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John Leary - Ano 2007 (Inglês)



Ano 2007


Monday, January 1, 2007: (Mary, Mother of God)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of darkness represents the world in its sins before I was born into the world. The Light afterwards represents My coming and the release of My saints from their bonds so they could enter heaven. My Light enters each soul and it is either accepted or rejected. The Light shining from My saints is how My grace illuminates them so they can be shining lights of grace so you can imitate their lives. They are not only models to follow, but they are also intercessors for your prayers of petition. As you start this New Year, be especially conscious of the feast days of My saints because they are granted even more miracles of grace to those asking them for intercession on the feast day of their death. I invite My faithful to call on Me, My saints, and My angels for help in your battle against evil, and to help you on your path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Christian majority is now being more vocal about celebrating Christmas instead of the politically correct media and shop keepers who did not want to offend other religions. Even now more Christian families are displaying Nativity Scenes as a backlash to public buildings removing them along with the Ten Commandments. America was founded on religious freedom, so restricting God in public schools and buildings is counter to your traditions. If you do not publically witness to My Name, then My Father in heaven will not acknowledge you. Keep proclaiming My Word in public, even if you are persecuted or put down for doing so. If America turns its back on Me, then your blessings will be taken away. Pray for your people to be more loving of Me and each other, and you would see less violence and no more wars.”


Tuesday, January 2, 2007: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)

Jesus said: “My people, you are continuing to set records for warm temperatures in the Northeast as your beginning winter appears to be like last year. The ice melting in this vision is a sign that you could have more problems with icing than with snowfall. Snow storms have been very unusual in various parts of your country, but there is more to come. Continue your emergency preparations since these storms have come with little warning and devastating results. Pray for all the people that have had to endure power outages, and any damage, as well as for future trials. Your help from any government groups will be very little as seen from previous disasters. Trust in My help for your needs and you will have nothing to fear or worry about.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a crashing stone represents the weight of America’s debts that will cause a crash in your money system. Already the dollar is losing value relative to other currencies because of your high debt levels. Countries like China that are holding dollar denominated debt instruments are losing money. If these countries sell dollars at a rapid rate, it could further lower the value of the dollar. Some of America’s budget deficits have been financed by the excess payments to Social Security. But this excess will turn to a deficit as your population ages. If your country cannot sell its bonds to institutions or foreign investors, you will need to raise interest rates to balance the dollar’s lost value. Such a strain on your capital markets could lead to a recession and eventually a crash in your money system. Most of these deficits come from your wars and deficit spending by your government. These deficits cannot be brought under control soon enough to stop this crash, which is inevitable. This financial crash will be another excuse for the one world people to take over your government in martial law because they hold all of your debts. This is also another reason to be prepared to go to My refuges for protection from the ensuing chaos that will result from this financial collapse. Pray for My help at that time for both spiritual and physical protection.”


Wednesday, January 3, 2007: (Most Holy Name of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, the Kingship of My Infancy is well expressed in this vision of the Infant of Prague statue. It is even more reason to celebrate this feast of My Holy Name because it is the patron name of your parish. The Gospel read today also commemorates My naming on My Circumcision, just as the Angel Gabriel had foretold. I am truly Emmanuel in that I am always with you. There are many quotes in the Bible about My Name, such as whenever you hear My Name that every knee must bend, and bow your head in praise to your Savior. My Name is also acknowledged when you pray over people in My Name. I told My apostles of the power of My Name as they called on Me in healing people. You remember how St. Peter and St. John healed the lame beggar in My Name, and they were persecuted for using My Name. (Acts 3:1-11) ‘In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, arise and walk.’ My Name should only be used in prayer and not in vain swearing. Give praise to My Name every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the Warning experience with a mini-judgment is not far off in your earthly experience. This is more pertinent information on the importance of understanding the meaning of this minijudgment. Everyone will experience their life review and they will understand where they would be judged if they were to die just then. Some will experience what hell is all about; some will experience purgatory, and very few will experience heaven. These people will be shown how they will be given a second chance to change their lives in preparation for heaven. Whether they accept Me or not, they will know as in Revelation 14:14-20 that My faithful will be gathered up as wheat into My barn of heaven. All of those, who reject Me, will be as clusters of grapes that will be crushed forever in the winepress of hell. The Warning is a preview of this last judgment and everyone will choose their eternal destination by their actions in their last visit on earth. Take this opportunity to follow Me and do not give in to the Antichrist and his lies. Once you have made this last decision, there will be no turning back because your judgment will be true and final.”


Thursday, January 4, 2007: (Dorothy Geyssens’s funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, Dorothy is one of My pillars of the Church as she was faithful to Me even to the end. Along with being a beautiful and loving person, she was a great prayer warrior of faith for all of her family, and especially Randy in his illness. She was always attending to everyone’s needs both physical and spiritual. She is a faithful inspiration for everyone to follow. Now, as I call her home to Me, she is sharing in My Great Banquet in heaven. She is joined once again with her husband, Al, as all of heaven gives Me praise and sings of My glory. Even your beautiful singing today at the Mass can be joined with My choirs of angels. Even though the family is sad about Dorothy’s leaving them, be assured that she is surely in a better place where she will continue to pray even harder for her family and friends.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you have shared your gifts at Christmas and you have celebrated the New Year. Soon after the Magi visit and St. John the Baptist baptizes Me in your readings, you will begin again the Ordinary Time of the year. I have mentioned that you could leave a Nativity Scene up the year round in your prayer room. You also do not remain young for long, and you quickly mature into adulthood. The joy of Christmas is that spark of joy that you can store in your heart all year long. Remember also to share your charity with others throughout the whole year.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Congress and the ordinary workers are returning to their workplaces. Your newly elected Representatives are being sworn in and they will begin their new legislative agenda. Each year gives new hope that America will mend its ways concerning abortions and your sexual sins, but many of these things do not change because of man’s bad habits. Pray for a spiritual renewal in America, or you will see even more trials to test your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your scientists are remarking about the warm temperatures that set another record high in December and a near record high for the year. Others are suggesting that El Nino will add even more warmth to set record highs in 2007. Weather patterns are changing climate all over the world which could cause famines in various parts of the world. There are also some major natural disasters that could cause power outages and some loss of life.”

Jesus said: “My people, some are already seeing some flowers budding in your spring like weather. This is just another out of season occurrence that could affect your plants and trees. Even some of your businesses as fuel providers and snow removers are having a hard time making a living. Those, who have promoted controlling pollution, are using these warm temperatures as a trend of global warming and a cry for change in your energy consumption. It is true that man needs to curb his abuses of nature which are causing droughts and violent storms.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you have remarked that there seems to be more people dying recently as your death notices are taking up more pages. It is true that your society is aging with more collecting Social Security and less young people paying in to support this retirement program. This is why you are noticing more deaths than births. Abortions and having fewer children in your families have greatly affected your live birth rates. If it were not for your immigrants, your country would be losing population.”

Jesus said: “My people, even as the demand for natural gas and oil are in lower demand because of warm weather, the producers are controlling supplies to keep prices higher than normal. Pumping less oil and charging more for natural gas transit are ways that energy producers are trying to make more money. There is difficulty in supplying energy supplies when demand is down and prices are usually lower. Pray for these suppliers and your consumers to not take unfair advantages of warmer or colder weather than usual.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good to have some new resolutions to cut overspending, overeating, and stopping other addictions and abuses of your body. These next few weeks will be a test of how sincere you are in keeping these resolutions. Resolutions to better your spiritual life will also have to be examined as time moves on. You always have Confession available to cleanse your sins, so you should be praying more to help restrain your sinful lives. It is a good practice to take inventory each year to check your spiritual progress, and to make adjustments where they are needed.”


Friday, January 5, 2007: (St. John Neumann)

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages about sexual sins in your country because they are rampant, and most souls that go to hell are going there because of these sins. You have many fornications from people living together without being married. You have many adulteries from spouses that are not faithful to their husbands or wives. You have masturbation from sexually active partners. Homosexual activity is also increasing, and it is just as sinful an abomination. Even married couples are sinning in artificial birth control and artificial insemination. Your sinful lifestyles need to change if you are ever to come to heaven. Such improper sexual activity can become just as addicting as drugs and drinking. This desire is proper in the procreation of children under the marriage bond, but the sinful lust for this pleasure should be avoided. Pray for My help in using your gifts in the proper use of the marriage bed. If you find yourself in such mortal sins, now is the time to seek out My forgiveness in frequent Confession with your intention to avoid these sins in the future. It is your spiritual laziness in not confessing your sins that could lead your souls to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time of tribulation is coming when you will experience an evil in many demons that you have never seen before. On your own you will not be able to endure the testing of these demons. You are seeing in the vision a circling machine that travels over water, but does not sink. This is to remind you of the Bible reading when I walked on the water and St. Peter came to Me on the water. At first St. Peter had great faith in Me and he would walk on the water. But the violence of the storm gave him fear and he began to sink. I reached out and saved him from drowning. If you have the faith of a mustard seed and keep your focus on Me, you also could do the impossible as walking on water. During the tribulation, it will be your faith and hope in My power and My angels that will protect you from all of the evil ones. Because of My grace and power you will walk through the evil ones and they will not even see you. But if you are weak in your faith as St. Peter was for a moment, then you will face torments from the evil ones. With your blessed sacramentals and calling on Me and My angels, you will have nothing to fear. It is your faith in Me that will save you.”


Saturday, January 6, 2007: (Funeral Mass for Mary Burke)

Jesus said: “My people, this again is a beautiful and loving mother who not only cared for her own children, but reached out to all the pregnant mothers not to kill their babies. Her life was filled with many personal struggles, but she spent many hours in her defense of the lives of My little ones. All of those, who struggle to protect the lives of the unborn, have a special place in My heart. Even though the people of America have allowed abortion in your Supreme Court Decision, there are many who have struggled long to reverse this decision and Mary is one of them, and I am grateful for her service. Continue to love one another and to defend life at all stages.” On leaving Mary gave a few comments: “I want my family to know how much I love them, and I will be praying for your support. I also want to encourage all of my right to life warriors to continue your struggle to protect the unborn. I will be praying for your work and your efforts to save these innocents.”

Jesus said: “My people, a new party in the Democrats was voted in to control Congress with a mandate to get out of Iraq in a reasonable manner. If the Democrats are not able to scale down to leave Iraq, then many will protest the war with their feet. This is really a battle of the will of the people over the one world people who want to profit from constant wars. After 3,000 troops have died and billions of dollars in debt, there is no closer solution than three years ago. The enthusiasm for foreign wars is waning in the name of wars against a false terror that has been created. America should stop your killing in wars and abortions, so you can have peace and love. Pray for peace in these endless wars which have not gained anything for America.”


Sunday, January 7, 2007: (The Epiphany)

Jesus said: “My people, today in Matthew (2:1-12) you have read the account of the Magi which is only found in Matthew’s Gospel. They came from the East following a miraculous star that led them to find Me and give Me honor and glory with their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. It was their visiting Herod to find the child that caused Herod to later try and kill Me and all the Innocents. In a dream the Magi were warned not to return to Herod, but to go another way. In Luke’s Gospel you have the shepherds and angels singing My praises as well as the Magi. All of these accounts give glory to My coming and a promise of salvation by My death on the cross. The Magi are also an example to all of My faithful that you too could bring Me your gifts of good deeds to others and your own personal commitments to following your Lord. Many worship My Infancy even as others worship Me as an adult, but I am the same Jesus at any human age. Continue to spread My Good News of salvation in all of your efforts to evangelize souls.”


Monday, January 8, 2007: (Baptism of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, at My Baptism My heavenly Father said: (Matt. 3:17) ‘This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’ There also was a dove representing the Holy Spirit that rested over Me. This is one of the few times when the Blessed Trinity was made manifest to man and in the Bible. This Baptism is mentioned in all four Gospels and St. John the Baptist proclaimed: (John 1:29) ‘Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’ Two disciples of St. John followed Me after this proclamation. This also was the beginning of My public ministry as I prepared in the desert against Satan and I started calling My disciples. This Baptism of Mine would take on a new significance once I sacrificed My life for the sins of all of mankind. Truly I died as a Sacrificial Lamb that was unblemished by sin and a worthy sacrifice to conquer sin and death. Now Baptism as a sacrament would free all souls of original sin, and this would be an entry of that soul into My faithful Church. Rejoice in My Divine Sacrifice that has freed your bonds of sin and has allowed My purified faithful to enter the gates of heaven.”


Tuesday, January 9, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, no greater love can a man have than to lay down his life for his friends. You know by faith that I am the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. It is even a mystery to you how God could take on a human nature, but all things are possible for Me. I love man so much that I took on a human nature so I could feel all of your trials and pains of the flesh. My main reason for coming was to offer My life as a worthy sacrifice to My Father to atone for all the sins of mankind, and to reopen the gates of heaven to those who are worthy. This is why I want My crucifix displayed on your altars so you can remember how much I suffered for each of you, and you can see how much I love you. This is also an example to you in taking up your own cross out of love for Me. Your soul’s constant desire is to enjoy My Presence in My peace, rest and love. I am with you to the end of time in My Holy Eucharist in Adoration and in My tabernacles all over the world. Take time to come and visit the One you love the most in this world. Give praise and thanks to Me for My Incarnation, and My death on the cross for you. I humbled Myself to be intimately present to each of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you look at any building, it is the foundation and the proper architecture that keeps it standing. Some tall buildings require many pylons to be sunk into the ground depending on how soft the soil is. The structure of the building must be able to hold up the weight and stress of the materials. Just as you plan the construction of a building, so you must count the costs in developing a religious faith. Faith depends on a true belief in God, and an acknowledgment of Me as your Savior and Master. The foundation of your faith starts with accepting Me as a God-man with both a human nature and a Divine nature. It is My death and Resurrection that gives you hope of life after death, and a promise of salvation from all of your sins. Your soul is immortal and will never die as the body dies. You have been given My Commandments of love of God and love of neighbor. You are also blessed to have My sacraments of grace to support your soul in this life. I have even given you My very Self in My Eucharist. It takes much faith to believe in My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. I have gifted Myself to all of you in the very institution of My Blessed Sacrament. It is these fundamentals of the faith that give every one of My faithful a proper foundation in believing who I am. I am the Son of the Living God, and the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. This was said by St. Peter and I told him that it was My Father in heaven who revealed this to him. My faithful have all of My Gospels to read and understand who I am, and how I call everyone to follow Me in carrying their own cross. Trust in the gift of faith given to you by God than any explanation by man.”


Wednesday, January 10, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many funerals in the last few months and even for President Gerald Ford. This black car in the vision indicates another future funeral of a major dignitary. It is hard enough to bear the death of your relatives and friends, but it can be even a larger loss to your country when you may have to suffer a further loss of another major figure. With every death and funeral that you attend, you realize how short life is here on earth. Live every day to the fullest in My service because you do not know what day I may call you home to Me. Do not waste your time, but keep your soul pure and prepared to meet your judgment with frequent Confession.”


Wednesday, January 10, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, your scientists have recently talked about some missions returning to the moon and possible bases there. The vehicles approaching the space station could be used to stage trips to the moon with larger payloads for making bases. Some means would have to be used like the plants to convert your carbon dioxide into oxygen for breathing. Recycling of water also would be needed for survival. Many helpful inventions have come from your previous space programs. Man is constantly trying to understand the planets and moons in how they were formed, and why the earth is unique to life. In much of man’s research you have not found other life, and you are realizing how beautiful My creation of the earth is. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the gifts of life that I have bestowed upon mankind.”


Thursday, January 11, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, your President and the one world people are about to clash with the American people over wars in general. Because America’s war in Iraq is going badly, it has many people against the war that should not have been fought in the first place. Now your President wants to increase the number of troops and money as well as involving you in another possible war is Somalia. This could be salt in the wounds of losing more lives and piling up more debts without the revenue to commit to this war. Congress is already making motions to fight this increase, but the one world people will be using their influence to support more wars and killing. If the American people cannot get their representatives to stop this war, there will be a heavy backlash against this war and your President. The vision of protesters in the streets and dark clouds over America are signs of this coming struggle. If this war is allowed to continue, America will be marching quicker to bankruptcy and the destruction of your military. Your people are loath to spend more taxes on wars that they do not support. Your President is blindly following the direction of the one world people when your polls and even the Congress are against the war. My people of America need to pray for peace and stop this continuous plan of killing in the name of terrorists.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this latest unannounced incursion into Somalia could be interpreted as an act of war on this country. After your military attacked Iraq in an unprovoked war, you have set a precedent to attack whomever you please. These war makers are out of control, and your Congress only recently is taking a stand. Your Congress should be the only authority to declare war, and not the whims of any President or military personnel. If your people do not rein in these constant wars, you will meet with your own demise. Pray for peace and a control over these war makers.”

Jesus said: “My people, the tires on your car need to be properly maintained with enough tread and enough air so you can drive safely. Even when you are traveling along your spiritual road, you need proper cleansing of your soul’s sin in Confession so you can have the grace to avoid sin and accomplish My mission for you. Many souls may know how to deal with earthly needs, but they also need to take as much care of their soul’s needs. Come to Me for the forgiveness of your sins and I will give you My abundant graces.”

Jesus said: “My people, pictures are a snapshot in time of the deceased in a more memorable pose or setting. You like to have pictures of people as they were alive to remember their vibrant personalities. It is hard to see someone die who has been a part of your daily activities. But everyone knows, that one day, they will die, even though they do not always appear to be prepared for death. Take each day as its own gift without expecting to have tomorrow and you will always be ready when I call you home.”

Jesus said: “My people, a picture is tied to a particular time, but when you see your reflection in a mirror you are seeing a moving, living person that changes a little everyday. As you look at yourself, you can see any physical aging signs, or you make your appearance as proper as you can. If you meditate on your spiritual life, you can put an imaginary mirror on your soul that exposes your current sins on your soul. You should be just as quick to improve your soul’s appearance to Me in Confession as you are to cut your hair, shave, or fix your face with make-up. By paying attention to both the soul’s appearance and that of your body, you can treat the whole person.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are called to make refuges, are also being called to help provide food for those who will come to their place. This concerns the providers to acquire animals, feed, and crops for those who will need food. I will multiply your food and provide those things that may be hard to obtain in the tribulation. But living as independently as possible will be your first steps to survive at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who have various pets as dogs, cats, birds, and other animals who are close to them. These are different lives that you befriend and take care of, even as you care for your children. They give comfort to lonely people, and they quickly become part of your families. Even when you will be called to My refuges, you can bring your pets along because I will care for them also. All of these animals are My creations and I love them also, but not as much as My faithful who have spiritual souls made to My Image.”

David said: “My dear family, it is so nice to have pictures of my sisters on your walls and all of my nieces and nephews. It would also be nice in your prayer room to place a picture of all of our relatives with their names, so you can appreciate the gift of their lives. Life is short and they may not be with you much longer. I also had a very short life, but it would be nice to have a picture of me there with my full name as well because I am a part of your family. Even remember the lost little one in my mother’s miscarriage. I love all of you and I pray for your protection. Remember me as an intercessor for your prayers.”


Friday, January 12, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, there are many shrines to My Blessed Mother all over the world and this icon from Poland in the vision is an example of how My Blessed Mother is watching over all of her children. My Blessed Mother and I had no sin, so we are examples of perfection for you to imitate. I came to forgive the sins of everyone because this vision of water represents how many souls are drowning in their sins. Even in today’s Gospel the people of My time could not believe that I could forgive sins, or later even accept that I was the Son of God. They saw Me cast out demons and heal the paralyzed man, but still they did not question where this power came from. In today’s world man is so addicted to sin, that he is too proud or confused to even admit that he has sinned against Me in My Commandments. See this water as a new laver of your sins as in Baptism, which is renewed in Confession. Admit that you are a sinner and are in need of spiritual healing. Come to Me as a great Healer of souls, as well as the body. When I healed, I healed the whole person, both body and soul. That is why I said to the paralyzed man: ‘Your sins are forgiven.’”


Saturday, January 13, 2007: (St. Hillary)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is focused on the call of Levi, or Matthew, who was a tax collector. In My day tax collectors were looked down on as almost traitors to collect the Roman’s taxes. Even some considered them as sinners. My mission is to forgive the sins of all mankind and to comfort all sinners. I am a great spiritual healer of souls for those seeking My forgiveness. So when I was invited to his house, I was among the sinners that I came to heal. This vision of a nun and a man dressed in a suit is all about how I call everyone to a certain vocation in life. Some are called to the married life, some are called to the religious life, and others are called to the single life. Each person has been blessed with various talents which that person has the responsibility to use and not waste. I have a mission plan for each soul and you should discern with My help how best to serve Me. Reach out to show your love for Me and your neighbor in your daily consecration and prayers. Keep your souls pure as you did today by Confession of your sins to Me in the priest in the confessional. By keeping your focus on Me in faith, I will bless you with all that you need in this life. Help your children also to have faith in Me and direct them toward heaven in all of their actions.”

St. Patrick said: “I was happy to join with you in praying the rosary. You are praying the Irish rosary with the shamrocks on each bead and Ireland is your family’s heritage. Your prayer intentions are very noble, and I presented them to Jesus as your intercessor. You have been given messages to pray to the saints on their feast days for special blessings. So remember me on my feast day for your special intercessions. All of you were praying very sincerely on your own rosaries. Remember also that each rosary has its own special blessings for the person that prays on it. The more you pray on your rosary, there are more blessings even in the physical appearance of your rosary. You have even seen color changes in special places of blessing, and at special times. Remember to keep your blessed sacramentals on your person for protection from the evil ones.”


Sunday, January 14, 2007: (Marriage Feast at Cana)

Jesus said: “My people, I have instituted the sacrament of Matrimony for marriage of a man and a woman, even as I created Adam and Eve as the first parents. This is a sacred union to provide children in a loving environment. I am love itself, and love between a man and a woman is the model of love that I give you in My love for My Church as a bride. Even in Scripture I speak of bringing My faithful to heaven as celebrating a great Banquet with Me. In your society there is much violation of My Commandments in not living in marriage. Fornication and adultery are outside of marriage and mortal sins against the Sixth Commandment. It is most proper to live in marriage where love can occur in the purity of the marriage bed. Same sex marriages or unions are also abuses of the proper union of a man and a woman, and are also mortal sins. Live according to My Commandments of love and be faithful to your spouses. Love one another as I love you, but the marriage union can only be performed under the sacrament of Matrimony.”


Monday, January 15, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that you would see more ice storms from your unusual warm winter that puts cold and warm rain together. The storm patterns are continuing to come down from the North into your Western states giving them colder than usual temperatures. Then they swing up toward the Northeast with cold and warm rain from the South. This latest ice storm has been widespread from your Central states up into the Northeast, and it has caused a considerable amount of deaths and damage. I also told you recently that each one of these natural disasters will chip away at your economy causing America additive losses with each storm. Cold, ice, and fires continue to afflict America, even as you will soon be having the anniversary of your approval of abortion in your country by your Supreme Court on January 22nd. Some of these storms have an element of punishment for killing My babies. Struggle to stop abortions in your country and your blessings could return for your obedience to My laws.”


Tuesday, January 16, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, after your ice storm, now the cold and snow will be setting in as you would expect in winter for the North. Some people have had to suffer power outages which is one reason why I have told you to have some extra food and fuel alternatives on hand. There may be people around you that need your help either with ice or snow removal. You may even have to help them share your warm home and extra food. When natural disasters occur, it is a time for charity and helping those in need. More help will come from your neighbors and relatives than other sources. The more you help others, the more treasure you will have stored up in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you are witnessing the effects of this latest storm in the winter, think of how you could also be affected by winter at your refuge. Refuges in colder areas will have to have stored food and plenty of fuel to keep warm during the winter. Even as you see people with power outages, it would be wise also to have alternate fuels and food on hand. Oil for your lamps would help for light and some warmth. Batteries for your lights would last for short times. Generators require some kind of gas or liquid fuels and an access to more. When there is a need for more fuel or food at My refuges, I will multiply what you have to eat and your fuel to keep warm. Trust in Me for your protection and providing for your needs.”


Wednesday, January 17, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of falling into a sewer is not just about physical filth, but it relates to how souls fall into serious sin. Many of you would try hard not to fall into a stinky sewer, and you would avoid it because of the bad smell. Even if you did fall into a sewer, you would be quick to wash your clothes and take a shower. Sins of the flesh and abusive comforts should also be seen as smelling of the filth of sin, and should be equally repulsive for your souls. The body has a desire for pleasures and comforts, and you have a constant battle between what is desired by the soul and by the body. The carnal desires of the flesh do not appear as repulsive as the avoidance of a stinky sewer. But to the soul guided by a proper conscience, the sins of the flesh are equally filthy and need to be avoided. Restraining the body requires faith and grace to keep the soul pure. When you fall into sin, it is part of your human weakness, but I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation to have your sins forgiven and My graces restored. It is working on your spiritual perfection that is your life long struggle with My help that can gain you sainthood. This means that you will have to give up any bad habits and all of your earthly desires in order to enter into heaven. The less you struggle here, the more time in purgatory you will need to purify these faults. Your goal should be to love and please Me without sin so you can have eternal life with Me in heaven. The more you can deny yourself and detach yourself from worldly things, the closer you will come to your desired perfection. Strive to enter heaven through the narrow gate and you will find eternal love with Me for your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, the number of deaths from this latest storm continues to mount as the ice on the trees is slow to melt. Many accidents on the roads have killed people, as well as from the cold where power outages occurred. These ice storms are becoming more frequent and widespread than in previous years. It is not easy to make repairs on electrical lines while the ice remains on the lines and on the trees. Many areas were fortunate that the tree damage was not so severe. Ice storms are usually rare, but storms dwelling for longer times than normal are causing them to occur. Many of these long standing weather patterns could be manipulated by man’s weather machines. Pray for a change in the weather patterns so there could be less damaging storms without so much ice.”


Thursday, January 18, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, your spiritual life is very important to keep in focus during life because your physical life on earth is very short until you are facing Me at your judgment. You spend some years in school; more years during your working years, some years in retirement, and then some health problems until your death. Some people do not even have preparation time to die when they die younger in accidents, or heart attacks. Instead of putting off getting your soul ready for judgment, you should not even depend on having tomorrow, but be prepared to die today. This means going to frequent Confession at least monthly, and having a daily prayer life. You do not want to be a stranger to Me when you come to Me in judgment because I will not know you, and you could be thrown into hell. Better to show Me your love, and that for your neighbor if you want to have a love relationship with Me on your path to heaven. If you want to come to heaven, you must serve Me out of love and follow My Commandments. You are here on a mission for Me and not just to do what you want. Keep your focus on Me in all of your actions, and you will not be found wanting when I call you home to Me.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are secretly organizing a new North American union structured around NAFTA, the new Amero currency, inter-country highways, and eventually a new constitution involving Mexico, the U.S. and Canada, modeled after the European Union with no mention of God. Anyone seeking to find out the details of this union are being kept in the dark. America’s sovereignty is at stake as these people are going forward without any consent of your people. This is how confident the one world people are that they can move ahead with their globalization plans despite the people’s concern. Pray for My protection against these globalists who want to confiscate all of your money and all of your freedoms.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many scientists and activists who are trying to get the industrial countries to cut back on burning fossil fuels which are increasing greenhouse gases. I have told you before that man by his pollution is upsetting the balance of nature as seen in the melting icecaps and the rising sea. Already your weather is changing and more droughts are appearing all over the world. Pray for your countries to take responsible steps to help control your energy burning pollution.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your government weapon contractors are constantly developing new and deadlier weapons for a large price. They try out their new weapons in the latest wars to test their effectiveness. They even sell their weapons to other countries to make more money. See that your defense-industrial complex stands to profit from more wars and more weapons sales. This is part of the reason why the one world people encourage constant long drawn out wars to make more money. Pray to have these wars stopped, even if it requires restricting these new weapons sales.”

Jesus said: “My people, some information is getting out how the rich leaders of industry are getting overpaid by their own manipulation, while the workers are not getting much of a raise. Even some good paying jobs are being eliminated or sent overseas so that your stockholders and officers can make more money. The injustice of how these profits are being shared is what these greedy people will have to account for at their judgment. In the end I will triumph even over all of the greedy one world people who will one day line the bottom of hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the coming tribulation, the evil ones will display their means of killing all objectors to their new world order. They will use public Guillotine killings and other terrible abuses to frighten the people into submission to their will. My faithful need to defy these evil ones and stay true to your faith in Me, even if they threaten to kill you. Refuse to take any chips in your body that they will use to try and control your mind. At the appointed hour of martial law or the declaration of the Antichrist, call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, the truth, that all conceptions lead to human life, has been fought against by abortionists with all manner of false names and lies to try and claim that they are not killing babies. Ultrasound and microscopic cameras have shown how human these unborn babies are for all to see. As you approach the anniversary of your Supreme Court Decision that legalized abortion, many can voice their opinion to repeal this decision. There is financial gain for the doctors, but a loss of life and future talent for your country. Stop defying My plans for these innocent babies when you continue to murder them in the womb. Pray for the stoppage of your abortions before My wrath could destroy your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, in order for the Antichrist to come to power, all of your armies need to be neutralized in a great World War. Once the Antichrist takes over, there will be an evil so great that you have never seen. Only by the grace of My protection will My faithful be able to save their souls at My refuges. At the end of the Antichrist’s reign there will be a Battle of Armageddon that will place My angels and good people against the evil men and the demons of hell, and the evil ones will be cast into hell. (Rev. 19:19-21) Have trust and faith in My power when I will come to vanquish all evil in this world.”


Friday, January 19, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of an ongoing stream of water represents the constant flow of My graces that I send upon those requesting them. Rivers and streams seem to flow endlessly as they are fed with frequent precipitation. When you receive My sacraments as Reconciliation and Holy Communion, you receive graces that heal your sins and strengthen you against any temptations of the devil. When you commit mortal sins, you stop this flow of grace as if you were to make a dam in the river. With Confession this dam can be taken away, and My spiritual life-giving graces can be restored. While you are in serious sin, you are more vulnerable to more sins which is how sinful habits can be reinforced. My graces of Confession can help you break sinful habits if you have a firm amendment not to commit the same sins again. Be thankful that you can tap into My constant flow of graces, and keep your soul pure and open to receive them. If you go to daily Mass and Communion, you can even increase this flow of graces. Continue to use My opportunities of grace to nourish your soul because grace to the soul is like your oxygen fresh blood is to the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, many archaeologists enjoy searching for artifacts of old civilizations. Many Christian churches were built over sacred grounds of many years ago. Even many saints were found buried deep under these churches as under the Vatican. This vision also leads into a cave where the Early Christians hid from their Roman persecutors. This flashback to the old days of persecution is a sign of how another era of Christian persecution is about to start all over again. I have told you that My refuges would be found at the place of My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites, places of holy ground as monasteries, and also in caves as seen in this vision. My angels will protect you and provide food and water for your survival. Trust in My help and protection for your souls and your bodies. Even if you die as a martyr for your faith in Me, I will bring you to heaven as your reward. The time of tribulation will be brief for the sake of My elect.”


Saturday, January 20, 2007: (St. Sebastian)

Jesus said: “My people, I am your God and Master present in every consecrated Host of My Blessed Sacrament. When you come to adore Me or receive Me in Holy Communion, I am ever close to you in My Real Presence. This vision at Adoration of My consecrated Host shows you how I pour out My graces of love on all of those who take that extra time to visit Me. When you are before Me, you receive My love, peace, and rest that calms your soul. At times I even have asked you to remove your shoes because you are on holy ground. Give Me reverence and honor every time you are in front of My tabernacle by genuflecting to My glory. Everything, that you do for Me, is for My greater glory. When you have this great love for Me, nothing of this world can come between us. Even if you are persecuted for your faith, even death cannot thwart you from believing in Me. The worldly people cannot understand your faith that is so strong that even death threats will not stop you from praising Me. Belief in Me may be foolishness to the worldly, but non-belief in Me is the most foolishness for those who care not for their eternal souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is all about what it will be like on the day of the Warning. I showed you a large house in the middle of the day, yet there was darkness all around the house from an eclipse of the sun. The Light, that you are seeing in the vision, is your vision of Me as I call each soul to Me through a tunnel in an out of body experience. It is at this time that I will show everyone at the same time their own individual life review. You will see your actions and how they affected others both for the good and the bad. You will also see your sins of omission in how you could have been spending your time better in helping people in need. In your own experience you saw how you wasted so much time on the computer in search of your own satisfaction without caring more for being with your family. Everyone will witness their own misgivings and bad deeds in violating My laws. That is why many will be lamenting the guilt of their sins, and they will be anxious to confess their sins in Confession, as well as asking My pardon and that of people that you offended. This experience will be a great mercy on all souls, especially those in deep sin that will see what hell and purgatory are all about. The experience of the severity of these punishments will wake up many souls to desire to change their lives once they return to their bodies. If you are not frightened from the eclipse of the sun and the comet, you may be frightened in seeing your sins or your current impending judgment if you do not change your ways. Prepare for the day of the Warning by purifying your soul with frequent Confession and daily prayer. Be ready to help evangelize souls while they are seeking to remove the guilt of their sins.”


Sunday, January 21, 2007: (Luke 4:14-21)

Jesus said: “My son, when you hear this passage about My mission being fulfilled in front of My hometown people, you have a shared experience in how people have a hard time believing a prophet from their own town. My mission was especially hard because the people were being asked to believe that I was the Messiah sent from God. Your mission is also difficult because you are being asked to prepare the people for the end days when I will come again. I showed the people later the wisdom of My words and many healings that confirmed that I was a prophet. But being the Messiah and the Son of God was too much for My people to accept, and that is why they tried to kill Me. It was not My hour so I walked through their midst. You have seen the prophecy of My words come true in your messages, and you have witnessed some healings through My Name. You have been called to warn the people of their coming Warning experience, the natural disasters, and famines. Even the coming division in My Church has been difficult to accept by My clergy. The messages of warning of the coming Antichrist and to avoid taking chips in the body were scoffed at in the beginning, but now the people are seeing the reality of these messages being fulfilled. The Scriptures were fulfilled in the hearing of My people as I started My mission. Now the messages that I gave you are being fulfilled as well. Even the Scriptures of Revelation are being fulfilled as you are entering the end times in the signs that are all around you. Go therefore, and preach My Good News so that souls can be saved by your good works.”


Monday, January 22, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, man is a builder of many things on this earth. Your largest concern is building houses or apartments for living places. You build many skyscrapers for offices, chemical buildings and other structures for workplaces, as well as roads and bridges to get to your workplaces. Another major industry is building cars, trucks, buses, and airplanes. Even as you are industrious with your hands, you also should be thinking of building love relationships with Me and your neighbors. There are various reasons that people do things. Some do them just for themselves, financial gain, or out of love to serve Me. When you do things out of love to help people, you are actually building up a treasure in heaven, or building up the faithful in evangelization. When you work to save souls, this is the most rewarding work that you could do because you help your own soul, and those souls that you could save from hell. Even your daily prayers are helpful to the ones that you are praying for whether on earth or in purgatory. So there are many things that you could busy your hands with, but the spirit based things will do more for your spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of your abortions and birth control practices, your population is at a standstill and you are being out populated by immigrants. It is also because of your abortions that you are calling down My punishment upon you. It is your use of artificial birth control devices, pills,sterilizations, and artificial inseminations that have brought on your abortions. Your society is very pleasure oriented, and it does not want to follow My laws when it interferes with your pleasures. My Church accepts Natural Family Planning methods, but anything that blocks the possibility of conception is considered a mortal sin against the use of your gifts for procreation of children. This sin is not to be ignored for convenience, but you need to confess it in Confession so you can receive Holy Communion without a sacrilege. This natural desire for relations is good in itself for having children, but it should not be abused just for pleasure and convenience. By demeaning life in the womb, some have justified abortions as removing accidental pregnancies. Life is precious at all of its stages, and abortion and euthanasia are abominations in My sight. You have no right to take these lives, and such defenseless life needs to be protected by your laws. When your legal system allows such killing, then your country is asking for its own destruction. Work to encourage mothers to have their babies, and vote to repeal laws or decisions against life.”


Tuesday, January 23, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages that all of heaven is watching your every action. This vision of God the Father looking down on your sins in America is a little more ominous. Anyone could see all of the killing going on in your wars, your abortions, euthanasia, and killings in connection with your drugs. There are many sexual sins and making of pornographic movies that are occasions of sin for some. There are many sins of over drinking, drugs, gambling to excess, and other addictions. When God the Father is so offended by your sins, it raises His wrath for justice. It is only by His mercy that worse things have not befallen you. I am calling out to America that your cup of sin is overflowing, and there will be punishment coming forth for your country’s blatant sins. Pray much for God’s mercy and change your sinful lifestyles. You have offended Us most by your abortions and constant wars only for the rich to gain money. The coming tribulation will be a punishment, as your possessions and freedoms will soon be taken away. You will be dominated by the ruthless ways of the Antichrist and the one world people. Pray much for the protection of your souls because you are about to witness an evil that you have yet to see.”

Jesus said: “My people, from trees you have generated many paper products that you use in your everyday life. You see newspapers and magazines made from wood pulp. You are even using paper to write these messages down. You use paper in the bathroom and the kitchen for various uses. Paper bags are used in your waste disposal. This is just one general use of the wood from trees. The wood of My cross is another use that leads to an expression of Me as ‘The Tree of Life’. It was My death on the cross that gives everyone eternal life for their souls. In the Garden of Eden I gave the ‘Tree of Life’ as a fruit for Adam and Eve to live forever in the flesh. But because of their sin, they were cast out of the garden, and their bodies became liable to aging and death. I have restored eternal life to all of mankind by offering My life as a Divine Sacrifice for all the sins of everyone. Your souls are now open to life in My grace and eternal life in My Eucharist. Unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you cannot have eternal life in you. I offer you life in heaven or the curse of death in the soul in hell. Choose life, therefore, which I offer you freely to take for yourself.”


Wednesday, January 24, 2007: (St. Francis de Sales)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel of the sower and the seed is a reality check for every soul. When you understand that the seed represents My Word, then you can compare yourselves to one of the mentioned places where the seed fell. Are you the one who hears My Word on rocky soil and then falls away? Are you the one who hears My Word and is choked, as with the thorns, by the cares of this world? Or if you do respond in the good soil to My Word, is your response lukewarm as the thirtyfold, or is it very strong as the hundredfold? See where you are in your life, and choose to improve your response to the hundredfold. My apostles and My faithful of today have had the grace to read and understand the meanings of My parables. If in fact you have had this understanding, all the more reason that you should reach out to help people in physical need, and evangelize those in spiritual need. Even My prophets and messengers of today are being given gifts of understanding visions and warnings to assist My people in their daily struggles, as well as preparing them for the coming tribulation. Take time to read My Word in the Scriptures, and with prayer and discernment choose to follow Me in My service to help those souls around you on their path to heaven.”


Wednesday, January 24, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, America consumes about 25% of the world’s available energy supplies in oil, natural gas, and coal. Much of your electricity producing plants and your vehicles consume the most fuels. Heating your homes in winter is another big fuel need. A good portion of your standard of living comes from the energy that you consume. As the cost of fuels are increasing, now you are looking for more fuel efficient vehicles, power plants, and home heaters. Even alternate fuels to oil products are in demand to cut down your oil dependance on foreign countries. For many years you have developed more conveniences to lighten your work, but these new devices require more electricity. You also are more dependent on electricity and more vulnerable to power outages. A constant review of your energy plans should be ongoing for conservation and better fuel efficient products. This will become more of an issue as you try to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions. America and other countries will need to accommodate less pollution with as little a restraint as possible on your economy. Struggle to keep the balance of nature from being so abused, or your quality of life on earth will continue to deteriorate.”


Thursday, January 25, 2007: (Conversion of St. Paul)

Jesus said: “My people, at times you have to clean your house of old papers and things that are no longer useful, and are cluttering up your house. There are also other things that you need to do to clean up your life, and that involves things that you place before Me. Desiring things or pass times more than your focus on Me can become idols in your life, and these things should be put out of your life or minimized in your cares. I should be first in your life as prayers and time for worship, instead of your earthly things. Your biggest pleasure should be loving Me and your neighbor, instead of a constant desire for entertainment and vacations. All things in life are good in themselves, but when they become an obsession for you, then your desires of these things are excessive, and they need to be curbed or limited. Continue to have your focus fixed on Me, and do not let anything else control your mind as something addictive. When you keep everything in balance and in proper perspective, then a life of loving Me and your neighbor will be such a joy.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, in the summer time you enjoy some entertainment with water rides, and in winter time you enjoy rides on snow and ice skating. Spending some time in proper entertainment can give you a break from the everyday stress in the work place. Spending some time with Me in prayer and before My Blessed Sacrament can also give you a rest for your soul that you cannot find elsewhere. Look for your joy in spiritual things more than in earthly things.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you see algae growth on stone and the north sides of trees and roofs where the sun does not shine much. With enough moisture there are many green grasses and green algae growths. This is another sign of aging as you see spider webs as well where an area is not kept clean. Your souls also can accumulate many sins if you do not keep it cleansed with frequent Confession. This spiritual untidiness comes from being spiritually lazy in getting to Confession. Keep strong in your faith and follow My Commandments with vigilance.”

Jesus said: “My people, a combination of dry brush and strong winds have brought much fire to the homes in California. Between mud slides, fires, and earthquakes, there are some dangerous places to live in California. At times these movie stars are involved in making ‘R’ movies and pornographic movies. It is a small punishment to lose their expensive homes, but there is a bit of justice in these natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your people are advocating sending even more troops into a bad war in Iraq. After spending several years at war in Iraq, there does not seem to be any closer solution to the insurgent activity. These long drawn out wars only cause large tax burdens and lost lives without much to show for all of this pain. Your military strategy should be better thought out before you go to war. Pray for peace in the Mid East to stop the current carnage.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some important walls built in history in China, Berlin, Israel, and now even along America’s southern border. Some walls did not last long, nor were they effective in keeping people out. There are political motives in trying to separate various peoples. Instead of trying to make compromises, some want to force their wills on others. It is love of neighbor that should be sought out between neighboring nations rather than divisive walls.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult for soldiers to fight in an unpopular war. It is also difficult not to support your troops once they are committed to a war. This is why people are torn between supporting the war in Iraq and protecting the troops fighting there. War is not easy to fight anywhere, but it is even harder to define without battle lines and knowing who the combatants are. Your Congress is finally making motions to get out of this war that has not really accomplished much.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a lot of stress and misery among the people of your world. Many of the poor and needy are not finding enough help or jobs to better themselves in their basic needs. Instead of wasting so much money on wars and needless riches, there should be more focus on helping the poor with enough food to eat. Wars create more refuges, but food aid can help the hungry survive. Work in whatever way that you can to provide food for those who are starving.”


Friday, January 26, 2007: (St. Timothy and St. Titus)

Jesus said: “My people, I want My faithful to protect your eyes and your children from watching dirty and violent movies at the theater and on television. Pornography is rampant in movies and magazines, as well as on the internet. It also can be very addicting once you start even viewing suggestive movies that could lead to worse movies. Even some television channels are revealing too much sexual sin that could influence weak minds to follow. Remember that you have human weaknesses, so do not let the devil lead you into occasions of sin that could lead you to worse addictions of pornography. Keep these movies on sex, violence, and witchcraft out of your house, and guard your children from watching this dirt as well. Focus on My love and love for your neighbor, and do not be tempted, or intimidated by Hollywood’s trash. These movie makers and actors will face My punishment for their crimes on others.”

Jesus said: “My people, this view of a comet coming so close to the earth is a sign of the day of the Warning. The comet will be so large and so close that debris will be falling from the sky, and the head of the comet will be as bright as another sun. Some people will be frightened to death by this very event. Because this comet will come so close to the earth, its trajectory will be changed slightly, and this comet will return as My Comet of Chastisement that will destroy the evil ones. The Warning will be My mercy on every soul where people will either accept Me or reject Me. Those, who see their judgment to purgatory or hell, will see where they will go if they do not change their lives. Some will change and be saved, while others will continue their desires for this world’s things. Only those, who accept Me, will join Me in My Era of Peace and then heaven. Because of man’s destruction of nature, I will have to renew the earth to its former beauty, and then I will bring about My Era of Peace. You will then see a new heavens and a new earth.”


Saturday, January 27, 2007: (St. Angela Merici)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision starts out very innocently as two doors to a church. But as the scene unfolds to a larger picture, this church appears to be at the entrance to a cave at the foot of a mountain. This vision is a representation of the underground Church that will be necessary for hiding in the coming persecution of the tribulation. My faithful remnant will become this underground Church much like the Early Christians hid in the catacombs from their persecutors in the Romans. This is also another sign of a split in My Church away from the schismatic church. This schismatic church will be teaching New Age principles which is a sign to leave these churches, for they will no longer obey Me, but will obey their own earthly gods. The one world people in the masons will control this false church and they will eventually accept the Antichrist and worship him. My faithful will have to go underground to avoid being killed or martyred for their true faith in Me. The faithful remnant will be My true Church that will not allow the gates of hell to prevail against it. I told you that you would see an evil in the tribulation that you have yet to see. But do not be fearful, for My angels of protection will guard your souls from the evil ones, and the angels will lead you eventually to My refuges. Some will be martyred, but the rest will be cared for at My refuges. Have faith and patience for a short time before I will come and vanquish all of these evil ones and Satan worshipers. I will cast the evil ones and demons into hell, and I will renew the earth for My new Era of Peace. Rejoice that My faithful will all be rewarded in this time of My victory.”


Sunday, January 28, 2007: (1 Cor 13:1-13)

Jesus said: “My people, you know of the virtues of faith, hope, and charity, but the greatest of these is charity. Many people interchange the words charity and love, but your society today has twisted the true meaning of ‘love’ for your own uses. True charity is a selfless love and not just thoughts of selfish pleasure. Even in a marriage the spouses should be willing to do things for each other out of love, and not just for what they could gain in return. When someone wishes to donate money or their time to another, it should also be given freely without thinking of getting repaid, or for a tax write-off. Even as you do things out of love for people, you are also doing it out of love for Me. Sometimes you need to think a little of your motive for doing things. The more you do things for others without a gain for yourself, the truer that love or charity really is. In the same way in your spiritual life with Me, the more you follow My Commandments out of love for Me instead of the fear of punishment, the truer your love is for Me. That is why your desire to come to Me in heaven out of love is much more important to Me, than just trying to avoid hell. When you truly love someone, you love them for who they are with all of their imperfections. But loving Me, who is perfect and allloving, means letting your soul go free to be forever with its Master.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are continuing to see ice storms and power outages as your temperatures have been going up and down. This fair amount of ice on this cart in the vision is also a sign of the severity of the ice levels in various parts of your country. In past years it was a rarity to have a power outage from an ice storm, but now you are seeing several outages every year. Again this means that you should have enough supplies of food and fuel to endure a few weeks without electricity. You have many natural disasters affecting many people, and they will continue to test your patience and your economy. Pray that all the victims of your storms will find help to get back on their feet financially. Pray also for their souls that they will see only true rest can be found in Me.”


Monday, January 29, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, sometimes you are overwhelmed by events in your life, just as in this vision when you have to plow out from heavy snowfalls. Do not be discouraged or despair because you can deal with everything in its own time, if you have confidence that I can do the impossible. Every time that you embark on a new project or a difficult task, call on Me in prayer, and you will find things go much smoother with My help than only your own thought. Many people do not reach their full potential in this life because they have less confidence in Me and themselves. The more you reach out to Me for help, the more you will be able to accomplish for My greater glory. Remember also to give Me all of the credit for your success without being prideful of your works. You are here to love Me and serve Me in bringing your soul to Me, as well as any other souls that you can encourage to convert with My grace. Live every day trusting in My power and nothing will overwhelm you beyond the grace that I give you to endure events in your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you saw how I cast out a legion of demons from the man among the tombs. There are many demons attacking My Eucharist in My tabernacles by any means that they can, because they know who I am, even in My consecrated Hosts. Already My tabernacles have been placed on side altars, back rooms, and even out of My churches completely. I mentioned in a previous message how you will be fortunate to even find Me in My tabernacles. One church that you visited did not even have a tabernacle. Another attack is to close My churches so the people would lose the graces of My sacraments and again My tabernacles would be gone. An even more insidious attack against My Eucharist is for the demons to get sinners not to come to Confession, so these sinners would commit sacrileges in receiving Holy Communion. My people need to remember that Holy Communion is My very Body and Blood, and you can only receive Me in the state of grace without mortal sin, or you commit another sin of sacrilege against Me. Just as the demons recognized Me before them, so My people should recognize My very Presence in the consecrated Host, and give Me reverence by bowing and genuflecting. I am always waiting to comfort you when you visit My Blessed Sacrament, so come to Me in your needs and I will give you My love and My rest.”


Tuesday, January 30, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the Sea of Galilee is the scene of many passages in the Bible, even as the start of today’s Gospel showed it. But the picture of the fish has become symbolic for many Christians. I performed many miracles for My apostles in catching fish when I called My apostles, and even after I resurrected. Fish were also multiplied when I miraculously fed the five thousand and the four thousand. Even more importantly catching fish was even more symbolic when I told My apostles that instead of catching fish, they would be catching men or souls. (Matt. 4:18-19) ‘As He was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea (for they were fishermen). And He said to them,’Come, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ I was calling My disciples and I trained them to be evangelists in preaching My Good News of the Kingdom of God that is at hand. They also preached about My death and Resurrection that is the salvation of all mankind from their sins. One of the hardest teachings that My apostles needed to accept is how I give everyone My true Body and Blood to them in the breaking of the bread in the bread and wine at the Mass. I died and was resurrected to heaven, but I have left you My very Presence in Holy Communion. In My sacraments, that I instituted, I have given you all the graces that you will need in life. I am still calling priests and religious to serve Me and to lead My people. I am also calling out to everyone to come to Me in faith and believe in My Good News of salvation. I also want My faithful to be evangelists in spreading My Word so many could be converted even as fishermen collect the fish.”

(John Hogan’s funeral Mass) Jesus said: “My people, this cup in the vision represents the sufferings throughout life that are collected in this cup that you offer up to Me for your soul and the souls of others. I also offered up all of My sufferings to My heavenly Father for all of mankind. You remember the words of how I was anxious to drink this cup of suffering My death, but I said that My Father’s Will needs to be done. Even My disciples wanted to drink this cup to suffer for Me and many died a martyr’s death. So it is now with John as he has more than drunk his fill of suffering for Me in all stages of his full life. That is why you see the cup tipped over because he has now been called home to Me, and he is suffering no longer. I have called him to Me where he has found rest and peace for his soul. All the saints and angels are singing to My glory, and for the entrance of a new soul coming to heaven. Give thanks to Me that you have had a chance to share this gift of John’s life with you.”


Wednesday, January 31, 2007: (St. John Bosco)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a syringe and pills can lead you down two paths. The illegal drugs lead you to addictions and a large well-financed underground market from many countries as Columbia and Afghanistan. The other path is down to legal drugs which have added to man’s life expectancy, but the cost of these drugs has been abused by the drug companies. Some people have had to use legal drugs because of their poor eating habits which have come from your adulterated food industry. All of your processed and artificial foods are leading to many diseases as diabetes and obesity. It is better to use natural foods, vitamins, and herbs for your diet, so you can postpone the need for further drugs. It is unfortunate that your food industries and drug companies are driven more by financial incentives than the desire for people’s good health and financial well-being. Pray for your people to eat healthy and take care of their bodies while they are still alive.”


Thursday, February 1, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, war is all about killing people and destruction, and it is the devil’s favorite tool for destroying man whom he hates. It is the devil behind the one world people in their death culture that inspires constant wars for profit. This is blood money that these people strive for, and they care not how many people are killed. If there is a message on this subject of war, it is one of ‘love’ and ‘peace’. Just as you hear many false claims in advertising to sell products on TV and in printed materials, the one world people have sold the American people lies for their constant wars. In the name of a false patriotism and a so-called ‘war on terror’, the people controlling your government have caused an unprovoked war in Iraq and are plotting a further war in Iran. The only defense against these war-driven people is for the Congress to shut off the war funds, and stop the bleeding of your troops and your treasury. Preaching love and peace is the Christian message for this time, no matter how much persecution you may receive from those who seek only hate and war.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, your Congress has not been standing up enough to defend your people from being spied on in all of your communications. In the name of terrorism and drug smuggling, your government is still listening to everyone’s phone calls, faxes, and e-mails, and not just those going out of the country. This intrusion on your privacy and your freedoms is another step closer to total control of the one world people. All the chips being forced on your licenses and passports are strictly about control of your location and buying and selling. This new world order is all around you, and those, who defy it, will be sent to concentration camps. Pray for My protection from these evil ones, for this is one reason why you will need to go to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your rights in your Bill of Rights are being usurped by the Executive Orders and new military edicts that have not been stopped by your Congress. Now all of your citizens are liable to the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. If you are declared a threat to your government or the new world order, you can be placed in prison camps without a trial by jury. The time of tribulation grows near as My faithful will only find protection from these evil ones at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have not seen much of your troops guarding civilian sites, but where there are lapses of law and order as in the Katrina disaster and others, the Army will be taking over. As another planned disaster is about to be carried out, there will be more incentives to prepare the people for another war against Iran. Already your military is posturing for such an attack without any authorization from Congress again. Continue to pray against more wars, or they could be the end of your country as the home of the free.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is just coming to light of how for many years your presidents have been given free reign to make trade agreements without needing them ratified by the Senate as in your Constitution. It is the GATT Treaty and NAFTA Treaty that are leading to the formation of the North American Union that would take away your sovereignty as a free nation. This without any vote by your representatives shows you how much power has been taken away from the people. Pray for your Congress to assert its proper authority, or you will become a slave of the new world order very soon.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your Defense Department’s plans are to enlarge your Armed Forces in order to not be so thin when more troops are needed elsewhere. It is very difficult for your troops to be spread on several wars at once, and still be ready for another large war against Iran. Your war planners are busy at work preparing for the next big conflict. Your people need to reign in these war-minded people before they start a world war that cannot be stopped. Besides praying to stop these wars, your people need to speak out against any further wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people want to establish the Antichrist as ruler of the world, but the power of the United States military stands in their way. This is why it is the plan of the one world people to destroy your military by involving it in so many conflicts that your military will break down. In the same way they will have to destroy your economy by debt failure and the exporting of your jobs and technology. These evil ones are the real workers of treason against America. Pray much My faithful for your country’s days are numbered before the Antichrist’s takeover.”

Jesus said: “My people, many great civilizations before you have destroyed themselves from within because of their lack of morals. It is no different in America where your sins against My Commandments are so blatant that My righteous people are being criticized and even persecuted for speaking out against abortion or homosexual activity. When your laws allow these sins to be legal, you are marching down the road to destruction, just as the Roman Empire fell from within. Pray for poor souls to be converted, but there will be few faithful to Me left when I return to call everyone to judgment.”


Friday, February 2, 2007: (Presentation of Jesus in the Temple)

Jesus said: “My people, My Presentation in the Temple was a dedication of My life to the service of My heavenly Father. This feast offers many beautiful moments and activities. It was the time of My Jewish rite of circumcision, and the time when My parents gave Me My name, ‘Jesus’. You also have read of how Simeon had his promise fulfilled of seeing the Lord before he would die. He also foretold how My Blessed Mother would have a sword of sorrow pierce her heart. My Blessed Mother and I are so closely joined that she also suffered with Me on the cross and during My scourging. The prophetess, Anna, also made her proclamation of faith in My coming. Both of these witnesses were acknowledging that truly I was the Messiah of God who would save My people. Many of you also celebrate the blessing of candles on this feast day because it is symbolic that I have entered this life as the Light of the world to dispel the darkness of sin. Rejoice in all of these events which led Me on to the cross and mankind’s salvation through the freely given gift of My life.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people come to Florida for the warm weather and the amusement parks with rides. It is a rare sight to see tornadoes stay on the ground for so long at this time of year. Most tornadoes in Florida are spawned off from hurricanes in the fall months. Just when these people were fortunate to avoid any hurricanes, then they get struck by an unusually strong super cell in the winter causing much damage. Remember My message earlier that America would suffer financially from the damage of many smaller natural disasters. This follows the many ice storms and snow storms that also cut power lines. Power again was off for thousands in the path of the tornadoes. Pray for all the victims and their families that suffered deaths and losses of their homes and workplaces. As your scientists have confirmed the global warming going on, you are seeing unusual weather storms as a result. Ask for My help in your needs, but man is bringing many of these disasters on himself because of his abuses of My balance of nature.”


Saturday, February 3, 2007: (St. Blaise)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this old propdriven fighter plane because your wars are still the same over dictators and ethnic differences. Threats of weapons of mass destruction were used for your war in Iraq, but they were removed and not readily found by the time your troops entered. Now you again have another head of state in Iran threatening to build nuclear weapons, despite UN sanctions. Sending more troops to Iraq, threats to kill Iranian soldiers in Iraq, and sending two aircraft carriers to this region could be more than just posturing or threats against Iran. This could again be a pretext for another unprovoked attack against Iran. Your media constantly talked about invading Iraq to ready your people for such an event. Now your media is again beating the war drums to attack Iran because of the threat of their using nuclear weapons. This same tactic used against Iraq may have more opposition from the people and the Congress. This is why you could see an added incentive for war if some border incidents with Iran occur, or terror attacks by Iranians occur against your ships, or in your country. The one world people are always looking for excuses to draw America into more wars, and in some cases they have even created the problems for their war solutions. Continue to pray to stop these wars and vote against these war funds.”


Sunday, February 4, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the saying: ‘The family that prays together, stays together.’ Having a common faith among spouses does help, along with prayer to minimize divorces. When you have children to bring up in the faith, it is even more of a challenge to give good example and to discipline and direct your children to proper morals. Each person has to make their own choice in faith, but a good example can help direct the souls of your children closer to Me. Daily prayer can keep your faith strong, and even more so as a family if you can pray a few prayers together like the rosary. Some may think prayer is old-fashioned, but it is also your way to say how much you love Me. That love is eternal, and not just a whim or a fashion. Letting your children see that you pray is another good example for their prayer life. You have prayer of Adoration, penance for sin, prayers of blessings, and prayers of healing in addition to your prayers of petition. All of My people are called to be My disciples, and you can start by trying to convert your own family members. Others I call to be ministers and prophets to reach out to evangelize all peoples of the world. Follow My call with My grace to save your own soul, as well as the souls all around you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the insurgents in Iraq have changed their tactics to drive America out of this conflict. They have changed from roadside bombs against America’s army vehicles to killing as many people as they can by driving truck bombs into crowds. You can see how demonic this activity is where insurgents are killing their own people for headlines. The evil is even further for those who are supplying all of the explosives. This constant daily carnage will eventually drive the civilians out of Baghdad, and make it difficult to restore order, no matter how many American troops are sent in to this conflict. America’s resolve is slipping when there is no seeming progress, but more indiscriminate killing. Continue to pray for peace in this area where military victory does not seem to be working.”


Monday, February 5, 2007 (St. Agatha)

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in this vision the beauty of God’s creation just as you are reading about it from Genesis. Many of your scientists have difficulty with the creation texts of the Bible because many do not believe in miracles as this. Their ideas of a big bang theory and evolution theories are only theories without any proven facts in reality. Star systems are going through constant aging and rebirth. No species have ever mutated to a higher number of chromosomes. Changes do occur, but the same number of atoms and substances exist today as there were at creation. Believe in this creation of things because man in all of his science cannot create a tree or make a human from just the elements. It is unfortunate that man has abused nature by manipulating DNA, hybrids, and even cloning. Man does not understand the big picture of the balance of nature and all of your hybrid plants and animals are attempts to improve on My perfection with your imperfections. This is why your medicines have bad side effects, and your hybrids and DNA changes will result in misfits in nature. Natural herbs and plants are better for your body than anything man can develop. See that My plan for man is to know, love, and serve Me, and not to re-invent a perfect creation that is already perfect.”

Jesus said: “My people, the martyrs, who are canonized by My Church, are honored for how much they loved Me, that they would even die than give up their faith. This is the cruelty of evil men that would kill people because of their religious beliefs. The faith of the people today is not being tested so severely in most parts of the world. But it is still a fair question to ask My faithful if you would die as a martyr than renounce your belief in Me? This calls for a strong conviction in your faith. Even if you are not tested by martyrdom, you can still publicly give witness to your belief in Me by fighting abortion and homosexual laws. Many evils are succeeding in your society because My faithful people are not struggling enough to change your abominable laws and court decisions. Even if you must suffer persecution, and are not successful, you must continue your struggle to defend life and promote obedience of My Commandments. I will reward all of My faithful witnesses, even as My martyrs are awarded sainthood in heaven.”


Tuesday, February 6, 2007: (St. Paul Miki)

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people in the North are being tested with a severe cold that you have not seen in several years. Even the poor and homeless are being offered warm places to stay. All of this cold weather is a word of caution for those starting refuges that they be prepared to handle the cold in seasonal changes. This vision of an underground home could offer some sense of hiding and a protection from bad weather, but it also would be damp and in need of good ventilation for air to breathe. Living underground could also be symbolic for all refuges where My faithful will be seeking protection from the evil ones trying to kill you. Call on My help and that of My angels, and the evil ones will not even be able to detect your presence. You should be comforted in that the tribulation will be shortened for the sake of My elect. Then I will come to vanquish the beasts of Revelation, and renew the earth for My Era of Peace. You have been reading of My creation, and I will have to restore My creation from all of man’s abuses. You will rejoice in My Era of Peace as a reward for being faithful to Me against all the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, the two largest religions are Christians and Muslims, and they are destined to clash over gaining converts. You have seen many instances of Muslims killing Christians. Those, who follow My way of life, are all about peace and love. Christians may fight in just wars of defense, but they should not kill over religious differences. Many extremist Muslims are purposely killing Christians because they think they have the right to kill all infidels. Killing for its own sake is not about love, but only hate. This is why it is hard for Westerners to understand how people could kill others in a suicide attack. No matter what religion one follows, you can only come to heaven through love and not by killing. Anger and earthly desires will only lead you down the broad road to hell. I have given you My Commandments of love to lead a life of service to Me, the One true God. In your Warning experience everyone will see that they have to come through Me to be saved. He, who does not gather with Me, scatters to his own demise. Reach out to convert souls to follow Me, just as I asked My apostles to follow Me. Those, who follow Me and obey My Commandments, will find their reward in heaven.”


Wednesday, February 7, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in Genesis you have read how I created man in My Image as both a physical and spiritual being with a body and a soul. I have also given each person unique talents and an identity different from everyone else. Do not be critical of people who do not have your particular skills because they may be skilled in different ways that you are not. Also, each person should work to use their God-given talents so they do not bury them in not using them. By everyone using their own skills, then all the needs of your society can be provided for. These skills are My gifts to you, and each of you should give Me thanks and praise for what you have been given. Also, do not boast of your skills and accomplishments, but give Me the glory, for without Me, you would have nothing. Use your gifts as well to help others in need, even when they cannot repay you. I tell you that those acts of charity given to the needy are storing up treasures for you in heaven that are worth more than earthly wealth. Continue to do everything for Me, and encourage others to consecrate everything to Me as well.”


Wednesday, February 7, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in the name of security you have seen many miles of fiber optic cable put in all over your country. With such small strands of glass with light you can bring many phone and data lines all over. Some cables are carrying information from many cameras located along your highways and at your intersections. These can monitor your whereabouts by viewing your license plate and your facial image. Other two-way fiber optics enable your cable TV to monitor your voice in your house, as well as your phone lines for voices or data. All of these spying electronic devices are another means for the one world people to control everyone through your buying and selling by chips and cell towers. Chips in smart cards and cell phones can also be used to track your movements as well as profile your purchases. Many of these profiles direct advertising to you by mail and e-mail. Even as your electronic devices have been helpful in your life, they also can be used against you by the one world people who have evil purposes in trying to control you. Be aware of all of this spying and be prepared to leave for My refuges when the evil ones will use this information against you in the persecution of the tribulation. Trust in My protection and I will see to your needs.”


Thursday, February 8, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading you heard the words of Genesis speaking of how I created the first Eve from Adam’s rib. The woman was created because it was not good for the man to be alone. Eve was later seduced by Satan to eat the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was at this moment of man’s sin that I promised that I would bring a Redeemer into the world to save all of mankind. It was also then that I was contemplating the creation of the New Eve in My Blessed Mother who would be perfect without sin, so she could bring Me into the world as an infant. This vision of the beauty of My Blessed Mother shows you how much I love her, as our two hearts are always as one. Even as I joined Adam and Eve as one flesh in the model of marriage, I am the New Adam and My Blessed Mother is the New Eve joined in a spiritual union. Both of us are perfect and without sin, and we are models for all of mankind to follow and become saints. My Blessed Mother is now Queen of heaven and the most honored human, even above all of My angels. Rejoice in this new creation, even for the day when you will be resurrected in a glorified body and soul in heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, one of the ways, that dictators have flaunted their authority, is to place large pictures of themselves all over their country. There are many countries in the world that are run by dictators or authoritarian forms of government. Freedoms are gradually being stripped from many countries. Globalized government of the one world people is gradually taking control of various parts of the world. Your days of freedom even in America are numbered, as the rich behind the scenes are getting edicts passed that challenge your individual freedoms in the name of security.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your elections it was clear by the vote against the party in office, that the people wanted a new direction for the war in Iraq. They did not vote to increase troops in Iraq, but to decrease them. Many of your voters are not voting against the troops, but the reasons that you are in Iraq itself are being questioned. This was a preempted war and there are many difficulties in separating the various religious sects vying for control. Until there is a true plan to withdraw, the Iraqi army is not going to be effective. Pray for a resolution of this conflict without any more killing.”

Jesus said: “My people, the insurgents in Iraq are getting access to more accurate weapons in taking down aircraft along with powerful road bombs. Many vehicles were being destroyed by road bombs, so your Army started using helicopters more to move people and supplies. The insurgents have noticed this change in tactics, and are now working more on how to shoot them down as evidenced by your latest losses. This war is a stalemate at best and this nominal increase in troops will not be the answer. While America is tied down in this conflict, Russia and China are planning their own strategies when the US withdraws. Pray for peace in this area where killing goes on daily.”

Jesus said: “My people, rising incense represents how your prayers are rising up to heaven. When you adore Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, you are giving honor and glory to your Lord and Master. You have many concerns about your jobs, the future for your children, and the degradation of your morals as a country. When you refuse to let Me be a part of your life, it will be more difficult to live without My blessings. America needs a spiritual renewal in changing your sinful lifestyles, or there will be some drastic repercussions.”

Jesus said: “My people, this deep cold spell has taken its toll on your schools, homes, and workplaces. Heavy snows around the Great Lakes are causing many disruptions in your everyday activities. Pray that your people will be able to keep warm until these storms run their course. Help people in need where you can in your Christian charity.”

Jesus said: “My people, this blue light is a sign of My Blessed Mother looking out for the protection of these children. There is much violence being carried out against children all over the world that are being abused for gain by the evil ones. Some are being sold in the market place. Some are abused sexually and many unborn are being killed by your abortions. My Blessed Mother wants you to pray for a better life for the abused children and a stoppage of your abortions. If you destroy these little ones of your own flesh and blood, what kind of future can you have in America.”

Jesus said: “My people, the older years of large families are waning as fewer children are being born in your families of today. The family is being strained by many immoral and financial problems which cause divorce and more living together without marriage. When you disobey My Sixth Commandment with all of your sexual sins, now you see why only a third of your households are married with a man and wife present. Look at My description of marriage of Adam and Eve in Genesis and you will see how I wanted My creation to live in happiness.”


Friday, February 9, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s reading speaks of My healing of the deaf mute in Tyre by Sidon when I called out ‘Ephpheta’ or ‘Be opened.’ His ears were opened and his tongue was loosed to be able to speak. The vision is about My quote from Isaiah that I read in Nazareth. (Luke 4:18-21) (Isaiah 61:1) ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me; to bring good news to the poor He has sent me, to proclaim to the captives release, and sight to the blind; to set at liberty the oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of recompense.’ After reading from the scroll, I said to the people: ‘Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.’ When I healed the deaf mute, he also was released from the oppression of his affliction. I healed many people both in body and soul because they had faith in My healing power. But only a few were healed in My home town because of their lack of faith in Me. They thought they knew Me and could not understand where or how I received such power. I said again to them: (Luke 4:24) ‘Amen I say to you, no prophet is acceptable in his own country.’


Saturday, February 10, 2007: (St. Scholastica)

Jesus said: “My people, when you go to visit a sick person, it is uplifting to their spirits to bring them some flowers that will last for more than a few days. It is difficult to be laid up in a hospital bed for very long, and any change in such a person’s surroundings would be a welcome sight. Some send cards and prayers as well to help encourage a return to health for the sick person. As you get older, you are fortunate to be in good health and mental health. Even when your parents have trouble with their health, it is expected that the children and relatives should help out. With the children it is a bit more of a parental obligation than just an act of charity. There are many strained relationships in families, but when it comes to a death or a severe illness, all previous hard feelings should be released in the face of needy parents. I call all of you to love one another, and help each other both physically and spiritually.”


Sunday, February 11, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, there are many poor people all over the world, and it would be impossible to help them all. This is why I am showing you a collection basket and some shoes to go and help those in need. Sending donations to organizations that help the poor is a first step and better than not helping anyone. Physically helping a poor person by delivering them food, or helping them to get housing is going the extra mile to show your love for these people. Helping your friends or relatives is more comfortable and a little expected, but they could pay you back. Helping a poor person and knowing they could not pay you back, helps you gain even more treasure in heaven. Your Lenten Season is coming, so you should be thinking more of how you could reach out and help the poor in their needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some spouses who abuse their wedding vows by traveling around with other people for relations. When you marry in My Church, it means that you are going to be faithful to your spouse for as long as they are alive. Do not defile the marriage bed with your infidelity. Such acts are sins of adultery against Me and your spouse. You need to give your marriage a chance for success, instead of being oriented by just your earthly passions. Many divorces come from sleeping with others as well as risking diseases with your spouse. Pray that all couples will be faithful to each other, and honor their promises made on their wedding day.”


Monday, February 12, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, when Adam and Eve hid after their sin of eating the forbidden fruit, they were embarrassed and hid themselves from God. That is the meaning of this cave because many sinners also want to hide their sins by telling lies or ignoring anyone’s comments. Even Cain did not want to admit that he killed his brother, Abel, but he could not hide his sin from Me or his parents who would notice Abel not present. This first killing was the start of many killings that would happen in history in the many wars and even individual killings. No matter what sins you commit, or how you hide from your own sins, you will never keep them from Me, even if you may be able to hide them from others. You will answer for all of your sins at the judgment, even for those hidden from the public. So admit to your sins and come to Me in Confession to cleanse them from your soul, and make a firm resolution to avoid these sins in the future.”

Jesus said: “My people, the tensions between Iran and America are almost threatening a war agenda. The President of Iran has threatened to attack any American base if you attack them, and he was upset at the evidence of his weapons finding their way into Iraq. America is continuing a build up of more troops in Iraq as well as stationing two carrier groups in this area. A wrong move on either side could precipitate another war of unknown dimensions. Pray that all of this military power in close proximity does not trigger another war. It is one thing to posture for political rhetoric, but it is another to extend the killing in Iraq over into Iran. Man needs to stop killing one another because there are no winners in such wars.”


Tuesday, February 13, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in My creation of man and the earth, everything was good of itself, but when man brought sin into the world, he became wicked. It was because of the killings and perversions that I brought a flood against the world. But I found favor with Noah and his family, and so I directed him to build an ark for his family of eight and all the places for the animals that I wanted to preserve. After the flood I made a new earth again for man to make a new start. Even to this day there is still a lot of killing and wickedness present, but there is also a faithful remnant that gives Me honor and praise. It is this faithful people that I must rely on to spread My Good News, and pass it on to the next generation. In the Gospel I warned My apostles not to follow the ways of the Pharisees, but My apostles only focused on the bread with little understanding. It was not until they received the Holy Spirit that they were inspired to teach and spread My Good News. My faithful also have received the Holy Spirit at Confirmation, so now you can go forth and preach to the whole world just as My apostles did.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are witnessing another large storm spreading snow, ice, and rain over a good portion of your states. Heavy snow storms and ice storms can be very damaging and can even bring power outages. This is just one more small natural disaster that will continue to upset your lives, even with some financial losses. Some people may be observing how serious your storms, tornadoes, and floods can be. Pray that very few will die from these events and that your people will find help to get their lives back in order. America has had relatively good weather until the last few years. Hurricanes, and some major weather events have tested you recently. Continue to see that these major events are signs of the end times that are coming upon you. Be prepared spiritually with frequent Confession before the coming evil in the tribulation.”


Wednesday, February 14, 2007: (Sts. Cyril & Methodius, Valentine)

Jesus said: “My people, this cup filling up with wine represents America’s cup of wrath filling up with your sins. When this cup of yours fills with sin, then it is ripe to taste My justice. Just as in Confession when you ask for My forgiveness, so as a nation you must ask Me to forgive your sins and change your lifestyles. If your people do not repent and seek My abundant mercy, then you will taste of My wrath of justice. There is some justice in the punishment of these natural disasters which are recently getting your attention. The heavy snow, ice, and rain are being felt by many people across the eastern part of your country. You are continuing to see a lot of unusual storms with record snowfalls and very deep cold in the North. These should be more signs to you of the end times upon you.”


Thursday, February 15, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, man prides himself on making things cold or hot, and all of his many achievements in science. As you read the accounts of creation in Genesis and even a recreation after the flood, you see many things that you make are a reformulation of existing elements. You can make new chemicals, but most of them are not natural from creation. It is the living things that man cannot make from elements, but man has abused even this in his cloning and DNA manipulations. Many of your so-called new creations are polluting the earth and disturbing the balance of nature. These things are not accomplishments, but abominations of their intended use. Many of your scientists do not believe in My creation, yet all of your reasons for things are all theories with no proven facts to refute My creation. Man was created to serve Me and not himself only. If you refuse to serve Me, then those people will join Satan in hell because he refused to serve Me as well. Follow Me in My Commandments as you serve Me, and you will have eternal happiness with Me in heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a castle represents the one world people in how they want everyone to be subservient to them as slaves so they can control all of the money of the world. The high hill for the castle represents how they control all the heads of state of all nations through their debts and the holding of the purse. Once you know the big picture led by Satan, then you will know why you have constant wars and how this group of the rich desires world control to make way for the Antichrist. Pray for My help to endure these evil men until I return to cast them into hell for those who do not repent. These evil men have sold their souls to Satan in worship for their power and riches.”

Jesus said: “My people, the exporting of American jobs to other countries has been a free trade desire of the one world people. As more middle class jobs are exported, it will leave only the poor and a few rich people. Even as your companies in the stockholders and the upper echelons get richer, the workers see menial raises, layoffs, and lost benefits. The laws and trade agreements that the one world people control are making them richer and creating a new class of working poor as their slaves. Many of these injustices are being recorded for the judgment of these ruthless men. Many of you will be persecuted for your faith and suffer the loss of your possessions at the hands of these tyrants. Be patient until I come and you will have your reward for what you are suffering and keeping the faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, in addition to your jobs being exported, now you are seeing much of your intellectual property either exported, stolen, or patents violated. Many forgeries of movies, music, and computer products are being made in foreign countries without any repercussions in trade agreements. Your people are not competing fairly when other countries abuse patent rights and exploit slave labor. Some might consider boycotts of products from such unfair trading countries. The more dependent America becomes on foreign oil and foreign manufactured goods, the more your trade imbalance will steal your money away. Those leading your country down this path to bankruptcy, are leading you to your own destruction.”

Jesus said: “My people, you truly have seen some serious damage from tornadoes in Louisiana and Florida. Other states are suffering deaths and power outages from ice storms and massive snow storms. Many of these weather events are setting cold records and snowfall records. Each successive year has tested America dearly that even your insurers are not giving policies to some areas that have been severely damaged. Let these records serve as more signs of the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, My faithful remnant in your prayer groups is becoming smaller as others fall away from their faith and are becoming more worldly. Sexual sins and addictions are rampant throughout your society and this is a sign of more worship of earthly things than the worship of God, your Creator and true Master. Many want to satisfy themselves more than serving Me. Do not fear or despair, My faithful, for you will be persecuted for loving Me instead of loving the world. Remain faithful to Me and you will find your salvation in Me and your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see large numbers of people attending sports events in massive stadiums, but not nearly the same numbers attending My Church services. The Antichrist will use this stadium mentality to lure many souls to follow him in worship as a great leader for peace. It is not by accident that many sports are demanding larger and larger stadiums because they will eventually be used by the Antichrist to draw more souls to follow his evil powers of suggestion. Do not let sports, addictions, or anything else control your mind, or you will be one more soul that could be misled by the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, there has been some discussion about minimizing the burning of fossil fuels as coal, oil, and natural gas. Some countries have been reluctant to cut back on this source of power that runs many of your factories and electric companies. Your economy in America consumes a good portion of the earth’s available energy fuels for factories and running your vehicles. Many adjustments need to be made in how you produce energy to help your environment. These all cost money and will demand hard choices. This earth does have some finite limits to keep you healthy, and it is time man started curbing his appetite for wealth and goods so you will have a world that you can pass on to your children.”


Friday, February 16, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have just heard the reading from Genesis when the proud people of Babel built a tower into the sky. At this I sent a confusion of different languages among these prideful people. This vision of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. spinning around is another example of speaking with a forked tongue like the serpent. They have one language to the public, but in secret their actions are completely the opposite against the people’s wishes. This is because your representatives are threatened by the one world people for money, power, and even their lives at times. The people were misled in going to war in both Afghanistan and Iraq by false reasons and made up intelligence. This again was all arranged by the one world people to make money from the arms and the interest on the war debts. These ruthless one world people care little about how many die because of their actions, since they desire money, power, and a chance to destroy America for their world takeover. Your representatives speak different words for their own selfish reasons, and then they wonder why the voter does not trust their word. Pray for the cessation of all the one world led wars because it is their way of destroying you. Their language is only worldly, and not from My Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, much of your country away from the cities are wide open spaces with few people living there. There are still plenty of places for refuges where you could be undetected even aside from My angel protection. The biggest needs at My refuges will be water, food, and lodging. It is not easy living in the wilderness where you have to provide for everything and be protected from the evil ones. The best news is that your tribulation will be short in years to help My elect endure the evil of this time. The Antichrist will control the world for a time, but he will never fully control My faithful who would rather die a martyr’s death than give up their faith. Stay close to Me in prayer and work on your purification as your earthly desires will be purged to prepare you to enter heaven.”


Saturday, February 17, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, at times I send bad weather over areas of fighting in wars just to show you that I am still the Lord who controls things, even over your wars. Now that a new party controls Congress by a small margin, you will be seeing worse gridlock over many issues, especially an unpopular war in Iraq and Afghanistan. These wars were trumped up on false reasons right from the beginning, and it is even more questionable to pursue losing more troops and more billions of dollars where little progress is occurring. The people have voiced their opinion against this war by voting out the Republicans, but now you will see if the one world people have more power to overrule the people and continue these wasteful wars full of corruption. The only recourse will be to shut off the money as was done to stop the Viet Nam War. If you stop the funding, then the one world people will have little interest in carrying out this war. Pray for the cessation of this war, or these disasters will bring America to destruction and loss of your freedoms.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people are playing their musical instruments in unison, you have harmony and beautiful music. This is the same perfect harmony of music that you will find in heaven. I have asked you to pray for peace in the world because man is anything but in harmony among the peoples of the world. It is Satan who brings confusion and anger between neighboring countries. Even in this war in Iraq the people are suspicious of America’s intentions for oil, and drug profits in Afghanistan. The longer America stays, the more you look like an occupying army than a liberator. In the coming time you will see the real reasons come out as to why the one world people have America in this quagmire in Iraq.”


Sunday, February 18, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of an elevator car falling into oblivion is a picture of where America is headed when the one world people take over your country. You are being sold out by the central bankers and all the international companies who are controlling your government. They are not just satisfied with buying out your representatives, but they want to control your buying and selling, and even how you think. You do not need smart cards with microchips, or chips implanted into your bodies for security. These chips are all a matter of controlling your minds. These chips in the body should be refused, even if you are threatened with death. Chips in the body will control your mind with voices, and you will not only be slaves, but even act as robots for these evil ones. Refuse their power over you, and when they make chips in the body mandatory, it will be the time to leave for My refuges. Better to die or be at My refuges than to let these evil ones force you to worship the Antichrist. Those, who are martyred, will become instant saints. Those, who go to My refuges, will be rewarded in My Era of Peace. When I come again, I will renew the earth and cast all of the evil ones into hell for not repenting of their sins.”


Monday, February 19, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to heaven to share in My great banquet, you will share in singing My praises constantly. Every one of My faithful are driven by their love for Me, and their desire to please Me in serving Me. I ask only that you repent of your sins and follow My Commandments. You are about to start another Lenten Season of prayer and fasting. Lent is all about a spiritual renewal so you can be prepared to meet Me in your judgment. It gives you time to meditate on your sinful actions and change your life in conformity to how I want you to live in imitation of My life on earth. In today’s Gospel My apostles could not heal the boy of the deaf mute spirit that possessed him. After I cast this spirit out of the boy, I told My apostles that this kind of spirit could only be cast out by prayer and fasting. Faith in being healed is also required as the father of the boy said: ‘I do believe, help My unbelief.’”

Jesus said: “My people, these two opposite scenes show the differences in life’s attitudes. In the one scene there was not enough money to have nice buildings, and the people did not appear to have anything to live for. Without any incentive for their future, they did not take pride in keeping their area clean either. In a richer country there is plenty of money for nice things and to help the poor as well with charity. The American dream of having your own home can be a reality for anyone who works hard and gets educated. Once you have some self-worth, you are proud to keep your own home clean and picked up. Even in your spiritual life you see the haves with grace and the have-nots living in sin of vice and bad habits. When you are strong in faith, you are committed to love of God and love of neighbor. By keeping your focus on serving Me in everything, you are less tempted by despair and addictions to alcohol, drugs, computers, or anything else. If you do not have faith in Me, you will not see the need for Sunday Mass or confessing your sins. Without My grace and blessings, you will be drawn to worldly things and then to frustration in not having your soul satisfied in My peace. There is truly more to life than just having fame, money, and worldly possessions. Your soul is craving for love of its Creator, and until you find Me in your life, you will never be content.”


Tuesday, February 20, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, as Lent approaches with all the prayer and fasting, some are focused on celebrating all of their choice foods. Lent is not a gloomy and hard time for everyone, but it is a time of spiritual renewal so the soul can overrule the body’s inclination to earthly desires for pleasures and good foods. Many times I have told you that you will have to cleanse yourself of all earthly desires in purgatory or on earth if you are to be purified to enter heaven. People have a tendency to be spiritually lazy instead of having spiritual stamina for loving Me and their neighbor. It is a struggle to lead a good faithful life of daily prayer because the body sees prayer time as too harsh and a waste of time to do pleasureful things. You are forever on earth in a battle between the desires of the soul and Satan trying to tempt you with bodily desires. You are not just in a battle with the body, but you are in a struggle to avoid sin, and focus more on serving Me instead of yourself. All of the prayer, fasting, and almsgiving of Lent are ways for you to restrain your bodily desires and give praise and glory to Me. Just as it is painful to clean out the junk in your houses, it is even more painful to root out sinful habits and addictions in your life. You know that avoiding sin and sins of omission are the right thing to do, but you need My grace to repent of your sins and reform your lives to My service. Lent is a happy time for your soul because it can better breathe with more grace and attention to your spiritual destination in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this new train uses an antimagnetic mechanism which minimizes contact with the rails to reduce the drag of friction. The propulsion system uses air that can be directed forwards or backwards for braking. Man’s inventions enable his transportation, but you are still dependent on Me for everything. The pride from accomplishments should not let you think that you know everything. Man’s knowledge is imperfect at best, and you have only scratched the surface of all there is to know. It is better to give Me credit and praise for all that you have done because it adds to My greater glory and not to any glory for yourself. Continue to do everything for Me, and I will store that treasure for you in heaven.”


Wednesday, February 21, 2007: (Ash Wednesday)

Jesus said: “My people, a new Lenten Season is upon you today, and many are there to receive their ashes and pray to improve their spiritual lives. If you have not done so, now is a good time to plan what you intend to do and accomplish with this Lent. Some may give up things as a penance, or you may wish to increase your prayer life in addition to your fasting. It would be well for your soul to make some little suffering to show Me your love, and desire to be a better Christian of love. Maybe make an extra effort to help someone, or visit a sick or lonely person. Lent is a time to think of loving things to do, not only to please Me, but those that you come in contact with. You have but one life and one soul to give to Me, so remember by these ashes of today that you will return to dust when you die. This life is too short to waste time on just earthly entertainment. You can offer everything up to Me in total consecration, and work every day to bring souls to Me in conversions. Your prayers for others to convert are also welcome, as well as prayers for those in purgatory. Live your Lent as if this were your last.”


Wednesday, February 21, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, after the final judgment, My faithful will all be resurrected body and soul into heaven. Just as I resurrected, you also will have a glorified body and there will no longer be any reason to mark your grave because you will be alive and no longer dead. This is why in the vision, the tombstone disappeared into the ground. My death on the cross has given salvation to everyone who claims it and repents of their sins. My Resurrection is a promise of how My faithful will also be resurrected. You will no longer be in the land of the dead, but you will be among those in the land of the living. This gift of spiritual life will take away all sin and the effects of sin. Once you are purified, you will be ready for your entry into heaven. In heaven you will experience My love and eternal rest in My peace.”

For a 12 year old girl: Jesus said: “My little one, you need to make a fervent effort in prayer to correct this nervous habit of plucking your eyelashes and eyebrows. Start with a crucifix in your room and the three medals in your room. Start a daily prayer time for this intention. When you have an urge to pick your eyelashes, say a small prayer to Me to help you. Wear a blessed sacramental (rosary, scapular, miraculous medal) to ward off any demonic attachment to this habit. Even keeping a blessed rose petal could give your intention over to My intercessor in Marie Esperanza who also has Spanish origins. All of your relatives can pray for your healing as well.”


Thursday, February 22, 2007: (Chair of St. Peter)

Jesus said: “My people, I have made St. Peter and his successors My human authority on earth. I have even instituted My priesthood so I could act through My priests in forgiving sins in Confession. This large tree is an example of My overall authority over all of mankind. It also represents My cross that I died on for the salvation of all of mankind’s sins. This is the same cross that I ask all of My faithful to pick up and carry through life to suffer as I did. The cross is a denial of self and worldly things that I may be first in your life to know, love, and serve. In Lent you make extra sacrifices to train your soul to follow Me and control your body in its cravings. By fasting and prayer you can draw yourself closer to Me, and fix your focus on Me as you struggle on your path to heaven. The other image of this tree is that I am the Tree of Life where I am the Vine and you are the branches. I am the source of grace which is the lifeblood for your soul. You draw My grace from My sacraments, especially from My Real Presence when you receive Me in Holy Communion. This is the Bread of Life that I feed you at every Mass in the Breaking of the Bread. Without Me you are nothing, but when you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you have eternal life in you. Your soul is constantly seeking to be satisfied in My rest, and I am constantly seeking to be with you as well. This is a bond of love that I have with every soul that I created, and it is your desire to love Me as well. Do not let the devil or worldly things blind you from being with the One you love.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, when you are in the state of grace, your guardian angel can help you with their protection and prompting. When you are in mortal sin, it is very difficult to sense their help as their voice is very distant from you. In this sinful state you are more susceptible to continue committing the same mortals sins. To renew your soul and free yourself of these bonds of sin, you must seek My forgiveness in Confession for Catholics. The absolution through the priest will cleanse your sins and restore the grace in your soul so your angel can help you again. Strive to keep in the state of grace so you can be strong against sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, in previous civilizations man went to great lengths to try and preserve his body for the after life. Many of these means were also connected with gods of the occult. Man by himself cannot be resurrected or reincarnated. The devil tries to trick you into believing otherwise, but you have only one life and one soul on this earth. Follow Me and My Good News and you will be resurrected after the final judgment. Do not follow other gods or be misled by Satan’s lies.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is of a spiritual body more than seeing a physical body. Some have witnessed dark shadows of evil spirits where people are involved with drugs and the occult. When you are in a state of grace, you are walking in the Light. When you are in mortal sin, you are devoid of grace and you are walking in the darkness of the evil one. Come to Me in forgiveness and you can be walking in the Light of grace again. Do not seek the dark evil shadows, but seek the Light beacons of My saints and angels. Even holy people give off a Light of holiness to follow.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages that I will multiply the dwellings at My refuges so many will find a proper shelter to live in the tribulation. The many dwellings in the vision shows that you will not be alone in your flight from the evil ones. Have no fear at that time because My angels will shield you from the eyes of the evil ones, and I will provide for your basic needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing more destruction coming from natural disasters and man-made terrorism. You want to be in comfortable housing without the thoughts of war and disasters, but you will be facing some harsh trials even before the Antichrist will declare himself. Ask for My grace of protection from these scenes. Many, who have placed scapulars and blessed medals around their homes, have been spared disasters, even in the path of storms and earthquakes. Have faith and trust in My protection and you will be spared these disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some deep struggles among My clergy with problems in pornography and homosexual activities. Now it is becoming more exposed how some clergy are abusing the collections for their own use in large thefts. This is even more unsettling to My faithful who are donating what they can to support My Church. Pray for My priests and have more accounting for where your collections are going both at the parish level and the bishop’s level.”

Jesus said: “My people, you try to take care of your bodies in eating properly and exercising to keep trim. As you are now in Lent, it is also time to think of how you can keep your soul healthy in grace as well. Keeping yourself away from occasions of sin is a start in removing temptation to sin. Reading spiritual books can gain more for your soul than reading earthly magazines. Reading the Liturgy of the Hours and more visits to My Blessed Sacrament could gain more graces for your soul in Lent. When you focus more on loving Me and helping your neighbor, you will be building up your spiritual stamina.”


Friday, February 23, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the young children processing to the golden gates and carrying a rose of life, represents how I want all of My children and adults to come to Me as innocent children of faith in order to enter heaven. The roses, that they are carrying, are a symbol of life representing all life, even the unborn. My faithful have a responsibility to protect all life in all of its various stages, even until death. Speak out to protect the unborn from abortion and to protect the older people from euthanasia. You are blessing these rose petals with the blood and hair of Maria Esperanza. Your prayers to Me and the intercession of Maria are to bring blessings of healing upon all of those who are given one of these rose petals. By having faith in My healing power, you will continue to see healing through the roses touched to these objects. Give praise and glory to Me for all healings.”

Jesus said: “My people, think of how many times that you receive Me in Holy Communion every year. Those, who attend daily Mass, have their daily spiritual bread as well. You take great care to feed the body, but you also need to feed grace to your soul. Those, who come to Mass more than just on Sunday, are coming more out of love for Me than just an obligation. Even during Lent you have an obligation to fast between meals and not eat meat on Fridays, but many fast between meals every day of Lent as a voluntary penance for the soul. The more spiritual penances, that you do without obligation, the more graces that you will be given for your extra sacrifices. Being a good Christian is all about going an extra mile to help your neighbor out of love. Learn to follow Me more our of love by not wanting to offend Me in sin, rather than out of fear of punishment for disobeying My laws.”


Saturday, February 24, 2007: (6th Anniversary of Gospa House)

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating this 6th Anniversary of this MOM ministry at this Gospa House. This vision of the nun and the priests means that you are to pray for the priests of this ministry and thank them for bringing Me to you in Holy Communion and Confession. It is difficult for your clergy at times to stand up to criticism and persecution in supporting traditional Catholicism in this mission. As you see the demons trying to attack them, you need to pray for their protection and invoke My angel protection for them in their ministries. You also need to pray and thank the core workers and benefactors who have made this MOM ministry possible with all of its conferences and speakers. Their intentions are to bring Me and My Blessed Mother in our two hearts to all of those who are willing to attend these services and spread My Good News of love and My salvation of all souls. Remember the goal of this ministry which is all about bringing souls to Me in conversion and healing. Rejoice in the good works of this ministry and pray for it to continue to be a refuge of graces and protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of Me separating the sheep from the goats is all about the coming judgment. My sheep hear My voice and follow Me because of their faith and trust in My Word. The goats are more independent and want to choose their own ways instead of My ways. This same blind trust is how children trust their parents in everything. Everyone is dependent on Me for even your very existence. Even the accomplishments of man are dependent on the materials of My creation and the talents that he was gifted by Me. The sooner man realizes that he is dependent on Me, the sooner he can get in step with My plan for his life. You have only two choices in life. You can accept My plan and serve Me out of love, and you will have eternal life in heaven. Or you can reject My plan, but you will reap the consequences of eternity in hell. Choose life while you can still change the direction of your life.”


Sunday, February 25, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you are close to another anniversary of this Luminous Cross and you are beginning another Lenten Season. As you fast and pray during Lent, you are suffering just a little with My suffering. But a time is coming when your suffering will be much more severe during the time of the tribulation. When you see My Warning followed by a world famine, a division in My Church, and mandatory chips in the body, you will call on Me, and I will have your guardian angels lead you to refuges as this place. At My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground, and caves, you will find refuges of My protection. At that time you will see a luminous cross high in the sky that will look similar to the cross that you are looking at today. Have no fear of this time of evil because My angels will protect you from the evil ones. My love and My mercy will be upon all of My faithful as you will have food, water, and shelter provided for you. You will lose your possessions, but this purification will be a salvation for your souls. Rejoice as you look upon My luminous cross and you will be healed of all of your sicknesses and pains.”


Tuesday, February 27, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this little rainbow around a mailbox in the vision represents when you mail a letter of healing or a personal note to comfort someone. At times you make many phone calls to convey your feelings to someone that you have not talked with for a long time. Other times you send get well cards or birthday cards to friends and relatives with a little note. This personal touch is well appreciated and even for condolence cards for someone who has passed away. When people are hurting from an illness, an accident, or suffering a loss of a spouse, it is very consoling to receive support from your friends and relatives. It is during the moments of need that it is your Christian obligation to send some words in a note or even better to personally visit the sick person or the bereaved. All of your efforts to reach out to people will store graces for your actions in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen tornadoes or storms destroy homes, and these homes needed major repair. It takes one kind of determination to repair a physically broken home, but it takes even more effort to repair broken relationships or friendships. When married couples or romantic relationships become broken, it is very difficult to repair or have counseling that could smooth over any difficulties. It takes a desire by both people to want to preserve a marriage or a relationship. Even prayer for both parties can help melt any hard feelings. Wounding a relationship can make it hard to restore trust and confidence in loving partners again. In friendships that are not romantically involved, it may be easier to restore. There is still a filial relationship of love as a Christian, but there is less personal involvement. A true friend is one who will continue to help you in difficult situations as a sickness or an accident. Sometimes friends may feel slighted by another’s words, but one person may not even know what offended them. So give people the benefit of the doubt, and be forgiving enough to take someone back into your good graces. I love everyone unconditionally, but people put too many conditions on their love. You can at least love everyone as a friend even though it may not be in a romantic way. Love is a delicate balance of trust and faith in one another, and it takes work on everyone’s part to make a relationship keep going for a long time. There is also a love relationship with Me as your Lord and Master. I am always willing to take back any sinner who wishes to repent and be absolved of their sins. Sins break our relationship, but forgiveness can repair it. There is never a sin that I cannot forgive except the sin against the Holy Spirit which is an unforgiving heart. So come to Me whenever you can and I will restore grace to your soul and love in your heart for Me.”


Wednesday, February 28, 2007: (Funeral Mass for Fran Pierce)

Jesus said: “My people, Fran was a loving and concerned man for his family and for those whom he met. His life was filled with colorful activities, even as he was a part of the Cursillo Movement. His love for Me and his neighbor, as well as his wife, Mary, was a good example for all of his large family. His love for Me could also be seen in all of his family members. His eyes are truly seeing My glory now even with his favorite Scripture passage. He has suffered much on earth, but now he has found peace, rest, and love with Me. He will be watching over and praying for all of his family and friends. Rejoice in this beautiful life that he has shared with all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, every day you see the filth of sinful actions going on by the people around you and on TV. The movies, adult bookshops, and houses of prostitution have dragged neighborhoods down to spiritual garbage dumps. Just as you see the filth and stench of garbage being dumped in the vision, so the stench of sin disgusts you as well. The gold ladder going to heaven is your only way out of the darkness and stench of sin on this earth. I call all of My faithful to avoid the ways of the world, and only follow My ways which will lead you to perfection and sainthood. By seeking the forgiveness of your sins in Confession, you can cleanse the stench and filth of your sins from your souls, and you will be walking in the Light instead of the darkness. Every day that you improve your spiritual life, you will climb one step closer to heaven. Continue your improvement and do not let yourself fall back into your old sinful ways.”


Thursday, March 1, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen people stuck in their cars in a ditch, stuck in a tree, or any number of situations where they could not free themselves alone. You see an immediate need to go and help them. Even when you see homeless, hungry, or freezing people, you reach out to feed them or shelter them. This is a difficult world with people searching for money making schemes, so helping someone even involves a risk that their seeming trouble is not real. It is even more of a risk to see someone bound with the bonds of sin in a spiritual way where they also need rescuing from hell. Those living together in fornication need gentle counseling of their sinful lifestyle. This may be even more difficult to approach if it is someone in your family or among some friends. Someone may have an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or gambling. These people also need counseling and even rehabilitation to get off of their habits and back to being more useful to themselves and Me. So there are many ways that you find people in distress, either physically or spiritually, and you need to be ready to reach out and help that person, even in your own inconvenience. But those, who help someone out of charity, will receive a treasure in heaven for their act of love.” Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, the Roman soldiers who scourged Me and crucified Me had no mercy on their prisoners in shaming them, and exacting as much punishment as they could. If you saw all of the marks on My body, you would know how cruel they were, and how they made sport of Me as a king with My crown of thorns. Even today you are still seeing man’s cruelty in maiming and killing others in war and bombings. I prayed for all of those who crucified Me when I said that they do not know what they are doing to the Son of Man. Lent is a hard time when you try to put your body through some extra penances. Know that all of your sufferings are only a part of what I had to suffer.”

Jesus said: “My people, a day is coming for all of you when you will be put to rest in a tomb. Then all of your worries and pains will be no more on this earth, as you will rest in peace. Many are concerned about their judgment before Me, but remember that I will judge with the mercy of God and not man’s judgment. If you are faithful in loving Me and seek My forgiveness of your sins, you will have nothing to worry about. Many still need to be purified in purgatory to be prepared to enter heaven. Remember My promise that all of My faithful will be resurrected with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the tribulation some of My faithful will be martyred for not giving up their faith. This building in the vision is one where innocent victims will be brought in on trains, gassed to death with poison gas, and their bodies will be cremated. The horrid crucifixion that I endured will be repeated again in this killing of My faithful. Remember to go to My refuges as soon as possible so you can be protected from these ruthless killers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen priests and bishops killed even today because demons are inspiring killers to get rid of My very Presence among you. The priests consecrate My Hosts for Holy Communion, but Satan and his demons are trying to stop priests from distributing the sacraments of My grace. Treasure your priests and protect them from all of the persecution that they suffer for Me. You may even have to provide them a place to stay during the time that My Church will have to go underground.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother is your spiritual mother as well, and she will do everything in her power to watch over her children. All of those people, who pray her rosary and wear her scapular, are very close to My Blessed Mother. When you are in My hands, you will have nothing to fear because My angels will always protect you from all of the evil ones. You are also in My Blessed Mother’s hands when she presents you before Me for protection. Trust in both of us as we love you too much to abandon you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to deny yourself by taking up your cross and carry it to Calvary as you suffer this life with Me on the cross. Whenever you are suffering in any way at work or in sickness, offer it up to Me as part of your daily consecration. Pain can be used for redemptive purposes, even as I died for all of mankind’s sins. This Lent make a few extra sacrifices for Me by visiting My Blessed Sacrament, or helping your neighbor in sickness or for food.”

Jesus said: “My people, I do not force people to come to Confession, but I wait patiently as the father of the Prodigal Son. This vision of someone coming to Confession after being away for many years, warms My Heart as heaven rejoices over even one repentant sinner. You are all sinners and in need of My forgiveness of your sins. Those, who come to Confession frequently, know how few there are that come to be forgiven. You have the grace of the sacrament and you can have your venial sins forgiven as well as mortal sins. It is best to come at least once a month and at least once during the Lenten and Easter Season as your Easter duty. When you have your sins absolved by the priest, you are being forgiven by Me as the priest takes My place. You do not have to wait to come to Confession until you have a mortal sin to confess, but you can come any time to receive My love, My peace, and My consolation of any guilt in your sins. I love all of you and I want to see all of My children come to Confession and not just a few.”


Friday, March 2, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in the spirit of Lent I am always calling My children to soften your hearts with My love. In this vision of melting snow and ice think of melting the hardness of your heart toward others. At times you may be uncomfortable in dealing with people who are either richer or poorer than you are. You may also be uncomfortable with people who are either smarter or not as smart as you are. Man tends to compare himself with others in terms of social status, but it should not be something to discriminate against others. When you love everyone as a Christian, you need to look beyond any artificial barriers because you are all of the same worth spiritually to Me. Those, who have more gifts, more will be expected of them. So you should love the rich man just as much as you love the poorest on the street. The hardest to love are those that you consider your enemies or those who persecute you in any way. Loving your enemies and praying for their souls will find a way to lessening their hardness of heart to you as well. You are on this earth only for a short time, so you do not have time to hold grudges, but love one another no matter how much someone has offended you. Remember when you love others, you are loving Me in them.” Jesus said: “My people, in early years and even some places today Christians are being persecuted and even martyred for their faith. Because of this persecution, many fled to the safety of the catacombs. Most of My faithful are not persecuted now, but in a short time the evil ones will come into power again. Your faith is always being tested, but only a few are called to be martyrs for their faith. My refuges will supply My faithful with a safe haven from the evil ones. My angels will watch over you, but you must leave soon after the Warning so you will not have to endure the death camps run by the one world people. Many are wondering when these major events will start up again, but you will be suffering your purgatory on earth when the tribulation begins. Some want things to happen now, but they do not know how difficult it will be. Pray for the strength that you will need to get through the coming tribulation.”


Saturday, March 3, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s gospel calls you to be perfect in love as My heavenly Father is perfect. It is the devil who comes as an angel of light that wants you to hate your enemies. I brought a wider and more perfect love in asking you to love your enemies. If you love only your friends, even pagans do as much. To love everyone, even your enemies, it takes an extra mile of faith that is not easy for man to embrace. The evil one, Satan, stirs up trouble constantly between ethnic and religious differences. Through the one world people, Satan is constantly spreading even lies to cause wars. It is places of dictators, lies of weapons, and lies of false terrorism that America was drawn into this war in Iraq that even Pope John Paul advised against. Now the lies are about supporting the troops to keep this war going, where the best solution for your troops is to move them out of harm’s way altogether. To continue the killing and spending of billions of dollars on an unpopular war is showing you how the evil ones are doing their best to destroy America.”


Sunday, March 4, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the Bible represents all of the covenants that God has made both in the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the Old Testament a promise or covenant was made that I would send a redeemer or Messiah to forgive your sins. In today’s reading there was a covenant made with Abraham that his people would become as numerous as the stars, and the Promised Land was described as given by God. There also was a covenant with Noah in the rainbow that God would never again destroy the earth with a massive flood. In the New Testament I also made many promises to My people. All of those, who are faithful to Me, will one day be resurrected with Me, body and soul. Another is that the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church. Again if you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you will have eternal life with Me. I instituted My very Presence in My Eucharist and I promised that I would be present among you in My Blessed Sacrament to the end of time. Just as many of the prophecies of the Old Testament were fulfilled in Me, all of the New Testament prophecies will come about as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, the church in the vision represents My Church and how it leads people to follow My laws. The pews outside represent all the people that I call to conversion from their earthly ways. There are some who do not come to church every Sunday, even though My Third Commandment calls on everyone to keep holy the Lord’s day. This is not just a suggestion, but a requirement for My faithful to give Me honor and glory each week. I give you life for twenty-four hours a day in every seven day week. The least, that you could do, is give Me one hour each week. For those, that knowingly miss Mass on Sunday, it is a sin against Me for not acknowledging Me as Lord of your life. You need to confess this sin in Confession and make a firm amendment to return to Sunday Mass each week. If My faithful do not attend Mass regularly, how can you be a viable member of My faith community of believers? If you truly love Me, you will obey My Commandments in attending Sunday Mass.”


Monday, March 5, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of buildings falling down is from natural disasters as earthquakes and volcanoes instead of so-called terrorism. You have yet to see massive disasters that will take down buildings in your cities. You have made movies of such disasters, but soon they will become a reality as America will continue to be tested by these kind of events. Up to now you have seen minor disasters and inconveniences since the major hurricanes, but soon you will see even worse disasters than Katrina. America has not repented of its sins and sinful lifestyles, so I will take away the possessions that you have made gods before Me and your electricity will be seeing power outages. Now, during Lent, this is your opportunity to reform your lives spiritually and put your focus more on Me than your earthly things.”

Jesus said: “My people, huge volcanic explosions can occur at any time, but they are usually preceded by some sizeable earthquakes to indicate the magma movement. This vision shows you the aftermath of a volcanic explosion in the West that will cover a large area with dust, rock, and even lava flowing. I have not given you any indication of the timing, but it will be relatively soon. I have warned many people of the hazards of living near earthquake areas or near potential volcanoes. This natural disaster will cause much damage to nearby cities, and it could cause some deaths close to the volcano itself. Much of your country is not really prepared to handle such a large disaster, as you have already seen. Pray that there are few deaths, and that your aid will flow quickly to help those who may be displaced from their homes.”


Tuesday, March 6, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading connects the snow with all of the snow that you are seeing in the vision. (Isaiah 1:18) ‘Come now, let us set things right, says the Lord: though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool.’ This scarlet color even relates to the blood sacrifice that I had to suffer so your sins could be forgiven. I have given you the opportunity for forgiveness in My sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation. Each person has to recognize that they are a sinner which means that you need to know what sin is when you violate My Commandments. It is the duty of My faithful to form a right or proper conscience so that you know the difference between right and wrong, and without any rationalization of your sins. There is also a guilt associated with your sins that can be healed in Confession. Lent is a time when you should not only be focused on prayer and penances, but also how to minimize your sins, especially habitual sins. Once you recognize a certain sin that gets repeated, you should work on removing any temptation or occasion for this sin. By working and paying attention to your faults, then your Lent will be more successful for your spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you give up eating sweets for Lent, as this chocolate cake, and you fast from eating between meals. When you are on such a diet, it is so hard to think of not eating against your body’s desire for food. Such a discipline gives you just a little feeling of how some people in the world have very little to eat. You are much more spoiled in America where you have an abundance of food. Because food in America is relatively cheap and plentiful, you at times take it for granted. You can send donations to the poor countries or donate food to your local food shelves as an added penance or almsgiving for Lent. Give thanks to Me for all that you have and pray that the hungry of the world will find something to eat. At My spiritual banquet at Mass you can receive Me in Holy Communion and be fed with My spiritual food. Some are also starved for My grace and My rest because their sins keep them away from Me. It is this spiritual poor that need to be evangelized that are in the greatest need. The body passes away, but the soul lives on forever. Reach out to help both those that are either spiritually or physically hungry.”


Wednesday, March 7, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the sun’s presence in your lives is a free gift of light and warmth that counteracts the darkness and cold of space. Man prides himself with his own lights and heaters, but they pale in comparison to My natural creation, even though the sun is millions of miles away from the earth. Even if you watch the shadows of the sun, you can see how fast your time, measured in daylight hours, moves by you. These images of light and warmth in the physical world are a parallel in the spiritual world, where My Light of grace disperses the darkness of evil, and My love warms all of your icy cold hearts. You will see a great Light so bright in heaven where there is no darkness compared to hell and purgatory that are grey and dingy. In My Era of Peace you will also see a constant light and warm temperatures. Rejoice where you have My Presence, because I am the Light of the world and the love of your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, your oil price is so high that it is encouraging more oil companies to keep searching for new deposits of oil offshore. There is a lot more risk to offshore drilling because the rigs can be destroyed by hurricanes and they cost millions of dollars to build and find oil. As various countries become more industrialized as China, there is a larger demand for fuels. Most of your energy is derived from fossil fuels and now even ethanol. Very little effort goes into non-burning sources which is why you have so much pollution from your vehicles and power plants. Man will continue to use cheap, available fuels until either the pollution or the lack of resources causes him to change. The disappearing ice packs is one sign to some that weather patterns are changing and some scientists see a link to increasing green house gases. Man needs to see that the constant burning of fuels and the cutting down of the rainforests does have some effect on your earthly environment. The earth is large, but it does have a finite ecosystem that needs to be preserved for future generations. If man upsets My delicate balance of nature, then I will need to intervene and renew the earth. You will see this happen when I will cleanse the earth of all evil and bring about My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, March 8, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I realize that transportation is needed to get your groceries and other needs. It is how much money that you spend on your vehicles that makes them a luxury item. Those, who are poorer, have to buy old used cars and put up with more repairs. Here in America it is easy to forget the older years when fewer people could even afford a car. The richer nations do have a higher standard of living, but even in America because of your wars and shipping jobs out of your country, you will be in decline. I have told you in the Scriptures that it is harder for the rich man to make it into heaven because the rich do not see themselves as dependent on Me for everything. The poor and those, who consecrate everything to Me, do not let money and earthly things come before My love and dependence. So do not let the things of this world become as idols before Me. I, only, am the One that you should worship and love. You cannot love inanimate objects because your soul is spiritual and it is only focused on love of Me and other persons. This is why your charity for others should be more important to you than a new car or other objects. The more, that you love God and your neighbor, the closer you are to heaven.


Friday, March 9, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, there are many Scripture passages in the Old Testament that were a foretelling of how I would suffer and die for all of mankind’s sins. (Isaiah 42:3) ‘A bruised reed he shall not break, and a smoldering wick he shall not quench.’ When I was scourged and crucified on the cross, I was a broken man by My sufferings, but I trusted in My heavenly Father that He would not abandon Me. Many times My faithful people are broken as well by the trials and sufferings of daily life. You are each sharing in My suffering on the cross. You need to accept your brokenness of suffering so you can be cleansed of your earthly desires and made ready for your entry into heaven. You are all dependent on Me for everything. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs here on earth and for the grace that you need to endure the temptations of the evil one. I will protect you from physical harm and spiritual loss of your soul. Remain faithful to Me in love and obedience to My Commandments. As you contemplate My Passion and Death during Lent, you can understand more how each of you should accept your own personal suffering in imitation of My life. Those, who suffer and offer it up to Me, will receive their great reward in heaven.”


Saturday, March 10, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel of the Parable of the Prodigal Son you all can see yourselves as a sinner or the self-righteous son. But I am like the father with My abundant mercy that forgives your sins and welcomes you back into My abundant graces. I consoled the older son as I do with some faithful who do not understand My mercy for the most grievous of sinners. (Luke 15:32) ‘But now we must celebrate and rejoice, because your brother was dead and has come to life again: he was lost and has been found.’ It is comforting to know that I will always take back any repentant sinner. So feel free to come to Me in Confession at any time, and your sins can be cleansed by the absolution of the priest. Once you are brought back to My grace, then you will be worthy to come to My Eucharistic Banquet as in the vision when you receive Me in Holy Communion at the celebration of the Mass. Your inheritance is your gift of faith, so do not squander this gift as the prodigal son squandered his father’s property.”


Sunday, March 11, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel about the fig tree you can see My mercy and compassion in trying to bring the fig tree back to life as the gardener, so it can bear fruit. I have told you before that I have a plan or a mission for each of you that uses your unique talents. You need to pray and discern what I want you to do instead of doing everything on your own. There are some people who waste their God-given talents, and they do not bear the fruit of good deeds that I intended for them. At other times jobs are not always available to use your talents. This vision of people coming to Adoration and Holy Communion is all about where you can come to Me for discernment and the grace to follow My Will. By praying for My help in getting a proper job, or by asking My help to better use your talents, you can move forward along My plan for your life. I have a plan for your physical life and I direct you to worship Me in your spiritual life. When you give everything over to Me in your daily consecration, I can mold you into the spiritual person that I want you to be. I want all of My children to be like the fig tree that bears fruit for My greater glory.”


Monday, March 12, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, these simple life scenes are how the saints lived simply and humbly. The less things that you have in your life, the easier it is to keep your focus on Me. Many monks in their monasteries lived very simple and quiet lives so they would be more focused on God than themselves. Again, the more you talk about yourself and others, the less time you have to think about loving Me and praying to Me. Praying takes time away from your earthly things, so prayer time can only be made by setting spiritual priorities above all others. When you think about living a humble life, it means taking away your pride in things that you excel in. Rather than bragging about your achievements, it is better to give all the glory and thanks to Me. Another aspect of ridding your pride is that you are completely dependent on Me for everything. That is why the saints gave up their money so they could be totally dependent on Me. All of these monastic characteristics are meant to strip your earthly desires so your soul will be free to focus as much time as possible on heavenly desires. By perfecting your life in this way, you will be preparing yourself to be saints so you can enter heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is simplicity in many of the miracles that are described in the Biblical accounts. An example is in the reading where Naaman, the Syrian, was healed of his leprosy by plunging seven times into the Jordan River. I healed sometimes using mud or just touching someone, but I usually healed their sins first. Many of the Scribes and Pharisees were upset when I claimed to forgive the sins of the one healed, as they considered this blasphemy because only God could forgive sins. Even the motions of Baptism are quite simple with water, oil, salt, and a lighted candle. Healings all come from Me and sometimes they come through an intercessor. The person to be healed must have faith that I could heal them. In the Gospel reading I emphasized that there were very few healings in the home towns of the prophets due to the lack of faith and trust in these healings. Everyone does not always get healed when they ask, but faith and My choosing of the time can influence such healings.”


Tuesday, March 13, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the Ten Commandments are all about love of God and love of neighbor, and not just My rules of life. When you follow My Commandments, you are doing so out of love and not intending to offend Me. These Commandments are more than just regulations or duties. They are a way of life that I have given to Moses for everyone and every nation to follow. Life among man needs some order, even as among the animals I have set an order of behavior proper to their species. If you look out on your world of today with all of the hate, anger, and wars, you will see a great need for love in the hearts of all people. Man has a choice to live in love or hate, so do not let the evil one influence you to hate, but listen to My words of love. Love is truly an outpouring to everyone without any discrimination. It is difficult to love strangers or those that you consider your enemies. The more that you love people, the more that you will be reaching out to help them.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent it would be most beneficial for your soul to give up something that you really like to do. Some things slip into your life as habits, even if they are not sins in themselves. The more you give up things that take up your time, the more time you will have to do things for Me. If you are doing things for your own entertainment and not for Me, then these can be penances that you can give up for Me. Many earthly desires are constantly calling on you for your time, but it is up to you to make heavenly things higher in your priorities for your time. Time is an important gift that I give to everyone, but it is how you use this gift that you will have to make an accounting. Every time that you can resist the body’s inclinations, the stronger your soul will become in following My Will. That is why the more that you can deny yourself in Lenten penances, the more you will be able to improve your spiritual life.”


Wednesday, March 14, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a wedding ring represents My love for My Church where My Church is the bride and I am the groom. I have instituted My Church based on My teachings that I entrusted to My apostles to spread all over the world. I came to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament and not to change the Commandments. I came in love to encourage all peoples to love one another, even those who may persecute you. My faithful need to witness to their faith in Me, and do not be afraid to speak out against the sins of abortion, fornication, and homosexual acts. No matter how much people try to rationalize their actions, these acts are mortal sins that need to be confessed in Confession before you can receive Holy Communion worthily. I have love, mercy, and forgiveness for all sinners, but unless you repent of your sins, you cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven. Man chooses to either accept Me in love, or reject Me. Those, who reject Me and will not repent, risk the eternal punishment of their souls in hell. I seek every soul to their dying breath to be saved. Focus on following My Will out of love, and you will find your reward in heaven.”


Wednesday, March 14, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, there is a constant battle going on in the macro level between nations and on the individual level between the body and soul. The devil will be tempting you until your dying day, and he never sleeps. He tempts you through your bodily weaknesses and appetites. Your earthly appetites are good in themselves to satisfy your hunger for food and appetites for procreation. It is the excesses that Satan tempts you with in overeating or the improper use of the marriage bed. You are in a constant battle between the earthly desires of the body, and the heavenly desires of the soul. You are each given a guardian angel to lead you on the right path to heaven, but the demons tempt you to travel the broad road to hell. Satan also is constantly stirring up trouble between neighboring nations over religious and ethnic differences. This is why there is rarely a time of true peace, but only a lull between the next wars. The best weapon in this battle is your rosary because prayer is powerful against the demons, especially the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. Use your rosaries to pray for peace among your nations, and use your blessed sacramentals as your Benedictine crosses as an exorcism medal against the demons. Let My angels and Me fight your battle against all of the evil ones.”


Thursday, March 15, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, life is too precious to be taken by killing in wars, abortions, or drive by shootings. Any taking of life is usually initiated by an evil force putting that action in people’s minds. You know yourself how precious your life is and that of your loved ones. Why would you let people kill your children or grandchildren without fighting to save them? In war someone’s son or grandchild have their lives put on the line only to satisfy some political goal of the one world people to control other countries for their own greed for money. My faithful need to speak out against this endless killing when it was only started on false pretenses. Now that it is coming out how many American oil companies stand to profit from pumping Iraqi oil, the real reasons are showing their ugly face of blood money. Is it not unusual that your government only goes to war with countries that have either oil or drugs to profit from? Follow the money and you will find the best way to stop these one world led wars is to stop their funding. The killing in abortion has the same monetary value for the doctors and attendants that profit from this killing of My babies. All of those, who perpetrate these killings in war and abortion, will have to answer to Me at their judgments for the blood on their hands. Taking of life violates My plan for these lives, and their angels are a constant witness to Me what man is bringing on his own flesh. One day all of these killers will pay for their crimes.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, as people steer their boat down a river with the flow, it is like Me as I lead you down the path of life. You may have to manage through some rough rapids, but you can call on My support to get you by the tough times in life. Real life also has its ups and downs where you are tested by various events in your life. Trust in Me to guide you and help you through all of your trials. No matter how difficult problems get, you can always call on My assistance.”

Jesus said: “My people, blessing yourself with holy water in making the Sign of the Cross is your way of starting your prayers to Me as you enter a church. There are many reverences that you do to acknowledge My Real Presence in My tabernacle as genuflecting and bowing to Me. At the Mass representatives of the faith community bring the bread and wine up to the priest. The consecration of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood is one of the most important parts of the Mass. Receiving Me in Holy Communion is your opportunity to share some intimate moments with Me. Treasure every opportunity to worship at a Mass whenever you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good to have a proper burial place for every person to be acknowledged for their years on earth. You have fond memories of the lives of the deceased, and it is good to remember them in your prayers in case they may still be suffering in purgatory. At times friends and relatives may forget about where these souls are in their spiritual judgment. Some assume they are in heaven, but you can still pray for them. Even if they are out of purgatory, your prayers will always be directed to help other souls or other relatives that need purging.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good to take some time out during Lent to make a retreat or visit a parish mission. It is during these times that you can reflect on your life and where you need some spiritual improvements. The quiet time for reflection and Confession can be a great cleansing of your soul and a chance to seek My forgiveness and the forgiveness of those that you have offended. Contemplation and Bible study can help renew the vigor of your faith when you first came to know Me. Retreats and missions give you a chance for renewal of your Baptismal vows of staying close to Me and rejecting the temptations of the devil.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come before Me in prayer, you are uniting our hearts together in love. Prayer comes from the heart and it is your sincere effort to follow My Will and My Commandments. When you give yourself over to Me in total consecration, you are showing Me how much you are dependent on My care for you. Do not forget to give Me some of your time in prayer every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many saints that are close to many ethnic groups where they lived in life. St. Patrick from Ireland is honored by many peoples. His teaching of the Blessed Trinity in the shamrock is well known. He has called on many to visit the homeland for the roots of many Irish people in Ireland. You, yourself, were greeted there as well. Many like these celebrations and it is good to have such wonderful role models in My saints.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many funerals for all the military people that have died in combat. Their lives are memorialized for serving their country in giving the sacrifice of their lives. Even though many wars are at times troubling in their circumstances, it is still an appropriate time to honor these service people. It would be better if they did not have to die, but their deaths demand your respect for their young lives. It is a constant prayer that I ask you to pray for peace in your world that is full of grief and turmoil. Only by placing your lives in My hands can you be led on your path to heaven.”


Friday, March 16, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in years back you had many more artisans who made beautiful altars all for My glory. Today, you have very few such people and your churches are very plain and devoid of My beautiful altars. Many have given My tabernacle less prominence in back rooms, and My crucifix and statues of Me and the saints are no longer in the front of many churches. These statues and icons inspire people to imitate My life and that of the saints. My crucifix, especially in Lent, gives a focus on how much I love My people to die for your sins. I have asked everyone to pick up their own cross of life and carry it to your own Calvary. Whenever you suffer in this life, you are sharing in My suffering on the cross. This life is not about constant entertainment and good times, but you all have to bear the trials and troubles of life. I am always available to assist you, so you can call on My help everyday. You will find when you place Me at the center of your life, that you can have an easier burden to carry when you do everything for Me. Love Me in My Blessed Sacrament and give reverence to Me in all of My tabernacles.”

Jesus said: “My people, this battle going on in Iraq is more over a battle of wills between your troops and the insurgents. They know if they can kill enough Iraqis and Americans long enough that America will tire of this fight and leave. It is difficult to stop road bombs and suicide bombers because you do not know where or when they will strike. Victory is hard to define more than keeping law and order between the two religious sects. There may be some gains initially with more troops, but this does not guarantee peace all over. At some time America will have to withdraw because you cannot be an occupying force for long. Unless America leaves, it will be hard to have any peace. A gradual withdrawal without a timetable appears to be the best plan without losing more troops and more billions of dollars. Continue to pray for a cessation of violence and killing in this foreign land.”


Saturday, March 17, 2007: (St. Patrick)

Jesus said: “My people, My message today is all about doing works of mercy in feeding the poor, clothing the naked, helping and visiting the elderly, and even seeing those in prison. You have love for Me and you can share My love by helping others out of this love. You also can see Me in everyone that you help. When you are focused on helping others, it will take your mind off of your earthly and selfish desires. There are some people that are lonely and could be lifted up by your kind attention to their needs, or even being a good listener to their problems. There are many ways of being joyful to others and even lifting them up spiritually by your inspiration and your evangelization efforts. For those, that you can bring closer to Me, they will thank you for opening their eyes to the faith and experiencing My love. When you have repented of your sins, and are close to Me in faith, there is a deep sense of peace and rest that comes over your soul. Now all the trials of life are no longer so unsettling, and you have more to live for Me than just yourself. Respecting My plan for your life is all about giving your will over to Me so I can lead you on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I feel your pain even as I endured more than you have. It is hard for you to lose a loved one in death, but I experienced losing My foster father, St. Joseph. You have to endure sicknesses and pain, but I was scourged and crucified on the cross. You have been betrayed by friends and persecuted, but I also was betrayed by Judas and endured a painful death. You are anxious about many trials, but I suffered the agony in the Garden. You have had to take care of sick people in your family, but I healed and cared for many people. In every way that you could suffer on this earth, I also have shared in your pain. This vision of suffering with Me on your own cross, is how I want you to unite your suffering with Me on My cross. Holy Week will be here in a few weeks, so you can see and hear of the pain that I had to go through to save all of you from your sins and to reopen the gates of heaven. You do not have to suffer alone, but call on My help and offer up your suffering to Me to make reparation for your sins or the sins of another. Help those around you who are suffering in any way as well.”


Sunday, March 18, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, just like Adam and Eve hid from God because of their sin, so some people want to hide because of their sins also. When you see people disguising themselves or lying about something, it is because they are trying to cover up their sins. Certain drug and alcohol addicts lie to get money or cover up their bad habits. Many sins of the flesh and thefts are done in darkness or in secret to keep people from seeing their wrongful deeds. Just like the blind man who was in the darkness in the Gospel, My healing grace can forgive your sins and bring you into My Light so you can see and not be ashamed of your sins. Do not think that you can hide from Me, because I see everything that you do in secret or in darkness. When you are renewed in My grace, then you will be happy to witness to My love in the Light before everyone. The more that you come out of your shell of sin, the more that you will be able to reach your full potential in all that I have planned for you to accomplish. With My grace you can do much more than your little minds could imagine. So share My grace with others so they too can come into My Light and dispel their darkness.”


Monday, March 19, 2007: (St. Joseph)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is like a walk back into time when you saw very beautiful, exquisite altars built all for the glory of God. People in older days would contribute money and even their time to build beautiful altars glorifying God. Also with this underground entrance through an underpass, this vision represents how My faithful remnant would have to go underground for protection from the evil ones and from the split from the schismatic church. In some refuges there will be some beautiful ornate altars to have Mass with My remnant priests. I will be providing My sacraments for My faithful, even during the time of tribulation. It may be difficult to find a priest at that time, so you may have to rely on My angels to bring you Holy Communion. If you cannot have a Mass or Communion, then you could invite Me in Spiritual Communion after your praying a good act of contrition. Trust in My help at all times, and you will be provided for in all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who find themselves in a deep pit of debt that is hard to get out of. Paying off credit card debt, and other loans can be a heavy burden without a good job or some financial help from someone. Once a person struggles out of debt, it is a great euphoric feeling that the bill collectors are not knocking on their door. It is the same way when someone is trapped in a pit of their sins and they are held down by their sinful lifestyles. This also can be helped through My grace and the help of others. If a person comes to Me and repents of their sins in Confession, miracles can happen to break the bonds of sinful habits. Someone can evangelize such a soul with prayers, good example, and assistance with avoiding the occasions of sin. You can help pull sinners out of their darkness of sin into the joy and light of faith in Me. Whether a person is in a financial pit or a spiritual pit, there are ways to free themselves if they reach out to Me and others for help. Pray that these poor people can be saved and brought out of their pits wherever they are. My faithful need to reach out to those who need pulling out of their problems.”


Tuesday, March 20, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision where you are being brought physically higher to be present at a Mass represents how you are spiritually on a high of your day when you are before My Real Presence in My Body and My Blood. You take your Lord and Master into your own body when you receive Me in Holy Communion. This is an intimate time to share all of your troubles and offer thanks to Me for all that you have. This is the closest experience of heaven that you can have on earth. This is why you need to have your soul clean of any mortal sin in order to receive Me in Holy Communion. Wherever I am, it needs to be holy and perfect without sin. When you receive Me, you receive the grace of My Eucharist, and it heals the wounds of your sins and helps you to fight off any temptations to sin. My grace is the lifeblood of your soul and if you can receive Me daily, it becomes your spiritual daily bread. This beautiful experience in sharing My intimate love is why you should encourage others to enjoy My graces that can be theirs in converting or returning to the faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, on the Easter Vigil there is a great ceremony of using a new fire to light the Paschal Candle and to imprint the five wounds on the candle. From this one lit candle everyone lights their own candle, and the dark church is now bright with many candle flames. There was a darkness of sin brought into the world by the sin of Adam. Now, I am the Light of the world because My Word and My grace dispel the darkness of sin, and all of those, who repent of their sins, can now be saved. My coming into the world and dying on the cross for everyone has brought salvation for everyone wishing to claim My grace for their soul. All of those souls, before My coming, were waiting in agony to be freed of their bondage of sin. Now they are free as all souls of today can be free by being baptized and converted to a belief in Me. Baptism frees you from original sin on your soul that comes at birth. Confession can also free you of your sins, and bring My Light of grace into your soul. With My sacrifice of My life all souls can be washed with My Blood, as I am truly your Savior from your sins. Accept My Light into your life as I have the words of eternal life.”


Wednesday, March 21, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this mountain poking its way through the clouds in the vision is all about the promises and covenants that I have made with My people of the Old Testament, and the people of My Church in the New Testament. In the days of the Exodus Moses received My Ten Commandments for living on Mount Sinai. I promised the people of Israel that I would be their God and they would be My people. I gave them My rules for a life that would lead them to heaven after My coming to earth. Once I came on the earth I made many more promises and covenants on various high places. I took My three apostles to the top of Mount Tabor where I was transfigured before them in My glorified Body as a precursor to My promise of My Resurrection in three days, and as an example of how all of My faithful will be resurrected as well. I gave all the people a further set of teachings on the beatitudes as a part of the Sermon on the Mount. This is even now called the Mount of the Beatitudes. Another covenant was concluded as I died on the cross on Mount Calvary where I promised that My sacrifice was a means of salvation for all of mankind, so your sins would be forgiven and the gates of heaven would be opened. I am the Lamb of God and My death on the cross was a ransom or the price of all of your souls. All of you, who come to Me for forgiveness and repent of your sins, will receive eternal life with Me. This is the mercy and love of God for all people, and that is the most rewarding of all of My promises. Your life here is a trial and a test to see how you can know, love, and serve Me. For those, who truly follow Me and take up their own crosses for Me, they will truly see Me as I am in heaven, and I will welcome you into heaven at the final judgment. Heed My promises and you will live a life of total ecstasy of peace, love, and rest in heaven forever.”

Jesus said: “My people, today’s churches have much more modern lines than the churches that were built many years ago in Europe. These older churches have turned into museums because very few go to church every week in Europe. The faith there was very strong at one time, but now it is very weak. In the U.S. there are still a fair number attending church every week, but even your numbers are decreasing. Your people need to have some solid teachings in your faith in order to pass their faith on to the next generation. Keeping your numbers up will require good leadership despite the many scandals in the priesthood. Decreasing numbers of priests and members will also strain your finances to support the existing churches. I have promised to support My Church even if My faithful remnant are fewer in number. Trust in My protection and keep the faith every day.”


Thursday, March 22, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, My message today is all about hearing the Word of God and keeping it, just as it is stated in the Scriptures. (Matt. 7:24,26) ‘Everyone therefore who hears these My words and acts upon them, shall be likened to a wise man who built his house on rock. And everyone who hears these My words and does not act upon them, shall be likened to a foolish man who built his house on sand.’ My Word gives you a foundation for your faith. You can know all of Scripture verse by verse, but unless you take it into your heart and live it in your life, then they are just words in a book to you. I give you My example of how to live by avoiding sin and avoiding the occasions of sinful places. You cannot improve your sinful lifestyles until you are willing to reform your life and follow My ways. Many like the comforts of their sin to please the body’s desires, but you should be focused on pleasing Me and your soul’s desires. The more Scripture and spiritual reading that you do, the more you will be inspired to live a holy life. This is why during Lent it is good to allot more of your time to improving your spiritual life. When you pray, fast, and give alms, you are denying yourself to do everything for Me. By living a holier life, you can keep yourself on the right path to heaven without any earthly detours. Continue to listen to My Word and keep it.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, on Good Friday many parade through your streets behind My cross in a protest against the taking of life in abortion. You have reverence and honor for the day that I died for all of your sins. You even reverence My time of death at 3:00 p.m. in your Divine Mercy prayers. This killing of My babies in America and other countries is calling down My judgment for these evil deeds. The preciousness of life is not shared by all of your people, especially those that see these little ones as disposable. Continue to pray for these mothers to have their children, and for doctors to stop accepting this blood money for abortions. My betrayer took 30 pieces of silver for giving Me over, but these abortion doctors are also taking money to kill My babies.” Jesus said: “My people, many people will be fleeing from your population centers into the mountains or rural areas where there are places to hide at My refuges. The evil ones will be trying to kill My faithful and some will die as martyrs, but they will become instant saints. During the tribulation there will be famines, division in My Church, and mandatory chips in the body. At that time your guardian angels will lead you to the safety of My refuges. There you will find water, food, and shelter. Rejoice that I will protect My faithful from the evil ones trying to kill you for your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good that you take time out of your busy schedules to sit down and make a proper examination of conscience in preparation for a good Confession. When you come to the priest to confess your sins, you have contrition for your sins that offend Me, and you are seeking My forgiveness of your sins. When the priest gives you absolution, there is a spiritual relief that you have been cleansed of your sins. Give thanks to Me for forgiving you and go beyond your penance in making reparation for your sins. Encourage your family members to come to Confession so they too can experience this joy of having their bonds of sin broken.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen drug busts on ships and at borders where thousands of pounds of drugs have been captured. The drugs coming into America is a great crime on your society, but there are many people buying these drugs that make it profitable. It is unfortunate that this drug money has compromised many of your government officials. Drug smuggling could be stopped, but your efforts to stop it are only lip service because of the big business that it is. Pray for a sincere effort to stop illegal drug use and the smuggling of drugs.”

Jesus said: “My people, the warmer weather of spring is returning, and many are anxious to get out into their yards to enjoy their gardening. Others are ready for spring vacations on the beaches. It is a joy to experience nature, but there needs to be an ongoing restraint of excessive drinking and sexual promiscuity. Parents need to advise their children of proper behavior wherever they travel.”

Jesus said: “My people, there has been much conflict recently between your President and your Congress over the withdrawal of your troops in the latest funding of the war in Iraq. Many in your polls want the fighting to stop and the troops to start coming home. This war has been going on for four years and the excuses for continuing further have been lies upon lies from those who make money on this war. Continue to pray that this war may cease, and the killing of your troops stopped.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are busy planning the demise of your sovereignty and your system of law in America. Your soldiers have fought for your freedom in many wars through the years, and now your central bankers are planning a complete takeover without your representatives voting for this giveaway. Your NAFTA Treaty and other trade agreements are the vehicle that is being used to confiscate your freedoms and force chips on your people. This coming takeover is another sign of the coming tribulation when you will need to go to My refuges, or you will be placed in death camps for going against the new world order. Have patience and trust in My protection until I will bring about My Era of Peace.”


Friday, March 23, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, Confession is a beautiful image for Lent because this sacrament is all about healing repentant sinners who are coming to Me in the priest to renew our love relationship. If you truly love someone and you offend them, you are quick to seek their forgiveness to get back into their good graces. The devil tries to put a fear in you of going to Confession, and he makes all kinds of excuses to put off going so you will forget to come. When you think about the priest, think of him as I was thinking of the father of the Prodigal Son. I also, am waiting to receive you with open arms. I love you so much and I grant many graces to each repentant sinner who returns to My love. When you come to Me in Confession, it is like returning home to the love of your parents. Most parents always have a soft spot in their heart for their own children, even if they have done some terrible deeds. Confession cleanses the sins on your soul, and gives you relief of your guilt as you are filled with sanctifying grace. It should be your intent to avoid committing the same sins that you have in the past in order to improve your spiritual life. It is best to confess at least once a month, but for those who do not go as often, you should at least fulfill your Easter Duty of confessing once from Lent to the end of the Easter Season. Your preparation for Confession should include a proper examination of conscience of those sins that stand out in your memory and any sins of omission. Do not purposely neglect to tell serious sins because of your embarrassment, but tell everything so your conscience is clear and free of any troubles. Do not rationalize serious sins as being only venial sins because you should confess as soon as possible before receiving Holy Communion that could cause a sacrilege if you receive in mortal sin. I love My people very much, but I cannot force you to seek Me in Confession. I have to wait patiently for when the Spirit moves you to deepen your love for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are times when you want to support the underdog in a game. You can be considered an underdog to Satan’s temptations, but with My help you can fight the good fight and win the battle for your soul. You may be naturally weak to sin, but by My grace you can be strong against temptations. It is not easy to fight your bodily inclinations to comforts and pleasures. It is a daily battle against the devil to stay holy and keep Me as the center of your life. The more graces and talents that you have, more will be expected of you. So do not waste your time on frivolous things, but work as hard as you can to bring souls to Me and keep your own soul holy. Rejoice if you can be like St. Paul at the end of his productive life for the faith when he said: ‘I have fought the good fight and I have finished the course.’ Then he was ready for his Lord to take him home to his reward. When you come to your judgment and have your hands full of good deeds, I will say to you, well done My good and faithful servant. Enter into My rest.”


Saturday, March 24, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you use unleavened bread for your Communion at Mass which is the bread of haste used in the Jewish Passover. My Last Supper was actually part of a sadder supper that used unleavened bread and several cups of wine. The Passover celebration is a re-enactment of the meal that the Israelites ate as the angel of the Lord passed over their house that had the lamb’s blood on their lintels, but the angel killed the first born of the Egyptians. I am the Lamb of God, and it is My Blood that is spread over all of My faithful to protect you at the judgment from being lost to hell. It is My Blood that cleanses your sins and makes you pure and worthy of coming to heaven. You have been ransomed by My death on the cross that paid the price for your salvation. As you approach Holy Week each year at this Passover time, remember how I suffered for you on the cross. During the Consecration of the Mass the unleavened bread is transformed into My Body, and the wine into My Blood. When you eat My Body and drink My Blood worthily, you will have eternal life in you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am happy that you are able to be here at the tomb of My Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha. You have prayed to her many times to help your daughter, Catherine. She is a great intercessor for healing. She has a great love for Me and she died in witness to her belief in Me, even as she suffered from sickness. Continue to call on her in prayer and she will guide you in your mission. Many came to believe in Me through the works that she did in her life. Give praise and thanks to Me for all of those who are brought to Me as converts. I have many of My saints and prophets that are evangelizing My people. Give thanks for their lives and dedication as well.”


Sunday, March 25, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the light shining out from the cross represents My abundant graces that I shower out upon all the people. To those, who accept Me, you have much to receive. To those, who reject Me, My graces return to Me. I am always available to share My love with everyone, but I do not force Myself on anyone. It is hard for you to see Me in agony upon My cross, but I want you to share your life with Me in your own sufferings. You are here to serve Me and during Lent I am especially asking you to deny yourself and follow My Will completely. It is difficult to consecrate everything over to Me because you like to be in control of your own life. Yet, when you let Me lead you in complete dependence on Me, I will show you how I want you to live in holiness. I call all of you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect, but you must give up your earthly desires in order to have a complete focus on loving Me and serving Me. Make good use of this Lenten time by your many acts of self-denial in all of your little penances.”


Monday, March 26, 2007: (The Annunciation)

Our Lady gave the message: “My dear children, I want to thank the both of you for wanting to come to my church to celebrate my Feast of the Annunciation. You heard the account from the Gospel of how St. Gabriel brought the message that I awaited all of my life to fulfill the will of my Son, Jesus. I did not understand how this pregnancy would be brought about, but St. Gabriel told me it would be by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. It was at that moment that I announced my ‘fiat’ in answer to the angels’s request, and then I conceived Jesus in my womb. I was God’s holy instrument in bringing Him into this world. You all are called to serve God in the mission that He has planned for you since your own conception. It is your choice to announce your own ‘fiat’ that you will serve God in placing your will into His Divine Will. By acknowledging God as your Lord and Master, He will care for you and lead you on your path to heaven. My heart is one with my Son, Jesus’ heart, even as we were one flesh before He was born. You also can join your heart with our two hearts when you love Jesus with all of your heart, mind, and soul.”


Tuesday, March 27, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, today, in the Book of Numbers the Israelites were going through the Exodus from Egypt, and they complained in the desert for not having water and they were tired of the manna without any meat. As a punishment for their grumbling, seraph serpents were sent among them that killed some of the people. Then they were sorry for their sin against God, and Moses was instructed to mount a bronze serpent on a pole for those who were bitten to look on it, and be healed of their snake bites. The people of your day are spoiled even more and you complain to the doctor for the least little pain. When My faithful will be called to My refuges in the wilderness, remember that you will be stripped also of your comforts and money in a modern day Exodus. Take a lesson from the punished Israelites and do not complain about your accommodations with no showers and only the necessary food and shelter that you will need. This stripping of your earthly things will help you to come closer to your soul’s desire of sainthood. If you are complaining now of your life, imagine what it will be like during the tribulation. The refuge living will be a shock to your current way of life, but it will be My protection of your soul from the evil ones that will be most needed. When you see the horror of that evil time, you will be thanking Me for your deliverance, even as the Israelites thanked God for protecting them from the Egyptian Army.”

Jesus said: “My people, pray that your president does not get you into another war with Iran. The latest naval exercises with your ships in this area could be a preparation for an assault on Iran. The previous unprovoked war with Iraq, and the threat of nuclear bombs being made in Iran could be the same pretexts for another incursion. Such a war could have dramatic consequences with the Arabs in general or with China and Russia who are arming Iran. If your president continues to involve your country in more wars for his pleasure, then the American people will need to remove such a man. If America continues to let the one world people lead you into more wars, then your fate of takeover and destruction are not far off. Pray and resist these war plans while your people still can control your government.”


Wednesday, March 28, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this snake turning into a skeleton represents how I have conquered sin for all of mankind. If you are faithful in following Me and obeying My Commandments, you will be protected from Satan and his demons. My power is much greater than these demons, so do not let their temptations threaten your soul. Today’s reading (Daniel chap. 3) is a testimony of the faith of Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago that would risk the fires of the furnace of the king rather than give up their faith and worship other gods. This same steadfastness in the faith will be required also of My faithful when you will be facing the Antichrist in the tribulation. You may be tested as a martyr for your faith. You may be threatened with the loss of your family for your faith. No matter how you may be tested, never give in to denying your faith, and never worship anyone else than Me. Those, who die as martyrs, will have an eternal reward in heaven. The day, that someone gives up their soul, will be the day that you will be condemned if you do not return to Me. Trust in My protection and continue to work to save as many souls as possible while you are on the earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, many Arab lands have oil deposits, but the land is very desolate and hard to harvest any crops. This is an area of many Islamic states with some dictators or the rich that control these countries. Making war on these countries seems fruitless to try and change their ways of government. Yet, some of your people are trying to force democracy on areas where it is foreign to their way of life. Instead of seeking wars to gain or protect the oil interests in the world, it would be better to strive for a diplomacy of peace and co-existence. Certain Arab extremists want to control the world through their ideas of holy jihad against the West and all the infidels. These Arab nations have enough oil money to secure many arms from countries like China and Russia. It is better to live in peace and to pray for peace than to be seeking constant wars. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, even when the evil ones will use everything at their disposal to try and deceive My elect.”


Thursday, March 29, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, today in St. John’s Gospel I told the people of My day that before Abraham came to be, I AM. This phrase ‘I AM’ represented the meaning of ‘God’ to them and that is why they tried to stone Me for claiming that I was God, which is blasphemy to them. St. John’s Gospel is very clearly stating My Divinity in a man’s body. This can be very hard to understand My Incarnation as a man because they knew where I lived, but not that I was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. My many miracles and My very Resurrection are proof of My Divine powers. Even if it was difficult for My apostles to understand My Divinity, it also takes faith to believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated host and wine as it is changed from mere bread and wine into My Body and Blood. At the Last Supper when I blessed the bread and wine, I was performing the first Mass as I asked My apostles to do this in remembrance of Me. This institution of the Eucharist is My gift of Myself to all who partake in My Blessed Sacrament. I am truly present in the Host at every Mass, and that is why you need to be free of mortal sin before receiving Me in Holy Communion, or you commit a sin of sacrilege. Give reverence to Me by genuflecting or bowing before Me. Place My tabernacles in places of prominence so My people can praise Me and adore Me. For I am present to you in every tabernacle until the end of time.”


Sunday, April 1, 2007: (Palm Sunday, Passion Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is all about the great chastisement that will fall upon the earth when the earth will be purified with fire. In today’s Gospel reading I spoke of the hour of evil that was allowed to crucify Me on the cross as a salvation of all the souls of mankind. There will be another hour of evil allowed when the Antichrist will be permitted control of the earth for a short time of the tribulation. When I resurrected from the tomb, I was victorious over sin, death, and Satan’s power. When I come again to cleanse the earth in My victory by fire, you will see all of the evil ones suffer a living hell on earth physically as they will burn without being consumed. This will be the three days of darkness when My faithful ones will be shielded from this punishment. The evil ones will then be sent to hell as the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church in My faithful remnant. I will then renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace which will be the new heavens and the new earth.”


Monday, April 2, 2007: (Angela Z. Funeral)

Jesus said: “My people, Angie was a very dedicated worker for her family business and for My Church. Many admired her as a great organizer, but she will love My great organization of everything in heaven. When people have great faith, it is a joy to work with them in this life. She loves Me and all of her family, despite any differences. She will continue to pray for peace in her family. This life is too short to live with grudges and hurt feelings. I have shown you many times that any unforgiveness will need to be purged in purgatory. So it is better to make amends before you die, and you will have less time to suffer in purgatory. Rejoice in the gift of Angela’s life for every life that she touched.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this message I want you to see the parallels in how you take care of your car, your body, and your soul. When you care for your car, you make sure it is in the best working order with all of the proper fluids, fuel, and good tires. You keep it clean and care that the brakes and shocks are working properly. In your body you also need fluids in water and fuel in food. You take care of your eyes, ears, and the other organs of your body. You also keep it clean with proper hygiene. Your soul as well requires it be kept clean from sin by renewing your grace in Confession and Holy Communion as food. Deciding the motives of your actions should be directed by a proper conscience of knowing right from wrong. Love is a core virtue that should drive your actions in loving Me and loving your neighbor. As you examine the workings of cars, bodies, and souls, you can understand better what is most important in your lives to keep each in proper working order. All of these involve My creation and the plan or order that I have for each part of your physical and spiritual life.”


Tuesday, April 3, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a small light and some water are considered the major symbols for the coming Easter celebration. At Baptism you have the water of purification where people are immersed in the water as a symbol of cleansing their sins. The baptized are also given a lighted candle from the Paschal Candle to light their way through the darkness of their sin. These gifts of faith are not a guarantee that you will not sin again, but cleansing your sins will help you to see more clearly with the eyes of faith. Even two of My apostles in today’s Gospel are about to deny Me in the weakness of their humanity. But each of them have a different response to their denials. Judas was driven by greed for money and a search for a political Messiah. He felt that he was too unworthy to be forgiven, and he hanged himself. St. Peter denied Me in a moment of pride and fear for his life. He later said that he loved Me three times when he was given a chance to repent of his denials. This is a lesson in seeing the need to seek My forgiveness after your sins, instead of wallowing in despair and self-pity. So come into My Light and grace in My Baptism and Confession so your souls can see My Light and be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, life in living human beings is precious in My sight and should not be slighted in anyway. You have My Commandment that you shall not kill, but this means no taking of life in murder, abortion, euthanasia, or even unjust wars. There are some in your society that differ greatly over the abortion issue, but every abortion results in the death of a child in its early development. The taking of life violates My plan for that person, and I am the only author and taker of life, and not man. These serious sins can be confessed in Confession and I will forgiven that person, but they will still have to make reparation for their actions. Life is a gift to each person and it should not be taken lightly. This is why violent programs of killing on TV and in movies are corrupting the morals of your people. Killing in wars is another violence that is difficult to see continuously every night on your TV. You know that I am against all of these forms of killing because I teach love and peace instead of the war and hate of Satan. Seek to be peacemakers and pray for peace in avoiding all of these forms of killing. You know how precious life is to yourself, so do not deny this gift to another as well.”


Wednesday, April 4, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have read the betrayal of Judas from St. Matthew and St. John right before the coming Triduum of My suffering. How many times do you tie up My hands to help you when you would rather indulge yourself in sinful behavior than please Me? It was because of your sins that I had to suffer for each one of you. You all are sinners and are in need of My forgiveness. Every sin, that you commit, adds to My suffering on the cross. Lent is a time of penance and reparation for your sins. You have only a few more days of your own penances before Easter Sunday, so try to finish this week with a little more thought as to how you could live a better spiritual life in pleasing Me, instead of offending Me with your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some greedy people in your world that would even kill to get someone’s money. Some know that it is not right to kill or steal, but they disregard moral law for their own physical gain. This is why you have law and order to keep this greed from getting out of control. If nations start taking other nations to gain wealth, then there needs to be some ruling authority to keep this from happening. When this controlling authority is controlled by the monied one world people, then you have the power of the world in the hands of a few. This is going on in the United Nations and other groups that are trying to exert their influence for power and money. There will be a coming evil when the Antichrist will control things for a short time, but then I will defeat him to bring about a new Era of Peace. Trust in Me and I will provide for all of My faithful as I will protect you from the evil ones at My refuges.”


Thursday, April 5, 2007: (Holy Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, even as I was being arrested, I did not want St. Peter fighting in My defense. Instead I told him: (Matt. 26:52) ‘Put back thy sword into its place; for all those, who take the sword, will perish by the sword.’ I came to die for all of mankind, so I did not want people to prevent Me from accomplishing the task that I was sent to do. This passage is also a message against man’s wars that make things worse for all involved. Many are killed in wars, and this is a ploy by Satan to destroy man than accomplish any good. Wars are fought over pride, anger, and greed. Wars are encouraged by the rich who profit from wars in the armaments and the war debts. I am a God of love and I want all of mankind to live in harmony than be involved with constant wars. So if you do not take up arms in war, then you will not perish from these arms.”


Friday, April 6, 2007: (Good Friday)

God the Father said: “I AM says, ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him. I have sent My only begotten Son to man so all of your sins can be forgiven by His blood sacrifice. My Son has spoken My words through His tongue so you would know that My Son and I are One. Why do you test My Son and doubt that He is the Son of God? Why do you doubt that He is even fully Present in every consecrated Host? Our Presence is among you in many ways, and We know and permit everything that happens. Trust that what I do in each of your lives is meant for your salvation. It is up to you to accept Me as Lord of your life, or your pride can lead you on the broad road to hell. You have seen and heard witnesses that have died and returned from hell in near death experiences. It is a real place meant for the demons, and people are tormented there forever. Follow Me and do not be misled by Satan to follow the world and his lies. Live with Me in the glory of heaven where I want all of you to share your love with Me.”


Saturday, April 7, 2007: (Easter Vigil)

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My Resurrection as I first came forth from the tomb in a dazzling light that put all the soldiers into a deep sleep as if they were dead. It was this brilliant burst of energy that placed My image on the Shroud of Turin. Death could not hold the Son of God and it has lost its sting. I am the Resurrection and the Life, even as I declared this before I raised Lazarus from the dead. (John 11:25,26) ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me, even if he die, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die.’ I told My apostles that I would rise from the dead in three days, but they could not comprehend anyone rising from the dead on their own. That is why they could not believe the women when they said that I talked to them. St. Peter and St. John went to the tomb and they saw, and believed in My Resurrection. Later, I appeared to My apostles as a man who could eat fish and they saw the wounds in My hands. So believe in the Good News, that I have defeated sin and death by My death on the cross and My Resurrection on Easter Sunday.”


Sunday, April 8, 2007: (Easter Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, the empty tomb mentioned in the homily is indeed a revelation to My believers, and it made many more believers in My powers as God the Son. Rising from the dead is a crowning touch on My coming to the earth to save all of humanity from their sins. But it was My sacrifice of Blood that paid the price for everyone’s salvation. Rejoice that I was willing to give My life up for all of you. The vision of drugs and drink reminds you that I even died for those who have chemical or alcoholic addictions. They need your prayers and encouragement to deal with rehabilitation in getting rid of their habits. Everyone needs a purpose in life in following My plan, but it takes a personal commitment to love Me and give Me your will to be one with Me. I love all of you and I want to share My graces with you, but you need to take a forward step to ask Me to come into your life. I do not force Myself on you, but I wait patiently for you to come to Me.”


Monday, April 9, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with this charism of levitation as a gift for some saintly people in life. As the time of tribulation grows near, My faithful remnant will be fewer in number. Because you will be facing more and more persecution, I have told you before that healing gifts of My chosen ones will grow even stronger. Many other gifts will be given to My faithful as well, and this gift of levitation is one of them. This gift is an expression of joy in loving Me and even now as you celebrate this Easter Season. It comes from a deep union with Me in prayer, even as your body is in strong harmony with the joy of your soul. Be thankful to Me for every gift that I bestow upon you, and continue to keep close to Me in your daily prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, I came to save man from the flames of hell and all of the temptations of the devil. Through My grace you may be able to minimize your sins, but you will never gain heaven on your own. It is by My Blood that you will be saved, so you are totally dependent on Me to bring you to heaven, as I will open the gates for you. You must follow My Will and obey My Commandments if you are to be with Me forever in heaven. Those, who refuse to love Me and serve Me, are on the broad road to hell in the flames of the vision. Celebrate My Good News of salvation with everyone who desires My love and wants to be saved. You love Me so much and you are so full of joy to have My peace. How much happier you could be if you could share this joy of My love with others. Once they see My Light and come to know My love, they will be ever grateful to you for saving them from hell, and giving them My eternal rest. Go out and preach My Good News to all the nations as you celebrate the alleluia of My Resurrection.”


Tuesday, April 10, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this mist of water from a waterfalls is one of the Easter symbols of water for Baptism. The sunlight shining through the mist is another Easter symbol of My Light dispersing the darkness of sin in the world. Many people, that lived before My coming, longed for My day, and when they saw it, they were glad. This was especially true of the good souls that were waiting to come to heaven once I opened the gates with My Blood sacrifice. Even today there is joy in heaven over one sinner who repents of their sins. Those, who love Me, experience My peace and rest as a reward for their being faithful to Me, and believing in My message of the Good News of salvation. Suffering through the trials of life is difficult enough with My help, but it is even harder on your own. I pray that people see the Light of My message that I am everyone’s Redeemer and Savior of their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the Roman soldier has to do with how they were paid by the Jewish leaders to say that My disciples carried off My Body. (Matt. 28:11-15) These same leaders wanted to kill Lazarus because I raised him from the dead. If My true Resurrection was believed, these same leaders feared losing their authority over the people. They were waiting for the promised Messiah, but they could not accept that I was the Son of God and the Messiah born of My Blessed Mother. These leaders were not aware of the virgin birth and My conception by the Holy Spirit. But it is true that I am a Godman and I came to offer My life to save all of mankind from their sins. Men can lie and think what they want, but you have My revealed truth in the New Testament of the four evangelists. The Bible is the inspired Word of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit also helps you to remember and write down My messages. He also helps you in your talks to spread My Word. My Resurrection is a promise to all of My faithful that one day you will be resurrected body and soul. I have given you My words to live by so you can imitate My holiness. Follow Me and follow the plan that I have given everyone that will lead you to heaven. You all have unique gifts, and a unique mission that only you are meant to accomplish.”


Wednesday, April 11, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I truly am the caring groom for My beloved Church as My bride. After My Resurrection, I nurtured My Church in its beginning days. In today’s Gospel I related all of the prophecies in the Old Testament that had to do with My suffering as I walked to Emmaus with some of My disciples. (Luke 24:13-35) I made them aware of how all of these Old Testament prophecies had to be fulfilled because My Word in the Scriptures is true. Even now the prophecies of the end times will also have to be fulfilled as well. I also assured all of My disciples that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church. My disciples had to wait in the upper room to receive the Holy Spirit so they could then have the gifts they needed to go out and evangelize all of the nations. As I nurtured My early Church, I am still watching over and protecting My Church even today.”


Wednesday, April 11, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I was sent to the world to free everyone of their sins by My death on the cross. So when you are free of the bonds of your sins, then you truly will be free. I spoke these truths openly before everyone of My time, but they did not believe that they were captives of their sins. (John 8:31-36) ‘Jesus said to the Jews who had come to believe in him, “if you abide in My Word, you shall be My disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Amen, amen, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin. If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.” I have paid the ransom for your sins and you can come to Me for the forgiveness of your sins. I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation so you can come to the priest in Confession and I will forgive you through the priest’s absolution. I have given you many messages about Confession, but this sacrament cleanses your sins, renews My grace in your soul, and sets you free of the bonds of your sins. In the beginning of your faith you need to follow My Commandments to guide your actions. When you are free of sin and in deep love with Me, you will avoid sin more because you love Me enough not to offend Me with sin. It is your love that I seek more than just the fear of punishment. Follow Me out of love and you will experience a freedom that will keep you constantly focused on Me.”


Thursday, April 12, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My Resurrection as you read the accounts of My appearances to My apostles as a living man, and not just in spirit. They could see the wounds of the nails still in My hands, and St. Thomas actually placed his hands in My wounds. I talked with My disciples and I ate with them to show them that I was a real man of flesh and bones and not a ghost. The other gift that I left for everyone is My Real Presence of My Body and Blood in the consecrated bread and wine at every Mass. You receive Me into your soul at Holy Communion, and I bestow My grace upon you as well for this sacrament. When you come before My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle, you can worship and praise your Lord at any time. I am here to help you in prayerful discernment of your daily trials, and I can offer you My protection from the evil one. You can voice your petition to Me and if you can listen with your heart, you may even receive an acknowledgment of My mission for you in what I want you to do. When you humbly put your life in My hands, I will lead you to what is best for your soul to gain heaven. Everytime that you make a special visit to be with Me in My tabernacle, I will grant you My graces for your deep faith in My Real Presence.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, your diocese has been blessed to have such a beautiful Conference that displayed My miracles of the Eucharist that have occurred all over the world. Some of these miracles were meant as a witness to My Real Presence for those who do not believe in My Real Presence in My Eucharist. Whether or not people wish to believe in My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts is up to their better judgment. But the truth is that you are receiving My Body and Blood at Communion time. Rejoice in My transubstantiation at the Mass, and I thank all of you for worshiping Me at your Adoration services.”

Jesus said: “My people, there was a great celebration when the people cheered My entry into Jerusalem with palms and glory. After My Resurrection, My disciples were also incredulous with joy, but the people were confused about these events and how they were reported. For those, who believed in My Resurrection, no explanation was needed because it was self-evident. For those, who did not want to believe in My Resurrection, no explanation would be accepted.”

Jesus said: “My people, even though I have resurrected to heaven from the grave, I still want you to keep My crucifixes on My altars so you can appreciate how much I love you, and how much I suffered for you. The Good Friday service lasts but one day, but My people suffer through this life over many days of their lives. Keep focused on Me and offer up your pain and sufferings to Me as you make them a part of My suffering on the cross. You all are called to pick up your own crosses on your way to your own Good Friday on Calvary.”

Jesus said: “My people, be grateful for all the blessings of your food and do not waste any of it, since many are starving and do not even have food to eat. You take your food for granted, but America is blessed to produce its own food and share it with the needy. Remember to share food with your local food shelves who provide food for the poor who have need of something to eat. You can also send charity donations to help feed the hungry overseas in poor countries.” Jesus said: “My people, as you see more people attending Mass on Easter Sunday, you wonder where are these people on Sunday the rest of the year. There is much needed evangelization even among your own Catholic people for those who are weak in faith and have fallen away from their former beliefs. I also have asked My people to go out and preach My Good News of salvation to all the nations even as I have sent My apostles out in the same way.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know of My promises of Divine Mercy that have been given you through My servant St. Faustina. I have given you My mercy to make amends for the reparation due for your sins. Follow the prayers of this promise and you will reduce your suffering in purgatory. This novena is celebrated in many countries all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so very much and this crown of thorns around My Heart represents the heart ache that I have for all of those who refuse to love Me. I will keep pursuing every soul to their dying day in My attempt to save every one. But each soul can make their life suffering much easier if they would come to Me in love. Every soul, who gives their life over to Me, will receive a reward beyond their imagination that awaits them in heaven. Your joy with Me will know no bounds, even as you experience My love in My sacraments on earth. Rejoice in every blessing that I share with My faithful.”


Friday, April 13, 2007: (Robert Noll Funeral-Valerie’s son)

Jesus said: “My people, Robert’s death was sudden and unexpected from an infection in the shunt of his dialysis equipment. His family was shaken and taken back that someone of his age should pass this soon. It is always difficult to accept someone’s passing, but it is the Easter promise of this Season that gives hope of a better life to come in heaven. In the vision you see Me welcoming Robert as he is brought to My altar. At death everyone has to come to Me in judgment. As you come to this funeral celebration, remember to pray for this soul as you should for everyone who passes from this life.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of turning pages at the corners has two meanings. The one represents the turning pages of salvation history that led up to My coming to earth so that I could die for all of mankind’s sins. The other meaning represents the corner of My Church as Myself as the cornerstone. Truly I was the cornerstone rejected by the builders in the church leaders of My time. Yet My plans for My Church were carried out despite the plans of the devil and man’s plans. Since the time of the first sin, I have been planning man’s salvation and the restoration of man’s love with Me. When you have your sins cleansed by My Blood and My forgiveness in Confession, then My grace is again present, and our love relationship is restored. All of the Old Testament prophets wrote prophecies how I would suffer and free man from his sins. I reminded My disciples of these Scripture passages on the road to Emmaus. You can see how this plan was foretold and fulfilled in My coming. I also am the cornerstone of My Church because everyone who comes to heaven, must come through Me. In life I will give everyone a chance to know and love Me. I am your only Savior, because it was My Divine Sacrifice that is only worthy enough to save you. My words in the Bible are available to everyone, and even on your death bed, you will be given a chance to accept Me or reject Me. My faithful will be rewarded in heaven, but those, who refuse to love Me and refuse to accept Me, will be sent to hell with the demons to torment them. Rejoice in My Easter message of love and joy because I await the day when you can join Me in the splendor and peace of heaven.”


Saturday, April 14, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, before My disciples were given the blessing of the Holy Spirit, their faith was still a little weak in understanding how I had to die for man’s sins, and be raised up in three days. Even when the rest of My apostles had heard testimonies of My Resurrection, they were still skeptical. You remember how St. Thomas had to put his hands into My wounds before he would believe. Once I appeared in person, My apostles believed, but I said to them, blessed are those who did not see Me and still they believe in Me. Faith in My words, My death and Resurrection, and My sacraments is a gift of God and an acknowledgment of your will to be united with My Divine Will. When you contemplate how much I love you that I died for each person, My endless love touches your heart. I love everyone, even the most grievous of sinners. My love is unconditional and it does not discriminate. It is this all encompassing love that I desire of every soul to love Me, and all of your neighbors, even those that you consider your enemies. So do not doubt as St. Thomas did, but believe in My Good News and shout it from the rooftops for all to hear and take to heart.”

Jesus said: “My people, fewer of My people are coming to Confession which explains why fewer are coming to Mass on Sunday. If your sense of sin is being lost, then some will think that they do not have to go to Confession. Having a strong faith means that frequent Confession is needed to keep your soul clean. When you do not go to Confession often, then your faith becomes weak and you rationalize your serious sins as venial sins. This spiritual laziness can then lead to avoiding Sunday Mass and these souls start losing their love for Me. In today’s Gospel there is a mention of retaining sins and forgiving sins. (John 20:23) You understand how the priest gives absolution to forgive sins, but not giving absolution or retaining sins is a little more confusing. Some priests may choose not to give absolution in cases as living together in fornication where there is no seeming intent to stop their sinful lifestyle. This means that to stop such sins, there needs to be a dramatic conversion of not living in the same house, or getting married. Some sins get repeated, but you need to avoid the near occasion of sin and make a firm amendment to not commit the same sin. I love My people and I want to see My faithful stay strong in their faith by working hard to keep holy.”


Sunday, April 15, 2007: (Divine Mercy Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in this vision the contrast of how your body receives all of My earthly gifts, and then how your soul receives all of My heavenly gifts. You see all the beauty of My creation as it blossoms every spring. You all see the rain that moistens the soil and allows things to grow. The sunlight also shines down on your crops to provide warmth and the light for photosynthesis. You are sent many earthly gifts which give you joy in this life. In the spiritual life of your souls your eyes of faith look upon Me as I shower each one of you with My graces, blessings, and mercy. You look upon the miraculous picture of St. Faustina and you can understand the beauty of these heavenly gifts. My mercy is available to forgive all of your sins in Confession. I also hear your petitions to send My mercy and grace upon the hearts of all of your friends and relatives. I will touch these souls so that they will be more disposed to My love. You have heard in today’s homily and have read My Word in the Bible that you can only come to heaven through Me, your Savior. I pray that all souls will come to know and love Me in faith. Trust in Me for everything you do. I call all of My faithful to evangelize souls by your teaching and good example. Continue your prayers to save souls every day. Remember the saying on this picture: ‘Jesus, I trust in you.’”


Monday, April 16, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks about how everyone must be born again of water and the Spirit in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. This vision shows you how I left My throne in heaven to bring My kingdom of heaven upon you. When you have Me with you, especially in Holy Communion, you are experiencing My kingdom. I call everyone to come to Me in Baptism and to remain with Me in grace through Confession when you need to cleanse your sins. Be prepared in grace so when you die, I can take you into heaven. You see Me coming back to My throne where I await the day to receive you at your death. I have shown you many visions of heaven personally, so you know your goal is to only be with Me. The glory, peace, and love of heaven awaits all of you when you will experience heaven in My beatific vision. One day all of My faithful will be resurrected in body and soul at the last judgment. Keep focused on My kingdom because experiencing My love is your life’s most yearning desire.”


Tuesday, April 17, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen this beautiful basilica and all of the beautiful statues and pictures. This is the church of the strong faith where people were willing to donate large amounts of money for the honor and glory of God. In today’s new churches the architects are glorifying themselves instead of Me. There is coming a time of persecution when My faithful remnant church will have to go underground into hiding from being killed by the evil ones who will be following the Antichrist. This vision of a rustic place for Mass will be at My refuges of protection. I will watch over My Church and protect My faithful from harm while providing for all of your needs. Rejoice while you can still find a priest for Mass and the opportunity to receive Me in Holy Communion. You take Mass for granted, but during this coming persecution, you will be fortunate to find a proper Mass. You can still have Communion because My angels will bring Me to you. Be patient, My little ones, for soon I will come in victory to restore the earth and bring about My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have the greatest gift of Myself given to you in My Most Blessed Sacrament. These consecrated Hosts allow Me to come into your heart and soul so I can share My love with you in a spiritually intimate way. My angels of Light are always around My Blessed Sacrament giving Me praise and glory as they sing to Me in Adoration. When you sing My Adoration hymns, you are joining in with My angels. Give Me praise and thanksgiving every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion, and thank Me for My many gifts every time that you come to adore My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration or in My tabernacle. My Eucharist feeds you My heavenly Bread and My grace sustains you in temptations and heals the wounds of your sins. Keep close to Me in all that you do so you can grow in your holiness.”


Wednesday, April 18, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you have seen the letters or epistles of St. Paul that he sent out to many of the Early Churches in the New Testament. St. Paul and the apostles wrote many teachings to help evangelize the Early Christians, and even now many can be converted by reading these writings of how to live a Christian life. I have called many prophets and messengers to witness to My Word throughout the ages. Even now in these end times I am sending you even more prophets to wake the people up spiritually and prepare for the coming tribulation. Discern the words given that they conform with My teachings to My apostles, but listen to My call to conversion even in these days. I do not leave you orphans without any direction, but I give you My prophets to follow in every age. Give thanks to Me for all of My messengers that are given My words of encouragement in My love and peace which you can have in My sacraments. As you see My apostles speaking out bravely among their persecutors, you also must be able to witness to those around you in standing up against abortion, euthanasia, and homosexual acts and marriages in your day. You see pornography, ‘R’ movies, and people living together without marriage which you also must speak out against, even if it means that you may be persecuted. If you remain silent on these issues, it is as if you are condoning them. You must give good example to your friends and relatives by voicing your protests against the evils of your day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have an earthly side in the body and a spiritual side in your soul. In the spiritual world you have a battle between good and evil. There is the side of the Light where I am with the good angels and the saints. There is also the dark side of the demon angels and the condemned souls. The Light side has its strength in Me in churches, My Blessed Sacrament, holy relics, holy water, blessed salt, and blessed objects. The dark side has its strength in the demons, witchcraft, the occult, potions, and cursed objects. The best way to avoid the evil influences is to avoid delving into witchcraft and cursed things, evil movies, and occult books. People can bring on obsessions and possessions by using amulets, voodoo objects, crystals, and occult games and objects. You pray to Me for protection from the evil ones, but some worship the demons and make pacts for wealth with the devil. The demons are very devious and they can use earthly things and desires to control people and distract them away from Me so they have no prayer time or time for Mass. When you desire something because it pleases your senses, it can begin to control your time. Soon your desire for something can be turned into an obsession that controls more of your time. There are demons attached to these addictions and the more you allow something to control you, the stronger you are making these demons in your life. Seek out the Light so I can dispel the dark side. With a strong prayer life, the demons will not be able to gain a foothold in your life. Seek Me in everything that you do so I can direct you to what is best for your soul. When you love Me deeper, the evil ones will lose their hold on you in everything.”


Thursday, April 19, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, everything that man does is imperfect by his weak fallen nature as a consequence of original sin. In man’s artwork, his speech, and even his actions, man is not perfect in many ways. There is perfection in everything that was first created, but man has tarnished much of My creation by his mischief in DNA manipulation of your medicines and your food. In the spiritual world also, sin has corrupted mankind’s souls by the influence of the devil and his demons. Only Myself and My Blessed Mother are without sin and we lived totally in the Divine Will of God. Many saints have come close to this perfection of the giving of their will over to My Divine Will. I have told all of you that I desire that you become perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. You cannot do this on your own, but you need My help in My sacraments to stay close to Me. In order to enter heaven, you must be perfected by suffering on earth or in purgatory until you are saints. This does not happen quickly and it is a lifelong work with My help and direction. When you have Me with you, I have told you that the kingdom of God is upon you. When you experience Me in Holy Communion, you have a little sense of the eternal now inside your soul. You know that heaven is not restricted by time, aging, or any other earthly restriction of dimensions. When people experience near death events, they are outside of their bodies, and this will be what people will experience in their Warning Illumination. Once you die, you have your particular judgment and you are sent by your life’s choices to either heaven, hell, or purgatory. Those in purgatory need to have their earthly desires purged along with any reparation due to their sins. Some souls are purged on earth and they can go directly to heaven, but these are few in number. Once you have been perfected to the level of a saint, only then can you enter the eternal now of heaven. This is the eternal life that one can have only through Me.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you have just witnessed your Supreme Court decision to uphold the partial birth abortion law which forbids this kind of abortion with severe penalties. Your country’s support for abortion on demand is waning as Right to Life groups have struggled for years to stop the largest massacre of unborn babies in your history. When you compare the millions of abortions to the latest killings in Virginia and even to all of your wars together, the abortion massacre is far more damaging and the main reason that your nation is facing judgment for these killings. This upheld law is just one small protection for a few babies, but it is a first step in ridding abortion from your land.”

Jesus said: “My people, this tragedy in this college has shocked many with the extent of violence that was carried out by this lone gunman. The way the killings were done, and the media tape that was sent to your TV station, shows how badly this young student was out of his mind or brainwashed with anger. Many families are grieving the loss of their loved ones as they question the why of these senseless killings. The effect of seeing daily killings in Iraq, violence on your TV and movies, and your abortions can all lessen the preciousness of life to some young minds. Pray that the young adults in school now do not seek this same publicity.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people are debating if this latest surge of troops is helping to win the conflict in Iraq or not. This is not a conventional war, but it is like a constant wave of suicide bombers and planned roadside bombs. Unless the bombs and the saboteurs are found and removed, this conflict will only continue with more innocent lives taken. There are some questioning whether it is worth the lives of your troops and the billions of dollars to try and stop such a civil insurrection that is being aided by other terrorists from neighboring countries. Pray that this conflict is brought to a close soon before more killings could continue. War, abortions, and school killings are causing you to take a long look at the causes of all of these killings.”

Jesus said: “My people, one distorted killing shown many days on your media is losing any attention when you have so many other killings going on all over the world. With such a constant barrage of this kind of news about such violence, is it any wonder how it is affecting the minds of your children in such a violent society? The more attention that is given to such violence, the more violence this will breed. Your media needs to focus more on helping people, and showing love and compassion instead of drumming up more anger for future wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, your world is so violent today because the people have lost their sense of sin against Me. The Fifth Commandment says: ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ Ever since Cain killed Abel, there has been many killings throughout man’s history. The devil and the one world people have been trumping up wars for many reasons, but the devil is focused on killing man whom he hates. Just wars are for defense only when attacked and wars should not be used to exploit money, oil, or any other gain. The evil of this world has become so great that you are seeing the reason why I will be coming soon to defeat the evil ones. Pray for My coming soon because My wrath is rising against all of those who are promoting today’s killings.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate but America’s industrial defense complex supplies more arms for wars than any other nation. Weapons of war are big business in your country and the one world bankers are profiting from your constant wars. Instead of making arms and starting senseless wars, your people need to take back control of your government from the central bankers who are controlling your lives. Continue to pray for peace and stop the funds for all of your trumped up wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to put aside all of your petty fighting and complaining, and focus on My ways and My peace instead of man’s ways of greed and man’s peace which is only a lull between wars. My desire is for you to live in peace and harmony with each other while recognizing each other’s rights and needs. Pray in earnest that My peace will come over your world, without any more wars of greed. A time is truly coming for My Era of Peace when you will share My real peace without the devil’s influence.”


Friday, April 20, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I spoke to the people of My time in parables and I performed many miracles which the people did not always understand. To the apostles I explained the meaning of My parables. Many of My miracles were explained later by the Holy Spirit inspiring the evangelists to understand the deeper meanings as this miracle of multiplying the loaves and fish to feed the five thousand and the four thousand. At the Last Supper I instituted My Eucharist in the first Mass, and the bread and wine is now consecrated into My Body and Blood at every Mass. At Mass I am again multiplying the bread, but I am also placing Myself in each Host as heavenly Bread for all who receive it worthily. If someone has mortal sin on their soul, I cannot enter that soul because I can only come into holy places. This is why I also commissioned My apostles and their successors to have the power to forgive sins through Me in the sacrament of Reconciliation. By seeking My forgiveness in Confession, then your souls can be cleansed and made holy again so you can receive Me properly in Holy Communion. When you read the accounts of My parables and miracles in the Gospels, now you will see how blessed you are to have a better understanding of My words than the people of My day. Even so, there were many who were given the grace to become Christians even while Christians were being killed by the Romans.”

Jesus said: “My people, there will be a large media event put forward by the one world people that will try to get the people to accept the North American Union. Keeping more of your troops tied down in Iraq will help these evil ones when they make an attempt at a national takeover. They will deploy the many foreign troops at your detention centers to implement the coming martial law declaration. Such a takeover will prepare the way for the Antichrist’s declaration of power in his taking over the world. The one world people are uniting several continental unions under one head for the Antichrist. This next step into the North American Union has been planned for many years. The evil ones had to wait until they could control your debts and your military. They are ready to unleash their plan very soon. This declaration of martial law will be the signal for My faithful to leave quickly for My refuges before they place you in the death camps. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge of protection. Have no fear as I will give you what to say to your persecutors.”


Saturday, April 21, 2007: (St. Anselm)

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some preparations being made for a major Vatican announcement. That is why you are seeing this Cardinal in the vision presenting a gold document. I am only telling you at this time that this announcement will be about an organizational change in the Church. As the time of the tribulation grows closer, you will see many such changes that will eventually lead up to a split in My Church between a schismatic element and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will start denying many of the facts of the faith relating to the sexual sins, as well as bringing in New Age teachings into its services. My faithful remnant will split from this schismatic church, as the faithful remnant will keep all of My apostolic teachings. Beware of this schismatic church because they will eventually even support the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, this single tree may seem lonely, but there are a forest of trees around it. So it is sometimes in your lives when you seem all alone when your spouse dies or when you are living alone. But you are not alone because you have many friends and relatives around you. You always can call on Me to love you at any time that you are feeling lonely. I am your best friend because I will always love you despite your sins and failings. You cannot always depend on friends, but you can always depend on My love that is here for you every day. Every time you pray or come to Mass, you are in My Presence. When you reach out to love your neighbor, you may be comforting them in their loneliness. Think of some old friends in nursing homes or assisted living places and make some time to visit them so they do not seem forgotten. Every time you make an effort to comfort someone, you are gaining some treasure in heaven.”


Sunday, April 22, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, each of My apostles had certain qualities and talents that I would use for spreading My Word. This is also true of all of those whom I bring into this world. You all have a certain mission or plan for your life that I have given you from the moment of your conception. This is why when you kill someone, as in Virginia, or abort someone, you are committing a grave sin against Me for denying the purpose of these lives. You all are important and special to Me and I love all of you for who you are. By understanding the value of life through My eyes, now you can see why I want you to love your neighbors and work with them in harmony. By helping each other, you all can fulfill your individual missions with less difficulty. At times I want you to think of how many things you do for Me and how many you do for yourself. The more you do things to please Me instead of yourself, the more you are preparing yourself for heaven. Analyze the motives for your actions so you can bring your actions in closer conformity to serving Me. In heaven you will be serving Me all of the time, so your life here is a training for how you will be living with Me in heaven. I do not force you to serve Me, but I want you to desire My service out of love by your own free will.”


Monday, April 23, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the Easter Candle represents new life in the Spirit as you dwell on the rejoicing of the Resurrection. In nature you are seeing new life come forth in the tree buds and all of the spring flowers. The season of Easter is even more joyful than Christmas because you are now witnessing in My Resurrection and death the whole purpose for why I became a God-man for you. It is all about the joy that your sins have been forgiven and the gates of heaven are now open to receive My faithful servants. During the year it is possible that your faith could have gotten a little laid back in your daily routines, but with this Easter Season, it should be a time of renewal in what your faith means to you and what you truly believe. It is refreshing and uplifting to think of your own death and resurrection because it is more desirable to think of living in the next life than living in this passing earthly life. There is more to life in the Spirit than just what you see in this valley of tears. Your whole spiritual life should be focused on being with Me one day in heaven. Your reward in heaven is more than worth all that you can offer Me in your good deeds and service for Me. I have freely given you a life to love Me and your neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you one of the detention death camps that will be used for public executions and gassing for those meant to be killed. The red lights are for those religious and patriots that are captured before martial law starts. The blue lights are for those who will not follow the new world order after martial law is declared. The one world people want to make slaves out of their subjects for financial gain. They will use fear tactics of performing public executions for those who will not obey their rules of taking chips in the body. These embedded chips in the body will be used to control people’s minds as robots. It will be at this time that I will lead My faithful to refuges of protection. My angels will protect you from the evil ones by making you appear invisible. My angels will do all of the fighting for you with superior spiritual weapons. There will be a battle between the good and the bad at Armageddon at the time of the Antichrist’s brief reign. Trust in Me and you will see My victory over the evil ones. I love you all, but this evil will be used to test your faith during an earthly purgatory.”


Tuesday, April 24, 2007: (St. Fidelis, martyr)

Jesus said: “My people, this kind of killing in gas chambers will be repeated again in the tribulation because you will have the same diabolical influences that affected Hitler in his dealing with the occult. The evil one world people also worship Satan in the high ranks. This is why they have promoted killings in abortions, wars, euthanasia, and man-made diseases as AIDS and ebola to control population growth. Life has little meaning to them and they will sacrifice thousands of lives for their goals. In the coming tribulation those who do not take chips in the body and worship the Antichrist will be put to death in the death camps, even as Hitler had many exterminated as well for his purposes. I told you that you will see an evil more severe than you have ever seen before, and there will be demon inspired people carrying out these killings. Be consoled that I will protect My faithful at My refuges where all of your needs will be provided for. There will be many martyrs for the faith, even as there were at the time of the Early Christians.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read of the temptations of the devil with Me in the desert, and My trial in the Agony in the Garden. Temptations will be with you until your dying day because of man’s weaknesses, and the devil who roams this earth seeking the ruin of souls. In this world you have free will to do either good deeds or evil deeds. Temptations are usually associated with comforts and pleasures for the body. Sometimes as with sexual sins there are desires outside of marriage which need to be controlled until it is proper in marriage. Sometimes you are tempted to eat too much or the less healthy foods. For the most part people know what is good and bad, but you may give in to your bodily desires. Your actions should be in accord with My laws, but also you should be directing your actions for My purposes and not your own selfish needs. You know which sins you commit most frequently and how you are tempted to commit these sins. It is My faithful people’s need to find ways to not give in to these sinful desires. You know that you can come to Me in Confession to confess your sins when you fall into sin. It is this ladder and steps in the vision that you can use to pull yourself out of your sinful habits. Try to learn from your mistakes so you have less times that you fall into sin. Your goal with My help is to curb your earthly desires for sin, so you can keep your love relationship with Me closer.”


Wednesday, April 25, 2007: (St. Mark)

Jesus said: “My people, at times My faithful need to recollect their conscience in reviewing those sins that you have committed but have not confessed in Confession. This vision of a rapids in a river gives you the feeling or desire in your soul to be cleansed of any wrongdoing so you can be freed from the bonds of that sin. The more you hang on to your sins and do not forgive yourself, the more power you are giving to Satan to use this against you. You know of My mercy and My willingness to forgive all of your sins. So do not have any fear that your darkest sins may be spread in Confession because the priest is sworn to secrecy in this matter. By releasing these sins in Confession, you can truly be clean and freed from any sin. Do not let anything earthly control you, and you will be improving your holiness. Some souls are spiritually lazy and do not want to give up their sinful pleasures. I assure you, if you continue to hold onto your sins, they will weigh you down in improving your faith, and they could possibly drag you down into hell by not letting them go. Seek Me in all of My love, and My peace will be enough for you. Continue to cleanse yourself in frequent Confession and you will be prepared for the day when I come to take you home to Me.”


Wednesday, April 25, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the people of the Middle East are poor compared to America and they live very simply on a lot less food and water. Their one major resource is oil, but it is being exploited by many international oil companies. These people may be somewhat grateful in Iraq to be free of Sadam, but now they see your troops as an occupying force. It is hard to look at the Iraqi side and understand how they are used to tribal ways and dictators running their lives. They do not even fully understand what a democracy is instead of an Islamic nation. Many ethnic and religious groups are vying to control Iraq in what appears to be a civil war. America has tried to force democracy on these people who only have seen war and torture for many years. The Iraqi people want peace from the indiscriminate killing that is going on. America may need to hold back the reins and let the people breathe their freedom and choose their own form of government. There is concern in high levels of your government about what would happen to Iraq after your withdrawal, but it is impossible to afford staying there much longer. My people need to have empathy for these people so they can run their own government. Pray for peace in this region that has seen too many years of violence and killing.”


Thursday, April 26, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is taking you back twenty or thirty years when the faith among the people was much stronger. There has always been My faithful remnant prayer warriors, but in the past more people came to Sunday Mass and made time for their prayer lives. In today’s world you are being interrupted by people’s cell phones and there are many more worldly distractions that take you away from your prayer time. People of today are too wrapped up in their constant shopping and entertainment activities. If you focused more of your life on doing things for Me, you would find the needed time for your prayer life, and helping your neighbor in charitable deeds. The material world is passing away and all of the latest fashions and modern technology will become outdated or obsolete in a short time, making you desire new things. So do not be so taken up with this passing material world, but concern yourself more with your soul’s eternal destination by taking care of your spiritual life first. I am the only One to be worshiped, not your movies, sports, or the latest fashions and electrical devices. This is why you have a hard time to pray when you are quiet, because the many voices of the world are being allowed to drown out My call to your soul. You cannot have true love for material things that are cold. You can only find true peace and satisfaction in your soul by loving Me. You need to find quiet time in front of My Blessed Sacrament so you can shut out the outside world and listen to Me talk to your heart. Quiet meditation or contemplation of Me will give you a renewed spiritual experience that will enable you to follow Me in enduring the trials of today’s life.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this vision of Egyptian gods of the occult is where the Antichrist will visit to get his blessing just as the prophets were anointed by My holy people. Everything that I did and represented will be mocked by the evil one whom I will allow to declare himself as ruler of the world at the proper hour. Thus the Antichrist will come out of Egypt as a man of peace just as I came from there, but I did not seek these occult gods.”

Jesus said: “My people, it will be by My authority that the hour of the Antichrist will be announced and I will allow his brief reign. This beast will be working with the one world people to gain gradual control of all of the government unions that govern each corner of the earth. He will come at first as a man of peace, but he will soon become a tyrant leader as he will replace all of the leaders of the nations with his own people. When you see this declaration and enthronement, My faithful should be at My refuges or on their way to one. Fear not these evil ones for I will soon come in victory to defeat them.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of Egyptian crocodiles represents the occult influence where evil people and demons will go out to capture souls, even to mock how I sent My apostles out to evangelize souls to My Gospel. The evil ones will use their own Satanic verses to call up demons to attack those who are faithful to Me as well as those without any faith. My power is greater than the Antichrist and the demons, and My angels will fight to protect My faithful from these evil ones. Call on My Name to cast these demons to the foot of My cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of covens and ritual services honoring the gods of the underworld. This vision is honoring Molloc, a real god, where many of your government officials attend such services. They perform mock killings, but soon they will seek out My people for sacrifices. The demons are worshiped by your high ranking officials and that is how they have been given their positions, money, and power. These evil officials will have to give their souls to Satan for all of their powers. Do not fear this evil time, but trust in My protection of your souls. This evil will only reign for a short time before My victory.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones are moving ahead with mandatory chips in your driver’s licenses, and passports as a first step to the eventual mandatory chips in the body. Without these chips you will have no access to banks, airplanes, and buying and selling in the stores. Do not take these chips in the body, even if they threaten to kill you because they will be designed to control your actions and encourage you to worship the Antichrist. Come to My refuges with your guardian angels before they start sending dissenters to the death camps that I have warned you about in previous messages.”

Jesus said: “My people, time is growing short for when you will need to prepare in haste to leave for My refuges. I have warned you already to have what you could carry in your backpacks for when you are to leave for My refuges. In the Old Exodus they left in haste for the desert. In this coming Modern Exodus you will want to leave in haste also so the evil ones will not find you at your homes. Those, who are too late to leave, may be martyred in the detention center death camps for not taking chips in the body and not worshiping the Antichrist. Follow Me and you will have My protection from My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are captured by the new world order people, will see documented evidence of their religious affiliation at their mock trials before they are sent to the gas chambers. You have seen before how certain dictators have massacred all of their enemies. This will be a major spiritual battle with some martyred for their faith and others protected at My refuges. Trust in My Name and My power to protect your souls from all the evil in the coming tribulation.”


Friday, April 27, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the importance of My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament of the consecrated Host cannot be overemphasized. This single quotation from St. John embodies your faith in Me and your eternal destination with Me in heaven when you are resurrected. (John 6:54) ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting and I will raise him up on the last day. This is as clear an act of faith that can be expressed in words. Those, who believe in My Real Presence in My Eucharist and receive Me in Holy Communion worthily, will have eternal life. The Eucharist is a gift of My very Self to everyone who believes in this transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. These species do not change in physical appearance, but spiritually they are transformed. In every consecrated Host you can worship and adore your Lord at Adoration. Some may not believe that I am truly Present, but I am still there in spiritual reality. This is again why it is important to give reverence to My Real Presence, and why My tabernacle should be in a place of prominence and not in back rooms. It is also why it is important only to receive Me in Holy Communion in the state of grace without any mortal sin, or you commit a sin of sacrilege against Me. I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation so you can purify your souls in order to receive your Lord and Master into your heart and soul in Holy Communion. In this quotation My faithful, who receive Me in My Eucharist, will be resurrected body and soul on the last day or at the final judgment. This is the most glorious promise that you could receive, to be with Me in heaven in a glorified body forever and ever. Give praise and glory to your God who invites you to be with Me in heaven, and even to share some heavenly moments on earth when you receive My Real Presence in the Host of My Blessed Sacrament.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many different scientists look at the subject of global warming, but people are very skeptical of the reasons why it is being researched. The government and businesses do not want to change their ways of doing business if it would cost them to be compliant with new regulations. Rather than debate the truth or verify the scientific findings, the first reactions are to be critical so businesses do not have to lose money. Much of the melting glaciers and ice shelves have been documented at an alarming rate. But the environmentalists also need to be verified that their numbers and projections are not exaggerated. If there were independent sides producing the statistics, then they may be more believable. The truth is that man has violated My creation in many ways that are changing My balance of nature. The earth is large, but its resources are finite, and the fish and currents can be disturbed by over fishing or fresh water dilution. In some areas pollution is getting out of control, but it is hard to get countries to change their ways. When enough people come to an agreement on what needs to be done, only then will it be possible to curb the worst offenders that are worsening the problem. Pray that man makes some dramatic changes soon before you have some dramatic weather changes.”


Saturday, April 28, 2007: (St. Louis Mary de Montfort)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel there was a split in My followers because some could not believe that I would give them My Body to eat and My Blood to drink. There has been a difficulty in believing this doctrine of My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament even until today. This takes a deeper faith, but the gift of My very Presence is how I said that I would remain with you until the end of time. I then asked My disciples if they would leave Me too, and this was St. Peter’s response. (John 6:69,70) ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast words of everlasting life, and we have come to believe and to know that Thou art the Christ, the Son of God.’ This is the second time that St. Peter acknowledged Me as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity and the Messiah promised by the prophets. Every word that I have given you in the Gospels is true, for My words live on forever. When you believe in Me, you must follow all of My teachings, even the hard ones of loving your enemies and My Real Presence in the Host. These words of eternal life are what your soul craves the most, because My faithful are promised to be with Me even as I saved the thief on the cross.”

(Baptism of Margaret Mary Kateri Shine) Jesus said: “My people, bringing forth new life is always a time of celebration. Bringing a new soul into the faith is even more of a celebration for everyone in heaven, as well as the family. This child will need physical nourishment, but also spiritual nourishment in a proper upbringing in the faith. Today the god-parents are affirming the belief in the faith, but once this child grows up, she will need to make a personal commitment to the faith. Grace is bestowed upon each soul when you receive a sacrament. So when the water, the chrism, and the lighted candle are presented, you receive a blessing from all Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity. Rejoice in this newly baptized child and the mission that is given to this child. Just as I was presented in the Temple to be consecrated to God the Father, so every child is consecrated to God at Baptism. Original sin of this child is removed and this soul is now pure and white in My grace.”


Sunday, April 29, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you know how My saints and angels are constantly praising Me in song. So in your Easter celebration you cannot praise Me enough for My gifts to you of life in the Spirit. Every day you can consecrate everything to Me and all that you do will be as a prayer to Me. In this way you truly are constantly praising Me. The joy of the Easter Season fits in with the new life of the flowers and the trees. Through My death on the cross I have brought you salvation from your sins. Now you can appreciate My victory in the love of My Eucharist and My forgiveness in Confession. I have opened the gates of heaven and I wait for each of you to graduate into the next life with Me in heaven. While you are praying with Me after Holy Communion, you can give Me thanks for all that you have been given in physical and spiritual gifts. I love all of My people and I seek your love as well. Relish this celebration of My Resurrection because it is a relatively short time in your yearly calendar, but the effects of My Resurrection last for a lifetime.”

(60th Anniversary of Shrine and apparitions) Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother and I want to thank you for this rosary and your faithfulness to coming to this Shrine even through all kinds of weather over the years. You remember how they placed a sign on My cross saying that I was ‘King of the Jews’. But as My apostles taught all nations, I am truly King of all nations. You, personally, have seen Me sitting on My throne as King in heaven. I want to thank all of you for celebrating My Kingship here on these grounds for 60 years since the apparitions were given here. Rejoice in this celebration and this is a tribute to your faithfulness at this Shrine. I love all of you so very much and I thank you for giving your King all the praise and glory that is worthy of My Kingship. I thank all of those people who have been responsible for promoting this Shrine in honor of My Kingship.”


Monday, April 30, 2007: (Maffie’s 91st birthday)

Jesus said: “My people, over the years you gather many memories with your friends, and whenever you have reunions whether it be from school, church, or family, it is always a joyous occasion. There is a love that you develop with your friends that unites your hearts with My love. You like to remember people’s service with a beautiful sign of your appreciation. Even as you gathered today to celebrate Maffie’s life with you, this was a great tribute to share it at Mass with Me. No matter how you may be separated at times, it is always a great feeling in your heart and soul to be a member of a loving parish family. This is why when you come together to offer up the Mass, you can share My intimate love in your hearts in Holy Communion. I never stop loving you over the years, even if your bodies age. The life of your soul never ages, so you are truly young in spirit all of your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastate New Orleans in a year with a record number of hurricanes and record temperatures in the world and in the oceans. America was spared last year from hurricanes because of the El Nino in the Pacific Ocean. Your weather continues to become more violent as the heat of your planet increases. Your same weather forecasters who were so wrong the year before, are forecasting a usual number of storms for this coming season. Many of your Southern coastal cities are finding it hard to even get affordable insurance for storm damage because of the staggering losses from past years. Even many areas damaged by previous hurricanes are still in ruins. It would take an enormous amount of money to be able to restore all of the lost homes. Individual owners have abandoned many properties because of insufficient funds to rebuild. Some of these people suffered My wrath for the sins in these areas, but some of this problem has come indirectly from man’s abuse of the earth with all of your pollution and destruction of My balance of nature. There have been some attempts to change your bad pollution habits, but not enough concern has been generated among the countries of the worst pollution offenders. Until all countries address this same issue of a cleaner environment, you could see a continued rejection in bad storms from the nature that you are destroying.”


Tuesday, May 1, 2007: (St. Joseph, the worker)

Jesus said: “My people, the Early Christians had to hold their Mass services in secret places as the catacombs because worship of My Name was forbidden in both Jewish and Roman circles. You have read accounts about Saul and how he was literally having Christians killed as St. Stephen. Just as the Early Christians had to hide, so My faithful will have to go into hiding in caves during the tribulation. The end times will be a time of persecution because I will allow a brief reign of evil before I return in victory over all of the evil ones. Even though your physical life may be in danger to have faith in My Name, there is even more danger to the loss of your soul if you deny Me and refuse to believe in My Good News of Salvation. Again it is better to obey Me than men, even as the apostles stated this before the Sanhedrin. I am the only Master and Savior of mankind, and I am the only One worthy of your praise and obedience in authority.”

Jesus said: “My people, only the Roman Catholic Church has been formed and established by Me, the Second Person of God. I came on the earth as a man to fulfill the promise of God the Father in being the Messiah to save all of mankind from their sins. Only the sacrifice of My Blood as the Lamb of God would be a worthy enough sacrifice to take away mankind’s sins. While I was on the earth I set St. Peter up as the head of My Church and I gave him the keys to the Kingdom of God. He was the ‘Rock’ upon whom I built My Church. St. Peter was the first pope of many successors and I told My apostles that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church. This Church still exists today because I have led it and protected it. The fullness of the faith is had through My seven sacraments that give grace to each soul receiving them worthily. Even when people come to Me at the Warning or at near death experiences, they will learn that they can only come to heaven through Me. Those, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will have eternal life. Trust in Me and follow My words through My apostles and you will one day be greeted by Me because I go to prepare a place for you.”


Wednesday, May 2, 2007: (St. Anthanasius)

Jesus said: “My people, there is a lot of attention in your news and media being given to the problems with burning fossil fuels that create more carbon dioxide than can be assimilated into nature. There are also other pollutants of toxins and acids from man’s activities that are adding to your environmental abuses. Fertilizers, pesticides, manufacturing wastes, animal wastes, and many other man-made pollutants are just as dangerous as any buildup in greenhouse gases. If your scientists researched all of these effects more thoroughly, you would find many of your sources of pollution could be limited as well. Even practices of dumping garbage and other trash into the oceans can cause problems with the marine balance of nature. I have given man a beautiful environment, and it is his responsibility to pass it on to the next generation in the same condition.”

(Our Lady of Fatima Statue visit) Jesus said: “My people, just as the visionaries of Fatima witnessed a vision of hell, so I have shown you again a vision of hell and purgatory. In this day at funerals many think that everyone goes directly to heaven, but only very few go to heaven directly after doing their reparation on earth. Most go to either hell or purgatory at their particular judgment. The actions of each person during their life determines their destination. At times prayers and intercessory sufferings of others can save souls from going to hell, but they may be in purgatory a long time. My mercy is available for every soul who calls on Me, but if you refuse to repent and refuse to love Me, you could send yourself to hell. This vision of hell shows you the fire and burning of souls and the torments of the demons. They are like molten hot coals with ugly looking bodies, and they are hopelessly lost for all eternity, never to see My face again. Those in purgatory suffer as in hell in lower purgatory, but they are promised one day to be with Me in heaven. In upper purgatory the souls are at peace without flames, but they do not see My face either. These have the suffering of longing to be with their loving Master. These visions are given to show people that purgatory and hell are real places where souls go after you leave this life on earth. Pray and repent of your sins so you can be saved by My grace and mercy, and so you will have less time in purgatory. Purge your earthly desires here and now, or they will need to be purged in purgatory which is a harder suffering.”


Thursday, May 3, 2007: (St. Phillip and St. James)

Jesus said: “My people, you know through your mission that you are in the end times, and you also know through the Scriptures how this will be a time of worsening evil events. Because mankind is weak by sin, it will be even harder during this evil time to keep your faith, despite your many distractions. It is for this reason that heaven has been sending apparitions and locutions to many chosen vessels so you would be prepared for this coming evil and give you consolation in My protection and that of My saints and angels. It is the proper Church authorities who need to test all of the messages given, and that is why they are slow to approve anything. In this same time there will also be false messengers from Satan who will try to deceive My faithful. Test any messages against Church teachings and traditions from the apostles, as well as the fruit of their work. I will not leave you orphans in this evil age, even as I have sent prophets throughout all of the ages. I love My people so much that I have promised to protect you at My refuges throughout the tribulation. There will be some martyrs for the faith, but they will become instant saints. Call on Me in prayer and My angels to protect you and guide you in these evil days.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, little by little your government and the one world bankers are driving you to a cashless society that uses smart cards or chips in the body. Already they are encouraging you to charge everything or pay your bills with online banking by computer. Even your ads mock people who pay by cash. Once they stop using cash, they will be enforcing mandatory smart cards and eventually mandatory chips in the body. I have warned you not to take chips in the body, even if they threaten to kill you. Chips in the body could be used to control your mind with voices. Call on My help at the refuges where you will not need such chips.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are already out in your yards getting your lawn and garden into shape for spring. Many spring flowers are coming up to give their praise to Me, their true Creator. The new growth coming out all over is a joy after a long winter has kept things back for a while. This exuberance for spring is very similar to your spiritual joy in celebrating My Resurrection during the Easter Season. All of the accounts from the Acts of the Apostles show you how My disciples healed people and even raised someone from the dead. My disciples of today can also evangelize sinners, and pray deliverance prayers for those bound to their sins. You should have joy in the Spirit and a desire to bring sinners to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times you are joyful to go out to dinner with your friends. It is a good time to share your life’s experiences with each other. When you come to My Mass, you are breaking bread in My Eucharist which is on a higher spiritual level with My very Presence. Rejoice while you still have a priest to pray the Mass because during the coming persecution, you may not have this opportunity. I love to share those intimate moments with you in Holy Communion. Give glory and thanks to Me for all you have at that time. Trust in My power to protect you in these end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of My faithful will be led to refuges out in the rural areas away from the crowds and the cities. I have led some souls already by discernment to consecrate land and dwellings to My Sacred Heart for refuges. There will be springs of water on these lands for healing, and My people will be led to prepare shelters and food that will be multiplied in time of need for those who come to these refuges. Again be thankful that I am preparing a place for you on earth as well as in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, once you have arrived at My refuge, you will see how this is a blessing to have the protection of My angel. No one will be able to see you as the angel will shield you from all means of detection. You will also be joyful as you are at your prayer groups to share your faith with each other.” Jesus said: “My people, you all have a mission to fulfill, even as each tree bears its own fruit. You will know whether each person is either with Me or against Me by the fruit they bear in this life. A good tree can only bear good fruit, just as a bad tree can only bear bad fruit. My faithful will truly bear good fruit as the seed that brought thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold. Again, rejoice that you have this opportunity to serve Me and love Me in your life’s work. Some I will even call into My vineyard to evangelize souls for My harvest.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were close to Me during Lent doing your many penances. Now, you have been celebrating My Easter Season as you may have let up a little during your celebrations. Do not forget your good prayer habits that you formed during Lent and you can still do novenas and fasting for your prayer intentions. Easter is a time to celebrate, but remember the gift of faith that you must continue to guard from the devil’s temptations. Always keep close to Me in your daily consecration, no matter what season of the Church Year that you are in.”


Friday, May 4, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a long scroll represents the many quotations about Me in the Old Testament that foretold My coming to My chosen people in Bethlehem. The virgin birth of My Blessed Mother and how I would suffer much as the begotten Son of God, was also mentioned in these prophecies. The Messiah was foretold since Adam’s sin and My birth and death fulfilled the promised Redeemer for all of mankind’s sins. Now, you have been reading in the Act of the Apostles of the many accounts in the New Testament Scroll how I truly have risen from the dead. This miracle shows you how I have conquered sin and death, and My apostles were witnesses of My eating and talking with them in My resurrected Body. Rejoice in this Good News because My disciples could not help but proclaim My Name in bringing souls to Me by conversions. My apostles also performed many miracles, and many believed in Me through them. Even today there are healings going on as a testimony of My grace and power. Continue to shout My Good News of salvation to all of the nations.”


Saturday, May 5, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in St. John’s Gospel you hear Me say many times how the Father and I are One. You know Me as a man on earth, but you cannot comprehend the vast powers of the Blessed Trinity or how We can be Three Persons in one God. It is sufficient to know that wherever I am in My consecrated Host, you also have God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit with Me at the same time. You also cannot comprehend the beauty and singing found in heaven either. The vision of a large stringed instrument is just a representation of the glorious music heard throughout all of heaven. This music is glorious and restful and not like the harsh sounds that you call music today. Some of your older composers were gifted to write some heavenly music. So when you desire to be with Me in heaven, you are thinking of My love and harmony in everything, even more than you know on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a snake’s fangs striking represents the time when the beast of Revelation will declare himself. You have seen the European Union come into place, and you will soon see a similar North American Union coming into place next. All of these unions are the building blocks of the one world people who are laying the ground work for a world takeover by the Antichrist. The coming on the scene of this beast and the second beast are near, and they will be allowed an evil reign for a short time. Then I will come upon the earth and cast all of these evil ones into hell, but I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into an Era of Peace. Rejoice even when you see this evil beast coming into power, for you know My victory is close at hand. Do not give up hope, but be patient for My return.”


Sunday, May 6, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you see Me dressed as a priest and sad because the people of the world have rejected Me, and many are not showing Me any love by their absence at Church on Sunday. There are many Scripture passages that say: ‘When I return, will I find any faithful to My message of love?’ There are many distractions in your world today that are drawing people away from their prayer life, what can be more important in your lives than your Lord and Savior? It is time for My followers to set new priorities in their lives around Me and their final destination. Instead of focusing on wars and hate, focus more on love and compromise. It is just a matter of time before the one world people bring the Antichrist into his brief reign. I will come and vanquish all of these evil ones, of this you can be sure that I will be the victor. Bear with this evil for a time because I am showing you My new Jerusalem coming down as I will make a new heavens and a new earth in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, the cross by itself is symbolic, but the cross with My Body on it is the real story of My love for My people. This is why no cross, a bare cross, or the resurrected cross do not convey the same meaning as when you see a large crucifix on the altar. When you see the suffering Christ as you saw Me in Holy Week, then you know how much I sacrificed to save all of mankind from their sins. Even when you pray over people, you use My crucifix and ask for healing in My Name. There is power against demons in My Name and My Blessed crucifix. All exorcisms use My Name and My crucifix. When you look on My crucifix, this is not a sign of defeat, but it is a sign of My victory over sin, death, and the devil with his demons. I have brought salvation to everyone by My sacrifice, and My Resurrection is the Good News of how all of My faithful will one day be resurrected as well. This Gospel of St. John is about loving Me and loving your neighbor. Imitate My love for you by loving Me and your neighbor as yourself.”


Monday, May 7, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before of a coming time of world famine and this could be triggered by a worsening drought condition all over the world. In various parts of the world as Australia, China, and Africa, there are droughts of dramatic proportions that are also presenting problems to provide fresh water to the people in these drought areas. Even providing food for the increasing population in the Third World will be more difficult. There are many concerns with the various causes of why the earth appears to be warming, but the biggest concern should be more about how to feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, and clothe the naked.”

Jesus said: “My people, the old carriage represents older days when people did not have abortions and they had larger families. The empty carriage represents today with your abortions and smaller families because of your desire to have more material things. If it were not for your immigrants coming in, you would barely be replacing your population. Population in the wealthier nations is about static, but in the Third World countries there is much growth. The poorer countries are finding it hard to find food and water for their people, which is why so many are dying from disease and they do not have enough to eat. Some charity organizations are providing only a token of what is needed. It is difficult for Me to see such a disparity of wealth and plenty on one side against the poor and their threat of survival on the other side. If the money spent on weapons of war were directed to buy food and ship it to where it is needed, there would be less people dying from hunger and war. It is the one world people who start the wars for profit, and they do not have any charity in mind to help the starving millions. Your worldly people only focus on money and what they can do to gain more money. My faithful are focused on love of Me and helping others. Keep your eyes on following Me and worshiping Me, instead of on wealth and material things that the worldly worship.”


Tuesday, May 8, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s world a car is an important need to your mobility in obtaining your necessities and running your errands. So in the vision when your car is not working, it is a major problem until you can get it fixed. Sometimes cars can be easily fixed as with flat tires where you could help someone. It is for these minimal fix it jobs that it is a blessing for someone to help a stranded driver, especially at night where you are more vulnerable to theft. It is even more of a help if you can assist people after an accident before ambulances can be called. At times you may have an opportunity to help someone in need, so be open in your heart to reach out to that person. If you were the one in need, you would be grateful for anyone’s assistance. All that you do for others will store up heavenly treasure for your day of judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, this flowing water in the church is the Easter message about faith, Baptism, and the forgiveness of sins. When you are baptized, you are brought into the Church as a member of My faithful. You are led by your parents to learn the beliefs of your faith. You all need to make commitments and priorities in your life, but most of all you are called to serve Me and love Me. I am your Creator and I love all of those whom I have created, but I have also given each one of you a mission in life to follow. If you truly love Me, then I should be your first priority in this life because all that you see around you in this life is passing away, but your soul lives on forever. You can show your love for Me in your daily prayer life, and in the charity that you should show for others. Faith in Me and My Good News of salvation should be a primary concern for your eternal destination. You have a need for Me in your life because you can only find peace and rest for your soul in Me, for you are nothing without Me. I give you graces in My sacraments to help you in all phases of your life, no matter which vocation that you choose. The depth of your commitment to follow Me will determine your eternal destination. Those, who place Me first in their lives and follow My Commandments, will find eternal rest in heaven. Those, who do not keep their commitment of faith with Me and reject Me, could be leading themselves to eternity in hell. Follow the narrow road to Me in heaven, and keep your commitment in faith to Me, and you will be greatly rewarded in heaven.”


Wednesday, May 9, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles there was some disagreement over Gentile converts whether or not they needed to be circumcised. In previous readings there was also a problem when some of My disciples left because they could not accept My Real Presence in the Host in eating My Body and drinking My Blood. This vision in the refuges points out a more serious division in My Church that is coming, when a schismatic church will arise that accepts New Age teachings and accepts fornication, masturbation, and homosexual acts as not mortal sins. This denial of My Commandments and teaching of a worship of things and not Me, is open heresy and My faithful remnant should separate themselves from such idolaters. Those, who accept the teachings of the schismatic church, are on the road to perdition and eventually to hell. Keep My Commandments and follow the apostolic teachings of the Bible and your traditions, and you will be saved from the evil ones who are trying to deceive you. Be aware of these coming divisions so you can go with My faithful remnant in safety.”


Wednesday, May 9, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, it is a mystery of your faith to try and comprehend the Blessed Trinity of Three Persons in One God. You have seen the symbols of a burning bush, a gold Light, or an old man representing God the Father as a Creator and the figure of ‘I AM’ in the Old Testament. You have seen a white dove, a strong wind, and tongues of fire over people as symbols for God the Holy Spirit who is all love and enables life in everyone. You have seen Me as a man walking among My apostles, pictures of Me crucified on a cross, and a vision of Me transfigured in a glorified body. You try and separate Our Persons in a three dimensional vision for your earthly understanding of Our Presence. But in reality We are all spirits with no restrictions by your worldly dimensions. We also are always present simultaneously as One God which is impossible for man’s little brain to ever fully grasp who We are. Our powers are also infinite without description. It is enough for man to know how much We love you, and how you are totally dependent on Us for everything. Do not be distracted by worldly things and the lies of the devil, but keep your focus on loving Us in everything that you do. By giving your will over to Our Divine Will, We can use all of your talents to realize all of your potential as a human being of body and soul.”


Thursday, May 10, 2007: (Blessed Damien)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel of St. John speaks of My love for man, and I have given man the ability to love Me in return. There are many people that pray to Me, but most of these are prayers of petition in desperate needs. There are also My faithful remnant that pray to Me daily in their consecration to Me. This total giving of self over to My Divine Will is what I desire most from My people. I hear all of your prayers, but do not just come to Me in your hour of need. Come to Me every day and pray from your heart and not just words. My Blessed Mother’s rosary is a beautiful prayer, but pray it with meaning while you block out all of the worldly concerns. Formal prayer is a way to show your love for Me, but informal words to Me of your love are even a better show of your personal love for Me. I cherish your tears of love, and your special remembrance of Me in your daily prayers. Many people forget Me during the week, but I am consoled by My prayer warriors and those in contemplative orders who pray in silence. Prayer is most needed in your world to offset all of the evil going on in sin, wars, and demonic worship. One day all of this evil will be defeated, but for now you must have patient endurance through My grace.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, when you look closely at the beautiful spring flowers, you are struck by their color and intricate shapes and sizes as part of My creation. My human family are a little like the flowers in that you bloom beautifully in your good works, but then gradually your body fades away. Your body may die, but your soul is like a beautiful flower that never fades away or dies. When I look at each person, I am more focused on the beauty of your soul than your outward appearances. This is why souls in mortal sin are very displeasing to look at. You can keep your original beauty in your soul by frequent Confession. Pray for all souls in their dying moments so they may be saved from hell by My mercy. Pray also for all souls that could be in purgatory and are in need of your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, the buildings that house your government officials were built some years ago when your representatives were a little closer to the people. In your government of today corporate interests and the central bankers are controlling what is being passed as legislation. It is very difficult for the people to complain about any injustices because both parties are controlled by money so you cannot vote them out. Pray that your representatives are following Godly principles instead of having more concern for money and being re-elected.”

Jesus said: “My people, Iran is becoming more adamant in pursuing its weapons of war, and they do not want to be influenced by UN sanctions against them. There is an alignment of Russia and China behind Iran because of oil exports which makes it difficult for other nations to try and change Iran’s policies. Any war over Iran could cause a larger conflict to ensue. Pray for peace in this area that all hostilities could be brought to an end.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of focus on polling of people’s opinions on how your government officials are doing their job, as well as all those aspiring to be president. It is by their deeds that you can judge someone, but you must remember that their words may not be truthful by what they do in their actions. I had warned America not to go to war in Iraq, and now you are in a worse position than before the war started. This war has been dragged on by the one world people who only want blood money profits and to destroy your military and your economy for their takeover. See that perpetuating these wars actually helps these evil ones to destroy your country. It is better to love and make peace, than to continue hate and more wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Congress has received a mandate by the people to bring this war to a close and that is why there is a battle over the funding of this war. For four years your military has not really stopped the suicide killings and bombing of your troops. These insurgents are intent on killing you and innocent citizens for as long as it takes to drive you out of their lands. Your intent to change this situation is not as strong, and you will finally leave because of the impatience of your people. You cannot force your will on these people only to protect your precious oil imports.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw floods a few years ago in New Orleans, but now you are seeing serious flooding in the middle of your country. The tornadoes and heavy rainstorms have been causing destruction in many of your states. The fires in California and Florida are also a threat to your food supplies. You have seen much violence as nature and man-made weather machines are causing great damage in your country. Pray for those affected by these disasters that may be helped with their needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you are being brought to your knees by disasters and the effects of your wars. When you see nature’s violence in the weather and man’s violence in killing, there is a parallel in showing how nature is giving you a mirror image of man’s evil actions. Even some destruction is brought on by punishment for sin and man’s intention to worsen storms in order for the one world people to gain control. Pray in earnest for all of these intentions to bring back peace and harmony to your peoples.”


Friday, May 11, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, America spends more money on fuel per person than any other country. You are so in love with your large gas eating vehicles that you do not realize how inefficient they are for gas and creating pollution. Your Congress is finally seeing the light to mandate more fuel efficient vehicles to use less gas and create less pollution. This is an approach that will demand smaller vehicles and cheaper hybrid technology. The advantages are staggering to reduce your fuel consumption so you will be less dependent on foreign oil imports, less pollutants will be formed, and there will be less strain on refineries so prices can be reduced. The losers will be the car manufacturers who make more money on larger cars, and the oil industry that would see less demand for their products. It is the lobbies of the car manufacturers and the oil companies that are in favor of large vehicles and poor gas efficiency that have prevented such a change over many years. Take the greed out of these industries and the average people will see less cost for fuel and their vehicles.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you wake up in the morning and you are able to walk, breathe properly with no diseases, and have good mental health, then you should give Me thanks for your good health and a chance to live another day in this life. When you complain of a few things that did not go your way, think of how it could be a lot worse if you were blind, or in a wheel chair with bad health. Your health is a gift to you and it should be greatly appreciated. When you think that you have some troubles, they are nothing compared to losing your house by fire, a flood, or by a tornado. Many people are being tested worse than you. Each person during life could suffer physical pain from accidents or health problems. Your mortal body is very fragile and any number of things could happen to you. Wearing blessed sacramentals and blessing your home can provide protection for your body and your soul from evil influences. Again be most thankful for your gift of faith and continue to serve Me and your neighbor out of love. People around you need your assistance in getting to doctors or the hospital. Be willing and open to help someone in need, especially your friends and relatives. You can also help at times by praying for people in hard times, or extending some financial charity to them. Love one another as I love you.”


Saturday, May 12, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, yesterday I asked you to be thankful for your health, but today’s vision is about being thankful for your plentiful food and fresh water. Here in America you can go to your local grocery store and buy from a large selection of brand name foods. In the same way you have fresh water piped to your house. With a water heater you can have hot or cold water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. Be thankful for these daily comforts because in some poor countries there are starving people and fresh water is hard to find. Life can be a terrible struggle when you have trouble even satisfying your basic daily necessities. In addition to being thankful for your food and water, it would be a loving gesture to help your neighbor by sending donations for food to the starving people of the world. Even some people in your own country could be helped by donations to your local food shelves. Pray for everyone in finding the necessary food and water to survive.”


Sunday, May 13, 2007: (Mother’s Day)

Jesus said: “My son, this is a great day to celebrate with all mothers and also with My Blessed Mother who is mother to all of mankind. You have been reading some nice spiritual books at Adoration, but I want you to pick up your Bible again so you can read through the Book of Revelation over time. I am asking you to read this Book because events are moving fast, and this book more than any other prepares you for the end times. Even today’s reading described the beauty of the New Jerusalem that I will bring down to earth as the beginning of the Era of Peace. Rejoice My faithful when you will see Me coming in glory to celebrate My victory over the evil ones.”

Note: My mother asked me to visit her grave site in the cemetery on Mother’s day. She wanted us boys to remember her and to keep her picture in view to be part of the family as little David wanted also.

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to read the Book of Revelation because it speaks of a great battle at Armageddon. The good forces will be led by My angels against the evil demons of Satan. You have read the end of the story and you know that I will be the victor over the evil ones. There is no compromise with the devil, so you must call on My grace in My Name to shield you from his lies and his temptations. The evil ones will be tested by My plagues in the end times, even as My faithful will be persecuted for believing in God. To learn of the outcome of this battle, you need to read this Book of Revelation for yourself. Trust in Me for your protection at My refuges during this brief evil reign.”


Monday, May 14, 2007: (St. Matthias)

Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist lived in the desert in preparation for his mission to announce My coming as the Messiah, the Lamb of God. He baptized many by water as the people repented of their sins. He was the last of the Old Testament prophets who heralded My coming while he lived a hermit’s life in the desert. Many contemplative monks lived a solitary, quiet life in the monasteries to be close to their Lord. Even today there are more prophets of this age heralding My coming again in the end times. Some may not want to hear this message because they are too taken up with the cares and pleasures of this life that measure a person’s worth in how much money and possessions they have. I assure you that this world’s wealth is fleeting, and a persons’s real wealth is their faith and their treasure of good deeds in heaven. So do not spend your time in this life chasing after elusive wealth of the world, but seek the Kingdom of God first and everything else will be granted to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people need a provocative action from Iran to get your people to fight a war against Iran. You do not have the numbers of troops for an assault, but there could be an air attack. This vision of ships as an oil tanker and an aircraft carrier would be ideal targets for Iran’s ship missiles. Such an attack could even be fabricated for this one world purpose. There already was a false rumor of such an attack and oil prices reacted until it was dismissed as untrue. If such shipping was threatened, it could cause rapid reactions that could get out of control into a wider war. Pray that such missile attacks do not occur, or there could be dramatic consequences to a war and oil supplies to many countries.”


Tuesday, May 15, 2007: (St. Isidore)

Jesus said: “My people, this whirlpool of water represents a whirlwind of rapid events that will be coming soon. You already have seen some dramatic events with arson fires, tornadoes, and serious flooding. The other vision of waves of water coming ashore represents the type of events that will have to do with water from the seas. These events could be from hurricanes or tsunamis from underwater earthquakes. Another part of this water story is about how the weather patterns are changing that put too much rain in some areas causing floods, and too little in other areas causing droughts. You have seen this kind of activity before, only with global warming, all of these kinds of events are going to be increased in their severity. Pray that you will have enough warning to evacuate any areas that could be threatened by these coming events.”

Jesus said: “My people, as the time to go to My refuges draws close, I am reminding you of all the miracles that I will perform for you at My refuges. This vision of an outline of more floors being added on to an existing dwelling is how I will multiply more dwellings for everyone to have a shelter. The invisible nature of these dwellings is so that the evil ones will not be able to see you or detect you at My refuges. These added structures are where there is little room to expand. Where there is more land, I will multiply buildings all over the land. Do not have any fear of the evil ones. I will protect your souls with My angels, and your bodies by My angel power which is greater than any power of the demons. Pray for your deliverance in this brief hour of evil so you are not martyred in the trial of the tribulation. Some will be martyred for their faith, but they will become instant saints.”

Wednesday, May 16, 2007:
Jesus said: “My people, in many of the accounts in the Acts of the Apostles you have witnessed how St. Paul and his companions were criticized and nearly stoned to death for preaching about My Resurrection and loving everyone, even your enemies. At times you have seen how they were placed in prisons because of how they were teaching My new Gospel of love. Sometimes they were miraculously released, but later on they remained in prison until they were martyred. I am showing you a dungeon prison because some of My faithful will also be imprisoned for their faith during the tribulation. As fewer and fewer come to prayer groups and even to Sunday Mass, the faith is waning in fervor even among My people. Some will be leaving for My refuges, but how many will be strong enough to die instead of giving up their faith? Those, who are captured in the detention death camps, may have to deal with this reality. Be strong in your faith to bear this brief reign of evil, and you will have your heavenly reward with Me and My saints and angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, My creation is vast and beautiful when you have an opportunity to view it up in the sky. This view of a sandy desert could be in several locations all over the earth. I am showing you no sign of rain in this area because you are going to see more droughts as time goes on. Without enough water, crops will be harder to grow, and there could be famine and pestilence in these extremely dry areas. Do not fear because at My refuges you will have adequate amounts of food and water in order to survive. The evil ones will take advantage of these famines in order to sell food with mandatory smart cards or chips in the body. My faithful will have their food stored up for such a time so they can share it with others without needing chips in the body. Everything that I have given you in the messages has been a preparation for the end times that you have seen prophesied in the Book of Revelation. Stay close to Me in faith and I will protect your soul and body throughout this trial of the tribulation.”


Thursday, May 17, 2007: (Ascension of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, as I left My disciples, I g ave them one last command: (Matt. 28:19-20) ‘Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world.’ My disciples waited in Jerusalem until they received the tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit. Once they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit, they went forth and spread My message even as I directed them. All of My baptized faithful are also obliged to spread My message of love to all the nations, especially to all of those around you, and even in your own household. Faith in Me is a gift from Baptism, but each person must make a personal commitment to consecrate themselves to Me every day. I am the One who has given you life in the spirit of your soul. The Holy Spirit dwells in you, especially at Confirmation. It is not easy to deny yourself and the world so you can be totally committed to doing My Will. This is your calling to Me, if you are to be perfected to enter heaven yourself. This is the same faith and love of Me that you are called to instill in others to conversion. Those, who hear your words and come to Me in the sacraments, will thank you for the most important gift of their spiritual life. Bringing souls to Me is the greatest gift that you could give of yourself to Me in love. Do not give up your efforts to evangelize, but continue on your mission to bear fruit with the gifts that I have given you.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to see the glory of My suffering on the cross, but this is the price that I had to pay for the sins of man in the past, present, and the future. Every day you may have physical pains, persecutions, or criticisms, and I want you to unite all of these with My ongoing suffering for sins. Just as My death redeemed all of you, your offering up of your pain can also have redemptive merit for those that you are praying for. I am making a special request that you put a fair sized crucifix or a large painting of My Crucifixion on the altar for your prayer meetings.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not wait until you die, when it will be too late in your life to make your peace with Me. In other words make frequent Confession a part of your life, so you always have your soul pure and ready to meet Me before I call you home. When you are in your casket, it will be too late for repentance, so tell Me of your sorrow for your sins now before you die. Take the time also to seek forgiveness of those whom you have offended, and forgive those that you may have a grudge against. Do not go to your grave without making amends with your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, fresh water is becoming harder to find for people all over the earth. Every person requires fresh water to drink in order to survive. As the earth’s population requires more water, it may be increasingly necessary to start finding cheap ways to distill salt water and possibly utilize the salt residue. Distilling water can be expensive, but possibly the best source where there is not enough rain water, wells, or fresh water lakes and rivers.”

Jesus said: “My people, the old Mass and the Mass of today are both acceptable to My present Church. There are some who want to hold on to the old Mass because they think that it is more reverent, and they are allowed to do so. The new Mass uses the language of the area, but some liberties were taken in the translation. There are also several different rites that are still under the pope. Pray for unity of My people in these various rites, even though there is a coming split with the schismatic church.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how My faithful disciples prayed for what to do before the coming of the Holy Spirit. During this time before Pentecost, you could make a daily prayer in a Novena for peace in the Middle East, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are a lot of people who want to see this war brought to an end. So a prayer crusade for peace is very much needed from all of My prayer warriors.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of your prayer intentions should be for the lukewarm people who are too lazy to attend Sunday Mass regularly. Your prayers are needed to strengthen their faith so they can change their priorities in putting Me first. These souls know what they should be doing, but they are allowing Satan to make excuses for them in not attending Sunday Mass. Many do not think of Me except on Sunday, but if they stay away all of the time, then they will allow Satan to harden their hearts to Me. Pray to wake these souls up to reason for the proper destination of their souls in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are not many feast days to celebrate the Holy Spirit, so this day should be a special celebration for the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. You are temples of the Holy Spirit as He dwells in each one of your to sustain your very existence. As the apostles received the gifts of the Holy Spirit, they were filled with courage, love and all the seven gifts. As you celebrate this feast day, ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten your faith life as My apostles, so you will have more courage and strength to proclaim My Gospel of love.”


Friday, May 18, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph as loving parents that should be an example for all parents to imitate. It is not easy in today’s world to bring up a family where there are so many attacks on family life. It is even harder at times to have everyone home to have dinner as a family. Today, you are dealing with trans gender people, homosexual marriage, divorce, and abortion. Many couples are not even getting married, but they live in fornication. It is the children who are getting so disoriented as to what is normal or what is a moral way to live. Your movies and TV programming again are showing violence, nudity, and vulgar language. In this environment it is difficult to teach the faith and morals because it is so opposite to life around you. Even if you are criticized for living a prayerful and holy life for Me, it is better for your soul than living in a worldly fashion of what Satan is offering. As you view the extent of evil around you, this in itself is a sign to you of the end times among you. Protect your children from this evil filth and continue to give Me praise and glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, these flames causing the dome of a church to be knocked off represent how the demons are trying to attack My Church. The masons in My Church will cause a major split between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This remnant will hold true to My Commandments and My traditions, and this is the part of My Church that the gates of hell will not prevail against. The schismatic church will be misled by the demons to follow New Age teachings which are a worship of worldly things. This false church will also teach that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. There is only one God to worship and that is Me. Anyone, who asks you to worship anything else, is trying to mislead you on the road to hell. Follow My Will in the mission that I have given you, and you will find your reward in heaven.”


Saturday, May 19, 2007: (Bette Turpyn funeral)

Jesus said: “My people, there are a large number of people who are more focused on this life on earth than on their eternal destination. Every time that you see someone in the casket at a funeral, it should make you think of how prepared you are to die. There are a good number of people without any religion and they are not prepared for their judgment. The rest of My people do give Me praise and thanks for all that I do for them. The cobweb in the balcony represents the lukewarm and those who are not thinking of Me or their spiritual life. These people need to change their lives to come to know and love Me, as well as repent of their sins if they expect any chance of coming to heaven. That is why I constantly am asking My prayer warriors to pray for these potentially lost souls before they could fall into hell. Some of these souls have known Me in the past, and they will have a heavier responsibility if they do not return to loving Me. All of these souls can possibly be converted, but they must make the needed commitment to worship and love Me. You can pray for the change in the disposition of their souls to loving Me, but some souls have a high price because of their sins, or their rejection of My mission. Continue to pray for these poor sinners who may fall into hell if they do not have a prayer advocate for them.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the spring you see everyone out cutting their grass and sometimes more than once a week before the grass gets dried out in the summer. This cutting of grass refers to the judgment time when I will send My angels to harvest the souls. (Rev. 14:14-20) ‘And I saw, and behold, a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sitting like to a Son of Man, having upon His head a crown of gold and in His hand a sharp sickle.’ I will send one angel to gather the wheat of My faithful into My barn of heaven at My Banquet. Then I will send another angel to gather the clusters of grapes of the evil ones to be placed in the winepress of My wrath in hell. This is why it is important to have your soul pure for your judgment so I will let you into heaven. Those, who are evil, unclean, and full of hate, will be cursed and thrown into hell. Your deeds and fruits will be a testimony to what kind of life that you have led. Your good deeds will save you, but the useless chaff of the weeds of evil will be thrown into the eternal fire.”


Sunday, May 20, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, there are some who like going to the latest movies better than coming to Sunday Mass and receive Me in Holy Communion. For those, who believe in My Real Presence in the Host, they would go hundreds of miles to receive Me in person at a Mass. Being with your loving Lord is the closest taste of heaven that you could receive on earth. Watching a movie does not even come close to sharing your love with Me. Movies and things of this world are very cold and pass away very quickly, leaving you wanting for peace and not being satisfied. When you receive My Eucharist, your soul is completely satisfied with the peace of My love. When you open your heart to My love, you desire to love Me and serve Me more than the world. I am the only One who can satisfy your soul, because your soul is attracted to its Creator and Master. To be with Me in heaven I call you to obey My Commandments in loving Me and your neighbor as yourself. Desiring to be with Me in heaven means you have to deny yourself and deny all of your worldly desires. So it is better to love Me more than the movies, because you will have to eventually purify this desire out of your mind in order to be fully focused on Me to come to heaven.”


Monday, May 21, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this massive stone over My grave was miraculously opened at the time of My Resurrection. The Holy Spirit is the life giving Spirit for breathing life into all living beings. At the beginning of My life at conception as a man, the Holy Spirit overshadowed My Blessed Mother to conceive Me in her womb. In the same way the Holy Spirit put life back into My body as a man which is that same burst of energy that put the image on the Shroud of Turin. At that moment also, this stone was rolled away and a great light blinded the soldiers. I became the stone rejected by the builders, but I was the cornerstone of My Church that leads My people. Rising from the dead in a real body could not be accomplished by anyone else but Me. I have given you this example, since all of My faithful are promised to rise body and soul with Me at the last judgment. This is also why I called St. Peter ‘the rock’ on whom I will build My Church because he in the succession of popes represents My voice on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, this scene out in a desolate country could be an area for a cave or a refuge. If someone is called to prepare a refuge, it would be necessary to have a water well to be self-sufficient, since you cannot live without water. This becomes more of a problem in desert areas. During the tribulation I will provide miraculous water wells if there is no water already present at a refuge. I will multiply food or provide food where there is none available. My angels will provide Holy Communion when it is not available also. I promised you that I would always be with you, even during the coming evil days of the Antichrist. Be prepared to have a backpack filled with sacramentals and camping gear for a hasty trip to a refuge for My protection. Call on My Name to protect you from the demons and the one world people who will try to imprison you for your faith in Me. Better to seek out My refuges than be taken to the detention center death camps. Your money will do you no good without smart cards or chips in the body. You are about to be stripped of all of your comforts and pleasures, but this will help bring you closer to sainthood. Be patient in your suffering for soon I will bring My victory over the evil ones and you will see your reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”


Tuesday, May 22, 2007: (St. Rita)

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading in the Acts of the Apostles and in St. Paul’s epistles all of the missionary efforts of St. Paul in bringing people My Word of the Good News. St. Paul speaks of how he was stoned, shipwrecked, and persecuted in many ways by the Jews and the authorities where he taught. In all of his trials he continued to have courage, even as the Holy Spirit led him and gave him what to say. Many were converted to My Gospel through St. Paul’s teachings and that of his companions. You are fortunate to have these writings so you can see what the Early Church had to endure. Whoever believed in this new way many times risked death and alienation from their families and friends. Now in today’s world teaching My Way is very familiar because it has been taught for many years. But these are evil times because the people are attracted to material things, fame, and money which are becoming idols before Me. Those, who preach My message today, are even persecuted for speaking out against abortion, fornication, masturbation, and homosexual acts. Some people are so attached to their sins of pleasure that they do not want to hear anyone criticize their sins, even if they need to stop them to gain heaven. You have a very cold and hedonistic society that is making laws in defiance of My Commandments. Despite these persecutions, My faithful still need to have courage from the Holy Spirit to spread My Word of love to all the nations. Keep this spirit of evangelism of St. Paul alive in your world so souls can hear My Word and be saved.”

(Christina’s Confirmation) Jesus said: “My son and your family, this is a great honor to celebrate the many Confirmations of these young people. This is a spiritual milestone in the lives of all of My faithful when you are confirmed and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is a spiritual affirmation of your commitment to be one of My disciples by saying ‘yes’ to the beliefs of the faith. It is one thing to speak these words, but it will be your future actions that will truly give witness to your steadfastness in the faith. Just as your godparents at your Baptism are there to help you, so now your Confirmation sponsor also needs to inspire the newly confirmed with a strong faith. As all of the family celebrates this Confirmation, be thankful for the work of the Holy Spirit in the tongue of fire that will help Christina carry on in her spiritual life.” Note: I prayed to Jesus that the Holy Spirit give a double portion of His Spirit to all the family members, especially to those who have special needs.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages about new volcano eruptions that could have an impact on your weather and possible loss of life in the immediate area. As you see more and more volcanic activity, you will also see more demons unleashed from these pits of hell that will bring more evil into the world. These are signs of the coming tribulation time when you will see an evil far beyond what you have seen until now. Even today We are viewing many souls passing into hell because they fail to love Me and acknowledge My Lordship over their lives. You have heard Me preach on the need for evangelization to save souls from going to hell. With an increasing evil you will have to double your efforts to save souls. If you could see hell and how these souls will suffer forever in this pool of fire, you would be inspired more to keep souls from suffering this fate. Unfortunately, these souls are allowing their earthly desires to cover their spiritual desires and they become too lazy in their attempts to know and love Me. These souls are addicted to the world, and they need My faithful’s prayers and encouragement to save them from the fate of hell.”


Wednesday, May 23, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this is another warning to those who live around San Francisco. I am showing you a vision of a large earthquake that will even shake bridges apart. This area is prone to earthquake activity, but it is also calling on My wrath because of their blatant disregard for My Commandments. My justice will be falling upon areas of great sin in many natural disasters. Pray that people will move away from this area because the devastation will be great, as the geography of the coastline will change. Pray also for the souls in great sin there who could die and go to hell, unless they are prayed for or their lives are changed.”


Thursday, May 24, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this serpent on a pew in a church is a sign to you that Satan is in the Church trying to divide it. I know that your desire is to unify My Church, but there is coming a day when you will see a formal split between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Even I had to endure Judas who was a traitor among My apostles. But Scripture had to be fulfilled in that I had to suffer and die for mankind’s sins at the hands of a traitor. So today, you also will have a Judas in your midst leading this schismatic church which also is in Scripture in various texts. You know that the beasts of Revelation will have their hour of evil, but fear not because I will protect the souls of My faithful. Some of My faithful will suffer martyrdom, but they will be saints and an inspiration to the rest of My faithful protected at My refuges. Be in prayerful vigilance since I will soon come to vanquish these evil ones who will be chained in hell.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you can see the anger in Satan as he works through these vandals in destroying crucifixes and the statues. Satan’s most vicious attack is against My Eucharist. He directs his worshipers to steal Hosts out of the tabernacles so they could be desecrated at a black mass. There is an attack against all that is sacred in My Church, and it is difficult to make a defense of your traditions. But you must preserve your traditions so you can pass them on to your children.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to talk to people of the time when evil will be so bad that you will run to the nearest refuge to keep from being captured by the one world people. These evil ones will be driven by Satan and the Antichrist to persecute and kill all religious people. I will not leave you orphans, so I am having some faithful set up refuges of protection all over your country. This is in answer to all the detention center death camps that also are being set up all over your country. When you see a world famine, a split in My Church, and mandatory chips in the body, this will be the time to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, your modern day warfare has discarded the battleship because missiles have become more accurate as a weapon of choice instead of large shells. Even many surface ships as aircraft carriers are becoming more vulnerable to missiles and nuclear tipped torpedoes. Man is constantly working on more advanced explosives and killing machines when money becomes no object. Yet in the latest Iraq war it is rocket propelled grenades and road bombs that have become the greatest killers. Warfare against America has taken different faces in even desperate suicide bombers, even as the Japanese used such attacks against your ships in World War II. You are seeing a determined enemy is more dangerous than all of your modern weapons.”

Jesus said: “My people, people on farms or communities living away from the cities store their food in the ground to preserve it when they do not have enough refrigerator space to freeze food. These techniques will be useful for My refuges to store food when electricity may not be available. I will multiply food for My faithful in your need, but you will need to be able to produce or store some food that will be multiplied. There will be a man-made famine in addition to poor growing conditions, and it will be a controlled distribution of food by microchips. Pray and be prepared for this trial.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is a sad day when more of your farmers are growing corn so they can make ethanol to fuel your cars. This is a recyclable fuel source to replace a dependency on oil, but the sad part is how many people are starving each day and they would be happy to eat corn. Your people consume enough fuel in your cars that it would be almost impossible to grow enough crops for fuel to replace your gasoline. Conservation of your fuels and more efficient vehicles could save some of your fuel needs. This is one more comfort in travel that will be increasingly controlled.”

Jesus said: “My people, many different kinds of stores make a business in selling seeds, tubers, and food crops for flowers and food. These are plants of My creation that are enjoyed by many for their colors and unique shapes as well as ways to provide food. This seed business is becoming more controlled as a result of your many hybrids to make more money and keep people dependent on seed makers. This will be another means to control your food crops. This is also another reason to try and obtain original food seeds without hybrids, so you can grow your own seed for the next year.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just witnessed recently at a Confirmation how the Holy Spirit was enabling all of the young people to be ‘soldiers of Christ’. These youth are more laborers being sent into My vineyard to harvest souls in repentance to be saved. When you come to Mass on Pentecost, call on the Holy Spirit to bring you His gifts so that you may be empowered to be a better Christian and a good example to help evangelize souls.”


Friday, May 25, 2007: (St. Venerable Bede)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this crushed steel because your American Steel manufacturers are being threatened by imports and foreign purchases of these factories. There is a need for cheap steel in manufacturing your vehicles, large trucks, ships, and military equipment. These industries would rather depend on American made steel than be dependent on foreign imports or foreign owned steel factories. Foreign dependence on oil has caused problems with supply and a high price. This could become a security threat to your military if you had to mobilize more hardware and your foreign exporters became your enemies and refused to send you more steel. Your large multinational corporations are dictating their wishes to your politicians and by threatening job losses, they are drawing corporate welfare and less allegiance to America. These are more issues threatening America’s sovereignty as the one world people continue their attempts at takeover under the guise of this North American Union. Pray for the souls of your sinners in America to seek repentance, or I will take away your wealth and your comforts.”

Jesus said: “My people, already you have read articles of how the one world people are starting to build superhighways for their North American Union under the NAFTA Treaty. It would be interesting to see where the money is being allocated for this project. It is even of more concern why these one world people are using Spanish contractors to do their dirty work. If American contractors learned of why they are building these highways, they may object to this incursion on America’s sovereignty. They are planning that foreign contractors would not have such an objection. The extent of the one world people’s plans for takeover are moving ahead very quickly under the guise of security and trade. Once these highways are in place and your military and your economy are compromised, you will see a rapid takeover through martial law, where you will lose your rights and freedoms. All of the current executive orders from your presidents are ready for takeover at the declaration of a national emergency from a preplanned event. Be prepared to go to My refuges as soon as this emergency martial law is declared. Pray for My protection and My miracles that will keep the evil ones from capturing you.”


Saturday, May 26, 2007: (St. Philip Neri)

Jesus said: “My people, has it occurred to you that many of the items that you buy in your stores are made by slave labor in Communist China? Many of your American based multinational companies are trying to cut their costs by buying their materials from the cheapest source. Since wages are very low in China relative to America, this is why many of America’s manufacturing jobs have gone overseas. With such an inequity in labor costs, it is hard for American workers to compete in this marketplace. Much of America’s technology and movies are being stolen or pirated with no royalties in China, and then resold cheaply in your country. This dependency on China could become a problem if China uses this as blackmail to take over Taiwan. China is also using this trade wealth in dollars to build up their military weaponry and they could deal in euros to threaten your currency. It is time for your people to decide between cheaper goods and dependency on other countries vs. your more expensive goods made in your own country. If there is not any protection for your manufacturing workers, then you will only be a country of cheap service jobs. This is part of the one world people’s plan to remove the middle class for their future takeover. Pray that your children may find meaningful jobs, but prepare also for the coming tribulation.”


Sunday, May 27, 2007: (Pentecost Sunday)

The Holy Spirit said: “I am the God of love and the God of life. You are called Temples of the Holy Spirit because I dwell in you at all times. You know that it is through My grace that you speak and are able to write down the messages of Jesus. The Lord has given you messages about seeing the source of power that people seek. The evil ones seek the power of the underworld, while the good people seek the power of God. All energy and existence comes from the mind of God. The evil one’s power is a misuse of this life energy. Without God in your life in My Spirit, you would cease to exist, so truly you are totally dependent on Us for everything. Those, who follow New Age teaching, are summoning the powers of the dark side of evil. Those, who follow God, are summoning Our graces and blessings for your mission in life. Today on Pentecost, call on Me and I will send you My gifts of the Spirit, and you will be enabled to keep on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are shown the genius of a famous person, it is moving to see how they were enabled by God to use their talents to fulfill their destiny. There is beauty in the works of each person’s talents. There is even more beauty in a person’s life when they can understand how working with Me in their daily consecration can magnify their talents to give Me greater glory. Everyone is not famous in the world’s eyes, but you are all of equal value to Me. Some have better skills than others, but I expect each person to do the best that they can with the gifts that they were given. In the parable of the talents of money (Matt. 25:14-30) three men were given five, two, and one talents, respectively. The first two doubled their money and were applauded. But the third buried his talent and he was rebuked and the money given to another. In the same way I want My people to use your God-given talents to carry out My mission for you and do not bury your talents by not using them, and do not refuse to follow My mission for your own. You will be held accountable for using your gifts of time, money, and faith. Love your Lord and your neighbor, and bring as many souls to Me as possible. This is how I will judge your success and not in terms of financial wealth or fame.”


Monday, May 28, 2007: (Memorial Day)

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that man chooses to fight and kill each other in wars throughout all of history. In times of just wars for defense against oppressive dictators, it may be necessary to defend your way of life. It is also brave and courageous for young people to risk their lives in combat for their countries. There are some wars that are wars of opportunity for the rich that are too obviously orchestrated for profit. Wars that are preempted for selfish purposes are not ‘just’ wars, and many people die needlessly. This latest tactic of indiscriminate killing of people in crowds is very cruel indeed. The sending of multiple missiles on innocent civilians from either side is another inhumanity of man on his neighbor. You can see the evils of warfare and this senseless killing, which is why I am constantly asking you to pray for peace in the current conflicts. War is all about destruction and death, and there are no real winners. So beware of those who call for more wars on made up threats and made up incidents to stir up wars. Stop this incessant desire for more wars only for a few to make blood money for themselves.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these old furniture pieces of people that have passed on. There is still some life energy that can be associated with these things. Some people deal with antiques and it is possible to buy things from strangers that could have evil energy still around them that could adversely affect your spiritual life. So avoid buying these curiosities so that you do not give an entrance for evil spirits. In the same way you could have good energy from the things that belonged to your dead relatives. There are some souls in upper purgatory or heaven that are able to visit the living souls with visions or messages. The souls in lower purgatory or hell are not allowed to influence the living souls. It is acceptable to receive things from passed souls when they initiate it, but it is better to not purposely seek souls out for conversations on a regular basis. Feast days or special memorial days as their birthdays or days of their deaths are appropriate times for messages, or if these souls have a special warning for you. When you die or have a near death experience, you will see your deceased friends and relatives greet you and help you in your transition into the spirit world. There are some living souls that have special gifts that can see and converse with souls that have passed on. Be grateful for such gifts, but do not use this gift to gain money or predict the future. Some of My messengers are given gifts to share God’s Word with others, and this can be witnessed by any good fruits or healings. Focus on following My Will and your mission in life, and do not be too curious of the workings of the spiritual world. If something is important to know, I will find a way to share that with you.”


Tuesday, May 29, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, there are relatives and friends that pass away, and sometimes there are those that are in purgatory that fall through the cracks and no one remembers to pray for them. It is good to pray for your deceased friends and relatives just in case some are still in purgatory awaiting your prayers. There are passages even in the Book of Sirach, which you are reading from, that ask for prayers for the dead. But if you pray for these souls by their specific name, they can benefit from your prayers even more. Your family and friends need to depend on you the most for your prayers because other people do not know of them or that they died and are in purgatory. Remember that those whom you help to get out of purgatory by prayers will be your friends forever, and they will pray for you both in life and if you come to purgatory. Then there are other souls whom no one is praying for that you do not know their names. These souls also need to be prayed for so they also can be released sooner from purgatory. Pray for the poor souls in purgatory as one of your main intentions and you will reap many rewards for your efforts.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many new electronic gadgets for sale in your material world. One of the more unusual headsets available allows you to simulate virtual reality games and movies. These viewers make you feel that you are right inside the middle of a game or movie. It may be a curiosity to the unsuspecting novice of this media, but beware of the potential means of allowing evil spirits into your life. Many movies deal with occult subjects and spirit world experiences. It is unfortunate that some people could be innocently drawn into this media where demons could influence their lives. My best suggestion is to avoid virtual reality machines in any form and do not view any movies of the occult or witchcraft. Focus more on Me and do not let the material world control your life.”


Wednesday, May 30, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, man’s inhumanity to man continues in the senseless killing of civilians in Iraq and elsewhere. Suicide for any reason is against My plan for every life. I am the Creator and the taker of life, and this taking of your life or the lives of others are not in My plan. This is why war is generally a result of sin and in disobedience of My Commandments. I want man to live in peace and harmony, and not in war and anger. It is not America’s right to occupy Iraq or to try and force democracy on these people. It is not right to indiscriminately kill civilians either. These constant wars are led by the one world people for profit on arms and control of the oil. You can see the evil one behind all of this killing, and the devil is driving the greed for money in these evil people. Continue to pray for peace and an end to this fruitless war.” There was a message for our trip back to Betania.

Jesus said: “My people, you are living in the end days and My Blessed Mother has come to many places to give visions and messages about this preparation for My coming. She and I are both trying to get people back to prayer and a holy life, and away from wars and materialism. At this Shrine in Betania, Venezuela the work of Maria is being carried on by the members of her family. The evil of the world is all around you, but these shrines to My Blessed Mother are little islands of peace and safety. This is why these sites of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions are refuges and they will protect you during the tribulation. Put your trust in Me and My Blessed Mother for we will lead you through all of life’s trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, these flashing scenes all over represent the rapid pace of events that will lead up to the time of the Antichrist, followed by My victory and the new Era of Peace. The one world people have all of their plans in place for a martial law takeover with all of their detention centers ready to hold the religious and patriot prisoners that will not go along with the evil ones’ new world order. Executive orders are edicts from the Presidents that will become law when a trumped up national emergency will be declared. These laws will supercede your constitutional rights and freedoms as a new dictatorship will emerge that will bring about a North American Union. These evil leaders will try to force you to take mandatory chips in the body, but My people will leave for their refuges when they see this national emergency declared. Call on Me and your guardian angels to lead you to the nearest refuge at My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites, places of holy ground, or caves in the mountains. You will be invisible at My refuges and I will provide for all of your needs. Have no fear of these events when the Antichrist will have his hour, for I will protect you with My angels. Do not take any microchips in the body, and do not worship the Antichrist. Even if they take all of your possessions and threaten to kill you, refuse to give up your faith for any reason. This trial of the tribulation will be very difficult as you will be suffering your purgatory on earth. Have patience before I come and establish My power over the evil ones, and replace this world with a new heavens and a new earth.”


Thursday, May 31, 2007: (Visitation of Elizabeth by Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother was brave as a pregnant young woman to travel from Nazareth all of the way to Ein Karem where her elderly relative was six months pregnant according to St. Gabriel’s message. This greeting of Elizabeth is part of the Hail Marys that you pray often. My Blessed Mother’s response was her Magnificat that is read every night in the Liturgy of the Hours. When St. John the Baptist was later born, his father Zachary had his silent tongue opened to recite his canticle that is read in the morning prayers of the Liturgy of the Hours. This is a pivotal time when St. John and I came on the scene as infants. This is a glorious time when all the prophecies about the coming Redeemer would be fulfilled. My time on earth was very short in My thirty-three years, but My death and Resurrection changed all of humanity in My sacraments and the freedom to enter heaven for those who are judged worthy. Without My Redemption of your sins, you would still be in the darkness instead of in the Light of My grace. Be grateful to My Blessed Mother’s ‘fiat’ in bringing Me into the world as a man for your salvation.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My son, you have seen many miraculous crosses in your many travels, so you know the power in My crucifix. Thank you for your obedience in placing a fair sized crucifix on the altar at your prayer group meeting. Your church and your prayer group will receive many blessings for your prayers and placing My crucifix before you. You have seen many healings come through the very relic of My True Cross that you always wear. You should display this at your meetings.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these blessed sacramentals of a rosary, the Miraculous Medal of My Blessed Mother, and the Benedictine crucifix because they are your weapons for protecting you from the attacks of the evil one. I have asked you to keep these on your person at all times. You have placed many blessed medals around your house for protection as well as a large scapular to protect your house from natural disasters. This age is full of evil influences, and you can call on My Name at any time that you are being attacked by the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you further weapons of protection from the demons by having holy water, blessed salt, and relics of the saints at your home. I have asked you many times to sprinkle holy water on your vehicle as you go out to speak for protection in your travel. The evil one sometimes tries to prevent you from witnessing My messages, but My power is greater and I will protect you. Pray before you do any evangelizing so the Holy Spirit can speak through you.”

Jesus said: “My people, in many messages I have you quote the Scriptures directly, or show the place where people can read what I am referring to. My words are very important and they will live on forever. That is why I have wanted you to read My exact words that I have inspired you to write through the power of the Holy Spirit. My Gospel readings continue to bring you closer to holiness when you make a point to read them every day. Even those, who read My Liturgy of the Hours, will enhance their spiritual life. Share My Word with every one so they can come closer to Me as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother helped with getting the water, providing the meals, and helping to clean the dishes and their clothes. They did not have all of the conveniences of your day, so simple tasks to you were a lot more laborious for them. My Blessed Mother was happy to help St. Elizabeth, and she always made time for her prayers when she was united with Me even in her body. My people also need to help each other as a labor of love, as well as make time for your prayers. Your schedule should not be that busy that you cannot make time for Me in prayer. When you pray with Me, you are giving praise and glory to My Name.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you work in your garden, you bring yourself closer to nature in appreciating My creation. Even as you cultivate your seeds and weed out your garden, you can think of the spiritual meaning in your actions. You plant the seed of My Word in the hearts of those that you are trying to convert to the faith. When you take out the weeds, it is like going to Confession to clean all of your sins out of your soul. Remember to be fruitful and give your time to serve Me in saving souls. Then I will tell you at your judgment: ‘Well done, My true and faithful servant, come enter your Master’s house in heaven to enjoy My Banquet.”

David said: “My dear father, I thank you for witnessing to My intercession in prayer for people’s petitions. Jesus listens to the little children, and He has a soft spot in His heart to hear the petitions for the people. I am like any other saint that you pray to for heavenly favors. So remember I am here to serve those who need things of spiritual value in this life. Remember Me in your daily prayers as an ongoing part of your family as your loving son.”


Friday, June 1, 2007: (St. Justin)

Jesus said: “My people, every time you sit down to eat, you expect something is going to be put on your plate. You do not consider whether there will be food available, but only to ask your choice of food. In some countries where people are starving, it is a treat to even have a bowl of soup, or even a glass of water to drink. When you have so many gifts of food always before you, it is hard to imagine what it would be like to go to bed hungry. So in your heart of hearts it would be gracious of you to send a donation for food to some agencies who send food to the starving people of the world. Even a donation of money or food to your local food shelf would be greatly appreciated by those in need of food. You have such an abundance of everything in America, and it would be a charitable act to share with those who have next to nothing. Pray for these people that they could be helped by various charities and governments to find enough food to survive. When you feed the hungry, you are feeding Me in them, and you will be rewarded for your kindness.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many different ways that you could live your life in various vocations. In the end you still have to find a place to stay and a job for money to provide for your meals. You take time to pray, time to eat, and time to sleep. Except for different kinds of recreation, your duties and routines of life are very similar to how others are living. In the monastic life there is a lot stronger focus on letting Me run their lives. In the world there are many distractions calling on your attention that can take you away from focusing on Me. Keep your priorities of prayer first in your life, and I will always lead you on your mission. It is when you give worldly things more priority that your spiritual life suffers from a lack of fervor. Retreats and special visits to monasteries, can wake you up to your real vocation in life which is to know, love, and serve Me. This life is passing away, so your focus should always be centered on your eternal destination with Me in heaven.”


Saturday, June 2, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, many of you were enthused and renewed in witnessing how the monks live in near silence. These monks have totally offered their lives to My service in their daily prayer lives. When you surrender everything to Me, you receive a beautiful peace with no worries about what is going on around you. Even in preparing for the coming tribulation, I am giving you a total peace with complete trust in My protection. In the vision you see that some people are called to donate their time and money to help feed the homeless people of the city. There are also local food shelves where you can volunteer to help the less fortunate with food and clothing. This reaching out to help others is a means to serve Me by helping your neighbor to get their necessities. All, that you do in good deeds, charity, and prayers, will store up treasure for you in heaven for the day of your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, these multiple fiery red darts represent the demons that are causing all of the war and hostilities to continue in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel. There are many factions that are struggling to control these oil rich lands, but the demons are continuing to antagonize the militants into more killing to get their way. This war needs to end for America because you are losing troops and money for no apparent gain or cessation to the bombings. Terrorists will set up their camps in any country they choose, so the reasons for staying have no more weight than the reasons you started this conflict. The best support for your troops is to bring them back home while they are still alive. Pray for an end to this conflict which the people want to see ended as well.”


Sunday, June 3, 2007: (Trinity Sunday)

God the Father said: “We are the God of Love, Three Persons in one God. When you receive One of Us in Holy Communion, you receive all three Persons at the same time. We love you all so much, and We are sending each one of you a portion of Our loving Spirit from heaven. We also want all of you to show your love for Us every day in praise and Adoration even as the saints and angels do. Consecrate yourselves to Us every day in all of your prayers and deeds. With this feeling of love for all of Us, your worldly things pale in comparison and how could you put them before Us? I call on you to evangelize souls so they can come to love Us as you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, in days past there were many factory jobs that paid good wages and had many company paid benefits. Today’s factory owners are now looking for the cheapest wages and they are trying to avoid paying out benefits. They know that labor costs are the largest component for their products. It is unfortunate that these managers are going overseas to find cheap labor and little benefits. The fact that they are dependent on foreign labor and are putting Americans out of work does not concern them. Yet, they depend on American consumers to buy their products. It is difficult to boycott this practice because many American firms are farming out jobs as well. With fewer American factory jobs, now the average wage is lower and many are having trouble getting health care insurance. Foreigners are profiting from jobs shipped overseas, but the American worker is the loser. It is the rich who are profiting from any cost saving while the middle class is being eliminated. This is another example of how the rich are trying to exploit cheap labor and cause American workers to work for slave wages just to survive. Once your people learn how they are being abused, there could be an uprising about imports and exporting of jobs. By importing more than America exports, you are slowly moving any wealth out of your country. Pray for your families in providing for a living, but your taxes and cost of benefits are going to have a day of reckoning when you cannot avoid to pay for them. This could lead to chaos and a massive depression, and a possible revolution against the bad government going on.”


Monday, June 4, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, everything that I do is out of love for you. The Commandments that were given to you reflect the love of God, and the love you should have for your neighbor. My coming to earth as a man to die for your sins is a gift of My very Self and an expression of how much I love man that I would sacrifice My life for you. I have given you My sacraments and My very Self to you in every Holy Communion that you receive. I have given you many gifts in My creation so that you will have light to see, air to breathe, and food to eat. Since I am all love, it is difficult for Me to see man fighting and killing each other in war, and all the other abuses of nature and even your own bodies. I am also perfection without sin and I give you My life as an example how to live without sin. You can replenish the grace in your soul by frequent Confession where you can ask My forgiveness of your sins. I want My faithful to live in love in all of the intentions of your actions. Even in My worldly creation where everything is perfectly made, man still tries in vain to improve on My perfection, and you are destroying the earth by your greed for wealth and comforts. Give your praise and glory to Me in your daily prayer and follow Me in the mission that I have given you. Accept the beauty and right purpose of all of My creation and leave things in their natural state.”


Tuesday, June 5, 2007: (St. Boniface)

Jesus said: “My people, hydroelectric power is one of the cheapest and environmentally friendly sources of electricity that man could generate. I am showing you the workings of such a power plant because now you are looking hard to generate electricity without burning fuels to do it. Even though some question whether carbon dioxide is the source or the result of global warming, cutting back on your air pollution is better for your lungs. Because man has finally decided to do something about air pollution, he is seeing all the possibilities for conservation, more fuel efficient power plants and cars, alternative fuels, and better use of wind, solar, water, and even tides to generate power. If you put some serious effort into these improvements, you could clean up your air all over the world and save burning fossil fuels which eventually could run out at your current and future usage. Your transportation, electricity, and heating your homes, consumes most of your fuels. These are other areas where you could reduce your fuel usage by being creative in conservation and efficiency. You work hard on many different causes, so now protecting your environment can leave a better heritage for future generations.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that many souls send themselves to various levels of purgatory. Some need more purging of their earthly desires than others. There is a certain amount of suffering that each of these souls must endure to atone for the reparation due for their sins. The souls in upper purgatory can be helped more by your prayers, good deeds, and Masses. There is more light and less greyness in upper purgatory where most of their suffering is not being able to see My face. In lower purgatory it is darker and the souls suffer more as they do in hell. These souls have to suffer and be purged for a minimum of their time before your prayers can help release them sooner. You have a gift to receive messages from these souls after death, and it would be good to read some books on this subject of what other souls have revealed. You also are seeing a need in your time to spend more prayer time specifically for the souls in purgatory. There are very few living souls that can convey this need for the poor souls in purgatory and this is a worthy intention to help free these souls from purgatory, so they can enjoy sooner the heaven that has been promised to them. All of these souls are saved, and it is just a matter of time until they are freed to enjoy My love and rest in heaven.”


Wednesday, June 6, 2007: (St. Norbert)

Jesus said: “My people, the time of the Warning is coming soon as indicated by the vision of this spinning bicycle wheel. It will be a great outpouring of My mercy and a blessing to every soul so they will be prepared for the coming tribulation. Even the worst of sinners will be given the grace to see Me in an out of body experience, and everyone will see how much they have offended Me by their sins. This spinning motion of the spokes of a bicycle wheel represents all of the actions and events that have occurred in your lives that will be flashed before you. The good things in your life will give you consolation, but the bad things will torment you with the guilt of your sins. Everything will be true and you will not be able to deny them or make excuses for your behavior, because I will show you the intentions in your heart for each action. This will occur for every soul at the same time. You will come before My Light of love and after your life review, I will show you where you would be judged at that moment of your life to heaven, hell, or purgatory. You will then have a small taste of what it would be like in the place where you were judged. You would then be placed back into your bodies and you would be given a chance to convert and change your sinful ways before the tribulation would start. Everyone will appreciate how much I love them, and how My mercy and grace will help them to seek My forgiveness and the forgiveness of those they may have offended in life. This whole experience will be one of love from Me, but it could cause sobbing in tears from your love or your guilt from sin. This will be a supernatural intervention by Me to change people’s lives because the evil of this day is leading many souls away from Me. Be prepared in your souls for this illumination of your conscience and a memory of the sins that you have not confessed.”


Wednesday, June 6, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I will protect My refuges from the evil ones by blinding their eyes from My faithful. When My faithful first arrive at their refuges, they will be frightened by the evil ones, and their faith in My help will not be strong. Only with prayer and trust can people live calmly at rest in the refuges. Once you see Me multiply the food, water, and dwellings, then you will quickly become believers in My miracles. In the old Exodus the people had to rely on manna, quail, and water. In this new modern day Exodus you will have My angels to give you Communion, there will be deer for meat, and miraculous springs for water. Once at My refuges, you will all be assigned duties for each of you to help the community in addition to your daily prayer life. As long as you have shelter and your necessities, you will be able to endure this brief trial of the tribulation. Trust that I will provide for your protection and your needs.”


Thursday, June 7, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this is a significant vision of a comet from an unusual vantage point because I have told you a while ago that this comet was on its way toward the earth. (6- 22-05) You are seeing the earth off in the distance as the comet is slowly approaching. This is the same comet that will signal the time of the Warning when many will be frightened as it will send this same debris of the vision down onto the earth. You will not have any warning from your scientists until you can visualize this comet for yourselves with the naked eye. I have been giving you messages of what it would be like in this Warning experience, and now you are seeing more signs that this time is growing near in your time. Even though some will be frightened at this comet’s close flyby, there is nothing to fear. Be at peace with My coming intervention of mercy because it would be more frightening to have to suffer all eternity in the flames of hell. I am giving all souls one last chance to wake up and change their sinful lives before they could be lost forever to the devil. Take advantage of all opportunities to grow closer to Me in love by My graces. Repent in seeking My forgiveness of your sins and believe in the Good News of My salvation by the example of My death on the cross and My Resurrection.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of My suffering on the cross I am brought face to face with each of you so you could share your earthly suffering with My suffering. In this vision also you are seeing My Spirit rise to meet My heavenly Father. The cross has two dimensions. The horizontal cross member represents your earthly body as I had adopted in My Incarnation. The vertical member represents your spirit soul which is always directed to heaven and your Creator. You are soul and body and it is the Holy Spirit in you that gives you life.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you die, your soul leaves your body as a white beam of light, much like when I gave up My Spirit in the first vision. It is fitting to see the cross again at your funeral as your body is separated from the soul. While you are alive, you are like a living cross made up of soul and body. Once you leave your body, you are allowed a brief time to adjust to your new spiritual environment. Then you are brought to Me for your first judgment. Be prepared in life by frequent Confession so your soul will be pure to meet Me at your death.”

Jesus said: “My people, this boat in the vision recalls many experiences that I had with My apostles. I called several of My apostles who were fishermen to follow Me in being fishers of men. I showed My apostles My powers when I calmed the storm and I led them to several large catches of fish. You can even envision yourself traveling in a boat on the sea of life as you go through high waves and low swells. Call on Me during your life so I can calm the storms and give you My peace, rest, and My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, the little children are always aglow as they anticipate receiving gifts at Christmas time. The most important guest at Christmas should be Me as the ‘Christ Child’. The image or statue of the ‘Infant Jesus’ is honored in many Spanish speaking countries around Christmas time when they honor Me with a novena to My birth. You can pray to Me as an adult or as an infant, since I am the same Jesus. Thank you for bringing this statue today to honor My Infancy.”

Jesus said: “My people, when wine is mentioned, you immediately think of My first miracle when I changed six large jars of water into the finest wine at the Marriage Feast in Cana. My apostles came to believe in Me more as they witnessed My miracles. Another great miracle with wine is when the wine is consecrated at a Mass into My Most Precious Blood and the bread into My Body. This gift of Myself in My Eucharist is the greatest gift that I could give you in this life. Those, who eat My Body and drink My Blood worthily, will have eternal life in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are already viewing some unusual storms in the Middle East and many violent storms across your nation. This view of the sea is truly the calm before your hurricane season. A few mild storms have brought some needed rain, but other storms will become more violent as you see the waters of the ocean heat up. Pray that your people will find safety during these storms.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are having a brief glimpse of the glory of My throne in heaven where the saints and angels sing My constant praises. This peace and love in heaven can be had by anyone who accepts Me as Master of their lives, and repents of their sins. The glory and beauty of heaven cannot be expressed in earthly terms, but you know a little of the feeling of My peace and love that envelops those in heaven. Keep focused on Me in heaven in following My mission for your life, and you will one day reap your reward in heaven.”


Friday, June 8, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, My Archangel St. Raphael instructed young Tobias to place the gall of the fish on his father, Tobit’s eyes, and he assured him that his father’s eyesight would return. Tobias then removed the thin skin of the cataracts from his father’s eyes, and he praised God that Tobit could see again. There were many miraculous healings recorded in the Bible, but some did employ natural methods that are still used today in medicine. Your medicines and surgery today have saved many lives and prolonged your life expectancies. But still I prefer you to use vitamins, herbs, a good diet, and proper exercise to take care of your body. Avoid excesses of sugar, food, drugs, and alcohol to maintain your health. It is getting harder to stay healthy when man contaminates your foods with excessive preservatives, pesticides, and other filth and bad bacteria. Even some are filling your skies with chem trails of viruses causing flu-like symptoms. Eat naturally as much as you can so you can be healthy to do My work in your mission here on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who will rule the new world order, will be just as ruthless as the Nazis in eliminating religious and patriotic Americans. This is why they will be using foreign troops to send you to the detention center death camps because your own troops would not kill and cremate Americans. Some of My faithful will be martyred for their faith in not going along with the new world order and not worshiping the beast, but they will become instant saints. The rest of My faithful will be called to leave for My refuges where you will be protected from the evil ones by My angels. You will be persecuted by demon inspired people, but I will not abandon you. Some of the leaders and outspoken against the new world order will be sought out even before martial law is declared. I will give a warning to My special faithful. It is more of this group that may face martyrdom. The rest of My faithful will be sought out when martial law is declared. They already have lists of religious and patriots, and they will proceed to pick you up if you are still at your homes. Listen to My call and leave in haste before these evil ones could capture you. Be patient for a brief reign of these evil days before I will come in victory over Satan and the Antichrist.”


Saturday, June 9, 2007: (St. Ephrem)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you again some caves where you will be led by your guardian angels for hiding and protection. There will be a time of persecution when the evil ones will seek out My faithful to kill you, and you will be thankful to Me for My protection. At times you will need to come out or have another exit for air or getting your food, so I will provide an opening for those who have difficulties with being closed in. Animals and the Early Christians have hidden in caves for protection and the time of the tribulation will not be any different. Give thanks and praise to your Lord for all that I do for you both now and in this future trial. You have been warned of these coming evil times, and you have been shown to follow your angels. Be patient and trust in Me in your prayers for this trial will be brief before I come again in victory.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is all about a time of a coming epidemic that would be from a man-made virus. A good number of people will become sick with pneumonia like symptoms and there will be areas of quarantine as indicated by the yellow gowns and protected environment. The people riding on bicycles are indications of My faithful seeking My refuges as havens of protection from these perpetrated diseases. I have told you that at My refuges there would be healing springs to heal diseases. There also will be a luminous cross over the refuges, and those who look upon this cross would be healed of all sicknesses, poisons, or man-made viruses. My refuges will truly be a source of healing, both physically of this epidemic virus, and spiritually in helping to lead souls to God. Rejoice that I will protect you from anything that the evil ones will try to inflict on you. Their power is nothing compared to My power, and the evil ones will not be able to see you or restrain you from being with Me.”


Sunday, June 10, 2007: (Corpus Christi)

Jesus said: “My people, I talked about ‘living water’ to a Samaritan woman representing My Body and Blood in My Eucharist as a grace to everyone. (John 4:13-15) ‘Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again. He, however, who drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst, but the water that I will give him shall become in him a fountain of water, springing up unto life everlasting.’ Even after I resurrected, My angels told the women at the tomb that I am a God of the Living and not the dead. When you worthily eat My Body and drink My Blood, you will truly have life everlasting. My Eucharist is a taste of heaven because you are receiving Me in My Real Presence. Whenever you receive Me, you also receive God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit because we are inseparable. There have been many miracles of My Eucharist to give witness to believers and unbelievers that I am truly present in every consecrated Host. When you come to My tabernacles or visit Me in Adoration, you are giving praise and glory to My Real Presence. I only ask that you always receive Holy Communion in the state of grace without mortal sin, so you do not commit any sin of sacrilege against Me. Every time that your parish receives Me in Holy Communion you are all joined in My Mystical Body with the Communion of Saints.”


Monday, June 11, 2007: (St. Barnabas)

Jesus said: “My people, these stacked pictures are like a time line of your life, and the last picture of red is the end of your life. As long as you see pictures of yourself in action, you are still living in this life. You all know that at one point in time you are appointed to die. But death is part of this life and your soul will live on forever. It is the future destination of your soul that should be so important to you. If you truly love Me, you can always be assured of being with Me in heaven one day. But if you refuse to love Me, and refuse to be sorry for your sins, you could risk being judged to eternity in hell. You would rather come to heaven more out of loving Me than from the fear of hell. Hell is reserved for the devil, his angels, and those who are evil or those who ignored Me. If your focus is on heaven, then you should also be focused on loving Me and serving Me. For some, coming to heaven will be an easy road, but for others, you may have to suffer persecution, or even martyrdom. The more you suffer, or the more good deeds that you did in life, the higher the level of heaven that you will be rewarded. So do not just seek to do the minimum to gain heaven, but seek to gain the highest spot in heaven that your God-given gifts can lift you.”

Jesus said: “My people, no matter which country that you live in, it is only necessary to provide your family with shelter and enough food and water to survive. The rest of your comforts are not as needed. If you seek My Kingdom first, everything else will be provided for you. So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, but live for the moment that you are living, because you only have the present. When you consecrate your lives to Me in daily prayer, and serve Me in following your mission, you can trust Me that you will find your reward in heaven. Those, who spend all their time on earth to accumulate riches, are spending their time in vain when they could focus on Me and serve the needs of others, which would store more valuable treasure in heaven. When you reach your judgment at the end of your life, you will have to make an accounting for how you spent all the time that was given to you. The more time that you spend in prayer and helping others, this will be the best way that you could account for your time. Now that you know how best to use your time, then reach out to souls to evangelize them in bringing them to Me.”


Tuesday, June 12, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, when you make a light, you put it on a lamp stand for all to see in the house. (Matt. 5:16) ‘Even so let your Light shine before men, in order that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.’ You have My Light of grace, faith, and knowledge in you, so you need to share it with others and do not just keep Me to yourself. Reach out to share your love with Me and your neighbor. Every time that you help someone, you are helping Me in them. There also are many souls that need to be evangelized so they can come to know and love Me. Saving souls from hell is even a better help for your neighbor than helping them with their earthly needs. But you can feed the body and the soul so you are helping the whole person. Let your Light of love shine out on all the nations.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good to be next to nature out in the rural areas where the air is cleaner and it is quieter than the noisy cities. Such an environment is also more conducive to prayer and meditation. Many people have even been called to build refuges out away from the cities where there are fewer people to question your activities. Some people will be farming crops where possible, while others will need to have their food multiplied. Living a refuge life will be much simpler and reassuring that I will protect you from the evil ones. Once you see the tribulation begin, it will also be a great time to be living right before My Era of Peace will begin. You will have to suffer a living purgatory on earth, but you are assured that this time will be brief to save My Elect. At the time of the tribulation reach out to help bring people with crosses on their foreheads to My refuges so they too could be saved from the clutches of the Antichrist.”


Wednesday, June 13, 2007: (St. Anthony of Padua)

Jesus said: “My people, the first vision represents life in all of its vitality, and the second vision is all about death. Every year the seasons also remind you about life in the spring and death in the fall and winter. This should also be a reminder to My faithful that this life is passing away, but the next life will be even more glorious for those who find themselves in heaven. All the more reason for you to live your lives for love of Me, if you desire to join Me in heaven. Just as death is natural to this life, living in harmony with My Commandments is also how the rest of creation is ordered to please Me and give Me glory. Man is made in My Image because you have free will to love Me or not. I do not force anyone to love Me, but you must choose to love Me freely on your own. Those, who repent of their sins and love Me, are promised to be with Me in heaven, but those, who refuse to love Me or serve Me, could find themselves judged to hell. Choose life with Me before you die.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the middle of your country some people have had to endure natural disasters from tornadoes and floods. Some had their homes destroyed by wind or water damage. You have accumulated many comforts and electrical devices for entertainment. But all of these earthly things can be swept away from you in an instant. Do not let money, fame, or earthly things control you, or take your focus off of Me. I am the most important One in your life, and you need to give everything over to Me so you can serve Me without any earthly distractions. Put aside some quiet time for prayer and meditation every day. By keeping in touch with Me through your love, you will be with Me forever worshiping Me in heaven.”


Thursday, June 14, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I abhor this conflict going on in Iraq as I do all unnecessary warfare. Most American casualties are being caused by powerful plastic explosives that are detonated by a radio signal in roadside bombs. With all of your sophisticated weaponry it is amazing that you are not helping your personnel with the proper equipment to defend themselves. You have jamming devices in your airplanes to counter radar for missiles. It would not take much know how to jam the signals for roadside bombs so they could not be triggered. Another tactic may be to develop a variable crystal to send out signals at various cycling frequencies that would detonate bombs at a safe distance in front of any convoy of vehicles. By jamming or destroying these simple devices, you could be saving many American soldiers from being maimed or killed. An even better solution for saving lives would be to stop the conflict altogether, and remove your forces from a bad war in the first place. Pray for peace and an end to this conflict that is inspired by the one world people.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I love you all so very much, and I would like to draw all of you to Me in heaven. This vision of a pink rose represents the life of the body that looks beautiful for a while, but then it eventually withers and dies. The flame that goes on forever represents the soul in all of its glory, and it will never die, but it lives on for all eternity. You will be separated from your body for a while at death, but at the last judgment, you will be reunited in a glorified body.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you before that Satan and his demons are working to cause more unrest in the Middle East. You are seeing the effects of this evil as more militant forces are gaining positions of power in order to launch more rocket attacks against Israel. Any future confrontation with Israel could easily draw America into another conflict to support their client, Israel. Pray that such a war does not occur so close to Armageddon.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is your people’s desire to use diplomatic channels to keep the peace in the world. But the Islamic militants want to make constant jihad war against the West until Israel is defeated and even the West if possible. Any attempts at peace will be seen as weakness. This direction for future conflicts will eventually bring the Antichrist into power as a man of peace, but then he will become a tyrant dictator of evil. The evil ones will have their hour, but it will not last long. Pray for My help, and I will lead you through this tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have recently celebrated Memorial Day for all of your soldiers that have died in past conflicts. With this current conflict in Iraq how many more of your soldiers have to die before you see the futility in continuing this war? You have lost 3,500 lives and many billions of dollars over four years in a conflict that is not improving. I told you before it will come down to a battle of the will of the people against the one world people who control your Congressional leaders. Pray that these wars could be ended before they destroy you.”

Jesus said: “My people, each year that you are pummeled by hurricanes and tornadoes, these storms are eroding your economic base and your insurance companies are having considerable losses. Your recent stock market gives a false appearance of prosperity, but the average person is actually losing while the rich prosper. Pray for the people suffering from these disasters because very little government money is helping them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are currently reading many articles of large lakes losing water or even drying up. The jet streams are becoming more erratic and rain patterns have changed that do not supply enough water to maintain your lake levels. These are more problems associated with your increasing temperatures as you are seeing conditions for famine on a world scale come upon you.”


Friday, June 15, 2007: (Sacred Heart of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, for all created things I am the center of your universe, and all things revolve around Me. I am all perfection, all love, and all cause of everything that exists. This vision of a circling universe is to show you the breadth and extent of My power, even as the apostles marveled when I calmed the stormy sea. The portrayal of My Sacred Heart with a flame and a crown of thorns represents My love for My people that I would even give up My life to save all of you. The heart is a sign of love and the eternal flame means that I will always love you, even when you sin against Me. My mercy and forgiveness are always available to every sinner in My sacrament of Reconciliation. You can confess your sins to the priest in contrition and sorrow, and I will forgive you. Those, who do not repent and do not accept the fact that you are sinners, are risking the fires of hell for all eternity. All things in the universe follow My Will and man is no exception. See that I give you free choice to love Me and follow My Will. But some of My angels and men have refused to serve Me, and it is for this purpose that hell was created for the prideful and those without love in their hearts. Come to Me, My children, and enjoy the love and reward of your Master for being faithful to your mission and My Divine Will.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Me in the heavens as I am reaching out to everyone to shower My love upon you from My Sacred Heart. Many have seen a large rainbow around the sun today, as you, yourself, have seen with your own eyes. Rainbows are a sign of a covenant as was made with Noah to never destroy the earth again with water. This sign today is another representation of My covenant of love with My people. You know how much I love you, and I want you to love Me as well. It is good for you to be here tonight to honor My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. This feast together is a celebration of our two hearts joined together as one. The darkness at the end of the vision represents the coming trial of evil in the tribulation, but rejoice because I will vanquish all of these evil ones and bring about My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, June 16, 2007: (Immaculate Heart of Mary)

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I thank all of you for participating in both Masses for My Immaculate Heart and My Son’s Sacred Heart. It is always a joy to bring all of My children to My Son, Jesus. Our hearts are joined as one heart and we wish to join our hearts with your hearts as well. You can pray My rosary or pray meditatively with informal prayer. There is such a great need of prayer in your world that you could be on your knees praying all day long. Pray for your families; pray for peace in the world; pray for purity and avoid the sins of the flesh. Pray for poor sinners and the poor souls in purgatory. We love you so much and you can share your love with us in prayer and when you can receive My Son in Holy Communion. Love one another, and reach out to evangelize as many souls as you can to save them from hell.”

(Father’s Day Mass) God the Father said: “I am the Father of all fathers and I come to bless and console all fathers because you have a heavy responsibility in providing for your family. There are fewer families that even have a father as the head of the household because of your sinful lifestyles, divorce, and single parents. Fathers need to love their families and support their children both physically and spiritually. It should be the father’s responsibility to see that their children are educated properly in school and college, as well as properly educated in their religious faith. Parents bring souls into this world and it is their duty to lead them to a love of God by good example. I have sent you My Beloved Son to teach you how to love and obey My Commandments. I am Father of all peoples, and I want you to follow and love Me even more than your own parents. A father image is always one of strength and authority, so wish Me a happy Father’s Day on this day that you honor all fathers.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am opening this door to the knowledge of My love. Some seek to know Me in every way possible. This is an open door of opportunity that not every one takes advantage of, but those, who do, receive great graces for their desire to be with Me. Many worldly people are always looking for greener pastures of riches and possessions, but they are never fully satisfied. I am opening this door to greener spiritual pastures where I wish to pasture My sheep in My love and My gifts that will satisfy your souls completely. When you seek to know Me, you can take time for retreats, or you can pray the Liturgy of the Hours. Your experiences at monasteries either physically or in movies, gives you a deep understanding of the contemplative life. This feeling of quiet love with Me can be lost in your busy everyday activities. Slow down at times so you can fully appreciate the gifts of your Lord.”


Sunday, June 17, 2007: (Father’s Day)

Jesus said: “My people, fathers know the importance of providing food for their children, and a place to stay and call home. At times a father may have to take jobs that are not what he wanted, but he does it to provide money for the family. Fathers are the protectors of the family as well as from weather, dangers, and robbers. Even once you have helped your children to grow up and get educated, you still look out for them once they have left the house. You are shepherding your children in protecting them from physical harm and you look out for their spiritual welfare as well. A father should be a good role model for his children and even his grandchildren. So as fathers see the responsibilities of their place in society, it is good to thank them on this day for all they have done for their families and their community. A father and mother are the core helpers in your families, and without them performing their functions, your society will suffer as a result. Pray for all the members of your family that you will be cared for and loved by Me and your father. Love is what binds your souls together.”


Monday, June 18, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you can see in this vision that these people are going about their daily activities in the dark. This did not happen all at once, as if someone turned out the lights. This living in the darkness of sin has come over your people gradually. This started with your being used to comforts and the permissiveness of your society in not holding people accountable for their moral sins of living together in fornication and having abortions. It comes in your songs and movies that glorify sex, violence, and vulgar language. With this constant barrage on your TV, among your politicians, and Hollywood people, your adults and children see sinful behavior as acceptable. Now greed for money, and killing in wars and for drugs has become everyday living because your society’s standards have so deteriorated. Even though others are living sinfully, it does not make it right, and My faithful are still obliged to follow My Commandments in showing your love for Me. When I came on the earth, I was the Light in the darkness of sin to show the people how to live rightly by My words and by My actions. My faithful must live this way also by your words of instruction and actions that follow your words. If you are to be good examples to others, then you cannot be hypocrites by saying one thing and doing another. Live holy lives by your words and your actions, and you too can be a Light amidst the darkness of sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, military weapons are big business, especially in America. There are several nations that sell weapons, but unless there were constant wars, there would be no business or need for these weapons. This is how the one world people make money on wars, and it is also why they find ways to cause wars. Some dictators are set up just for a reason for another war. Even lately you are seeing unprovoked wars to preempt other nations. In Iraq this war continues even though there were no nuclear bombs found. Pray for peace so the one world people do not get their way. When I come again, I will defeat these greedy killers and they will be cast into hell with Satan and the Antichrist.”


Tuesday, June 19, 2007: (St. Romuald)

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you as I rush into your souls at Communion time. This vision in the attic is where many will be hiding during the tribulation as you move from house to house at interim refuges on your way to your final refuge. It is because the evil ones will be trying to kill you, or place chips in your body, that you will be fleeing to My refuges of protection. When I come to free you and place your captors into hell, this is when the floor of the attic will disappear and you will be able to see all the faithful. At the refuges you will be invisible to the evil ones, but visible to each other. Have no fear of these evil times for My angels will guide you and protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you care more about the appearance of your house, and your outward appearance than you do for your inner appearance of your soul. Your possessions and even your very body are passing away, but your soul lives on forever. This is why you should take more care of your soul in frequent Confession than all of your earthly cares. It is your love for Me and others that is more important than your love for earthly things and any fame. Keep your focus on Me and the eternal destination of your soul and you will not be far from your reward in heaven. Even if you have been blessed with earthly wealth and spiritual wealth, it is even better to share what you have with others to help the poor to have their necessities, and to help the poor of spirit with My graces. When you share from the heart, it is truly a sincere sign of genuine charity rather than for other advantages. Trust in Me and My love, and you will have spiritual riches that are much more valuable than any earthly riches.”


Wednesday, June 20, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, just as you see the students move forward each year in their studies, everyone should be improving toward your perfection from year to year. The students learn more about their regular subjects as well as about their faith in Catholic schools. So My faithful should take some time now to see if they have improved in their faith since last year. If you have not improved, then think of some things that will help you on your way to perfection. Everything that you do not improve in life will have to be made up in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, this year has been forecasted to be the hottest summer on record. Such a heat could cause many deaths from heat exhaustion if people do not have a fan or air conditioning. It can increase the chance of drought with more intense fires in the West. Your storms and hurricanes could become more violent with great damage when they strike land. Last year the El Nino in the Pacific Ocean did not allow many hurricanes to form in the Atlantic Ocean, but this year there is no El Nino to protect you. This summer will be filled with many natural disasters and man-made incidents. Be prepared with some extra food and water because you may have your electricity shut off along with no fuel to be pumped for your cars. You already have seen fires in the West and the South, so expect more of the same. Pray that you will have your necessities provided for when you trust in Me.”


Thursday, June 21, 2007: (St. Aloysius Gonzaga)

Jesus said: “My people, if your roof is leaking, or if it is in bad shape, you do everything to fix it right away before any rain could cause further damage. In your physical needs you are quick to attend to them, but in your spiritual needs you do not act as quickly to seek the forgiveness of your sins to Me or to your neighbor. If you let sins accumulate, you are more vulnerable to committing further sin and even worse sins. It is better to cleanse your sins often in Confession so you can keep your soul pure and in good repair, just as you tend to your roof when it leaks. Even before you come to receive Me in Holy Communion, I have told you to make things right with your neighbor in forgiveness before you bring your gift of love before Me at Mass. It is difficult for man to forgive some harm done by another, but do not hold grudges, and work to love even your enemies and persecutors. I even ask you to forgive yourself for any wrongdoing because I forgive you, and do not let past sins hold you back in life.”


Sunday, July 1, 2007:

Jesus said: “My son, just as Eliziah passed on his mantle to Elisha, I have asked you to take on this mission of preparing My faithful for the end days. I am thankful to you for immediately accepting My mission for you, as you consecrate yourself to Me each day. I know it is not easy to accept My calling, but with My grace you will be able to carry on. Some feel that they are not worthy to take on being a prophet in proclaiming My Word, but you have accepted this mission in blind faith and obedience. My Blessed Mother, many of My saints, and prophets have also given their fiat to My service without turning back. Those, who follow My call without hesitation, are showing full trust and a deeper faith in Me and My help in making this commitment of their lives. When others wanted to look back with various excuses as even burying relatives, I told them to let the dead bury their dead. It is most important to proclaim My Gospel of Good News to all the nations without reservation or worry of any persecution. Those, who are reluctant to follow Me, need extra grace to support their weak faith. My people should be humble in My service, but they should not hold back anything, and give Me their full commitment. You can only be a complete Christian, and not a lukewarm Christian, if you expect to enter heaven. So put aside all of your earthly excuses because you are called to a spiritual life with Me, where you can only use all of your potential talents by giving your all to My service.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many clashes in history between the Moslems and the Western people as in the Crusades. These differences are hard to reconcile, especially with Israel in the midst of the Arab countries. There will continue to be problems between these factions, especially over the oil which is sought by China and other industrial nations. The ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have made the Moslems mad at America for trying to take their land and kill their people. These feelings will continue to make terrorism a real threat in the West from Moslem militants who have infiltrated into the Western countries. These few little skirmishes in Great Britain are a sign of more of these incidents to come. Pray for peace among your peoples, but there are those in high places who want to take advantage of these hostilities for their own gain.”


Monday, July 2, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the account in the First Reading of the evil of Sodom and Gomorrah, and how I wanted to destroy these cities. I have given the gift of free will to each soul so that they have been made in My Image. I give you free will so you could choose to love Me, and you are not forced to love Me, even as the plants and animals have no choice. But there is a heavy responsibility to use this free will to do good things. In other words you will be held accountable for each action because you inherently know what is good and bad by My Commandments and natural law which is in the heart. If you know, love, and serve Me in your actions, you will receive My reward. For all of your bad actions, you need to confess your sins to Me and seek My forgiveness. If you continue to violate My laws knowingly, and refuse to repent of your sins, then you must be prepared to accept My justice, even as the people in the flood and the fire were killed for their evil lives. People, who live a total life of evil in defiance of My Will and My laws, can expect to suffer for eternity in hell. So in all of your actions you are to expect the consequences of your decisions. You can choose to do evil and sin against Me, but you will need to make some reparation for your sins, even as you must suffer prison time for violating the laws of your society. I am a God of love, and I offer you My mercy for your sins by being sorry and contrite for them. But if you have no remorse for your bad actions, then you are calling down My punishment upon you.”


Monday, July 2, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you are using natural gas, coal, and nuclear power to generate your electricity for your grids. These sources are relatively cheap, but burning fossil fuels still makes up a high percentage of your means to power your plants. There is an increasing interest to make power without creating pollution of carbon dioxide and other pollutants as acid rain. As solar, wind, and more nuclear power come on stream, there is a plan to cut down on pollutants. In the same way cars need to be more efficient with recyclable fuels to cut down on oil imports and pollution as well. Once you have decided to improve the air, there may be many new discoveries on how to conserve power and make things more efficient. Man cannot keep increasing his power needs without any limit, and he needs to find new, environmentally friendly ways to provide electricity. Question your real needs and how best to provide clean power and clean fuels, so nature’s balance is not disturbed.”


Tuesday, July 3, 2007: (Rose’s Funeral)(Our 42nd Wedding Anniv)

Jesus said: “My people, many relatives of the deceased are in sorrow at the passing of their loved one. Even though it may be painful to let your loved one go, they need to die to be able to come to heaven. Very few souls go to heaven directly, while the rest go to purgatory or hell. In the vision I am showing you the real celebration occurring when souls in purgatory are allowed into heaven. This stream of white souls have been purged and cleansed of all of their worldly desires, and they have made reparation for all of their sins. In Rome you see some canonizations of saints by My Church, but in heaven there are many new saints being welcomed into heaven that are not even known by man. Some of these souls are released together on feast days, and some are released sooner because people are praying, offering up Masses, suffering, or doing good deeds for them. These souls, who have made it to heaven, will never forget to pray for all of those souls who made it possible for their early release from purgatory. Rejoice and give praise to God for releasing these souls every day.” (St. Thomas, the apostle)

Jesus said: “My people, it is interesting to Me to see what man values most in this world. Some people strive to gain as many sports trophies as they can, thinking fame in such accomplishments is their goal in life. Others seek as many patents as they can to show off their knowledge skills. Others seek to make it rich in stocks or property, thinking that success is in how much wealth you can accumulate. Yet success in worldly things will not gain you heaven. In fact giving up your life’s wealth in total faith is more desirable to gain heaven. I measure success in how much you can love Me and love your neighbor. Saving souls, doing good deeds, donating to charities, and daily prayer are much more valuable than any money that you have acquired. Your treasure in heaven will mean more to your soul when you die, because you cannot take your money or your possessions with you. When your soul leaves your body, you are spiritually naked with only the good deeds that you did in your hands. Live your life in total commitment to Me, and you will be led on the right path to heaven. Forget about fame and money, for they do not exist in heaven.”


Wednesday, July 4, 2007: (Independence Day)

Jesus said: “My people, in the beginning of your country your documents have placed Me in your proceedings, and you continue to have My Name on your coinage and in your Pledge of Allegiance. It is for this reason that you have received many graces and blessings. But now you are being led by some who want to take prayer out of the schools, and take ‘God’ out of anything public in trying to promote a separation of church and state. It is this excuse that is being used to strip anything about Me from the public domain. Your abortion laws and laws over homosexual marriages are drawing an evil curtain over this rainbow, as you allow the one world people to control you in getting into so many unnecessary wars. It is because you are turning your back against Me that I have taken some of these blessings away from you. You are facing more natural disasters and a possible takeover that would remove your Independence rights in the coming North American Union. Bring your country back to more prayer and worship of Me before your country’s history will disappear with your spiritual apathy.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard accounts of people leaving their body during a near death experience. Sometimes they hover over their body, and others have experiences of seeing Me, and then are allowed a second chance to return to their bodies. While they are out of body, they can sometimes converse with live persons who are open to their communication. I am relating this experience because at the time of the Warning, all of you will come out of your bodies at the same time, and you will come before Me in your mini-judgment. You will have an illumination of your conscience as you will review all of the years of your life with a special attention to all of your unforgiven sins. You will receive your individual judgment, and you will have a taste of your destination. You will be outside of time, and then you will be placed back into your bodies for one last chance to change your lives, and seek My forgiveness of your sins. Take advantage of this supernatural intervention which is My mercy to wake up every soul to come to Me in love. Some will still reject Me, but those, who work to improve their lives, will find a heavenly reward at their final judgment.”


Thursday, July 5, 2007: (St. Anthony Zaccaira)

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to keep your focus on Me with all of today’s earthly distractions. Having a dedicated daily prayer time can act like these windshield wipers in constantly removing your distractions of the world. Make your prayer time a high priority in your daily activities, and you will not overlook it. Be careful not to put off this time, or you may forget it. Even if you do not spend your hour in prayer, make a morning offering to consecrate everything to Me, so all that you do becomes a prayer to Me. If you should miss your prayer time on one day, try to make it up on the next day, because your prayers are needed for My Blessed Mother’s intentions. You may think that just your prayers are not that important, but you are in a spiritual battle and your prayers need to be offered so I can multiply them to offset the evil of the world. Let this message be an added reminder to have your prayers said preferably in the morning while you are still fresh, instead of being tired at night to say them.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones have linked their satellites and cell towers so the internet web covers buying and selling all over the world. The www has been likened to the digits 666 where the beast will use this to control the people. Smart cards and chips in the body will be the means to control people through their money and charges. They also mean to control your minds to worship the beast. Refuse to use smart cards and chips in the body so you are not part of their mind control. When you see martial law or the Antichrist declare himself, you are to call on Me and your guardian angels will guide you to the nearest refuge of protection. Have no fear of these evil ones, for My power will overwhelm them.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before that there is a coming epidemic of a man-made virus that would be spread all over America by chem trails from your government. This would be spread by both military and airline planes. This will be one of the main events leading up to martial law being declared. The evil ones would have an antidote vaccine for themselves, but the public could die from this virus. Call on Me to protect you and lead you to My refuges. There you could drink the spring water and look on My luminous cross to be healed of this epidemic.”

Jesus said: “My people, the same people, who are making your present man-made viruses for the chem trails, will be making a much more virulent form of old diseases to limit the population of America. The one world people have to bring America under their control if they are to bring about total takeover of the world. All of those, who are against their new world order, will have to be exterminated, even as Hitler wanted to dispose of the Jews. There will be much killing, but My faithful remnant will be protected at My refuges, defying the evil ones’ plans.”

Jesus said: “My people, the reign of the evil ones will be shortened and brief as I will bring My wrath upon them. They will suffer hell on earth and then they will be cast into hell so no evil will remain on the earth. I will renew the earth and then bring My faithful remnant into My Era of Peace. This victory over evil is what I have promised you in prophecy, and it will be carried out and fulfilled in My time. So do not have any fear of the power of the evil ones because I will snuff them out in an instant.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones will have their hour of evil for a short time, even as I allowed them to crucify Me for your salvation. But I allowed them to go only so far in order for My faithful to spread My teachings all over the world. In this evil age I will send you My Warning to offer every soul an opportunity to be saved if you repent and ask for My forgiveness. Trust in Me and I will save your souls from all that the one world people are planning.” Jesus said: “My people, some people are afraid of these messages that speak about ruthless killing of the American people with viruses and public executions. In human terms this can be threatening, but you have My promise of protection from the most deadly things that the evil ones could develop. My power is greater and I will protect you at My refuges with an invisible shield of My angels that will keep any threatening bombs or viruses from harming you. Rejoice that I will go into battle for you, even as you know that I will be the victor.”

Jesus said: “My people, My faithful remnant must be a people of prayer with full trust in their Lord. I have given you many messages of how important prayer is in your lives. Prayer is how you communicate your love to Me. Prayer is how you give Me praise and glory. Prayer is how you are sorry for your sins and it leads you to My forgiveness in Confession. Prayer trains you spiritually to how you will be completely focused on loving Me without any earthly desires to distract you. Love Me always as I love you unconditionally.”


Friday, July 6, 2007: (St. Maria Goretti)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a picture of all the latest saints that just graduated into heaven, and all of heaven is rejoicing at their arrival. Heaven is a joy and a complete satisfaction of your soul in My Presence with My love and peace wrapped around you. You become a part of Me as you view Me in the beatific vision. It is a joy that cannot be explained in human terms, and it is a state of being more than an earthly existence. Your spirit is in a beautiful youthful appearance, and you will be thankful to Me for your reward to be here. You will be giving Me praise and honor constantly, and you will also desire to pray for all of your friends and relatives to come to share heaven with you. Your ideas of spiritual love for Me and others barely touches the surface in your earthly experiences. When you are in heaven, you will see why I preached so much about love and how it unites all souls. When you first fell in love with your wife or husband, you were in a special world that you could not do enough for each other. This earthly experience is just a touch of what heavenly love is all about. I created all souls with this joy of love, and you were meant to share this eternal love with Me in heaven. As you understand your desire to be with Me in heaven, I want you to give everything over to My Will, so you can fulfill My mission for you in saving your soul and the souls around your influence. Keep Me totally fixed in your focus throughout each day of your life, and you will one day be with Me forever in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who strive all of their lives to make as much money as they can. They let money dictate how they live and in essence they let money and fame control them. These are the same people that measure success in how much money and property they could accumulate. But what good is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul? This wealth is fleeting and it will not help you to gain heaven. Treasure on earth is a whole lot different that heavenly treasure. Earthly treasure can only buy earthly things, but these earthly desires have to be purged from your soul to make you ready for heaven. Heavenly treasure for your good deeds, prayers, and charity cannot be stolen or devalued, and it may help you when you are judged at your judgment. Earthly treasure is valued by man, but heavenly treasure is valued more by Me. Focus more on your heavenly treasure which can help gain you eternity in heaven. Those, who strive for money, become a slave to money and even make money an idol which could endanger their reaching heaven. Money is only a means to provide for your living. It is not an end in itself. Worship Me only over anything of earthly origin. If you worship money, you are violating My First Commandment.”


Saturday, July 7, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have just heard the Scripture about how Jacob and his mother deceived the blind Issac to give Jacob the birthright blessing that should have gone to Issac’s oldest son, Esau. (Gen. 27:1-29) In My Church My faithful have also been given a birthright of My Traditions and the Sacred around My Blessed Sacrament. But you also have deceivers in My Church that are removing the statues, icons, and even My Blessed Sacrament into back rooms. Your churches have become only four walls with no sense of the Sacred of a church. You indeed have wolves in lamb’s clothing attacking the reverence of My Blessed Sacrament. My church is a place for My Real Presence to be honored in a prominent place, and not to be hidden. Prayer should be taught more, and the witness of My saints should be present to inspire My faithful to lead holy lives. If your religious teaching is so weak, how can you pass on the Traditions of My Church to future generations? Follow My Words in the Scriptures, even if My flock is not being properly pastured. These deceivers will have to make an accounting at their judgment for any faithful that they have led astray.”

Jesus said: “My people, Israel is expecting more attacks from Hamas, and Iran is sending arms to all of the terrorist groups in Iraq and Gaza. With so many factions fighting in the Middle East, there is a real chance for war to break out again in this area. Both sides would like a compromise, but the militant Islamists do not want to stop fighting until Israel is defeated. This is why future wars will continue in this area because there is little chance for peace. If all out war occurs in Israel, America will come to their aid and you could get involved in yet another war which you can hardly afford. America will be forced to break off any support in Iraq and Afghanistan because your troops and planes are already spread too thin. Continue to pray for your troops to come home so you can protect your homeland from foreign attack.”


Sunday, July 8, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the little falls represents the cleansing of sins as when you are Baptized or absolved in Confession. You all are sinners, but not many want to admit it. Even some want to confess their sins in a neighboring parish because you are embarrassed if your parish priest heard your sins. But it is most important for the spiritual health of your soul to confess your sins at least once a month. I am always ready to forgive your sins, if you would just repent and be sorry for having offended Me. The other scene of torrents of water represents the rush of worldly events that can sweep you up if you are not careful to avoid this danger. The calm pool of water represents the quiet time that you could share with Me in meditation or prayer, in order to share your love with Me. When you are too involved with earthly activities, you can take up all of your time without making time for Me. So keep your prayer time as a top priority, and you can make time for Me in your lives.”


Monday, July 9, 2007: (St. Augustine-Chinese martyrs)

Jesus said: “My people, this reading about Jacob’s Ladder at Bethel (Gen. 28:12) came from Jacob’s dream and later he made a covenant with God as he named the place after God’s presence. You also have had this dream in a vision before (7-13-06, 2- 28-07), but this time you are seeing angels and saints ascending and descending on this stairway or ladder. Even though you are in an evil world, you have the saints and angels around you to guide you and protect you from the evil ones. You have only to call on My help and I will be there for you. You may not realize it, but you are in a constant battle for souls. The faithful people are being helped by My angels to convert souls to the Lord on one side. Then you have the occult people influencing souls to evil on the other side. Pray for the people around you that they may see My Light and be saved by their conversion.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have planned a long time for the takeover of the whole world. They will bring the Antichrist into power at the appointed time, but all of those, who thought that they would get a high place of honor, will be double-crossed. He will remove all of the current leaders, and he will replace them with his hand-picked occult people of his own culture. The Antichrist is a father of lies, as the devil will influence this beast of a man. He will first talk of peace to gain the people’s favor, but once he has declared himself in full authority, he will become a tyrant leader causing an evil that you have yet to see. His reign will be shortened for the sake of My Elect, when I will come in victory to vanquish all of these evil ones. Once the Antichrist’s hour is over, I will cast all of these evil ones into hell. I will renew the earth, and bring about My Era of Peace. Fear not these evil ones, for as you see the Antichrist take power, know that My victory is near.”


Tuesday, July 10, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful to all of My dedicated faithful who come and give Me worship and homage before My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration. I also invite those, who can make Me a priority in your life, to come and visit Me in My Real Presence. I will listen to all of your prayers and petitions, and they will be answered according to My Will in My time. You are seeing a vision of the universe over My consecrated Host as a sign of My great power as Ruler of the universe. The people of My day saw Me cast out demons, and heal the sick in miracles they could not fathom. To the remark that I was the prince of demons, I told these accusers that Satan’s kingdom could not last if it was divided by My casting out demons. In fact I am Ruler even over Satan and all the demons, as they feared My presence, and they did not want Me to drive them out of souls. Even today priests and people can recite prayers of deliverance in My Name to cast evil spirits out of possessed people. My power did not stop when I left the earth, and I allow My power to be invoked when you call on My Name. Give praise and glory to your Lord who rules everywhere with a loving hand. Come to Me in love at Adoration and Holy Communion, and you can share in the power of My Blessed Sacrament. Where I am adored, many blessings will come down on those believers.”

Jesus said: “My people, your pope is allowing the Latin Mass to be said more freely so the Church can preserve some of its traditions and a sense of the Sacred. There are some who are opposed to the old traditions because it may be foreign to them if they are younger. Others do not like the old traditions and they want to persecute anyone who tries to bring them back. The Latin Mass was the same all over the world, even though some may not know the meaning of the words. It was the old missal that enabled you to follow the words in English. Many of the old traditions gave more reverence to My Blessed Sacrament. My Real Presence should be more honored in a prominent place than some churches give it. Give praise and glory to your Lord for instituting My Holy Eucharist in the Sacrifice of the Mass. Keep these basic teachings of the faith close to your heart, and do not let anyone take them away from you.”


Wednesday, July 11, 2007: (St. Benedict)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this automobile manufacturing line because many of your home industries are facing unequal competition from foreign companies. Because you allow foreign auto companies to make cars on your soil, and because of your North American Trade Treaties (NAFTA), your own companies are losing market share and are on the verge of bankruptcy. Your other companies have sent jobs overseas for cheaper parts and labor as technical middle class jobs in manufacturing are disappearing in America. The profits are being made on Wall Street and they are going to the rich, while your workers are left with lower paying jobs. This elimination of your middle class workers is part of the one world people’s plans to weaken America and make it ripe for takeover. Your imbalance in your trade deficit, especially with China, is causing more money to leave America. Your deficits in your government spending and the high amount of individual debt with little savings will strain your finances to the breaking point. A financial collapse could be engineered at any time because America is so vulnerable. Pray for your people who do not see how they are being manipulated by the rich and the powerful.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that My faithful will be invisible at My refuges from anyone trying to harm you. This large rock wall is what they will see and it will be impervious to any means of detection such as microwaves, infra-red, or any other human sensors. Be grateful that My angels will protect you from any physical or evil force. All of your necessities as food, water, clothing, and shelter will be provided for you. You do not need to know how I will protect you, but I will do the impossible to try and save all of your souls. When you come to My refuges, you will need to put your full trust in My protection. Just as you trust Me in faith for your spiritual life, so you will have to have faith in My help for your physical life as well.”


Thursday, July 12, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, these ruthless one world leaders will do anything to get their way in taking over countries. They try to subvert the people through the banking systems in each country by controlling the spending. These are the central bankers who have a hold on people through their debts. They encourage wars and overspending to purposely run up debts so they could control that country’s government. They follow orders from Lucifer himself in bringing down the morals of the people through the occult, bad movies, abortion, and homosexual practices. They finance cloning, bad science, and abominations against My balance of nature. These evil ones are about to bring world control to the Antichrist, and this meeting is just one of many in how they will bring it about. Have no fear because I will bring victory over all of these evil plans at the appointed time. Be patient and trust in My power that will cast this evil lot into hell.” Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, when you see flowers bloom, you are awed by their beautiful colors. When you see someone working good deeds to help someone, they are blooming also with joy and satisfaction with the fruit of their works. I give all of you many little opportunities to help people, even if it is just to open a door for someone. Reach out to show your love for Me by showing your love for your neighbor in sharing your time, money, and spiritual gifts.”

Jesus said: “My people, your first spiritual concern is that you keep your focus on Me so you can direct yourself down the right path to heaven. By giving good example in your prayer life and your actions, you can be a faithful example to your children by letting them see that you practice what you preach. Each parent is responsible for the souls of their children. You try to lead them down the right path, but they need to make their own choices to believe in Me. Even when they may wander away from the faith, you need to pray for their conversion, and encourage them away from any bad lifestyle.”

Jesus said: “My people, sometimes you see people who are struggling with difficulties in their life and they need lifting up to Me. Do not be afraid to go out of your comfort zone in order to share the joy of your faith to build up someone in need of spiritual help. Even sharing how much you love Me with someone can buoy up their spiritual life which may be lacking in fervor for Me. You can pray with such people, help them in their necessities, and teach them the basics of the faith. Helping to save souls in conversion or bringing them back to the sacraments will give you treasure in heaven. Every soul, who repents and comes to Me, causes great rejoicing in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you reach out in charity for another soul, it is how much you give of yourself that shows how much love is in your heart for them. You can give someone a donation of money to help with their necessities, but this can be a minimal effort for their help. Others may actually give of their time and talent to help paint or build a house for someone else. This is the extra mile of charity that the receiving person is now touched and grateful for the helping person’s concern. Others help the poor with clothing and soup suppers to feed their needs. This extra outreach takes love in the heart to want to help those in great need. So when you feel in a charitable mood, try to go beyond a simple donation, with help in your prayers and personal labor, even when it is not requested. The more you give of yourself for others, the more reward you will receive in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how important it is to be able to attend Sunday and Weekday Masses with the priest present. You also are aware of how much Satan attacks My priest sons, and tries to discourage vocations. Many vocations to the priesthood come through fervent prayers before My Blessed Sacrament. You also need to pray to Me to send extra angels of protection around the priests who bring Me to you in Holy Communion. Beg that I send more laborers into My harvest.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some beautiful people who reach out to women with problem pregnancies to support them in either adoption or taking care of their own children. Abortion is such an abomination of My gift of procreation, and no life should be wasted or killed, even for some deformity. Pray for these mothers who need support, and pray for the workers to come forward in helping to counsel these troubled women.” I could see some people out of charity praying for women who were having difficulty in conceiving a child.

Jesus said: “My people, you have had people ask you for prayers that they could conceive a child. This irony is around so many who choose to abort their healthy children. Your son, David, and many other saints are willing to be intercessors for infertile couples. You know that with Me all things are possible. So reach out in prayer to help these couples to have children, and when such a prayer is answered, give glory to God and thank Him for every gift of life.”


Friday, July 13, 2007: (Josephine’s funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, during life you come to Me in the priest to have your sins forgiven in Confession. Unfortunately, because Confession is not encouraged much in your churches, very few are moved to confess their sins. Some feel only compelled to go if they have committed a mortal sin because they were not taught about frequent Confession even for venial sins. By rationalizing their serious sins as not being mortal, then many Catholics do not feel it is necessary to confess their sins. Everyone has to admit that they are sinners, and they should confess at least monthly. You have the grace of the sacrament of Reconciliation and the opportunity of receiving spiritual counseling from your confessor. By keeping your soul cleansed frequently, your soul will be pure for the day that I will call you home in death. Even in this vision of meeting Me, everyone will see Me at their judgment at their death, and you do not want Me to be a stranger to you. If I do not know you because you have not prayed or repented of your sins, then you risk being condemned to hell. But if I do know you for praying to Me often and worshiping Me on Sunday or more, then surely I will welcome you into My Wedding Banquet after you have cleansed your garments of the filth of your sins. Let each funeral that you attend be a reminder to you that this life is short, and on earth you are always preparing for your eternal life with Me in heaven.”


Saturday, July 14, 2007: (Kateri Tekakwitha)

Jesus said: “My people, when you make a commitment to Me as Kateri did, every day of your life takes on a new light and a joy to live it for My greater glory. You all have earthly duties to provide for your living, but with your daily consecration, everything that you do, you do for Me. In the few minutes that you make in order to pray with Me, you are at rest and peace in your soul. Give glory and praise to your Lord every day, even as My saints and angels sing My praises. Kateri dedicated her life to My service, even despite the persecution that she received from her tribe, because they did not have the same faith in Me. I call on all of My disciples to dedicate their lives to Me as well, and reach out to others to share My Gospel of love and salvation for their souls. Rejoice when you share each day with Me in love, and also love your neighbor as yourself. By being obedient to My laws and My mission for your life, you will have an everlasting peace with Me in heaven as your reward.”


Sunday, July 15, 2007: (Good Samaritan)

Jesus said: “My people, you are witnessing in these farm fields the gifts of the earth’s produce for your food and feed for the animals. The farmer receives pay for his crops, but it is a labor of love so that people may have the needed food to eat. The message of today’s Gospel is all about helping your neighbor without expecting anything in return. Just as the Good Samaritan was moved to pity to help the beaten man back to good health, all of My faithful should be open to help your neighbor in their need. You should also be willing to take action without being asked. Maybe you would be called to help someone clear land of some trees to build a house, or help someone harvest their crops. When you help someone, do not look for a lot of praise, for you already have received your recompense. When you perform charity as in donations of money, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Those good deeds that you do in secret, My heavenly Father will reward you in secret in heaven. Be a cheerful giver from the heart, and be generous as you are humble in your sharing. In all that you do, do it out of love for Me, and love for your neighbor.”


Monday, July 16, 2007: (Our Lady of Mount Carmel)

Jesus said: “My people, this day you honor St. Simon Stock whom My Blessed Mother gave the brown scapular with a promise that whoever wears this in faith in Me, will never see the fires of hell. My Blessed Mother and I have our hearts joined as one, and she watches over all of her children. At the foot of the cross I gave St. John to My Blessed Mother, and he represented everyone on earth as My Blessed Mother was given to be your mother as well. This is why this scapular holds this Sabbatine Privilege (Release from purgatory on the first Saturday after death) because by wearing it and following the promises given, you have My Blessed Mother’s mantle of protection always over you. You are Mine and by your faith, we will be both guarding you from any temptations and attacks from the demons. Rejoice in your rosary prayers everyday as you call on our love and our protection in your daily consecration.”

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, this is one of my blessed feast days to celebrate Mt. Carmel and there is a parallel to the Heavenly Hill that has been dedicated in my honor in these shrines that were directed to be built there. Many people will be drawn there for spiritual healing and conversions. It is a haven or refuge for sinners and holy ground. All of those associated with this work will be blessed for these efforts, and you are seeing the fruits of this work. Continue the prayers at this site which are key to the protection of my little children.”

Jesus said: “My people, this spider web in the vision is the same web being set by the one world people to take away your money. They are trying to force a cashless society so everything is on credit or debit. This will enable them to take control of the money system and manipulate the money supply so they could create a financial collapse by calling in all of the loans at once. When people could not pay, they would foreclose on people’s property and steal their assets. This could precipitate a depression that would enable the one world people to declare martial law and takeover your country. This is one more step to a takeover using the North American Union as their vehicle for control. Beware of mandatory smart cards and chips in the body that will be used to control your population. Refuse chips in the body, even if they threaten to kill you. Chips in the body could control your mind against your will. Come to Me and My angels will lead you to a refuge where you would not need chips or anything of the Antichrist. Trust in Me during this battle and I will provide for your needs.”


Tuesday, July 17, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the account of Moses how he fled from Egypt to Median where he lived until he was called by God to free his people from Pharaoh. He lived in a barren land and he would lead his people into freedom in the desert. But this people had to be purified of their desires for idol worship before they could enter the promised land. Purification of the soul in the desert was the same theme of St. John the Baptist where he baptized many that repented of their sins. Even in My ministry I was tested in the desert for forty days by fasting and the temptations of the devil. Many saints, hermits, and monks lived a quiet life in desert conditions or in monasteries in full trust of God by their prayer lives. Everyone is not called to the contemplative life of prayer, but those, who live in full trust in Me, will have their reward. It is more difficult to live in the world with all of its cares and distractions, but still My faithful need to trust in Me and pray every day in your quiet time with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, the pillars of your churches are the priests and the bishops. But what happens when your priests commit sexual offenses against either women or young boys? This creates a scandal in My Church, and the bishops who do not remove these priests can cause further scandal by allowing these offenses to happen again. I will forgive their sins, but these offenders are giving bad example to the faithful. The lawsuits could cause some churches to close so they could be sold to pay for these crimes. The seeds of some of these crimes could be sown in the seminaries in what they were taught, and in those who were accepted that had homosexual tendencies. The priests are human and commit sins as everyone else, but they are held on a higher spiritual accounting because they should be preaching My laws, as well as practicing what they preach. Because of these human temptations, the faithful need to pray for their priests and bishops to be strong in the faith and not to leave their vocation or cause any scandal. When the faithful see these sinful priests, it can challenge their own faith. Seeing huge sums of money spent to pay for lawsuits from these crimes makes it harder to give donations to the Church. Keep your faith strong, even amidst these public scandals, and continue to give what you can to support My Church.”


Wednesday, July 18, 2007: (St. Camillus)

The Holy Spirit said: “I AM the God of Love and the Spirit of God. You are seeing Me represented as a white dove holding an olive branch as I am giving a branch to everyone to be peacemakers. Many in America are tired with this ill-conceived war in Iraq, but I want you to accentuate the desire for peace in a loving way instead of an anger against the war. You can write letters to your representatives showing your concern against this war, but do not be mean-spirited in expressing your opinion. This war was the first pre-empted war by America with no truthful cause and no vote from your Congress. You are to love one another and not look for any excuse to protect the oil of other nations. Jesus has asked you to pray constantly for peace to stop the bloodshed and killing of innocent civilians. When you focus on peace instead of just stopping the war, you are focusing on God’s peace of loving your neighbor, and not man’s peace which is just a lull between wars. War is a punishment for sin, but do not let Satan lead you into constant wars that are promoted by the one world people who profit from them in blood money.”


Wednesday, July 18, 2007: Jesus said: “My people, in the first vision you are seeing new cars for peacetime use. In the second vision you are seeing new heavily armed trucks being made ready for Iraq that could better withstand a roadside improvised weapon. The amount of money being spent on your wars continues to add to the national debt with no end in sight. There is also no end to the number of American troops dying in your wars as well. These wars are a test of your determination to keep fighting the insurgents who seem to be playing a waiting game for you to leave. It would be better for your economy to spend its energy on peacetime uses of your resources instead of uselessly spending your time on a fruitless war. Better to follow the will of your people than get involved in wars of opportunity directed by your leaders who are following the one world people’s directions for their profits. Again pray for peace and the proper use of your resources for peacetime uses.”


Thursday, July 19, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a vision that represents the seat of My power in heaven. I am not limited to earthly things, but this bright gleaming glass chair with jewels represents what St. John described in the Book of Revelation. This is a description of the New Jerusalem in earthly terms, but it will be beyond your earthly descriptions. (Rev. 21:18-21) ‘And the material of its wall was jasper; but the city itself was pure gold, like pure glass. And the foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every precious stone.’ St. John also describes My throne of power for the Lamb of God. (Rev. 22:3) ‘And there shall be no more any accursed thing; but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him.’ This vision of the New Jerusalem is all about the new heavens and the new earth that I will establish after the devil and his minions are cast into hell in total defeat. Praise God that you will witness My glory and Light forever.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I have created a beautiful planet earth with all kinds of vegetation, animals, and insects, but man is encroaching on this beauty with all of his pollution. Some of this pollution is coming in the chemicals and viruses that are being spread by your chem trails. Other electronic pollution is coming from radio waves, microwaves from TV transmission and cell phones, as well as any radiation from high voltage transmission lines. I have put a delicate balance in nature, but man is destroying My creation with no care for this needed balance. Pray that you take care of your environment so you can pass on a clean sky to your children.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people, are being led to start building a refuge out in the woods where it will be protected from anyone seeing it. These refuges are being protected by My angels, and are being consecrated to Me and My Blessed Mother. When you are led by your guardian angels to find these refuges, you will be made invisible to your persecutors. Pray for your protection on your way to your refuges during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, some churches are renovating their altars into circular structures so all the people could see and pray better. Unfortunately, many of these circles and hexagon structures are part of the New Age plans that are being brought into My churches to eventually defile them. The buildings that are going down in steps refers to how many churches are closing because of low attendance and all the many scandals in My Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, the movements of the sun, moon, planets, and stars mark the days, months, and years of how you measure time. Your days and nights are brought about by the earth’s rotating on its axis. The four seasons are brought about by the tilt of the earth as it orbits the sun to make a year. As you age with this measurement of time, you see how short a time that you have on this earth. Over this time you have seen many scientific advances, but you also have seen a degrading in religious fervor in worshiping Me. You would think that the more you learn, the more you would give Me glory in all that I have created. Instead, man’s pride in his own achievements are being remembered more than Me. Get back to your basic prayer lives and make more use of My sacraments.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a parallel between this pollution of your coal power plants and the black pollution of your sins that offends Me greatly. At times some companies release dark smoke at night to clean out their precipitators in the stacks. This is also similar to your sins which you try to hide at night in sexual sins and thieveries. All sin offends Me, and do not think that your sins in secret are not seen. I see and know everything, so cleanse your sins in Confession even as you are trying to cleanse your environment with less pollution.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you in many messages that the one world people are building many detention centers to hold over 20 million prisoners. Those religious and patriots, who will refuse to give up their faith and their freedoms, will be sought out by the one world people because of their refusal to worship the beast and their refusal to take chips in the body. The foreign troops will search for you at your homes and they will take those captured to the detentions centers. Many will be martyred by public executions, and some will be used for forced labor. In Revelation it tells how they will seek to kill My faithful. My warnings are for you to be prepared to call on Me before they come to your houses, so you can be led by your angels to the nearest refuge for protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people have pets and they care for them even as children. You see much compassion for when dogs and cats are abused, but look at how you abuse your own children with little concern. Some animals are euthanized when they are lost or old, but you kill many of your children in abortion and beat or abuse your children verbally. A soul of a child has much more value than any pets, no matter how much they are loved. Seek to stop your abortions and any abuse of your children, and you will lessen the judgment against your nation.”


Friday, July 20, 2007: (St. Apollinaris)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading from Exodus there is an account of the Jewish Passover meal, or Seder Supper, right before the Lord was about to have his angels slay the first born of the Egyptians. The Hebrews were to kill a year old male lamb or goat without blemish, and place its blood on the lintel of their doors so the angel of destruction would pass over their houses. There was a description of how to prepare the meal with bitter herbs, representing their years of bondage, and with staff in hand as a meal eaten in haste. This meal was the same in memory as I celebrated the Last Supper with My apostles. Only I instituted My Eucharist as the First Mass so you could have the miracle of My Body and Blood in the Real Presence of My Blessed Sacrament. My death on the cross fulfilled the Scriptures as I brought salvation to all of mankind. In the vision you have seen the gentle rain as My life giving gift to help your crops grow and provide fresh water to survive. In the same way I give your souls life in the spirit with the gift of My Eucharist so you can eat My Body and drink My Blood to have eternal life. All souls need the grace of My sacraments to keep their spirits in good health. This parallel of water giving life to the body, and grace being the lifeblood of the soul, shows you the beauty of My plan of creation because you are whole in the body and the soul.”


Saturday, July 21, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, young children are innocent and curious when they use the computers to play with. This is why parents have to be watchful of their friends and where they go on the internet. There are predators preying on children on the internet and luring them to meeting places in secret. It is better to give your children good example and warning of strangers, even on the computer. By taking the proper precautions, you can protect your children from these worldly distractions and threats. Another problem with computers, as you know, is that young children can become addicted to playing games or using the internet. It is best to limit their time and places that they search. Be watchful of these latest technologies even for adults in abusing the internet accesses. Once the children and adults know what this problem is, it is a possible place of sin to abuse these places on the internet. People have gone to jail for looking at pornographic sites. Pray for your children that they will heed your warnings.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many international American manufacturers that have poor performance because of a decaying industry or poor management. Some companies, as Kodak, have given homosexual couples equal health benefits as married couples, even when this was not a normal practice at other companies. Some of these same companies have been pressured for profits by Wall Street to send their manufacturing plants and jobs overseas to Mexico and China. They also have tried to cut benefits of the workers in the name of competition, yet these companies give millions to their upper leaders. This liberalism in morals and not protecting American workers has caused financial problems as a result. These international companies are the vehicles of the one world people to eliminate the middle class jobs, and change your laws to favor a North American Union. Pray for your people in finding good jobs, and voting against the control of your government by the one world interests.”


Sunday, July 22, 2007: (Martha, Martha)

Jesus said: “My people, there are two Great Commandments, and the first and greatest is to love your God with your whole heart, mind, body, and soul. The second is to love your neighbor as yourself. This is why your daily prayer and consecration are so important to give Me praise and glory every day. Since your early training in the faith, you are given to know, love, and serve Me. I need to be first in your life with a complete focus on following My Will before your own. It is difficult to overcome your human tendency to put yourself as the center of your world. When I arrived at the house of Mary and Martha, Mary chose the better portion in giving full attention to My words. Martha chose to follow her human traditions of hospitality in providing food and comfort for Me and My disciples. This is why this account is hard for some to accept, but your spiritual life should come before your human traditions. Even today people are so taken up with the distractions and cares of this world that they leave little or no time for Me in prayer. Your eternal destination should be more important than the temporary comforts of this life which are gone tomorrow. Fix your goal and focus on Me in desiring to be with Me in heaven, and I will direct you on your mission that will bring you to heaven. I have died for your sins to show you how much I love you. You can love Me in return by giving Me praise and honor as Mary attended to Me.”


Monday, July 23, 2007: (St. Bridget)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel the people were asking Me for a sign, even after I had cured the sick, raised the dead, and I had given them many teachings about the Kingdom of God being among them. Because of their hard hearts and their disbelief in My words, I told them that the only sign I would give them, is the sign of Jonah. The people of Nineveh repented, and I relented from punishing their city. But St. John the Baptist and Myself asked the people of My day to repent and only a small number believed. I told them that I was even greater than Jonah or Solomon, and their leaders only wanted to kill Me. These religious leaders felt threatened by My miracles and the truth of My words. But even more, the people were converting to My way and they wanted to protect their authority over Mine. I tell the people of today to believe in My Good News of salvation and repent of your sins. You can share in My mercy of forgiveness, or you can face My wrath as the Egyptians were killed in the Red Sea.”

The Holy Spirit said: “I AM the God of Love and all of Us are truly answering your prayer in song by raining down our graces and blessings upon you in tongues of fire, even as you have seen pictures of Jesus in the Divine Mercy. All of heaven rejoices with you as you give praise and glory to God. All the saints and angels sing our praises constantly in heaven. Singing your praises to God is a way of preparing you to share every day with Us as you will sing to Us when you come to heaven. Do not be afraid to witness to your God in public, even if you may face criticism or persecution. For every one, who witnesses to the Blessed Trinity, will have this witness before your judgment. Pray for all of your family and friends every day so Our graces will protect their souls. Saving souls is one of your most important responsibilities given you at Baptism. All of heaven rejoices over one sinner who repents of their sins. We love every one of Our children without holding back any of Our graces for you. You have free will and We pursue your soul in loving Us until your dying breath. We desire you to give of your love from your heart to witness the sincerity of your love. Thank you for your sharing and go forth to share your faith and love with all the nations.”


Tuesday, July 24, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I suffered on the cross and in My scourging for everyone’s sins for the past, present, and future. I died physically only one time, but I am still mysticly suffering still for every sin that you commit. By lessening your sin, it is that much less pain that I have to make up for you. In every Mass you are re-enacting My suffering on the Cross in an unbloody manner. This is why it is so important to have a large crucifix on the altar so you can remember how much I love you and that I would die even for one sinner. In addition remember when you look upon My crucifix that every sin of yours still causes Me pain on My cross. If you do not want to offend Me or cause Me more pain, then work with My grace to avoid as much sin as possible. People around you, who are sinning, are also causing Me to suffer much. So you need to pray and give good example to others in your attempts to evangelize their souls. I would gladly suffer for the sins of man if he would be converted to love Me. But I suffer even for those souls who I know will never be converted. This is how much I love everyone so unconditionally.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been given messages about black UN helicopters that are already mapping out where all the religious and patriots live. These are the foreign troops in your country that are making plans to come to your home in order to take you to the detention centers. The cell towers in the vision are the means of communication to help locate people with smart cards, chips in the body, chips in passports, or chips in driver’s licenses. Microwave signals are sent out to query any information on these chips. You can wrap any chip with aluminum foil or lead if you do not want your information queried without your knowledge. Do not fear, My people, because you will be warned when to leave for your refuges before these evil ones will try to capture you. Martial law is coming quickly as the evil ones are continuing to make their plans for a takeover of America. My faithful remnant will one day share in My victory when I will come to defeat Satan and the Antichrist as they are cast into hell. All of the evil ones’ plans will be overshadowed by My power as I will bring all of My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, July 25, 2007: (St. James)

Jesus said: “My people, you spend a lot of money and attention on worldly things, and yet you need to preserve your traditions and the Sacred about your faith in My Real Presence. Satan is constantly attacking the roots of your beliefs and My Blessed Sacrament. He makes attempts to undermine the reverence that you should be giving My Eucharist. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you need to receive Me in the state of grace without any mortal sin. Bow or genuflect to receive Me on the tongue and you will be showing Me your reverence for My Real Presence. There are some Catholics who do not believe that the consecrated bread and wine are really changed into My very Body and Blood. Even as some do not believe, I am still present before you. As you look upon My crucifix, which should be on all altars, you can see My loving example for you to suffer through life with your own earthly suffering and your own carrying of your cross. I had a mission on earth to die for all of your sins, and all of you are given a unique mission to use your God-given talents to gain heaven. So hold your faith and religious fervor close to your heart no matter how much people may criticize you for being faithful to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a soul fall helplessly into hell and you feel drawn to do anything to keep them from hell. Hell is an everlasting place of My wrath where souls will suffer the consequences of their serious sins. If you could understand that there is no turning back from hell, you would work all the harder to save every soul that you could from falling into hell. Many souls are falling into hell of their own free will, and My Blessed Mother and I are weeping for the loss of these souls. This is why we are encouraging our faithful prayer warriors to work overtime in any way that you can to bring souls to Me instead of allowing them to fall into Satan’s hands. Pray for sinners in earnest because it is these souls that have not been judged yet. My disciples need to work at a fever pitch right now because your time to save souls from hell is growing short. Pray especially for your own family members whom you are most responsible for. Every soul has their own free will, but you need to reach out in mercy to help these weak souls who may be lost without your prayers and Masses.”


Thursday, July 26, 2007: (St. Joachim and St. Ann)

Jesus said: “My people, you know about the Holy Family of My Blessed Mother, Mary, St. Joseph, and Myself. My Blessed Mother’s parents, St. Ann and St. Joachim, are celebrated today. They also are model parents of My Blessed Mother, and they were model grandparents for Me. You depend on your parents to bring you up in the faith by their example and their teachings. At times you also grow in your faith by the example of your grandparents. My Blessed Mother is the most beautiful human that I created and that I planned for over many years since Adam’s sin. She is the new Eve and I am the new Adam to bring salvation to all of mankind. The parents who brought forth My jewel of humanity in My Blessed Mother are also so blessed in their role in teaching Mary. My Blessed Mother had no sin since her conception, as she is honored among all humanity to be My mother. She is also the mother of all of humanity through St. John at the foot of My cross. Give praise and glory to God for My Blessed Mother and her parents, St. Ann and St. Joachim. Let them be model parents and grandparents in directing your lives closer to following Me.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you have had an intention to carry out another’s vision of giving this cross as a gift to this parish of Holy Name. In the vision you are seeing this cross placed on the altar. To help bring this about in reality, you can support your priest in presenting it to the parish. If you pray a novena in earnest for this intention and fast during these prayers, you will have a strong grace to touch hearts to accept this into your church. This extra grace will be needed to fight any demonic attempts that will be tried to prevent this from happening.”

Exaltation of the Holy Cross Novena: Jesus, Who because of Your burning love for us willed to be crucified and to shed Your Most Precious Blood for the redemption and salvation of our souls, look down upon us and grant the petition for ... We trust completely in Your Mercy. Cleanse us from sin by Your Grace, sanctify our work, give us and all those who are dear to us our daily bread, lighten the burden of our sufferings, bless our families, and grant to the nations, so sorely afflicted, Your Peace, which is the only true peace, so that by obeying Your Commandments we may come at last to the glory of Heaven. Jesus said: “My people, there is much evil in your society, but you are seeing many beautiful miracles among your children who are having visitations from heaven. These children are so innocent and loving that their revelations are surely a heavenly gift. I want all of My faithful to come to Me as a young child in simplicity and in total trust, just as a child trusts their parents. By your simple faith and total commitment, I will reward you for your efforts.”

Jesus said: “My people, you should know that I treasure your love for Me in every way that you can express it. This box, that contains your tears of love for Me, is more important to Me than all of your other earthly objects. Things that you do from the heart have your intentions from the heart and they are glorious indeed. These heart felt deeds are a joy and a pleasure for Me to see in your life. Continue to love Me with all of your heart, mind, and soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are very taken up with your gardens to be close to nature and to enhance the beauty of your yard. In a spiritual way you can have a garden of prayer, Masses, and good deeds. You will have to weed out your sins and imperfections in this garden so it can be pleasing to My eyes. Keep your spiritual garden watered with holy water, and the graces and mercies that I shower on you each day.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of you are sinners and are in need of being immersed with My healing graces as in Confession. You are cleansed of your original sin when you are baptized with water, oil, and salt. You are renewing this cleansing of your sins in Baptism when you go to Confession. You are quick to make sure that you take a shower every day to cleanse the body. But you should be just as quick to cleanse the soul, especially from any mortal sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times you have been given messages to put holy water or blessed salt in your car and around your house to protect you from any evil attacks against you. In addition to your own prayers and protections, you can have your prayer group pray for your safe trips as well as anyone else who offers to pray for you. The rain of graces, that are falling on your car in the vision, is how these prayer are helping you even now in your mission travels. Encourage people to pray for you, and continue to give Me thanks for the success and safety for each trip on your return.”

Jesus said: “My people, these many gyrations of ups and downs in your stock market are a result of the one world people manipulating your markets for their own gain. It is hard to protect your money in your investments because there are many using schemes to steal your money in illegal scams. Use common sense planning without too much exposure to these manipulations. Eventually, the evil ones will take all of your money for not using the mark of the beast, and you will need to trust in My help at My refuges. These evil ones will use these markets to cause a financial collapse in order to give them control over your country. So put your trust in My protection which will be more valuable than all of your money.”


Friday, July 27, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the evil of your wars continues to perpetuate itself year after year. When one group blows up the other’s Mosque, it causes retaliation on their own shrines. With each killing there is more incentive to kill the other ethnic group. Revenge is big for man, and man’s justice is very harsh on his fellow men. You would much rather have My peace and My justice than your own. Perform your actions out of love for Me than for what you can get out of someone financially. Act with mercy, even as I forgive your sins, so you can forgive others. Trust in My mercy and My graces so you can have My peace and rest in a difficult time. It is man’s pride and a desire to get even that inspires anger and hatred in grudges for many years. By loving one another, man can put aside his differences and live in peace.”


Saturday, July 28, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, many of you have become so dependent on electricity for your homes and work places that when the power goes down, you are paralyzed. Remember back to the time of your ice storms when you were without electricity for weeks, and you saw how helpless you were in the cold and the dark. There have been several large grid failures in the Northeast to show you how vulnerable your grids are to surges or losses. When the one world people choose a time for takeover with martial law, they will use an electricity shutdown in conjunction with a man-made event to keep the people under control. They will have their own power supply to run their operations over America. Electricity is just another means that the evil ones could use to control you. Pray for My help to lead you to My refuges when martial law is declared.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am preparing you, America, because a time is coming when you will see a dictatorship under martial law. This microphone is the means of communicating your loss of rights and how life will be under this rule that will bring you into the North American Union. Your people will at first resist this takeover, but as long as your people still are comfortable with their money and TV, there will be little done to fight it. Little by little the government could take your property and money by condemning it if you do not go along with the new world order. Soon they will try to force you to take chips in the body, which you should refuse to do. When martial law occurs, it is time to ask Me to have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge. If you do not leave right away, the evil ones will come to your house to take you to the detention centers. Call on My help and I will protect you on the way to your refuges.”


Sunday, July 29, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Holy of Holies in the Jewish Temple was stored the Torah and the Ark of the Covenant containing the Ten Commandments. In every tabernacle and place of Adoration you also have a Holy of Holies in My Blessed Sacrament. This is a place of My Real Presence in the consecrated Bread. Just as Moses revered the burning bush by removing his sandals, so you also should revere My Real Presence when you come to give Me glory and praise. In the silence of your presence you can call on Me to speak to your heart. Many times you come to Me praying petitions for people’s soul or an illness. In today’s Gospel I am telling you: (Luke 11:9,10) ‘Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; and he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks it shall be opened.’ Pray for what is My Will in your petitions, and My answer will be what is best for their soul. I do not go against anyone’s free will, but every prayer is heard and I will answer it in My time. Have faith and trust in Me and you will have your reward in heaven.”


Monday, July 30, 2007: (St. Peter Chrysologous)

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to get used to living in the woods or a rural setting to hide from the authorities, but it is My promise of protection and providing for your needs that will help you. Clearing trees has been a good exposure to what is present outdoors with all the insects and crawling things of My creation. All the animals and insects are all a part of My balance of nature, so you have to live among them. I have made covenants to provide for My people in My Ten Commandments and the Promised Land for the Hebrews in Israel. The people of Moses’ day sinned against Me in worshiping the molten calf, but as a punishment those idol worshipers remained in the desert forty years until only their descendants were allowed into the Promised Land. Now, in this day you also have idol worshipers of fame, fortune, and possessions. Those, who refuse to worship Me and give more attention to worldly things, are also going to be punished on earth and in hell. This hour of evil will be the worst that you have yet to see during the tribulation of the Antichrist. Yet, I have made another covenant to protect the souls of My faithful remnant at My refuges of this modern day Exodus. The evil ones with the Antichrist will be defeated and sent to hell, but My faithful will enjoy the Promised Land of My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you many times to pray for peace and an end to your many wars. Your people have made it clear that they are tired of this Iraq War and they want to start bringing the troops home before more are killed. Your Congress has made some feeble attempts at setting a deadline for withdrawal, but those desiring war and your President are determined to continue this war with no end in sight. Your troops have occupied Iraq long enough to allow a new government to form. Now it is the Iraqi’s decision to take care of their own country. The one world people and oil interests are profiting from this war, and that is why they do not want it to end. Your Congress needs to claim its authority over war and the purse so the people’s will could be carried out. I abhor continuous killing just to make money for the rich. Only defensive wars are just, and not this pre-empted war just to make a regime change. Prayer and action are needed to fight the control of the one world people over your country.”


Tuesday, July 31, 2007: (St. Ignatius of Loyola)

Jesus said: “My people, in older days the early settlers used the trees that they cut down to make log cabins to live in. Today, you have power saws that cut trees into long boards. This shaped piece of wood in the forest of the vision is all about fitting the wood to the design of a planned house. Just as the wood is able to be cut and carved to the right shape, so My faithful need to be open and give your will over to My purpose in order for Me to shape you for your own mission. If you remain stubborn in following your own way, it is hard for Me to use you in love when your heart is hard and closed. If St. Ignatius was not recouping from his wounds and handed books about Me and the saints, he would not have done his great works in founding the Jesuits. So it is in your lives, if you busy yourself with too many worldly pursuits, you do not leave enough time for prayer and listening to My plan for your life. Again if you do not consecrate yourself to Me every day, it is hard to remain open to My plans for your life. Give Me some of your precious time each day, and you will be able to accomplish great things with My grace, even as St. Ignatius did.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the coming tribulation, there will be many places of protection to hide from the evil ones. Some refuges will be at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition. Some will be at places of holy ground as at monasteries. Some will be at these caves, even as you are seeing in the vision. Do not limit what I will do for you in your earthly understanding, because I will be doing impossible things for you. My angels will actually dig out caves for you, even through the rock of the mountains. They will make ventilation holes for air and light, and you will be provided food and water. Be ready to leave for My refuges at a moment’s notice because your hasty leaving may mean whether you are captured or not. At the refuges and on the way to My refuges the evil ones will not be able to see you, as you will appear invisible to them. Pray for My help at that time and My angels will lead you.”


Wednesday, August 1, 2007: (St. Alphonsus Liguori)

Jesus said: “My people, this ugly beast represents the devil who is constantly tempting you to sin until your dying breath. He does not sleep and souls, who are not strong against him, could easily succumb to his lies and deceits of the world. Some, who desire fame and riches, even make pacts with the devil to have all worldly things, but they pay for it in suicide and with their soul. This dragon works on your weaknesses when you are tired or desirous of earthly things, or prideful in your accomplishments. Instead of giving Me glory for all that you have and do, the devil encourages you to praise yourself for your successes. The devil desires to keep you in sin and away from Confession. He also tries to discourage you from praying and encourages you to waste your time on so many earthly pursuits that you have no time for Me. If you are tempted in these ways, you know it is from the dark side of the dragon, or the devil. You should make time for prayer every day and go to Confession at least monthly. Consecrate everything to Me in the morning so I can use you for My work. Make visits to My Blessed Sacrament to give Me praise and adoration, and let Me speak to your heart how much I love you. Keep blessed sacramentals on your person and focus on Me all the time, and you will be protected from all of the devil’s temptations. Pray the St. Michael prayer of exorcism whenever this demon attacks you, and My angels will comfort you. Condemn any evil spirits to the foot of My cross in My Name, and the enemy will leave you.”


Wednesday, August 1, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, there are many miles of uninhabited lands that provide oxygen from the forests and places for wild animals to survive. Man is sprawling out from the cities in seeking places for houses and he is competing with the animals and creeping things for the use of the land. Many animal habitats are being invaded, and only special preserves and parks are protecting certain species of animals. It is man’s pollution of the air and water that is most threatening to My balance of nature. Man’s tampering with hybrids and cloning is another threat to My creation. It is man’s job to be a caretaker of his environment and not an abuser. As your population expands, there is an increasing need for food and fresh water. Man needs to strike a balance between his needs and the needs of nature to be able to pass on this gift to the next generation. Give Me praise and glory for My creation, and thank Me for all that I provide for you on this earth.”


Thursday, August 2, 2007: (St. Peter Julian Eymard)

Jesus said: “My people, in the time of Moses he erected a tent for a dwelling place for the Ark of the Covenant that contained the tablets of the Ten Commandments. This tent was temporary as the Hebrews moved through the desert. Today, you have another dwelling place for Me in the tabernacles of your churches that have a more permanent structure. It is appropriate that you honor St. Peter Julian Eymard who had a great love of My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration. He founded an order of priests and one of nuns that were dedicated to giving Adoration to My Blessed Sacrament. You always have Me present among you in My Eucharist at Communion and in My tabernacles that contain My consecrated Hosts. In these evil days I ask you to be protective of My consecrated Hosts, so they do not fall into the hands of those who desecrate My Hosts in black masses. Be on guard for any signs of people trying to break into My tabernacles. There is a constant battle between good and evil, and the demons know full well of the spiritual power in My consecrated Hosts.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I have been focusing you on My crucifix in several messages because it should be a part of your life. The crucifix is a representation of how I died for all of man’s sins, but it is an example to everyone of how I want you to take up your own cross of life and sacrifice it for Me. Life is full of trials and joys, but you must be willing to share your suffering with Me. By prayer and bearing your cross, you can gain merits in heaven for all that you endure here for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is the beginning of a string of events that will affect America. Many are already trying to lay the blame on someone for this bridge collapse. Many officials are aware of some marginal bridges that have the same rating of safety, and are as old. This event may put more focus on fixing your older bridge infrastructures before another unfortunate disaster could occur.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you have discerned to build a refuge house, it would be good to make a small model to see how best to construct it to fit the land contour. I will be guiding your hands in this special construction. I will also provide the land and the financing to bring this plan to fruition. Pray for My help in every stage of this construction and you will see the result of My hands.”

Jesus said: “My people, by the evidence of many end time signs, the time for building a refuge is running out before you soon see the time of the tribulation beginning. I have given you many warnings about famines, earthquakes, and weather disasters. Now you are seeing these events coming to pass along with microchips in your passports and driver’s licenses. Be prepared with your backpacks to leave for My refuges at any time.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that I would provide springs of water for drinking and healing at My refuges. This vision is also showing you a pond that will be needed for bathing, and washing your clothes. If necessary this water could be filtered for drinking. Americans use large amounts of water for showers and watering your plants and grass. When water is more scarce, you will need to use your water for only the bare necessities. Rejoice that your needs will be provided for at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a confessional outdoors represents the freedom of movement that you will feel when you are released from your sins. There is a joy in your heart and soul once you have repented of your sins and you have been absolved in My forgiveness. Some people feel confined by the bondage of your sins and how certain sins have a control over you. By coming to Me in Confession, you too can be released and freed of the shackles of your sins. Give glory to Me for giving you this sacrament of Penance to put My spiritual peace back into your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, at Adoration you have Me sacramentally present before you in all of My glory. This light shining out from My Host represents the many graces that flow out to all of My adorers. My adorers have a special love and a desire to be close to Me, and just as Mary, they have chosen the better portion and they will be rewarded for their visits to My Blessed Sacrament. When you visit Me, take five or ten minutes to just rest in quiet contemplation of My Host before you. Do not be in a rush in your prayers, but take time to drink in My love and care for you. When you leave, your soul will be refreshed in My graces.”


Friday, August 3, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people of America, you are not peacemakers, but your government is acting more as a war maker. You are continuing to fight wars in Iraq and Afghanistan based on faulty intelligence and a suspicious 911 destruction. You are selling arms to Saudia Arabia and Pakistan, and even to the Palestinians to fight Hamas. You also give arms aid to Israel. You are still the largest arms dealer in the world and the one world people are in control and making more money on these arms and wars. You will not find peace with more wars and arms sales. You are only fueling more wars with these arms sales which could even be used against you in the future. True peace can only come through prayer and a cessation of hostilities. If you allow the one world people to perpetuate your wars, then you are helping to destroy your own country’s military and your economy. Take away the war funds and arms deals, and you will take away the incentive for more wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not by accident that you are fighting a war of the one world people in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq has one of the largest finds of oil in the world, and Afghanistan harvests more poppies for drugs in all the world. There is money there to be harvested as well. There is a claim of war to fight the Islamic extremists for security, but this war against terror has been fabricated to be in these countries. There is a hidden agenda for oil and drugs in the background, but no one will ever admit it. Take away all of these incentives for money, oil, and sales of weapons, and interest on your war debts, and you will take away the incentive for these wars. Deny the one world people access to your money, and you will have peace by default. Continue to pray for peace and stop funding this war.”


Saturday, August 4, 2007: (St. John Vianney)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this vision of a fall season with the turning of color in the leaves. This is a sign of a timing of a major event that could take a number of lives. I will be giving you more details as this time grows closer. Many coming events could change your lives as you are accustomed to now. You have just witnessed this latest bridge collapse, but this will be minor compared to the coming natural disasters, and man-made events. You have enjoyed a relative calm in America these last few years, but soon you will be more stressed with the changing events that you will have to endure. Pray for a change of hearts to stop all of the serious sin going on that will bring My judgment upon your country. Repent now before it is too late.”


Sunday, August 5, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, America needs to have more respect for Me than following the anti-God people who you are allowing to strip prayer from your schools and the Ten Commandments from your public buildings. The morals of your country are becoming so corrupted by your neglect and apathy for following My laws. You have corrupted My marriage institution by your divorces and living together, as well as your call for same sex marriages. Your bad movies and TV programming is corrupting both adults and your children. Your abortions, euthanasia, and constant wars are giving in to your death culture and Satan’s desire to destroy man. If you do not change your sinful ways, your country will be on its way to total ruin and takeover. I have mercy on all sinners, but My justice is calling for your punishment.”


Monday, August 6, 2007: (Transfiguration)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of My transfigured body with Elijah and Moses was proof to My three disciples that I truly was the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. God the Father spoke: (Matt. 17:5) ‘This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear Him.’ The Holy Spirit is seen there also in the vision, even though it is not mentioned in the Scriptures. But where one Person of God is present, the other two Persons are also present, because they are inseparable. My three apostles were overwhelmed with the magnificence of this vision and I advised them not to tell anyone until after My Resurrection from the dead which they did not understand. This glorified body of Mine is in fact a prefiguration of My resurrected body which again is a sign for all of My faithful when you will be reunited with your glorified body at the final judgment. Rejoice when one day you can be with Me in heaven with all the splendor of My glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is another message concerning the Warning and how you will experience it. I am showing you a wheel with cogs to make up eight sectors of three hours each of every day in your life. As the wheel spins one revolution, it represents one day in your life. The long line develops into the years of your life up until the Warning, when everyone will face this life review and a mini-judgment. Just look back at the end of one day and think of how much time you gave Me, and the decisions that you made either for good or bad. All of your sins will need reparation and they will be weighed against your good deeds. At the end of your life review, you will be judged by My mercy or justice to heaven, purgatory, or hell. Then you will be given a second chance to improve your life so you can be better prepared for heaven. Once you know the truth of your sins and how you should not offend Me, you will be more responsible for your actions. If you still choose the world instead of Me, then you could be condemning yourself to hell. Wake up to improve your life, before it is too late. I struggle to save everyone out of love, but I do not go against your free will.”


Tuesday, August 7, 2007: (St. Sixtus)

Jesus said: “My son, in today’s first reading you saw how Miriam and Aaron were jealous of Moses, and they spoke against him for marrying a Chusite woman. (Num 12:1-16) As a punishment for their criticizing and their jealousy, I turned Miriam into a snow white leper for seven days. Many of My prophets through the years have been persecuted and even killed because the people did not want to hear and obey My words through My prophets. Those, who take on My yoke to spread My messages, may suffer much, but I have a deep love for their willingness to do My mission for the people. You see in the vision this heart in the cemetery as a sign of My love. But the cemetery is also a sign that some of My prophets may have to suffer martyrdom for speaking out in My Name. The devil wants to silence My messengers, but I will protect them until their appointed time of suffering. Rejoice, My son, that you have been called, and I love you for accepting this difficult mission. You will be rewarded in My time, but you also have a heavy responsibility to follow My Will. Give praise and glory to Me for all that I have done for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, because you buy a piece of land, it does not mean that you alone own it. Wherever people develop land for building, you are sharing it with nature and the animals of that area. Some complain of the damage to their flowers, shrubs, and planted vegetables from the deer and various animals around you. You do not live in a vacuum, and My animal friends do not always obey property lines. Learn to live with the animals who need to eat things to survive. I made all the animals and insects for a balance of nature, and man wants to control everything. Where possible see how all of these things fit together for your own survival and do not violate My plans for a balance of nature.”


Wednesday, August 8, 2007: (St. Dominic)

Jesus said: “My people, according to your traditions St. Dominic had a vision of My Blessed Mother encouraging him to pray the Marian Psalter of 150 Hail Marys. This was modeled after the 150 Psalms of the Bible and the rosary was to be prayed to help people to not believe in the Albigensian Heresy which was prevalent at that time. This heresy taught that I was not a man and that Satan created the material world. I was prayer and My Blessed Mother which intervened to thwart this heresy over time. Prayer and the rosary of the fifteen decades are powerful weapons today to fight the evil ones. Those, who pray the rosary daily, have My Blessed Mother’s mantle of protection around them. When you pray either formally or informally, you are talking with Me in remembering the Fifteen Mysteries of My life. Now you have the Luminous Mysteries added by Pope John Paul II. Your daily prayer life is a spiritual strength for you to get through each day with heaven’s protection from the temptations of the devil. When you are weak physically or spiritually, prayer can point you in the right direction to accomplish your mission on earth. Give praise and glory to Me for helping you through life, and honor My Blessed Mother as an intercessor for your petitions. The rosary is your help to heaven, so pray it every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, the CIA and the FBI do all of the covert operations of the one world people, and that is why they claim security restrictions to keep the American people from knowing what they are doing. They track everyone’s travel on airlines, crossing the borders, and even state lines. With people’s cell phones, Easy passes, and ignition chips, they can follow your every movement. They also listen to everyone’s communications by Fax, e-mail, and phone calls. They know all of your conversations and they can even hear you with their line of sight technology. The next step in your government’s reach for control is making it mandatory to have smart cards in your driver’s licenses for further tracking. It is already renewing all passports with chips in them as you have seen. I have already warned you that such chips are only being demanded for control, and there is no advantage for security or need for buying and selling with them. You will not be able to buy or sell without these chips, just as you were refused charging today. The final stage will be mandatory chips in the body because they will claim that you do not want to lose your chips. It is at this stage that you should refuse to take chips in the body, and leave for the nearest refuge with your guardian angel. If you refuse to take such chips in the body, the authorities will try to place you in detention centers when they come to your home. This is why leaving in haste for your refuges will allow you to keep from being captured. Some will be martyred at the detention centers for not denying their faith, and refusing to worship the Antichrist. Call on My help to protect you and provide for your needs at My refuges.”


Thursday, August 9, 2007: (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, with today’s saint you remember the evil of the Nazi killing of the Jews and the religious during World War II. This evil extermination of people was the last visit by this evil demon of death. Many abhorred the Holocaust and claimed that it should never happen again. But even today you are seeing an ongoing holocaust in the millions of abortions that are legal in your country now. This vision of this black angel of death is a sign that you again will be visited by another killing of millions of religious and patriots for not worshiping the beast, nor taking his mark. This is also represented in the black horse of Revelation as well as the pale green horse (Rev. 6:5-8) when evil will have its brief reign in killing My faithful for not giving up their faith. I tell you all of these lives, that are killed, will receive glory in heaven, but their killers will be swept away in My victory as they will suffer hell flames on earth and in hell itself for all eternity. Some of My faithful will be martyred, but the rest will be saved and protected at My refuges. Rejoice in My coming victory as My power will reign supreme over all the evil ones. I will renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace as a reward for My faithful remnant.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am happy with your prayers and fasting in your novena to soften the hearts to accept My cross on your altar in this church. There is no crucifix on the altar now and My Blessed Sacrament is on the side. All the more reason that the people could see how much I suffered for them on My cross. This church has very little for the people to meditate on, so a cross on the altar would be most helpful for all the souls reaching out to be with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your large market stores and your military are demanding their suppliers to put microchips in every pallet, case, and eventually every product. These RFID tags will replace your bar codes so they can be scanned at the check out more easily. These chips will be also readable when you leave the stores and are a violation of your privacy. This is another means to track everything that you buy. This control will not last long until My victory will overcome the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some of you planning another pilgrimage to Betania, Venezuela, and you are praying for a safe trip in a strained relationship with the leader of this country. You are seeing the beginnings of another communist dictator trying to take control over this country. You need to pray that he does not get full control because the communists are atheists and are very much against the Catholic Religion worshiping God. My Church has had to suffer much in other communist controlled countries. My Blessed Mother and I will be watching over you, but you must pray much and wear your sacramentals of protection against any evil influence in this country.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Trojan horse being brought into America is about how the one world people are bringing in the NAFTA Treaty of trade. Under the guise of free trade the one world people are setting up highways and a new global government of the North American Union to join America, Mexico, and Canada. This undermining of your sovereign rights of your country will take away your right to vote, jury trials, and any protection granted in your Bill of Rights in your Constitution. Do not let the one people take away your nation by default. These evil ones will strip your right to worship God as well. Stand up for your rights before they declare martial law in an outright takeover.”

Jesus said: “My people, your individual farmers are your last bastion of freedom from those who are trying to control all of the food. Imports from countries like China are ruining your food prices even as your manufacturers are being put out of business by the dumping of cheap products in your markets. The more dependent you are on China, the more they can blackmail you in their demands, because you have few other alternatives to buy from. This is another plan of the one world people to control your economy by greed for low prices. Support your farmers in buying their food over any foreigners.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you of your vulnerability to losing your electric power. Many countries spend millions to import fuels to power their electric plants. Now the money that you have exported overseas in buying foreign goods is now being used to buy your electric power facilities. Much of your industry and factories are now foreign owned which is sensitive in controlling your very infrastructure. By farming out these critical industries to foreigners, you are becoming more vulnerable to foreign control. Voice your opinion against this foreign control of sensitive areas as your ports and your sources of power.”

Jesus said: “My people, Satan loves to divide and conquer man by testing you with new ways to worship. You already have too many false religions and even many denominations among Christians. You should be uniting closer to Me than being drawn to a new voice trying to deceive you. Stay with your traditional faith and be appreciative of the gifts of My sacraments to you. Be nurtured in My love with the very Church that I have instituted.”


Friday, August 10, 2007: (St. Lawrence)

Jesus said: “My people, you have no idea of how restricted your life is going to be when martial law will be declared. I have warned you before to get some maps of all the back roads around you so you may be able to use your cars to avoid the main highways. The vision shows you how the authorities will be setting up barbed wire fences on the main highways as checkpoints to capture those refusing to go along with the one world order. As the control of the roads will gradually tighten, you will eventually be reduced to bikes or walking. As you are led by your guardian angel to the nearest refuge, pray for My protection so you will be made invisible to those seeking to kill you for your faith. This will be a desperate hour of persecution that you have not witnessed in America. Have no fear of the evil ones because I will give you My grace to endure this evil time. Some may be martyred, but I will ease your pain. Others at My refuges will be protected and cared for. This time of evil will be less than three and one-half years, but I will speed up the time. Have faith and patience in My power for soon I will conquer all evil and bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the heat of the summer many times your lawns can burn up or go dormant when it is dry without much rain. Some people like to keep their lawns green with fertilizer and enough water from sprinkling. This requires more maintenance in getting the water to where the lawn is drying out. In a spiritual sense it is mentioned in Scripture ‘What are you going to do in the ‘dry’ if you cannot be holy in this time of the ‘green’? (Luke 23:31) In other words if you are weak now in faith with little testing, how will you manage in the ‘dry’ of the tribulation when you will be witnessing an evil that you have yet to see? This will be the time of a dryness in faith when I asked if I will find any faithful left when I return in judgment. Now is the time to prepare your souls to be as holy as you can in your thoughts and actions through My grace and My sacraments. Take advantage of your access to Confession now because the priests will be hard to find in the tribulation. By developing a good prayer life now, you can have enough spiritual strength to endure the coming evil trials. This reign of evil will be short before I will come in victory. Have patient endurance in prayer and fasting so you can keep your inner peace and not have any fear of these evil ones.”


Saturday, August 11, 2007: (St. Clare)

Jesus said: “My people, how quickly you are spoiled in America with all of your new homes, new cars, and new electronic devices. If you do not have warm showers, air-conditioning, and heating, you feel deprived of your necessities. In many countries these things are considered luxuries, and they are more concerned with finding water to drink and a little food to eat. Even the poorest of your poor could receive welfare, a place to stay, and soup kitchens for something to eat. You could live a simpler life without your TVs, so much shopping, and more time in prayer. People busy themselves with many earthly activities and concerns, but your spiritual life should be your preparation for heaven. You are here to know, love, and serve Me, and not to accumulate wealth and possessions for yourself. It is your good deeds, charities, and your prayer life that will count most for you at your judgment. So place more focus on those things that will bring you closer to Me than the things of the world. I am not just an after thought in your life, but I should be the main focus. If I am the main focus in your life, then you should give Me more than just a few minutes every day and an hour on Sunday.”

Jesus said: “My people, coal mines have been in the news again because of the latest mine collapse that trapped six miners. Mining coal is a very dangerous business and safety precautions do not save the companies money. In fact they cost money which is why they are sometimes avoided. The miners, who complain, could lose their jobs, so they keep quiet until this accidental collapse kills people. Coal still is used for power plants, but it is difficult to mine with all of its hazards. China also has had mine fatalities. Some mining techniques are dangerous and should be avoided. Each accident should show you ways not to mine, and employers should not repeat the same mistakes. Pray for your miners and their employers to work safely and not take unnecessary risks.”


Sunday, August 12, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have been waiting patiently for My return for over 2,000 years and some still do not think that I am coming soon. I have told you that this would occur in your lifetime, but it will happen in My time unknown to you. Some would like to get the tribulation over and on to My Era of Peace. I have My reasons for delaying a little longer, but have patience because events are already leading up to the time of tribulation when the Antichrist will have a brief reign. Today’s Gospel is more about preparing for heaven not only for when I return, but even for everyone’s death which could come first. Many talk about your planning of events in the future, supposing that there is a tomorrow and that they will be still living then. There is some prudent planning to be done, but still it is only by My grace that you will live to the next hour, let alone that you will be alive tomorrow. This is why you should be most focused on living the present moment because you do not live in the future. Focus on your daily prayer life and consecration to get you through each day. Share in My daily Mass and visits to My Blessed Sacrament. Confess your sins often to have a pure soul when you are called to your judgment. Take advantage of opportunities to do good deeds for others and make good decisions on your every action. By trusting in Me by faith, you can be assured of a place in heaven living according to My Commandments.”


Monday, August 13, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, all of My Blessed Mother’s pilgrims are happy to visit Betania again where My Blessed Mother has gifted many people in seeing her physically in apparition. Her presence is very strong at the Betania grotto and more pilgrims will continue to see her in vision. You have been gifted before with My Blessed Mother’s signs of the blue butterfly and the gold glitter flakes which are signs of her presence. She is asking many prayers in your rosaries for the people of this country of Venezuela because they love her dearly and they will be suffering with Me on the cross for their faith. All of the world is in great need of prayer also because of all the sin that is leading up to the coming of the Antichrist. You all will be suffering with Me on My cross as you will see more persecution of My Church all over the world. You must keep faith in My help during the tribulation because it will be coming soon. As you see the Antichrist come into power, rejoice because in a short time I will defeat all the evil ones and bring about My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, August 14, 2007:

Maria Esperanza said: “My dear pilgrims, I am happy to see you at my grave, and I will pray for your souls to be strengthened through Our Lord’s graces. Now that I am in heaven, I can do even more for my people than when I was on earth.” I prayed to Maria and Our Blessed Mother that if it be possible to have a sign given to the people to support their faith. She said: “Yes, I will convey your petition to Our Blessed Mother.”

(Vigil of the Assumption) Our Lady said: “My dear children, you are seeing a beautiful choir of the Bianchini Family and the many priests at your celebration as you celebrate my feast day of my Assumption into heaven. In the vision of my Son on the cross, it is how I bring you to my Son, Jesus. To Jesus through me is very well known and especially as you are drawn to my shrines of apparition. This Shrine of Betania has been a special place for me because I am rewarding the people of Venezuela for their great love for me and my Son, Jesus. I am called Blessed and my Lord has granted me this great honor of being assumed into heaven so my body would not decay. In the vision I am truly seen as the woman clothed in the sun as you have read in Revelation. (Rev. 12:1) Now, I too, will be able to do more for my children in heaven than when I was on earth. Even as you celebrated the crowning of this new statue, I am crowned in heaven as the Mother of God and the Mother of all mankind. Thank you for all of your prayers and rosaries that you offer to me each day, and I will present all of your petitions, as your intercessor, before my Son, Jesus.”


Wednesday, August 15, 2007: (Assumption Feast)

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, do not always expect great signs to come before you, but even be satisfied with my little signs of my presence. As you were praying your rosaries, I gave you a little sign of my presence in seeing the blue butterfly. At other times you are aware of my presence in the smell of roses, or with the glitter flakes. When you come to my places of apparition, you should be more focused on prayer and petitions to improve your spiritual life and that of others. Signs are small confirmations of your faith, but they are not expected. Heaven chooses the time and place for signs, but rejoice more in my heavenly gifts and blessings of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, today I am sharing My Blessed Mother’s Assumption as her title of ‘Refuge of Sinners’. Your theme of Reconciliation is how I welcome sinners to come to Me in Confession to seek the forgiveness of their sins. You are seeing My Blessed Mother being assumed into heaven from her place at the Dormition Abbey. The other significance of the cave is about the end times of the days of tribulation. My Blessed Mother and I will be protecting all of My faithful at My refuges. I have told you that the places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions will also be places of refuge to protect you from the evil one’s brief reign. My Blessed Mother and I are thanking all of the Bianchini Family’s work to accommodate all the pilgrims here as well as the coming faithful seeking protection.”


Thursday, August 16, 2007: (St. Stephen)

Jesus said: “My people, you have all come to venerate My Presence in the living miracle of My Host where My Blood is visible on the Host and spreading over time. There are many Catholics and others who do not believe that I am fully Present Body and Blood in every consecrated Host. These miracles of My Eucharist are given as proof to these unbelievers, even if they still refuse to believe. Pray that these unbelievers may believe, even as St. Thomas at first doubted in My Resurrection. Believe in My Real Presence because your Lord and God is before you always in My consecrated Hosts. You have been drawn to Me in daily Communion, My son, and you have a deep love for Me. One of your missions is to bring people closer to My Eucharist and a true belief in My Real Presence. Always remember what I told you, ‘He, who eats My Body and drinks My Blood, will have eternal life.’ Remember also to have reverence for My Blessed Sacrament and do not receive Me in mortal sin so you do not commit any sin of sacrilege. Come and adore Me often in Adoration or at My tabernacle so I can bless you with My abundant graces. My adorers have a special place in My Heart, and I will never abandon you in all of life’s journey.” Jesus said: “My people, only a select number of souls have had the honor of being incorruptible after death. For the most part they are either Blessed or Saints declared by My Church. Their lives are models for you to follow and they have helped many souls come close to Me in life. They have fulfilled their mission in life, despite many obstacles. See this incorruptibility as a reward for their life, but also as a sign to My faithful how you are called to be holy in walking with Me every day. Rejoice and give Me praise that you have been blessed with the presence of these beautiful people in life and even in death.”


Friday, August 17, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, all of nature obeys Me by instinct and the balance of nature is as I have created it. I have given man free will which makes him different from all the animals because you are made to My Image. I give everyone an opportunity to know Me and a choice to follow Me in faith. I do not force My love on you because I wish to welcome your love by your own free choice. Throughout the whole Scriptures you are given the choice between the love of God or the curse. At the judgment you will be held accountable for all of your actions. I read the intentions in your heart for every action, and I know who loves Me and who does not. For those, who live their lives according to My Will and love Me, they will find their reward in the splendor of heaven. But for those, who worship the world and refuse to love Me, they will be judged to the fires of hell. Choose life while you still have time to be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are united with the Communion of Saints in My Mystical Body. In the Gospel (Matt. 19:3-12) you were given how I created man and woman to be joined in marriage as one flesh without divorce, but with an intent to live together until death. I attended the feast of a wedding in Cana to honor the institution of this sacrament of Matrimony. There are many evil forces in your world that are attacking the family with divorce, living together, and even homosexual marriages. The true marriage of a man and a woman is how I want you to live, and not in any sinful unmarried state. The single life and the priestly life are their own vocations. The other vision of My Wedding Banquet in heaven is everyone’s calling to be with Me in heaven. I go to prepare a place in heaven for all of My faithful. All of My faithful will one day be raised up to be saints to truly join Me with all of My saints and angels, and especially Maria Esperanza as you are promoting her sainthood by My Church.”


Sunday, August 19, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some recent tragedies from some miners killed in a mine collapse. Some families are suffering these losses and their family miners are at risk in a dangerous occupation. Getting enough air into a mining cave is essential to keep the miners alive. These attempts at drilling holes were meant to try and save their lives if they were not dead already from being crushed. In a spiritual sense I have to try and drill through all of your earthly desires and possessions to get your attention with My grace, which is like air to your soul’s life. When all of the grace leaves your soul due to your sins, your soul is being smothered to death. By coming to Me in Confession you can be revived in My forgiveness and My grace. So keep your own air holes clear to My grace so your soul can have life.”


Monday, August 20, 2007: (St. Bernard)

Jesus said: “My people, no matter how famous or wealthy that you become on earth, you all are meant to die and be buried in a casket. You may be comfortable or not in this life, but everything that you see here is temporary for the body. Even so when you die, your soul will live on for all eternity outside of time. In essence this little time that you have on earth compared to eternity is but a preparation time for heaven. There are only two choices ultimately for your free will, and that is either heaven or hell. I emphasize that it is better to come to Me out of love than just the fear of hell. But you should know the consequences of your actions and your decisions. The more that you are able to overcome the desires of the world, the less that you will have to purify in purgatory. In order to gain heaven you must be holy as a saint, so you can be in total conformance to My Divine Will. This means your total attention must be on Me in loving Me and worshiping Me at all times. This is why when the Israelites worshiped other gods as in the First Reading about Baal, they were humbled by their warring neighbors as I allowed it. When they returned to Me, I helped them defeat their enemies. So it is in this life, when you worship or idolize the things of this world, you reap the rewards of the coldness of things that do not love you. When you choose Me, the One who loves you unconditionally, your soul is full of love and grace for Me and your neighbors. You were created body and soul to be with Me for all eternity in heaven, and you were never meant to be in hell with all the demons that refused to serve Me. My love is constantly searching for your soul and I wait to forgive your sins when you offend Me. Work to avoid sin so you can be prepared to be holy and ready for heaven. I am all loving and you need to be all loving also, even of your enemies. You are striving for perfection and you need to call on My help to reach sainthood to enter heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there has been much debate over the findings of your ‘911 Commission Report’ as to the thoroughness of their investigation. Some have proposed evidence from various experts on the possibility of an inside destruction of the buildings. Other experts on the other side have tried to explain away this evidence in order to suppress any opposition to other explanations. The real truth will be revealed in time. But your country’s abuse of the ‘War on Terror’ was not a justified excuse to a unilateral attack on Iraq. Your industrial defense manufacturers have profited from this drawn out war in Iraq, and the billions of dollars spent on war debts will give interest profit to the central bankers who desire wars. Many of your wars have been planned for profit and the one world people have been behind the scenes to set these wars up. I have asked My people to pray for peace and stop supporting war after war to fill the pockets of the one world people with their blood money. This is one more extension of your death culture in seeking constant killing instead of My peace.”


Tuesday, August 21, 2007: (St. Pius X)

Jesus said: “My people, throughout the history of My Church, I have guided it through the actions of My pope sons. Today, you are celebrating the feast day of a relatively recent St. Pius X, who was most noted for defending the papacy from civil rule and for lowering the age to receive Holy Communion to seven years old, the age of reason. He died about the time of the beginning of World War I. I instituted My Church on the rock of St. Peter as the first pope when I said: (Matt. 16:18,19) ‘Thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give thee the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; and whatever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’ My pope sons have been guiding the teachings of My Church and protecting the faith from any heresies. Continue to pray for My pope sons that they will be protected.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not be discouraged by some people as they fall away from My Church. These things will happen as it is a sign of the end times. Faith is a gift from Me and it needs to be constantly nurtured with My love for you and your love for Me. You have a choice to serve Me or to serve the world and Satan. I will always love you and support you, but the devil will use all of his temptations of worldly cares and desires to serve him, and he will always hate you. You need a good prayer life, My sacraments, and good deeds to keep your spiritual life strong. Love of Me and serving your Creator should be your primary focus to get to heaven. You are always in conflict with the desires of the soul over the desires of the body. If your faithful become lax in their prayers, miss Sunday Mass, and do not have frequent Confession, they will be more prone to falling away. A strong spiritual life is difficult to instill in adults or children if they do not have good role models or good parents to inspire the children. Keep faithful to Me and work to save souls through My love. It is My faithful’s example that will bring conversions, so you need to lead good Christian lives to win them over to My love. Pray for the poor sinners to be disposed to My love and help your own family members who should be your mission to convert.”


Wednesday, August 22, 2007: (Queenship of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the Queenship of My Blessed Mother who was instrumental in My coming to earth by her fiat at the Annunciation. This feast day is the octave of her Assumption into heaven. By coming to earth and My dying on the cross for all of mankind’s sins, now the gates of heaven could be opened to all souls that are worthy of entering. All the souls that came before My Resurrection had to languish in this vision of a grey area. After My Resurrection those, who had their souls purified, could now freely enter heaven. Even now worthy souls, who lived after Me and were purified, can also enter heaven. This is why My Blessed Mother is at times called a co-Mediatrix, not that she was My equal, but her yes was required of her free will to allow My coming to earth. Give honor to My Blessed Mother for she is your heavenly mother as well, and she watches out for all of her children on earth. Call on her in your daily rosaries as intercessor for your petitions. Our Two Hearts are joined as one and we love you all so dearly. Return your love to us and thank My Blessed Mother for helping to open the gates of heaven to you.”


Wednesday, August 22, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, living with a kind neighborly attitude of love will go a lot farther in keeping peace among nations, and even in small neighborhoods. Revenge, stubbornness, and pride are the tools of the devil to cause dissension and wars. Fighting over land or natural resources is at the core of many wars in the Mid-East. The spreading of arms sales to many nations has made these nations into armed camps ready to explode into wars. Peacemakers and compromise is what is needed and not just military takeovers. America does not have the right to make government changes in any country that contains terrorists, because you even have terrorists on your own soil. The ‘war on terror’ is illogical right from the start because terrorists could locate in any country that they want to. Your wars need to stop before you decimate your military and your economy. You cannot have an economy based on making weapons, but you should be spending your money on helping people with more meaningful jobs. Live with love in your heart, or your anger will consume you.”


Thursday, August 23, 2007: (St. Rose of Lima)

Jesus said: “My people, this is an ominous sign of the old gods of Egypt that represented the occult worship of the demons. I have given you a word that the Antichrist would go to Egypt to be anointed by the occult priests of these old gods. This ceremony will receive great acclaim among the one world people who are supporting the Antichrist and will bring him into power in the European Union. The open jaws of this crocodile mean that this event could happen soon as the Antichrist is anxious to devour as many souls as he can with his demonic powers through his eyes. I have told you to not look at him because of his powers to mesmerize people to worship him. Do not have fear of this evil one for My power is greater and the Antichrist’s reign will be brief, but this hour of darkness is about to spread all over the earth. This is why My faithful will need to seek out My refuges of protection with My angels so you will not be killed or persecuted by these evil ones. Have patience but awhile and I will soon come in victory to defeat them and bring about My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, in this world of yours today there are many intentions that are calling out for vigils of prayer. In your own parish you have been praying that this gifted crucifix could be placed on your altar for people to meditate on. You have been asked many times to pray in front of abortion clinics to save the babies from abortion. I ask you constantly to pray for peace and an end to your constant wars. Prayers are needed also for all the poor sinners, especially for your friends and relatives. Praying for the poor souls in purgatory can help them to heaven sooner. See that there is an endless number of intentions, and daily prayer is needed from My faithful so I can multiply it for the whole world.”

Jesus said: “My people, pray for the safety of your children so any unstable people are not allowed to kill any more students. Sometimes this issue is taken for granted until you see some tragedies as you saw recently. Pray that these wayward students can be helped before they turn to violence. Pray also that all of your students do well in their studies. Hopefully they could be taught the faith along with their secular studies. Call on My help to get you through the courses that you choose.”

Jesus said: “My people, your hurricane season is under way with the first category 5 storm that hit Mexico, and there is time for more. Pray that those, who are afflicted with these storms may find help to get back on their feet in their daily lives. Even the recent earthquake in Peru has caused death and destruction that calls for help. Floods in your own country are causing havoc with your homes. I have warned you that you would see a string of natural disasters all over the world and you are seeing this come about. These are but a few trials that will test your faith, but keep your faith in My help through it all.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been some tapes put out by terrorist organizations that are threatening more strikes against their enemies. Even some intelligence organizations are sighting higher likelihoods of further destruction. Pray for the safety of your travelers and that your security efforts are successful in eliminating these attacks.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother is touching many souls to visit her places of apparition. When you come to a Shrine such as Betania, you are more than just a curious pilgrim. You are being led by My Blessed Mother to enhance your faith and strengthen your prayer life. When you return, you should share the joy of the graces that you received with your friends. Even in this sharing, My graces will be spread among those that you touch. So reach out in friendship to share these graces.”

Jesus said: “My people, your real heroes in faith are in the lives of My saints that you celebrate. They are your examples and models in life to give you hope in reaching your own holiness in preparation for heaven. Listen to their works and how I inspired them in each of their missions. I give everyone a unique mission and sufficient grace for you to carry it out. You only need to accept to follow My Will for your life, and I can mold you into the good Christian that I want you to be. By struggling through life on the narrow road in serving Me, I will welcome you into My place in heaven that I have prepared for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, during life you do not always realize how your strong faith can support so many weak souls who look up to you for faith support. Your own strong inspiration can lead souls to conversion by your actions and your teaching. As you look back on these souls who have passed on, think of how you can carry on their legacy of faith in your own actions. When it comes your turn to die, it would be a tribute to you if people could say how much you helped them in their faith. Love one another and keep close to Me in your faith and love.”


Friday, August 24, 2007: (Funeral Mass for Arunas Kavaliunas)

Arunas said: “I am happy that you all were able to see me off to a beautiful life with Our Lord. My son and I were very well received at your prayer group as we share the same love for Jesus and Our Blessed Mother. You understand why I had to come to Mother of Sorrows because of the difficulties with your pastor, but we enjoyed your prayer sharing very much. This vision of My heart as a pure diamond is very beautiful and your soul needs to be this pure as well to be able to enter heaven. Give my love to all of my family and friends who helped me ever so much in my last days. I will be praying for all of you in your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been witness to some massive rain storms at first from the fallout of a tropical storm. Then a storm front stopped moving and more rain fell on this same area. Part of these natural disasters are in payment for your nation’s continuing to kill My babies in your abortions, and your refusal to stop your useless wars. There is also a manipulation of your weather by the HAARP machine when storm fronts stall out and remain in one spot a long time. This microwave generator can be used to control jet streams and enhance tornadoes and hurricanes. The one world people want to create disasters so they can declare martial law or emergencies for their own control of the people. These events are going to continue to harass your people, so be prepared to endure more storms. Pray that your people will find adequate shelter and sufficient food in their needs.”


Saturday, August 25, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, there have been some benefits from your space program in your new discoveries and some knowledge of your planets and the stars. There are still many dangers facing these flights as the lost lives have seen. Man has prided himself on his use of science, but in some ways he has become too boastful of some accomplishments. Because of this pride in himself and not so much praise for Me in My creation, man will see difficulties in his future programs that will test his patience with his space program. As you see nature and all of its beautiful creation, you should give more praise and glory to Me. Any knowledge that man possesses is so little compared to all the things that you do not know or that you cannot comprehend. After you die, this will be more abundantly clear to you when you see all of My splendor and glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages about the eventual need to leave your comfortable homes in order to flee to My refuges with the strong possibility of not returning to your homes. As the time of tribulation with martial law approaches, the evil ones will be searching out My faithful from prepared lists for incarceration in detention centers. This is why you will be leaving so you will not be captured. Call on Me and My angels will be leading you to the nearest refuge of protection at places of My Blessed Mothers’s apparitions, holy ground places, or caves. You need to be reminded that it will be best for you to travel at night using the back roads. You should acquire such maps for your directions. These messages about leaving your homes are not meant to scare My people, but they are a warning for your preparations. During all of this tribulation, I will give you My grace, peace, and discernment so you will be calm through this ordeal of the battle of good and evil. Pray for all of your friends and relatives that they will be open and understanding of the need for spiritual protection and the need to seek out My refuges of protection. This is a message of haste and those who do not prepare, and do not leave, may be faced with martyrdom for their faith in the death camps that are being prepared all across America. Pray for My help in listening for My call to leave, but have peace in your heart that this is a means of My mercy for your protection both spiritually and physically.”


Sunday, August 26, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, wood is an important commodity in your lives, as it allows you to build your homes, provide furniture, and even heat your homes in the winter. It is the strength of the wood that gives it endurance, even as it comes from a living plant. In the spiritual understanding the wood of the cross takes on a different strength of endurance. I ask all of My faithful to take up their own cross of life and carry it in imitation of My journey to Calvary. Just as I suffered carrying My cross and dying on the cross for your sins, you too, share in My suffering in all that you have to bear in life. I even ask you to offer up your pain in the discipline mentioned in today’s reading because pain can have redemptive value in helping your soul and other souls. My death on the cross has paid the price of your redemption for all of your sins. This is My gift of love to offer all souls a chance to be saved. It is only your acceptance of this gift in following My Will that is needed to allow you into heaven. By repenting of your sins and seeking My forgiveness, your soul is made clean with a white wedding garment so you can be properly dressed to enter My Banquet Table in heaven. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I have done for you, and I will keep on helping you. I seek your love of your own free will because you are all My loving children. Look on My crucifix constantly so you can see how much I love you.”


Monday, August 27, 2007: (St. Monica)

Jesus said: “My people, My Commandments and statutes are unchanging and forever, but they are also guides for your spiritual life. I am a God of love and mercy, and I am always ready to forgive a repentant sinner. My Commandments are all associated with love of God and love of neighbor, and not so much just the letter of the law. When I came into the world, I came to fulfill this law in a deeper love and not to change it. I criticized the Scribes and Pharisees for using the law to control people for money and prominence. They did not practice what they preached which is why I called them hypocrites. There are consequences for your actions if you violate My Commandments of love, but if you repent, you can atone for them either on earth or in purgatory. Those, who truly follow My Will in My plan for your life, are so loving that they would not offend Me by sin. It is in this desire for perfection that then these guides would not be as necessary. So seek to be holy and perfect as My heavenly Father, and you will find your reward with Me in heaven at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision represents people working in the British Intelligence area and how they are on heightened alert for more terrorist incidents. Even in America as you approach another 911 anniversary, your own intelligence community is anxious over more incidents in several cities. Multiple attacks seem to be their method of operation. Coordinated attacks by satellite communication is another of their tactics to keep the element of surprise. My people need to pray for My help and protection because of the planned events that are going to be orchestrated to trigger martial law and a takeover of America. Martial law will be one of your signs to leave for My refuges without delay. My angels will lead you to the nearest refuge of protection, so have no fear.”


Tuesday, August 28, 2007: (St. Augustine)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I again criticized the Scribes and Pharisees for following the rigorous details of the law, but they missed the mercy and the love of God. They were more concerned with the gold of the temple than the example that they should have been giving the people. Even in today’s world many are too taken up with the cares and complexities of life than trying to live a simple life of faith. The things of this world will pass away, but the spiritual things and your soul will live on forever. Keep your focus on Me and your prayer life more than all of your modern earthly distractions. Even in your church practices there are many traditions that have been put aside because of the modernism in My Church. Focus on My Eucharist has been under attack in many ways to try and remove My Real Presence. Removing statues and My crucifix is another victim of some renovations. There is a great need for My crucifix on the altar so you can meditate and remember how much I love you in dying for your sins. This vision of the crucifix on this altar is significant since it has never been there since the start of this church. There is always time to make corrections and the faithful need to voice their opinion to show those in authority your spiritual needs. You have been blessed with a new pastor in this church, and you need to pray for him and support your priests in their ministries.”

Jesus said: “My people, the natural disasters continue to fill your newspapers, and now with satellite pictures of the fires in Greece. In some areas of America that have had droughts, you have seen fires raging. In areas of storms, the rain has caused considerable flooding. In addition hurricanes are now striking the land. Man has caused much violence in genocide, wars and abortions, as well as terrorists acts. This violence is being reflected in the violence of these natural disasters, and man still does not realize how much he offends Me with his killings. All of this violence of man is calling out for My justice, and some of these disasters are happening in areas of great sin. Pray for those who are suffering deaths and losses of their homes and jobs. These events will continue right up into the time of tribulation as these are signs of the end times.”


Wednesday, August 29, 2007: (Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist)

Jesus said: “My people, in many ways your children can use the support of their parents both physically and spiritually. Parents are so loving of their children that they are always reaching out in love for their every need both when the children are young or older. It is even more beneficial when parents can be spiritual examples of love that can bring faith to their children in directing their souls to heaven. The children in response should be loving to their parents and show them gratitude for all the parents have done. Your heavenly Father has love for all of His human family as well and We watch over you even more than your parents. Our love for you is even unconditional and you saw My death on the cross for your sins as the ultimate sacrifice of My love. Just as you love and are thankful to your parents, so you should show your love and give thanks to your God. I have showered you with graces, blessings, and many material gifts of this world, but the most important is life itself in your soul and the gift of faith. So give praise and glory to Me that you are wonderfully and beautifully made to My Image.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are being tested by many natural disasters with one event falling after another in rapid succession. Much damage has befallen your homes in areas all over your country. You are even seeing some turbulence in the volatility of your stock and credit markets. This vision of more floods means these events of disaster will continue for a while. Enduring hardship losses are very difficult, and it is hard to repair the extensive damage of hurricanes such as Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Insurance companies and government agencies have been blaming each other for their relative inactivity in replacing homes. As a result, the people with extensive damage have left this area for good. Pray for all of these displaced people so they can start a new life with My help.”


Thursday, August 30, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in the end times the Scriptures have foretold that you would see pestilence, famines, and earthquakes in various places. (Matt. 24:7) Throughout history you have seen such things occur, but in these times all of these events will be more catastrophic than what has normally been seen. You have seen tsunamis cause great destruction as a result of large earthquakes. These water events will be ongoing at various levels according to the earthquake magnitudes in the ocean. As you see these signs continue, you will see with the eyes of faith how you will be seeing the time of tribulation unfold with an evil that you have yet to see in the brief reign of the Antichrist. Have no fear of this evil because I will give you the grace to endure it, but you will be suffering a living purgatory on earth. My angels will protect you at My refuges and you will witness a great battle between good and evil. After this hour of evil, I will come in victory to defeat Satan, the Antichrist, and all the evil demons and evil people as they will be chained in hell. I will then renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace. Rejoice and be prepared for these coming events with frequent Confession, your daily prayer, and your blessed sacramentals.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I have some victim souls who are willing to take on suffering so that other souls may receive graces for conversion. At times I allow souls to be afflicted with pain to humble them, and to allow them to offer up their pain to help sinners on earth and souls in purgatory. You and your wife are experiencing this opportunity and you are seeing the redemptive value of your suffering. You are examples to all who are suffering either chronic or temporary pain. You all suffer in this valley of tears as you are tested every day with temptations. Call on My grace and peace to ease your burdens as you draw one step closer to heaven with every day of your life. Your physical suffering lasts a short time, but your joy in heaven will last forever.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you look at your modern grocery stores, you see plentiful food with no thought of scarce supplies of food. Yet this plenty does not exist for all the people of the world. America has been blessed with good crops and land to farm, but these favorable growing conditions could change with the weather. Cycles of rainy and dry seasons are delicately timed, and any disturbance in the jet streams can cause either too much rain or too little to fall. It is these droughts with fires, and your rain causing floods that are testing your people even now. Pray for good growing conditions for your food, because a time is coming when famine will ravage your land.”

Jesus said: “My people, your priests are your teachers of the faith as they encourage you in their homilies to apply the teachings of the Gospel to be used in your daily lives. This is why you need holy priests to inspire the faithful to follow Me in love and good deeds. Do not let the evil ones cause you to despair in your trials, but be faithful to Me in trusting in My mercy and forgiveness. This is why you need to pray for your priests and support them in their leadership. The closer your parish is to Me in My Blessed Sacrament, the more protected you will be in having faithful priests and priestly vocations.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is proper to give thanks to God for the labor of your hands as you provide for your living. There are varying levels of wages according to the skill required for various jobs, but work for a living has been a requirement of man since Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden. The fruits of your labor are not just your wages, but everyone benefits from the use of your skills which I have blessed you with at birth. By helping each other in the work place, you allow the whole society to live and thrive. Again give Me thanks for having your very job to live on.”

Jesus said: “My people, richer industrial nations require workers, fuel for energy, and the natural resources for manufacturing. It is this labor component that adds the most cost to a manufactured item. Many of your management employers are trying to cut their labor costs by using cheap and slave labor from China and third world countries. It is this competition for cheap labor and paying of less benefits that most threatens your work force in America. Because of the cost of living in America, it is becoming very difficult to have a living wage and still have a job. Even now your people are complaining about low wages and too much dependency on foreign goods and foreign labor. Pray for more equity in your work force and less greed for profits among your managers.”

Jesus said: “My people, some years earlier your Federal Reserve allowed interest rates to go so low to get out of a recession. This caused a great buying of homes, but with little regard for how these mortgages were set up. The various instruments used for balloon payments have now caused difficulty in paying back mortgages at higher rates. This risk of foreclosures has increased for the poorer borrowers and has caused a deep problem for those holding foreclosed properties. This mismanagement of greed and high risks in the mortgage industry is causing the instability in your world markets. Pray for the people who are losing their homes and their jobs so they can resolve their problems. You may see another taxpayer bailout of these lending institutions before these problems can be resolved.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I love you and I want you to come and share your love for Me in front of My Blessed Sacrament. I truly call out to souls to visit Me because you can share in My abundant graces. With My graces you can be protected more from sin and you can be strong evangelists of souls for My greater glory. The more you share in Adoration of My Eucharist, the more graces that are given to those parishes. Listen to My call for grace and you will see many spiritual blessings for your people.”


Friday, August 31, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel of the five wise virgins and the five unwise virgins is a theme of being watchful for when I will return in victory. I have given many messages of warning to prepare My people for the time of tribulation with the Antichrist’s brief reign of evil. You are continuing to see signs of this evil age as in Noah’s time, and the faith has grown cold in many hearts. You are seeing the areas of pestilence, wars, and famine in parts of the world. You are also seeing the forced microchips in your passports and coming licenses as the mark of the beast is already prepared. You are entering the end times as the signs are all around you. Be always ready in your soul with frequent Confession and a strong daily prayer life. Do not be like the five unwise virgins who could not enter because they knew neither the day nor the hour of My return.”

Jesus said: “My people, in every life you are going to be tested in the workplace, on the highway, and in running your household. You will meet with many frustrations and disappointments, as this is part of your human condition. It is how you react to life’s situations that will have an effect on your disposition and the effect you have on others. If you are boastful or have an upset attitude over things, you can make yourself and others miserable around you. If you have a calm and faithful attitude, your love can touch others and they will be thankful to be in your presence. A person of deep faith should not allow the little things in life to upset their peace. This takes some patience and a good prayer life to restrain your anger and irritability. So stop and think how other people are viewing your actions, and try to be good Christian examples to others so they will desire the love that you have for Me. Keep calm in all of your reactions so you can have respect for Me, yourself, and your neighbor.”


Saturday, September 1, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, when you come into a holy church where the people give Me honor and reverence of My Blessed Sacrament, you have a great sense of spiritual peace and joy at My oasis of graces for your soul. Your soul is at ease in My Real Presence and you are graced to be with Me. Be thankful for your priests to offer the Mass and preserve the traditions of your Catholic faith. In today’s Gospel on the use of given talents, you know how important it is to use your physical talents for your mission in life. When you consecrate everything to Me, you are dedicating all of your works to Me in My glory and you are serving Me as I have requested everyone to serve Me. Some do not use their talents, and this is the lesson of the Gospel not to waste their gifts. I want to emphasize to My faithful that you also have been given spiritual talents as well to evangelize souls by your Baptism and Confirmation. These talents of sharing your faith with others also should not be buried or unused. It should be a joy for you to give the gift of faith so others can share in the peace and joy of My love. Do not be selfish for just your own faith, but go out to all the nations and preach My Good News of love and salvation of souls. Then when you settle accounts with Me at the judgment, I will reward you for all the souls that you have brought to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard many Scripture passages that tell you to follow the narrow road or gate in order to gain eternal life. There are many who follow the broad road to hell in their love of fame, power, and money of the world. They have made these things gods and they worship them more than Me as idols. If you follow My Will and My Commandments, this will place you on the narrow road to heaven. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but then he loses his soul? In the end all of these things will pass away, but your soul remains forever, and it is immortal and will never die. But your soul will face a judgment and be held accountable for all of your actions on earth. By keeping your soul right with Me in sanctifying grace, you will always be ready for your judgment. Whenever I come to take you home, all the good deeds that you did for Me and your neighbor will be in your hands to weigh against your actual sins and your sins of omission. My mercy will be on your soul, but My justice will also prevail.”


Sunday, September 2, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I have sent My apostles out to convert all nations and to build up My Church. Whenever you build a new church, you are providing a home for My faithful to share My abode in My Real Presence in My tabernacle. In the opposite way every time that you close a church, you have one less opportunity for graces and My sacraments. It is more important to continue to build up My Church by reaching out to convert souls to understanding the faith. I call everyone to keep close to Me and give glory and praise to Me every Sunday at Mass and in daily prayer. I give you all many gifts in this life, especially time and your talents. You can give Me thanks for these gifts at least once on Sunday for an hour. This is My Commandment that you keep Sunday holy by attending Mass and sharing in Holy Communion worthily without mortal sin. Those, who refuse to give Me worship on Sunday, will have to answer for their actions at their judgment. Encourage your friends and relatives to see the need for My love and graces by attending Sunday Mass. Do not turn your back on Me, but love Me and your neighbor.”


Monday, September 3, 2007: (St. Gregory the Great)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel the people of Nazareth rejected the prophet in Me from their own town, but I walked away from them because it was not My hour. So I have sent My prophets to My people throughout all of history both to teach the faith and to prophesy the events to come as a warning for the faithful. You are seeing these empty hangars in a closet in the vision as a sign of My son’s need to travel to share My messages, and as a sign to warn the people when to leave their homes for My refuges. This is My son’s mission to prepare the people for the coming tribulation of evil. The signs of this time are all around you, and I have repeated these messages because it will be in your lifetime. I also give you My promises of protection of your souls. Some may be martyred for their faith, but the rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges. I will prevail over the evil ones who will be cast into hell, and I will establish My Era of Peace. Call on My help to endure this tribulation, and have trust and hope that My power is greater than these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, man’s weapons of war continue to be more deadly both for conventional and nuclear war. This vision of nuclear ballistic missiles has been the center of the old cold war where no one really wanted to use nuclear weapons. This is why most of the recent wars have used sophisticated conventional weapons. Such wars have been very quickly decided when one side has had superior firepower. The current war in Iraq has become a different kind of warfare where there are no enemy lines and the opposing insurgents use mostly roadside bombs and suicide bombs. These terrorist activities are meant to break morale and cause the current government to fail. These incidents are hard to defend, and the desire of your people to continue this war is waning. Fighting and killing in war is against My plan for man, where he should be living in peace and compromise. Love should be directing your actions, and not greed for money or material gains. Work to strive to be peacemakers both between nations and between people.”


Tuesday, September 4, 2007:

Jesus said: “My son, many times I have confirmed your mission of preparing the people for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist’s brief reign. This is not an easy mission to explain, but its purpose is to instill faith in the people to follow Me in these end days. Some may be frightened by events in the sky at the time of the Warning. Others will see an evil that they have yet to see. Comfort My people with the assurance and hope of My coming again when I will defeat the evil ones. Many signs of the end times are around you, and with the eyes of faith you will know when it is time to leave for My refuges. You have seen a pattern of increased details being given on how and why My faithful will need to leave their homes for My refuges of protection. This is again a confirmation in itself that the time of tribulation is close. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I am sharing with you so you can carry out your mission.”


Wednesday, September 5, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the lives of the saints have been revealed to you, and many had to endure dry times in their spiritual lives which you have called ‘dark nights of the soul.’ During your faith journeys you also may have to endure times of doubt, or times of addiction, or bad habits that have drawn you away from Me. But before you die there are still opportunities to be saved and converted back to your former faith. You can call on Me at any time for the grace of repentance for your sins in Confession, and a chance to renew your love for Me. This is why I ask you every day to consecrate everything over to Me so I can help you in your daily trials and you can offer up all of your trials and hurts to Me. By sharing your pain, I can help shoulder your daily difficulties in carrying your cross, as Simon helped Me to carry My cross. Treasure your daily prayer time with Me so you can share your love for Me in word and good deeds. The saints are models of hope and faith because they trusted Me with their very lives. You too, can trust Me to help you since I am always at your side eager to answer your requests.”

Jesus said: “My people, America has been graced so far this year that none of the large hurricanes have struck your mainland. You have had some violent weather, but the more serious storms are yet to come. This vision of a large storm striking America is very close to happening. You have not had to endure such a storm since a few years ago. Many of these latest hurricanes have reached category five strength because they have been enhanced by your microwave weather making machines. Pray for your people to be prepared for any serious storms coming your way. The other vision of a sense of death from a terrorist attack is another event in your future. There is a major event being planned that is so serious that it will be the means to declare a national emergency that will result in a declaration of martial law. This has been the plan of the one world people to allow them the excuse for a takeover of your government and declare a dictatorship. There will be much resistance at first, but then the foreign troops on your soil will round up all religious and patriotic people into the death camps to kill all resistors. It is at this time that you are to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to safety at the nearest refuge of protection. Leave quickly when martial law is declared so you can avoid being captured. I will provide for all of your needs at that time so have no fear and trust in My assistance.”


Wednesday, September 5, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, America has been graced so far this year that none of the large hurricanes have struck your mainland. You have had some violent weather, but the more serious storms are yet to come. This vision of a large storm striking America is very close to happening. You have not had to endure such a storm since a few years ago. Many of these latest hurricanes have reached category five strength because they have been enhanced by your microwave weather making machines. Pray for your people to be prepared for any serious storms coming your way. The other vision of a sense of death from a terrorist attack is another event in your future. There is a major event being planned that is so serious that it will be the means to declare a national emergency that will result in a declaration of martial law. This has been the plan of the one world people to allow them the excuse for a takeover of your government and declare a dictatorship. There will be much resistance at first, but then the foreign troops on your soil will round up all religious and patriotic people into the death camps to kill all resistors. It is at this time that you are to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to safety at the nearest refuge of protection. Leave quickly when martial law is declared so you can avoid being captured. I will provide for all of your needs at that time so have no fear and trust in My assistance.”


Thursday, September 6, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, many of you take your means of energy for granted, but there is a lot of hard work that goes into supplying your electricity, natural gas, and your gasoline for your vehicles. A good number of your power plants still run on coal, natural gas, and nuclear power. You heat your homes with methane from drilling, propane from oil products, and wood from your forests. You run your cars and trucks from oil products both in America and overseas. Some gasoline products are now using corn to supplement ethanol in your fuels. All of these fuels require management and an expense to supply your ravenous needs for energy where America uses 25% of the world’s available supplies for only 300 million people. It is this level of energy use that supplies your current standard of living. You are now competing more with other nations for these supplies, and the cost of these fuels could begin to lower your standard of living as your currency’s value is challenged. Pray for your children’s jobs as it will become harder to find good paying jobs with the exporting of so many manufacturing jobs. It is the multinational corporations that will be causing lower salaries and less benefits. Your workplace will be changing as America will become less dominant over time.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, many times you have seen the priest raise incense smoke during Benediction, funerals, and sometimes at Mass. This is a means to give honor and praise to your God in honor of My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. Kneeling and genuflecting before My Blessed Sacrament is another means to show your reverence for My Presence. I ask you many times to come and visit Me in Adoration or at My tabernacle. Your extra visits are a sign to Me of how much you love Me and your desire to be in My Presence. I will bestow My graces upon you for making this extra effort to be with Me.” Jesus said: “My people, you have been praying to have a crucifix on your altar area for the people to meditate on. There are always problems and delays that could be trying to delay this project. The demons will do everything to thwart this project, so you must continue your prayers until this crucifix is up before you. Do not leave anything to chance so you could see this project brought to completion.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some movements in My Church to take away some of the old traditions of your Liturgy as they are calling them outdated. Contemplative prayer and strict observance of fasting during Lent are needed at times to help souls have a sense of the sacred in their penances. Lent can be a necessary means to renew your faith each year, so keeping your traditions will help keep your souls close to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, the rosary is My Blessed Mother’s powerful weapon to fight the evil in your world of today. This can be a part of your daily prayer time that you should put aside for Me every day. Prayer is your expression of love for Me and a means for making reparation for your sins and the sins of others. See the necessity of prayer to help strengthen you against temptations. Carrying your sacramentals also will protect you from the evil ones. Trust in My help as I put a shield of angels around you to protect you from the evil ones.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am happy to receive all of your rosaries tonight as I will send them to My Son, Jesus, for your petitions. I have shared many messages with you through My various visionaries, yet you are seeking more messages without carrying out My requests from the messages that you have already received. You should be preparing your souls to endure the coming Warning and tribulation. Instead of spending so much time on worldly concerns, you should have more focus on My Son in becoming more holy. Worldly things will pass away, but the words of My Son, Jesus, will not pass away.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have used this image of a door many times to represent the door to your heart that I knock on for entry to be with you. Some souls have hardened their hearts so much to Me that they refuse to let Me into their lives. Such a life without Me can be very dark and cause a lack of love in that soul’s heart. When you open this door to Me of your own free will, I can share My love and graces with you to ease the burdens of your life. Walk with Me constantly in doing My Will in your life, and you will be able to fulfill the mission that I have for you to serve Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for your students and your teachers that they may be successful in their studies. This idea of starting school with a fresh slate is the same feeling spiritually that you should have after you come forth from the confessional. Learn from your mistakes so you do not repeat them, and see the need in your life to break any sinful habits. You can have this pure soul by confessing your sins often and seeking My forgiveness. There is no reason to remain in the bondage of your sins when priests are constantly available to receive you in Confession.”


Friday, September 7, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, wherever you have My Presence, that of God the Father, or that of the Holy Spirit, you have the Presence of all Three Persons of God because We are inseparable. We are always Three Persons in One God. The Blessed Trinity is a mystery to man because We are so encompassing in Our existence that you cannot comprehend that We are present everywhere in the universe. It is because of Our power at any second of your life that you even exist. The power of creation and the power to sustain creation all comes from God. Even the existence and power of the demons comes from Us. We allow man and the angels to exercise their own free will. I am explaining to you that the source of all power and energy comes from God. Those, who use the occult and witchcraft, derive their power from the demons. So you should know the source of the power, and you will know if it is from an evil power or from Our power of grace. Our power is always greater than the evil ones because We created them. This is why when you call on Me and My Name, the evil ones will leave you. Trust in My power to overcome any evil influence that may afflict you. In the end you will see Me come and defeat the evil ones and chain them in hell. Stay faithful to Me through all of your trials, and you will be greatly rewarded in heaven. Give praise and glory to the Blessed Trinity who are always at your side ready to help you.”


Saturday, September 8, 2007: (Birthday of the Blessed Mother)

Jesus said: “My people, this is the feast day of the Birth of My Blessed Mother, nine months after her feast day of her Immaculate Conception. My Blessed Mother was honored to be without sin throughout her whole life, and even at conception she was free of original sin. This pool of water represents the purity of her life from sin, even as I offer Baptismal waters to free all of mankind from original sin by My death on the cross. My sacrifice has freed all those who are worthy by their actions in life to come to heaven. Man now has an opportunity to come to heaven where the gates have been opened by My redemption of man. You still have free will to accept Me or to reject Me, but you also have Confession to have your sins wiped away when you seek My forgiveness. Even if you are sinners, you have no excuse to not accept My pardon and be saved from your sins. In life you are at the crossroads in every decision that you make. You can choose to follow My Will and My Commandments on the narrow road to heaven, or you can choose to refuse to serve Me on the broad road to hell. Take advantage of My grace and mercy, and you will live in eternal love with Me in heaven where you were made to come.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is important to know what your children are being taught in your schools. A lot of pressure is being placed on your children to get good grades whether it be in grammar school, high school, or in college. There are only a few that are going to excel in getting straight ‘A’s. It is one thing to know your subjects, but each person needs lessons in morals or a knowledge of what is right and wrong by the norms of your society. The need for faith in Me is an inner spiritual calling that is not satisfied until you reach My love and peace. Until you have peace in your soul from Me, you will be constantly seeking this peace until you are satisfied. Some children are brain-washed with an ethnic hatred, while others are brain-washed with a desire to be independent and a striving to be rich in worldly things. Since prayer has been taken out of the schools, it is hard for young people to have a strong calling to faith. It is only by strong parental beliefs that the children are encouraged to attend church and have a good prayer life. Each child has free will and they eventually have to choose to love Me on their own. This is why they need a good environment and loving parents as models to imitate. Pray for your children and see to it that they receive some worthy training in the faith along with their secular classes.”


Sunday, September 9, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you are always challenged in your daily activities to serve Me and always keep Me first in your priorities. As you see this vision of a comfortable chair, your human tendency is always a desire to take the easy way out of every situation. At times you may have to remember that your life is a call to sacrifice for My sake in carrying your cross. You may be faced with opportunities of grace to help people, even when it may take you out of your comfort zone to offer your time and even money to help someone. It is also work each day to restrain any bad example of bad language or anger so you can show others that you practice your Christian beliefs. You also need to give Me some prayer time each day to show Me your love and dedication to My service. Daily prayer can strengthen you against the evil one’s temptations. I know you need to take some time to take care of your personal responsibilities in paying your bills, taking care of your families, working for a living, and such necessities of the body. But do these things out of love for Me and do not let worldly things control your time. Time is your gift and you will need to make an accounting for how you have spent it. You also need to make some time for evangelizing souls because the more gifts that you are given, more is expected of you to share with others in conversions. In all that you do, do it for Me.” Jesus said: “My people, when you travel on the highway at night with a thick misty rain, you have to slow down because of the poor visibility. A spiritual awareness can also become difficult to see your way when it is clouded by too many earthly distractions. At times you do not even realize how gradually you can become too complacent in your spiritual life as you forget your prayers and worldly events invade your prayer time. You control the scheduling of your events and the priorities of what is more important. When you have a choice between your prayer time and adding more earthly events, let your prayer time with Me take your first priority and put your extra chores off to tomorrow. You need to keep alert in your faith with prayers and good Christian reading. Do not grow lax in your faith because the devil is constantly ready to distract you from Me and lead you into sin with your lost prayer time. Be aware also to go to Confession frequently at least monthly to keep your soul pure and strong. By constantly focusing on Me every day, then you will not lose sight of your ultimate goal of being with Me in heaven.”


Monday, September 10, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this beautiful vision of nature is all about the beauty, harmony, and love in My creation. I have made everything for man’s use, but not to be abused. I have placed a balance of nature on earth that I do not want man to disturb. See the love and harmony among the plants and animals as an example for how man should love Me and his neighbor. There is a struggle for survival because of Adam’s sin, but there is still no other abuses except by man. Even in your hearts I have planted a desire to love Me and your neighbor, and to avoid anger and fighting in wars. Whenever you change the DNA of plants and animals, you are violating My intentions for the natural order which is much more perfect than any of man’s creations when you want to act like Me. Avoid all of these hybrids, cloning, and manipulation of genes because these abuses run counter to the balance of nature, and have bad side effects, even as you see in your artificial medicines. Avoid your death culture in abortions, euthanasia, and killings because I alone am the giver and taker of life. All of you need to be more loving and have concern to help those around you. You can bring love and harmony into the world with your loving interaction with those that you meet every day. Even your daily prayers help to bring love and harmony into this world. Pray for sinners every day to be converted, and give good example to save souls through your actions. By working to bring love into your world, you can make your world a better place to live.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you before the destruction that will occur in San Francisco from a massive earthquake. This destruction of the San Francisco bridge will be the first that you will see. As the earthquake progresses, many will be killed as the geography of this area will change dramatically. There is much sin of homosexuality in this area as well as heterosexual sin in living together without marriage. It is My justice that is being called down on this modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. This city could be saved if the people repented, but they are too steeped in their sin to change. Pray for their souls because many could be lost to hell. There is much sin all over your country, but some areas are worse than others and are defying My authority. There is also much occult activity in this area that is promoting New Age ways and teachings. Continue to pray and call on My angels of protection to defend you from such evil influences.”


Tuesday, September 11, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, being humble is not easy for man because there are human desires to be in places of honor and prestige. You also tend to be boastful of your accomplishments, your education, your social status, or your possessions. Being famous or wealthy will not get you into heaven. Leading a simple and humble life of faith will be more pleasing to Me, and those who are first on earth may be the last to enter heaven. Love of Me and neighbor are more important for gaining heaven than any worldly wealth or fame. Keep humble as you give Me all of the praise and glory for all of your accomplishments. Acknowledge Me as your Master and Lord of your life, and you will be on the narrow road to heaven.”


Wednesday, September 12, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the events of natural disasters are occurring one after another and many people will be displaced from their homes all over the world. The world is full of evil going on in various places, and My justice is being called down to get your attention. You are seeing the people praying a vigil of prayer for the sins of the world. Much reparation for sin is needed and I will multiply your prayers because only a few see the need for constant prayer. These events are signs of the end times drawing near. You are about to see the evil increase in the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Fear not for I will grant you My graces to endure this trial. Remain faithful to Me no matter how much the evil ones will try to test your faith, even with threats of martyrdom. Have patience but a moment and I will soon come to vanquish this evil lot and cast them into hell. I will then renew the earth and establish My Era of Peace on earth. Those, who are faithful through this trial, will witness My true love and your reward in the new heavens and new earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your advertisers on TV use various means to draw people to buy their products. They used to run ads for 5 to 10 minutes per hour, and now they are using 15 to 20 minutes per hour. Because ads are expensive to make, they are repeated many times as well. The devil uses similar deceptions in his temptations to get you to sin. He exploits all of your earthly desires and pleasures to excessive levels. Taking a few alcoholic drinks may be sociable, but in excess they can cause drunkenness with damage to your body. He causes you to overindulge in TV watching, gambling, and sexual pleasures, as well as with other partners. He also encourages you to overeat, especially things that are not healthy for your body. Man has appetites for the senses, but you need to control the desires of the body in order to avoid sinning. Ask My help and your angels to restrain yourself in your likes and dislikes, and you can improve your holiness. Many times man needs to develop self-control over his body, and train the senses not to violate My Commandments. By knowing your limits before something becomes sinful, you can avoid these near occasions of sin. Your fasting and prayers can help the soul keep the body in check in obedience to My ways for your life.”


Thursday, September 13, 2007: (St. John Chrysostom)

Jesus said: “My people, the vision of this long length of rope symbolizes how you can measure things, even as you use a tape measure. This is part of today’s Gospel that says that whatever you measure out to others, it will be measured back to you. (Luke 6:38) This Gospel is all about love and your willingness to help others and even those who have offended you in any way. You are elated when you receive some unexpected money, as from an inheritance. But how much are you willing to share of this with your family or charities? The same with the whole of your income. You should be willing to share at least ten per cent for charities. This is a means of giving thanks to Me for providing for your income. It is the same way with your gifts of faith and graces. You should be willing to share your faith with others in evangelization and praying for others. I am loving and merciful with you. So you should be loving and merciful to everyone as well.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, continue to pray that a crucifix will be placed on your altar. Keep checking with your pastor on the status of this project so you can assist him in any of his needs. The other large crucifix should be in more use by having a sturdy stand made for it so it could be displayed even at your prayer group. The people need to be focused on My love that I poured forth with My death on the cross for all of mankind.”

Jesus said: “My people, parents need to be watchful of what their children are being taught, and monitor their studies and marks to see that they are doing well. You should be aware if they are being taught any witchcraft as Harry Potter, or any New Age teachings. Some schools are even introducing smart cards for security and buying and selling. Protect them as much as you can to avoid evil influences, and avoid using these chips where possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, these doors in the vision are glass so I can see into your hearts. These are doors of opportunity for each of you to do My Will, and answer calls for help. I knock on the door of your heart every day to do good deeds for My people without being paid or rewarded. By doing it just for pleasing Me, you will receive your payment in heaven. The same is true for your charities where you should give to the poor or wanting who cannot pay you back. My Father will see your good deeds and you will store a more valuable treasure in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, there are some people who need to see the big picture of your mission and the importance of preparing for the Warning and the time of tribulation. You are putting your messages on the internet and in your books, but you should also make DVDs available of your latest talk at your cost. In this way people could view your messages with explanations and some details of what is going on recently. If necessary, you could have copies made commercially and sent out to those who would desire them. You could also make available your indexes of the messages. Your readers need to see the current need to be ready for these events that are near at hand.”

Jesus said: “My son, as the end times grow near and the signs are around you now, you will become busier in your travels as people will want to keep abreast of their preparations. Many people that have had you in the past and some new people, now want to be updated because they also are seeing the events leading up to the Antichrist that are getting closer. I have asked you to honor these requests in your talks and be willing to pray over the people as well. You may be tired from this intense schedule, but I will give you the strength and grace to carry on with your needed mission. Give praise and glory to Me that I have asked you to do this mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, the final battle of good and evil is being prepared and it will culminate in the Battle of Armageddon. You are seeing My angels dressed for battle against Satan, the Antichrist, and all of the demons and evil people. Have no worry about these evil ones in the coming tribulation, because I will send you myriads of angels for your protection. Even now you can call on My help and My angels at any time that you are threatened by the evil ones. When you call the demons to the foot of My cross in My Name, they cannot stand to be around you. Use your blessed salt, holy water, your sacramentals, and pray the St. Michael prayer of exorcism. I have given you these tools and My angels for your protection, so trust in My power which is greater than any demon.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I love the children in the Gospels, so you should understand that the killing of babies in abortion is the most offensive sin that could be committed. The mothers and doctors will be held responsible for these sins and their reparation will be great for denying these lives to continue in My plan. This is why praying for these mothers and counseling them not to have abortions is the greatest work that you could do to save these lives. Protesting at these institutions is also powerful because with enough prayer, these places could be closed. It is your laws favoring abortion that are condemning you, as much as the lives that you are taking. When you see many natural disasters around you, some are being directed in areas with the most sin. Continue your prayers to stop abortion and support the preciousness of life wherever you can.”


Friday, September 14, 2007: (Exaltation of the Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I died on the cross how there was a great earthquake, and darkness came over the land from an eclipse of the sun at 3:00 p.m. So now this vision of another time of darkness is foretelling the time of the coming evil of the tribulation. At the end of the tribulation of the Antichrist I will bring My Comet of Chastisement that will strike the earth in the Atlantic Ocean. Then you will witness the three days of darkness when only blessed candles will give your only light. The darkness will cover how the evil ones will have to suffer a living hell on earth without being consumed. Close your windows and do not look out to view My wrath on these condemned souls. I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones as they will eventually be cast into hell in chains. I will then renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace which will be a reward for all of My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, when it comes time to go to My refuges, you will have a small independent community where everyone will have their own skill used in jobs to provide for the community. No matter what age you are, you all will be expected to make some kind of contribution in your work effort. Many places will not have electricity unless you have solar cells. This means that all of your tools and work implements will be hand tools and drawn by animals as in days past. You can survive without many of your comforts, but I will provide angel protection, water, and I will multiply your food. You will have shelters multiplied and healing of all of your ills with healing springs and looking on My luminous crosses. Just as Moses healed the snake bites by raising up a bronze serpent, so I will raise up My luminous cross for your healing in this modern day Exodus to My refuges. Give praise and thanks to Me for My protection during the tribulation as well as for all of My miraculous gifts for your needs. Even as the Early Christians had to work for their supper, My faithful will also have to work as well for your survival. Have patience, for this evil time will be less than 3½ years in your time now.”


Saturday, September 15, 2007: (Mother of Sorrows)

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in the past how many saints had to suffer martyrdom for their faith. This time of suffering and killings will return during the tribulation. At this time there may not be so many physical martyrs, but those today, who want to stand up for their faith, may suffer a dry martyrdom for not being politically correct. Anyone, who wants to stand up against abortion, euthanasia, or homosexuality, will suffer much criticism, persecution, and possible jail time because of your laws protecting these sinful actions. No matter how much that you have to suffer with Me, you need to defend My babies and speak out against the sexual sins of your society. If you say nothing, this will be interpreted as condoning these sins. If you do not witness My ways in public, then I will not witness for you before My Father in heaven. Pray for all the sinners in your world today because there is a great need for evangelists to help people to convert from their sinful ways. I will send the mercy of My Warning to wake souls up to their spiritual responsibilities. You must take up your daily cross and suffer with Me, even as My Blessed Mother had to suffer much sorrow in her life.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you finally decide to leave Iraq, it will return to another dictator or an Islamic State. These people are too tribal to be controlled by a democracy. America cannot force its way on Iraq, and it was a mistake to attack it unilaterally. It is your defense manufacturers who are making the money spent on this drawn out war with little purpose. I have told you before that terrorists could go into any country they please, even America. Letting your military suffer and spending many billions of dollars has not gained much for you. Do not let the one world people control you in continuing this insurgent battle. Guerilla tactics and road bombs are indefensible, so there can be no way of measuring a victory. Admit that this operation was a mistake, and save more of your troops from dying and being wounded, as well as less war debts. Peace can be had by ceasing the fighting and leave the governing to their own people. Pray for a final and complete withdrawal so you can bring all of your troops home.”


Sunday, September 16, 2007: (Prodigal Son parable)

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before how vulnerable you are when your electricity is turned off for whatever reason. Many of your electrical conveniences have become such a part of your daily life, that you would have to make some major changes in how you provide for your necessities if your power was unavailable. No light and no heat could be similar to no life and no grace in your soul if you lived in mortal sin. Living in sin may be appealing to the senses of your body, but it is like death to your soul. This is why the father of the Prodigal Son rejoiced when his son returned to seek his forgiveness. People can become addicted to sinful pleasures, but by prayer or a spiritual awakening, a person may suddenly realize how depraved they are in need of My love. Sin is cold and controlling, and you need to come to Me to seek My forgiveness so I can cleanse your sins and restore My graces in your soul. Peace and love with Me is far more satisfying for your soul than any pleasure that sin could offer you. Do not let Satan or your bodily desires so control you that you cannot be released from your bondage to sin. When you come to Me in Confession, I will truly set you free, and your soul will be united with Me in true joy and happiness. Rejoice just as the father of the Prodigal Son did because his son was lost and now he was found. So also you and all of heaven rejoice when one sinner repents and is saved.”


Monday, September 17, 2007: (St. Robert Bellarmine)

Jesus said: “My people, you have many needs in your daily lives on earth. Before you ask Me for anything, I know all of your needs. Many times you petition Me for jobs, for healing sicknesses, and in some cases for food or other necessities. I have told you in the Gospels: (Matt. 7:8) ‘For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it shall be opened.’ Just as the centurion had faith that I could heal his sick servant, so My faithful need to have faith that I will answer your petitions. So do not worry about whether you will have food to eat, clothes to wear, or a shelter to stay. If I feed the birds of the air and dress the lilies of the field with color, surely you are worth more to Me than these. Call on My Name in faith for all of your needs, and I will provide for all of your necessities. By faith and seeking out employment with My help, you will be able to provide for yourself and your family. You will face many trials and testings in your life, but by patient endurance you will be given the grace to endure them. Keep trust and faith in Me in your prayers, and you will have nothing to fear or worry about.”

Jesus said: “My people, no matter how much you try to avoid your responsibilities, the shadow of My cross will always be upon you. It is not easy to follow the restraints of a holy life when you are faced with so many worldly temptations. If you are to gain eternal life in heaven, you must pick up your cross daily and follow My Will in obeying My Commandments. You should be subject to obedience to Me and your spiritual advisor, instead of doing only your own will. Those, who only follow what they desire, are not opening their hearts to My love or following My ways, but they are only following earthly ways. This earthly life will pass away, but your spiritual life lives on forever. Your soul craves to be with Me in order to find true peace. Better to satisfy the desires of the soul over the desires of the body. Consecrate everything over to Me every day so I can use you in following your mission. Do not run from your cross, but take it up freely and lovingly so you can grow in your faith closer to being a saint to enter heaven.”


Tuesday, September 18, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of Satan in a church represents how he is attacking the Catholic Church and he is working on the people not to attend the Mass. There is also a suggestion that there are masons in the hierarchy trying to destroy the Church. No matter how hard Satan will try to destroy My Church, there will always be a faithful remnant because the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church. Because evil in the world will become stronger, My faithful must be always prepared in faith to battle the evil ones by proclaiming My Name, and preserve your Catholic traditions. Do not be offended if you are criticized or persecuted for not going along with the modernists in My Church who want to destroy your traditions of faith. Stand up for your crucifixes, statues, and My tabernacle in plain sight, because the demons are attacking My Eucharist of My Real Presence. Call on My angels and My graces to defend you from all the evil influences around you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Federal Reserve, which is made up of the central bankers and not the government, has just bailed out your bankers and brokers by lowering the interest rates by .5% from 5.25% to 4.75%. There has been a large increase in foreclosures because many people bought homes on speculation with cheap interest rates that would go up later on. Now with higher payments and difficulty in selling houses, those mortgages in the lower income levels are being foreclosed as financing charges increased and the people could not afford to pay. This caused many housing mortgage companies to go bankrupt and put many people out of work. By lowering interest rates, these banks and brokerage houses are being bailed out by the Federal Reserve by lowering the finance charges. The central bankers feared a recession even in the face of higher commodity prices in oil and gold. Many stock markets gained huge profits as a result of this bail out. Pray for many people who innocently are losing their houses, but the rich are protecting their own investments and losses.”


Wednesday, September 19, 2007: (St. Januarius)

Jesus said: “My people, this image in the vision of a wine vat bursting is a reference to a Scripture reading on wineskins. (Matt. 9:17) ‘Nor do people pour new wine into old wineskins, else the skins burst, the wine is spilt, and the skins are ruined. But they put new wine into fresh skins, and both are saved.’ This passage was given when the people asked why My apostles were not fasting, but I said they will fast when the bridegroom leaves them. I brought the people a loving part of the Word of God that was more forgiving and more like My unconditional love for man when I love the good and the bad. When I asked the people to love their enemies, and accept Me as the Messiah, the Son of God, this was too much for them to believe. Even when I gave My disciples My Body to eat and My Blood to drink, they had a hard time accepting My Real Presence in My instituted Eucharist. The old wine-skins represented the Mosaic Law which I came to fulfill, but the people did not want to accept the new wine in My new way. This is the bursting of old skins when they wanted to kill Me because of My new teachings which they took for blasphemy. Even today many want to follow their earthly ways and customs instead of My words of suffering and fasting which make them uncomfortable. This life is a preparation for heaven, and a denial of earthly desires is necessary so you will be prepared to give Me your complete focus on serving Me only. You cannot serve God and money. You can only serve one, and I am a jealous God who wants you to only worship Me as stated in the First Commandment. So put aside all of your worldly ways and desires today in order to prepare for heaven. Otherwise, you will require purification of these earthly desires in purgatory.”


Wednesday, September 19, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have watched many movies and sometimes in the flesh the constant battle for survival between the various food chains of prey and predator. Even as you view this visible battle, there is also an invisible spiritual battle for souls going on constantly around you. You have the good angels and your guardian angels assigned to help you against the evil demons who are trying to ravage souls for Satan. These demon temptations are very deceptive in trying to get you to sin because they exploit your human weaknesses to pride and lust. You know My Commandments and how you should behave, but greed and lust can attract you to satisfy your more earthly appetites. By staying close to Me in prayer and My sacraments, you can receive spiritual food and My graces to strengthen you against these daily temptations. You can also call on Me, My saints, and My angels in times of demon attacks and temptations. Once you realize where the near occasions of sin are, you can avoid them, and stay close to My Blessed Sacrament where you are safe with Me and My angels. I want you to worship and adore Me each day because this is training for when you can come to heaven. You can also reach out to save other souls who are weak in their faith or need conversion to be saved. Be an inspiration to souls who look up to you for leadership in the faith. It is your daily prayer life that is necessary to keep you on the narrow road to heaven. You can also help souls in purgatory to come to heaven sooner by your prayer intentions. Always pray for your family and friends for both the living and the deceased. Be always on the lookout for the demon predators and do not succumb to their evil ways of comforts and pleasures.”


Thursday, September 20, 2007: (Korean martyrs)

Jesus said: “My people, there are holy places where tables, walls and pictures oil by themselves, as well as statues. This oiling is a sign of the holiness and blessings on a particular house. The woman, who was forgiven her sins in today’s Gospel (Luke 7:36-50), also poured oil over My feet. This was not just for hospitality, but it was a foretelling of My burial after I would be crucified. She had great faith and that is why I forgave her of her many years of sin. I will also forgive anyone who repents and seeks My forgiveness, no matter how serious their sins. The Pharisees, where I visited, were critical of Me for allowing this woman to approach Me, and questioned how I could forgive sins. They also did not want to accept that I was the Messiah, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. They saw My miracles of healing the sick, casting out demons, and raising people from the dead, and still they refused to believe that I was God, Incarnate. So it is in your day where some still do not want to believe in Me even after seeing many modern day miracles. Pray for those who are weak in faith, called the lukewarm, and pray for the conversion of sinners who are deep in sin and deep in the hold of Satan. Anyone can be saved if they repent and allow Me to be Master of their lives and their Savior.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages about the Warning before, but this vision of a coming comet is a sign to you that the Warning is not far away. Many will be frightened on the day of the Warning both because of the signs in the skies and because everyone will have a life review of both the good things and the sins that they have committed. This will be My mercy of an illumination of conscience and soul in an out of body experience. You will see your judgment at this time and have a taste of where you would go. Then you will be placed back into your bodies to confess your sins and change your lives. Prepare now with a good prayer life so you will have a pure soul at the time of this Warning experience.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to be aware that you are being watched and your movements are being tracked so they know who you are. These evil ones are listening to your conversations, so be guarded in what you share on the phone. I will send My angels to protect you so you will be able to make it safely to your refuges at the proper time. The mercy of My Warning will prepare you for the coming tribulation. Give thanks and praise to Me for all of My gifts to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are two kinds of nets that are searching for souls. The one net is that of My evangelists who are like My apostles whom I said would be fishers of men instead of just fish. I send many of My laborers into My vineyard to reach out to souls in conversion. Even now the time grows short and the time for saving souls is short also. The other net is the snare of the demons who are constantly seeking the ruin of souls. Pray constantly to St. Michael to protect the souls from being lost to Satan.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government has been corrupted by the control of your corporations and the central bankers. They are planning a complete takeover of your country as the first step in a world takeover that will be given over to the Antichrist. This will be carried out by them creating a massive event that will kill many by bombs and an epidemic of virulent viruses. This will give them the excuse to declare a national emergency and eventually martial law will be declared. At that time you should call on Me and your angels to lead you to the nearest refuge where you will be healed of any viruses.”

Jesus said: “My people, in addition to the coming event leading up to martial law, the evil ones will be shutting down your power lines to throw you into confusion. This is another sign to you of the evil ones attempting a national takeover along with checkpoints on the main highways. Be prepared for no power in winter with oil in your lamps, and alternative fuels for heating your homes. I will multiply what you need so have no fear of these evil ones. Pray for discernment and direction for your way to your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that you would be fortunate to have another Presidential election before martial law is declared. This vision of a vacant Presidential voting booth is another sign that the one world people are ready to make their move for control. Already you are seeing many ominous gyrations in your credit and commodity markets that are signaling a possible coming recession and even a created financial collapse. This is another means of control to introduce mandatory chips in the body for all buying and selling. Refuse to take any chips in your body because they could control your minds. This is still another sign in mandatory chips in the body that will be the time to leave for My refuges. Call on My help to lead you and protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you this promise of My New Jerusalem that will be brought down to earth as I will establish My New Era of Peace. You will first see a time of evil in the coming tribulation when I will allow the evil ones their hour of influence. Have no fear because My angels will protect you. As the Antichrist reaches the height of his power, I will vanquish him with My victory and all the evil ones will be chained in hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring down My New Jerusalem as in this vision. Rejoice in My coming victory and be patient for this time of My glory.”


Friday, September 21, 2007: (St. Matthew)

Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the feast day of St. Matthew who was a tax collector. I called him as Levi to follow Me and he left everything to come after Me. This was an instant conversion of faith because he would have to change his lifestyle to become My disciple. He was one of the four evangelists who recorded My words that you treasure and follow today. In the vision I am showing you an older traditional church, but My message is to build up My Church among My faithful. It is not easy to call someone to follow Me in today’s world because you have so many different voices in other religions, as well as many earthly distractions. Your best means of conversion is to show your love in your actions of everyday life, and to share your beliefs of your Catholic Faith. People need to see you praying, doing good deeds, and practicing what you preach with no bad language and no displays of anger. Spreading My message of My Good News to all the nations was My call for My apostles and it is the same call to all of My faithful who have been baptized and confirmed. Even reach out to the children to teach them the faith because they are the next generation of Catholics. The children need to be deeply rooted in the true faith with a deep love for My Blessed Sacrament in reverence of My Real Presence. When you come to your judgment, I will ask you how many souls did you bring to Me? So work constantly to save souls and pray for poor sinners.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some cities where sin is rampant because of a bad lifestyle. This city of Las Vegas is known for its gambling, but also for its drinking and the sexual sins. Where fast money abounds, it attracts many who are weak to the sins of greed, lust, and gluttony. Many of these casinos offer prostitutes to get people to gamble at their tables. It is this sinful lifestyle that puts a cloud of evil around these gambling cities. These cities also draw My wrath against their sinful actions. Where man exploits others for their money, and women for money, these people will have much to pay in reparation for their sins. See these kinds of entertainment as strong occasions of sin that should be avoided. Pray for the people in these gambling cities to wake up to the importance of Me in their lives, instead of self-gratification in their earthly pleasures. Anyone can have a gift of insight to wake up to My love as more valuable to their spiritual life than anything else on earth. There is no peace, rest, or love that can come out of your sins. By receiving Me in Holy Communion or being forgiven in Confession, this will give you My true peace. Guard this peace in your heart from all earthly temptations, and you will be happy and joyful to follow Me in your mission.”


Saturday, September 22, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, each season of the year has its own testings in severe weather. This large black tube leading to a house is a sign of the time of refuge in the winter time when it will be difficult to heat and keep warm. I have advised you to have extra food and extra fuels because you could find it difficult to get to the store and find fuel if you lose power. Be prepared for difficult weather this winter. This sign of a refuge and a severe winter is showing you how difficult it will be when you have to suffer through a winter during the tribulation time. Pray for My protection and My multiplication of your food and your fuel when you need it most. Remember also to have warm clothing and blankets for this time of cold weather. Have no fear of these trials because I will provide for your needs, but you will still have to suffer through this time.”


Sunday, September 23, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (Luke 16:1-13) there is a mention of your earthly wealth as dishonest wealth. This is truly the case in situations where evil men are dishonest in fraudulently stealing money from others. Even in your own Federal Reserve Banking System your central bankers create money out of thin air in claiming bond values that exist only by the stroke of a pen. They create wars and profit from selling arms and the interest on these war debts. Some earn their money properly, but a good share are cheating even as the Israelites did in the first reading by fixing their scales. There is another kind of true wealth which is the treasure in heaven that you store up for all of your good deeds that you are not repaid for. All of your prayers, evangelization efforts, and teachings of My Word are storing up your reward in heaven, even as this gold box indicates in the vision. Those, who idolize their earthly treasure in money, property, and possessions, are making gods out of this earthly, dishonest wealth. But those, who are more concerned with serving Me in prayers, love, and good deeds, are praising and worshiping Me. These people will receive true wealth in their reward in heaven. (Luke 12:33,34) ‘Sell what you have and give alms. Make for yourselves purses that do not grow old, a treasure unfailing in heaven, where neither thief draws near, nor moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.’”

Jesus said: “My people, everything that you see in this world is passing away, including what you call money. Even in today’s Gospel I am asking you to use this dishonest money to help others so you can put treasure in heaven. (Luke 16:9) ‘I tell you, make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth, so that when it fails, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.’ You have poor people and your own friends and relatives that could benefit from your charity, both for money, time, and even prayers. Whenever you help a poor person, you will receive even more graces because they cannot pay you back. Many times people commit sins of omission when I give them opportunities to give charity to poor people in money or time, but they refuse to help them. You should always be open in your heart out of love to help your neighbor in need, even when you do not know them. I love all of you very much and I lavish you with many gifts, both spiritual and temporal. Just as I share everything with you, so you should be willing to share with others from all that you have without being selfish with your possessions. All of the charity money that you donate will be more valuable to the poor person and more valuable to you as treasure in heaven. Share with others in prayers, faith, charity, and good deeds, and your treasure in heaven will last forever.”


Monday, September 24, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this light from the candle and the sunlight all represent Me as the Light of the World. My words are true and the Truth of My Good News will set you free of your sins. Focus on My Light of faith, and the Gospel tells you not to put a bushel basket over this Light, but to witness to My Light of truth. Do not be embarrassed to share your faith with others, but be willing to shout it from the roof tops without any fear of criticism or persecution. You have a deep love for Me, and it is your mission to share this fervor of love with your neighbor. You know of the threat of Satan to souls, and you need to reach out to save them from hell by your evangelization efforts. Be prepared to say your grace before meals in restaurants. Be able to speak out against abortion, living together, and homosexual acts. All of these stands are not popular in society, but you need to be more spiritually correct in your actions, instead of the world’s politically correct which would have you be silent on the subject of religion. You cannot be quiet about your love for Me if you aspire to sainthood in heaven. Many saints spoke out in defense of their faith, even when it meant that they could be martyred for doing so. Anything, that you suffer for spreading My Kingdom on earth, will bring you a great reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this old cash register is to show you the evolution of your money. Originally, your money was gold and silver which had an intrinsic value of its own. You then went to gold and silver paper certificates. This became a Federal note or promise to pay without any real value tied to it. You then developed checks, charge cards, and now smart cards. The chips in the body will be next as you are now controlled by your money instead of you controlling the money. This is how the central bankers have come to own your government through its debts and over budget spending. You have gone from bartering with real money to owed money with no backing and a freedom for the bankers to print as much money as they want and similar uncontrolled credit. It is no wonder that you have inflation with the dollar losing value as your debts exceed your assets. Now you know how much you are already controlled by the central bankers and how they control your government by the purse strings. Refuse to take any chips in your body that could control your mind, even if the authorities take all of your money or threaten to kill you. This will be the mark of the beast mentioned in the Scriptures. When they make it mandatory for chips in the body, it will be time to go to the refuges. This transition to total control of your buying and selling is very near, so be prepared to leave at any time.”


Tuesday, September 25, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you have read how the people were directed by God and King Darius to reconstruct the temple in Jerusalem after they returned from exile back to Israel. In the Holy of Holies sanctuary they stored the Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments from Moses, and the Torah. This is where the priests gave incense every day. Today, in your churches, you have another Holy of Holies in My tabernacles that contain My Real Presence in the Hosts of My Blessed Sacrament. When you come to daily Mass or visit My Blessed Sacrament, you are also giving Me praise and glory, even as the angels and saints sing My praises constantly in heaven. Every day is a gift to you, so thank Me for your very life and the opportunity to do more good deeds to serve Me for My greater glory. I love all of you so much, and when you come together at daily Mass, you are sharing your love with Me and your neighbor. Also in the Gospel I said blessed are those who hear the Word of God and act on it. So My faithful must reach out to all sinners in all the nations to bring them My Good News, and invite them to conversion of their sins. Saving souls should be your first priority.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that I want to help everyone to have an opportunity to be saved and come to heaven. The coming Warning experience is an example of My mercy to show everyone their sinful ways and to show them how to turn around their lives. You will see Me at a mini-judgment and I will let you know that you can only come to heaven through Me. Some will be sorrowful for offending Me, and they will seek out a priest to confess their sins. I have told you before that everyone will be warned not to take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in your body. Also, you are not to worship the Antichrist because it is against My First Commandment. Now you are asking how will people know enough to seek out refuges during this time of evil. I will offer everyone an opportunity to call on Me for protection. I will not force their free will, but help will be available in your guardian angels to lead you to places of refuge to protect you from the evil ones. People will have to put their faith and trust in Me and I will do the impossible for each person who believes in Me.”


Wednesday, September 26, 2007: (St. Cosmas & Damian)

Jesus said: “My people, this simple dwelling of a home is how I want you to live in humble faith. Living simply means that you do not do things to show off to others, but it means living in total consecration to Me in full obedience to My ways and not man’s ways. I called My apostles to go out and evangelize all nations to the presence of My Kingdom. I wanted them to live simply by not taking a lot of baggage, and depend entirely on Me in full trust that I would provide for them. Those, who evangelize souls, are worth their keep to be supported by those who welcome them into their town. Those, who persecute My evangelists, will be dealt with in My justice. My disciples will shake the dust of that town from their feet in testimony against them. Just as I called My apostles to proclaim the Kingdom of God, so I call on all of My faithful to reach out and share your faith with others. Proclaim My Kingdom and call people to conversion in the repenting of their sins. Do not have any worry, nor be anxious if people reject My message, but be faithful to your mission of offering My invitation of love to all souls. By doing your work, you will have fulfilled your responsibility to bring My Word to the people. It will then be their responsibility to accept My Word and live by it in their actions.”


Thursday, September 27, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this is an appearance with My crown representing My Kingship over all the earth. I am your heavenly king and I have brought the Kingdom of God upon you. I ask that you consecrate yourselves to Me each day, and give honor, glory, and praise in worship of your Lord and Master. When I sacrificed My Body and Blood for all of mankind’s sins, I became your Savior and I opened up the gates of heaven so that all, who are worthy, may enter. Let Me be first in your life over all of your earthly activities. Only when you are at Mass in Communion with Me, are you united entirely with My Real Presence. Let Me be your first priority in your life as you serve Me and your neighbor in love. Follow My Commandments and follow the mission that I have specifically given each of you. I give you the graces to endure your trials and the graces to evangelize souls for saving them from hell, so they can be with Me in heaven. Give praise and glory to your king every day because I am at your side always, awaiting your call for My help.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you of the tribulation time as a modern day Exodus. You remember the story of the Exodus when Moses led thousands of Israelites out into the desert in search of the Promised Land. They roamed through the desert for forty years, yet I provided them with water and food in the manna and quail. In this coming modern day Exodus My faithful remnant will also find water, manna, and deer meat. There will be thousands coming to each refuge and I will multiply the water, food, and dwellings to accommodate everyone with their needs. Have faith and believe in My miracles, and you will see Me do the impossible for My faithful. So do not have any fear of the evil ones, for I will protect you from any harm, and the evil ones will not be able to see you.”


Friday, September 28, 2007: (St. Wenceslaus)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a butterfly is to show you how all of My faithful will be changed into a new life after your own resurrection. You know how the caterpillar goes through a metamorphosis change into a butterfly of beauty. Even as I was incarnated as a man, I was called a ‘Worm of a Man’ in the Scriptures. The apostles were asked who I was. St. Peter responded that I was the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Each of you must make this same proclamation in public to all the nations. Be willing to share My ‘Good News’ that I died for your sins, and on the third day I resurrected into My glorified Body. This is how I have gone before all of My faithful as an example of how one day, all of you will be reunited with your glorified body in your resurrection. You will also be like this new butterfly when you will be transformed from your earthly life into a heavenly creation that will last forever. Even in Betania you witnessed a sign of My Blessed Mother in the blue butterfly that you saw representing her presence. Give glory and praise to God for allowing all of you to have this spiritual transformation to be with Me forever in heaven.”


Saturday, September 29, 2007:

St. Therese said: “My son, you are seeing a beautiful picture of the cross of my Jesus on the window of this house. In the vision you are seeing many roses which is a sign of my presence. Then you saw my very image holding a cross with my roses. I love all of you so much and the saints of heaven and I are watching over you. Remember to pray to us as intercessors for your petitions. You know how I have tried to help you in the past. The angels also are all around you and they are protecting you from the evil ones. Call on Jesus and He will send many angels to protect you in your trials. Just as you see me carrying the cross of Jesus, so you should be willing to carry your own cross. Continue to show your great love for my Savior, Jesus, and He will walk with you in all of your suffering.”

(Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael) St. Michael, the archangel, said: “I am Michael who stands before God. In the vision you are seeing many angels in the church. They are always praising God in the tabernacle or in Adoration. After the reception of Holy Communion the angels are all around every soul who received Communion, and they are praising God in your souls. The other part of this vision is showing you the coming great battle of Armageddon on earth between the angels of heaven and the demons from hell. When you are beset by temptations or evil attacks of the demons, you can call on Jesus’ Name and pray my prayer of exorcism, and these demons will leave you. Call on our help at any time, and we will support you against any evil. Even when you meet people in mortal sin or possessed people, we angels are more powerful than these demons, and these people and demons will have no power over you. Even by praying as a group, you can pray prayers of deliverance for binding any evil spirits to the foot of Jesus’ cross, and never to return to that soul. Pray every day for angel protection in all that you do, and we will be there for your help against any evil around you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful to this prayer group for all of their prayers, sufferings, and offering of Masses for poor sinners and the souls in purgatory. They are storing up great treasures in heaven for all of their good works. This is a great commitment of love and time to serve those who need your prayers in order to enter heaven. These poor souls need prayers from everyone, so encourage everyone to pray for these intentions.”


Sunday, September 30, 2007: (Rich man Divies, Lazarus)

Jesus said: “My people, all of you have free will and you have a choice to either serve Me or serve yourself. In this generation of riches in America you are blessed with plenty of food, and an abundance of comforts in your heating, cooling, transportation, and many electronic devices. But these things of the world should not become goals, priorities, or idols in themselves. You are stewards of all of your accumulated wealth and possessions, but you have responsibilities for all of My gifts in that you use them correctly for My glory. Do not pride yourself in your accomplishments and rewards for your works, but thank Me for all the skills that you have and the opportunities to have jobs to pay your bills. There are many people in this world who are poor like Lazarus and they are in need of your help to have the necessities of life to survive. So be willing to serve Me in charity as well as your neighbor, and do not be selfish with your physical treasure or your spiritual gifts of faith. Any charity of time or money, that you share with others, is like giving Me thanks for all the gifts that I have given you. Give freely of what you have, and you will gain a greater treasure in heaven for your kindness and thoughtfulness. Be a cheerful giver and do not give charity expecting anything in return. I assure you if you are repaid on earth, it will diminish any gain of treasure in heaven. Do everything out of love for Me, and this love will flow over into loving your neighbor.”


Monday, October 1, 2007: (St. Therese, the little flower)

St. Therese said: “My dear little one, John, I am so joy filled to see you at this, my basilica, on my feast day. I sent you the smell of roses as a sign of my presence for you. You have read of My ‘Little Way’ and it is really a life of humility and simplicity walking with Jesus, my love. If I could offer you some spiritual advice, it is to live more simply without letting so many earthly things clutter your life to distract you from Jesus and your mission. Continue your daily consecration in giving everything over to Jesus. You know that I prayed and suffered much in the contemplative life in my Carmelite Order. The Lord’s message of spending five to ten minutes in silence during your nightly holy hour is a beautiful way to leave your heart open so He can touch you with His Word. Pray often and continue to be faithful to Jesus in following His Commandments, his direction in your mission, and carrying your daily cross on the narrow road to heaven. I am encouraging all souls to love my Jesus, and to do everything for Him.”


Tuesday, October 2, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen an unusual growth from this olive tree, and some healings from the oil with these leaves. There is holy water feeding this tree which allows it to grow at an unusual rate. This holy water will in time be made available for healings during the tribulation time. This is a place of holy ground and it is special in My eyes, especially for healings for those who come with faith that they will be healed. Give praise and glory to Me for all healings that occur here.”

 (Guardian Angel Day) Mark said: “I am Mark, your guardian angel, and I stand before God. In this vision you are seeing so many heads of state in all of their power and fame. Jesus told you that none of these people would have any authority on earth unless it was given them from above. But instead of acknowledging God’s gift to them of their office, they are arrogant in their use of power. Your mission has been to prepare people to be ready to go to the refuges of protection when you see martial law is declared, and when the evil ones will try to force mandatory chips in the body on everyone. Jesus has told you that at the time of tribulation, people are to call on Him and He will have us guardian angels lead the people to the nearest place of refuge. This feast of the guardian angels is to remind you of our part in protecting you on your way to a refuge of protection. We truly are your guardians and it is important for us to warn you when to leave so that you are not captured when the evil ones try to put chips into your bodies. Trust in all of your guardian angels for they will be helping you through the coming tribulation. Trust in Jesus’ power because He will overpower all of the evil ones. Have no fear, but trust in God’s power and graces.”


Wednesday, October 3, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, these symbols of all the nations in front of a banking institution is all about the central bankers in their plans for financial control of America and other nations. The Federal Reserve’s move to lower interest rates, the unstable loan market, and your huge debts and liabilities have caused a lowering of the value of America’s currency. This has caused a rise in your stock markets and a rise in the prices of the commodities of oil and gold. When 911 occurred, these markets dropped and the rich profited from this collapse because they knew it was coming. Now again another catastrophic event will be caused, and the rich will profit again from another market collapse. These evil ones will use this event to precipitate a national emergency with many deaths, and martial law will be declared. Be aware of these events because this will be the event to go to the refuges when martial law is declared. This takeover of America will be the beginning of a world takeover by the one world people when soon they will put the Antichrist in power. Trust in My love and mercy because My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges. Have no fear of these evil ones because I will provide for your needs, and their reign will be brief before I will cast this evil lot into hell. Trust in My spiritual and physical protection by your belief in My power which is greater than the devil and his demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I am calling everyone to drop what they are doing in order to follow Me. This means that I want you to put Me first in your life so that in everything you do, you should do it for Me. I am calling everyone to make a daily consecration of everything over to Me. All of you have a particular vocation either to the priesthood, the married life, or the single life. In family life your mission is to care for the physical and spiritual well being of your spouse and your children. You can answer your call to Me in your daily actions at the same time that you are fulfilling your mission in helping your family. When you work to live a holy life, you are fulfilling My call to follow Me. Some want to make excuses not to follow My ways because it is difficult to change their lifestyles, or I may ask you to come out of your comfort zone to help someone in charity. It is these earthly excuses that you make which sometimes prevent you from loving Me and your neighbor more from the heart. If you really love everyone, you would not hesitate to offer your money and time to help someone in need. Your first thought should be to share whatever you have with others without being selfish with your gifts. Whenever I call you to follow Me, be willing to come forward without any reservations or excuses.”


Thursday, October 4, 2007:

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this vision of Me living and suffering before you is a special meaning for the people to be able to remember how I suffered for your sins. In every Mass you offer the sacrifice of the Mass which is a remembrance of My suffering and death on the cross. Be thankful and help your priest in any way to have a crucifix placed on your altar. You have been praying for this for many weeks and now it will be carried out.” Jesus said: “My people, many people are dying from various wars and you are seeing the poor suffering from diseases. Your Iraq War and other wars could be stopped if there were some true compromises made between the various fighting factions. Without prayer and a desire for peace, these wars will continue. The sick and diseased people of the world need donations for medicines and hospitals. It is better for the billions of dollars that you spend on war to be used in helping the poor and the sick of the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, in many foreign lands there have been many discoveries of oil. It is unfortunate that the people of these countries do not directly benefit from the value of their natural resources that the oil companies are trying to extract for cheap prices. Instead of exploiting the oil from foreign lands, these oil companies should be paying these people a fair value for its worth. This is also a problem even in America where oil wealth is not shared with the people or with the owners of these oil properties. Pray for an equitable sharing of wealth when it comes from your natural resources of the country.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how your army could do more to inactivate these bombs to limit the destruction and killing of your troops. Instead the answer of your military-industrial complex is to build much heavier and more expensive armored trucks to stop this killing. Using overkill expensive bombs and vehicles has been the whole reason for wars in general so the rich could profit from manufacturing these weapons and vehicles. Take money incentives out of these wars and there would not be any profit in war, nor need for wars. Pray that the American people will wake up to this fact of these useless wars and you would have less losses of life and the billions spent on wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, the prices for the farmers’ crops have been artificially low to benefit those industries that process this food. You have accepted foreign, cheap food of questionable quality, and have allowed them to enter your markets so the farmers cannot get a fair price for their crops. The seed, fertilizer, and harvest machines are becoming too expensive for farmers to make a living when prices are held low. This food production is needed for the American people to eat, and the farmers should not be forced out of business by your cut throat rich who try to exploit their produce.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some banks trying to support and bail out some mortgage houses. Many of your foreclosures and mortgage problems are being spread among your banks and investors who gambled in greed to profit from the building boom and low interest rates. If your banks and investors come up short in this crisis, you may see another taxpayer bailout of the rich. Pray for the poor to keep their homes.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen many people touched by your missionary efforts in bringing them closer to Me. You have taught them how to use their prayers, holy water, blessed salt, and sacramentals to fight the evil ones causing evil in the world. Give thanks to Me and My angels in assisting your work. Some are building and providing for refuges right now, and it is important to pray for them in their work. Give thanks to Me for giving the discernment to these people to build these refuges so My faithful will have somewhere to go during the tribulation. When you see martial law and mandatory chips in the body, My faithful will also be grateful to these refuge builders for providing a place of safety with My angel protection.”


Friday, October 5, 2007: (Elverus’ funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, it is always a time of sorrow when someone passes away, but it is a joy to know the deceased will not have to suffer anymore on this earth. In faith you heard the Gospel proclaim that I am the Light, the Life, and the Way to heaven. With Me there is a new spiritual life when you are raised up from the body. The vision is a spectacular sight in heaven as these blooming flowers before Me give praise and glory to Me. You are also seeing a flow of My Living Water which now brings life to Elverus so she can be prepared to come to heaven. All of her dedicated life to My service has gained her eternal life with My suffering on the cross. She is happy to be with Me and she will be praying for all of her loved ones. Your relatives in heaven are always looking out for their family members. They are even the first ones to greet you when you die along with My saints, angels, and Myself.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your beautiful churches have been stripped of your crucifixes and statues, and they are left with bare walls. Even My tabernacles have been removed from sight into back rooms. By stripping your churches, you have been stripped of your traditions, a sense of the Sacred, and even the Real Presence in My Hosts is only believed by a minority. There are some priests who are turning this around by adding crucifixes, adding statues, and returning My tabernacle to a prominent visible place in the church. My people need to support these restorations of your traditions by helping your priests and inspiring them to do the proper thing. Statues and My crucifix show you examples of love and suffering which is totally missing in your blank wall churches. When you see My Sacred Heart or My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart, you have something to think about and inspire you. You need to have My tabernacle visible to genuflect to in giving Me praise. If I am not present in the church, then it is just like any other building and not a church. Give praise and glory to your Lord, and honor My saints and angels in your churches.”


Saturday, October 6, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, love in your heart for Me and your neighbor is what I desire of all of My faithful because I am love itself. It is the devil and all the evil ones who have greed and lust for blood and wealth. Your earthly distractions of possessions and money are always temptations from My ways, but with My grace you will be strengthened to resist them. Do not be heartless in your relations with others, but think from the heart in how to lovingly respond to all situations. In you society it teaches you to be selfish and independent of others. You are totally dependent on Me for everything in your life, and that is why you need to worship Me and thank Me everyday for My gifts to you. Everything, that you have, has come through Me either directly or indirectly. Instead of focusing your priorities on your own wants and desires, think more how you can love Me and help others in their needs. Make some sacrifices of your time and money out of love for Me by charity to your neighbor. You will see more joy in your heart from giving money away than spending it selfishly on all the latest possessions. Work on putting more love in your heart so you can replace your previous cold hearts. Open your hearts to Me, and I will help you to be more loving.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large loaf of bread is very much how I would multiply food for you at your homes, and at the refuges. I have mentioned before when the faithful see My miracles, they will have less worry and anxiety how I will provide for your needs of food, water, and shelter at My refuges. I gave the Israelites manna on the ground, and I will provide bread for My people of the tribulation as well. Seeing a vision of such a miracle of bread multiplication, gives you a remembrance of how I multiplied the bread and fish for the four thousand and the five thousand. I will also have My angels give you My Eucharistic Bread as well, if you do not have a priest for a Mass. Rejoice that I will perform these miracles for you, even as I promised that I would do this for you.”


Sunday, October 7, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, at times there are activities going on in your lives that can take your attention away from what is going on around you. You see the violence from drugs in your cities, the violence from wars, and even the violence in killing My babies by abortion. There also are the needs of the poor both in America and in other countries. It is impossible to help everyone, but you need to have compassion for the families who are seeing their loved ones killed. This is why it is important to remember the need to pray for these wars to be halted, so peace can be in these lands. This is why you need to speak out against abortions, and do what you can in charity to help the poor. Do not be so focused on your own daily activities that you forget about these intentions. Love needs to be shown in your prayers and in your actions to help your neighbor. Work hardest to save souls from hell, because all of your other worldly concerns are of less importance.”


Monday, October 8, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this story of Jonah’s fleeing My work is the earthly response to a holy mission. When I ask people personally to do a mission for Me, it may test people to come out of their comfort zone to do something unusual. In these older days prophets of destruction were not looked upon very kindly, and some were even killed. This may have moved Jonah to flight, but I sent a storm to bring him back to Nineveh. Once Jonah did his mission of warning the city, they repented in sackcloth and ashes. I then relented of the punishment of this city, and this displeased Jonah. This sign of the people repenting for their sins is what I was suggesting to the people of My time when they asked for a sign. But the people would not repent, so Jerusalem was destroyed because of their unrepentant sins. Even today in America, I am pleading with your people to repent of your abortions and sexual sins. If you do not repent, you will face the same destruction as Jerusalem when the one world people will take over your country. Many rich and powerful nations have crumbled from within because of their immorality and abuse of their power and wealth. I have told you before that America is walking down the same path as the Roman Empire did. Repent now, America, while you still have time.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad when people cannot find your grave site if there was no gravestone or the records were lost. Even in some cemeteries, because of limited spaces, there are three or more graves at different levels on the same site. Some people go to great lengths to adorn the grave of their loved one. Others are satisfied to plant some flowers and remove any weeds or grass that may have overgrown the gravestone. The most important point is to remember to pray for your relatives so if they are in purgatory, you could help shorten their suffering. Leave instructions to your heirs to have Masses and prayers said for you. These will have more benefit for you than a well taken care of grave site. If taking care of these graves helps people remember these souls, then it serves a good purpose to help them. One day you all will meet with this fate of dying, so keep your soul as pure as possible for this day of your judgment with frequent Confession.”


Tuesday, October 9, 2007: (St. Denis)

Jesus said: “My people, the message to Nineveh was to change their sinful ways, or in forty days they would be destroyed. This threat even inspired the king to declare a time of fasting and prayer, as well as a change in their evil lifestyles to try and hold back My wrath. I accepted their sincerity to repent, fast, and change their evil ways, and therefore I did not carry out the destruction of Nineveh. This same wake up call should go out to all of the nations of today because of the evil that you are committing. I have sent you in America many messages to stop your abortions, your living together, and your homosexual acts. Yet, you refuse to repent, fast, or change your sinful ways. Nineveh was spared My wrath, but America and many other nations are tasting My justice in your natural disasters and wars that you desire. The rosary in the vision is your means to come closer to Me, and balance off some of the evil in the world. I am relying on My faithful to fast and pray for your country, or else you will meet the same trial that Sodom and Gomorrah met. Repent now because now is the acceptable time.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people think of retirement, or a nice vacation, they think of enjoying themselves on an island beach somewhere. No matter where you live, you will always have to bear your cross of everyday living. This means that you still have to struggle to make a living in order to have food and pay your bills. It is a luxury if you can afford such an island paradise, but all of these earthly things are temporary, and they are passing away. Better to plan for the day when you could be in heaven forever instead of an island paradise. Striving for heaven means that you need to keep your soul pure by frequent Confession and your daily prayers. By keeping holy and striving for perfection, your soul will truly be prepared to come to My Wedding Banquet.”


Wednesday, October 10, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the merchants of war weapons are always looking for new ways to kill people in war. Some of your weapons actually used spent uranium and contaminated the war field with radioactivity. Your conventional war was over in weeks in Iraq, but the road bombs and suicide bombs have continued over four years with no end in sight. These new tactics do not require expensive weapons and your weapons’ manufacturers need a new war to make money. The one world people will be preparing for the next war to continue collecting their blood money. The American people need to control these wars, or your economy and your military will fail. Pray for peace and vote to stop these incessant wars of the central bankers. If the profit motive could be eliminated from these wars, there would be less of them.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of the press coverage of your weak and old bridges has given the terrorists another idea for a target to disrupt your main highways. Another lesson is to minimize standing traffic on your bridges during rush hour, especially with large trucks. When you are repairing one side of a bridge at a time, you should not let traffic go over the side being worked on until it is secure. You pay a lot of taxes and tolls for your roads and bridges, so safety on your bridges should be more of a concern to fix old bridges. Much of your infrastructure repair is being postponed because of your war expenditures. Instead of neglecting your bridges, it would be better to stop your useless wars that only give profits to the rich. More security may be needed also to check that your bridges are not being sabotaged.”


Thursday, October 11, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, prayer intentions and the Gospel today of ask and you shall receive, may be difficult for man to understand. I do answer your prayers, but not always in the way that you desire. I have always asked you to pray for what is best for your soul or the souls of those that you are praying for. I also have asked you to pray in My Name and according to My Will in all of your petitions. Because I do not interfere with your free will or that of others, you need to pray for the grace that those, whom you are praying for, will be predisposed to My love and do the right thing. This is especially true for those away from the Church whom you are praying to return. At times it seems that your prayers are not answered. This could be for several reasons. One is that your intention is not what is best for your soul or another. Another is that it is not proper according to My Will, or your intended soul does not want to change their lifestyle of their own free will. In the case of illnesses the patient may die or continue suffering because it is their time to die, or they are suffering their purgatory time on earth. The other end of prayers of petition is that if your prayer is answered, you should give Me praise and thanksgiving for a good outcome. In the cases of conversions remember that because of a sinner’s sins, they have varying prices of more prayer, fasting, and Masses that are needed to atone for their sins. Continue praying for your intentions because persistence in prayer is needed in some cases.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, the war going on in Iraq is not one with conventional weapons, but it is one of sniper and gorilla attacks with bombs killing even civilians. In one car bomb more people are killed than this Blackwater incident. There are no demands of millions of dollars for the atrocities committed by so-called insurgents. This is not a true war and your people have no business occupying Iraq just to hold on to oil lands for the rich. All attempts to leave Iraq are being thwarted by the one world people who want this war to continue so they can make more money. Pray for peace and an end to this war for the rich.”

Jesus said: “My people, October is a month of My Blessed Mother and many are praying her rosary as Fatima celebrates the 90th Anniversary of the miracle of the sun. In 1917 there was a prophesy of the errors of Russia when the communists would take over and flood all over the world. Now you are being scourged with security and the power of the central bankers who want to control every facet of your life with their microchips and their creation of a global empire. Prayer with the rosary is your weapon to fight Satan and the coming Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, the lack of fresh water from rain has been widespread across your country because of a change in your jet streams that bring rain storms. The West has had shortfalls in rain for many years which has caused many fires. Now the South is complaining because they are having to restrict their water usage. Even in parts of the Northeast you are seeing deficits from your normal rainfall. Now your scientists are predicting a slightly colder winter with less moisture because of a cooler Pacific Ocean. It is time to pray for a restoration of your rainfall.”

Jesus said: “My people, many are blaming China for importing lead painted dolls, and some poor or contaminated meat products with ecoli and pet foods with plastic poison. In the ensuing investigation it is hard to track these imports which are little inspected and quickly are mixed with other products when there is no country origin label. The truth is that the merchants want cheap products and they are not caring about the quality of these food imports. It is the safety of your food that should be red flagged when the quality is suspect. Pray that your food processors will change their testing ways so your foods can have a better quality.”

Jesus said: “My people, your corporate leaders are excessively paid compared to the average wage earner. Corporations are exporting their manufacturing jobs to gain cheap labor, but are selling their products at the same high prices. All of these profits are going to the rich while American workers are left with low paying jobs and very little benefits. Yet, it is these same corporations who control your laws and lawmakers for their own gain. They also are behind the coming North American Union which will take away your sovereign rights. Wall Street is out of control and they are leading you into wars and ruin for their own profits. This evil lot will be vanquished into hell for stealing their workers jobs and wages.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am thanking your prayer group for all of your rosaries and for being faithful to Me in your Adoration services. It is sad that you are in a small minority of people praying, when many are more attentive to earthly concerns and some even are in the occult. There is a great need for prayer in your world and I can only encourage you to continue in your work for the souls of the world who are not listening to My words. Some are even trying to remove My Name from all public places and things. If there is not enough repentance for sin, you could see terrible consequences from My justice. Strengthen your spiritual lives now so you will be prepared for the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see an evil that you have never seen before in the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. This will be a battle of good and evil that will require My angel protection to save your souls from the evil ones. Do not use physical guns, but your prayers are your weapons. I will perform miracles against these evil ones so you will be safe from their weapons and false teachings. Trust in Me and have no fear because I am more powerful than all of the evil ones put together.”


Friday, October 12, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a brief glimpse of the eyes of the Antichrist, but not a direct gaze because his demonic power of suggestion could even cause one of My elect to be attracted to his words and his wish for everyone to worship him. This is why after the Warning, I have asked My faithful to remove your TVs and computer monitors from your houses so you do not look at his eyes which could hypnotize you to his evil ways. Avoid this man and call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My nearest refuge once he declares himself. This will be the true beginning of the tribulation of three and one-half years of his evil brief reign. I told you that I would shorten this time for the sake of My elect. Prepare yourself spiritually by Confession, and physically with your backpacks ready for when you will leave your homes for My refuges. There you will be protected by My angels and provided with your basic necessities. Have no fear of this time, and trust in My power and My protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of those who are teaching the New Age religion that gives praise to created things instead of the Creator. There can only be one God in the Blessed Trinity and no other gods before Me. This is My greatest Commandment that you love your God with your whole heart, your whole mind, and your whole soul, and your neighbor as yourself. Anyone who gives praise or glory to any other gods commits blasphemy. So when the Antichrist or any other religious leader praises themselves, or any other god, do not follow them, and only worship Me, even under pain of death. Many elements of New Age teachings are all around you, but if they enter any of My churches, try to force them away. If anyone persists in these teachings, then go to another holy church. The one world people are trying to destroy My Church with their infiltrations and modernism, but do not be fooled and follow My traditions where you find a proper Mass. This is why I will have My angels deliver My consecrated Host on your tongues so you can receive Me in Holy Communion when there is no priest. Give praise and glory to your Lord for I will provide for your needs at My refuges and even My Real Presence will always be among you.”


Saturday, October 13, 2007: (90th Anniversary of Fatima)

Jesus said: “My people, many times I have asked you to consecrate everything up to Me. Also offer up all of your sufferings each day to share with My sufferings on My cross. Now, even as you suffer with Me, you are also sharing in the sufferings of all people on earth. As you think of those suffering, you could also reach out to help anyone in need before you. When you help a poor person, or someone in need, you all are suffering in this valley of tears, and I will send you My graces and blessings so you can endure even the most difficult of trials. Trust in My help every day and keep focused on My cross of suffering at all times.”

(50th Anniversary of Bishop Danylak’s priesthood) Our Lady said: “My dear children, I wish to congratulate Bishop Roman and thank him for his 50 years of service to my Son, Jesus. I know that you have a great love for me, Roman, and that I have been with you with my mantle of protection ever watching over you. I watch over all of my children as I was given as your Blessed Mother by my Son on the cross. In commemorating my feast day of Fatima, you remember how I prophesied Russia’s errors and how atheistic communism has been a scourge on many in Russia and China. Pray my rosaries continually for peace in the world and for the complete conversion of communism all over the world. My Son, Jesus, will bring his justice down on all the supporters and perpetrators of atheistic communism. On every feast day and votive Mass in my honor I am confirming that I escort many souls from purgatory to heaven. Even as you were walking the Stations of the Cross, and praying my rosary, I used these prayers to free many souls by my Son’s intercession, and He greeted them at heaven’s gate. These souls are so blessed, and they will be praying for all of you in thanksgiving for your intentions. Continue to pray for the poor souls in purgatory, and all of heaven is sharing in your celebration of my bishop son’s anniversary.”


Sunday, October 14, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you all are to be like this leper who was healed and returned to give Me praise and thanks. Thank Me for all that you have been given. This vision of the mountains of Israel means that the Kingdom of God is upon you. Give praise and thanks to Me for My Real Presence among you in My Blessed Sacrament. After you receive Me in Holy Communion, it is proper to give Me thanks for all of My gifts to you. You have life in this world. You have faith in Me. You have all the gifts of family in your house and in your greater family. Give thanks for the gift of life in every person that you meet in this life. Do not wait until that person dies to give thanks, but even rejoice when you share a greeting with each soul, as I am present within them as the Temple of the Holy Spirit. When you give thanks to Me, also give thanks to Me not only at Mass, but give Me praise and thanks whenever you receive one of My gifts whether it be a healing, a miracle, your daily meal, or any other secular blessing. My angels and saints sing My praises constantly in heaven, so when you sing or give Me thanks, you are joining in their choruses.”


Monday, October 15, 2007: (St. Teresa of Avila)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a railroad track under water is a sign that there will be more floods and natural disasters that will interfere with your travel in America. I have mentioned that you will be called to travel to more talks, but you also will be tried more in your means of traveling with more difficult weather. This could affect your air travel as well as your travel by car. As these natural disasters unfold in more frequency, this will be more of a sign to you that the end times are upon you. Do not have any fear of these things because My angels will be watching over you in miraculous ways. Continue to spread My messages for as long as you can travel without martial law. Your time is limited, so make the best use of your trips. I told you that you will be tired, but I will give you sufficient rest to continue.”

Jesus said: “My people, up until now you have led fairly comfortable lives with only mild persecution for speaking out against abortions, euthanasia, wars, and homosexual acts. The one world people behind the making of a new world order know that they cannot change the minds of devoted religious faithful. That is why they are planning to torture and exterminate you as Hitler did to the Jews, and the Romans did to Me. This is not an easy message, but people need to know that their lives are in danger once these evil ones start martial law or demand chips in the body. All religious and patriots are on their list for extermination which is why when you discern the time, you are to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge of protection. When you call on My help, your angels will shield you with invisibility to these evil ones. This reason for haste is exactly because your lives will be in danger if you remain in your homes where they can find you. Know that this message is one of love and mercy so you are prepared for this end time, and it is not meant to scare anyone. Fear is of the evil one. When you have trust in Me, you will have peace in your soul with no fear. If someone should be captured and martyred for their faith, I will ease any pain, and you will be an instant saint in heaven.”


Tuesday, October 16, 2007: (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast day of St. Margaret Mary is all about giving more praise and notice to the love of My Sacred Heart. I know you all have pictures or statues depicting My Sacred Heart which is now missing in many churches. This devotion to My Sacred Heart unites all of My faithful in My love, and I reach out further in love to all who do not know Me. In the vision you see the waters as the waters of Baptism and Confession which cleanse your souls of sin and keep you pure. My Heart is full of love and mercy for all sinners, and I have sacrificed My life so that you could be freed from the bondage of your sins, and you could have love in your hearts. It is when you pray and perform your actions from the heart that My love becomes a part of you. All of your focus should be on Me as the center of your life. I have created you to know, love, and serve Me because I have given each soul a mission in life. You celebrate the feasts of My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart in June, but our two hearts are shared with the love of your hearts every day of the year. You see Me in the vision holding a soul in My hands, and this is how I help every soul with My grace to achieve the mission of being a faithful Christian on their path to heaven. You are wrapped in My love, and I await an expression of your love for Me constantly every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, I use nature’s paintbrush to put some beautiful color into your life on earth. In the fall I paint the trees with various reds, oranges, and yellows, and it makes a spectacular sight to view the trees on the hills. During the day I paint the sky with a beautiful blue color when there are no clouds. During the spring I paint the flowers with all the colors of the visible spectrum. Even various birds and animals have beautiful colorings from My paintbrush. The most important ingredient that I add is a touch of love in all living things. When you see the sun out, all of these colors become so brilliant and beautiful to behold. Give praise and glory to Me for all the beauty that you see in the nature of My creation.”


Wednesday, October 17, 2007: (St. Ignatius of Antioch)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s St. Ignatius of Antioch was killed by lions in Rome as many other Christians were cruelly killed for their faith in the early years after My death. This time of killing of Christians will return in the coming tribulation when you will witness an evil that you have yet to see. Many will be killed for their faith at the detention centers when people will refuse to go along with the new world order by not taking chips in the body. This is why in My mercy I am having people prepare refuges for My faithful to come to where My angels will protect you from these evil ones. My angels will shield you so you will be invisible to anyone trying to kill you. You will need to have deep trust in My power, and I will provide for all of your necessities. Have no fear of this coming tribulation because I will be at your side.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am like these firemen in the vision because I am trying to rescue souls from the flames of hell in the spiritual world, and to protect your body from harm in the physical world. The evil ones are assembling their armies for world takeover and a handing over of the world to the Antichrist who will have a brief reign of less than 3½ years. The means for martial law in a created event is being prepared right now by the one world people. I am also sending out many messages of preparation to warn the people to be ready to flee to My refuges. I will protect you from the evil ones when you call on My help. I will also send My angels to help protect you from any demonic attacks of the devils on your souls. Trust in Me that I will put out the flames of temptation and all of your earthly desires. Give praise and glory to your Lord who is always ready to come to your aid whenever you call on My love.”


Thursday, October 18, 2007: (St. Luke)

Jesus said: “My people, many faithful will be led by their guardian angels to the nearest refuge during the tribulation. Once they arrive there, they will see miraculous springs of water for drinking and bathing. The real miracles will occur when people will drink or wash with this water, and they would be healed of all of their medical problems. Those, who look on the luminous cross in the sky over the refuges, would also be healed of any sicknesses. These refuges will be places of protection from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you. You will see an angel at each refuge given authority to protect all who come there. Food, water, and shelters will also be multiplied in miracles to provide for all of your necessities. Give praise and glory to your Lord who will see to your needs and protection during the coming tribulation.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I am asking you to pray much that this vision of an attack on Iran does not take place. Your president has voiced concerns that if Iranian nuclear capabilities are not removed, that they could start World War III. You have attacked Iraq without provocation, and attacking Iran would be for known nuclear bomb building. Any plans for war with Iran should come from your Congress, but the one world people want another war started by your current president. Pray much for peace and that your representatives follow the will of the people instead of the one world war makers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a steady buildup of troops with extra aircraft carriers and material that could also be used as an attack group on Iran. Your Congress should assert itself against any more unprovoked attacks on other countries. Any attack on Iran could cause repercussions with their clients in Russia and China. Israel has attacked Syria’s nuclear facilities as well. These pre-empt attacks could cause wars again that you could not finish, so beware of such foolish attacks.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see more bridge collapses from your old and unfixed bridges. This could even occur from sabotaged bridges to make it look accidental. Several key bridge destructions could cause some major tie ups in your infrastructure that could take a long time to repair. Security and safety of your bridges should have more attention than you are spending today.”

Jesus said: “My people, your oil prices have gone higher on speculations from storms in the Gulf of Mexico, and the threat of Turkey disrupting oil transport from Iraq. Your refineries are at full capacity and are barely keeping up with demand. Any loss of production with explosions could cause gasoline shortages and elevated prices. All of these fuel concerns are weighing on your economy and could threaten a recession or gas rationing. Be prepared for some possible shortages or price gouging.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have escaped the serious hurricanes this year, but now you are witnessing the beginning fall tornado season as in Florida. You will be seeing various natural disasters that will test your people with much destruction. These storms are coming with very little warning and considerable severity. Pray for your affected people that they will be protected from being killed, and that they have enough funds to provide for their immediate needs.” Jesus said: “My people, you have been waiting patiently to see a crucifix on your altar, and now it is about to take place. Pray for your pastor and the parish that all will go well with your 40th Anniversary celebration. Much work and prayer by your prayer group has helped to bring this about. Give praise and thanksgiving to Me for helping you in answering your prayers. Giving thanks for a prayer answered should be just as important as your original intention.” Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult enough to accept the death of a son, as you know, but it is even harder when there is not any closure in the circumstances of that death. Pray for this family in their sorrow and loss, and pray that the information of this death could somehow be revealed. You could ask your relatives or your friends if they would have a word of knowledge of these circumstances. Sometimes it can be more difficult to accept new findings, but it will bring closure to the family’s questions.”


Friday, October 19, 2007:(St. Isaac Jogues, North American martyrs)

Jesus said: “My people, in the northern part of your country this recent warming trend will keep the leaves on your trees longer than usual. Then when cold and snow do arrive, you could see severe ice and snow weigh down your trees to the breaking point. As in a previous message last year, you will have more opportunities for ice storms than your usual snow storms. Be prepared for more ice disasters than usual as a result. The droughts that you are experiencing will worsen in some areas, while other areas could see floods or heavy snowfalls. The jet streams are being altered to worsen these conditions, and that is why you are having unusual weather patterns.”

Jesus said: “My people, the myth of terrorism is being perpetrated by the one world people to bring fear and chaos, making it ripe for takeover for security reasons. These evil ones have hired Moslem clients to do their dirty work, and the one world people are the ones in the vision handing missiles over to the planned terrorists. Their plan is to take down commercial airlines at various busy airports to cause another panic to the airlines. They used this same approach on Flight 800 when I showed you the flaming missile hit this airplane. Be aware that these evil ones think nothing of killing their own people to gain power or money. At the end when I come, all of these evil ones will pay for their crimes in a living hell on earth and the eternal loss in hell itself. Be patient and endure this evil end time by calling on My help in prayer.”


Saturday, October 19, 2007: (Margaret Farnand funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the life of Margaret in sorrow, but also in joy that all of her suffering is over, now that she is with Me. She was a very loving mother and grandmother to all of her family, even to her dying day. She still loves all of you, and she will be mothering you in her caring prayers, even from heaven. There is a strong love for Me in these visions of the Mass, and all of heaven is greeting her, even as Margaret’s relatives welcomed her. Rejoice in the gift of her life as she will always be revered in your hearts.”

(40th Anniversary with Bishop Clark) Jesus said: “My people, this unveiling of the crucifix on your altar at this church is a fulfillment of all of your prayers and wishes to have this happen. I told you that this would be carried out so you should not be surprised to see this happen. This portrayal in the vision of many prayer petitions and your persistence is another reason that I have brought this about for you. This crucifix truly will be an inspiration to your people and it will have more meaning than you know. These petitions for bringing this display about shows you how strong your prayers can be when it is according to My Will, and how it will help many souls. Now, even as this petition of your prayer group has been answered, it is your place to give Me praise and thanks for helping you to accomplish your goal. You all have been instrumental in helping the people to finally focus on My loving sacrifice in a church of My Holy Name. This put a fitting climax on the start of your Novena to celebrate your 40th Anniversary of this church. It took 40 years to have a crucifix on your altar, and now truly you can see Me as the pastor of this church.”


Sunday, October 21, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, there are certain types of entertainment that are abused for gaining money such as gambling. Some people are restrained enough that they only gamble a small amount of money for their enjoyment. Others have addictions to gambling, and they can lose so much money that it could harm their families income. In these cases it would be a near occasion of sin to even be in a casino. Other games of chance may also cause people unrest or anger at losing. If such games cause unrest or disturb your peace, it may be better to avoid these games altogether. For some, games can be a pleasure, but for others, it could be an occasion for sin.”


Monday, October 22, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told you that there is more to life than just possessions, and the desire to own things. In actuality you are not owners, but you are stewards of My gifts. Everything, that you have, has been given to you through My blessings. All the things of this life are passing away and are being consumed, stolen, or becoming obsolete. Only your spiritual deeds and gifts last forever. So do not let the desire for earthly things control you, because they are not that important. You are to use your wealth, time, and talents to help people, and do not store up earthly treasure just for your own use. You are to share what you have with others, and in this way you can store up treasure in heaven which is everlasting and of more value to your soul. Some feel more comfortable in the security of their stored up wealth, but this can be lost in many ways. Your real security is trusting in My help for your needs, and only I can give you true peace in your soul through My sacramental Presence. You struggle through all of life with the one goal of being with Me in heaven for all eternity. Do everything for My greater glory and according to My Will, and you will have no worries, and no fears.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you before visions of drought stricken areas. Even the lake reservoirs are drying up very quickly from being drained by use and very little rain. Another symptom of dry land is when lightning or cigarettes set off fires as you are seeing in California. They have declared a state of emergency to bring in help from other states. Winds can spread fires very quickly, and it is difficult to even fight such fires. This is another set of natural disasters that are testing your people and taking away their homes and possessions. This is an area of rich movie stars that make many obscene and violent movies. Pray for those who are suffering losses, and are rationing what little fresh water that can be found. The South is also suffering droughts, and they could also be at risk for fires if something can start them. Be thankful for whatever you have today, for tomorrow it could be taken away from you in a storm.”


Tuesday, October 23, 2007: (St. John of Capistrano)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a man applying an emergency brake to stop a large bus, is exactly what the American people need to do with their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. You have lost thousands of troops and the cost of these wars is approaching a trillion dollars without any end in sight. Ask yourself who stands to profit from this war and you will see it is the same people making money on your industrial defense complex and those protecting the oil lands. The one world people are ruthless in making their blood money, and they care not how many are killed or whether your country can afford these wars. They are intent on bankrupting your country and destroying your military so they can carry out their designs for a complete takeover of America. I have mentioned before if the American people do not stop these one world war makers from their constant wars, then your country will cease to be free and you will see your country in chains. Pray for peace and work to stop these wars, or you will soon be prisoners in your own country.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you would see your natural disasters worsen, and you are seeing this manifested in the fires of California and the floods in New Orleans. There have always been fires in the West because of frequent droughts. But this fire was spread by strong winds in a populated area where hundreds of thousands of people had to be evacuated. This is the largest event since Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. It has not been revealed how these fires were started, but you have had many arson fires in this area before. You are seeing droughts in some areas and heavy rain in other areas that have even caused floods. Some of these events are the punishment for America’s many sins of abortion, euthanasia, living together, and homosexual acts. Many acts of charity have been coming forth to support the families without homes or those that had to evacuate. This is an excellent opportunity to reach out and help these fire victims. Pray that lives will be spared, and people are able to secure some replacement housing.”


Wednesday, October 24, 2007: (St. Anthony Claret)

Jesus said: “My people, all of humanity has been made in My Image and you are worth more to Me than the animals because you have a soul and you have been given free will and an intellect. You have some behaviors which are instinctive, but your soul and free will must have an intention in your heart before you perform any action. It is this process of decision making that makes you accountable to Me for all of your actions. If you have a properly formed conscience of what is right and wrong without any rationalizations, then you know when you have done a good deed or you have committed a sin. I have given everyone My Ten Commandments as a guide to proper living in loving Me and loving your neighbor. It is obedience to My Will and My Commandments that is necessary to follow Me into heaven. Being obedient to Me, your authorities, and your spiritual advisor should have been taught to you from your childhood. I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation in order to confess your sins and renew My grace in your soul. Some want to always be in control of their lives and do things the way they please, but that may not be in conformance with My laws. When you accept following My Will in your daily consecration, you give up your ways to be obedient to My ways. Putting yourself in obedience to your spiritual advisor means that you want to relinquish your control over to Me. I want you to be obedient to Me more out of love than just out of fear of punishment. When you act out of love from the heart, you will be imitating more how I lived on this earth. When you act out of selfishness, meanness, or revenge, your actions could lead to sinful things without love in your heart. When you live in the love of obedience, you will have peace in your soul. This is the peace that I give you, and you need to guard this peace from all earthly and demonic temptations and desires. Let Me lead you in love in all of your daily actions of the will, and you will be preparing your soul to be with Me in heaven for all eternity.”


Wednesday, October 24, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, your children can easily become addicted to playing games and conversing with others on the internet. It is best to limit their use to an hour or less so they can get their homework done. It can be dangerous to talk with others on the computer who could be child predators in disguise. Some evil people attach viruses and remote control programs to games to take control of your computers. Parents need to know what their children are doing on their computers, and inspect the programs that they use, and the so-called friends that they are talking to. This is also true of what your children are being taught at school, and who they associate with. Teachers and babysitters have abused children in the past and this is becoming more of a threat to your young children. Pray for your children and pay close attention to their schooling and their activities to protect their souls and their bodies.”


Thursday, October 25, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks of My bringing division among people and even among families. You know that I bring mercy and love to everyone, but this division is really between those who are faithful to Me, and those who reject Me. I call everyone to conversion of their sinful lives so I can forgive them and have them welcome Me into their hearts and souls. I give everyone free will and you can either choose to love Me or reject Me. I do not force My love on anyone. But there are consequences if a soul refuses to repent and refuses to let Me be Master of their lives. In the first reading it states that the wages of sin are death to the soul in hell. For those, who refuse Me, My justice calls for them to suffer for all eternity in hell. My love is overflowing for man and this is shown most in the very act of My suffering and death on the cross for the salvation of all of mankind. I offer you love and the beauty of heaven, but the devil offers you hate and eternal suffering in hell. If you lead a sinful life without repentance, you may have a brief pleasure on earth, but you will suffer eternal pain in hell. In the end you have only two choices: one with Me in heaven, or the other with the devil in hell. It is best to choose to be with Me out of love in your heart and not just out of fear of hell. To enter heaven you must come through Me because I paid the price for your soul. Consecrate yourself to Me in everything, and you will have eternal peace and love with Me in heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I am showing this old scene of 70 years ago, because your physical needs then have not changed much from today. You all need jobs to provide for your food, shelter, and transportation. Your need for Me in your life has not changed either, but there are more taken up with the worldly things than ever before. Man is proud of his new inventions, but I should still be the center of your lives. If your pace of living is faster, it is because you are trying to accomplish more than is possible in one day. Slow down and focus more on Me and keeping your peace undisturbed.”

Jesus said: “My people, there were many scenes in the Gospel that involved fishing boats and also some miracle catches of fish. The focus in the vision is on the rudder or steering wheel on the boat. Many times man wants to be in control of his direction to travel, but it is I that should be at the helm of your life, leading you to heaven. My ways are not your ways, but following My Will is what I am calling all of you to follow. Walking with Me as with the disciples on the road to Emmaus, your hearts can also burn with the joy of hearing My words of love in the Gospel.”

Jesus said: “My people, every day your news reports are counting more homes destroyed and thousands more being asked to evacuate. This tragedy is being compounded by hearing that some of these fires were the result of arson. Not only are people losing their homes and businesses, but your insurance companies will be paying out millions of dollars in damage claims. It may take some government funding to support these losses or you could see another strike at your economy as with your mortgage problems. Pray for all of those affected by this disaster that they will have their needs provided for.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of violent weather causing tornadoes and rain causing floods. Now you are seeing even your droughts cause the dry conditions that are causing your fires. This violent weather is like the mirror in the vision that reflects man’s violence in his sins of war, abortion, and drug related killings. Man needs to repent of his sins, and this peace could bring about a peace even in your weather.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you visit some refuges, you can still see people racing to build more buildings to house the refugees. The time for building refuge buildings is approaching a climax before the coming tribulation will begin. Once martial law is declared, your building will cease, but I will still be multiplying your dwellings to provide shelter for My people.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you have plenty of water and you are comfortable in your needs, you may forget to thank Me for My gifts to you. But when something like your water is taken away or becomes scarce, you quickly realize how necessary it is for your everyday living. Rationing water is difficult to suffer, but it must be a mutual suffering with no cheaters trying to save their lawns. You have many gifts like your water, that you do not always appreciate until you lose them. So give Me thanks for all the gifts of life that are given to you, so you may be more appreciative of them. Do not wait until they are taken away to realize their importance in your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, the more you take time to witness the beauty of My creation in all the seasons, the more you see My hand at work in your lives. The beauty in the trees and flowers of this fall season are breath taking in beautiful sunlight. There is another message in the seasons as fall enters into winter and that is the thought of your life coming to an end as the trees go dormant. In November you will see more readings also focus on the end times as well. Life on earth is short in comparison to all eternity. You have but a short time here to prepare for your judgment. So in the next few weeks think a little more about improving your spiritual life so your soul is always pure and ready to meet Me at your judgment.”


Friday, October 26, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, at times some people are feeling so prideful and prosperous that they think they do not need My help, because they believe that they can provide everything for themselves. The possession of money and worldly things is not a guarantee that you do not need My help. Everything that you have has come from Me as a gift, and it is selfish pride to think that you were responsible for obtaining all that you have. Many times those people, who are rich in this world’s goods, are actually spiritually poor in grace and in following Me. Pride can give you a false sense of well being, especially in your spiritual life. Man will always be a sinner in his weakness inherited from Adam. Pride will always make you think or fail to admit that you have done something wrong in sin. If you do not admit that you are a sinner, then you may not be compelled to come to Me in Confession to repent of your sins. Such people, who depend on themselves for everything, will one day have a very difficult time to get through any crisis in their lives. You are truly dependent on Me for everything both spiritually and physically, whether you want to admit it or not. Without My gifts and blessings you would not even exist. Remember that I gave you life and all of your talents. So believe and love Me, and constantly thank Me for all that you have. By repenting of your sins, praising and serving Me, you will be on the right path to heaven.”


Saturday, October 27, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, when you receive Me in Holy Communion, you truly are experiencing a little taste of heaven in all of My glory. Your own personal experience was an even greater sense of our Presence in heaven. I have bestowed this extra gift of My holy and Real Presence so you could share with others the beauty and glory of heaven. I want everyone to have awe and praise Me in My Blessed Sacrament. It is important to have reverence for My Real Presence in My Eucharist. You can witness to My reverence by receiving Me on the tongue, as it pleases Me more than in the hand. Genuflect or bow before Me when you receive Me or come before Me in My tabernacle. Most of all, only receive Me in My Body and Blood when you are in the state of grace without mortal sin, so you do not commit a sin of sacrilege. You can come before Me in My tabernacle to make special visits of love and I will bestow My graces upon you to help you endure the trials of this life. Give honor and glory to Me in your prayers every day and consecrate all that you do for My glory. Follow My ways and I will be with you at all times. By your morning and evening prayers you are acknowledging Me as the center and Master of your life. This vision of heaven is the goal of your soul, so strive to keep your soul pure for the day that I will bring you home to Me in death.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision many are called together to build churches and other adjacent buildings. It takes many donations or some rich patrons to get enough money and help to build churches. Even a lot of prayer and patience is involved in such a work. There is another kind of building, and that is ‘building up My Church’ in the membership of believers. This is even more difficult because it involves conversions of hearts and wills to follow My ways. There are other needs as well to help bring back the lukewarm who have fallen away from their faith, and they need a re-conversion. Still others are having a problem with forgiveness where there may be grudges or even anger against someone. These hearts need to be warmed by My love to take away any icy cold hearts. This lack of forgiveness can only be healed from the free will of both parties by desiring a compromise of love from the heart. Until each soul prays for the warmness of healing in their hearts of anger or grudges, things will not change. You know that souls, who go to their graves with an unforgiving heart, will have to suffer in purgatory to purge this imperfection. Pray to be healed in this life, and pray for your friends to be reconciled in any broken relationships.”


Sunday, October 28, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel the tax collector said: ‘Lord, have mercy on Me, a sinner.’ These words of humility before Me were more heartfelt than the Pharisee who was exalting himself as being better than other sinners. It is right to give Me thanks for all of your gifts of faith and any worldly gifts, but it is more important to have humility in admitting that you are sinners as well. If you truly admit that you are sinners, then you will be drawn at least monthly to come to Me in the priest to confess your sins and ask for My forgiveness. This vision of a long line for Confession is becoming more of a rarity because as you have seen very few avail themselves of this opportunity to confess their sins. Pray that more of the faithful will come to Confession, even to confess their venial sins if they do not have mortal sins. I know you are all good people because I created you, but you also have inherited the weakness of Adam and you are all sinners. When you make an effort to come to Confession, this is truly an act of humility as well because it can be hard for someone to admit their sins to a priest. But I am always awaiting your visit so I can forgive you your sins and put life in your soul with My sanctifying grace. Remain in humble submission to My Will and follow My Commandments and My mission for your life. Truly you need to share your time, talent, and money with Me and your neighbor out of love for Me. The last line of the Gospel is one to live by: ‘He, who humbles himself, will be exalted, but he, who exalts himself, will be humbled.’”


Monday, October 29, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the idea of this vision is about the unknown of what can be seen from the top of the hill. I do not let you know the future of your life because you need to live in the present moment to make your every day decisions. For some, the unknown of tomorrow, or the unknown after death can raise anxieties and even fears. But My faithful need to live in faith and trust of My help, and this will give you peace and rest in your soul. Everyone has to deal with providing for their food, clothing and shelter, but I have told you in the Gospel how I will care for your needs as I provide for the animals around you. So do not have any worries of these earthly things because you are of more value to Me than the birds of the air. As for what comes after your death, you know that I will resurrect My faithful from the dead on the last day so you can be with Me in heaven. You are about to celebrate the feast days of All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day, but you should have confidence and faith in Me to help make you into a saint one day. If you repent of your sins, love Me, and follow My Commandments, you will one day have your reward as a saint in heaven with Me. So have no fears of this life or the next life because when you are with Me, who could be against you?”

(40th Anniversary of Holy Name Church)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of Me as the King of All Nations truly shows you how I have been influential in the history of man from the very creation of the earth. Ever since Adam’s sin and the closing of heaven, the prophets prophesied of a coming Redeemer. Salvation history was fulfilled with My suffering and death on the cross for all of your sins. I repeated to My apostles many times that with My presence among them, the Kingdom of God was at hand on the earth. I am the Son of David, but King of All Nations and not just Israel. When you praise Me every day, you are honoring My kingship, and I am always with you in My Eucharist in My tabernacles. You are celebrating your 40th Anniversary for the Holy Name of Jesus Church, and now it is even more appropriate to have My crucifix on the wall facing the altar. Now when you offer yourself up to Me with the priest at the Consecration, you are sharing in My suffering that you are seeing in My crucifix.”


Tuesday, October 30, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospels I have used many symbols as the yeast that allows the whole dough to rise in order to represent a small beginning of My Church in the Kingdom of God. This is why you are seeing a small part of St. Peter’s Basilica, as My Church had humble beginnings with My apostles. Even the mustard seed, which grows into a huge shrub, was used to represent your faith and how My Kingdom on earth has grown. I have described the Kingdom of God as a fine pearl that someone sold all of their belongings to purchase. (Matt. 13:31-33,45) All of these symbols of smallness and great price are to show you how My Word is very powerful and can be spread to convert many over all of the nations. The value of each soul is great also, and I seek out each one of you as the lost sheep to bring into My sheepfold. The Kingdom of God is upon you, especially in My Blessed Sacrament so you can treasure My Real Presence in your souls. Give praise and thanks to your Lord for My Incarnation to be one of you, and offer My life to purchase your souls with My sacrifice.”

Jesus said: “My people, these three kinds of fences limiting your freedoms represent the various levels of government trying to control you. On the national level you have your passports now mandated to have chips in them with your information and the ability to track you. You could also be controlled by your NAFTA Treaties which could take away your sovereignty rights in a new world order North American Union. Another fence limiting your rights is a proposed chip in your driver’s license under the National Real ID Act at the state level. Each of these levels of government are already controlling up to 40% or more of your income in taxes. The third fence is your local town and county governments which put more of a burden on you in property taxes. This is the level that could condemn your property for their own use and put you out of your house. All of these levels of control set up a gauntlet of laws and regulations that continue to take away your rights as a citizen in the name of globalization for the so-called common good. The one world people are in control of all of these regulations and they will next propose mandatory chips in the body. It is at this point or martial law that My people should call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge. Do not fight these evil ones with weapons, but let My angels fight your battle against the evil ones. Have patience for awhile before I will chain this evil lot in hell, and bring you into My Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, October 31, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you know very well how to come to Me with all of your petitions for your health problems and your physical needs. I know all of your needs before you ask Me, and I will answer what is best for your soul and what you need. Remember how I healed each person from their sins before I healed their infirmities. So when you come to Me for help, come to Me in repentance of your sins first. The body will pass away shortly, but your soul is immortal and is more important to be healed than the body. I will forgive any repentant sinner who is sincere in their prayer from the heart. Then once your soul has been cleansed of its sins, I will address any needed healing of the body. So when My messengers and healers pray over the people, their first concern should be to help that person spiritually in leading them to repentance and Confession. Then pray for intercession from Me in My Name if I should see fit to heal their physical health problems. Even when you see healings, the conversion of the soul should be more praised than any cures of the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a green alligator with its mouth open is a symbol of the Antichrist as he was about to devour some souls. I will bring graces to My people to protect you from all of these evil ones. The reign of the Antichrist will be brief and this is represented when the alligator turned to stone. I am the One who will bring about his destruction with My Great Chastisement. When the Antichrist is turned to stone and falls to dust, that is when I will defeat him and lead My people into My Era of Peace. You will be able to go to the gates of heaven when you are purified as a saint. So have no fear of the Antichrist and the demons who are trying to subvert My faithful. My protection of the angels will always be with you, even in the trials of the tribulation.”


Thursday, November 1, 2007: (All Saints’ Day)

Jesus said: “My people, many of My saints gave up their wealth so they could live their lives in total dependence on Me and not on their money. I have told you before that you depend on Me for everything, even though you may not want to admit it. Living in full dependence on Me requires a complete commitment of your will to My service. This requires a deep trust in Me out of faith alone. Many poor people are living this way of life already. Those, who have been blessed with a good job and more money, are at times tested by their wealth to depend more on themselves than on Me. If you have more than you need, you should be willing to share your excess with the poor, and give thanks to Me for being generous with My gifts to you. Many of the poor and care organizations rely on donations for helping others. So do not be selfish and share what you have, and you will gain treasure in heaven. Strive to be a saint to enter heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, there are some who claim to be Christians, but they are hypocrites because they speak of My cross and then they have allegiance to their money and their possessions. You cannot have two masters, for you will either love one or despise the other. You cannot love Me and money. I am the only One to worship and your money is only a means to obtain your necessities. You are totally dependent on Me, so keep Me as your first priority in life and serve Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, remember to honor and care for your parents even into their old age. It is sometimes very difficult to endure watching your parents deteriorate in their health as they age. But continue to give them proper care as long as you are able to. Your parents will appreciate your loving care, even if they are unaware in bad memory or comas. Your parents deserve to have their family present up to their dying day. Pray for their good health because they are a treasure to have with you.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult for anyone to suffer the loss of a loved one, and the family needs a proper time to grieve that loss. All of the friends and family can comfort the widow or the widower. Pray for the deceased with Masses and honor them at their graves. Move on then with your lives and help the bereaved in their needs. As you remember to pray for the dead on All Souls’ Day, pray that they could be released soon from purgatory if they were judged there. If the deceased is in heaven, your prayers will benefit other members of the family in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you watch people being buried in the ground, you all are viewing your future when one day you will die. November is a somber month as you make a special remembrance for all of those who have died this year or in the past. These souls have not forgotten you, and you should not forget to pray for them. They may be out of sight, but your pictures of them in life can be an inspiration to think of their souls. This life is very short, so live it to the fullest in loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, pray for your American workers who are losing their benefits. Many large corporations are cheating their workers out of health benefits, pensions, and fair wages by layoffs or cuts in benefits because of their greed for profits. Jobs are being cut and some are sent overseas for cheaper labor costs. The rich are exploiting and even trying to eliminate the middle class so they can make others their slaves. These devious and unfair employers will suffer much in hell or purgatory for all the injustices they have caused the American workers.”

Jesus said: “My people, My saints are your real heroes and heroines, more than your rich and famous that get all of your headlines. As you reverence the relics of the saints, you have a little sense of their presence among you. When you read books on their lives, they can inspire you to live saintly lives. Some had to deal with martyrdom for their faith, and they suffered much in their allegiance to Me, their Master. Your faith should be as strong as theirs when you pray for My help and guidance. When you see how dedicated their lives were in serving Me, you can imitate their lives and be thankful for having such role models. Give thanks and praise to Me as you share your worship of Me with all of My saints and angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, My saints can also act as intercessors for your prayer petitions. There are many patron saints for various parts of your life that you pray to. You may also have saints in heaven from your own family as your son, David, and your parents. They love you even more in heaven than on earth, and they are watching over you even when you forget them. Pray to your family saints with even more fervor because they are waiting patiently to hear from you and help you. They join with your guardian angels in protecting you from harm and evil.”


Friday, November 2, 2007: (All Souls’ Day)

Jesus said: “My people, many people have a fear of death and the unknown that this end of life will bring. One thing is for sure that there is no way to prevent it because everyone is assigned a day to die in this life. You have become so accustomed to living in this life that it is hard to see yourself with no more tomorrows in the morning. Life will go on after your death, but your immortal soul will be separated from your body. Based on your judgment you will be experiencing heaven, purgatory, or hell. It is how you lived your life, that will determine your destination. You are held accountable to My mercy and justice for all of your actions in this life. In other words you can control your destiny by how much you love Me and how much you love your neighbor. Your life is a trial or testing between a love of the world vs. a love of heaven and Me. The world and Satan can only give you empty promises of comforts and pleasures, but the wages of sin without repentance is death in hell. I can promise you eternal life in My glory and love in heaven when you repent of your sins and accept Me as Master of your life. All of My faithful may have to suffer persecutions and insults in this life for being faithful to Me. In the world’s eyes you may be foolish to consecrate everything over to Me, but in My eyes you are the wise one in the ways leading to heaven. Everyone has this choice to make in their lives, but it is better to follow the narrow road to the love of Me in heaven than to follow the broad road to the hate of Satan in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, remember the message that I gave you how the one world people will use power outages to enhance their means of takeover in America. They already are planning a massive event involving many deaths to make way for an excuse to have martial law. Shutting down the power grid lines is their way to paralyze the people to allow their takeover. They could use planned terrorism to take out a nuclear power plant as witnessed in Arizona where radiation and a power outage would raise havoc on many people. They could use the HAARP machine to cause ice storms and put out many power lines. All of these methods fit in with their plan for an American takeover that will be coming soon. Again when you see martial law declared or mandatory chips in the body, prepare quickly to leave for My refuges by calling on Me and your guardian angel to lead you to the nearest refuge. By seeking My protection, the evil ones will not be able to capture you or kill you. Trust in My power and help to provide for all of your needs, even in the middle of winter.”


Saturday, November 3, 2007: (St. Martin de Porres)

Jesus said: “My people, America has been suffering from droughts and fires, but your neighboring countries and islands have been suffering floods and mudslides. In addition to these natural disasters your oil prices have been affected by a loss of Mexican oil and the threat of war in various areas near the oil countries. These troubles of higher fuel costs combined with your mortgage foreclosures have become very unsettling among your consumers with even some talking of the possibility of a recession. You are seeing one event following another where either disasters, financial disruptions, or wars have been causing things to disturb people’s peace. Some of these events have been brought on your people by the sins of mankind, and now you are reaping the harvest of your faults. Repent of your sins and change any evil lifestyles, or you will harvest even worse consequences.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of the sacred places in the Holy Lands where I was born, where I died, and where I resurrected, are covered by beautiful Crusader Churches. When you go to these holy places, you can feel the mystique and sacredness of My previous presence when I was in the body. I have given you My Body and Blood in the Eucharist under the appearances of bread and wine. The bright yellow light at the top of these churches represents the appearance of the Blessed Trinity in each church to give witness to the completion of My mission. Some people have not been gifted with enough faith to fully realize the extent of My love for man in that I would be incarnated as a man, and give My life up for all of mankind’s sins. No greater love can a man have for his neighbor than to give up his life for another. This is why it is important to retain your religious traditions and hold fast to your reverence for the Sacred in My Eucharistic Host. If you do not believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, then you will fail to have reverence for My Blessed Sacrament. I am truly present in My Eucharistic Bread whether you want to believe it or not. Trust in My power in My Blessed Sacrament, or why would Satan try to get rid of My tabernacles of power.”


Sunday, November 4, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, another means of the one world people to control government officials is with threats of death or actual assassinations. This vision holds the potential for such an attempt, and it is meant either as a warning or an actual removal of an official that is not following their directions. I have told you in the past that it does not matter which party is in control because the one world people control the money and the power. Their desire for power and control is ruthless, and they care not how many they have to kill in order to gain their power. Pray for your righteous people to stand up to these murderers, even as the evil ones struggle to take over your country.”


Monday, November 5, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, there are a lot of traditions in the Mass that give more reverence to the meaning of My Real Presence in the bread and wine. There were Communion rails for kneeling and receiving Holy Communion on the tongue. There was the ringing of the bells at the Consecration and a placement of My tabernacle behind the middle of the altar. Today, very few genuflect to My tabernacle which is sometimes hard to find in modern churches. The Communion rails on the altar are gone, and people receive Holy Communion in the hand and standing. Very few churches still ring the bells at the Consecration time. This vision of the ringing of the bells at the Consecration and all of these other traditions, are to honor My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. By minimizing this reverence for My Host in these lost traditions, it is no wonder that the majority of those at Mass do not even believe in My Real Presence. It is the job of the clergy to emphasize the need for believing in My Real Presence, and if the reverence is not there for My Eucharist, then it teaches the wrong message. There is spiritual power and grace in My Blessed Sacrament, and this is My gift of Myself to you until the end of time.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel speaks about welcoming everyone to your celebrations and banquets, and not just those who can repay you. I want you to always be open in charity to help those in need spontaneously without holding back or being invited. You share among your friends and relatives because you are comfortable out of love to help them. I am asking you to go the extra mile to help the poor and those that you do not know, even when you may need to act outside of your comfort zone. If you feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, and mourn with the families of the deceased, then you have helped Me in them, and you will have your reward in heaven. If you did not do this for Me in them, and you refused the opportunities that I gave you, then you may suffer in purgatory or even hell for your selfishness and sins of omission. (Matt. 25:31-46) I give you all the gifts of this world and the spiritual gifts out of My love, and I want all of My faithful to share your love with Me and your love for your neighbor with your time, talent, and money. Your gifts to others are your way of sharing love with them, and love with Me in them.”


Tuesday, November 6, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel parable today was given as an answer to the Scribes and Pharisees who refused to believe in My words and miracles, and Me as the Son of God. Since they gave excuses as they knew Me from My parents, and that I was blaspheming to say that I was the Son of God, I rejected them from My Banquet, even as they wanted to kill Me. So I called the Gentiles in through St. Paul to come to Me in place of those who rejected Me. The vision of a brush cleansing the dust out of today’s Church represents how I again will reject those believing in New Age teachings, and they will not taste a morsel of My Banquet in heaven. Those, who worship the gods of this earth and not Me, are truly condemning themselves to the fires of Gehenna. This division coming in My Church will be between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Follow the teachings of My apostles and My evangelists, and leave any church that teaches New Age or the one world religion of Satan. Pray for discernment and worship Me, the only One true God who loves you.”

Jesus said: “My people, war in any form is a result of sin and is encouraged by Satan and his demons. It is even worse when some leaders cause a war by their own greed for power and money. The Iraq War was a war started by America with no provocation and mainly to protect the oil fields. The ensuing insurgent war has purposely been dragged out to deplete your military and ruin your economy with huge deficit spending for the war. These constant wars started by the one world people have your takeover as their constant goal. Stop these wars and you could take back your country. Allow these wars to continue, and your nation will be no more. Pray for peace, or else you will be going to the refuges sooner.”


Wednesday, November 7, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, up until now your freedom of religion has been honored, but still Catholics are criticized in public more than other religions. As the tribulation time grows closer, you will see believers in Me will be more at risk for persecution and even torture. Violence against churches will begin slowly with a loss of tax exemptions and tax deductions. Vandalism of churches will be increasing and more fires in churches will be started. It will even come to the point where you may need to have Mass in the homes as an underground church. Be prepared for more violence against My churches as the evil ones will be growing in power. Your time to move to My refuges may get closer as you become targets to be killed and your houses are destroyed. Have no fear of this time because My angels will protect you at My refuges when it is time to go there. When you see religious persecution, mandatory chips in the body, or martial law, then leave quickly for the nearest refuge as you follow your guardian angel.”


Wednesday, November 7, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have speculated on comets and weather shifts that killed the dinosaurs and other civilizations. Now in this vision you are seeing events lead up to a massive super volcano release never seen by man in modern times. This truly could be an extinction level event that could threaten life all around the planet with the dust and rock from this event. Breathing would be difficult and require a mask. Crops would fail and the temperature would be lower by ten’s of degrees. This event will be beyond what you have seen in the past, and it will change your history of events. Pray for My help to endure this trial, for it will be a wakeup call for everyone.”


Thursday, November 8, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Mass, you come to your home with Me. Some of My children wander away from Me by the distractions of the world, but I am always searching for the lost souls to lead them back home to Me. The Gospel of My searching for the lost sheep is how I love each of you, and I do not want to see you without My grace and protection. The devil is constantly seeking the ruin of souls, even as I am trying to save them. Being with Me in My Blessed Sacrament should be your souls’s desire to love Me and let Me be your first priority in your life. When you miss Mass on Sunday and forget your daily prayers, you are wandering close to hell. Wake up spiritually and understand that you have only one soul, and you will answer for your life at your judgment. If you have love for Me and your neighbor, then I will welcome you into the joy of My Banquet in heaven. If you refuse to love Me and refuse to obey My Commandments, then I will not know you, and you will be thrown into hell where there will be the grinding and gnashing of teeth among the flames.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, your country’s Constitution is over two hundred years old, but now your current president is threatening to undo all of your freedoms under the Constitution. In his claim for a ‘War on Terror’ he is preempting attacks on any country he pleases when the declaration of war should come from the Congress. He is allowing wire taps and invasions of private communications in the name of security and against your rights. The worst violation is a plan to form a North American Union that would take away all of your sovereign rights as a nation. He also writes Executive Orders that would allow him to cause martial law and to imprison Americans against his edicts. Pray for your country that is about to be taken over by this dictatorial rule and in violation of your Constitution.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people are now facing higher fuel costs for gasoline in your cars and heating oil in your homes. Your supplies of oil are under constant threat of wars and weather that have driven prices to record levels. Your money’s value also has dropped due to your many deficits in your national budget and your balance of trade. Many of these debts are caused by your incessant wars and they are leading you into a fiscal collapse. It is the one world people’s plan to bankrupt you with these useless wars. Pray for an end to your wars and you would not have so many debts and deficits.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have not only exported your jobs to cheaper labor, but they have also exported much of your manufacturing by investing in other country’s plants. They are stripping your country of almost all heavy industry for so called profits, but this is another plan to destroy your middle class and your economy. By having little manufacturing, you will have less jobs and you will be dependent on other nations for finished goods. You do not have enough exports to pay for your oil and foreign cars and goods. This is a plan to destroy your country for a takeover. Your laws encouraging such a trend with free trade need to be changed to keep your home industries protected, or your dollar will soon be worthless.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked about thoughts of death in this month of November, but you are also seeing the slow death of America as you know it as a free republic. The rich and the stockholders may make money on cheaper labor and cheap imports, but the lost jobs are lowering the average wage and requiring people to have multiple jobs just to survive. All of these trends are lowering your standard of living as you become more and more slaves of the rich. America’s fame and fortune are waning because of your abortions and your sinful lifestyles. Any loss of freedoms in America are coming as a punishment for your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Congress and your president have been fighting over stopping the funding of your Iraq War, but the gridlock over votes and vetoes is allowing this war to continue. It is the one world people and your defense industrial complex that are controlling these votes so they can make their war blood money. If the American people do not take their country back from these central bankers, you will soon be looking through the bars of a detention center waiting to be killed. Wake up to this imminent takeover before it is too late.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your prayer group from other parishes are pleased to see this crucifix in place after you have prayed your novena for this cause. I have told you that this would be brought about by My answer to your prayers. Prayer and trust in Me are very powerful in your prayer requests, especially when the souls of this parish will benefit from this inspiration of seeing My crucifix. Continue to support all of your pastors in preserving the traditions of your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, looking on My crucifix should be a sign of My love to all of mankind. I died for your sins and I want you to offer up all of your suffering and join it to Mine on your own cross. Another sign of My love is My gift of My Eucharist so you can have My Real Presence with you in Holy Communion and in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. You can return your love to Me in consecrating your life to Me, and giving Me thanks after Communion for all of My earthly and spiritual gifts to you. Give Me praise and worship everyday, and have faith and hope in My help in all of your needs.”


Friday, November 9, 2007: (Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica)

Jesus said: “My people, the word ‘Church’ has two meanings for My faithful. The one meaning is about the physical structure where you attend Mass and where My Blessed Sacrament resides in My tabernacle. The other meaning represents the people of the parish who attend the Mass in whom the Holy Spirit resides in each person. Special care needs to be taken to maintain them. In the church care needs to be taken in fixing the roof, the lights, pews, as well as regular cleaning and paying of the bills to run it. Your bodies need care in eating healthy, doctor visits for physicals and dental care, dressing warmly, and avoiding abuses of the body as drugs, drunkenness, and sexual sins. When physical and spiritual care is taken for the building and your bodies, then truly My Church will grow and prosper. Spiritual care in keeping My Commandments and My traditions is also important to the spiritual health of My Church. By supporting My Church in your donations and frequenting My sacraments, your bodies and souls will be cared for.”

Jesus said: “My people, your cell towers are proliferating all over your nation and other nations as well. Many people are wanting the convenience of using their cell phone to call anyone at anytime for a nominal fee. What people do not realize is that this wireless cell phone system is flooding your airways with much microwave pollution and endangering users with microwave damage to their brains, and possible damage to nature’s insects. All of the new smart cards and satellite chips will use these same cell towers for buying and selling whether in cards or eventually in the body. It is the chips in the body that you should refuse to take at all costs. These chips in the body will control people with voices and the people will be like robots and not remember what they did. The Antichrist will abuse people with these chips as he will have his brief reign. Avoid using these chips and cell phones so the evil ones cannot track your movements. The days for this evil takeover are coming quickly and My faithful need to prepare to leave for My refuges of protection. Call on My help and that of My angels to protect your souls and your bodies from these evil ones.”


Saturday, November 10, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, at many of your funerals there is a momentary remembrance of the deceased, but many assume they went to heaven or they forget to pray for these souls. Very few souls, who do not go to hell, go straight to heaven. The majority of souls, who are saved, require some purification in purgatory, and they can no longer pray for themselves. This is why it is important to not forget the poor souls in purgatory, especially those in your own family. Continue to pray for your deceased in case they are still in purgatory. Remember to have Masses said for your deceased members because the Mass is very powerful to release souls from purgatory. Put yourself in their place and realize how you may be there someday. You would want people to pray for you, so you should pray for them to shorten their time in purgatory. These souls will never forget to pray for you, once they are released to enter heaven. Pray for poor sinners as well before they die, so they may be saved from going to hell. You have many responsibilities in your spiritual life and the most important are to pray for the souls in purgatory and for the conversion of sinners. Anything that you can do to save souls by your example can also help souls on their path to heaven.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, this picture of me as the woman clothed in the sun (Rev. 12:1) is a picture of me pregnant with Jesus. Many women, who are pregnant, are having abortions either because of an affair outside of marriage, or because they do not want to have any more children. When I became pregnant in response to St. Gabriel’s message, I followed the Lord’s Will for me, even though it was possible that I could have been stoned. I trusted that the Lord would take care of me, and I would have my Son because this is what He wanted of me. There is no truly good reason for taking a baby’s life in abortion. Even if the mother’s life is threatened, it is better to let nature take its course. Only Our Lord should govern who lives and who dies, and not mankind. I am truly the patron for unwed mothers and I pray for all of these mothers who are contemplating abortion. Likewise, when you pray for the stoppage of abortions, pray also to touch the hearts of these mothers to have a deeper love for their babies, and a better appreciation for the preciousness of life. Many women would love the opportunity to have children, but some are unable to do so. They would gladly adopt someone’s unwanted child. Encourage these mothers to give their babies up for adoption rather than have an abortion. Continue to pray to stop abortion and ask my Jesus to multiply your prayers for this intention.”


Sunday, November 11, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I am truly the Resurrection and the Life for all of humanity. No one can enter heaven unless they come through Me, because I have paid the price with My life for the salvation of all souls. This is why you need to be healed of all of your earthly desires either on earth or in purgatory in order to be pure enough to enter heaven. In order to gain eternal life you must have faith in My Resurrection and your own resurrection at the final judgment. My death and Resurrection are an example for you to follow in My footsteps. Repent of your sins and accept Me as Master of your life. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and in the end he loses his soul? The things of this world, as well as your body, are passing away, but your soul is immortal and will live on forever. It is by your choice in your life’s actions that you choose either heaven or hell for all eternity. This day you honor all of those who died to save your country from the dictators of the world. Truly you owe your thanks to them for your freedom. You also owe Me thanks for your spiritual freedom from the bondage of sin that I offer you in Confession. As in Maccabees you may be confronted one day with standing up for your belief in Me, even if it means being martyred for that belief. Be strong in your faith, even to the very last moment of your life on earth. Trust in Me, and you will truly be with Me in heaven for all eternity.”


Monday, November 12, 2007: (St. Josaphat)

Jesus said: “My people, nothing is sacred anymore for thieves and vandals. Break-ins to steal church collections are becoming more common. Even thefts of My consecrated Hosts for black masses are paid big money by the evil ones. Fires in churches have occurred as well. Satan has attacked My priest sons in many scandals, but he also gets thieves to commit vandalism on the physical churches. You are seeing some churches closed because of these scandals and a lack of priests and parishioners. In some areas the faith is weak in terms of attendance, but My faithful priest sons, who keep My traditions, are attracting more people in other areas. Support your pastors both physically in donations and spiritually in prayer. By invoking My protection, My churches will be protected even from these evil thieves and vandals.”

Jesus said: “My people, the weather this winter will have some unusual high winds that could cause snow and ice which could result in poor visibility and many accidents. This vision of a truck turned over is an example of the accidents that could occur. People in cars or large trucks will have to be wary of the weather reports before they proceed. Keep some holy water and blessed sacramentals in your vehicles for safety in your travel. When you are traveling to do missions or talks, you will need more spiritual protection against the evil ones who may try to thwart you in your work. Pray for My protection at the start of every trip, and place holy water around in your vehicle. Give thanks to Me and your guardian angel every time you return from your travels unharmed.”


Tuesday, November 13, 2007: (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini)

Jesus said: “My people, it is a struggle in your modern times to even get the people to attend Sunday Mass. Part of this attendance problem comes from lax religious leadership in the homes. When you have high levels of divorce and people living together unmarried, this presents a difficult environment for religious upbringing to the children who suffer. This is part of the reason that you are seeing mostly older people at Mass because the children are not as inspired to come. The dark silhouettes of people also means that the people, who do come, are coming more out of duty, and they need more spiritual enthusiasm. My Light of faith needs to set people on fire with a strong desire to share their faith, and help their parish churches to be vibrant and healthy both financially and with good deeds. It is even more difficult to get people to teach religion to the children and other outreach programs in the parish. Prayer groups and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament are other areas for each parish to have a strong spiritual life and protection from the evil one. Unless a parish has people taking different responsibilities, it will be hard for that church to survive. The people of each church have to be led by the pastor, but they need to come forward to make parish life come alive.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are still people who persecute My Church in its members. When St. Paul was struck by lightning on his horse, I said to him: ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?’ I could ask that same question of many communists and atheists. Without enough grace to have faith and belief in Me, it is hard for some to find their way to heaven. You will be seeing increasing discrimination, persecution, and even killing of My faithful because of your persistent faith in Me. Never give up your faith, even if people threaten you in any way. Only those, who obey My laws and do My Will, will see eternal life in heaven. Call on My protection and that of My angels when you are attacked either physically or spiritually. Carry your blessed sacramentals as holy water, blessed salt, Benedictine crosses, rosaries, and scapulars for protection against the evil ones.”


Wednesday, November 14, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the rich and the famous, as with the pyramids, have much money to adorn themselves, even in death, yet all are equal before Me at the judgment. To whom more is given, more will be expected, both in the material world and with spiritual gifts. I do not measure a person’s importance by their wealth or their fame, but it is how they love Me and their neighbor. If you truly are following My ways, you should be generous in your charity by giving of your money and your time. In the spiritual world you also need to be generous in your prayers and evangelizing souls to be saved. Another way of sharing your love with Me is to be gracious and giving thanks for all the gifts that I have given you. Even in today’s Gospel I was asking why the other nine lepers did not return to give thanks for My healing of their leprosy. So it is today, even when you have your prayers answered, you should not forget to thank Me as these nine lepers did not. Guard your peace and rest with Me from any earthly distractions that could replace your prayer time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you wake up every morning wondering what to do first on your list of chores. But stop and think for a moment how gifted you are to have good health and be able to do what you want. There are some people who cannot walk, or have chronic diseases, or even terminal diseases. These people are suffering every day with their disabilities. Pray for these people so they could endure their trials and carry on with life as they can manage. Be more thankful for your good health as well. Sometimes you may suffer a temporary disability with a broken limb, and it is then that you realize what it is like to be without good health and free movement. It is then that you also can be more sympathetic with some who have to suffer a disability all of their life. Trust in Me to heal any illness and keep your good health. Do what you can to ease the burdens of others’ disabilities.”


Thursday, November 15, 2007: (St. Albert the Great)

Jesus said: “My people, some areas will be seeing heavy rains, enough to cause flood warnings into the winter time. This vision of overflowing rivers is a strong suggestion for these warnings. Even as some experience flooding, others will continue to see droughts with possible fires continuing. This again is nature’s reflection of mankind where some are cold in their hearts to Me, while a few are on fire with My love. It is the mission of My strong faithful to try and lead the lukewarm back to their former fervor of faith, and reach out to convert those who have never loved Me. Wake up those who are spiritually asleep because there are many signs of the Antichrist coming before I return. Today’s Gospel is warning you also about the false christs who will come to try and deceive you that it is I, but do not follow them. Be always ready, for you do not know the day, nor the hour of My return.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I am pleased, as your people, to see the new stand for your personal crucifix as I had suggested. The vision also shows you how it would be good to have some protection for carrying the crucifix. It is also interesting how several attempts to make a DVD of your talk have been thwarted by poor lighting and sound. I applaud your attempts to carry out My wishes. Time indeed is growing short for your tribulation preparations, and this DVD and the index are all about getting out your message to as many as possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, this local church, that had damage done to their tabernacle, has seen how vandals are becoming more bold in trying to steal My consecrated Hosts to defile them at black masses. These evil ones offer great sums of money for such Hosts, so to inspire some greedy thieves. I had just recently told you to expect more of these such incidents, and here it has happened. This is a sign to you that there needs to be adequate alarms and security to discourage such thefts.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is always a good time for families to get together for this Thanksgiving Day dinner. Even though it may be a struggle to travel home over a distance, it is still worthy of the chance to be with one’s relatives to share your love in person. Along with sharing a meal, it is also appropriate to remember what you are celebrating in giving thanks to Me for everything. Make a point to mention this intention in your grace before dinner. Also think of those who are less fortunate who could use some help in providing for their Thanksgiving meal.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before not to start a war that you could not finish. Going into Iraq was a fabricated war as the evidence has shown, and it is even more of a reason to stop this war. You are in a battle with the one world people who want wars to make blood money. If you cannot stop this war, then they will not only get their way, they will prepare you for a takeover. Your people need to assert themselves against this war in prayer and action as your Congress is doing.”

Jesus said: “My people, your mortgage banks have had to mark down many of their outstanding loans because of so many foreclosures. People could not afford their loans when higher interest was demanded of their faulty loans. It is unfortunate that these bankers would knowingly make loans for people when they knew the borrowers could not afford the full interest loan. It is greed that has caused these problems and now the bankers have to swallow their pride amidst their losses. Pray for those losing their homes and all of those investors that are losing their investments.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you approach the end of the Church Year, you are going to hear many readings about the end times and preparations for the final judgment. This is your mission, as you know, so have everyone be attentive to these coming weeks of readings before Advent begins. Your soul always should be made pure by frequent Confession, so you are ready for the day of your judgment. I give you many readings of how to be wise in your preparations, even as I talked about the five foolish virgins and the five wise virgins who had enough oil in their lamps for the Wedding Feast. Take a lesson from these parables and see to your own preparations for a day when I will come that you do not know.”

Jesus said: “My people, Noah had great faith in following My wishes to build a huge boat that would house his family and the animals from the great flood. At times what I ask you to do may not seem humanly possible to do, but with the faith of Noah, you must follow My plan. When you follow your mission, you will be rewarded greatly for having faith in Me, regardless of your human judgment. Trust in where I am sending you, and work to evangelize souls for My greater glory.”


Friday, November 16, 2007: (St. Margaret of Scotland)

Jesus said: “My people, you need rubber tires to move your vehicles, but once the tread wears out, they lose their gripping ability and become unlawful. This is another sign for you of how short your life is here on earth. Within a short time you find yourself in a graveyard, even as these used tires are in a field in the vision. As you come to the end of another Church Year, your thoughts of preparing for your death should cause you to find time for frequent Confession. By keeping your soul pure, then you will be ready to face Me at your judgment. Each day you should be thankful that you have more time to pray and help people. Also do not squander your opportunities for charity by spending too much time and money on your own entertainment. When you come before Me, you will be held accountable for how much you loved Me and your neighbor. I will ask you if you fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited the sick and prisoners, and sheltered the homeless. If you did so for the least of My people, then you did it for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, sometimes you need to look into the life of an unwed mother who is contemplating an abortion. They may feel all alone and may not be able to afford to take care of a child. They are searching for love and secretly are reaching out for help. This is why counselors, if allowed, can offer a helping hand to take away all the reasons for abortion. It is one thing to allow yourself in a woman to commit fornication, but should a pregnancy result, it is a worse compounded sin to have an abortion. Repent of your first sin, but do not commit another sin. There are many wanting to adopt children, so pray that these mothers have their children instead of killing them in the womb. These women need your love, care, and concern for their welfare. So reach out to help these women by providing funding and even staffing of help centers for unwed mothers. America has too many abortions for various reasons, but these sins of killing are even now bringing My judgment and punishment against America for such sins. Help those also who have had abortions to get help both physically and spiritually in Confession. Such sins need sincere repentance for these women to move on with their lives. Pray for these women and even married women desiring abortions. Unless you put more value on life and love, your country will decline into a moral disaster as the Roman Empire fell from within.”


Saturday, November 17, 2007: (St. Elizabeth of Hungary)

Jesus said: “My people, all of you are having to pay more for your winter heating bills as well as your transportation bills in oil and gasoline. Your prices have been driven up by the oil costs which thrives on speculation, and your inherent weak dollar. Your dollar depreciation is a direct result of your deficit government spending and your trade imbalance. A good share of your deficits are being caused by the endless billions of dollars being spent on your war efforts. You are seeing more clearly how your wars are at fault for ruining your economy and weakening your military with no seeming gain to show for the continuation of this war in Iraq and Afghanistan. It may truly be that cutting off your defense funds is the only way to stop this war. It is also the only way to prevent the rich one world people from stealing your money and your country. Pray for an end to this senseless fighting in whatever way you can to stop it.” Jesus said: “My people, many of your weather patterns are changing and each year that the temperature increases a little, the people, who claim global warming, start to complain that nothing is being done. These people are exaggerating the true science about inundating the coastal cities with water in a short time for their global agenda. The global warming alarmists are being controlled by the one world people. The alarmist solutions to the problem of global warming are all globalist ideas that have nothing to do with individual countries. These people are shouting about the melting ice cap in the North and the shrinking glaciers. They are more concerned about the problem than how they propose to fix it. It is the solutions that are worse than the problem because the one world people want to use this excuse for their means to take over the world. Once you hear these globalist ideas, then you will know why they are trying to get their alarming news to the public. Be wary of their conclusions and the globalist solutions. Pray for My protection from the evil ones who are trying to use this science for a world takeover.”


Sunday, November 18, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are hearing the descriptions of how it will be in the end days with the famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. The apostles were curious, as the men of today, to know when and how I will return. I have given you some descriptions of that time, but you will not know the hour or day because it is only for God the Father to know. It is enough for you to be constantly prepared for your judgment with a pure soul. In the vision you see Me welcoming you as I am preparing a place for all who are worthy of heaven. The bull’s-eye is to indicate that being with Me in heaven for all eternity should be everyone’s goal, and that is why I should be your first priority in life. Encourage people to be always prepared for the end times because many of the signs for My coming are all around you.”


Monday, November 19, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Light of the world and I open your eyes to faith, even as I healed the blind man of his sight in the Gospel. You all have a choice by your free will to either remain in the darkness of your sin, or you can come into My Light and I will show you the way to heaven. Faith is a gift to believe in Me as the center of your life. If you have true faith in Me, then you will be capable of many things that you did not think possible by your human ways. But when you follow My ways, life will open many opportunities of grace before you. When you have My peace and joy within you, you cannot just keep it to yourself. My love wants to be shared with everyone. It is your sin that holds you back from being the person that I want you to be. Open your hearts to My Word and listen to what I want you to accomplish. You will no longer follow your will, but give all of yourself over to Me. You will then achieve great works for My greater glory in all of your evangelization efforts. It is saving your soul and the souls around you that is your mission of love. With My help you can share your love with Me and your neighbor. Call on the Holy Spirit to speak the words through you that could bring My love to others. Just as you see the dawn of a new day come into your eyes, so My Light comes into your hearts and you are no longer blind, but you see with the eyes of faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before that you would see ongoing droughts in various parts of your country. This vision of a dry sewer is even an indication that these droughts could even get severe. Out West they depend on heavy snows in the mountains to provide their melt water down their rivers. A cut back in winter snow could also threaten their water supply. Places in the South have grown very dry with rainfall considerably below normal. The warmer that your seasons become, there is less chance for rain, and evaporation will affect your lakes and reservoirs. I have told you also that fresh water sources are diminishing, and more population will make this worse. Pray for continued rains to help the severe drought areas. It did rain after the Georgia governor prayed for rain.”


Tuesday, November 20, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this storm in Bangladesh has been catastrophic to these people where thousands have died and hundreds of thousands of people were made homeless when they fled the storm. This follows the thousands killed several years ago from the large tsunami. There is s large population living in this area, especially along the coasts. So when violent storms or tsunamis strike, many are going to be killed. America is still recovering from your storms that struck New Orleans, so you know how devastating large storms can be. Have pity on these poor people with your donations and prayers for their needs. The governments there are overwhelmed with such destruction to afford help in food and shelter. Many of these poor countries rely on charity organizations for what little help they receive. As you have plenty of this world’s goods at Thanksgiving time, you could find it in your heart to share some with these homeless people.”

Jesus said: “My people, many college students are very spirited, especially on political issues involving rights and wars. Recently you saw a high school student criticized for speaking about Me in a public graduation exercise. Many times your freedom of speech is taken for granted, but certain subjects, that are not politically correct, are persecuted by the powers controlling your government. You may speak about religion in your churches, but you may be persecuted for speaking about religion in public. The Ten Commandments and prayer have been removed from your schools and public buildings. Because atheists have protested, and an unwritten law about the separation of church and state, mention of God is being removed from everything. In the areas of religion, abortion, and homosexual subjects there is a strong persecution without any freedom of speech. Many other rights are also being quietly removed, especially in the area of privacy from wiretapping. In some democratic countries rights are also being taken away in the name of security and the common good. The evil ones and the one world people are working on a complete dictatorial rule with no rights, and using people as slaves. This is their goal, so be prepared to leave for My refuges when the one world people want you killed for going against their new world order. Trust in My power and My help in protecting you from the evil ones.”


Wednesday, November 21, 2007: (Presentation of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother knew well about caves as places of protection. She gave birth to Me in a cave in Bethlehem, as you have visited this site. She and St. Joseph had to flee with Me to Egypt, as led by an angel, in order to avoid King Herod’s attempt to kill Me. Many Holy Innocents had to die because of Herod’s jealousy of My Kingdom over his. In Egypt our family also was protected in a cave for a dwelling. Both of these places have churches erected over these sites in order to honor the sacredness of where I stayed. So My Blessed Mother knows well of the need for your refuges of protection during the coming tribulation. Her places of apparition, holy ground places, and caves will also be your places of sanctuary against the evil ones who will want to kill you for your faith in Me. My Blessed Mother was born sinless and she was prepared in holiness without sin so she could conceive and bring forth a son in Me. Now, My people are also being prepared and warned of the need for your own places of refuge where My angels will protect you from the evil ones.”


Wednesday, November 21, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before to have some working bicycles ready to use to get to the nearest refuge. You need bicycle pumps to keep your tires inflated, helmets to be legal, and some kind of rain gear or umbrellas for rainy weather. Problems may come in using your car if the government implements smart cards as mandatory to buy and sell your gasoline. You may also run into road blocks or checkpoints on the main roads. Border crossings may also be a problem for those without chips in your passports. If you have bicycles as a back up, you can drive your car as far as your gas will go, or the roads will allow. Then use your bikes to travel the rest of the way. Travel will be your biggest obstacle in reaching a refuge. Walking would work also, but it is much slower. Be prepared to call on your angels to lead you to a refuge when you see martial law declared, or when the authorities try to mandate chips in your bodies. Avoid chips in your body, even if they threaten to kill you because these chips could control your mind into being a robot. Trust in My power since one day I will cast all of these evil ones into hell, and My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, November 22, 2007: (Thanksgiving Day)

Jesus said: “My people, you have a model for Thanksgiving in the one leper that returned to give thanks to God for being cleansed of his leprosy. I then said to him: ‘Go, your faith has saved you.’ Even today, you have many things in America to be thankful for. You have your freedom of religion and sin in your repentance. You have been given your faith, your very life, your family and friends, your jobs, your possessions, good health, and the meal for today. So many of these things you take for granted, but each one is a blessing worthy of your thanks. In all of My gifts, guard your faith and obey My Commandments, and you truly will be saved as well. This Thanksgiving feast is a great one for your country, but it would be even better if you were to stop your wars and abortions, so you could live in peace and know the preciousness of life. Pray for your country to change its sinful ways and repent of your sins.”


Friday, November 23, 2007: (St. Miguel Pro)

Jesus said: “My people, Thanksgiving is barely over and the shoppers and shopkeepers are already preparing gifts to buy for Christmas. I am more appreciative of My people coming to Mass today than those interested in gifts and possessions. The attraction of sales and buying gifts is such a contrast of fighting for the last sale item and the joy of the Christmas Season. In the end these are only material possessions which should not control your lives. You want to be gracious to your friends and relatives, but it should not put you into so much debt by buying too much. Many of your children are spoiled too much with expensive gifts. They would be better off with just a few gifts and let them share with others as well in your giving trees. When you help the poor, these gifts would be even more appreciated in food and clothing. As you have seen accidents on the highway, pray for safe travel of your loved ones over the holidays. Place some holy water inside your vehicles, and keep some emergency items in them for the winter. In all of your holiday activities think of prayer for everyone as the best gift that you could give them.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that I am the Resurrection and the Life, and you cannot have eternal life without Me. I am that bridge that spreads over the abyss of hell from earth to heaven. It is My death on the cross that paid the price for your souls and it enables you to enter the gates of heaven. Give praise and thanks to your Lord for My sacrifice for your salvation. By repenting of your sins and allowing Me to be Master of your life, you can have your reward in heaven. You all need to go from this life to the next life, and death is that means of transition. This life is short, and your mission is to help prepare souls for the end times when I will defeat the evil ones. Getting people back to Confession and Communion at Sunday Mass is the best help that you can provide for any soul to bring them to conversion. Saving souls, after all, is the most important mission that you could perform.”


Saturday, November 24, 2007: (St. Andrew & Vietnam martyrs)

Jesus said: “My people, when you die, have an out of body experience in a near death event, or have the Warning experience, you will be completely detached from the things of this world. In that state you will wonder why you sought after so many material things that would only pass away and become useless or obsolete. Even your money and possessions are passing away. The only thing of value is love of Me and your neighbor, as well as your charitable good deeds. It is the spiritual things in your life that are most valuable. When you come face to face with your Creator, you will realize this truth even more. You do not need this separation of your body and soul in order to learn of these values, because you have My Word in Scripture to show you how important your soul is to your eternal life. This body will pass away because it is mortal, but your soul will live on because it is immortal. All the more reason to protect your soul from sin, and renew the graces in your soul by repenting in Confession, and healing sin with Holy Communion. My sacraments are your source of spiritual food and graces to nourish your soul, and keep it spiritually healthy. Love of Me and souls should be your first desire, and not the things of the world that pass away. Keep your focus on praising Me and evangelizing souls, and you will receive your reward in heaven. Caring for your neighbor in action and prayer will also gain you treasure in heaven.”


Sunday, November 25, 2007: (Christ the King)

Jesus said: “My people, My Kingship of all nations is known all over the world, but there are many who do not acknowledge My being Master of their lives. When I started My public ministry, you have read the Gospels of how I told everyone that the Kingdom of God is upon them. When you are in My sacramental Presence, you truly have Me among you in My Kingdom through My Real Presence. You have kings and rulers among you in the material world, but all of their reigns are temporary and are passing away. I with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit have created all that you see and We even keep it in existence. We are truly Lord and Master of your lives, even though all that you can see is the hand of Our work in creation. You are all made in Our image with free will, but you are called to love Me and your neighbor. You see harmony in nature and it is only man who causes war and destruction of this harmony. You may recognize presidents and prime ministers as your human authority, but you should even recognize Me as your spiritual King over everything on earth and otherwise. You are in the end times before I will return to claim My dominion over the earth, and defeat the evil ones. Trust in My Kingship because My power is over all creation in the angels and evil people. I await your praise and Adoration of My Kingship every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, before people used electric or natural gas clothes dryers, they used to dry things by hanging them on lines either outside or in the basement. This saved buying another expensive appliance at one time, and the heat energy to dry the clothes. This is one example of how America has become such an energy consumer of fuels in order to have a higher standard of living. Americans would rather use energy intensive means of various appliances and machines to save time and ease their physical labor. America could be less dependent on oil if you looked seriously at alternative fuels and a sincere look at ways to save energy fuels on your conveniences. By higher efficient heaters, higher mileage cars, and solar powered devices, you could not only save money, but you also could save fuels. If America was not so wasteful in its use of fuels, you could be less dependent on oil with less reasons for wars. America consumes more energy per person than any other nation. This is why conservation and efficiency is needed to reduce your energy needs and your greed for convenience.”


Monday, November 26, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, these visions are showing you My love, protection, and direction for your life. Being in the safety of the nest, as you were at home, is how I watch over your soul protecting you from the temptations of the evil one. You have your parents bring you up from an infant when you are innocent and defenseless. When you leave the safety of your nest at home, I am still with you guiding you through life’s trials. The second vision of a guided boat over the water is how I direct your way over the waters of life. You will be faced with storms when the violent waves will appear to threaten your life. But I am with you to calm the storm, even as I saved My apostles from drowning. When you put Me on by faith, I will be like a life preserver protecting you from both physical and spiritual death. Trust in Me by your daily prayer, and follow My plan for your life by following and carrying out the mission that I have given you. When you look back on your life, you should grow in confidence and peace at how you have been protected and guided through all of life’s trials by your loving Lord.”

Jesus said: “My people, this view of Jerusalem is all about the coming of Advent and how I came among the Promised people in the Jews. This city housed the Temple of God with the Ark of the Covenant as directed by David and Solomon. I was called the Son of David in several Gospel accounts. Your people are preparing for Christmas in your gift buying and your decorations. Again I am more partial to Nativity Scenes than your secular subjects. As you read the accounts in Scripture that foretold My coming as a Redeemer, understand how everything about My earthly presence was well planned by My heavenly Father. I have revealed to man in the Scriptures all that was kept secret from the beginning. Now you have My Word to meditate on and follow in your actions. As you prepare for My coming at Christmas, keep focused most on the spiritual message of why I came–for mankind’s salvation.”


Tuesday, November 27, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, there are still a minority of faithful that keep their religious traditions in America. It is this group who prays and evangelizes the lukewarm and converts sinners. It is because of this remnant that My justice has not fallen on your country sooner. You have been reading in Daniel of the dreams of the kings that indicated the fall of Babylon. This crumbling empire is very much like America that is crumbling from within because of its immorality. You have made abortion legal in your court decisions, and you are removing My Name from schools and all public places. Your people are allowing the one world people to control your money and destroy your economy and military with useless wars. Because of the evil of your living together and homosexual abominations, America also as Babylon, will fall to its enemies. Your destruction as a nation will be part of a world takeover that will prepare the way for the brief reign of the Antichrist. This is why when you see martial law declared, it will be the beginning of the end of America. Then I will lead My people to safety in My refuges where My angels will protect you. Fear not this time because I will soon overpower all of these evil ones and cast them into hell. Rejoice when I will usher in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are comfortable in your present day church settings for Mass. But a day is coming when you will not be able to find a proper Mass, or there will be threats of persecution for attending a public Mass. This will be the time when My faithful may have to attend an underground Mass in the home or in a secret place. At that time you may need Mass books, vestments, unconsecrated hosts, wine, and candles. This is why it would be wise to have a Mass kit on hand for all of these needs, provided you could find a priest during this time. I have mentioned before if you could not have a Mass, then you could do a spiritual communion to keep united with Me. Keeping a spiritual community together will be strained during the tribulation, but it is necessary to keep your faith vibrant and strong with those of like mind. Pray for My help in your protection, and I will have My angels deliver you Holy Communion if you cannot have a Mass. My Eucharist is the spiritual food for your soul, so pray to be constantly fed with My Real Presence. Give praise and thanks to Me for watching over you and providing for your needs.”


Wednesday, November 28, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, there is a strong parallel between Babylon and America in the reading from Daniel. The people of Babylon worshiped pagan gods made of gold, silver, bronze, and stone, and they drank wine from the holy vessels of the Temple. Because of this flaunting of idol worship and irreverence for God’s holy vessels, the writing on the wall occurred: Mene, Tekel, and Peres. (Daniel 5:1-29) America also has idols that you worship in new houses, cars, electronic devices, money, and fame or status. You also are flaunting irreverence to Me by taking God, prayer, and My Ten Commandments from all of your public buildings; not to mention your abortions and sexual sins. America like Babylon has been found wanting in My judgment when your scales of evil have outweighed the good that you have done. America’s days are numbered as well when the central bankers will bring about a takeover of your country, and it will truly be sent into oblivion as with the vision. America will also be divided and given up to the masons and the one world people who will deny your sovereignty rights as you are made a part of the North American Union. Your people have allowed the central bankers to bankrupt your country with useless war debts, and strip your military of its numbers and strength. This together with your immorality is what will bring your nation to a total takeover. When you see mandatory chips in the body, and martial law declared because of a created emergency, you will see the end of your country as a democratic republic. This will also be the time for My faithful to call on Me and your angels to lead you to the nearest refuge for both physical and spiritual protection from the evil ones and the Antichrist. Have faith and hope in My power with no fear of these evil ones. In the end I will vanquish them and cast this evil lot into hell. My faithful will then be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may wonder why were the Wise Men the only ones that seemed skilled to follow My Star to Bethlehem? It is true that they did study the stars and noticed My Star as unusual. Only the shepherds and the Wise Men came to give Me homage at My birth. My angels sang about Me, but very few people knew when and where I was born. Yet the Scriptures in Micah foretold My birth in the city of David in Bethlehem. I was from a poor family in a humble scene of a stable in a cave. I wanted to be in a humble, quiet environment until My public ministry began. This is also how the Antichrist will be quiet until he is declared. As you listen to the readings of Advent, you will see all of the prophetic Scriptures come true in My life on earth. Even in the end times you will again see the Scripture prophecies fulfilled when I will visit the earth with My judgment. Rejoice in singing My praises as you remember another Christmas celebration.”


Thursday, November 29, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel reminds you that one day I will come on the clouds to judge humanity and separate the evil ones from those who are faithful to Me. Your mission has been to prepare the people for this time of tribulation. I have given you signs that will be coming in the famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. Just as when you see the buds on the trees, you know that spring is coming. Even so when you see the Antichrist declare himself in power, know that My day of reckoning is near because the Antichrist’s reign will be brief. I will shorten this time of tribulation for the sake of My elect. Everything that you see now is passing away, and the earth will be renewed after I will bring My Great Chastisement to conquer the evil ones. Rejoice as the Antichrist will be defeated and My faithful will see My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I am calling your attention to the abuse and even death of My little children in your current news. These little ones are nearly defenseless and yet some parents hit them cruelly for crying or misbehaving. There is also a major abuse going on against the unborn in the mothers aborting their children in the womb. Killing the unborn or little children is the ultimate abuse and such abusers, including the doctors, will be held accountable for these killings at their judgment. I will forgive these sins if the mothers repent, but there will be some heavy reparation needed for this sin of murder.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are going to see more waves from the sea cause flooding and drownings from large storms and undersea earthquakes. You have seen large tsunamis and hurricanes cause extensive damage in New Orleans, Indonesia, and Bangladesh. These events are more common than you think, and it is only when high population areas suffer that you receive this news. Pray for the families that have to suffer through these disasters with lost family members and lost homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want My faithful to wear a Benedictine cross outside of your clothing or under your clothing, whatever you feel comfortable with doing. These crosses have an exorcism medal that is powerful in warding off demon attacks. As the tribulation time approaches, you will see more and more persecution for your faith in Me, especially for those who wear their sacramentals openly for everyone to see.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who have lost their jobs or have disabilities that do not allow them to find work. These people need to rely on the generosity of others for food and shelter. Some should help themselves more, but it is hard to find meaningful employment to even afford a meager living. You remember when My family sought a shelter in Bethlehem, and we could only find a stable. Pray for these homeless to find a warm shelter for the winter and help donate or help provide shelter for these lowly of society.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the Christmas Season you are constantly shopping for gifts to give to your relatives and friends. Most of your gifts go to people who will return a gift to you. But you can give a charitable gift to the poor and hungry as in Bangladesh, and they will not be able to repay you, but you will gain treasure in heaven. You will feel even more loving inside your soul when you can help those in need, especially for the bare necessities for survival. I use many kind souls to help My little ones in need. Do not pass up any opportunity to help someone out of love for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, these beautiful nuns need to be thanked for giving up this worldly life so they could pray for sinners to be saved. My faithful can take a lesson from those who live in contemplative prayer. Take some time out of your day for praying for sinners so that they will be given the grace to repent and find their way to My love. Saving souls is a very important intention for your prayers and your evangelization efforts.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of your fuels for heating are becoming more expensive, whether it is for oil, natural gas, propane, wood, or kerosene. It will be harder for the poor to provide heat for themselves on low budgets. At times you may even need to help your churches or charities with their heating bills. Pray that your winter will not be so cold so your heating bills will be less. It may also be a prudent thing to have some alternative fuels on hand in case you lose your electricity in power failures. Pray for My help in keeping you warm for the winter.”


Friday, November 30, 2007: (St. Andrew)

Jesus said: “My people, you have read how I called some of My apostles from being fishermen so they could be fishers of men and women for My Kingdom. I reach out to call everyone to follow Me, no matter what profession or skill that you have. First you are called to a vocation of the religious life, the married life, or the single life. Each vocation has its own responsibilities, but you should be faithful to that calling and any vows made. If you are to be true to your faith in Me, you must live your faith in your actions so people can recognize you as a loving Christian. You all are sinners and need to repent of your sins in frequent Confession. You also need to consecrate everything over to Me so you are free from the attachments of this world, and you can be fully focused on Me all day long. When I call you in Baptism and Confirmation to be My followers, you can also be examples to others and reach out to evangelize souls so they can be saved from the evil one. You are all mine from your very creation, and you were purchased with the price of My death on the cross for your souls. You have free will because I wanted you to love Me and follow Me by your own choosing. I do not force My love on anyone. Follow the narrow road to heaven by letting Me lead you along life’s path.”

Jesus said: “My people, this ingot of gold represents the super rich people who profit from other people’s losses. There is a collusion of the stock brokers, the owners of large multinational companies, and the central bankers who control interest rates. The corporations, through their lobbies, control the legislation that makes the laws for them to profit from slave labor. They send jobs abroad with out a tariff on goods imported under their label. The stock brokers threaten the companies to make more money, or they will take their stock prices down. The companies make deals with the Federal Reserve central bankers to lower the interest rates to lower their borrowing costs. It is the man in the street that is losing his home due to loan manipulations, and he is losing his good jobs to take slave labor jobs. This is why the upper 1% of your rich people have increased their yearly income over 400% and the lower 80% of the population or more have barely kept up with inflation. The injustices of predatory lending, robbed health benefits, and stolen pensions in layoffs are how the rich are taking advantage of the poor. In the end all of these rich people will lose everything to theft, greed, and finally to death. All of their massed up wealth will not help them in the next life, but their greed and injustices could weigh them down in purgatory or hell for their evil deeds to swindle people. Pray for these evil ones to be healed of their stealing and let them help the poor instead by your prayers.”


Saturday, December 1, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you are again seeing the readings in the end times talk in Daniel (Daniel 7:15-27) of the coming fourth kingdom referring to the Antichrist and his earthly reign for 3 1/2 years. Daniel spoke of this beast who would gain control over the whole earth, and he would oppress the holy ones of God. In the Gospel (Luke 21:34-36) it is mentioned again of a tribulation time that will come upon the earth. The preparation for these end times has been your mission, and you are being vindicated in the prophesies of the messages that I have been sharing with you. This vision of the Pentagon is one more defeat of your military might by the one world people who are working with Satan to put the Antichrist into power. You will see your country taken over as part of this North American Union, and the unions all over the earth will be joined under the Antichrist in the European Union. All of these things are told in the Scripture readings of the last days at the end of this Church year. Do not have any fear of these evil ones because their reign will be brief. Did you think that I would allow this evil to continue very long? Certainly not, for I will come in glory on the clouds to defeat these evil ones and cast them into hell. My faithful will then see a renewed earth and live in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you see the difference between this sickly pine tree and the healthy pine tree, so there is also a difference between a sickly sinner’s soul and a healthy pure soul. When a tree needs help, you prune off the dead branches and brown needles. In a soul you want to prune the dark parts of the soul that are dead because of sin. When you repent of your sins, or come to the priest in Confession, you are making the opportunity to purify your soul of sin by your sorrow for sin. With contrite hearts to avoid this sin again, you receive absolution from the priest and a cleansing with sanctifying grace that restores your soul to its original holy state after Baptism. Give thanks and praise to Me for forgiving even the worst of your sins. When you start your Advent Season, you are doing a little retreat to purify your soul so you can be white and pure to receive Me in My crib at Christmas. Advent is a preparation for celebrating My coming to earth at Christmas. Even on this last day of the Church Year, you are also preparing your soul for the day of My return by keeping it holy in Confession. You may be awaiting My return by constant readiness, but you need to move on in your life to fulfill your personal mission in your work or retirement. Do not be fearful or anxious about when I will return, but be prepared in your soul and have your hands full of good works.”


Sunday, December 2, 2007: (First Sunday of Advent)

Jesus said: “My people, you are starting your celebration of Advent and already this vision of myrrh is an anticipation of when I will die on the cross for the sins of mankind. This crucifix is a focal point of why I came as a man in the first place to the earth, and it is why it is appropriate to be in the center of your altar so you never forget it. The people who labored to fix your cross are to be commended for their good work. In the Gospel you hear again this theme of being prepared in your soul to be pure when you celebrate My birth at Christmas. This wake up call to be always watching, can also carry over into when the Son of Man will come again. The Gospel makes a point of the sign of evil in the days of Noah. Just as there is evil all around you, so it will be when I come again. You are living in the end times because of all the signs around you that were not only prophesied, but are being fulfilled even as I am speaking to you now.”


Monday, December 3, 2007: (St. Francis Xavier)

Jesus said: “My people, your movies from Hollywood are corrupting souls all over the world, and this is why these actors and actresses are being tormented with the fires in California. Especially in ‘R’ movies, the actors flaunt violence, sexual scenes, and vulgar language which are a bad influence for adults and for children. I have warned you to avoid ‘R’ movies, and even some PG films are bad for children. Your TV programming is also filled with the same bad influences. So guard your eyes and ears from such occasions of sin and especially protect your children from viewing such filth. In addition to ‘R’ movies, it is also important to avoid the Harry Potter movies, the Golden Compass series, and any other movies supporting witchcraft and demons for entertainment. TV and movies are powerful ways to influence the mind and soul, but man has abused these media for evil purposes that require your careful discernment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are now moving into winter with another set of disasters that could cause trouble in the safety of your car travel and cause power outages. Already you are seeing considerable high wind events along the Pacific coast, even as I told you windy events will become more common this winter. You need to have warm clothing, some food and holy water or blessed salt in your cars in case your car quits or has an accident. In your homes you need back up fuels for heating as wood, kerosene, or propane to provide heat and a means of cooking if you should lose power in a snow storm. Just as you stay prepared for your physical survival, you also need to be prepared for your spiritual survival against sin. Frequent Confession is the best means to keep your soul pure and ready for the day of your death and judgment. You can also pray an Act of Contrition when you go to bed, or if you feel death is imminent. If you should die overnight, then you have asked to be forgiven, and you may not have time for Confession. Being prepared for winter, and for your death, are very practical ways for the survival of both your body and your soul.”


Tuesday, December 4, 2007: (St. John of Damascus)

Jesus said: “My people, you could do more good for your people if you manufactured metal goods for civilian uses instead of making so many weapons for war. This vision of beating swords into plowshares is a good change to stop the profit for making weapons of war. Take the money incentive out of your wars and these weapons would be useless. Do not follow the war mongers who cry for more wars and threaten more regime changes for threats that your intelligence has found to be untrue. Work to make peace diplomatically without threats of war. It is time to bring your troops home while they are still alive. This is the best help that you could do for them. Senseless killings and continued bombings are not the reason to continue your constant wars. Say no to the rich who profit from war, or your civilization will cease to be free.”


Wednesday, December 5, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, you have been witnessing some severe winter weather already with some areas receiving record winds and above average snowfalls or rainfalls. Even your weather maps have been showing huge storms and erratic jet stream flows causing colder weather than normal. You may or may not be aware of the HAARP weather making machine that uses extremely powerful microwaves to control and change the jet streams to cause this bad weather. This maker of bad weather and the chem trails causing flu epidemics, are all part of the one world plan to cause disruption and create emergency situations for their control of people. Many of your extreme weather events are due to the use of such machines. This is just an added insight to how evil these people can be just to manipulate your government and the death culture that they promote. The evil ones will have a brief reign, but they will soon face My judgment for their evil deeds. Call on My help and My angels to protect you, and use your Hawthorn pills or tea, herbs, and vitamins to protect yourselves from these man-made viruses.”


Wednesday, December 5, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, life for the monks can be cold at times in the winter when they only have wood stoves to keep warm. This is why they wear their hoods more in the winter. You have seen movies of their life which is very often in silence during the week and some talking on Sunday. They either cut up wood or use coal for their heaters. Life for the monks is very simple, yet prayerful. When you watch their lives, you realize how much time people waste on their earthly distractions. Many times you are curious about the latest news, but usually they report on wars, killings, and weather disasters. Other times you are curious about the presidential candidates or the latest entertainment events and movies. Sports, sitcoms, and police stories are on many of your TV channels. Make enough time in your life for Me, because your prayer life is very important for your spiritual destiny. Let the monks quiet contemplative prayer be an example for you to follow, especially in Advent.”


Friday, December 7, 2007:

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am happy to welcome all of my pilgrims to my shrine at Betania. All of you are called to be here and receive my graces to carry on with all of your life’s trials. You are also about to share in my great feasts of my Immaculate Conception and my feast of all of the Americas in Guadeloupe. You have passed through Mexico City where the miracle of my image is stored on the tilma. Many of you have had the joy of seeing my sign in the blue butterfly which is a sign of my presence among you. I am your heavenly Mother and I put my mantle of protection around all of you. Bring your petitions to me and I will forward them to my Son, Jesus, who listens closely to my requests. Rejoice in the great joy of our love in our two hearts as we share our union with your love. Come to Betania with love in your hearts for our two hearts, and share that love with the people of Venezuela.”


Saturday, December 8, 2007: (Immaculate Conception)

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, thank you for coming to celebrate My Immaculate Conception at this Mass. When you come to me, I always bring you to my Son, Jesus. Especially you are becoming intimately united with my Son in Holy Communion. At times you are looking for signs of my presence, but today you were greeted at Communion by the sun coming out on a cloudy day. You also were given the inspiration to see me holding the Infant Jesus in the stump of a tree. This is truly symbolic as you have read of the Stump of Jesse as the father of David. Both St. Joseph and myself had a genealogy leading back to David, because Jesus is spoken of as the ‘Son of David’. I love all of my pilgrims to this shrine and I share the graces of Jesus with you for all that you have had to suffer in coming here. I am with you always and protecting you with my mantle of protection. I share the joy of our hearts with your hearts, and our love with your love. Keep close to my Son by praying your rosaries every day, and you will have my Infant Son always with you.”


Sunday, December 9, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, as you come to this grave of My dear one, I am showing you the cross that you all must pick up and carry with Me until your own death. Walking the Stations of the Cross represents how you must carry your cross through your own stations or trials on earth. As you approach your own death, you will be coming to the 14th station of your own life in your burial. You will not experience the 15th station until you are reunited with your body and soul.”

Maria said: “My dear pilgrims, I am praying over all of the pilgrims for help in your life, and I am interceding with Jesus in carrying all of your petitions and prayers to Jesus. I love you all, and I hope that you can return to the Betania Shrine for as long as you are able.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision shows you how I am the center of your life, and everything that you do should revolve around Me. The events of one’s life circling around Me, represents the vision of your life that you will witness at the time of the Warning. From your birth and even from conception, until your present moment, you will see all of the good and bad things that you did in your life in a life review. You will come face to face with your Lord in an out of body experience. You will be shown where you would be judged at that time either to heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will be placed back into your body and given a second chance to improve your spiritual life. So as the readings proclaim today, repent and change your lives before I return so you will find your reward in heaven. Reach out and be ready to help guide as many souls as possible to heaven so they are not lost to the evil one in hell.”


Monday, December 10, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, during Advent you are seeing the darkness of sin all over the world before I came to release everyone of their sin. The Light of the Star of Bethlehem is the Light that disperses the darkness. It is My death on the cross that will release you of your bonds of sin and set you free in the Light of grace, peace, and salvation of your souls. It is only when you take a step forward to open the door to your hearts in faith that I can come into your hearts, even as you would be the innkeeper to let the Holy Family into your inn. This is the same faith that the paralyzed man had that I could heal him, as well as those that carried him in. Have faith that I can continue to heal you in love for both your body and your soul. See the love that I have for all of you in dying to save your souls from hell. Come follow Me out of love and faith in My words and My promises.”


Tuesday, December 11, 2007: (Vigil of Guadeloupe)

Mary said: “My dear children, I am the Mother of all of the Americas under the title of: ‘Our Lady of Guadeloupe’. I am coming in a heavenly appearance as your heavenly Mother clothed in the sun with the moon under my feet. This gate is the way that I lead my people to the love, graces, and blessings of my Son, Jesus. This stage represents the stage of life where your actions are performed, and they are the actions on which you will be judged. Just as I gave my ‘yes’ at the Annunciation, you too are called to give your ‘yes’ to all that Jesus calls you to do. I said: (Luke 1:26-38) ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.’ All of my children should be willing to give everything over to my Son, Jesus. Only by saying ‘yes’ to my Son can He come into your hearts and mold you into the Christian that you are meant to be. As you prepare for Christmas, bring the gift of your life back to my Son at His crib as your offering.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who get married, are asked to take vows of serving each other and wear rings to symbolize their love and total commitment. I am also joined in their lives through the sacrament of Matrimony. These partners of man and woman are only allowed to have relations if they are married. All other relations outside of marriage are acts of fornication and should be avoided. This ring on the door represents another marriage between Me and every soul who wants to make a total commitment to follow Me and do My Will. I do not want you to have any other gods before Me, because I am the only One worthy of your praise and worship. The commitment to Me may require you to suffer and help others, even when it demands that you go out of your comfort zone, or change your life. For all souls that are faithful to My wedding ring of commitment, I will open the gates of heaven and I will invite you to a place that I have prepared for you at My Wedding Banquet. The lesson is: Be faithful to Me and you will have your reward in heaven.”


Wednesday, December 12, 2007: (Feast of Our Lady of Guadeloupe)

Mary said: “My dear children, I am happy to see all of my children of Betania and my pilgrims rejoicing at Mass on my feast day of Guadeloupe. Your singing and your prayers are very effective in sharing your love with all of heaven. All the saints in heaven and Maria are encouraging you in all of your efforts to save souls. This darkness in the sky in the vision represents the sins of mankind and your weak faith in the Word of my Son, Jesus. The worst of these sins are your abortions of the unborn. I am the patron of the unborn as I appeared to Juan Diego as a mother pregnant with my Son and your Savior. This miracle of the roses and my Guadeloupe image on the tilma is a message of hope for my children to stop your abortions and hold life up as a precious gift, too valuable to kill. Many of your life’s problems are brought on yourselves by supporting the death culture of abortions, euthanasia, wars, and senseless killings. Continue to stand up to your society and fight to save the lives of the unborn. Continue to send letters against this death culture to your government representatives, protest abortions at the clinics, counsel the women contemplating abortion, and pray for these mothers and doctors to stop taking away this innocent life. If you refuse to fight abortion in some way, then you are committing one of the greatest sins of omission that there is. I love all of my children, and especially the innocent unborn little ones. My Son also loves the children, so do not kill his little ones.”


Thursday, December 13, 2007: (St. Lucy)

Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast day of St. Lucy who is the patron of those with eye problems. In the vision of all of these eyes it is the eyes that are the windows to the soul. I have also spoken to you of having the eyes of faith to recognize the events going on around you, which are the signs of the end times. The first eye is the all knowing eye of God where We watch over all of our children. Another is the eyes of Maria Esperanza which you remember as always having the joy of her God and My Blessed Mother present. You also see Maria’s joy filled eyes in the eyes of her children. On your pilgrimage you are all looking into each other’s eyes and you are sharing and comforting each other in all of your pains and trials. With My grace and My Blessed Mother’s encouragement, you are all given hope and support to help you through this life on your road to heaven. I also want you to remember the poor souls in purgatory in your prayers so you can comfort them in shortening their suffering time.”


Friday, December 14, 2007: (St. John of the Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, on this feast day of St. John of the cross I am reminding you again of My crucifix, and how you need to carry your own cross along life’s path. In every way that you follow Me, you need to offer up your suffering and share it with My suffering on the cross. In everything that you do, you need to do it for Me out of love and according to My Will. Before you start any project, ask Me to help you in your efforts. Once you make a plan, then ask Me if it is right for you. Pray also to the Holy Spirit for discernment to affirm that what you are doing is in conformity with My Church and the Scriptures. By your good deeds you will see the fruit of following My ways instead of the ways of the world. Also, be prepared to change your plan if I disapprove of what you are about to do on your own. Every time that you do something on your own and it fails, you will see why it is better to follow My lead than going ahead of Me. Learn from the life of St. John of the cross how best to lead your lives in full trust of what I think is best for your soul.”


Saturday, December 15, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this is joy Sunday on the Third Sunday of Advent. It is why you are seeing these joyful celebrations in the vision. There is joy all over the world as the earth prepares to celebrate My coming as your Redeemer at Christmas. Today you start to see more readings about St. John the Baptist as he prepares the way for My coming. He prepared the people as a voice in the desert who preached repentance and a change of life for the better. Even as you prepare to celebrate My coming at Christmas, you also need to listen to My prophets of today who are also preaching repentance in preparation for when I come again. The circular signs in the vision are pointing toward the Warning and how to prepare for the coming tribulation. After I vanquish the evil ones, you will see My Era of Peace. So rejoice in My coming at Christmas and at My Era of Peace.”


Monday, December 17, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, these different intensities of Light, as chandeliers in the vision, represent various souls rising to heaven. The intensities of Light are appropriate for the souls going to the different levels in heaven. The brighter and larger lights were going to the higher levels of heaven. More souls go to heaven on the feast days of My Blessed Mother, and the most souls go to heaven on Christmas Day. Continue to pray for the souls in purgatory so they can be released sooner, and they can pray for you in return. My love reaches out to every soul, but My justice demands reparation for your sins.”

Ed said: “I want to thank John and Carol for your wonderful friendship at this same Adoration Chapel, and it is fitting to be here on my funeral day. I love my wife, family, and all my friends who came to my funeral. I was very touched by their friendship also. Please pray for me because I only need a few Masses to be in heaven as one of these bright souls that you saw earlier.”


Tuesday, December 18, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, My dear St. Joseph was tested with My Blessed Mother’s pregnancy by the power of the Holy Spirit. He was in a quandary as to whether or not to divorce his wife because of the Jewish laws of the time. But he did not want to put My Blessed Mother at risk to stoning, so he intended to divorce her quietly. Once an angel warned him that this child, being Me, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, St. Joseph did take Mary to be his wife into his home. The vision shows a picture of his woodwork as a carpenter. My Blessed Mother took a step in faith to accept the consequences of having Me conceived at the word of St. Gabriel. This was the risk that she took to have a child out of wedlock, but St. Joseph protected her from any shame or the law. St. Joseph was always taken back that he was not My true father, but he brought Me up as his true son in teaching Me carpentry. Many times there are trials with children conceived out of wedlock, but not as My Blessed Mother had conceived. Pray for these couples for their sins to be forgiven, and where possible that they could be married.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is still a communist curtain around communist China, and there is still slave labor being used to manufacture their exports at a cheap price. The flood of water represents a flood of exports leaving China and a flood of imports coming into America. Many of your American corporate leaders have little sympathy for the human abuses of the poor to reduce them to slaves. All they want is cheap labor so they can lower their costs and make more money, even at the expense of lost American jobs to overseas countries. These same employers are lowering American wages, benefits, and eliminating pensions. In lowering salaries these greedy employers are lowering the average standard of living of all of their workers. These same employers desire more work from their employees for less pay. Because of this unjust exploitation of workers, these employers will have to suffer dearly for their greed for more money. China is benefitting from their surplus trade, and your technical know-how to build their war machine. America is becoming too dependent on foreign goods and foreign oil because of your greedy corporations, and this could be the beginning of your downfall. Trust in Me to lead you on the right path in your spiritual life so you can be less drawn to the things of this world. Focus on Me and have no other gods before Me.”


Wednesday, December 19, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this message today is all about new birth in both the readings and the birth of the new Era of Peace. The first reading spoke of an unusual birth of Samson, and the second reading of a miraculous birth of St. John the Baptist when his parents were beyond normal child bearing age. This is a foreshadowing of My own birth which was another miraculous birth from a virgin by the power of the Holy Spirit. My birth was a fulfillment of the Scriptures from Ahaz that a virgin would give birth to a son who would be called Emmanuel. (Isaiah 7:10-14) You are all preparing even now for the feast of My birth on Christmas. This is a joyous time of My peace, even among your premeditated wars of the rich. The evil ones will have a short reign of evil, but I will come and destroy them all and cast them into hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring about My true peace in the Era of Peace. It will be at that time that I will bring down the New Jerusalem on earth. This vision of a beautiful glowing city shows the Light of the city in all of its glory, even during the night time. Rejoice at this feast of Christmas and My New Jerusalem that will usher in My Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, December 19, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you can see how beautiful your planet appears in shades of blue color. It is sad that mankind is slowly upsetting the delicate balance of nature with your water and air pollution. Global warming is just one facet of nature, but mankind is also destroying the marine life balance as well. Coral reefs are being destroyed and the fishing banks are being over fished so they are hard to replenish. If man does not stop destroying his environment by clearing rainforests and burning too many fossil fuels, then I will have to intervene to restore the necessary balance of nature to its former purity. Man has been delving into cloning and DNA manipulation where he should not be changing nature that was already perfect. Pray that mankind will make more sincere efforts to repair the damage that he has done, so he can hand over a better world to the next generation.”


Thursday, December 20, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, I had prepared My Blessed Mother for many years to be without sin at conception, and she abided by My Will to continue her purity to and beyond the time of My birth. In this way My Body was always in a pure and sinless environment until My birth. My Blessed Mother was the first tabernacle for her Lord, even as you are tabernacles briefly after you receive Me in Holy Communion. There are many things that you do around Christmas in preparing gifts, decorations, and meals for this holiday season. But beside all of these distractions, you should be most focused on My coming into the world as a means for your spiritual salvation. My becoming a man as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, shows you how much I love all of you to lower Myself to your level, and later die for all of your sins. This is a blessing beyond all proportions that your little minds can hardly understand. Give praise and thanks to your Lord as you commemorate My Incarnation as a man at Christmas.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this truly is a Marian Shrine in Betania and My Blessed Mother and Maria Esperanza still visit this shrine, and are giving messages to two of the daughters. Many are curious of the messages received there, but they are private for the family in directing their operations of the shrine grounds and the new retreat houses for the pilgrims. Pray for them to be able to carry out the work that heaven is directing them to do.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all want to honor Me with your gifts at My crib, and the flowers around My altar. Just as the shepherds came with their sheep, and the Magi with their gifts, so you feel drawn to My love on Christmas, and to share My peace with everyone. Christmas time is to be shared with your family and those that you meet on the streets. Love needs to be shared with others and it cannot be put under a bushel basket, just as you share light in a house.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some areas of your country there are plenty of lakes for drinking water, but other areas are experiencing droughts and fires. Your weather conditions are showing higher than normal snowfalls in the North and less rain in other areas. Still the ice storms and violent winds have been unusual for this time of year. Pray that you will find protection for storms and enough food for any power outages.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are already seeing Christians being persecuted for their faith in Moslem and communist countries. Be alert because you will see more of the same in America and elsewhere as evil will be spread all over the world during the tribulation. Pray for My help to stand up to these evil ones so you may keep your faith strong, even when your life is threatened.”

Jesus said: “My people, on every great feast day heaven exults in prayer and singing to add to the celebrations on earth. Remember that heaven is watching all of your actions and your feast celebrations as well. Take time to meditate on your Advent Readings as they have a deeper meaning for your preparations for when I will return in glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, even as you make preparations for Christmas in your decorations and gifts, others are preparing refuges for the time of the tribulation. See how rapidly these old resort dwellings were renovated for the coming trials of evil. In the Exodus there was a sense of haste to leave Egypt for the Promised Land. Now in your modern Exodus there is another sense of haste to have your refuges prepared in time for the coming reign of evil. My angels will protect you at My refuges, and they will provide for all of your needs. So have no fear of this time.”

Jesus said: “My people, take a lesson from My Blessed Mother when she freely went over hard terrain to help her kinswoman, St. Elizabeth, even when she herself was pregnant. At every opportunity reach out to help your neighbor in need with joy, and do not complain of any inconvenience to your time. Christmas is a time of joy and peace, and you should be willing to share what you have with others both in time and money.”


Friday, December 21, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of being turned upside down is exactly what is going to be happening to your world as you know it. There will be more unusual and record breaking natural disasters that will include earthquakes, storms, volcanoes, and tsunamis. In addition to these natural order events there will also be major upheavals in the governments of your nations all over the world. Microchips will be more widely implemented in an attempt to control people’s minds. When these events will cause martial law, you will need to be ready to go to My refuges of protection. As these events get closer, I will be giving you more specific information about your preparations. Let this be a warning to you that the serious events are about to occur with a faster frequency. Have no fear of these events because I will give you the strength and protection to endure them.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before to have some alternate sources of heating your houses ready in case of power outages in the winter. This could involve wood fires, kerosene burners, or propane burners for cooking and heating. The vision of a wood fire also came with a concern for where to store all of the ashes from your wood burning. In other words it would be wise to be prepared for enough fuel in case your power outages could go into months before electricity could be restored. You also should have oil in your lamps for light, or mechanically powered flashlights. Batteries will only last a short time, so reusable devices will be more useful. Your natural gas burners usually require electricity to operate, so getting heat from a line without using electricity may be another option if gas is still available. You have seen how vulnerable you are in winter with your ice storms. So be prepared for these events happening again because the one world people know how to cause these storms, and can turn off your power to control you. With My grace and blessings I could even multiply your fuel in a long power outage. Trust in My help, but make sure your alternative heating means are in working order.”


Saturday, December 22, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, it is a good gesture to buy gifts for your family and friends, but it is over done when you spend more than your family budget can afford. Many go into debt to pay for their Christmas spending spree. Your focus should be on giving Me praise and glory, and wishing people a ‘Merry Christmas’ instead of happy holidays. It is sad when your shopkeepers are instructed not to mention ‘Christmas’, and they make their biggest profits on this day. Do not praise the gods of the mall and the things of the world. Only I am worthy of your praise and Adoration. These gifts will soon be forgotten, but I will always be present before you as your loving God. Love for Me should come before all the glitter of this temporary world.”


Sunday, December 23, 2007:

Jesus said: “My people, the account of My birth in Bethlehem talks about a stable scene when we were refused places at the inn. Those, who have traveled to Bethlehem, know that this place for the animals was really located in a cave where there was hay in the creche. This coming to Bethlehem was all started by a decree of Caesar and the Romans which demanded that everyone had to be registered with their original tribe. Bethlehem was the house of David and where St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother had to register. Even now in the coming time of tribulation, My faithful remnant will have to seek out places of refuge of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, places of holy ground, and places of caves for protection from your government authorities. Your government will soon demand that you will need microchips in your driver’s licenses and in your passports. Eventually, if you do not take chips in your bodies, the authorities will try to kill you in detention death camps. This is why you will need to seek My refuges of protection even in caves, as we had to hide from Herod in Egypt.”


Monday, December 24, 2007: (Vigil of Christmas)

Jesus said: “My people, in the readings you are seeing the themes of joy and peace that I would like to see all over the earth. If all of you could live My Christmas message of peace, there would be no wars. Think of your own families and how you could heal any grudges or disagreements, so you all could truly be a loving family. Many of your jealousies or greed for things can get in the way of love for one another. Make an effort this Christmas to heal any anger that could cause ill will or separations. If you can achieve peace and love in your families, then you could more easily achieve peace among your nations. By trying to be peacemakers in your families and between nations, you can truly work toward imitating the harmony that I have created in nature. It is man’s wrong choices that have broken up families and have caused wars among nations. Work to restore love between everyone, and you truly will be working to restore peace all over the world.”


Tuesday, December 25, 2007: (Christmas)

Jesus said: “My people, when I came into the world as a man, I was truly a King of Kings, even as an Infant. Some countries honor Me as El Nino in a novena to Christmas. Some know Me as the Infant of Prague. I truly answer your prayers and petitions either as an adult or as an infant because I am outside of time, but historically you followed My growing up to a man while I was in human form on the earth. Today, you honor and praise Me as an Infant King, even as you are viewing My scepter in the vision. All of the angels sang their Gloria in the Highest to Me as they helped to bring the shepherds to My crib. So I invite all people to know and love Me in the peace of My appearance in the crib on My birthday. You remember how you celebrated the birth of all of your children. Now you can celebrate the commemoration of My birth, even as you share gifts with each other. Most of all share your love with Me and your neighbor.” Jesus said: “My people, you are just finishing Advent and already I am sharing some more refuge messages. The significance of the fast travel to the refuges in the mountains is not about the speed of the vehicle, but it is about how soon you will need to go to My refuges for protection. Events are going to move so fast that they could precipitate martial law in a short time. Be constantly prepared to leave both spiritually with Confession, and physically with plenty of sacramentals to share with those who have none. Have your priest bless your sacramentals and salt so you can have your weapons to fight the demons. You are in a constant battle between good and evil, so do the best that you can to save souls, especially in your own family.”


Wednesday, December 26, 2007: (St. Stephen)

Jesus said: “My people, when you believe in Me and follow My Commandments, you will always be faced with persecution. The world and the body loves comforts and pleasures that can be unlawful. The spirit of the soul searches for the love of its Creator, and to follow My Will. This is why even in each person there is a battle going on between the spirit and the flesh. The devil has prodded people to start wars for profit and for gain in property. Do not be misled, but search for the truth and eternal life instead of following anything of the world which is temporary and passing away. Those, who come to Me in faith, will be set free of their sins when they ask for My forgiveness. Be satisfied with your lot in this life because you are seeking to be with Me in heaven in the next life after death. Spread the peace and joy of My Gospel message of love to all nations, as you strive to save souls from going to hell. Repent now, for now is the acceptable time to be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are masters of deceit and they have created many deliberate atrocities in order to stir up people into fighting a war. They profit from selling arms to both sides and they make money from your taxpayers on the interest from your war debts. These are some of their slogans: Remember the Maine, Remember the Alamo, Remember the Luisitania, Remember Pearl Harbor, and Remember the Twin Towers. All of these wars were planned and contrived by these same evil men. I am warning you about this now, because you are about to see another made up reason for war which could trigger the very martial law that they want to declare for their takeover. When you see such an event, you should be prepared to call on My protection with My angels, and be ready to leave for safety at My refuges.”


Thursday, December 27, 2007: (St. John the Evangelist)

Jesus said: “My people, the vision of hands joined over water represents a faithful person leading a convert to Baptism of their sins after repentance. I gave a command to all of My apostles to go out to all of the nations and share My Good News of salvation by baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 28:19) This also applies to all of My baptized faithful that you also are called to save souls, especially in your own family. You are all here on this earth to know, love and serve Me. It is the devil who does not want to serve Me, and he tries to get you to not serve Me as well. Other people have more specific missions, as yourself. As you were given a message from your namesake, your mission of preparing people for the end times is an enlightenment for My faithful to be forewarned. Everyone has their own mission to accomplish, and with My help and their listening to My Word, everyone will be provided the ability to carry out their mission.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I want to thank your prayer group for keeping your meetings, even among the holidays. There is so much evil going on in the world and it is hard to have time for a vacation from prayer. Prayer for peace is needed even more than before because the evil of the tribulation draws near. Continue to keep your daily prayers coming and ask Me to multiply them to offset all of the sin in the world. As you think of things to improve for the New Year, finding a little more prayer time could help in saving more souls that may be lost otherwise.”

Jesus said: “My people, security and safety from thieves breaking in has become big business, especially in foreign countries or cities that have high crime rates. Such concern about break-ins is why many churches have locked their doors. Only a few churches leave rooms open to visit My tabernacles in off hours. Even as you need to protect My tabernacles from stealing the Hosts, it is still good to be able to encourage extra visits to see Me in My tabernacle. Pray for My help in how to discern proper safety for My Hosts.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad when anyone is killed or injured by dangerous animals in a zoo. This incident was more accidental in nature because a wild animal was loose. In other deaths you are seeing planned killings or killings for money. In these cases there are people who need to be held responsible for the taking of life. I am the giver and taker of life and those, who violate My laws, will have to pay a heavy price. Pray that these people will learn the errors of their ways, and will change how they view the preciousness of life.”

Jesus said: “My son, when I asked you to make a DVD of one of your talks to distribute, this sounded like a relatively easy job in your technical world. Little did you know that the evil one could cause you so much interference in this task. Just as you have seen in the past, whenever you do anything of spiritual importance, you need to pray for success first and a novena to bring this work to a good conclusion. Now that you have the tools to go forward, it is important to both pray and work quickly because time grows short while this work can yield some fruit.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that it is good to belong to prayer groups so you can share your faith with like minded friends. Prayer groups are also helpful to draw on each other for spiritual and physical comfort in your daily problems. They can also be a good help when you may need to hold underground Masses or plans for where to go for refuges in the end times. If you do not have a prayer group, you may want to try and start one among your friends or relatives.”

Jesus said: “My people, sometimes you have to mix your spiritual needs with your physical needs. The importance of prayer in your lives is just one example of how your prayer can be practical in accomplishing your mission. By praying for My help in each of your tasks, your life will go much smoother, even among the difficulties of life. When you trust in Me in your prayer, you have a confidence that your earthly life cannot give you. Your spiritual goals and your physical goals are hard to separate. I have created everything, and all of nature should be in harmony with My Will. I know all of your needs more than you know them, so do not forget to involve Me in everything that you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have already shared your gifts with one another, but now I ask you to think a little beyond exchanging gifts to gifts that are given without any expectation of a pay back in any way. When you give gifts of time and money to the poor, you will store more treasure in heaven because the poor cannot pay you back except to thank you. These kind of gifts have more joy and love associated with them because you may be helping a poor person to survive, or find a means to help themselves. Continue to always be watching for anyone who needs help so you can gain a grace that will be stored in heaven.”


Friday, December 28, 2007: (The Holy Innocents)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast is in memory of all the infants up to two years old that were killed by Herod’s decree in Bethlehem. This was Herod’s attempt to kill Me after the Magi refused to tell him where I was born. Today, there are other innocents being killed in the womb by abortion. In some instances abortions have become the last resort birth control where having children is either an embarrassment or an inconvenience to take care of another child. There are many sins of fornication and adultery going on in America outside of the marriage bed. Living together without marriage is a sinful lifestyle and this flaunts their sin in My face because it is a deliberate sin against My Sixth Commandment. This sexual sin is compounded when any conceived children are aborted. Even among married couples there are sins of using birth control devices which are the precursor for abortions to control family size. The marriage act needs to be always open to birth and the Church only allows Natural Family Planning methods without birth control devices. Some married couples also have abortions thinking they cannot afford another child. All abortions kill innocent life, and they are the same as murder in My eyes. They will require a heavy payment to make reparation for the worst of sins. I still will forgive such a sin, but do not put yourself in these situations that could tempt you to have abortions. Better to have the children and give them up for adoption than have an abortion. Having children should be the product of a loving environment without any intent to kill them out of inconvenience. Life is too precious to kill, so follow My laws to avoid birth control, prostitution, fornication, or adultery that could lead to abortions. When you live a life of love according to My laws of love, then there can be true peace among everyone, especially in this Christmas Season.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not get so comfortable with your home and your belongings that you cannot leave them in a minute’s notice. I am showing you how quickly a chance storm could ruin your home and all that you own. Everything of this world is temporary, and will be gone tomorrow. This is why you should not be so attached to your possessions that you cannot let them go. A time is coming in the tribulation when you will have to leave everything behind and flee to a refuge to save your life and protect your soul. Have no fear of this time because I will be at your side to provide for all of your needs, both spiritual and physical. Do not just accumulate things for your own benefit, but be willing to share all that you have with others. It is your love in charity to help others that will help balance off the punishment due for your sins.”


Saturday, December 29, 2007: (St. Thomas Becket)

Jesus said: “My people, your winter weather will be like this vision. At times it will be cold, icy, and blustery snow, while at other times it will be mild with the snow melting. It would be better if My people were also hot or cold in their faith, and not just lukewarm. (Rev. 3:15,16) ‘I know thy works; thou art neither cold nor hot. I would that thou wert cold or hot. But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to vomit thee out of My mouth.’ If you truly know the faith and are not on fire with My love, how can I know you? Do not just come to church and go through the motions of Mass just to be there. You must have love for Me in your heart, and be willing to live out My ways in your life throughout the whole week and not just for one hour. If you truly love Me, you should say so in your prayers every day. You do not just tell your spouse that you love them only once a week, but you show your affection every day, or your love will soon die. So be on fire all the time in loving Me and your neighbor, and your reward will be great in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there will come a time of tribulation when the evil ones will want to place a microchip in everyone to control your thoughts and give worship to the Antichrist. Refuse to take any chips in your body, even if these evil ones threaten to kill you. I am showing you how to find hiding places either at your home temporarily or at an interim refuge. When you are in trap door locations, pray for My protection that these evil ones will be blinded from detecting you by infra-red, radar, or dogs scenting you. Some of My faithful will be martyred, but they will go straight to heaven as saints with little pain. The rest will be protected by My angels on your way to My refuges. Take care that you have some good hiding places wherever you are staying. I will provide for your needs, so have no fear of these evil ones.”


Sunday, December 30, 2007: (Holy Family Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, the family is the core of your social units, but it is being attacked on all sides from the evil one and your cultural traditions. Unfortunately, worldly things and secular events are overshadowing your spiritual traditions, and Christmas is just one example. Your husbands and wives have become lax in their prayers as a family, and when both work, it puts a strain on love relationships and taking care of the children. Many of your individual desires are placed over the good of the family, and this is why you are seeing so many divorces. Love can grow cold unless there is an underlying faith commitment and a desire for what is best for the family to survive. There are many pressures from the workplace, paying bills, and keeping up with all of your activities outside of the house. When you pray with Me as a part of your family, you will have the graces to overcome difficulties as job losses, illnesses, or deaths in the family. Pray for your families, because every divorce divides My human family, and you need love to keep your peace.”


Monday, December 31, 2007: (New Year’s Eve Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, receive My Blessed Mother and I into your hearts as we share our love and joy with all of you. I am calling all of My children to be loving in every situation that you find yourself. At times you try to be generous with your gifts to people, but you may have your own strings attached to them. If someone does not share your enthusiasm with your gift, and they wish to change it or reject it, do not be offended by their attitude without much gratitude for your efforts. Be loving of the receiver of your gift and try to accommodate their wishes. At other times you may see people presume upon your generosity without asking you first. You may also give gifts to the poor and at times they do not acknowledge your sacrifice and they may not thank you. Even if people do not acknowledge your good intentions, I see all of the intentions in your heart and I thank you on their behalf. Even if someone takes advantage of your kindness, be always loving in these trying situations. You give from a generous heart, so do not let your damaged pride interfere with your loving heart for everyone. Love one another and your Lord, even as you wish others to love you.”


Sexta-feira, 28 de Março de 2025

Mulher Vestida de Sol