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John Leary - Ano 2008 (Inglês)



Ano 2008


Tuesday, January 1, 2008: (Solemnity of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, these open gates to the Light of heaven is a remembrance that this is one of My reasons for becoming a man. I brought salvation to mankind to save him from his sins, but I also opened the gates to heaven that had been closed since Adam’s sin. This is a blessing that now worthy souls could celebrate being with their loving God in all of My splendor. The clouds in the vision, that covered up the Light of heaven from time to time, represent the sins of man that continue to occur when man turns his back on Me in worshiping earthly gods and possessions. Being with Me in heaven should be every soul’s goal, but at times you allow the distractions of the world to take your focus off of the One you should love more. I allow you to renew the graces in your soul through Confession. Then My Light and warmth of My love can light your path to follow Me in stronger faith. Be grateful and thank Me for saving you from your sins by My death on the cross, as well as opening the gates of heaven for you to enter and share in the love of My Wedding Banquet.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a man being drawn into a black hole represents the power of evil on man at the time of the tribulation. I have told you that then you will see an evil that you have yet to see, and all the demons in hell will be unleashed on the earth. During this time you will need Me and My angels to protect you from the evil ones, and you will find more protection at My refuges. My refuges will be your best safe haven where My angels will do battle for you against the demons. This is all the more reason to have your souls purified, and your bodies protected with blessed sacramentals as rosaries, scapulars, Benedictine blessed crucifixes, blessed salt, holy water, and medals and prayers of exorcism. My Warning will come first to wake people up to the kind of evil that they will be facing. You will be warned not to take any chips in your body or any mark of the beast. Also do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes that could control you. Keep prepared for this evil battle, but know that My power will win out in the end as Satan will be crushed in defeat. Trust in Me and love Me, and you will have no fears and no worries.”


Wednesday, January 2, 2008: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are seeing these monks living a monastic life of silence that is not attached to any of the distractions of the world. These distractions interfere with your prayer life, and you have rightly prayed in the past to pray to have any demons of distractions to leave you. This silence of the monastic life is a good example to all of you to try and allocate some time for silent meditation and even contemplative prayer. I have asked you to spend five to ten minutes in silence at your Adoration time, but more time would be better during the day. During this silence, practice focusing on the love of your Lord for you, and show your love and thanks to Me. Use this time to remind yourself that every day should be consecrated to Me in all of your actions. Ask Me to help you in all of your projects. You will see that these moments of silence will give you a chance to recollect where you are in your spiritual life, so you can improve on your path to sainthood. Also, help focus your love on your neighbor in how best to help them physically and in their spiritual lives. You will see that these silent moments will be your little refuge or oasis for Me away from the world’s concerns.”


Wednesday, January 2, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, the vision of the eagle on this pile of gold objects represents the United States. The gold objects had a hold on the eagle and this has two meanings. The first meaning is that Americans have pride in their possessions and wealth, which gives them a false sense of security because this can be taken away quickly. The second meaning is that the rich, or the one world people have a hold on your money, your government, and your means of buying and selling. These one world people are soon going to control your buying and selling with the chips in your smart cards that will become the mark of the beast. These evil ones want to make you their slaves, and even control your minds with chips in the body. You need to free yourself from all of the attachments to wealth and possessions. You also need to avoid using microchips as much as you can, especially do not take any chips in the body, and avoid using any smart card devices. Eventually, it will be necessary to seek out My refuges so you can be protected by My angels from all of these evil ones who will try to kill you for your faith. Trust in My power before I will vanquish all of those seeking their gold to be rich in the flesh, instead of being rich in the spirit.”


Thursday, January 3, 2008: (Most Holy Name of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, this key in the vision represents how using My Name will unlock many graces for you. Today’s feast honors My very Name that was given to My Blessed Mother at the Annunciation when the Archangel St. Gabriel gave these words: (Luke 1:31) ‘Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus.’ According to your Catholic Encyclopedia My Name means ‘Jehovah is salvation’. Even My Name speaks of My mission that I came to die for all of mankind to save you from your sins. There is power in a person’s name which is why when you pray to a saint for intercessory prayer, you call them by their very name. I have also mentioned that when you are praying for souls or for healings, it is always better to mention the specific name of the person as the intention. Your given name stays with you for all eternity. It is part of your identity even as a spirit. My Name, being the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, is even more powerful as God. You can call on My Name to ward off attacks of the demons. You can also call on My Name for healing, much like St. Peter did in healing the lame beggar. (Acts 3:6) ‘In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, arise and walk.’ Every time that you call upon My Name, I will be right beside you to listen to your prayer or your petition. So rejoice in the Name, ‘Jesus’, for I truly love you to use My Name in praise and Adoration, but do not use My Name in vain swearing. Pray for those who abuse My Name as well.” Prayer Group: God the Father said: “I AM comes to your Eternal Father prayer group to bless you with My graces for the coming year. You are about to see some strong change in worldly events when you will need this blessing to keep you protected from the evil ones. Today’s reading of St. John the Baptist baptizing My Son is appropriate because I and the Holy Spirit came down upon Jesus as He was baptized. This feast day of My Son, Jesus’ Name, is also special to remember how I sent My Son to die for your sins, and offer a worthy sacrifice to atone for all the sins of mankind.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Name, Jesus, was given to Me as I was circumcised on the eighth day after My birth. This vision of the Temple Wall is the very place years ago where I was presented by My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph. This was the same time that Simeon and Anna came forward to honor My mission as they gave glory to God. Rejoice in receiving My Infancy into your hearts as you have just celebrated My birth and circumcision.” Jesus said: “My people, I prophesied to the Pharisees and Sadducees that they could destroy this temple of My Body, and I will raise it up again in three days. At that time I also prophesied how Jerusalem and their beautiful Temple would be destroyed. Anything, as these skyscrapers of your age in the vision, can be destroyed that is made by man. But what I make and establish as My Church will not be destroyed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are a land of the free and the brave today, but it is a long time yet until your president is elected. A lot of turmoil will occur before this event that could change the landscape of your country’s government as you know it today. The one world people have their own agenda which is different from the desires of your people. They have controlled every president and candidates for president so they are always in control of your purse strings. Do not be surprised at the coming events because the evil ones will have their reign for a short time, but I will be the victor in the end.”

Jesus said: “My people, the faith in certain areas is waning as you are seeing in the vision that more churches will be closed. You are seeing a decline in priests, a decline in church attendance, and selling of churches because of the suits against your homosexual priests. As the evil time begins, your churches will be closed because they do not go along with the new world order. Your church congregations will need to go underground to worship Me in Masses and prayers. Be prepared for this coming time of persecution of My Church. I will always be with you, even if you do not have any priests. My angels will bring My consecrated Hosts to you when you cannot have a Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are warm and comfortable in your heated homes of today, but you need to be prepared to pack your sacramentals and your backpacks for when you will have to go to My refuges for your protection. Leaving all of your possessions behind may seem like a difficult thing to do under today’s situation with no physical threats. But when your life and soul are in jeopardy from the evil ones, you will gladly leave to be in My safe havens.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are always anxious to ask for more messages about the coming year, but I will only give you the sign of Jonah which is a message of repentance or face My justice. This will be like a year which is like no other. The events of this year will be dramatic and you need to be more spiritually prepared than you are today. I will give you more details of the coming events as time draws near to them. I can only repeat My requests for your prayers which are needed now more than ever before. Evil is being granted its brief reign, so you will see this evil growing worse before I will come in victory. I will not leave you orphans, but you must be strong in your faith at this time.”


Friday, January 4, 2008: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)

Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you that in the end days there will be many false christs and deceivers trying to mislead My faithful, even in your churches. Beware of those who teach false doctrine or New Age principles that only talk about man with no mention of God. There will also be increasing persecutions from outside of My Church that will be threatening your freedom of religion. Many of your rights, that you have grown up with, are going to be challenged as the one world people try to implement their new world order. I have told you that you will need to be strong in your faith, but you also will need to be discerning that false teachings do not slip into your churches. If someone teaches falsely, then challenge their interpretation. Otherwise, if it persists, then leave that church. Know that eventually, you will need to have your meetings in your homes, and then it will be time to leave for My refuges. This division in My Church will be one of your signs to leave for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, this focus on My crucifix in the vision means that you will be needing more prayer protection when you travel and give your talks. You have seen several car accidents of your own and in your family that occurred from errant drivers. This means continue to sprinkle holy water or blessed salt in your vehicle, and pray your prayers of exorcism and your rosaries for a safe trip. Even have people pray for successful trips. Pray for the people who are having you speak and to direct the right people to your talks. This may appear as over cautious, but the spiritual attacks on you will be getting worse as the time of tribulation worsens. The more spiritual protection that you can pray for, the more angels that will be there to protect you. Your ultimate mission is to save souls and help the people to prepare for this evil age. Pray also a prayer of thanksgiving after you arrive home safely.”


Saturday, January 5, 2008: (St. John Neumann)

Jesus said: “My people, the day that you let Me into your house and your hearts is the day that My blessings will be upon all the members of your household. I have mentioned before that one faithful soul can be the prayer warrior for their family and extended family. Opening the door for Me is not just in words, but it means that you will make room for Me in your life and your actions. It means that you will make time for Me in prayer and good deeds for your neighbors. It means that you are willing to give up any attachments to possessions or money, and let Me lead you on the path to heaven. When you allow Me to lead you, I will be able to mold you and help you accomplish your mission on earth. If you close the door to My grace, it is hard for Me to help you. Even when you are in mortal sin, it is hard for your guardian angel to help you as well. So open your heart to My love, and be willing to consecrate everything over to Me. By loving Me with all of your heart, mind, and soul, and confessing your sins, you can be assured of receiving eternal life in heaven.”


Sunday, January 6, 2008: (Epiphany)

Jesus said: “My people, many of the Jews had different expectations for how the Messiah would appear. Some could not accept that I would have such humble beginnings as being born in a stable. But still the shepherds and the kings of the Orient were led by the miracle Star to where I was born. You adore Me as the Infant King, and the kings from the Orient brought Me kingly gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The kings were warned not to tell King Herod where I was because they knew that the king would try to kill Me. Give praise and glory to your King, and I will share My kingly spiritual gifts with all of you. I share My very Self with you in Holy Communion. The readings also focus on the Light from My Star which will light a path for each of you through the darkness of this life to heaven. Just as the Magi followed My Star, I want you all to follow Me as a Light to protect you from the darkness of your sins. I love all of you so much, even as you love your Infant King. Rejoice in My love, and share My gifts of love and faith with everyone that comes into your life. Bring your gift to My altar after you have cleansed your souls and have made amends with your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, many have wondered where they would be called to go for a refuge. I have told you before that you will be led by your guardian angel to a place of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, a place of holy ground, or even a cave in hilly areas. The vision is a hilly area where you could find caves that could even be carved out by My angels. I have asked you to take some warm clothes and a sleeping blanket because it is cool in a cave, but it is not freezing. The little food, that you bring, I will multiply. Water, manna, and meat will be provided, so have no worries about how you will survive. My angels will protect you from the evil ones and there will be springs of healing water to heal any diseases of the evil ones. Elijah hid in Mt. Carmel for protection from being killed, much like My faithful will need this same protection. Give praise and thanks to your God for having mercy on you in giving you My angelic protection.”


Monday, January 7, 2008: (St. Raymond)

Jesus said: “My people, you have been celebrating Christmas and My Epiphany, and you know that I came on the earth to die for your sins and provide for your salvation. Since I have made the sacrifice of My life for your sins, it is only through Me that you can come to eternal life in heaven. If you are to enter heaven, then you must be purified of your sins in Confession, and by My power I will help you to become saints. Most of My faithful will need to be further purified in purgatory until their thoughts of worldly things are cleansed and they are worthy saints to enter heaven. Only the pure of heart and soul can enter heaven, but I will show you this path if you follow My ways instead of the world’s ways. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers and your daily consecration so you can remain fully committed to your Lord in perfect faith. Following My Will in the Divine Will is how I want you to live the best that you can. I have provided the sacrament of Reconciliation so when you would fall into sin, then you could be forgiven and restored to My heavenly graces. Love Me and your neighbor, and you will have eternal life.”

Jesus said: “My people, the faithful, who have a deep love for this church, need to be united in a spiritual commitment to not only build up My Church among My people, but also to build up this physical church in its needed repairs. Many people are stressed with their own physical needs, but they need to see a spiritual need in preserving this church. If you are able to afford more worldly things, then you can afford to make a substantial contribution to this need. A spiritual organization needs to be formed that can reach out to a wider area for donations. This group can plan a stepwise repair of the most needed repairs at first with an extended plan for what else is needed along the way. Ask for My grace and that of My Blessed Mother to touch the hearts of those who are needed to make the necessary donations. Trust and believe in our help and we will see to the completion of this work.”


Tuesday, January 8, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, just as you have seen the multiplication of the loaves and the fish, so there is a connection to the Mass where each time I provide a new miracle of multiplying My Real Presence to all who partake of My Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine. Rejoice, My people, as I multiply My graces and blessings among you, as well as My physical gifts even in more abundance than you need. You saw how they collected twelve baskets of fragments after I had multiplied the five barley loaves and two fish for the five thousand. In the same way that I provided an abundance of food for these people, I provide an abundance of My gifts for everyone who asks Me. In the same way that I am generous with all of My gifts for you, so I want My faithful to be generous with everyone that you meet. Be generous with your graces and blessings with your neighbor, and also be generous with your time, your money, and your possessions. You are only a steward of what I have given you, so be willing to share everything without being stingy with your possessions and graces. I love you so much and you should love Me and your neighbor. Giving of gifts is an expression of that love.” Later, at the Assumption Church Chapel, Windsor, Ontario, Canada during Adoration I could see the white house of Bellvue and then a large gold house as well.

Jesus said: “My people, this is a word of confirmation of a chapel in the basement of this white house where Mass could be held in secret. Not only would this be a place for wayward priests, but it would be a place for My faithful and traditional priests as well. The tribulation time is almost upon you, and you will need to have underground Masses hidden from any evil authorities. This will be a refuge and My Blessed Mother and I will touch the current owner to allow the use of this home for those who need it. My angels will protect all of those who come here, and they will provide the food, water, and meat for your needs. If there is not enough time to prepare the restoration, then My angels will also restore it to its former beauty. Rejoice that I am providing for many refuges for My people, and I will be performing miracles beyond your understanding. Pray and trust in Me, and I will bring you from your refuges into My Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, January 9, 2008:

At Holy Name after Communion I could see the scene of Jesus walking on the water and then the windy sea subsided.

Jesus said: “My people, in this Gospel reading from Mark (Mark 6:45- 52) the disciples were astonished to see Me walking on the water. When I got into the boat, the wind ceased and again they were amazed that I could control the wind and the sea. I had told My apostles that I was God’s Son, and they had seen other miracles that I performed. Yet they did not have the Holy Spirit in them until later, and at this time they did not comprehend that I could perform miracles because I was God’s Son. Even today I am performing miracles of healing for those who have faith that I can heal them. There are still many without faith in Me that cannot believe in miracles, but still they happen. In the coming days of the tribulation believe in Me that I will perform many miracles to protect My faithful from the evil ones, and I will provide for all of your needs. Like the apostles that were fearful that I was a ghost on the water, some people of today are fearful of the evil ones who are trying to kill them. Some truly will die as martyrs, but they will be instant saints in heaven. My faithful should have no fear of these evil ones because My power is greater than theirs, and My angels will protect you by making you invisible. I will multiply your food, fuel, and graces in giving you My Hosts. When you see My miracles as they will be happening, understand My power as God, and be not unbelieving, but believe in the glory of My power by giving praise and thanks to your God.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to have a large crucifix on your altars to show the people how much I suffered for you on My cross. I not only took on your human limitations in My Incarnation, but I suffered death on the cross as a worthy sacrifice for all the sins of everyone that was created and will be created. This understanding of My suffering is not conveyed by a plain cross without a corpus, or a Resurrected body on the cross. This is why My crucifix is most desirable. The love I have for all of you is expressed in My giving up My life for your sins. In order to gain heaven, you need to follow My narrow road of suffering and sharing, and not the broad road of comforts and selfishness. The soul, which desires to be with Me in heaven, is willing to suffer and be purified. The body desires comforts and avoids pain and sharing. Yet in order to be a saint, you will need to cleanse your souls of any desires of the world and its love of comforts and satisfying your senses. Come to Me in love of Me and love of your neighbor, and all of your desires to follow Me will be fulfilled. Working in this life to please Me and save souls should be your primary goals. I desire all of you to love one another, and love for Me should come first. Focus on Me, and your reward in heaven will be great.” Meditation in silence: ‘Jesus limited Himself in His human body for us. Jesus now limits Himself in the Hosts all over the world in each tabernacle.’


Thursday, January 10, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel reading includes a quotation from Isaiah that described My mission to the people of My time. (Isaiah 61:1,2) ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me; to bring good news to the poor He has sent me, to proclaim to the captives release, and sight to the blind; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of recompense.’ After I sat down I proclaimed: (Luke 4:21) ‘Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.’ Because I came from Nazareth, they could not believe that I could be the Messiah and say these things. So they tried to throw Me over the hill, but I walked through them since it was not My time. A prophet is not accepted in his own town. Even today, you are seeing the end time signs all around you as indeed the prophecies of these times are being fulfilled in your hearing as well. Listen to My true prophets of this time, for My Spirit is guiding them as well to prepare your souls for the evil time of the tribulation. I call on My end time prophets to be true to your missions as I give you the grace to proclaim My Word that now is the acceptable time to repent and be saved.”

Prayer Group: David said: “My dear family, I am happy to see my sister Donna here, as well as my parents. You have introduced me to many women who are desiring to have children, and I am happy to intercede in my prayers for them. Please invite me to intercede for all of your petitions in addition to those who want children. Invite me also to be like another guardian angel who can pray for your safety on your trips to speak God’s Word. I love all of you so very much. All of your family members in heaven are all united in prayer for all of your family members on earth and in purgatory. Let all of your family pray to me for intercession as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you start a New Year, do not be fearful of the evil ones, but know that I will be protecting you on the way to My refuges and at My refuges. You are seeing in the vision how I am preparing many rooms for all of My faithful. I told you that I would multiply the dwellings so that everyone will have their own room. My angels will keep away the evil ones, and I will provide for all of your needs both spiritual and physical.”

Jesus said: “My people, your family was in a little haste for your travel, your meal, and setting things up for your prayer group. Remember that this is a modern day Exodus and in the first Exodus their meal was eaten in haste as well with unleavened bread. They were in haste to avoid the Egyptian soldiers, while you will be in haste to avoid the evil ones who will be trying to put the mark of the beast in your bodies with microchips. I protected the Israelites from harm as I will protect My faithful in the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been making copies of your talks with your new camera. Once you have several talks copied, you will be able to have a choice for your publisher. You should move along quickly with this project with My prayers because this also is needed as soon as possible to distribute the big picture of what your mission is all about. All of My recent messages have focused on a short time span before the events of the tribulation will begin. Be well prepared by frequent Confession and your daily prayers and consecration to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just witnessed hurricane speed winds and several tornadoes in an unusual time of the year. Many power outages and some deaths have resulted, and you are still picking up the debris of tree limbs and house parts. I have told you to expect more winds, disasters, and power outages, and they are coming as I foretold. Be prepared with extra fuel and food that I will multiply if it is needed. By preparing as I have warned you, you will be like the five wise virgins instead of the five foolish virgins who had no oil for their lamps.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you have been traveling around to different churches, you have been encouraged to see that many beautiful traditions are returning to your churches. They add comfort to your feeling that you are in a Real Church with the ‘sacred’ present also in the people’s hearts. Unite with Me in love every time that you come to Mass. My Real Presence is among you every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are looking to make some New Year’s resolutions to better your life. I recommend that you make some new spiritual resolutions to better your spiritual life as well. For those, who want to make more time for Me in your lives, you might consider going to daily Mass and make more frequent visits before Me in My tabernacle or in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I have told you before that those who go to daily Mass and frequent visits to My tabernacle are special to Me because they are going beyond what is expected, or beyond the bare minimum of Sunday Mass. Giving Me more time in your life shows Me how much you love Me and want to follow My Will.”


Friday, January 11, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I share an abundance of My graces and gifts with those who ask Me in faith. In today’s Gospel this man with leprosy had faith that I could heal him, and he asked Me to make him clean, which I did for him. He, who asks, shall receive, and he, who seeks, will find. If you of little faith can give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven grant you more gifts than you need. Trust in My help and seek what you need from Me, and in faith you will receive My gifts as well. Many seek worldly things and worldly comforts, but I answer your requests according to what is best for your soul. It is the spiritual healings that are more important than any healing of the body. The body will pass away, but the soul lives on for all eternity. In the Gospels I healed many people’s sins before I healed their body because this is a whole healing of body and soul. Remember when you are praying for someone’s health that you pray for good spiritual health as well. Give praise and glory to God for all the graces and healings that have been received, because this is how you thank Me for answering your prayer request.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will provide and multiply your means for having meat at My refuges. Eating deer meat may become a staple for your diet just like the quail was for the Israelites. Only those, who keep farm animals, will be able to provide a varied source of meat. Farm animals will require feed, while deer scavenge from their habitat. I will bring the deer to you, but everything will still be in the natural order where you will still need to grow things and carve up the meat. Everyone will use their specific skills at My refuges so all those at the refuges will be able to survive. Water will be a needed staple, but showers, as you know them, may be difficult to come by. Your necessities will be provided for, but My angels will do battle with the demons to protect you. Pray much during this trial which will be less than 3½ years to endure.”


Saturday, January 12, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (John 3:30) there is a quotation about St. John the Baptist decreasing in importance, and an increase in My being known as a teacher and a healer. ‘He must increase, but I must decrease.’ There is a deeper meaning in these words for all of My disciples. When you come to heaven to be with Me for all eternity, your soul will be joined with My Spirit as one. This is the ultimate nature of sainthood that your will is also going to be in complete conformity to My Divine Will as one. Even on earth I have asked you to give up your will to follow My Divine Will. I have given you a model that I am the Bridegroom, and My Church is the bride. Even in marriage the bride and groom shall be as one person in the unity of their love. When you consecrate everything over to Me, you are giving your will over to Me so you can be one with Me. This dying to your own will and to self is the process of your coming closer to Me in sainthood. There is another model for this decrease and increase in the vision. The stalactite is dripping down or decreasing which is your soul, while the stalagmite is building up in importance representing Me being allowed to lead your life. The stalactite and the stalagmite eventually are joined to form one column of flagstone, but this takes a long time, even as becoming a saint is a long process. But in the end you become one in My Spirit and your soul will reach its complete fulfillment to be a part of Me in your Creator.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some composers, musicians, and Hollywood performers who are wrapped up in themselves only, without Me in their lives. Everyone who relies on their own accomplishments and their own thoughts are leading themselves to a dead end as in this vision. Only when you call on Me in My Name and in prayer, will you find your way in the darkness of your sin. I give you direction for your life, so let Me lead you and do not go before Me. The devil wants you to believe that you can do everything on your own without My help. Some famous people believe that they do not need Me in their lives, but they are sadly mistaken. You are all dependent on Me for everything, whether you believe Me or not. I know your needs more than you know them yourself, so call on Me in helping to provide for your daily bread, just as you pray to Me in the Our Father. Those, who are with Me and follow Me, have My grace for eternal salvation and have peace in their souls. Those, who think that they do not need Me, will be constantly searching for spiritual peace, but they will not find it in themselves or in the world. Rejoice because you have trust and faith in Me because you will have true happiness in heaven. Atheists and agnostics, who refuse Me, may find themselves languishing in hell for not accepting Me into their lives.”


Sunday, January 13, 2008: (Baptism of the Lord)

Jesus said: “My people, in addition to My baptism by St. John the Baptist, today’s Gospel is also a manifestation of the Blessed Trinity. You have the voice of God the Father in saying: (Matt. 3:17) ‘This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’ You have Me as God the Son incarnated as a man, and God the Holy Spirit descended upon Me in the form of a dove. This is also why you pray the Sign of the Cross over everyone that is baptized, along with the sprinkling of water over their heads. This ending of the Christmas Season now begins the Gospels of My adult mission on earth. Remember all of the Persons of the Blessed Trinity when you make the Sign of the Cross, and pray the Glory Be to God. My Father in heaven blessed all of you when you were created and baptized into the faith. You were blessed by the Holy Spirit in your Confirmation. Also, you are blessed by Me every time that you have your sins forgiven in Confession, and when you receive My Body and Blood in Holy Communion. All of these sacramental blessings and graces are important for your spiritual growth and your salvation. So give thanks and praise to all of the Persons of the Blessed Trinity that watch over you every day.”


Monday, January 14, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that I would provide for all of your food needs at My refuges. You will have water from miracle springs and it will be multiplied for all to drink, cook, wash, and bathe. What little bread you have or wheat that you grow, again will be multiplied. If you do not have a priest for Mass, My angels will provide you Holy Communion. In order to have a balanced diet, meat will be provided from deer that will come to the refuge. Farm animal meat could also be multiplied. I am showing you a greenhouse because with glass or plastic, you could have places to grow vegetables for nutrition. Here it is important to set aside a storehouse of non-hybrid seeds which some call heirloom seeds. This is so you can harvest seeds from some of your crop and then be able to have seeds for the next growing season. Some vegetables can be re-seeded for more than one crop a year if you have protection from frost. As before I can multiply your vegetable crops for everyone at that refuge so all can have enough to eat. Everything will be multiplied, but in faith you need to provide for yourselves in the natural order of life. Having the proper seeds is another part of your preparation for the tribulation time at the refuges. Rejoice in all of these means of preparation for your survival and protection from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you another vision of hell to wake up the people to the dangers of their sinful actions and lifestyles that could lead them to hell. When you see how these souls are suffering and warning others not to come there, you may think differently about the need for Confession and less sin in your lives. In hell there is a constant suffering as a burning sensation for these evil souls, and they have their appearance made ugly and smell a sulfur stench. There souls are condemned to hell by their own choices and My judgment for all eternity, never to see My face again. They live in total hopelessness and are tormented by the hate of the demons. You are seeing various levels of hell, and the lower levels suffer even more torments. Some souls ignore Me passively and are occupied by earthly desires and comforts. These souls are in the upper regions of hell. At the middle levels are those souls who sell their souls to Satan so they can be rich and famous among men. At the lower levels are the clergy, witches, and warlocks who purposely worshiped Satan and worked on bringing souls to hell. These punishments in hell are from My Divine Justice and you do not want Me to tell you that I do not know you. All of those souls, who reject Me, or worship idols and Satan, will find themselves languishing in hell because of their own wrong choices that they never repented for. Many souls are falling into hell in this evil time, so be inspired with My grace to save as many souls as possible from this eternal inferno.”


Tuesday, January 15, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this year you will again see some natural disasters, and the amount of snowfalls will be near record amounts in some areas. This vision of a significant snow blizzard is the kind of weather that will be prevalent this winter. This is another reason that I warned you to be prepared for some power outages by having extra alternate fuels, and some extra food if you cannot get to the stores or they are shut down. These recurrent weather problems may also cause you some problems in getting to your speaking commitments. Pray for safe travel and use your holy water and blessed salt for traveling by car or by airplane. You are also seeing in your media that the one world people are trying to force microchips into your driver’s licenses for tracking purposes. Providing security identification will also cause you problems in your travels, especially on airplanes and at the borders. Many people are starting to see your privacy invaded more and more by government controls and regulations.”

Jesus said: “My people, tonight at this Confirmation there was a countless number of graces and blessings being poured out on all of the candidates for Confirmation. All of these abacuses on the altar represent an endless number of graces that await those who ask for them. I have talked about My abundant graces and blessings, but this vision is to accentuate that they cannot even be numbered. Your God is a gracious and loving God who lavishes My faithful with more graces and blessings than you will ever need. Rejoice with Jocelyn tonight as the Holy Spirit is marking her with oil as a ‘Soldier for Christ.’ Once you are confirmed, you will be given the gifts of the Holy Spirit so you will be emboldened, as the apostles, to spread My Word to all of the nations. All, who are baptized and confirmed, are also called to evangelize souls, even as I called My apostles to be fishers of men. The love of the Blessed Trinity is also being poured out on all the hearts and souls here, both in Confirmation and Holy Communion. This love needs to be shared with Me and your neighbor. There are also countless opportunities throughout your lifetime when you will have a chance to help someone both physically and spiritually. Do not pass up any opportunity for grace, and do not commit any sin of omission by not offering your help. When you have love in your heart for everyone, you will help them even spontaneously without being asked.”


Wednesday, January 16, 2008:

Jesus said: “My son, this story of Samuel being called by God to be a prophet for the people, is very close to your being called as well. I have shown you many confirmations of My messages for your mission to prepare the people for the end times. Keep humble and holy as you are also called to be a good example for others as well. I am calling everyone to repent of their sins and share the Good News of My salvation with all of My people. In today’s vision you can see that everyone is called to break bread with Me in Holy Communion at the Mass, but also you are called to help each other according to your needs. Helping and loving your neighbor are part of your Christian responsibilities. If you truly love your neighbor, then you should be willing to give your time and money to help with their food and shelter in their necessities of life. Each person, who is able-bodied, should work to provide their own means for survival. It is one thing to receive help from others, but each person should make an effort to help themselves with My grace. Continue to love one another and be generous with your gifts as I am loving and generous with My gifts to you.”


Wednesday, January 16, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, your Homeland Security people have been issuing decrees that all new passports have to have a microchip in them that contains your personal information. By the Real ID Act passed by your Congress and your President, all of your drivers’ licenses will have to have a microchip as well. These chips are not that secure, and identity thieves can steal your information with the right kind of microwave reader. In order to prevent this theft, I am recommending if you have such documents containing microchips, that you can wrap them in aluminum foil or lead photo pouches so they cannot be read by such thieves trying to steal your identity. All of these one world people want to have you chipped so they can track where you are. Making chips mandatory in your passports and driver’s licenses is just the first step. The next step will be to make it mandatory that you have to put a chip in your body so you will not lose it. But this will allow them to control your mind with voices, so refuse to take any chips in your body, even if they threaten to kill you in their detention center death camps. This threat of death will be another reason to leave for your refuges guided by your guardian angels, before they can capture you at your house. Pray for My protection and I will have My angels guard you, and make you invisible to those who want to kill you.”


Thursday, January 17, 2008: (St. Anthony of the Desert)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Anthony led a prayerful life in the desert as he was a model for starting the monastic life. While I was on the earth, I also retreated to deserts and mountains to strengthen Myself in prayer. At times contemplative prayer could be good to recollect your soul from all of your worldly distractions. There are several monasteries of cloistered life in most areas where nuns or brothers and priests pray. These monasteries are located on consecrated ground, and they have adored My Blessed Sacrament for many years. Many of these monasteries are the holy ground that will be places of refuge during the tribulation. In the vision you are seeing one such monastery where space for eating then becomes places for prayer. During the tribulation you will be doing a lot of praying and thanking Me for protecting you from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you for your faith. My angels will be present to perform miracles of protection and they will help you in providing for your food. Have no worries of this evil time for you can trust Me for your protection.” Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, your American car manufacturers are losing more market share each year because they are not competing on a fair market field. Many car makers are using cheap labor which is found in countries like China. Even your steel is imported because of prices. Now China wants to exploit cheap labor in Mexico and make a cheap car that could be imported with no tariff because of your NAFTA Trade Agreement. Without any protection for your manufacturers, it is just a matter of time until all of your manufacturing shops will be closing their doors. It is your CEOs and your stock markets that are stealing American jobs and selling their goods for the same high price. When your workers cannot get good jobs, your country’s finances will soon fail.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your manufacturers are crushed by competition in many fields by cheaper goods, many of your jobs could be lost in not just a recession, but a huge created depression by the one world people. Your current business leaders are making millions more while the average worker is losing to inflation. By taking away your pensions, benefits, and even layoffs, many of your people will not be able to buy what they used to, and your markets will teeter into bankruptcy because these greedy businessmen have ruined the people who buy their products. All of this greed for profit will haunt your country when you see the created financial collapse which will precipitate your takeover.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Trojan Horse represents all of the containers that are being imported on your docks. Your businessmen have imported so much from communist China that most of your food, drugs, and electronic goods which are imported from abroad, have questions about quality in many of these items. The unfair importation of cheap goods is putting many of your industries out of business. Your deficit of payments and your deficit budgets are eroding the value of your currency. When are your people going to realize that most of your jobs are being sold out to foreigners? This trend is meant to make slaves out of your workers for no benefits and little pay.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your average wages and standard of living decrease due to only a few good jobs available, this will impact your tax structures and infrastructures that they pay for. Instead of corporate welfare and tax breaks for the rich, the man in the street should be getting a fair break. When people cannot afford their taxes, and payments to retirees dry up, then you could see a revolt of the people against the rich who stole their jobs and pensions. It will be such a struggle that could result in martial law which has been the plan of the evil rich all along for their control. Your time to go to the refuges will be at this time of martial law, so be prepared.”

Jesus said: “My people, many events will be leading up to the coming tribulation, but I will be performing many miracles to protect you from the evil ones who are trying to control you. Just as it is a miracle to see such flowers in winter, so I will be guiding you safely to My refuges. Rejoice in My coming defeat of the evil ones who eventually will be chained in hell, while My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace. Even while you see this ruthless stealing going on, all of these greedy employers will pay for their crimes against their workers.”

Jesus said: “My people, even as your Christmas Season has ended with My Baptism, you should next focus on the coming Lenten Season. In several weeks you will be seeing this time for repentance come upon you. You could even put together your new spiritual resolutions with what you could do to benefit from your coming Lenten resolutions. You may try giving up TV or the internet surfing for Lent. Really make a point to do some spiritual suffering so your life toward sainthood could be helped. Many of you waste too much time on your entertainment when you could be doing more for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the not too distant future the one world people will use their cell towers and satellites to test if every person has a chip on their person. If their readers return a search with ‘No ID found’ they will single out that person for capture at a detention center. This is why eventually My people will need to seek out My refuges where My angels will make you invisible to their means of detection. Trust in My power, which is greater than the demons, and I will protect you and provide for your needs.”


Saturday, January 19, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, many beautiful traditions and words of the Mass have been passed down to you through the years. I find these traditions very reverent to Me and more pleasing than the changed wording. My Church authorities have approved some revised wordings, but I like the older words better for their meaning. I would only warn My people of not taking too many liberties with these traditions as there are many elements of modernism trying to infiltrate themselves into your services. This modernism will eventually lead into New Age influences which will divide My Church into a schismatic church vs. My faithful remnant. Beware of these New Age teachings and do not follow them because they worship things and not Me. Whenever you give praise and worship, worship in My Name only and not any other earthly thing. All power comes from Me, and do not let the evil ones lead you astray from My sacraments. There are also many attacks occurring against My Blessed Sacrament in My sacred Hosts. Keep reverencing My Real Presence in My Host by receiving Me on the tongue, and bowing or kneeling before Me. Only receive Me in the state of grace without any mortal sin so you do not commit a sin of sacrilege. Genuflect to My tabernacle which should be visible in the main church. When you minimize My tabernacle and My sacred Hosts, you are minimizing My importance in your lives. Keep Me first in your heart and soul, and continue to reverence Me in My traditions.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel today I told the Pharisees that I have come to forgive sinners and not the selfrighteous. (Mk 2:13-17) I call sinners to seek the forgiveness of their sins in the sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation. You are all sinners because you have inherited the sin of Adam in the Garden. If you truly are sinners, then all the more reason that you should be sorry for your sins, and seek My forgiveness from the priest in the confessional. Not only do you seek My forgiveness, but also seek the forgiveness of those whom you have offended, as well as forgiving those who have offended you. The cross is the sign to you of My worthy sacrifice of My life in atonement to My heavenly Father for all the sins of mankind. Coming to Confession requires humility in admitting your sinful failures. But in Confession your souls are cleansed of your sins and My sanctifying grace is restored to your soul. It is important to make a firm purpose of amendment to try and not commit these sins again, which means you must stop living in relationships of fornication, adultery, or homosexual acts. The priest gives you a penance for your sins, but you should pray some of your rosaries in reparation for your sins while you are still on earth. If you come to purgatory, you will not be able to pray for yourself then. Come to frequent Confession at least monthly to receive My graces, keep you humble, and help you to minimize further sin. By staying holy as much as possible, you will have your souls ready in preparation for the day of your death and your particular judgment.”


Sunday, January 20, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a flashback to when you visited the Flagellation Chapel in Jerusalem where the Roman soldiers mocked My kingship by putting a crown of thorns on My head, a reed for a scepter in My hand, and they scourged Me on My back and front in order to humiliate Me. I suffered the most cruel method of torture of that day in being crucified which is a slow suffocation, especially when you are nailed to a cross. St. John the Baptist in today’s Gospel is pointing to Me as the Lamb of God as I was later slaughtered like a sheep sacrifice for all of the sins of mankind. This hole through the chapel is like a tunnel through time to the present. It represents how My one sacrifice is outside of time, and I share My sacrifice with you at every Mass. At every Mass the bread and wine are consecrated into My very Body and Blood. This is My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament and I want you to give Me reverence by receiving Me on the tongue as you bow or genuflect to the glory of your Lord. You have seen miracles of bleeding Hosts to give witness to those who do not believe in My Real Presence. Even the demons get people to desecrate My sacred Hosts in black masses because they know I am really present in My Blessed Sacrament. So as you come to Mass, do not think that it is just a meal or just a celebration, but you are truly present and praying ‘The sacrifice of the Mass’ which is an unbloody re-enactment of My death on the cross. This is truly a sharing in My very Body and Blood. Holy Communion is truly a taste of heaven as you share with Me in an intimate communion of our spirits. Give praise and glory to your Lord for all of My gifts, especially the forgiveness of your sins, and salvation to share eternal life with Me in heaven.” God the Eternal Father said: “I AM stands before you. Thank you for following My wishes to have a chapel dedicated in My honor for your God the Father. You will receive many graces and blessings for listening to My instructions. This vision of a mural of Me on the floor is a testimony to all of the many miraculous images that are appearing on these holy grounds. You have many prayer meetings here, and all of your prayers will help sustain you here through the tribulation. Call on My angels of protection to shield you from the evil ones so they cannot see you. Also, I will instruct you in your preparations for water and food to feed you. Give praise and glory to your God because soon you will see many catastrophic events on the earth, for it will change as you know it.”


Monday, January 21, 2008: (St. Agnes)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel the Pharisees were critical of My apostles because they did not fast as the Pharisees did. The disciples of St. John the Baptist fasted as well. I told the Pharisees that My apostles could not fast while the bridegroom is still with them. But once I leave, they will fast also. In some instances people are too focused on the letter of the law instead of the spirit of love in the law. I did not come to change the law, but to fulfill it. So it is in the vision. You look at the physical bread and wine in complete focus, but without the eyes of faith and the Spirit, you cannot realize the Presence of My very Body and Blood that you receive in Holy Communion. You are made up of body and soul, so your soul needs to be fed with spiritual food. By receiving Me in Communion, your soul is full and satisfied with My love and My very Presence. You are aware of that which you can see with your eyes, but always be conscious of the spiritual things around you that you can see with your heart and spirit. You are truly in a world where the desires of the body are in a battle with the desires of the soul. You also see a battle of good and evil going on around you. Follow My love in My Commandments so you are constantly loving Me and your neighbor as yourself. Give good example to others in your good deeds and work to bring peace among mankind. Work also to save souls from hell wherever you are.”


Tuesday, January 22, 2008: (St. Vincent, Anniv. Roe vs. Wade)

Jesus said: “My people, there is a very strong sense of foreboding of the frightful events that will be occurring on the day of the Warning. In addition to the major events in the sky, you are also seeing major earthquakes and volcanoes going off because they are linked as effects from this comet passing by. I have told you before that some could die of fright from all of these events going on all at once. Some will also be frightened or repentant from seeing their sins and their mini-judgment. The Warning will be an illumination of your conscience that will show you true right from wrong without any rationalizations. Everyone will have this supernatural out of body experience at the same time when you will be brought before Me in My Light. You will have a life review showing all of your good and bad actions with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins and sins of omission. At the end of this life review you will see where you will be judged whether to heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will then have a small taste of what it would be like in the place where you were judged. Next, you will be placed back into your body again, and by My mercy, you will be given a second chance to live a better life. I will never violate your free will, but you must choose for yourself to repent and be saved. My faithful will have to work at a feverish pace to try and save souls while their guilt of sin is fresh in their minds, especially any in their family away from the sacraments. All of the prayer warriors of the family will be active at this time. During the Warning you will be made to know not to take any microchip in your body, and not to worship the Antichrist. After the Warning you will need to remove your TVs and computer monitors from your houses to avoid looking at the Antichrist. The Warning will be the first of events that will lead up to the coming of the Antichrist. I will be choosing the time when he can declare himself. Be prepared for these events by keeping your soul pure as possible with frequent Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, the little children processing in the living rosary are representing the young lives that could be living together now, if they had not been aborted. Pray for the mothers and the doctors who performed all the abortions in America. If you did not have such a decision legalizing abortion, you could have more children living today. Pray for your people and your representatives to change this abortion on demand so you can protect My little ones. See in every baby how precious each one of these lives are, and you cannot put a price on this gift of life. All the more reason that you should protest this killing and work to defend these innocent lives. If you do not work to stop this carnage, then you are condoning it with your inaction. America and other nations are calling down My judgment on you for continuing these abortions. Your society needs to shame those killing My babies so they would be too embarrassed to continue having abortions. The doctors, profiting from this killing, will have to answer for the blood on their hands that will never wash away. Pray and be proactive in discouraging abortion, especially in your laws and decisions.”


Wednesday, January 23, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you the destruction of San Francisco before, but not in such vivid detail. Now you are seeing the water rushing into the city as an earthquake will cause a large crevasse and the city will fall into the ocean. This utter destruction is more of a sign that this time is coming soon. The people of this city have been steeped in their sins of homosexual acts in defiance of My natural order. These acts are an abomination to My eyes, and My justice is calling for their destruction, as I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. I have told you that certain disasters are occurring in places of great sin, and this will be one of them. These people could repent of their sinful lifestyles and be saved like Niniveh, but this is doubtful that they would listen to My Word. Those, who refuse to repent of their sins and continue to sin, can only expect the consequences of their actions to bring them death. These people in their parades are so flaunting their sins in My face, that they are bringing My blazing wrath upon them. When you see this destruction, take a lesson America, because there is more to come for the rest of your sins of abortion, euthanasia, prostitution, adultery, and cloning.”

Jesus said: “My people, your travel over roads is going to be more treacherous because of the many disasters that will be blocking your roads. In some areas you could see severe mud slides over your roads. In other areas volcanoes with dust or lava could block some roads. In the North you could see major snowfalls block your roads. And in some states with tornadoes or high winds, you could see more blocked roads from downed trees. Such blocked transportation could keep your trucks from bringing food, fuel, and other essential needs. These natural disasters could compound any recession or slowdown in your economy. Your markets have been very volatile because of your credit market problems. If enough consumers slow up their buying, any downturn could get much worse. Pray for your ability to feed yourselves and maintain your markets.”


Thursday, January 24, 2008: (St. Francis de Sales)

Jesus said: “My people, the immorality of your society is dictating how you run your businesses of today. In the beginning of your Industrial Revolution your people worked long and hard hours for little pay and no benefits as your business tycoons made all the money. There was not much competition then, but gradually your workers unionized to get better pay and some benefits. Once your workers made good money and benefits, there was a new middle class created whose buying power has made America the largest market of today. Now, unions are very thinly populated. Any strikes could destroy a company because of your fierce competition. At one time America as a nation defended its workers with tariffs and ‘made in America’ meant good quality. Now, your tycoons and business barons on Wall Street are pushing your workers back into the old days of slave labor wages and no benefits which explains why they are making mountains of profit, and they are not sharing it with the workers. If anything, they are shipping your jobs overseas or allowing other countries to exploit you with their factories here. As a result, the buying power of the middle class is shrinking back to the poor class, but your markets will be shrinking as well. The inequity of income between the employer and the employee is so great that you will see more stealing and revolting against these tycoons. Your country is headed for not just a recession, but a major crisis because the one world people want to exploit you as their slaves. This is why they want to control you like robots with chips in your bodies, which you should refuse at all costs. The greed for money and control has so obsessed the rich and your leaders that they are following Satan’s plan to put the Antichrist in place. This coming tribulation will be brief as I will bring My victory over the evil ones while I protect My faithful at My refuges. Be patient because these evil ones will be cast into hell, and My faithful will see their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, have no fear because I am always at your side ready to lead you by the hand to places of refuge during the tribulation. This vision is very vivid, but it is also very reassuring to all of My faithful whom I will treat in like manner. Do not be fearful of the coming dates of disasters, but have peace in your souls that you will be provided for in all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, the large church in the background represents My Holy Church and the clergy, and the small home in the foreground is where you will have to have your Masses in the home. As you prepare for the end times, put aside some unconsecrated hosts, candles, altar wine, vestments, chalices, and Mass books for your future home Masses. You will be blessed to have a priest for your secret Masses.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you the signs before of when it will be necessary for your safety to leave for your refuges and follow your guardian angel. There will be a world famine created by the one world people forcing people to use smart chips in order to buy your food. There will be a formal division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. There will be mandatory chips in the body and those, who refuse them if caught, will be put into death camps to be killed. There will also be a created event of many deaths from a pandemic flu spread by chem trails that will precipitate an emergency martial law. When you see these signs, call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge of My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground, or caves. You will be protected and provided for at My refuges until I return to claim victory over all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be in another Lenten Season when you will have a special time to think of your sins and seek My forgiveness. You suffer with Me every day that you pick up your cross and carry it through the trials of your days. As you approach the time of tribulation, you will be suffering your purgatory on earth, which is better than suffering true purgatory. I will give you all the graces that you need so you will be able to endure this trial.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you are seeing your Catholic schools being closed for insufficient funds. Tomorrow you will be seeing your churches being closed because of lack of attendance, money, few priests, and payment for homosexual cases in lawyer suits. It is sad at each closing as you see My Church under persecution from inside and outside of My Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are wondering why My churches are falling on hard times, but it is because you are taking the ‘sacred’ out of My traditional churches. When you remove the statues, crucifixes, and tabernacles out of the main church, you are making cold blank walls with My Real Presence in back rooms. When the people are stripped of their reverence for My Blessed Sacrament, then it is hard to know of My Real Presence and the ‘sacred’ of My traditions. Preserve the ‘sacred’ by keeping My tabernacle in the main church, with occasional Adoration services for all the people. It is My faithful adorers who will preserve the faith until I return.”

Jesus said: “My people, the time of tribulation draws near. Lent would be a special time to build up your spiritual strength for what you are about to endure. You have your Lenten penances of fasting, almsgiving, and extra prayers including daily Mass. You have the Stations of the Cross, extra visits to My Blessed Sacrament, and the reading of the Liturgy of the Hours. All of these devotions and Confession can store up treasure in heaven and bring graces and blessings on you for your protection. You are in a spiritual battle against evil, and you need spiritual protection for this fight.”


Friday, January 25, 2008: (Conversion of St. Paul)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast day of the ‘Conversion of St. Paul’ was very dramatic in how Saul was blinded by My Light and he fell off of his horse. He was changed from a Saul, who persecuted Christians, to a Paul who now would be My greatest evangelist of the Gentiles. This miracle conversion is how many Christians were brought over to the faith in Me. The vision of building the upper part of a house represents how I take you with all of your talents, and I rebuild your spiritual life which is the more important part of your life on a higher plane. Infusing faith into your soul is My greatest gift to all of My followers, but it starts with your ‘yes’ in opening the door of your heart to Me. Once you believe, then now you are called to do good works for your neighbor and share your faith with others in your own evangelization efforts. Saving souls from hell is now your most important life work, even beyond your earthly accomplishments. St. Paul should be an inspiration for all that you could do for Me, if you really put your heart into My work.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages before about the coming natural disasters that could be larger than normal. This vision is about another coming volcanic release that will sound like a jet as the hot gases and magma are released. This explosion from the side of a mountain is very much like Mt. St. Helen’s release of a pyroclastic flow of ash and earth. Depending on the size and proximity to population centers, this explosion could take many lives in its path. Be forewarned about such an event as there will be ground tremors before it takes off. If the smoke and ash goes up high enough, you could see a reduction in your temperature in this area, and an effect on your weather. Each of these major events are going to be happening close to each other, as many will need to call on My help to give them adequate peace in this trial. Trust in My help and protection in keeping you safe from the evil ones.”


Saturday, January 26, 2008: (St. Timothy & St. Titus)

Jesus said: “My people, there was joy in My apostles and My disciples that they could bring My Good News of salvation to all the peoples. They touched the hearts and souls of those who were open to receive My graces and blessings. They healed the sicknesses of the body in addition to the sickness of sin in the souls. I also healed the whole person in the body and soul. Their evangelization efforts were done even at the risk of being martyred for their faith. Today, My faithful can evangelize without fear of death, but it is harder to get people to pray and praise God amidst many world distractions of comforts and pleasures. As you look on this vision it means that you need to look up to Me for your direction and not at your earthly direction. Once you can die to self, and follow My plan for your mission, then you will accomplish more spiritual good in My service. When I call you to evangelize souls, do not be spiritually lazy, but jump to the opportunity to save souls. If you knew how much souls suffered in hell, you would work all the harder to keep souls from going there. Ask the harvest Master to send more laborers into My vineyard of souls, even as I told My disciples that now they would be fishers of men. Pray and work to save as many souls as possible, and your reward in heaven will be great.”

Jesus said: “My people, this yellow caution light on a stoplight, and the yellow color of the school bus in the vision, is a warning to America. Time is running out for your country to repent and stop your many abortions before you will soon see My judgment against you. The few children on this bus represents the reduced number of children because you are killing them in the womb, along with your birth control devices and pills. All of these acts of murder and abuses of the marriage act are calling out for My justice. Many of your natural disasters are being allowed since I have removed My blessings from you because of these grave sins. You continue on with your sins without even recognizing how much you are offending Me. You are almost oblivious to the value of the precious life that you are killing in the womb. Wake up America to the shame of your sins, and repent of them. If you refuse to ask My forgiveness, then you can expect sudden destruction.”


Sunday, January 27, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to be called to repent and become one of My followers. It is another thing to live out your calling by helping others to come to the faith in Me by your own evangelization efforts. There are different levels of calling, even as each of you have been given different talents to achieve your own mission. Today’s Gospel speaks of how I called My apostles to listen and spread My Word among all the nations. I do call many to the religious life either as priests, nuns, or the cloistered clergy. Giving up your life for My dedicated service is a difficult but rewarding service. In order to have fertile ground for future priests, you must pray for vocations, and that young men will be encouraged by their parents and friends to be willing to deal with the demands of diocesan life. Many places of Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament are places where future priests could find a love of the ‘sacred’. I call certain people in your times to be prophets or messengers of My Word, as you have accepted this mission. My chosen ones need to be holy, and they need your prayers to support them as well. It is not easy to preach My Word, but again the saving of souls is your reward. I call every lay person to do their part as well to enrich your faith and that of your family members. Families need prayer warriors to look up to and My true faithful need to be good examples for others to imitate your spiritual lives. Prayer is needed every day to save sinners, help souls in purgatory, for peace, and a stoppage of abortion and your many sexual sins. I cannot violate people’s free will, but I can encourage you to love Me and your neighbor. When you have love and charity in your heart, you will be drawn to do many good works for My sake and not just your own. Keep focused on My call in your lives, and I will send you the graces and blessings needed to carry out your mission.”


Monday, January 28, 2008: (St. Thomas Acquinas)

Jesus said: “My people, these demons in the vision are looking to destroy souls and they are found most in your cities where drugs and killings are constantly happening. There is a greed for quick money among the poor in selling drugs with no care of making drug addicts which then encourages stealing. In the cities and even in your towns you see adult book shops, and places of exotic dancers and prostitution. All of these evils in pleasures and comforts encourage more sins of fornication, adultery, and even abortions. Pray for the people in the cities, that you can clean up these dens of sin, or your country will turn further into spiritual decadence calling for My justice. You have seen cities of sin destroyed in past biblical accounts, and you will see more to come in this evil age.” Jesus said: “My people, caves are good hiding places, but for breathing and escapes, you need to have two exits with a vent for air. It also would be wise to put some brush to hide each entrance, especially from wild animals. Many caves have self sustaining water sources from water springs. They are damp and cold, so you will need bedding off the ground on some stands, and warm clothing. Call on My angels to protect you from animals and to provide for your food which I could multiply. It may also be good to have some insulation to help you to keep warm by wrapping a tent in some plastic covers. My angels will protect you wherever you establish your refuges. They will fight off the demons, as well as evil men trying to kill you. When you put your trust in Me, I will provide for all of your needs.”


Tuesday, January 29, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, there is no other reason to force microchips on you other than to control you. The one world people brainwash you with all kinds of excuses as inventory and medical identification which you could have without chips, as in bar codes. The people are being restrained, as in the vision, by microchips in your passports, licenses, and RFID chips in everything you buy, and they are making you their captive audience without your approval. These mandatory restraints in the name of security, will be the same reason when in the next step they make chips in the body mandatory. Refuse to take any chips in your body because they could then control your minds and your free will. Chips in the body will truly make you captive robots, so you would rather die than take them. This step of mandatory chips in the body is the sign to quickly flee to My refuges so you are not at home when they come to try and force these chips on you. Now is the time to not use any such chips in passports or licenses, so they cannot track your whereabouts. If they force these on you, then wrap them in aluminum foil so they cannot be read. When you need to go to the refuge, call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge of My Blessed Mother’s apparition, holy ground places, or caves of protection. Pray for your protection in these evil times because you will need My angels to fight your battles.”

Jesus said: “My people, flooding and tornadoes are already starting up in various parts of your country, even as these things occur usually in the spring. Snow and rain are alternating with each cold wave and heat wave. It is the changing weather patterns that are causing the heavy winds and occasional tornadoes. Some drought areas are getting replenished with a few rain storms. Pray for protection for your houses from any sporadic wind storms and snow storms. With blessed medals, scapulars, and blessed salt, you could see My protection in keeping your homes unharmed. Some homes in the California fires were protected from the flames in the same way. By trusting in My protection, you will also be protected from the evil ones in the coming tribulation.”


Wednesday, January 30, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to look on these people in the vision and see how they lived off the land and cared for each other so that everyone had enough to eat and survive. Each person makes a contribution of their talents to provide for the needs of the community. When you need to come to My refuges, you may have to live a different life than what you are used to now. At your homes it is easier to have natural gas heat your homes than having to find wood for fuel every day. You have water lines, electricity lines, and phone lines for your computers. In the rural refuges you may need to use wood fires by foraging for wood in the forest. You may need to kill animals for your meat, and grow crops for your vegetables and grains. You will have springs for water, but it may be more difficult to bathe, and clean clothes and dishes. You will need to assign duties for shelter, fuel, and food preparation. For your survival I will help with My angels to keep the evil ones away from you, but you will have communal life to help each other survive. Living in full trust in Me and in a loving fellowship will sustain you through the coming tribulation. Rejoice and give thanks to Me for protecting you and providing for your needs. This will be a saintly life with a lot less effect from earthly distractions. You will live in daily prayer and in complete consecration of giving everything up to My Will. Love Me and one another, as you will be closer in working with each other.”


Thursday, January 31, 2008: (St. John Bosco)

Jesus said: “My people, when many of the priests are away on vacation, it is difficult to find a Mass for today. You were fortunate to have a priest available today so you could have the ‘Sacrifice of the Mass’. Communion services do share in My Body and Blood of Communion, but they are no substitute for the greatest prayer in the ‘Sacrifice of the Mass’. The Mass and the priests are great gifts that you should appreciate, and you appreciate the Mass even more when you experience a time when you cannot attend a Mass. Do not take the Mass for granted because during the tribulation, it will be even more difficult to find a priest for a Mass at your refuge. I have told you that if you cannot attend a Mass, to call on Me in a Spiritual Communion if you cannot have Communion either. During the tribulation, I will have My angels bring you Holy Communion if you cannot have Communion or a Mass. Rejoice that I will still be with you in My Real Presence even to the end of time.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, many were surprised to see a large crowd protesting abortion in Washington, D.C. this year. It was good that your press reported the right number instead of trying to downplay the importance of this event. My people need to pray much and protest in order to overturn this evil in your land. Changing your court position is difficult, but you still must struggle for a change in your attitude to put life above money and convenience.”

Jesus said: “My people, amidst a lot of sad news in closing schools and churches, there are also some bright spots to give My faithful hope that some good things are happening as well. There are some conservative parishes that are daring to renew your old traditions. It is this appearance of tradition that gives people a true sense of church when they come to Mass. By having the traditional saints, angels, and crucifix before you, it is easier to meditate on the real heroes of your Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been taught to be independent and carry your own weight, but you are all still dependent on Me for everything. It is when your neighborhoods are tested with winds, snow, and power outages that you should pool your resources together to help each other. Keeping warm with heat and food are necessities that you should be willing to share with each other when you have damaged homes or power outages. Even take up some collections to get people back on their feet. All, that you do for your neighbor out of love, will store treasure in heaven for your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, some small gestures of troop withdrawals are being conducted to appease the people who are against these wars. Much of this withdrawal is window dressing because of your upcoming elections. The truth of the overspending and long stay in Iraq is wearing on your people and your military, but the powers in your government do not want to admit their mistake in the war, and they want to start even more wars after the election. While your people have a chance for change, now is the time to bring this war to an end, or it will be your undoing in deficits and lost troops.”

Jesus said: “My people, your mortgage bankers and brokers are the cause of your credit problems because they were greedy to make commissions and profits without warning the buyers of their future obligations. Now your government leaders want to cause more deficits to keep your country from going into recession. It is your banks and the rich that will profit from any corporate welfare and lower interest rates to bail out their bad loans. It would be better to change your laws to inform borrowers than lower interest rates again which is what caused your housing bubble in the first place. Pray for your people to be able to afford a house and not be swindled by brokers trying to make big commissions without concern if the borrowers could afford their loans in truth on their lending. It is the greedy and the rich who are at fault for your problems, and they will pay at their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent is less than a week away, so now would be a good time to take a spiritual inventory of how you could improve your spiritual life. Try to offer up some sacrifices that are truly challenging and could improve where you are today. Think more of prayer and sharing with others as much as you can. The more that you give of yourself to others, the less selfish that you will be in your life. Give more time to Me in how I could use your time and money to do good works for your neighbor. Let Me lead you in your daily consecration so that you are doing things for Me and not just to please yourself. Love needs to come from the heart, and it is the good intentions in your heart that will lead to good actions and your making a good Lent.”


Friday, February 1, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading about King David, (Samuel 11:1-17) he is attracted to the beauty of Bathsheba without concern whether she was already married to Uriah the Hittite. David had adultery with her and she conceived a child. To cover his sin David had Uriah killed in battle so he could take Uriah’s wife. Nathan the prophet chastised David for his sin and David repented and suffered the loss of this son and Absolom as payment for David’s sin. In your society today many marriages are destroyed by this same sin of adultery with other people’s spouses. Whether it be a woman attracted to another man, or a man attracted to another woman, it is wrong to seek another against the vows to their own wife or husband. It is even sinful for such desires even without committing adultery, because you are committing adultery in your heart. Be faithful to your spouses, and do not dwell on such desires for another. Without such affairs, you would have fewer divorces. Live committed to your vows, and love your spouses without thoughts of loving any other person. By treasuring your own spouse in being constantly faithful, you will also have treasure in heaven for denying any bodily pleasures with another. Love for Me and your spouse is special and pure, and you should avoid tainting this love with any sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Bible and the Liturgy of the Hours you read the Psalms, the Epistles of St. Paul, and the Gospel passages. When you read My Word, you see how much I suffered and how your suffering is joined with Mine. There is joy, hope, and peace in My Word because it satisfies the soul like nothing else on earth. It is the Word that opens the door to My Light to enlighten your minds about the faith. My Word is also about love of God and love of neighbor. Unless you open the door to your heart, it is hard for Me to enter and move your head knowledge down into love in your heart. Once you understand the faith by the power of the Holy Spirit, then you are moved into action to do good deeds for your neighbor out of love for Me. So the lesson is to read some good spiritual books so you will be inspired to follow My Will in all that you do for Me. See that you are being led on your mission by the plan that I have for your life. All I ask is that you give Me your ‘yes’ in following Me, and I will lead you to eternal life in heaven.”


Saturday, February 2, 2008: (Presentation in the Temple)

St. Bernadette said: “My dear little one, I thank you for the opportunity to speak to your granddaughter, Jocelyn, and thank her for taking my name for her Confirmation name. I want Jocelyn to be grateful to be able to have a good Catholic upbringing at Archangel School, and a chance to receive Our Lord in Communion at the Mass. Your mother and your grandparents are trying to help you to be a good Christian girl. Your grandfather, John, has been inspired as your sponsor to give you this book of my life and the messages that I received from our Blessed Mother. It is good to use us saints as an inspiration to follow in your life. This seems like a large book, but try to read a few pages at a time for your Lenten inspiration. Your grandparents have been to Lourdes, France and they can testify to the true electric feeling of the holy spring of water. I want you to live a life of total consecration to Jesus and His Blessed Mother. Remember your prayer life every day and daily love for Jesus.” “I also want to encourage Christina as well and remind her of her calling as well to a good prayer life. I am your namesake as well and you could share in these gifts of the movie and my book. Thank you for listening to my call for following me as a model for your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, man has fished for seafood for many years, but some greedy fisherman are over fishing the fishing banks from all of your countries. In some areas the fish population is decreasing because it is being upset by man’s influence on the balance of nature. As the general population of people increases, it is becoming harder to feed everyone with meat, vegetables, grains, rice, potatoes, and fresh water. Even some nations have resorted to fish pond farming to provide more fish to make up for over fishing. Man has to be more prudent in preserving his environment with less pollution. By making the right incentives, people could reduce their energy needs and not waste precious fuels and water. Look at nature and the animals and how they do not waste food or abuse their environment. Make nature’s balance a lesson for how you should live, so you can pass on a clean earth for the next generation.”


Sunday, February 3, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Light of the world, and I open up hearts and minds to be enlightened with My Word and My love. It is hard at times for people to receive My love unless they open up their cold hearts to My love. It is difficult for some to open their hearts until they count the cost of giving over control of their lives to Me, so I can lead them. A real consecration of giving over your will to My Divine Will is all about blind trust in Me through the eyes of faith. Every time that you have to make some big decisions in life, you should come to Me in prayer to let Me lead you on the best path for your soul. By letting Me lead you, and by being one of My followers, then you will have confidence that you are on the right path to heaven. In the darkness of the evil of this world, you need My Light to show you the way to eternal life.”


Monday, February 4, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, the Legion of demons that I drove out of the possessed man went into two thousand swine who then ran down into the sea and drowned. (Mark 5:1-13) These demons recognized that I was God, and they acknowledged My power over them to torment them for not serving Me. This again is an example to you how I will come and cast all the demons into hell at the end of the tribulation. My angels will protect you at the refuges from any demons. The demons will be allowed their hour of reign to test My faithful. Fear not these evil ones because they will leave you when you invoke My Name, ‘Jesus’. At the time of My victory you will see My power in full glory against every demon as they all will be chained in hell. Rejoice, My people, for this coming time and be patient for a short time of the Antichrist’s reign. Keep hope and faith in My power during this brief reign of evil that I will allow. I will cleanse the earth of all evil and renew it so you will enjoy My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know of the story of Lourdes with St. Bernadette discovering a newly formed spring of water at the grotto where My Blessed Mother appeared. This was a confirmation of her messages as being true, and many have been healed by drinking and bathing in these miraculous waters. The vision of the sky is where the luminous cross will appear over the places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, as in Lourdes. These places will be refuges of protection for My faithful during the tribulation. All of My refuges will have springs of healing water, as well as healings by looking on the luminous crosses. Learn from My Blessed Mother’s messages and all the miracles that she was instrumental in performing to give heaven’s confirmation and approval of what was being said. It is difficult for man to believe in such apparitions, but he must be open to heaven’s communication through gifted messengers. Discern and test what is given, but remain open to heaven’s leading you to follow My Word.”

Anniversary of my father’s death in 2001: My father thanked Jocelyn for remembering him from time to time like at High Falls, and when he came at their house. He is confirming that Jocelyn should be linked closer to St. Bernadette, her Confirmation name. She has to have her heart open more to focus on the saints.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008: (St. Agatha)

Jesus said: “My people, there is a contrast between the two deaths in today’s readings. In the book of Samuel Absolom was killed after he was hanging by his hair from a tree. He was seeking out David, but David paid for his sins in his son, Absolom’s death. In Mark’s Gospel reading a twelve year old girl died as I was on My way to heal her. I told the people that she was only sleeping, but they ridiculed Me and did not know My power to raise people from the dead. I am the ‘Living Water’ of the spring in the vision, and I am the Resurrection and the Life, even as I later raised up Lazarus as well. You are just about to start your Lenten Season tomorrow on Ash Wednesday. Then you will be suffering with Me up to Good Friday and you will witness My own Resurrection into Life in a glorified body. This revival of life in this little girl is another example of how I have power even over death itself. I am the same ‘Living Water’ that will raise up all of My faithful to eternal life with Me in heaven. Believe that I am your Savior, and all, who follow Me and obey My Commandments, will also be resurrected one day.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is a crime against America’s taxpayers to continue making weapons and running wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. You are in the middle of a Presidential campaign and few of your candidates are talking about stopping these wars because you cannot afford them. It is the rich and your current establishment run by the one world people that are advocating these wars to make money on the weapons and the interest on the deficits that these wars are accumulating. You are profiting nothing from these wars since your ‘War on Terror’ has been manufactured for continuous wars. It is time for your people to vote against this continuous killings both in wars and in abortion. Stop your death culture from controlling your purse strings, or these killings will destroy you. My patience with your killings is also growing thin, and you will see more punishment occurring in your natural disasters. Your government is totally controlled by the one world people, and they will control whoever you put in office as president. It is just a matter of time until you are faced with martial law and no rights. Then you will need to let My angels lead you to your nearest refuge to protect your life and your soul. Pray for My help and discernment what to do in the coming tribulation.”


Wednesday, February 6, 2008: (Ash Wednesday)

Jesus said: “My people, the people of Nineveh, including the king, put on sackcloth and ashes as a sign of repentance for their sins, and I spared the city of its destruction. As you receive your ashes as an outward sign of the beginning of Lent, you also should be repenting for your sins as well. If your country of America also repented of your sins as Nineveh did, then you would not face My wrath as you will be seeing over time. This outward sign of ashes should also be followed with more prayer and fasting between meals. You should also be more mindful of helping others with your time and donations. You are so conscious of your outward appearance to others, but you should be looking into each other’s hearts to share the love of My Gospel every day, and not just on Ash Wednesday. Look into the appearance of your soul to Me, and have your sins cleansed in Confession to make your soul look white and pure before Me. Lent is a wonderful opportunity to improve your spiritual life, so work hard on areas that need improvement.”

Jesus said: “My people, lighthouses along the shore are a safeguard for ships in storms at sea. The statue of My Blessed Mother by the lighthouse is a safety for souls when she protects you from the trials of life with her mantle. She is joined with Me in putting My Light into the darkness of sin in the world so souls can find their way home to Me. Our love and our protection reaches out to every soul open to receive My graces. We do not force our love on you, but you are receiving our invitation to know and love us. You have been witnessing some severe tornadoes that have caused some deaths. You can place blessed medals, scapulars, and blessed salt around your home, and you will have protection from any storms in your area. You have seen many miracles of houses spared damage that have blessed sacramentals and statues of My Blessed Mother or of My Sacred Heart in their houses. This physical protection is a witness, but our spiritual protection from demons and evil people, will be even more important to saving your souls. Continue your daily rosaries and daily Masses to keep on the right path to heaven and gain fruit in your Lenten Season. Give praise to Me and honor to My Blessed Mother for watching over our children.”


Thursday, February 7, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, My Lenten call today is to deny yourself and take up your daily cross of suffering with Me. It is not easy to go against your own will, but in order to save your life, you must lose it to Me. By following My Commandments, as Moses directed, and choosing life in Me rather than the curse, you will save your soul. What does it profit you to gain the whole world, and then lose your soul? Taking up your cross means that you will deny yourself and let Me lead you in full trust. It means that every day you will consecrate everything over to Me so I can use you to fulfill your intended mission in life. Make every decision by consulting Me in prayer so I can confirm the best choice for your soul. It is better to be in spiritual obedience to Me and your spiritual director than to do everything on your own. Wait for Me to lead you and do not go ahead of Me, and life will be easier for you, and more rewarding that you followed My directions. Taking up your cross in this life will require some sacrifices, but your earthly struggle will find a heavenly reward. This is why during Lent it is good to do some penances as fasting between meals, doing extra prayers, and suffering to do without something that you enjoy, as desserts. By putting some restrictions on the body’s desires and comforts, your soul will be made stronger against temptations from the devil. Your first inclination of good can come from your guardian angel, but your second inclination to evil or to be lazy could be from the devil. So remember to choose life over the curse so you can join Me in heaven for all eternity.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, as you watch the rich on Wall Street and the candidates who spend millions of dollars to get elected, you can understand how money and wealth runs their lives. The man or woman, that is rich for themselves, will be tempted strongly to depend more on their wealth than on Me to sustain them through life. If you truly are one of My followers, you would give everything over to Me and help your neighbor in their needs. Your wealth is of little value to your soul, but by sharing your wealth with others, you could store treasure in heaven. Trust more in Me than in anything of this world.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vacant chair in the White House means that the President will need to seek safety either from a natural disaster or a terror incident. I have told you that the one world people will be staging another major incident that could trigger a national emergency so martial law could be declared. At such a time any group could begin a takeover of your country and demand chips in the body be made mandatory for control of your people. Trust in Me that I will protect you at My refuges during this tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, the time for the North American Union to take over your country is quickly approaching. As your freedoms are quietly being compromised, your people will soon realize who is controlling your wars, money, and even your jobs. Once the one world people establish martial law in America, you will soon see the North American Union come into power. This will soon be followed by the Antichrist taking over all of these unions to set up his kingdom. This is why when martial law is established, you must flee to your refuges for protection with My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, before martial law is declared, you will see the men in black raiding homes to capture those in opposition to the coming new world order. They will try to surprise you before martial law is declared, but I will warn you to leave ahead of their plans. Again by following My plan, you will be protected at My refuges. Fear not these evil ones, even if you are called to martyrdom for My Name’s sake.”

Jesus said: “My people, your business and government people are warning you of an imminent recession of a weak economy about to develop. In addition to all the mortgage debts, you could see many more people falling on hard times with the many fires and tornadoes destroying their homes. This year will be one of the worst on record for destruction to your buildings, and it will enhance your recession into a deeper economic slump. All of these events will make it easier for a takeover of your country. Pray for My protection in a time when evil will have a brief reign.”

Jesus said: “My people, as house values continue to fall further, and homes are harder to sell, more people will leave their homes to the banks who will then be making more markdowns because they cannot get enough money back on auctioned homes. These financial woes will compound your deficits and could come close to national bankruptcy. Such a financial disaster would ruin much wealth and leave many homeless or in makeshift homes. All of these events, coming from many directions, will be leading to a national takeover. Pray much at your refuges, and I will supply your physical needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your recession will worsen, many tax supported elements of your population will find problems in getting enough money to live. In your cities you could see more rioting and stealing as people struggle to survive. This chaos and threats to life will be another reason to call on Me to lead you to the safety of My refuges. The one world people will pay in the end for their evil deeds when I bring about My victory over evil.”


Friday, February 8, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading about fasting in both readings, which is one of your Lenten penances. Prayer and fasting are mentioned often in the lives of the saints. Fasting helps you to focus more on Me and less on your worldly distractions. You have to consciously remember to avoid eating snacks at night or between meals. This restricts the body from frivolous eating that is not necessary, and it gives the soul more control over the desires of the body. At times you like to shop for the latest electronic gadgets or other things in your shopping malls. But during Lent you could restrain yourself from such worldly things that are not necessities. Refrain even from frivolous looking in magazines or the internet for the same things. Again by focusing more on Me than on any luxuries or unnecessary purchases, you will be more holy and less worldly. Instead of watching TV movies and other programing, you could spend that time reading a spiritual book or a book on the lives of the saints. During Lent you are trying to build up your spiritual lives, so you need time to do this, and you need examples to imitate. Lent is about changing your lazy lifestyles into being a better Christian by practicing what you believe.”

Jesus said: “My people, this tsunami wave coming ashore in the vision will also be associated with many deaths. Sometimes there is much disease that follows such a devastation because of the standing water that takes a while to flow back into the sea. This bug in the vision will be dangerous to man because it will carry a new flu virus that will be contagious as well as deadly. This virus will be of man-made origin and it is designed to cause many deaths. Be prepared by building up your immune systems to such viruses. Avoid any places where tsunamis have come ashore. If martial law is declared in America because of these created incidents, then leave for My refuges where you will be healed of any viruses by drinking the spring water or looking at the luminous cross. No matter what the evil ones are planning, I will confound them and My angels will protect you.”


Saturday, February 9, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, the devil in the serpent attracted man and woman in Adam and Eve to take of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil by saying they would be like gods. The devil attacked their pride so they could be like Me in knowing about good and evil. After eating the forbidden fruit, it was then that they realized that they were naked, and they hid from God because they were ashamed of their sin. Even today the devil continues to attack your pride by making the people want to run their own lives instead of Me. It is by your pride that the devil tempts you not to go to Confession saying you are good and did not sin. The devil is the great deceiver and liar. He will tell you anything to get you to sin against Me. Do not believe his lies and give him Scriptures as I did to answer his temptations. Do not dwell on temptations or have any fear or worry because you have trust in Me to provide grace and rest for your soul. I pour out My gifts on you, and I see to all of your needs. Most of all have love in your heart for Me and your neighbor as yourself. You must pray much to counter all the evil in your world, and I will send My angels to protect you from the demons. Evil only succeeds where good people do nothing or evil things. By having a heart that loves Me dearly, you will be called to only perform good deeds instead of evil ones. Temptations will be with you until your death, but I am always at your side to lead you on the right path to heaven. Just ask for My help in My Name, and the demons will leave you.”


Sunday, February 10, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, in the readings today you are openly seeing how the devil tempted Me, and he tempts you constantly to sin. I am showing you how the devil is constantly stirring up anger and divisions between peoples. He is constantly causing estranged relationships in families and among nations. Satan hates man and he does everything to encourage killing in wars, abortion, euthanasia, and killing over drugs and possessions. The vision of war in killing others is the result of sin and division caused by the devil. The evil one taunts the rich to cause wars in order to profit from weapons sales and interest on war debts. Do not be taken in by the puppets of the one world people who are always encouraging wars against terrorism, ethnic differences, or even regime changes. All wars have evil causes and are a scourge among men. Some wars are just in fighting against despots or ruthless dictators who are invading other nations. Wars against terrorism are made up wars, so refuse to be misled in such staged reasons for war. Pray for peace and diplomatic solutions to bring compromise in disagreements. Pray for peace in your families before you can have peace in the world. Pray even for My peace which is much more lasting than man’s peace. Remember how the devil encourages fighting and disagreements so you can be on guard to dismiss such temptations and seek to love one another instead. Love can conquer all of your evil wars if you have love in your heart for Me and your neighbor.”


Monday, February 11, 2008:(150th Anniversary of Our Lady of Lourdes)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of St. Michael, the archangel, with his sword is representing how he battles all the demons. He fights demons for nations and he especially battles the demons around places of apparitions like Lourdes, and demons around messengers or prophets. When visionaries are receiving apparitions, or inner locutions, call on St. Michael in your exorcism prayer of St. Michael. This is why you have been directed to pray your Act of Contrition and your St. Michael prayer before you receive Me in Holy Communion and when you are receiving a message before My Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. My angels are very powerful over the demons. Wherever heavenly messages are being given, the demons are there to try and interfere with this gift of Mine to the world. Give praise and thanks to Me, and honor My Blessed Mother for all of the heavenly messages to guide mankind and warn you of the coming events.”

Mary said: “My dear children, in the vision there is a parallel that my Son, Jesus, was crucified outside of town by the town dump. In Lourdes, France I appeared to St. Bernadette outside of town in a grotto near the town dump as well. The innocence of children is how my Son and I want you to be like in your spiritual life. St. Bernadette was very faithful to me in coming to the grotto for the days that I asked her to come. She was blessed to be a nun in the convent and she suffered much in this life. But her testimony of my messages even to her dying day was steadfast as she believed in these apparitions with every fiber of her being. This 150th Anniversary celebration of these apparitions are a reminder to review the messages given, which all of you could benefit from. The miraculous waters of Lourdes that have healed many illnesses and bones are a sign of my Son’s power as he also healed many while He was on the earth. Give praise and thanks to God for all of these healings, and honor me and St. Bernadette on this feast day of Lourdes. I love all of my children and many love St. Bernadette in taking her for their namesake.”


Tuesday, February 12, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, people are social beings and you need to help each other to survive in this world. This message is about being open to share with each other both in your physical and spiritual needs. How can you sit back with your wealth and possessions while your neighbor is poor and starving? You are called to help your neighbor in their needs. In the same way you cannot hide your knowledge of the faith under a bushel basket, but you must be open and share your faith with others in conversions. In a different way I want you to be open with Me as well in the way that you pray. Some only come to Me as a last resort when you cannot handle something on your own. Instead of coming to Me only out of desperation, you should ask Me to help you in everything every day. You should give Me praise, adoration, seek My forgiveness, and give thanks in addition to your prayers of petition. As the priest mentioned in his homily, you can even be open to Me by being silent so you can give Me time to speak to your heart. This contemplative prayer allows Me to have a working relationship with you, so I can direct you on your mission to follow My ways instead of your ways. So instead of keeping to yourself, and depending only on your means, you need to be open with Me and your neighbor so you can receive help from Me and those around you. Sharing yourself with Me and others will give you a joy and a rest that your soul is seeking.”

Jesus said: “My people, to some people today it is strange to you that these earlier civilizations worshiped statues and strange gods instead of worshiping the One true God. Man in his wickedness and pride worships different idols today as in fame, success, money, education, and possessions. Even your scientific accomplishments are worshiped more than My creation of the world. Now some are being taken in by New Age principles that worship crystals, the sun, the earth, and things of the earth. There is nothing new about this pagan worship that past civilizations also worshiped. There can be only One God in Me that you should worship and nothing else. I am all loving and merciful, and I provide for all of your needs in My gifts. You cannot find love in inanimate things. These things that are worshiped will not provide for you or love you. A greater Being has created all that you see before you. It is your calling from Me therefore to worship the Creator instead of the created things. Do not listen to the devil who calls you gods and gets you to look only at physical things. You are spirit and body, and the soul is in search of its Creator. You will not find rest for your soul in any place else than in Me. Come to Me all who are burdened with the things of life, and I will give you My rest so your soul will be at peace. Give up all of your worthless idols and follow the only One true God who is the only One worthy of your worship. I have saved you by dying on the cross. You can only come to heaven by repenting of your sins, and accepting Me as your Savior and Lord of your life.”


Wednesday, February 13, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, many times I have told you that the only sign, that I will give, is the sign of Jonah. Jonah was reluctant to tell the people of Nineveh about its coming destruction because he was fearful that they would kill the prophet of doom. After his experience in the sea, he finally carried out My call. Jonah said: (Jonah 3:4) “Forty days more and Nineveh shall be destroyed.” At this the people were shaken and they repented, and put on sackcloth and ashes, and I relented from destroying that city. Now, America, I proclaim to you the same warning. If you do not repent and change your lifestyles of sin, you also will meet with destruction from natural disasters, terrorism, and riots in chaos. Nineveh repented and was spared, and if America repents, I will spare you from this destruction as well. You saw the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the destruction of Jerusalem. So you know that I will carry this out if you do not repent. I told you that this will be like a year as no other, so it is up to your people to heed My warnings, or you will be facing worse destruction than you have ever seen before. I did not give a long time to change, and you have been warned to wake up for many years. Now My justice must fall on your country, America, for you have not answered My plea in the right way in your actions. Prepare for your destruction and prepare your souls with repentance in Confession. I will provide protection for My faithful at My refuges, but the rest will suffer much at the hands of the evil ones.”


Wednesday, February 13, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, those, who live in the Western Industrial countries, have all the food and comforts that they need for daily living. Those, who live in the poor African and Asian countries, have to struggle for everything just to have the bare necessities to survive. The more wealth and comforts that you have, the more you are tempted to depend only on yourselves. The poor are always trusting in God to provide for their daily bread. This is why during Lent, you need to suffer a little want in your fasting so you can gain some spiritual treasure. You also may be compelled to share some of your wealth with these poor so they can have enough to eat. Give praise and thanks to your Lord for all the gifts that I have given to you. By giving thanks and sharing your gifts with others, you will truly store up treasure in heaven.”


Thursday, February 14, 2008: (St. Cyril & St. Methodius)

Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel reading of today is all about how you are dependent on Me whether you want to believe it or not. For those, who have deep faith and trust in My Word, you know that I will never test you beyond your endurance. You can also ask Me for help and I will be at your side to provide for your needs. When you are seeking discernment or knowledge, you will find it by My help and inspiration. Better to call on Me in prayer in your difficulties than to be frustrated by your own ways that may not solve your problems. Forget your pride to do things on your own, and solicit My help and that of your neighbor. After you see how much prayer succeeds in your life, you will truly learn how dependent you are on Me for everything. When you put your blind trust in Me, it is another way of showing your love for Me, and believing in My Words of the Gospel.”

Prayer Group: Michelle said: “Thank you for bringing my picture tonight and for being godparents for Anthony, my son. My soul is still roaming the earth so I can console my family with my loss. I love them very much. I have met Jesus and Mary, and they are very pleased with my service. I assume the Lord took my life with little pain so I would not have to suffer a long time. We enjoyed and were happy to assist you in your mission. I will be praying for all of you that work in the vineyards for Jesus.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many suffering with paralysis in their legs or arms, or other ailments that confine people to wheelchairs. I want you to pray for them to have the grace to endure their physical trials. It is also a hardship for the care givers to constantly take care of any handicapped or disabled persons. Your heart goes out to all that they are suffering. Even during Lent be aware of any opportunities to help people either with food or transportation. Many souls are suffering servants for the sinners of the world. They should be thanked for atoning for the sins of the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some hard cases of homeless people, who by pride and not knowing how to get help, are left to wander in the streets, even in the cold of winter. Some find shelters or soup kitchens to survive, but they also need your donations of food to keep going. Let your love in your heart go out to help these unfortunate souls. Reach out to contribute your time and money to your local food shelves who support the hungry and the thirsty.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you get old and it is hard for you to live alone, many need help with their necessities in nursing homes and assisted living places. It is not easy for them to leave their homes, but they may have memory problems or cannot move around very well on their own. They can get lonely if their family and friends forget about them. Make an extra effort to visit the sick and the elderly to cheer them up and make them feel loved and wanted. These spiritual works of mercy will store up heavenly treasure for you to offset your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may know of some people who unfortunately have found themselves in prison for stealing or other such minor crimes. You can be a great witness of faith if you work with the jail ministry to try and convert these offenders. They need to have some hope after their sentence is over. Help them in prayer and even adjusting back into society. These souls are hungering for somebody to visit them and encourage them in their dark hour.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many kinds of people with various addictions to food, drink, drugs, gambling, computers, and pornography. Each of these addictions has a demon associated with them to try and bring a soul to fall under their control. My faithful need to help these addicts with prayer, removing them from the source of their addiction, and helping them to get professional assistance to deal with their addictions. Pray prayers of deliverance and exorcism to bind these evil spirits to the foot of My cross, never to return again. Help them in their struggles, or they will bring more grief to themselves and their families.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Me at your death at your judgment, it will go well for those who have their hands full of good deeds and spiritual acts of mercy. I have given you some suggestions in the earlier messages for ways in which you could help people in their need, and help you in storing up heavenly treasure for your caring and kindness. Lent is a time to be thinking more of helping your neighbor out of love for Me in them. I have told you if you have done a good deed for one of My little ones, then you have done it to Me in them as well. Helping hands are a good way to show that you love and care about your neighbor. I will not forget your good deeds, and you will receive My reward for your efforts.”


Friday, February 15, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel reading about anger and reconciling with your neighbor is a very important theme. I am asking you to quote this passage so people do not forget it. (Matt. 5:23, 24) ‘Therefore, if thou are offering thy gift at the altar, and there remember that thy brother has anything against thee, leave thy gift before the altar, and go first to be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.’ This means do not keep any grudges against anyone, and do not seek revenge in anger. Make peace with your neighbor so these things do not control you, or disturb your spiritual peace. This also means that you should consider going to Confession to ask My forgiveness of your sins before you come to receive Me at the altar in Holy Communion. It is best to receive Me with a pure soul, and especially without any mortal sin so you do not commit a sin of sacrilege against My Blessed Sacrament. It is hard to restrain your anger when you feel that you are being violated unjustly, but you must be forgiving even when you are in the right. When the other person sees your kindness, they will be confounded in their evil deeds. Ask Me to forgive them as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, this cloud over these barrels of crude oil is a sign that there are going to be major problems in the oil producing countries of the world. There already is a growing demand for oil because of America and China to fuel your factories and comfortable lifestyles. Any disruption in the supply of oil because of wars and uprisings against the oil companies, and there would be a major shortage and higher gas prices. These clouds in the vision over oil are exactly what will happen. You already are seeing conflicts with Chavez, and destroyed pipelines in Nigeria and Iraq. Oil alternatives are very few and hard to supply in the volumes that are needed. Wars have been fought over fuel supplies, and this could very well spread into other countries. Pray for peace in the world and that all countries may have enough fuel to sustain themselves without a few countries taking too much from the rest of the world.”


Saturday, February 16, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I want to teach you about the things on a heavenly plane and those things on an earthly plane. It is your soul being a spirit that seeks and is only satisfied with the things on a heavenly plane. While your body, being earthly, seeks only those things on an earthly plane. Many times you have a desire for new homes, new cars, or new electronic devices. These are all earthly things and they will never satisfy your soul. There are necessary things that you need for survival, but you may be tested to desire something that you cannot afford. Be satisfied with what is within your grasp, but do not worship these things or see them as status symbols driven by your pride. It is not a sin to own things, but continual desire for the latest things may begin to control you. You are here to know, love, and serve Me, so spiritual goals are most important for you to seek. Remember that things will only please you for a time before they become old or obsolete. They will never satisfy you as I satisfy your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are more people in different countries trying to help in reducing the air pollution by the consumption of less fuel. This can start with car pooling and making more fuel efficient cars. Others are working on wind, solar, and hydrogen fuel cells. While this is a start for alternative power sources, there needs to be some major breakthroughs so you can cut back oil related fuels. The high price of oil and gasoline has strained many budgets in getting to work, but it has cut back some pleasure and vacation driving. To make any dramatic effects on the level of your fossil burning fuels, it will mean some hard choices for your international economies and business manufacturing, as well as a change in your driving habits. If something does not change your current trends, major effects could bring My balance of nature into an imbalance. Your earth is a finite space for all of you to live, and you need to preserve your environment the best way that you can. Pray for all the peoples of the world to see the need to work together on this situation affecting all of your lives.”


Sunday, February 17, 2008:

Jesus said: “My son, it is good for you to be here feeling the beauty of My Transfiguration, as in the Gospel reading of today. This beautiful spiritual feeling is like the little taste of heaven that you experience at daily Mass in receiving Me in Holy Communion. You are seeing Me transfigured into My Body and My Blood from bread and wine at the Consecration time of the Mass. This was a sign to My apostles of My glorified Body that I would return in at My Resurrection after My death. It is also a preview for all of My faithful that you will come back in your glorified body after the final judgment. This is your goal to be with Me one day in heaven in your glorified body forever and ever. Being with Me in heaven is greater than all of your most desired experiences that you could ever have on earth. Give praise and thanks to your Lord that I died for your sins so you can come to heaven.”


Monday, February 18, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, many people are asked to get flu shots every year so they will be protected from the latest flu germs that mutate every year. It is difficult to predict which of the latest strains that will be prevalent in order to make vaccines for it. I have told you in the past that the one world people will be manufacturing a pandemic disease in order to give them an emergency to declare martial law. One of their techniques to spread this disease will be to place viruses in these annual flu shots to make people more susceptible in acquiring a new disease. They will then disperse this new disease or a more virulent old disease by means of the chem trails in the sky which they have used for a long time to spread flu-like symptoms. This is why it is good now to build up your immune system with Hawthorn pills or tea, vitamins, and herbs. Once My people come to My refuges, you will be healed of all diseases by drinking the healing spring water, or looking on the luminous cross in the sky. I will protect you from all that the evil ones are planning, so trust in My help every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes striking America because of its sins. Now you are seeing a major city on your East coast being struck by a tsunami or wall of water. I am telling you that you will be greatly tested this year with terrible natural disasters that you have never seen before. Tsunamis strike with little warning and they travel wide and fast. You would do well to look into the sources of possible tsunamis that could strike your East coast. Just as you have tsunami warning systems in the Pacific Ocean, you should also have one for the Atlantic Ocean as well. In other messages I have warned you not to live close to the oceans or large rivers where these large water disasters could occur. America needs to repent soon from your sins and lifestyles, or you will have to face My justice.”

Tuesday, February 19, 2008: Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a blanket with the sun shining through it represents My Mystical Body as you are all joined in Communion with Me, the Church, the saints, and even the souls in purgatory who are saved. This ‘Mystical Body of Christ’ should be better understood by the faithful. It is to include all baptized believers in My teachings.”

Requested research by Jesus: St. Robert Bellarmine teaches: ‘The Mystical Body of Christ is composed of three ‘churches’ - The Church Militant (Catholic Church), the Church Suffering (purgatory), and the Church Triumphant (saints). Pope Pius XII in 1943 said: ‘Only those are really to be included as members of the Church who have been baptized and profess the true faith and have not unhappily withdrawn from body-unity, or for grave faults been excluded by legitimate authority. For in one Spirit were we all baptized into one Body.”

(Mystici Corporis, p. 12) Jesus said: “My people, you may be familiar with the reading of dry bones in the desert. (Ezechiel 37:1-14) I talked to Ezechiel about all of these bones before him and I asked him to prophesy over them. Then My Spirit came into these bones and they were raised up with sinew and flesh into a new army of Israel. This is a fore shadowing of how the Son of Man will be resurrected into a glorified Body. At the last day all of My faithful will also be resurrected into a new body that will be rejoined with your soul. As you go forward during Lent, you will see how Good Friday leads up to My Resurrection on the first Easter celebration. Even as you read of My Transfiguration last Sunday, that was another prefigurement of My coming Resurrection when I rose three days later after My death. All of Lent is a reminder to you that you are suffering with Me on your Good Friday while you are on this earth. You too will be waiting and will be purified for your own Easter resurrection. Give praise and thanks to your Lord for dying for your sins so you may one day be with Me forever in heaven.”


Wednesday, February 20, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, the vision of this valuable pearl represents one of the examples that I gave in the Scripture in describing the Kingdom of Heaven. (Matt. 13:45,46) ‘Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he finds a single pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.’ Your eternal life is so important that you should be willing to consecrate everything over to Me so you will be accepting My gift of salvation. But do not be demanding of a special place in heaven as the apostles St. John and St. James wanted to be on My left and on My right. My heavenly Father has prepared a place for every faithful soul, and you will receive it in due time where He wants you to be. Give praise and thanks to God for saving you and giving you the opportunity to come to heaven. In the Old Testament the jealous and plotting people of Jeremiah’s day did not want to hear the hard words of destruction for a sinful Israel. So they eventually killed him, even though his prophecies came true. So I warn all of My prophets and messengers of this age that you be prepared for persecution and possible martyrdom as well. It is not easy to prophesy destruction if the people do not repent of their sins. These things will also come to pass, even if your people kill the prophets of today.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you die, most earthly things of yours are dispersed, and you are soon forgotten. When you think of all the things in life that you dreamed of owning, they all amount to nothing at your judgment. It is not too often that you sit down to think of all the things that you want to accomplish before you die. Many times you do not have the time nor the means to accomplish all of your dreams. In the end it is family and your love for Me that should be most important in your life. To see your children married off and some of your grandchildren, that can mean more than your own physical successes. Saving your soul with My help, and evangelizing other souls to be saved, especially your own family, can mean even more to your spiritual life that lives on beyond the grave. You will meet your deceased family members when you die, and there will be a great reunion in heaven. Most of all you will be eternally happy to be with Me, My saints, and My angels in all of heaven’s beauty that awaits you. When you come to Me at death, you will be coming to your final home and resting place with your Savior.”


Thursday, February 21, 2008: (St. Peter Damian)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel on hell or the netherworld is an important reminder to everyone, even the worst of sinners. (Luke 16:19-31) There is a stark contrast between the rich man who had all of his earthly comforts, and the beggar, Lazarus, who had the dogs licking his sores. After his death the rich man is tormented by flames even though he is in spirit only. He will not even be comforted with any cool water, and he will remain there forever without ever seeing Me. The rich man tries to warn his five brothers not to come to this place of torture. But Abraham tells him that they have Moses and the prophets to follow and if they do not heed them, they will not heed even one that rises from the dead. This refers to My rising from the dead in My Resurrection. Some souls are so persuaded by the devil and the concerns of the world that they do not listen to My Word and find themselves in hell just as this rich man. There are some who so love their sins of addiction that even after the Warning, they will refuse to love and serve Me. This is why the devil and his angels were punished in hell for denying to love Me nor serve Me. Your choice for being in heaven or hell is based on your life decision whether you want to serve Me or yourself in the world. Therefore, choose life in heaven by following My laws and repenting of your sins, or you will choose death in hell.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you someone in constant pain that could be called a suffering servant or a victim soul. These are the people that offer up their pain to Me to be united with My suffering on the cross. There are a lot of suffering people in the world, and I pray that more could think to offer up their pain to Me so their pain is not wasted. There is redemptive merit in offered up pain, and I can use this offering to make atonement for the sins of the world. Prayer, suffering, and fasting are your Lenten callings for this worldly sin as well. Those, who are being converted in their souls, could be giving thanks to God that suffering souls are paying the price for the converted souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some souls that have been faithful to Me for many years. This faithful remnant has been a shining example to lead others to conversion to the faith. The young generation has to look up to their elders for spiritual inspiration. This is why My faithful need to be constant examples of faith, hope, and charity for your children and grandchildren to follow. Let them see you constantly at church and in prayer so they see that you practice what you preach. Pray for all of your family members that they may remain faithful to Me because of your prayers for them.”

Jesus said: “My people, in a way this broken stained glass window represents the brokenness in My Church. You have see the scandals in My Church with some priests that have had encounters with young boys or older women. Many churches had to be sold to pay for legal suits against My Church. In some areas Catholic schools are being closed for lack of funds and low enrollment. Even though you are suffering such trials, do not let these things weaken your faith. You all need to be My prayer warriors so you can strengthen the lukewarm and keep them from falling away from their faith. Broken windows can be repaired as well as any brokenness in My Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your fertility rates in the industrial countries are dropping because of your abortions and death rates among young children. America would be losing population if it were not from your large immigration numbers. People are thinking it is too difficult to raise children, so there are less being born. It is in the third world countries that more are born without worries about money and perfect education. Those, who trust in Me to help raise their children, are more confident in having more children than those depending on themselves only.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times it is good to look back at your old roots of how your parents raised you, and how you raised your own children and grandchildren. You sometimes feel like an in between generation because you are still providing for your parents’ health, and you may be housing or supporting your children and your grandchildren. Even though you may feel stressed in this care, you should feel honored and grateful that you have the money and health to help all of your family members. Continue your good works because you are all storing much treasure in heaven for your loving care.” Jesus said: “My people, when you look up this staircase, you think it is impossible to climb all the way up to heaven as a saint. You need to look at each day as one step at a time because each day has enough troubles of its own. Each day try your best to serve Me and your neighbor out of love, and do not worry if you are doing everything perfectly. You will make mistakes along the way, but take courage because I am with you to forgive you so you can pick yourself up and carry on in My service. Keep focused on Me and please Me in following My laws and continue your daily prayer efforts.”

Jesus said: “My people, My mercy will be poured out on every soul at the time of the Warning. Even the worst of sinners will be given an opportunity to change their way of sin and be converted. After the Warning you will be more responsible for your actions because you will know more how your sins offend Me. The event of the Warning will signal the beginning of the Antichrist coming into power. There will be weeks to prepare conversions, but then evil will have its hour and you will be called to safety at My refuges. Do not be afraid or be hesitant to leave everything behind, because My angels will protect you on your way to My refuges, where all of your necessities will be provided for you. Trust in Me always to provide for your spiritual and physical needs.”


Friday, February 22, 2008: (Chair of St. Peter)

Jesus said: “My people, your trips to Betania have already focused around My Blessed Mother’s feast days. You are asking what would be an appropriate time to come to Betania this year. It would be in keeping with your previous trips that a good time would be around one of My Blessed Mother’s feast days. If you could ascertain a specific time when Juliet was given notice that she would be called ‘Betania IV’, you may want to make a trip in honor of this anniversary. Your desire is to have a convenient time for your pilgrims and the Bianchini Family. Any time that you choose to visit My Blessed Mother’s shrine in Betania is always acceptable to us. The real desire is for a spiritual renewal in all of the pilgrims who wish to come to Betania. They can build on their faith life by inviting us more into their daily lives. Every time that you make a pilgrimage to My Blessed Mother’s shrines, you gain a grace and a protection from My Blessed Mother’s mantle. Those, who have visited Betania, can testify how each time that they come, they take home a joy in their hearts that has to be experienced there. All of the called Betania centers need to be united with My Blessed Mother, Me, and Maria Esperanza in sharing your common purpose of prayer for the world, and reconciliation with each other in making peace all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast commemorates the starting of My Church when I declared to St. Peter (Matt. 16:13-19) ‘You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of heaven.’ This should be a comfort to all of My faithful for My faithful remnant will remain protected even through the coming tribulation. There will be persecution and some will be martyred for not giving up their faith. Continue to pray for Pope Benedict XVI so he can continue to lead My Church through the succession of popes from St. Peter. Regarding the vision of My Blessed Mother kneeling on this land, the significance is connected with the Seventh Anniversary of this Gospa House. My Blessed Mother is affirming her protection of these grounds which continues to be a place of refuge and protection in the coming trial. Pray for unity in the hearts of those working on this ministry. Wherever there is a good work going on to save souls, you know the devil will try to plant his seeds of division in that place. This means that you need to invoke St. Michael to exorcize any demons of dissension, and strengthen the purpose and faith of the people in this ministry. Keep your focus on the love of our Two Hearts, and your work will yield the fruit of My mission.”


Saturday, February 23, 2008: (St. Polycarp)

Jesus said: “My people, this is a glorious celebration of the Mass and the blessing of this new ‘Betania IV’ Shrine. You are seeing in this vision how My Blessed Mother and I are both blessing this shrine. Today’s Gospel of the Prodigal Son and his father is a parable representing the mercy of My loving forgiveness for all sinners. Whether you are a grievous sinner as the young brother who sinned with prostitutes, or a prideful and jealous sinner as the older brother, you are all sinners and My mercy is showered on all of you. My love goes out to all of you in every trial and difficulty that you are facing. Sin has made many hearts and souls cold to receive Me in love. This is why I pour out My Most Precious Blood on all souls, especially those that you are praying for conversion. By praying for poor sinners, especially the lukewarm in your family, you will help bring My love to these souls so they can be predisposed to loving Me. The angels around My Real Presence at the Mass show you how much you should give Me praise and glory for My gift of My Eucharist. As you see the father of the prodigal son forgive both brothers, so I want you to come to Me for forgiveness in Confession. Your soul needs to be free of mortal sin by Confession so you can worthily receive Me in My Blessed Sacrament. You commit a sin of sacrilege if you receive Me in serious sin. Go and make recompense with those that you have offended and then bring your gift to My altar. Love one another and confess your sins often so your soul is always ready to meet Me at your judgment.”


Sunday, February 24, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel of the woman at the well is a very touching story of My love for everyone. I have talked about My Living Water in many messages, and this refers to today’s reading. Your bodies desire water and food of this world, but it will never be satisfied except for a short time. Your soul thirsts for spiritual food and drink in order to have eternal life. I feed your soul with My own Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine. When you partake of My spiritual food, your soul will be completely satisfied in My sacramental Real Presence. Holy Communion is a small taste of heaven that you can experience on earth. I send you My graces and blessings every time that you receive Me in My sacramental presence. You have this glorious opportunity of being with Me at every Mass, which is why many attend daily Mass. Other faithful make special visits to adore Me in Adoration of My Real Presence in My Host. You have witnessed many miracles of My Eucharist that were signs to those that did not believe in My Real Presence. I have given you this gift of Myself to each of you when I instituted My Eucharist at the Last Supper. I suffered and died for you on My cross, and it is My Most Precious Blood that has paid the price for each of your souls. I am the Lamb of God offered up as a sin offering for all of mankind. This ‘Sacrifice of the Mass’ is a re-enactment of My suffering on Good Friday. All of you are also appointed to die once before you can come to heaven. You must also suffer with Me in carrying your daily cross. Give reverence to My Blessed Sacrament by bowing or kneeling to receive Me without mortal sin on your souls. I am Lord and God over your lives and I ask you to follow My Will and give everything over to Me as your Savior to serve Me in your mission. Love Me and your neighbor so that all that you do is out of love for Me. Give Me thanks for all the gifts that I have given you, and hold My peace in your heart without letting anything earthly control you, or disturb your peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to lead My faithful on a path to increased holiness. It is only by becoming holy that you can strive to get closer to your goal of sainthood. The gate in this vision represents a fence that encloses your comfort zone that you feel save to work in. Opening this gate means in order to grow in your faith that you must be willing to take risks in your trust of Me by going out of your comfort zone. Call on Me first to discern if your plans are in keeping with what I want you to do. I call on you to share your faith with others in evangelizing souls. When you are following My lead out into the world, you will meet with these tall white walls that seem impossible to go through. These walls are the restrictions of your society as a resistance to stopping abortion. Do not let people hold you back with threats, because you need to protest abortions in any way that you could. Only with My help and that of My Blessed Mother can I help you break through these barriers. Another wall is a resistance to stopping wars. I want peace all over the world. You cannot say that it is good to continue killing one another. So strive even publicly to be a peacemaker in voting against wars. Another wall is a resistance to stopping pornography and prostitution. You know there are many evils caused by literature and pictures on the internet. You need to fight such evil shops and places of prostitution in your neighborhood. Pray also for people to break down their personal barriers of addictions that people fall victim to. When you strike out in trust of My power to fight these evils in the world, you will meet with much resistance from man and the demons. So ask My help to reach out to purify your soul and the souls around you. By working in My vineyard, you will gain a great reward in heaven.”


Monday, February 25, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you are very comfortable in your homes today, but in the coming days of tribulation, My faithful will need My protection at My refuges from the evil ones who will try to kill you for your faith. Many will be in confusion in these changing events and the leaders of My faithful will be giving advice and direction how to invoke My protection at the appointed time. When you see world famine, a division in My Church, mandatory chips in the body, and martial law, know that it is time to prepare to come to My refuges. My refuges will be at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground, and even caves. At that time I want you to call on My Name and I will have your guardian angels lead you with a physical sign to the nearest place of refuge. You will first be led to interim places of refuge where My faithful will have a temporary place of hiding and any food will be multiplied for those who come. Even at these interim places, which this place is one, I will send My angels to protect you and you will be invisible to your enemies. Rejoice in My merciful protection, even though some will be martyred. After a while, you will be led further to your final places of refuge. You will remain at My refuges until I come to vanquish the Antichrist and all of the evil ones into hell. Be patient and trust in My protection and how I will provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the vision a beautiful manifestation of white light emanating from this cross being carried in procession. This sign is all about the Triumph of My Cross over death, sin, and the devil. I have told you before that this place is a refuge and that this Luminous Cross is the same sign that you will find over every refuge, only it will remain in the sky until the end of the coming tribulation. You will see at the time of tribulation that My cross will triumph again over all the evil ones until I return in glory. My cross will also be a triumph over all of your diseases as you look upon it and are healed. This sign of My cross is not a sign of weakness, but it is My offering of My sacrifice for all of mankind. Truly My cross is a triumph over any of the devil’s powers or any evil. Even after your death, My cross of sacrifice will bring about your resurrection at the final judgment, and you will share in My final Triumph.”


Wednesday, February 27, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, many laws and Commandments were given to Moses, and the Jewish people recorded them in the first five books of the Bible. The core of these laws rest on the love of God and neighbor as thyself. Before I came on the earth, these laws were somewhat burdensome in the way that they were interpreted and carried out. I came not to change the law, but to fulfill the law. The love in My commands was not fully expressed, and I added another dimension to loving your neighbor as always forgiving him and going even the extra mile of loving everyone, even your enemies. My law of love, as I spared the adulterous woman of stoning, is much more compassionate and not as severely punishing as human judgment. The more gifts that I give you in knowledge of the faith, the more you will be held accountable for. I did not take away from the law, but I did embellish it with My love and mercy. You would much rather be judged by a merciful and loving God than be judged by man’s laws and traditions. Treat everyone as you would want them to treat you, but do not take revenge or hold grudges for any offenses. Love one another as I love you, and that will be enough for you on your way to perfection.”


Wednesday, February 27, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, many of your scientists have talked about global warming and are pointing at the melting glaciers. They also are claiming that increased greenhouse gases, as carbon dioxide, are at fault. The irony of these theories is the recent finding of a decline in world temperature in the last year. Many things as less solar activity, or things in the atmosphere from volcanoes, chem trails, or sand storms could be blocking the sunlight. Man-made pollution does have its affects, but it is hard for man to say what is the actual cause of this latest trend. Man could work to keep the environment clean, but there are many factors that could affect global temperatures. This is why it is difficult for man to say if any warming or cooling trends are actually taking place over time.” (Note: In the last year the world temperature dropped 0.60 degrees C which makes the 100 year increase only 0.037 degrees C.)


Thursday, February 28, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of your modern sophisticated weapons of war appear so overpowering to the capabilities of the insurgents tha you are fighting with, when they are using road bombs and suicide bombers. Yet the one world people are insistent on constant wars and tying down your armies in foreign lands. These wars, that are in oil and drug countries, are too obvious that money is the incentive behind the wars. Wars that only want regime changes and are non-provoked, as in Iraq, should alert your people as to how you are being manipulated. It is time that Americans question these wars and how long they are dragged out for areas that have no concern to your country. It is the rich and the Defense industries that profit from these wars, even when there was an absence of nuclear weapons on which the war was based. Pray for an end to these wars, and voice your opinion against this constant killing in foreign lands.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, when a recession or inflation is threatened, some place their trust in gold, thinking that it will not lose its value. My people should put their trust in Me whether you are in good times or in bad times. When you put your trust in money or gold, these things could be corrupted or stolen. When you put your trust in Me, I will promise you eternal life. I love all of you so dearly, and I struggle to help save your souls as long as you are alive.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people want to have as many earthly comforts as possible. It is almost impossible to carry your daily cross without some expectation that you are going to suffer some in this world. Your days will be filled with trials, and you will have to shoulder life’s burdens of sickness, working for a living, and putting up with pain and inconveniences. When you suffer in this life, it will not be any different for everyone else. Ask for My blessings and graces so that your families will be able to endure your life’s trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not expect that you will be given all that you need without having to work for it. Some inherit wealth from rich families, but these are few in number. Some receive charity who are unable to work, but you do not want their handicaps. Most people are forced to find work in order to survive, but trust in Me to find you adequate employment. I will not leave you orphans, so you know that I will help provide for your bare necessities as I feed the birds and dress the lilies of the field.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are asked to give alms to the poor, but not just a token amount. When you give donations to the poor, I want you to give from the heart and be a cheerful giver. This means that you should be tithing ten per cent of your income to help My Church and the poor. You are willing to spend considerable amounts on vacations and your leisure spending on your home items. So be willing to share a considerable amount as well to help your neighbor in having food and shelter.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of the one world people who will be trying for a takeover of your country by inflicting viruses on you from chem trails and even through the existing flu shots. There is a plan to have all the children receive the flu shots without thinking of any side effects on them. Build up your immune systems and be wary of taking any shots unless you are at great risk.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is the third week into Lent and you would do well to see if you are making any sacrifices in your attempts to improve your spiritual life. You made some promises to yourself to do some penances and help people. Are you truly fulfilling your intentions, or do you need to get back on track to what you promised? By making some sacrifices as fasting, or denying yourself something that you like, you can strengthen your spiritual life for this Lent.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you should be more focused on seeking My forgiveness of your sins. You can strive to be more holy by attending daily Mass, and going to frequent Confession of your sins. It is not easy to avoid constant temptations, but you have strength and forgiveness in My sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation. Making some extra prayer time each day will also help you to see the big picture of why you are here on this earth. By doing everything to serve Me more than yourself, you will have more focus on your purpose in this life to follow Me.”


Friday, February 29, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, many of your scientists have been trying to explain the losses in the number of beehives. Some are saying that it is a combination of mites and insecticides that are disorienting the bees. Man has tried to change plants by making hybrids to improve on My perfection for better yields. All of his manipulations are interfering with how seeds are made, and insecticides are killing even the good insects. A third of your crops require pollination with the help of the bees. If the bee population continues to decrease, this could even threaten the beginnings of a world famine. This is why you may need to stock up on seeds that are not hybrids, so you can harvest seeds the next year. All of man’s manipulations of his crops could undermine My balance of nature and cause a shortage in your food supply. This is why I will have to multiply your food so you can survive this disaster. Keep farming with My original perfect crops and you will see better yields and quality in the end, with seeds that you can continue to harvest.”

Jesus said: “My people, this volcanic eruption will send ash and black smoke into the sky for miles high. It will cause a major blocking of the sun in the immediate area and it will affect the local weather for a time. There will even be a slight reduction in the earth’s overall temperature. These such events have occurred in earth’s history before, but this event will shake many people to realize the fury of nature. I have told you before that you will see many unusual natural disasters this year, and this describes one such event. Be prepared to witness such events that could change the way you live today. As you see this volcano spew flame and dust all over, know also that some demons will be released from hell through this volcano to torment souls on the earth. This is a sign to you that the tribulation is about to begin.”


Saturday, March 1, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this picture of ice on the window represents the coldness of many hearts in ignoring My love, and their refusal to seek My forgiveness of their sins. In today’s Gospel of the Pharisee and the tax collector it shows the pride of the Pharisee in looking down on the tax collector. The tax collector was sorrowful for his sins and he went away from the temple more justified in being humble for his sins than the Pharisee. Everything, that you have, has come from Me, so be thankful for your blessings instead of bragging about them or seeing yourself as better than someone else. All of you are in progress of improving your spiritual lives, so do not be critical of someone at different stages of their development, since you were not always where you are today. Instead, always be humble because it was your free will choices to sin that have brought you grief. But you have hope because you can always come to Me for forgiveness. It is the cold and unrepentant souls that are risking eternal condemnation.” (Funeral Mass for Monsignor Emmett Murphy)

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad, but an opportunity to celebrate the life of this wonderful and holy priest. He served his parish well, and he was an inspiration to many aspiring to be in the priesthood. In a time when there are few ordinations, you need such inspiring priests to bring more into My vineyard. Ask the harvest master to bring more priests into My service. It is by having more people at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament that you can make fertile ground for more vocations to the priesthood. Monsignor Emmett helped distribute many sacraments to the people over his near seventy years of service in the priesthood. He truly lived the words of the Scripture: ‘Thou art a priest forever according to the order of Melchisedech.’” (Hebrews 7:17)


Sunday, March 2, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel shows you how strongly the Pharisees did not want to believe that I healed the blind man of his sight. They questioned the blind man twice and his parents, and even faced with a real miracle, they threw the man out because he questioned why they did not believe in Me. The Pharisees did not like the fact that I healed the man on the Sabbath. By not believing in My miracles and calling Me and the blind man sinners, they thought now they did not have to believe that I was sent from God. This empty box in the vision represents their non-belief that I was God’s Son. But if the Father sent Me, then they refused to believe in the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. This is why I said if they see in an earthly sense, then they are still in their sin and are spiritually blind to My love. It is the same for the people of today. If people do not want to believe in Me as their Savior, and they do not want to seek My forgiveness of their sins, then they are still steeped in their sins, and are risking the fires of hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is a very difficult scene to see so many spirit bodies leaving their dead bodies as a result of a pandemic virus that will be very deadly. This virus will be spread by the chem trails and the one world people will protect themselves with an antidote vaccine for this virus. I am telling My people again to build up your immune system with Hawthorn pills or tea, along with other herbs, vitamins, and nuts. Once you see this pandemic beginning with many people dying, it would be a good time to call on Me to lead you to your refuges where you would be healed of all sicknesses by drinking the water of the healing spring, and looking on the luminous cross. The evil ones will try to reduce the population so they have less people to control. This tribulation time will be brief before I will come and cast this evil lot into hell. My faithful will then rejoice to live in My Era of Peace.” Monday, March 3, 2008: (St. Katherine Drexel)

Jesus said: “My people, much of your fresh water for your crops comes from rain water which is really fresh water that is distilled from the salty oceans, or from the Great Lakes. Unfortunately, your air pollution puts acid and other pollutants in the rain water, and it makes your lakes in higher elevations so acid that fish cannot live in them. In your news there was a remark about certain bacteria being present in your rainfall. It did not explain how bacteria and viruses got into the air in the first place. It is your government’s plans to place chem trails in your skies and the chem trails are loaded purposely with bacteria and viruses to make people sick with flu-like symptoms. When it rains, all of these chem trail pollutants are found in your rainwater as a result. This is another reason why you have so much sickness spread over your land. It is also why I have recommended Hawthorn pills and tea, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune systems to fight these diseases.”

Jesus said: “My people, My cross stands strong during Lent because you should be focused on how I suffered for all of you because I love you. My Gospel of love and life calls for a better spiritual life than the call of the death culture being promoted by the one world people and the candidates that they support. Many of these candidates support either the war or abortion, and some even both. If you love your neighbor, then you would not seek constant wars and still further, you would not continue a war under false pretenses. You know how much I love the little children, and any candidate in favor of abortion is badly misled, and should not be advocating killing My little ones. Do not be misled by the media and any candidates who promote the death culture. Follow My love for each other and protect the preciousness of life.” Tuesday, March 4, 2008: (St. Caismir)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I took pity on the paralyzed man who was unable to move himself into the healing waters of Bethsaida when the water was stirred. I healed him on the Sabbath which angered the religious authorities when I told him to pick up his mat and walk. (John 5:1-18) In the vision many light candles for various intentions of healing and conversions. At holy places, as Lourdes, there are some healings granted to those who believe that I can heal them. Spiritual conversions are even more important than physical healings. Those, who have their prayers answered, should also remember to give praise and thanks to Me for any healings. There are many miracles still performed, even when they are not always made public. You will see even more miracles at My refuges when My faithful will be healed of all of their health problems through the healing spring water, and looking at My luminous cross in the sky.”

Jesus said: “My people, many question whether there is a heaven, hell, or purgatory, but I can assure you that they exist in the next life. You are spirit and body, but at death your soul is separated from your body. It is where your soul goes that should most concern you, because eventually you choose by your actions whether you will be in heaven or hell. This vision of purgatory is truly a journey, because with prayer and My mercy these souls can gradually move to the upper levels of purgatory, and one day they are promised to be with Me in heaven. Souls suffer in purgatory to make atonement for the temporal punishment due for their sins. Your prayers and Masses for these souls can shorten their stay in this punishment. To be a saint, you must be purified of all of your hate, grudges, and unforgiveness of others. You also need to be cleansed of all attachments to earthly things, so no idols will be before Me. Once you have been made clean and perfect, only then are you ready for heaven. You continue to think that My ways are not fair, but truly it is your ways that are not fair in giving glory to Me. The more you suffer on earth and store up good deeds in your treasure in heaven, the less you will have to be purified in purgatory. The more you trust in Me, as a child trusts in their parents, the closer you are to My heart. Love Me in everything that comes, in both the good and the bad, and your reward will be great in heaven.”


Wednesday, March 5, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of prison bars represents how your sins imprison you from doing the best that I want you to accomplish. When I died on the cross for your sins, now you are free and can be forgiven of your sins. The opening of the prison bars means that the gates of heaven have been opened for those worthy to enter. The consequences of sin take away grace from your soul, and you become weak to break the bonds of your bad habits. You can come to Me in Confession and your sins can be cleansed and sanctifying grace is restored to your soul. Now you are more worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion, and the grace of My Eucharist will heal the harm done by your sins. So rejoice in your spiritual freedom, but remember that you are now more responsible to obey My Commandments so you can show Me how much you love Me. You can put your trust in Me to provide for all of your needs, so call on Me when you are in distress and even in your every day trials. Soon you will be celebrating My Resurrection at Easter, and you can look forward one day to being with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you occasionally see shooting stars as a result of burning up space debris from various satellites. Recently, your military shot down a military satellite with dangerous unspent fuel. These events can also be seen as signs or omens of events to come. You truly will be seeing some unusual natural disasters and man-made events this year. Be prepared for some dramatic damage and possible loss of life with all of these events. Be assured that I will be at your side to call on Me for help in any disaster to come. Except for Katrina and your California fires, you have had a relative calm from disasters. Tornadoes, droughts, and ice storms have unsettled your people recently. These things will only increase in intensity.”


Thursday, March 6, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I call to mind a reflection that you remember in ‘My Imitation of Christ’ (p. 243): ‘Son, be not curious nor give thyself to useless cares.’ This same fascination with curiosity is expressed by the vision of someone using a telescope to search for information. At times you are interested in hearing the latest news of what is going on around you. Some are also curious of what are the latest electronic gadgets that they must have for whatever reason. This quest for the latest news can even be expanded in using the internet to find that information. The reason, that I am visiting this subject, is because this quest for new information can become an obsession. It can interfere with your spiritual life which can take you away from your focus on Me and serving Me, when you focus on your own plans. As you read the account in Exodus about My anger at the Hebrews for worshiping the golden calf, you see why I do not want any idols or strange gods before Me. I am a jealous God, and I want your full attention on My plans for your life. Always pray for direction from Me so that you are doing the right things for your spiritual growth. When worldly concerns and desirable objects take up too much of your time, then there will be less time for Me in your prayer life. Guard yourself so that these worldly things do not control you. Once you acquire the latest news, it quickly becomes old. Once you acquire the latest gadget, it breaks, becomes obsolete, or you quickly lose interest in it. Focus your attention on pleasing Me and following My Will, and do not let your curiosity run your life.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this is a powerful vision and the locked door represents the door of your heart which I am always knocking on to come in. I do not force My Will on your will because I want you to love Me of your own free will. There is rejoicing in heaven whenever any soul opens this lock with their own unique key so I can come into that heart and soul. If you desire to be with Me in heaven, I call you to consecrate everything over to My Divine Will so I can use you and mold you to do the mission that I have intended for you. If you struggle and want to lead by yourself, it is hard for Me to use you when you pull in the opposite direction. I know that you are weak in your human state, but call on My help to give you the graces that you need to endure your life on this earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how you need heat in the car to melt the ice, and scraping to remove the ice so your windshield wipers can function. When you have cold hearts to Me, it is hard for you to be warm and loving of Me so you can function as a loving Christian. It takes forgiveness in Confession to bring back the warmth of My love into your hearts. You cannot function as the iced up windshield wipers until you thaw out your icy hearts to Me. Keep holding Me close in love, and love your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that Father Steiger had to be involved in this scandal in the Church. Now, he has passed away and many of his friends want to remember the good things that he had done most of his life. He took strong positions against abortion and stood up for many traditions of the Church which have been compromised by others. His manner may have been hard at times, but he had a deep love for Me, My Blessed Mother, and the saints. He will have to be purified in purgatory for a time, but he brought many souls into the Church and was a good shepherd. Pray for his soul, even despite his weaknesses.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to bring up children through their school years. There are many distractions that could mislead students in wasting their time instead of paying attention to their studies. When they are having difficulties with their studies, you need to pray for them and find ways to help them with their teachers so they do not lose heart and give up without trying. Encourage them with love and concern, and not with only hard penalties. You will accomplish more with love, help, and prayer than with stern punishments.”

Jesus said: “My people, at My final refuges I will provide everyone shelter, water, and food in abundance. Before people reach their final destination of a refuge, many will travel first to the nearest interim refuge. There will be food multiplied and water there, but sleeping space may be difficult for a while. Have patience with your temporary accommodations and work to help each other. Angels will protect you at these interim refuges as you will gradually make your way to your final refuge. Trust in My plans and I will protect you from the evil ones and all of their diseases.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you know the sensitivity of silicon microchips that can be destroyed by EMP or Electromotive Pulse waves by nuclear bombs or EMP weapons. In some military areas there are old vacuum tube backup communications just in case these EMP weapons are used to destroy all of the microchips. It is hard to find such equipment, but it would be useful against an EMP attack. Be prepared for the use of some very sophisticated weapons that could be used in various countries. The countries with the better weapons and counter measures will be the countries in power.”

Jesus said: “My people, in many Scripture accounts I call on everyone to pick up their daily cross and carry it with Me in sharing My suffering on the cross. Some pray the Stations of the cross, but I want you to make an effort to say them especially on every Lenten Friday. You will soon be preparing for Holy Week and the devotions for Good Friday when I carried My cross to Calvary. You all share your crosses with My suffering, and I will help you as Simon helped Me to carry My cross. Offer up all of your suffering to Me, and you will see the redemptive merit in your intentions.”


Friday, March 7, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, in the readings you saw how the just ones had to suffer for being righteous and following God’s law against the worldly pleasures. The world loves its sins of avarice, abortion, and prostitution, and those who preach against these sins are persecuted for My Name’s sake. This vision of the pillar for My scourging is the Hour of My suffering when the authorities of My time could not stand that I was saying that I was the Son of Man sent by My Father in heaven. They rejected Me as a blasphemer and had Me crucified because they could not believe My works, My words, or My miracles, nor that I was God’s Son. I used their ignorance of My mission so I could die for all of mankind’s sins. But all just and righteous people, who follow My ways, can expect the same treatment for living according to My laws and evangelizing souls.”


Sunday, March 9, 2008: (5th Sunday of Lent, Lazarus)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is focused on: ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life.’ for everyone for both believers and future converts. Just as I resurrected Lazarus back to life in this world, I will resurrect all of My faithful in the next life at the final judgment when you will have your soul joined with your glorified bodies. For those who live during the tribulation of the Antichrist, they will be enduring with My grace their living purgatory on earth. At the end of the tribulation, all of My faithful at My refuges will be called forth as Lazarus to join Me on a renewed earth in My coming Era of Peace. My faithful souls will be further purified in preparation to join Me in heaven. Rejoice, My people, for you will see My glorious victory in a short time.”


Monday, March 10, 2008: (Susanna, Daniel 13:1-62)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading of Susanna showed you how the lust of the two elders caused them to try to defile Susanna. When they could not have their way with her, they tried to use their authority as judges to have Susanna put to death. But Daniel convicted them of perjury against her and they were killed. There are those with power and money who try to Lord it over innocent victims in your own court system. I called the lawyers to task for their lack of justice. (Luke 11:46, 52) ‘Woe to you lawyers also! Because you load men with oppressive burdens, and you yourselves with one of your fingers do not touch the burdens. Woe to you lawyers! Because you have taken away the key of knowledge; you have not entered yourselves, and those who were entering you have hindered.’ In My day it was the tax collectors who stole from the people, and today it is your lawyers who charge outrageous fees for the least little things. Just as in the end the elders were brought to My justice, so anyone who abuses your court system will also be brought to My justice.” (Ray Buonemani Funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, Ray has died before you and he had a loving and generous heart in fighting for the unborn. He had compassion even for the mothers that needed counseling and help to avoid having an abortion. The Women’s Care Center is a great work that he can be proud of, and he urged many to help save My babies through helping the women in their needs. The miracle of the bleeding cross at this place, also was a testimony to Ray’s efforts to save the unborn. If you had more people with his zeal, more babies could be saved. Ray loved his family even amidst some trials, but he was there for them even besides his illnesses. Remember his love and concern for others as a model for your lives.”


Tuesday, March 11, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading you heard the account of the Israelites complaining to Moses of the manna that they were eating in the desert. As a punishment God sent the saraph serpents that bit the people and some died. After the people pleaded to Moses and were sorry for their sin, Moses was told by God to mount a bronze serpent on a pole and all, who looked on the bronze serpent, were healed of their snake bite. This is a prefigurement of how I was lifted up on a cross so I could heal everyone of their sins, and they now could have eternal life. Many look on My crucifix so they could be converted and saved, since I paid the price for your souls. There is a second prefigurement in the manna because now I instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper, and I give you Myself in the consecrated Host as your spiritual food. I told you that he, who eats My Body and drinks My Blood, will have eternal life. So in the vision of seeing Me giving out Holy Communion, the Exodus manna is a symbol of My present Blessed Sacrament. What the people of the day of Moses were not satisfied with, has now become My very Body and Blood that satisfies the soul more than bread alone could ever do.”

Jesus said: “My people, My love is constant for My people, even when you fall into sin. As you look upon this ever flowing water fountain, think of this water as a constant flow of My graces and blessings all over My people. All that you need to do is call upon Me and I will give you My gifts from My abundant graces. All of those souls, who love Me in return, will be on the right path to eternal life. All of those souls, who refuse to love Me, are walking down the broad road to hell. You are the one by your actions that chooses your fate of either heaven or hell. Remember that I always love you, and it is you who choose at times in your sin not to love Me. But I give everyone chances to repent and return to My love by asking My forgiveness. I seek to win your soul, even until your dying breath. But remember that Satan struggles for your soul until death as well. The difference is that I created you and I love you. Satan does not know you as I do, and he only hates you. You would much rather follow your Creator who loves you and can welcome you into the glory of heaven.”


Wednesday, March 12, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, over the years you have read the lives of many saints who were martyred and gave up their lives instead of renouncing their faith in God. In today’s first reading you had Shadrach, Mishach, and Abdenago that were faithful to the God of Israel. They openly refused to bow down and worship the gold idol of the king, even though they were threatened to be thrown into the white, hot furnace. When they were thrown into the furnace, an angel came and protected them. (Daniel 3:1-97) My faithful also are persecuted today, but not always with the threat of death. It is important in your own society that you have courage to stand up against the immoralities of your day in abortion, fornication, pornography, and many more abusive sins as living together, and homosexual acts. In the vision of refining silver it also means that you must be purified by testing to clean up your life from any sinful habits. Once you are made strong by My grace of forgiveness, then you will have the courage to defend your faith, even if you may have to die for it. Be grateful to Me for your gift of faith, and guard it with your life so you can be with Me in heaven.”


Wednesday, March 12, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you already are seeing some changing weather patterns that have been bringing some stronger winds, major snow storms, and freezing rain incidents. The hot and cold shifts are more frequent, and they have been associated with higher winds and more ice storms. This same unusual hot and cold with more wind will continue through the year. Some areas will have floods, while droughts will worsen in other areas. There will be some serious natural disasters with these changing weather patterns. Be prepared to suffer some financial hardships from these events with some loss of life. I will be at your side when you call on Me for help in these trials.”


Thursday, March 13, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, in the coming tribulation I have told you that My angels will lead you to refuges of protection from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you because of your faith in Me. I am showing you in this vision that many monasteries will be safe havens for My faithful, even as they have protected travelers seeking shelter for many years. Those, who come to the monasteries, will have to abide by their ways of reverence and prayer. At times there are resident priests at the monasteries that could provide Mass for My faithful as well as food. I have told you in the previous messages how you will be helping each other, and you will be praying more. I will multiply water, food, and means of shelter so that all of your physical needs will be met. I will send My angels to protect the monasteries, even as the angels will be protecting other refuges. Those monks and some priests will be asked to offer hospitality to many faithful who will be led to their doors. You saw the joyful welcome that you received in the vision, so be grateful and thankful for the help that you will be receiving at these monasteries.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this latest incident with your former governor has a similar parallel to King David when he committed adultery with Bathsheba. This is the comparison in the vision with a castle and a modern nice home of today. I have given several messages on the evils of prostitution, fornication, and adultery that are breaking up many marriages. Even King David was chastised by the prophet Nathan, and your governor was forced to resign. When you see the divorce rate so high and many living together without marriage, you can see this event is just another sign of how immoral your society has become. Everyone has some sin, so you cannot throw the first stone, but I encourage My people to follow My Commandments, and spouses need to be faithful to each other.”

Jesus said: “My people, your primary season has become so close, that each side has resorted to some comments to put down each other from a personal nature. Instead of focusing on the issues of debate, your media has highlighted every flaw in anyone’s speech. You remember how the Pharisees and Sadducees tried to trip Me up in My words so they could accuse Me of a crime. Today, when I proclaimed that before Abraham came to be ‘I AM’, they now accused Me of being a blasphemer. But I did not lie since I truly am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.”

Jesus said: “My people, this flour being made in an old water mill is a sign of how your prices today are increasing in both your foodstuffs and your commodities. Your currency is decreasing in value because of the Federal Reserve putting more money in circulation, and lowering the interest rates. Your deficit of trade, your national deficits, and the latest credit crisis has lowered the value of the dollar against the currencies of other countries, and this has raised the prices of your commodities. Many of your financial problems are a result of greed and extortion by your mortgage lenders, and those buying houses for cheaper interest initially. These financial woes are partly a consequence of your sins as a nation that is trying to live beyond its means. Pray for the people who are suffering from this downturn in your economy.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your people are trying to erect a wall along your border with Mexico to stop the illegal immigration that is allowing drug thieves and terrorists to freely cross your borders. One group is trying to enforce the law for entry, while some employers want to exploit the cheap labor of immigrants. There is still a larger overview of those desiring to form a North American Union, as your president, who is not enforcing the borders because he wants no borders. This is becoming a real threat to your rights and liberties which the one world people want to take away to make you their slaves. Do not fear these evil ones because I will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to read My Passion and Death in the readings for Palm Sunday, or Passion Sunday. This coming Holy Week is the most moving when you see how I was betrayed and had to suffer for My people. As you look upon My large crucifix on the altar, now you see why My suffering and death must be your focus for your life. Looking on My crucifix shows you how much I love all of you because I died for all of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, this custom or tradition of visiting other churches on Holy Thursday should be maintained, even if it takes a little of your time to pray at these churches. One of the sad situations, that you are facing, is the fact that you are visiting fewer churches because they are being closed for one reason or another. In some areas fewer are attending Mass, and the number of priests are also decreasing. You have seen how many in Europe no longer go to church, and their churches are becoming museums. America needs to repent and get back to your belief in your faith, or you will soon grow cold to Me as those are in Europe.”

Jesus said: “My people, you only have a few weeks of Lent left and you should take full advantage of this time to grow in your spiritual life. Daily prayer and monthly Confession should be a part of your remaining Lenten time as well as your fasting. By restricting your body’s desires for food and other penances, you can have the soul in more control over your body. Keep focused on Me as your model for life and concentrate more on those things that will bring you closer to heaven than appeasing the body with earthly desires.”

Friday, March 14, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I asked the people in today’s Gospel to believe that I am God’s Son because of the miracle works that I performed, and that I was sent by My Father. I want to emphasize how I prayed to heal the whole person, both body and soul. The healing of the soul from its sin is actually more of a blessing than any physical healing. I am God and all healing is possible, but it should be in accordance with My Will. Let this be a reminder to you when you are praying for petitions of healing for someone. Pray first that the soul be healed of sin, and then if it be in My Will, pray for the healing of that person’s illness. When you are evangelizing souls for My greater glory, you are really praying for a healing of that soul’s spiritual sickness of sin. Once a soul asks for forgiveness in sincere contrition and is forgiven, then you will see a great change of grace come over that person’s face, even if they are not healed physically. It is important to be free of sickness so you can perform your mission, but it is more important to have your soul saved in order to enter heaven. So just as I did, always pray to heal the whole person, both body and soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, this shadow of My cross, that falls all over you, represents how you share all of your suffering with My suffering on the cross. I ask you to take up your daily cross and offer up all of your pains, disappointments, and trials to Me. I know all that you are going through, and your desire to suffer with Me will gain you treasure in heaven. I am always at your side to give you strength and courage to fulfill your mission, even when it may seem impossible to you. Remember that with Me all things are possible. Remember to pray your Stations of the Cross this day on Friday to commemorate the day of My death on Good Friday. I love all of you so very much and I reach out with My mercy to save all souls who listen to My Word and take it to heart. It is true as your priest has said that it is more important to focus on My death and Resurrection in Holy Week than on any other earthly concerns about bunnies, eggs, candy, or new clothing. Rejoice in this most important of all times in the Church Year when you commemorate My death and Resurrection. See how much I love all of you that I suffered a cruel death to pay the price for all of mankind’s sins. I am the worthy Lamb of God offered up as the ultimate sacrifice more meaningful than all of your burnt offerings. Come and join in My Eucharist so you can receive your spiritual food that will bring you to life everlasting. When you follow Me, you are continuing to walk in the shadow of My cross.”


Saturday, March 15, 2008: (St. Joseph)

Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the feast of My foster father, St. Joseph. He was a holy and gracious man, and he was charged with the responsibility for providing for the Holy Family by his carpenter trade. He taught Me his trade while I was growing up, and also with My Blessed Mother they taught Me all the customs, traditions, and the Scriptures of the Jewish faith. This is a message to all fathers and mothers that you are all responsible for the spiritual well-being for the souls of your children. You must bring them up in the faith and see to it that they receive religious instruction so they will be made aware of My love and the need to struggle for perfection to enter heaven. Even after your children leave your house, you are still responsible to remind them of their spiritual commitment to Me. I know your children have free will, and it could happen that they may wander away from the Church. Still give them good example and encourage them in a loving way to return to the faith that they were taught. If they refuse, then it is still your obligation to pray for their souls, even to either of your deaths. This is the persistence of faith that I call all parents to watch over their children.”

Jesus said: “My people, the reading of My Passion starts with the Last Supper and the betrayal by Judas. While he was gone I shared the first Mass with My apostles and I instituted My Eucharist for all time. It was after I died on the cross that now you can celebrate My Real Presence in the consecrated bread and wine. This vision of the bread focuses you on My Blessed Sacrament, which is My gift of Myself that I have left with you when I left the earth in My physical body. Now, when you want to be close to Me, you can visit Me at any tabernacle in any church. In My Passion you read of how Judas and St. Peter denied Me, but they each had different reactions to their denials. Judas was so grief stricken that he thought he was unworthy of My forgiveness, so he went out and hanged himself. St. Peter was also remorseful for his three denials, but he was trusting that I would forgive him, even when I asked him three times if he loved Me. My people, in your sins you are denying Me as well, but you trust in Me to also forgive you in Confession. Give praise and glory to your Lord for giving you My sacraments of Holy Communion and Penance.”


Sunday, March 16, 2008: (Palm Sunday, Passion Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, you have read the pain and suffering that I endured on the cross, even though you shared a little suffering in standing to read My Passion. When you got home, you realized that your crucifix was left behind where you traveled. Some of your special spiritual weapons are too valuable to chance losing, and the evil one knows how to distract you to forget them. Be more careful with your relics, and keep your holy water and holy oil always available for blessing people. My cross is how I suffered for your sins, and this view of My cross on your altar is important for the people to keep focused on Me all year long. Remember every day to pick up your cross and carry it with Me, so you can share your sufferings with Me on My cross. You will need to carry your cross until the day that you die, just as I had to die on Calvary. Dying and suffering are not easy to endure, but you are assured, that with trust in Me, you will see your resurrection just as I resurrected.”


Monday, March 17, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the opening in the clouds is to remind you that My death on the cross opened the gates of heaven to those worthy to enter. Since Adams’s sin until My death, the gates of heaven were closed to everyone. Now, because of My mercy and sacrifice, all purified souls are washed with My Blood and are now acceptable to enter heaven. Still coming to heaven for My faithful is not always right away. Some have suffered their purgatory on earth and can enter after their death. Most of My faithful people require purification in purgatory, but some other people are being lost to hell forever. It is My faithful’s responsibility to try and bring as many souls as possible to Me so they can be saved from hell. This choice of loving Me or not is a life decision that every soul makes, and you will be judged accordingly. Choose life therefore, so you can be on the right path to the gates of heaven that I have opened to receive those that follow My Will.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a rock crumbling away is a picture of America’s financial system. In the beginning the cracks appear to be fixable by your Federal Reserve assisting the ailing mortgage lenders. Soon you will realize how greed and over leveraging has put many financial institutions into low cash worth. The extremely high wages and commissions of the lenders CEOs and employees have eroded their net worth until few buyers are willing to risk in their stock. This lack of confidence in these investments will make it impossible to bail out smaller companies. Those, who have the mortgages, will need to be allowed to refinance lower loans for their house’s current value at their current interest, or the foreclosures will leave the mortgage lenders with unsaleable homes. All the government support for the mortgage lenders will have to help their loan markdowns for individuals. If stability cannot be found, a true crash will occur. The one world people could utilize this apparent financial breakdown to their own advantage in taking over your country to cause everyone to have a chip put in their body. If riots and looting begins, My people will need to go to their refuges for protection from the chips and those looking for food. Pray for My protection in these turbulent times and trust in Me to provide for your needs.”


Tuesday, March 18, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a boat leaving the dock for the open seas represents how I send you out into life with My graces of My Eucharist from the Last Supper, so you will have the courage to endure the trials of life. It is not easy for a family to keep good paying jobs so you can pay for your bills of taxes, housing, education, food, and travel. All of these expenses test you at times when sudden expensive bills come up. Keep your spiritual peace because you have confidence and trust in Me more than in your money or your possessions. Those, who do not trust in Me, are always worried for what they are to eat, wear, and where to live. If you are My disciples, you should not worry about such things, even as you see that I take care of feeding the birds of the air, and dressing the lilies of the field. You are much more valuable than these, so take courage that I am at your side to bring you through the worst of disasters, and eventually to the refuges during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people have been taken up with your economy in the credit crisis, a recession, and inflated commodities. What has been forgotten is the billions of dollars that you continue to spend on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan along with your soldiers being killed and wounded. This war was started under false pretenses and should have been phased out instead of continuing for five years. Your previous long wars were stopped by limiting the funds in Congress. Since the one world people and your president continue to keep the war going, this seems to be the only way to bring your troops home, which is to cut off the money. The war is putting your budget into huge deficits and the one world people are getting their way of destroying your economy and your military for their takeover. America needs to wake up and take your country back by getting out of this war, stopping the deficits, and refusing to accept the NAFTA and North American Union, or you will have no country at all. Repent of your sins, and put Me back into your lives. Love of Me and your neighbor as yourself should be your goal and not supporting the death culture.”


Wednesday, March 19, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you at length of how I want you to offer up all of your suffering and join it with Mine on the cross. I have also asked you to pick up your daily cross and carry it with Me. If you ask for My graces, I will even assist you with your daily burden, just as Simon helped Me to carry My cross. There is one more request. I know that you all are weak to sin and are sinners, but you must realize that every sin that you commit becomes an added weight to My cross that I must carry. Learn that My suffering is to pay the price for each of your sins. So I ask you to minimize your sins so I will be able to suffer less for them. In a spiritual way I am still suffering for all of the sins that you are committing. Your sins not only offend Me, but they weaken your love relationship with Me. Even still, My mercy awaits you when you seek My forgiveness in Confession. When you see how difficult it is for you to carry your own cross, then see how loving you can be to Me by avoiding your sin, and lighten the load of suffering that I have to do for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I gave you messages about natural disasters and now you are seeing the floods that I mentioned a week ago with some loss of life as well. This vision of parts of homes being carried away by a flooding river is exactly what you are witnessing currently in the middle of your country. Fast melting snow and heavy rain downpours are causing flooding in areas that were already saturated with water from previous storms. Be prepared for more floods by seeking higher ground away from rivers and coast lands. Those, who are asked to evacuate, should leave quickly and not risk losing their lives by staying behind. These rainstorms are following tornadoes, and fires that occurred earlier. Between natural disasters, recession, inflated goods, and your mortgage crisis, this year will test you like no previous year. Pray that those, who need help, will be able to find it.”


Thursday, March 20, 2008: (Holy Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, when I went to wash the feet of St. Peter, at first he refused. Then I said to him that unless I wash his feet, he could have no part in My inheritance. This changed St. Peter’s mind, and he wanted Me to wash his head and hands as well. This washing of My apostles’ feet was an example to them how they needed to be My servants in helping others. This washing of the feet was also symbolic of purifying the body of its sinful soul on the inside that will heal your spiritual life. But of your own free will you must seek My forgiveness so you can be freed of your bonds of sin, and receive My abundant graces. I took on all of mankind’s sin and I was offered up as a sin offering to My heavenly Father. I am the most worthy sacrifice that He accepted in payment for the price of your sins. This is how mankind was restored with his inheritance in My Kingdom. Even the good thief asked Me to remember him when I came into My Kingdom. I promised him that day that he would be with Me in paradise. (Luke 23:43) All of you can be with Me in heaven as well, if you repent of your sins and accept Me as Master of your lives.”


Friday, March 21, 2008: (Good Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, the description of My Passion and death on the cross is very sad and graphic that I had to die without committing any crime. But I had a world to save and the price of your sins was very heavy. I suffered much in My scourging, carrying My cross, being nailed to the cross, and agonizing without being able to breathe. After I died, you saw the last of My Blood and water come forth when the lance pierced My side. When you have any pain in this life, it will appear as nothing compared to what I had to suffer for each of you. Now, you honor My three days in the tomb in silence and darkness, until I came forth to life in My Resurrection on Easter Sunday. I know you are in sorrow that your sins caused Me to suffer so much. I am still suffering even now for the sins of mankind. Ask My forgiveness of your sins as I renew the grace in your soul at every Confession that you make. Work on your penances as a small payment to atone for your sins. I love you in My sacrifice, and I want you to love Me in return.”


Saturday, March 21, 2008: (Easter Vigil)

Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles beforehand that I would be killed and then rise again on the third day. I kept My promise, but My apostles were still in disbelief from the women that I sent to them. So two apostles did go to My tomb and they found the stone moved and My Body was gone, just as the women had told them. They believed then in My Resurrection and the others had this confirmed when I appeared in their midst several times. My apostles had not yet received the Holy Spirit and they did not at first grasp what My Resurrection from the dead meant. They soon realized that My death and Resurrection represented a victory over sin and death. They later realized that My purpose in My Incarnation into a man was to offer up My life as a worthy sacrifice for all of mankind’s sins. This was to show God’s infinite love for all of you, so you all could have the opportunity to come to heaven. By repenting of your sins and following My Commandments and My Will, you can find eternal salvation through Me to gain heaven. This Resurrection of Mine is why you are rejoicing in singing alleluia.”


Sunday, March 23, 2008: (Easter Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, there is a Scripture passage that is worth repeating after you have heard the Gospel of My Resurrection. ‘As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ (Joshua 24:15) You have had the benefit of reading all the Scriptures that foretold of My coming and My death for all of mankind. Now, you will be reading the testimony of My apostles in how I appeared to them in the flesh and they saw, touched My wounds, and ate with Me to prove that I was not a ghost, but truly resurrected. After reading these witnesses, you too can now believe in My Resurrection and serve Me with all of your family. Easter is a beautiful family time to get together, and even more so to share your faith in Me and do good works for one another. The more that you love and believe in Me, the more you should love one another and help each other in your needs. Giving alms in Lent or any time is always helpful for the poor, and you will store treasure in heaven for your good deeds.”


Monday, March 24, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, during your Mass services, you see the priest blessing you with holy water in a sprinkling rite. There are two symbols for Easter in water and Light that are necessities of life. Without water and sunlight your crops could not exist or grow. As the Easter Season proceeds, your amount of daylight will be increasing. Also as your temperatures warm up, you will see the spring rain bring life to your early flowers. Many are anxious for spring after a long winter. The water for Easter is also a symbol for Baptism because many are brought into My Church at the Easter Vigil, whether adults or infants. The water sprinkling is also a symbol of how My graces are showered over everyone, but those, who believe in Me, will benefit the most for grace in their souls. My sacraments of Penance, Holy Communion, and even Confirmation are shared with those who are entering My Church. Every sacrament, that you receive, bestows grace upon your souls. Give praise and glory to God for sharing His Son and His graces with all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that the one world people are placing viruses and bacteria into the chem trails with an eventual plan to reduce the population through pandemic diseases. All of these chem trails are having an effect not only on man, but there also will be effects on all animals and plants that could completely upset My balance of nature. These evil minded people have vaccines for these diseases, so they think that they will be immune to these viruses and bacteria. What they do not count on is the effect on the rest of nature. This in fact will not only kill people from the diseases, but it will also threaten a major famine all over the world. When man so disturbs this delicate balance on earth, I will have to intervene with a supernatural intervention. Man’s hybrids, disease experiments, and DNA manipulation have so changed the direction of life on earth, that I will be forced to intervene. When I do intervene, it will be at the same time that the Antichrist has reached the top of his power. All evil will be cleansed from the earth, and I will renew the earth to its original balance, and you will see a new heavens and a new earth as I will bring about My Era of Peace. Rejoice at this intervention because man is calling on My justice to restore order where there is chaos.”


Tuesday, March 25, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, many times I have asked you to consecrate everything over to Me so I could be a Light for you, leading you through the darkness of life. Light is another Easter symbol and many, who die or have near death experiences, come to My Light for judgment. During life you are beset with many unknowns that question you in what vocation to take, whether the religious life, married, or single. You are also seeking some kind of career or trade so you can earn a living for your bare necessities. Even finding an affordable place to live is becoming more of a problem. Each major step in your life should be prayed over and discerned with My guidance. By consulting with Me in prayer, I will help guide you to use your talents in the best way to help your soul and help those around you. Once you are settled and have made these major decisions, then you may be called to help your children or others in making their right decisions. Choosing to follow Me in faith is another life decision that should be at the center of your life. As I lead you with My Light, you will be given the knowledge of how best to serve Me and your neighbor. This life is passing away, but your soul lives on forever. This is why your life’s decisions will lead you either to heaven with Me, or to hell with Satan. Love, joy, and happiness forever can be had only in heaven with Me. Hate, anger, and eternal torment will be found for the hopeless in hell for those who refuse to love Me and serve Me. So let My Light lead you through the dark unknowns of this life into the glory and Light of heaven. Trust in Me in everything, and you will have peace and rest both on earth and in heaven.” (Helen Hogan’s funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, it is always hard to lose a mother in the family, and it was also sad that her memory changed her personality at the end, much like your own mother. She has suffered much in life, but now she is at peace with Me. She was thankful for all who cared for her in her later years. Even though she could not express her love very well at the end, she indeed loved her family, friends, and relatives very much. She was a very faithful woman both to Me, her sons, and her husband, John. Give thanks to God for the gift of her life to all whom she came in touch with.”


Wednesday, March 26, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the devil as a wolf with many large teeth may be fearsome in appearance, but it shows you how much he wants to destroy man by leading him to hell and away from Me. In this life you will always have to fight off his temptations, but you have Me and My angels to protect you. The power of the evil one will not last much longer, when I will come and defeat him and cast all the evil spirits and evil people into hell. The second vision of the wolf without his teeth represents My victory when he will no longer tempt man. Man in his weakened nature is suffering every day to resist the evil one. That is why those, who are faithful to Me through this trial, will find a joyous reward in heaven because you had to endure more than even My angels who know of all of My love and power. I have told you before how heaven rejoices over every soul that is saved from hell by repenting of their sins and seeking My forgiveness. So when you have Me protecting your soul, you should not be afraid of the devil and all of his powers.”


Wednesday, March 26, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, there is love between people, which is most beautiful between your hearts, but there is a love that I share with you which is even greater than your earthly love. It is My agape love and your love of Me which should be at the center of your lives. I am the Creator of angels, man, and all the beauty of nature that you see. At times it is a beautiful experience to view nature in the flowers of spring, and the colored leaves of fall. Every time that you marvel at the colors and different varieties of flowers, you are giving glory and praise to My perfect creation. Man tries to make hybrids to try and make better plants, but My natural plants have more beauty in their natural form. When you love Me, you love all of My creations in the plants and animals, and all of mankind as well. See how fortunate you are to be alive and to experience all that I have created. But always worship Me alone as your Creator, and put no strange gods before Me.”


Thursday, March 27, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, when I appeared to all the apostles for the first time, I came among their midst without going through the door. They were incredulous with joy to see Me, and I wanted to prove to them that it truly was Me in a resurrected body. I allowed them to touch My wounds and I ate the fish that they gave Me, as in the vision. Up until then, they believed because of those who saw the empty tomb, and the disciples that I appeared to on the road to Emmaus. It took another visit for St. Thomas to believe by placing his hands into My wounds. I told them that they believed because they saw Me, but blessed are those who have not seen Me and still believe. Many accounts of My appearances in the flesh after My death are written down for all of My followers to believe in My death and Resurrection. All of this happened in the historical time of man as you mark your calendars before and after My birth. Not only are you to believe in My Resurrection, but one day I promise to return in victory over the Antichrist. You will see a renewed earth in My Era of Peace, and all of My faithful will also be resurrected in their glorified bodies on the day of the final judgment.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I am reminding you to care for the elderly when they are sick, incapacitated, or need their meals and pills. Your parents and relatives cared for you in your younger years, and now you need to return the favor in helping them in their old age. My Blessed Mother and I had to care for St. Joseph in his dying time, so I know what each of you are going through. Be willing to assist these people without complaint, even when it is not convenient in your time.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year right before spring begins, your people grow tired of cold, snow, and the lack of color in nature. You long for early flowers of spring so you can experience new life in another season of spring. In your Southern states, they already are seeing the trees blossom, but your Northern states are still languishing in the cold. Have patience, even as those who waited for My Resurrection and waited for their Messiah to come. My people of this age need patience also until I come again to make all things new and conquer the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been patiently enduring your Lenten penances to renew your spiritual life. Now you are in a state of celebration of new life in the Spirit. You will celebrate this Easter time in joy up to My Ascension and the celebration of Pentecost with the coming of the Holy Spirit. During this time you will read many beautiful readings from the Acts of the Apostles, and you will see how My early Church had its beginnings. Even during this Octave of Easter you are praying your Novena for Divine Mercy Sunday. This is another outpouring of My graces and blessings to remove all temporal punishment due for your sins through My Divine Mercy. You honor My death every day at the 3:00 p.m. hour with your chaplet of Divine Mercy. Give thanks and praise to your God who shines His mercy and love upon all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, fighting and killing your neighbors is only helping Satan in his desire to kill humanity. All of this killing and destruction never wins anything for either side but grief, death, and more anger toward each other. It is the rich and the one world people that promote long wars to make their blood money on the weapons and control the people under them. Pray for peace and compromise instead of having more killing and a greed for power and oil. Support those who want to be peacemakers, and do not listen to those who promote perpetual fighting.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Easter lilies do not last very long, but they remind you of My angels who are blowing their trumpets to announce the Good News of My Resurrection. Lilies are also white as My White Light shines upon those who come to Me in death or near death experiences. You all will see My Light when you come to Me in your Warning experience, and you face your minijudgment. Always keep focused on Me in Holy Communion at Mass, at Adoration, and before My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacles. The closer you are to Me in My sacraments, as in Confession and My Eucharist, the easier it will go for you at your judgment.”

 Jesus said: “My people, by now you may be tired of your Easter dinner left overs, but on Easter this feast of a meal was a real celebration of My Resurrection among your family. I only pray that you can share your food with the poor and the hungry who do not have enough to eat. In America you have a land of plenty by My blessings, but other countries are not as fortunate. Pray for those who hunger, and send food to help them in their need. Even support your local food shelves, who are being strained by many who have fallen on hard times. In times of recession there are fewer donations available to help the poor. When you help the poor, maybe one day you will be returned this favor in your own need.”

Jesus said: “My people, your friend, Joyce, had a deep love for Me and she opened her home for prayer groups and sharing the seal of the Eternal Father in helping you to not take the mark of the beast, and to not worship the Antichrist. You, yourself, have had this mission to prepare people for the coming tribulation and encouraging people not to take chips in the body. Joyce was always evangelizing souls and she worked diligently throughout her life to help My faithful. Now it is your time to help her in your prayers and remember her life’s example for your own work. Give praise and thanks to Me for every prayer warrior that I send to help My people.”


Friday, March 28, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you know how dangerous it can be when you are traveling on the road on a wet or snowy night. Even more so when your driving visibility is poor, there are white lines on the edge of the road, reflectors, and guard rails to protect you from getting off the road. Just as you have signs and protections on the road, I am the one to lead you and guide you spiritually so you do not fall off the path to heaven and into sin. I also give you warnings of danger and I offer opportunities to repair your soul from sin in Confession. I give you the eyes of faith so you can see clearly how to stay on the narrow road to heaven and avoid detours into sinful lifestyles and worldly distractions. See Me as your spiritual guard rail, and I send you your guardian angels to advise you in your daily actions. By My looking out for each souls’s spiritual welfare, you can again see how much I love you. It is your duty to use your free will to follow Me, love Me, and serve Me in this life.”

Jesus said: “My people, this person coming up out of the ground represents My underground Church that My faithful will be a part of during the tribulation. You have already witnessed an underground Catholic Church in China where Catholics are persecuted if they are found openly professing their faith. In the increasing evil of these end days, you will be more and more persecuted for expressing a love for God in public. Your Masses and prayer meetings will eventually need to be held in secret so you are not taken off to detention center death camps. Once martial law is declared, or chips are being made mandatory in the body, then you will need to have your guardian angel lead you to a safe haven or refuge where you would be protected by My angels from the evil ones trying to kill you. The early stages of religious persecution will be the first sign of the tribulation beginning. You would rather give up your life, than give up your faith in Me. Remain true to Me and refuse to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in your body, even if they threaten you with death. You will be in hiding at My refuges for no longer than 3 ½ years, but then I will come in victory to defeat all the evil ones, and I will establish My Era of Peace to reign for a time.”


Saturday, March 29, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who should be in a nursing home, but they cannot afford one or they cannot get the local government to pay for it. These handicapped or sick people need people to help them with their lodging, food, and getting what financial aid they are entitled to. If they do not have children, or their children are not living in the same city, then these people need help from charity people or charity organizations. This is the vision of a kind woman helping a needy person to get food for the day. Every kind deed, that you do for someone that you are not paid to do, will store up a spiritual treasure for you in heaven. It is this storehouse of treasure that will help you at your judgment time to balance off the sins that you have committed. With enough such good deeds, you could be judged to heaven, or a shorter time in purgatory. Whenever you help My little ones, you are helping Me in them.”


Sunday, March 30, 2008: (Mercy Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, this glorious Easter Season is all about bringing people back to life again, only even better than Lazarus. I brought Lazarus back to an earthly body, but at the final judgment I will raise My faithful back into glorified bodies. I told Mary and Martha that I am the ‘Resurrection and the Life’ even before I died and resurrected. As you see this place of the dead in the vision, it is empty as I was raised from the tomb. Then My apostles saw Me standing in their midst in the flesh and still with My wounds. Even St. Thomas did not believe in My Resurrection when the other apostles told him of My appearance to them. St. Thomas has taken some criticism in doubting My Resurrection. Once he placed his finger into My wounds, he exclaimed ‘My Lord and My God’, which is what you pray at the Consecration of the bread into My Body. He then believed that I resurrected, just as My disciples of today believe in Me and some have even died for Me in martyrdom than give up their faith. You are blessed in your belief without seeing Me, and I commission you, as I did My apostles, to go out and preach My Good News of My salvation to all the nations.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is a blessing of My mercy on all of mankind this day that can take away temporal punishment due for your sins. This looking through the cracks and dark narrow alleys represents all of the souls who need prayer and My mercy that have been forgotten and have fallen through the cracks. You pray for the souls in purgatory who have no one to pray for them. Now I want you to likewise pray for all the souls that are living and whom no one is praying for. I do not want one soul to be forgotten, even after their deaths. You remember to pray for your relatives and friends, but now I will give you another list to pray for. Think of all the prisoners in all of the prisons around the world, and pray for them, even if they are murderers or thieves. I allowed the thief on the cross next to Me to enter into paradise, so I can allow your prayers to save these prisoners as well. Pray for all the sick and elderly in nursing homes whom many family members have forgotten. Pray for the salvation of all souls who do not know Me, souls who have rejected Me, and the lukewarm souls. Pray for all the homeless and hungry poor people who have no one to help them. Pray for those in places of war that have been displaced from their homes. Pray for those suffering from floods and natural disasters. As you can see, there are many who are deserving of your prayers. Just as I shine My graces and blessings of My mercy on every soul, so I want My followers to do as I do and be merciful to even those who are forgotten. I am an example to you as I washed My apostles’ feet for them.”


Monday, March 31, 2008: (Annunciation)

Mary said: “My dear children, this feast day of the Annunciation was the most important moment in my life, when St. Gabriel announced to me that I would be the Mother of God. I gave my fiat that I would be the handmaid of the Lord, even though this holy pregnancy could endanger my life. I did everything in faith in God, and I followed His Will in all that was asked of me. You read the Scriptures that foretold a virgin would be with child. I know that God prepared me for my birth without sin so I could be the holy tabernacle, or Ark of the Covenant for the Son of God. My Son, Jesus, was sent, as you have seen in Holy Week, to die as an unblemished Lamb in sacrifice for all the sins of mankind. God used me as His instrument to bring my Son into the world by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Church has set aside this feast nine months before Christmas in honor of this calling by St. Gabriel. You have seen by prophesy, and by historical events how God has brought about the opportunity of salvation for every soul. Give praise and glory to God that He blessed me in this role as the Blessed Mother of Jesus.”

Jesus said: “My son, this vision of jets of ink aimed in your general direction represents another smear campaign to attack your credibility. You asked the source of this trouble, and I am only revealing that it is coming from the old sources that criticized you before. I will be protecting you for a while, but gradually these forces will try to block out your messages in the books and on the internet. As the schismatic church comes more into power, they will begin to shut down any distribution of messages. Further on in time the government forces will also cause you problems in traveling, and eventually you will be sought out to remove you to one of their prisons. This message is not meant to scare you, but prepare you for the attacks coming to you so you are prepared to go into hiding. Keep your full trust in My protection, and I will allow your mission to continue until the evil one’s hour is upon you.”


Tuesday, April 1, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you continue to see violence and wars continue among nations and ethnic and religious groups. Some are profiting from making weapons, while others are being killed by these weapons. Mankind needs to look more into your cold hearts for a change of heart to find love and peace, instead of anger and war. Do not let the evil ones trick you into more useless wars which only cause more hatred than bring any winners. The only peace of any consequence is My peace which is everlasting. The Light at the end of the tunnel is My Light when I will come in victory over all of these evil ones. At that time all evil spirits and evil people will be chained in hell, and I will renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace when there will be no more wars. This time is truly coming and My faithful are hungering for this day because you are tired of evil having its way now. Trust in Me that I will not allow this evil to continue on much longer. Pray for human hearts to change and be converted before it is too late and they could be lost in hell. All who seek fame and money through war are headed for the great abyss of My justice.”

Jesus said: “My people, each year that you come to your birthday, especially as you grow older, you are thankful that you made it through another year of your life. You may even wonder how many more years that you have left. One thing is for sure that you cannot guarantee that you will have even one more year, or even another hour before I may call you home. Life is a gift, and you need to treasure every new day in your life as another opportunity to praise Me, love Me, and serve Me. There are many people that are presumptuous that they will live on to an old age, and they do not want to think of the day that they are going to die. As for My disciples, you are not ready to live, until you are ready to die each day. This means that you should keep your soul pure with frequent Confession so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment. I have another word for those who are still living. You are alive because your mission in life is not yet completed. Call on Me daily to affirm the mission that you should be carrying out for Me by using your talents for My service. So every time, that you celebrate someone’s birthday, think about these thoughts as you live one more year as well to your own birthday. Love Me and your neighbor in all of your day’s actions.”


Wednesday, April 2, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, many are looking who to blame for your current credit crisis caused by so many foreclosures on peoples’ mortgages. There is plenty of blame to be spread around to the various factors causing this financial crisis. Those selling the houses tend to build larger houses than are needed at inflated prices. Bankers and brokers were giving mortgages too freely to risky debtors without much concern if it was too much house, or a mortgage that the buyers could not afford, or even could not pay back. Homeowners were either not aware of how much interest they would be paying, or the bank terms were too confusing to tell. Bankers and Wall Street created collateral backed derivatives and sold them to investors without managing their risks properly. Once the people could not pay their increased interest, foreclosures started in large numbers and the inflated home prices dropped substantially, leaving people without homes and investors with big losses on these loans. In the end there was greed for people to own more house than they could afford, and greed for high commissions in sales, and greed in selling risky investments to unsuspecting investors. The real problem comes when the Federal Reserve and your government want to bail out the bankers and brokerage houses with taxpayer money and loan guarantees that may never be collected. There are many cries of injustice to save banks and people who made foolish decisions. The ripples of this crisis are affecting many parts of your economy that could result in a deeper recession than is estimated. This investment crisis has even spread to other countries who invested in these risky mortgage backed investments. This whole problem has uncovered how banks, mortgage lenders, and buyers are too leveraged and over extended in their financial commitments. Once some loans go bad, then there is a cascading of failures that leaves everyone with little or no value in their houses and investments. If your government and banks cannot correct this situation, then you could be looking at a financial crash that could make your country vulnerable to a planned takeover. Prepare for a major displacement of people in their living places and their jobs that could precipitate the beginning tribulation when you will need to leave for your refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, throughout all of My creation you see various levels of hierarchy among the animals, plants, and even among My angels. You have read of the nine choirs of angels and I have shown you the seven levels of heaven. The animals have hierarchies within each specie and along the food chains. The plants also have such an order from the smallest to the largest of trees. Even among mankind there is also a hierarchy both in the secular world and the spiritual world. You are familiar with the hierarchy of My Church where you have the pope, cardinals, bishops, priests, deacons, brothers, nuns, and the laity. In the secular world you have government leaders, corporate leaders, and all the supervision levels down to the workers. I am emphasizing these hierarchies to show you the order and responsibilities that I give to every living thing or soul. This order is not haphazard, but it is a sign of you of My hand in organizing creation. Each soul, no matter what station in life you have, has its own mission to serve Me in the best possible way. You can see that you all have a set purpose in life, even as the animals perform their lives mostly by instinct. Mankind is special because you have a soul and free will so you have freedom to obey Me or reject Me. I want you to love, obey, and serve your Creator of your own free will, and you will be in harmony with the rest of My creation. You see order in the stars of the universe, and My order even down to the very atoms that make up all matter. Give praise and glory to Me for all of creation that you see before you, since it all came from My hand and My thought.”


Thursday, April 3, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the Statue of Liberty brings to mind two different kinds of freedom for both the body and the soul. In the secular world you see your country as being free because of your form of government by a democratic republic. Other nations are being controlled by either communism or dictators which controls the peoples’ lives and can even even make their subjects like slaves. Freedom to own and buy your own things and property gives more dignity and independence for people over their own affairs. Many have fought wars to gain their independence as America has. There is another kind of freedom and that is religious freedom which also has precipitated wars for control. This is a separate freedom which has been repressed under atheistic forms of government, and in My Early Church there were many martyred for their faith. Even the apostles in today’s reading suffered persecution from the Jewish leaders because they were proclaiming My Name and My teachings. There is a deeper spiritual freedom of the soul that is struggling against the devil and the bonds of sin and its effects on you. You have just had your Lenten time to renew your souls with spiritual penances and devotions. Many of your Lenten practices would be better to carry out throughout the whole year. Ever since Adam’s sin, man by his nature has had a weakness to sin which the devil tries to exploit to bring souls into his power. But I give you My grace through My sacraments to strengthen you against sin so you can free yourself from the bonds of your sins. Confession to a priest is always available to you so you can come to Me for forgiveness and cleanse your soul of sin. When you are free of sin, you have a spiritual peace that needs to be guarded against any control, worries, or anxieties, so you can have full trust in Me. (John 8:34-36) ‘I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.’”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, it is an honor for your prayer group to be visited by this beautiful image of My Blessed Mother under the title of: ‘Our Lady of Charity’. The finding of this statue appeared to have a message of how My Blessed Mother sheltered this statue from being destroyed at sea. There is a great love for this statue of My Blessed Mother by the Cuban people. Remember to pray your rosaries daily for all of My Blessed Mother’s intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of any large ship movements in secret going toward the Middle East. This could be a signal of another conflict or pre-emptive new war started by the one world people and using American naval vessels. These war makers are not satisfied with stirring up more trouble in Iraq and Afghanistan, but they want more wars to start so they can make more blood money. Whether your Congress approves it or not, you could see a new war breakout according to the one world plan.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for all of the displaced families who will be losing their homes because they could not keep up paying for their mortgages, and are losing their homes in foreclosures. Your Congress is moving as fast as they can to put up some backing to help save the true needy from losing their homes. There are many concerns about how these lost loans will affect your economy. Billions of markdowns have already caused banks and mortgage houses to have heavy losses in their capital markets. Pray for a speedy resolution for these homeowners who may have to lose their major asset.” Jesus said: “My people, Pope Benedict XVI has been making some striking comments that have offended some other religions. These papers in his hands represent a new encyclical that could further antagonize other people’s views that could bring some persecution of My Church. I have told you that the more you promote the truth of My Word, the more the world will hate you.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people start losing their homes, and employees and seniors start seeing huge losses in their investments for retirement, there will be a huge cry to their government to prosecute the culprits behind the scenes. You have seen some dramatic movements by your Federal Reserve to try to prevent a financial collapse. There are lenders who have overextended their loans with bad policies that they knew were too risky. These leaders will have to answer for their misdeeds just as you tried other corporate leaders.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen all over your country how losses in church and school funding has precipitated some hard decisions in closing schools and churches. Many have been angry about these closings, but it would be better to focus on how to keep the existing churches running with donations. Catholics for too long have made barely token donations, but now more may be asked of your treasure because there are fewer in attendance and few priests to pastor these churches. Pray and support your churches and seminaries to provide for your future generation.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your people are being stressed because of high grain and corn prices. All of your products using such grains are seeing unusual high prices because of the demand to make ethanol. Exports and lower farm yields are also raising your prices. Cattle herds are being reduced because it is too expensive to feed them. Pray for your farmers and your current government policies that are driving up these prices, so in the future these prices could be reduced.”


Friday, April 4, 2008: (St. Isidore)

Jesus said: “My people, this miracle of My multiplying the bread and the fish was performed twice for the 5,000 and the 4,000. This was performed out of compassion for the people in an isolated area without any food. This is another example of how I strive to provide for all of your necessities so you do not go wanting. This is also another connection with the Bread of Life in Communion that feeds the soul with eternal life. Even at every Mass I am sharing Myself in each consecrated Host that contains My Body and Blood. Again at every Mass you remember the disciples on the road to Emmaus how they remembered Me in the ‘Breaking of the Bread’. There are many Scriptural connections with Holy Communion, especially in the Exodus when the people were fed with daily manna in the desert. This was another multiplication for the needs of the people. There is another time coming when I will multiply your food and water in the modern day Exodus at your refuges during the tribulation. This will be for the body. If you do not have a priest for Mass then, I will have My angels bring you Holy Communion on your tongue so you can have your spiritual food as well. This is a comfort to you that I will always be present to you in My Blessed Sacrament until the end of this age.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a steady pattern of violent storms move up from Texas toward the Northeast. Tornadoes are common during this spring time, but their numbers are increasing for this year over normal because they started sooner than usual. Those running the HAARP machine, which makes your weather more violent, are already causing havoc with the many storms that you have had already. Continual rainstorms along with melting snow have caused some of your floods. These are the weather modifications that could be brought about with these microwave machines. Where wind patterns keep going over the same area, this is a sign of the control of the jet streams. Pray for all the people who could lose their homes to these natural disasters, and that they will have their necessities provided for them.”


Saturday, April 5, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to be dressed in My protection both spiritually and physically. You should always wear your blessed sacramentals such as your scapular, your Benedictine Cross, your rosary, and the various medals of My Blessed Mother and any of your favorite saints. Some people even carry relics of the saints or of My true Cross for protection from the evil ones. St. Paul speaks of the spiritual armor as well. (Eph 6:10-17) ‘Put on the armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the Principalities and Powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness on high. Stand, therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of justice, and having your feet shod with the readiness of the Gospel of Peace, in all things taking up the shield of faith. And take unto you the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, that is, the Word of God.’ You are soldiers in this battle of good and evil, and you are to defend yourself and help protect weaker souls from the devil. Call on My help in My Name, Jesus, to bind any evil spirits to the foot of My Cross in prayers of deliverance where there are signs of evil. Call on My angels, especially St. Michael in his prayer of exorcism. Use all of your weapons of prayer and forgiveness in Confession to keep your soul strong and ready for the fight of your life. Then when your life is about over, you will be able to claim the words of St. Paul. (Tim 4:7) ‘I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.’”

Jesus said: “My people, in all of your findings so far, the airline regulators have been too close to the airlines to be more demanding in the inspections. It was a few that came forward with damaging information of faulty equipment that has forced the government to make mandatory inspections get carried out. The safety of the passengers has been compromised to save money, time, and keep the flights flying. Regulations for inspections were put in place to insure safe planes, but when officials do not do their jobs, they threaten lives in potential accidents. The airlines may lose some money to do more inspections, but they should have been doing them anyway. Once a problem has been found, other planes of that make should be tested. This extra cost may raise ticket prices, but it may save lives that could be lost in an accident. This is another case when fraudulent record keeping has been uncovered, and heavy fines were applied. This is not the first time that collusion between the regulators and the industry being regulated has been discovered. Pray that those working in your government are honest in their reporting and testing.”


Sunday, April 6, 2008: (Road to Emmaus)

Jesus said: “My people, this time after Easter is a glorious time to contemplate how I will resurrect My faithful into your glorified bodies after the final judgment. I go to prepare a place for you, and this empty balcony represents a place in heaven awaiting My faithful. I am with you every day at your side as I walk with you through life, even as I shared with My disciples on the road to Emmaus. In the vision of this scene of My sharing the Scriptures, referring to My mission that was foretold, I wanted My faithful readers to imagine yourselves present and listening to My words. The disciples later said: (Luke 24;32) ‘Was not our heart burning within us while He was speaking on the road and explaining to us the Scriptures.’ Every word that prophesied My coming had to be fulfilled, even as all that is prophesied for My coming again, also has to be fulfilled. The disciples had their eyes blinded from seeing Me until I broke bread with them at dinner. Only then did they recognize me in ‘the breaking of the bread’ when I blessed it and shared it with them. This recollection of the breaking of the bread at the Last Supper reminded them of My remembrance of My Body and Blood that now would be shared at every Mass. Give praise and glory to God in the gift of Myself to you in Holy Communion at Mass today because you also are sharing in ‘the breaking of the bread’ and you share My Real Presence in recognizing Me as well.”


Monday, April 7, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, some people are collectors of old precious gems or certain antique furniture. Other people may not appreciate the value of such things and they would not pay a high price for them. This is true of many other things that people collect or have hobbies with. On the spiritual level there are valuables as life, the soul, faith, and eternal life in heaven. These again are very basic gifts that are not always appreciated by some. Life is a gift so precious that people should revere it instead of killing babies in the womb, killing people in wars, killing people in euthanasia, or any other murders over drugs or possessions. The soul is precious and associated with every human life. It lives on forever, but there are only two ultimate destinations for souls-heaven or hell. It is for this reason that I send My disciples out to work to save souls from hell. This is also why there is a constant battle for souls between the powers of heaven and the powers of the evil spirits in hell. Faith is also a gift of My mercy, but it is also acquired by a desire of the soul to accept My message of salvation in giving My life for your sins. Once a soul has chosen a path toward heaven and a desire to be with Me forever, there are some responsibilities to follow that are directed by love of God and neighbor in My Commandments. These laws are really lessons in how to live a proper Christian life. If you are to follow Me, then you should be willing to imitate My example. See that the real valuable things in this life are for everyone, and those things will lead you to eternal life in heaven. Good deeds, prayers, My sacraments, and following My Commandments are just a few to keep you on track.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in a battle between your people and the one world people over continuing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The one world people and the Industrial Defense complex are continuing to win in carrying on with these wars to make their blood money in selling weapons, and the interest on these war debts. They control all of your candidates for president along with the Congress. The only hope for your people to stop ruining your economy and your military is to get your Senators and Congress people to stop the war funding all together. If your people do not stand up to these one world people, you will not have any country left. Pray for an end to these wars and a cessation of all of this useless killing.”


Tuesday, April 8, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you are only mildly criticized today for speaking out against abortion, wars, euthanasia, and homosexual acts. Back in the time of St. Stephen in the Early Church, you risked being martyred to speak out against the Pharisees and Sadducees. As time moves closer to the tribulation, you will see stronger religious persecution until you will have to go underground or move to My refuges in order to save your lives from the evil ones. Some will be martyred at that time, but I will ease their pain as they fall asleep and become instant saints. Do not get too comfortable with this world’s comforts and pleasures because you will be preparing to leave for My refuges. It is one thing to hear of these refuge messages, but it will be another to actually see the time to leave which is not far off.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the end days of the tribulation there are going to be various plagues of insects, fungus, and germs where trees and plant life will be under attack. Sickness will also be spread among mankind and the animals. Some of the viruses will be of man-made origin, but the insect plagues are being caused by man’s effects on the balance of nature. Some plagues will be of a heavenly origin that are purposely directed toward the unfaithful to God. Other plagues will be started by the evil ones who want to reduce the population for less people to control. This is why I have been repeatedly reminding you of building up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. You have seen the destruction of locusts, mosquitoes, and infestations of bugs without any natural enemy that could be brought in by travelers. Pray for My protection so you are not threatened by these plagues, and you will have your needs provided for at My refuges.”


Wednesday, April 9, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in this vision how some coming plagues of disease will be spread by various insects. These plagues will be sent by heaven as part of My justice on the evil ones who will be trying to kill My faithful. This will be part of their punishment for trying to kill off more than half of the earth’s population. I have given you before that the evil ones of the death culture will be trying to kill many people through diseases in the chem trails. This is when My faithful will need to leave and go to My refuges where they will have healing water and My luminous cross to be healed of these diseases. Many innocent people will be killed, and that is why they need to repent and be ready for their judgment. My Warning will come before the Antichrist so the people are prepared not to take his mark or computer chip in the body. The evil ones may even entice people to get flu shots in exchange for chips in the body. Avoid taking any chips in the body because they will control your mind as a robot. See these signs of death by pandemic disease, martial law, and mandatory chips in the body as indications when to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges. They will lead you with a physical sign to places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, places of holy ground, or caves. You may be led to interim refuges along the way to your final refuge. You will see miraculous healings, miraculous protection from the evil ones, and all of your bare necessities provided for you at My refuges. Pray for the strength to follow Me in blind trust, and leave all of your belongings behind except your backpacks. Those, who are faithful to Me, should have no worries or fears of these things because you should be ready to die any day.”


Wednesday, April 9, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, when you have a glass display as this small glass hutch in the vision, you want to show off your best looking items that you own. So it is with your life, you want to show off your best success stories and take the personal credit for them. Your failures and your sins you do not want to show, or even talk about, and you even make excuses when they become known. I see everything of every soul in a full light, both the good and the bad. I make a judgment of your life based on the intentions in your heart for every action. Everything, that you have, has been gifted to you from My abundance of graces and blessings. You should therefore be giving Me all of the glory for your successes, and not just yourself. You should not carry out your work just to gain fame for yourself, but you should be eager to work so you can give Me all of the glory. Everything, that you do, should be for My greater glory. Then your humility will be sincere, and you will not be boasting of yourself.” (2 Cor 10:17) ‘But he who boasts, let him boast in the Lord.’ (Eph 2:8,9) ‘For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not from yourselves for it is the gift of God; not as the outcome of works, lest anyone may boast.’


Thursday, April 10, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I sent My apostles out to evangelize souls all over the world. They taught My Word, baptized the people, cast out demons, and healed many. St. Philip was allowed to vanish from the eunuch because My apostles could also bilocate to spread their mission. Many powers were bestowed upon My apostles so the people could see their works and believe in My power that was in them. (Mark 16:17,18) ‘And these signs shall attend those who believe: in My Name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak in new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall get well.’ St. Peter, even through My Name, raised Tabitha from the dead at Joppa. (Acts 9:36-43) Many miracles were performed before the people through My disciples, and even today healings still occur and demons are exorcized from people. Those, who pray in My Name in true trust, will also see miracles and healings through the power of My Name as St. Peter and St. John healed the lame beggar. (Acts 3:1-11) Trust in Me through all of your trials, and if you should encounter evil spirits, you can bind these evil spirits in My Name to the foot of My cross, and they will obey you. Some or groups of evil spirits may require prayer and fasting as My apostles experienced. My power is greater than the evil spirits, as I have defeated sin and death on My Resurrection.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are addicted to alcohol, and having one drink could lead them into drinking to excess. This addiction to alcohol is difficult to cure until that person realizes that they have a problem, and they desire to get help. Some organizations as Alcoholics Anonymous, and some government organizations can direct them to handle withdrawal symptoms. There are demons attached to these addictions and deliverance prayers are needed to exorcize these spirits. At times you need to be loving these people by removing their source of alcohol. This vision of just bottles of carbonated soda is a hint to stop the excessive drinking of alcohol. By not being an enabler and much prayer, you can give any alcoholic the best chance for recovery.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been witnessing several weeks of severe weather where tornadoes and rainstorms have been causing great devastation and widespread flooding. Fortunately, enough warning is being given so most people are able to get into basements or safe rooms for protection from the strong winds. Much damage has occurred and it is continuing to increase as the flooding along the Mississippi River causes further problems downstream. Pray for the people affected that they will be safe and have help provided for them.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that some so-called religious groups are encouraging polygamy and the abuse of young girls in a restrained relationship with older men. It is first hard to understand how the parents of these girls are allowing this to go on. It took one brave girl’s complaint of abuse to shed light on this whole scene. There are rights at stake, but it is the abuse of such women and the violation of civil law that has caused the removal of these women and children to a safer setting. Pray that such an injustice can be resolved so these young adults could be counseled and given options where they want to be.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you as voters are in a dilemma of who to vote for. On the Democratic side both candidates have openly advocated in favor of abortion and even partial birth abortions. The Republican side has advocated to continue the war for a long time, which I have told you in messages that it should be stopped to stop so much killing. Killing life in the womb is a sure death and violates My laws against the Fifth Commandment. Candidates favoring abortion are the most offensive to Me on moral and physical grounds. People have freedom to vote as they please, but if your nation continues to support abortion, you are choosing to call on My wrath in your natural disaster punishments.”

Jesus said: “My people, many have speculated about the date for the coming Warning or Illumination of Conscience. I tell you as I said before that no one will know the date of the Warning. This time grows closer as all the signs of evil are about you and many end time signs are occurring. I want My people to keep your souls pure with frequent Confession so you will always be prepared to meet Me in your mini-judgment or your judgment at death.”

Jesus said: “My people, your fuel costs have been hard on your personal budgets, but this cost for all forms of transportation are raising the cost of many tickets. Some of this fuel cost will be inflating your food prices as well as other transported goods. It is hard to place any blame for this problem, but commodity prices for all goods will increase as the value of your dollar goes down. Pray for your people as they are facing a recession and some unemployment.”

Jesus said: “My people, getting upset or agitated by any event in your life is not the way to let things affect you. I have told you many times to be pure in your heart with My grace and protect your peace at all times from anything going on in the world. When you have trust in Me to help you endure every trial, you should not have any worries, fears, or anxieties about life’s events. Take each situation one at a time and call on Me to help you in your needs without losing your temper or complaining. Be humble in your peace with Me, and you will have nothing to concern you.”


Friday, April 11, 2008: (Domenic Strollo Funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, Domenic was very close to nature and he enjoyed cooking for people, especially his family. That is why this vision of an outdoor get together is a combination of both things that he liked to do. His friendship and accommodation of people’s needs was his life. By helping people, you are showing your love for Me and your love for your neighbor. It is sad to have to say good-bye to a family member when they die so suddenly. Everyone would have liked to have been present for him at the moment of his death. Be consoled that he led a good life, and he will soon be with Me in heaven. You should always direct your prayers and Masses for those who die, so they will not be forgotten if they remain awhile in purgatory. Domenic wants to tell everyone of his family and friends how much he loves them and to thank those who came to the funeral. He especially wanted to thank those who provided the food. Having a reception to feed everyone was his best way to say good-bye.”

Jesus said: “My people, seeing all of these people in war being killed in the vision is a sign to you how Satan is allowed to rule and directs the one world people to do his bidding. The one world people with their money and power have created and carried on the death culture from their master, Satan. These people create dictators and fund communism to create a need for war and an excuse to kill millions of people. The ‘war on terror’ is their latest tactic for constant war. They fund abortion clinics, the making of AIDS, and many other diseases for the express purpose of reducing the population. I have mentioned how they will use chem trails to kill off a major part of the population giving them less people to control. These are the same people who want to use the mark of the beast or chips in the body to control people’s minds. They are the same people who have created the European Union, and are working to bring about the North American Union, and other unions around the world. Then they will join these unions into a one world government which they will give over to the Antichrist to control. This is their evil plan, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges, and I will warn everyone at the Warning not to take any chips in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement that will destroy all of the chips, and I will cast all of the evil ones into hell during the three days of darkness. I will then renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace for My faithful. Rejoice, because you will see My victory in your life time.”


Saturday, April 12, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, ‘Peace be with you’, is how I greeted My apostles, and when they saw Me, they believed. Now I come to you in Holy Communion with the same words, but does everyone believe in My Real Presence under the appearances of the consecrated Bread and Wine? This is a gift of faith from My heavenly Father to believe in the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. I told the people: (John 6:54,55) ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He, who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’ At these words many had difficulty in believing in Me, and they turned away from Me. I questioned My apostles, but St. Peter was faithful and said: (John 6:69,70) ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast words of everlasting life, and we have come to believe and to know that Thou are the Christ, the Son of God.’ This is the same faith that I ask of all of My disciples, to believe that I am fully present, Body and Blood in the consecrated bread and wine. I know that a good number of Catholics do not believe in My Real Presence, but I am still there just the same, whether they believe it or not. This is why when you receive Me in Holy Communion, you have the closest taste of heaven because I am intimately present to you in your soul and body. Treasure this time with Me, and share your troubles and thoughts with Me, for I will give you the grace to endure all of the trials of life. If you have Me sacramentally present in My Church, how could you leave Me for any other belief?”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision shows one of My faithful on the cross, but I am still there with them in sharing their pain. Many people are struggling in these hard economic times. You are having to pay more for your gas and food which are basic to every family. Taxes on your property, health care costs, and cost for education are always increasing at a faster rate than your income is increasing. The poor and those on fixed incomes are finding it even harder because there is no fat or vacation money to cut back on. Those, who have experienced damage to their homes from natural disasters, or those, who are losing their homes to foreclosures, are completely stressed out. As your recession progresses, there are still more to suffer who are losing their jobs. Call on My help in carrying your cross for both financial and physical problems. When you trust in Me, I will help you to work through your trials.”

Sunday, April 13, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Good Shepherd and My faithful follow My voice as I lead you on your path to heaven. My faithful need to have complete trust in Me as sheep follow the shepherd. When you come to Mass, I feed My faithful with the Bread of heaven in My Eucharist. Every day call on Me, and I will be at your side to lead you to green pastures. Even as I shepherd you, I call on all of you as well to go out and shepherd the lost and lukewarm sheep of My Church. There are some who stray away from Sunday Mass and the sacraments. They need to be brought back to Confession and appreciate the reverence that should be given to My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. You especially need to teach and encourage your young people the importance of honoring the Lord’s Day by coming to Mass on Sunday. At times it is hard to find many young people coming to church because their parents are not keeping up their spiritual traditions. I call on My faithful to keep strong in your faith, and be a good example to your family members and those in the world.”


Monday, April 15, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I am making a suggestion to My faithful, and especially to those who have refuges, or who are preparing interim refuges with Mass kits and vestments. I know it is difficult to suggest refuge preparation to some priests, but they too will have to seek protection from the coming persecution of religious people. Many have secured Mass preparations, but you also should pray for a priest, or talk to some priests that you are providing a place to stay for the underground Church. These priests may not want to hear of the coming tribulation, but they would appreciate knowing of some places to go when trouble comes. I told you that in the coming tribulation you would be fortunate to find a priest for Mass. Even if you cannot have a priest for Mass, I will have My angels deliver My Blessed Sacrament on to your tongues. In situations even today when you cannot get to a Mass, you can pray to Me to have a spiritual Communion so you can be united with Me every day. You are seeing closing churches and fewer Masses being offered as you deal with people who are falling away from their faith. These end time signs are all around you, so prepare the best that you can for underground Masses, and for a priest to say Mass and be with you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many churches closed all over your country, and many of them may be in disrepair. This vision of this small church is a suggestion for purchase by some prayer groups that want to have a refuge for people to come to. The land of a church has been consecrated and this is one requirement for a refuge. A church in a more remote location may suit a better place for such a refuge. This also is already built, even though it may need some repairs. It is sad that they are closing so many of My churches where people are losing the opportunities of having My sacraments and visiting My tabernacles. By making some churches into refuges, they still could be used for religious purposes than being destroyed or used for secular uses. This requires prayer, discernment, and a purchase commitment for those undertaking such a project. Trust in Me that any such refuge would have My angel protection, and it would provide for those needing a place to stay during the coming tribulation.”


Tuesday, April 15, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you are reading accounts of My Early Church and how My disciples had to suffer much persecution, and actually had to hide in order to save their lives. All of My apostles, except St. John, had to suffer martyrdom, but they are all in heaven with Me for their being faithful to Me, even under the threat of death. Some of My disciples chose to suffer great torture rather than give up their faith. Even today I do not know how many would be willing to suffer death instead of giving up their faith. In the coming tribulation you will be persecuted severely again. You will be tested with giving up your wealth and possessions if you do not take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in your body. Refuse to take any chips in your body, and refuse to worship anyone but Me. Eventually, the evil ones will even want to kill you in death camps if you are religious and believe in following Me. Following Me has its costs in this life, but your reward in heaven is a far better reward than any earthly loss.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not too often that you have the Pope in Benedict XVI come to visit your country. He comes at a time when the priest scandal is still fresh in your memory. The Pope is trying to heal the wounds of any lost trust in the priesthood all over America. Your Catholic faithful need some leadership in how to move on after this scandal. In addition to this problem, there is a declining membership, and churches and schools are being closed. The Pope is in your country to rally the faithful and put new life back into the Roman Catholic Church in America. Join with him in these rallies to rekindle the Light of faith so My people of America can repent of their sins and come closer to your Lord. You are approaching a time of evil when you will need all of the spiritual strength that you can gather. I am with you always in My Blessed Sacrament to bring you to your reward in My Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, April 16, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you about the coming beast in the Antichrist, as you are seeing in this vision. I have blanked out his eyes because he will have demonic powers to entice you to worship him. He will appear as a man, but he will be very charismatic and with a forked tongue of deception and lies. He will try to solve the world’s wars with talk of peace. He will be given control of the world government over the unions, but then he will become a tyrant ruler enforcing mandatory chips in the body of everyone, or they will be killed. During the Warning experience you will be warned not to take any chips in your body and not to worship this Antichrist. I have also warned you after the Warning to remove your TVs and computer monitors out of your houses so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes of powerful deception. When you see mandatory chips in the body, massive disease spread by chem trails, and martial law, you should call on Me, and your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge. These refuges will be places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, holy ground places, or caves. At My refuges you will find the luminous cross and healing water to protect you from diseases and all illnesses. My angels will protect you from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you because you are with Me. The battle of good and evil will become more physical, but you will see the evil ones lose the Battle of Armageddon. There will be some who are martyred for their faith, but they will become instant saints. Have patience and hope in My power since at the height of the Antichrist’s power, I will come and defeat him with My Comet of Chastisement. I will send the evil ones to hell, and renew the earth for My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a fortress of protection represents another means of your spiritual protection. I gave you a message earlier of how to put on your spiritual armor to fight the demons. There is another defense as well, and this relates to the foundation of your faith. In your early years, you were taught the faith in your Catholic grammar school and in Catholic college. You were also given good example from your father and mother. It is one gift of faith to be given an opportunity to be taught about the sacraments and how to live a Christian life of love of God and neighbor. It is another gift of faith to remain faithful to these beliefs throughout your whole life. You are tempted many times to follow the worldly ways, New Age, or false religions. But if you are firmly rooted in your spiritual foundations and traditions, you will have My strength to dismiss these temptations and remain faithful to Me. Pray that you will be strong through these temptations, and you can heal any wounds of sin in Confession in your repenting of sin.”


Thursday, April 17, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving another message for those planning to have refuges and even interim refuges. I have given you before that you will find water at all of My refuges because you cannot survive without enough water. The small problem comes that you cannot depend on a public water company to deliver your water line because they will be controlled by the Antichrist, and you would not want a chip in your body to pay them for the water. This is why you need an independent source of water for drinking, washing, bathing, and for any gardens. I am showing you a deep shaft for a water well that would be desirable to have built in preparation for this need for water. If you cannot have one, I will still provide your water miraculously. This making of a well is just one more job that you will need for your preparations. Preferably you would want a mechanical backup in case you cannot provide electricity. Water may seem simple and ordinary, but it will be crucial for having many people at your refuge. I have been emphasizing these refuge preparations because the time for your trial and persecution are not far off, and you need to follow My advice to be prepared physically and spiritually.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Pope Benedict XVI working to try to bring reconciliation to the victims of the priest’s abuse that has caused such a scandal. Even though these abuses are grievous, it is the lawyers who are profiting most from the money won in these trials. This is why many churches and church funds have been lost to these lawyers and their clients for cases of over thirty years ago. This pope is also trying to bring peace between various religions. Pray for your priests, bishops, and the pope, that they may lead My faithful on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, seeing this trumpet in the vision should alert you to the angels who will blow their trumpets in the Book of Revelation. There are seven trumpets and these angels are already warning you of the events that they will usher in at each of their trumpets. These events are definitely a part of the coming tribulation which is already giving signs of its beginning. I would ask that you read about these trumpets in Revelation to be aware of what is about to take place.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the author of the Harry Potter books in the news defending her copyright from others writing on this subject. She has become a rich person from selling these books, but she has poisoned many young minds who read about these spells and incantations that lead directly to witchcraft. There is evil hidden in these stories, and it is even more appalling that she is spreading this for a profit. Avoid the Harry Potter books and movies in your house because they could lead to an evil influence.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you the blueprint for the takeover of the North American countries of America, Mexico, and Canada by the one world people. They want to do away with national boundaries and national sovereignty so they can move ahead with their plans for a world government that they call ‘the new world order’. You have seen how by stealth that the European Union was put in place without any consent of the people. Now again this North American Union will be forced on the people in the same way without the consent of the voters in each country. These unions will be combined for the Antichrist’s coming to power all over the world. Have no fear because in the end I will be the victor over these evil ones as they will be cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, praise and worship are reserved strictly for God and not for any earthly figure, no matter how famous, rich, or powerful that they may be. You have seen such figures that have led countries to strive for world control. Communism and Nazism have both sought world domination. Now you are seeing the one world people striving for a world government through their money and power in setting up unions of countries on various continents. This movement is being led by Satan as he wants the Antichrist to reign over this new world order.”

Jesus said: “My people, be aware that the one world people are already making preparations for capturing religious and patriotic people whom they see as a threat to their new world order. This vision of shackles on trucks and railroad cars is real as you have discovered, and people will be taken to detention center death camps at the announcing of martial law. I have My faithful also making preparations at refuges so My people will have a place of protection to hide from the authorities who will try to kill you for your faith in Me. Read in the Book of Revelation how the evil ones want to kill those who will not take the mark of the beast and will not worship the Antichrist. Pray for My help to warn you when it is the time to go to My refuges with your guardian angel.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages concerning the preparations for My refuges. I have told you that everyone will have their own living quarters, even if it has to be a multistory building where there is little land. Be at peace that I will perform many miracles of grace through My angels that will protect you and provide for your needs. It is difficult to tell people of this coming tribulation, but they can read about it in the Book of Revelation and see all of the signs of evil all around that describe the end times. Be patient and have hope in your God, for I will be the victor over these evil ones. You will have your reward for being faithful to Me when you come into My Era of Peace.”


Friday, April 18, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, some people have a deeper feeling for knowing the roots of their family name than others. Some even research their ancestry back several hundred years. This coat of arms in the vision is a sign of who your family is. All of you have roots that eventually lead back to the first man, Adam. Years ago knights would wear their family coat of arms on their shields. You may not need shields in your physical world, but you do need shields and protection in the battle of good and evil with the demons in the spiritual world. Those souls, who are struggling to reach heaven, know of this battle of your spirit against the desires of the body. It is a daily fight that you wage against the temptations of the world and the devil. In every action you must choose between Me and the world. Your goal should be to know, love, and serve Me, which means avoiding sin against My Commandments. Some souls, who are more worldly, do not even realize that there is a battle going on for souls because they have lost their shame of sin. I call on My faithful to pick up your crosses and follow Me because your battle shield is using My protection and that of your guardian angel. You are to wear the armor of your faith and blessed sacramentals to protect you from the demons. The more you allow evil and sin into your life, the weaker you will be in fighting off temptations. So keep strong against the evil one by calling on My Name against him, having a good prayer life, and going to at least monthly Confession. Not only should you fight to save your own soul, but you should also fight the evil ones in saving and protecting other souls in the world who may be weak against sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you an inside picture of what it will be like when prisoners, who refused chips in the body, are sent to the detention center death camps. There is no doubt that the intention of the one world people is to eliminate the religious and patriotic people that they detest. They will gas their prisoners with toxic gases to kill large numbers at a time. Then they will cremate the bodies in very hot incinerators to get rid of the bodies. This elimination of those on their hit list is in addition to the large number of people that they will kill with deadly viruses from the chem trails. Those, who want to be martyrs, can stay in their homes and the men in black will carry you off to the death chambers as in Nazi Germany during World War II. Those, who want to be protected at My refuges, will call on My Name and I will direct your guardian angel to lead you to the nearest refuge of protection. Trust in Me and I will make you invisible to your enemies so you can be shielded from them harming you. Give praise and glory to your Lord as you thank Me for providing you these refuges of protection by My angels. Be patient and you soon will see your reward in My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, April 19, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, today in the reading from the Acts of the Apostles St. Paul quotes from Isaiah (49:6): ‘I have made you a Light to the Gentiles, that you may be an instrument of salvation to the ends of the earth.’ This was a prophesy about Me that I was not only sent for the salvation of the lost sheep of Israel, but I was sent for the salvation of everyone, including the Gentiles. St. Paul was My missionary among the Gentiles and they were exceedingly happy to receive My Word and many were converted to the faith. Many of you today may not be a part of the chosen people of the Jews, but you also are among the Gentiles and are happy and joyful that you are a part of My faithful disciples. You do not have to be a Jewish person to be saved, because I died on the cross for the salvation of all of mankind from their sins. Everyone will know in their Warning experience that you cannot come to heaven unless you come through Me. As I told My apostles, the Father and I are One in the Blessed Trinity. I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. So My people of today, even if you are Gentiles, you have eternal life through Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you saw the closed doors to the church, they represented the closed hearts to My love. Many times I come knocking on the door of your heart, but each person has to make a personal choice to let Me into their lives. When these greeters opened the doors, they were not only letting the people come into Mass, but they symbolized how this whole church was now open to My graces and My love. In order for Me to come into your lives, you must place Me at the focal point of your life. Consecrate everything over to Me, and I will lead you on your path to accomplish your mission in life. Everyone needs to accept things openly with an open mind so you can understand My ways without being clouded by the ways of the world. Pray for discernment in all that you do so you have Me helping you through every trial in your life. By keeping My peace in your heart and being open to understand what is expected of you, you can accomplish the mission that I have given you.”


Sunday, April 20, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel reading I want to focus you on one statement: ‘I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life.’ This vision of an open Bible is showing you the way to heaven by My Word in the Gospels. When you read the accounts of My life, I am giving you a life of love to imitate. St. Thomas asked Me where is this way, but I offer you eternal life so you can follow the path to heaven. This path is the same way to Calvary that each one of you must pick up your cross and carry. You share your everyday suffering with My suffering on the cross. The Way of the Cross is not desired by the body or worldly people, but it is the only way to prove your faith in My words. I have also given you the words when you know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free of the bonds of your sins. There is truth in all of My words that you can read in the Gospels. You can depend on Me that I will never lead you astray, and I will always love you. This is contrary to Satan who can mix in lies with true facts, but he always hates you. While I was on trial before Pilate, I told him that I was born to testify to the Truth. Everyone who belongs to the Truth listens to My voice. One of the most profound statements that I gave on Life was when I talked to Martha right before I raised Lazarus from the dead. (John 11:25,26) ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life; whoever believes in Me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.’ This is a contrast between the life of the body and eternal life of the soul. Once you come to heaven, you will truly have life to the fullest. Only after the final judgment will you be reunited with your body and you will be made whole again. This eternal life with Me in the beatific vision is the ultimate goal of your soul.” Monday, April 21, 2008: (St. Anselm)

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you saw how St. Paul healed a crippled man when he saw that the man had faith to be healed. I also healed many people while I was present to you as a man, and I went one step further because I wanted to heal the whole person. This is why many times I told the person ‘your sins are forgiven’ first to heal their soul, and then I healed their limbs, their eyes, and even a few I raised from the dead. The people around St. Paul were astounded that he could heal a crippled man from birth. Their reaction was to praise St. Paul as a god instead of giving praise and thanks to Me. Even among your people, they are more awed by a healing of the body, than a conversion of the heart to loving Me. But the body is in a constant state of decay, and a healing only postpones another failing, and eventually death itself. It is the soul that lives on forever and it is immortal, whereas the body is mortal and last but a short time. Among mankind a gift of conversion is a mild thanks, but in heaven there is great rejoicing among every angel and saint over one that is saved on earth. Be grateful to Me for any physical healing, but see the need even on earth to rejoice even more when a soul is converted to the faith and believes in Me.” For Father Bill: Jesus said: “My people of this church, you have great faith in Me and you have built a beautiful shrine and cross to honor My Blessed Mother and Me. These grounds are consecrated and they will truly be a place of protection for the people in the end times. I will have My angels protect this area and provide for the food and water and shelter for those who come here. Many of My messengers have had messages and visions here, so they are your blessing for this refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, today I want to direct your attention to the need for family prayer both at meals and praying the rosary together. Whenever you have two or more praying together, I am there in your midst. It is not easy to have the family together for the evening meal, but you can try to make prayer a family custom at that time. You all have busy schedules, but put aside a few minutes after supper to pray the rosary together. You have wars and much discord in the world, and world peace starts with peace among each family. Family prayer is very powerful in protecting the family from divorce, discord among members, or a falling away from the faith. By daily prayer you are also giving good example to your children in having a good prayer life to help them through the difficulties of life. Life will always have challenges and troubles to deal with, but if you have Me and My Blessed Mother helping you, they will not be as severe. We are always available to you in prayer, so call on us every day for help in your daily consecration of everything over to us. By loving Me and everyone, and walking in My Light of grace, you will have fulfilled your mission in life. Remember your family prayer because it is an important part of your life.”


Tuesday, April 22, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, as I was about to go back to My Father in heaven, I was preparing My apostles to wait for the Holy Spirit to empower them in evangelizing all nations to a belief in My words. My apostles were very excited to see Me after My Resurrection, but now they had to realize that they would not be seeing Me anymore in the flesh. My faithful of today have already received Confirmation with the Holy Spirit, and I call you also to evangelize all the nations. I give My peace and graces to you so you will have the strength to accomplish your mission. Rejoice as My apostles did, because it is so important to spread the Word of My Good News of salvation to all of the people.”

Jesus said: “My people, this car crashing is a sign that you could have trouble keeping your cars running if you do not have enough gasoline to run them. If fuels become too expensive or become in short supply, this could drastically affect how your people eat and travel. There are not enough alternate fuel supplies available to replace all of the gasoline that is currently being used. Other means of travel may come back to horse and buggy if cars and trucks no longer have any fuel, or if there are cut backs to limit the burning of fossil fuels. The hay falling off of the buckboard in the vision represents an increasing shortage of enough food to feed the world. Poorer crop yields from not enough water, and various insect damage could lead to famines in various parts of the world. As deserts grow larger, fresh water becomes scarce, and farm land decreases due to building new homes, then there will be less farm land to provide for the food of the world. Good farm land is being used for the wrong reasons, and America may see food shortages from this as a result. Pray for the food and water that you will need, and for the food that will need to be multiplied for your survival.”


Wednesday, April 23, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this view of a small area for gathering the cattle for slaughter represents how some ranchers are culling their herds because it is getting too expensive to feed them with grains. This same problem is true for chickens and other animals sold for meat. The idea to grow corn to make ethanol is now creating a demand for more corn seed and fertilizer which is competing with food crops for land and seed as well. You are seeing shortages and higher food prices as the cost of fuel to run tractors and ship the produce increases as well. If America is having problems to supply their own food, imagine how the rest of the world is hurting to grow enough food. You keep seeing news articles in the third world of increasing problems with crops and famines. The signs of a coming world famine are all around you. As you see more natural disasters, diseases, and pest problems increase, you could see an increasing risk of a coming world famine. Pray for the hungry people to find enough food, as many will begin dying as a world famine continues.”


Wednesday, April 23, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, every family has to deal with the household duties and a way of bringing in an income. In some instances both the husband and wife work, which makes it hard on the children when they come home from school. It is even harder on any single parents when the money brought in is very small. Financing a house, a car, food, and taxes does not leave much left over for health and education expenses. With a loss of good paying jobs, and inflated food and gas prices, families are being stressed to the breaking point. Some families may even share a house or car to help make ends meet. As your recession and housing problems continue, more people are at risk to lose their homes and jobs. Pray to Me for your physical and spiritual needs, no matter how desperate they may be, and I will answer them in My way.”


Thursday, April 24, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you this vision of a lighthouse as an example about My perpetual love for everyone, and how I am always looking out for your protection as well. I showed you how much I love you by dying for everyone’s sins. My love did not stop on the cross because I always love you at all times just like the constant light of the lighthouse. Even though your love for Me may be hot or cold at times, My love is forever because I am love itself. In today’s Gospel I told My disciples that whoever loves Me will keep My Commandments. Even My Commandments are all based on love of God and love of neighbor. When you see the gifts that I give you and how much I care for you in protecting your soul, you can come to know and love Me more. Love is all about making a commitment between the lovers, just as in a good marriage. Your daily commitment to Me should be your consecration of everything over to Me. By focusing on Me at all times for your direction and staying close to Me in My sacraments, you will always be living in My love. When you truly love Me, you will do everything in your power to avoid offending Me in sin. Striving to live according to My Will is all about dying to self and following My ways instead of your ways. Let your love for Me blossom in your life, and share My love with others around you.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this empty chair with Egyptian markings on it represents the chair of power for the Antichrist. He will be going to Egypt to be anointed by the high priest of Satan. He will be put in charge of the European Union and he will have his brief reign before I will bring his power to a close with My Comet of Chastisement. Do not have any fear of the evil ones, for I will protect you from being persecuted when you are made invisible. Trust in Me and you will soon see My victory once you see the Antichrist taking his seat of power.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you first are led to your refuges of protection, you will be awed to see this tall angel who will be protecting each refuge. This angel will make you invisible to all of man’s means of detection. The angel will protect you from all of the evil demons and evil people who are trying to kill you. As you look upon the luminous cross or drink from the miraculous healing spring, you will be healed of all diseases and infirmities. Give praise to God for your protection and healing.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have protected many of My saints and prophets in caves, even though the caves may be cold and damp. My angels will provide you with water, air, and light in these caves. Any animals in them will be removed to avoid any danger. The caves will protect you even from the coming Chastisement. After that trial, you will be brought out into a renewed earth in My Era of Peace. Again, have no fear, and put your trust in My power over the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, even as you plan ahead for building a house, you also need prayers and discernment for what is needed at one of My refuges. I will show you the physical needs and even ways to help the spiritual needs for those coming to the refuges. I will give everyone who comes to a refuge a grace of confidence in My miracles of providing shelters and multiplication of all that you need for food. As soon as the people see these miracles being performed, they will then relax from any previous anxiety. See the places that I go to prepare for you for during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you see people planting seed in their lawns, you can recall My Parable of the Sower. There is a miracle in the way that new life can come forth from the seed planted in good soil. In the same way that you see new grass coming forth, you can also see the joy of a new convert as their love for Me grows in their heart. Be careful to make fertile ground for each soul to produce good fruit of a hundredfold.”

Jesus said: “My people, even as good weather enables you to do more outside, your spiritual improvement in faith can empower you to do more spiritual good works. When you are baptized and confirmed into the faith, you now will walk in My graces so you can perform the works that I will direct you to do. Until you have the gift of faith, your eyes of faith will not be open to understand My ways. Give praise and thanks to Me for the power of the Holy Spirit who comes into your life when you accept My Word.”

Jesus said: “My people, the more you desire to know and love Me, the stronger the desire will be to want to receive Me in Holy Communion and visit My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration or before My tabernacle. Come to Me, My children, and I will ease your burdens in life. Love of God and love of neighbor should be your focus in life. You can show Me your love in your daily prayer and the good works that you do for Me in the people that you help. Your love for My Real Presence in My Eucharist will always keep you close to Me as our hearts are joined as one.”


Friday, April 25, 2008: (St. Mark the Evangelist)

Jesus said: “My people, there are many examples in life where excesses of ordinary needs can be abused to cause problems for your body or any other living thing. You have a need to fertilize your lawn to give it nutrients to grow, but if you place too much in one spot, it could burn the grass and kill it there. This is true also in some addictions where eating too much food or the wrong kind of foods can cause obesity or diabetes. Drinking too much alcoholic drinks or abusing lengthy time on the computer can also cause addictions from excesses. It requires a person to use moderation by knowing their limitations and having the will power to avoid excesses that could control the body. If you cannot control your body’s desires and passions, then your soul is at risk in your sins of abuse for your body. Sometimes it would be better to practice some fasting so your soul is in more control of the body’s excessive wants. By practicing selfcontrol, then you can live a life more in conformity with My laws of life in My Commandments.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you before about the evil ones’ plan to eliminate a good share of the people on the earth by using a very virulent virus that would be spread by using chem trails. Many unknowingly are taking flu vaccine shots that will make them more susceptible to die from this killer virus. The evil ones have a special vaccine that will make them immune to this new virus. Those remaining alive will be the evil ones who are immune, those who have built up their immune systems with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins, and those protected at My refuges by looking on My luminous cross and by drinking from My healing spring. After the Warning it would be better that you do not take any flu vaccine shots because it could cause your death later. Even now it would be better not to take any flu shots unless there are some who are really vulnerable and need them. The evil ones will try to force mandatory chips on the remaining people, but you are to have your guardian angels lead you to the safety of a refuge that would have angel protection. The Antichrist will rise to power for a short time before I will vanquish him and all of his evil helpers. Have no fear of this time because I will always be at your side to protect you. The evil ones think that their plan will defeat My faithful, but they are so misled that they do not see My coming victory which can be read in the Scriptures.”


Saturday, April 26, 2008: (Ray Wagner’s Funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, you are all gathered together as a family to bid farewell to a husband, a father, and a grandfather. Ray was a lover of life and he enjoyed gettogethers with family and friends. Wherever there were social affairs, Ray and his wife, Millie, were there. It is appropriate to have one last reception even at his funeral. Ray was happy to see the Honor Guard and all of his family and friends come to his funeral. He sends his great love to his wife, Millie, and the adult children Carol and Joyce, and to all his relatives and friends. He wants you all to have a good time at the last of his parties. I ask you to pray for Ray as you do for all of My faithful departed, and do not forget him in your prayers.” (Margaret Mary Finucane and Peter Horvath’s Wedding)

Jesus said: “My people, you remember the account of My being present at a Wedding Feast in Cana. I emphasized that a marriage commitment of love is similar to the love commitment that I want you to make to Me. I also gave the couple a gift of My first miracle by making the water into wine for their reception. I know that you are human and that your love is imperfect, but even as a husband and wife strive to always love one another, you also can strive with My grace to love Me all of your life. I am showing you this wedding banquet table because I go to prepare your own special seat at My Banquet Table in heaven. When you invite someone to a wedding, then on receiving their answer to come, you prepare an individual place for them at a table with their name. Marriage is a vocation in life that you choose to be self-giving to your spouse and to make joint decisions. You need to have Me as the third partner in your marriage so your family prayer will keep you faithful and united throughout your years of married life. If and when children come from your love, then you have a further commitment to bring your children up in the faith and guard their souls from the evil one. A family love is so precious that I have called My Church My bride, and I am the Groom. Pray for these young people that they will see the fruit of their love blossom out into a loving family.”


Sunday, April 27, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this is a joyous and beautiful day as you see the sun and My glorious graces being shared with everyone. As you see My Light shining out from My cross, know that My death on the cross has brought salvation of your sins to everyone as well. It is every soul’s opportunity to accept My love and follow Me in My example. Read the Scriptures with love in your hearts so you can see the power of My Light of understanding to follow My path to heaven through My Commandments. I call every one to live a life of love by loving Me and your neighbors unconditionally. It is My unconditional love that reaches out to save every soul that accepts Me as Master of their lives. Follow My ways instead of the ways of the world, and you will have your reward in heaven. When you see a sunny day with all the beauty of the spring flowers, you are just happy to be alive to drink in the splendor of My creation. At times you need to put aside all of your troubles and anxieties, and just dwell on all of the beautiful gifts that I have given you. You are so blessed, but you rarely take the time to thank Me and give Me praise for all that I do for you. You have food to eat, air to breathe, and a place to stay. So do not spend all of your time complaining and worrying about things that you cannot change, but move forward to love Me and help those around you out of love for Me in them. Enjoy each day that you are given, and live it the best that you can, and you will have constant joy in your heart.”


Monday, April 28, 2008: (St. Louis de Montford)

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see man’s inhumanity to man by a flagrant mass killing by putting virulent viruses in the chem trails. So many will die and the disease will be very contagious. Hospital workers will be given vaccines so they can work with the sick, but they will be so overwhelmed by the numbers that are sick. Those, who escape the disease, will not want to bury the dead for fear of catching the disease. That is why you will see so many decaying bodies left where they died. The one world people will be behind this gruesome deed just to lower the earth’s population. They also will have a vaccine to make them immune, but their plan will compound an unintended destruction of many plants and animals that will add to the coming world famine. My faithful should call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges where you would be healed of this pandemic disease by drinking miraculous healing spring water, or looking on the luminous cross. I will protect My little ones from all of the evil one’s attempts to kill you. Rejoice in My mercy of protection, and pray for those being asked to set up My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see many beautiful flowers and trees in the spring that are all a part of My perfect creation. Man in his pride has tried to improve on My perfection, but he only makes things that look good, and they have bad side effects or they do not fit into the balance of nature. Some have proposed other means of creation as the big bang theory, or evolution theory, but none of these can explain nature totally or could be proven by scientific methods. No specie has ever been seen to mutate to a higher chromosome specie. There even has been some links of people believing in evolution to being atheists. Man can rationalize theories as much as he wants, but in the end it was My hand in creation that has brought everything into being that you see before you, whether people want to believe it or not. Trust in My Word of Scripture as giving you the truth of this life because I would never deceive you as Satan and man does. Everything that I do is based on love and harmony, and mankind should base his actions on love as well.”


Tuesday, April 29, 2008: (St. Catherine of Siena)

Jesus said: “My people, just as St. Paul was persecuted and was imprisoned for his faith, so also My faithful will face increasing persecution for believing in Me. The one world people have their plan for a world takeover, but they also will have to contend with major earthquakes and natural disasters that could delay their plans. Man thinks that he can control earthly events, but at times you have no control over weather events, tsunamis, and comets or meteors that hit the earth. Even solar flares can upset your communications. It is these such events that should indicate to you that I am in control at all times, and I allow man’s free will decisions. I also will allow the evil ones to go only so far because I will always defend My faithful remnant from the gates of hell. Even during the coming tribulation, I will provide My refuges of protection so My angels will protect you from the harm of the evil ones. Keep your full trust in Me, and I will be at your side. Have patience for a time, and I will bring My victory over Satan and his minions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that there are more souls going to hell than are going to purgatory and heaven. Many of them are going there by their own free will, but also because they have no one to pray for them. People have asked Me what can they do to save more souls from going to hell? These are some suggestions. You can pray for poor sinners, especially for those whom no one is praying for. You can pray to call My angels down around them to defend them from evil temptations. You can pray deliverance prayers to bind any evil spirits, that are affecting them, to the foot of My cross. You can give good example by your behavior of love to those who may be weak to sin. The most difficult task is to personally go out of your comfort zone to evangelize souls to the faith so they could be saved and converted from their sinful way of life. If more people took these requests to heart, you could see fewer people being lost to hell.”


Wednesday, April 30, 2008: (St. Pius V)

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing serious damage from tornadoes in Virginia, damage from earthquakes in the Middle and West Coast of America, and also wild fires in various places as well. Many of these natural disasters have occurred before, but you already are noticing a steady increase in the numbers and intensities of earthquakes, especially along the West Coast. Many of these disasters have destroyed homes and have displaced people’s jobs. This is why it is necessary to help people find housing, food, and help in rebuilding their homes. You are having financial problems with mortgages, and high food and gas price problems along with your recession. This damage is just compounding these problems. This is why volunteer work to repair things may be needed to help your neighbor because there may not be enough money available to pay for rebuilding. You may be asked to make donations of your time and money to help. Pray for all the people being affected by this damage that they can be provided for in their needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, when the crucifix was displayed in front of the church in the vision, there was a strong faith that kept the traditions. When the crucifix was removed, it represented a loss of tradition, and faith was lost also. The more that the faith is watered down in reverence and traditions, the weaker the people become in their faith. The people need to be inspired by good priests and good prayer habits, along with having a large crucifix on the altar. Once the churches are cleansed of their reverence, then it becomes just a building. It is the belief in My Real Presence that makes My churches holy when I am present in the consecrated Hosts. Give praise and glory to Me in your Adoration hours and rejoice that I am always with you.”


Thursday, May 1, 2008: (Ascension Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, after I resurrected from the dead, I visited My apostles several times. Before I ascended to My Father in heaven, I commissioned My apostles to wait to receive the Holy Spirit and then they should go out and teach My Word to all the nations. (Matt. 28:19-20) ‘Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world.’ Towards Bethany I led My disciples and I blessed them as I ascended into heaven. (Luke 24:50,51) ‘Now He led them out towards Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them. And it came to pass as He blessed them, that He parted from them and was carried up into heaven.’ Even as I rose into heaven, My angels consoled My apostles with these words. (Acts 1:11) ‘Men of Galilee, why are you standing there looking at the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven.’ Truly at the height of the Antichrist’s reign I will defeat him, as I will return on the clouds to bring justice and My Era of Peace.” Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, keeping a good factory job is becoming more difficult as manufacturers are trying to use foreign cheap labor and layoffs because of reduced demand in a recession. Today is the feast day of St. Joseph the Worker, but it was secondary to the celebration of Ascension Thursday. World competition has put American workers at a disadvantage because of your benefits and higher salary than in third world countries. Instead of making a little less profit, Wall Street has dictated a desire for cheaper labor costs. By cutting salaries and worker benefits, it is becoming harder for the average worker to afford a house and car, let alone other living expenses. Pray for your industries to offer a fair working wage, and focus more on helping American workers instead of foreigners.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people are more in favor of having an English Mass than a Latin Mass. It was a dramatic change to switch to a Mass in the vernacular language, but there were many liberties taken in this new translation. With Holy Communion given in the hand standing there has been less reverence given to My Blessed Sacrament. Many of these changes in tradition and reverence have made it possible that only a small percentage of the faithful still believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Hosts. It is difficult to have a desire to love Me so much that you would want to visit My tabernacle, if a person did not believe in My Real Presence. Pray that My faithful will remember their traditions and reverence for My Eucharist. The younger generation is falling away from their faith because they do not pray, nor are they taught the important truths of their faith, including a belief in My Real Presence, and the value of Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of the high cost of oil and gasoline, many new sources are being explored that are now affordable as oil shale. Alternate fuels have a long time to be economical. Many oil companies are not working too hard to find new oil because it benefits them to make increased profits on existing sources of oil. America should work and pray to develop better conservation and oil research for new sources of fuel. Decreasing demand would make your fuels more affordable.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as I commissioned My apostles to go out and preach My Gospel message to all the nations, so I want to commission all of My faithful to go and do likewise. Evangelizing souls is not easy, but it is one of your Christian responsibilities from your Baptism and Confirmation. I told you before to put your own spiritual life in order, so you can be a good evangelist and not be a hypocrite who preaches one way, but does another.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Easter Season is coming to a close and you will soon celebrate Pentecost Sunday. You have celebrated My Resurrection for forty days, and you have remembered the many accounts of My visits to My apostles to encourage them. Now your focus will be on the many Sundays after Pentecost during the ordinary time. Even though the Church seasons change, your love for Me should never change. I love you every day of the year, so focus your life on following Me in imitation of My life.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your weather has become much warmer, it is more of an incentive to work on spring cleaning inside and outside of your homes. In addition to cleaning your physical properties, now right after Easter would also be a good time for spring cleaning your souls from sin in Confession. You have such a desire to have your house and yard make a good appearance, but you should have an even stronger desire to make a good appearance in having a pure soul. For those, who have their souls pure, they will be ready for My judgment day.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is always a feeling of joy and excitement as new life is starting up again in all of nature. This thought of new life and a new beginning should also be inspired in your new converts who came into the faith at Easter. You can also experience new life when a lukewarm fallen away person decides to come back to the sacraments. Pray that souls be renewed or converted to the faith so they can experience My true love in their lives.”


Friday, May 2, 2008: (First Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, back in the time of Noah after the flood I made a covenant with man in the symbol of the rainbow that I would never destroy many people with a world flood again. This vision of a rainbow over one of My churches is a remembrance of that covenant. When I was on the earth as a man, I made another covenant with man in the Institution of My Blessed Sacrament. You have Me present in My Body and Blood in every consecrated Host. I told you: ‘Who ever eats My Body and drinks My Blood worthily will have life everlasting.’ For My Body is real food, and My Blood is real drink. I want My people to know and recognize My Real Presence in My consecrated Host, so you can give Me praise and worship in Adoration. I have told you before that those, who visit Me in Adoration, are My special admirers, and you will have special graces for being close to My Blessed Sacrament. Those, who are strong in the faith, need to promote My Adoration to everyone so they can come and keep Me company in My tabernacle. Many do not believe in My Real Presence because it has not been emphasized or taught strongly for people to understand this ongoing miracle of My grace and covenant with man. There even have been miracles of My Eucharist in Hosts that bleed My Blood so unbelievers in My Real Presence can believe in this gift of Mine to man. Give witness to My Real Presence by coming as often as you can to show Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Give reverence to My Eucharist by receiving Me on the tongue in Holy Communion, and genuflecting when you come into My Presence. Receive Me worthily in the state of grace only without mortal sin so you do not commit any sacrilege against My Blessed Sacrament.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know well of My Blessed Mother under the title of Our Mother of Sorrows. I am showing you also a vision of swords piercing the hearts of family members. You are joined at this Mass to share the gift of enthroning your homes to My Sacred Heart. This enthronement is to protect and guide your family members with My grace and love. Some of the sorrows that you may have to endure are when any of your children may fall away from their faith or join another religion. Another sorrow that you could suffer could be a divorce of these spouses. Other sorrows could involve serious sickness or the death of one of the members of the family. Some families may have to endure not being able to have children. Other sorrows could be lost jobs, loss of a house, or serious accidents. I know some of these sorrows will befall every family, so I know your trials and petitions before you ask Me. By prayer, daily consecration, and the Enthronement of your homes to My Sacred Heart, you will have strength from My graces to endure any of these sufferings. Keep your families close to Me in family prayer and I will have My angels watch over you and protect you from any evil.”


Saturday, May 3, 2008: (St. Philip and St. James)

Jesus said: “My people, I have a dear love for all of My apostles that I chose to help spread My Word to everyone. In today’s Gospel I answered St. Philip’s question when he wanted Me to show him the Father. In essence I gave him a lesson in trying to understand a little in a human way about the Mystery of the Blessed Trinity. The Father, I, and the Holy Spirit are Three Persons in One God. We are inseparable so that when I said the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father, this was the simplest way that I could explain Ourselves so man could comprehend the Blessed Trinity. So when My apostles saw Me, truly they also saw God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. You will soon be celebrating the feast of Pentecost and how I had to leave, so My apostles could receive the Holy Spirit as tongues of fire, so they could be empowered to teach My Word to all the nations. So My disciples of today, who receive the Blessed Trinity in Holy Communion, are also empowered with the Holy Spirit to help evangelize souls to the faith. Call on Us always to guide you what to say in bringing Us closer to souls in conversion to the faith.”


Sunday, May 4, 2008: (Celebration of Ascension Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Light of the world as I spread My love, graces, and blessings with everyone. I am also a Light of truth, and My Word of the Gospels needs to be spread to all the nations. You are seeing in My farewell to My apostles that I am calling them to go out and spread My Good News to all the nations. In My Early Church it took courage and the gifts of the Holy Spirit to even risk the lives of My faithful to preach My Word. Many were martyred for being a Christian. In today’s world you are not as threatened in most countries to give witness to your faith. The vision represents two kinds of people in the small light and the large bright light. I give everyone the same call as My apostles to go out and share your faith with everyone. You have a choice to keep your faith to yourself, or to share it with others. When you share your faith, you take a risk of rejection or even ridicule or persecution. Not everyone that you try to share My love with will be open to your witness. Still it is better to follow My call to give witness, even if some refuse to accept Me. There are many ways that you can share your faith. It should start first with teaching your own children and grandchildren. You can teach the children in religious education. You can share in prison ministry, food for the poor, visiting the elderly, bringing Holy Communion to the sick, and comforting those mourning the deceased. Whenever you share your faith with others, you are doing it for Me and My presence in that person. So choose to be the brilliant Light in this world by sharing My love and faith with everyone that you meet.”


Monday, May 5, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (John 16:29- 33) I was speaking plainly to My apostles without parables, and I explained to them that the Son of Man must die and be taken away from them so that sinners would be saved by My death. I also had to leave them so the Holy Spirit could come upon them. The apostles thought that they knew all about Me, but I always surprised them with deeper insights of what was happening. I told them that they will scatter and desert Me when it came time for the Pharisees to kill Me. The apostles could not imagine them leaving Me, but I told St. Peter that before the cock crowed twice, he would deny Me three times. At another time I told My apostles plainly that if they eat My Body and drink My Blood they would have life everlasting. (John 6:54-65) Many of My followers left Me when I said this. So I asked My apostles if this shaked their faith? But St. Peter said: ‘To whom would we go, for you have the words of everlasting life.’ There were many such sayings as when I said love your enemies, and that it would be very difficult for the rich man to be saved. Without faith in Me and My Word, it would be difficult to believe all that I have said. So My apostles and My faithful believe in Me because I give you the grace to understand how I am calling all of you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. Continue to teach My Word, even if the world rejects Me, because it is a gift of faith to believe.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this voting booth because several of your states are going to have problems verifying the truth of the output of their new election voting methods. I also told you before that you would be fortunate to have another presidential election. This event is conditional on whether terrorism or natural disasters could be severe enough to postpone this election. With enough prayer, these things could be mitigated, but unless more prayer is multiplied, they will occur causing great damage and loss of life. You already are seeing many earthquakes all over your country, and they will continue. I call you to do some extra prayers and ask to have them multiplied so these events do not stop your election. Be prepared also to send donations of money and time to help those who face losses from natural disasters.”


Tuesday, May 6, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, there were many scenes and accounts of how I helped My apostles in their fishing boats. Several times I provided the fish for them to catch. At other times I saved them from drowning by calming the violent seas. I sometimes speak to you about boats and sailing on the sea of life which has its storms and calm times. This vision of Me at the helm of a ship steering the course represents how I want you to let Me lead and direct your life. Whether you accept it or not, you are totally dependent on Me for everything that you have. I do not force My love on anyone because I want you to love Me of your own free will. Before you start any project, pray to Me about it so I can tell you if it is the right thing for your soul, and I will help you to accomplish your goal. Sometimes you strike out on your own in pride thinking that you can do things without My help. After some failures, then you come begging on your knees for help. So pray to Me first, and your work will be much easier with Me helping you. Another image along with this ship is to have a good anchor. I am that anchor of faith for you so that you do not drift away from the faith because of the undercurrents of the world and its distractions. At times you could be detoured from your goal to follow Me by allowing things in life to become addictions or obsessions that can control you and take time away from Me and your prayer time. I am always at your side in Confession for your sins, and to refocus you so you can see clearly to eliminate things that control you and steal all of your time. Your purpose on earth is to know, love, and serve Me so you can become a saint. If you only serve yourself in your addictions, then you are being selfish with your time and you are not sharing time with Me and your neighbor. When you truly love Me and your neighbor, you will be more outgoing, instead of just doing things to serve yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are witnessing many natural disasters all over the world, and not just in America. In your own country you are seeing fires and tornadoes destroy homes with even some deaths. In addition you are seeing many earthquakes along the Western coast and a major volcano going off in Chile. In the former Burma you are seeing major destruction of millions of homes with many deaths, much like when the tsunami killed many people. These major natural disasters will be continuing to cause record numbers of destruction. Pray that these disasters be kept to a minimum with a minimum loss of life. Some of these disasters are a punishment for much sin going on in certain areas. Repent of your sins in America, or you could see worse things happening here as well. Man is falling further away from Me in his spiritual laziness and complacency. It is these natural disasters that wake you up to the reality of the life that I want you to live.”


Wednesday, May 7, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing sad and desperate soul bodies that are now in purgatory. These are the souls of those thousands that died in the latest cyclone that struck Burma (Myanmar). Most people hear the statistics of how many died, but you should help pray for these souls who were judged to purgatory without any preparation for their death. This is another example why you need to have a pure soul by frequent Confession because you also could die suddenly. The other poor people, that are alive, are the millions of people who are now left hungry and homeless. Pray for these storm ravaged people and give some donations to some charities who are sending aid to this disaster. They have little means to rebuild and feed themselves. Those, who have an excess of this world’s wealth, can afford to help the needy of the world, and you will store treasure in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, mining precious stones, diamonds, and gold takes a lot of work and usually there is a lot of rock or dirt to discard as a by-product of the mining process. The richer the vein of stones or gold, the more money can be made from each load of raw material. In the spiritual world, you need a lot of prayer and effort to bring about conversions. In this case the precious stones are the very souls that you are training to save. Your tears of love for Me, I treasure as special gems in your treasure account for your judgment. At times you need to sift through many souls in order to find a few faithful souls who are willing to suffer for Me. Many are looking for the easy way out to solve their problems by following the broad road to hell. To follow Me you must count the costs because saving your soul has a high price. You need to sift through a lot of things in the world that are worthless in helping to bring you to heaven. All of this chaff must be sifted away so you can have the wheat gathered into My barn. Pray to survive with My help as I provide for your food and living expenses. By staying close to Me in faith, you will gain the most precious gem of all, eternal life in heaven.”


Thursday, May 8, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this dragon in the vision represents the devil and how he goes about the world trying to devour souls who are weak and have little or no faith. This is just another view of your adversary on the evil side in the battle of good and evil. Do not let any soul be lost to the evil one if you can help that soul. You know full well what happens to souls that he devours. They are lost for all eternity in the hopeless flames of hell. I know that you cannot violate people’s free will, but do not give up on them either, especially those members of your family that are not coming to church. My love goes out to everyone, and My angels are available to call on them in your defense against the evil demons. I am more powerful than this dragon, and I will claim victory over him when I come again. So you should have peace in your soul, but always keep your guard up against the evil one’s many temptations.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the death toll from this cyclone in Myanmar continue to increase into the tens of thousands. As the devastated land is further investigated, more thousands are missing as well as more dead are being found. These disasters can kill many people in low lands where there is a high population. Many countries have offered help, but the ruling junta has been very selective with which countries they will accept aid from. It is sad when politics gets in the way of helping the storm ravaged people. Pray for these poor people to find what they need to live.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned your country not to attack Iraq in the first place because of your oil interests. Now you are allowing the one world people to drag this war on so they can make more profits, while thousands are killed and wounded. You hear of the deaths, but many of your soldiers are wounded with scars and disabilities for life. Your soldiers are doing more tours, even when some are questionable to be fit to fight. This war is not only causing major deficits, but it is also destroying your military and keeping them out of the country. If you do not get out of this war, you will become bankrupt, and unable to defend yourselves.”

Jesus said: “My people, in Washington, D.C. you have memorials for the World War II dead and the Vietnam war dead. Soon you will need to make another memorial for those dying in your current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Man has not learned his lesson in fighting drawn out wars. Because you do not learn from history, you are doomed to repeat your mistakes. The only way out of your last long war in Vietnam was to stop the funding and the one world people then quickly exited this effort. This may be your only recourse to end this conflict as well by taking the profit out of war. Stopping the funds will do your soldiers more help by bringing them home so they are safe from being killed.”

Jesus said: “My people, many countries are suffering from the high cost of oil and gasoline. Some of this rise has come from the value of the dollar going down, and some from increased demand from China and India. Another portion has been from speculators and fears of war in oil sensitive countries. Taxes on these fuels have also gone up in proportion to the cost per gallon. This has been a windfall for oil companies and the governments collecting these taxes. Pray for the poor consumers who are being tested with the high costs of fuels and food.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people are losing their homes to foreclosures, and some are purposely leaving their homes for the banks to repossess because the value of the house is much less than their mortgage. Billions of taxpayer dollars are being used to bail out the bankers and lenders, but little is being done to help those losing their homes. Government housing agencies are losing millions in bad loans, but now your legislators want the taxpayer to be at risk for all the bad loans. Pray for an equitable way out of your housing crisis that would not put your taxpayers in bankruptcy.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as My suffering on the cross continues for all the sins being committed, so the power of the Holy Spirit is still coming down upon all of My faithful. You remember the great wind that came to the upper room where My apostles were in hiding. You saw them speaking in foreign languages and they were empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak out in courage about My Good News. Now, all of their fears of being killed were restrained and they were willing to spread My Good News, even if it meant that they may be martyred for teaching in My Name. This same Holy Spirit is empowering all of My faithful to go out and spread My Good News to all of the nations.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are signs all over that your years of freedom in America are about to come to an end. The one world people are continuing to take over your government by controlling your elections so they can control whoever is elected. These same people want to control you through microchips in the body and make you a part of their new world order by converting your country into a part of the North American Union. Those, who have the eyes of faith, can see this vise of the evil ones who are about to give control of the world over to the Antichrist. Pray for My help to protect you from the evil ones at My refuges in the coming tribulation.”


Friday, May 9, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some major events going on all over the world with a cyclone in Myanmar, a major volcanic eruption in Chile, and major earthquakes in Japan and along the Pacific Rim. It is one thing if these events occur in unpopulated areas, but when they disrupt populated areas, then you see many more deaths. All of the rumblings along your plates, where they come together, are becoming very active. It is only a matter of time when a major event will occur in your country, so pray that it does not occur in a populated area. Many of you are building homes in the shadow of old volcanoes, near old active fault lines, and along the coasts where storms have been violent. You would be safer to live further away from these potential disaster sites. Continue to pray for your poor sinners as America needs to repent of its sins and sinful lifestyles. If you do not listen to My words of warning, you also may be visited with one of these major natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, your trains have only token security and they are vulnerable to boarding when they slow down. This vision of stealing from trains is just one of many ways that thieves are becoming bolder because of your high prices for everything. Security at nuclear plants, gasoline stations, and banks are all under scrutiny by thieves looking to gain money. The number of people in your prison system keeps increasing, and it is higher than most other countries. This fact fits in with Guantonomo Bay prison and your many detention centers around the country. Political and terrorist prisoners could be hiding the real reasons for eventually imprisoning many who are religious or not taking the chip in the body. Be prepared to follow your angel to My refuges, so you are not taken to any death camps.”


Saturday, May 10, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you are viewing the lives of two great pillars of My Church in St. Paul and St. John the apostle, and evangelist. St. Paul’s work as a missionary among the Gentiles has been read in the Acts of the Apostles, and his many epistles were written to help encourage My Early Church in his teachings. He was writing to support the people, even from his chains in Rome. St. John is My beloved apostle to whom I gave My Blessed Mother to take care of her. He also represented all of My faithful, and My Blessed Mother is now your heavenly mother, so you are all her children. She is also honored on this Mother’s Day. St. John wrote this last Gospel of today, his letters, and the Book of Revelation which prophesied how the end is to come about. St. John wrote his Gospel last and it very much emphasized My Divinity as well as My humanity. These two great men were blessed to give you these divinely inspired writings so you had My words of how to live your lives in the Spirit. You are about to celebrate Pentecost, and you can thank the Holy Spirit for helping you to write these words, and to share your faith with each other.”

Jesus said: “My people, Pentecost is a great celebration because once the apostles received the gifts of the Holy Spirit, they were able to speak in foreign tongues so they could literally speak to all nations about My Good News. They also were no longer afraid of the Jews, but they were ready to carry out their individual missions. The Holy Spirit infused them with knowledge and understanding of all that I had taught them. Now, since I resurrected, they were eager to share the Good News that I brought salvation to all of mankind. I paid the price of everyone’s sins, and now a person only has to repent and accept Me into their lives in order to be saved. This was the beginning of My Church being formed, once the Holy Spirit was given to all of My disciples. The Holy Spirit is still supporting My Church with His gifts to you, so rejoice in this renewal of your faith. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of love in everyone. He is the One who gives life to your own spirit as Our presence is always with you, or you would cease to exist. Give praise and glory to the Holy Spirit for all of His gifts that are active in you.”


Sunday, May 11, 2008: (Pentecost Sunday, Mother’s Day)

The Holy Spirit said: “I am God the Holy Spirit, the God of love and life. This is My feast day and I am warmed to see so many dressed in red. The red today is giving honor to Me in the priest’s vestments, and not the usual red for martyrs. Rejoice because Pentecost is the culmination of the novena from Ascension Thursday. This is also the culmination of the Easter Season as the Easter Candle will be off the altar other than for funerals. Now you are entering the long ordinary time of the many Sundays after My feast day. Even as you see life coming back into nature in the spring, so spiritual life should be renewed in every soul on this celebration of My many gifts that I share with all of My faithful. In the vision you are seeing an emphasis on My being the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is coincidental that My feast day comes on Mother’s Day, but you should also honor your own physical mothers as well as your heavenly mother in the Blessed Mother. Mary is special for all of her children on earth as she guards you with her mantle and encourages you to pray her rosary. Enjoy celebrating Mother’s Day and remember to call on Me to help you in speaking out to evangelize souls all over the world.”


Monday, May 12, 2008: (Dennis Delaney’s Funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, it is always a sad time when I take someone home at a young age. Rejoice that I am taking your loved one to heaven with Me. Dennis is sorry that he had to leave so suddenly, but he sends his love to his dear wife, Debbie, the children, and the rest of his family and friends. He will be praying for you and guiding you from heaven. So he truly will not be out of your sight. You can pray to him to help you in your daily troubles. Trust in Me that you did not lose a loved one, but you have gained a prayer warrior.”

Jesus said: “My people, before your election there will be several provocative incidents that could lead to another war starting. Such a war in the Persian Gulf could cause a loss of oil tankers which could heavily upset the flow of oil to countries around the world. This will not only raise the oil prices, but the supply of oil could be threatened. Pray that such a war does not start in this area where two conflicts are already in progress. Such a war would also test your military which is already overextended. The one world people will continue to draw you into more useless conflicts so they can drain your military and your finances.”


Tuesday, May 13, 2008: (Our Lady of Fatima)

Our Lady of Fatima said: “My dear children, back in 1917 it was difficult in Portugal to talk publicly about religion, let alone apparitions from me. I appeared to the innocent children because they were open to heaven’s messages of prayer and warnings. I encouraged the people of that time to repent and pray my rosary. If there were enough prayer, Russia could be converted and she would not spread her errors, which was communism then. Many prayed for Russia and there has been an easing against religion, but communism is still a scourge of the world with its atheistic teachings. I still encourage the people of today to pray my rosary, especially in the family. The rosary is your weapon against evil, and your prayers are needed now more than ever for the conversion of sinners and the lukewarm from your materialistic society. Your people are forgetting their religious traditions and that is why fewer are coming to Sunday Mass. If you had the faith of a mustard seed, you could pray your rosaries enough to defeat abortion in your country. Pray for your children and your grandchildren that none of them would be lost to the evil one. You are all my children, and I reach out my mantle of protection around you.”

Jesus said: “My people, when a man and a woman get married, it is a joining of two lives in self-giving love as a commitment to each other. The flowers represent the life of this true love. They are vibrant at first but they tend to fade with time. Love between two spouses needs to be kept alive with a daily commitment and a communication of that love. Otherwise, there could be a fading of love as with the flowers. You need to water and strengthen your love by joining Me in your marriage. Love for Me and your spouse is a daily need in prayer to show your love for Me and each other. Flowers tend to be seasonal mostly in the spring, but your love for Me and your spouse needs to be strong in all seasons. If all marriages were as vibrant over the years as they were on their wedding day, then there would be very few divorces. Do not lose this spark of love for Me and your spouse, and you will have many years of happiness here on earth and in the life to come.”


Wednesday, May 14, 2008: (St. Matthias)

Jesus said: “My people, all of you are sinners because you inherited your weakness to sin from Adam. But I have paid the price for your sins by My death on the cross. All that I ask of My faithful is that you acknowledge your sinfulness, and come to Me for the forgiveness of your sins in Confession. It is an act of humility to admit that you have sinned and need to come to Confession. You should come to Confession at least monthly, whether you have committed any mortal sins or not. You definitely need to confess your mortal sins before you can be worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion. I ask you to show Me your love by following My Commandments, but if you falter, I have given you My sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation to purify your soul. By keeping your soul pure, you will also be ready for your judgment on any day that I come to take you home. I keep encouraging people to come to Confession because the devil is constantly giving you excuses not to come. So do not be spiritually lazy or lukewarm in seeking My forgiveness, but be strong in coming to Me faithfully every month.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an unusual year of many natural disasters both in your country and around the world. Your attention has been focused on the thousands killed by the cyclone in Myanmar, and the thousands killed by a 7.9 earthquake in China. In your own country you have witnessed more tornadoes and deaths than has been seen in decades. Earlier in the year you witnessed some massive rains that caused severe flooding. You also have seen fires in the West and in Florida. Earthquakes have been strong along the West Coast and in the middle of your country. Now you are seeing severe earthquakes in Japan and heavy volcanic activity in Chile and Indonesia. Many people and economies are being shaken by these disasters all over the world. Because of your fast news reports, you know instantly about any disasters that are occurring anywhere on the earth. In addition to these natural disasters, you are also seeing man-made disasters in wars, terrorism, and the use of weapons of mass destruction that add to the killing of people. Even your government is adding to your woes with enhanced storms by the HAARP machine, and diseases from the chem trails. By these weather disasters you could see them utilized by the one world people for declaring martial law for their takeover of your country. This is their plan to control you, and they will use any means to bring control into the hands of the Antichrist. Fear not all of these events because I will send My angels to protect My little ones at My refuges.”


Thursday, May 15, 2008: (St. Isidore, the farmer)

Jesus said: “My people, in addition to your higher gasoline prices, you are seeing higher costs for energy in heating and cooling your houses. One way to save money has been to conserve your fuel uses by minimizing your traveling, heating to a lower temperature, and not cooling as much in the summer. In conserving fuels, you are actually cutting down on your pollution as well. America has been consuming 25% of the world’s energy supplies and you should look to reduce your energy needs instead of increasing the drain on your fossil fuels. The vision of bringing in fresh air can also be applied to bringing in a fresh spiritual air of the Holy Spirit into your spiritual lives. You are focused on your daily financial problems, but you also need to be looking to help others that are having even worse problems just trying to survive. Reach out to do what you can do to help those suffering from earthquakes and cyclones. Even in your own country, your people are stressed with foreclosures and trouble affording food. Your economic slowdown has stressed more people on food stamps, and the neighborhood food shelves are nearly bare because of demand and lower donations. There are plenty of places that could use your time and money to help people to find enough to eat.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, it is dangerous for your president and your candidates for president to talk against other countries, as Iran, that could stir up hatred for America for defending Israel. You have already seen a pre-emptive war started against Iraq, and you do not want to see another such mistake with Iran. It is one thing to try diplomacy, but it is foolish to continue issuing threats of war. The one world people want more wars, so you must work against these wars that are only destroying your military and your economy.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people have died recently from the cyclone in Myanmar and the earthquake in China. The workers are now trying to recover the bodies so they could have a proper burial for the families. Life is precious and death is not just another statistic, but these souls need respect and need to be prayed for. This is also true for those who have died in your many tornadoes. Pray for My protection in any future disasters for the victims who are losing their homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many obstacles to getting help and food to the victims of these latest disasters. In some of these countries abortion has been rampant and this is related to the red rose on the table. All life needs to be protected, even the unborn. If life is so precious, then holding up aid for political purposes shows you how these governments have a different agenda for their people.”

Jesus said: “My people, the people of California have voted against gay marriage, but the people on the State Supreme Court have stated their singular vote for gay marriage and against the people’s will. This tactic of making law by liberal judges is the same way that your country had abortion forced on you without a vote from the people. This is the second state to adopt such abominations of allowing this marriage of same sexes. I have told you before that San Francisco would be punished by a massive earthquake that would let that city be thrown into the ocean for its homosexual lifestyles. Now all of California is testing My wrath against such abominable relationships that violate My establishment of marriage only between a man and a woman.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have tried to protect land preserves and parks from further building development. Even man’s building is taking away precious farmland that is needed to grow your crops. Many efforts to protect your environment have been small or just lip service to your real intentions. Financial gain and business profits appear to be more important than controlling your pollution. Pray that your people will truly try to preserve your environment for the right reasons and not just political reasons.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are in control of your election process, so it is no surprise that the presidential candidates are still supporting the death culture. Some are still advocating support for endless wars that only result in killing more innocent lives. Others continue to support abortion saying it is their right to kill their own unborn infants in the womb. You must fight against this death culture and fight against the one world people who are sending your country down the road to total destruction. If America does not repent of its sins and change its sinful ways, then you will see My punishment in more natural disasters on a scale that you have never seen before.”

Jesus said: “My people, pray for the conversion of poor sinners, especially after the Warning. You will need My angels of protection to fight the battle against the evil ones in the coming tribulation. My angels will make you invisible from the evil ones at My refuges. Call on My help and trust in My protection when you face this battle of evil that you have never seen before.”


Friday, May 16, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, America is being pummeled by many and severe tornadoes in this spring season. By the end of this year you will be setting many records for the numbers of tornadoes and deaths, even with all of your warning systems. The deaths are related to how severe the tornado is and whether it strikes more populated areas. In recent days the deaths can increase the longer a storm stays on the ground as well. Now your announcers are warning people to head underground and not to stay in your cars. Be prepared for more violent storms with well protected underground bunkers and with more warning sirens so all areas can be warned. America is receiving more natural disasters because you are still committing your sins of abortion and legalizing homosexual marriages, as well as committing your other sins of the flesh. Your country needs to repent of its sins and sinful lifestyles, or you will see worse disasters.” Jesus said: “My people, your military has had access to all of the latest and most expensive weapons on earth, yet road side bombs, suicide bombs, and rocket propelled grenades have been the weapons of the insurgents. It is a constant battle of attrition and guerilla tactics that have continued this conflict in Iraq for over five years. Your troops have been spread so thin all over the world that your forces have been forced to repeat their tours of duty over and over. This constant fighting has taken its toll in wounded and troops killed in addition to stress on all of your vehicles in that area. The vision of the jet fighter being overrun by vegetation means that your military is being degraded with every year that this war goes on. Your leaders should seriously question if the cost of destroying your military and your economy is worth what you are gaining by staying in Iraq. Your citizens are tired of this war with no seeming benefit, and America had better take back control of your country before the one world people take you over, and force you into their North American Union. Come to Me in prayer for My protection because only by a supernatural intervention can these evil ones be overcome by My hand.”


Saturday, May 17, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages about the recent natural disasters and of more to come. There are also some little rays of hope when you see holy pictures and statues of Me and My saints miraculously saved in these storms. There were several postings in the news over the years when damage was all around, and a statue of Me or a saint was left untouched. There are little gifts and signs that I am still in control, and I can protect things of spiritual value. Even many homes with statues, blessed medals, scapulars, or Enthronements to the Sacred Heart have been spared destruction amidst tornadoes, floods, and fires. When you call on My protection, I will be there for you in the worst of storms. Remember how I calmed the Sea of Galilee, so I can spare My faithful some damage to their home. Other miraculous signs have been the weeping of statues with either oil or blood. Such weeping is from the sadness in heaven over the many sins and killings of mankind. Damage to things is one thing, but lost souls are the biggest concern in heaven. Pray for the victims of these disasters, but even pray more for their souls, especially those who may be called home in death. Keep your soul pure by frequent Confession because you could be called home anytime form a natural disaster.”

Jesus said: “My people, your children for the most part in America lead a sheltered life compared to what other children of the world must suffer. Your children live in modern homes, go to school, and can live the American dream of owning your own home, while having enough to eat is last on their minds. Other children have to beg for money and are fortunate to have enough to eat to survive. You complain about the high prices of food, but you have more than enough to eat every day of your lives. Those, who have more wealth than you need, should be willing to share your excess with those in foreign countries that are poor and starving. Be thankful for what you have by helping the poor in your local food shelves, and those suffering from the latest natural disasters.”


Sunday, May 18, 2008: (Trinity Sunday)

God the Father said: “I AM is sending My blessings down upon all the people of this Mass who are honoring Me this day. I have given you My Son so that He could die for your sins as a worthy sacrifice. You celebrated Pentecost Last Sunday in honor of the Holy Spirit, so now you are celebrating the feast of all Three Person of the Blessed Trinity. I do not have any dedicated feast, so today is My special day to bless you. You remember Me most when you pray the ‘Our Father’ of My Son, and when you make the ‘Sign of the Cross’. Even when you receive Holy Communion, you are receiving all Three of Us because We are inseparable as One. Pray to Us every day so We can help you and guide you in all of your actions. By following My Son and obeying the Ten Commandments, you will not be condemned, but you will be welcomed into heaven as your reward. Remember what I said on Mount Tabor: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to him.” (Mark 9:6)

Jesus said: “My people, the old traditional Mass is hard to understand in the Latin, but the singing and reverence for My Blessed Sacrament have their own sense of the ‘sacred’ that is missing in the English Mass. Seeing the angels in the vision is always going on at every Mass, but I allowed you to see how much the angels give Me honor and glory in My Real Presence. If all the people at Mass believed deeply in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, there would be more reverence for My Blessed Sacrament. I also showed you the angels kneeling before Me in Adoration without the Mass. You are all giving praise to the Holy Trinity as you come to adore the consecrated Host in the monstrance. I thank all of My believers who make an extra trip to visit Me when there is no obligation.”


Monday, May 19, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing the trend in your business world where small businesses are closing because they cannot compete with wholesale houses. In manufacturing many workers are being laid off because cheaper labor with no benefits can be found in other countries. Companies are not competing in a fair market because foreign countries subsidize their industries or protect their home industries more than America does. This leaves the American worker with only lower paying jobs as the average wage is decreasing in real value discounting inflation. America may have the largest market, but you sell more than you make. Your standard of living is decreasing compared to the rest of the world for many reasons. Your country is exporting cheaper goods than you are importing, especially imports of expensive oil. Pray for your families as your children are going to be fortunate to make more real value money than their parents. You are beginning to see the decline in America’s wealth and power as other countries are growing faster.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the vision a picture of terrorists that could be hired by your country to stage missile attacks against your civilian airplanes. The scene is on water where they could make their attack at night near an airport on the shore, and then speed away undetected. This is a real threat against your airlines, and it has prompted some work to put jamming devices on your civilian aircraft. If multiple attacks were carried out simultaneously, many could be killed on the planes and those killed where the plane crashed. This kind of terror attack could throw your country into dishevel again as 9-11 did before, and it is another means to initiate a martial law emergency. Be prepared if such a planned event occurs because you may have to leave for your refuges sooner than you were planning to leave. Do not hesitate once martial law is declared, because the evil ones will come to your houses to try and force their chips in the body on you. Refuse to take any chips in the body, and call on My assistance and your guardian angel to make you invisible to the evil ones so your life can be spared. Have no fear and trust in My protection.”


Tuesday, May 20, 2008: (St. Bernardine)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of an electrical line going into a church should ask you, what are you doing to energize the activities of your church? You all have received gifts from the Holy Spirit and it is your responsibility to use your gifts to spread the Kingdom of God to those around you. There are many positions of lectors, greeters, helping the poor with food collections, Eucharistic ministers, ushers, working on various committees, visiting the sick and home bound, and church cleaners. Teaching religious education to the children and helping with the finances are also needed. By everyone donating their time, talent, and money, a local church can be vibrant and successful in serving Me. Others help the spiritual backup of a parish with prayer groups, Adoration, and preparation for the sacraments and RCIA. By reaching out to help souls and those in your own parish, you can be that energizing force that keeps your parish alive and well.”

Jesus said: “My people, medicine over the years has made some great strides in improving your life expectancy, and curing diseases that killed many people. In today’s world the desire to make money has taken over your drug industry. Some would rather heal you just enough so you keep coming back to pay for more expensive pills. Some children have even had bad effects from putting mercury preservatives in vaccines so the vaccines would not have to be refrigerated. Manipulation of DNA has also caused many bad side effects in the artificial medicines that man makes which are poisons in the body. There is a more devious use of viruses for the one world people that viruses could be manipulated to affect various races or ethnic groups. By eliminating some preferred parts of the population, they would not gain money but easier control over fewer people. The evil of the death culture is so diabolical that the one world people would resort to any means such as chemtrails to kill off millions of people while they had the vaccine for these killer viruses. Be prepared and alert to the drugs and viruses created by the death culture people. Build up your immune systems with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. These are a much better source of keeping your health in alternative medicines, than many of man’s drugs that only treat symptoms and not the cause of the problem. It is the poisons and multiple interactions that are causing many of the side effects of your medicines, which eventually hurt your organs as the liver and the kidneys. Trust in Me to give you good advice on your health, and how best to keep you from being exploited for profit.”


Wednesday, May 21, 2008: (St. Christopher Magallenes & companions)

Jesus said: “My people, today you are having Mass in honor of the many priests and religious who were killed in Mexico by the masons and the communists when they were in power. You are going to see increasing persecution of the church and My faithful as these same evil masons will be coming into power again here in America. The one world people want total control in their new world order, and this diabolical atheism is totally opposed to Me and any religious people. This is why you can expect this persecution of priests to again be a problem as you approach the tribulation time. This is why you need to have Mass kits, hosts, and wine for when you will need home Masses in secret. I have warned you before where possible to seek out some priests to be able to say Mass at your homes or refuges in the time to come. These priests will be thankful for a place of protection. Pray for your priests and clergy.”


Wednesday, May 21, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this symbol of the pyramid on the one dollar bill represents a masonic symbol, and it is linked with the formation of the Federal Reserve banking system of the central bankers in the United States. Most all of your presidents have been masons, so the one world people manage to control whoever gets elected. These same central bankers control your money and hold the debts against your Treasury Department. They can influence your markets and they instigate wars to make profits on weapons sales and war debts. These are the same one world people who are looking to take over your country and make you a part of their North American Union. They are not satisfied to control your money, but they want to control all of you like robots with microchips in your body. Once they form unions on all the continents, they will give all of the unions over to the Antichrist to start his brief reign. Fear not these evil ones, for I will soon vanquish this whole lot into hell, and I will renew the earth to bring about My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, May 22, 2008: (St. Rita)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I used strong language to emphasize to the people how to remove yourself as much as possible from near occasions of sin. It is the same as speaking to those who are addicted to drink or gambling, and advising them to avoid bars and casinos. At times you are led to sin by allowing something to control you. But addictions are not the only source of abuse or sin, it can also be an obsession for any earthly desire or pleasure taken to the extreme. Whenever you desire something more than Me, then you could make that an idol in your eyes. You also know that I do not want you to worship any gods or idols before Me according to the First Commandment. So put these desires and near occasions of sin out of your mind when you are tempted, so you will not have to face the fires of Gehenna. I am telling you also that hell is a true place of flames that will last forever for those condemned to be there. Strive to follow the narrow road of keeping My Commandments, and you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I want to thank all the members of this prayer group for your dedication, your prayers, and your endurance to keep your prayer group going for so many years. Your prayers have been a saving grace for this parish, and you have seen some rewards in your current pastor and your cross on the altar. Continue to pray your rosaries. Your hours of Adoration have brought you all many graces as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you pray your prayers before meals, but you also should be praying together as a family as well. This vision of a prayer bench in the living room is a sign to have family prayer in your home. You recently had your home re-consecrated to My Sacred Heart with your Enthronement certificate. Remember to share the certificates with your daughters in their own home enthronements. This Enthronement to the Sacred Heart is a protection for your home and the souls of your families.”

Mary said: “My dear children, when I appeared to the children, I had to teach some of them how to properly pray my rosary slowly and completely. You, yourself, know the power of prayer in your life and how important it is to pass this rosary devotion on to each generation in your children and your grandchildren. You remember how you had to teach each of your religion classes how to say the prayers of my rosary. If the children are not taught their prayers, they cannot use my best weapon against the evil one. Continue to share rosaries and how to pray the four Mysteries of my rosary. This May is a month dedicated to me, and you can remember me most in praying for my intentions, as I guard you with my mantle of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all know that the Mass is the greatest prayer that could be offered up to Me. You are renewing in a spiritual way My death on the cross as you partake in My Body and Blood of My Eucharist. Holy Communion is your spiritual food and you need to be free of mortal sin in order to receive Me worthily. For a short time I am intimately present in your soul after you receive Me in Holy Communion. You are experiencing My Real Presence as a taste of heaven on earth. Those, who can receive Me at daily Mass, have even more blessings because you are coming without obligation as on Sunday. Encourage your people to honor Me at daily Mass and Adoration whenever you can visit Me. Enjoy this opportunity now because these gifts will only be had in secret in the future.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Scriptures how My apostles asked Me how to pray to God. I gave them My very words in the ‘Our Father’ prayer. The rosary prayers are very Scriptural, so do not let people tell you that it is just an old tradition and is not necessary. I tell you, your world needs more prayer now more than ever to fight the evil going on. There are many ways to pray, whether it be formal prayer, personal informal prayer, contemplative prayer, or even attending Mass. However you pray, I listen to all of your prayers and your intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know every thought in your mind and every intention that you make in your prayers of petition. I know that you pray for people who are sick to get better, but your best intention should be for the saving of that soul so they could come to heaven one day. Your sicknesses come and go except for terminal illnesses. But when your body dies, you are only left with your immortal soul. This is why your prayer intentions should be directed for whatever is best for the deliverance of that soul. This is also why I healed people of their sins first, and then healed their body.”

Jesus said: “My people, all forms of prayer are really your means of talking to Me and expressing your love for Me and your love for your neighbor. There are different intentions in your prayers. When you come before My Blessed Sacrament, you are praying prayers of praise, Adoration, and worship. When you seek My forgiveness in Confession you are seeking Me with prayers of contrition to pardon your sins. When you have a prayer answered or something in life is given to you by My gifts, you can offer Me prayers of thanksgiving and give Me all the credit for your accomplishments. You know most about prayers of petition which are answered in My time. You also pray over people in deliverance prayers, for meals, or the blessing of objects with the priest. In all of these prayers you are united in our two hearts.”


Friday, May 23, 2008: (Sacred Heart)

Jesus said: “My people, water is a basic necessity needed for all life to live. Fresh water is required which is in shorter supply than the ocean’s salt water. Rivers, lakes, wells, and rain are your ususal sources of water, which is why it is important not to pollute them. In the vision you are seeing how water can become a problem for you if the weather accumulates too much rain to cause flooding. Even in the winter, snow and ice storms or hail storms can be very damaging. This same water is a symbol in Baptism for cleansing your sins through My grace. You also use holy water to bless yourselves or to bless sacramentals. See the many different ways that water influences your earthly and spiritual lives. Pray that you can be sheltered from life’s storms, and that holy water and blessed salt will serve as your protection from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing food costs continue to increase and shortages of food appearing in third world countries, especially where there have been major natural disasters. Truly, articles of a silent famine are slipping into your news coverage. A few years ago I suggested that you put aside some food that would be multiplied for the end times before you have to leave for your refuges. I told you then that you would begin to see famines and food shortages because of natural disasters and a need to have smart cards to buy your food. This extra food is not about hoarding, but having food to multiply and share when people come to your house looking for food. Some people, that have listened to My request and have stored some extra food, will become interim refuges for people traveling on the way to their final place of refuge. All of My faithful who are being tested and persecuted for these preparations will be vindicated when the prophesies of the end times will come about. Continue to be prepared physically and spiritually for the coming time of tribulation.”


Saturday, May 24, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I invite My people to be open, innocent, and loving as the little children love their parents. I even told the people of My day that unless they have the faith of little children, they could not enter the kingdom of heaven. This lesson of complete trust in Me and a desire for you to love everyone is My same call to everyone of today as well. In the vision I am showing you how in this world you are allowing divisions to occur in your families and among your nations. It is the evil one who is planting these seeds of hate and dissension. My Word of love invites you to love everyone, not only your friends, but even those who dislike you, or who are your enemies. You are all My children and I love all of you equally. If you are to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect, then you too must love all people unconditionally. This is the love of a child that knows no fear, and it is a trusting love in following My Word. So when you love even the poor, or those who have a different religion, or even those in prison, you are showing your belief in a truly Christian love. Do not make divisions in your family, but act as peacemakers to join peoples in love. If you truly believed in this child-like love, there would be no divorces, no enemies, and no wars.” (Body and Blood of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of washing your hands as the priest does at Mass represents the need to confess your mortal sins before you receive Me in Holy Communion. When you receive My Eucharist, you at times feel a tingling and a sense of peace and love as you receive My Real Presence. This is just a small taste of heaven when you will be in total ecstacy in My peace and love as you will experience My beatific vision. Pray that all Catholics will come to know Me and give Me reverence in understanding My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. Remember how the Israelites in the Exodus were given My manna freely. I multiplied the bread and fish for the four thousand and the five thousand. Even more I shared My Body and Blood with My apostles. Continue to share in My Real Presence and give Me reverence every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion or visit Me in Adoration.”


Sunday, May 25, 2008: (Corpus Christi)

Jesus said: “My people, your priest wanted to change the name of this feast to the ‘Touch of the Eucharist’, but you could also see this feast as the ‘Feast of Adoration of My Real Presence’. You receive Me in Holy Communion every day, yet it is a new and glorious experience every time that I come into your heart. You also visit My Blessed Sacrament almost every night and you receive My love and peace that radiates out to touch your heart. The closer that you can come to Me, the closer you are to Me in heaven, even while you are on the earth. Those, who receive Me daily and visit Me often in Adoration, know Me as your personal Savior and our hearts are joined as one. My grace and My personal love relationship should be shared with everyone. You remember when you promoted Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in Trinidad. I know your time is limited, but promoting Adoration and Miracles of My Eucharist would also be a rewarding part of your ministry. Look into or make some appropriate DVDs that could be used to inspire people to start Adoration services at people’s churches, even if only for one hour a month or a week. You will see where Adoration is promoted and sponsored that the faith will be strong and many priestly vocations will come forth. Thank you for all that you do to bring people closer to Me, and pray that more will adore Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, the vision of My carrying My cross means that I am still suffering for your many sins of abortion. The red rose petals represent all the dead babies that were killed in the womb from abortion. How long do you think that I will tolerate this gross injustice to My little ones? You know how much I love the children and I told you that those who harmed one of My little ones should have a millstone put around their neck and be thrown into the sea. The doctors performing abortions are just as guilty as the women consenting to abortions. They are accepting blood money to kill these innocent babies, when they should be protecting and saving lives. My people of America need to change your laws and stop this carnage of My little ones. Pray much to turn abortion around to stop it, or you will see My harsh hand of justice strike against your country.” At the Queen of Heaven Cemetery at Joseph Reinholz’s grave I could see a school bus turning onto a side road. Joseph gave me only a few words: “Please pray for my family, they are in great need of your prayers.”


Monday, May 26, 2008: (Memorial Day, St. Philip Neri)

Jesus said: “My people, today I want to warn My people about the attacks of modernism against My Church. Not only are some priests removing My tabernacles to the back rooms, but they are also misleading My faithful in bad teachings and the lack of good teaching that should be taught. Some are also putting down Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament and praying the rosary. They want to be up to date with the latest theologian ideas, but they want to discard all the Church traditions, statues, angels, and the lives of the saints. The lives of the saints are your inspiration how to live, and you need a good prayer life to lift you up from your daily trials. When priests minimize Confession or the seriousness of sexual sins, then they are really misleading My faithful that could endanger their souls. This is why you need to pray for your priests that they will be enlightened with the truth that I taught, and not their own interpretations. If you hear priests teaching heretical things, then try to talk to them first. If they continue to mislead souls, then take your case to a higher authority. You are obligated to speak out against heretical teaching wherever you find it.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know during life that you have to suffer and endure things that are not always easy or desirable. As long as you are doing things for Me with your time, then your suffering is beneficial for your soul. If you spend too much time doing your things, and do not give yourself time for prayer and time for peace, then you are too busy with other activities. It is sometimes hard to plan time for everything, so discern the best that you can with your time in accomplishing My Will before your own. You are beginning to see the increased difficulty in your travels as your fuel prices rise and raise the cost of your plane tickets and driving costs. Continue to work on giving your talks, selling your books, and selling the DVDs that I have instructed you to get out. For your DVD on spreading Adoration look into how others are promoting this devotion and combine the messages on this subject for at least one half hour of an interview or talk. Combine messages on the Miracles of the Eucharist with what places and miracles that you know for the second half hour. Promoting Adoration and My knowledge of My Real Presence is important for My faithful to understand and take part in visiting Me.”


Tuesday, May 27, 2008: (St. Augustine of Canterbury)

Jesus said: “My people, you are being given a history lesson today in how the faith was brought to early England from Rome. St. Augustine represents the ‘rock’ of St. Peter that established the Catholic Church in Canterbury. This remnant of a stone Roman arch in the vision is emphasizing the origin of the Church in England. It is part of history how the Anglican Church was separated from the pope by the kings in England. Now you have even heard how some Anglican Church members are returning to the Catholic Church. The Eastern Rite Church also has been separated from Rome for many years. All of these remnants of My Church still need to be prayed for so that one day they all could be reunited as My one true Church. By reading about these early missionaries, My faithful can be inspired in your own evangelizing efforts to bring souls to Me so they could be saved from hell. Also pray for the lukewarm Catholics that also need to be brought back into the Church to receive the sacraments, especially Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad when your parishes are made to close their Catholic Schools, even when they are being well financed. Giving your children a Catholic education in grammar school is needed to train the young minds in the faith. This is much more affordable than high schools. Parishes should see this financial need is well worth the expense. Catholic High Schools are also a good influence, but it is getting less affordable for some families. If you can afford to educate your children in Catholic schools, you should be willing to put this ahead of some of your other discretionary expenses. Many parents are working and they do not always have the time to teach their children in the faith. This is why your children need a Catholic education for as long as you can afford it. Sometimes the Diocese cannot afford a complete Catholic school funding. This is why private Catholic schools, funded by the parents, may present another opportunity. Sunday religion classes of only one hour is not adequate for what is needed, and it is difficult to get enough voluntary attendance when the parents do not support it. Pray and help your children in imitating a good Christian life, and be willing to go the extra mile in teaching them properly. Without a good Catholic upbringing, this is why many children are falling away from their faith, and why they are not attending Sunday Mass.”


Wednesday, May 28, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages before about caves being used for refuges. Having candles already in the caves is another sign of preparation for the tribulation, but it is also another sign in the vision of how close it is to going to your refuge. You need to stay closer to the mouth of a cave for light and oxygen to breath. A burning candle needs oxygen to burn, so when the flame goes low, you cannot go any further back into the cave. The candles also will give you light. A windup mechanical flashlight would also be a good source of light so you do not need batteries. I am giving you information so you will be protected at My refuges from the evil ones who will try to kill you because of your belief in Me. Pray for all souls to be saved, even your persecutors.” Jesus said: “My people, many references to God have been removed from your history books, even though it can be read in your original documents. The same atheists that are cleansing the history books, are also taking prayer out of your schools and the Ten Commandments out of your public buildings. This is all part of the ongoing battle of good and evil that you will need to endure during the tribulation. Do not complain of the evil ones trying to harass you, for they will be trying to kill you and keep you quiet. I will send you My angels for protection at My refuges. You will see many miracles of spiritual and physical healings. I will multiply your food and My angels will protect you from the power of the evil ones. Do not have any fear of what the evil ones will do, for My power is greater than all of the demons put together. Trust in My angels and follow them wherever they will lead you to safety. My truth is among you, so do not believe the lies of those changing the history books.”


Thursday, May 29, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, the healing of Bartimeus (Mark 10:46-52) of his blindness came out of My compassion for him to see again. I could see he had great faith in calling Me the ‘Son of David’. He knew in his heart that I could heal him. Not only did I heal him of his sight, but I also healed his soul when I said: ‘Go thy way, thy faith has saved thee.’ It is this faith that people believe in Me that they can be healed, that will heal some people of both physical and spiritual blindness. I am the Light of Truth for all people, and My Light dispels the darkness of evil and allows people to see with the eyes of faith. As you meditate on how difficult it is to be without your sight, your heart also goes out to want help for all of those who are blind or are losing their sight. You have gifts of all of your five senses, but when one is in danger of being lost, only then do you realize the blessings that you received, but did not appreciate them. Give thanks to Me that you have the gift of sight, and pray for all of those who have difficulty with diseases of the eyes, or have deteriorating eyesight. See My Light in your life and keep the faith.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you marvel every spring how the flowers are giving glory to Me in all of their splendor. The colors and breath taking beauty is a part of My creation which really needs to be experienced to fully appreciate My gifts in the varieties of flowers, bushes, and trees. When you look at a flower closely, you can see that its purpose is to be beautiful in the eyes of the beholder. So it is with My faithful that you are created to give your gifts to Me and your neighbor for My greater glory. You all have loving and smiling faces as well as loving hearts to offer in My service. The beauty of My souls far surpasses the beauty of these flowers which are gone tomorrow.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are always trying to clean up your houses and discard the garbage and refuse from your daily life. Look how much this piles up when the garbage men go on strike. Your sins can be seen also as being collected in a spiritual bin of your soul. At times you have to empty these sins by coming to Me in Confession. If you fail to come often, think of how much stench will collect in your soul if you stay away from Confession for many years. Be joyful in coming to Me in Confession so your soul can be white and beautiful again with My graces.”

Jesus said: “My people, some do not want to hear the priest asking for money in the collection, but the people need to know the status of the church’s finances. There also are separate appeals for various second collections to share with poorer parishes or with missionary efforts of those in the world suffering from natural disasters. The days of giving only a few dollars is not going to pay the bills. I have suggested tithing to your charities with My Church being your largest responsibility. Think of your donations as a sharing of your labors and sharing My gifts of your income. Your pastors are depending on your faithful contributions to keep your parish church viable and strong. So do not complain with these requests for your donations, but be a cheerful giver.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing all of the damage occurring from your earthquakes, floods, fires, and tornadoes in your country. Many are losing their homes and work places from this destruction, and there are ways that you could help support these people. There are also the major disasters in China and Myanmar that need your assistance as well. There are many deserving charities that are needed most to help people with the necessities of life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know that you spend your money wisely in most things. If you can spend a considerable amount of money on luxury things beyond your bills, then you should also be able to spend a like amount on your charities. Do not short change helping your church and your neighbor for your own selfish desires. Be able to balance your budget by spending a fair share of this extra money for your charities.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to share your money with charities, but there is another gift of time that I have given you that also can be shared as well. Many of your family and friends need extra prayers or physical help in good deeds. Be open to share your time just as generously as you share your money. When you pray for someone, it is something that comes from the heart out of love for Me and your neighbor. Contribute your time for people’s need voluntarily without being asked or forced. In the end you will see great rewards in heaven, and those that you help will be open to help you in your need.” Jesus said: “My people, I have been talking about My many gifts to you in your income, time, and blessings. In addition to sharing some of these gifts with others, you also could be praying prayers of thanksgiving to Me for all that I have given you. I give you many spiritual gifts as well that also should be a part of your prayers of thanksgiving. When a prayer has been answered, or a special blessing is granted, you should also remember to thank Me in prayer. Remember the one man of ten lepers that I healed of leprosy who returned to thank Me. Be that one person every time that you are blessed or healed.” Friday,


May 30, 2008: (Sacred Heart of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, on My feast day of My Sacred Heart you are seeing in vision all the angels in church who give honor to Me at the Mass when the priest consecrates the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This goes on at every Mass, but this vision is special for this feast day. There is an eternal flame both in My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. This represents our love for you which is unconditional and will never end. It also is how our two hearts are joined as one in looking out for all of our children in your souls. We both love you so much, and it pains our hearts to see so much sin going on in your country and all over the world. Remember to pray to our two hearts, especially to stop abortion and this latest flaunting of gay marriage against My institution of Marriage as a sacrament. Gay marriage is an abomination that will require reparation for those supporting it.”

Jesus said: ‘My people, man’s desire for fame and riches is a fleeting moment in time. You are so occupied with wanting earthly treasures, that you forget the real treasure is your soul for after this life. Everything that you see today, will soon be gone tomorrow, and you will be standing before Me at your judgment. The spiritual treasure that your soul desires is to be with Me in Holy Communion, or visiting Me in My tabernacle. So do not seek out earthly treasure and fame because it will not help you get to heaven, but they could deter you from finding real joy and love with Me. Once you acquire things, there may be a brief earthly joy, but these things will not make you happy or give you My peace. Trust in Me to give you all that you need to survive, but most of all give yourself over to My Will, so I can have you accomplish the mission that I created you to carry out for My glory.”


Saturday, May 31, 2008: (Visitation)

Jesus said: “My people, you are very familiar with the account of My Blessed Mother’s Visitation of St. Elizabeth and the focus on the forming babies in their pregnancies. St. John the Baptist first heralded My coming even from the womb of his mother. These were two pregnancies that were brought to term. My Blessed Mother conceived Me by the power of the Holy Spirit, but it was before she was married to St. Joseph. She could even be considered a patron for unwed mothers. This vision of a flowing river of blood is very graphic in considering what happens in an abortion and how the doctors and nurses have to dispose of the destroyed babies. This killing of the unborn is just as violent as the babies that King Herod had killed in the Holy Innocents when he tried to kill Me. These people involved with abortion, by their actions, have no apparent feeling for the preciousness of life. The women appear to think more of their convenience and shame than their own flesh and blood children. The abortion doctors are more concerned with making their blood money than saving the lives of these children. They all can be forgiven of their sins if they seek My forgiveness, but they will pay a heavy price in making reparation for their sins at their judgments. Then I will show them the plan that I had for the lives of these little ones. Remember that My Blessed Mother warned you to do whatever you could to work against abortion, or you would be committing the worst sin of omission. Pray and work to stop abortion in America because your country is accountable for this river of blood on your hands.”


Sunday, June 1, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this room full of chairs is where you will be holding your home Masses and prayer groups once the division in My Church comes about. Many of these home Mass sites will be secret interim refuges where people will stay on their way to their final refuge. Time is getting close for going to your refuges, and people are making their last minute preparations for Mass kits and extra food that will be multiplied. Preparing backpacks with your sacramentals and physical needs as clothing and tents are all things that should be ready before you leave. Do not be fearful of this time because My angels will protect you by making you invisible to those who want to kill you. Pray for strength and courage during the tribulation, but know I am by your side ready to provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked people many times to try and make an extra visit to adore Me besides Mass time. Because of crime and break-ins in many cities, most churches are locked, making it difficult to find an open church for Adoration. Some places of Adoration use a key or a combination to gain entry to My Blessed Sacrament, but these are also rare to find. People have made such a fear about security, that you are locking My people out from being able to see Me. Thank heaven that you have a few brave churches who make it possible to see Me any time of the day. If you do not know of such a church close to you, then you could ask someone or a priest if they know of such a church. These open churches are your present havens for adoring My Blessed Sacrament. Treasure them and make it known to others who may want to visit Me at off hours. Encourage people to reverence Me and adore Me as often as they can make the time to come and be with Me in love. All of those, who make this extra effort to be with Me, are storing treasure up in heaven for your judgment.”


Monday, June 2, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, many of you come to Mass on Sunday, but how many live My Gospel message all of the other days of the week? It is one thing to hear and read the words of Scripture, but it is another to put these words to work in your actions. You say one thing with your lips, but your actions may be saying something else. This vision of the places where you shop asks the question if people can identify you in the world as acting with Christian values and virtues. You need to be consistently faithful and do not act like a hypocrite who says one thing, but does another. By your good deeds and actions you can evangelize more souls than just by your words alone. Your good example to others is your best witness or testimony to My words of the Gospel. You are tempted by the evil one to sin every day, so it takes spiritual strength and endurance to keep faithful. You may not see much reward for your good actions in this life, but you surely will see your reward in the next life. So be strong in your daily life by a good prayer life and you will remain united with Me in your heart which directs all of your actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, this large sand box represents a situation in the Middle East where there is a threat of nuclear weapons being used or manufactured. The large clear plastic enclosure means that this is being viewed by the whole world. The threats by the Iranian president to annihilate Israel have Israel’s leaders thinking of a pre-emptive strike on Iran. Israel in the past has attacked Arab countries when they threatened to make nuclear weapons. It is the United States that is holding Israel back, but this will not go on for long if Iran develops nuclear bombs. With China and Russia backing Iran, any pre-emptive attacks could involve wider complications in a possible war. Any war in this area could cause oil prices to increase as supplies of oil could be threatened. Pray, My people, that peace will be maintained in this region, or a worse war could result. See the need for praying more rosaries for peace.”


Tuesday, June 3, 2008: (St. Charles Lwanga & companions)

Jesus said: “My people, even since My day people have been loath to paying excessive taxes. Tax collectors cheated the people by adding on taxes to give themselves more income. The fact that tax collectors were rich tells you of their devious means of making money off the people. In your society of today you also are paying heavy taxes, especially land taxes that are hurting people with low incomes. Aside from your government demands, I also stressed to the people to give back to God at the synagogues or churches what belongs to God. The one who preaches and evangelizes My Word is worthy of being supported in their work for Me in saving souls. Supporting My Church is one of your Christian responsibilities and a part of the laws of My Church. Contributing to My Church is one way of thanking Me for all that I have given you. My Third Commandment calls you to worship Me on Sunday at Mass, and to have Mass it is necessary to support a church financially so you have a place to go. You pay your taxes because of man’s law, but support your churches because of My laws.” Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a message of warning to your President that an attempt will be made on his life because of some coming decisions on a possible war with Iran. Arab nations, Russia, and China are very aware of a possible United States strike against Iran because of Iran’s making enriched uranium for potential bomb making. Some Arab terrorists will be planning this attack in secret because of their hate for America. Other terrorist plans are also in motion to try and bring down some of your city infrastructures in multiple cities at once. Many could die from such attacks. Your government will have to be on a full scale alert to prevent these attacks which could still take place. Before the elections you could see both man-made and natural disasters occur which could postpone your elections. Pray in earnest that these events could be mitigated or prevented. Pray also that war does not come in Iran which could lead to World War III.”


Wednesday, June 4, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who do not believe in My Real Presence because they do not understand transubstantiation or they have not been taught this core of their faith. It is rarely heard about from the pulpit, and there are even some priests who do not believe either. In order to understand the meaning of the Real Presence you could go to ‘The Catechism of the Catholic Church’: (1374) ‘In the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist the Body and Blood, together with the Soul and Divinity, of Our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole Christ is truly, really, and substantially contained. This presence is called ‘Real’-by which is not intended to exclude the other types of presence as if they could not be ‘real’ too, but because it is presence in the fullest sense: that is to say, it is a substantial presence by which Christ, God and man, makes Himself wholly and entirely present.’ Holy Communion is consecrated at the Consecration of the Mass and the bread becomes My Body and Blood as a sacramental presence under the appearance of bread. This belief in this transubstantiation is also found in the Catechism: (1376) ‘The Council of Trent summarizes the Catholic Faith by declaring: Because Christ our Redeemer said that it was truly His Body that He was offering under the species of bread, it has always been the conviction of the Church of God, and this holy Council now declares again, that by the consecration of the bread, and wine there takes place a change of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the Body of Christ Our Lord and of the whole substance of the wine into the substance of His Blood. This change the Holy Catholic Church has fittingly and properly called transubstantiation.’ Truly I am Present in the consecrated Host so you can receive Me intimately in Holy Communion and worship Me in My Host at Adoration. Believe in My Real Presence because I am with you in My Blessed Sacrament to the end of time.”


Thursday, June 5, 2008: (St. Boniface)

Jesus said: “My people, the downfall of many people in their bodies and sometimes in their souls is when they allow themselves to be taken over by addictions such as drinking, drugs, smoking, over-eating, eating too many sweets, computers, or gambling. Many of these addictions are to either please the bodily senses, or to cover up the problems of life. The excesses of these addictions can cause permanent damage to the body, and are really sins of abuse against your bodies. They also create problems among families and in the work place. I have told you before that many demons are attached to these addictions. The basis for these addictions starting are a lack of self-control and a blindness to see that these things are controlling their lives. Do not let anything so control you that you cannot go without it. The cure or recovery from these addictions will require a person’s inner desire to quit and get help to stop from other people. There also should be a desire to call on My help, or a religious person could pray for that person’s recovery. Without a person’s sincere effort to stop, any addict could be faced with death or harming someone in their path. Drinking and drugs for example can be a real hazard for people driving cars when they could kill others in accidents. Your society needs to work harder in providing facilities to help people recover from their addictions,or you will suffer more repercussions of these bad habits.”

St. Michael the Archangel said: “I am Michael who stands before God and I came to give you a message about America, whom I am guardian for your country. You remember the message you received that when you are in mortal sin, your guardian angel can help you very little because you have broken your love relationship with God. In the same way when more of your citizens are in mortal sin than in the state of grace, I cannot work as well to help your country. Some churches still remember to pray my prayer of protection, and you pray to me before every message. Our Lord wants you to have all three of us archangels on your altar, so I expect to see a statue of St. Gabriel soon.”

Jesus said: “My people, the leaders of Myanmar felt threatened to see your warships delivering aid, and this is why they refused you to come in. Some supplies were sent to neighboring countries, but aid groups are having to secure commercial shipping for these deliveries. Many people are sick and dying, and it is frustrating to try and help these people when the way is being blocked or accepted slowly. Pray that a way will be found to feed and give water to those suffering from the cyclone.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have finished your primaries, so now your candidates will have to address your problem economy and what to do with your war involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of your politicians are talking of staying longer, but very few are talking about how this war is bankrupting your country and destroying your military. Pray to end these wars and bring your troops home to their families.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see how your media is twisting the truth in polls to try and make you believe that most people are approving of gay marriages. By making it sound like a denial of rights instead of the immorality of gay marriage, the evil ones are trying to get this passed in all of your states. Now those speaking out against homosexual marriages are being accused of hate crimes. This is happening in Canadian courts and it will be happening next in American courts. California is your latest example of how corrupt and immoral your justice system has become. Pray to stop this movement to accept homosexual marriages, or this will be one more nail in your coffin in addition to your abortions and sexual sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, I call out to all of your prayer groups to intensify your prayers and novenas to stop your current wars and prevent any possible war in Iran. Do not listen to your war loving elements in your government who only want to make blood money profits at your expense as a nation. Voting to support any more wars will only bring you more killing and more war debts. It is your central bankers who are behind making war, so your people need to take control back over your country, or these evil ones will lead you to total destruction and takeover in a North American Union. Prayer is your best weapon in your rosaries to fight these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how St. Michael was given to cast the evil angels into hell. A time is coming soon when I will direct him again to cast not only the demons, but the evil souls as well into hell when I will bring about a new heavens and a new earth. The more My people can keep in the state of grace by frequent Confession, the more power you will be enabling My angels to help you in this current battle of good and evil. Pray for My angel protection because they will be there to guard your souls from the evil ones.”


Friday, June 6, 2008: (St. Norbert)

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many unsuspecting souls leaving their dead bodies as they were being called home to Me. These souls were from those who died in your violent tornadoes. There also were other souls being taken up from the deaths of the unborn babies in abortion. These two streams of souls that were mingling is a sign to you America, that some of these tornadoes are being sent as a punishment for your ongoing killing of babies in your abortions. Your death culture people are enhancing these storms with the HAARP machine and they are indirectly killing people. They have promoted abortions through your trumped up court decisions. Now you are seeing in your news how your leaders trumped up lies about your intelligence to start this five year old war in Iraq. Even with this evidence, why are your people still listening to the same lies to continue this war? It is time to end these useless wars. You are an occupation army that needs to leave these people to form their own government without your influence. Reject the lies of this death culture, and maybe you could stop this endless stream of souls leaving their bodies prematurely.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been witnessing an unusual amount of tornadoes this year and higher death levels as well. The size and intensity of these tornadoes have also been quite violent. I am showing you a very vivid picture of a home destroyed, and the problems that family would go through to get back on their feet. Some families may have insurance to rebuild, but others may not have coverage for full replacement. There are many disasters that occur in America, but help from your government and other countries is very sparse. America helps other countries, but other countries do not help you in your disasters. It is still good to help others, even when you know you may not receive anything in return. Pray for your families who are facing these disasters and contribute to aid groups that may help them.” I asked Jesus if there was a message for our coming trip to Betania in August, 2008.

Jesus said: “My dear pilgrims, your Betania IV group has been very faithful in your prayers, and very loving in your friendship with the Bianchini Family. This time that you are traveling could see some difficulties in your travel because of the strained airlines in their expenses and cutbacks in flights and employees. You will also have to deal with strained relationships between America and Venezuela. Be comforted that My Blessed Mother always watches over her little pilgrims. You should pray for a safe trip, and many graces will be given to those who make the effort to come to the Shrine of My Blessed Mother in Betanina.”


Saturday, June 7, 2008: (Widow’s mite)

Jesus said: “My people, giving money to My Church and charities is a very difficult subject to bring up to people who are hurting from the increased cost of living, increasing taxes, job losses, and destroyed homes from natural disasters. Everyone needs their own personal wealth to buy your necessities to live. Some have other demands on their income for education of their children or helping relatives in assisted living or health problems. Donations to charity are down because of these problems. Still after the bills are paid, there is some discretionary money that could be used for charity. The question is usually a choice between how much you spend on charity, entertainment, extra purchases for the house, and saving. This is the spiritual discernment that all people have to make, but there should be a desire to spend a proportional amount for charities, and not just a lip service donation. Not everyone can give a lot of money to support My Church and for charities, but what you give should be a meaningful amount for your situation. You have an earthly desire to enjoy movies, restaurants, and buying the latest electronic machines. But your spiritual desire to help My Church and your neighbor in need should also be balanced. The more that you have left over after your bills, the more you should be giving to your charities.”

Jesus said: ‘My people, the easy ways of finding and pumping crude oil are becoming harder to find. Yet the demand for oil, indicated by its high price, is continuing to increase. The countries exporting oil are creating difficult ways to deal with them because their ideas of government are very different from America. There are other ways of finding oil which could be implemented at the high cost of oil that would pay for its extraction,but environmentalists are blocking this road. Until other means of getting oil can be brought online, you could see world demand for oil cause some shortages when the current wells will produce less than today. These temporary shortages could drastically affect your economy and your standard of living. Seeing a businessman riding a bicycle shows you how desperate it will be to find transportation when gasoline may be scarce, rationed, or prohibitively expensive. Your love with your car for getting around will soon be tested as gasoline shortages start showing up. Wars, terrorism, and threatened oil tankers could start to cause shortages that you never planned on. The one world people know how dependent you are on your fuels and electricity. They will use these necessities against you in order to gain control over your country. Be prepared to go to My refuges once they declare martial law for whatever reason.”


Sunday, June 8, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, fresh water is a necessity of life not only for humans, but also for the plants and animals. In the summer heat you drink more fluids containing water in order to replace what you sweat off. This is also why you have to water your grass and flowers in the dry time of the summer. Your rainfall has been unpredictable depending on where you live. Recently, you have seen heavy rains in the Midwest causing considerable flooding because it was already saturated from the previous storms. Yet in other areas, as in North Carolina and Florida, dryness has precipitated fires that are hard to control. So you need to pray for enough rain to avoid droughts, but not so much so you can avoid floods. Be grateful when you live near large sources of fresh water so you are able to have the water that you need for survival. Pray for all peoples that they may have access to fresh water as well.”


Monday, June 9, 2008: (St. Ephrem)

Jesus said: “My people, the reading of Elijah is about when he hid in a cave at Mt. Carmel and the ravens brought him food. He was hiding from those who wanted to kill the prophet. Years later this is where My Blessed Mother visited and eventually the Carmelite Order was founded as a cloistered order of nuns. My Blessed Mother has been a refuge of sinners, but this image of hiding will be used again to protect My faithful during the tribulation. I have given many messages how My angels will be leading My faithful to places of refuge. They also will provide you food and My Blessed Sacrament to sustain you. One of these places of refuge will be caves as when the Early Christians hid to keep from being killed by the Romans. Just as I provided for Elijah, I will also provide for your protection and food needs in the coming persecution. So have no fear and trust in where I will lead you.”

Jesus said: “My people, what you are witnessing is an example of how close the time is for both beasts of Revelation to be declared when I give the word. My Light and the light of My angels are going to be your protection throughout the dark night of this coming tribulation. You are seeing the plans of the one world people coming about very quickly in their plans for martial law and the formation of all of these continental unions. The North American Union and the European Union can be seen as a power play for a global government that will be given over to the Antichrist to take control. You should be marveling that you are living in this time that will see this prophecy of the tribulation unfold before your very eyes. You will need protection by My angels as they will bring you to the safety of My refuges. Trust in Me and My angels to bring you into My Light of protection from these evil beasts.”


Tuesday, June 10, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this account of Elijah blessing the jar of flour and the jug of oil so it could multiply for a year, is a sign to My people how I will again multiply your food in a famine. Elijah and the woman with her son must also have had a source of water for that year as well. Just as there are many accounts of food multiplication in Scripture, I took what little food they had and multiplied it in time of need for crowds or during a famine. During the coming world famine you should have a little food set aside and a source of water so I can again multiply your food so you do not need chips in the body to buy it, nor worry about supplies not available in the stores. This will be your sustenance to share with My faithful until you can have what you need provided at My refuges. I know that you will need food, water, and protection from the evil ones. This is why there will be a spring of water, a river, or a lake at every refuge to supply your water needs. Trust in Me to provide for you during the tribulation. Any food that you are storing now is meant to be shared and not hoarded.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you have a project to do, you sit down and make plans if you have enough money, time, and room to complete your project. The very first concern before moving forward should be to pray to Me for discernment to see if this is the right project for you to be doing. Once you have been given a proper mission to accomplish, then you need to pray for its success with your Mass intentions and daily prayers for at least nine days, as a novena. With My help your projects will have My protection from the evil one who wants to stop My plans for you. Pray also for the directions of how to carry out this mission. I am guiding all of your work for the salvation of souls. Your efforts need to be intensified because the evil one will try to distract you and mislead you from accomplishing My mission. Trust in My leading you, and your projects will come to fruition in My time.”


Wednesday, June 11, 2008: (St. Barnabas)

Jesus said: “My people, when I told My disciples to go and spread My Word to all the nations, this commission is for all of My faithful. Not all of you are called as forcefully as St. Barnabas and St. Paul were given missions to go out and preach as missionaries. My faithful can be witnesses of the Gospel in your own environment in your family, your workplace, and the friends and people that you meet. Today, I also call priests, nuns, and lay people to be missionaries to all the nations. Some I also call as messengers and prophets who are given special missions to spread My Word through locutions and apparitions. You, yourself, need to be persistent and resolute in spreading My messages in your books, DVDs, on the internet, and in your talks. The more faithful My disciples can be, the more souls that will have the chance to be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, once martial law is declared, the one world people will implement their plans to exterminate all people against their new world order. They already have red lists to kill religious people and patriots before martial law is declared. They also have blue lists for the same kind of people to be killed after martial law is declared. The boxcars are how they will transport their prisoners to the death camps. At the death camps they will use either poison gas or Guillotines to kill the people, and then dispose of their bodies in a crematorium at high temperatures. Some of My faithful will be martyred for their faith, but the rest will be protected by My angels at My refuges. You do not want to be at your home when these killers will come to get you. My angels will warn you at the appropriate time when to leave your home for a refuge. My angels will make you invisible so the evil ones will not be able to harm you. Trust in My power and everything will be provided for you. Have no fear, but trust in My care for you.”


Thursday, June 12, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you are all My little ones and I love you dearly. All of you want to have peace and love in your heart as the flowers in this vision, but there are situations that can test you and that is driving situations and answering phone calls. The proper loving response should be to be courteous and helpful as much as possible. In driving you may be annoyed by slow drivers or those that cut you off or make dangerous movements around you. Some may even hit your car driving or dent your car with their doors. It is difficult to be loving in these situations, but do not let road anger make any event worse that it is. Drive defensively and allow others to go ahead without being selfish. On the phone you deal with people selling things or campaigning that can be annoying when you did not ask for these things. When you answer the phone, you need to be more charitable in your response, and understand the person on the line may be just doing their difficult job. Being understanding may be a challenge when you may be interrupted in your work, but think first of the other person’s need than just your own selfish use of your time. By being more loving in interacting with people, you will be sharing your Christian love, and be a positive witness than one who may be disturbed by the behavior of others. This may go against your earthly desires, but each of these situations are an opportunity for grace, a sin of omission, or unintended anger. Be careful of how you react to life’s challenges so you may not regret a hasty response later.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a crucifix against a blue sky is indicating how many in the Midwest need some prayers for the rains and tornadoes to stop so they can deal with the flooding and the destruction. Many farmers are seeing their livelihoods threatened by floods which are killing their crops and are leaving their fields too wet to work with their tractors. With a fair percentage of crop failure, food and grain prices will continue rising with possible shortages. Farming is at the mercy of the weather, which is why they need prayers for good weather.”

Jesus said: “My people, with higher grain prices and corn being scarce, it would be better to use the corn for food, and use alternate organic waste products for the ethanol feedstock. By using discarded organic waste products, the feedstock would be cheaper and it would not consume usable food for ethanol. You will have more threats of famine coming, so you need food more than ethanol. It would take some retooling of the proposed ethanol plants, but saving fuel could still be helped by using cellulose adaptations without affecting food demands. Pray for your scientists to make cheaper and less energy consuming fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had cheap fuels for a number of years and your demand for fuels and electricity have been increasing without much concern about conservation or more fuel efficient vehicles and motors in industry. Now with increasing demand from China and India to power their new economies, the available amounts of fuel are not able to keep up with this demand. If your world nations do not want to cut back on their demands, then your prices will rise too fast, shortages may occur, and possible wars could start over these natural resources. Pray that your nations work out some compromise for apportioning oil supplies fairly, or your oil supplies could be threatened.”

Jesus said: “My people, America does not have a real energy plan to provide more oil or fuels for electricity. There is not an endless supply of fuels that would allow more demands of energy to be increased. America needs to quickly think more about conservation in using less fuels together with gaining fast access to new oil supplies from oil shale or other drilling areas. America, China, and India are too dependent on fuels to run their economies, and fast solutions need to be put in place immediately. Pray for a peaceful solution to your energy crisis, or you could be facing wars for oil.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people know full well how vulnerable America is in requiring fuels for your vehicles and electricity to run your homes and factories. They will use these weapons against you to control you in requiring chips to buy and sell fuels. Without fuels and electricity they could bring your economy to a standstill with no travel. This is what they will use when they declare martial law for their takeover. This is why you will need some alternative fuels and bicycles for travel and energy needs in your homes. Be prepared with some food supplies, and be ready to leave for My refuges when martial law comes.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may be aware of various annual meetings of the one world people as they influence many governments around the world. Their plans are moving ahead quickly to form continental unions as the North American Union. They are controlling your candidates for president and your Congress people, so they could implement martial law by creating a deadly set of incidents for an excuse for an emergency takeover. This is why I have warned My people to be ready to leave for your refuges at any moment because the one world people are close to their time of takeover. Pray much for everyone in whatever crisis they will cause.”

Jesus said: “My people, starting a world war over Iran could be one option in the options of the one world people to bring a man of peace into the world. This Antichrist could claim to be a savior of the world to bring peace, but he will become a tyrant ruler which will make things even worse than before. Trust in My protection with My angels and have no worries because I am stronger than all of these evil ones.”


Friday, June 13, 2008: (St. Anthony of Padua)

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading about My prophet Elijah and how he had to hide in caves to be safe from his persecutors. I tell you, My people, that you too will have to leave the comfort of your homes and be led by My angels to refuges of My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground, and caves. You will be protected and fed just as I provided for Elijah in his needs. My messengers and prophets of today will be persecuted the most, since the evil ones know who you are, and they will try to keep you from spreading My messages. Your messages are a warning and an encouragement for souls to come to Me to be saved before it may be too late, and souls could be lost to the evil ones. See to it that every day, you have been graced with, is another opportunity to save souls in your prayers, speaking, and getting out My Word to everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing unusually heavy rainfalls over the same area in the Midwest along with many tornadoes. Because of this heavy continuous rain, there have been numerous floods along the Mississippi River. Some people have noted that these levels are setting records since this has not happened in many years. I have told you before when you see weather patterns come over the same area repeatedly, that this is a sign that the HAARP weather making machine is at work. When your tornadoes are more frequent and more violent, this is another sign that the HAARP machine is being used to enhance these storms. The HAARP machine uses high powered microwave beams from multiple antennae to direct the jet streams and control the weather. These machines are part of the one world people’s plans to cause emergency situations that could be used to establish martial law. Pray for My protection from these evil ones who will use any excuse to cause martial law and a takeover of America. Should martial law be declared, call on Me and My angels will lead you to the nearest refuge of protection.”


Saturday, June 14, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, these farmers in the Midwest in the vision are feeling frustrated with their crops being destroyed by the floods. These financial losses will affect everyone’s food prices and could even cause food shortages if these problems persist. So all Americans should have an interest in helping the farmers. Now is the best time to pray for a normal rainfall after the floods have dried out, so farmers can try to salvage the rest of the growing season. Not only should the farmers pray, but all Americans need to pray for an end to the flooding. Without your grain supply, many of your foodstuffs made from grain will become higher priced and possibly in short supply. You remember when Florida’s governor prayed for a stoppage of the fires. Well now even your officials in these flooded states may want to pray also for an end to this flooding. America is being humbled with natural disasters, but see this as an opportunity to help each other, and the need for prayer in your lives.”


Sunday, June 15, 2008: (Father’s Day)

God the Father said: “I AM came today to bless all of the people at Mass, especially all of the fathers in taking care of their families. It is sad with divorces and living together that too many children are being raised without father images. All fathers need to call on My help in keeping their jobs and supporting their families both financially and spiritually. The women are usually more religious, but the fathers should make more of an effort in coming to Sunday Mass, and praying every day. In the reading it is mentioned how I brought the Israelites to the promised land in the Exodus. I am the same protector of My people today and I will be there to provide for you and protect you in the coming modern day Exodus during the tribulation. Consider this day as one of My feast days because many tend to forget Me in their prayers. It was My Son, Jesus, who taught you to pray to Me in the ‘Our Father’ prayer. I brought about creation of all that you see before you. So remember all Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity when you are praying to God.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a darkness over New York City indicating a night scene, but also an absence of power to run the lights. There will be some strong storms around New York that could cause a power outage. You have seen several blackouts in the Northeast and the weather this year has been very severe. The fireworks were sent off near July 4th for some light and a comfort to the people that all was normal. These natural disasters are happening frequently, and you have seen power outages before with lightning striking power transformers. These events will continue to threaten America along with terrorism attempts. Be prepared this year for many trials that everyone will have to endure in prayer.”


Monday, June 16, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, at times people are a little down, as King Ahab, when they cannot have their own way. It is the devious behavior of Jezebel that is an evil response to this situation with Ahab not getting his vineyard. To trump up charges against your neighbor and have them killed for your own gain is truly evil and worthy of My judgment against such people. You already have less severe laws that allow governments to condemn someone’s land and sell it to developers to make more property taxes. This method of making up false stories for people to start wars has been the standard ruthless behavior of the one world people for almost every war that you have been involved in. This is why people should be more against war, or at least seek to examine the truth of the causes. In the Gospel I asked My people not to fight these evil ones, but leave their judgment up to My justice. In the same way, let My angels protect you and I will destroy the evil ones in the coming tribulation. Be always loving and do not let Satan disturb your spiritual peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen various people who have been given special gifts. Some can speak to the souls in purgatory; some converse with angels; some have inner locutions or apparitions; and some have gifts to talk with the deceased. You have read books about messages from the souls in purgatory, and these souls have no evil, nor can they be influenced any longer from demons. Pray for people who have such gifts that they can discern any demons trying to pose as souls in purgatory. In this same book the old lady could tell the difference in one account when demons came to her. You also know of people with locutions and apparitions. Again My Church is cautious in testing all visionaries and the authenticity of their messages. Every time that you receive a message, you need to test the spirit for the truth. Gifts to receive messages from the deceased at their funeral are another openness to receive the last words of that soul to their family. At times you also receive a knowledge of where they are being judged. All of these gifts are a help to understand My judgments, and how souls do go to heaven, purgatory, or hell when their body dies. Your soul lives on forever because it is immortal, but your body only lives here a short time and dies. Follow My Commandments and give yourself over to My Will, and you will find your reward in heaven.”


Tuesday, June 17, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you are now enduring the seven seals of Revelation which includes the four horsemen of Revelation (Chap. 6). You have seen some wars and worse ones are to come. In addition to this red horse of war, you will soon see the black horse of famine and the pale-green horse of pestilence. Other seals involve the martyrs for their faith, and great signs in the sky that will bring earthquakes and comets. The last of these seals is the sealing of the crosses by My angels on the faithful on their foreheads. This is the cross that you will see on My faithful people during the tribulation. The coming trumpets of My angels will be the most severe with the destruction of two-thirds of humanity and the coming of the two witnesses. These are the ominous signs that you are seeing that are being carried out according to St. John’s prophesy. Many people dying in these natural disasters in America, China, and Myanmar are a punishment for abortions, homosexual acts, and trading in human flesh. Floods, fires, earthquakes, and typhoons are the instruments that could bring about famines and pestilence that you will be seeing more of in the future. Nations have to be cleansed of their sins, even as people need to be pardoned of their sins in Confession. Be prepared for these events that are leading up to the declaration of the Antichrist in the time of tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, the flooding in the Midwest still has to travel down the Mississippi River where there will be further damage. Some water levels are going down, but with the present saturation, it may require a month or more to dry out. Every storm that comes through now will postpone any drying out. If the farmers cannot harvest what is left, then their losses could even be higher. Continue to pray for drier fields and less rain so there will be something left to harvest. Many farmers cannot afford these large losses, so they will be coming to the taxpayer to try and get enough subsidy so they can plant again next year. Not only will the farmers take some losses, but your people will be suffering higher food prices where your crops are affected, as well as some shortages. You are seeing the growing potential for the coming world famine as continuing natural disasters are occurring all over the world. Pray to Me for your needs and I will be at your side to provide for you.”


Wednesday, June 18, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel today is trying to teach you humility and not to be seeking fame and notoriety. I talked about some people who perform holy acts purposely in public to be seen, but their hearts are far from Me. These people have already received their reward here on earth. Some people perform their actions for their own benefit, instead of performing them for Me and My greater glory. When you do things out of love for Me than just for yourself, you are truly not far from My Kingdom of heaven. All of your prayers in private and your deeds done to please Me, will store up treasure in heaven. The saints always felt that they were unworthy servants doing only their duty. Being humble in My eyes is part of leading a holy life. Daily prayers and good deeds are your daily love offerings to Me. When you work to be holy in imitating My life, you will be walking the narrow road to heaven. I love My faithful even more when you follow My Will and allow Me to accomplish My mission for your life. Give praise and glory to Me in all that you do.”


Wednesday, June 18, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, finding the fuels to make electricity and power for your factories relies more on natural gas and coal than it does on oil. Oil is being used to make petrochemicals and gasoline with tars and asphalt as byproducts. Gasoline is an important mainstay in your transportation in powering trucks and your cars. It is only because of the higher cost of crude oil that it is making alternative fuels more affordable and giving options to crude oil. America would like to be energy independent from buying so much crude oil abroad at a high price. It would be quicker to utilize existing technology to be able to acquire more oil by off shore drilling. As the demand for oil increases more than the supply by the producers, there could be financial reasons for some countries to take over oil states by military force. This could come about before enough alternative fuels could be provided in sufficient quantity. It is this long term time that will be needed to make more fuel alternatives available that is the problem. If countries are not patient, and nations do not implement viable energy plans in time, you could see more financial upheavals or out right wars over the available supplies of fuel, especially crude oil. Wars will only play into the hands of the one world people who use wars to control countries. Pray for peace and that such wars do not start or these fuels could be destroyed or disrupted causing even worse turmoil.”


Thursday, June 19, 2008: (St. Romuald)

Jesus said: “My people, your bishops do more than confirm young adults with Confirmation and ordain priests with Holy Orders. They are the shepherds of My flock and they need to give good example by encouraging the people in their faith. In today’s Gospel I taught My disciples how to pray the ‘Our Father’ prayer. My bishops need to encourage a good prayer life, and encourage Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. With more faithful adoring Me, you will see more vocations to the priesthood. It is difficult to carry out the needs of My Church without enough priests to take care of the individual parishes. By prayer and Adoration you can encourage more vocations, and this in turn makes the bishop’s job much easier. In some dioceses the priest shortage is causing parishes to be combined, or even closed in some instances. Continue to pray for your priests, your bishops, and all of those who are training for the priesthood. Priests are needed to help administer the sacraments and to lead the people in their faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, this hour glass, that is completely full of sand on the top and bottom, is a sign to you that the time to go to your refuges is near at hand. The symbol of sand represents the holy ground of My refuges that have been consecrated to Me. You are beginning to see the threat of a world famine coming about with all of the natural disasters that are occurring. Eventually, you will also witness a division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. You are seeing microchips being forced on you in your passports and in your driver’s licenses. This is a precursor for the evil ones to try and force chips in the body on everyone. When you see these events come about with martial law, then call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge of Our Lady’s places of apparition, places of holy ground as this home, and caves. Angels will protect you at these refuges, and food and water will be multiplied for everyone. You will see springs of water and a luminous cross over every refuge. Do not be afraid of the evil ones because My angels will defend you without weapons being needed. When you come to My refuges, think more of saving your souls instead of preserving any wealth or possessions that will rot away. During the tribulation, which is close, it will be My mercy and protection that will save you from the evil of the Antichrist. This refuge and others will provide for all of My faithful.”


Friday, June 20, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, there are two core parts to every Mass in the reading of God’s Word and the consecration with the receiving of My Body and Blood at Communion time. In the same way you reserve two special places, My tabernacle that contains My Hosts, and a place to hold the book of My Word. In the Jewish synagogues there was a special place to put the Torah scrolls. In the Gospel it speaks of a sound eye which really means someone that has the eyes of faith in order to see life in a spiritual light of how I want you to live. My Word is your Light to follow so you can imitate My life and follow My instructions of how to live a good Christian life. It is this Light of My Word that will always dispel the darkness of evil in this world. Each of My faithful have My Light in you and you are sent into the world to dispel this same darkness with your word and good actions. The more you do for Me in evangelizing others, the more treasure that you will store up in heaven, and the more souls that could be saved. Love Me in My Real Presence in My tabernacle, and love Me in the Light of My Word in Scripture. These are your true treasures on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been blessed to experience this cross on the window, and there are very few of these manifestations now. At the tribulation time you will see these luminous crosses at all of My refuges to give you hope in My Light. Give praise and glory to God for these gifts, and there is a special grace for all who visit these crosses, and a grace for those who own these homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am weeping for the many souls who by their sins are causing Me to suffer more on My cross. Seeing these tears and many other manifestations are a small way of My acknowledgment of Robert’s faithfulness to Me in his mission of evangelizing souls. Many souls, who have come here in faith, have been healed not only in their bodies, but also in their souls. It is the conversion of the souls of sinners that should be Robert’s most rewarding joy to see Me working through his ministry. As with all healings both of soul and body, you should give glory and thanks to Me for all of these gifts. Robert needs to continue his ministry as long as he can because his faith and work please Me very much.”


Saturday, June 21, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of fire and water can become the blessing or the curse as the people of America choose in their actions. Without a change of heart to stop your wars and abortions, you will see a continuation of the natural disasters that are all around you. The fire can come as fires in your places of hard droughts where you have seen millions of acres burned in the last few years. The water could come in violent thunderstorms which could cause more flooding in the same areas. If America hears My Word and repents of your sins, especially a stoppage of gay marriages, then the fire could become a blessing of the tongues of fire from the Holy Spirit. With repentance you could see the blessing of water in the Baptism of conversions and the proper amount of rain to prevent droughts and floods. America has this choice of life or death before you in your free will as a nation. I can only encourage you to choose life, or you will curse the darkness.”


Sunday, June 22, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I have told you not to be afraid of anything or anyone. If you have Me with you, who could be against you? You can trust in My help to protect you from all of the evil ones. I have called you to beware of demons or people who can mislead you into sin that could endanger your soul in falling into hell. When you are tested, call on My Name, Jesus, to take away any temptations of the devil. I have showed you My walking with My disciples on the road to Emmaus because I was explaining to them the Scriptures of why I had to die for mankind. Adam sinned against God by eating the fruit of the forbidden tree in order to be like a god. This sin and the inclination to sin has been inherited by all of mankind as a result of Adam’s sin, and this is original sin that is forgiven in Baptism. But you still have also inherited a weakness to sin. This is why you needed a Savior in Me to come down to earth and die for your sins so you could be released from the bondage of your sins. By My death on the cross, you now can be forgiven in Confession so your sins are cleansed and grace can be returned to your soul. This is why this explanation for My coming is so important to your spiritual freedom both in this life and the next life in heaven for the faithful. Give praise and glory to God for My saving act that allows you the opportunity to be saved from your sins. Follow My Commandments and My Will for you to follow My mission. Accept Me as your Savior and repent of your sins, and you will have your eternal reward in heaven.”


Monday, June 23, 2008: (celebrated St. Peter and St. Paul)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter is the rock that I appointed as head of My Church when I gave him the Keys to the Kingdom. He was granted the grace by the Holy Spirit to know that I was the Son of the Living God in the Messiah, foretold in the Scriptures. It was difficult for him when he was tested with his life, and he denied Me three times. It was this vision at the Sea of Galilee where I forgave him, but I also tested him in asking him if he loved Me three times for the three times that he denied Me. My faithful also are tested in life and some harder than others. So even if you fall into sin by your weakness, be faithful to Me in saying that you love Me and are sorry for your sins. Once St. Peter received the Holy Spirit and St. Paul was converted, they became great missionaries and evangelists of My Word. So also with My faithful when you have received the sacraments, you should be on fire to share My love and My Word with everyone in seeking to save souls. Love Me and work on your mission every day and you too will receive your reward as St. Paul proclaimed in his epistle. He finished the race and kept the faith. Now he has received his crown of sainthood here in heaven with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many miracles of healing both in the body and the soul. I have told people that only those who come to Me with a child-like faith are the ones who will enter into heaven. Many such faithful people come to this tree in search of healing. When you have faith that I will heal you and faith that I can heal you, these are the innocent souls who receive the healings. The people here have many testimonies and pictures of those who have been healed. Continue to share with others how My glory is served by My granting of these miracles. Such witnesses of healing enhance the faith of many who hear these stories. Give praise and glory to God for all of the healings that are happening at this olive tree and with the leaves in the oil.”


Tuesday, June 24, 2008: (Birth of St. John the Baptist)

Jesus said: “My people, you have celebrated feast days of St. John the Baptist and he was My herald. Even from the womb he stirred in St. Elizabeth at the greeting of My Blessed Mother when I was in her womb. This reading at St. John’s birth is when St. Zachary wrote ‘His name is John.’ and then he was allowed to speak again, and he gave his Canticle that is read in the morning of the Liturgy of the Hours. This vision of going down in an elevator is about the Scripture passage where St. John said that ‘He must decrease, while Jesus must increase.’ St. John heralded My coming in the desert and once he pointed Me out as the ‘Lamb of God’, his mission was nearly over. This is a spiritual message to all of My faithful, because in order to be perfect as a saint to enter heaven, you also must decrease. Some people put themselves first in this life before Me. But I am asking you to let Me be first in your life by giving over your will to My Divine Will. This means you must deny yourself so I can lead you in your mission. Without the denial of self, you are getting in the way of My using you for a special mission that will save your soul. I always called out to My disciples to ‘Follow Me’. How can you follow Me if you run off and do your own thing without listening to My Word of discernment? So listen to My call and consecrate everything over to Me, and you will find the crown of sainthood awaiting you in heaven.” Irene said: “I want to give a proper good-bye to all of my friends and family. I love all of you so dearly, even if you thought that I did not show it outwardly. I will miss being with you, but I am in a peaceful place without any pain. I see that it is important, especially now, to encourage all of my family to attend Sunday services in giving worship to God. I am sorry that I did not stress this enough while I was alive. Please pray for me as I was greeted by Leroy and all of our deceased family members and friends.”


Wednesday, June 25, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, as you look in the mirror, you can see your actions and judge for yourself if you are witnessing to the good works and fruits of a good tree of faith. If you are not showing good fruits in your actions, then you need to change your evil ways and reach out to help others without holding back any help because of any selfishness. When you spontaneously go forward and help someone without being asked, then you are letting go of your selfishness, and are willing to share your time and money. Your good fruits will be a witness that you are sharing from your storehouse of good works from the heart. If you refuse to share your works, and refuse to share your love with Me and your neighbor, then you will be the rotten tree that is only worthy of being cut down and thrown into the fire. Be always open and let go of any inhibitions that prevent you from fully sharing with others.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am happy to see so many of my children here honoring the anniversary of my apparitions at Medugorje. Continue to pray your rosaries every day for my intentions. Especially pray for peace and an end to your wars. Also pray for the conversion of sinners in your country because it is hard to hold back my Son’s hand of punishment. You have been given many messages from my apparitions, but you are not listening or following what I have requested. If enough prayed to stop wars and abortions, you could see miracles of conversions. Your people of America need to repent of their sins and confess them to your priests in Confession. Pray and ask my Son to double your prayers because the weight of your sins are outweighing your few prayers. I love all of my children and my mantle of protection is over this place of prayer.”


Thursday, June 26, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told the people that it is not enough to just call My Name to be one of My disciples. To be one of My faithful you must hear My Word and act on it from your heart. This means every day you should consecrate yourself and all that you have over to Me so that you are following Me in all that you do. By daily prayer and doing good works, you can truly witness to your love for Me and your love for your neighbor. You need to also share your gift of faith by teaching others and your family in evangelization. Your children need to know their prayers and attend Sunday Mass by your example. In life the children will also need a good prayer life to carry them through their trials. Be always prepared for your judgment with frequent Confession, and when you die, I will welcome you to heaven. Those, who refuse to know and love Me in their actions, will be condemned to everlasting fire.” Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you have the evil one world people planning the demise of America and the rest of the world in a new world government. This evil beast along with Satan are awaiting My word to allow them a short reign of the Antichrist. Do not follow any false christs or any world leader who will promise a false peace and security. The one world people are planning further wars to implement this takeover in the new world order.”

Jesus said: “My people, these central bankers and masons at the high levels are the one world people who are exhorting their puppet leaders to take My Name out of every public place. This is the beginning of the persecution of My disciples, and they will use every means to bring about their control over you. They will use false hate crimes to imprison those who are doing any work against abortion or homosexual marriages.”

Jesus said: “My son, remember to do your novena for this new DVD and I will give you the strength and persistence to bring this about. My people need to see the power in My Real Presence that will be needed to do battle against these evil ones. Trust in My power of the Eucharist to give you holy priests in new vocations and allow them to lead My people and prepare them for the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, the battle of the evil ones against My chosen disciples is beginning to increase in intensity, and it is spreading all over the world. Evil will have a brief reign, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges with My angels of protection. While you are praying at My Eucharistic Adoration, the evil ones will have difficulty in pursuing their takeover of America.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to take some special time each night and pray a vigil of prayer to stop all of the wars going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, and pray in earnest that a war does not break out in Iran over nuclear weapons. I can only try and emphasize to you how important this struggle is to stop these wars. Offer up all of your Masses and Communions as well for this intention. The rosary is your great weapon against Satan and the evil ones behind these wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to have your backpacks ready and full of your necessities as the time to go to your refuge is growing close. Those, who have been directed to prepare interim and final refuges, have been told to have everything ready by this year. You need to pray also for My help and call on My angels when you see the sign that it is time to go to the refuges. Once My word is given, do not hesitate to leave your houses for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the coming tribulation do not be fearful of the evil ones, but trust in My power that I will bring My victory over all of these evil ones. With Me all things are possible, and I will perform miracles to protect you at My refuges in ways that you never thought were possible. Keep My peace in your soul and be confident that I will guard your souls and bodies from all harm with My angels. Rejoice in this time that will soon give witness to My victory over Satan, the Antichrist, and all the other evil ones in this world.”


Friday, June 27, 2008: (St. Cyril of Alexandria)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read how I cured the man with leprosy. The act of even touching a leper was considered unthinkable, as lepers had to shout that they were ‘unclean’ to anyone who approached them. This disease in My time was incurable and contagious to touch someone. As a man I was not only free of sin, but I was free of diseases as well. The cured man then had to show himself to the priest so he could be allowed back into the society when he had no more signs of leprosy. In your day you need to go to the priest in Confession in order to be healed of your leprosy of sin in your souls. Then once you have received absolution, you could be declared clean again of your sins. In both cases I am the Healer of diseases and of souls. This is why many sought Me out for healing in My day, and sick people of today also pray to Me for healings of body and soul. Repent of your sins and ask for My forgiveness, and you will be restored to proper spiritual health.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have alerted you to the battle against the evil one world people who get their marching orders from Satan, himself. This is just one of these meetings of the one world people as they receive their demonic plans for war and takeover from the devil and his demons. These are the same people planning your takeover by destroying your economy and your military. They are forming the continental unions to give them over to the Antichrist when I allow his declaration. These are the same leaders that I have shown you before that will be double-crossed by the Antichrist when he will replace them with even more evil men. They will all be killed as the suicide payment for having their wealth and power. These takeovers will take place and My faithful must find your protection with My angels at My refuges. Rejoice once you see the Antichrist come into power, because you know that My victory is not far off. Pray that I will protect your souls from any temptations of these evil ones.”


Saturday, June 28, 2008: (St. Irenaeus)

Jesus said: “My people, you are reading the Lamentations of the Israelites during the Babylonian Exile when My people had to suffer as a result of their sins of worshiping other gods and idols. Now, America is also lamenting all of the damage due to the floods in the Midwest along the Mississippi River, and all the fires in California. Your people also are worshiping other gods and idols in your sins of abortion, living together in fornication, and now in homosexual marriages. How long do you think that I would tolerate your sins? You are calling down My judgment against you, even as the Israelites had to suffer because of their sins. America’s suffering is only beginning because you will see worse natural disasters and continued financial hardships. Repent of your sins and change your sinful lifestyles if you want to be free from this punishment that you have called down on yourselves.”


Sunday, June 29, 2008: (St. Peter & Paul) (Fr. Don McCarthy’s 50th Anniversary of his Ordination)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Mass honors St. Peter and St. Paul who were major disciples that were instrumental in starting My Church. St. Peter was the first pope in succession of popes, and St. Paul opened the Gentiles to receive the faith as well as the Jewish nation of Israel. Down through the years these two men have inspired many to follow Me by their words in the Scripture. This feast day is a tribute to all of My clergy who are hard at work evangelizing sinners and providing Mass and the sacraments to feed all of My faithful. Fr. Donald McCarthy has a beautiful tribute for helping My flock in the fifty years of his service to Me and the Basilian Order. He also has been a great help in carrying out your mission as your spiritual director. You heard of the many years of service in his teaching and helping the people in the parishes that he assisted. All of My priests need to follow his example, and My faithful need to be thankful for all the priests that serve you every day. Pray for My priests that they remain faithful to their vocation, and call on My angels to protect them from the temptations of the evil ones.”


Monday, June 30, 2008: (Pat Miller’s funeral Mass)

Pat said: “I want to tell Myles and my children how much I love them and thank them for all of the many years of caring for Me. As you can see in the vision, I am with Jesus, the angels, and all of my Right to Life friends. Thank you for sharing many years at your prayer group meetings. I will be watching over all of my family, so call on me as I am constantly praying for you. When I was alive, I still wanted to care for people, even beyond my infirmities. Thank all of you for coming to my wake and funeral. God will reward you for all of your kindnesses to me.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your churches are showing the effects of modernism in shedding many of your traditions and ornate looking churches. By removing the statues, and placing My tabernacle outside of the main church in a back room, you are seeing less reverence for My Blessed Sacrament. The most targeted attacks of the devil are focused on removal of My Blessed Sacrament and reverence for My Real Presence. This is why they hide My tabernacle from the people, and encourage you to stand at the Consecration and receive Holy Communion in the hand while standing. If you truly believe that My Body and Blood are present in My consecrated Hosts, then you would genuflect in front of Me and receive Me on the tongue with bowing or kneeling to show your reverence for My Real Presence. Educating the people about Adoration is why I want you to pray and work on another DVD so My people can understand the teaching of My Body and Blood that is present under the appearances of bread and wine. Pray that My faithful will come to know and understand the transubstantiation that goes on at the Mass during the Consecration.”


Tuesday, July 1, 2008: (Blessed Junipero Serra)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw how I came to the aid of My apostles when they thought that they were going to die in the storm on the sea. Once they awoke Me on the boat, then I calmed the sea and saved them. They then wondered what kind of man I was that even the sea and the wind obeyed Me. They still had not yet realized that I was the Son of God that had come to earth as their Savior, and I was foretold in the Scriptures as the Messiah. Even as I performed this miracle of calming the storm, I am still performing miracles in saving My people every day when I answer your prayers. Some are still seeing miracle healings in your day as I allow My instruments to share their gifts. As the time of tribulation approaches, you will see even more miraculous signs as this luminous cross in the vision that will be over all of My refuges. You again will need My protection with My angels, and I will heal all of your infirmities if you look on My miraculous luminous cross. Trust in My power that will overcome all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a horse drawn stagecoach is a sign to you that your fuel crisis is only going to get worse. Prices of your fuels have determined the standard of living that you will have. When your fuel prices go up, your standard of living will go down because your discretionary income will be spent on fuel. America needs to quickly develop a more viable energy policy because relying on imported oil may be too expensive and there may not be enough for your current demands. You have not seriously increased drilling or made any more refineries in the last few decades, so any increased demand needs to be imported. Shortages of fuel or high prices for fuel will dramatically affect inflation and your economy. If plans are not made quickly to increase your national sources, then you could see shortages or rationing that could influence food availability and traveling to work on bikes or by horse. Your people need to make some serious energy choices, or your way of life will change dramatically. Pray for your people who are hurting from these situations for their survival, and an avoidance of food riots as in other countries.”


Wednesday, July 2, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I healed many people of their sicknesses, blindness, and inability to walk. Many, that I healed, were also converted to believing in My words. Casting out demons was also one of My gifts, but the people in today’s Gospel were more concerned about their lost swine than the two demon possessed people that were freed. Demon obsessions or possessions have been with you all throughout history, even in today’s world. I gave My apostles and My priests the power to exorcize or drive out demons from people. Some are possessed by many demons as in today’s Gospel, and these require much prayer and fasting to cast them out. I am more powerful than these demons so they are forced to obey Me. Deliverance of people from demons is a very delicate battle that should be done by a priest or groups of people praying at once. Some people invite these demons by Ouija boards, and other Satanic rituals as drinking evil potions. Avoid such curiosities and wear Benedictine crosses, holy water, scapulars, and your rosaries for protection against the demons. Invoke My Name, Jesus, or pray the St. Michael prayer when you are being attacked by them. I give you many holy weapons to fight these evil ones, but remember that they are battling to possess your souls, and that is your most precious possession. You have Me, your guardian angels, angels and saints in heaven, and all of your sacramentals as blessed salt, holy water, and blessed medals to use in your defense. Pray daily and confess your sins in Confession frequently, and you will be protected from these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember in World War II when Hitler and the Nazis had a plan to exterminate all of the Jews in Germany and lands that they took by force. The one world people also have a plan to exterminate all of the religious people and patriots when they declare martial law. I am going to warn My people and My priests when it is time to go to My refuges before these evil ones will come to kill you. If some refuse to go to My refuges, then these people will be carried off on trains to the death camps. Those, who heed My call, will be protected at My refuges. My faithful will call and warn the priests when to leave, but the priests will die if they refuse to listen. Pray for My faithful and My priests to be ready to flee to My refuges, or those left behind could be martyred for their faith. Refuse under any circumstances to take microchips in your body, even if people threaten to kill you. These chips in the body will control you by following voices of suggestions in mind control that will make you like robots. Refuse to worship the Antichrist, and seek out My refuges when you see martial law declared. Have no fear and trust in Me to protect you at My refuges. The evil ones will be cast into hell, as I will bring about My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, July 3, 2008: (St. Thomas) (43rd Wedding Anniversary)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s St. Thomas you see another of My apostles who was a great missionary for My Church even to India. You have so many models in the faith to inspire the people by their examples as saints, yet the faith in many parts of the world is in decline. I have told you before how many opportunities for grace are being lost whenever a church closes. As more churches close around you, you are seeing a decline in the numbers of priests and the numbers of laity. Fewer are coming to Mass as worldly things are distracting the people from their religious fervor. Instead of this decline, My people should be building up the faith. Others are being attracted to other faiths which are devoid of My sacraments. The young children and young adults are falling away from your prayer traditions. What you are seeing are further signs of the coming tribulation when there will be little faith alive. Even while your numbers are down, there are still some strong Catholic souls ever faithful to their prayers, daily Mass, and Adoration. Your 43rd Wedding Anniversary is a witness to your family and others of your love for each other and your love for Me and your neighbors. Rejoice while you can still share your faith with others because the time of persecution of My faithful is not far away.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My son, you have been a little lax in handing out rosaries, rosary leaflets, Divine Mercy leaflets, and Confession preparations when you go out to talk. You are in an evil time when it is necessary to have more praying for peace and conversions as well as encouraging people to go to Confession at least monthly. Some of My people are getting lax in their prayer lives and they need to get back to their old traditions. The more prayers that are said, then you will have more peace in your world. Love of Me and love of neighbor is at the heart of your prayers, and saving souls should be the most important intention.”

Jesus said: “My people, for those who have been called to prepare refuges, or interim refuges, there are many preparations that you will need to plan for when many people could come to you. There will be a need for a source of water, some structures for living, and places to prepare food that will be multiplied. In the vision there is another task to provide for and that is for some restrooms. At every refuge people will be assigned to help in those jobs that you have the most skill. Your preparations will be needed soon because the evil ones are getting close to declaring martial law. I will be with you to provide for your needs and your protection, so have no fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you have been asked to do some projects for Me, you will need to pray for guidance to carry it out as quickly as possible. There are few willing to take on this responsibility, so I need to have My workers busy with as much as they could accomplish. You are in a battle for souls, and all that you do should be focused on this goal.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many natural disasters from floods, tornadoes, and fires where people are losing their homes. Add foreclosed homes and you see many people needing shelter, food, and water. Your hearts go out to all of these victims, and you want to help them as much as you can. You think first to help people survive, but there also is a need to reach out to save souls in their eternal life. When you help people physically, you could also make an attempt to try and lead them to Me in their spiritual lives. They may refuse you or thank you, but at least you are reaching out the best that you can to help both their physical and spiritual lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am calling on all of My prayer warriors to take some time when you can to adore and worship Me before My Blessed Sacrament, either in My tabernacle, or in the monstrance. This Adoration is a powerful time of gathering grace and strength to accomplish the missions that I have given you. Remember to give Me at least 5-10 minutes of quiet time so I can talk to your heart. In front of Me at Adoration you will find My peace and love that will flow out to your heart and soul. Be grateful for every moment that you have to share with Me at your time of Adoration.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many physical suggestions for how to prepare your refuges and what you will need. The most important preparation for My refuges is your spiritual preparation. I asked you to bring your sacramentals of rosaries, Benedictine crosses, blessed salt, blessed candles, and holy water. If you can bring a priest and Mass preparations, these would be greatly needed. Your prayer life and sacramental life are important at all times. Even if you cannot have a priest, My angels will bring you Holy Communion every day. Keep your focus on Me and My angels, and your souls will be protected throughout the tribulation time.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the Warning you will be given the knowledge to not take a microchip in your body and not to worship the Antichrist. Some souls will have a desire to be converted, while others will return to their former sinful lifestyles. Those, who have a desire to be saved, will also be made aware of a desire to be led to My refuges by their angels when the evil ones will take over. Those, who sincerely desire to be with Me, will be open to having their guardian angels lead them to the safety of My refuges where My angels will protect them. Be grateful that I will offer My protection for all of those who love Me and want to be converted.”


Friday, July 4, 2008: (Independence Day)

Jesus said: “My people, as you celebrate the founding of your country with all of its freedoms, remember that your founders were also God-fearing men in what they wrote. In this beginning there was a balance of power between your legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. Now when certain elements of your society cannot get laws through Congress, they go through your court system to make laws by the decision of only nine judges. This now forces the people to get 2/3rds of Congress to pass amendments to overrule the authority of the courts. It is by this means that abortion and now gay marriage have warped your rule of law in favor of the death culture against My Commandments. It is the immorality of your society that is bringing My judgment against your country’s sins. Rejoice in a free country, but your freedoms are slowly being removed. If you truly love your country, then you can speak up to your representatives in banning any North American Union that your president is proposing. Through trade treaties the one world people want to take away all of your sovereignty rights and eliminate the United States as a nation. On this celebration of your independence, do not let these evil men usurp your very freedoms that you have fought for in all of your wars. Pray for your country and its leaders to support your freedoms, and not to give them away to the central bankers.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of someone being shot in a black car is how a dignitary could be killed. The crowd around this car were running away in fear of their lives. Such machine gun killings are the tactics of terrorists on an unsuspecting public. In this evil time your dignitaries should be wary of a sudden attack without warning. There will be a steady movement by the one world people to cause an unrest that will cause a major emergency to be declared. This will be their opportunity to declare martial law for the nation, and seize control of your government. Once martial law is declared, this will be your sign to call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge where you will be protected from those evil ones trying to kill you. These events will happen quickly, so be prepared to leave at a moment’s notice. This is another reason to keep gas in your car to travel as far as you can. You will need bikes and your backpacks as well. Pray for My help for when you will have to leave your homes. Trust in My word of preparation and My protection by My angels.”


Saturday, July 5, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, prayers and preparation for Confession are spiritual needs for every soul. You are in a world where few are praying every day, yet there is more sin than ever before. This is why I have stressed with you the need to promote prayer in the rosary and the Mysteries, how to prepare to make a good examination of conscience for Confession, and encourage people to have more Adoration and visits to My Blessed Sacrament. The devil is working to distract you from your spiritual traditions, and especially the young people with cell phones, television, movies, and the internet. Your eternal salvation is in bringing your souls to Me and this is the most important concern for you in this life. Saving souls from hell, and loving Me and your neighbor are also what you should be striving for. The more you can help souls in their spiritual life, the more treasure that you will be storing up in heaven. So share your faith with others and be willing to bring My love into their lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you like to make a good appearance in a well kept lawn around your house. It usually requires occasional feeding of nourishment with fertilizer and water. It is also helpful to either pull out your weeds, or use some light amounts of weed killer to keep the weeds and grubs under control. Your soul also demands some care in nourishment from My Body and Blood for food and drink. I have told you many times that he, who eats My Body and drinks My Blood, will have eternal life more than this earthly life. In the same way that you remove the weeds, your souls also need to be cleansed of the weeds of sin and any addictions. Give praise and glory to Me that I see to your spiritual life with My living sacraments. Give Me thanks for instituting these sacraments for you, and for My sacrifice on the cross which has made atonement for your sins.”


Sunday, July 6, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, these visions are a preview of what it will be like during the Warning, or at your death when you will review each day of your life outside of time and out of your body. The flowers are shown because each day lasts but a moment and it is over, even as flowers last but a short time. Each day, that is given to you in life, is an opportunity for grace and good deeds. At your mini-judgment or judgment at your death, you will be held accountable for what you did for each day of your life. You will be held accountable for how you loved Me and your neighbor each day. You will also be accountable for how you used your talents and gifts. Your good deeds and kindnesses will store up treasure for you in heaven. You will be most accountable for your sins of both commission and omission. During your Warning experience, you will be able to remember vividly all of the sins that you did not have forgiven in Confession, and those sins of omission that were not mentioned either. You will have a deep sorrow for your sins, and a strong desire to seek My forgiveness, the forgiveness of those that you violated, and a need to forgive others of offenses against you. Many souls returning to their bodies will be most open to your evangelization for conversion and a return to My sacraments, especially Confession. Be ready to bring as many souls to Me as possible, as the Warning will be one of My greatest extensions of My mercy that you have yet to experience. Give praise and glory to Me for granting this grace of My mercy to even the most grievous of sinners. Everyone will be given this same opportunity at the same time.”


Monday, July 7, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, the little girl in the Gospel, who was the daughter of a Roman official, had died, but I raised her back to life because of the father’s faith that I could do this for him. She was given another chance to live her life, just as some people have near death experiences. Every day, that you wake up, is like you have a new life for another day. You could easily die any time and your body could be the next one to go in that hole in the ground of the vision. You do not know when I will call you home, so you should keep your soul in the state of grace by frequent Confession, so you are ready any day to meet Me at your judgment. So do not be assuming that you will have a long life, for you cannot promise yourself even one more hour without My approval. By always being ready to die, you will be ready to live however many days that I give you. Each day, that you awake, is another day of life that you should thank Me for being alive. It is also another opportunity for the grace to help people and be useful in saving souls. Remember that being alive in life is always a gift, just as being alive in faith in a clean soul is also a gift of My sacramental grace. You are a whole person in body and soul on this earth, but work every moment that you have to be worthy of your goal to be with Me in heaven. I have brought you salvation on My cross, but it is your choice to choose to accept Me and follow My Commandments.”


Monday, July 7, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, when you see a major storm, tornado, or a hurricane, your first intention is to follow the advice of your weathermen and evacuate the area if you have time. When these storms happen at night, and you do not know which direction to go, then hiding in the basement of a brick structure might offer you some protection. Some people do not think that there is a correlation between weather disasters and places of sin. The coming events will be so dramatic and so obvious in their location, that there will be no doubt about this connection. You have read of how Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire and brimstone for their sinful lifestyles. You also have seen earthquakes where they made pornographic movies, and fires next to the homes of movie stars who make ‘R’ rated movies. I sometimes use natural disasters to carry out My justice against people who commit abominable sins against Me. I love everyone and I will forgive their sins, if they repent. But if people flaunt their evil acts in front of Me and others, they deserve any just punishments that they receive. In certain circumstances I ask My faithful to look away from My act of punishment, so they do not view My justice. Give praise and glory to Me for treating everyone fairly and with great mercy. Everyone, who comes before Me in judgment, has admitted that they were given a fair and truthful judging of their life based on their actions.”


Tuesday, July 8, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I told you recently that the strongest attack of the devil was against My Eucharist because he knows the power of My grace in My Real Presence to strengthen My faithful against him. The next most important target of attacks is against My priests and clergy. It is the priest who consecrates My Hosts at the Mass. He is the only one with consecrated hands that is allowed to offer the Mass, which is the greatest of all prayers. This is why you are seeing problems in the seminaries, and scandals among the priesthood. These attacks even are keeping vocations down as there are not enough people praying for vocations and protection for your priests. Now in the summer time when the priests are taking their vacations, you are seeing problems even to find a daily Mass. You see the importance of a priest more when you are not able to have a Mass or even a pastor. Truly you need to have the harvest Master send more priests into the vineyard for the harvest of souls. You also need to pray for and encourage new vocations. My faithful also need to evangelize souls all around you. Be grateful for your priests and encourage them with your support of the parish in work and your donations.”

Jesus said: “My people, Iran and Israel have been making threats on each other by their words and military exercises. This is becoming a strong potential for war that could involve America in another war. Even some groups are proposing a War Powers Act by Congress to limit America’s involvement in wars initiated by your president. Congress has the right to declare war by your Constitution, but your president has been starting wars by his own discretion without provocation. America has lost trillions of dollars and thousands of soldiers in the Iraq war that you should never have started. It is time that the people had a say in these serious commitments. Do not let the one world people lead you into war after war. Pray for peace, and voice your opinion against this unprovoked war that has no apparent end, and should be brought to an end after so many years.”


Wednesday, July 9, 2008: (St. Augustine & Chinese martyrs)

Jesus said: “My people, this is another view of the horsemen of Revelation with an emphasis on the red horse of war and a picture of fires caused by severe droughts and winds. You have been seeing warplane exercises by Israel and now missile exercises by Iran. Nations around Iran are concerned that they are enriching uranium to make bombs. Iran is threatening to attack America’s ships and bases if Iran is attacked. Iran could threaten to stop 40% of the world’s oil that comes from the Persian Gulf. I have requested many prayers for peace in this area that war can be prevented. It is this combination of natural disasters and wars that could bring about many deaths from pestilence and famine. This part of the Book of Revelation is foretelling much death and destruction that is coming soon. Man needs to change his sinful ways and repent of his sins if he is to mitigate any of these events.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not let the devil entice you with money, fame, pride, or pleasure so he can control your soul. Some even make pacts with the devil for fame, wealth, or power, but in the end they must pay with their life and their soul. Greed, pride, and pleasure are the devil’s means to entice you to please your earthly desires. None of these things are required to gain heaven, and they really are distractions from your spiritual desires to love Me and have your soul saved. Everyone needs to examine their own intentions in their hearts as to why you do things. See if some of these intentions are led by your pride or greed, and realize that you cannot allow things to control you. Let go of all of your earthly desires, and focus more on your spiritual life, because this life is quickly passing away. Use your talents and your money to help people out of love for Me and love for your neighbor. When you do things to help others, you will see a reward in heaven is better than any selfish pleasures in this life. Earthly fame, wealth, or pleasure is very fleeting and gone in this life. Sharing eternal life with Me in heaven will give you an eternal reward which is far greater than anything that you could receive in this life. So focus your efforts and actions on gaining heavenly treasure than on listening to any of the devil’s distractions with the things of this life.”


Thursday, July 10, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you are all blessed to be present at this Mass with a newly ordained priest. I have told you that I love this Mass the most because of its emphasis on My Reverence and the Sacred. My people need to pray more for vocations. This is the reason for the empty chair. The priests are so important to your spiritual lives because they forgive your sins through Me in Confession, and they consecrate My Hosts so you can receive My Body and Blood in Holy Communion. Give praise and glory to Me that I give you My priests, and how I have instituted My sacraments for your eternal life with Me in heaven. The Mass is the greatest prayer that you could share, and daily prayer is how you share your love with Me. Encourage those around you and your family to pray daily and attend daily Mass if they can. Also encourage My faithful to attend Adoration or visit My tabernacle as often as you can. Where there is much Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, you will see more vocations to the priesthood. Give thanks to Me for sharing in the Mass, Holy Communion, and this newly ordained priest’s blessing.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I want to make a suggestion to you when you are about to go to bed. This would be an appropriate time for you to review your day’s activities and recollect any sinful actions that you would like Me to forgive. It is good to learn from your mistakes so you do not repeat them. It may even be helpful to write down your sins to help you in your preparation for Confession. As you close your night prayers, you could pray your Act of Contrition for your sins, should you die during the night without getting to Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had this sense of many deaths just like you had right before the 9-11 event. The one world people are planning another major incident that would give them an excuse to declare a national emergency and the martial law for their takeover. There is a possibility that your elections could be postponed as a result. Be prepared with food, water, and your sacramentals. Be ready to leave for your refuges as soon as martial law is declared. Trust in My protection, even as the evil ones are planning your takeover as part of the North American Union.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you many messages to have a backpack ready and the things purchased that you will be bringing with you. I want you to make a list of all the things that you will be bringing to your refuge. Once you have purchased all that you will need, I want you to do a rehearsal and time yourself how long you need to get out of your house. Once you practice your escape a few times, you will have more confidence in your readiness. If you fail to get it together the first few times, then you can see what you need to change. Some have some preparations, but you have not gone through a final checklist and how quickly you can leave. Pray for My help in your preparations and you will be at peace with such leaving.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many words about your physical preparations to leave for your refuges. You also need to be in a prayerful state before you leave. Pray your rosaries every day and let one of your intentions be that you will be calm, peaceful, and trusting in Me and in My angels who will be leading you. Have a Bible, your Liturgy of the Hours, Pieta prayer book, and a Mass book for your prayers along the way. Also have blessed salt, holy medals, Benedictine crucifixes, rosaries, and scapulars for people along the way. Preparing for your refuge is both a spiritual and a physical exercise. You see soldiers prepare for battle, but your battle will be against Principalities and Powers.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who have been asked to prepare refuges, may not have the time or money to have everything in good working order. I am asking My refuge keepers to make the best effort that they are able in order to make their homes ready for people to live in. Once people arrive, I will have My angels multiply your dwellings, and even finish building the original structures. My faithful will also help in building and providing the food and water for the people, which also will be multiplied.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to emphasize to you why I have gone to such great lengths in preparing refuges for your safety during the coming persecution in the tribulation. You are going to be tested by an evil that you have never seen, and you will need to call on Me and My angel power to protect your souls from the evil ones. These refuges are My mercy for you to be shielded from those who want to kill you in their death camps. It is true that there will be some who will be martyred, but they will suffer little pain and they will become instant saints. Leaving behind all of your possessions will take a great faith in My words to follow Me in blind trust. But have no fear, because I will be at your side to help you through this test of your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, many are apprehensive of how they will make it through the tribulation time. I want to reassure My faithful that these events will be in your lifetime. I will also put shields of invisible protection all around you. This trial will be brief, but your reward in My Era of Peace will be well worth the struggle to remain faithful to Me and avoid any chips in the body. Pray for your spiritual strength and trust in My angel power, and soon you will be sharing in My victory over all of the evil ones.”


Friday, July 11, 2008: (St. Benedict)

Jesus said: “My people, you all do not have the time that a monk in a monastery has to adore Me, but you can make an effort to visit Me in Adoration or at My tabernacle for a short time. The Benedictine monastic life is quite rigorous in quiet time, prayer, and fasting. These cloistered orders are praying for reparation for the sins of the world. This is why making time for Me at Adoration is the best time spent in giving Me praise, glory, and thanks for all of your blessings. Remember when you are before Me to spend at least 5-10 minutes in quiet contemplative prayer so I can talk to your heart of My Will for you. You are always looking for discernment and direction in your mission, and this is the best opportunity to hear My word. The monastic life puts aside all of your earthly desires, so remember not to let any of your earthly desires take away your focus on Me. Remember also to wear your Benedictine crucifixes for protection from the demons with this exorcism medal on the back.”

Jesus said: “My people, ever since Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, now people have to work by the sweat of their brow to provide food and shelter for themselves. There are some people supported by your government, but the bulk of your people are hard working citizens. Not everyone is gifted with many talents to have a good paying job, so there are a majority of workers who even need two jobs in the family in order to pay for life’s necessities. Your workers in America are having hard times with many layoffs, and they are competing with cheap labor for jobs in many other countries that are paying slave wages. It is your Wall Street leaders who are trying to ship your jobs overseas to make themselves more money at the expense of having less jobs for Americans. These same greedy employers want to lower your wages and do away with your benefits. They even import workers into America for lower wages for skilled labor. One day they will receive My justice for exploiting other nations for their own greed. Pray that you will find enough work to feed your families, and help those in your family where they may need money to survive. Be patient for now, for you will have My reward later.”


Sunday, July 13, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that he, who receives My Body and Blood, will have eternal life. In order to receive My spiritual food for your soul, you need to attend Sunday Mass. Sunday Mass is not only a requirement for worship in My Church, but it is your only way to be completely united with Me intimately with your soul. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you can feel the tingling of a taste of heaven. I am the joy of your life, and it is My peace of grace that you need to guard in your soul from any evil. This experience of My love is why many come to receive Me every day in daily Mass. Give praise and glory to Me that you have the opportunity for Mass in your churches. Once you stop praying and fall away from going to Sunday Mass, then you are giving up your roots and means to show Me your love. This life is passing away, but your soul lives on forever and you need to keep feeding and nourishing your soul. Do not be spiritually lazy, and do not let the devil distract you from Me by the curiosities of the world. This life is your preparation for coming to heaven, so let My angels protect you and lead you to prayer so you can always be close to Me in your heart. I do not force My love upon you. You have a choice to be with Me in love and eternal peace in heaven, or you can choose to be with Satan in hate and eternal suffering in hell. So take the narrow road to My love, even if you must suffer persecution in this life when you proclaim My Word.”

To Fr. George: Jesus said: “My people, wherever there is a love for My Eucharist and a devotion to St. Michael, he will be guarding you and making you invisible to your enemies. This church is on consecrated ground and it will be a place of protection. You will find a spring of water here in time.”

Jesus said: “My people, these five horses dressed in battle robes represent Israel, America, Iran, China, and Russia. These countries are flexing their military muscles in showing off their weaponry. It is dangerous when these countries hurl threats at each other, even if Israel and Iran feel confident in those countries backing them. If any attacks or miscalculated actions lead to a war over making nuclear bombs, this could quickly lead to many people being killed. Israel has nuclear bombs and if they fear that their nation is in jeopardy, they could resort quickly to using nuclear bombs. I have been asking you and all of those listening to these messages to pray much that a war over Iran could be averted. All the rosaries that are given away will hopefully encourage more to pray for peace in the world. Man in his pride thinks that he can fight any war that he chooses. I am love and I detest all wars because they kill people and allow the evil one to have his way with you. Work to find terms of compromise so you can live in peace without constant wars, and do not try to force your will on other nations. Love one another because this life is too short to be fighting all of the time.”


Monday, July 14, 2008: (Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is a little difficult to understand when I speak of bringing division to families, and I am all-loving. I am your Creator and you are My children, so I am the only One worthy of your worship. I should also be the center of your life where you focus more on following Me than following your own will. You are all dependent on Me for everything, even for the very life and existence that you have right now. You have a choice then to follow My love or to follow your own ways. When you choose to follow Me out of love, I ask you to consecrate everything over to Me, to obey My Commandments, and to pick up your daily cross and carry your sufferings with Me on My cross. I do not bring division by Myself, but it is each person who chooses to accept Me or not as the center of their lives. It is when some want to run their own lives that you may have some disagreements among family members. But if your family prays together with love in your hearts, there will be harmony in your relationships because of your love for Me. I give you all of My gifts in My sacraments, life’s necessities, and the holy sacramentals and prayers to protect you from the evil one. Give thanks to Me for all that you have been given, and continue to follow My Will on the narrow road to heaven.”


Tuesday, July 15, 2008: (St. Bonaventure)

Jesus said: “My people, you are becoming more aware of the scarcity of food for the world by the price that you are paying for your food items. Many of you in America can afford to pay more for food, but those in the rest of the world cannot afford these prices, and are even fighting to obtain food. As you see droughts, disasters, and insects attacking food supplies, it is getting even more difficult to feed all the people of the world. Do not depend on China for your cheap food because in the coming world famine, they will not be able to deliver food at all. Keep your own farmers going by subsidies or higher prices, or you will have nothing to eat. I have asked My faithful to store some food exactly for this time because it will not be in the stores, or you will need chips in smart cards or in the body in order to buy it. Whatever you have, I will multiply it so you can share it with those who come to your door. I will also multiply your stored water, if your sources dry up. Trust in My preparations and I will see to your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a high number of bank foreclosures on houses where the mortgage was not being paid. As the value of homes drop on the market because they are not selling, some people with mortgages higher than the house value are leaving their houses. The banks also have difficulty recovering any money from the house because it is tied up by investor derivatives. They also have auctioned off houses taking steep losses. Those banks, that accepted riskier borrowers, are now in danger of folding from all of their write downs. Two banks have been taken over already, and more are yet to fall. This ripple effect in the financial markets is dragging down your stock market, your economy, and the value of your dollar. Add in natural disasters, expensive wars, national debts, and inflation, and you have a country on the brink of bankruptcy. Pray for your country to work its way out of your mortgage crisis and recession, or you could see the one world people take away all of your properties in a national default.”


Wednesday, July 16, 2008: (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)

Jesus said: “My people, this place of Mt. Carmel is in a cave where Eliziah hid to keep the people from killing him. This is an example of a holy ground place in a cave that will be a safe place during the tribulation. There were monasteries located there where the Carmelite Order was founded. The water dripping into a spring is a sign of the healing water that will also be available for healing people in this cave, and for drinking water. The water will run and be multiplied even throughout the world famine. All other caves, that My angels will lead you to, will also be safe havens blessed with healing springs of water. Rejoice on this feast day of My Blessed Mother, and give thanks to Me for all the Carmelites who dedicate their lives to prayer for the souls of the world, and to make up reparation for everyone’s sins. The prayers of My people are postponing My judgment for a while, but My justice will prevail over the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see how many young people have lost their lives in your recent wars, you have to ask if these wars were necessary and what did they accomplish. The answer is that they were not necessary because they were initiated by the one world people only to make money. Wars and the killing of babies by abortion are still part of the death culture. Again there is a financial incentive to make money on abortions as well as the wars. I have mentioned before that whenever man takes a life, you are interfering with the plan that I had for that soul. That is why the taking of another life is such a serious mortal sin. The loss of life from abortions are even worse, because you are killing My little ones that are so defenseless in the womb. Pray for this unnecessary killing to be stopped and for America to repent of its sins.”


Thursday, July 17, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when My faithful remnant will only be able to find a proper Mass available in the homes, providing you have a faithful priest. This is why I have directed some of My faithful to have hosts, wine, vestments, and books with Mass kits in the home. This will be necessary as you approach the tribulation time when you will see persecution, and the schismatic church controlling the churches. This will also be close to the time when you will be leaving your homes for interim refuges at first. It will be the time when My faithful may be joining together at your prayer groups. The persecution of My faithful for your beliefs in Me will become more severe when they will try to imprison you for the least criticism of sinners in abortion, euthanasia, fornication, or homosexual marriages. Eventually, the evil authorities will seek to kill you for not taking the microchip in the body and for not worshiping the beast or the Antichrist. This will definitely then be the time to call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest interim refuge, and later to a final place of refuge.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, it is hard for you to imagine how it would be like to go to bed hungry without eating all day. Yet, there are people in some countries that are fortunate to find something to eat. You are spoiled to have so much food in your grocery stores, but that plenty could quickly change to empty shelves in a famine. I have asked you to set some food aside so during the tribulation I could multiply what you have so those around you could have enough to eat. Trust in Me to provide for your needs wherever you are led by your angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you pray as one person, your prayers are applied to your intentions. When you pray as a group, your prayers are multiplied for all of your intentions. When you pray for reparation of the sins of your whole country, then you need to pray, fast, and ask your prayers to be multiplied. By My grace I will multiply your prayers just as I will multiply your food.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you of the danger of living close to an old volcano because you do not know when it could erupt and kill you with an explosion. Less violent volcanic activity could be harnessed for heating and driving turbines for steam generators to make electricity. You have looked at many energy alternatives, but thermal energy from the earth’s core could provide an almost endless source of heat as long as you could control it. Once you think beyond your fossil fuels, there are many solutions for your energy crisis.”

Jesus said: “My people, your hospitals are barely getting by on the number of beds that you have planned for at this time. Emergency situations such as 9-11, Katrina, and the floods along the Mississippi call for much more rigorous preparations which very few of your cities have planned for. The Red Cross is already stretched to its limit for funds because of your many disasters. FEMA and your Homeland Security have been slow to react to national disasters. Your people better have some major preparations for food and the coming famine with potentially large losses of life.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year you have been faced with increasing areas of drought with more possibilities of large fires fed by high winds. Many of your fires in California are exhausting your fire fighters with endless fires. Pray for better rainfalls in your drought areas so that your crops or homes will not be endangered by these wild fires. Putting aside food is already being seen as a good preparation to handle the droughts with less food available.”

Jesus said: “My people, your energy companies are fortunate to be able to provide enough electricity to handle hot summers and the needs of your air conditioners. Again these companies find it too expensive to bring on alternative power to make up for any electricity grid failures. During such outages, the people will need secondary sources at least for heating during the winter. Food spoilage would be difficult without some backup food supply. My people need to plan for such emergencies, and call on Me to multiply your food and fuel in your need.”

Jesus said: “My people, some countries are using higher percentages of electricity made by nuclear plants than America does. Your country has had many years of relatively safe energy from this source, yet you have failed to make any new plants for this means of energy. You have many alternative sources to oil, but you have not taken the right path to increase your energy away from oil related products. Now that you are in a real energy crisis, you need to make some drastic moves quickly, or your sources of fuel may control you through other countries’ demands. Pray that your solutions will help your country soon before you have some serious fuel or electricity shortages or failures.”


Friday, July 18, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, be on the lookout, as in this vision, for the one world people to keep involving you in more wars. They are behind increasing activity in Afghanistan and they will try to tie your troops down with an excuse for your ‘War on Terror’. Your country has no real interest in being in this area, and it is only part of the one world people’s plan to destroy your military and your economy. Your country cannot afford these constant wars for no gain in sight. Your people have to take a stand against those who are trying to destroy you and take over your country. Another tactic to destroy your economy is to allow this mortgage crisis and the greed of the rich to allow the taxpayer to bail out all of your banks that lent money out to borrowers who could never afford their overpriced mortgages. Add in an underfunded Medicare and Social Security giving away too many benefits, and your deficits are going to bankrupt your country. All of this deficit spending cannot continue without some repercussions, and it will bury you in interest expense which will lower your dollar causing many to lose any value in their savings and investments. Unless your government stops its deficit spending by cutting back on your wars, stopping the support of failed banks, and limiting government pay outs, there is only one direction, and that is to eventual failure of your banking system. Your country is no longer governed by the people, but it is controlled by special interests backed by the central bankers of the one world people. They will soon take you over and make you a part of the North American Union. This will be the end of your nation as you know it, and the beginning of the tribulation when you will then need to seek out My refuges of protection. Look out for this coming take over because it is not far off. Pray for your people to follow My protection, and trust in My providing for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you messages before that the Warning would most likely occur during your football season from September to February. This vision of the football is a sign of this time, and the black and white all around the football represent the battle of good and evil that is getting more noticeable. You will only have weeks of time after the Warning for conversions. Then events will move quickly to place the Antichrist into power. I want My faithful to remember to go to Confession at least monthly so you are in the state of grace when you meet Me at your mini-judgment. I have been emphasizing that you get things ready to load into your backpacks for leaving to go to My refuges. After the Warning, you should have your backpacks filled and ready to leave at a moment’s notice. The Warning will be My mercy for sinners, but also a sign that the major events are about to take place. Trust in Me to have your guardian angel lead you on the right path to protection at My refuges.”


Saturday, July 19, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, as you honor My Blessed Mother today, you are reminded how she always reached out to help people, as she helped St. Elizabeth. My Blessed Mother is a holy example to you to help others in their physical needs. Be generous in helping people with your time and your money. Remember how I said if your brother asks you to go one mile, then you should go with him for two miles. Again be generous also with your spiritual gifts in bringing Me to convert souls from their sins. You have a beautiful love relationship with Me, and you need to share My love and invite others to love Me as well. Your children and your family need to come close to Me through your prayer efforts. Call on Me to help you to teach them about Me through the power of the Holy Spirit. I love all of you and you need to share your love with Me and your neighbor. Give praise and glory to Me for every opportunity that you have to receive Me in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, the blood of the martyrs on this land is the seed of faith for the people. There have been many battles on this area because man has not stopped fighting with each other to occupy the land. As you saw in the vision, killing in previous years was very vicious. You are not seeing such killing here now, but there will come a time again when My faithful will be persecuted and the evil ones will seek you out to kill you. At that time My angels will lead you to places of protection at refuges where My angels will make you invisible and provide for your needs. You again will see vicious killing when some of My people will be martyred for their faith. Fear not this time, for My martyrs will have their pain minimized as they will become instant saints. The land of the martyrs is consecrated by their blood. The angels will lead you to the exact area that is consecrated.”

Jesus said: “My son, I want to give you the layout for the DVD on Adoration. Have a few minutes of introduction for the DVD and introduce two two-minute spots of Adoration at two different places. The silence during that time is how I talk to your souls in contemplative prayer. Then give a 15 minute talk on Adoration from My messages, and introduce the interview with Father Peter. Follow the interview with another 15 minute talk on understanding My Real Presence. End the remaining ten minutes with an explanation of at least two or more places of Miracles of the Eucharist. The purpose of this DVD is to encourage more Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, and to explain how My Real Presence of My Body and Blood are present in My consecrated Host and the Wine. The more people, that view this DVD, will see the power of My Blessed Sacrament in their lives over the evil forces of the world.”


Sunday, July 20, 2008: (Linda’s 50th Wedding Anniversary)

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you My creation with the soil, the sun, and the rain, but what have you done to the seeds and the crops? You have made artificial hybrid seeds that cannot grow their own seed. You have taken My perfect crops and have made them imperfect as you try in vain to make crops better than My perfection. You use herbicides, insecticides, and artificial fertilizers with your crops, but you are poisoning the soil and the food. Just as you heard about the enemy planting weeds among the wheat, so your industrial seed providers are planting evil in the seeds themselves. In the spiritual world you are also faced with the demons spreading their evil temptations in your hearts and souls. You need to call on Me and My angels to protect you from these evil ones, and use your prayer life and sacramental life to feed your soul the graces that you need. Without eating My Body and drinking My Blood, you cannot have eternal life. You see in the Gospel how at the judgment time all of the evil ones will be the weeds that are cast into the fires of hell. But My faithful are the wheat that will be collected into My barn of heaven. It would be better to read the whole Gospel so that you have the explanation of the parable of the sower revealed to you as I explained it to My apostles.”

Linda: Jesus said: “I want to thank both of you for being faithful to Me and your wedding vows for these fifty years. In these days of divorces and living together, it is a beautiful example that your love shows the commitment that others need to know and follow. Continue to give Me praise and thanks for allowing you to live out this wonderful marriage with all of the blessings of your children and grandchildren.”


Monday, July 21, 2008: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of people dressed formally at a banquet means that you need to have your soul in the state of grace in order to worthily receive Me in Holy Communion at My Eucharistic Banquet of the Mass. If you see that you are not properly dressed or prepared, then you need to come to Me in Confession for the forgiveness of your sins. Once you are absolved of your sins, then your soul will be filled with My grace, and you will be ready to properly receive Me in Holy Communion. This same state of grace means that you are My faithful dressed in white robes, and you will now be marked with My cross on the forehead and marked in the Book of Life. Keep your souls also ready in grace for the day of your judgment when you die. Those, who are not properly dressed in their souls, will risk the fires of Gehenna where they will wail and grind their teeth. Rejoice in My Banquet where you will share My love, peace, and joy for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My people, from all of your travels in space and from your satellites, you take pictures of the earth for many reasons. You see the blue beauty of the earth in the oceans from the sunlight. I have given mankind the earth for your home, and I called man to multiply and subdue the earth. You see the beauty of My creation all around you, but man has polluted the water and the air, and he has changed the genetic makeup of My creations. This adulteration of My creation is where the devil has misled man into defying My laws of nature, as well as My Commandments. You are upsetting My balance of nature with the manipulation of the DNA in plants and animals. When I return in victory over evil, I will need to renew the earth. I will bring about a new heavens and a new earth where evil will no longer influence you. Rejoice in My triumph when all the evil ones will be chained in hell.”


Tuesday, July 22, 2008: (St. Mary Magdalene)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Mary Magdalene, because of her great love for Me, was graced with being the first person to see Me in My risen Body. I told her to give this news to My apostles, but they would not believe her. In her heart she knew the reality of My appearance to her and she treasured that gift, even if others would not believe her. St. Mary Magdalene had seven demons that I cast out of her, which in part was why My apostles did not want to trust her word. My later appearances made believers of My apostles, even out of St. Thomas who also doubted this word of My appearance. You have come to Me many times in Confession to have your sins forgiven, so do not be critical of other sinners who may still be in their progress of being converted. Love everyone and be a good example in your life to bring sinners to Me. Strive to save souls, but let Me be the judge of people’s sins.”

Jesus said: “My son, I want to thank you for moving quickly to have this latest DVD on Adoration made. Continue praying your novena to St. Therese so your prayers will guard you from any more attacks of the evil one. You saw the first attack on your interview with Father Peter. You will see more attacks, but your continued novena will keep them to a minimum. The devil is doing everything in his power to eliminate Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament because he knows the power of My graces against him. Continue to finish up your work on this DVD so you can get it out quickly to your publisher. Sharing your messages on Adoration, and encouraging the people to start Holy Hours of Adoration are your best witness to the people how they can share their love with Me, just as you do. Give praise and thanks to Me for helping you in all of these efforts to share My love with all the people who want to be close to Me.”


Wednesday, July 23, 2008: (St. Bridget)

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you messages about how I send out the same number of callings for the priesthood, but fewer are saying ‘yes’ to My call, as you can see in very few seminarians. In a similar way I send out a call for messengers and prophets for every age, but even fewer are accepting this role as well. In the readings both in the New and Old Testaments, messengers and prophets were threatened with their lives because the people did not want to hear their message of repenting of sin, and changing their sinful lifestyles. Even today, many souls have become spiritually lazy in avoiding their prayer lives, and even not attending Sunday Mass. I thank you for accepting My call. My mission for you has been trying with the many things that I have asked you to do. Still you have been faithful to My tasks, and I need you to continue your work to help souls come closer to Me and keep away from the evil ones. Continue to promote good prayer lives, Adoration, and frequent Confession. Without these basic necessities in My faithful’s spiritual lives, their love for Me will grow cold, and they will be more vulnerable to the temptations of the devil. Saving souls from hell and directing them to Me in heaven should be everyone’s mission, but it is even more demanding of My messengers and prophets. Keep close to Me in your daily prayer life, your Masses, Adoration, and bringing My messages to My people.”


Wednesday, July 23, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, there are various kinds of churches as Basilicas, Cathedrals, and the Vatican of St. Peter’s. All Catholic churches, that are not closed, have Me present in the tabernacle, or exposed in a monstrance for Adoration. It is My consecrated Hosts that make each church holy because I am truly present in My Body and Blood in every consecrated Host. It is My Real Presence that you seek out in My tabernacle in My church so you can bow or genuflect to give Me praise and glory in My consecrated Hosts. You need to give Me reverence, just as if I were standing right in front of you. This gift of My Real Presence in My Eucharist is My gift to all of you, even to the end of time. Treasure the moments of silence that you share before Me in My consecrated Host. When your heart is open in faith, I can come into your heart and soul to direct you on your mission to heaven. Keep your focus and eyes on Me, and you will see Me one day in heaven, even as I granted the good thief eternal salvation on the day that he died.”


Thursday, July 24, 2008: (St. Sharbel Makhluf)

Jesus said: “My people, fresh water is one of your body’s necessities, and it is not always available to everyone. People in arid areas depend on wells, while others use rain water, or bodies of fresh water in lakes or rivers. The Scriptures mention ‘Living Water’ as I explained to the woman at the well. I told her that I could give her ‘Living Water’ in Myself so she would not have to keep coming to the well. But I was speaking of her spiritual thirst and not her physical needs. When you come to receive Me in Holy Communion, you receive My ‘Living Water’ that feeds your soul and satisfies your desire to have My grace in your soul. I know you have the symbol of water in Baptism which is a sign of cleansing of sin, but the ‘Living Water’ that I am referring to is My very Self in Holy Communion. I have told you many times that he, who eats My Body and drinks My Blood, will have eternal life. It is the grace of My sacrament that gives you spiritual life, and without this grace, your soul is dead as in mortal sin. Just as water is necessary for your physical life, so My grace is needed for your spiritual life. Rejoice in receiving My ‘Living Water’ as often as you can, and you will be close to Me throughout this life and the next life.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, at the time to leave for your refuges I am reminding those who have monstrances to bring them, so you can have perpetual Adoration at both the refuges and the interim refuges. By having My monstrance and Host present, I will be protecting you from the evil ones. You will have plenty of time for prayer and worship of My Blessed Sacrament, so you can assign someone to pray all the hours of the day and night. The evil ones fear My Presence, so this will be a great help to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had your first hurricane hit your country and you have most of the hurricane season to come. Pray for the people who will have to endure these natural disasters. You see how quickly these events happen, even as you have been seeing flooding in various parts of your country. These disasters will continue to bring you to your knees along with all of the other crises that you are enduring. Only when you repent of your sins will your weather return to normal. Continue to pray much for the conversion of sinners, as much prayer is needed in this time.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times in the hospital patients will require a lifeline of food nutrients because they cannot swallow normally. If this line is broken, then it must be restored for that person to survive. There is another lifeline to your spiritual life, and that is your frequent reception of Me in Holy Communion. This steady line of My graces, will feed you and keep your spiritual body alive. Give thanks to Me how I feed both your body and your soul.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to make these two sessions of quiet time in front of My Blessed Sacrament to witness to My desire for contemplative prayer in your lives. By looking at My consecrated Host, you can bring Me into your hearts and souls to enjoy My peace and love. Thank you again for making this DVD on Adoration so My devotion can be shared with people all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, at every Mass and every time of Adoration, My angels are constantly around My consecrated Hosts, and they are giving Me praise and worship. So every time, that you start a new place of Adoration, there are more angels who come to the earth to worship Me. The more angels on earth will be more protection for you as you come into the tribulation time.”

Jesus said: “My people, think of all the places of refuge and interim refuges that are being set up for My faithful. When you realize that each of these places will be places of perpetual Adoration, now you know how My power and My angels are going to be so powerful in eventually overcoming the power of the evil ones. My power is much stronger than all of the demons put together, so be patient and have no fear, because this evil age will be brief before My victory will come.”

Jesus said: “My people, remember every time, that you come to visit My tabernacle and pray before Me in Adoration, to spend a few minutes in contemplative prayer of quiet time. This is a special time for each soul to share in My love. You should be grateful for every moment that you can share with Me in Adoration. As you pray with Me in this quiet time, imagine all of the saints and angels all around you that are giving Me praise and glory as well. This time of Adoration is actually preparing you for how much you will be praising and singing to Me in person in heaven.”


Friday, July 25, 2008: (St. James)

Jesus said: “My people, after Hurricane Dolly hit Texas, now you are seeing the cleanup after power outages and millions of dollars worth of damage. Mexico also had some flooding, but the worst of the storm went through south Texas. Pray for the people who are suffering home or job losses. Thankfully, there was enough evacuation so there was very little loss of life. Your rains and storms have been unusually heavy in the Northeast with some damage as well. The number of storms and the violence of them have increased, and you will see more throughout the rest of the year. Be prepared to suffer more natural disasters as I told you that they would be occurring in the months before the elections. You are also seeing financial storm clouds affecting your housing, jobs, and your economy in general. Pray for My help in providing for your needs and repent of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, look at your nation as one of the largest exporters of military weapons, and you will understand how your defense industrial complex has a continuous interest in warfare. If there were no wars, many of your defense contractors would be out of business. This is the underpinning of why the one world people cause constant wars. If there is no war, they will create a reason for one, even if it means killing your own people. If you understand their reasons for greed of money and power, now you will see how their intentions are to take you over in their quest for a one world government. It is this goal that will actually put the Antichrist into power. You can only pray for peace and voice your opinion against these wars. I told My apostles that he who takes up the sword, will die by the sword. This is the end for America because the one world people will use your own weapons against you. When you see an event leading to war, know that the one world people are behind it. Do not lose heart because I will defeat all of these evil ones and they will all be cast into hell.”


Saturday, July 26, 2008: (St. Anne & St. Joachim)

Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the feast of My Blessed Mother’s parents, St. Anne and St. Joachim. All parents are given gifts in their children, but they are responsible for the souls of their children as well. You should bring up your children in faith, teach them their prayers, bring them to Mass and Confession, and give them good example in your actions. Even if your children rebel against your teaching, continue to pray for them and direct them even after they leave your house. You also may become grandparents and again you indirectly need to help the grandchildren in their spiritual upbringing. Let your whole family see in you the importance of having a good prayer life and a constant focus on Me in your life. This life passes quickly, and you need to have your souls always in the state of grace by frequent Confession. Encourage your children and grandchildren to confess their sins at least once a month. I know all souls have their own free will, but you have the responsibility at your judgment for bringing your children to Me. It is up to them to accept Me, but do not give up on any soul, and continue to pray for them every day.”


Sunday, July 27, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, the Kingdom of heaven should be the ultimate goal of every soul so you can be with Me forever in My love and peace. I gave the people these symbols of land and a pearl of great value because the Kingdom of heaven is your great prize that you should be willing to give everything up for in this world in order to obtain heaven. I alone through My death on the cross have made you worthy because My Blood has cleansed your sins from your soul. Everything in this world is passing away, but eternal life with Me in heaven will be beyond your earthly comprehension. In order to be saved in heaven, I call on My people to seek the forgiveness of your sins and accept Me as Lord, Master, and Savior of your soul and life. I have told you before: What does it profit a person to gain the whole world, but lose your soul in the process? When you love Me and your neighbor in all that you do, then you will be on the right narrow path to heaven. When you consecrate yourself to Me every day, then I can mold you to be the person that I want you to be and you will be open to fulfill the mission that I have planned for your life. Continue to seek heaven every day in your prayers, your good deeds, and your good example to others in evangelizing souls for heaven. When you do these things, at your judgment I will welcome you into heaven as your reward for being faithful to My requests.” Jesus said: “My people, the simple life of living among nature away from the modern worldly things, is the way My people will be living again at My refuges. You are so spoiled in America with all the food that you have in your stores, and all of your uses of electricity in your lives. Missing your electronic entertainment devices alone will be one of your sufferings at My refuges. Many of these things are difficult distractions from your prayer life and such distractions can take your focus away from Me. If you want to prepare yourself for what it would be like at a refuge, just try for one day to avoid newspapers, TV, magazines, and computers. Even using candles for light would show you how dependent you are on lights and electricity. When you try to live the simple life without your distractions, you will see how much more time that you will have for Me in your prayers. When you think of how Blessed Kateri had to live, ask her to help you in accepting any little inconveniences that you will find at your refuges.”


Monday, July 28, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you all should know how much I love you because I chose to die on the cross so all of mankind would be open to heaven and salvation. I suffered the worst torture of the Romans so all of you would have the opportunity to be saved. Adam’s sin and the sins of all mankind for all of history are a weighty sum that required the price of the Son of God’s Blood to make atonement to My Father. If you can understand this extent of My love, then you can see why coming to heaven will require the same love in dying to self, and giving your will over to My Divine Will. I have paid the price for your soul, but only saints are allowed into heaven. This means that your short life is directed toward trying to perfect your spiritual life. This cannot be done on your own, but you must ask for My help and grace through the sacraments to bring you closer to Me in a loving relationship. Some may suffer their purgatory on earth in order to be worthy for heaven. Others may need to be purified in purgatory before My Divine justice and mercy will allow them into heaven. In addition to saving your own soul, you can also gain merits toward heaven by your loving good deeds, and reaching out to save as many souls as possible from going to hell. You have understood My unconditional love, so now you need to show Me how much you love Me in your dying to self and helping others.” Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages before that some areas will experience flooding from constant rain storms, and other areas will see droughts and fires where rainfall will be below normal. This pool of fresh water that disappeared is a sign that fresh water will become scarce in some areas and it will be more valuable than oil. Having a supply of oil is necessary for travel, but a supply of fresh water is necessary for life itself, every day. This is why being close to lakes and rivers of fresh water will be a more important in choosing where to live. Living in arid lands or places that have continual fires will become less desirable as the availability of fresh water becomes a problem. Your winds and rainstorm patterns have changed dramatically this year, and it will be increasingly important to see where these trends are leading families to live. Pray for the discernment on where best to live for fresh water and available employment.”


Tuesday, July 29, 2008: (St. Martha)

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with St. Martha in her use of hospitality to show her love for Me. Serving people’s needs when they come into your house is a very loving response to show your welcome to your guests. At other times you are called to work for your employer in order to provide for your living. In this situation you should give your employer a fair day’s work for your wage. There are some who busy themselves with too much work at the expense of lost time with their families, and even let their work interfere with time for Me. It is when work is excessive and you are doing it more for the money than love of Me, that you let your work control you. When Mary listened to Me, I told Martha that Mary had chosen the better portion, and she will not be denied her choice. Adoration of Me in My Blessed Sacrament can be your better portion today when you can listen to Me and give Me worship and thanks. Receiving Me in Holy Communion and visiting My Blessed Sacrament are the best ways of showing Me your love. Helping others out of love is important also, but giving Me special attention in person can even be a better expression of your love for Me. Working for Me and prayers are very important to have a complete love relationship with Me and your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, this experience of My Resurrection is one of the most powerful moments in the history of mankind. Not only did I rise from the dead after three days, but it also represented My victory over sin and death. Nothing could contain Me, even in the nature of a man because My Resurrection into a glorified Body is an example to all of My faithful how you will also be resurrected one day. This promise of heaven and a reunited glorified body is what inspires your souls to do everything possible to be perfected through My grace in order to gain heaven. When you went to My tomb in the Holy Sepulcher, you could still feel the residual energy from My Resurrection. When you look at the Shroud of Turin, you can see the effect of that same radiant energy as it embedded an image in the fabric of the Shroud. I showed My resurrected Body to My apostles so they could feel the nail marks in My Body and put their hand into My side that was opened with a lance. I told them to believe in My Resurrection and no longer doubt My reality in the flesh. In the same way I want My faithful to believe in My Real Presence in My Eucharistic Host because I will be present with you to the end of time. Believe in My love and obey My Commandments, and one day you will be standing with Me in heaven in your glorified body after your resurrection.”


Wednesday, July 30, 2008: (St. John Chrysologus)

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing more earthquake and volcano activity recently, but it is when they occur in populated areas that people could be hurt or killed. This vision of another massive volcano going off shows you how people will seek any place of safety, even in dark caves. I had asked you in some previous messages to have masks for some coming viruses in the chemtrails. You also could use your masks if a volcano should send its dusty ash over large areas. If you cannot find your masks from before, then you may have to purchase some new ones and place them in a spot that you can remember to find them. Volcanoes can spread ash thousands of miles away if it is sent into high atmospheric levels. Such explosive eruptions could even affect your weather when the ash could block out the sun. You have already seen cyclones and earthquakes that have caused many deaths, and there will be more natural disasters to come. Pray that the people will be spared their lives in any future destruction.”

Jesus said: “My people, part of the one world plan is to divide your troops and allow them to be tied down all over the world so they cannot defend the homeland from the one world people’s takeover. Because of your bad economy, less taxes are being collected and your government is running large deficits. The costs of your war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan are not even included in your budgets. You have spent trillions of dollars on these wars, and they are ruining your military with constant tours of duty. If there was a cost analysis of your wars, you would see that you cannot afford to add trillions of dollars of debt to your national debt. You are destroying your economy and your military with useless wars that need to be stopped. Your troops need to come home and let the foreign countries fight their own battles. Peace is more valuable than the constant wars desired by the devil. If your people cannot stop these wars, then you will be inviting your very demise. You are against the one world people who want a one world government, and they must destroy America so your military is not in their way for a takeover. Stop paying for these wars which are not providing any benefit except making the rich richer. Take back control of your country while you still have time, and pray for an end to these hostilities.”


Thursday, July 31, 2008: (St. Ignatius of Loyola)

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many earthquakes recently along your Western coastline near Los Angeles and off the coast of Oregon. This is in addition to those in Japan and the rest of the Pacific Rim. This increase in activity is another sign of the end times, and this is just the beginning. More severe earthquakes in California will be coming, especially around San Francisco which I have shown you will be falling into the sea. The sinful lifestyles and the court decision of supporting gay marriage, as well as the pornographic movies, are bringing My wrath on these people. You should be supporting laws protecting marriage in the family of a man and a woman, as I have shown you since the beginning of creation. All other lifestyles of living in fornication, or homosexual acts are against My Sixth Commandment. Pray for your people to repent of their sins, or they will see the consequences of their sins as did Sodom and Gomorrah.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages about making preparations to leave your house for a safe haven refuge. Those, who leave their homes before martial law is declared, have a better chance of being protected at My refuges. Call on Me at the time that I will tell you, and your guardian angel will lead you with a physical sign to the nearest place of refuge. They will make you invisible so you would not be captured. Those, who purposely stay in their homes after martial law, are risking the men in black who will come and take you off to the death camps. Follow My directions if you wish to be alive at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, many are wondering how thousands of people could be accommodated at My refuges. I continue to tell you that once you arrive at a refuge, My angels will multiply the dwellings so everyone will have a place to stay. You will see them spread over the land or built up into the air where land is small. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, even as you will see My angel and a luminous cross at every refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all have special identification documents in your driver’s license, Social Security number, and passport. Many of these documents are having microchips placed in them for security, but they allow your government to track where you go. This mandatory chip in your documents is the first step before the authorities in your Homeland Security and FEMA will soon demand mandatory chips in your bodies. It is at this point that you are to refuse chips in your body, even under pain of death, so you do not allow the evil ones to control your actions as a robot.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your Congress people meet in secret, it is usually to hide some evil plans from the people, just as the one world people have secret meetings. The one world people are continuing to have all of your communications listened to as they invade your privacy to discover who is against their one world order. Secret plans are being made to establish martial law and to have detention centers to detain or kill their enemies. Be prepared to go to your refuges when I give you My word to go. My angels will protect you, so have no fear of these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, My little children are precious to Me, and I do not want to see them martyred in the coming cleansing of religious and patriots in the reign of the Antichrist. I will give the little children under seven years old a special grace from their guardian angel that will make them invisible to the evil ones. You have been killing many unborn in abortion, and some children by abuse. Those involved in these killings will have to make much reparation for these sins of murder. Pray for a stoppage of abortions and all killings as in wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evils of your day have been gradually getting worse, but you are so immersed in your daily activities that you do not realize how bad it is. Man is changing My creation with all of your hybrid plants and DNA manipulations. Look how evil your movies are in that it is hard to find those that are not ‘R’ rated and even evil portrayed in disguise as in Harry Potter movies. Your human cloning, sexual perversions, and other sins are clouding your judgment so you do not even know sin when you see it. This evil around you is the evil as in Noah’s day when I said that I would return. But will I find any faith on the earth?”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been advising you to join some local prayer groups so you could help each other in your prayer lives and learn who you could trust to help you in the tribulation time. All of your prayer groups are going to be places of interim protection on your way to your final refuges. You can share your spiritual love and they will be thinking as you on how to prepare for the end times. Pray to your angel that is guarding your prayer group for protection and guidance. These angels will be given special powers to assist your people in their needs. Give thanks to Me in every meeting for watching over you and loving you.


Friday, August 1, 2008: (St. Alphonsus Liguori)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a nuclear reactor in Iran is a serious problem for Israel, and in turn for America. Because Iran has made threats of annihilating Israel, there is a growing threat that Israel may attempt a pre-empted attack against Iran’s nuclear bomb program, just as they have attacked Syria’s attempts. Any war in the Mideast could have serious consequences on the oil exports from the Persian Gulf. The threat of sanctions against Iran has not deterred their nuclear bomb plans. The military option to stop nuclear bomb proliferation is a very dangerous situation, considering all of the nations linked to Iran and countries dependent on this oil. This war possibility is a serious threat to world peace. America is too occupied with its current wars to even think of supporting Israel in another war. These current wars need to end as well, and it should be one of your daily prayer intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are in flight to a refuge, it would be good to have matches for a fire and cooking utensils with some food. Some of the practical things are needed for survival until you reach a refuge or interim refuge. Preparations for a meal with metal plates and cups could be cleansed for reuse. Think of things that you would need for your necessities and that will help your list of things to bring. Trust in Me to multiply your food and water and you will have enough to survive this brief reign of the evil ones. My angels will lead you to safe havens and protect you by making you invisible. Trust in Me by leaving as soon as I give the word, or you could be captured and martyred at the death camps.”


Saturday, August 2, 2008: (St. Eusebius)

Jesus said: “My people, this massive evacuation of people will be from a natural disaster that will happen along the Asian Pacific Rim of fire. The many people in the vision left walking because the roads were too clogged with vehicles that were deadlocked. There will be a combination of earthquakes and volcanoes on the east coast of Asia that will trigger a fear of evacuations. Many will have their lives saved by this immediate leaving. The damage from this event will affect the economies in this area, and it is a sign for coming major earthquake events on the West coast of America on the eastern Pacific Rim along North America. When these events are finished, there will be some major changes in geography all around the Pacific Rim of fire. You have been seeing increasing activity in these areas as a forewarning of these events to come. Pray for the people in this area who will be suffering from this major destruction. Pray for these people to get their spiritual lives in order because there will be many deaths.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen oil prices rise so much that your government was investigating why the prices were rising faster than demand. Oil companies are making record profits while everyone is forced to pay high prices for gasoline and heating oil. The worst effect on your economy is your increasing need for imports of oil when you could be generating your own fuels from your own resources. Drilling for more gas and oil in America while using existing technology is possible if you have a meaningful energy policy and less prevention by smaller interest groups. There should be a government quick study in how to develop more American sources of energy from existing technology in the short term including nuclear, and alternative sources for the long term. By starting immediately, America would be less dependent on unstable governments for oil. This increase in supplies could be combined with more efficient uses of your fuels by using smaller and less numbers of vehicles. Bikes, trains, and car pools could also lower your costs. There are ways to deal with high fuel costs, and these spikes are driving your decisions to where they should have been decided long ago.”


Sunday, August 3, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, at many times in your life people are watching your every action, not only on earth, but in heaven as well. Your actions come from the heart which is why I am always reading every intention in your heart. You may be able to fool and deceive people on earth, but I see through all of your deceptions. You will be held accountable at your judgment for every action that you make, so do everything for Me out of love, and you will have no worries of doing the right thing. Pray for safety on your trips, and pray for My guidance in all that you do. When you pray first, things will go better for you in My grace. Keep your focus on Me and do not let the devil deceive you with worldly temptations or desires. Give good example in your actions so you can evangelize souls without being a hypocrite.”


Monday, August 4, 2008: (St. John Mary Vianney)

Jesus said: “My pilgrims, My Blessed Mother and I welcome you on your pilgrimage to My Blessed Mother’s Shrine at Betania. You have seen a few inconveniences that have tested your patience with delays on the plane, lost luggage, delays in your bus trip, and even power outages. I have told you that you would have difficulties in your travel, and a little loss of your daily conveniences that you will face when you will be at My refuges. In today’s Gospel St. Peter faltered in his faith and he began to drown, but I gathered him up into the boat. So it is with your earthly lives. When everything is going well for you, you are faithful and confident in My power as St. Peter started walking on the water. But when difficulties arrive into your life, your faith is tested by fire and you sometimes weaken and falter in your sins, instead of keeping your faith and trust in Me at all times. This is when I tell you also, why did you falter? When you are strong in your prayer life, share in My sacraments, perform good deeds for your neighbor, and visit Me often in My Eucharist, I will see your love for Me is strong and how you trust in My help. Give good example in My love so others could be converted by your faith and trust in Me.”


Tuesday, August 5, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, every day you are in a constant battle with the demons between the forces of good and the forces of evil. That is why every day you need to call on My grace and power to defend yourself from the temptations of the devil. You have read in the Scriptures how there will come a time of great tribulation when I will permit the Antichrist to have a brief reign over the earth for less than three and one-half years. Do not fear this time because My angels of protection will help protect your soul from the evil ones. My power is greater than the demons, and I will be with you at all times. After the Warning there will be major events in a world famine, a division in My Church, mandatory microchips in the body, and martial law when the Antichrist will be put into power by the one world people. It is at that time that I will call My faithful to My refuges. Call on My help and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest interim refuge and then to a final refuge. My refuges will be at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground, or at caves. In the vision you are seeing a car driven into the woods. If gasoline is still available, and you can drive on the side roads, you will be able to use your cars to drive to your refuges. Otherwise, you will need your bikes or walk to the refuges. On the way your angels will lead you with a physical sign, and you will be protected by your being made invisible to the evil ones. You will need to leave your houses to avoid capture by the men in black who will be trying to bring you to their death camps. By having full trust in My protection, you should be at peace at all times without any fear of the evil ones. Trust in My love and protection, even during the time of tribulation.”

(Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major)

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, it is so beautiful that you are all enjoying each other’s friendship and love for the Bianchini Family, and your love for my Son and me. You all were very faithful to your hours in giving worship and Adoration to my Son, Jesus, throughout your all night vigil. Many of you are feeling my presence among you and are feeling my love for all the pilgrims who come to this Betania Shrine. Your Betania IV group is now being united again with your founding here in Betania. You have observed my new statue in the grotto, and I thank all of the Bianchini Family for all of their work on these grounds to accommodate the pilgrims and to share Maria Esperanza’s work to bring souls to heaven through our graces. Today is a feast day of St. Mary Major Basilica and this is another honor for me from man. Rejoice in all of my feast days as I bring you closer to my Son, Jesus. Continue to pray your three rosaries every day for my intentions, and teach your children the same joy of our love by instilling a good prayer life in their spiritual lives. The love of Jesus and my love are always uniting our hearts together with your hearts.”


Wednesday, August 6, 2008: (Transfiguration)

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are seeing two statues now of my statue of the Reconciler in the grotto, and my statue of Lourdes in the courtyard. This is a parallel to the two titles in your group focused on Mary Our Mother (MOM), and the Betania IV group which is linking you with my Shrine in Betania. One of my titles is not more important than the other because I am your same Blessed Mother under any title. Today, on this feast of my Son’s Transfiguration, I have blessed all of my children with over fifteen appearances of my blue butterfly. Your rosary and songs are much appreciated in heaven, and so you were having your reward in these appearances. If you missed one of these fleeting blue butterflies, you had plenty of opportunities to see the other ones. So many appearances are also a message of love to my Bianchini Family who are continuing Maria Esperanza’s work. So many blue butterfly appearances is an extraordinary appearance to also indicate that I will be sending more graces of protection for all the pilgrims who come to my Shrine in Betania. I love all of my children so much, and you receive extra graces for making your effort to come and honor me in this shrine in your pilgrimage. You suffered some inconveniences, but you received many rewards today from me and my Son, Jesus. Every time that I draw you to myself, I in turn bring you to my Son in His Eucharist.”


Thursday, August 7, 2008: (4th Anniversary of Maria Esperanza’s death)

Jesus said: “My people, Maria Esperanza is with Me in a high level of heaven as a reward for her being faithful to the mission that I gave her. Many have this sense that she is in heaven, but even one day My Church will also recognize her very sainthood in heaven. Many have heard about Maria, but her holiness and love will reach even more people as the thousands of people that you saw in the vision. Maria will be instrumental in many physical and spiritual miracles to come, even as there were miracles while she was alive. This is an honor for all of you in being able to celebrate the Fourth Anniversary of her death, which is really the feast day of her entrance into sainthood.”

Maria said: “I thank all of you for honoring my feast day of life where I am now interceding for my family and friends with Jesus to bring you an abundance of his graces and answers to your petitions. I am thankful to Jesus for the honor of being in heaven so I can help you more now. I love my dear Geo and all of my children and grandchildren very much, and I am with my family every moment of every day. You are receiving my love, direction, and encouragement through my messages. I am helping my family’s foundation in their formation and guiding them on their mission. Rejoice with me as I share my love with all of you, and I encourage you to always love one another as Jesus desires all of us to love Him and our neighbors.”


Friday, August 8, 2008: (St. Dominic)

Jesus said: “My people, the white crosses represent My faithful souls when they have died. When you die, My faithful may have to spend some time in purgatory to make up reparation for your sins and cleanse all of your earthly desires. In order to enter heaven, you must be fully purified in your soul until you have reached the perfection of a saint. You need to be fully focused on Me only, and without any love of any earthly thing. When you have given everything over to Me, and are ready to enter heaven, then you will be one of these disappearing crosses that are accepted into heaven. My love flows out to all of My faithful, and My mercy and grace are available for all of you. The souls in purgatory have to answer to My justice for their offenses against Me. I have allowed the living souls in their bodies to pray for the souls in purgatory to lessen their punishment. This is why these souls should be in your prayer intentions. These souls in purgatory will pray for you both on earth and in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these four legs of a chair as the foundation of your spiritual life with Me. The four legs are: your prayer life; My Mass and the sacraments; the gifts of faith and My Word in the Bible; and the gifts of hope and love in doing good deeds for people. Your prayer life is most important in praying your rosaries, Divine Mercy chaplet, morning and night prayers, along with informal prayers because it shows Me your love for Me. A good prayer life will be your daily support through good times and bad times. The second leg is a love for My Holy Mass which is your greatest prayer. My sacraments are your life blood of grace that you receive in Holy Communion and Reconciliation most often. The other sacraments you receive only once, but they also instill grace into your lives. Faith is a gift granted by Me so you can put aside all earthly distractions and give your will over to Me, so you can believe and follow what is taught in the Scriptures. Hope and love are virtues that point you to heaven and inspire you to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. St. Paul told you that you could have everything, but if you did not have love, then you would be just like a clanging cymbal. I am love, and My Commandments are all about love of God and love of neighbor. See all of these legs as the foundation that holds up your soul and leads you to Me in eternal life in heaven.”


Saturday, August 9, 2008: (St. Teresa, Edith Stein)

Our Lady said: “My dear children, thank you for your rosary for souls and your beautiful singing. I have shown you one last butterfly as your farewell gift back to your homes. This is also a reminder to bring your joy, peace, and love that you received here, back to the people where you live. Share with them my love and your faith in the beauty of Betania. You also shared in looking at the Bianchini Family’s rendition of my house of Loreto that you visited in person. From that hill you had a beautiful view of all the work that the Bianchini Family has accomplished here. I will be protecting this land with my mantle and the angels sent by my Son, Jesus. Rejoice in your last visit to my Shrine on this pilgrimage.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to heaven, you will only see young people in their thirties in their soul bodies. Everyone here in heaven is singing and chanting My praises and among them is Maria Esperanza. She was always full of life and had a constant love for Me and My Blessed Mother. Even now in heaven she is full of life and love for Me and her family. This parading of young children with their flowers represents how all of heaven desires that these young innocent souls need to be taught how to love Me and obey Me for the rest of their lives. All the saints, including Maria, have a mission to help pray for these souls and to encourage their parents and teachers to bring them up in the faith. I love the little children, and I am sad when people mislead My little ones into sin or kill them in abortion. So I call on My faithful to be like little children in order to come to heaven. Also, you all have a mission as well to bring the little children to Me so they can know and love Me. Rejoice in the gift of the souls of the children, but you are responsible for saving these souls by your teaching.”


Monday, August 11, 2008: (St. Claire)

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen continuous bombing for a number of years in Iraq and now an increase in activity in Afghanistan. Iran and Israel are at odds over Iran’s development of possible nuclear weapons. Russia is invading Georgia and the Chinese are having uprisings from Tibet. There are other places of fighting as well. All of these situations have one thing in common because these people are not seeking peace, but they want their own way, even if it means carrying on long drawn out warfare. Those, who sell weapons, thrive on war in making money, and the devil is constantly stirring up these divisions to kill men. War usually has no winners because there are death and destruction in its wake. This is why man needs to seek living in peace and harmony with each other, even as you see My harmony in nature when it is undisturbed by man. Love and peace are My ways, but hate and wars are man’s ways when it is led by the devil. Pray for an end to all of these conflicts which are inspired and started by the one world people who are seeking a one world government.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a blue pulse circling round out in black space represents what it will be like during the Warning experience. This will happen to everyone at the same instant. You will be drawn out of your bodies and brought before My Light. Then you will view each day of your life quickly, and it will slow down for things you need to improve. After you see your mini-judgment, you will be placed back into your bodies to change your lives. I am reminding you that this event is coming, and you need to improve your spiritual life now. By keeping in the state of grace with frequent Confession and a daily prayer life, you will have less to suffer in your Warning experience. Those souls, that are living in sin, will have a rude awakening, especially if they are judged to hell when they will experience what their life is leading them to. Grievous sinners will be given a chance to be saved, but unless they change their lives, they may suffer this preview of hell for all eternity. The Warning is a mercy to everyone and a wake-up call to everyone of the consequences of your actions and your sins. Be prepared for this event by continuing to remain in the state of grace without mortal sin.”


Tuesday, August 12, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, your worldly lifestyles have led some to think more of money and what it could buy, instead of caring for the children. There are some who would rather pay for an abortion than deal with bringing up more children, or the embarrassment of an affair. When money and convenience mean more to you than a human life, then you need to wake up and see that you are making money and things into idols to you before adoring Me. Your society is more focused on its sexual pleasures than following My Commandments against fornication, adultery, and homosexual acts. Even masturbation and using birth control devices are abuses of the Sixth Commandment. The doctors, who make money on abortions, will have to make atonement for all of the lives that they have killed. Prostitutes and the men who use them are also using money to buy their pleasure. Any sins, that deal with killing of lives or purposely preventing lives to form, are all serious mortal sins, and they need to be confessed before receiving Me in Holy Communion. Those, who live in mortal sin, are committing a sin of sacrilege to receive Me in My Eucharist. Pray that abortions will be stopped in your country because you are killing My little ones, and your country will pay for these abominations.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision the destruction of My beautiful flowers by these ugly bugs represents how man is destroying My perfect plants and disturbing My balance of nature. With your hybrid seeds that do not generate seed, you are making more good plants turn sterile. Your DNA manipulation with plants and animals actually do more harm and give less yields than heirloom seeds without hybrids. Your pesticides and steroids to make insects sterile are affecting the good insects as your diminished bee population attests to this. It is better to grow crops the old way organically, even if it may cost a little more. Your genetically altered crops are adulterating your food and they will cause more cancer and other sicknesses from eating them. As you ship these altered foods to other countries, they too will develop the same cancers and illnesses. Your immune systems are being compromised by your food and the chemtrails. Pray that your skies can be cleaned up, and build up your immune systems with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. The earth has been so poisoned by man that I will have to renew it in preparation for My Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, August 13, 2008: (St. Pontian & St. Hippolytus)

Jesus said: “My people, I have reminded you many times of the battle of good and evil, and how the scales of My justice show a heavy weight of sin in the world. There are not enough people praying in the world to offset the amount of sin going on. This is why I have asked My faithful to ask Me to double your prayers that are needed. In the same way I am showing you this Adoration scene because the more people, that adore Me, can also compensate for the world’s weight of sin. Keep attentive to your visits to Adoration and pray an extra intention at these visits for the sinners of the world. This need to promote more Adoration against sin in the world is why I had you make this last DVD for Adoration. Do your best to distribute these disks and promote My Adoration to counter the devil’s attacks against souls. This is also why you were attacked by the evil one to forget this vision and message. With prayer and calling on My help, I will help your memory and fight off the devil’s attacks and temptations.”


Wednesday, August 13, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a gradual decay in Mass attendance in America along with a decrease in priestly vocations. My faithful remnant will need to have secret Masses in the homes, and eventually in caves, as the early Christians hid in catacombs to avoid being killed. As the persecution of religious people worsens, you will need to call on My angels for protection, and to make you invisible to those trying to kill you. Have no fear of these evil ones because My angels will do battle with the demons and evil people. Eventually, you will be going to My refuges where I will heal all of your infirmities with My luminous cross and My healing springs of water. There I will feed you My Eucharist, water, and meat from the deer that will enter your camps. Trust that you will have protection and all of your needs provided for. When you see the Antichrist come into power, know that My victory is close at hand when you will share in My Era of Peace on a renewed earth.”


Thursday, August 14, 2008: (St. Maximillian Mary Kolbe)

Jesus said: “My people, you treasure many saints who suffered the supreme sacrifice of giving their lives up for another, or to die instead of denying their faith. In these situations you recognize the true value of your human life. These saints are models of faith, even as they followed My example in giving My life up for all of mankind’s sins. Seeing the precious value of life, why then are you frivolously killing life in the womb out of convenience or for money as the doctors perform abortions? This killing of innocent life in abortions is a mortal sin whether it is the mother or the doctor. I detest these killings because it denies My plan for these lives. I will forgive such sins if these people repent. Those, who repent of these abortions, will still have to pay a heavy price in purgatory because you are accountable for killing My little ones. Those, who do not repent of these mortal sins, are on the road to hell if they refuse to seek My merciful forgiveness. Even as a nation, America will be held accountable for all of your abortions because you have made it a law of your land to allow abortions by your Supreme Court decision. Pray for your doctors to stop performing abortions, and for your mothers to have their children without aborting them. Pray also for your nation’s sins that you could help atone for some of the punishment due for America’s abortions. Life is too precious to discard it into the garbage, as you are doing, so pray for a stoppage to all abortions in America.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, man has different skills in what he makes. On the one side there are sculptured art forms just for its own beauty. The other skill is how man builds his cities with various skyscrapers. Contrast your skills with how I have crafted all of nature with its various balances. Everything that I create has a signature of My perfection linked to it. This is why when man fashions plants or living things, they have imperfections that are not in harmony with the rest of nature. Learn from Me that the plants I gave you from the beginning are more perfect than whatever man could make. Give thanks and praise to Me for all the beauty that you find in nature.”

Jesus said: “My people, the competition at these games has brought many nations together in a peaceful way. Some protests and politics have marred some of this peace, but the participants are peaceful to each other, which is an example to other nations in how they should be neighborly and loving of each other. Peace and love go together, and are opposites to war and hate. Pray for peace every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, China, Russia, and the United States are constantly using their influence and military to have a hold on natural resources to fuel their economies. These forays into oil and gas countries have fuels as the goal for their wars. The need for fuels could precipitate even more wars in the future. Again pray that these powerful military forces are not used to gain fuel sources.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of the beautiful experiences on your trip was that you were able to have Mass every day thanks to the four priests in your group. You were cared for by your guides and the Bianchini Family, but I and My Blessed Mother cared for you also in our protection. Call on our help every day, and we will be at your side.”

Jesus said: “My people, whenever you travel in a fair sized group on a pilgrimage, you are bound to meet with some things that do not please you. In less developed countries than America, you can expect to have time problems or missed schedules. Use these trials as a test of your faith and benefit from them in teaching you more humility, and an understanding of what poor people have to endure every day. Americans have been spoiled with your wealth and a higher standard of living. This is why I said that this trip will be a sample of what you will face during the tribulation at your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you go on a pilgrimage, there should be more focus on a good prayer life and opportunities for Confession. It was coincidental that every time that your group planned time for shopping, there were incidents with the buses and other things that prevented your plans. This was an example to you to see that your real focus should be on your spiritual life more than any focus on buying things in a shop. Eternal things of a spiritual nature last longer than any earthly thing that you could purchase.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you go away on vacation, or you are on a pilgrimage or retreat, things will continue to happen to those that you leave behind. It is not unusual to see deaths or sicknesses to those that you know while you are gone. Since this happens often, it would be a good intention in your prayers to pray for all the sick and dying that you know while you are traveling. You can still send sympathies and acknowledgments to the families where someone has died. By constantly praying for the sick and dying, you will reach your friends, even when you are away.”


Friday, August 15, 2008: (Assumption)

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are all joyous today over my feast day as this celebrates the last great gift of God for my earthly life. Our Lord prepared me before I came onto the earth by having an Immaculate Conception without sin. By His grace I was sinless to carry my Jesus until He was born. I was given the title ‘Blessed’ among all of humanity. At the foot of the cross I was given to all of you as your Heavenly Mother. Even when I died, Our Lord gave me another singular gift of assuming me body and soul into heaven so that my body would not suffer corruption in the grave. You have seen some saints that have incorrupt bodies, but I was the only one taken to heaven body and soul. I thank Jesus for all of the gifts that He gave me, but especially the honor of being able to give birth to my Savior, and being a part of salvation history for all of humanity. I am the ‘Woman clothed with the sun’ and I am watching over all of my children as a good mother. I encourage all of you to pray your daily rosaries for My intentions, and I bring your petitions to my Son, Jesus. Give praise and glory to God for all He has done for me and for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, no matter how much technology that man puts into his tall buildings, you will not be prepared for the likes of the earthquakes that will hit the coast of California. These will not only shake buildings to the ground, but even the ground will crack so deeply that the land will fall into the ocean. The coastline geography along California will change dramatically. I will be making a statement in the justice of My punishment that there will be no doubt why this is happening. For many years in this area people have flaunted their sins in My face. When the dust settles, you will see that I will have the last word. Now is the time for the sinners in this area to repent of their sinful lifestyles, even as Jonah warned Nineveh. If these people refuse to follow My request to repent, then they will meet the same fate as did Sodom and Gomorrah. Pray that these souls will be converted while there is still time to have their souls saved.”


Saturday, August 16, 2008: (St. Stephen of Hungary)

Jesus said: “My people, every day you do battle with the devil in every action that you perform, so there is no denial that he exists. Those, who say there is no devil, are denying the reality of their temptations and even denying their sins. But I see all of your sins and the intentions in your heart that prompted your sins. You may fool people on the earth, but I see all that you do, and you will be judged on your actions. The devil takes on different forms from ugly even to an angel of light. Any temptation for sinful pleasures or sinful earthly desires comes from him, however he may try to deceive you in his lies. It is the excesses and your wasting of time that he uses to try and take away your prayer time. When you have an urging by your guardian angel to do a good deed, the devil will then try and persuade you to not do it because it is too troublesome or inconvenient for your selfish time. Do things out of love for Me and love for your neighbor instead of refusing to be led to do something against what you would rather be doing. You have to make time for prayer and good deeds, and do not waste all of your time on entertaining yourself. Once you learn to deny yourself and give everything over to Me, then you will be on the right path to heaven, just as the children are dependent on their parents.”


Sunday, August 17, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, I know there are some with much stronger faith than others, and these are usually the prayer warriors of the family that the rest of the family looks up to for strength. Those, who are weak in the faith, need some inspiration and even prodding to come to Sunday Mass. In the Gospel you can see the value of being persistent in your prayers because you are praying often to change the free wills of people who are set in their ways of the world. You can always encourage and evangelize your family to say their daily prayers and get to monthly Confession. These are the minimum to nourish your faith because you need to be improving every year to work toward your goal of sainthood. Do not be lukewarm or static in your faith, but nourish your faith and improve it with extra reading and retreats. Without some nourishment of feeding your faith and love of Me, your faith will wither and die. Show Me your love in prayer and your love for your neighbor by sharing your faith and doing good deeds for them.”

Jesus said: “My people, this mailbox is all about how I send you messages and requests every day, but it is your return mail that describes your answer to Me. I may ask you to go out and speak about the faith to help evangelize souls. I may ask you to make a substantial donation to the support of My Church on Sunday. You may not be able to fulfill all of My requests, but you should at least make your best effort to answer them. What I ask you to do may require a minimum of effort, but it should be your desire to please Me by serving Me. I ask you to give up everything in denying your will to follow My Will. By acting on My call, you are answering My spiritual message. Some of your requests are petitions for souls to be saved. If you pray much for someone’s illnesses, your faith in My healing could bring spiritual healing to that person. Pray for spiritual and physical healing of your intentions for someone, and I will help them in My time.”


Monday, August 18, 2008: (St. Jane Frances de Chantal)

Jesus said: “My people, you do battle with the evil ones every day when you labor to follow My Commandments. But a day is coming when My angels will do battle for you in defeating all the demons and evil people who are trying to take over the world. Just as St. Michael and My good angels drove the evil angels from heaven to hell, so again you will see St. Michael and My angels cast all the demons and evil people from earth into hell. The demons will be chained in hell, and I will renew the earth to its original perfection for My people to occupy My Era of Peace. When you follow My Commandments, you will receive your reward on earth and in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your farmers have had to endure many trials in floods, tornadoes, high costs of fuel, seed, and fertilizer. Besides all the problems with managing a risky business, he also has to compete with low cost produce from China. Your people should support your local farmer first because food from China could be spoiled, contain poisons, or may not be available next year. Perishable food is different from department store toys, and it is food that you need to live. There was a big complaint about growing corn to make ethanol because it drove up food prices, but now commodity prices have retreated until the next threat of famine. Be thankful that America has fertile land for your food which could become more valuable than oil. Be thankful also for the crops that I allow your farmers to grow, and that you have adequate rain to grow them. Giving farmers enough subsidies to survive good and bad years is well worth your investment in your future food. Pray for your farmers to be successful and provide the food that you need to live on.”


Tuesday, August 19, 2008: (St. John Eudes)

Jesus said: “My people, there are times when you may have a burning desire to own the newest gadgets, cars, or homes. It is this desire that distracts you for awhile, because once you obtain what you want, your mind quickly aspires to something better. Earthly things quickly become old and obsolete, and hence the desire continues for more new ones. Instead of always seeking something better, it may be better to be satisfied with what you have until something stops working or breaks. If you do not let such things control you, then you can concentrate more on loving and pleasing Me than yourself. In the Gospel I call you more to follow Me if you want eternal life. This life on earth and everything in it is passing away, and that is why focusing on prayer and loving Me is better for your eternal life with Me. Desires for riches and new things are your earthly nature. But you are a spiritual being and your Creator calls you more to the things above than the things below.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a storm is another sign that there is a strong possibility of a major natural disaster occurring before the election. There is also another plan by the one world people to create another deadly scene to set up another war. This created incident could trigger at least a local martial law and possibly a national martial law that could postpone your elections. Such an event could also precipitate a planned collapse on Wall Street along with planned power outages for control of the people. Be prepared to leave for your refuges if national martial law is declared. The one world people are very confident in their plans for a takeover, but the timing is dependent on all the parts of their plan working. Such a takeover is only a matter of when and not if it will take place. Be prepared for both My Warning and a world government takeover. Pray for My guidance and My protection for all of My faithful.”


Wednesday, August 20, 2008: (St. Bernard)

Jesus said: “My people, I have created the angels, and all of mankind over the years. In every angel and every person there are varying levels of being, but they all are directed to follow Me, even though they have free will. In other words some angels are greater than others, but they are all fulfilling their missions with their individual powers. It is similar for mankind. All persons have specific missions and are given the capability with My grace to fulfill those missions. Some persons are greater than others in being and their missions, but more is expected from those with greater gifts. Whatever you have been called to do, strive with My grace and prayer to carry it out the best that you can. Even if you have a greater mission than someone else, you are all equal in My eyes, and carrying out your mission means that you are only doing your duty as My servant. Be humble in following My Will, and do not boast, even if you have a greater mission than someone else. All of My saints felt unworthy of any praise, and they only wanted to give all the glory to Me. So do not brag of any of your accomplishments, but give all the thanks to Me for accomplishing things through you as an instrument of Mine. Give praise and glory to Me for all that I am accomplishing through My angels and through all of humanity.”

Jesus said: “My people, if there is not enough rainwater in an area, fresh water could be hard to obtain for drinking and for growing crops. There is plenty of water in the oceans, but distilling the salt water could be expensive for the energy needed. Some companies are looking into the lower cost of using membranes to convert ocean salty water into potable water. Where there are desert conditions and ocean water nearby, such conversions may become necessary for survival. Be thankful if you have a ready source of fresh water because it is more precious where fresh water is hard to obtain. Even farmers have problems irrigating their fields with enough well water when the well level of water gets low during droughts. Pray for adequate rainfall, and that dry countries will be successful in treating ocean water into fresh water.”


Thursday, August 21, 2008: (St. Pius X)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a white light at night attracting the bugs shows you how even in nature insects need help in the dark for orientation. Man also, even in a physical way, needs a light source in pitch darkness to find his way and do things. A simple light bulb gives you a longer day to function. In some jungle tribes that do not desire to use electricity, it is a normal practice to retire to bed as darkness falls. In a spiritual sense I am the Light of your world, but I also provide for your physical needs as well. I am your Creator and I comfort you with My love and peace. My Light also attracts you to Me for the warmth of My love and for direction to your life in the mission that I give to each of you. When people die or have near death experiences, these souls are drawn to My Light for their judgment. All souls have to answer to Me, and you are accountable to Me for all of your actions in this life. Enjoy basking in My Light of grace and repent of your sins, so you can have eternal life with Me in My Light in heaven.”

Prayer Group: Jesus said: “My people, you are beginning to see the spiritual attacks and persecution of religious people and My churches. You have seen some churches burned and vandals stealing money from My churches. But when you see deliberate attacks to destroy statues, crucifixes, and taking Hosts out of My tabernacles, then you are seeing more vicious attacks inspired by the demons. When you see such vandalism against My Hosts, you will need to better protect My Hosts in a safe place from such thefts. Pray for My protection in the coming persecution in the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that whatever you treasure most will be treasured in your hearts. If gold, money, and possessions are treasured the most by someone, then this love of riches will be in their hearts. If loving Me and adoring Me in Adoration is your treasure, then your heart will be open to receive Me. Your soul lives on forever because it is immortal, but your possessions and your body are passing away. I am the most valuable treasure, so deny yourself and your possessions, and hold Me close in your hearts.”

 Jesus said: “My people, this latest tropical storm did not have strong winds, but the proud are being humbled by the many floods from heavy rains. Water damage will be just as severe as a major hurricane. After this storm has left Florida, these people will have more respect for such storms that can still cause a lot of destruction with heavy rainfalls and floods. Pray for these people who are suffering home losses and power outages.”

Jesus said: “My people, the rich people on Wall Street can complain of the reduced value of their stocks, but the average American is struggling more just to survive. Those, who are still working, are seeing their wages barely increasing, but not as fast as inflation. Benefits are being cut back while house values are decreasing, and food and fuel costs are increasing. Jobs are being lost and less taxes are being collected which is causing reductions in all levels of government budgets. Pray for your poor and working poor that I will provide enough for them to survive.”

Jesus said: “My people, your news has highlighted how your education expenses have raised your taxes to the point of where is the limit. Some are struggling to get by, and high taxes for education are testing the limits of what people can afford to pay. College expenses also have no relation to reality for the extreme prices being paid for the same education. With fewer well paying jobs available, some are questioning if high price college educations are worthy investments. Education expenses need to conform to the reality of all other expenses.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how evil this generation is, and I have asked My prayer warriors to be faithful to praying their daily rosaries. In addition to your prayers and praying that I will double them, there is another source of power in visiting My Blessed Sacrament. For every visit that you make to adore Me, you could also pray that I will double your graces for adoring Me. This combination of prayer and Adoration will be your counterbalance for all the sin that is going on in your world. Without enough counterbalancing for sin, then My wrath and justice would fall heavily on the earth. At the height of evil with the Antichrist, I will truly condemn the evil ones to hell and raise up My faithful on a renewed earth. Prepare your souls with Confession and do your part to counter the sin in the world.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, when you look at this blue butterfly, I thank your host for bringing it to you to see how they appear. Marie Esperanza received a message from me that the presence of these live blue butterflies are a sign to the pilgrims of my very presence among them. This is why seeing seventeen such sightings is why I had a long enduring presence with you during Mass and your rosaries. Thank you for all of your rosaries for My intentions because there is much need of your prayers for this world.”


Friday, August 23, 2008: (Queenship of Mary)

Our Lady said: “My dear children, you have recently celebrated my feast day of my Assumption into heaven by my Son, Jesus. At the foot of the cross I was given by my Son to be the Mother of all of humanity, and I place my mantle of protection over all of my children. Those, who pray my rosaries everyday, are part of my prayer legions to fight the devil and his demons. Some of my children are weak in their faith or have not chosen to follow my Son. These souls are in special need of your prayers. Those souls, that make special pilgrimages to my shrines, will receive extra graces from my Son for your efforts to be close to our two hearts. Love should always be in your heart for both your friends and your enemies.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had a couple of years with very little damage from hurricanes and tropical storms. You are learning this year that even tropical storms can cause a lot of widespread flooding. Yet, you have not gone through the peak of this hurricane season with time for more storms to test your coasts. Pray that any such storms will weaken before they hit land, and pray for the needed help for those in the floods to recover. I have told you before that the violence that you see in nature is a reflection of the evil and violent killing of man. Pray for peace and less killing so you can see less violence in these storms.”


Saturday, August 23, 2008: (St. Rose of Lima, Peru)

Jesus said: “My people, this tactic of faking attacks by terrorists as an excuse for war provocations is getting very stale. The American people should start analyzing the source of these attacks. They would see that they are direct plans by the one world people to get America involved in more wars to make money, and to destroy your economy and your military in the process. In order for these people to take you over in the North American Union, they have to weaken you so you are no longer a threat to them. These are the plans led by the devil as he prepares the way for the Antichrist to take over. These events could even take place before your elections and precipitate national martial law. The Warning will happen before the Antichrist comes to power so souls will be prepared for this height of evil. Implementation of mandatory chips in the body will also be coming soon. When you see martial law and mandatory chips in the body, refuse these chips in the body,and prepare to leave for your refuges following My call for your guardian angels to lead you to safe havens. Trust in Me that I will protect your souls, even though some may be martyred for their faith and become instant saints. You are living in ominous times when evil will be allowed a brief reign. Have no fear and be at peace because I will soon come to vanquish these evil ones to hell, and raise up My faithful in My Era of Peace.” Jesus said: “My people, some people know of the capabilities of your secret agencies, who are run by the one world people, and how they have constant information of everything that you do. The more that you are a threat to their new world order, the more they will keep surveillance on your communications. These people think that they are invincible, but they do not know the capabilities of My angels in protecting My faithful. Because of this constant monitoring, My faithful will need to leave all of their means of following you behind when I call you to My refuges. Leave all cell phones, credit smart cards, and entry cards at home so they do not know that you left your home. When I call you to leave, take your backpack and preparations, and I will have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge. Once you are on the road and away from your home, your guardian angel will blind the evil ones from tracking you and make you invisible. If you should stay at home too long after your warning, you could be captured and killed by the evil ones. At the end of the tribulation I will bring My Comet of Chastisement and many will die, and all electronics will cease working. I will cleanse the earth of all evil, so have patience for a while because My victory will be complete as all the evil ones will be cast into hell. Then My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace and in heaven.”


Sunday, August 24, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, My disciples in their early training did not have the full understanding of My mission, and it was only by the power of the Holy Spirit that St. Peter could announce that I was the Christ, the Son of the living God. Because My faithful have the Scriptures to read, and you know of My death and Resurrection, it is easier for you to understand that I am your Savior and the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. It is more important that you establish a personal relationship with Me out of love. When you have faith to believe in Me and a desire to love Me, then I can use you to fulfill the mission that I have for your life. But you must be willing to deny yourself and follow Me in My Will. At times you may desire to run things on your own, but after your failures, you learn that My Way is the best way for your soul. So learn from Me and the mistakes that you have made in life. By following My Commandments and My direction for your soul, then you will have the promise of My salvation, and be on the narrow road to heaven.”


Monday, August 25, 2008: (St. Louis)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how a dairy farmer has to struggle in planting and harvesting the feed for his cows. The vision of this storage of grain into a silo represents a preparation that My people need to focus on for both food storage and readiness to go to My refuges. Those, who are planning to be final refuges or interim refuges, need to have some food storage so I can multiply what you have for those people who will be coming to stay with you. I have called various people to run My refuges, and they should by now be in the last stages of their preparations. The events leading up to a world takeover will be moving fast. Just as the one world people are making their plans, My angels and I are making our own plans to help My faithful. The evil ones know that their time is running out, so they will be stepping up their pace of evil in wars and planned takeovers. Trust in My power and My help to get you through this coming tribulation. Know that as these evil forces come into power, that My victory is not far off. You will be in a great battle for souls, but with My help and My angels fighting for you, you will be able to save those souls who choose to follow Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages about another staged terrorist attack that would be intended to provoke another war. Iran has been targeted as one of the axis of evil, and they are threatening to destroy Israel once they develop nuclear weapons. Iran has test fired missiles to deliver warheads as far as Israel. By blaming Iran for any terrorist attack, this would be a provocation to attack Iran. The missile being fired in the vision is intended to strike Iran’s nuclear manufacturing site. The one world people are continuing to involve America in war after war to weaken you by spreading your military forces too thin so it would be difficult to defend the homeland. By staging these terrorist attacks, the one world people are using fear and security tactics to start the wars that they wanted in the first place. I am warning America of these false tactics to involve you in more wars. Look to the source of these plans, and you will find the true enemies are in your midst. Continue to pray for peace, and do not be drawn into more wars just to make the rich richer.”


Tuesday, August 26, 2008:

Jesus said: “My people, you have a great desire to keep a good outward appearance in your yards and how you wear your clothes. Yet, you still have untidy garages and basements. In your spiritual lives some may be going to church on Sunday, but they do not pray, nor do they go to Confession to repent of their sins. It is hard to cleanse your souls of sin if you do not even admit that you are a sinner, and only claim that you are a good person. You all have a weakness to sin, and those, who claim they are not sinners, are liars according to the Scriptures. Even if you commit only venial sins, you should have them forgiven in Confession at least once a month. A problem arises when someone commits sins of fornication and they do not think they are sinning. You need a proper formation of conscience in order to know right from wrong without any rationalizations. Once you have committed any sexual sins or other mortal sins, you need to get to Confession before receiving Holy Communion at the Mass. Do not become lazy by putting off Confession because you commit a sin of sacrilege if you receive Holy Communion with mortal sin on your souls. So cleansing the inner soul of sin is more important than cleansing the outward appearances. It is the state of your soul that will allow you into heaven more than just your outward appearances.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that the one world people were purposely forming trade unions for every continent. You have the European Union and soon you will have the North American Union. Each nation will lose its sovereignty and there will be common currencies which will later be replaced by microchips in the body for buying and selling. Each union will have its main representative. Once the one world people put the Antichrist into power, he will be the head of the one world government over all of the heads of the continental unions. This is the vision of the Antichrist leading all of the nations. His reign will be brief for less than three and one-half years. At the height of his power I will come in victory to have him cast into hell along with all the evil people and demons.”


Wednesday, August 27, 2008: (St. Monica)

Jesus said: “My people, many of My faithful have had to struggle with imperfections in their spiritual lives. Even the saints were tried in their faith over the years. St. Augustine was searching in his early life in a pagan lifestyle. Through the prayers of his mother, St. Monica, he was finally converted and became a great doctor of My Church. I call people from all walks of life, and even great sinners to be converted to the faith. So even if you have fallen away from your faith, I have given people the grace to return to their former fervor of love for Me. Until your dying day I am still like the hound of heaven searching to offer souls salvation if they would only repent of their sins and recognize Me as Savior and Master of their lives. You all have taken years of progress to get to your level of faith, so do not be critical of others who may be at different stages of growth in their faith than you are. Love one another as I love you, and continue to pray for the conversion of sinners, especially those souls in your family that may have drifted away from their faith.”



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