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John Leary - Ano 2006 (Inglês)



Ano 2006


Sunday, January 1, 2006: (Solemnity of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s reading speaks of the shepherds coming to see Me in My infancy as they were directed by the angels. A Light came down upon the shepherds and a great multitude of angels sang to them. (Luke 2:14, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men of good will.’) This great Light in the vision on My Blessed Mother and I was another intervention of the angels singing as the shepherds saw Me as an infant. It is My Light of grace that leads all of you to see Me even as you receive Me in Holy Communion. You can pray to Me as an infant as well, and you can have a display of My crib scene in your prayer room to share all year long. Your little sanctuary light in your prayer room can represent this Light of My angels that are constantly singing My praises. Rejoice with My angels and give thanks and praise to Me for becoming your Redeemer and Savior.”


Monday, January 2, 2006: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of Christians being tortured to death is going on today and will be going on during the tribulation. Some will be martyred for My Name’s sake, while others will be saved at My refuges. This is a description in Mark 13:9,12-13 of the tribulation time. ‘But be on your guard. For they will deliver you up to councils, and you will be beaten in synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them.’ ‘And brother will hand over brother to death, and the father his child; children will rise up against parents and put them to death. And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake; but he who has persevered to the end, will be saved.’ Everyone living at that time will have to suffer through the tribulation. Only by My grace and the help of your guardian angel will you be able to endure it. I will give you what to say at that time by the power of the Holy Spirit. Do not be afraid, but have faith and confidence that My angels will protect you at My refuges where you will be led and taken care of. Those, who are martyred, will become instant saints in heaven. Those, who endure this trial, will be living saints to endure this purgatory on earth, and will be rewarded in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you will be seeing more disasters of large proportions. This great volcanic explosion will send great amounts of dust and ash into the air and could affect the world’s weather and your crops. This will be another contributor to a world famine that could come upon you quickly. The food, that I asked you to set aside, will be needed at this time. I will multiply your food so you can distribute it to many in need of being saved from starvation. The miracles of multiplication and healing will contribute greatly in saving many souls that otherwise might have been lost. Many of these disasters will confound the proud and the powerful as they will lose the possessions that they were relying on. Better to trust in My help with My angels, and you will have nothing to fear.”


Tuesday, January 3, 2006: (Holy Name of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, you have read of My Baptism by St. John the Baptist in the Jordan River as in the Gospel reading. This is one of the Scriptural accounts of the appearance of the Blessed Trinity for all to see and hear. (Matt. 3:21-22) ‘Now it came to pass when all the people had been baptized, Jesus also having been baptized and being in prayer, that heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form as a dove, and a voice from heaven ‘Thou are My beloved Son, in Thee I am well pleased.” The voice from heaven was My heavenly Father, and from this you have been given the Sign of the Cross and the Glory Be prayers that honor the Blessed Trinity. The vision of the pool of water represents the Baptism of the people into My faith community. You have your sins washed away symbolically with water, but in reality your souls are cleansed by My sacrificial Blood on the cross. The many years of wear on the stone around the pool represents how many years ago this happened and how many have been baptized in My Name since that time. You are blessed with this Sign of the Cross at birth and as you are buried at your funeral.”

Jesus said: “My people, in America you have taken your freedoms for granted, yet in communist countries there is still slave labor and a suppression of expressing religious beliefs. Even though you have supposed freedom of religion, your judges are trying to restrict what you can say about God or even pray in public. Many things as Bibles, the Ten Commandments, crucifixes, and Nativity scenes are being forbidden in public places. My people still need to express their love for Me and your neighbor in any way that you see fit. Do not be afraid to evangelize souls and use these things to show your belief in Me. If you witness to My Name in public, I will witness for you before My heavenly Father.”


Wednesday, January 4, 2006: (Elizabeth Ann Seton)

Jesus said: “My people, in the mining explosion in West Virginia it was unfortunate that the news of the fate of the miners killed was not accurate. Many were praying for miracles, but the final truth brought sadness again. You have seen similar accidents in America and other countries. Safety in these dangerous conditions is not always easy when you are dealing with potentially explosive mixtures in the air underground. Possibly better working conditions might result from this accident and violations should be corrected before it could cause any more fatalities. The general public is not aware of how much coal is used by your factories, and how many other mines might have similar problems. Pray for all of your miners and their safety as they risk their lives to bring you your sources of fuel.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is all about the preparations that were made at the hospital for live miners, but there was only one that lived. The other minors instead will be sent to the coroner at the morgue for autopsies. More focus has been on the mistaken communications that were too premature and too optimistic before the real facts were known. The explosion and carbon monoxide have taken their toll, and many families were not only upset with the deaths, but also with the false hopes that were given. Many across your nation have sympathized with the families, and some strong investigations will be going on for all mines with violations of any kind. Governments of various levels may be called on to provide aid to the families who have lost their wage earners. Pray for these families in their grief and for their immediate needs.”


Thursday, January 5, 2006: (Dick Mauer’s funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to suffer the loss of a father and grandfather in a large family. Dick’s life was a beautiful expression of care for all of those that he tried to help in life. He helped people in various skills that he had and he truly used his gifts for everyone. He had a great love for Me and My Blessed Mother. He loved to be with Me at Adoration and he spread devotion for My Blessed Mother’s Rosary to all who would listen and take a rosary. He spread his faith values through all of his family and to those who would listen to his advice. He is a model for all parents to share the faith with their children. He was a very active witness in what he believed in Me, and many will miss his pleasant words of encouragement. His new beginning after death will allow him to pray for all of his living family and join with his deceased family members. Rejoice in celebrating this man’s gift of life to all of you.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I am warning My faithful to avoid movies about witchcraft and TV programs about witches. There are various evil influences even in simple things as tarot cards, astrology and Quija boards. Drugs and various music can also lead people to openings to demon possessions or obsessions. I cast many demons out of people as you have read of My miracles. There are even more demon possessed people now, but they are hidden by certain mental illnesses. There are exorcist priests and deliverance people who are still casting out demons, but this takes graces of preparation and prayer in My Name. Carry your blessed sacramentals for protection from evil people and the demons. Trust in My protection and I will be with you with power greater than any demon.”

 Jesus said: “My people, there are many jobs in your work force that live with daily dangers. Some work in mines, some in chemical plants, steel mills or making pesticides or other poisons. This latest mining incident points out how important it is to stress safety in every work place. At times people are complacent with these everyday dangers, but when people are injured or killed, then you realize how you have to be alert to accidents at all times. Pray for your workers and employers to take care of safe working conditions and remove any unnecessary risks.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have only just entered this new year and already you are being tested by flooding, fires, and ice storms. I am telling you that this year will again see great trials with destruction and great loss of life. There are so many ways that natural destruction can bring you to your knees in prayer. Heavy rains in California have caused some major flooding with some loss of life. Fires in Texas and Oklahoma have burned many dwellings. Twelve miners have lost their lives from a mine explosion. Earthquakes and volcanoes are continuing and will again take more life and a loss of homes. Your storms continue to destroy structures and kill people in hurricanes and tornadoes. See all of these signs increasing in numbers and intensity as a warning of the coming tribulation. Call on Me in prayer for My protection and a safe shelter.”

Jesus said: “My people, Christians are speaking out more about ‘Merry Christmas’ even when it may not be politically correct for some. In many of these disasters you are seeing Good Samaritans coming forth with substantial donations and help to rebuild the homes lost by the hurricanes. It is one thing to talk about love and charity, but it is even more meaningful to reach out and help someone in need by donating your time, talent, and treasure. I provide these opportunities to gain grace, so do not pass them up just for your own comfort and convenience. Your reward will be great in heaven for all that you can do to help My little ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your economists like to make educated predictions of how your economy will perform in the next years. Some are concerned about interest rates rising, increasing fuel costs, worsening deficits, or more layoffs in manufacturing. All of these things can influence your jobs and finances, but do not just be concerned about physical trials because you can call on My help in all that you do. Trust in Me to lead you on the right path to heaven so you can guard your souls against the evil ones and their temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are those working on their diets to get their bodies in shape with additional exercise. Remember how I suggested that improving your inner appearance is of even more importance to your soul. Some of your fasting can serve a double purpose of improving your weight and developing self-control to avoid falling into sin. You are called to take care of your body and not to overindulge in eating, drinking, smoking, or too many drugs and medications. By making your new resolutions and calling on My help, you can work to eliminate some of your bad habits and move closer to holiness.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may be fortunate to know of some places of Adoration or open churches where you can visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament. I give all of you an opportunity to show your love for Me by coming to give Me praise and worship in My consecrated Host. As you look upon My Host, you can tell Me your troubles and ask Me to help lighten your heavy burdens in life. My adorers are always special to Me and you will be blessed by My graces for every visit that you make to see Me. Give yourself some silent time with Me and your heart will be enriched with My Word and My love.”


Friday, January 6, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, as you look out into this world, the trash in the vision is the sin and immorality of the people that you see in filthy movies, prostitution, homosexual parades, and adult bookshops. The blizzard of snow represents all the news and activities going on around you all of the time. My advice is to make some quiet time for yourself in prayer every day, especially in front of Me in Adoration, or in My tabernacle. If you do not shut off your TV and radio for a time, you cannot think straight with all of this clutter going on all of the time. The world is full of temptations and distractions that can keep you busy and steal away any time for your prayer life. It is up to you to make time so you can get off the world’s merry-go-around and have some true peace and rest with your Lord. The world is full of stress, and you need to rest your mind and soul, just as you take time at night to sleep and rest your body. This spiritual refreshment with Me will give you the grace and endurance to withstand all of the trials of this evil age.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are starting another year with celebrations, but the one world people are using their surveillance cameras and phone taps to strip more of your freedoms in the name of security. This year your passports will need to have smart cards with digital pictures and biometrics of your fingerprints or iris scans. Your driver’s licenses will be required to have smart cards as well over the next few years. These people want to control your buying and selling and there will be reprisals for those who do not go along with their new world order. Eventually, punishments could be a loss of your bank accounts or prison in a detention center. As the evil ones try to force chips in the hand, My faithful should refuse chips in the body even if they threaten to kill you. Chips in the body could be used to control your mind and eventually your soul through worshiping the Antichrist. Call on My help and My angels will lead you to My refuges before they can come to your house to force chips in the body on you. Even if you give up everything, I will supply you with water, food, and shelter at My refuges. Have faith and trust in Me that My power will vanquish these evil ones and I will lead you into My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, January 7, 2006: (Cana Gospel)

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of My Blessed Mother she is always a caring person as in the Gospel when she advised Me of the wine running out at Cana. My compassion reached out to help the bride and groom as well as answering My Blessed Mother’s request. She is your mother also as she watches over her children with her mantle of protection. This situation was a teaching moment in both honoring marriage as a sacrament with My first miracle, and teaching My apostles of My powers as the Son of God in performing such miracles. The added touch of My mercy was that this new wine was not just ordinary, but it was of excellent quality that even the head waiter noticed. This should also be a lesson to My faithful when you are teaching people about the faith, that you can use many such incidents as teaching moments and examples of My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read of the controversy of dodging the law to have phone taps on people without a warrant. The real truth is that your government is listening to every communication for words about terrorism. In addition they are profiling your citizens to see if they would give the one world people trouble in establishing their new world order. If you are strong about your freedoms or are religious, they are placing you on lists to be exterminated or placed in detention centers. Call on Me in prayer and you will be protected at My refuges. The evil ones will be persecuting you for your beliefs which are contrary to the Antichrist’s plans. Stay true to your faith and refuse to use the microchips that could control your minds if you place them in your body. I will defeat the evil ones and cast them into hell, but My faithful will be made ready for My Era of Peace after I renew the earth. Rejoice when I come, for your joy with Me will be great both on earth and in heaven.”


Sunday, January 8, 2006: (The Epiphany) At Holy Name after Communion I could see the Light shining from Jesus as in the Warning and at death.

Jesus said: “My people, there is more to My coming than a miraculous star. This Light of My appearance in the vision is the same Light that you will be drawn to at your Warning experience, and at your death. My mere Presence gives Light to the world and you can see a glimmer of My Presence in every person on earth. St. John, the apostle and evangelist, speaks of My Light in the beginning of his Gospel. (John 1:4-5) ‘In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. And the Light shines in the darkness; and the darkness grasped it not.’ Even though the Pharisees tried to snuff out My message by killing Me, they were confounded by My Resurrection, and My Church continues to spread My message even until now. All of My faithful have been given a gift of faith and a part of My Light that you need to share with all nations from the rooftops. Just as the Magi brought their gifts, you can also bring Me both your physical and spiritual gifts through your daily consecration. Believe in My message of Light and follow Me throughout all of your life.”


Monday, January 9, 2006: (Baptism of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, since I have come into the world to die for you, you are all baptized in the Spirit and not just by water alone. When the Holy Spirit is in you, you will be inspired to spread the faith to all people. This vision of a divided seat being sewn together is a sign that I want all of My people to be peacemakers. The evil one has planted seeds of division all over, but you are called to heal divisions and unrest among families, and bring My peace into their souls. Holding grudges and bitterness is the opposite of the love that I want you to spread among your people. Peace is far better than wars and continual hate. Find ways to work out your differences instead of following the evil one in perpetual wars. All wars are a failure in relations, and they will not be solutions, but become more of the problem. Live in My peace and love, or you will destroy yourselves with your pride and greed.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of being saved in a deep well is how some people see the need for the forgiveness of their sins. The more you dwell on your sins, the more sorry you are for having offended God. The rotating tunnel gives you a feeling of lost balance and disorientation. When you are going through the tunnel of your Warning experience, you will be outside of your body and the only things with you will be your good and bad actions of your life. All of your possessions and earthly comforts will be stripped from you, and you will be traveling in the spirit world. I will review all of your life’s actions before you, and you will see how they affected other people and how they saw you. A fair judgment will be pronounced on you to go to heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will see a vision of where you would be judged, but you will also be put back into your body with a second chance to change your life. Call on My help because this experience will be a great test of your faith for everyone at the same time. Those, who are faithful to Me, will receive protection and a reward in My Era of Peace. Those, who reject Me in favor of the Antichrist, will be thrown into the fires of Gehenna forever.”


Tuesday, January 10, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, during life, you have many obstacles to overcome that may seem insurmountable as these steep cliffs in the vision. In the reading Hannah’s barrenness seemed to her an impossible dream to conceive a son. Yet, she was asking Me in prayer to answer her intention. Her faith enabled her to be answered with her son, Samuel. I know all of your problems and concerns, but it is your persistence and faith in your prayers that can overcome mountains. I told My apostles if they had the faith as small as a mustard seed, that they could do great things beyond their dreams. This is the lesson for all of My faithful that with Me all things are possible. Pray the most for intentions that are the best for your soul and others, and you will be favored in time.”

Jesus said: “My people, after your hurricanes affected your Gulf Coast supplies of oil and natural gas, you have seen spikes in your fuel costs for your cars and your homes. This experience and coal mine explosions are again showing you how vulnerable your fuel supplies are. The cheapest natural resources are fossil fuels which are being used for your energy sources. Harnessing sun, wind, and nuclear power are other alternatives, as well as hydrogen and ethanol. It may take more research to use recyclable fuels, but each fuel has its dangers and problems to use. Production of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels is also causing other problems in your environment. Price, convenience, and soon environment are the driving forces in why man chooses different fuels. Pray for your fuel companies and your governments to make the right choices so everyone can live in a world that you can hand on to your children without major disasters.”


Wednesday, January 11, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the Gospel how I healed diseases and cast demons out of people. The plural of more than one demon means that it was not uncommon that people had either one or more demons. I have warned you that in this evil age there are also many demons of influence either attached to people or fully possessed in people. You cannot always tell of this possession because these demons can hide their presence and the person appears normal. Some mental illnesses are associated with demons, but demons also are attached to addicted people. Sometimes people invite demons in through seances, witchcraft, drugs, New Age worship of idols, Ouija boards, and Eastern Meditations as Yoga and Reiki exercises. These exercises are worship to various deities of the various hand and body positions. Look at the source of power being invoked, and if they are not calling in My Name, then they are inviting evil spirits. To battle these evil spirits you must protect yourself with holy water, blessed salt, Benedictine blessed crosses containing exorcism medals of St. Benedict, and other blessed sacramentals. Praying the St. Michael Prayer and shaking holy water or blessed salt on possessed people can free some demons. It is best for exorcism to have a priest carry out such a blessing of deliverance, but in the absence of a priest, one can call these demons out in My Name to the foot of the cross and never to return. When you see strange behavior, a rejection of crosses and holy things, expressions of hate, or unusual coldness, these are signs as you know of demonic presence. Remember that My power is greater than the demons and you can call on My power to release people of the demons. The devil and the evil spirits are real entities that have as their one goal to steal your soul from Me to bring it to hell. So look to the Light in Me and I will protect you from any darkness of the evil ones. Have faith and fear no evil because with Me all things are possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you are tired of looking at the same things in your rooms. You may have an inspiration to improve the appearance of some old things in your rooms. By changing a little bit at a time you can minimize the cost of each change. Your spiritual life can also get old with time, if you are not thinking of how to improve it. You all are striving for perfection, so there is always room for improvement. Try to make your path to heaven as short as possible without so many detours. Work at ways in your new resolutions to come closer to Me in prayer and do not let yourself be so distracted with worldly things. Strive to become holy and avoid occasions of sin that could lead you astray. Once you have made some improvements in your life, then you can compare now with your past efforts. Live to love Me and your neighbor more, and you will be contributing more to peace in the world.”


Thursday, January 12, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I have spoken to you many times that My Church is like a bride and I am the Groom, as I am inviting you all to My Wedding Feast in heaven. This vision of a newly married couple passing through a large wedding ring represents the contract or covenant made between the man and wife to be faithful to each other. This sacrament of Matrimony protects them from any sin of fornication and keeps them pure. In the same way My followers receive Baptism, and Confession when needed, to make a contract of fidelity with Me that you will be faithful to My Commandments. My sacramental grace will keep you pure and strengthen you against sin. Today’s Gospel speaks of a healing of leprosy, but I healed the souls as well from their sins at the same time. A healing of souls is far more important for your eternal life than a temporary healing of pain in this short life on earth. Even though you pray for physical healing for people’s diseases and pain, it is even better to pray for people to be open to Confession that can heal their soul.”


Thursday, January 12, 2006:

Prayer Group: David said: “My dear father, I am happy that you continue to remember me during your prayers and when you can visit my grave site. I come to you more on the anniversary of my death because it is a birthday into the spirit world. I continue to pray for my parents, my sisters, and their children in all of your trials. The letter that you received is a blessing and an answer to your prayer to me as intercessor. You have had several prayers answered through my intercession, so continue your intentions because Jesus listens to his little ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen fires out West during the summer, but these new outbreaks are unusual in your winter season. You are experiencing some unusually warm weather all over your country and you are realizing that your weather patterns are changing dramatically. These dry conditions in Texas have touched off fires that have taken you by surprise. See that such changes are going to be more frequent as a result of man’s influences on his environment.”

Jesus said: “My people, there has been an unusual outbreak of bird flu among the chickens that the people are growing. Some are claiming migratory birds are spreading this flu, but there are some man-made causes that have not been revealed. Those people, who have come in contact with the diseased birds, are the ones who have contracted bird flu and a fair percentage have died. Some have tried to contain this spread by killing the chickens. Getting vaccines and antibiotics to these remote countries has not been very successful. Pray that this disease is contained and that it does not spread between humans.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of Northern Lights is not unusual because it comes from the sun’s constant bombardment of your atmosphere with particles that ionize the molecules releasing colorful displays. It is the polar effects of the earth that only allow these entries at the North and South poles. As the magnetic poles change and lessen in charge, you will be seeing these unusual displays moving further south in your Northern skies. Again this is another sign of the changes in the earth that are preparing you for the end days.”

Jesus said: “My people, these dark clouds over the areas destroyed by the hurricanes represent the residual evil that hovers over these people trying to rebuild their places of sin. Many people have not returned, and there are still health hazards in the tainted water and mold infested debris. These people have yet to realize that it was their sins that brought this destruction upon them. Money from governments and aid organizations has been slow coming to repair all of this damage. There are still lingering doubts whether these levees will stand up to future storms. Pray that these people will see the light and change their sinful ways.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who want to keep your abortion rulings unchanged, are greatly concerned about any conservative justice being added to the court. Your country is being given another opportunity to possibly change the makeup of your Supreme Court so that a new decision could be made against your current abortion laws. Unless you change your abortion stand, you will bring more chastisements against you and you will be brought to your knees by natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Iran fanning the flames of a future confrontation with Israel and possibly other Western countries. Removing UN seals and extending their nuclear plans for making bomb materials has many countries concerned about nuclear weapons in the hands of Muslim extremists. This could present a new source of war if these countries take any further action. Continue to pray for peace in the Middle East or you could possibly see nuclear explosions, or a possible world war over oil and the Arab countries.”


Friday, January 13, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the account in the first reading how the Jewish people demanded Samuel to give them a king to lead them in battle against their enemies. Samuel warned them that they would be giving up some freedoms for what they thought was security. In your government today, again the people are desiring security from terrorists, but when you see invasions of your privacy in all of your communications, there are second thoughts about what freedoms are being given up. This loss of your freedoms will be extended further when you will be forced to have smart cards in your driver’s licenses and passports. The vision of the beast is even another example of when security, financial hard times, wars, and famines will occur. Then there will be a call for a world leader of peace in the Antichrist. But quickly he will become a tyrant once in control, and he will demand that everyone has to worship him, take his microchips in the body, and post his picture all over, even on your TVs. Refuse to worship this Antichrist and refuse his chips in your body. Instead, call on Me in prayer for protection at My refuges where My angels will provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, this scene of My Agony in the Garden of Gethsemene, where I sweated drops of blood, was My humanity struggling with My imminent death. The quotation in Matthew shows My humanity in asking My cup to be taken away, but My Spirit followed the will of My Father. (Matt. 26:39) ‘He advanced a little and fell prostrate in prayer, saying, ‘My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet, not as I will, but as you will.” In the same way each of you have been given a particular mission to accomplish here on the earth. The more you deny this mission, the harder it will be to carry it out. If you call on Me to help you discern your mission, then it will be made clearer to you what that mission is. Most of My missions are many times in opposition to what your earthly comforts desire. You may be tested at various levels, much like I was in My Agony in the Garden. Once you understand your mission, it may be difficult to carry it out, or you may even endanger your life in the process. You have seen many courageous saints die a martyr’s death than deny their faith in My Name. You could be tested as a dry martyr without being killed, or you may have to be strong as I died for you. My martyrs became instant saints and My angels helped them to bear the pain of their death. Trust in Me and have faith, even if you are tested with martyrdom.”


Saturday, January 14, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, there are many sinners who are sick with grief over the guilt of their sins. Some have developed serious problems in their stomachs or in mental illnesses from this guilt. When you know that you have done something wrong, there is a desire to lift this guilt of sin from your mind. This is why I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation. In the Gospel call of Levi, the tax collector, I answered the Scribes and Pharisees who criticized My eating with sinners. (Mark 2:17) ‘It is not the healthy who need a physician, but they who are sick. For I have not come to call the just, but sinners.’ If people are really truthful with themselves, they will have to admit that they are sinners and are not yet perfected. So everyone is included as a sinner, but those, who think that they are better than others, may not wish to admit their failings. It is those, who seek to be forgiven, that I seek out to forgive and help. Those, who reject Me and do not seek forgiveness, are too full of pride and are on the broad road to hell. So keep humble by coming to Me and following Me in My Commandments, and you will be on the narrow road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when a coach prepares his football team for a hard game, he takes great care in choosing what players to put on his team, and care in training them as well. My people face a daily battle of good and evil every day in your actions. Again you always have to make the right choices and decide whose team that you are going to be on. If you choose to follow Me and My Commandments, you can call on My help in prayer, My angels, and all the saints. Do not think that you have to enter this battle all alone. You need to plan your day around how best to serve Me in your mission. Those, who choose to follow Satan and the evil ones, are choosing the wrong team because they will be defeated in the end. The evil demons and those who work with them, will be against you, so you know what you are up against and who you can rely on to help you. Have faith in My power because it is greater than all of the evil ones put together. You may see setbacks in various battles, but you know that I will be victorious in winning the war. Focus on My love and peace as you struggle each day to be My worthy servant. At the judgment you will be rewarded for choosing the right team and fighting the good fight for the faith.”


Sunday, January 15, 2006: (Samuel’s calling)

Jesus said: “My people, man has been in a constant search to learn more about his neighboring planets and any information about the formation of the universe. Most of science is about measurements and observations of how things of the world interact with one another. There are some who do not want to believe in the creation of the universe by God, and are still thinking up theories to explain things. For those, who do believe in creation, they can see the parallel of the sun and the planets on a macro scale, and protons circled by electrons on the micro scale. The order and beauty of the universe had to come from God, rather than out of chaos. Man’s real search for truth should start with Me because you all are My creatures, and you need to give Me praise and glory in thanksgiving for all that I have given you. So when Samuel responds: ‘Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.’ This is the same response that I am looking for from each soul. My prophets and messengers have been given special gifts so that they can share My words with everyone. Now that you read their words of Mine in Scripture, there is no excuse for not listening and following My Commandments.”


Monday, January 16, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a mild winter up until now. Soon you will be seeing considerably heavy snow bands where it is cold enough to snow. With enough snow you could see traffic problems both on the ground and in the air. The snow plows will again be called out and you will be spending more time cleaning off your cars and driveways. Your weather problems and natural disasters will continue to harass you as one event will happen after another. Pray for My help to endure all that will be going on.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a lot of manipulation and misrepresentation of the facts going on in pharmaceutical drug companies. Some companies know their product has bad side effects, yet they still sell them until the public complains with lawsuits. Some drugs are diluted or exchanged with generic ones to make more money. Prices between different countries are examples of how over priced your drugs are in America. New expensive drugs are encouraged among doctors, even when older generic drugs do just as good. The drug business is worth so much money, that it lends itself to corruption at all levels. People’s poor diets and eating habits have created many sick people. Environmental pollution and adulterated foods are another reason that you are seeing so many diseases and cancer. It is unfortunate that a steady diet of these drugs are also causing liver and kidney problems that can even lead to people’s death. All of man’s medicines have side effects because they are unnatural and are not made for the balance of nature. Herbs and vitamins are better cures in the long run, but because they are cheap, the medical profession even frowns on alternative cures. Natural means for cures are far better for your health and the long term healing of the body. Pray that your doctors and drug companies will provide you with the truth, and not just another means to make them money.”


Tuesday, January 17, 2006: (St. Anthony of the Desert)

Jesus said: “My people, there is great concern among the countries in Europe and Asia over the proliferation of nuclear armaments, especially in Iran among Muslim extremists. The latest talk of Iran about Armageddon and destroying Israel is further raising the specter of possible war in the Middle East. Such talk could incite Israel into attacking Iran to try and destroy these facilities of secret enrichment of nuclear materials. Some countries are willing to sell nuclear plant materials to Iran, but not weapon’s grade fuel. The vision of loading a missile into a silo represents Iran’s desire for launching vehicles for their future weapons. UN meetings will be looking into this new threat, but Iran is still moving ahead with its weapon’s research program. Iran and North Korea are both becoming potential problems for the world in their threat to use nuclear weapons for blackmail or to destroy their enemies. The evil ones are trying to start world wars, but I encourage My faithful to pray for peace and fair compromise. Love and peace are more desirable than hate and war. Strive to love everyone and be peacemakers instead of making war.”

Jesus said: “My people, these children’s toys and the black tunnel represent how you will be taken back through your childhood again as you are focused on My Light. You will have a new perspective of how your body developed and aged over the years. You will also see how your spiritual faith also developed and how you have been down some detours, and brought back to the right path. The years have slipped past you very quickly, and you will see how much you have matured in your faith from the learning from your mistakes. Look for good examples in people around you so you can improve in your holiness. Your whole life is a preparation for your death, and how you can perfect yourself for entry into the spirit world. This coming Warning experience will be a great mercy for people to see the need to change their lives to please Me more in worship with less influence from the world. Follow My directions in the Bible on how to lead a holy and humble life, so you will be more pure and ready for heaven when I call you home. Seek the forgiveness of your sins in Confession and follow this Light to be with your Savior. Help others in their faith, and be prepared to lead sinners to Confession after their Warning experience.”


Wednesday, January 18, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen mountain ranges form when one plate either slips up or down, or if one plate folds under another. This vision of a newly formed cliff with water flowing over it represents some major earthquakes that would have to occur to form such a ridge. The last major earthquake has shown a major ridge that formed underwater and it was the cause of so much water to be displaced in the formation of the tsunami. This ridge formation could also happen above ground, or at a coastline. Your earthquake and volcanic activity have been on the increase. Such a major earthquake could even change the geography of an impacted area. These events go on over the years, but recent earthquakes are getting more intense and more frequent giving you another sign of the end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, there has been some cleanup of the streets in New Orleans, but there is still a lot of damage and debris that has not been touched. Those people of little means do not have the money to rebuild their houses unless money comes from various levels of government. Others, who have received insurance money, may have chosen to build elsewhere after seeing the levees fail twice with Katrina and Rita. I have mentioned before that this destruction was striking where there were rampant sexual sins and voodoo going on. If these houses of prostitution and homosexual parades continue to defy My Commandments in their rebuilding, you could see further storms punish this area again. Those, who openly flaunt their sinful activity in My face, can expect swift justice from My righteous wrath. It is unfortunate that some good people have been suffering along with the evil people, but it may be a lesson to avoid living in these areas that make money on sinful activity.”


Thursday, January 19, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, the psalm at Mass speaks of trusting in Me and to have no fear. There are various fears that you have in life and one of them is darkness, when you cannot see things. Darkness causes you to be disoriented without a sense of direction. This is why you put on your headlights on your car, as in the vision, to see at night and on dark cloudy days. At night you put on lights both inside and outside of your house to see where you are going. There is also a spiritual darkness or darkness of the soul when you are without your God and you are searching for direction in your life. I am that Light that dispels the darkness of evil and all of your sins. You come to Me for love, for forgiveness, and for direction in how to gain heaven. Without My help your existence would cease, and without My grace, you cannot accomplish anything. It is by My grace that you can live and use your talents to complete the mission that I have set before you. You may fear death or the demons, but do not worry or be afraid because if you have Me with you, you do not need anything else. Call on My help whenever you are threatened, and I will be at your side. I always see your needs, so I can be there for you, but you must have trust and faith in My power. The one, who has no fear, is the one who truly believes in My help. Do not even be afraid of death because it is part of this life and is required before you can enter heaven. It is proper to guard your body from dangers, but I am the One who calls you home. That is why killing of any kind is very offensive to Me because it violates My laws and My plan for life. Such people, who advocate death, will be held accountable before Me.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you have had a stand off with many nuclear weapons on either side of the cold war for many years. Now the super powers are concerned that Arab militants want to make their own atomic weapons to carry on their war with the West. The Arab countries control a major amount of the world’s oil supplies, and they can black mail other nations into supporting their right to make nuclear weapons by threatening to cut off oil supplies. Now more than ever, you need to pray for peace which Iran and North Korea are threatening by making atomic weapons.”

Jesus said: “My people, your attacks against Saddam and Osama Bin Laden have been successful initially, but America will not withstand a long drawn out war of attrition because of the cost and the troops lost. This lesson is why it would not be plausible to start even more wars against Iran and North Korea. War possibilities in the Middle East are heating up and countries with nuclear weapons are even threatening the unthinkable of actually using these weapons. Pray that such dramatic loss of life does not happen with the use of nuclear bombs. The more terrorists strike in various countries, killing at random, the more reprisals could be seen against Arabs in general. Pray for My peace and not man’s false peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, these latest tapes of the militant terrorist groups are speaking of truce on one hand, but they are inciting a world jihad against America and the Western nations that support Israel on the other hand. The war against terror is accelerating with every killing and every missile attack. By their words, the Arab militants will not have peace until all of the infidels are killed. This means that you will be in constant war without end. Even with these words of war, I still want My people to love everyone and stop the killing.”

Jesus said: “My people, as time goes on the militant atheists will be trying to destroy My Church. Already some churches are closing because of a priest shortage and scandals in the priesthood. Churches are going to lose their tax exemption when they fight against the social issues that are contrary to your government laws that advocate abortion and homosexual marriages. Then Christians will be sought out for torture and killing in your detention centers as the Antichrist will come to power. Refuse to approve of man’s desire to kill in abortion, euthanasia, and meaningless wars, even if your life is threatened in martyrdom.”

Jesus said: “My people, as the latest political dealings are focused on China, Russia, and the Arab countries, your manufacturing leaders are realizing their huge mistake in building up a communist nation that has as its goal world domination. All of your manufacturing and technical skills are migrating to China while America will be left dependent on their factories for everything. Wake up America because you have been sold out by the very businesses that you have started up. Your current industries are losing the current economic war as your weapons become obsolete. If your business leaders do not stop exporting your jobs and manufacturing, then you will become a third world country. Follow My ways even if the worldly are taunting you and killing you. Trust in My protection as I will subdue all of these evil killers.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are those people behind the scenes who are trying to destroy America so the Antichrist could easily come to power. The one world people are controlling your government leaders to cause more deficit prone wars and burdens of debt that will throw you into bankruptcy. Most of your debts come from wars and mandated benefits that could never be all paid for through taxes. When your debts stifle your businesses and people cannot collect their promised benefits, your economy will collapse in chaos and the one world people will declare a martial law takeover. Natural disasters and deficits will be your undoing because you have turned your back against your Master.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are going to be faced with hard times as the tribulation and My Warning come near. The one hope and joy amidst all of these troubling world developments is that I am still present among you in My Blessed Sacrament. No matter how the evil ones will try to destroy My faithful, the gates of hell will never prevail over My faithful remnant in My elect. Even if you must face martyrdom or a difficult life at My refuges, do not be afraid for I will be at your side to protect your souls from the demons. Be true to My Word and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”


Friday, January 20, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you need to put into perspective the plan of the evil ones for world takeover. The one world people in the masons and other groups have planned the demise of America behind the scenes. They are causing all of your wars and leading your leaders into losing wars that accomplish nothing but ruining your economy by huge war debts and destroying the morale of your people. They only inspire hate between peoples because they profit from wars and see that America can be taken over in your weakness that they will cause. Instead, seek peace and love even your enemies. When they threaten your lives, it will be time to be led to My refuges of protection. I will then destroy these evil killers and thieves and cast their lot into hell. By living a holy, humble, and peaceful life, you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace and in heaven. My power will reign, but you must be patient with this evil age that is under the devil’s influence. The power of prayer is much more powerful against evil than all of your physical weapons.”

Jesus said: “My people, the militant terrorists are planning attacks to try and shut down America’s economy. There are many potential targets, but the two types of targets would be to shut down your power grids and your fuel supplies. Attacks on nuclear power plants would cause problems with radiation leaks as well as power outages. Key points in your grids have shown before how you can be blacked out. Attacks on oil and gasoline pipe lines, as well as natural gas lines could shut down power plants, heating, and travel. Protecting all of these targets from terrorism would be very difficult. The terrorists may cause some damage, but the reprisals against Arab countries could throw the rest of the world in deep fuel shortages that could cause a world recession or a world war. Just as America miscalculated how to deal with Iraq after the takeover, so the Arab militants may be miscalculating the response to their attacks. This is why My people need to pray more for peace in the world before man in his pride and revenge takes the world to the brink of self-extermination. The use of nuclear weapons are not the plan of the one world people because it would destroy all of their microchips. But in haste and desperation some country with these nuclear weapons could use them in defense. Pray to stop these wars before they get started, or you will see as in Iraq that you cannot finish what you started. Pray for My peace and for the terrorists to stop their attacks.”


Saturday, January 21, 2006: (St. Agnes)

Jesus said: “My people, there are many good women, who are married, that are faithful to their husbands in love and also love their children. I am among those families helping them to ward off many attacks from your evil society. The husband and wife families should be the core of your society where children can grow up in a loving environment of father and mother. There are also other dedicated women, as St. Agnes, who are married to Me in the cloister or various convents. Many communities of nuns have broken down as worldly influences have entered in. Being faithful to your Lord in vows of virginity are becoming rare in your society, but they fulfill a need for prayer that is badly needed in this age of sexual sins and killings. Pray for all women who are struggling in their marriages, single life, and those being faithful to Me as nuns.”


Sunday, January 22, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, every person on earth has a mission that they are called to, and only that unique person has been given the gifts to achieve that mission of theirs. My mission as the Son of God was to give you the Good News of the Kingdom of God, and to redeem mankind of their sins. You, My son, have been called to a unique mission of preparing My people for the end times. You were given the faith through your parents and teachers. You were called to be a daily Communicant and a deacon at one time that your pastor asked you to postpone. Then in Medjugorje you were called to serve Me in a special way as one of My messengers. This is also a calling to a humble, prayerful life that I invited you from your working job. Just as I called My apostles from their worldly jobs, so I call people to work for Me in various walks of life besides the priesthood. My priest sons are My special ministers to teach and feed My people with My sacraments. Everyone needs to pray for discernment for knowing your mission and remaining faithful to your call. When you hear My words: ‘Follow Me’, you are to drop what you are doing and immediately see where I am leading you. This will save your soul for heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, more and more gambling casinos are going up in states all over your country as a tourist attraction and a way to make money for states and run down areas. The reason for this extra game building is because they are so profitable for the management. These establishments rig their equipment for generous profits, even when they allow a few wins. It is unfortunate that those, who have gambling addictions, are being encouraged to lose their money in more locations. It is entertainment when you set reasonable amounts to bet, but it can cause financial disaster to families who cannot afford these losses. Those family members, that gamble heavily, should be encouraged by their family to seek counseling at clinics to help people with gambling addictions. Do not let the desire for winning fast money fool you into gambling money that you cannot afford to lose. Even excessive lottery buying can cause problems as well. You do not need gambling in your life to have good entertainment. Pray for those gambling addicts that need help, and discourage these kind of dwellings in your states, towns, or cities.”


Monday, January 23, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, there was great rejoicing in Israel when David became king and led his people to victory over the peoples around them. Even the Messiah, that the Israelites awaited, was supposed to be an earthly king and save them from the Romans. When I came and announced that the Kingdom of God was before them, they did not believe that a carpenter could be their king. Even though man did not revel about My kingship, the angels in heaven blew their trumpets in celebration. But My kingship was not of this world. It is in heaven in the spirit world. I gave St. Peter the keys to the Kingdom of heaven as I made him head of My Church. Rejoice, My people, for I, your King, am with you all days, even to the end of time.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year, that your country tolerates killing almost half of your unborn infants, is another stake that you place in My suffering Heart. You have some new judges being seated on your Supreme Court that could possibly sway some future decisions in favor of the unborn. If you do not change this decision and precedent of allowing abortions, you will face more disasters and risk the loss of your freedoms. You have seen in your news reports that many Western nations have fertility rates that are not even replacing the deaths of their people. When you kill half of your infants in the womb, you will have less workers to support your Social Security and Medical programs. You are causing financial and spiritual losses among your nations with continued killing in abortion. Some governments are now seeing the errors in birth control and are encouraging women to have more children. Now even nature and your very populations are telling you how evil and wrong it is to kill so many infants. You have favored convenience and comforts over nurturing your children, so now you are reaping the consequences of your sins against My plan for life. Change your laws and decisions that are in favor of abortion before your country falls completely into the hands of the evil ones. America’s Judgment Day is near, and the scales of your heavy sins are outweighing your good deeds and prayers. Just as Jonah announced to Nineveh that it would be destroyed if they did not repent, so America also will be destroyed if you do not repent of your abortions.”


Tuesday, January 24, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a car driving down into a valley represents another manufacturing area that is losing money and closing factories and cutting 30,000 jobs. Your American companies have a hard time competing with foreign subsidized cars and cheaper labor in other countries. Your government has a free trade policy, that is destroying all of your manufacturing industries because foreign products are not fairly competing. You give tax incentives for sending jobs overseas, and even tax advantages for foreign companies to operate in America. This is not by accident that your government is encouraging the demise of your factories and the loss of middle class wages. It is the goal of the one world people to destroy the middle class so you can easily be controlled in your finances. It is only the rich and large stockholders that profit from shipping your jobs overseas. Even your technology industries are going overseas. Then your main exports will be agricultural and natural resources, leaving you as a third world country and ripe for takeover by the one world people. If your country does not shift to non-oil fuels, stop your deficits and free trade, then there will be no good paying jobs, small taxes, and your government will be bankrupt. In the same way your country’s morals are deteriorating faster than your financial demise. America has lost its faith in God and so you will be both spiritually and financially bankrupt on your way to your own destruction.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people do not seem to have too many goals in life more than work and having some entertainment. Those, who understand that this life is just a preparation for the next life, realize that following My plan is the best way to reach eternity in heaven. You are spirit and flesh, but the body will soon die and you will only be left with your spirit. The spirit craves to be with Me and loves Me, while the body wants to be satisfied with worldly comforts and pleasures. In your striving for spiritual perfection, you must be willing to die to self and give up your worldly desires for love of Me and serving Me. Your country’s morals are getting worse as you are seeing abortions, bad movies, prostitution, pornography, homosexual marriages, divorces, and fornication in living together. Many of your natural disasters and job losses are a punishment for your many sins. Pray for your people to repent of their sins and lead holier lives so you can stop the spiritual slide in your morals. America has a choice to either improve its morals or go the way of the Roman Empire which was destroyed from within.”


Wednesday, January 25, 2006: (Conversion of St. Paul)

Jesus said: “My people, not everyone has had such a physical manifestation as St. Paul did in his conversion with My Light. This was a special miracle as Saul was changed to Paul. St. Paul became one of My greatest missionaries to inspire My faithful. Converts sometimes have a stronger faith than Catholics from birth because they have made a choice to follow Me. Even baptized Catholics and Christians need to make a personal commitment to serve Me at some point in their lives. I have called many clergy and even lay people to go out and preach My Word so that more souls could be converted to the faith. Some of My chosen prophets and messengers have been given the honor of receiving messages to share My love and peace with everyone. It is unfortunate that even many Catholics do not believe in My Real Presence in My Eucharistic Host. Since the Last Supper, you have heard My words of the Consecration that changes bread and wine into My Body and Blood. Some did not understand or wanted to believe that I would give you My Body to eat and My Blood to drink. But then I said further that unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you cannot have life in you. (John 6:54,55) ‘He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has life everlasting and I will raise him up on the last day.’ There are people who still do not believe that I am really present in My Blessed Sacrament, and to those who did not believe I said: (John 6:64) ‘It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.’ This is why My Adorers of My Blessed Sacrament are special to Me, because they have taken to heart and truly believe in My Real Presence in My consecrated Host, wherever My Blessed Sacrament is present. Rejoice, that I have given you My very Self to be with you in My Eucharist until I return again.”

Jesus said: “My people, this winter you have seen hot and cold with a January of a near record high average temperature. Your scientists have determined that 2005 had the highest mean temperature of the world since records were started back in the 1800's. Some have put the cause of a one degree upward shift on increased amounts of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels. Still the dramatic shifts in your temperatures are a sign of changing weather patterns that have made your storms more violent than ever. It is hard for man to determine if his pollution and waste streams are affecting the weather and melting the northern ice pack. More studies of these effects might prove to you that man can upset the balance of nature that I established at creation. Pray that you will change your habits so the earth can recover from the damage that you have done to your environment. When I come to vanquish all evil on the earth, I will cast the evil ones into hell, and renew the earth to its former beauty so it is ready for the Era of Peace.”


Thursday, January 26, 2006: (St. Timothy & St. Titus)

Jesus said: “My people, over the years man has seen dark ages and ages of renewal. You are seeing in the readings how I sent out My apostles and deacons to spread My Good News of the Kingdom of God. All but one of My apostles were martyred and many Christians, but My Church has survived. As different civilizations rose and fell, many times new missionaries were sent out to convert the people from their pagan ways. Those civilizations, that deteriorated morally, gradually destroyed themselves. Your country in America was founded on Christian principles, but you have deteriorated in your morals as well. When people turn their backs on Me, then you will reap the consequences of your sins. When the family is strong in faith, it has My blessings not to fall into divorce. The children also benefit from a stable, holy environment. It is the responsibility of the parents to pass on this gift of the faith in your teaching and your good example of a good prayer life and regular Mass attendance. It is when you fall away from the faith, that you see more divorce and the children fall away also. Even in a good family environment the children face a lot of distractions from the faith from their friends and worldly attractions. This is why even in America, you have become a mission land because of the immoralities in your society. Continue to pray for souls to repent of their sins, and be converted or renewed in their former faith. Remember that your goal is to spend eternity with Me in heaven because this world is passing away. Only the strong in faith with My help will be the faithful that will make it to heaven.”


Thursday, January 26, 2006: Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, as you approach Lent in four weeks, it would be a good time to think of some spiritual problem or bad habit that you need to correct. As you meditate on where you need to improve in your spiritual life, you could also think of something that you could give up or do for other people. Making a little act of self-denial, or doing something extra to help people is a beautiful gift to Me if you are sincere in carrying it out through all of Lent.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen recent elections among the Palestinians and Iraq. The outcome may not be always to America’s liking, but they are choosing their own leaders. In other Arab states power is not always freely chosen. America and other countries are getting bogged down in drawn out wars when you try to force your own way of government on Arab states. There is concern over protecting oil production in the Middle East, but foreign countries should not be dictating who should run their countries. Pray for peace in this area and that nations may find compromises instead of wars that cause destruction.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you have many comforts in your homes, cars, and many electrical devices. Many of your convenient appliances provide for your food production, clothes being washed, and entertainment. At the refuges you will be stripped of your current possessions, but your necessities will be satisfied. This may be a rustic life in more crude facilities, but it will allow you to see what is truly important in this life, and that is your focus on entering heaven.” I could see some natural gas storage tanks.

Jesus said: “My people, there was initially some concern about a shortage of natural gas and the price rose considerably. Now with your warmer than usual temperatures, you have seen the demand go down as well as the price. There is still more potential for colder weather, but your people have been spared larger bills than they expected. Pray for those people that do not have extra money for higher gas prices.”

Jesus said: “My people, today’s saints of Timothy and Titus had to struggle during the persecution of the Early Christians. It took courage to follow a new religion led by Me and My disciples. There was always a threat of death for becoming a Christian which is not the case now. A time is coming again when Christians will again risk their lives to worship Me. So be strong in your faith, even if you may be asked to die for your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, New Orleans and the Southern States as Mississippi and Florida just received some initial money from your government, but it is not enough to pay for everyone’s losses not covered by insurance. This problem of your government finding money to support disasters is not new as with poor funding of the September 11th losses. Your people may have to choose between helping your fellow citizens in their hurricane losses, or continuing to pour money into your endless wars.”


Friday, January 27, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this raft traveling down a river with rapids and calm spots is like your life that has troubles and joys. At times you are beset by difficult days that you do not think that you will get through as in high rapids. Then at other times everything is peaceful as the calm of the river. This happens not only with the physical problems of the world, but also with your spiritual life in your sins. In order to return to your spiritual peace, you need frequent Confession, especially for your mortal sins. During life you need to be prepared for the devil’s attacks in his temptations for serious and venial sins. You need to focus most on habitual sin so that you can remove any occasions of sin that may make you weak to sin. By focusing on your more frequent sins, you can improve your spiritual life and remove your bonds of control from your sins. Confession cleanses your sins, but you must make a firm commitment not to repeat them. When you try to do everything to please Me, you will see more not to offend Me with your habitual sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is fortunate if you are able to have a nice home with rich furnishings, but do not let your possessions so consume your time that you have no time left for Me. Do not let anything control you whether it be money, possessions, or addictions. You also should be ready to give up all that you own as you go to My refuges. If you cannot part with your possessions or your money, then you are making these things gods before Me. Be sure to make enough time for Me in your prayers so you have the right priorities. All of these earthly things, that please you today, will become obsolete and useless tomorrow. Eternal life is of more importance than any earthly desires. Stay close to Me in a simple life of faith and you will be much better off than having many riches and possessions that could distract you from My service. Follow My ways and My plan for your life, and you will find more satisfaction in loving Me and your neighbor.”


Saturday, January 28, 2006: (St. Thomas Aquinas)

Jesus said: “My people, many times you complain about all of the difficult things in life, but you take for granted all of the many gifts that I have provided for you. You have been given jobs to provide for your income so you have enough to eat and pay your bills. In America you have many comforts in your appliances and heating. You have cars for transportation, schools, and good hospitals. Your government does help with money for the poor, the elderly, and some health costs. In the spiritual world you have the gifts of your faith, freedom of religion, and My Most Precious gift of all in Myself present in My Blessed Sacrament. With all of these gifts given to you freely, you should be giving Me a prayer of thanksgiving every day. Even your very life, soul, and family are gifts that you sometimes do not every consider. Once you look at all of your blessings, your few little troubles pale in comparison. Sometimes I send you a few trials to keep you humble and test your faith that you should always be trusting in Me. The fears, that you have, are like the apostles in the boat when a fierce storm overtook them. I rebuked the storm and then I chastised them for such little faith, even when I was with them in person. My people, you also have Me with you, and if a trial should overtake you, you can trust that I will answer your call for help. Certain life events as death and sickness happen, so it cannot always be changed. But you will see ups and downs in your life, and you must be patient to endure the worst and enjoy the good times. Strive to be with Me in all that you do as you love and serve Me. You will see an even greater reward in heaven for being faithful to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision was about loudspeakers announcing to the crowd at the race track that the race was about to begin. This represents another calling for several of My messengers to announce that the end times are near. This is also a notice to all of My evangelists that you are in a race against time to save as many souls as possible for the Lord. Some souls may not understand the importance of being saved by Me from hell. Some people are so wrapped up in the world’s activities that they never desired to understand My Word in the Scriptures. Some have fallen away from their former faith and are too distracted by the call of worldly things. It is My faithful remnant that I rely on to try and spread My Word to everyone. When the tribulation of the evil ones comes upon you, I have asked you to call on Me and I will have your guardian angels bring you to My refuges of protection. There you will be miraculously protected and provided for. Trust that I will help you in all of your needs, especially in the end days.”


Sunday, January 29, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to church, you make a point to bless yourself with holy water on entering and on leaving. This was part of your early teaching, but it is sometimes more of a response out of habit than really understanding such a blessing. In today’s Gospel I rebuked an evil spirit in someone and told the evil spirit to come out quietly. I told you also that I gave this power to expel demons to My apostles and to all of those ordained ministers that are prepared for exorcism. Expelling demons is a battle of spirits and it is better for lay people to pray in groups over a possessed person. This vision of holy water is one of your weapons in praying over someone. Possessed or obsessed people require deliverance prayers of exorcism to call on My Name in expelling the demons to the foot of My cross, so the spirit does not enter anyone else. Exorcist priests should be called on if they are available, but I give this power to My messengers and faithful who take the proper precautions of wearing blessed sacramentals and praying in groups. Pray for people to not be possessed by demons, but be ready to help those in need of spiritual warfare.”


Monday, January 30, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, Today’s Gospel was a special healing of many demons called Legion from a man who lived in the tombs. This is another sign given of such a demon possession where the man had superhuman strength. When I cast this Legion of demons into the swine, there is a mention of two thousand swine. This is another example that people can be possessed by more than one demon, so that exorcisms must take this into account. You can see in this healing that I have more power than many demons combined. You also can see that the demons need to be sent someplace, but preferably to the foot of My cross so they do not enter other persons, animals, or things. This is another example of how I healed the spirit first and then the body. The people were so terrified of the pigs dying and the possessed man healed that they wanted Me to leave their place. This is a hard teaching for people to understand, but it is another emphasis on demon angels that really exist, and how they tempt you and can even possess people if they are invited.”

Jesus said: “My people, you look back at some old civilizations and wonder why they offered up human sacrifices of babies and young women to their gods. Their sacrifices were made on huge altars to gods as the sun and moon. In the Old Testament there is a witness of offering up crops or animals to the One True God. I came as the ultimate Blood Offering to My Father so that all of mankind could be saved from their sins. Even today your culture is different, but you still have gods of comforts, pleasures, money, sports, or possessions. Those things, that you allow to control you or occupy your time before Me, have become your gods. There is only One God and I am the only One worthy of your worship because I created all of you. Today, you make offerings of your babies in abortion up to your gods. With euthanasia you even offer up your older or sick people to put them out of their pain. In the end your people of today are just as callous in their killings, and just as pagan in their worship of gods as these old civilizations. If you truly want to have a respected civilization, then you must stop your abortions and mercy killings, and worship your Lord every day in prayer.”


Tuesday, January 31, 2006: (St. John Bosco)

Jesus said: “My people, in both of today’s readings you have children being grieved by their parents. David grieved for Absolom, his son, and Jairus grieved for his daughter. This is a very difficult time for a parent to have a son or daughter die prematurely. Many parents have had to endure lost children from birth defects or accidents. This rising white balloon in the vision represents the young soul leaving the body. You know that I can call anyone home even in their early years, but man feels more grief when a person dies in their early years. It is easier to accept an older person’s death than a young person in man’s sense of justice. But each life is a gift and you must be willing to accept My Will even if I should take one of your children before they grow up. In the case of Jairus’ daughter, I brought her back from the dead to the pleasure of his family for their faith. Death is a part of life, but man has a difficult time in accepting the finality of losing a loved one. It may be a loss to those still living, but you do not want to deny that person a chance to be in heaven. Children under the age of reason are taken to heaven after their death, so you have saints already in heaven that can be intercessors for your prayer intentions. Souls of people over the age of reason will have to face My judgment at death as even older people do. Pray for those families who suffer the loss of a child because their grieving can disturb them for years if they cannot let them go in their hearts. Only a willing acceptance of My Will can give these parents the peace of mind that they are seeking.”

Jesus said: “My people, America still has some advantages in your high technology devices, but your electronic manufacturing is migrating to China, Japan, and Eastern countries of cheap labor. As technology is transferred more overseas, this field could compromise America’s leads in the electronic industry. Patents and new inventions are competing for world domination. America’s education and know-how need to improve to keep your nation strong in your economy. Many of America’s manufacturing jobs are being lost in favor of less paying jobs in the service industries. The American economy is still large, but you are losing market share to foreigners in many fields. America needs to be stronger in your morals, if you are going to maintain your power among the rest of the nations. Love of God and neighbor should be a daily part of your life beyond the striving to be a world leader. Instead of pride and money driving your people, you should put your trust in My help to endure all of your trials. If you desire worldly things more than Me, then you will become a pagan nation destined for destruction.”


Wednesday, February 1, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading David took a census of his people for adding to his army, and then he repented and had to choose three days of pestilence of his options from the prophet. Many people died from the pestilence as a punishment. The vision shows some readiness for a fast escape, but this is connected with famine and pestilence of the end days which I have warned My faithful to be ready for. A world famine and pestilence will occur after the Warning. This is one of the signs along with a division in My Church, and chips forced in the body that will signal the time to go to My refuges. There will be a moment of haste, so you need to have some things already in your backpacks ready to go. I have asked you to store some blessed sacramentals, holy water, blessed candles, some food to multiply, a few changes of clothes, sleeping bags, a tent, and a small shovel with a bicycle to travel. I will provide for all of your needs at My refuges, as well as protection from the evil ones. Your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge. You can look on My luminous crosses to be healed of any diseases that the evil ones will try and inflict on you. See that these things are ready for when you will have to leave in haste.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government has passed legislation that is unfunded that will force every state to put a chip in your driver’s license that will eventually hold finger prints and iris scans by 2008. Many even admit that this will be a controlled National ID card that will soon be necessary to have to get onto airplanes. It will become a means to buy and sell as you will be tracked by it wherever you go. If your government can mandate chips in your driver’s license, they then could mandate these chips in your body so you do not lose them. Refuse to put any chips in your body, even if they threaten to kill you. These chips could have control over your mind. When they mandate chips in the body, then it is time to call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge of protection. Trust in Me and I will see to your protection and all of your needs will be provided for. These evil ones will try to seek you out in your homes to try and force these chips on you. That is why going to the refuge first would not allow them to find you. If you remain at your homes too long, then they will place you in detention centers to torture and kill you. Trust in My Word to leave your homes before they can find you, and you will be protected from their seeing you.”


Thursday, February 2, 2006: (Presentation of Jesus in the Temple)

Jesus said: “My people, the vision of the lit candles is a sign that I am the Light that came into this world of darkness of sin. My Light dispels the darkness just as My death on the cross conquered sin and redeemed all of mankind from their sins. The Gospel reading shows the deep faith that Simeon had in believing that he would see his Savior before he died. My Blessed Mother pondered his words about how a sword would pierce her heart in sorrow. Simeon and Anna confirmed to My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph that I am the Savior to come into the world to save My people. Many candles are blessed on this day and they are a representation of My Light that is still in the world. You use candles and My Easter Candle at your Baptism, your marriages, your deaths, and at the Easter Vigil. Even when you will be faced with My three days of darkness at the end of the tribulation, you will need blessed candles for light at that time. Rejoice, as you share the joy of My Light in all of your lives.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, an earthquake causes two plates to slip, and when water falls into the crevasse, the earthquake gets worse with more slippage. This can happen along your Western coastline which the fault line follows. I have told you before that you could see some geography change in this area. Many of these events are occurring because of your many sexual sins in this area.”

Jesus said: “My people, your coal mines are being run to gain the most profit for the owners and the safety of the miners is of less importance to them. Many mines in West Virginia have multiple violations that are not being fixed because of the expense and a threat to the miners’ jobs if they tell. Now that these mines have been shut down due to three serious incidents, these violations will need to get fixed before being safe to enter. Greed for profits has put the miners at risk. This is true in other industries where safety is sometimes compromised to cut expenses. Pray for your employers to be more responsible for the safety of their workers.”

Jesus said: “My people, your oil prices have gone up because more countries are using more oil products to run their industries. There is a choice to find more oil in other parts of your country, or truly to focus on using other fuels to be independent of Middle East oil. There have been some improvements in making ethanol, but the amounts sought are so small that it will take decades to replace oil. If oil concerns of the oil companies did not control your economy, you could switch to ethanol in years instead of decades. Pray for your government to do what is best for the people and not what is best for those oil lobbyists controlling alternate fuel production.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had one threat in North Korea for building nuclear weapons, but they were a threat that could be eased by donations to their poor economy. A similar threat in Iran to build nuclear weapons is different because of their choice to shut down oil production and send oil prices higher. Because Iran does provide oil to Russia and other clients, it will be difficult to have the UN issue any sanctions against Iran. There will be no threat to force Iran to stop making these weapons because even the U.S. cannot extend themselves beyond Iraq. More nuclear weapons in the hands of militant Arabs could cause major instability in the Middle East. Pray for peace in this area that has seen constant wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing several new volcanoes becoming active, especially where you have many earthquakes triggering their eruption. As more volcanoes send more ash into the air, there could be a dramatic effect on your weather. Pray that your weather stabilizes so it does not get too hot or too cold. Otherwise you could see more famines and fires if hotter, or a testing of your fuel supplies if the weather gets colder.”

Jesus said: “My people, your economists are citing how the average person is spending more than they are earning in salaries. Part of this problem is that families are stressed to find good paying jobs with manufacturing jobs decreasing. Yet housing, fuel costs and education costs are stretching their budgets. This frustration can easily spread to civil unrest in places where business has been poor. Pray for your people to change your government policies, or riots could try to stop the destruction of your middle class.”

Jesus said: “My people, as oil and natural gas prices rise and stretch budgets, people may resort to using alternate fuels if they are available and cheap. Some already are using more wood for fires where trees are plentiful and renewable. Many of your choices in how to live are forcing people to change their way of life and what fuels they use. Pray for those who need more money or options of fuel to deal with your high prices.”


Friday, February 3, 2006: (St. Blaise)

Jesus said: “My people, you are abhorred at the sight of family members killing their spouses and children in the news. Many of these killings come from rage of hate, but the morals of your people are so low and life is not seen as precious anymore to some that even killing could become an option. Already your people’s hearts are hardened enough to kill the babies in the womb because your laws allow it. Even the sick and elderly could have their lives taken in euthanasia by sick nurses or doctors, or family seeking inheritances. This extends further to those who think killing in wars is an option if they can make money on other peoples’ lives. In poorer neighborhoods drugs are the source of many killings in your cities. If your laws and immorality hold life in such low esteem, then none of your lives are safe, and you are breeding a call for a police state for some kind of order to the killing. Pray for America to change your ways and laws that protect life, or your country will destroy itself.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people think that they have privacy in their lives, but many of your activities are monitored and analyzed everyday. All of your phone calls and emails leave a paper trail and are even listened to by your intelligence agencies. All of your charges leave a paper trail and are sold to people that can profile you for ads on TV or in the mail. All of your banking is known by government agencies, even by your tax bureaus. Your cell phones contain smart cards that can be tracked anywhere as well as your road debits for tolls in your smart card passes. To control your buying and selling by chips in the body is part of what controlling your mind is all about. The one world people control your lives already with many of your electronic devices, but do not put chips in your body that could be abused to control your mind. The time for the Antichrist’s declaration is not far off because these same money people are going to support his control for their takeover of all countries. The evil ones are duping the rich to serve them as gods, but I will defeat all of them when I come again to renew the earth of all evil. Trust in Me and My power than the control of the demons and the rich people.”


Saturday, February 4, 2006: (John Paul Lyons’ funeral, 20 months)

Jesus said: “My people, this scene of people of various ages waiting to go up an escalator represents the souls that I take home in death. The other vision is of souls coming down to earth as each child is conceived. There are souls constantly coming and going in the repeating circle of life. It is unfortunate in your eyes when a life is cut short and the grieving process begins. But in respect to eternal life, all life on earth is short. That is why each day is a blessed opportunity to love Me and each other in helping one another. You are mourning for the lost little one, but you still have comfort from your living family members as you are blessed with a new saint in heaven. Your life’s mission goes on and you are called to continue your own path until you also are ready to come home with Me. You heard in the Gospel how I want you to be faithful as a little child’s faith of humility and innocence. Life is very precious and it needs to be nurtured and protected, just as your faith in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the days of your cold war when it was possible for a nuclear exchange, you represented this situation by moving the hands of a clock closer to twelve o’clock. I am showing you this clock again in the vision because Iran and North Korea are getting close to having their own nuclear bombs. When the Iranian President threatened to attack the U.S. and Israel, he was showing what he would do with such nuclear devices. If he wanted to ruin the American economy, he could use three EMP (Electromotive pulse) devices over New York, Washington, and Silicon Valley to eliminate all microchips in those areas. These devices would throw your banking system into chaos until other chips could be made to replace them. Your technology is very fragile and needs to be protected or backed up with older technology. If Arab militants had access to nuclear devices, there could be some serious consequences if they used them. You have seen how destructive they can be with conventional explosives, so imagine how dangerous they could be with weapons of mass destruction. Such oil countries could then use oil and nuclear weapons as blackmail for their demands. Once one country would set off these weapons, this could trigger multiple responses that could endanger the health of all of mankind. Pray again that wars as this will be prevented, and logical thinking will prevail over using nuclear bombs.”


Sunday, February 5, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, the Old Testament is steeped in tradition as My Church was rooted in the Law which I came to fulfill. There are traditions in My Church as well, but they serve to support My Word in the Gospel and give the faithful an example to follow in their faith. You have traditional prayers as the rosary which is a remembrance of the 150 psalms and the various important steps in My life portrayed in the Mysteries. You have My Mass and receive Holy Communion on Sunday to share your faith with others and fulfill your obligation to worship on Sunday. You have My hierarchy in the pope, cardinals, bishops, and priests that carry out My ministry. You have My Commandments to follow and can be healed of your sins in Confession. You have My sacraments and My Liturgy of the Hours for daily prayer. Most of all I draw you to love Me and your neighbors in faith. When people fall away from their faith, it is a testimony that their faith was not nurtured or that their roots were weak without proper teaching or encouragement. Love takes a commitment to practice what you believe and preach. If your faith is not an integral part of your life, then it will soon die of your lack of love and interest. That is why daily prayer is an important part of your life as well as following My traditions which are there to support your faith. Believe that I am your Savior who awaits you in heaven, and show your belief by loving Me and loving your neighbor.”


Monday, February 6, 2006: (St. Paul Miki and companions)

Jesus said: “My people, the Ten Commandments given to Moses on the two tablets of stone was the covenant between God and the Jewish people. There truly was the presence of God in the cloud around these tablets. The vision of My tomb and My Resurrection is another covenant of even more significance. My death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice that you renew at every Mass, and you are redeemed from your sins. This example of My Resurrection is a foreshadowing of all of My faithful souls that one day they will also be resurrected with their bodies. There is a new covenant and My Real Presence is now in every consecrated Host in every tabernacle where My Blessed Sacrament resides. When you want to pray to Me or give Me praise and worship, you can visit Me in My tabernacle, Adoration, or receive Me in Holy Communion. My holy Presence at your local church awaits your presence to share My love with you. Give praise and glory to God for My gift of Myself to you in My Eucharist.”

Jesus said: “My people, this picture of a wheel represents man’s vision of the wheels of progress. You have seen many new inventions and electricity has provided the power for your many electrical devices. Some of these inventions save you time, but they also have side effects that man has traded off for what he wants. Your cars give you travel, but you pay in pollution and for your dependence on oil. You have medicines to stop diseases and you are living longer, but some side effects can ruin your internal organs. You have increased the harvest of your crops by using artificial fertilizers, and manipulated DNA for your crops to endure bugs and bad weather. Much of your pollution and changes in your food are causing an increase in cancer and other diseases. Man wants progress on his terms and in his time without concerning himself with how he is upsetting the balance of nature. This is why you are seeing unusual storms and unusual seasons as the hot and cold of your winter. When I return, I will renew the earth to its time before man has destroyed My plan of perfection. Then you will see a new heavens and a new earth in My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, February 7, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is asking you to open the door to your spiritual life to let some fresh air come into your stale air of complacency and feeling that you deserve everything. Being low at the door means that you should practice more humility in your actions, instead of ordering everyone around according to your desires. You need to respect everyone’s right to their own opinion and likes. You all are different and you need to have compromise in living peacefully with others. You have many earthly customs and traditions, but your first priority should be to love God and to love your neighbor. You can encourage others to love Me and their neighbors, but do not try to force religion on others because it must come from their own free will and not yours. I love everyone and I want all of you to follow My Commandments on your path to heaven, but I do not force My love on anyone. True love has to come from the hearts of both parties freely. You can give good example and a gracious nudging to Mass and Confession, but do not nag your children on every little custom. By your prayers and teaching, I will open their hearts to My love, but each person has to make their own personal decision to love Me and their neighbor.” Jesus said: “My people, the baskets full of left over food refers to My two miracles where I multiplied the food for the five thousand and the four thousand. The number seven and twelve are all throughout these accounts. With the five thousand there were five loaves of bread and two fish adding up to seven. After the people ate their fill, twelve baskets of food were collected from the left overs. With the four thousand there were seven loaves to start and after the people ate, there were seven baskets of left overs collected. These miracles showed My power, but also it was respectful of not wasting the food left over. These baskets also show you that I will give you My gifts that will more than satisfy your needs. These miracles of the bread being multiplied also can be seen in how the Bread of Holy Communion is also multiplied, yet I am fully present in each Host. This is also a forerunner for how I will multiply the food for My faithful in the tribulation time. For those without a Mass, I will have My angels bring you Communion so I can be with you all days, even up to when I return.”


Wednesday, February 8, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, each day of your life brings you one step closer to Me in your judgment. I want My faithful to live humble, simple, and holy lives, and you will be worthy of coming to heaven. Today’s Gospel speaks of what comes from the heart is what defiles a man and not just what he eats. Even though you may wash your hands and perform outward acts that appear proper, it is your thoughts that direct your actions. I look into the intention of your actions, so you are not fooling Me in what you are really thinking. Focus your lives on Me and serve Me, and you will have nothing to fear. I take care of My own in miraculous ways as I help provide for all of your family’s needs. Do not be like the worldly who ask what are we to eat, drink, and what clothes are we to wear. If you seek first the kingdom of God, all of these things will be granted to you. Your mission is to know, love, and serve Me, as well as evangelize souls to be with Me in heaven. Trust in Me and I will answer your prayer intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read of Me healing blind people so they could see again physically. There are also spiritually blind people that need to be enlightened by My grace. This vision of a black shadow in the middle of a scene represents how evil influences can take over your thoughts and control your life. Distractions by possessions and desires of worldly pleasures can take you away from your focus on Me. You need to hang on to your daily prayers and daily Mass for the strength that you need to keep Me first in your life. Do not let your spiritual blindness increase, but come to Me in Confession so I can let you fully see by My grace, so earthly things will not disturb you. You notice the symptoms of physical blindness and you go to the doctor. Look also for signs of your spiritual blindness and come to your greatest Healer in Me.”


Thursday, February 9, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of My crucifix over the globe of the earth means that I died on the cross for all peoples of the earth and not just for the Promised People of Israel. Unless everyone worships God and obeys My Commandments, they cannot enter heaven. I have sent My apostles, deacons, and missionaries as St. Paul to all parts of the world so My message of love is available to everyone. You cannot have strange gods before Me as idols because this is against My First Commandment. If you put other beliefs, possessions, fame, or riches as idols before Me, then you will be like the lukewarm that I condemned because they speak of Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. A time of the Warning will come upon you when you will be drawn out of your body before Me and I will reveal Myself as the Son of God to each person. I will show everyone that belief in My Catholic Church, that I established on earth, holds the most complete knowledge of My Revelation which is complete with My sacraments. Everyone will have their lives shown to them of their good and bad actions, and the guilt of your sins will be a call for repentance and a seeking of forgiveness. You will be placed back into your bodies for an opportunity to change your lives of sin and follow Me in obeying My Commandments of love. If you refuse to worship God and you disobey My laws without repentance, then you are on the road to hell.”


Thursday, February 9, 2006: Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, the latest militant protests against some cartoons demeaning Muhammad in European newspapers is causing a burning of embassies. It has been revealed that an Iranian even added to the protests by faking further worse cartoons and claimed it was from European sources. You are seeing many trumped up reasons to cause hate between Muslims and other peoples. Recently, My Crucifixion has been mocked and there are hardly any complaints, but it was removed. Catholic Doctrine are made fun of because there is not much defense made. Pray for all of these evil doers who will have to make an accounting before Me for their bad actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, your weather and natural disasters are continuing even during the winter months. Your scientists have declared a new record for a high average temperature in January. While some are getting snow and usual cold temperatures now, others in Florida, Texas, and California have such low humidity that fires are ravaging these states. Many new records are being set every year so that you are seeing continual signs of the coming end days. Pray and prepare for your spiritual deliverance through the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, your oil prices and commodities have been going up and down when there are threats to your oil supplies or a threat to interest rate changes. Even your houses and car sales have affected your stock prices. Many budget calls and deficits are going to affect various groups where cuts are being made to pay for more of your billions spent on the Iraq War. Continuous wars against terrorists are manufactured and your people are asking for more answers than they are being given. Continue to pray for the end of this Iraq War before your casualties and money spent get out of control.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government is claiming that they have the right to intercept foreign calls to militant groups without answering to anyone for a warrant. The truth is that this is just a cover-up because they are listening to all sources of communication and they do not want to admit this to the public. Better to talk quietly outside because your conversations are being monitored on your phone lines and through your TVs. Do not be afraid because I will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who spend many hours watching sports events that could easily become addicting. However you spend your time, you need to be careful not to let anything control your mind and body away from Me and your prayer time. If you spend most of your free time on selfish entertainment, then you need to reset your priorities so you can give Me more love and time to serve Me. By constantly analyzing how you spend your time, then you can see if you are letting things control you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am happy to see that you are finally taking some actions to prepare yourselves for the coming tribulation. There will be many demons released from hell at that time and My faithful will need all of the spiritual weapons that you can muster for this battle of good and evil. Trust in Me that I will protect you from the evil ones at My refuges, and My martyrs will receive My grace to endure their pain at that time.”

Jesus said: “My people, many spouses and sweethearts are making their plans to share with each other their love on St. Valentine’s Day. This is a nice gesture once a year, but there should be a constant celebration of love with Me and your neighbor all year long. I have asked you to love everyone, even your enemies or those that you avoid seeing. Try to make more of an attempt to reach out and show your care for all the people that come into your life with a special emphasis on doing this out of love for Me.”


Friday, February 10, 2006: (St. Scholastica)

Jesus said: “My people, daily prayer should be an important part of your spiritual life. There were several saints that led monastic lives of prayer and started various orders of priests and nuns. The practice of the Liturgy of the Hours can be prayed at various times of the day and night. In the Gospels it is recorded several times how I went to the mountains to pray and prepare Myself spiritually for events that I was about to face. This is a good preparation for when you have hard things to accomplish either physically or spiritually. Prayer in the morning helps ready you for the day’s events, and prayer at night is a thanksgiving for My help and a time to ponder any mistakes so you can improve your life. You have My strength in prayer because you are being united with Me in your expression of love for Me. Even at times it is good to be open to listening to My directions and discernment for what you are to do in life. Keep your focus on My mission for you, and you will be on the narrow road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this view of a severe winter cold in Europe is in stark contrast to the warmest January on record in your country. Your scientists are baffled how you can have such extreme hot and cold in the same Northern Hemisphere when it should be winter. Other scientists speak of changing jet streams which have for a while been staying North allowing in the warm air. It is no surprise that your HAARP machine has been active and it could cause the jet streams to stay in one position longer than normal. Man has been experimenting with microwave weather making machines for some time. Much of your pollution, wars, and changing of your food is contributing to an upset in the balance of nature. Man thinks that he can change things to improve on My perfection in creation. All of your activities are threatening your very survival because of the abuse of your weapons. Pray that My hand will hold back your nuclear bombs from destroying everyone. I will not let you or the devil destroy all of My creation. Pray and thank Me that you are secure in My help without worry of what will happen during the tribulation.”


Saturday, February 11, 2006: (Our Lady of Lourdes)

Jesus said: “My people, in the desert while Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments, My promised people made a golden calf to worship, even though they had just witnessed My saving power from the Egyptians. Worshiping this idol of gold may seem unusual to your modern day habits, but they were imitating the worship of false gods as their neighboring nations. I made many covenants with My promised people and there was a division in the camp on who should follow My Law with Moses, and who would continue to worship other gods and idols. Even in today’s world you see times of gold rushes in California and now a rush to gambling casinos and lotteries with a desire to get rich quick. Man still is challenged to worship gods in possessions, money, and fame. Some people spend their whole lives working as much as possible to accumulate great wealth and then it is gone in a few seconds when they die. I have given you a message about seeking riches: (Matt. 6:19-21) ‘Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where rust and moth consume, and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither rust nor moth consumes, nor thieves break in and steal. For where thy treasures is, there also will thy heart be. You cannot serve God and worldly goods.’ You will either love Me, the real Treasure, or you will love your worldly things, but you cannot have two masters. Where you spend your time and what you desire in your heart will determine if you choose Me over your wealth.”


Sunday, February 12, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you all have to realize that you are all sinners and need to be healed of your own spiritual leprosy. I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation so you can be changed from unclean to a clean, pure soul full of grace. So many souls are quick to point out other people’s sins and any unusual physical appearance, but they need to cleanse their own sinful appearance to Me. You are seeing a vision of the saints in heaven after their purification either on earth or in purgatory. Better to cleanse the punishment due to your sins here on earth than later in purgatory where the suffering is more difficult. In purgatory you will see flames of purgation in the lower levels as well as the pain of not seeing Me until you are released. Remember also to pray for your soul and the souls suffering in purgatory who can be released sooner with your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, this scene of a dark stadium is a reflection on the words that I gave you of how the Antichrist represents the darkness of evil that will try and lead souls to worship him only. Stadiums can hold large crowds and the Antichrist will have a charisma to draw people to follow him for power and gain. There is a progression of how the Antichrist will come to power. Unless I give the word, he cannot declare himself ruler of this world. In many churches there are statues, icons, and large crucifixes being removed and the tabernacles put in back rooms. This is in preparation to bring in idols of the New Age and the Occult. New Age teachings and exercises will be gradually brought into My churches. As the Antichrist gains more power, you will even see the image of the beast being placed on My altars. As soon as you see New Age idols and teachings brought into a church, leave that church for an underground faithful remnant church that is true to My teachings. Avoid looking or listening to the Antichrist because his demonic powers of suggestion could lead you to worship him. Hold on to your faith and traditions about Me, and you will have no worries. Trust in My protection both now and at My refuges.”


Monday, February 13, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in your news and I have confirmed that your HAARP machine, sponsored by your government, can cause earthquakes and weather making. By controlling the jet streams around strong storms, this microwave machine can worsen hurricanes and now your snow storms. This machine sends out constant broadcasts of high intensity microwave bursts from many acres of antennae so that it warms the ionosphere and controls how long a jet stream will stay in place. The vision shows a disturbance of an earthquake underwater that can also be induced by disturbing the magnetic makeup of the earth’s crust. This manipulation of nature and the earth by your electronic devices is another way that man is upsetting the rain and snowfall that could cause more fires and famines throughout the world. When I send you natural disasters because of your sins, it is also a punishment for all of your mischief that is affecting the earth’s weather. When I come again, I will cleanse the earth of all of your evil people, and restore the earth to its original balance that man has distorted.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are constantly beset by demons in their temptations every day. They use your pride and your earthly desires to distract you from your prayers and Me by wasting your time on frivolous earthly things. You love to lavish yourself with earthly entertainment in movies, news, TV shows, or curious shopping. Some spend too much time in casinos, on the internet, or on other hobbies that do nothing to serve Me. You should have your prayer time focused on Me as your first priority, and put aside all of your addictions, and avoid near occasions of sin for your habitual sin. If you focus on actions that are good and serve Me in love for your neighbor, then you will have less time to be drawn into your earthly distractions and sins. As you see this vision of the demons waiting to lure you into their temptations, call on My Name to take away these temptations, and do not entertain them that lead you into sin. When you are more conscious of the demon attacks every day, then you will be able to strengthen yourself against sin. I am with you every day and I wait for you to call on My help, and for you to show your love for Me.”


Tuesday, February 14, 2006: (St. Cyril, St. Methodius, St. Valentine)

Jesus said: “My people, you all have been endowed with a unique set of talents and skills as this sculptor in the vision. There is a source, or cause of these gifts that you have, and it is Me, your Creator. Along with your skills, you have also been blessed with a mission in how best to use your talents for My greater glory. I do not want My people to bury your talents, or refuse to use them because you were meant to carry out your mission that only you were directed to follow. This day people are thinking of human love between a man and a woman, but you can think of loving Me every day and thanking Me for My gifts. If you follow My Commandments, it also means that you should love all of your neighbors as well. As in other languages there are various forms of love. The agape love is man’s love for his God, and the filial love is your love for one and other. The Eros love, or earthly love is only intended for those that are married. You can direct your actions to do everything out of love for Me so that you are desiring to follow My Will rather than your own. When you live a life of service, you will not have time to be selfish. Love has to be shown both to Me and your spouse, so do not be afraid to love Me in prayer and do good things for your spouse.”

Jesus said: “My people, over the next few years your government will demand that you have a driver’s license that contains all of your personal information with fingerprints embedded in a smart card. The loudspeakers at the airport represent how they would be broadcasting all of your information so crooks could use this to get into your bank accounts and steal your money with a false identity theft. It will be mandatory to have such a smart card license or you will not be able to get onto an airplane. All of this is being required because of your desire for security, even at the cost of your freedoms. The Arab attackers that crashed the planes into the trade towers had fake documents to get their driver’s licenses. These smart cards could also be manipulated with fake Ids, and the only people monitored, will be your law abiding citizens. See that terrorism and these attacks were all staged purposely to give authority to your government to control its citizens. When these chips are demanded next into your bodies, then you will have to call on Me, and My angels will lead you to safety at My refuges. Have no fear because My power is greater than all the demons and evil people.”


Wednesday, February 15, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I healed a man from blindness so that he could see, and because of his faith in My healing. There are other kinds of blindness to sin when people try to cheat others out of what is theirs. Some employers are cheating their employees by cutting their benefits, not paying a living wage, and diminishing or eliminating their pensions. Some governments levy too high a tax unfairly on unsuspecting home owners. Some taxpayers cheat on their taxes by not claiming their correct income or deductions. Some businesses do not report all of their income or make purposeful errors in predicting their income. These same businesses also avoid taxes offshore or send their jobs abroad to get cheaper labor. All of these things are slights of hand in secret to steal or embezzle money at other people’s expense. This blindness to fairness and cheating is done on purpose to gain riches improperly and even unlawfully. Pray for these people to change their ways and that they may be brought to justice. If they are not chastised here on earth, they will be punished at their judgment before Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you to prepare yourselves for a time of persecution and tribulation when the evil ones will be allowed a brief reign on this earth. It is not an easy thought to contemplate leaving your house and all of your possessions behind. But the chaos will be great and you may be faced with either martyrdom for your faith or following My angels to refuges. The refuges, that will be protected, will be rustic as in the vision, and you may have crude utensils to eat and drink with. You will see miraculous springs at My refuges that will provide water for many people. The canned food that I asked people to store is seen in the vision that will be multiplied for your food. I keep telling My faithful not to worry about what you are to eat and drink, or what you are to wear. Just as I take care of you now, so I will protect you from the evil one at My refuges. Trust in My constant multiplication of all that you need, and you will see how generous I am with all of My gifts for you. You will always be given enough grace to endure all the trials that you will face. So have no fear and thank Me for watching over all of you.”


Thursday, February 16, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I asked My disciples: ‘Who do you say that I am?’ After they had seen My miracles and listened to My words in explaining My parables, My apostles still did not always know Me and My purpose, since they were not yet enlightened by the Holy Spirit. But St. Peter was inspired to say: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.’ It is one thing to see and hear what I did and said, but it is another to live My words and act on them. The Jewish people are My Promised people, and they were waiting for the Messiah, but most of them did not recognize Me as their Savior. Those, who are faithful to My words and act on them, are called My Elect on their path to heaven. But I ask My faithful also to listen to these words and ask yourself if you really believe that I am your Savior who came to die for your sins. Once you say that you believe, then you must accept Me as your Creator, Savior, and Healer. Now you have a responsibility to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. You need to follow My Will and My mission for your life. Faith in Me is a life long commitment to respond to following My Commandments and strive for that perfection in your life that will lead you to heaven. Give Me praise and glory as you worship Me and imitate My life of holiness. I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation so you can have your sins forgiven frequently and keep a pure soul. I have given you a gift of My Real Presence every time you receive Me in Holy Communion and visit Me in Adoration or at My tabernacle. If you are called to be My Elect, then you must not be lazy in the ways of the world, but you must show your love for Me and evangelize as many souls as you can to be saved in My grace.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, many times you do not realize how much you crave earthly things until you look in the mirror to see your own actions. It is your thoughts that are behind your actions, and you need to step back quietly and review how much you do for Me and how much you do for yourself. If you are desiring to be holy, then you must detach yourself more from earthly things. All that you do for Me and your neighbor will gain you more riches in heaven than all the wealth of this world that you accumulate.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people with some money that have heard a call to start a refuge. Looking to establish a refuge should come only after strong prayer and discernment. The land of a refuge should be consecrated to Me and there usually are springs of water on this land. Some have built some structures on the land with some animals and have stored food and blankets. I will bless all of My faithful who have been called to start a refuge. During the tribulation these places will be protected havens for My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you to have some backup fuel supplies in case you have power outages or a shortage of fuel. Many disasters could occur that could shut down your power lines or gas lines. Many current riots for various reasons could close down oil pipelines or threaten to restrict your gasoline supplies. Pray for My help to keep peace in your world.”

Jesus said: “My people, I call your attention to the order and beauty on the earth when you study the plants and animals before man has changed them by hybrids and breeding. I created this order and balance of nature as it was perfectly made. Even looking at mankind’s physical makeup will show you miracles in how wonderfully you are made. Man in his quest for better crops has changed the seeds for various purposes. He has bred animals for meat, but you also have added drugs and feed to fatten them quicker. Man needs to protect his environment by not changing My original plan.”

Jesus said: “My people, in previous years you have had good weather without so many disastrous events. Recently, your large cities have had to deal with major fires and hurricanes that you were not prepared to handle. Pray for these people that were ravaged by storms and still are struggling to find proper lodging. Put yourself in their shoes without much money and you will understand their pain.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who go to bed hungry every day, yet man spends money on frivolous things as wars and weapons. Your country is one of the largest arms makers in the world and your deficits from war and free trade are going to cause your bankruptcy and takeover by foreign countries. Your central bankers are looking for wars to make money on the arms and the interest on your debts. Unless your people take back control over your decisions for war and overspending your budgets, everyone will be sharing in the grand bankruptcy that will allow your country to be taken over by foreigners. Pray to improve your morals and repent of yours sins, or worse things will befall you.”


Friday, February 17, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, at one time America used to consume almost forty per cent of the world’s available energy supplies and yet you have only five per cent of the world’s population. Now you are using only twenty-five per cent of the world’s fuels because China and other industrial countries are competing more for America’s standard of living in manufacturing. The demands for oil, natural gas, and other fuels are soon going beyond the abilities to produce these fuels. I am showing this oil tanker in the vision because the sources of oil are in many political hot spots that could easily upset America’s oil supplies. As your deficits with other nations goes higher, it will be beneficial to your nation to start using more renewable sources of energy than depending on foreign oil. Your government deficits with overspending and your trade deficits are out of control, and they are eroding the strength of your economy. America needs to keep its industries at home so you are not dependent on buying things from countries like China. Soon and even presently your largest exports will only be agricultural products. Stripping America of its factories and economic strength is a part of the one world people’s strategy for taking over your nation when it goes into bankruptcy. This exporting of jobs and money through wars and trade is a part of this planned takeover. As long as the American people allow your government to get into costly wars, and control your jobs and spending, your fate will be sealed. Your people also need to repent of their sexual sins and abortions, or you will see more destruction from natural disasters. Change your ways before others will take you over.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a ship without any direction represents America’s leadership problem today. Your Congress and President are being controlled by the one world people in the central bankers. It appears that they are not protecting the people’s interest, but they are following a course of destruction which is how the one world people will take over. These mistakes in more wars and free trade that ships your jobs overseas are not just by accident, but it is a plan to destroy your country so the Antichrist and evil people can come to power. It is obvious to everyone that your budget deficits are out of control because of the billions of dollars being spent on your Iraq war. You are becoming dependent on foreign countries for fuel and all manufactured goods, and this is another disaster to your jobs and your economy. Your country is also without direction when it comes to your morality as well. Your sexual sins and abortions continue on with no remorse or repentance. Many of your sins are causing your own punishment in your mistakes and natural disasters. As you turn your back to Me, you are refusing My blessings and graces that have made your country strong. The American people need to repent of their sins, and take back control of your country from the rich, or you will continue on your road to destruction without any proper direction.”


Saturday, February 18, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, wars and insurrections have caused famines and have destroyed economies all over the world. There are many poor and hungry people that are not receiving any aid. America contributes food and aid to some countries, but the amount of money spent on foreign wars dwarfs any amount spent on aid. You are the widow’s mite handing out aid, but you are an uncontrolled spender when it comes to wars and weapons. I keep telling you, if there were no wars, your defense industrial complex would have no reason to exist except for home defense. The one world people need to generate reasons for war to justify your government’s reckless spending. These people continue to profit from your war debts in interest which the taxpayer gives them, and they make money on the arms’ sales. You can see the double standard where you are fighting in Iraq because of nuclear weapon fears, but you are doing nothing physical against Iran and North Korea who are obviously building nuclear weapons. War and killing are the tools of the demons, so how long is America going to continue this carnage of lives and spending which is not changing anything in these countries? Pray for an end of these wars and concentrate more on being peacemakers than war makers.”


Sunday, February 19, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you can identify with the brokenness of the paralytic man. Life makes many demands of you in schooling, making a living at work, and caring for your family. During the stress of all that you go through, there is a certain brokenness of your trials in everyone’s life. You all have health problems, or you are helping someone with health problems. Going down the stairs in the vision represents all that you go through in life. But then I am there to tell everyone: ‘Your sins are forgiven.’ I do not force you to come to Me, but those, who seek Me in repentance and sorrow for their sins, receive My forgiveness and grace of a pure soul. When you see this banquet table in the vision, this represents the reward awaiting My faithful in heaven for all those struggling through life. When you call on Me for help, I am at your side to lessen your burden and give you the grace to endure anything that you may face on earth. It is reassuring to know that I always love you, and you always have a friend in Me to listen to your troubles and petitions. Your love for Me will be multiplied many times over in My gifts to you. Repent of your sins and love Me, and you will see your reward both here and in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your scientists in different countries have worked on many different kinds of light beams for weapons to kill people. It is very difficult and time consuming to send troops, tanks, and ships to far away places. That is why your military desires a non-destructive light beam that could transport large objects from one place to another in a very short time. There are some early signs that this can be done, but it is being guarded with high security as the next phase of stealth technology. Already the Russians are using special beam weapons for killing that disintegrate bodies leaving them irradiated, but not by nuclear radiation. All the billions of dollars spent on your military are to develop the next generation of weapons that are sophisticated in their design and expensive to make. This money could be better put to use in feeding the poor of the world.”


Monday, February 20, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, at times your waste baskets get full, or you are cleaning out your basement. Then you dispose of your waste into a large receptacle for the garbage man. In the spiritual world your souls collect a lot of garbage in your sins and you need to dump them also. I am your spiritual garbage man who cleanses your sins and takes them away, but My priest sons assist Me when you come to Me in them for Confession. But there must be enough faith in each person to desire forgiveness and to make the forward motion to come to Confession. The father in the Gospel wanted his son healed of his demon possession, but his faith in Me to heal his son was weak. That is why he asked Me to help his unbelief. Faith is a gift, but it must be nourished by prayer in calling on My help to endure life. When My apostles could not cause the demon to leave the boy, I sighed in wondering how long will My apostles also be weak in the use of their gifts. I told them that some demons were harder to cast out, and this type required sustained prayer and fasting. (Mark 9:28) When you pray as a group in My Name, you can cast out demons with prayer and fasting, but you need to be more persistent with some demons than others. This little prayer of the father could be your prayer also when he said: ‘I do believe, help my unbelief.’” (Mark 9:23)

Jesus said: “My people, these reels of tape being rewound and played back in the vision represents how I will review your life outside of time at the coming Warning and at your death or near death experiences. You will fast speed through your sleeping hours, but all of your thoughts and conversations will be reviewed. Sometimes the evil one takes advantage of your bad memories to taunt you, but when you call on My Name, I will take away any stressful temptations. Many times you do not realize how much you offended Me in your bad actions. You also will see your sins of omission when you could have done some good deeds and you refused. It is better even if you balk at a good deed and finally do it, than to say you will, and later refuse to do it. (Matt 21:28-32) I do not force you to do good deeds out of love, but I want you to choose on your own to help people. It is this free will choice that I give everyone, but you all will be held accountable for what you did with all of your opportunities. In the Warning and near death experiences you will be brought back into your bodies to change your bad habits and live holier lives. But at death there will be no changing of your judgment. Now is the time to make some changes in your life so you can start working toward your crown of sainthood. The more you allow your sins to hold you captive in your earthly desires, the harder it will be to confess your sins to Me in the priest. I want each of you to spiritually let go of all of the entanglements that keep you from loving Me. Be free to open your heart and soul to Me and you will find true happiness in even carrying your daily cross. Love Me and your neighbor as yourself and this will be your life long work to save your soul.”


Tuesday, February 21, 2006: (St. Peter Damian)

Jesus said: “My people, you should revere My saints more since they are models of behavior for you to imitate. Some people have statues, icons, and relics of the saints to commemorate their lives, and they are great intercessors for prayers. To be saints they usually have several miracles associated with their intercession. You have various favorite saints to pray to and still miracles are resulting. To live like a saint means that you are willing to truly live a daily consecration of all that you are doing for Me only. Giving your will over to following My Will is a difficult sharing of control over your life. Another saintly characteristic is to have joy and full love of Me and others in your heart. A call to self-giving to help others without being asked is how saintly people live their lives. This is not an impossible feat, but with My grace you could live holier lives if you tried. That full commitment to love, know, and serve Me has been taught to you from your early years, and My call is always waiting for your answer. This is your goal, but even if you cannot be this saintly, striving for sainthood should still be your aspiration since this is the road to heaven. Struggling to not be controlled by earthly things and desires is a life long fight that will test you every day. Call on My help, the saints, and the angels, and we will come to you in your need.”

Jesus said: “My people, your countries rely heavily on transferring data, money, and voice communications by cell phone towers and satellites. If one country wanted to upset world trade and communications, they could do so with a powerful satellite laser weapon which would have no obstructions in space to take out other important satellites. When solar flares knocked out one satellite, there was great confusion in trying to get a phone line through. Imagine what one laser could do to America if it were aimed at all the specially orbited satellites right over your country. These weapons have been in space many years, but they were not meant to take down commercial satellites. This is just one more way that America’s economy is vulnerable in its dependency on communications.”


Wednesday, February 22, 2006: (Chair of St. Peter)

Jesus said: “My people, I called the little children to Me to make them an example of unfettered faith in love. They have no fear because of their age, and they trust in their parents to take care of them. I want My people to have the innocence of a little child, and to have faith in My help as a child has faith in their parents. As you have gone through life, you have received many gifts from Me and I have protected you. My love relationship with everyone will never change, and it is you who diminish in your love for Me. My love for you is constant, unconditional, and everlasting. Whether you are a serious sinner or nearly a saint, I will love you just the same, and wait for your repentance. Do not let worldly comforts and conveniences lead you away from Me. Loving and worshiping your Creator should be the greatest joy in life that you could share with Me. Come to Me with the faith of a child and you will be assured of a place in heaven.”


Thursday, February 23, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision represents the people’s thirst for My living water and not just earthly water that does not quench your thirst. Earthly water is a necessity to sustain the body, but you keep requiring to be filled again and often. My living water is My grace, peace, and rest which is a joy to quench your spiritual thirst for My Presence, and satisfy your stress with this life. Many people are restless in their spirit and they are not satisfied with the temporary comforts and pleasures of this life. Your soul is always seeking the peace of being with your Creator. Once you have a taste of My love, nothing else will satisfy you more. It is this spiritual peace with Me that you never want to leave. When your soul is purified from your sins in Confession, and when you receive Me in Holy Communion, this is the grace and peace of My living water. It is this spiritual peace that you should guard from all of the world’s distractions. It is when you let the worldly things upset your peace that you become restless and agitated. It is only in love of Me and neighbor that you have peace, and not when you are angry and hostile toward others. Hate, anger, and revenge are the weapons of the evil one, and you cannot have peace with hate. So remove things in your life that cause you this stress, and only follow Me and things of love in your life. It is only when you keep your spiritual peace with Me that you can find this oasis of love in a world full of hate and violence. Come to Me always and I will satisfy you with My living water.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, recently you have seen ten or more churches destroyed by arson in the South. It has not been determined yet who is setting these fires. In Iraq the various religious factions have been destroying each other’s mosques and holy sites. The evil one is behind racial and religious divisions, but it is unfortunate that houses of prayer are being destroyed. The hate in man is so great that he is defiling My houses. There is too much hate in the world and not enough love. You are to love everyone, even those who think different than you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how much America depends on foreign crude oil to run your cars and trucks with refined petroleum products. This high cost of oil and in politically difficult countries are the reasons for a good share of America’s deficits between your imports over your exports. Even your president has been trying to push the development of alternate fuels. Developing non-carbon sources of fuel as wind, solar, hydrogen, and nuclear will take some time. Others are focused on ethanol from grain, but all of these fuels are a low percentage compared to oil products. This change from oil needs to be speeded up to improve your economy and your pollution.”

Jesus said: “My people, many have taken various sides over your ports sale to some Arabs who want to control the operation of your Eastern ports. Some want more rigorous security checks over whoever runs these ports. Others are ashamed that foreigners are even allowed to control these port operations. Security in inspecting your cargo containers is very minimal and this lack of security is causing many investigations. Your country is having foreign investors spend your deficit dollars on your land, factories, and businesses. It is time to decide as a country how to balance your deficits, or foreigners will own more of your businesses than your own people, and you will be their servants.”

Jesus said: “My people, many renovations being made to My churches are being controlled by church leaders over objections of the parishioners. In some cases older churches need repair, but a majority are stripping My churches of many holy objects and are leaving plain walls and chairs instead of pews. I have warned My people to beware of this stripping of churches which is making way for New Age idols and statues. When you see such New Age teachings and idol worship enter a church, it is time to leave such churches for the coming underground church. In addition to burning churches, and fewer priests, you will have to endure this further division in My Church, but only for a short time before I will return and bring My victory over all evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, the violence of crime, wars, and abortions are all taking their toll on the fear and hopelessness that many people are enduring. It is hard to have loving communities when there is too much hate and little love in your people all over the world. Love starts with treating life as precious and avoiding all of this killing. You see a high divorce rate and living together outside of marriage as a sign of the immorality in all nations. If you cannot have peace and love in the family home, then how can you have love and peace in the world. Your wars are just a reflection of the divisions in the home boiling over into national relationships that are falling apart. Pray for peace first in your own homes, and for peace among all nations.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of deaths and injuries lately as people are being buried or trapped in various accidents and natural disasters. Several mining incidents have questioned safety conditions in the mines. Mud slides have questioned poor planning in removing trees or people living on flood plains. Some events can be prevented, but some are not planned. Pray for these affected families and help them with your donations if possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, as reports are coming out of the failure of your levels of government to help the hurricane victims, various people are trying to shift the blame for not having a plan. Other victims are being forced out of their temporary shelters without any place to go. Your country can spend billions of dollars on wars and health problems, but it is hard to pay for these people in your own country who have lost everything. Again reach out to help them in donations and prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your good paying factory jobs and benefits are becoming a problem as jobs are shipped overseas or businesses are shutting down. It is not surprising to see your average wages decrease when your people need low paying service jobs to replace their factory jobs. Pray that your employers stop exporting your work just so the rich can gain more profits at the expense of your workers.”


Friday, February 24, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel on marriage and divorce shows you how man’s idea of divorce for convenience has not changed over the years. There is a pureness of love in a marriage as an institution and as a sacrament. I reminded My people then and now that I made you male and female to become one flesh as a life long commitment to each other. Many marry for physical love and when the attraction wanes, they want a different mate. You are more than the animals with reason and a soul, so every vocation, that you take on, should have more meaning than just a casual relationship. The home of a man and his wife is the proper environment for children in love and to bring them up. There are a lot of responsibilities in providing for a family, but you can call on My help for any financial or physical problems. There are many divorces in half of your marriages, but if you are united with Me in faith, you will have nothing to be concerned about. This self-giving love, that you are willing to share your life with someone, means that you will be tested by many temptations. It is a faith filled person who perseveres in a marriage for the sake of the other spouse and the children. Children from divorced parents have to endure a stress filled life, and they are the victims in divorce. Your society needs to treat life and marriage with sanctity in how precious they are. When people live in fornication without the blessing of marriage, they are not only sinning, but they lack the commitment both to Me and their mate. It is better to marry in the Church than to live a life of constant sin. Any other kind of marriage beside a man and a woman is a further abomination in My sight. I love everyone, but each of you decide your own way and one day you will have to make an accounting of your life at your judgment before Me. Unless you abide by My laws against adultery, fornication, and homosexual sins, you cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven. All sinners have to confess their sins and make a firm commitment to avoid this near occasion of sin. You can choose the road to heaven or the road to hell by your actions. Stay faithful to Me instead of satisfying your passions.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time of tribulation is coming when the Antichrist will declare himself, and evil people will take control of the world. This will be a time of trial when I have warned My faithful to call on Me, and your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge. It will also be a time as in the vision when many demons will come out of the ground to harass those who are unprotected. You will need all of your blessed sacramentals and holy water to protect you from the evil ones. Trust in My help at that time to protect you just as I protected the Israelites from the Egyptian army. No matter how strong the evil ones will be, I will keep you safe from the taunts of the demons, and I will provide for your needs. Do not worry or have any fears of the evil ones because I will vanquish their power, and they will be chained in hell. I am always in control of things, and I am allowing this brief reign of the Antichrist to test your faith. You will be going through a living purgatory on earth, but your reward will be both in My Era of Peace and in heaven.”


Saturday, February 25, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of someone struggling up a mountain through the clouds to the top is like your struggle in life to come to heaven. Unless you can overcome your sins and seek My forgiveness, it is hard to advance on your path to heaven. Your desires for earthly things, that pass away, can hold you back in your climb for perfection. Even in today’s Gospel I am asking you to have the faith of a little child to reach heaven. You are approaching the Lenten Season and this time of extra fasting and prayer should be an opportunity for you to gain extra graces by denying yourself of some earthly pleasures. By restricting the body, you can develop self-denial and come closer to Me doing good deeds and more Bible study. It is living what I teach you in the Scriptures that will be more important than memorizing chapter and verse. Reading My Gospels help keep your focus on climbing your own spiritual mountain to sainthood.”


Sunday, February 26, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, as you make your Lenten preparations, you are given your little mite boxes at church. Many people have plenty of money for their needs, but giving to charities on a regular basis is not every one’s desire. During Lent you are encouraged to do more prayer and fasting, but also to think more of your almsgiving in helping people out of love and not just out of duty. All that you do during Lent should be done out of your own choosing to please Me and serve Me in helping others. Making a substantial gift to your favorite charity during the months of Lent could be one of your sacrifices instead of spending it on your own entertainment or more possessions that you do not need. If money is something that influences you too much, then letting go for a few donations could show your real sense of charity. The poor and hungry could use your help when you have more than enough surplus to share.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you visit the sick, the elderly, or help someone, you are serving Me in them. For every good deed that you do for someone, you are storing up treasure in heaven for your judgment. The good that you do will balance off some of the punishment due for your sins. Take every opportunity to gain these graces when you can and you will not only be on a path to heaven, but even to a higher place in heaven. Many of the saints gave up all of their wealth and means for a living so they could live in full union with My Will in helping others. Trust in Me that I will always lead you to good things, while the evil one tempts you to waste your time on things that will not help your soul. The more you love people, the more willing you will be in helping them.”


Monday, February 27, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks of the problems in desiring money, but there are even deeper problems associated with pride, time and controlling your own will. Many people desire expensive possessions or the money that will buy them. Once these possessions are acquired, they soon grown old and obsolete and the need is now for something new. At times it is this desire for such temporary things that drives people’s actions, even changing their priorities in life of loving Me and loving others. When you direct your life for your own selfish motives, then you are not choosing to follow My Will. You should not let any earthly desire control your life so much at the expense of forgetting about serving Me and Me in others. This vision of going against the grain means that you should not let your will cause so much disruption with others when you cannot have things go your own way. Pride can get in your way of loving Me and loving others. Your selfishness in sharing your time with others is similar to those who do not want to share their money with others. You must be generous with your time and money, as love should govern your actions more than your pride. Put your trust in Me and not in your money and possessions. Do not worry if you will have enough money for your needs because I will provide for your needs as I provide for the birds of the air.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some substantial earthquakes in the last year, especially under water. These waves of water remind you of the damaging tsunami that killed several hundred thousand people. These waves are a sign that this could happen again and could even be triggered by your microwave devices. These waves travel hundreds of miles per hour and they strike very suddenly, even as you have seen damage from volcanoes and mud slides. Many preparations and warning systems have been put in place to warn you of an impending tsunami, but you will need to get to high ground quickly. Pray that any more of these natural disasters will not be so deadly or damaging as your Hurricane Katrina.”


Tuesday, February 28, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks about those who follow Me may have to suffer persecution. There is also consolation for those who are downtrodden by others that the first will be last and the last will be first. In today’s society there is no justice because those with money control the judges and sway the juries. Even in your country if you speak out against war, abortions, or homosexuality, you will suffer persecution and even lose your jobs. Powerful interests by lobbyists and the one world people are behind how your government is run and how they dictate to the people. But it is your courts that are using liberal judges to strike down your laws banning abortions and pornography. Many of your courts are legislating immorality against the will of the people. It is for these condemning rulings that your country has suffered natural disasters and you will continue to suffer until you are brought to your knees. You will not see justice until I return and cast all of these evil doers into hell, while My faithful will see My new heavens and new earth in My Era of Peace. Do not worry about the dark days of this tribulation, but look forward to My victory when My faithful will be vindicated.”

Jesus said: “My people, your old churches are a lot more pleasing to Me than your new and remodeled churches that appear to have no life. In older days the parishioners actually helped to build their local churches and the people were strong in their faith because of their love of the Sacred. Today, you are concerned in getting awards for your builder than having a strong belief in your faith. The more simple your faith as a little child, the more powerful your faith will be. Many changes in destroying My altars have the people protesting these structures, and this has brought division in My Church. I call My people not to give up their faith over these changes, but realize that it is another sign of My coming Remnant Church where eventually you will have to flee to My refuges. Once you are there, you will be protected from all harm and I will feed you My holy Bread until I return.”



March 1, 2006: (Ash Wednesday)

Jesus said: “My people, this first day of Lent is focused on the saying of the priest: ‘Remember thou are dust, and unto dust thou shalt return.’ This expression of ashes is to humble everyone to the fact that I created you from the elements of the earth, and when you die, your body will return to dust and ashes. Lent is a special time of the year to put the spiritual life of your soul in proper perspective to where you will go after your death. While you are here in this life on earth, you should be preparing your soul for heaven before you die. The idea of a forty day period of prayer and fasting comes from My preparation for My public ministry after I was baptized by St. John the Baptist. During the year there are many distractions that can lead you astray from your strong fervor of loving Me and your neighbor as yourself. By an extra focus on fasting between meals, doing some penances of giving up something you like, and an increase in your prayers as the daily Liturgy of the Hours, you can help purify your life of earthly desires. Many times your craving for things in addictions, or other habits that consume your time, draw you away from Me. Just as I fasted and prayed in the desert, it was a time to resist Satan’s temptations of eating bread, throwing Myself over a cliff, and bowing down to him in worship. In all of these temptations I quoted Scripture to him in answer to his taunts. You are going to be tested also by Satan’s temptations every day of your life. So take advantage of this Lenten Season to build up your resistance to his temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, this pulsing beacon of light represents microwave signals being sent over an area in the sky. In combination with the materials placed in the sky by chem trails, these microwave pulses could trigger epidemic diseases in given areas. The evil ones are causing fear with threats of epidemics. Even worse, they are instigating these viruses and diseases on purpose to lower the population, and give cause for declaring emergencies and martial law. The evil ones will use any tactics to take away your freedoms and give the evil people control over everyone. As the evil ones begin to take over, My angels will lead you to My refuges where you will be healed of all diseases by drinking the spring water at the refuges and looking on My luminous cross over each refuge. Trust in My protection and My healing and the evil ones will not be able to harm you or find you.”


Thursday, March 2, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading about Moses (Deut. 30: 17-19) he is giving the Israelites his parting blessing as they are about to enter the Promised Land from their forty years in the desert. His address on choosing life is a good lesson for every nation, especially America. ‘If, however, you turn away your hearts and will not listen (to God), but are led astray and adore and serve other gods, I tell you now that you will certainly perish. I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live, by loving the Lord, your God, heeding His voice, and holding fast to Him.’ Right now you are serving the gods of money, possessions, lust, and war. The morals of following My laws have been replaced by your greed for money and pleasures. The moral decay in your society can be seen in your movies, your actions, and your laws. Because you have chosen this path of sin instead of following My laws, you must accept the consequences that are leading to your destruction as a nation. There are evil rich people who are controlling your government and your money that are leading you to bankruptcy both physically and morally. This is their plan for takeover, but your people are so steeped in their sins and pleasures, they do not see the coming loss of your freedoms. All of the natural disasters and your deficits will bring your people to their knees unless your people repent of their sins and worship your Creator instead of created things.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, New Orleans has only a quarter of its original population after the hurricanes. Yet they are still celebrating a sinful carnival atmosphere along with the new gambling casinos. The people here were brought to their knees, and they still have not linked this destruction with their sinful lifestyles. Where sin abounds flagrantly, you can expect My wrath to fall on those unrepentant sinners. Pray for the citizens of these destroyed cities that they repent and call on My help to recover.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Lent is a time to try and improve your lives even in the little things as driving your car. It is easy to get upset over slow drivers, or those that are distracted by cell phones. The real challenge is to keep your peace and do not let the little things get you angry and disturbed. If you are tempted to overreact to such things as driving problems, then say some prayers at that time to calm your emotions. Carry this same thought into every situation that could disturb your peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you make up your mind to clean out your garage or basement, you make the extra effort to get rid of those things that are no longer needed. Your souls need to be cleansed of your sins more than just cleaning out some trash. If you have been sinning for a long time without Confession, it is difficult to see how badly you need repentance and My forgiveness. You need to recognize that all of you are sinners and are in need of frequent Confession. Make an effort especially during Lent to get to Confession at least once a month, even if you have not committed any serious sin. Pray for all souls to repent and return to My forgiving heart of love. You need to have pure souls to get into heaven, so take the condition of your soul seriously and keep it ready and pure for the day that I will call you home.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the dangers of a shark when you are in the water because you can see their fins. Many do not always see the danger of the evil ones in their temptations to serious sin. Because the devil is crafty and deceiving, you need to be on your guard against sin at all times. This is why daily prayer and frequent reception of the sacraments are a great help to keep you strong against temptations. Look at the lives of the saints and seek to imitate them in their holiness. Do not have fear of the evil ones because when you have Me for you, who could be against you?”

Jesus said: “My people, you are very careful to guard your valuables and have all manners of security devices in your homes and cars. Why do you take such care of your earthly things, but you care little to store up heavenly treasures of your prayers and good deeds? I have told you many times that where your treasure lies, is also where your heart lies. You cannot love both Me and money at the same time. Put your trust in Me and worship Me instead of your money.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you commit a crime of theft or shoot someone, you expect the police to bring you to justice and finally to prison. This is a consequence of your sinful actions against society. When you commit sins against My Commandments, you also must expect that you will have to make reparation for your sins. When you are in serious sin, you may not see the bars of a prison, but the bonds of your sins can keep you from coming to your spiritual potential. You always can do more in your life to improve your holiness, but you must have the faith and determination to move forward in a better life. I love you always, even in your sinful actions. Make an extra effort in this Lent to loosen the bonds of your earthly desires that hold you as a prisoner.” Jesus said: “My people, America continues to be tested by 100 mph winds, fires, and snow storms. Many of these events are signs for those with eyes to see that you are getting closer to the end times. Your ongoing wars and insurrection are taking lives all over the world, even as different religious views have brought some divisions. Love should be uppermost in your mind and it is better to strive to build up society as peace makers than to let hate and war destroy any peace present. Work and pray to stop your wars where greed and pride will gain you nothing.”


Friday, March 3, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are strong in your faith, but even more around you are lukewarm, or not even religious at all. My faithful remnant are the pillars of My Church and you need to give good example to your family members and those around you. If you are to be models for others to follow, you need to stay strong in your faith by renewing yourself with the discipline of your Lenten devotions. By extra prayer and fasting, you can nourish and build up your faith so you will be strong against temptations to sin. You all are subject to temptations every day, so everyone needs a time of Lent as a retreat from your worldly cares and distractions. Take this time to grow in your faith instead of accepting the status quo. Unless you keep gaining in your perfection, it will require more purgatory to cleanse your earthly desires.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your factories are having a difficult time in matching quality and price for your durable goods such as cars and other high value products. The lost market share is bringing many of your companies close to bankruptcy with many layoffs as well. It is hard to blame your consumers for wanting to buy better quality and cheaper products. You are turning into sellers instead of makers, and your manufacturing jobs are declining steadily. If your government does not limit these imports and the balance of trade deficits, you will be exporting your money and the ownership of all of your businesses. This is another area where the overhead of all of your taxes, benefits, and labor costs are pricing you out of your global marketplace. Pray to Me for helping you in your jobs and keeping your employment to feed your families. Your morals also need to improve as well as your coming to Me for repentance of your sins.”


Saturday, March 4. 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I want to call your attention to the fact that all of you are sinners with faults, and you all need to come to Me in repentance of your sins. Do not be dismayed at your weaknesses, but be thankful that you have a Savior who loves you and wants you to reach out for My help to be holy. Do not criticize people for their faults because everyone is in various stages of progress in their faith and learning experience. By being loving and willing to assist people, you will keep the peace instead of making them resentful of your criticism. At the same time you must be loving when people criticize you and not be prideful in getting angry at someone’s remarks. Even when people are slow or forgetful, resist showing up other’s faults just because you are faster or have a better memory. Many arguments start with unnecessary criticism, and both parties need to be more understanding of each other’s faults. When you think to criticize someone, remind yourself how others see your faults and are offended also. Think love in your actions and comments, and you will spread My loving peace instead of being a bad example to others. If you truly love Me and your neighbor, you will think twice the next time you are quick to judge someone.” Jesus said: “My people, this problem of handling flash flooding from heavy downpours also threatens to carry untreated sewer water into your rivers and lakes. The bad quality of the water in New Orleans caused burns and rashes for those who walked in it. These large rainfalls from violent storms are going to be more frequent. In California unusual rains are causing further mud slides. Your storms are partly increasing in violence and rainfall because of the higher temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico and the oceans. Your country is going to have to make plans to deal with more disasters like Hurricane Katrina. Living near these Southern states is going to be more of a liability than vacation sites. America is suffering in more ways from your natural disasters in part due to your immoral behavior and your lack of repentance for your sins.”


Sunday, March 5, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, your deacon today touched on all the Lenten devotions that the people need to be doing to be holier people and take advantage of this Lenten opportunity of grace. Some may want to attend some daily Masses as an extra penance. Daily prayer is a good way to stay in close communication and express your love for Me more than once a week. Stations of the Cross help you to understand My suffering for each of you and they prepare you for Holy Week. Fasting from food between meals and having a modest seafood dinner on Fridays helps you to train your body to fight the devil’s temptations. The most important Lenten suggestion is to confess your sins at least once a month, even throughout the year. You all are sinners and in need of My forgiveness. In Confession I cleanse your sins and fill your soul with grace. In serious sin you are made alive and your spiritual life is renewed in your love relationship with Me. I mentioned almsgiving in previous messages, but it is also a way to be humble in healing your pride and any love of money by sharing with your favorite charities. All of these devotions have one goal of strengthening your soul and faith on your path to heaven.”


Monday, March 6, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of people carrying shields is all about the battles against evil that you must bear every day. There are three sources of evil in your life. You are tempted by your peers to follow the crowd, even if it involves sinful behavior, or you may risk social rejection. You are tempted by the devil just as I was tempted in the desert. The devil is very cunning and deceptive in his temptations and distractions from things that are holy. You also are tempted by your own will in your earthly desires, and sometimes even addictions or habitual sins. Knowing and understanding your sources of sin can prepare you for these attacks so you are not found unaware. In all of these temptations pray for My help and do not give in to these sins which you rationalize as unimportant. Every time that you sin, you are offending Me, and you need to come to Me in Confession for forgiveness and seek My mercy. I will always forgive you, cleanse your sins, and fill your soul with My grace. By having strong faith and a strong prayer life, you will have a spiritual shield of protection from all of the evil that you will face each day.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times people travel on vacation during the summer time. This vacation trip has taken on a different purpose as if you are practicing for the days when you will have to leave for My refuges in the rural areas. Once you leave the cities and suburbs, it quickly changes to thinly populated areas. The more you can do a little camping and practice using your backpack materials, you can get a preview of what it would be like at a refuge. Do not worry about your needs because I will provide for you and your protection. My angels will keep you from being seen and My luminous cross over the refuges will heal all of your diseases and infirmities. So the next time that you take a vacation in the car, think of how prepared you are to leave for My refuges, because that time will be coming sooner than you think.”


Tuesday, March 7, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I taught My apostles the Our Father as a way to pray to God. Prayer is an important part of your spiritual life, and in reverence you should pray slowly and think of what you are saying. There are various reasons for prayer. You pray to give Me Adoration and it is your way of saying how much you love Me. You pray over things and people to bless them. At meals you pray that you are thankful for your food, and that it may be safe to eat. You pray over people to call on My healing and sometimes to release them from demons. You pray many times prayers of petition or intercession for saving souls from going to hell, souls in purgatory, peace in the world, and a stoppage of all the killing going on all over the world. You pray to thank Me for all of your blessings of things and graces of faith, as well as for all the people that I place in your life. The ultimate prayer of Thanksgiving is the prayer of the Mass and My gift of Myself to you in Holy Communion. You also pray to Me in asking forgiveness of your sins, and you are willing to make reparation for your sins by your prayers, as in your penance after Confession. In all of these ways you are humbling yourself before Me as you are reaching out to enrich your love relationship with Me. Every prayer is heard and I will answer whatever is best for your soul or others in My time.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are times in your life when old habits or addictions can control your life in either repetitive sin or things that waste your time. As soon as you allow one little opening, as a drunk takes one drink, you can open the floodgates to the things that can control you. When your desire for these earthly cares so consumes you, it is hard to break the chain of this desire. It is sometimes better if you refuse to be enticed the first time and remove any occasions that would lead you to sin or a return to a bad habit. You are not alone in this battle of control over your life. When you come to Me in prayer, I am at your side to help you break the bonds of any control that addictions or bad habits have over you. You need to let this desire go in order to be free of its control over you. Take up reading some good spiritual books and this could take your mind off of your desires. Only by freeing yourself of these earthly desires can you begin to grow in your perfection that you are seeking to enter heaven. Give your life over to what I want you to do, and your spiritual peace will return to you free of the controls of the world’s money, possessions, and fame. Search harder for your freedom and peace with Me, and your soul will be satisfied in getting close to your Lord. I conquered all sin and all things are possible with Me. You must make that forward motion to love Me and put My plan for you as your top priority. Love Me and your neighbor as yourself, and love will overcome all of your earthly faults.”


Wednesday, March 8, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel and the Reading talk about Jonah in Nineveh, and I tell My people of that time that I am greater than Jonah and Solomon. (Luke 11:29-32) When Jonah was called to send a message of repentance to Nineveh, he was reluctant at first. His message was actually taken up seriously as the people repented of their sins and their city was spared destruction. In most other accounts the people refused My call to repentance and in the flood with Noah and the fire against Sodom and Gomorrah, My judgment fell against these people. I give the people of every generation fair warning of their sinful lives, and if they refuse to follow My ways, as the Israelites, their towns will be destroyed and they will fall into captivity. As with Me and most of the prophets, the people do not want to be reprimanded to repent and change their lives of earthly comforts and pleasures. So I tell all of My prophets to not be disappointed if people refuse to listen to your words. But remember that if you have been given a mission, it is still your responsibility to speak out to save souls by asking them to repent and change their lives. If My messengers follow My call, then they will save their souls and those who listen. Those, who refuse to follow My Commandments and do not accept Me into their lives, are calling this condemnation of the people of Nineveh upon themselves. As this evil age grows worse, you will see very few of My faithful remnant proclaiming their love for Me. You see the immorality all around you and many are no longer praying or attending Mass. Do not be discouraged about the few in number of My true believers, but be faithful to your own faith, and reach out to save as many souls as possible.”


Wednesday, March 8, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this picture of some crossroads signifies that America is at a crossroads in making any more decisions for making war with Iran. The secret deal to sell the operations of your ports to the Arabs was a payoff for using their airport for future military uses. Now your Vice President and Secretary of State are laying down the rhetoric for a war with Iran if they do not stop their intent on making nuclear weapons. The American people want out of your war in Iraq, and surely do not want another war with Iran. Your Congress needs to assert its authority over who declares war, and who can sell the operations of your ports, or your country will be openly controlled by the one world people. You already have seen what a disaster attacking Iraq has brought America, so why should you continue this madness by starting another war in Iran? Pray for a stoppage of your wars now that could possibly lead to a world war if Russia and China defend Iran.”


Thursday, March 9, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are behind the scenes preparing for another war in Iran. The oil stakes are too high for them in the Middle East to allow politics to get in their way. These are the central bankers and the rich controlling all of your governments to follow their directions. I have told you before that the bankers make money on the interest of your war debts that are now eight trillion dollars, and they profit from selling arms to both sides. War is big business and a money maker for them, and that is why they are encouraging this war with Iran. The unexpected consequences of such a war could be worse than the debacle in Iraq, if more countries are involved. Such a war would send oil prices higher and cause a world wide problem with oil supplies. Pray much that such a war does not take place, or many lives could be lost. If this war occurs, you will have proof of who is running your governments.” Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing before you some Lenten symbols in some new Stations of the Cross and a picture of how I suffered with My crown of thorns. These traditional symbols help to add some reality to how I suffered for each one of you. When you walk My Stations of the Cross, it is how you can share your suffering with My own suffering. I am still suffering on the cross for your current sins that are continuing. Give praise and glory to Me for giving My life so that you could life a free spiritual life today. During Lent you could read the Stations of the Cross as one of your devotions to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, your president was shocked by the reaction of your Congress to putting down his selling of the port operations to an Arab shipping concern. The real security risk was voiced by your people, and the future elections pushed your Congressmen and women to act to protect their jobs. Your Congress has opened up a whole new look at how little these containers are inspected for nuclear or other dangerous materials. It is one of the first times that Congress has asserted itself against foreign big business.”

Jesus said: “My people, this rejection of the Arabs to run your ports is just the beginning of a challenge to your president on many issues that his own party is distancing from him. The war in Iraq which has cost hundreds of billions of dollars has grown colder in its support. A possible new war in Iran could be another area of disagreement. The one world people are finally meeting some resistance to having things their own way. Keep praying for peace and that nuclear arms are not used.”

Jesus said: “My people, this area where I lived has a real contrast in the old city of Jerusalem vs. the newer city. There are still many sacred traditions carried on by the Jews, the Palestinians, and the Christians. These peoples have tried to live together, but there are still clashes over the ownership of the land. There will never be total peace, but some of the recent changes are helping the peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your time moves on, there are more people wanting peaceful diplomatic solutions instead of more wars. There are different opinions, but preventing war is easier to strive for than all of the destruction and killing in a war. It is greed for land, oil, and control that has driven some countries to even think that they could win and profit from war. With nuclear weapons in so many hands, war on that scale does not seem worth it. Pray that proper thinking will prevail with no war.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just completed your first week of Lent and it would be good to look at how your initial intentions are working out. Some have adopted some fasting and extra prayers, but are you being successful in your plans? If you have yet to start a Lenten regimen, now would be a good time to implement some things that would improve your spiritual life. If you already are falling away from your original intentions, it is not too late to get back to your Lenten devotions. Think of how much that I suffered for you, and you could think of sharing some penances for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned how almsgiving should be a more important part of your Lenten sacrifices. If your means permit, it would be a good exercise to make a good donation to your favorite charity during each month of Lent which is only two months. You are working to improve your spiritual life, so helping others would be an appropriate Lenten suffering. When you help others, you are helping Me.”


Friday, March 10, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a safety net for acrobats is how you should see Me in your life. Many people are very apprehensive to take risks in life out of fear of losing their jobs, or not being able to provide for their living needs. You have read in the Scriptures (Matt. 6:26-29) many times about having trust in Me because I feed the birds of the air and dress the lilies of the field. If I can take care of these things of nature, how much more value are you in My eyes that I will provide for your needs. Man is always worried if he cannot see an immediate solution for his survival. I am that safety net behind you. You need to trust in My help for your jobs and the food and clothing that you need. In addition to helping you with your physical needs, I am also a safety net for your spiritual needs as well. At times you fall into sin, but I am there to lift you up in Confession. It is you who must recognize your faults and seek My forgiveness. With sorrow and reparation for your sins, then I can replenish your soul with grace and cleanse your sins from your souls. I am always here to forgive you, if you would just see your need for My grace. With this faith and trust in Me for both your physical and spiritual needs, then you can be at peace that your Lord is watching over you in every little thing of your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you face almost impossible tasks as when David faced Goliath in combat. But David had faith in God and he trusted Him to help fight his battle. When David fell the giant with his sling shot and stone, David was not surprised at his victory, but he was confident in his Lord’s help. This deep trust in God is how all of My faithful should also be confident in My help in all of your trials. Do not be surprised at your success, but give Me praise and glory for answering your prayers. Sometimes you let your fears stifle you from accomplishing My mission for your life. I have empowered you with the power of the Holy Spirit to do great feats to prove to you about the power of the Holy Spirit. The more you see My power manifested, it should embolden you to evangelize souls for My sake. Remember to trust in Me, and I will accomplish great things through you, just as I enabled David to conquer Goliath.”


Saturday, March 11, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this dark shadow of evil, that will come over your country, is coming from the Antichrist who will live in Europe as he takes over the European Union. The central bankers will sponsor the Antichrist as he will promise them power. Once in power the Antichrist will do away with all of his sponsors and leaders, and replace them with demon inspired people as himself. The father of lies will entice people to work for him and then he will force them to worship him and accept his mark of the beast. He will do away with the United States on his way to world domination. Pray for My help during this evil reign, and I will protect My faithful remnant at My refuges.”


Sunday, March 12, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard Me talk about those who harm or give bad example to My little ones and how they need to be punished severely. I will forgive those who repent, but there is still more reparation for these sins because they can mislead an innocent soul. Those, who beat children or even kill them as in abortion, will have even more to answer for. Parents and grandparents need to protect their children from bad influences from bad movies, bad TV programs, internet searching in bad subjects, and even bad influences from their friends. It is not easy to be watching over them every moment, but the parents need to know what they are watching and doing in these areas. There are many worldly bad influences that can corrupt the minds of your children. You cannot depend on your society to protect your little ones, but you must be pro-active on your part and looking out for your children’s interests. This is a physical and spiritual protection that you need to put around your little ones. Remember on your day of judgment that you will have to answer to Me how you worked to save the souls of your children.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about preparing to go to refuges for protection and for food, water, and healing. In addition to the things for your backpacks, I also have asked you to have some good running bikes handy in case you are having a fuel shortage. As the chips will be used for buying and selling, you will not want to use chips to buy gas. Many wars are occurring where the oil is pumped, and there are many terrorists trying to sabotage oil lines. Now even Iran is threatening an oil shortage if sanctions are placed on them for working on nuclear bombs. You may also have to buy some helmets to be legal on the road. With some crude transportation, My angels can lead you to safety at My refuges.”


Monday, March 13, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, when people die from cancer or strokes, it can be a trying time for care givers and the family. Some prefer to be at home, hospices, or special places at hospitals. This kind of death is a slow process, but it may give the dying person a chance to receive Confession and the Anointing of the Sick before they pass. Remember also to be praying for these souls because the devil tempts you to reject Me, even until you die. Having the sacraments before you die is always reassuring to the family that you had a chance to make your peace with Me before your judgment. It is also comforting to the family for friends and relatives to visit the dying person before the end, as well as at the funeral. Your life is valuable and paying your respects before death is just as important as after death. Friends should be willing to offer their services in helping the care givers when possible. Prayers and good deeds are appreciated greatly by the family, and they store up treasures in heaven for your love and concern.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Me in prayer, you must concentrate on opening your heart to Me. You have pride of all kinds holding you back from fully letting go of earthly confidence and desires. If you are the least little embarrassed, you are defensive with explanations. You must admit to yourself that you all have faults and just let your pride pass. You may even have spiritual pride as the Pharisees who thought they had all of the answers about God. You need to be open to want to learn more about Me, even if it comes from someone else. Once you can give your will over to following My Will, you can remove this spiritual pride that can keep the door closed to your heart. When you can accept yourself as nothing in My Presence, then My love can reach deeper into your heart and soul. When you can let go of your pride, you will be able to embrace My love and My peace. You are the only one who can open the door to My love, so reach out for My helping hand so I can lead you to heaven.”


Tuesday, March 14, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, during the change of seasons from winter to spring, you usually see more violent wind damage as with tornadoes. Each storm system at this time of year brings dramatic temperature changes which generate large pressure changes. Tornadoes and fires have been ravaging your middle of the country with lost lives and great damage. Many of these disasters are a wake-up call to how vulnerable you are to these storms. This world is passing away and you should not get too comfortable with all of your earthly possessions because they can be taken away with one storm. Rather focus and trust in Me because I am never changing, and your eternal destination is more important than any of your earthly concerns. Be willing to accept losses in your possessions as they are only temporary. Even the lives around you are being taken home as well, so you have had to suffer the loss of loved ones who are mine also. Accept whatever comes into your life, and be thankful for all that you have and the gift of lives that are with you just for a time and are taken. This life is short and you need to live it in love while you are still here.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people are fortunate to have a modest dwelling for a home. During your life you pay a mortgage, taxes, and utilities just to have a roof over your head. Remember in My public life that I stayed as a guest with people and I did not have a house of My own. Some priests and nuns take a vow of poverty to live simply in convents or rectories. Many saints did not have a house of their own either. The more you own, the harder it will be to give up these things before you die. All of your possessions are only temporary and you are like a steward, but not the owner. It is the same even with your life and soul. You are a part of My creation and when you die, I am taking My creation back home to Me for judgment. You can reject Me by your free will choice, but your soul is drawn to My love in being your Creator. Trust in Me with all that you have been given, and be willing to consecrate everything of things and loved ones over to Me. Then you will be in the right disposition to come to heaven by emptying yourself of all of your earthly desires.”


Wednesday, March 15, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I talked about the Pharisees and the leaders of the Church who loved places of honor. Even today your people strive for places of fame and distinction at places of dinners and banquets. Many of your politicians and Hollywood stars are looking to get elected or receive distinguished awards. When two of My apostles sought heavenly distinction, I told them that it was not Mine to give, but they needed to be the servants of everyone. Do not be driven by pride for man’s awards and honors, for I see in secret all that you are doing, and you would rather be rewarded in heaven for your deeds than here on earth. In another parable about places at a wedding table I told the people that it is better to take a lower place and be raised up higher, than to take an honored place and later have to go to the back. Those, who exalt themselves, will be humbled, but those, who humble themselves, will be exalted.”

Jesus said: “My people, the small farmers in your country are slowly disappearing because they cannot compete against the larger farms, and they are more vulnerable to bad crop seasons, or low prices for their crops. Think of the expenses of barns, tractors, feed, seed, and fertilizer, and it is difficult to manage these costs and make a living for the family. There are various subsidies, but even these aids are slowly disappearing and are causing farmers bankruptcy, or a selling off of their lands. The more small farmers are retiring, the more big farms will control your prices in the hands of a few. You need to pray for these small farmers because together they produce a good share of the food that you eat.”

Jesus said: “My people, this deceased neighbor of yours, Cecilia, had a deep love for gardening and living things and animals. She was very sensitive to Jocelyn and your family as neighbors. She had some difficulties in her last days, but she was a very good woman and neighbor. She wishes to thank her daughter and all of her care givers for helping her in her last days. She received a blessing from Father Ted and she was thankful for the sacraments that she received, as well as the Holy Communions from your wife. She is resting in a better place and she wants to tell her family not to worry about her. She loves all of you and she will be praying for you. She also prays that her family will work out their affairs in love and according to her wishes.”


Thursday, March 16, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel about Divies, the rich man, and Lazarus, the beggar, is a lesson in the sin of omission. At times you are rushing through life a little too fast to stop and notice how those people around you are hurting. It is true that most people do not have the finances to help all of those that you meet and are in need. But most people can afford some kind of donation of time and money to help the poor, or one of your relatives that are in need. It is hard and even callous to ignore the poor and needy around you, even if you can only donate groceries for your local food shelf for the poor. Some even donate their time in feeding soup to the homeless. Remember at the judgment when I ask you if you helped Me in the hungry, the thirsty, the sick, or the dying. For those, who cared for Me in the poor and the needy, I will welcome you into My heavenly banquet. For those, who did not care for Me in these poor of the world, you could be led to the same place of torment as this rich man. For all of you have been gifted with My Word and the prophets, and if you refused to listen to Me and them, then you have chosen your possible fate in hell as well as this rich man.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this picture of a crucifix at the top of a hill is a reminder to all of My people how during Lent you are all walking in My footsteps to your own Calvary. It is not easy to bear suffering in this life, but each person is asked to pick up your daily cross and follow Me. Some are better able to carry their cross, while others need to call more on My help as Simon helped carry My cross. You will never be tested beyond what you are capable of suffering. Join all of your troubles and suffering with My suffering on the cross. The hope that keeps My followers going is that one day you could be with Me in heaven and even in your resurrected body.”

Jesus said: “My people, this image of Light, that radiated out from My tomb, is how I was physically resurrected in the body as a glorious beautiful body as I showed My three disciples in My Transfiguration. I told My apostles that I would rise from the dead after three days in the tomb. This was a hard saying since no one has ever resurrected from the dead before. In today’s Gospel the rich man said: ‘What if someone would come from the dead? Then they would believe.’ I rose from the dead and still there are unbelievers. Believe that I truly resurrected, just as all souls, who believe, will also be resurrected.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people want to go directly to the Resurrection, but you first must suffer your own Good Friday. This life is difficult to endure and at times some are wondering how long will it take for Jesus to return and defeat the evil ones. Some are even getting impatient with Me and think My coming is a long way off. Let Me assure you that it will happen in your lifetime. Each day during Lent offer up all of your prayers and fasting to help save your soul and the souls of those that you are praying for.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a time for conversions and retreats as you are sorrowing for having offended Me with your sins. It is a time of repentance and a time of retrospection on how you can improve your spiritual life. If you do not come out of Lent spiritually refreshed, then you have not worked hard to purge your bad habits out of your life. Learn from your Lenten experience and see how you can apply your learning to live better and holier lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, some have gone to monasteries to view the quiet and rigors of living a monastic life of rededicating their lives to Me. When you fast, pray, and live life in a simple cell, it is a way of coming closer to Me without the distractions of the world pulling you down. The worldly life puts many demands on your time and at times you need to ask yourself if you are really fulfilling the mission that I have given you. Prayer is a powerful weapon in your fight against the temptations of the devil. See the need for frequent Confession to keep you humble, and keep your focus on Me as you walk on your way to your Calvary.”

Jesus said: “My people, even though it is good to go to a retreat at a monastery for a weekend, you still are living in the world, but you do not have to be of the world. You can have a mini-retreat every day that you take a little time to pray in your prayer room or at church before My Blessed Sacrament. Your little prayer hour will give you the strength to get through each day. You can pray for your own soul to reduce your purgatory, or for other souls that are in great need. Keep faithful to your daily regimen of prayer, and you will find yourself stronger in facing temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have always encouraged you to make special visits to My Blessed Sacrament so you could share your troubles and your love for Me. Some people have suggested to have some quiet time without prayers so you can truly behold and enjoy being in My Presence. Being before Me helps you to slow down and appreciate My gift to you that you can be before your God and adore and love Me. I give special blessings of grace to all who visit Me. I am an oasis of grace and peace in an evil world of sin and chaos. When you are in the worldly environment, it is hard to focus on prayer, so come and visit Me because you cannot find My peace in worldly things.”


Friday, March 17, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a land of milk and honey as I promised My people while they were still in the desert. I fed them the manna that sustained them for food. This is a preview of the peace and joy that I bring all of My faithful when I sustain you with the bread of life in My Consecrated Host. When you feed on My Real Presence in My Eucharist, your soul is intimately united with Me, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. I ask only that you receive Me worthily with a clean soul free of any mortal sin so you do not commit a sin of sacrilege against My Blessed Sacrament. You have Confession available to you to cleanse your souls so you are always worthy to receive Me. Holy Communion is a union of our two hearts in a perfect love with your Lord. Give thanks to Me for My gift of Myself to you that even the angels do not receive. You are given the grace in My Blessed Sacrament to heal all of your past sins and this builds up your spiritual strength to avoid sin in the future. Give glory and praise to your God who has paid the ransom for your sins and blesses you with My peace and love.”


Saturday, March 18, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, just as you have personal sin, there is also a collective national sin which each nation chooses by its own actions. You have read the history of My people in Scripture how they abandoned their Lord and worshiped the idols of foreign gods. Even with Abraham and Moses giving them instruction, they reverted back to their old sinful ways. Their punishment was destruction and the Babylonian Exile where they were defeated in battle. This image of an American ship sailing off into the sunset, is a preview of your own Babylonian Exile. You also are giving in to sinful ways of adultery, fornication, and homosexual acts. You have made lust and avarice your new idols before Me. You also are killing many in unprovoked wars and abortions. How can I bless a nation that has taken prayer out of your schools, My Ten Commandments out of your courts, and are now accepting New Age teachings and the occult. You also, America, will face defeat from your neighbors by the undermining of your finances and military by the one world people. They are destroying the roots of your government and weakening you for the attacks on your country both from without and within by natural disasters. Much of your destruction and disease will be man-made and you will be in exile at My refuges. Have patience and trust in Me for I will vanquish all of these evil ones, and I will renew the face of the earth with a new heavens and a new earth in preparation for My Era of Peace. Just as I vindicated My people in Israel, I will also vindicate My faithful remnant. Then you will revel in My victory, and My peace will again reign.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times I have asked you to pray for the poor souls in purgatory, and especially for those whom no one is praying for. In today’s message I not only want you also to pray for poor sinners, but also pray for those souls whom no one is praying for. These souls on earth have not yet been judged and these eternal lives have not been determined as with God or against God. Pray the most for souls that are on the path to hell and need a miracle of grace to be converted. You have time to be saved up until your dying breath, but if there is no advocate of prayer for these sinners, their souls could be lost. Pray fervently and persistently especially for your family members. Your prayers, deeds, and good example could be the means of saving souls in your family. Family prayer is powerful for the souls of your family members. Let your children or grandchildren see that you are praying your rosaries or your Liturgy of the Hours. If they are open to your suggestion, let them pray with you. Your most important mission on earth is to save as many souls from hell as you can. You cannot force souls to love Me, but you can pray that they are disposed to being converted. Pray for My angels to guard your children from the evil ones and the evil distractions of the world. Give glory and praise to Me when one soul turns from their sinful ways to love Me. I am the father of all of My prodigal children, and all of heaven rejoices also when one soul is converted. Continue in your prayers for souls because these souls will be eternally grateful that you cared enough to try and help bring them to Me to be saved.”


Sunday, March 19, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this view of the high mountains represents the spiritual high that your people are on at this retreat. It is good to be with Me in the love of your faithful as you are being nourished in the knowledge of your faith. This experience can be shared with your friends when you return home. You are also here on a moral high ground so you can be strengthened to speak out of My Word on the moral issues of your day. You must be willing to defend your faith even against the immorality that you see among your own family and friends. Do not deny Me by your silence, but be ready to witness how people should live responsibly in following My laws. Show love to all of those people that you meet and you will be imitating My unconditional love. This silver look to the lowlands represents the glitter and attraction of worldly things and money. My faithful need to survive, but you must be good examples to others so that you witness to a simple life without extravagant spending. Remember to always be sharing what you have with the poor and the needy of your family and the world. Most of all witness your love for Me in your visits to My tabernacle, your Masses, and your prayer life. Be attentive also to all of the spiritual poor who need your prayers and conversion from their sinful lifestyles. Even if you are in the minority in this evil age, strive to perfect your souls and the souls around you. Do not be angry if you must suffer difficulties because all of you are tested by the rigors of life. Come to Me in your daily prayer so you can always be renewed and never grow tired of loving Me and loving your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, your theme for this conference has been to be reconciled. This vision is all about confessing your sins and allowing Me to wash your garments so you will be worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion, and to come to My Great Banquet in heaven. The other symbolic actions are when I washed the feet of those whose cloaks were cleansed. This symbol of cleansing the dirt from their feet is a representation of My Redemption of all souls by cleansing them with My redeeming Blood. The Blood of the Lamb is the Divine sacrifice of Mine that will make all of My faithful worthy of entering heaven before My heavenly Father. If you are to enter heaven, you must be cleansed of your sins in Confession and be reconciled with Me and your neighbor. You must be willing to forgive others even as I forgive you in My prayer of the ‘Our Father’. You say this prayer often, but can you truly seek others’ forgiveness of your sins as well as forgiving others their sins against you. When you truly love one another, you will have a forgiving heart even as I forgive everyone unconditionally.”


Monday, March 20, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, as you look at this simple picture, this should help you to understand the simple life and faith that is found in this dwelling. All of My faithful should also try to live simply with a simple faith as that of a child. Let the graces of this miracle touch your heart and may My love also settle in your souls. I call on all of you to return your love to Me and to share My love with all of those around you. This Luminous Cross represents My love in how I died for all of humanity. I am your Redeemer and it is My Blood that is shed for all of you so your sins are cleansed from your souls. Look on this Luminous Cross and give praise and thanks to Me for all that I have given you. As you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are experiencing My intimate love in My Real Presence. Be thankful to this family for allowing you to share the miracle on this door. Pray for this family as they are so generous to you in allowing you into their home.”


Wednesday, March 22, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is contrasting the difference between a narrow viewpoint and a broad viewpoint or the bigger picture. At times you are so focused on your own life with all of your cares and schedules that you miss or ignore everything else that is going on around you. Only by listening to and watching others’ needs can you see other opportunities of grace in helping others. I have given each person enough grace to endure their own hardships, but I always leave the door open for you to help each other as well. In addition to physical needs, you can also see this same viewpoint concerning spiritual needs. You take care of your own prayer life, but you can see the spiritual needs of others as the young girl that had drug addictions and demon influences. It is important to take advantage of these physical and spiritual needs of others in how you can help someone instead of committing sins of omission by not doing anything for them. So look beyond your own life’s experiences so you are aware of the physical and spiritual needs of others.”

Jesus said: “My people, many countries rely on ocean fish for their food and their livelihoods. Unfortunately, so many ships are taking too many fish and they are not giving the fish long enough to be replenished. Because of the changing fish patterns, more fish are being grown in fish farms which are not as nutritious because of what they feed the fish. Many signs in the North and in the ocean currents are showing the effects of global warming. Record warm temperatures are being recorded in winter areas all over the world. The various wildlife are showing the effects of man’s pollution in many areas. Droughts and fresh water needs are major concerns in poor countries. Conversion of salty seawater to drinking water may be expensive, but it will be needed because fresh water sources are getting harder to find. Pray that thirsty, starving people may be helped in getting enough fresh water to drink so there will be less deaths from bad water. Man needs to see the link between his abuses of nature and all the weather changes and pollution which are affecting your water and fishing catches.”


Thursday, March 23, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a powerful hurricane, as the recent 180 mph cyclone in Australia, is how your storms will become stronger as the current warming trend warms the oceans. With warmer waters to feed the hurricanes, you could see more Category 5 storms than you have seen in the past. More violent storms could cause higher damage wherever they come ashore. With such threats to Southern coastlines increasing, more people will be moving inland as insurance companies will avoid insuring these areas. Even much of the damage from last year’s storms has yet to be replaced because of the reluctance of insurance companies and the government to pay out huge sums for repairs. Any future damage will face the same problems, so the financial risk of living on the seashore will be too heavy for most people. Some of this damage has natural causes, some has been punishment for sin, and some has been accentuated by your microwave weather making machines. These strong storms, as in Australia, will become more the norm wherever cyclones or hurricanes occur. Pray for the people in these areas that they can evacuate early enough to minimize any loss of life, but more damage can be expected.”


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, Cecilia wants Me to convey to you some of her words of concern for her family members. She prays that there will be peace between her siblings over any inheritance. She knows how delicate her daughter’s finances are and they are not the best, but Cecilia’s heart goes out to both her daughter and her son. She asked for prayers for this situation. She is a loving person and wants peace among those whom she has left behind.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are comfortable in the way that you are living in America today. This chair falling apart means that you are going to suffer much as the days of tribulation come upon your people. Many of your comforts will be taken away as the microchips will be forced on you in smart cards first and then mandatory chips in the body. Refuse to take these chips in the body. When you do not take chips in your body, you will lose your money and your ability to buy and sell. I will call you to My refuges with your guardian angels for protection and to provide for your needs. You will suffer a purgatory on earth, but your faith will save your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, each Lent you walk with Me through My Passion and death where I suffered dearly that all of you could be redeemed with My Most Precious Blood. Whatever difficulty or suffering that you are going through should be offered up to Me in My suffering, and I will help you to bear all of your life’s burdens. As you suffer more in the end times, call on My graces to help you to endure this tribulation. Those, who remain faithful to the end through all persecution, will enjoy My Era of Peace and the joy of being with Me in the glory of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you travel through life, you are like these people wondering how you will survive. It is your trust in Me by faith that will bring you through all of life’s trials. The captured woman for ten years claimed it was her prayers on her rosary and trust in Me that got her through her long captivity. You know I am always at your side to call on My Name to help you in the worst of circumstances. All things are possible with Me and My angels are guarding you from evil at all times.”

Jesus said: “My people, My apostle John wrote of Me as a Light in the darkness throughout all of his writings. This Light is like an eternal flame that will never go out because it is a symbol of My victory over sin and evil in the world. Before I came on the earth, no one could come to heaven and all the faithful souls to God had to go to a place for the dead that was devoid of My Presence. Once I came to the earth and redeemed all of mankind, now those, who were purified, could come to heaven and enjoy eternal peace with Me in My beatific vision. This is a blessing beyond compare that has given hope to everyone that is faithful to God. But woe to those, who do not accept Me and do not seek My forgiveness, for they will truly suffer in hell eternally without experiencing My Presence.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are a rainbow people that have a promise of eternal life if you consecrate yourselves to My love. The rainbow was a covenant that I made with humanity that I would not ever flood the world again with water as in the Flood with Noah. But I mentioned in Scripture how you will know of the end times coming when it will be an evil time as in the days of Noah. I have made a new covenant with My people that My grace will be a saving rainbow that will protect you from all of the evil one’s temptations and any attempts to steal your souls from Me.”

Mary said: “My dear children, I want to thank all of you for praying My rosary and I am entrusting your petitions with My Son, Jesus. The rosary is a powerful weapon against all the evil in your world, and you can have My Son present among you where two or more are gathered in prayer. Do not be worried or anxious as the persecution of Christians will become more apparent. Do not take up arms to fight these evil ones, but pick up your rosaries in prayer, and all of heaven will do battle for you in this world. My Son and I love you all so dearly, and we will not lose one of you who are faithful to us in love and prayer.”


Friday, March 24, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you are a worm of a man and so much a part of My creation. As you look around at all of the plants and animals, they have a plan and instincts of how to live. All of humanity is directed by Me as well except that you have been given free will with the ability to love or not. You also have a soul and a spiritual body that lives forever and is inside your physical body which is mortal. The tree with the branches in the vision represents My people who are a part of Me as in My Mystical Body. You are the branches and I am the vine. I have given each of you a plan for your life with all of your unique talents to fulfill your mission. It is up to each one of you to discern this mission and follow My Divine Will. When you consecrate everything over to Me, you are in harmony with Me as all the rest of My creation acts accordingly. When man follows his own will in sin and abuses nature as I created it, then you have chaos in nature, wars, killing, and nature is manipulated and rebelling against you. Pray and keep your focus on Me every day, and you can do your part to bring peace to this world that you live in and are a part of.”

Jesus said: “My people, your scientists have already used laser guns and nuclear bombs to destroy things. Now, they have developed an EMP pulse weapon that can destroy chips and cause power outages. The vision shows how these new weapons could be placed in satellites with large arrays of solar panels to power this gun. When this technology is used from space, the user could attack cities at will to paralyze all electrical devices that use microchips. Many of these weapons and nuclear bombs in the wrong hands could destroy America’s economy overnight. Pray that these weapons are not used, or many lives could be lost. This kind of terrorist attack could be far more deadly and longer lasting than the previous airplane attacks.”


Saturday, March 25: (Annunciation)

Jesus said: “My people, throughout many verses of the Old Testament, Salvation History would come through the Jewish people and a Messiah was promised to save the people from their sins. Many prophets foretold My coming to earth, but the Jewish people thought that I would come as a king or a ruler to conquer the Romans, and not as a poor carpenter. For this reason My own people had difficulty in accepting My proclamation as the Son of God, and they crucified Me as a blasphemer. In Isaiah’s words: (Isaiah 7:14) ‘Therefore the Lord himself will give you this sign; the Virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name Him Emmanuel.’ My Blessed Mother had to be sinless without a man’s influence and a virgin from this prophecy. I could not have an earthly father by a sexual union because I have only one Father in heaven. So My Blessed Mother conceived Me after her ‘fiat’ to St. Gabriel through the power of the Holy Spirit. The paternity of My birth was a stumbling block for St. Joseph, but the angel explained to him about the Virgin Birth from the Holy Spirit. Then he took his betrothed into his home. The origin of My birth was a stumbling block also for the Jewish people who still were in disbelief of Me as a God-man. My Incarnation as a man was a gift of Myself to share in your sufferings. Rejoice on this feast day of the announcement of My conception in My Blessed Mother’s womb. This is the beginning of My presence on earth, and a fulfillment of the coming of the Messiah.”


Sunday, March 26, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you pray the Stations of the Cross and you meditate on how I suffered for your sins. This represents the small white cross in the vision. Then there are your own personal struggles in life that you face every day. This large brown cross is what you suffer to survive in this life. Working hard for your salary, paying your bills, and taking care of your family can be trying at times, but you can always call on My help and grace to relax and comfort your stress. You should have trust and hope that I will support you through the worst of circumstances. I have helped you in the past, and I will help you now. Give praise and thanks to Me because you will never be tested beyond your means. Sometimes you may be humbled to ask others to help you, and you should be generous in helping others in great need.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is very serious of a coming event in Washington, D.C. As time draws closer, I will be giving you more details. Pray for the people of your country for you are about to witness terrorist events and natural disasters that will be bringing you to your knees. Many messages and warnings have been given to America to improve your sinful lives, but people are not listening or repenting. Your people are growing worse in homosexual marriages and using internet pornography. All of the destruction, that is occurring, is being brought on America as a consequence of your own sins. Pray much for your families that are falling apart in divorce and promiscuous activity outside of marriage. Your sinful activity is as evil as Sodom and Gomorrah and the people of Noah’s day. See that many of the signs of the days of tribulation are all around you.”


Monday, March 27, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are trying to do extra things to improve your spiritual life, but in this age of evil you are being called to strive for this same holiness throughout the whole year. Many of you do not realize the battle against evil spirits going on all around you. With all of the evil influences on your TV, in your movies, and in people’s evil actions, there are more people walking around under the influence of evil spirits. You need to have blessed sacramentals on your person at all times to protect yourselves from demon attacks. Where possible even have your homes blessed to keep evil spirits from entering. I have asked you to pick up your daily crosses on your way to Calvary with Me. Going up the hill of Calvary is represented in the vision of a spiral staircase. It means not just to struggle through life, but also you must be looking constantly for ways to improve your spiritual life. You are striving for perfection and the demons try to retard your growth, so moving forward in your perfection is an uphill battle.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a time to reflect on your actions and motives to see if they are following My plan for your life. At times you spend too much time watching TV to be entertained instead of doing things to save souls. Other times you are curious to watch the world news to see what is happening, when you could be praying more. When you examine your actions for the day, you can see which things are useful for coming to heaven and which things are selfish and leading you away from Me. You all could profit by analyzing your behavior so you could learn from your mistakes and improve your holiness. With earthly distractions always around you, it is hard to keep your focus on serving Me. This is why you should be calling on Me in constant prayer to show you the best way to imitate My love. Keep your souls cleansed of sin in frequent Confession, and you will have My grace so you can carry out My mission to help save souls.”


Tuesday, March 28, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this hill represents the coming tribulation time when some of My faithful will be martyred, and the rest will be seeking My protection at the refuges. The waiting cross is for those who will be suffering for Me instead of giving up their faith. All of those, who will suffer martyrdom, will become instant saints. The rest of My faithful will suffer losing all of their comforts and possessions when they come to My refuges. It is difficult to give everything over to Me in total consecration, because many are like the rich man in the Gospel who did not want to give up his riches and walked away from Me. The evil ones will try to force chips in the body for control, but you must refuse them, even if you may be faced with death or prison for My Name’s sake. They will also try to force you to worship the Antichrist, but you must only worship Me. This truly will be a choice for Me, or for the Antichrist. Those, who choose to follow Me, will give up everything and be rewarded in heaven. Those, who choose the Antichrist, will have temporary comfort on earth, but an eternal discomfort in hell later. Choose peace and love with Me, instead of war and hate from the evil one.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are having a serious problem with illegal immigrants crossing the border to try and get a low paying job. There are many low paying physical jobs that few people are willing to take because it is hard to make a living on such a job. Employers, who have difficulty getting such workers, are willing to hire illegal immigrants for low wages. As long as such employers give them jobs, there will be an incentive for poor people to risk crossing the border for having a better life than in Mexico. Your government is having a hard time to determine how to handle so many millions of people in a humane way, but also how to keep terrorists from entering as well. Pray for your leaders to choose an equitable law that would be fair to all parties. Many hospitals and social services are being overburdened in your Southern states. It is long coming that such a problem is finally being faced. Many controls by Ids and smart cards will be used in the name of security to handle these problems. See the control of your people will be coming to control illegal immigrants, but it will put stress on your legal citizens and legal immigrants as well.”


Wednesday, March 29, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, now that the temperatures are warming, many are cleaning up their yards from all of the winter debris and wind storms. Lent comes in the spring time and it is like a spiritual spring cleaning of your souls. You desire a good appearance for your yard and your person, but you should also desire a good appearance for your soul. This means regular or frequent Confession can root out your old habitual sins and offer your sins up to Me. Do not let your sins hold you captive, but you must let go of your earthly desires to be spiritually free. If necessary, ask your confessor for some suggestions of how best to avoid habitual sin. If you do not have a desire to shed them on your way to more perfection, you will be holding back your spiritual improvement. The more you conquer your sins with My help, the more you will feel the joy of your freedom to follow Me closely. All the angels and saints are singing for joy because the saints have lifted off their sinful baggage, and they are free to do God’s bidding. Let this Lent be profitable for your souls as you make every attempt to come closer to Me without any clinging to earthly desires. The more you can cleanse these bad sins now, the less you will have to purify in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision shows the result of heavy rains that could cause rain swollen rivers to overflow their banks and wash out bridges. In the spring months your weather will continue to test you with tornadoes and downpours of rain. Some areas could suffer power outages and lost houses to flooding. People continue to build houses on flood plains or next to rivers that have flooded in the past. Pray that people will get sufficient warning to evacuate any flooded areas. Much of your hurricane ravaged cities are still vulnerable to any future storms. Those, who live by rivers and oceans, will be more susceptible to more storm damage. America will continue to suffer from these natural disasters as your oceans continue to heat up. More planning by your governments is needed to provide for the people who lose their homes and jobs in these disasters.”


Thursday, March 30, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, sometimes man does not fully comprehend My infinite love and My unending forgiveness. A person may have committed many sins while they were away from Confession for many years. They may feel that they are too unworthy for Me to forgive them. Some people, as in this vision of being at the end of a fishing line, feel that they have no place to go and that God has abandoned them. I tell you, do not be discouraged or in despair, but come to your Lord and I will forgive you of your sins. I always love everyone and it is you who limit your love for Me. I am also willing to forgive every repentant sinner of their sins. I am the Good Shepherd always searching for My lost sheep and souls. There are many desperate souls that are searching for Me in all of the wrong earthly traps. When you pray for My help, I will listen to your prayer, but you must make some intentions to reach out to My love by opening the door to your heart. Without denying yourself of earthly desires and seeking My forgiveness, it will be hard to change your life to My ways. Think love of Me and your neighbor and this love will set you free of all of your sins and earthly distractions. Worship Me only and your soul will be saved by My grace.” Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, many hurts of those who died in 2001 are still with your people. The twin towers destruction was a wake up call for America as to how far terrorism could be felt. There is much controversy about who helped these terrorists, but it definitely affected America’s economy, even as Katrina has had a lasting effect. These events are not over and you could see more terrorist attacks to come. Pray for America as you will be tested enough to bring you to your knees by disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Christians persecuted and killed in many Moslem countries. I have shown you the Antichrist as a Moslem person, and there will be some of My faithful martyred for their faith. I have taught My followers not to kill in wars but to pray for your persecutors. Even though the Moslems will kill some of you, I will protect the rest in My refuges. Be assured that this evil reign will be brief and then I will come victorious against all of the evil ones as they will be chained in hell. My Era of Peace will be your reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several visions and messages about coming earthquakes in California, especially around San Francisco. These fault lines have been active and any day you could see a major quake in a populated area. Pray for these people who are living sinful lives in defiance of My Commandments.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the West your people build your buildings stronger to endure earthquakes. In the middle of your country your buildings could face more destruction because they have not seen serious damage for over one hundred years. Your storms also have taken their toll on your homes and workplaces. Be prepared for more disasters this year as they will continue to test your comforts.”

Jesus said: “My people, fire has ravaged your land even during the winter months. Normally your dry spells have occurred in the summer months when your weather is hot and dry. Now, you are seeing fires occur in both seasons and they will continue to worsen as your temperatures all over are increasing. Pray for those people who are suffering losses as a result of these fires.”

Jesus said: “My people, in hotels and on cruise ships you see some rich cuisine, but much food is being wasted. Yet in other parts of the world the poor would love to live off of the scraps of these tables. Remember how I talked about the rich man and Lazarus, the beggar. The rich man ignored Lazarus, even though he could have fed him. After the judgment the rich man found the flames of hell, while Lazarus was rewarded in heaven. America is like the rich man and the poor of the world are like Lazarus. Do not forget the poor because you are feeding Me in them when you give donations to the poor.”

Jesus said: “My people, for years man used beasts of burden as horses, mules, and oxen for carrying things and plowing fields. Today, man is in love with his cars, trucks, and SUVs. To run these vehicles you are consuming many millions of gallons of fuel from oil and other sources. You have seen much pollution from running these vehicles and your power plants that run all of your favorite electrical devices. See how you are affecting your environment with all of your modern inventions. Your consumption of fuels has to change because this pollution could change the weather patterns of the world. A simpler life would give you less stress and fewer problems associated with your earthly comforts and pleasures.”


Friday, March 31, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion or visit Me in My tabernacle, you are intimately receiving My love which binds your soul to Me. Even though you break your relationship with Me in sin, as this bridge falling apart, I heal your sins in Confession, and My love restores this love relationship to its full glory. Divine Love is all powerful and I rain down My love on all of you, even as you see My physical rain enrich the soil for your crops. My spiritual rain of love falls on each soul and it nourishes your love for Me. Be grateful and give thanks to Me that I have given Myself to you in My consecrated Host. The God of All Nations is always present to each of you. All you need to do is reach out to Me and accept the mission that I gave you. I inspire all of you to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. The joy and peace in your heart is how I share My love with you, and you in turn share your love with Me. You see how I build bridges of love to everyone, and I want My followers to go out into the world and build bridges of love with each other also.”


Saturday, April 1, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, many of your old churches have been stripped of statues and icons, and your new churches have barren walls all in the name of renovation. Then in the vision you are seeing Me, My Family and the saints and angels because we are always with you celebrating the Mass. You do not worship these statues and icons, but they are a reverent reminder of the saints whose lives you wish to imitate. Even after you receive Holy Communion, My angels are all around you praising Me because for a few moments you are like a tabernacle with My Blessed Sacrament present. It is better to have My crucifix and My saints prominent on your altars because they give glory to God. My Blessed Sacrament makes your churches holy, so give reverence to My Real Presence around My tabernacle as you genuflect to Me in worship. When you have Adoration, it is your custom to kneel on both knees and bow to your Lord. Be conscious of confessing your sins at least once a month so you can keep your souls holy and be worthy to receive Me with grace in your soul. Always encourage your children to go to frequent Confession so they continue to keep a strong faith in Me. When children fall away from My sacraments, they are allowing the evil one to control their lives. I am the only God to worship in this world, and avoid all other earthly idols and distractions. Love of Me and freedom of sin will truly set you free in your spiritual life. Seek Me in love and you will have peace and rest that you cannot find anywhere else.”


Sunday, April 2, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this priest was right in his homily in showing you how you are to accept your cross in life lovingly for My sake. Everyone is called to suffer with Me to survive because this life truly is a valley of tears. By sharing your suffering with Me, I will give you the grace to endure any trials or misfortunes. Some have to suffer heavier crosses than others, but to those My love is squeezing them tighter. If you are enduring a heavier cross, it is because you are given sufficient grace to endure it. You saw in the vision how you can carry your cross with Me up to Calvary. Suffering with Me on the cross is how you have to suffer persecutions in this life, but still you must love everyone, even your persecutors. When I announce those glorious words inviting you to heaven, your soul will be put at rest that you were found worthy of being with My love for all eternity. Some may complain of all that they have to suffer, but all of My saints were happy that they could offer these sufferings up to Me for the treasure they stored in heaven. See every trial in your life as an opportunity for grace. Give thanks and glory to Me for My love for you and all of My gifts to you. Live to serve Me and your reward will be great in heaven.”


Monday, April 3, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, man is attracted to all things that shine with a gold look to them. Gold itself has been sought out in the ground, in sunken treasure, and historical gold artifacts. Yet My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament is the greatest treasure that you could seek in this world. More are attracted to the precious metals of a worldly nature than the few who give Me praise and glory at Adoration. The spiritual treasure is forever, but worldly riches are lost or stolen, and are very temporary. Seek Me where I can be found, and you will find a precious treasure of the One who loves you and wants you to be One with Me in heaven. All worldly things are passing away, yet man spends more time on these things than spending precious time adoring Me. This is why My adorers are special to Me because you have chosen the better portion, and you will not be denied your reward for loving Me more than others who ignore Me.”


Tuesday, April 4, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s reading from Numbers shows Moses holding up the bronze serpent so all of those, who were bit by the seraph serpents, would be healed. This is a preview of My death on the cross where all of those, who look on Me, could be healed of their sins. This vision shows a future time of tribulation when all of those, who come to My refuges, will look on My luminous cross and be healed of all of their sicknesses and infirmities. This will be one of My miraculous gifts that will be at My refuges when doctors and hospitals will not be available. There will also be springs of water at My refuges that will help your thirst and provide healing as well. Do not have fear of the tribulation time for I will provide for your food, water, and shelter as your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge of My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites, holy ground, or caves.”

Jesus said: “My people, at your Warning experience, a near death experience, and at your death, you will see the contents of your own book of your life. After the Warning you will have more pages of life to add. Your life on earth is very short and you should make the best use of your time to help bring your soul to heaven and the souls around you. Many have to purge their earthly desires in purgatory before they can enter heaven. I am a gracious God and I give every sinner a chance to be saved. When you are faced with your judgment, you are all alone and you will have no excuses for the truth of your actions. After the Warning you will have a second chance to change your lives for the better. Use every moment that you have available to better your spiritual life and do everything out of love for Me.”


Wednesday, April 5, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, greed for money is shown the worst when the parents of a family die and there is money left behind. Relatives, that had nothing to do with the deceased, are the first ones to contest any will just to get some money. Even the lawyers wrangle to get big sums of money for what little they do. Many relatives are sometimes surprised how the deceased has cut them out of the will, but they still contest it to the end. At times the bitterness over money can divide many families. This is why it is necessary to always focus on love and peace in the family, and accept any settlement that results. Money and possessions are not that important so that it divides family relationships of many years. There needs to be a proper honoring of the deceased’s wishes, rather than a clash for individuals to gain the most money possible. Peace and love in the family should come before the money and possessions. Pray for these families to work out their differences in a loving manner, instead of letting greed control their actions.”


Wednesday, April 5, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this earthquake among crashing buildings in a populated city that is along a coastline. There are many earthquakes going on all of the time all over the world. There is little loss of life when they occur in non-inhabited areas. But this earthquake will cause severe damage in a city with a fair amount of loss of life. Just as I recommended people to move away from oceans and rivers, so I am also recommending people to live away from areas prone to earthquakes. More of these deadly events are occurring quite frequently, and you need to pray for the survivors and those helping the victims.”


Thursday, April 6, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, when you look at this glass bottle of the vision, you can see there is an outside and an inside. This is to have you understand the outside of life you live compared to your inner spiritual life of the soul. The outside life is passing away, while the inner life is eternal, and your soul will never die. When I spoke in the Gospel that a faithful person will not die, I was speaking of your soul that will live on in eternal life. When I spoke of Myself, I said ‘I AM’ indicating that I was God Incarnated as a man. I have always existed because I am your Creator. Your soul came into existence when I created it at the moment of your mother’s conception. Your body will die in time, but your soul’s destination will be determined by your actions and your seeking My forgiveness of your sins. Those, who accept Me as Savior and have their sins forgiven, will see eternal life with Me in heaven. Those, who reject My love and refuse to repent of their sins, are choosing a path to hell. Your free will choice will determine whether you are led to heaven or hell. Those, who choose life, desire heaven, but those, who choose spiritual death, will find hell.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, as you see Me suffering in this vision, you are also seeing Me suffer in the faces of the poor and the homeless of the world. As you approach Holy Week, your eyes are transfixed on My crucifix and how I was badly treated and killed for all of mankind’s sins. Every time you follow Me through the Stations of the Cross, you can sorrow with My Blessed Mother in watching her Son suffer. It would give you great joy to attend all of the coming services that commemorate My greatest gift to all of you in giving up My earthly life for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the five wounds in My hands, feet, and side are shared with you when you meditate on the five decades of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. When you consider how your individual sins caused some of My sufferings, you are filled with guilt and sorrow for causing Me pain. I unite all of your suffering in this life with My suffering on the cross. The nailing to the cross was most excruciating as they dislocated My bones as well. You have read the prayers of your Pieta book and are struck with the vivid detail of how I suffered.”

Jesus said: “My people, your pictures, displayed on the altar, are depicting how I suffered from My Crown of Thorns. This was the sport of the soldiers to mock My Kingship. I am not a physical king, but My kingdom is upon all of you in My sacramental presence. This kingdom in heaven is a spiritual kingdom which all of My followers will share one day. Thorns are painful if you have ever handled roses that have thorns. All of these pains I endured because I had a world to redeem from their sins. Every time that you have a headache, share it with Me in wearing My crown of thorns.”

Jesus said: “My people, Isaiah and other prophets foretold the kind of death that I would suffer. Many of these sayings are quoted in the New Testament as they were brought to reality in what I suffered. My people need to walk with Me and be thankful that you can express your faith in Me every time that you can come to Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, at the Consecration this is the very time that the bread is changed into My Body and the wine into My Blood. I place My Precious Blood on the hearts of every soul so your heart will be disposed to loving Me for dying for you. The Blood of the Lamb of God has redeemed the world because it was a worthy sacrifice to My heavenly Father.”

Jesus said: “My people, this memory of My death is relived every day when you do My Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon. At this time, especially on Friday, think of My everlasting gift of life to all of you. Without My death you could not have your sins forgiven or enter into heaven. By My death you all share in the saving power of My grace that all of you now receive in all of My sacraments. Give praise and glory to Me for all of these spiritual gifts which you share with Me as I love you all so dearly.”

Jesus said: “My people, how quickly Palm Sunday of My triumphant entrance into Jerusalem turned into Passion Sunday with My death on the cross. This seeming defeat of My death has truly given you My victory over sin and death. This bittersweet suffering of Mine has the joy of redeeming all of mankind. I had to pay the price for your souls and now Satan’s power has been conquered. By calling on My Name you will always be safe from any temptation of the devil. Call down My Most Precious Blood on anyone who needs to be saved and My saving Blood could gain them entry into heaven if they choose it. Rejoice that you have such a loving Savior as Me.”


Friday, April 7, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, as you look around you, there are many talented people with various skills. You are seeing how I have given unique skills to everyone so they could provide for a need for your society. This is a small understanding of My creation as I bring people into this world. In the Gospel the people of My day could not comprehend God in a human form, even though they saw My works of many miracles. They also had difficulty in understanding My love for man that I would even be willing to give up My life as a sacrifice for everyone’s sins. Even My people of today have a hard time accepting My very Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. I want My followers to accept Me and love Me with a simple faith. It is impossible for man with your limited intelligence to fully understand all of My Being and how I act. It is enough for you to know how much I love each of you because I created each one of your souls. Your souls will only find peace with your Lord, so come to Me daily with your humble love, and you can be united with Me in everything you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, the value of things in dollars changes with inflation. The value of gold coins in dollars over forty years has multiplied by four times. The average home has also multiplied by four times in dollars. This is why possessions become obsolete and can change in value. Your soul body is always the same age in your thirties, and it also stays the same because it is not affected by time as your body is. Your body and your money are passing away with time, but your soul is eternal and will never die as the body does. If you commit mortal sin, your soul is dead to Me because it is then completely lacking in grace. I have given you My mercy of forgiveness in Confession, so take advantage of renewing the spiritual life in your soul. When your mortal sin is cleansed, you are alive again in My grace. At times it may be a struggle to get to Confession because of your poor time priorities. If you really love Me and want to keep your souls pure, then you need to humble yourself as a sinner, and come to Me in the priest for forgiveness and absolution. This feeling of joy and peace, that is yours when you leave the confessional, is the change in your spiritual life when you are healed. Remember that your eternal souls are far more valuable than any earthly money or possessions that are temporary.”


Saturday, April 8, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, much of the world’s crude oil is shipped in huge tankers that are very vulnerable to mines or torpedoes. Iran and other nations are perfecting fast speed torpedoes and modern mines that can only be used to destroy ships. If war spreads to other countries such as Iran, the use of these new weapons could put all ships, both commercial and warships, at risk. With such a high traffic of oil tankers in this region, such incidents could threaten oil supplies and the environment in this oil rich area. Oil wealth and oil producing Arab countries will become a potential source of spreading terrorism and Islamic influence throughout the world. This is one more threat to world peace in addition to China and communist countries of the world. It will become more difficult in the years to come as to who is entitled to receiving the distribution of the world’s energy supplies in terms of fuels. Continue to pray for peace in the world where many forces are opposing each other.”

Jesus said: “My people, this scene of people being taken to detention centers is how some of My faithful will be martyred for their faith. That is why I have warned people when they see a world famine, a division in the Church, and chips in the body being forced on people, that it is time to call on Me and your guardian angels to lead you to safety at My refuges. By being at the refuges, these evil ones will not find you at your home, and you will be protected from the evil ones who want to kill you. At one point the one world people will declare martial law as an excuse for a takeover. Their main targets will be religious people and patriots to exterminate. The evil ones will search first for leaders against them, even before martial law is declared. Some people cannot believe that your country could be taken over, but this is the plan, and you will be protected at My refuges by My angels. Trust in My warnings and you could spare your lives. Even My martyrs will be made instant saints. The tribulation time draws closer, and you should be prepared spiritually for the battle of good and evil that is going on.”


Sunday, April 9, 2006: (Palm Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, today you read in the Gospel of My Passion and Death on the cross, but you had only a few details of My scourging and crucifixion on the cross. This was an ignominious death to some, but it showed how willing I was to suffer greatly for all of the sins of mankind. I did not spare one drop of My Blood for each soul that needed My Redemption. My love for all of you is so great that this tortuous death was what I wanted to suffer for you. Once you have witnessed My great love, how can you witness your daily love for Me? How much are you willing to suffer for Me in your prayers, fasting, and good deeds for others? I have showed you this path to Calvary because every soul that desires heaven must suffer and be purified of their earthly desires. See also how I went to Sheol or the Place of the Dead to take all of the worthy souls to heaven later at My Resurrection. Rejoice in My redemption of all of your souls through the sacrifice of My Blood.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Exodus story of Moses there was a great cry from Moses to the Pharaoh of ‘Let My People Go.’ It was not until the tenth plague when all of the first born of the Egyptians died that the Pharaoh relented and let the Jewish people go. Even in the desert the bronze serpent on the pole was a prefigurement of My death on the cross as a healing for everyone’s sins. In the case of sin, My death on the cross was My own request to ‘Let My People Go’ to My heavenly Father so they could be free of their bondage to sin. My Hebrew people were given manna in the desert, but now My people of today receive My Real Presence in the consecrated Bread of Holy Communion. Give Me thanks and praise for all of the gifts of Myself to you in My sacraments.”


Monday, April 10, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this is a difficult message, but one that is important to remind all of My faithful that you must receive Me in Holy Communion in the state of grace without mortal sin on your soul. It is a sacrilege to receive Me unworthily. Those, who commit sins of fornication, adultery, or homosexual acts, have committed mortal sins and need to come to Confession to be cleansed of their sins before receiving Holy Communion. Even if you are embarrassed to remain in your seat at Communion time, it is better not to commit another sin of sacrilege. Some priests in their homilies do not emphasize the serious nature of sexual sins and that such mortal sins prevent you from receiving Me until you can go to Confession. Those, who are living together in this sin of fornication, need to stop this lifestyle before they can receive Me in Holy Communion. Encourage any of your friends or relatives to come back to Confession if you see them in these sinful relationships. It is out of reverence and avoiding further sin that these fornicators should not go to Communion. This ugly beast in the church indicates how there are sacrileges going on at many Masses.”


Tuesday, April 11, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter and Judas denied Me in different ways. St. Peter denied Me three times, even though he said he would die for Me. His fear of death was greater than his faith in Me before he received the power of the Holy Spirit. Judas had Satan enter into his heart when I gave him the morsel of food. He was a lover of money and he even received thirty pieces of silver for betraying Me to the High Priest. Later, he threw the money in the Temple, but his pride made him feel so unworthy of My forgiveness, that in despair he went out and hanged himself. St. Peter also was remorseful that he denied Me three times, but he was willing to repent as he said ‘I love you’ three times as I asked him if he loved Me. He was embarrassed with his weakness, but he was happy to be forgiven and back in My good graces after I resurrected from the dead. These are two different responses to your weakness in sin. The weakness to sin in the flesh started with Adam’s sin. Yet by one God-man’s suffering on the cross, sin has been conquered. It is this trust in My never ending mercy that will set all sinners free in My forgiveness of your sins. Do not despair or think that your sins are too grievous to be forgiven. I will forgive every repentant sinner, no matter how serious their sins are. So do not be like Judas, but imitate St. Peter in coming back to My forgiveness.”

Jesus said: “My people, the lightning in the sky means that there are going to be many natural disasters that will signal the end times are close. All of heaven will be watching the events of the end times as you will be witnessing the last battle between good and evil before I come in glory. Just as the apostles made preparations for the Passover Feast, so My people of today need to make preparations for the end times. Have some food and water ready to be multiplied for those who come to your door. Have your backpacks ready with your refuge supplies for the day when you will have to leave in haste for My refuges. The Hebrews ate manna and bitter herbs as a food of haste when they left Egypt. I will protect you from the evil ones with My angels just as I protected My people from the Egyptian Army. All of My faithful will receive their reward in My Era of Peace when I will defeat the evil ones and renew the earth.”


Wednesday, April 12, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel of today is yet another account of My betrayal by Judas. (Matt. 26:14-25) I allowed Satan to enter the heart of Judas to implement My betrayal which would lead to My crucifixion on the cross. I came on this earth to offer up My life for My people, and to fulfill the Scriptures that foretold a suffering Messiah that would redeem the people because of Adam’s sin. Judas’ giving Me over to Caiphas was part of My means for bringing about salvation to all sinners by My death on the cross. This betrayal by one of My own apostles was know to Me from the day Judas became one of My disciples. When Satan controls people, he encourages them to commit suicide after he has used them for his purpose. Satan hates man because I have saved all of you, and he wants to kill as many as he can. Pray much My people that you stay close to Me in prayer so that the evil one cannot control your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this confessional because the sacrament of Reconciliation is rarely being used by most of the congregation. Why is it like this today? To some extent it is the fault of My priest sons who are not encouraging people to go more than once a year. They also should be warning the people about how serious mortal sin is for their souls. Someone could risk a judgment to hell if they died in mortal sin. Most souls that are going to hell, are going there because of the sexual sins of fornication, adultery, masturbation, and homosexual acts. All of these are mortal sins and need to be confessed before receiving Holy Communion. The sinner is at fault also for not realizing that their mortal sins need to be confessed in Confession to cleanse their sins from their soul. I am a merciful God and I gave you this sacrament so you could be forgiven and your soul restored to grace. The sinner needs to have a properly formed conscience so they know what is a mortal sin by My Word, and not by their rationalization. The sinner also needs to know of My justice and how they would be punished for not repenting of their sins. I have redeemed all of you, but you must claim your redemption by calling on My Blood upon your sins in your forgiveness. If you refuse to repent of your sins and refuse to admit that you are a sinner, then you are on the road to hell. If you want to insure that you will not die with mortal sin on your soul, then avoid these sins and come to frequent Confession. Better to die a humble sinner in grace and go to heaven, than die a proud, arrogant sinner in sin that could be judged to hell.”


Thursday, April 13, 2006: (Holy Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, this feast is a celebration of My being a servant to My apostles and to everyone. I gave an example for My disciples in washing their feet so they could go out and serve others themselves. The most important gift was My being a servant to all of mankind by redeeming you all by My Blood sacrifice on the cross. This was the greatest expression of My love for mankind and I pray that you will love Me in return. At the Last Supper the Passover Meal has been changed to the Mass that commemorates My Body and Blood given to you in My Blessed Sacrament. The Eucharist is My gift of Myself so that you could always be united with Me whenever you receive Me in Holy Communion or visit Me in My tabernacle. My suffering on the cross is another reason that you should display a large crucifix on My altars in remembrance of My suffering for all of you, so you could now have heaven open to all of those that have been purified.”

Jesus said: “My people, whenever you visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament, you are also visiting the Blessed Trinity. Wherever one Person of God is present, the other Two are also present because We are inseparable. When you come to visit Me in the quiet of the night, I will give you My spiritual rest and peace to comfort any of your burdens. Every time that you make a visit to Me in My Blessed Sacrament, you have some quiet time to drink in a measure of My Spirit, and your soul is relaxed in My grace. In My Real Presence you can feel My love reaching out to touch your heart. If you open your heart to My love, you can sometimes feel a tingling throughout your whole body. Rejoice and be ever thankful for My gift of Myself to you in My Eucharist. All of those, who follow Me in life, will witness their reward in heaven.”


Friday, April 14, 2006: (Good Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, there are many descriptions in Scripture and in Tradition that describe all of the cruelty of the soldiers in beating Me, crowning Me with thorns, making Me carry My cross, ripping My clothes off, and nailing Me to the cross. Even after I died, they pierced My Body with a spear to release the last drops of blood that I suffered for mankind. You know of all of your physical and inner hurts that you have suffered, but I suffered much more freely so that all of you could be saved by My sacrifice. Combine your sufferings with Mine as you share this valley of tears that each person must pass through in this life. You inherited all of the weaknesses of Adam to sin, but now you also have inherited the strength and grace of the new Adam in Me, as you are a member of My Mystical Body. Some of My saints rejoiced that they could offer up their sufferings and even martyrdom in union with My death on the cross. When you carry My crucifix, you can call on My Name and hold up My cross against all evil that you are tempted with. I will be your Protector, Savior, Healer, and Lord of your life. Walk with Me carrying your own cross, and I will be your witness to the Father at your judgment.”


Saturday, April 15, 2006: (Easter Vigil)

Jesus said: “My people, this streak of light coming into the darkness is a sign of how My Resurrection has given hope to all men and women who want to be saved in heaven. My Resurrection is not just a seasonal time in the Church Year, but it is a promise forever to all who believe in Me as an example for how all of My faithful could also be resurrected one day into a glorified body. My heavenly Father accepted My Divine Blood sacrifice for all of mankind’s sins for those who are deceased, living in the present, and those coming in the future. This sacrifice of Mine on the cross was for all time, and you honor My promise at every Mass. As Lent comes to an end, now you will be celebrating My Resurrection for the rest of the Sundays after Easter. When I raised Lazarus from the dead, I proclaimed to My disciples that I was ‘The Resurrection and the Life’ that will remain a core belief in your faith. Tonight you renewed your baptismal vows by renouncing Satan and affirming your beliefs in the Creed. Continue to rejoice and sing Alleluia for My victory over sin and death.”


Sunday, April 16, 2006: (Easter Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, today is the most glorious feast day of My Church of the whole year. This victory over death at the tomb is more proof to you of My Divinity as well as My humanity. I am the God-man that links you with My Father and the Holy Spirit. These various visions of Light are a witness to My glory and My victory over sin. My Light is not only to see, but it is a symbol of My abundant graces that I am willing to share with all sinners who let Me into their hearts. Do not remain in your darkness of sin, but repent and come into My Light. Those, who seek My forgiveness, will be forgiven and joined in My graces on their way to heaven. The gates of Paradise have been opened to all souls who are willing to purify themselves and purge all earthly desires from their hearts. Make Me the center of your life, and everything will be bestowed on you that will fulfill both your earthly and spiritual needs.”


Monday, April 17, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, let there be no mistake or speculation about the fact that I physically rose from the dead during your history of humanity. You have all of the accounts in Scripture, Tradition passed on, the Holy Shroud evidence, and the succession of My popes who have witnessed to My Resurrection. Those, who have visited the Holy Sepulcher Church, have seen where I was crucified and buried. The vision of this mountain of rock represents My Church through the rock of St. Peter where the gates of hell will not prevail over it. The snake represents Satan who will not destroy My remnant Church, even to the end of time. You have My promise that I will be with you always in My heavenly Manna, the Eucharist. So have faith and hope that I will lead all of My faithful to heaven so you can be with Me in your own resurrected body for all eternity. My Church will carry on until I return again.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many secret societies in the world that use the occult to call down demonic power to help them. These demons are summoned by these occult rituals to help the rich take over the world. There is a curiosity to know what is going on at these secret meetings, but do not be led by these demons, even if they offer power and fame because in the end, it demands the cost of your soul. Avoid such gatherings because there could be some evil influence to affect your faith. It is better to be more secure in a good prayer life than to be interested in how Satan does his dirty work to entice sinners. You have seen how innocent, naive searching can lead you into occasions of sin or occult influences. In a word follow the verses in the ‘Imitation of Christ’ that repeat the phrase ‘Do not be curious.’ because your curiosity can lead you into evil influences that are not needed for you to gain heaven. Stay with holy and blessed things and avoid the sirens of the evil ones among earthly desires.”


Tuesday, April 18, 2006: (Mary Reilich’s Funeral)

Jesus said: “My people, Mary had a deep love for My Blessed Mother and Me. She had a strong faith that no one could take from her, despite all of her illnesses and frailties. Her love for My priest sons is especially to her credit. She had people pray for the various priests on a given day so you could focus on how important each vocation to the priesthood is. Her life was a beautiful example to many and all of her Carmelite friends have greeted her when she died. Her love for My Divine Mercy Devotion also was rewarded her on her burial time. All of these timely signs were a tribute to her faithfulness to Me, My Blessed Mother, and the saints that she revered. She is here among My faithful in heaven, and she is joining with her fellow Carmelites in praying for all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, these empty chairs are where the older prayer warriors have died, and are leaving less people to pray because you are not seeing many young people coming to prayer group meetings. It is like a generation of faithful have lost their need for prayer, and they are not teaching their children how to pray the rosary. A good prayer life is needed to endure the trials of life. There are fewer to pray for the sick and the dying, and fewer grandparents praying for their children and grandchildren. These faithful examples for the children to model after are becoming fewer in your society. This balance of sin to prayers is being outweighed by sin in America. That is why there is more evil going on with poor morals in your actions and in your laws. Pray for poor sinners as the deceased warriors are praying for you as well.”


Wednesday, April 19, 2006: (Road to Emmaus)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel there is a quote: (Luke 24:32) ‘Was not our heart burning within us while He was speaking on the road and explaining to us the Scriptures.’ My disciples had not yet received the Holy Spirit and they were still not fully comprehending why I had to die for everyone’s sins. By witnessing the Scriptures of the coming of the Messiah, they began to realize how blessed they were to have the Son of God speaking to them in their midst. Once they recognized Me in the ‘breaking of the bread’, they were so joyous to see that I was flesh and blood after resurrecting from the dead. This was another account proving My Resurrection in the flesh since they saw Me that I was not a vision or a ghost. These Scripture accounts give glory and praise to God because My example gives hope to all of My faithful that you too will be resurrected one day in a glorified body. I shielded My real identity to My disciples so they would be open to My explanation of the Scriptures about Me. All of these prophecies had to be fulfilled from the Old Testament, just as all of the prophecies of My coming again will also be fulfilled. Rejoice that you are living in the days of the end times, for you will see even more glorious things to come. My disciples thought that I would return right away, but as you see, all things happen according to My Will and in My time.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My faithful to have a pure heart as a young child. Learn from Me that you are nothing without My help. When you consecrate yourself over to My Divine Will, it means you are willing to give everything over to Me. Let Me direct your life in following My plan, and seek My discernment for everything that you do. Be obedient to My directions as you let Me have authority over your behavior. In everything strive to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Ask for My grace to help make you a saint, and work toward improving your spiritual life every year. You cannot achieve this perfection on your own because of your weaknesses, but with My help all things are possible. Keep looking to understand your faults, and work with Me to correct your bad habits. You need to have the desire to improve and sacrifice some comforts in order to change your ways. In all that you do, you must establish a love relationship with Me and your neighbors. Love of Me must be the reason that you are serving Me and obeying My Commandments. This love can be maintained by constant communication in prayer. Prayer and sacrifices can keep you focused on Me and helping others. Follow this life of consecration in emptying yourselves and loving everyone, and you will not be far from the kingdom of heaven.”


Thursday, April 20, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this rushing falls of water reminds you of your Baptism when your original sin from Adam was washed away, and you were enriched with My flow of abundant graces. The picture of a calm brook is how My spiritual peace and rest has come over your soul to quiet all the chaos and confusion that sin causes in your life. You are to guard your soul’s peace because the evil one wants to control your mind and soul with his temptations to sin. I have given you the armor of My sacraments to protect you from the attacks of the evil one. If you should fall into sin and lose your peace, you can have your peace and purity restored in My sacrament of Reconciliation. Once you are freed from the bondage of your sins in Confession, you will again experience a laver of My grace on your soul, and you will feel as if you were baptized again into the joy of My love. Keep united with Me in prayer, and keep close to Me in receiving Holy Communion or visiting My Blessed Sacrament at Adoration or in My tabernacle. You are never alone, and My care for you is always available to you in My Real Presence. If you cannot receive Me at daily Mass, you can call on Me to come to you in Spiritual Communion. Without Me, you are nothing, but with Me, you have eternal life. It was My death on the cross that has brought all of you My forgiveness in Baptism and Confession. That is why your celebration of My Resurrection is this new life in your souls when grace is restored to your spiritual life. Guard your souls so you do not lose them to the evil one.”


Thursday, April 20, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a radio announcer represents how My faithful need to shout the Good News of My Resurrection from the roof tops. Many have wanted to hear what you have heard and did not hear it, and to see what you have seen, but did not see it. Give glory and praise to God that I have been offered up by My Father so that all of humanity could be redeemed of their sins. This glorious message is a promise that I will be with you always in My Blessed Sacrament until the end of time. On Easter many faithful come to Mass in celebration of the Mass honoring My being raised from the dead. The empty seats, unfortunately, represent the lukewarm who do not come to all the Masses throughout the year. I want My people to pray for all of you to increase your faith, but especially that the lukewarm will receive grace through your prayers to come to every Sunday Mass. All of My people need to share their love with Me every day, and especially at Sunday Mass.”


Friday, April 21, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, these difficulties with your car is one example of how you are faced with trials every day. It is not so important that these things happen, but it is about how you react to crisis situations in your life, as they test your patience. You may have to deal without your car when it is in the shop, discourteous drivers on the road, and sicknesses or deaths among your family and friends. Some react negatively to difficulties with anger, swearing, or complaining. Even some get made at Me for allowing bad things to happen to good people. All of these trials are part of life’s ups and downs. If you did not get tested in life, how would you know how strong your faith is in these situations. Remember how I want all of you to live in My peace and do not let anything disturb your peace. When you are upset and violent, you allow the enemy to enter into your life and cause you to sin. Offer up all of your trials as sacrifices for your intentions, and you will be better able to deal with your stress and anger. Learning the virtue of patience is easier to talk about than implement in difficult situations. The better you can deal with trials, the better example you will be giving to those around you. If patience is a problem for you, then take a quick moment to think before you over react to a difficult trial in your life. You may be tested with little things or big trials. If you are good in the little things, then you will be better prepared for harder trials. Do not let events control you, but work to keep your spiritual peace with Me in control of your lives. Those, who have quick tempers, need to call on My grace to get you through life’s trials.”


Saturday, April 22, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, before the Holy Spirit came down upon My apostles, they were incredulous with joy at My appearance to them in flesh and blood with My wounds intact. They still were trying to fully comprehend how I rose from the dead in three days just as I had foretold to them what would happen to Me. After I ate food in front of them, and appeared to them several times, they at first thought that I would stay with them a while. Then I told them that I had to return to My Father in heaven, but they needed to wait in patience until they could receive the Holy Spirit. My people of today have already received the power of the Holy Spirit when you received the sacrament of Confirmation. This bright light from the dome of an older church represents the graces from heaven renewing My Easter people. You have such a rich heritage of faith in celebrating Holy Week and the Easter Season. Just as you see a renewal of life in nature in the trees and flowers, so your faith is renewed and strengthened in celebrating My Resurrection. Rejoice in sharing My sacraments where many of them were instituted in My last days on earth as a man. It is a little sad to Me that more people do not attend these Holy Week services that highlight the most important fact of faith in My Church in My death and Resurrection. Instead of your faith getting stronger, many of you are growing weak and spiritually lazy. Oh, if you could only have the fervor of belief that was in My Early Church converts. It is never too late to turn your love for Me around and understand that I should have a higher priority in your life. I love you all so much, and it is time to light a fire under you to love Me more than you do now.”


Sunday, April 23, 2006: (Mercy Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, this message about the coming tribulation is difficult to receive during a joyful Easter celebration. Many of the Early Christians had to suffer martyrdom for their faith because of the Romans and other persecutors. My message of love is going to be contrary to many worldly and demon inspired people. The battle of good and evil is going on around you, and you are sheltered in America compared to other places in the world. This evil age will grow worse as the one world people are tightening their grip on all the countries of the world. When the evil ones are allowed a short reign over this world, many of My faithful will be at risk to be martyred. This vision of religious people and patriots being herded to detention centers for slaughter is in your near future. This is why I will have your guardian angels lead you to places of refuge at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition and places of holy ground. It will be time to leave your homes for My refuges after the Warning and when you see a world famine, division in My Church, and forced chips in the body as the mark of the beast. Some of My faithful will be martyred and become instant saints. Others will be miraculously protected at My refuges by My angels, and all of your needs will be cared for.”

Jesus said: “My people, this corpus has been taken off of My cross, and it means that many people want to believe in My Word, but they do not want to endure the sufferings that I send you throughout life. To suffer for Me is difficult because your human condition shies away from pain. I am calling on My people to ask Me to help you to endure all of your trials. Not only can you offer up your own suffering to Me, but you can also reach out to help others in their sufferings. Even as a person is dying, you want to kill them prematurely so they do not have to suffer. This suffering could be their purgatory on earth that you are denying them. I want you to unite all of your suffering with My suffering on the cross. Some do not want to see Me suffering, but if you only knew, you would see that each one of your sins causes Me to suffer. Just as I refused to come off of My cross, I do not want you to remove My corpus either. A cross without My corpus does not give you the feeling of how much I love each of you to die for you. If you truly love Me, I ask you to return your love by patiently bearing up your pain, carry your daily cross, and help Me in others to endure their pain. This is also why I want to see you place My large crucifix on all of your altars.”


Monday, April 24, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you need to develop the eyes of faith so you can understand your personal mission better, and see where the evil spirits are disturbing your peace. By reading Scripture and receiving My sacraments frequently, you can have My grace to strengthen your faith. The Gospel speaks about being ‘born in the Spirit.’ This is closely related to having the eyes of faith. Every time you have your sins forgiven in Confession, your faith is renewed as at your Baptism. When you see My Light enough to consecrate your life over to following My Will, then you are willing to change your life from your old habits of sin. It is this new life in My love when you will be able to see this new birth in the Spirit. Just as I blessed My apostles with the Holy Spirit, so I can bless all of you with the Holy Spirit if your hearts are open and ready to receive this blessing. I do not force Myself against your free will. You must be willing to receive My Spirit to help you in all that you do. With the help of the Holy Spirit, you will be able to speak out in evangelizing souls to Me, and to defend the faith you have against all worldly problems and evil influences. Rejoice in My gift of the Holy Spirit, for He will put love in all of your intentions.”


Tuesday, April 25, 2006: (St. Mark)

Jesus said: “My people, the Word of God the Father came to you through Me that is for all time to be listened to and followed. St. Mark was one of My evangelists to write down the accounts and words of My life on earth in My public ministry. The Holy Spirit guided his hand in writing the truth for My Church to proclaim. All of the Scriptures have been scrutinized for truth in the faith, and this verifies how My evangelists were divinely inspired in their writings. I have sent you many messages through the true prophets throughout all of the ages. The Scriptures are your basis in faith. You can follow other prophetic writings if you discern them to be true and they are not condemned by My Church. All of My true prophets should be obedient to My Church authorities, and their writings should be in accord with Scripture and My Church. There are false prophets and more will be appearing in the end times to try and mislead the people. Pray over what you see and read, and discern if there are good fruits coming from such good prophets. Stay true to My authentic words, and give thanks and praise to God that I have sent My prophetic Word to guide My followers on the way to heaven and doing My Will.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you several people waiting to take a train to heaven. Sometimes this waiting in the train station can be representing a short time in purgatory. When you die and meet Me at your judgment, there are only three destinations for your train: heaven, purgatory, or hell. Once you are on one of these trains, you cannot get off until you arrive at your destination. Those, who arrive in purgatory, are saved, and it is just a matter of time until you can take another train to heaven. Your goal during your lifetime is to love Me and follow My Will. By a good prayer life and deeds of mercy, you can store up treasure in heaven to offset your sins. You need to trust in My mercy and justice that you will be fairly judged. Your whole life should be focused on Me always, and I will lead you on the narrow road to heaven. Give Me all the praise and glory that I deserve on earth, and you will be preparing for your praising Me in heaven for all eternity.”


Wednesday, April 26, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this septic sewer, buried in the ground, represents your deep seated problems that are caused by the underlying immorality in your society. Because of your greed, pride, and desire for independence, you are seeing many divorces. The break up of your family life and homosexuality have left the children with little or no faith in Me. Your lack of feeling for the preciousness of life has led to abortions, euthanasia, and constant wars. Your desire of lust and pornography has led to couples not getting married, homosexual marriages, and continuing sins of fornication, adultery, and masturbation. Because you have lost your sense of shame in your sins, there are few seeking repentance and forgiveness of their sins in Confession. When a nation so turns their back on Me in their sins, and you are not loving Me and adoring Me, then that nation will be destroyed by the weight of its own sin. Destruction by natural disasters, deficits leading to bankruptcy, and violence and terrorism in your wars are leading to America’s downfall. I have warned you many times that if America does not repent and change its sinful lifestyles, you will be brought to your knees in takeover by the one world government.”

Jesus said: “My people, the body has many worldly desires to satisfy itself with comforts, pleasures, and possessions. But all of these things are temporary, and are not necessary to move you closer to heaven. That is why the soul at times has to separate priorities so that the body is held in check as to what it can have. The soul craves those things that are holy and lead you closer to Me because spiritual things are forever. By prayer and good deeds, you are storing treasure in heaven that will last and not decay or become obsolete. Therefore, the soul is in a constant battle with the desires of the body. This chute in the vision to the garbage can is an example of how the soul is trying to get rid of the worldly desires so the soul can enjoy My peace. You can only obtain spiritual peace with My help and it may mean shutting off some worldly thoughts that will occupy too much of your time away from Me. Focus your priorities on holy thoughts with prayers and saintly books to read. Also be willing to help others in their need. By emptying your thoughts of earthly things, you can draw closer to your Savior so you can follow My Will instead of your own.”


Thursday, April 27, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I am a loving God and I hold up all of My children to God the Father. This vision of holding someone in My hands is how I hold everyone close to Me, and I support them whenever they call on My help. I do not force Myself on you, so you have to initiate a call for My help. I am by your side at all times ready to come to your assistance in prayer. Every day you can invite Me into your life as you make your morning offering or consecration. Before you start any task, ask for My help and your life’s burdens will seem lighter. When you do everything for Me, all that you do each day becomes as a prayer offering that stores treasure in heaven. When you are in My hands giving your will over to Me, then I am like the potter molding you as clay to do the mission that I intended you to do. If you desire to follow your own will, then you are like hard stone that I cannot mold. Give your life over to Me, and you will be serving Me as your Creator intended His creature to follow. I want you to be in harmony with Me, just as all of nature is in harmony with My Will.” Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this burning flame over the altar represents the Eternal Word of truth that I brought into the world from God the Father. You remember how God the Father appeared as a burning bush to Moses. The Holy Spirit appeared over My disciples with a tongue of fire over each of them. Even depictions of My Sacred Heart show a flame of love constantly burning. I want My people to have your faith in Me burn in your hearts just as the two disciples on the Road to Emmaus.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is fitting that you place Easter lilies and other flowers around My altar in celebration of My Resurrection. This show of nature is a further witness of how I provide beauty even in the flowers of the fields. The lilies are like trumpets to announce My glorious Resurrection from the tomb. As you visit displays of flowers in the spring, you are struck by all the beautiful colors giving glory to God. As I look out at all of your faces, I see the joy and beauty in your souls who give glory to Me as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, wherever you see My consecrated Host in Adoration or in My tabernacle, know that My angels are all around Me giving Me praise. Rejoice when you have such an honor to be in My Presence as you give Me praise and worship as My angels do. I have given you this greatest of gifts in My Real Presence of My Eucharist. Come to visit Me when you can make time, and you will be in the presence of your Creator, Lord, and Savior. Teach your children to give Me reverence and praise for all that I do for all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were amazed to see My dazzling appearance in My glorified Body. They were reminded of My appearance in glory when I was transfigured before them. Once I had resurrected, My disciples could now reveal My glory both in My appearances after My death, and My appearance on Mount Tabor. If there were any doubts of My Divinity in being the Son of God, My apostles were assured that truly I was God in their midst. St. John in his Gospel goes to great lengths in expressing My Divinity and My humanity as a God-man.”

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were instructed to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit. In this time of Easter celebration, you are also awaiting the feast of Pentecost and the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit. You are reading all of the beautiful accounts in the Acts of the Apostles when My apostles spoke out with the power of the Holy Spirit. My people of today also have been empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak of My Word in evangelizing souls.” Jesus said: “My people, in all of My churches you have the Light of My Easter Candle displayed between Easter and Pentecost. You also see this displayed at Baptisms and Funerals indicating I am the Alpha and Omega at the start and the end of your life on earth. Let My Light guide you through the darkness of sin and evil on this earth. I Light your way and I heal you both spiritually and physically. Give praise and glory to Me every day of your life in preparation for your being with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, in forty days after Easter you will celebrate My Ascension into heaven. It was difficult to leave My apostles, but I had to do this so they could receive the Holy Spirit. As I went up into heaven, My angels told My disciples that I would return in glory on the clouds, just as I left them. They did not know how long this would be, but it gave them hope for My Church to be a people in waiting for My glorious reign to come when you will see a new heavens and a new earth. Then you will see an Era of Peace granted to My people as I will renew the earth in glory.”


Friday, April 28, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this large vision of Myself in the clouds represents the miracle of how I can be present and helping each one of you at the same time. When I multiplied the bread and the fish, many believed in My words because I healed their sicknesses and cared enough to feed them with My miracle of multiplication. Even when you receive Me in Holy Communion, I multiply My consecrated Hosts so each person can receive Me into their souls. Have your souls tidy and swept clean of all sin by Confession when you bring Me into your soul and body. I send you My sacramental grace as you are intimately united with My Spirit. Have your hearts open for My indwelling as you make Me a part of your life. Every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are receiving My Spiritual Bread. I have given you this promise: (St. John 6:54-55) ‘Amen, Amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He, who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting and I will raise him up on the last day.’” Jesus said: “My people, I love all of My children, but those who flaunt homosexual activity in gay parades are calling down My wrath upon their abominations. These displays are an evil influence on both adults and the children. Your society should be condemning such behavior instead of accepting it. If these people do not change their sinful behavior, then they will see more natural disasters as this flooding in the vision. You have too many souls sinning without repenting, and not enough praying to right the evils in your society. I will protect the good people, but everyone in the places of these parades may have to suffer hardship from coming disasters. Avoid the areas where these gay parades are run since these will be places of destruction. Pray for the conversion of sinners in America, or worse things will befall you.”


Saturday, April 29, 2006: (St. Catherine of Siena)

Jesus said: “My people, the war in Iraq, the difficulties in Iran, and the latest terrorist group media releases are all unsettling both in the political and business worlds. Terrorist groups are becoming more active as they pick political targets against the Muslims. This destruction in the vision is a warning of more of these attacks on places of transportation in crowded train stations. In many cases it is difficult to identify which countries are behind these acts that have no concern for how many could be killed. Prayer is your best weapon against these evil intentions and to stop further wars and retaliation. A larger war is possible in the Middle East and these countries need to be making compromises instead of threats of destruction. The evil one is stirring up these war footings, but America needs to remove itself from any further fighting or bombing. It is these threats of war that are affecting your oil and commodity prices. Pray for peace more than you have in the past, because more serious consequences could happen in Iran.”


Sunday, April 30, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, rejoice that I have risen from the dead because this is like a sun filled day in all of your souls. My graces and blessings are shining down on all of you. All you have to do is ask for My grace and I will pour it out abundantly on all of you. This Easter Season is full of joy, faith, and love that rises to a fever pitch, just as My apostles were eager to share this glorious message of My Good News. This account of My Resurrection has been shared with many over the years, but every Easter Sunday it is like a new celebration. You saw Me in the vision walking with the little children. I love everyone so much, but the little children are dear to My Heart as My angels’ protection reaches out over their souls. This is why I call on you parents to guard your children from abuse and any evil influences of the world in books and movies. Remove from your house any movies or books about Harry Potter and witchcraft. Also keep any ‘R’ rated movies out of your house. Bring your children up in the faith so that they too can share in the joy and glory of My risen Body.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am your King of All Nations and I have created the earth, the angels, and all of My human friends out of love. I am all love and I want all of humanity to appreciate My love for you because I was willing to die for your sins. I also call on My faithful to love one another and help each other instead of your wars. I want My peace and love to dwell in all of your hearts so that you will follow the mission that I have given you. Be open in your hearts to Me, and be willing to consecrate everything that you have over to Me. In order to be saints and come to heaven, you must detach yourself from all of your earthly desires so your full attention can be given to worshiping your King. You have had visions of Me as a King in heaven on My throne, and I await all of My faithful to join your King one day in heaven. Give praise and glory to your King every day and thank Me for all of the gifts that I have given you.”


Monday, May 1, 2006: (St. Joseph)

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a world wide movement where more churches are closing than are opening. Every church that closes is one less chance for graces to be distributed. There is a decreasing number attending Mass, and fewer priests in some areas are available. The numbers of younger people are the most noticeable that are absent, and the older faithful are dying off. The number of new priests are down, and it is becoming harder in your material world to encourage young men to enter the priesthood. In addition the faith of the people has become weak and almost spiritually lazy. The inspiration of the Easter Season is short lived, and the numbers on Easter are down throughout the year. America needs a spiritual renewal in the youth and in your new vocations for the priesthood, and you could turn back this trend of closing churches. Many priests are overworked and need your support in prayers and works. Both the clergy and the laity need to work harder on evangelization and ask My help to strengthen My Church. Church attendance in Europe is very low and America is going in this same direction. More prayer and visits to My Blessed Sacrament are needed to stem this tide of closing churches. Do not let the evil ones succeed by good people doing nothing.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that as your manufacturing jobs leave this country for cheaper labor, that the average wage would decrease as well as your standard of living. More people will become involved in agricultural crops for making alternative fuels and exporting crops. Since some countries do not want to eat your manipulated corn crops, they could very well go to making ethanol. Your economy is being more manipulated by the stock markets and the one world people until the middle class will be non-existent, and your country will be in bankruptcy. Your deficits, wars, and disasters are leading you to your own destruction. Your people are becoming lazy in their work ethic and lazy in their spiritual life. The devil and his angels will sift you like this dirt in the vision unless you turn things around and follow Me. Let Me be your first priority in life and everything else will be given you.”


Tuesday, May 2, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this empty cross next to My crucifix represents the daily cross that I want all of you to pick up and suffer with Me during the day’s events. Sometimes you may suffer more difficulties than at other times. Even if you are not suffering much now, you can offer up to Me all that you do this day, and I will bless them. The idea of carrying a cross every day may seem an undesirable burden, but it is symbolic of how you are imitating My life in how I suffered on the cross. By thinking more of loving Me and helping others, it will keep you more occupied with holy things that can help your soul over your selfish worldly desires. There are many things and people in the world that can distract you from Me, and even cause you to lose your spiritual peace. Be on guard to protect your prayer time and your peace from outside events. It is one thing to be sociable and spend time on things and vacations, but it is another to remember your mission to work on saving your soul and others with My grace. Remember to carry My daily cross, and you will keep your focus on Me and gaining heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this declining concrete ramp is a picture of how your leaders in Washington are leading your country down in all of your wars, deficits, and debts. Your debts continue to mount for a war against terrorism that is not going anywhere. Instead of letting your lawmakers get you involved in more wars, it is time that the American people shutdown the purse strings to any more wars. Continuous, reckless spending on wars and giving tax incentives to export your jobs are putting your country into a coming bankruptcy with no jobs. The one world people are causing all of these problems, but they are difficult to remove from controlling America’s money and debts. Pray for all of the unemployed and your working poor.”


Wednesday, May 3, 2006: (St. Philip and St. James)

Jesus said: “My people, all of those, who are seeking money, possessions, fame, and power, are symbolized in this Tower of Babel. But instead of this Tower going up into the sky, the Tower is going deeper into hell. Those, who seek these earthly things of the world, have made them idols before Me and it is impossible to have two masters. You will either choose to follow Me as Master and Lord of your life, or you will choose earthly things which will become your master through Satan. My disciples consider themselves as nothing to Me, and depend on Me entirely for everything. They live simple lives in My service, and they desire to please Me in their littleness and humility. Love of Me and their neighbor is their focus so they can be perfected for heaven. The worldly seek to accumulate possessions and money which will dissipate and be worthless because they are temporary. These people are never satisfied with enough wealth and power, and they connive and cheat to gain all that they can. Some even make deals with the devil for fame and riches. You can see the destinations of where each of these people are headed. The humble, simple sinners are striving for heaven, but the arrogant and avaricious rich people are choosing the broad road to hell. These are the two choices in life where My disciples will live in the glory of heaven, but the evil ones will be subdued for all eternity in the flames of hell.”


Wednesday, May 3, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I came as a man to earth and I went through all of the stages of growth from an infant to a matured adult. I experienced all kinds of emotions from joy to sadness, and I shared even the pain of torture and death. I suffered insults and loneliness. All of your human experiences I have either cured or felt Myself. So no matter what you are going through on earth, I can sympathize with you. Even as you suffer things in this life, you can unite your offerings with My Victimhood for all of mankind’s sins. There are some people who also become as victim souls in offering up their penances so that other souls may be helped either spiritually or physically. They are imitating how I became a Victim soul when they consecrate themselves to Me so that other souls could be saved. Some victim souls may be in a vegetative state or in a coma. Some may be restricted to a bed the rest of their lives. Others may be suffering the loss of a leg or an arm. All of My little ones that give up their suffering to Me are rejoicing that they had the opportunity to suffer for others. Be thankful for these poor souls because they are enabling many to come to heaven that could not make it on their own.”


Thursday, May 4, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading St. Philip teaches the Scriptures about My coming to an Ethiopian eunuch. The man became so filled with faith that he asked St. Philip to baptize him as a new Christian. The vision also is about teaching in a classroom, but it is more important to prepare students for their eternal destination than any other subject. As you read and understand the importance of teaching and prayer, it is also important to listen in your heart for My intentions of your prayer, instead of just your own intentions. It is your hands and feet that I use to help bring souls to Me in conversion of their hearts. In order for people to learn about Me, you need to pray for the proper disposition of their hearts, so they are open to My Word. Then you have to teach them and encourage them that they can only come to heaven through Me. In My sacraments I will cleanse their sins, and they can receive My consecrated Hosts to strengthen their faith and believe in My Resurrection. Believe in My Good News and accept Me as Savior, and you will be on the narrow road to salvation in heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, wherever I was on earth, or in My consecrated Host, there also is God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Remember when St. Philip asked Me to show him the Father. (St. John 14:8-10) ‘Philip, he who sees Me sees also the Father. How can thou say, ‘Show us the Father?’ Does thou not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in Me?’ I told him that the Father is in Me and I am in the Father. So when My apostles saw Me in bodily form, they were seeing the Father as well. Even now as you recognize Me in the Breaking of the Bread, you again are seeing the Father, as well as the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, you continue to see several nations in the UN calling for sanctions against Iran for making the fuel for nuclear bombs. Several diplomats and military people are said to be preparing for the possibility of bombing Iran’s nuclear bomb making plants. This has been opposed strongly by Russia and China who have oil interests at stake in Iran. Pray that war will not spread to Iran or there could be serious consequences.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen one crash killing over one hundred people, and some near misses with blown tires. Your travel by plane has a very good safety record, but there are still things that can go wrong on these flights. Praying for a safe flight is a serious business because your lives are at stake when you fly. Accidents in the air can be more deadly than car accidents. So continue to pray for those who need to fly often.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are times in Scripture where I have warned you to be ever vigilant in watching over your soul before you die. The watchman is looking out into the darkness that represents sin in the world. The beacon of light is the Light of My Word and My promise of salvation. Your vigilance on your souls can be kept clean by frequent receptions of My sacrament of Reconciliation. Keep close to Me and trust in Me that I will lead My faithful to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are two sets of gates shown in this vision. The iron gates represent the earthly prisons that My saints had to suffer for not giving up their faith. You can remember the accounts of My apostles and St. Paul who had to suffer these iron gates. Recently, you read of St. Stephen as he was stoned to death, and he saw the heavens opening to My Throne. Those, who suffer martyrdom, may suffer on earth, but the gates of heaven are opened to them. Rejoice on that day when you will be worthy to enter these glorious gates of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when My churches will be more susceptible to burning and broken windows by vandals. My Blessed Sacrament needs to be protected in these evil days. You will see Satanic inspired people become more bold to damage My churches and even try to steal My consecrated Hosts for their black masses. More churches will be closed, and you will need to protect My Hosts in your homes at first, and finally at My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing this vision of a dragon that represents Satan, and it refers to the Scriptures in Revelation. He was seeking to destroy My Blessed Mother and prevent Me from saving the world. This was My first coming and there will be a time of reign where Satan and the Antichrist will be allowed to control the earth. Then I will return triumphant on the clouds and My angels will chain Satan, the dragon, and all of the evil ones in hell. Know that you are still battling this same dragon in this world, but you have My protection by calling on My help and that of your guardian angel. Do not be afraid of this dragon because My power surpasses any of his temptations or threats.”


Friday, May 5, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, some people are never satisfied unless they can have the latest fashions in all things that they wear and those things in their house. Many times such people cannot afford these things, but they live to keep up with others on their street. Living a luxurious life is not what I want My disciples to focus on. Instead, it is better to live a simple life of faith so you are focused more on Me than the worldly things of man. You think that if you have the latest fashions or the latest electronic devices, that you will be happy. These things are novelties at first, but soon you will grow tired of them as you await the next season. Things of this world should not be turned into idols because they are cold, lifeless, and so temporary. Focus your love on Me and helping others, and you will find more peace and satisfaction. Give Me praise and worship as your Master, and show Me your thanks for all that I have given you. Strive for those things of a heavenly nature that can be stored in heaven instead of earthly things that have no future.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you have hobbies or collections that you really take a deep interest in. Many of these earthly distractions can motivate you by curiosity or a desire to own things that they can take up your time and focus away from Me. Whenever you become so preoccupied with earthly things that use up most of your time, then it is time to realize that you are allowing them to control you. You have free will, but you must remember to make Me your first priority in life above everything else. If you continue to be obsessed by or addicted to earthly things, then you will be blinded from Me, and you are making these things idols of worship before Me. I have warned you many times not to let anything or anyone control you. By keeping your distance from any addictions or earthly desires, you can keep your peace and your focus fixed on Me. How you spend your spare time should be a lesson to you in what is your first priority. You need to set aside enough time for your prayers and meditations each day. By inviting Me into your hearts and souls each day, I can be a part of your life, and lead you on the right path to heaven.”


Saturday, May 6, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in St. John’s Gospel (St. John 6:61-70) he gives an account of how some disciples fell away from Me when I asked them to spiritually eat My Body and drink My Blood to have eternal life. This belief in My Real Presence in the miracle of the Transubstantiation of bread and wine into My Body and Blood is a gift granted by My Father in heaven. It is not given to everyone. This was difficult to believe for some of My disciples, just as it is difficult for My faithful of today to believe. This involves a belief that I truly am God when I appeared as a man on earth. I have left you this greatest gift of Myself to you in Holy Communion. If you have difficulty in believing in My Real Presence, then pray to My Father and He will grant you this gift of knowledge and faith. In the first reading (Acts 9:33-43) there are accounts of St. Peter who healed the paralytic in Lydda and raised Tabitha from the dead in Joppa by the power of My Name. These were unheard of miracles just as I had performed, and many came to believe in Me because of them. Even today there are healing ministries where some are healed of sicknesses. The vision of this Mass in the catacombs is a sign of how important this faith in My Real Presence was to the Early Christians that they would risk their lives to be at a Mass. The people of today in most places are not threatened to come to Mass, and their faith is not as strong to believe in My Real Presence. But still I keep telling you, if you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you will have eternal life in you.”


Sunday, May 7, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of seeing a small fly in someone’s eye is asking you to think of how you judge other people. (Matt. 7:1-3,5) ‘Do not judge, that you may not be judged. For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged; and with what measure you measure, it shall be measured to you. But why do you see the speck in thy brother’s eye, and yet you do not consider the beam in thy own eye? You hypocrite, first cast out the beam from thy own eye, and then you will see clearly to cast out the speck from thy brother’s eye.’ Be thankful that My mercy and knowledge of you will judge you by God’s justice and not by man’s cruel justice. Many times you are quick to criticize and persecute others, but you may not be judging rightly because you do not have all of the facts. Others could be critical of your own actions, but you may not want to admit your faults. Instead of judging others, let Me be the just judge of them. You have enough to deal with your own faults first. There are times when someone is endangering other souls with sinful behavior. Only for helping souls should you speak out to correct them. Talk to them privately first, so not to embarrass them, or ruin their reputation wrongly before others in public.”

Jesus said: “My people, in each age I send leaders of My faithful in My priests and in My prophets. There are also strong faithful who support My leaders with their finances and their hard work. These pillars, that you see in the vision holding up My Church, are My faithful remnant, or My elect who are given the grace not to be misled by any false leaders. My faithful laity have saved My Church in the past from various heresies. They are adamant in their faith and they pass this fervor of faith on to their children. There is coming an evil group who will follow the New Age ways, and they will try and destroy My Church, but the gates of hell will not prevail against Me. My elect will be forced underground and eventually to My refuges where My angels will protect them. Some may die from martyrdom for their faith, but My Church will carry on. This is a message of hope and trust in Me for all Christians because I will always be with you to the end of this evil era. Then I will bring My triumph over evil and an Era of Peace will be granted to My believers. Rejoice always in My love and continue to follow your Savior in prayer, good works, and frequent forgiveness of your sins. Those, who remain faithful, will receive their reward in heaven.”


Monday, May 8, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, the word ‘carnival’ can take on different meanings in different cities and countries. In America a carnival coming to town is about rides, prizes for contests, clowns, and the like. In other cites and countries ‘carnival’ is associated with carnal pleasures of the body and an excuse for adultery and fornication. It is one thing to enjoy proper entertainment, but it is completely against My Commandments to engage in sexual sins for whatever reason. Some try to justify this bazaar behavior by saying it is just a celebration as Mardi Gras. But when the intention to have a party is this sinful behavior, then this activity should be shut down and not attended. Such merrymaking can get out of hand and someone could be innocently abused or violated. If you are aware of this activity at such gatherings, then these places could be an occasion of sin to avoid. So I ask My faithful to use their common sense and avoid these dens of sin, just as you would avoid places of prostitution. Pray for your country’s morals and help to stop your people’s desire for more of this kind of activity.”

Jesus said: “My people, this darkness in an evil city represents the many sins being committed by its residents. The evil is so bad that their sins are crying out to Me for justice. I have shown you many disasters occurring, and in some instances these events were a punishment for sin. This vision of an earthquake is about such a place of evil and there will be much damage and death. I have asked My faithful to pray for the sinners of your country so they could be converted, but in some areas the demons are so strong that there is not enough prayer to overcome them. In these places you must pray to Me so I can send My angels to help these poor souls. When man has invited these demons to possess them and influence them, they are exercising their free will to do evil. This in turn affects other innocent souls in that area. This earthquake is My wrath being called on these evil ones, but My angels will protect the innocent ones. There is a great battle going on between the good and the evil ones. I am calling on My faithful in their intercessory prayer to ask for My help to protect My good souls from the evil people and the demons. Call through Me for My angels to come and defend you from the principalities and powers against you. I have the power over the evil ones, but you must invoke My power to save your souls. Trust in Me and I will protect you so that you should have no fear.”


Tuesday, May 9, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, mandatory chips in your driver’s licenses and passports are slowly moving forward so as not to alarm people and cause objections. The cell towers, satellites, and these new microwave antennae are being used to communicate with these chips even when people do not realize it. This is not only a means to buy and sell, but these chips are also a means of tracking people because they are like little beacons to a powerful microwave antenna. If you receive such chips in your documents, it would be better to leave them at home. Mandatory chips in your required documents are another move to the grand control by the one world people. These chips are the precursor to the next step which will be mandatory chips in the body. I have warned all of My people to avoid taking these chips in your body, even if the one world people threaten your life. These chips in the body have the capability of controlling your mind with voices that will direct your actions. This is Satan’s move to violate your free will and My mission for your life. When mandatory chips are required in the body, this will be a sign to you that it is time to call on My help to have your guardian angel lead you with a physical sign to the nearest place of refuge. Refuges will be at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground, or caves in hilly or mountainous regions. Do not delay in moving to My refuges, or you could be taken to detention centers where those on certain lists will be executed or martyred for their faith. This reign of evil will be brief before I come in victory and dash all of the evil ones and demons into hell. Then My faithful will be vindicated and you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace.” Jesus said: “My people, this rose being given to someone represents how you share your life with others as a gift. Life and love are beautiful things to share with each other because it comes from the heart. There are those in life who will cross your own life, and you may feel called to assist them in some of their trials. It is like how Simon helped Me to carry My cross. When you help others either physically or in prayer, you are interceding for them in helping them. As much as you want to help someone, they still need to carry part of their own burden. I still had to suffer and die on My cross, and I could not have someone else suffer that part of My burden. This is an example for everyone that they in the end have to suffer on their own cross. You can assist someone so far because everyone has to carry their own cross to Calvary. By denying their sufferings, they will have a hard time to purify themselves for heaven. If you help someone too much, they may have to suffer more in purgatory to purge their earthly desires. Pray for all people to have enough spiritual fortitude to carry their own load in giving things over to Me. By this ‘yes’ to Me in all of their trials, they will gain heaven.”


Wednesday, May 10, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, it is joyful and easier to preach the Good News of My Resurrection than it is to preach ‘Christ Crucified’. The Easter celebration is easier to celebrate with all the flowers and new life of spring. I have died for your sins and I have paid the ransom for your souls, so it is a blessing for My faithful to be joyous one day in their own resurrection into heaven, body and soul. But the Resurrection is only half of the story. My Crucifixion is the Good Friday that every soul must suffer with Me in order to receive their reward. That is why preaching My Crucifixion is a much harder message because My death on the cross was an example for how all of you will suffer in this life on earth. From Adam’s sin you have inherited a mortal body which is subject to pain and sickness. You have My promise that I will never test you beyond your endurance. By calling on My help in difficult situations, I will give you the graces needed for you to endure your trials. So while you are on this earth, you can expect to share in My suffering. Pain and sickness are not all bad. Look at how My death and crucifixion had redemptive value for souls. Even when you offer up your own pain and struggles to Me, these can have redemptive value for your soul and for other souls of your intentions. So in your day to day sufferings, do not waste your pain, but offer it up to help other souls. You pray often for many intentions of people in difficulty. Offering up pain and fasting for your intentions can have even a greater result than just prayer alone. See the redemptive value of your own suffering, and you will understand that it is just as important to preach ‘Christ Crucified’ as it is My Good News of My Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you up close how there are many detention centers all over your country ready to imprison about ten percent of your citizens who will not go along with the new world order. The patriots in your militias and the religious people, who follow My Way, will not be swayed from their beliefs. That is why the one world people will desire to eliminate My faithful remnant. This is the increasing battle of evil when the Antichrist will have his brief reign. Do not fear these evil ones because they may torture your body, but they cannot touch your souls in My protection. I am calling My faithful to My refuges of protection before these evil ones can carry you off to these detention centers. When you see a forced famine, division in My Church, and mandatory chips in the body, this will be the time to call on Me, and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge. At this time of notification, you will have to leave in haste just as the Israelites left Egypt in haste. My refuges will be mostly in rural areas away from the cities. There you will find water, My heavenly Manna, and meat from deer. My angels of protection will watch over you and defend you. Some will be martyred at the detention centers, and those who follow the Antichrist will be mind controlled through the chips in their bodies. Those in My service will be few, but they will be My faithful elect. Stay true to your faith in Me, and you will have your heavenly reward.”


Thursday, May 11, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, your nation’s military power is probably the most sophisticated and extensive of anyone’s military with your many ships and aircraft. Your country spends more on its military than any other nation, yet your troop levels are not as extensive as other nations. Your recent presidents are using your military for their own political ends without too much concern about the consequences. This vision shows more armaments in your Navy ships positioning themselves in the event of an attack on Iran’s nuclear bomb making facilities. You can see that any future strikes against Iran could bring Russia and China to their defense, especially for oil concerns. A war carried on in the Persian Gulf could endanger much of the world’s oil supply that could threaten recessions and true gasoline shortages, irregardless of demand. My faithful need to double your prayer efforts to pray that a war in Iran does not begin. It is time for your people to stand up to your elected officials and tell them no more wars or funding for such a war in Iran. If your people do not take back control over your constant wars, you will see disaster to your military, and a bankruptcy that will allow the one world people to take over your country. When America is destroyed, you will see the tribulation time unfold. Do not fear this time because My angels will protect My faithful. Many will die and persecution of Christians will continue. Trust in My protection of your souls, and My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”

Prayer group: Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these buildings because some people in high places in your government are going to fall out of favor with the people. You have seen continuous scandals and the problems with the Iraq War, high gas prices, and immigration. Because the people are complaining of these situations, there will be changing faces because the party in power is fearful of losing in your coming elections. Pray for your leaders who need to make some hard decisions to keep your country stable from dissent.”

Jesus said: “My people, this flooding basement with dark, murky waters is a sign of how your sins are causing the foundations of your nation to falter spiritually. It is also a sign of how your war debts are gradually leading you to bankruptcy as your deficits are growing out of control. In years past it was a goal of government to match its spending with its income. Now in the spurious claim of a war against terrorism, your government continues to spend billions on a war that is nebulous and without any meaningful limits. Pray for peace and a stoppage of your endless wars that are allowing the one world people to hold you tighter in your debts.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that some of My priest sons have found themselves guilty in crimes against your society. Some are serious crimes of killing, stealing, and sexual abuse. Others are of a minor nature, but still they are publicly discredited by your media. They are suffering their punishment in prison, but they are still My priest sons that need your prayers for their souls. Pray that they are sorry for their crimes, and that their souls could be consoled by confession of their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, in every season various parts of your country are suffering from natural disasters. Fires have returned to a dry Florida and your tornadoes have torn homes apart all across the middle of your country. Some of these things occur every year, but it still does not soften the losses that these families are experiencing. Pray for the victims of these disasters and that they can find help to start over again.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more disturbing reports of violence and sexual abuse in both your grade schools and high schools. Children are being abused by their peers and even their teachers in some cases. You know how much I detest those who abuse My little ones. More oversight and supervision is needed in your schools to stop these scandals. The school leaders need to be held more responsible for these incidents. Pray that these leaders will take their job more seriously in preventing future incidents.”

Jesus said: “My people, many media reports tend to focus on the glory of sports players than on how well your students are doing in their subjects. Some reports of how poorly your students are doing are being blamed on poor teachers and racial problems. Your number of dropouts and the lower numbers of college graduates are testimony to the problems in your educational system. Pray also for your teachers and principals to provide a good education for your students.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your manufacturing industries are struggling through bankruptcy and are losing market share to foreign competition that is not operating on a fair marketing field. Labor, benefits, and various U.S. laws are restraining your companies in making profits. It is a difficult problem to compete against foreign made goods that have lower expenses. Some countries tolerate huge trade imbalances just to market their products in your country. Pray for your government leaders and your business leaders to find compromises that will not destroy your wages and limit imports into your country.”


Friday, May 12, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many articles in your news about the preparations for a bird flu pandemic if it were to mutate by spreading between humans. Your drug companies have made millions of dollars on tamiflu vaccine that has been stockpiled, but still has not been proven effective in stopping the bird flu itself. While it is proper to prepare for the event if bird flu should spread, it is a little premature to buy drugs that are not fully effective in fighting such a diseases. It is unfortunate that the one world people have manufactured these diseases and have hyped the threat of more diseases that may never occur. This is their typical scare tactic, but the AIDS epidemic has been made to diminish the population for their ease of world control. Pray that these diseases do not spread and cause even more deaths and sicknesses.”

Jesus said: “My people, good paying jobs are getting harder to find in American cities and towns. Service industries usually pay less than manufacturing jobs which are holding steady or decreasing. With downsizing and mergers the average wages are also decreasing. As some companies are threatened with bankruptcies, the owners are trying to get more work out of their employees for lower wages and benefits. Many families are needing at least two jobs to provide a medium lifestyle. With lower incomes it will be easier to live a simple lifestyle than having everything you would like. Living simply is better for your spiritual life so you do not have to deal with too many earthly distractions. Doing with less may be harder for those that used to make more money, but it prepares you for living in retirement. A lot of people’s luxuries are not that necessary to have a happy life. When you focus more on heavenly priorities of living simply and helping others, you will then have more time for prayers and spiritual reading. Strive to gain heavenly treasures, for they are worth more than all of your earthly possessions. Trust in Me and I will provide all that is necessary for your earthly needs. Even more so when you follow Me, you will find peace and rest with Me that you cannot find anywhere else.”


Saturday, May 13, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, creation of a new spirit and the formation of new life is where I invite humanity to be a part of My creation. You provide the flesh in procreation and I provide the life in the soul. Without My spark of life, your flesh is lifeless and dead. I also provide everyone with a guardian angel to watch over you and protect you from the demons. This vision, showing you the bright lights, represents the spirit of the baby and the spirit of the guardian angel that enter at the moment of conception. This union in the marriage act is sacred and should be done only under the bond of marriage. That is why it is a mortal sin to violate this act by your sins of fornication, adultery, and the use of contraception, tube tying, or any other form of sterilization either surgically or with pills. Now man in his scientific delving has even used in vitro fertilization, cloning, and DNA manipulations to form disease free babies. This artificial formation of babies outside the marriage act is why these means are mortal sins, and also it is like man playing God in what he is making. These activities are an abomination for whatever reasons of fertility, stem cell research, or use of body parts and cosmetics. Any artificial conception interferes with the creation of new life, and many of the multiple embryos formed are discarded. If you wonder why you are being punished for these activities and your abortions, it is because of man’s complete dismissal of the preciousness of life. You have taken new life out of a loving environment and have reduced it to a scientific curiosity. Satan is behind all of this violation of My laws of life because he wants to do everything to kill man and destroy My plan for life in a family setting. Avoid all of these sins against life and follow My natural order of procreation under the sacramental life of marriage of a man and a woman.”

Jesus said: “My people, this sign of a funeral shows you how soon it will be for all of you to die some day. Your life on earth is very short. You are here today and buried tomorrow. Some in their lives have had to work hard most of their years. Others have been spared hard manual labor, but you endured much stress in the modern day workplace with the threat of layoffs and plant closings. It will be difficult for more Americans to live as good as their parents because of the shift of money to the wealthy and other nations. With decreasing wages, your tax collections will lessen and you will not be able to find money for health, welfare, and Social Security. Unless your country repents of its sins, you will see America fall into a decline that will lead to your demise. Pray for all of the souls of your country to be saved, because they are more valuable than your wealth.”


Sunday, May 14, 2006: (Mother’s Day, my mother’s Mass)

Mary said: “My dear child, I am happy to present your mother and father to you and your family as they are here with David interceding with their prayers for you and all of your intentions. We are pleased with your improved desire for wanting to know more about God and how He works in your life. Continue to seek us in your spiritual reading and we will be more open to helping you in your mission of saving souls. Think of your possessions as only tools to help your mission without letting them interfere with your prayer life. Continue to keep your focus and priorities on My Son, and He will provide for all of your needs in life, and the graces to carry out your work. Be thankful for the gift of all mothers, and especially me as your Blessed Mother, as you are all my children.”


Monday, May 15, 2006: (St. Isidore)

Jesus said: “My people, your scientists have unearthed some very old bones from a dinosaur period of long ago. There have been many species of animals that have appeared for a while and then became extinct for various reasons. Many of the old events of massive volcanic explosions and comets or asteroids striking the earth have influenced this coming and going of various species. Even in your modern world you are concerned about such destructive events that could again change life on the earth as you know it. Man has been able to adapt to various problems of violent weather, earthquakes, and volcanoes. All of man’s abuses of nature can change your environment which is very delicate in certain areas. Appreciate the beauty of My creation and give praise to Me for bringing it about, but be careful to preserve what you have so your grandchildren can have the same experience.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a vivid description of the darkness and coldness of a room associated with a demon’s presence. This room represents places of occasions of sin and it is called the devil’s territory. Contrary to this, places of churches, holy ground, and true apparition sites are heaven’s territory. Every time you go to bars, places of prostitution, pornography shops, or evil movies, you are in occasions of sin and you are in the devil’s territory. If you are working to perfect your soul, you should avoid all occasions of sin for you, and seek places of heavenly territory instead. You should recognize your human weaknesses and refuse the body’s desires for sinful pleasures and comforts. When your priorities are focused more on heavenly things rather than earthly things, you will be more disposed to following My Will than your own will. You can give your will over to My Divine Will when you consecrate everything over to Me every day. Focus your life on doing more things for Me than for yourself, and you will be on the right path to heaven and sainthood.”


Tuesday, May 16, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, do not worry about where you will find food to eat, water to drink, or shelter to stay. You have My abundant graces and gifts for your needs for those who ask for them. If you can give good things to your children, how much more can your Father in heaven grant you in your needs. My blessings are always available when you call on Me in My Name. When you ask Me, you are calling on God the Father and the Holy Spirit as well. If you keep My Commandments, you will see even more generous gifts both in graces and material things. I will provide for all of your needs, but do not seek in prayer for more than you need. Also, you should be willing to share what you have with others, especially if you have an excess of wealth. Giving back your tithing to the charity of others is the best thank you that you could give to show Me your appreciation of My gifts. Do not be selfish or steal and cheat for this world’s gifts. Your treasure is your love for Me and your good deeds for others. Keep your focus on Me and give Me praise and thanksgiving for all that you have.” Jesus said: “My people, there are souls reaching out for your prayers that are on their way to hell if they do not find someone to pray for them. You have seen and heard testimonies of those who have seen hell and how much the souls are suffering there. These souls are to suffer forever in a place of hate and torment with total hopelessness in no way out of their fate. They suffer from not seeing Me, or experiencing My love. They suffer a true burning sensation without the flames consuming them. They suffer the sulfur stench and the torment of hate from the demons. This is why it is so important to pray for all the poor sinners on earth who have yet to be judged. While a soul is alive on earth, they can be saved, but there are various prices for these souls. The more a soul is controlled by addictions, anger, pride, and involvement with the occult, the higher the price is for their soul. Pray for these souls that are the closest to going to hell so they could have a glimmer of a chance to be saved by My mercy. Every soul, who has a prayer advocate, still has a chance to be saved before their death. With your prayers, fasting, and suffering, you can release souls from going to hell and at least help them to make it to purgatory. Continue to keep these poor sinners in your prayers because souls could be lost to hell by your spiritual laziness.”


Wednesday, May 17, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard in the Gospel how I am the Vine and you are the branches. Apart from Me you can do nothing. The vision of My spiritual presence in the body shows you how I am present with you even at death. The soul remains around the body with Me while they are in transition of being separated from the body. Indeed all of My children have free will to choose to love Me or not. If you choose to follow My Commandments and do My Will, I will mold you to do the mission that I have planned for your life. Pray daily, and stay focused on Me in all of your actions. For those, who are faithful to Me until death, you will receive your just reward with Me in heaven. When you fall in sin, you have My sacrament of Reconciliation to renew My graces and cleanse your sins. It is important to stay in My grace so you will be strong against temptations, and always ready to face Me in judgment, or receive Me in Holy Communion. Those, who choose to follow their own ways in mortal sin, are separated from Me as the Vine. These souls could be lost forever in hell if they do not return to Me for the forgiveness of their sins. They need prayerful intercession to be brought back to the faith. They can be saved up until their death, but they risk the loss of their soul to the evil one while they remain in their sins. Remember that you are nothing without Me, and that by receiving My Body and Blood in My Eucharist, you will have eternal life. Give Me praise and glory in My Blessed Sacrament and I will be with you until you come to Me in judgment. Return your love to Me as I love you always.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are enjoying the beauty of this little shrine to My dear St. Rose. In a recent message I talked to you about My Victimhood for all of mankind when I died for all of you on the cross. One of the opportunities, that you have living in the flesh, is to be able to offer up your own personal sufferings as redemptive offerings to save souls. St. Rose was one of My victim souls and many healings, both spiritual and physical, have come through her intercession of her sufferings. In the morning as you are offering your daily consecration to Me, you can also be a victim soul by offering up to Me all of your little sufferings, disappointments, trials, and insults. You may not be called to a serious illness or My wounds, but you can still offer up all that you will bear each day so that souls could be helped and saved from hell. The more you understand the reasons for My sending you suffering, you will understand how they humble you and give you this chance to suffer pain for others. Be thankful to Me for everything that I send you that will help save your soul and the souls of others.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a blessing for this site that all the demons have been cleansed from this area. All the evil demons that come in on people to this site will also be cleansed because they cannot enter these grounds. These are blessings of My graces for those who are taking care of this place. This protection from demons will be duplicated at all refuges as My angels of protection are guarding the souls from all evil at these places. Give praise and thanks to your Lord for providing My places of protection, and miraculous ways of providing for all of your needs. Trust in Me and all of your physical and spiritual needs will be provided for.”


Thursday, May 18, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you My Blessed Mother as your own mother at the foot of the cross through St. John the apostle. My Blessed Mother has given you her scapular to wear with the promise of salvation for all who wear her mantle of protection. She is watching over all of her children. She also has given you her rosary and the Mysteries of the Rosary that honor all of the major events in both of our lives on earth. Praying the rosary and wearing her scapular are your blessed sacramentals of protection from the demons. The rosary is your weapon to help save souls that have wandered away from Me. Your formal prayers are one way of showing your love for Me and My Blessed Mother. Pray her rosary lovingly while meditating on each particular Mystery each day, and you will have us walking with you each day. You are protected from physical and spiritual harm by your guardian angel, but you also have My Blessed Mother’s mantle of protection over you as well. Keep these blessed sacramentals on your person at all times to protect you from the demons. We both love all of you very much and remember to follow Me in everything that you do.”


Thursday, May 18, 2006:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you have visited a beautiful church with a large crucifix and statues of angels, My Blessed Mother, Myself, and the saints. This traditional church was very well attended and has brought forth many vocations to the priesthood. You can have statues in your garden to witness your faith in public. You can also arrange some statues and icons on an altar in your prayer room. You are using statues as models of the saints and angels to imitate their holiness. Keep the traditions and roots of your faith as you teach them to your children and grandchildren.”

Jesus said: “My people, your local church is your place to have Mass both on Sunday and during the week. Instead of looking at other churches for better services, you should have allegiance to your own church as long as they are following the proper liturgy. You have the graces of My sacraments at your church, and you need to support your priests and the financial support of that church so that it is not left to be closed.”

Jesus said: “My people, many can have personal attachments to their local church as where they were married. As the years go by, you can remember how all of your children were baptized at your church. You also may have seen your own children married at this church also. Then there are your parents or relatives who had their funeral Masses at this same local church. Memories do not fade that fast, so when you think of these special moments, your local church should have great meaning to you to keep this church open.”

Jesus said: “My people, at each stage of your spiritual life you are seeing how important these events can be in your life and the life of your children. You took great care to be at all of your children’s and grandchildren’s First Holy Communion. As your children and grandchildren grow older, you are also present for their Confirmations as well. See that your parish life is so vibrant and meaningful to keep each other close in a beautiful faith. Give thanks to Me and your priests for being able to witness to all of these sacraments in your local church.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that some of your good priests have been involved with sexual scandals. In some cases these priests have had to deal with their own frailties, but in other cases there could be unjustified causes that diminished a priest’s name. This is why it is so important to pray for My priest sons so they are not compromised by the evil one, and that they do not lose their vocation.”

Jesus said: “My people, part of your support for your church will go to pay for vestments, vessels, books, wine, hosts and a monstrance. The holy things that are needed for Mass, Benediction and Adoration are the more important expenses as well as stipends for the priests. These things help to preserve and provide for all that a church needs to operate and provide for the spiritual needs of your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want My people to pray for the protection of your churches so they are not vandalized for money or that consecrated Hosts are not taken from the tabernacle. My angels are all around My churches to protect them, but you will see more destruction and abuse of My churches as evil grows worse in this evil age leading up to the tribulation. Protect My Hosts from being abused by demonically inspired vandals. In all of these messages this night you are seeing how important your priests and your churches are in the spiritual life of your parish.”


Friday, May 19, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this latest movie about My supposed marriage to Mary Magdalene is another heresy promoted by your misled movie industry. The fact that My followers would give any credence to this heresy is a bit alarming. Many of these authors are researching tainted documents that were fabricated right from the beginning to put Me in a bad light. Even the Scriptures showed you how these high priests paid off the soldiers to say My disciples carried off My Body. If people in My day tried to discredit My Resurrection, you can see how such stories as this recent movie could be written to try and even discredit My manhood. When the Muslims caused riots in the streets, it was about cartoons discrediting Mohammed. Now that the people are discrediting Me, what are My followers going to speak out in My defense? Your movies and books are evil enough without further degrading themselves with heresies as well. Continue to protest and speak out in defense of your faith, even as your movies try to smear My Name.”

Jesus said: “My people, wheels have many uses for cars, airplanes, and trains. They are mostly used for transportation, but wheels can also be used in gears and watches. Bikes can also be used to travel to My refuges when gas is not available. When you look at a circle, it is a symbol of eternity with no beginning and no end. Your human lives go through a cycle of aging from birth to death, but your soul does not die and will live forever. That is why it is so important that you choose to spend eternity in heaven rather than hell. Your spiritual life is like an eternal flame that will never be blown out, but it will burn forever. See that My death on the cross has enabled you the opportunity to walk through the opened gates of heaven. Every day that you sacrifice your Mass to Me, you are preparing yourself for heaven because receiving My Body and Blood is the closest experience of heaven that you can have on earth.”


Saturday, May 20, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, many of your modern movies are a disgrace and not worthy to be seen by your children. They show violence in murders, nudity, and vulgar language. Most of these movies can be an occasion of sin for everyone. Some even glorify occult and demonic subjects, and now even blasphemous subjects about My life. Avoid these evil and blasphemous movies and do not support the subjects that Hollywood thrives on in being sensational. The immorality and violence in your movies are a mirror image of your evil society in how depraved it has become. Some even imitate the killing and abuses that they see on television and the movies, and you still wonder where your young people get such evil ideas. Earthquakes and destruction of your movie makers have been My answer to your movie and TV industry.” (Melissa’s Wedding)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the bride and groom wearing crowns is all about the permanence of the wedding bond for life. It is unfortunate that many couples do not always think of their vows to the death as a total commitment. You know that almost half of today’s marriages end up in divorce. This is why some want to have a way out of a marriage if needed, or a prenuptial agreement on any future financial statement. Such preconditions to a marriage can stifle any chance for a successful long lasting marriage. As you give your all to Me in your daily consecration, you also need to have a daily commitment to your spouse in pleasing their wishes. When you truly love someone, you will do something for them willingly without questioning if it should be done or not. The only time, that you would not serve your spouse, would be if they asked you to do something sinful or against My laws. Love of Me should be your first priority and then love of others after that. Remember the reading that speaks of love as necessary in doing everything.”


(Melissa’s father had a funeral Mass on May 21, 2001).

Bucky said: “John, I am so happy to see my baby happily married to Paul. I am sorry that I could not be there for this big day in her life, but I can still see how happy she is. I do not want her to be disappointed in tears, so tell her that I can see everything that is going on. I love my Carol and the rest of my family. Be joyous, Melissa, on this glorious occasion of your wedding. I will be praying for her marriage and please pray for me.”


Sunday, May 21, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you see the mining of uncut diamonds in this vision. I liken My new souls as diamonds in the rough. Living this life is a growing process, and as you develop in your faith, it is as you are a diamond being cut and new facets of your life are being exposed. Over the years you are being shaped to fulfill your mission as I have planned it. Even as you grow older, you need to polish your rough edges in forming a loving spiritual life. You are all sinners and in daily progress as you strive to perfect your spiritual life. Once you have been properly formed and polished, now you are ready to shine and give greater glory to your Lord. This purification process is a life long work that every soul has to struggle through as you ready yourself to be pure enough to enter heaven. Remember to love Me and your neighbor as you imitate your God who is all love.” (25th Silver Anniversary of Fr. Bonsignore’s Ordination to the priesthood-Latin High Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, many of you have a deep longing for the music and the mystique of the Latin High Mass. Even if this Mass is not in the vernacular and it lasts a little longer, I find this Mass more to My liking because of its reverence and tradition which gives honor and glory to My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. I know the Novus Ordo Mass is accepted in My Church, but the beauty of this service gives Me greater glory in My eyes. I thank all of those responsible for keeping and preserving this Latin Mass so the people do not forget the rich heritage of My Church. I especially want to thank Father Bonsignore and all of My priest sons who remain loyal to My service in their vocations to the holy priesthood. I call on all of My faithful to continue to pray for all of My priest sons so they can carry on their ministry of My sacraments, and save souls for My greater glory as well. This vision of My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration is a special way that My adorers can share their intimate love with Me. I am here always to give you strength and sustain your spiritual life until you are called home to Me in heaven.”


Monday, May 22, 2006: (St. Rita)

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people visit movie theaters on weekends, but not nearly as many come to give Me worship on Sunday. You let the movies, television programs, and other distractions take away your time from visiting Me and from your prayer time. I give you many messages about making Me your first priority among the world’s cares and desires. I am your Creator, Master, and Redeemer, and I am more worthy of your time and worship than anything else in this world. I give you freedom to choose to love Me or not, but you must accept the consequences of your bad choices. Those, who choose to follow the devil and this world’s idols, are choosing the broad road to hell. Those, who choose to love and worship Me, are choosing the narrow road to sainthood. Perfecting your soul from earthly desires will be a struggle all of your life against the desires of the body. Look at how you are spending most of your time other than work, and you will see which road you are traveling.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are visiting with other people I do not want you to be boasting about your latest possessions, your money, or your accomplishments. Instead, you must be humble in your speech, and if you should boast, you can boast of your good deeds in My Name. In your meetings you should not gossip about others that could bring shame on their names. I want My people to live by Christian principles and show your faith in your daily actions. Be a good example to everyone and do not cause any scandal in public by your words or any bad actions. Witness My love in all of your deeds and words. Love Me and your neighbor as yourself. The more you do for others, the less earthly desires will possess you.”


Tuesday, May 23, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen dying patients pass on to the next life at hospices, and you have attended many funerals of your friends and relatives. You have seen death and you may have mourned the loss of some loved ones in your life. Unless you have experienced a near death event in your life, you have yet to experience death yourself. It is not something to be feared if you have your soul ready and pure to face Me at your judgment. As people die, sometimes you can sense if they are peaceful or apprehensive in a frowning face. When someone dies, it is not assured that they all go to heaven. Very few go directly to heaven, while the rest go to either purgatory to be purified, or to hell to be condemned. This is why it would be beneficial to your soul to take some time to contemplate that one day you will be lying in the casket. Once you are dead, there is nothing more that you can do but accept My truthful judgment of your life. Now is the time to make a preparation for your soul for the day of your death. It may not be a pleasant subject, but thinking of your eternal destination is always sobering. When you stand before Me, you will be all alone with only your good and bad actions in your hand, and free of all of your worldly cares and distractions. Use your remaining time to serve Me and show Me your love and your love for your neighbor. By growing close to Me in your daily consecration, you are insuring yourself of a beautiful resting place with Me in heaven after any purification.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a string of events occurring from the floods in New England to the fires in Florida, and many tornadoes before that. These natural disasters will continue and will grow in intensity from June on. America has not shown any change of heart in improving from the evil of your society. Because of your hard hearts, you have called My wrath down on you at this time. I call all of you in America to pray for your sinners and your leaders so they will lead you in the right direction and not into a world government. Prepare yourself for the coming tribulation with a constant daily prayer time.”


Wednesday, May 24, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this simple life on a farm because providing food for each other is one of your basic needs for survival. Agricultural products are becoming more important in your society for selling and exporting. As your manufacturing industries decline, more jobs will be focused on services and food crops. As time moves on, your wages and your standard of living will decrease. Your growing deficits in your government and your negative balance of trade in exports are lowering the value of your currency relative to other countries. Your increasing cost of living will force your government to stop going into further debt with wasteful wars or your country will fall into bankruptcy. This is a goal of the one world people to cause a takeover of your government. You will be seeing more emphasis on chips as the mark of the beast both for security and buying and selling. The real reason for smart cards and chips in the hand are to control your population as robots. Refuse to take chips in the body, even if they threaten to kill you. Pray for My help and My protection at My refuges as evil will worsen.”

Jesus said: “My people, avoid anything to do with occult activities that praise the devil instead of Me. Avoid secret societies that follow the instructions of the evil one. Avoid places of influence and money that are connected to the one world people who take their orders from Satan. Avoid using smart cards and chips in the body that are using mind control techniques and voices to control people. When you see the evil ones taking over, you will run to My refuges following your angels so you can be protected from being killed. Evil will be allowed a short reign over the earth, but My angels will protect you. In a twinkling of an eye I will bring a great chastisement over the earth with a comet that will cause three days of darkness. Then your blessed candles will show you light, and I will bring a renewal to the earth as you will see a new heavens and a new earth in My Era of Peace. Trust in My love and My coming victory over evil.”


Thursday, May 25, 2006: (Ascension Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, I left My apostles in bodily form as I returned to My Father in heaven. I had to leave them so they could receive the Holy Spirit. My angels told My apostles that I would return one day just as they saw Me ascend into the clouds. In another way I did not leave them because I am always present to My apostles and My people at the Consecration of the Mass. You can call on Me in prayer, receive Me in Holy Communion, or visit Me at Adoration or in My tabernacle. I am in My Real Presence, Body and Blood, in every consecrated Host. I love all of you so much, and I long to talk to your hearts when you are in My presence. This incense is like My love that awaits you every time you can visit Me. Be prepared with a clean soul for the day that I will return to you.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, unless the seed dies, the new grass sprouts cannot begin to grow. In the same way unless you die to self, your spiritual life cannot begin to grow either. When you plant the seed in good soil, it is like giving a person a good foundation in the faith in order to flourish in their spiritual life. The water, that initiates the seed to grow into grass, represents the grace of My sacraments that are needed for your soul’s growth. Nurture your faith in daily prayer, and you will be preparing for your coming to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the spring the farmer readies his field for seeding. He plants his crops and then applies fertilizer and irrigation to start the seeds. It is a miracle how the crops grow according to My plan for them. As your children form and grow in the womb, they also are miracles as they grow to adults. The faith that is started in each soul is also a gift and a miracle. But if that seed of My Word is not nurtured by training in the faith and not helped with My sacraments, then that kernel of faith could die on the vine. Parents are responsible to bring their children up in the faith and you will be held accountable for their training.”

Jesus said: “My people, your whole life is like a stairway where you have to advance in various steps as you work toward your perfection. You do not become a saint without working with My plan for your life. I have offered salvation to every soul by My redemption of their souls by My death on the cross. It is you who must accept Me as your Savior and seek My forgiveness of your sins. When you give your will over to My Divine Will, this is the first step in renouncing your earthly desires. Loving Me and your neighbor is your ongoing struggle in this life. Offer up all of your sufferings to Me as a victim soul, and you will be one more step closer to Me in heaven. Keep your focus on Me at all times in your priorities, and you will be able to climb your Calvary to reach your crown that awaits you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this blasphemous movie of ‘The Divinci Code’ is how your evil movie makers are continuing to make Me suffer more on My cross. Avoid watching this movie, even out of curiosity, so you do not give your financial support to such abominations. Many of your movies are bad enough in your violence and nudity, but when you try to change Scripture with such blasphemy, My faithful need to speak out against such lies. Many of your movie producers are crying out for My judgment. These producers will find disasters and financial problems fall upon them as a punishment for mocking My life and what I taught.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a Scripture passage in Revelation (Rev. 6:16-17) when the evil ones will be calling the mountains to fall on them because of their desire for death instead of My punishment. When I come, the evil ones will suffer a living hell on earth when they will desire death over suffering the burning flames of chastisement. After this earthly torment, their souls will burn forever in the flames of hell. You have free will to choose to love Me or not. Choose to follow Me into heaven, or your other choice will be in the eternal flames of hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, look how much money that your country spends on weapons of war and carrying out war all over the world. Arms for war should not be your number one expenditure of your national budget. Wars are all about destruction and there are no winners as you have seen in Iraq. Why do you let yourselves be led into war after war by the one world people? If you want peace, you must stop your wars and stop forcing your way of life on everyone. Tell your representatives to stop your wars, and you do not want your tax dollars going to support this killing. Pray for a stoppage of war, or you will be the one who dies by the sword.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be celebrating Memorial Day when you are commending all of your servicemen and women who have defended your country from dictators as in World War II. Gaining your liberties came from your Revolutionary War. There are justified wars for defense, but unprovoked wars are crossing the line, as well as nebulous wars on terror as excuses for perpetual wars. The one world people are causing wars because they profit from them. Take away their profits by stopping these useless wars that accomplish nothing for your country. Pray for people to love one another instead of making excuses for constant killing. Killing is against My Commandments, and killing in useless wars, abortion, and euthanasia are all being perpetrated by the same evil central bankers.”


Friday, May 26, 2006: (St. Philip Neri)

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing this vision of the weeds and the crops to remind you of My parable about the weeds and the wheat. (Matt. 13:28-30) ‘And the servants said to Him, ‘wilt thou have us go and gather them up?’ ‘No’, He said, ‘lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. Let both grow together until the harvest and at harvest time I will say to the reapers: Gather up the weeds first and bind them in bundles to burn; but gather the wheat into My barn.’ I explained to My apostles how the wheat represents the faithful people who are gathered by My angels at the judgment into My barn of heaven. The weeds are those people who choose to follow the devil, and at the judgment they will be chained in hell and will burn in the flames of hell. This is My justice and mercy that holds everyone accountable for their actions when you are judged after your death. In the end there are only two choices for your eternal life. You can be gathered into My barn of heaven, or you can be bound and burned in the fire. You can grow and yield thirty, sixty, or a hundred fold as wheat, or you can follow worldly things and the devil as a weed which does not bear fruit.”

Jesus said: “My people, this place of Gold Light on the top of this mountain is a sign of the Presence of God the Father. Wherever He dwells, it is truly holy ground, just as Moses had to remove his sandals to give reverence to God the Father in the burning bush. Where such holiness resides, you will find miraculous protection as at My refuges. When My heavenly Father is protecting you, you surely have nothing to worry about. When you have trust in Our power, nothing from the evil one can harm you. No matter how many battles you will face in life, We will send sufficient grace for you to endure all of your trials. When you come before My Blessed Sacrament, you will be surrounded by My angels of protection. All of My tabernacles are on consecrated and sacred ground. The more you make visits to My Blessed Sacrament, the more you are honoring the Blessed Trinity.”


Saturday, May 27, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, at times in your life you feel tired and restless from anxiety of not being able to do all that you wanted to do. You need to slow down and not be so concerned with your busy work. You can accomplish just so much in a day, so do not try to do more than is possible, and be frustrated in not doing more. If you focus your priorities more on your spiritual work, you will see that the devil wants you to be so busy with earthly things that you have no time for Me. Put things in proper perspective of spiritual priorities, and you will see how many of your activities are not that necessary to save your soul. If you are constantly running errands all of the time, you will not have any time to think and pray what you should be doing for Me. Instead of running off to satisfy all of your earthly desires, slow down to ask Me what I think you should be doing. Many times you will find My desires for your life to be a lot different than your own. Follow My plan for your life, and you will have a lot more peace and rest in the Spirit.”


Sunday, May 28, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this seems like an unusual vision that you should see a larger demand for bicycles than normal. This means that your access to fuel is going to have some dramatic setbacks. Wars will continue to threaten your oil supply, especially wars around the Persian Gulf. Such a threat to your oil will raise prices to the point where it will be difficult to go far. Alternate fuels are improving, but are not yet capable of replacing oil. Another problem with supply will be restrictions because of the mandatory use of smart cards to buy the gas and allow use of the highways. As a result of these problems of fuel access and mandatory chips, many of My faithful will be forced to use bicycles more for transportation. When you are forced to use chips for buying and selling, especially chips in the body, then your money will be useless and it will be time to go to My refuges. This is why I have asked you to have bicycles ready to leave because of this fuel problem and your need for protection from those who want to force chips on everyone. This time is coming very soon so you should have things ready to leave for My refuges. Pray and trust in Me for your protection and your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of a train coming out of a tunnel, I am calling your attention to the words ‘tunnel vision’. When a person may have bad eyesight, they may have this condition which means that they can only see what is in front of them without any peripheral vision. This idea can be a problem for people who make quick and rash judgments about others without knowing all of the facts. That is why I should be the only true judge because I do know what is in people’s intentions in their hearts. At other times My people need to seek the big picture for My plan for your life. You may think that you are only one person, but you have a unique mission and you are given unique talents to accomplish that mission. I need every one of you to use your talents to help others and yourself to save your souls. When you evangelize others to the faith, you are being My instrument for helping to save their soul by sharing your gift of faith. So focus on the big picture in everything that you do, and you will see how I act through every one of you by My love.”


Monday, May 29, 2006: (Memorial Day)

Jesus said: “My people, it is honorable to fight for one’s country, and some have paid the ultimate price so that others may live in freedom. Even I paid the same price, but I died so that all of mankind could live in spiritual freedom. By asking for forgiveness of your sins in Confession, you can be loosed from your bonds of sin. Many decorate graves with flowers and flags for those who served in the Armed Forces. It is also a reminder to you of how costly in lives it is to go to war. Many of the rich one world people do not care who dies in a war, just as long as they are getting their blood money profits. They keep themselves from the fighting, but they make money on the arms to both sides, as well as the interest on your war debts. Pray for the families who have lost loved ones in wars and for those serving now. Pray also that your wars are stopped so these greedy central bankers are denied any further blood money.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the middle of your country you know that there are old fault lines that caused much damage years ago. This vision of a house in the South on this fault line shows how violent earth quakes can be now that more people live there. In this part of your country they do not build houses to stand earthquakes. That is why any damage from earthquakes will be much more severe than in California. I have told you to move away from areas prone to earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes. If you must live in these areas, then build your homes to withstand these disasters where possible. Place scapulars and blessed medals all over your houses for protection from these natural disasters. If you call on My help, I will send My angels of protection to keep you from harm. Trust in My protection to guide these storms away from your houses.”


Tuesday, May 30, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that your young men are dying everyday in Iraq from roadside bombs and suicide vehicles. The more the media covers day to day losses, they are encouraging more attacks for publicity. Now your reporters are so anxious for an up close report that they themselves were blown up. How long are you going to put your soldiers in harm’s way just to satisfy the one world people’s desire to be at constant war? You have long finished your work there, and when you leave, things will return to Islamic control. Your troops need to come home, and your country needs to stop bringing war on so many countries. Your war costs are not accomplishing much, and you are slowly depleting your military. Focus more on love and compromise, instead of forced wars which your citizens are being brainwashed to fight.”

Jesus said: “My people, this transition from driving on land to driving on the water in the boat is a great teaching opportunity in comparison of this life to the next life. Your whole life is a preparation for this coming transition of death when your bodily life will be changed over to a spiritual life. Just as the man prepares the fuel for his boat, you also need food both for this life and the next life. The spiritual food that you need is found in My Body and Blood in Holy Communion. Another preparation for this next life is to have your soul always pure by frequent confession of your sins. You want other souls to also be prepared by evangelizing them to come to know Me. Your mission is all about preparing people for the coming Tribulation so they will be able to face Me at the judgment of their lives. Continue to shout My Good News of My Resurrection when you will go through the greatest transition of all, when you will be reunited with a glorified body and your soul at your own resurrection.”


Wednesday, May 31, 2006: (Visitation of Mary, Magnificat)

Jesus said: “My people, you recite the Magnificat in the evening hours of the Liturgy of the Hours prayers. This is a constant reminder of how blessed My Mother is to be sinless, and she carried Me as an infant for nine months. These flowers and candles are an honor to My Blessed Mother as she is the Ark of the Covenant, as she was like a tabernacle while she carried Me in her womb. The Blessed Virgin Mary is My vessel of purity which I prepared from the beginning of man. She is the new ‘Eve’ who has given her ‘fiat’ to Me instead of the first Eve’s no in original sin. Sin came into the world, but I have conquered sin and death as I became the New Adam to repair the damage done by Adam’s desire to be a god. All of My faithful are called to be My servants in humility and to give Me worship and thanks for being created. My Blessed Mother is your sinless model who accepted her role willingly to be My Mother, and a significant part of salvation history.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you grow older, many people require reading glasses or a change in their eye prescription. You place your glasses in a case to protect them from being crushed. Even though your body parts may have problems, you usually grow a little wiser in your spiritual life as you grow older. You have the benefit of learning from your mistakes in life, and you start to see what is really important in growing in faith. In your early years you are seeking wealth and possessions. After you acquire earthly things, you see that they do not really make you happy. A loving spouse and children are more rewarding, and loving Me will bring peace and satisfaction that the world cannot offer you. So love and peace give you more out of this life than earlier goals. As you grow older, you also realize how short this life is and where you want to go for your eternal life. The path to heaven is down the narrow road, and you will suffer much from people who criticize your faith. To the worldly it is foolishness to love people and give away your money and time to others. But to Me love and generosity are far more important than your accomplishments or how much money you accumulate. See that giving everything over to Me helps you to separate yourself from earthly desires which is necessary on your road to perfection. Imitate My life and the lives of the saints who were more focused on being holy than seeking to satisfy the body. Follow Me through this life’s trials and sufferings, and you will have your reward in heaven for being faithful to Me.”


Thursday, June 1, 2006: (St. Justin)

Jesus said: “My people, how often you give in to your weaknesses in all of your bad habits. You may have addictions to drinking, cigarettes, drugs, or excessive TV watching and eating too much of the wrong foods. This vision of a couch means that you become weak to addictions when you are fatigued from not enough sleep or from laziness in not enough exercise. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and you abuse it when you indulge yourself with excessive substance abuse. When you weaken your body with gluttony and substance addictions, these are sins against your own body. In order to be strong spiritually, you must be willing to control your physical appetites and get enough rest. Fatigue can rob you of your prayer time if you constantly fall asleep in your prayers. If you become too tired to pray at night, then try to pray earlier or at a time of the day when you are not so tired. It is when you are tired that you are weaker in fighting off sin and temptations. Fasting from food can be a help in trying to control the body’s desires and appetites. You do not need to be drinking and eating constantly, and you need to work on restraining the body and not give in to each impulse. By restraining yourself against your bad habits, you will see less need for these things in your life, and more desire to be My servant and a suffering victim.”


Thursday, June 1, 2006:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, at times you tend to put off things that need to be taken care of depending on your priority of what is more important. It is easy to procrastinate those things that you find difficult to handle. Those things that need prioritizing may be more important to Me than they are to you. If you are faced with many tasks, then pray to Me for some direction as to what should be done first. If you listen for My direction, I will lead you on the best path for helping your soul and the souls of others.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many things in life that cause you stress in causing you harm or a financial loss. Do not question Me why such bad things happen to you because these things are only accidental, or have some cause. Instead of being angry with Me, it is better to just deal with these trials the best that you can without seeking out vengeance on anyone. Some people are tested more than others, but it is only because that person has been given sufficient grace to handle that situation. Where possible reach out to help people in difficult problems so you can help ease their burdens. Every act of charity will store up treasure in heaven for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see one destruction in Iraq that was caused by man. You also see destruction by natural disasters as the earthquake in Indonesia. It is difficult to deal with death and destruction from any cause, but war damage and suicide bombings can be stopped. You have enough troubles with natural disasters, so it is more important to stop your hostilities which bring unnecessary killing upon innocent peoples. Pray for those suffering from storms and earthquakes, but pray harder to stop your wars that Satan is stirring up in this evil age.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you are faced with fix-it jobs that you are not skilled enough to handle. You can pay to have someone fix the wall, or ask a friend to help you. Even some find a way to train themselves to fix the wall. You also face some spiritual problems that you are not always able to handle on your own. Call on Me, My saints, or My angels to help you with these problems. With faith and trust in Me, you can turn back and bind any evil spirits that are holding you from doing your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are thinking of buying a house, you have to sit down and count the costs and determine if you will have enough money to afford it. In a different way some have to sit down and count the costs of giving everything over to Me in faith. Some, who cannot give up their possessions, have a difficulty in paying this price for their faith. Think of how much I love you that I died to pay the ransom for your soul. I gave up My life for you, and now I am asking you to give your life over to Me. Everything that you have has been given to you by My grace. See that you are only a steward of these earthly things, and that your soul is the most important gift that you can give to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of the arms that you are making are only meant for one purpose to be used in a war. That is why your arms makers and dealers have only one intention of making money by having constant wars. Stop having these wars and you will have little need for making such arms. Better to turn your arms materials into useful tools than waste them on further destruction. Man needs to focus more on providing food, clothing, and shelter for everyone than all the money you waste on wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are here tonight adoring My Blessed Sacrament and I thank all of you for taking the time to come and visit Me in prayer. My Sacred Heart devotion is all about how much I love you and how much you love Me. Just as My Blessed Mother and I are united in our two hearts, so you can become united with our hearts by your love for us. Every time you pray to us for your petitions, I place them on our hearts and answer what is best for your soul or those souls you are praying for. Rejoice in our love because we are always watching out for your soul.”


Friday, June 2, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, the Jews of My time were very strong in their beliefs of the Law handed down by Moses. They did not want to hear My message of love and they did everything possible to get rid of My followers and any miracles associated with My Name. They could not dispute the truth of My words, and they did not want to believe that I was the Messiah sent by God. The Resurrection was the hardest truth of all that they could not accept, and that is why they paid off the soldiers to lie that My disciples carried off My body. That is why the Jews had many of My disciples imprisoned and martyred for their faith to stop evangelization in My Name. Since they were indeed fighting God, Christianity still was successful in spreading to be the most numerous faith to be shared of all time. I have guarded My Church as I promised you that the gates of hell will not prevail over it. Even today, there still are those who persecute My Church because they have their own agenda which is not true love of God. My faithful remnant will be preserved at My refuges while the forces of evil will bring the New Age beliefs over those remaining. Trust in My protection of My followers’ souls, but some will be martyred again. This age of evil will be brief before I will come and destroy it.”


Saturday, June 3, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, seeing people die for their faith should inspire you in your own faith. It is not too many times that you consider your own death, but every funeral that you attend should make you think that one day you will be in a casket. If you are strong in your faith and close to Me in prayer, you should be confident in trusting in My promise of salvation. But if you are too attached to the world, then you need to understand how you will be held accountable for your actions and why you do not stay close to Me. There are only two choices in life and you can only have one master. You cannot love Me and love money at the same time. Those, who love money and the world more than Me, are on the broad road to hell. But those, who love Me more than their possessions, are on the narrow road to heaven. My message and the Bible containing My Word has been available for many years. You cannot excuse yourself at the judgment that you did not know about Me. You will either refuse to know Me, or you will be willing to die for your faith in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government has developed a massive new microwave machine that now has four times the previous power and is called the HAARP machine. This machine has the capability of enhancing tornadoes, enhancing hurricanes, holding storms in one area to cause flooding, and it can cause earthquakes. This device controlled the jet streams to keep floods forming in your New England states. Many of your severe storms have come from this weather making machine. Soon you will see more devastating earthquakes caused by this same machine. By creating a lot of havoc and confusion, the intent is linked to natural disasters that could result in martial law takeover of your country. The army was called in to establish order when looting got out of hand after Katrina in New Orleans. The one world people are in control of these devices and they will be using terrorism and precipitated disasters for their takeover. They will use whatever means they can to control America, even if innocent people are killed. Pray for My protection at My refuges which will be the only safe havens from those forcing chips in your body. Pray for all of these souls who do not realize how they are being manipulated by the rich and secret societies controlling your government.”


Sunday, June 4, 2006: (Pentecost)

Jesus said: “My people, you have read the signs of the Holy Spirit’s coming upon My disciples in the wind and the tongues of fire. All of My faithful have been endowed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit at their Confirmation. Pentecost is a reminder of these gifts of the Holy Spirit, and it is a responsibility to speak out My words of salvation for everyone to be saved. I have talked many times of feeding My sheep and bringing souls to Me. This saving of souls from hell and the evil one is a hard calling, but it is a necessary task, especially in this evil age. You are struggling with a constant battle of good and evil, and you see the need for the Holy Spirit’s help in this fight for souls. You are fighting principalities and powers, but you must use all of your spiritual weapons and your gifts of the Holy Spirit. When you speak out to save souls, the Holy Spirit will give you what to say to them. Stay strong in your faith by daily prayer, and use all of your gifts for My greater glory in saving souls.”

The Holy Spirit said: “I am the God of Love and I come into being from the love of God the Father for the Son. God is perfect love and We call all of you to the same unconditional love in order to be perfected from your earthly desires. You have been given My seven gifts of the Spirit, but you must claim them for your own if they are ever to be effective in your spiritual life. These seven gifts are meant to counter the seven capital sins. If you call on My help, I will give you what to say in evangelizing souls, and I will enable you to use your healing gifts for both helping people with their spiritual and physical problems. In order to have healings, there must be a belief in a healing from the healer through the power of God, and a belief in a healing from the one needing a healer. Many times I healed a person’s sins before healing them physically. It is this mutual belief in faith that is required for an openness of a healing to take place. For every intention in prayer, you must call in My Name, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. Be persistent in your prayer and it will be answered in the best way for that soul.


Monday, June 5, 2006: (St. Boniface)

Jesus said: “My people, as this vision of the animals and flowers shows you, it is good to take some lessons from nature. These are all of My creations as you are, and you need to see how man fits into My plan. You see the beauty of the flowers, but their blossoms only last a short time. You see the beauty of your youth and the blossoms of your fruit in work and your children. Your life also is short, but your beauty gives praise to My greater glory. You see the animals with all of their instincts for survival and how I provide even for the birds and the bees. I provide for man’s needs also, but you are special with a soul and free will, as you are made in My image. Everyone of My creations has a purpose and a plan for their lives. This is where you can put your life in perspective that all creation needs to give Me praise and glory for My gift of life. You have been given free will and the ability to love Me or not. I have shown all of you that I love you enough to die for you, and offer you salvation of your soul from sin. You can follow My Commandments and My invitation for love, or you can reject My plan. As in nature only good trees bear fruit that lasts, while bad trees are barren and are burned in the fire. The consequences of your actions will determine whether you choose heaven or hell. Follow Me and you will receive your reward in heaven. Reject Me and you will follow the bad angels to hell.” Jesus said: “My people, it is so sad that your young men have had to die in all of these controlled wars perpetrated by the one world people. These evil men are ruthless in causing so many to die for them to make their blood money. Look at all of the broken families with lost brothers and fathers. Even the maimed and wounded from war are still suffering to make a living for their families. Rather than tolerate constant wars for trumped up terror reasons, it would be better to try and live in love and peace. Take away all of this sadness and killing and imitate My life of peace, love and humility. If enough people voted against all war and prayed for peace, you could be granted an Era of Peace. Your people need to turn away from those who want war, and do not follow their evil leadership. Call on My Name and My angels to assist you in stopping your wars. Ask your people to follow My words of love, and stop following those who are beating the drums for war.”


Tuesday, June 6, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are so taken up with the cares and pleasures of this life that they have no time for Me in their lives. These people are so blinded by their own selfish interests that they are living in a spiritual fog and not even seeking Me. In today’s Gospel (Matt. 22:15-22) I answered the Pharisees about paying taxes: ‘Render, therefore, to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.’ In your everyday life you need to pay taxes and bills. Depending on your income, you usually have a discretionary part of your income to buy extras, entertainment, and charity. For those that can afford it, there is a suggested giving to charity of a tithing or ten per cent of your income in the Bible. Instead of eating out often and focusing on entertainment, it is important that you share your excess with the needy out of love for them. If you were experiencing hard times, you would be thankful if someone was generous in helping you. When you help someone in need, you are helping Me in them. At your judgment you will have to answer to Me how you helped the needy when you had the opportunity. So work charity into your financial budget, and work Me into your budget of time and priorities. Do not be blinded by worldly things, but open your eyes to the reality of planning to work toward heaven in the next life. Just as St. Paul recommended, purify your soul in prayer and Confession so you are ready to meet Me at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, My prayer warriors are those here giving adoration to My Blessed Sacrament. Those, who are joined to My Heart and that of My Blessed Mother, are close to her devotions that lead you to Me. How often you are joy filled in praying all the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. The rosary and the scapular are your weapons to fight the evil ones. Other devotions to My Blessed Mother are your consecration to her before her feast days, her litanies, and many other devotions at the various places of her apparitions. She has given many messages and signs for the whole world to understand that you are living in the end times. I have given many messages also about this evil era. I am warning you still that your spiritual weapons are most important in battling the evil ones, and not your physical weapons. The evil ones use war and wealth to destroy you and cause you to fight each other. Know that My power is greater than all of the demons, and when you summon My help, I will send you My graces, blessings, and My angels to protect you. Have no fear of this day or of any other day of evil, since I have My arms of protection wrapped around you. Those, who pray to My Blessed Mother, will also have her mantle of protection guarding you as well from the evil ones. Continue to pray all of your daily rosaries for My Blessed Mother’s intentions.”


Wednesday, June 7, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you many times of the battle between good and evil going on here on earth. The prize or goal of this battle is for souls. Those, who are won by My angels and saints, will be rewarded in heaven. Those, who are lost to the devil and his angels, will suffer forever in the flames of hell. Many have tried to portray heaven in earthly terms because this life experience is all that you know. Because you will be in a spiritual world, you have no idea of how it will be like in heaven without your body. You will be in a complete ecstacy of peace with My love surrounding you. You will see Me as I am in the beatific vision, and you will be placed in your chosen level of heaven based on your love for Me in your life. You will witness the constant singing of praises to Me and you will be so taken up with My glory and love that being bored will never enter your mind. Once you have had the smallest taste of heaven, you would not desire to ever leave. Your soul is constantly seeking to be in My Presence and experience My peace which can only be found with Me and not anywhere else. Many times in Scripture you hear of the terms ‘saved’ or ‘redeemed’. This means that souls, who have come to understand faith in My Word, are only satisfied in directing their lives to heaven. This desire for being with Me in heaven is the natural craving of every soul, but it can be influenced by a person’s desire for earthly things. This is why the devil tries to get you to worship and follow only the desires of the flesh instead of seeking Me. In this life you will either worship and love Me as being saved, or you will worship money, possessions, and pleasures of the flesh as being lost. Choose heavenly and holy things because in the end your body will die, and your soul will be left only with what you did in life without any earthly things. Once you are converted and saved from this life, you will desire to save others for heaven out of love for them. You know full well of what souls, who are blinded, will face in the flames of hell without Me. As you struggle in your progress toward your perfection, you are also drawn through My grace to save other souls through your evangelical efforts. Pray for these souls and work hard to save them, and you will have an even greater reward for your labors of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, some are looking for signs of the end times, but they are all around you. Some thought things would happen on 6-6-06. Some thought there was a sign in the latest comet that broke into many pieces. Some think there is something going to happen when two red eye storms pass close to each other on Jupiter. Already you have seen 6,000 deaths with the latest earthquake in Indonesia. A volcano in that same region is spewing out lava and smoke. Many other natural disasters are occurring with a greater frequency. The latest hurricane season has begun and all eyes are on the least little depression after the Katrina disaster of last year. As you set new records for warmth in January, flooding in New England, and snow levels in New York City, there is a pause that these events are more than normal. As you witness more record weather events, you are witnessing some of the end time signs that I described to My apostles. See with your eyes of faith that the end times are truly upon you. Pray for My help and I will defend you from the evil ones.”


Thursday, June 8, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this large separation in a rock formation is all about how people will be judged as either for Me or against Me. In today’s Gospel (Matt. 22:34-40) concerning the Two Great Commandments of loving Me and your neighbor, again it is mentioned how important love is in order to enter heaven. St. Paul said if you followed all of the Commandments, but did not have love, then you are nothing but a clanging cymbal. I call your attention to when Moses brought down the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai, and he threw them at the golden calf of idol worship. Many of the unbelievers were put to death and the people of that generation roamed the desert for forty years. Even until today there are still only two choices to either follow My Commandments of love, or to reject them with idol worship. Those of this world, who worship the things and pleasures of this world, will be punished as I punished the Israelite idol worshipers. But those, who follow My Commandments of love, will find life everlasting in heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, in some cases man has to take some risks to get what he wants. In this vision of a coal mine it is a risk to go into a cave and dig out the coal. There are risks from black lung, coal dust fires, and cave-ins. The risk is taken to provide money for a miner’s family and the fuel needed to run your power plants and other uses. In the spiritual life you take risks also. You are sinners and there is always a risk that you could lose your soul to the evil one. But you can call on Me in My sacraments to heal your sins in Confession, and feed you My Body and Blood in Holy Communion. By following My ways and My laws instead of your own, then you will be on the road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, some have for years sought this cup or Holy Grail that I used at the Last Supper. Even though this could be a keepsake of the First Mass, it is more important to focus on the bread and wine that was consecrated into My Body and Blood than to be so concerned about the vessels themselves. Be joyful that you are blessed to be able to receive My very Presence so you can have an intimate relationship with Me. Your prayers of thanksgiving are one way to show Me how much you love Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to have to evacuate your home when earthquakes and volcanic eruptions threaten to kill you. You take with you what you treasure most and leave in haste for safety. This same threat of death could come in your own natural disasters, but even more so you will be threatened by the evil ones with a threat of spiritual death. You will again have to leave your home in haste and take your sacramentals, some food, clothing, blankets and tents when you are threatened by the evil ones who want to kill you. You will be led by your angels to My nearest refuges of protection. Trust in Me no matter how much you will be tested.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are times in your life that events or what you need to accomplish seem almost insurmountable. You climb large mountains or deep valleys and it requires much effort to bring you to the summit. If you call on Me to help you in everything that you do, then each task will seem easy. All things are possible for Me and you need to be confident that I will never test you beyond your endurance. Have trust and hope that I will also give you sufficient grace to gain your sainthood to enter heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when one leads a group with a lantern into a dark cave, there is a certain trust that you are putting in your leader to take you in the right direction. In the spiritual world you could also be a beacon of faith to let your light of faith lead souls by evangelization to salvation in Me. Saving souls from hell and the evil one is your most important calling, so do not pass up any opportunity to convert a soul to the faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, the sheep know their master’s voice when he calls them. It may be confusing for the sheep to find their way when it is blinded by tall grass without any sense of direction. There are many souls on earth who are blinded by the desires and the cares of this life, and they do not see the direction where they can find Me. I need My faithful to be My shepherds so you can cut the grass of confusion so they can see clearly how to come to Me in prayer. By giving converts teaching and direction, you can help save their souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, I ask you to give Me honor on Sunday and remember Me by coming to Mass which is the greatest of all prayers. This measure of obedience to your spiritual leaders is important to control your pride so you do not get overconfident in your spiritual exercises. Follow My Commandments, but follow them out of love for Me and with a desire not to offend Me in sin. When you do everything to please Me and be obedient to My calling, you will surely have your reward waiting for you in heaven.”


Friday, June 9, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you are entering a time when there will be a higher frequency of more intense earthquakes. There will also be a considerable increase in volcanic activity that will be associated with these earthquakes. The most activity will be seen on the Pacific Ring of Fire on both sides of the Pacific Ocean. This one volcano in the vision will release so much ash into the atmosphere that it will start to affect your weather patterns. Man thinks that he is in control of this world, but your manipulations of jet streams, droughts, and earthquakes are going to cause repercussions that could threaten the air you breathe and the water you drink. Your manipulation of the atmosphere with your many chemtrails will also change your weather by upsetting the delicate balance of nature that you are violating. Many of the people of the world are not even aware of the effects of these chemicals placed into the air by your military planes, and the various HAARP machines of the U.S. and Russia. All of your storms and natural disasters are being enhanced by man’s manipulations. Pray that the governments involved stop this activity, or you will see more destruction than you have ever seen before.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many disasters recently and some people have lost everything and have had to start all over again. In life you cannot get too comfortable with your house and your possessions because they could be taken away from you at any moment. All of the things that you own are only temporary, so do not cling to possessions, and do not run your life desiring to buy even more possessions. Take hold of your life and see that serving Me in your mission is your first and only calling. Keep focused on the holy things and your burdens will seem lighter. Unite your thoughts with mine so you will desire to do only what I want you to do. The more you follow your own will in pleasing the body, the harder it will be to do My mission. You must cast aside your earthly desires so you will be completely open to heavenly desires. Many of the possessions that you desire are not necessary for your needs, so do not let them stand in your way of coming to heaven on the narrow road.”


Saturday, June 10, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, even though you have to take care of your necessities for survival, do not let the devil so distract you with worldly desires away from Me. The purpose of this vision is that you need to have a strong will in faith to burn through all of your desires for possessions in order to keep your focus on holy things that lead you to heaven. When you really analyze how many things you desire that are not necessary, you will see that focusing on My mission for your life is much more important. Sometimes it is a struggle to put these distracting cares aside, but it is your only way of blocking out the devil’s temptations. Do not let your idle curiosity lead you astray, and pay attention to how you waste time on frivolous entertainment. Guard your prayer time from other pursuits, and think to follow what I would like you to be doing in accomplishing My mission for you. Many times you know what you should be doing for Me, but you give in to your bodily cares and pastimes out of weakness. Let Me and your soul run your life without interference from what your body would like. When you are close to following Me, you will have much peace and rest instead of chaos and confusion when your body is allowed to control your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a sign of how the traditions of the faith are being torn apart from its foundation by modernism in the Church. I have given you My very words of Scripture to show you My miracles and how I died for all of you on the cross. The modernists have changed the meaning of My words and with the resurrected crucifix they are trying to minimize My suffering on the cross. I have handed down the power to consecrate the Hosts to My Body and Blood, only to My priest sons. Many attacks have come against My priests and the belief of My Real Presence in the Hosts. The devil is doing all in his power to destroy the foundations of your faith. But My power is greater and My love will overpower his hate for man. Keep your faith strong by your spiritual reading, and be a good traditional teacher to your relatives and others seeking to join the Church. By continually building up the faith and its traditional foundations, you can preserve and pass the faith on to future generations.”


Sunday, June 11, 2006: (Trinity Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones will be allowed a short reign during the tribulation. Just when it will seem hopeless to you, then We will bring all the evil ones low as in the vision and My victory will reign supreme. The devil, the Antichrist, and the second beast will be chained in hell with all of the demons and evil people of this world. When I left this world, I gave My apostles a commission to evangelize souls and My Church has carried on this apostolate ever since. But this evil age will be coming to a close so We can usher in a new Era of Peace that will be as the earth was intended without the abuses and manipulations of man. I will renew the earth and My faithful will have their reward in this grace without the devil’s influence. The evil ones, who will be persecuting you, will be suffering a living hell on earth before they will be cast into eternal hell. Know that any success of evil now is only temporary until this age is over at My coming again. Have faith and trust in Me during your sufferings here. Be patient because My reward will be here soon. The Blessed Trinity is all powerful, and nothing can stand against Us.”


Monday, June 12, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, America is about to see more and more severe weather that could cause wind damage and flooding. Some of your storms will be natural and some will be enhanced by your weather altering machines. Remember what I told you when you pollute the air and place continuous chemtrails in the atmosphere. These things can upset the balance of nature and these abuses could bring you worse disasters than you could imagine. It is the manipulation of your weather that will cause you the most problems. Very few, if anyone, have questioned your government’s use of the chemtrails and the HAARP machine in altering your weather. By the time you see the damage from this weather, it will be too late to do anything about it, but run for cover. Ocean front property will be suffering the worst losses. Pray for your people that they are able to evacuate before any storms come their way.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you about underwater earthquakes as being more frequent than earthquakes on land. If there is a high magnitude earthquake, or a large displacement of the sea floor, you could see another massive tsunami as seen in 2004. You are seeing larger magnitude earthquakes around the Ring of Fire and they have the potential for causing volcanic activity or large tidal waves. Those living near the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean are now becoming more alert to these repercussions as every earthquake occurs. Until this latest disaster killed over 200,000 people, there was little concern that such an incident could occur. Now as with hurricanes, man has much more respect for what natural disasters can do and the suddenness as well. Again I am warning people to avoid living so close to the ocean because of the potential for hurricanes and tsunamis. People that live there also need to be able to leave quickly as events happen. Pray for the people that have to endure any natural disasters.”


Tuesday, June 13, 2006: (St. Anthony of Padua)

Jesus said: “My people, many people have prayed to St. Anthony to help them find things. Even in your own experiences you have had many petitions answered. It is amazing to Me that when so many prayers are answered that the same people are not always offering prayers of thanksgiving. I have seen the same experience in the many gifts that I give people, and they quickly take their gifts for granted without thanking Me. There is also a proportional dimension to giving thanks. The more important or the more valuable the gift is, the more thanks that you should give to Me or the intercessor that you are praying to. Do not think, that just because you pray for something, it will be answered in the way you want. Sometimes your prayers are answered for what is best for your soul or others. Just the same, giving thanksgiving for a prayer answered is always proper.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all start out your lives as infants and each of you are given individual gifts and talents. It is important that you use your opportunities to improve and use your talents in order to complete the mission I have given you. The more you are open to My graces and are willing to give everything over to Me, the easier it is for Me to mold you into My service. You have free will, but you want to focus your efforts on pleasing Me in helping your soul to conversion as well as others. Do not be lazy in your own will for earthly pleasures, but be willing to suffer your trials and offer them up to Me. The more treasures of good deeds that you can store in heaven, the more they will offset any of your sins and bad deeds. At the judgment these things will be weighed together and it will determine how long you may have to be purified of your earthly desires in purgatory. Strive to be holy and you will be able to come to heaven sooner. Continue to pray for poor sinners and the poor souls in purgatory.”


Wednesday June 14, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, there are some of your traditions that leave an empty chair for Elijah because he was a great prophet of God. In today’s reading (3 Kings 18:20-40) Elijah challenged the followers of Baal to see if Baal could send down fire on a sacrificial bull. Elijah taunted them badly saying they had to wake Baal up, but he just stressed how much of a false god Baal was. Then after dousing water three times over his sacrifice, Elijah asked God to bring down fire so they would believe in God. Fire then came down and consumed the sacrifice, even amidst the water. With this proof the people shouted ‘The Lord is God.’ many times. In the Scripture the people were witnesses to many miracles proving God’s existence. But soon they would fall away again and believed in the false gods of the peoples around them. It was this renewal and falling away that the Israelites went through throughout their history. Many prophets were killed because the people did not want to obey My Commandments that kept them from their sinful pleasures and comforts. Even until today, My prophets, who proclaim My Commandments of love, are still being persecuted. If you speak out against the sexual sins, abortions, and homosexuality, you will receive great persecution because the evil ones of this age want the pleasures of their sins without anyone telling them to stop their sins. Yet, if sinners do not repent of their sins and promise to avoid these sins, they could be condemned on their broad road to hell. Keep proclaiming My laws and the need for repentance, even if your life is endangered, for you will save your souls and offer salvation to these sinners.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of guns and bombs are the weapons of your current wars, but the targets are mostly innocent bystanders. You no longer fight with lines of armies, but with suicide bombers and car bombs. Creating deaths from violence is the only weapon of the insurgents. Killing the bombers and planners with huge bombs is the answering attack that takes those nearby as well. Instead of trying to live by compromise in peace, neither side wants peace, only victory. It is this mad desire by man to start wars and perpetuate them that is causing your killings and deficits. Instead, you need to take away the money and stop these incessant wars in other countries. Pray for peace, and vote those out of office who start constant wars.”


Thursday, June 15, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this large boat about to fall over a high falls represents your country which is about to fall into bankruptcy from your continuous wars. You are just seeing your Congress voting on another $90 billion installment to support your war in Iraq and Afghanistan. This money goes to finance your military industrial complex that profits from your wars. This payment is beyond your budget and these war debts get added to your National Debt which has doubled in the last six years. The central bankers profit from the interest on this debt and that is why they want it to get larger. Your debt service for these wars adds to your budget and it soon could bring your country into bankruptcy when your bond interest is too high. Pray for peace in your world and for your leaders to stop this war insanity and bleeding your people dry with their trumped up wars and debts. If your people do not change the course of your ship, you will be taken over after your country goes bankrupt for not paying its bills.”


Thursday, June 15, 2006:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, your scientists are working with various kinds of technology for one reason and that is to make more deadlier killing machines. This new machine in the vision uses a powerful magnet to make a particle beam weapon and it also can alter weather patterns. There are microwave weapons as in the HAARP machine and psychotronic machines. You have various beam, lightning, and laser weapons as well. All of these weapons are about control in warfare to threaten people into submission. Despite these evil killing machines, I give you the most powerful weapons of all in prayer and your sacramentals.”

Jesus said: “My people, man has been troubled by droughts, storms, and hurricanes over the years. As a result of man’s technology, various governments want to take control over these violent storms. Seeding these storms with various particles may help disperse the violent rain while they are still at sea. Man does not know how this will effect these storms since it could even increase their intensity. Man’s experiments with weather have not helped, but have made these storms even worse. Leave nature alone, or you could be upsetting a delicate balance with disastrous results.”

Jesus said: “My people, in various parts of the world terrorists could use crop dusting planes to drop bombs or biological weapons on unsuspecting countries. Those, who want to cause terror or many deaths, could use older technology to deliver their deadly weapons on any capital. A certain vigilance is needed against such terrorists wherever they decide to attack. Continue to pray for peace and try to discourage these attacks by peaceful compromise.”

Jesus said: “My people, these gold colored planes represent the one world people and the gold of their wealth in causing war after war. These people finance the new dictators and terrorists who will instigate new wars against the rest of the world. They create the problem and then create the solution which is many billions of dollars to fight wars that have no end. Pray to stop these evil ones and call on My help so that I will bring My judgement soon.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know much about the battles of war on this earth, but you have little knowledge of spiritual battles going on all over the earth. When you are battling evil spirits and even possessed people, you need powerful spiritual weapons. Ask Me to send My angels and blessings on you to battle these evil ones. Priests with holy water and exorcism prayers are your best means to fight them. Even holding up My Blessed Sacrament, relics and blessed salt are means to repel the demons. Trust in Me and I will help you to do battle with those who want to steal your souls for Satan. The occult is very strong now, but My power is greater.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you see more and more volcanoes unleash their fury and clouds that rise high in the sky, there also will be more demons coming up onto the earth. Evil will be increasing as these natural disasters worsen. This is another sign of the tribulation coming that will bring about an evil that you have yet to experience. Only with your blessed sacramentals and your spiritual weapons will you be able to withstand this onslaught of evil. This is why I will lead you to My refuges of protection where My angels will defend you from the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, this place of molten fire is very much like hell where souls even now are suffering forever. These souls refused to worship Me or let Me lead their lives. By not accepting Me as their Savior and not repenting of their sins, these souls chose to worship themselves and the world, and now are finding their punishment in this lake of fire. Listen to the souls who have experienced hell in near death experiences because it is a real place of eternal suffering in flames. You have only one soul and one choice in this life. Choose life with Me over death with Satan.”


Friday, June 16, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this research in the vision to make new weapons is the biggest waste of your money that you could make. Even in the latest war in Iraq, your military had so much overkill potential in your weapons that it was over in a short time. Now this recent war against terrorists is even more overkill. The expense of your weapons to blow up a little house is obscene compared to the poverty of the people you are trying to control. You do not need such new and expensive weapons in such an insurgency war. It is time to cut this unnecessary military spending and use your money to help people in their basic needs. Refuse to listen to the one world people who purposely cause wars to justify this huge military stockpile of weapons for their next war. Focus more on peace and change the priorities of your budget for the people’s needs and less deficits for weapons that are unneeded.”

Jesus said: “My people, Americans are very dependent on their electricity to access phone lines, the internet, and their TV entertainment. When you will be forced to use smart cards to buy everything, it will be difficult to live on just what you can provide. Water and food are necessities that you can store for a while, but sooner or later you may have to barter for your needs. Once the one world people make it mandatory to have chips in your body, this is when you will have to ask Me to have My angels lead you to the nearest refuge. It is one thing to zero your bank accounts when you refuse to use smart cards. It is another thing to have your life threatened if you refuse to take chips in the body. Even if they threaten to kill you, refuse this mark of the beast that could control your mind. This is why My refuges will be a safe haven that will provide you water, food, healing, and protection by My angels from the evil ones. I know how difficult it will be to stand up to these evil ones in the tribulation, but I am also giving you a way out of their control. The one world people want full control over your money, your mind, and even your soul. My power is greater and I will give you all that you need if you just have faith in My help. You are seeing all the signs of this evil age taking over the world. Know that My victory is coming soon because this reign of evil will be brief. Stay faithful to Me in your prayers and use My sacraments to sustain the grace you need for your spiritual survival. My faithful will find your reward in My Era of Peace and your crown in heaven.”


Saturday, June 17, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, many people casually have some drinks or gamble for entertainment. It is when you abuse drink or gambling that you can become addicted to these things. Gambling has a desire to get rick quick, but it can become habit forming and even sinful to let it control you, or ruin your family finances. Any kind of addiction can control your mind, and you may require counseling to stop. Do not let any earthly excess control your life, or you will be a slave to your body’s desires. Most excesses are sinful and rob valuable time away from Me and your family. Let your soul control your life and not your body. There is always a conflict between what your soul wants, and that of your body. The soul desires holy and heavenly things that direct the soul to heaven. The body’s desires for earthly things go beyond your necessities and reach for sinful excesses that can lead you to hell. Whether you let the soul or the body run your life, this free will choice will determine your eternal destination between heaven or hell. Choose to follow the desires of your soul to be holy and with Me than the carnal callings of your body. Go to frequent Confession to keep your soul pure and on the narrow road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see in the vision how your leaders are praised and protected from any bad publicity. Even when they are guilty of crimes, they are pardoned without any punishment. The rich and the powerful have their own laws and rules which are special for the elite. This is why it is hard to remove bad leaders as long as they are carrying out the plan of the one world people. The vision of the pope shows the traditions of what the Church has taught for many years. There is a difference between worldly power and spiritual power. Worldly power thrives on sin, and the demons are in control of the one world people who control all of the governments behind the scenes. Even My Church will face a future division between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Stay close to Me in your true faith and traditions, and you will find your way to heaven. Reach out to evangelize souls and save them with My help from going to hell.”


Sunday, June 18, 2006: (Corpus Christi, Father’s Day)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast focuses on My greatest gift of Myself, Body and Blood, to redeem all of mankind. I told you that I would be with you all the days of this age, which I am in My Eucharist. You have My Real Presence among you when you receive Me in Holy Communion or when you visit My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration or in My tabernacle. Even though there have been attacks to minimize your reverence for Me in how you receive Me and how you hide Me in backrooms, I am still present in My consecrated Hosts. Some of you have witnessed My miracles of the Eucharist where Blood has appeared on the Hosts, or even in Italy where the Host turned into heart tissue and the wine into crystals of blood. These are physical signs to those who do not believe in My Real Presence. Your faith in My Eucharist and your Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament are your witness of belief in My Real Presence. Continue to give Me reverence in My Real Presence just as My angels are always vigilant around every tabernacle containing My consecrated Hosts. Man needs tangible things to understand My constant presence among you, and My Body and Blood in the Host is a constant reminder of how much I love you. Show your love for Me by being pure in soul by frequent Confession so you are worthy to receive your Lord and Master in Holy Communion.”


Monday, June 19, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this beautifully polished tree trunk in the vision shows you how you can take something natural and make it into a beautiful addition to your house. Just as you use natural things to fit them into your plans, so I start with your natural talents and I try to mold you into My plan. It is your free will that I do not violate. My people should be praying for discernment to know and follow My plan for their lives. Unless you seek Me as your Savior and are willing to repent of your sins, it is hard for Me to use you in your mission. If you struggle to follow your own will, you are choosing to follow the broad road to hell instead of the narrow road to heaven. Listen to the callings of your soul to be with Me instead of the worldly callings that please your body. See that I direct all of nature in the plants, animals, and even the stars. By following Me, you will be conforming to My natural plan, and you will be doing it more out of love than out of a duty to a Commandment. When you follow My plan, you will see that it is love that binds you to Me and your neighbors. Trust in My love and My plan for your life, and you will have eternal salvation in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the building falling apart represents the old traditions of the faith which are being discarded by the people of this evil age. As each generation passes, the faith is being watered down to try and keep the people coming to church. Instead of giving in to man’s ways, My faithful need to stay strong in their traditions by following My ways. The man escaping by parachute represents My faithful leaving for My refuges of protection. You do not want to remain at your houses once the evil ones want to kill you for not taking the mark of the beast. Better to leave for My refuges before they come to your house to try and force chips in the body on you. At My refuges My angel will guard you, provide you with My heavenly Manna, water, and any needed healings. When a building is falling around you as the coming mandatory chips in the hand, you must recognize this sign and move out while you can. Refuse to take any chips in the body and trust Me to take care of your needs.”


Tuesday, June 20, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are seeing how Achab had to stand up to My judgment for his doing away with Naboth just to gain his vineyard. After being told the punishment that would come upon him, Achab placed himself in sackcloth and ashes in repentance. I relented of this punishment in his time, but it would be exacted against his son for the evil Achab had committed. America has committed many sins against Me as well in your abortions, your wars, your sexual sins, and all of your cloning and abuse of your DNA manipulations. Even when you have been warned by your modern day prophets of your sins, America has not repented, nor have you changed your laws. America will be facing punishment from natural disasters, and the experiments of your scientists. There are two pulse machines that can interrupt your communication lines. The one uses your microwave Doppler machines to test intensity and distance of the signal. The other machine is intended to simulate the shock wave of an atomic bomb that could destroy all of your microchips, thus stopping your vehicles of transportation and computers. These weapons could be used selectively when martial law is declared. Pray for My protection from these disasters and from these evil men who are trying to take over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision could represent Iran building a nuclear power plant deep into the ground so it would be protected. Many nations may not want to see Iran generate enough nuclear fuel to make an atomic bomb. Any economic sanctions could cause Iran to play their oil card in shutting down their oil production, or they could ask China and Russia to support them from any military action from the West. There is a potential war that could start in Iran over making nuclear fuel. I am calling on your nations not to start another war over these nuclear weapons. This war over oil could cause a World War if many parties were involved. Please pray for peace in the Middle East and elsewhere so people are not killed in war. Work to compromise a peace instead of seeking to fight constant wars.”


Wednesday, June 21, 2006: (St. Aloyisus Gonzaga)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading you are seeing how Elijah passed on his ministry of being a prophet to Elisha. Elijah’s chariot ride into heaven is one of the few prophets given this grace of not having his body decay. Just as you could see the same mantle of Elijah separating the water twice, so you have seen how I have given you prophets for every age, even until now. Just because the Bible is a finished work, it does not mean that I stopped sending prophets among you. Many messengers have been given messages from Me and My Blessed Mother just for this age of evil which is leading up to the tribulation time. You can see the increase in immorality all around you in your laws, movies, and adult sexual establishments. The prophets and messengers of this age are defending the traditions and devotions of faith in My Church. You are seeing much persecution and it will only worsen to more martyrs for the faith. Stay close to Me in prayer and My sacraments so you can be strong through these trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many of the older faithful passing on at the many funerals that you attend. It is unfortunate that more young people are not as strong in their faith as their parents. You have seen many worldly distractions in your TV and media that are turning people away from Me and are causing people to worship worldly idols. Your society has turned more pagan and your people are not placing Me first in their priorities. There are still only two eternal destinations for your soul, either heaven or hell. This is why it is extremely important that you be a good role model as a parent so your children can imitate a good moral spiritual life. Let them see your daily prayer life and attendance at Sunday Mass as the first step in faith. Let them see your monthly Confession and encourage your children to confess their sins. Let them see your true love of Me in how you live your lives. You cannot be hypocrites, so you must practice what you believe and teach. By giving your children good example and knowledge of the faith, you can prepare them for life so they can pass their faith on to their children as well.”


Thursday, June 22, 2006: (St. John Fisher, St. Thomas More)

Jesus said: “My people, St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More defended the faith against tyrants like King Henry VIII who wanted to control the Church to hide his divorces and beheadings. These were noble martyrs who stood up against the ruling authorities of the time. It would have been easier to allow the king his reign, but they stood up for principle and defied the king of his usurping any authority over the Roman Catholic Church in his country. You are about to see another division in My Church between the schismatic church and the faithful remnant. The evil segment will promote New Age idol worship of things and claim the sexual sins are no longer sins. My faithful will also have to defy this evil authority and stand up for your true beliefs in worshiping Me only, and follow My Commandments. You will also have to flee to My refuges for protection from the one world people who will try and force chips in the body on people, or they will be killed. My angels will protect you from these evil ones, but some of you may face personal martyrdom for your faith before you can reach My refuges. Refuse to believe in this schismatic church and refuse to take chips in your body, even if it may cost you your life. Those, who follow My ways of faith, will be rewarded in heaven. Those, who give in to the schismatic church’s idol worship or knowingly take chips in the body could face the eternal flames of hell.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, China has become a great trading partner with many nations investing in China’s cheap labor market. They have slowly been building up as a manufacturing country of many exports. Some of this money has been spent on building up a bigger war machine. They will continue to invite other nations to build their factories. Once this investment stops, they will nationalize these companies and move to take Taiwan. The more trade China receives, the more powerful they will become. Beware, My people, because they are using the West to prepare for their attempt at world takeover.”

Jesus said: “My people, how many more of your young men are you going to bury before you desire to stop this war in Iraq? You hear statistics of how many American soldiers are killed on your news every day. Most are being killed by roadside bombs with no conflict. Your people are anxious for some signs that will start the withdrawal of your troops. War and the deficits cannot go on forever. Pray that peace will come to this area so you can stop the endless killing with no improvement seen.”

Jesus said: “My people, your construction crews are taking advantage of the good weather to make needed repairs. When wear and weather erode your roads, they need constant repair. In a similar way your souls become full of sin and you need to make reparation and seek My forgiveness in Confession. Receiving the grace of My sacrament of Reconciliation can repair your souls so you can have your spiritual life renewed. Give praise and thanks to your God who loves you so much and gives you continued opportunities to purify your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, American factories keep slipping in the market share of their products, and without good profits, they are struggling to upgrade their factories. You have some gains in productivity, but you are losing slowly in your competition. America needs to improve its morality all over your country because the wages of sin are death to your spiritual life. Unless you change your ways, America, you will continue to see declines in your industries. Pray for your jobs that are needed to feed your families and provide for your necessities.”

Jesus said: “My people, man has failed to learn from his history of old wars where there were no winners, but only losers. Unless you profit from arms sales or from interest on war debts, there is no reason to have constant wars with constant killings. Constant wars against terrorists and wars over land in Israel seem impossible to stop, but with sufficient prayer for peace, My victory can be realized. Send abundant prayers to heaven, as this is your best weapon against evil in this age.”

Jesus said: “My people, your businesses have to make sufficient profits in order to keep their doors open. You struggle every day to keep your jobs by working as hard as you can. Keeping your hearts and souls open to Me is the best way to keep traveling down the narrow road to heaven. In addition to your being open, you need to be saying ‘yes’ to your opportunities in helping others. By working hard to advance in your perfection, you will find your everlasting reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, these two feast days of our two hearts are a beautiful time to join your hearts to ours. The Immaculate Heart of Mary and My Sacred Heart are beautiful images of love found in each of our united hearts. Our love should draw your love to our hearts as well. I am all love and your soul is attracted to the love of your Creator. Your love for Me will always be rewarded by knowing that you can love Me forever in heaven. My love and My gifts will give your soul complete spiritual satisfaction that cannot be found anywhere else.”


Friday, June 23, 2006: (Sacred Heart of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, in America you have been very comfortable with plenty of food, water, and all of your necessities. A hardship for you is not having a daily warm shower when you travel abroad. This view of those starving in Africa is a reminder that you are your brother’s keeper and can afford some donations to feed the poor overseas. You also have the poor and homeless even in America at your local food shelves. Many of you have more than enough money for your entertainment and your vacations, but you do not always think about sharing your money with the poor who are struggling just to have something to eat. Some can afford to tithe ten per cent of their income to charity, but those just making it can afford a little to others. Think of the life that the poor are suffering and reach out to help Me in them. Then at the judgment when I ask if you fed the hungry, gave water to the thirsty, or clothed the naked, you can say that you did help Me in them and you will be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just read a few days ago how Elijah was carried up into heaven on a fiery chariot. His body did not suffer corruption in the grave. This vision of My Blessed Mother as a ball of light being assumed into heaven is a similar event. My Blessed Mother was free of original sin and so while she died, she also did not have her body suffer corruption in the grave. She is so special among men that she was given this gift of coming directly into heaven after she died. This is another message concerning My Blessed Mother and the celebration of her Immaculate Heart tomorrow. She was immaculately conceived and was pure to receive Me at the Annunciation. Rejoice in these feast days of our two hearts that are burning with love for all of you. She is My Mother, but she is also mother to all of mankind. Call on My Blessed Mother as a prayer intercessor and she will bring Me your intentions. She has been named Blessed among man and she is a perfect model to follow without any sin.”


Sunday, June 25, 2006: (Calming of the sea Gospel)

Jesus said: “My people, if you have Me with you, who could be against you? The apostles were frightened in the boat with the storm about them, even though I was in the boat with them. They were astounded when I calmed the sea and the wind, and they wondered what kind of man I was that the sea obeyed Me. They did not fully comprehend My powers before they received the power of the Holy Spirit. Fear of the Lord is a gift of the Holy Spirit, but all other fears and anxieties are from the evil one. Trust in Me, for everything is very difficult for man because you are concerned about how I will take care of you. Do not be afraid because I am still in the boat with you at all times. Faith in My help is how you should live your life every day. When you consecrate all of your life over to Me, you are not worrying about anything because you know I will watch over your soul. You may face some trials in life and even persecution or martyrdom, but your faith in Me will gain you eternal salvation in heaven.”


Monday, June 26, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you see various homes that can cost a little or a lot of money, but it is home for the owners. People put all kinds of decorations in their homes, but if you really love Me, you will have pictures, statues, or icons of Me in your various rooms. You may suffer some persecutions for having Me in every room, but your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you. The more that you give public witness to Me before men, the more sincere I will see that your love is for Me. Even your prayers before meals and your Nativity Scene for Christmas give witness to your belief in Me. I have told you how I go to prepare a place for you and I have many mansions in heaven for those who believe in Me and repent of their sins. Your home on earth has a special meaning for you in your earthly family, but your heavenly home will have even more meaning for you among your heavenly family.”


Tuesday, June 27, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have just visited Yellowstone where there are a lot of steam and hot water vents, and many small earthquakes. This is sitting on a super volcano that has had several huge eruptions with 600 thousand year intervals. Many of your scientists do not believe that Yellowstone is ready to erupt, but they could not predict Mt. St. Helen’s eruption either. This vision and other visions have shown you some serious eruptions that are about to take place. The Cascade volcanoes and Yellowstone are sleeping giants that are about to awaken. A significant Yellowstone eruption could greatly influence America’s weather and could kill thousands or even millions of people. Other Cascade volcanoes will have less of an effect. You will see increasing earthquakes in these regions before any eruptions. These eruptions will be another part of the natural disasters that will be occurring in America because of your unrepentant sins. Pray much for all of your people who are not spiritually ready to lose their lives. Pray for conversions for these souls before it is too late to save them.”


Thursday, June 29, 2006: (St. Peter & St. Paul)

Jesus said: “My people, you have read the accounts in the Acts of the Apostles and St. Paul’s Epistles how both St. Peter and St. Paul suffered at the hands of the Romans and the Jews for proclaiming My Gospel. Many of the converts to Christianity also had to suffer for being devoted to following My ways of love. Even in your day, I have told you that you will be persecuted more and more even for speaking out against abortion, living in fornication, and homosexual lifestyles. In your papers there is concern for My Church being brought to trial by World Courts for proclaiming My Gospel against the sexual sins. These are the beginnings of what you will be forbidden to speak in public or you may risk prison sentences for worldly interpretations of discrimination. Speaking out about the immorality of abortion, contraception, fornication, adultery, masturbation, and homosexual acts will be frowned on by your society because they love their sins and they do not want anyone telling them it is a sin. Those, who still proclaim My Gospel to save souls, will do so at the risk of prison and possibly martyrdom in years to come. The same people, who controlled kingdoms and power, were the ones who martyred St. Peter and St. Paul, and they will be the same ones who will try to kill you for your faith as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is about two kinds of mass evacuations. The first mass of car evacuations is from a threatening hurricane and flooding from heavy rains. The second mass of car evacuations in the mountains is from a massive earthquake followed by a large volcano going off. I told you that from June of this year on you will see some natural disasters cause a loss of life and property. Already you have seen some massive flooding in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and the New England states. Some have died and many have had to evacuate to higher ground. You will see even more severe hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, and even volcanoes threatening your country because of your sexual sins and your abortions. I have told you to move to safer places away from water and hurricane sensitive areas. Even moving away from earthquake and volcano sensitive areas would save many lives. Some may think moving is not necessary, but those, who have lost their homes, now understand this wisdom. Pray for all of the victims of these disasters, but pray more for conversions and the saving of souls from their sins.”


Friday, June 30, 2006: (1st Holy Martyrs of Holy Roman Church)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of water flowing is a laver of grace needed to forgive the sins of America. Your country needs to repent of its sins and change its laws that allow the sin of abortion. The Israelites had to suffer their country being taken over during the Babylonian Exile, but this was a punishment for adoring idols of foreign gods instead of being faithful to Me. This reading showing Jerusalem being set on fire is a dramatic example to any country that discards My laws and worships false idols. America, especially, needs to heed this reading because you also worship idols of money, possessions, sports, and lust in sexual sins. You spend more time pleasing your body with earthly concerns than you do pleasing Me in prayer and Adoration. If America continues on its path of sin and corruption without worshiping Me, you also will be taken over and everything will be taken away from you. The vision of the masonic ring is a symbol of the one world people who will be the instruments of this takeover. Heed My warning, America, for you are about to go into your own exile. Some will be martyred for their faith, while others will be protected at My refuges. Pray much for the saving of souls and refuse to take the chips of the masons into your bodies.”

Jesus said: “My people, the iced up bridge in the summer is a sign to you that there are going to be some serious changes in the weather. You have seen some unusual hailstone storms when there are great changes in temperature. Other northern areas have seen cooler temperatures also. The greatest changes in weather come from continuous eruptions from volcanoes that send much smoke and debris high into the atmosphere. Enough high smoke can block out the sun and cause cooler temperatures in the immediate area. Without sun and warmth, many crops would not grow and there could be some local famines. Be prepared in your food storage if your crops will fail from lack of sun and rain. You are about to see some severe natural disasters that could cause cooling from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Prepare yourselves to evacuate at a moment’s notice if such an event happens. Have your guardian angels lead you to places safe from these events. I love you and I will always answer your prayer for help in your trials.”


Saturday, July 1, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, at times you can reflect on your sins, and a sense of deep personal guilt comes over your soul for how you have offended Me. You need to make a little time in your day for reflections, or you may never be moved to a need for the forgiveness of your sins. This vision of water is to remind you of how you were baptized with water and your sins were washed away. You are baptized into the faith only once, but you have My forgiveness awaiting you any time that you wish to come to Confession and have your sins washed away by the absolution of the priest. You have read the Gospel today of how I healed the Centurion’s servant, St. Peter’s mother-in-law, and I drove the demons out of many who were possessed. My healing of infirmities was to fulfill Scripture, but I also healed people’s sins many times before I healed their physical illnesses. Healing the soul of its sins is the most important because you need to keep your souls pure at all times since you do not know when I will call you home to judgment. I give you choices by your free will, but if you fall into sin, then you must face the consequences of your actions. I love you all so very much and I do not want you to despair in your sins or feel unworthy to come to Me for forgiveness. If you truly love Me as I love you, then you will focus your life on being holy in all that you do. Keep your souls pure by frequent Confession, and you can have a constant flow of My graces over you in washing away your sins. Remember to reflect on your love for Me throughout the whole day.”


Sunday, July 2, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, The Gospel reading is about healing and even about raising the little girl from the dead. You see much disease and death around you, and you are praying for your own healing and the healing of others. You need to be patient in your prayer requests because I answer your prayers in My time, and sometimes the answer is no because it may not be in My plan. When you pray in faith, pray for what is in My Will whether you would be healed, or another would be healed. Your health is a gift, and only when you fail in sickness or accidents do you really consider what good health is. Give thanks to Me every day that you are alive and healthy, but even the sick can offer up their sufferings for redemptive value of other souls. The second vision of these bodies dissected and displayed ultimately is a desecration of these bodies much like when you cremate bodies to ashes. There is some learning value in showing people how they are destroying their bodies with smoking and excess drinking, and not eating properly that causes heart attacks. The problem with man’s curiosity and his manipulations is that he now wants to act like Me and change nature to his liking. Using aborted babies for stem cell research, and changing genes in the DNA of humans and other animals are violating My plan for life and you are upsetting My balance of nature. Accept the beauty and perfection of My plan in nature and do not do things to alter what I have created. All of your plans eventually destroy nature by adding your imperfections.”

 Jesus said: “My people, this vision is about how the one world people will use any means they can to cause a takeover of the world. Even if military or civilian people would lose their lives, these leaders would see them as expendable for their cause. This is why you need to send a continuous stream of prayers to heaven for peace in your world. Your rosaries are the best weapon to fight off these men who want to embroil you in constant wars for their own gain. By claiming that they have the right to fight terror anywhere in the world, they have given themselves a blank check to fight wherever they please. The American people need to take back control of their government by controlling the purse strings of support for any future war. War only adds to more killing and more profits for the one world people. Cease to follow those leading you to fight needless wars, and instead follow My plan for life and not that of the one world people’s plan for death.”


Monday, July 3, 2006: (St. Thomas, 41st Wedding Anniversary)

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who need to see something in order to believe it, as in the Gospel with St. Thomas. Yet a strong faith needs to be reassured over and over. You may not see Me in person, but still you believe in what is proclaimed to you in My Scriptures. Every time you receive Me in Holy Communion or visit My Blessed Sacrament, this encounter with My Real Presence calls out to you to respond as St. Thomas with ‘My Lord, and My God.’ In marriage also there must be a constant renewal of faith between each spouse. The strength of your bond of love with Me will enable you to strengthen your bonds in marriage to each other. Your fidelity in love for each other is enhanced by your faithfulness to Me in obeying My Commandments. Even if you have some disagreements, you have enough love for each other to kiss and make up. This is similar to your coming to Me in Confession when you can make up with Me also as I forgive your sins. Pray together in your married life and you will see how your love for Me will enrich your lives over the years. Those, who remain together over the years, are truly blessed with a human fidelity that is so delicate in your society of today. Love one another as I love you, and that permanence of your love will be its own reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Jews, who had Me crucified, were still worried that I would rise from the dead, or that My Body would be taken away by My apostles. They posted guards by the tomb and placed a seal on the large rock covering the opening to My tomb. I allowed man to kill My human Body, but then My death became a Divine sacrifice worthy enough to forgive all of mankind’s sins before My Father. I then proclaimed My victory over sin and death by rising from the dead in a glorified body. My Resurrection is a hope and an example of how all of My faithful will all rise again as well. This empty tomb was proof for all, that I arose and My later appearances confirmed My Resurrection to My apostles, even St. Thomas. The Jews feared Lazarus being raised from the dead because many came to believe in My teachings because of My miracle. Now that I rose from the dead by Myself, they were more afraid that people would convert to being Christians. That is why they tried to cover up the truth of My Resurrection by paying the soldiers to lie about sleeping and that My apostles stole My Body. This story still circulates today, but My apostles were the true believers by My witness before them. Many Early Christians had to suffer martyrdom and persecution for speaking in My Name. Believe in My Resurrection and how I have offered everyone salvation and an opportunity to come to heaven. Choose life by following Me on the narrow road to heaven, and refuse to choose death which could lead you to follow Satan on the broad road to hell.”


Tuesday, July 4, 2006: (Independence Day)

Jesus said: “My people, this day is celebrated in your country as a day of freedom from tyranny and persecution of one’s faith. Your Constitution and Bill of Rights were meant to guarantee your freedoms, but the one world people are struggling to take them away from you. You will see soon how much you will be willing to fight in a peaceful way to save your freedoms from these New Age tyrants. Your freedom to worship Me is being threatened every day in how you can witness your faith in public. Your forefathers have fought for your independence, but now evil men are distorting reasons to fight wars so they can gain power and profit from war. I ask you to fight with your spiritual weapons as your rosaries and other prayers to have peace instead of wars. Each of you have your own boat to struggle with on the seas of life. The large boat represents nations that also need to suffer through turbulent times. Freedoms can be distorted by men of power to subjugate those under them for their own profit. Refuse the mark of the beast in microchips in the body that will take away your freedoms. Your freedom of worshiping Me will soon be condemned so you will need to seek out refuges to avoid being killed. Freedoms will only exist until you allow tyrants to rule over you. Once you sell out your freedoms to martial law or threats of terror, then you are allowing a police state to take away your freedoms. Do not take up guns to defend freedom, but take up your rosaries instead to avoid killing.”


Wednesday, July 5, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, there are occasional earthquakes that occur naturally, but these also can be enhanced by the HAARP machine. The vision is about a coming huge earthquake somewhere in America that will split the earth for many miles. There will be little damage in the thinly populated areas, but some damage and deaths will occur in the cities that are affected. There will be little time of warning for this event except for a large boom. These natural disasters will take a large toll on your economy and present the one world people an opportunity for martial law. Pray for the conversion of souls in your country because your sins are bringing judgment against you. Have no fear of these evil ones because My angels will protect you and lead you to safety at My refuges.”


Thursday, July 6, 2006: (St. Maria Goretti)

Jesus said: “My people, this feast day of St. Maria Goretti shows you the faith and courage of a twelve year old girl who would rather die than lose her chastity. A man raped her and stabbed her to death even as she forgave him of his sin. This vision of a family together is an example of how important it is for the parents to instill the faith in their children by good example. Bringing up your children with the teachings of My Church is one of the most important tasks of parents in their responsibilities. Parents should be caring for the spiritual lives of their children’s souls, and even when they are older. Teaching them chastity and purity of heart is difficult in the dating years, but it is important to save their souls from the influences of your permissive society. Guard them from living together in sins of fornication or homosexual acts. Teach them also about avoiding contraception or any other means of artificial conception, even when they are married. Sins of adultery or any other sexual sins are against the Sixth Commandment and need to be avoided by everyone. Being chaste is an example for your children and should be a goal for all souls on your road to perfection.”


Thursday, July 6, 2006:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, these shadows around My Blessed Sacrament represent the evil spirits that are trying to stifle people in giving Me reverence and they are also trying to mute My Church’s teachings. In the name of discrimination the evil ones are trying to remove statues, crucifixes, and the Ten Commandments from public places. The evil ones are making laws to allow homosexual marriages and discourage anyone from talking about sin. They discourage any protests against abortion by threatening prison sentences. My people still need to speak out on the sins in your country and evangelize souls even under the threat of prison or persecution.”

Jesus said: “My people, I knock on the doors of your heart constantly so you could let Me in to be your Friend and Savior. It is a struggle to open so many cold hearts that have little love in their hearts and much sin on their souls. It is the few faithful that are open to My graces that I use to evangelize and pray for the rest of the cold hearts. They close the door to Me, but their curiosity readily opens the door to evil influences in the occult, New Age meditation, Ouija boards, and tarot cards. Pray for your people to repent of their sins and love Me instead of the evil ones’ temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Scriptures have proclaimed the truth of My Word in how to live holy lives. Tradition and My Scriptures are your foundation to hold fast to your faith. It is the evil ones who raise up heresies as the Divinci Code and other false documents to bring doubt to these basic truths. My Church faces many attacks from all sides to try and bring it down. I have told you many times that the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church, no matter how these evil ones will tempt man. Stay true to the faith and stand up publicly against all heresies.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are certain leaders of dangerous countries that thrive on controversy to get world attention. Missiles and nuclear weapons in these countries could pose a threat to peaceful countries around them. Iran and North Korea appear to be antagonizing Western countries almost to the point of war. Pray much for peace in your world so that these evil ones will not bring worse destruction on their neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, oil imports have become a necessity for many industrial countries to operate. The threat of war or sanctions in the Middle East has caused another round of price hikes in oil that is taxing some countries to buy the oil. America’s deficits suffer with every increase or speculation in the price of oil. Even a small threat to oil supplies could threaten more inflated prices for some transportation industries. Pray for no wars, and an ease in world tensions over energy supplies.”

Jesus said: “My people, the war or insurgence going on in Iraq and Afghanistan continues to wear down your people’s patience as more people are looking for ways to have your troops withdraw. Now some of your leaders are waving your dead soldiers as a reason to stay longer without any hope of the rest coming home. This war has long lost any justification and the one world people want it to last to make more profits. Your people can thwart this profiteering by the rich if you close the purse strings to this war.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your long rainstorm patterns are saturating and flooding states along the Eastern Seaboard. These rains are unusually heavy and can be attributed in part to warmer temperatures and your weather machines enhancing these storms. You see flooding from hurricanes, but these storms are not even tropical. Pray that these excessive storms subside so the refugees and victims of this damage can reclaim their homes.”


Friday, July 7, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision in the past shows you how life was much simpler, and still the people were happier than today. There were less drugs and crime than there is now. Abortion and homosexuality were frowned on by society. The morals in your movies and entertainment were proper with less violence, and little nudity or vulgar language. Even though you had less technology in those days, jobs had more security and your companies were not sending jobs overseas. The rich and the stockholders are ruling your jobs and your economy, and the middle class is being destroyed by sending the good paying factory jobs overseas. College education and health care are becoming so expensive that they are almost out of the range of the average people to afford. Companies are now stripping benefits of health and pensions from their workers because world competition with cheap labor is forcing it. The use of cheap and even slave labor in poor countries is being allowed to lower the salaries of all world workers. This is causing great stress on countries with a higher standard of living, and government expenses will be in further deficits as they have to cut services with less taxes collected. Pray for your people as it is becoming harder to make a living, and there is spiritual poverty in your souls with rampant immorality all over.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who love cell phones, remote devices for your TVs, and fast transactions at the bank, tollgates, and the workplace. This electronic marvel will be advertised for chips in the hand, and they will give people instant access to their money for purchases. The downside of these chips, that they are not saying, is that you will be tracked wherever you go, and the one world people will have the power of suggestion over your mind to do things that you may not want to do. In Scripture it states that those, who knowingly take the mark of the beast in the hand or forehead, and worship the Antichrist, will be cast into the eternal flames of hell. At one point the evil ones of your world will try to force everyone to have chips in your body, or you will be imprisoned and all of your digital accounts will be zeroed. Some will even be threatened with death for not taking this mark of the beast into the body. Those, who refuse these chips, will be sent to detention centers for torture and even martyrdom for their faith. When you see the authorities force chips in the body as mandatory, then you are to call on Me and your guardian angel will lead you to a safe haven refuge before they come for you at your house. At My refuges My angels will protect you, and provide for all of your necessities. Fear no evil because I will be victorious over all evil as I will prepare you for My Era of Peace. Refuse chips in the body at all costs so you can be brought to heaven instead of being condemned to hell.”


Saturday, July 8, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen terrorist plots in New York City, threats of sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program, and North Korea sending off a barrage of missiles. All of these threats of more war represent the darkness under the bridge in the vision. Instead of planning more wars or continuing the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, now is the time to build more bridges of peace. If both sides wanted to, they could reconcile their differences and live in peace. If love was on your agenda instead of anger and hate, then you could have enduring peace. Man has a choice to love his fellow man or not, so stop listening to the devil’s call for war and destruction, and seek out love and peace instead. This is the battle of good and evil in your world, so now is the time to pray in earnest for peace and the cessation of all of your wars of greed.”

Jesus said: “My people, in America you take food and water for granted. Your water is piped to you along with your gas. Electricity is available for your lights and air conditioners. Your grocery stores have every kind of food that you would want to buy. In Africa you are seeing poverty where many die of thirst and starvation. A fair number also are afflicted with AIDS and other diseases where they have little medicines for cures. Your heart goes out to these people who do not even have the bare necessities to live. This is why with all of your abundance of wealth, you should try and help the poor with your charity donations. The more that you help others, the more you will have the satisfaction that you are helping them to survive in a poor environment. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that you have. All of your necessities have been provided for, and that is why you should share your wealth with the needy. All of your charitable deeds will store a greater treasure for you in heaven.”


Sunday, July 9, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of My monstrance being raised high is to emphasize how I should be first in your lives. Your spiritual priorities are far more important than your worldly concerns and curiosities. Think of all the earthly things that you like to do the most, and they do not hold a candle to My mission for you on earth. The most important mission is saving souls and your own soul by your good example and evangelization. Start with love of God and neighbor, and everything that you do should flow from this love. The more that you get attached to worldly possessions, the more your mind and heart are clouded from performing your spiritual mission in life. Praising and adoring Me in love, and helping your neighbor in love should be your primary goals. By staying close to Me in daily prayer and if possible daily Mass, the more you will find spiritual strength to carry on with your life. As in St. Paul’s epistle, he stressed that his weaknesses are what made him strong because they take away your personal pride. You all may have a special thorn in the flesh, or a weakness that may get you down at times, but I always give you sufficient grace to overcome any difficulties. Have faith in My help and do not let physical problems get you into despair. I will always be at your side to lift you up and keep your focus on Me and eventually on heaven. Love is central in your life, and I am perfect love in your life. Even if you lose your friends or closest loved ones, you always have My love.”


Monday, July 10, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of joy in your eyes, does your joy come more from your lust for earthly things or a joy to be with Me? The prophet Hosea also wants his people to choose God over Baal. In today’s world the new Baal being worshiped is your possessions and your sexual sins which are another form of idol worship. Instead of searching to please your bodily senses, man should listen to the yearnings of his soul for Me. When you are in My presence before My Blessed Sacrament, you are at real peace that cannot be satisfied with worldly things. Follow your heart as it desires to love Me and praise Me for who I am. I am your Savior and your Creator, and everything comes from Me. Without Me you are nothing. At times man does not realize that your talents, your very life, and all that is around you has come from Me. So put your life and your priorities in proper order by following My Will for your life. Love for Me comes first before all of your earthly loves, so keep your focus on the One who loves you most in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have sent man out into the world to subdue it, but not to change it and abuse it as you see before you. You have set aside some unusable land as wilderness areas, but you are having a conflict between development and farm land. The more people multiply, the more food, water, and energy needs that you will need to provide for everyone. Man’s use of oil, coal, and natural gas are depleting finite resources without enough planning for renewable sources of energy. This is true of your water and fishing resources as well. The management of your land and resources need to take on different priorities than just greed for money by the rich. Many abuses in water and air pollution are already creating problems in large cities. Nature is not something man can put in a box and sell. It is a gift to everyone and not just the rich who try to control it. It is also everyone’s responsibility to take care of your environment so you can pass it on to your children in a useable form. Pray that man will stop abusing nature and the natural resources that you have been given freely. Focus your attention on your Creator, and keep nature in balance as I created it.”


Tuesday, July 11, 2006: (St. Benedict)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of pipes joining from all directions is to simulate the human body as it collects all of your sensory data and brings it to the brain. Many of your sins come from giving in to satisfy the desires of the body, but all of your actions come from the reasoning of your mind and heart. You all have been given free will, as you are made in My image. I or the devil do not force you to act against your free will. That is why at the judgment you will be held accountable for all of your actions. Knowing all things, I know the intention in your heart for all of your actions, even if you may do things for show to others. All of your senses, instincts, and desires are good and natural as I created them, but you need to act according to My Commandments without abusing your body with excesses or addictions. You also have been given the capability to love which should bind you with your God, and your neighbor. Just as you have a bodily nature, you also have a soul with a spiritual nature as well. It is this voice of your soul and your properly formed conscience that should rule over any requests of the body. You not only have a conflict between your body and soul, but you also are influenced by My Word and that of the devil. Because of your fallen nature from original sin, you are weak to sin that the body interprets as good, but the soul needs to discern as evil. This is the constant state of man where he is torn between doing good or evil every day of his life. But I give you grace in My sacraments to lead a holy life in conformance of your will to My planned mission for your life. I do not force you to love Me, but I leave you free to choose to love Me of your own free will. Those, who do follow Me, will receive their eternal reward in heaven. Those, who refuse to follow Me, will bear the consequences of their evil actions in hell. Choose life then for your eternal happiness with Me.”


Wednesday, July 12, 2006: (Mary Ann Magin Stewart’s funeral)

Jesus said: “My people, this separation of the body and soul is portrayed in the vision as separating train parts. When you are released from the cares of the body at death, you are left naked in your soul body with all the actions of your life as your only possessions. This is why it is important to do as many good deeds as possible out of love for Me and your neighbor. At your particular judgment when you come face to face with your Master, you will have to make an accounting for all of your actions in your life. Your good deeds will be balancing off some of the punishment due for your sins, and they could lessen any possible time in purgatory. Your prayers and reverence that you gave to Me in My Blessed Sacrament will show Me how much you love Me. My special adorers receive protection from the evil ones, and I will have a special reward for them in heaven. Stay close to Me during life, and it will go well for you at your judgment when I will fulfill all of My promises to you of salvation. Those, who choose to follow Me in their life, can look forward to sharing their love eternally with Me in heaven. So with Me there is no fear of death because you know that I will keep My Word and bring you into heaven. Your love for Me is the most important gift that you could give to Me. I never stop loving you, and I want you to never stop loving Me either.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the red horse of Revelation is a sign to you of where you are in Revelation leading up to the time of the Antichrist. (Rev. 6:3-4) This sign of the red horse is a sign of war which could spread to a world war over energy sources. The war in Iraq and Afghanistan is not changing and more elements are leading to an ethnic battle between the Sunnis and the Shi’ites. Problems with nuclear weapons in Iran and North Korea could lead to further tensions for a world war. The evil ones continue to stir up trouble between various nations and religious sects. Your best solution is prayer for peace using your rosaries as weapons against the evil ones. Trust in Me that if there were enough prayer, your wars would cease. Because of man’s pride, greed, and selfishness, you are marching down the path to a world war which will prepare the way for the coming Antichrist.”


Thursday, July 13, 2006: (St. Henry)

Jesus said: “My people, since the days that I sent out My apostles until the current time, your travel methods have changed dramatically. The one thing, that has not changed, is My personal invitation or calling to My messengers and those with vocations to the priesthood. Each person has free will to either accept My calling or reject it. I pray that each person, who has been called, would give Me some prayerful discernment, instead of just a refusal out of an inconvenience to their lives. Those, who have no meaningful reason to refuse My calling, are really committing a sin of omission for not answering My mission for their lives. Each of you have been given talents for a mission that I have planned for you, and when you reject My mission to do your own plan, you are like the man I condemned for burying his talent. Those, who do accept My calling to be a messenger or a priest, will receive a prophet’s reward in heaven. My priests and messengers are meant to spread My Good News in bringing My Gospel to everyone so souls can be saved. They may not realize how people are saved, but I am working through their words as an instrument of salvation. Give thanks to all people who answer My call to be messengers, or a call to the religious life.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, when you take time to give Me worship and praise, you are placing Me first in your lives. I have given you My gift of My Real Presence in every Host that has been consecrated at a Mass. You have many earthly distractions and temptations of the devil that try to gain more of your attention than Me. Your God and Savior is the most important part of your life among all of your experiences. I love you and desire to be with you in My Eucharist until I come again.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the damage of the ravaging fires in California. Fire has a certain beauty in color, but it can endanger homes and lives in its fury. This color of fire can also be seen in battles of war as people and buildings could be killed or destroyed. Man has a choice between peace and war, but pray for peace all the more, especially in the latest battle between Hamas, Hezbollah, and Israel.”

Jesus said: “My people, the stairway to heaven is not always the same for every soul. Some need to struggle more in their spiritual lives because their steps are steeper than others. Other people are given an even simpler path of short, gradual steps. By the graces that I give you, I can see who can tolerate an easier life and who can tolerate more. The harder life, that some have to struggle with, means that My love is squeezing them closer. Follow My Commandments and surrender to My Will, and you will have the grace necessary to ascend these steps to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, as soon as you are born, you all have been given a number of years to live, and you are awaiting My day of judgment. The thought of your death is a part of your life just as much as your birth was. You all go through a life process from infant to youth to adult. It is what you do with your life that is so important to Me. You can follow Me and receive a heavenly reward, or you can follow your own life on the broad road to hell. Your soul desires to love Me and be with Me. Follow your soul’s goal and do not let the body interfere with your goal of being with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Northeast you have been tested with strong storms and much record rainfall in a short time. Many had to deal with flooded basements and flooded roads, but very few deaths have resulted from these storms. Unless you are physically tested with trials, it is hard to see how strong your faith is in trusting in My help. Call on Me in your difficulties and you could see miracles in My answer to your prayers. Trust in My protection and you will have nothing to fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are taking vacations to see the beauty of streams, mountains, and lakes in nature. Again these streams have a beauty that is hard to comprehend, but when they are out of control in swelling floods, these torrents can become deadly and damaging. Pray that your people will be protected from such flooding, but you will see increasing destruction from your natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many things that you like to accomplish in your life, and you busy yourselves with many chores and activities. Life is not about how much you can fit into a day, but it is about showing your love for Me and your neighbor in your actions. You reach out to Me in prayer and good deeds for others. You need to share your time with Me and others, and do not get so wrapped up in all of your earthly agenda. Search for things that will make you holy, instead of searching for peace in earthly pleasures. You will only find true peace in Me.”


Friday, July 14, 2006: (Blessed Kateri Takakwitha)

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the beauty of nature and I am showing you in the vision how beautiful butterflies can be in their colors. They have a very short life span of a few weeks, but they are one of the few insects that go through a metamorphosis coming out of a cocoon. This change from a caterpillar to a butterfly is similar to the change in your spiritual life after conversion and even more so when you will be rejoined with your glorified body at your own resurrection. I have given you My promise that one day My faithful will be resurrected. The difference from this butterfly is that your soul lives on forever because your soul is immortal. At your death your souls could still look tainted by your unforgiven sins. But once you are purified in purgatory and reunited with your body, you will look glorious again as you were when you were first baptized. Work hard in this life to accept My mission, and you will be converted to a new spiritual butterfly of beauty.”

Jesus said: “My people, this plain concrete church with the one ball of light represents My Real Presence in this church. It is not the structure that makes a church holy, but it is My very Presence in the consecrated Host that makes it holy. Every priest, who follows the proper wording of Consecration, can call down My Presence in the Hosts. It does not matter which church that you attend, because I am always present in My tabernacle. Even though you may prefer one priest over another, you are still receiving the same Eucharist at Holy Communion. Be thankful for every priest that you have to offer up Holy Mass. My Blessed Sacrament gives you My grace to heal all of the wounds of your sins. In order to receive Me worthily you must be free of any mortal sin, and recite your Act of Contrition for any venial sins. Give praise and thanks to Me that I give you My gift of Myself in every Communion that you receive.”


Saturday, July 15, 2006: (St. Bonaventure)

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are seeing the call of the prophet Isaiah as his lips were purified by the hot coals of heaven. All of the prophets and messengers that I call are meant to build up My Church as you have seen in the vision. Just as I said to St. Peter: ‘Feed My lambs.’ It is this call to preach My Word of the Gospel that all of My messengers are called to do. It is not an easy message to proclaim that all people need to repent of their sins. When My messengers tell the people to stop their abortions, stop their wars, and stop their sexual sins, they are going to meet resistance from the pagans who do not want to give up their bodily pleasures for the Gospel. Even coming to Sunday Mass is becoming an inconvenience for those that are spiritually lazy in their faith. My messengers need to wake these people up from their spiritual slumber, and move to change their lives back to one of My service. If My people are not striving to bring their souls to heaven, then they are refusing to listen to My prophets as well as My call in the Scriptures.”

Jesus said: “My people, a baby has their whole physical life before them. A baby soul is a new beginning also in their spiritual life. You are a baby soul when you are first baptized or converted, no matter how old that you are physically. Your spiritual life takes time to mature and develop your love for Me and your neighbor. Your physical life is but a fleeting moment in the history of man. Your spiritual life lasts forever, so by your actions, you are determining your eternal destination. Keep your focus on Me, because I am your only salvation. By following My Will and My Commandments, you will be on the right path to heaven with no fear of the evil ones. If you are to come to heaven, you must be faithful to Me as the little children. Trust in Me as a child trusts in their parents.”


Sunday, July 16, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw how I sent out My apostles two by two with little to take with them. They preached repentance for the soul, and they healed the sick. Today, I send out My disciples in the same way to evangelize those in your own family and those around you. This vision of a safety net is the same way that you could be there to help lead wayward souls back to Me. You may be called to help someone with a physical need. In your charity of good deeds you may see a deeper spiritual need. Do not be afraid to reach out of your comfort zone to help someone by sharing your faith in Me with them. They may be searching for a peace and rest that only I can satisfy in their soul. You can also pray over the sick or injured, and by My grace and in My Name some may receive the gift of healing. Even if a physical healing may not come, you may touch someone’s heart enough to cause a spiritual healing which is even more rewarding for your evangelization efforts. Pray much to be a safety net of support for people both in their sick bodies and in their sick souls.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, My life was full of new life in the birth of My Son, and sorrow at the death of St. Joseph and most of all My Son, Jesus’ death. I am honored that you have taken Me as the Name of Mount Carmel House. I want to thank all of the loving people who have made this ministry possible, especially Raoul and Rose. I know how difficult it is to endure someone’s passing away, but you all have made this a tender, caring ministry. You also care for the souls of your patients, and you give them spiritual comfort as well as physical comfort in their last days. In this way you are bringing souls closer to My Son so they are prepared for their judgment. Continue your good work in saving souls, and you will receive My Son’s treasure in heaven.”


Monday, July 17, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, My message of love and obedience should bring peace and harmony to a world of wars and greed. Yet, in today’s Gospel it is a hard message when I speak of My causing division between even members of the same household. If everyone had love in their hearts, there would indeed be peace all over the world. But as life sometimes is not all loving with free will, there are going to be family members who think differently and want to reject My Commandments of love. When some love Me, and some refuse Me, there is bound to be some dissension in the family. It is this division in viewpoints that can cause fighting in a family because of what each believes in their hearts. Those, who refuse to be obedient to My Will, are defying My control over their lives which they want to be the boss. This may come from a selfish attitude to keep everything for themselves, or there may be a lack of love in their souls for Me and others. When people of different thoughts are placed together as in a household, there will be a hard time to have peace and harmony. If people really want to have peace, they have to work on compromises to get along with each other. This is the same way with neighboring nations. Unless you have peace in your families, it will be very difficult to stop all of your wars between nations. Pray for the conversion of all sinners to come to know and love Me. Only in love will you all experience My peace without wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading of Isaiah you heard how much I was weighed down by the sins of the people in their wickedness and their idol worship. As you are witnessing now another war between Israel and Hezbollah, I again am becoming weighed down by your constant wars with little love in your hearts. Your sexual sins and idol worship of this world’s things are also weighing Me down. My little ones, why do you have so little faith in praying for peace in your world? I have told you many times that if you had the faith of a mustard seed, you could even move mountains. There are some who pray fervently as I listen to all of their intentions. You have much evil in your world and there are evil ones providing the weapons of war for a profit. These are the same ones causing these wars as well. The price of this evil is very high and yet there are not enough prayers to offset the occult influences at this time. It is difficult to bring total peace now, but you must not lose hope because a day of My victory will be coming that will defeat all of these evil ones. The more you pray and work to bring peace to those around you, the closer you will be to adding more peace to the world. You need to increase love in your hearts, and have less concern for the things of this world. By loving Me and your neighbor more, this love also can be spread all over the world by your example.”


Tuesday, July 18, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you heard Me condemning some of the evil cities of My time at the judgment. Even some cities were destroyed by fighting or various causes. They brought destruction upon themselves by a failure to repent and they continued in their sins. Just as individuals are held accountable for their actions at their judgment, so nations and cities are also accountable for their sins at the judgment. Some cities and nations have even received their punishment before the judgment time. All cities and nations all over the world are liable to this judgment. I am a God of mercy, but I am a God of justice, and the evil ones will not escape My punishment. Those, who are praying for their nation or city, are needed to make atonement for the sins of the people in that nation or city. I ask you to pray for poor sinners as one of your daily intentions. All of those evil ones, who are conspiring wars for their own gain, are the same ones that are on the road to hell, and they may lead their country or city down the same road to hell as well. Seek peace and good deeds instead of this greed for money and land.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been to see old churches in Rome and Jerusalem where parts of ancient mosaic floors were preserved as from an Early Christian Era. These museum pieces have been carbon dated back to the time just after My death. Just as the relics of the saints were honored and preserved, so many traditional objects have been saved from antiquity by My apostles and disciples. Many of these artifacts give more dated proof of the artwork of the Early Christians. Have faith and trust that My words of the Gospel have been preserved and passed on for later generations to follow My Word. These writings were carefully carried on by the monks until they could be printed in Bibles. Give praise and thanks to God for all of the traditions and writings that are your heritage and the deposit of faith.”


Wednesday, July 19, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, your churches have been going through some changes in the name of renovation, but in reality it is a defacing of many of your long standing traditions. These changes are just another step in removing reverence for My Blessed Sacrament. The vision shows how many pews are being replaced with chairs so churches could be used for other purposes. Communion rails have long been removed, altars have been destroyed, statues and crucifixes are gone, and My Blessed Sacrament is now in back rooms. Many devotions as the rosary and Benediction are rarely advocated. The emphasis has been put more on the table of offering than on My very Eucharist itself. There are some clergy and laity that do not even believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host and the Wine which are now My Body and Blood. My Eucharist is one of your core beliefs and you receive Me in Holy Communion at every Mass. Each Mass is a remembrance of My sacrifice of My life on the cross for the forgiveness of everyone’s sins. Without My sacrifice you would not have salvation, and the gates of heaven would not be open. This is why the corpus on My crucifix should be displayed openly on your altars, and My very Presence in your tabernacles should be in a prominent place in the main part of your church. It is I who makes your churches holy, and you need to honor your King with more reverence. If I came in bodily form to be among you, you would not hide Me in a back room where no one could see Me. See that there are those in My Church that are trying to minimize worship and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. It is time for My faithful to speak up to your priests that you want traditional reverence to be restored. If you do not change these pagan trends, then your churches will be no different than any other museum.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are witnessing major earthquakes underwater that again have caused tsunami damage and have killed over 500 people. You are also seeing the bursting of several volcanoes which have caused major evacuations as around Mt. Etna. The vision of dramatic volcanic explosions and continuous earthquakes are nature’s reflection of the violence of man in his wars and hatred for each other. These natural disasters are occurring more frequently. It is not even two years ago before you saw the damage of the first tsunami. Now today, you are still counting the deaths of a second tsunami in the same region. These people still did not have any warning system in place to prepare them for this tsunami. Pray for those who are the victims of these disasters, and pray harder for your wars to stop and for peace to come about. Until man repents and changes his hard heart to one of love, you will be suffering more hardships from your wars and disasters.”


Thursday, July 20, 2006: (Angela’s funeral, Connie’s sister)

Jesus said: “My people, death is a final loss for the body and a separation from the living, but for the soul it is a new beginning once freed from the cares of the body. Everyone, who dies, does not always have My Blessed Mother escort them to their judgment before Me. Angela had a great love for My Blessed Mother in her rosaries and in her work in the Legion of Mary. That is why I received both of them with joy. My Blessed Mother is an intercessor and an ambassador to plead your case of mercy with Me. As My Blessed Mother asked Me to provide wine for the marriage couple at Cana, so I will answer her requests for all of her devotees at death. I love all of My people, but there is an added love when you share the love for our Two Hearts. It will go much easier at the judgment for those who pray daily to Me and My Blessed Mother. Remembering Me in your prayers is your way of saying I love you to both of us. Rejoice in the comfort of coming to heaven for all who love Me sincerely.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, the reasons for starting another war with Israel seems very deliberate by the Hezbollah terrorists. They have taken advantage of Israel’s pulling out of Lebanon only to start the killing all over again. The struggle to remove the Jews at any cost seems to be the militants only recourse. These constant ethnic and religious wars are why man cannot find peace. Pray for a peaceful cease fire, or such a war could spread to other nations.” Jesus said: “My people, it is the innocent civilians that are being killed on both sides. It is also causing a mass exodus of people out of the way of the bombs and missiles. The longer this conflict goes on, the more people that are killed and their homes destroyed. There is also a possible influence of these events on oil and gas prices that could affect other nations. Continue to pray in faith for a cessation of these hostilities.”

Jesus said: “My people, the missiles sent off in North Korea and the nuclear materials being made in Iran are no longer on center stage with this latest conflict. But a hot war is even worse than a threatened war. Such a war is dangerous because of the possibility that other nations may come to the aid of these combatants. Many threats to peace are being stirred up by the evil one.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that it is taking so long to put a tsunami warning system in Indonesia that has been devastated by two tsunamis. Even some kind of simple siren would help those on the coast to get to higher land. If these poor areas do not have the financial means to set up such a warning device, then maybe the richer nations could donate such needed devices. This is another area where charity could save lives in a future event.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is the poor who are having more problems in financing mortgages to obtain adequate housing. It is the dream of many Americans to own their own home. Higher interest rates and high house prices are making it difficult to secure housing for the poor. As a result, you are seeing more homeless people, and more people seeking welfare help just to survive. Pray for ways for the poor to secure homes and jobs so they can have dignified lives without being controlled by your welfare state.”

Jesus said: “My people, many school age children are home for summer vacation, but they are wasting a lot of time watching TV cartoons instead of using their time more productively. Even adults have trouble with not using their time wisely. Time could be better spent on fruitful jobs, summer courses, reading, and even spiritual reading. Parents need to see that their children need to be supervised more in using their time instead of using TV as a babysitter. Use your time and talents to follow My plan for your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, pray that the harvest master sends more workers into the vineyard to bring more souls to Me in faith. It is difficult to find vocations to the priesthood, and it is also difficult to find teachers of religion for your children. Not everyone can afford to send their children to Catholic schools and that is why religious training is needed where there are no schools. Pray that teachers will come forward to pass on the faith to this next generation which is starving for God in their lives.”


Friday, July 21, 2006: (13th anniversary of the messages)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of nature is to show you how short your time is on this earth. There are some people with cancer and other terminal illnesses whose lives are cut off short, but they are given a blessing to prepare their souls for death and making their peace with Me for the judgment of their lives. Everyone from the day that you are born is terminal in that one day you are appointed to die. Even those living right now cannot guarantee that they will be alive tomorrow. I ask everyone to think for a moment as if you were a cancer patient with only a year to live. How would you live differently in preparing for your death? Would you go to Confession more often and pray more? Would you be more conscious of your sins and how you treat people? Even if you are not dying soon, you can still act in the same way because I could take you home at any time. You are not ready to live until you are ready to die and face your Master at your judgment. By trying to live according to My Will every day, you are indeed keeping your soul prepared for the day of your death.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of skull and bones refers to those who are behind many of the wars going on. America provides much of the armaments and parts for Israel to have powerful weapons, planes, and bombs. Iran sells oil to Russia and China, and buys bombs, rockets, and guns to give to their terrorist clients as Hezbollah and others in Iraq. All of these wars are planned by the rich to make money on war debts and the selling of arms. It is very difficult to have peace when such leaders profit from war. Even the commodities and oil prices are high because of the threat of war. Pray for peace and encourage your Congress people to vote against war to stop giving blood money to the skull and bones people.”


Saturday, July 22, 2006: (Fr. Elmer Heindl’s funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, you all have gathered here to pay tribute to a great priest in Father Elmer Heindl. He always thought little of himself, and instead he would rather give all the glory to God. Everyone, who heard his homilies and talks, were inspired by his great love for Me and his openness to put everything in My hands. This is a great message for everyone to follow Me and let Me guide your lives to heaven. He was truly a loving and dedicated priest in serving Me and his people. Even though he received great honors on earth, he has received even greater honors by us in heaven. The vision shows you how he is receiving his reward in heaven, even as he came here as every faithful person does through My death and Resurrection. Give thanks to Me for Father Heindl’s gift of life that he has shared with you for so many years.”

Fr. Heindl said: “I am excited and grateful to give you my last word and this is ‘love’. That is love of God and neighbor should be everyone’s calling. I truly am grateful and I thank all of you for coming to this Mass. I have spent my whole life bringing souls to Jesus, so having you all come to this Mass is a fitting tribute to my last moments on this earth. I have given the Lord many hours of service in my priesthood, and I am only sorry that I could not give him more. It gave joy to my heart to share Mass with the people and I loved all of the beautiful friendships that I had through life. I also want to share my love and affection for all of my family members, and I will be watching over you in heaven with my prayers. Now, I can be your intercessor of prayers to my dear Lord, Jesus. Keep the Lord first in your life, and you too can follow in my footsteps into heaven.”


Sunday, July 23, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, My sheep know Me by My voice of love, just as a real shepherd leads his flock. I am the Master and you are My sheep. The student cannot be greater than their master because you are all learners from Me. Everything that you do by yourself comes to nothing. Only by working with Me can you really accomplish anything of lasting value. It is enough for you to put your trust in Me for all that you do. I will help provide for your work, your food, your clothing, and your shelter. So have no fear because you are worth more than the birds of the air or the lilies of the field. I will provide also the grace that you need for your soul, just as I provide for your body. I have loved you all so much that I have died for your sins, and you can repent of your sins in Confession to renew any lost graces. I also want you to pray for your bishops who are the shepherds of your immediate dioceses. They are responsible for the care of the souls under them. They need to follow My words to St. Peter: ‘Feed My sheep’.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is another vision of an earthquake in California that could kill or injure many people on a bridge. Several bridge collapses did kill many people in the last big earthquake, and it could happen again. There have been some improvements to your bridges, but a large earthquake could still cause considerable damage. The people in California are familiar with multiple tremors that they see daily. Instead of taking this as a sign to leave, many have accepted it as normal, and go on with their lives not thinking that a larger earthquake could kill them. It is natural on these active plates to see a lot of movement, but it is better to live away from them than keep working right on top of them. Because of their foolishness and increasing earthquake activity, you could see many deaths when a substantial earthquake happens near a major city. I can only repeat My warnings to not live on faults and move away from water to avoid the coming natural disasters. Those, who do not heed My words, could become the next statistic of death in what is to come.”


Monday, July 24, 2006: (St. Sharbel)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (Matt. 12:38-45) I told the people who were looking for a sign that there was a greater than Jonah and Solomon standing before them. They had seen the signs of My miracles in healing the sick and even raising the dead, and still they were asking for a sign. Even the people of today are looking for signs of My coming, but I am already present to them in every tabernacle with My consecrated Hosts. You have your Lord and Master available to adore and worship in My churches, but I am alone and almost unnoticed except for My daily Mass people. If you truly love Me, you could visit Me and say how much you love Me more than once a week on Sunday. All of those people, who pray and visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament daily, are making up for those who do not come to Me or do not pray. I am grateful for the few who come to Me, and they will be rewarded in heaven for their love for Me and their fervor of faith in My Real Presence. The people of My day did not have the understanding through the Holy Spirit to know that I was the Son of God. But today you all have the Scriptures, the blessing of the Holy Spirit, and the faith in My Real Presence, and you still do not come to adore Me in My tabernacles. Read this Scripture in Matthew to understand how I am standing in your midst even now.”


Tuesday, July 25, 2006: (St. James)

Jesus said: “My people, sometimes man has his own idea of how life should be, and he prays to Me for things just as he desires. You must realize that I know what you need before you even ask for it. But then you may want more than you need, or you want something that may harm your soul in the end. It is for this reason that I do not always answer certain prayers with a ‘yes’, but only a ‘no’ at times. I see that your real needs are cared for, but those things that may corrupt your soul, I do not provide. It is better for you to follow My Will for your life and soul, because this is My plan for what you are to accomplish. When you only want to do your desires, it is difficult for Me to have you accomplish your intended mission. It is better for you to pray that My Will be done, and just accept what is best for your soul. When you obey My Commandments, and follow My example, then you will be storing up treasure in heaven. Do not have high expectations for receiving more than you need or deserve so that you do not despair or get angry with Me for not receiving more. Be satisfied with your lot that you are serving Me in the best way possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, your computers have speeded up your banking transactions, but they are vulnerable to hackers, lost records, and power outages. With some of your hot days and lightning storms, you have seen several major blackouts. Without electricity your banks would have to resort to paper transactions again, and it may be difficult to find old balances unless there was a backup power supply. The other vulnerability of your microchips would be when your government would force mandatory chips in the body for buying and selling. This coming mark of the beast will be the means that the Antichrist will use to control the world. These chips are also sensitive to solar flares and electromagnetic pulses that could destroy them. Such a dramatic natural disaster by a comet will be My means of conquering the evil one’s plans, and I will then renew the earth for My Era of Peace. No matter how hopeless it will appear when the evil ones take control, have faith in Me because their days are numbered before they will be chained in the flames of hell. Refuse to take any microchips in the body, even if they threaten to kill you. Call on My help and you will be saved.”


Wednesday, July 26, 2006: (St. Ann and St. Joachim)

Jesus said: “My people, in My Church there is an attack going on against teaching in the Catholic Schools and the traditions in My Church, and it is being caused by the demons who are inspiring it. Your churches are under constant renovation to remove the statues, crucifixes, and now even the pews. The grand scheme is to destroy the faith of the people and prevent the training in faith of the next generation. As evil progresses, you will see governments start to attack churches and remove them as in the communist countries. This is when you will need prayer groups and Masses in the homes. The persecution of religious people will worsen until you will have to flee to My refuges for My protection from the evil ones. As you see these stages in the attempted destruction of religion, know that you will soon be entering the age of tribulation right before I will return in victory over all evil. Keep faith and hope in Me for this reign of evil will be brief before the evil ones will be destroyed and cast into the flames of hell.”


Wednesday, July 26, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, there is a genocide going on in African countries where militant Islamic people are deliberately killing Christians. You may not understand the customs and tribal cultures of these countries, but the open killing, that is going on, is much more horrific than all of those killed by Israel. The International News has hardly lifted a finger to show the real cruelties of how Christians are being slaughtered with machetes, and no one seems to care. America only goes to war over oil or drugs, no matter if others are being killed in Africa. The one world people are directing America’s wars even when there is no cause for war. Their goal is to bankrupt America, and destroy its military, and they have made America ripe for takeover. Pray for America not to follow the one world people’s plan for more wars and self-destruction. Instead follow My plan of giving everything over to Me, and your reward in heaven will be worth more than any earthly rewards.”


Thursday, July 27, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this war in Lebanon has gone beyond suicide bombers and stone throwing to a near full military attack. The militants are being emboldened by Israeli withdrawals and weapons coming from Syria and Iran. Because the militants are part of the Lebanese population, they are drawing Israeli attacks against nearby civilians. But the militants are killing innocent civilians also in Israel, even as other insurgents are killing civilians in Iraq. With these attacks there are no real battle lines and many people are being killed and their homes destroyed. The hatred between Arabs and Israel will only worsen with increasing killings. Since Israel is defending itself, other nations have a hard time interfering, even though more are calling for a cease fire. This war will continue as long as the militants are supplied with weapons and their food. It is the combatants themselves that will determine any cease fire, as each struggles for any military advantage. Pray that these hostilities cease and that some peace mission could bring these parties to a peace table. Without any desire for peace, this war could involve other nations in a short time.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, war always breeds death and destruction, and it is a tool of the devil to divide and conquer. This latest attack against Israel has been sponsored and supported by Iran and Syria who are declaring a holy war against everyone that is not of their religion. Their war is not only against Israel, but indirectly the West because Russia and China are where they get their weapons. This conflict could very easily get larger and bring a possible world war. Keep praying for peace because the evil ones are beating the war drums once again.”

Jesus said: “My people, in Lebanon and Afghanistan you are seeing much use of tunnels and caves as protection from aerial bombardment and detection. These places of protection are being used in wars, but they could also be a good means for hiding from the evil ones in the tribulation time. I even told you that My angels would clear out caves and tunnels for your protection. When the Antichrist is allowed to have his reign, you will be fortunate to have My protection in the caves of the hills and mountains.”

Jesus said: “My people, oil and gas prices continue to rise because of the threats of war, and increased summer driving. When gas prices go higher, there are renewed interests in renewable fuels and alternative sources of energy. There is a continual argument among scientists over the global warming trend. Melting glaciers and record heat are very real, and power blackouts are becoming more common as well as fires in dry areas. Your energy sources are no longer cheap, and this part of your budgets will be increasing with time. Pray that all peoples will share those energy sources for a reasonable price so that everyone will have an opportunity for a comfortable life.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Native American Indians have had a hard life when they were forced to live on reservations. They have their own cultures that do not always want to use modern homes and technologies. Some have made a business of selling things without taxes. Others have profited from casinos. These people need to be left alone to live how they desire, even if it seems as a simple lifestyle to modern man. Pray for these people who have been abused and taken advantage of by those trying to make a quick profit at their expense.”

Jesus said: “My people, those of you, who have traveled in Middle East countries, have seen the very rich and the very poor. There are very few rich people and middle class. The bulk of the people do not have welfare and they have to work out a hard living just to survive. My people of America are very spoiled compared to the poor of the third world. Because they have little, it is easy for evil ones to get them to fight for a better life, even if they are being told a lie. The brain washing of hate for Westerners is ingrained in young children. Pray for these people in abject poverty that they will see that war and fighting will not make their lives better.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people go on summer vacations to park lands or campgrounds, there is a beautiful comprehension of the vastness of the beauty of nature. No matter how many roads, bridges, and homes that man makes, there is a special feeling that you have when you are close to nature in the wilderness. Seeing all of the mountains, streams, flowers, and wild animals helps man to see how he is just a part of this beautiful earth. It is man’s soul that sets him apart from all other animals. Being made in My Image is a special gift to man. I ask you to love Me and thank Me for your life in this beautiful home you call earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you earthly beauty all around you, but there is also an inner spiritual beauty that can be found in your souls when they are full of grace. Another beauty is My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. My very Presence in the consecrated Bread and Wine is difficult to understand other than by faith. But having My very Presence among you is more than you will experience beyond any human senses. When you pray before Me or receive Me in Holy Communion, you are having a taste of heaven which is a more beautiful spiritual experience than any earthly experience. By following My Will for you, you can have this experience forever in heaven. Live your lives so you may be saved with Me for all eternity.”


Friday, July 28, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this subject of women dressing immodestly is another sign of the depravity of your society. Many of your Hollywood actresses consider it fashionable to dress immodestly. Even nudity in movies and improperly clothed women are used in advertising. These same models are using surgery to enhance their appearances only for show. Immodesty in dress by women is a sinful action and can cause an unnecessary occasion of sin for others. This example by movie stars has affected your women in public, even when there are predator molesters being drawn to prostitutes. Women and men both need to dress properly, especially in the summer in coming to church, but even all of the time. Do not use such immodest dress just to attract others for selfish purposes. Men and women are susceptible to sexual weaknesses by the sin of Adam, so dressing your body properly is one more step to holiness.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large wave headed toward Florida is an indication of how Florida will again face major destruction from natural disasters. This large wave will be an unusual event in the Atlantic Ocean that could be triggered by an earthquake or a volcano. Hurricanes have struck Florida in previous years, but this state will be facing major devastation. America is about to endure some major problems from natural and enhanced causes. With enough damage as in Katrina there will be some damaging effects to your economy. Continue to heed My warnings to get back from the coastlines and away from earthquake fault lines. Pray for all the people who may suffer from these events, but there are many sins being committed in this state that are calling for My justice in punishment. Pray for repentance and conversion of your people so their souls are prepared to meet Me at their judgment.”


Saturday, July 29, 2006: (St. Martha)

Jesus said: “My people, there are two readings that could be used for today’s Gospel reading, but I chose to talk about the reading about Lazarus (John 11:11-44). I spoke these words to St. Martha: ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me, even if he dies, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die.’ This is not just a reading for funerals, but it is a core belief in why I was incarnated as a man to save all of humanity by My own sacrifice. Every person, who is born, must die in their body because of the consequences of Adam’s sin. But I am the New Adam who has conquered sin and death by My Resurrection from the dead. All of My followers, who are faithful to My laws of love, will also be resurrected in their own bodies just as I have given you My example. So do not focus so much on the things of this life, but focus more on Me and the things of heaven. Your life here is only temporary and a testing of whether you are holy enough by My grace to enter heaven. This is why living your life to follow Me will have its reward when you are resurrected in body to be with Me forever in heaven.”


Sunday, July 30, 2006: (Multiplication of loaves and fish)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel about My multiplying the five barley loaves and two fish was a precursor to My instituting the Eucharist for everyone’s spiritual bread. In each Holy Communion piece of bread you have My Body and Blood in My Real Presence. When you receive Me in Holy Communion at Mass, I am united with your soul, and I heal your sins and give you My grace of this sacrament, provided that you are free of mortal sin. This vision of almost a vault to protect My Blessed Sacrament is because of the attacks against My Eucharist. Some are not giving Me proper reverence, and even many do not even believe in My Real Presence. Still other more evil occult people are even trying to steal My consecrated Hosts to desecrate at their black masses. In time you may be called to physically protect My Hosts from physical abuse as religious persecution will be coming from all directions. You have a battle of good and evil going on that will be closing Catholic Schools and even My very churches. Guard your faith and My tabernacles from any evil attacks or abuses by calling on My help in prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, the souls of all of the innocent victims, that were killed in orchestrated wars by the one world people, are calling out for the injustice that they had to suffer. Many of America’s wars had the causes perfectly fabricated to trick the people into going to war, even if the evidence was false. These evil people are only interested in making money on wars, and they do not care who dies or not. Thousands could die for one of their causes, and all they care about is the money they could gain. In addition to the justice being called out by the souls of these dead bodies, My justice also is being called down on these evil ones. All America has had to suffer the consequences of these trumped up wars, yet none of your Congress people or Senators stand up to these evil societies to stop these war debts and the constant killing. America will suffer from natural disasters and wars, but your people need to take back control of your country from the rich by not giving them your money, or using national strikes. If these evil ones are not stopped, you may face martial law before your next presidential election. They are leading you to a world war, so pray for peace and refuse to support any more wars.”


Monday, July 31, 2006: (St. Ignatius of Loyola,Jesuits)

Jesus said: “My people, this first reading of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 13:1-11) speaks of hiding a used loin cloth in a deserted place. When it rotted, it was good for nothing. This was symbolic of Israel who was close to God as the loin cloth, but because of their idol worship and pride, they were also good for nothing in the eyes of God. The message, that I give to America, is this same message to Israel. America is prideful in your large economy and your military superiority, but you also will fall as into this bottomless pit, because you worship the idols of money, possessions, and self instead of worshiping Me. You have seen how the people of Europe rarely attend church services. This is the same trend in America where fewer are going to Mass on Sunday, and your churches and schools are closing for lack of priests and attendance. The people of America need to wake up with a spiritual renewal before it is too late, or you will lose your faith in Me. Wake up to the fact that without Me, you are literally good for nothing. See that without Me in your life, your accomplishments will mean nothing because they are being done for only earthly purposes. When you do everything for Me in total consecration, then you will be fulfilling the mission that I intended for your life, and you will store treasure in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your weapons scientists have developed a new satellite controlled underwater missile for destroying ships from a distance. In your latest wars both sides are trying out their latest weapons to destroy targets. The latest long range missiles for ground targets, antitank missiles, and antiship missiles have been displayed by Hezbollah with the help of Iranian weapons and Iranian technicians. Israel is using the latest laser guided bombs, artillery, and ship missiles. Despite the use of the latest weapons, still many civilians are being killed on both sides. This latest war does not have military front lines, but Hezbollah is firing rockets from civilian neighborhoods. Calls for a cease fire are not being heeded until Israel can have another buffer zone from rocket attacks. Yet with longer range rockets available, a buffer zone may not be workable. The killing of civilians is enraging the Arab nations to possible reprisals against Israel. Any widening of this conflict could lead to a world war. Pray for peace and a quick end to this current conflict before worse things could happen.”


Saturday, July 1, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, at times you can reflect on your sins, and a sense of deep personal guilt comes over your soul for how you have offended Me. You need to make a little time in your day for reflections, or you may never be moved to a need for the forgiveness of your sins. This vision of water is to remind you of how you were baptized with water and your sins were washed away. You are baptized into the faith only once, but you have My forgiveness awaiting you any time that you wish to come to Confession and have your sins washed away by the absolution of the priest. You have read the Gospel today of how I healed the Centurion’s servant, St. Peter’s mother-in-law, and I drove the demons out of many who were possessed. My healing of infirmities was to fulfill Scripture, but I also healed people’s sins many times before I healed their physical illnesses. Healing the soul of its sins is the most important because you need to keep your souls pure at all times since you do not know when I will call you home to judgment. I give you choices by your free will, but if you fall into sin, then you must face the consequences of your actions. I love you all so very much and I do not want you to despair in your sins or feel unworthy to come to Me for forgiveness. If you truly love Me as I love you, then you will focus your life on being holy in all that you do. Keep your souls pure by frequent Confession, and you can have a constant flow of My graces over you in washing away your sins. Remember to reflect on your love for Me throughout the whole day.”


Sunday, July 2, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, The Gospel reading is about healing and even about raising the little girl from the dead. You see much disease and death around you, and you are praying for your own healing and the healing of others. You need to be patient in your prayer requests because I answer your prayers in My time, and sometimes the answer is no because it may not be in My plan. When you pray in faith, pray for what is in My Will whether you would be healed, or another would be healed. Your health is a gift, and only when you fail in sickness or accidents do you really consider what good health is. Give thanks to Me every day that you are alive and healthy, but even the sick can offer up their sufferings for redemptive value of other souls. The second vision of these bodies dissected and displayed ultimately is a desecration of these bodies much like when you cremate bodies to ashes. There is some learning value in showing people how they are destroying their bodies with smoking and excess drinking, and not eating properly that causes heart attacks. The problem with man’s curiosity and his manipulations is that he now wants to act like Me and change nature to his liking. Using aborted babies for stem cell research, and changing genes in the DNA of humans and other animals are violating My plan for life and you are upsetting My balance of nature. Accept the beauty and perfection of My plan in nature and do not do things to alter what I have created. All of your plans eventually destroy nature by adding your imperfections.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is about how the one world people will use any means they can to cause a takeover of the world. Even if military or civilian people would lose their lives, these leaders would see them as expendable for their cause. This is why you need to send a continuous stream of prayers to heaven for peace in your world. Your rosaries are the best weapon to fight off these men who want to embroil you in constant wars for their own gain. By claiming that they have the right to fight terror anywhere in the world, they have given themselves a blank check to fight wherever they please. The American people need to take back control of their government by controlling the purse strings of support for any future war. War only adds to more killing and more profits for the one world people. Cease to follow those leading you to fight needless wars, and instead follow My plan for life and not that of the one world people’s plan for death.”


Monday, July 3, 2006: (St. Thomas, 41st Wedding Anniversary)

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who need to see something in order to believe it, as in the Gospel with St. Thomas. Yet a strong faith needs to be reassured over and over. You may not see Me in person, but still you believe in what is proclaimed to you in My Scriptures. Every time you receive Me in Holy Communion or visit My Blessed Sacrament, this encounter with My Real Presence calls out to you to respond as St. Thomas with ‘My Lord, and My God.’ In marriage also there must be a constant renewal of faith between each spouse. The strength of your bond of love with Me will enable you to strengthen your bonds in marriage to each other. Your fidelity in love for each other is enhanced by your faithfulness to Me in obeying My Commandments. Even if you have some disagreements, you have enough love for each other to kiss and make up. This is similar to your coming to Me in Confession when you can make up with Me also as I forgive your sins. Pray together in your married life and you will see how your love for Me will enrich your lives over the years. Those, who remain together over the years, are truly blessed with a human fidelity that is so delicate in your society of today. Love one another as I love you, and that permanence of your love will be its own reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Jews, who had Me crucified, were still worried that I would rise from the dead, or that My Body would be taken away by My apostles. They posted guards by the tomb and placed a seal on the large rock covering the opening to My tomb. I allowed man to kill My human Body, but then My death became a Divine sacrifice worthy enough to forgive all of mankind’s sins before My Father. I then proclaimed My victory over sin and death by rising from the dead in a glorified body. My Resurrection is a hope and an example of how all of My faithful will all rise again as well. This empty tomb was proof for all, that I arose and My later appearances confirmed My Resurrection to My apostles, even St. Thomas. The Jews feared Lazarus being raised from the dead because many came to believe in My teachings because of My miracle. Now that I rose from the dead by Myself, they were more afraid that people would convert to being Christians. That is why they tried to cover up the truth of My Resurrection by paying the soldiers to lie about sleeping and that My apostles stole My Body. This story still circulates today, but My apostles were the true believers by My witness before them. Many Early Christians had to suffer martyrdom and persecution for speaking in My Name. Believe in My Resurrection and how I have offered everyone salvation and an opportunity to come to heaven. Choose life by following Me on the narrow road to heaven, and refuse to choose death which could lead you to follow Satan on the broad road to hell.”


Tuesday, July 4, 2006: (Independence Day)

Jesus said: “My people, this day is celebrated in your country as a day of freedom from tyranny and persecution of one’s faith. Your Constitution and Bill of Rights were meant to guarantee your freedoms, but the one world people are struggling to take them away from you. You will see soon how much you will be willing to fight in a peaceful way to save your freedoms from these New Age tyrants. Your freedom to worship Me is being threatened every day in how you can witness your faith in public. Your forefathers have fought for your independence, but now evil men are distorting reasons to fight wars so they can gain power and profit from war. I ask you to fight with your spiritual weapons as your rosaries and other prayers to have peace instead of wars. Each of you have your own boat to struggle with on the seas of life. The large boat represents nations that also need to suffer through turbulent times. Freedoms can be distorted by men of power to subjugate those under them for their own profit. Refuse the mark of the beast in microchips in the body that will take away your freedoms. Your freedom of worshiping Me will soon be condemned so you will need to seek out refuges to avoid being killed. Freedoms will only exist until you allow tyrants to rule over you. Once you sell out your freedoms to martial law or threats of terror, then you are allowing a police state to take away your freedoms. Do not take up guns to defend freedom, but take up your rosaries instead to avoid killing.”


Wednesday, July 5, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, there are occasional earthquakes that occur naturally, but these also can be enhanced by the HAARP machine. The vision is about a coming huge earthquake somewhere in America that will split the earth for many miles. There will be little damage in the thinly populated areas, but some damage and deaths will occur in the cities that are affected. There will be little time of warning for this event except for a large boom. These natural disasters will take a large toll on your economy and present the one world people an opportunity for martial law. Pray for the conversion of souls in your country because your sins are bringing judgment against you. Have no fear of these evil ones because My angels will protect you and lead you to safety at My refuges.”


Thursday, July 6, 2006: (St. Maria Goretti)

Jesus said: “My people, this feast day of St. Maria Goretti shows you the faith and courage of a twelve year old girl who would rather die than lose her chastity. A man raped her and stabbed her to death even as she forgave him of his sin. This vision of a family together is an example of how important it is for the parents to instill the faith in their children by good example. Bringing up your children with the teachings of My Church is one of the most important tasks of parents in their responsibilities. Parents should be caring for the spiritual lives of their children’s souls, and even when they are older. Teaching them chastity and purity of heart is difficult in the dating years, but it is important to save their souls from the influences of your permissive society. Guard them from living together in sins of fornication or homosexual acts. Teach them also about avoiding contraception or any other means of artificial conception, even when they are married. Sins of adultery or any other sexual sins are against the Sixth Commandment and need to be avoided by everyone. Being chaste is an example for your children and should be a goal for all souls on your road to perfection.”


Thursday, July 6, 2006:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, these shadows around My Blessed Sacrament represent the evil spirits that are trying to stifle people in giving Me reverence and they are also trying to mute My Church’s teachings. In the name of discrimination the evil ones are trying to remove statues, crucifixes, and the Ten Commandments from public places. The evil ones are making laws to allow homosexual marriages and discourage anyone from talking about sin. They discourage any protests against abortion by threatening prison sentences. My people still need to speak out on the sins in your country and evangelize souls even under the threat of prison or persecution.”

Jesus said: “My people, I knock on the doors of your heart constantly so you could let Me in to be your Friend and Savior. It is a struggle to open so many cold hearts that have little love in their hearts and much sin on their souls. It is the few faithful that are open to My graces that I use to evangelize and pray for the rest of the cold hearts. They close the door to Me, but their curiosity readily opens the door to evil influences in the occult, New Age meditation, Ouija boards, and tarot cards. Pray for your people to repent of their sins and love Me instead of the evil ones’ temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Scriptures have proclaimed the truth of My Word in how to live holy lives. Tradition and My Scriptures are your foundation to hold fast to your faith. It is the evil ones who raise up heresies as the Divinci Code and other false documents to bring doubt to these basic truths. My Church faces many attacks from all sides to try and bring it down. I have told you many times that the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church, no matter how these evil ones will tempt man. Stay true to the faith and stand up publicly against all heresies.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are certain leaders of dangerous countries that thrive on controversy to get world attention. Missiles and nuclear weapons in these countries could pose a threat to peaceful countries around them. Iran and North Korea appear to be antagonizing Western countries almost to the point of war. Pray much for peace in your world so that these evil ones will not bring worse destruction on their neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, oil imports have become a necessity for many industrial countries to operate. The threat of war or sanctions in the Middle East has caused another round of price hikes in oil that is taxing some countries to buy the oil. America’s deficits suffer with every increase or speculation in the price of oil. Even a small threat to oil supplies could threaten more inflated prices for some transportation industries. Pray for no wars, and an ease in world tensions over energy supplies.”

Jesus said: “My people, the war or insurgence going on in Iraq and Afghanistan continues to wear down your people’s patience as more people are looking for ways to have your troops withdraw. Now some of your leaders are waving your dead soldiers as a reason to stay longer without any hope of the rest coming home. This war has long lost any justification and the one world people want it to last to make more profits. Your people can thwart this profiteering by the rich if you close the purse strings to this war.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your long rainstorm patterns are saturating and flooding states along the Eastern Seaboard. These rains are unusually heavy and can be attributed in part to warmer temperatures and your weather machines enhancing these storms. You see flooding from hurricanes, but these storms are not even tropical. Pray that these excessive storms subside so the refugees and victims of this damage can reclaim their homes.”


Friday, July 7, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision in the past shows you how life was much simpler, and still the people were happier than today. There were less drugs and crime than there is now. Abortion and homosexuality were frowned on by society. The morals in your movies and entertainment were proper with less violence, and little nudity or vulgar language. Even though you had less technology in those days, jobs had more security and your companies were not sending jobs overseas. The rich and the stockholders are ruling your jobs and your economy, and the middle class is being destroyed by sending the good paying factory jobs overseas. College education and health care are becoming so expensive that they are almost out of the range of the average people to afford. Companies are now stripping benefits of health and pensions from their workers because world competition with cheap labor is forcing it. The use of cheap and even slave labor in poor countries is being allowed to lower the salaries of all world workers. This is causing great stress on countries with a higher standard of living, and government expenses will be in further deficits as they have to cut services with less taxes collected. Pray for your people as it is becoming harder to make a living, and there is spiritual poverty in your souls with rampant immorality all over.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who love cell phones, remote devices for your TVs, and fast transactions at the bank, tollgates, and the workplace. This electronic marvel will be advertised for chips in the hand, and they will give people instant access to their money for purchases. The downside of these chips, that they are not saying, is that you will be tracked wherever you go, and the one world people will have the power of suggestion over your mind to do things that you may not want to do. In Scripture it states that those, who knowingly take the mark of the beast in the hand or forehead, and worship the Antichrist, will be cast into the eternal flames of hell. At one point the evil ones of your world will try to force everyone to have chips in your body, or you will be imprisoned and all of your digital accounts will be zeroed. Some will even be threatened with death for not taking this mark of the beast into the body. Those, who refuse these chips, will be sent to detention centers for torture and even martyrdom for their faith. When you see the authorities force chips in the body as mandatory, then you are to call on Me and your guardian angel will lead you to a safe haven refuge before they come for you at your house. At My refuges My angels will protect you, and provide for all of your necessities. Fear no evil because I will be victorious over all evil as I will prepare you for My Era of Peace. Refuse chips in the body at all costs so you can be brought to heaven instead of being condemned to hell.”


Saturday, July 8, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen terrorist plots in New York City, threats of sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program, and North Korea sending off a barrage of missiles. All of these threats of more war represent the darkness under the bridge in the vision. Instead of planning more wars or continuing the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, now is the time to build more bridges of peace. If both sides wanted to, they could reconcile their differences and live in peace. If love was on your agenda instead of anger and hate, then you could have enduring peace. Man has a choice to love his fellow man or not, so stop listening to the devil’s call for war and destruction, and seek out love and peace instead. This is the battle of good and evil in your world, so now is the time to pray in earnest for peace and the cessation of all of your wars of greed.”

Jesus said: “My people, in America you take food and water for granted. Your water is piped to you along with your gas. Electricity is available for your lights and air conditioners. Your grocery stores have every kind of food that you would want to buy. In Africa you are seeing poverty where many die of thirst and starvation. A fair number also are afflicted with AIDS and other diseases where they have little medicines for cures. Your heart goes out to these people who do not even have the bare necessities to live. This is why with all of your abundance of wealth, you should try and help the poor with your charity donations. The more that you help others, the more you will have the satisfaction that you are helping them to survive in a poor environment. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that you have. All of your necessities have been provided for, and that is why you should share your wealth with the needy. All of your charitable deeds will store a greater treasure for you in heaven.”


Sunday, July 9, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of My monstrance being raised high is to emphasize how I should be first in your lives. Your spiritual priorities are far more important than your worldly concerns and curiosities. Think of all the earthly things that you like to do the most, and they do not hold a candle to My mission for you on earth. The most important mission is saving souls and your own soul by your good example and evangelization. Start with love of God and neighbor, and everything that you do should flow from this love. The more that you get attached to worldly possessions, the more your mind and heart are clouded from performing your spiritual mission in life. Praising and adoring Me in love, and helping your neighbor in love should be your primary goals. By staying close to Me in daily prayer and if possible daily Mass, the more you will find spiritual strength to carry on with your life. As in St. Paul’s epistle, he stressed that his weaknesses are what made him strong because they take away your personal pride. You all may have a special thorn in the flesh, or a weakness that may get you down at times, but I always give you sufficient grace to overcome any difficulties. Have faith in My help and do not let physical problems get you into despair. I will always be at your side to lift you up and keep your focus on Me and eventually on heaven. Love is central in your life, and I am perfect love in your life. Even if you lose your friends or closest loved ones, you always have My love.”


Monday, July 10, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of joy in your eyes, does your joy come more from your lust for earthly things or a joy to be with Me? The prophet Hosea also wants his people to choose God over Baal. In today’s world the new Baal being worshiped is your possessions and your sexual sins which are another form of idol worship. Instead of searching to please your bodily senses, man should listen to the yearnings of his soul for Me. When you are in My presence before My Blessed Sacrament, you are at real peace that cannot be satisfied with worldly things. Follow your heart as it desires to love Me and praise Me for who I am. I am your Savior and your Creator, and everything comes from Me. Without Me you are nothing. At times man does not realize that your talents, your very life, and all that is around you has come from Me. So put your life and your priorities in proper order by following My Will for your life. Love for Me comes first before all of your earthly loves, so keep your focus on the One who loves you most in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have sent man out into the world to subdue it, but not to change it and abuse it as you see before you. You have set aside some unusable land as wilderness areas, but you are having a conflict between development and farm land. The more people multiply, the more food, water, and energy needs that you will need to provide for everyone. Man’s use of oil, coal, and natural gas are depleting finite resources without enough planning for renewable sources of energy. This is true of your water and fishing resources as well. The management of your land and resources need to take on different priorities than just greed for money by the rich. Many abuses in water and air pollution are already creating problems in large cities. Nature is not something man can put in a box and sell. It is a gift to everyone and not just the rich who try to control it. It is also everyone’s responsibility to take care of your environment so you can pass it on to your children in a useable form. Pray that man will stop abusing nature and the natural resources that you have been given freely. Focus your attention on your Creator, and keep nature in balance as I created it.”


Tuesday, July 11, 2006: (St. Benedict)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of pipes joining from all directions is to simulate the human body as it collects all of your sensory data and brings it to the brain. Many of your sins come from giving in to satisfy the desires of the body, but all of your actions come from the reasoning of your mind and heart. You all have been given free will, as you are made in My image. I or the devil do not force you to act against your free will. That is why at the judgment you will be held accountable for all of your actions. Knowing all things, I know the intention in your heart for all of your actions, even if you may do things for show to others. All of your senses, instincts, and desires are good and natural as I created them, but you need to act according to My Commandments without abusing your body with excesses or addictions. You also have been given the capability to love which should bind you with your God, and your neighbor. Just as you have a bodily nature, you also have a soul with a spiritual nature as well. It is this voice of your soul and your properly formed conscience that should rule over any requests of the body. You not only have a conflict between your body and soul, but you also are influenced by My Word and that of the devil. Because of your fallen nature from original sin, you are weak to sin that the body interprets as good, but the soul needs to discern as evil. This is the constant state of man where he is torn between doing good or evil every day of his life. But I give you grace in My sacraments to lead a holy life in conformance of your will to My planned mission for your life. I do not force you to love Me, but I leave you free to choose to love Me of your own free will. Those, who do follow Me, will receive their eternal reward in heaven. Those, who refuse to follow Me, will bear the consequences of their evil actions in hell. Choose life then for your eternal happiness with Me.”


Wednesday, July 12, 2006: (Mary Ann Magin Stewart’s funeral)

Jesus said: “My people, this separation of the body and soul is portrayed in the vision as separating train parts. When you are released from the cares of the body at death, you are left naked in your soul body with all the actions of your life as your only possessions. This is why it is important to do as many good deeds as possible out of love for Me and your neighbor. At your particular judgment when you come face to face with your Master, you will have to make an accounting for all of your actions in your life. Your good deeds will be balancing off some of the punishment due for your sins, and they could lessen any possible time in purgatory. Your prayers and reverence that you gave to Me in My Blessed Sacrament will show Me how much you love Me. My special adorers receive protection from the evil ones, and I will have a special reward for them in heaven. Stay close to Me during life, and it will go well for you at your judgment when I will fulfill all of My promises to you of salvation. Those, who choose to follow Me in their life, can look forward to sharing their love eternally with Me in heaven. So with Me there is no fear of death because you know that I will keep My Word and bring you into heaven. Your love for Me is the most important gift that you could give to Me. I never stop loving you, and I want you to never stop loving Me either.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the red horse of Revelation is a sign to you of where you are in Revelation leading up to the time of the Antichrist. (Rev. 6:3-4) This sign of the red horse is a sign of war which could spread to a world war over energy sources. The war in Iraq and Afghanistan is not changing and more elements are leading to an ethnic battle between the Sunnis and the Shi’ites. Problems with nuclear weapons in Iran and North Korea could lead to further tensions for a world war. The evil ones continue to stir up trouble between various nations and religious sects. Your best solution is prayer for peace using your rosaries as weapons against the evil ones. Trust in Me that if there were enough prayer, your wars would cease. Because of man’s pride, greed, and selfishness, you are marching down the path to a world war which will prepare the way for the coming Antichrist.”


Thursday, July 13, 2006: (St. Henry)

Jesus said: “My people, since the days that I sent out My apostles until the current time, your travel methods have changed dramatically. The one thing, that has not changed, is My personal invitation or calling to My messengers and those with vocations to the priesthood. Each person has free will to either accept My calling or reject it. I pray that each person, who has been called, would give Me some prayerful discernment, instead of just a refusal out of an inconvenience to their lives. Those, who have no meaningful reason to refuse My calling, are really committing a sin of omission for not answering My mission for their lives. Each of you have been given talents for a mission that I have planned for you, and when you reject My mission to do your own plan, you are like the man I condemned for burying his talent. Those, who do accept My calling to be a messenger or a priest, will receive a prophet’s reward in heaven. My priests and messengers are meant to spread My Good News in bringing My Gospel to everyone so souls can be saved. They may not realize how people are saved, but I am working through their words as an instrument of salvation. Give thanks to all people who answer My call to be messengers, or a call to the religious life.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, when you take time to give Me worship and praise, you are placing Me first in your lives. I have given you My gift of My Real Presence in every Host that has been consecrated at a Mass. You have many earthly distractions and temptations of the devil that try to gain more of your attention than Me. Your God and Savior is the most important part of your life among all of your experiences. I love you and desire to be with you in My Eucharist until I come again.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the damage of the ravaging fires in California. Fire has a certain beauty in color, but it can endanger homes and lives in its fury. This color of fire can also be seen in battles of war as people and buildings could be killed or destroyed. Man has a choice between peace and war, but pray for peace all the more, especially in the latest battle between Hamas, Hezbollah, and Israel.”

Jesus said: “My people, the stairway to heaven is not always the same for every soul. Some need to struggle more in their spiritual lives because their steps are steeper than others. Other people are given an even simpler path of short, gradual steps. By the graces that I give you, I can see who can tolerate an easier life and who can tolerate more. The harder life, that some have to struggle with, means that My love is squeezing them closer. Follow My Commandments and surrender to My Will, and you will have the grace necessary to ascend these steps to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, as soon as you are born, you all have been given a number of years to live, and you are awaiting My day of judgment. The thought of your death is a part of your life just as much as your birth was. You all go through a life process from infant to youth to adult. It is what you do with your life that is so important to Me. You can follow Me and receive a heavenly reward, or you can follow your own life on the broad road to hell. Your soul desires to love Me and be with Me. Follow your soul’s goal and do not let the body interfere with your goal of being with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Northeast you have been tested with strong storms and much record rainfall in a short time. Many had to deal with flooded basements and flooded roads, but very few deaths have resulted from these storms. Unless you are physically tested with trials, it is hard to see how strong your faith is in trusting in My help. Call on Me in your difficulties and you could see miracles in My answer to your prayers. Trust in My protection and you will have nothing to fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are taking vacations to see the beauty of streams, mountains, and lakes in nature. Again these streams have a beauty that is hard to comprehend, but when they are out of control in swelling floods, these torrents can become deadly and damaging. Pray that your people will be protected from such flooding, but you will see increasing destruction from your natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many things that you like to accomplish in your life, and you busy yourselves with many chores and activities. Life is not about how much you can fit into a day, but it is about showing your love for Me and your neighbor in your actions. You reach out to Me in prayer and good deeds for others. You need to share your time with Me and others, and do not get so wrapped up in all of your earthly agenda. Search for things that will make you holy, instead of searching for peace in earthly pleasures. You will only find true peace in Me.”


Friday, July 14, 2006: (Blessed Kateri Takakwitha)

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the beauty of nature and I am showing you in the vision how beautiful butterflies can be in their colors. They have a very short life span of a few weeks, but they are one of the few insects that go through a metamorphosis coming out of a cocoon. This change from a caterpillar to a butterfly is similar to the change in your spiritual life after conversion and even more so when you will be rejoined with your glorified body at your own resurrection. I have given you My promise that one day My faithful will be resurrected. The difference from this butterfly is that your soul lives on forever because your soul is immortal. At your death your souls could still look tainted by your unforgiven sins. But once you are purified in purgatory and reunited with your body, you will look glorious again as you were when you were first baptized. Work hard in this life to accept My mission, and you will be converted to a new spiritual butterfly of beauty.”

Jesus said: “My people, this plain concrete church with the one ball of light represents My Real Presence in this church. It is not the structure that makes a church holy, but it is My very Presence in the consecrated Host that makes it holy. Every priest, who follows the proper wording of Consecration, can call down My Presence in the Hosts. It does not matter which church that you attend, because I am always present in My tabernacle. Even though you may prefer one priest over another, you are still receiving the same Eucharist at Holy Communion. Be thankful for every priest that you have to offer up Holy Mass. My Blessed Sacrament gives you My grace to heal all of the wounds of your sins. In order to receive Me worthily you must be free of any mortal sin, and recite your Act of Contrition for any venial sins. Give praise and thanks to Me that I give you My gift of Myself in every Communion that you receive.”


Saturday, July 15, 2006: (St. Bonaventure)

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are seeing the call of the prophet Isaiah as his lips were purified by the hot coals of heaven. All of the prophets and messengers that I call are meant to build up My Church as you have seen in the vision. Just as I said to St. Peter: ‘Feed My lambs.’ It is this call to preach My Word of the Gospel that all of My messengers are called to do. It is not an easy message to proclaim that all people need to repent of their sins. When My messengers tell the people to stop their abortions, stop their wars, and stop their sexual sins, they are going to meet resistance from the pagans who do not want to give up their bodily pleasures for the Gospel. Even coming to Sunday Mass is becoming an inconvenience for those that are spiritually lazy in their faith. My messengers need to wake these people up from their spiritual slumber, and move to change their lives back to one of My service. If My people are not striving to bring their souls to heaven, then they are refusing to listen to My prophets as well as My call in the Scriptures.”

Jesus said: “My people, a baby has their whole physical life before them. A baby soul is a new beginning also in their spiritual life. You are a baby soul when you are first baptized or converted, no matter how old that you are physically. Your spiritual life takes time to mature and develop your love for Me and your neighbor. Your physical life is but a fleeting moment in the history of man. Your spiritual life lasts forever, so by your actions, you are determining your eternal destination. Keep your focus on Me, because I am your only salvation. By following My Will and My Commandments, you will be on the right path to heaven with no fear of the evil ones. If you are to come to heaven, you must be faithful to Me as the little children. Trust in Me as a child trusts in their parents.”


Sunday, July 16, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw how I sent out My apostles two by two with little to take with them. They preached repentance for the soul, and they healed the sick. Today, I send out My disciples in the same way to evangelize those in your own family and those around you. This vision of a safety net is the same way that you could be there to help lead wayward souls back to Me. You may be called to help someone with a physical need. In your charity of good deeds you may see a deeper spiritual need. Do not be afraid to reach out of your comfort zone to help someone by sharing your faith in Me with them. They may be searching for a peace and rest that only I can satisfy in their soul. You can also pray over the sick or injured, and by My grace and in My Name some may receive the gift of healing. Even if a physical healing may not come, you may touch someone’s heart enough to cause a spiritual healing which is even more rewarding for your evangelization efforts. Pray much to be a safety net of support for people both in their sick bodies and in their sick souls.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, My life was full of new life in the birth of My Son, and sorrow at the death of St. Joseph and most of all My Son, Jesus’ death. I am honored that you have taken Me as the Name of Mount Carmel House. I want to thank all of the loving people who have made this ministry possible, especially Raoul and Rose. I know how difficult it is to endure someone’s passing away, but you all have made this a tender, caring ministry. You also care for the souls of your patients, and you give them spiritual comfort as well as physical comfort in their last days. In this way you are bringing souls closer to My Son so they are prepared for their judgment. Continue your good work in saving souls, and you will receive My Son’s treasure in heaven.”


Monday, July 17, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, My message of love and obedience should bring peace and harmony to a world of wars and greed. Yet, in today’s Gospel it is a hard message when I speak of My causing division between even members of the same household. If everyone had love in their hearts, there would indeed be peace all over the world. But as life sometimes is not all loving with free will, there are going to be family members who think differently and want to reject My Commandments of love. When some love Me, and some refuse Me, there is bound to be some dissension in the family. It is this division in viewpoints that can cause fighting in a family because of what each believes in their hearts. Those, who refuse to be obedient to My Will, are defying My control over their lives which they want to be the boss. This may come from a selfish attitude to keep everything for themselves, or there may be a lack of love in their souls for Me and others. When people of different thoughts are placed together as in a household, there will be a hard time to have peace and harmony. If people really want to have peace, they have to work on compromises to get along with each other. This is the same way with neighboring nations. Unless you have peace in your families, it will be very difficult to stop all of your wars between nations. Pray for the conversion of all sinners to come to know and love Me. Only in love will you all experience My peace without wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading of Isaiah you heard how much I was weighed down by the sins of the people in their wickedness and their idol worship. As you are witnessing now another war between Israel and Hezbollah, I again am becoming weighed down by your constant wars with little love in your hearts. Your sexual sins and idol worship of this world’s things are also weighing Me down. My little ones, why do you have so little faith in praying for peace in your world? I have told you many times that if you had the faith of a mustard seed, you could even move mountains. There are some who pray fervently as I listen to all of their intentions. You have much evil in your world and there are evil ones providing the weapons of war for a profit. These are the same ones causing these wars as well. The price of this evil is very high and yet there are not enough prayers to offset the occult influences at this time. It is difficult to bring total peace now, but you must not lose hope because a day of My victory will be coming that will defeat all of these evil ones. The more you pray and work to bring peace to those around you, the closer you will be to adding more peace to the world. You need to increase love in your hearts, and have less concern for the things of this world. By loving Me and your neighbor more, this love also can be spread all over the world by your example.”


Tuesday, July 18, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you heard Me condemning some of the evil cities of My time at the judgment. Even some cities were destroyed by fighting or various causes. They brought destruction upon themselves by a failure to repent and they continued in their sins. Just as individuals are held accountable for their actions at their judgment, so nations and cities are also accountable for their sins at the judgment. Some cities and nations have even received their punishment before the judgment time. All cities and nations all over the world are liable to this judgment. I am a God of mercy, but I am a God of justice, and the evil ones will not escape My punishment. Those, who are praying for their nation or city, are needed to make atonement for the sins of the people in that nation or city. I ask you to pray for poor sinners as one of your daily intentions. All of those evil ones, who are conspiring wars for their own gain, are the same ones that are on the road to hell, and they may lead their country or city down the same road to hell as well. Seek peace and good deeds instead of this greed for money and land.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been to see old churches in Rome and Jerusalem where parts of ancient mosaic floors were preserved as from an Early Christian Era. These museum pieces have been carbon dated back to the time just after My death. Just as the relics of the saints were honored and preserved, so many traditional objects have been saved from antiquity by My apostles and disciples. Many of these artifacts give more dated proof of the artwork of the Early Christians. Have faith and trust that My words of the Gospel have been preserved and passed on for later generations to follow My Word. These writings were carefully carried on by the monks until they could be printed in Bibles. Give praise and thanks to God for all of the traditions and writings that are your heritage and the deposit of faith.”


Wednesday, July 19, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, your churches have been going through some changes in the name of renovation, but in reality it is a defacing of many of your long standing traditions. These changes are just another step in removing reverence for My Blessed Sacrament. The vision shows how many pews are being replaced with chairs so churches could be used for other purposes. Communion rails have long been removed, altars have been destroyed, statues and crucifixes are gone, and My Blessed Sacrament is now in back rooms. Many devotions as the rosary and Benediction are rarely advocated. The emphasis has been put more on the table of offering than on My very Eucharist itself. There are some clergy and laity that do not even believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host and the Wine which are now My Body and Blood. My Eucharist is one of your core beliefs and you receive Me in Holy Communion at every Mass. Each Mass is a remembrance of My sacrifice of My life on the cross for the forgiveness of everyone’s sins. Without My sacrifice you would not have salvation, and the gates of heaven would not be open. This is why the corpus on My crucifix should be displayed openly on your altars, and My very Presence in your tabernacles should be in a prominent place in the main part of your church. It is I who makes your churches holy, and you need to honor your King with more reverence. If I came in bodily form to be among you, you would not hide Me in a back room where no one could see Me. See that there are those in My Church that are trying to minimize worship and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. It is time for My faithful to speak up to your priests that you want traditional reverence to be restored. If you do not change these pagan trends, then your churches will be no different than any other museum.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are witnessing major earthquakes underwater that again have caused tsunami damage and have killed over 500 people. You are also seeing the bursting of several volcanoes which have caused major evacuations as around Mt. Etna. The vision of dramatic volcanic explosions and continuous earthquakes are nature’s reflection of the violence of man in his wars and hatred for each other. These natural disasters are occurring more frequently. It is not even two years ago before you saw the damage of the first tsunami. Now today, you are still counting the deaths of a second tsunami in the same region. These people still did not have any warning system in place to prepare them for this tsunami. Pray for those who are the victims of these disasters, and pray harder for your wars to stop and for peace to come about. Until man repents and changes his hard heart to one of love, you will be suffering more hardships from your wars and disasters.”


Thursday, July 20, 2006: (Angela’s funeral, Connie’s sister)

Jesus said: “My people, death is a final loss for the body and a separation from the living, but for the soul it is a new beginning once freed from the cares of the body. Everyone, who dies, does not always have My Blessed Mother escort them to their judgment before Me. Angela had a great love for My Blessed Mother in her rosaries and in her work in the Legion of Mary. That is why I received both of them with joy. My Blessed Mother is an intercessor and an ambassador to plead your case of mercy with Me. As My Blessed Mother asked Me to provide wine for the marriage couple at Cana, so I will answer her requests for all of her devotees at death. I love all of My people, but there is an added love when you share the love for our Two Hearts. It will go much easier at the judgment for those who pray daily to Me and My Blessed Mother. Remembering Me in your prayers is your way of saying I love you to both of us. Rejoice in the comfort of coming to heaven for all who love Me sincerely.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, the reasons for starting another war with Israel seems very deliberate by the Hezbollah terrorists. They have taken advantage of Israel’s pulling out of Lebanon only to start the killing all over again. The struggle to remove the Jews at any cost seems to be the militants only recourse. These constant ethnic and religious wars are why man cannot find peace. Pray for a peaceful cease fire, or such a war could spread to other nations.” Jesus said: “My people, it is the innocent civilians that are being killed on both sides. It is also causing a mass exodus of people out of the way of the bombs and missiles. The longer this conflict goes on, the more people that are killed and their homes destroyed. There is also a possible influence of these events on oil and gas prices that could affect other nations. Continue to pray in faith for a cessation of these hostilities.”

Jesus said: “My people, the missiles sent off in North Korea and the nuclear materials being made in Iran are no longer on center stage with this latest conflict. But a hot war is even worse than a threatened war. Such a war is dangerous because of the possibility that other nations may come to the aid of these combatants. Many threats to peace are being stirred up by the evil one.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that it is taking so long to put a tsunami warning system in Indonesia that has been devastated by two tsunamis. Even some kind of simple siren would help those on the coast to get to higher land. If these poor areas do not have the financial means to set up such a warning device, then maybe the richer nations could donate such needed devices. This is another area where charity could save lives in a future event.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is the poor who are having more problems in financing mortgages to obtain adequate housing. It is the dream of many Americans to own their own home. Higher interest rates and high house prices are making it difficult to secure housing for the poor. As a result, you are seeing more homeless people, and more people seeking welfare help just to survive. Pray for ways for the poor to secure homes and jobs so they can have dignified lives without being controlled by your welfare state.”

Jesus said: “My people, many school age children are home for summer vacation, but they are wasting a lot of time watching TV cartoons instead of using their time more productively. Even adults have trouble with not using their time wisely. Time could be better spent on fruitful jobs, summer courses, reading, and even spiritual reading. Parents need to see that their children need to be supervised more in using their time instead of using TV as a babysitter. Use your time and talents to follow My plan for your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, pray that the harvest master sends more workers into the vineyard to bring more souls to Me in faith. It is difficult to find vocations to the priesthood, and it is also difficult to find teachers of religion for your children. Not everyone can afford to send their children to Catholic schools and that is why religious training is needed where there are no schools. Pray that teachers will come forward to pass on the faith to this next generation which is starving for God in their lives.”


Friday, July 21, 2006: (13th anniversary of the messages)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of nature is to show you how short your time is on this earth. There are some people with cancer and other terminal illnesses whose lives are cut off short, but they are given a blessing to prepare their souls for death and making their peace with Me for the judgment of their lives. Everyone from the day that you are born is terminal in that one day you are appointed to die. Even those living right now cannot guarantee that they will be alive tomorrow. I ask everyone to think for a moment as if you were a cancer patient with only a year to live. How would you live differently in preparing for your death? Would you go to Confession more often and pray more? Would you be more conscious of your sins and how you treat people? Even if you are not dying soon, you can still act in the same way because I could take you home at any time. You are not ready to live until you are ready to die and face your Master at your judgment. By trying to live according to My Will every day, you are indeed keeping your soul prepared for the day of your death.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of skull and bones refers to those who are behind many of the wars going on. America provides much of the armaments and parts for Israel to have powerful weapons, planes, and bombs. Iran sells oil to Russia and China, and buys bombs, rockets, and guns to give to their terrorist clients as Hezbollah and others in Iraq. All of these wars are planned by the rich to make money on war debts and the selling of arms. It is very difficult to have peace when such leaders profit from war. Even the commodities and oil prices are high because of the threat of war. Pray for peace and encourage your Congress people to vote against war to stop giving blood money to the skull and bones people.”


Saturday, July 22, 2006: (Fr. Elmer Heindl’s funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, you all have gathered here to pay tribute to a great priest in Father Elmer Heindl. He always thought little of himself, and instead he would rather give all the glory to God. Everyone, who heard his homilies and talks, were inspired by his great love for Me and his openness to put everything in My hands. This is a great message for everyone to follow Me and let Me guide your lives to heaven. He was truly a loving and dedicated priest in serving Me and his people. Even though he received great honors on earth, he has received even greater honors by us in heaven. The vision shows you how he is receiving his reward in heaven, even as he came here as every faithful person does through My death and Resurrection. Give thanks to Me for Father Heindl’s gift of life that he has shared with you for so many years.”

Fr. Heindl said: “I am excited and grateful to give you my last word and this is ‘love’. That is love of God and neighbor should be everyone’s calling. I truly am grateful and I thank all of you for coming to this Mass. I have spent my whole life bringing souls to Jesus, so having you all come to this Mass is a fitting tribute to my last moments on this earth. I have given the Lord many hours of service in my priesthood, and I am only sorry that I could not give him more. It gave joy to my heart to share Mass with the people and I loved all of the beautiful friendships that I had through life. I also want to share my love and affection for all of my family members, and I will be watching over you in heaven with my prayers. Now, I can be your intercessor of prayers to my dear Lord, Jesus. Keep the Lord first in your life, and you too can follow in my footsteps into heaven.”


Sunday, July 23, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, My sheep know Me by My voice of love, just as a real shepherd leads his flock. I am the Master and you are My sheep. The student cannot be greater than their master because you are all learners from Me. Everything that you do by yourself comes to nothing. Only by working with Me can you really accomplish anything of lasting value. It is enough for you to put your trust in Me for all that you do. I will help provide for your work, your food, your clothing, and your shelter. So have no fear because you are worth more than the birds of the air or the lilies of the field. I will provide also the grace that you need for your soul, just as I provide for your body. I have loved you all so much that I have died for your sins, and you can repent of your sins in Confession to renew any lost graces. I also want you to pray for your bishops who are the shepherds of your immediate dioceses. They are responsible for the care of the souls under them. They need to follow My words to St. Peter: ‘Feed My sheep’.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is another vision of an earthquake in California that could kill or injure many people on a bridge. Several bridge collapses did kill many people in the last big earthquake, and it could happen again. There have been some improvements to your bridges, but a large earthquake could still cause considerable damage. The people in California are familiar with multiple tremors that they see daily. Instead of taking this as a sign to leave, many have accepted it as normal, and go on with their lives not thinking that a larger earthquake could kill them. It is natural on these active plates to see a lot of movement, but it is better to live away from them than keep working right on top of them. Because of their foolishness and increasing earthquake activity, you could see many deaths when a substantial earthquake happens near a major city. I can only repeat My warnings to not live on faults and move away from water to avoid the coming natural disasters. Those, who do not heed My words, could become the next statistic of death in what is to come.”


Monday, July 24, 2006: (St. Sharbel)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (Matt. 12:38-45) I told the people who were looking for a sign that there was a greater than Jonah and Solomon standing before them. They had seen the signs of My miracles in healing the sick and even raising the dead, and still they were asking for a sign. Even the people of today are looking for signs of My coming, but I am already present to them in every tabernacle with My consecrated Hosts. You have your Lord and Master available to adore and worship in My churches, but I am alone and almost unnoticed except for My daily Mass people. If you truly love Me, you could visit Me and say how much you love Me more than once a week on Sunday. All of those people, who pray and visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament daily, are making up for those who do not come to Me or do not pray. I am grateful for the few who come to Me, and they will be rewarded in heaven for their love for Me and their fervor of faith in My Real Presence. The people of My day did not have the understanding through the Holy Spirit to know that I was the Son of God. But today you all have the Scriptures, the blessing of the Holy Spirit, and the faith in My Real Presence, and you still do not come to adore Me in My tabernacles. Read this Scripture in Matthew to understand how I am standing in your midst even now.”


Tuesday, July 25, 2006: (St. James)

Jesus said: “My people, sometimes man has his own idea of how life should be, and he prays to Me for things just as he desires. You must realize that I know what you need before you even ask for it. But then you may want more than you need, or you want something that may harm your soul in the end. It is for this reason that I do not always answer certain prayers with a ‘yes’, but only a ‘no’ at times. I see that your real needs are cared for, but those things that may corrupt your soul, I do not provide. It is better for you to follow My Will for your life and soul, because this is My plan for what you are to accomplish. When you only want to do your desires, it is difficult for Me to have you accomplish your intended mission. It is better for you to pray that My Will be done, and just accept what is best for your soul. When you obey My Commandments, and follow My example, then you will be storing up treasure in heaven. Do not have high expectations for receiving more than you need or deserve so that you do not despair or get angry with Me for not receiving more. Be satisfied with your lot that you are serving Me in the best way possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, your computers have speeded up your banking transactions, but they are vulnerable to hackers, lost records, and power outages. With some of your hot days and lightning storms, you have seen several major blackouts. Without electricity your banks would have to resort to paper transactions again, and it may be difficult to find old balances unless there was a backup power supply. The other vulnerability of your microchips would be when your government would force mandatory chips in the body for buying and selling. This coming mark of the beast will be the means that the Antichrist will use to control the world. These chips are also sensitive to solar flares and electromagnetic pulses that could destroy them. Such a dramatic natural disaster by a comet will be My means of conquering the evil one’s plans, and I will then renew the earth for My Era of Peace. No matter how hopeless it will appear when the evil ones take control, have faith in Me because their days are numbered before they will be chained in the flames of hell. Refuse to take any microchips in the body, even if they threaten to kill you. Call on My help and you will be saved.”


Wednesday, July 26, 2006: (St. Ann and St. Joachim)

Jesus said: “My people, in My Church there is an attack going on against teaching in the Catholic Schools and the traditions in My Church, and it is being caused by the demons who are inspiring it. Your churches are under constant renovation to remove the statues, crucifixes, and now even the pews. The grand scheme is to destroy the faith of the people and prevent the training in faith of the next generation. As evil progresses, you will see governments start to attack churches and remove them as in the communist countries. This is when you will need prayer groups and Masses in the homes. The persecution of religious people will worsen until you will have to flee to My refuges for My protection from the evil ones. As you see these stages in the attempted destruction of religion, know that you will soon be entering the age of tribulation right before I will return in victory over all evil. Keep faith and hope in Me for this reign of evil will be brief before the evil ones will be destroyed and cast into the flames of hell.”


Wednesday, July 26, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, there is a genocide going on in African countries where militant Islamic people are deliberately killing Christians. You may not understand the customs and tribal cultures of these countries, but the open killing, that is going on, is much more horrific than all of those killed by Israel. The International News has hardly lifted a finger to show the real cruelties of how Christians are being slaughtered with machetes, and no one seems to care. America only goes to war over oil or drugs, no matter if others are being killed in Africa. The one world people are directing America’s wars even when there is no cause for war. Their goal is to bankrupt America, and destroy its military, and they have made America ripe for takeover. Pray for America not to follow the one world people’s plan for more wars and self-destruction. Instead follow My plan of giving everything over to Me, and your reward in heaven will be worth more than any earthly rewards.”


Thursday, July 27, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this war in Lebanon has gone beyond suicide bombers and stone throwing to a near full military attack. The militants are being emboldened by Israeli withdrawals and weapons coming from Syria and Iran. Because the militants are part of the Lebanese population, they are drawing Israeli attacks against nearby civilians. But the militants are killing innocent civilians also in Israel, even as other insurgents are killing civilians in Iraq. With these attacks there are no real battle lines and many people are being killed and their homes destroyed. The hatred between Arabs and Israel will only worsen with increasing killings. Since Israel is defending itself, other nations have a hard time interfering, even though more are calling for a cease fire. This war will continue as long as the militants are supplied with weapons and their food. It is the combatants themselves that will determine any cease fire, as each struggles for any military advantage. Pray that these hostilities cease and that some peace mission could bring these parties to a peace table. Without any desire for peace, this war could involve other nations in a short time.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, war always breeds death and destruction, and it is a tool of the devil to divide and conquer. This latest attack against Israel has been sponsored and supported by Iran and Syria who are declaring a holy war against everyone that is not of their religion. Their war is not only against Israel, but indirectly the West because Russia and China are where they get their weapons. This conflict could very easily get larger and bring a possible world war. Keep praying for peace because the evil ones are beating the war drums once again.”

Jesus said: “My people, in Lebanon and Afghanistan you are seeing much use of tunnels and caves as protection from aerial bombardment and detection. These places of protection are being used in wars, but they could also be a good means for hiding from the evil ones in the tribulation time. I even told you that My angels would clear out caves and tunnels for your protection. When the Antichrist is allowed to have his reign, you will be fortunate to have My protection in the caves of the hills and mountains.”

Jesus said: “My people, oil and gas prices continue to rise because of the threats of war, and increased summer driving. When gas prices go higher, there are renewed interests in renewable fuels and alternative sources of energy. There is a continual argument among scientists over the global warming trend. Melting glaciers and record heat are very real, and power blackouts are becoming more common as well as fires in dry areas. Your energy sources are no longer cheap, and this part of your budgets will be increasing with time. Pray that all peoples will share those energy sources for a reasonable price so that everyone will have an opportunity for a comfortable life.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Native American Indians have had a hard life when they were forced to live on reservations. They have their own cultures that do not always want to use modern homes and technologies. Some have made a business of selling things without taxes. Others have profited from casinos. These people need to be left alone to live how they desire, even if it seems as a simple lifestyle to modern man. Pray for these people who have been abused and taken advantage of by those trying to make a quick profit at their expense.”

Jesus said: “My people, those of you, who have traveled in Middle East countries, have seen the very rich and the very poor. There are very few rich people and middle class. The bulk of the people do not have welfare and they have to work out a hard living just to survive. My people of America are very spoiled compared to the poor of the third world. Because they have little, it is easy for evil ones to get them to fight for a better life, even if they are being told a lie. The brain washing of hate for Westerners is ingrained in young children. Pray for these people in abject poverty that they will see that war and fighting will not make their lives better.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people go on summer vacations to park lands or campgrounds, there is a beautiful comprehension of the vastness of the beauty of nature. No matter how many roads, bridges, and homes that man makes, there is a special feeling that you have when you are close to nature in the wilderness. Seeing all of the mountains, streams, flowers, and wild animals helps man to see how he is just a part of this beautiful earth. It is man’s soul that sets him apart from all other animals. Being made in My Image is a special gift to man. I ask you to love Me and thank Me for your life in this beautiful home you call earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you earthly beauty all around you, but there is also an inner spiritual beauty that can be found in your souls when they are full of grace. Another beauty is My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. My very Presence in the consecrated Bread and Wine is difficult to understand other than by faith. But having My very Presence among you is more than you will experience beyond any human senses. When you pray before Me or receive Me in Holy Communion, you are having a taste of heaven which is a more beautiful spiritual experience than any earthly experience. By following My Will for you, you can have this experience forever in heaven. Live your lives so you may be saved with Me for all eternity.”


Friday, July 28, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this subject of women dressing immodestly is another sign of the depravity of your society. Many of your Hollywood actresses consider it fashionable to dress immodestly. Even nudity in movies and improperly clothed women are used in advertising. These same models are using surgery to enhance their appearances only for show. Immodesty in dress by women is a sinful action and can cause an unnecessary occasion of sin for others. This example by movie stars has affected your women in public, even when there are predator molesters being drawn to prostitutes. Women and men both need to dress properly, especially in the summer in coming to church, but even all of the time. Do not use such immodest dress just to attract others for selfish purposes. Men and women are susceptible to sexual weaknesses by the sin of Adam, so dressing your body properly is one more step to holiness.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large wave headed toward Florida is an indication of how Florida will again face major destruction from natural disasters. This large wave will be an unusual event in the Atlantic Ocean that could be triggered by an earthquake or a volcano. Hurricanes have struck Florida in previous years, but this state will be facing major devastation. America is about to endure some major problems from natural and enhanced causes. With enough damage as in Katrina there will be some damaging effects to your economy. Continue to heed My warnings to get back from the coastlines and away from earthquake fault lines. Pray for all the people who may suffer from these events, but there are many sins being committed in this state that are calling for My justice in punishment. Pray for repentance and conversion of your people so their souls are prepared to meet Me at their judgment.”


Saturday, July 29, 2006: (St. Martha)

Jesus said: “My people, there are two readings that could be used for today’s Gospel reading, but I chose to talk about the reading about Lazarus (John 11:11-44). I spoke these words to St. Martha: ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me, even if he dies, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die.’ This is not just a reading for funerals, but it is a core belief in why I was incarnated as a man to save all of humanity by My own sacrifice. Every person, who is born, must die in their body because of the consequences of Adam’s sin. But I am the New Adam who has conquered sin and death by My Resurrection from the dead. All of My followers, who are faithful to My laws of love, will also be resurrected in their own bodies just as I have given you My example. So do not focus so much on the things of this life, but focus more on Me and the things of heaven. Your life here is only temporary and a testing of whether you are holy enough by My grace to enter heaven. This is why living your life to follow Me will have its reward when you are resurrected in body to be with Me forever in heaven.”


Sunday, July 30, 2006: (Multiplication of loaves and fish)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel about My multiplying the five barley loaves and two fish was a precursor to My instituting the Eucharist for everyone’s spiritual bread. In each Holy Communion piece of bread you have My Body and Blood in My Real Presence. When you receive Me in Holy Communion at Mass, I am united with your soul, and I heal your sins and give you My grace of this sacrament, provided that you are free of mortal sin. This vision of almost a vault to protect My Blessed Sacrament is because of the attacks against My Eucharist. Some are not giving Me proper reverence, and even many do not even believe in My Real Presence. Still other more evil occult people are even trying to steal My consecrated Hosts to desecrate at their black masses. In time you may be called to physically protect My Hosts from physical abuse as religious persecution will be coming from all directions. You have a battle of good and evil going on that will be closing Catholic Schools and even My very churches. Guard your faith and My tabernacles from any evil attacks or abuses by calling on My help in prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, the souls of all of the innocent victims, that were killed in orchestrated wars by the one world people, are calling out for the injustice that they had to suffer. Many of America’s wars had the causes perfectly fabricated to trick the people into going to war, even if the evidence was false. These evil people are only interested in making money on wars, and they do not care who dies or not. Thousands could die for one of their causes, and all they care about is the money they could gain. In addition to the justice being called out by the souls of these dead bodies, My justice also is being called down on these evil ones. All America has had to suffer the consequences of these trumped up wars, yet none of your Congress people or Senators stand up to these evil societies to stop these war debts and the constant killing. America will suffer from natural disasters and wars, but your people need to take back control of your country from the rich by not giving them your money, or using national strikes. If these evil ones are not stopped, you may face martial law before your next presidential election. They are leading you to a world war, so pray for peace and refuse to support any more wars.”


Monday, July 31, 2006: (St. Ignatius of Loyola,Jesuits)

Jesus said: “My people, this first reading of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 13:1-11) speaks of hiding a used loin cloth in a deserted place. When it rotted, it was good for nothing. This was symbolic of Israel who was close to God as the loin cloth, but because of their idol worship and pride, they were also good for nothing in the eyes of God. The message, that I give to America, is this same message to Israel. America is prideful in your large economy and your military superiority, but you also will fall as into this bottomless pit, because you worship the idols of money, possessions, and self instead of worshiping Me. You have seen how the people of Europe rarely attend church services. This is the same trend in America where fewer are going to Mass on Sunday, and your churches and schools are closing for lack of priests and attendance. The people of America need to wake up with a spiritual renewal before it is too late, or you will lose your faith in Me. Wake up to the fact that without Me, you are literally good for nothing. See that without Me in your life, your accomplishments will mean nothing because they are being done for only earthly purposes. When you do everything for Me in total consecration, then you will be fulfilling the mission that I intended for your life, and you will store treasure in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your weapons scientists have developed a new satellite controlled underwater missile for destroying ships from a distance. In your latest wars both sides are trying out their latest weapons to destroy targets. The latest long range missiles for ground targets, antitank missiles, and antiship missiles have been displayed by Hezbollah with the help of Iranian weapons and Iranian technicians. Israel is using the latest laser guided bombs, artillery, and ship missiles. Despite the use of the latest weapons, still many civilians are being killed on both sides. This latest war does not have military front lines, but Hezbollah is firing rockets from civilian neighborhoods. Calls for a cease fire are not being heeded until Israel can have another buffer zone from rocket attacks. Yet with longer range rockets available, a buffer zone may not be workable. The killing of civilians is enraging the Arab nations to possible reprisals against Israel. Any widening of this conflict could lead to a world war. Pray for peace and a quick end to this current conflict before worse things could happen.”


Tuesday, August 1, 2006: (Alphonsus Liguori)

Jesus said: “My people, this cleansing image of a water fountain is more than just a symbol of Baptism, but it also represents how I can cleanse your sins at any time in Confession. The cleansing of original sin at Baptism put grace into your soul and welcomed you into My Mystical Body of the Church. But man is weak to sin by his fallen nature, so I have instituted the sacrament of Reconciliation so you could be renewed in grace and your sins cleansed through My forgiveness. It was My death on the cross that has ransomed all souls of their sins, but each soul needs to make a public statement in seeking My forgiveness. The priest is My representative before you in forgiving sins, and he is the one who absolves you of your sins and gives you a penance as a beginning payment for your reparation for sin. The sacrament of Reconciliation is a sacrament of grace and it can renew our love relationship that is broken with sin. Mortal or serious sin takes away all grace from your soul and you are then no longer able to receive Holy Communion until you can get to Confession. Do not commit sins of sacrilege by taking Communion in mortal sin. Do not rationalize your mortal sins as not serious sin. Many are committing sexual sins of adultery, fornication in living together, masturbation, or homosexual acts. These are all mortal sins and require forgiveness in Confession before you can receive Holy Communion. See that I love all of My children, but you need to return My love by keeping your soul cleansed of sin by frequent Confession. All of you have to admit that you are sinners, and therefore need to come to Me in Confession so I can wash away your sins and restore grace to your soul. Confessing your sins also removes any guilt of sin and puts your mind at rest that you have made restitution for your sins. You also can receive counseling from the priest to help you to avoid certain sins, or they can explain the Church’s teaching on various subjects. See the importance of this need to constantly cleanse your souls with My laver of grace, and do this out of love for Me in keeping your souls pleasing in appearance to Me at all times. This also will prepare you for the day when you will meet Me in judgment. Trust in My mercy and forgiveness, just as I want you to be forgiving as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is easier to destroy a building than it is to build one up from the ground. In the same way it is easier by demonic influence to destroy someone’s faith, than it is to convert someone to being a Christian. The evil ones use your weaknesses to sin and your earthly pleasures to bring you down to worship earthly things. I use love and grace to build up souls in faith to love Me. It is hard for man to overcome his bodily desires by the power of his own spiritual desires, unless he has access to My grace and My assistance. Trust in Me to do even the impossible, and you will accomplish great things in evangelizing souls. By prayer and My blessings, you can even overcome the demons in their work to destroy man. Focus on your mission to follow My Will, and great victories will be achieved over the evil ones in My Name.”


Wednesday, August 2, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I likened the Kingdom of God to a field of great value that a man sold everything he had to buy that field. The Kingdom of God is like a pearl of great value that another man sold everything to buy that pearl. These were parables, but there truly is nothing on earth that could be worth losing your opportunity to come to heaven. The value of heaven in the spirit world cannot be valued in earthly terms because heaven is forever and not temporary as this life. This is why I ask My faithful to make total consecrations to Me by giving all that you have in physical wealth, and even your friends and relatives over to Me. This means that I should be more important to you than anything else, and you would be willing to lose or give up anything to Me. To be faithful to Me in all that I ask of you to do should be your constant desire to serve Me on this earth. If I call on you to be a messenger or to be a helper of the poor, you should be able to drop what you are doing, and follow Me. This total consecration is similar to your giving everything or literally selling everything to serve Me. Some of the saints also sold all of their possessions to the poor, so they could be totally dependent on what I would provide for them. Some also have given even their very lives as martyrs to show their steadfast belief in Me. My faithful, during the coming tribulation, may also be called to give up everything and move to My refuges of protection. Trust in Me totally with your very own consecration because all of your earthly things are as nothing before Me in heaven. Strive to be holy, and seek to be with Me in heaven by all the loving things you do for Me in your prayers and good deeds.”

Jesus said: “My people, this grave at night is a sign of these evil times where death is all around you from wars and natural disasters. Terrorists are killing many innocent civilians as well as bombs from Israel. Some are dying from the excessive heat, while others are dying from earthquakes and tsunamis. On a given day there are some dying from cancer, old age, or heart attacks. Many, who are dying, may not have their souls ready to meet Me at their judgments. You do not know if you will see tomorrow from many causes of death. It is all the more reason that you keep your souls pure by frequent Confession. If your soul is full of grace instead of full of mortal sin, your mind will be at rest whenever I come to take you home. If you have mortal sin on your soul, it would be better to seek My forgiveness in Confession as soon as you could ask a priest. Live your lives as holy as possible, so you can store your treasure in heaven instead of accumulating your wealth on earth.”


Thursday, August 3, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, after your winter cold weather breaks into spring, you feel freed to work in your garden and be outside more. Even after a real heat wave, you feel free again to work outside with cooler weather. This exhilarating feeling of freedom also comes when you are released from your bonds of sin as you leave the confessional after receiving absolution of your sins. There are some sinners who have lost their shame of sin, and do not even feel guilty in the daily sins that they commit. These sinners do not have a properly formed conscience and they have no sense of right and wrong. They believe if others are doing sexual sins, that it is all right to continue doing the same. These are the blind leading the blind, and they have lost their faith in God. These are the same sinners who do not come to Mass on Sunday and rationalize any bad behavior by saying they are good people. These are the souls headed to hell because they worship the world’s idols and refuse to obey My Commandments. My faithful need to evangelize these sinners because Satan has blinded them about the seriousness of their sins. Those, who truly love Me and commit sin, do have a sense of guilt and they want to repair any broken love relationship with Me as fast as they can. These sinners are aware of their sins and have the desire to seek My forgiveness in Confession. The more you love Me, the quicker you will want to confess your sins to the priest. It is then when your grace is returned, that you have this spiritual joy of being fully united with your loving God. Work to avoid sin in your life, and keep your focus on pleasing Me by spending your time on things that add to My Kingdom and My greater glory.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, the situation with the latest war between Israel and Hezbollah is worsening as Israel is now trying to establish a twenty mile buffer zone inside Lebanon. There is a strong possibility that other Arab nations will try to defend Hezbollah from being destroyed. Even other militants are trying to start a war between Israel and Syria. This is why I want My faithful to double your prayer efforts that this war does not involve other nations. If you say three rosaries each day, then begin another three rosaries for peace in the Middle East.”

Jesus said: “My people, as wars between Arab nations and the United States and Israel continue, there will be a growing hate by the Arabs that could lead to an embargo of oil to the U.S. Even other oil nations are becoming more militant against the U.S. This could mean a large blow to your economy and may necessitate other oil sources or a quick speed up in alternative fuels. The trade repercussions of war could cause severe problems in many other nations as well. Again peace is your best answer to all of your oil problems, so continue to emphasize your prayers for peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the war in Lebanon you have seen scenes of people with plastic gasoline containers because of gas shortages. Already American gas is quite expensive, but there have not yet been any shortages. With the Middle East war and possible hurricane problems, your prices and gas supplies could be placed in jeopardy. Your economy consumes a lot of energy products and if these supplies are threatened, you could see inflation and recessions very quickly. This turmoil abroad will not spare you in your homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, your lives are very busy with your jobs and other responsibilities, and this takes a toll on your spiritual lives. This vision of a retreat house is a place that some could break away to visit for a weekend. This could be a well needed spiritual refresher for all of your faiths. Having some quiet time with Me can help ease some of your burdens and give you time to reflect on where you are in life. This time could show you things that you need to change in your life so you could bring yourself closer to Me in loving devotion to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, in earlier days it took great courage and steadfastness to go out West to pioneer a new land. In today’s world America is becoming more of a mission land where the faith has waned and there needs to be a spiritual renewal to bring back lost and lazy souls to Me. Being a missionary or an evangelist also takes courage and steadfastness because it is difficult for people to take My Word to heart and live it. If you are doing mission work, you need to have your soul strong in faith and grace because you will need to bear attacks from the evil ones. Saving souls is the most rewarding work that you could do for Me and especially for the souls that you save.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many reserves of the National Guard called up for your war in Iraq. You also have seen Israel calling up more reserves for their current conflict. As more troops of your country are being deployed all over the world, your reserves are thinning in numbers. Any new wars or commitments might bring back the draft to keep your army numbers viable. Deploying more of your troops abroad also is making your homeland more vulnerable to possible attacks. Pray for peace and work with your representatives to stop further wars that could kill your sons and daughters.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a lot of killing and injuring of civilians in war, and there is also a deep need for the necessities of life for those fleeing their homes. There are many agencies providing aid for these displaced people. Where you can help with some donations, then some could be cared for in their needs. Pray again for a quick end to this conflict so aid could get to where it is needed.”


Friday, August 4, 2006: (St. John Vianney)

Jesus said: “My people, all of heaven is looking down on all of your actions. If you feel little nudges to pray more or to speak out about Me in public, it is your angel and the voices of the souls in heaven that are urging you in any way to help save souls from going to hell. You have heard of this battle between good and evil, but many of you are so asleep in your own thoughts that you do not see the reality of how desperate the situation is on earth. I did not ask you to double your prayers for nothing, because there is a real threat of the evil ones in persecuting and killing My faithful. The one world people are using the Islamic militants to do their dirty work of a world takeover by killing people indiscriminately with no feeling of remorse. By terror killings and persecution of Christians, they will threaten your security to give the excuses for implementing the mark of the beast in your bodies. Refuse these chips in the body under any circumstances, and be ready to follow your angels to the nearest refuge for spiritual and physical protection. Your weapons are your prayers, rosaries, and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, and not guns and bombs. Killing in wars is of the evil one, and I am always advocating peace and love.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you watch on TV how Israel is destroying much of the infrastructure of Lebanon, there are now crowds in Arab countries burning the flags of Israel and the United States. Because America is not restraining Israel, you will be blamed as well for all the civilians killed, and all of the damage done to roads, bridges, and airports. Israel is destroying these targets so Hezbollah could be restricted in getting supplies and more rockets that are being used against Northern Israel. Even UN Resolutions have become useless in stopping Iran from making nuclear weapons, and they will be useless in stopping Israel as well. As long as Arab nations declare war against Israel, Israel will continue to defend itself. This could lead to a wider war of solidarity with the Arabs and make America’s presence in Iraq and Afghanistan even more precarious. Now you know why you are praying for peace in this area that has only known war over the years.”


Saturday, August 5, 2006: (Dedication of St. Mary Major Basilica)

Jesus said: “My people, it is fitting to honor My Blessed Mother on her feast day, and the First Saturday of this month. You have heard of the many Councils that have affirmed what is taught by My Church. Even as man has difficulty in understanding the Mystery of the Blessed Trinity, you have taken on faith that I came as a God-man to be your Savior by dying on the cross for all of your sins. My life is a historical fact that you have documented even in your dates by before and after My Presence. You have honored My Blessed Mother even as I gave her to be your Mother in the person of St. John the apostle. As she brought Me up in the ways of God’s teachings, so she can protect you with her mantle, and teach you by the example of her sinless life. Many desire to live according to My Divine Will as she did. That is why many consider her to be the New Eve, as I am the New Adam to bring hope into the world for salvation. My Blessed Mother was an inspiration to My apostles and disciples while she was alive, and now she is your inspiration in her life and her rosary for all of mankind. Rejoice in the gift of love of our Two Hearts to all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Hezbollah troops have been entrenched in caves much like the Taliban hid in caves in Afghanistan. This is why it has been difficult for Israeli soldiers to uproot these fighters, and keep them from firing rockets. My people, you may not be on the front lines fighting a physical battle, but you are on the front lines fighting a spiritual battle. Every time that you fight off a temptation, or you are persistent in praying your prayers, you are winning a battle over your earthly desires. The body wants pleasures and comforts, but the soul will go to great lengths to save itself with My help,as well as struggle to bring souls to Me in evangelization. Look at each day as a battle to stop your sins and work to improve your holiness by following My Will for your life’s actions. Then your reward will be peace and love with Me in heaven.”


Sunday, August 6, 2006: (Feast of the Transfiguration)

Jesus said: “My people, as you see Me before you in My Transfiguration, I want you to keep focused on Me in faith for all of your life. This feeling of complete love and peace is the same experience that I have shown all of those who have witnessed a little of heaven. Even when you receive Me in Holy Communion, you experience a small taste of heaven when I am united with your soul. I want to emphasize to you My all encompassing love which is unconditional and it reaches out to every person on earth. I love the good and the bad and I am here to forgive anyone of their sins in Confession. I want all of My people to love Me and others in the same unconditional love that I have for you. In today’s reading God the Father says: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to him.’ I speak the words given to Me by God the Father and it is all about love and peace. It is Satan who has planted seeds of dissension against Me. You are seeing wars all about you, but I always ask you to seek peace and stop any killing. I continue to ask for prayers for peace now more than ever. You are to love everyone, even your enemies. Pray for the conversion of all those who have anger and hate in their hearts. I want all of you to have My peace in your heart and soul, and do not let anything disturb My peace in you. Live in consecration of everything over to Me and follow My Will for your life in living out My mission for you.”


Monday, August 7, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the Statue of Liberty is a focus more on your spiritual freedom than on your physical freedom. You have free will as a gift from Me, as you are made in My image. You can choose to love Me and follow Me in what I want you to do, and you will receive a prophet’s reward. You also have the freedom to sin against Me in your own thoughts and actions, but these will have consequences of punishment. I am always loving and merciful, even in your sins, and I am waiting for you to come to Me and repent of your sins. I am always willing to forgive you, even of serious sin because I know of your weaknesses. When you stay close to Me in daily prayer and when possible daily Mass, I can mold you and use you in building up My Kingdom on earth in My Church. Follow My priests when they are teaching rightly because they are your source of grace through Me in giving you the sacraments. My Word in Scripture is important to show you how to live a saintly life, so Bible study can help your spiritual understanding of life. Rejoice in this freedom that I give you, but do not abuse it by making the wrong choices. In the end you will have to be accountable for all of your choices at My judgment. So call on My help every day to be strong in your faith and avoid sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of locked doors to a basement is a sign of the coming tribulation and the need to hide at a refuge. The keys to the door are the signs of when to go to the refuge. I have given you the sequence of events before going to the refuge that will start with the Warning experience. After the Warning there will be a time of conversion. This will be followed by three events happening about the same time. First there will be a world famine which will be contrived by forcing people to buy food with the mark of the beast. The second will be a major division in My Church between the schismatic New Age church and My faithful remnant. The third event will be the mandatory use of microchips in the body where those, who refuse them, will be placed in detention centers. When these events occur, I want My faithful to call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you to the closest refuge of protection. By going to the refuge before they come to your house, you will not face martyrdom when they cannot find you. Trust in My victory over evil since their reign will be brief before I will destroy them in the flames of hell.”


Tuesday, August 8, 2006: (St. Dominic began rosary devotion)

Our Lady said: “My dear children, you are honoring St. Dominic today and I asked you to do a little research on how he was at the beginning of my rosary devotion. He used the Marian Psalter of 150 Hail Marys to help fight the Albigensian heresy. The rosary, as you know it today, is a powerful weapon against evil and demon influence. There are evil influences even in the Church that are trying to put down my rosary devotion because Satan knows the power of the rosary. Those, who are against my rosary devotion, are being prompted by the devil. These are the same evil ones trying to destroy the traditions of the Church, and ultimately ruin the faith of the faithful. Pray for their souls that they may be converted from their evil ways. My Son, Jesus, has revealed to you how serious these wars have become in the Middle East. That is why He was suggesting to his prayer warriors to double their rosary prayers for the cause of peace in this world. As evil will worsen to the time of the tribulation, you will see an Arab leader, influenced by Satan, take over the world as the Antichrist. This will be a fulfillment of Scripture, but your rosaries will protect you from the evil one’s influence. Pray my rosary daily as your spiritual weapon against the evil ones. This devotion is not old-fashioned as some would have you believe, but the devil uses all of his modernism tricks to try and stop my devotion. So it is the oldfashioned temptations of the devil to stop your prayers that really is the problem in your society. Do not let these evil ones disturb your spiritual peace, but continue your rosary prayers for all of my intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, putting a large crucifix on the altar shows the people how much I love them that I would give My life up as a sacrifice for all of their sins. My death is a ransom for the salvation of every soul that ever lived. The Mass is a sacrificial offering, but I died only once. You remember My death in the Consecration of bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This desecration of My crucifix by fire in the vision represents how many crucifixes are being removed in the name of renovation or modernization. Many of your traditional statues and even the pews are also being removed. All of this tearing down and closing of My churches is a sign of how weak the faith is becoming in low attendance at Sunday Mass. My faithful have seen the attacks on the reverence of My Blessed Sacrament. Soon you will see more attacks from your government on tax exemptions, and any protest against abortion or homosexual sins. As a result, your religious freedoms will be taken away as you will be forced to worship New Age gods and eventually the image of the beast. Of course My faithful will reject such worship and only worship Me in your homes and eventually at My refuges. This evil reign of the Antichrist will be brief before I come to chain the evil ones in hell. I will then renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace. Do not fear the evil ones because I will guard your souls, even if you are forced to die for your faith. Never give in to the evil ones no matter how they threaten you or your family.”


Wednesday, August 9, 2006: (Edith Stein)

Jesus said: “My people, this dove over a person represents that each one of you are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. I have told you before where one Person of God is present, the other two Persons are there also because We are One and inseparable. So in essence you are not just a Temple of the Holy Spirit, but you are a Temple of the Blessed Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is Our Presence that animates your being and allows it to have your existence. This is a reminder that without Us, you literally would be nothing at all. You are a creature of God, and just like all other creatures of My creation, you have a plan for your life, or a purpose and mission for My creating you. I am with you always to inspire you to follow your mission when you give your life over to My service. Those, who reject My plan in serving Me, will join Satan and the evil angels who also refused to serve Me, and they are in hell as their punishment. I love everyone and I seek all of you to live in harmony and love, and not war. Evil may have its way for a time, but the time is short when I will return in victory over all evil persons and the demons.”


Wednesday, August 9, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is about the coming Warning experience that everyone will have at the same time. This will be an out of body experience and you will see My Light first, followed by a review of all the actions of your life. You will experience joy for the good things that you did for Me or others. But you will experience grief, guilt, and sorrow for sins that offended Me and others. You will desire to seek forgiveness from Me for your sins, and from those that you offended in life. You will also see the need to forgive those whom you have not yet forgiven in life. After your life review, you will see the big picture of your life and the current direction of your soul to heaven, purgatory, or hell. I will show you the mission that was given to you, and how well you have accomplished what I desire for you, and what is remaining to be done if you want to serve Me. I do not violate your free will, but I will show you what to do to achieve purgatory’s minimum, and heaven’s goal of following My Will. You will then be placed back into your body to finish the rest of your life. You can choose to live a holier life to gain a higher place in heaven, continue the status quo, or some may refuse to serve Me, and continue on to hell. These are your choices, but see this Warning as a mercy of Mine in giving you a second chance. So do not waste this opportunity to improve your eternal destination.”


Thursday, August 10, 2006: (St. Lawrence)

Jesus said: “My people, there is much beauty in My creation and there are many attractions for buying all manner of things from electronic items to cars and homes. While these things are useful in life, some people use them as status symbols or they work all of their lives searching for such possessions, pleasures, and comforts. Instead of focusing on so many earthly things, you should be focused on Me and how best to serve Me. The things of this life are temporary and soon stop working or become obsolete or out of fashion. This is why some have a constant urge to buy the next newest and greatest possession. When you focus on Me, only heavenly treasures have any real lasting value. This is why fulfilling My mission for you, your prayers, and good deeds for others are more fulfilling to those seeking a spiritual peace. It is not easy in your material world to have religious fervor in serving Me. Yet those, who seek to be with Me in heaven, are the same ones who seek to please Me in everything they do. So contemplate the beauty of heaven as even more desirable than anything that you could desire on earth. When serving Me is more important than serving yourself, then you will be moving closer to Me on your path to heaven.” Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, how long will the killing continue in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Israel? The Muslim militants are fighting America and Afghanistan with suicide bombs and car bombs. Hezbollah is fighting Israel with Iranian rockets. Many of the deaths are innocent civilians, and fewer deaths are the combatants of soldiers and militants. It is this vision of a body burning from bombs that is difficult to see on your TV every day. I continue to ask you to pray with deep fervor for peace in this region before worse things could happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to determine the reality of these planned terrorist activities. Yet it has raised great concern in American cities and other countries as to what passengers could take on the planes. Similar threats using liquid bomb making materials have limited any liquids from being carried on to the plane. Many such incidents could be manufactured to create an opportunity for martial law. Already your military has been called up in three states with a heightened terrorist warning. Be prepared every day in prayer for what you will be facing.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is curious that when the people are becoming more opposed to the war in Iraq, that more planned terrorist attacks suddenly appear on the scene. Many lives and billions of dollars are at stake in these wars. The rich, who profit from wars, want the wars to continue, and they will use any means possible to promote the nebulous war on terror. My solution is prayer for peace and stop voting for more wars. Killing does not solve any problems, and it is a tool of the devil to destroy man.”

Jesus said: “My people, plagues of various insects and bugs will be testing the people as the days of Revelation proceed. There have been many locust infestations and the more they occur, the more pestilence and famine that you will see world wide.”

Jesus said: “My people, these cell towers are not just used by phones. They will be very integral in using GPS microchips in the body for buying and selling as well. All of the surveillance cameras are not just for traffic control, but they are a means for tracking your every move as in a police state. Your privacy in phone calls is gone because every call is monitored, even against your laws. Mandatory smart cards in driver’s licenses and passports are almost a reality. When you have another major terrorist incident, mandatory chips in the body will soon follow. Refuse any chips in your body even if they threaten to kill you, because these chips could control your mind.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to find a quiet place for contemplative prayer. You have many distractions from TV, radio, phone calls, and people talking that can take you away from your prayer time. Just as I retreated to the quiet of the mountains for prayer, you also must find some quiet rooms to concentrate on your prayer time. If you do not make time for Me specifically, you will see that the events and desires of the world could keep you occupied all the time. Your prayer time is very precious, so do not let the outside world take it away from you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the declining numbers of vocations to the religious life is another symptom of how your society is becoming more pagan and materially oriented. Where there is Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament and vocations are encouraged, you will see enough priests and nuns come forward. When spiritual devotions and traditions are discouraged, and when parents discourage their children from following their vocation, how can you have the proper environment for new priests and nuns come about? In essence I have called the same numbers to the religious life, but many of those called are not following up to do the mission that I have called them to do.”


Friday, August 11, 2006: (Funeral Mass of Lydia’s son John, 50)

Jesus said: “My people, a death in the family is always traumatic for all the loved ones left behind. It is even more disturbing in view of the circumstances of this death. People that require medicines for chronic illnesses have even more to deal with than everyone else. There is always love in My heart for everyone, and My mercy shines down on every soul at their death, even despite their sins. Pray for John’s soul because he is in deep need of your prayers. Many do things that they are not in complete control of their actions, and this is why My judgment is more merciful than man’s judging. Pray and give comfort also to the family and loved ones that are bereaving the loss of John in their lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who spend hours being entertained by your televisions. The new televisions only enhance this experience. I have told My faithful to put a limit on their TV watching so you can leave some time for Me in your prayer time. Many of these shows can be occasions of sin in the language and provocative clothing people wear. Better to watch better shows and less of them. Also guard your children and grandchildren from watching demonic or shows unfit for younger viewers. By guarding your eyes and their eyes, and limiting your watching time, you will be in control, instead of the TV controlling you.”


Saturday, August 12, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in the approaching time of tribulation you will see an evil that you have yet to see which could be likened to the power of a black hole in space, as in the vision. Satan, the Antichrist, and the second beast will be allowed a time of their reign, but it will be shortened for the sake of the elect so that they could be saved. In the Gospel I told My apostles that if they had the faith, the size of a mustard seed, they could do even impossible things in the eyes of man. So it will be during the tribulation when My faithful remnant will be protected by My angels at the refuges of protection. The evil ones will not be able to see you, or detect you in any way. Once this time of evil is over, I will bring My victory over the evil ones and I will renew the earth of all of man’s abuses. You will have an Era of Peace as I intended life to be before Adam’s sin. Rejoice in My coming victory which gives hope to all of My faithful who are trusting in My protection from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest invasion into Lebanon will take many lives on both sides. Israel is trying to establish a buffer zone to stop the rocket attacks, but it will be costly land to take over, and Israel will find it difficult to give such land over to any peacekeepers. This battle will rage on with many losses in the cities of Lebanon, especially of civilians. Peace in this area will not come as long as the Arab nations continue to claim a holy war against Israel. The greatest problem will occur if other nations physically enter the war. The extra prayers and rosaries are deeply needed to stop any further bloodshed. Israel will not give up the fight for their own survival and will continue to gain help from America and Western nations, while Hezbollah will be supported by Arab nations with Russian and Chinese weapons.”


Sunday, August 13, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, when people die suddenly as in this car accident, it is difficult for the person, and the family that they leave behind. Everyone is not always ready to meet Me in their judgment after a sudden death. This is all the more reason to keep your soul purified by frequent Confession so you are ready whenever I will call you home. It is also a nice touch for your relatives if they know where all of your important documents are. The grieving relatives have a harder time to handle sudden deaths without being there when the death occurred, or being able to say their last words to their loved one. However the circumstances are, you can always pray for the soul that may need your prayers in purgatory. Masses for the dead are very valuable in shortening purgatory time as well. Depending on any unrepentant sins which may require a set time in purgatory, your prayers could release someone in a shorter time. Every soul in purgatory will greatly appreciate your remembering them beyond the funeral.”


Monday, August 14, 2006: (St. Maximillian Kolbe)

Jesus said: “My people, you need to prepare spiritually and physically for when you will see all of the churches closed and locked by the authorities. Even now some churches are being closed because of low attendance and not enough priests. A time of religious persecution is coming all over the world when you will need to have Mass in the homes or at My refuges when you can have a priest. Even in America you will be seeing Christians being killed by Islamic militants. Trust in My protection and guidance to My refuges where My angels will see to your needs. Terror will be the excuse for takeover through your disguised security, and then the one world tyrants will use spies as with Hitler to keep you under control using microchips in the body. Many cannot believe that your country could be taken over, but you are losing your freedoms every day to the one world people controlling your government from behind the scenes. Just as St. Maximillian Kolbe was killed in a concentration camp, so your citizens will be killed in detention centers for not taking chips in the body, and not following the new world order. Put your faith and hope in My power that is greater, and I will give you the grace to endure this tribulation. In a short time I will bring My victory over all of these evil ones.”


Tuesday, August 15, 2006: (Assumption)

Jesus said: “My people, the degree of light that a spirit emanates is dependent on the grace and holiness of that person. My Light as God overshadows all of your light. My Blessed Mother’s light is even more than My angel’s light. When people die, they walk into My Light. Some need to be purified in purgatory, then these souls become one with My infinite Light. Those, who are condemned to hell, no longer see My face nor My Light, and they are faced with the ever burning flames of hell. Once My Blessed Mother was assumed into heaven, she is now one in My Light. At times people, gifted with apparitions or locutions, have seen her light. Those, who have seen My good angels in vision, have also seen their light as well. Rejoice one day when you are worthy enough so you can also be one with Me in My Light.”

Jesus said: “My people, your children have enjoyed their summer vacation, but now they are becoming bored, and they want school to start soon. Teaching children religion takes a gift of faith and the courage to want to share your faith with the young people. At a certain point the children are again receptive to being taught, and they are anxious to visit with their friends as well. You know by your own faith experience how important it is to know, love, and serve God. By giving up everything for love of Me, you are reaching out to be with Me in heaven. Having Me at your side and sharing your love with Me before My Blessed Sacrament, can be uplifting to your spirit, and a source of constant hope even amidst your many trials. It is your burning example of faith that can be an inspiration for many souls to desire the love that you have for Me. Move forward with your evangelistic spirit to save souls, especially those of the next generation.”


Wednesday, August 16, 2006; (St. Stephen king of Hungary)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s reading from Ezechiel (Ezech 9:1-7) shows the destruction of the idolaters in the Temple of Jerusalem. All of the people, who groaned about the abomination in the temple, were marked with a cross on their forehead, and these were protected from the destruction of the angel. This is a foretelling of the end times as well when all of My faithful remnant will be marked with a cross on the forehead by the angels. All of those, who are marked, will see each other’s cross, but the condemned will not see these crosses. The idolaters of this time will also be dispatched by My angels starting with the clergy who do not believe and are misleading My faithful. There will be priests and bishops who do not follow Me that will be cast into the flames of hell. All of those, who do not have a mark on the forehead, will also be walking in the flames on earth and in hell. Rejoice all of My faithful, for you will be protected from the evil ones, but the evil idolaters will gnash and grind their teeth in the flames of Gehenna.”

(Robert Leary funeral) Uncle Bob said: “I am happy to see all of my friends and relatives at the Mass today. Just as people missed me at the 5:00 Mass, I miss being with you also. I liked the displays of my pictures and all the careful preparations that were made for my funeral. I could not have planned it better myself. The flowers were beautiful and so were your eulogies. You had the opportunity to see where I will be placed in the mausoleum, so I hope you can make some trips over to remember me in prayer. I love all of you so very much. You always saw me leave early to get my pictures developed. This time when I died, the Lord let me leave early with the heart attack so I did not have to suffer anymore from my liver cancer. I am in a beautiful peaceful place and almost ready for heaven. This is why I need a few more Masses and some prayers to make it. Thanks to everyone for all that you have done for me in life, especially these last days.”


Thursday, August 17, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading (Ezekiel 12:1-12) the prophet talks about preparing luggage for a time of exile. He also spoke of Israel as a rebellious house to God in their sins, and the holes that they dug as with caves. America is also like Israel, and there will be coming hard times of an evil persecution as in the tribulation. When you see the signs of the end times as in pestilence, famine, and earthquakes, it will be the time right before the Antichrist will declare himself. At that time I will have My angels lead you to My refuges of protection. Then you too will pack your bags to flee in haste to My refuges where you will be protected by My angels. This will also be like an exile when the evil ones will have their reign for a brief time. The refuges will be safe havens at places of My Blessed mother’s apparitions, places of holy ground, and even caves in mountainous areas. Many Scripture passages speak of hiding prophets or the faithful in caves for protection. Pray to Me for My graces to help you endure this coming trial.”


Friday, August 18, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, these white clothes, worn by the spouses to be married, are a sign of the purity of the marriage bond. Any union of a man and a woman should only come in the marriage bed. Those, who do so outside of marriage, or with same sexes, are committing a grave sin against My Sixth Commandment. If you are to be pure and holy, you must live chaste lives, and do not defile the marriage bed with contraception in any form. You are temples of the Holy Spirit and you must treat your bodies with respect so that you control your passions. Even when you marry, you must treat your marriage as one until death so that you are not looking for any means for a divorce. My Church accepts annulments in unusual circumstances, but live to preserve your marriage because you have made your vows before Me in My sacrament of Matrimony. In all that you do, do it out of love for Me and love for your spouse. I love you always, even those who sin against Me. You can have your sins forgiven in My sacrament of Reconciliation and restore your soul to My graces. See the institution of Marriage as a sacred union that can bring forth children in the environment of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are present on holy and consecrated ground for this House of Prayer. This is linked with Houses of Prayer all over the world that are being modeled after Christina’s House of Prayer in Ireland. This is another preparation for prayers that will be needed in the end times. Prayer will be your most powerful weapon in My Blessed Mother’s rosary against the evil of the coming days. I do not want you to take up arms against the evil ones, but only prayer because you will be fighting principalities and powers of the demon angels. This is the last spiritual battle before I will claim My victory over all evil. This area and other consecrated houses of prayer will be places of refuges for My people to come to for protection from the evil ones. Know that My angels will be present to guard you and to provide for your needs at the time of tribulation. Give glory and praise to Me as you thank all of those who have made these houses of prayer possible with their donations of time and money.”


Saturday, August 19, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you will see attacks by the devil more on large affluent churches where there are more politics among the clergy and apathy among the people. The more people have in possessions, the less that they depend on Me, and the more they think that they do not need My help. Wealth is fleeting, but spiritual nourishment can only come from Me. The smaller rural churches among poorer people is where the faith is usually stronger. They pray more and call on My help and protection more than the affluent. The exception is where My Blessed Sacrament is adored and worshiped. My adorers have special blessings of protection spiritually. This problem with wealth is also seen in affluent nations where the faith in God is waning compared to third world countries where the faith is well and flourishing. Also you can see where vocations to the priesthood are coming from. Where there is Adoration and traditional devotions to Me and My Blessed Mother, there are vocations. In Africa and other third world countries, there are vocations. The devil uses wealth and the desire for possessions to blind the faith of the people. They become too dependent on themselves than on Me. The man or woman, who is rich spiritually in their love for Me, has found the true treasure of My Kingdom. Seek first the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be given to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming much like in My Early Church where My followers needed to hide in the catacombs to hide from those trying to kill them. So in the end times you will be called to hide again from those supporting the Antichrist. This vision of a cave being carved out means that My angels will make a cave under this building so that people would be protected here from the evil ones. I will perform miraculous things to protect My faithful remnant in your battle against the evil ones of the end times. You must pray for My strength at that time to protect your souls from any attack of the evil ones. Trust in Me and your soul will be saved.”


Sunday, August 20, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is a core belief in My Real Presence in the consecrated Bread and Wine which have now become My Body and Blood. My Eucharist is My spiritual nourishment for your soul, and you receive the grace of My sacrament to heal the wounds of your sins. I told everyone ‘That he, who eats My Body and drinks My Blood, will have eternal life.’ This is My promise of eternity in heaven for all who follow Me and keep their souls pure by frequent Confession. You must have a soul free of mortal sin to receive Me worthily without a sin of sacrilege. This joy in your heart when you receive Me in Holy Communion, is My union with your heart and soul in a personal encounter with your Lord. Be thankful that you can receive Me closer than even My angels in heaven. At Communion time you are not only united with Me, but you are also united with all of My saints and angels in heaven. Give praise and thanks to Me for all of My spiritual gifts of graces and blessings as well as all of your physical things and loved ones that were obtained through My help.”


Monday, August 21, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I will be watching over many refuges of My protection during the coming tribulation. This vision of My all seeing Eye is a testimony to My promise that I would protect My faithful at My refuges. Many holy crosses have been erected in My honor as a further means and symbol of My death on the cross and how I reach out in love to all of My people. Those, who love Me and follow My Commandments, are the people that I will lead to My refuges by their guardian angels. Those, who come to this land, will be protected by an angel. I am even showing you the beauty of the face of this angel who is appointed to protect this land. These angels of My refuges are being given My authority to protect My people from the evil demons and any evil people that are searching to kill them.”

Jesus said: “My people, these beautiful statues of Me, My Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, and the angels are not worshiped in themselves, but they are physical reminders of our spirits. They are an inspiration to My followers. These statues are part of your traditions and devotions to Me, My Blessed Mother, and the saints. Your prayers and rosaries are directed to heaven through My saints as intercessors to Me. This is why when people remove these statues and crucifixes, they are leaving bare walls which are no devotional inspiration at all. Where it is possible, approach your pastors to request these statues, crucifixes, and icons be put in the front of your church, or even in the rear if they are opposed to being in front. My faithful need daily prayer devotions to keep close to Me, and even starting prayer groups will be helpful for encouraging the faith in your parish. Again where it is possible, having Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament as often as you can is another way of giving Me constant praise and worship. You have much evil in your world, so you need all of heaven’s help that you can call on to defeat the evil ones who are misleading My people. Trust in Me through prayer and devotions and I will see to the protection of your souls.”


Tuesday, August 22, 2006: (Queenship of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many healings at this place because these people have such a deep faith that I could heal them. Many times people are focused more on physical healings, but there also can be spiritual healings that I perform in conversions. In the Gospels I chose to heal people’s sins before I healed their bodies. The body will die one day, but your soul lives on forever. This is why spiritual healings are even more important than physical healings. The second vision of all of the aborted babies is a judgment that is being called down on America. Whenever you see statues of Me and the saints shedding tears or blood, this is because of the sadness of all of us in heaven where man has killed these babies and they have prevented My Will for these souls to be carried out. As you pray for healings here, also offer your prayers for the mothers and doctors who are killing these babies of their own flesh. I love everyone, but these blatant killings are calling down My justice on your people in America.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, today you are celebrating my feast day of my Queenship. My Lord, Jesus, has given me the title of Queen of Heaven by his graciousness of grace to me. You are seeing in this vision how much my Son and I are sobbing over the killing of my little ones. All of you are my children, and it is sad that man has chosen to kill my babies. I have told you many times that if there was enough prayer and faith, even this sin of abortion in America could be overturned. Because your hearts are cold to seeing the precious value of life in the unborn, you are casting these lives aside without any care for killing them. I have held back my Son’s justice for so long that now you will have to face his punishment upon your country. You are concerned more with earthly things than spiritual things, so my Son will take away your possessions and your freedoms. Prepare your souls with prayer and my Son’s sacraments so you will be ready to face the trial of the coming tribulation. Keep your faith and trust in my Son, Jesus, and He will save your souls.”


Wednesday, August 23, 2006: (St. Rose of Lima)

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the UN voting on some kind of sanctions against Iran for continuing to make the fuel for nuclear bombs. Many of your news announcers are speaking of the U.S. getting ready to attack Iran. This vision even shows the physical preparations for a new war which could be directed toward Iran as part of your president’s axis of evil. If there is another pre-emptive war against Iran, know that the one world people are directing it. There is a strong need for prayer to stop any of these wars proposed for the Middle East. In anyway possible vote to stop these wars from getting started or funded. Your president is leading you down continuous paths to wars that you cannot afford in your military lives or more debts. Your people will have to reclaim your government from any dictatorial power that continues war after war with only lip service from Congress. Pray to stop any more wars and let your vote fall to those in favor of stopping these wars. If you allow these wars to continue, the one world people will lead you to bankruptcy and the depletion of your military as a viable force.”


Thursday, August 24, 2006:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, a martial law takeover is coming quickly that will lead to the tribulation when the Antichrist will come into power. There will be the beginnings of a World War, and the Antichrist will come on the scene as a man of peace who is financed by the one world people. Before this police state takeover, I will have My angels lead you to protection at My refuges. It may appear hopeless as the evil ones will have a brief reign, but do not fear for I will come quickly to defeat all of these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Central Bankers in America and other nations are in full control of your financial systems. Their buying and selling with paper money and bonds of no value are a deception in producing worthless currency with no backing. With their false money they control gold, other precious metals, and oil in various countries. These one world people are bankrupting your countries with debts of their own creation so they could then claim a takeover when they try to foreclose on these debts.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is an environmental plan to take over more land from the private sector in the name of wild land preservation. This is in conjunction with UN plans to takeover much of your parklands. In the background these lands are being used to make more detention centers to hold those people who will refuse to go along with the new world order that will demand computer chips in everyone. Refuse to take any chips in your body and trust in My help to protect you from these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, control of your buying and selling through smart cards and chips in the body are coming soon in your driver’s licenses and your passports. The one world people will also force transponders in your car in order to use your major highways. Just as chips for buying and selling will become mandatory, your driving on major roads will be controlled also with chips on your windows.”

Jesus said: “My people, through terrorism and threats to your oil supplies, your gas prices have been driven artificially high, even though there are no real shortages. Those watching your TV news are not being told all of the truth. The one world people are pitching a constant brainwashing in your news for the need to attack Iran to keep them from having nuclear bombs and spreading Islamic terrorism. I keep warning My people not to get involved with useless wars that will not stop terrorism, but only increase your debts and destroy your military. Continue your prayers to stop any wars in the Middle East.”

Jesus said: “My people, it will not be long before the current churches will come under control of a schismatic church that will only promote New Age teaching. When you see New Age gods and goddesses coming into your churches, it will be the time when My faithful remnant will have to find proper Masses and prayer groups in the homes. These evil idols will have demonic influences, and you should leave any churches having New Age teachings. Trust in My protection from such evil and retreat to your homes for traditional prayer. Soon after moving to your homes it will not be much longer that you will then have to go to My refuges for ongoing protection during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have many prayer warriors and Adorers of My Blessed Sacrament that are fighting the battle against all of the evil forces in your world. You may be few in number, but you are very solid in your faith and vocal in defending that faith. There is coming a severe persecution of Christians for believing in My Name. You will be tested severely as well from those who want to silence all Word of God. Some of you may be martyred for speaking out in My Name, and refusing to accept chips in the body. I will be at your side to help you to the refuges or ease any pain if you are martyred for My sake. Pray for My grace and strength to withstand all of your coming trials.”


Friday, August 25, 2006: (St. Louis)

Jesus said: “My people, there are many faithful who look on statues or pictures of the saints with love for the people of faith they were and for the inspiration of their lives. You have great models in the saints to imitate their holy lives. When you look at pictures of your relatives both living and dead, it brings you closer to them in your memories of their lives. That is why statues and pictures of the saints are also an inspiration to your children as well. When modern churches remove all the statues and crucifixes, they are also removing some of the memories and inspirations of their lives to those who enter that church. Even relics of the saints have a special blessing for you so you can venerate them and inspire you to live holy lives. In today’s reading from Ezechiel I raised up a great army from dead men’s bones in Israel. The remembrance of saints and martyrs shows you how they faced many struggles and trials in life, and how I helped them in grace to accomplish great things. This is also an example of how I can help everyone who calls on Me in prayer to endure any trial that they are facing. Rejoice in My love and thank Me for sending saints to you to encourage all of My faithful on their path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, every person has a designated length of time to live on this earth, and then they die. Do not live your life as if you are going to go on forever. You have a set purpose and a mission in life, and only so many years to fulfill it. You should have your soul pure at all times by frequent Confession because you do not know how long you have to live on this earth. Only by prayerful discernment can you determine what I want you to do in this life. Each person has been given a set of skills to fit the mission that only you can accomplish. I give you enough grace to be able to do your mission, but you must consecrate yourself to Me so your own desires do not keep you from doing your mission. Understand that the end times are upon you, and there is not a lot of time left to fulfill your mission. This is why My faithful need to focus more on leading a holy life so that you will have the spiritual stamina to endure the coming tribulation of an evil that you have yet to see. Trust in Me that I will protect your soul and give you all the abundant graces that you will need.”


Saturday, August 26, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, during the tribulation at your refuges, fresh water will be your largest need. You cannot survive without sufficient quantities of fresh water. This is why it is important to have a miraculous source as a well or pond for your fresh water at My refuges. I told you that I would provide for all of your needs, just as Moses struck the rock for water in the desert. You will have Manna from heaven and meat also, just as at the Exodus. Fear not the evil ones who will have a brief reign before I will condemn them to hell. Life in the end times will be perilous as some will be martyred, and the rest protected at My refuges. My faithful will then live to see My victory in the Era of Peace as your reward for remaining close to Me.”


Sunday, August 27, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel reading speaks of how many of My disciples left Me because they did not understand the belief that I wanted My followers to eat My Body and drink My Blood under the appearances of bread and wine. I told them that this belief in My Real Presence will bring them eternal life. Even today, there are many who do not want to believe that I am truly Present to you in My consecrated Bread and Wine. Some people leave Me because they want to be the boss over their lives, instead of following My Will in total commitment. Others have difficulty in accepting My Commandments and loving their enemies. Some leave My simple way of life because they enjoy their sins and their possessions as gods before Me. It is not easy to be a good, practicing Christian, and you need to count the costs of what you must give up. But those, who continue to follow Me in what I ask of you, will have their reward of eternal life with Me in the beauty of heaven. What you suffer here for My sake will be far less that someone who refuses to serve Me and will suffer eternally in the flames of hell.”


Monday, August28, 2006: (St. Augustine)

Jesus said: “My people, you are taken up with all the glitter of fashion and electronic gadgets that you fail to appreciate all of your natural resources in producing your food. Your farmers have fertile land for crops and grazing for your animals. Much of your bulk exports are food crops. You are in a land of plenty, but few realize these blessings and give Me thanks. You are so rushed in your daily activities that you do not stop to think where all of your food items come from. Some fruits are imported, but your general food is cheaper here than other countries thanks to your farmers. Your crops will be in even more demand as people look to have alternative fuels. It is really your natural resources that are providing you a good income, so give thanks to Me for all of your blessings.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of those, who lost everything in New Orleans, did not have the money or the desire to start over, especially in the poor areas that were flooded. After a year there are many signs of a lost city that has failed to recover its former population. There have been little signs of hurricanes, but the peak of the season is just starting. Every little storm is being overdone by your media after a very active season last year. Many insurance companies and builders on the South coastline have been careful not to take on any more exposure to risk than necessary. Storms and heat conditions are taking more tolls on your people than in previous years, and some of these trials are a punishment for sin in certain areas of the South. Continue to call on My help in prayer to endure the storms that will be coming.”


Tuesday, August 29, 2006: (St. John the Baptist)

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you this stairway to heaven at other times, but each day of your life brings you one step closer to your goal in heaven. While you are living your life, it seems like you have many days before your death. This life is passing away very quickly. All that you need to do is look back over the number of years that you have lived, and you will realize how fast they have passed you by. The older you are, the faster they seem to come. Do not have a fear of death, but I am just making you aware of the brevity of this life compared to your eternal destination. In the end there are only two choices for your free will. You can choose to serve Me and love Me with an eternal reward in heaven, or you can refuse to serve Me or love Me as Satan did, but he and the evil ones have chosen the eternal flames of hell. You do not have a real sense of what eternity means, but you would much rather be with Me in the joy and love of heaven, than suffer the flames of hell forever and ever. To serve Me it means that you are willing to worship and love Me over any persons or earthly desires of things. Purification in purgatory is a purging of all of your earthly desires, so your only focus is worshiping and praising Me alone. Only when you have a pure soul free of this world’s attachments, will you be ready to enter heaven. I desire all of you to fulfill your soul’s goal of striving to be with your loving Creator forever in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there will be a major war in the Middle East and this Antichrist figure will come on the scene as a man of peace to stop all of the killing. But then he will declare himself as ruler of the whole world and he will become a tyrant leader forcing people to worship him and take his microchip in the body. All of your countries are primed now to depend on using smart cards as your ID, and as your means for buying and selling. This control will extend into mandatory chips in the body, but I want My faithful to refuse to use these chips even if they threaten to kill you. These chips in the body could control your mind through suggestive voices that would lead you to worship the Antichrist. This information of not taking the mark of the beast and not worshiping the Antichrist will be given everyone in their individual Warning experience. Call on My help to lead you to My refuges of protection from all demons and evil people. I will be at your side to give you the strength in fighting any evil temptations during the tribulation.”


Wednesday, August 30, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, the angel in the vision is seen next to a lot stronger storm than you have seen up to now this year. America will continue to be tested by natural disasters because you have not repented of your sins, nor have you changed your laws that are against My Commandments. In all of your wars and killings you are seeing a reflection of man’s anger and madness reflected in the weather. You also are seeing your weather affected by Russian and American weather making machines as well as deliberate chem trails. All of these manipulations by man will reap a whirlwind of trouble in droughts and bad storms. Be prepared to suffer any punishment due for your sins as a nation.”


Wednesday, August 30, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, during the tribulation, evil people will be trying to capture all religious and patriotic people to eliminate them for not going along with the new world order. If you refuse to take chips in the body, and do not worship the Antichrist, these evil ones will seek you as an outlaw to kill you. At that time some will be martyred for My Name’s sake, but the remaining faithful will be led to My refuges of protection. At the refuges My angels will perform miracles so the evil ones will not be able to detect you. This time will be shortened for the sake of My Elect so that you will not be tested beyond your endurance. Now is the time to build up your spiritual stamina so you can withstand this extent of evil that you have never seen before. Trust in My help and My angels, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and eventually in heaven.”


Thursday, August 31, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have been given a beautiful planet for your home, I have given authority to man to subdue it, but not to destroy it. You have received what you have from your ancestors, and you want to pass it on to future generations nearly as you received it. This is why it is so important to preserve your environment from any pollution of your air and water, and from any manipulation of the plants and animals. Many of your activities are counter to My plans to keep nature in balance. You continue to pollute your precious fresh water with fertilizers, pesticides, and industrial wastes. You also are polluting your fresh air with chemicals and byproducts of all of your power plants and your vehicles. Melting of the glaciers and the ice pack in the north could cause more problems for your coastal cities. Your DNA manipulation is trying to change My perfection into what man desires, which will distort and ruin My balance of nature. This pride of man in changing the plants and animals will create such a disaster that I will be forced to renew the earth for My coming Era of Peace. Remember to preserve your environment because it is the only home that you have, and you cannot afford to destroy it.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, your storm season is heating up with a hurricane in the Pacific and a tropical storm in the Atlantic at the same time. People are seeing less activity than last year, but there is still more to come. Each year these storms occur about this time, but last year was the most damaging in your history both by frequency and intensity. Some storms have struck cities of great sin and these can be punishment for sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been given many messages concerning the mark of the beast and My faithful need to refuse any chip in the body, even if you are forced at gunpoint. These people in authority will try to convince people that it is harmless and it will not affect your privacy. These are all lies because such a chip in the body could allow these evil ones to track you by satellite and force you to buy and sell with this National ID. The other revealing fact is that such chips in the body will allow the evil ones to control your mind with suggestive voices that will not allow you to remove this device. Heed My warnings and avoid taking chips in the body for any reason.”

Jesus said: “My people, the first step of the new world order’s plan is to force all citizens to use mandatory smart cards with personal identification. This already is mandatory for everyone working for your government in their entry passes. It will soon be required in all of your new driver’s licenses and passports. Once they have everyone with mandatory smart cards, they will then implement the second step which will be mandatory microchips in the hand or forehead, even with GPS capable tracking. This coming global control will prepare the way for the coming Antichrist who will be a tyrant ruler.”

Jesus said: “My people, the same one world people, who are seeking global control over your money and privacy, are also going to try and force everyone to be a part of the One World Religion which is all about New Age teachings. This so-called religion does not worship God at all, but they worship earthly idols as seen in the vision. I have warned you before to leave any churches who teach New Age because they are promoting idol worship, and will eventually worship the beast of Revelation in the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are now influencing your government people to start implementing global control in the mold of your NAFTA treaties. Behind devious appropriations your government is now proposing with signed contracts to make a super highway between Mexico and Canada in order to break down national borders. Even a common currency is being proposed to unify North America into a single entity much like the European Union. These world planners are moving very fast because they have little time before I will soon come and destroy the power of the evil ones. Pray and have patience for My angels will protect your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, many proposals have been made before the United Nations to put sanctions on Iran for openly making nuclear fuel for bombs. There also have been certain media people trying to prepare your country for another possible war with Iran. They are citing all of their weapons which have come from China and Russia. This again is the plan of the one world people to lead America into the possible beginnings of a world war in an attempt to destroy your military and make you vulnerable for their planned martial law takeover. See these things taking place even though your representatives in Congress will do nothing to stop it. Pray to stop all wars, and do not follow those leading you into war after war for the gain of the rich.”

Jesus said: “My people, no matter how hopeless it will appear with all the evil going on around you, do not lose hope that My power is greater than these evil ones. I will defy all manner of detection of My faithful at My refuges. My angels will perform powerful miracles against all of the demons and one world people. At the battle of Armageddon My forces of angels and faithful will defeat the powers of darkness. My comet of chastisement will destroy all of the evil one’s chips and control of people. My angels will then cast all of these evil ones into hell. I will renew the earth and My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace and eventually in heaven.”


Friday, September 1, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, last winter you were spared higher heating bills because of the warm winter. Given a more cooler winter this year, the flames in the vision of a gas burner means higher heating bills for northern homes. With fuel prices generally higher than previous years, a cold winter could also mean more demand, higher prices, and even shortages or power outages. Where possible, it would be wise to have some alternate fuels available. This corresponds with the wise virgins who bought enough oil for their lamps. The foolish virgins missed the bridegroom because they did not buy extra oil for their lamps. Now is the time also to have oil for your lamps should you have a power outage. Without power most heaters would not work either, so alternate wood burners or kerosene burners with fuel may be needed in reserve. Pray for My help in meeting any of your needs both financially and spiritually.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know that you like to be entertained and have fun with your friends. Your own individual mission still is preparing My people for the end times. It is a very difficult task to tell people that evil times are coming, and your message will not be acceptable to many to hear. Some are too busy enjoying themselves in sin and worship of their fame, money, and possessions. Still it is necessary as I sent previous prophets to get the people to repent of their sins, and realize that the Antichrist of the tribulation is near to taking power. There are signs all around you which I have pointed out in the messages of the impending tribulation time. You much teach the people to be ready like the five wise virgins so you will have pure souls through frequent Confession. Trust in My power to protect you at My refuges. You will be up against demons and demon possessed people, so you will need help from My angels to defend you. Those, who trust in My Word will be saved, but those, who are foolish and are drowning in their earthly cares, will be lost to hell.”


Saturday, September 2, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is a lesson in using the gifts or talents that I gave each of you. This is another way of saying whether or not you are fulfilling the mission that I have given you. Some people measure success in financial gain or how many possessions that you have. Such financial wealth could have come from inheritances or fraud, so appearances do not tell everything. I measure success in how you have loved Me and others, as well as how you have used your talents to help your family and charities. It is not about being selfish with your money either, so that you are supporting My Church and helping the needy. It is also better that you do not brag about your wealth to those who have less than you do. This is another form of pride in showing off to others unnecessarily, and it could insult others as well. Remember what I told the rich man to sell all that he had and give it to the poor, and then follow Me. This is another way of consecrating everything to Me and being able to walk away from everything in coming to My refuges. Do not let wealth be a god or an idol for you, but instead store your real wealth spiritually in heaven with charity, love, and good deeds.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Scriptures (Matt. 24:22,Mark 13:20) I have promised you that I would shorten the time of the coming tribulation for the sake of My Elect. I will allow the evil ones a brief time of reign, but I will dictate the conditions and the length of that time. Time truly will be speeded up as in the vision where the physical day will be less than your 24 hours, and your year will be in combination with the same number of shortened days as 365 days per year. In addition to a shorter time, I will also allow My angels to protect My faithful at My refuges with miracles of protection. Even those, who may be martyred in this time, will have My angels protect their souls from the demons, and ease any pain that they will endure. So have no fear of these evil ones because they will have no power over My faithful ones. Have patience but a short time, and I will condemn this evil lot to hell, but My faithful will enjoy My Era of Peace and then heaven.”


Sunday, September 3, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in the end times it will be My faithful remnant that will represent My true bride, while a schismatic church will split apart. Those, who keep My Commandments and love Me according to your traditions, will be My true followers. Those, who follow the New Age teachings, are worshiping idols and not Me, and they will be condemned. Before My bride can enter heaven, there needs to be a purification as mentioned in the Gospel. Some will be purified in the tribulation, and your soul will finish its purification in the Era of Peace as you focus on worshiping Me only. Be prepared for a reign of evil to come, but I and My angels will be at your side to protect your souls. All that you need to do is call on us in your needs, and we will be there for you.”


Monday, September 4, 2006: (Labor Day)

Jesus said: “My people, helping the poor of the world is not always a welcome subject to those who have more than they need. There is a political problem dealing with those who hire the Mexican immigrants for cheap wages, and those who feel their jobs are threatened or their taxes are raised to pay for the services of the immigrants. On the one side the immigrants are attracted to those who will give them jobs, but these employers are getting rich by not paying them a fair wage, and they are giving them little or no benefits. On the other side some complain they are violating immigration laws. This is another reason the one world people are trying to force National ID smart cards on all of your citizens, but all of these documents can be easily forged by those making money in trafficking immigrants for hire. I have asked My faithful to feed the hungry, and help the homeless, even when there are legal factors that are trying to discourage your generosity. Think with your heart in helping others, and do not be so worried about sacrificing some of your excess money. Every good deed that you perform, your Father sees in secret and He will reward you with treasure in heaven, which is more valuable than your earthly treasure.”

Jesus said: “My people, this creation of Mine on earth has its glorious moments at dawn and sunset, as well as with beautiful mountains and stone architecture. When people have time on vacation, they can visit your beautiful National Parks with Redwood trees, geysers, canyons, and mountains. Even seeing the various wild animals gives you another look at nature and how man fits into the picture. All the plants and animals obey the laws of nature and fulfill what I designed them to be. This following of My plan for the balance of nature is one of the many lessons that man can learn from My creation. Understand your mission and your place in life, and you will know exactly what is expected of you both in your earthly life, and your spiritual life. Give praise, glory, and thanks to Me for all that I have put before you in this life. Show your appreciation for My creation by preserving what has been entrusted to you.”


Tuesday, September 5, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision I am showing you this glass canopy over you to give you a physical representation of how you are protected by My angels from the evil ones, even now in this present time. You are in a daily battle with evil that will only worsen as the tribulation time closes in about you. Those, who are faithful to Me, I will see to the protection of their souls. Some may torment you or persecute you, but they will not be able to influence your souls unless through your own free will. Keep close to Me in daily prayer as My angels stand beside you. You can count on this protection with My angels even into the tribulation when you will need My grace to endure the coming power of evil. Know that My power is greater and the angels at My refuges will protect you even from physical harm. Call on My help at any time and you will be sent many angels of protection. Trust in My power so that you should never fear anything that the evil ones could do to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, this circle of lights represents how all of your wars were created by the one world people by creating a dictator, and creating the war to solve it. The rich financed communism and it was the threat of a communist takeover of the world that caused war in Korea, Viet Nam, and the long cold war. The rich financed the Nazis as well that brought on World War I and II. They financed the dictator in Yugoslavia for the war there, and also the dictator in Iraq. They also have financed the terrorists as well in various Arab lands to cause a war against terrorism. Now, today, they are beating the war drums again for another war in Iran. The common element in all of these wars has been the behind the scenes funding of the latest dictators. Without constant war, there would be no need to spend the billions of dollars on your industrial-military complex which spends the largest part of your yearly budgets. The bottom line to having peace is to stop funding your war machine and stop secretly funding dictators to power. Prayer is the only answer to thwarting this evil in your world. Call on My help to put an end to all of the evil wars going on.”


Wednesday, September 6, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you all have physical trash and spiritual trash that needs to be discarded. During the week you accumulate paper trash and garbage, just as you accumulate sins and earthly things that need to be cleansed. The garbage man empties your cans, but you need the priest in Confession to cleanse the sins from your soul. You accumulate many earthly possessions and earthly desires as well that eventually also need to be uprooted. Possessions can become gods or idols in themselves. You need to be able to detach yourself from the desire for earthly things so you can better put your complete focus on loving and serving Me. I am a jealous God and I do not want any gods or idols before Me. I have created everything and every creature for My own set purpose, so you need to follow My mission for fulfilling your purpose in life.”

Jesus said: “My people, the cross with a corpus is a powerful sign of how much I love man that I would give up My life for all of you to be saved. I am with you on the cross both among the living and among the dead. You see My Body and Blood offered up at every Mass under the appearances of bread and wine. For those, who have died, you have My ransom of your sins where My sacrifice has opened the gates to heaven. In your prayers continue to give Me thanks that I died for your sins. When you look on My cross, and eat My Body and drink My Blood, you will have eternal life in heaven. Trust in My words and keep your soul pure by frequent Confession. You have My words promising you eternal life in My Gospels by following My commandments and imitating My life of holiness. It is by ‘Christ Crucified’ that you are saved, so treasure My crucifix both in life and in death.”


Thursday, September 7, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you know how important pictures are of your deceased loved ones for preserving their memories. Those, who have lived among you for many years, are a part of your life’s fabric as your life mingled with theirs. Even more so you treasure pictures of Me and My saints who also lived among you, but we have brought a spiritual depth to your life as well. Pictures, icons, or statues recall the memories of our lives just as you hold the memories of your loved ones close to your heart. We are models of holiness for you to imitate and strive for heaven in your daily activities. We give you more purpose in your life to see your own mission in faith to know, love, and serve Me. The apostles left their boats and followed Me in their new calling. I call all of My faithful to follow Me as well in faith to be fishers of men and women in your evangelization efforts.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My son, I have shown this vision before of the pitiable souls suffering in the flames of hell. These soul bodies are spirits, but they have taken on a hideous appearance for those allowed to see them. These souls will suffer a burning sensation forever in the stench of hell, and they will never see My face again. Your attempts to convert and save souls is to prevent souls from coming to this place of eternal torment. Everyone has been given the grace to know how to be saved according to My Scriptures in the Bible. You have a choice to follow Me to heaven out of love, or you can choose to reject Me and come to hell as a consequence. Choose life with Me while you are still alive on this earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, this message is focused on saving souls and the vision of flowing water begins at Baptism when original sin is forgiven and you are joined into My Church. In your weakened state, you are vulnerable to sin, but I have instituted My sacrament of Reconciliation so your sins may be washed away in your soul. Frequent Confession is your best means to keep your soul pure and ready for whenever I will call you home. Do not let the devil lead you into spiritual laziness or complacency when it comes to keeping your soul pure.”

Jesus said: “My people, the darkness surrounding this plane represents the evil means of security that will be demanded by your authorities. Soon only those with smart cards will be allowed on your airplanes. Those, who refuse to use this form of identification, will be refused entry. This will soon change to require chips in the body. It is better to refuse mind control chips in the body than accept the condemnation of this mark of the beast. Seek My refuges for your protection and your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see a war of words over the right to make nuclear bombs which defies any nonproliferation treaties to limit these destructive weapons. You will see certain nations supporting Iran against America. If Iran continues making these weapons, you will have another North Korea that could threaten the peace in the Middle East. It will require continued prayers to prevent any more pre-emptive wars against nations like Iran. Your prayers for peace are needed now more than ever.”

Jesus said: “My people, the nations of the Middle East are becoming an armed camp from all of the makers of modern missiles, bombs, planes, and ships. With so many arms in close proximity and vowed threats against Israel, it seems just a matter of time before you could see another conflict that could draw more nations into a World War. Be aware that such a World War would enable the Antichrist his opportunity to come on the scene as a man of peace. Trust in Me and I will restrain all of these evil ones from taking any further souls to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, for security reasons your government will be directed by the one world people to force smart cards on all of your citizens. These same authorities will then quickly demand mandatory chips in the body to avoid losing your smart cards. Refuse these microchips in your body even if they threaten to kill you. There is no reason to give anyone control over your mind, even if they manufacture a sense of fear for terrorism. Trust in My protection only for your soul’s salvation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a vision of the luminous crosses that will appear above My places of refuge of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, places of holy ground, and caves of protection. Those, who look upon these crosses will be healed of any physical illnesses. These crosses will mark My refuges where My angels will miraculously protect all of the faithful who come to these safe havens. At these places you will be fed My heavenly Manna and you will have water, meat, and shelters as well. Have no fear of the coming tribulation because those who escape martyrdom will be protected even physically from all of the evil ones.”


Friday, September 8, 2006: (Birthday of the Blessed Mother)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is during the tribulation when the Antichrist will go around to various large stadiums to give talks to mesmerize the people into worshiping him. He will be televised to peoples all over the world so everyone could hear his message. This is another reason to get rid of all of your TVs and computer monitors so you do not see his face. He will have demonic powers of suggestion to take the mark of the beast and he will direct you to follow his directions from implanted microchips. I continue to warn My faithful to seek out My refuges by calling on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest place of protection at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground, and caves. Under no pretenses should you take any microchips in the body because these chips could be abused to control your mind. You will see more and more advertising to encourage implants for medical, security, and buying and selling reasons. Refuse these chips even if your life is endangered. Even if they take away all of your money and possessions, seek My refuges and refuse these chip implants. All of My messages about these end times are being fulfilled. Read the signs in the disasters, wars, and control of the people, and you will see how close it is to the Antichrist’s declaration of power.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these nuns who are praying for those who need help with deliverance from evil attacks, and for the stoppage of war and killing going on in the Middle East. Some of the foolish worldly people think that they are wasting their time, but in fact prayer is your most powerful weapon against the evil ones at this time. Even My followers need to plan some time each day as if you were praying in a cloister where you can put out all of your earthly distractions. By personal prayer and your rosaries, you are battling against the evil ones who are very strong at this time. You cannot use physical weapons to fight the demons and demon inspired people, but you must call on My help and My angels through prayer to do battle for you. This is a spiritual battle and that is why you need your rosaries and your Benedictine blessed crosses as your spiritual weapons to defeat the demons. More people are becoming involved with the occult and more obsessions and possessions by the demons are occurring. Your priests are needed for exorcisms, but My followers can pray deliverance prayers as a group to defeat demonic attacks. Call on My Name to bind any evil spirits to the foot of My cross so they do not return to anyone. I do not leave you helpless, but you can call on Me and My angels in prayer and fasting anytime to drive out even demons in people today. You know the power of evil, but My power is greater when you invoke it against evil spirits.”


Saturday, September 9, 2006: (St. Peter Claver)

Jesus said: “My people, as you look out at these children, see that one of your most important tasks is to inspire love for Me in their hearts and souls. You can teach them best by the example of your own life of faith. Every soul craves the peace and rest that only I can satisfy in their souls. The creature is forever seeking to please its Creator and to fulfill the mission that they are called to accomplish. Love needs to be a focus in your lives, both love of Me and love of your neighbor. It is this love for everyone that inspires you to want to bring souls to Me so they can be saved. When young people see that you are on fire for love of Me, they will desire to be a part of the joy that you are witnessing. Teaching a love for Me in My Eucharist, and a desire for a prayerful life, is a goal to help every soul on their way to perfection. With My grace and blessings in Holy Communion you will be empowered to come closer to Me, and to see the need for My help in all that you do. A good prayer life will give young and old persons the strength to endure all the difficulties in life. Being an evangelist for Me is the best means to help bring souls to their salvation and joy with Me eventually in heaven. Pray for the conversion of souls every day.”


Sunday, September 10, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard My priest son ask you to give thanks for all of the gifts that you have received. At the Mass you are all joined in song and worship of Me as you are receiving the gift of friendship and love from each other. Most of all you are drawn to share in My Eucharist with Me and all the saints and angels. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are sharing an intimate relationship in My love as you experience My Real Presence in your soul. The tingling in your body is how your spirit is so elated to share in the joining of our spirits. This is a little taste of heaven that should draw you close to Me in a desire to be with Me forever in heaven. Even the first reading gives you a little taste of what it will be like in My coming Era of Peace. Rejoice in the gift of My Eucharist and the embracing of My love for you. It is great for you to be alive and loved as one of My creatures. You have many things to be thankful for, but the most important gift is Myself in your life. Treasure Me whenever you can receive Me or visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament. Your mission is to know, love, and serve Me, and by following My ways of perfection, you will one day be united as one with Me in heaven.”


Monday, September 11, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, the first step in any healing is that you need to be open in faith to receive My blessing. In other words, I need to get your spiritual attention before I can begin to heal any of your physical sicknesses. You need to believe that I can heal you in order to receive a healing. You need an openness in mind and spirit to let Me into your heart as well. When My faithful are evangelizing souls, you need to pray for each soul’s spiritual healing before you can reach out for any physical healing. Even when you are preaching or giving talks in My Name, do not forget to share My spiritual messages to heal the soul. Warnings of preparation are important to alert My faithful to the times you are in, but remember that saving souls is your most important mission. Follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit in what you are to say and do not let any other distractions sway you from what you are to say. Always remember to pray to the Holy Spirit for help in delivering your message, and your words will be better received as the Holy Spirit touches their hearts and opens their ears to listen.”

Jesus said: “My people, the scene waiting next to a cave is all about having patience before you see the Warning and the coming of the Antichrist. For those, who are doubting that this Warning will come to pass, believe it will come, and it is not that far off. Already you are seeing mandatory microchips in your driver’s licenses and passports. Some people are even volunteering to take chips in their bodies. The other signs of wars, famine, earthquakes, and a division in My Church are all poised to be fulfilled. I have given many warning messages to have you prepared both physically and spiritually for the coming end times. You already are seeing many persecutions of Christians even now, and they will continue to worsen. Do not be fearful of this time of tribulation because My angels and I will protect your souls from the evil ones. Pray to worship only Me, and that you will be strong enough to refuse any chips in the body for any reason.”


Tuesday, September 12, 2006: (Most Holy Name of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, this pool in the vision represents how My Blessed Mother is an intercessor for her children, and how I wash away your sins. She is your perfect model of living in complete conformity with My Divine Will because she was graced to be sinless. She comforted Me and taught Me the Jewish faith. She was a very important part of My earthly life, and she also helped My apostles as well. You just recently celebrated her birthday, and now you are celebrating her name, Mary. When you pray her rosary, you are repeating her name many times with each Hail Mary. My Blessed Mother is also your mother as well when I asked St. John to take care of her at the foot of My cross. Rejoice that you have a heavenly mother who watches over all of her children with her mantle of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen various sects of independent people making their own soap, candles, and yarn for clothing. These are the old ways that people used to survive before your industrial revolution provided manufactured goods. Because of the coming tribulation and control of your buying and selling, people at My refuges will need to use these old skills to provide for yourselves. I will provide the food, water, shelter, and raw materials, but My people will need to make their own clothing. Living a rustic life will be a way of purifying your earthly desires from your old possessions. Providing for your needs will keep all of your hands busy to help each other with your own personal skills. Those, who have various skills, might want to bring the tools of your trade to My refuges so you can make your contribution. At the refuges everyone will need to help out for your group in anyway that you can so all will have their needs satisfied. Most of all you will be worshiping Me in prayer, and thanking My angels and Me for your protection.”


Wednesday, September 13, 2006: (St. John Chrysostom)

Jesus said: “My people, keeping your roof in good repair has many meanings. As a roof ages, pieces begin to fall apart and leaks can form which could cause damage to the interior parts of your house. That is why you need to have a new roof put on to prevent any further damage inside. There is a similar meaning to protecting your interior soul life from letting sin leak in as well. You can build a stronger spiritual roof over your soul by praying every day and being spiritually strong in your faith. The closer you are to Me in a love relationship, the less you will be tempted by the devil with the curiosities of the world. Give your full attention to Me in daily worship and frequent Confession to keep your souls pure and untainted from the desires of the flesh or your possessions. By keeping your spiritual roof in good repair, you will have less chance of sin entering in or falling away from Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, as the young students come back to school, they need some help from their parents to understand their subjects. They also need some encouragement and love to adjust to their new surroundings with new teachers and students. Just as the children are being brought up in worldly subjects, they also need religious training as well to protect them from any evil influences. Teaching children a good prayer life will help them throughout life to endure any difficulties or trials. Not all families are present for their children, whether due to working or single parent situations. That is why it is important to have some adult supervision when the students come home from school. Help your children or grandchildren to have them feel wanted and a part of your family. Children many times are seeking love and tenderness, and they can become problems if no one is around to help them. Give your children good religious example and pray for their souls to keep close to Me. Guard them from bad companions and watch what they are viewing on TV and any internet connection. You are responsible for their souls, so take care to assist them in their needs.”


Thursday, September 14, 2006: (Triumph of the Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing three different storms in the Atlantic Ocean as these storms are becoming more frequent and stronger. Your country has been spared much damage with only one small storm hitting your country, but now you will face the brunt of the more active part of your hurricane season. You have seen much heat, fires, and drought in the middle of your country, but more than average rainfall on the coastline states. Natural disasters continue to test your people, even as your sins continue unabated. Every year you are setting records in some aspect of your weather. Unless America repents and changes its immoral ways, you will continue to be pummeled by destruction of your possessions. America needs more people to evangelize souls because you are becoming a mission land, much like the other rich nations of the world. You may be rich in material things, but you are poor in spiritual desires.”


Thursday, September 14, 2006:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, many of your car manufacturers are having a hard time in competing with foreign car makers because they are not playing on a fair field of competition. As a result, your American car makers are closing factories and laying off thousands of workers. This same loss of manufacturing jobs is occurring in many of your home industries because of cheap labor goods made in foreign countries. Many families are seeing family incomes decreasing as good jobs and benefits are being lost. Pray for good employment for your people, but your standard of living will be declining.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate how much of your industrial might is spent on military weapons of war. Those, who make money on these arms to all countries, have an incentive to keep wars going on to use their weapons. Today’s fighting with indiscriminate killing of civilians and military is a new style of war, but it still causes much killing every day. Such a war does not need so many conventional weapons, but the best weapon is your rosary to stop these involvements of your troops.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing record numbers of fires and burned acreage due to some severe droughts in the West. Yet in other areas your rains continue to set records for rainfall amounts. Every season of the year has had its record number of natural disasters. Many businesses and insurance companies have suffered great losses from these events. America needs a constant spiritual renewal to make reparation for your many sins of abortion and sexual sins. Much of your wealth will continue to erode while America is in moral decadence.”

Jesus said: “My people, your school costs for all levels of education have become more of a burden on parents, students, and your taxpayers. Many students have huge loans to pay when they graduate from college, and it is harder to find jobs to pay back these loans. This burden on the taxpayers is becoming a difficult bill to pay when people are on fixed incomes or with little raises. Your school systems need to find new ways to educate your students at a more efficient cost, or fewer will be able to afford college. Pray that your society will find ways to cut these costs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the effects of your violent movies and violent computer games on certain young people. These violent and crude language films encourage violence in the minds of your youth. It is not unusual to see such outbreaks as a direct result of this brain washing. You see violence of war deaths reported every night on your news so that some refuse to watch it. Unless you curb this violence with love, there can be no peace. Your people need to get out of your war business and move into peaceful activities. Constant killing has gained you nothing and has even increased the hate for America. Pray for peace, and vote for those favoring peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is appropriate to mourn those lost in this great man-made disaster. It is unfortunate that such a disaster is being used as a banner encouraging fear and a war against all terrorists. Fighting wars in foreign countries has not made America any safer from terrorists. More wars will never bring peace or more security. Terror and fear are the tactics of the evil ones who want constant wars. Refuse to be fearful and put your trust in My love and protection. Martial law and police states will not give you peace either, but only control by the one world people.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate My Triumph of My Cross against Satan and death. My crucifixion was the price that I had to pay for the ransom of your souls from sin. My cross is also a symbol of how you also must suffer in this life in your struggle to be My faithful disciple. This life is truly a valley of tears, but I have triumphed over death as well. You have My promise of eternal life for all who follow My Commandments and seek My forgiveness in frequent Confession. You will share My triumph one day when you are resurrected with Me in heaven. Rejoice in My victory on the cross that has opened the gates of heaven to all who are worthy.”


Friday, September 15, 2006: (Our Lady of Sorrows)

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother and I have our two hearts joined as one even as you celebrate My Triumph of the Cross next to My Blessed Mother’s feast of her Sorrows during life. Even from the beginning of My life as an infant Simeon foretold the grief that she would endure. (Luke 2:34-35) ‘Behold, this child is destined for the fall and the rise of many in Israel, and for a sign that shall be contradicted. And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.’ This is the first of her seven sorrows. The other six are: ‘The Flight into Egypt’, ‘The Loss of Jesus in the Temple’, Mary Meets Jesus Carrying His Cross’, ‘The Crucifixion’, ‘Mary Receives the Dead Body of Her Son’, and ‘The Burial of Her Son and Closing of the Tomb’. This is one of the devotions to My Blessed Mother when she suffered as she watched Me suffer in carrying My Cross and dying on the Cross. Many times in life mothers suffer for their children, whether it be in sickness and even spiritual loss if they fall away from Me. My Blessed Mother knows about suffering, so you can call on her for consolation in your prayers. I have asked everyone to take up their cross and follow Me because your suffering in life can be offered up for the atonement of your sins or others.”

Jesus said: “My people, rejoice in My words of truth that you share with Me when you read them in My Gospels. I give you Myself in My Eucharist so that you may have eternal life. Even the people, who heard My words, knew that they came from the Father because I spoke only the truth that touched their hearts. They also could see that I spoke with authority even to the demons that I cast out of those who were possessed. They could not deny the power of healing that went out to all who touched Me. The Scribes and Pharisees were upset with Me when I healed people on the Sabbath, but I told them that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. (Mark 2:27) You have My example in the Gospels to imitate for your own lives. My Blessed Mother brings you to Me in all that she does, so listen to her. I want you all to be united in love with our two hearts. Give glory and praise to Me every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion or visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament. I love you all so very much and I send out My graces and blessings upon you so you may have My rest and have it abundantly.”


Saturday, September 16, 2006: (St. Cornelius & St. Cyprian)

Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you today of those wolves who are dressed in sheep’s clothing. These religious draped in black sheer clothing represent the evil ones who are spewing lies to deceive My faithful. I told you before that a bad tree can only bear bad fruit, while only good trees can bear good fruit. You will know people by their fruit. It is now important to pray for the gift of discernment so you can determine if the clergy before you are speaking the truth. With a properly formed conscience and with the guidance of Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium of the Church, you can determine when the truth is being taught. When the truth is heard, you will have rest in God, and the truth will set you free from your sins. When you hear false teaching as on New Age subjects, you will feel confusion and unrest as a testimony against these false teachers. You do not have to obey heretical decrees even by false clergy. Instead leave the churches teaching falsely and follow only those teaching the truth. You only have one soul, and you need to feed it with the truth and not lies. Pray for all religious teachers and ministers that they may follow only My ways and not those of the evil one.”

Jesus said: “My people, many Catholics do not have the full realization of the gift of Myself that I give you when you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. As in the vision, if you could see how much your spirit glows with grace when you receive Me, you would thank Me even more for this gift of My Real Presence at the Consecration of the Mass. When you communicate your love to Me after Holy Communion you can sometimes feel this rush of My grace in a tingling throughout your body. Even when you come before My Blessed Sacrament, especially in exposition, you have a sense of My Real Presence to your soul. When you receive Me under the appearances of bread and wine, you are actually partaking of My very Body and Blood. I have told you in St. John’s Gospel (John 6:54) ‘Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has life everlasting and I will raise him up on the last day.’ I only ask that you receive Me worthily without any mortal sin, so you do not commit any sin of sacrilege. When you are praying after Communion, give Me thanks and praise for this very honor of receiving your Lord and Master into your heart and soul. Give all of your troubles and intentions over to Me at that time, and I will bless you with all of the graces that you will need to endure the trials of that day. Many of My faithful are so in love with Me, that they wish to be united with Me in Holy Communion every day at Mass. I am your spiritual daily Bread, and My daily Mass people are receiving My graces and protection in every Holy Communion. Shout this love of Mine from the rooftops so others can be invited to the most blessed Banquet of their lives.”


Sunday, September 17, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Vine and you are the branches, which means that without Me, you can do nothing. I am the Tree of Life even as I died on a cross. I am a God of the Living and not the dead. If you truly are branches and depend on Me for life, then you must take up your own cross and follow Me. You are like Me in that you will suffer much in this life, but I will give you the graces that you need to endure your trials. Even as I died on the cross for your salvation, you must die to self in order to be saved. This means that you must make a total commitment of your life to following My ways. Every day you need to consecrate yourselves to My service. For those, who want to be first, must be the servants of all. The second reading speaks of needing faith with works. It is not just enough to know and read My Word, but you must live My Word in your daily actions. When you love Me and your neighbor as yourself, you will want to help people out of love and not just out of obligation. See that all graces come from Me, and you need My help spiritually to help you in life and to reach perfection in becoming a saint in heaven.”


Monday, September 18, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much as evidenced by My dying on the cross to redeem all sinners. I gave you Myself at the Mass as the priest consecrates bread and wine into My Body and Blood. I also gave you an example of how being a servant for others is a part of carrying your cross as I washed the feet of all of My disciples. You too are called out of love to help your friends, relatives, and even strangers with their needs. These are the corporal works of mercy that will store treasure for you in heaven. You may have to sacrifice your money, your time, and your talent in helping others in the least possible way, even when it is not convenient for you. By going out of your way to be neighbor to those in need, you are imitating My example in being a servant for the rest. It is one thing to know My Gospels, but it is another to live them out in your daily actions.”

(Mass of Our Lady) Jesus said: “My people, this vision of My Blessed Mother standing on top of a globe of the earth represents how My Blessed Mother is the mother for all of humanity. You are her children and she is watching out for each of you. One of her pleas is for all of My faithful to pray constantly for poor sinners every day. There are some souls close to Me with pure souls, but they are in the minority compared to other souls in serious sin. What is worse is that these poor sinners do not realize how much they are risking hell by living in serious sin. Sin becomes addictive and it is hard to change a sinful lifestyle once your conscience has been dulled in not seeing the difference between right and wrong. These sinners need people praying for them to make them realize that they need to repent of their sins to Me. Help them to see that they should seek My forgiveness for offending Me with their sin. If they understand the Catholic Faith, pray that they may have the grace to return to Confession and come to Sunday Mass regularly. By Blessed Mother has her mantle of protection over her little ones, especially those who wear her Brown Scapular. Rejoice that you have such a spiritual Mother that cares about you so much.”


Tuesday, September 19, 2006: (St. Januarius)

Jesus said: “My people, you are still seeing Christians being killed for their faith all over the world. This trough running with blood is also referring to the unborn martyrs being killed in the womb. The trash heap in the vision also refers to how these innocent babies are being placed in human garbage bins. Even some tissues are being used for stem cell research and cosmetics. In addition to the gruesome murders performed by these abortion doctors, they are compounding their crimes by profiting from using these body parts as well. Your medical profession has blood on their hands and they are making blood money in a business as a further incentive to continue aborting babies. Abortion in America is one of your most offensive sins in My eyes, and these further abuses of My little ones will demand more of My justice in your condemnation. This is why you will be seeing more destruction and a loss of your possessions for not stopping your abortions and DNA manipulations. Pray for your doctors and mothers to change their ways, or your country will reap the consequences.” Jesus said: “My people, as the end times draw closer, the evil ones will be seeking out religious people and patriots to be killed. Some will be on their way to My refuges, but they may have to stop and hide at interim refuges. Some people are making hiding places in their homes in case refuge seekers need a place to hide before moving on to a refuge. It will be difficult with constant surveillance for large groups to travel to a refuge without being noticed. Smaller groups moving from house to house will be less detectable, but they will need places to hide as in World War II for the Jews. Pray for your protection from these evil ones so many of My faithful can avoid capture or martyrdom.”


Wednesday, September 20, 2006: (Korean martyrs)

Jesus said: “My people, it is not enough in your new electronic age to have records kept in a computer. Now, you are requiring everyone to have microchip smart cards as identification to vote, drive, and cross borders. Soon you will need fingerprints or eye recognition biometrics on your smart cards even to buy and sell. All of this information could be used externally, but it is the evil people’s idea to have everyone implanted with a microchip or the mark of the beast to control your minds. Now is the time to protest such an invasion of your privacy rights, or you will have no freedoms at all. Pray that you will have the courage to refuse these chips in the body, even if they threaten to kill you. This will be the time to go to your refuges before these evil authorities come to your house to try and force these chips on you. If you refuse these implants and refuse to worship the Antichrist, you could become martyrs for the faith when they take you to detention center death camps. Be aware of this threat to both your physical and spiritual lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, even though people in older days seemed to have crude looking houses without much insulation, they sometimes had better materials that lasted longer. Your houses of today are better insulated and are heated with gas which is more convenient that using wood or coal. Your modern conveniences give you more leisure time, but it is wasted on frivolous entertainment instead of on prayer time. You are more comfortable today than in years past, but your morals have deteriorated much more because of so many comforts and addictions. Your living conditions are not as important as how you are living spiritually. Many poor people, who are leading faithful lives, will be going to heaven ahead of the rich in their fine homes who are selfish and not following My laws. I have told you in many ways how it is harder for a rich man to come to heaven because he is tied to his wealth and he has difficulty in trusting in Me for everything that he needs. The more possessions and wealth that you have, the harder it will be to separate yourself from them when you need to come to My refuges. The rich will have a harder time purifying their earthly desires in purgatory so they can be perfected for heaven. Pray for the poor sinners and the rich alike who are having a great struggle reaching heaven.”


Thursday, September 21, 2006: (St. Matthew)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s calling of St. Matthew at his house I was accused by the Pharisees of eating and drinking with sinners and tax collectors. I told them that people who are not sick, do not need a physician, but sick people do. I came to heal sinners and not the self-righteous. In the vision you are seeing the care that you go through to purify your water from your waste streams. Fresh water is in short supply, so purification of any non-salty water is crucial for your drinking. Just as you purify your water physically, it is even more important to purify your souls of sin spiritually. This is why you need to come to Me as a physician because I am a Great Healer of sinners in the priest at Confession. In My sacrament of Reconciliation your sins are forgiven and cleansed, and I restore sanctifying grace to your soul. My whole purpose in coming as a man was to die and redeem all sinners from their sins by My Blood sacrifice. It is the Blood of the Lamb of God that washes away your sins and is a worthy atonement for the punishment that was due for your sins. It is My mercy and forgiveness that allows you back into My good graces once you have repented and are sorry for your sins. No sin is too great that cannot be forgiven, but you must humble your pride in admitting that you have sinned and need My merciful forgiveness. I am always awaiting each sinner to come to Me to be cleansed just as I healed the lepers of their leprosy.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I have taught you to be loving and tolerant of others, even to love your enemies. I have given you the fullness of the faith in the Catholic Religion. Other faiths should also be loving if they give honor to God. Those, who are violent and kill for its own sake of forcing their will on others, are not sharing My love. Continue to pray for peace in your world, and try to win souls to Me through love and not coercion.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some scandals in My Church for either pornographic crimes or sexual crimes. These crimes occur among My clergy as well as in the general public, but My priest sons are held to a higher code of conduct. Pray for all of your clergy and all sinners that they may repent of their sins and seek out My mercy and forgiveness. I am the only judge and these sinners will have to make amends for their offenses.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones of the new world order are concentrated on complete control of their subjects. They do not look on the average citizen as free, but someone that they want to control as a robot to do their bidding. This is why their goal is to control your minds and your money with chips in the body. The cameras in the vision are to follow your every movement, and the chips are to track you when they cannot see you. Refuse to take any chips in your body and do not carry chips or smart cards that can be used to track your position. When you are free of sin, you are truly free. So do not let anyone control your mind or influence your soul with evil things.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you have a goal to evangelize souls to bring them to Me, you will meet a lot of resistance from the evil ones who do not want to give up their control of souls through their sins. Even though you are doing a good work in your conferences, there are those who do not like what you are teaching, or they are being threatened by the truth of your words. You will face struggles from both inside and outside of My Church, but keep moving forward the best that you can to bring My Word to sinners.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother has called many to come to her places of apparition as on a pilgrimage. Those, who make an extra suffering to visit My Blessed Mother’s shrines, receive extra graces for their faith in her and Me. Wherever My Blessed Mother appears, she brings you closer to Me as in the Mass and My sacraments of Penance and Eucharist. You may suffer trials in your travels, but the graces that you gain are well worth any inconveniences. Pray for a safe trip and My Blessed Mother’s mantle will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you many times that you are truly in a battle for souls between good and evil. Every time, that you reach out to win souls, there will be an evil attack to thwart your efforts. But My power is greater than any demon or evil person. This is why I ask you to wear your blessed sacramentals, carry your rosaries, and holy water, or oil for blessing. Pray much for safe travel, and shake holy water on your means of transportation. Also call on Me and I will send My angels of protection with you on every mission so the demons will not stop your work. Pray that the Master will send more laborers into the vineyard to save souls from their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as I called St. Matthew to follow Me, I am also calling every soul to follow Me as well. It is not easy to change your lifestyle to one of a disciple, but you must focus on Me only, and do not look back on your earthly callings to sin. Make a clean break from your sinful lifestyle, and do not worry how I will provide for your needs. Trust in Me always, and I will see to your soul’s spiritual protection.”


Friday, September 22, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, another major disaster will be happening in America in a major city, and the one world people will be behind it. The vision of a wad of money is the sign of the one world people’s involvement. In the vision you are seeing a large airplane delivering a sheet of flames over a large area in a city. These incendiary flames will be so hot that even the plane itself will catch fire and fall to the ground. Many people will become engulfed in the flames that will cause a major disaster. Unless other planes are shot down, this could happen to other cities as well. This event will so startle your people with chaos and confusion, that the one world people will use this pretext to cause a declaration of martial law and a starting of mandatory chips in the body in the name of security. This event could be brought about at any time, and it is all part of the plan for globalization in North America to join Canada, America, and Mexico. With America neutralized, this would set the stage for the declaration of the Antichrist. There could be dissent in the military as a backlash to these events that could trigger further military action in the Middle East leading up to the Battle of Armageddon. Pray much, for the evil ones are making a serious attempt at world takeover. This will be another sign that it is time to seek out My refuges with the tribulation of the Antichrist. You will find protection and all that My faithful will need at My refuges. Do not let anyone drive you to fear of these events, but trust in My love and protection because My power is greater than anything that the evil ones could do.”

Jesus said: “My people, at various government and military sites there are large white spheres with communication antennae inside. These sites keep in communication with each other through cell towers and satellites. The most interesting capability of these spheres is that they are used purposely to intercept all means of communication via cell phone, phone lines, fax lines, e-mails, and data transmissions. They test each source of communication whether it be domestic or foreign based. They do not ask anyone’s permission for listening, but they test a dictionary of terms in the name of security for each call. This was called the Echelon System, but it has been covered up when legislation tried to regulate such intrusion into people’s privacy. In essence you have no privacy and the one world people are working every day to broaden their control over you using mandatory smart cards and eventually chips in your body. It is better for some of your conversations to be one on one with no transmissions because these evil people will use your own words to incriminate you against their tainted laws. Trust in Me and have no fear of the evil ones, and their violation of your privacy. I will protect you at My refuges where the evil ones will not be able to detect you or hear your words.”


Saturday, September 23, 2006: (St. Pio)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Pio was a great confessor and he encouraged many people to share in My forgiveness often and at least once a month. The vision of the confessional box is a familiar one for most Catholics. It is a part of your faith to recognize that you are a sinner and you need to humble yourself in contrition for your sins as you seek My forgiveness in this sacrament of Reconciliation. It is proper to make a good examination of your conscience in remembering any way that you may have offended Me in breaking My Commandments. You may not have a priest who can read souls, but do not hold back any sins that may embarrass you because I can read your soul through the priest. Do not be fearful of telling any serious sin because I will forgive all sins and My priests are sworn to privacy in Confession. At times you may have committed some sins of omission where you could have helped someone and you refused out of your own convenience. If you forgot your morning or evening prayers, or were embarrassed to say grace before meals in a public restaurant, these should be confessed also. I have asked you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect, so when you fall into sin, you can be cleansed pure by confessing your sins. Take advantage of the grace of this sacrament that is available from your priest. Pray also for all sinners to have the grace to repent and confess their sins. Pray especially for all of the members of your own family, even those that may be away from My Church, so they may also repent of their sins in Confession. St. Pio is also encouraging you to Confession even from heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, in life you will encounter many crossroads where you need to make decisions in which way to travel. Before you make any big decisions in your life, you need to consult Me for discernment in what is best for your soul. This is why I am showing you My Blessed Sacrament where you can come before Me and let Me talk to your heart. At times it may also be a good confirmation to verify your choice with a good spiritual director. In addition to your prayers for discernment, it is important to call on My help in sending My angels to protect you from any demonic attacks or temptations. Even once you have committed yourself to one decision, you need to be testing all the time if you are in a safe environment. If anything happens that disturbs your peace or causes chaos and distress to your physical or spiritual life, you may have to question if you made the right choice. Trust in Me and the Holy Spirit to assess the result of your choice. If another person’s free will is affecting your life, this is not always predictable. You struggle to love everyone and accommodate their wishes, but you need to be aware of any physical or verbal abuses. Trust in other human beings can only be earned by a proper response to your love. Even in a marriage there needs to be an equal love commitment that means total giving of self over to each spouse. Pray for all marriages and personal relationships that these partners will honor and respect each other as I respect you in our relationship.”


Sunday, September 24, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Tree of Life and I am showing you this large tree because all of humanity is a part of this one tree. At times families look into their roots and how they were all connected to their ancestors. You have seen in the Bible when the genealogy of St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother showed My roots into the House of David at Bethlehem. When each of you are conceived, I place a soul in that cell and you are given your own guardian angel. I put the life in humanity and you are all dependent on Me even for your very ongoing existence. I have given you all of your talents as you grow up, so that everything you have comes from Me. This is why without Me, you can do nothing. Your life is so linked with your Creator that you cannot in reality deny My existence, nor your dependence on Me. Those, who reject Me, still receive My gifts, but their souls soon darken without seeking My graces. Those, who accept Me as Lord of their lives, are accepting how I love them and care for them in life. When your spirit is united with Mine, you are free to accomplish great things. Those, who are not united with Me, will be searching for a peace that they will not find unless they come to Me. You see life teeming all around you as parts of My creation, so rejoice and thank Me for being the Author of all Life.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a certain expectation for Americans to be able to own a house and have a good job. Your corporations and businesses are under more stress to make profits because of foreign competition and many regulations. This stress is being passed on to your workers who now have to work harder and longer hours for the pay they used to receive. It is becoming harder to keep a job many years, and benefits are either being eliminated or are costing more to the employee. Many families need to work several jobs and not always jobs that are liked just to make ends meet. Americans have prided themselves on their rich lifestyle relative to other countries, but now their dreams are slowly slipping away so they need to settle for something less, so that they can afford it. Because the morals in your country are getting worse in your sins, many financial blessings are also falling away. Many debts in your country’s deficits and personal debts are weighing on your economic success. If your people wish to continue their expectations, they need to turn around spiritually and repent of their sins. America will not be blessed because of its many abortions and sinful lifestyles. Pray much for the sinners in your country so that your families will be able to provide for themselves. Praying every day in your families will also be your contribution towards peace in the world.”


Monday, September 25, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this little bit of darkness in My churches is how you will see evil influences in the name of New Age teaching that will enter into the Church. I am bringing My Light of faith and true knowledge into My churches to dispel the darkness of this false religion and all of their lies. New Age only teaches worship of worldly things instead of worshiping only Me. Beware of these false teachers when they try to take over My churches. Leave any churches that teach New Age lies because you will see an increasing evil with the coming tribulation. You may have to retreat to your prayer groups in your homes and eventually you will need to be led to My refuges of protection by your angels. Be attentive and discerning of all that is being taught in your churches. Stay close to My Light where My true Word is spoken and taught to fight the darkness of sin and evil.”


Tuesday, September 26, 2006: (St. Cosmas & St. Damian)

Jesus said: “My people, in My public ministry I was a roaming preacher and a healer of the sick, the blind, the lame, and even raising people from the dead. The people of My day noticed that I spoke with authority, even to the demons who I rebuked and cast out of people. I spoke in parables which were hard for those listening to understand, but to My apostles I gave instruction of the meaning of the parables. The people were so awestruck by some of My miracles, as the multiplication of bread and fish, that they wanted to make Me king. Many times I slipped away from them to continue My mission of preaching My Kingdom to other neighboring towns. I am recounting My mission for you, because I have given this mission of evangelizing My Word to My apostles, deacons, and priests. Even My laity are obligated by your Christian upbringing to go out and teach all nations of My Word of the Gospel. You do not have to be learned in the faith because the Holy Spirit will give you what to say. Just teach from the heart and share your faith experience with others in lighting a fire of love for Me in their hearts. Once people see and experience My love for them, then they too will not be able to contain their love, and they will want to spread and share it as well. Rejoice in your faith and your love for Me because you are all progressing on your path to perfection in preparation for heaven.” Jesus said: “My people, you are allowed to see the poor souls suffering in purgatory as they are pleading for your prayers to release them. Some souls have mandatory times of purification, while other souls can have their time shortened by the prayers of the faithful. While you are on earth, you can pray for the atonement of your own sins or for those of the souls in purgatory. One day you, yourself, may be sent to this place of purification. Then you too will be among the many souls crying out for prayers. Then you will not be able to pray for yourself, but you will have to rely on others. You should especially remember to pray for your own family members who may still be in purgatory. The souls, that you prayed for and were released, will be your eternal friends who will be praying for you in return. Even when someone helps you to get out of purgatory, you will likewise remember them and you will want to pray for them. So when you are doing your daily prayers, always remember to pray for the intentions of the poor souls in purgatory.”


Wednesday, September 27, 2006: (St. Vincent de Paul)

Jesus said: “My people, caring for the needs of the poor is one of your Christian responsibilities. It may not involve a lot of time or money, but you need to be open in reaching out to them when you have the opportunity to help. There is a Scripture of the Last Judgment that each of you will have to answer for. (Matt. 25:34-45) ‘Then the king will say to those on his right hand, ‘Come, blessed of My Father, take possession of the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave Me to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me to drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; naked and you covered Me; sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ and answering the king will say to them, ‘Amen I say to you, as long as you did it for one of these, the least of My brethren, you did it for Me.’ Then he will say to those on his left hand. ‘Amen I say to you, as long as you did not do it for one of these least ones, you did not do it for Me.’ and these will go into everlasting punishment, but the just into everlasting life.’ You know, yourself, when you were in physical or financial need, that it was very comforting for someone to help you. So you should be willing to answer any call to help the poor. Be thankful that the poor cannot repay you, for you will gain more merit and treasure in heaven. Listen to these words because they may save your soul from hell, or let you spend less time in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, Americans spend a lot of money to view sports games on site and over TV. Sometimes your people are too consumed with games and shows on TV, and they leave little or no time for prayer and activities to help others. Life is also like a race, but your desired finish line is a desire to be in heaven. It is how you live your life in love that will determine your eternal destination. You remember how St. Paul said: (2Tim4:6-7) ‘As for me, I am already being poured out in sacrifice, and the time of my deliverance is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course. I have kept the faith.’ So also My faithful must live every day for My greater glory as if this were the last day of your life. When you have finished your own life, you also will have struggled to complete your mission and finish your own race out of love for Me and love for your neighbor. This life is very short, so live it to the fullest by making the best use of your time without wasting time on so many earthly distractions.”


Thursday, September 28, 2006: (St. Wencelaus)

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you this rare glimpse of the reality of the evil spirits and how ugly they appear if you are permitted to see them. They are truly a threat to every soul on earth, and it is only by My mercy and protection that you are protected from them. But if people delve into serious sin and the occult ways, you may be inviting these spirits to devour your soul. I have told you about the battle with evil for souls, but man does not always appreciate how serious it is to lose his soul to these evil ones. Those, who sell their souls for fame and money, pay the price many times in a suicide pact with the devil. I have described the sufferings of souls in hell before, but this aspect of how these demons constantly torment these souls is even worse than you can imagine. These demons violate the soul bodies in all manners of abuse in addition to the burning constantly without being consumed, and no hope of ever seeing Me again. When you see what souls go through with demon attacks, you have a new dimension for a desire to save souls for Me and protect them from the demons. Teach those around you how not to be involved with New Age, the occult, Ouija boards, or any demonic potions or black masses. It is best to wear some blessed sacramentals for protection against demons and keep your soul free of sin by frequent Confession. If you are attacked in any way, you can call on My Name to bind these evil spirits to the foot of My cross. If you encounter possessed or obsessed people, call on priests for exorcism, or meet with groups who work with deliverance. There is a lot more evil going on in your world, and it will get worse in the tribulation. So now is the time to learn how to battle these demons with My help and the calling of My angels to surround you with their protection.”


Thursday, September 28, 2006:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that you were unable to attend Al Rappl’s funeral Mass. This vision of stained glass windows is a sign of how faithful Al was to My Church and all of its activities. He was a very faithful leader in the many hours that he adored Me in your Nocturnal Adoration Society. At his death he was drawn to Me through this tunnel of life that he viewed for the last time. He has stored many graces in heaven by all of his good works. Give thanks for his beautiful life that he has shared in your prayer group. Keep all of these deceased in your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, the security of your country has become a great concern with terrorist groups and random killings occurring all over your country. Unfortunately, these attempts to secure your nation are a false pretense to control your population with microchips. Now the one world people are promoting their drive for a North American Union with a barrage of publicity. Uniting your three countries is designed to take away national boundaries and all of your freedoms as well. The openness of this movement is another sign of their presumption of power with your people not even realizing that they are being taken over. Pray much for your nation as your government officials are giving away your sovereignty.”

Jesus said: “My people, your own troops have been worn down by useless constant wars and they are mostly outside of your country. You have many foreign troops on your soil that are eager to implement martial law. These foreign troops would have no feeling of imprisoning your citizens in detention centers if they do not go along with the coming North American Union. This takeover of your government could occur very quickly after one more major event of destruction. Pray much for your country that will be tested dearly because of your sins and your complacency to repent.”

Jesus said: “My people, your leaders continue to advocate continued fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, and even possible war with Iran. No matter whom you elect to office, they will continue to follow the one world people’s orders for continuous wars for their profit and your destruction. In order for these wars to stop, your people will have to revolt against the puppets controlling your country and stop funding these wars. The one world people have you so weak in your debts and your military, that they are very close to taking over your country to have a police state run by microchips in martial law. You have failed to see their evil plan, and you all are about to be snared in their takeover. Your time to go to My refuges is very close, so have your bags packed for this tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how much I suffered on the cross to save your souls. Soon you will be sharing in My suffering as a new religious persecution will be breaking out. All of those, who believe in Me as Christians, will be sought out by militant Islamic terrorists who want to kill you. Just as the Early Christians sought out hiding in the catacombs, you also will be seeking hiding places on your way to My refuges. The evil ones will be given a brief reign, but do not fear them, because I will soon come with My angels to defeat them. You will then see My power displayed as all of the evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will renew the face of the earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, your court system has usurped the laws of your land in the areas of abortion, your land rights, and even your elections. This power of a few are tearing apart your democratic republic. Even your executive branch has usurped your laws concerning the power to declare war. Because of this confusion of power, the people of your country have had little to say in your government’s way of spending your tax dollars. I have told you before that martial law could be declared before your next presidential election, and you are seeing the events all around you pointing to this grand takeover. Pray for your people to wake up spiritually because prayer for My help is your best option.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be celebrating the feast days of My Archangels and your Guardian Angels. Right before any large battle, you see many troop movements to the borders, readying for a fight. You are seeing Satan and his minions mounting an offensive for his coming takeover. What is not so noticeable to you is that I also am gathering My armies of angels ready to fight the Battle of Armageddon and to defeat the evil ones. See that both armies of good and evil are gathering for one last battle. But you know the outcome already and My power will reign supreme, so have patience but a moment as you await My victory.”


Friday, September 29, 2006: (Sts. Michael, Gabriel, & Raphael)

St. Michael said: “I am St. Michael and I stand before God as his militant army of angels. Many of you were taken back by the more sobering messages in recent weeks, as well as by the developments worldwide. You need to put all of these things in perspective to the power of your God. You have heard of Satan’s power being compared as a grain of sand to God’s power. So do not be fearful of the evil ones because Our Lord is standing at your side every day. He has defeated the evil one by His death on the cross and His salvation is available to all who accept Him as Lord of their lives. God’s grace and protection are as near as your local confessional or church. Keep your souls pure and strong in faith, and the evil ones cannot harm you. You also can call on us angels through Jesus, and we will come to your aid against any demons. Call in the Name of Jesus, and my prayer of exorcism and the devils will flee from you. The more serious battles on earth are coming about soon. Do not be frightened by any of the deeds of the demons or evil people because soon they will be defeated and Our Lord’s reign of peace will be brought about. You will be given sufficient graces to endure this tribulation, so have no fear and trust in your Lord’s Word.” Jesus said: “My people, those, who run your secret agencies of the government, are not only looking for terrorists and thieves, but they are also doing the bidding of the one world people. This means they are also profiling everyone of your citizens to see if they are a threat to their New World Order plans. If you know too much of their inner workings, are religious, or are an avid patriot, then they will place you on a list for extermination before or after martial law is declared. Americans are too used to having their freedoms, so these one world people will need a secret police of UN troops to neutralize those that they cannot retrain or will refuse chips in the body. I will warn My people when these evil ones will initiate their attempts to kill My faithful. It will be at that time that you will have to go into hiding, or go to My refuges of protection. Call on My angels to lead you to My refuges, and let them protect you from the evil ones. Be aware every time that you are on the phone or the internet because these evil ones are listening to your every word, especially if you are on their lists. Pray for My protection of your soul, those in your family, and those in your prayer group.”


Saturday, September 30, 2006: (St. Jerome)

Jesus said: “My people, My faithful, who were taught by the nuns in grammar school, are thankful for the molding of their faith in their early years. You were taught by the catechism of that day, and also learned about the Scriptures in the Bible. Bible study is more popular now, but St. Jerome was a great help in promoting Bible commentary. Many want their children and grandchildren to share in the rich heritage of the Church so they too could have a strong faith as My disciples do. It is not easy for the children of today to be taught the faith because you have so many distractions in your materially oriented world of today. The teachers and materials for teaching do not always have the same zeal of faith as in the past. Teachers of religion today need to teach the children about the importance of a good prayer life. In a delicate way they also need to warn them to avoid any occult, New Age, or Harry Potter material as an evil influence on them. Unless you are prepared with a strong faith, it will be difficult to endure the evil influences of this world of moral decadence. Pray for the conversion of sinners, and the protection of your children from the evil ones.”


Sunday, October 1, 2006: (St. Therese of Lisieux)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a simple drain for runoff water refers to how some people look down on others because they are not part of your group or your faith. Other people were healing the sick in My Name and My disciples were offended and tried to stop them. I told them to let that person continue because those, who heal in My Name, are with Me and not against Me. In the same way today you should be tolerant of other Christians who are teaching My Word and healing in My Name. Other denominations may not have the fullness of the faith in My sacraments, but all Christians are following My way of life if they believe in Me. Trust in My grace and power in the Holy Spirit as you evangelize sinners in My Name. You all are working to save souls from hell and that is your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many unusual shaped antennae on all sizes of towers around your cities in addition to cameras. This one mirror in the vision is a way of sending signals on and off. The one world people are placing all manners of surveillance equipment around your cities in order to listen to and track your citizens. The extent of these devices is beyond police needs and it is more apparent that they are following people. These are part of the plans to initiate martial law when it is declared and to track any offenders of their rule. My faithful will be sought out by this secret police as they will consider you outlaws to not take chips in the body. I will help you to hide from these evil ones who will soon be working for the Antichrist. Be prepared to help hide each other when the Warning occurs. Events in your government are going to change fast and your democratic freedoms will become a thing of the past. Whenever the one world people implement the North American Union, it will be the beginning of the end of America as you know it. Pray for My protection at this time as you will need help from My angels in the coming tribulation.”


Monday, October 2, 2006: (Guardian Angels)

Mark said: “I am Mark, and as it was in the Gospel, you see Me before God: (Matt. 18:10) ‘See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you their angels in heaven always behold the face of My Father in heaven.’ We guardian angels have a great responsibility in looking out for your souls. Many times you do not realize how much we protect you from accidents and demon attacks. It is not by accident that you have been protected from harm and attacks at your talks. I have had to be very busy in watching out for you in the last month. A little thanks now and then would be appreciated, but like your mission, we are just doing what we are supposed to do in glorifying God. Our Lord has asked you to pray more for the world situation of constant wars and killings to cease. The evil ones are moving closer to their goal of world takeover, and they are being allowed little resistance so that this evil reign will be shortened. The seriousness of the messages, that you have read correctly, are progressing toward the tribulation and it is moving quickly. As the evil increases, you will have to call on Jesus and us angels to help you through this battle. Keep your guard up against these evil ones by much prayer and discernment with less wasted time on earthly interests.”

Jesus said: “My people, I give all of you many opportunities to help those in need. You may be called to help family members, friends, or even strangers that you do not know. At times it will be inconvenient to help, but you know it should be done. Whether someone is moving, starting a new home, or even in need of food, it is hard to say no. You may need to contribute your time, your money, and your talent to provide for someone’s needs. Do not be selfish with your time or your money. The more that you help others, the more merits and treasures that you will store up in heaven. Some people may return your favor in your own need later on, but you gain more when they cannot pay you back. Do not be looking for a lot of praise and thanks either, because what you do in secret, My Father in heaven will reward you in secret also. You know of the parable of the Good Samaritan, so go and be neighbor to all of those that you meet on your way in life. Your reward awaits you in heaven for being a loving and helping disciple.”


Tuesday, October 3, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, faith formation for your children can be helped both by the parents and by formal teaching programs for religion. Parents need to take an active role in helping their children with religion classes, and they should be good role models for daily prayer and Sunday Mass. The teachers also have these young souls under their care to teach them of My love for them, and hopefully their loving response to Me. The religion teachers also need to be people of inspiration and show their students how much they love Me in prayer and action. Everyone is called to evangelize and convert people to follow Me, and those, who are called to teach, are fulfilling their call in this ministry of religious education. It is not easy to recruit parishioners to teach religion to all the classes, as all of them have busy lives of their own. It is a blessing for those who do volunteer their time, and they will receive their heavenly reward from Me. Rejoice in the Word of My Good News, and be willing to share your faith with all of those that you meet each day.”

Jesus said: “My people, with so many school shootings where children have been killed, there will be a cry for more armed security guards with cameras at the schools. Any strangers carrying boxes or cases that could conceal guns will be stopped and questioned. This is the same reaction to 9-11 that the people overreacted in allowing your President to attack any country with terrorists. This killing of children and the shooters killing themselves is typical of possessed or obsessed people. They could even be unknowing people implanted with microchips that were led by voices to kill indiscriminately. Your people should demand an investigation into whether these killers were connected in some way to similar causes that could be prevented in the future. Pray for the safety of your children but without such a control by microchips or smart cards.”


Wednesday, October 4, 2006: (St. Francis of Assisi)

Jesus said: “My people, there are many types of lifestyles and reasons for why men and women live the way that they do and what motivates them. There are some who live aggressively always trying to do as many activities as possible, or gain the most money as possible. There are others who like to live a slow paced living without being led by excitement. Still others live together in fornication or homosexual sin, but My faithful live to love and please Me by following My Commandments. This life is too short to not learn from Scripture and nature how your lives are ordered to follow My plan for your life, just as the plants and animals do. You see the order among the stars and planets, so you should see the order of your life to live life to the fullest to know, love, and serve Me. By loving Me and your neighbor as yourself, this world could also live in harmony among peoples. Because of your greed and wars, you are seeing disharmony and destruction led by the devil and those who follow him.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are planning another massive destructive event to create chaos for their planned takeover. The best timing would be in the cold of winter when they could shutdown power grids in combination with their multiple destructive events. This would throw the people into a panic, and it would give the evil ones and their many foreign troops an opportunity to take over your country in the name of martial law. This will also begin the attempted extermination of all of those refusing the chip in the body. If you see another staged disaster with power outages, this could be another sign to prepare to go to My refuges before they come to your house for internment and extermination at the detention center death camps. I have given you many messages of how this tribulation will start, but martial law will be their main method of takeover. Call on My help and the angels to protect your souls and lead you safely to My refuges. You will not have to endure this trial long and I will come and cast this evil lot into the flames of hell. Trust in My Word and My protection, and you will soon share in My coming Era of Peace.”


Thursday, October 5, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are superstitious or always desire good things to happen to them. I suffered on the cross and I ask all of My followers to take up their crosses and follow Me. This life is full of disappointments, hardships, and sicknesses, but it also has some good times as well. You are living the consequences of original sin, so you will have some difficult trials in this life. If it is any consolation, all of you have to deal with the same frailties in this life, but you are promised an eternal joy in heaven for those who are faithful to Me. You have been reading from the Book of Job and how I allowed Satan to test him with the loss of his possessions and even the loss of his children. In the same way I test you in your own possessions, and especially when you will have to leave them behind when you will need to go to My refuges for protection. You have come into this world without your possessions, and you will leave this world in the same way. Be thankful for all that I have given you, but expect that there will be some losses along the way as well.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be celebrating My Blessed Mother’s feast day of her holy rosary. Your prayers in the rosary are a powerful weapon to fight the evil in your world. Daily rosaries are also a means to pray for peace where there are wars going on in the Middle East. Combine your fasting with your rosaries, and your intentions will be more powerful. I am calling on My prayer warriors to pray even more because your numbers are dwindling, and it is harder to get your young people to join prayer groups.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many service lines coming into your home that you expect everyone to have. Your electricity, gas lines, and communication lines are sometimes a luxury to have in the third world countries. Pray for the poor and give donations when you can because the poor need help and encouragement in their means of survival. Americans live a luxurious life compared to some countries, so be willing to share your abundance with others.” Jesus said: “My people, your oil prices are retreating for now, but war in the active Arab countries could again raise prices by speculation. Many of your government people are trying to justify their war actions and they are trying to make your economy and gas prices look better than they are right before your November elections. If there is little change in the makeup of your Congress, your wars may continue to drain your military and your money. Work for peace in whatever way that you can because it kills many every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is becoming more and more of a financial burden to be able to support a Catholic school system. Donations for these schools are getting harder to find as many schools are closing for lack of sufficient funds or the will to carry on. This is another extension for teaching your children the faith, and it is a worthy cause to be supported. If it is not supported enough, then you will only have religion classes that are harder to give enough time to teach what is needed. Support your Catholic schools with funds and prayers or they may cease to exist.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your National Guard troops are being constantly renewed in their tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. This leaves your available troops at home very thin and your reserves are getting worn out and are accumulating many wounded every day. If your country does not cut back its involvement in these wars, you could see more debts piling up with few defenders to protect your country from foreign troops taking it over. Continue to pray for peace and a disengagement from your wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, these bright lights of My angels are showing you how they are ready to do battle with the evil ones. By calling on My help, I will send you this angel power to lighten your burden in fighting the evil ones. It is very difficult to get people to pray and speak out on all of the moral issues of your day. By your own means, you are weak, so you need to call more on Me and My angels to do battle with the evil ones. Trust in Me even amidst this evil trial, for I will be there to lift you up in victory to win souls for Me.”


Friday, October 6, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, your news and media coverage is censored and controlled by the one world people so that you only hear what they want to tell you. You rarely see any plans about putting chips in the body, or any related stories that expose their control of your government. They encourage the people to back their war efforts and support abortion and homosexual marriage. Your media in effect supports the one world people’s death culture in every way possible. If you read or listen to this source of information, know that you are only receiving half the truth and rarely from a Christian perspective. Trust in My Word that will give you the whole truth, for My Word is not deceiving or manipulated for someone’s agenda. When you read Scripture, it is always timely and never changing, so trust in Me instead of your worldly ways.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when My faithful will need to call on Me and their guardian angels to lead them to one of My refuges. This vision of Marmora, Canada is one of the refuges that I have revealed to you. You will be safely protected by My angels of the refuges, but you also will be called to a deep prayer life. That is why you are seeing My faithful in prayer at the Stations of the Cross. There will be some suffering during the tribulation because it will be very rustic at My refuges with only your bare needs provided for. I will provide My heavenly Manna for everyone, as well as water, meat, and shelter. You will have to help each other using your skills to provide for whoever is at your refuge. You will be praying My Blessed Mother’s rosary often, especially for the conversion of sinners and for the protection of the souls of My faithful from the demons. This coming reign of evil will be worse than you have ever experienced. Only by My grace will your souls be protected. At My refuges you will be thanking Me and praising Me for all that I will be accomplishing for My faithful. I have told you that My power is greater than the demons, and you will see My glory in My Era of Peace after I cast the evil ones into hell and renew the earth. Have patience and trust in Me, even when this evil time may seem hopeless, for I am still among you.”


Saturday, October 7, 2006: (Our Lady of the Rosary)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Revelation there are seven seals described. (Rev. Chaps. 4-7) In a previous message I mentioned that you were in the time of the Red Horse of strife and war which is the second seal. The vision of the wax seals on the scrolls means that more seals are about to be opened. The next two seals are the other two horsemen that are black for famine, and pale green for pestilence. These also are the third and fourth seals. Many deaths are associated with these seals, as you have seen many killed in wars and terrorist acts. Be prepared My little ones in your spiritual stamina because you are about to be tested with the events leading up to the tribulation of the Antichrist’s reign. Protect yourselves from the demons with holy water, blessed salt, and your Benedictine blessed crosses with exorcism metals. Your rosaries and blessed sacramentals will help you through this time. Also have some extra food set aside for the coming famine and pestilence. Read the Book of Revelation to see the order of events that you are about to endure, and call on My help and that of My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, man is a master of electronics when it comes to sending messages, data, or phone calls. You have ground lines and many wireless microwave signals going through the air to cell towers and satellites. You have many microchips also that run your computers and many of your appliances. With a cell phone you could buy anything any place on earth. So ask yourself why is it necessary to have charge cards with your fingerprints embedded into the chip? Or why is it necessary to have chips in your body? The transponders in these chips are for one way communication only. The purpose is to identify you and track you wherever you go. These chips could be used to buy and sell and allow you on to airplanes or into buildings. Once triggered these chips embedded in your body could send out voices to control your mind to worship the Antichrist. So do not let these chips control you by refusing to use smart cards or especially refusing to take chips in your body. Even if the authorities threaten to take away all of your money, or threaten your life, refuse to use these chips that the one world people want to use to control you. When they try to force chips in the body on you, it is a sign to you to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge of protection. Trust in My help and My angels to protect you in these evil days. Have no fear or despair, for I am coming in victory to defeat the evil ones, and take you to My Era of Peace.”


Sunday, October 8, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel questioned Me about what I thought about divorce. This is a difficult subject in your society, but the high number of divorces is another symptom of your immoral living. When you marry someone, it is not just an emotional fancy, but it should be a life long commitment of love. I have used marriage as an example of how I love My Church, and all of its members. Let Me be a part of your marriage as a third member to seal your love for Me, and between the spouses. Each couple should truly do things as one flesh out of love for each other. The more you divide up your money and possessions, the more chance there is for disagreements. Major decisions should be a joint cooperation, and each partner should be able to give a little to compromise your differences. By not letting little things upset your peace, you can keep a good marriage for many years. It is when one spouse is over domineering, or when habits of drinking, drugs, or other addictions get out of hand, that these things can threaten a marriage. Work to keep a spark of love going by the end of the day, and with love of Me, you will have peace and no worries. Divorce does not have to be so high if the spouses would give their marriage a chance for true love to work out your difficulties. Counseling or help for addictions may also help save some marriages. If you live My Word of loving one another, then your marriage will blossom for many years.”


Monday, October 9, 2006: (St. Denis)

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to pray for your enemies and visit those in the prisons. Assuming they are guilty of their crimes, it is hard for many people to have compassion and forgiveness for criminals in prison. This is why you need to pray for the salvation of their souls because only a few may be praying for them. This is similar to the poor souls in purgatory where their relatives are no longer praying for them. These forgotten souls of both the living and the dead need to be remembered in your prayers. With enough prayer, these prisoners could be converted and change their sinful habits. You have heard of prayer groups among the prisoners that could give them hope in their lives to change. You make time to visit the sick, and it may also be among your desires to visit those in prison as well. This is one of the corporal works of mercy that could give you another opportunity to store graces in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this fast clock moving past you is another sign of how close the time is to the tribulation and the declaration of the Antichrist. I have already told you how he will be traveling around to various large stadiums to get people to follow him under his control. Your finances and jobs will be under his control through your smart cards and chips in the body. Fight to refuse these chips in the body, even if they want to kill you for your faith. I will encourage you at the right time to leave your homes for My refuges. Do not delay at that time because the evil ones will strike swiftly to try and capture you before you can get away from your house. By not carrying any smart cards, they will find it difficult to track you. Eventually, you will need to use your bikes because most cars have tracking transponders as well. Once you reach My refuges, you will find My protection because they cannot track you or detect you at My refuges. Pray for My help in this ifficult time, and have no fear of these evil ones.”


Tuesday, October 10, 2006: (Martha, Martha)

Jesus said: “My people, this foot basin for washing feet represents the need to be hospitable to those who enter your house. The footstool is another comfort for your guest’s feet, but when I am present and speaking, it is an appropriate place to sit and listen. Sitting at My footstool is another way of humbling yourself to learn from your Master how to lead a good Christian life. This is similar to faith and works, of which you need both to follow Me. Faith is the better portion that I did not refuse to Mary. Works are the things of hospitality that faith calls you to help others in their need out of love for Me in them. Many think it is unfair that Mary was not called to help, but listening to My words and keeping them in My Commandments is even more important. There is a time for both sharing your faith and helping other’s needs. Saving souls for Me from hell is even more important than earthly needs, because your soul lives on forever.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many secret societies such as the masons that have many levels of clearance even within their own society. I have given you many messages of their plans and how they plan to take over the world. Some of the top degrees, who do not understand the knowledge of God, find it amazing that prophets of God would be given knowledge of their plans. Because these top leaders actually follow the words of Satan himself, they see religious people and patriots as a threat to carrying out their plans for world takeover. This is why they are planning to kill these groups after martial law is declared. My power is greater than Satan, and I set limits on what these evil ones can do. I will protect the souls of My faithful from evil’s influence, so have no fear of what is to come. I give peace and rest to My followers, even as you are being tested by these secret societies. No matter how evil things will become, do not lose hope because I will be victorious over Satan and all of his minions. Give praise and glory to Me as I control everything in the universe. Prepare for the coming tribulation, but also be ready for My Era of Peace as well.”


Wednesday, October 11, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, prayer, whether it be formal or informal, is your way of conversing with Me. When you talk to Me, it is on a higher spiritual plane than as you talk to other human beings. My disciples knew of their Jewish customs, but I was teaching a new kind of prayer of unconditional love. The Our Father prayer in the Gospel is an acknowledgment of God the Father, and it also speaks of forgiving others as you also wish to be forgiven. You have learned other formal prayers as well, and they are all focused on God, the saints, and the angels. You can pray to intercessors, as My Blessed Mother, who brings your intentions to Me. It is also best to pray that My Will be done in what is best for your soul or the souls of others. Prayer should be a daily time for everyone apart from all of your earthly distractions. Do not plan so many activities that you leave Me no time in the day. Your prayer time is your preparation for your eternal destination. Teach your children and those that you meet about the importance of daily prayer in their lives. The most important prayer, that you could pray, is that of the Mass. So the more often that you can attend Mass, the closer you will be to your Lord and Master. Remember also that you take time for your morning and night prayers. Greet Me in the morning with your consecration, and meditate at night on how to improve the day’s actions. End your night prayers with an Act of Contrition in case you should die during the night.”


Thursday, October 12, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to love Me as your Savior, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Love is the basis for all of My Commandments, but I have given the Ten Commandments as a guide for living your life. The first reading speaks of following the spirit of the law instead of the letter of the law. As in the Gospel, you are directed by love and charity to help others instead of being concerned about your own convenience. If you are in great need, and you ask someone for help, you expect that they will listen to your plea. In the same way if someone asks you for some need, you should be willing to help them. When you call on Me in prayer, I too will come to your aid in providing what is best for your soul or the soul that you are praying for. Just as you are generous to your children, I am also generous to My children. I want what is best for your spiritual life, but some times you make some wrong choices. You have free will in your choices, and I do not violate this right, but you need to learn from your mistakes. Any sins against My Commandments also need forgiveness in Confession. The more, that you listen to My directions, the easier life will go for you. So focus your life around My plan for your life than your own agenda, and you will find joy in loving your Lord and neighbor.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, it is proper to share candy with the little ones, but it would be better to avoid any evil decorations of witches and devils. Instead of focusing on a feast day of evil, it is better to remember that it is the vigil for All Saints Day. The evil one tries to enter into your feast days, but do not give him any help in scaring the children. Give love and comfort to My little ones and rid Harry Potter materials, the occult and any other evil influences out of your house.”

Jesus said: “My people, this incident of a small plane flying into a Manhattan apartment building gave your people a scare on the 11th of October. Even your jet fighters were ordered into the sky in case this was a terrorist act which it was not. Many small planes may have to fly further away from your large buildings as a result of this accident. Once you have been prepared for terrorist events, these incidents give you pause for how quickly such things could happen. Pray for My protection of your planes and pilots that this will not happen again.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your homes are heated with natural gas or large propane tanks. Other means of heating your home, as with this kerosene burner, would make a good backup if you were experiencing a power outage in the winter time. Even your first taste of snow helps you to remember how difficult cold weather could be without any source of heat. Be like the wise virgins with oil in your lamps for light, and alternative heat sources to your natural gas heaters.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Congress and President have rushed through a bill that gives your President an option to pick and choose who is a threat to your freedoms. The intent of this legislation was for handling terrorist prisoners from Afghanistan. Now this law covers every American, giving your President too much power to imprison anyone whom he considers undesirable. This takes away your freedom to defend yourself in court and it is one more encroachment on your freedoms.”

Jesus said: “My people, there were some cities that I said woe to their sins that were calling down My justice upon them. Some cities like Capernam can be seen in ruins even to this day. I give you free will, but when sin is rampant in one area, My justice must be carried out against this evil lot. Strive to improve your societies instead of letting evil get worse that will demand My justice.”

 Jesus said: “My people, stay true to your prayer groups because they are a source of spiritual strength, even if your numbers decrease. It is not important how many numbers that you have, but it is important that you be persistent in your desire to honor Me in your prayers and Adoration. You are a witness to others how important I am in your lives to stay with your prayer groups for many years. Your young people need more motivation to keep their focus on Me throughout their lives. Let the children learn to come to Me for help. Today’s Gospel says to ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you go out to the farms, you are buying pumpkins, squash, and apples at this time. This is the fruit of the farmer’s labors to bring you food and to afford a living for themselves. There are many parables that I spoke of laborers in the vineyard and the people understood My words because they also worked the land for a living. The most important harvest is the harvest of souls, but this requires dedicated disciples to go out and teach all nations of My Good News. I send many laborers out in My calls to My clergy and lay people. Be prepared to speak out in My Name to save as many souls as you can from going to hell. You do not want to see any souls go to hell, but you must do something positive to help change the lives of sinners.”


Friday, October 13, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, many things in life get soiled as these dishes amid the white suds, and your clothes. Just as you use white soap to cleanse things, your souls also need to be cleansed from the filth of your sins. All of you are sinners because of Adam’s sin, and you are weak to the devil’s temptations. But you can have your sins washed away by the priest’s absolution in Confession. I forgive you and take away your sins as I replenish your souls with sanctifying grace, and your soul is made white again. Just as I cast demons out of people in My day, there are also possessed and obsessed people with demons in your own day. Many are involved with the occult and addictions that invite demons into their souls. By prayers of deliverance and exorcisms, possessed people can still be cleansed in My Name. Pray for your family and friends to protect their souls from demon attacks. All of you should be wearing blessed sacramentals for protection from the demons. Trust in My help and that of My angels to protect you from any evil influences. The demons are real, and hell is real, so keep praying to be strong against sin and temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, a normal light with a working light bulb allows you a choice of having the light on or off. Without a working light bulb, your only choice is darkness. Your souls are like lights as well. You can choose to light another soul with faith by your own choice. But if your soul is wrapped up in the darkness of sin, it is very difficult to be a light of faith for another. You have another choice to add grace and light to your soul by confessing your sins at Confession. Once a new light bulb has been added, now you have My light to dispel the darkness. You do not appreciate how fortunate you are if you have been given a gift of faith in Me. Give Me praise and thanks for all of My gifts, especially your gift of faith.”


Saturday, October 14, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to a church, you have the comfort of being in My arms and in the presence of My Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. The world of distractions is put aside when you enter the sanctuary of My love. You always have a friend with Me, and I will listen to all of your prayers and troubles. When you come to Mass, you receive Me in Holy Communion and you have a little taste of heaven. By following My Commandments, doing good works of charity, and praying your daily prayers, you are investing in your eternal life in heaven. I want you to love Me as I love you, and to be with Me forever in heaven. By your struggle here on earth, you can strive for your spiritual perfection and work to gain even the higher levels of heaven. Part of your acts of charity should be to share your faith in saving souls, in addition to helping people in their needs for food, clothing, and shelter. Whenever you reach out to help someone, you are helping Me in them. So come to Me all of you who are heavily burdened, and I will give rest to your soul and comfort in My love for you.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you have been deceived by disinformation and brain washing done purposely by your government officials to perpetuate your wars that are destroying your economy and your military. Much of your information received over the media is censored and full of half truths of what is going on. Many government documents have been forged to make lies, or were shredded to remove the truth. There were many unanswered questions about what took place on 9-11 that precipitated a war on terror starting in Afghanistan. The preemptive war in Iraq also has had some dubious beginnings with no objections from Congress. There was more concern about looking at the supporting of your troops than any questions about if you should be at war in Iraq in the first place. See that the one world people are behind all of these wars because of their greed to make money on your debts and the arms. Pray for the protection of your souls from the demons and the evil ones that will be testing you in the coming tribulation.”


Sunday, October 15, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I asked the rich man in the Gospel to go and give all of his possessions to the poor and come follow Me, but he went away sad because he had many possessions that he did not want to give up. I told My apostles that it is very difficult for the rich to be saved because they are too much in love with their comforts and pleasures to give them up. You cannot let wealth, possessions, and fame become idols that you worship before Me, or you violate My First Commandment. Instead if you truly love Me, you will consecrate all that you have in time, talent and money over to Me for the sake of My Name. People here in America are spoiled by all of your wealth and good jobs, for most of you are not wanting for your needs compared to other countries. You can well afford from your excess to share your money to support My Church and to help the poor who need food, clothing and shelter. Those, who tithe their earnings to charities, will receive many times their worth in the treasures of heaven. Be thankful for all that you have been given, and be a good steward by apportioning a proper amount of your wealth to charity.”


Monday, October 16, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel reading I told My people that the only sign, that would be given, is the sign of Jonah. For when he preached repentance to the sinners there, they put on sackcloth and ashes and repented of their sins. As a result Nineveh was spared My justice and the city was not destroyed. But the people of My day had a greater person than Jonah before them in Me, the true Messiah of God. They saw the miracles of healing and even how I raised the dead before them, and still they refused to believe in these signs of My power. Even in your world of today, you are seeing the signs of the end times before I return, if you have the eyes of faith. The evil of your society in its sexual and homosexual sins has grown so rampant that even this is a sign of the evil of Noah’s day. It is foretold that it will be like in the days of Noah when the Son of Man will return in glory. You also are setting records in your weather. There is pestilence and famine in various places, as well as earthquakes and tsunamis. All of these things, as well as the wars, are a sign to you of the end times. I have warned you also not to take the mark of the beast in your microchips in the body. Love and worship Me as your God and refuse any love of worldly things. I am your Savior and I am the only source of your salvation. Have no fear of the evil ones, and trust in My power which is greater than all of the demons. Read the signs of your day and believe that I will protect your souls in the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned all of you to have your spiritual life in order, so that you will have a clean soul when I call you home. You have heard rumors of an object coming to strike the earth, but I am telling you that it will not hit the earth. Seeing comets or asteroids coming close to the earth could be a little unsettling, but do not worry because this time of destruction is not yet. It would be good to investigate all such rumors to see if they are really true, or just meant to scare the people. Signs and information of such a drastic event will be given to more than one individual, even though the media will ignore it. I have told you that a frightful comet will appear in the sky on the day of the Warning. Keep a watch on the skies as a sign of the coming Warning experience. Many signs and indications of the coming Warning are already around you. Trust in My grace and help to endure this trial, no matter what happens.”


Tuesday, October 17, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, many people are being brain washed on TV that microchips controlling your buying and selling in smart cards are harmless and nothing to worry about. These chips have the capability of storing your fingerprints and all of your medical and financial information. If they are reviewed by someone’s microwave reader, your private information could be abused in identity theft to steal your money right out of the bank. The GPS chips implanted in your body could control your mind through suggestive voices. The abuse of these chips could be used to eventually control your whole society. When your government makes these smart cards mandatory, and soon mandatory chips in the body, this will be the means for the one world people and the Antichrist to take over the whole world. Before they can force these chips on you, you can flee to My refuges for protection from these evil authorities. Then they cannot find you. See therefore, that there is truly a threat to your life and even to your soul if you give in to taking a chip in your body. So refuse at all costs to take chips in your body that can be abused to force you to worship the Antichrist. You will be warned of this in your Warning experience as well as in these messages.”


Wednesday, October 18, 2006: (Jack Hall’s funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, Jack’s life was very eloquently expressed in the homily, and there were many facets of his life that were brought out to everyone. His great love for Me was exemplified in many of his activities, especially his love for My Blessed Sacrament. All of those, who love Me and make Me a part of their lives, are rewarded in many ways in this life and the next in heaven. There is always a message to the living as you consider a deceased person’s life and how they affected other people’s lives. Let it be a time of reflection on how you are helping others yourself, in sharing your charity of time and money. Try to see yourselves as others see you in all of your hobbies and activities, and how you help others in need and how you love your God. Be a good example as a Christian for others to look up to you to imitate. Let others see that your prayer life is sincere in loving Me and your neighbors. Consecrate your lives to My service, and you also will be prepared to meet your Master when I call you home.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people drowning in their desires for the things of this world. Some desire wealth in gold or the stock market. Others desire large homes and rich real estate in popular places. Some desire all kinds of electronic entertainment devices or computers. Once you acquire the things that you wish to have, you soon lose interest in them because they break down or they become obsolete. You soon realize that all of the things, that you desire, will not make you any happier, and you start looking for the next new thing to acquire. So do not let any of these earthly things turn into idols because they will never satisfy or give rest to your spirit. The only true rest and peace for your spirit must come through Me because I am the object of love that your soul yearns for. Remember that in order to come to heaven, you will have to detach yourself from all earthly desires. Your spirit may have to be cleansed of these earthly desires in purgatory. The more attachments and loves you have for earthly things, the longer they will need to be purged in purgatory. So rather than looking to satisfy yourself with earthly things, now is the time to live more simply, instead of seeking to accumulate wealth and rich things that you could do without. Look to satisfy the soul in its desire for heavenly things, and store heavenly treasures that will last and not become obsolete. Love of Me and your neighbor as yourself are higher goals for the soul, instead of giving in to the body’s desire for earthly things.”


Thursday, October 19, 2006: (North American Martyrs)

Jesus said: “My people, when I told the parable about the rich man and Lazarus, I spoke of a great abyss between the man in hell and Lazarus in heaven. (Luke 16:25,26) “But Abraham said to him, ‘Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime hast received good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things; but now here he is comforted whereas thou art tormented. And besides all that, between us and you a great abyss is fixed, so that they who wish to pass over from this side to you cannot, and they cannot cross from your side to us.’” This parable is a lesson of spiritual justice. Those, who spend all of their time on earth enjoying the comforts of earthly things, will find the flames of hell because they rejected Me to please their bodies. Those, who suffer persecution and evil trials on earth, but keep faith in Me, will find comfort and their reward in heaven. In the end there are only heaven and hell. Heaven is for My faithful and just in My eyes, while hell is for the evil ones who refuse to serve Me and serve only themselves. Choose life, therefore, and live your lives in following My plan for salvation. Then heaven will await you when you have been cleansed of all earthly desires.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this vision represents the souls that have won their crowns of sainthood by their struggles on earth. The vision of three crosses on Calvary means that each soul will have to suffer their Good Friday before they can join Me in their resurrection. The North American Martyrs feast day is a celebration of their entry into heaven through their suffering on earth. Some may be called to be martyrs for My Name, and others may become dry martyrs who suffer persecution, but are not killed. Rejoice in My saints and pray that you also will be worthy to be a saint one day in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this star of David among these dark clouds represents the shadow of war that looms again over Israel. There are many Palestinian people that want to reclaim their land from the Jews. Each side lays claim to a historical ownership and there will be a constant conflict over this issue. Continue to pray for peace in this land, but there are strong feelings on each side.”

Jesus said: “My people, man has a great deal of pride in his own accomplishments. Some feats of years past are remarkable even by modern man’s standards. You have many modern day skyscrapers that man is proud of building. These are usually in the center of your cities to make the most of expensive real estate land. If you do not have Me as a part of your life, all of your accomplishments will mean nothing. Humble yourself in accepting Me as your Savior and give praise and thanks to Me for all that you have.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many earthquakes recently in Hawaii and in the Western states. It is an unusual increase right after the nuclear tests in North Korea. Many buildings were destroyed and they need to be rebuilt for the people to carry on. When these destructive events occur, it shows man what little he controls in the face of nature. Pray for your safety every day because natural disasters can occur at any time.”

Jesus said: “My people, this unusual snowstorm has caused several deaths and many to be without power even now after two weeks. They are getting electrical help from other states and supplies had to be brought in to this emergency disaster area. I had mentioned in a message just before this event that it would be good to have some alternative heat sources and extra food for a possible power outage. After this disaster, it is now even more prudent to follow My advice in your preparations for another winter.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been some severe accidents on some roller coaster rides. As a result, inspectors are having to meet stricter requirements for maintaining such rides. The ups and downs of such rides have a lesson in life’s trials and joys. You know that you will be tested in life with various trials, so pray to Me for the daily strength that you will need to endure them. Trust in My love and guiding protection to keep your souls on the right path to heaven.” Jesus said: “My people, the latest nuclear tests in North Korea are very unsettling to the neighboring countries. Some are concerned if they will use these weapons on anyone, or even sell their know how to other terrorist groups. The more these weapons of mass destruction are spread to various countries, the more danger there is in the use of such weapons if a country is threatened by conventional weapons and armies. Again pray for peace and that such weapons are not used that could threaten man’s very survival.”


Friday, October 20, 2006: (St. Paul of the Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, there are those who focus their lives on winning the praise and honor of man for all of their accomplishments. Fame, as riches, is fleeting in this life, for you are praised one moment and forgotten in the next moment. Instead, you should focus your life on pleasing Me, and your fame in heaven would be more meritorious than any fame from man. Some think that their fame on earth could gain them a good salary or many awards. But awards and money are just as temporary as your fame among man. The saints and angels are cheering you on to work to save souls and follow your Lord’s directions for your life. Your good works and good example in My eyes may not gain you fame in this world, but the souls, who gain spiritual inspiration from you, will benefit greatly. Your actions should be focused on improving your spiritual perfection and that of others, instead of seeking any selfish gain in this world’s goods. It is better to seek gaining treasures in heaven for helping people than any gain in this world’s riches. Seek the spiritual things that last forever, instead of any temporary things of this world that are passing away. Love of Me and your neighbor are far more rewarding than the love of possessions or fame.” Jesus said: “My people, when you travel any long distance from state to state, you use many expressways that offer a choice to use transponders for paying the tolls. New toll roads are being made where tolls are unnecessary just to control your entry. A time is come quickly when it will be mandatory to use easy passes for all of your main highways. By forcing people to have transponders on their windshields, it will be easier to track your whereabouts at any time. By controlling your driving freedoms, the one world people can control how far you can travel and even where you can travel. It would be good planning for your escape to My refuges if you would have detailed road maps to take local roads as alternates to the highways. I have told you before to have your bikes ready in case you have difficulty buying fuel or you do not have transponders to travel the highways. Travel to My refuges will become increasingly difficult as the one world people tighten their vise of control on you through smart cards and cameras. Do not be discouraged by this evil control, but trust in Me and your guardian angels to lead you safely to My refuges. Many of these lost freedoms are becoming more apparent to anyone who is watching the stifling activities of your government.”


Saturday, October 21, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have been spared devastating hurricanes this year, but you have had to endure droughts and fires in the West, and heavy rains along the coasts. This vision of a flood coming over people’s porches is another sign that the heavier than usual rainfall will continue, and could cause more storms like in Buffalo in the Northern areas in winter. The El Nino in the Pacific can minimize hurricanes and worsen winter storms. Because of the weather machines in the U.S. and Russia, your weather can take many unpredictable shifts to worse weather. With the chance of a harsher winter I remind you again to be prepared for food and fuel shortages caused by power outages. The extent of the damage in Buffalo and future storms are cause to take notice. Pray to Me for help in your times of distress from these natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, the terrorists know that America’s economy runs on oil and other fuels to keep your standard of living high. They have sabotaged oil pipe lines already in Iraq. They also could sabotage oil tankers in your ports so that oil could cause a lot of problems to clean up as well as being a fire hazard. Beware of the safe delivery of your fuels that always present a hazard in handling with any sparks and open flames from smokers. You have seen several explosions at chemical plants and refineries which could have suspicious origins. Wherever explosive chemicals are loaded, either from pipelines or gasoline trucks, extra care needs to be taken to prevent accidental fires and explosions. Your fuels are very critical to your daily living. Without an adequate supply of gasoline and natural gas, your nation could not function. So keep your trust in Me to protect you from any would-be bombers.”


Sunday, October 22, 2006: (Mission Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, this Sunday is appropriate to set aside a day to remember and pray for all of the clergy who serve in various orders for missionary work all over the world. These missionaries are also worthy of your financial support to help them in their work. This is also a day to honor all of those involved with mission ministry in your parishes or abroad. You have laity as well teaching religion and all healing ministers and prophets who are doing My work. I call everyone to evangelize souls by your Baptism and Confirmation. The Gospel speaks about serving the rest if you want places in the kingdom of heaven. By your love for Me and your neighbor, you are drawn to share your faith with those in your family, in your neighborhood, and in the work place. Reaching out to save souls for Me is your greatest mission, and do not leave this work to a few, but do whatever is in your power to accomplish. Your own personal mission has been an answer to My call and you are fulfilling My Will in carrying it out. I want all of My faithful to answer My call to help in any way that you can to bring My Good News of the Gospel to the people. Do not be afraid to share your faith, but reach out from your heart to others out of love. You can only find peace and rest for your soul with Me, and there are many suffering in this life that need My help. Be the one to invite these poor souls to come to Me so I can enter into their hearts to share My graces with them. Do not pass up any opportunity to save a soul because you may be the only person of faith that they will meet in their lives.”


Monday, October 23, 2006: (St. John of Capistrano)

Jesus said: “My people, My parable about the farmer with the rich harvest is all about why you do things-whether for Me or for yourself. When you accumulate wealth only for your own use, you are being selfish both with your time and you money without sharing it. Those, who tithe their wealth to charity, have their hearts on the right road to helping others. Even another step closer to your spiritual perfection is focusing all of your actions on pleasing Me as in your daily consecration. You should not be so attached to your wealth and possessions that you cannot leave them behind. This again questions you on what is really important in this life. It all comes back to how you love Me and your neighbor as yourself in the Great Commandment. Yes, this life is short, but even more you should be concerned about making the best use of your little time here on earth. Love and charity in helping others in their need is one of your responsibilities as a Christian. But everything, that you do, should be done out of love for Me. When you have such a love for Me all of the time, then you would not be like the farmer in the parable worrying about how to preserve his harvest, when he was going to die that night.”

Jesus said: “My people, these open fields are leading you to My refuges that for the most part are in rural settings away from your cities. This will be your place of protection by the angels from the evil ones and the demons. You will see a miracle of My protection because the angels will put a shield around My people so that no one will be able to detect you by any means. You will be forced to leave everything behind to save your souls and not look back, just as I called My apostles to follow Me. I will provide for all of your spiritual and physical needs at My refuges, but you will be living a simple and rustic life. When you see a world famine, a division in My Church, and forced chips in the body, this will be the time to call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge. This will be the time of tribulation when some will be martyred for My Name’s sake, while the rest of My faithful will be protected. You will be living in full trust in Me in everything, even as My saints trusted in Me to provide for all of their needs. This trial will be a test of your faith and a preparation for your living according to My Will in the coming Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, October 24, 2006: (St. Anthony Claret)

Jesus said: “My people, this tree being cut down is symbolic of Me as the Tree of Life, and it represents those believers who have cut themselves off from Me and are fallen away. I am asking My faithful to reach out in a special way to those former believers who are either lazy in their faith or have lost interest in following Me. You all have to carry your own cross, and you cannot have eternal life without Me. Those, who have believed at one time, have a much better chance of being reawakened in the faith than those who have openly rejected Me. You have seen the numbers at Sunday Mass and your prayer groups decrease in recent years, but this should inspire you more in your evangelization efforts because the end time signs are all around you. Pray for conversions and especially to bring back the former believers from their spiritual laziness.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are two parts to this vision. In older traditions people were buried with coins over their eyes to hide them from view. The other meaning is about those who saw money as their god or idol. Some in life are so preoccupied with accumulating as much wealth as possible that they forget Me entirely. But wealth is fleeting because it can be taken by theft or fraud. You can also spend it too foolishly as in gambling and lose it that way. Many people become frustrated with their financial problems because they cannot handle money properly. Just as the farmer with the rich harvest thought he was set for life, then he died and lost it all. So those, who are rich for themselves, could also be lost to hell as they die unprepared to meet Me. Do not let money be your god, for it is temporary and it is a sin against My First Commandment. Do not worship money as an idol, but only worship Me. I am more important to you than all the money in the world. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul in the process? The real treasures are your works and good deeds that will be stored in heaven that will not rot or be stolen. Seek Me in the kingdom of heaven, and all that you need will be provided for you. You are only a steward of the gifts that I give you, so share what you have, and you will find a better treasure in your charity.”


Wednesday, October 25, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a long hospital hall is a sign of how one day you may be dying in such a hospital. There is always a small human fear of the unknown at the time of your death. Some linger in death with terminal illnesses, while others die quickly in heart attacks or accidents. If you have your soul spiritually prepared as with frequent Confession, then you have nothing to fear from death. Only those living in the guilt of their sin without repentance need fear of the possible loss of their soul to hell. Today’s Gospel speaks more of My justice, for those who have more of this world’s goods or more spiritual blessings, more will be expected of them to share their gifts. The more love you have in your hearts for Me and your neighbor, the easier it will be to share with those in need out of your compassion for others. It is the selfish in physical and spiritual blessings that will be held more accountable for their sins of omission. Love and charity are important for everyone to have, and by sharing, you could be closer to Me on your path to heaven.”


Wednesday, October 25, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this bright orange pumpkin balloon was blown by the wind down a city street around Halloween time. The amusement park being destroyed to the ground means that there will be a power outage that will not allow you any entertainment from any of your electronic devices as TVs in the area of the storm. I have given you a confirmation sign and there will be considerable rain to cause some flooding. Many times you have seen severe weather events, and these will continue to give you evidence that you are in the end times. Pray for My protection in these perilous times both from natural and supernatural causes.”


Thursday, October 26, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, the cycle of the seasons from summer to fall and then to winter is similar to the cycle of life and death among My faithful. Each year of your life you are reminded of new life in the spring and death in the winter. Even some are depressed by the long dark nights and the cloudy days of the colder season. As long as you have life, you must uplift yourself with My love to continue on your mission of loving everyone and helping them in their needs. Christian love is what you should be sharing all of your life, even if people reject you and persecute you. The division I bring into families is really a call to holiness in My Name. Some will live by My example, and others will reject Me. If they reject Me, you will suffer also as they refuse to love Me and do not follow My Commandments. Even the sinners around you are secretly crying out for your prayers, and desire to be converted, but they are held back by their attachments to this world. Reach out to everyone in love to put My peace into their lives because all of you are on a short road in life before you have to answer before My judgment.

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, usually you hear church bells to know that it is time for Mass or a certain time of the day. In this vision the bells are being rung as a warning of a coming occupation and a threat to Christians that will be in danger of being martyred. The evil ones will be directed by demons and the devil, and that is why they will be seeking you out to kill you. But I will throw them into confusion and they will not be able to see you. See that I will perform miracles for your protection and I will provide for your needs at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is becoming more acceptable for women to be elected to offices in your government. This is presenting a new shift away from all men since the women can be more compassionate. Many people of different backgrounds make up your population, and it is proper that those who run for office should not be discriminated against for who they are. Christians are being attacked more in public because they do not fight back as other faiths do. Pray for all of those who are persecuted for My Name’s sake, for they will receive a heavenly reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, the trials that you are about to face are from the evil angels from the Principalites and Powers level. These are the supernatural forces that will test you in temptations and physical beatings as some of the saints faced. You will not be able to fight them with conventional weapons, but you will need your blessed sacramentals for your defense.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had an active war going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now you are seeing the possibility of another conflict over the Golan Heights between Syria and Israel. The greed for land or a position of strength is driving both countries to want this land for a military advantage. Keep praying for peace in the Middle East where there is no peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are earthly and spiritual authorities that are present in the buildings that have pillars. Government people hold rule over the people from the buildings with pillars. My Church leaders may say Mass at shrines with pillars, but they are helping the people instead of using any authority over their parishioners. See that spiritual authority will soon be threatened by the evil authority of the one world people.”

Jesus said: “My people, for man it may seem impossible to gain sainthood, but for Me all things are possible. If I give you enough graces and blessings to find your way to heaven, then you truly will also be joyous one day to enter heaven and receive your crown of sainthood. The more graces that you are given, the harder you will have to work to bring souls to Me. Be evangelists every day because My Good News could reach many ears of sinners and they could be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are times that you receive urges to remember someone who has deceased, especially when you go by a cemetery or visit other relatives at their graves. These urges or events that make you remember someone, may be callings from these souls for prayers to be released from purgatory. The more time that passes after someone dies, the harder it is to remember to pray for them. Make it a daily prayer for you to pray for all of your deceased friends and relatives so none of them are forgotten. As November approaches it is a time of remembrance by the Church to pray for all of those who have deceased, especially in the last year. You have All Souls’ Day coming soon, so remember to pray for the poor souls in purgatory where you may be one day.”


Friday, October 27, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in many war torn countries that the Lebanon and Taliban fighters have built a honeycomb of caves to protect themselves from bomb attacks from your airplanes. In the days of the Early Christians they used a network of caves in the catacombs to hide themselves from the Romans who wanted to kill them. So it will be in America. My faithful will have to hide at My refuges and caves of protection. My faithful will have to hide at My refuges and caves of protection. My faithful may have to dig some caves in the dirt, or have My angels carve out caves from the rock. This is why I asked you to bring shovels along for digging. This tribulation time is not the first time that My people had to hide from being killed. So learn from past history how to protect yourselves and ask for My help in some impossible situations. Do not have fear of the evil ones because I will show you the way to the nearest refuge, and My angels will defend you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you would do well to have your bicycles ready in good working order because you cannot assume that you will be able to use your cars. You may have difficulty in getting fuel for your car or you may not be able to drive on the main highways. With bicycles you could carry a little more necessities on your way to your refuge. You may need to carry a bicycle pump and your helmet to keep your tires pumped up and lawful attire to travel. With a bicycle you could travel on back roads or through the fields to get to your refuge. Some may not be able to ride bicycles, so you could buy a three wheeler or a multiple passenger bike. Some may think bicycles are not very useful, but you will be getting by with a lot fewer luxuries than you have now. Trust in Me and bring your tents, umbrellas, and some clothes, and I will multiply the food and water that you need, as well as any shelters that are available. Everything will be provided for you and the angels will protect you from the demons and any evil people.”


Saturday, October 28, 2006: (St. Simon & St. Jude)

Jesus said: “My people, your weather patterns are continuing to show extremes of droughts and fires in some areas, and excessive rainfall in other areas. These extremes will make harvesting crops very difficult and food will be in less supply as a result. Some of these changes are coming from warmer temperatures, while the more severe weather is being enhanced by weather machines as the HAARP machine. Man in his pollution and manipulations of the weather is disturbing My balance of nature so much, that nature is now reacting to your abuses. The violence in your weather is a continuing reaction to your violence in your wars and your abortions. Stop abusing My creation, or you will suffer the consequences.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you in the Northeast are complaining about so many cloudy and rainy days in the last few months. Even your newspapers have run articles on the lack of sunlight. Those, who live in California, would love to have just some of the rain that you are having. Even your sports people are complaining of the soggy fields. This vision of a summer day reminds you how you were complaining of the hot days that required air conditioning to stay cool. The weather is what it is, and you are not going to change it. So work your activities around the bad weather. If you are truly Resurrection people, you should be more joyous and look forward to how you can best use each moment of your life. You can use your time for work to earn a living. You spend time for prayer and worship. You also are happy when you can help someone in their needs. Try to spread your love with all of those that you are with each day. By spreading My peace around you, you can add more peace to the world and less anger. So focus on My mission in your life with joy in all that you do, and do not dwell on being a cranky complainer that may annoy the people you are with. Love is your goal, and put aside all despair and depression.”


Sunday, October 29, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, when you meet people, I want you to look into their eyes and hearts and listen to who they really are with love in your heart for them. Communication and sharing your life with others is part of your mission to bringing Me to all souls. You can see a little of My Spirit present in everyone, so reach out to share your faith with everyone, regardless if you personally like that person or not. When you are happy and joy filled with faith, your love for people will call out for a joyful response in others as well. It is this loving response that I am seeking out in every soul. Love truly makes the world go around in harmony, and you would much rather see love than the anger and discord that brings about wars. So I call on My faithful to be more loving and joyful in all of your encounters with people, and you will be spreading My Good News of love as well. Be attentive to people’s needs and reach out where you can to help them out of love for Me.”


Monday, October 30, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in areas that are prone to fires, it is a serious sin of arson that can spread fire and kill people as a result. These fires are occurring every year and people in these areas need to be very cautious with any source of sparks or flames. Some people are thinking twice about buying second homes next to woodlands in the West. Some of this destruction, although natural in some cases, can also be a punishment for the sinful lifestyles of living together whether in fornication or homosexual acts. The latest wind storms and power outages also can be a test of people in the use of all of their comforts run by electricity. There is much filth being viewed in your movies and all of the adult pornography and houses of prostitution. This evil environment is making it more difficult for parents to protect their children from all of these sinful distractions. Pray for your country to repent of its sins, or you will suffer My wrath as a consequence of your sins.”

(Ray Maginn funeral) Jesus said: “My people, it is a difficult time for those who have lost a loved one, and even more difficult to handle long illnesses or degrading conditions that lead to death. But even when your parents may not have all of their mental faculties, it is your place out of love to make them comfortable and visit them often. When you will be aging, you would appreciate help if you became incapacitated. You have a short time here and you can spend your time serving those who need your assistance in your family or for friends. You have a satisfied blessing that you will receive after you have helped someone. Trust in Me, and others are trusting in your help as well.”


Tuesday, October 31, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading St. Paul speaks of how spouses should love and respect each other as I love My Church. It is unfortunate that quick marriages and divorces in Hollywood give marriage a bad name. Even quick marriages in Las Vegas and the justice of the peace do not lay a good groundwork for a lasting marriage. There should be a proper time for courtship and a knowledge of each other for a permanent life time commitment to be prepared. Marriage is a total giving of each other to the other spouse, and a sharing of everything out of love without being selfish about money or possessions. When you truly love someone, you love them for who they are, and not for someone that you want to change them into. A good marriage involves give and take in compromising some of your own likes and dislikes. It also involves a good communication and affection of showing your love for each other every day. Even when you show love for Me, it needs to be seen in daily prayer, and not just on Sunday and forgotten the rest of the week. Love in life is a daily commitment both in marriage and your faith in Me. Without love in your life, you will be missing the spark and vitality of your spirit that craves to love someone and be loved. You only find peace in Me because I am all love and I am your Creator and Master. I do not force you to love Me and your neighbor, but you will suffer the consequences for rejecting Me. Just as the plants and animals obey their mission, mankind also needs to be in conformity with My plan for creation. So love one another as I love you, and follow My call to be with Me in heaven by loving Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is about an electromagnetic pulse weapon that your military has that can put electricity out in a whole city and keep all of your cars from running. This capability could throw major cities into great chaos as a pretext for implementing martial law or emergency control over the people in a given area. You are so dependent on electricity and your vehicles that this weapon could bring your cities to a complete standstill. This is why your alternative fuels and bikes will be needed for heat and transportation. When these major events lead up to martial law, you will need to call on Me and have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge or interim refuge. Do not hesitate to get to your refuges before the evil ones will come to your house to try and implant you with microchips or take you to the death camps if you refuse. Call on My help, for I will protect you from these evil ones. Have no fear, but trust in My protection.”


Wednesday, November 1, 2006: (All Saints’ Day)

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in this vision all of My beautiful saints who were found worthy to enter the gates of heaven. Some, who were martyred, have been officially beatified and canonized saints by My Church in the Pope. Others have gained sainthood, but have not been canonized by My Church. This state of sainthood should be the goal of all of My faithful in order to gain entry into heaven. It is not easy on your own to become a saint, but it is possible by My grace. There are many distractions and temptations to sin in this life, and it takes spiritual courage to avoid sin. Even if you should fall into sin, you can be forgiven in Confession through Me in the priest’s absolution. There is no reason that you should remain in your sin, unless you are too spiritually lazy to come to Confession. Do not have any fear of Confession, but if you refuse to confess your sins, you endanger your soul of falling into hell. I love all of My children, but you can show your love for Me by remaining pure in your heart and soul. By following My Commandments, living in total consecration to Me, and giving Me your daily prayers and good deeds, all of you could find your way to heaven as one of My saints.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is a vision of people entering heaven into My Light as they became One with Me. The glory of heaven is so beautiful that it will be impossible to comprehend in human terms. You will be enveloped in My peace and love so much that if you had a glimpse of heaven, you would never want to leave. In previous visions of heaven, you have experienced this desire to remain here. Knowing just a little about heaven is a great inspiration to strive for your individual perfection that would allow you to enter. During life you have to struggle through all of the limitations of the body, and all of the good times and trials. You suffer sicknesses, the pain of losses through death, and all of the hardships and headaches of everyday life. Live every day as your last so you remain pure in your soul, and striving to share and do good deeds for those that you meet in life. Once your robes of your soul have been cleansed and purged white, then you too can stand with all of My saints and angels and sing My praises.”


Thursday, November 2, 2006: (All Souls’ Day)

Jesus said: “My people, the souls in purgatory cannot see Me, but they are reaching upward in the vision crying out for prayers and My mercy to release them. Part of the First Reading speaks about trying these souls in a furnace as you purify gold. In the lower levels of purgatory souls are burning in a furnace of flames, but they are not consumed by the fire. In the upper levels of purgatory they are at peace, but they suffer not seeing Me or anyone from heaven. They are one day promised to be with Me in heaven and are already saved. I admonish you many times to remember to pray for the souls in purgatory. Especially pray for all of your deceased relatives and friends, as well as for those souls that no one is praying for. There are many souls that have been forgotten and they languish longer in purgatory because no one is praying for them. If you knew what it was like in purgatory, you would have more compassion to pray for these souls. Try to imagine yourself in the grey, dingy quietness of purgatory, and you would understand why they are striving to leave this place.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, in your Northern states you are already seeing some small snow storms, even before you have raked up the leaves. This year has already shown signs of colder weather than last year. The weather has changed dramatically from many hurricanes to only a few this year. I continue to warn you to be prepared for a difficult winter season.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate to still be able to gather crops from the farmer for your food. In other countries food costs are considerably higher, and some countries are even seeing famine with dried out crops from droughts. You are also fortunate when you can be near large sources of fresh water. Give praise and thanks to your God for providing for your needs to survive. Trust in Me both now and in the tribulation time when I will have to multiply your food at the refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is another time to elect your governmental candidates for office. The same issues of right to life, wars, and the economy are always before you. This is another test of voting for a culture of life or a culture of death. Peace and having children are always at odds with wars and abortion. It is not easy to change your ways as a country, but America needs to repent of its sins and stop the killing in wars and abortions. Pray that your citizens will be open to change in working against wars and abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your businesses thrive on what they sell for Christmas compared to your other seasons. This is why they seem to start selling for this season even before Thanksgiving is here. Many of your economists are always concerned with how much your people will buy at this time leading up to the Anniversary of My birth. Instead of being concerned with sales and gifts for Christmas, you could better prepare yourself for bringing your prayer gifts to Me out of love. Trust that I will help you in providing a living for your family, and do not worry or be anxious over these earthly concerns.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as the rich man was concerned about storing his rich harvest, so My people should be preparing to leave their homes for My refuges. What does it benefit your soul if you have much accumulated wealth and then lose your soul to the evil one? Be concerned most about saving your soul instead of being concerned more about the comforts of the body. Seek My kingdom first and everything else will be given you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you continue to go on living and eating as if everything will continue on for a long time. I tell you, your time before the tribulation grows short and you will soon see more signs of a world famine and disastrous weather. Earthquakes and volcanoes will also contribute more disasters causing death and sickness. These signs should be a cause to get your spiritual lives in order by Confession and prayer, instead of seeking the best forms of entertainment to satisfy the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, your world of stadiums and large salaries for your baseball and football players is a sign that sports are big business. It is not by accident that the Antichrist intends to use these large stadiums for his purposes of trying to force people to worship him and take his mark or chip in the body. Refuse to watch or listen to the Antichrist and refuse his chips in your bodies. He is striving for world control, but I will destroy his plans with My own plan that will defeat Satan and all of his demons.”


Friday, November 3, 2006: (St. Martin de Porres)

Jesus said: “My people, in your life you are challenged by much stress in the work place and in providing a living for your family. Some people have reached to addictions of drinking, smoking, and drugs to try and relieve their stress, but their excesses now are causing other problems to their family and their bodies. Even other addictions as gambling, pornography, and computers cause problems to your finances, your marriages and lost social skills. Some addictions are physical abuses and require a complete withdrawal of these substances and rehabilitation. All other addictions also require a removal of the agent causing the addiction or minimal contact. The most important rule is not to let anything so control your mind that it takes you away from everything else in your life including your prayer time. Do not let any addiction be an idol to you above Me. This is another warning that something in your life is more important than Me. Worldly things are cold without souls or love. Love is an expression of the soul and spirit, and it can only be satisfied in Me and loving others. Focus more on the spiritual life instead of letting earthly things so distract you from your mission of striving for heaven and saving souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a beautiful image of Me in heaven sitting on My throne. The Blessed Sacrament Host is interchanging with My image because this is My Real Presence. All the golden rays spreading out in all directions is a sign of My power throughout the whole universe. This is also a sign that I am the Light of Salvation for all of mankind. The saints and the angels are constantly singing My praises, and when you are in heaven, you will be able to hear a symphony of the choirs of angels. Whenever you come before My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration, you can also sing My praises. I am grateful for all souls who come and give glory to My Real Presence. All of your time spent with Me will be greatly rewarded in heaven. Rejoice in all of My gifts to you, especially the gift of My very Being among you in My Eucharist.”


Saturday, November 4, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in Scripture it speaks how it would be hard for you if the end times should come in the winter time, especially for those with child. (Matt. 24:15-22) You have experienced some glimpses of your winter season in your travels and there is a little suffering in bearing the cold of the winter. Even at My refuges you may suffer the cold as well, but I will provide for all of your needs. You have seen My apostles when I called them, and they left everything to follow Me. It is more difficult in this age where you have many distractions and comforts, that you also could leave everything behind to follow Me. My call is to come to My refuges when the time of end times is upon you. Some have had a calling to prepare refuges and they will be blessed. Those, who come in faith and leave all of their possessions behind, will also receive a blessing. Obedience to My Word and to My Church leaders is of great importance, and following Me is a calling that will prepare you for coming to heaven. When you come to My refuges, you will be protected by My angels and everything else will be provided for you.”

(Tenth Station at the Greensides farm, Marmora) Jesus said: “My people, at this Tenth Station of the Cross you see Me stripped of My clothes right before I was crucified on the cross. This vision of the trees stripped of their leaves is another sign of death as you approach winter. New life will not come forth from these trees until the warmth of spring comes again. Even before each person dies, you also are stripped of all of your earthly things. That is why you should not be taken up so much with your earthly possessions because they will quickly pass away. In order to pass into heaven you must be stripped and purified of all of your earthly desires. I am the only desire of your heart and soul, and all other desires cannot come before Me. If you are truly seeking spiritual perfection, then you must start even now to detach yourselves from material things. Focus your whole life on serving Me and your neighbor out of love, and you will have enough work for a lifetime. Daily prayer, Mass, and frequent Confession are your callings to a closer life with Me. Do not be found wanting at your time of death, but let Me receive you stripped of the world and ready to be with Me in heaven for all eternity.”


Sunday, November 5, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, ask and you will receive, knock and it will be opened to you. I know that many people pray to Me and to intercessor saints for physical and spiritual healings. I want to remind you that it is most important to pray for what is best for your soul or the souls of those that you are praying for. Physical healings are a blessing to give witness to you to your eyes that I am truly answering your prayer. Spiritual healings you cannot see, but you can see the result in conversions of people’s lives. In many ways My saints, as your son, David, have interceded for people. It is not important for any notoriety, but it is a reminder to pray more to the saints for your needs. It is most acceptable to follow My Will and pray for healings in My Name. When you are in harmony with what I want for your life, then you are moving closer to your own sainthood. Give praise and glory to Me for all healings, and do not be prideful of someone healed through your prayers.”


Monday, November 6, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in this fall season many of you are bagging up your leaves for mulching or for disposal. As you collect up these leaves, you could be thinking of two subjects. You could think of yourself as an evangelist collecting souls for conversion, or you could think of yourself as collecting all of your sins in a black bag as you rid them from your life in Confession. Some people even try to do a life review Confession of all of their old sins that are dragging them down in despair. I forgive you of all of your sins in Confession, but sometimes you have a difficult time of forgiving yourselves of the guilt of your sin. At the Warning life review or in near death experiences you will remember all of your sins of omission, all the sins that you forgot, or repressed and did not tell in Confession. After this Warning experience you will be seeking out a priest for Confession. Many priests will be working overtime in the confessional, and My faithful will be working at a fever pitch to save souls at that time. So see your saving of souls in conversions as one of your most important tasks on earth where you will be gathering souls instead of leaves into a bag.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are the basic necessities of food, water, clothing and shelter that all of you need to survive. The rest are luxuries, and are not necessary in helping you get to heaven. There are many people all over the world that do not always have these basic necessities, and you can help your neighbor in his needs. The real choices in life are how you go about struggling to obtain your necessities of life. Some people are smarter than others, and some have more help from their families than others. Some may have to struggle with the difficulty of holding a job with threats of layoffs, or securing new jobs after being laid off. In your daily trials all of you are faced with the need to survive, but life is more than just survival because you are body and spirit. It is really love of Me and your neighbor that is more important to your soul than concern with just keeping the body alive. If you follow Me and consecrate everything over to Me, I will give you the graces that you need to provide for your bodily needs. But with trust in Me and love of Me I will provide for your spiritual needs as well in My sacraments and the peace and rest of My love. So do not worry about what you are to eat, drink, or wear; just concern yourself with following My Will for you in your mission, and that will be enough for your soul and your body. If you know how to give good gifts to your children with all of your imperfections, imagine how a perfect God will take care of the needs of His creations.”


Tuesday, November 7, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel of the call to a dinner from a landowner represents My call to everyone to come to My banquet of the Eucharist. I invite everyone in the Scripture to follow Me and take part in the breaking of the Bread. He, who eats My Body and drinks My Blood, will have eternal life. My Eucharist is the food of the soul and those, who refuse to believe in Me or share My dinner, will live in constant unrest. The ones who refused to come to the dinner in the Gospel represent the unbelievers who will not give Me any notice or attention. These are the spiritual poor that need evangelization. There are many poor and lame who will be invited to heaven, while the rich unbelievers will not be invited. So do not be unbelieving, but believe in My Good News, and believe in My Real Presence in My Eucharist. When you share Holy Communion at the Mass, you are partaking of My dinner.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are being shown some new devices that could collect solar energy from a large funnel or optical device that could be used to heat your houses. There have been solar cells used for this purpose, but they are not very efficiently using the available energy from the sun. Mirrors and optics could funnel more energy for heating water to heat your houses. Your scientists have yet to tap the energy of the sun with a usable efficiency. With adequate harnessing of the sun’s energy, many countries could afford to heat their houses with less use of burning fuels that cause pollution. Pray that this process could be developed more to save your fuels and cut down on greenhouse gases.”


Wednesday, November 8, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, every time that I have given you messages about the coming Warning experience, there has been a circling of scenes as you would see in your life review. The scene of fall leaves is another indication that this would most likely occur in the football season. This illumination of conscience or life review will be similar to a near death experience where you come into My Light and you see all the events of your life pass in front of you. In this experience you will see what things that you are doing that offend Me, and it will be revealed to you what is most important for you to change in order to prepare your life for heaven. You will not be forced to change your ways because of your free will, but you will see the consequences if you do not, and the joy if you do change. Everyone will have this same out of body life review at the same time and some will change their lives, while others will continue on as if it did not happen. Pray that souls in danger of being lost will turn their lives around instead of refusing this opportunity for My graces.”


Wednesday, November 8, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, your electorate has spoken out in voting the Republicans out of office and have given a mandate against your war in Iraq. I have asked you to pray for peace in the Middle East and an end to the war in Iraq. The president is still in charge of the Armed Forces, but the new Congress will be looking for a way out of the Iraq War. The war was started under false pretenses and the aftermath has caused more trouble. The real question is why are you still in Iraq and not about supporting the troops. Many questions need to be answered about this war, and new investigations may point in the direction of leaving. Your people have spoken with their votes, and soon the new Congress will be forced to act on their mandate.”


Thursday, November 9, 2006: (Feast of Dedication St. John Lateran)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I chased the money changers out of the temple. There is also a quote: ‘Zeal for My house consumes Me.’ In your churches of today I am also upset with how you are destroying them. Many of your churches have been reduced to four walls with no feeling of the ‘sacred’ present at all. I am the Guest of honor and the reason that your churches are holy. Yet you place My Blessed Sacrament in back rooms where it is difficult to find Me and give Me praise. You have stripped your altars of My crucifix, statues of the saints, pictures, Communion rails, and most of all My tabernacle. In some place you are even selling My churches to pay for the crimes of your priests against the young boys. I have told you before that every closed church is a lost opportunity for My graces of the sacraments. With this destruction of My churches in the name of renovation, you can appreciate why your actions against My churches disgusts Me. Pray for your clergy and let them hear your complaints to return the sacred traditions to My churches.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, at times you see birds that are sick or have died from a virus or pollutant either in the air or the water. Fish also appear with extra growths and many fishing banks are low in population from over fishing. Man’s abuses of nature are upsetting My balance of nature and you will be suffering more from diseases just as the animals do. Man needs to control the dispersing of pollutants that are harmful to life. Many increases in cancers and other diseases are linked to man’s abuses of nature. You only have one earth and you need to take measures not to despoil it.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is an art to making good bread, and it starts with having good ingredients in the dough. The leavening process is very delicate so that the bread can rise slowly. In the parables I have given you an example that My faithful are like the leaven in the bread when you make a conversion of someone. Once a person tastes Me in the Bread of Life in Holy Communion, there is a grace of enlightenment that points you to heaven. See the power of faith in Me in a person’s life and you will see why it is so important to spread My Good News to all of those that you meet.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you saw how chickens and turkeys were fed and taken care of, you could see how diseases and viruses could be spread when they live close together. Whether they are grain fed or fed hormones determines how good the meat is. Some farmers like organic grown, while others try to cut corners to gain more money in weight. Pray for your farmers that they are properly compensated for growing your turkeys and chickens.”

Jesus said: “My people, your servicemen and women are being honored on Veteran’s Day for all the wars and duties that they have had to carry out in defense of your country. Pray for them, especially for the wounded and the deceased from battle. Man has difficulty living with his neighbors as witnessed by the many wars in your history. Continue to pray for peace all over the earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, the darkness over this city is a sign of sin among the people and their hearts were cold to My love. They refused to seek My forgiveness and they went on about their lives as if I did not exist. At the end of your lives, you will have to make an accounting for all of your actions, whether you believed in Me or not. It is then that everyone will be judged accordingly. Those, who believe in Me and follow My teachings, will be saved, but those, who did not, will be thrown into the fire where there will be a wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

Jesus said: “My people, every person is not making a living wage and a low minimum wage has kept them among the working poor. There is a great cry in your elections to raise the old limits that are not changing according to inflation. Your prices may rise and your investors may complain, but it is only fair to have a living wage minimum. In the Scripture it is considered a sin not to properly compensate the workers. Even those abroad are also being abused with slave labor wages. Instead of seeking out goods from such countries, it would be more fair to support better wages in all countries. The rich are manipulating people for their own profit, but one day they will pay for their wrong doing at the judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, around Thanksgiving you think of providing meals for the poor, but these people may be starving all year long. It is good to help the poor, but they would be better served if you thought about their difficulties all year long. Sharing your wealth with your neighbor is the meaning of charity, but think how they may be suffering when you do not give your fair share. This sin of omission in helping the poor will be one more action that you will have to answer for at your own judgment.”


Friday, November 10, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, many times you might find yourself in difficult situations at the airport or in your car when you may have been reprimanded for regulations, insulted, or even persecuted for your faith. You may have a few quick impulses to say some unkind words to such people, but you must put yourself in restraint because you need to follow My example of turning the other cheek and avoid sins of anger. You are Christians and you need to be loving everyone, even those who insult you or persecute you. It may be easier to say how much you love Me and love your neighbor, but in life’s trials are you truly living this love? I know that you are weak in your human state, but be conscious of your mistakes and ask for My forgiveness, especially in Confession. You know that I am all merciful, and I will accept you back into My graces. Let the missteps of yours be a means of training your mind and spirit to think before speaking, so you can truly show yourself as a loving Christian before others. Do not be hypocrites in speaking of yourself as Christians by wearing My cross, but in front of others you are swearing and not loving in your actions. If by impulse you say something rude to someone, then catch yourself and ask their forgiveness at that moment. Even a kind work after such a mistake will not remove the offense, but it will show your true feeling as a Christian. Be more conscious of your words and actions that you should be giving glory to Me in all that you do.”


Saturday, November 11, 2006: (St. Martin of Tours)

Jesus said: “My people, in many of life’s events you are facing the unexpected and you do not know when you will be called to defend your faith in Me, so do not run away from your responsibilities. You see many current issues in your society that defy My laws, and you must always speak out lovingly to remind people of My words as a good evangelist. I ask you constantly to speak out in defense of My little babies, so that their mothers do not abort them. Also, I want you to be able to console those who have had abortions by showing your love for them as I love them. Do what you can also to help unwed mothers in keeping their babies with your help. It is sometimes difficult to speak out against war, but it is My Will to stop all conflicts to live in My peace and not the world’s peace. Speak out also about how couples need to live in love by marriage and not in sins of fornication or adultery. Speak out against homosexual marriages as an abomination of My marriage sacrament. Pornography is another crime in America that is breaking up marriages, so speak out against adult bookstores and houses of prostitution. You know how I used righteous anger to drive out the money changers in the temple. I want My faithful to be more outspoken on these issues, even though you may draw criticism and even persecution from the opposition. You are in a battle of good and evil, so do not be afraid to carry My banner of love and My Good News of salvation. Be good soldiers in speaking out in God-righteousness instead of selfrighteousness.”


Sunday, November 12, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a tent with many curtains is a sign of the Ark of the Covenant that held the Ten Commandments. The Blessed Sacrament located in the middle is a sign of My New Covenant where I have given you My very Self in My Eucharist. In My consecrated Host I will be with you in My Real Presence even until the end of time. I am always present to you in Holy Communion and in My monstrance of Adoration. I have given you My very life in My crucifixion so that My Blood has washed away all of your sins. No greater love can a man show than to give his life for all of his friends. I am love itself, and I want to share My unconditional love with all of mankind. I pray that many souls will come to conversion in knowing Me, loving Me, and serving Me. You can give Me praise and adoration every moment that you spend with Me in every visit to My Blessed Sacrament. Just as you love Me, I want you to love your neighbor as yourself. All of those, who share in this Covenant of My love, will have an eternal reward with Me. You can only come to heaven through Me. Those, who eat My Bread and drink My Blood, will have eternal life. Continue to love one another as I love you.”


Monday, November 13, 2006: (daughter Carmen died of cancer)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the Blessed Trinity is a grace to see where you are drawn to worship Us. This is the Light of My Resurrection that consumes the darkness of all sin. You remember when I raised Lazarus that I told My disciples that I am the Resurrection and the Life. (John 11:25,26) I have given you an example of how all of My faithful will also be resurrected one day to heaven. Even though this family is sorrowing the loss of Carmen, she has the promise of eternal salvation. Death no longer has any effect on Me, and sin and death have been conquered with My death on the cross. Even though there is sorrow in death, there is also joy in new life that you have in faith. Your people are here also to console the family, but also to give them confidence in this new life for Carmen. I love all of you My children, and you are praising God in witnessing this beautiful miracle of My Luminous Cross. Give thanks to the family for letting you share this gift of the Luminous Cross that they have been given.”


Wednesday, November 15, 2006: (St. Albert the Great)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a refuge shows you how I will provide for your needs of a latrine, a bed, and a table for a place to eat. The coming tribulation time will be a major transition in your life from your modern day comforts and possessions to a very rustic place with only the bare necessities of life. You will be living in prayer and humility of your condition, even as the saints were trained in this lifestyle. In your daily consecration you give everything over to Me in conforming your will to Mine. When I will call you to the safety of My refuges, you will begin a purification process of removing all of your earthly desires in preparation for your total worship of Me in heaven. This time of evil will require My protection by My angels, but the time will be shortened for My Elect not to be lost. At the end of this tribulation I will come with My victory over Satan and the two beasts, and the evil ones will be chained in hell while I will renew the earth. I will then bring about My Era of Peace as a reward for all of My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, this message is a serious addition to My many warnings of when you should call on Me to be led to your nearest refuge. If you see a major man-made event or a major natural disaster that causes a national martial law to be declared, then leave immediately for your refuges. The authorities will use this opportunity to come to all of your houses to try and force the mark of the beast or a computer chip in your bodies on all of you. By not being at your house, they will not be able to find you. If you are found at your house, they will take you to the detention center death camps if you refuse these chips. Even under pain of death, refuse to take any chips in the body that could control your mind. Those, who are taken to these camps, will be killed for not going along with the new world order. Once the authorities have taken over, the Antichrist will soon declare himself as a world ruler. Have no fear of this evil age, but trust in My power that will soon vanquish all the evil ones to hell. I will then renew the earth in preparation for the Era of Peace. Do not hesitate when this event will happen because the evil ones are planning another massive destruction to enable their takeover. You will be in a moment of haste just as in the Exodus to reach a place of My protection. It is My mercy that I have given you so many messages of how to prepare and when to leave everything behind as you run to your refuges.”


Thursday, November 16, 2006: (St. Gertrude)

Jesus said: “My people, in the winter time you expect the weather to be cold, but you would rather have any precipitation to be in the form of snow than ice. Freezing rain usually comes more at the beginning and at the end of winter. Because of a slight warming trend, there will be more instances of freezing rain than normal. If these storms are prolonged by lows staying in one area too long, you could even see some severe ice storms. The HAARP machine in past years has been instrumental in causing these ice storms by altering the jet streams to keep freezing systems in one area for a longer time than normal. Many ice storms have caused tree damage and power outages, so it would be wise to have some alternate fuels and extra food for several weeks. Pray that such storms do not take many lives, and they do not endanger people from ice hitting them or freezing people who do not have working heaters.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, the insurgents cannot stage a full battle with Iraqi and US troops, so they continue to kill innocent people in crowds with suicide bombs and the army people with road bombs. This is not a real war, but continuous acts of hatred against the troops in control. The missile attacks in Israel are random events also. As long as the insurgents can get food and explosives, they could continue these tactics for a long time. Pray for peace in this area that only knows hate and killing.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a continuing dryness out West that is being sparked by arson and careless fires. Several firemen have died in fighting these fires. Winds and dry brush have caused a record amount of over 9 million acres that have burned. Pray for the safety of these workers and that the fires will be kept away from homes and people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you continue to see an unusual amount of rain in the Northeast. This will be changing to snow which could cause some heavy snowfalls. Some major snow storms have already occurred in some areas. This winter will test you with some unusual events that will be different from other years. Be prepared for some power outages.”

Jesus said: “My people, the new Democratic Congress is posturing already for who will lead them. Now that they have received their mandate from the people, they will have to come up with some real plans of their own, instead of just criticism. Pray that your new Congress will address the many problems of the people in a realistic solution without so much politics that have not been very productive.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been some large 8.0 earthquakes in the Pacific that have caused some small tsunamis. These large earthquakes are causing the plate shifts on the opposite ends to react as well. Volcanoes and earthquakes continue to threaten the people that live near them. Some are moving away from historical hot spots of activity. Heed My words of warning about moving from dangerous natural disaster sites.”

Jesus said: “My people, each year a major holiday occurs, you remember those that have passed away and are no longer around your table. You also are sharing the joy of new births and how the young children are growing up. Family does not stand still and there is much activity to talk about. Even as you converse with friends and relatives, there are many things and people in your life to be thankful for. Even thank Me for your very life and health. Many sicknesses and terminal illnesses are taking some home in death sooner than expected. Live your lives for the most spiritual profit that you can in helping others, and give Me thanks and praise for all of My gifts to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is rare to find long lines for Confession at your local churches. At Conferences the lines are a lot longer. The readings in late November focus on death and the end times. This should be a good time to analyze where you are in your spiritual life and whether you are prepared to meet your Maker in your own death. See if you can honestly say that you have gained in your holiness this year, or whether you are slipping back into some old sinful habits. The new Church year starts with Advent, so now is a good time to plan how you could improve your holiness for next year. Keep in mind that frequent Confession and Holy Communion are always available to put you back on track with My sacramental graces. I love all of My children so much, and I want to wake you up from any spiritual laziness when you know how you should be living your Christian lives.”


Friday, November 17, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in your younger years dating between single people is appropriate, but they need to pray that they do not get into sins of fornication. At times people that are married, either the man or the woman, may take a fancy to someone, but they should avoid adultery and committing sins against the fidelity of their marriage vows. Some become involved with pornography or chat rooms on the internet. It is one thing to have impure thoughts about other men or women, but it is even worse to actively pursue another partner in an affair while married to their spouse. Even though you may be attracted to other people, you need to restrain your earthly desires for pleasure, and think more of your own spouse as well as avoiding such sin. Many divorces occur because of infidelity in having other partners, so control your eyes and your desires of pleasure. You need to focus on your own commitments to loving your spouse every day than looking elsewhere for human love. I am also looking for your daily love on a spiritual level, and you need to be faithful to Me as well over all of your earthly idols and possessions. I should be first in your life because you are My creation, and you are called to follow My Will for your life’s mission. Have love for Me and your spouse in proper perspectives, and your life can be rewarding even in this earthly setting.”

Jesus said: “My people, this dark blue fluorescent color all over everything is a sign that the one world people will initiate a pandemic virus attack in various places. Many people will get sick in these areas and there will be a fair number of deaths. You will see quarantine areas posted and this could become another event that could precipitate martial law. The one world people will have antidotes or vaccines that will heal people, but it will come at the cost of having a microchip in your body. Do not be afraid, My faithful, because I will give you some ways to protect yourself from this virus. You will need some canister type filtered masks with extra filters or canisters. By building up your immune system with herbs, vitamins, and Hawthorn tea or pills, you will protect your body from this sickness. If national martial law is declared, then you will call on Me to lead you to My refuges where you will be healed of any sicknesses by looking at the Luminous Cross or drinking the miracle spring water. Be assured that you will not be tested long before I will cast all of the evil ones into hell and then I will renew the earth for My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, November 18, 2006: (Dedication of Sts. Peter & Paul Basilicas)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel of Me walking on the water frightened My apostles, as they thought I was a ghost. But I called St. Peter to come to Me on the water. At first he too was walking on the water, but St. Peter faltered as he saw the storm around him, and he began to sink in the water. This was a lesson of My power as God, but it also is a lesson in faith even as I call you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. At times you lose your focus on Me and you may fall into sin when you are buffeted by the problems and cares of the world. If you had the faith of a mustard seed, you also could walk on the water and move mountains. For man these things are impossible, but for Me all things are possible, even perfection. Just as St. Peter needed My help, all of My faithful need My help as well. By receiving My graces in My sacraments, especially Confession and Holy Communion, you can sustain your faith and keep your focus on Me. It is when you falter, that you can call on Me at any time in prayer, and I will lift you up to follow your mission. I call you to come to Me in faith, so trust in Me that I will bear you up through all of life’s difficulties. You have been given the gifts to accomplish many great things in My Name, so use them to the fullest to give glory to your God.”

Jesus said: “My people, this large pipe represents the natural flow of the direction that I give everyone. The smaller pipe represents the devil who wants to take all souls in an opposite direction from My Will. He is the father of lies and he will promise you many attractive earthly rewards if you follow him. At times you see promises of free awards of valuable prizes in ads, but then they lead you only to more ads and no real prizes. This deceptive enticement is only a lure to get your information to send you more ads. The devil does the same thing. He promises you fame, wealth, and prized possessions, but the cost is your soul. Do not listen to him because all he can promise you is a broad road to hell in the end. His lies should not deceive you. I promise you eternal life with Me in heaven where there is love and My peace. Hell can only offer you eternal hate and suffering in the flames of Gehenna. Trust in My Word because I am Truth, and do not listen to or follow Satan because his words are lies and he hates man for taking his place in heaven. Your reward awaits you in heaven, so walk on the narrow road in praising Me and giving Me glory.”


Sunday, November 19, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, every year that you read about today’s Gospel of the end times, you think that it is far off. I continue to assure you that it is in your lifetime and sooner than your priest is talking about. Many associate My coming with the end of the world, but it will only be the end of an age as you know it. In the Scriptures both in the New and Old Testaments there is a mention of a coming new heavens and a new earth. This means that I am going to cast all of the evil ones into hell and then I will renew the earth making way for the New Jerusalem in My Era of Peace. This will be a time of purification before you will be able to enter heaven. There will be no evil presence, but you will grow in perfection as you cleanse your earthly desires to focus entirely on Me. Pray for My help during the end times so you can share My reward in the Era of Peace.”


Monday, November 20, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard Me say that the earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. This vision of My Word of the Bible implanted into this stone is how My Word is written in stone to last forever. The Bible is open to the Book of Revelation because it speaks of the end days of this age, so now is a good time to read of the events that are about to take place. Many of the signs described in the Bible of the end times are coming about before your very eyes. This time is coming and it is even at the door for those faithful who have the eyes to see and interpret your events. Have no fear of this evil age because I am at your side for you to call on My help in your defense. My power is greater than all of the evil ones put together. You will suffer for a while with My grace, but in the end you will see My victory as all of the evil ones will be cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people have been allowed to control people in high places in governments all over the world. They are the stealth force causing wars and takeovers of various countries. The international bankers and corporate leaders control all of the financial transactions of the world. It is this base of evil that has been preparing for a world takeover that would place the Antichrist in control. This is why they are destroying the military and the economy of America so there will be little resistance. This gold chair represents the seat of power that the Antichrist will assume. Once he is declared in power, he will do away with all the leaders of power and he will have complete authority allowed him for a brief time. Once he comes to full reign all over the world by his ruthless methods, I will come in glory to knock him off of his throne, and My angels will cast all of the evil ones into hell. My faithful will be protected at My refuges, but some will be martyred for their faith. Have faith and trust that all of My faithful will have their reward on earth and in heaven. Prepare for this tribulation time with a deep faith, daily prayer, and carry your blessed sacramentals with you at all times.”


Tuesday, November 21, 2006: (Presentation of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Revelation you have the image of Me knocking at everyone’s door as I call all of you to come to Me. It is you who have to make the forward step of opening the door of your heart to let Me in. I called out to Zaccheus in the Gospel as well that I wished to dine with him. He made a promise to return any defrauded money as a tax collector, and he was saved. I come knocking on all the doors of sinners, asking you to repent of your sins and seek My forgiveness in Confession. When you dine with Me, this represents when you receive Me at My Eucharistic Banquet as you receive Me in Holy Communion. There are those who refuse to answer My call and give many excuses not to open the door of their hearts to Me. It is to these lukewarm that are neither hot nor cold that I spew from My mouth as undeserving of My dinner. I want everyone to be saved, but I am a gentleman and I do not force My love on anyone. That is why I knock on the door to give you the choice of accepting My love or not. Those, who accept My love, will receive their reward in heaven, but those, who refuse My love, could be judged to the eternal flames of hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, life is more than just a game that people play, and you need to focus more on how to use your time to follow My Will and what is best for your soul. For some it is enough to work at a job, eat meals, be entertained by movies and TV, and then go to sleep. In addition to the necessities of life, you should look to a daily prayer life and how best to help your relatives and your neighbors. You should look to do things out of love for Me in your daily consecration, instead of only doing things to please yourself. When you pray, you are showing your love for Me. When you help others, you are showing love for your neighbor. In addition to loving Me and your neighbor, you should also look for opportunities to evangelize souls by sharing your faith with others. Teach those around you how necessary it is to believe in Me and be saved by having contrite hearts in seeking the forgiveness of their sins. The more souls that you can direct toward heaven, the less souls that will go to hell. You would much rather see souls saved by your evangelistic efforts than watch souls fall into hell without lifting a finger to save them. Give praise and glory to Me for those that you are saving, and continue to labor in My harvest for those souls that are yet to be saved.”


Wednesday, November 22, 2006: (St. Cecilia)

Jesus said: “My people, I call you every day to pick up your cross of life and carry it towards your own Calvary. Everyone must suffer the trials of this life as I suffered on the cross, but I am like Simon at your side ready to lighten the load of your burden if you would just ask. Those, who do not acknowledge Me or ask My help, will have to carry twice the burden. This picture of a cross changing over to a steering wheel on a ship represents My faithful when they let Me guide them in charting and steering a path to heaven. When you keep your focus on Me, it is like a captain as he guides his ship by his compass and the stars. When you follow My Will for your mission on earth, I will provide what is best for your soul in leading you to heaven. Heaven is the port of call that your whole life is directed toward. When you wander off course in sin, you can correct your path by seeking My forgiveness in Confession. Keep on your path by daily prayer, Mass, and the frequent reception of My sacraments. When you arrive at the gates of heaven, I will say to you: ‘Well done My true and faithful servant. Because you have followed Me in small matters, I will give you what is your own in the Kingdom of Heaven.’”


Wednesday, November 22, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, living conditions back in the time of the early pilgrims were very crude and difficult. Most of their food and water were depleted or spoiled by the time that they arrived in America. It was very hard to live off of the land toward the winter time. Catching game and finding food was almost impossible. The pilgrims had to rely on the Indians to get started and survive the first year. Even now your people are spoiled with all of your modern conveniences of refrigerators, ovens, and heaters. Running water, electricity and gas are taken for granted, but they need to be provided for each household to make it. Think further what it will be like living at a refuge in the rural part of your country. Providing water, food, shelter, and wood for heating will be the basic necessities that everyone will have to share in providing. I will multiply the food, water, fuels, and even the dwellings. I know that you are not used to this lifestyle, but it will be a humbling experience to live without your many comforts and possessions. Focus on trusting in Me for all of your needs, and you will be satisfied with your bare necessities. I love you all, so share what you have with one another, and survival will show you how little you actually need.”


Thursday, November 23, 2006: (Thanksgiving)

Jesus said: “My people, all the saints and angels sing My praises and give thanks to Me constantly in heaven. My people on earth should also be praising Me and giving Me thanks every day for all that you have been given. I am the author of life, the author of all of your food, and everything else in your life. You may use things and do not even realize how all that you have originated with My creations. Man needs to even avoid abusing My creations because he is destroying My balance of nature. When you are sharing Thanksgiving Dinner, be thankful for all the lives in your family that are gifts to you. The more you think of all the ways I am involved in your life, the more you can thank Me and adore Me for being your loving God.”


Friday, November 24, 2006: (St. Andrew and companions)

Jesus said: “My people, at times you need to realize the real spiritual dangers in the world that are with you every day as you deal with the temptations of the demons at all times. They do not take vacations, and you must be ready to do battle for souls with them equally persistent in this battle. Where possible it is better to remove any unnecessary distractions and keep yourself focused on heavenly things than on any worldly desires. Your craving for earthly things will not make you any happier, and the more earthly desires you have, the harder it will be to cleanse them in your preparation for heaven. This is why living a simple life will bring you closer to your Lord than keeping up on all the latest fashions, news, or earthly knowledge. Spend your extra time reading spiritual books than on being learned in the ways of the world. Saving souls is a much more rewarding work than satisfying all of your earthly curiosities and desires for possessions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that a ship can only take on so much weight, or it will sink to the bottom of the sea. America is sending its wealth abroad with every month of deficit of payments to other nations. The cost of oil to overseas producers, the goods bought from China, and other costs for foreign cars all have to be made up by imports, or the Federal debt notes that will be needed as payment. The billions of dollars that are spent on foreign wars also adds to the National Debt which is sinking America into bankruptcy by the interest cost of this debt. Constant wars are also depleting your military both in material and manpower. Anyone with an eye to the future can see that the one world people are purposely taking down America so you will be no resistance to the Antichrist when he declares himself ruler of the world. Have no fear, My people, because the evil one’s reign will be short before I will cast all of the evil ones into hell. I will then renew the earth in preparation for My Era of Peace. Trust in My words and your soul will be saved.”


Saturday, November 25, 2006: (St. Catherine of Alexandria)

Jesus said: “My people, mankind is too taken up with the pleasures and comforts of this worldly life. This life is short and temporary, so you should be more focused on the after life which lasts for all eternity. This deep falls in a cavern is a sign of new life after death that you will experience in your own resurrection. When you are baptized, you come into a new life of faith in Me. When you die, you are born into a new life with Me as well. If you have been faithful to Me in life, then you have nothing to worry about. Only those, who have refused to love Me and follow Me, have concern for suffering eternity in hell. Your new life in the spirit will be free of all the pains, troubles, and temptations of this life. After your purification, you will share My love and peace in heaven with a joy that you have yet to experience. During life I call you to follow Me in denial of self and your earthly desires. By detaching yourself from worldly things, you will aspire to a holy life which has more rewards than the world or the devil could ever offer you.”


Sunday, November 26, 2006: (Christ the King)

Jesus said: “My people, I am not just a king sitting on My throne in heaven, but My Kingdom stretches all over the universe. In today’s Gospel I spoke of My Kingdom not being of this world, but it is over this world. In other words I was not just limited to be an earthly King. In other Scripture passages I told My apostles that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and to even go out to preach of My Kingship over everything. When you speak of God Almighty, it means there is nothing or no one stronger than Me. You recognize My mercy in forgiveness, but you also are aware of My justice in the purification in purgatory, and eternal punishment in the flames of hell. You have free will, but you also need to stand in judgment to make an accounting for all of your time and your actions on earth. I have a set of Commandments and rules for behavior that is obeyed in all of nature, and it is no different for man. All of My angels were created to serve Me and they have free will as well. Those angels, who chose to obey Me, are with Me in heaven, but the rest are suffering in hell with their beauty and some of their powers removed because of their sin of pride. Mankind also is called to obey Me so that My faithful will be saved in heaven, while the rest will suffer with the evil angels in hell for not serving Me. All of those, who believe in Me, give Me constant praise and worship on earth, just as My saints and angels do in heaven. You have many authority figures on earth, but I am the only spiritual authority who is in control of all things on earth and in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may have to share your bedding area with other families at your refuges. Other areas will be for eating, washing, and makeshift toilets. I have told you before that refuge living will be very rustic without all of your comforts of today. This simple living will be a good way to cleanse all of your earthly desires, and make you into modern day saints. I will multiply your food, water, and shelters. Diseases and disabilities will be healed by looking on My luminous cross in the sky or drinking from the healing spring water. My angels will protect you from any evil ones trying to kill you. Just have trust in My help, and your guardian angels will lead you to My refuge that is closest to you.”


Monday, November 27, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, these visions of the evil ones swallowed by Satan, and My faithful being tested in the tribulation are very much like the description in today’s reading from Revelation. It talks of the one hundred and fortyfour thousand of Israel and those in white robes who were tried and found worthy of the Lamb of God. This describes the end times that you are entering, as you are one of My prophets of the end times. After all, there are only two ultimate destinations for your souls which you choose by your own free will in your actions-either heaven or hell. Some souls are purified in purgatory in preparation for heaven. But during the tribulation, My faithful souls will be experiencing their living purgatory on earth. All of your sufferings, either by martyrdom or living at My refuges, will be how your robes of the soul will be washed white in preparation for My Era of Peace and then heaven. My Era of Peace will prepare you further in your perfection to learn how to adore and worship your Lord with one focus on Me without any earthly desires. This is truly a time for souls to discern their destiny of either sharing love with Me in heaven, or being ravaged by the hate of the demons in hell for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the last days of the Church Year, there is a focus on the end of this life in death. Once you are dead, it is too late to do anything more to improve your spiritual status. But while you are still alive, you can still add to your spiritual treasury in heaven with love and good deeds for others. Even if you are suffering in pain or stress in the workplace, you can offer it up to help someone’s soul or help them in a sickness. Think of everything that you do, and offer it up to Me in total consecration. By improving your holiness, you can seek the higher places in heaven and suffer less time in purgatory. Strive to do all that you can to save souls by teaching and prayer, and you surely will receive a great reward in heaven. By putting your trust and faith in believing in Me as your God, you will save your soul and be a good example for others to be saved.”


Tuesday, November 28, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, I have spoken to you about the end times and how I will bring about a new heavens and a new earth. After I renew the earth from all of man’s abominations, you will see My Era of Peace. In addition to the new earth you will also see a new Church as indicated in the roof of this church being raised to a new High Church. All of the non-believers and lukewarm will be removed from the earth, and My new Church will be made up of only true believers. The Era of Peace will be a reward for My faithful that will have to endure the persecution from the evil ones during the tribulation. My new Church will truly inspire My faithful to grow in holiness on your way to perfection and sainthood. You will be giving Me praise and worship constantly in preparation for heaven. Be joyful in your hearts when you see the signs of the tribulation coming because My Era of Peace and My new Church will soon follow. Rejoice in My coming victory over all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, this military man in a fog in Iraq represents the quagmire that America finds itself without many good options. Your intention was to remove a dictator in Saddam Hussein, but there was little thought how to deal with the three groups of Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds. This is a resistence of religions where both want control of Iraq. The so-called ‘insurgents’ are making the new government unstable with all of the car bombs and road bombs. There is no way to win such an unstable situation, and your government should recognize its mistake and slowly leave. I have warned America not to start something that you could not finish. The incidents and mistaken intelligence are all part of the plan of the one world people to ruin America financially in war debts, and militarily by running down your Armed Forces. Continue to pray for peace and for your leaders to disengage all of your war plans. This ‘war on terror’ has been arranged from the beginning, so stop your wars and seek My peace before you destroy yourself.”


Wednesday, November 29, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (Luke 21:12-19) I spoke of the time of tribulation when you will be persecuted for My Name’s sake. Some will be imprisoned and put to death as martyrs. If you do not go to My refuges before they search for you at your homes, then you will have to face your persecutors at a trial. Do not worry what you are to say to these evil ones because the Holy Spirit will prompt you what to say. Your faithful witness will confound their lies, but they will still torture you and kill you in their prisons. I will give you the strength in grace to endure your sufferings which will gain you immediate entry into heaven. My faithful will be warned of a time of martial law that will be the excuse to gather up all religious and patriots for extermination. The rest of the people, who did not go to My refuges, will be brainwashed and accept the mark of the beast to follow the Antichrist. Refuse to take any microchips in your body and refuse to worship the Antichrist, even if they threaten you with death. It is better to be martyred than give up your faith in Me. I died for your soul to be saved, and you may have to die to save your soul as well. Do not sell out to the evil ones to save your life. You are not ready to live until you can give up your life for My Name’s sake. Your heavenly life is much more valuable than your earthly life, so do not do anything that would endanger the loss of your soul and eternal life with Me in heaven. (Luke 9:23,24) ‘And He said to all, ‘If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For he, who would save his life, will lose it; but he, who loses his life for My sake, will save it.’ (Matt. 16:26) ‘For what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his own soul?’”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I would provide for your food by multiplying what you have. You remember how I multiplied the two fish and five barley loaves for the five thousand and the four thousand. Some people at their refuges will have fish in their fish ponds, but it takes time and food to harvest the fish. I will then multiply the fish as My apostles were led to find large catches of fish. At My refuges you will have My heavenly Manna, water, and other food that I could multiply. Have no worry about what you are to eat, what you are to wear, or where you will stay. By trusting in Me totally, you will have all the necessities of life and My angels will protect you from the evil ones. Many things, that you thought were impossible, are possible with Me. My refuges will be your islands of protection amidst all the evil ones that will not be able to detect you in any way.”


Thursday, November 30, 2006: (St. Andrew)

Jesus said: “My people, the Early Christians were persecuted and martyred for their faith by the Romans of that day. It was not for many years until Christians were allowed to build churches and practice their faith. Even today in many countries Christians are being harassed and killed by Islamic terrorists, especially in Muslim countries. The pope is trying to unite the Eastern Rite into one Church, but allowing churches in Muslim countries will continue to be disallowed because of their striving to take over the world. Your future persecution in the coming tribulation will come at the hands of these same peoples. It is then that My faithful will need to seek out refuges at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground, and even caves as these catacombs of earlier years. Fear not the evil ones who will try to kill you because My angels will protect you from them. At the height of the Antichrist’s reign, I will then cast all of these evil ones and your persecutors into the flames of hell. Then I will renew the earth for My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, many of you are concerned with your house decorations and protection from thieves. My advice is to be more concerned about spiritual protection for your soul and all souls that enter your house. You can keep holy water and blessed salt around you for blessings. You can have large blessed scapulars at the entrances of your homes. Statues or paintings of Me and the saints would be appropriate in every room so you have an inspiration for prayer. Even a designated prayer room with an altar of saints would be a good place to pray. Your home is where you spend many hours, so call on Me and your heavenly intercessors to guard you from the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, in addition to the spiritual protection of your homes, you can call on Me and My angels to protect your homes from physical destruction. Many have placed blessed medals on their windows, and scapulars in various rooms to protect their homes from damage. Even during hurricanes, earthquakes, and forest fires, many protected homes have survived intact while others around them were destroyed. Using blessed objects and constant prayer will protect your homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are consecrations and dedications done for every church and holy place. It would also be appropriate to have your house consecrated and dedicated to My Sacred Heart. In the time of tribulation all of My refuges and interim refuges should be on consecrated land. By putting up a holy barrier around your houses, the demons will not dare to come into your house. You have the means to ask your priest to consecrate your houses, so take advantage of these graces.”

Jesus said: “My people, you travel often from your house to work and other places, so you can take your holy water in your cars for physical and spiritual protection. Even carrying blessed sacramentals on your person as Benedictine blessed crosses and rosaries will give you personal protection from the demons. Call on My angels and your guardian angels to help you in all of your travels. When you ask for My help in prayer, I will be at your side through any difficulty.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a true spirit of Christmas in your wanting to share your love with others in some small way. There are those that you give gifts, that may also return your favor by buying you a gift. You can also make a spiritual or financial offering to some poor people who cannot repay you except with their thanks. These gifts will gain you heavenly treasures that I will store up for your judgment. These gifts are more valuable because their value will remain forever.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you make an effort to visit one of My Blessed Mother’s shrines, you will receive a reward of graces for your pilgrimage. Wherever you travel, there are always dangers and possible persecutions that you may have to suffer along the way. Do not complain of any discomforts or disappointments as you travel. Be good Christian examples to all of those that are traveling around you. You always need to shine My love on all of those that you will meet on your travels. By keeping a holy and God-focused intention in your hearts, you can share My Word in any way to evangelize souls. Do not be hypocrites, but be good Christian men and women in all of your actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you are obligated to provide physical nourishment and education for your children, you as parents are also called to provide spiritual nourishment for your children and grandchildren. Teach them the faith in the home and Catholic education where possible. Teach them the importance of daily prayer in their lives to help them in their trials. Even family prayer is powerful in protecting the family from all of the many attacks from your society. Pray daily for all of your family members that they will keep the faith, and invite Me into their hearts with every prayer.”


Friday, December 1, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this snow slide represents your one ride through life that I want the best for your soul. At times when you take up too much of your time on earthly things, I may send you something to upset your plans and put your focus back on Me. You may receive physical pain or another loss that takes your mind off of your selfish pursuits, and then you start praying more for others as you focus more on what I want you to do. See that My ways are better than your ways, so sometimes I have to jolt you out of your comfort zone to put you back on the right path of serving Me more than yourself. Look back through your life and see how every time that I intervened into your plans with a major event, that it was done to better your soul or provide for others in their need. I do not force you to follow My Will, but I will give you many opportunities in life to come to Me, even despite your own original plans. In the end you can thank Me for showing you a better path that you may not have picked on your own if I did not help you. Continue to give Me praise and show Me your love by being My servant, and stop letting the evil one distract you from your mission.”


Saturday, December 2, 2006: (Ann Mugavero Funeral, Fr. Tony)

Jesus said: “My people, as you go through life, you are comforted by the love of Me, and the love of your family and friends. As you attend each funeral, you realize how each life is a gift to you for only a short time until I call them home. As you share your own gift of life with others, they are sharing their gift of life with you. Nothing really belongs to you, because you are only stewards of your time, your possessions, and your responsibilities in this life to know, love, and serve Me. I call on each of you to be fruitful in your deeds of love for both Me and your neighbor. As you grow older, you gather more of a perspective for your purpose in life, and you also may have to suffer more in your health as Ann did. Certain of My souls are called to be ‘suffering servants’ to make up reparation for the sins of others. Those, who embrace their suffering with joy and perseverance, are not only cleansing their own souls for heaven, but they are an inspiration to the rest of you how to bear life’s difficulties for My greater glory. Even among their weaknesses, they have found strength through Me. Give praise and thanks to Me for letting these gifted souls remain with you for a while. Thank these souls, as Ann, for all the suffering they are bearing as redemptive value for sinners. They are sharing the redemptive suffering on the cross that I suffered to save all of mankind from their sins.”


Sunday, December 3, 2006: (Beginning of Advent)

Jesus said: “My people, the readings of today should get your attention, and wake you up to what your life should be about in loving Me, and being prepared for when I will come in glory. Your whole life should be fixed on your path to heaven because this should be your ultimate home. I am showing you this plush black chair because I do not want you to be comfortable with this life and your sins. This life is passing away and your life in heaven will be so much greater that this life pales in comparison. I created everything good in this life, but in heaven everything is holy and perfect. It is this requirement of perfection that will necessitate a purification that can only come from Me and My sacramental graces. Your preparation for Christmas is all about repenting of your sins and giving your gifts of love to Me. Your preparation for My coming again is a life long work to cleanse all worldly desires out of your life so you can have only one focus on Me. Have your souls pure by frequent Confession as you need to be prepared to meet Me at your judgment. As you sing of O Come, O Come Emmanuel, be prepared in your hearts and souls not only for Christmas, but also when you will see Me come on the clouds in victory over all evil.”


Monday, December 4, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, the faith of the Roman Centurion was an example for many as he recognized My authority in being able to heal people. Not only do I heal people’s sicknesses, but I also offer to heal people’s spiritual lives as well. Keeping your souls healed of your sins in Confession is far more important than any pain or illness of your physical body. Still your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and you need to keep them healthy and not abuse them with drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol. Those, who have faith that I can heal them, have a better chance of being healed. All healings are answered according to My Will in My Name, and this is how you should pray for healings. I know what is best for each soul and there may be a reason that a person is sent a pain or an illness. Sometimes illnesses or pains are to humble you, or be a grace to be used for someone. All prayers are heard, but I choose how to answer your prayer in My time and not yours. Many times it is difficult to understand why there is so much suffering on the earth, but I assure you that everything happens for a reason in My plan for your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are too preoccupied with a desire for news, sports, and movies. As a result you become too much of a spectator and not much of an activist. Without the television on, your family could better interact with things of life and each other. TV has a hypnotizing effect that can lull your mind to sleep and you are easily brainwashed by the message of those speaking. In fact you can find out any news in your newspaper, or magazines. Most of all by limiting your watching of TV, you have more time to pray and do things for your family and others. Be careful in observing your hours of TV to limit them to a few instead of most of the evening. As you keep it off more, you will notice how TV has less control over your life. I have mentioned before not to let anything control your mind so you can give your total attention to Me in prayer and good deeds. As you are now in Advent, you may even try to go some nights without watching any TV to test if you are at all addicted to such watching for long periods of time. I love all of you and I am not trying to take away your entertainment, but I am showing you how to keep in control of your life which should be directed to heaven and not just to a good time here on earth.”


Tuesday, December 5, 2006: (Funeral of Betty Schoen)

Jesus said: “My people, death has different meanings of finality to everyone. One fact that cannot be denied is that at death the spirit is separated from the body. It is at that time that you will face a particular judgment at your death. I am the one that you will face at your judgment after death, and you will be shown all of your life before you. Each soul will be given a judgment whether to heaven, hell, or purgatory. These are real places for the soul and you will not be able to change My judgment by any excuses because you will know that it will be just, merciful, and fair. You will be facing the truth of your actions, whether you want to agree or disagree. Only in purgatory will there be a chance to improve your lot by people’s prayers and the soul’s purging of sins and earthly desires. Souls in purgatory are all saved and promised one day to be in heaven. You are asked to pray for these poor souls to help them to be released from their suffering. You need to pray most for those souls that are still in their bodies and have not yet been judged. You have a battle between Me and Satan for each soul. All living souls could be saved from going to hell by your prayers and good example. Each soul must go through a conversion process in order to be saved from hell. It means that each soul must recognize Me as their Savior, and be sorry for their sins against Me, and seek My forgiveness. By keeping your souls pure before your death, you can be assured of heaven, even if you must be purified for a time in purgatory. Reach out to save as many souls as possible so they are not lost forever to hell where there is no way out for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some fires in California that were set by arson. This vision of cities burning in flames is a new form of terror that could be caused by anyone with such a plan. Fires can kill and destroy many structures if they have accelerants to start them. You will be seeing more unexplained arson in your cities, chemical plants, and refineries. Enough fires in crucial areas could cause fuel shortages and damage to your economy. It is very difficult to prevent arson when people start fires at night. Pray for your firefighters and police to catch the arsonists who cause much terror in their wake. This is another inexpensive means for terrorists to strike America. Be on the watch for such activity in vacant and old buildings.”


Wednesday, December 6, 2006: (St. Nicholas)

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother and I are blessing all of your group for a beautiful pilgrimage in Betania with the Bianchini family. This vision of helping each other with stairs and other things on your trip is how you should always be open to be charitable in every opportunity when someone is in need. Remember your daily prayers and an extra prayer for the poor people that you will encounter along your way in Venezuela. Love Me and your neighbor in all that you do, and you will keep on the right path to heaven. Be open also to give witness to Me in any evangelization of souls that you will meet on your way. Give good example in all of your actions to others even when something may upset you. Do not be anxious or worry about anything, but trust in Me and My care for all of you. Give praise and glory to your Lord everyday for all the gifts that I send you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how all of My refuges will be on consecrated ground, and they will have springs of water for healing. My refuges will be at places of My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites, places of holy ground, and even caves. The vision is about the spring of healing water at Betania where many have witnessed healings as at Lourdes, France. Betania is another example of a refuge where the people will find protection from the evil ones during the tribulation. Even as you heard the Gospel of the multiplication of the bread and fish, I will multiply the food needed at all of My refuges. My refuges will be havens of protection by My angels so the evil ones cannot see you or harm you. Be joyful that you are able to visit this Shrine of My Blessed Mother, and share your faith with the people of Venezuela. You are also blessed to meet with the Bianchini family at their own residence. Enjoy your pilgrimage and the graces that you will receive for all the sacrifices that you had to make for this trip. When you return, you will feel renewed in your faith that you could share with your friends back in America.”


Thursday, December 7, 2006: (St. Ambrose)

Jesus said: “My people, many times I have told you that you are nothing without My Presence. It is by My Will that you even continue to exist. You are all a part of My creation and I call all of My creatures to give Me praise and adore Me in love. I give each of you free will to love Me, and I do not force Myself on you. Yet, you will be held accountable for your actions as I call each of you to believe in Me, and build your house of your soul on the Rock of My Church. I am the cornerstone of My Church, and I have built My Church on the Rock of St. Peter and the succession of popes. Do not build your house on the sand of the things of this world that will fade away into nothing with time. Trust in Me and follow the leaders of My Church in obedience as your witness of love to Me.”


Friday, December 8, 2006: (Feast of the Immaculate Conception)

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I want to welcome all of my visitors from America and all of the local people who have come to embrace my Son, Jesus at the Mass in Holy Communion. You also are celebrating the birthday of Geo. I have given you a touch of my blessing in seeing the blue butterfly which is on all of the pilgrims’ name tags. Enjoy the beautiful singing and sharing of love with all of the beautiful people of Venezuela. My Son and I are both blessing you and protecting you from all of the evil ones. This is a haven of protection and healing. I call all of my children to love me and my Son, Jesus through your daily rosaries and your total consecration on this feast day of my Immaculate Conception. By consecrating all that you are and all that you have to both me and my Son, you are directing your life to only my Son’s service. Just as I gave my ‘fiat’ to following God’s Will, I call all of My children to give your own fiat to following God’s Will as well.”


Saturday, December 9, 2006: (St. Juan Diego)

Jesus said: “My people, the picture that you brought to Venezuela is significant that you named it in honor of the Holy Priesthood. Today, at five ordinations of two priests and three deacons, you are a witness to the most beautiful ministry that a man could be called to by My call. Your priests are given this gift of changing bread and wine into My Most Precious Body and Blood for all of My people to receive. Realize how important your priests are to bring you My sacraments of grace. You need to eat My Body and drink My Blood to enter eternal life, and your priests give you the Mass through My blessing so you can receive Me in My Real Presence. Give praise and glory to your God for giving you Myself in My Blessed Sacrament, and thank all of your priests for answering My call and dedicating their lives to My service. Pray for all of your priests because of the sacraments that they give you, and pray for their souls to be protected from all of the evil ones. Give respect to every priest because they are a priest forever according to the line of Melchisedech.”


Sunday, December 10, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this cross represents My love and protection for the people of Venezuela. The smaller crosses represent the people of Venezuela who are following Me through their daily trials. I want all nations to love Me and serve Me. All of those countries, who put Me first in their lives, will see peace and prosperity both on earth and spiritually.”

Maria shared with me: “I know you are happy to feel my presence again at Communion time. You have been to my grave and you have visited my chapel of Adoration. We have been united in Communion, and today I am joined with all of your group and my family in the Communion of Saints. I want to share my deep love for my husband, Geo, all of my children, my grandchildren, and my greater family. You can see how much we love one another and share our hospitality with all of you. Whenever you receive my dear Jesus in Holy Communion, remember that I and all of heaven are united with you. I love all of you and I welcome you into our home.”


Monday, December 11, 2006: (St. Damascus I)

Jesus said: “My people, you are on a Marian pilgrimage to Betania where My Blessed Mother has appeared to Maria Esperanza. But today My Blessed Mother brings you to Me in this Eucharistic miracle of My Blood on the Host. Every time you receive My Host in Holy Communion, and adore My Blessed Sacrament, you are receiving My Body and Blood under the appearance of bread. In some miracles of My Eucharist, I have revealed My Blood in full appearance so those who were in doubt of My Real Presence could fully believe. There are many Christians who believe in My Real Presence and they do not need such miracles. These miracles are gifts more for the non-believers of My Real Presence. Give praise and glory to God for My gift of My Eucharistic Presence to mankind. You have My very Self inside you every time you receive Me in Holy Communion. Therefore, please give proper reverence to My Presence in My tabernacles with a minimum of talking and genuflect before Me to give Me honor and worship. It is more reverent to receive Me bowing or kneeling as you receive Me on the tongue. Most of all only receive Me in the state of grace without any mortal sin so you do not commit any sin of sacrilege. Prepare yourself with Confession to rid your sins and make yourself worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion. This is My sacrament of love that I share with you at every Mass. Give thanks to your Lord in quiet meditation after every reception of Holy Communion. I love you and please encourage others to repent and convert so they can partake of My Eucharistic Banquet.”


Tuesday, December 12, 2006: (Our Lady of Guadeloupe)

Mary said: “My dear children, this image of myself on the tilma is a blessing for all the Americas-North, Central, and South. I am your mother and I put my mantle of protection over all of your peoples. In the vision you see an expression of me as the New Eve of grace who escaped the corruption of the body by God’s grace. Eve committed the sin in the Garden for which my Son died for all the sins of mankind. Eve died and her body decayed to dust by the worms as a consequence of her sin. I died also, but the Lord graced me by assuming me body and soul into heaven. I call all of my children to love one another and help each other on your paths to heaven. Continue to pray your rosaries and live a simple life so the devil will have less ways to distract you from your missions. Continue to pray for conversions and especially to stop your abortions which greatly offend my Son, Jesus. Only my Son controls life and death, and you should not interfere with His plans. Jesus loves everyone of His creations and by killing in war and abortion, you are denying that love and calling down His justice. Our two hearts are always awaiting your love so we can be united with your hearts.”


Wednesday, December 13, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, rain storms and snow storms are going to cause some major problems in the West of your country. Heavy rains in the South could cause some mud slides which could cause major devastation in California. In the Northwest the weather machines are being used to cause high winds, cold, and snow. Be aware that the one world people will be doing anything to cause chaos and give themselves an opportunity for takeover with martial law. Some destruction is a result of sin and the people can see the result of their evil deeds. Pray much for the people in the West that they may change their lifestyles of sin and be converted through prayer.”


Thursday, December 14, 2006: (St. John of the Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, there are many of My saints who are pictured in paintings holding large crucifixes close to their hearts. These appreciated how much I love all of mankind, especially enough to take on the form of a man and die on the cross for everyone. They treated My love with a great love of their own for Me and My cross. I asked everyone to take up their cross of life and follow Me in My example of suffering. Not only have these saints loved Me, but they gave up everything of this world and directed their lives in total consecration to following My Will for them. I continue to call all souls to take up their own crosses and let My saints be an inspiration for you to follow Me. Even My Blessed Benedictine crucifixes and relics of My very own cross are powerful sacramentals in fighting the demons and possessions in deliverance prayers. I invite deliverance prayers to bind the evil spirits to the foot of My cross and never to return to the possessed person. You need My crucifix for protection from the evil ones because My death on the cross is a victory over sin, death, and Satan.”


Thursday, December 14, 2006:

Prayer Group: Shirley said: “I am so sorry that Carol and John were not able to attend my funeral Mass. You know how joyous I always was during life, but I had to suffer some at the end of my illness. I am grateful to all of those who were my caretakers with my leukemia. I am young in spirit in a peaceful place. I am grateful to God for all the joyful moments that I lived for Him. I know the family and Jerry are still grieving my loss, so give a few visits to Jerry to encourage him with my words of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, your pilgrims have been blessed with many healings and sharing with the Bianchini family. Give thanks to God for all the many gifts that you received on this pilgrimage. Remember that you are to share your blessings with those around you so you can be a witness to further healings and conversions. Maria will be united with all of you in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed some hard scenes of people in poverty, yet they had a great joy in sharing their faith with everyone at Mass. It is hard to have faith in Me when you are lacking the necessities of life. Remember the poor in your prayers and in your donations. Be willing to tithe your income where possible for those who are less fortunate than others.”

Jesus said: “My pilgrims, you were treated royally with beautiful food at the Bianchini family residence. When you will come to refuges during the tribulation, your food will be plain as I multiply it to feed all of My faithful. The people of the Exodus had water, manna, and quail, and you will also have the bare necessities at your own Exodus. Be strong in your faith and do not complain of your food, but be thankful that you are being protected by My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, this lifting of the lid of a tomb is how there will be a resurrection of My faithful who were martyred during the tribulation. They will see Me cleanse the earth of all of the evil people as I renew the earth for My Era of Peace. You will suffer your living purgatory on earth, but you are being prepared for My great Eucharistic Banquet in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people will raise the Antichrist to a throne of control over all the people who would accept the mark of the beast. He will be ruthless in driving his subjects into heavy labor for all of his wants. The Antichrist will be upset that he cannot find My faithful so he could abuse them. He will torment those on earth just as Satan and his demon angels torment souls in hell. Avoid the Antichrist by seeking My havens of protection at My refuges with My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you move through Advent, use your supper tables as a chance for extra prayers as you light your Advent candles. Even as you prepare your physical gifts and decorations for Christmas, make an extra time in your schedule for giving Me your gift of prayers when you come to My crib. Your good deeds and prayers in faith are more meaningful to Me than all the glitter of your beautiful decorations. Those, who display My Nativity Scene, are also witnessing publicly of the true meaning of Christmas in My birth.”


Friday, December 15, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, your modern technology lets you send messages over phone lines that use light through fine glass fiber optic lines. On earth you rely on vibrations through the air to talk to one another. In the heavenly realm there are light beams all over, and the spirits of people and angels converse with thought waves sent over light beams. This is also how you hear the heavenly angel choirs that are constantly singing praises to Me. Even those gifted with apparitions or inner locutions are receiving these thought messages by the light beams from heaven that cannot be seen by your eyes, except in apparitions. More and more of My faithful are able to receive these beams of My true Word, but be careful to discern those who are imposters. When you die and leave your body, this will be how you converse with Me and others by thought messages.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some large loss of life with the Dec. 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami. This came in an area that had a lot of body part sales and drugs, and women prostitutes. After all of this devastation, man still continues with his sexual sins and abuses of children in the same areas. Just as New Orleans was tested twice with hurricanes, so this Pacific Ring of Fire will again be tested as well with another large underwater earthquake followed by a tsunami. Many of your new measuring devices might warn the people a little sooner to get to high ground than the first tsunami. Pray that the people affected will be able to cut the lost lives by getting to high ground sooner. People had not seen such devastation until just a few years ago. Now they should be forewarned what to do should another large earthquake occur. It may even be safer to not live on the coast, but live on higher ground in these earthquake zones.”


Saturday, December 16, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you are now getting into the heating season as winter approaches. Already you have seen several different storms around your country that have caused damage to your power lines with power outages. This is another reminder to make plans for an alternate source of fuel so you can keep warm if you have a power outage. You also may want to go one step further and check to see if your heating devices are fully operating to use your alternate fuel. Oil for lighting lamps and extra batteries for your lights would also be helpful in the dark. Even My refuges and interim refuges should make plans for alternate fuel sources and checked devices to insure they are working. There are so many events going on that you need to be prepared physically and spiritually for all that will be coming about.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you take a shower, you can wash away all of your physical sweat and dirt from your body. When you are baptized or go to Confession, you are washing away the sins on your souls and replacing your spiritual filth with My sanctifying grace. This pool of water in the vision is symbolic of the waters of Baptism to remove original sin and bring the new faithful into the Church. Even if you commit serious sin, there is still Confession available to seek the forgiveness of your sins and wash them away with the priest’s absolution. With all the sacramental grace available through your priests, there should be no excuse not to have a pure soul to please Me with your soul’s brilliant appearance. Those, who remain in their sins, are the spiritually lazy lukewarm who do not realize the danger that their souls are in by putting off going to Confession. Take advantage of My graces available, and do not leave your souls in danger of going to hell.”


Sunday, December 17, 2006: (Gaudete Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s readings are all about joy and rejoicing at My coming to earth as a man to save all of you from your sins. (Philippians 4:4) ‘Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, rejoice.’ St. John the Baptist heralded My coming by preaching repentance and baptizing the people in the Jordan to change their sinful lives. He said he was not worthy of loosening My sandal straps. He pointed to My coming as the Lamb of God and that I would baptize with the Holy Spirit. He claimed how I must increase while he would decrease. My birth at Christmas is celebrated with gift giving, but Advent should also be a prayerful preparation for My coming to share your good deeds with Me at My crib. You even mark the years of history by before and after My coming. As you see Me as an infant at Christmas, remember that you must be as innocent and trusting in Me as little children to gain heaven. Give praise to God the Father for sending Me to you so I could die for all the salvation of souls of the world for all times.”


Monday, December 18, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel St. Joseph was made aware of heaven’s plan for My entry into the world as its Savior. In many innocent ways you do not always know how I will perform miracles beyond your own plans or your own earthly expectations. Remember that with Me all things are possible. St. Joseph was obedient to receive My Blessed Mother into his home, and later followed the angel to Egypt and back to protect Me from Herod. Through My angels salvation history was carried out according to God’s plan. Even today there are many women pregnant before marriage for more sinful reasons. But still encourage these mothers to have their children, even if they must give them up for adoption. The abortions of today are a real disobedience to My Fifth Commandment of ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ Better to not compound a sin of fornication with an even worse sin of abortion that denies My plan for that life. Herod’s killing of the Holy Innocents was bad enough, but now many of your innocents are being killed by abortion just out of convenience for blood money by your doctors. Obey My commandments and pray for the stoppage of your abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, the parents of young children need to know what kind of games their children are playing either on the internet or the latest electronic toys. They could be influenced by excessive violence, the occult, or witchcraft. Even Harry Potter books and the like could leave openings for devil obsessions or possessions, especially with Ouija boards and tarot cards. In addition to games, movies and adult entertainment could be bad influences on young adults and younger children. Leaving pornographic magazines around or bad web sites on your computers could lead children into sinful behaviors. Parents need to be good examples and avoid such magazines and ‘R’ rated movies. Protect your children as much as you can from drugs, drinking, and smoking. Teaching your children good habits while they are young will help them in their older years.”


Tuesday, December 19, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when the early Pilgrims had to rely on corn from the Indians to survive their first winter. Food supplies appear to be plentiful in your stores now, but control of the buying of food with mandatory smart cards and eventual chips in the body could create food shortages for those refusing these chips. That is why My faithful, who will refuse these chips, must put aside some extra food that I can multiply for your needs. As the enforcement of mandatory chips in the body progresses, you will be led to My refuges and interim refuges for food and protection by My angels. Just as the angel led St. Joseph and the Holy Family to safety, so your guardian angels will be leading you to save havens, so you are not at your homes when they come searching to implant chips in your body. These chips are not necessary, and their only purpose is to control you for the Antichrist’s reign. Refuse these chips, even if they threaten to kill you, and trust in Me always to provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have all week to go to the store, work, and run your errands. I ask you to come to Mass one hour out of the week on Sunday, and still many do not make time for Me. These empty chairs at Sunday Mass represent those who do not come to Mass regularly. Some come only on Christmas and Easter, even with the urging of their relatives. You are only on this earth a short time because this life is passing away. But after your body dies, your soul lives on forever in eternity. You are given only two choices. One to be with Me in heaven, or to be with the devil in hell. To come to heaven you must take up your cross and follow Me on your path to sainthood. You need My help and My graces of the sacraments in order to reach heaven. You need to recognize Me as your Savior and seek the forgiveness of your sins in Confession. By loving Me, serving Me, and knowing Me, you are on the right path to heaven. Share your faith with those around you, and encourage them to come to Me, even the lukewarm at Sunday Mass. Give Me at least one hour a week and I will give you an abundance of My graces as your reward. Some come to Mass out of duty, but it gives Me great joy to see My people come to see Me more out of love. Even those, who visit Me in Adoration or My tabernacles, have even a deeper love because this is beyond any duty or obligation. I love all of My people, and I desire all of you to love Me as well.”


Wednesday, December 20, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, this scene of the Annunciation on My Blessed Mother accepting Me into her womb by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit was the beginning of My physical presence on earth as an incarnated man. This is why the angels were cheering in heaven that the Messiah and salvation had finally come to all of mankind. My Blessed Mother is a shining example of the perfection that I call all of My faithful to imitate. She lived in the Divine Will of complete obedience to God without any sin. When you are called to My service, be ready to give your own ‘fiat’ in your willingness to consecrate everything over to your Lord and Master. It is your total commitment to loving and serving Me that will lead you to heaven by My grace. Rejoice in this season of Advent as you prepare for My coming again as you remember Christmas in honor of My birth. You are also in waiting for My return on the clouds as you will then see a new heavens and a new earth in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people take fresh water as normal for being available in their water lines. A time is coming when changing jet streams will turn some areas into floods and other areas into deserts. If farmers do not have enough moisture at the right time for their crops, they could lose much of their harvest. America has been blessed with good growing conditions, but these times of plenty are going to change to times of famine. That is why lakes, streams, and wells are important not to pollute them because it is hard to purify bad water. This coming famine is another reason to store some extra food that I could multiply in your need. Take care of your precious resources as fresh water that will become more valuable than oil because you need a lot of water to live.”


Thursday, December 21, 2006: (Visitation readings)

Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist prepared the way for My public ministry, and even in the womb he alerted his mother, Elizabeth, of My presence in My Blessed Mother. Her words about the Mother of her Lord visiting her was the first pronouncement to others of the coming Messiah that would save all the people from their sins. In the following passage from St. Luke’s Gospel My Blessed Mother speaks the words of her Magnificat that she is now Blessed among mankind. It is hard for man to believe that God could take on the nature of a man in My Incarnation. This is My gift of Myself that I later died for all of your sins. You have all of My precious words on how to live available for you to read in the Gospels. Listen to My words and take them to heart as you prepare for My coming at Christmas.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist had courage to criticize Herod’s wife for Herod’s marrying his brother’s wife. For this accusation John was placed in prison and later beheaded. In your recent news reports a large percentage of men and women admitted to having premarital relations. It is sad to see so many sins of adultery and fornication which are destroying the family. Be willing to speak out against these sins even in your own families.” Jesus said: “My people, every time you come to the altar to receive Me in Holy Communion, I want you to make a quick examination of conscience to be certain that you are in the state of grace without mortal sin. Even if you have no mortal sin, you should make an act of contrition for any venial sins so you may be worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion. If you are in mortal sin, do not come to the altar until you have confessed your sins to a priest so you do not commit a sacrilege in receiving Me unworthily. Give reverence and honor to My Blessed Sacrament whenever you are before My consecrated Host.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are so used to traveling in your car that you have forgotten how long it takes to travel on foot or on a donkey. Think of how difficult that it was for My Blessed Mother to visit her cousin Elizabeth, and with St. Joseph when they traveled to Bethlehem. When you bring your gifts to My crib, give thanks to God for all of your conveniences of travel when you visit relatives for the Christmas Season.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of the gifts of the Magi was myrrh which is a symbol of suffering that I would endure later in My earthly life. There was persecution all around Me because of the inspiration of the devil who was always trying to get people to kill Me. I did not allow man to lay hands on Me until it was My hour in Gethsemene. My life of suffering is an example to all of My faithful that you will face suffering in this life as well. It may come as persecution, disease, or in wars. Pray for My protection so I can guard your souls from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist was a herald in the desert preparing the way for My Kingdom on earth. He preached repentance and a change of life to come closer to God. As your Advent Season is coming to a close with Christmas, My faithful can repent of your sins today as well. Try to make it to Confession before Christmas so you can receive your Lord with a pure heart and a pure soul worthy of My Presence. Be sorry for your sins in having offended Me. Make a new resolution to sin less, and pray more for this new Church Year.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you walk in My Light, you also cast a shadow on the ground. In some cases as I walked among the sick, there were healings even when My shadow fell on people. The shadow of your spirit can also be a big influence on those that you meet on the road of life. Be willing to pray for healings with everyone that asks you to share your grace with them. You have seen healings through My graces, My saints’ relics, and the faith of those who believe they can be healed by prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother became known as the Ark of the Covenant as she housed her Lord in her womb for nine months. This symbol of protection is how My Blessed Mother will watch out for her children at the places of refuge where she has appeared to chosen ones. You are sharing tonight the healing water of Betania and the rose petals touched to Maria’s relics. You will see such healings continue by the faith of those seeking healings. Maria is your intercessor for prayer, especially for the healing of souls which is more important than the body. Give praise and thanks to God for all the graces and blessings that you are receiving from Me through My heavenly servants.”


Friday, December 22, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, many of you busy yourself with too many earthly distractions instead of following what I want you to do. During Advent you need to set aside some time to meditate on Me every day. It is hard to keep your focus on Me if you are busy every moment with secular concerns of the world. You are here on this earth to know, love, and serve Me. So you need to look at your spiritual life and see where you are. If you are not following My plan for your life, then it is time to cut out your plans to conform to Mine. Do not waste your whole day on frivolous things that will not bring you closer to heaven. You should be taking time for daily prayer, Mass and visits to My Blessed Sacrament, good deeds, and monthly Confession. If you truly love Me, then you should show it in your actions, and make Me a part of your daily life. When you come to your judgment, excuses will not be accepted for your lazy spiritual attitude. You are either with Me or the world, you cannot have two masters. If you choose Me, you will be saved in heaven. If you choose the world, then you will choose eternity in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, Herod wanted to kill Me because he thought I was an earthly king and a threat to his throne. I in fact am not a physical king, but the angel directed our family to Egypt for safety. Then Herod had all of the male children two and under killed in Bethlehem trying to kill Me. The vision of the soldiers not finding Me in the barn is an example of how the one world people will not be able to see My faithful at My refuges. There will still be some martyred who did not go to My refuges soon enough. These will be like the Innocents killed by Herod. The souls of those martyred will go straight to heaven. Do not fear the evil ones, for My faithful will be protected and shielded from their weapons. My faithful will suffer for a time during the reign of the Antichrist, but once I come to cleanse the earth of all evil, you will witness the beauty of My Era of Peace and then heaven itself.”


Saturday, December 23, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, just as this nun is bringing Me to the sick people who cannot attend Mass, so My Blessed Mother brought Me to Elizabeth, and also to the whole world in Bethlehem. Even St. John the Baptist, whose Nativity is honored in today’s Gospel, brings Me to you as the herald in the desert. This Good News of the salvation of all of mankind is reason enough to shout My Word from the rooftops so all can hear and be given the opportunity to be saved. I came to save all of you from your sins and open the gates of heaven by My Divine sacrifice on the cross. It is beautiful to dwell on the thoughts of My infancy, but it is the reason that I came that makes My very Presence on earth cause for rejoicing. Even though I rose in resurrection back to heaven, I have left Myself for you in My Hosts in every tabernacle so you can have a taste of Christmas every time you visit Me in My tabernacle, or receive Me worthily in Holy Communion.”


Sunday, December 24, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, when I came into the world, there was much darkness in the spiritual realm due to the sin of Adam and Eve. Even those, who had died and were good, could not enter heaven because the gates of heaven were closed. When I came into the world there was a beam of Light as at the crack of dawn, because I came to dispel the darkness and restore grace to those who love Me. By My death on the cross I have given you Baptism over original sin, and the gates of heaven are now open to those that have been purified on earth and in purgatory. I have given you the grace of Confession so you could be forgiven of your sins and the Light of My grace restored to your soul. The picture in the vision of the spiritual world on earth shows you how each soul on earth beams with My Light of grace. You are a well of love to be shared with everyone, especially the dark souls that need My love and grace to enlighten their souls. If you could only discern the souls of My Light or the darkness of souls held by Satan, then you could see how desperate these dead souls need to be evangelized and saved in My grace. If you have mortal sin, or many venial sins, not only are you missing My grace, but you appear ugly and black to My eyes. So this Christmas see the call of My Light and My grace that you can have through conversion of your sinful lifestyles. Come into My sheepfold of faithful and be released of the bonds of your sins and be freed of all earthly desires. Focus on loving Me and you will not be far from the Kingdom of God.”

(Midnight Mass) Jesus said: “My people, this burning in the darkness is a representation of the hate in the world that I have come to heal with My love and peace. The devil is constantly leading man into war after war out of pride and anger for selfish reasons of money and power. Do not be misled by his lies and temptations to instill the hate that leads to wars and killings. The devil hates man and is trying to destroy you in any way that he can. You have Me for protection, so ask My help and follow only My ways instead of man’s ways. Love one another and help each other, instead of fighting or hating your neighbor. Heaven is perfection and all loving, and there is no room for hate in heaven, nor room for hate in your hearts and souls. Only make room for Me and put your worldly desires out of your mind.”


Monday, December 25, 2006: (Christmas Day)

Jesus said: “My people, the vision of My faithful hiding in a cave is a real possibility during the time of tribulation. I was born in a cave, and when Herod tried to kill Me, the angels led us to Egypt to hide in a cave just as well. Caves have been hiding places for My prophet Elijah, and for the Early Christians in the catacombs. My angels will lead My faithful to safe havens in caves so you will be protected from the Antichrist and his agents. Do not have any fear, for you are witnessing the final battle of good and evil. But the Antichrist and Satan with his minions will soon be cast into hell with the evil people, and I will restore the earth to My Era of Peace where you will sing praises to God as you have today.”


Tuesday, December 26, 2006: (St. Stephen)

Jesus said: “My people, it is a sudden change from the joy of Christmas to think of today’s Gospel that speaks of prisons and relatives turning in each other over to the authorities. In communist countries you have seen this same imprisonment for political prisoners against these atheistic governments. Even America is covered with prison camps ready for the one world people to imprison those who will not go along with their new world order. You have seen terrorist events manufactured to cause a new government run by smart cards and chips in the body. Security fears are a current means to lead a takeover of your country. Identity fraud and security chipping of people are the reasons given for such identity cards. But these things can be manipulated and counterfeited even by illegal immigrants. Some of My faithful will be martyred for their faith, but those, who seek out My refuges of protection, will find My help against the evil ones. Rejoice when you see the Antichrist come into power because you know that My victory against him is near. Prepare your souls spiritually, and be ready to leave everything behind to trust in My protection at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your children and maybe grandchildren open all of their Christmas gifts, and there was much excitement in their faces for what they received. Less fortunate children in orphanages have less to look forward to for presents when they have no parents. That is why it would be a kind act of charity to either bring them to the store to choose a gift, or buy them something they could play with. They have a harder life without parents, so it would lighten up their faces if you could make them some donation of a gift and your time. When they see your concern for them, they could understand the love in your hearts to help them in any way. Just think of your gift to them as if you were giving it to Me at My crib.”


Wednesday, December 27, 2006: (St. John the apostle)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of an empty tomb was the first sign to My disciples of My Resurrection. The shrouds of My burial were neatly folded as an added sign that I was there before I rose. Later, this shroud of Turin would be further proof of My Resurrection as a light energy singed an image of My Body on the cloth to show you the wounds of My scourging and crucifixion. All of the disciples, who saw the empty tomb, believed in My words that I would rise again after three days. When I appeared to My disciples, they could see My wounds and feel them. I was not a ghost, but a real live person of flesh and blood in My glorified body who ate food with them. The tomb was not a sign of death, but My absence was proof of Life and My Resurrection. My Resurrection is also an example to My faithful that all of you, who are worthy, will one day be resurrected body and soul into heaven. There is life after death, and by choosing to do My Will, you will share eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how the eagles are noted for their sharp eyes from up high in the sky. The eagle represents the eyes of faith that I want My disciples to have for good viewing and understanding of all that is going on before you. The landscape represents the worldly attractions and distractions that can lead you away from your mission in life. There are many good and beautiful things on earth, but they need to be observed in moderation without excesses. Certain things can be useful tools, but not so absorbing that they can detour you from what you are to do. Keep full focus on Me in your daily lives with blinders on to all the temptations of the evil one. The devil uses your pride and curiosity to wander off on your own without asking Me if it is right for you to travel in that direction. Keep praying for My direction, and do not let any earthly desire control your mind. With love of Me and your neighbor in your heart, you will be able to accomplish great things for Me with your eyes of faith.”


Thursday, December 28, 2006: (Holy Innocents)

Jesus said: “My people, there have been several times throughout history when evil men and women have killed innocent, defenseless children for their own prideful reasons. The Pharaoh of Egypt killed the male children of the Hebrews because he was fearful of their growing numbers. Herod killed the Innocents of Bethlehem because he was fearful that the new Messiah King would steal his throne. Even in modern times Satan has convinced troubled mothers to kill their innocent children in the womb even before they are born. In China they have been killing their young girls for population control. In all of these instances you can see how ruthless this evil is to kill these defenseless little ones for fame and blood money. Those, who kill My little ones, it would be better to have a millstone placed around their necks and to be thrown into the sea. Every life that is snuffed out by man’s hands is in defilement of My plans for that life. By defiling Me, you are bringing My judgment and punishment down upon these killers. Abortion can be forgiven in Confession, but there will still be reparation to be made for such sins. Love for all souls is what I am calling from everyone, and you must give reverence to all life which comes from Me. Those, who mock life in abortion, euthanasia, or wars, will have to pay at their judgments.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you have many places that are shrines to My Blessed Mother as in Coromoto and Betania in Venezuela, as well as the Shrine of ‘Our Lady of Guadeloupe’. This statue honoring My Blessed Mother of Guadeloupe is appropriate for the feast day of the Holy Innocents which are both connected in stopping abortions and giving honor to the preciousness of life.”

Jesus said: “My people, new life in the birth of a baby is a treasure of My creation that you should have more reverence for. Even as you reverence My very Presence in My consecrated Host, you also can reverence each soul that is made to My Image and Likeness. You are all precious to Me at any age because your soul is immortal and never ages as your bodies do. This is why if you do a good deed for someone, you are doing it for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you many times that in the time of tribulation that the places of apparition from My Blessed Mother would become places of refuge for protection. My Blessed Mother will put her mantle of protection around all of her children when you will be facing the Antichrist and his evil ones. Be thankful that heaven will be helping you in this battle of good against evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, be grateful for the many artisans that have made many beautiful statues and icons of My Blessed Mother. These art forms give you a remembrance of how My heavenly Mother is with you and encouraging your rosaries for her intentions. This is why statues and paintings are appropriate on your altars to give you inspiration to lead sinless lives in imitation of My Blessed Mother. She and the saints are great intercessors of your prayers to bring your petitions to Me. You know that I would not refuse My Blessed Mother’s requests.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may not realize how important your rosaries are needed to offset the many sins in your world. Your prayers are more powerful than many armies with the latest weapons. The rosary is your best weapon in your battle against evil and the many abortions still going on in your country. As you meditate on the martyrs of the Holy Innocents, remember that all of your abortions are giving you many martyrs for Me that are going straight to heaven. The angels of these little martyrs are witnessing their deaths before Me, and there is a great cry going out for justice and punishment for these sins against Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to start a new secular year and now would be a good time to make some New Year’s resolutions to improve your spiritual life. Make an honest appraisal of your spiritual progress over the last year and note the areas that most need some improvement. Even if you work to be closer to Me in your prayers, this will mean a growth in your progress to become a saint. Keep your soul cleansed of sin and full of grace by frequent Confession and daily prayer. Make an effort to give Me more of your precious time so I can mold you into the person that I want you to be. Work to save your own soul with My help, and to evangelize souls whenever you find the opportunity.”

Jesus said: “My people, My coming to earth, that you are commemorating in this Christmas Season, is a fulfillment of My promises of old that God would send His Messiah to earth. I came by a virgin birth by the power of the Holy Spirit as a sacrificial offering for all of mankind’s sins. It was a great gift of Myself to be incarnated as a man and allow evil men to put Me to death. Even though My Crucifixion may seem as a sign of defeat, I have turned it into a victory over sin and death with My Resurrection. I am more powerful than Satan and all the demons combined, so give praise to God for this great gift of spiritual life that I renew in each soul who loves Me and seeks the forgiveness of their sins.”


Friday, December 29, 2006: (St. Thomas Becket)

Jesus said: “My people, there is a lot of spiritual symbolism in this vision of boiling water at a geyser park. The water is always a symbol of life because you need water for the body to survive. It is also a symbol of Baptism that cleanses souls of sin, and restores life-giving grace to the soul. The warmth of the boiling water is a symbol of love that permeates the soul and spreads around to warm the environment, or gives love to other people. Love is a real sign of life and it cannot be contained, but it desires to be shared. Even as I am all-loving for every being that I create, so My love is present in all of you. This is why your soul has a burning attraction to want to be with Me out of love, and why you have a desire to love everyone around you. You search for peace in your soul, but your soul can only find rest and peace in My Presence. When our love relationship is strained by sin, you can replenish your grace and cleanse your sins in Confession to the priest. By seeking My forgiveness, you are like the Prodigal Son whom I welcome home with lavish gifts because you were lost and now you are found in faith and My grace. Give praise and glory to your God who loves you so much, and I am always reaching out to help you along the trials of life.”

Jesus said: “My people, the current jet streams have been bringing moisture from the Pacific Ocean down from Washington over the mountains giving the West several bad snow storms. Then the jet stream takes the warm moist air back up into the Northeast without much snow. It is unusual for a jet stream to keep the same track, but these conditions could continue until there is a change in this weather pattern. I have told you before when weather patterns remain in one position for a long time that it has the description of how weather could be manipulated by the HAARP machine. Also, when weather becomes unusually violent in the winter, this is also unusual. Some of your scientists are noting unusual amounts of melting of the ice shelves in the North Pole area. There are more signs of global warming effects than some people are willing to accept because they do not want to stop their pollution. The balance of nature is being badly affected by many of man’s abuses. Controlling pollution in the air and the water should be better restricted before your weather and food crops could be adversely affected.”


Saturday, December 30, 2006:

Jesus said: “My people, many people are taken up with the daily events in their lives, but they do not always understand the big picture of where they came from and where they are going. If you just observe how your body ages, you see that your life is passing away even as your hair turns gray and your skin wrinkles. You are here as part of My plan of creation to know, love, and serve Me. It is your spiritual life that you should be most concerned about because your soul will live on past the body’s death. That is why I am showing you this vision of a larger picture, so you are able to grasp what is important in this life, and how you should see and understand your own mission in life. Sometimes it is not always clear what your mission is, so you can ask Me for discernment on what you are to accomplish. Recognizing Me as your Savior and seeking the forgiveness of your sins, should be your first mission to directing your soul to be with Me in heaven. Loving Me and your neighbor is a daily part of your responsibilities. Watching out for the spiritual well being of all of your family members is another duty. Helping others in spiritual and physical needs is an ongoing responsibility. You will see that saving souls and praying for souls in purgatory will give you the most spiritual satisfaction than any physical joys of life. See the big picture of following My ways that are much more important and peaceful than rushing through all of your earthly activities.”

Jesus said: “My people, this sign of flooding is how there will be many natural disasters in America like you have seen in Florida, New Orleans, and the West. Each incident by itself is not alarming, but collectively these disasters could affect your economy. You did not suffer any major hurricane damage, but you will be tested in many other ways. Keep prepared with extra fuel and food in case your area could be affected with power outages. Be ready to help those in need by your time or donations. As your commentators speak of other healing times, so your country needs to heal the wounds from your wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Pray for the end of your wars, and stop appeasing those who want wars for their own sake to make money.”


Sunday, December 31, 2006: (Holy Family Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of the angels as messengers to My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, and even singing to the shepherds. This angel above the Holy Family is one of protection instead of as a messenger. It was this angel that led the Holy Family to Egypt and back because of Herod’s attempts to kill Me. We also had guardian angels to watch over us as well. This is another reason not to have fear of the demons or evil people because you can call on My help, and I will send you more than enough angels to protect you. There will also be angels of protection over each refuge that will be visible during the time of tribulation. It will be this angel’s duty to keep the evil ones from seeing you or detecting you at My refuges. Remember how the angels have also protected Medugorje from airplanes bombing it that could not see the city. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the protection that I give you with My heavenly angels.”


Sexta-feira, 28 de Março de 2025

Mulher Vestida de Sol