hell. Ask My help to protect your souls from the evil ones who will persecute you for your belief in My Name. Trust in Me, and My angels will lead you to My refuges where I will provide for your needs. You will not endure this tribulation long before I will come in victory over the evil ones.”

Tuesday, May 10, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the final days I will separate the goats from My sheep. The goats are those who worship the world and the Antichrist instead of Me. The lambs are My faithful remnant who hear My Word and keep it, despite the temptations of the world. This is again part of the ongoing battle between good and evil that will worsen in the end times as the Antichrist declares himself. My faithful will have to call on Me and I will protect you with My angels at My refuges. Some may even die a martyr’s death as St. Paul did for proclaiming My Gospel. Even though you may face a strong evil at the end, I will give you the grace to endure this tribulation. Trust and hope in My power which is greater than all of these evil ones. You will need a strong prayer life and My sacraments to keep you close to Me in love. Refuse to take any chips in your body and refuse to worship the Antichrist. Only worship Me, the One true God.”

Wednesday, May 11, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you have enjoyed your religious freedom of coming to Mass freely with no persecution for many years. It is hard to hear of a message where this will be changing with a time of a new persecution. Already there are fewer people coming to church and the morals of your society are getting worse as people immerse themselves deeper into the distractions of the world. Many Catholics are being harassed in public for their stands on abortion, homosexual acts, and teaching others about My Gospel. The hiding of the priest is a warning of how you will have to be going underground for Mass to avoid persecution. The shadows entering in represent the attacks of the demons on My Church as they try to divide it between valid and invalid teachings. Know that when you see this disruption in My churches, it will be a sign to you of the last days when the Antichrist will be allowed his brief reign. Do not be fearful of these times, but call on My help to save your souls amidst this evil. This trial will be brief before I will soon come and defeat all of the evil ones as I bring about a new heavens and a new earth.”

Thursday, May 12, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a church shows you the glory of My kingdom both on earth and as the view extends down the aisle, there is the vision of heaven. You are seeing Me sitting on My throne with all of My saints and angels all about Me. I have brought My apostles through the trials of life while I was on the earth so I did not lose one of them except the one who betrayed Me. The view of this boat with My apostles is symbolic in representing My Church as it travels through the ages of time. Many trials and storms buffet My Church, but I am in this boat as I calmed the storm. I have given you consolation that the gates of hell will not prevail against My Church. Even during the tribulation I will be watching over My faithful remnant so again I will not lose one of My elect. My faithful, you are a witness of My victory over sin and death, and those, who hold My Word and keep it, will see eternal life with Me in the glory of heaven. I love all of My dear ones that are struggling to be with Me, and you will receive your reward when you finish your own course on this earth.”

Friday, May 13, 2005: (Our Lady of Fatima)

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you come to Sunday Mass or daily Mass, you are sharing in the unbloody sacrifice of My death on the cross. I am offered up at each Consecration as the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood. My faithful community comes to share in the breaking of bread so you can receive My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. This taste of heaven is your daily spiritual bread that will be your spiritual food to sustain the life of your soul. In each Eucharist you receive the grace of My Blessed Sacrament that will give you the spiritual nourishment of My love and peace to carry you through each day. Give praise and thanks to your God who pours out My abundant graces on all who love and receive Me into your open souls. This joy and blessing of My Blessed Sacrament awaits you every time you make the opportunity to attend daily Mass. How could you refuse this outpouring of My grace and love for each of you? I want you to encourage as many as possible to attend daily Mass and give a good example to your children. If everyone in faith could make this sacrifice of your time to attend daily Mass, you, too, could share in My sacrifice and benefit from all of the graces to protect you from temptations of sin in this world. I tell you to rejoice in My love because the closer that you come to your Lord, the more I can use you to save souls.”

Saturday, May 14, 2005: (St. Matthias)

Jesus said: “My people, today you are commemorating the feast day of St. Matthias who was elected to replace the spot of Judas in My ministry. All of My apostles except St. John were called to martyrdom for their teaching of My Gospel. This is why you are seeing the red vestments for martyrs. In the vision you are seeing an upside down cross with St. Peter because he was crucified, but he did not think himself worthy to be crucified as I was. In America and many other countries you have enjoyed much affluence without having to endure much hardship in persecution. In some communist countries My faithful were and still are being persecuted for their faith. Little by little you will see a time of persecution of My faithful come among you. As New Age influences become established with a one world religion, My faithful will see persecution return where they will want to imprison you and even kill you for going against their gods and goddesses. Be prepared to go underground and pray in secret because the coming evil days will test you greatly. It will only be through My grace and support that your souls will be saved. So call on Me in your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are asking discernment about how to spread this work on the Dozule Cross. This vision of many white crosses in a field is how some people are portraying how many abortions are being performed. People need to acknowledge the proper burial places for the unborn. These Dozule Crosses represent My cross on Calvary, but they also represent the suffering that the unborn are sharing in My sacrifice on the cross. My wrath of chastisements are falling on areas of sin, especially for abortions. When you put up these large crosses and pray the prayers of this devotion, then you are making reparation for these sins of abortion. This will then result in a lessening of My punishment in this place of the cross. This work needs to be spread so there can be more atonement for the sins of abortion.”

Sunday, May 15, 2005: (Pentecost Sunday)

The Holy Spirit said: “Receive the breath of the Holy Spirit as I send My gifts upon everyone, even as I sent My tongues of fire over the disciples. Just as I empowered the apostles to do their mission of spreading the Good News, so I am empowering the faithful to give good example and spread the Good News of Jesus to all nations. This is a joy filled feast because it is a commemoration of the beginning of the Church as it was starting in the homes. The one large piece of fabric represents how all the faithful are joined together as one in Jesus’ Mystical Body. You all are sharing in the same gifts. Each person has a gift of tongues, teaching, or performing good deeds as healings. Rejoice in your gifts and share them with others so the whole of My faithful are provided for. Give thanks to Me also for all the gifts that have been bestowed on you. Whatever gift that you have been given, continue to use it proudly or this gift could be diminished. Rejoice always on My feast day and be willing to share all that you have with others whether physical or spiritual.”

Jesus said: “My people, many couples get married with a lot of show as this spinning large flower display. The mirror behind these flowers is to show everyone how beautiful your marriage is. Some spouses also have high hopes that they are going to change their husband or wife. The reality is that each person needs to love the other for who they are and not for who you want them to be. You are marrying someone because you love them and you will give of yourself to make the other spouse happy. You are also making a lifetime commitment to be true to the vows that you made on your wedding day. This means that you need to tell each other every day how much you love your spouse. Keep your communications open and try to understand the other person’s wishes without forcing your will on them. As you love your spouse, so you should love Me even more. Love is beautiful and it can magnify the beauty of your marriage when it is mutual between spouses and Me. When you reach various milestones in your anniversaries, be thankful that you have found true love amidst a world that expresses hate in wars and killings. The longevity of your marriage should be a shining example of love to your children and young couples starting out.”

Monday, May 16, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you someone leaving the confessional in joy with their sins forgiven. The bright light behind them represents the renewed graces they received from Me through the priest’s absolution. In the Gospel reading I healed the young boy of a demon possession as I called the evil spirit to come out of him and not return. My apostles were saddened that they were unable to free the boy of this demon. I then told them that this kind of demon could only be cast out by prayer and fasting. This is true today that many people are possessed by demons of addictions. Some do not realize that even today there are people with obsessions and possessions of evil spirits. It is proper for an exorcist priest to pray over possessed people to release these demons. At times with sufficient prayer and fasting it is possible through deliverance prayer to release someone from demon possession. During Confession some people can even be released from various addictions if the person is serious in faith to avoid addictions to alcohol, smoking, or drugs. Those, who allow themselves to be influenced by New Age gods and goddesses, can invite demons into their souls. Those, who deal with witchcraft, potions and Ouija boards, can also invite demon possession. So avoid all of these worships of deities and worldly influences to keep your soul pure. Keep close to me in frequent Confession and avoid being influenced by Harry Potter books, fortune telling, horoscopes, pornography, and ‘R’ rated movies. In essence avoid these occasions of sin and rely on daily prayer to keep your soul guarded from the evil ones. Seek the love of your Lord and avoid the hate of the evil one.”

Tuesday, May 17, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I was chastising My apostles because they were discussing who was the greatest among them. I explained to them before that those, who wish to be first, must serve the rest. I gave them this example when I washed the feet of the apostles and even in My very death where I died for all of your sins. In today’s world many are concerned with status and are looking for awards or acknowledgment of their successes from men. I have told you to be humble and put aside your pride. It is more important to give glory and thanks to Me for all of your accomplishments. The vision of empty pews in a church is a sad commentary on the weakness of the faith in many places. The teachers of My Word are not emphasizing a good prayer life and proper devotion to My Blessed Sacrament, nor the saints’ lives. Even My priest sons are not always teaching properly about sin and the problems with sexual sins and addictions. Without proper instruction even the parents are lacking in their understanding of the faith. As a result of this laxness in the faith, the children in their innocence are not being properly educated in a good prayer life with proper Christian living. Unless the parents pass on a strong faith to their children, many are going to fall away from the faith when they are tested by Satan and the world. My faithful should see how important it is to call on Me in prayer to endure the hard trials of life. This should be passed on to your children or they could despair in their trials and be misled by the evil one’s temptations. Pray for your priests, your teachers, and your children that they all remain faithful to their God on their path to heaven.”

Wednesday, May 18, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I reach out to save all souls with My redemptive suffering on the cross. I gave witness to My apostles that those, who talk and heal in My Name, are also with My faithful. In other words all Christians need to be united under My loving arms. Those, who do not believe, are the ones that you need to bring My Gospel to them. Those, who believe in Satan worship, or preach the New Age one world religion, are to be avoided in their services, but you can pray for them and evangelize them. All other Christian denominations that do not believe in My sacraments or the Mass, do not have the fullness of My teaching, and you do not have to follow their ways. Those, who do not believe in Me, will one day in the Warning be faced with My Divinity, and it will be revealed to them that they can only come to heaven through Me and My Blood offered for them. Once I have been revealed to everyone, then they, by their free will, will have to accept Me to gain heaven. If they refuse Me, they will choose the broad road to hell. I love everyone unconditionally, but it is up to every soul to love Me in return. Those, who are faithful to Me, will receive their reward in heaven. Those, who refuse to love Me and accept Me, will receive their eternal punishment in hell. This is your choice in life and your test to come to eternal life with Me.”

Wednesday, May 18, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, My Church is under attack from the evil ones who are stripping My altars of My crucifix, My statues and pictures, and many other holy objects as My tabernacles. Much of this destruction of the altars is a result of the masonic influence in My Church. Another attack is on the very churches and Catholic schools that help sustain My faithful. Money is being drained away from My Church by court suits against the pedophile priests. Each church is a sacred place to provide holiness for My faithful in feeding you My sacraments. Every church that is closed is one less source of My sacramental graces and a deep loss of holiness for that community. Pray for more vocations, sufficient funds to maintain your churches, and strong bishops to build up My Church.”

Thursday, May 19, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in many parts of the world it is difficult to find fresh water for drinking and cooking. Many people rely on well water and it is difficult to distribute this water to all who need it. As the population increases, it will be harder to find more sources of water and then it may require desalinization of ocean water which is expensive. The recovered salt could offset some of this cost. Those interior areas are depleting their wells with too much use and arid areas may require more piping. Fresh water will soon be more valuable than gasoline because of the volume of water that each person needs. Already mundane uses of water such as lawns and car washes are being limited in drought areas. Storing rain water may be another source that may be more exploited for fresh water, but this may require purification. As droughts and famine start occurring more often, you will see this difficulty of securing fresh water getting worse.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, some people use astrology and live their lives based on the movement of the stars. Readings of horoscopes for future events should not be used by My disciples because it is a version of fortune telling. Reading tarot cards, and using crystal balls are all parts of an evil influence that I want My disciples to avoid. If you dabble in the beginnings of the occult, you could even be drawn into demon possessions as I healed in several Gospel accounts. Avoid these places and do not trust the evil one’s lies.”

Jesus said: “My people, burning down churches is an attack by the evil ones in an attempt to take away the faith of My faithful. Where Catholic Churches are on fire, it is desirable to remove the Blessed Sacrament if possible. The flames of this fire mimic the evil from the flames of hell that would instigate such a crime of arson against a church. You will be seeing more churches burned down as evil abhors anything holy.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for your legislators that they do not approve homosexual marriages. Pray also that they do not force mandatory microchips in your various driver’s licenses and passports. Pray that they vote against abortion in your country and pray that they do not allow your courts to defy the people’s wishes. Many of the immoralities going on in your country have been raised up by erroneous law made in your courts. Judges are now making law in defiance of passed legislation. If your country does not rid these bad laws and decisions, you will face My wrath in more natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, man does not realize all of the damage that you do when you burn so much fossil fuel. Because of your energy inefficient cars and trucks, many fumes of exhaust are shrouding your cities that can be seen in an airplane. The power plants also contribute to these brown clouds of pollution and the acid rain being created. Your clean air is being fouled by your need for transportation and electric power. If man does not take some steps to create environmentally friendly energy, then more pollution will go uncorrected.”

Jesus said: “My people, the churches being built today are a far cry from the old Gothic styles that were built years ago in Europe. The old traditional churches are empty because they are becoming museums where few people are going to church. Yet the people in the new churches are being misled by a strong influence from modernism that is removing all that is holy. Trust in Me and focus on My Blessed Sacrament for strength where the faith is being weakened by worldly influences.”

Jesus said: “My people, TV and movies are captivating entertainment that can occupy much of your time if you do not control how much you watch. Children can be badly influenced by unrestricted programming and it could leave impressions on their dreams and how they think. Even news and programs can be used to shape your minds and attitudes on worldly subjects. The immoral acts and suggestions can warp your minds into accepting sinful behavior that should be avoided. Control what you watch and what your children see so their morals are properly formed and you can follow My ways instead of man’s ways of sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, man builds things to last a short time, while I build something to last for a long time. Man’s concept of time and materials is limited in scope when he builds things. Look at creation closely and you will see a certain perfection in My mark on every created person or thing. This should be a sign to you as you live your lives. Ask My help to strive to do things more perfectly in both your physical and spiritual life. Doing things on your own will never lead you to perfection. Only through My grace and help could you strive to be the perfect saints that you need to be to enter heaven.”

Friday, May 20, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, everyone will have to answer to Me at their judgment and make an accounting for their life’s actions all on their own. Life is similar to taking a trip in a boat where there are ups and downs in good weather and bad weather. You can call on My help to calm the waters so you can endure the storms of life. You can also call for help from your spouse if you are married, or a trusted friend. Even though you struggle through life with other people to assist you, remember that you are the only one to be held responsible for your actions. You cannot blame them on someone else or make excuses to Me for your actions because I know the intent of your heart in every action that you perform. In your judgment you stand alone before Me. I am your only true friend that will be with you and love you under any circumstance, so pray to Me every day. Your spouse may help you in life, but you need to guard your soul from all evil that will test you. By following My Commandments and the mission that I have given you, you will be following the right path to heaven and I will judge you a faithful disciple to enter heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, how long is it going to take to remove your troops from Iraq and Afghanistan? These two conflicts with suicide terrorists are not making any progress and your troops are being killed daily. You have given these interim governments enough time to be established. It would be expensive and difficult to leave troops there indefinitely. An exit strategy needs to be planned regardless if the insurgents continue to kill people. All of your wars are gaining America nothing but insurmountable debts that cannot be tolerated. Congress needs to say ‘enough’ of these endless wars that are bankrupting your nation. Not only are your debts increasing, but many innocent servicemen are being killed for no benefit. Wars are the opposite of love, but peace can only come with a cessation of hostilities. America is keeping many troops in other countries as well, yet the countries benefitting from your presence are not contributing money to support them. America cannot afford to be the world’s policeman, so now is the time to cut back your presence in other countries.”

Saturday, May 21, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this bicycle in the vision is one way that you could get to your refuges. The dark storm clouds, seen later, are an indication of the coming tribulation. With your constant wars and the threat of mandatory smart cards in your driver’s licenses, it may mean that gas shortages and driving a car may no longer be an option when it comes time to flee to the refuges. If you refuse to use smart cards because it will attract you to chips in the body, then having some good working bikes for travel would be a good preparation. The same lawmakers, who are forcing mandatory smart cards, will be next forcing mandatory chips in the body so you do not lose them, or for security from theft. Refuse to use chips in the body, even if death is threatened, because the abuse of these chips in the body could allow people to control your minds. Refuse to use your smart cards for buying and selling, or they will control your money. Once you are stripped of your means of support, then you will have to call on your angels to lead you to the nearest refuge of protection. When you follow My warnings, I will protect you from harm and provide miraculous ways of survival. At the refuges you will learn to get by with very little to eat and none of your electric comforts. This way of life will better prepare you for being saints, and give you a better prayer life with full trust in My help.”

Jesus said: “My people, privacy in your business and in your home are now being compromised by all the technical data collection agencies. People keep watch of your credit, your employment records, what you purchase, your bank accounts, and your medical and arrest records. As you will soon be forced to carry chips in your driver’s license, they will even be able to track your movements by satellite. All of your communications are known because your attempts to stop terrorists have made it possible to invade the privacy of innocent citizens. The next attempt will be to place mandatory chips in the body which could even control your mind and your thoughts as a robot. Then when they scan you and you do not have a chip, they will take you off to the death camp detention centers. It is best not to even use any smart cards, even if you lose your money, because you do not want to be led into chips in the body. Absolutely refuse chips in the body because you could be on a path to the broad road to hell. The total reason for chips is not for security, but a total grab for power over everyone. Be ready to go to My refuges of My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites, places of holy ground that have adored My Blessed Sacrament, or caves in the hills for protection. Call on Me and I will have your angels lead you with a physical sign to the nearest refuge. There at My refuges you will find luminous crosses that will heal everything by looking at it. My angel at the refuge will be visible and protect you from the evil ones. Water, manna, and deer meat will be provided in a shelter. Take some warm clothing, blessed sacramentals, blessed candles, a deer knife, a shovel, and bedding with tents and mosquito nets. You may need a bike on the way. I will perform miracles of protection and all of your needs will be provided for. Trust in My love and you will have no fear.”

Sunday, May 22, 2005: (Holy Trinity Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, the Blessed Trinity is a mystery and that is why man has difficulty in understanding Three Persons in one God. There is also a unity of all the faithful with Me in My Mystical Body. You know of Me more tangibly because I took on flesh and blood so I could die for your sins. The Blessed Trinity has various attributes to recognize the different Persons. God the Father is associated with being the Creator. I am the Son who was sacrificed on the cross and My Blood sacrifice redeemed all of mankind’s sins. God the Holy Spirit represents love which is generated from the Father and the Son. Even as you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are receiving the Blessed Trinity because We are inseparable as One. So when you pray and love God, you are giving praise to all Three Persons. Every time you make the Sign of the Cross, or pray the ‘Glory Be’, you are giving honor and praise to the Blessed Trinity.”

Monday, May 23, 2005:

Mary said: “My dear children, you have often heard me called the ‘Refuge of Sinners’. In fact my Son’s angels will lead you to my refuges at all of my apparition sites. I always bring you to Jesus as pictured in the vision of this cross on a tree. At my refuges you will also find angels of protection and a luminous cross in the sky that will be a source of healing for all who look upon it. As you know of the healing springs at Lourdes, so also at my refuges there will be springs of healing water. My Son, Jesus, also is a ‘Refuge of Sinners’ and His refuges will be at places of holy ground where many have adored my Son in His Blessed Sacrament for many years. There will be luminous crosses and healing springs at these refuges also. The parallel in these refuges during the tribulation is that at the end you will see my Triumph in crushing the head of Satan, and my Son’s Triumph over all evil as the evil spirits and evil people will all be chained in hell. After my Son’s victory, He will renew the earth in preparation for the coming Era of Peace. Rejoice in my protection and that of my Son, Jesus, as you will be brought safely through this trial by his grace only at these refuges. Your trust in Jesus will save your souls.”

Tuesday, May 24, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, where sin abounds, I have told you that I would withdraw My blessings, and you would see natural disasters occur. Another result of sin could also bring about droughts or a lack of rain or melted snow. Water is something most people take for granted, yet it is a necessity of life and people could die without enough water. I have warned you before that water will become more valuable than oil. Now you are seeing reports of water shortages in the Mideast and Africa where people are too poor to pay for desalinization of salt water. This problem of delivering enough fresh water to all peoples will be an increasing problem especially in areas of fast growth and more population growth. Pray that governments and charities can help bring enough water to those that are in need.”

Jesus said: “My people, this merry-go-round spinning about with lights and shadows represents people having their Warning experience. You will be face to face with Me and face to face with yourself and what you are doing. I know your heart as the person you really are without any cover ups. You will have to answer the question of whether you put your trust in Me or you put your trust in your money and your possessions. At some time you are going to have to give up everything before you die. Do not let money and fame control your lives as idols. Trust in Me everyday to protect your souls and be able to consecrate all that you have over to Me. In order to reach heaven you will have to detach yourself from all of your worldly desires. Everything of the world is cold and will not love you. But I love you, and you can only find true peace in Me. All that you have from this world will leave you empty. It is love of Me and your neighbor as yourself that is all that matters in this life. In your Warning judgment you will see where you would be judged to go. If you are holding on to earthly things without love, you will see a great need to change your ways on return to your body. Love and service to Me should be your main goals. You can change your life even before your Warning so you are prepared to show Me how much you love Me. Work on sharing what you have and doing everything for My glory instead of for your own glory.”

Wednesday, May 25, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, when My two apostles wanted to sit at places of honor in heaven, I gently warned them that this was not Mine to give, but it had been reserved by My Father. There are people on earth who aspire to fame and glory for themselves either on earth or in heaven. If you wish to be first, you must serve the rest before yourself. Remember that those, who exalt themselves, will be humbled, and those, who humble themselves, will be exulted. It is not your place to seek glory and fame for yourselves. But you must be focused on doing everything for My greater glory. Such fame among mankind is fleeting and will not gain you anything toward heaven if things that you do are for selfish reasons. It is when you share your wealth with others in alms and good deeds out of love that you will gain merits in heaven. If you achieve heaven, be grateful that you have been chosen. Be satisfied with your lot both on earth and in heaven, and you will rejoice in humble submission to My Will.”

Jesus said: “My people, sometimes it is important to give yourself some time to think about what you are doing, what you have done, and where you will be going after this life. In life you are asked to choose a vocation, whether married life, the religious life, or single life, and be faithful to any vows taken. I also ask each person to be faithful to the mission in life that I have appointed for them. Use your talents to the best that you can, and do not bury them by not using them. In all that you do I call you to love Me and one another. When you make time to notice, My creation is beautiful to comprehend, and you can thank Me for your life so you can fully experience life. Sharing your love and your life with others is how you can help others in their physical and spiritual needs. Some require food, clothing, or shelter. Others need your help in searching for God by your bringing My Gospel to them by your words and your actions. So think about making some time in your life everyday so you can talk to Me and discern how you are to carry out your mission with My help. A good prayer life will always keep you on the right track to follow My ways and imitate My life on earth by reaching out to save souls. In the end saving your soul and others, so you can be with Me in heaven, is your most important task on earth.”

Thursday, May 26, 2005: (St. Phillip Neri)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of wedding rings is a sign of love and faithfulness that each spouse has for each other. The physical attraction lasts for a while, but the love of the person for who they are is what makes a marriage last. Love and fidelity among spouses are the same ideals in your spiritual life with Me. I want you to love Me as I love you, and I am a jealous God who wants no other gods or idols before Me. In today’s Gospel (Mark 10:46-52) you see the blind man, Bartimeus, healed so he can see. But it is the inner spiritual blindness that is healed that has saved his soul. Bartimeus had faith that I could heal him, but he also had persistence in shouting out to be heard. I could see both his faith and his desire to be healed, so I healed him. So it is with all of your souls. If you desire My love and want to see spiritually, you can show your own desire to come to Me in Confession for the forgiveness of your sins. When I absolve you through the priest, you will be set loose of the bonds of your sins and you will see Me and your spiritual freedom. Faith, hope, and love in Me are the calling of your soul and My calling to you as well. Keep these virtues alive in your soul and you will be prepared to receive your reward of eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this mudslide moving toward the Vatican is how the filth and immorality of the world is pressing in on My Church. You are still hearing stories about pedophile priests in how their lawsuits are costing the Church bankruptcies in some dioceses. Abortions, euthanasia, same sex marriages, and stem cell research from aborted babies are all challenging My Church and your society. All of those taking lives and committing the sexual sins are still committing mortal sins against My Will. My Church must take a strong stand against these issues by taking the high moral ground, no matter how much criticism and persecution My faithful will suffer.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are being buffeted by strong storms of temptations from the evil ones, and a constant barrage of slurs and attacks on your reputations for standing up against the world’s love of the sins of comfort in gluttony and lust. Every time that you speak out against heterosexual sin in unmarried couples, or against homosexual acts in that lifestyle, you may even suffer from prison sentences. Your laws are protecting the sinners from any social criticism. Many have lost their sense of shame in sins and they do not even want to admit to doing anything wrong, even when they are blatantly violating My Commandments.”

Jesus said: “My people, your movies and TV programming are ingraining immorality in your minds and you should avoid watching and supporting ‘R’ movies. The bad language, nudity, and violence are becoming worse each year as one film maker tries to outdo the other. It is reaching a point that much of your so-called entertainment is becoming more of an occasion of sin. Turn these programs off and refuse watching these immoral movies to protect your souls from this filth. If you do not form proper consciences by knowing right from wrong, you could be persuaded to follow the ways of the world. Stand up for what is right and speak out against the immoralities of your evil society.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I girt Myself, I was washing the feet of My apostles. I also took ropes to drive the money changers out of My temple. Some envision belt tightening as a way to live more frugally without overspending with budget deficits. In a spiritual way belt tightening can refer to fasting or giving alms to a charity. By restraining your earthly desires, you can better imitate My life. That did not include expensive living for its own sake. You can share your wealth and your faith with others.”

Jesus said: “My people, doing things in the dark, or in secret will never hide your actions from Me. Some commit sins of theft or fornication in the dark, but I still see all of your actions. Do not think that you can keep your sins from My eyes that see everything. You may fool others by your sins done in hiding, but your sins still speak out against you. Come to Me in Confession for My forgiveness of all of your sins, even those done in secret.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have done well in sharing this treasure of My pope son, John Paul II. He is an inspiration to My Church and you will have graces for bringing this cup to many parishes. Rejoice in all of My treasures and especially sharing My Body and Blood at Mass. Those, who treasure My Real Presence in My Eucharist, look forward to receiving Me into their souls every day at daily Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, every spring you are greeted by the beauty of My creation in flowers and trees. You have weathered the cold and dreariness of winter and now you can celebrate in My Resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. This beautiful display of nature is adding to My glory and adding to your joy in seeing all of these beautiful colors. Many of your flowers last only a short time, so enjoy them while you can appreciate them. Your lives are also short as blooming flowers, so live your lives to the fullest in My love so your beauty can add to My greater glory.”

Friday, May 27, 2005: (Marion Boe’s funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, funerals are always difficult for those who have lost loved ones, yet My faithful should also see the glory that death is the gateway for the soul to enter heaven. My daughter, Marion, is one of My faithful servants being led to My glorious banquet table. She has been a prayer warrior and faithful to her mission. She is happy to welcome all of her family and friends to share in her last good-byes. Give thanks to Me for her gift of life to you. All souls live here on earth for a short time, and you all give comfort to each other in dealing with life’s trials. Today, you are seeing My reward that awaits all of those who have been faithful to Me in life. Follow Me in My Commandments and love, and you will also receive this reward in heaven at your death.”

Jesus said: “My people, some may wonder what good these cloistered nuns do by praying in silence every day. The world should be more aware of the ongoing battle between good and evil every day. There are scales of justice with prayers and good deeds on one side and the sins of the world on the other. Even Abraham would have Me spare an evil city if there were ten just men there. The more people pray, the more blessings will be upon that area where they are. Sufficient prayer can mitigate My intended chastisements for an area. So do not look down on those who are in contemplative prayer most of the day because they may be keeping natural disasters from coming to your town. Private prayer and public prayer in prayer groups or at Mass all have their place and purpose in the battle of good and evil. Your prayers are powerful, but you must make time every day to pray for yourselves and those around you. You may not see the effect of your prayers, but you are balancing out the many sins being committed as you pray.”

Saturday, May 28, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, it is your faith that I instituted the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper. Now, at every Mass the priest consecrates the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament is witnessed to you in this vision where you are seeing a glowing light of holiness over My Most Precious Blood and My Body in the Hosts. Give praise and thanks to your Lord for sharing My very Self with you in Holy Communion. Again it is in the breaking of the bread that you recognize Me in My Real Presence. When you partake of Me in Holy Communion, remember to only receive Me worthily without any mortal sin on your soul. All things of heaven have to be pure to be worthy. My Blessed Mother was without sin to hold Me in her womb. Those, who enter heaven, must be purified by purgatory to enter pure and unblemished. So when you receive Me in Holy Communion, recite your Act of Contrition, so you can receive Me as pure as possible. I love all of you so much that I have promised to be with you in My Blessed Sacrament until the time of My return.”

Jesus said: “My people, the United States stands in the way of the one world people who want global control over everyone. The rich and the powerful of the world have wanted to destroy America for many years. They are being patient in bringing about America’s demise. Their first intention is exactly as the terrorists to destroy your economy that runs your country. By controlling your debts, the central bankers want to take over by bankrupting America. Constant wars are their ploy to put America deeper in debt and slowly dismantle and destroy your military. Many of your military base closings are for creating more detention centers, and a reason to not have many of your troops home to defend against your enemies. Plans to encourage all of your manufacturing to be shipped overseas has been brought about by all of your trade agreements that have been a windfall for corporate leaders, but a disaster to your working families. If you stopped these meaningless wars and controlled your deficits and poor trade agreements, America could survive. But the people will have to rise up against these thieves in your government and work toward peace and stable budgets. Greed and fear for jobs will stifle any meaningful change, so you are truly watching your ship of state sink like the Titanic. Pray to Me to protect your souls from the evil all around you. Once the Antichrist is allowed his brief reign, your only hope will be at My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites and My holy ground refuges. Trust in Me and you will have no fear.”

Sunday, May 29, 2005: (Corpus Christi Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you cannot have eternal life in you. (John 6:54) I am the Bread of life that feeds you spiritual food for your soul to survive in this world. (John 11:25) ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me, even if he dies, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die.’ You have My very Presence in My Blessed Sacrament to adore and receive in Holy Communion. Give praise and thanks to your God for this gift of Myself to you at every Mass and in every tabernacle. This vision of healing the sick and the lame is the image of the Great Healer who comes to comfort you in your trials. (Matt. 12:23-30) ‘Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden light.’ The vision of the procession with My Blessed Sacrament is a great tradition which symbolizes how I walk among you through all of your trials. Today, I have walked to you, but I want My faithful adorers to walk to visit Me at Adoration and My tabernacles. I love all of you, and My Real Presence is how I share My love with you every day. Receive Me often in Holy Communion at daily Mass and you too, can be fed heavenly Manna to sustain your soul.”

Monday, May 30, 2005: (Memorial Day)

Jesus said: “My people, this day you honor your war dead for giving their lives that people may be free from tyrants. Unfortunately, it is the one world people who keep lending money and arms to make new tyrants and cause more wars. These evil ones keep perpetuating war after war to make money on the arms sales and the deficits. There is more money spent on defense and debt payments than on all other expenses combined. It is the control of governments through deficits and control of money that drives the one world people’s desire for more wars. Yet, I am a God of love, and just like these heart shapes that get bigger and bigger, I am always reaching out in love to gain all hearts to love Me. Some people appreciate My love and care in all the gifts that I give to them. Others are more wrapped up in their self-love and hate for others that they are blinded to My love. My love and forgiveness awaits all sinners, even those who do not know Me. So while you are praying for those who died for your country, also add a prayer for peace in your world to break your endless number of wars and put more love in this world.”

Jesus said: “My people, some are concerned with TV antennae, cable systems, or dish systems to receive communications for watching television. The dark clouds represent the wars and evils in the world which some people do not see as a threat to them. A faithful person knows that the most important communication is that with your Lord in prayer. With the eyes of faith you can see the increase in natural disasters brought on by the many sins of the world. I treasure the love that you send Me in your prayers and petitions. Those, who pray, are making up for all of those who do not even know Me, or think about Me. Therefore, My faithful should not be skimpy with your time that you give to Me in prayer. If I cannot depend on you, who know better, then who can I depend on? You are seeing fewer and fewer people coming to prayer groups as the faithful older members are dying, and they are not being replaced by as many younger members. It is My faithful remnant that will carry on My traditions and My Church, while the lukewarm will fall by the wayside and be lost. So are you going to be a faithful member who loves Me all of the time, or a lukewarm that only comes to Me in time of trouble?”

Tuesday, May 31, 2005: (Visitation of Our Lady)

Mary said: “I am happy to greet my little one, Peter, and bring him to my Son, Jesus. Peter and Rosemary have a great devotion to Me and receiving his hand in mine is a thank you for all of those that he helped in life. He was gracious with his time, his talent, and his treasure.” Peter said: “I told you that I would see all of you at my funeral Mass. It is a great joy in my heart to see all of you here. The reward of the Lord is so great that you should not have any fear of death, if you are faithful to Him. I love all of my family members dearly, and I am sorry to leave you, but I will be praying for all of you to come to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the vision of those praying in the pews is how I want My faithful to pray for the reparation of your sins and those of others. With enough prayer more souls could be saved and those, who will need purgatory, could be spared some of their suffering. The vision of the waterfalls stopping is a sign how time will stop for everyone receiving their Warning experience. This stoppage of time will be when you are outside of your body and witnessing your life review followed by your mini-judgment. The grace of the Warning will be that some souls will be saved by conversion that otherwise would have been lost. Another grace for My faithful is that you will see and understand what you must do in life to make amends for your mistakes, and how to change your lives to better follow My Will and lessen your time in purgatory. The flames in the vision will be what souls after their judgment will briefly experience if they are judged to purgatory or to hell. They will even see what levels of hell or purgatory they will be in if they do not change their lives. Learn from My mercy of the coming Warning experience so you can become holier and perfect your actions in preparation to enter heaven. I want all of My souls to become saints in heaven, but you must choose of your own free will to change your life for the better.” At our Mass for Lise’s father.

Jesus said: “I can tell you that Lise’s father is suffering in purgatory. If you want to help him, you could have more Masses said for his intention, and pray and fast for his soul to lessen his time in purgatory. The Mass said for him today has already shortened his time in purgatory.”

Wednesday, June 1, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading (Tobias 3:7-23) Sara and Tobias were guided in prayer by the Archangel Raphael so that the demon, who killed her previous seven husbands, would be cast out. The prayer before their marriage focused their love of God on the marriage for children and not for earthly lust. They followed the instructions of the angel and the demon was unable to kill Tobias. There are two lessons in this reading. The one is to recognize that there are demons in the world where some people by their invitations have enabled obsessions and possessions by evil spirits. To rid demons from people I told My apostles that they require prayer and fasting. Call on Me and My angels and we will come to your aid to cast these demons from you. The other lesson for newlyweds is to also place their marriage in the hands of God to bless them with children, but not just through earthly lust. Children should be conceived in true love and be brought up by loving parents. Then the children will see this love environment and they will love Me and their parents as well. Such a joyful marriage will also bring joy to the couple’s parents who will rejoice to see their grandchildren. I am love and I wish all families could have love in their hearts for Me and themselves.”

Wednesday, June 1, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, the population on the earth has been increasing at a faster rate then ever before. It is just a matter of time until your food supplies, your fresh water, and air to breathe will become harder to support more population. Wars and shortages of these necessities of life could become more threatening to parts of the world, especially in the third world areas. Death from diseases and wars could reach a proportion to stabilize the population growth. It is very possible that a world famine could break out at any time. The fear of finding enough food to survive could also create a scene of groups killing to obtain food. This is one of the signs that will occur that will mean it is time to call on Me and your angels to go to My refuges. There My angels will feed you My Manna and provide you with water and meat. Food will be multiplied to satisfy everyone’s needs so there will be no fear of starving. It will be the evil ones who will be trying to steal souls for Satan that will be the most danger. Again call on My help and My angels to protect your souls from sin and temptations. I assure you that I will bring a swift victory over the evil ones who will be chained in hell. By knowing who is the victor, you can be confident in being part of the winning team of My faithful remnant.”

Thursday, June 2, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel focuses on the Two Great Commandments of love of God and love of neighbor. Even though this law may sound simple at first, it also poses responsibilities in carrying out this love. It means that I must be first in your life before any worldly desires or idols. It means you will be obligated to share your time and wealth with Me and others. The hardest is to follow My Will over your own desires. You will always have free will, but I am asking you to submit to following My agenda. Love is a sharing of yourself with Me and others. It is a giving of oneself freely to bring comfort to others, even at your own expense. This love also has its rewards and you are seeing this beginning of your climb up the stairway to heaven. It is an uphill struggle, but it is a labor of love that you are willing to suffer to gain eternal life.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you witness My tomb in the Holy Sepulcher Church in Jerusalem, you are identifying with My death on the cross. All of you are also called to die as a consequence of Adam’s sin. But I am the new Adam and because of My blood sacrifice as the Lamb of God, all of you are redeemed to new life in the Spirit after your death. This is My promise to those who are faithful to Me during their lives. Just as I suffered, all of you are called to carry your own crosses and suffer through the trials of this life. Call on Me in good times and bad times to help you endure this life. The promise of eternal life that I offer for My faithful should give you confidence, even through death, that one day you will be resurrected to heaven in My footsteps. So have no fear of the evil ones and rejoice in My victory over sin and death. After the tribulation you will again see My victory over the evil ones and share in My Era of Peace, and then the glory of heaven.”

Friday, June 3, 2005: (Sacred Heart of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you give praise and glory to Me, you are also praising God the Father and God the Holy Spirit as well. Today’s feast honors My Sacred Heart. When you honor one Person in God, you honor all Three in the Blessed Trinity. That is why you are seeing this image of a triangle followed by My Sacred Heart image. From the letters of St. John you are reading always about the love of God for His people. St. John made it very clear in his writings that I was the Second Person of God in the Blessed Trinity. The picture of My Sacred Heart is also a symbol of My love for mankind, and how I witnessed My love for you in offering up My life on the cross so all of you could be saved. My love for you is unconditional because you are My creations. You can witness your love for Me in your prayers and good deeds. Your witness of love for Me also is an example to others for their own conversions. I thank all of you for showing your love for Me, especially on this feast day of My Sacred Heart.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Me welcoming you to come to Me so I can share Myself with you in Holy Communion. Receiving Me in My Blessed Sacrament is your delight to share My love most intimately with you. For those, who love Me dearly in My Real Presence, you can visit Me often at Adoration or in My tabernacle. Bring Me your troubles and you will find rest in Me. My Heart is still suffering from the rejection of Me in your sins. But My mercy is being poured out on all souls who come to Me in Confession that are seeking My forgiveness. Rejoice in My love for each of your souls. Tonight you are honoring the Two Hearts of My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I call all of you to join with our hearts as one.”

Saturday, June 4, 2005: (The Immaculate Heart of Mary)

Mary said: “My dear children, I am asking all of you to pray for all the priests, nuns, and hierarchy in leading the faithful to heaven. Now more than ever it is more difficult to lead a holy life with all of the modern world’s temptations. Even more so it is difficult for the religious to maintain their vocations. Pray constantly for your priests and nuns to be even strong in their faith. My dear children also need to lead holy lives and remain faithful to your vocations of married life or single life. Pray your rosaries daily and keep close to both of our hearts in your actions. Share your faith and love with us and all of those around you. Then once you have lived your lives of faith, my Son will call you home to your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this evil eye of Satan is how he is attacking My faithful, but fear not because I have conquered sin and death on the cross. I am calling all of My faithful to seek My refuges in this coming struggle with Satan and the Antichrist in the tribulation. My Blessed Mother has been called the refuge of sinners and her places of apparition will truly be the physical refuges for protection and all of your needs. Near the end of the tribulation you will see My Blessed Mother’s Triumph as she crushes the head of Satan. You will also see My Triumph as well in My Great Chastisement and My angels will chain the evil ones in hell. Even now when you call on My Blessed Mother’s protection in praying the rosary and wearing her scapular, she will place her mantle of protection all around you and at the refuges. You have the joy of seeing our Two Hearts joined as one and we love all of you so much. We are sending our graces and blessings over you every time you share with Me at Mass and when you share with us in prayer. My Blessed Mother is the Mediatrix of all graces that come to My faithful. Rejoice with My Blessed Mother as you celebrate this feast of her Immaculate Heart.”

Sunday, June 5, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading (Hosea 6:3-6) there is word of the rains coming to enrich the soul and let the crops prosper. This grace of nourishing moisture is the life of the soil and it gives life to those who drink the water and eat the crops that are produced. Just as My rain comes over all of you, so My mercy and My graces are showered over everyone as well. In today’s Gospel I am not just calling Matthew to follow Me, I am asking everyone to drop their sinful habits and come follow Me. I came to free sinners of their sins and not the selfrighteous. All of you are sinners and you are in need of My graces and My forgiveness. Once you accept that you are a sinner and want to seek My forgiveness for offending Me in your sins, then your heart is open to My forgiveness in absolution of the priest in Confession. Coming to Me in Confession is a way of humbling your pride and admitting your need of My grace. You have a choice to accept or reject My grace. See that I am the Great Healer both of physical ills and spiritual healing of souls overcome with sin. So as you open your hearts to Me, My graces can rain down on you and nourish your souls as the ground is nourished with rain. Those, who receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, again receive the grace of My very Presence in your soul. Rejoice, you sinners, who have seen the Light, and follow Me in everything you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are again sharing My Stations of the Cross in the work that you do for Me. Many would shy away from your mission, but your mission is a labor of love to save souls. Just as I had to suffer carrying My Cross, My faithful should call on Me to help you in carrying your crosses. Trust in My help and you will be able to endure all of your trials. These grounds are testimony to a beautiful refuge complete with a spring of water. The flowing spring in the vision represents the ongoing protection that I bring to this site of holy ground and My Blessed Mother’s apparitions. This consecrated ground will be a refuge for all of My little ones as you will be searching for My protection. All of those, who come here, will receive graces from Me and My Blessed Mother.”

Monday, June 6, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, what you are seeing in the vision is a daily number of souls coming at conception and a daily number of souls leaving this earth at death. This process has been going on since I created Adam and Eve. Some souls live only a short life, while others live into old age. For every soul you are appointed a day of creation at conception and a day of death. Most people do not realize how many souls are conceived and how many die each day. It is your own individual soul that is most important to you, and you need to have your soul in grace so you are always ready for your judgment at death. If you have mortal sin on your soul, you are risking the fires of hell. So pray daily and protect your soul in My sacraments so you are ready for heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the time is drawing close when you will have to go to My refuges. Some people are already being drawn to build their houses near known refuges of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions or places of holy ground. Many parents want their children to move back to the parents’ hometown, so they can be together for the time of tribulation. This vision of moving a bedspring represents how this moving to a safer area is what is needed as soon as possible. Some will be led by their angels at the appointed time to the nearest refuge. Others are already making plans as they are led by the Spirit. Once you arrive at My refuges, I will multiply the food, water, and meat which you will need to survive. I will miraculously feed and protect My faithful in the tribulation just as I fed the Israelites in the desert and protected them from the Egyptians in the Exodus. In the Exodus it took faith to believe in Moses and God to go into the desert with no food and water. In the modern day Exodus during the tribulation, it will take even more faith and more miracles without access to money in the mark of the beast to feed and protect My people. Have no fear, for the Scriptures will be fulfilled and you will see My victory over evil and a renewal of the earth in My Era of Peace.”

Tuesday, June 7, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, many times you are torn between allegiance to Me and your desire for money and the things of the world. I know the necessities of life in food, shelter, and transportation, and I will provide the means for survival as I feed the birds of the air. No matter wherever you are, you have seen how I provided for you in faith. It is unfortunate that man strives for more than he needs because you have little faith that I can provide for your daily needs. Those, who pray for My help, will find jobs enough to provide for your families. Money and possessions fulfill a certain need, but do not make them gods or idols in themselves. They are only a means to an end and not an end in themselves. Many spend all of their time with multiple jobs to be rich in earthly things instead of being rich in heavenly things. Earthly wealth cannot buy you heaven, and it is better to depend on Me than on your wealth. You also have a heavenly wealth in the gift of your faith in Me. This Light in the vision represents the Light of your faith that should be shared with others, and do not put it under a bushel basket in not using it. Remember how I told you that you may be the only one that could bring the faith to a person that you meet in public. If you fail to share your faith, some may miss the opportunity to have their souls saved in My grace. Your good example in prayerful daily living also can help lead souls closer to Me. As I told you to love Me, you must also love your neighbor by sharing your faith with them.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in the Scriptures that I go to prepare a place for everyone of My faithful. I also told you that there are many mansions indicating multiple levels of heaven. The table and chairs are set for My Banquet, but I have not yet set the table for the last judgment day. You will see the first will be last, and the last will be first because of their humility. The proud and the self-righteous will be found wanting, while My faithful remnant will receive their reward at My Wedding Table. Rejoice that you have been invited because all heaven rejoices over every soul that is saved.”

Wednesday, June 8, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people of America, these symbols of drums and pictures of American Indians is how they are many times communicating about their original claims to lands that were taken by the white men. There is talk of reservations and certain tax privileges, but it is hard at this time to relinquish land being occupied and paid for over many years. These claims over land have been an age old problem that has caused wars, as possession of land has given way to the strongest with arms. This same dispute over land is seen even in Israel and now in the areas of war. Wars and struggles for control of land will continue as long as greed and power occupy men’s thoughts instead of peace and compromise. Pray for peace in the world and the cessation of killing for its own sake.”

Jesus said: “My people, the spinning red lights are both a vision of the Warning that is to come and a picture of hell that some will be viewing after their minijudgment. The later darkness of space represents the increase in evil during the tribulation. The mercy of My Warning is that you will have a second chance on return to your body to change your way of life when you feel the guilt of your sins. If you see hell and you want to change the course of your life, you will have the opportunity to love Me and your neighbor more. The evil of the tribulation time will be the worst that you have ever seen when all the demons from hell will be unleashed. Pray for My grace and help to save your souls from these evil ones. Have confidence and trust in My power over evil and you will see another victory over sin and evil as at the Exodus. Prepare your soul with prayer and fasting so you will be able to stand up against this evil and be able to endure it with My grace.”

Thursday, June 9, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, much of your freedom in telephoning anyone or sending financial transactions anywhere has been made possible by microwave communications using satellites and cell towers on the ground. Your banking and charge systems are all digitized and computerized for fast transactions, but this also makes you vulnerable to manipulations by smart cards, chips in the body, and power outages. The evil ones will abuse these financial controls to try and bring you under their global control. This small rainbow around this satellite in the vision means that I will not destroy them until I return in victory over evil. Then My Great Chastisement will destroy all the chips, satellites, and cell towers so that the evil ones will have no control over anyone. My warning to you is not to take any chips in your body that would enable the evil ones to control your mind. Do not worship anyone except Me, and call on Me in prayer so I will protect your soul. Once you see the world famine, the division in My Church, and forced chips in the body, call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge of protection. Otherwise, you could be tortured and martyred at the detention centers. Trust in My power and you will have nothing to fear.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this European green building represents the power of the central bankers behind the European Union. Even though some member nations are trying to refuse to ratify the Constitution of the European Union, eventually this group will be needed to compete with nations around the world. This will be one of the first blocks to accept one world government where individual nations are ruled by a counsel of nations. This same European Union, once ratified, will be ready to accept the Antichrist as its joint leader. The control of chips in the body will soon follow the Antichrist’s declaration. Have no fear for I will soon vanquish these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as the nations of the European Union have joined to protect their trade partners, so other blocks of nations on the various continents will form trade unions for mutual trade benefits. Once these unions have formed and all nations have relinquished their individual governments, then the United Nations will join these unions as a one world government with the Antichrist controlling all the nations of the world. Once the Antichrist is allowed to have full control over the world, I will bring My victory over evil with My Great Chastisement. Trust that My power is greater than all of the evil ones combined.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of the demonic and evil influences of the masons and their New Age teachings which will be a part of the European Union’s Constitution. These same leaders will be promoting a one world religion that will be taught in all of the schools of the world. The evil ones behind your government leaders will try to outlaw all other religions except the New Age teachings that will be promoted by the United Nations. You are seeing the evil forces that will enable the Antichrist to gain global control. Just when all will seem hopeless, I will bring My Triumph over all evil and My faithful will enjoy the Era of Peace as your reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, many are not aware of how all of your information about your identity is stored in two main computers in Europe and the United States. All of the scares about identity theft will soon force mandatory chips in the body for security and prevention of loss. Those, who refuse chips in the body, will be considered outlaws with no means to buy and sell. This is why My faithful must refuse to take chips in the body and seek My protection in My refuges. Those, who refuse My refuges, will suffer in the detention centers. Call on My help and that of your guardian angels to protect your souls from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, judgment time is coming quickly and you will see Me separate the evil ones on one side to be placed in hell, while My faithful will soon gain heaven. By the actions of your life you are choosing either hell by lack of love, or heaven by loving Me and your neighbor. Your first preview of your judgment will be seen in the Warning. This will be a chance for you to convert your ways of sin to My ways. All, who by their own free will choose to follow Me, will find their reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some of My faithful who will have to suffer in prisons for not following the ways of the Antichrist. Some will be beheaded as martyrs for the faith as examples to the rest. If you should be tested in this manner, be willing to die for your faith than accept anything from the Antichrist. Refuse to look into his eyes and pray much for the Holy Spirit to speak through you. Those, who are martyred for My Name’s sake, will become instant saints and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people of faith, this attack of the demons upon My elect will be the worst evil that you will ever experience as a human. Temptations and physical torture will be very hard to resist by My elect. But remember that My power is greater than the demons. My faithful must cling to My Real Presence in My Eucharist and spiritual communion to have the spiritual strength to resist the demons. Call out in My Name for your protection and My angels will be at your side. Trust in Me even in hopeless cases and I will save your souls.”

Friday, June 10, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, many are concerned where to find refuges from the evil ones that will be testing you, but trust in your guardian angels to lead you there. Even some may be led to caves for protection. You will need warm clothes both for winter and the cool caves. You may need to take some bedding that will lift you off the cold wet ground. Cots or tents may be valuable for living conditions. I will see that you have water, bread, and meat at your refuges. Many of the worldly people will think that it is foolishness to refuse chips in the body and smart cards for buying and selling. It is the goal of the Antichrist to make as many people as possible be dependent on him for food, money, and jobs. When you are forced to go to My refuges for protection, you will be outcasts from the society that wishes to worship the Antichrist and worldly possessions. You have but one God in Me, and do not give up your faith in Me even if it means giving up your life in martyrdom. Your physical body of this life will pass on, but your soul lives on forever, as it is immortal. That is why your soul is your most important gift and you need to guard it from sin and temptations. You will suffer rejection and persecution as I did on earth, but have trust in Me in prayer and I will give you My peace through all of your trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, many traditional holy objects such as statues and pictures of God and the saints are being removed from My churches. Others that have been taken out are Communion rails, large crucifixes on the altar, and tabernacles in the center. The vision of stained glass windows is another sign of the older churches. Modernism has so crept into My churches and liturgies that it is hard to sense the ‘Sacred’ or true reverence for My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. All of these signs of God and the saints gave an inspiration to follow My life and the saints as examples. If My tabernacles are not placed in a spot of importance, how can My faithful genuflect to Me, nor see how everyone should give reverence to My Blessed Sacrament? If I truly came in the flesh before you, would you give Me as much respect as you do for My tabernacles. It is truly Me present before you, so you should worship and adore Me often as My saints and angels do everyday. This is an evil time and you should be struggling to build up My Church instead of tearing it apart piece by piece. Let love in your souls reach out to Me in your actions and give good example to the children in your prayers and your reverence for Me in My Blessed Sacrament. Give good example also in coming to Mass and Confession frequently.”

Saturday, June 11, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people of America, this collapsing baseball stadium in the vision represents your collapsing morals and how they are causing your economic and military collapse as well. The moral decay in your country can be seen in your abortions, divorce, fornication, homosexual acts, cloning, birth control, and all of your killings. All sin requires a price to pay for the reparation due for that sin. There is individual sin which each person is held accountable for. There is also national sin as a result of your abuses in law to allow abortions, homosexual marriages, and pornography. Your movies and TV programming allow nudity, violence, and swearing to degrade the morals of your adults and your children. By your society allowing these sinful acts and lifestyles, your country will have to accept the consequences of your actions. A family setting with a married wife and husband represent only a third of your households. This has a damaging effect on the children which just adds to the problem with little teaching of faith and morals. This is why you have fewer and fewer people coming to church and your prayer groups. Your people are more in love with their pleasures and possessions than they are in love with Me. But the wages of sin are death and destruction, and that is what will be coming over your country. Pray for America and that your laws will be more God-centered than man-centered.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I called St. Peter from catching fish, I told him that from now on, he would be a fisher of men. (Matt. 4:19) As I met My disciples in Galilee after the Resurrection, I told My apostles to go out to all the nations of the world and spread My Word of the Gospel. (Matt. 28:19) The most important part of the Gospel is love of God and love of neighbor as yourself. I showed all of you My love by dying for all of your sins on the cross. Man can best understand love in the love of a faithful wife and husband. This love is not just sensual, but a true desire to give of yourself for the other. There is the agape love of a man for his God that is what I truly desire from everyone. This love, just like in marriage, means that you will also love Me and do what I wish for your soul. My desire is that you should be willing to give everything that you have over to Me-your spouse, your family, your soul, and all of your possessions. This is the total consecration of all that you are to Me so that nothing will come between us to separate you from Me. Once you are given over to Me, I can mold you and use you to bring souls to Me by your teaching. All of you are called to be missionaries and prophets and go forth into the world to save souls. Those, who truly have accepted this noble task, will be rewarded greatly in heaven. The souls that you have saved will pray much for your salvation as well. Be willing to say ‘yes’ to My mission without any reservation or looking back.”

Sunday, June 12, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, those, who were ready for your latest power failure, had plenty of light. I have told you before to have mechanical powered lights so you do not have to rely on batteries that deteriorate with time if they are not rechargeable. You also learned the lesson of the wise virgins to have oil for your lamps to burn. Oil is also necessary to be in your lamp so you can light the fuel saturated wick. Once you have a light source in the dark, then you need to place it in a central place to benefit the most from the light. I am the Light in the darkness of the evil of your generation. In the readings you are seeing the calling of My twelve apostles to their mission with Me. Everyone is given their own mission in life which only you can carry out with the gifts that I have given you. My prophets and messengers have a special calling to send My messages out to everyone so that all can hear the Word of God and hopefully keep it in their hearts. It is everyone’s responsibility to present My Word to those who have not heard it, but it is the free will choice of those who hear it and take it to heart in acceptance of My love. Do not be afraid to speak out in My Name to witness My Gospel even to those sinners who do not want to hear your message. All of those, who proclaim My Word, will receive their reward in heaven.”

Monday June 13, 2005: (St. Anthony of Padua)

Jesus said: “My people, the lesson about being a beacon or light of faith is represented again in this vision of an old street light. The image of an old light means that this is an old and repeated message of sharing your faith and My Gospel message with others. It is not easy to speak out in public of the bad morals of your evil society. It is even more difficult to keep repeating My message of truth when you know the majority of the people do not want to hear My message. When you speak out in My Name, you will always risk persecution and being ridiculed. You witness My Word in your speech and in your good actions. Do not be afraid to speak out because you are fulfilling your responsibility to try and bring souls to Me. Sinners may convert when they see your love and persistence to reach out to save them. When sinners witness how you love people in your life, they may desire to have faith in Me also as the source of your joy. When I ask you to turn the other cheek if you are struck on one cheek, you know this is an act of love even for your persecutors.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good to offer hospitality in serving your friends and relatives. Many times inviting people into your house is a way of expressing love and friendship. Sharing your time with each other helps to keep good ties with those that you love. You have seen many examples of hospitality in the Scriptures. My Blessed Mother went to help her cousin in a later life pregnancy. You saw Me wash the feet of My apostles to give them an example of how to serve the rest. When you serve Me, you are serving My faithful in their needs. Reach out in love to share your time, treasure, and talent with your neighbor and your reward will be great in heaven. Just as you give of what you have, remember to be thankful to Me for your gifts and thankful to those who help you in this world’s needs as well.”

Tuesday, June 14, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I want you to love everyone, even those who are difficult to love without any discrimination. You are to love the poor, the homeless who may have a less desirable appearance, the handicapped, those of other races and faiths, and even your enemies who may persecute you or have hurt you physically. This is one of the most difficult teachings that I ask of My faithful. I love everyone because I have created you, but I call all of you to be perfect in your love as My heavenly Father is perfect. This is another part of My unconditional love that I wish all of My followers could imitate. In your desire to do good deeds, do them for even strangers and not just for your friends and relatives. By your reaching out to everyone in the world, you are adding love and taking away some of the hate in people. As you pray for peace in the world, you can help by adding your love in your daily actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you many times of how I give each person a special mission in life that only they can achieve with the unique talents that I give to that person. I never give you a mission to be rich or famous in this world in terms of worldly things. Some may fulfill their mission well enough that they receive awards, patents, or money, and they may become rich or famous accidentally. But do not seek wealth or fame as an end or god in themselves. Affluence and fame can make it harder to find heaven if you are admiring yourself and not loving and worshiping Me. Money and fame are passing away and they will not help you get to heaven by themselves. That is why sharing your wealth and your faith with others will gain you heavenly treasure which is more valuable than earthly treasure. Seeking heavenly things is far better for your soul than chasing after elusive wealth and fleeting fame. Be more concerned with pleasing Me and loving Me than seeking your own earthly pleasures. The more you focus on earthly things, the less time you will have to share with Me.”

Wednesday, June 15, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, the three landings on this stairway represent three lessons on almsgiving, prayer, and fasting which you need to work on as you work toward your perfection. The main lesson is to not do good works just for show, but to do them secretly so you can gain merit in heaven rather than on earth which will not help your soul. (Matt. 6:1-18) Remember that I look at the intent of your heart in why you are doing things. If you do these things for your own benefit, your reward will be on earth, but if you do them for love of others, your reward will be in heaven. In regard to almsgiving it is better to give anonymously than looking for men to thank you. Also do not give begrudgingly or just out of duty, but be a cheerful giver in doing it out of love and not just a tax write-off. Prayer should also be done privately without bragging how many rosaries that you do each day. Pray for the best for your soul and that of other souls as you direct your intentions. When you fast, do not let others know what you are doing, but let it be a supplement to your prayers. Prayer and fasting together are very powerful in ridding evil influences and even addictions. These three lessons are a very important part of your spiritual life, and if used properly, they can help you greatly on your path to heaven.”

Wednesday, June 15, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, at times you may be asked to assist someone when your skills may be needed to solve their problem. When you have an opportunity to help someone, it should be spontaneous that you should be willing to help without worrying about your time or inconvenience. As long as you are able to do it, move forward out of love and friendship. Once you have successfully completed the job, your payment is the appreciation of the person and your sense of joy that you could provide a service to someone. Just as you have helped someone, there may be times when someone could help you in a job they are better skilled at than you. Then your helping someone is repaid by someone returning that favor in your need. By helping each other, then many of your problems can be solved even at nominal cost. Love and friendship are beautiful qualities to have with those around you. Doing good deeds can have many rewards both on earth and in heaven.”

Thursday, June 16, 2005:

God the Father said: “I AM is looking down on all of My creatures, and your sins of abortion and your sins of the flesh disgust Me. When I destroyed the unfaithful in Noah’s time and the unfaithful in Sodom and Gomorrah, they were just as wanton in their sins as the people of today on earth. If it were not for the just souls praying for the rest, I would have destroyed this generation long ago. You have today the Gospel of the prayer to Me that My Son gave you in the ‘Our Father’. Continue to send as much prayer as possible to storm heaven because My scales of justice are weighing heavily against the sins of the earth. I will not destroy the earth at this time, but I will be testing you with many dramatic natural disasters to get your attention. The latest earthquakes and tsunami are just the beginning of the chastisements that I will be sending upon the earth. Repent now while you have time, or you could be swept away by Satan and the Antichrist.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, at times I criticized the Scribes and Pharisees for putting many burdens of earthly practices on the people while they themselves did not lift a finger to help them. I warned the people to listen to the words of the Law, but not to follow how they practiced it. They had many practices where if you swore by the temple, it meant nothing, but if you swore by the money of the temple, you were obligated. Remember in your religious practices that you should follow the spirit of the Law more than the very letter of the Law. I came to not deny any part of the Law, but to fulfill it. Put your trust in Me and not in your money.” Jesus said: “My people, when you are looking for a Catholic Church, you look for a cross because My Church was founded on Me as the cornerstone who died for everyone on the cross. That is why it is good also to have a large crucifix on the altar so you can focus on Me and see how much I love all of you enough to die for you. My cross is also an example of how you must suffer in this life by carrying your own crosses. Call on Me in prayer and I will help you to endure all of the hardships in your life. Bring Me into your hearts and souls often at all of your Masses.”

Jesus said: “My people, these prison bars around My tabernacle represent how I am sometimes a prisoner inside. Every time you share with Me in Adoration, you are releasing Me so everyone can see Me and give Me your praise and worship. Prayer in a group before My Blessed Sacrament will gain many graces for each person present, and also for the parish that you are in. Make an extra effort to pray in front of Me in Adoration wherever I am available to you in driving distance. All of My adorers are My special faithful whom I will always protect from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil of war even destroys beautiful churches because the evil one despises all that is holy. Even without war, the evil ones want to remove all that is holy from My churches. Strive to keep My tabernacles visible to genuflect to them. Keep My crucifixes visible on the altar, and place pictures and statues of Me and the saints in the church so the people can imitate our lives. Stay close to Me in prayer and My sacraments so you can always be focused on loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, I invited all of My apostles to follow Me, but I did not tell them that most of them would be martyred for My Name’s sake. It is difficult to follow Me in obedience to My laws which many times are against human nature. It is even more difficult to imagine yourself possibly being martyred for believing in Me. But if you give up everything to Me in your consecration, it is like being a dry martyr when you are persecuted for believing in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, there were some kings in Egypt who aspired to live eternal lives on this earth. No matter how man tries to preserve his body, even with cryogenic freezing methods, you will never experience eternal life on this earth. Immortality can only be found in your soul and in nothing of a mortal or earthly nature. That is why it is so important to protect your soul from mortal sin and frequently confess your sins in Confession to keep it pure. You do not know when I will call you home, so do not risk going to hell with mortal sin on your soul. Real eternity will be with your soul so choose to be with Me in the glory of heaven than in the eternal flames of hell with Satan.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of those who rule over you in the seats of power in each country. No matter how noble their words, the people of money are controlling their every action. The evil masons and central bankers are only interested in power and they will do anything to preserve that power including killing in wars or whatever else will gain them money. Your only true Ruler is Me because I will never deceive you and I will always love you. But I am a jealous God and I do not want you to worship any other gods or idols before Me. I ask you to be faithful in loving Me and you will see your eternal reward in heaven.”

Friday, June 17, 2005: (Last day of school, closing of St. John’s)

Jesus said: “My people, as with St. Paul, you will see many trials and hardships on the sea of life, but you must trust in your Lord to endure through all of them. You will face much change and many new beginnings in the many stages of your life, but do not let uncertainty and fear rule your life. Ask for My help and I will help walk you through each trial like a mother leads you on your first day of school. When you may start college, I will be there to help you study. When you start your first job, I will help you succeed in your work. If you should get married, I will provide for having children and taking care of your family. You may have concerns with having enough money to get you through life, but put your trust in Me and you will be provided for. Even as you approach death and a new life in the Spirit, trust in Me and My sacraments of love and you will be given enough grace to gain heaven. By letting Me lead you through life in faith, you will not have any fears nor anxieties.”

Jesus said: “My people, this message is all about how you spend your time on this earth and how you need to slow down the pace of your living. If you were able to go back in time fifty years ago and look at a small clip of how people lived in each decade, you would see how fast paced your living is right now. For those knowledgeable about computer speed, your speed of your microchips has greatly incremented just as your society has sped up. In today’s world you have more distractions, and entertainment consumes more of your free time. If you slow down your fast paced living, you could see that you are here more to serve Me than just yourself. A simpler life would leave more time for Me in prayer. Try doing a few things well for Me, and you will accomplish more with Me than your attempts at many unfinished things of curiosity. Leave some free time in your life for Me each day, and you will have some moments to thank Me for what you have and time to adore Me as well as give Me your petitions. Do not just come to Me when you are in trouble, but show your consistent love for Me every day. Then when you come to Me at your judgment day, you will not be a stranger, but a loving friend. It is better living your life for loving Me and your neighbor than selfishly spending all of your time on your own pursuits.”

Saturday, June 18, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, if you know and follow the truth of My laws, the truth will set you free of your sins. When you are addicted to the pleasures of sin, you are a captive of your own sins. That is why to free yourselves, you must seek the forgiveness of your sins in Confession and convert your life of sin to a life of love. If you truly follow My Commandments out of love for Me and to avoid offending Me, you will be living a life of love free from following earthly ways. This vision of the Ten Commandments is how I instructed My people to live. But I have come to fulfill the Law by focusing on love of God and love of neighbor. Laws should be seen not just as what you should not do, but as how you should give praise to Me out of love and help your neighbor out of love. In the Gospel reading there is a continuing thread of trust in Me for what you are to eat, drink, and wear. Many of the worldly are constantly struggling and worrying about these things, but I know all of your needs and I will provide for you. You store up treasures on earth for fear that tomorrow you may not find food. Yet for all of your fears, you cannot change what will happen. Trust in Me because I have not let you down in your previous years. (Matt. 6:33) ‘But seek first the kingdom of God and His justice, and all these things shall be given you besides.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is all about fighting the battle of good and evil so you could choose to follow Me in faith. It takes spiritual courage to step in a boxing ring to do battle with the evil ones. By asking My help, I will defend you with My angels against the demons. At one point it may be difficult to choose a life of loving Me because you will have to suffer persecution while you are being tormented by the devil’s temptations. It may appear easier to take the comfortable broad road to hell, but the consequences are not worth any earthly comforts. The narrow road to heaven is less traveled because it is difficult to struggle against your human inclinations to sinful pleasures. When you choose life, you will choose the right path to heaven. It is only those who fail to love that could choose death on the road to hell. Wake up and repent of your sins while you still have time to be saved.”

Sunday, June 19, 2005: (Father’s Day)

Jesus said: “My people, the vision of the European Union joining with the United Nations is an image of how a one world government is being brought about. Once the individual nations have lost their identity in exchange for regional trade groups, it will be very easy for the one world people to divide and conquer. This has occurred in the same fashion with Parish Catholic schools when they are moved into regional groups. This tactic of divide and conquer is how all of the one world planners work in everything. They destroy a country’s finances with huge unpayable loans and then take control under threat of bankruptcy. Free trade agreements in regions as NAFTA and GATT treaties move into common currencies and then into regional governments. Added to this is the individual control to attempt to get mandatory chips in everyone’s body. The Antichrist will come on the scene to assume full power over all the nations, and he will also be the leader of a one world religion that will worship him. Refuse to take any chips in your body. Refuse to use mandatory smart cards, and refuse to worship anyone but Me. Even if your life may be endangered, it is better to die for your faith than to rot in hell. You will be tested greatly to choose between Me and your money and earthly comforts. Just as Jeremiah was threatened, the evil ones will abuse you and persecute you for speaking out about Me and My laws. Do not be discouraged or frightened for I will protect your souls from evil. Trust and hope in Me and you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Monday, June 20, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, when you die, very few people are perfected enough to come to heaven directly. Even though many talk about heaven or wish their loved ones would go to heaven, the reality is to pray for their soul that they may have been sent at least to purgatory. Those souls, who are found in the lower parts of purgatory, will suffer like those in hell, but are promised heaven one day. Remember that once you die, you can no longer pray for your own soul in purgatory. Better to have your friends and relatives praying for your release from purgatory, especially with Masses. If you have been praying for the souls in purgatory, those, that you helped to release that are in heaven, will be praying for you as well. Should your deceased relative or friend find themselves in hell, your prayers will go to other souls in purgatory so that all of your prayers are never wasted. This is the mercy and justice of God how souls are judged, and your soul must be perfected to enter heaven. Leave intentions in your will to have Masses said for you to assure your help in rising out of purgatory. Everyone faces this purgation on earth or in purgatory for your perfection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to be aware of the signs in the sky. This darkness in the sky during the day could have several causes: a volcano, a sand storm, smoke from a fire, an asteroid, a comet, or an eclipse of the sun. In any event this darkness is coming and it will have an effect on everyone as a sign of the evil that is about to befall you. This will be another sign of the coming Warning, as many will be frightened of the source of this darkness. I have told you to have your soul purified so you are always ready to meet Me in your judgment. You are seeing many signs of the coming tribulation, and the Warning will be the first of the major signs. Do not be afraid of these times of trial for I will give you the grace to endure all of them, even though it will seem hopeless. Be patient and you will soon share in My Era of Peace and My victory over evil.”

Tuesday, June 21, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you heard of Sodom and Gomorrah and you know My justice that befell these towns because of their evil ways. The vision of confessionals is a strong sign of how the people of this age need repentance of their sins or worse destruction could fall on you as well. The Gospel reading speaks of not judging others and not gossiping that could destroy a person’s reputation. I am the only judge, and be thankful that I judge with the mercy of God and not the eye for an eye rule of man. There is also a mention of how few there are that seek the narrow road to heaven because it is full of suffering and persecution, but it is the only way to purify your souls for heaven. Do not follow the crowd that seeks the earthly comforts of the broad road to hell. Just as you have to work hard in this life to survive, so also in the spiritual world the lukewarm are spewed from My mouth, while those, who love Me and trust in Me, will find their reward in heaven, no matter how difficult the road may be.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to My refuges, there will be many hungry people there expecting something to eat. Just as I multiplied the fish and the loaves of bread when I was on the earth, so I shall feed My faithful remnant by multiplying whatever food that you have on hand. The image of a fast food restaurant is how fast I will multiply food so everyone can have something to eat. You will collect the leftovers also and see how gracious I am to feed you. I will provide bread, water, and meat for all of My faithful at My refuges. Do not worry if there will be enough food each day, even for many that will come. All of you will be provided a shelter as well. In the winter I will even multiply whatever fuel or light devices that you will need. My Eucharist will always be present so that you have Me with you through the whole tribulation. Just trust in Me for protection from the evil ones by My angels, and you will be healed of all sicknesses by looking upon My luminous crosses in the sky. You will be giving Me thanks and praise every day for all of My gifts for your needs. Each person will be obligated to a particular job to help the rest. You will have much more time to pray as I strip each of you of all of your earthly desires for possessions. With all that I will provide for you, you will have no fears and no worries.”

Wednesday, June 22, 2005: (St. John Fisher)

Jesus said: “My people, all of those, who are faithful to My Commandments, pray often, and receive My sacraments, are part of My Church by your acceptance of Me into your lives. Today, you are honoring St. John Fisher, even as you share the same name of your sister city. Those, as yourself, who have attended your college of the same name, can identify even more with this great saint. He was a man of principle and he did not want to condone the king’s divorce, nor his power away from Rome. It is one thing to believe in following your faith, but it is another to believe strong enough to die for your beliefs. Even as you are in evil times and are about to enter the tribulation, many will be persecuted and even martyred for openly proclaiming My Gospel and refusing to worship alien gods. This will be a true test of your belief in Me whether or not you are ready to die for your faith as St. John Fisher did. Those, who die a martyr’s death, will become instant saints in My eyes because of your courage in the face of persecution. Today, in most areas you are not threatened with your life to spread My Word of the Gospel. All the more reason that you should shout My message from the rooftops to bring as many souls as possible to conversion of their sinful lives. Heaven rejoices over one soul that is saved, so imagine the joy in heaven when you are instruments of bringing souls to eternal life with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you to watch the skies for signs or omens of things to come. I have told you also that the comet of chastisement, that would end the tribulation, is already on its way. The vision of this white object coming towards the earth is the sign that will frighten many on the day of the Warning. I am not giving any date for the Warning, but this sign will arrive before the great chastisement. Many are searching for dates or signs of when the Warning will occur, but it is not important to know of this date. Some are already searching for when objects will come close to the earth, and for dates of the eclipses of the sun. My Warning will be a mercy for all souls to improve your spiritual lives after you feel how much you have offended Me with your sins. Be ready to evangelize these souls because it may be their last chance to be saved.”

Thursday, June 23, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in years past many of My faithful had special devotions to Me, My Blessed Mother, and their favorite saints. Many of your churches are also named for these saints. Unfortunately, in the newer churches such saints and statues are no longer present. Still many have devotions as the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Even some are seeing a renewed interest in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. When you focus on My life, that of My Blessed Mother, and the saints, you can imitate our holiness in your own lives. Even if you do not see these statues in your churches, you can buy some and place them in your prayer rooms. Some people also have secured some relics of the saints that you can display in your living room or your prayer room. Relics should be displayed and shared in public instead of keeping them hidden away in drawers. Again reverencing these relics on the saints’ very feast day, gives you an added remembrance of the glory of My saints who are sharing eternal life with Me. Make a listing of the relics that you have with the feast day, so you can have them ready to share with others at Mass. My saints are intercessors of prayer for your petitions as they bring your petitions to Me. Give praise and thanks to Me, and honor the saints who will help each of you to be saints one day in heaven also.”

Later, at St. Thomas More’s Adoration I could see at least twelve floating bombs tethered in a submarine. Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some new technology that terrorists could use to bomb your coastal cities. The vision is of many mines that could contain dirty bombs, nuclear bombs, or biological bombs. These are somewhat sophisticated devices that could be dropped off with a small boat at night. They could be used to destroy aircraft carriers, or damage large cities. The ship bombed in Yemen was from a small suicide boat. Many of your cities are open to such terrorist tactics and they will probably attack many cities at once. Your Homeland Defense needs to examine every possible method of attack either from above or below the water. Pray much that your country will be protected from such major destruction.”

Friday, June 24, 2005: (Nativity of St. John the Baptist)

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision I am showing you the glory of My Real Presence that luminates as a halo all around My Host. No matter how small My consecrated Host is, I am there in your midst in My Body and Blood. Treasure the moment each time that you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. I am joined with you intimately with your soul until I am consumed in the Host. This same light of holiness all around My Host, also shines all about your body and soul for about fifteen minutes. You are like My tabernacle, so treat everyone after Communion as if I were present in them as I am. Today’s feast of the Birth of St. John the Baptist is a sign as given in the Canticle of Zachariah which is read in Morning Prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours. This is a sign that St. John the Baptist will be a herald in the desert for My coming as the Messiah. Just as prophets foretold My first coming on earth, so you are seeing many prophets and messengers heralding My coming again in the end times when Satan and the Antichrist will be defeated. Many marveled at the birth of St. John the Baptist, wondering what kind of man he would become. Now in this age many marvel at the prophecies given about My coming victory and triumph. Rejoice, My children, when My victory will usher in My Era of Peace where you will see the new heavens and the new earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many changes coming in My Church that many are not expecting. The physical changes show many blank walls with My tabernacles hidden in back rooms. This movement to the left is how My Church is becoming more liberal without following the old traditions of the Church. Divisions in My Church have come over differing interpretations over Scripture and a reluctance by some to follow Church laws and My Commandments. My law is changeless because love of God and love of neighbor is My calling to everyone in every era. Modernism teaches constant change for its own sake, and there is also an influence coming from a desire to form a one world religion based on New Age principles. Do not worship the Antichrist or any other earthly thing. You are to worship Me only and do everything for My greater glory. If you see New Age influences coming into your church, try to change it or leave. The evil ones are trying to remove all that is holy, and take away the reverence for My Blessed Sacrament. My faithful need to preserve your traditions and do not listen to those who want to do away with prayers and Adoration. Show your love for Me always in your actions, and you will teach others how obedient they must be to Me. You will then receive your reward in heaven for being faithful to My Word and My laws.”

Saturday, June 25, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the readings today you are witnessing My mercy, My miracles, and the faith of the people. This passage about Abraham in Genesis is a fulfillment of My covenant that I would make Abraham a father of many nations and descendants. Even though Abraham was advanced in years as was Sarah, his wife, he still had faith in My promise. He believed in the impossible that I could do, and later his wife conceived his son, Isaac. In the same way the Roman centurion had faith that I could heal his servant. He even believed that I could heal the servant with just My Word from a distance. As a result of My many healings, many souls came to believe in Me. Even today there are many who pray and believe that I could heal their infirmities. There are still miracles of healing going on today that defy natural happenings. These readings are lessons in faith that I can do the impossible. You come to Me with many petitions for healing, and you know the power of My Name. Still you accept that it needs to be My Will if someone is to be healed. In the coming tribulation you will be facing a battle against the Principalities and Powers of the demons. You will be in a spiritual battle and not one of physical weapons. Some will die as martyrs and will become saints, but I have promised My protection of your souls and that I would provide for your needs, just as I gave Isaac to Abraham. I will fight the evil ones for you just as I battled the Egyptians for the Israelites. Believe and have faith in My miracles that I will perform for you at My refuges. It is easier to believe while you are living comfortably, but when your life is threatened by persecution, you will have to trust completely in Me for everything. Continue in your daily prayers and build up your spiritual strength through Me so you will have the graces to endure the coming tribulation.”

Sunday, June 26, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to a banquet table, you may see how little children need a little higher chair to reach the table. The banquet table represents My Eucharistic table when you come to receive Me in Holy Communion. The young children come to Me with a simple faith that is innocent and trusting. Many times I tell you that unless you come to Me with a child-like faith, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. As you grow older, you are many times taken up with the cares of the world more than with Me. As you are growing up, you should make an attempt to expand your faith beyond what you first learned in grade school. As you are educated in the skills of the world, you should also share your talents and your faith with others. No matter how old you live to be, you should never lose your reverence for Me, nor your humility before Me and others. I love each of you unconditionally, so if you are to gain heaven, you must love Me without conditions in full trust as a child. Give Me honor, praise, and thanks in your daily prayers and give Me all the glory for all of your accomplishments. By living a simpler life without spending every moment on worldly things, you will have more time to be with your Lord. You do not have to be sophisticated in your faith, or know every chapter and verse in the Bible. Come to Me in simple, humble faith and you will be assured a place in eternal life in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the last year or so you have seen an unusual number of serious earthquakes over 6.0 magnitude. Many of the various plate movements have been involved with a majority of these earthquakes under water. This increase in the number and severity of earthquakes will continue with subsequent loss of life in the more populated areas. The increase in these events are more signs to you that you are in the end times. You are continuing to see a loss of life in areas of much sin, as these earthquakes are the natural disasters that I am using for chastisements. Continue to pray for America’s sins and conversions before your country could be destroyed or taken over.”

Monday, June 27, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, as you sleep at night, you are trusting that you will not be disturbed by any outside events. Many become unconscious that their sinful lives are offending Me, or they rationalize that what they are doing is not sinful. Lot and his family were directed by the angels to leave Sodom and Gomorrah because God could not find ten just people and He was about to destroy these towns. I am merciful and just, and the innocent were protected that day, but those, who would not repent of their sins, were destroyed with fire and brimstone. I have told you many times that you are the ones responsible for the consequences of your actions. In every action you choose to love Me or reject Me. The evil of the world will worsen in the tribulation, but I will bring My victory over sin with My Great Chastisement that will bring about an end to all evil on the earth. This will be a chastisement by fire and not by water. So have no fear of the end times because you know of My coming victory. The evil ones will be chained in hell, but My faithful will enjoy My Era of Peace.”

Tuesday, June 28, 2005: (St. Irenaeus)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel reading My apostles were fearful of dying in the boat when a serious storm came up on the Sea of Galilee. My apostles did not realize the extent of My powers as God’s Son, so they did not have faith that they would not die. I calmed the sea and the winds and they wondered what manner of man was I that even the weather and the seas obeyed Me. My apostles later were in even greater awe when they witnessed My Resurrection. The vision shows you My glory and power that were manifested even more when I resurrected from the dead into My glorified Body. When I appeared to My apostles after My Resurrection, they finally realized that I was a God-man with a real body. My Resurrection is a hope for all people after death that if you follow My Will and My Commandments, you will also one day be resurrected into a glorified body as I was. Calming the storm was just one of the miracles that I performed, but the greatest miracle was My rising from the dead because sin and death have no power over Me. Rejoice, My children, because I am still sharing My miracles with you every day at Mass when the priest changes the bread and wine into My Body and Blood.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of My tabernacle in the center is not only how I want you to place Me in a prominent spot, but it also represents how I need to be the center of your life. There are many distractions of possessions and entertainment that can occupy your time. If you do not control your earthly appetites, things of the world could take up all of your time without any time for your prayer life. By constantly being busy with earthly affairs, you will not let Me come into your life. These busy lines of traffic are an example of how you are rushing about to follow your own agenda. It is an earthly temptation to want to be in complete control of your life. You should realize that I have placed you here for a specific mission to follow My plan for your life. You can communicate your love to Me in prayer, but you need to make time in your life for Me. Once you open your heart to Me, you can let Me into your life so I can lead you on your path to heaven. You are to follow My mission in total consecration of all that you have over to Me. This means that not only should you make time for Me, but you should give all of your time over to Me to carry out My agenda only in your life.”

Wednesday, June 29, 2005: (St. Peter and St. Paul)

Jesus said: “My people, these shadows of people standing represent how My faithful need to stand up for your faith no matter how much you may be persecuted. In this evil age you are tested often by your society that is focused on worldly things and pleasures. As you stand up to defend life against abortion, euthanasia, and even against living together in sin, you will face much opposition, but be true to My Word and never waiver from following My Law. Even if others lead a sinful life, do not be convinced to follow them. My faithful are called, as St. Peter and St. Paul, to go out to all the nations to witness to My Name and My death on the cross to save all people. Those, who are like missionaries and spread My Gospel, will receive a prophet’s reward. If you should convert any souls to be saved in My Name, do not take any credit for your work, but give all the glory to God. If you should be instrumental in someone’s healing by your prayers, again give all the glory to God. By being humble in your service to Me, instead of being prideful, you will gain more merits in heaven toward your being in heaven. Love Me always and let Me lead your lives in fulfilling your mission. Then you, like St. Paul, can claim that you have fought the good fight and finished the course as I will welcome you to your prize of eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Thursday, June 30, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, when you respond to My love, you do so with great joy, just as a flower blossoms in all directions. When you wish to share My love with others, you do not just talk softly to a few, but you wish to shout it from the rooftops. Each of My faithful know how much you treasure your gift of faith. So you want to share this gift of mine with everyone who wants to listen to your message. Every heart can rejoice to accept My call to holiness. Pray for all sinners that they may come to know the beauty of My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you pray for your intentions, let them be for anything that will help your soul or the souls of others. Do not focus on earthly things for your intentions, but focus on the best spiritual gift that you could give to someone. This may be a Mass intention or a rosary intention. Masses said for the living can help free demons from people or their houses. Masses said for the dead can help them greatly in reducing their time in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, hanging out your washed laundry represents how your souls can be cleansed from your sins in Confession. They also are a public display of what you have done wrong in My sight. After Confession, your soul is pure, but you can dirty your soul again with your sins, just as your clean clothes can be dirtied by falling into the filth of the dirt. Watch your every action and be able to keep your souls pure.” Jesus said: “My people, when you see a small fire starting in a forest, you struggle to put it out quickly before it spreads to a large fire that is much harder to put out. This is true of sin in your souls as well. Your habitual sin can grow into more serious sin and you need frequent Confession to return to a white soul. At your judgment you could even see more flames that could be from purgatory or hell that are always present as cleansing or eternal punishment.”

Jesus said: “My people, water leakage in a roof can be an increasing problem as the hole worsens or the walls could have increasing damage. Again the damage requires a rapid fix to prevent further damage. It is even more important with sin on your souls, because as sin increases to darken your soul, it becomes harder to seek My forgiveness because of your weakness to sin. Your souls need constant maintenance with frequent Confession, to keep the house of your soul holy and pure.”

Jesus said: “My people, your body has various requirements to survive. One is sufficient water to carry food in and toxins out of your body. Another is to have sufficient oxygen for proper consuming of energy in your cells. In your souls you need sufficient grace as your spiritual life blood to survive. Another is the nourishment of your soul by receiving My Bread and Wine in Holy Communion. Look to My sacraments to heal your spiritual ills and save your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know full well how much sleep that your body requires every day to stay fully refreshed in the morning. You also feel the effects of your physical endurance when you do not get enough sleep. In your soul you also know your own spiritual endurance to various temptations of sin. Many times avoiding temptation is your best prevention. You also know that once you are weak in your sins that you are susceptible to even greater sin. Again your best defense against sin is daily prayer and frequent Confession. Know your weaknesses and how to prevent sin from leading you astray from the faith.”

Friday, July 1, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, the early Christian missionaries in California had a hard life, but the faith was maintained through the various mission churches that the people built. As the West was being built up, these missions survived even changing governments and nations. Today, Masses are still said there, even as some are treated as museums or tourist attractions. The faith in Me lives on in these missions and they are an inspiration for all the people in this area. In this evil age many are falling away from their faith in Me and they are worshiping the worldly things as idols. Your country is becoming a mission land again because the people need Me in their lives if they are going to come to heaven. Persecution of religious people will be increasing and you will have to go underground to worship Me. Those, who do not have the faith now, are going to find it difficult in the tribulation. Pray for conversions now.”

Saturday, July 2, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this rosary that was dropped on the floor represents people who become lax in their prayer life and forget to give Me some time in their lives. Praying the rosary is one way of saying I love you to Me and communicating your petitions. Your days have become so busy with activities that it is important to make some time for your Master. The Gospel reading speaks of fasting which is another way to improve your spiritual life with some earthly restraints. By giving up some food during the day, and even going without eating desserts, you can curb some of your body’s requests for pleasure. Prayer and fasting together are even more powerful in helping your spiritual lives and sending your petitions to heaven. The bridegroom is no longer present with you physically, even though I am with you sacramentally. So now is the time to fast as often as you wish to strengthen yourself against daily temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, the yellow colored hub is symbolic of a warning color as in a street light. The spinning around of the model football field is associated with the many events of one’s life that will be seen in the Warning experience. The football field means that the Warning will come most likely between September and January of the football season. I did not give a specific year of the Warning, but this event is not far off. I have been giving you messages to prepare yourself spiritually so you will be able to endure the coming tribulation that will start after the Warning. By a daily regimen of prayer and fasting at times, you can build up your spiritual strength. Call on Me in your needs and I will be there to provide for you.”

Sunday, July 3, 2005: (My 40th Wedding Anniversary)

Jesus said: “My people, love joins a man and woman in marriage, but the couple has no idea of all the troubles and trials that will test their marriage. You know of the current statistics of divorce and that is why this marriage picture is turned upside down. Those couples, who are close to Me in their prayer life, have a better chance of sharing a selfless love with each other. That is why long lived marriages are a true testimony of love and dedication for each spouse. Despite all of your trials, the children and grandchildren make your lives a joy in seeing their beautiful young faces. Rejoice My son and daughter on your beautiful 40th anniversary and keep Me close to your heart all of your lives. You continue to see My example of love for My Church represented in the true love that you see between a loving husband and wife.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the satellites among the stars to indicate the control of the one world people over all of your money. As soon as mandatory smart cards are in place, the financial control of the evil ones will be in place. Mandatory chips in the body will soon follow as My faithful will be retreating to My refuges for your needs and protection. Near the end of the Antichrist’s reign, many armies will be amassed ready for the Battle of Armageddon in Israel. At the peak of the Antichrist’s rise to power, I will send My Great Chastisement in the form of a comet that will strike the earth and cause the three days of darkness. At that time I will bring My victory over all the evil persons and evil spirits as they will be chained in hell. I will then renew the earth and My faithful will see their reward in My Era of Peace. Do not lose hope no matter how difficult this tribulation will be because I am always in control, and I will protect your souls from the evil one’s influence.”

Monday, July 4, 2005: (Independence Day)

Jesus said: “My people, many families get together for picnics to celebrate your holiday weekend. You are happy to live in freedom and you should be honoring all of the soldiers who have fought wars to make you free. Even though wars are expensive and cost lives, people everywhere cannot be faulted for struggling to be free of tyranny from rulers. Even as you celebrate this liberty of control, there is also a spiritual freedom. Those, who follow My laws and My Will, are also set free of the bondage of sin. When you live faithful lives to Me, then you do not let sinful ways control your life. This freedom of spirit is available to everyone who wants to stay on a path to heaven. Come to Me often for the forgiveness of your sins and you will truly be set free.”

Tuesday, July 5, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that during the tribulation there will be some who will be martyred for their faith. This will be another time of persecution of My followers as in earlier years. Unfortunately, some of these martyrs will also be priests as in the vision. The evil ones will be seeking out leaders of religious groups and patriots so they can proceed in their world takeover. The evil ones will try and force a one world government and a one world religion of New Age influence on everyone. This is when I will lead My followers to My refuges for protection. Because the priest will be scarce to sacrifice the Mass, I will have My angels bring Holy Communion to you every day at My refuges. For those, who cannot receive Me physically, you can call on Me in spiritual Communion and pray your rosaries. I will be guiding you and protecting your souls, so have no fear of this time. This will be more of a spiritual battle and it will test your faith and your resolve to be faithful to Me, even in the face of death. In a short time I will defeat the evil ones and you will enjoy My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones will be using all of the latest technology to keep everyone under control. The masonic signs on these planes indicate who is behind sponsoring this one world takeover. Again I will allow the evil ones their hour for takeover and you will see a time of evil worse than ever before. These stealth aircraft will be completely new and may even appear as alien aircraft to some. Do not think that you are being invaded from another world, because these aircraft have been made here secretly. They will be more advanced than any other aircraft in your arsenal. The evil ones will have their brief reign before I will come in victory over all of their weapons.”

Wednesday, July 6, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, many in your country of America are blessed with an abundance of more than you need to survive. You do not realize how fortunate you are in America compared to many poor people in the third world countries. You should be thanking Me more for all that you have here. When you are bestowed with so much wealth, it is your responsibility to share with those who are less fortunate. You are called like My apostles not only to share your money and time, but also to share your faith. It is this spiritual wealth that is so much more precious than your physical wealth. Bringing souls to me to be saved is an eternal blessing for these souls who long to be with Me. Just as you see the poor longing to be fed food and drink, so there are the poor in spirit who long for My grace in My sacraments. I asked St. Peter to feed My lambs. So I am asking My faithful to feed those people with open hearts and those willing to receive Me into their souls. This longing for peace in the soul is how souls are seeking Me to be a part of their lives. Some people do not even know who I am, yet they are seeking My rest in their souls. Do not deny these souls My peace by sharing My Gospel of love with them. Every soul, who hears My Word from your lips and is satisfied, will be eternally grateful to you. This joy of saving souls will be a rich reward in your heart for sharing your faith with others. You will also be storing up many treasures in heaven for your good deeds.” Jesus said: “My people, this train ride for kids in a theme park represents how you travel through the different stages of life. Your first stop is all about your life in grade school as you grew up. Your second step is in your college years where you chose your profession. A further stop is when you were married and had your children. This was followed by the next step when you enjoyed your grandchildren. Another stop is where you got off for your retirement, and the last stop is when you return home to Me. Life is a short time on earth and it is soon over before you realize it. So experience life in every moment because these moments will be passing away quickly. As you look back on your life, you can remember all of your actions and duties that you will be held accountable for. At the very end of your life, you will be receiving a life review before your judgment is pronounced. The way you lived and loved Me and your neighbors will decide where you will be sent. You will see and accept a just disposition of your destination after seeing all of your life. Your life is actually your preparation and a test that will determine how sincere your faith was in living your life. The lukewarm and non-believers will be walking the broad road to hell, while My faithful followers will be traveling the narrow road to eternal life in heaven with Me. Choose life wisely because your decisions will determine your eternal destination.”

Thursday, July 7, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision focuses on two themes that are most important in your spiritual life-forgiveness in Confession, and humble daily prayer. No matter how grievous your sins may be, My arms are always awaiting your embrace in the confessional to forgive you. It is your calling to admit your sins and make a forward motion to seek My forgiveness for offending Me with your sins. I will graciously cleanse your souls by the absolution of the priest and you can accept your penance in reparation for your sins. The vision of the nun in daily prayer is an example of how much you need Me to walk with you during your daily trials. By praying first before you start your day, you will have My grace and presence to help carry your daily cross and it will be less burdensome. Protecting your soul and keeping it pure is My calling to everyone as you make your way through life on your way to heaven. Seek the heavenly things to help your soul, and do not be distracted by the attraction to earthly things.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, there are many sports enthusiasts that surround bicycle races, horse races, and car races. Each person and team go all out to win the race which is about pride of winning, as well as a rewarding purse. Winning is all about practice, good equipment, and endurance. St. Paul talked of fighting a good fight and finishing the course. So everyone is in a race for eternal life and your finish line is your judgment. You have this short life to serve Me and show Me your love and desire to follow My Will. Your reward in heaven is well worth your struggle to try and reach perfection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are again witnessing terrorist activity which is cowardly killing innocent people with no regard for loss of life. These latest killings and wounding of many people in London is just another attempt to stop the fighting in Arab countries and resistance to the one world leaders meeting in this area. Killing of all kinds in wars, terrorism, abortions, and euthanasia, are all abhorrent to Me, especially where there is killing for its own sake. Pray for peace in this world and for a cessation of all hostilities for any reason. If you follow My laws of love, then you will not commit acts of hate that take lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are too accepting of the research that is being done with stem cells of aborted babies. Some are cloning individuals or animals for so called research to provide for new organs for those who need organ transplants. It is not man’s place to be changing nature and how I created things in perfect harmony. Man’s creations are imperfect with too many side effects that will create animals or humans with many defects that will not survive long. Stop abusing My creation with your manipulations of DNA. Better to accept the perfection of My creation than to try in your pride to improve on My plans.”

Jesus said: “My people, once terrorism is acted out, it puts a little doubt in people’s daily activities. It is difficult to prevent this destruction on various means of travel. More of these extreme attacks keep making people more apprehensive of where they are going that could endanger their safety. Pray for My protection in all that you do, and I will be watching over your safety.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good to have trust in My help, but it is prudent to be aware of the many dangers that could happen around you. Sometimes it is this defensive attitude in driving that could prevent accidents. In the same way you can protect yourself by avoiding targeted areas. Pray for My help in your protection, especially when you will come to My refuges to protect your souls and your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, many farmers are at the mercy of good weather at the right time to grow and harvest their crops. If one thing goes wrong as floods, droughts, tornadoes, or not enough money for feed, a farmer could lose his crops or animals and risk bankruptcy. This total trust in Me is also seen in your spiritual lives. My apostles stated that who else could they turn to because I had the means for gaining eternal life. So again I ask you to trust in Me as My apostles did and you will find eternal life with Me in heaven.” Jesus said: “My people, man’s justice system, as you see it, has many flaws. There is no love in your justice and rich lawyers are able to twist the law in their favor for their clients. There is even collusion with many judges for payoffs. Look at your laws favoring abortion and homosexual marriages for examples of man’s justice. My justice is true because it is merciful, loving, and is not manipulated by bribes or rationalizations that everyone is doing the same thing, even though it is wrong. Live by My justice in My Commandments and you will find a loving reward in My Kingdom.”

Friday, July 8, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming in this evil age where I will again throw down a gauntlet before you just as Moses separated his people at Mount Sinai. You saw in Moses’ day a separation between those who wanted gold and the things of the world from those who were willing to follow My Ten Commandments and love Me. This evil age is no different, but there are fewer who want to follow My ways over man’s ways. Those, who choose to not take chips in the body or the mark of the beast, will be separated at My refuges from those who will follow the Antichrist. My believers will worship only Me, while the evil ones will worship the Antichrist. You will either be with Me or against Me because there will be no middle ground. You will have to choose between life and death.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, your original independence from England was a fight to remove the king’s tyranny of taxes and near slavery, as well as freedom to worship God as people wanted. Many were God-fearing people in the beginning, but now more are drifting away from their roots of faith. The one world people have a goal to take over all governments, and that is why the men of money in the central bankers want to take away your freedoms and make you into their slaves. The desire for power and wealth has been inspired in these men by Satan himself. Your wars and the destruction of your manufacturing is their way to destroy your economy and make them rich at the expense of your middle class. Mandatory smart cards are the beginning of how the evil ones want to control you through your buying and selling. Control over your fuels is another way to limit your travel. Little by little your government will control your property, your taxes, your identity, and where you can travel. Every lost freedom creates one more chain of control over you. You will soon see a looming battle between good and evil become more clear where those, who are disbelievers in Me, will try to kill all of My faithful remnant. My people will be forced to seek My protection at My refuges where many have prepared places to stay throughout the tribulation. Be patient and trust in My protection while the evil ones have their hour. In a short time I will bring My victory over all evil and you will share in My Era of Peace.”

Saturday, July 9, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, My message today is one of avoiding temptations of sin. The devil tempts you every day, but you need to avoid the occasions of sin so you are not led into habitual sin. Some are led to bars or night clubs to drown their troubles by drinking, or to seek companionship, even though they may be married already. It is one thing to come innocently to a bar or an ‘R’ rated movie. But when sin results from these occasions of sin, then you need to learn from your sinful mistakes and refrain from attending such places. Drinking and lust can become sinful addictions which you need to confess and work to avoid in your lives. People need to be drawn to love Me, especially at Mass, than fall prey to your earthly desires for pleasure. Your marriage is too precious to be wandering with other men or women. Do not violate your vows of fidelity which are causing many divorces because of your lack of control to restrain your body’s desires. Love your spouses and do not even risk such bad behavior in known occasions of sin. Do not abuse your body either with alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes. By following My Commandments and leading a holy Christian life, you will be well on your path to heaven.”

Sunday, July 10, 2005: (Parable of the Sower)

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard My Gospel of the sowing of the seed of faith in everyone. The parable is always a question to the reader of what kind of soil do you represent? Are you the one on rocky ground, the soil among the thorns, or the good soil yielding a hundred, sixty, or thirty fold? My invitation in the vision is to imitate Me as a teacher, and walk in My footsteps by receiving My seed of faith and also sharing the Good News with others. By reaching out to save souls for Me, your faith will blossom and your good work will bring your own salvation. Do not worry if people will listen to you and accept My Word, but fulfill your Christian responsibility of bringing the faith to your friends and relatives. It is the free will of every person to accept or reject Me, but by spreading My Word, you are also like Me as the sower in bringing the Word of God to My people. Those, who hear the Word of God and keep it close to their hearts, are truly the good soil who will yield a hundred, sixty, and thirty fold both here on earth and in My Kingdom in heaven.”

Monday, July 11, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you use mirrors in the morning to groom and beautify your physical appearance. Sometimes you should take a deeper look at your inner appearance as well in your soul. I look at both your outer appearance and your souls as well. If you want to present an inner beauty to Me, you should remember to confess your sins regularly to Me in the priest at Confession. You know that you are a sinner, but you need to take time to repent of your sins and ask My forgiveness. Working toward your perfection is a constant struggle, so do not be lax in having your sins cleansed before the priest. My faithful should go to Confession at least once a month, even if you have not committed any mortal sins. You always have the grace of My sacrament and it is humbling to admit your weaknesses in sin. Do not let your pride or laziness keep you from visiting your forgiving Father and Master.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is about an attempted rescue of men on a submarine after an attempted use of a new torpedo exploded on the ship. The red light was an indication of an emergency that there was serious damage to the submarine and all the men aboard were at risk of being drowned or trapped below. The highly classified nature of the new torpedo experiment eventually resulted in the death of these men. New experiments with faster torpedoes and ballistic missiles to defy antiballistic missiles are still being carried out. Man continues to spend billions of dollars on the latest killing machines and other weapons that will be used in your future wars to show off the power that each side has. I continue to urge My faithful to pray for peace and to have your representatives stop voting to spend so much money on the next latest weapons for war. The more wars, that are fought, will only hasten the day for a major third World War that could kill millions of people. Pray much to help counter the many sins that are bringing about all of your wars.”

Tuesday, July 12, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you know of My justice and My mercy, but do not criticize My decisions when you know nothing of which you are speaking. You know that I know everything about each person and the intent in their hearts of every sin. So when I condemn a town, you should know that they were unrepentant of their sins, and even failed to listen to My own words in their synogogues. Some of you have been to see the remnants of these old towns that are in ruins today. I knew of the future fate of those towns, so My words were even prophetic of their destruction for lack of faith. Let this Gospel reading be an example for all towns to heed. If the people do not want to believe in God and do not want to repent of their sins, that town will also fall in destruction for not fulfilling its purpose in giving greater glory to Me. This is true also for individuals. If you reject Me, My words, and do not carry out My plan for your life, then you too, will be led down to the nether world as a consequence of your actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is one of the plans that the one world people could use to take over a city without fighting. This blue cloud that came into New York City represents a gas that could put everyone to sleep for several days. Once the people were asleep, then foreign troops could takeover and carry the people off to a detention center. Those, who have gas masks, could be protected from these effects. Those at My refuges would be protected from these effects also. This would be the beginning of martial law where those, who take the chips in the body, will be separated from those who will refuse these chips. There are other means of mind control weapons that could also achieve the same means of sleep inducement. Call on My help when these things are happening and I will have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges where you will be protected from all of these weapons of the evil ones. World control is the goal of the evil ones, so be aware of their tactics for taking away your freedoms, and their attempts to control people by putting chips in their bodies. Pray for strength to endure all that the evil ones will test you. My help is always at your side and My power is greater than all of the evil ones combined.”

Wednesday, July 13, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this long ladder down into the bowels of the earth represents your life long struggle to rid all of your earthly desires so you can be perfected for heaven. I have asked you to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Only perfected souls by suffering on earth or in purgatory will be worthy enough to come into heaven. It is not by your own power that you will ever overcome all of your human weaknesses, but only through My help and My graces of the sacraments. Every time that you are able to put aside one earthly desire that no longer has control over you, you are able to climb one step higher on this ladder. It is not easy to put aside all of your earthly desires, but this is what is called of you to be saints in My Kingdom. Many have to cleanse these desires in purgatory, as well as the reparation due for your sins. Some may think that it is impossible to climb this ladder to perfection, but with Me all things are possible. Keep close to Me throughout your life so I can teach you how to detach yourself from the desire of earthly things. You need to be free of any other loves in your life so you can love Me fully.”

Wednesday, July 13, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this beautiful quiet place of prayer around the clock is a way of life that can lead you to heaven away from all of your earthly distractions. That is why monasteries will be many of the holy ground places for My refuges. Some of these places are self-sufficient with farm produce, bread, and water wells. Those, who love Me so much, will see My hand of protection over them, even amidst the evil ones of the tribulation. In the same way My places of Adoration will also be protected in the tribulation. I have told you many times how I have a special love for My regular adorers of My Blessed Sacrament. Some will die as martyrs for My Name’s sake, but My angels of protection will watch over all of My holy ground places as refuges for My faithful remnant. The more you can follow this life of daily prayers at various times of the day, the closer you will come to imitating My prayer life when I withdrew at times to the mountains to be with My Father in prayer. Being in quiet prayer each day is necessary to collect your thoughts from that day’s events. Trust in Me at all of My refuges and you will be saved from the evil ones.”

Thursday, July 14, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, when Moses led the Israelites into the desert from Egypt, I provided a miracle of manna that they collected for food every day. This small wicker basket held the manna for their meals. I also was present to them in the Ark of the Covenant that held the Ten Commandments. This miracle of bread was a foreshadowing of My Eucharist that I instituted at the Last Supper. Now at every Mass you again have My Body and Blood multiplied in My consecrated Hosts and those remaining are stored in My tabernacles. So now you have My heavenly Manna and My Real Presence is among you again. There will be coming a tribulation that will bring about a modern day Exodus to My refuges of protection. There may not be enough priests available for Mass at every refuge. In these situations I will allow My angels to bring you individual Communion on the tongue so you may be able to share in My Bread of Life. I will never leave you alone, but My Real Presence will always be among you. Pray for My help for your endurance of this evil, but trust in Me because I am truly the Bread of Life and you cannot receive eternal life unless you come through Me.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, many of you are finding ways to cool off on your hot summer days. I want to take you back to My Baptism in the Jordan River where St. John the Baptist was immersing Me in the water. The symbolism in this rite is that the water of My graces are cleansing you of your original sin and other sins if you are older. When you were baptized as an infant, you were welcomed into the faith as a new Christian. Your godparents spoke for you in denying Satan and all his works. As you are now older, you need to renew your Baptismal vows of worshiping only Me and putting aside all earthly idols. At Baptism you are also called to spread My Word of love in the Gospel to all who will listen. Rejoice when you arise from the water full of new life in the Spirit, and fully cleansed of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to have compassion on those who are handicapped, especially those in wheelchairs as in the vision. When you are healthy, you do not realize how fortunate you are until you see handicapped people. I want you to love these suffering servants and help them in any way that you can. I healed many people from various infirmities, but there are many that are not healed and are suffering their purgatory on earth. You can still be accomplished in the workplace with handicaps, but there must be some opportunities given. Share your life lovingly with all of those around you no matter what their physical appearance may be.”

Jesus said: “My people, man is curious about many things in space and you are continually searching to find out new information of how this universe came to be. Many of your scholars continue to believe in a haphazard large explosion that started the universe. My account of creation in Genesis is very explicit and ordered, but your scientists have difficulty in believing that I created everything in order. Order does not come from chaos. You see your own solar system of planets and moons. All of My creation is perfect in every detail and man cannot understand true perfection. At the judgment you will then truly understand My perfection, but know that My ways are greater than your ways.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, since your Supreme Court decision on abortion, many babies are being killed in the womb. These killings are bringing a great judgment against America. Now that this decision may be in jeopardy, both those for and against life are preparing to battle. The outcome of the new appointments may give America a chance to move closer to Me or further away. Pray and voice your opinion that those in the womb have as much right to life as anyone else. Repent of these acts of killing or worse chastisements may befall you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am asking all peoples to pray for peace and stop letting the evil ones stir up hate between the Arab nations and the rest of the world. Unless man has love in his heart, there can be no peace. You must be willing to live side by side in peace through love and compromise, or you will see continued killing in wars and terrorism. If enough prayer could be sent to heaven, you could have peace, so do not give up, but continue your prayer vigils for peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, your children are great treasures and they will be your future generation. You have an excellent opportunity to shape these minds to follow Me in the faith. Unfortunately, the morals of your people have deteriorated so much that your children are receiving the wrong message in regard to promiscuity, divorce, and abortion. Life is precious and it should have a special value and not be violated. Even though the world may be giving an evil message, you parents can instill love in your children both for Me and your neighbors. When you come to the judgment, you will have to answer for the good or bad way that you brought your children up in the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast day of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha. Many have visited the areas that she lived both in America and Canada. She had a great love to help people and she was an inspiration for everyone’s spiritual life. Native Indians are not to be looked down on, but they have their own culture to be understood and not criticized. Many abuses of the Native Indians have caused them to lose their lands and some rights. Man has always competed for land by fighting and ownership has only been temporary. This is another example of why man needs to live in peace by love and not by aggression and pride. I want everyone to love one another, even if there are differences in ethnic groups, color, or various faiths and races.”

Friday, July 15, 2005: (St. Bonaventure)

Jesus said: “My people, the Pharisees criticized My apostles for eating grain heads of wheat on the Sabbath. It is true that on the Day of Rest of the Lord you should refrain from any servile work or that which could be done on another day. It is necessary to provide for your eating and drinking, or any emergencies, but it is still proper to observe and honor My Day of Rest. At one time you had laws to observe no working on Sundays, but now your Godless society has put aside these laws for greed to make more money, and they do what they please without giving Me honor. Fewer people are attending Mass on Sunday and fewer still are praying and giving Me time in their day. Your Western nations have become too affluent to realize that everything you have comes from Me. It is only when these things that you rely on are taken away that you will be on your knees again begging Me to help you. When you have damaging storms or power outages, this is when you see your physical vulnerability. While you are not tested, you think that you can accomplish anything. Put a little trial in your way, and many have a rootless faith when they truly need to call on Me. So pray and give Me honor every day, but especially on My Day of Rest you need to put off unnecessary work until another day.”

Jesus said: “My people, the promised land of Israel was called a land flowing with milk and honey to show how much I would provide for the Israelites. This vision of a green valley with a stream of water flowing through it, represents how I will provide for My faithful remnant at My refuges during the tribulation. At every refuge you will see a spring of water so the people will be self-sufficient in their water needs. The lush green vegetation means that I will multiply your food even as I multiplied the loaves and the fish for the four thousand and the five thousand who were spread all over a green field. Just as the Israelites trusted in their God, so My people of today must trust in Me for everything, even at My refuges. There is a battle going on between good and evil, between the forces of God and the forces of Satan. You must choose between loving Me or loving the world.”

Saturday, July 16, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, marriage in Matrimony is a blessed sacrament and a blessed institution that joins only a man and a woman in a union for life. It is not taken lightly, nor is it meant to be broken other than by death. I love all of My people so much and many times I have witnessed My Church as My bride. This blessing of the marriage bed is in reference to St. Raphael as he protected Tobias from the Demon, Asmodeus. (Tobias 3:8) It is also a blessing that should be on every married couple as they give themselves completely to each other. The marriage bed should not be one of lust, but for the intention of children which is why every union should always be open to life without any forms of birth control. The love of the spouses should be joined with My love in their midst. You remember how I honored the Marriage at Cana in the Gospel and My first miracle was there that changed the water into wine. When you attend such a wedding, let it remind all married couples of your vows to each other. Love is beautiful, and it is only in this environment of marriage that it is proper to bring forth new life. Every couple brings the new body about in their union, but I create the new soul. That is why each life in the womb is precious to Me and it should not be violated by your abortions. Rejoice in My love and all of heaven rejoices in the love of a married man and woman.”

Jesus said: “My people, this thin delicate string represents how fragile your physical life is to so many things that could take your life. You go to bed each night expecting to rise the next morning. Do not be assuming that you will live a long life. You must be prepared to die in order to live without fear. So you should be spiritually ready as well. This thin string is how you could die at any moment, but are you now prepared for your judgment day? The scales that you are seeing in the vision are weighing your good deeds on one side against your sins on the other side. I pronounce your eternal destination, but you have already chosen your destination by your own free will in your actions. In each action you are making a choice to either love and accept Me, or hate and reject Me. So during life, strive to walk on the narrow road of following My Will and My plan for your life. To follow Me use your talents to the best of your ability to give Me glory, and serve Me as your King. Give praise and glory to God that you have had the opportunity to live this life in witness to your faith in My Gospel.”

Sunday, July 17, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you have just received your Lord and Master in Holy Communion and your heart should be full of joy that you are joined with Me as one. This time with Me is when I share My love intimately with you, and I give you the grace of My sacrament to strengthen you against sin. Give Me thanks and praise that you can experience this taste of heaven in receiving Me in Holy Communion. I constantly urge you to only receive Me in the state of grace so you do not commit a sin of sacrilege. Give Me your reverence, and respect the holiness of My Real Presence in My Body and Blood under the appearance of bread and wine. I am showing you this ciborium filled with My Hosts so you can come to My tabernacle or visit Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I am your Creator and the Creator of all things, souls, saints, and angels. This awesome God of yours stands before you as I humble Myself to be in My Sacred Hosts. Bring your troubles and anxieties to Me and I will give rest to your soul as I help you to carry your daily cross. If you truly love Me, you will follow My Commandments and serve Me in your good works. Do everything for My greater glory and consecrate all that you are and have over to Me in simple obedience to My Will. I love all of you with an infinite and unconditional love. I call all of you to love Me in return and you will receive My eternal reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Good Shepherd and I take care of My sheep in many different folds. Just as a shepherd looks out for any lost sheep, so I am searching to save each soul until their dying day. I am merciful in giving every soul enough time to come and love Me. I do not force My love upon you, but I leave each soul to their free will to choose to love Me. I provide for all of your physical and spiritual needs if you just call on Me in prayer. I have an abundance of graces which I am just waiting to rain down on you. I love My people and I will defend My sheep from the cunning evil ones that are like ravenous wolves. My people need to trust in Me in your struggles because I will always give you enough grace to endure any trial. So have no fears of today or tomorrow because I will give you rest so your spiritual peace will always have a way to be undisturbed. It is a soul’s choice to remain confident in My help, or be anxious over every little thing in life. Continue to love Me and your neighbor, and you will find eternal rest with Me.”

Monday, July 18, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, when I speak of the holiness of the Temple, it is My Real Presence that makes it holy. When you come into a Roman Catholic church, it is not the people, not the priests, but only My Blessed Sacrament that makes My church holy. It is for this reason that you should give reverence to My tabernacle and why it needs to be visible in the main church. When you put Me in the back room, you are taking the guest of honor away from the people. If you went to see a king or a president, you would find them in a place of prominence and not stashed in a back corner. Your Lord and Creator is present in My sacred Hosts, so give glory and praise to Me in every way possible. When you hold Adoration or Benediction services, you are holding Me up to all who want to adore Me in My radiance. Those, who make special visits to be with Me, will receive an extra grace from My love of My adorers. In the end days you may even have to preserve My Hosts from the evil ones who are trying to desecrate My Hosts in black masses. Whenever a Host is missing or stolen, you should pray for the person’s soul who could be abusing My Blessed Sacrament. Also pray that My angel will cause this Host to disappear or dissolve so it can no longer be desecrated. The devil inspires evil people to seek out My Hosts for desecration. Remember to give Me reverence by only receiving Me in Holy Communion with your soul in a state of grace without any mortal sin. If you truly love Me, you will give Me praise and glory in My Blessed Sacrament every time you make the opportunity to visit Me in church.”

Jesus said: “My people, this triangular shaped window represents the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity. This vision of a Nativity scene shows you how all Three Persons of God were present at My birth. I was conceived in My Blessed Mother by the power of the Holy Spirit. I was also sent to be an incarnated man by God the Father who directed Me to be the Redeemer of all of mankind. So when you see Me portrayed as an Infant, you know that all Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity were involved in My birth. I was incarnated as a man so I could offer a most perfect Blood sacrifice that would be a worthy Divine atonement for the sins of everyone. The people of the Old Testament offered the blood of animals to atone for sins. Now you have My Most Precious Blood to atone for your sins and God the Father accepted My sacrifice as worthy reparation for all sin. Now everyone has the opportunity to be resurrected with their glorified bodies when I will come again.”

Tuesday, July 19, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you have read the account in the Exodus of how I defeated the Egyptian Army as I protected the Israelites from disaster. The proud and the mighty weapons and soldiers were taken away and destroyed as I humbled the Egyptians. Even today America is proud and the most powerful with all of its weapons. But America is still killing My little ones in abortion and you will be humbled also when I destroy your weapons with natural disasters. When you flaunt your power in wars and kill innocent babies out of convenience, you are testing My justice beyond My mercy. America, as you know it, will soon be taken over and your power as a nation will be neutralized. Pray for the souls of your people, and pray for a change in your laws before you are consumed in your greed for power and material things.” Jesus said: “My people, newborn infants are so fragile and beautifully formed. Every person has to be born from the womb, but some are not allowed to be born because they are aborted. This killing of unborn infants is a mortal sin, but they can be forgiven in Confession. No one according to My Law has the right to kill one of My little ones, yet many nations have laws that make such a killing legal. All abortions are part of a national sin that is drawing My wrath against such nations. Even now America is choosing a new judge for your Supreme Court and this issue could again split your people between those who are in favor of abortion and those who are against abortion. If your country continues accepting abortion on demand, you will have to pay for your actions. If your previous decision can be overturned, then you can move forward ever closer to your Lord. Pray for judges that will be against abortion for the sake of your own country and the sake of the babies being killed.”

Wednesday, July 20, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, the vision of a bright star is the Word of God trying to put truth into the darkness of sin in the world. The closing door and the ensuing darkness represents how your country’s immorality is shutting off the light of truth by your laws that favor abortion, homosexual marriages, and pornography. If you do not change your laws and decisions, how dark will be the darkness of your sinful lives. There is another darkness to come in the tribulation when evil will be so great that your soul will only be saved with My help. I have said many times: ‘Will there be any faithful to My Word found when I return?’ My faithful will be tested, but I will see to it that there will always be a faithful remnant that still believes. I will be with My people and the gates of hell will not prevail against My Remnant Church, even until the end of time. Seek My refuges in the days of darkness for My eternal flame of truth will always shine even when some close the doors. It will go well for those countries who repent of their sins, but woe to those nations who turn their back on Me and do not listen to My Commandments.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a deadly virus is another attempt to deploy biological terrorism weapons that could kill many people who do not get a vaccination that will be a known antidote. Such a disease could cause a worldwide epidemic and cause mass hysteria among many nations. Many of the modern day viruses such as AIDS and Ebola have had man-made origins and research drugs to combat them are very expensive. By destabilizing governments and nations with these scares, the one world people are adding one more weapon to their arsenals. At My refuges My angels will protect you, and by looking on My luminous crosses, you will be healed of all of your diseases. Trust in My protection from the evil ones and you will have no fear of any their powers.”

Thursday, July 21, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing several large layoffs at various industrial companies. At the same time there have been closings of Catholic schools and fewer people attending Sunday Mass. There is a connection between the waning faith of your people and the loss of your jobs. As people take Me out of their lives, so they are receiving fewer blessings which means your standard of living will continue to deteriorate. Many are saying how well your financial institutions are doing, but these profits are coming at the expense of your middle class who have lost their jobs to overseas locations. Your wars, deficits, and profitless Trade agreements for your workers, are destroying your country, but these problems are a result of the loss of faith in Me. Trust in Me in your prayers and I will provide for your needs as your country will be falling apart.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, without the oars to row, the boat would only float in the direction of the wind and the current. I am the oars for your life because I give you spiritual direction toward your goal in heaven. Rowing is hard work and pulling your way through life in grace is also hard work. Just as I asked My apostles to follow Me, so I am asking all people to follow Me in faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that these Islamic terrorists need to kill and maim people to make their wishes known. These latest attacks in London were not as deadly, but they still caused a major disruption of the transportation system. The more terrorist activities that are carried out, the more other countries will be preparing for such attacks. Wars and indiscriminate killing does not follow My ways and those training for this purpose are being greatly misled in their thinking. Continue to pray for the safety of people traveling and that these hardened hearts may find rest in Me.”

Jesus said: “My son, today is the twelfth anniversary of the start of your messages and the first year after your mother’s death. These many large notebooks are familiar to you as you stored My words to you in them. Receiving inner locutions for so long and so often is truly a gift of love that I am sharing My Word with you. Prophets have said that in the end days your old men will have dreams. (Joel 3:1,2) Truly these visions and words are enlightening to My faithful in guiding them in their spiritual needs. Treasure My special gift to you while you are still here to carry out your mission. I love My people and I want to instruct you in My ways through today’s prophets and messengers. Give thanks that those, who answer My call, are willing to help share My messages with everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, this steep hill represents the difficulties that you will have in fighting today’s evils that are corrupting people’s morals. The devil and the demons are very strong and they are misleading many souls away from Me, but it is the free will choice of sinners to refuse to repent of their failings. Call on My help and I will make your burdens light so you can carry your cross up the hill to your own Calvary. Direct your life to following My Word and imitating My life, and you will be on the narrow road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, no matter what your station in life is, you should fulfill your mission in whatever way that you can. In poorer countries it is more of a struggle just to provide the daily food necessary for your family to live. Do not take food lightly in America because there are many starving in various parts of your world. In fact you can make donations of money or food to help these less fortunate to have something to eat.” Jesus said: “My son, you are happy to see your daughter and her family moving back to your hometown. It is good that many could come home and be close to each other for what you are to face in the coming tribulation. You can help each other to have a place of protection at the nearest refuge of protection. My angels will be helping you, but it will be a comfort to know that your relatives will be protected.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called many to build and prepare refuges in the wilderness where they are stocking up food and water for the tribulation. I will be multiplying food and water at all of My refuges so My people will have enough to eat and drink and not be controlled by the evil ones. This life at the refuges will be brief, but it will be necessary to protect yourselves from being close to the Antichrist and his agents in the cities. Refuse to worship the Antichrist and only worship Me. Refuse to take chips in the body, and depend only on Me to provide for all of your needs.”

Friday, July 22, 2005: (Funeral Mass of John Adams)

Jesus said: “My people, this gold pall over John’s casket is a sign of joy and hope to see Me for all eternity. Many people that die have to be purified in purgatory to make reparation for their sins and to cleanse all of their earthly desires. In order to gain heaven you need to repent of your sins and ask My pardon of your sins in forgiveness. Every soul that enters purgatory is saved, but they must suffer for awhile until they are perfected in order to be in My presence. Continue to pray for all of those who die, because you do not know the disposition of that soul. Every soul that repents or gains purgatory causes celebration among My saints and angels in heaven.” (2 Maccabees 12:44-46)

Jesus said: “My people, throughout all of history man has been killing each other in wars that were only for greed and power. You have seen two World Wars fought because of dictators with a desire to control the world. Because man has not learned about death and destruction from war, you will be doomed to repeat your constant wars. Many rich people, behind the scenes, are stirring up trouble between nations and various religious groups in order to profit from weapons’ manufacture and deficits. The ultimate goal for these people of greed is to control the whole world. They will stop at nothing to reach this goal, even if they have many innocent people killed for their lust for power. In the end I will bring all of these evil ones to their knees as I will have their souls chained in hell with the demons. Even when it may seem hopeless, do not give up your faith because you know I will be victorious over Satan and the Antichrist. Follow My plan and I will lead My faithful remnant into My Era of Peace and then into heaven when you are perfected.”

Saturday, July 23, 2005: (St. Bridget)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some heavy sea waves being washed ashore from hurricanes and more earthquakes under the sea that could cause more tsunamis. You have seen a lot of damage from last year’s hurricanes and this trend will continue this year. Natural disasters are becoming more violent because nature is rebelling against your many sins. Some of these disasters are also becoming a chastisement for sin so man may see these signs as a signal to change his lifestyles. As you look around, many are living together in fornication without marriage and others are living in homosexual marriages. These sexual sins and your abortions need to stop, or you will continue to be tested with disasters that will bring you to your knees. Pray for conversions and repent of your sins before it is too late.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a train on fire in a tube subway is in reference to the disruptions of the transportation in London. Not only are the terrorists attacking in simultaneous attacks, but they are now pointing to another of their tactics of returning to the scene to finish the job. September 11th is another example of returning to the scene. The vision indicates further attacks of a more violent nature. The Islamic terrorists will soon be showing a link between these attacks and England’s involvement in Iraq. By repeated attacks, the terrorists are trying to discourage all countries involved in Iraq and those helping the new government. This is why America will always be the biggest target as the seriousness of the violence in terms of death will increase. In England they were applying scare tactics. In America they are trying to destroy your economy. Remember these targets and you will see where terrorism will be leading you. Pray for peace before these acts of major terrorism could lead to another World War.”

Sunday, July 24, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, when you look at My creation, all that you see is beauty and perfection. Look at the human body and how beautiful every part of your body functions. Look at the beauty and balance of nature in the plants and animals. Look at the order and magnificence of the stars and the planets. Even in the atoms and the electrons of every molecule, you have order and beauty. When you take all of creation in all of its aspects, you will realize that only God can make things perfectly. Yet man in his pride and arrogance thinks he can improve on My perfection by manipulating DNA and making hybrids with no seed. By changing plants and animals with cloning and fetal stem cell research, you are violating nature and My plan for things. Stay with the creation as you found it because whatever man makes is imperfect and eventually fails.”

Monday, July 25, 2005: (St. James)

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the beginning of another smaller war, but it is not a nuclear war. Man has not learned from his past mistakes, and there are some people that are causing wars for profit. These wars usually receive their weapons from the top arms suppliers which are the U.S., Russia, and China. At times these smaller wars become a proving ground for the latest sophisticated weapons. Instead of spending so much money on wars and preparation for wars, it would be better to help the poor. Unfortunately, the rich men behind the scenes cause these wars to make money on the weapons, and on the interest that needs to be paid for loans to finance these wars.”

Mary said: “My dear children, I want to confirm to you that I am the Ark of the New Covenant of my Son, Jesus. That is why I am dressed in gold to give witness to the first Ark of the Covenant that has been pictured in gold also. The dark habit represents the suffering that each soul must endure in order to carry your cross home to my Son. I carried Jesus as an infant nine months in my womb and that is why I am His Covenant. All of you are also tabernacles of my Son, Jesus, when you carry Him sacramentally in Holy Communion. My heart is one with my Son’s heart and only I can claim to be His Blessed Mother. But Jesus has given me over to be the mother of all of His Church when He called St. John to be my son, and me to be his mother. Give praise and glory to Jesus for becoming a man and dying for everyone in redeeming all sinners. You will be celebrating his birth once again in five months.”

Tuesday, July 26, 2005: (St. Ann and St. Joachim - Mary’s parents)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a changing California coastline shows most of the damage in the San Francisco area. You have seen several earthquakes recently in California as well as in Alaska and South America. The frequency and severity of earthquakes have been increasing, as this is another sign of the end times. I have also mentioned that some natural disasters are occurring in areas of severe sin. Those countries and cities, that are not repenting of their wicked sins, could see My wrath fall against them in natural disasters. This area is well known for its faults and earthquakes. Even your movies could be prophetic of what is to befall upon California. Pray for the sinners of this region that they may see the Light and change their ways before destruction could take their lives. Your country of America has received many warnings about stopping abortion and your fornication in living together without marriage. Since you are not responding to My call, then you will have to suffer the consequences of your actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing the two roads that you can take in life. The first road is a winding, serpentine road which represents the way of the devil. This road is well traveled for those who desire earthly pleasures, wealth, and material things. The second road is the road less traveled that is straight and narrow and leads to Jesus. This road is full of suffering, trials, and anxieties which is what every Christian must endure. On this road you must give everything up for My sake and My glory. Choosing to follow My call means giving up many of life’s comforts in order to be obedient to My plan. Every soul that chooses this narrow road will cause joy in heaven that you kept the faith and are on the right path to heaven. By choosing to love Me over the world and all of its distractions, you will be favored by My Father in heaven.”

Wednesday, July 27, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, the Kingdom of Heaven is so precious that I likened it to a precious pearl that a man sold everything to acquire. The vision of a radiant diamond represents this same precious stone which appears to have great value. The true value of coming to heaven is far beyond any earthly value, but it is most precious in spiritual value. It is your spiritual treasure in heaven that will help you to heaven. Ultimately, it was My Most Precious Blood sacrifice that purchased every soul because you were bought with My Divine Blood. No one could pay the price of your sins except My sacrifice which was truly worthy to My Father in heaven. So when you consecrate everything of this world to Me, you are like the man in the Gospel who sold everything for this one pearl of great value in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, no matter how innocently people look at the Harry Potter books, these volumes certainly lead people to be involved with witchcraft and the occult. Many of these influences could actually lead to obsession or possession by demons. It would be better to read a holy book than to read such a work that could lead one to evil things. These are not innocent books and they are involving young children into the occult ways of the devil. It would be better to not allow such books or movies into your houses so they would not bring evil presences into your homes. The author is making unusual amounts of money from the sale of these books, but more damage is being done to the souls of young people reading these books. Even if young children want these books, try to discourage young readers from this occasion of witchcraft. You can call on Me in prayer and have holy sacramentals around you to protect you from evil influences. Follow My warnings to avoid reading Harry Potter books and remain free from New Age teachings, or any occult teachings.”

Thursday, July 28, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this empty room of a church represents how many churches have been stripped of everything that is holy. The picture of Satan on the floor shows how much influence he has made in trying to remove holy things and My Blessed Sacrament from My churches. The fact, that he is on the floor and My crucifix is over him, represents My power over him. Today’s Gospel speaks of the separation of good souls of My faithful from the evildoers of this world at the judgment. This is a moment of truth for everyone in choosing your eternal destination. At the end of your life you are going to make an accounting of all of your actions in life. When you come before Me, it would be better to have many good deeds in your hands and love for Me in your heart. Do not be a stranger to Me by not having prayed. If you truly show your love for Me everyday in prayer, then I will witness your love before My heavenly Father. Strive to be a lover of Me and your neighbor as you serve Me in this life. Those, who follow My ways, will be greatly rewarded in heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you know in the Gospel how I love the little children and I called them to Me over the objections of My apostles. These little ones are guarded by their guardian angels and these angels witness to any abuse or any abortions. The vision of children or grandchildren shows how much you love these little ones as well. Protect them from any evil influences and teach them the faith they need to be directed to heaven. Each child has their own free will, but your faithful example can be leading them to Me and away from Satan.”

Jesus said: “My people, many have visited the Holy Sepulcher Church where I was crucified. Even some of you have been blessed to have a relic of this true Cross. These relic pieces are very powerful in healing and protecting people from demons. If you have such a relic, be willing to share this grace with others to venerate it. Remember how important it is to be willing to carry your cross on your way to your own Calvary.”

Jesus said: “My people, My crucifix is the greatest reminder to all of My people of how much I suffered on the cross to redeem you from your sins. That is why it is appropriate to have a large crucifix on My altars. If they are not there, then you could make some suggestions to your priest that I truly prefer this to be present. The servers leading the procession with My crucifix for Mass gives real meaning to the remembrance of My death at every Mass. The Sign of the Cross that you make at the beginning of Mass, or your prayers is alerting the Three Persons in the Blessed Trinity that you are ready to pray. All of us are listening to your every prayer and petition.”

Jesus said: “My people, you enjoy the shade and beauty of all of the trees of My creation. They fulfill many functions of cooling, providing oxygen, and keeping the soil from eroding. Many times man cuts down too many trees for wood without attempting to replace them. You also need to take care of your forests so fires do not destroy them. Preserve your environment of trees so they can help in the balance of nature.”

Jesus said: “My people, you has some scientists who study the history of prehistoric animals found in many fossil beds around the world. Some think that asteroids or volcanic eruptions could have altered the food chains that allowed these animals to exist. In the same way man could also be influenced by near extinction from asteroids or large volcanic eruptions. This problem with food will be a real serious situation when you witness a world famine that could be caused by natural disasters or a forced control of food with chips in the body. When you see this world famine when people are killing for food, you will know that it is a sign to go to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your affluent Western nations, you take shoes for granted and many times you buy more pairs than you could ever use. Contrast this to poor people, homeless, and those in the Third World who have not even one pair of shoes. You worry about the right size, or look, or comfort, but these unfortunate are going barefoot. You could contribute for moccasins, sandals, or other shoes that you could donate for the poor people without embarrassing them with their poverty. The more you reach out to help others, the more graces you are storing up in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, again you know how important a home is for all of you to live, eat and sleep. It is very expensive, but you have many conveniences in your new and used homes. You worry about heating and air conditioning, but some have only bare shelters without electricity or running water. You miss a warm shower and you are feeling deprived. Imagine what poor people must suffer in their meager homes. Again you can help the poor by contributing to their shelter or physically building one for them. Providing shelter is one of the corporal works of mercy that you could provide for your neighbor.”

Friday, July 29, 2005: (St. Martha)

Jesus said: “My people, some think that St. Martha should have had some help in serving hospitality, but I told St. Martha that St. Mary had chosen the better portion of loving and sharing with Me. Work is an important part of your life, but it needs to be done with the right intention and not to the exclusion of others in your life. Work, that is offered up to Me in your daily consecration, gains you more merit than just doing work for its own sake. All that you do should be for My glory and not just your own glory. Some spouses alienate their family by working all the time and it is done only for money or possessions without regard to their other home responsibilities and helping with the children. Your work should not take up all of your time for prayer either. Your prayer life is the better portion because this is when you express your love for Me and the love of neighbors in praying that their souls be saved. Plan your work around your prayer life and not your prayer life around your work time.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your parishes are decreasing in attendance as people are losing their faith. You have seen this decrease even more dramatically in Europe. Even some, who do attend Sunday Mass, are lukewarm in their beliefs because they come more out of duty or show, but their hearts are far from Me. Then there are My faithful remnant who even come to daily Mass and pray every day. To some, who are very faithful, this life of prayer and daily Mass may seem normal, but you do not realize how much you are in the minority. You want to believe that many will be coming to heaven, yet you see before your eyes how few there are that pray and come to Confession. Even though I am merciful to all sinners, you cannot be saved unless you seek My forgiveness of your sins, and follow My plan for your life. This is why the lukewarm give Me lip service, but I vomit them from My mouth because they are not sincere in loving Me. The intention in your heart must be true love of Me and your neighbor, or you could be traveling the broad road to hell. Trust in Me for all that you need and follow My Will, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Saturday, July 30, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks of the scandal of King Herod living with his brother’s wife. The vision of the priest’s vestment holder represents that scandal also is going on in My Church among the priests in cases of pornography and pedophile situations. Everyone is tested by sexual temptations, and there are priests and married spouses that have violated their vows of fidelity. It is your evil society that has accepted fornication and adultery as no longer scandalous behavior. Even though people may tolerate this sinful activity, they are still mortal sins that need to be confessed in Confession before these sinners can receive Holy Communion worthily. It is when people do not even see these acts as sins that they are corrupting their moral consciences. Living in such sinful states can also risk eternal condemnation in hell for such mortal sins unconfessed. Just as St. John the Baptist spoke out to Herod about his living in adultery, so My faithful must have courage to speak out to your friends and relatives living in adultery or fornication. It is far better to be concerned about saving their souls than to be worried about any criticism from someone. Societies, that do not repent of their sins, are also risking the wrath of My justice in chastisements as natural disasters. Pray for sinners, and follow My Commandments for those who want to have their souls saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, this message is focused on My Blessed Sacrament in the consecrated Hosts that are stored in My tabernacles all over the world. The vision of the demon is to emphasize that the number one target for the demons is to eliminate My Blessed Sacrament and the priests who consecrate the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. The demons know of My power in that My Real Presence is there in every consecrated Host. The attacks will come on the species of bread used, the reverence for My Blessed Sacrament, denial of My Real Presence, hiding of My tabernacles, and abuses by desecration at black masses. Once the demons can strip My Presence and holy things from My churches, they will then try to establish New Age teachings and bring in cursed objects and statues into My churches. It is a struggle to establish and maintain Perpetual Adoration in your churches. But those, who honor My Blessed Sacrament, will see many blessings and vocations to the priesthood. Struggle to keep your churches holy with My Real Presence, and work to remove all forms of New Age teachings of one world religion that will become prevalent all over the world. New Age teachings worship created things and not the Creator. New Age does not teach about God, but only about powers from the evil ones. Call on Me for spiritual guidance and protection in My Blessed Sacrament and I will protect your souls from all the demons’ temptations.”

Sunday, July 31, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this mail box can be a means to keep in touch with loved ones. I know you have phones for conversing, but you can remember while you were away at school how you wrote often to your wife. Each of you longed for a word from each other in sharing your love for each other. When you say your formal and informal prayers, that is when you are sending your love letters to Me. Some like to pray privately, but then there are times for prayer groups, Mass, and even grace before meals in restaurants. I am always listening to your prayers and your petitions. Some leave their prayers until before bedtime and they fall asleep. It may be better to make time during the day for your prayers in your prayer room. If you truly love Me, you should remember Me in prayer every day. Some come for My help only in trials, but you should consecrate your whole life to Me every morning so that all you do for each day will get offered up to Me. Loving Me in your daily prayer life is a way of life and a beautiful way to follow My plan for your life. With Me guiding you, you have peace and confidence that I will always give you the grace to endure anything.” Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this wooden gate leading into a refuge as an example of the protection that I will provide for all of My faithful remnant. There will be at least four gates outlining all of My refuges with angels guarding them from the evil ones. These gates are similar to the four directions of gates that enter into the Old City of Jerusalem. Each refuge will be modeled after Jerusalem because you all will be awaiting My coming again in the new heavens and the new earth. Rejoice when you are led to My refuges because you will be protected by the angels and I will provide your shelter, water, and your food. As I mentioned before, each person will be assigned tasks to do based on your talents. It will not be a time for sitting around, but you will be busy helping people with their needs. You will also be praying and praising God for all of His miracles of protection from the evil ones.”

Monday, August 1, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Old Testament there were many scribes who wrote down the Mosaic Law as in Numbers that gave an account of the Ten Commandments and the travels in the desert. Later, when I came into My public life, My apostles and disciples took time to scroll many of the events of My life. The books of the Bible are completed and this part of My Revelation is enough for every one’s salvation. Still I am sharing My Word of enlightenment among many prophets and messengers. There is a word of heeding that you discern private revelation and that it be in accord with what My Church teaches and what I taught My apostles. As with messages that I am sharing with you, I am warning the people to be prepared spiritually in their souls for the coming tribulation of the end days. You are about to enter a time of evil that you have never seen before. That is why it is important to build up your spiritual stamina by asking for My grace and help to endure this evil and save your souls. Those, who do not call on My help, could be lost to the temptations of the evil ones. So listen to My faithful prophets who are instructing you to prepare for the end times. Do not be fearful, but trust that I will lead you to My refuges of the modern day Exodus and I will protect you and provide for you just as I did in the Exodus with Moses.”

Tuesday, August 2, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in both of the readings today My authority was questioned. In the Book of Numbers Aaron and Mariam questioned why God the Father only spoke to Moses and not to them. They also criticized Moses for marrying a foreigner. Because of their jealousy of Moses and their attempt to be authorities on the ‘Law’, God the Father punished Mariam with leprosy for seven days. In the second reading of the Gospel the Pharisees questioned My apostles for eating without the ritual washing of hands. I then told the Pharisees that it is not what enters a man that defiles him, but it is the filth that comes forth from his tongue and his heart that defiles a man. I told the people to follow My ‘Law’ that the Pharisees taught, but do not follow their actions which made them hypocrites. The Pharisees criticized Me and tried to test Me in My speech, but I defied them with answers and questions that they could not understand. The conclusion of these readings is that you are not to test the authority that I use in My ‘Law’, but accept My ‘Law’ as a proper teaching for every one to follow if they desire to come to heaven. Your words will be forgotten, but My words are true for all eternity and will never be forgotten.”

Wednesday, August 3, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Old Testament God the Father ruled with a heavy hand in both protecting His people and chastising them for their lack of faith. Moses had sent out scouts to investigate the Promised Land that would be theirs. They returned with good news of a land flowing with milk and honey, but the people were fearful of the tall people that inhabited the land. Because the people did not have faith in God’s power as He dealt with the Egyptians, God the Father condemned the people to forty more years in the desert for their disbelief. In today’s world you also are disbelieving in My power many times when you face difficulties and quickly forget the many blessings that I have given you in the past. As you continue in your sins of adultery and fornication by living together, you also are forgetting My love and My justice. Your abortions and wars also are showing disrespect for My little ones and a lack of respect for life as well. Did you not think that you would have to make reparation for your many sins? America will also have to suffer the loss of your nation, and your punishment will be in the wilderness during the tribulation. Repent now for your sins before you will face My wrath. With enough prayer you could mitigate some of the natural disasters that you will be facing.”

Jesus said: “My people, your weapons scientists are constantly working on new means to control people, cities, and sources of energy. This small machine mounted on a helicopter can fire a pulse energy beam that could destroy chips that run your electronic ignition in your car. A more powerful beam could inactivate power stations, tanks, or other military equipment. In the terrorist’s hands such weapons could destroy parts of your economy until the chips were replaced. Pulse nuclear bombs are also available to terrorists that could shut down your electric grids and chips in a large area. A pulse at the frequency of the brain waves could kill many people in an area if the beam was strong enough. Several countries have such weapons and they have been used in certain war situations. Various tanks already are using powerful lightning beams that melt tanks and can reduce humans to corpses that do not decay. Again man is spending large amounts of research money to develop such new weapons of terror. Your weapons are like matchsticks compared to My power and that of My angels. At the proper time all of your weapons will be destroyed in an instant, and your military power will be neutralized. Man is vulnerable in many ways and all of your comforts will be taken away during the tribulation. Follow My call to obey My commands and you will have nothing to fear. The evil ones will have a short reign of power, but then My Great Chastisement will end all evil control as the evil persons and demons will be cast into the flames of hell. I will renew the earth and you will then see My Era of Peace.”

Thursday, August 4, 2005: (St. John Vianney)

Jesus said: “My people, the vision of My tabernacle in the center of the altar is how I want you to make Me the center of your life. I call all of My followers to love Me and follow My plan for your life. Man wants to be in control of his life and follow his own desires for earthly things. If you desire heaven over the world, then obedience to My ways should be what you should follow. When you obey My Commandments of loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself, you are recognizing that My ways are better than man’s ways. I give you many of the saints’ lives to imitate, and see how much they loved Me to do everything for My glory. Be willing to share your faith, your love, and your wealth with others as you imitate My life of love. I shared My life with My people even to the point of giving up My life to save everyone from their sins. When you receive Me in Holy Communion and visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament, you can be close and intimate with My holiness. Repent of your sins often in Confession, and you will keep your soul pure and holy as you will be worthy to receive My Body and My Blood.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to do a vigil of prayer when you can make the time. This is why I asked you to keep a vigil candle or light going in your prayer rooms. Because your world has many sins against Me constantly, there needs to be a constant stream of prayers to heaven in atonement for these sins. Abortions, wars, fornications and homosexual acts are most offensive to Me. Those praying in cloisters in many monasteries are continuing this vigil of prayer needed for the world. You remember Me asking My apostles: ‘Could you not pray one hour with Me?’ So continue your daily prayer hours for vocations to the priesthood, the stoppage of war and abortions, and the salvation of sinners. You are in a constant battle between good and evil, and now more than ever, you need to offer your rosaries for these mentioned intentions. Your rosaries are one of the best weapons to fight the evil of the demons. When you pray in your prayer groups, the graces from your prayers will be spread over your parishes as My Blessed Mother’s mantle of protection will be with you.”

Friday, August 5, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is very straightforward in asking you to follow Me if you are to seek Me in heaven. My followers are called to pick up your daily cross and follow My Will for your life. I am calling you to count the cost before you decide because I am asking you to give everything of yourself over to Me in total consecration. Your soul is a great treasure and it can only find peace and rest with Me. I told everyone: ‘What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul in the process?’ ‘Or what could you give in exchange for your soul?’ This vision of someone waiting at a train station represents how you are waiting for Me to call you home to heaven. But while you are still on the earth, you must be My servant and witness My faith to others to save their souls. Once you have died and are judged, you may have to wait and be purged of all of your earthly desires and sins in purgatory. This waiting will be painful, but you are promised to be with Me one day in heaven. Those, who refuse to love Me, follow Me, nor ask My forgiveness, will be the ones on the broad road to hell where they will never see Me in My glory. So work on your cross every day to stay on the narrow road by following My Commandments. Struggle also to save as many souls as possible so you can save them from hell and bring them salvation in Me.”

Saturday, August 6, 2005:(Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord)

Jesus said: “My people, I am sharing My radiant glory with you in this vision of My Transfiguration. My Holy Father in heaven is telling you how pleased He is with His Son and to listen to Me. This vision was a prefigurement of My glorified Body at My Resurrection. This was a gift of Myself that I shared with My apostles and now with all of My followers. Everyone, who believes in Me and carries their cross in this life, is promised eternal life with Me in heaven. This prize of your sainthood awaits you as you will be crowned in heaven at the final judgment in your own radiant glorified body in your resurrection with all of My faithful. Just as My apostles at that time, you are awaiting My coming again to welcome you into heaven. Even at My refuges, as this house is, you all will be taken care of by My angels, and I will visit you every day in My Blessed Sacrament. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you will all be tasting a little of My glory that shone forth on Mount Tabor. You, yourself, have fond memories of visiting the Church of the Transfiguration in My honor on Mount Tabor. Share this promise of this vision of My glory so everyone will be drawn to Me in the hope for their own resurrection. Give praise and glory to Me as you thank Me for all of these blessings of eternal life with Me.”

Sunday, August 7, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of using a comfortable sofa represents how man is always seeking comforts and the easy way out. In the Gospel the apostles were being tossed about in the boat and this represents the trials of life that will test you in your survival. Many are concerned with what they are to eat and drink, and what they are to wear, or where they are to live. These are only the physical things of life, but you should be more concerned about protecting your soul from evil and preparing to come to heaven. When you seek the Kingdom of God first, I will provide for all of your needs. Just as I protected St. Peter from drowning, so I put My hand out to every soul to save you from your sins. I calmed the sea to take away the fears of My apostles, and I can calm the troubles in your lives also. All of My children need to be strong in their faith so you can trust and hope in Me for all that you need. As St. Peter stepped out in faith to walk on the water, he faltered on seeing the storm and began sinking. I chastised him for being weak in his faith, but My little ones lack faith at times as well. When you fall into sin, you are sinking also into the waters of evil. But you can reach out to Me in confession of your sins, and I will lift you up and forgive your sins. In everything you do I am with you. It is your choice to call on Me to help you. So do not just seek the comforts of this life, but trust in Me in faith to lead you home to heaven as I help you carry your cross.”

Monday, August 8, 2005: (St. Dominic)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading Moses chastised the Israelites by calling them a stiff-necked people. He called them out of their sinful habits so they could follow the Commandments and love God with all their heart, mind, and soul. The cross in the vision is the example that I have given all of mankind to follow on the way to your own Calvary. St. Therese is seen in many portrayals as joyfully accepting My cross, and she showed her devotion to Me in her Little Way of doing everything for Me. Many of My saints also have followed the Way of the Cross in their lives, and they are an inspiration for My people of today to be strong in carrying your crosses. You have a devotion in praying the Stations of the Cross. When you have the opportunity, it would help you to understand My suffering by following in My footsteps to Calvary. You, yourself, have even had the chance to follow the true stations in Jerusalem to the Holy Sepulcher Church where I was crucified on that ground. When you call on Me, I can be your Simon to help you to carry your own cross in life. Some people in your world want comforts and do not want to suffer pain and death. But all Christians are called to suffer pain and hardship if you are to imitate the life of your Master. When I ask you to pick up your cross and follow Me, it means that I am asking you to love Me and your neighbor, even if it means that you will be persecuted and criticized by the people of this evil age.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you warnings over the years that eventually the one world people will force you to use smart cards or chips in the body for all of your buying and selling. Many attempts have been made to have the people voluntarily choose to use smart cards, but they have been failures. Now, the one world people have chosen to make smart cards mandatory for security reasons. The vision of a new cash register, that requires smart cards and biometric scanners, is showing you how soon charge cards without chips, cash, and checks will no longer be accepted for buying and selling. You would not be condemned for using smart cards, but they will make it more tempting to lead you into the next stage of mandatory chips in the body. Those, who refuse to use smart cards, will eventually lose the money they have in their bank accounts. Without smart cards you could not get on airplanes, nor make payments on your house mortgage or property taxes. Once smart cards are mandatory and established, you will soon see mandatory chips in the body or be sent to detention centers. My people should absolutely refuse chips in the body, even if they threaten to kill you. When chips are mandatory in the body, this will be the time to call on Me and I will have My guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge of My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites, places of holy ground where My Blessed Sacrament has been adored, or caves in hilly or mountainous areas. You will be protected at My refuges and all of your needs will be provided for. Leaving your home may be difficult, but you could be martyred for not taking these chips in the body, if you do not leave for My refuges. Call on Me in prayer and I will give you the grace to endure this tribulation. Be patient for you will not suffer long before I will come and vanquish all of the evil ones.”

Tuesday, August 9, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you are now in the middle of the hurricane season and I am showing you the fury of nature as hurricanes can cause great damage. Your forecasters have predicted another active season and you will be seeing more devastation as this season progresses. Last year Florida was struck by more serious hurricanes and tornadoes than you have ever seen before. You are going to see one serious event after another as a sign of the end times. Some of these storms are striking in areas where there is great sin. My mercy of grace is upon you always, but at times the justice of My wrath is coming down upon those sinners who are not seeking My forgiveness of their sins. You have seen My justice on the peoples of Noah’s time and Sodom and Gomorrah. Soon I will allow the Antichrist to reign for a brief time of tribulation, but then I will bring a Great Chastisement of fire that will cleanse the earth of all evil. You will see My victory over the Antichrist, and the evil ones will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth and you will enjoy My Era of Peace. Keep close to Me in love in all that you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the angels that are guarding My Blessed Sacrament in this chapel. This society is blessed that they have made My Blessed Sacrament the center of this school. Those, that adore My Blessed Sacrament, will be given the grace to endure the coming tribulation. My angels will continue to remain here even during the tribulation. The darkness coming over this area represents this time of evil. People will be drawn here for protection because this society continues to adore Me on this holy ground. Give glory and thanks for all who are making this society prosper, including My grace in the Blessed Sacrament. Remain faithful to the calling of all who work here. Share this grace with all who come here.”

Thursday, August 11, 2005: (St. Clare)

Jesus said: “My people, the first reading concerns the people of Israel as they crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land led by Joshua. The Lord allowed the waters of the Jordan to be held back as the Ark of the Covenant was carried along and the people walked on dry land, just as they did through the Red Sea. This was another miracle to assure the people of God’s protection in this new land. The vision was the first covenant with Adam and Eve that they promised not to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The sin of Adam and Eve necessitated My coming in a New Covenant of love to have original sin and actual sin forgiven of all of mankind by My death on the cross. The Gospel reading extends this message of forgiveness in that I want everyone to forgive each other as well as seeking My forgiveness of your sins. The phrase of forgiving seventy times seven times means to forgive someone all of the time without restriction. It is not easy to forgive stealing and killing, but you must be gracious to forgive everyone, even as I forgive everyone who seeks My forgiveness. You recite the ‘Our Father’ many times, but you must be willing to pray this prayer with all of your heart by living out the words that you are praying. Those, who cannot forgive, will have to suffer in hell or purgatory for their unwilling intent in their heart to forgive.”

Thursday, August 11, 2005:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, man is curious about previous beasts that roamed the earth and why they became extinct. Many animals have adapted to their environment, but some dramatic comets and volcanoes have affected the earth’s air that animals breathe. Your polluted air is also affecting your breathing as more are becoming afflicted with various cancers. Man needs to realize how you are putting more poisons and carcinogens into the air and your water. If you want to see less disease, then you need to clean up your air and your water. Eating proper foods, herbs, and vitamins will also help your health.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of your young students, that passed their last grade, will now be entering the next grade when they soon return to school. Teachers and schools are getting prepared for another school year. Remember to teach your children about their faith along with their secular training. You do not stand still in your other subjects, so you need to advance in your religious training as well. Home training and religious courses are necessary for your children to gain in their faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is much power in praying the rosary and your devotions to My Blessed Mother. Prayer intentions are always heard, but persistence in prayer over nine or thirty-three days are even more powerful. Consecration prayers help cleanse the body and soul of the many attachments to worldly things. By changing your priorities to do heaven’s bidding, you are training yourselves to be future saints.”

Jesus said: “My people, your higher gas prices have not discouraged people from the increased use of gasoline in their cars. The United States and China are putting great demands on current fuel supplies. More crude oil is being produced, but the number of refineries are not increasing and they are at near capacity. If any storms, earthquakes, or fires upset their production, shortages could quickly occur. Other energy sources are being sought, but the scale is too small to provide much of a backup. Conservation and restrictions for car use could be another answer to lessen fuel demands.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many good paying manufacturing jobs leave your country in search of cheaper labor. At one time America’s products were better quality and technically more advanced. Now many countries are building products just as good, as the technology has been adapted or stolen to be produced with cheaper labor. America’s standard of living will be diminishing as each of your industries are compromised by your country’s international companies shipping jobs overseas. America is losing to competition and your power as a nation is eroding as your morals weaken.”

Jesus said: “My people, nature, I told you, is rebelling against man’s sins and his abuses of nature. Enough destruction could affect your infrastructures and people may migrate to safer areas away from water damage. Terrorism is becoming more of a threat to your transportation means as well as vulnerable places in your economy. America’s sins will not go unanswered for there is a price to be paid for all of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your population increases, your food demands will increase and scarce food supplies will increase in value. Manufactured goods will become less expensive compared to food as America will change its focus more on agricultural products. America has rich crop lands with reasonable growing conditions. As the focus of American jobs moves more to food crops, you will see better prices for food and farm labor. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, even if you are being forced to live on less of an income.”

Friday, August 12, 2005: (Our 40th Anniversary Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who believe that a marriage is for a lifetime, and there are those, like the Pharisees, who wanted divorce available as the Mosaic Law allowed. I told the people of My day, that just as Adam and Eve were married for life, this is how it was intended for all marriages. Unless drunkenness or physical abuse invalidated the marriage, all couples should live with the desire to be married until death. Your society is very oriented to divorce for the least incompatibility. Even some are living together in sin without marriage. The sacrament of Matrimony has many callings and requirements that some couples do not want to face, but it is better to live married in grace than unmarried in sin. I have even encouraged My faithful to warn such couples of this sinful lifestyle. Confession for those living together defeats the purpose of the intention to avoid sin by living constantly in the near occasion of sin on purpose. All physical unions outside of marriage are sins of fornication and need to be confessed in order to receive Me in Holy Communion worthily. Marriage is also the more proper state to bring children into this world so they can be brought up in a loving environment. Better to live in married life than giving scandal to My Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, terrorism in massive killings is being used to incite more wars in Arab countries. The one world people are behind causing wars, and they do not have any care of how many deaths occur, as long as they make money on the wars. They cannot justify building billions of dollars worth of weapons unless they are used. Many of America’s recent small wars have used unusual amounts of explosives and very expensive missiles to destroy inexpensive targets. This is the connection why they cause wars in the first place, to make money on the weapons and the interest on war debts. If you want to have peace, then do not let your governments lead you into these planned wars. Many dictators have been sponsored to incite more wars. If you want to learn from your past mistakes, then stop authorizing any more wars. Pray for peace and thwart those calling for regime changes and questionable threats to the world. Without wars, you would not have to spend so much money on your defense budgets or kill so many people.”

Saturday, August 13, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I love the innocent children so much, but I love their souls the most. This is an evil age and you need to be more responsible as parents in teaching them their faith as you were well taught in your youth. The nuns are very few and you cannot rely on schools alone for their Christian training. You need to be instructing the children early in their prayer life, going to Mass and Confession, as well as how they should behave in following My Commandments. Your children also need to see you as good role models in imitating your good behavior. Control your language, keep a good marriage without divorce, and watch the movies that they see without ‘R’ movies in the house. Let them see that you are praying each day and going to Sunday Mass, as well as praying with them at meals and the family rosary. By guiding your children properly, then you will be justified when you are held accountable for them at your judgment.”

Sunday, August 14, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing the crown of thorns as a sign of how I had to suffer for all of mankind to redeem you from your sins. Just as I had to suffer, so all of My followers will suffer in this life as well. During life, you may suffer financial hardships as lost jobs, or trials from health problems. You may be tested with sickness or deaths of loved ones in your family. Others may be faced with divorce, separation, or other disagreements with family members. Whatever your suffering may be, you can offer it up to Me as redemptive suffering for your soul, or the souls of others in your intentions. Just as the Canaanite woman came to Me for healing of her daughter, so you can come to Me in your prayers for those suffering in your family. In addition to asking for My help, you can also be aware of the needs of others that you could help in comforting their problems. You may be called to assist your family members, or even friends or strangers. Do not make excuses, or be so selfish that you cannot reach out in charity to assist your neighbor in need. The more you help others, the more spiritual treasure that you will store in heaven to offset your sins at the judgment. Use every opportunity to offer up your own pain, or to help your neighbor to bear their pain. I love all of you in all that I suffered, and you should share your love for your neighbor in reaching out to help them. Make a special effort to reach out to help the lonely from divorce, or the elderly in nursing homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of burning bridges behind someone represents how your life is all about moving forward in the present moment. Do not let the devil drag up your past sins before you in order to discourage you, or cause you to go into depression. Do not be so tied to the past that you have difficulties living in the present. There are also people who are constantly looking at what time it is, and they let the hour of time control their lives. Let your life flow in following My Will, and use your talents in carrying out My plan for your life. Other people are living in the future by planning their every day of what they are to be doing. Do not go before the Lord because you do not know if you will wake up again tomorrow. In a word today has enough troubles of its own, so do not live in the past or the future so you do not worry and you are not anxious over things that you have no control. You live in the present moment, so be concerned enough to deal with today by trusting in My help and My grace of protection.”

Monday, August 15, 2005: (Assumption of Our Lady)

Jesus said: “My people, those, who pray the rosary, wear the brown scapular, and have devotions to My Blessed Mother, are recognizing her as your heavenly Mother. My Blessed Mother has her mantle of protection over all of her children. This metal bracelet and other bracelets in her honor are a sign, or a remembrance of your devotions to My Blessed Mother. She is an intercessor for your intentions to Me and she is the Mediatrix of all graces because she is your Blessed Mother. Her life was one of no sin because she lived in the Divine Will, as our hearts were always joined as one. Her life of service to Me and others was exemplary, as in her helping of St. Elizabeth in her late pregnancy. Be joyful and rejoice in her Assumption into heaven so her body did not have to suffer corruption. She is your model for life and My Mother for all time.”

Jesus said: “My people, once you can only buy food and fuel with smart cards, you will begin learning how to live underground with little transportation and using the food and water that you have stored away. Now would be a good time to renew your supplies of food and water that I will multiply in your needs throughout the tribulation. Once the chips become mandatory in the body, now you will need to call on Me and My angels will lead you to a safe refuge where My angels will protect you. Not every home will be safe in the cities where people will be killing for food. Only at true refuges would you find enough protection from all of the evil ones. Once you are at My refuges, I will provide you with food, drink, and shelter. I will also provide you with physical and spiritual protection. Have no fear of the end times because I am much more powerful than any of the demons. Trust in My power to give you the grace to endure this tribulation. You may be faced with martyrdom choices of choosing between your earthly life or your faith. Better to deny this life and have heaven at the end, than to deny Me and languish in hell.”

Tuesday, August 16, 2005: (St. Stephen of Hungary)

Jesus said: “My people, in your country of America your people do not realize how rich you are compared to the rest of the world. You may be concerned over replacing old furniture, or matching colors, but at least you have money enough to have choices. People in the third world countries are fortunate to have food, let alone money for furniture. Not everyone can afford to give ten per cent of their income to charities, if they have a low income and many expenses. Yet your people can afford more than just token amounts to the Church and charities. Instead of richer cars, homes, and more possessions, your people should at least consider sharing some of their income with the poor of the world that have next to nothing. This is why I told My apostles that it is very difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of heaven. If you are more concerned with your comforts and pleasures before helping your neighbor, then maybe these material things are becoming your gods before Me. Do not make idols out of your possessions, but show your love for Me and your neighbor first. If you trust in Me and share your income with others, then you will be on the right road to heaven. Put your spiritual priorities ahead of your earthly desires, and you will be more focused on Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, these loudspeakers represent the voice of the media that comes over the television and the radio. The one world people of the rich control what is said according to their agenda. If they desire to go to war, they keep ingraining people’s minds with the same message over and over until the people think that it is the only logical action. There is always the option not to go to war, but this does not make money for the rich to have peace. The devil is behind inspiring the one world people out of greed to desire one war after another. People need to realize that your media is censored and controlled, so it is necessary to discern issues by choosing from all the known facts. It is better to choose peace instead of war all the time, so pray for peace and for people to reach peaceful compromises. By living My message of love, you can counter the hate in the world.”

Wednesday, August 17, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I call everyone on earth to go out and work in My Kingdom on earth. There are some who refuse My call at first, and these are the spiritually idle souls. Some accept My call early in life and they produce spiritual fruits for many years. Other souls are converted later in life, but they also yield spiritual fruit. Then there are those that are saved in the eleventh hour near death, but they also will be accepted into My Kingdom. My grace of conversion awaits every soul and I am waiting patiently even to your last breath to take you into My loving arms. If only souls could begin to invite Me in sooner, you would have more of your life to serve Me in love instead of suffering more. Avoid jealousy and envy over those who may have more of this world’s material things. Instead seek heavenly treasures of helping others and you will enjoy heaven’s reward that is of much more value than earthly things. All of those, who desire to work in My vineyard, will see everlasting life in heaven as your eternal reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many plane crashes over the years, and many have been attributed to malfunctions in parts of the plane’s equipment. Some also have been planned malfunctions, missiles, or bombs that the authorities will not confirm as the truth. In the first case pilots are trained to quickly lower their altitude to breathable air after decompression occurs, but the co-pilot did not respond. In the second case it is unusual to have two engines fail at the same time, as well as an explosion before the crash. It may be difficult to determine if there was terrorism going on or not from the evidence. Two planes going down in two days is also suspect in these isolated cases. If no one comes forth to claim any cause, it will be difficult to determine the real cause of these accidents. Pray for the safety of all of your transportation means, but do not be fooled by hidden agendas of various terror groups.”

Thursday, August 18, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of people being brought to earth represents the soul bodies that at conception are given My calling to fulfill the mission or My plan for their lives. Life is a constant opportunity to learn about your Creator, and to properly use your unique gifts or talents in this life for My greater glory. My grace is always available to everyone to accept Me into your lives and follow Me in obedience to serve Me. Those, who desire to be converted in faith, are the people wearing a proper wedding garment. Those, who are called and follow themselves instead of Me, are like the one not properly dressed that was bound and cast into the darkness. For many are called, but few are chosen.(Matt. 22:14) The chosen are My elect who have been given the gift of faith and follow Me. Even at funerals many like to assume that their loved ones are going to heaven. In several places in the Bible it is mentioned how few there are that are raised up to heaven as on the escalator in the vision. Only those, who deny themselves and the world, will be lifted up to eternal life with Me.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, the sacrament of Matrimony in marriage is coming under attack by your society in many ways. Infidelity and other reasons as physical abuse and drunkenness are causing many divorces. Even many couples are living in fornication without marriage. Birth control methods are also causing serious sins against the marriage union. What is needed most is an understanding of why it is better to be living with marriage in the Church than in constant sin. When a couple has prayer and Me in their lives, then that couple has a better chance for a lasting marriage. Pray for those that are married to stay together, and for those couples that need to be married in the Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Holy Family should be an inspiration and an example for all families to imitate. There can be holiness present in each of your families when you love Me, your spouse, and your children. It does not matter how much income or material things that you have, but how you live your lives in obedience to My Commandments. Pray together for spiritual strength and the family should go regularly to Confession to cleanse your souls. By striving for holiness in your family, love can flourish even over life’s daily difficulties.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your good jobs are shrinking, people are having to take lesser paying jobs in order to survive. Businesses may be making better earnings, but the laid off workers are suffering lower incomes in general. Again pray for the families today who are under financial stress to raise their children.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is another attack on the family in what the children are being taught about their faith. Prayer and good foundations in the faith are missing in some of the recent religion classes in both Catholic schools and weekend classes. Parents need to pass on their faith more to their children and grandchildren. Be good role models to your children as your actions are the best teachings. Protect these souls from the evils of your society because you will be accountable for these souls at the judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, your local parishes are great inspirations to your families as you come together for Sunday Mass. As you have My sacrifice of the Mass shared among you, there is a need to receive My Body and Blood to sustain you through life. There is also a responsibility for each member to contribute your just share to My Church, and to help on the many committees that accomplish the work of My Church. This is your greater family and you need to pray for your priests and those running My churches.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you focus on My Church, your prayers need to go out to all of your hierarchy at the head in the pope and your local bishops. They need your support both financially and spiritually. The faithful need good leaders to encourage your faith and to instruct you in how your current issues should be handled according to My teachings. Be attentive to the latest announcements from the Vatican on faith and morals.” Jesus said: “My people, during life you have many options of how you could lead your life. You could take the easy way out in following the road of comfort and pleasure, or you could choose the narrow road that may cause you persecution and criticism. The path that you choose should be focused on imitating My life of the cross rather than the devil’s broad road to hell. Look to love Me and your neighbor first, and all that you need will be provided for you. It is not I who condemns sinners to hell, but they choose this path instead of loving Me, and they do not want to give control of their lives over to Me. Choose your path wisely because your actions will determine your eternal destination in either heaven or hell.”

Friday, August 19, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, it is important to emphasize the two greatest Commandments of love. Thou shalt love Thy God with all your heart, your mind, and all of your soul. The second is Thou shalt love your neighbor as yourself. It is not just enough to know My Commandments, but you must live them and give good example to others. This crack in the wall is what happens to individuals and nations when you ignore My Commandments and My help in your lives. Nations, who reject Me, will crumble as this wall and they will be no more. Individuals, who reject My laws of love, will find failure and the devil will corrupt them totally. You cannot find rest and grace for your soul unless you call on Me in prayer. Trust in My love and love of your neighbor, and you will see My reward both on earth and in heaven.” Jesus said: “My people, man has been intrigued with space travel to discover what is on other moons and planets. Some probes on Mars have determined some pockets of water and rocks that had seen similar formation to those on earth. It is difficult to find similar living conditions as on earth, but man wants to investigate places with water that is necessary for life. When you visit other places as Mars or the moon, you will more appreciate My creation on earth and how beautiful I have made you. There is a spiritual dimension in creation that does not depend on man’s theories for how everything was created. Everything that has order requires a higher Being or First Cause of its existence. You cannot create beauty in the universe out of chaos. Believe that I created everything and all of mankind. You were all created for a purpose, as each soul must follow My plan for your life. Those, who deviate from My plan and refuse to love Me, will be punished for not obeying Me. Those, who accept Me and My creation, are My faithful and servants of My Will.”

Saturday, August 20, 2005: (St. Bernard)

Jesus said: “My people, during the tribulation there will be much suffering and persecution for being faithful to My Word, even the possibility of facing death. In the early days Christians were martyred by the Romans. In the end days you will again see Christians suffering martyrdom for not giving up their faith. You remember the Epistles about St. Peter and St. Paul in chains before they were killed. So again you may face this same test of your faith, and are you prepared to die for Me as I died for you? I will never test you beyond your endurance. Even if you have to die for your faith, I will give you the grace to endure it. You will be an instant saint by dying for Me. Some may be martyred, but the rest will find protection at My refuges. Pray for strength in these last days and do not let any things of the earth control you. Whoever humbles themselves for My sake, will be exalted in heaven. Whoever exalts themselves with selfish pride, will be humbled at their judgment. Choose eternal life with Me in heaven, and not eternal death in hell with Satan.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the end times it will be difficult for a while to keep from being captured by the one world people. Once chips are mandatory for buying and selling, you will have to rely on your own food supplies if you do not want to use smart cards. The next stage will be mandatory chips in the hand and this will be associated with martial law to try and force everyone to take chips in the body. As agents go to each house, those, who refuse chips in the body, will be taken to prison camps or detention centers. It is before they come to your house that I want My faithful to call on My help and your guardian angel will lead you with a physical sign to the nearest refuge of protection. Do not look at the Antichrist for his eyes will have demonic powers of suggestion to worship him. Direct as many family members to the refuges as possible so they can be saved in spirit and protected in body. Those that do not want to leave their homes, may suffer later at the hands of the evil ones in prison. Those, who give in to chips in the body and worship the beast to keep their possessions, will soon lose everything when My Great Chastisement will defeat all the evil ones, and cast them into hell. Be ready to die for your faith if you have to, or leave your houses to be protected at My refuges.”

Sunday, August 21, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I asked My disciples ‘Who do you think I am?’ After they said who others thought I was, then St. Peter declared that I was the Christ, the Son of the living God. It was My Father in heaven that revealed this to him. Even today many do not want to admit that I AM a God-man. Even further some do not want to admit that I died for their sins, since that is My main reason for coming, to redeem all of mankind. My words in the Gospel are your lessons to live a good spiritual life. The rest of today’s Gospel speaks of My giving the keys of My Kingdom to St. Peter as the first pope of My Church where the gates of hell will not prevail against My Church. This saying also is not believed by many, that I placed St. Peter in charge of My Church. I also instituted the sacrament of Reconciliation when I gave My apostles and their successors in My priests the power to forgive sins through My Blood of sacrifice. You are seeing today that My Church still stands by My grace. Even during the coming tribulation My faithful remnant will survive all the powers of the evil ones. My angels will be protecting all of those souls who continue to believe that I am the Christ in the past, in the present, and forever in eternity.”

Monday, August 22, 2005: (Queenship of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the tomb of My Blessed Mother is a reminder of her feast of her Assumption just a week ago. Once she arrived in heaven, it is fitting to celebrate her Queenship in heaven and for all of mankind. I have only one mother of My earthly life and she is My most perfect creation, even greater than My angels because she is My Ark of the Covenant of the New Testament. Rejoice that she is your greatest intercessor of your prayer intentions, and the Mediatrix of all graces as your heavenly mother. My Blessed Mother is always guarding her children with her mantle of protection. Continue to send your rosaries of prayer and intentions to heaven through her.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother was the Handmaid of the Lord as she accepted the Angel Gabriel’s request at the Annunciation and all of her service for Me at Nazareth. She spoke of her service also when she gave her Magnificat. Her life is an example to all of you how you also can accept My call to service. All of My servants will be graced greatly for following My Will. You were all created with various gifts and you have the responsibility to use your talents in serving your Lord as My Blessed Mother did. When you consecrate your lives and all that you own over to My service, then you are growing in your perfection to detach yourself from earthly things. Continue praying and fasting for your intentions, and your prayers will be brought to Me by My Blessed Mother.”

Tuesday, August 23, 2005: (Pat Borucki’s funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, when you die, you are buried in the depths of the earth. When you dive into the water, you rise up because of the air in your lungs. In the spiritual life you rise up because you have grace in your soul at your resurrection. The waters of Baptism are sprinkled over the casket when you die to signify that this service is a Baptism into a new life in the Spirit. Those, who have suffered in this life, will receive their reward with Me in the next life. Death is a transition for the soul from this earthly life into the spiritual life. At your final judgment there will be only two judgments, either to heaven or hell as determined by your life’s actions. At that time your good deeds will be weighed against your sins of commission and your sins of omission where you could have helped someone. While you are still alive, you can pray for yourself and others. Think more of how you can help your neighbor in love than criticize or persecute them. I look into your heart for the intent of every action. So keep your heart focused on Me in everything that you do.”

(Lise’s 40th Anniversary Mass for us) Jesus said: “My people, one of your joys in life is to have family celebrations at all of the milestones in your life. You have spiritual celebrations at your Baptism, your First Holy Communion, your Confirmation, your Wedding, and even at your funeral. You also celebrate your birthdays and your Wedding anniversaries. Life is too short and it is appropriate to share these special remembrances with your friends and relatives. All of these dates are special because they are a part of who you are in your belief in Me. Every time you share your birthday, you are honoring My creation of your life. Every anniversary celebration of your wedding is a remembrance of the one you love all of your life. You are partners in love sharing your lives together through good times and bad times. Rejoice in this gift of life that I have given to you, and give thanks to Me in your prayers for all that I have done for you. The most important focus is to keep your faith in Me until the end of your life so I can one day escort you into your new celebration of life in heaven.”

Wednesday, August 24, 2005: (St. Bartholomew)

Jesus said: “My people, you know the words where much has been given, more will be expected. This vision of being in the breach of a gun means that you are given an opportunity every day of your life to serve Me by using your God-given talents. You have received the gift of faith and the graces of the sacraments to carry you forward in your daily actions to share your love with Me and your neighbor. Like the apostles, you are called to evangelize souls for Me without worry of criticism or rejection. It is your job to bring My Word of the Gospel to the people, and it is the responsibility of the listener to take My Word to heart and be converted. Pray for conversions also in your work in your daily prayers. Once you have made the effort to teach others, then you will have fulfilled your responsibility. You cannot be selfish with your time and live for your own comfort, but you must move forward to take advantage of every opportunity that I give to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, a marriage of a man and a woman is a beautiful gift of love to each other. This union of the two is not just physical, but it is a uniting of both lives in making a family. This couple needs guidance both spiritually through My presence, and moral and financial support from the parents, relatives, and friends. Your family should always be there for you, no matter what problems you may face. A couple’s upbringing in the faith should also be their strength to endure any trial. The legacy of faith that a parent can give their children should see them through life. It is this trust and rest that a parent receives from Me that can be shared with your children when they get married. By passing on the faith, the grandchildren will also experience trust and rest in Me. Pray for all marriages and all families to stay together honoring their vows and to have peace and unity among all the members of the greater family. By encouraging peace in your families, you will be building up peace in the whole world.”

Thursday, August 25, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this home dug underground is similar to a cave which may not look pleasing, but it is a house ready for the coming tribulation. It is somewhat hidden and could be disguised with more dirt. It is also up high and protected from flooding and storms. It could even be like a bomb shelter if nuclear weapons were used. Caves and homes in the ground can be very useful for My faithful who will be hiding in such places of protection. Such a home in the ground could be very useful as a second home, or a possible refuge in rural areas. As the Antichrist will have a brief reign before I come again to defeat him, My faithful remnant will be protected at places of refuge as at apparition sites, places of holy ground, and even caves or underground homes.”

Thursday, August 25, 2005:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I have told you many times how I love the little children and those, who would harm one of them, should have a millstone cast around their neck and be thrown into the sea. The scapulars, rosaries, and medals are your blessed sacramentals that you should share with My little ones. These little ones should be taught how to pray the rosary because it is My Blessed Mother’s most powerful weapon against the evil ones. You can still enroll them in the brown scapular so they can have My Blessed Moather’s mantle of protection around them. Even your Benedictine crosses are powerful weapons against the demons. By teaching your children these prayers, they too, can have a strong faith in Me against all earthly trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, these floods in America, Mexico, and Europe are signs to you through nature that your sins need to be cleansed in these places. When man refuses to acknowledge Me, My blessings will leave these places and they will suffer My wrath in natural disasters. Pray for sinners everywhere because there is not enough prayer to make up for all of these offenses. The more prayer that you can storm heaven with, the less severity you will suffer from these floods.”

Jesus said: “My people, America has long been tested in the West with droughts and fires. Now the droughts in Illinois and the corn fields are causing lost crops and hurting your agricultural business. Europe also in Portugal and Spain are suffering droughts from heat and fires as well. These trials of fire and drought are further chastisements for your sins. These disasters are more signs to you that you indeed are in the end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, many preparations are going on to have the students ready for school to begin. I continue to remind the parents that they focus on having their children advance in religious training as much as they do for the secular training. Parents are the best teachers and tutors of the faith, so do not fail your children in their spiritual upbringing.”

Jesus said: “My people, you spend many tax dollars building enough grade schools and high schools. It is your donations that also are being used to build up My Church. Instead of closing churches, you need to build more and repair the old ones. The children need proper facilities to learn, and My faithful also need a clean and safe church to share Sunday Mass. Pray that the right repairs will be made to the churches, and do not strip them of your traditions.”

Jesus said: “My people, these doors represent the doors on your hearts when I come knocking in order to enter your heart. In order for Me to enter your heart, you must cleanse it of all of your earthly desires and sins. You must be willing to follow My Commandments and My Will by denying what you want and desire what I want you to do in life. Being open to change and conversion is a great step closer to your reaching heaven. I desire all of you to be holy and perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. With My help and your struggles, you can work toward your sainthood every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can take some lessons from the preparations that these football teams go through. There is first a teaching of the right plays for each situation. The new players are taught how to use their skills for the good of the team and not just for glory for themselves. In the spiritual world also you have to train your bodies in prayer and fasting. You also have to be team players in working to save your soul as well as the souls of others. The only winning and losing is all about whether souls will reach either heaven or hell. You are on the winning team when you come with Me because My power is greater than all of the demons put together.”

Friday, August 26, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I have described this Book of Life to you as holding the names of My elect who will be entering into heaven. Back in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve ate of this fruit of the Tree of Life and they could live forever with this tree, which is why they were put out of this Garden. I am the New Tree of Life because I died on the cross so that each of you may have eternal life through My Blood of sacrifice. It is up to each soul to accept Me or not if you are to be cleansed of your sins in Confession and renewed with My grace. This Gospel of the wise and the foolish virgins speaks of those who prepared for My coming and those who did not. Your mission has centered around this preparation for My coming again at the end times. I will come like a thief in the night and those, who are prepared in a proper wedding garment, will be let into heaven. The foolish ones, who refuse to prepare for My Wedding Banquet, will hear My words of ‘I do not know you.’ At this judgment you will be judged on your actions and whether you loved Me and your neighbor or not. Your preparation, as in the first reading, will be to seek to be holy by following My Commandments and not giving in to your worldly desires of the flesh. You are all sinners, so you will have times when you will offend Me in your sins. But do not remain in the stench of your sin because I am waiting for you to seek My forgiveness in Confession. By confessing your sins, you can always replenish your souls with My life giving grace and your soul will be pure and ready to receive your Master. The oil in your lamps represents the grace in your souls. So do not be like the foolish virgins who have no grace in their souls. For My grace gives you life and My Presence is your light that will lead you into eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a little black book of the events of your life waiting for everyone. Those, who actually are dying, will not have any more chapters to their lives. Those, who live until the Warning experience, will have a preview of the judgment of their lives, but will be given the grace to change the last few chapters of their lives. Once you appreciate how much you hurt people in what you said and did, you will desire their forgiveness and My forgiveness in Confession. Your judgment will come as no surprise and you will find it just and fair, as everyone else will also agree that My judgment is true. I am trying to prepare everyone for their judgment, but I am even trying to change the outcome before you die or experience your Warning. If you really take some time to look back on how you have lived your life, you might not be happy with what you have done up to now. Yet, you can start changing how you live right now. You do not have to wait until your judgment. Many conversions occur from near death experiences, but you can decide to start following My Commandments at any time. Think of why people convert to the faith and change their ways. It is a sudden realization that I can lead your life much better than you can. I am always ready for you to come into My arms and be gathered into the fold of My faithful remnant. Trust in Me and I will guide you to salvation, peace, and rest in My eternal love for you.”

Saturday, August 27, 2005: (St. Monica)

Jesus said: “My people, these young birds leaving the nest from the church represents how many young people are leaving their faith behind, and are no longer attending Sunday Mass. Some parents are giving their children good example and training in the faith, and still some of their children are falling away from the faith. Other parents are poor in their faith and the children are following in the parents bad example. There are many distractions in the world which are tempting the children away from the faith. Even when you attend prayer groups and Mass on Sunday, there are very few young people present. You can train your children so far, and then faith in Me has to come as their own free choice. Some, like St. Augustine, are reluctant at first to make a life commitment to Me. That is why parents need to give a good example, as well as pray for the faith of your children that they may choose to love Me. You cannot force religion on someone, or your forced obedience could push them further away from you and Me. The children must see how important your faith is to you and how it affects your life for the good. If you speak about faith, but do not live it, the children will see your hypocrisy. Live your faith and gently nudge your children to church without nagging them. A gentle approach with options and love with communication will yield more meaning for faith in your children. Just as St. Monica, you may have to be persistent in your prayers for your children’s faith. Do not be afraid to warn them against living together in sin without marriage, and still encourage them to go to regular Confession for saving their souls. By doing everything that you can to lead your children to Me, then you will be justified when you have to make an accounting for their souls at your judgment.”

Sunday, August 28, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am asking My faithful to deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow Me. To deny yourselves means that you are willing to let Me run your lives by your own free will choice. To be My disciple you must count the costs because consecrating everything to Me means that you will trust in Me for everything, and detach yourself from earthly desires of money and possessions. You came into this world without anything and you will leave this world without anything. You cannot take money or possessions past the grave. So do not let money be your god or and idol because I am the only One that you should worship. Your soul is worth more to Me and to you than any amount of money in the world. It is important to notice what people treasure the most in this world. For where your treasure is, that is where your heart lies also. Those, who live only for money, the intent in their heart is to love the worldly things. Those, who live for Me, see the heavenly treasures and means to gain heaven as the only desire of their hearts. Just as I suffered in this world, My disciples will also suffer. If you call on My help, I will assist you in carrying the burden of your daily cross. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. You are here to know, love, and serve Me, and not to see how much money that you could accumulate. Success in this life to Me is measured in how holy your life is. Seek My heavenly Kingdom first and everything else will be given to you.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am confirming my presence with the smell of roses. I want to thank all of the people here for being so faithful to your rosaries here at one o’clock on Sunday in all kinds of weather. I am also coming to encourage you to keep up your prayers for all of your intentions. I am very proud of my dear son, Joseph for all of the gifts that he has shared with you on this cemetery.”

Joseph added: “The gift of my healing, the bleeding cross, and my messages were all granted to those who believed in these miracles. Even if you cannot see any physical signs of this miracle bleeding, be persistent in your belief that this is holy ground and it will be protected by Jesus, Mary, and the angels.”

Mary said: “I am showing you a vision with my crown to give honor to my feast day on August 22nd of my Queenship and this is my namesake for this cemetery. It was not by accident that you were asked to pray the decade dedicated to my crowning in heaven. Rejoice again in my Queenship as you continue to trust in the power of my rosary through my being intercessor to my Son, Jesus.”

Monday, August 29, 2005: (Beheading of St. John the Baptist)

Jesus said: “My people, this day you are honoring the faith and courage of St. John the Baptist for speaking the truth to King Herod even at the risk of his own life. St. John spoke out to the King that he should not take his brother’s wife to live in fornication. Even today My people are blessed with religious freedom. You can and should speak out to your friends and relatives who are living in sin without marriage, but you are not risking martyrdom to speak out. You may suffer some criticism, but you know in your heart that you are speaking out to save their souls. If you cannot speak out now in the green of your freedom, how could you speak out in the dry of the tribulation when you too may suffer martyrdom to witness to your faith? Pray now to be strong in your faith and witness it on the rooftops, because soon you will be facing the trials of persecution for your faith just as I and the early Christians had to suffer for you.”

Tuesday, August 30, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks about My cleansing of a demon out of a person. The people of today do not realize how their occult practices of Ouija boards and evil potions can bring demons into them. I have also told you that there are demons associated with addictions of drugs, alcohol, and even computers. All of these addictions involve a control over you that is difficult to break. I told My apostles that casting out devils may even require prayer and fasting. Exorcist priests are appointed to do exorcisms, but some people do not even believe that someone could be possessed or obsessed by demons. There is power in My Name and deliverance prayers to help remove demons. You can have Masses said for such people also. The vision of My Blessed Mother is all about praying your rosaries and bringing your petitions to Me through her. By wearing blessed sacramentals and avoiding occult and New Age practices, you can protect yourself from the demons because My power is greater. Only rely on My power and My angels to fight the demons. Do not think that you can fight them on your own. You are in a constant battle with evil, but call on My help and your guardian angels to protect you and others from the demons and I will guard your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest hurricane that devastated New Orleans and the casinos in Mississippi is part of the natural disasters that I am using to bring the United States to its knees for all of your sins. America continues to start wars as your leaders are misled. You continue to have millions of abortions without any repentance. Now you are seeing the destruction in New Orleans for its many sexual sins, and also the sins of excessive gambling at the casinos in Mississippi have brought the eye of the storm over them. In many places of sin you are seeing My wrath fall upon them. Pray for the help of the innocent people who have lost their lives, and those who have lost their material possessions. This destruction among your oil and natural gas suppliers could cause the rest of your country to suffer fuel shortages, and high prices for driving your cars, and heating your homes. You still have more of your storm season to go and you could still suffer more damage. Let the people read these signs of the end times as more indications of rapid events that will signal My coming. Learn from these chastisements and pray for sinners in your country. Without prayer, many souls could be lost in hell.”

Wednesday, August 31, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, these two doors in the vision represent your two choices in life. The first choice is to choose Me to help you so you can depend on Me alone, and the second choice is to depend on yourself without My help. Keep in mind that you are My creations, and I love each of you very much. I seek each of you to receive Me into your lives, but you have free will and I do not force anyone to love Me. For those, who accept Me, I am there with My sacraments to forgive your sins, and to give you the grace to endure any trial. Your friends will not always help you, but I am a true friend that you can always turn to in any circumstance. Those, who choose to refuse My love and do everything on their own, will suffer twice the burdens of life. Each of you need to use your talents to help yourselves and those around you out of love. Do not bury your treasure, but use what you have been given to survive in this life. I am asking everyone to trust in Me and I will protect you from the evil ones and provide for your needs. But each person must be willing to open the door of their heart so I may enter and be a part of your life. Without Me, you could be lost forever, but with Me, you could find eternal life in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, these grapes produce the wine, and the wheat provides the flour for the bread. There is much labor in making a good wine over time. The bread also involves grinding the wheat into flour and baking the bread. The Communion pieces are even made without yeast or leavening as a symbol of a food of haste. The bread and wine are changed into My Body and Blood at the Consecration of the Mass. This grape image could also include the image of the grapes of wrath as you just witnessed the strike of this latest hurricane on your southern coast. People are concerned with the physical damage and the insurance value of what was destroyed. The number of people killed and the dead bodies have become a major concern, once most of the survivors have been rescued. Many comparisons have been made to previous storms in the billions of dollars of damage and the deaths that have occurred. This water damage to New Orleans will be historic along with all the other devastation. Many are seeing similarities to the tsunami damage just eight months ago. Your storms are becoming more frequent and more violent as many are beginning to accept warmer temperatures as a cause of stronger storms. These unusual natural disasters are definitely getting people’s attention, but still they do not see the connection of sin and where these disasters are occurring. America will continue to be tested because you are not repenting of your sins and My justice will be brought against you.”

Thursday, September 1, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, the ripples of this current destruction from Hurricane Katrina will be felt throughout parts of your country. Many people have lost their jobs and houses. Gas and oil production will see some short term shortages. Ports for receiving goods will have to go to other ports. Insurance companies and your government will shoulder some hard financial times in helping the displaced people and their jobs. Clean-up costs may hamper many local governments, and bankruptcies may harm banks in this area. Many of your financial people are acknowledging cut backs in your economy as a result of this destruction. This disaster is another opportunity for your people to assist the refugees that are going to other cities. Charity to your neighbor in dire need may be necessary to forego some of your comforts. Even your prayers are needed for the sinners in this area that have tasted of My wrath. Now it is time for the rest of your country to step forward with food, water, and finances for the housing of the unfortunate victims.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, many of your divisions in My Church have been caused by the mason infiltration into My Church. These same masons are influencing governments into wars for profit. They are also behind homosexual movements, encouraging abortions, and trying to stop population growth. The demons are behind the evil going on, and they are using the masons to carry out their evil agendas.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your modern electronic devices are being used for communications and buying and selling. There is innocence in using these devices because the users do not realize that they could be tracked by these devices and even abused by those stealing identities and bank accounts. By forcing everyone to have a smart card in their driver’s license, you are making identity theft that much more available for thieves to take advantage of. Refuse to use mandatory smart cards, and refuse to have chips put in your body, even under threat of death.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother wants you to continue praying your rosaries even into the tribulation because prayers are constantly needed for poor sinners. Natural disasters can be mitigated with enough prayer and fasting, but there is an overflowing of sin that is much more than people are praying. Listen to My Blessed Mother’s warnings in many apparition messages. If all of these messages were taken seriously and followed, you would not have all of the sins going on today.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I asked My disciples to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and give shelter to the homeless. The people in these devastated areas are becoming impatient with their helpless situations and some are becoming violent in their desperation. There are many help groups trying their best to get food and water to the homeless. This will require patience because of so many with destroyed homes and flooding in the cities. Pray for these people to be less violent and more understanding until help can be provided.”

Jesus said: “My people, America consumes a third of all energy supplies and this is what has supported your higher standard of living. These recent oil and gas shortages show you how dependent America has become on energy for driving your cars and the electricity that requires fuel to make. Your whole energy usage will be examined more closely as you seek a better alternative fuel to oil. The oil companies have thwarted large scale fuel alternatives to gain more money for themselves. They are making large profits on the increased prices of gas and oil. This storm has shown you how vulnerable your fuel supplies have become.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people could easily start fighting over short supplies of gas because it could threaten people’s livelihoods or getting to work. Put this on a global scale and you could see potential wars over oil supplies and gas refineries. Pray that these temporary shortages do not get out of hand, or you could see martial law put in place to keep order. Instead of being selfish to gain more gas, America needs to conserve and be more practical in dealing with this gas shortage.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you are used to having everything you want, but when this disaster occurred, you cannot deal with losing everything. These are lessons for you now because in the tribulation you will also be stripped of everything and you will have to depend on Me to provide for you. Enjoy what you have now because your fuel usage will decrease by necessity, and you will see lower standards of living. Live a simpler life now to prepare yourself for what lies ahead in your future.”

Friday, September 2, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you need to understand that you are sinners and you need to change your ways of rationalizing your sins, and stop thinking that you do not need to go to Confession. If you commit sins as everyone does, then you need to come to Me for forgiveness in the absolution of the priest, even for venial sins. The conversion process of working toward perfection means that you need to change your bad habits. Analyze your most frequent and serious sin and that is the habit that you should work on breaking. You may have lust for beautiful women or handsome men, so you need to look away and call on My Name in your temptations. You may desire to watch too much television and waste your time. That is why you must limit your time of watching to less than one hour. You may desire drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or smoking, but again work to avoid these addictions by getting help and realize your dependency and how substance abuse is controlling you. You may love to spend hours on the computer using the internet for pornography, gambling, chat rooms, or excessive time on games. All of these things could have a control over your mind and heart, and you should recognize your sins and addictions. Work to remove any occasions of sin and any substances that are controlling your life. Only by frequent Confession can you cleanse your soul and have the strength of My grace to fight your temptations. The more you sin, the harder it is to avoid committing further sin. Do not become depressed over your weaknesses, or give up, but see that with My help I can give you the grace to overcome your bad habits. You can only stop these sinful lifestyles by changing your thinking and your actions, so give up your greed for pleasure and think more how to love Me and love your neighbor. By working the best you can to follow My Commandments and My ways, then you will be on the right road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, at the time of My death this was the hour that Satan and the demons were given for evil to appear victorious for a brief time. This was the time when darkness and great earthquakes struck the earth, but on Easter morning I rose from the dead and Light was returned to the earth as My disciples spread My Word all over the earth. This vision of broken glass and earthquakes is a parallel when I will again allow evil to have its reign for a brief time. The hour of evil will also be associated with many earthquakes of significant size so you will know it as a sign of the coming evil in the tribulation. Natural disasters in hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, floods, droughts, earthquakes, and volcanic action will bring America to its knees. I will allow you to be pummeled by these disasters for your sins, and I will allow the evil ones to take over your country in preparation for the declaration of the Antichrist into power. See that all of these rapid events of disasters are the signs of the coming tribulation when the Antichrist will be allowed to rule for three and one-half years. Then just as I came victorious at My Resurrection, so I will come on the clouds to defeat all of the evil ones with My Great Chastisement. Rejoice because My victory will then usher in a great Era of Peace for all of My faithful.”

Saturday, September 3, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you would rather be judged by My love of mercy than man’s harsh laws with no mercy. Your justice system is corrupt between your lawyers and the judges that make deals based on money and not the law. When man’s laws are in conflict with My laws, now you know how corrupt your justice system is. You have laws allowing abortion, and you violate My Commandment against killing. You have laws allowing same sex marriage, but this violates My law of marriage that is only for a man and a woman. You have laws allowing pornography, but this encourages lust in its most evil form. You have new laws allowing any work on Sundays in violation of My law to keep the Sabbath holy with no servile work. Many of your laws favor pleasure and money instead of acknowledging My place in your lives. Many couples live in adultery or fornication instead of following My Commandment against adultery. Man follows the letter of his corrupt laws, but I look at the intent in your heart for every action. You think My laws and My chastisements of natural disasters are unfair, but it is your corrupt laws and immorality against My laws that are unfair. The more that you continue in your wanton sin, the more destruction that you will be bringing down upon yourselves.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you can see desperate people being evacuated from New Orleans in buses to cities that are willing to help the homeless. Everyone’s heart goes out to provide food, water, and shelter for the hurricane victims. This is a good help, but there will come again a time of control in the tribulation where there will be evacuations of a different kind. The troops today are providing food and water, and law and order for looters. In the future there will be troops coming to everyone’s door without a chip in the body and they will be trying to force mandatory chips in the body. Those, who are found at their homes and refuse to take chips in the body, will be taken by buses to detention centers where many will be killed for not going along with the new world order. For those, who do not want to go to these detention centers, I am providing refuges of protection from the evil ones. When you see a world famine, a division in My Church, and forced chips in the body, you are to call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a physical sign to the nearest refuge. If it means that you are to leave everything behind, it is better to be protected and provided for by Me than facing possible torture and death in the detention centers. Do not delay in your leaving, or you may face disaster much like those in New Orleans who did not evacuate before the storm hit. Pray for My help and grace to sustain you against the evil ones in the coming events.”

Sunday, September 4, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing the dark side of the hill without sunlight which represents the people without the Light of God in their hearts. Today’s Gospel speaks about approaching those committing scandal in sin to warn them of their errors. You are all called to be evangelists to bring My joy and love into the hearts and souls that are dark with sin. You know that where two or more are gathered in prayer, there I am in your midst. If you have fulfilled your responsibility to warn sinners, and still they do not change, then they will expect My punishment through such natural disasters as this latest hurricane. Many homosexual and decadence events had to be cancelled, so this should be a message to those who defy My laws in front of My face. Places of sin can expect more disasters to fall on them because they are not repenting of their sins. When the balance of sin and prayer are so weighed down with sin, then you can expect My punishment on that area. I am merciful, but wanton sin demands My justice.”

Monday, September 5, 2005: (Labor Day)

Jesus said: “My people, ever since Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden, everyone has had to work by the sweat of their brow to make a living. In America you are fortunate to have access to an education and enough jobs to support your families. It is becoming a little more difficult to obtain good paying factory jobs because many of them are being transferred to places of cheaper labor. Pray for all families that they be helped in their daily struggles to keep jobs for their income. Cheaper jobs and increasing fuel costs will further decrease your standard of living, but you still are much better off than other nations. You should also be giving Me thanks this day for all that your nation has received from Me in your gifts of talents and resources for your jobs. Be grateful to each other because you provide the goods and services for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to ask you tonight: If you had your Warning experience of seeing your whole life before you, what would you change to put yourself on a closer road to perfection? The second question is: What is stopping you now from making these changes in your life? Deep down in your heart you know that you could live your life differently if you chose to give up some of your pleasures and comforts. Many times giving up your money and your possessions is what is holding you back. Once you experience this white light of coming into My presence, you will realize how futile it is to try and hang on to the things of this world. You will see pure love in Me and you will be seeking My forgiveness of your sins, and the forgiveness of others whom you may have hurt. It is this knowledge of your judgment and the realization that heaven and heavenly things are much more valuable than earthly things, that will change your whole life’s outlook. Then you will desire to share your wealth more with others and you will trust more in Me than your worldly wealth. My faithful also have My Word of the Gospel to share with others as you work to convert their souls. You may have talents and healing gifts as well which you will be given discernment when to use in order to serve Me in your actions. Some gifts may be latent right now, but at the proper moment I will use all of your gifts for My greater glory. Focus on doing the best that you can now to lead a holy life as well as using your gifts to save souls. It is more valuable to heal souls in the Spirit than to just heal physical ailments.”

Tuesday, September 6, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, each day you go through the stresses of life in your job, your bills, and all of the troubles of your family. At times you can get discouraged and even overwhelmed by damage to your car or homes, as in storms or major accidents. Other times medical bills and operations can cause you setbacks. Through all of the difficulties and stresses in life, you can always call on My help and I am there for you. You will never be tested beyond your endurance. Even spiritually, no matter how many or how serious your sins, I am always ready to forgive you. When I died for all of your sins, I paid the price with My Blood Sacrifice. I have given you hope also by My Resurrection so My faithful can be assured one day of being with Me in heaven with your own resurrected body. Being with Me in heaven should be your goal, no matter what you must suffer here on earth. Your sufferings here are all shared in My death and Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, man has been experimenting with more powerful blue lasers to use as weapons and to hold plasma balls as a source of energy for everyone. Man does not realize the danger of working with fusion and the energy that could be released from one accidental formation of plasma. There will be a terrible accident or terrorist use of this power that could kill thousands of people in a city. It would be better not to experiment with forces that you do not know the consequences. Many of your nuclear plants are also capable of accidental melt downs. Pray that these plants and your experiments do not get out of hand. Radioactive releases could kill many in a short radius.”

Wednesday, September 7, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel of St. Luke shows this same contrast between the rich and the poor in his description of the beatitudes. On one side he talks about how the poor are suffering in their need. He blesses the hungry and those weeping now who in the future will be satisfied. Also those, who are proclaiming My Word, will be persecuted by men, but will be rewarded in heaven. Then he lists the woes to the rich who are comfortable today, but will suffer tomorrow. Also those, who have food today, will be hungry tomorrow. In New Orleans the rich are being humbled in their losses even while the poor are still suffering. Those, who had food, are now hungry and thirsty for fresh water. Those, who were reveling in their orgies, are now humbled by floods and destruction. The contrasts of the Gospel of St. Luke are very visible in the wake of this hurricane. These people have mocked My Commandments with their immorality, but now My chastisement has laid them low. This is what happens to the man who makes earthly comforts and pleasures his gods. These woes are befalling these sinners just as was prophesied for all who violate My laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, the destruction from Hurricane Katrina was just the beginning of your troubles. Now your people are dying from contact with the contaminated water. Once the levees are repaired, the water that will be pumped into the lakes, rivers, and the ocean will contaminate many of your fishing and shrimp areas. It will take years for your seafood areas to recover from this one disaster. It will be difficult to cleanse the city of all the contamination, even when the water can be removed. The damage is so extensive that it will be difficult to find enough money to rebuild this city. If men return this city to the evil it had before, you could again see another hurricane destroy this city. I condemned several towns for their evil ways in My day, and to this day they are nothing but ruins. Learn from history and repent of your sins, or you will see your cities turned to dust and rubble like the cities that I condemned.”

Thursday, September 8, 2005: (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of freshly harvested wheat represents also the fruit of the womb of St. Ann giving birth to My Blessed Mother. The Gospel reading shows the genealogy of St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother back through the generations to King David as was foretold by the prophets. My Church celebrates My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Conception on December 8th and her birthday nine months later. My Blessed Mother was My most perfect creation as the Ark of the Covenant for My birth. She was prepared from all time for this moment that you are celebrating. Rejoice because you are celebrating the birth of your Heavenly Mother also. With her mantle of protection she is protecting all of her children. All of those, who wear her brown scapular and pray her rosary daily, are united with her Immaculate Heart as well.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, many are heeding the warning to not walk through these contaminated waters. The waters are being pumped out of New Orleans after the levees were crudely repaired. It will take some studying to determine whether this city can be rebuilt. Those helping the evacuees should be thanked for doing a difficult task. You should pray and send donations to those who are providing the food, water, and shelter for the victims of this hurricane. Be thankful also for what you have by sharing what you can with these unfortunate people.”

Jesus said: “My people, it has been difficult to get supplies to these flood victims and it has been even more hazardous because of the fires and bands of looters. Those shooting at the relief helpers have necessitated precious time to secure this area from crime. Many are complaining that help did not come fast enough, but no plans were made to deal with such a catastrophe. Instead of pointing blame, it is more helpful to continue helping the victims to find their family members and provide the means for a new life going forward.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many unheard heroes that have been providing life giving health aid to the sick and injured. There also has been a world wide effort from various nations to help America in this disaster. In the wake of this destruction, you can see many Good Samaritans stepping forth to help their neighbor. This outpouring of help is a blessing that is coming forth from all parts of your country. Many Americans are not used to losing everything, but it is uplifting to see everyone willing to share what they can for the needy families.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, every time that you view this disaster, it is hard to imagine the scope and size of the area that was devastated. Even as you try to clean up this destruction, think of how this is related to your abortions, your living together in fornication without marriage, and those committing homosexual acts. Unless man sees the relationship between sin and the punishment by God, he will be repeating his sins and facing My wrath again. The wages of sin are death and destruction, but those, who follow My ways, will be greatly rewarded both on earth and in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, no matter how much man tries to protect himself from natural disasters, there is always something that he cannot plan for. You are vulnerable to all kinds of disasters and you prepare the best that you can. The most important disaster is the loss of your soul, and not just your possessions. Your possessions will pass away, but your soul lives on forever. Call on My help to protect yourselves from the devil’s temptations. By prayer and My sacraments, you will have all of the protection that you will need. Trust in Me every day and your consecration will provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you are faced with an illness or operation of short duration, it is easier to bear when you know things will return to normal. If you are faced with a chronic problem or terminal cancer, you know things will not return to normal. This is what the people in New Orleans are facing and it will be hard to bear for many of the victims. These people need to be offered help for the long term in jobs, homes, and places of their own. The poor are facing even harder problems of how to re-establish their help from welfare programs. The children also need hope in new schools and colleges so they can have a future to live for. Reach out in any way that you can because these people will need long term help until they can get back on their feet financially.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed the power of nature and the damage that can happen. But you also have seen the beauty of mountains and streams on your vacations. During the course of life you will see good times and bad times. Be prepared, My people, because you can expect to be tested in this life. If life was always good and easy, it would be difficult to know if your faith was real. By testing you can be made strong physically and spiritually, and not be dependent on only your own means. Your faith in Me will bring you through any trials that you will face.”

Friday, September 9, 2005: (Camiel Gysel’s funeral Mass)

Camiel said: “I am happy to see all of you here, and I am sorry that I had to leave all of you so suddenly. I love all of you so much and I am saddened that I could not have some parting words with you. I ask forgiveness for anyone that I may have hurt, and I forgive those who have hurt my feelings. I love my family and my sweet Elaine. I will be watching over all of you and I ask you to pray for me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this blank sign represents the signs of the times that the people are not reading. They can read physical signs, but they are not seeing the spiritual signs of the end times all around them. You have seen September 11th, the recent tsunami destruction, and now the Hurricane Katrina damage, and still the people do not understand My wrath coming because of your unrepentant sins. I have told you that you would see serious natural disasters and terrorism that would bring America to its knees. Many are content to send a donation and go on with their lives without seeing the need to stop abortions, stop heterosexual and homosexual sins, and stop pornography. America cannot go on with your repetitive sins and think that I will not punish you and hold you accountable. Your new large vehicles are your pride and joy, but now with high gas prices, it is almost too expensive to afford to drive them. This is the irony of how you have put your possessions before Me and now these things, that you treasure, are becoming a liability to your finances. Even heating your large new homes will become a burdensome expense. America is being humbled in many ways that you did not think possible, because your jobs and blessings are being taken away from you. Turn back to prayer and repent of your sins. Put Me back as your first priority because all of the things that you depended upon are passing away.”

Saturday, September 10, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I spoke of the person of faith who builds a proper foundation that is well rooted in Me. A house built on rock will be able to withstand the storms of life. Just as you saw further construction of the first floor, it is not enough just to build a foundation, but you must live your faith every day in every action. You may have been brought up well by your parents and your teachers in elementary school, but now you must nurture your faith with daily prayer and good deeds for your neighbor. You must open the door of your heart to Me and by your own free will choose to love Me in all that you do. The evil person does not choose to lay a good foundation in faith and builds their house on the sand of their own means. Then when the storms of life lash at that person, their house is swept away in the flood. I also compared people’s hearts to good and bad trees. It is by a person’s fruits of deeds that you will be able to recognize if they are good or evil. A good person will do good deeds for others and share what they have just as a good tree can only bear good fruit. An evil person will only do evil deeds from their heart of evil just as a bad tree will only give bad fruit. This does not mean that you are condemned in your sins. But you can repent of your sins in Confession and seek My forgiveness. If you truly want to be a good person and bear good fruit, then you must change your selfish and sinful lifestyles. This means in order to convert your life, you must choose to love Me and your neighbor, and root out all of your vices and bad habits. It is not easy to convert your lives, but I am waiting patiently for you to love Me and ask My help to change your ways to My ways.”

Jesus said: “My people, the hour is getting late and the time of tribulation is drawing near. This sundial in the vision is recording a late hour in the day, and it also represents the time of the darkness of evil which will be spreading all over the earth with the coming into power of the Antichrist. See that now more than ever it is time to prepare physically and spiritually for the end times. Preparations for home Masses, refuge sites, and water and food, will be helpful when I will protect My faithful and multiply your food and water. Have trust and hope in My help when you will be protected by My angels. Refuse to take chips in the body and trust in Me to provide for your needs. Know that the Antichrist’s reign will be brief before I come in victory to vanquish all of the evil ones to hell. I will renew the earth from man’s destruction and there will be a new heavens and a new earth in My Era of Peace. Do not lose hope in despair, even when it may seem hopeless because I will put an end to this evil. You will be persecuted and tested for My Name’s sake, but My faithful remnant will be rewarded for their faithfulness.”

Sunday, September 11, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, My message of the Gospel is to be always forgiving your neighbor for any debts or faults that have been committed against you or your loved ones. The other request is to forgive everyone, even the hard cases of problem people or your enemies. There may be some in your relatives that have drinking or drug problems as indicated in seeing the beer bottles being filled. Some may resent their constant drinking and financial problems that they cause. Drinking and drugs have also broken many marriages. Even still you are called to love everyone and forgive everyone. It is not easy to go against your human sort of justice, but just as the owner forgave his servant’s whole debt, you must do likewise in forgiving those that you dislike, or are your enemies. By forgiving even these hard cases, you will be rewarded for truly living your Christian life in practice and not just in words only.”

Monday, September 12, 2005: (The Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, you know that you can always call on Me in prayer, and when you pray to Me, you are praying to the Blessed Trinity of God. My Blessed Mother is your most important intercessor to Me because she is joined with Me in our Two Hearts. Some are a little confused in their prayers to Me directly and to Me indirectly through My Blessed Mother. You are worshiping Me in your prayers, and you are honoring My Blessed Mother in prayer as an intercessor. You know how much I love My Blessed Mother and I will always listen to her requests and petitions. That is why her rosary and devotions are very powerful. Do not let anyone say that she is not important or put down praying through her to Me. Even My faithful can be intercessors for prayers and healing for other souls. The important thing is to remember your daily prayers whether to Me or through My Blessed Mother.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these flashing lights to represent the worldly enticements of the devil to comforts and pleasures. At many carnivals and casinos you find games of chance luring people to think that they can get rich quick. Other temptations may lead you to so-called psychics and fortunetellers who call on the dark side to mislead people in telling their futures. Even further enticements call people to prostitutes, or suggestive dancers. The devil can entice you through many earthly weaknesses, but you must be strong in your faith and grace to resist them. Call on My Name to send the evil one away. Some people out of curiosity delve into New Age and the occult to try and gain power or wealth. It is when you invoke these demons that modern day obsessions or possessions can occur. Avoid these people who teach witchcraft and New Age principles. You only should worship Me and not anything else. Seek to be holy and do good deeds instead of seeking the pleasures and comforts of this world. This world and the body are passing away, but your soul lives on forever. Your soul is your most prized possession and that is why Satan is trying to steal your soul away from Me. I also am seeking souls, but I seek you out of love while the devil seeks you out of hate. I will lead you to the beauty of heaven while the devil can only lead you to the ugly flames of hell. By being spiritually strong and calling on My help, you can fight off these earthly temptations. Your soul craves heavenly things, so follow your soul’s desire over your body’s desire and you will be greatly rewarded in heaven.”

Tuesday, September 13, 2005: (St. John Chrysostom)

Jesus said: “My people, as you look at this makeshift refuge in the vision, do not think that you will have your present comforts at your refuge. You will be very fortunate even to have a priest for Mass because good priests will be scarce. During the coming tribulation, you will be suffering your purgatory on earth as you will be in a spiritual battle against evil that you have yet to see. You will need all of your spiritual weapons as your rosary, holy water, Benedictine crosses, and your relics of the saints. If you are able to have Mass, you will see My Hosts multiply for My faithful. You will even be able to survive on Holy Communion alone. Pray that your family will endure being stripped of your material things so I can protect your souls and feed your bodies at My refuges. It will take strong faith to deny your comforts and pleasures, and follow Me away from the Antichrist’s power. Have hope and trust in Me no matter how much you will be tested to deny your faith. Worship only Me and refuse any microchips in your body.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the destruction and flooding that struck your Southern states and now you are seeing yet another destructive storm that will bring more havoc on America. Some were a little complacent and slow to respond to help the people of New Orleans. Others were only concerned about carrying on their old sinful lifestyles. Your people have not yet understood that it is their sins that are bringing this violent destruction upon them. This next event will leave no doubt that you are being tested with My wrath for your abortions and living in fornication. This symbol of a chapel being destroyed is an example of your not praying and how your blessings are being taken away. The cross that is left standing means that you are going to suffer dearly from continuous natural disasters. The sooner America sees your need to change your sinful lifestyles, the sooner these storms will subside.”

Wednesday, September 14, 2005: (Triumph of the Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, this feast day celebrates My victory over sin and death. It was by My Blood that everyone is redeemed and washed free of their sins. You choose by your free will to follow Me or not, but it is My Blood sacrifice that has opened the gates of heaven and allows anyone to be saved. You are saved by My Blood, but you must seek My forgiveness by Confession every time you commit serious sin. If everyone is a sinner, then it is necessary to have My forgiveness before you can come to heaven. My dying on the cross and carrying My Cross is an example to all that each of you must suffer on this earth to survive and gain heaven. Just because you are a faithful believer, it does not mean that you will not suffer trials in this life. By calling on My help, I can ease your burdens. You will always be tested by the temptations of the devil, and you will have to work for a living for your family. Weakness to sin and working to provide food are consequences of Adam’s original sin. So stop complaining of your daily trials because everyone has to suffer through them.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many who want to rebuild this city back to its former ways for all the port business and fuel business that it provided. Much of the housing and its contents have been ruined with water damage and are contaminated with sewage water. Many homes would have to be leveled and built again, and the billions to rebuild would be enormous for your government or insurance companies to bail out. Once it is realized how much damage there is, many parts of this city will remain in ruins. The people of your country at some point will refuse to go into more debt to try and rebuild a city that could be flooded again. Remember what I gave you before. If these towns of prostitution, homosexual acts, and casinos are rebuilt to continue their sinful lifestyles, they will be destroyed again. Man has been defying My laws for so long, you do not see why My wrath has destroyed this town. As long as you continue in your unrepentant sins, you will continue to see My destruction befall you in natural disasters. Repent and seek My forgiveness America, or you will be no more as a nation.”

Thursday, September 15, 2005: (Our Lady of Sorrows)

Jesus said: “My people, this feast day of the Sorrows of My Blessed Mother shows you both the pain I had to suffer, and the pain of My Blessed Mother watching Me die in agony. Pain and suffering are a part of everyone’s life, but how you react to it can either be hurtful or beneficial. With all of your pain pills and medications, modern man has suffered less than in previous years. Sometimes you cannot avoid certain pain, but you can gain spiritual benefits by offering up your pain for your soul or the souls of others. Even those suffering from storms can offer up their losses and inconveniences of lost power for someone’s soul. Many are reaching out with charity to house and supply food and water for the refugees of Katrina. Continue to pray and help the needy, for this is your Christian responsibility.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this latest tragedy in New Orleans has brought many people to their knees because of their sins, but still there are evil elements taking advantage of others’ losses. Some even had to be shot by National Guard troops for causing unrest and killings. Many have decided to stay despite the bad water conditions. Pray that order can be restored so that the clean up could begin.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the beginning of Katrina’s aftermath there was a lot of finger pointing for what seemed a slow response for help. Soon the finger pointing will go to who is going to pay for the damage. Many insurance companies are trying not to pay or only give token amounts based on water damage. The government cannot reimburse all of the losses either, or it would bankrupt your treasury. Officials are now admitting this storm has caused the largest destruction ever in dollars.”

Jesus said: “My people, your economists were only estimating a small effect on your economy by Hurricane Katrina, but after seeing the job losses, slowed shipments of farm products, and extended losses of oil and gas, things are looking worse. Restoring these affected areas will take years instead of months, so financial effects are going to linger for a long time. Many are realizing how ill prepared America is for major disasters. Pray that you will not see anymore large disasters, and pray that your people will change their sinful lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are just beginning to see signs of the rebuilding of infrastructure that will be necessary to restore power and sanitation. All of the needs for running your homes are being restored, but many homes will not be helped because they are unlivable or are gone. Displacement of people to other cities will also continue to cause problems for jobs and food. It will take a long time to restore New Orleans if it is capable of being done. Pray for these people who are struggling just to survive.”

Jesus said: “My people, even as you are recovering from flooding in the south, now some are being flooded again with loss of power along your Eastern coast. This latest slow moving storm has caused more wind and water damage in another part of your country in less than two weeks. Every additional loss will add up to a devastating year for America due to natural disasters. Learn a lesson of what happens to man when he goes against My laws. While devastation is still all around you, atheists are still struggling against My Name in your Pledge of Allegiance to your flag. By these actions against prayer in the school and removal of My Commandments from your buildings, it is no wonder that you are reeling from the destruction of My wrath. Wake up America, the more you turn against Me, the more disasters will be sent against you.”

Jesus said: “My people, it was your country’s Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in your land. You have let your courts make laws against My Commandments because this evil was not being voted in by the people. Now the courts again are allowing the Pledge of Allegiance to be banned in schools. Courts also are trying to make same sex marriage legal. Your court system is unjust and out of control in basing judgments on Church and State separation which has never been established by Congress. Your courts need to change, or you will be ruled by judges and lawyers instead of by the will of the people. Pray to keep My Name sacred in your laws and traditions or worse things will befall you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you continue to see millions of abortions in your country because of your misguided Supreme Court decision. It is these angels that are continuing to witness your murdering of My little ones in the womb. What gives you the authority to take these lives against My Fifth Commandment? If America continues down this path of moral decadence, then you are writing your own epitaph on your tombstone. Your unrepentant sins will call down more death and destruction that you have never seen. Change your ways America before I will remove you from the face of this earth just as in Noah’s day.”

Friday, September 16, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the beauty of nature is a chance to view the earth as a haven for all of mankind in supporting your life. As beautiful as My creation is, it is still finite and man needs to be a better caretaker, instead of destroying it with your pollution. Even more, man has changed many things with his so-called better ideas than My perfection. All of your creations are against nature and you are affecting the balance of nature with all of your DNA manipulations. See that it is more important to follow what I have given you for your crops instead of your seedless hybrids. Nature has a way of cleansing what is weak and unnatural, so let your environment heal itself from your mischief. Because man has changed his environment so much, I will have to renew creation once again when I come in glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people drink liquor and some drink a little too much so that they are snarled into an addition which is hard to break. Your storms also are becoming more violent in your hurricanes and your tornadoes. Your scientists have drawn the conclusion that the warmer the ocean water is, the higher the chance is for more violent weather. The oceans are now 1ΕF warmer than decades earlier and as a result, a higher percentage of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes are striking land. The more violent the storm in the speed of circulation, the more devastation that will occur. Even if everyone is not in agreement about global warming, they have to see that the statistics draw a strong connection to the severity of the storms and the increase in the temperature of the water. Man is having a large effect on the earth by his pollution and burning of fossil fuels. Pray My people that this gas price problem will wake you up to how serious it is to cut back on the use of gas and oil. Your goal is to use renewable sources of energy so you can eliminate so many sources of pollution. Now is the time to control your pollution so your weather does not control you.”

Saturday, September 17, 2005: (St. Robert Bellarmine)

Jesus said: “My people, very few people in remote areas are the only ones who are not acquainted with the Bible’s existence. It is the next step to desire to read My Word, especially in My Gospels. Just as in My day, some hear My Word, but there are various responses to My parables. Some hear the parables, but do not understand the hidden meaning. Others may hear and read the meaning of My words, but they do not want to change their lifestyles and give up their pleasures and comforts. Still others may try for a while to follow Me, but they give up because My life of holiness is too difficult. My faithful remnant embrace My Word of love with joy, and by perseverance they struggle through life enriching their soul and helping others. Following Me in this life will take some endurance, but with My graces, I will help you to carry on. Pray for perseverance that you will one day come to My Light at the end of the tunnel.”

(Ernest & Susan Bello Wedding) Jesus said: “My people, marriage is an important step in life, and it is good to be rooted in your faith so you do not take both commitments lightly. Remember that when a man and a woman share their vows of marriage, they are also making this promise with Me as a part of their marriage. The grace of this sacrament will strengthen each spouse through the trials and anxieties of life. You know that there will be good times and bad times, but both spouses have to give of each other to have unity in the marriage. Continue to ask for blessings on your family and any children that come forth. Pray for peace and unity also for all the extended family. The bride and groom need to see examples of love around them to help them through their own marriage. Marriage is a joyful time and a beautiful beginning of new life in the spirit of sharing.”

Sunday, September 18, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this antique dresser because man tends to be set in his ways of justice without much mercy. The mirror is to look at yourself and reflect on today’s Gospel. Are you giving your employer a fair amount of work for your hours, and are you using your talents to the best extent that you can? The other example in the Gospel concerns how generous you could be. You may be expected to help your family and friends, but how much do you reach out to help strangers and the poor? Even sending aid to the hurricane victims is a good place to be generous. It is better to be focused more on helping others than being envious of others, or selfish in not sharing. Once your needs are met, then you can share in helping others with their necessities. Be generous with your donations and do not just give token amounts.”

Monday, September 19, 2005: (St. Januarius)

Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel speaks of putting My Light in a place where it can be seen and heard. I was encouraging the people to spread My Word of truth which is My Light which defies the darkness of evil. In this vision I am showing you how fresh water will be a blessing to find. Your wells and reservoirs will become contaminated with pollutants. Your rivers and lakes already contain coliform bacteria, mercury, and pesticides. Purifying your water will become more expensive and scarce to find. In addition to storing some food, I have asked My people at the refuges to store some water, or have wells prepared for the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of counting refers to two things. The one is counting the costs of your total consecration to Me, and the other deals with a counting of sins against prayers. As a person contemplates giving everything over to Me, they must count the costs for what they must give up to truly let go of their earthly desires. In America you have grown accustomed to having most everything that you want in homes, cars, and a good living. Your pleasures and comforts have seduced you in the ways of the world. Total consecration means that you are willing to give over to Me all that you own and love, whether it be possessions or loved ones. All of My saints took on this complete consecration of their will over to My Divine Will. This is a life long struggle which requires My grace to assist you on your path to sainthood. During the tribulation and even in these hurricanes, you are being stripped of things. The other counting of sins against prayers and good deeds represents how nations deal with My justice as you are weighing good against evil. America needs to repent and change your sinful lives because your sins are weighing heavily against your good deeds. Your abortions, sins of fornication, sins of homosexual acts, and your manipulations of cloning and euthanasia are getting worse instead of improving. Many of your natural disasters are bringing you to your knees. So choose wisely, America, whether you want to change or call on more of My wrath.”

Tuesday, September 20, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, establishing treatment plants takes a while to establish a balance of bacteria to purify the water. These plants were inundated with water in New Orleans and raw sewage spread throughout the city. Now to purify all of this water it will take a long time, even being flushed by the river. Many lakes will take even longer to recover. Water can temporarily be shipped in, but draining the city and providing fresh water again will be a long job. Just when the people wanted to return, further storms may threaten the Gulf again. You have hurricanes every year, but this season has produced an unusual number of storms that have yet to stop. America continues to be humbled by natural disasters and you refuse to see that they are related to your cesspool of sin. Just as you see filth in the water, you also are seeing much spiritual filth among your people. Your souls need to be purified more than your water.”

Wednesday, September 21, 2005: (St. Matthew)

Jesus said: “My dear son, this feast day is all about the calling of a tax collector, Matthew, to be one of My apostles. Many souls that were leading earthly lives have been called to be saints in following Me. They were called on to give up everything in order to serve Me. You, yourself, were leading a good life when you became addicted to earthly ways in spending so much time on computer programming. Once My Blessed Mother and I called you away from this control by the computer, now you were ready for Me to mold you for your current mission. I cannot work with any soul until they give their will over to My service. Once you give Me your ‘yes’, then you can follow My plan for your life. You have had a great love for Me in My Eucharist for all of the many years that you came to daily Mass. Now your love has blossomed further in visiting Me most every day in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. By being close to Me and sharing My messages, you are reaching out to evangelize souls when sin is so prevalent in your society. Continue to be faithful to Me in your mission and work every day to spread My Word throughout the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, now that the water has been pumped out of New Orleans, it will be possible to see about any more dead bodies. The death toll continues to rise in Louisiana as more investigation continues from house to house. That is the meaning of the many crosses in a cemetery in the vision. Still another major hurricane is looming in the Gulf as more oil platforms and gasoline refineries will be at risk. Time will tell how disastrous Hurricane Rita will be for the Gulf coast. The billions of dollars of damage from hurricanes has already set a record for one year. The number of storms for the year will also set a new record. Your scientists are forecasting higher numbers and more violent storms for years to come. Living on the Southern coastline will be more and more expensive and more dangerous to live. Insurance companies will stop insuring these areas, and even your Treasury will not be able to sustain the magnitude of the coming destruction. Many of these places of sin and drugs can be found in this region of your country, so your natural disasters are cleansing this sin with My chastisements.”

Thursday, September 22, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision shows the United States getting pummeled by storm after storm with no let up. I have told you, America, many times how I would bring you to your knees, and you will be begging Me to stop this destruction. Yet, by your abortions, nude dancers, fornication, gay parades, and pornography, you continue to call down My wrath and you do not even realize how much you are offending Me. Many times I let the Israelites get destroyed by their neighbors because they worshiped idols and other gods. Now, it is America’s turn to learn this lesson the hard way of either repenting, or suffer more devastation. How long is it going to take your people to realize that you are bringing this destruction on yourselves because of your wanton sins? You have seen Me destroy the people of Noah’s day and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, and still you are blind to this reality. Not only will you suffer destruction, but you will see a takeover of your country if you do not change your lives. You have seen the Babylonian Exile when Israel was taken over, and it can happen here in America where the masons will take over also. Learn from history because every nation, that has turned their back on Me, has been destroyed.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I have given messages before about the four angels controlling the weather of the earth. Now you are seeing one of these angels being given the authority by Me to allow these storms to strike America because of your unrepentant sins. Even in New Orleans you have mocked My destruction from Hurricane Katrina by continuing with your nude dancers, gay parades, and lifestyles that I have condemned other civilizations for. This latest storm is again revisiting the same general area of your sins. You will see continual storms of destruction until you change your sinful habits and lifestyles.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you are trying to carry on life as usual, but even your farmers will be going bankrupt if they cannot ship their produce overseas. They, as other marginal industries, will also have to bear any increased costs from gasoline or other transportation increases. Your dependence on gasoline and oil may turn your farmers into making alcohol to run their vehicles. Shortages of fuel and artificially high prices could cause many problems in your economy. Pray that your people change your hearts or worse things will befall you.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your sports teams are being inconvenienced by some of the hurricane damage. Some are complaining of their new travel problems. Many of your people spend too much time on sports and very little time for prayer. These events will be upsetting to these fans, but they still do not realize that they need to worship Me before any other idols that mean more to them than Me. I invite everyone to love Me, but still many are rejecting Me for earthly desires.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people have been leaving everything behind and are evacuating their cities that are in the path of this Hurricane Rita. Some may return to damaged property, but by leaving they are saving their lives. This second storm has changed people’s mentality after seeing the devastation from Hurricane Katrina and the effect on those who did not leave soon enough. If you can learn from your mistakes in earthly things, then learn also from your sinful mistakes as well. Cleansing your souls is far more important than your physical life. Your body dies, but your soul is immortal.”

Jesus said: “My people, when it is hot and humid in the summer time, you want to cool your homes with air conditioning. In these Southern states the heat is difficult to bear. When these storms occur, many power outages make this comfort impossible. Here is another use of your fuels for personal comfort. Your fuels and electricity are very vulnerable as you are witnessing. Many are being forced to endure trials in the storm ravaged areas. See in all of this destruction that life in your society needs to improve spiritually if you want to hold back My destructive hand. Life is going to change whether your people want it or not.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are so used to driving through these dangerous structures that you do not think what it would be like without them available. These storms have destroyed some bridges that will take a long time to repair. Again you are seeing how vulnerable many of your infrastructures are to natural disasters. Some damaged cities will take years to be restored back to their original condition. Remember what I have stressed to you about how I would revisit your destruction if you rebuild with the intention of continuing your sinful lifestyles. Listen to My Word and read the signs of these chastisements if you want to see your cities left standing.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can help the people in the path of this next hurricane by getting on your knees and praying for their safety and for their physical needs. Also pray for their spiritual needs as well because their hearts need to be changed to love Me more. If enough prayer is forthcoming, I could stay the hand of My wrath of justice. Do not just pray a token prayer, but make a vigil of prayer for these people who are your countrymen.”

Friday, September 23, 2005: (St. Pio)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I kept emphasizing to My apostles who I really was. St. Peter was given that I was the Christ, the Son of the living God. Even more I wanted them and everyone to know that I was the Messiah sent by God to die for the sins of all of mankind. My death by crucifixion was the purpose that I became a man so My Blood sacrifice would bring atonement for My Father for all of your sins. This is why it is important to have a large crucifix on the altar so you can always remember My love for you, and My mission as the New Adam. My Most Precious Blood was a worthy sacrifice to wash away your sins and open the gates of heaven. After this life, you will appreciate My gift of life even more. The mission of every Christian is to spread the Good News of My death and Resurrection.”

Friday, September 23, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people of America, many are starting to ask how your government is going to be able to pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars that it will take to rebuild your Southern cities. At first some wanted to reclaim money from passed legislation that included $24 billion worth of pet projects. These were not even close to closing the gap and no one wanted to give up their money. Critics of the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on wars like Iraq will start to get more of a hearing as people are tired of this spent money and troops with no benefit to America. People of America will much rather spend their money to help their own instead of wasting money on wars. You have refused to stop your incessant wars that only give profits to the rich. As natural disasters threaten your economy, you will be brought face to face with the futility of war which destroys, and the contrast to rebuilding your infrastructures that are needed more. Pray to stop your wars, and work more to help the poor and the homeless which are a much better use of your wealth.”

Saturday, September 24, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, without fuel to make electricity and fuel to run your cars, much of your country would come to a standstill. Your energy sources and problems supplying fuel to your stations have been worsened by these latest hurricanes. You are seeing how vulnerable your oil rigs and refineries are in the Gulf to repeated storms. As prices rise and shortages occur for gasoline and oil products, there will be some stronger looks at alternative sources and not just token amounts. You may import some refined products for your immediate needs, but you may be facing repeated damage with each hurricane season. As your people complain about higher gas and heating prices, your government will have to have a better policy than emergency oil reserves. The terrorists also are heeding your current energy situation and may start targeting refineries and fuel depots. Your people will have to make some hard choices around how you travel and how your budgets have to change. You will also have to start helping each other more just to have your necessities.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you get older in life, you look behind you and you wonder where all the years went. In the morning when you are washing up, you notice the gray hairs turning into white hairs, or wrinkles appearing where they did not appear before. This recognition of your aging appearance and your inability to do things as you used to is a way of waking you up to how short your time is on this earth. Seeing your possible death on the horizon is a wake-up call to be sure that you are always ready in your soul to meet Me at your judgment. You may never be totally worthy of coming to heaven, but by calling Me to go before you, I will prepare a place for you to dwell in My Kingdom. It does not matter how old you become, how rich you are, or how many accomplishments you have had. It all comes down to how much did you love Me during your life and how much you loved your neighbor in helping them. By not being selfish with your time or money, and by reaching out every day to help others, you will be storing up treasures in heaven that are far more valuable than earthly things. If you have lived your life in love, then you have nothing to fear in your next life with Me. Better to be selfless in giving of yourself to others than trying to hold back something for yourself that you cannot take past the grave.”

Sunday, September 25, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel the two sons represent all sinners. Some are willing to admit that they are sinners, but it is difficult to admit that you have made mistakes or have violated My Commandments. Others may claim to be My followers, but they are only giving Me lip service. Saying that you are a sinner is one thing, but that is only the first step because now you need to seek My forgiveness in Confession. This pool of water in the vision represents how you need to have your sins cleansed as at Baptism. When you are forgiven with absolution in Confession, then your sins are cleansed and you are filled with My grace once again. You see many come to Holy Communion on Sunday, but very few come to Confession to have their sins forgiven. Why is it that so few take advantage of My sacrament of Reconciliation? Could it be that people think that they truly do not commit any mortal sins, or are they rationalizing their sins? Is it that they do not want to take the time to come to the priest? What are your priorities of time to have your soul cleansed to be alive in My grace? When you come to your judgment, are you going to tell Me that you did not have time to come to Confession? I tell you, those, who do not repent of their sins, do not know Me, and I will send these accursed to the fires of hell for worshiping the world more than Me. If you truly are My followers, then you will come to Me for forgiveness. My followers also should reach out to help save other souls from their sins. You cannot force their will to love Me, but you can give them good example and warn them of the consequences of not repenting that could lead them to hell. Love one another and love Me. This is the greatest of My Commandments. Repent now before you are called to the grave, when it will be too late to be saved.”

Monday, September 26, 2005: (St. Cosmas and St. Damian)

Jesus said: “My people, pride is a tool of the devil and some people strive to be better than others. Do not be envious of other people’s wealth, possessions, or fame. These are only earthly things and they will not bring you closer to heaven. Do not despair also in losses or not being well off in this world. I have given each of you unique talents, and you are to use them for your survival and for helping others. Do not try to overcharge for your services for more gain, but be fair in your dealings with others. I have given each of you a plan for your life so you can use your talents to the best that you can do. There will be some with greater skills at things than you, so just accept what you have and carry on. Do not worry about your needs because I will provide for you as I provide even for the birds of the air. You are to love Me and your neighbor by helping each other without worry about compensation in this life. All of your good deeds will store real treasure in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this modest home because this is all that you really need for a shelter. Most people are seeing how fortunate they are to have homes that have not been ravaged by floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes. I have warned people in the past that it is safer to not live near oceans, rivers, or earthquake prone areas. Even still it is the right thing to help these refugees of the hurricanes with what you can afford to give. Your home is your abode, and you should also be thankful for what you have and that I have spared you any catastrophic destruction. Many parents do what they can to help their children get started in their homes with a down payment on the house. Just as you help your children with schooling and wedding expenses, a house can be quite expensive at the outset with only modest incomes in the beginning. The children on the receiving end of this generosity should be willing to thank their parents and help them in their old age. By helping each other, both parents and children can have a peaceful home without worry.”

Tuesday, September 27, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel (Luke 9:51-56) showed how the Samaritans would not accept Me because I was acknowledging the Temple in Jerusalem instead of their temple in Mount Garizim. Because of this rejection of Me, My disciples wanted Me to call down fire upon the Samaritans. I have talked to you many times about how imperfect man’s justice is, and My ways are not your ways. Any condemnation comes from My justice and not by man’s desire. In other cities I did condemn them for their not repenting of their sins. (Matt. 11:21-24) “Woe to thee Corozain! Woe to thee, Bethsaida! For if in Tyre and Sidon had been worked the miracles that have been worked in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judgment than for you. And thou Capharnaum, shalt thou be exalted to heaven? Thou shalt be thrust down to hell!” Let this lesson also be for America because you also are not repenting of your sins, even when you have My sacrament of Reconciliation fully available to you. My desire is for everyone to be saved in loving Me, but it is man’s free will that must choose to love Me. If you do not repent of your sins and you mock My Name by removing it from your buildings and your documents, then you will be calling down My wrath of justice on your country in natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed in the last few decades an unusual intensification of your weather events and your earthquakes and volcanoes. Some claim that this is occurring because of global warming and the hotter ocean temperature allows these storms to grow bigger and with more violence. There is another factor which many people are unaware of. Several countries including Russia and the United States have been known to use weather making machines which are known to control jet streams, intensify storms, cause droughts, and even earthquakes. These machines direct microwaves of unusual force to any place on the earth that is desired. It is a difficult question to answer why they are being used to create terrible storms, but some feel that if enough disasters can be formed, it would allow for easier takeovers under the guises of emergency powers. Man has played mischief with nature in many ways, but this weather making capability is a new warfare use of such technology. The more violent storms that you are seeing may be due to more than just warmer waters.”

Wednesday, September 28, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, many times I call on you to follow Me and imitate Me in My actions on earth. Many men and women have been declared saints and these also you can imitate in following their ways in life. Each person is called to a certain vocation in life, whether it be the priesthood, married life, or single life. Once your mission has been determined, you should be true to following the vows of your vocation. You also are called to use your talents in whatever profession for which you have the skills. Everyone has a spiritual mission as well to save your soul and those in your family. Some are even called beyond the family setting to be evangelists of My Word. Still others are called to be messengers or prophets. No matter what your calling is, whether it be public or private, I am asking each of you to be true to your calling and do not be distracted away from your calling. Each person has a mission to be a certain part of My plan in preserving the faith and carrying it on to future generations. Hold fast to My teachings in the Bible, My Commandments, My traditions, and listen to My true prophets who will lead you on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you have the opportunity to visit a church, some take a few moments to light a candle for their prayer intentions. There are many people asking for prayers for cancer victims and many other sick people or those having operations. Some pray for their family members and others are praying for the soul of someone who has passed away. Many souls in purgatory are desiring prayers from their relatives or from those that are praying for the souls that no one is praying for. You can even be praying for the victims of your recent hurricanes. All of your prayers are heard and I will direct your prayers to the neediest souls for their benefit. You do not realize how important your prayers are for sinners and for the souls in purgatory. Even if your prayers are allowed to take months or years off of a souls’s time in purgatory, you do not know how much that soul will thank you. So continue praying constantly for souls that will be praying for you in return.”

Thursday, September 29, 2005:(Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael)

St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God always doing His Will. Your priest made an interesting comment that the angels have free will, but they only exercise it once. This statement is hard to understand for humans that are in time and you have your sins forgiven frequently. Every created angel is a spirit, but we have all knowledge of creation and about God. An angel, who rebels against God, is immediately cast from His Presence, and it is a one time decision outside of time in the eternal now. That is why the demons in hell will never be released or forgiven because they defied God with full knowledge of what they were doing. This is the ultimate sin of pride to deny your Creator. The good angels are commanded by God to protect man from the demons, but not temptations. Only in a few rare instances has God allowed certain people to be afflicted with physical abuse from the demons. He also allows possession by demons if people are so foolish to invite them. God also allows exorcisms and fasting with prayer to remove demons from people just as He did. It is this ongoing battle that is going on between good and evil for souls that we angels and God’s faithful are waging. Souls are being saved and lost even at this moment. Many times people call on me in prayer to protect them from the demons, and even to remove demons when it is allowed by God. So you have the demons and us good angels in a constant struggle for souls. Once you die, the battle is over, but until your judgment, you can expect attacks from the demons. You can call on Jesus’ Name, your guardian angel, and me to come to your aid during these attacks, so do not forget that our help is always at your side.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this vision of bombs and missiles is showing the contrast between spending billions of dollars on weapons when the poor and the homeless of the hurricane victims are in great need of housing and jobs. You spend one million dollars for one missile that only destroys homes instead of the billions of dollars needed to repair your Southern cities. You would rather build your own homes than destroy homes in foreign lands. Pray for peace in your world and give your time and charity to help these people who have lost everything.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have barely started cleaning up from the last hurricane and now you are brought into the next event of spreading fires in California. These fires are threatening more homes with devastation by natural disasters. The current dryness and abundant brush are providing the fuel for these fires. Pray that your people can bring these fires under control before more losses are incurred.”

Jesus said: “My people, as one justice has died and another has replaced him, now still another justice has resigned that needs to be replaced. Much political sparring will go on to replace this resigning justice because many are fearing an overturn of your abortion ruling. If your Supreme Court did change this ruling on abortion, many babies could be saved and your nation could be spared many chastisements. America needs to repent of its sins if you desire to see less destruction.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your farmers need to ship their food stocks down the Mississippi River, but there has been a slow down because of hurricanes destroying these ports. Even higher fuel costs and transportation costs will be pushing up your food prices. Interest rate increases also will hurt farmers in obtaining supplies and equipment. Subsidies for your farm crops may have to increase to keep your food coming to your stores.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of these price increases will be affecting everyone’s budget when it comes to discretionary spending that has propped up your economy. Housing will be decreasing with higher prices for homes and building supplies as well as higher interest rates. Your gasoline supplies will be stretched thin with fewer refineries on line. Summer travel has eased off, but conservation alone will be difficult for those driving hours to work. Pray again to help families who find it hard to make ends meet with higher prices and occasional layoffs.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is walking down the same path of lower church attendance as is happening in Europe. Even with many disasters occurring, there are no increases in those coming to church. America has not learned the connection between your sins and these destructive hurricanes. When you come to Me on your knees to stop these disasters, then your attendance at church will increase. Pray that you return to church before it is too late.”

Jesus said: “My people, of those whose homes remain intact, returning power has been a welcomed relief in the heat of the South. Restoring roads, bridges, and electricity are the main needs for those cities whose infrastructures were destroyed. The billions of dollars needed for reconstruction will be enormous for those trying to rebuild these cities. It will be a large debate over where this money will come from. Pray that calm heads will prevail over political fighting.”

Friday, September 30, 2005: (St. Jerome)

Jesus said: “My people, in the fall many are anxious to  view the beauty of nature in the colors of the leaves turning. These beautiful colors are like nature’s paintbrush during the fall season. In other places like California these leaves and brush are becoming the fuel for fires at a dry time of the year. It is more than coincidental that these fires are endangering the homes of your movie stars. These are the same areas where the actors and movie people make ‘R’ movies and pornography for the whole world. These movies are even a source of sin for others and My people should not even view or support this filth. Many of your young children are adversely influenced with violence, nudity, and foul language. The less people would view these films, the less films would be made, but because people watch them, it becomes a sign of the depravity of your society. These natural disasters in fires are another warning to you how you are even risking the hotter flames of hell by these evil movies.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am repeating this message of repentance for sin many times because the people are not listening to My call for forgiveness of their sins. All the people present are in the water in the vision to indicate that everyone is a sinner and everyone needs to have their souls cleansed of their sins. My faithful remnant in My Church can be forgiven in Confession to the priest. Those, that are not Catholic, can call on Me in their own way to have their Creator forgive them for their sins. Repent now while you still have time before it is too late. I have told you that chastisements are coming upon your country in natural disasters. There are sins of nations and sins of cities that are calling out for My justice. I have destroyed cities like Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone. Other cities I condemned in My day and they are in ruins to this day. Many civilizations as the Roman Empire fell from within because of their moral corruption. This is a mirror image of how America will be falling apart in the same way. Follow My Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbor, and you will be following the narrow road to heaven.”

Saturday, October 1, 2005: (St. Therese of Lisieux)

St. Therese said: “My dear child, it is good to know the beauty of God’s creations in the universe and nature, but the most important part for a believer is your response to God’s love with your own love. This love of God can take many forms in prayer and helping your neighbor out of love for God. It is the intention in your heart that is most important. You can help someone out of duty or physical need and still be only on an earthly or humanist level. When you help someone out of love for God, or because they are God’s loved ones in their souls, then you are adding depth to your good deeds with the right intention. Jesus loved the little children because of their blind faith and innocence, and that is why He asks all of you to be like little children in your own faith. If you are truly focused on my Savior, you will always make time for Him in your prayers and everything that you do. Think of Jesus every moment of your waking hours and do not waste time on your own entertainment. Your time on earth is short and you need to make the most use of your time in prayer and saving souls. You know that saving souls from heaven is my strongest love because I want to please my Jesus in every way that I can, even after my death. So I am trying to inspire this love of Jesus in all souls so they will take the time to show their love for their Savior also.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of an American soldier drowning represents that your military in Iraq are in over their heads and you are going to see continuing casualties until you leave. Fighting to support a country in civil war will be a never ending losing battle. This war in Iraq will never gain a true democracy that is foreign to Islamic countries. This has become a sporadic guerrilla war which is losing money, vehicles, and personnel every day. As soon as America leaves, another dictator will take over. Your military and money would be better spent in compromised peace helping your own people without homes in your Southern states. It is time to pray for peace in this area and others in the world and stop your wars.”

Sunday, October 2, 2005: (Guardian Angels)

Jesus said: “My people, this parable of the evil tenants, who killed the vineyard owner’s servants and his son, was directed toward the Israelites of My day because they were not producing good fruits. They even rejected Me as the cornerstone of the Building of My Church. Because of this rejection by the Jews, I have raised up My Church that now produces the fruit that I desired of belief in My Redemption of the world’s sins, and spreading of My love all over the world. There are many today who still reject My Commandments and My ways because it would mean a conversion from the pleasures and comforts of this world. Some want to be leading their own lives instead of letting Me lead them. To follow Me means that you will have to conform your will to following My Divine Will. Nations are also rejecting Me as Israel did. America’s fruits of wars, abortions, and sexual sins are also like the wild grapes that I detested. Your nation is suffering many troubles because you are turning your back on Me. This also applies to individuals who are not producing good fruit. Look into your own lives and see what fruits of love that you are producing. If your good fruits are outweighed by your sins, then you need to change your life, or you too will reject the Builder in Me.”

Monday, October 3, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Jonah was reluctant to warn the people of Nineveh of their sins as he was instructed. The sequence of events with the storm and being cast on the shore shows how I kept Jonah from running away from his calling. Many times I call people to do a mission for Me and they reject it at first because it calls them to go out of their comfort zone to help someone. I do not force My Will on people,but sometimes you will be given a second opportunity to help someone. Helping your neighbor in need can be an opportunity for graces in heaven. If you continue to refuse to help, you could even be committing a sin of omission in being selfish with your money or time. The Gospel of the Good Samaritan not only explained who was a neighbor, but I gave it as an example for everyone to do likewise in helping your neighbor. Do not be reluctant as Jonah, but go forward and help your neighbor both physically and spiritually.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you saw the looters going wild in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Looting and stealing after natural disasters or brief power outages could be a new problem for small business owners. As fuel prices increase and brief shortages occur, there could be more stealing of gasoline or threats to tanker drivers. Some owners will have to take more serious measures to protect their properties. The opportune stealing will become more of a problem if your society does not enforce its laws. The more vandals can get away with, the less safe it will be for anyone. Pray for order in your society and less chaos, or you will be encouraging a police state in the name of security. Giving more authority to your military could be one step closer to martial law and takeover by the one world people.”

Tuesday, October 4, 2005: (St. Francis of Assisi)

Jesus said: “My people, there are some faiths that are more dedicated to prayer in their lives than those in My Catholic Church. Even though many do not believe that I am the Son of God, they do respect a higher Being in their prayers. In the Gospel Reading Mary has chosen the better portion in pleasing Me with her attention. It is good to give hospitality, but your prayer life is even more important. Love of God should be first in your life, and your prayer life puts you in communication with Me. Praying your rosary and reading Scripture as in the Liturgy of the Hours should be a part of your daily prayers. If I am important in your life, then you should make time for Me each day. I am your Creator and Lord, so you should have worship of Me as your first priority and not so much care for worldly things. I see the intent of your actions every day, so do not forget Me in your day’s activities.”

Thursday, October 6, 2005:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, the destruction of these Southern cities is so vast that it is going to be a slow restoration because of the cost. Many of the poor now have nothing and need long term help as well as immediate food and water. Many have come forward with generous donations, but these problems are not going to be solved with one donation. For those that can afford a little something every month, you could continue your support that is coming very slowly from your government. Pray for their jobs and a place to live.

Jesus said: “My people, these people ravaged from Katrina need help and support to get their lives back together. Do not begrudge that these people will need some large taxpayer funds to rebuild their infrastructures. The rest of the country may have to give up some of their government help so these desperate people can have a place to live. Many insurance companies do not have the funds to restore all of the damaged homes. Pray for a proper resolution of this funding for those who have lost everything.”

Jesus said: “My people, man’s investigation of the earth and the stars of the sky have shown how spectacular My creation is. The young children are fascinated with the beauty and order of the universe. Many scientists and teachers are at odds about teaching creation according to Scripture and your big bang theories. Order like the stars, planets and moons do not come from chaos, but the Creator. Many other theories of man have not been proven by science, but are still taught as fact instead of theories that are unproven. I am the First Cause of everything, even to the structures of all the atoms and molecules of nature. Be gracious to your Creator and thank Me for your very existence on this beautiful earth.”

Mark said: “I stand before God. My dear little one, you are called to do a great mission for God in these messages, and therefore you need to be on extra guard from the evil one’s temptations. You are to focus on your actions in showing good example at all times. You are to come closer to your Lord in holiness and do not lose focus on doing everything for Jesus and not for yourself. You should always be looking for ways to improve your love for Jesus. Everyone needs to be listening closer to God’s callings and follow the leading of your own angels. God has given every soul a guardian angel both for protection from the evil ones and for guidance in how you are to live. When you have good inclinations to follow heavenly goals, then this is the gentle prodding of your angels. Follow their direction on your narrow road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the destruction brought by these latest storms as to how much damage they can do to people’s homes. Man in his wars is bringing a similar destruction to his neighbor. Man can control whether he destroys or builds up, so how can you kill people and destroy cities just for greed? Trying to force people to think as you do is not your right against your neighbor. It is better to seek peace and compromise than to perpetuate hate in further wars. Live in love and bring love among your neighbors instead of hate and destruction.”

Jesus said: “My people, fires at this time of year in the West have become a common event, but it still brings stress and terror to the homes that are being threatened. At times the winds stir fires out of control and at other times the fires can be controlled. Pray that your people will learn better how to control the brush that has been fueling these fires. Pray also that your people can be evacuated safely before homes could be threatened.”

Friday, October 7, 2005: (Our Lady of the Rosary)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of what will appear as a diminishing of My power, is a picture of an age of evil that you have yet to see. That is why it is important now for My remnant to not only prepare physically to leave for refuges, but you also need to prepare with pure souls and your spiritual weapons against the demons. Prepare to have your rosary and extras for others, holy water, Bibles, holy books, Benedictine blessed crucifixes, and other prayer cards. You are seeing how every attempt is being made to strip My Name from everything under the guise of church and state separation. You will see even demon possessed people trying to attack and desecrate My Blessed Sacrament. Priests and tabernacles will be the targets of these evil ones as they are trying to strip all holiness from My churches. Pray for My help and your angels to guide you and protect you at My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these dark sunglasses because you use them to protect your eyes from the bright sunlight. I want to contrast this to looking at the world through the eyes of faith which can protect you from sin. When you look at things with the eyes of the world, you desire to show off your accomplishments, or you desire to own some prized possessions. At times you can spend too much of your life pursuing possessions and using them. If you look at things through the eyes of faith, you are seeing how to love God and your neighbor more than possessions. Things can be used to help others more than just yourself. Being generous with gifts of things and time is how you can share what you have with others in both money and your talents. When you see someone in need, your faith directs you to help them instead of passing up this opportunity for your own convenience. Looking at this world as I would can give you a deeper understanding of the beauty of life and how important it is to seek heavenly treasures than earthly treasures. Your goal is to direct your soul to heaven through My graces and to give good example to other souls to desire Me in heaven. As your faith develops over the years, you will be desiring Me more to be a part of your life. That desire will be fulfilled when you die and eventually are called home to heaven. Rejoice in the thought of living with Me forever in the joy of heaven.”

Saturday, October 8, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this letter of invitation at the foot of My Cross is for everyone to share My Word and My love with each other. You all were represented in St. John, My apostle, when I said to him: ‘This is your mother.’ in speaking about My Blessed Mother. This is her Mass on Saturday and her month also in October. As per yesterday’s feast of the Holy Rosary, I encourage all of you to pray your rosaries every day. Daily prayer is how you share your words of love to Me, and I should be a part of your every day. You will encounter demons in temptations, and even in possessions or obsessions through the occult, drugs, and potions. It is better to pray deliverance prayers of exorcism in groups, and when you pray, command these demons in My Name to the foot of My Cross and never to return to that soul. There are more demons among your people than you can imagine because that is how evil this age is right now. As the tribulation of the Antichrist comes, you will even see more demons in a time of evil that you have yet to see. Remember that My power is greater than any demons, so call on My help at any time that you are tempted, or are challenged by demon possessed people.”

Sunday, October 9, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks about how many are called and few are chosen. Men and women have choices every day in every action. It is by presenting yourself in grace before Me that you will be dressed in the proper wedding garment so My heavenly Father and I will accept you into heaven. Do not be like those who refused to come to Me by indifference or apathy by choosing worldly cares before Me. It is those who only give Me lip service that will be turned away as I spew the lukewarm from My mouth. Do not be like those who kill My people in abortion, euthanasia, or in wars, for they too will be refused. Change your sinful lifestyles of living in fornication, adultery, or in homosexual acts, or you will not be chosen either. Come to Me for forgiveness of your sins in Confession and I will cleanse your sins and restore grace to your soul. Only those, who are dressed in white robes of grace and following My Commandments, will be chosen.”

Monday, October 10, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul in the first Reading invites the Romans to believe in Me and follow Me in obedience to My laws. It is not enough to know and listen to My Word, but you must live your faith in your actions. In the Gospel I chastised the people for asking for signs when I was performing miracles before their eyes. Even today, unless you see signs and wonders, you still have problems believing in Me whom you cannot see. Yet you are seeing physical healings, and conversions in faith all around you. When you know the faith and My laws, then you are held more responsible to follow My laws in avoiding sin. Some may not kill or steal, but you must not be angry against others, or living sinful lifestyles of fornication or homosexual acts. Avoid any addictions to drugs, alcohol, smoking, or overeating. In everything that you do in life, you need to be a good example to others as a witness that you are living a good Christian life. If people do not see love of God and love of neighbor in your actions, then how can others know that you are Christian? Come to Me in forgiveness of your sins, and consecrate your will to following My Will every day.”

Tuesday, October 11, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, the Pharisees were very particular about their observing of all of their cleaning traditions of pots, pans, and hands. There are some people today who perform all of the outside traditions at Mass, but forget about Me in their sinful actions the rest of the week. It is one thing to know My laws, and My traditions. Men have made traditions out of certain gestures, but I look into the heart for the real intentions of your actions. You can look holy on the outside, but you act sinfully on the inside when no one is looking. I told the Pharisees that I made the inside as I made the outside, so spiritually you should be more concerned with the impurity of your sins than just how you appear to others. You are held even more responsible for your sinful actions when you know My laws. This hole in the church is the pit of hell awaiting those who give Me lip service and are lukewarm. They are like ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing. So be true to your faith in My Word and live out in your actions what you fully believe. Do not be a hypocrite in your outward actions while you are harboring sinful thoughts in your hearts and souls. My true faithful will be rewarded in heaven while the lukewarm will be cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, this outward appearance of expensive things means nothing to Me because I humbled Myself in becoming a man in a poor setting. The externals of this life are not as important as that which is inside in your spirit and soul. Your necessities in life I know before you do, and I will provide for everything if you have faith in Me. Do not be like the Pharisees and only focused on self and self-righteousness. It is when you have love and charity in your heart that you can share all that you have with others in both your material wealth and your faith. It is hard for man to give all glory to Me because some want glory for themselves. It is hard for man to give thanks to Me because man needs to accept that I have given you everything. It is also hard for man to admit his sins and mistakes, but man needs to seek My forgiveness so I can heal his sins. Now is the time to open your hearts and let Me come in and share My love and My Will with you.”

Wednesday, October 12, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you are starting to see how a world famine could occur when there are so many devastating natural disasters going on. In your own country you have seen lost or reduced crop yields due to excessive heat and drought in the summer. Various places have suffered crop losses from hurricanes or typhoons. Guatemala has had mud slides and overflowing rivers. Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India have suffered crop losses from the latest earthquake that destroyed many homes and food storage bins. The tsunami also destroyed many crops and farmland as well. You are seeing major events occurring one after the other, even before you have cleaned up after the last one. Financial burdens and continued destruction will be occurring where there are sinful lifestyles, drug production, pornography, and trafficking in body parts and babies. If the people continue to refuse to see the connection between their sins and these chastisements, then they will be seeing more of the same until they see the reality of their sinful actions. It is bad enough that people refuse to worship Me, but when they mock My laws by their wanton sin, then My justice must prevail.”

Jesus said: “My people, America continues to be tested in all parts of your country. On the Eastern seaboard many floods have destroyed towns with excessive rain from a recent tropical storm. All along the Gulf of Mexico coast you have seen destruction from the hurricanes. The Western coast has seen fires, and some earthquakes. Even heavy snow has hit Colorado. Your testing from natural disasters has accelerated with no let up. This vision shows some serious earthquakes along California as was seen before. Stronger earthquakes will even be seen in the middle of your country. No matter what area of America that you live in, there are always threats to your home in every direction. With each event the damage expense continues to rise with less chance of insurance companies or the government being able to help with the finances. Look around you and you are seeing serious destruction in many parts of the world as well. Now is the time to repent of your sins, before worse destruction could befall you.”

Thursday, October 13, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am concerned about all the souls on earth and how they could be saved. As in this vision of the crack between the seats, I do not want souls slipping through the crack unnoticed so that they can have a chance for heaven. I place a prayer warrior in each family, so it is their responsibility to watch out for all the souls in your family. You can advise those living in sin to change their lifestyle. By your example of good behavior, prayers, and fasting, you can help wayward souls in your family. So do not forget anyone in your family and be persistent with your prayers. Do not ever give up on souls that may appear to be lost in your eyes. While they are alive, they can still be saved. If you know of some souls that do not have family or are neglected by their family, then you could pray and help those souls also. Some souls are reaching out for help, but they need guidance in their spiritual life. Continue to evangelize souls and especially in your own family.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this old clock is a sign that time is running out until events will begin to usher in the Antichrist in the tribulation. Those with the eyes of faith can read the consistent natural disasters all over the world that are happening with smaller intervals of time between them. Even some are noting the changes in the fish in the ocean. Certain red tide bacteria are killing fish and even salmon are not running as usual. Currents are changing as well as certain migration patterns of whales and other large species. Nature is rebelling against man’s over fishing and his excessive dumping of garbage in the oceans. Many abuses are coming back on man as his food sources from the ocean are changing. Read these signs as My coming again is near.”

Jesus said: “My people, because beef products are expensive and not always plentiful, many have used chicken for their meat source. Even some cases of mad cow disease have encouraged some to eat other meats. Now in many Asian countries and some in Europe, there are bird flu attacks that have forced the killing of many chickens and hens. Even people are succumbing to this flu as governments and doctors are trying to prepare vaccines to prevent any possible epidemics. Not that many have died yet, but there are concerns of mutations that could spread such a disease. Pray for My protection in these possible flu outbreaks.”

Jesus said: “My people, disease from poor water has been another threat where many disasters have occurred. Typhoid fever, dengue fever, and malaria are serious threats to life in third world countries without adequate medicines and tropical temperatures. Help these people of the earthquakes with food and medicines for those who have survived.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of the high cost of your energy fuels, coal is becoming more important to power your power plants for electricity. Many do not realize how dangerous it is to mine the coal because of gas pockets, cave-ins, and black lung. You have seen mining fatalities even in China and Russia. As oil, natural gas, and other fuels are threatened by hurricanes, your other sources of fuel will be needed to run your factories and homes. See that each of these industries have their own hazards and they will be getting more expensive as your easy fuel sources are being used up. Thank the many people who endanger their lives for your electricity and your fuels to run your cars.”

Jesus said: “My people, these incidents in New Orleans, that triggered looting and some chaos, show you how quickly people become desperate to locate food and water. When people are hungry without any food, they do not think properly, but are focused only on survival. Some have overreacted with military takeovers and curfews. Pray that your aid to storm ravaged people will be timely enough to stop the possible chaos that could cause gang killings as during Hurricane Katrina.”

Jesus said: “My people, many have been startled over what some are fearing could have been euthanasia in a hospital without electricity and threats by gangs and potential rapists. Even though there are laws to protect people from mercy killing, under extreme conditions doctors and nurses have made some serious errors in abusing their medicines to kill. Some have argued for comfort in the last days of a dying person, but your society cannot let the hospital people choose who dies and who lives. It is a hard decision when to withdraw life support of dying patients, but euthanasia is not the answer because nature should take its course without poisons being used.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not be searching for fortune tellers in reading your astrology for the day. Do not let New Age curiosities draw you into the worship of things in place of Me. See this coming Halloween as a worship of evil’s feast day and avoid some of these exposures to witchcraft and evil potions. When you worship Me, you are seeing that I have greater power than all of the magical powers of the evil ones. Protect yourselves from evil with My blessed sacramentals and call on My Name when you are confronted with the evil ones.”

Friday, October 14, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Me in faith for the forgiveness of your sins, you truly will be set free spiritually from the bonds of your sins. I have given you My life and that of My Blessed Mother as examples and models of behavior for everyone. Neither one of us had sin and we lived in the Divine Will of My Father in heaven. I have asked everyone to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. This should be everyone’s goal, but because of your weakness to sin, I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation or Penance. With My help and the grace of My sacraments, you can have pure souls and be ready at all times to face Me in your judgment. In addition to following our lives, you can also be a good role model for your own children and grandchildren.”

Jesus said: “My people, this picture frame and the darkness therein is all about how pictures freeze an instant of your life for all time. As you peruse through your old pictures, you have a feeling for how you lived your life. Every picture makes you think of what was going on in your life at that time. When you visit your life review whether at death, a near death experience, or your Warning experience, you will see these pictures moving in a continuum of time. Your pictures take little pieces of that time line, but your life is constantly going forward in time. When all of your life’s actions are played back for you, you will see the good things and bad things that you did in life. You will see if you were sorry for your sins and if you asked for My forgiveness. Your sins will be weighed against your prayers, good deeds, and how much you loved Me and your neighbor. When I pronounce a judgment on your life through My mercy and My justice, you will see that it is fair by My standards and not by man’s standards. After your Warning, there will be a time to change your life if you so choose. So looking back through your old pictures will give you a little preview of what you will see. Sometimes you have to see yourselves as others see you to really understand how you are influencing others. So work toward your spiritual perfection now before your judgment comes.”

Saturday, October 15, 2005: (St. Teresa of Avila)

Jesus said: “My people, My great saints have had a good influence of their work spread over many people throughout many years. This is why many times I am inviting My people to read about the lives of the saints so you could imitate their good qualities. If you are a person of faith, you can send out smaller waves of good influence all around you. Even if you are not a great saint, you can work to evangelize souls and be a good example for others. Without good role models, how are your children going to become good Christians? Be persistent in your prayers and good works and you too can struggle with My help to be a great saint in the eyes of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are two forms of energy: one is from the food you eat to burn calories, the other is spiritual grace in the spirit body. In this world of existence in time, you need to provide food for the body in order to have enough energy to survive. In the spirit body you are either dead from an absence of grace in mortal sin, or you are alive with grace to keep you glowing in power. Everything in the material world is passing away, even your life here. But your soul is immortal and craves only Me to have its peace and rest. You do not need food for your spiritual body, unless it is My Eucharist which is the bread of heaven. I give you My Body and Blood to eat and drink so you may have eternal life. Your soul remains alive in My grace after death, so your soul’s destination is most important. You would much rather be with Me for all eternity in heaven than suffer eternal loss in hell away from God. So focus on keeping as much grace as possible in your soul so you will have enough energy to keep your soul a bright white.”

Sunday, October 16, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the bounty of My gifts to every person as you listen to today’s Gospel about the disposition of your money. Just as I provide for the birds of the air, I provide for all of My people who are more valuable. Since you have received My blessings of material things, especially in America, you need to be conscious of your responsibility to support My Church, and give to charity. Some have more means than others, but where it is possible, you should be sharing your wealth in tithing ten per cent of your income. You do not have to spend all of your money on selfish entertainment. You have obligations to pay for your shelter, your transportation, taxes, and food for your family, as well as education. What is left should be shared with your neighbor’s needs, the support of My Church, and then some reasonable entertainment. By budgeting your money properly to include My Church and charity, you will be fulfilling your Christian responsibility. Do not just give token amounts of a few dollars, but work on budgeting your ten per cent to My Church and charity. Your spiritual commitment should not just be lip service, but proven in your prayers and meaningful almsgiving.”

Monday, October 17, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, as you look at the smiling faces of young children, you can think of how you were taught your faith by your teachers, the priests, and your parents. Having faith in Me is a gift and it is instilled in you by knowledge at first. Then it needs to be nourished by love of those sharing faith, and the student needs to want to love Me on their own. This desire to love Me has to come from your own heart because I do not force Myself on you. Some things of the faith are mysteries, as the Blessed Trinity, which cannot be explained by human reasoning. I call on My faithful to love, obey, and serve Me if you wish to gain eternal life in heaven. When your children see your deep love for Me and how joyous you are when you receive Me in Holy Communion, then they too will desire this loving relationship where they can only know true rest with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would be setting records for the number of storms to form this year. You have already tied for the most storms with twenty-one storms. This new storm could be the sixth storm to strike America and could again add to the devastation that you are repairing. Your hurricane season is winding down, but you could still see some surprises. After the two hurricanes Katrina and Rita, any warnings of another storm will be heeded more than usual. Every storm that has entered the Gulf of Mexico has affected your gas and oil prices, as more platforms could be at risk. Your inflation recently was higher because of earlier storm damage. The billions needed for repairing your infrastructures have been slow coming through your Congress that is hard pressed to spend more money over your budget limits. Initial repairs have been started, but the needed money is still wrapped up in your politicians. Pray for protection from any more storms, but see that all of these disasters are a wake-up call for man’s sins.”

Tuesday, October 18, 2005: (St. Luke)

Jesus said: “My people, many of you like to keep a neat house as well as sweeping out your garage and your porch. This vision of the broom being used to clean your house is an example of how much you are concerned about your outward appearance in the tidiness of your homes. Just as you clean the outside, you need to clean your sins on the inside in your soul with Confession. You can also focus on cleansing your occasions of sin, and remove any substances that could further any addictions. Cleaning up your spiritual lives takes even more will power than just the physical cleaning of your house. Just as it is expected for people to keep a neat house, I am even expecting more from My faithful to keep pure souls. You have your daily prayers and plenty of opportunity to cleanse your souls in Confession every Saturday, or an appointment with your priest. So get your spiritual brooms out to sweep away your sins, and have My grace to strengthen you against further sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to work and pray that your neighborhoods are kept free of sinful influence buildings. When zoning meetings or environmental impacts are discussed for sinful establishments, you have every right to protest them to keep your area safe. Adult bookshops, exotic dancers, casinos, and abortion clinics are undesirable because they flaunt My laws or offer addictions of lust or gambling. They may be lawful in your tolerant society, but these kind of establishments breed an evil influence. Even some of your tourism or cities emphasize these places for the money that could be brought into that area. This is evil and blood money, and cities that encourage such behavior are calling My justice against them. You have seen many natural disasters that have occurred where these sins and other drug addictions are happening. This connection of sin with punishment has occurred throughout history, and sinful or immoral civilizations do not last long before My eyes. Pray for protection from such evils, but you may have to fight with your politicians to discourage these establishments. Even if you suffer persecution, you are doing the right thing to protect all of your family members from these evils.”

Wednesday, October 19, 2005: (St. Issac Jogues, North American Martyrs)

Jesus said: “My people, in the earlier years in New York State people did not have all of your modern day conveniences and luxuries. This was a simple life, but it was also dangerous for these missionaries who were tortured by the Indians and martyred for trying to convert them to being Christians. Even today you are in a mission land in America as many are becoming weak and complacent in their faith. When you try to preach My Name, or stand up against wars and abortion, many try to ridicule you and persecute you. In today’s society you have atheists trying to remove My Name from any place in the public that they can, all in the name of church and state separation. The day is coming quickly when missionaries of My Word will again be tortured and martyred. In many Muslim areas Christians are already being harassed and martyred. My faithful of today need to be prayerful and prepared for a time when you will be forced to flee to My refuges for protection from the coming evil days of the tribulation. Fear not for I will protect your souls, but some will be martyred and become instant saints.”

Jesus said: “My people, this hurricane season has seen some unusual storms and now you have Hurricane Wilma with the lowest pressure on record. Any more storms would set a new record and use a new set of names. When you buy a new vehicle, you think that you can drive through anything, but these storms have tossed cars and trucks around like toys. Floods and winds have been causing many deaths from mudslides and heavy rains. Just when you thought this season was over, those in the Carribean and Florida are now bracing for another landfall. There is still time for prayer that this storm’s strength could be mitigated to spare lives, but the people need to heed the warnings where evacuations are called. With large storms it is foolish to ride them out in an unnecessary risk. Pray that lives will be spared, even if there is considerable damage.”

Thursday, October 20, 2005: (St. Paul of the Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, this burning hole represents your burning desire to love Me and look upon My face with joy. If you truly love Me, then you must take up your daily cross of suffering and follow Me. Every time that you have to suffer pain or endure hardships, you are sharing in My suffering on the cross. My suffering and death on the cross was My willing gift so that all of mankind could be redeemed. Your modern society rejects suffering and you look for pain pills with the least headache. Yet, you must be willing to suffer for My Name’s sake if you are to enter heaven. You have to teach ‘Christ crucified’ even if it is a hard message for people to accept. When you preach repentance and contrition for your sins, people shy away from Confession because they love the pleasure of their sins. When you become holy, you will reject the body’s desire for comfort and pleasure. You may even have to be willing to give up your life in martyrdom than give up your faith. Suffer whatever I send you in life, and offer it up to Me for redemptive value for yourself and others.”

Thursday, October 20, 2005:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this spirit of adventure that the early settlers in the West had, is the same spirit that the people have who are starting all over. Many, who had their homes destroyed by tornadoes or hurricanes, have lost everything and they are starting over with little help from the insurance companies or various government levels. Pray for these people to get jobs so they can afford to pay back any loans needed to rebuild. Starting over is not easy, but many have no choice but to move forward.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many poor or marginal households who are going to have a hard time to pay extra money to heat their homes and provide gas for their vehicles. These are just a few hardships that people are suffering as good jobs are becoming hard to find. Those in your devastated towns and cities are having great difficulties to restore their lost jobs. Homes can be rebuilt, but money from jobs is not as easy to replace. Those suffering from disasters in other countries will be in even more desperation to recover. Charity for heating bills might be another way that you could contribute to people who need to keep warm, but cannot afford these increases.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know the dreams that you had when you first got married and were starting a new life. Your parents and friends might have helped in the beginning to get your first car or your first home. It is hard then to give a down payment until you have saved some money over a few years. As people start over even at older ages, their friends and relatives may have to help them if they are able. Do what you can to help those that you know to get started again and your reward will be in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some, who lost everything in New Orleans, seriously thinking of settling in another area that is not below sea level. Twice being flooded has left a lasting impression on these families who are losing faith in the levee system. With a fair number refusing to return, this city may have to change dramatically in providing infrastructure and security for people to return. Some do not want to accept that their sins brought this destruction on their city, but that is My justice whether you want to believe it or not. If America refuses to repent of its sins, I told you that I would bring you to your knees to take these disasters away.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Mass, you will get out what you bring to the Mass. If you just give Me lip service, you will be hypocrites in your actions after you leave My church. If you really believe in Me and love Me, then you will receive many graces from the Mass and from receiving My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. You need the strength of My graces from Holy Communion, but if you are in mortal sin, you will not receive any graces or strength. If you are in such sin, you need cleansing in Confession before you can receive life in My grace. Follow Me in My Commandments and imitate My life in your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you see the animals storing food for the winter, so some people are preparing food as well in canning or other means of storage. With the many disasters affecting crop lands, you could see some short term shortages in various foods. I have asked you to set aside some food in your pantries for the coming tribulation. Even before this time it may be wise to store some extra food for when the coming world famine will cause shortages. I will multiply your food when it is needed and when the evil ones will make it difficult to buy food.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who have friends or relatives in these damaged areas, should try to lift their spirits with a heart felt word in a letter to comfort them in their needs. Pray for them and send any donations that you can afford. The people, receiving these words and gifts, will greatly appreciate your kind words and your caring for their situation. Physical and spiritual support will go a long way in helping them get back on their feet and take away any depression that may be facing them. Your little effort now will again gain you merits in heaven for your charity.”

Friday, October 21, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, there is no doubt that the justice of God is what is being called down on man for his sins. This vision of My Father blowing this wind down on the earth is a testimony of how evil your age has become. Even those, who put down the talk of end days events, are stepping back because they cannot deny the rapid increase in major disasters that are not just by accident. As you move into the winter season, this wind from God will continue in the violence of your storms. Many of your conveniences are going to be threatened by power outages and short term shortages of fuel for your homes. Your budgets also will be stretched in areas with severe cold and snow. You will continue to see these major disasters until man changes his heart and repents of his sins. The more you turn your back on Me, the more nature will rebel against you.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you see another hurricane around the Gulf of Mexico, people are beginning to take notice. Even if it becomes a minimal storm, these storms have been known to quickly increase in intensity without much warning. Some people are quick to evacuate, while others want to see if it will be weak or not. Many of your insurance companies will be losing money this year and less of them will be willing to cover homes where these storms are becoming more regular. Your continuing years may encourage residents to migrate north during the hurricane season and return for the winter if their homes are still undamaged. Continuing storms may become even too costly for your government to support, so that people will be more at their own risk. Even now your deficits are causing many problems in your Congress to finance both a war in Iraq and your disasters. Pray for these people along your Southern coastline because it is no longer safe from destruction and loss.”

Saturday, October 22, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this long tube represents this evil age that will gradually lead to the end times of tribulation. Many are seeing the severity and frequency of natural disasters increasing at an alarming pace. Each event seems to outdo any previous records. You may have seen these things before, but not at these record levels one after another. Those, that do not understand these things, should realize that they are fulfilling Biblical prophecy of the description of the end times. Look at the extent of sin and fewer people going to church, and you will understand why My justice in chastisements must fall on the world. You still have to bear the purgatory on earth of the reign of the Antichrist, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel where I will defeat evil and bring My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are seeing a cave as a refuge for protection from the evil ones. The loudspeaker on the ceiling means that you are to shout about My refuges of protection from the rooftops. You do not know how evil it will be with demons all around you. When you see the Warning followed by famine, division in My Church, and forced chips in the body, then you are to call on My help and I will have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges with a physical sign. You may be lead to a refuge of My Blessed Mother’s apparition, a place of holy ground as a monastery, or a cave for protection. At these places you will witness miracles of My protection as the evil ones will not be able to see you or detect you. I will provide shelter, food, water, and even My Blessed Sacrament if you cannot attend Mass. Put your trust and faith in Me, and you will be rewarded greatly in heaven. Fear not and do not despair, for you will witness My victory over all the evil ones because My power is greater than theirs.”

Sunday, October 23, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel (Matt. 22:34-40) answers those who in the Pharisees were trying to test Me. The greatest Commandment is to love your God with your whole heart, your whole soul, and your whole mind. The second Commandment is like it in that you should love your neighbor as yourself. So love is at the core of all of your beliefs in Me by loving Me, your neighbor, and yourself. When you love yourself, you are loving the creation that I have made in you. So do not belittle yourself because you are valuable in My eyes with a plan for your life that I want you to fulfill. By loving yourself, you are now capable of loving Me and your neighbor. Love is not just an emotion, it is a virtue as expressed in charity. This love in your soul generates a love for your Creator. You are a spiritual being and that part of you yearns to be one with Me, your Creator. If you are to know, love, and serve Me, you must also love your neighbor, whom I also created. These two great Commandments are the basis of My Word and are the theme of the message of My prophets. You remember what St. Paul taught about love and charity. (1 Corinthians 13:1-3) ‘If I should speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have charity, I have become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And if I have prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so as to remove mountains, yet do not have charity, I am nothing. And if I distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I deliver my body to be burned, yet do not have charity, it profits me nothing.’ Love, therefore, should be at the center of your life. That is why this vision is circling My Scriptures because My Word and My laws are totally focused on love. I am the God of love as you have witnessed My total love for all of mankind when I gave up My life so that you all would be redeemed from your sins. I call on all of mankind to love Me in return and to love your neighbor as yourself.”

Monday, October 24, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in your country you take fresh water for granted, especially around your Great Lakes. You cannot live without fresh water, either from surface water, wells, or rain. You cannot have eternal life without Me either. It is My Bread of Life in My Eucharist that will feed you your spiritual food. With faith and trust in Me you will have no worries, but you can have confidence in My leading you to heaven. Many in this world spend too much of their time in chasing after elusive material wealth. But it is the treasures of your good deeds in heaven that are more valuable. Be content to follow Me and fulfill My plan for you here than be concerned with all of your earthly goals. Your total consecration of giving everything over to Me should be your goal to please Me in doing things out of love for Me. This straight pipe in the vision can be a way of focusing on Me and I call all of you to eternal life by breaking bread with Me in My Eucharist.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the earthquake of 9.2 and the tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people. This was recently followed by another earthquake in Pakistan that has killed over 75,000 people. You have also seen many hurricanes of record numbers and major damage along the Gulf of Mexico coastline. These events are happening with great frequency that are setting records for intensity, financial damage, and many lost lives. Now, again I am showing you another massive earthquake that will occur over a 9.0 strength. Depending where this strikes, there will be more severe damage and loss of life. The vision of places of sexual sin shows you that these natural disasters continue to be a punishment for mankind’s sexual sins. I keep warning you that unless you change your sinful lives and repent, these events will only accelerate in more frequency and greater destruction.”

Tuesday, October 25, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this picture of My Blessed Mother on the floor is a symbol of her humility and her willingness to be a servant and mother to all of you. She is a model for everyone also that you should follow My laws and share your faith with others in an evangelical spirit. Sharing can also be with your time, talent, and money. Everyone has to suffer and sacrifice in this world because you need to carry your cross as I also had to suffer. That is why if you can help someone in their need, you can be the Simon image who helped Me carry My cross. You may have more money or talents to offer than others, so share your abundant gifts that others may receive from your generosity. The more you share, the better you will feel that you helped someone.”

Jesus said: “My people, My churches are not just beautiful buildings, but My tabernacles contain My abundant graces in My Eucharist of the consecrated Hosts. I am always present in your churches and I am eager to share My graces with you. Unfortunately, you need to have grace in your soul and be free of mortal sin in order to gain any grace for your soul. If you have mortal sin, you can have your soul purified in Confession and then you will be worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion. Every time you visit My Blessed Sacrament, you gain graces to strengthen you against the devil’s temptations. In addition these graces also will help your soul to heal any damage that your sins may have caused you. My grace will also heal any hurts from others so you can fully forgive others, and be forgiven of your own sins and omissions.”

Wednesday, October 26, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, when the early Christians were being killed by the Romans, many of them went underground in caves or catacombs for protection. They had altars and drawings on the walls to indicate that they held their Masses underground so they would not be caught at their services. Even despite many that were martyred, they kept the faith and passed it on to their children. Today, you do not face martyrdom for your faith in most of the world, but you still face persecution for fighting abortions, pornography, homosexualism, and living together in fornication. These sexual sins of lust are the pleasures of sin that some do not want to give up. This is why many souls are going to hell because they do not want to change their lifestyles of constant mortal sin with no thought of forgiveness, or that they are even committing serious sin. Deep down they know it is against My Sixth Commandment, but this modern generation has lost their shame of sin and are more focused on worshiping material things than Me. How does a society, so wrapped up in lust, change to a new life of conversion when their earthly desires have so covered up the heavenly desires of their soul? My prophets of today have a difficult mission to change the hearts of these lukewarm sinners who have lost the desire for the sacred, and are shutting Me out of their live entirely because they do not want to give Me any of their precious entertainment time. My people of America, repent now of all of your sins and learn that I am more worthy of your worship than any thing or person on earth that is passing away tomorrow. Love your God and your neighbor, and you will be among the few who will enter heaven by the narrow road.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people of your society are worshiping their riches and possessions before Me. You saw this latest hurricane pass right through a rich area with expensive homes and boats that were destroyed. For many of these people the treasures in their hearts are of their earthly possessions. Just as in the vision I swept away the gold coins. This represents how I am sweeping away your earthly gods so that you can see how temporary they are and they are not to be worshiped before Me. I am now and forever and far more worthy to be worshiped than your elusive wealth that is gone tomorrow. Your spiritual life should focus and revolve around Me because I am the only One that can give your soul rest and peace. When you die, all of these riches and possessions will be no more and you cannot take them with you. You will only have your soul and all the fruits of your actions, both good and bad. Better to have prayed and stored up treasures of good deeds in heaven. When you come before Me at your judgment, these treasures of goodness will be much more valuable than your temporary earthly treasures. Sharing your wealth will gain you treasure in heaven and this is the best use of your money that you could profit from. Do not worship your possessions as gods because this greatly offends Me and violates My First Commandment that you should have no other gods before Me. When you make Me the first priority in your life by worshiping Me and loving Me, you will receive a reward in heaven far beyond any material wealth on earth.”

Thursday, October 27, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, the family supper is usually the best time for a family to be together and share the larger meal of the day. It is sometimes even dark earlier towards winter time. It is a time for the members to relax from the day’s activities and a chance to converse with each other of the latest events. This supper at home relates to My Eucharistic meal at Holy Mass. This is your time for spiritual food of My Blessed Sacrament that renews your soul with My grace. This is a time for all of My faithful to gather together to hear My Good News in the Epistles and My Gospels. It is My time to converse with you publicly in My Word and privately in Holy Communion time. It is also your time to share your troubles and anxieties with Me in asking My help to carry on. Breaking bread together is an opportunity to have your Lord come to you in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host and Wine as My Body and Blood. There is no greater prayer than Holy Mass, and that is why many look forward to coming together to share their faith with each other. This image of a Wedding Banquet in heaven is a reward for My faithful to look forward to after this life, so you can have My love for you shared forever.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many heavenly signs of My Blessed Mother on a bank window, weeping statues and icons, luminous crosses, and many images of Me and My Blessed Mother on trees. These are little assurances and encouragement for My faithful who are dealing with many troubles and crimes in this evil age. Your city of Rochester has been blessed with My image on a tree. The crime and killings in your cities can be answered with prayer and a calling on My help. See these signs as a call back to your roots of faith so you can remember to follow Me in your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who thought this hurricane was not worth leaving, are now sorry that they stayed through a stronger storm than was expected. Even the Fantasy Fest of your people in Florida had to be postponed. This was the same image of Decadence Weekend in New Orleans. All of these blatant sinful displays are part of the reason that these areas were struck by Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma. The heterosexual and homosexual sins are calling on My justice and you are suffering more storms and destruction while you still do not see the relationship between your sins and these chastisements.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have suffered from much destruction in these hurricanes this year, and now it is time to rebuild. It is one thing to rebuild your houses, factories, and shops, but it is asking for more storms to build more casinos, houses of prostitution, adult book stores, and abortion clinics. Some are selling drugs and causing crime in your streets. Rebuild what is necessary for your shelter and good jobs, but avoid these buildings of sinful lifestyles. I have told you that sinful societies do not last long and will wind up in rubble at My hands.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen illegal aliens coming through your borders by the millions. Many terrorist groups are coming into America with little trouble with forged documents. Now your government is trying to force microchips in your passports with biometrics to check your identities. This will make it easier for identity thefts and it will not stop the terrorists who are masters in making legitimate looking licenses and passports. Terrorism and security is the excuse that the one world people are using to control your movements and your buying and selling.”

Jesus said: “My people, these suicide bombings are causing many deaths and cannot be applauded. These people are doing whatever it takes to cause foreign troops to leave their lands. The terrorists are relentless and will continue killing to get their way because America will not continue to see their troops killed every day. A time for leaving these lands is long overdue. Continuing such guerilla wars of attrition are not really winning any wars against terrorism, but they are instigating further resistance in their own country. Pray to stop these wars and stop the killings by ceasing hostilities.”

Jesus said: “My people, the people of Mississippi need to examine their consciences when all they can think of to make money are gambling casinos. These jobs are spurious and the money only goes to the owners. Look at all of the families who are foolish enough to lose their money to these thieves. This takes money from people and generates an evil influence. Pray that these casinos will lose money and go bankrupt for their sinful activity of encouraging gambling vices and exotic dancers. If you do not stop these buildings, I will destroy them as fast as you build them.”

Jesus said: “My people, more armaments are being put in place along the Asian coastlines on both sides that could spark a war between China and Taiwan. North Korea also is threatening nuclear appeasements to gain food and donations to keep their government going. Pray that serious war does not come to these tense areas. Much of your needed trade with these Asian countries could be at risk, and these trade agreements could be used as blackmail against American involvement in possible war there.”

Friday, October 28, 2005: (St. Simon and St. Jude)

Jesus said: “My people, as you look over the fields of your country, you have been blessed with many abundant crops and natural resources. If you look further into the order of nature, you see how the animals and plants are all beautiful and following My plan for their existence. Even the stars and planets give glory to Me in how their orbits are obeyed and their numbers are beyond your comprehension. Humankind is also a part of My plan, but you are special in that I created you with an immortal soul and a free will made in My image. I have also given each of you a plan for your life so you can follow the order I give all of My creation. You are made to know, love, and serve Me, but I want you to love Me of your own free will. I do not force you to love Me, but there are consequences of your actions. For those, who follow the narrow road of loving Me and following My Commandments, you will receive your reward in heaven for witnessing to My greater glory. For those, who follow the broad road against My Commandments and refuse My love, you will be among the accursed that will be punished in hell. The dark clouds in the vision are a sign of the evil going on in the world without enough people repenting of their sins. My faithful are asked also to help evangelize the weaker souls who need saving from the flames of hell. Your spirit needs to overcome the worldly desires of the flesh so you can be a whole person following the order that I give My creation.”

Mary said: “My dear children, today you are celebrating the feast day of the apostles St. Simon and St. Jude. I was many times with my Son’s apostles and I gave them encouragement after my Son died. I want to thank you here tonight for sending your rosary prayers to me and my Son in His Sorrowful Mysteries. Your world needs prayers dearly for all the sins going on in this time of preparation for my Son’s coming again. You are soon going to celebrate All Saints’ Day and this is the goal for all of you to be saints one day. You do not have to be declared a saint by my Son’s Church in order to be a saint, but you must give your ‘yes’ as I did and let my Son guide you on your path to heaven. You are seeing many celebrate Halloween, but this is the evil one’s feast day. Avoid all of this glorifying of witches and demons and protect yourselves from any evil influence. Give thanks to all of the people here who have honored me with this shrine. This holy ground is always a place of calling my children to prayer and coming to my Son, Jesus.”

Saturday, October 29, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, remember the words of today’s Gospel: ‘Those, who humble themselves, will be exalted, while those, who exalt themselves, will be humbled. I am God of the Universe and King of all Nations, but I humbled Myself to be a man and be born in a manger in a stable. I am giving My life as an example of humility for all of My faithful to follow. Do not discriminate among people who are poorer than you are, less educated, or with different color or beliefs. You all are equal in My eyes, no matter how much money or talents you have. Do not discriminate either if someone is less or more faithful than you are. You all are in various stages of conversion and again I love all sinners equally. Unless you come to Me and ask My forgiveness, you cannot be saved. Love everyone equally as I do, and you will not be far from heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this abyss as the way to hell. If you walked up to a great abyss, you would see enough not to fall over the cliff. But the evil one disguises hell with the desires of wealth and possessions of the world. This is why My faithful need to go through your life looking and discerning with the eyes of faith so you are not deceived by the evil one. It is difficult to avoid all the temptations of the devil, so you need to call on My graces to strengthen your spirit to resist worldly things. I give everyone an opportunity to have their sins cleansed in Confession. I am always willing to forgive anyone even of the most serious sins. It is a person’s decision to seek My forgiveness if you want to be saved. My grace is always available to you, and if you are judged to hell, it is of your own choosing by your rejection of Me in your life. Seek the glory of being with Me always with a pure soul, and you will never have to worry about falling into this abyss of hell.”

Sunday, October 30, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you My tabernacle and My Eucharist that is always present for you to give you strength and grace to carry your crosses. The love I have for you is shared with you most intimately in Holy Communion. When you receive Me, you are experiencing a taste of heaven that you cannot find anywhere else. The one you see in shackles represents those who are captive to their worldly desires and addictions. These are not just the bonds of sin, but the attachments to the world. In order to be forgiven of your sins, you also need to detach yourselves of the things or addictions that cause your sin. It may involve avoiding occasions of sin and it could be a gradual conversion with constant prayer and fasting. At times sinners may need other faithful praying for them to be healed of their sins and addictions. Even deliverance prayers may be needed to break these demons of addiction. The scene without the shackles is when that soul is converted, and is completely freed of the bonds of sin and freed from the earthly cravings for things and pleasures. My love is everlasting and I will seek sinners out until your dying breath. Give in to My healing Spirit and trust Me in faith that I can heal any physical or spiritual sickness. With the faith of a mustard seed you can be healed and also heal others. Once you are set free of your sins, you will be truly free to live in My love and peace without any fears.”

Monday, October 31, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, at times pride comes over you as you want to show off a new house, a new car, some new clothing, or bragging about your financial successes. There is some earthly joy in these things, but it is still better to be humble instead of boasting of your success. I mentioned before that all you have obtained has come through Me. It is better to give Me the glory for your success than yourself. The rain, that fell on someone’s grand entrance, is exactly what happens to those who boast of themselves and then are humbled because of it. Instead of seeking fame and riches for your own glory, it is better to give Me thanks and share what you have. All of your possessions are temporary and you are just stewards of these worldly things. By sharing your successes with others, you can store more valuable treasures in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this microwave weapon because it can be used to transmit diseases, heart attacks, or any number of bad killings. Your army has many of these weapons that are being held in reserve for when other military units of other countries would use these kinds of weapons. Once man starts to harness these weapons of mass destruction, you will be threatening your very existence as well as the rest of humanity. Pray that these weapons are not used for mass killings. Pray also to stop all killing in wars and abortions. The military is developing all manner of secret weapons with the taxpayers’ money and they are keeping you in the dark of all of their capabilities. All of these weapons and planes will be used by the agents of the Antichrist in his reign, but I will protect My faithful from being harmed at My refuges.”

Tuesday, November 1, 2005: (All Saints’ Day)

Jesus said: “My people, today, you celebrate the lives of all of My saints in heaven, even those who are not well known. This vision of the globe of the earth being baptized in the water represents how I died for all of mankind and you are all cleansed of original sin at Baptism. All of My faithful are all baptized in the Holy Spirit also, and you are awaiting your day to be My saints in heaven. This is a Communion of Saints of those on earth, those in purgatory, and those in heaven. In addition to being cleansed of your sins at Baptism and Confession, you are also being cleansed by your sufferings on earth and in purgatory. I had to suffer much in My life on earth, and all of you share in My suffering on the cross with your own trials and sacrifices. It is glorious to contemplate being one of My saints in heaven, but by your persistence in faith, this reward awaits all of you in heaven. Do not be discouraged by anything that you must suffer on earth, but give praise and glory to Me because I will always give you the sufficient graces that you need to endure your trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have groups worshiping Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. You also have groups on the other side that have secret meetings of worshiping the devil and his angels. Beware of these groups calling down evil spells and curses to try and thwart good politicians from helping right to life groups. Some high degree masons are also attending these covens to get power from Satan and the demons. My people are in a battle of good and evil, and you will see the evil ones persecuting you for talking about Me and spreading conversions. There is a strong movement by these evil ones to have My Name removed from everywhere. Persecution of those fighting abortion and those working against homosexual activity are going to be tested with prison, and all manners of lost tax protections. These evil ones will become bolder in their outward attacks against all Christians. Prepare with prayer and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament so My faithful can build up your spiritual protection. Have all of your exorcism weapons with you in holy water, relics, Benedictine blessed crosses, blessed salt, rosaries, deliverance prayers, and exorcism prayers such as the St. Michael Prayer. This battle will only worsen as evil grows stronger in the world. Soon My faithful will have to retreat to refuges and prayer groups to share your protection. Trust in My Name for your protection from the demons. I will always give you comfort and strength in your time of need.”

Wednesday, November 2, 2005: (All Souls’ Day)

Jesus said: “My people, there are a lot of souls saved at the last moment in purgatory by My mercy that otherwise would have been sent to hell. The most souls go to purgatory and hell, while only a small number go to heaven directly as they lived like saints here on earth. Some in purgatory will stay only a short time, while others will only be released at the final judgment. The faces in the vision are showing you the agony and suffering of souls in hell or purgatory. The souls in the lower purgatory are suffering as in hell and will be there a long time. Those in hell will be suffering for all eternity with no hope. My faithful should pray for the souls in purgatory to lessen their time and suffering. Your prayers and Masses will be more effective for those souls in the upper levels of purgatory because they will be released sooner. Those souls, that you pray for, will pray for you one day if you find yourself in purgatory. You also need to pray for sinners before they die so their souls can be saved from the eternal flames of hell. Eternity is a long time and you do not want to see how much these souls are suffering. Pray and go to frequent Confession for your own soul so you will have less to suffer in purgatory. The more you can detach yourself from the things of this world, the less time you will be in purgatory purifying your worldly cravings. Live every day as your last in constant preparation for your death because you may not have tomorrow for conversion or purification.”

Jesus said: “My people, gift giving at Christmas is a custom of your society, but it is unfortunate that My feast day is so commercialized that people forget that it is a celebration of My birth. Many secular people are trying to remove My Nativity scenes and any use of My Name in public places. Do not focus just on the gift giving, but remember to share the Christmas Spirit of joy that I came into this sinful world to free you of your sins. Some people have many possessions already, and it is hard for you at times to determine what gifts to buy. You may want to give a Mass for someone, or a spiritual bouquet of prayers which would make a spiritual gift better than a physical gift. Be willing to share your gift of love with others even as you remember those friends and relatives that you do not see so often. The joy of Christmas can be celebrated in many ways, but sharing love and faith comes more from the heart than just cards and gifts.”

Thursday, November 3, 2005: (St. Martin de Porres)

Jesus said: “My people, you need to be aware of the one world people who are seeking global control of everyone in preparation for supporting the work of the Antichrist. These groups work secretly behind the scenes to set up means to control people’s buying and selling, as well as your movements. They will use any excuse as terrorism, which they are behind, security of borders, or the latest epidemic scares for quarantines in order to take control. In the latest hurricanes there was even a proposal to have the army control everything in the name of keeping order. This bright spotlight on people shows you what you are up against with these controls through microchips in smart cards and in the body. You will soon see mandatory fingerprints and iris scans for chips in your driver’s licenses and your passports. I have warned you not to take chips in the body as the mark of the beast that could control your minds as robots. Once these one world people try to force chips in the body, it will be time to call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges of protection at My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites, holy ground, or caves. There will be some that are martyred who will become instant saints, but the rest of My faithful will be protected miraculously at My refuges.”

November 3, 2005:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, every year your country holds elections at this time. This is a year where local officials are elected as well as any propositions for your state. Your right to vote is precious in your form of government and it is not something to forget. If you vote, you have a say in your local government, but if you refuse, then you will take what comes from those who did vote. You have a Christian obligation to vote for those people that will stand up for My laws in your society.”

Jesus said: “My people, the makeup of your Supreme Court is going through some dramatic changes. If you cannot pass any laws to stop abortions, then you need to pray that these new court justices will be leaning to change the Row vs. Wade decision. If abortion rulings are not removed from your country through the courts, then you will see more abortions and more disasters as well. Your country needs to choose in favor of life in your laws, or these abortions will be crying out for My justice. Repent of your sins and pray that you have a Supreme Court that you can be proud of.”

Jesus said: “My people, after investigation of the levees that broke in New Orleans, some are saying faulty engineering was the cause of the failure. These levees were not designed for such violent storms and the earth became weakened from having long rains and heavy storm surges. It is difficult for the people to trust these same engineers should another storm strike this area. Pray that these people will not have to suffer any further flooding.”

Jesus said: “My people, many have been concerned about your oil and natural gas platforms that took a beating from this year’s hurricanes. All the news about changes in your marine life and fish changes have gotten less press, but they are very important to your fishing industry. Many make businesses from seafood and any disturbances in these supplies could cost your country money and a loss of one your most important resources of food. Some scientists are noting changes in weather that are affecting marine migration and spawning grounds for your future fish population. Pray that your fish supplies are not too interrupted by these latest storms.”

Jesus said: “My people, your recent storms in the Gulf of Mexico have upset your gasoline and natural gas supplies in the short term. Higher gas prices have affected how people are driving and it has encouraged more fuel efficient vehicles to be sold. Your large vehicles have suffered greatly in sales and this change has upset many of your industries in cars, airplanes, and trucks that deliver your goods. Pray that your economy will continue to ward off any recession worries over uncertainty in these transportation industries.”

Jesus said: “My people, watching the leaves fall can give you a feeling of another season moving closer to winter. The cycles of the seasons are also associated with your own lives as you witness this vision of a funeral. The trees going dormant does point more to how death is also a part of your life. My Church in its readings before Advent focuses on preparations for death in your prayers, and how you should focus on pure souls in preparation for your judgment when I call you home. You should always be ready to die before you are ready to live because you do not know how long you will be living.”

Jesus said: “My people, at this point in time very few have died from this flu, but many are concerned how it is spreading through Europe in the animals. Even your government is taking some steps to prepare for any possible epidemics. Concerns about having enough vaccine and antiviral drugs available are still present. It is hard to prepare for any feared mutations of this bird flu. Pray that these worries of epidemics can be put to rest without many deaths that could threaten civilizations all over the world.”

Friday, November 4, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this parable about the dishonest steward is not about praising him for being enterprising with his master’s debts. Instead, it is to cause you to think of how you have used the gifts that your Master in Me has given you. You can fool the people of this evil age with actions that are visible, but I see the secret intentions of your evil acts done privately. Once this steward’s evil deeds were uncovered and he was about to be let go of his job, then he used further evil deeds of cheating his master to make himself look good so the debtors would help him. If you have done wrong in My eyes, then you should seek Me out in Confession to repent of your misdeeds. You can never hide your faults from Me, so do not continue with more lies and misdeeds to cover up any of your scandals. Another lesson in this Gospel is to analyze how you are using My gifts of time, talents, and wealth that have been entrusted to you. Are you wasting and abusing these gifts as the dishonest steward, or are you using them properly to accomplish the best that you could? Some people truly waste their time on foolish entertainment and selfish pleasures instead of helping their neighbor’s needs with their time and money. Let this Gospel give you food for thinking how you should be using your gifts because you will be held accountable for how you used them at the judgment. You still have time left in your life to change your attitudes of loving and helping people beyond your own needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of looking at or listening to the Antichrist, or the Beast of Revelation. He will have demonic powers to attract you to his words which are all lies. Many come to stadiums to watch baseball games, football games, or soccer games. The Antichrist will attract the worldly to come and listen to his words of peace. This is why I want My people to avoid the Antichrist by getting rid of your televisions after the Warning so you do not look at his eyes which could deceive you. After the signs of the world famine, the division in My Church, and the forcing of microchips in the body, I will have My guardian angels lead you to My places of protection at My refuges. There My angels will provide for your food, water, and shelter. Those, who look upon My luminous cross, will be healed of all viruses and diseases that the Antichrist will try to bring upon you. You will be invisible to the evil ones and protected from all of their weapons. These messages of warning are not meant to frighten you, but to show you the miraculous power of the hand of God. Just as I protected the Israelites from the Egyptian Army, so I will protect My faithful remnant with a shield of grace that the evil ones will not be able to defy Me. Instead, I will cast the Antichrist and all the demons and evil ones into the fires of hell where they will be chained for a long time. Trust in My greater power and you will see the earth renewed as I will bring about a New Jerusalem in the new earth and new heavens. Rejoice because as you see the evil ones gain in power, you know that My victory over all evil is near.”

Saturday, November 5, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, these stairs going up represent your everyday struggle to improve in your spiritual perfection. If you are working towards your sainthood, you cannot just be satisfied with the status quo, but you must be moving forward. This world gives you an opportunity to use your talents and your wealth to help others and not just yourself. You are stewards of what you have, and at your judgment you will have to make and accounting of how you used what you were given. If you used your gifts in sharing, then you will truly store up real treasures in heaven. So do not waste your time, your talents, or your wealth in idleness, but use these things for My greater glory and you will receive your reward in heaven. If you are good stewards of the things of this world that pass away tomorrow, then you will be entrusted with greater things in My heavenly kingdom that are eternal.”

Jesus said: “My people, air ducts to a building are rarely filtered for disease pathogens, but in certain research buildings there are special precautions not to let disease germs out or to let them in either. Several times Legionnaire’s disease was spread from air conditioning air intakes. If someone wanted to spread disease in a building, the air inlets would be the easiest way to disperse it. If a flu disease did start to spread over wide areas, protecting the ventilation systems would be primary with electrostatic cleaners. Any shelter that you build in the ground should also take care to filter any radiation or disease from the air inlets. Your air is only as safe as you filter it. In some cases good carbon air masks may be necessary to protect you from airborne biological weapons. Many places in your country are vulnerable to these kind of attacks, so protect your air supply from contamination. You could see germ or biological warfare come over you at any time and you would have to have your emergency respond units protected the most. Pray that such weapons are not used, but the terrorists have the capability of using them.”

Sunday, November 6, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel of the wise and foolish virgins is all about your prudent preparations for not only the end times, but also to be prepared in your soul at all times for when you will die. You have many opportunities to have your sins cleansed, but do not wait for the tomorrow that you may never see. I will come at a time that you will not expect, and you do not want to be on the outside of heaven when the door will be bolted shut and I will tell you that I do not know you. The three days of darkness will require blessed candles to see, and do not look at the wrath of My justice as the evil ones will be burning in the flames of a hell on earth. Once the evil ones are cleansed from the earth, I will renew the earth and you will see a new heavens and a new earth in My Era of Peace.”

Monday, November 7, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this picture of a good percentage of California under water will come from a major earthquake that will change the coastline. This area is already prone to a lot of earthquakes and in addition the lifestyles of many of the people here are calling for My justice. Today’s Gospel spoke of how those, who badly influence My little ones, should be thrown into the sea with a millstone around their necks. Your movies and pornography are badly influencing children and adults so I will bring the sea into the people making these movies. As many major disasters will be occurring, it would be better to move if these people refuse to stop making their evil movies. I will forgive those sinners who repent, but those, who refuse to seek My forgiveness, are sinning against the Holy Spirit and they will be accursed by their own choices. All the areas prone to earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes may consider moving to safer areas because you are entering a time of worsening disasters as nature is rebelling against man’s abuses of his environment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of riots in European countries that are linked to Muslim extremists. These kinds of incidents will be increasing as terrorism will be resurging, despite your war on terrorism. This vision of electric wires shows you another threat to your power outages by terrorism in addition to your disasters and violent storms as this latest tornado. The terrorists know how vulnerable your electric lines are, as well as your fuel depots. If these riots spread to other countries, you could see economies upset, and possible backlashes against those who are causing the terrorism. Some people have pointed out high levels of unemployment among poor Muslim areas as part of this problem. Frustration or perpetrated violence could trigger more riots as well. I have asked you to pray for peace and for an end to hostilities in war. If love is in your heart, then you still need to love everyone, even the terrorists. Pray for them to love others, and to stop any senseless killing. Be prepared with your alternative fuels and sources of light for any future power outages.”

Tuesday, November 8, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, there are natural diseases that man has struggled with over the years to find cures. Then there are man-made diseases that were created to control population growth. Such man-made diseases just happen to have cures that your pharmaceutical companies have provided at a very profitable price in addition to billions of dollars of taxpayer grants for research. There are evil men hyping these diseases as scare tactics to promote their own expensive cures. If you follow the money provided for wars and health problems, they would lead you to the same one world people who are profiting from other’s disasters. Pray for peace and an end of wars as well as an end to these man-made diseases. Man has violated nature with all of his mischief, but nature is rebelling against you for all of your sins and abuses.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you move to another dwelling, you usually take a lot of care in packing your belongings and determining where you are going to live. Sometimes your job opportunities might determine your moving destination. I want to contrast your normal moving plans to that of when you will move to a place of refuge at the time of the tribulation. Your move to a place of protection will be carried out with little planning as you only will take a few bare necessities. Leaving for a refuge is not about bringing all of your comforts with you. You will be leaving most of your possessions behind because I am going to strip them from you so you will be depending on Me for everything. Your money and status will do you no good at My refuges. You will be thankful for My miraculous protection from the evil ones and all that I will provide for your survival. You will have plenty of time to give Me worship and praise, and you will be helping each other to survive. Rejoice when I take you under My arms and I will bring you your reward in My Era of Peace and in heaven.”

Wednesday, November 9, 2005: (Dedication of St. John Lateran)

Jesus said: “My people, My place of worship in your churches is a very sacred place because I reside in My Blessed Sacrament in every one of your tabernacles. This water flowing out from a church in the vision represents My graces flowing out to each person who enters My church. You have two sources of grace in forgiveness at the confessional, and when you receive Me in Holy Communion or visit Me in My tabernacle. Every church is consecrated as holy ground at its dedication. That is why every church that you close is a lost opportunity for grace. Since My churches are your place of worship, then they also deserve your financial help in supporting My Church. You know how expensive it is to run your own household, so do not just give a token amount in the collection. You should budget your money so you can give a substantial donation of how important My church is to your spiritual life. I have mentioned before about tithing ten per cent of your income to charity which should be a part of your church support. Every donation to My Church will be multiplied back to you in many ways. Remember that I am always waiting for you to come to Me in love at My churches.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these new black stealth planes that not only are difficult to detect by radar, but are also fast enough to outrun most planes and missiles against them. Your air force continues to produce new aircraft with unusual designs for spying and bombing. Your weapons of war have become so sophisticated and expensive that your defense budget for war is getting out of hand. Your base cutbacks have a more devious plan than just saving money. Many of these old bases are still being used as detention centers. Pray for a lessening in hostilities in your wars and you will be able to spend your money more productively in building up people’s shelters instead of destroying them. America is not gaining anything against terrorists by perpetuating wars as in Iraq. Love one another instead of promoting the killing of each other.”

Thursday, November 10, 2005: (St. Leo the Great)

Jesus said: “My people, the tactics of the terrorists in killing innocent people in multiple attacks on American interests have not changed. They are seeking so-called ‘soft’ targets in free societies where there is less security as in foreign hotels. France and Jordan are experiencing unrest in different ways, but these ruthless killings continue to show how violent these extremists are with no feeling of who and how many they kill. Just when you think that terrorism is letting up, they are planning the next targets. The evil one also continues to stir up trouble in causing hate and more wars. This environment of constant wars and terrorism will continue until you will see police states take over in the name of security. The one world people will exploit these constant attacks to bring about their global control that will usher in the Antichrist’s reign in the name of peace. No matter how bad evil will reign for a time, you know that My victory is coming that will give you real peace.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the news a debate between scientists who support Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and fundamentalists who support ‘intelligent design’ teaching from the Bible. It is a little sad that those using this phrase are trying to disguise ‘Creation from God’ in order to be politically correct. The days of creation have very little relation to your days, but the actual creation came from My hand. Evolution is taught in your schools as a fact instead of as a theory. It is true that various species change through mutation to adapt to their surroundings. What has not been scientifically proven is that one specie cannot change its chromosome makeup to a higher species, or this would still be taking place. Man’s 46 chromosomes are unique to his specie and I have made man into My image with a soul, reason, and free will. These are all gifts that I gave to man only and not to any other specie. Belief in My creation has more credence than an unproven theory.”

Jesus said: “My people, in many of your experiments in space you are dealing with weightlessness when you are far enough away from the earth. This centrifugal force in a circular tube can be given a close simulation of gravity if there were sufficient energy to continue this motion. Space travel has been considered for short distances, but the restrictions of propulsion, food, and oxygen, are limiting your current capabilities. Many are working on these problems in considering any future manned trips to Mars and the moon. There are many better things to spend your money on as helping the poor to survive, but you also could spend your wasted money on war to help the poor as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you many times to stop your wars and pray that your combatants could come to peaceful compromise. Others are promoting a constant war on terrorism as the answer, but more killing will not resolve these differences. Every time you see more terrorist acts as in Jordan, England, Spain, and New York City, the same advocates of war just say that their solution is vindicated to stop more terrorism. This constant cycle of suicide killings and more war, will not bring peace to the world. Only love for everyone through My help will bring true peace to the world. All of man’s other solutions will never achieve peace. Trust in Me that one day My victory over evil will bring about real peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many different forms of government in all the nations of the world, but one form is not necessarily the answer for all peoples. That is why forcing your form of democratic republic on other nations is not America’s right, even if you have more military might. Changing regimes for nations, that America dislikes, does not make it right for America. It is better to strive for peace and compromise than use dominant control by force. Until your leaders understand true peace instead of ‘making money’ out of wars, then you will be condemned to constant wars. Continue to pray for peace and to vote against those proposing constant wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are finally seeing your gasoline prices falling after your shortages have ebbed. Even your Congress is still investigating temporary price gouging by your oil companies who have made very high profits. Natural gas prices are also going through a spike due to some shortages from the hurricanes. Heating your homes this winter with gas will be greatly increased, and many, as in the vision, will be looking at alternatives to save money. Try to help your poor through this trial so they can survive without freezing to death or going hungry.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some who have enough money for their habits of smoking, drugs, gambling, or overeating, but they do not have any extra money to heat their houses. In addition to lower thermostats, people could also cut back on these things that are causing you to have addictions in order to have money to heat your houses. Priorities of what is important in your practical world could get you through any fuel increases. Healing your vices could help your body as well as your pocketbooks.”

Jesus said: “My people, your shopkeepers are already anticipating a difficult holiday buying season with advanced sales and markdowns. Instead of focusing so much on gifts, it would be better to just enjoy the company of your friends and relatives. It is the love that you have for Me and your neighbor that should be more important than gifts. So when you meet each other, be willing to share this moment of joyful friendship and family.”

Friday, November 11, 2005: (St. Martin of Tours)

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a small glimpse of the beauty and splendor of heaven so you can appreciate your goal to be with Me forever in pure love and peace. You are witnessing the beautiful music that can be heard from My angels and saints as they sing My daily praises. In heaven there is no time and you will be in a constant ecstasy of My beatific vision. The darkness that you are seeing represents the purification process that every soul must go through in order to be able to enter heaven. Every soul entering heaven must have a saintly holiness and purity which can only come from My grace and help. Some may suffer afflictions or illnesses on earth, or others may have to be cleansed and purged of their sins and earthly desires in purgatory. When you consider coming to heaven, you have to be purged of every earthly desire of money or possessions so that all of your thoughts can be focused on worshiping and loving Me. I am the center of your love and the sooner you can focus more on Me, the more prepared you will be to enter heaven. So focus on love of Me and your neighbor because you will see Me as pure love and no hate.”

Saturday, November 12, 2005: (St. Josaphat)

Jesus said: “My people, because you live in the world, you are constantly tormented by the body in its desires for comforts and pleasures. Many times your earthly cravings consume you and you forget that you are also a spiritual person made to My image and likeness in your free will. This vision of even comfortable seating in a church is an example of how you have your soul’s desire for Me clouded by things of this world that you think are more important. In reality there is nothing more important than your eternal destination of your soul. That is why when you pray, the best intentions are for whatever is best for your soul or the souls of others. You sometimes pray for things or money, but they may not be what is best for your soul, and I may choose not to answer prayers for earthly gain. But when you pray for someone’s return to Me in the sacraments, this is not a selfish prayer, but one of giving one’s self for another. This thought of being with Me and doing things to please Me, are the desires of the soul and you may suffer in carrying your cross to follow Me by the temptations of the body. This is your path to heaven that you must pray to detach yourself from earthly desires of this world. Your place is with Me in heaven, and you must strive daily to perfect your spiritual life so you can be prepared and pure as saints so you can enter heaven. The sooner that you can deny yourself or die to your earthly desires, the sooner that you can enter heaven to be with the One you most love in Me. You may have to be purified in purgatory of these earthly desires in order to enter heaven. So be persistent in your prayers and ask only for those things that are best for your soul and other souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, these ‘V’s are for victory, but they are My victories and not yours. When you hear this word victory, you may think of teams winning games, or your own individual successes. I want you to focus on My victory over sin and death when I died on the cross. Because of man’s sins, I had to come into the world and I freely gave up My human life so all of mankind could be redeemed by My Most Precious Blood. By My death, you now have Baptism to take away original sin. By the sacrament of Confession, I forgive your sins because My death paid the ransom for your souls. My victory over death came with My Resurrection because death cannot have any hold over Me. Again, My redemption has opened the gates of heaven to worthy souls, and you can look forward to your personal resurrection if you follow My ways. There is still another victory to come over all the evil ones at the end times when I will judge people and renew the earth that man has despoiled. Rejoice in My victories because they are your victories over Satan as well, if you are among My faithful remnant. You all have choices of who you wish to follow, but if you follow Me, you will be on the winning team.”

Sunday, November 13, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you have been given many gifts, but your faith and belief in Me should be your main focus for your priorities. You are all called to be witnesses of My ways and My Commandments. Do not be afraid to speak out in defense of My existence and give good example in your actions to others. You are called to love Me and all of your neighbors. It is by this love that people should recognize you as Christians. So when people want to remove My Name from your documents and teachings, you need to stand up for your freedoms of religion and do not deny Me. Trust in Me and give public witness to My Name, and you will be rewarded, even if you must suffer persecution.”

Jesus said: “My people, these white crosses that are passing you by on either side represent those dying from your war in Iraq and those dying from abortion. How long are you going to suffer constant casualties in Iraq without any meaningful progress? This is the question that is weighing on the hearts of your people, and they deserve an answer for an exit strategy. Constant wars and losses of your troops are not the answer to stopping suicide bombers and terrorists. Your people have been very patient, but now there is a growing resistance to lost billions of dollars and lost thousands of troops. The same question can be asked about your abortions. How long are you going to allow millions of babies to be killed by abortion? You are killing those with talents that you do not even know about. You are also violating My Fifth Commandment because of your sins against My Sixth Commandment. Every death by abortion is one more strike against your country on the scales of My justice. When these scales get pulled down without enough prayer and good deeds to offset them, then My wrath of chastisements will rise up against you. Do not be surprised when you continue your killings that more disasters will befall you. Stop the flow of these white crosses before you become one of them.”

Monday, November 14, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s readings focus on faith, especially the strong faith that healed the blind man so he could see. Each of you already have the gifts of faith and your sight, so use each of them the best you can in carrying out your unique mission. In your earlier years you were taught the faith in school and by your parents. So do not forget your heritage and traditions that give your faith its foundation. If you have fallen away from your faith, now is the time to return to your roots so you can fully enjoy My love and My peace on earth. The Israelites were tested by the worship of idols from their neighboring nations. My faithful today are also tested by your idols of sports, possessions, money, and fame. Remember that I am the most important priority in your earthly and spiritual life. So return to your Lord’s love and never let anything else come between us.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is all about building a good foundation for a house, but it reminds you of how you must build a sound foundation for your faith as well. When you set out to build a house, you make proper plans to build it on rock instead of sand, so it will endure. You make blueprints for the workers to follow so all the dimensions and windows are how you want them. You provide the best of materials to build and you make sure you have enough money to complete the project. In the spiritual world you also require a sound foundation on My Commandments, My Word of Scripture, My sacraments, and My Church laws and traditions. Each person also must count the costs that you are willing to sacrifice everything in order to believe in Me and carry out your belief in your daily actions and consecration. Your faith foundation was built for you by your religious education and your parents’ dedication to teach you. Just as you inspect your new house for flaws, you also need to inspect your souls for sins and have them cleansed in Confession. Your time of building your faith is a life long work so you are prepared to meet Me at your judgment. Part of your faith development is also a responsibility to be able to share your faith with others to help save their souls as well as your own. Especially work hard to lead your own family members to the faith so they too can have the same good faith foundation that you have received. In all that you do see that everything of your faith is always focused on love of God and love of neighbor.”

Tuesday, November 15, 2005: (St. Albert the Great)

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who want to criticize or persecute you because of some discrimination or for even your religious beliefs. This is a hard situation because some want to fight back in their defense since they feel unjustly criticized. I have told My followers to continue to love everyone, even those that you may view as your enemies. You should be able to forgive those who criticize you and do not worry about making a defense. You may find yourself in situations when you still need to speak out publicly to voice your opinions in speaking the truth about your religious views. Even if you would be criticized, you must still defend the unborn from being killed by abortion. You need to speak out against pornography, and the errors of living together outside of marriage either heterosexually or homosexually. You also need to defend My Name as people try to remove My Name from Christmas and from public places. By speaking out publicly to witness to My Name, you may suffer persecution. But if you do not witness to Me publicly, then I will not witness to you before My Father in heaven. Speaking out in My Name may help evangelize souls, so do not pass up this opportunity to save souls. This is part of the cross that you must carry to witness that you are My true believers. All of your sufferings for My sake will gain you an everlasting reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this gold crucifix represents the beauty and great value of the price of My Blood that was offered to redeem all of mankind’s sins. My sacrifice was pure and worthy as the Lamb of God satisfied My heavenly Father in atonement for all sin. In each tabernacle and in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament you have My very Presence in your midst. The God, who created you and created all that you see, is standing in front of you and always worthy of your worship and adoration. All of those, who make visits before Me, believe in My Real Presence and I bless you with My graces for your belief in Me. I instituted My Eucharist at the Last Supper and you have Me with you at every Mass where My Hosts are consecrated. Enjoy and relish every opportunity that you have to be with Me. If you look upon My consecrated Host and listen with your heart, I will speak words of love to you. I will show you by discernment how to live your lives, and you can follow Me on the narrow road to heaven. Trust in Me always and I will always provide for all of your needs. Give thanks and praise to Me for this wonderful gift of My Blessed Sacrament.”

Wednesday, November 16, 2005: (St. Margaret, St. Gertrude)

Jesus said: “My people, many people are attracted to hear or read the news in order to find out about the latest weather disasters, killings, or about sports and finances. It is the bad news that attracts headlines, while good news is relegated to the back pages. In heavenly and faithful circles it is the Good News of My Word that makes the headlines. It is often man’s curiosity of keeping up with the times that draws you to constantly seek out the news reports. As in Scripture passages there is nothing new under the sun. You are more concerned with worldly news that is thrown out tomorrow than My Good News of salvation. The Good News of My death and Resurrection is all about My redemption of your souls and the opening of the gates of heaven. By following Me in My Commandments and seeking My forgiveness of your sins in Confession, you will be made holy and full of grace. This is My blessing in how to prepare your souls to be with Me in heaven. Seeking heaven should be your soul’s treasured goal. Loving Me and your neighbor should be your soul’s delight. Be more concerned about praising and thanking Me in your daily duties than your curiosity about the latest news.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you in America have been spoiled with nice homes and plenty of food and utilities. Even in the winter you have heaters to provide for your warmth. When the time of tribulation comes, My faithful will face possible torture in detention centers for not taking chips in the body. Before the evil ones will come to your homes, I will have your angels lead you out into the wilderness to refuges of protection. You will need to take your blessed sacramentals of rosaries, Benedictine crosses, and Bibles. You will need a backpack for a small tent, mosquito netting, sleeping bag, and some food and water. You will not always have your same comforts, but you will be in a rustic shelter and protected by My angels. At My refuges there will be water, deer, and the bread that I will provide. Have no worries about the evil ones because they will not find you. You will endure this tribulation for a short time before I will come and defeat all of the evil ones. I will then renew the earth and you will experience My Era of Peace. Stay faithful to Me even when it may appear hopeless to survive this time. Trust that My power is greater than the Antichrist and his reign will not last long. Refuse the mark of the beast in your body, and only worship your Lord and God. Follow Me and I will guide you on your path to heaven. You will be tested dearly, but a little suffering will be well worth eternity in heaven.”

Thursday, November 17, 2005: (St. Elizabeth of Hungary)

Jesus said: “My people, this dramatic vision of a stairway to heaven coming out of the middle of a church is to emphasize your choice between following Me or the world. With Me there is no middle ground or status quo. You are either gaining in your perfection or you are falling backwards. In order to be perfected, you must work to improve every day. If you are becoming less worldly by detaching yourself from earthly things, then you are making progress. If you are not improving or you are more taken up with comforts and possessions, then you are failing to do more. You need to be honest with yourself in checking how you are doing compared to last year and make some changes in your spiritual life. My Church year is drawing to a close and you will be hearing more about end time themes. This is your mission to prepare the people for My coming, so shout it from the rooftops, even if it is a difficult message to share. Better for My people to repent and confess their sins now, than be locked out of heaven at the judgment as the unwise virgins were.”

Thursday, November 17, 2005: Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, My Real Presence among you is the most precious gift that you could have in all the universe. At times your minds are distracted by the desires of earthly things, but do not let these come between us because they will be gone tomorrow. When you have your God and Lord before you, you do not need anything else. Remember to seek Me first and everything else will be given you.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people in America want to stop the war in Iraq because the progress is unclear for all of your losses. If enough Congressmen and women are swayed, the funding for this war could be lost. That is why this airplane in the vision was dividing in two. Pray for these wars to cease and that the terrorists will cease their hostilities as well. With any more dramatic attacks there could be even greater retaliation.”

Jesus said: “My people, as nuclear and other weapons are proliferating all over the world, you are living more in an armed camp where the least little spark could set off another world war. If such weapons are unleashed, you could see massive damage to your cities and a threat to all life on earth. The evil one is inciting all factions to want to be in control, and this greed could cause World War III. In the end the Antichrist will take control and he will be supported by the one world people. Have patience and you will see Me defeat all of these evil ones to bring forth My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, in Revelation you can read about the vast armies that will come to face off on the plains of Armageddon. Just as this battle of good and evil is about to commence, you will see My power come over all of these armies and I will thwart an all out world war. There will be much bloodshed in this war, but the evil ones will only reign for a short time. I will clear away all the weapons that you were relying on, and I will bring about a real peace that will defy any power of the evil one. Trust in Me that My power will reign supreme over all evil, as My victory will be complete.”

Jesus said: “My people, you do not know the full fury that My angels could bring upon the earth. I will allow the evil ones their hour of power on the earth. At the height of the Antichrist’s power I will then have My angels bring plagues against the evil ones and My faithful will be protected at My refuges by My luminous crosses. Have faith and trust that I will deliver you from all the evil one’s plans. My victory will then signal a renewal of the earth from man’s mischief against My creation. Rejoice because you know the outcome of this battle against evil, and I will always be in control.”

Jesus said: “My people, the readings about the end times in these last days of the Church year are not about doom and gloom, but they are a promise of My coming victory. You know how evil this age of sin has become and I told you the signs of My coming again. These signs are evident all around you, but it is now time to purify your souls by repenting of your sins so you are ready for My coming. If you turn from your evil ways and follow Me, you will see your glorious reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many gifts and blessings to be thankful for in this world’s things. Pray that all of you will use your gifts properly and share them with those in need. I want you to offer your thanksgiving the most for your spiritual gift of My life offered for your sins, and for My sacraments that give you life in My grace. Give praise and thanks to your God, and I will continue My protection of your souls.”

Friday, November 18, 2005:(St. Peter& St. Paul Basilica Dedication)

Jesus said: “My people, this is a difficult message because this vision of the chair of St. Peter being swept away represents how I will allow a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This schismatic church will embrace New Age teachings and accept that the sexual sins are no longer mortal or even sins. My faithful remnant will represent My elect that the gates of hell will never prevail over. This division in My Church will actually be a purification of My Church where the lukewarm will be separated from My true faithful followers. You will be either for Me or against Me in these two factions with no grey areas. As evil has its short reign, My Church will have to go underground because of the persecution and the death threats. This coming division will be a true test of your faith in what you believe about Me. To be a follower of Mine, you will have to have a deep seated faith that will endure the temptations of Satan, and the testing of your peers. Pray to Me daily for the strength to stand up to this evil testing, and persevere in the face of public persecution.”

Saturday, November 19, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am a God of mercy and a God of justice, and this vision of My scales of justice is a call to your country to repent of your sins. You have heard calls for stay the course of your wars and stay the course of your precedent in your courts of allowing abortion in your country. I tell you if you continue down this path, you are on a path to your own destruction. It is the sins of hate and war, as well as the sins of killing in abortion that most offend Me. All the angels of these aborted little ones come to Me and drop one more weight on the scales of sin against America. All of those killed by your wars have their angels also place weights on these same scales against you. You all have free will and you can exercise your right to speak out against war and abortion. I call on your country to return to its roots in your Creator who is God. Your country was founded with its belief in Me, so do not let the atheists take away your religious freedom by denying Me in public. I alone am your Creator of this world and of the whole universe, and not just these recent words of ‘intelligent design’ or any other theories of your scientists. I repeat My call for your repentance of sin or you will truly receive the consequences of your actions with My justice in more disasters. If you refuse to acknowledge Me, and refuse to repent of your sins, I will bring you to your knees so you all will understand that I am your God and all of creation needs to give Me praise and glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will give you a loving explanation of your mission, especially in regards to refuges during the tribulation. You are seeing the waters of springs that I will provide for everyone at My places of refuge. There is coming a trial in a tribulation of an evil that you have yet to experience. This will be a time of purification and at times you may think that it is like purgatory on earth. I love all of My little ones so much and I would never test you beyond your endurance or force you to love Me or do anything against your will. You recall many of the lives of the saints who were willing to give up all of their wealth and possessions so they could be in full dependence on Me for everything. I know how difficult it is for all of you to give up your comforts and possessions to do My mission. Some may fear this tribulation, but I tell you in My love it will be a blessing in disguise. You will see this evil reign of the Antichrist when I will allow him his hour of control. At that time My angels will lead you to a place of My Blessed Mother’s apparition, a place of holy ground, or caves for protecting you from the evil ones. I will indeed strip you of your possessions, but this will help you to come closer to Me in love and worship. By removing your attachments to earthly things in a modern Exodus, you will be purifying your soul of any earthly idols. In order to enter heaven you must be perfected as saints in order to be pure in mind and heart with total focus and desire fixed on Me. I have given you glimpses of how beautiful and glorious it is to be in heaven. I love all souls and I will give everyone a Warning experience to have a chance to change your sinful lives and truly understand how loving I am for each of you to be with Me. When you come to fully understand the beauty of My plan for your soul in your shared suffering, you will see how much I love each of you in My gift of My life given up so you could be redeemed and enter heaven.”

Sunday, November 20, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this woman going to receive an abortion in a hospital. I am calling on all future mothers to not abort or kill your babies for any reason. Even for the danger of killing the mother, your doctors need to try and save both. To take the life of an unborn baby is a mortal sin and this needs to be confessed in Confession. My mercy is on every sinner, no matter how grievous the sin. I am encouraging these mothers to bring their babies to full term because I have a plan for each life that should not be violated. Abortions can scar a woman mentally for life with the guilt of an act that cannot be taken back. There is help even for those who need comforting after such an abortion. I also want to warn couples to not use in vitro means for conception or the use of sperm banks. These are also mortal sins to violate the natural means for conception that use masturbation and artificial insemination. Your scientists are also violating My laws of creation when they create clones or use babies to provide stem cell research. All of these manipulations of DNA are violating My plan for nature and you are acting as your own creator in violation of My laws of nature. These abominations by man in manipulating plants and animals are why I will have to renew the earth again to My order of nature after My victory over evil. Rejoice in My new heavens and new earth in My Era of Peace. Pray for all of your citizens to avoid abortions and these violations against My Fifth and Sixth Commandments. These sins against My sharing of creation are bringing a great judgment against your country and that is why many disasters are even occurring in the areas of greatest sin. Without enough prayer and change of heart, your people are bringing your own destruction upon yourselves.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to warn My people of a spreading addiction to pornography with billions of dollars behind this industry. It is corrupting children, men and women, and it is exploiting women and young children. I have told you to fight these evil buildings going up in your neighborhoods. This lust for sexual fantasies can be found in adult bookshops, dancing places, and very strong on internet pornographic sites. This evil is destroying marriages and priestly vocations. The best way to avoid these afflictions is to avoid the occasions of sin. I am also warning men and women to dress properly in public so you are not an occasion of sin to others, especially in church. Be watchful of your children to see what they are watching on the internet. Be watchful also of suggestive TV and movies that also could be occasions of sin. The evil one is encouraging all forms of adult and child pornography which can even lead others to homosexual habits. Guard your eyes and if television and movies tempt you, then turn off your televisions and avoid the movie theaters. Remember when I said if your eye is corrupting your soul, then pluck it out so you are not drawn into hell with both eyes. Remove all of these temptations from your view because you are tempted enough by the evil one’s own temptations. Call on My help to thwart any attraction to this pornography and to heal anyone that has such an addiction. Pray for your priests and all married people to be protected from such temptations. Single people also need prayers so they do not get drawn into fornication. Love everyone, even those who fall victim to these temptations of pornography.”

Monday, November 21, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this image of a tree in front of the Luminous Cross miracle has another meaning for all of you. I am the Vine of the tree and you are the branches. The branches of your souls are all united as one with Me in My Mystical Body. I was nailed to a living tree and I died for all of your sins. The cross is not a sign of death, but a sign of victory over sin and death. I am the God of the Living and not a God of the dead. Your bodies pass away as I died also, but your souls live on for all eternity. I resurrected from the dead and I am the Resurrection and the Life. So the cross is a symbol of life and not death. When you have a blessed crucifix on your body, you have My protection from the demons. During the tribulation, there will be luminous crosses in the sky over My refuges of My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites, and places of holy ground. The miracle of luminous crosses is that they will again give life in healing to all who look upon this cross. The cross is symbolic of the bronze serpent on the pole that Moses lifted up to heal the people of the seraph serpent bites. When the cross is lifted up, it is also symbolic of My Eucharist as the priest raises the consecrated Host at the Consecration. Give praise and glory to Me for My gift of Myself in the Eucharist. Give thanks also for this miracle of My luminous cross on this window of this home.”

Tuesday, November 22, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, this is the time of the year when the Northern states are tested with snow, ice, and cold. You have been setting records for hurricanes and unusual tornadoes. The extremes of your weather are now into winter and you will see more records and troubles facing America. Fuel for heating your houses and running your vehicles will be a factor in your living expenses during the cold months. The high cost of your fuel imports has increased your imports beyond your exports causing large deficits in your balance of trade. The politics of the countries selling you oil could become more troublesome and this could bring more causes for war because of America’s high fuel consumption. Your country will be forced into more domestic searches for fuels and more conservation and efficiency in your vehicles. These energy problems have not been properly addressed and soon America will be forced to make some changes. Pray for your people to be warm and able to afford any increased heating costs.”

Wednesday, November 23, 2005: (St. Clement I)

Jesus said: “My people, the reading from Daniel shows the king shaken from seeing a hand writing on the wall the words: Mene, Tekel, and Peres. The king was being chastised for taking the sacred vessels from the temple to use in feeding his guests. Today, there is a large percentage of My followers who do not believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host of My Blessed Sacrament. These people have lost the sense of the sacred in My Church and in My Eucharist. When you genuflect to My tabernacle on entering My church, bow or kneel before receiving Me, and take Holy Communion on the tongue, you are giving reverence and respect to your Lord’s Presence. When you only treat My Mass as a meal and not a sacrifice, or My consecrated Host as only a symbol, then you are only going through the motions without giving Me the proper respect that you should give for your Redeemer and your Lord. Believe that I am truly present in My Hosts because I instituted this sacrament of My Eucharist at the Last Supper and this is My gift of Myself to you when you receive Me worthily without mortal sin into your soul. Even the demons know I am really present in My Hosts because evil people desire to desecrate My Hosts. Miracles of My Eucharist in bleeding Hosts have also witnessed to My Real Presence to those who do not believe that I am truly present in the consecrated bread. So do not be unbelieving, but believe in My Real Presence in My Hosts and give Me reverence as if I were standing right in front of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your society is very fast paced not only in your driving, but in the number of things that you try to get done in one day. If you busy yourself with too many earthly concerns, then you will not have enough time for Me and your spiritual life. It is better to live a modest, simple life of faith than striving to have a lot of money and possessions. Once you accumulate enough money and possessions, you see how cold they are, yet some keep working most of their lives for more than they need. Rushing around to buy a lot of gifts for Christmas can also wear you out and you miss a little of the joy at My birthday celebration. My coming each year at Christmas is getting harder for people to recognize what they are celebrating. Your stores commercialize many of your holidays just to sell their products. Now is the time to enjoy your holidays with a slower paced living and fewer gifts. Amidst all of your earthly distractions, be sure to make time for Me in your life. It is your eternal destination in heaven that is more important than running more errands than you need.”

Thursday, November 24, 2005: (Thanksgiving Day)

Jesus said: “My people, today is not just to eat turkey and have a family gathering, but it is your opportunity to thank Me for all that you have. Some people think that they have gained everything on their own. I have given you the life that you enjoy, the air that you breathe, and the talents to make your living. If you truly understand My gifts, you would have to admit that everything has come from Me either directly or indirectly. My most important gift to you is Myself in My Eucharist of this vision. You are only the steward of your possessions, your children and all of your relatives and friends. It is not only your responsibility to provide for your family, but you can share with all of those in need. At the judgment you will have to make an accounting of your stewardship and how you best used what you were given to your care. Bringing up your children in the faith and sharing your faith with others is also a part of your stewardship. Sharing your love with Me and your neighbors is another calling to your perfection. By consecrating everything up to Me everyday, you can keep your focus on Me and your goal of heaven so you always have the right priorities in your life. So as you greet everyone for dinner, see that each person is a gift of life to you from Me. Rejoice in this moment of thanksgiving for all the blessings that you have received, and thank Me everyday of the year as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, as the time of My Warning or Illumination of conscience draws near, I will be giving you even more descriptions of what will happen so you are not surprised or frightened. You are seeing this flying motion to My Light and you will recognize your Jesus in this out of body experience that will happen to everyone at the same time. All of Your life will be played back to you and you will be looking at your actions from other people’s viewpoint. You will witness all of your good and bad actions, and you will be able to remember all of the sins that you did not confess either by forgetting them or repressing them. Once you come back into your body, you will have an urge to confess these sins and make reparation to those that you may have hurt in some way. I will test your love and your resolve to change your lives of sin to one closer to My ways. That is why this Warning will be a great mercy for everyone to have a chance to see their wrongs, and work to change them. Everyone will taste either heaven, hell, or purgatory, depending on their judgment at that time. Any experience in hell or purgatory will be an added incentive to repent of your sins and see Me as your Savior in heaven. Strive to enter through the narrow gate because you will be given a second chance after this Warning experience to change your eternal destination.”

Friday, November 25, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, the reading from Daniel is all about the four beasts that were eventually cast into the flames of hell. This vision of the bottomless pit of hell and the flames are all about My justice when I will come to cleanse the earth of all evil. These passages are a parallel to the words of Revelation when the beasts will be chained in hell for a long time. Both St. John, the apostle, and Daniel had+ similar visions of what is still to come. This should be a warning to all souls who are not following My ways and My Commandments that they also are in danger of being cast into hell as well. Do not put off your conversion until tomorrow because you may die today. Instead, repent of your sins and ask for My forgiveness. I will send My Warning first to prepare every soul for the coming tribulation, but you could die before this event, so you should be prepared with a pure soul now. My faithful should have hope in My coming victory because the evil ones will receive their just punishment, while My people will receive their reward for remaining faithful through the trials of this life. Give praise and glory to your God in heaven who is watching over everyone’s actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is on a path through blood from its abortions and wars, through darkness where your sins of fornication occur, and the flames are the punishments that await you in your disasters. Now is the time for America to repent of its sins or worse things will befall you next year, more than this year. Come to your senses and stop letting the evil one mislead you through your pleasures and your possessions. How long do you think you can test My mercy and My justice with your wanton sin with no regard to how you are offending Me? I will forgive those who seek My mercy, but you still will have to make reparation for your sins. Those, who fail to seek My forgiveness and refuse to change their sinful lives, are all leading themselves on the broad road to hell. My Blessed Mother can no longer stay My hand of justice because the evil in America has become so perverted.”

Saturday, November 26, 2005: (Funeral Mass for Mary Ellen Frisch)

Mary Ellen said: “I am so elated to share a few words with my family and friends. Life was a joy to share with everyone, and I am still joyful in death. I love you all so much and I will be praying for all of you. I still want to challenge Father on who was the better cook. I love all of my family so much and I hated to leave you. I want to thank all of my Right to Life friends and especially your help with me in my last hours at Mount Carmel House. To all of my caretakers in my illness I wish to thank you for all of your efforts. For all I did to help people in life, it was fitting for the Lord to let me be cared for by loving hands in my last days. Thank all of you so much for sharing your love with me.”

Sunday, November 27, 2005: (First Sunday of Advent)

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the beginning of another Church Year in the First Sunday of Advent. While you are preparing for My coming at Christmas, My Gospel of today also speaks of My coming again to judge the world in its sins. When you see these many grave sites in the cemetery, it should remind everyone that this is the resting place of all of your bodies, but your soul lives on for all eternity. These banquet tables and chairs of My Wedding Banquet are the vision of heaven where all of My faithful will come to your reserved places of My reward. You will all be focused on My Great Light where My souls will come to be judged. I will separate the goats on the left from My lambs on the right. The evil ones, who refused to accept Me and refused to help the hungry, the sick and the dying, will be cast into the darkness to wail and gnash their teeth. My followers, who loved Me and helped their neighbors out of love, will be the ones that I welcome to heaven. Be prepared every day in your souls because you do not know the hour of My coming. By keeping your souls pure, you will be like the watchman and always be ready for when I will call you home.”

Monday, November 28, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, for many years My people of Israel and all of the good souls of the dead awaited their Redeemer to come. Many prophets of the Old Testament spoke of My coming. Sin and evil were abound as a result of Adam’s sin and the devil’s influence. As you celebrate the Advent Season, there is now a new hope and a dawning of My Light on all of the darkness of evil as portrayed in the vision. As I was about to be born, all of heaven was in eager anticipation of My victory that was to come over sin and death. The stories of My infancy are a delight to My faithful as many families enjoy preparing for Christmas with all of your decorations and Advent wreaths. Now is a good time to spread some Christmas cheer in reuniting all of your family members that are not talking to each other, and bury your grudges. Life is too short to not enjoy each other’s company and loving friendship. I am love and I want to see My love spread throughout all of humanity to stop hate and all of your wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a gutter along the road is a sign of how corrupt and immoral your society has become. The lifestyles of your people show many divorces, a large percentage living together without marriage, and now increasing acceptance of homosexual marriages. Your movies and TV programming are full of violence and immorality, as well as vulgar language. Prostitution and pornography are running rampant as well as drugs and gambling. It is getting increasingly difficult to bring up children with a proper faith when they are subjected to so much evil and immorality in your society. Pray for the sinners of your country because unless you see change for the better, worse things will befall your country. Every phase of your lives have become more decadent than previous years, so you are headed down a road to destruction. Man has brought many troubles upon himself by the many sins he has committed. Your country is drunk with sinful pleasures and a constant desire for wealth. Wake up America, and look how evil you have become in My sight. Work to improve your spiritual lives before it is too late to change.”

Tuesday, November 29, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you would see frightening omens in the sky on the day of the Warning. Now in this vision you are seeing such a sign coming close to the earth. I have said how some will die of fright on the day of the Warning, and some may suffer heart attacks from the sight of these things in the sky as well. You will be given more signs and descriptions of the Warning event as it draws nearer to happening. All the more reason that My people should be repenting of their sins in Confession so you can be strengthened spiritually to endure this great mercy of Mine. Many will be led to change their lives after feeling the guilt of their sins. But you do not have to wait until the Warning. You can see the need to prepare and change your evil ways now. Come to Me at any time, but do not put off your conversion because you may not live to see the Warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, some final refuges and interim refuges will be located at farms where they will be nearly selfsufficient with growing crops, tending animals, and away from the cities. I have told you that everyone at a refuge will have a job to provide survival for those present. My angels will protect you at My refuges from any evil ones trying to harm you. I will provide water from springs, and food from the ground or animals multiplied. Shelter will also be provided to protect you from the weather. I will also have My angels send you heavenly Manna of Myself where there is no Mass. In this end time of tribulation you will need trust and hope in My help, but have no fear of the evil ones. My luminous cross and springs will provide healing of all of your illnesses, and conditions. Give praise and glory to your God for I will perform miraculous deeds that will be beyond your comprehension. Life at the refuges will be simple and rustic, but it will bring you closer to Me in your faith.”

Wednesday, November 30, 2005: (St. Andrew)

Jesus said: “My people, life is like a race that you run through very fast and then it is over in a short time. Some live a long life and some die early in life. At your Baptism, usually after birth, you are called to be a member of My faithful. Being a Christian is not automatic or without any commitment. At some point in your life you are called to make a personal choice to believe in Me as your Savior or not. If you accept this calling of faith, then you must establish a meaningful love relationship with Me and serve Me and your neighbor in love also. Your gifts of love and faith should be shared with others to help save their souls and your own. You are called every day to pick up your cross of suffering and consecrate all that you have over to Me. Everything is given to you from Me and it is not your own, but you are only temporary stewards of these earthly things. At your death even your gift of life will be called back home to Me, but your soul will live on in the destination of your choosing either in heaven or hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, the devastation from Katrina has sent many people away from New Orleans, and they may never return. Those, who continue to stay on the Gulf Coast and rebuild, are facing future years of similar destruction. The twenty-six storms set a record, as well as the number of hurricanes and severe hurricanes. Each year in succession has seen worse disasters than the previous year. The warmer ocean is definitely contributing to these records. The current debate about limiting greenhouse gases should have a further consideration in possibly affecting warmer ocean temperatures. Man is disturbing his environment in many ways in the air, the water, and the fishing, but nature is rebelling against your abuses. The increasing dollar damage caused by these disasters will affect your budget deficits and could hurt your economy as a result. Seeking more oil and natural gas on land now has more incentive for the price of fuel and the increasing risks for offshore drilling. America needs to prepare for continuing hard times that may start to send your population further inland away from the coastal damage. Pray for these people who have lost their homes, but more is on the way, especially in areas of greater sin.”

Thursday, December 1, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are preparing your Christmas decorations both outside and inside your house. I am showing you this Christmas tree because some use real trees for the inside living room. The avalanche represents how difficulties and trials will test your holiday season. Some will see weather affect power outages, and some could see accidents, sicknesses, and even deaths in your family. You never are certain how you will be tested from one day to the next, so you need to have a good prayer life to give you the grace to endure anything. Shoppers are buying their gifts for their family and friends, but remember to keep calm and have a cheerful disposition in this Advent Season. You are celebrating My birth and everyone should be joyful with whatever gifts that they are given. It is the thought of the gift instead of the value that is most important. Thank people also for their care to spend time looking for the right gift for you. You can bring your gift of prayers before Me at My crib to thank Me for all that I have given you. This is a joyful season and do not be afraid to share with others your money, your time, and most of all your love.”

Thursday, December 1, 2005:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, no matter whether you are performing your actions in public or in private, I am seeing everything that you are doing. You cannot deny your sins because I see all that is happening. It is your responsibility to come to Confession frequently so you can have your sins forgiven. You know what you have done is wrong and you need to make a public confession to My priest. Do not try to rationalize your sinful actions as not sinful or not serious. You should have a properly formed conscience that truly knows right from wrong. Even if someone should say that your sinful actions are not sins, you still know in your heart that you did wrong. Repent of your sins and your soul will be purified.”

Jesus said: “My people, discoveries in science and manufacturing have brought many conveniences and advances in your modern technology. Making such discoveries are very uplifting and gives one a sense of accomplishment. But do not give yourself too much credit because I have enabled your work with the talents and things that I have given you. These discoveries are a blessing to everyone and access to them should not be denied people just for your own desire for wealth. Give glory to God for all of your accomplishments instead of taking all the glory for yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, the story of Santa Claus is more about St. Nicholas and his charity of gifts to young children. This gift giving is beautiful in its sharing of charity with others, but your shopkeepers have exploited this idea to make huge profits at this time of Christmas. Many businesses make half or more of their sales during this holiday season. The children look forward to these gifts and all of the decorations. Let the children come to Me as an Infant child to see how loving I can be for each of them.”

Jesus said: “My people, this falling piece from the top of the Supreme Court Building actually happened in real life and it is a sign to you of the major changes being made in the judges who are being seated for the current vacancies. Several rulings in your courts on abortion, church and state, and homosexual marriages are against My laws and need to be changed. If this change is not brought about in your courts, then this falling rock could indicate a judgment against your people. America will be brought to its knees either willingly, or unwillingly in your continuing disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many laws on your books for consent of minors from parents to have an abortion. But your liberal anti-life courts have thwarted this law and your Congress passed laws against partial birth abortions. What value are these laws unless your courts uphold them? Your court system is out of control and the rich are running your country by purchased wrongful court decisions. If you want to take back your government by the people, you need to reform all of your courts to follow the laws of the people and My laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, many innocent people are being coerced by the evil people of your day to grow worse in their morals. You are letting your newscasters brainwash you with a desire for more wars, more pornography, and more possessions that you do not need. Advertisers and your peers are constantly encouraging the need for financial success and to have all of the possessions you need to be comfortable. The sexual sins of your society are a disgrace and a sign of how decadent you have become. Now is the time to stand up for purity and chastity, and stop acting like pleasure seeking animals.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are elements in your society that want to remove anything religious out of the public eye. Many public places still show My Ten Commandments and you should be proud of these displays instead of letting the atheists remove them. Celebrating My birth at Christmas with a Nativity scene is much more meaningful than Santa Claus, reindeer, or varied lights. There are certain freedoms and symbols that you need to defend, or your society will fall into an evil chaotic void without your God. Do not be afraid to witness to Me in public and you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Friday, December 2, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, as winter comes upon you in the North, you are seeing the ponds and pools freezing up with plenty of ice. This vision of ice represents the icy cold hearts of people who lack love in their lives. The Christmas Season is a little ray of sunlight that shines in on these icy hearts to melt them with a little moment of charity. Think of all the people and employees who make your life a little easier, and you can thank them with a little bonus or tip for their service. Just as the blind men called out to Me for a healing in faith, you can also call on Me in prayer to help you endure your trials. You are warm inside your houses during the icy snow outside, but you can also melt your icy hearts with My love and My coming at Christmas. Be joyful in your hearts and share your cheer and help with those who are less fortunate.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the two rings represents the marriage of My Church with Me. The fire in the vision is how My faithful will be tested to prove your fidelity to My laws even in the face of death. My faithful will be tested by the coming tribulation as a purgatory on earth. But I will also bring down fire as a plague against the evil ones. They will walk through the flames and feel the burning, but they will not be consumed. The evil ones will be suffering a hell on earth before they will be cast into hell itself and be chained there. The darkness of the vision represents the punishment of the three days of darkness. Only your blessed candles will be your light, and do not look out at the punishment that I will be carrying out against the evil ones. Once all evil has been removed from the earth, I will renew the earth to its original beauty, and My faithful will enjoy the reward of My Era of Peace.”

Saturday, December 3, 2005: (St. Francis Xavier)

Jesus said: “My people, you concern yourselves many times about your outward appearance. This vision is about ironing shirts so they look fresh and unwrinkled. This is one of your concerns of getting the wrinkles out of your clothes. Many of you also are concerned about even cleaning up the wrinkles in your skin so you can have a youthful appearance. You should be more concerned about your soul’s appearance to Me. Your spirit body is always young looking because there is no aging of your soul. But the more you sin, the more black and ugly your soul’s appearance becomes. Your act of contrition can improve your effects of venial sins, so you can receive My Eucharist, but your mortal sins must be confessed in Confession to make you worthy of Holy Communion. Frequent Confession keeps your soul white and pure in appearance, so be sure to go at least once a month. This sacrament makes you humble when you admit your sins to the priest. It is also a public affirmation that you are sorry for your sins and you will try not to repeat them. If you truly love Me, you will try to keep a daily love relationship with Me by avoiding sin as much as you can. Work on your spiritual perfection and let daily prayer guide you on your path to heaven where you will have a splendid appearance for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My people, man has been fascinated with building large objects for many years. The Tower of Babel was built in defiance of God and it was to lift into heaven. I sent a punishment of many languages among those defying Me and this threw their project into confusion and it fell apart. Even many great feats as the pyramids are slowly deteriorating from the weathering. Many large buildings have been made in your cities and some have been damaged by weather disasters or planned demolition. You have even seen the falling of your twin towers in New York City. The pride of man in his leaders has driven man to build such structures. It is only with recent technology that modern man has been able to duplicate the massive buildings of older civilizations. These skyscrapers in the city are great accomplishments, but they are nothing compared to the mountains and landscapes that I have created. Man’s towers will deteriorate with time, so trust in My power than your own achievements.”

Sunday, December 4, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you are reading about St. John the Baptist in how he lived in the desert and baptized many by immersion in water. St. John called the people to repent and be saved because the Messiah was coming. He developed a following of believers who wanted to change their lives. St. John lived a simple life and he ate locusts and wild honey. As you prepare for My birth at Christmas, this Advent is also a time of prayer as during Lent. This season is very short, so make every day count in your prayers and fasting. There is another parallel to St. John, the apostle, who gives an account in Revelation of My coming judgment. This is another preparation of a larger magnitude of everyone in the world being made ready to receive their Savior. During the Warning, everyone will be made aware that they can only come to heaven through Me, no matter what faith that they believe in. So St. John the Baptist’s call for repentance and reform applies even today as you prepare for My coming again.”

Monday, December 5, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, seeing all of these trees in order represents how all of nature is in order and well balanced by My plan and authority. All the animals and plants are given instincts for survival and their nature is dictated by their make-up. Mankind is My special creation because you have been bestowed with a soul and free will to choose which I will not interfere with. You have been given certain instincts for survival, but all of your other actions are dictated by your heart and free will choice. Because you are a part of My creation, you are still obligated to not disturb the balance of nature as you found it. I want you to love Me and your neighbor by your own choice, but I have given you My Commandments and My Gospels as examples and guidelines of how to live in harmony with My love and My plan for your life. When you disobey My laws, you create discord and you can break our love relationship. I have given you My sacrament of Penance so you can seek My forgiveness and I can restore grace in your soul. When you violate nature’s balance by upsetting your environment, then you may create a disorder that could affect your living conditions. Earth has a finite number of resources and once you foul them up, then you will have to accept the consequences of poor air, water, and disastrous storms. Follow My plan for your life and take care of the earth, and you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I chastised the unjust judges and lawyers who heaped burdens on My people, but did not lift a finger to help My people. (Luke 11:45-54) You are seeing in America a steady erosion of your morals and everything holy is being stripped in public and even in your churches. My Word and My laws are forever, and who is man that he should put his law before My laws? My law is against murder, and all abortions are mortal sins and abominations before Me. Your judges’ decisions do not make murder acceptable. You are still committing serious sin despite your blasphemous laws favoring abortion. It is My faithful who must stand up against your abortion laws and laws authorizing homosexual marriages. Follow My laws before man’s laws even if they would imprison you or kill you. You will have to account for your actions before Me at your judgment. Live in love of God and neighbor and that will be enough for you.”

Tuesday, December 6, 2005: (St. Nicholas)

Jesus said: “My people, this image of wood carries out throughout My whole life and it is important for My followers as well. The first view of wood is the wood of My manger where I was laid after being born. You all are preparing for this event of My birth throughout all of Advent. My Father, St. Joseph, taught Me to be a carpenter who fashions wood for a living. The most significant image is the Wood of the Cross that I had to carry to Calvary and on which I was crucified. This is a difficult path for My followers to follow, but everyone is called to share in My suffering in this life. This is why the cross should also be important to My faithful because I call on you daily to pick up your own individual crosses and carry your burdens of the day. Call on My help and I will lighten your load with My heavenly graces and blessings.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are souls with varying degrees of love for Me, and it is very obvious in their actions. The souls that are close to Me are both My suffering servants and My daily Mass group. These are the souls who make a daily consecration, receive Me daily in Holy Communion, pray daily, make daily visits to My tabernacle and help their neighbor in need. The next group come to see Me on Sunday and sometimes pray to Me, especially in difficult times. They are a little distant from Me because they do not want to share in My suffering. A third group only visits Me on Christmas and Easter and they are very immersed in worldly comforts and pleasures. I love everyone to the fullest, but you can see why I love My faithful adorers the most. It is easier to love someone who visits you often and thinks about you all the time. If you were in My position, you can understand this in an earthly love relationship. So the closer you are to Me, the more you can love Me and rise to a higher place in heaven with Me after your death. Strive to focus your life to love Me more and your neighbor, and your heavenly destination will be assured.”

Wednesday, December 7, 2005: (St. Ambrose)

Jesus said: “My people, few there are that travel the narrow road to heaven, while many follow the broad road to hell. (Luke 13:22-30) This vision of a small narrow dirt road represents the slow and simple life of humility. This could be contrasted to the six lane superhighway for the fast paced worldly life that focuses on comforts and pleasures of the world instead of on Me. I have stated many times: ‘Will I find faith on the earth when I return?’ There are many signs around you that you are in the end days of a moral decadence, as was described in the days of Noah before the flood came and sweep away all the evil ones. There will always be a faithful remnant that will follow My narrow road to salvation through a life of suffering offered up to Me. Do not be detoured from your path to heaven by any earthly desires which must be cleansed from your mind and heart so you can be worthy to come to Me. No matter how many of your peers ask you to follow the crowd down the broad road to hell, refuse to follow them, and keep your faith in following My Commandments. Refuse to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body, and refuse to worship the Antichrist. Follow Me in worship only and I will provide for your needs at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have showed you these secret tunnels before that are beneath some of your larger cities. These tunnels allow food and armies to enter in hiding, especially at night. If some generals wanted to establish martial law in a fast surprise fashion, their armies could be in place before the people even woke up the next day. These tunnels are also a means for selected important people to be protected and provided for even during a massive bombing attack. All of this security planning is a result of an increased terrorism alert that could resume at any time. These tunnels were not made for everyone’s use, but only for the military and important people. During the coming tribulation, you will have to trust in My protection at My refuges where you will be protected by My angel who will blind the evil ones to your presence.”

Thursday, December 8, 2005: (Immaculate Conception)

Mary said: “My dear children, this celebration of my Immaculate Conception is a gift of God the Holy Spirit so that I was conceived without original sin. This is why my face was not seen until I was born. I was sinless as a virgin for a pure vessel to receive my Son, Jesus. The Holy Spirit conceived my Son, Jesus, as well. We are both sinless and the New Adam and the New Eve which contrasts with the sin in the Garden of Eden. In this Advent Season try to keep your souls pure also so you can receive my Son worthily in Holy Communion. You are preparing for my Son’s birth and you can give Him your gift of a pure soul at his manger.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, these crosses represent your daily cross that I want all of My followers to pick up and follow the Light in Me. Before I came into the world there was only darkness of sin waiting for the Redeemer to come. Now you have My Light to lead you, and you celebrate each Christmas as My star will lead you to My crib as the wise men were led. You still have sin in the world, but My faithful all carry My Light of faith to all the people of the world. Let your Light of faith and love shine brightly as you evangelize souls to believe in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest shooting of the man entering a plane by your marshals is a sad event by your heightened fear of terrorists bombings. Instead of love throughout your people, some are still in fear of terrorists striking anywhere. These senseless suicide bombings are a sad commentary on this new kind of weapon that has no regard for who is killed. Pray for these extremists to cease this killing for its own sake. More war is not an answer for peace, but it will bring only further division. Pray also for a stopping of all war as you celebrate My peace of Christmas.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is a sad event to see some of your churches being closed because there are not enough priests to say Mass. Every church that is closed is a lost opportunity for grace. You are seeing less priests being ordained and your older priests are thinning out as they die. Where people adore My Blessed Sacrament there is more grace for vocations. Pray for your priests and pray the harvest master to send more priests into My vineyard. As you see the faith become weak, you are seeing another sign of the end times. Stay strong in your faith and do all that you can to foster priestly vocations in your own families.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many movements to put ‘Christ’ back into Christmas. Many politicians have been dodging this issue of using the word ‘Christmas’ in speaking about this season or even in the cards that they send out. Many shopkeepers have been shamed by boycotts from groups because they refused to use the word ‘Christmas’ in their advertising. It is refreshing to see the true meaning of Christmas should revolve about My birth instead of other benign words and symbols.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in messages before that the Antichrist already lives on the earth at this time. This vision of darkness in a man represents the power of evil that resides in him with demonic power. His eyes also will be so black that it will also seem void of any color or reflection. This is why once he has declared himself, you should avoid looking into his eyes because he could cause you to worship him. Remove your televisions and computers after the Warning so you will not look at his image. Pray to Me for strength and I will give you the grace to even endure the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, severe cold is now gripping parts of your country and many are preparing to deal with higher heating bills for the winter months. Supplies of natural gas are barely meeting normal needs, but the price has increased even more than gasoline for your cars. Pray for those on restricted budgets or the poor with little money to pay this increase. Charity may be needed either by government or church groups to help people manage through the cold.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your manufacturing industries are losing market share and are considering major layoffs in cars and airlines. Other manufacturers openly claim that they are investing more in jobs overseas and are encouraging even non-citizen low wage earners in America. The American workers are under siege and cannot compete with slave labor with no benefits. Your government’s free trade agreements are sending your jobs overseas and lowering wages beyond survival means. If your workers and people do not change these trends, then America will have a few rich owners and a third world people. Pray for fair livable wages, and this responsibility falls on your leaders and bosses to not let profits run their workers into the ground without a worthy wage.”

Friday, December 9, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, those, who lived in My day, were more concerned about silver and gold than listening to My words of love. I chastised them for not responding either to the words of St. John the Baptist, or My words. All the Pharisees and lawyers could do is accuse Me of traveling with sinners and call Me a drunkard. (Luke 7:29- 35) These complainers refused to be baptized and did not want to change their lives. But today you have people of the world still refusing to follow Me, even with Scripture, My Church teachings, and My sacraments to guide them. You need the eyes of faith to believe in Me and follow a life of love for Me and your neighbor. Even as you look about and see the major disasters going on, the eyes of faith will tell you that you are living in the end times. It is important to have your soul ready and pure because you do not know when I will return, or if you will die tomorrow. Trust in My help and I will provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the tribulation My loving faithful will be the target of the evil ones and they will try to kill you. Some of My faithful will be martyred and become instant saints, while the rest will be miraculously protected by My angels at My refuges. My faithful must be prepared and ready to die for your faith, but you must not take up weapons to kill. My angels will fight for you and make you invisible to those evil ones who want to kill you. Call on My grace to endure this trial until I will bring victory and renew the earth at My Era of Peace. You have yet to see how evil it will get, but you also have yet to see My power wielded against these evil ones who want to control you. You must have faith and trust in My power, even when it will seem hopeless. No matter how many stand against you, with Me on your side, you need not have any fear or anxiety.”

Saturday, December 10, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I spoke to My apostles how the spirit of Elijah had already come in St. John the Baptist as the forerunner of My coming to earth. At the end times you will again see the two prophets of Elijah and Enoch come to announce My coming again to conquer all evil. (Rev. 11:4-13) In the vision of people in various needs I want you to see My spiritual presence in them as well. You remember the Scripture passage when you will come to Me in judgment. (Matt. 25:34- 36,40) “Then the king will say to those on his right hand. ‘Come, blessed of my Father, take possession of the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me to drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; naked and you covered me; sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me.’” “And answering the king will say to them, ‘Amen I say to you, as long as you did it for one of these, the least of my brethren, you did it to me.’” You will be asked how much you loved Me and how much you loved your neighbor by helping them in their need of good deeds. The hungry, the naked, those in need of shelter, the sick, the prisoners, and the dying are all reaching out to you for help. When you help one of these little ones, you are helping Me. So do not be like those who only call Lord, Lord, but do not help My little ones. See Me in every soul that you meet and give your help in time, money, and talent, and you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to go against the crowd in public actions. Many times the crowd wants to follow the easy way out of situations that can run against My Commandments. It is difficult to protest against abortions, wars, and living together in either heterosexual or homosexual affairs outside of marriage. Even standing up for being Christian in displaying a Nativity Scene or the Ten Commandments can bring legal challenges. My faithful must be strong in their faith, and do not be afraid to witness to your love for Me in public. You may risk harassment, persecution, or even prison in order to stand your ground against the evils of your society. Even rejecting Harry Potter books and movies may put you at odds with children and some adults. But continue to be faithful to My Commandments and My Church’s teachings and traditions, no matter what opposition you will meet. As the evil of the tribulation worsens, the evil ones will want to kill you. Pray for My protection and you will find consolation at My refuges.”

Sunday, December 11, 2005: (Gaudete or Rejoice Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, the readings and the pink colored candle and vestments, speak about rejoicing always. Every day that you wake up, you should give praise and glory to your God for allowing you to live another day in the Lord. As you see your friends sick and dying all around you, you can value life even more that you have more work to do for Me. I love all of you so much and I want you to love Me in return. As you go walking for exercise in the snow, you see various footprints. I want My followers to walk in My footprints and imitate My life of prayer and holiness. As you read My Gospels, I am constantly giving you food for thought in planning how to live your life as loving as possible. Learn from your mistakes also so you can improve your spiritual life with less sin. Know that you can come to Me any time in Confession to have your sins forgiven, and joy will again be in your heart and soul. Have faith in Me always to take care of all of your needs, and you will also be rejoicing always with your Lord.”

Monday, December 12, 2005: (Our Lady of Guadalupe)

Jesus said: “My people, this miracle of roses in winter and a beautiful portrayal of My Blessed Mother carrying Me, is an appropriate picture for Advent before I was born. Many people, as Juan Diego, have had visions of My Blessed Mother, but it is hard for man to believe in just one’s testimony. Man needs signs and wonders in order to believe that someone has had a supernatural experience. Heaven knows of your weaknesses and that is why many Marian visions have had miracles associated with them for you to believe that heaven’s messages are true. Many of My messengers and visionaries have been blessed with signs, and those with public messages need signs from heaven for others to believe. For those, who may be doubting that you are in the end times, you will be having many signs revealed to you so there will be no doubt in your mind that now is the time to repent and purify your souls in Confession. Do not be slow in your preparations, for your prayers for souls are greatly needed at this time. Trust in My Word to prepare your souls for the coming and ongoing spiritual battle against evil because the tribulation of the evil one is near. I will be there for all who call on Me in My Name.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before of many man-made viruses that were originally biological weapons, but now are being used to control populations and make money for the drug companies. Each year you are threatened with new viruses that will demand special drugs or vaccines to cure them. Most of these new viruses are man-made and are hyped to use scare tactics to control populations. New viruses will be manufactured and released into your atmosphere by satellite or chemical trails from jet planes. The new conditions of control will demand people to have smart cards or chips in the body to receive any needed vaccine antidote for these new viruses. This is again why My faithful will be called to My refuges for protection and healing. Do not take any chip in the body and rely on My help to heal you from any man-made diseases from the one world people. At My refuges you will be healed by looking on the luminous cross in the sky, drinking the healing water from refuge springs, or healing from My messengers and visionaries. Fear not any of these man-made diseases, for I will protect My faithful from the evil ones’ design for killing and control. Trust in My power which is greater than the evil ones, for nothing is impossible with Me.”

Tuesday, December 13, 2005: (St. Lucy)

Jesus said: “My people, this large stained glass window represents the long standing traditions in My Church that I have held together over the years. It also represents the long standing faith and endurance of the faith of My faithful followers. It has been the duty and responsibility of the parents to pass on these teachings of the faith so it will be preserved for future generations. Over the last few generations My people have become lax in their faith, and as a result, the children are suffering by not getting a good religious training in the faith. Some are forgetting their prayers, missing Sunday Mass, and even changing religions. Do not let this decadent morality of your society affect your faith, and do not become lax in your traditional prayers and services. Many prayer groups have become the backbone of saving your faith traditions. Faith is a gift, but you need to nourish it with a good spiritual life of prayer and fasting. Your goal in life is to know, love, and serve Me because your life is not your own, but you belong to your Creator. Be faithful to Me in all of your actions and I will be faithful in giving you your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the relics of your saints are a blessing of grace to all who pray to the saints and for their intercession for your prayers. These saints have received their crowns in heaven for their lives of holiness and sacrifice. You have seen riots and breaking of glass in France over the unemployment living conditions and now racial riots are occurring in Australia. At one time America went through race riots as well when there were apparent social injustices. Today, American workers are losing their manufacturing jobs to cheaper labor overseas as a result of the decisions of the leaders of your factories. This is only leaving low wage jobs available and this wage loss can only be made up by taking second jobs. When enough people want to revolt against their employers for shipping jobs overseas and hiring illegal aliens here, then America may be facing riots as well against the one world people who are purposely destroying the middle class. The rich here could be under attack from the poor who have nothing to lose but steal. Pray that your employers will mend their ways before they turn their own citizens against them. If they do not accommodate their own people, then they may have their assets stolen from them. Turn to trust and love in Me and I will provide for your needs.”

Wednesday, December 14, 2005: (St. John of the Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My people of a coming division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. I have described the schismatic church as one that will accept New Age principles, and they will replace My statues and icons with pagan idols and gods. They also will not believe that sexual sins are sins. My faithful remnant will become an underground church in the homes. As the tribulation draws near, this schismatic church will even support the one world people and the Antichrist. It is this vision of a church being destroyed by an earthquake that represents My justice falling on these evil ones who will even try to mislead My elect. As the Antichrist comes into full power, you will see Me destroy all of the schismatic churches and the evil leaders will be cast into hell along with the evil people, demons, and the Antichrist. You may see evil ones control parts of My Church, but they will answer to Me when I come to renew the earth. My faithful remnant will not be destroyed and the gates of hell will not prevail over My elect in My true Church. Do not follow this schismatic church for they will lead many souls astray. Follow My laws and traditions no matter how much you are persecuted or chided by your peers and friends. Those, who love Me and stay close to Me, are the only ones that will make it to heaven. The lukewarm will be cast into the darkness where they will wail and gnash their teeth.”

Wednesday, December 14, 2005:

Jesus said: “My son, you have been innocently duped again into viewing something that was not meant for your eyes. In one case you went to a movie recommended by a friend for comedy, but it turned out to be an ‘R’ rated movie with nudity and a mockery of marriage. Now, again you were brought to a Broadway musical that used risque dress and made a mockery of My Biblical Word. The entertainment world in America is following Satan’s lead which mocks My Word in the Bible and mocks My institutions as marriage. Be forewarned of any of these unknown movies so that you know what the story and rating is beforehand, and do not trust people’s impressions that could lead you to occasions of sin. Your movies and plays are a disgrace and that is why this vision is about a cesspool of filth because you are looking at immoral things portrayed by your money hungry producers and directors. They do not care if they destroy the morals of your country to gain money, so your only option is to not give them money for their filth and boycott such entertainment. Parents also should limit what their children watch so it does not corrupt their morals. Give good example by showing others that you do not approve of this immorality and mockery of My Word. You remember how someone mocked the Burning Bush of God the Father and you saw lightning bolts. I tell you for this moral destruction in California, you will see My justice fall heavily against your movie and TV producers with fires, mudslides, earthquakes, and massive flooding.”

Thursday, December 15, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I have created everything good and it is only by man’s bad free will choices that evil and corruption have polluted the earth both physically and spiritually. It is because of man’s sins that I was incarnated as a man so I could redeem mankind through My death on the cross. So now everyone has access to My mercy and forgiveness in Confession, and I have paid the price for your sins. If you refuse to seek My forgiveness, then you are sinning against the Holy Spirit, and you will remain in your sin. Come to Me so I can restore your souls to grace again, and do not put off this request of repenting of your sins. The longer you remain in your sin, the harder it will be to seek My forgiveness. Today’s Gospel spoke of how sinners came to St. John the Baptist and Myself to be baptized and cured, and the arrogant, self-righteous Pharisees did not seek either of us. You all have to admit that you are sinners, even if your sin is not as serious as others. Do not think that you are holy enough that you still do not need frequent Confession. Even during this Christmas Season, there is a desire to help people. But more than just on a human level, you need to help each other out of love for Me and love for your neighbor. There is merit in helping people with physical needs, but even more merit is given when you aid souls in coming to heaven, and when you help save them from their sins with your redemptive suffering and prayers.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I want you to always give proper reverence to My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration, in My tabernacles, and when you receive Me in Holy Communion. My gift of My Real Presence in the consecrated Host is just as if I were standing right in front of you. I am your Redeemer and Creator, and you need to honor Me because where I AM, there is God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. We are inseparable in the Blessed Trinity. Those, who do not genuflect to Me and do not give Me reverence, are not truly believing in My transubstantiation during the Mass. Believe that I am truly present in My Eucharist and give Me praise and adoration every time that you come into My presence.”

Jesus said: “My people, this image of the simple shepherds being led to My crib has a representation of how I was to be like a Lamb led to the slaughter on the cross. There is also the image of My being the Good Shepherd, when the sheep hear My voice and follow Me. I look out for all of My sheepfold and I am searching for all of My sheep that have strayed away from Me. I want to bring all of you to heaven, but you must give your ‘Yes’ to Me to be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of the consequences of original sin is that your body is mortal and you are all assigned to die, even as I died for all of your sins. All of your bodies are mortal and vulnerable, but your soul will live on forever. It is a core belief of your faith that I resurrected from the dead and all of My faithful will one day be resurrected with your glorified bodies. I am the Resurrection and the Life and even though you see these physical bodies pass away, there is hope that each soul can be saved if they acknowledge Me as Savior and confess their sins. Have hope in My mercy and I will greet you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, no matter how few your numbers, wherever two or more are gathered for prayer in My Name, there I am in your midst. You have a very quaint setting in your group tonight and it is a little like the few giving Me praise at the stable in Bethlehem on the first Christmas. I thank you for coming to give Me praise, even when there was a little slippery travel on ice in coming and walking into the church. Your dedication in praying for all of your intentions is appreciated, and you will receive My graces for your efforts as I listen to your intentions. Continue to be faithful to Me in your prayers as I am faithful to answering what is best for your souls and those whom you are praying for.”

Jesus said: “My people, I look on My faithful adorers and your prayer group as the pillars of faith in My Church. You truly have been blessed in your strong faith, and you are a strong witness of faith to those who are weaker in My Church. Continue to be a good example of faith in your language and actions to your children and your grandchildren. You are the ones who must pass on the torch of faith that will go forward to future generations.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you, who have basements, find yourselves storing a lot of things in your basements over the years. At times you have to remove this clutter in order to be able to more and use this room. It is the same way with your souls that get cluttered up with your sins. You can come to Me in Confession and I will forgive you of your sins and your soul will be clean and full of My grace. Your frequent Confessions can keep your souls clean and focused on your Savior.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are times when you are upset when you lose something of value to you. Many pray to My dear St. Anthony to help you find this object. Imagine if one of your children was lost as you may have experienced this. It is one thing to be lost physically, but it is even harder when one of your children has lost their faith and is no longer close to Me. This is the same feeling that I have for each of My souls that have lost their way amongst worldly distractions. Pray for all sinners and yourselves if you are away from Me. I am like the hound of heaven searching for each soul to come to Me, even until their dying breath. It is your prayers and example that can bring your children back to Me. You remember the joy of the father of the Prodigal Son when his son, who was lost, was now found again. This is the joy in heaven over even one soul who converts and returns to My sheepfold.”

Friday, December 16, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, your winter weather is just beginning and already you are being faced with ice storms and power outages, even into your Southern states. Ice and heavy snow cause a lot more damage than rain and light snow. Be prepared for more of the same this winter because warmer temperatures cause more precipitation and ice instead of snow. Your current string of major disasters will also continue into this next year. Your governments and insurance companies are going to shoulder even more losses like you had this year. As a result your taxes and insurance premiums will continue to rise at a faster rate. The people with restricted incomes are going to see these increases as an inflation in their everyday expenses. The difficulties will come when you will have to choose which necessities that you can do without when your income does not match your increasing expenses. Governments will also have to choose to eliminate war money and other special interest and non-essentials, or your debt burden will bury you in interest charges.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you attend a wake, there are different thoughts running through your mind. Some view the beautiful relationships with people that the deceased had, while others look at the physical or financial success they had. In My eyes it is the love they had for Me and others that measures a person’s success here on earth. Those, who reached out in faith to help others, are a sign of how they shared of themselves to help others. Even more so when you share your faith with others in their growth, this is a greater depth of love in a spiritual concern for souls. As you view the lives of others who have passed on, it makes you look back on your own life and your own contributions. You all are going to have to make an accounting of how you used your gifts of faith, love and possessions, as well as your time. Everyone has been given different talents and abilities, but it is how you used them in serving Me out of love that will matter. The more that is given, the more that will be expected of you.”

Saturday, December 17, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, for years you have seen constant killings and bloodshed in the wars of the Middle Eastern countries. This time of Christmas should be focused on peace and a cessation of your wars and hate for their own sake. Love and building up your societies are far better goals than hate and wars. Life is too precious to be thinking of killing as in abortion. You are seeing My birth at Christmas and all mothers should be proud to have their babies instead of killing them because of pride, money, or embarrassment. Every child has a soul which I place in that body. You are united with Me in the creation of life. If you do not want children, then see to a chaste life instead of compounding your sin with abortion. Life in all of its forms is precious to Me, even if a child is deformed in any way. What I have enabled to live should be allowed to continue, and do not violate the plan that I have for each life. Love one another in faith out of love for Me and your life will be fruitful and bear many blessings. As your families come together at Christmas, rejoice that these lives have been gifted to you to share with each other in these precious moments of life.”

John Miller’s funeral Mass: John said: “I love my Judy so much even in death, and she knows how much I appreciated all of her extra miles in helping me in my last days. I love all of my children and grandchildren as well in all that we shared together. I thank all of my family and friends for their kind words at my funeral, especially the Bishop and Bernie. You all could share my plans in the liturgy today as everyone enjoyed some jokes about my planning skills. My last plan is for all of you to follow me to this beautiful place in heaven which is far more beautiful than even Honeoye. There was a vision of the Blessed Mother as she came to me and that is why I wanted Judy to have a blue coat. When I died, Our Lord, His Mother Mary and our deceased relatives all greeted me with joy. Like St. Paul, I have run the race and fought the good fight of life, and now I have received the Lord’s reward. I will be praying for all of you and visit my grave site to keep it tidy.”

Sunday, December 18, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, after the Annunciation of My Blessed Mother, she traveled to help St. Elizabeth in her late pregnancy with St. John the Baptist. Later, she again had to travel with St. Joseph to Bethlehem to register and where she gave birth to Me. Many of you have traveled along life’s path and you have hit bumps in the road and even have had some detours. No matter how many sins or how serious your sins, you can always come to Me for My mercy, and I will forgive your sins. When your hearts are contrite with sorrow for having offended Me, I will renew your soul with grace and place you back on the right road to heaven. Do not delay in coming to Confession so you can be in full grace by the priest’s absolution through Me. I love all of My people so much and do not let your sins put up a long barrier to our relationship. I am always here and waiting for you to travel in returning to Me as the Prodigal Son returned from a far away land. Trust in My mercy, My love, and My forgiveness always.”

Monday, December 19, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, in these earlier years it was considered a reproach among men to be barren or childless. That is why an angel unnamed in Scripture announced Samson’s coming to his mother and St. Gabriel announced St. John the Baptist’s coming to St. Elizabeth. St. Gabriel even emphasized to St. Zachariah that this could take place because nothing is impossible for God. Another such miracle was announced by an angel to Sara who gave birth to Issac in her old age by Abraham. St. Gabriel was the same angel to announce My coming to My Blessed Mother who conceived by the Holy Spirit. He also told My Blessed Mother of St. Elizabeth’s pregnancy, and My Blessed Mother went to help St. Elizabeth. Salvation history for man has been planned for many years and My angels have been My messengers to announce all of these holy births. Give praise and glory to your God who saw fit to send Me to you as your Redeemer. This story of My birth at Christmas is told over every year, but this is your heritage and My blessing upon all of mankind.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many ways that you could travel to heaven and that is why you are seeing so many stairways with different colors and textures. If you were to see what you must accomplish to reach heaven all at once, it would overwhelm you. But I ask you to take each day at a time as another step on your way to heaven. Consecrate your life to Me as you wake and pray your morning and night prayers. If possible, take the opportunity to go to Mass each day and visit My Blessed Sacrament when you can. Use your talents in the best way possible to serve Me and your neighbor. If you are retired, you can still help people with food, shelter, or even evangelizing souls. Call on My help and I will help you to discern the best use of your time for prayer and good deeds. Once you have fulfilled your duties in this life, then you will be ready for Me to welcome you to your reward in heaven. This life is very short before you will be at My judgment seat accounting for all of your actions in life.”

Tuesday, December 20, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, you come from all walks of life, but you all should have one goal to come to heaven with Me. At times your goals are directed more toward earthly things, but you all know that your life is going to end one day, so you need to make plans for your eternal destination as you plan for everything else in your life. This huge gold door to heaven has only one key to enter, and that key is ‘love’ through Me. Love of Me and love of your neighbor will be what you are judged on in your life’s actions. If you have not been loving of Me or others yet, then now is a good time to start loving before it is too late, and you may be shown the dark abyss to hell instead of the gate to heaven. To love Me and others means that you have to take a risk that others will return love to you. Loving Me will always be returned, as I love even those who do not love Me. If you are sincere and generous with others, you will see love returned to you in most cases. I am present with the Holy Spirit in each soul, so there is always something to love in each person, they have also something to love in you. When you reach out in love to help people, you will always gain a treasure of grace in heaven, even if you are not thanked on earth. The more you give to someone who cannot return in kind, the more you will gain in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, those that mine diamonds need to separate a lot of rock and stone from the diamonds. Various stones have different amounts of perfection in their beauty. Even when I view various souls, there are different levels of spiritual perfection. Some people can even be recognized as living saints, and these are My diamonds among humanity. Other rough diamonds will need cutting and polishing as will certain souls that will need to be perfected in purgatory. There are some stones that will never be able to be polished, and these represent the souls that are on the road to hell. Much as I want every soul to come to heaven, it is everyone’s free will choice that either decides to love Me or not. Give glory and thanks to God for all the souls that are saved for heaven, and continue to pray hard for all of those souls on the broad road to hell.”

Wednesday, December 21, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, it is symbolic that Christmas comes around the winter solstice because My birth represents My Light of grace coming into the world. From this point on there will be more light and longer days in the Northern Hemisphere. The star that the Magi followed to Bethlehem is another story of Light. When your Redeemer was born, all souls were enlightened that My saving grace would atone for the sins of all of mankind. My entry in the midst of the darkness of sin would now bring My Light of grace into all those souls searching for forgiveness and a Savior. My birth is a new dawn on history that is measured before and after My birth. Many of your decorations involve Christmas lights that are another sign of My coming. Rejoice that all the prophecies of the Messiah’s coming have been fulfilled in My birth, and the Light of the gates of heaven are now open to My followers.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is about to be tested in various ways from disasters, government and trade deficits, and fuel shortages. You have become accustomed to spending money that you did not have for many years. Only by foreigners accepting your dollar investments can you buy foreign oil and goods. As your dollars become too numerous and political nations do not want to sell you oil, then there will be massive fuel shortages, and it will be too late to establish alternate fuels. Disasters and wars are burying you in debts and your jobs are getting harder to find. Exporting your jobs will begin to destroy your economy with not enough tax revenue to support your wasteful government. Those, who have been planning your demise, will soon find the means to take over, and you will become slaves to these one world people. This is when My followers are to avoid taking the mark of the beast and flee to My refuges for protection from the evil ones. You are coming close to the tribulation time that will test your faith in My help. Stay close to Me and follow My Commandments, even if it endangers your life. Some will be martyred for My Name’s sake, but the rest will find shelter with My angels at My refuges. In a short time I will defeat and punish all the evil ones as I will renew the earth for My Era of Peace.”

Thursday, December 22, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, many sins of the flesh are committed in the dark and in secret rooms, but you cannot hide your sins from Me. I need to warn all of My followers to avoid the sins of the flesh because these creature pleasures were only meant for marriage and love to provide children. I will be specific in telling you to avoid fornication in living together without marriage, adultery of a spouse with another man or woman, masturbation, and all forms of artificial insemination. Avoid all homosexual acts which are a perversion of the marriage act and an abomination in My sight. Even married people need to avoid using contraceptives, vasectomies, and tubal ligations because you need every marriage act to be open to having children. Natural Family Planning is accepted in My Church. My priest sons are not speaking out enough about these sins for fear of embarrassing people, nor are they encouraging Confession to take away these sins of the flesh. I look into your intentions of the heart in all of your actions and many souls are being lost to hell because they are not following My Sixth Commandment which covers all the sexual sins that I mentioned. In your heart you know that what you are doing is wrong and offends Me greatly. Admit your sinfulness and you can come to Me at any time, and I will forgive you out of My mercy. But those, who flagrantly commit these sins and have no sorrow or guilt for their sins, are on the broad road to hell if they do not repent. Pray for souls living in bad lifestyles outside of marriage so they will have a change of heart. Even warn your relatives that they are living in sin and need to come to Me in Confession. If you do this for Me, you have done your job of evangelizing, and it is up to each person to repent of their own sins if they desire to be in heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you are aware that this is an evil age, and you are battling evil in many ways even now. This battle of good and evil is part of the vision where My faithful need to put on the armor of your Lord in order to be My spiritual soldiers. Your weapons include your rosaries, holy water, blessed salt, Benedictine blessed crosses, and any relics of the saints that you may have. You have seen possessed people, pictures of some worshiping Satan in covens, evil movies, places of prostitution, and pornography. The evil is great, but My power is greater through your prayers. Purify your souls so you can be good soldiers in this battle.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you have been living a good life of plenty of money and food for many years. But soon this lifestyle of living easy will turn to one of meager means where you will be struggling to find enough food to eat and enough fuel to heat your homes. Your normal oil and gas supplies will dwindle and it would be advisable to have some alternate fuels on hand, especially for heating your homes. Power outages, and fuel shortages could cause many problems in your winter heating season.”

Jesus said: “My people, how many factories and businesses are going to close before you realize that your labor rates cannot compete with countries that use slave and child labor? Your businesses will have to think who is going to buy their goods with what for money, when they send your jobs overseas. Your business leaders could make a profit using labor in this country, but they are greedy for even more profits. Their farmed out jobs to countries like China will be all lost when China does a Cuban style take over. Change your greedy ways before you destroy your very economy that has made you a great nation.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of these explosions are accidents, but some are also planned either by arsonists, or people trying to collect on insurance. You have many vulnerable airplanes and places to attack that could cause power outages and fuel losses. Continue to pray that your shortages are minimal because many could freeze to death without sufficient food and heat.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will continue to see attacks on oil wells by insurgents in Iraq and other oil countries. If enough pipelines are disrupted, there could be a serious threat to needed world oil supplies. The demands of America, China, and other nations for oil and fuel supplies will soon strip what can be readily produced. This could even trigger more wars for countries with rich oil supplies. Pray for peaceful compromises and conservation, or you may require another source of fuel for power in your cars and factories.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many technical advances in computers and internet lines to increase your communication of voices and data. You also need spiritual communi-cation with Me through your prayer lines. Physical communication has its limits, but there is no limit to your communication to Me. I am listening to your prayers at all hours and for large and little intentions. Trust that I will answer your prayers in the best way for your soul and others.”

Jesus said: “My people, pray for all of your friends and relatives that they may feel drawn to attend Mass on My birthday. Pray that they will be enlightened by My grace to see the need to establish a stronger relationship in loving Me. Pray also that love will be renewed in any strained family difficulties so you can all be joined in peace. Love needs to be shared to show everyone that they are needed. Make some new resolutions to stay close to Me in prayer and closer even to those relatives that you do not see too much. Christmas is all about peace and joy, and I invite all of My people to share your love with Me and one another.”

Friday, December 23, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, many of your new fiber optic communications are two-way cables used to listen to all of your conversations on your phones, modems, and even in your living room through your TV cables. The latest test of your Patriot Act is whether your individual privacy is more important than your supposed security against trumped up terrorist activity. Already it has been exposed that your conversations on the phone are wire tapped without legal warrants. Even more threatening, your government is about to force you to have smart cards with fingerprints and iris scans in your new driver’s licenses and passports. This will eventually force you into buying and selling with these chips or they will zero your balances. The next mandate will be chips in the body which you should refuse as the mark of the beast. That is why you should refuse smart cards, so you are not tempted to take chips in the body. You will not be condemned for using smart cards, but those using chips in the body and who worship the Antichrist could be on the road to hell. This again is why after the Warning, you will need to remove all TVs and computer monitors so you are not controlled by the Antichrist’s eyes that could cause you to worship him. Avoid the Antichrist and these chips, and you will need to go to My refuges led by your angels for safety and your needs. The evil one world people want to control you physically, and even your soul, so ask for My help in your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, around Christmas and Easter it is good for you to see movies of My life, or read the Gospel readings of My words in Scripture. These are beautiful words for you to review and understand so you can imitate My life. You see and read how much I loved those who came to Me to be healed and forgiven of their sins. You see how I raised Jairus’ daughter and Lazarus from the tomb, just as I also was resurrected. Death has no hold on Me and I conquered death and sin when I died for all of mankind on the cross. The portrayal of My Resurrection to a glorified body gives all of My followers hope that they also will be resurrected from the grave. See the miracles I performed and the sacraments that I instituted for you. My love has no bounds as I stayed in everyone’s home without discriminating against anyone. I ask all of My followers to love everyone, even your enemies. Man does not always appreciate My wisdom because you are tied too much to earthly things and earthly ways. I call all of you to perfection by consecrating all that you have to Me. Love Me and one another, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Saturday, December 24, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, My Star of Bethlehem is a beautiful miracle that guided the Magi to where I was born. There always is speculation that it was a conjunction of planets or stars as man tries to explain any unknown phenomena. Many do not want to believe that this appearance of My star was an outright miracle to focus attention on My birth. I want My people to believe what is written in Scripture, even when it may challenge your knowledge of earthly things, because nothing is impossible for Me. It was a heavenly intervention or miracle that I avoided being killed by King Herod’s men who murdered the little innocents. Christmas represents peace on earth to all of mankind. This misty cloud, that prevents war, is sometimes how I use weather to interfere with man’s plan for war. You need to be a people that strives for love and peace instead of letting Satan inspire you to hate and war.”

Sunday, December 25, 2005: (Christmas Day)

Jesus said: “My people, there are certain countries that honor My Infancy with special novenas, and they pray to the ‘Infant Jesus’ throughout the year for petitions. With man you are subject to time and you have witnessed all the births of your children and grandchildren. But with Me, I am not subject to time, so you can pray to Me as an infant or as a grown man. I know all of your needs before you even ask for them, but you must pray to Me in faith and hope that I will answer your prayers. My Infancy shows you My pure love and mercy which is always available to you. All of you are giving and receiving presents, but the most wonderful gift that you can give to Me is yourself. Give glory and thanks to Me for becoming a man so I could die for your sins and redeem all of mankind through all the ages.”

Monday, December 26, 2005: (St. Stephen)

Jesus said: “My people, not only do you celebrate My coming as a man, but you also celebrate My coming as receiving your Savior and Redeemer. This vision of being saved out of the water is another example of how I am a fisher of men and women in the faith. I will save you from the evil ones of the world and I will save your soul from your sins. No matter how difficult life is, or how much you may be persecuted for following My laws, stay the course in following My path to salvation in heaven. You have an example in suffering in St. Stephen’s martyrdom. I came to earth to suffer in death for your sins, but you will also have to suffer in sharing My pain in order to claim your own crown of sainthood. Be willing to suffer for Me even if it means giving up your life for believing in Me. Have no fear because I will give you the grace to endure any suffering.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this destroyed kitchen as an example of how I am bringing destruction right where you live. There is no mistaking that this year’s hurricane destruction was very deadly and the most expensive disasters of all time in your records. Many of these disasters are striking where there is great sin as in gambling casinos, voodoo, homosexual activity, prostitution, and drug trafficking. All, that America has done, is to replace your places of sin with bigger and better establishments with no repentance of your sins. Because of these sins and actions, as well as your continuing abortions, you will see even greater destruction until you come on your knees begging Me to stop these storms. You cannot mock My Commandments with your sinful behavior and expect Me to hold back My retribution for your actions. Your sins are calling out to Me as those of Sodom and Gomorrah, and I will assure you that you will meet with My swift justice. Change your ways America, or else you will be no more as a consequence of your own sinful actions. Pray for the souls of your people to be converted, or you will see many of your souls in hell as your physical possessions will be lost.”

Tuesday, December 27, 2005: (St. John the Evangelist)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this hole in a church pew to represent the problems breaking down My churches. Just as you see corruption in your courts and your governments, there is also corruption going on in your churches. You have seen the scandals with homosexual priests, but there are many other financial scandals as well. Some priests have lost their calling to Me, and now are taken in by worldly comforts. This is why there will be a division in My Church that will divide My holy priests from the lukewarm priests. The schismatic church, that will follow the New Age teachings, will be purified from My faithful remnant who maintain reverence and belief in My Real Presence of My Blessed Sacrament. The faithful remnant will be forced into Masses in the homes, and eventually to My refuges. I will protect My remnant Church from the evil ones, but the schismatic church will be destroyed and the lukewarm will be lost in hell for their disbelief and lack of love for Me and their neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you have watched other civilizations decay from within under the weight of their sins, so you are also watching your own country decay from within as your laws and rulings move further away from My laws. This ditch in the ground is how America is digging its own grave, ready for your own demise. America needs to repent of its abortions and change your laws, or I will bring you to your knees for your punishment. This image of swirling picture frames is another vision confirming the nearness of the coming Warning. My people will be given one last grace of My mercy in the Warning to show you the need to repent of your sins. If you refuse My graces after seeing your life and seeing My plan for the rest of your life, then you must accept your consequences in the flames of hell. Trust in Me and I will protect My chosen ones from any evil influences.”

Wednesday, December 28, 2005: (Holy Innocents)

Jesus said: “My people, today you read of how King Herod slaughtered the Holy Innocents of Bethlehem in an attempt to kill Me because I threatened his reign. You also saw how the mothers were weeping to fulfill the prophecy of Jeremiah. (Matt. 2:18 ‘A voice was heard in Rama, weeping and loud lamentation; Rachael weeping for her children, and she would not be comforted, because they are no more.’) These babies, that were killed, are My little martyrs because they died in My place. Now, My people of America, you kill the innocent babies who are screaming in the womb because of your abortions. You do not even give them a proper burial place, but you throw them in the dump as garbage. You do not cry for them, or even care that you are taking innocent life. You defy and mock My Fifth Commandment with your millions of abortions, and you deny the plan that I had for these lives. Because of your inhumanity to My little innocents and your lack of sorrow or remorse for your grave sins, your country will pay in blood for your evil deeds. Look for more disasters as a chastisement for your killing of My little ones, and more people will be dying in retribution for your human carnage.”

Wednesday, December 28, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, it is not by accident that your scientists chose this current comet to study and try to land a probe on it to determine its composition. These same scientists have the ability to estimate future paths of those comets and asteroids that could come close enough to strike the earth. That is why they are investigating the current comet’s composition, so they could send missiles up to destroy it or change its course. There is also a danger of disturbing the comet’s course that could bring it closer to striking the earth. Such a danger to the earth could gain more grant money for ways to deter the comet from hitting the earth. I have told you before that My Comet of Chastisement is already on its way to the earth. This coming comet is of My handicraft, and I will have My angels protect it from any star wars attack of missiles that would try to hit it. If such a large object strikes the earth, there could be an explosion that could almost destroy your planet and change life as you know it. There will be a Comet of Chastisement coming, but My Warning will also be announced by a comet as well. Trust in Me and I will provide all the grace and materials that you will need. I love you and I will protect My faithful.”

Thursday, December 29, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Hound of Heaven because I seek out every soul to be saved until their dying breath. I am showing you this hunting dog, and how they use their sense of smell and hearing to track animals for the hunter. This idea of persistence is the same attitude My followers should have in trying to bring your friends and relatives closer to Me to be saved. Each person has to make their own free will choice to love Me, but you can give them good example and pray for their conversion. I love everyone and it is never too late to be saved, as long as you are still living in this world. Reaching out for conversion is not something for you to put off because you do not know when I will call you home. I am always available to any soul who wants to love Me because I love all of My creations, even those who reject Me. My unconditional love is hard for mankind to understand, but I am Infinite Love, and I draw all souls to kneel before Me. Every soul has a conscience and knows right from wrong, but seeking My forgiveness requires a positive step forward to love Me and give glory to Me in worship. You have many signs of My Presence in creation, in people, and in My sacramental Presence in My Eucharist. See that I am always seeking you out of love, and every soul, who returns My love, causes great celebration in heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I am constantly preparing My faithful for how evil it will be during the coming tribulation. The Antichrist will be allowed power with the evil ones in the schismatic church to display demonic idols and the image of the beast even on the altar to worship. My faithful remnant will be protected in refuges as you will see a great battle between the evil angels and My good angels on earth. Call on My help in your daily prayers and use your blessed sacramentals to protect you from these evil ones who will be condemned to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, Satan will be given some power in his hour of reign where he will instigate ruthless wars to gain control over all the nations. This hour will be allowed just as I allowed evil’s hour to crucify Me for your salvation. Know that evil will have only a brief reign before I will come in triumph to cast the evil ones into hell and establish My Era of Peace on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are honoring the year’s anniversary of the tsunami waves in Indonesia. You have seen great hurricanes of destruction and deadly earthquakes. All of these events have overwhelmed people and have made it difficult to rebuild amidst so much debris. Because of man’s sins and his lack of repentance, you will continue to see these destructive events bring man to his knees as your pride will be humbled.”

Jesus said: “My people, America’s court system is an abuse of power over even laws passed by Congress and the President. Whoever has money, can control the outcome of a court case even when the crimes of killing and thievery are obvious. This is another calling of My justice against your injustice to those with little means. The rich are drawn by their greed to steal from the poor, but My might will bring destruction on these unjust judges and lawyers. These evil ones will lose everything–their money, their lives, and their souls will be thrown into hell to pay for their crimes. Pray for your court system to change before My justice falls on them with a heavy hand.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is the time to make new resolutions for how you can improve your spiritual lives for the new year. Some are thinking of diets, getting rid of bad habits as smoking or drinking, or even cutting back on reckless spending. Even though you can resolve to improve your physical lives, it is even more rewarding to cut out your occasions of sin and increase your prayer life for the new year. Spiritual resolutions will help your soul the most, but you must be resolute to carry out your good intentions of change.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good to celebrate My birth with your parties and gift giving to those that you appreciate in helping you throughout the year. Then there is the reality of coming back to your work routine and suffering your daily trials. Even after Christmas you have been honoring several martyr’s feast days. Call on Me in your trials and I will be there for you to ease your burdens. I will always give you enough grace to endure all of life’s testing.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be celebrating the Solemnity of My Blessed Mother as others will be more focused on New Year’s festivities. My Blessed Mother was joyous in giving Me birth, but she gave pause to Simeon’s words that a sword will pierce her heart. She is a model of patience and love and she was My willing servant in doing everything to please God. By focusing on loving and serving Me, all of mankind can receive the joy of your reward from Me.”

Friday, December 30, 2005: (Feast of the Holy Family)

Jesus said: “My people, this feast day celebrates the Holy Family as a model for all families. I want all of My followers to not only imitate Me and My Blessed Mother, but also to live happily in a family setting of man and wife. Children need to be brought forth out of a love union and not by prostitution, fornication, adultery, or artificial insemination. Couples should be married and of different sexes. The family is under many attacks, but the children need to be brought up with a mother and father for support. Parents need to be focused on the good of the family and not so much on their own selfish wants. When you have love in a family, it is all about caring and sharing what you have. Do not let possessions, money, or fame distract you, so you can keep the family together without divorce, separation, or working too long hours away from the family. With faithfulness and a desire to make a marriage work, you will be rewarded.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have come as the Light to expel the darkness of sin, but your people are doing everything to extinguish My Light. Through your excuse of church and state separation, your judges are trying to outlaw My Name in Christmas, remove prayer from public places, and remove your Christian heritage. Even though the majority of your people celebrate Christmas and know the significance of this holiday, there are those doing everything to take My Name out of the public. It is now almost against the law to evangelize someone on the streets, or to teach against abortion. Do not let the atheists in the minority with a few liberal judges control, or limit any of My teachings and celebrated feast days. You need to have religious courage to stand up to these evil ones and proclaim My Word, even if it offends some people. You have freedom of religion in your country, but some want to so stifle it that they are proclaiming no religion instead. My Word needs to be preached to all nations because that was My instruction to My apostles. My apostles did not let persecution and possible martyrdom stop them from proclaiming the Gospel, and you should not stop preaching in your country either.”

Saturday, December 31, 2005:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a large hurricane and a large tornado, and the dark spots in the middle represent your sins and why you are being punished. There is also a connection with time being changed and more than this one second change in your news. Last year the earth sped up very slightly from the large earthquake under the sea. Magnetic pole shifting is also a part of these time shifts. I have told you that the earth will be speeding up on its axis during the tribulation, and this will be a part of your time shift as it begins. By speeding up the time of day, you will have less time to suffer during the Antichrist’s reign. I will protect My elect from the evil ones, but you will need to call on Me in prayer so your angels can lead you to safety at My refuges. You will see more disasters, and the control of people through microchips will be testing your faith in Me. Refuse to take microchips in the body, for this will be one of the signs to move to the refuges so I can sustain you with your physical needs. My angels will also protect you from the evil ones who are trying to even control your soul. Trust in Me and do not be afraid of the events going on which are truly signs of the end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you look at Me in simple surroundings and see the simple life of faith that I lived, there is a message in choosing this over rich clothes in a castle as an earthly king. If you want to live a good spiritual life, the less you are distracted with fame and worldly riches, the better. In order to reach heaven, you must be willing to give up all earthly desires. That is why living a simple life without much money is better for your soul. Do not think that if you are rich, that you will be happy. Love is more important than money and possessions. When you love Me and your neighbor as yourself, then you have all the spiritual riches that you need. Imitate My life of simple living and you will have less stress and less desire for more earthly things. You are here on earth to prepare yourselves for heaven, so try to live holy lives in My grace with My help, and I will be ready to welcome you into heaven.”


Sexta-feira, 28 de Março de 2025

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