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John Leary - Ano 2009 (Inglês)



Ano 2009


Thursday, January 1, 2009: (Solemnity of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, you have many celebrations to bring in the New Year, but there should also be a spiritual significance in resolving to improve your spiritual life with a goal to be a saint to enter heaven. Today, you celebrate another feast day of the Solemnity of My Blessed Mother. Her sinless and faithful life should be a model and inspiration for you to follow. You also have My life as a model of how to live a good Christian life. Many talk of New Year’s resolutions, but the spiritual changes are most important for your soul, especially in changing any sinful lifestyles. It is one thing to improve your weight or health of your body, but improving your prayer life and holiness will have everlasting value for your soul. Take a mental picture of where you are today, so you can compare any improvements made by the end of this year. Each year you should be improving if you are ever to reach your goal of eventual sainthood.”
Jesus said: “My people, the central bankers are running your government and financing your debts through the Federal Reserve. Your Treasury Department and these bankers are also determining where any bailout money goes whether Congress likes it or not. With their arbitrary handouts of money, you have the beginning of socialism when the people can no longer control how taxpayer money is spent. There is also little if any accounting of where this money is going and whether it will help future loans for housing. It will be these one world people who will decide how long you will be a free country, because they have plans to make America a part of the North American Union with no sovereignty rights. Your dollars may soon become worthless when they create a new currency system and chips to buy and sell. Some are waiting for a return to the old stock market of rising values, but little do they know that all of their money will be taken away in the biggest theft that your country has ever seen. You have complained of certain Ponzi schemes to take investors money, but Social Security and your Federal Reserve notes are the biggest Ponzi schemes of all that people do not even understand. This bigger scheme will come undone and it will create many riots and killings because of these injustices. This is when America’s takeover will be realized, because the central bankers have been planning this day for many years. In the end these evil ones will be vanquished and they will receive their punishment in hell when My victory comes. Be patient with this trial because you will soon share your reward with Me in My Era of Peace.”


Friday, January 2, 2009: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Basil and St. Gregory are two of the Early Church fathers and doctors of the Church. They should be mentioned on their feast day and given honor for their contributions to the faithful in keeping the faith alive and ongoing. These early fathers were instrumental in stopping heresies and gave you the Gregorian Chant music for your church services. Monasteries thrived on their teachings and they were great supporters of the Eastern Church which is currently apart from Rome. These early saints helped inspire My Church in its early infancy.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are still celebrating the New Year, but already the one world people are planning a new currency of the ‘amero’ once they bring America into the North American Union. This coin in the vision has already been stockpiled in China when it will replace the dollar and your dollars will become near worthless. The one world people are planning for the appropriate time for this new currency once they implement their takeover of America. By bankruptcy, pandemic viruses, and terrorism, incidents will be created to invoke an emergency martial law to keep order when the dollars will become near worthless. Be prepared for this takeover because it will be your time to go to My refuges before they kill resisters of the coming new world order. Pray for My help and guidance to protect you, and provide for your needs.”


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, every day you open up the shades to let the sunshine come in to light your house. In the same way you should open up your hearts to let Me come into your life every morning. First be thankful that you have been given another day to do My work. Plan each day how best to serve Me in your prayers and in your good deeds. Make a daily commitment to My service as you say your Morning Offering. Many of My faithful even start their day with morning Mass. By calling on My grace every morning, you can carry on your work in confidence to do everything out of love for Me. When you are so focused on Me every day, you will be better protected from the temptations of the devil. Just as you are inspired to work to save souls, you are always faced with a daily battle against the evil ones. You need your daily morning preparations to carry you through all of life’s trials. Give praise and glory to your God for being at your side to help you through everything that you will face each day.”


Sunday, January 4, 2009: (Epiphany)

Jesus said: “My people, beware of any electronic devices that your government will try and force on you on your person or in your body. They will claim that it is for security purposes or medical identification. Under no circumstances, even to your death, should you allow anyone to place any electronic devices in your body. The purpose for these devices is to control your minds with evil voices that could even have control over your free will. Only through prayer, My graces, and your blessed sacramentals will you be able to avoid these chips. Once your authorities try to demand mandatory chips in the body, this will be a sign to you to call on Me, and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest place of refuge. Once you are led by a physical sign by your angels, you will be made invisible to your enemies and you will be protected at the refuge. There I will provide for all of your needs. Be patient during the tribulation because it will be brief before I will return and vanquish all of the evil ones. Have no fear because your reward will be granted to you in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you witness the great feast of My manifestation in Bethlehem, you can feel the power and glory of My coming to earth as heralded by My angels. This is My feast day of the Infant King, as you saw in the vision. The prophets spoke of a ruler of Israel to be born in Bethlehem of a virgin. This prophesy was fulfilled in My birth as I was incarnated as a God-man to save My people. Rejoice with Me as the Magi brought Me the kingly gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The myrrh was a sign of the suffering on the cross that I would have to endure to give sacrifice for all of the sins of mankind. This is why I came into the world to bring salvation to all of you. It is everyone’s calling to accept Me into your life out of love, and offer everything up to Me in this life. Your gifts to Me are all of your prayers and good deeds, just as the Magi traveled from a distance to give glory to their God, and share their gifts. Thank you for being at My feast as I share My love and grace with you.”


Monday, January 5, 2009: (St. John Neumann)

Jesus said: “My people, you have celebrated in bringing in the New Year, but there is going to be a lot of grief to put up with the troubles of this year. Wars and financial disasters are going to mark the landscape of this year. I can only keep warning My people to have your things ready for your trip to the refuge because America is very vulnerable to a takeover by the one world people. As they implement their plans, you will be losing more and more of your freedoms. Pray much for what you are about to endure, but most of all keep your trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you see this corn silage being given to feed your animals, there are many people in the world that do not even have enough to eat every day. America sends food to poor countries, but famine is starting to be felt in many third world countries. When you started making ethanol from corn, this was a bad idea to use food to make fuel instead of using organic wastes. This drove the price of grain up, and made it more expensive to help feed the poor. Now that hard times have fallen on America, there are fewer donations going to the poor as well. When you have a world recession, many nations become even worse off and a world famine could have its roots in this financial downturn. People still need to eat, so this lack of food will mean even more people will go to bed hungry. Pray that your world policies will change to help provide more food for where famine is occurring.”


Tuesday, January 6, 2009: (Brother Andre)

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard from various sources how AIDS and Ebola were man-made viruses intended to decrease the population. This is an ongoing part of the devil’s death culture to kill man by abortions and wars. It is still part of the one world people’s intentions to reduce the population further with a manufactured pandemic virus just as they made AIDS. This vision of virus preparations is what is being made right now. Once this is introduced into the population, many will die and the evil ones plan to have a vaccine to protect themselves. This again is why I am preparing My refuges of protection against such diseases. When you look upon the luminous crosses, or drink from the miraculous springs, My people will be healed of any illnesses. Give thanks and praise to Me for your protection from these evil ones. This death from diseases, and problems from financial losses will be the excuses to call martial law to restore law and order from the riots that will occur. Both because of these diseases and not taking chips in the body, My people will need to come to My refuges to keep from being killed. Pray much to be strong and endure these coming trials.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have many cities in America that draw people with temptations for money and lustful pleasures. These cities have a stench of sin rising to heaven for justice, just as Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. These places of blatant sin could be facing major natural disasters, and the perpetrators of such sinful establishments will suffer the most. America has been calling down My wrath because of your abortions and your sinful lifestyles of fornication, adultery, and homosexual acts. Just as the Israelites lost their country to their enemies, so the one world people will be taking over your country. America is worshiping the gods of money and sinful pleasures instead of worshiping Me. Soon you will be reaping the punishment for your sins against Me. My faithful will receive protection at My refuges, but the rest are going to suffer the plagues of the Book of Revelation. My Warning will be coming soon and those, who refuse to be converted, will be calling for their own punishment. Change your lives now to holy ones, or you may suffer for all eternity in hell.”


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, trains and cars can only travel level or at a small grade up or down. This is why it is necessary to build tunnels through the mountains. This can also mean that some problems have to be dealt with straight on because they cannot be avoided. It may be easier to avoid problems or go around them, but there are situations where you have to bear with it, no matter what the pain. Especially in unavoidable problems, you should call on My help to let Me lead you through any difficulties. Sometimes dealing with difficult people head on is better than lying, making excuses, or avoiding them. Treat people with love in every situation and it should be your best solution for all occasions. If there was more love shared in your world, then there would be less wars.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about terrorist attacks on your cities near the water. Now I am showing you one such attack where the explosions are only occurring in the buildings nearest the water. You have seen similar tactics from the sea happen in India. Your large cities on the water could be as vulnerable to terrorism as in India’s large port. Any massive explosions and destruction could deal your country and your economy a major setback as with September 11th. Be prepared for such attacks where you could mitigate any damage. Pray for your people in these hard times since such an incident could start a martial law emergency declaration. Be also prepared to go to your refuges if you see a national martial law declared.”


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, a good share of My refuges are located in rural settings away from the cities for further protection. Using more mundane facilities for restrooms will be one of your first lost comforts in your homes. Heating in the winter will also be more like wood fires. Being next to forests would provide enough wood for the winter. This rustic living will be a challenge for some, but you will all be working together to help each other. At the refuges you will have water from miraculous springs and I will provide protection with My angels, and food from deer and daily Holy Communion. Life during the tribulation will be difficult and threatening from the evil ones, but have faith and trust that I will take care of you.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, as you see the sun shining down on to the earth, there is a celebration that your days will be getting longer, and also a celebration that My Light has come to dispel the darkness of sin. My coming to earth is a joy to man to know that your Savior is here to bring you to heaven, if you would but accept Me into your life and seek the forgiveness of your sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated My Epiphany when the Magi brought Me kingly gifts worthy of My Infant Kingship. The Scriptures, the shepherds, and now the Magi have given witness to My birth as mankind completes another Christmas Season commemoration. You still have wars going on, but I still bring My peace and love over a sinful and angry world. Stay close to Me in prayer as you enter another Year of the Lord.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Adoration here tonight is very beautifully decorated as you come to adore Me in starting this New Year for your prayer group. You know My angels also are present around My Blessed Sacrament, especially the angel of Your prayer group, Meridia. Give praise and glory to Me, even as My angels are singing My praises.”
Jesus said: “My people, the monks of this monastery have pledged their lives to My service in prayer and deed. Their vespers and compline services also give praise to Me in the Psalms. When you can attend such services, you are always deeply moved by the devoted lives of the monks. Their quiet contemplative prayer is part of a simpler life that is an example to My faithful. When My faithful come to these monasteries and other refuges, My faithful will be sharing more in this kind of prayer.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to celebrate My Baptism on Sunday Mass, and it was fitting that St. John the Baptist saw the Holy Spirit come over Me, and heard My heavenly Father’s words of My being His Beloved Son. Thereafter he proclaimed that I was the Lamb of God to follow, and that he must decrease as I would increase. The sacrament of Baptism cleanses all of your original sin because I came and died for all of mankind’s sins. This is why I came into the world to bring salvation to everyone that accepts Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to take a few moments in prayer before Me to make an honest appraisal of where you are in your spiritual progress to becoming a saint. Every year you should set some goals or resolutions of how you are going to improve your life this New Year. If you are to work toward your perfection, you should be improving in your spiritual life each year. Even if you have some ups and downs, you have Confession to put you back on the right track. Cleansing your earthly desires can be worked on in this life, which would be better than being cleansed in purgatory. Either way, only those, that are perfected, will be allowed to enter into heaven as saints.”


Friday, January 9, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, when you see some gruesome murders, you want to bring swift justice to the killer. It is true that this is the most serious of crimes, and such a person needs to be kept away from the rest of your society. As with the adulterous woman, I still ask you: ‘He or she that is without sin, let them cast the first stone.’ You are quick to make judgments of others, but you all have some deep dark secrets of your own that you are not proud of in your past sins. Pray for all sinners that they may see the evil in their ways and seek forgiveness for their sins. You all are sinners and weak to sin, so let Me make the judgments. It is enough for each sinner to look to their own forgiveness and seek to try and avoid their sins in the future. Do not seek or desire vengeance for another’s crimes because I will see to their justice and punishment. Work on your own holiness and that will be enough for a lifetime’s effort.”
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you see a man that represents many people who want to be famous and admired for their accomplishments. Instead of putting yourself on a pedestal to brag of all that you have done, it would be better to put aside your pride and be humble by giving Me the praise for all of your gifts. You have heard Me say many times that I will bring down the mighty from their thrones, and I will raise up the lowly. Everything that you have, has come from Me, so it is in order that you give Me a prayer of thanksgiving. I do not violate your free will, but I want you to love Me because I love you enough to die for your sins. See that I am love itself, and I call on all of My creatures to love Me and to love each other as yourself. The less pride that you have and the more humble that you become, you will desire to want to share what you have with those in need. I am the only One worthy of being worshiped and honored for My own sake. Give praise and honor to Me every day, even as My angels sing My praises constantly.”


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of being in a tent with a gold light all around you, represents the Holy of Holies after you receive Me in Holy Communion. In the Old Testament the Holy of Holies was the Ark of the Covenant for the Ten Commandments stored in a tent, before the Temple was built. You are like a tabernacle after Holy Communion because of My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. It is then that you feel My peace and love come over your soul as I enter in intimate love with you. Until the Host is fully consumed, you are like a personal tabernacle in your body. Embrace this time to thank Me for My gifts, and let Me lead you according to My ways instead of by your ways. By letting yourself decrease in importance, then you can let Me increase in My glory. By following Me in total obedience, I can use you more for your mission for My greater glory. This is how I call everyone to be in harmony with My plan for the creation of the world.”
Jesus said: “My people, this underwater ridge on the ocean floor is where the next major earthquake could hit that could result in a large tsunami. Off the coast of Oregon and near islands close to Europe there are places that could cause tsunamis on either coast of America. Even earthquake activity around Yellowstone has some scientists concerned about possible volcanic activity. There are many natural disasters occurring around the world, but the scale of damage and destruction is about to increase. Call on My protection from such destruction because the evil going on is being reflected in the natural events that are increasing.”


Sunday, January 11, 2009: (Baptism of Our Lord,David’s anniversary)

David said: “My dear parents and sisters, I invite you to come to visit my grave in remembrance of my short life. This is fitting that my death’s anniversary fell on the Baptism of Jesus after celebrating Christmas. In the vision you had a flashback to my own Baptism with Father Dennis. You all were baptized into the faith and it was by Jesus’ suffering on the cross that your sins were forgiven as well as my original sin. I am a saint in heaven today because of the mercy of God and that I was able to be baptized before I died. I thank my parents for inviting Father to baptize me. Now I am praying for all of my family, and any intentions that you give to me to send to Jesus as intercessor. Remember me every day in your prayers as we are united in spirit.”


Monday, January 12, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I wish that every place of Adoration would be so crowded with adorers to give honor and glory to Me. Instead, your people are crowded into sports stadiums and arenas. You can see that man’s priorities are more focused on the little gods of this world, than on the One who created you and loves you. Still I am happy for every adorer who comes to share their love and their time with Me. You receive extra graces for adoring Me, and My adorers are My special prayer warriors to help save souls. You are in a spiritual battle every day with the demons and evil people, so you need daily prayers for yourselves and all sinners. Relish every moment with Me after Communion and in front of My consecrated Host, or My tabernacle. I am your strength against the evil ones, so come to Me as often as you can to gain every grace that you will need for this battle. This is why I have encouraged you to bring people to Adoration and My sacraments in Confession and Holy Communion. Share My graces with all the people willing to see My Light.”
(Marge Johnson’s funeral Mass) Jesus said: “My people, every time that you come to a funeral Mass, it is always with a heavy heart of sadness. The family is grieving their loss, and they need a time of mourning the loved one that has left them. Even in spite of these down feelings, there is still room for the joy of the good life that lies in store for My faithful. In the vision you are witnessing My Resurrection from the empty tomb. This is My same promise of resurrection of your body when I come again in glory. After My final judgment, all of My faithful will be resurrected to heaven in both body and soul. Your souls may have to be patient for a while, but the end is coming. Give praise and glory to Me for Marge’s life and for all of My faithful who look forward to seeing Me.”


Tuesday, January 13, 2009: (St. Hilary)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you one of the few manufacturing plants that you have left in your country. The irony of your auto business is that you allow other auto companies to make cars here, but they have no taxes and cheaper labor to outsell your cars. To have a viable business, you need a fair operating field of similar expenses. Allowing tax privileges and higher labor costs is why your companies are losing and asking the taxpayers for bailouts. Having your government bailout losing businesses is also ironic when your government is already running up deficits with too many wars and benefits that you cannot afford to pay out. Bankruptcy is coming to your government with all of these trillions of dollars of debt being added to your national debt. When you cannot pay the interest on your debt, or you cannot find buyers to buy your treasury notes abroad, then your whole money system will collapse. This will be brought about as the one world people will then take over your country and make it a part of the North American Union with the amero as your new currency. When martial law takes over or mandatory chips in the body start, then it will be time to find protection at My refuges. Call on My help for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, this sign of a comet coming close to the earth will come about on the very day of the Warning. The Warning will be an out of body life review for everyone on the earth at the same time. This comet will appear very close and brilliant because it will come inside the orbit of the moon with the earth. Many people will be frightened, thinking that it will hit the earth. The comet’s trajectory will be changed so that the next time that it returns, it will strike the earth as My Comet of Chastisement. Comets do not have to be very large to be seen because the gases are boiled off the surface by the sun’s heat. As a result, the comet will appear much larger that it actually is. After the Warning, events will lead up quickly to the declaration of the Antichrist’s reign. You will be working hard to convert souls to the faith before he takes power. Pray for My help so you can withstand this test of your faith in an evil that you have yet to see. My refuges will be your safe havens of protection from the evil ones.”


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in this winter you have seen a warm spell that melted nearly all of the snow causing floods, and now you have frigid temperatures freezing everything. This hot and cold in the weather is how the bad souls are getting worse, and the good souls are getting better with fewer in between. I send My abundant graces out to everyone, but only My faithful souls are using them to help themselves and others. Every soul has plenty of opportunities to be saved on their own, but some have icy cold hearts that refuse to let Me come in. It is only by miracles of conversion that some of these icy hearts are thawed out to listen to My Word. Do not give up on souls, but keep praying for their conversions. I love all of you, and I am waiting like the father of the Prodigal Son until one day these souls will wake up to come to Me. Pray for sinners in your intentions every day.”


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, events are going to be moving very quickly and your government will see some dramatic changes over to a new world order. There will be a gradual withdrawal of all of your sovereignty rights, and your Bill of Rights will be struck down as the one world people will take over your country, and make it a part of the North American Union. This will all take place under your new President who will be working with the one world people. Your financial debts will all be wiped away with the change from dollars over to ameros. Chips will be made mandatory in the body for buying and selling. Once martial law and mandatory chips in the body are brought about, it will be time for My faithful to call on Me to have your angels lead you to the nearest refuge. At My refuges of protection you will be protected by an angel and you will have food, water, and shelter. You will lose all of your possessions except what you are carrying, and you will all work together to help each other to survive. Those, who refuse to go to My refuges, could be martyred or forced to work in labor camps. Once all of the unions are formed, then power will be given over to the Antichrist. His reign will be brief until I will conquer all evil and bring about My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you honor many traditional ways of giving glory to Me in church. You bless yourselves with holy water, genuflect before My Blessed Sacrament, kneel or bow to receive Holy Communion on your tongue, kneel during the Consecration, and some women still wear veils on their heads. These are all means of giving reverence to My Real Presence in My Eucharist. In today’s Gospel the ‘unclean’ leper was cleansed of his disease and declared ‘clean’ before the priest of the Temple. All of you are sinners, and in a way you are at times ‘unclean’ in your souls. This is why you go to the priest in Confession to be cleansed of your sins and you are made ‘clean’ spiritually in your soul. Continue to come to Me to be made ‘clean’ because I will it that you be forgiven of your sins and be cleansed.”
Jesus said: “My people, this lantern of light represents My forever presence among you. This black knight in armor and carrying a sword is likened to the soldiers from Herod who went about Bethlehem killing all the male babies up to two years old. There is another meaning in your new government which is poised to pass legislation that will supercede state laws and even your partial birth abortion law that was upheld by the Supreme Court. This legislation will allow abortion on demand without any restrictions. Such laws will just bring My wrath down on America sooner, as your country will be taken away from you as Israel paid for their idol worship.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some people making bread at a refuge. Those, who have specific trades, should bring their tools of their trade with them to the refuges along with some wheat, flour, and yeast. I will multiply the flour and oil as I did for Elijah so you can have bread. Animals will be provided for your meat. Everyone will have their own special job to do, so all at the refuges can survive.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to confide in some faithful priests so they will have protection at a refuge and so My people could have Mass in secret. This is also why you should have a Mass kit with you in your homes and for going to your refuges. Even if you cannot find a priest for Mass, I will have My angels bring you daily Communion at your refuges. Trust in Me because you could even survive on just this Communion. Have patience until I return to bring you to My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked many people to set up refuges, even until this eleventh hour when the tribulation is about to begin. Those, that I sent into My vineyard, even in the last hour, still received the same wage. Those, who are faithful to My calling, will receive their reward. Even those refuges, that are not fully constructed, will be miraculously finished by My angels so the people will be able to use them at the time of need. Give glory and thanks to your Lord for all that I will do to provide for those who come to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you knew that there would be a need for security and a great expense for many to come to this planned Inauguration. What you did not realize, until you read it, is that your current President Bush declared a state of emergency for Washington, D.C. so he could have federal money pay for all of these expenses. See how freely your President could declare an emergency for any reason that he pleases. This is how your martial law will be declared without any warning. I will warn My faithful ahead of time so you will know when it is time to go to your refuges to avoid being captured by the men in black when martial law is declared.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been faithful in your struggle to fight abortion in your country. This yearly March in protest of abortion shows that there are at least ten just people that are holding back My sudden destruction of America. This anniversary is marred by the latest FOCA legislation which wants to expand abortion rights to all cases. Keep protesting abortions in your prayers, marching in your Capital, and even protesting in front of your abortion clinics. The day that you stop, you will be condoning this evil by your inaction.”
Jesus said: “My people, this picture of libraries and news reports is a representation of your free speech, which will be gradually censored and controlled. People may not realize it, but only the one world people control what goes out over the airwaves of TV and radio. This censorship will get even worse until only certain subjects can be aired and only certain books kept in your libraries. This is the beginning of the loss of your freedoms which will soon usher in the new world order that will take over your country. Call on My help to protect you at My refuges when martial law will complete this takeover.”


Friday, January 16, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, there is a contrast in what worldly people think is valuable and My faithful people who find a greater treasure in My very Presence among you. You see some people who treasure money, gold, and possessions so much that they lock it up in large bank vaults to protect it. But this worldly wealth is not secure since it can be stolen and lose its value in your markets. My faithful have found the greatest treasure of My very Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. This treasure is also locked in My tabernacle, but I am given freely to everyone who is spiritually worthy. I further treasure your prayers and good works, especially those that you have not received any earthly thanks or credit. These treasures are stored in heaven for your day of judgment. In heaven they are safe from thieves, and the spiritual value will not decrease over time. You are blessed if you have been given faith to see more value in My Blessed Sacrament over any worldly valuable. Give praise and glory to your Lord for the gift of My Blessed Sacrament in your everyday life. I am the One who loves you very much and I take care of your needs. Nothing else in this world can love you as I do, because your money and possessions are very cold and inanimate. I am not only someone to be treasured, but also I am your Creator and worthy of your constant love and worship.”


Saturday, January 17, 2009: (St. Anthony of the desert)

Jesus said: “My people, in older days your churches were built more for My glory in reverence than for the glory of the architect. You can see in the ornate artwork that pictures and statues were made to honor Me and to give the saints as models for living your lives. In the older churches the local people actually helped in the building and decoration of their churches. My Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle should be prominently present in the main part of the church because I am what makes your churches holy, more than any other places of worship. My old churches are little treasures of the traditional faith that has been passed down through the generations. My faithful need to work to preserve My traditions and My teachings spread by My apostles. Everyone needs the opportunity to hear My Word and be saved. By evangelizing souls in conversion, you are touching souls with My love and peace as I am your Savior and the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.”
Jesus said: “My people, today’s St. Anthony of the desert was the early leader in forming monastic life where he lived alone, but still did battle with the devil’s temptations. In the end days you will also see a time of evil when you will need your blessed sacramentals as your weapons against the evil that will be testing you as you have never seen before. The darkness represents the increased evil of this time of tribulation. My faithful will also be going into rural areas of protection at My refuges. There you will be seeing rustic fireplaces to keep warm, especially in the Northern cold climates. Some areas will be more evil than others, but My refuges will be like beacons of light and safety throughout the world. My angels will be protecting you from the evil ones at these refuge places. Many monasteries will be places of protection as well as places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, places of holy ground, and caves. You will see luminous crosses of light shining at these physical beacons of light throughout the whole time of the tribulation. Call on My help in your needs and I will answer your prayers.”


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, from your Baptism you were invited into My faith community and each of you were assigned a mission for your life work. This mission is My plan for what you are to accomplish, but it can only be brought about by your consent to doing everything for My glory instead of for your glory. In the first reading of Samuel he finally was instructed by the prophet to say when the Lord called: ‘Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.’ Even in your own personal situation, I asked you if you would do a mission for Me. You consented to do whatever I was going to ask of you, and you have been fulfilling your mission well with My help. It is all about trusting in My Word, and I will reveal My messages and what you are to do. Every messenger and prophet is called to this same affirmation:‘Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.’”


Monday, January 19, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages about a major earthquake in San Francisco. This vision is another confirmation of My coming justice on the sins of this city. You know of the account of Sodom and Gomorrah when My angels were sent into Sodom to bring Lot and his family out of the city to safety. The inhabitants of Sodom were so evil that they wanted to do evil to My angels who appeared as young men. The angels blinded these evil ones as they took Lot and his family out of that city. Once they were at a safe distance, I destroyed these cities with fire and brimstone. So it is with present San Francisco. I will warn all of My faithful to leave this city before the earthquake will destroy it. Once they are safely away, I will destroy this city. Some places of refuge in this area will be protected, but the rest of the city will be gone. The evil of this city is so crying out to heaven for My justice, that My hand must fall against it. Pray that My faithful will heed My warning and leave before it is too late.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages that a comet will come close to the earth on the very day of My Warning. The Warning is an out of body life review of all of your good and bad actions. The vision shows you someone able to see a comet that will be on a direct path to the earth. Even though this will be sighted from a distance, the people will not be informed of its coming until it appears very close in the sky. This unannounced warning is why many will be frightened of this event because of the comet’s sudden appearance. Be prepared spiritually for this Warning experience by keeping a good prayer life, and a clean soul by frequent Confession of your sins. Those, who obey My Commandments and follow My Will should have no fear because I will be protecting you from the evil ones at My refuges. Every message concerning the Warning is another sign of how close this event will be.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you many times that you can come to heaven only through Me. These diamonds of the relics of the saints represent each faithful person who has suffered for Me either as physical martyrs or as dry martyrs. When you come to Me, you will see pain and persecution from the evil ones. This is why all of My faithful ones are united in My suffering with their own suffering. Some of your suffering will be in detaching yourself from worldly desires or worldly things, and cleansing any earthly desires so you can focus on Me, and worship only Me. Every saint in heaven is not always well known and approved by My Church. But I have approved of every saint that can enter heaven. This is why every saint in heaven is linked to My suffering and has a diamond or relic on My cross of suffering.”


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you several people who are skilled in providing herbs from leaves and roots that have healing properties. Different herbs are used for various diseases and helps for arthritis and other bone problems. Once you have prepared these herbs, I could multiply these preparations for more people to use. In the end days I told you that My special messengers will have healing gifts to heal physically and to reach out spiritually to bring souls back to Me in conversions. Trust in Me that you will be healed of everything when you look upon My luminous cross and drink of the miraculous springs of water at My refuges.”


Wednesday, January 21, 2009: (St. Agnes)

Jesus said: “My people, many times the Scribes and Pharisees criticized Me for healing people on the Sabbath, for picking off wheat heads to eat on the Sabbath, and for not fasting while I was still here. Even when I had supper with tax collectors as Levi and sinners, they chastised Me. But I told them that I came to heal sinners as a doctor and not the self-righteous who are healthy and do not need a doctor. So it is with My people of today that you should not criticize sinners who do not observe Church laws and My Commandments. It is better to obey the spirit of the Law as well as the letter of the law. You should avoid servile work on Sunday, but if you need to help someone, then that work is acceptable to do a good deed for them. Do things out of love for Me and your neighbor in addition to following My Commandments and My Church laws. It is acceptable to warn people of their sins, but not to make judgments about them.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some large and medium sized earthquakes with a high frequency in numbers. It is just a matter of time until an earthquake will be large enough under the sea to trigger another tsunami. The most activity has been around the Pacific Ocean Ring of Fire. There are many warning systems in place to alert the people that would be affected, but the tsunamis travel very fast. Be on the watch for any large earthquakes that could bring about destruction in a major city as in the vision. Pray that people could evacuate fast enough to minimize the number of deaths.”


Thursday, January 22, 2009: (Row vs. Wade-abortion decision)

Jesus said: “My people, your newly elected President and Congress have an agenda to remove any restrictions on abortion forcing health care workers and Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. Your protest march in Washington, D.C. is an ongoing struggle against the one world people’s death culture which supports abortions and all the other threats against life. Your people have voted these death culture supporters into office and soon you will reap these actions to threaten life even more. The consequences of these actions will bring a heavier judgment against America for killing My babies. Your natural disasters, financial problems, and terrorist threats are waiting as your punishment, with the ultimate test in your country’s takeover. My justice will fall against America by the hands of your enemies, just as Israel was exiled by their enemies for worshiping false gods. Repent of your sins and pray to stop your abortions, or you will suffer the consequences.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I know exactly how many babies are being aborted because I see their guardian angels bringing these souls before Me. These souls are like little martyrs who have gained heaven with the rest of My saints. You may think that you are hiding your sins from Me, but I see all that you do and I know of every sin that I have to suffer for. I thank those who march in protest of your abortion decision, whether it be in Washington, D.C., or at the many abortion clinics around your country. Many of your punishments as a nation are occurring because of your sins of abortion. Repent and stop this killing of My babies, or you will suffer the consequences.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your new President and Congress people take their oath of office. Now you will witness the ‘change’ that you voted into office. Some changes may be needed, but stronger abortion laws are not needed, and they will bring more of My justice against you. You are hoping for an improvement in your financial problems, but these problems are going to get worse. Large government spending will not solve all of your problems, when your actions are morally flawed. Pray for your leaders, but expect further bankruptcies to cause a martial law takeover.”
Jesus said: “My people, this deep recession will be longer than you think. More are losing their jobs and your housing problems are still getting worse. Many want to believe the economy will get better, but even the economists do not see much improvement for all of this year. Suffering will be severe for many losing their homes and jobs. My people should help those in need of food and shelter as much as you can because financial problems could happen to anyone. Trust in My help for all of your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have already been tested with power outages from heavy snow and ice storms. There will be more of these outages as you go through this cold winter. Be prepared with extra food, fuel, and hand operated lights for seeing and cooking in the dark. Some have not made these preparations, but you may be found wanting if you act like the foolish virgins of the Gospel. Pray for My help, but you can help yourself.”
Jesus said: “My people, while you have what you want, there are few giving Me thanks for what they have in prayer. It takes a physical need for a job or food to bring some people to their knees when they come begging to Me for solutions to their problems. I am always available and I listen to your needs, which I know before you even ask Me. Many are having more difficulty in getting help because donations to charities are low because of the recession. People in problems are going to need more patience at the soup lines who need food. Pray that people will find enough to eat for their survival.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have movies and pictures of the bread lines during the depression. It is a real possibility that you will see more food lines needed as this recession gets worse. It would be good to have your government start providing money to help feed the hungry people of your country who have fallen on hard times. With fewer jobs it will become harder to provide for your families. This is again why I asked you to store up food when it will be hard to obtain. I will multiply your food for those who come to your house for food. You may even see riots and looting as people become desperate and hungry. Pray for My protection in this coming trial.”
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people will cause food shortages and try to force people to use chips as smart cards and chips in the body in order to buy and sell food. Again you could use your stored food to avoid using these microchips. As the created famine worsens, this will be another sign to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges of protection. Give thanks to Me and those running My refuges for having your needs taken care of without relying on controlled government handouts. Have patience at My refuges until I return in glory to defeat the evil ones and bring you into My Era of Peace.”


Friday, January 23, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages on chemtrails before, but they will have a bigger role in the one world people’s plan for takeover and control of the population. These chemtrails are being spread by both military and commercial airplanes. Up to now they have been spreading military grade viruses that cause diseases that weaken your immune system. This is why you need to build up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. As time progresses, these same one world people will be putting viruses in your flu shots, and they will be spreading more virulent viruses in the chemtrails so that there will be more deaths as they initiate their pandemic virus. This is why I want you to have some masks to wear that could help you not to breathe in these viruses. When you see many people sick and dying from these diseases, you will see another sign to call on Me and your guardian angels to lead you to the nearest refuge. When you look upon My luminous cross or drink the miraculous spring water, you will be healed of any pandemic virus. Be forewarned of these worse viruses in the chemtrails so you know how to avoid being killed by them.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you go to a funeral, it is trying for those mourning the loss of the deceased. As you look at their pictures, you gather a little insight into the life of the deceased. I am more concerned with a person’s spiritual life than just the physical things that they accomplished. This is why you have a better feeling of their destination if they were a spiritual and faithful person. As you think about how others have lived out their lives, it makes you wonder how people look at your own life. While you are still alive, you can still make your contributions in helping people physically and spiritually by conversions in your good example. By having many good deeds in your hands and a prayerful life, you are preparing yourself for your own judgment when your day of death comes. Keep close to Me in all that you do, and you will be assured of your reward in heaven.”


Saturday, January 24, 2009: (St. Francis de Sales)

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of ripples going out in the water from a thrown in fishing line, there is a message of how your actions and words affect other people. Your ripples of who you are, whether good or bad, can either increase the evil in the world, or encourage peace among people. You may think that you are only one person and how could you affect the whole world? Yet when you add up the effects of everyone’s actions, then you have a country leaning more to evil or good. You are on a stage of life, and all of your actions affect those all around you. So work on your behavior and your speech so that you are a good example to others in loving them and helping them because of your love for Me. When you are loving and kind to others, you are adding to the peace and harmony of My creation. When you are mean, swearing, and rude to others, you are adding to the evil and discord in the world that leads to wars. If everyone obeyed My laws and had love in their hearts, there would be joy all over with no wars. Pray for peace in the world, and let it start with My peace in your own heart and soul.”
(Jack Grieb’s funeral Mass) Jack said: “I want to thank everyone who took the time to pay their respects to me and my family. I love all of my family and friends very much, and I thank you for bearing with my illness in my last days. I appreciated every moment of my life that I was able to share with everyone, especially my dear Sally. As they told me how long I had to live, I grew even closer in prayer to Jesus, Our Blessed Mother Mary, and St. Theresa. I love all of my grandchildren so much and I wanted them to know and pray the rosary so they could invite Mary into their lives and let her watch over them with her mantle. I truly did enjoy the simple life, and taking care of my family and the animals. I have been graced to suffer my purgatory on earth, and I am with Jesus and our deceased relatives in heaven. I will be praying for all of my family and friends.”


Sunday, January 25, 2009: (Conversion of St. Paul)

Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel of calling My apostles to follow Me can be extended to how I call everyone to be ministers or lay apostalates. You have prayed many times to ask the Harvest Master to send more workers into My vineyard to harvest the souls. You pray much for vocations to the priesthood, but you can also examine how I am calling you to be a lay minister in some capacity to help My Church. Let everyone think of their initial conversion or when I called them to do a certain mission for Me. Are you truly doing the best that you can at your present mission? There could be some parts of your mission that you could work harder at. The bottom line is that many souls need to be saved in a short time and I only have a few good workers helping Me. I am going to request My workers to pick up the pace in your work, because time is running out to save the souls around you. Once the Warning and tribulation come, it will be very difficult to save souls in that environment. Pray for My help to step up your daily efforts.”


Monday, January 26, 2009: (St. Timothy & St. Titus)

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision of digging out a basement, you know the taller the building, the deeper and more substantial the foundation needs to be. So it is with Me in the spiritual world that I am the Cornerstone for all foundations in faith. Faith is a gift, but you must nurture it with study and reading of the Scriptures. Someone suggested reading the Gospels at least one page daily in preparation for Lent. By reading My very words of how to live a good Christian life, then you have an example to follow in establishing your own foundation in faith. Once you have this foundation and knowledge, you need to put what you learned into action, and let people see that you are living your faith as a good Christian example. If you are not practicing what you are preaching, then people will have difficulty in believing your message of evangelization. Get your own spiritual house in order before trying to instruct others how to be a Christian. Yet, do not be silent, but preach My Word of love and worship of Me to all the people that you meet. Do not be afraid of criticism, but strive to save as many souls as you can in what little time is left.”
Jesus said: “My people, dating and trying to choose a spouse for marriage can be difficult years when love is so deep between a man and a woman. Everyone remembers their first love experience, yet it is usually not the only one in your life. The difficult part of dating is for the couple to have restraint in any physical relationship before marriage. There are certain limits of sin to follow, especially avoiding fornication, or adultery with a married person. Living together is another lifestyle that should be avoided. If you truly love and respect someone, you should reserve the marriage act for when you are willing to make a life commitment in marriage. Your love should involve your love for Me in avoiding sin that offends Me. Do not think because others live in sin, that it is acceptable behavior before Me. I detest sin in all of its forms because it allows the devil to upset the harmony that I want among mankind. You restrain your eating to avoid overeating and weighing too much. You also need to restrain your sensual pleasures so you can avoid sinful acts. By following My Commandments and being committed to your spouse or future spouse, your love for Me and your spouse can be beautiful as I intended it to be. Pray for the right spouse to be sent to you, because I know more what you will need throughout your lives.”


Tuesday, January 27, 2009: (St. Angela Merici)

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to make the American taxpayer pay for all of the bad loans that banks and investment houses are reluctant to get off their books. While heavy commissions and inflated house prices were collected by the bankers, these people made millions of dollars. Now that their risky loans have gone sour, they do not want to give up a penny. It is time that these lenders need to face the task and take their losses. They need to shed the houses by auctions and remake affordable mortgages at market prices, or they will have unpaid mortgages forever on their books. It is not the government’s job to sell these houses, but the ones who made the bad loans and the initial money in the first place. Replacing some of the losses is one thing, but the houses that are vacant cannot be salvaged if nothing is done. If this house debacle is not settled quickly, more people will be losing their jobs, and more foreclosures will occur. This was a planned disaster in credit to precipitate a takeover, and you are seeing the devastation that has gone on in your banking and your economy. Prepare to go to your refuges when martial law results.”
Jesus said: “My people, more and more people are getting laid off of their jobs just so the companies can try to keep viable through the recession. As a result more people are going on unemployment payments that are now being funded by your government because the state funds are broke or near broke. People are also getting desperate to find food, which is why I am showing you these bread lines. Food shelves and soup supper non-profit organizations are also getting strained to find money to buy enough food to help people. Many have lost money in their investments and their houses, if they can afford mortgages and property taxes. Infrastructures that support welfare, health, and unemployed workers are beginning to break down with budget deficits in local governments due to less tax revenue. Unless your credit crisis and bankruptcies turn around, your country is headed for martial law and a takeover just as the one world people have planned for. Only at My refuges can you find food, water, and protection from the evil ones that are trying to kill you and control you with chips in the body. Trust in My help to lead you to My refuges where all of your needs will be provided for.”


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you are beset by two problems, your illegal drug problem and your medical drug costs. The illegal drugs are big business all over the world and the rich deal in drugs as much as the drug dealers. The doctors and medicinal drug companies are constantly promoting newer and expensive drugs to make the legal drugs even more lucrative than illegal drugs. A good share of your health expenses are to pay for drugs that cost a considerable amount in a year’s time. You would be better to minimize the drugs to absolute needs and use herbs and vitamins for any other needs. It is unfortunate that alternative remedies are shunned by the medical profession. It will be a blessing soon when you come to My refuges, that you will find healing through My luminous cross and spring water, so that you will no longer need your pills. Some drugs are only meant to keep your symptoms at a status quo without total healing, so you will continue buying the drug companies’ pills. Pray for discernment in taking what is necessary. I am the great Healer, so pray for healing and not to poison your body with too many drugs.”


Wednesday, January 28, 2009: (St. Thomas Aquinas)

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen plenty of snow every winter, but now you are starting to see four or more ice storms before the winter is even over. Ice storms take a long time to form and the weather has to remain the same over an area. Such storms of long duration are the symptoms of the HAARP machine in Alaska that is being used to cause repetitive ice storms. Ice storms cause many power failures and destruction of trees and whatever they fall on. Some areas can take weeks to restore power and cost many dollars in repairs to remove debris and fix what was destroyed. A continuation of such natural disasters will just add to the grief that people are suffering from the recession. Pray for these people that are suffering from ice storms because there have been some deaths from falling icy tree limbs. The one world people will use whatever means they can to bring about the takeover of America. Causing power outages is just one of their tactics as well as bankruptcies.”


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you are in a deep recession and almost a depression, and your President and Congress are claiming that you need a government stimulus plan of billions of dollars in order to get your economy going again. This vision of a fly in a Venus fly trap represents the American taxpayer being drawn into the sweetness of stimulus and bailout talk. But once you agree to their plan, you fall into the one world people’s trap of create the problem, and create their solution. Piling up trillions of dollars in debt to try and get out of your credit crisis is a planned failure. This plan will not solve this problem, but it will lead to a bankruptcy of America. Trillions of dollars of more debt will require huge financing from mostly foreigners if they want to buy your debt notes. Once you cannot finance this debt, or you cannot get enough taxes to pay the interest, then your collapse will create a takeover with the amero as your new currency of the North American Union. This destruction of your economy has been the one world people’s goal right along to form their world government. Do not fall into this trap of deficit spending to get out of this recession, because this money will help little, if any, in creating new jobs that will last. In the end your country will fall into the hands of your enemies as a punishment for worshiping your money and pleasures instead of Me. Prepare to go to My refuges when martial law occurs.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, some refuges will be in rural areas, even on farms where the land has been consecrated and there are springs of water. I will multiply your farm animals so the people at your refuge will have enough to eat. Deer will come into your camps for food as well. Even My angels will feed you Holy Communion so you could survive on My Blessed Sacrament. Put your trust in Me to lead you to My refuges where you will have food, water, and shelter. You will have specific jobs to do and you will be praying more in your mission.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are so used to eating at your kitchen table or your dining room table, but eating at the refuge may be on a more rustic furniture and at times even outside. There will be many people at your refuges and you all will be helping each other to survive. It will be more difficult to live in the winter because you may not have electricity. Fuel will be needed for keeping warm, cooking, and for light at night. Be prepared with a fireplace and wood, as well as saws and hatchets to cut the trees for wood. Many of these tools you will need to take to the refuges. Trust in Me that you will have what you need.”
Jesus said: “My people, for those without a spring of water at an interim refuge, I will multiply your food and water for as long as you need it. Even on the way to your final refuge, you will find interim refuges to hide you and feed you. Do not have fear of the evil ones, for My angels will do battle for you by making you invisible to them. With My help, you will not need guns to defend yourselves. Your lives will become more holy as you are all working towards sainthood.”
Jesus said: “My people, for those who have farm animals, you will need hay and corn silage to feed them. Even as I multiply food for My faithful, I will also multiply the food for your animals if it is needed. Storing your food may require silos or root cellars for cold storage. You have seen such needed storage places on farms that you have visited. Visiting or living on a farm might prepare you for living this life with the animals.”
Jesus said: “My people, many have wondered why it will be necessary to go to My refuges for protection. I have warned you that the one world government will take over all countries, and they will try to force chips in the body on everyone. If you refuse and they capture you at your home, you could be killed at their death camps. By leaving for My refuges before they come to your house, you could avoid capture and live in a rustic community life protected by My angels.”
Jesus said: “My people, it will be difficult to have My sacraments if you do not have a priest. I can provide Holy Communion for you, but you need a priest for Confession and the other sacraments. Pray that you will have a priest at your refuge, and pray for good priests to train you in your spiritual needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, in a few more weeks you will be starting another Lenten Season leading up to My death on Good Friday, and My Resurrection on Easter Sunday. This is a special time of the year when you can work on improving your spiritual life and make more time for prayer, fasting, and Confession. You may want to work on acts of self-denial to help remove any sinful habits. Make a few plans on what you can do to improve how you are living your life as a Christian. When Lent does come, you will be ready to take advantage of this time to bring your soul closer to Me in obedience and more loving in helping others with food and donations or almsgiving.”


Friday, January 30, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that the only reason for having smart cards or chips in the body is to have control over your mind and body. You do not need these chips to make purchases, but they let the one world people know where you are at all times, and they will control your thoughts and actions in time. This is why they want to eliminate My faithful, because you will refuse their chips, and you know too much of why the evil ones want to control the people. Trust in My help to hide you at My refuges so the evil ones will not harm you. You were given messages to avoid using smart cards and chips in the body many years ago as well as today. Now the one world people have put chips in your passports and will be putting chips in your driver’s licenses, and then chips in the body. Many of these older messages are all coming true and people will have to choose not to take these chips in the body so your free will is not compromised. Pray for My help in discerning what is best for your soul.”


Saturday, January 31, 2009: (St. John Bosco)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s St. John Bosco took in orphan boys and trained them in the faith and with skills to work in society. Teaching children the faith is a noble job that you could do to try and develop a good prayer life, and teach them to know and love Me. You cannot force someone to learn their faith unless they seriously have a desire to make a commitment to Me. Teaching prayers may require memory work at first, but it also shows your children how to fall back on My help when they especially need My help in their daily troubles. In order to evangelize others in the faith, you need to nurture the gift of faith in each baptized person. By teaching the children the facts of their faith, then they could pass this on to the next generation. Being a devoted Christian comes from the heart and from developing a personal relationship with their Lord. Those, who make the effort to teach the faith to the children, will receive a reward in heaven for helping My little ones. You know how I love the little children, and those, who help them, will receive a special blessing.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you are at a refuge, you will have to either know or learn how to fashion wood for your needs in the outdoors. You know that St. Joseph and Myself were taught carpentry, and when you pray to us, we will help you in any building skills that you need. You have seen in various movies of how people can hide in the woods, and build log huts into the hills. When you have a fair number of people in your refuge, you all will have to use whatever skills that you have in order to survive. I will provide food and water, but you may be called on to cut animals up for meat, or build a shelter from the wood. You should bring a hatchet, saw, and a deer knife for these tasks. I have asked those leaving their houses for a refuge that they bring the tools of their trade along with them. I have also told you when you see a world famine, a division in My Church, mandatory chips in the body, or martial law, then you are to call on Me to have your angel lead you to a refuge so you will not be captured by the evil ones. Today, you have seen how cruel it was in the Holocaust of World War II. The German soldiers killed many Jews and those that they determined were against them or were not of German descent. The one world government people also want to exterminate their opposition-people that have college training and those who are religious or patriots. This is why they want to place those, who do not take chips in the body, in the death concentration camps. This is also why you will find safety in My refuges from these killers.”


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you know that I am a God-man when I was on the earth in visible human form. Because of My power as God, I truly spoke with authority and the people realized this when I cast the demon out of the person in the Gospel. Later, people would hear of many other healings, raising people from the dead, walking on water, and calming the stormy seas. Even with all of My demonstrated authority, I was still obedient to My Father’s Will in dying for all of mankind on the cross. I did this because of My love for all of you. The demons knew of My authority as they proclaimed that I was the ‘Holy One of God’. Then when I commanded them, they left the man. I gave this power over demons in ‘My Name’ to My apostles. This is why an exorcist priest has authority to also remove demons. The demons do not have power over your free will as I do not use this authority. Some people have multiple demons or more powerful demons, and these will require prayer and fasting because the price of that soul is higher. My faithful as a group can also say prayers of deliverance to exorcize demons out of people. Many of your bad habits have demons attached to them that could possess someone. Prayer and fasting, holy water, blessed salt, scapulars, and blessed Benedictine crosses are also helpful in fighting and removing demons. Especially pray the St. Michael prayer for deliverance. I still have authority over all demons and when I return, you will see all of the demons chained in hell.”


Monday, February 2, 2009: (Presentation of the Lord in the Temple)

Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrated My Presentation in the Temple when My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph fulfilled the Jewish customs for the firstborn male. Your readings also mentioned the prayers of Simeon and Anna that they were privileged to see their Savior. In My Church you also have Baptism of infants as in the vision. This sacrament is the initiation of converts into the faith, and it was My death on the cross that has paid your ransom in the forgiveness of original sin from Adam. I am the new Adam and everyone who believes in Me, and follows My Commandments will have eternal life. The gates of heaven are now open because of My sacrifice and all of those, who have died and are purified, can enter into heaven. Give praise and glory to your Lord to allow every soul this opportunity to be saved and live with Me for all eternity in heaven. One of your baptismal gifts is the desire to bring as many souls to Me in conversion as you can do in your lifetime. You do not want to see souls go to hell because they were not taught about Me. So reach out in kindness and love to share My love with everyone.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you earlier about the waters of Baptism that is your entrance into the faith. This vision of a stream of water flowing from this Basilica out to the neighboring roads represents the work that Mother Seton did to help teach children and convert souls to the faith. This saint’s work touched many lives in bringing them closer to Me. Her order of nuns have served many people with her ideals and training. Give thanks and praise to Me for accomplishing so many works of charity through her life and those people that followed in her footsteps.”
(1809-2009 Bicentenial of her order being started.)


Tuesday, February 3, 2009: (St. Blaise)

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Great Healer. All healings come through Me and the Holy Spirit. Even those, who are blessed with the grace of being a healing instrument, know that the healing power comes through ‘My Name’. Even My apostles healed people in My Name. Today’s Gospel relates the healing of the woman’s bleeding problem and how I raised the little girl from the dead. Through this miracle and others, you know that I have power over life and death. There are many instruments through which you will see more healings in the end times. My healing will be even more apparent to those at My refuges when you look upon My luminous cross or drink from the miraculous springs, and you will be healed of all sicknesses. Rejoice in the gift of My healing power and have trust in My help and healing both physically and spiritually.”
Jesus said: “My people, America will continually be tested by an ongoing number of natural disasters. In this winter you are seeing much damage and loss of power from repetitive ice storms and heavier than normal snowfalls. As the spring weather comes, there will be a worsening level of tornadoes and hurricanes in the fall. Part of the bad weather is a punishment for your abortions and sexual sins, but the added violence is coming from the use of the HAARP machine which is making your storms more destructive. The destruction and losses from this damage will compound your financial problems from your recession. Your tornadoes were twice the normal level last year, and the violence of this vision of a tornado is emphasizing that this year will be similar. As the weather gets more violent, it may be advisable to make some more secure safe rooms in a basement for your protection. Placing scapulars and blessed medals around your house could also help, as well as your prayers to protect your lives from bad storms. You have seen in the past when you pray for My protection that you have been spared damage and power outages.”


Wednesday, February 4, 2009:

Jesus said: “My people, the people of My native place only knew Me as a carpenter, and they did not know of My Incarnation as a man. When I later read the Scripture of Isaiah, that talked of healings, and I told them that I was fulfilling this prophesy, they even tried to kill Me. I could not even heal people there because of their lack of faith in My power to heal. I reminded them that a prophet is not accepted in his native place. Even in today’s time, people find it hard to believe in end time prophets, and also in healing, even if healings do occur. I give messages to My faithful in every age because I do not want to leave you as orphans, but I prepare you for the end time events. The prophecies of the takeover of America are true, and it is just a matter of time before My punishment will fall on America for its sins and disbelief in My laws.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a representation of your fragile economy. There is pressure to try and get banks to lend mortgage money, but there are too many bad loans on their books. Normally once a bank’s assets are less than their liabilities, that bank is declared bankrupt. Your helping to capitalize the banks with borrowed money is just prolonging the time when certain banks will have to fold anyway. It is this stress in your banking system that has slowed down credit for loans and it has made it hard for people to buy cars and homes. This slow credit has slowed down your economy and it is putting many people out of work. Spending billions or trillions of dollars of borrowed money to try and start up your economy will not work, but it will instead cause your government to go down in bankruptcy like this elevator in the vision. This event will create chaos and riots in the streets as everyone will be seeking food and a warm shelter. This will be so dangerous, that it will be your time to seek out My refuges for protection. The evil ones will use this breakdown in America to form a North American Union with Canada and Mexico. Then they will try to force chips in the body on everyone as well as a new currency called the ‘amero’. Those, in their homes, could be captured and killed if they do not take chips in the body. I have warned My people not to take chips in the body, even if they threaten to kill you because these chips will control your mind as a robot. Trust in Me to protect you from these evil ones as you will be safe at My refuges.”


Thursday, February 5, 2009: (St. Agatha)

Jesus said: “My people, life is like this school house where you are constantly learning things of the world, and growing in your faith experience with Me. You are not born with a full knowledge of anything. Everything you do has to be a learned experience, and some skills need constant practice. The same happens in your faith walk as well. This is why I am constantly asking you to check each year if you are growing in your faith, or falling back into your old sinful habits. To be a saint you must grow in your faith each year, ever striving for perfection in sainthood. So as you graduate from one decade to another, you have different experiences which you can share with younger people in helping them to improve their faith. Do not be critical of anyone in their faith progress because some are slower, or have not received the same training as you have. Learn to truly love Me and others, and that will take a lifetime to perfect yourself.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the Federal Reserve was set up to be a private lending source to the U.S. government. This symbol of the pyramid is a masonic symbol and the masons are involved with the Federal Reserve. The National Debt is coming close to $11 trillion dollars and more will be added with the latest banking and stimulus plans. Many are quick to ask the government to spend borrowed money to get the economy going again. This is really a risk that taking on more debt will solve the recession problem. If it is not successful, you are putting your country at risk of bankruptcy with no one to bail out your government. Pray for My guidance for your leaders to make the right decisions for what is best for your country.”
Jesus said: “My people, this Statue of Liberty is a sign of your liberties and freedoms for America that were first claimed in your Declaration of Independence. I am showing you this symbol because your freedoms are being taken away little by little in the name of security and antiterrorism. You are seeing proposals to make detention centers in case of emergency as in riots and chaos. These centers will be places to store those who will not go along with the new world order and those refusing to take chips in the body. The one world people are already planning for your takeover when your country goes bankrupt. Trust in Me to lead you to My refuges for your protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, your President was quick to give aid for abortions abroad and in your military. He is also pressuring your Congress to pass a large spending plan as soon as possible before judging it on its merits. Proposing limits on salaries for company leaders who get U.S. funding is stepping more beyond what is in his normal powers. Pray for guidance in your country’s decisions before rushing into things that may not be helpful in your recession.”
Jesus said: “My people, many different businesses and even government jobs are facing budget restraints because of less income or less revenue from taxes. These deficits are causing further layoffs which is a challenge for people to pay their bills and find food. Pray for those losing their jobs that they could find some kind of employment. Your recession is getting deeper without signs of improvement. Pray for My help in these hard times because you are seeing the beginning of the end of your country’s freedoms before your fall.”
Jesus said: “My people, after 9-11 you could see more people coming to church out of fear of terrorism. Now and further in the future more people will see the need to get on their knees and pray for My help in your jobs and finding ways to pay your bills. You are always dependent on Me, but in hard times you see more of an immediate need for My help.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is a good thought to dwell on how your country got into your present crisis. You have the desire of everyone to have their own homes, but some were allowed loans that they could never repay. You have the greed in your housing sales and commissions that did not care if loans could be repaid. You had the greed of Wall Street selling over leveraged derivatives. You also have the sins of abortion and sexual sins. All of this blame can be spread around to many people and this is why your country is failing and could cause a lot of disruption in peoples’ lives. Pray to atone for the sins of your country because you are harvesting the consequences of your sins. Be also prepared to go to your refuges when martial law is declared.”
Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned to you before that you may have to help your families in their bills if they get laid off from their jobs. You also may have to reach out and feed your neighbors at soup supper places as food is harder to find and buy. Pray for all peoples that are suffering financially, and from natural disasters as your recent ice storms. Charity and government aid is not reaching many in need. Trust in Me when things seem impossible to handle by your means.”


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I know how much you love Me and My Blessed Mother, and we are happy to see you honoring our First Saturday devotions with the rosary. I want you to guard your daily prayer time as your special encounter with your Lord. Even though you have busy schedules, they all start with prayer and trust in Me to follow My Will in all that you do. I would also like to encourage you to pray together as a family, even if it is only one decade of the rosary. Family prayer is very powerful in protecting the family from the devil’s temptations to drugs, bad movies, and any other sinful behavior. I am love itself, and the family is also a place of love that needs to be nurtured with My grace to hold the family together without divorce or separation. See the need for prayer in your life so I can help lead you in all of your plans, and reach out to souls where they need conversion and encouragement in their faith. Pray to Me so you can discern the mission and plan that I have for your life. By letting go of your life so I can mold you, you can open your heart so I can use you more to accomplish your mission for My greater glory. Give all credit and glory to Me for all of your works that you perform.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many places of refuge where the Dozule crosses are erected. These are places of prayer where you should have the Dozule prayers posted for people to read when they come to My cross. There is a history of protection for those who say these prayers faithfully. This is added protection to the angels that will protect My refuges. Whatever food and water that you have will be multiplied for those who come to My refuges. The deer and wild animals for food will come into your camps and drop dead just as the quail dropped dead in the camps of the Israelites during the Exodus. You will not need guns to kill these animals. Give praise and glory to Me for providing for your needs at My refuges. Everyone will have to work to help each other’s needs. You will be living in faith communities trusting in Me for everything.”


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, when you converted over from the Latin Mass to the new Mass, you have lost some reverent traditions. In the Latin Mass that you are revisiting today, you attended this Mass for many years. All the vestments, words, and even the Sundays that were celebrated before Lent are very familiar to you. The empty choir seats in the vision represented all the lost singing of the Gregorian Chant hymns. The facing of the priest to the congregation is different from the priest facing more to Me in heaven. The hardest part of the funeral scene is that many of the old priests who sacrificed the Mass in Latin are dying and these traditions will be difficult to pass on to your future generations. There are some places that have preserved the Latin Mass, and they are to be commended for carrying on the Church’s old traditions. The new Mass is acceptable to Me, but the Latin Mass has more feelings of reverence and the sacred to Me. Give praise and glory to Me that you have My gift of the Mass and My gift of Myself to you in Holy Communion.”


Monday, February 9, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, today you are receiving a blessing of some rain on your parched earth. You will be receiving even more blessings in the future. Several people that you were praying for to have children will also be blessed with their babies. That is why you are seeing this green land with swings in the vision. At times you may think rain is an inconvenience when you have outdoor events, but after experiencing your droughts, now you see that all rain is a blessing that you should thank Me for bringing. Continue to pray for rain where it is needed for your crops and animals. Have faith that I will send you what you need, but most of all give Me praise and thanks when your prayers are answered.”


Tuesday, February 10, 2009: (St. Scholastica)

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to have your Lenten devotions of fasting and prayer to improve your spiritual life. You know how My disciples and I had to suffer for the Gospel because the people liked My words, but the Pharisees and the religious rulers did not want to follow My ways. Just as I had to suffer, My faithful will also have to suffer persecution in the coming tribulation. Remember when I told St. Peter that another would hold him fast and he would be in prison. So in the future some of My faithful will be held by handcuffs and suffer a crown of thorns as in the vision. Some will be martyred for their faith, while others will be led to the safety of My refuges. Be open in your hearts if you have to suffer physically for your belief in Me. No matter how much torture or persecution that you will receive, never deny your love for Me. I will give all of you the grace to endure any suffering. Never allow the evil ones to control you with their microchips in your body.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a brief overall view of the path of your life that goes down in a valley and then up a hill towards My Light. You know that everyone has to die one day, but striving to be in heaven with Me should be your goal. As you focus on My Light over this hill, this is an incentive to follow My ways instead of your ways. Those, who follow My Commandments, and give their will over to My Divine Will, are assured of one day meeting Me in heaven for all eternity. At times you may wander away from My path to heaven, but you can repent of your sins and call on My grace to restore you to your original oversight path to My Light. Once you are in heaven, you will have My reward which will be beyond your expectations. As you work on your own path to heaven, work also on bringing as many souls to heaven as you can. Trust in My promise of salvation and have hope and faith that you will one day be in heaven.”


Wednesday, February 11, 2009: (Our Lady of Lourdes)

Jesus said: “My people, your housing foreclosures were one of the problems coming from your credit crisis. Many of these ‘toxic’ assets are still being held by the banks and they do not know how to get them off of their books without going insolvent. They have no one to buy or sell them, and it has been hard to put a value on them. Once they are marked down to sell, many banks could go bankrupt. By keeping insolvent banks alive by capital infusions from the government, you are postponing the inevitable failures. The unwinding of your Wall Street derivatives using these loans as collateral is the real problem of who owns the loans. This planned bankruptcy of your banking system is one of the means that the one world people will use to take over America. The one world people are trying to make it appear that borrowing more money will solve your recession. They do not want to fix it, but they want to bankrupt your country instead so they can move ahead with their plans for a North American Union with a new currency in the ‘amero’. Pray for My help at My refuges when national martial law will be declared.”


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in older times getting water from the public well was part of everyone’s daily tasks. In today’s world most countries have running water or their own well for water. Water is still a necessity of life, and you are blessed with every rainstorm that brings up the water tables for your wells. Water becomes even more precious where it is arid, or there is a drought. Water also has a spiritual meaning as in the waters of Baptism. I have given you this sacrament to cleanse away original sin and actual sin if an older person than an infant is being baptized. You also were given the sacrament of Reconciliation to cleanse away your sins and restore sanctifying grace to your souls. I pray that more souls would see the need for frequent Confession in their lives. Repenting of your sins is even more necessary for your soul than water is for your body.”


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, be ready to notice any increase in serious upper respiratory diseases that could result from a new virus attack from the chemtrails. I have talked to you in messages concerning a new pandemic virus that will be spread unannounced with an intention to lower the population. Wear your face masks and build up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. You will be healed of diseases when you look on My luminous cross at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would be experiencing many natural disasters that would cause power outages. Now you are seeing high winds as a new means for causing power outages. Fast melting snow and heavy rains are also causing floods in the Mid-West. Be aware that many of these natural disasters can be made worse with man’s weather making machines by microwaves. Pray for My protection to endure your power outages.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are suffering from your poor economy with fewer jobs, as well as from more natural disasters. You may have to open your home to friends and relatives who have lost their homes and have no money to live. Feed those that you can using your excess wealth and your stored up food. You are seeing a worsening economy where money and food may be hard to obtain. Pray for all those who are experiencing hard times.”
Jesus said: “My people, your fresh water supplies could be endangered with flood waters that could contaminate your water with diseases. I have asked you to keep aside some fresh water for emergencies, as well as some filters that could be used to purify the water. You use a lot of water for various reasons, but water borne diseases could be spread quickly without sufficient fresh water. Pray that I will help supply your food and water during the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you were asked to store food and water for those who will come to your door, you also should be storing extra bedding, blankets, and pillows where people could sleep in your house. Living expenses will be difficult to finance with lost jobs and control being taken over the food. You may have to leave soon for interim or final refuges because I will multiply all that you will need.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many people seeing the need to pray on their knees to help them endure this current economic crisis. Some keep looking for things to improve, but most attempts thus far have not stopped the current downturn. Many people are giving up their rich living as they have less to live on. This decreased spending is just precipitating more company cutbacks and layoffs. Being more frugal with what little you have, will become a new way of life for many people. Pray for everyone to have a place to stay and enough food to survive.”
Jesus said: “My people, now more than ever you will becoming more dependent on Me for your daily needs. Have hope that you will not be tested beyond your endurance. As you enter the beginnings of the coming tribulation, you will need to call on Me and My angels to lead you to safety at My refuges. Have confidence that I will perform miracles in multiplying food, water, and shelter for all of My faithful. You will need full trust in Me to leave your homes to come to My refuges. Trust in My angels to protect you and provide daily Holy Communion. This trial will be brief before you will soon be sharing in My Era of Peace.”


Friday, February 13, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I healed a man of his deafness and I loosed his muted tongue. Many spread news of My healing of the man despite My advice to keep it quiet. Be thankful if you have all of your senses because there are some that do not have them. Each person must make the most of what they are given for My glory and not their own. This is why you are seeing this loud speaker in the vision, because if you know the faith, you are to shout it from the rooftops. You need to share your faith with others so they can hear and be saved. It is one thing to have physical disabilities, but you can have spiritual disabilities as well. In many cases I healed the souls as well as the bodies. So by sharing your faith with others, they too can see My Light and desire to love Me and seek to be with Me in heaven. Open their ears to hear My Word, and encourage them also to speak of My love to others.”


Saturday, February 14, 2009: (Honorary Funeral Mass: Jerry Hickey)

Jesus said: “My people, sometimes when people pass away, they leave behind shadows of themselves in your memories of them, or certain keepsakes or their accomplishments that they left to you. Jerry was a very loving and faith filled person who left behind many people who loved him. He sends his love to his wife and family, especially on St. Valentine’s Day. He also was happy to see his fellow Carmelites who were praying for him. Jerry loved Me and My Blessed Mother, especially in My Blessed Sacrament as he chose the Gospel reading of having eternal life in eating My Body and drinking My Blood. He will be praying for all of you, and he wants you to always remember him.”


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Mass every Sunday, the priest consecrates the host and the wine into My Body and Blood, so I am there before you in My Real Presence. You all bring many petitions in prayer as you have the priest offer them up to Me. I hear your petitions and I am blessing all of you in both your physical and spiritual needs. Many of you need to repent of your sins. It is through Confession that you can be made ‘clean’ again in your soul. So do not be spiritually lazy, but reach out to Me and seek forgiveness of your sins. You would much rather be cleansed of sin, than remain in your sins as the man in the Gospel suffered from his leprosy. When you ask Me to be made clean, I will heal you as I healed the man of his leprosy. Rejoice that you always have Me present to heal you. It is your choice to come forward and seek My healing forgiveness of your sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you this image of the United States as a sinking ship before, but now you are seeing it sink even faster. This faster sinking is an indication that your bankruptcy is proceeding at an ever faster pace, as your country spends money on both an unnecessary war and a spending bill that will not stimulate your economy fast enough to save it. This increased spending is adding trillions of dollars to your national debt, and it is mortgaging your children’s future. Many countries, that could afford to buy this new debt, are baulking at the little backing or collateral for this debt. Once the ratings go down on your bonds, very few will want to buy them. This will cause a devaluing of your currency, and could lead to your bankruptcy, if not enough people want to buy your Treasury notes. The interest rate will be forced higher because of more risk and this will add further chaos to your credit crisis. Continue to prepare yourselves to go to your refuges because the takeover of your country is drawing closer. Pray for My protection as I will have My angels protecting you.”


Monday, February 16, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, the people of My day asked for a sign and they did not even realize that I was the sign of the Messiah in My Word and My miracles. In another account I told them that the only sign, that I would give them, would be the sign of Jonah who condemned Nineveh if they did not repent. So in essence I was asking them to repent as St. John the Baptist told them, and receive the Good News, that I was telling them, that the Kingdom of God was at hand. This people did not accept My words and they killed St. John the Baptist and Me as well. But I used this crucifixion as man’s salvation and I conquered sin and death by My Resurrection. This view of a sign in the coming Warning will be the sign for this age in the mercy of My revelation of what sins that you have committed and how I view them. Everyone will see their mini-judgment and see where their actions are leading them by the consequences of their sins. You will then have a second chance when you are put back into your body to change your way of sin into following My ways to heaven. This vision of the Warning is also another indication that the Warning is coming soon. Take advantage of this time to repent of your sins, or you may not get another chance, and your refusal to obey Me could lead you into hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, the train that you are traveling on in the vision represents your passing through life’s events. The time in the tunnel represents your struggle through the tribulation, and coming out into the Light represents My victory in My Era of Peace. Do not be worried about when these things will happen or how you will face this time, but focus only on trusting in Me to take care of you. Some will be martyred for their faith, but they will become instant saints in heaven. The rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges throughout the whole time of the tribulation. It does not matter when or how you will be brought to My refuges, but when martial law and chips in the body are made mandatory, then call on Me to have your angels lead you to My refuges. I have explained this protection to you in many messages, but soon you will be living through all that I have warned you about. I will give you the grace to endure this time, but be obedient to My laws and My directions. The tribulation has to happen according to the Scriptures, so be prepared with My help to bear with this trial and purgatory on earth.”


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I spoke to My apostles about avoiding the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod.(Mark 8:13-21) Reading Scripture is fruitful, but the other words and actions of the Pharisees and Herod were not to be followed because they were misleading the people by preaching mere human precepts as important to follow. I have given you My Word and the new Unleavened Bread of Myself in My Blessed Sacrament. This is what you should follow. There is another time in the coming tribulation when there will be a division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Beware of the schismatic church because they will be teaching a New Age faith that is only a worship of things of the world led by Satan. This schismatic church will also teach that the sexual sins are no longer sins. Follow only My faithful remnant because they will be worshiping only Me and they will teach the Word that I gave My apostles. It is this element of My Church that the gates of hell will not prevail against. This is the meaning of the vision in two paths to follow during the tribulation. Follow only Me and not the New Age teaching.”
Jesus said: “My people, how many times are you going to listen to these deteriorated stock leaders complain that they are too big to fail and need to be bailed out by your taxpayers? It was never the taxpayer’s money that was supposed to support the car makers and the banks who all made their own errors in judgment. Even if there would be some bankruptcies, continued drains of borrowed money will not solve their problems and will only add to a monstrous debt that could bankrupt your country. Those, who made bad choices, should suffer the consequences, and not the frugal taxpayer having their own hard times. Many are doubtful if your stimulus plan and bank mortgage plans are going to solve your recession. The amount of money needed to fix your crisis is too much to try and solve with more taxes or more borrowing. This crisis was purposely created to bankrupt your country, so you will soon reap the consequences of this plan. The solution of martial law, a North American Union, and a new ‘amero’ currency is a solution of the one world people to form a global government. Be prepared to go to My refuges because your imminent takeover is not far off. Global government will not solve your financial problem, but it will make it worse as your rights and your jobs will be taken away and given to other countries. Pray for My protection at My refuges for you will need full trust in My help.”


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is not only a suggestion of a drought time and famine, but it also refers to a time of tribulation spiritually when many will lose their faith in Me. (Luke 23:31) ‘If they treat the Messiah this way when the ‘tree’ is well-watered and green, what will their plight be when He is withdrawn from them and they suffer for their rejection in the dry period?’ This quotation is taken from the account of St. Luke right before My crucifixion. You are still in the green period while you may be lightly persecuted, but I am still with you in My Blessed Sacrament. A time of the dry period will come during the 3½ year reign of the Antichrist when his agents will try to kill you for believing in Me. This time is also known as the end times or the time of the Great Tribulation. At the end of this period, the evil ones will suffer a living hell on earth for rejecting Me, and then they will be cast into hell forever. You are living in the days leading up to this tribulation since I have told you that this would happen in your lifetime. Stay close to Me in faith and obedience, and your reward will be great in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some who like to follow the old traditions of the Church because they are more comfortable with what they know and expect. Others like to be more modern and want to change things just to be different. My laws and Commandments are always the same and cannot be changed. People differ over the Latin Mass and the New Mass. There also may be differences over statues, crucifixes, and the placement of My tabernacle. The main focus should be on the gift of the Mass and having a priest to offer it for you every day when possible. As priests are shared with other parishes and their vacations, it can be difficult to find a Mass every day. Give praise and thanks to Me when you can find a Mass and a place to adore My Blessed Sacrament. Your moments with Me are precious and I reward you with My blessings for all of your efforts to visit Me. Treasure My traditions and keep your focus on Me at all times.”


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, during a recession people are not sure that they will be able to keep their jobs from layoffs. As a result they are reluctant to buy big ticket items as cars and houses as long as they can wait a while. This vision of a closed car factory is what results from having a high inventory and few people buying new cars. It is hard to run a car business when your sales are only half of what they normally sell. When your American car makers were in good times, they were losing market share. Now, in a recession it is impossible for them to avoid bankruptcy even with bailout money from the taxpayer. The chance of them recovering to pay back the borrowed money is very doubtful. This is why your government will have a hard time preventing many layoffs in this auto industry as well as those supplying the parts. You have the same problem with your housing industry. Until inventories are worked down, there is no reason to produce more cars and houses. All around the world various countries are experiencing the same problems in their economies. You are seeing eventual bankruptcy coming to America and other countries. You can also see how when the Antichrist comes, he will be welcomed to solve all of your financial problems. Pray for My help during this chaotic time since you will be seeking safety at My refuges once martial law is declared.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many of your people were praising your President and Congress for passing this spending bill. It has some good intentions, but the amount of money to be spent will not cover all that is needed to end your recession. This is a one time spending bill meant to get your economy up and running, but the money will be used to balance state budgets at best. The one world people who have planned your bankruptcy are only doing lip service in fixing jobs to make it look like this downturn will end soon. In fact it is part of a deficit build up that will help bankrupt your country. Trust in My help to protect and feed you at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you hear worse numbers for selling houses, you see that the increasing foreclosures are getting worse because of people losing their high paying jobs. Again there is only lip service attempts to keep people in their homes. Complexities of the new spending program make it difficult to see who is eligible to be helped. There will be major complaining over the rules of refinancing these bad loans. Pray for My help for people to be able to get enough money from their new jobs to be able to make their mortgage payments.”
Jesus said: “My people, the money needed to keep unemployment payments coming is almost out of money in most states and again this part of the spending plan will not be supplying enough money to help all of the states. Initial unemployment checks will be enough to cover, but extended payments will have more and more difficulty to pay what is needed. Many will find it difficult to get new jobs when most employers are laying off workers. Pray for the unemployed because they may have to rely on their families for help until jobs are available.”
Jesus said: “My people, as social services will find it difficult to get enough money for their budgets, more people will be relying on handout food and shelters to survive. I have mentioned before to help the poor with food and clothing donations, especially when charity money is less than ususal. Lenten food donations or almsgiving is very timely for those in need right now. Continue to also pray for the poor so they may find their bare necessities.”
Jesus said: “My people, Lent will soon be starting and this vision is trying to get you in a more prayerful mode so you can start your fasting and spiritual devotions to get your spiritual life in order. Lent focuses on repentance, fasting, and almsgiving. Try to go to daily Mass, improve your prayer life, and get to Confession more often, at least once a month. By making sacrifices of self-denial in your fasting and other denials of certain foods, you can offer these up to Me as your gifts. Spending more time in prayer and spiritual reading will help you to improve your spiritual life. Keep focused on Me and take advantage of your Lenten devotions as the Stations of the Cross.”
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent many church parishes plan retreats or missions to help the parish members renew their faith and come to know Me more in a loving relationship. Again take advantage of these opportunities to make Me more a part of your life without allowing so many worldly things to influence your thoughts.”
Jesus said: “My people, this fire in the vision represents a crisis going on not only physically in the economic problems of today, but also a desperate need also for conversions and even re-conversions. You have desperate financial needs, but your country’s spiritual needs are even more desperate. People do not understand that your country is being punished in your finances and natural disasters because of your abortions and sexual sins. As you work on your own spiritual life during Lent, see this also as a time to evangelize others in turning around their sinful lives.”


Friday, February 20, 2009: (Mass of Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple)

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I want to welcome all of my pilgrims and prayer warriors as you come to celebrate your Eighth Anniversary of the Gospa Prayer house mission. As you come to Mass you are being strengthened by my Son, Jesus, in Holy Communion. You pray my rosaries in asking my Son for your petitions. I depend on my dear children for your prayers and good works to bring souls to my Son, Jesus. I love all of you as your spiritual mother, and I protect my children with my mantle of protection. You are gathered to listen to your conference speakers, and I want you to take what you learn back to share this with your people at home. Be attentive to their words so you can teach others how to come closer to my Son and me. Our hearts are joined as one, and we want all of you to love us as we love you. You are beginning another Lent next week, so take advantage of this opportunity for graces to improve your spiritual life. Keep close to us every day in your prayers.”


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to be aware about the battle of good and evil that is going on all around you. Especially, beware of any New Age teachings and avoid this demonic influence. The demons are very deceptive and cunning in misleading My faithful to follow worship that draws on evil power sources instead of worshiping Me. These Eastern transcendental meditation influences are seeping into My churches as the smoke of Satan. Avoid Reiki, Yoga, and any occult influences as Harry Potter movies and books, tarot cards, palm readings, or Ouija boards. These occult and demonic influences are deceiving many that are curious about something new or counterfeit Catholic practices that could even deceive the elect. I continue to remind you to determine the source of energy or power that people use. If it is not of God, then it is from the evil dark side, and you do not want anything to do with it. Pray for discernment or ask a holy priest if you are unsure of a new teaching. Again carry blessed sacramentals as rosaries, scapulars, and Benedictine blessed crucifixes to protect you from demon attacks.”


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our Lady said: “My dear children of this conference, you are also celebrating the First Anniversary of this place as the Betania IV Shrine that was crowned yesterday. You have a deep loving remembrance of your experiences in Betania, Venezuela when you saw many blue butterflies that represent my very presence among you. You are united with Geo and the Bianchini Family and their hospitality when you visit them. Even at this shrine you have pictures and a sense of Maria Esperanza’s presence among you. Many beautiful talks are encouraging you to constantly renew your loving relationship with my Son, Jesus, and me in your daily prayers. I especially want to encourage my families to pray together my rosary to protect your families from the attacks of the evil one through the distractions of the world. By making your consecration to me and my Son, Jesus, you can focus more on your earthly mission to save souls for heaven. It is by your good works and prayers that you will be good examples to others to have devotion to me and to worship Jesus. When you call on us in prayers, we are here to answer your petitions for what is best for your souls. Rejoice at this shrine that you can share love with your fellow pilgrims in life, as you walk with us on your path to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people that have a difficulty in understanding how I could multiply your shelters at My refuges. This requires a trust in My Word and a belief that I can do the impossible in man’s world. It is nothing for My angels to build either a high building on a small plot of land, or many buildings on a large plot of land. I told you before when the people will first come to My refuges that they will be frightened. Then once they start seeing miracles of the food and water being multiplied, they will have more confidence in what I have promised you. Again when you see your rooms being multiplied, many will be in amazement of My power and that of My angels. You will rejoice in My protection and see how generous I am in providing for your needs. Give praise and glory to Me in all that I do for you now and in the future.”


Monday, February 23, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the poor people in the vision that are finding it difficult to find something to eat. While you were at Mass in the pew, you could hear your stomach making noises before your breakfast. Most Americans have access to food at any time, so you can relieve your hunger and satisfy your stomach. I have allowed you to experience this because there are many people all over the world who go to bed hungry every night. These poor people have to endure this noise in their stomachs all day long. So I ask you to pray for those who are hungry that they may find something to eat. Also make regular donations to your food shelves or to agencies that help feed the poor. Almsgiving is very appropriate as an offering for your coming Lenten devotions. America has been very blessed with food because of your past generous donations and help to free people from ruthless dictators. But over recent years your sins of abortion and sexual sins are calling down My justice on your people. This is why in time you will see a controlled famine and America will see people hungry here, especially those who are against the new world order. Eventually, as your conditions worsen, you will need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges where you will have food multiplied to feed the people. Give praise and glory to Me for providing for all of your needs. You are dependent on Me for everything, even if you do not want to admit it.”


Wednesday, February 25, 2009: (Ash Wednesday)

Jesus said: “My people, remember thou art dust and unto dust thou shall return. The ashes of this beginning of Lent focus you more on repenting of your sins, fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. This Penitential Season is when you should try to do an extra penance of more prayer, spiritual reading, possibly daily Mass, Stations of the Cross, and doing without something that you enjoy. It is a time of self-denial and self-sacrifice, as well as detachment from worldly things. You have seen in the monasteries how prayer is a large part of their life. Lent is a time to take a close look at your life and see where you can make some spiritual improvements. If you have any particular bad habits such as smoking, drinking, excessive gambling, too much TV, or too many hours on the computer, now would be a good time to give them up for Lent. Do not allow anything to control you so much that it takes you away from Me. I should be first in your life, and if I am not, then you need to realign your priorities in life. Make a point during this Lent to give Me a special time for prayer and spiritual reading. You may even want to have a little time when your family could come together and pray for a while. Take advantage of every Lent to return to the faithful fervor of when you were converted, or when you made your full commitment to Me. If you never made such a commitment as a total consecration of your life to Me, then you could start with this Lent’s devotions. As you look at the ashes, representing your mortal nature, think of your life’s preparation for your death and judgment before Me. You are all working towards sainthood, so you can be worthy and pure of soul to enter heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that there would be a luminous cross, like the one in Thermal, California, above in the sky over every refuge throughout the whole time of the tribulation. People, that come to My refuges and look upon this cross, will be healed of any pandemic virus, or any other health problem. I am showing you multiple places with luminous crosses to emphasize that these crosses will be above all of My refuges all over the world. There will also be spiritual healings from looking on My luminous cross. If you have a priest at a refuge, then you can have Confession. But if a priest is not present, you can say your Act of Contrition prayer while you are looking on the luminous cross, and your sins will be forgiven. I will be providing for all of your physical and spiritual needs at My refuges, so have no fear and trust in Me and My angels to protect you.”


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, receiving your ashes on your foreheads represents the physical sign to your beginning of the Lenten Season. Many of you are proud to wear your ashes in public, but these ashes should be more than just an outward sign to others. People should be able to tell that you are one of My followers by your outward actions, such as praying your grace before meals in a public restaurant. Ashes should be your sign to start your fasting, extra prayers, and whatever penances that you have chosen. I will ask you later in Lent if you are still carrying out your original penances. So be strong in your determination to follow what you have started.”
Jesus said: “My people, one of your Lenten devotions could include more spiritual reading to enhance your faith. This could include the Bible, the Imitations of Christ, the Liturgy of the Hours, or reading the lives of the saints. By following these holy lives, this could inspire you to improve your spiritual lives.”
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are suffering smaller penances than I had to suffer, but still offer them up to Me so I can unite them with Me on My cross. You could pray the Stations of the Cross as often as possible to see how I suffered. You could also pray the St. Bridget Prayers in your blue Pieta books since this also pictured My suffering on the cross. Whenever you are suffering from chronic health problems or temporary sicknesses, you can offer this up to Me for redemptive benefits for yourself or others.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know of many people, even in your own family, that are suffering in the hospital. It would be a kind act of mercy if you would visit the sick to cheer them up and show them that you care about their pain and suffering. Some people with cancer or contagious diseases find that very few people will remember them. Make this effort to visit even the terminally ill and pray for their souls and their recovery.”
Jesus said: “My people, taking care of your aging parents can be a struggle at home or in a special care home. As they have difficulty walking and eating, it is hard to see your mother or father in a compromised position. Work to give them what they need and pray for their souls to be ready when they may get close to their final hours.”
Jesus said: “My people, it becomes more emotional as you see your mother or father close to death. It is important to be with them at that time, even if their relationship may be strained. It is also helpful if you could comfort friends or relatives with dying loved ones. Even attending funerals is another way of comforting those who are mourning lost loved ones. Your charity will store up treasures for you in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, all of your penances and Lenten devotions should help you to better focus on Me as the center of your life. Your thoughts during Lent are looking ahead to My final suffering and death on the cross that leads up to Holy Week and Good Friday. I gave up My life so that all of mankind could have salvation and an opportunity to come to heaven. Show Me how much you love Me by your prayers and sincere efforts to change your sinful lives into holier lives. At the end of Lent you see the Light at the end of this valley of tears, when My Resurrection on Easter Sunday gives all of you hope to be resurrected one day as well.”


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading from Moses (Deut. 30:15-20), he sets before the Israelites the blessing and the curse, and he asks them to choose life in following My Commandments. The Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land, and if they obeyed God, they would live in prosperity. But if they disobeyed God, then they would suffer punishment for their sins. This is what happened in that they prospered while they were close to Me. Then when they followed other gods, they were exiled to Babylon and lost their land. America has a similar promised land because of your belief in My law at the founding of your nation. You have the same choice to make-either the blessing or the curse. Your country has chosen not to follow life, but you are following the death culture in your abortions, euthanasia, and wars. Because of this choice of following the gods of the world instead of Me, you also will have your land and nation taken away from you. This will come in the form of martial law and a loss of your freedoms as you will be joined in the North American Union with Canada and Mexico. Be prepared for this takeover as you will need to go to My refuges for protection before martial law. Fear not the evil ones since My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.”


Friday, February 27, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, when you see someone in need and you could help that person, you have an opportunity for grace in doing so. This is your Christian duty, but even more so in Lent you should be taking every opportunity to even look more to help people without being asked. The more charity that you perform, the more graces and spiritual treasures that you will store up for yourself in heaven. You think first of the physical needs of people, but you can also reach out in faith to evangelize people to follow Me in their spiritual needs as well. If you can help save a soul from going to hell in their sins, you will be helping their soul which lives on forever after the body dies. Reach out with your prayers also, both for sinners on earth and for the souls in purgatory.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a cave in the hill as a place for a refuge. My angels could lead you to such a place of protection. You need to scout into the cave to make sure other animals are not using it for a shelter also. You also need to put a brush covering over the entrance as a protection from animals and to disguise it from the evil ones. My angels will provide you food and water to live, but you need to bring utensils, pans, and cups for eating. A sleeping blanket and warm clothes would be needed to keep warm in a 50 F cave. You could test how far back to go in a cave with a match or lantern. When the flame goes out, there is not enough oxygen to breathe. A windup flashlight would be good for light. Living in a cave may be a little uncomfortable, but it could protect you from the weather outside. Trust in Me that I will provide various places or refuges for you to stay so you could be protected throughout the coming tribulation. Have patience and you will soon see My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this flowing water in a falls and a river is like the abundant graces that I make available to you during Lent. With your Lenten devotions you have many opportunities to gain graces with your prayers, fasting, and good works. If you go along as usual without gaining these graces, you are not taking advantage of the availability of My graces. When you repent and go to Confession as well as your Lenten devotions, your soul will benefit greatly. Lent is a time to improve your spiritual life, and you need this help on your path to heaven. By detaching yourself more from the things of the world and your bad habits, you will be purifying your soul for when you meet Me at your judgment. Not everyone is properly prepared for their death, but you cannot even be sure that you will be alive tomorrow. Live the present moment now so you will always be prepared when I come to take you home to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are drawn to make bets on winning jackpots in casinos or Lottery Sweepstakes. It is one thing to bet a small limited amount of money, but there are some who are compulsive gamblers who risk money they cannot afford to lose. It is this excessive gambling that is sinful and can cause a family to lose the money that they need to live on. There is another kind of spiritual gambling with your soul. Some people are gambling that they are going to live a long life and they are putting off their conversion until tomorrow to have a good time today. You cannot be sure that you will live until to tomorrow if I call you home today. Better not to wait for your conversion, but do it now while you still have time in this world. Do not gamble with your soul, but be sure that you repent of your sins before you meet Me at your judgment. You are safer to not gamble at all in this world or with your soul.”
(Matthew Gysel funeral service-vase of ashes) Jesus said: “My people, this soul of Matthew has made it into the lower regions of purgatory because of your Masses and prayers for his soul. Even when someone is not openly religious, they still could be leading a good life. It is the family’s prayers and Masses that can save such souls from going to hell. At one point in their judgment, they need to show Me that they love Me. If they fully reject Me through life and at their judgment, then these souls are condemning themselves to hell. Pray for Matthew continuously and he will one day come to heaven.”


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, the first reading talks about the flood in Genesis that killed all the people but Noah and his family. There was a covenant made by God to man that water by a flood will never kill everyone again. We put a rainbow in the sky when it rains as a symbol of this covenant. Another covenant was made by God to man that I promised to come and die for all of you as a holy sacrifice so that all of your sins would be forgiven. When you are baptized, original sin is forgiven. The symbol of washing with water in Baptism washes away your sins and the water is a link with this first covenant. The rainbow is a symbol also of new life in the Spirit as now you are joined with all the faithful in a common faith and belief in Me. Give praise and thanks to God for making all of these covenants with you.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many conflicts going on all over the world because the evil one is influencing these wars. The financial problems of the world are also part of the evil one’s plan for eventual takeover. Many times I ask you to pray for peace and even more so during Lent because there is much dissension among the people of the world. By keeping peace in your own hearts and families, you can also spread your love all around the world. When you pray during Lent, put an extra emphasis on praying for peace and the stoppage of wars because the enemy is trying to divide you and conquer you. Trust in My help because one day I will bring My peace in My Era of Peace.”


Monday, March 2, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, every year thousands die from influenza during the winter time. Imagine a year if there were a more virulent flu bug spread throughout the population. This is exactly one of the one world people’s plans to spread a pandemic virus through the chemtrails in the sky. They have put these trails in the sky for so long, that people have seen them without being very concerned. A pandemic contagious virus could kill many people and reduce the population, which is what the one world government people desire in controlling fewer people. When you see many people dying from this epidemic, this would be another reason to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My refuges where you would be healed from all sicknesses by looking on My luminous crosses or drinking from the miraculous spring water. My refuges will provide you both spiritual and physical protection through the power of the angels to make you invisible. Trust in My coming protection during the tribulation because I send you the grace of My angel protection to help you endure the evil of this evil time. This time of evil will be brief before I will come in victory to establish My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, there have been many people who have lost value in their houses, and their market value is much below their original mortgage. You have used an expression ‘under water’ to describe the mortgage that is priced below fair market value. This vision of America’s ship of state ‘under water’ is the same situation where your increasing deficits are about to bankrupt your country with little chance of finding enough buyers to hold your debt. Your banks and insurance companies still have a lot of bad loans on their books that they are afraid to write off as losses because it would bankrupt these institutions. You will soon see that it is impossible to bailout all of your big banks, and once they collapse, your economy will fall with them. This chaos will be one of the means that will enable the one world people to declare martial law and form the North American Union with the ‘amero’ as the new currency. As you see this chaos and martial law declared, this will be a sign to you to have My angels lead you to your refuge of protection. This evil reign will be short with the Antichrist, as I will defeat him and bring about My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the midst of your many troubled financial times, many people are being brought to their knees to pray for My help. I know all of your needs, but I do not force My graces and blessings on you. You should also acknowledge that without Me, you can do nothing. You are always dependent on Me, but you should be following and seeking My ways instead of man’s ways. If you are drawn to pray to Me for your petitions, then you must change your priorities of time to make time for your prayers. It is better to pray your prayers during the day instead of leaving them to your bedtime when you are too tired to pray. Some have a desire to pray My Blessed Mother’s rosary, which is your weapon against the demons. But when you pray, you should pray slowly and reverently. Do not rush through your prayers because prayer is like expressing your love for Me. I want to be able to hear your prayers without saying them so fast that you can barely understand what you are praying. Several slow rosaries with fervor are much more pleasing to Me than many rushed rosaries. By praying properly and in a planned time, you will find that your prayer life will be much more rewarding in giving peace to your soul. Let this Lent be your inspiration to pray more and avoid all of the worries and distractions of worldly things. I know that you need to survive and take care of your household, but with faith and trust in Me, you will have what you need without seeking more than you need.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of fiber optic cables coming into your house which has two-way communication. High definition digital cable enables the Cable company to see and hear what is going on by your TV. You have learned of another potential threat to your brain functions when analog broadcast will go over to digital signals. The broadcast signals could embed a silent sound signal with a similar frequency to your brain waves. This signal could affect your subconscious mind to do things against your will. I told you to remove your TVs and computer monitors out of your house after the Warning to avoid looking at the Antichrist. This latest technology may be another reason to avoid watching TV for long periods of time. An analog signal would create static when using this silent ELF signal, but a digital signal would not be affected, so you would not know if it was being used or not. Limit your TV watching to a minimum to protect your mental faculties. Call on My protection and heed My warnings.”


Wednesday, March 4, 2009: (St. Casimir)

Jesus said: “My people, just as I was persecuted and crucified on the cross, many of My followers have been persecuted and martyred for My sake over the years. To give up your life to keep your faith, takes courage and determination in the face of death. This is why My martyrs for the faith have a special place in heaven for their bravery. But it is the evil ones who have to suffer for these unjust killings. Those, who have been martyred, have become instant saints, and I ease their suffering at the moment of death. In some parts of the world there are still Christians being killed for their faith. A time of such persecution is coming again in the tribulation which is one reason why My faithful will need protection at My refuges. Fear not this time because you will either be instant saints in heaven if you are martyred, or you will be protected at My refuges until your reward in My Era of Peace. Be faithful to Me no matter what happens to you, and you will eventually be with Me forever in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, seeing this venomous snake in a house represents how the serpent, Satan, has slithered into your government. Your new government will be seeking more abortions, control of your health care, the beginning of mandatory smart cards and eventually chips in the body, and a planned bankruptcy through overspending. There is a planned joining of America with Mexico and Canada into the North American Union. This same demon is sowing seeds of division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Be watchful of any New Age teachings and leave that church if they are using these things, since they are worshiping the things of the world instead of Me. Call on My help, and My angels will defend you against any evil ones around you. Trust in My power to defeat the evil ones and you will have no worries.”


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in your youth you depended on Me for watching over you, and still in your later years you depend on Me, but with a greater knowledge of My place in your life. Some people learn their basic faith while they are young, but they do not work on growing their faith as they get older. This is why some fall away from their faith because they stop going to church and rely more on their own means. Your faith will grow cold if you forget your daily prayers and your Sunday Mass. Keep your love for Me vibrant every day in your prayers and consecrate everything over to Me. By seeing and recognizing your total dependence on Me, you are more able to grow in your faith beyond the faith that you had as a child. You need child-like faith, but your life’s goals need to be centered on how to serve Me the best that you can. By having an open heart to My mission for your life, then I can mold you into the Christian that I want you to be. Give praise and thanks to your God for all that I do in your life, and you will one day receive your reward in coming to heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many traditional Catholics that have fought to preserve the old rites of the Roman Catholic Church. This smoke that put this knight to sleep is part of the many changes in My Church that have done away with many of your old traditions. In the old Church the statues and crucifixes were covered with purple cloths during Lent. In churches of today you would be fortunate to find some traditional statues and the large crucifix on the altar. Some churches cover their statues, but only a few can be seen. Take advantage of your Lenten devotions to work on improving your spiritual life.”
Jesus said: “My people, I know that many of you had difficulty looking at a gay marriage which I abhor in My Church. I created man and woman to be joined in marriage and not same sexes. This is an open defiance of My institution of Marriage between a man and woman in the sacrament of Matrimony. I love all peoples, but relations between same sexes are as sinful as two of the opposite sex living together in fornication. This is not about rights, but it is against My Commandment. Only relations under the marriage covenant are lawful.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are signs all around you of how world globalism is trying to take over the world in the name of the new world order. Attempts to form continental unions is your most open sign of this evil trying to take over. The elitists of the world think that they know best how to lead the people of the world. Be aware to discourage this takeover because it will lead to the Antichrist’s takeover. There will be a battle over putting chips in everyone and controlling your personal information. Evil people are trying to implement global control, but as national martial law comes, you will need to go to My refuges for protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, this is the future by the one world people in that they want to force everyone to have a chip in the body in order to buy and sell. Refuse to take any chip in your body that could control your mind and your free will. This is why you need to come to My refuges for protection before the men in black come to your homes to try and force mandatory chips in the body on you. Should they capture you and you refuse these chips, they will then place you in the death camps to gas you and cremate your body. Call on My help so you can leave your homes before the evil ones come for you.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the beginning of a national health program that will computerize all of your health problems that will be available to those who want to discriminate against you. This was the Eugenics plan of the Nazis in World War II. It will be the mandatory chip in the body plan that will be enforced by your security departments as your new secret police. Avoid this health plan at all costs because it is a deception of the new world order planners.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are now seeing the ‘depression’ word being mentioned even as your politicians fought earlier to avoid the ‘recession’ word. Each month has brought more lost jobs, more calls for bailouts, and more businesses on the brink of bankruptcy. The one world people have created this crisis, but all of their money plans to fix this downturn have not worked. Their solution to deficit spend is really meant to bankrupt your government. This goal of a takeover has been their plan right along from the beginning. Bankruptcy of the government will lead to chaos and martial law which will result in the North American Union of the one world people. Prepare to come to My refuges as martial law is about to be declared.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is important that you do everything to protect your peace in your soul by My grace. Do not become worried or anxious of the current events, but do what is prudent for your physical and spiritual protection. When you have full trust in My protection, there is no cause to worry. Some will be martyred, but they will become instant saints with little pain. Others will be led to My refuges to have all of your needs provided for. So have full trust in My watching over you, and all of the tribulation will not disturb your peace.”


Friday, March 6, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, as you start to see warmer weather prevail, it is like a new lease on life when you can get out into your yard to clean up the winter’s broken tree branches and start your spring cleaning inside your house as well. Many of you are so taken up with your outward appearances that you forget to take a look at your inner appearances in your soul. You can look at your Lenten Season as your spiritual spring cleaning of all of your sins and bad habits. By going to Confession and really examining some of the root causes of your sins, you can clean out the sinful trash in your life and make a better inner appearance to Me with a clean soul. Keep your focus on Me every day in your prayers, and be more concerned with keeping your soul swept clean than your outward appearance on your body or in your house. In other words spring cleaning should be good for both your soul and your house.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Warning experience will be unique for each person. You will be reviewing your life’s experiences, but you will also be viewing your life from the perspective of other people in your life. You will see how you helped people, and how you may have misled someone into sin. Most of all you will understand what I thought of your actions in every minute of every day of your life. You will see how you spent your time for good things and how you may have wasted time in your life following your own will. You will be sorry for your sins, and you will desire Confession to make amends for the sins that you did not tell. Once you are back in your body, you will have a second chance to change your ways to live more for following Me than your own ways. When you are faced with your mini-judgment, you will see how short this life is and how important it is to focus your life more on serving Me than on following the devil’s temptations of worldly comforts and pleasures. Use this Warning to come closer to Me as you realize the importance of love for Me and love for all of those people that you will encounter in life. Always be reaching out to save souls for heaven.”


Saturday, March 7, 2009: (St. Perpetua and St. Felicity)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I am asking everyone to love and pray for your enemies. I am all loving and I love all of My creatures, even those that do not fully love Me. This loving of enemies is difficult for the earthly body, but I am constantly calling you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. You have a choice in this life to either be purified by your purgatory on earth, or in real purgatory after your death. As you saw in the vision, in order to gain heaven, you must detach yourself from every thing and love of the world so you can be fully focused on loving Me. You will be constantly singing My praises as you worship and adore Me. This is why your daily prayers and your coming to Me in daily Adoration is preparing you for being with Me in heaven. Everything on earth is passing away so you should be most focused on those attentions of the soul which will live on forever after the body dies. Everything, that you can do on earth to store up heavenly treasures, will help offset your sins at your judgment. Use this Lenten time to help purify your soul in its preparation for one day being in heaven with all of My saints and angels.”
Jesus said: “My people, I told you earlier that you could see another war this year, and the target would be over Iran’s nuclear program. There is a concern, especially in Israel, if Iran would have nuclear weapons because they have missiles to deliver such a bomb. Israel has been threatening to bomb the nuclear plant unless Iran stops its program. Iran has also threatened to destroy all tankers leaving the Persian Gulf if they are attacked. Up to now there has only been a war of words, but this will soon change as Israel is afraid of a Nuclear Iran. Such an attack could quickly draw America into war trying to defend the oil tankers. Once a war happens, oil prices would go high because of less access to the oil ports. America is financially in no condition to suffer an oil loss and to pay for another war. Many need to pray for peace in this area so hearts and minds could be changed to stop such a war from starting.”


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading about Abraham being asked by God to offer up his only son, Isaac, takes some explanation to understand. Isaac had been born late in life when Sarah’s normal time to have children was over. It was a miracle that he was born, and Isaac was the only heir to the many descendants promised by God. This is why it was difficult for Abraham to carry out the Lord’s request. It was out of obedience and love of God that he was ready to sacrifice his only son. Think a moment if the Lord asked you to sacrifice your first born. As much as you love God and your children, it would be very difficult to even think of carrying out that sacrifice. God the Father so loves all of mankind that He offered up My life as a man for the redemption of all of your souls, even though I was His only begotten Son. Love of God is so important that this love must prevail over any other person or thing in this life. This is why God the Father tested Abraham’s love and obedience. Abraham was later rewarded in many ways for his sole allegiance to God, even over his only son. This is also why your love for Me is also even more important than even your own life. Many people and saints would rather give up their life than give up their faith. This would be another test that you may have to endure during the coming tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for some people in your country that are having to deal with floods around their houses. Water damage can be very devastating to a house, especially if it takes days to recede. Pray that the damage can be repaired so these people can move on with their lives. America is suffering many natural disasters, one right after the other. All of these disasters and financial problems are taking a toll on your people. Continue to keep strong in your prayers and call on Me in your needs.”


Monday, March 9, 2009: (St. Frances of Rome)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you more destruction from a heavy rainfall that was eroding hillsides and carrying away homes in the water. There will be some deaths from drowning. These people will be forced to rebuild in areas without flood plains. Again people are going to suffer worse destruction than I showed you before. Flooding, wind storms, tornadoes, ice storms, and hurricanes are natural disasters that will continue to harass your people because of your sins of abortion, now embryonic stem cell research, and your many sexual sins. Pray for poor sinners and that your people will repent of their sins. Without repentance, more disasters will befall you. America is being brought to its knees because of your greed, arrogance, and material worship of things and money. You are seeing many freedoms being taken away until you will lose control of your country over to the one world people. Prepare to go to your interim and final refuges.”
For Joan: Jesus said: “My faithful people, your house with the Dozule cross will be an interim refuge for souls seeking My protection. There will be an angel of protection that will be visible to you who will keep the people invisible to the authorities. The luminous cross will only be at the final refuges, but the interim refuges will have food, water, and shelters multiplied for your needs. I told you before that some interim refuges will become final refuges, but this will be revealed later. Have faith and trust in Me, since you are always dependant on Me for everything. Remain strong in your prayer life which will give you endurance through all of these events.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people have lost their jobs, have considerable losses in the current stock market, or have lost considerable value in their homes. Because of the economic hard times and the fear of losing their jobs, many people have also put off buying new cars or new homes. If they lost their job, they may have their cars repossessed or they may have to sell their new home in a bad market. This is why many still have their old cars and the auto makers are having a hard time to sell their new cars. This just causes another downward spiral of more auto jobs being lost and the automakers are even in more danger of going into bankruptcy. This again becomes another problem for those calling for automakers to get more bailout money when it appears that bankruptcy is inevitable. Many businesses are going to close their doors before lending from the banks will be restored. Even the stock market continues down, based on the new taxes and regulations being proposed. It is your deficit spending that could cause your country to go bankrupt before things could turn around. Pray for all of your people to have enough food and shelter to survive. You will soon be going to My refuges once your government fails.”


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a message of love because of how much I love everyone, even those who do not love Me. You can see My love in that I suffered and died on a cross for ransoming all of your sins. I give you My unconditional love because you are all My creations and I am an example for you to love everyone also. You need to strive to love even your enemies, if you want to work toward your perfection. My son, I want you to teach My love for My people as well as any preparation that is needed for the tribulation. When everyone sees My love, you will know why I will go to great lengths in doing the impossible for protecting you from the evil ones at My refuges, and providing for your needs. It is most important that you pray and give Me worship every day. This is why if you do not have a priest for Mass at the refuge, I will have My angels give you your daily Bread of Communion so I can be united with you in all of your trials. When you see the world famine, the division in My Church, mandatory chips in the body, martial law, and the pandemic virus, you will know it is time to call on Me, and your guardian angel will lead you with a physical sign to the nearest refuge. Rejoice that you will be invisible to the evil ones on the way to your refuge. Everything that you need will be provided, so have full trust and faith in My watching over you. Know again that it is out of love that I am with you always in My Real Presence in My Host.”
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you have been reading parts of the Book of Exodus both at Mass and in the Liturgy of the Hours. A good Bible study project would be to read the whole Book of Exodus so you can see all of the details from the various parts that you are reading. You are leading up to Passion Week which has a great parallel with the Passover from Egypt and My Last Supper before I became the Lamb sacrificed for all of mankind. The Passover Meal of unleavened bread became My Body, and the wine became My Blood in the first Mass. This was the institution of My Eucharist that you share in every daily Mass. The more you read about the Exodus from Egypt, the more you will see this as the foreshadowing of why I came to the earth to save all of you from your sins. Even some of your old movies can give you a feeling of living during the Exodus and My time on earth. Give praise and glory to God for giving you this gift of your salvation.”


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a preview of what it will be like when everyone will be called before Me in your Warning experience. You all will be drawn out of your bodies in your spirit body, and you will still experience all of your senses as a spirit. It will appear as you are moving quickly through a tunnel. You will be traveling through space toward My Light. At that time you will then experience an illumination of your conscience, and you will experience your life review as if you had just died. You will be outside of time in the eternal now, as I will show you all the events in your life, both good and bad. You are being shown this again from other people’s perspective and in front of Me so you will be able to understand My judgment of your life. You will see where you will be judged to heaven, purgatory, or hell, and you will have a small taste of where you were judged. Then you will travel quickly again back into your bodies in the present time, and you will be given a second chance to repent of your sins and change your sinful lives. This Warning experience is My great mercy on all souls to wake you up spiritually, and prepare you for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You will always have your free will, but now you will have been warned not to take any microchip in your body and not to worship the Antichrist. After this Warning you should remove your TVs and computer monitors from your house so you are not misled by the Antichrist and his agents. All of My faithful will be warned when it is time to go to My refuges for protection. You will be working feverishly to save as many souls as possible from going to hell, especially in your own family. Be prepared by frequent Confession and daily prayer, for you will need clean souls and My help to endure these end times. Trust and have faith in Me always because I love all of you so very much, and I do not want to lose even one soul to the evil one.”


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard for you to imagine a soul body burning amidst the sulfur stench of a molten hot volcano. This is why souls and demons in hell are very ugly looking because they feel burning constantly without being consumed by the fire. To be in this wretched place of hell with no love and without My presence is so terrible to imagine someone living in that environment for all eternity with no hope of getting any better. These souls in hell are constantly being tormented by the demons as well as the rest of their suffering. If you saw the souls in hell, you would be struggling even more desperately to save souls from going to hell. This is why souls that have near death experiences of going to hell, are really awakened to how their lives were so evil and they need to repent and change their lives. Seeing the pits of hell is a real wake-up call to change for the better. You can come to Me out of love, which is the most desirable, but you can also come to Me out of the fear of being forever in hell. However you decide, it is much more important to strive for heaven than to be spiritually lazy in sin that could lead you to a judgment in hell.”


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, these phone lines and cell phone towers represent the many communications that you make with each other. This is in addition to your daily conversations that you have with each other in person. You spend every day talking with each other, but how long do you spend each day talking to Me in your prayers? I am always reminding you to leave time in your day for prayer time, and not just at bedtime when you are too tired to pray. If you truly love someone, then you will tell them every day and not just one hour on Sunday. Prayer and faith in My answering prayer will get you through your many trials of the day. During Lent you should be more focused on Me in prayer and how you could improve your sinful lives. I have even asked you many times to spend quiet time with Me in contemplative prayer so you can be open in your heart to listen to My words of advice. You spend a lot of time talking, but you should develop your skills of listening both to Me and to others. In addition to having a good prayer life for yourself, it would also be helpful to teach your children and grandchildren how to pray, so they have Me to rely on in hard times. Give praise and glory to Me, and thank Me for all that I have given you.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this man who had dirty hands from his labors. You know how some jobs can cause your hands to get dirty while you are working with the soil or working on machinery. Then you have to scrub your hands clean before eating or coming into the house. In a spiritual way you also have sins on your hands from not following My Commandments as you should. In order to cleanse your sins, you need to call on Me in the priest to confess your sins and receive My absolution. Once you are forgiven of your sins, then I send sanctifying grace into your soul to strengthen you against any further sins. Keep your soul and hands clean by frequent Confession.”
Jesus said: “My people, these statues and relics give you a commemoration of the saints that you are praying to as intercessors of the your prayer intentions to Me. Keep reading about their lives so they can be an example and an inspiration for your own lives. Many saints stripped themselves of their wealth to give their money to the poor and depend on Me completely for everything. Follow the holiness of the lives of the saints and they will lead you closer to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you the saints before, but for most of My faithful purification may have to come through purgatory on earth or in real purgatory. There is a purgatory where souls may suffer being purified in preparation for coming into heaven. It is not easy to cleanse all the love of worldly things, but you must do so in order to have a complete focus on Me with no other gods before Me. Continue to strive to guard your soul from the temptations of the evil ones, and your reward will be great in heaven. Pray always for the poor souls in purgatory.”
Jesus said: “My people, at times your heart goes out to those that have lost everything in a devastating storm or tornado. When you collectively put your hands together, you can make short work of rebuilding a home. Donations from the neighbors for the building supplies is another way of making a heartfelt contribution to restore one’s lost home. I tell you, those neighbors will never forget such a charity, and the new home owner will be more than willing to help his neighbors in return. This makes a true bond of love and friendship that is hard to find in this world.”
Jesus said: “My people, fighting and killing in wars can only bring death and destruction. This is the opposite that I desire of My people that should be praying for peace and harmony. These soldiers praying on their knees know how awful war can be in losing loved ones. It is not a pleasant task to tell relatives that their son or daughter was killed in action. Continue to pray for peace in the world instead of fighting over land or material things.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know by your own experience how badly you suffer when you have a serious sickness or operation. When you have good health again, then you have a deeper appreciation of your gift of health. If you did not suffer trials in this life, it would be harder to have a real appreciation for the joy that you will have in heaven for struggling through all of your temptations from the devil. Love Me in all that you do, and even thank Me for the trials that have led you to love Me even more.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad sometimes when poor people have to choose between staying warm or having enough food to survive. There are various means for heating your home, but they all require money or work to gather wood. It is the same effort either by donations or food stamps that may be required for some to have food. Again I ask you for almsgiving to help the poor in providing food and a warm shelter. By helping others, your financial donations can be turned into heavenly treasure. Reach out to help your neighbor in deed and your prayers.”


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this parable of the Prodigal Son is a beautiful portrayal of My deep love and mercy for every sinner. Even though you may have committed any grave sin, I wait patiently for you to come to Me for forgiveness. In addition to seeking My forgiveness, you should be ready to ask forgiveness from anyone that you may have wronged in any way. Once you have made amends for your sins, then you will be prepared to bring your gift to Me at the altar at Mass. Also be willing to forgive others any injustice that was done to you just as the older son had to accept his father’s call for peace and forgiveness. See the great generosity of the father who forgave his son, and even held a celebration for his return. Even so in heaven all the angels and saints rejoice in praising God for every sinner that comes to conversion and is healed in their soul. I not only cleanse the sins from your soul, but I also flood your soul with My abundant graces so you will be strengthened to resist any future temptations of the devil. Even though I am patient and I wait for your free will decision to seek My forgiveness, I must warn you how important it is, especially in mortal sin, to come to have your sins forgiven in frequent Confession. In mortal sin your soul is spiritually dead, and even your guardian angel has difficulty helping you to avoid further sin. In this weakened state of mortal sin, you are much more vulnerable to future mortal sins. A pure confessed soul will be more protected from sin, which is why frequent Confession at least monthly is needed for your spiritual health. I love you so much and I desire all souls to come to heaven, but each soul needs to take a forward step so I can receive you as the father of the prodigal son.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages about places of My refuges, and one of those conditions would be that it would be a place where My Blessed Mother had given her apparitions, or messages to a chosen person. Two other conditions are that the land should be consecrated to Me by a priest and there would be a place of miraculous spring water that would be clear to drink. The well on this land may have to be dug deeper in order to have a reservoir storage for any particles to settle. My Blessed Mother and I are truly blessing Linny’s mission on this land to carry out My Will to help the people during the coming tribulation. She will be given personal instructions of what she is to do in preparation for these times. I am confirming your mission and you need to pray for continued discernment in this work. Thank you for saying yes to your mission.”


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I am love itself, and My Commandments are all about love of God and love of neighbor. Everyone of you are appointed to die and be judged one day. On that day you will be held accountable for all of your actions in this life. No one can come to heaven unless they come through Me. Those, who enter heaven, must repent of their sins and accept Me as Master of their lives. If you follow My Commandments, then you must find time to worship Me on Sunday, and support My Church. Just as I threw the money changers out of the Temple, My love for My Church consumes Me. You should reverence Sunday as holy and avoid any servile work on that day. It is unfortunate that man forces others to work on Sunday for your daily bread. You need to follow My Commandments and the laws of My Church as a direction for you in how to live a good Christian life. I came on to the earth to die for your sins, but also I came to fulfill the Law. My love for all of you is unconditional and if you want to strive for perfection, your love for Me and your neighbor should also be unconditional. This is why I asked you not to discriminate in your love, and to love everyone, even your enemies, or those who persecute you. If you follow what I have given you, then your reward in heaven will be great.”


Monday, March 16, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, a prophet is not accepted in his native place. In Nazareth in several accounts of the Gospels I spoke of the little faith that My people had because they did not accept Me as the Son of God. Without faith I could not cure the sick there. I even read the Scriptures of Isaiah of how the Messiah would come and make the blind see, the cripple walk, and the lepers would be healed. I told them that today in their hearing this Scripture was fulfilled. Since they thought that I was blaspheming, they cast Me out of Nazareth and they wanted to throw Me off of a cliff. Instead, I walked through them and they could not touch Me because it was not My time to die. So, My people, even though I was born a God-man for your salvation, you must have faith that the Son of Man, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, has come to the earth to die for your sins. Believe that I am the Messiah, and believe in My healing power, and you will see miracles of healing, through My Name, both in physical and spiritual healings. Remember many times when I healed people, I told them that their faith had saved them because they believed that I could heal them. Even the worst of sinners I can also heal and forgive, if they would only obey My laws, and believe that I could cleanse their sins. These accounts of cleansing sins and cleansing leprosy are closely linked to the waters of Baptism which is how your original sin was cleansed. So continue in your faith that I can heal you of your sins in Confession, and by My grace I also can heal physical problems by My instruments in My Name.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want to thank you for giving praise and glory to Me in your singing and in your prayers. You are seeing the beginning of your end time trials with all of the sorrow of lost jobs and financial trials. You are also seeing a great battle of good and evil in a struggle for souls. Call on My graces and blessings to help you endure these events and the coming tribulation. You know that once you see the Antichrist coming, you know that soon I will come in victory on the clouds. At that time I will cast the demons and evil people into hell. I will then renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace. Relish the glory of My love that will be poured out over all souls who believe in Me and I encourage the wayward souls to change their lives. Truly My love rains down on you as I will soon reign over all of the earth without any evil.”


Tuesday, March 17, 2009: (St. Patrick’s day)

St. Patrick said: “I am happy many years ago that you had an opportunity to come to Ireland and see the missionary land that I served. I just wanted to verify to you that when you did complain of your ill treatment here that I did have that angel of a woman help you in your directions. I wanted you to have a pleasant experience visiting the roots of your ancestors. There are many who celebrate My feast day and they focus more on wearing green things and drinking in the pubs. But I want you to remember me most for promoting the belief in the Blessed Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I gave the three leaf green shamrock to remember this teaching. Many times in celebrating beautiful revelations from God, you were reciting the Glory be to God prayer. So when you say this prayer, think of me and my shamrock teaching. I love God so very much and I was grateful that the Lord allowed me to be a missionary in bringing the faith to many people. In this world now, you need to spread the Word of God to all who will listen, for your time for evangelization is very short. Thank you again for praying to me as an intercessor for your prayers, and remember me every time you make the Sign of the Cross, or pray the Glory be to God prayer.”
Jesus said: “My people, the attack of the pandemic virus will come from the chemtrails when you do not expect it. This will be a contagious flu bug that will have a high death rate for those who contract this disease. When you see a new strain of flu that is killing a lot of people, then you need to call on Me to have your guardian angels quickly lead you to the nearest refuge so you could look on the luminous cross or drink the spring water to heal those that are sick. Use your masks to avoid spreading this flu, and build up your immune system by taking Hawthorn pills or drinking Hawthorn tea. The evil ones will protect themselves with a private vaccine that only they will have. The younger children will be protected from this deadly flu bug.”


Wednesday, March 18, 2009: (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you for many years that a time of tribulation will come, even in America, when the one world people will persecute you. This will take the form of trying to make it mandatory for everyone to have a microchip placed in their body to control their mind as a robot against their free will. The evil ones will come to your house to demand this chip in the body, and those, who refuse, will be taken to detention center death camps to be gassed and cremated. This vision of people being led up a ramp to be shackled in box cars is how they will collect the protesters for being killed. This is how many people will be martyred for their faith in defying to be chipped. All of these martyrs will become instant saints in heaven and I will lessen their pain of death. The rest of My faithful will heed My warnings when it is time to go to My refuges for protection. When you see a world famine, a division in My Church, pandemic viruses, mandatory chips in the body, and martial law declared, this will be the time to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge before the men in black come looking for you at your houses. Once you leave your homes with your backpacks, you will be made invisible to your persecutors. I will provide for all of your needs at My refuges, but you are leaving to save your lives. Be grateful that I am watching out for your safety at all times.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are curious as to who holds America’s trillions of dollars of debt. Whenever your government needs money to finance its debts, it turns to the Treasury Department to auction and print Federal Notes to sell to the highest bidder with a promise from the taxpayer to repay the loan and the interest. Buyers of these notes include private investors, individuals, pension and annuity funds, and foreign banks and countries. The curious part of the Federal Reserve is where does it get its trillions of dollars to purchase the notes and who keeps track of its balance sheet? It is this mysterious money that is driving your long term note rates lower and the price of the notes higher. Your government has looked to the Federal Reserve to finance the new trillions of dollars needed
to bail out your economy. There is a lurking chance that your government could very easily go bankrupt when the buyers of these notes stop buying or the interest payments are no longer affordable to the taxpayer. This moment of bankruptcy is being postponed by the Federal Reserve’s buying of most of this debt. Once it is obvious that there is too much money printed and too many notes in circulation, the dollar will become so inflated that few will want to be invested in dollars. Super inflation is another source of bankruptcy that could be precipitated from all of your spending on credit. Either way your country’s finances are headed for disaster with martial law and a North American Union ready to take over. Be prepared for this coming tribulation as you prepare to go to your refuges before the evil ones can capture you. Trust in My help and your angels for the protection that you will need.”


Thursday, March 19, 2009: (St. Joseph’s Day)

Jesus said: “My people, My foster father, St. Joseph, does not have any words recorded in the Gospels, but surely he had words of love for Me and My Blessed Mother every day that we were together. He was a loving and endearing father, and he provided for us while he was alive. The vision of St. Joseph’s dream was a warning to him for the need to leave for Egypt because Herod was about to declare a decree that all the male children under two would be killed in and around Bethlehem. (Matt. 2:13-23) This warning of an angel is how My faithful are also going to be alerted when it will be the time to go to My refuges before the evil ones will come searching for you in your homes. The angel led St. Joseph, My Blessed Mother, and Myself to a place to stay in Egypt for protection. Later, after Herod died, the angel again warned St. Joseph when it was safe to come back to Nazareth. Your guardian angels will lead you with a sign, just like St. Joseph was led, so you will find the nearest refuge for your protection. Rejoice that your angels are always watching over you. Those, who do not heed this warning of going to My refuges, will risk the chance of being captured at your house and then martyred at the detention centers.”
Prayer Group:
Josyp said: “John, I am happy to have helped you with your book when I volunteered to paint pictures for your mission. Remember the cover of your book as a gift from me. I thank you for our friendship and all that you did to help me. I wish Carol well and all of your prayer group. Thank you for your witness of My artwork that you displayed. Give a word of encouragement to Sam and my children and friends. I will be praying for all of you. If you would be so kind to bring some donations for the funeral to help my family, it would be helpful, understood?”
Jesus said: “My people, I am very grateful to Steve in the beautiful portrayal of St. Padre Pio and his woodcarving with painting. It is a great inspiration for all who see this carving. I love the picture from Mary depicting the crowning of thorns during this Lenten time. Thank you for the suffering Crucifix that was placed on the altar and I thank you for displaying Josyp’s many pictures of Me, My Blessed Mother, the saints and the angels. The relics and the statues also accent My altar for a beautiful time of Adoration and prayer.”
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast day of St. Joseph, My foster father. This vision of where I was born in Bethlehem is a tribute to St. Joseph for bringing My Blessed Mother who was pregnant with Me to Bethlehem. My father had to suffer in not being able to find a better place than this cave of a barn for My birth. It was good that I was born of humble surroundings because I came to help the poor and poor sinners. Pray to St. Joseph to help you in providing for your living conditions.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is appropriate that you have the Easter Candle at your funerals because I am the Resurrection and the Life. You see this candle at your birth when you are baptized into the faith, and you see this candle at your death as you leave this life. It is very hard to suffer the loss of a loved one, especially for a spouse. After a proper time of mourning, it is consoling to know that your loved one is in My hands. Those, who led good lives, may need some purification in purgatory, but they are promised one day to be with Me in heaven as one of My saints. All of you are struggling through this life to one day receive your crown of sainthood.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing mountains of debt accumulating from this attempt by your government to salvage the bad loans that are loading down the taxpayer with years to pay off such a debt. This debt is mortgaging the futures of all of your taxpayers. It could almost be considered a stealing from the future earnings of your children and grandchildren. The truthfulness of all of this spending is that there is not enough money to bail out all of these bad loans. The result of this financial disaster will be lost freedoms and lost control of your government. Pray for My protection at your refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are about half way through your Lenten devotions. I just want to remind you of your intended readings, prayers, and fasting that you promised at the beginning of Lent. Take an inventory of what you are doing now to see if you are keeping faithful to what you intended. If you have fallen lax in any of your devotions, now would be a good time to redirect your efforts toward fulfilling what you wanted to accomplish this Lent. You are doing some extra penances for love of Me so you can improve your spiritual life. Keep up your good work and ask Me to strengthen you in your weak moments.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am happy that you were all thankful to be in attendance at last week’s healing service. It is always beautiful to give witness to prayerful healings of both body and soul. I know there are many believers in My healing powers. Your belief in Me has healed some of your members, and they should be overjoyed to give witness to their healing. Give praise and glory to Me for all healings that were accomplished through My instruments.”


Friday, March 20, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel focuses on the Greatest of My Commandments which is to love God with all of your mind, your heart, and with all of your strength, and your neighbor as yourself. This love is the basis of all of My teachings, and if man carried this out every day, there would be harmony and peace without any wars. Unfortunately, man is loving Me less and I am becoming less a part of your life. As you worship money and fame more than Me, your money and your freedoms will be falling away as a punishment for violating this love of Mine. As you grow colder in your hearts with less love for Me, you can understand this vision that the elevator grows colder as it descends. You are dependent on Me, and when you depend more on yourselves, your world falls apart. Only by hard times and disasters will you be brought back on your knees to see your need to love Me and depend on Me by worshiping Me only, instead of your money.”
Jesus said: “My people, your economy is having a financial disaster, but your standard of living requires cheap gasoline to survive. You saw what happened when your gasoline prices went to $4/gallon. The mobility of your goods and services is crucial and it relies on cheap fuels. Your energy policies still are not reducing the need for buying a lot of foreign oil. This vision of your oil production and refining of gasoline is very vulnerable to having enough supply, and it is vulnerable to terrorism. Until America expands its alternative energy sources, your economy is still weak to support any expanded energy needs for future growth. All of your economic problems are being worsened by government control which is very inefficient and prone to corruption and interest group control. The one world people have created your financial problem, but their solution is global government which will be the vehicle used by the Antichrist. Your time is short before this planned solution will become a reality. Be prepared in your souls spiritually, and have your things ready to leave for your refuges.”


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this broken piece of glass to indicate an act in reality that had consequences. Sometimes you may accidentally cause a window to break in your car or in your home. You have to admit that it was your fault, but still you need to replace the glass to keep the cold from coming in. In a different spiritual way you sometimes break one of My Commandments in your sins. You know that you are a sinner and when you do sin, you need to be able to admit your fault, and be sorry that you offended Me in your sin. Once you have sinned, you need to make reparation for your sin by confessing it in Confession to a priest and seek My forgiveness. Willingly carry out your penance and go beyond this to make amends for your sin in prayer and good works. Do not make judgments on other souls who may be doing more serious sins than yours. Keep humble in My eyes and you will be exalted later at your judgment. Help your brothers or sisters to lead good lives, but do not nag them or condemn them. This is true for your children, your relatives, and others.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several visions of the demise of your country. This van again represents the fall of America with the disastrous end very certain. The death culture people are closing their vise on your freedoms and your money. Because of the evil ways of abortion, euthanasia, and wars, you are seeing destructive natural disasters. The one world people’s planned economic crisis and constant wars are about to destroy your economy and your military. The deficit spending and control of your minds by microchips in the body are the means for your takeover. They will shut off your electricity and make your money worthless so they can control each of you like a robot. Refuse any chips in the body and be prepared to hide in your refuges for protection when martial law is about to be declared. It is not a matter if America will be taken over, but when you will be taken over. Trust in My help and protection to endure this coming tribulation.”


Sunday, March 22, 2009: (Laetare, rejoice Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, the readings today touch many important parts of your faith and the coming events for your country. In the Gospel it touches on the vision when Moses lifted up the bronze serpent to heal those who were bitten by the seraph serpents. The people complained of just having the manna without any meat. The seraph serpents were sent as a punishment for their grumbling. In this figure as with the night of delivery, the people ate unleavened bread in Egypt and manna in the desert. This is a prefigurement of the Holy Bread of Holy Communion in My Real Presence. Also the lifting up of the bronze serpent is parallel to My being lifted up on the cross when I died for all of mankind. There is also a parallel in the future when My faithful will look upon My luminous cross over the refuges, and you will be healed of all of your health problems. This is Rejoice Sunday in Lent and you can be happy to celebrate My victory over sin and death that you will soon celebrate on Easter Sunday. In the first reading there is the account of how the Israelites were conquered and exiled to Babylon because of their many iniquities and their idol worship. Later, the Persians freed the Israelites as part of God’s plan to restore the Temple. Again there is a parallel to the coming defeat and takeover of America because of your sins of abortion, adoption of a death culture, and your worship of money and materialism instead of worshiping Me. Be prepared for the demise of your country as carried out by your enemies in the one world people. Be patient, My people, for soon I will come to defeat the Antichrist and restore My Kingdom on earth with My Era of Peace.”


Monday, March 23, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you see people dying every day, but you do not expect younger people to be killed. In other words you may be living today, but you cannot promise yourself that you will be alive tomorrow. This is why I keep telling you to live for this moment, and not in the future or in the past. In the recent plane crashes, you can see why you need to be spiritually ready to die every day. I could call you home any day in an accident. You do not have to be old to die. In order to be spiritually ready, use this Lent to repent of your sins in Confession at least monthly, have a good prayer life, and do not keep grudges or any feelings of not being able to forgive someone in your heart. Clear your mind, heart, and soul of any sin or feeling that could hold you back from going to heaven. In this way you will always have a clean, pure soul for the day that you will die, which you do not know. This freedom of any worry about dying will allow you to fulfill your mission more easily by trusting in Me for everything.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your Wall Street people were happy to hear that your government was willing to help remove the toxic assets, that were not performing, off the books of the banks. The banks have taken some write downs on these loans, but what percentage was this of their original value? The original loans were leveraged at about $10 to $1 of capital, but the Wall Street derivatives of collateralized loans were leveraged from $40 to $1 of capital. The trillions of dollars needed to unwind these debt instruments may be too much for even the Federal Reserve to finance. This is why the banks were reluctant to take any more losses to take these assets off of their books. If they did so, these obligations would make these large banks bankrupt. This is also why it is hard to know who owns the individual loans to start with. All of this information is being hidden from the people because your money is about to become worthless when the Federal Reserve produces trillions of dollars out of thin air to back your deficits. This monetized debt will increase the physical money supply in your printing presses to dilute your money to a fraction of its original worth. Once this becomes a public reality, your financial system will collapse, and create the opportunity for a takeover by the one world people in a martial law declaration. Prepare to go to your refuges as your economy is about to fail. Trust in Me to protect you from these evil ones.”


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of helping family members and neighbors is an example all of you should be following out of love for everyone. Instead of refusing to help someone because it may be inconvenient for you, think more to take advantage of every opportunity to help those in your life. At times you tend to be selfish with your time instead of being more generous in sharing it with others. Your first obligation should be to do whatever your own family members need. Then you can look beyond to help neighbors that may be in need. You may even be called to be generous with your money in donations or your time to assist in community work. All of your good works will store up treasure in heaven, and your time will be well spent without being so self-centered and selfish with your time. By doing everything for love of Me and your neighbor, you will also be giving good example to others.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you many times in messages of the coming earthquakes in California. This will not just be one earthquake, but a series of them that will start low and continue into larger earthquakes. There have been many earthquakes in California for a long time, but once they start getting larger, people are going to take notice. This progression will be an advance notice to get out of harm’s way before serious disasters could cause the loss of many lives. Seeing the vision of swaying and falling buildings will be very serious in the large cities. This is why the people in California need an escape plan when earthquake disasters will escalate. Pray for these peoples’ souls because there is much sin in this state.”


Wednesday, March 25, 2009: (Annunciation)

Jesus said: “My people, there were two Annunciations performed by the angel Gabriel. One was to announce to Zachary the coming birth of St. John the Baptist, and the other was the Annunciation of My birth to My Blessed Mother. The reactions were quite different to each of those who heard Gabriel’s message. Zachary and his wife were beyond child bearing years, so he doubted the angel’s message and he was silenced until St. John’s birth. My Blessed Mother always followed the Will of God, and she wanted to know the way she could conceive, and did not doubt that it could be done. On hearing that the Holy Spirit would come upon her, she willingly of her own free will gave her fiat of acceptance of God’s Will. Mary was prepared by God from all time to be the chosen woman to bear Me into the world. This is why she was conceived without original sin and why she had no sin in her life so that this Covenant vessel would be pure and sinless to receive God for the salvation of all of mankind. For this honor she is called ‘Blessed’ among all women. Rejoice in My Blessed Mother’s acceptance of bringing Me into your world that needed My Redemption.”


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages speaking about the eventual bankruptcy of America. Now some of your Congress people are claiming that if the planned budget deficits continue, that your country will be headed into bankruptcy. Some of your economists are even talking about a 20% chance of America falling into a mild depression. Records of high unemployment abound, and many have lost 30-50% of their investments. Companies are still talking about layoffs, and some banks and companies have already failed. Many economists and government people are doing everything to make things look like they are improving, but it is all artificial so far. The surprise is that this slowdown will drag on for a lot longer time than is predicted. It is better to trust in My help to get you through these hard times than trust in your money, your investments, or the government. All of the things around you will come to nothing, but it is your soul that will last forever. This is why your spiritual life is more important to look after than wasting time worrying about the economic hard times around you. Put your faith and trust in Me and you will have nothing to worry about.”


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are so happy to see the sun and some warmer temperatures in the North. The beginnings of spring is a welcome relief to all of the winter cold, ice, and snow. This joy is first expressed in a desire to pick up your yard from all of the leaves and branches that were left over from fall and the wind. During Lent you do some penances to also try and clean up some of your bad habits that may be holding you back in your spiritual life. It is not easy to admit to some of your faults, but working to correct them is a constant work to avoid sin. The more often that you take time to have your sins forgiven in Confession, the easier it will be to withstand any future temptations to sin. Keeping your soul pure and cleansed is a life long work, and you cannot let your guard down at any time because the devil is seeking the ruin of souls constantly. Work to perfect your own soul and help other souls to see My Light as well. By profiting from your Lenten devotions, you will be even more joyful in the Spirit at Easter and the rest of the year.”
Prayer Group:
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you have been led to place my Miraculous Medals all over your house for protection from evil spirits and natural disasters. Even more important you can pray to me with this medal for souls who have fallen away from their faith and are no longer coming to Sunday Mass. These souls know that it is their place to be at Sunday Mass, but they are making worldly excuses not to come. During this Lent I want you to pray my Miraculous Medal prayers for these fallen away souls, especially those souls in your family. Put this medal around them and invite them back to church. Once they have a love for this medal and me, I will not forget them and I will intercede with my Son, Jesus, for their souls.”
Jesus said: “My people, there is an eternal flame in every church in every sanctuary that honors My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle. This flame burns strong because I call everyone to make a special visit to Me to share in My abundant graces. Some have made an extra offering to come to daily Mass for Lent. Another devotion is to make a special effort to adore Me in open Adoration in My monstrance or a visit to My tabernacle. Everything that you can do to come closer to your Savior, will enrich your love for Me during this Lent.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am pleased with all of those faithful who believe in My image on the Shroud of Turin, and especially those who promote the viewing of this image. You are fortunate to have this opportunity to see My wounds that I suffered for all of you. This is appropriate also right before Holy Week and Good Friday. You have seen this image before with Alex, and you can see My very face and dimensions of My height. You have seen Roger and his miracles of seeing everyone’s faces in the magnifications of the blood on this Shroud. You have been to Turin and have seen pictures of the original relic. Treasure this witness of the very moment of My Resurrection.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this image of Me as the King of Kings because some people worship idols or other human beings as gods. I am the only One worthy of your worship and there should be no other gods before Me. This is the First Commandment, but some make money, fame, possessions, or other human beings as idols in violation of My Law. See to it that you do not make idols of these things and consecrate everything over to Me out of love for Me. Those, who love Me sincerely from the heart, are not far from the Kingdom of heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have just read the recent account of how My people in the desert fashioned a golden calf for idol worship, even as Moses was receiving My Ten Commandments. Even today your Wall Street people worship a golden bull for their bull market where they cheat and steal to gain money in their manipulated stocks. You have experienced a collapse in your markets as a punishment for your greed and avarice. Now, even as these same people want to bring their markets back to life, I will dash them again with your coming bankruptcy. I tell you all those, who worship money instead of Me, will find their soul’s demise in their lust for wealth. Trust in Me and worship only the One true God.”
Jesus said: “My people, many are suffering from this recession and for those, who have lost their jobs, it is like a depression. As a Lenten penance look to help those who need food and those who are homeless, and do what you can with donations and your personal help so they can survive. Helping at a food shelf or a soup kitchen can be a means to donate your time as well as your food.”
Jesus said: “My people, your churches offer many special services during Lent to pray the Stations of the Cross and opportunities for retreats and Confession with the priests. Take advantage of these services to build up your spiritual life, and have your souls cleansed of your sins. As you are approaching Holy Week, make time available so you can share in these services of the Triduum so you can appreciate how much I suffered to save your souls.”


Friday, March 27, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, these rays of Light from heaven into purgatory are the conduit or path for souls, who are worthy, to be led into heaven by My angels. On certain feast days those souls, that have been purified, are allowed to leave purgatory to their assigned level in heaven. Many souls, when they die, are not condemned to hell, but they are not sufficiently perfected to enter heaven either. These souls are then sent to a various level of purgatory for purification according to their particular judgment. These souls cannot pray for themselves, but they must rely on their friends and relatives to offer Masses and prayers on their behalf. Masses are the most powerful prayers that can help these poor souls. They are not hopeless, since one day they are promised to be in heaven. This is far better than a judgment to hell where souls have no hope, and are lost for all eternity. This is why all of heaven pleads with My faithful to try and save as many souls from hell as you can. You do not want to see anyone condemned to hell. Remember to pray for the poor souls in purgatory every day, and especially for your family as well as the souls who have no one to pray for them. If you saw the suffering going on in purgatory, you would answer their pleas for help even more.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know that there are masons and Council of Foreign Relations people that are running your government. The one world people are smart enough to put their people in places of influence to control how your money is spent. The recklessness and speed at which trillions of dollars are being allocated for your bank failures, stimulus plans, and bailouts, should show you that these people of power are trying to hurry up the bankruptcy of America for their takeover. Be watchful of the events unfolding as the Executive Branch is reaching for more power to socialize control of your government by controlling the banks and other financial institutions. As the Federal Reserve tries to monetize your deficits, there are holders of your debts who do not want to see your money inflated. China has complained about the U.S. deficit spending and wants an international reserve currency other than the dollar so their investments do not become worthless. Your Treasury Secretary was in agreement with China at first, but then realized that he had to stand up for the dollar. This is another sign to you that the powers running your government are getting ready to change over to the ‘amero’ currency and make your dollar denominated assets next to worthless. This is why having food and things to barter with will be of more value to you than worthless dollars. Continue to be prepared to leave at a moment’s notice for your refuges because events leading up to a takeover are very close.”


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this foggy road is how you face life every day when it is hard to determine your direction by yourself. This is exactly why you must realize that you are dependent on Me for everything in your life. When you need something, or when you need to make some big decisions on the direction for your life, come to Me in prayer so I can help you discern what is best for your soul. Your first inclination may be to take the easy and most comfortable choice, but this may not be the best choice for the long term. Come to Me before My Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle, and let Me talk to your heart in the quiet of your contemplative prayer. Once I have affirmed your path and have opened your eyes of faith, then you can see clearly the path to your salvation.”
Jesus said: “My people, a socialistic or even communist government will be coming to America. Your government will soon be controlling every facet of your life through smart cards in your driver’s license, or in your passports. Eventually, they will mandate chips in the body which you are to refuse and run to your refuges. Those, who stay behind, will need chips to buy and sell food and everything else, including house taxes. If you do not use your smart card, you cannot buy food and they will condemn your house and take it away. I have told you that National Health will demand smart cards and again you could not buy your drugs without it. By going to My refuges, you will look on the luminous cross and be healed of all of your medical conditions. Look at what is going on in your government as your politicians cannot bankrupt your country fast enough. Beware of all of this fast spending of trillions of dollars with very little time to read any new legislation. Your new leaders want fiat rule so they can control all of you like robots while trying to lead your soul into the hands of the Antichrist. Be forewarned of these coming events as you are preparing to leave for the safety of My refuges.”


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, when I healed people in the Gospel, I focused on healing souls without trying to draw fame to Myself. Even when I cast demons out of people, I told the demons to be quiet and not to proclaim that I was the Holy One of God. I truly was a hidden Messiah. There were several incidents when My true identity was given. My Transfiguration was witnessed only by three of My apostles. In Nazareth’s synagogue I told them that I was a fulfillment of Isaiah’s writings of healing people, but they wanted to kill Me for blasphemy. Among My apostles St. Peter was given by My Father to know that I was the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Before the High Priest I also admitted that I was the Son of God, but they crucified Me for blasphemy. This was all part of the plan for My crucifixion to save all of mankind from their sins. Many saw power in My healings, My miracles, and the authority of My words, but few wanted to admit that I was the Messiah, especially My own Jewish people refused to believe in Me. Yet, despite this rejection, My Resurrection was proof to everyone who wants to believe in Me. The history of My Church’s formation and its existence up to today is also a witness to My protection from the gates of hell. Only those, who believe in Me, and accept Me, can enter into heaven, for I truly am the Messiah for all time. I am with you always in My Blessed Sacrament.”


Monday, March 30, 2009: (Susanna story-Daniel)

Jesus said: “My people, you know that officials in your government and every clergy are sinners with the rest of you. You would hope that people in the public’s eye would know better that people are watching their every move. Still you see drug use, conniving for money, cheating on taxes, and sexual involvements with your public officials. In My Church you have also seen stealing of the collections, and homosexual and heterosexual encounters with My priest sons. It is a scandal in government and in My Church when this happens, but usually these evil doers are removed from their positions, but not always. It is sad when money and power can even let these bad officials get away with their crimes and they stay in office. This corruption among public leaders makes all officials suspicious, which is why many do not trust their government leaders and some do not even trust Church leaders. Pray for your government and Church leaders that they do their job correctly without becoming defiled with worldly wealth or pleasures.”
Jesus said: “My people, there is a large problem with the finances at two of your car manufacturers that required billions of dollars to keep their doors open. But now they are asking for more money to keep going. Your President is showing another grab for power by firing the CEO at GM on his own. Such leaders were not even fired at several of the financial organizations that your government has bailed out. Your government is planning to allow possible bankruptcy to avoid contracts and then support the revival of these car manufacturers with drastic changes required. These drastic actions are risking the loss of your auto manufacturers and the loss of more jobs. Every day there is another government play to nationalize or socialize another industry. It would be better to let markets deal with bankruptcies than prolong bad situations that bailouts will not solve. The heavy deficits caused by your bailouts will bankrupt your country, and there is plenty of manipulation in handling the dispersing of the bailout money. Beware of your huge debts that will be near impossible to finance. When your financial system fails, you will need to go to My refuges to avoid the martial law.”


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, today’s reading of Moses lifting up the bronze serpent to heal those bitten by the seraph serpents, has much meaning for the coming Holy Week. Soon you will be reading of My crucifixion on the cross as I was lifted up to save everyone from their sins. When you look upon My crucifix, you can see how much I suffered for each one of you in giving up My life, so you could have eternal life in heaven. Without My sacrifice for your salvation, the doors of heaven could not have been opened as they are open today. There is an example in My suffering on the cross because I want everyone to take up their own cross, and share life’s trials with Me on My cross. During the tribulation, you will see a luminous cross over every refuge in the sky, and when My faithful look upon this cross, you will be healed of all of your medical problems just like Moses’ bronze serpent. In addition to your physical healing, you will see spiritual healings as well when you look upon My luminous cross. If you do not have a priest for Confession, you can pray your Act of Contrition while looking on this cross, and your sins will be forgiven. During all ages I give you every opportunity to repent of your sins and be saved. During Lent take the opportunity of Confession to cleanse your souls in preparation for Holy Week.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am recalling a scene on the Sea of Galilee when there was a large storm that was swamping the boat that I was in with My apostles. (Mark 4:35-40) I was awakened by My apostles because they feared that we were going to drown from the storm. I calmed the waters and the storm , and then I questioned their little faith. My apostles still did not realize My powers, for I can do the impossible in man’s eyes. All that I ask is that you have faith in how I will protect you from the evil ones. Today you are in a financial storm which could easily lead to chaos and riots should the banks be closed or your power is turned off. I am here for My faithful as well in this coming tribulation. Instead of calming everything all over the world, I will make places of calm at all of My refuges where My angels will protect you and provide for your needs. When I am with you, you have nothing to fear, even as I calmed the storm to save My apostles in the boat. Trust in My hand of protection that is always watching over you.”


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some serious flooding in the Mid-West of your country from heavy rain and snow melting. Some people are seeing too much water, while others are witnessing droughts as in Texas. This high water level is also a reflection of your high sin level. If evil could be measured in water terms, then you are also witnessing a flood of evil as well. Your abortions and wars continue, as well as your drug traffic and killings associated with drugs. Euthanasia, sexual sins, and embryonic stem cell research continues to raise the evil level in America. The death culture is running rampant with your latest administration, so expect the worst as a consequence of your misdeeds. More natural disasters, and more financial problems will be the harvest when you offend Me with these killings. Not only will your economy falter, but your whole government will be taken over by the one world people as evil will reign for a short time. Pray that this time of evil will be shortened for the sake of My faithful.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the news some scenes from England and the Royal Court. Aristocracies with kings and queens are mostly figureheads at most in your heads of government that have presidents and prime ministers. In older days kings ruled over their subjects with dictatorial power. There are physical kingdoms on earth, but the Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom that reigns over the physical and the spiritual realms. I am your King of Kings and I sit on My throne in heaven next to God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. We are all One in the Blessed Trinity. When I came down to earth as a God-man, I died for your sins, and I conquered death and sin. The Kingdom of God is among you in My very Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts all over the world. Give honor and glory to My Kingship which gives peace to all of your souls. Keep focused on Me to bring all of you closer to Me in following My laws instead of your laws.”


Thursday, April 2, 2009: (St. Francis of Paola)

Jesus said: “My people, the readings for today talk of two great Covenants in the Bible. The first talks about Abraham how he will be a Father of all Nations, and his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky. He also was promised the land that they were occupying. In the Gospel you are seeing another statement of My being the Son of God when I declared to the people that before Abraham came to be ‘I AM’. The Jewish leaders did not accept that I was God, or the Messiah, so they tried to kill Me for blaspheming in their eyes. It was for this reason that I declared Myself as the Son of God that eventually they were to crucify Me. But this is why I came into the world to offer up My life as a worthy sacrifice to ransom all of mankind and bring all of you salvation from your sins. My crucifixion is a fulfillment of another promise or Covenant that a Messiah would be sent to free all peoples of their sins. Soon you will revisit the words of My suffering on Passion or Palm Sunday leading into Holy Week. Rejoice that I keep all of My promises for mankind, and I continue to watch over you at all times.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been graced with this exposition of My Holy Shroud at Turin. It shows you all of the nail marks and ths scourging that I suffered, even with My crown of thorns. The vision of the woman anointing Me with oil was done for My pending burial before I was crucified. The wrappings found in the tomb had My image imbedded in the cloth at the moment of My Resurrection when My Light caused this image to form. Rejoice that you have this replica to give witness to My Crucifixion and My Resurrection.”
Jesus said: “My people, in this scene the people were singing My praise: ‘Hosanna in the Highest’. This celebration as I rode into Jerusalem on a donkey was a joyful jubilation, but it lasted only a short time, just as human fame is fleeting. After I shared the Passover Meal that some call ‘The Last Supper’, I instituted My Body and Blood in the First Eucharist under the appearances of bread and wine. Later, in the Garden of Gethsamani the people now wanted to crucify Me for claiming I was the Son of God which I am. Be prepared for the coming Holy Week services.”
Jesus said: “My people, thank you also for displaying Josyp Terelya’s picture of Me as you depart for his funeral. I have given you a message how I wanted to be a hidden Messiah without any fame for Myself. Others did not want to admit that I was the Messiah even when I performed miracles and rose from the dead in My glorious Resurrection. Once My apostles were given the gifts of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, they were emboldened to go out into the streets to shout that the Kingdom of God was upon everyone. They witnessed My words in the Gospels and I put St. Peter in charge of My Church where the popes have carried on My words of salvation to all peoples, even until today.”
Jesus said: “My people, there were other relics of My last days that are treasured in sacred places. Some sought the Holy Grail that I offered up at My Last Supper. Veronica’s veil also held a miraculous image of My face as she wiped My face during My carrying of My Cross. Some have relics of My True Cross that have seen healings come from holding it. Even the spear of Longinus that pierced My side was sought for legendary power. All of these artifacts have a holy significance in addition to the Shroud and other miracles of My Eucharist.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to share in praising Me on Palm Sunday as you hold your palms in procession. The irony of this Sunday is that it is also called Passion Sunday because you are reading the account of My suffering and death on the cross. It is appropriate that you are displaying My Shroud of suffering right before hearing My passion again. As you read the details of how I suffered, think of how much I loved mankind, that of My own free will, I was willing to sacrifice My life for all of you. I could have saved you in a less dramatic way, but I chose this crucifixion to show you that I would go to any extreme to save all sinners from their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are redemptive graces that can be obtained in your Masses, your prayers, and your good deeds. Those, who give their lives for My Name’s sake, will receive instant sainthood and their intercession for your prayers will bring more souls to conversion. Offer up your own suffering and crosses with My suffering, and I will multiply My graces for all sinners who need to repent and be converted.”
Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for all of your beautiful displays, but most of all I share My graces even more with My holy adorers who take special time to adore Me in holy hours or visit Me in My tabernacle. Receiving Me in Holy Communion or adoring My Host will give you a peace in your heart and soul that cannot be found anywhere else among your worldly things.”


Friday, April 3, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, it was the Scribes and Pharisees that stirred up the people to crucify Me by their accusations. Many times I warned the people to hear their words, but not to follow their deeds and actions. I gave many woes about them, but the vision of placing too many burdens on the people’s backs is quoted in (Matt 23:3,4) ‘All things, therefore, that they command you, observe and do. But do not act according to their works, for they talk but do nothing. And they bind together heavy and oppressive burdens, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but do not with one finger of their own do they choose to move them.’ It was for My criticisms and showing the people a new way to follow that the Scribes and Pharisees were threatened and they wanted to kill Me. Even in your own government you also see heavy burdens of taxes and regulations that are weighing you down and oppressing you with their microchips. You will also face persecution as I did. So as you follow My passion and death, you can offer your sufferings to Me on the cross. Be prepared with My graces to endure the coming tribulation.”
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am very proud of my dear Josyp in all of our experiences together and in all of the pictures of me that he painted. I especially want to share two dear moments in Josyp’s life that touched me deeply. I appeared to many people in Hrushiv and Josyp was very faithful in sharing my visions and my words to him. At another time Josyp was being frozen to death by his captors in his cell, and he prayed for my help. I miraculously kept him warm that night and astounded his captors, and actually brought one closer to God. Josyp’s work is not ended, but will continue on from heaven. When you pray to Josyp and me as intercessors, you will see many miracles of grace in both physical and spiritual healings. He sends his love to Sam, his children, and all of his friends. Give praise and thanks to my son, Jesus, for the gift of Josyp’s life to all of humanity.”


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Josyp said: “John, I am happy to see all of my friends and family here as well as the clergy. I thank all of them for coming to share their respects with my family. I send my blessings over all of you and I will be praying for all of your souls and protection. I suffered much in the prisons of my homeland for my Church and this was very acceptable to me. This was my purgatory on earth, but I would do it again if it were possible. I am sad in my heart to see how many suffered persecution in my homeland, but they remained strong in their faith. The sad part is how in places of freedom as in Canada and the United States that the people are falling away from their faith. Instead of coming closer to Jesus and Mary, the people are paying more attention to the distractions of the world. I plead with all peoples to get down on their knees and pray for the conversion of sinners because the time to repent is short. I bless all of you.”
Jesus said: “My people, Josyp is fortunate to have his funeral right before Holy Week because he has shared in My suffering on the cross, and now he is celebrating My Resurrection with Me in heaven. Josyp and many people have suffered persecution for My Name’s sake and some have given their lives as martyrs for not denying their faith. Some, who were not physical martyrs, as Josyp, were ‘dry’ martyrs for the faith. A time is coming soon in the tribulation when a worse persecution will befall you and you will see an evil worse than you have ever seen. Again you will see more martyrs give their lives instead of denying their faith. Others will be led to the safety of My refuges. All of My faithful will unite all of your sufferings with Me on My cross and your crosses will become much heavier. Just as Simon helped Me to carry My cross, so I will bring My graces to each of you to make you strong in your faith, and I will assist you in carrying your cross in the end days. Call on Josyp and Me to help you through this trial of your life.”


Sunday, April 5, 2009: (Palm Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, I know that you have just heard the account of My passion and death on Mount Calvary. The visions are highlights of the more important parts of this Gospel of St. Mark (Mk 14:1-15:41). There is a great significance in the institution of My Eucharist as My Real Presence is always with My consecrated Bread and Wine which become My very Body and Blood. This account of the Last Supper is constantly repeated at every Mass so you always have Me present among you. At the scene of My agony in the Garden of Gethsemani I said to My apostles who were sleeping, ‘Could you not pray with Me for one hour?’ This is significant not only for My apostles, but it is an invitation to all of you to pray frequent holy hours with Me. If you truly love Me, then a holy hour is a witness of the sincerity of your words. The third scene on the cross is a remembrance of the good thief’s plea to Me. (Luke 23:42) ‘Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy Kingdom.’ My answer to him is the answer that all of you want to hear from My lips: ‘Amen, I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with Me in Paradise.’ In St. John’s Gospel (Jn 19:26-27) I gave My Blessed Mother over to John’s care and she became a mother to St. John and to all of My children as she puts her mantle of protection over everyone. These Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday readings are the core of your faith in Me, so meditate on all the readings for Holy Week.”


Monday, April 6, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the greatest place on earth because this tomb in the vision is where I resurrected from the dead, and I give hope to all sinners who believe in Me that they too could be resurrected one day. Right before I raised Lazarus from the dead I spoke to Martha. (Jn 11:25-26) ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me, even if he die, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die.’ Mary in today’s Gospel reading (Jn 12:7-8) anointed Me with the oil of My burial, even though some criticized her. ‘Let her be-that she may keep it for the day of My burial. For the poor you have always with you, but you do not always have Me.’ These wonderful readings of the resurrection of Lazarus and Myself are so beautiful. You must take time to realize that this hope of heaven and being fully resurrected in body and soul at the final judgment should be the goal of every Christian, and anyone who believes in Me. This is your purpose in life that you may live eternally with Me in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, remember how I protected the Israelites from the Egyptian Army during the Exodus. I put a large flame to block the Egyptians’ way and then I drowned them in the Red Sea. As My faithful of today seek My protection, I will have your guardian angels make you invisible as you go to your refuges. You may be able to drive part of the way, use your bikes, or walk if you do not have any other way. It is all about trusting in My protection that will give peace to your soul. Do not worry about using guns, or where you will find food or shelter. My angels will be your protection and they will build whatever shelter that you will need. Food and water will be multiplied when you need it. You are dependent on Me for everything now, and you will depend on Me during the tribulation as well. Do not lose your faith, and do not take any chip in your body. Worship only Me and never anyone else. All of those, who remain faithful to Me, will find their reward in My Era of Peace and finally in heaven.”


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I knew very early on that Judas would be My betrayer. Judas had made plans with the religious leaders to hand Me over before the Last Supper. So he was open to Satan entering him, and Judas then carried out his betrayal for the thirty pieces of silver. In your government and My Church you also have spies where Satan has entered their hearts. They will betray your people in a takeover of America, and other evil ones will lead the schismatic church when there is a division from My faithful remnant. These evil ones also have sold out for thirty pieces of silver, but they will receive their reward in hell and My faithful in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing one natural disaster after another in your floods, tornadoes, and now the recent earthquake in Italy. When you see earthquakes that displace water on the ocean floor, then you have a chance for a displacement of water that could set a tsunami in motion. The last major tsunami killed hundreds of thousands of people, as the wave traveled many miles at a fast speed. Many strong earthquakes have been occurring recently and one of these could create another killer tsunami. Trust in My protection and I will lead you to safe places at My refuges that will protect you from any harm because My angels will be watching over you.”


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I am the life blood of your spiritual life. Without Me and My Eucharist, you would not have eternal life. It is My death on the cross and My institution of Holy Communion and Confession as sacraments that gives you the grace to enter the open gates of heaven. Because My death on the cross has enabled you to have your sins forgiven, My crucifix should be your greatest remembrance of this gift of life. This is why you should have a large crucifix on every altar of every church. I have paid the ransom price for all of your souls, so looking on My crucifix should help keep you focused on the One who loves you most. When you walk in obedience to My laws and give everything over to Me, you are making a complete commitment to Me in your consecration to Me. It is this total surrender of your heart and soul to Me, and your detachment from worldly things that will lead you on the path to heaven. Just as I gave My life up for you out of love, so you can give your life over to Me out of love for Me. By having Me with you at all times, you will have My peace in your soul that no one else can promise you.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who read a lot of books and they are called book-smart. But unless they apply that knowledge to practical uses, then that person is still smart, but their hands are empty of any deeds. It is the same way with knowing chapter and verse of the Bible or other books as the Catechism. This remains all good knowledge, but you need to put this knowledge into actions and deeds. You may know the Ten Commandments, but you must obey them to show your love for Me. You may know all about My life and how to live from the Gospels, but unless you live your faith or imitate Me in your actions, then this knowledge is not used. Keeping the faith by your actions, and performing good deeds out of love for Me, will gain more treasure for you in heaven. Establishing a true love relationship with your Lord takes a personal commitment that will involve giving your will over to Me so I can fully direct your life on the right path to heaven. Faith and good works therefore are much better than all of your book knowledge of the world or of holy books.”


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, My Divine Mercy is for every soul that repents and changes their life to one in imitation of Me. As you look upon this image from St. Faustina and pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, your soul will receive My protection to make you strong in the face of your daily temptations. Making the Easter Novena and going to Confession within a week of Mercy Sunday will take away all temporal punishment due for your sins. This great promise to St. Faustina is a blessing of mercy for all souls who follow these instructions. My Divine Mercy draws you closer to Me, and you can identify with My suffering every time that you pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet at the 3:00 p.m. hour. Even if you are unable to pray this chaplet during this hour, make a point to pray these prayers every day. By drawing on My Divine Mercy to forgive your sins, you will see why it is so important not to offend Me in your sins. Remember what I told the adulteress: ‘Go and sin no more.’”


Friday, April 10, 2009: (Good Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, you have suffered your little penances all throughout Lent and you give them over to Me on the cross. Every day you carry your cross in this life, and do not think that all of your sufferings go unnoticed. I see all that you suffer in the little and large things in your life. So do not be depressed over them, but accept them joyfully for Me because there is redemptive merits in them when you give them over to Me. As you read the account of My Crucifixion, see how much I was willing to suffer for each person’s sins. As you look closely at the Shroud of Turin, you can see the blood marks from My five wounds and all of the rips in My skin from My scourging. Even on My head you can see the wounds of My crown of thorns, and the bruises on My shoulder and My knees. It is painful to see how much I suffered, but I went to this extent of torture and death to ransom the sins of all mankind. Not every one accepts Me, and I suffer more rejection from people who do not love Me and do not thank Me for the openness to their salvation. Every sinner can repent of their sins and I will forgive them. Pray for the conversion of poor sinners so they can be saved from hell. Everyone has a choice for heaven or hell, but unless you repent and accept Me as Master of your life, then you cannot come to heaven.”


Saturday, April 11, 2009: (Easter Vigil)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of My Resurrection did occur on the third day at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. This is why some have the urging at this time to pray and give glory to Me. The accounts of the women meeting the angels at the tomb were revealing to them. (Luke 24:5,6) ‘Why do you seek the living One among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.’ This proof of My Resurrection did not satisfy My apostles. It was My physical appearances that convinced them that I was not a ghost and that I had true flesh and blood showing them My wounds. It took some time and My sending of the Holy Spirit until My disciples truly believed and started teaching My Resurrection to others. These accounts are further proof to My faithful that I truly resurrected and that everyone of My faithful will also one day be resurrected body and soul after the last judgment. Rejoice that I conquered sin and death by My Resurrection. Be glad in singing your Alleluia verses.”


Sunday, April 12, 2009: (Easter Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, My death on the cross opened the gates to heaven because I paid the ransom for all the sins of mankind, both in the past and the future. The souls, who were pure enough to enter heaven, were released from the place of the dead. Easter was a glorious time for all souls. (Matt. 27:52,53) ‘And the graves were opened: and many bodies of the saints that had slept arose, and coming out of the tombs after His Resurrection, came into the holy city, and appeared to many.’ This event gave hope to those still living and further hope to those living today that you also could be resurrected one day. Give praise and thanks to Me for all of My gifts to My faithful. Repent and follow My laws, and you will have your reward in heaven.”


Monday, April 13, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you know how the souls were released from the dead when I resurrected. The saints came to heaven, but there are still others in purgatory that have not yet been allowed to come to heaven. Every time a soul passes from this life, there is a particular judgment for that soul to hell, purgatory, or heaven. Because of My death on the cross, some souls are allowed directly into heaven if they have been purified in this life by suffering or a holy life. Those, who need purification, are sent to various levels of purgatory. By your good deeds, prayers, and leading a holy life, you can lay up treasure in heaven that will lessen your stay in purgatory. I want everyone to come to heaven and avoid hell, but this is dependent on the personal choices that you make on earth in this life. I give you an opportunity to have your sins forgiven any time that you can come to Confession. There is no excuse for not being prepared to die because this could happen to you at any time. By frequent Confession you can keep your soul pure and ready for your particular judgment. As you rejoice in this Easter Season, remember that saving your soul and the souls of others should be your primary concerns in this life.”
Jesus said: “My people, the meaning of the word ‘Bethlehem’ is house of bread. My churches are little Bethlehems because each church in My tabernacle is housing My consecrated Body and Blood in the holy bread of My Host. You have My Real Presence in My consecrated Bread in every tabernacle. So as you make a visit to My Blessed Sacrament, you are adoring and praising your God in your Adoration time. I thank you for visiting Me and keeping Me comforted by your presence every night that you come to Me. My adorers are special to Me because they realize that their God is ever present to them in My tabernacle. Trust in Me that I will be guarding you at all times from the evil temptations of the world.”


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, after My Resurrection there were several accounts given of My appearances in My resurrected Body. The women notified My apostles that the tomb, where I was buried, is now empty. The apostles went to the tomb and found it so. (Jn 20:6,7) ‘Simon Peter therefore came following him (John), and he went into the tomb, and saw the linen cloths lying there, and the handkerchief which had been about His head, not lying with the linen cloths, but folded in a place by itself.’ This burial cloth, that you have come to know as the Holy Shroud of Turin, is the cloth in your vision. Many have come to believe in Me by this miracle of My Image on this shroud. I first appeared to Mary Magdalene, and she did not recognize Me in My resurrected Body until I called her name, Mary. She reported My appearance to the apostles, but some did not want to believe her. I call each person by name to come and believe in Me. This is everyone’s choice because I do not force My love on anyone. But for those, who come to believe in Me, now you will have the gift of eternal life.”


Wednesday, April 15, 2009: (Road to Emmaus)

Jesus said: “My people, this encounter with two of My disciples on the road to Emmaus was a beautiful opportunity to explain all of the Old Testament references to how I would suffer and perform miracles. Every time that I performed a miracle of healing or raised someone from the dead, the people were amazed, but they did not want to believe that I was the Son of God. They did not know where My power came from, but they knew I was born among them. They also did not connect that I was fulfilling the role of the Messiah because I did not fit their vision of a ruler who would save them from the Romans. I indeed reminded My disciples of the prophets’ prophecies, but they could not believe or understand what rising from the dead meant. Several times I mentioned that I was sent by God and I was performing the works that the prophets foretold. But the Jews would not accept Me as a God-man and they killed Me because they thought that I was blaspheming in My claiming to be the Son of God. After I arose from the dead and witnessed My flesh body to My disciples, they truly believed that I was the Messiah. It was after Pentecost and when they received the Holy Spirit that My disciples had the courage to go forth and proclaim My Gospel and heal the infirm. Believe in the Good News of My Resurrection, and be thankful that I paid the ransom for everyone’s sins.”


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in these readings after Easter I am taking you to school in learning your faith and what is important. I bring salvation to all peoples who believe in Me, and you have been taught the Good News of My death and resurrection. You are reading all about how My Early Church began and what truths are most important. You are seeing how the spirit of the law is more important than the letter of the law. Love of Me and neighbor are also more important than man’s traditions. Not only can you learn from these readings, but you need to pass on the core of your faith to your children or those that you teach in religious education. When My faithful grow weak in your faith, then the following generations will be weak as well. Keep strong in your faith and your prayer life, and you will survive life’s trials. You also will be a good example for others to follow. The more you struggle to be a good student in the faith, the better you will be in teaching the faith yourself. By trusting in Me for everything, then you will have no worries, and be confident in being with Me in heaven for all eternity.”


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter in the first reading was explaining to the people that the lame beggar was healed by My power in My Name. He also used that occasion not to take any credit for himself, and emphasized My Resurrection as proof that I really am the Son of God who I claimed to be, and whom the chief priests rejected. The Gospel readings are all in the New Testament as seen in the vision. I appeared to My apostles without coming through the door in My glorified Body. I showed them My wounds and that I was true body and blood, and not a ghost. I ate the broiled fish in front of them to further prove My humanity, and that I truly resurrected. Man has trouble understanding the supernatural, so I did everything to prove to My disciples with hands on physical flesh so they could fully believe in Me without any doubt. These accounts are also further proof to My faithful of My historical Presence and full Resurrection. Even though the Jewish leaders of the time refused to believe in My Resurrection, you have the accounts in the New Testament to see the truth of My Resurrection and believe in Me and My Church, which I founded. St. Peter was declared the rock on whom I would build My Church, and you have this authority handed down through all of the popes. I declared that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church, and it exists today by My protection. My Church will continue even during the tribulation through My faithful remnant.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, on earth you are smelling the heavenly aroma of beautiful spring flowers. In heaven there is rejoicing and singing as you commemorate My Resurrection on Easter Sunday. As you view these beautiful flowers, you are drawn closer to My beauty in nature of My creation. Spring is a new beginning of life as everything in the grass and the trees start to come back to life. Keep your soul pure and close to Me, and keep a holy life as your focus on Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, even when you celebrate the life of a deceased person, there is a hope that one day that person will be with Me in heaven. I have told you before that you are not ready to live until you are ready to die. Which means that you should go to frequent Confession so your soul will be pure at your judgment when I call you home. You need to pass from this life so one day you may have eternal rest in Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, continue your Novena prayers for Divine Mercy along with going to Confession to fulfill your requirements from St. Faustina. Then the reparation due for your sins can be forgiven from My heart. Look upon this picture of the Divine Mercy as you recite your Divine Mercy Chaplet and prayers for the Novena. My mercy is flowing over everyone as I await every soul’s journey to find Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, this story of My explanation of the Scriptures concerning Me is a desire to be there for all of My faithful. Even when these disciples recognized Me in the breaking of the bread, they said how their hearts were burning with joy to hear My complete Messianic Mission explained to them. Every Easter your hearts should also be burning with joy to hear all of the details of how I appeared to My disciples and gave them proof of My Resurrection.”
Jesus said: “My people, rejoice in having the chance to view this holy image of Mine on this shroud. This is another of My signs to show you the reality of My Resurrection. All four Gospels give you a collective view of the many accounts of My Resurrection that shows many personal encounters that I had with My disciples. I had to ascend to My Father in heaven, but I remain present with you in My Blessed Sacrament. I am the victor over sin and death, so keep singing Alleluia to give thanks for My victory.”
Jesus said: “My people, this extended time of Easter, up to Pentecost Sunday, is a time for everyone to try and fully grasp My gift of spiritual life that was given in My death and Resurrection. Rejoice in singing the Gloria and My Easter songs of joy. I sent My disciples out to teach all nations about My Good News, and they were given gifts of the Holy Spirit in various healings. Today all of you are called by your Baptism and your Confirmation to go out and convert as many souls to the faith as you can. My gift of faith and love was meant to be shared with others and not just kept to yourself. Love one another as I have loved you.”
Jesus said: “My people, coming together as a family is a deep sharing of love at the roots of your family tree. You are happy to see each other, but sad to separate. This is more so for family members who live many miles apart. Your family of the faithful, especially in your own parish, or among your prayer group members, is another coming together in joy when you are singing and praying with each other. When you are of one mind in the Spirit, there is a comfort in being with each other’s company. Take this love from your meetings and share it with those that you meet in life. By sharing My love with others, you become My hands and My feet.”


Friday, April 17, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, before My apostles received the Holy Spirit for their mission, they wanted to go back to their old ways of fishing. Their first attempt caught nothing, but I performed a miracle of a large catch of fish for them. Then I reminded them of their new mission for Me which is that they will now be fishers of men instead of searching for fish. On the Sea of Tiberias I had breakfast with My apostles and later I tested St. Peter on his love for Me three times as he denied Me three times. The apostles realized that I performed many miracles to support their faith in Me, but they were still weak in their old ways. People in general want to follow their own ways instead of following My ways. It takes grace from My sacraments to build up your spiritual strength so you can focus more on My mission for your life instead of following your own will. Every morning you should consecrate everything over to Me in your morning offering so you are thinking more to please Me than your own worldly desires. Trust in Me for everything and I will provide for all of your needs.”
At Mt. Carmel House after Communion I could see a vision of Rose and Raoul together, as they are very close. Jesus said: “My people, this is the second 70th Wedding Anniversary that you have attended within a week and it is a rarity to see both Anniversaries celebrated on the same day as they were married in the same year. Rose and Raoul have had many special years together, and they are a witness of true fidelity to each other, and an example to others in a world of divorce and living together. They are living proof that couples can stay married for life if they make a true commitment to each other. I have always been a part of their marriage, and I share My love with all married couples, because marriage is a sign of My love for My Church. My Church is the bride and I am the Groom. There is also another anniversary to be celebrated, and that is the 25th Anniversary of the starting of Mt. Carmel House as a home for the dying. Rose and Raoul have made this house their life work, and their donation of time and money as well. It is not easy to run a home for the dying and schedule all of the workers for these many years. I commend them for their generosity in providing a comfortable place for the dying people to come to. They and all of the workers are storing up treasure in heaven for all of these beautiful good deeds for others. Again, rejoice in celebrating all of these anniversaries.”


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I know it was hard to believe that I could rise from the dead for My apostles, but even after hearing several accounts of My appearances to the women and the disciples on the road to Emmaus, they still were in disbelief. I appeared before them and chastised them for not believing in My Resurrection. Even later, St. Thomas had to put his finger into My wounds before he would believe. After they saw Me in the flesh and I ate the fish in front of them, they finally believed. Then I said to them: ‘Blessed are those, who have not seen Me, and still they believe in Me and My Resurrection.’ This belief in unusual warnings by the prophets of today is another problem in people being open to hear such things. At best for some people you are only planting seeds of preparation for what is to come. Just as My apostles had to see something in order to believe it, so the people of today are also lacking in belief of messages and apparitions. Be open to discern any of these warnings so you will be prepared for the coming tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when you will have to go into hiding because evil ones will be trying to kill My faithful. There will first come a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This will be the first persecution from within. Soon after, you will need to seek your refuges for protection from the one world people who will be seeking to kill religious people and patriots. Those, who do not leave their homes soon enough, could be captured by the men in black and martyred in the detention center death camps. When you are called to leave your homes, leave quickly, and you will be protected by My angels at My refuges. I have warned you that these days are coming quickly, so have your sacramentals and backpacks ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Call on My help and I will be at your side.”


Sunday, April 19, 2009: (Mercy Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, you are grateful for My death and Resurrection because you are looking at a past event, and can understand that I came as the Messiah to die for your sins. My disciples were told several times that I would be killed and rise on the third day, but they did not understand that anyone could rise from the dead by themselves. Rising from the dead was My greatest miracle, but death could have no power over Me, even if I was a God-man. This is why many of them doubted that I appeared to people alive, especially St. Thomas in today’s Gospel reading. I appeared several times to My disciples so there was no longer any doubt that I had raised from the dead in the flesh. Now you can read the accounts of these appearances, and My faithful can also believe, even though you were not there in the Upper Room. I gave My apostles the blessing of the Holy Spirit so they could have strength and speak foreign languages in spreading the Good News of My death and Resurrection for everyone’s sins. This is such a joyful time so you can be thanking Me for My sacramental gifts and for receiving also the gifts of the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus said: “My people, how I love My people so much and I send you My graces and blessings on this Mercy Sunday. My mercy for your sins is truly endless as I will forgive every repentant sinner, no matter how serious your sin may be. Your Novena prayers and Confession will take away any reparation due for your sins. Trust in My Divine Mercy for it is always available to you. As you look upon the Divine Mercy Picture of St. Faustina, I will always send you My mercy for all of your sins. As you meditate on the account with My walking with My disciples on the road to Emmaus, I comforted them and allowed them to understand the Scriptures which foretold My coming. Just as I comforted these disciples, I also want to walk with each of you on your journey through life. I am always at your side to help you and guide you through all of life’s troubles. Do not forget to call on Me every day to assist you in your daily needs. I love you and I offer My help to bring you home to Me in heaven. Rejoice in My mercy because My mercy is ongoing for everyone.”


Monday, April 20, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, when you are close to Me at Adoration, you are sheltered in My love in quiet contemplation. At Adoration you can drink in My love and graces as if you were at a spiritual oasis. This close time with Me is like a little taste of the joy of heaven. When you are with Me, I am preparing you to withstand the trials and troubles of the outside world. These rays of sunshine represent the joy in your heart which you are willing to share with others as you go out into the world. My apostles were also protected for a while until they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Then they were strengthened to go out and preach My Good News of My Kingdom to all of the nations. Again, during Lent you were purifying your soul so you would be refreshed in your faith, so you could now go out as well to share your faith with others. Rejoice in My Easter message, and shout My praises from the rooftops.”
Jesus said: “My people, evil dealings are usually carried out in the dark, or in secret, so no one knows what is being done. Many Wall Street derivatives were sold with extreme leveraging to maximize profits and commissions, but also took on more risk than could be covered by capital to back them up. You have heard numbers as quadrillions of dollars transacted in dark deals that had no oversight. Now the large banks have been combined and their non-performing assets are so tied up that there is not enough money to unwind these deals. On the surface these banks are claiming profits, but they are not revealing all that they know about their toxic assets. Why are these banks setting aside hundreds of billions of dollars for bad loans, unless they know their losses are beyond their operating capital. If all of these toxic assets were revealed, it would bankrupt all of these large banks. This is a planned destruction of your banking system, and it cannot be kept a secret much longer. When investigation shows the money involved, you will see a bankruptcy of America that will bring about martial law and a takeover by the central bankers. Be prepared to go to your refuges when all of this evil plan is found out. America’s bankruptcy will be the precursor for the North American Union and the new ‘amero’ currency. Trust in My protection for now, as soon I will throw all of these evil ones into hell, when I will establish My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I spoke to Nicodemus about being born again in the Spirit which he did not understand: (Jn 3:5,6) ‘Amen, amen, I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.’ It was My death and Resurrection that has enabled everyone the opportunity to have eternal life with Me in heaven. Being born in this life only concerns you with an earthly existence. Being born in the Holy Spirit means you are first sacramentally gifted in grace by Baptism and Confirmation to have the ability to come to know Me in faith. Faith is truly a gift which means there needs to be a spiritual commitment to believe in Me and follow My Commandments, as well as consecrating everything over to Me. This commitment means that you accept Me as Master over your life, and that I am truly your Savior. Together with My gift on the cross, My gift of faith through the sacraments, and your personal repentance and acceptance of Me, you will be open to eternal life in My Kingdom. It is by this process of conversion to the faith and being lived out in life that you are reborn in the Spirit.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many earthly addictions in this world, and they all have demons associated with them. In the beginning letting something control you briefly does not seem threatening at first. Gradually, it becomes like a spider’s web where it is almost impossible by yourself to stop your addiction. In the vision you are seeing how computer games have a fascination to play, but they can control you in an addictive way if you allow them. My message to you, that I have given many times, is do not allow anything of this world to so control you that you cannot stop. Even if you need to seek counseling or treatment to bring your addiction to an end, it is much better than letting these demons have control over you. In some cases exorcism prayers or deliverance prayers may be required to help someone break any addiction. Substance abuse addictions are even more troublesome than computer addictions. Treat all potential addictions with respect, and do not start the one drink or one computer game that could control you, especially if you have had bad experiences before. Focus on Me more in your prayers so you are led by My mission than your own desires for pleasure. The devil is waiting at the door to entice you into his addictive temptations. Ask My help and refuse all of these enticements.”


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel reading (Jn 3:16) is a delight for all of mankind: ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that those who believe in Him may not perish, but may have life everlasting.’ This is a blessing on everyone who repents and accepts the gift of faith in Me. All converts receive this same promise regardless where they have come from. In the vision you see the distribution of Holy Communion as the lifeblood of your spiritual life because you are accepting My very Body and Blood into your soul. You have a further promise in (Jn 6:54,55) ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’ This is My Eucharistic promise, and it is celebrated at every Mass when you gather together as one people. It is My Church that has been given these keys to My Kingdom, and it is My priest sons at Mass who consecrate the bread and wine into My Body and My Blood. Pray for priestly vocations and for the protection of all of My priests from the evil one. Trust in Me that I will remain with you in My Blessed Sacrament until the end of time.”
Jesus said: “My people, when it is time to go to a refuge for protection, your guardian angel will lead you to the closest place of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, a place of holy ground, or a cave. You need certain preparations to take with you for a cave. In your clothing preparations you will need a warm sweater, coat, and foot gear because it is about 50 F in most caves. The water in the vision will be in the cave for drinking and healing. Have some kind of rubber liner or cot so your sleeping blanket is not on a cold or wet surface. You will need some food to be multiplied in your back pack along with a wind-up flashlight. I will provide for your protection and needs with My angels. Do not delay in moving to your refuges from your homes to avoid being captured by the one world people. Trust in Me at all times, and I will see to your needs.”


Thursday, April 23, 2009: (St. George)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of water flowing out from a church represents how My graces also flow out to all the community around My church. It is My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacles that allows this flow of graces. Those, who hear My call and repent of their sins, can come to Me in conversion to the faith and be saved. Only through Me can anyone enter heaven because I am the Gatekeeper and the Judge. You have witnessed My death and Resurrection during this Easter Season, and now is the time to spread My Good News of salvation to all who want to accept Me as their Savior. My abundant graces lie in wait for all those who answer My call. Come to My Eucharistic Feast so you can receive the spiritual food that your soul desires. All of those, who receive Me in this life, will share in a greater Wedding Feast at My table in heaven. Come and share in My saving graces before it is too late, and you could be lost in the coming tribulation.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, no matter how powerful or rich that you see today’s nations, when the Antichrist takes power, all of these leaders will be removed by fiat rule. Whoever tries to win favor with the Antichrist, will be for nothing, because he will replace every leader with his own evil minions. Pray for My help in this time, but the Antichrist’s reign will be brief before I will cast him into hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen another spring full of lightning and violent wind storms that have caused tornadoes and flooding. Again some areas are getting floods, but other areas are seeing droughts. Pray for those who are suffering deaths or loss of their homes. In all of your moving you learn to cherish your very home. Give thanks for your home to live in, but remember that your most important home is heaven. Everything on this earth is temporary, and only heavenly things will last forever.”
Jesus said: “My people, your home is where your heart is because it is the center of your life in sleeping, eating, and a place to come to after work. Having people watch your every move can be an invasion of your privacy when you are paying your bills and taxes. Many of your freedoms are being lost every day as you are even restricted to what you can do on your own property. Freedom to worship Me will also be controlled in the future, so you will have to have secret meetings for prayer and Mass. Eventually, you will need to make a new home at a refuge where My angels will protect you. Wherever you make your home is a special place for your family.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated another ‘earth day’, but you should be celebrating My creation of the earth and all of its life giving oxygen to breathe, water to drink, and food from the plants and animals. You are at the perfect distance from your sun so you are not too cold or too hot from night to day. Many of your scientists do not want to believe in My creation, but these accounts are in the Bible and these words are true. Cutting back on all kinds of pollution and not just carbon dioxide would really be helpful. Less over fishing and stoppage of your cloning and improper behavior would also help your environment. Give praise to Me for this earth’s creation and not anything of your own making.”
Jesus said: “My people, you do not realize that all of your cell towers and TV stations are polluting your air waves with microwaves that are affecting animal and insect species in ways that you do not understand. HAARP machines manipulate the weather causing floods or droughts and even electric transmission lines pollute the environment and can cause harm to animal and plant life. Improper farming methods are depleting the land of nutrients and can cause erosion and further desert increases. Man needs to work in many ways to stop threatening the very environment that provides life to you.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that many natural resources such as oil, woodlands, and other metals and minerals are not shared with the people of the country that contains these resources. Instead, wealthy people and companies buy the rights to the land for a small price and exploit the resources for their own gain. Some investment is needed to find and develop these resources, but the people should have some benefit as the people in Alaska get some money for the oil deposits there. Again there is some abuse of the land in mining these resources that is not always repaired by the mining companies. There are many ways to conserve and protect your earthly environment.”
Jesus said: “My people, creation of human life has been a sharing between man and woman, and My giving of the soul’s life. The design of your bodies from conception to birth is a miracle unduplicated by man’s science. It is unfortunate that man has chosen to kill life by abortion, euthanasia, homicides, and wars. Man has also violated My perfection by manipulating your DNA in cloning and the making of body parts. Praise and thank Me that you are beautifully and wonderfully made, but avoid all of the ways that your death culture kills and manipulates life.”


Friday, April 24, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading you have a powerful statement made by Gamaliel in defense of My apostles: (Acts 4:38,39) ‘So now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone. For if this plan or work is of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow it. Else perhaps you may find yourselves fighting even against God.’ This in fact was the case, for I have protected My Church from all sorts of persecution, and I will continue to protect it until I return in victory over evil. The same can be said for all of the prophets that I have sent over the years. Some of them have been killed or tortured, but in fact they delivered My Word which was needed to warn the people of their sins and a need to repent. Even today I send you prophets which you are to discern for truth, and listen to their warnings of preparation for the coming tribulation. People do not like to be chastised for their misdeeds, but the truth will always come out despite trying to silence My prophets. Give listen to the words of My prophets and heed their warnings to repent and be saved. Your time to repent is short before you will see an evil that only I can protect you from. Be patient for a brief reign of evil, and then I will return to defeat these evil ones as I will cast them into hell. Then I will establish My new heavens and new earth in My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reveling in the beautiful Easter accounts in the Acts of the Apostles. Spring and new flowers are making their appearance, as nature is celebrating My Easter message as well. This is a joyful season, but My apostles now had to go out and preach My Good News to all the nations. This is My calling also for all of My faithful to share your faith with others. You also are called to reach out and help those in need, whether it be your relatives, friends, or even strangers. These are good works of mercy to help someone to move or fix something in their houses. When you spontaneously give of your time and money, you are showing how much you love your neighbor, and you are doing this out of love for Me in them as well. The opportunities of grace will help store up treasures in heaven for your judgment. I give everyone chances to help others out of charity to show that you are not selfish and only looking out for yourself. You have your own work and taking care of your survival, but at other times you can make room in your schedule to help others. Scheduling priorities for your prayer life, family life, and work life are all important, but I should still be the center of your life. Be joyful every day and share that joy with all those that you meet in life.”


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, the cell phone companies have been able with money to persuade many people to put up these high cell towers so people could have the convenience of wireless phones. Most people do not realize it, but this service is also for transmitting data as well as voices. These towers are linked with satellites that could transmit voices and data all over the world. I have warned you not to accept microchips in your body so the one world people cannot control you through voices against your will. These same cell towers could be used to control people such as those who took chips in their body. This is a hidden agenda by the one world people to use these cell towers for this reason of control which is what they wanted from the beginning. This is another reason not to accept these chips in the body because then they could control you all over the world and detect your whereabouts. By not having any chips or smart cards, then these evil ones could not find you. I love all of My faithful, and I will provide for all of your needs without needing any microchips.”


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in this Gospel reading of today I want you to imagine yourself as being present with My apostles in the Upper Room when I appeared to them in My resurrected Body. Picture yourself examining My wounds in My hands, feet, and My side. I want My faithful not only to believe in My words, but I want you to believe with your whole heart, your whole mind, and your whole self. Having faith in My death and Resurrection is the core of your faith because you believe that by following Me, you will one day also be resurrected in your glorified body. This life is only temporary, and eternal life with Me should be your life’s goal. As you continue reading the Easter accounts in the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles, see how I was helping My apostles to believe without any doubt. Then I breathed on them with the Holy Spirit so His gifts could empower them with spiritual courage to go out and spread My Good News to all the nations. It is My hope that all of My faithful will also be empowered by Me and the Holy Spirit to spread My Easter message to everyone that you meet. Trust in Me for everything and I will see to all of your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother and I are grateful for your rosary prayers in all of your intentions which we are hearing. This sunny day represents Me as the Greater Light in the sun and My Blessed Mother as the Lesser Light in the moon. We thank all of you for celebrating the 62nd Anniversary of this Shrine under My title of ‘Christ the King’. You have just celebrated My Resurrection in your Easter services that acknowledge My victory over sin and death, and I am truly King of this world and all creatures, including the devil. Give praise and glory to Me in My Kingship. Bring Me the gift of your daily consecration so I can be Master of your life and your Savior in bringing everyone salvation through My death on the cross. I thank the people here at this Shrine for also erecting this beautiful crucifix on these grounds so you will always remember how I suffered and died to pay the ransom for your sins. Repent in Confession and come to Me so I can forgive your sins and keep your souls pure for the day of your judgment.”


Monday, April 27, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing you for a coming pandemic virus that will kill many people. I have encouraged you to buy some masks and to take Hawthorn herbs by pill or tea to build up your immune system. Some times you have seen various scare hypes with SARS, West Nile, and Bird Flu, but there were never large numbers killed. Influenza does kill many people each year, but you have not seen a very virulent flu up to now in recent years. The latest attention is being drawn to the Swine Flu which is still being investigated in Mexico and the U.S. Some scare tactics have been used in the past, but beware of a coming disease that will have a high mortality rate. The one world people use such diseases to lower the population as part of their death culture plan. Many of these viruses are man-made for this purpose of reducing the population, and scaring the people with such threats. Many upper respiratory symptoms are a result of the viruses placed in the chem trails that you see in the skies. Be watchful when a deadly disease starts killing off the people because this will be one of your signs to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge. Looking on the luminous crosses and drinking from the miraculous spring water will heal you of this disease, much like Moses held up the bronze serpent to heal the Israelites’ snake bites.”
Jesus said: “My people, this latest scare of swine flu spreading to five countries and various states has shown human to human contact and it is very communicable as the regular flu bugs are. An unusual aspect of this outbreak is that it is occurring at the end of the flu season in a warm country. It has been deadly in killing people in Mexico, but it has not been seen to cause any deaths in the U.S. Such an outbreak has already closed schools to stop it from spreading, and people are wearing masks to try and prevent it also. This incident could be exploited by the one world people to control the people through quarantines, even without deaths from this disease. A more virulent form could mutate and cause more deaths, especially if it were a man-made virus spread to reduce the population on purpose. I will warn My faithful when a deadly strain will be used against you. At My refuges you will be healed of these pandemic diseases. So have no fear when I am at your side.”


Tuesday, April 28, 2009: (St. Louis de Montford)

Jesus said: “My people, religious persecution is soon to get worse, so you will have to pray and go to Mass in secret. Open, public worship of God will be forbidden and many churches will be closed. Anyone with words of God on the internet will also be forbidden, as well as publishing of religious books. My messages will continue, but it will be harder to make them available to people. At first religious people will be harassed, and then they will be imprisoned or killed. Once your life is threatened, it will be time to go to your refuges. Just as St. Steven in the first reading was persecuted and stoned, so My faithful will meet the same persecution for My Name’s sake. Never deny Me, and if you are threatened with martyrdom, it would be better to die as a martyr, than deny Me. This may be a difficult decision, but all martyrs become instant saints in heaven who die for the faith. Be at peace in your soul because if you die as a martyr, you go to heaven. If you come to My refuges, you will be protected and come to My Era of peace, and then to heaven. As long as you are faithful to Me, and keep your soul cleansed with Confession, you should have no worries.”
Jesus said: “My people, in some areas of America there has been a trend of Catholic schools closing and this has been followed by churches closing. When people lose their faith and stop coming to church, eventually there are not enough people to support that church. The churches that are surviving have prayer meetings and keep their traditions with clergy and people vibrant in their faith. Enjoy the freedom of religion that you have today because a time is coming when your churches will be persecuted and closed by your government. Then prayer and Masses will need to be set up in secret places. Have no fear because I will protect My faithful remnant from all of the plans of the evil ones.”


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, spring in nature is very beautiful in all the colors of the flowers and their various shapes. I am happy that you are pleased with My creation, even though you see similar things every year. There is always something different to view, or you see things from a different perspective. Sometimes you need to make some time on a sunny day to stroll through your parks to see what you can see. Pictures of this beauty capture a point in time for others to view My creation in a different light. Give praise and thanks to Me for treating you with a spring delight every year.”


Wednesday, April 29, 2009: (Mario Silva’s funeral)

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the life of Mario who was a man of deep faith as the priest witnessed to you of his proclamation that he will rise again as I did. This vision of books in a library was to emphasize that he treasured My holy books more than any books of his profession. He was an example of faith that everyone could imitate and an inspiration of faith to his family and friends. Rejoice in My gift of his life to you as I take him home to heaven.”
Mario said: “I love all of you and I thank you for sharing your love with my family. I truly blessed each of you individually and I will be praying for all of you. I love my wife and family and I am sorry to leave you, but I await the day to see you again. My proclamation of ‘I will rise again’ has been carried out, as I am with Jesus right now. I encourage all of you in your faith to stay close to Jesus and trust in Him for everything. God bless all of you.”


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, there is a contrast with My new Life of Resurrection and spring which brings the new life of nature after reviving from winter. Cutting the grass for the first time in a cemetery also shows this contrast right next to those who are awaiting resurrection. Your spirit is always alive, even after death, but it is where your spirit goes when you die that should concern everyone. Your first judgment at death brings you to heaven, hell, or purgatory based on what you did in this life. By having faith in Me and following My Commandments, you can avoid hell. Most souls, who do not go to hell, need to be purified before they can enter heaven, but they are promised one day to come out of purgatory into heaven. It is the second judgment at the end that will enable a resurrection of your body with your soul so you could once again be a whole person as I resurrected. This new life for the spirit awaits all of My faithful when you pass from this life. Some, who suffer and are purified on earth, come directly to heaven. Rejoice in this new life of spring which is a reflection of what you will see for all worthy souls who pass on from this life.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that the first religious persecution will come from within when you see a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The next persecution will be more severe from the evil one world people who will be much more violent in either destroying churches by fire or closing them by condemnation. It will become unlawful to worship Me in public as you will have to suffer as I did. Some will be martyred for the faith, while the rest will find protection at My refuges. Trust in Me that My faithful will be with Me in heaven, even as I promised the good thief salvation on the day of My death.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before not to take any flu shots because they are putting viruses in these shots that could make you more vulnerable to the latest swine flu. This latest epidemic will be man-made and they will propose a vaccine that is supposed to protect you from this flu strain. Unfortunately, this will be a cruel hoax that will actually make you more vulnerable to the current swine flu. Continue to avoid these flu shots, even if they try to force them on the population. There will be various quarantines that could be used by the one world people to try and gain control for their North American Union. Pray for My protection and any needed healing from these man-made diseases.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing various manipulations of Senate and House votes to control passage of your latest budget. This will begin health care controls which will require smart cards and then chips in the body to gain health benefits, and eventually any government benefits including social security. Those, who are faithful to Me, should refuse any chips in the body under any circumstances, even if it means going to the refuges with no financial support. Have no fear, because all of your ills will be healed, and I will supply food, water, and shelter. The evil ones will not see you and they cannot destroy My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, under the guise of hate crime laws, as in other countries, My faithful will be persecuted and even jailed for declaring your beliefs in public. Socialism and even atheistic practices will slowly take control of all parts of your life. When this persecution and loss of your money occurs, then you will need to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge for protection. Be patient until I return in victory over the evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, your freedom of speech against government practices and policies will first be harassed and then they will gradually be taken away. You are seeing censorship already in your TV, radio, and newspaper reporting. It will be harder to learn the truth as the one world people will soon control whatever goes out over the airwaves, as well as book censorship. Your own messages will be stopped eventually from just such an attack. See that your time to go to My refuges draws closer, so be prepared to leave quickly.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some movies about Hitler and how brave people had to hide in the woods for fear of being killed. This same threat will come against My faithful from the new evil masters of today. Only at My refuges you will not need weapons because My angels will fight your battles and you will be made invisible to your enemies. Pray for all sinners to be saved and trust that I will provide for all of your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have spoken to you many times to be patient until My return, but I am showing you just a glimpse of how powerful My victory will be. All of the chips will be disabled with My Comet of Chastisement. Then My angels will collect up all of the demons and evil people, and they will be chained in the flames of hell. Then I will recreate and renew the face of the earth as I create a new heavens and a new earth. My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace as you will be perfected for your trip to heaven. Do not be disturbed if you see evil having control for a short time because the evil ones’ days are numbered before their demise at My hands.”


Friday, May 1, 2009: (St. Joseph, the worker)

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages concerning chem trails where your government is purposely putting viruses in them to lower your people’s immune systems and cause upper respiratory infections. This is all part of the death culture people who are trying to reduce the population so the one world people have less people to control. Many of these scare diseases are man-made and this latest swine flu is another excuse for involuntary quarantines for wherever the one world people want to control. This name of swine flu has even confused people that they did not want to eat pork, so now the media is using H1N1 as a new name. I have told you in the past (2-8-08, 2-18-08, 4-25-08) to avoid taking flu shots because they will be giving you live viruses that could spread disease instead of preventing it. There have been reports in your literature that one drug company has in fact put live Avian flu virus in a bird flu vaccine. I am warning you again that this new vaccine for swine flu will be made by similar companies which could spread the disease more than prevent it. The death culture people are more intent on reducing the population than preventing any epidemic. I know these are difficult warnings, but there are evidences to defy nature and cause more deaths in the population. AIDS and ebola are other examples of this same man-made manipulation by the one world people. As these diseases mutate, it will become necessary for My faithful to go to My refuges where you will be healed of these diseases by looking on My luminous cross and drinking the healing spring water. Having masks, taking Hawthorn herbs, and vitamins will also build up your immune system to fight these viruses.”
Jesus said: “My people, as more facts about swine flu come out in your news, you are seeing that this strain is not as deadly as your media was describing. It appears swine flu is more communicable, but less deadly because humans can develop antibodies to fight it off. Bird flu is more deadly, but it is less communicable. Only a small number of deaths have actually been confirmed from swine flu by your scientists. There could be a lot of swine flu passed in the population, but it would take some major mutations to become very deadly. Be prepared for this possibility with masks and building up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins.”


Saturday, May 2, 2009: (St. Anthanasius)

Jesus said: “My people, as you read the accounts in the Acts of the Apostles, you see how the apostles were invited to go to different areas to spread the Gospel Good News of My Resurrection. You are still in the Easter Season and you remember well My last words to My apostles to go out to all the nations and share My message of faith. Many of you believe, but it is still good to have your faith renewed at talks and retreats. Some of My faithful are called as missionaries to go out and share your faith with others. Sometimes you may go back to the same places as St. Paul did to keep reminding people of their faith commitment to Me. The apostles prayed over people and there were healings as recorded in the Scriptures. Some of My messengers will also have healing gifts for those who believe that I can heal them. Every faithful person is called by their Baptism to share their faith with family and others, but keep up your daily prayer life to stay close to your Lord. Without a good foundation and attention to your spiritual life in practicing what you preach, your faith could grow cold. Call on Me to help you in everything that you do at the beginning of every day.”
Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones have been planning for this moment of the tribulation when they will be allowed a brief time of a reign of evil. You can look around and see the work of the devil in getting man to accept abortion on demand, gay marriage, living in prostitution, and constant wars. The evil central bankers are led by Satan and they are working quickly to form unions in North America, South America, Africa and Asia. Once these unions are formed, they will give their control over to the Antichrist to lead the world from the European Union. His power will be great and he will demand chips in the body, and that everyone has to give praise and glory to him only. Once you see the coming into power by the Antichrist, he will take control of all communications, but you know that I will be coming soon to defeat him. This will be an evil that you have never seen, and you will need to call on Me to let your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge of protection. Some will be martyred for their faith, but the rest of My faithful will be protected by My angels who will make you invisible to the men in black looking for you. Trust that I will be victorious over all of these evil ones, as I will renew the earth, and bring about My Era of Peace.”


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, today’s message of the Good Shepherd is all about evangelization to the faith. In the vision I truly reach out to everyone as I am the Savior of all mankind. Only through Me can anyone be saved because I paid the ransom for everyone’s soul by My death on the cross. I call you sheep because you are weak to sin and you hear My voice as the sheep know the voice of their shepherd. You are baptized into the faith as an infant and parents are called to teach the faith to their children. You are responsible for these souls as you guide them and pray for them, even as adults. Your godparents spoke for you at first, but then later you have to make your own personal commitment to loving Me and working through trying to perfect your spiritual life. I desire that you be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. With My help and the power of the Holy Spirit and God the Father, you can reach your goal with Me in heaven. Along with evangelizing your family, I also call My faithful to bring as many souls as you can to Me, so they can be saved from the eternal fires of hell. Give praise and glory to Me for being your Savior and your Good Shepherd.”


Monday, May 4, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I have come to save the lost people of Israel and I taught the Jewish people. I also told you in Sunday’s Gospel (Jn 10:11-18) ‘I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold.’ I came to save all of mankind and not just the Jewish people. In today’s first reading that talks about the Holy Spirit entering the Gentiles to be saved, this highlights St. Peter and St. Paul’s mission to the Gentiles. I welcome all peoples to be saved, but I emphasized to My disciples that I was the only Gate to heaven. Everyone must come through Me because it was I who paid for everyone’s soul by My death on the cross. I was the Divine Sacrifice that could only be accepted by My Father in heaven. But I do have many sheep folds and I prepare many mansions in heaven as well. Do not think that My Roman Catholic faithful are the only ones in heaven, but you have the fullness of the faith. Everyone, who repents of their sins and accepts Me as Master of their lives and Savior of their souls, will be open to enter heaven. You need to make reparation for your sins and help others with your good deeds as you prepare yourself for your judgment. Always be open to doing My Will and keeping your soul pure, for you know not the hour that I will take you home to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to understand a handicapped person’s disability unless you have been disabled for a short time. Sometime in your life you may have sprained or broken your leg or foot. Maybe you have had hip replacement or any other operation that required crutches or a wheelchair. Living through life with a handicap may limit your work options and you may be dependent more on others to get around. Some of My victim souls suffer greatly from their handicaps, but they can offer up their pain or inconvenience to help someone else in their spiritual life. All victim souls and handicapped people have a more difficult cross to carry. I call out to these souls to join their suffering with Me on My cross. This can be redemptive suffering which can be used to save other souls from hell, and store up treasure in heaven for the victim soul. No matter what physical difficulties you may have to suffer in this life, give it all over to Me so I can use you to accomplish the mission that I have planned for your life.”


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to recall the prayer of a priest who witnessed to you that the water he poured into the cup at the Consecration was meant to baptize an unbaptized soul that was dying that day. You received a confirmation from another visionary that My Blessed Mother and I used this priest’s prayer to save an unbaptized person right before they were killed in a car accident. In this same way I want you to baptize spiritually all of those souls who have a Baptism of desire, especially those who are near death. I have encouraged you to save souls in every way that you can bring souls to Me. I do not force My love or gift of faith on anyone, but if they truly desire Baptism and find it difficult to carry this out physically, your prayers can bring them to Me. Pray the prayer: ‘I baptize all souls who desire Baptism in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.’ Many children of lukewarm parents do not receive Baptism by no fault of their own. These are the souls that need this opportunity of grace to have original sin forgiven in their souls. Some have secretly baptized such children because they were afraid of their relatives being lost to hell. This does not violate the free will of the parents, but it gives an opportunity of grace to those who desire it. Keep praying for such parents with hardened hearts that do not want to baptize their children. This is a rejection of My salvation that I offer to every soul. Hopefully through prayer such children will find their way to Me in formal Baptism. You have many souls at stake of being lost if no one prays for them, so reach out every day to do what you can to bring souls to Me. You know, that for every soul that is converted to the faith, all of heaven rejoices for that soul that I can love and that soul can love Me.”


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, many people are clearing their lands and plots to plant their flowers and vegetables. You have been waiting until there is less chance of frost. The act of planting seeds to grow things can also be applied to your spiritual life as well. As you share your faith with others, you are like the Parable of the Sower where the seed represents the Word of God. You remember the various places where the seed fell. On the paths and rocks the seed failed to take root, even as some receive My Word with joy at first, but they do not make My ways a part of their life. Some seed falls among weeds and thorns and when it springs up, it is choked, even as some people are taken up more with the cares of the world. Then some seed falls upon good soil and there is an abundance of grain in thirty, sixty, and one hundredfold. This is when a soul truly repents of their sins, accepts Me as Master and Savior, and follows My Commandments. Those, who follow Me and live their faith in their works and actions, will truly receive eternal life in heaven. It is a joy when you spread My Word and convert souls to the faith.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are various powers controlling the American government that are directing large numbers of black operations or secret operations for certain interest groups. The HAARP Machine and chem trails have devious uses for private needs that are not all known by the public. Controls that check all communications is another violation of people’s privacy. Chips in various products are violating privacy when they are taken home. Searching private records and gathering earth coordinates of every home is another planned operation. Perpetrated wars by design to make money is another abuse of power. Many of these operations would be denied in public, but they are still carried out under the direction of the one world people. The devil and the Antichrist will have a brief reign of evil in using all of these abuses. No matter how controlled these forces will be, My power will overcome their plans when I bring My Great Chastisement and My angels to chain these evil ones in the pits of hell. Trust in My coming victory that will defeat the demons and bring about My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, May 7, 2009: (Mass intention for Josyp Terelya)

Jesus said: “My people, Josyp was a kind and generous man, but he was very steadfast in his faith to Me, even when he suffered many years in prison for Me. He is an example and an inspiration to all of My faithful. I treasure all of you, but souls like Josyp are a joy to My Heart and that of My Blessed Mother. This vision of coming to heaven to give your petition to Josyp is also an example to others that you can present your petitions to Josyp as an intercessor to Me. At times when you pray for people, you act as intercessors for them. Your prayers receive even more attention when they are received through the saints of heaven who act as spiritual intercessors for your petitions. Give thanks and praise to Me that you have been graced with such a man of faith as Josyp.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to evangelize souls in the Easter spirit to save them from hell. I have also shown you that you gain your strength from receiving Me in Holy Communion, and adoring Me in Adoration. Those, who come to Me in adoring My Blessed Sacrament, understand My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. This devotion is also helpful in gaining vocations to the priesthood. Areas, where you have many Adoration chapels, also have more vocations because you are creating a more fertile environment for vocations. Pray for vocations to the priesthood, and do all that you can to promote Adoration in your diocese.”
Jesus said: “My people, I told the Jewish leaders of My day that I am the Cornerstone of My Church that was rejected by the builders. They did not want to recognize Me as the Son of God or the Messiah that was foretold because the Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom and not a physical one. My power is all over the world, but I am allowing a time of testing between good and evil so everyone can choose to follow Me by their own choosing and by their own free will. For those, who believe in Me, know that I am the center of My Church and My Real Presence in My tabernacles makes your churches holy.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the early flowers in full bloom, and the roses will come out later. This single rose is a representation for life and the struggle to preserve life from being killed by abortion. Spring and Easter are focused on new life with no thought of any taking of life. Those, who promote the death culture of killing, have their hearts far from Me, and they are stopping the plan I had for the lives they are killing. Promoting abortion or any other kind of killing is sinful and against My Fifth Commandment of Thou shalt not kill. Unless they repent of this sin, these death culture people could be lost in hell. Pray for all souls to be saved, but continue to defend life in all stages of life at the beginning, at the end, or any other time.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you see people dying of natural causes, there needs to be new life to replace them or your society will be dying as well. When your people refuse to have children for whatever reason, your society will pass away without new life. Some people propose abortion and fewer children in the name of population control. These countries will fade away and another will take their place. Rejoice in new births because life finds a way to carry on despite the death culture teachers.”
Jesus said: “My people, just as it is important to have new life to carry on the human race, so it is just as important for each soul to be reborn in the Spirit. This spiritual life is also in danger of being snuffed out by the evil of worldly people. It is one thing to be alive in the body, but life in the spirit requires grace from My sacraments so you can have a pure soul. Those souls in mortal sin are as dead in the spirit or soul of that person. My Resurrection and death have freed you from your sins, and you need to repent and accept Me as Master of your life so you can have life in the full of both body and soul.”
Jesus said: “My people, as the grass and crops start to flourish, so you are also seeing the weeds make their appearance. There are two spiritual messages connected with the weeds that represent an evil influence. Just as you take out the weeds from your garden, this is similar to going to Confession where you can cleanse your sins in making a pure soul with My grace. The other account of the wheat and the tares is associated with the last judgment when I will separate the evil ones from My faithful souls. My faithful ones are represented in the wheat that I gather into My barn of heaven. The tares or evil ones are burned in the fires of hell. Choose to follow Me to heaven instead of following the devil to hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have been talking about celebrating new life and what better way to honor life than to honor the mothers who have their children and bring them up in the faith. You have your mothers to thank for your very existence and they suffer much every day in bringing up their children. It is a labor of love that is not always fully appreciated. This coming Mother’s Day is also a celebration of My Blessed Mother as the spiritual mother of all of mankind in her month of May. As you honor your earthly mother, think also to honor your spiritual mother in the Blessed Virgin Mary.”

Friday, May 8, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you have had your spring tornado season and occasional severe rainstorm with flooding in various parts of your country. Soon you will be entering into the hurricane season during the summer and early fall. This vision of a hurricane at sea and a massive tidal wave is a sign of possible surges from a hurricane that could cause major damage. More of your states are allowing same sex marriages and abortion laws are strengthening. This slackening of your morals is not going unnoticed by heaven. As man defies My laws, you can expect to be harassed with further natural disasters and more financial problems. The Israelites also had to suffer hard times when they worshiped other gods, and so it will happen to your country for killing My babies and your defying My marriage laws between only a man and a woman.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have several underwater places around the world that could have earthquakes start a severe tsunami. As a result of the many deaths from the Indonesia earthquake, there are now more early warning systems for the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Similar systems should be in the Atlantic Ocean as well if they are not prepared to handle such emergencies. Many people did not realize that so many people could be killed from a tsunami triggered by a large underwater earthquake. With earthquakes increasing over the years, preparing for such large tsunamis should be a precaution for all nations on the ocean fronts. Pray that such early warnings may prevent many deaths when another major event occurs.”


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, there are some of you who enjoy going to your local parks to view the spring flowers and take pictures of them. This is a wonderful way to appreciate My creations in nature. In the North you have endured the barrenness of winter, so it is a joy to see all of the colorful spring flowers and flowering trees. When you are viewing such beauty, you can say a prayer in thanking Me and giving Me praise to have an opportunity to have life and enjoy these beautiful flowers. There is another beauty when you see babies and the innocent young children. You bring up your children in the faith with Baptism, Confession, and Confirmation. Then by the grace of God you could see them married or become a priest or a nun. This cycle of life has its own beauty over the years and again you need to thank Me for the blessing of children and grandchildren. The beauty of a good spiritual life in harmony with My laws keeps you focused on Me and how I want My children to live and desire to love Me and come to heaven. It is when you let your will and worldly concerns block our relationship that you lose this harmony in sin. I still give you Confession to repent of your sins and return to My good graces. Instead of being gloomy and depressed about your daily problems, you need to trust more in Me and look around at all the beauty of My creation in nature and in all human beings.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your Congress and President spend trillions of dollars for various bank bailouts, stimulus plans, and increased budget spending. Soon further bailouts will be requested for your government mortgage companies and the ongoing billions to pay for your wars. Add this to your current promises in Medicare and Social Security, and you can see your obligations are way beyond your ability to finance with taxpayer dollars. Your representatives have voted for large budgets, but now it is time to appropriate the actual funds or find the means to borrow the actual money needed to pay your deficits. This means selling Treasury bonds, or printing more currency to fund these debts. This financing will put a strain against your artificially low interest rates which will rise as the dollar’s value is further diluted. This stress of financing large sums of money along with your recession and high employment, are a recipe for financial disaster and bankruptcy for your government. All of the good news supposedly from your Wall Street people are quite premature and unrealistic for the current situation. Be prepared to go to your refuges when bankruptcy and martial law will test your people.”


Sunday, May 10, 2009: (Mother’s Day)

Jesus said: “My people, as you read the Acts of the Apostles, you are seeing how faith in Me was blossoming in conversions, even as you see the flowers blossoming in the spring time. As you look around at the empty seats in your church, you can see that the declining numbers of faithful are the reason some churches have closed. It is difficult for the parishioners of a closed church to travel a long distance to another church with a shared priest, when other churches may be closer. Closing churches may be dictated by the finances and the priest shortages, but it is a traumatic experience to adjust to leaving a parish that you have gone to for many years. Pray for these people who have to endure such a hardship. Today is an honoring of My Mother as your Blessed Mother who takes care of you spiritually as her mantle of protection is over all of her children. Give thanks to her and honor her for all that she does for you. Those, who pray her rosary and wear the brown scapular, are promised protection as you recall your own mother on this Mother’s Day.”


Monday, May 11, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, at times you admire someone’s wood carving or some beautiful painting, or sculpture. In your society today it is hard to find craftsman or artisans as you had in the past. Even as you acknowledge man’s handiwork in many industries, it does not compare to the Master Builder in Me. How can you compare a sunset, the flowers, or even the human body to anything that man can make? Once you recognize this difference between the Creator and the creature, then you understand your place in all of creation. Your mission here is to know, love, and serve Me in keeping in harmony with My plan, even as the rest of nature is in conformance with My plan for their existence. This is why you need to make Me the Master of your life, and seek to repent of your sins. Many times man has pride in all of the things that he makes and can do, but you need to remember who made you and who gave you all of your talents. Everything that you have has come from Me, even if you had a part in making things. It is this recognition of your dependence on Me that you should have more trust in My Word that I will care for you in all of your needs. Be patient and do not spend all of your time in pursuit of more than you need. Instead of focusing on accumulating wealth and possessions, work to share your excess with others in need. By loving Me in your actions and helping others out of love for Me, you will find great joy in your work of love.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you walk through crowds of people, you see people in various moods, and varying levels of faith. Some people are very jovial, loving, and outgoing. Some are quiet and unresponsive. Some are bored, or depressed, and some are mean and looking for a fight. My faithful, who love Me and know what love is, should be like the first type that are happy, loving, and caring. You have confidence and trust in Me, so you should have no worries and look to help people in need. When you let Me lead your life, you are not searching, but are satisfied to do My will. Some are seeking money and possessions, but they find little happiness in such things. Some want several children, and family means a lot to them. Life and loving people should be a concern for My faithful. The more deeds that you have in your hands when you come to Me at death, the easier it will be to attain heaven.”


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages telling you how I would protect you with My angels on your way to and at My refuges. This vision today of an angel putting up walls of invisibility around My faithful is to give you trust in Me that this will really happen for you at the beginning of the tribulation. Some will die as martyrs, while the rest will be directed to My refuges. My faithful people will be told in their Warning experience to be prepared to go to their refuges of protection. After the tribulation you will experience the true peace that I give you in your soul with My grace. The peace of man is known by the absence of war or family conflict. My peace is the absence of sin and the presence of My grace in your soul. So when I tell you do not let anything disturb your peace, I am asking you to avoid sin and all of its temptations from the devil. Truly you will understand My peace in My Era of Peace, but you will still have your free will. You will be giving constant praise and worship to Me. Rejoice when your soul is cleansed of its sins in Confession because you are then full of My grace and peace. Look forward also to My Era of Peace when you will be in My grace all of the time.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for your farmers in all that they are suffering through right now. A farmer is at risk every year that he plants the right crops and that he is able to have a good harvest. There is always a risk of droughts, floods, or tornadoes that could damage his crop. He has to be a good accountant in managing money for seed, fertilizer, watering, and harvesting his crop for a good price. Storage of crops and being able to get loans from troubled banks are a big problem for his cash flow. When faced with all of these challenges, it is no wonder that some farmers are financially stressed. They still provide your food and you should appreciate the work they go through to deliver it to you. This is why you enjoy buying fresh produce to help them make a living. This is also why they need your prayers, especially during this recession.”


Wednesday, May 13, 2009: (Our Lady of Fatima)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I speak to you of remaining in Me or keeping faithful to Me, and you will have eternal life. I am the Vine and you are the branches. You can do nothing without Me. If you are faithful to Me, your branch will be pruned so you can bear more fruit of good deeds. But if you want to go off on your own, you will wither and die spiritually, and you could be thrown into the fires of hell and be burned. This is the same judgment for the wheat and the tares of the vision. The wheat of the faithful are gathered into the barn of heaven, but the tares of the unfaithful will be burned in hell. Today is also the feast day of ‘Our Lady of Fatima.’ My Blessed Mother appeared to the three children of Fatima where she taught them the rosary and gave them messages from heaven. This was confirmed with a miracle of the sun coming close to the earth, and it is one of the few apparitions approved by My Church. Continue to pray your rosaries, wear your scapulars, and go to Confession at least once a month. My Blessed Mother is watching over all of her children.”


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, man’s space exploration has continued through the years, but you have had to be more concerned with damage to the tiles of the Shuttle so it does not burn up as one mission was lost. Improving the telescope will allow it to continue man’s search for other galaxies and star systems like your own. Seeing how large the universe is should be another witness to you of My creation beyond the earth and how beautiful and ordered it is. Give thanks and praise to Me for all of creation including the stars and the planets. You know something of the miracle of life on earth, but the immensity of space is hard to comprehend. Man also does not know much about the spirit world, except for what is in the Scriptures, and from some who have returned from the dead. The world of heaven with all of My saints and angels is much more rewarding to know about than learning of the science of this world. Strive to repent and focus on the next life with Me which will last for all eternity.”


Thursday, May 14, 2009: (St. Matthias)

Jesus said: “My people, St. John’s Gospel always speaks of love, both for Me and for your neighbor. To love Me it must be more than calling ‘Lord, Lord’, but you love Me in your daily prayer, in your obedience to My laws, and following My Will for your life in doing good deeds for your neighbor. When you help someone, you show love for them and love for Me in them. By loving Me and your neighbor, truly you are on the right path to heaven as depicted by your vision. Even as you think of your coming judgment day, I remind you of another account that describes the fruit of your works that designates the origin from either a good tree or a bad tree. (Matt. 17-19) ‘Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore, by their fruits you will know them.’ This is why by following Me in all that you do, you will become a good tree that bears good fruit. It is your love for Me and your good deeds for your neighbor that will lead you to eternal life in heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, all throughout Lent you have seen the priest wear the color purple as a sign of My passion and suffering, especially on Good Friday. Now during the Easter Season you are seeing the white lilies representing the white garments of My Resurrection. This is the contrast that you see in the vision of purple lilacs next to white lilies. The lilies fade fast which is a sign that you are quickly called to continue carrying your cross, even as you are thankful for My death and Resurrection.”
Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the feast day of St. Matthias who was chosen by lot to replace Judas and keep the inner core at twelve. The twelve apostles represent My New Church modeled after the twelve tribes of Israel of Jacob’s sons. This is why My Early Church had to preserve this number. Give praise and glory to Me that I have protected My Church even to this day from all of the evils of the world.”
Jesus said: “My people, your scientists are concerned that this current Swine Flu is spreading freely all across the world. This is an H1N1 flu which has a similar structure to the H1N1 Spanish Flu that was very deadly in its mortality rate in 1918. Even if this pandemic has not killed many people, there is a fear that it could mutate to a more deadly flu in the next flu season. This is another example of why it is hard to anticipate which flu that will be prevalent in the next season. Pray that people will have enough antibodies to fight off whatever flu emerges next fall.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that your government has been spreading chem trails all over your skies that contain viruses that are lowering your immune system and making you susceptible to any new viruses. It is the coming more virulent flu that could combine a fast contagious germ with deadly features that could cause a true pandemic. With lowered immune systems, the people would be more vulnerable to another man-made virus. If such a deadly virus comes, then My people would be forced to seek out My refuges where you would need to look on My luminous cross or drink the healing spring water to be healed.”
Jesus said: “My people, some of your government leaders and your Wall Street people have been talking of better times to come soon. Then the latest threats of bankruptcy among your car manufacturers and dealers are adding more to the unemployment lines. Even more banks are failing and not able to pass the latest stress tests. Bankruptcy is down the road for your government that is about to fail its own stress test of not enough real capital and too much deficit spending. Pray for your people and be prepared to go to your refuges when martial law is declared.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Easter Season is slowly coming to a close as Ascension Thursday and Pentecost Sunday are only a few weeks away. Your spring season will also be changing into summer in June. Treasure these last few weeks as you read the stories of My Early Church in the Acts of the Apostles. Instead of waiting for these readings to come, you could do some Bible Study on the Acts of the Apostles by St. Luke. Learn from some of their early teachings of how to evangelize souls.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many tornadoes in the past, but many parts of your plains states have had to suffer this damage over the years. It is still a hardship for people to lose everything in one storm’s passing. Pray for those, who are suffering these losses and pray that they have underground protection to minimize the loss of life. More disasters await America for all of your sins.”


Friday, May 15, 2009: (St. Isidore, the farmer)

Jesus said: “My people, fresh water for watering the farmer’s crops is becoming more of an issue. This vision of water trenches is fortunate to have a good irrigation system and a source of water. Where there are streams, rivers, or springs to use, it is a cheaper source of water. Using wells in the dry times of the year becomes expensive for pumping. Relying on rain water can mean a lost crop if there is not enough rain. Farmers have to compete for water with water sources for cities. They also have to answer to regulators when fertilizers and pesticides seep into the well water or other sources. Since fresh water is crucial for drinking and crops, this issue is becoming more of a problem with expanding populations and the occasional droughts. In the drier Western states river water management is a delicate issue. Pray that the farmers and the people in the cities may be able to find enough fresh water. Providing enough food and water for your growing populations may eventually require an inexpensive means of desalinating the ocean water. Pray for your people to adapt the needed solutions to your fresh water needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am using this vision to show you how many people of the world do not have the eyes of faith to see the signs that you are living in the end days. They are so taken up with their own daily activities and concerns of the world that they do not see the sequence of events leading up to My return. My faithful people are in the world, but they are not of the world. Since you trust in Me for everything, you have the eyes of faith to discern worldly events. Seeing so much sin in the world as abortion, fornication, homosexual sins, and masturbation, you know this is a sign of My coming with punishment for your sins. Seeing the central bankers controlling the debts and causing a bankruptcy to occur in your government has shown you how evil is preparing for the declaration of the Antichrist. Seeing the formation of the North American Union is another preparation for world takeover. Seeing the control of microchips in your passports, driver’s licenses, and eventually chips in the body, is another sign of the mark of the beast for control of buying and selling. Seeing the death culture work at reducing the population by abortion, euthanasia, wars, and killing viruses as AIDS or other pandemic diseases is another attempt at takeover. Other signs are in televisions, silent sound control, subliminal techniques all aimed at mind control. When you put all of these signs together, you see your need for protection at My refuges so you are prepared for the coming tribulation. Trust in Me and My angels that we will defend you from the evil ones so you can have peace in your soul. Continue your daily Masses, daily rosaries, and frequent Confession, and you will have the spiritual stamina to endure all the evils of the coming tribulation.”


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, at certain times in your life you need to step back and make an assessment of your spiritual life and see where you are going. Make this time like a miniature retreat to recharge your spiritual batteries. Look first at your prayer life and make sure that you are making time for Me in your life. If you cannot pray your rosaries one day, make them up on the next day. I need My faithful to pray for souls, because there is no one else to back you up. Keep checking your life’s daily plan of how you are spending your time, because you may be doing too much if you do not have time to pray. Be more honest with yourself to see if you are truly letting Me lead your daily plan or are you going ahead of Me with your own plan. If you do not consecrate everything over to Me every day, it is hard to allow Me to fulfill the mission I have for you to do. There are some worldly things that you need to care for in sustaining your life, but remember that everything that you do should be done out of love for Me. You also need to give yourself a chance for a few quiet moments with Me in contemplative prayer to guard your inner peace from the devil’s temptations. You also should see that you continue to show love to everyone without discriminating for those that you like more. Once you have analyzed where you are in your spiritual life, then you can make any needed corrections to put your life back on track with Me leading your way. Keep your focus on Me throughout your whole day, and I will be with you in the graces that you need.”


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, the two rings are a symbol of marriage, which as an institution, is under attack in your society because more couples are living together without marriage. This is against My Sixth Commandment because without My sacramental bond, these couples are living in fornication and it is deadly mortal sin. This normal marriage love relationship is symbolic between My Church as the bride, and I am the Groom. The Easter Candle represents the Spirit of God in the Holy Spirit, and it is an eternal flame of love between Us and all of humanity. Every person has this flame of life in their soul which is why each of you are temples of the Holy Spirit. As you think about flames, this also was like the tongues of fire over My disciples as they received the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. As this Easter Season is coming to a close, keep My thoughts of love of God and neighbor in your hearts at all times. I commanded you to love one another because I am love, and you all are My creations out of love.”
Jesus said: “My people, My bride in the Church, represented by this young girl, is being showered with My daily graces to protect it from the demons. My Church and My priest sons are constantly being tested by the demons. When you prayed the St. Michael Prayer and the three Hail Marys after Mass at one time, it was for protection from the demons. There is a spiritual battle between good and evil constantly going on amidst all of the devil’s temptations. This is why you need all of your sacramentals of protection in your rosaries, Benedictine crosses, scapulars, and miraculous medals on your person at all times. I am protecting My faithful and My Church from the demons by My many angels from heaven. Be confident in Me and never fearful of the devil because My power is much more powerful than all of the demons put together.”


Monday, May 18, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, as you travel to your refuge, you may have to sleep overnight outside in your small tent. Be prepared to carry a small tent, a sleeping bag, and food and water for a few days. I will multiply what you need if it takes longer. There will come a day when you will have to leave your homes for a refuge unless you will be a refuge or an interim refuge. Interim refuges will need to pray for discernment and have extra food and bedding for people on their way to a final refuge. The signs for leaving for the refuges will be: a world famine, division in My Church, mandatory chips in the body, pandemic virus, and martial law. Those, who do not leave right away, will be risking capture and death in the detention centers. Final refuges will be places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, places of holy ground that have worshiped Me in Adoration, monasteries, and caves. At the refuge you will see an angel, a luminous cross in the sky, a spring of water, and shelters multiplied for everyone. Food and water will be multiplied and everyone will need to work using their talents. Call on Me when it is given to go, and you will follow your guardian angel with a physical sign to the nearest refuge or interim refuge. Trust in My protection and have no fear because I am more powerful than the demons.”
Jesus said: “My people, your economy is still weak in selling homes and cars because many are not sure if they will be laid off of their jobs or not. Bankruptcies are coming in your auto industry, and dealers are going to be on their own. This will mean more layoffs continuing the high unemployment rate. Weaknesses and continuing foreclosures continue to be a problem for those providing mortgages in your government take over of its agencies. The largest threat to your government is a loss in tax money and trying to finance your huge deficit budget. All of these problems are going to cause a bankruptcy of your government and then all of your payments to seniors, the unemployed, and welfare recipients will cease causing riots and chaos. This will precipitate martial law and the need to go to your refuges. Many try to suggest things are getting better, but businesses are still suffering losses over last year. It may not be as bad, but it is not turning around as your speculators are claiming. Keep everything in your backpacks ready to go to your refuges because it is just a matter of time until the Antichrist declares himself. Trust in My help and you will have peace in your heart and soul.”


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of calling a fire alarm is a spiritual emergency to save souls from going to hell. There is a lot of evil in the world with drugs, killings, abortions, and many others worshiping Satan in the occult and New Age movements. One of your best means for avoiding hell is to wear My Blessed Mother’s brown scapular, pray her rosary, and go to Confession on five consecutive First Saturdays. She places her mantle of protection over her faithful children, and she will be your intercessor at your judgment. Even wearing your blessed sacramentals of rosaries, Benedictine crosses, and the miraculous medal will protect you from the attacks of the demons. Reach out to save as many souls from hell as you can, and pray for the conversion of poor sinners. If you saw how much the souls suffer in the flames of hell for all eternity, you would understand this state of emergency to save souls should be shouted from the rooftops. The more that you pray for these poor sinners, the more souls that you will save.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are beginning to see the formation of a U.S. Federal police force that would have jurisdiction all over your country. This national police force would be needed under martial law to chase and capture people against the new world order, even across state lines. Similar national police forces are being trained in Canada and Mexico. Once these national police forces are ready, they could then be trained as North American Union police. This is one more step in the formation of the North American Union between Mexico, Canada, and the United States. It is also a closer step to the Antichrist declaring himself as ruler of the world. The one world people will use any means such as a bankruptcy, pandemic virus, or fake terrorism to authorize martial law and a take over of America. Be prepared for martial law when the chaotic events in the street start. Again trust in My power to make you invisible as you go to your refuge for protection and survival.”


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, just as it took time and planning for Noah to build the ark and stock it with supplies, so those preparing My refuges have had to build and stock them with supplies as well. Just as the ark protected Noah’s family and the animals from the flood, so My refuges will be protected by My angels from the evil ones. Throughout the tribulation time I will give My faithful daily Communion through My angels. The people will have food, water, and a place to stay while being made invisible to those trying to kill you. You will marvel at all of My miracles, so have trust in My protection and how I will provide for all of your needs. I love all of you and you are fortunate to be living in these end days.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is good that you set aside time for your Mass, your rosaries, and your Divine Mercy Chaplet. You also may spend some time reading newspapers and magazines, and even some time watching TV or using the internet. I am recommending that you take some of this reading time and spend it on reading a religious book about the saints or their writings. You need to be balanced in spending your time on reading things that I want you to read more than what your own will desires. You can never do too much for Me, because I will always lead you to do something more for My glory. All, that you do for Me, will store up graces and treasure in heaven for your judgment. Be a good inspiration to save souls that are around you every day. Saving souls by your prayers and evangelization efforts will also gain you treasure in heaven. Remember to always keep a good religious book around you so you can keep advancing in your faith.”


Thursday, May 21, 2009: (Ascension Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, after My Resurrection I was in My glorified Body, which is why at times I was not recognized at first until I called their names or broke bread at supper. It would be difficult for My apostles to carry on My new Church alone, so I told them to wait for a while and I would send them the Holy Spirit to strengthen them in their ministry. In the readings you saw how I protected them from snakes and poisons. Once My disciples received the Holy Spirit, they did go forth and spread My Good News of salvation to all the nations. My faithful today also are blessed with My Presence as I embraced all of you in the vision. I did not leave you, but I am at your side whenever you call on Me in prayer. You are temples of the Holy Spirit because it is His life Spirit that gives your body and soul life in your existence. Call on Me, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Father, and We will help you in your mission to teach and save souls. Give glory and praise to your God who loves you always and We await the day when you can be with Us for all eternity with your soul and glorified body.”
(70th Wedding anniversary Mass) Jesus said: “My people, marriage is My beloved sacrament of how I want men and women to live in love, and how I want each couple to be joined as one in a lifetime commitment together. When you marry, you make vows to be faithful to one another until death do you part. I am joined with you as a third partner and this sacrament gives you the graces to endure life’s trials. In your present society marriage, as an institution, is being attacked as some live together in a sinful way without marriage, some live separated or divorced, and some in same sex marriages. But when you see a marriage of seventy years, there is a witness of hope that people can live out their promise of a life long commitment as Camille and Lydia have. You also have a dedicated marriage of forty-four years and your brothers as well. Even your children, who have married, have stayed together. It is a good prayer life that can keep couples together, and the fruit of this marital love is the children that you bring forth and even the grandchildren. This love environment was meant to be the proper setting to bring forth children. Parents need to care for their children’s spiritual life, even into their adult years. A faithful example of a long marriage is another gift of your love for each other that you share with your children. Keep faithful to Me and your spouse as love is everlasting.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this feast day of My Ascension into heaven is the beginning of another Novena of nine days of prayer before the feast of Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit upon My disciples in the form of tongues of fire. You had another Novena before Mercy Sunday that started on Good Friday. As you say your prayers for this present Novena, include your intentions of your friends and relatives in purgatory, and pray for your friends and relatives that are still living and all poor sinners. You do not want to see any souls go to hell, so pray especially for those sinners who most need prayers for conversion.”
Jesus said: “My people, since the daily Divine Mercy intentions are beautiful for the whole world, you could use these same intentions for your Novena prayers before Pentecost. Whenever you pray a Novena, you will see great graces bestowed on those whom you are praying for. You could follow your Novena intentions with a Novena of thanksgiving for another nine days praying for the same people. Those souls in purgatory are most grateful for all of your Masses and rosaries.”
Jesus said: “My people, witness stories of conversions, or miraculous incidents are very enlightening and encouraging to your faithful prayer group members. If you approve of renewing this practice, it would be a great way to mark another anniversary of your prayer group meetings. Discern this opportunity of spiritual sharing to add more spirit to your meetings and you could learn from each other.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you come out of your cold winter months, it is a welcome warming without any frost or ice. This same sense of thawing can be applied to cold hearts that have little or no faith. It takes many prayers and personal commitments to help thaw out a hardened heart. You need to overcome this heart with My love that you can share with them. When hearts are open to My love, beautiful faith transformations can occur. Work to share your love especially with those that may be weak in the faith so you can build up their faith commitment to Me. Those souls, who listen and take heart in your words, will be grateful for bringing them closer to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, after Pentecost My disciples went out among the people, making many conversions. You all are called to go out to all the nations and bring souls to Me. This is not an easy task to try and bring someone to conversion. Ask yourself if you have brought anyone into the faith or helped them in a reconversion over the last year. Make an extra effort to reach out to souls in evangelizing them to a strong faith in Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have encouraged parents to take their spiritual responsibility seriously concerning the teaching of the faith to their children and grandchildren. You are responsible for these souls, even into their adulthood. Pray for discernment to make some time to teach the faith to the children in your parish’s religious education program. Passing your faith on to the next generations should also be a part of your Christian responsibility. The children need to know their prayers and be open to a faith commitment to Me. Unless they are trained by a strong faith-filled person, that soul could fall away in spiritual apathy.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to My people, and you need to pray to discern what gifts that you have been given. Some may have the gift of being teachers of the faith. Some are given gifts of prophecy and messages of faith. Others have gifts of healing. Still others have a gift for converting souls. Some are suffering victim souls to help other souls with their prayers and offered up pain. Whatever is your gift, pray that through the power of the Holy Spirit you will be enabled to use your gifts to heal and save souls from their spiritual lack of love for Me. When you see healings and conversions, joy will come into your heart and thank Me for these blessings.”


Friday, May 22, 2009: (Sharon Farnand’s funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to know that, as in the vision, Sharon is standing by My side in heaven as I am greeting her. She was a great example of loving service for others and her family. When you sing and have love in your heart, you will desire to share your love with others as I do. She bore a lot of pain and suffering gracefully in her last years. She was happy to have her family always around her to help her. At times some people tend to avoid people that have a terminal disease. These poor stressed souls need your love and the comfort of your presence even more in their weakened state. When I ask you to visit the sick, I mean also those who are terminally ill. Think if you had cancer or a life threatening disease. You would want company just the same as when you were well. So do not let such illnesses keep you away, but show your love for people even when they are terminal. Give praise and thanks to Me as you celebrate Sharon’s beautiful life among you.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are currently seeing the Swine Flu spread over many countries, and some people are dying from this first wave of this flu germ. There are plans to spread a second and third wave of a more virulent Swine Flu virus by the use of chemtrails. The evil ones will protect themselves with an antidote vaccine. As more people start dying from this flu, you will see that it has a man-made origin by looking at the DNA markers of the segments in each wave. Already the current Swine Flu has pig flu segments, bird flu segments, human flu segments and flu from various countries all over the world. The fact, that it is still killing people and not dying out, is another sign that it is a manufactured virus and not a natural one. The one world people will use this so-called pandemic virus to make it mandatory to take their vaccine which will actually spread the disease. My people should refuse this vaccine at all costs. Those, who refuse to take the vaccine shots will be taken to the death camps for elimination by gas and cremation. Once this mandatory vaccine for Swine Flu is initiated, this will be another sign to call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to a refuge where you will look upon My luminous cross and drink the spring water to protect you from any pandemic virus. This created crisis of a pandemic virus will be another opportunity for the one world people to declare martial law and take over America. Follow My instructions and you will be protected from this virus and from those trying to kill you.”


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, as you start approaching summer weather, you are seeing areas with heavy rainfall and others with little to no rainfall. Florida is having floods with little warning, while droughts in some places will precipitate fires. This weather happens every year, but the extremes could cause more natural disasters. Continue to pray for poor sinners in your country. The more your morality deteriorates, the more you may see punishments for your sins. My faithful need to keep close to Me in your devotions because there are many distractions in the world to lead spiritually lazy souls away from their faith. Call on My graces to keep you on the narrow road to heaven.”


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, parting from My apostles in My physical Body was a difficult moment more for My apostles than for Me. This is because I am always with you spiritually, but you cannot see Me. In this time between the feast of My Ascension into heaven and Pentecost I have asked you to pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit. My apostles were patiently waiting for the Advocate to come and bless them with the gifts that they would need for their missions in various countries. They were given different languages to speak, healing gifts, and evangelization gifts. When you pray to the Holy Spirit, you can also be blessed with His gifts. It is not easy to know My mission for you, because it takes prayer and discernment to have this revealed. By your daily consecration of everything over to Me, you can be open to receive My Word, and act on it. All Christians have the potential to save souls, and even some with strong faith can heal those who believe that they can be healed in My Name. Pray every day, as this is your spiritual lifeline to My graces.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing some violent storms that have generated heavy rainfall, lightning, hailstones, and even tornadoes. This vision of a mud soaked car carried off in a flood has been typical of some of your places of heavy rainfall. Violent natural disasters such as rainstorms and firestorms are going to continue in the coming months. Man-made microwave machines can enhance these storms in tornadoes or hurricanes. Be prepared for more bad storms, since the violence of man’s killing is reflected in the weather.”


Monday, May 25, 2009: (Memorial Day)

Jesus said: “My people, today you honor and remember those who died in your many wars. Many of your wars have been pawns of the one world people who are planning and profiting from such conflicts. It is bad enough to lose loved ones in such fighting, but it is even more disheartening to see how the evil ones purposely cause wars to profit from arms sales and the interest on deficits from wars. Many are giving their lives in all of your wars so your country can be free. But behind the scenes your own leaders are planning your demise in giving over your sovereignty rights as a nation to the one world people’s North American Union. This is why the one world people are behind your economic crisis, your pandemic diseases, and your constant foreign wars to bankrupt your country and take it over. This barbed wire fence is at your detention centers to imprison and kill your religious and patriotic people because they are against the new world order. In order to have a takeover, the one world people are planning a crisis to cause martial law. This is when My faithful will call on Me to lead them to My refuges of protection at the beginning of the tribulation. This is a battle of good and evil, and you will need angel protection from the evil ones. Trust in Me because your angels will make you invisible at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, your flag of fifty stars represents the fifty states, but there are many individuals making up your country. It should be for the good of your country and its freedom that your service people have died fighting for you. It is a proper time to say thank you for all of those that died for your country. They loved their country so much that they were willing to lay down their life if it was required. It is getting harder to inspire young men and women to make such a commitment in your world. Even as you talk of soldiers in the Army, there are soldiers of Mine and the Holy Spirit that are in the Church Militant that are willing to battle the evil ones. My spiritual prayer warriors are needed to pray for sinners and the souls in purgatory. Be faithful to your duty and march with Me on the right path to heaven.”


Tuesday, May 26, 2009: (St. Philip Neri)

Jesus said: “My people, I talk to you many times of how you are in a daily spiritual battle between good and evil. Amidst all of your daily troubles and trials I want you to keep peace in your heart and soul as in this quiet pool of water. It is your peaceful blessed assurance that My grace is guiding you in everything that you do. By giving Me your daily consecration, you know in hope and faith that I will be with you to fight all of the evil one’s temptations. Even as St. Paul was given that he had to suffer imprisonment and martyrdom, he was giving encouragement to his followers that they remain strong in their faith. So it is with My prayer warriors of today. You also may face persecution and martyrdom in the coming tribulation, but keep your peace, for I will protect your souls. If martyrdom does come to you, embrace it as your pass instantly into heaven with little pain. If you are meant to lead My faithful in the refuges, rejoice also to proclaim My Word in saving souls. There also, you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace and then in eternity with Me in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are people that are led by Satan who want to kill religious people and patriots. They desire total control over the people, and they will resort to any means, even killing, to have their way. The one world people know they will not be able to change religious people and patriots to accept the new world order, so they will be looking to kill you. Their first attack is by a pandemic virus spread by the chemtrails. When they see that My faithful are miraculously protected from their pandemic viruses, they will try to attack My refuges with anthrax. In the first place they will not be able to find you because you will be invisible to them. But even toxic germs or gases will not harm you because My angels will be protecting you. My angel power will be your defense, so you will not need weapons to battle your persecutors. Pray for all people to be saved, but some will continue to reject Me, even after the Warning. Have peace and trust that you will be protected from all of the evil ones.”


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, even though the evil ones will kill many people with their pandemic virus, I will warn My faithful to leave for My refuges before they disperse it in the air. Once My faithful come to My refuges, you will look upon My luminous cross and drink the spring water to cure yourselves of any diseases of the evil ones. I will thwart the evil ones attempts to kill you, and they will not be able to locate you. I will perform these miracles for My faithful, but you must leave your homes immediately at My call, or you could die from their pandemic virus. I have mentioned before that the goal of the death culture people is to reduce the population so they will have less people to control. Pray and trust in My protection. Continue to build up your immune systems with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins.”


Wednesday, May 27, 2009: (St. Augustine of Canterbury)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s saint, St. Augustine of Canterbury, was bishop in Canterbury, England as well as your sister city of Rochester, England. The same missionary spirit that brought the faith to England, has also brought the faith to America as well. It is unfortunate that churches are closing in some parts of America because the people have become lax in their faith and attendance has fallen off. You have almost become another mission land which needs to reconvert the fallen away Christians. Once you know of the faith and give it up, you are even more responsible for your sins and spiritual laziness. Many of your people are being led more by their own will to love the worldly things than loving Me. Look how you desire material things. Once you possess them, they are cold and become obsolete. When you love Me, I return your love and you can have a personal relationship with Me. It is by My grace that you have anything, even your very existence. You should be thankful to Me for all that you have. This life is a spiritual testing ground to see how much you can love Me and your neighbor. Those, who reject Me, and choose to follow the world and the devil, are choosing the broad road to hell. Those, who truly love Me in their actions, have seen the Light and recognize their purpose here is to know, love, and serve Me. It is My faithful who choose to follow the narrow road to heaven. Keep your focus on Me and call on My graces to stay strong in your faith and never become lax. Teach your family and friends also to remain strong in their faith.”


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, when I was on the earth, I started My Church with St. Peter as the Rock or leader, on whom I would build My Church. I told you that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church. Over the years, especially at the Reformation, many new sects were formed that were not united with My Pope son. There were many heresies and different interpretations of My Word. My Church has remained firm in its teachings, even despite some reaching out to unify these different faiths. Even though these other denominations are separate from My Church, their belief in Me and denial of their sins can still bring them to heaven. I have talked of the many mansions in heaven where I invite everyone to come. This will be revealed in the coming Warning that only through Me can anyone come to heaven. Also My Roman Catholic Church has the fullness of the faith in the sacraments that I instituted. It is good to strive for unity of My churches, but My laws and interpretations are not to be changed. Man will pass away, but My Words will not pass away.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing you to be ready to leave your homes for My refuges of rustic living. It would be some good practice for you to spend some nights camping out in your tents and some crude means of heating and eating food so you can learn to live in natural settings. If you cannot go to a campsite, even practice camping in your backyard. By being ready to live a rustic life, you will see what you need and it will not be a shock to go without a nice bed and warm showers. Living at a refuge will help make you into saints in progress.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been to burial services before, but it is hard for you to imagine yourself at your time of burial. Before you come to this moment, you should have your life in order with daily prayer and frequent Confession. This life is very short and you need to make the best use of your time in prayer and doing good deeds for people. Do not allow the devil to waste your precious time on too much frivolous entertainment. Focus on doing everything for Me, and I will keep you busy with My work.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you will see a time of persecution of My people at the time of tribulation when some of you may be martyred for My Name’s sake. You have already heard of several incidents when Guillotines have been brought into the United States. Even in the Book of Revelation it speaks of the faithful being beheaded. You also have seen beheaded figures in the Mall at Washington, D.C. that signify how the one world people will treat people that do not go along with the one world order. Those, who are beheaded, will become instant saints, while the rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, in order to prepare yourself for being a saint, you must learn how to detach yourself from the desire of worldly things. When you are being purified in purgatory, you are cleansing your worldly desires so you can be completely focused on worshiping Me. So living a simple life as these monks do, will bring you closer to Me. Coming to My refuges will also help you toward sainthood because you will be stripped of your worldly possessions and your simple, rustic living will give you more time to pray and help your neighbor.”
Jesus said: “My people, helping to feed poor people in need is a worthy work of mercy that could gain you treasure in heaven. Some have prepared such meals daily for the poor. Some buy the food needed and some donate the money for the food. You could perform some of these tasks on occasion or help at your local food shelf. All of this work is a labor of love to help the poor to get a good meal. Remember that when you feed the hungry, you are feeding Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, taking care of your parents in their old age is another labor of love. Your parents cared for you in your early years, so taking care of them in their old age is a way of paying them back for your care. It is not easy to make commitments of time and money to help them, but they are your family members that you love. Some spend more time with their parents than others, but all that you do for them is appreciated and will be good works in your hands at your judgment.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is so important to be good examples of being Christians for your children. Bringing your children up in the faith by training them in daily prayer, Mass on Sunday, and frequent Confession will help them form good spiritual habits and a desire to worship and love their Lord and Savior. You show your children your spousal love and love for your children. Even more your children should see how much you love Me and consecrate yourselves to Me. In this loving environment your children can come to love Me and depend on Me as you depend on Me.”


May 29, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I asked St. Peter three times if he loved Me in answer to the three times that he denied Me. I knew that he denied Me out of fear of losing his life. This is also why I warned him in his old age that he would face martyrdom for My Name’s sake. Once St. Peter received the Holy Spirit, I knew that he would have the spiritual strength not to deny Me again when threatened with death. This loud speaker speaking ‘Love’ means that I am asking the same question to all the people of the world: Do you love Me? It is not enough to say ‘Lord, Lord’. You must show Me by your actions that you truly love Me in your prayers, daily consecration, and good works. This love relationship with Me must be a sincere commitment out of love in return for My dying on the cross for you. This love for Me must involve giving your will over to My Divine Will so I can use you for My mission for your talents. When you have the power of the Holy Spirit from Confirmation, you will also have the spiritual strength to even be ready to die a martyrs’s death than give up your faith. Do not get comfortable with this life because it will soon be taken away from you. Focus on life with Me in heaven and saving souls from hell, for this is your goal on this earth. Love Me as I love you.”
Jesus said: “My people, the latest census will have a dual purpose of exactly locating people with specific earth coordinates and they will be gathering information on religious and patriotic people by asking innocent questions. It would be advisable to give them only bare information with nothing about your religion or if you are patriotic. Once they have you identified as against the new world order, they will try to mark your house in some way so foreign troops will know where to pick you up for martial law. If you see any red, blue, or other colored tags left around your house, it would be best to remove them. These are the one world people’s means of identifying their targets and knowing where to come and take you off to their death camps. Have no fear because I will alert you before these men in black will come to your house to capture you. At that warning you will need to leave your home if it is not a refuge. Take your backpacks and call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you with a physical sign to the nearest refuge of protection. Once you have left, they will not be able to find you because your angels will shield you from being seen or detected in any way. Trust in My protection from the evil ones, and I will provide for your necessities.”


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul was one of My faithful missionaries, even when he was restrained in prisons. My Early Church had to suffer many martyrdoms at the hands of the Jews and the Romans. To be a Christian in those days you had to hide yourselves from the authorities and practice your faith in secret. My faithful in the end days are going to revisit these days of persecution. St. John the Evangelist was spared martyrdom, but he was exiled to Patmos where he wrote the Book of Revelation. This last book of St. John is very prophetic of the end times and it has had many interpretations. As you read the conclusion of St. John’s Gospel there is a flashback to your trip to Ephesus (11-1-98 Book 13) where St. John gave you a message that your mission was to help warn the people of the coming Antichrist in the tribulation. This is why you were given the title ‘Prepare for the Great Tribulation and Era of Peace’ because your messages direct people to prepare by being ready to go to My refuges during the coming persecution. You will be living in these end days, even as your messages talk about this time. Have faith and carry on your work as I am directing you.”
Jesus said: “My people, there is no doubt that the one world people control who gets elected and who should fill vacancies in the Presidential Cabinet. Most of the current Cabinet members belong to the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission of which all are one world organizations. The manufactured credit crisis, the stimulus plan, all aid to banks and corporations, and a bloated budget are all part of a plan to bankrupt America. It is being carried out by the one world people who will use this crisis, bankruptcy, pandemic viruses, or any other means to cause martial law and place America into the North American Union with the amero currency. Be prepared for a time before martial law, when I will warn you to leave for your refuges. This time is very close, so have your backpacks ready to leave any day. Call on My help and I will have My angels protect you from the evil ones. The evil reign will be brief before I will come in victory. Be patient and trust in your Lord.”


Sunday, May 31, 2009: (Pentecost Sunday)

The Holy Spirit came and said: “I am the Holy Spirit of love and life, and I enliven the spirit of faith, hope, and love in every person. Some accept God wholeheartedly into their life, but others are choosing to follow the world and their own will for comforts and entertainment. Every human person is made up of body and soul, but the body will soon pass away, and the soul, which is immortal, will live forever. You have two choices. Those, who choose to follow Jesus’ words and keep the Commandments of love, are choosing to be with Us in heaven for all eternity. Those, who choose to worship the world and follow the devil, are choosing eternal punishment in the flames of hell. You are dealing with inspiring the younger people to desire worshiping God on Sunday and to make Us a part of their lives. It is because the younger generations are becoming spiritually lazy in their faith that your numbers in church are falling. The majority of your churches today have more older people than young people. Your people have become too complacent with their faith, because they do not see the need for God in their lives. This is why many of your churches are closing. Just as the Israelites lost their freedom when they worshiped idols instead of God, so America will lose its freedoms because of your worship of material things and worldly concerns. When you see the evil ones persecute you, you will see that only by depending on God can you get through life and its trials. Keep close to Us in faith, and trust that We will provide for you. The devil hates man and he wants to kill you. Come to the God who loves you and refuse the devil’s temptations that only lead to death of the body and soul.”


Monday, June 1, 2009: (St. Justin)

Jesus said: “My people, this scene represents the time of the judgment of souls. The dividing wall represents the abyss that separated the good souls from the evil souls. On the left side are all the souls who were given opportunities to know and love Me, but they rejected Me, and by their pride they refused to ask forgiveness for their sins. These are the souls that you see the demons pushing down into the flames of hell for all eternity. On the right side of the dividing wall there were souls who believed in Me as their Lord, Master, and Savior. They also were humble enough to ask the forgiveness of their sins. These souls saw Me up in heaven as My angels brought them to Me. Every soul that enters heaven has to come through Me at the gates. Woe to that soul whom I tell that I do not know them, for they will be condemned to hell. When you come to your judgment, you will be judged on how you loved Me and how you loved your neighbor. To know and love Me, you must pray to Me daily and do good works for those in need. Practice worshiping Me and adoring your Creator because you will be singing My praises for all eternity. Shun the world’s desires and detach yourself from anything worldly so you can focus all of your attention on Me. Live a simple life of faith without desiring the world’s wealth and comforts. Satan will send you all kinds of distractions and temptations to put Me out of your life. Those, who shut Me out of their lives and have no one praying for their salvation, are on the road to hell if they do not change before their death. Come to Me and be saved, and I will forgive your sins before it is too late, or you will be lost to the eternal flames of hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are living in perilous and troubled times that are testing your faith dearly. This vision of hanging on to a lifeline in the middle of a tornado is how you need to depend on Me to get you through each day. By yourself it is too hard to fight off the undercurrents of worldly concerns and the devil’s temptations. This is why you need to call on My help in all that you do, and especially for spiritual protection against the evils of today. Many, who depended on their own finances to live, are in turmoil with lost money in the stock market, low interest on savings, and heavy unemployment. You are in need of My help at all times, but especially in providing a living in these hard times. I know your needs, but you need to call on Me and have trust in My helping you. The spiritual storm over your soul is more important than keeping your body alive. Protect your soul with daily prayer and frequent Confession, as well as wearing your blessed sacramentals. By keeping in My graces, your soul will be alive instead of dead in mortal sin. Call on My help to guide you in your physical and spiritual lives, and you will survive in both body and soul.”


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I confounded My persecutors by telling them to give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give back to God what is God’s. You are tested with taxes very much, especially in your state, and it is hard to pay in your recession. These storm clouds in the vision are a sign that your government is going to make even more demands on your freedoms. Your freedom of speech is being challenged by hate crime laws. Your freedom of religion is also going to be limited, and you are forced to have chips in your passports and driver’s licenses. All of your purchased items are chipped as well. Soon chips will be required for your health needs and many government checks. The one world people’s plans for control are even going to threaten your very lives as they prepare to eliminate all religious people and patriots who will not go along with their new world order of a world government. As martial law approaches, My faithful will be leaving for My refuges for protection. Call on My help in prayer to be prepared for the storm clouds of the coming tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have called you to live a simple life so you are not influenced by wealth or earthly possessions. Those, who have placed all of their life savings into the stock market, have seen the Wall Street people manipulate the stocks up and down to steal their money. Even those, who have their money in savings have seen interest rates lowered to near zero where the bankers are making millions. Money, wealth, and possessions are fleeting and will pass away, so put your trust in Me more than your money which is dwindling to nothing. Living a simple life does not require much money, and you will be at peace more than the rich man who is trying to keep people from stealing his money. Spend more of your time in prayer than chasing after elusive wealth that will not satisfy your soul. I am the only One who can satisfy your soul and promise you eternal salvation in heaven. Come to Me for all of your needs and I will be there for you. Work to save souls, and your treasure in heaven will be far worth more than this world’s wealth. When you live this simple life, you will see its reward as My peace in your soul.”


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Tobit you see how the bride and groom were so persecuted that they were ready to die. Then they prayed to God for help and He sent the Archangel St. Raphael to heal their sicknesses and the angel sent the demon away who had killed seven previous husbands. This is why many newly weds call on St. Raphael to protect them in their marriage. He is also a good intercessor to pray for healing of the eyes. This reading is an example for all people who may be depressed or down from difficulties in their lives or persecutions. Turn to Me in your prayer for strength to deal with life’s problems. When you have Me helping you, life will seem much easier to live. You depend on Me for everything, so reach out to your Lord who loves you and wants to pour out My blessings on you.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are witnessing a decay of My Church in various parts of your country. In some areas you are seeing a shortage of priests because fewer are being ordained. Schools and churches are being closed because of a lack of attendance and a lack of adequate funding. I have warned My faithful before that you would see fewer and fewer churches left open. Once you see a division in My Church, My faithful will need to have home Masses. As the government increases persecution of religious people, you will need to have secret meetings for prayer and Mass. Eventually, you will need to seek My refuges because the one world people want to eliminate all worship of Me in favor of worshiping the Antichrist. You are seeing the beginnings of this decay in morals and religious worship which will lead up to the time of tribulation. Trust in Me that I will have My angels bring you daily Communion if you cannot find a Mass. Pray to Me for strength in these end days to protect you from the evil ones that are trying to kill you.”


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading you see Tobiah and Sarah praying together for protection on their wedding night from the demon that killed seven previous husbands of Sarah. In their prayer they spoke of how I gave Eve to Adam in marriage and they became as one flesh. This is an affirmation of My law that marriage should only be contracted between a man and a woman. Even though various States are approving same sex marriages, this is against My law, since I consider such marriages of two men or two women as an abomination. Also, heterosexual unions outside of the marriage bond, as fornication or adultery, are also mortal sins against the Sixth Commandment. When more households are living in sin than in proper marriage, now you know how immoral your country has become. Add abortions and birth control sins and you see how sinful your country is as well. There are many temptations for lust of the flesh, and more souls go to hell because of these sexual sins. I am warning My faithful to be on guard to live according to My laws more than the laws of man. All couples can pray for the sanctity of their marriage as did Tobiah and Sarah.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, with all the latest technology for capturing pictures of people, it is easy for the one world people to have a profile of everyone in your country. They can track which church you go to, which bank you visit, and what checks you write and to whom. They view your bank accounts and other assets. With such an invasion of your privacy they know a list of people that need to be silenced for the new world order. One view, that they will not be able to see, is when you leave for My refuge and where you are going because My angels will make you invisible to all the evil one’s high technology equipment. Trust in My protection even against the power of the Antichrist.”
Jesus said: “My people, My angels have been given special gifts that enable them to make people or whole refuges invisible to any form of detection. The evil ones may know where the refuges are from previous spy satellites, but they will not be able to step on the refuge grounds or view people there. They also will not be able to bomb or shoot weapons on My refuges because they will have an impenetrable barrier of protection. I will provide food, water, and shelter as well for all who are led to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, do not be fearful of any mandatory smart cards for passports, driver’s licenses, or cards for health care. These restrictions are a sign that chips in the body will be the next mandate. All of these chips are for total control because you do not need chips to buy and sell. For any mandated smart cards you can wrap them in aluminum foil to protect them from being read by anyone. Once the one world people demand chips in the body to replace your smart cards, then it will be a sign to call on Me to have your angel lead you to the nearest refuge. Chips in the body will control your mind with voices, so refuse such chips, even if they threaten to kill you. Leaving for your refuges is so they cannot find you to put chips in you. Trust in My protection at all times.”
Jesus said: “My people, just as there are many refuges for the protection of My faithful, so there are hundreds of detention center death camps that are large enough to kill millions of Americans who do not want to go along with the new world order. The evil ones have red and blue lists to pick up religious and patriotic people before and after a manufactured martial law is declared. I will warn My faithful when this will happen. Some will be martyred, but the remainder will be at My refuges. I will protect your souls from the evil ones, so have no fear.”
Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges you will see farming and the food with grains will be stored in an underground root cellar. I will take the food that you grow and multiply it so everyone will have enough to eat. Preparing and cooking food will still be necessary. Your seeds, that are not hybrids, will also be multiplied to continue planting. Seeing miracles of multiplication will lessen any fears that the people may have. Everyone at the refuges will need to do their own work so everyone can have what they need.”
Jesus said: “My people, those, who are martyred for their faith, will have little pain as they are taken to heaven as saints. It will be difficult to see so many Americans captured because they would not leave their homes or they did not leave soon enough. Foreign troops will be carrying out this killing activity dressed in black clothes. This is because your American troops would have a hard time killing their own innocent citizens. They have shackled train cars, trucks, and airplanes to deliver prisoners to the death camps. This evil time will be brief before I will come and cast all of these evil people into the fires of hell. I will renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will have a rustic living at My refuges with little or no electricity. Without electronic devices, you will have plenty of time for prayer and Mass, where there are priests. Even if you do not have a Mass, My angels will bring you daily Communion on your tongues. You will have many duties to help each other every day, but you will have time for community prayer and individual meditation. At some place on the refuge a Host will be brought for Adoration for those who want to be closer to Me in worshiping Me often. My daily adorers will not miss your daily coming to Me in worship. Remember when I told Mary that she had chosen the better portion, even beyond hospitality, but both are needed in your spiritual life.”


Friday, June 5, 2009: (St. Boniface)

Jesus said: “My people of America, a time will come when it will be illegal to fly the American flag. That is the meaning of the vision of seeing a flagpole without seeing the American flag. Your flag has seen desecration by some burning the flag, but when your country is taken over, you will be fortunate to find such a flag. Your leaders are already making plans for your country’s demise in forming the North American Union (NAU) of America, Mexico, and Canada. Under NAFTA these three countries are the targets for takeover. Under this one world plan, all Americans will lose their sovereign rights that were guaranteed by your Constitution and your Bill of Rights. You will then be the puppets of the one world government. This will be brought about by a fake emergency that will precipitate martial law and the Executive orders will be in place giving power over to a foreign army. Before martial law is declared, My people will be warned to quickly leave for My refuges. This time of persecution will be why you need to seek the protection of My angels at My refuges. Those, who do not leave in time, could be captured and martyred for their faith in Me. Pray to Me to be strong during this crisis, but have no fear because I will protect you.”
Jesus said: “My people, My Church is going through a crisis for most bishops who have to deal with declining attendance, less collections, and fewer priests. Each diocese has many organizations and buildings to maintain. As the recession has decreased family’s incomes, it is hard to ask for more donations. As with most businesses that take in less revenue, they have to cut staff and cut expenses. This is the same problem with My Church that will have to cut expenses and staff according to the decline in attendance and lower collections. When the revenue does not pay to keep a church open, some churches have had to be closed. It is difficult choosing which churches should close, and you need to pray for your bishops and planning groups to make the right choices. You have seen this problem most in the city churches where there are poor parishes, but now this problem is coming into the suburbs as well. Pray that My faithful will have enough churches to provide them Mass, My sacraments, and a sense of belonging to a parish they can call home. Pray also that My faithful will remain strong in their faith and not grow lax in their prayer life.”


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I want to remind you of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) when I was explaining to them about the Scripture references to Me. Later, I broke bread for them and I disappeared when they recognized Me in the breaking of the bread. They exclaimed: ‘Were not our hearts burning when Jesus explained the Scriptures to us.’ This same feeling of a burning love to be with Me all the time is what I desire of all of My disciples. You know how much I love you in dying for you, and I know how much you love Me by your good actions. Those, who appreciate My Real Presence in My Host of My tabernacle, make visits to Me for their holy hours. My adorers of My Eucharist also have burning hearts for Me, and they give Me praise and worship. See that your Adoration, Masses, and daily prayers are your preparation for heaven when you will be constantly singing My praises with all the saints and angels. Reach out to save souls always, and inspire everyone you can to love Me in My Eucharist as you love Me dearly.”


Sunday, June 7, 2009: (Trinity Sunday)

God the Father said: “I AM wants to thank you for honoring Me in the Blessed Trinity. Many times you make the Sign of the Cross or pray the Glory Be to God prayer, and you are calling Our attention to your petitions. In the readings you can see My link to Moses and the Ten Commandments, as well as the first Five Books of the Old Testament. Another reading talks about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the Gospel speaks of My Only Begotten Son, Jesus, as asking His disciples to go out and evangelize souls, baptizing them in the Name of Myself, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Even though you try to separate Us in referring to our Persons, We are still Three Persons in one God. The Blessed Trinity is a mystery to man’s understanding, but accept this teaching to know that in faith all creation comes from God. Wherever you see one of Us, you have all Three Persons, because We are always as One. When you receive My Son, Jesus, in Holy Communion, you receive Me and God the Holy Spirit as well at the same time. Rejoice when you pray to God and give Us praise because you are praying to all of Us in the Blessed Trinity.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are joyful to see your friends going forward with their refuge plans, but you are sad that you may not see them very much. These are your prayer partners, and it is hard to separate. They are following My plans, so I am grateful for their obedience to give up what they have here to provide help at a refuge for others. I want each of you to pray for each other in each of your separate missions. Do not be discouraged by decreasing numbers in your prayer groups because you will be the core people to help others during the tribulation. Be faithful to your daily prayers and call on My graces to keep you strong to endure any future persecution. Give praise and glory to Me for all the people that I have chosen to prepare refuges to protect My people, and for My messengers who have prepared you for these end times.”


Monday, June 8, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, every year in the summer time you face the potential problem of forest fires. Brush growth from the spring dries out from less rainfall giving fuel for any fires that could be started with dry lightning, or man-made fires. This condition has been most prevalent in the West, but it has occurred also in Florida. These areas could pray for moist, cooler conditions to minimize these fire conditions. When you see such fires, you could pray for the safety of the fire fighters and less damage and danger to the people living near these fires. At times such natural disasters can serve as a punishment for the sins of the people. People, who build houses next to these possible forest fires, should know the risks they take, and be ready to evacuate when warned of coming fires. I love My people and I want to protect you from harm, but you need to be prudent in where to build your houses and in avoiding sin.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a homeless man looking for food and shelter is an example to you how during life you should take the opportunity to help the needy. The tunnel next to him is a sign when you die, how you will travel through this dark tunnel to come to My Light at your first judgment. At your judgment I will ask you how much you loved Me, and how much you loved your neighbor. I will review your life’s actions to see how you expressed this love. This is why you should have your hands full of good deeds in helping others. By helping others out of love, you are showing your love for helping Me in them. If your hands are empty, and you did everything for yourself, you could suffer hell or the deep levels of purgatory. So see that love for Me and love for your neighbor is why you are here to witness to My love in your life, and the love you show to others.”(Matt 25:31-46)


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I speak of you as the children of Light and the Salt of the earth. I am the Light of the world, and I pass that Light of faith on to My disciples. The earth is full of the darkness of evil, but you bring My Light of love into the world so souls can be converted to see their way. You are Salt because you add love to flavor life and give it purpose in following Me. This vision of the seven levels of heaven by this circular staircase should be an inspiration to not only think of gaining heaven, but even seeking the higher levels of heaven. I am the Judge who determines who comes to heaven, but I also judge which level you will be worthy of. If you desire the higher levels of heaven, then you must focus on your daily consecration of giving everything over to My Will, and doing everything to please Me. Think of Me throughout your day and desire to be close to Me in your daily prayers and works of mercy. By giving up your own desires and detaching yourselves from your possessions, you will be on the narrow road to high places in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, in every task that you try to accomplish during the day there is always some difficulty or cross to carry. It should be part of your daily consecration to invite Me to help you in everything that you do for Me. Each task by itself may seem innocent, but many times problems can turn an easy task into a difficult one. Pray a small prayer for My help when you start a new job. Having My help to carry your crosses will make it seem that all of your jobs will go smoothly. The evil one at times will do things to cause simple tasks to go awry because you will be tempted to get upset with what you are doing. I want you to keep your peace whether your jobs are successful or not. If something does not work, pray about it and try a few different approaches. If it still does not go well, then move on to another task so you do not become frustrated or angry at it not working. You are tested many times with worldly problems, but it is how you approach things out of love that I am looking for in your response. Pick up your cross and carry it forward out of love to please Me. As you keep your peace, I will reward you for all of your good efforts.”


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, at times during the summer when it is dry, you may need to water your yard to keep it green and healthy, or it could dry out and parts could die. In the case of your souls, it is the dryness of grace caused by your sins that can bring about the death of your soul as with mortal sin. By making a good Confession to a priest, you can replenish your soul with My abundant graces poured over your soul to bring it back to life. You can also gain graces and keep your soul watered with prayer, Mass, and visits to My tabernacle. Keeping your soul vibrant in My graces is how you can always be prepared for your judgment on the day death comes to your door. You all are going to die some day, but death can come suddenly at any time, even for the young. The older you become, the more you should be preparing your soul for death of the body. By being pure in your soul all the time, you will always be ready when I come to take you home to Me. So do not be complacent in taking care of your soul, but be sure it is constantly watered with My graces.”


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, many of your smaller wars are a testing ground for the latest new weaponry from your Defense Industrial Complex. Your troops need high tech weapons to justify the billions of dollars spent on defense. There has been a low profile in the reporting of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, yet your Congress is continually appropriating hundreds of billions of dollars to keep them going. Even as high deficits are being incurred to battle the recession, the deficits for war are adding even more to the National Debt. This irresponsible deficit spending will soon bankrupt your country when you will be unable to monetize your debt. Your dollar will lose its buying power as a new world currency in the amero will replace the dollar. This is all part of the one world people’s plan to set up a world government. Trust in Me to defeat these evil ones in time, as I will bring My victory over all of them.”


Thursday, June 11, 2009: (St. Barnabas)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul and St. Barnabas were two of My great missionaries in My Early Church when you risked your life to teach My Word. They were annointed by the apostles to teach the Gentiles and they were called ‘Christians’ for the first time in Antioch. St. Paul had a miraculous conversion, and he worked with St. Barnabas to bring many converts into the faith. These early missionaries were an inspiration of faith in their zeal to bring souls to Me. As you read the Acts of the Apostles during the Easter Season, you can see how My disciples were eager to spread the Good News of My death and Resurrection for the salvation of all of mankind. Even as you are inspired by their works, I call on all of My faithful to go out and preach My Good News. Trust in Me and call on the gifts of the Holy Spirit to strengthen you in your own missionary efforts. My Father in heaven, who sees your good deeds, will reward you with treasure in heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, those, who are managing your crop surpluses as a back up for bad years, have squandered your surplus either on purpose or for greed of making more money. The result is that your supplies of grain are at an all time low, and it is important to have a bumper crop this year to replenish your shortages. When back up supplies are low, a serious famine could result with one bad year of crops. Pray that everyone will have enough to eat, or if necessary you could pray to Me to multiply your crops.”
Jesus said: “My people, your manufacturing leaders have turned your country into a third world country by shipping all of your manufacturing jobs overseas in the name of cheap labor. They also have made the tax and tariff laws to allow cheap goods to be imported and ruin all of your businesses with no protection. Now it is late in this plan of self-destruction to try and salvage your auto industry with taxpayer bailouts. Even producing your military weapons is in danger from not producing your own steel products. This has been part of the one world people’s plan to lessen American influence in manufacturing and other businesses. The overall plan is to weaken your economy, military, and banking so you are ripe for a takeover. Prepare for this takeover which is coming closer every year.”
Jesus said: “My people, evil men have taken advantage of unregulated debt instruments to swindle people’s pensions and mortgages for their own gain by over leveraging their loans. They did this with low interest rates, and the Federal Reserve is encouraging another housing bubble with cheap rates again. Bankers are given 0% loans and government or taxpayer funds are supporting their toxic assets. Low rates help the rich make billions, but savers get low interest for their savings. These evil Wall Street people are stealing from the poor to make themselves richer. They will feel My heavy hand at their judgment for their organized theft on a grand scale.”
Jesus said: “My people, your current leader is trying to claim everyone should have health care in a national program. Your government has done a poor job in even handling Medicare for the elderly, let alone trying to control everyone’s health care. They are attacking the small part that cannot afford health care as an excuse to control everyone. They will use smart cards and eventually chips in the body to control your drugs, doctor choice, and any operations. Foreign countries with national health plans have a hard time scheduling operations because of the bureaucracy. The cost of such a plan is also an added means to bankrupt your country because taxes and fees would be required to pay for a plan that your country cannot afford. Do not take any chips in the body at all costs.”
Jesus said: “My people, the banking crisis and America’s deficits have grown so large that it may soon be evident that there will not be enough buyers of Treasury notes to sponsor loans needed to fund your growing deficits. China and some countries with dollars are demanding an international currency to replace the dollar. When the Federal Reserve prints money as a buyer of last resort, then the dollar will be so diluted that it will quickly lose its value. Be prepared when this debt cannot be afforded by your taxpayers. There will be a bankruptcy of America which could lead to a martial law takeover to quell the riots of unhappy people holding worthless dollars. Pray then to be led to My refuges for your protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are government people and business people trying to put a good face on your recession by showing less job losses. It will take a long time to stop job losses completely and find job gains that will last. Many laid off workers have had to take less paying jobs and are finding it harder to survive. Less tax revenue has put stress on many levels of government. Things may appear all right to some, but your country is headed for a takeover by the one world people.”
Jesus said: “My people, as deficits and the recession take their toll on America, you will find less income is available to buy your necessities, let alone any extras. As people are pressed to limit their spending, you will see a dramatic drop in your standard of living. Be prepared for this stripping of your wealth that is being manipulated by the one world government people. Pray for My help when all of your economy will be under siege.”


Friday, June 12, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, there has finally been a recognition that the Swine flu has spread over all the nations of the world enough to call it a pandemic disease. Even though there has been a lot of cases in the United States, fortunately, not many have died as yet. Even your health people are concerned that if this Swine flu mutates, it could prove more deadly when the flu season begins in October with the colder weather. In reality this is a man-made disease and the perpetrators of this disease can make a more virulent form that could be distributed by chemtrails or even by flu shots themselves. If you see many people dying from such a new and deadlier form of this pandemic virus, then this will be a sign to you to call on Me and I will have your angels guide you to protection and a cure at My refuges. Looking on My luminous cross or drinking the healing spring water will cure any disease or sickness. This killing of people by a pandemic virus is another reason to go to My refuges in addition to world famine, division in My Church, and martial law. Give praise and thanks to Me for providing a safe haven for My faithful.”
(Robin & Enzio Romano Wedding) Jesus said: “My people, it is always a great celebration when a couple gets married in the church. Marriage should be a life long commitment, and getting married in the church is a statement about how serious they are taking their vows. Having a Mass for the wedding is also an invitation to Me to be a part of their marriage. Matrimony is a sacrament and My grace will be with both spouses helping them in their marriage. All those, who are present in the church today, are giving witness to the sacramental life of this couple. Your presence is also a support for this newly married couple and they will look to you for advice and counsel. Their parents have trained them in the faith so they will be responsible to follow their vows, and be faithful to each other. Love is a gift that both spouses can share together, and it is a treasure for lasting marriages. Married love gives even more purpose to your life in your human existence. Give glory and praise to Me for bringing this couple together in marriage.”


Saturday, June 13, 2009: (St. Anthony of Padua)

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages concerning the need to come to My refuges for protection during the tribulation of the Antichrist. I have also comforted you in promising My angels will bring daily Communion to you at My refuges if you do not have a priest for a Mass. My Blessed Sacrament is your daily spiritual food that strengthens you with My grace to bear the day’s burdens. You are seeing in this vision how the angels will bring Hosts from a nearby tabernacle and multiply them for everyone to have a Host. Even if there are no more tabernacles on earth, I will bring Hosts down from heaven even as the people in the Exodus had manna from heaven on the ground. In your modern day Exodus you will have a heavenly Bread even with a physical form that will be My Body and Blood to share. I will take care of My faithful in the end times not only with your physical needs, but also your spiritual needs in My daily Communion. In the same way with Confession, if you do not have a priest, I will accept your Act of Contrition prayer to forgive your sins so you can receive Me in Communion more worthily. Give praise and thanks to Me who understands your needs and grants you My blessings.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at this track in a tunnel, you know that it is the train that will take many to their deaths in the detention center death camps. The one world people already have lists for who is to be killed both before and after martial law is declared. They have prepared vented boxcars with shackles to hold the prisoners. Do not fear if you are called to be a martyr for your faith in Me. I will lessen any pain and you will become an instant saint in heaven. Those, who leave their homes quickly at My call, could avoid martyrdom by going to My refuges of protection. In either case you are dependent on Me for everything, and you will need to have full trust in Me to protect your soul from the evil one. I am at your side always, so you can call on My help in this test of your faith. You need to accept being stripped of all of your money and your possessions. Desire to follow My Will in life and death because this life is passing away. By offering everything up to Me every day in your total consecration, you indeed will have your eternal life with Me in heaven. Heaven is your goal, so prolonging this life only postpones your eventual death. Accept everything that I put in your path as My Will for you, and you will have My peace in your soul.”


Sunday, June 14, 2009: (Body & Blood of Jesus-Corpus Christi)

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you have My Covenant with Moses and the Ten Commandments sealed with the offering of the bull’s blood as a sacrifice. In the vision you are seeing the bread and wine offered at the Last Supper which now in the Mass is My true Body and Blood as a sacrifice for all of your sins. The next day on Good Friday I died and gave My life as a sacrifice for the salvation of all of mankind from your sins. My Eucharist at the Mass is a sharing among the Communion of Saints of the living, those in purgatory, and the saints in heaven. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are receiving My Real Presence into your soul, and I dwell with you as a tabernacle until the Host is consumed. Those, who treasure My Real Presence, can visit Me in Adoration of My consecrated Host, or before My tabernacle. In the history of My Church there have been many miracles of My Eucharist performed to prove My Real Presence, as blood has appeared on the Host. Rejoice in this gift of Myself to you in every Communion.”


Monday, June 15, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, when you start your day with Mass and Holy Communion, you go forth from church with My grace in your soul. This bright light that you see is another day of challenges, but you are radiating out your own light of joy to go forward in My Will. As you consecrate everything over to Me at the Consecration of the Mass, everything that you do is offered up to Me as a prayer. My grace is with you to defend you from the temptations of the devil. This is a hard Gospel for some to not seek revenge for anything done to them by another person. You need to forgive others of any injustices done to you, even as you seek to be forgiven of your own sins against Me and other people. How can you harbor a grudge against others when you want to be forgiven of your own transgressions? This is why you need to forgive and forget others’ sins against you, as I forgive and forget your sins. This is not easy because of your earthly roots, but it is a higher moral order that I am calling My faithful to follow. I have called you not to make a defense of your mission and My messages. It is enough to hear My Word and let the people discern the truth of My words. Go and live My message of forgiveness all of the time, and you will be living My Word.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many cures of various diseases that your scientists have discovered. Some of these involve cancer, heart problems, breathing problems, and various organ problems. Some scientists have a problem understanding miracle cures. Yet by faith you know miracle cures can be granted. When a person with healing gifts prays over someone, there is a grace of healing energy that goes out to the person being prayed over. For healings to take place both the person and the healer have to have faith that I can heal them of some disease or problem part of the body. When you pray for someone’s healing, offer up your Masses and prayers in a novena. You have some prayers for the sick in your Pieta prayer book. Have confidence in My healing power and you will witness many miracles.”


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed a miracle of healing for your wife and you were right to give praise and thanks to Me for this gift. I told you that those, who have faith in My power to heal, will see miracles of My grace. You were given a vision of an angel healing your wife and you were blessed for inviting Me and My angels to heal her out of faith. Remember when St. Raphael was instrumental in healing Tobit’s blindness with the gall of the fish. Angels can be given authority to heal, as this gift was a result of much prayer as well. I want you to continue praying a novena of thanksgiving for this gift of healing. Remember to pray for all souls in need of My grace, especially for those who are near death. This healing of souls is even more important than physical healings.” Jesus said: “My people, what you are seeing in this vision is a desire by people for money, power, and fame. Some even sell their souls to the devil for these earthly things. In the end what or whom do you worship? Is it Me, or you and your money? Only those, who are humble and worship Me, are on the right path to heaven. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul to the devil in hell in the process? The things of this world and fame are fleeting and passing away. But the love of God and neighbor will win you eternal life in heaven. To gain heaven, it does not matter how rich or poor you are. I measure your worth in heavenly treasure for your good deeds. The treasure of heaven far surpasses any treasure on earth. Seek first the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be given you.”


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this overflowing waterfall is how I pour out My abundant graces on all of you. You should be grateful and give Me thanks for all that I have given you. The best way to say thank you to Me would be to share what bounty you have with others, so they can have what they need in physical things and spiritual needs of faith as well. You share alms with the poor in money, but you can also share your grace of faith with the poor in spirit. Those, who need conversion to knowing Me, or re-conversion to bring them back to Me, are in need of your help spiritually because they are lost, but now they are found through you. I am like the Father of the Prodigal Son waiting for all sinners to return to Me so I can grant them forgiveness of their sins and heal their souls. My faithful are My arms and legs to bring souls to Me. Continue in your charity of alms and your charity of evangelization by prayer and invitation to come to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you have many people at a refuge, it is difficult to have enough water for everyone’s needs. The well water is best for drinking and cooking, but it may be limited. I will multiply your water when needed. In the vision you saw people in multiplied buildings and the gutters were catching rainwater which fell into water barrels. This rain water would be good for bathing and washing your clothes. Care needs to be taken in how to get the water out of the barrels. Either have a removable lid on top or a mechanical pump through a hole in the top. Take care during the freezing days of winter to bring the barrels inside where you are heating. You may have to collect snow and melt it inside for extra water. Water is a very necessary item for survival, so protect your water sources from getting disease or freezing. As you learn how to live on a refuge for protection, you will also learn what you need to survive. Gathering food from animals and your crops will be another concern, as well as storing the food in a root cellar in the ground. All of your needs will be satisfied, but you will need to help each other with your own various skills. Give praise and thanks to Me for providing you a safe haven of protection.”


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, there are many foreign troops in your country to implement martial law. This is why you have many made up wars to keep your troops out of your country. Your census will help direct these foreigners to pick up religious and patriotic people. They also will have road signs to direct these trucks where to bring their prisoners. I will warn My faithful when to leave for your refuges before martial law is declared. Be ready to leave with your backpacks ready, and leave quickly when I tell you, or you could be captured and killed. Have no fear of these evil ones because I will protect your souls. They may harm some of your bodies, but never your souls. Pray for the souls of all people so they could be converted before it is too late and the Antichrist will control them. This trial of evil will be brief before I will come in victory over the evil ones.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen problems with the bee populations all over the world, and now even other insects as bumble bees are having similar declining numbers. Most of these problems are a result of man’s interference with nature. Chemtrail viruses, HAARP and cell phone microwaves, along with various pesticides are taking their effect on the very bees needed to pollinate your crops. Reduced harvests can be affected by this reduced bee population and your hybrids for crops. The coming world famine will be a direct result of man’s interference with My balance of nature. This is another need for My refuges where I will multiply your food.”
Jesus said: “My people, as the evil ones take control, they will be searching to kill all those who will be against their new world order. You have seen in the Middle East and Vietnam where various terrorists have hid in caves from America’s bombing. This is why caves are a good place, even for My faithful to hide from the evil ones. There I will provide for your food and water. Be patient since I will soon come in victory over the evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, some people, who are building refuges, have built their buildings with camouflage so they cannot be seen well from the air. In addition My angels will place invisible shields over My refuges so they cannot be detected by any of man’s means. Trust in My protection of My refuges with miracles that you cannot imagine by your worldly knowledge.”
Jesus said: “My people, the angels at My refuges will not only make you invisible, but they will protect you from bombs, defoliants, and any pandemic viruses. I know all of man’s ways to attack you, but none of them will harm you, or affect you in any way. These acts will be miracles of My grace that you will not fully understand, but you will witness these miracles during the tribulation. At the proper time I will send My Comet of Chastisement and My angels will bring tormenting plagues against all of the evil ones as they will suffer their hell on earth. Then I will gather up these evil ones and demons and chain them in hell. My faithful will then be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, one of your punishments will be a massive volcanic explosion that will spew massive amounts of dust and ash over parts of your country. There has been an increase in earthquakes which will trigger some large volcanic explosions. This is when you should seek cover, wear your masks, and cover any openings in your doors and windows. Some have forecasted these events and they could bring about a famine situation when your crop lands will be destroyed.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know that the flu season starts in October and is usually over in February. This latest outbreak of Swine flu has been designated a pandemic, but it is completely out of season. This flu is not just a mutation, but it has all the signs of a laboratory man-made disease. This first wave has been spread very easily, but it has thus far not killed very many people. This H1N1 virus has similarities to the Spanish flu that killed millions of people. The same evil ones, who developed this disease, could just as easily generate a more virulent form that could attack your population in October with more deaths occurring. This is why you need masks and food storage to weather this coming outbreak. Build up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. As you see larger numbers dying from this new virus, then you are to call on Me to lead you to My refuges. There you will look upon My luminous cross and drink the healing spring waters which will protect you from all diseases and deadly viruses, or bacteria.”
Jesus said: “My people, the next two feast days honor My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. These feasts are together to indicate that our two hearts are joined as one. When you pray to both of our hearts, your heart will also be joined with our hearts, especially at Holy Communion in the Mass. At some churches you celebrate Mass back to back around midnight to commemorate the joining of our two hearts. We both lived on the earth without sin and we are your examples of perfection to strive to live in My Divine Will. Rejoice in these feasts, even as you try to live your lives as close as possible to our example. We bless all of you for your honoring our two hearts.”


Friday, June 19, 2009: (Sacred Heart of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, this image of My ‘Sacred Heart’ is a fitting testimony of My love for all of mankind. This is why you should have a large crucifix on the altar so you can be reminded that I love you so much that I gave My life for the reparation of all of your sins. Out of love for you I shared the ways of heaven with you to live according to My teachings. I showed you the love of the Father to send His Son, and this love of God generates the Third Person of the Holy Spirit. This is why love is at the basis of My Commandments in love of God and love of neighbor. You are made in My Image, so love needs to be a part of your makeup as well. You can show Me your love by your prayers and your obedience to My Will. Trust in Me, and I will see to all of your needs and petitions.”
Jesus said: “My people, in days past you were focused on an endless war on terrorists, and you still are active in such wars. The latest new people in office have kept a low profile with a new vocabulary for fighting wars. You still are dealing with cells of terrorists, but another event is being planned to hit multiple cities at once with massive explosions. Your economy and banking are still recovering from this financial crisis which was also created. A major terrorist event could send your country into martial law with enough confusion created by bombings. The one world people will use any opportunity for a takeover, even if they have to create such an event themselves. The economic crisis, the pandemic virus, and any seeming terrorist attacks could all be used by the one world people in a takeover of America under martial law and emergency Executive Orders. Be prepared for any events that could trigger martial law because this will be the time to call on Me and My angels to lead you to safety at My refuges. Trust in My help and early warning to leave for My refuges.”


Saturday, June 20, 2009: (Immaculate Heart of Mary)

The Blessed Virgin Mary said: “My dear children, I invite you to come and share your love with my Immaculate Heart and imitate my life in the Divine Will of my Son, Jesus. I always bring you to my Son because He is the source of grace to be shared with everyone. Since the time I was at the foot of my Son’s cross, I have been your spiritual mother. You also see my heart where my love for my children reaches out to everyone. My mantle is also held over all of my children to protect you from the devil and evil people. Continue to send your petitions to me in your rosaries, because you know my Son listens to my pleas for help. Continue to honor me in my statues, icons, shrines, and my Miraculous Medal. Many of you also wear my Brown Scapular of protection as well. Remember on these two feasts to unite your heart with our two hearts.”


Sunday, June 21, 2009: (Father’s Day)

God the Father said: “I AM started all of creation from Adam, so I am literally the Father of all humanity. I sent My Son, Jesus, to offer His life as a sacrifice for your sins and He gave you new life in the Spirit. I truly am watching over all of you, and I hold all of the universe in its proper place. Give glory and praise to Me, and you can wish Me a Happy Father’s Day as well. Give thanks to Me also for all the beauty of the earth and flowers of My creation. I love all of you, even as I sent My Son to help you out of love. Thank all of your fathers for all that they do for your families.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that it would be a good preparation for My people to do some backpacking and use your tents for an overnight stay. When you are on your way to My refuge, you may have to camp outside a few days until you reach the refuge. By having tried living in a tent overnight, you can see what you really need and how well you can adapt to living in rustic outdoor camps. You will not have all the comforts of home, so you need to be able to live a simple lifestyle. Remember to bring your sacramentals, rosaries, and holy books for reading. This is in addition to your basic camping supplies. I commend those who are willing to go through with this exercise which may be beneficial training for the time that you really have to leave. Once you are warned, do not be wasting time, but leave your home quickly without thinking about what you left behind. I will provide for your needs, so have no fear.”


Monday, June 22, 2009: (St. John Fisher & St. Thomas More)

Jesus said: “My people, when I asked you to prepare your backpacks for leaving for your refuges, you acquired what you needed, but you were slow to put it all together. It was in going through the actual practice of loading your backpack that you realize what you need and how much will fit into your bag. You would not realize this unless you actually prepared for it. The same can be said for going camping. It was then that you realized you could not find your tent, so you had to purchase a larger one, but not too heavy. This enabled you to have hammers, matches, windup flashlights, water bottles, and all that you need for camping. See how these exercises prepare you better for your actual leaving for My refuges. Be prepared spiritually and physically as you will have many difficulties in living outdoors that you did not expect. Pray for My help in all of your preparations.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have had some experiences in preparing meals outdoors so you can see how difficult it can be. You also are conscious of outdoor noises of the animals and insects. This is just a little taste of now rustic living can be a trial. Once you arrive at My refuges, you will have My angels to protect you, and I will multiply your food and water. Have no fear because My angels will make you invisible. When you are hungry sometimes, you will be thankful for My many gifts. Trust in My care for you, and you will have nothing to worry about.”


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a boat at sea represents everyone living on the sea of life. At times you will experience stormy seas or major difficulties as deaths or sicknesses in the family. At other times the sea may be calm at a happy occasion as an Anniversary, wedding, or birth. Sometimes even small waves of disappointments can upset your day. Just as I calmed the storm for My apostles, so you can call on My help in any life crisis to smooth out your problems. Consecrate everything over to Me and I will help you in everything you do each day. Trust in Me by faith and your life will be smoother, even during difficult times. Those, who follow My Commandments, and trust in Me will come into a beautiful harbor of heaven at the end of your life’s journey.”


Wednesday, June 24, 2009: (Birth of St. John the Baptist)

Jesus said: “My people, this feast of St. John the Baptist’s birth is why you are seeing this vision of people’s feet. St. John said that he was not worthy to loosen My sandal straps out of humility. (Luke 3:16) As St. John baptized Me, the people witnessed the Blessed Trinity in My Father’s speaking, Myself, and God the Holy Spirit in the sign of a dove. St. John the Baptist is an example for all of My faithful to follow in his simple living, his humility, and his zeal to baptize and save sinners. You also should seek to evangelize and convert sinners baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In this age of weak faith and evil about you, you are hearing of many who do not want to baptize their children. Remember the message that I gave you to pray the Baptism prayer for all who had not been baptized.” (Message on 5-5-09)
Jesus said: “My people, when it comes time to go to My refuges, you will have to make some decisions on who in your family that you want to take with you. Hopefully, your family members will understand the need to leave your homes behind. You have prepared your backpacks to leave, and some of you have practiced camping in your tents. Your family has seen you prepare food and water for the end times. Still every spouse may not want to leave, and you will have some hard choices to leave someone behind. I have told you the consequences of staying behind that could lead to your death at the hands of the one world people. Call on Me to have your angels lead you to the safety of My refuges where I will provide for your shelter, food, and water. As you saw with your camping trip, you will have to cook your meals, provide fires for cooking, gather food, and help with your shelter, washing clothes, and bathing. My angels will protect you from the evil ones, but have your things ready to leave for My refuges at a moment’s notice.”


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I told the people only those, who act in faith on My teachings, will come to heaven, not those who just call ‘Lord, Lord’. I see the intentions of the heart in your actions, and I know who is sincere and who is just doing things for show. At the judgment time you want to have plenty of good deeds in your hands to offset your sins. I told the people that their faith should be well grounded, as the man who built his house on rock. They should not try to get into heaven with words alone, or they would be like the man who built his house on sand. In another account as in the vision I speak of My faithful as the wheat being gathered up into My barn of heaven. These are the ones, who by their actions of good deeds, have been judged righteous and faithful. Those, who refused to accept Me into their lives and refused to seek My forgiveness are like the tares or weeds that are bundled up and thrown into the fires of hell. Choose rightly in following My example, and you will be confident in being rewarded with heaven at your judgment.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when you go out walking during the darkness of night, you need to use a flashlight to see your way. I have even asked you to have windup flashlights at My refuges so you do not need batteries or electricity. This image of light represents My showing you the way as I disperse the darkness. Even My angels will lead you with a sign of light so you can follow them to My refuges. You will see miracles upon miracles as I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, fame and money may seem desirable from your earthly senses, but these movie stars have a hard life constantly in the public’s eye. As they travel to various shows, there is a constant schedule and loneliness that can test anyone. A simple life is more rewarding than fleeting fame or seeking elusive wealth. This life is passing away and you need to seek Me in heaven more than any earthly attraction.”
Jesus said: “My people, some think that taking a cruise is a little bit of an extravagance, but it can be a learning experience in dealing with people. You see people from different walks of life and you view some beautiful places of My creation. Even some trips can teach you of the history of man and what man worships. Some seek trips as a show of their wealth, while others seek a well deserved vacation from hard work. Focus more on the people and what you can learn from them, while at the same time you can be a witness of My love to show people how to live in My love. Continue your daily prayers wherever you travel so you are always united with Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, those, who have gone camping, know the comforts they like as they pitch their tents. Some may like pads over the ground for sleeping and easy ways for making fires with gas instead of wood fires. The difficulty with some of these comforts is that they may be too heavy to carry into rural areas with woods and grassy plains. You need to limit what you take to My refuges and bear with some penances. You had to deal with uncomfortable bedding and various noises of nature that kept you from sleeping. The quiet mornings were very conducive for prayer while others were asleep. You have many gifts to be thankful for, but preparing to live in the wild can be a trying experience. Trust that I will protect you wherever My angels will lead you.”
Jesus said: “My people, do not worry about what you will eat, what you will wear, or where you will stay at My refuges. Two changes of clothes will be sufficient as you will be making more clothes. I will bring you animals for food and you will plant your vegetables. Other food will be multiplied to take care of the hungry crowds of people. I have told you that I will multiply your buildings so everyone will have a place of their own to stay. By keeping faith in My miracles, you will see many things that you could not even imagine, but I will do it for you out of love.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen nuclear bomb preparations going on in Iran and North Korea. Many have been stressed about such bombs, missiles, and anti-missiles. These events have threatened nuclear exchanges and even possible pre-emptive strikes to slow down this bomb making. More prayers for peace are needed in your world that craves power with nuclear weapons. There is even a desire by some for more expensive and more deadlier weapons. There are more than enough lethal weapons in your stockpiles. Why be concerned about producing more weapons to kill people? It would be better to feed the poor than spend your billions of dollars on making more weapons.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am the giver and taker of life, even though man wants to manipulate birth and death. It is wise to have someone, that is very sick or near death, to have the Anointing of the Sick sacrament. You feel better when someone has had these sacramental preparations for death. Do not try to guess why I take some people early in life or allow some lives to be prolonged. You have seen some miracle healings through prayer, so be thankful for these gifts of life. When I do take someone home to Me, do not be too remorseful, but see death as your needed transition into the spiritual life that awaits you.”


Friday, June 26, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the Old Testament and in the New Testament you are seeing promises from Us made to man that We will bring things about according to Our Will. In the first reading you are seeing a promise made to Abraham that in his old age Sarah will give birth to a son. Even though nature would not allow such births, with Me all things are possible. Isaac was indeed born and from him and Ismael there would be many descendants as the stars in the sky. In the New Testament you have My promise of salvation in My very Incarnation as a man. I performed many miracles as today’s healing of a leper, but the most important miracle, which sealed My Covenant, was My Resurrection from the dead. This was My victory over sin and death which opened the gates of heaven and gave everyone an opportunity to be saved by My worthy sacrifice. Rejoice in My miracles which are still going on, and see that I keep My promises out of love for man and the truth of My Word. I am calling on all of you to make your own promise or covenant of love to consecrate everything of your life over to Me out of love for Me. It is by My love that you have your miracle of life, and it is by your love for Me that you can be with Me for all eternity in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to My refuges, you will have to do some farming in growing crops and taking care of any animals, providing there is enough land. For farming you will need some non-hybrid seeds that I will multiply, and you will need fertilizer from the animal wastes. Planting, harvesting, and storing crops may have to be done with animals where you have no gasoline or electricity. You will become an agricultural society without the need of your electronic entertainment. Your simpler life will give you more time to pray and be close to Me in the nature around you. You will give thanks to Me for My angels protecting you, and for multiplying your food, dwellings, and heating fuel. Pray for My help so you may adjust to this style of living which will help make saints out of you.”


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, as you hear the readings of today, you see how I answer your prayer when you ask in faith. I fulfilled My promise to Abraham that he would have many descendants by giving him Isaac in his old age by a miracle. I performed a miracle of healing the Centurion’s servant from a distance because of his great faith. You, yourself, have seen many miracles performed for people through My grace and your faith. I remind you all again that those, who have faith in a requested healing, can be healed through My instruments that also have faith in their prayers. Even as you approach the end times, My instruments will be graced with more healings. When you finally come to My refuges, you will see healings of all of your sicknesses and pains as you look upon My luminous cross and drink from My miraculous springs of water. So have faith in your petitions, and your prayers will be answered. The most important request is to pray for conversions in faith because the souls are more in need of saving than curing the body. You are dealing with free will in trying to change people’s spiritual lives, but I will hear your persistent prayer to save even the worst of sinners. Again, have faith in your prayers of conversion, and it will be granted.”
(Sunday Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read of an unusual healing of Jairus’ daughter from the grave. I raised her from the dead to show that I not only have healing power, but I also have power over life and death. This rising from the dead is a preview of My own Resurrection which came later on. When I consecrated the bread and wine at the Last Supper, this was to now represent My Body and Blood after I died and resurrected. This is the connection of the vision of grapes and wheat as I brought the young girl back to life. There is also a promise being made to My faithful that after the final judgment, My faithful will also be resurrected body and soul for all eternity with Me in heaven. Rejoice that one day you will be joined with your soul and a glorified body to be whole again.”


Monday, June 29, 2009: (Sts. Peter & Paul)

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the feast day of My dear apostles St. Peter and St. Paul. I built My Church on the Rock of St. Peter and his successors in My popes throughout the years. I promised that the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church. I gave St. Peter the Keys of the Kingdom of heaven for all of mankind. St. Paul was a convert to the faith, and one of My great missionaries, especially to the Gentiles outside of the Jewish faith. My Church was much persecuted in the beginning and these apostles were martyred for their faith in Me. Throughout the ages, My faithful have had to endure persecution and by My protection, I have guided My Church to preserve its roots. As you see this church burning down, this represents the division coming in My Church when it will be separated into the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will fall away teaching a New Age heresy and teaching that the sexual sins are no longer sins. My faithful remnant will preserve the faith of My apostles at their homes and eventually in My refuges. This remnant will be protected by My angels from the demons and the Antichrist. Give praise and glory to Me because I keep all of My promises. Thank My apostles and messengers for directing the faithful to all the nations.”


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading you saw how I removed Lot and his family from Sodom by My angels leading them to a safe place away from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot’s wife looked at this destruction and she was turned into a pillar of salt for disobeying My instructions not to look at it. This is the same lesson that I give My faithful. At the appointed time I will also have your angels lead you to a safe place of My refuges. Again I remind you to leave immediately. If you refuse to leave, the evil ones will capture you and kill you in their death camps. My martyrs will become instant saints in heaven, but My faithful, who follow My instructions, will be protected in My refuges and all of your needs will be provided for you. You see the storm in the Gospel as I bring punishment in the hurricanes of the vision. Pray for protection and I will have mercy on My faithful, even as I protected Lot, and calmed the waters for My apostles in the boat. It is coincidental that this reading comes today, even as you are on a boat for your cruise. Even in the storms of life, I am at your side when you petition Me to help you calm any fears. Trust in Me and I will walk with you through life’s trials advising you what to do.”


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard My cure of the demon possessed persons that were healed when I called the demons to leave them. The many demons drowned a large herd of swine and that is why the town people asked Me to leave. They did not realize the miracle healing, but they only concerned themselves with the lost swine. You have seen major water damage over the years from broken levees. Now you are about to see more water damage as a punishment for allowing so much evil to occur. It is by free will that you choose these evil acts, but there are also consequences for your actions. The evil of abortions and sexual sins have so cried out for My justice that you will see more destruction and loss of life. Pray for these sinners and to stay My hand of punishment. I call on My people to love Me and worship Me, and not to abuse My gifts and disobey My Commandments. Choose life over death and you will have your reward. Choose evil and you will see your punishment fit the crime.”


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people that think the end of the Mayan Calendar could be the end of the world or the end of an age. I have not given you such a message about the end of time, because only the Father knows the time of the last day. You will know that this time is getting close by reading closely the signs of the end times and whether they are happening already. Many experts have tried to interpret these Mayan prophecies, but it is hard to draw a firm conclusion. It is sufficient to know that a date has been chosen, but it is not for you to know this date. Instead, continue your mission to prepare peoples’ souls for this end time so they all will be ready to face Me at their judgment. The best preparation is to pray every day and love Me and your neighbor by having good deeds in your hands. Do like Abraham in the reading and obey My commands, and you will have your reward in heaven.”


Friday, July 3, 2009: (St. Thomas, our 44th wedding anniversary)

Jesus said: “My people, I realize many are dressed in light attire for swimming and the hot weather, but there are too many dressed immodestly and flaunting it in public. Such immodest dress is making an unnecessary temptation for the men. This lifestyle of crude dress, overeating, gambling, and adult language comedy is not conducive to a holy life which requires a life of prayer, modesty, and humility. As you celebrate the feast of St. Thomas and his faith in My Resurrection, you should be more focused on pleasing Me and your soul than satisfying the senses of the body. You saw in the previous readings how I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their flagrant sexual sins. America and other nations are also calling for My justice in your sinful lifestyles without any seeking of forgiveness of your sins. Put aside your desires of the flesh and obey My Commandments of love of God and love of neighbor. This striving to be faithful will gain you more merits in heaven than following your own ways of the world. Listen to St. Thomas in ‘My Lord, and My God,’ and be grateful for My gift of Myself to all of you in My Eucharist.”


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages to be prepared to go to My refuges when I warn you, before martial law is declared. This old sundial is a sign that this time of martial law is growing close. Your friends have told you of some plan to have some martial law drills in preparation for the declaration of martial law. The one world people will use any means to gain control of America. They will create a major incident to trigger a call for emergency powers to initiate a martial law declaration. This will be their cover to eliminate millions of religious and patriotic people who will be against their new world order. Those, who call on My help, will be protected at My refuges by My angels. Those, who wait too long in their homes, could be captured and martyred for their belief in Me. Go quickly when you are notified, because the one world people have been planning for this takeover right along. This will begin America’s participation in the North American Union which will soon make it mandatory for chips in the body to be put in place. Refuse to take any chips in the body and leave for My refuges when the evil ones try to force chips on the people.”


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, throughout history My prophets and messengers have had a hard life of persecution. Some have been martyred or tortured because the people did not want to hear their message. If the people accepted the message, it would mean that they would have to reform their sinful lives. This change of lifestyle from the comforts of the body to the rigors of a saintly life, is not what most of the people wanted to follow. This is why many prophets were persecuted and even killed because the people did not want to hear such messages. This is also why some messengers were reluctant to take on such a calling from Me. I thank all of those who have accepted such a mission to preach My Word, even when it is not popular or difficult to accept. I also want you to pray for My prophets and messengers for all the trials that they must suffer on My behalf. Even I was rejected by My home town and the Jewish people. I only ask that you be open to their words and discern by your faith and Church teachings whether they are teaching properly. Look at the fruits of their works to test the truth of their words.”


Monday, July 6, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, Jacob made an altar in Bethel because he felt the Lord’s presence there and made it His abode. He also saw a ladder where God’s messengers were going up and down. I have left My abode with My faithful in My Eucharist in all of your tabernacles in your churches. Even as you see many churches being closed for lack of funds and priests, I am still present in the remaining churches. I have told you before, that every church that is closed, is another loss of graces from My sacraments. Strive to keep your churches open for as long as you can. Each church is consecrated ground, just as My refuges are. I will always put My protection around your holy ground places so you know that I am always with you, especially in My consecrated Hosts. Even if all the churches are closed, I will bring daily Communion from heaven as I brought manna from heaven in the Exodus to all of My refuges. You have a modern day Exodus where your spiritual Bread is of more value to your soul that just plain bread for the body.”
Jesus said: “My people, this wheel of a ship represents how I am directing the events of what will change your lives. I allow the free will of man to direct his destiny, but I still control things within certain limits so all of creation is not ruined by man’s abuses. The large screws of the ship are turning faster to give the needed speed to move the ship. Steam to run these screws is generated by burning oil to heat water in large boilers. The constant spinning of these propellers represents the turning of many events in your life. This flashback to the Warning shows how all of your life’s actions will be reviewed and you all will see your temporary judgment in an instant outside of time. Your life review will be outside of time in the real now, and you will see that My judgment is fair and loving. This is why you should strive to have many good deeds in your hands to offset your sins. You will rejoice when I will bring My peace into your soul after My victory over the evil ones.”


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading Jacob was called ‘Israel’ after he wrestled with an angel in the form of a man. This is the name that the Jewish nation has claimed until today, giving a historical claim to the Promised Land of their forefathers. This carrying of the Ark of the Covenant of the Ten Commandments came later in history, but it was how the Israelites treasured God’s Presence among them. Even in My Church you treasure My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts. At times you make outdoor processions as well when you carry My monstrance among the people. This Divine Presence of My Body and Blood is at every Mass and you need to give praise and worship to your Lord, who loves you so much. Be thankful that I left Myself with you in My Blessed Sacrament for all of you to adore and take Me into your heart at Communion time. You also wrestle with every day’s trials, but with Me at your side, there is nothing to fear.”
Jesus said: “My people, some people think that it is very hard to become a saint, but there are many unknown saints in heaven that have struggled to get there through My graces. Without My sacraments and My grace, it is truly almost impossible, but with My help and the grace from My sacraments, you can receive a crown of sainthood. By focusing on pleasing Me in following My ways, you can be able to achieve the mission that I have planned for your life. If you allow your will and your earthly desires to get in the way of My plan, then it will be very difficult for Me to use you in My plan of salvation for your life. By consecrating everything over to Me in all of your actions, then you will be free to follow My Word and plan for your life. You need to have your heart open to do My Will, and you will be on the right road to sainthood. Only saints can enter heaven, so you may need some time in purgatory to purge any lingering earthly desires, so nothing will block your desire to worship and praise Me constantly in heaven. You will rejoice on the day that I welcome you into heaven as one of My saints.”

Sainthood: (need God’s graces & sacraments, give free will to God) February 5, 2009: (7-7-09)

At St. Lawrence Church after Communion I was led into a school of life where each grade represented another decade of life in both the physical and spiritual life. Jesus said: “My people, life is like this school house where you are constantly learning things of the world, and growing in your faith experience with Me. You are not born with a full knowledge of anything. Everything you do has to be a learned experience, and some skills need constant practice. The same happens in your faith walk as well. This is why I am constantly asking you to check each year if you are growing in your faith, or falling back into your old sinful habits. To be a saint you must grow in your faith each year, ever striving for perfection in sainthood. So as you graduate from one decade to another, you have different experiences which you can share with younger people in helping them to improve their faith. Do not be critical of anyone in their faith progress because some are slower, or have not received the same training as you have. Learn to truly love Me and others, and that will take a lifetime to perfect yourself.”


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you know that I work in mysterious ways that you cannot understand. You know that I can take a bad situation and turn it into something good later on. Look at this story of Joseph (Jacob’s son) who could interpret dreams. I took two problems of the coming famine and the selling of Joseph by his brothers, and I turned it into a saving result for many people. Joseph used his gift of dream interpretation to tell the Pharaoh’s dream of seven fat cows and seven lean cows meant that there would be seven years of plenty and then seven years of famine. When this came about the Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of distributing the food rations. (Gen 41:1-57) This big picture of events is how I intervened in the life of man as you saw in the vision. In daily events you only see parts of the story, so your conclusions do not include all of the facts of future events. Pray for discernment and patience because your prayers are not always answered in the way that you would like. I direct things for the best benefit of souls, but I do not violate your free will. In making judgments about how I can bring punishment for sins, there is always a balance between My love for man and My justice. If man continues to kill My innocent babies in the womb, there will be a punishment for his behavior. I love all of you, but there are consequences for your sins that everyone will have to be judged on. When you seek My forgiveness of your sins, I will forgive you and there will be less payment. Woe to those, who do not seek My forgiveness, for their punishment will not be lessened. Trust in My ways that are true, rather than in man’s ways that are not always true.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is the goal of the one world people to set up a world government which will be given over to the Antichrist for his reign during the tribulation. All those people, who advocate a one world government, are knowingly or being misled into helping the Antichrist take control. This vision of the chip is the mark of the beast that will be used to control people’s minds by inserting it into people’s bodies. This will be monitored by cell phone towers and satellites to put voices into people to follow the Antichrist. This is why it is important to refuse any chip in the body, even if the evil ones threaten to kill you. When you see that it is mandatory to have chips in the body, this will be one more reason to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My refuges for protection. The other reasons to go will be false terrorist acts to trigger martial law, a created bankruptcy of America to cause martial law, a created pandemic virus to cause martial law, and any formation of a North American Union. The evil ones will use any means possible to gain control, so be alert to created famines, and a division in My Church as well. Once you leave for My refuges, My angels will make you invisible to these evil ones who are trying to kill you. Call on My grace to go quickly to My refuges once you are warned, or your could risk capture and martyrdom. This time of martial law grows close as various military groups are already planning for a takeover of America.”

Mark of the Beast: (mind control in chip; mandatory-refuge time) September 24, 2007: (7-8-09)

At St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see someone open an old cash register with the old wooden slots to hold the bills. Jesus said: “My people, this old cash register is to show you the evolution of your money. Originally, your money was gold and silver which had an intrinsic value of its own. You then went to gold and silver paper certificates. This became a Federal note or promise to pay without any real value tied to it. You then developed checks, charge cards, and now smart cards. The chips in the body will be next as you are now controlled by your money instead of you controlling the money. This is how the central bankers have come to own your government through its debts and over budget spending. You have gone from bartering with real money to owed money with no backing and a freedom for the bankers to print as much money as they want and similar uncontrolled credit. It is no wonder that you have inflation with the dollar losing value as your debts exceed your assets. Now you know how much you are already controlled by the central bankers and how they control your government by the purse strings. Refuse to take any chips in your body that could control your mind, even if the authorities take all of your money or threaten to kill you. This will be the mark of the beast mentioned in the Scriptures. When they make it mandatory for chips in the body, it will be time to go to the refuges. This transition to total control of your buying and selling is very near, so be prepared to leave at any time.”


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I sent My apostles out to convert people to My teachings, but not to force this against people’s free will. I send out an invitation to love Me as your Creator and Savior. I love all of you and I showed that love by dying for all of your sins. You can return your love to Me in your prayers and worship of Me, as well as living your faith by doing good deeds for people. All of My faithful are called to be evangelists and to support the missionaries that go into foreign lands to spread My Gospel. You may see resistance to spreading My Word from the leaders of various nations. This is especially true in communist countries or where Christians are persecuted. Even My prophets and messengers have to suffer persecution in spreading My Word and My messages. Wherever you meet resistance, move on to another place that may be open to My Word. Those people, who refuse to accept My Gospel of love, will have to pay for their rejection of Me in their judgment.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I know that many of you and your friends are being tested every day, but some of you are even facing life threatening situations of heart attacks, strokes, or terminal cancer. Others are taking care of friends or elderly parents that can be stressful for care givers. I hear all of your petitions in all of your of your concerns. I am also happy to hear prayers of thanksgiving for prayers being answered. Have faith in My healing graces because I am the Divine Healer. Be persistent in your prayers and be patient in waiting for healings.”
Jesus said: “My people, how long will you continue to make more weapons for war, even while you have peace talks to reduce your numbers of nuclear warheads? You spend a lot of effort for new forms of energy to help save the planet from global warming, but you make weapons that could end your planet as well. When you see how much more money America spends on defense and war making compared to your energy efforts, then you understand where your real priorities lie. This war mentality is what needs more changing than how you provide for your energy.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some attempts being made to control your pollution of the planet, but how meaningful are these attempts without more dramatic changes in a shorter time frame than planned. There is more concern about effects on your economy than true efforts to clean up your environment. There is also a plan to use these efforts for political gain and control rather than sincere concern for people’s health. Be aware of these abuses that are being proposed in the name of an environmentally friendly plan.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of the global groupings of nations are focused on UN proposals for sanctions, and control of world finances. These are the beginnings of a commitment to a new world order of a select few people that are controlling some governments. Be watchful of these monied people and their desire for a one world government to end the financial and employment problems of today. Pray for My help to keep the peace without world control of your freedoms.”
Jesus said: “My people, every morning you wake up and you start to work and plan your day’s activities. Your first thought should be a prayer of thanksgiving that you were given the grace to live another day and work for the salvation of souls. You need to work for a living, but you also have goals for your soul in coming to heaven which is more important than just your body’s survival. Loving Me and your neighbor should be evident in all of your actions, as you all should be working toward bringing your soul to heaven. Having the right spiritual priorities can give you a new outlook on life and what is important for saving your soul.”
Jesus said: “My people, this heavenly storehouse of your spiritual treasures of good deeds and tears of love are very special to Me. Your earthly treasure means nothing to Me because it is of no spiritual value unless you use it for charity with an intention out of love and not greed. I look beyond rich and poor in this life because it is your spiritual riches that have a more lasting value. Your special heavenly treasures will help you at your judgment to balance off your sins. So concern yourself more with your heavenly bank account than your earthly bank accounts.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to My refuges, do not expect to live as comfortably as you live today. Your homes at the refuge will be enough for everyone, but probably simpler in construction. Even My angels will be multiplying simple dwellings for everyone to stay. Be thankful that I will protect you from the evil ones and provide for your needs. You will be praying more and worshiping Me more at My refuges because you will have more time for spiritual activities. Trust in My multiplying your essential needs and give praise to your Lord every day.”


Friday, July 10, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are always asking ‘What am I do to for the Lord?’ There are many ways that I communicate to My people, but you need to be open to understand My wishes for your life. Those, who make special visits to My tabernacle or where My monstrance exposes My Host, can listen to Me in contemplative prayer when I talk to your heart. Other times after Holy Communion there are words of love to you. Reading the Bible or My messages to My prophets and messengers are other sources. If you are truly seeking My Word and My direction, you can discern what fits into your life. The hardest part of this communication is to act on what you hear and are told. There may be a problem in accepting My mission because it may take you out of your comfort zone. Some think that My requests are too difficult to carry out. This is where faith in My help is really needed to give you the strength to take the first forward steps of My mission for your life. It is not easy to reach out to souls to evangelize them, but the rewards for your efforts will help bring you to heaven. Every time that you reach out to give spiritual help, there will be risks of rejection, and the devil will try to discourage your efforts with even open attacks on you or on those around you. Expect this resistance, but I will give you the power to endure these attacks so your work can bear fruit. Do not give up at the first confrontation, because every spiritual struggle will be worth saving even one soul. When you are open to work with Me to save souls, I will put many opportunities in your path, and those that you help will be grateful to you for sharing Myself with them.”
Jesus said: “My people, some time ago I gave you a message of terrorists making another attack on America in multiple cities. (Message of 6-19-09) This vision is another warning of such an attack. You have been warned recently in your censored news that FEMA is planning some martial law exercises at the end of this month. I have also given you messages that the one world people are planning an orchestrated incident to precipitate an emergency that would call for martial law. You have had exercises in the past that actually were a created cover for the real terrorist act. Such a coming drill could offer another opportunity for another attack whether planned or not. It is hard to tell if a real attack is happening during a drill for the same thing. With your economy down and unemployment at an all time high in recent years, your country is vulnerable to the results of an attack right now. Be prepared if another attack precipitates a call for national martial law. You will want to leave for your refuges by calling on My help so you will be protected from the evil ones who are looking to imprison religious people and patriots. You will be the targets for capture because of your defiance of the coming new world order. I have warned you that terrorist or false terrorist acts could trigger a call for martial law. Trust in My protection at My refuges where you will be invisible to your enemies in the one world people.”

Martial Law: (drills-test of readiness, North American Union) Our Lord referred to the following message as He was concerned about the planned national exercise by FEMA and Homeland Security in the last week of July. June 19, 2009: (7-10-09)

July 10, 2009

At St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see someone placing charges of dynamite and plastic explosives to destroy a famous bridge or building by an incident made to look like a terrorist act. Jesus said: “My people, in days past you were focused on an endless war on terrorists, and you still are active in such wars. The latest new people in office have kept a low profile with a new vocabulary for fighting wars. You still are dealing with cells of terrorists, but another event is being planned to hit multiple cities at once with massive explosions. Your economy and banking are still recovering from this financial crisis which was also created. A major terrorist event could send your country into martial law with enough confusion created by bombings. The one world people will use any opportunity for a takeover, even if they have to create such an event themselves. The economic crisis, the pandemic virus, and any seeming terrorist attacks could all be used by the one world people in a takeover of America under martial law and emergency Executive Orders. Be prepared for any events that could trigger martial law because this will be the time to call on Me and My angels to lead you to safety at My refuges. Trust in My help and early warning to leave for My refuges.”


Saturday, July 11, 2009: (St. Benedict)

Jesus said: “My people, all of your families have roots in the family of mankind. You read in Genesis today of the links of Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph, as even Joseph wanted to be buried with his relatives instead of being buried in Egypt. When you visit your local cemetery, you have many relatives buried there, and that is why you have plots next to them for your own burial place. On your walls at home you look in the mirror and see your likeness to all of your family members in their pictures. You truly are all part of one human family, which is why you should not think of killing any of these family members in wars or abortions. When you see how small the earth is in the universe, and how close you live to one another, it is even more important to love your neighbor because they could be part of your ancestral family tree. You all have the same needs for survival, so live together in harmony to help each other in charity, rather than fighting or being selfish with what you were given.”
Jesus said: “My people, the Christian faith is slowly dying in America. Church attendance is down and the younger generation is not coming to church as their parents are. There are many earthly distractions, but it is the depth of faith that is lacking. Faith has to be nourished with daily prayer and I need to be the center of your life. When people think that they no longer need Me, and they can depend on themselves for everything, then they become spiritually lazy and stop coming to church on Sunday. When you take your focus off of Me, then you soon start worshiping yourself or your money. This is why you are seeing many schools and churches close because it is another symptom of the decaying morality in America. Church attendance is worse in Europe, but America is close behind. Other reasons for the loss of faith is because of a lack of commitment and a changing culture. This decline in the numbers who have faith is another sign of the end times, as I have stated: ‘Will I find any faith when I return?’ It will be My faithful remnant, who are few in number, that will guard My Word in their hearts. Hold on to your love of Me and keep the faith, and your reward will be great in heaven.”


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, as you see in the vision, I am the Source of all graces and healings. It is by faith in Me and your requests, that conversions and healings can happen. You know that with Me all things are possible. In your petitions you could fast and pray for what is best for the person that you are praying for. All of your prayers should be for what is best for their soul and according to My Will. At times it is hard to accept when someone is not healed physically as you would like. Some healings take time, and some are not healed at all. This acceptance of life as it takes place, takes a grace also, but it is not a reason to think that I do not care or do not love that person. All of life is a test of faith and a struggle for survival. Be grateful for the gift of life for as long as I want all of you to live.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of an operating room shows you where many doctors perform needed surgeries. Even in some serious operations, they have helped many people with all of man’s current technology. I know some people rely more on doctors than on asking for My help, but some faithful rely more on Me than the doctors. I do grant miracles of healing, even through the doctor’s hands. So when you pray for healings, let Me use the instruments to heal that person. Walk with Me in faith in whatever you have to deal with. I will be with you at your side to bear all of your life’s problems. Trust in Me and keep close to Me in your daily prayers.”


Monday, July 13, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, today man has many means of electronic entertainment as suggested in this vision of a circling DVD. You have music, movies, and data storage in many kinds of devices. High definition devices have also expanded your viewing options. Because of a desire for such devices, some people have even acquired computer or internet addictions. Having the latest devices has even put some of these possessions in competition with loving Me. It is important to have life’s priorities in order because the things of this life pass away tomorrow and become obsolete. Loving your Creator and Savior is about loving a Divine Living Person which should mean more to you than your man-made devices. The devil wants to distract you and waste your time in selfish pleasures. Call on My help to avoid these temptations and keep focused on Me in your spiritual life, which is more important to your soul than any earthly desire. Start and end your day in daily prayer and you can keep your life in a proper perspective. Loving Me and your neighbor should be central in your daily life’s activities and intentions of the heart. Your desire to be with Me should supercede any earthly desire. I love all of you so much and I reach out to all of you, especially those who need help with electronic addictions.”
Jesus said: “My people, the trials that you are going through today are a test to prepare you for the trials that you will face during the evil of the tribulation. I told you that you would receive My messages into the tribulation time, but distributing them will become more of a problem. (Message 4-28-09) You will have difficulties from some within My Church. Then the government authorities will restrict you and persecute you. You will also be tested by trials with your family members as well. In all of what you will face, keep peace in your heart and call on Me to help you in your needs. Call on My angels as well to clear any obstructions to carrying out your mission. Even when there may seem impossible roadblocks to overcome, let Me lead you where you will be safe. When your life is threatened by the evil ones, My angels will make you invisible on your way to My refuges. Trust in Me to help carry your cross and I will help you fulfill your mission.”

Electronic Addictions: (attractions of the world, need God’s help) November 3, 2006: (7-13-09)

July 13, 2009

At St. John the Evangelist after Communion I could see some men drinking at a bar and then all of the beer bottles disappeared. Jesus said: “My people, in your life you are challenged by much stress in the work place and in providing a living for your family. Some people have reached to addictions of drinking, smoking, and drugs to try and relieve their stress, but their excesses now are causing other problems to their family and their bodies. Even other addictions as gambling, pornography, and computers cause problems to your finances, your marriages and lost social skills. Some addictions are physical abuses and require a complete withdrawal of these substances and rehabilitation. All other addictions also require a removal of the agent causing the addiction or minimal contact. The most important rule is not to let anything so control your mind that it takes you away from everything else in your life including your prayer time. Do not let any addiction be an idol to you above Me. This is another warning that something in your life is more important than Me. Worldly things are cold without souls or love. Love is an expression of the soul and spirit, and it can only be satisfied in Me and loving others. Focus more on the spiritual life instead of letting earthly things so distract you from your mission of striving for heaven and saving souls.”


Tuesday, July 14, 2009: (Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha)

Jesus said: “My people, seeing these flames of hell is another sign that you are going to be under attack of the evil ones that will be making it harder and harder to get your messages out to the public. It does not mean that you should not struggle to share them, but putting them in print will be a test of your faith. Pray and discern how you are to continue on your mission. As more and more of My voices are silenced for one reason or another, you will see these events as signs that you are getting closer to the time when you will need to leave for My refuges. Let Me guide you in all of your work, and be willing to accept whatever trials that you will be faced with.”
Jesus said: “My people, this idea of a health plan that will cost another trillion dollars, is another step toward bankruptcy and more control over the people. It is impossible to afford a plan to pay for everyone’s health care without a true way of paying for it. Health costs are increasing and Medicare is already almost broke. A new health plan will give your government a chance to enforce a national smart card, or a mandatory chip in the body. These people in office are more concerned about expanding the power of government than being concerned about helping people or finding ways to pay for such an expensive plan. If there are mandatory chips, refuse them and be ready to go to My refuges. When bankruptcy arrives, martial law will need order, and you will have another reason to leave for My refuges. All of these ways of grasping for power are coming soon and it is just a matter of which means the one world people will choose for their takeover. The result is the same as the Antichrist will have his brief reign. When he declares himself, know that My victory is near. Trust in My protection no matter how much the evil ones want to kill you.”

Health Care Plan: (Grab for power; coming chips in the body) April 30, 2009: (7-14-09)

July 14, 2009

I could see some government fiat controls changing the current rules of governing. Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing various manipulations of Senate and House votes to control passage of your latest budget. This will begin health care controls which will require smart cards and then chips in the body to gain health benefits, and eventually any government benefits including social security. Those, who are faithful to Me, should refuse any chips in the body under any circumstances, even if it means going to the refuges with no financial support. Have no fear, because all of your ills will be healed, and I will supply food, water, and shelter. The evil ones will not see you and they cannot destroy My refuges.”


Wednesday, July 15, 2009: (St. Bonaventure)

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages before that America was going to see more natural disasters, and some would be a punishment for sin. You continue to abort your babies and the new administration is very influenced in favor of the death culture. Your population is decreasing because of your abortion mentality, but your immigration is keeping the overall total on the increase. Because you are not changing your ways and sin is becoming more rampant, you will see more flooding, droughts, fires, earthquakes, and storms that will cause much damage and some loss of life. You know of My harmony in nature, and when man goes against My Will continuously without repentance, then mankind must suffer the consequences of his sins. Abortion and sexual sins most offend Me because these sins are violating the harmony and the plan that I had for these lost lives. You have reduced the marriage act to mere pleasure and prostitution. Just as Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, so America is calling on My justice as well. Pray for the sinners in your country to repent and change their ways. Your destiny as a free country is in the balance, so the choice is yours to make.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you see the schools being closed and your own church in threat of being closed, you are seeing first hand how serious the decay in faith is. I want you to see if you can get some true statistics so you can witness how quickly the faith has declined over the last ten years. At first it appeared to be a financial problem, which is still a part of the reason. But most all of the Roman Catholics have become too passive and spiritually lazy in keeping up their faith. The daily Mass people, prayer group people, and Adoration people are usually stronger in their faith than those who just attend Sunday Mass. The people need to be fed by their priests in good teaching to hold on to their traditional faith. It is a struggle for the priests as well that are having to take care of several parishes at once. Pray for your priests and the laity to take Me deeper into their hearts in order to maintain your current numbers. When your love for Me in prayer and focus begin to lessen, then it will be hard to hold on
to your faith and love for Me. You receive Me into your hearts at every Mass, so relish every minute with My Divine Presence. My people need to find ways to strengthen their faith, or you will fall away as so many other Catholics who are not attending Sunday Mass.”


Thursday, July 16, 2009: (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)

Jesus said: “My people, every day during your working years you are struggling to keep your job and provide for your family. When you get up in the morning, you should consecrate yourself to My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. You are always joined with our two hearts when you pray to us to help you through your day. As you move into retirement, your needs for our help are still there. You may have health problems for yourself, your parents, or your children. Whatever problems that you are facing for today, call on our assistance to get you through. We have helped you in your earlier years, and we are still there for you in your later years. Each day has enough troubles of its own, so focus on today’s needs in trust, and do not be worried about yesterday or tomorrow. You only live in today’s moment, so with My help and My Blessed Mother’s help you will have enough strength to deal with any problems of this day. Pick up your cross each day and carry it proudly, always serving your Lord out of love.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are urging various nations to push for a universal currency to replace the dollar. America’s currency is becoming weaker in the world’s eyes as your National Debt becomes a larger percentage of your gross output. I have warned America about a coming bankruptcy because of your rapidly increasing deficits. As the value of the dollar decreases, this will give more power to those pushing for the amero of the North American Union. Many could lose their life savings with a dollar collapse. Be prepared to go to My refuges when this happens.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you go to various Adoration chapels, you see how attendance is very minimal. You have your Lord and Master present in My Eucharist in every tabernacle, yet how many believe in My Real Presence and desire to come and give Me praise in Adoration? Those, who believe in My Real Presence, are My faithful adorers and I told you how you are My special people.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have been protected from many attempts to keep My messages from being seen. Now you will be tested again as you will be in search of a new spiritual director. With enough prayer and fasting, this roadblock to the distribution of My messages could be opened. This could take some time, as events will be happening that could shut down all of My messengers on the internet. Your messages will continue, but publishing them will become increasingly difficult. You have been fortunate to have My core messages out in print for people to prepare for the end times. Pray for a priest to be open to accept this calling.”
Jesus said: “My people, you remember many stories of how Jews were hidden in attics to protect them from being killed in the gas chambers. You thought that this holocaust would never happen again, but I tell you America has many detention death camps with gas chambers and crematoriums as in Germany. This time religious and patriotic people will be hiding in interim and final refuges. My angels will make them invisible and I will provide for their shelter, food, and water. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when you are warned.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a young innocent woman driving a black truck full of people seeking a refuge. By traveling on back roads at night, My faithful will be able to sneak away from their houses to find safe havens. Be ready to leave with your backpacks and your camping supplies because you will have only a short time to leave before the men in black will come looking to capture you. Pray for My protection in this coming tribulation.”
Mary said: “My dear children, I thank you for your rosaries and honoring me on my feast day of Mount Carmel. Many of you are wearing my scapular as you believe in my mantle of protection. I hear all of your sincere petitions for those who are sick or in need of spiritual help in their souls. I am your caring spiritual Mother and I will present these petitions to my Son, Jesus. Be persistent in your prayers and have faith that my Son will answer you according to His Will. Trust in His judgment in how best to care for your concerns.”
Jesus said: “My people, you can call on many of My heavenly intercessors, both angels and saints, to help you have your petitions heard in My heavenly court. You have favorite saints and angels, and even saints of your own families and friends to intercede for you. It is in your greatest time of need that you can be reassured that these intercessors are eager to help you. Call on them by name to have a greater blessing for your efforts. You can call on all of us in heaven as we hear every prayer intention in your hearts. Have faith that your prayers will be answered in a way that best helps that person both physically and spiritually.”


Friday, July 17, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the Bible you saw how various peoples worshiped various gods and idols. Even the Jewish people were divided over worshiping a golden calf. You may think that these idol worshipers were pagans and many of them were punished for not worshiping Me. Even today you still have people worshiping statues of the New Age and their crystals. There are even those who make people into gods or they idolize fame, money, or possessions. Whenever you put your earthly things before Me, you are giving more allegiance to these idols and gods than Me. I should be at the center of your lives because I created you for My purpose and not your own. You are a spiritual being and you are drawn to worship only Me because I am the only One worthy of your worship. This is why you are constantly seeking for peace in your soul, but you will only have peace when you let Me into your soul by accepting Me as your Lord and Master. Seek My forgiveness of your sins and you will also receive My grace to carry out your mission. So always worship Me only if you seek to be in heaven. Idol worshipers are choosing the broad road to hell. I am a jealous God and I want all of My children to adore only Me. Idols will gain you nothing, but worship of Me and obedience to My laws will gain you eternal life in heaven with Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, your latest talks from the news on climate control are nothing more than added government control over your gas usage, heating, and air-conditioning. It is true that your pollution needs to be cut back, but your alternative energy sources are not ready to replace your coal and oil usage. Passing carbon limitations will be very difficult to monitor, and if other countries do not do likewise, then your efforts will be in vain. You need to be able to make cheap fuel efficient vehicles so people can afford them. Conserving your energy usage can only change a small amount of your needs. When your government controls your health, the cars you buy, the Medicare and Social Security, and your finances, then you have socialism which is taking away your freedoms. Pray for your people in all of their employment, financial, and spiritual problems because you are about to see conditions that could lead to riots in the streets as people are stressed by all of this government control.”


Socialism: (Climate control; control of cars and finances) April 30, 2009: (7-17-09)

I could see America’s government taking more control of our freedoms. Jesus said: “My people, under the guise of hate crime laws, as in other countries, My faithful will be persecuted and even jailed for declaring your beliefs in public. Socialism and even atheistic practices will slowly take control of all parts of your life. When this persecution and loss of your money occurs, then you will need to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge for protection. Be patient until I return in victory over the evil ones.”


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, the first reading talks about the unleavened bread of the Passover Supper. This tradition today is why the Communion wafers need to be unleavened bread. When the Israelites were led by Moses into the desert, the Egyptian Army wanted to kill them. In front of the Red Sea I raised up a shechinah of flame that protected My people from the Egyptian Army. This vision of a flame in a smaller form is the physical sign that your guardian angels will use to guide you to your safe haven or refuge. I told you that your angel would make you invisible on your way to My refuge. So this flame represents the protection from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you, but they will not see you. Just as you had images of My Eucharist in the bread and manna that the Israelites ate, so you have My Real Presence, Body and Blood, in every consecrated Host of Communion that you receive. As I protected the Israelites from their enemies miraculously, so I will again protect My faithful remnant from the evil one world people by miracles as well. Trust in My daily protection, for you have nothing to fear from anyone.”


Guardian Angel sign:(Shechinah sign to refuges,protection miracles) July 31, 2008: (7-18-09)

At the Eternal Father prayer group at Holy Name Adoration I could see multiple crosses passing by me in the air which indicated that there would be a fair number of martyrs for the faith during the tribulation. Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages about making preparations to leave your house for a safe haven refuge. Those, who leave their homes before martial law is declared, have a better chance of being protected at My refuges. Call on Me at the time that I will tell you, and your guardian angel will lead you with a physical sign to the nearest place of refuge. They will make you invisible so you would not be captured. Those, who purposely stay in their homes after martial law, are risking the men in black who will come and take you off to the death camps. Follow My directions if you wish to be alive at My refuges.”


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you have been focused on Me as the Good Shepherd in today’s readings. I do not tend My sheep in the flesh as when I was on the earth in human form, but I tend My sheep now through My sacramental presence in Holy Communion. I am always here for you in My tabernacle, so come to Me as often as you can visit Me. You remember when I retreated into the mountains in prayer to regain My strength. So I invited My apostles to a quiet place to help them in a retreat of prayer. I invite My faithful as well to quiet moments of prayer in contemplative prayer to recharge your spiritual life to carry on. All of My faithful can be shepherds as well in evangelizing the sheep who are calling for My peace in their souls. Reach out every day to save souls from the clutches of the devil. Pray for My strength so you can fight the spiritual battle against the evil in this world. You also need to be thankful for your priests and bishops who lead you and shepherd you. These are your spiritual shepherds, and they need your prayers and physical support to carry on their ministries. It is a heavy responsibility that they have been given to nourish My family of souls. Do whatever you can to help them because you are helping Me in the souls of the faithful. Continue also to pray your novena for a new spiritual director.”


Monday, July 20, 2009: (St. Apollinaris)

Jesus said: “My people, your priest talked about memories or nostalgia when you try to remember only the good things of your past days. But in the Warning, that will come to all souls, you will see a life review of both your good and bad actions of what went on in the past. In your Confession you can ask the forgiveness of your sins, and do not let the devil taunt you in being guilty because you are forgiven. In the first reading when Moses was calling on Me to fight the Egyptians, Moses told the people not to worry and be still because I would take care of the Israelites. The people were fearful and even wanted to be safe back in the slavery of the Egyptians. I destroyed Pharaoh’s army and the people were saved. They rejoiced at that moment, but they were weak when I put them to the test. So it is with My people of today who face the coming trials of the tribulation. You need to trust that I will again protect you from your enemies in the one world people, who want to kill you. When persecution comes, some may be fearful, but I tell you, as Moses told his people, be still and watch the miracles of protection that I will perform before your very eyes. Knowing that I will protect you at all times, should bring peace to your soul and take away all fear. Give glory and praise to Me in all the ways that I bring you through your daily trials.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the man-made Swine Flu virus still spreading and killing some people. Even your scientists admit this is not a seasonal virus. This vision shows how the evil ones are planning to spread a more virulent version of Swine Flu in the fall. The vaccine companies are now making Swine Flu vaccine for the fall and there is some talk that the medical authorities are trying to make such shots mandatory. This vaccine will have little testing and it could cause more harm than good. I am still advising people not to take any vaccine for viruses that could actually spread the disease instead of stopping it. The real problem will come if there is a mandatory quarantine on those who refuse these shots. If they intend to put you in a detention center for not taking these shots, then you may have another forced situation to leave for your refuges before the authorities could kill you. Heed My warnings where the medical authorities could be used by the one world people to start making excuses to pick up those who are against their new world order.”

Swine Flu: (Worsen in fall; vaccine-avoid taking; quarantines) April 30, 2009: (7-20-09)

I could see a young child playing and I realized that these little ones will be vulnerable to the latest flu bugs. Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before not to take any flu shots because they are putting viruses in these shots that could make you more vulnerable to the latest swine flu. This latest epidemic will be man-made and they will propose a vaccine that is supposed to protect you from this flu strain. Unfortunately, this will be a cruel hoax that will actually make you more vulnerable to the current swine flu. Continue to avoid these flu shots, even if they try to force them on the population. There will be various quarantines that could be used by the one world people to try and gain control for their North American Union. Pray for My protection and any needed healing from these man-made diseases.”


Tuesday, July 21, 2009: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)

Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the first reading of how Moses led his people through the Red Sea away from the Egyptian Army. God the Father split the sea in two so the people could travel through on dry land. The Egyptians were so intent on killing the Israelites that they followed them, but Moses let God bring the waters together to drown the whole Egyptian Army. This crossing is like the bridge in the vision, and it represents how I bring you out of your sin into the freedom from the bonds of your sins, and eventually into the Promised Land of heaven. Your whole life is represented also in this crossing from your earthly life into the spiritual world of the next life. It is this life after death that should be more meaningful than any desires of being in this life. In this life you have a fallen nature and are weak to sin. In the next life, if you are worthy of heaven, you will have no more temptations of the devil and no restrictions of the body’s needs. In order to cross over to heaven, you must carry your cross to Calvary as I did, and suffer the trials of this life. Give your will over to Me in your daily consecration and focus your life on loving Me and your neighbor. By following My Commandments and seeking My forgiveness of your sins, you will be made worthy in your preparation for heaven. By detaching yourself from your earthly desires and carrying out your good deeds for people, you will be able to cleanse your soul in readiness for your crossing into heaven. Walk this bridge of life in My footprints and you will have no worries.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Congress has been very aggressive in passing expensive legislation without having enough time to read the details in the bills. As a result the yearly budget deficit and the National Debt are getting worse with each bill passed. The people in your polls are finally going against your president in his haste to spend more than is affordable on any Health bill. Taxing one segment that provides the jobs is going to be counter productive, and the current bill will not cover millions of people that were promised to help. Your economy is not out of its recession and overspending with less taxes available, again is over straining your budgets. Your focus should be on more job creation than on spending more for benefits that have little funding. Your budget people should be looking to cut excessive spending instead of increasing it. Without some common sense decisions, your government could be taking you into bankruptcy. Pray that this will not happen, but the one world people have their takeover plan in place.”


Wednesday, July 22, 2009: (St. Mary Magdalene)

Jesus said: “My people, after the Israelites grumbled, Moses prayed to God for bread and meat. By My grace they received manna in the desert in the morning and quail dropped in the camp at twilight for meat. When I died, I left Myself behind in the bread and wine of Communion that you receive in the Mass. So you have My Real Presence in My Host for spiritual and physical food. Even as I provided food for My people in the Exodus, so I will provide food for My remnant in the coming Modern Day Exodus at My refuges. I will multiply what food you have, and My angels will give you Holy Communion every day if you do not have a Mass. At night I will allow deer to come into your camp and drop for your meat. You will have water from miraculous springs that will heal your infirmities. Trust that I will provide for your needs, even as I provided for the Israelites.”
Jesus said: “My people, spring flowers as lilies are always a sign of hope in new life. These lilies are always displayed around Easter, so they are associated with My Resurrection from the tomb. In this life your desire is to be with Me ultimately in heaven as you are awaiting your own resurrection at the last judgment. This life passes away quickly, so it is not worth it to try and extend your life any more than when I will call you home. Living a long life is a grace, but it will not bring you closer to heaven unless you use that extra time to grow in your faith. Live every day as if it were your last day because you cannot promise yourself that you will be alive tomorrow. Make the most of each day to bring as many souls to Me as possible. The more good deeds that you have in your hands, the more treasure you will have in heaven for your judgment. Do what you can to help people in need because each opportunity for helping someone is an opportunity for grace. Give praise and glory to Me for bringing salvation to all souls. It is your wish to accept My gift of salvation, and give your will over to Me in total consecration. Those, who seek My forgiveness of their sins and accept Me as Master over their lives, are those who are on the right path to heaven.”


Thursday, July 23, 2009: (St. Bridget)

Jesus said: “My people, just as you see the rain coming down in torrents, so you see the abundance of My graces falling upon you as well. I am a gracious God, and if you even started to count My blessings among you, you would understand how everything, that you have, comes from Me. You enjoy the good times with no complaints, but when My grace stops for a moment, you are the first to complain of the slightest test of any hardship. Just as the rain comes in waves of heavy to light rain, so in life My grace is not given at the same rate all of the time. I always see to your necessities, so be grateful for all of My gifts and graces. My graces are always available, but you must make the first step to accept them as in seeking My forgiveness of your sins in Confession. Unless you open your heart to let Me in, I cannot flood your soul with grace. Loving Me and asking for My help is but a small request in order to have all that you need.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, your wife’s operation was a success at the surgeon’s hands, and this was an answer to prayer that the cancer was removed and did not appear to spread. There are many people that have some kind of cancer, and it is a blessing to remove it early before it can metastasize all over the body. Pray that many people will be healed of their cancer and that it will not return.”
Jesus said: “My people, man has not yet learned his lessons from history, so he is calling still for more wars that have no real purpose but to kill people and make blood money. I have told you to love your enemies and not to kill them. It is difficult when you are persecuted to not take up arms against your enemies. Pray for them, and to avoid them from killing you, you may have to go to your refuges of protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the digital TV signal replace the analog signal so the station managers could implement the listening mode for many cable operators. The old analog bands are now being considered to be used to track chips in your documents and GPS chips all over the world. This added tracking and control of chips will be the beginning of a mandatory chip in the body that will be connected with the latest Health Plan. Refuse to take any chips in the body because these chips will be exploited by the evil ones for mind control of all the people of America.”
Jesus said: “My people, some areas of America have been seeing droughts and other areas are seeing floods and strong rainstorms with wind, hail, and even tornadoes. The Northeast has been cool and unusually rainy with a consistent changed weather pattern. Jet streams can be controlled and sent over the same area with the HAARP machine. Pray that your people will have sufficient heat and rain to grow your crops.”
Jesus said: “My people, your new energy plans to cut down pollution may be well intended, but it is hard to eliminate a primary available fuel as coal without some other means of providing fuel. Many of your plans may be good to stop some pollution, but it could cause many job losses at a time when unemployment is at a recent high. Again pray for a compromise between less pollution and too many lost jobs.”
Jesus said: “My people, some rural refuges are preparing to have food and springs of water for many people to be protected and fed. My angels will bring My faithful to these rural refuges and each person will have a part in helping with survival of the flock at each refuge. Angels will put a shield of protection over you, and they will help build your buildings for housing the people.”
Jesus said: “My people, I call on all of My people to be faithful in going to Mass on Sunday and continuing your daily prayer life. Trust in Me to take care of your souls even as churches are closing and you will be seeing more persecution. Events are leading up to the coming tribulation, but have no fear because you will find My protection at My refuges.”


Friday, July 24, 2009: (St. Sharbel Makhluf)

Jesus said: “My people, you know that I built My Church on a sound foundation with St. Peter as the Rock at the center and with Me as the Cornerstone. I also said that the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church. Even My faithful remnant will survive the tribulation. There will come a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will be scattered, but My faithful remnant will be protected by My angels at My refuges. There is a foundation in your spiritual lives that is based on your obedience to My Ten Commandments expressed in today’s first reading about Moses. In the Bible you have My Word to follow in giving you an example of how to live a Christian life of love of God and neighbor. This is your foundation for life which provides the rich soil for My Word that is planted in your hearts and souls. By acting on My Word with your good deeds and obedience to My Ten Commandments, truly you will be fruitful and be multiplied one hundred, sixty, and thirty fold. I am relying on My faithful to evangelize souls to My Word and convert them to My ways so they can be saved from hell and have eternal life with Me in heaven. Stay focused on Me and do not be distracted by the lures and desires of the flesh in this world.”
Jesus said: “My people, the miracles that I will perform for My faithful will be beyond what you can imagine. At the refuges you will have a place to stay for everyone as My angels will duplicate your buildings. The invisible shield of My angels will not allow any means of detection by sight, radar, smell, or heat signals. This shield will also deflect any bombs, missiles, or viruses. You will see an angel in view that is protecting you, and he will protect you from any demons as well. Over each refuge there will be a luminous cross, and in the ground a miraculous healing spring of water. By looking on this cross or by drinking the water, you will be healed of all viruses and infirmities. Truly your body will be physically balanced as you were originally made. This healing will be better than all of your medicines or alternative medicines without the need for any doctors. You will no longer need your medicines. Be grateful that I will be providing for all of your needs during the tribulation. You will be praying more and no longer in need of any of your current possessions. Give everything over to My Will, even now, and you will have My peace in your soul with no desire for earthly things. This cleansing at My refuges will help prepare you for My Era of Peace.”

Division in the Church: (schismatic vs. faithful remnant) May 24, 2007: (7-24-09)

At St. John the Evangelist after Communion I could see a large serpent coiled around a pew in the church. Jesus said: “My people, this serpent on a pew in a church is a sign to you that Satan is in the Church trying to divide it. I know that your desire is to unify My Church, but there is coming a day when you will see a formal split between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Even I had to endure Judas who was a traitor among My apostles. But Scripture had to be fulfilled in that I had to suffer and die for mankind’s sins at the hands of a traitor. So today, you also will have a Judas in your midst leading this schismatic church which also is in Scripture in various texts. You know that the beasts of Revelation will have their hour of evil, but fear not because I will protect the souls of My faithful. Some of My faithful will suffer martyrdom, but they will be saints and an inspiration to the rest of My faithful protected at My refuges. Be in prayerful vigilance since I will soon come to vanquish these evil ones who will be chained in hell.”

Spiritual Foundation: (Jesus’ Word, faith, 10 Commandments) March 22, 2007: (7-24-09)

July 24, 2009

At St. John the Evangelist after Communion I could see a large speaker with the center of the speaker vibrating. Jesus said: “My people, My message today is about hearing the Word of God and keeping it, just as it is stated in the Scriptures. (Matt. 7:24,26) ‘Everyone therefore who hears these My words and acts upon them, shall be likened to a wise man who built his house on rock. And everyone who hears these My words and does not act upon them, shall be likened to a foolish man who built his house on sand.’ My Word gives you a foundation for your faith. You can know all of Scripture verse by verse, but unless you take it into your heart and live it in your life, then they are just words in a book to you. I give you My example of how to live by avoiding sin and avoiding the occasions of sinful places. You cannot improve your sinful lifestyles until you are willing to reform your life and follow My ways. Many like the comforts of their sin to please the body’s desires, but you should be focused on pleasing Me and your soul’s desires. The more Scripture and spiritual reading that you do, the more you will be inspired to live a holy life. This is why during Lent it is good to allot more of your time to improving your spiritual life. When you pray, fast, and give alms, you are denying yourself to do everything for Me. By living a holier life, you can keep yourself on the right path to heaven without any earthly detours. Continue to listen to My Word and keep it.”

Refuge miracles: (buildings multiplied) June 25, 2009: (7-24-09)

July 24, 2009

I could see some buildings multiplied for the refuges and they seemed like they were made of glass bricks indicating they would be invisible to outsiders. Jesus said: “My people, do not worry about what you will eat, what you will wear, or where you will stay at My refuges. Two changes of clothes will be sufficient as you will be making more clothes. I will bring you animals for food and you will plant your vegetables. Other food will be multiplied to take care of the hungry crowds of people. I have told you that I will multiply your buildings so everyone will have a place of their own to stay. By keeping faith in My miracles, you will see many things that you could not even imagine, but I will do it for you out of love.”

Refuge healing of sick: (by luminous cross and spring water) October 18, 2007: (7-24-09)

July 24, 2009

At Holy Name after Communion I could see a small calm pool of water with a falls in the background. This was the healing water at a refuge. Jesus said: “My people, many faithful will be led by their guardian angels to the nearest refuge during the tribulation. Once they arrive there, they will see miraculous springs of water for drinking and bathing. The real miracles will occur when people will drink or wash with this water, and they would be healed of all of their medical problems. Those, who look on the luminous cross in the sky over the refuges, would also be healed of any sicknesses. These refuges will be places of protection from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you. You will see an angel at each refuge given authority to protect all who come there. Food, water, and shelters will also be multiplied in miracles to provide for all of your necessities. Give praise and glory to your Lord who will see to your needs and protection during the coming tribulation.”


Saturday, July 25, 2009: (St. James)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast day of St. James is about the two sons of Zebedee who were fishermen when I called St. James and St. John to be My apostles. The vision about taking care of their fishing nets adds to My comment to them. Now they will be fishers of men instead of catching fish. I called them and all of you to a life of true love of God and neighbor without any exceptions. An unconditional love means you do not discriminate by only loving those whom you like, but you are to love everyone, even your enemies. My ways are different from man’s ways because man looks for revenge and desires earthly things. I desire peace and harmony as well as only the things of heaven. I know man’s nature is flawed by Adam’s sin, and you are in a weakened state to sin. This is why I became a man and died for your sins so you could be freed from your bonds of sin. My death on the cross has brought everyone salvation and an opportunity to be saved in heaven from hell. To choose heaven you must follow My Commandments in seeking the forgiveness of your sins, and give your will over to Me as Master over your life. By surrendering yourself and all that you have over to Me, you will have eternal life in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are seeing how people act out their lives on the stage of life. You may not realize it, but all of heaven and the souls in purgatory are watching and encouraging you in your prayer life. It is important to see whether I am leading your life by your consecration, or if you are leading it alone. By your prayer life, Masses, Adoration, and your good deeds, I can see how sincere you are in being obedient to My Will and My Commandments. When you help evangelize souls to the faith, all of heaven is rejoicing. Keep your focus on Me always, and keep close to Me in your faith. I love all of you so much, and I want you to love Me, and love Me in your neighbor. Do whatever you can to bring love and harmony to all the people that you encounter on this earth. You may be the only person to invite someone to know and love Me. Never give up on praying to save souls in your family, as you may be their salvation with My help. As you go through life, be conscious that many are watching your actions, and you want to be a good example to win souls over to heaven. Call on Our help in your dark moments, and call on the Holy Spirit to give you the right words needed to help save souls. When you come home to Me and your life’s performance is over, all of heaven will greet you when you receive your crown of sainthood.”


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that I consider My adorers as My special people. Today’s readings are focused on the bread and My multiplication of the loaves and fish. I have told you many times that I am the ‘Bread of Life’ as in the quote: (John 6:54, 55) ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He, who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting and I will raise him up on the last day.’ It is important to receive Me worthily in Holy Communion every Sunday Mass. You should not receive Me in mortal sin which would cause a sin of sacrilege. Come to Me in Confession to cleanse your sins, and then you will be worthy to receive Me. Whenever you take Holy Communion, you have My Real Presence of My Body and Blood under the appearances of the consecrated bread and wine. Even when you come to Me in Adoration, you are giving Me praise and glory to My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. Give thanks that I have given you My very Self in every Host that you consume or adore. You have My graces in every sacrament that you receive to heal your sins and protect you from the devil’s temptations.”


Monday, July 27, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, these rays of the sun seeking to come through the clouds in the vision, are like My rays of love trying to get into your heart. Unless you open your mind, heart, and soul, it is hard for Me to enter. The people in the desert started worshiping a golden calf because they were not patient for Moses to return down from the mountain. Moses gave them My Word in the Ten Commandments which are all about love of God and love of neighbor. So it is with the people of this age who are waiting for My return. You need to be patient and faithful, and do not be misled by the idols and gods of this world. By allowing My rays of love to come into your heart, then you can be strengthened to endure the trials of this life. Your goal is the Kingdom of heaven, and you have a taste of heaven when you receive Me in Holy Communion as I rest in your soul. So remain close to Me in prayer and worship, and I will be at your side to walk you through life.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you have a chance to go on hiking trips through nature trails or through the woods, you are close to Me in nature and My creation. It is wonderful to appreciate nature and it is important to protect your environment from any abuses of nature. Even considering the human body and its workings is again something to marvel at My creation of so many different kinds of people. Here again you should protect your body from the many abuses that people do to their bodies. Drugs, alcohol, smoking, overeating, and any other harmful abuses should be avoided. Even some use your gifts of procreation in a sinful way with fornication, adultery, prostitution, masturbation, or homosexual acts. The worst damage is in abortion when you kill your own children. Strive for being in harmony with My laws and My creation by taking care of your environment and not abusing your body. Follow My Commandments and you will be on the right path to heaven.”


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading all of the Israelites stayed at the front of their tents while the pillar of cloud stood in front of the meeting tent where Moses spoke to God. Just as the priest first received Communion, then everyone else received Communion, and for awhile, I am with each of you as My Real Presence. Until the Host is consumed, you are as little tabernacles. This is why the angels were around each of you praising God’s presence. You are blessed every day that you have Me present at Communion time. Treasure those minutes of grace as I share My love with you. If you are truly listening to My Spirit, I will share what I want each of you to do. Just as I explained the meaning of the parable to My apostles, so I also explain life’s meaning to you in how you can serve Me. It is with the eyes of faith that you become open and understand My plan for your life. It does start with obeying My Ten Commandments, but there is a deeper love for Me that your soul yearns for. I give you My peace in the grace of My sacraments so that your soul is completely satisfied in My Presence. Come to receive Me as often as you can because I am the Oasis of all graces.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen previous comets break up and hit Jupiter before. Now you have another object that struck Jupiter again, but there was no sighting of a comet before impact. The comet seen in the vision is another sign of what is coming on the day of the Warning. There will be a frightful event in the sky on that day when everyone will experience their life review at the same time. Many have predicted certain dates of the Warning, but they all have been proven false. It is enough for you to know that no one will know the exact date of the Warning. This event will be an extension of My mercy on all souls to prepare them for the coming tribulation. After seeing your judgment, everyone will have a desire for Confession and to change their lives. You will be warned not to take computer chips in your body, remove your TVs so the Antichrist will not control you, and to prepare to leave for your refuges. When you see mandatory chips in the body, martial law from viruses, bankruptcy, or terrorist acts, a division in My Church, or a created world famine, call on Me to have My angels lead you to the nearest refuge. Trust in My protection during the evil of the coming tribulation.”

Warning: (comet in the sky on day of) January 13, 2009: (7-28-09)

July 28, 2009

At St. Theodore’s Adoration I could see the whole solar system of the planets orbiting around the sun. Suddenly, I saw a streaking white comet come down right close to the earth. Jesus said: “My people, this sign of a comet coming close to the earth will come about on the very day of the Warning. The Warning will be an out of body life review for everyone on the earth at the same time. This comet will appear very close and brilliant because it will come inside the orbit of the moon with the earth. Many people will be frightened, thinking that it will hit the earth. The comet’s trajectory will be changed so that the next time that it returns, it will strike the earth as My Comet of Chastisement. Comets do not have to be very large to be seen because the gases are boiled off the surface by the sun’s heat. As a result, the comet will appear much larger than it actually is. After the Warning, events will lead up quickly to the declaration of the Antichrist’s reign. You will be working hard to convert souls to the faith before he takes power. Pray for My help so you can withstand this test of your faith in an evil that you have yet to see. My refuges will be your safe havens of protection from the evil ones.”

Refuge time: (marital law, famine, Church division) March 10, 2009: (7-28-09)

July 28, 2009

At St. John the Evangelist after Communion I saw the priest holding the ciborium and a Host in his hand about to give Holy Communion to the people. Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a message of love because of how much I love everyone, even those who do not love Me. You can see My love in that I suffered and died on a cross for ransoming all of your sins. I give you My unconditional love because you are all My creations and I am an example for you to love everyone also. You need to strive to love even your enemies, if you want to work toward your perfection. My son, I want you to teach My love for My people as well as any preparation that is needed for the tribulation. When everyone sees My love, you will know why I will go to great lengths in doing the impossible for protecting you from the evil ones at My refuges, and providing for your needs. It is most important that you pray and give Me worship every day. This is why if you do not have a priest for Mass at the refuge, I will have My angels give you your daily Bread of Communion so I can be united with you in all of your trials. When you see the world famine, the division in My Church, mandatory chips in the body, martial law, and the pandemic virus, you will know it is time to call on Me, and your guardian angel will lead you with a physical sign to the nearest refuge. Rejoice that you will be invisible to the evil ones on the way to your refuge. Everything that you need will be provided, so have full trust and faith in My watching over you. Know again that it is out of love that I am with you always in My Real Presence in My Host.”


Wednesday, July 29, 2009: (St. Martha)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is all about how people need to realize how much I am a part of their lives. Without My help you could not exist, and I also help provide for your survival. Some people think that they do everything for their own survival, and that they do not need to depend on Me. For such people they are burdened twice as much with this life. When you invite Me to help you with your necessities, life will seem much easier. When you trust Me for everything and consecrate everything over to Me, I can use you for My work of the salvation of souls. It is when you refuse to let Me into your heart, that you are not open to do My work. You are all part of My creation, and you need to be in harmony with My Will in order to have peace in the world and in your heart. Make Me a part of your every day life, and I can bring you to heaven one day.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people use laptop computers and they desire wireless access to the internet. This wireless feature allows all such equipped computers to have an access by cell towers and satellites to be tracked, and signals could control what comes on the screen. It would be better to disengage this feature and only use outlet direct lines to the internet. In this way the controls are not as effective and your computer can be less tracked, especially when you turn off the internet connection. After the Warning I have told you to get rid of your TVs and computers out of your house so the Antichrist cannot control you with his eyes or subliminal messages to worship him. Computers can be used for good purposes, but they can also serve the evil one in tracking people or controlling peoples’ minds. Be forewarned about this wireless flaw before the Warning occurs.”

Wireless computer feature: (avoid using to stop tracking) April 25, 2009: (7-29-09)

July 29, 2009

At St. Paul’s Adoration in Troy, N.Y. I could see a very high cell tower with many antennae on it. Jesus said: “My people, the cell phone companies have been able with money to persuade many people to put up these high cell towers so people could have the convenience of wireless phones. Most people do not realize it, but this service is also for transmitting data as well as voices. These towers are linked with satellites that could transmit voices and data all over the world. I have warned you not to accept microchips in your body so the one world people cannot control you through voices against your will. These same cell towers could be used to control people such as those who took chips in their body. This is a hidden agenda by the one world people to use these cell towers for this reason of control which is what they wanted from the beginning. This is another reason not to accept these chips in the body because then they could control you all over the world and detect your whereabouts. By not having any chips or smart cards, then these evil ones could not find you. I love all of My faithful, and I will provide for all of your needs without needing any microchips.”

Warning: (after, get rid of TVs and computers with monitors) March 11, 2009: (7-29-09)

July 29, 2009

At Holy Name after Communion I could see myself coming out of a tunnel into space with the stars and planets. Then I was drawn to the Light of the Lord in an out of body experience. Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a preview of what it will be like when everyone will be called before Me in your Warning experience. You all will be drawn out of your bodies in your spirit body, and you will still experience all of your senses as a spirit. It will appear as you are moving quickly through a tunnel. You will be traveling through space toward My Light. At that time you will then experience an illumination of your conscience, and you will experience your life review as if you had just died. You will be outside of time in the eternal now, as I will show you all the events in your life, both good and bad. You are being shown this again from other people’s perspective and in front of Me so you will be able to understand My judgment of your life. You will see where you will be judged to heaven, purgatory, or hell, and you will have a small taste of where you were judged. Then you will travel quickly again back into your bodies in the present time, and you will be given a second chance to repent of your sins and change your sinful lives. This Warning experience is My great mercy on all souls to wake you up spiritually, and prepare you for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You will always have your free will, but now you will have been warned not to take any microchip in your body and not to worship the Antichrist. After this Warning you should remove your TVs and computer monitors from your house so you are not misled by the Antichrist and his agents. All of My faithful will be warned when it is time to go to My refuges for protection. You will be working feverishly to save as many souls as possible from going to hell, especially in your own family. Be prepared by frequent Confession and daily prayer, for you will need clean souls and My help to endure these end times. Trust and have faith in Me always because I love all of you so very much, and I do not want to lose even one soul to the evil one.”


Thursday, July 30, 2009: (St. Peter Chrysologus)

Jesus said: “My people, when I walked the earth, I was the fulfillment of the promised Messiah, and the people knew that I talked with authority. They saw My miracles and they listened attentively to My parables, but many did not always understand them. I had to give the explanation privately to My apostles so even they could understand the parables. Many people before My time longed to hear what you are hearing, but did not hear it, and to see what you see, but did not see it. Today’s parable was self- explanatory as I described the Kingdom of God as a fisherman who hauled in a catch of fish. Just as the fisherman sorted out the good fish into buckets, and threw away the rest, so My angels will at the end of the age sort out the evil doers and cast them into the fiery furnace. The righteous people will be taken up into heaven. Rejoice as you hear My promise of salvation to all who follow My Commandments and are obedient to My ways.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in the past messages I have warned you many times to avoid taking any flu shots. Now your drug companies are making vaccines for the seasonal flu and another vaccine to counter the Swine Flu pandemic. It takes many months to prepare these vaccines and they may not protect you from the prevailing flu mutations in the fall. In addition there are many preservatives and adjuvants added to the vaccine that could cause a reaction that could be just as damaging as the flu itself. Pray that those taking these shots do not get sick as a result.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing many tornadoes and severe hailstorms all around your country and causing much damage. Some areas are also seeing excessive rain or droughts that are affecting your crop production. Pray that your farmers will be able to harvest a profitable crop without much damage.”
Jesus said: “My people, too much rain can make it difficult to dry out the crops and have the ground firm enough to harvest them. Rain during the harvest time would make it difficult to bring in the crops at the right time. Some crops could be unfit to sell if they are collected too early or too late. Again pray for the right level of rain to harvest your crops.”
Jesus said: “My people, some refuges are located on existing farms. Those, who come to these refuges, will need to help tend the animals and help with collecting grains to feed the animals and the people. Living an agricultural life will bring you closer to Me and closer to seeing how you depend on Me for growing your crops. Be prepared to do some physical labor on the farm so everyone will have something to eat. I will multiply your crops when it is needed.”
Jesus said: “My people, those living on refuge farms not only will be helping with the crops and animals, but you also will be laboring to secure enough wood for heating and cooking during the winter months. Those, who have refuges in the colder North, will have to work harder to provide for their fuels. Gas and oil could run out and may be difficult to obtain during the tribulation. Plan on having some forests for wood fuel on the Northern refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, nations such as Iran and North Korea are moving ahead with their nuclear bomb making programs, and they are testing missile delivery systems for these bombs. War is very possible between Israel and Iran because of the threat of these nuclear bombs upsetting the balance of power in the Middle East. It is difficult to have meaningful peace talks with such threats to Israel’s cities.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some, who cannot afford health insurance, that need some access to doctors. Many are concerned with how America can afford such an expense without raising taxes on everyone, and not just the rich. This is why people are stalling on current legislation which is being rushed to meet certain deadlines. Popularity polls of your leaders are dropping quickly over this issue because there is also concern over how people will get their health care and how long it will take.”


Friday, July 31, 2009: (St. Ignatius of Loyola)

Jesus said: “My people, many people are overly concerned about what they are to eat, wear, and where they will live. Everyone in the world addresses these problems of survival from a different viewpoint, but I help all of you to satisfy your basic needs. There are some serious needs in third world countries where food supplies are not as available. America has been blessed with fertile ground for your food supplies. You have some inequalities in supporting your farmers, but most of your people can find ways to have enough to eat. Instead of being anxious over these things, you need to trust in My help to provide for your families. You all have the means of providing for yourselves, even though the lack of jobs has put a strain on many families and social service support. The vision shows money appearing by itself. This means, that with My help, I can do the impossible for everyone who has faith in Me. I love all of My children, and I see to your needs, especially when you call on Me in prayer. Those, who have more than they need, could give thanks to Me by sharing what they could in charity with those who have little or nothing.”
(45th Anniversary of Holy Name) Jesus said: “My people, My Church is not just a building, but these pillars in the vision are those with strong faith that help build up My Church. The pillars of your church are those who may work on different committees, or parts of the school of religion, and other functions in the church. You also need both spiritual and financial support to have life in a church. In various churches you are going through a crisis of dropping attendance which has caused some churches to close. I want My faithful to think of themselves as being soldiers in a battle, and you should be fighting to keep your church open. You should be working to increase or at least maintain the attendance at your church. Whatever financial support is needed will depend on the people contributing enough money to keep that church viable. The sacraments are your source of grace and whenever a church closes, you lose this source of grace. When you have Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, and prayer groups, you are also calling on My graces to defend that church from closing. Call on Me in prayer to defend yourselves from Satan who is trying to close all of your churches.”

Trucks for prisoners: (at detention centers) June 18, 2009: (8-3-09)

August 3, 2009

At Holy Name after Communion I could see trucks along the roadway painted in white which were UN trucks for carrying prisoners to the detention centers. Jesus said: “My people, there are many foreign troops in your country to implement martial law. This is why you have many made up wars to keep your troops out of your country. Your census will help direct these foreigners to pick up religious and patriotic people. They also will have road signs to direct these trucks where to bring their prisoners. I will warn My faithful when to leave for your refuges before martial law is declared. Be ready to leave with your backpacks ready, and leave quickly when I tell you, or you could be captured and killed. Have no fear of these evil ones because I will protect your souls. They may harm some of your bodies, but never your souls. Pray for the souls of all people so they could be converted before it is too late and the Antichrist will control them. This trial of evil will be brief before I will come in victory over the evil ones.”

Refuges: (need miracles to settle people’s fears) January 24, 2008: (8-3-09)

August 3, 2009

At the prayer group at Holy Name Adoration I could see the Lord in the glory of heaven, and He was reaching down His hand to take my hand in leading me to protection in the tribulation time. Jesus said: “My people, have no fear because I am always at your side ready to lead you by the hand to places of refuge during the tribulation. This vision is very vivid, but it is also very reassuring to all of My faithful whom I will treat in like manner. Do not be fearful of the coming dates of disasters, but have peace in your souls that you will be provided for in all of your needs.”

Identity defined: (red and blue lists, Antichrist) June 4, 2009: (8-3-09)

August 3, 2009

At the Eternal Father prayer group at Holy Name Adoration I could see someone’s eyes, then a view of cameras on the highway, a view from a camera in a cable box, and a view from military satellites in the sky. Jesus said: “My people, with all the latest technology for capturing pictures of people, it is easy for the one world people to have a profile of everyone in your country. They can track which church you go to, which bank you visit, and what checks you write and to whom. They view your bank accounts and other assets. With such an invasion of your privacy they know a list of people that need to be silenced for the new world order. One view, that they will not be able to see, is when you leave for My refuge and where you are going because My angels will make you invisible to all the evil one’s high technology equipment. Trust in My protection even against the power of the Antichrist.”
I could see a guard tower at a detention center death camp. Jesus said: “My people, just as there are many refuges for the protection of My faithful, so there are hundreds of detention center death camps that are large enough to kill millions of Americans who do not want to go along with the new world order. The evil ones have red and blue lists to pick up religious and patriotic people before and after a manufactured martial law is declared. I will warn My faithful when this will happen. Some will be martyred, but the remainder will be at My refuges. I will protect your souls from the evil ones, so have no fear.”


Wednesday, August 5, 2009: (Dedication of Mary Major Basilica)

Jesus said: “My people, after some of Moses’ people scouted the Promised Land, they were fearful of the inhabitants who seemed like giants. Because of this fear, they did not want to follow God’s lead into the Promised Land. Because of their lack of faith in My power, the Israelites were punished forty years in the desert for their forty days of scouting. This is the opposite response of the foreign woman in the Gospel. By her faith in My power I healed her daughter who was possessed by a demon. You see the contrast between people who have faith in Me and those who do not. I could not perform miracles in My home town because of their lack of faith in Me as well. This is true for everyone, in that you must have faith in Me in order for Me to use you for the mission that I have planned for your life. If you follow your own will instead of following My Will, then without faith I cannot use you for your mission. It is the openness of your heart that is required for My miracles to work through you. Follow Me, therefore, just as I asked My disciples to follow Me in faith.”
Jesus said: “My people, during the tribulation, the evil ones will capture some of My faithful, and they will use public execution to try and force the people to obey them. Some will be killed by Guillotine to make them examples of what happens to those who disobey the Antichrist. These brave souls would rather give up their lives than deny their faith. Those, who are not captured, will find their way to My refuges because they will trust in Me to take care of them. Know, that once you see the Antichrist come to power, I will soon come to defeat the evil ones. This is My promise that all evil will be defeated, and My Kingdom will reign all over the earth.”


Thursday, August 6, 2009: (Transfiguration)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of My Transfiguration in front of My three apostles was a preview of My eventual Resurrection. This is why I asked My apostles not to talk about it until after My rising from the dead. For My people of today, you can be transformed with My Light every time that you receive Me in one of My sacraments. You most frequently receive Me in Holy Communion and Confession. When you are low in blood, you have a transfusion of more blood. But when you are low in grace by sin, you need a transfusion of graces from My sacraments. After receiving Me in Holy Communion, you have a taste of heaven as the apostles did. Keep your heart open to My graces, and you will keep close to Me in all that I can do for you every day.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, those, who have been preparing My refuges, have taken a lot of time and expense to provide a place for people to stay and be protected. I am directing many people to prepare My refuges and I thank them for carrying out their mission. Part of their planning over the years has been to plant trees for fuel that will be needed for heating and cooking. All of My refuge makers have been given what to do and how to prepare. Even those, who have not had the time or money to complete their projects, will see My angels finish their work.”
Jesus said: “My people, My refuges are not only safe havens, but they will provide physical protection from the Antichrist as Noah protected his family in the ark. Just as Noah patiently built a large ship and stocked it with food supplies, so My refuge makers are building large buildings, even when they do not know where the needed money will come from. The food and water will be multiplied as needed.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of you are praying for healings of cancer, aching bones, heart conditions, and diabetes. All of these illnesses and more will be healed when you come to My refuges and drink the spring water or look upon My luminous cross. Many will look forward to these healings because their doctors have not found any cures. This healing will occur not only in the body, but the soul as well, so the whole person could be healed.”
Jesus said: “My people, in your present circumstances some people are not getting enough sleep because you find more things to do when you have lights at night. When you come to My refuges, you may find it difficult to have lights at night without electricity. In this case you may only be able to work during the daylight with more time for sleeping. This different lifestyle of an agricultural life will also give you more time to pray without your electronic entertainment.”
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Transfiguration feast gave you an example of My glory in heaven. I will give you another feeding of My grace when My angels will bring you daily Communion at My refuges during the tribulation. For those, who do not have the opportunity for daily Mass, this daily Communion will strengthen all of My faithful to endure your trials. Give thanks to Me for pouring out My graces and light upon you to satisfy both your physical and spiritual needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, if you want to have a taste of heaven, and enjoy the presence of My Transfiguration, you can receive My Host and adore Me. In My Host you are seeing a transubstantiation during the Mass from the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This belief in My Real Presence in the Host gives you a daily transfiguration that you can see only with the eyes of faith and the trust that you have in My Word. I give you Myself, and I promise you one day that you also will be resurrected in a transfigured, glorified body with your soul.”
Jesus said: “My people, for those, who have traveled to Mount Tabor in Israel, they have seen the majestic view from the mountain, and the very stone that I stood upon. It is also a place of prophesy, because the plains of Armageddon are visible from this mountain where the last battle of the Apocalypse will take place. Relish the history of this biblical land in the past, the present, and the future.”


Friday, August 7, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in many places all over your country you have seen record hot days, and this heat could lead to droughts and fires. You also are getting close to the hurricane season when storms thrive on hot waters in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Natural disasters have been causing damage and some loss of life already in this year. America is continuing in its sins and abortions without any fear of retribution. Some disasters are a punishment for sin because your violence against life is reflected in the violence of your storms. Pray for the sinners in your country and that I will hold back My wrath of justice. Many of your economic woes have been brought on yourselves through the greed for money in unlawful gains. Whenever you take excessive financial risks, you must be willing to accept the consequences from your bad decisions. It is unfortunate that the greed of Wall Street of a few has caused such grief for all of the rest of your people who are losing their jobs as a result. Pray that your families will survive this economic downturn.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is good for you to experience living in the outdoors, even if there are many strange noises. Camping out overnight would be a good experience to get ready for your refuge living. When you leave your home for My refuges, you will have your backpacks, tents, and sleeping blankets. It would be comfortable if this happens in the summer, but in the winter you may have more difficulties with the cold. If you have the extra warm sleeping blankets, you could manage with a fire. Having enough food would be provided by My multiplying what you had room to carry. If you were allowed to use your car for awhile, you could store some extra food in the trunk. Start thinking more of how to deal with less of your comforts, because this time of tribulation is not far off. In all that you will need to do for your protection, call on Me and your angels, and have trust in Me that I will provide for your needs.”

Camping overnight: (experience refuge living; winter harder) June 25, 2009: (8-7-09)

August 7, 2009

I could see someone putting up a tent on the way to a refuge. Jesus said: “My people, those, who have gone camping, know the comforts they like as they pitch their tents. Some may like pads over the ground for sleeping and easy ways for making fires with gas instead of wood fires. The difficulty with some of these comforts is that they may be too heavy to carry into rural areas with woods and grassy plains. You need to limit what you take to My refuges and bear with some penances. You had to deal with uncomfortable bedding and various noises of nature that kept you from sleeping. The quiet mornings were very conducive for prayer while others were asleep. You have many gifts to be thankful for, but preparing to live in the wild can be a trying experience. Trust that I will protect you wherever My angels will lead you.”

Refuge in Winter: (harder to leave for refuges) September 22, 2007: (8-7-09)

August 7, 2009

At our house after Communion I could see a large black plastic circular opening leading to a house in the middle of a severe winter blizzard. Jesus said: “My people, each season of the year has its own testings in severe weather. This large black tube leading to a house is a sign of the time of refuge in the winter time when it will be difficult to heat and keep warm. I have advised you to have extra food and extra fuels because you could find it difficult to get to the store and find fuel if you lose power. Be prepared for difficult weather this winter. This sign of a refuge and a severe winter is showing you how difficult it will be when you have to suffer through a winter during the tribulation time. Pray for My protection and My multiplication of your food and your fuel when you need it most. Remember also to have warm clothing and blankets for this time of cold weather. Have no fear of these trials because I will provide for your needs, but you will still have to suffer through this time.”


Saturday, August 8, 2009: (St. Dominic)

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you this message on Light before, but I want to impress on you the importance of light in your life. You wake up every morning from the light of My creation in the sun. Even the heavens are full of many stars to give light to the whole universe of darkness. On cloudy days and at night you can continue to do your work by just switching on your lights of various kinds. Without your lights, it would be difficult to live your lives during the dark of the night. Just as I give you physical light through the sun and the moon, you know that I give you a spiritual Light of grace, love, and knowledge of how to be saved. By following Me in My sacraments and being faithful and obedient to My laws, you are on the right path to heaven. Your faith is a gift to treasure and it can be shared with others as you can evangelize souls to know Me as well. You become lights yourselves or beacons of grace for others to see in the darkness of their sins. Your light though, needs to be strengthened with prayer and grace from My sacraments. All of your gifts and strength come from Me, so give Me thanks and praise in your prayers every day. Rejoice also in My physical and spiritual Light which you bask in every day.”
(Gerard Michael funeral for newborn) David (my son in heaven) said: “Dear Family, you know how difficult it was for all of you to bear my passing, so you can appreciate this mother’s grief as well. You know that I was baptized, so you also know that I am a saint in heaven. This little one is also a saint in heaven as you saw in the vision. I have encouraged you to pray to me as an intercessor for your petitions. By the grace of God, you have seen several young mothers have children through my intercession. I am mentioning this so this mother and her family can pray to Gerard for petitions as well. Heaven is sending several angels to comfort this mother and ease her pain of grief. Be grateful for every life from the Lord no matter how short it may last.”


Monday, August 10, 2009: (St. Lawrence)

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that caves were a place of protection that My angels could lead you for a safe haven. You will have to live close to the opening of the cave to have enough air to breathe. The water in the cave will be your source for drinking. I will make it potable so it will be safe to drink. You will need a coat to stay warm and a waterproof mat to place under your sleeping blanket. You could even put your tent up when there is sufficient room to keep you warmer as well. In the Bible you have seen Elijah hide in a cave from his persecutors. The Early Christians also hid in the catacombs from their Roman persecutors. So there is much precedent for caves to be an ideal refuge. Caves will also be a good bomb shelter and some protection from My Comet of Chastisement. They may be damp and cold, but they will keep you safe from your persecutors of the one world people.”
Jesus said: “My people, many beautiful churches with stained glass windows, crucifixes, and statues are being closed for not enough money or poor attendance. It is because people did not fight enough, or because of someone’s choices that these good churches were closed. While some church organizations are growing and building new churches, My Roman Catholic Church is in decline. Attendance at Mass on Sunday has been declining because of not enough priests and low laity attendance. This decline started with the closing of Catholic schools, and now the very churches are closing. It is sad to see so many Catholics that have fallen away from their faith and are not coming to church. America has become a mission land and it is becoming pagan as in Europe. Pray for conversions and re-conversions of souls back to the faith so their souls can be saved from hell.”


Tuesday, August 11, 2009: (St. Clare)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a water wheel grinding the wheat for flour is more about a simple way of living as the contemplative monks who make the bread for their support. Today’s feast of St. Clare is about how the Franciscans lived in poverty and daily prayer. This is not an easy life for everyone to live in today’s world, but it gives direction to try and live a simpler life with Me in the center. Instead of concerning yourself with following the material world with all of its pleasures and comforts, it would be better to live a modest life without buying the more expensive necessities. Avoid letting your life be led by worldly ways, and focus more on following My ways so you have time for prayer and evangelization of souls. By making time for Me in your life, you are working your way closer to heaven.”

Comet of Warning:(unknown on day of Warning; Comet of Chastisement) January 13, 2009: (8-12-09 message)

August 12, 2009

At St. Theodore’s Adoration I could see the whole solar system of the planets orbiting around the sun. Suddenly, I saw a streaking white comet come down right close to the earth. Jesus said: “My people, this sign of a comet coming close to the earth will come about on the very day of the Warning. The Warning will be an out of body life review for everyone on the earth at the same time. This comet will appear very close and brilliant because it will come inside the orbit of the moon with the earth. Many people will be frightened, thinking that it will hit the earth. The comet’s trajectory will be changed so that the next time that it returns, it will strike the earth as My Comet of Chastisement. Comets do not have to be very large to be seen because the gases are boiled off the surface by the sun’s heat. As a result, the comet will appear much larger than it actually is. After the Warning, events will lead up quickly to the declaration of the Antichrist’s reign. You will be working hard to convert souls to the faith before he takes power. Pray for My help so you can withstand this test of your faith in an evil that you have yet to see. My refuges will be your safe havens of protection from the evil ones.”

Illumination of Conscience: (8-12-09) Wednesday, March 11, 2009:

August 12, 2009

At Holy Name after Communion I could see myself coming out of a tunnel into space with the stars and planets. Then I was drawn to the Light of the Lord in an out of body experience. Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a preview of what it will be like when everyone will be called before Me in your Warning experience. You all will be drawn out of your bodies in your spirit body, and you will still experience all of your senses as a spirit. It will appear as you are moving quickly through a tunnel. You will be traveling through space toward My Light. At that time you will then experience an illumination of your conscience, and you will experience your life review as if you had just died. You will be outside of time in the eternal now, as I will show you all the events in your life, both good and bad. You are being shown this again from other people’s perspective and in front of Me so you will be able to understand My judgment of your life. You will see where you will be judged to heaven, purgatory, or hell, and you will have a small taste of where you were judged. Then you will travel quickly again back into your bodies in the present time, and you will be given a second chance to repent of your sins and change your sinful lives. This Warning experience is My great mercy on all souls to wake you up spiritually, and prepare you for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You will always have your free will, but now you will have been warned not to take any microchip in your body and not to worship the Antichrist. After this Warning you should remove your TVs and computer monitors from your house so you are not misled by the Antichrist and his agents. All of My faithful will be warned when it is time to go to My refuges for protection. You will be working feverishly to save as many souls as possible from going to hell, especially in your own family. Be prepared by frequent Confession and daily prayer, for you will need clean souls and My help to endure these end times. Trust and have faith in Me always because I love all of you so very much, and I do not want to lose even one soul to the evil one.”

Wednesday, August 12, 2009: (St. Jane Frances de Chantal)

August 12, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this vision in space of people’s life reviews all at the same time is on the day of the Warning when a comet will come close to the earth. I have described this event before when you will be taken out of your body and come before Me without time. You will see a review of your life with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins. Then you will receive a mini-judgment of either heaven, hell, or purgatory. You will then taste a little of where you would be judged. This experience and the comet in the sky could frighten many people. You will then be placed back into your bodies and you will have a strong desire to seek My forgiveness in Confession and the forgiveness of those that you have sinned against. My faithful will be working at a fever pitch to bring their families and other souls back to Confession and Sunday Mass. This experience will be a wake-up call and My mercy will be upon all souls to change their lives. After the Warning you will only have six or more weeks of time for conversion before events will lead up to the Antichrist coming into power. When you see the caused world famine, a division in the Church, martial law, a virulent pandemic virus, or mandatory chips in the body, this will be your sign to leave your homes for My refuges. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you with a small shechinah flame to the nearest refuge of My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, holy ground places, or caves. During the Warning you will be told not to take any chips in the body, and to remove your TVs and computers from your house so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes. Do not worship the Antichrist and seek My protection at My refuges. Those, who remain in their homes after I have warned you to leave, could risk capture by the men in black, and martyrdom in the detention death camps. Be alert to these events that will usher in the Antichrist because you will need My protection against an evil that you have yet to see. Have no fear because My power is greater than all of the evil ones put together.”
Jesus said: “My people, I told you earlier that an unknown comet will come close to the earth on the day of the Warning. It will come so close to the earth that the earth will change the comet’s trajectory so that the next time that it returns, it will be the Comet of Chastisement. I will use this means to destroy the Antichrist’s power because all chips will stop working. When this comet strikes the earth, 2/3rds of humanity will be lost. Those, who are in caves, will be protected. Those, who are at My refuges, will need to call on Me and your angels again. Your angels will miraculously lift you into the air, but you will still be able to breathe. After the comet hits, I will cleanse the earth of all the demons and evil ones who will be cast into hell. I will then renew the face of the earth and bring My people down into My Era of Peace. This will be My glorious victory over Satan and the Antichrist. Rejoice because you know the end of this prophesy, and My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace.”

Warning experience: Told of Refuges: (8-12-09 refuge time) Tuesday, May 12, 2009:

August 12, 2009

At St. John the Evangelist after Communion I could see an angel directing people to their refuges and he had set up walls around the people that made them invisible to the authorities that were trying to kill them. Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages telling you how I would protect you with My angels on your way to and at My refuges. This vision today of an angel putting up walls of invisibility around My faithful is to give you trust in Me that this will really happen for you at the beginning of the tribulation. Some will die as martyrs, while the rest will be directed to My refuges. My faithful people will be told in their Warning experience to be prepared to go to their refuges of protection. After the tribulation you will experience the true peace that I give you in your soul with My grace. The peace of man is known by the absence of war or family conflict. My peace is the absence of sin and the presence of My grace in your soul. So when I tell you do not let anything disturb your peace, I am asking you to avoid sin and all of its temptations from the devil.”

Refuges: Shield of Protection: (invisible shield 8-13-09) May 3, 2007:

August 13, 2009

I could see someone packing up their blankets, tents, and blessed sacramentals on their way to a refuge. Jesus said: “My people, once you have arrived at My refuge, you will see how this is a blessing to have the protection of My angel. No one will be able to see you as the angel will shield you from all means of detection. You will also be joyful as you are at your prayer groups to share your faith with each other.”

Modern day Exodus: (8-13-09) April 6, 2009

August 13, 2009

At St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see the people in the Exodus walking through the desert at night carrying their torches. Then I saw people in the modern day Exodus walking at night on the road with their wind-up flashlights and backpacks or carrying cases. Jesus said: “My people, remember how I protected the Israelites from the Egyptian Army during the Exodus. I put a large flame to block the Egyptians’ way and then I drowned them in the Red Sea. As My faithful of today seek My protection, I will have your guardian angels make you invisible as you go to your refuges. You may be able to drive part of the way, use your bikes, or walk if you do not have any other way. It is all about trusting in My protection that will give peace to your soul. Do not worry about using guns, or where you will find food or shelter. My angels will be your protection and they will build whatever shelter that you will need. Food and water will be multiplied when you need it. You are dependent on Me for everything now, and you will depend on Me during the tribulation as well. Do not lose your faith, and do not take any chip in your body. Worship only Me and never anyone else. All of those, who remain faithful to Me, will find their reward in My Era of Peace and finally in heaven.”

Thursday, August 13, 2009: (Pope Pontius & St. Hippolytus)

August 13, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading I wanted to show the Israelites that I would protect them in this new land after Moses died, so I had the waters of the Jordan River held back when the Ark of the Covenant was there. The people then crossed on dry land just as they crossed on dry land across the Red Sea. They knew then that the Ark would be their protection against the peoples in this Promised Land. This vision of a shield is also a sign to My faithful that I will also protect you against your enemies. This trust in Me will extend throughout the entire time of the tribulation. I will defend you from the evil ones at My refuges, as My angels will make you invisible to the evil ones. Trust in Me to provide your food, water, and shelter. I will perform many miracles for you just as I provided for the Israelites in the desert. This will be a modern day Exodus with My shield of protection always by your side, so have no fear of this time.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many are drawn to watch or participate in various sports. In moderation this activity is acceptable in itself, but when people are so involved with sports to the extreme, it does not leave time for much else. Even some of My saints have instructed you not to watch too many sports events. My faithful need to make enough time for Me in prayer and evangelization. Your time is precious and remember that you are here to know, love, and serve Me. Keep focused on your prayer life and do not let the world’s distractions lead you astray.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to encourage all of your family members to make it a priority to get to Sunday Mass. I know that you are praying for the souls of your family, but you need to work on reminding them so they do not fall away in spiritual laziness. Souls that are really close to Me even make an extra effort to attend daily Mass and Adoration visits. Your love of Me in My Eucharist shows Me your sincerity in wanting to follow My Will. My prayer warriors are the spiritual support base for your family to look up to.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at this long stairway to heaven, it looks almost impossible to climb. Think of each day in your life as another step on your journey to heaven. I ask you to pick up your cross and bear life’s difficulties for love of Me. This life is not easy, but every day offers you opportunities for prayer, Mass, and good deeds. Sharing your time and money to help people will always have its rewards. Focus most on advancing in your spiritual life as you consecrate everything over to Me. All that you do to help people in their faith and prayer life, My Father sees, and He will reward you. Heaven rejoices when even one sinner converts and changes their ways to follow Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I know that man is curious and is fascinated in what scientists can do with your technology. Unfortunately, man is delving in various areas of science that he thinks he can do more than I can. Your modified crop hybrids, stem cell research using embryos, and your mind control activities are all led by Satan to violate My creation and control of people’s free will. I created everything perfectly and man’s changes will violate My balance of nature because your creations are not natural. Do not let people control your minds in any way with chips and various mind control methods. Follow My ways and not man’s ways of curiosity.”
Jesus said: “My people, everything that you build needs a proper plan, no short cuts, and proper materials. This failed bridge is an example when your guidelines are not followed. Your economic system has also failed because of people’s greed and taking unnecessary risks. You have manipulated derivatives and various financial methods very much like you have manipulated the DNA of things. All of your finances are as fragile as a house of cards that is waiting to fall apart. The one world people have control of your money, your taxes, and your government. By allowing this control to take away the power of the people in your republic, this is why you are facing bankruptcy, even though your media is claiming an end to your recession. Your banking system is about to be crashed again, stealing the people’s money, and they will set up a new currency in the amero. This change of world control will be when you will need to come to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a gradual destruction of your local banks as they are being absorbed into the larger banks. The too big to fail banks and industries are being bailed out by your taxpayers. Then these same leaders of Wall Street are controlling your government and taking advantage of stealing the people’s wealth. I will repay this evil lot in the end as they will face My justice, but follow My laws and how I plan to protect you.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see the Antichrist and his cohorts begin an evil takeover that will reign throughout the tribulation. In order to defend My faithful from this coming evil, I am sending My angels down to earth to help you in this battle. My angels will be at your disposal to call on them in helping you battle the evil ones. Angels are helping My refuge builders, and they will help you getting to your refuges as well. My angels also are preparing for the Battle of Armageddon in helping the good against the evil ones. Remember to call on My angel power as you are facing the most evil time of all of history.”

Death Culture: (8-14-09, abortion,euthanasia,wars,man-made viruses) Wednesday, April 1, 2009

August 14, 2009

At Holy Name after Communion I could see flood waters running high under a bridge. Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some serious flooding in the Mid-West of your country from heavy rain and snow melting. Some people are seeing too much water, while others are witnessing droughts as in Texas. This high water level is also a reflection of your high sin level. If evil could be measured in water terms, then you are also witnessing a flood of evil as well. Your abortions and wars continue, as well as your drug traffic and killings associated with drugs. Euthanasia, sexual sins, and embryonic stem cell research continues to raise the evil level in America. The death culture is running rampant with your latest administration, so expect the worst as a consequence of your misdeeds. More natural disasters, and more financial problems will be the harvest when you offend Me with these killings. Not only will your economy falter, but your whole government will be taken over by the one world people as evil will reign for a short time. Pray that this time of evil will be shortened for the sake of My faithful.”

Population Control: (8-14-09) May 7, 2009

August 14, 2009

I could see a black hearse taking a dead body to the grave. Jesus said: “My people, as you see people dying of natural causes, there needs to be new life to replace them or your society will be dying as well. When your people refuse to have children for whatever reason, your society will pass away without new life. Some people propose abortion and fewer children in the name of population control. These countries will fade away and another will take their place. Rejoice in new births because life finds a way to carry on despite the death culture teachers.”

Friday, August 14, 2009: (St. Maximilian Kolbe)

August 14, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this symbol of the pyramid is an indication that masons in the high degrees are part of the one world people who are taking orders from Satan himself. The tornado also represents the killing and damage occurring through those people who are supporting the death culture. These are the people promoting population control by abortions, euthanasia, wars, and deadly man-made diseases. Satan hates man, and he inspires his followers to kill as many people as they can. Those, who desire to control the world, are also thinking that with less people, it will be easier to take control. Many of your new technologies are used by the evil ones to change the way that My creation was made in the plants and animals. Many of the evil things going on in your world has been led by the demons controlling certain people. Pray for My angels to help you in your battle with evil on many fronts. The most important battle is the battle for souls, so pray fervently for the conversion of sinners before their judgment.”

Money as idol: (8-15-09 will not gain heaven, soul most important) July 6, 2007

August 15, 2009

At St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see a large denomination bill of money blown up on a large screen. Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who strive all of their lives to make as much money as they can. They let money dictate how they live and in essence they let money and fame control them. These are the same people that measure success in how much money and property they could accumulate. But what good is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul? This wealth is fleeting and it will not help you to gain heaven. Treasure on earth is a whole lot different that heavenly treasure. Earthly treasure can only buy earthly things, but these earthly desires have to be purged from your soul to make you ready for heaven. Heavenly treasure for your good deeds, prayers, and charity cannot be stolen or devalued, and it may help you when you are judged at your judgment. Earthly treasure is valued by man, but heavenly treasure is valued more by Me. Focus more on your heavenly treasure which can help gain you eternity in heaven. Those, who strive for money, become a slave to money and even make money an idol which could endanger their reaching heaven. Money is only a means to provide for your living. It is not an end in itself. Worship Me only over anything of earthly origin. If you worship money, you are violating My First Commandment.”

Saturday, August 15, 2009: (Our Lady’s Assumption)

August 15, 2009

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I thank all of you for remaining faithful to praying your daily rosaries. Jesus will bless all of you as I give Him your petitions. My Son hears my requests and He will answer them according to His Will. I put my mantle of protection over all of my children, and a special protection for all of Jesus’ little ones in the womb. Heaven is saddened by how little value that you give life in your abortions and any other killings. Wherever you have human life, you have an immortal soul that needs to be saved. All of you should desire to be with your Lord one day in your own glorified bodies. That day, when your soul will be joined by your glorified body, will be the happiest time of your existence. Continue to pray for all sinners and the souls in purgatory.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who love money so much that they will do almost anything to get rich. Some thieves rob banks to get money illegally. Other Wall Street barons have the means to manipulate the markets to steal the people’s money. Others risk losing everything in gambling habits to get rich quick. In many of these cases money is sought and worshiped like an idol for what it can buy. Some people let money and possessions run their lives without any thought of their spiritual life. When you leave this life, you cannot take your wealth with you. Money and possessions will not get you into heaven either. So the point is that the things of this world should not be allowed to control you. Instead of wanting to live a life of luxury, you should seek to live a modest life in order to satisfy your earthly necessities. In this way of life you are not seeking wealth to buy all of the latest things that you could buy. Keeping close to Me in daily prayer will bring you much closer to heaven, than owning the latest entertainment devices. Keep your priorities fixed on how to save your soul and others, rather than on material possessions that will become obsolete and break down. A humble heart is much more pleasing to Me than a heart of greed or anger. Keep calm among your trials, and do not let anything disturb your peace in your soul.”


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel is very hard for some to believe that the bread and wine can become My Body and Blood at every Mass. It takes a deep faith in the truth of My very words when I stated ‘This is My Body.’ and ‘This is My Blood.’ Those, who do believe in My Real Presence, seek Me out in My tabernacle for visits and at daily Mass for their daily Bread. Some of My disciples left Me because they thought I was asking them to eat My physical flesh. At every Mass with the priest’s words at the Consecration there is a transubstantiation or a change of the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood. This vision of veins of blood in My Host is to show that My Eucharist is alive and living. This is another example that I am the God of the Living. I died to save all of you from your sins, and this sacrifice is replicated in an unbloody manner at every Mass. For those, who have difficulty in believing My Real Presence, you have been given many Miracles of My Eucharist when spots of blood appear on the Host. Many of these miracles were performed for even priests who did not fully believe. Trust in My words and see that I have left you the greatest gift of Myself in every consecrated Host.”


Monday, August 17, 2009

At St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see some cars and metal machines picked up and thrown about by a tornado or heavy wind storm. Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some increasing activity in the Atlantic Ocean as you are approaching the peak time for hurricanes. You also have had even more activity in the Pacific Ocean along the Asian continent and its islands. Many people have lost their lives and homes in Taiwan. More storms are on the way as people along the ocean front are always at risk. Some are finding it hard to insure their homes from storm damage and flooding. I have warned My faithful to live on high ground and away from rivers and water fronts. Some think it is a luxury to live on the water, but storms have taken their toll over the years. Be prepared for any needed evacuations, and pray for those families that have had major damage to their homes and workplaces.”

Health Plan: (8-18-09 deception in wording,risk in computerization) June 11, 2009

August 18, 2009

I could see Obama selling his health plan to the people. Jesus said: “My people, your current leader is trying to claim everyone should have health care in a national program. Your government has done a poor job in even handling Medicare for the elderly, let alone trying to control everyone’s health care. They are attacking the small part that cannot afford health care as an excuse to control everyone. They will use smart cards and eventually chips in the body to control your drugs, doctor choice, and any operations. Foreign countries with national health plans have a hard time scheduling operations because of the bureaucracy. The cost of such a plan is also an added means to bankrupt your country because taxes and fees would be required to pay for a plan that your country cannot afford. Do not take any chips in the body at all costs.”
March 28, 2009:
At St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see two trains going along the tracks. The one train was carrying dissenters to the detention centers, and the other train carried people who were checked at the station for their smart cards or chips in the body. Jesus said: “My people, a socialistic or even communist government will be coming to America. Your government will soon be controlling every facet of your life through smart cards in your driver’s license, or in your passports. Eventually, they will mandate chips in the body which you are to refuse and run to your refuges. Those, who stay behind, will need chips to buy and sell food and everything else, including house taxes. If you do not use your smart card, you cannot buy food and they will condemn your house and take it away. I have told you that National Health will demand smart cards and again you could not buy your drugs without it. By going to My refuges, you will look on the luminous cross and be healed of all of your medical conditions. Look at what is going on in your government as your politicians cannot bankrupt your country fast enough. Beware of all of this fast spending of trillions of dollars with very little time to read any new legislation. Your new leaders want fiat rule so they can control all of you like robots while trying to lead your soul into the hands of the Antichrist. Be forewarned of these coming events as you are preparing to leave for the safety of My refuges.”

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 18, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, the rich and the powerful of this world are the one world people who desire not just riches but control over everyone in the world. This quest for money and power consumes these people, and they are led by Satan with no interest in loving Me. The material world has blinded them and they are the ones that could not get through the eye of a needle. All things are possible for Me to save everyone, but you have to accept Me as Master over your life and seek My forgiveness to be saved of your own free will. You can pray for the conversion of even these lost souls, but they have to change their ways to be saved. All of this power and wealth disappears when you leave this world, so focus more on being rich in spiritual treasure than on fleeting earthly treasure. This life is passing away, but your soul lives on forever. May you have your rest in heaven, rather than eternal suffering in hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, beware of those who try to deceive the people in promoting abortion, euthanasia, and a total government run health plan that will use a National ID card. Your President has been trying to sell his health plan, but even with his smooth, deceptive tongue, he has had difficulty with talk of end of life options, government paid insurance for everyone, and the cost of such a plan. This computerization of your records is similar to the Eugenics program in Germany where your health would be known to anyone searching the records. As with many other bills, the literal devil is in the details of the bill that the evil ones do not want you to know about. The vague language leaves too much to wrong interpretation which could be used to control people through their health needs. Pray that your legislators will vote properly to protect your rights instead of taking away your freedoms. The death culture people are trying to use this legislation to make you more a part of their new world order. Pray for My protection as the time to go to your refuges draws closer as you lose more and more of your freedoms.”


Wednesday, August 19, 2009: (St. John Eudes)

Jesus said: “My people, My abundant graces are always available to cleanse your sins and to focus you more on following My ways than man’s ways. Man’s ways of justice can lead you to revenge and anger as in today’s Gospel when each person received the same pay for varying hours of work. I used this parable to show how generous I am that I will accept people into heaven no matter which hour of life they make their conversion. I ask you to love everyone equally without any discrimination, even your enemies. I ask you to go beyond what is expected of you to be as generous as I am. By sharing your time and money with others, you will store up treasure in heaven for your judgment. By evangelizing souls in the faith, you can help save souls from hell. By your kindness and charity, you will even be joyful in your contribution to help someone. Try to think and reason as I do, more than how man thinks, and you will be perfecting your soul.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the future missions for the circling space station, man will be using this for a fueling station for missions to the moon and Mars. These extra fuel tanks of hydrogen and oxygen can be used to move the station out of the path of large objects. It can also be used as a fuel cell for electricity to produce water as a by-product. Space science research has uncovered many uses for everyday earth life. Be grateful that you are able to learn more about your solar system and the stars through all of your research with space satellites. When you are not focused on wars to make new weapons, you can use your space science to extend your knowledge of My creations. Your scientists should focus more on practical uses of space than trying to change the DNA of plants and animals. Accept My creation as perfect and stop trying to change it.”


Thursday, August 20, 2009: (St. Bernard)

Jesus said: “My people, you have been honoring many founders of monastic life in the last week or so. As in the vision, the monks live a very hard life with very little comforts. Prayer, silence, and physical labor is their life, and it is very focused on My life on earth in a very simple lifestyle. I have talked about contemplative prayer and the simple life before, but the hard physical labor and few comforts is another dimension of monastic life. When My faithful come to My refuges, you will be living this same life of physical labor and crude living conditions. Many of you have been spoiled with the comforts of modern living and you have forgotten how much your previous generations had to toil with the basic necessities. By living an old agricultural life without electricity, the distractions of the earth become less important, and your slower paced living will give you more time for prayer. See how to order your spiritual priorities before your earthly desires, and your life around Me will keep you on the right path to heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the sanctuary light in every church is to remind you of My Real Presence in the consecrated Hosts in My tabernacle. My Body and Blood are truly present in My Host and you should genuflect toward Me every time that you come into My presence. You need to give Me reverence in My Host by bowing or genuflecting to receive Me in Holy Communion as you receive Me on your tongue. I am the Bread of Life and you receive My Host as your spiritual food, even as I gave this same food to My apostles. Give thanks and praise to Me for giving Myself to you.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you see My Sacred Heart statue and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart statue both bleeding blood profusely, this represents how heavy our hearts are to see the rivers of blood flowing from all of your abortions. Anyone that has seen an abortion with all the blood and bone fragments cannot help but be in horror to see this ghastly killing that goes on every day at your abortion clinics. Your people have this blood of these abortions on your hands because of your laws. Pray for the stoppage of abortion, or America will suffer the consequences.”
Jesus said: “My people, I know that you spend the most money in your national budget on your Defense Budget that helps support your industrial defense complex. The one world people see to it that you have constant wars to justify your Defense establishment’s existence. You are the world’s largest arms dealer and you spend the most on making new and deadlier weapons. It is hard to stop this war machine which has been a part of your Defense contractors for many years. Even over these great obstacles, My faithful need to pray for world peace and a cessation of hostilities.”
Jesus said: “My people, many are questioning that the end of your recession has come about. People are still losing their jobs, governments are taking in less revenue, and the foreclosures on all mortgages are still increasing. This picture of a large bank means that they are taking over smaller banks at an increasing rate because of so many small bank failures. You are repeating what happened in Canada where only a few large banks are left. This puts too much wealth in the hands of a few which is one of the one world people’s goals.”
Jesus said: “My people, many are starting to see that your country cannot afford your spending on Stimulus packages, bank and corporate bailouts, and the current Health Reform. It is one thing to try and get your economy going again, but it is another to mortgage your children’s future with unaffordable deficits making it hard to pay off these debts. All of your government entitlement programs are in danger of going unfunded. The Health Plan would put you over the edge into bankruptcy if it is enacted. America needs to balance its checkbook, or your money will be worthless.”
Jesus said: “My people, your President campaigned against the North American Union, but yet he is still meeting with the Presidents of Mexico and Canada to bring about this union. This is a major part of the one world takeover of America, so beware of these meetings that are forming a union never voted for by the American people.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned America to stop its abortions and sexual sins, or you would see more devastating natural disasters. Your lifestyles grow more evil each day, so how can I hold back My hand of justice when you are not repenting of your sins? When your finances crash and the damage of disasters overwhelms you, it will be too late to save your country from a takeover. Just as Israel went into exile, and Rome decayed, so your country is headed for the same end.”

Bankruptcy of America:(8-21-09 take over by one worlders, stop NAU) May 9, 2009

August 21, 2009

At St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see a library of tax books which meant that the lawyers, who run our government, are going to spend us into bankruptcy. Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your Congress and President spend trillions of dollars for various bank bailouts, stimulus plans, and increased budget spending. Soon further bailouts will be requested for your government mortgage companies and the ongoing billions to pay for your wars. Add this to your current promises in Medicare and Social Security, and you can see your obligations are way beyond your ability to finance with taxpayer dollars. Your representatives have voted for large budgets, but now it is time to appropriate the actual funds or find the means to borrow the actual money needed to pay your deficits. This means selling Treasury bonds, or printing more currency to fund these debts. This financing will put a strain against your artificially low interest rates which will rise as the dollar’s value is further diluted. This stress of financing large sums of money along with your recession and high employment, are a recipe for financial disaster and bankruptcy for your government. All of the good news supposedly from your Wall Street people are quite premature and unrealistic for the current situation. Be prepared to go to your refuges when bankruptcy and martial law will test your people.”
April 20, 2009:
Later, at St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see a toilet and then some large scale digging of holes in the dark. Jesus said: “My people, evil dealings are usually carried out in the dark, or in secret, so no one knows what is being done. Many Wall Street derivatives were sold with extreme leveraging to maximize profits and commissions, but also took on more risk than could be covered by capital to back them up. You have heard numbers as quadrillions of dollars transacted in dark deals that had no oversight. Now the large banks have been combined and their non-performing assets are so tied up that there is not enough money to unwind these deals. On the surface these banks are claiming profits, but they are not revealing all that they know about their toxic assets. Why are these banks setting aside hundreds of billions of dollars for bad loans, unless they know their losses are beyond their operating capital. If all of these toxic assets were revealed, it would bankrupt all of these large banks. This is a planned destruction of your banking system, and it cannot be kept a secret much longer. When investigation shows the money involved, you will see a bankruptcy of America that will bring about martial law and a takeover by the central bankers. Be prepared to go to your refuges when all of this evil plan is found out. America’s bankruptcy will be the precursor for the North American Union and the new ‘amero’ currency. Trust in My protection for now, as soon I will throw all of these evil ones into hell, when I will establish My Era of Peace.”

Friday, August 21, 2009: (St. Pius X)

August 21, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, at the one world people’s meetings they are planning how to quickly take over the United States because you are blocking their plans for a world government. Your people have known freedom for so long that it is hard to take it away without causing a revolution. The first plan was to try and crash your economic system and precipitate a martial law. Another part of this plan is to spend more money than America can afford and then cause a bankruptcy. This would bring about a new amero currency and the need for a one world government to force the North American Union on the people. Your new health plan could be the last expense that could bring about your bankruptcy. Do not allow the evil ones to force the North American Union upon you without a fight. Protest this control that the one world people are trying to force on you, and only follow My ways which do not include greed and control through chips. By rejecting the North American Union, My people could thwart their plans for world control.”

(Fires and disasters - punishment for bad movies) June 8, 2009

August 22, 2009

At St. John the Evangelist after Communion I could see a forest on fire from heat lightning in a dry or drought condition. Jesus said: “My people, every year in the summer time you face the potential problem of forest fires. Brush growth from the spring dries out from less rainfall giving fuel for any fires that could be started with dry lightning, or man-made fires. This condition has been most prevalent in the West, but it has occurred also in Florida. These areas could pray for moist, cooler conditions to minimize these fire conditions. When you see such fires, you could pray for the safety of the fire fighters and less damage and danger to the people living near these fires. At times such natural disasters can serve as a punishment for the sins of the people. People, who build houses next to these possible forest fires, should know the risks they take, and be ready to evacuate when warned of coming fires. I love My people and I want to protect you from harm, but you need to be prudent in where to build your houses and in avoiding sin.”

Saturday, August 22, 2009: (Queenship of Mary)

August 22, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, fires in the dry West occur every year and it is the weather patterns that determine how extensive the fires will be. Also out West there are movie makers who make ‘R’ and adult movies. There are many other sinful things going on there as well that call for My justice. Earthquakes, fires, and landslides are the various natural disasters that occur in the West, and some are punishment for the sins that I mentioned. If man continues to defy My laws and spreads his filthy movies all over the world, do you think that I will not take any action? I tell you there will be consequences, and they will be swift and severe. Pray for these people to change their sinful ways, or they will indeed face My wrath.”


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the reading on married people there is a different culture of attitudes compared to your modern society. At the beginning of creation I made man and woman to be as one flesh with equality between the two. Women have struggled to gain equality in earlier male-dominated years. Husbands and wives need to contribute their talents for the good of the marriage in love and kindness without any self-interest. It is this total gift of yourselves to each other that should be honored with Me as a third partner. By working together and respecting each other’s differences, marriages can last a long time. It is when one spouse makes too many demands in trying to dominate everything that this can endanger the harmony of love in a marriage. Pray for your spouse because you both can be leading each other to your salvation in heaven.”


Monday, August 24, 2009: (St. Bartholomew)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is very appropriate for your time in your society. The ‘X’ over these lounge chairs is referring to your spiritual lives more than your physical comfort. Do not grow lax in your faith, or you could fall victim to Satan’s temptations and you could lose your soul to hell. Instead, you need to be vigilant against every temptation and call on My graces and blessings to strengthen you against these attacks. You will always be subjected to temptations until your dying day, but you always have Me and your angel at your side to defend you. Be persistent in your daily prayers and your devotions to My Blessed Sacrament and My Blessed Mother. Consecrate everything over to Me every day so you can keep your focus on the One who loves you, despite your weaknesses. Encourage your family and friends to be vigilant in their faith as well. Those, who are spiritually lazy, could be sifted by Satan, and could be lost. Encourage them and pray for them in their time of need.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are having very few tropical storms this year due to the weather patterns over the Pacific Ocean. This vision of a large wave coming ashore means that your storms are not over yet. Any time a storm threatens the mainland, you have plenty of time to prepare and evacuate when necessary. Some people who died from your last storm were curious to see the fury of the storm. So do not be curious, but be prepared to stay away from any storms. Pray for those who have to endure any deaths, damage, or power outages.”

(Parents-responsible for children’s souls; prayer life) January 31, 2009

August 25, 2009

At Our Lady of Angels, Woodbridge, Va. after Communion I could see children being taught religion in a Bible class. Jesus said: “My people, today’s St. John Bosco took in orphan boys and trained them in the faith and with skills to work in society. Teaching children the faith is a noble job that you could do to try and develop a good prayer life, and teach them to know and love Me. You cannot force someone to learn their faith unless they seriously have a desire to make a commitment to Me. Teaching prayers may require memory work at first, but it also shows your children how to fall back on My help when they especially need My help in their daily troubles. In order to evangelize others in the faith, you need to nurture the gift of faith in each baptized person. By teaching the children the facts of their faith, then they could pass this on to the next generation. Being a devoted Christian comes from the heart and from developing a personal relationship with their Lord. Those, who make the effort to teach the faith to the children, will receive a reward in heaven for helping My little ones. You know how I love the little children, and those, who help them, will receive a special blessing.”

Tuesday, August 25, 2009: (St. Joseph Calasanz)

August 25, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I love the little children and I did not want My apostles keeping them from Me. I ask all of My faithful to become like little children in their faith. Trust in Me and be obedient to Me as a child is to their parents. It is not easy to raise children in this sinful society, but the parents are responsible for the souls of their children. Bring them up in the faith so that you give them a good example in using My sacraments. Teach them to have a good prayer life so they can deal with the trials of life. Even once they leave your house, you should encourage their faith and pray for the salvation of their souls. The children are responsible as adults, but you can still give them spiritual guidance. Stay close to Me every day, and do not let the distractions of the world mislead you from Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a warning of a coming devastating storm that people will need to be warned to evacuate to save their lives. Property damage can be cleared and rebuilt, but you cannot bring back the dead in this life. This warning of a disaster should be heeded, or many could lose their lives. In some storms people think that they can ride them out, but severe storms leave only a small window to evacuate, or it could be too late to be saved. Be on the alert for any severe weather, because you may want to have plans on how to quickly evacuate. Pray for these people along the water that are vulnerable to this destruction.”


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are seeing how people lived with less conveniences in older days. Man has changed in his outward appearances over the years, but he still has the same human weaknesses to sin. Each era I send My prophets and messengers to help the people come back to Me in their prayers. In My time I spoke to the Scribes and Pharisees that they were hypocrites in not practicing what they preached. I also was critical of those who killed and persecuted My prophets. The people persecute My prophets because they cannot stand hearing the truth about their sinful actions. This same problem is occurring even now when the people and religious authorities criticize My prophets and messengers. Pray for your religious leaders that they will be faithful to their vocations and teach the truth while following My laws. Pray for your prophets that they will be able to deliver My words so the people can follow My words of advice to save their souls. You need faithful teachers who are good examples.”
Jesus said: “My people, as the years advance, you are going to see a clash of religions between the Christians and the Moslems. The Moslems are growing in population and influence, while the Christians are in decline and are being killed by Moslems. When you follow My ways, I want My followers to love even their enemies and do not kill people. Some militant Moslems are involved with killing the infidels and are also involved with terrorism. Some wars are manufactured by the one world people, so it is hard to say one people are responsible for wars. Be forewarned of a further religious conflict, especially when the Antichrist comes to power.”


Thursday, August 27, 2009: (St. Monica)

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the story of how St. Monica prayed patiently thirty years for her son, St. Augustine to be converted. This is a special reward for praying for the conversion of sinners, that one day sufficient grace would be given for someone’s conversion. Each soul has a separate price where prayer, fasting, and novenas may be necessary over a long time. But your patience is worth bringing someone to Me so their soul can be saved. The sinners though, cannot depend just on someone’s prayers. Each person, that desires salvation, needs to make a personal commitment to love Me as their Master, and seek My forgiveness of their sins. Being encouraged or invited to come to Me is the first step in evangelization that all of My faithful are called to respond. Pray especially for all of your own family members because My prayer warriors are most responsible for those close to you. All of your evangelization efforts will be rewarded in heaven, and every soul that is converted brings great celebration in heaven as well.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your new weapons of choice in the battlefield have been pilotless jet drones which have less risk to personnel. These and other weapons are why your Defense budgets are so high. With all of your deficits it would be better to spend the money helping people instead of killing them. Cut backs in Defense are rarely seen because of weapons lobbyists. Pray for your legislators that they will choose to support life instead of the death culture.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have some beautiful statues and icons of Myself and My Blessed Mother to remember us in your churches. Just as you have statues and pictures of your family and famous people, My Blessed Mother and I are also to be revered as the only sinless humans. As you celebrate My Mother’s Queenship, remember to pray her rosaries daily for her intentions of her children. She watches over all of you with her mantle.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your own company at Kodak go down in business due to a change to digital pictures. Now other industries in your media are going through the same changes. Even though man advances in technology, the spirit world is unchanged. My laws are changeless as well. So using My sacraments are still a core of your faith, despite the modernism going on in My Church.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed people with cancer and dialysis in the hospital. Your health care has improved over the years, but more people are contracting cancer, viruses, and heart problems, as well as diabetes and high blood pressure. Visiting the sick and comforting the elderly are great works of mercy that takes care, patience, and kindness. Blessed are those who assist the sick and elderly, where others, who avoid them, will lose possible blessings.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to My refuges, you will have to provide for your meals for everyone. This will involve cooking meat from game and vegetables from the garden in open fires. You remember in your camping how you cooked your food. I will provide the meat, water, and shelters needed. Trust in My protection, but you still will have your own duties in providing a living.”
Jesus said: “My people, Wall Street wants you to believe that the economy is getting better, but still there are signs of trouble as many smaller banks are going bankrupt. The FDIC has taken over so many bad banks that it is running out of money. It is sad that those who made bad risks in the banks have been bailed out by the taxpayer’s money. All of your increasing deficits are leading close to a national bankruptcy when the money will be near worthless. Trust in Me more than your money.”
Jesus said: “My people, the masons are a part of the one world people who are controlling your finances and your government. You wonder why your nation would be involved in endless wars that you cannot afford, but they are contrived by these same people. The money is going to your weapons makers who thrive on war making. Many want available health care for everyone, they do not want to pay for it. Entitlement funds for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare are costing a fortune because fewer are paying in and expenses are rising. These are all difficult problems to manage, but these are the sources of your deficits. Pray that your people will find a cost effective way to help these problems, but it usually is funded by increasing taxes.”

Saturday, August 1, 2009: (Alphonsus Liguori)

August 28, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard Me say that I am the ‘Light’ of the world because I disperse the darkness of sin. In the same way I want all of My faithful to be My lights in the world so you can spread your light of faith to others. One candle may seem insignificant to you among the expanse of the darkness of night and evil in the world. But with many of you lighting your candles of faith, there will truly be plenty of light for people to see their way to Me. Your priest talked of good deeds in his homily, but the best good deed that you could perform is to convert someone to the faith, or reconvert someone who has fallen away from their faith. Even in your own families, you need to be examples and beacons of faith for your family to follow. Pray for those who need to return to Sunday Mass and My sacraments. Your prayers could be their salvation.”
Jesus said: “My people, you spend some time every week keeping your house and yard in order. Some time is spent on cleaning the dust inside and other time is spent cutting your grass and trimming. You are very intent on making a good appearance on your property and even on your physical appearance. If I showed you what your soul looks like, you would be aghast at the darkness of your sins. It is your inner appearance in your soul that I see all the time, and many souls make themselves hard for Me to look at. If you want to have a neat appearance in your soul as you do with everything else, then you need to come to the priest in Confession so I can cleanse your sins and renew your soul with My beautiful graces. The saints were more concerned with their inner appearance than their outer appearance. Some even gave up their wealth and only wore modest clothing like the robes of the Franciscans. It is good to have a neat appearance, but see that your soul’s appearance is more important to Me.”

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 28, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, today’s readings speak again of the multiplication of bread, and when the people sought Me out to feed them, I told them that I was the ‘Bread of Life’. Later on when I instituted the Eucharist, the people realized that I truly was giving Myself in the bread and wine as My Real Presence in My Body and Blood. You saw this figure of manna multiplied in the desert of the Exodus. In the Gospel you have read how twice I multiplied the bread and fish for the five thousand and the four thousand people. In the future at My refuges you again will see the bread multiplied as My angels will distribute Communion to you every day during the tribulation. So have no fear, as I am feeding Myself to you at every Mass in Holy Communion.”
Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother and I thank you for praying for all of the priests in all fifty of your states. They need your prayers constantly for protection in their ministries. Your country also needs prayers for your leaders and lawmakers so they will honor the dignity of life both in the womb and at the end of life as well. Your laws currently allow abortion, and this death culture is being encouraged as well as a spirit favoring euthanasia. Unless your laws against life are changed, then you could taste My justice in more natural disasters.”

Monday, August 3, 2009

August 28, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, at the beginning of the tribulation the evil ones will appear to control everything. Even though these trucks in the vision will appear threatening, they will not be able to see you as you leave for My refuges. When the people first arrive at My refuges, they will be grumbling about their conditions. Their complaints will frustrate you, even as Moses did not want to answer for all the people of the Exodus. In this modern day Exodus I will also perform miracles to multiply your food and provide for your protection. Once the people see enough dwellings and food provided, their fears will leave them. The people will then be thankful that they were spared being martyred for their faith. Your living conditions will be more modest and simple, but you will have all that you need and you will be alive. You have been spoiled for so long, but now you will suffer a persecution that only My angels will guard you from. Have no fear and do not complain of your environment.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you that there are many methods of collecting data on people. This includes purchase information on your credit cards, phone conversations, faxes and e-mail correspondence, cameras, cell towers, and satellites. The collection of this data is only the first step. The one world people employ super computers and massive memory storage to determine which people are a threat to their new world order. After each person has been identified, they place the dangerous people on red and blue lists to be terminated before or after martial law is declared. Some faithful will be martyred, while the rest will be protected at My refuges. Once a takeover has been established, the one world people will give their control over to the Antichrist, who will kill all of your leaders to gain full power for himself. Once this Antichrist comes to full power, I will send My Comet of Chastisement that will destroy all of the chips and I will claim My victory over Satan and his demons. Then I will renew the earth and establish My Era of Peace. My faithful will enjoy their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Friday, August 28, 2009: (St. Augustine)

August 28, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this parable of the wise and the foolish virgins is all about the end time judgment time. It is generally an admonishment of people to be ready when I will come as the Bridegroom at the judgment time. For you know not the day nor the hour of My coming, but you need to be ready with a pure heart, even as you are prepared to die in the state of grace. The wise virgins are prepared in their souls with good deeds in their hands as I will welcome them into My Wedding Feast in heaven. The unwise or foolish virgins are those who go through life in pleasure for themselves without readying their souls, and are in a state of mortal sin, unprepared to meet Me at their judgment. These are the ones that I said: ‘I do not know you.’ These are the ones who cannot gain heaven, but will be cast into hell where there will be the grinding and gnashing of teeth. So be like the wise virgins and always be ready for My coming in judgment.”
Jesus said: “My people, your tradition has it that St. Joseph or an angel helped the sisters by building a unique stairway to the choir loft without seeming support or nails. Some additional railings have been added for safety, but many come to see this miraculous stairway. I will call My angels to again come down at My refuges to help build everyone some kind of a shelter. They will build replicas of what is already present. Everyone will have all of their necessities cared for, but without a lot of your electronic entertainment. Pray for your protection and for the conversion of sinners.”

(Warning when most advantageous to save the most souls, God is free to choose the time by His free will.) November 6, 2008

August 29, 2009

At Holy Name after Communion I could see a rotating kaleidoscope indicating the time of the Warning. Jesus said: “My people, today’s parable about the lost sheep in the desert is an inspiration to all of My faithful to reach out to save the lost souls from going to hell. This circular vision of life’s scenes represents the time of the Warning when all souls will be shown their sins and given their mini-judgment. You may have been praying for the lost souls in your family. This mercy of the Warning or illumination of conscience will offer the worst of sinners an opportunity to seek the forgiveness of their sins from Me. After the Warning My prayer warriors will have the best chance for saving souls and bringing people back to Confession and the sacraments. Even if these souls do not listen to your evangelization efforts now, keep praying that their hearts will be changed after their Warning experience.”

8-31-09: (Religious and patriots-targets of evil ones, messages give peace and joy, not fear.) June 2, 2009:
At St. Charles’ Church after Communion I could see storm clouds coming in representing the government that was going to be persecuting us more. Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I confounded My persecutors by telling them to give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give back to God what is God’s. You are tested with taxes very much, especially in your state, and it is hard to pay in your recession. These storm clouds in the vision are a sign that your government is going to make even more demands on your freedoms. Your freedom of speech is being challenged by hate crime laws. Your freedom of religion is also going to be limited, and you are forced to have chips in your passports and driver’s licenses. All of your purchased items are chipped as well. Soon chips will be required for your health needs and many government checks. The one world people’s plans for control are even going to threaten your very lives as they prepare to eliminate all religious people and patriots who will not go along with their new world order of a world government. As martial law approaches, My faithful will be leaving for My refuges for protection. Call on My help in prayer to be prepared for the storm clouds of the coming tribulation.”
June 4, 2009:
I could see a guard tower at a detention center death camp. Jesus said: “My people, just as there are many refuges for the protection of My faithful, so there are hundreds of detention center death camps that are large enough to kill millions of Americans who do not want to go along with the new world order. The evil ones have red and blue lists to pick up religious and patriotic people before and after a manufactured martial law is declared. I will warn My faithful when this will happen. Some will be martyred, but the remainder will be at My refuges. I will protect your souls from the evil ones, so have no fear.”


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jesus said: “My son, at times people ask you when the Warning will occur. You rightfully told them that you do not know when it will happen. A few may know the year, but not the exact hour or day of the Warning. You were concerned if the Warning would come in time before people had to leave for their refuges. It is not necessary for anyone to know when I will bring My Warning. Rest assured that it will happen, but I will bring it about when it is most advantageous to save the most souls. I have told you many times that I do not interfere with your free will. In the same way it is My Will to do what I do, and when I choose to do it. Again do not ask why I do something, or why I allow things to happen. Man is free to do what he wants, even if it is sinful. I am also free to do what I want. This freedom is an example of how I made you in My image. When you pray for someone or something to happen, always pray for what is according to My Will. Also, be thankful in your prayers when your intention has been answered.”


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you see your responsibility to witness your faith to everyone. You know your faith and belief in My death and Resurrection. So you should shout your love for Me from the rooftops, so all can hear and be saved in their souls. It is everyone of My faithful’s duty to bring souls to Me so they are not lost in hell. Obey My laws that you are preaching, so you are not hypocrites. Reach out also to share your money, time, and talent with those around you in need. Do not just only act when you are asked, but see people’s needs and volunteer to help them, even if it takes you out of your comfort zone. Walk an extra mile to help each other. I want each of you to be generous in sharing your faith and your physical help with those that you meet. When you help someone, you will receive your reward from Me both on earth and in heaven.”


Monday, August 31, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you find yourself in the bottom of this sewer to indicate how you are immersed in sin and evil all around you. As you look up to Me, you see the Light of day and My Light of love that draws you to Me. Do not remain in your sins, but come forth to the priest in Confession so I can forgive your sins and bring My abundant graces into your soul. Call on Me and My angels to protect you from Satan’s temptations and the evil all around you in this world. It is not easy to live a pure and chaste life, but I call on you to imitate My life and that of My Blessed Mother. Walk with Me as I lead you through life. Give your will over to Me in your daily consecration. By being open to following My plan for your life, I can use you to evangelize souls for My Kingdom. Trust in Me always, and you will have no fear of anything on this earth.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you in many messages that the one world people are preparing many detention centers with barbed wire so they can exterminate their enemies in the patriots and the religious. In the Bible it talks of how the evil ones will try to kill My faithful because of their belief in Me and refusal to praise the Antichrist. When these times of persecution come, you will need to call on Me, and your guardian angel will lead you to live at the nearest refuge. You will be made invisible and protected by your angel. Also in the Warning you will have My mercy to warn you to confess your sins so you will be ready for your judgment. Other than the fear of hell for condemned sinners, My people should have no fear, anxieties, or worries. My messages are reassuring you of My care and protection from the evil ones, so My messages should give you peace and joy and not fear at all.”

(Warning-cleanse mortal sin before; heaven or hell-choice, consequences of sins; this event is truly coming) July 18, 2008

September 2, 2009

At St. Theodore’s Adoration I could see a stark vision of a football in the middle of the vision with black and white all around it, indicating the battle of good and evil. Jesus said: “My son, I have given you messages before that the Warning would most likely occur during your football season from September to February. This vision of the football is a sign of this time, and the black and white all around the football represent the battle of good and evil that is getting more noticeable. You will only have weeks of time after the Warning for conversions. Then events will move quickly to place the Antichrist into power. I want My faithful to remember to go to Confession at least monthly so you are in the state of grace when you meet Me at your mini-judgment. I have been emphasizing that you get things ready to load into your backpacks for leaving to go to My refuges. After the Warning, you should have your backpacks filled and ready to leave at a moment’s notice. The Warning will be My mercy for sinners, but also a sign that the major events are about to take place. Trust in Me to have your guardian angel lead you on the right path to protection at My refuges.”
September 11, 2006:
At St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see a large end of a tunnel that looked like a cave and a woman was standing and waiting for a bus. Jesus said: “My people, the scene waiting next to a cave is all about having patience before you see the Warning and the coming of the Antichrist. For those, who are doubting that this Warning will come to pass, believe it will come, and it is not that far off. Already you are seeing mandatory microchips in your driver’s licenses and passports. Some people are even volunteering to take chips in their bodies. The other signs of wars, famine, earthquakes, and a division in My Church are all poised to be fulfilled. I have given many warning messages to have you prepared both physically and spiritually for the coming end times. You already are seeing many persecutions of Christians even now, and they will continue to worsen. Do not be fearful of this time of tribulation because My angels and I will protect your souls from the evil ones. Pray to worship only Me, and that you will be strong enough to refuse any chips in the body for any reason.”
9-3-09: (Health Care-abortion, euthanasia, computerized records, by the death culture people.)
April 1, 2009:
At Holy Name after Communion I could see flood waters running high under a bridge. Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some serious flooding in the Mid-West of your country from heavy rain and snow melting. Some people are seeing too much water, while others are witnessing droughts as in Texas. This high water level is also a reflection of your high sin level. If evil could be measured in water terms, then you are also witnessing a flood of evil as well. Your abortions and wars continue, as well as your drug traffic and killings associated with drugs. Euthanasia, sexual sins, and embryonic stem cell research continues to raise the evil level in America. The death culture is running rampant with your latest administration, so expect the worst as a consequence of your misdeeds. More natural disasters, and more financial problems will be the harvest when you offend Me with these killings. Not only will your economy falter, but your whole government will be taken over by the one world people as evil will reign for a short time. Pray that this time of evil will be shortened for the sake of My faithful.”
March 21, 2009:
At St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see a van driving off of a cliff with a very long drop into the ocean. Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several visions of the demise of your country. This van again represents the fall of America with the disastrous end very certain. The death culture people are closing their vise on your freedoms and your money. Because of the evil ways of abortion, euthanasia, and wars, you are seeing destructive natural disasters. The one world people’s planned economic crisis and constant wars are about to destroy your economy and your military. The deficit spending and control of your minds by microchips in the body are the means for your takeover. They will shut off your electricity and make your money worthless so they can control each of you like a robot. Refuse any chips in the body and be prepared to hide in your refuges for protection when martial law is about to be declared. It is not a matter if America will be taken over, but when you will be taken over. Trust in My help and protection to endure this coming tribulation.”


Friday, September 4, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you see these very dark clouds coming over a castle in the vision, and they represent the extreme evil that will come on the earth during the Antichrist’s reign in the tribulation. You will only survive this evil time with My help and My angels leading you to the protection of My refuges. Your invisibility and My angel protection are represented by this castle image. It also means that I am your King and I will lead My people into battle at Armageddon. You should be joyful that in My Presence, you will have all that you need to carry you through this life. Have no fear, and trust where I will lead you for your refuges during the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, a time will come when it will be hard to find fresh drinking water. With all of your fertilizers and pesticides, your wells and streams are becoming more acid and contaminated. Your lakes and rivers also are requiring major purification. Purifying the water, or converting ocean water to pure drinking water will become more expensive. Where rains are not enough to sustain crops and ground water is of questionable quality, you could see the beginning of a world famine. Some hot and dry areas are also at risk for fires threatening homes and crops. There will be plenty of pure water at My refuges where I will provide enough clear water by My miracles. Pray and trust in Me to feed you, give you plenty of water, and give you shelter.”


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you are coming out of a deep recession, but jobs are still being lost with a high unemployment level. Companies may be saving money, but your people are suffering from not having enough money for their necessities. Many jobs have left your country and manufacturing jobs are becoming scarce. This is why I have told you that your standard of living has been decreasing as a result. This control of your economy has been purposely caused by the one world people, because bankruptcy and takeover of America is their goal. Any way that they can precipitate an appearing emergency as with your pandemic Swine Flu, they will use such an excuse to take away your freedoms. Mandatory vaccinations and quarantines as in a proposed bill in Massachusetts should make it obvious that it is control over America that the one world people are planning. They created this disease with a man-made virus, and they are proposing the solution with a martial law that will take away all of your rights. Pray for My protection as soon you will need to go to My refuges to save your lives and protect your souls.”
Jesus said: “My people, at times you let your spiritual life become too routine, and you need to let some fresh air into your lives. Make a point to vary your reading material, or pray some different prayers. You may want to emphasize your fasting for various intentions. By changing your prayer life a little, you can add a little more fervor of love for Me. As you compare various years, you need to improve in your spirituality if you intend to work on your perfection for sainthood. Reach out more to help people in their faith more than just their physical needs. Evangelization is more difficult, but with My help, it will be more rewarding both in this life and the next life.”

(America-bankruptcy & takeover; Swine flu-cause & solution) February 17, 2009

September 5, 2009

At St. Theodore’s Adoration I could see car companies and financial stocks about to declare bankruptcy. Jesus said: “My people, how many times are you going to listen to these deteriorated stock leaders complain that they are too big to fail and need to be bailed out by your taxpayers? It was never the taxpayer’s money that was supposed to support the car makers and the banks who all made their own errors in judgment. Even if there would be some bankruptcies, continued drains of borrowed money will not solve their problems and will only add to a monstrous debt that could bankrupt your country. Those, who made bad choices, should suffer the consequences, and not the frugal taxpayer having their own hard times. Many are doubtful if your stimulus plan and bank mortgage plans are going to solve your recession. The amount of money needed to fix your crisis is too much to try and solve with more taxes or more borrowing. This crisis was purposely created to bankrupt your country, so you will soon reap the consequences of this plan. The solution of martial law, a North American Union, and a new ‘amero’ currency is a solution of the one world people to form a global government. Be prepared to go to My refuges because your imminent takeover is not far off. Global government will not solve your financial problem, but it will make it worse as your rights and your jobs will be taken away and given to other countries. Pray for My protection at My refuges for you will need full trust in My help.”
June 18, 2009:
I could see some men digging a hole and this was to indicate that the recent Swine flu was man-made. Jesus said: “My people, you know that the flu season starts in October and is usually over in February. This latest outbreak of Swine flu has been designated a pandemic, but it is completely out of season. This flu is not just a mutation, but it has all the signs of a laboratory man-made disease. This first wave has been spread very easily, but it has thus far not killed very many people. This H1N1 virus has similarities to the Spanish flu that killed millions of people. The same evil ones, who developed this disease, could just as easily generate a more virulent form that could attack your population in October with more deaths occurring. This is why you need masks and food storage to weather this coming outbreak. Build up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. As you see larger numbers dying from this new virus, then you are to call on Me to lead you to My refuges. There you will look upon My luminous cross and drink the healing spring waters which will protect you from all diseases and deadly viruses, or bacteria.”


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, what you are seeing in this vision of a green shimmering jewel, represents the soul as it leaves the body at death. After death the soul lingers several days around the body as the spirit adjusts to being separated from the body. This is how you can receive messages from the deceased at their funerals. After the souls’s particular judgment and their stay around the body, they are sent accordingly to heaven, purgatory, or hell. Pray for each soul that dies because they may be suffering in purgatory and need your prayers. If they are not there, then your prayers will go to any family members in purgatory. Reach out to each soul near death to help evangelize their soul, and save them from possibly going to hell.”


Monday, September 7, 2009: (Labor Day)

Jesus said: “My people, ever since Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, man has had to work by the sweat of his brow to provide for food, clothing, and shelter. Working for a living in one sense is a consequence of the sin of Adam and Eve. Most people have a particular trade or skill that they share with the rest of society so they can earn money to live. You would much rather provide for yourselves by working than have to rely on others. With this latest recession, people are still losing their jobs. Companies are making more money at the expense of people being laid off, or transferring jobs overseas. Many manufacturing jobs are not going to return, so there mostly will be new service jobs that will come available after the recession. Many laid off workers are having their meager unemployment checks run out, and they still cannot find work. This is creating a problem for your sluggish economy when people have little money to spend. Pray for the unemployed and for those who are trying to get by on part time jobs that they took to replace their lost better paying jobs. Benefits are also a problem where companies are trying to avoid paying pensions and health care premiums. Employers are now abusing their workers by putting more work on their backs, and even cutting their salaries and hours. Wall Street has forced companies to produce more profits for the rich at the expense of the workers. Pray that there will be more justice and fairness without the greedy few causing more problems for the majority.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am asking you not to be overly self-indulgent in your comforts and pleasures. Some people like their sweets, but sweets should be eaten in moderation so it does not affect their health. More people are having diabetes because of their bad eating habits. Others, who smoke, drink, or take illegal drugs, are also risking bad health when these things are used as an escape. Your first concern in these matters is the health of your body, and the other concern is to avoid sinful abuses of these addictions. Another concern is if you give bad example to your children which could cause sin in their lives. Excessive drinking, illegal drugs, and abuses of the body should be avoided as sins against My Commandments. When sin endangers your soul, it is even more dangerous than abuses of the body. Strive to keep pure souls by not letting anything control you. Keep focused more on pleasing Me than on pleasing your senses.”

(Labor Day message-consequences of Adam’s sin; unemployed need prayers & help; employers, Wall Street greed for money) September 2, 2008

September 7, 2009

At St. John the Evangelist after Communion I could see some bees working hard in a hive saving honey for the winter. Jesus said: “My people, if you look around in nature, just as these bees in the vision, you will see all the animals and insects struggling in their daily call for survival. Man also, since his being cast out of the Garden of Eden, must struggle to work for his daily existence as well. Even among My disciples there was an agreement that he, who did not work and contribute to the community, should not eat. You have just celebrated Labor Day which is an acknowledgment again of the need to find a job to support your families. In your economy’s slowdown some have to endure layoffs and living on unemployment until they can find another job. It is one thing to seek welfare if you are disabled or cannot find a job, but living off the society when you could find work could even come close to a sin of sloth for continuous laziness. In addition to physical work for survival, there is also work needed for your spiritual survival. I call everyone to work with Me in grace so you can have your souls saved by repenting of your sins and accepting Me as your Savior. To show your love for Me I call you to worship Me on Sunday and for your daily prayers. You can also show love for your neighbor by your prayers for them, and doing good deeds for them. Here again there are some who are spiritually lazy and lukewarm who do not accept Me and do not show their love for Me and their neighbor. It is these that need your prayers, or they risk losing their souls to the devil in hell. Just as you try to help people survive by contributing food for the poor, so you also need to evangelize souls so they can be saved in their spiritual lives in their souls.”


Tuesday, September 8, 2009: (Birth of Blessed Virgin Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing this vision of a nun to indicate that My Blessed Mother lived a holy life without sin. Even from her conception she was blessed without having original sin on her soul because she was meant to be the pure instrument to carry Me for nine months. This birthday of My Blessed Mother was appointed by My Church based on the feast day of her Immaculate Conception on December 8, now nine months later. The reading for the day in the long form goes through the genealogy of both St. Joseph and Mary which shows My lineage from King David. This is why I was born in Bethlehem when My parents had to register where David was from. This is more evidence that My salvation history for man was planned many years before My birth on earth. Give honor to My Blessed Mother who gave her ‘fiat’ yes to accept having Me as her son. Also, imitate her sinless life.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen movies that use hibernation machines to travel long distances in space. This is a fictional movie, but man in his research is truly looking for a real machine for man to hibernate as the bears do. I have given you messages before that I will help those who live in the cold Northern climates with means for hibernation from My angels. By sleeping through the cold winter, you would need less food, water, and fuel to survive the cold. All things are possible with Me, and this is only one more miracle that I could do to help you in the winter time. Trust in My help and My angels to win your battles.” (Message 1-21-04 on hibernation)


Wednesday, September 9, 2009: (St. Peter Claver)

Jesus said: “My people, fame and money are fleeting, and they are gone tomorrow. Just as this crown was lowered, so all of your famous people will pass away. So do not seek the worldly things because they are of no lasting value, but seek heavenly things that will last. Look to Me and trust that I will provide for your needs, both earthly and heavenly. I give you the talents and opportunities to provide a living for yourself and your family. So do not worry about what you will need because I know your needs before you ask Me for them. Do not seek beyond your necessities because desires for wealth and excessive comforts and pleasures will lead you away from Me. Be content with your lot, and focus more on saving your soul and the souls around you.”
Jesus said: “My people, whenever you walk in natural settings without man’s development, you experience a serenity of nature in harmony. When you are immersed in My creation on your walk, you experience My peace in your soul. Not only do you desire exercise on your walk, but you also see the birds, deer, squirrels, and flowers along the way in their very habitat. You also see the need to save some wild lands so these animals can have their home to live as you do. When you walk among nature, you feel so great to be alive and experience My creation. Give thanks and praise to Me for giving you everything that you need, but trust that you will not have any fear of being denied your necessities. Life can have its ups and downs, and you will find times when you are frustrated or disappointed with things or people. But be calm and do not let any of life’s trials take away your peace, or allow you to be depressed over your difficulties. When you trust in Me daily, you will have confidence that I will solve your problems in time.”

Nature walks give peace to the soul; peace in the soul by trust in God) July 27, 2006

September 9, 2009

I could see some beautiful landscapes in some National Parks. Jesus said: “My people, when people go on summer vacations to park lands or campgrounds, there is a beautiful comprehension of the vastness of the beauty of nature. No matter how many roads, bridges, and homes that man makes, there is a special feeling that you have when you are close to nature in the wilderness. Seeing all of the mountains, streams, flowers, and wild animals helps man to see how he is just a part of this beautiful earth. It is man’s soul that sets him apart from all other animals. Being made in My Image is a special gift to man. I ask you to love Me and thank Me for your life in this beautiful home you call earth.”


Thursday, September 10, 2009: (Fr. Joseph D’Aurizio’s Funeral)

Jesus said: “My people, this beautiful priest has served Me fifty-three years in his priesthood and has helped many people over the years. Give thanks for his beautiful life, as many knew him from his travels. We are welcoming Fr. Joseph into heaven so he can receive his just reward. It is unfortunate that many of your older priests are being called home because you have a great shortage of priests, but some in their last years would find it difficult to serve in their priestly role. Continue to pray for your priests and for new vocations. The priests give you Mass and My sacraments which are invaluable for your spiritual life.”
Mary said: “My dear children, I enjoy a good birthday, and I am thankful for all of you that are honoring my feast day. I constantly encourage you to pray my rosaries because there is much need for prayer in your world that is full of evil. I also encourage you to wear my scapular and pray my consecration prayers before my feast days. I love my children so much, and I bring my mantle of protection around all of you.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of My refuges are on dirt roads in rural settings. You have seen some places that have a reddish brown dirt for a road. Have peace and trust in Me that My angel will lead you to the nearest refuge. Some have a difficult time believing in the descriptions of the refuges that I have given you. You have seen many refuges, but others do not know what to expect. Be at peace that My angels will protect you, and you will have all of your needs satisfied.”
Jesus said: “My people, there is a lot of discussion about trying to offer public insurance for those who do not have any health insurance. There are many places to reform the current system where there are some injustices. This plan will cost a trillion dollars or more to implement over ten years, but there are not enough real savings spelled out that could support this expense to pay for everyone. The reality is that some premium will need to be paid by someone, even as Social Security recipients have to pay their Medicare premiums. Without some funding mechanism in place, such a health plan could add to an ever enlarging National Debt. Pray for a compromise that your nation can afford.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your scientists are ecstatic with the latest pictures from your repaired space telescope. Your horizons indeed will be widened with your new tools. This will give you another insight into the beauty of My creation in the universe with various star formations. Give thanks and praise to Me for allowing you to view these spectacular sights.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is beautiful to be able to view famous masterpiece artwork in your museums. It is sad when thieves try to steal these works of art so they can resell them for much money. Many are priceless and one of a kind, but these thieves are only interested in the greed for money. When the paintings are cut out of their frames, they could be damaged and are hard to touch up. Pray that any stolen artwork could be returned and placed back in public viewing.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some eleventh hour conversions right before their deaths. Some realize that they do not have many more days of life, and they do not want to risk going to hell at their judgment. Be grateful for every conversion, even if it is on their deathbed. I told you the parable of those sent out into the vineyard to work, even to a late hour in the day. All were given the same wage which could symbolize all of those who have gained heaven. Do not be envious of My generosity to serious sinners, but be joyful that My mercy falls equally on everyone.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you give your thanksgiving at your meal at supper time, be grateful that you have enough food to eat, because there are some in other countries who are going to bed hungry without any food. Sometimes you take your food at supper for granted, but even your unemployed people may need to go to soup kitchens or food shelves to get something to eat. Even after your meal you could pray that the poor people may find enough food for their needs this day. You may even want to make some donations of time and money to help feed the homeless and poor in your area. Any good deed, that you do for your neighbor, will gain you treasure in heaven for your day of judgment.”


Friday, September 11, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in Dachau, Germany where thousands of people were gassed and cremated. You have also been to the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. where there is a display where all the shoes were thrown together from those who were killed. This is the vision, and you thought that this would never happen again. But I tell you to be prepared to go to My refuges because this is about to happen again in your own country. The one world death culture people want to purge all the patriots and religious for their new world order. There will be some martyred for their faith, and the rest will be protected at My refuges. I have told you of the hundreds of detention center death camps all around your country, and some even have crematoriums to burn the bodies. Train cars with shackles and trucks are ready to carry prisoners to the death camps. The red and blue lists are ready for before and after martial law to take your citizens to these concentration camps. You are seeing drills taking place by your military to round up your own citizens. These evil ones are not making these preparations unless they intend to use them. These evil ones are planning their incident to create an excuse to claim an emergency for declaring martial law. This will be the beginning of the tribulation leading up to the Antichrist’s reign. When you see the North American Union implemented, you will be on the way toward a takeover of America and your money will be worthless. Call on My protection by having your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge. Have your sacramentals, food, water, clothing, tents, and sleeping blankets packed for a fast escape before the men in black come to your house to try and force chips in your body. Refuse these chips and trust in Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people are paying reasonable health care premiums for their coverage. Once someone does not have a group plan, it is the insurance companies that are overcharging for health insurance. If everyone could have a group rate, then more people could afford insurance. Many choose not to have insurance because the premiums are too high. Many companies keep making their employees pay more of their coverage, or they drop paying altogether. Companies complain that paying health benefits make them uncompetitive with countries where companies do not pay benefits. As a country your people will have to find affordable health care, or go without it. Without insurance you could be bankrupted if you needed an expensive operation. Your health system is falling apart because too many abuse the system for free medical help and there is fraud in overcharging the insurance companies for work not done. Until you can prove that there will be real saving in cutting abuse and fraud, then there is not enough money to fund everyone. Keep praying that a legitimate compromise can be found, instead of just forcing a National Health Program on your people that could bankrupt your country.”

Holocaust in America-coming persecution; martial law-beginning of tribulation) October 23, 2008

September 11, 2009

I could see some guard towers at some current death camps that will hold thousands of prisoners. Jesus said: “My people, you well remember in your history books when Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews and all those who refused to follow his dictatorial rule. You thought this horror of killing innocent civilians would never happen again, yet you are seeing another holocaust going on throughout all of your abortion clinics across your land. You are killing over a million babies every year, but where is the outcry over this injustice. It is due in part to your abortions that your country will be taken over. The tribulation of evil described in the Book of Revelation is how many Christians and patriots will be exterminated in the same kind of death camps that Hitler used, only they are already present across America. Be prepared for these ruthless killings again because you failed to stop your abortions.”
February 26, 2009:
At Holy Name after Communion I could see a land of fertile soil with plenty of water. Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading from Moses (Deut. 30:15-20), he sets before the Israelites the blessing and the curse, and he asks them to choose life in following My Commandments. The Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land, and if they obeyed God, they would live in prosperity. But if they disobeyed God, then they would suffer punishment for their sins. This is what happened in that they prospered while they were close to Me. Then when they followed other gods, they were exiled to Babylon and lost their land. America has a similar promised land because of your belief in My law at the founding of your nation. You have the same choice to make-either the blessing or the curse. Your country has chosen not to follow life, but you are following the death culture in your abortions, euthanasia, and wars. Because of this choice of following the gods of the world instead of Me, you also will have your land and nation taken away from you. This will come in the form of martial law and a loss of your freedoms as you will be joined in the North American Union with Canada and Mexico. Be prepared for this takeover as you will need to go to My refuges for protection before martial law. Fear not the evil ones since My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.”


Saturday, September 12, 2009

St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God in praise and I am the defender of America. I am coming to give you a message of the spiritual battle that is going on in America. The masons and the one world people are working behind the scenes to bring down America and remove any worship of God in public. You are seeing in this current Administration how many of your freedoms are being taken away. You are already forced to have microchips in your passports and driver’s licenses. This new health plan will force you to carry another chipped card for your health benefits. This will eventually lead to mandatory chips in the body which you must refuse to take even under pain of death. Another freedom of worship will soon come under attack as your government will try to impose New Age teachings on everyone. This attack will force My faithful to go underground to worship God. This spiritual battle is where God’s faithful must call on Jesus and us angels to defend you from the evil one world people and their new world order. Your current leader will then remove the rest of your sovereignty rights when he brings America into the North American Union. See the need for heaven’s protection because the time for martial law is coming quickly when you will need to have your guardian angels lead you to God’s refuges. Be thankful for all of those faithful that are being called to set up refuges for the faithful remnant. You will also have to endure the coming division in the Church. Trust in God and us angels for your protection.”

St. Michael-microchips in passport, driver’s license, health card, Worship of God-attack by New Age teachings - November 3, 2008

September 12, 2009

At Louise and Neville’s house after Communion I could see a great light in a room with St. Michael present with his wings spread wide in front of me. St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God. Whenever you invoke the Lord’s Name and call on me in prayers of exorcism, I will be present with the angels to protect you from any attacks of the devil. This incident with the workman falling happened right after your prayer during the Mass. The devil is unhappy with these prayers of exorcism and he will attack you through those around you to interrupt your services. Pray for the safety of those around you so they too will be protected from the devil. You are entering into a time of persecution that will lead up to the tribulation. Whenever you sense any attacks of the evil one, call on the Name of Jesus and your Lord will come with us angels, and we will defend you from these evil ones. Have no fear of this time because your Lord will provide for your needs and protect you from spiritual and physical harm. Give praise and glory to your Lord for all that He does to watch over you.”
January 16, 2008:
At St. Theodore’s Adoration I could see a U.S. passport that contained a microchip with information of a person on the chip. It was wrapped in aluminum foil to avoid identity theft. Jesus said: “My people, your Homeland Security people have been issuing decrees that all new passports have to have a microchip in them that contains your personal information. By the Real ID Act passed by your Congress and your President, all of your drivers’ licenses will have to have a microchip as well. These chips are not that secure, and identity thieves can steal your information with the right kind of microwave reader. In order to prevent this theft, I am recommending if you have such documents containing microchips, that you can wrap them in aluminum foil or lead photo pouches so they cannot be read by such thieves trying to steal your identity. All of these one world people want to have you chipped so they can track where you are. Making chips mandatory in your passports and driver’s licenses is just the first step. The next step will be to make it mandatory that you have to put a chip in your body so you will not lose it. But this will allow them to control your mind with voices, so refuse to take any chips in your body, even if they threaten to kill you in their detention center death camps. This threat of death will be another reason to leave for your refuges guided by your guardian angels, before they can capture you at your house. Pray for My protection and I will have My angels guard you, and make you invisible to those who want to kill you.”


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, as you look at My sanctuary, I want to emphasize the importance of believing in My Real Presence in the consecrated Bread and Wine. When I instituted My Eucharist as a sacrament at the Last Supper, I was leaving My Remembrance with My people until the end of time. Think of My consecrated Host as if I was with you physically in the flesh. I want to encourage My faithful to attend Sunday Mass, regardless of any sports commitments of your children. Obeying the Third Commandment is more important than any of your earthly excuses. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you also need to be free of any mortal sin. I have given you My sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation so you can come to Me in the priest to forgive your sins. It would be best for your soul to confess your sins at least once a month. Those, who long to be with Me as much as they can, come to daily Mass and visit Me often at Adoration or before My tabernacle. Teach your children their prayers, and by example encourage them to make a personal commitment to Me in their daily consecration of giving everything over to Me. By being open in your heart, mind, and soul to doing My Will, you will allow Me to use you for evangelizing souls and doing good deeds for your neighbor in their needs. Give praise and glory to your Lord every day, as you have an opportunity to serve Me as long as you are alive.”

Sunday Mass-obey 3rd Commandment; Sunday Mass-children’s sports games should not interfere with) March 4, 2007:

September 13, 2009

At St. Cecilia’s tabernacle I could see many rows of pews outside in the sun facing towards a large church. Jesus said: “My people, the church in the vision represents My Church and how it leads people to follow My laws. The pews outside represent all the people that I call to conversion from their earthly ways. There are some who do not come to church every Sunday, even though My Third Commandment calls on everyone to keep holy the Lord’s day. This is not just a suggestion, but a requirement for My faithful to give Me honor and glory each week. I give you life for twenty-four hours a day in every seven day week. The least, that you could do, is give Me one hour each week. For those, that knowingly miss Mass on Sunday, it is a sin against Me for not acknowledging Me as Lord of your life. You need to confess this sin in Confession and make a firm amendment to return to Sunday Mass each week. If My faithful do not attend Mass regularly, how can you be a viable member of My faith community of believers? If you truly love Me, you will obey My Commandments in attending Sunday Mass.”


Monday, September 14, 2009: (The Exultation of the Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, My death on the cross was the whole purpose for My becoming a man and coming to earth so I could redeem My people from their sins. In My Gospels you hear My Words of how to live good Christian lives. My people crucified Me in their ignorance because they could not believe that the Son of God would take a human form and allow Himself to be killed. This is why they killed Me for being a blasphemer. Just as Moses lifted up the bronze serpent, so I was lifted up on the cross for your salvation. My death on the cross was My victory over sin and death, as I arose from the tomb three days later. I ask that My faithful put a large crucifix up on your altars so you can remember that I loved all of you so much that I was willing to give up My life for your salvation. I prefer My crucifix to My resurrected Body because it was My death that saved you.”


Tuesday, September 15, 2009: (Our Lady of Sorrows)

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother had to suffer a dry martyrdom for all the suffering that I went through as her Son. At Simeon’s words, My flight into Egypt, My finding in the Temple, and My death on the cross, she suffered the grief of any parent. She also had to bear the loss of St. Joseph and living alone until St. John took care of her. Everyone lives with sorrow in the sickness and death of your loved ones. All of you have to endure the trials of the human condition in taking care of your bodies. You may have chronic pains or health conditions that may restrict your activities. You all are suffering in some ways, but you can give it over to Me as I suffered on the cross. You can offer up your sufferings for the intention of other souls. Your suffering can also be applied to any punishment due to your sins so you can minimize your time in purgatory. It is your desire to alleviate pain in people, but it can also serve a good purpose. Use your prayers and fasting also to help yourself and other souls in your daily trials.”
Jesus said: “My people, you heard talk of a comet that could possibly affect the earth’s weather. You also had a message about a sudden change in a pole shift on the earth. (10-9-03) All of these possibilities could cause a sudden change in your climate that could quickly melt the polar ice caps. Such a rapid melt could raise the sea level all over the earth and inundate many ocean coastal cities. The dilution of the salt water could alter your deep sea currents that give some warmth to Northern areas. This breakdown in the currents could cause a sudden climate change. I want you to do some research to verify if these events could take place, and whether they are in progress right now. Some research information is not being shared with the general public to prevent any panic. Certain important people are aware of these events that are about to happen, and they are retiring in some locations away from the water and up high.” (Note: Warming by the wind blowing over the warmer ocean is 5 times the effect of the water current warming in the winter. North Pole is decreasing in ice, South Pole is increasing in ice. Predict 2-3 foot rise in sea level by 2100.)


Wednesday, September 16, 2009: (St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian)

Jesus said: “My people, just as the animals felt secure in the safety of Noah’s Ark, so My faithful will also feel secure in the safety of My refuges that will be guarded by My angels. You do not need guns for protection because My angels will be your shield against the evil ones. The one world people think that they will rule the world with all of their microchips and technology, but My miracles will defy their power. At My refuges My angels will make you invisible and they will provide for all of your shelters. You will look on My luminous cross and drink the spring water to be healed of all of your infirmities. My people will have sufficient food and clothing as I will multiply your food and fuel. You will have to work to survive, but all of your necessities will be provided. Do not delay when you are advised to leave for My refuges, or you could be captured and martyred for your faith as today’s martyrs. You also will be persecuted for your faith as the Early Christians had to suffer. Trust in My help and protection for all that you need.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages not to take either the seasonal flu shot nor the Swine Flu shot. There is a danger that you will have a reaction to the vaccine itself, the adjuvants that could cause allergies, or your immune system could be compromised so the chem trails could make you sick. I also have warned you that the one world people may want to persecute you for not taking the flu shots. Some proposals want to quarantine those who do not take the flu shot. If they threaten you with prison and fines for not taking these shots, then you may have to leave early for My refuges. You are seeing a child in this vision because these evil ones want to force your children to take these flu shots. You also should encourage your children and your grandchildren not to take these shots because of the harm that they could cause. Even if you are persecuted, refuse these shots at all costs. If the evil ones threaten to take you to the detention centers, then leave for My refuges.”

Miracles of God to defy technology of evil ones; refuges- infirmities healed, food & water provided) October 6, 2007:

September 16, 2009

At St. Theodore’s tabernacle I could see a large long loaf of bread that was twenty feet long and laying on the ground outside. Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large loaf of bread is very much how I would multiply food for you at your homes, and at the refuges. I have mentioned before when the faithful see My miracles, they will have less worry and anxiety how I will provide for your needs of food, water, and shelter at My refuges. I gave the Israelites manna on the ground, and I will provide bread for My people of the tribulation as well. Seeing a vision of such a miracle of bread multiplication, gives you a remembrance of how I multiplied the bread and fish for the four thousand and the five thousand. I will also have My angels give you My Eucharistic Bread as well, if you do not have a priest for a Mass. Rejoice that I will perform these miracles for you, even as I promised that I would do this for you.”
July 1, 2008:
At St. John the Evangelist after Communion I could see a large luminous cross in front of a church, even during the daylight. Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw how I came to the aid of My apostles when they thought that they were going to die in the storm on the sea. Once they awoke Me on the boat, then I calmed the sea and saved them. They then wondered what kind of man I was that even the sea and the wind obeyed Me. They still had not yet realized that I was the Son of God that had come to earth as their Savior, and I was foretold in the Scriptures as the Messiah. Even as I performed this miracle of calming the storm, I am still performing miracles in saving My people every day when I answer your prayers. Some are still seeing miracle healings in your day as I allow My instruments to share their gifts. As the time of tribulation approaches, you will see even more miraculous signs as this luminous cross in the vision that will be over all of My refuges. You again will need My protection with My angels, and I will heal all of your infirmities if you look on My miraculous luminous cross. Trust in My power that will overcome all of the evil ones.”

Flu shots-avoid taking, bad side effects; quarantines for no shots could lead to refuges) June 18, 2009

September 16, 2009

I could see some men digging a hole and this was to indicate that the recent Swine flu was man-made. Jesus said: “My people, you know that the flu season starts in October and is usually over in February. This latest outbreak of Swine flu has been designated a pandemic, but it is completely out of season. This flu is not just a mutation, but it has all the signs of a laboratory man-made disease. This first wave has been spread very easily, but it has thus far not killed very many people. This H1N1 virus has similarities to the Spanish flu that killed millions of people. The same evil ones, who developed this disease, could just as easily generate a more virulent form that could attack your population in October with more deaths occurring. This is why you need masks and food storage to weather this coming outbreak. Build up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. As you see larger numbers dying from this new virus, then you are to call on Me to lead you to My refuges. There you will look upon My luminous cross and drink the healing spring waters which will protect you from all diseases and deadly viruses, or bacteria.”


Thursday, September 17, 2009: (St. Robert Bellarmine)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel reading you read how this sinner so loved Me that she washed My feet with her tears and annointed Me for My burial. I forgave her of her sins, and I love My people so much that I left you with My Mass and My sacraments, especially My Real Presence in the consecrated bread and wine. In My Third Commandment I call on My faithful to worship Me on Sunday, especially at Sunday Mass. I give you Myself out of love in every Communion, and I only ask that you receive Me without any mortal sin on your soul. Once you confess your mortal sin, then you can receive Me again in grace. The Mass is holy and should not be interrupted by anyone’s own comments. Even during the Consecration, the priest is not allowed even to bless a dying person. Give reverence to the Mass because My Presence in My Body and Blood is in the consecrated bread and wine. My angels are standing all around the altar giving Me praise and glory at every Mass. Be thankful for this gift of the Mass, and My being with you in every consecrated Host.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people have been planning a takeover of America for some time. They have three basic plans. One plan is to create a pandemic virus and then give out a mandatory vaccine that will cause a prison sentence or fine for those refusing the shots. The Swine Flu already has spread all over the world and there is a concern that it will get worse in the fall. Forced quarantines with penalties has rarely ever been used, but everything is in place for it to happen. Another plan is to create another false financial crash that will allow a new currency in the ‘amero’ to make the dollar worthless. A third plan is to create another terrorist scene that could trigger riots. Any of these plans could cause martial law leading up to a takeover of America.”
Jesus said: “My people, China and other countries invested in U.S. Treasury notes are greatly concerned about the dropping value of the dollar. As your National Debt increases with your over spending in your deficits, this questions the value of the dollar as you need to monetize this debt to pay the interest. This is why China, Russia, and some Arab countries want an international currency other than the dollar. This is also a one world plan as well, which is why the dollar is under attack. Pray for My help when you lose your money.”
Jesus said: “My people, your President promised to get out of Iraq, but he is still focusing on keeping the war in Afghanistan going that will tie down your troops overseas. All of your presidents have given in to their one world masters by keeping you in constant wars. These wars will continue so your troops cannot defend your country from a takeover. Pray for My help to lead you to safety at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have a general practicing doctor shortage now, and if you have millions of new patients come by a new Health Plan, then you could have problems getting a doctor. Financing this plan is still an unsettled problem. Saving money by huge cuts in Medicare do not add up, unless they are going to care for less people. Pray again for a reasonable compromise to help those without health insurance.”
Jesus said: “My people, as famine grips Africa, many nations will be reaching out to feed the poor. Unfortunately, the world reserves of food have been allowed to get dangerously low and there are not huge supplies of food available. Helping Africa could drive up food prices all over the world. Again this would be a good time to pray for miracles to multiply the food needed in this famine.”
Jesus said: “My people, some church groups have become involved in political issues and there could be threats by the IRS on church tax exemption. Hate crimes and pro-life issues could bring your government into harassing your churches. These public attacks could force you to meet together in private homes if churches are closed. You may want to make plans for your prayer groups to deal with this public persecution of your freedom to worship Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Real ID Act is making it mandatory by the end of this year, 2009, to have a microchip placed in every new driver’s license. You already have seen such chips in various states that have these chips in their driver’s license. If you need to keep such a chipped license on your person, wrap it in aluminum foil to keep it from being queried by microwave readers of people who are trying to steal your identity. I have already recommended this aluminum foil to cover your chipped passports. Beware that the next step will be to have mandatory chips in the body that you should refuse at all costs. This control of the one world people will eventually use mind control on those who take such chips in the body. This will be another sign to go to My refuges.”


Friday, September 18, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, pornography in magazines and on the internet for both men and women is wrapped up in sinful lust for pleasure. Adult bookshops are the encouragement of masturbation and birth control devices. These sins can even lead to fornication and adultery, not to mention the use of prostitution. This is a very profitable industry that feeds on the passions of people, but outside of the normal married love relationship. These are sources of temptation to avoid and also avoid the sexual sins that this literature and images could lead people into. These temptations can also lead into sexual addictions or affairs with non-married partners. Using birth control, or committing fornication, adultery,or masturbation are all mortal sins that require Confession before receiving Holy Communion. Avoid these sins and especially avoid living together in sinful relationships either heterosexually or homosexually. These sexual sins are what send the most souls to hell because they are sins violating the proper use for passing on life into children. The more you commit these sins, the harder it is to break these habits. Pray for spiritual healing and get counseling before it can destroy marriages.”
Jesus said: “My people, earlier in the year most of your country was getting more rain than usual. It was easy to grow crops with plenty of rainwater. In the last month or so it has been fairly dry. It is always unpredictable to know if you will get enough rain to grow your crops. Too wet in the early planting, and it is hard to get all the land seeded. Not enough rain in the middle of the season, and it will stunt the growth of the crops. Too much rain at harvest time is also hard to collect the crops and dry out the hay and corn. The farmer is vulnerable to bad weather, droughts, and pests, let alone deer, racoons, and other animals that eat the crops. Be thankful for your food because some farmer had to take a risk to bring his crops to market. The farmer needs your support and prayers so he can get a living wage from his efforts. It is hard when prices are too low, or cheap imports are brought in from China. Without dedicated farmers, you would not have your food to eat. Pray that your farmers do not get cheated by price controls not in their favor. They sometimes need subsidies to get through the bad years. You have been on some farms to see what a hard life it is to farm. Thank Me that they are still in business.”

Pornography leads to sexual sins; sexual sins-send most souls to hell) January 26, 2007

September 18, 2009

At St. John the Evangelist after Communion I could see some dirty slushy snow as people were walking in it. Jesus said: “My people, I want My faithful to protect your eyes and your children from watching dirty and violent movies at the theater and on television. Pornography is rampant in movies and magazines, as well as on the internet. It also can be very addicting once you start even viewing suggestive movies that could lead to worse movies. Even some television channels are revealing too much sexual sin that could influence weak minds to follow. Remember that you have human weaknesses, so do not let the devil lead you into occasions of sin that could lead you to worse addictions of pornography. Keep these movies on sex, violence, and witchcraft out of your house, and guard your children from watching this dirt as well. Focus on My love and love for your neighbor, and do not be tempted, or intimidated by Hollywood’s trash. These movie makers and actors will face My punishment for their crimes on others.”
January 5, 2007:
At St. John the Evangelist after Communion I could see two people in a bed. Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages about sexual sins in your country because they are rampant, and most souls that go to hell are going there because of these sins. You have many fornications from people living together without being married. You have many adulteries from spouses that are not faithful to their husbands or wives. You have masturbation from sexually active partners. Homosexual activity is also increasing, and it is just as sinful an abomination. Even married couples are sinning in artificial birth control and artificial insemination. Your sinful lifestyles need to change if you are ever to come to heaven. Such improper sexual activity can become just as addicting as drugs and drinking. This desire is proper in the procreation of children under the marriage bond, but the sinful lust for this pleasure should be avoided. Pray for My help in using your gifts in the proper use of the marriage bed. If you find yourself in such mortal sins, now is the time to seek out My forgiveness in frequent Confession with your intention to avoid these sins in the future. It is your spiritual laziness in not confessing your sins that could lead your souls to hell.”


Saturday, September 19, 2009: (St. Januarius)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks of the parable of the sower where seed is being planted in various places. I explained to My disciples that this seed is the Word of God and how it was received by different people. I want to speak of the seed that grew up with the thorns that choked the wheat and it could not mature. This is the problem that you have with your affluent society that is so used to instant gratification for everything that you want. Many hear My Word and may believe for a while, but the comforts, pleasures, and distractions of the world soon take their focus off of Me as the center of their lives. Some become so addicted to drugs, drink, gambling, or computers that it takes much prayer and treatment to break these habits. This is why I have encouraged you to live a simple life so your entertainment devices do not control you. Continue to set aside time in your life for daily prayer and monthly Confession. When you pray, you are talking to Me which is why your informal prayer from your heart is so pleasing to Me. By keeping Me as the center of your life, and following My mission for your life, you can keep working on your perfection toward sainthood that will get you into heaven.”


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, man’s idea of being in a spotlight is all about seeking glory and fame for himself or herself. The real purpose of this spotlight is how I treat all of you equally where no one gets more favored treatment. All of you spiritually have the same opportunity to follow Me and come to heaven. Salvation is always open to everyone, but all of you are subject to human weakness and the temptations of the devil. I give you My graces in My sacraments and an example of My life to imitate. Having faith and keeping it strong through this life takes time, dedication, and patience. You are going to have failures and successes, but come to Me for the forgiveness of your sins, and have humility before Me instead of seeking fame and fortune. All of heaven is watching you, and the saints and angels are encouraging you to be famous and loving in a spiritual sense by evangelizing souls.”
Jesus said: “My people, there is usually a picture or a statue of My Blessed Mother in every Catholic Church. There is also a statue of My Sacred Heart or a crucifix as well. It is good that you pray your three rosaries every day because your evil world needs much prayer. You may need to pray that I multiply your prayers, especially when you are unable to finish them. Pray for your families, sinners, the souls in purgatory, and the stoppage of abortion. The killing of My babies is so deplorable that their blood is on your hands and it cannot be washed off. Without changing your laws and without the killing being stopped, My justice will bring down My wrath on America. I have asked you to stop this killing, but there is no remorse and you keep on killing My babies. This is why others will take over your country and you will live in exile. My faithful will be fortunate to be safe at My refuges, but the rest will be at the mercy of the one world people and the Antichrist. I will come at the end to vanquish evil and send all the evil ones to hell. Rejoice in My coming Era of Peace without any influence of evil.”

(Ready to live when ready to die; heaven vs. hell-choice for eternity) April 13, 2009

September 21, 2009

At St. John the Evangelist after Communion I could see Jesus in heaven and how He saw souls coming to Him at death. Jesus said: “My people, you know how the souls were released from the dead when I resurrected. The saints came to heaven, but there are still others in purgatory that have not yet been allowed to come to heaven. Every time a soul passes from this life, there is a particular judgment for that soul to hell, purgatory, or heaven. Because of My death on the cross, some souls are allowed directly into heaven if they have been purified in this life by suffering or a holy life. Those, who need purification, are sent to various levels of purgatory. By your good deeds, prayers, and leading a holy life, you can lay up treasure in heaven that will lessen your stay in purgatory. I want everyone to come to heaven and avoid hell, but this is dependent on the personal choices that you make on earth in this life. I give you an opportunity to have your sins forgiven any time that you can come to Confession. There is no excuse for not being prepared to die because this could happen to you at any time. By frequent Confession you can keep your soul pure and ready for your particular judgment. As you rejoice in this Easter Season, remember that saving your soul and the souls of others should be your primary concerns in this life.”

Monday, September 21, 2009: (St. Matthew)

Jesus said: “My people, you all know at the end of your earthly life that I wait in judgment of your life. I give every soul, even up to the last moment of their lives, an opportunity to repent of their sins and to ask My forgiveness for them. Those, who make frequent Confessions and have a good prayer life, are ready to die and meet Me at their judgment. These souls have no fear of My judgment because they are following My wishes to lead a good life and have a pure soul. Those, who refuse to repent and choose to run their own lives, should have a fear of My judgment because by their evil actions they could be judged to hell or a long time in purgatory. If you truly want to live a joy filled life without fear of My judgment, then have your soul pure and prepared to die every day. You are not ready to live, until you are ready to die. The day, that you are born, is the day that you are mortal and are appointed to die one day. But your soul is immortal and it will live on into eternity. The point is, where do you want to remain for all eternity-in heaven or hell? After your judgment either I or the devil will claim your soul. By your actions in life, you can determine your fate. So if you wish to be with Me in heaven for all eternity, then you need to be working toward your sainthood by knowing, loving, and serving Me. By giving everything over to Me in your daily consecration, I can come into your heart and use you for My mission.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is interesting that your Hollywood writers have given you movies with similarities to the messages and visions that I have given you. You have seen this vision of how My Comet of Chastisement will hit the earth and bring an end to the Antichrist’s reign at the end of the tribulation. Fire will rage all over the earth causing the three days of darkness as many will die. I have also shown you several times how many living at My refuges will have their angels lift them up into the sky into the air to protect them from being killed by the comet. I will then cleanse the earth of all evil and the evil ones will be cast into hell. I will renew the earth and My angels will then bring My faithful back down to earth to enjoy My Era of Peace. This sequence of events needs to be told to give encouragement to My faithful who will survive this chastisement. Give praise and glory to Me for when I will vanquish the evil ones, but I will spare the lives of My faithful. You know that I will defeat Satan in the end. So do not be afraid of the persecution that will come from the Antichrist because I will protect My faithful at My refuges and shield them from any destruction.”


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, just as a spider spins its web to catch insects for its food, so My people need to be wary of the devil who uses snares of the world to entice you into sin. Remember that the devil knows all of your human weaknesses and he is ready to pounce on you with his subtle temptations. You also have your guardian angel to prompt you to lead the proper life according to My laws. When you feel any urging for sinful behavior, call on My Name and My angels to help defend you from this evil one. When you are close to Me in prayer and come to Me frequently in My sacraments, you have My grace to keep focused on Me and avoid evil. In order to avoid the snares of the devil, avoid being led to any occasions of sin for you. When you are tired or in a weakened state, be alert to the devil’s attacks. You know your own weaknesses as well as the devil does, so be wary of his traps so you do not fall into his web of sin. Focus on doing everything out of love for Me, and you will have no time for sin. Keep occupied in good works because the devil attacks you more when you are idle. I love My people so much, and I desire you to follow My ways because I wish to claim you for My own at your judgment at death.”
(Healing Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you see how generous I am with all of you in gifting you with My graces and sacraments as well as your talents and your very life. In return I ask you also to be generous in your charity for money donations as well as your time in helping others. When you consecrate everything over to Me, that means you will not hold back anything for yourself. I have given you all that you have, and you can give Me back everything out of love for Me. Start by opening your heart so I can enter and direct you on your life’s mission. By being open and letting go of your free will to give it over to My Divine Will, you are on the right path to heaven in sharing everything. Sharing your faith with others can bring them to conversion and salvation. Continue to have a generous heart as you imitate My generous nature.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as a spider spins its web to catch insects for its food, so My people need to be wary of the devil who uses snares of the world to entice you into sin. Remember that the devil knows all of your human weaknesses and he is ready to pounce on you with his subtle temptations. You also have your guardian angel to prompt you to lead the proper life according to My laws. When you feel any urging for sinful behavior, call on My Name and My angels to help defend you from this evil one. When you are close to Me in prayer and come to Me frequently in My sacraments, you have My grace to keep focused on Me and avoid evil. In order to avoid the snares of the devil, avoid being led to any occasions of sin for you. When you are tired or in a weakened state, be alert to the devil’s attacks. You know your own weaknesses as well as the devil does, so be wary of his traps so you do not fall into his web of sin. Focus on doing everything out of love for Me, and you will have no time for sin. Keep occupied in good works because the devil attacks you more when you are idle. I love My people so much, and I desire you to follow My ways because I wish to claim you for My own at your judgment at death.”
(Healing Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you see how generous I am with all of you in gifting you with My graces and sacraments as well as your talents and your very life. In return I ask you also to be generous in your charity for money donations as well as your time in helping others. When you consecrate everything over to Me, that means you will not hold back anything for yourself. I have given you all that you have, and you can give Me back everything out of love for Me. Start by opening your heart so I can enter and direct you on your life’s mission. By being open and letting go of your free will to give it over to My Divine Will, you are on the right path to heaven in sharing everything. Sharing your faith with others can bring them to conversion and salvation. Continue to have a generous heart as you imitate My generous nature.”

(Refuge preparations-food, water, flashlights; North-sweaters, coats, boots, blankets, and sacramentals) June 25, 2009:

September 23, 2009

At the Eternal Father prayer group at Holy Name Adoration I could see someone shining a flashlight at night. Jesus said: “My people, when you go out walking during the darkness of night, you need to use a flashlight to see your way. I have even asked you to have windup flashlights at My refuges so you do not need batteries or electricity. This image of light represents My showing you the way as I disperse the darkness. Even My angels will lead you with a sign of light so you can follow them to My refuges. You will see miracles upon miracles as I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”
September 22, 2007:
At our house after Communion I could see a large black plastic circular opening leading to a house in the middle of a severe winter blizzard. Jesus said: “My people, each season of the year has its own testings in severe weather. This large black tube leading to a house is a sign of the time of refuge in the winter time when it will be difficult to heat and keep warm. I have advised you to have extra food and extra fuels because you could find it difficult to get to the store and find fuel if you lose power. Be prepared for difficult weather this winter. This sign of a refuge and a severe winter is showing you how difficult it will be when you have to suffer through a winter during the tribulation time. Pray for My protection and My multiplication of your food and your fuel when you need it most. Remember also to have warm clothing and blankets for this time of cold weather. Have no fear of these trials because I will provide for your needs, but you will still have to suffer through this time.”

Wednesday, September 23, 2009: (St. Padre Pio)

St. Pio said: “My dear son, I need to remind you to wear your cross proudly as a gift that you were given. You need to use all of the gifts that the Lord has given you, and share them with others. Everyone needs to use their God-given gifts as well. Be conscious of your humble behavior and be a good example to others in your prayer life. Be open to those who are seeking your counseling and share the messages that the Lord is giving you. Above all be obedient to the authorities of the Church, as I was for many years, even as I was silenced with My gifts. Even if you are persecuted or restrained, persevere in your mission the best that you can. Do not lose heart over any criticism, but be faithful to your calling with all the patience that is required of you. Truly you are all in the end times and the warnings of the Lord are coming true as you have been given. Call on Jesus and us saints to give you encouragement and protection against the evil ones attacking your mission.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you will leave for a refuge, you may have to leave in haste. Have your prepared backpacks ready with some food, water, matches, and windup flashlights. Also have tents, sleeping bags, and a Coleman stove with some small gas cylinders. This is what you practiced with on your camping outing. Your guardian angel will lead you down back roads to your destination with the small flame leading you. You may have to set up your tent for warmth and shelter. You may want to bring sweaters, overcoats, boots, and warm blankets if you are in the North during the winter. Travel as long as you can with your car, or use your bikes if gas cannot be obtained. I have given you messages to be prepared with your sacramentals and prayer books, as well as keeping a pure soul by frequent Confession. These physical preparations will also be helpful in your survival in hiding during the tribulation. Trust that I will multiply your food and water, and fuel for your fires. When you pray to Me for help, I will be at your side. See that you will be thankful to Me for all the preparations that I have directed you to do.”


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in My day the Holy of Holies housed the Ten Commandments and the Torah. This was God’s Presence to the people in My Word. In today’s church you have My very Presence in My Body and Blood in the consecrated Bread in My tabernacle. This bright Light in the sanctuary is a sign that I am the Light of the world in My Eucharist, and in My Word of Scripture. Come and visit Me or receive Me in Holy Communion, and you will have rest in your soul as I enlighten your life with My Presence. I give you My Body and Blood so that you may have eternal life. This Light of Mine is not to be hidden under a bushel basket, but it must be put on a lamp stand for all to see. Shout My Word of salvation from the rooftops so that everyone can hear My Good News and receive it into their minds, hearts, and souls. Come to Me so you can bathe in My Light and be saved. I am the only One worthy of your worship. So give Me praise and glory as you thank Me for My gift of Myself to you in My Eucharist in My tabernacle.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have orchestrated the economic collapse with their greed for profits in gambling trillions of dollars on their unregulated derivatives. Once the loans failed that backed these derivatives, many banks were about to fail also. The taxpayer is being mortgaged in debts now as the bankers have used the bailout to secure their own losses. Financing these debts could still present problems for your currency. Low interest rates are giving the financial companies a windfall profit, but those who try to get interest on their savings are getting a very small return and older people are losing their income. Pray that your government stops its deficit spending which could cause your bankruptcy.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Administration wants to remove fraud and waste in the Medicare program, but there are other organizations that were involved with voter fraud that helped your President get elected into office. It is hard to believe that your government could fix the fraud and waste in many government programs enough to fund a National Health care plan. The cost of such a plan may be too much for your country to afford since you have a major deficit already.”
Jesus said: “My people, you again are seeing how Israel is being threatened by its Arab neighbors as Israel tries to defend itself from terrorist groups. Many factions are threatening more war in the Middle East over the production of nuclear weapons. You need to pray more for peace in this area where threats of war are increasing every day.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been spared serious hurricanes, but the consistent heavy rains in the South have caused major flooding in areas that usually do not have this much rain. Some were killed in the flooding and many will need emergency help as their houses are ruined and they have no flood insurance. This unusual weather pattern of a low over a region for a long time is typical of HAARP Machine manipulation of the jet streams. Pray for the victims of the floods and fires, but these are the natural disasters that are testing your people because of your abortions and sexual sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, As America’s National Debt rises and the dollar gets weaker, many are seeking gold to keep the value of their capital that is invested in dollars. When the one world people crash your markets again, your money will become worthless. Gold may seem a safe haven, but it was even outlawed to own in some past financial trials. Gold may be used for barter, but you will need chips in the body to buy and sell. Do not take any chip in your body so you can avoid any mind control over you from the evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, beware of the evil ones who are spreading lies and scare tactics of the latest Swine Flu. Very few have died from this flu and even the seasonal flu deaths are highly inflated to scare people into taking these shots. The drug companies are making millions of dollars of profit on these vaccines that have seen little testing. The benefits of stopping flu disease has not been verified, but many people have seen immune diseases as a side effect of the flu shots. Making flu shots mandatory, as your World Health Organization has recommended, is taking away your constitutional freedoms. I will protect My faithful from any diseases at My refuges, and you may need to go there to avoid any prison sentences from made-up quarantines.”
Jesus said: “My people, your recent healing Masses gave a spiritual lift to your people. There are spiritual healings through Confession which are even more important than physical healings. I have told you that there will be more healings in the end times from those who have healing gifts and at My refuges when you look upon My luminous cross and drink the spring water there. Be thankful for these healings and trust in My protection and that of My angels.”


Friday, September 25, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter rightfully declared that I am the Christ, the Son of the living God. I did not want My apostles to tell this to everyone because I came as the Suffering Servant to die for mankind and not to glorify Myself in power. My glory is manifested in My Resurrection. Just as I suffered, so I call My faithful to take up your daily cross and follow Me as you join in My suffering. This vision of the helicopter is how the evil men in black will storm your cities in the night before martial law so they can take their targets of religious and patriots to their detention centers for killing and cremation. I will warn you before they come to your houses so your angels can take you to your refuges. Have trust in My power and protection for you at My refuges. There I will provide for your food, water, and shelter. You will be suffering more during the tribulation which will be like your purgatory on earth. You may suffer for a while, but then you will share in the joy of My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, if you truly want to be holy, you must pick up your daily cross and follow Me. By offering up all of your pains and disappointments to Me every day, I can help you bear your life’s burdens on My cross. In order to have My peace in your soul, you must be able to separate yourself from all the worries, anxieties and fears that you feel threatened by in your life. You may be concerned with how to obtain the money you need to run your household and feed your family. You may be worried about the health of some of your relatives and how you could help them. You may be concerned about keeping your job or putting your children through school. It is right to plan for the events in your life, but you must put your trust in Me that I will help you in all of your needs. When you completely put your trust in Me, you truly will have peace without any fears or worries. This lesson in life of full trust in Me is how you will be directed to a holy life. My sacraments give you the grace to help you in your holiness. Keep your focus on Me so that everything that you do is done out of love for Me. I am your partner in life and your daily consecration lets each action be a prayer to Me. By walking with Me and carrying your cross of suffering, I will lead you on your path to holiness.”


Saturday, September 26, 2009: (Cosmas and Damian)

Jesus said: “My people, many of you work long hours for Me in various ministries, but you do not always get to know how much your efforts have helped people in their faith. Whether you minister as a lector, a food shelf administrator, a prayer group leader, a teacher of religious education, or a messenger or healer, every intention in your heart to help souls is seen by everyone in heaven and some on earth. When you are generous in sharing your time, your faith, and your money, you are storing up treasure in heaven. One day I will show you all the souls that you inspired to grow in their faith or were new converts. You know that it is through My graces that many of these gifts were received, but you gave your ‘fiat’ yes as My Blessed Mother did to make these commitments to help souls. I thank you for all of your freely given efforts, and I know that you did all of these things out of love for Me and My Presence in these souls. Give praise and glory to Me that I allowed you this opportunity to help souls and all for My greater glory.”
Camille said: “Thank you, John, for listening to me. I am happy that my last struggle is over because I really could not be active anymore. I am in a transition spiritual state, but Carol’s prayers and scapular have saved me from hell. I will be going to purgatory and I thank Carol for getting the priest to have my Confession. I was greeted by Jesus and Mary at my death, and you did pray for my soul as I was dying. I want to comfort Lydia for putting up with my health problems and please forgive me if I offended you in life. I want to thank Vic for seeing me in my last hour. I did shed a tear to leave him because he is in need of so much help. Tell him how much I love him. I love all of my family and I will give another message at the funeral.”

(Holiness-pick up cross, follow Jesus; peace in soul-shed worries, anxieties, and fears) April 17, 2007

September 27, 2009

At Marie’s house after Communion I could see a small ciborium, that contained many consecrated Hosts, with a covering over it. I then saw some lit candles on either side of the ciborium representing the light of angels. Jesus said: “My people, you have the greatest gift of Myself given to you in My Most Blessed Sacrament. These consecrated Hosts allow Me to come into your heart and soul so I can share My love with you in a spiritually intimate way. My angels of Light are always around My Blessed Sacrament giving Me praise and glory as they sing to Me in Adoration. When you sing My Adoration hymns, you are joining in with My angels. Give Me praise and thanksgiving every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion, and thank Me for My many gifts every time that you come to adore My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration or in My tabernacle. My Eucharist feeds you My heavenly Bread and My grace sustains you in temptations and heals the wounds of your sins. Keep close to Me in all that you do so you can grow in your holiness.”

(Sunday Mass-missing on purpose is mortal sin; thanks to God for graces and blessings) March 4, 2007

September 27, 2009

At St. Cecilia’s tabernacle I could see many rows of pews outside in the sun facing towards a large church. Jesus said: “My people, the church in the vision represents My Church and how it leads people to follow My laws. The pews outside represent all the people that I call to conversion from their earthly ways. There are some who do not come to church every Sunday, even though My Third Commandment calls on everyone to keep holy the Lord’s day. This is not just a suggestion, but a requirement for My faithful to give Me honor and glory each week. I give you life for twenty-four hours a day in every seven day week. The least, that you could do, is give Me one hour each week. For those, that knowingly miss Mass on Sunday, it is a sin against Me for not acknowledging Me as Lord of your life. You need to confess this sin in Confession and make a firm amendment to return to Sunday Mass each week. If My faithful do not attend Mass regularly, how can you be a viable member of My faith community of believers? If you truly love Me, you will obey My Commandments in attending Sunday Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you look upon this beautiful dawn scene, give thanks to Me for every new day that you are gifted with. I want you to give Me praise and glory for being your Lord and Master. Give Me thanks for being your Savior and Protector. I have given you so many graces and blessings with both material and spiritual things, that they are too numerous to mention. Yet if I took away your warmth, your Light, or your oxygen, you would cease to be alive. So give Me thanks for all that I do for you. It is important to encourage all those in your family to thank Me by honoring Me at Sunday Mass. You heard at the retreat, that those who miss Mass on Sunday on purpose, are committing a mortal sin. You all want to be in the camp of the Lord than in the camp of Satan. Do not be spiritually lazy and miss giving Me worship on My one day of rest for the week. If you do not acknowledge Me before My Father, then I will not acknowledge you before Him. Those, who turn their back on Me, will risk My telling you that I do not know you when you come to your judgment. Keep your focus on Me and love Me in your good actions.”

(Purgatory-souls suffer burning, loss of love of Jesus; souls-seek prayers, cleanse earthly desires) November 2, 2008

September 28, 2009

At Sacred Heart Church, Marmora, Ontario, Canada after Communion I could see Jesus in His loving way holding a lost sheep. Jesus said: “My people, My love goes out to all of you as I search for the lost sheep while the other ninety-nine are safe. You are to help Me also in life to bring back My lost lukewarm sheep who are becoming more numerous in these end days. Today, you are remembering the souls who are being purified in purgatory. You, yourself, can witness to others of the reality of this place of suffering in My justice. Some in the lower regions of purgatory are suffering flames as in hell together with the pain of not seeing Me or having My Real Presence. Others, who have less to purify in upper purgatory, are suffering not seeing Me, but without the flames. Some also have to suffer a minimum time before your prayers and Masses can shorten their time in purgatory. In purgatory you are making reparation for your sins and you will need to suffer until you can detach yourself from worldly cares and desires for things and wealth. When you are purified as a saint with a complete focus on My love without any other concerns, only then can you enter heaven from purgatory. This is why I and My Blessed Mother have encouraged you to pray for the souls in purgatory with a special intention for your relatives and for those who have no one praying for them. Should you find yourself here in purgatory, those, that you prayed for, will be praying for you. As you see all of Louise’s friends and family coming to celebrate her birthday, think also of praying for each other before your death. The more you make reparation for your sins on earth and detach yourself from things, the less that you will have to suffer in purgatory. Give praise and glory to Me for that great day when I will welcome you to your designated place in heaven.”

Thursday, September 3, 2009: (St. Gregory the Great)

September 28, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I have sent you prophets, messengers, and saints to help give you a good example of prayer life and a focus more on My ways than your ways. When you pray to Me to help you in your daily tasks, things will go easier for you when you do what I want you to do. When you work to be in harmony with My Will, you are following what is natural, as the rest of My creation. It is when you go off on your own interests, that you are like My apostles that caught nothing all night. Follow Me and you also will have an abundant catch when I help you evangelize souls to be saved. This is your purpose to be here so you can know, love, and serve Me. I can only use you when you are working with Me on your mission.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, as you see this vision of a large hurricane, you know the physical damage such a storm could bring when it comes inland. This vision is more about a spiritual storm of evil that is about to come on the earth during the Antichrist’s reign in the time of the tribulation. The gathering clouds are beginning with the formation of the European Union and the North American Union. When people’s rights and freedoms are taken away, then the one world people will bring about a takeover of America. Be prepared to go to My refuges when this takeover occurs.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is with a heavy heart that I still encourage My people not to take these shots because there are more side effects causing worse problems than the Swine Flu itself. You have yet to see a more virulent form of Swine Flu as the death rate is less than the seasonal flu. Making a vaccine six months in advance is hard to predict any mutations of what strain will be in circulation. Beware of any mandatory vaccinations or quarantines that may cause a need to go to My refuges if prison is an alternative.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is a noble task to try and supply health care for everyone. The Health System is expensive and it is difficult to afford the premiums for insurance without a group plan. Discussion has been heavy on who would pay for this plan and how it would be carried out. It has been a concern when the death culture people are making the bill that they want to pass. Concerns about abortion, euthanasia, and computerization of health records are not being openly discussed. Most of the vague language of the bill is being kept secret until it is passed. Pray that people, who need health care, can be taken care of without putting an undo tax burden on everyone’s children.”
Jesus said: “My people, your abortion mentality of killing millions of babies is making your people open to the taking of life that is not seen. This mentality will extend into the arbitrary killing of those in pain or those who are elderly. This death culture mentality will continue to get even worse in some of the new proposed health reforms. Pray to change your laws so life is protected.”
Jesus said: “My people, many times I performed miracles so My apostles could bring in great catches of fish until their boats were sinking. Just as I performed these miracles of fish, so I gave My disciples the gifts of the Holy Spirit so they could evangelize many souls. Thus My Church grew through their hands and My graces. Even as you are good providers for your physical bodies, you should work even harder to evangelize spiritual souls that are more important. Just as you share your time, money, and talent to help your neighbor in charity, so you also need to share your faith to save souls.”
Jesus said: “My people, you see good people praying and doing good deeds on one side, and the evil ones planning their killing and takeover on the other side. This age will turn more evil in leading up to the tribulation. You will need more prayer and a call on My angel power to defend you against the evil ones. Rely more on My help than using any weapons. My angels will fight your battles, so trust in My power.”
Jesus said: “My people, you should dress modestly without causing sin to others in the way that you appear in public. My people should especially be dressed properly when you come before Me in church. Your movies and TV programming flaunt nudity and immodest dress. Do not follow this bad example, but teach your children to be modest in their attire. Keep pure and chaste in your hearts so you can have pure souls before Me. All of your actions will have an accounting, so have purity of heart both inside and outside of your body.”

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 28, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a spinning fan refers to the many events of your life that will be in your life review. This month is also the beginning of another football season which is the time of year that will be the most opportune time for the Warning to happen. There are many people who are unaware of the Warning that will come in My time. I have asked My faithful to keep their souls cleansed of any mortal sin, because those, who are in mortal sin, could have a vision of hell as their mini-judgment. This mercy of Mine will be an outreach to every soul in the world at the same time. Many souls are on the wrong path to hell unless they receive a miracle, or have people praying for them. Everyone will be given this opportunity to change their lives when they see the consequences of their sins. Coming face to face with Me will show everyone their real purpose here and what they should be doing for saving their soul. I do not force Myself on your free will, but people need to see that it is their soul that lives on forever. There is a choice between heaven and hell, and where you want to remain for all eternity. This Warning experience is indeed a wake-up call to everyone to seek My forgiveness and focus more on Me in their spiritual life. Use this time to especially evangelize souls that would otherwise be lost. Pray that your loved ones will be predisposed to changing their lives to follow Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been fortunate that the worst hurricanes have not hit the East coast. Tornadoes are still causing much damage in the middle of your country. Fires in California are heavier than ususal, and are threatening some homes. I told you that more natural disasters would be causing much damage. Pray for those who have to suffer the loss of their homes. This damage and the threat of a pandemic virus are testing your people in addition to the high unemployment, home foreclosures, and bank failures. Some states are even threatening fines and prison for those refusing to take the Swine flu shots along with quarantines. Your trials will only get worse as more and more of your freedoms are stripped from you. Remember to call on My protection and be ready to leave for My refuges when the evil ones trump up any reasons for martial law.”

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September 28, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I criticized the Scribes and Pharisees for making too much care over human precepts as cleaning pots and pans, but their inner soul was full of dead man’s bones. I warned the people to follow My words that they taught, but do not follow their hypocritical actions. So it is today that people go to great lengths to make their outward appearances pleasing to the eye, but their inner soul’s appearance is dark with sins. Cleanse the inner soul first by confessing your sins, and be more concerned how your soul appears to Me than how your body appears to others. The body will pass into dust at your death, but your soul lives on forever. It is best to have a clean soul at your judgment so you do not risk the fires of hell, but also because you want to be restored in My love. When you are in mortal sin, your soul is dead to Me, and it is difficult for your angel to help you stay away from more sin. Every sin has to have an accounting, and you have to make up for the temporal punishment due to your sin. Divine Mercy novenas can take this away, and your good deeds or offered up pain can reduce this as well. Otherwise, you may have to suffer some time in purgatory to satisfy these spiritual debts.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are times when you are tested by not getting something to work in your work place or at home. After trying several times, it can get frustrating when things do not work, even after a lot of effort. My message is not to let such testing so disturb your peace that you get angry with swearing. It is better to stay calm and pray for My help than to get upset. Rethink your job and try different ways to solve it, or call some experts or service people for help. You may even have to buy another device to replace the problem. There usually is a way around most problems, so be patient and go around your problems if necessary. Pray to have peace through all of your trials, and you will be on the road to sainthood.”

Monday, September 28, 2009: (St. Lawrence and companions)

September 28, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this sign of a bathtub is all about the purification of the souls in purgatory. Going down in an elevator is the descending to various levels of purgatory that the soul will have to rise from over time. The lower levels of purgatory are where souls suffer like in hell with a burning of the spirit, but they are promised one day to be in heaven. Souls suffer in a grey area outside of time with no sense of how long they have been there, and they cannot see Me or the saints with any sense of My love. They long for the day to keep moving closer to see Me in heaven. The souls in purgatory are always asking for prayers to remove or shorten their suffering. They are being cleansed of all of their earthly desires so they are prepared to give Me constant praise and worship in singing. Purgatory is better than hell because the souls are saved and only suffer for a while and not for all of eternity as souls do in hell. Pray for sinners that they could be saved from the devil’s clutches.”
Jesus said: “My people, even at this late date there are people still building places to stay at their refuges. It is never too late to make room for people to stay. Even My angels will help complete the construction of your buildings at the refuges, as well as multiply them. Depend on Me in trust to see to your spiritual and earthly needs. It is very likely that when you go to your refuge, you may have to face wintry conditions as in the vision. Walk with Me in full faith and you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”

(Success-how measured by God vs. man; greed & pride-humility and self-denial instead) July 3, 2007

September 29, 2009

At St. Theodore’s Adoration I could see a trophy case with many first places in sports. Jesus said: “My people, it is interesting to Me to see what man values most in this world. Some people strive to gain as many sports trophies as they can, thinking fame in such accomplishments is their goal in life. Others seek as many patents as they can to show off their knowledge skills. Others seek to make it rich in stocks or property, thinking that success is in how much wealth you can accumulate. Yet success in worldly things will not gain you heaven. In fact giving up your life’s wealth in total faith is more desirable to gain heaven. I measure success in how much you can love Me and love your neighbor. Saving souls, doing good deeds, donating to charities, and daily prayer are much more valuable than any money that you have acquired. Your treasure in heaven will mean more to your soul when you die, because you cannot take your money or your possessions with you. When your soul leaves your body, you are spiritually naked with only the good deeds that you did in your hands. Live your life in total commitment to Me, and you will be led on the right path to heaven. Forget about fame and money, for they do not exist in heaven.”

Tuesday, September 29, 2009: (Sts. Michael, Gabriel, & Raphael)

St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God in all of His glory. Us archangels are protectors, messengers, and healers through the power and direction of God. As you need protection from falling down as in the vision of this guard rail, you also need protection against the devil and his demons. Just as I fought the devil in heaven and cast them into hell, so I will fight for your souls. I am the guardian and protector of America, but the more mortal sins that you commit, the less that I can help you. When your sin is so great, God’s justice has to be carried out. When you call on My help to protect your messages from the evil one and you call on Me to help in exorcizing demons, I will be there for you. God and us good angels are more powerful than the evil ones, so just call on Jesus and we will be there for you.”
Jesus said: “My people, sometimes men or women show their pride in how well they perform in sports events, gambling, or the stock market. Some people measure their success by how many events they can win. Others measure success in how much money they can accumulate. True followers of Mine are content to serve Me the best that they can without worrying about being better than someone else. It is better to strive to be humble and the least in My Kingdom, than wasting time trying to be the best in anything. Greed and pride are two strong temptations that tempt souls for fame and wealth. All that you need is enough to survive, but your soul needs to strive for spiritual perfection in order to gain sainthood. This crown should be your goal, but to get there may mean a denial of self and all earthly successes. You are not judged on your wealth or your position, but only how you loved Me and loved your neighbor in life. If you love Me, you would love My Presence in every soul and help them where you could. It is much more rewarding to be humble and give away everything to save souls than to strive to be rich and famous in the eyes of man. It is Me that you would rather please than man, because I have the words of eternal life.”


Wednesday, September 30, 2009: (St. Jerome)

Jesus said: “My people, many of your old traditional stands, statues, icons, and large crucifixes are being stored in attics and back rooms. Some people, who treasure these things, have been going to closed churches to save these things from being thrown out. There are Old Testament readings where conquerors of the Jews abused the use of sacred vessels and they were killed as a punishment. Some of your modern churches are barren of any crucifixes or statues, and they have placed My tabernacles in back rooms. Why are you ashamed to have Me in plain sight, or why do you not put statues of Me and the saints on the altar to remind the people of us? There is a movement in My Church to minimize the importance of My Eucharist and to deny My Real Presence in the Host. Because My Real Presence is not proclaimed in the pulpit, many do not believe that I am present Body and Blood in My consecrated Hosts. Even if someone does not believe, I am still present there just the same. My laws and My Words will not pass away, even if this earth will pass away. Let your faith be strong, and do not let the elements of modernism in My Church mislead you.”
Jesus said: “My people, I warned you that you could see another large earthquake on the ocean floor followed by a tsunami. (1-21-09) This earthquake in the Pacific was smaller, and the tsunami wave was also smaller, but there were still deaths from flooding and water damage. There also was another large earthquake in Indonesia only a day after the first one. Earthquakes on land can kill people as well, but earthquakes under water have the added threat of tsunami waves. These increased intensities and frequencies of earthquakes are all signs of the end times that are coming upon you in this age. Just as evil gets worse leading up to the tribulation time, so My protection is needed to fight the evil ones’ trials. Pray for the victims of these earthquakes and protect them from any looting.”

(Guardian Angel Mark-the angels allow communication from souls of the dead) June 5, 2007


October 2, 2009

At St. Theodore’s Adoration I could see a young boy that looked like my cousin Danny, but there was a light around him. Jesus said: “My people, you know that many souls send themselves to various levels of purgatory. Some need more purging of their earthly desires than others. There is a certain amount of suffering that each of these souls must endure to atone for the reparation due for their sins. The souls in upper purgatory can be helped more by your prayers, good deeds, and Masses. There is more light and less greyness in upper purgatory where most of their suffering is not being able to see My face. In lower purgatory it is darker and the souls suffer more as they do in hell. These souls have to suffer and be purged for a minimum of their time before your prayers can help release them sooner. You have a gift to receive messages from these souls after death, and it would be good to read some books on this subject of what other souls have revealed. You also are seeing a need in your time to spend more prayer time specifically for the souls in purgatory. There are very few living souls that can convey this need for the poor souls in purgatory and this is a worthy intention to help free these souls from purgatory, so they can enjoy sooner the heaven that has been promised to them. All of these souls are saved, and it is just a matter of time until they are freed to enjoy My love and rest in heaven.”


Sunday, October 4, 2009: (Respect Life Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading on Adam and Eve, and the Gospel speak about marriage, and how a man and wife are joined as one flesh until death do them part. When a couple gets married, they both need to make this commitment for life without thinking about divorce. There are some extreme circumstances that could qualify for an annulment, but as with Adam and Eve, they were never meant to be separated. This is also Right to Life Sunday as you used to call it, and you need to work to stop aborting My babies. Children should be the fruit of a marriage, as they are born into a love relationship with a mother and father. Protect My little ones from abortion and the children from being abused. You remember when I said that anyone who harmed such a little one should have a millstone put around their neck and be thrown into the sea. You also need to protect the elderly from euthanasia as this may be their purgatory on earth to suffer any pain. Work to stop the killings from war, and even those who kill people, they should not be killed by capital punishment. If you are going to protect life in all circumstances, then you need to be consistent out of love for everyone, even your enemies.”


Monday, October 5, 2009:
Jesus said: “My people, Jonah was reluctant to tell Nineveh that they were going to be destroyed because he was fearful that they would kill him. He escaped on a ship, but I brought a huge storm against the ship, and by lots he was chosen to be thrown overboard because he fled his duty. It was then that he was swallowed by a large fish and was in darkness for three days and nights. It was this experience that was similar to My darkness in the tomb for three days as I foretold several times how I would die and rise again. Jonah had to go forward and warn the people of Nineveh to repent. I had My victory over sin and death by My death on the cross, and My glory was witnessed by My Resurrection where My Light dispelled the darkness. The Gospel of the Good Samaritan is familiar as I explained being a neighbor is how you help those in need by your good deeds and not just in words. Always be on guard to use every opportunity to show your love for everyone by helping people in their need. I love everyone as well, and I see to your needs even when you do not ask Me. Imitate My love in giving of yourself, and you will store up treasure in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some men who have infiltrated into My Church to try and destroy it. You have seen the effect of having homosexuals allowed into the seminaries. Losing some priests and paying for all the lawyers’ suits has given My Church bad publicity and has caused churches to close to pay the lawyers. Other infiltrators are trying to minimize My Real Presence and its teaching. There will be a coming division in My Church and the schismatic church will believe in New Age teachings and discard traditional teachings of My apostles. Avoid this modernism and keep My faithful remnant loyal to My true Word in the Gospel. My faithful remnant will survive in My refuges and they will be protected from the evil ones by My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, Jonah was reluctant to tell Nineveh that they were going to be destroyed because he was fearful that they would kill him. He escaped on a ship, but I brought a huge storm against the ship, and by lots he was chosen to be thrown overboard because he fled his duty. It was then that he was swallowed by a large fish and was in darkness for three days and nights. It was this experience that was similar to My darkness in the tomb for three days as I foretold several times how I would die and rise again. Jonah had to go forward and warn the people of Nineveh to repent. I had My victory over sin and death by My death on the cross, and My glory was witnessed by My Resurrection where My Light dispelled the darkness. The Gospel of the Good Samaritan is familiar as I explained being a neighbor is how you help those in need by your good deeds and not just in words. Always be on guard to use every opportunity to show your love for everyone by helping people in their need. I love everyone as well, and I see to your needs even when you do not ask Me. Imitate My love in giving of yourself, and you will store up treasure in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some men who have infiltrated into My Church to try and destroy it. You have seen the effect of having homosexuals allowed into the seminaries. Losing some priests and paying for all the lawyers’ suits has given My Church bad publicity and has caused churches to close to pay the lawyers. Other infiltrators are trying to minimize My Real Presence and its teaching. There will be a coming division in My Church and the schismatic church will believe in New Age teachings and discard traditional teachings of My apostles. Avoid this modernism and keep My faithful remnant loyal to My true Word in the Gospel. My faithful remnant will survive in My refuges and they will be protected from the evil ones by My angels.”


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in your cold war between America and Russia people recognized the potential for a nuclear war by how close the clock was to 12:00 noon or midnight. For example during the Cuban missile crisis, the clock was placed at only a few minutes to 12:00. In a similar manner I am showing you this clock at the 3:00 hour which is when I died on the cross. Being nearly 3:00 represents that the time for the tribulation to begin is near. I have given you many warnings that the time is near when the Antichrist will come into power at the head of all the world unions. My Warning will occur before the Antichrist comes to power so everyone can be prepared for this time of evil. After the Warning remove your TVs and computers from your house to avoid looking at or listening to the Antichrist. Have your backpacks ready to leave for My refuges of protection. When you see a world famine, a division in My Church, mandatory vaccines for a pandemic virus, mandatory chips in the body, or martial law, then call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you by a small flame of fire to My nearest refuge or interim refuge. Leaving when I warn you to, will allow you to avoid being captured by the men in black who will take you to the death camps to be gassed and cremated.”
Jesus said: “My son, in a previous message it was confirmed that you should go ahead in acquiring another spiritual advisor since you have made multiple attempts to be obedient to your superiors. I would advise you against putting any messages in print until a spiritual advisor has approved that they are not against any teachings of My Church. This would mean not allowing messages to go to your publisher or the internet until they are approved. If the Diocese objects to your spiritual director in allowing messages to be printed, then be obedient and stop any printing. It is true that I would like to see these messages given out to the public, but I also want you to be under proper spiritual supervision. Continue praying for a spiritual director and for one that would approve them to be published.”


Wednesday, October 7, 2009: (Our Lady of the Rosary)

Jesus said: “My people, the rosary of My Blessed Mother is your best weapon against Satan and all of his temptations. You need the strength of prayer in your soul to withstand life’s trials. When you pray, you are conversing with your Lord. When you ask for My Blessed Mother’s help, she will place her mantle of protection over her children. Call on our help in your petitions and pray for My Blessed Mother’s petitions as well. Daily prayer to help sinners and the souls in purgatory are most important. Prayer is also needed for peace in the world and to stop your abortions. By staying close to Me in prayer, you will have peace in your soul as you trust in Me for everything. You help people in your good deeds, but you can also help people by praying for their needs as well, both physical and spiritual. There is great power in prayer, so be loving and persistent in your prayer because some souls have a higher price.”
Jesus said: “My people, those, who live in the cold North during the winter, are most vulnerable to any power outages. This burning flame is a sign of an alternative heating device being used during a power outage. I have asked My people to have at least one or more sources of heating fuels. Most heating furnaces require electricity to run them. Natural gas could be used if the pumps to keep up the pressure are still working. This could be a problem for gassing up cars to run as well. Having a wood supply, kerosene, or propane tanks with an appropriate wood stove, kerosene heater, or cooking device would keep you warm through the winter. I have mentioned before that those, who want to takeover your country, would turn off your electricity in the winter when you are most vulnerable. Be prepared for this problem just as those running My refuges also need to have abundant fuel supplies. In order to be independent from the evil ones’ control, you need a water supply, food, and fuel. This is also why I told you that I would multiply your supplies so you could remain free. Trust in Me to provide for your needs until I return in victory over evil.”

(Abortion-hear cries of killings; America-lost freedoms as punishment) January 22, 2009: (Row vs. Wade-abortion decision)

October 8, 2009

At St. John the Evangelist after Communion I could see a thermometer and the temperature reading got colder reflecting the icy cold hearts favoring abortion. Jesus said: “My people, your newly elected President and Congress have an agenda to remove any restrictions on abortion forcing health care workers and Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. Your protest march in Washington, D.C. is an ongoing struggle against the one world people’s death culture which supports abortions and all the other threats against life. Your people have voted these death culture supporters into office and soon you will reap these actions to threaten life even more. The consequences of these actions will bring a heavier judgment against America for killing My babies. Your natural disasters, financial problems, and terrorist threats are waiting as your punishment, with the ultimate test in your country’s takeover. My justice will fall against America by the hands of your enemies, just as Israel was exiled by their enemies for worshiping false gods. Repent of your sins and pray to stop your abortions, or you will suffer the consequences.”

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a picture of your rapid activity while you busy yourselves with many errands. At times you are doing deeds in helping people, but the rest of the time you are taking your kids to events, fixing your cars or homes, getting groceries, going to the bank, or mailing things. Your lives are running at a fast pace, but you need to make some quiet time each day for prayer and an appreciation of My creation. I need to be a part of your every day. If you cannot find 20-60 minutes for Me in your whole day, then you are doing too much, and you need to slow down and limit your activity from too many make work jobs. See if you could limit your shopping, or your kids’ activities. You do not have to keep going every minute. Too much stress in your lives is causing heart attacks and cancer, or other nerve problems. This is why I have asked you in the past to slow down and live a more simple lifestyle without so much activity. When you make some quiet time, it gives you a chance to contemplate on where you are in your spiritual life, and if you are ready to meet Me at your judgment. You can think also how you can improve your actions in being good examples, instead of being impatient or angry with people. At times you may be critical of people who are too slow in your eyes, but you need to accept everyone for who they are, and not just copies of yourself. Love My creation, love Me, and love your neighbor, but if you do not allow time for these things, then you will be passing up these opportunities in your life.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I want to thank Jerry for his love in adorning My altar with his flowers that are exquisite in color and shape as I created them. I have mentioned in other messages how beautiful nature is in witnessing My beautiful creations. Even as these flowers express the beauty that they bring forth, My faithful also can bloom into beautiful creations that worship and adore Me. Spreading your faith by sharing My Word of conversion is the most beautiful use of your gifts.”
Jesus said: “My people, whether people come to a funeral or a wedding, it is a grateful touch for the host to send out thank you cards for those who shared their love for the deceased or for a newly married couple. It is a lot of work to prepare a feast for either occasion, and a person’s presence is always appreciated. I am preparing a wedding feast in heaven for all of My faithful, and you are all cordially invited. Once you taste of My dinner, you will be thanking Me and praising Me for allowing you to enter.”
Jesus said: “My people, having electricity coming into your house is a wonderful invention that enables you to have light, heat, and all of your electronic devices working. Without this energy coming to the house, none of your electrical devices would work. Even the sun, that I created, brings light and warmth to the earth so you can live. I also am the One who puts the spark of life into your bodies with your soul as the life force. For all of these sources of power and spirit that are a part of your life, give Me praise and glory that you can experience life itself.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of you travel by plane and train, but you may not realize the history and effort that was required to give you these forms of transportation. Man’s inventive skills and production have given you these means of travel. You also need skilled pilots and engineers to run these means of travel. Once you arrive safely, give thanks for all of those who made it possible for you to travel to your destination. It is also helpful to you that you are able to share your faith over a wide area by flying to your meetings. Give Me thanks also for bringing you back and forth safely in your work.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many people working behind the scenes that help bring about great shows because of their planning. In many of life’s events there are more players behind the actors that make things happen. Be thankful for all the skills of those who support all of your entertainment shows. I am working with My angels behind the scenes as all of My faithful are acting out their lives. Give thanks again to Me for all that I enable you to accomplish.”
Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for all of your sharing of your blessed sacramentals and books with the people at your meetings. Many appreciate receiving My Word and the rosaries to help them in their faith and prayers. You are My prayer warriors that inspire others to pray and prepare for Confession. Continue to provide these helps for the people in how to pray the rosary leaflets, rosaries, Divine Mercy sheets, and Confession preparation sheets. Prayer and the forgiveness of sins are greatly needed in everyone’s spiritual life.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am ever grateful to those who share My Word of love to all those that are searching for My peace in their souls. I love all of My children so much that I died for your sins so you could be saved. I am a Light that emanates love to every soul that seeks My love. Once you are acquainted with My love, I want to establish an everlasting love relationship with you. Love can only be shared if the loved ones return their love to Me. So come to Me out of love because I am like the Father of the Prodigal Son who awaits to hold you in My arms. For you were lost and now you are found in My love.”


Friday, October 9, 2009: (St. Denis & companions)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I was accused of casting out demons by the prince of demons. I explained to these people that a divided house could not stand. But if the finger of God was upon Me, then truly the Kingdom of God was upon them. In fact I am the Son of God which is the power that drove out the demons. I even commanded these evil ones not to speak, because they knew that I was the Son of God. Satan and the demons are still present on the earth and the effects of evil are all about you. I am more powerful than all of these demons put together, for they are all creatures that I have made. This vision of missiles going off is a warning that Iran and North Korea are controlled by dictators with evil intentions in using missiles and making nuclear bombs. Satan is stirring up wars and hostilities among the nations which your are witnessing. When you are attacked by these evil ones, use your blessed sacramentals of your rosaries, blessed salt, holy water, and your Benedictine crosses with the exorcism medal for your protection. Call on My Name and My angels to deliver you from their temptations and influence. I will be at your side to defend you from these evil forces. Pray your daily prayers and go to frequent Confession to keep your soul pure. The more sin that you have on your soul, the weaker you will be to resist temptations. The demons are still roaming the earth and some people are possessed by demons as in My day. Have no fear, because I am with you.”
Jesus said: “My people, there is much evil in this world and you have seen the killing of people in the death camps of Hitler. He was led by Satan in witchcraft and astrology to do the evil that he did. Many dictators in history have been used by Satan to bring about wars and evil actions. The eugenics which led up to the killing of the Jews is even rooted in your Planned Parenthood Organizations. Your abortions and many sexual sins are still flaws in your society. Some people are being misled in New Age worship of things and Satanic cults. This is why you need My protection and that of My angels against the evils of your society. Carry your blessed sacramentals of rosaries, your Benedictine crosses, and holy water as your weapons against the demons. The death camps of Hitler are present in America as well, and I have warned you of the evil ones’ intentions to want to kill the religious and patriots who will not go along with their new world order. Listen to My warnings when it will be necessary to go to My refuges of safety so these evil ones cannot kill you. Have no fear of these evil ones in the coming tribulation because My power is greater than the demons. Trust in Me fully and you will have no fears and no worries.”


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, at times you are going to be in different places than you are used to. In your moving from place to place you may be tested by confusion either in travel or misplacing your things. At all times I want you to remain calm and do not let the evil one use confusion to unsettle your peace. If you are troubled, call on Me and My angels, and we will comfort you in your distress. You may worry about something that is not even a problem. I have warned you about earthly distractions, so keep your focus on Me and nothing will disturb you. I love all of My people, and I am here to walk with you in your daily needs. Just reach out to Me and I will lead you by the hand. Once you take time to contemplate on your problems, you will see that there really was nothing of importance to worry about. I see to your needs even though you may not realize it at the time. Trust in Me to watch over you and do not let anything disturb your peace.”


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, truly you have the greatest gift that you could have in My Blessed Sacrament that you receive at Communion time. My angels are giving witness to My Real Presence and the flames in the vision represent the flame of love that they have for Me. I pray that all of you have a flame of love burning in your heart to be with Me. Today’s gospel is difficult to understand from man’s point of view. I know that you need some money to buy your necessities and provide a living for your family, which is why you have jobs. I want you though to be able to break any attachment to your money and possessions. You live to serve Me and praise Me, so this money is only a means to provide food and travel. Do not make these things into idols that you serve more than Me. Some have taken vows of poverty, and I commend them for putting their complete trust in Me to provide for them. Use your money to help others in their needs. Another treasure, that you share, is your time that you give Me for prayer and to share your faith with others. Do not worry about having enough money to survive, because just as I feed the birds, so I will feed you who are even more valuable than the birds. Keep your focus on Me in life, and you will win your prize of salvation with Me in heaven.”


Monday, October 12, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I talked of My time as an evil age that Solomon and Jonah will condemn. This present age is also evil and the saints and prophets speak of its condemnation. Every age seeks a sign, but this vision of garbage being emptied into a dump is a confirmation of the spiritual trash that is littered all over your world. You realize the danger of leaving rotting garbage laying around, so you dispose of it in your land fills. You also have the stench of your evil sins laying around, but you are not as quick to get rid of your drug houses, prostitution places, adult book stores, and your abortion clinics. These occasions of sin are the snares of the devil that are inviting innocent souls into sin. If your society wants to clean up its spiritual trash, these are the places that need to be cleansed. All of this filthy behavior disgusts Me, and you are calling down My wrath if you do not change your ways.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a very graphic picture of how you are aborting My babies. You abort one-half to one-third of all babies conceived in the world. Here in the United States your population would be below replacement if it were not for all of your immigrants. Many do not see what takes place in a real abortion, so the general population is unaware of how gruesome and ugly your abortions are. The unborn have no rights in your laws, but you protect endangered species of many animals that are less valuable than a human life. You are acting like God in choosing who lives and who dies. There is big money in abortion, and some doctors get rich on this blood money. Those, who perform abortions, will have a heavy punishment due to these sins. Those mothers, who kill their babies, can be forgiven, but they also will pay a heavy price for defying My plan for these lives. When you see the millions of abortions being performed, now you know why America will be taken over and many will be killed as your punishment. Pray to stop your abortions in America, and struggle to convince these mothers to have their babies, instead of living with the guilt of killing their baby.”


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you visions of people waiting at a train station as they wait to go to their place of judgment from Me. Before souls go to heaven, hell, or purgatory after their particular judgment, they are allowed some time to adjust to their new reality of being without their body. It is during this time that some souls are allowed to interact with the living souls that still have bodies. This time of interaction can be short or long if the soul is in purgatory and is requesting prayers and Masses. Some souls from purgatory or heaven can give messages to open souls on earth to receive. After this time of adjustment, the soul gets on the train that they were waiting for, and they are then taken to their judged destination. This process varies from soul to soul, and with the gifts and openness to those souls that they are talking to. You have seen books on these messages.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that the Comet of the Warning was on its way toward the earth. The major telescopes see near miss objects from a distance, but they keep them secret until within 72 hours of arrival. This comet will come by quickly with little notice of its coming. Once it is very close, amateurs will notify you on the internet, and your Warning experience will happen quickly as well for everyone on earth at the same time. This comet will be different in that it will not be seen from a great distance because it will be hidden by the sun and the planets. Those, who see this in the sky, will be frightened and some could even die of fright. This message is another sign that the Warning time is getting very close.”


Wednesday, October 14, 2009: (St. Calistus I)

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen bridges collapse and other infrastructures damaged. This vision is a collapse of a tunnel under water that will flood the tunnel. As tunnels age and deteriorate, they need to be upgraded for safety reasons. As a result of the current recession, there is less money to rebuild this kind of infrastructure. The Stimulus funds are politically chosen. The repercussions of a failed tunnel could drown many people. Earthquakes can also cause this kind of a tunnel collapse. Pray that this kind of disaster could be prevented. There is one such event that will occur that will require more care in the future, just as bridges had to be inspected more after the one bridge collapsed.”
Jesus said: “My people, your latest Health Plan is just like an iceberg in that you cannot see all of the increased costs in paying for millions of people who do not have any health insurance. This will collide with your ship of state, and your National Debt will become even worse because there is no way to finance this bill. The few taxes will not cover it, and the savings from cutting Medicare benefits will not cover it either. These legislators are lying to your people. Everyone will not be able to keep their existing plan, and there are not enough doctors to handle more patients. The cost will be much more than mentioned, and the bill writers will again ram a 1,000 page bill through without time to read it. This is nothing but big government taking over your health plan along with buying out banks, car manufacturers, and control of your buying and selling with microchips in your documents. America is headed toward bankruptcy from a weak dollar and too many debts beyond your worth. When the dollar and your markets crash, then you will see a new currency in the ‘amero’ as the North American Union will take over. Prepare to go to your refuges when this takeover occurs, since the evil ones will try to eliminate the religious and patriotic people. Trust in My power that will defeat the Antichrist and the demons.”


Thursday, October 15, 2009: (St. Theresa of Jesus, Avila)

Jesus said: “My people, many times you use mirrors to shave, makeup your face, or try on clothes to see how they fit. This type of reflection is used for your outward appearance. A spiritual reflection requires some quiet time to dwell on how you act and appear to others. If you are not being a good example to others, then that time is well spent in correcting your future behavior. In some ways you act out of habit, and it is hard to break bad habits of anger, swearing, or drinking too much. You are trying to be focused on Me, and by imitating My life, you can change your bad habits. Correcting your faults is a life long work, so do not be discouraged if you fail at times. You can come to Me in Confession to restore grace in your soul as you ask Me for forgiveness. If you recognize your bad actions, and are determined to change your ways, then you are making progress in your spiritual life. If you continue in your bad behavior without either recognizing your sin, or seeing the need to correct it, then you should be praying more in your life to have your eyes of faith opened to make sure you are not a hypocrite. This is another reason to have a good confessor or spiritual director. It is good to make some time to reflect on your actions and your progress toward perfecting your life. Contemplative prayer is also good so you can talk to Me in your own words of informal prayer. At times you need to calm down from all of life’s activities and see if you are doing things out of love for Me or not. If you are, then you are on the right road to holiness. Avoid being selfish in your intentions, so I can use you for the mission I have given you. See the need for constant reflective prayer in your life.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember what the angels said on that glorious morning of My Resurrection. He said: ‘You are looking for the Lord Jesus’ Body, but He is risen and is not here, He will see you in Galilee.’ Another angel said to the women: ‘Why are you looking for the Living One among the dead? He has risen on the third day as he told you.’ I gave many appearances to show My disciples that I have truly risen. This is the Good News of salvation that I died for your sins, and I arose from the dead as My disciples will also rise on the last day. This is your promise that one day you will be with Me in paradise, even as I promised the good thief who called on My mercy.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is obvious how many people put decorations on their houses in preparation for Halloween. There are some misgivings about celebrating a feast for demons and witches which is more about an evil feast day. The real feast is the next day that celebrates All Saints’ Day which is more important. Some are curious and fascinated by evil potions and the occult which you should avoid. You have demon possessions that result from such curiosity. Giving out candy and helping the children is one thing, but be wary of any curiosity in following occult practices. Ask My angels to protect you from any evil influences.”
Jesus said: “My people, you need to protect your children from the subtle influence in Harry Potter books and movies that could lead them into witchcraft, spells, and seance meetings. All of the tarot cards, fortune telling, palm reading, Ouija boards, and New Age teachings are all to be avoided because demons could possess people through these means. By avoiding these movies, you will not be tempted to experiment out of curiosity. You are attacked enough by the devil’s temptations without giving in to their worship and their evil meetings. You are praying for good things for people, while covens worship Satan and pray for evil things over people. Pray for those who are drawn into these evil things, that their souls will be saved from hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, some people are attracted to follow New Age principles and teachings. They have many esoteric practices, demonic potions, and crystals that have curses, spells, or incantations on them that can invite demonic control, even as through Voodoo practices. These people are controlled by astrology and the worship of gods and goddesses. It may take many prayers, fastings, and exorcisms to break people from any evil influence. Possessions by demons and coven meetings are real as they kill animals and mock stolen Communions at their black masses. This is truly why there is a battle of good and evil, and you should be aware of these evil ones who are trying to win souls for Satan.”
Jesus said: “My people, you need to be on guard to protect yourselves from demons and occult people who are trying to attack you. Wear your scapulars, rosaries, Benedictine crosses, holy water, and blessed salt as your weapons against the evil ones. When you feel a coldness and a lack of love coming from someone, there is a chance that you are dealing with a possessed or obsessed person of evil. If you do not have an exorcism priest, then pray with a group in saying your St. Michael prayers and binding of evil spirits prayers. Pray your guardian angel prayer and invoke My Name, ‘Jesus’, over any persons of evil. By being prepared to fight these evil ones, you will not have any fear of them.”
Jesus said: “My people, beware that many addictions of alcohol, drugs, pornography, sexual sins, or overeating, all have demons attached to these bad habits. Once you have been weakened by such sinful behavior, then you are more susceptible to repeat these sins. Do not use pleasures and highs to constantly satisfy your senses, but treat these things with caution that could lead you into worse sins. This is why people with addictions need prayers, fasting, exorcisms, and miracles to even want to be treated for their addictions. Address the demons first and follow this with counseling and rehabilitation. This is another place where you are facing the battle between good and evil.”
Jesus said: “My people, in addition to wearing your blessed sacramentals, I encourage you to improve your spiritual life by becoming close to Me in prayer and My sacraments. You have the grace of Confession to cleanse your soul of sin and restore My grace in your soul. You have My Mass and Communion to heal the wounds of your sins, and bring protection stronger from your guardian angel. Pray your three or four rosaries every day to counter the evil in your world. Visit Me at Adoration or at My tabernacle to receive My words into your heart and soul when you discern things. Loving Me every day in taking up your daily cross will help you battle the evil one’s temptations during the day. Help others as well in their prayer life to be converted and protected by us from the evil ones.”


Friday, October 16, 2009: (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque-Sacred Heart)

Jesus said: “My people, you know that I wore very simple sandals in My time, and I was of simple means. You also have seen the poor with broken down shoes or no shoes at all. Even a priest working for Me was proud to wear wrapped worn shoes. You have sayings to know someone that you have to walk a mile in their shoes. I have even asked you to imitate My life by following Me in My footprints. What you are being asked, is to let go of your earthly ways, and follow Me in My ways which the world has rejected. My ways are the ways of love, friendship, and suffering of persecution. Some like My words of love until I ask you to love even your enemies. Some like to love their friends, but they have difficulty in loving strangers or their persecutors. Very few ask for suffering, and it is avoided by most people. But you can offer any of your sufferings up to Me as I share them with you on My cross. Your suffering can save your soul and the souls of others, as suffering has redemptive value, as I died to redeem all of mankind from their sins. So walk a mile in My shoes, and do not worry about the appearance of your footwear.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who become involved with drugs or abusive drinking of alcohol that can be likened to someone who accidentally falls into a raging river. As the water carries you downstream, you have little control to get out of the water. Your best chance is to try and swim to the side of the river and catch something to pull yourself out. Otherwise someone needs to throw you a life preserver ring to pull you on shore. Addictions to drugs or alcohol are hard to break on your own. The cravings are very strong like the river, and you need treatment to dry out from this habit. The withdrawals can be difficult, but it is required to stop the drinking. Once the source of drink or drugs can be removed and not enabled, the addict has a chance to quit. This requires a will for the addict to want to stop drinking and possibly someone praying or guiding that person to treatment. As long as an addict has access to alcohol or drugs, there is no chance of stopping. So stop giving them money for their habits, so they can find help at various groups as Alcoholics Anonymous to get counseling. Pray also to bind any evil spirits attached to these addictions, and call on Me and My angels to help that individual. Prayer, fasting, and exorcism can be helpful in these cases. The best defense is to avoid taking the first drink if you are vulnerable to this addiction. Once you succumb to another drink, you are like the lost person drowning in the river.”


Saturday, October 17, 2009: (St. Ignatius of Antioch)

Jesus said: “My people, this sap running down the tree in the vision is the life blood of the tree. The water and nutrients are brought up from the roots to feed the leaves of the tree. It is very much like your blood that circulates your body bringing the cells oxygen and nutrients as well. I am mentioning these parallels in the physical world so you can understand that My grace from My sacraments is like your life blood for your soul. If you allow your sins to accumulate, after a while your sins will blot out all of your graces. Once grace is lacking in your soul, especially from mortal sin, then your soul is dead to Me with little if any connection in love. This is what happens when you stop going to Sunday Mass, forget your daily prayers, and avoid Confession. It is time for My people to wake up out of their spiritual laziness and come back to Me in My sacraments. Confession can release you of your bonds of sin, and restore My graces to your soul. Remembering Me every day in your prayers is like a lover who tells his spouse how much he loves her every day. You can find the time for at least one hour a week to attend Sunday Mass so you can receive more graces in Holy Communion. Keep close to Me every day in prayer and frequent Confession, and you can keep your soul vibrant in My graces instead of being dead in your sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, some Southern states have been plagued with occasional sink holes when the ground gives way to underground caverns. As fresh water is drained from your water wells or oil from the oil wells, you can create a cavity that could lend itself to sink holes. Wherever there have been fires, the water from rain starts to erode the land causing mud slides. These events can unsettle people who could lose their homes to such destruction. As long as people build their homes near water or on sandy hills, they are risking losses to mud slides and storms. Pray for your people to build their homes in less risky areas so they do not have to constantly worry about major natural disasters.”

Saturday, October 3, 2009: (Camille Remacle Funeral Mass)

October 17, 2009

Camille said: “I am so happy to have seen all of the people who came to my funeral. I must admit I had tears in my eyes as my brother Bill gave his eulogy. I saw this same life review when I died that he talked about. I love Babe so much and I hated to leave you, but I know that she will be in good hands with Carol, Sharon, and Vic. To my children I just ask you to take good care of your mother as you do all of the time. Do not feel that you are alone without me in person because I will be watching you in spirit. I am in heaven now thanks to Carol, the priest, and the scapular. I want to give a special thank you to Carol and Sharon for all of the many hours that you took care of me in my last days. Also thanks to all of those in the hospital and the nursing home. I have to admit that I liked it more at home when I could be there. I thank all of my friends and relatives for all of the their efforts to come to my funeral in their travel. As you remember me, I hold all of you close to my heart. Thank you, John, for every way that you have helped our family, and thank you for recording my words.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am allowing those who are open to hear the souls that have just been separated from their bodies. In the vision you are seeing babies on the firing line who are being condemned to die by their mothers aborting their young lives. You are hearing the cries of these babies as they are killed in the womb. I am also confronted with all of their guardian angels as they return to heaven to give witness of the babies being murdered. As you look at all of the human carnage of cut up baby parts, you can understand why I am mourning for these lost lives. I have warned you not to bring any harm to My little ones, but you continue to go on killing these babies out of convenience or for money. How long to do you think that I will allow this to continue? Many of your freedoms are going to be taken away in punishment for your evil deeds. Seek to follow Me and worship Me only, and you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Friday, October 2, 2009: (Guardian Angel feast day)

October 17, 2009

St. Mark, my guardian angel, said: “I am Mark and I stand before God’s glory. Us guardian angels are messengers sent by God to watch over you. From the day you came to this earth until the day that you leave this earth, you are our responsibility throughout your life. Just as the devil never sleeps, we never sleep either because we are spirits and not restricted by earthly needs. We are the ones always giving you prompts to pray and do good deeds as well as reminding you to confess your sins. We warn you against evil temptations of the devil and help protect your physical body from harm. We also enable communication from one soul to another. If you are gifted and are open, you can receive messages from souls that have been separated from their dead bodies. Give thanks to God and us angels for being able to receive such messages. I am always at your side and I hear all of your petitions to have me help those that you are praying for. When you are making your petitions to me, try to remember to thank me and how you love me for my work and duty to God. We all love the souls that we have charge over.”

Thursday, October 1, 2009: (St. Therese of Lisieux)

October 17, 2009

St. Therese said: “My dear little one, I want to confirm to you the advice that the Sister gave you earlier that you could obtain a spiritual director on your own. You have given your Diocese adequate notice of your intentions in respecting their authority over you. I honor your intentions to be obedient to the Church, as Jesus had asked you to follow. I also wish you could say your Novena prayers continuously until you obtain a spiritual director. As your priest mentioned, I pray constantly for all missionaries as yourself to go out and preach the Word of God. Your messages from Jesus are important to announce, so it is imperative that you work harder to obtain a spiritual director so these messages could be approved. Remember all of my previous instructions to keep yourself holy. Your retreat was a good refresher. I am honored to be one of your spiritual directors and pray to me for advice or help in your situations in life.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when you talk to people about adoring Me in My Blessed Sacrament, it takes some explanation for what you are talking about. When you see the priest lift the bread and wine, he is consecrating them into My Body and Blood. On Holy Thursday I instituted My sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. I left you Myself in My Real Presence of My Blessed Sacrament. This belief, that I am truly present in the consecrated Bread, is why many come to visit Me in Adoration.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are preparing for Camille’s funeral and I have given you a picture of one of his favorite sports-fishing. He was even familiar how to lure fish on to his line so he could pull them in. This process is also how I need to lure souls in to come to Me so they can experience My love and see the need for repentance and come to Me in heaven. This is why I asked My apostles to be fishers of men and women so the people can experience My Kingdom.”
Jesus said: “My people, I taught the people and My apostles through many miracles in the boat. Several times I helped My apostles make large catches of fish, even after they had fished for hours and had caught nothing. Another time I saved My apostles from drowning in a bad storm by calming the waters. Still in another trial I came to them walking on the water. In all of these miracles they did not always understand that I performed them because I was the Son of God. The most startling miracle is when I resurrected from the dead after dying on the cross for all of mankind. When the Holy Spirit came over My apostles, then they truly understood My mission and had the courage to preach My message of love.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen man’s handiwork in this Mount Rushmore monument and his drawings over the centuries, but these accomplishments pale in comparison to My creation. As you view the beautiful earth and all of its mountains, streams, plants, and animals, you can see My hand in everything. I am your Creator as well, and I ask you to worship Me and love Me in prayer as you grow in your holiness. Once you give your will over to Me, then you can be in harmony with all of My creation that follows My direction.”
Jesus said: “My people, your current readings are relating how the Jewish people were freed again from their captivity so they could restore their Temple and their way of worshiping Me. This was another lesson that the people had to learn the hard way. They worshiped foreign gods and idols of their neighbors, so I allowed their enemies to defeat them, and take away their comfortable life. This is a similar story of America because you are worshiping fame and money while you abort your children. I will allow your enemies in the Masons to take away your country and you will also be in exile at My refuges until you will be joyful in My renewed earth in My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have prepared you to have your things packed to leave for your refuges when you will be threatened by the evil ones. I also have asked you to take what you would need for a Mass, with your missals, candles, and bread and wine. If you are fortunate to have a priest at your refuge, then you could have Mass and the sacraments. Be grateful for your priests. My angels will also be there for you to give you Holy Communion, even if you do not have a priest.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be celebrating the feast day of your Guardian Angels. You are all very fortunate that I sought to protect every soul by giving you your own individual angel to guard your soul throughout your life. Be grateful to Me for this gift and thank your angel for all that they do to protect you from the temptations of the devil. Trust in Me and their power to save you, so you can one day be with Me in heaven.”


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this scene is at the three o’clock hour when I died on the cross and there was darkness over the land from the sixth hour (12:00 noon) to the ninth hour (3:00 p.m.). (Matt. 27:45) This was a time of My greatest mercy when I gave up My life as a ransom for all the sins of mankind. There is coming another outflow of My mercy for all sinners when you all will have your Warning experience. At that time there will be another occasion of darkness from an eclipse of the sun. (1-20-07 message) There is a great similarity between My death on the cross and My Warning in that they both are gifts of My Divine Mercy, and they both are opportunities of grace for all sinners. This is the greatness of My love for man in that you are about to witness in the Warning My second most beautiful miracle to help all sinners come to Me to be saved. See the parallels in these two events that offer salvation to everyone without discrimination of any kind. Take advantage of these opportunities of grace as many will desire to come to Confession after their Warning experience. My prayer warriors will see their prayers answered when you will be able to encourage your family members to return to Confession of their sins and be saved. All of these signs in the sky will be evident on the day of the Warning.”


Monday, October 19, 2009: (St. Isaac Jogues and companions)

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the parable of the rich man who pulled down his barns to build larger ones to hold his bountiful harvest, but then his life was required of him and to whom would his possessions go to? I concluded with telling the people that you should spend yourself in helping people instead of growing rich only for yourself. This same story can be seen in your real estate market today. Many rich people are buying choice properties in order to tear down the old buildings so they can build their new rich looking buildings. This is happening whether it is for homes or for businesses. Man’s thinking has not changed over the years, but the same lesson still applies that you would rather grow rich in My graces than in accumulated money or possessions. When you die, you cannot take your wealth with you. So live your life for the present moment, making the best use of your time in helping others and appreciating My creation.”
Jesus said: “My people, most all of your bad storms have occurred in the Pacific Ocean where hurricane’s have come into Baja California and typhoons into the Philippines and Asia. There have been some deaths and major damage done to the Philippines. Even major earthquakes have been occurring with a high frequency along the Asian Ring of Fire. A major tsunami came from Samoa where there was an 8.0 earthquake. Other earthquakes in Indonesia have taken some lives as well. All of these violent natural disasters have been damaging and quite frequent in numbers. Those, who have the eyes of faith, can see that these events fit the Bible’s description of the end times that you are in right now. Be watchful of an incident that could be used to declare martial law, because the one world people are looking for the least little excuse to take over America and the world. When that time arrives, ask for My help to have your angels lead you to safety at My refuges.”


Tuesday, October 20, 2009: (St. Paul of the Cross-Passionists)

Jesus said: “My people, you are approaching the end of the Church Year when the Gospels start emphasizing My coming again when I will return on the clouds to end the reign of the Antichrist and start My new Era of Peace. During the tribulation some will be martyred, and the rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges as in the vision. All of these warnings of the end times all speak of being vigilant and watchful by having your soul purified in Confession and prayer. Always be watchful of the devil’s temptations so you are ready to meet Me when I come again. This coming time of My victory over Satan and the Antichrist will give rise to your celebration of My cleansing of all evil from the earth. Rejoice when you will see My day when I come on the clouds.”
Jesus said: “My people, using such a large barn to house people will first require some method to insulate it for both protection from the winter cold and the summer heat. You also will need some form of a ventilation system, a means for heat, and some cheap means of cooling. Also you will need a cool place to store your food, some tables, chairs, and bedding. Some refuges have even looked into simple solar cells and batteries to store what energy that you generate. Researching this form of energy could even help you now because the cells can be transportable. As you prepare for refuge living, remember that your prayer life and helping each other in communal living will require accepting people for who they are. You also will need to have everyone become a part of a loving and trusting community with Me as your leader.”


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, the Egyptian Pharaohs prepared elaborate monuments to their places of burial with their pyramids. They mummified their bodies, they positioned themselves to receive energy from the proper location inside the pyramid, and stored food and even their servants. In the Gospel I have asked My faithful to also be prepared for their death, but in a spiritual manner more than anything physical. Some rich people still leave foundations, buildings, and monuments behind as memorials of their lives on earth. My faithful would much rather leave a legacy of your good deeds, and your obedience and worship of Me. Keep prepared every day for your judgment with daily prayer and frequent Confession to keep your soul pure. Do not worry about any preparations beyond the grave as the Egyptians did because I go to prepare a place for you in heaven of My own making. Once you die and are received into heaven, you will have joy and rejoicing beyond your imagination. You will be singing My praises and be thankful to live in My loving Presence for all eternity. Continue in your current efforts to give Me glory and praise on earth because this will also prepare you for your glorious life with Me forever.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people have Masses said for those who have died, and it brings great blessings, especially to those souls in purgatory who can have their punishment lessened. Those, who have Masses said for them while they are alive, will have even more graces granted to them on their path to heaven. Before you have died and are judged, your soul is still vulnerable to be lost by personal sin. The more graces that you are given, the more that you will be strengthened against committing any sin. Continue to call on My help and that of your guardian angel to protect you from the temptations of the devil. By staying obedient to My Commandments and keeping your focus on Me out of love, you will be guided on life’s path to your reward in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, this loudspeaker represents how the Scribes and Pharisees kept shouting to obey the law which emphasized man-made traditions, but they neglected to obey the spirit of the righteous law. In My frustration with their worldly ways and lack of love for Me, I stated: (Matt. 23:27-28) ‘Woe to you, Scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead man’s bones and every kind of filth. Even so, on the outside you appear righteous, but inside you are filled with hypocrisy and evildoing.’ I call My people to avoid being hypocrites as well. Work to get your own spiritual house in order before thinking about criticizing someone for doing what you are doing. How can you bring converts to Me unless you give good example in your own behavior? Acting responsibly and following My Commandments takes work to show your commitment to doing everything out of love for Me. If love is lacking in your actions, then you are doing things for show, just as the Scribes and Pharisees acted. I look into the heart and I know all of your intentions. Focus your actions on following My way of love, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages speaking of Myself as the ‘Light of the World’ where I disperse the darkness of sin. This vision of being right in the light tower can be likened to your being with Me after you have received Me in Holy Communion. At that moment you are intimately close to My Light and you are awed by My love and the grace of My Blessed Sacrament. Just as you could only view the light tower during the day because of the brightness of the light, so I shield My bright Light from you in Communion and at Adoration. If you felt the full power of My Presence, you could not survive the physical experience. I love all of you so much and My love goes out to you in My Light. Every time that you come to Me, it is like a new experience of love, even as every message that you receive is new and different from other times. Rejoice every time that you can experience My Real Presence because it is as if you were standing in heaven for a while. Continue to imitate My life in doing good deeds and your prayers, and you will be walking in My Light every day. When the day of My Era of Peace arrives you will see My Light disperse even the dark of night.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are getting some signs that the Swine Flu cases are increasing as many are taking the vaccine shots. It is going to be difficult to obtain truthful statistics from the media and the drug companies that will profit from making the vaccine shots. Of great concern is how to determine if the vaccine shots can prevent the predicted increases in deaths. Some are gambling that the prevention of the disease is better than any long term side effects from the shots. If the flu spreads more than usual, then people may have to wear masks and stay out of crowds. Building up your immune systems with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins may help fight off any severe cases. Pray that this disease does not get worse or more deadly. If many do die or quarantines are implemented, it may be time to go to your refuges early to be healed by the luminous cross and the spring water.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an increased amount of attacks against targets in Pakistan in addition to the ongoing war in Afghanistan. Your military leaders and your government are trying to determine a proper response and troop level for the war effort in Afghanistan. Some are pleased with the withdrawal of your troops from Iraq, but many troops may just go to another war. Pray for peace in this area so all of your troops could be sent home from these continuous wars.”
Jesus said: “My people, many have accepted that any new plan would cost nearly $1 trillion. The major debates are how this plan would be paid for and will it include a public government option to provide health insurance. Unless there is an honest and truthful way to pay for this plan, then any going forward would push your country into sure bankruptcy. Pray that some compromises could be found without increasing your National Debt.”
Jesus said: “My people, your media and the one world people are failing to tell you the truth about your current state of your economy. Many on Wall Street are cautiously optimistic that your recession is over, and they can continue on their old ways of taking unnecessary risks to make more money. The credit and unemployment numbers tell the real story. Some of your commodities are increasing in price as the dollar loses its value. If foreigners do not continue buying your treasury notes, then your Federal Reserve will buy them, and force monetizing your debt. This means that your money printing presses will be more active and it will further reduce the dollar’s value. Pray that you can stop the bankruptcy of America because this could precipitate your takeover and the North American Union replacing the dollar with the ‘amero’, stealing all of your wealth.”
Jesus said: “My people, those, who receive unemployment payments, welfare, Medicare, or Social Security, should be concerned where their checks are going to come from when these funds run out of money. You have too many hands receiving, and not enough people paying in to fund these mandated programs. As less workers are paying in and their wages are stagnant or decreasing, tax income will be less. The recession has cut incomes for all government levels and deficits are in your news constantly. Bailouts and Stimulus plans are making your finances even worse. You will be faced more with living on less as there is no way to fund your programs that are out of control. It is time that your people face reality and live more within your means than borrowing on your children’s future earnings.”
Jesus said: “My people, many want to point blame on others for all of your financial problems, but a better plan would be how to help each other manage through hard economic times. Those, who have money, could be helping the poor with donations to food shelves or giving jobs to those out of work. Charities are having harder times to get donations, but helping build houses or fixing up houses could be turned into neighborhood projects. Helping each other by learning people’s needs and soliciting help for them can put the needy in touch with those who could help even with physical work. When you help people out of love, you will see a reward in those that you helped.”
Jesus said: “My people, your churches have many outreach programs to help poorer sections in your town or city. With proper planning churches could help more in charity help and donations. See the need more than ever to reach out to people that are not being helped by your government programs. Pray that I will lead you to opportunities of doing good deeds for your needy neighbor.”


Friday, October 23, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel reading is familiar to you because you have quoted it often in witnessing the readings of the end times. It is true how you have seen weather signs that indicate a nice day coming tomorrow, or a dark cloud indicating a severe rain storm. I am asking My faithful to also be watchful of the end time signs in a spiritual sense so you know that I am coming again. In the first reading St. Paul is trying in his life to avoid the evil that he has done, and do the good that he desires. He also talks of how he was given a thorn in the flesh to keep him humble. This struggle between good and evil is a constant test for every soul because you are all challenged by the devil’s daily temptations. Call on My help in My Name when you are tested by the evil one, and I will be at your side to defend you from the evil one’s attacks. Your flesh is weak from Adam’s sin, but I have conquered sin and death, and I bring you My graces to strengthen your resolve in fighting off sin. You have My mercy in Confession to forgive your faults, so take advantage of My opportunities for grace. By keeping your soul pure, you will be prepared to meet Me at your judgment. Recognize My end times that are upon you so you can be prepared for the coming tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, many good souls have searched their way by discernment if they were called to be an interim or final refuge. When you are moved by the Spirit to take action in making preparations for a refuge, then you are seeing a desire to answer My call to help people during the coming tribulation. This preparation could be food and fuel storage, or more bedding with separate buildings. It will also necessitate some means of an independent water source as a well. My angels and I will multiply your supplies, but then you must be willing to say ‘yes’ to My mission if you so choose.”


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, while you have your churches open and everything is normal, there is no indication how quickly things will change. Just as a flash flood can instantly flood an area, so a flash flood of evil can overwhelm your churches as well. Today they are open, but in a short time many churches will be closed. Treasure your Masses now, because the evil ones will be closing your churches by order of your government. You will see how your hate crimes legislation will be used against your churches. The evil ones will fabricate charges against the churches to close them. When the churches are closed, you will have to have Masses in the homes and eventually at the refuges. You are about to see My Church persecuted in a way that you have never seen before. Pray for My help to protect you from the evil ones as the tribulation begins.”


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I want to emphasize to My faithful to avoid taking the current flu shots because they will weaken your immune system. In combination with viruses spread by the chemtrails, many will contract the Swine Flu and it will be spread by those infected. It is sad that the evil one world people will use this pandemic virus to reduce the population. In the vision you are seeing a cemetery of those who have died from the Swine Flu. When this disease starts to kill many people, this will be the time to leave for your refuges, where you will be healed of all of your infirmities by looking on the luminous cross. You have seen a recent emergency declaration that will enable quarantines with penalties for those who refuse these shots. Some of this vaccine will have the live Swine Flu to spread this disease instead of protecting people. You may have to avoid crowds, and wear face masks, to keep from catching this flu. Those, who have innocently taken these shots, can take Hawthorn pills, vitamins, and herbs to build up their immune system. All of you should take these pills as they will help prevent getting this flu as well. See that this Swine Flu is a man-made disease and it was introduced into the population to reduce it. This is another ploy by the death culture one world people to allow them to control fewer people. Warn people of the dangers of taking these shots so they can avoid them. I will protect My faithful, so call on Me to help you in this planned epidemic.”
Jesus said: “My people, at the beginning of the tribulation you may have to think more about independent living in helping you to do everything on your own. This vision of a horse drawn wagon may be more significant for people who are running a farm at their place of refuge. I have told you that you may have to deal with your loss of electricity and lack of access to fuels. If you have stored fuels on your property, then I would multiply your fuels of gasoline, propane, or wood. Give Me praise and glory for sending My angels to protect you from the evil ones.”
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I thank all of you who are here tonight for praying my rosary. Thank you also for coming to this prayer group on the 25th of the month. Every time that I draw you to myself, I am bringing you to my Son, Jesus. I want you to love one another and pray for each other. Have faith and trust in my Son, Jesus. When you have full trust in Jesus, you will have no fears, no worries, and no anxieties. We all love you in heaven and we are encouraging you to know, love, and serve your Lord on your path to heaven. Keep peace in your soul with my Son’s grace, and do not let anything of this world disturb your peace.”


Monday, October 26, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, all of your actions have an effect on others, whether they are good actions or evil actions, just as the wave of water goes out from a boat. In the case of good actions you see the effect of your prayers and evangelization efforts in converting someone’s soul to follow Me. You do good deeds by providing food or housing for the poor to satisfy their needs. There also can be evil deeds such as abortion, euthanasia, or wars that result in the taking of lives. Some organizations or countries can force their atheistic ways on others to take their souls away from Me. Evil men can mandate orders that result in stealing money from people. Other evil people can promote bad movies and pornography in adult shops and magazines, causing sin in others. You have evil influences from bad people all over your world which is why you need to pray to Me and My angels for help to avoid sin and try to change these situations. The worst thing that you could do is to ignore sin and evil going on because you allow it to spread and do more harm to souls. It is better to work to stop evil influences, even if it demands your time and money. I see all of the intentions of your every action and you will have to make an accounting for your actions at your judgment before Me. Guard your intentions and actions to do only good out of love for Me. Remember that your actions have a lasting effect on those around you, so work on giving good example at all times.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you were baptized with My cleansing water, you were healed of original sin and all sin. Then grace came into your soul and you received the gift of faith which you must share with everyone. Many people seek physical healings, but My spiritual healings of the soul are even more important. Once you have My grace and accept Me into your heart with full faith and trust, then you will be predisposed to accept physical healings. It is your faith that will heal you. When I heal someone, I heal the whole person both body and soul. In the same way I heal you also when you receive My Real Presence into your heart and soul in Holy Communion. Give praise and glory to Me because I am the great Healer, and I use many instruments to heal people both in body and soul.”


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, some times in your lives people have committed sinful acts as abortion, and they can become so depressed with their life that they could even contemplate suicide. Getting you to sin is one goal of the devil, but getting you so depressed to contemplate suicide is another attack of the devil. In a similar manner some people commit a sin of fornication which can later lead to a temptation of abortion if a pregnancy results. Once you commit one serious sin, you are weakened to commit a worse sin to cover up the first sin. It is better to look at this second temptation as an opportunity to stop sinning and go to Confession to seek My forgiveness, as the used tire is retreaded. If you fall into one sin, look to repentance first instead of looking to hide your sin. Think about the consequences of every one of your actions before you carry it out, and you will see how the devil is misleading you into lustful pleasure or lying to cover up your previous sins. Remember that when you commit serious sin, you are vulnerable to repeat that sin or worse. Seek My love and forgiveness after every sin that you commit, and I will forgive you. But ask for My grace to be strong enough to stop your bad habits, and change any sinful lifestyle as living together with someone in fornication.”


Wednesday, October 28, 2009: (St. Simon and St. Jude)

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you see the devil in the form of a serpent about to strike My Church and America. The masons and other one world organizations are working in conjunction with the devil to try and destroy My Church and your country. In many different ways your government will start persecuting My Church both financially and causing churches to close. I have told you that the division in My Church is coming quickly to split the schismatic church from My faithful remnant. It will be My faithful remnant that will be protected from the gates of hell, but this will mean moving from churches into home Masses. Your government also will be taken over, and you will lose your sovereignty rights as your President leads you into the North American Union. The takeover will be completed in America when a forced bankruptcy occurs and the dollar will fail and be replaced by the ‘amero’. Your current dollar denominated assets will be near worthless. Once this takeover occurs, you will need to go to your refuges before they declare martial law and a bank holiday. Be prepared to leave soon for your refuges as the evil sources of Satan are close to their world takeover. Have no fear because My angels and I will protect you and provide for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, at times a person may discover an unusual level of radon gas coming from their cellar into the rest of the house. This condition should be checked for before buying your house. Once the problem is present, you require an extra flow of outside air to dilute the radon out of the house. Depending on the tolerance of the occupants’ health to this condition, radioactivity can cause cancers over time. This is another reason why local governments should test the land for toxic chemicals before allowing builders to develop the land. Building over dumps, graveyards, or old manufacturing sites can be very dangerous to people’s health. Your laws should protect buyers from having to tolerate unhealthy environments of toxic chemicals. Pray for the people’s health in these unknown situations.”
(Radon is second largest cause of lung cancer in homes. 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year. Rn 222 at wt./86 at. no. is radioactive gas by-product from radium and uranium, 3.8 days half-life. One in 15 homes has higher than acceptable levels of radon by EPA.)


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading is very powerful when St. Paul says: ‘If God is with us, who can be against us?’ Truly I am with you and I will protect you from the evil ones. The vision is also a sign of strength and durability when you see a whole mountain of rock. I told St. Peter that he is rock and I will build My Church on him. My Church is formed with Me as the cornerstone, but I also have all of My faithful to support My Church, as you are all rocks of faith as well. I know you are weak to sin, but I will take you back in My mercy by forgiving your sins. You are being led by Me and My angels, so you have My promise of support against any person or threat that you will encounter throughout your life. Have no fear of the evil ones because I am at your side to defend you. Just call on Me in My Name whenever you are attacked by temptation or evil. You are rocks of faith to go out and evangelize souls out of love for Me.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision of the masks this is to indicate that certain people disguise their appearances and their intentions. Some people like to put on airs that they are important people when they are not. Some even lie to save face as in their missing Sunday Mass. There are many ways that you act in a certain way to disguise your real intentions. You may try to fool other people by your actions, but I see the intentions in your heart, and I know the real reasons for your actions. So be who you are without trying to deceive others of your real intentions.”
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision there is a deception going on where there is a cover-up of the purpose for a business. Front businesses can even be obvious when there is little money being made to support the people in the store. Usually they are hiding drug sales, prostitution, gambling, and could even be hiding terrorist activities. Here again I know what is going on in their hearts, and their illegal activities could even be dangerous to your people. Many FBI and police groups are searching for these enterprises.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are terrorists and thieves who use false identities to trick your authorities and hide their real identity. Some enter your country and disappear without allowing immigration authorities to track their whereabouts. Thieves have electronic means of stealing people’s identities so they can steal money from their bank accounts or use their charge cards illegally. Here again it is criminal for people to impersonate others for money. These are sins of stealing or hiding to carry out terrorist acts. Pray that they are discovered before they can cause trouble.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with magicians who also disguise their tricks to make something appear to be magic acts. In the same way you need to be wary of the devil’s tricks and deceptions when he tries to cause you to sin. Be alert to his lies and enticements to sin. The devil is always suggesting something that appears good and pleasurable on the surface. Lurking behind these disguises is usually something sinister that could lead you into serious sin. If you sense an evil presence encouraging you, then be alert to avoid that occasion of sin. Ask for My help and discernment when it is needed.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know of certain plants that trap flies with sweet substances. You see certain sea creatures lay traps to eat fish. Even certain animals have disguised colors so they can catch their prey. Again the devil uses the lure of money, pleasure, and pride to lead you into sinful situations. Be on the alert to avoid occasions of sin or any disguised good thing that could be used for evil.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have All Saints’ Day coming shortly and this highlights those saints that you know, and even those that are not canonized. Some people pray to St. Anthony to help them find something that was lost. Others pray to saints to sell houses or protect them in their travel. You have prayed to your son, David, to help mothers conceive babies. Certain saints can also be your spiritual director as you have adopted St. Therese. Give thanks and praise to Me for allowing My saints to help souls in their spiritual and physical needs. By working hard to follow My ways and My laws, you can one day come to heaven as a saint when you receive your crown.”
Jesus said: “My people, at times you may see some strange signs or actual messages from the souls in purgatory who are trying to get your attention to pray for them. Having Masses said for these poor souls and praying for their souls can lessen their stay in purgatory. Do not forget to pray for your relatives who may still be in purgatory, and pray for all the souls in purgatory, even as you are reminded on All Souls’ Day, and as you place their names in your church’s book of remembrance.”


Friday, October 30, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this stained glass window turning into plain clear glass is an indication that the faithful in many churches have lost their traditions of the sacred. Modernism has crept into My Church and it has affected how people think of the need for Mass and My sacraments. Attendance at Sunday Mass is crucial if people are to obey the Third Commandment of honoring Me on Sunday with your day of worship. Some are skipping Mass because of their spiritual laziness. Respect for My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament is also waning as a good number of people do not even believe that I am fully present in My Host. The need for Confession in people’s lives should be a necessity to cleanse their sins, but the priests do not always encourage this sacrament, as few are coming regularly. Even having a large crucifix on the altar or the tabernacle in plain sight is missing in many churches. If My sacraments are not understood or encouraged, then the souls are going to be more vulnerable to Satan’s temptations. It is hard to live in mortal sin and still expect to be able to receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. If you are in mortal sin, then do not receive Me in Holy Communion, or you commit a sin of sacrilege. Some clergy are afraid to talk about sinful behavior, and the need to be free of mortal sin in order to receive Holy Communion. Some people do not have a properly formed conscience in order to know when they have committed mortal sin because they rationalize their actions as only venial sins that in their eyes do not require Confession. My faithful need a spiritual renewal to stay strong in their traditional faith, or many more will fall lax in their spiritual life. It is those that fall away that are endangering their souls to be lost in hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, your government is taking away your rights to free speech in violation of your constitution. The one world people have pressed for Hate Crime legislation that was part of your Defense Department bill. At your former work place, if you said anything about homosexual acts being a sin, it could have cost you your job. Now in the same way under this Hate Crime legislation, you could be liable to jail and fines for any public statements against homosexuals. My position on homosexual acts is still that I see them as an abomination because they are unnatural and worse than fornication. These same one world people are also against any prayers and mention of My Name in public. With these controlling laws there are some who could bring charges against anyone for trumped up meanings of your innocent words. This is in direct opposition to your freedom of speech and freedom to worship Me which these world masters want to stifle. This is just one more step in the takeover of America that is coming soon before your eyes.”


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the fall season, as life in nature comes to a close, there are thoughts of your own mortality. It is good to think about what happens after this life so you can always have your soul ready for your judgment when I take you home. Keeping your soul pure with frequent Confession is always a good plan to be united with Me in love every day. There is another thought of looking over your life in the last year to see how you could improve your spiritual life of love. It is easy to fall into habits even in your prayer life where you could use some invigorating to put more life into your way of life. You always could improve if you would desire to break out of your comfort zone to do more that you are doing now. Every year as you see more of your friends passing away, understand that your time on earth is very short, especially compared to your eternal life. If you truly desire to be with Me in heaven, then your annual recollection would be a good time to plan how you could work closer to your perfection that is required to be a saint in entering heaven. Pray for all souls that have passed on, and always be prepared to die.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with this picture in the vision when I miraculously calmed the storm so I saved the apostles from drowning. You are also familiar with the power of the Antichrist who will have a short reign controlling the earth as a king. This time of his declaration will be the length of the great tribulation foretold in the Book of Revelation. Just as he will come to the height of his reign, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement which will be the beginning of the Antichrist’s defeat. Then I will renew the earth and bring a calm over the earth in My Era of Peace. Do not fear the evil ones because I will protect you at My refuges. Trust in My help during the tribulation as I will calm the storm of the evil ones and cast them all into hell.”


Sunday, November 1, 2009: (All Saints’ Day)

Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating All Saints’ Day and the vision is very beautiful in portraying the golden light of the Father in each soul. When you receive Holy Communion, you are joined with Me and the Communion of Saints. My people still living on earth are still struggling to be saved and you are called ‘The Church Militant’. The souls that you saw in heaven represent the saints with Me that are called ‘The Church Triumphant’ and this is their feast day. The other souls are those in purgatory that some are suffering in flames to be purified, but they are saved and one day they will join Me in heaven. These souls in purgatory are called ‘The Church Suffering’. So every day you receive Me in Holy Communion pray for these souls in purgatory because you are joined with them in the Communion of Saints. Their feast day is tomorrow on All Souls’ Day. Rejoice with all of these saints as they help, guide, and encourage your soul on your path to heaven. All of My faithful are those dressed in the white robes that are being marked on the forehead by My angels as read today from the Book of Revelation.” (Rev. 7:1-4,9-14)
Jesus said: “My people, I know that you always give thanks to Me for your food and that it does not cause any illness. As you pray, you should also pray for all the people who do not have food to eat, as in the poor countries. You are in the month of Thanksgiving, but you could think of making some donations to your local food shelf or Food for the Poor, or the Catholic Relief Program. Have mercy on the hungry and those who could use your old clothes. As you read the beatitudes in the Gospel, you can do good works out of love for your neighbor in need.”


Monday, November 2, 2009: (All Souls’ Day)

Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned before that the souls in purgatory were the ‘Church Suffering’ as part of the Communion of Saints. They truly are suffering from not seeing Me or feeling My love, and some even suffer the burning flames of purification. They have not been judged to hell, and they have been promised one day to be with Me in heaven. In order for these souls to come to heaven, they must be purged of any earthly desires and any remission due for their past sins. Even though this suffering may seem severe to you, it is all just from My judgment of these souls. I am patient, merciful, and loving, but every soul must have an accounting to My justice. You all should know My Commandments and what is expected of you. To minimize your time in purgatory have your remission of sin cleansed on Mercy Sunday, pray some prayers for your sins, and ask people to have Masses said for yourself either before or after your death.”
Jesus said: “My people, a number of well placed EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) bombs or weapons could disable all of your vehicles, computers, and appliances that run on microchips that would be inactivated. Even cell phone chips would be disabled. An army that could then come in and take over would have to have vehicles and communications without microchips. The old points in the engine and vacuum tubes for communication equipment would not be affected. This would also be a good backup for such an attack. This EMP attack would disable most transportation except horses and bicycles, and old points run vehicles. To know the effects over distance and inside bomb shelters, you need to do some research. The one world people have access to this technology and it could be employed for a massive takeover if they wanted to limit people’s escape. Be prepared for having your microchips disabled or your electricity turned off. This is why having bicycles, old cars, or horses would be useful against these attacks. Call on My protection and I will have My angels shield you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, a number of well placed EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) bombs or weapons could disable all of your vehicles, computers, and appliances that run on microchips that would be inactivated. Even cell phone chips would be disabled. An army, that could then come in and take over, would have to have vehicles and communications without microchips. The old points in the engine and vacuum tubes for communication equipment would not be affected. This would also be a good backup for such an attack. This EMP attack would disable most transportation except horses and bicycles, and old points run vehicles. To know the effects over distance and inside bomb shelters, you need to do some research. The one world people have access to this technology and it could be employed for a massive takeover if they wanted to limit people’s escape. Be prepared for having your microchips disabled or your electricity turned off. This is why having bicycles, old cars, or horses would be useful against these attacks. Call on My protection and I will have My angels shield you from the evil ones.”


Wednesday, November 4, 2009: (St. Charles Borromeo)

Jesus said: “My people, I am reminding you of this empty pew, so you could continue to pray for the fallen away faithful, especially in your own families. Sunday Mass is so important as a minimum worship of Me, so the people can at least make one hour for Me out of all the hours of the week. There are a lot of weak Catholics that need to wake up in their spiritual lives as you are coming close to the Great Tribulation of evil. If you are not strong in your faith, Satan will sift your souls into hell. You are in an important battle of good and evil, so stand up and be counted for Me. You just had another election, but you need to vote for your eternal life in heaven by choosing to worship and serve Me out of love.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know full well how My Sacred Heart is joined with My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. In the pictures in the vision you see flames in our hearts representing the burning love that we have for each other and for all of mankind. My heart is also pictured with a crown of thorns and My Blessed Mother’s heart is pictured with seven swords of sorrows. In life we each suffered in different ways. I suffered on the cross for your sins, and My Blessed Mother suffered every time that I was in danger or in agony. Our two hearts are always joined as one, so when you see My Blessed Mother, she always brings Me to you. Where I am, she is also close by. We invite you every day to consecrate yourself to our two hearts so your heart can also be joined to our hearts in love. There is a love bond between us Three Persons in One God. My Blessed Mother and I also have a mother and son bond of love. You are our children, so we desire you to love us as your heavenly Mother and your loving God the Son. You find peace for your soul when you are in My Presence at My tabernacle and in Holy Communion. Keep close to our two hearts in your love for us, and we will protect you from the evil ones.”


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I gave you the parable about the lost sheep that was found, and the woman finding a lost coin. Just as there was joy over finding that which was lost, so in heaven there is great rejoicing over even one repentant sinner. Again I gave the parable of the Prodigal Son, who after going through his inheritance, finally returned broke and hungry to his father. The father also rejoiced with a great feast because his son was lost, but now he was found. This is why staying close to Me by frequent Confession is the best preparation for when you will face Me at your judgment. Many souls have fallen away from their faith. This is why I am asking My faithful to pray for those souls that are away from Me and evangelize as many souls as you can by conversion or re-conversion. I am merciful and loving as the father of the Prodigal Son. I await your return to Me up until your last breath. But those, who refuse to repent of their sins and do not love Me, are risking the fires of Gehenna. Convert your soul now while you are still alive because it will be too late after your death. My mercy and graces await all souls who desire to answer My call to be a saint in heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, today you can enjoy your beautiful traditional altars, but not for long. When the tribulation comes, you will need to have Mass in the homes and then at the refuges. Pray that you will have priests for your Masses, but your altars will be much more simple. Many of your young people have never even experienced a High Latin Mass with all of the Gregorian Chant. My angels will protect you from the evil ons and they will even bring you Communion if you do not have a Mass.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you will see many miracles performed at My refuges where your food, water, and even your shelters will be multiplied. Your prayers and blessed sacramentals will also be multiplied so you each will have your own protection from the evil ones. Rejoice that My angels will shield you from any of the evil one’s tricks and lies.”
Jesus said: “My people, some of your secret societies as the Masons are using their brotherhood for favors and places of authority in your general public. There is a monied elite who are controlling your governments and in turn are in control of your money and your debts. Once these people control the purse of your government, then they control what is demanded of your people in your laws and regulations.”
Jesus said: “My people, paper backed electronic voting machines are slowly being introduced into your voting booths. The learning curve could take some time, but it may also allow some computer people to gain control, and change the vote tally from its original count. If the vote can be more easily manipulated, then the new electronic machines may be a hindrance to good government. Your vote fraud could become even worse than your Acorn fraud.”
Jesus said: “My people, in your latest break up of some stock traders who were using insider illegal purchases, it should come as no surprise that most of those, who were caught, were also hedge trader managers. Your hedge trader groups of rich investors have very little regulation, and these were the people making all manner of derivatives which were the vehicles creating most of your banking crisis. Pray that your markets will correct their abuses so the rich cannot steal the money of your innocent investors.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been acquainted with St. Faustina’s Divine Mercy Chaplet as a powerful prayer for healing illnesses, and converting sinners, even those near death. The picture of My Divine Mercy also has many promises associated with it. It is hard to fathom My infinite mercy and My unconditional love behind this mercy of My chaplet. You heard mention of My complete cleansing of all punishment due to your sins by fulfilling the requirements of the Divine Mercy Sunday. Take advantage of My grace and My mercy in bringing your soul to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, those, who adore My Blessed Sacrament, have a special place in My Heart because your devotion to Me is so real and sincere. You believe in My Real Presence in the Host, and those, who make special visits before Me, will have an abundance of My graces. When you are before Me in My Host, give Me your petitions for which souls need saving the most. I hear all of your prayers and I will direct you how best to save these souls because of the various prices required to save them. Make your consecration of all of your possessions to Me so you may be humble and not controlled by worldly things. Trust in My love and protection to offer salvation to all souls who desire heaven.”


Friday, November 6, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to be spirited and strong in your faith. Do not move through your life aimlessly and with no purpose. If you are to be one of My faithful people, then you must be like a soldier dressed for battle and trained in My ways. You are in a battle between good and evil, and you must be battle ready to face the temptations of the devil, but with My grace you can endure this battle. Build up your spiritual strength with Confession, daily Mass, and your daily prayers. Use your weapons of your rosary, your Benedictine crosses, and blessed medals for your blessed sacramentals. Make time for your spiritual reading of the Bible, your Liturgy of the Hours, your Stations of the Cross, and your Imitation of Christ books. By asking for My help and grace in your actions, then you can stand tall with the rest of My dedicated faithful. I need an army of faithful soldiers to win souls for Me in your evangelization efforts.”
Jesus said: “My people, the time of this vision is in the fall, and you are seeing people making preparations in a new building for people to come to this refuge. My refuges are on consecrated ground and they have an independent source of water as a well that runs without electricity. After putting down the rugs, beds, plenty of sheets, and blankets, warm comforters were added. Food also needs to be stored, as well as good heaters with fuel for the winter. Be prepared with oil lamps and wind up flashlights for light during the cold nights. You may have to endure your refuges without electricity. If you think it is cold now, think how cold it gets during the winter. Pray that you do not have to go to your refuges in the winter, but it may still happen at that time. Give thanks and praise to Me for the grace that I have given to each person who prepares a refuge or interim refuge complete with a luminous cross and spring water.”


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you think nothing now about reading your Bible, your holy books, or your old history books. But when the evil ones start to censor even your reading books, then you will find it difficult to find books of God and old history books. Even if these books are found in your possession, they will put you in jail for spreading propaganda. This has happened in Germany under Hitler, and in Russia and China. These evil masters are against the Word of God and all speaking of truth in even your literature. Once you lose the right of free speech, then you will become nothing more than slaves to your dictators. Learn these lessons from history, or you will live to repeat them when America is taken over by dictators. Once you remove Me from your public places and homes, then you are inviting the evil masters to control you. Wake up America before it is too late to change your destiny.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have another battle for life going on over your abortion issue. The evil side offers death as their answer to problem pregnancies. That is why the pro-abortion movement is part of your death culture. Your pro-life people are urging mothers to have their babies, even if it means putting the babies up for adoption. For the mothers who want to keep their babies, you have help centers for women that provides needs for the baby as you bring them up. This fork in the road is not only a choice to have the baby or kill the baby, but it is the choice to take either the broad road to hell, or the narrow road to heaven. Those, who start down the road to hell, still can change their direction at any time before their death. Those, who choose the narrow road, still need perseverance in their prayers, Mass, and good deeds. My faithful are also called to evangelize souls and save even these lost souls from going to hell. In the end you are asked to either choose the blessing or the curse. Those, who choose life, are the souls on the right path to heaven.”


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings your heart goes out to the widow and her son who had to suffer through the drought and the famine. Elijah was called to perform a miracle for them by multiplying the flour and oil so they could keep from dying from starvation. Even attention was drawn to the poor widow in the Gospel for giving all that she had into the collection box. This month you are focused on thanksgiving for all of your blessings, but you also should be willing to share your financial blessings with the poor at your local food shelves or other charities who help the poor of the world. Some people are only interested in helping themselves, but if you have some excess wealth, you could be tithing to your church and your charities. When you help the poor out of love, you are helping Me in them out of love also. So do not be selfish, but be a cheerful giver.”


Monday, November 9, 2009: (Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica)

Jesus said: “My people, this feast recognizes St. John Lateran Basilica which was the seat of power for My Church in Rome for many years before St. Peter’s Basilica was built. Even though you come to a church structure for Masses to be offered, My people are the living Church because you are the temples of the Holy Spirit. I gave authority to St. Peter that he was the rock upon which I would build My Church. All the succession of Popes have had this power carried on so the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church. Just as the Temple and the Wailing Wall have been treasured by the Jews as their heritage, so the basilicas in Rome are all treasured by My Roman Catholic family. Give praise and glory to My power that has allowed My Church to prosper and survive through all of these years.”
Jesus said: “My people, you were surprised to see such a late tropical storm causing damage to Central America and then later to your Gulf Coast. You have had fewer Atlantic Ocean storms because of the temperature effects from the Pacific Ocean. There was a mention of more storms in a previous message.
(8-24-09 message) So even until the last of the hurricane season, these things can happen. From now on you will be more focused on your coming snow storms and possible ice storms. In the last few years you have been having more ice storms than normal. Usually you see plenty of power outages with such storms. This is where many of your preparations could help you keep warm with alternative fuel heaters, and lamps for light. Keep your things ready for any more surprises, and pray for those affected by this latest bad weather.”


Tuesday, November 10, 2009: (St. Leo the Great)

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are getting a Christmas preview of where I was born in Bethlehem. Those, that have been to this site in Bethlehem, know that I was born in a stable, but it also was like a cave in the ground. It was this safety of the cave that is why I am showing you this scene. Those
people, who are uncomfortable with caves for a refuge, should feel a little at ease to realize that I was born in a cave. Elijah also hid in a cave at Mount Carmel to keep his enemies from killing him. Even the Early Christians hid in the catacombs so the Romans could not kill them. So if your guardian angel should lead you to a cave for your place of refuge, do not be disappointed. Use your tent, warm clothes, sleeping blankets, and your backpacks for your living quarters. I will provide for your water and food wherever you are as I will multiply whatever you have. Have no fear of these end times because My angels will protect you.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to have backpacks packed, tents and blankets ready, and any extra gasoline or boxes of food that you will need ready as well. Have windup flashlights for light and small Coleman stoves for cooking. Have all of these things together in one place so you could quickly load your vehicle. If you have space, you may take along your bicycles. You may have received some negative comments for encouraging people to be ready to leave for My refuges. Treat them with love and do not talk back with any criticism. These things will come to pass in the tribulation whether people wish to accept it or not. Call on My help and My angels to lead you to a safe place where My people have prepared refuges to receive you.”


Wednesday, November 11, 2009: (St. Martin de Tours, Veteran’s Day)

Jesus said: “My people, in the days of the Roman Empire it was the soldiers that kept Rome strong. Unfortunately, this same power killed many Early Christians as gladiators or being fed to the lions. Throughout the years soldiers have tried to protect their homeland from neighboring enemies. Satan has fomented many wars to kill man, and he still inspires the one world people to cause constant wars to give reason for the existence of weapons makers. Defense industries are big business that is paid for by your taxpayers as your largest budget expense. Wars are part of the death culture in all of the lives that it kills. Today you honor all the veterans of your many wars for all of their fighting to protect your country and other countries from ruthless dictators. Many soldiers have died or are suffering from the wounds of battle. You are in another battle for souls and My soldiers are My faithful who fight the demons and evangelize souls. This is the most important battle beyond physical fighting because all of mankind must face your individual judgment. The more souls that you could be instrumental in saving, the more graces that you will have for your judgment. Continue to struggle every day for your soul and the souls that you want to save from hell with My help.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is always comforting to have your friends and family over to your house for the holidays. Especially your out of town family is always a pleasure to share their company. Some members are becoming more independent as they grow older, and you could see changes in their personalities. Still you always want to help your family and share your meals at Thanksgiving and Christmas. You are always amazed at how quickly the children pass through high school and into college. As you watch the progress of your family through time, you can see how you are only on this earth for a short time. You have been fortunate to be able to share with each other even beyond death. You see also how important it is to keep your faith in grace, and to pray for the salvation of the souls of your family. Some members are more lax in their faith than others, so you have to encourage them in going to Sunday Mass and receiving Me in Confession. Your soul lives on past this physical life, so it is important that all of your family’s souls be saved from hell. By your prayers and Masses, you can help each member to stay close to Me. Keep praying for your family and be vigilant and persevere in prayer for them.”

Tuesday, November 3, 2009: (St. Martin de Porres)


Thursday, November 12, 2009: (St. Josaphat)

Jesus said: “My people, as you approach the winter time in the North, you are again noticing how it gets dark sooner as the day’s length is shortened. In the vision also you are seeing a darkness coming into My Church which represents an increase in evil and a coming split in My Church. The evil tribulation time is also coming when My people will need to go to My refuges for protection. There you will be under the protection of My angels and you will have the Light of My luminous cross to dispel the fear of the darkness. You know that My Light will conquer the darkness of evil when I conquer the evil ones and bring you into the Light of My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, America is being tossed about by the one world people who are trying to destroy you by any means possible. The current banking failure was purposely orchestrated as the problem, and the Stimulus plans and bailouts were designed to create huge deficits as a supposed solution. Instead, the plan is to run up your National Debt so they could lead you into bankruptcy. The current Health Plan is more control over the people and more deficits to your National Debt. This plan is going to get pushed through the Senate with either 60 votes or by a 50% majority vote. The environmental ‘Cap and Trade’ as you call it, is designed to ruin what is left of your manufacturing industry, as well as giving your sovereignty rights over to the one world people’s false organizations that have plans to take you over. While your government leaders have encouraged you with their promising lies, your real ship of state is sinking fast in terms of giving up your rights. Place your trust in Me and not in your money or your leaders. I will provide for your needs and protect you from the evil ones who want to steal your money and control your minds.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know well how ruthless and cruel the communist masters have been to their people in Russia and China. Millions of people have been killed over the years and many have been persecuted for following their faith. You are free in America to practice your faith, but in communist countries atheism reigns, and public worship is punished. I have told you to love even your enemies, but trading with China and Russia is helping these evil masters to continue the enslavement of their people. You have allowed your companies to send most all of their manufacturing over to China so that you have become dependent on their cheap labor. Your greedy Wall Street leaders are making more money on cheap labor and are still charging the same high prices for their goods. These same jobs, that are being sent overseas,are also contributing to your high unemployment. In the end this use of China will be America’s undoing because they now control your Treasury notes, and you are open to blackmail for whatever they want. If they sell these notes or refuse to buy more, then your interest rates will go much higher as the dollar will lose its value. Trading with these communist countries is building up their military also which could be used against you. By allowing your government to be dependent on China, you are all preparing your own downfall. Work to evangelize souls and pray for these poor people who are persecuted by communism.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the Antichrist’s home is very sinister in its appearance. This evil one has not declared himself yet, and he will only do so when I will give the word to proceed. The Antichrist will take over the European Union, and he is already living in Europe in England. You have seen his promotional representative give some sobering remarks about his powers, but I am still stronger. The Antichrist’s reign will be brief, but be prepared to go to the safety of My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many man-made viruses being placed in circulation to create a problem for healthy people. The one world people are trying to reduce the population with many diseases as a time of pestilence, as written in the Bible. Be prepared to fight off these diseases by building up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. As more people start dying, My faithful will need to come to My refuges where you will be healed of all illnesses by looking on My luminous cross or drinking from the healing spring water.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen special bunkers prepared for Congress as bomb shelters during the Cold War with Russia. Now new expensive underground cities have been built for your rich and powerful people. The trucks in the vision are taking supplies to these cities meaning that they are intended to be used during a terrorist attack or possible revolution against your government. My faithful will have even safer accommodations at My refuges, and I will supply you with food, water, and shelters. Be aware that the evil one world people are getting close to making their move to take over your country.”
Jesus said: “My people, your freedom of movement is about to be curtailed unless you can produce a chipped ID card in order to cross borders and eventually state lines. Your new driver’s licenses will have to have an ID chip included. Your new passports also are chipped. All of these identification cards can be tracked by various detection devices. The evil one world people want to keep track of your every movement as part of their means to control you. Once they try to force you to have chips in your body, refuse them and leave for My refuges before they capture you. The chips in the body will control your mind as a robot, so refuse them, even if they threaten to kill you.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many corrupt governments leading their people and they are in control of any elections. America is more in control of your election process, but still there is voter fraud going on even in America. It should come as no surprise that corrupt leaders have their own ways of getting illegal votes from the dead and even multiple voting for the same person. Pray that your governments are run legally, but do not be surprised to find fixing of votes.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is proper to honor your military people for risking their lives to protect your freedoms. It is sad to see your young service people dying and being wounded in wars that have suspicious beginnings. The one world people are using constant wars to make money and weaken your military with countless numbers of tours in the battlefield for your troops. Your forces are being stretched thin in their numbers for too many unsettled hot spots. Pray to have your leaders stop involving you in useless drawn out wars that have little interest for America being there.”
Jesus said: “My people, you all may have a memory of your First Holy Communion when you were young and innocent in your faith. You have more temptations for sin as you grow older in this evil world. Treasure these special moments for your children receiving Me for the first time, and work to protect your children as you teach them a good prayer life with frequent Confession. By giving good example and guiding your children in bringing them up in the faith, you can help prepare these souls on their path to heaven.”


Friday, November 13, 2009

At the Gospa Prayer House, North Hills, California during the rosary I saw the Infant Jesus known as Santo Nino and He gave the message: “My people, I know your needs for this coming conference as you are asking a way to finance this event. I am asking Juliet to write a personal letter to invite the people to come to this Betania event. There is a cost per ticket, but I will have the Holy Spirit give you the words to also ask for a separate donation to support the coming of the Bianchini Family. When you make My Santo Nino Novena leading up to Christmas, let these finances be your intention as well as bringing everyone together in love and prayer. I assure you with a sincere novena, the hearts of your people will be touched to make this conference possible. By your sincere hearts and generosity of the people, you could see most of your funds collected by the end of your novena. Once your prayers are answered, I want you to do another novena of thanksgiving to Me as the Child Jesus. I love all of you and I hear all of your prayers and petitions. The people who attend this conference will be receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the protection of My Blessed Mother’s mantle, and also My abundant graces. You will be lifted up to evangelize souls like you have never seen before. You will need this help to prepare people for the coming tribulation.”


Saturday, November 14, 2009

At the Gospa Prayer House, North Hills, California I was praying in her apparition room and I could see a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary with a beautiful white light all around her as I sensed her spiritual presence. The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, this apparition room is holy ground and I am sending my graces of my Son, Jesus, to all who enter here. You can call on me and my Son for all of your petitions. Welcome to this Betania IV Group as all of my Betania groups are oases of grace and they will be places of protection as refuges throughout the coming tribulation. I want you to welcome the people in my name to comfort them with my love and protection of my mantle. Your personal mission is to prepare the people for the coming end times, but also to inspire faith and trust that my Son and I and the angels will protect our children from the evil ones. You are all being joined in this coming conference as a pooling of heavenly forces so you are prepared as our spiritual soldiers for the coming battle. This meeting is not one of entertainment only, but it is to be one of involving each of you as prayer warriors so you can work together for my Son’s glory.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel reading I am showing you how you should be persistent in your prayer petitions, especially when you pray for souls to be saved. Above all of your petitions, your prayers for the conversion of souls are the most important. When you are making your petitions, understand that those prayers, that are said for people, are the most beneficial that are meant to save their souls. Even at the end of the Gospel, I asked if there would be any faith left on the earth when I return. To help My people to keep their faith until I return, I am sending My Warning experience to give all souls an opportunity to repent of their sins and be converted from their sinful lives. By seeing your life review, you will understand how I view your actions and what is expected of you in this life. From your earliest training you know that you are here to know, love, and serve Me. I do not force anyone against their free will, but those, who desire to be with Me in heaven, are given a calling to accept My mission that I have for them in life. By your own fiat and willingness to consecrate your lives over to Me, you will be on the right path to enter heaven for all eternity. So persevere in your prayers and be strong in your faith every day so you will truly be ready to receive Me when I return to the earth.”


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, the last weeks of the Church Year are focused on the end times of when I will return. My son, you have been given a mission to prepare the people for the end times. Just as you see the signs of nature drawing to a close, so you have signs around you indicating that the coming tribulation is about to occur, after which I will return. You need to be prepared for your judgment every day, but even more so you need to have pure souls to be ready for My return. In the Gospel of the talents some have been given more and some less, but each of you are called to make an accounting for your actions according to the number of gifts that you have been given. You are called to love Me in worship and to love your neighbor in doing good deeds to help them. When you love Me, you will follow My Commandments and you are also called to share your time, talents, and your money with others. Share your gifts of faith also in giving good example and work to evangelize souls, especially those in your family. When you face Me at your judgment, I will ask you how much you loved Me, and how much you loved Me in your neighbor. I will also ask you how many souls that you have brought to Me in conversion. Live your life to the fullest, so when you are called before Me, you will have the fruit of your efforts in your hands to weigh against your sins. Once you have been judged worthy, I will welcome you into My Wedding Banquet in heaven.”


Monday, November 16, 2009: (St. Gertrude)

Jesus said: “My people, just as you saw Me cure the blind man of his physical sight, so I commended him for his spiritual sight in having faith that I could heal him. This vision of My Divine Mercy rays of grace and mercy are always shining down on My people. As you keep your focus on Me, I will heal many of you of your spiritual blindness. In faith I want you to keep your eyes on Me as you take up your daily cross of life. Follow Me and imitate My life by following My Commandments and loving Me and your neighbor. By holding fast to your faith in Me and keeping your focus on Me, you will see clearly how to live a good Christian life. Think of Me all day long in all of your actions that you do out of love for Me. Walk with Me on your path to heaven and I will protect you from the evil one’s temptations. As you see My Light to lead you, I want you to share your faith with others so they also will be freed of their sins and their spiritual blindness.”


Tuesday, November 17, 2009: (St. Elizabeth of Hungary)

Jesus said: “My people, I look into everyone’s eyes as the eyes are the windows into the soul. As I greeted the tax collector, Zaccheus, I chose to eat supper with him, even though some criticized Me for eating with a sinner. But all of you are weak by Adam’s sin and you all need to accept that you are sinners as well. For I came to save sinners and not the self-righteous. I am the Great Healer and the sick are the ones who need Me as the doctor. Zaccheus made a promise that he would pay back what he took from others and salvation came to his house. So I call on all of My people to renounce your possessions and consecrate everything over to Me. Be generous to others with your money, your time, and your talents. By offering up your donations, you will gain treasure in heaven. Rejoice on the day that I will allow you to enter through the gates of heaven.”


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, as you come to the end times, you need to be prepared for a new way of life first at your refuges and then in My Era of Peace. This pile of fill dirt is a preparation for a new yard, but preparing to leave for your refuges is getting ready for a new life as well. When you leave for your refuge, you will not be returning to your homes, but you will be giving up your possessions to live in a Christian community protected by My angels. I am making saints out of you by living a more simple life away from the evil of the world. You will be living your purgatory on earth as you endure the tribulation time. At the end of the Antichrist’s reign, I will have My victory over evil as I renew the earth and bring you into My Era of Peace. Rejoice in My victory as you will be perfected to enter heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of everything turning yellow is an indication of a new virus outbreak. Seeing a fireman means there was an emergency to get this outbreak under control. A deadly virus is exactly what I warned My faithful to be ready for in going to My refuges for protection. I have warned you that these man-made flu viruses could get worse, as planned by the one world people. That could cause a martial law declaration. These evil ones are looking for the least excuse to cause a takeover of America. A pandemic virus like the Swine Flu could be used initially to form the problem, and eventually the Swine Flu shots could be made to seem the solution, especially when it is forced on your people as mandatory. It will become more and more obvious that these new viruses are man-made and that you should avoid taking these shots to keep healthy. Pray for My help to keep you healthy and protected from these sicknesses.”


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, today’s readings are a preview of your own events that are about to take place. The Book of Machabees speaks of how they were being forced by the king to worship other gods on the king’s altar. They destroyed the altar and they hid in the mountains while leaving all of their possessions behind. You will be called at the appointed time to leave your possessions behind as well and flee to My refuges to avoid being captured and killed by the one world people’s UN armies. In the Gospel I spoke of the coming destruction of Jerusalem, and I also spoke that the people should recognize their time of visitation when this destruction would take place at the hands of the Romans. You are seeing events lead up to America’s time of takeover when you will see your own visitation leading up to the Antichrist’s declaration of power. Be forewarned that once martial law comes, you will need to flee to My refuges by following your guardian angels.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this final bill has the public option that will undercut your existing health plans. There still could be amendments that could include payments for abortions. There will be a provision for a National Health card with a microchip that will be required for any treatment. This 2,000 page document still requires 60 votes and a joint bill to be passed again in both the House and the Senate. The taxes and conditions have yet to be highlighted, but it will bring big government into control of everyone’s health plan. This expense is beyond what your country can afford and it would probably be better not to pass.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your workers are losing their pensions, health benefits, and even their jobs thanks to your greedy CEOs. Most of the cost cutting at your factories has been at the expense of workers losing hours, pay, benefits, and even layoffs that are still going on. As your workers suffer, your executives are getting unusually rich pensions and salary bonuses, even when their companies are losing money. Even your Congress is investigating executive pay, especially for companies receiving taxpayer bailouts. Pray that there will be some equity in all salary levels and that your jobs could improve.”
Jesus said: “My people, you continue to see more severe earthquakes with many of them occurring under water. You have also witnessed several smaller tsunami waves. This increased number of earthquakes could be leading up to larger earthquakes with bigger waves resulting. Pray for My protection from these natural disasters and move away from those areas close to the ocean.”
Jesus said: “My people, there has been some indecision in supporting the current leaders of Afghanistan with your troops and that of other countries there. As America is withdrawing out of Iraq, there is concern how to limit America’s stay in Afghanistan. These constant wars are wearing down your troops, even when there is no clear cut reason for being there. Pray for peace in these lands where Satan is constantly stirring up dissension among these countries.”
Jesus said: “My people, your financial woes are still challenging your people because of your high unemployment and many homes suffering through foreclosures. Your smaller banks are still failing and bankruptcies of individuals are on the increase. Many of your state governments are also struggling with constant deficits in their budgets because of poor investments and taking in less taxes. These economic difficulties are not getting much better and many people are suffering as a result. Pray that your families will find a way to provide for your bare necessities. Call on My help and reach out to your families and friends who need financial help at this time.”
Jesus said: “My people, even though you will soon be preparing your Thanksgiving Dinner in your families, there are those around you who need food and clothing just to survive. Many of you have some surplus wealth that you could share with the hungry and the poor. Bringing food or donations to your local food shelves is a worthy sacrifice to help those suffering from the recession and unemployment. In hard times it is harder to find donations to charities, so it may be more of a sacrifice to give up something you like for someone to have a meal to eat. You will be rewarded for your efforts and I thank you for helping Me in the poor.”
Jesus said: “My people, many Spanish speaking people have a great love for My Infancy as they pray to Me as ‘Santo Nino’. This is a nine day novena that precedes the Christmas celebration of My birth. Many prayers are answered through this novena and it would be good to read up on the prayers that are said at that time. You all love little babies, and you could surely picture loving Me as a new born baby. You can pray to Me as an Infant King or a grown up King because I hear all of your prayers at any age. With Me there is no time as I exist in the eternal now. Share your intentions with Me when you make this novena to Me.”


Friday, November 20, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you see the steel tracks that allow trains to carry heavy loads. In your tall buildings you use steel ‘I’ beams to hold your buildings together. In a spiritual way I am your strength and support in all of your situations in life. You can always call on My help to get you through sicknesses and unemployment. I am at your side to provide for your every need, so just have faith and trust in My help. Do not be concerned with being rich, but be satisfied that you are fed and have shelter. Even in hard times you may have to depend on your family for support as well. Be gracious in helping others to get by in their necessities. You can be My arms and legs to carry out what I want for your neighbor’s needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, this dragon undermining an American road is a sign of China as an evil force that will cause America grief in your economy with the dollar. China has many times threatened to try and change the dollar to another international currency as the standard of exchange. Their money and their holdings of American Treasury notes are losing value as America increases its debts and the selling of more Treasury notes. As your Federal Reserve keeps expanding its balance sheet by buying Treasury notes, soon America will need to print more dollars to monetize your debt, thus adding to inflation. China is in control of the many goods that you buy and they could blackmail America by threatening to sell their goods to others and exchange their dollars for another currency. Since America has little manufacturing, you would be ruined without a source of cheap goods and a place to sell your debt. China is still a communist nation with an ambition for world control, which is why they are using their wealth to expand their army, navy, and air force. China could become more of a threat to Korea, Taiwan, and even Japan with a change in military strength. I am forewarning America that China is planning to undermine your economy and threaten your military power as well.”


Saturday, November 21, 2009: (Presentation of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, many are taken up with the distractions of this world with all of their pleasures and comforts. A person of the world avoids suffering, the cross, prayer, and Confession. A person of the Spirit shuns worldly things and seeks only the spiritual things that will lead them to heaven. These are the two roads that every soul must choose between. Everyone also needs to see what is at the end of each road at your judgment to help choose the best outcome. This vision of hell in darkness and flames of fire is in store for those who ignore Me and indulge in all the pleasures of the world. Those, who travel the narrow road through My footsteps of suffering, will detach themselves from the desires of this world, so they can have eternal joy with Me in the glories of heaven. After viewing both destinations, there can be only one obvious choice to want to be with Me in the Light. There is a price to pay in order to come to heaven because a holy life takes a life long work to overcome the desires of the body. Following the desires of the soul leads you to My peace, but you must bear the evil one’s temptation to sin every day. This is the struggle that every soul must face, but your reward in heaven is far worth your effort. Those, who try and fall short in purgatory, will suffer in this purification to be with Me. But those, who do not love Me and love the world instead, will find an eternity of grief in the darkness and flames of hell by their own choice. Wake up and follow Me before it may be too late and you will lose your soul to the evil one who will torment you for all eternity in hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, most people do not like the stink of a water treatment plant where it is hard to keep the smell from going into the air. In a spiritual way your souls also are hideous to Me by the sins in your soul. In order to cleanse the stench of your sinful souls, you need to come to Me in Confession where the priest can absolve your sins and you can ask for My forgiveness in your Act of Contrition. I cleanse your sins and restore My graces in your soul so you are once again beautiful to look at. Many may think I cannot see your sins, but I see everything that you do and you cannot hide anything from Me. I know all of your sins and how much you need to be cleansed. When you come to Me in Confession, you need to admit that you are a sinner and are in need of My forgiveness. Make a firm amendment not to repeat your sins, and not to live in a sinful lifestyle.”


Sunday, November 22, 2009: (Christ the King)

Jesus said: “My people, this celebration of My Kingship is not anything like your earthly kings. This picture that you have in your possession is a miracle picture that portrays the end times when souls will be judged. The sickle represents the time to gather the wheat of My faithful into the barn of heaven. It also is a time to gather the grapes of the evil ones to be cast into hell. Many find it hard to believe that this event could happen in your lifetime. You have all the signs around you that the Antichrist is about to be declared as he will have a brief reign on the earth. At the end of this coming tribulation I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to conquer all the evil ones. I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Then after a long time, My faithful will be prepared to enter heaven. Then you will see Me in all of My glory as King of all of My creation.”
Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of you for coming to this shrine to honor My Kingship, even amidst the cold and your effort to travel here. I love all of you so much, which is why I am showing you My beating heart in My Sacred Heart. In today’s Gospel reading you were read the account of My Kingship before Pilate. This vision of Me in My crown of thorns is how you can appreciate My love for you in dying for your sins. As you think of My death, you can also see how I suffered in this Shroud of Turin. I thank Alex for his mission in sharing My picture of My death in the shroud. I thank your people here again as you pray to stop your abortions which are weighing heavily against America. You celebrate My Kingship here every year, and I am grateful for all of your devotions and prayers. Remember to keep your focus on Me as I walk with you through this life. For all those, who worship Me and follow My Commandments, you will one day see Me on My throne as I welcome all of My faithful home in heaven.”


Monday, November 23, 2009: (St. Clement I)

Jesus said: “My people, America is the largest dealer of weapons in the world that is supported by your Industrial-Defense complex. These weapons makers get their money from your taxpayers because your Department of Defense money is the largest portion of your entire National Budget. You spend billions of dollars every year developing the latest and most expensive weapons available. Usually these weapons are overkill against smaller countries. Instead of spending so much money on weapons and Defense, you could use that money to feed the poor and provide more worthwhile jobs to the unemployed. You are preparing for Thanksgiving Day dinner and your thoughts should be focused more on helping and feeding people, instead of how to kill people.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this large picture frame because you need to know the big picture behind the current battle between good and evil. On the one side you have Satan and his demons getting the rich people to worship him and follow his orders. On the other side you have Me, My saints, and the angels encouraging people to repent of their sins and be converted. Satan is allowed to control the rich and powerful in creating a death culture against man. He hates man and he is enabling evil people to promote abortions, euthanasia, constant wars, and man-made viruses to kill many. The one world people are also forming unions as the European Union and the North American Union. They will form unions on every continent and they will be joined together and given over to the Antichrist to control the world. This reign of evil will be brief as I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to destroy all of the evil ones. I will protect My faithful and bring you into My Era of Peace. There will be peace without the temptations of the devil, as you will be perfected for heaven. Rejoice when you see these events take place, because you will soon see My return on the clouds.”


Tuesday, November 24, 2009: (St. Andrew & Companions)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I told My apostles that there would not be a stone left upon a stone when Jerusalem would be destroyed. They all wanted to know when I would return, but it is My choice when I will return at the appointed time known only to My Father. This sign of destruction in your day will be when the Antichrist takes power and America will be taken over. I warned My people not to believe in the one who claims to be Me, because this is what the Antichrist will claim. You will see an evil that you have never seen before during the coming tribulation. This time is coming in your lifetime, and I will vanquish all the evil ones while you are safe at My refuges. Then I will renew the earth in My Era of Peace. You truly are living in the end times as you are reading of My coming return.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is a blessing to you that each person is different and you have been given various skills to help people. One may be good at fixing cars, one at computers, or one at fixing houses. By helping each other with your skills, you are able to make a living for yourself. No matter how good you are at your trade or work, you should always give thanks to Me for giving you your gifts. Do not be prideful in your accomplishments, but give glory to Me for all that you are able to do, and the opportunity to use your skills productively. You are able to store more treasure in heaven when you help people without taking payment for your work, and volunteering without being asked. When you see someone in need, then take that opportunity to fulfill that need. When you help someone, you are helping Me in that person out of love.”


Wednesday, November 25, 2009: (St. Catherine of Alexandria)

Jesus said: “My people, over the years you have developed some bad habits of sin, and if you are sincere in your faith, you need to work on shedding these sins as a butterfly sheds its cocoon. You need to grow in your faith and perfect your spiritual life in preparation for your new life with Me. You will change first into a new life in My Era of Peace. Finally, you will be prepared to be a saint in heaven which should be your eternal goal with Me. This metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly is eventually how your glorified body will be joined with your soul in your resurrection after the final judgment. Many of you are looking forward to these changes from your earthly life. Walk with Me in living out your faith by following My Commandments and loving Me and your neighbor. You have Confession to cleanse your sins when you have need of My graces.”
Jesus said: “My people, your lives at times are like a train moving down a track. When you are following My laws and loving Me and your neighbor, you are on the right track to heaven. At times you may be side tracked by your own will that could lead you into various addictions. You had such a detour in your excessive computer programming. Once you allow something to come between you and Me, it is hard to turn back to My ways. This is why it is important that you consecrate your lives over to Me, so I can lead you, and you will not get side tracked from your goal to heaven and following My Will. Once you are safely back on the right track, then you will be comfortable in loving Me. My sacraments, as Penance and Holy Communion, are your food or fuel to keep your train running in grace. By keeping your life together with Me, you will reach the right destination for your soul in heaven.”


Thursday, November 26, 2009: (Thanksgiving Day)

Jesus said: “My people, you truly have many things to be thankful for, and especially you should be happy to have Me at Holy Communion in My Real Presence at every daily Mass. Be thankful to also have a priest to offer Holy Mass, the most beautiful prayer that I have given you. You make many petitions in your prayers, but always remember to thank Me for answering your prayers. Be thankful also for your many gifts of life in your family and in all of My gifts to make your living possible. Your deacon even spoke of your problems as gifts, but this is harder to understand. It is your needs and the needs of the poor that can be seen as problems, but you need to reach out to the poor in helping them with food, clothing, and shelter. You can make donations to your local food shelves or other charities that help the poor. When you share your gifts of time and money with others, it is your way of thanking Me for what you have been given. Some even believe in tithing ten per cent of their income to charity and supporting My Church. For all that you do for people out of love, you will have your reward in heaven.”


Friday, November 27, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, many will tell you that the world will continue as it is, but those, who are the wise virgins, have read the signs of My coming in the Scriptures and know that I am truly coming soon. The computer chips, that are the mark of the beast, are controlling people already. The Antichrist, that I have shown you, is about to declare himself. The unions are being formed to be given over to the Antichrist. You are seeing the famines, earthquakes increasing, and the man-made pestilence diseases. The increase in knowledge and the extent of evil in the world are the signs to know that the end is near for the earth as you know it. Rejoice as you see these things happening, because soon you will see My return.”
(Camille’s Mass) At Holy Name after Communion I saw Camille as a younger man and he had Jesus sprinkle a water of graces on all of us present at the Mass. Camille said: “I thank you for all the Masses that you had said for My soul. It was this anticipation of graces outside of time that allowed Me into heaven so soon. Now that I am in heaven, I will help all of you from heaven. I started by having Jesus bless all of you with His baptismal waters of grace. Take good care of Lydia in comforting her over my leaving. I am confirming all of the activity that you have seen with the chairlifts and the lights.”


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the readings I have warned you to be prepared for the days of tribulation when the evil ones of the world will test you and persecute you. You will need to go to My refuges of protection where My angels will watch over you and provide for your food and shelter. The readings are announcing My coming in the end days and you need to have your souls prepared in grace to meet Me. You are changing over to a new Church Year with this last Mass of the year. Now you will start preparing for Christmas with the beginning of the Advent Season. Rejoice every year that you celebrate My coming at Christmas, and rejoice when the tribulation is ending, as I will return to the earth in glory.”


Sunday, November 29, 2009: (First Sunday of Advent)

Jesus said: “My people, today starts your Advent Season and many are more focused on buying gifts for Christmas. Yet in the Gospel reading it speaks more of the coming kingdom and My return to the earth. Before My return, you are seeing a black image of evil and suffering in the tribulation. The Antichrist will appear first and I have given you many messages about preparing to leave for My refuges before he tries to kill you. My kingdom is already on the earth in My sacraments and in the Holy Spirit’s dwelling in each soul. The reading speaks of how I will come in glory on the clouds to defeat all evil and bring My Light of goodness to dispel the darkness of evil. You know the end of this story as evil will have only a brief reign before I will vanquish Satan, the Antichrist, and all the demons and evil people, and cast this lot into hell. Just as you are anticipating Christmas during Advent, you are also anticipating My coming on the clouds to usher in My Era of Peace.”


Monday, November 30, 2009: (St. Andrew)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I was calling My apostles, who were fishermen, and I told them that from now on they would be fishers of men. My call is not limited to My apostles. I call many young men to be priests, and I call My lay apostolates to all be evangelists of My Gospel to bring My Word to all the nations. Through My faithful I want everyone in the world to at least have the opportunity to hear My Word and be saved. The more souls that you can bring to Me are the more souls that can be saved from hell. You are in a battle for souls, and do not cease struggling to bring as many souls as possible to My salvation of them. You have been given the gift of faith through your parents or friends, so pass on this gift of faith to others so they can enjoy the same love relationship with Me as you have.”
Jesus said: “My people, ever since Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, men and women had to work by the sweat of their brow to feed themselves and provide for their clothing and shelter. Except for the elderly, young children, the unemployed, and those with disabilities, everyone else is expected to keep a job and pay for their own bills. As more manufacturing jobs are shipped overseas to cheap labor, your people can only find cheaper jobs, and your standard of living has declined as a result. There is a lot of unfairness in your society, but most people are able to survive on their wages. It is unfortunate that your job losses and lack of benefits are desired by your corporations on Wall Street. Labor costs are always the target against the worker, instead of cutting the high salaries and bonuses of your executives. Those, who are stealing money from their workers, will have to pay for this abuse at their judgment. Because of your low wages many of your workers need two or three jobs per family in order to pay their bills. Trust and have faith in Me that I will see to your essential needs, but do not focus only on amassing this world’s possessions and wealth. Live to follow My ways, and help your neighbor when you can.”


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you are preparing for Christmas, but you are also waiting in anticipation of My Warning and My Era of Peace. Christmas is a memorial of My birth many years ago. This vision of a bicycle wheel spinning rapidly is a sign of the events of your life review that you will see in your Warning experience. This illumination of conscience will be an opportunity for grace and a time to change your life closer to how I want you to live. Once you see your sins as I see them, then you will have a desire to repent and change your sinful habits. This view from Isaiah in the first reading is a preview of My Era of Peace, once I have conquered evil and have renewed the earth. Rejoice as you look forward to these events that will prepare you for the tribulation, and show you My perfected world after My victory in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are preparing for Christmas, but you are also waiting in anticipation of My Warning and My Era of Peace. Christmas is a memorial of My birth many years ago. This vision of a bicycle wheel spinning rapidly is a sign of the events of your life review that you will see in your Warning experience. This illumination of conscience will be an opportunity for grace and a time to change your life closer to how I want you to live. Once you see your sins as I see them, then you will have a desire to repent and change your sinful habits. This view from Isaiah in the first reading is a preview of My Era of Peace. This is when I will conquer all evil and I will renew the earth. Rejoice as you look forward to these events that will prepare you for the tribulation, and the time of a renewed world in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, your seasonal flu and the Swine flu are still infecting many of your people. I have warned My faithful not to take the flu shots and to build up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. If many people start dying from the flu, then you need to come to My refuges to be healed by looking on My luminous cross or drinking the miraculous spring water. Now you have a new edict from the one world people who want to use their Codex restrictions by the end of this year to make it difficult to buy herbs and vitamins. All of your alternative medications will be at risk of being blocked on the open market. Because of this new threat, it might be advisable to stock up at least a year’s supply of the herbs and supplements that you are currently using. This is very similar to having at least a year’s supply of food so you can eat even if chips are required to buy everything. The one world people want to control your drugs, food, health care, and many other parts of your life by mandating microchip control that will eventually mandate chips in the body. Avoid taking any chips in the body, and leave for your refuges if the authorities demand them in the body. Trust in My angel protection because the evil ones want to eliminate everyone who is against their new world order, especially patriots and religious. Be prepared for these events by stocking up on your needs before you may not be able to buy them.”


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, as My Blessed Mother was about to give birth, St. Joseph had to bring them to Bethlehem to register for the census. It was at that time that they had to seek out a place to stay and they found a cave where the animals were kept. In the coming tribulation My faithful will be persecuted by the evil one world people. You will need to leave your homes to find My refuges of protection at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground, and even caves which is where I stayed. This will protect you from the men in black who will come to your homes to try and force mandatory chips in your body. Those, who do not leave soon enough, could be captured and killed in the evil ones’ death camps. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge. You will be made invisible to your persecutors once you leave for your refuges. Trust in My help and I will provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you complain of your pains, diseases, and discomforts, but the worst that one could suffer is burning in the flames of hell for all eternity without ever seeing Me. In life you have choices of whether you want to love Me or not, and whether you want to obey My Commandments or not. You have a free will to choose, but being with the one who loves you would be a far better choice than suffering and being tormented by the devil who hates you. In your Warning experience you will see the result of your choices that will judge you to heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will even experience what your judged place will be like. Those, who taste hell or purgatory, will have plenty of reason to want to improve their lives to avoid punishment and be with Me in heaven. Your complaints on earth are nothing compared to those who are burning in hell. Make your choice for heaven now so you can work on avoiding suffering in the flames of hell, and insuring that you will be with the one you love for all eternity.”


Thursday, December 3, 2009: (St. Francis Xavier)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of an ice storm with ice all over the trees, brings back memories for people, especially those living in the North. Truly you will have more ice storms this winter, but this message is focused more on those who have icy hearts and have little or no love for Me. It is because of your lack of love for Me that you have wars and little or no love for your neighbor. This should be part of the Christmas spirit that you open your hearts in love for Me and others. Put aside the spirit of the world in desires for money and pleasure, and focus more on love of Me and love of your neighbor. This should not only be expected of you just in the Christmas Season, but you should always have love in your heart throughout the whole year. Loving people is not just for a few days, but it is a lifetime calling which may require sacrifices at times in helping people. The more you imitate My life of love, the closer you will come to living a truly Christian life, worthy of your reward in heaven.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, there are still demands for mining coal and gold. Mines are a hazardous place to work and breathe, as you had mining deaths in China recently. Coal as a fuel is not as desired for producing energy, but it still is needed for steel making and running factories. Gold prices have gone up rapidly which is a sign of the dollar’s value decreasing. These industries do provide jobs which are in need more than ever. Pray for the safety of these miners who work the mines for a living.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government people have been focused on jobs and the housing industry. Some funding for making roads and bridges has kept your construction people busy with work. House sales are slowly coming back, but it is still a problem with so many foreclosure homes on the market. Pray for the workers in these industries and for your homeowners who are trying to keep their homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your government people talk of more troops for Afghanistan, your Defense industries are getting new product orders for this extended war. You can see the relationship between the need to create wars and the money made for weapons sold to both sides. It is the blood money made from weapons that is the force that keeps your Industrial Defense complex alive. The rich, who are making money on wars, do not care who dies or if the National Debt is going up because you cannot balance your budgets. Pray for peace and to stop your constant war-making that has no advantage for America.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have inspired many people to set up refuges and interim refuges to house My faithful during the coming tribulation. Some have been discouraged because events seem to be taking longer than they thought. While some have not answered My call, those that have will need your support as many budgets are being stretched to provide food, bedding, and shelter. Some refuges should be involved with prayer groups and possibly start helping each other with any needed preparations.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to trust in the miracles that I will perform for My people at My refuges. I have shown you examples of people and places being made invisible for protection. My faithful could financially support a refuge and not just expect everything to be handed to them. True, My angels will multiply your food and buildings, but your communities will still need to clean and prepare food. You also need to have your backpacks of sacramentals, clothing, food, tents, and blankets ready to travel to the nearest refuge or one that you have been supporting. Trust in Me for protection and your daily necessities.”

Jesus said: “My people, floods, earthquakes, fires, and tornadoes have caused much destruction in America. It has been people helping each other in these disasters that has brought things back to normal. Government aid has been very sparse in providing for people’s needs. Continue to help the poor and needy who have suffered from these disasters. They need your prayers and your physical help.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have heard your petition and you are concerned about Dr. John Kelly’s quick death from cancer. Pray for his family and his soul. Providing Masses for his intention will surely be appreciated by John and his family. Your prayer group members need to remember his faithfulness to your meetings, and his help in his food research for you. With your prayers and Masses he will have a short stay in purgatory.”


Friday, December 4, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people in denial that you are living in the end times when a reign of evil will be in control. The evil of your world has been getting worse over time, but because it has been gradual, it is harder to notice. If you compared today to fifty years ago, you could see the change in morals and church attendance on Sunday. As you look at your prayer groups, it is getting harder to encourage the youth to pray or have them follow their parents’ instructions. This vision of a decaying church is what you are seeing in My Church as attendance is down, fewer priests are being ordained, and traditional reverence for My Real Presence is lacking. My faithful remnant will always remain and be protected from the gates of hell. There still will come a split in My Church between a schismatic church, that will teach New Age, and My faithful remnant. Even if your prayer group numbers are decreasing, be vigilant and continue your good example. Pray for the youth and encourage Sunday Mass attendance among your family members. I have asked if there will be any faith left on the earth when I return, so see this decline in faith as a living sign that you are in the end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of My clergy today have lost their sense of identity in how they are dressed. Priests, who still wear their biretta and cassock along with their Roman collar, are looked down on by some as old fashioned. This traditional dress is the identity of My clergy that has helped their faith. As the nuns stopped wearing their habits and some priests rarely wear their clerics, they have lost some of their earlier religious fervor. Years ago people recognized the clergy more in their traditional clothes, but today they do not command as much respect. This is also why it is harder to find vocations because young men and women need role models to aspire to be a priest or a nun. Most vocations are coming from conservative guidance in the faith where Adoration is frequent. Pray for vocations to the priesthood and sisterhood, and pray for your current clergy to remain faithful to My calling.”


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, as winter approaches, you are getting closer to Christmas. I want to remind you to have your Santo Nino Novena prayers available so when nine days before Christmas arrives, you will want to say these prayers for your intention. I gave the message of making your February Bianchini Choir meeting as one of your intentions for this novena. Trust in My help, and this meeting of all of the Betania groups will be a success. Honoring My infancy is always a powerful prayer for your intentions. Remember to say these prayers all the nine days of your novena. My coming to the earth on Christmas was the beginning of My salvation for all of mankind. Rejoice in this commemoration of My birth, even as you are busy buying gifts for each other. Do not be afraid to wish everyone a ‘Merry Christmas’.”

Jesus said: “My people, terrorist attacks against your military is a plan by Muslim extremists to disrupt the morale of your military both at home and abroad. The use of sleeper cell Muslims is a very real threat against your military. Your soldiers should watch their backs, especially for those who openly espouse Muslim beliefs. There is a secret world wide battle of Muslims against Americans and they are overpopulating every place they go. I have told you that the Antichrist is a Muslim, and he will be leading his people against America. The Antichrist will exploit the rich and the powerful for his own plans of world conquest. His power will be brief, but he is inspired by the devil. I will bring My victory over all of these evil ones just when it seems that he will be unbeatable. Trust in My help and protection during this evil reign.”


Sunday, December 6, 2009: (2nd Sunday of Advent)

Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist is My herald in the desert in today’s reading as he prepared the people for My coming, not only at Christmas at My birth, but to later proclaim the Kingdom of God is at hand. The people of Israel are called to read the Scriptures to see My coming in Bethlehem, the place of King David. They also heard that a virgin will give birth which is My Blessed Mother. These early Sundays of Advent recall all of the earlier prophecies that are about to be fulfilled when I came to the earth incarnated as a man. My purpose was to give man My Word of the Gospel of love and to die for your sins. On the day that I died there was a great earthquake that tore the curtain in two in the temple. You can see the results also in the Holy Sepulcher Church under where My cross was placed. Rejoice in St. John’s words that proclaim My coming.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been patiently waiting for the time of tribulation to begin as you have prepared your refuges and your backpacks. You are living comfortably now, but your persecution will be worse than you thought it would be. Without the protection of My angels, none of you would survive. You will be living as a loving Christian community, helping each other to survive. You will have what you need because you will be trusting Me in faith. The events leading up to the tribulation are in motion already. Once martial law is declared, you will be on your way to your refuges where you will stay throughout the tribulation. Your prayer life will be intense as you will see many martyred for their faith. Those, who are martyred for the faith, will become instant saints in heaven. Do not be fearful of these times, but keep your peace in your soul, and I will take care of you. Walk with Me in trying to evangelize souls, even before My Warning. Many have fallen away from their faith, and they need prayer warriors to save them. Rejoice when you see these events begin because you know My coming again is soon.”


Monday, December 7, 2009: (St. Ambrose)

Jesus said: “My people, in many foreign countries it is difficult to find fresh water. Some rely on deep water wells or they need to carry water from great distances to their homes. More modern countries are used to water lines to their homes. Pray for those people who find it difficult just to get water to drink, let alone to bathe and wash their clothes. In this Advent Season water is also a symbol of Baptism for bringing souls into the faith, or as St. John the Baptist brought a baptism of repentance for sin. As you prepare for Christmas, make an attempt to get to Confession so you can repent and be sorry for your sins. Once you have My grace of My sacrament, then you too can rejoice in My Presence, even as Isaiah expresses his joy for a new life.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people may find it difficult to believe that you will be made invisible on your way to your refuges. But I am emphasizing your disappearance in this vision so you can have faith in My miracles. The evil ones will have all kinds of means of electronic surveillance, but My miracles will defy all of their plans. My angels will put a veil of invisibility around you both along the way and while you are at My refuges. Those, who are too late to leave their homes, could find themselves captured for not following My orders. Pray for My protection, but you must leave immediately with your tents, blankets, and backpacks to avoid being captured. By leaving in the night and in dark clothing, you will be able to slip past the evil ones. Continue to trust in My protection, even if it appears that evil is reigning.”


Tuesday, December 8, 2009: (Immaculate Conception)

Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating two feasts in one. My Blessed Mother was immaculately conceived without original sin so she could be the pure tabernacle to hold Me for nine months. The other feast is the Gospel reading when My Blessed Mother gave her fiat to conceive Me by the power of the Holy Spirit without a man’s intervention. My Blessed Mother risked having a child without marriage because I asked her to do so through the angel’s words. She always did My Will in every thing that I asked her to do. She is your heavenly Mother in contrast to the sin of the first Eve. My Blessed Mother is the new Eve and I am the new Adam. By My later sacrifice all of mankind would be freed of their sins when you ask for My forgiveness. I have ransomed everyone by My death on the cross, but you must acknowledge Me as your Savior, and personally confess your sins to make your own personal commitment. In that way your soul will be made pure and worthy of heaven. Rejoice in this feast that makes way for the feast of My birth at Christmas.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are living in the end times and you are seeing many events leading up to the Antichrist’s takeover. You have been enduring wars and soon you will see famine spreading over parts of the earth. This latest vision shows an appearance of a pestilence disease as a pandemic virus spreading all over the earth indicated by a spreading yellow color. This next disease will be much more deadly than the Swine Flu. I have told you in past messages that these diseases are mostly man-made. When many people start dying in large numbers, this will be the time to leave for My refuges so you will be healed of any illness by looking on My luminous cross or drinking the healing spring water. The evil ones are trying to reduce the population so they have fewer people to control. Trust in My protection and My victory over these evil ones.”


Wednesday, December 9, 2009: (St. Juan Diego)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these printing presses because I want all of My faithful to shout My Gospel of love from the rooftops. If My apostles had all of your means of communication, they could have preached to even more souls. You are all called to be evangelists in My Name in whatever way that you can get My message out to the people. You can start with one on one witnessing to your friends or relatives to bring Me more into their lives. If you have access to the internet or making books, you can share your message with even more people. I want everyone to have the opportunity to be invited to hear My words of love for them in My Gospels. I love everyone dearly, and I want everyone to love Me as well. Everyone needs to be active and strong in their faith so you can be an inspiration of faith to those whom you meet. Pray and evangelize as much as you can so you are not wasting your gift of time on this earth that I have given you. When you come to Me in judgment, you will have to make an accounting for how you spent your time, and how you loved Me and your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are not getting the full truth of events going on by your government nor your media. This vision of the water being muddied up indicates that your news information is highly censored, even as in communist countries. Behind the scenes the one world people have been controlling governments for centuries. They work in secrecy and kill people if need be to keep information secret. The rich and powerful money people and the central bankers have a plan for a world government that will be given over to the Antichrist. This will all be brought about by forming unions on all of the continents. America and its military stand in their way, and they are about to destroy your government to implement the North American Union that will join America with Canada and Mexico with a new ‘amero’ currency. America will be taken over by an emergency declaration of martial law that will be by a false terrorist attack, a pandemic virus, or a caused bankruptcy, or a combination of all three. These evil ones are preparing the events that will bring about martial law. In this caused chaos, a new government will be formed around the North American Union which will not be voted on by the people. America will lose its sovereignty as a nation in punishment for your abortions and sexual sins, even as Israel was taken over because they worshiped other gods than Me. Many people, who are against this new world order, will be killed which is why My people need to call on Me to have your guardian angels bring you to the safety of My refuges. You will be made invisible and My angels will protect you from the evil ones. Trust in Me because the Antichrist will have only a short reign before I will come in victory to send all of these evil ones to hell. I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision the bicycle works fine until the chain comes off the track. But once the chain comes off, then it cannot push forward by pedaling. This is true also in life. While you are with Me without sin, you have a smooth life. But once you get off track in sinful habits, you have difficulty in finding your way. I know that you are human and weak to sin, so I have given you My sacrament of Penance to forgive your sins and return you to My graces. One condition of this sacrament is that you should make a firm amendment not to repeat your sins. This means if you are living in a sinful relationship of living together in fornication, then you need to get married or break the relationship so you are not living in an occasion of sin. You at times repeat your sins, but at least try and stay out of any occasions of sin in your environment. If you drink, then refrain from going to drinking establishments. By changing your sinful lifestyle, you truly can repent and strive to show your love for Me in avoiding sins. Work to fix your life back on a path to heaven, as you would fix the chain on a bicycle.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, after the Warning you need to remove all of your TVs, computers, and radios from your homes so you do not look at or listen to the Antichrist. He will have charismatic attraction to his words to want you to worship him. Once he is declared, you need to leave for your refuges because you will need My angel protection to shield you from the evil ones who will try to kill you. Trust in My power that is greater than any evil person or evil spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, the events of this time are leading up to the time of tribulation. As you see this plane taking off, so the events leading up to the entry of the Antichrist, are also about to take off. For many years I have given you messages of preparation for this time, and soon your preparations will be tested. Have no fear of this time, but when you are warned to leave for My refuges, do not hesitate, or you could be martyred. The evil ones are all ready to implement their plans for takeover, so have everything ready to leave.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Medicare Program for 65 and over is almost bankrupt, yet your Senators want to take $500 billion out of this program and lower the age to 55. This plan will destroy your current health plans and put your country on track to bankruptcy. This national Health Plan will control many facets of your lives and force chipped ID cards to get any services. All of these savings will come from not serving the elderly. This will encourage euthanasia as well as funding for abortion. Call on your Senators to reject this plan that will support the death culture.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of the goals of Masonry is to destroy the Roman Catholic Church and this is why they build their temples next to My churches. This brotherhood of secrecy is how they carry out their plans to undermine and attack My Church. Through the government they will begin stripping any tax privileges and continue attacking My priests with false accusations. Call on My help to preserve My faithful remnant, as My angels will do battle with these evil forces.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you when I return that you will see My angels ascending and descending around Me in spirit. All of the power of the evil ones will be taken away as I will cast them into hell. Then I will renew the earth to prepare My faithful to enter My Era of Peace. The reign of the Antichrist will be brief and shortened for the sake of My elect. Prepare your souls in Confession so you will be spiritually ready for this last battle for souls in these end days.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you celebrate the coming feast of My Blessed Mother at Guadalupe, take up your rosaries daily and call on her to place her mantle of protection over her children. You are joined with our two hearts in love and you will need our help in the coming tribulation. My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition will also be places of refuge for her children. Call on us and the angels to do battle against the evil ones. The coming last battle is coming at Armageddon. Trust in My power to protect you and provide for your needs.”


Friday, December 11, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the workplace today it is a struggle just to be able to keep a job. In the past your job expectancy has been if you do your work properly, that you could expect steady raises over time both for inflation and merit raises. In today’s market in some companies the funds for raises are getting less and everyone is not eligible to get a raise. It is also a constant problem that companies are cutting back on health support as premiums rise faster than inflation. Many are struggling to make ends meet because wages and benefits are limited by market conditions for labor. This is all a part of world competition and the export of manufacturing jobs. America’s incomes have become stagnant on the low income level, but your executives are highly overpaid for what they do. This inequality is a judgment against your employers who are robbing pay from their workers. The rich will pay for this at their judgment. But expect your standard of living to continue decreasing as a plan of the one world people. Pray for those unemployed or under employed who are taking lower pay and less hours. Many are suffering hardships from lost jobs and unemployment benefits running out.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times your heating ducts need to be cleaned of dust and your water drains cleared to increase the flow. Even your heart arteries need unclogging to avoid heart attacks. In the same way your soul can get clogged up with sins and endanger your spiritual life. If you allow your sins to accumulate without frequent Confession, then your soul will soon be lacking in grace to keep it vibrant. You need frequent Confession, daily prayer, and daily Mass if possible to build up your spiritual strength and keep your soul unclogged from your sins. Encourage your family members and friends to do likewise so they can have pure souls. By keeping your soul always prepared, you will have no fear if I should call you home to your judgment. Keep close to Me in My sacraments, and you will receive your reward in heaven.”


Saturday, December 12, 2009: (Our Lady of Guadalupe)

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am sorry for you that my feast day of Guadalupe was overlooked at the Mass. I am the Blessed Mother of the Americas and this is a noted celebration, especially in Mexico. You have seen miracles even from the copy of the tilma that you escorted in your city of Rochester, N.Y. You celebrated St. Juan Diego’s feast a few days ago and even my image is one of pregnancy and appropriate for the Advent Season. My children are being tested by the one world people who want to join Canada, America, and Mexico into one of their fake unions to deny your sovereign nationhood. I am protecting you at my apparition places of refuge where Jesus and the angels will defend you from the evil ones. Be prepared, as my Son, Jesus, has warned you, for events will be moving quickly, and you will need to seek the safety of our refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen earthquakes underwater cause tsunamis. Now I am showing you deep earthquakes that could drain your ponds, water wells, and even change the course of your lakes. A major earthquake on the New Madrid fault could drain even your Great Lakes into the Mississippi River basin, and this would cause a great loss of fresh water. Other earthquakes in the West could change the geography of your Western coastline. You have had a time of relative stability, but once large earthquakes start happening, you could see other major earthquakes occur on the plate interfaces. Be prepared for major damage in the cities near these fault lines. Many of your water, gas, and electric lines will be affected, and it will leave many areas with no power, no heat, and little water. Be ready to leave for your refuges where your necessities will be provided, and you will be protected even from earthquakes.”


Sunday, December 13, 2009: (3rd Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s theme is joy in the Spirit, and it is personified in St. John the Baptist as he rejoices in his mission of bringing Baptism to those who want to repent of their sins. This release of the captives of sin is truly a reason for rejoicing. St. John is the herald in the desert preparing the way for My coming. This joy in your heart and soul, when you are set free of your sins, is reason for all of heaven to rejoice as well. You were lost, but now you are found in My grace, when you come to Confession and Baptism. Encourage your friends and relatives to repent and be saved as well. This is the reason for your evangelization efforts to set souls free of their bondage of sin. Keep close to Me in your daily prayer and frequent Confession.”


Monday, December 14, 2009: (St. John of the Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, this picture of Me prefigured on the cross is to emphasize that My main reason that I was incarnated as a man, was so I could save the world of its sins and be its Savior on the cross. Even as you are waiting to celebrate My birth on Christmas, so the prophets are telling you that God will send a Redeemer for His people. Not only was I sent to save the Jewish people, but also to save all the Gentiles as well. I give everyone an opportunity to be saved, but each person must accept Me as their Savior and repent of their sins. Without these prerequisites, you cannot enter into heaven. Each person has to choose between Me or the devil’s world. But you also must accept the consequences of your choices. Those, who choose to follow My ways, will be rewarded in heaven. Those, who choose to follow the world and the devil’s ways, will be judged to hell. There is no one else to blame for your chosen destination but yourself. Choose to love Me, and you will enjoy a life beyond your imagination.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this luminous cross because it is the Cross of Light that will be visible in the sky at all of My refuges during the tribulation. You are having a view of such a cross in the various places that you have traveled. Several people have related to you of similar happenings of luminous crosses on people’s frosted glass in their bathrooms. At Thermal, California you have seen the most beautiful cross that I have told you would mark a place of refuge, and there would be healings there, both physical and spiritual. These signs of luminous crosses could be because the people have had spiritual experiences in their prayer lives. It is definitely miraculous in nature, and could also be signs of holy ground where My angels will protect these locations. Those, who have these crosses, should pray in discernment if there is a mission there or a refuge there. Miraculous healings could be a further verification of a place of refuge for the end times. Rejoice that I am sharing these signs of My love, and this connection with My dying on the cross to save all of mankind from their sins.”


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, there are many lukewarm Catholics and lukewarm in other denominations that become weak in their faith, and they gradually fall away from Sunday worship of Me. As you see the serpent and the crocodile representing the devil, he is in search of the lukewarm to drown them in the world away from their life with Me. In these cases it is only miracles of conversion, or prayer warriors in their families that can save them before death. It is very dangerous for your spiritual life to be weak in your faith. Daily prayer and Sunday Mass should be the bare minimum to keep you close to Me in grace. Those, who are lax in going to Confession, also are risking their souls to being lost in serious sin. Wake up and renew your faith often, or you may go into a spiritual coma where the devil could take you for his own. Do not rely on others to save you, but save your soul by holding on to Me in My sacraments of grace. My prayer warriors also need to be in persistent prayer for your friends and family, especially any lukewarm souls in the faith. Work every day to protect your soul, and strive to evangelize souls and reconvert those who have fallen away from their faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, this current Health Plan has also seen some difficulties in seeing the truth because everything has been worked out behind closed doors. Where there is such blinding secrecy, the Congress people must have something to hide. They know if the people could read the bad parts of the bill, that there would be a great push to reject it. This is just another move to big government with more control over your Health Insurance. It will cost more than the current cost of health care, and it will hurt older people when the Medicare cuts are implemented. Many lies are being told to your people as they are trying to force this bill through while blinding you with a snow storm of 2,000 pages of unread documents. Encourage your Congress people to reject this secret means of passing legislation which will give more control to your government, and take more money from your taxpayers and their children. See these legislators for what they are-liars, and cheaters of the people.”


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, at times people get themselves into helpless situations that seem like there is no way out. When they pray their petitions to Me, I hear the cry of the poor. In some instances I have answered their prayer with a miracle, even as in this vision when I pulled the person out of the cistern. I am the Great Healer as well as your Savior. In other instances I have performed spiritual miracles in converting people from their sinful lifestyles. In all of these situations a prayer of thanksgiving would be in order. In the same way when people have helped you, or have worked for you all year long, it is appropriate to thank them with a gift of some kind. You have so many gifts to thank Me for that you could give a gift to the poor as you see Me in them. Christmas is a great time to share gifts as you exchange gifts with one another. Remember that I am your greatest gift to you every day and not just on Christmas.”

Jesus said: “My people, for a man and woman who are courting before marriage, it is very difficult to avoid sins of pleasure including fornication or masturbation. Yet to honor your wife’s virginity, it is much better to reserve the marriage act until after you are married. Even once you are married, you should honor your vows and not have any affairs with others. You also need to honor My laws against birth control devices so that you leave every marriage act open to possible life. Following natural rhythm methods of Family Planning is allowed by the Church. It is not easy to live a chaste life, but you will be rewarded for doing your best to follow My laws against fornication, adultery, masturbation, and birth control. Pray for help in any temptations for these sins and confess any such sins quickly in Confession. It is these sins of the flesh that send most souls into hell. Show your love for Me by avoiding these sins of the flesh.”


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, some people pride themselves in being able to trace their family genealogy back a few hundred years. In today’s Gospel you read of St. Matthew’s account (Matt. 1:1-7) that dated back to Abraham for My ancestry. This account listed the parentage forward from Abraham to St. Joseph. In St. Luke’s account (Luke 3:23-38) the ancestry starts with Me and records the parents going backwards all the way back to Adam. The importance of this lineage is to emphasize that salvation history was planned by God and not inspired by man. My true human father is the Holy Spirit who was the Spouse of My Blessed Mother. My Blessed Mother’s lineage also goes back to King David which is why both Joseph and Mary had to register in Bethlehem. This genealogy also explains that I was born as a man to save the Lost Sheep of Israel, but I also came to save all of mankind, even the Gentiles. This is another sign also of how mankind should be thankful for Me in being your Savior, and also for all of creation including life itself. Rejoice that you are all a part of My salvation history.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the struggle between the prey and the predator in the animal world. There is also a spiritual world where your souls are the prey and the evil demons are the predators searching for the ruin of souls. I am the Good Shepherd and I protect My sheep from the wolves of the demons. You are no match for the evil angels, but I have given you guardian angels to watch over you. Seek My protection in prayer, My sacraments, and your blessed sacramentals.”

Jesus said: “My people, many young children want to go to Santa Claus to ask for some gifts, but sometimes they are questioned if their behavior deserves some gifts. My faithful come to Me in Adoration seeking to have their prayers and petitions heard. In My talking to your heart, I am asking you to also change your behavior so I can direct you to a life without sin. It is difficult to avoid sin completely, but I give you Confession so you can ask My forgiveness.”

Jesus said: “My people, My angels are always joyous in singing My praises and trumpeting My Word among mankind. At Mass My faithful are also joyous in singing songs to Me and hearing My Word in the Scriptures. See that Mass and My sacraments are a preview of what is to come when you are in heaven with My angels and saints. Having Me in your heart at Holy Communion time is your closest taste of heaven on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, you concern yourself with what to buy for people, when you all have most of what you need already. Be sure to set aside some money for the poor who are in much more need for anything that you could give them. The poor are less demanding for any desired gift. Also the Wise Men brought Me gifts worthy of My Kingship, even though I was just an infant. If you know what kind of gifts to give your children in your weak nature, imagine how great My gifts are for you when you are all My children.”

Jesus said: “My people, your children and their spouses have to go where the jobs are in order to meet their needs to make a living. Since you have such a mobile society, it is not uncommon that families are spread apart by great distances. Holy days are a great tradition to be drawn together to share some time with each other. At times such travel can be difficult with snow and ice during the winter. Be joyful when you can share each other’s company. Even the shepherds and the Wise Men also made a sacrifice in travel so they could see their newborn King. Life is short and you never know when you may see someone for their last Christmas.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am reminding you again to start praying your Novena for your intentions. One intention is the success of your February Betania Conference. Remember that whatever you pray for in the sincerity of your heart, I will hear your prayer and answer it for whatever is best for your soul. Saving souls after all, should be one of your greatest desires to bring souls to Me in love. I am the little King, like the Infant of Prague, and you can pray to Me as an infant or as an adult, and I will hear everyone’s prayers. Honor this tradition of prayer to celebrate My feast of Christmas.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are always in a joy filled spirit around Christmas, but there still are people suffering without jobs, or having trouble surviving your recession. After Christmas you have feast days of martyrs and the Holy Innocents indicating that there will always be suffering going on even during the Christmas Season. Pray to stop abortion, and pray for those who are in financial hard times and having trouble to provide food and shelter for their families. Donations to your local food shelves would be appropriate in this season of sharing gifts.”


Friday, December 18, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, when My Blessed Mother was found pregnant by the Holy Spirit, St. Joseph was in a quandary what to do. The angel in a dream explained how My Blessed Mother became pregnant, and St. Joseph was asked to take her into his house as his wife. For St. Joseph the parentage of Me was always a stumbling block, but he accepted his role as step father, and was satisfied to carry out God’s plan in protecting My Blessed Mother from any scandal. My Blessed Mother for her part had to risk any danger of being found pregnant and unmarried when she accepted the Word of St. Gabriel. My earthly conception by the Holy Spirit is another example of the Blessed Trinity’s Presence. Wherever I am present, you also have My Father and the Holy Spirit present as well because We are inseparable. This is true also when you receive Me in Holy Communion in that all three of Us are present in your heart and soul at the same time. Honor Our Presence in everyone because you are all temples of the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, many are concerned with global warming that some think is being caused by burning fossil fuels. Most of your power production is being provided by burning such fuels. Only nuclear plants, wind, and solar power do not burn fossil fuels, but these sources are a small percentage of the overall power production. In addition to air pollution, your fresh water pollution is another area that man needs to clean up for good health. Fresh water is limited and an increasing population is putting more strains on your food and water needed to survive. As you hear more countries trying to curb their energy usage, the whole environment needs to be looked at as a big picture. This should not be just a redistribution of wealth, but a sincere effort by all nations to limit their air and water pollution. The earth has finite limits of resources, and limits to how much pollution can be reversed. Without an equal effort by all nations, then a fair amount of cost would be hard to manage. Work to make the earth cleaner for future generations to inherit.”


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you were reading today of the circumstances that brought about the miraculous births of Samson in the Old Testament and St. John the Baptist in the New Testament. Nothing is impossible for Me, as even My own birth was a miracle of the Holy Spirit. You have seen many natural disasters occurring as a sign of the end times among you. This vision of a men’s lavatory falling apart is a sign of how America will be brought to its knees and fall to others. The fall of America will be a punishment for all of your abortions and sexual sins as you worship worldly things as idols before worshiping Me. The falling away from your faith in Me is what will bring about your fall as a nation. It is only the few who are faithful in prayer that have postponed this fall from happening sooner.”

Jesus said: “My people, the time of your persecution draws near, as you see how evil the world is getting. Christians have been criticized and made fun of in public disgrace, but soon the evil ones will start discriminating all of those who believe in Me and do not believe or worship the Antichrist. Your persecution will become so severe that they will want to put you in prison and torture you for My sake. Even your prayers and reverent devotions will heap coals on their fury to kill you. Once you see martial law, mandatory chips in the body, famine, and division in My Church, then you should call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge. If you delay at your homes after I have warned you to leave, then you could risk capture and being killed in their death camps. Trust in Me for your protection at My refuges, where you will have bread, water, meat, and shelter.”


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this scene at St. Elizabeth’s house is very appropriate for Christmas as St. John the Baptist stirred in his mother’s womb at the sound of My Blessed Mother coming with Me in her womb. St. Elizabeth called My Blessed Mother ‘Blessed among all women’ to be carrying Me in her womb. My Blessed Mother came to help St. Elizabeth in her old age to bear her son that was a miracle birth. Just as St. John announced My arrival from the womb, later he prepared the people for My public ministry when he baptized people in the Jordan River. He called Me the ‘Lamb of God’ after My baptism and encouraged people and My apostles to follow Me. At that time he announced how he must decrease while I would increase. This is a message to everyone that I should be the most important One in your lives, even above your own will. Rejoice as you are soon to celebrate another Christmas.”


Monday, December 21, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, this single flame represents the love that is placed in every soul. This flame could be covered or snuffed out by the person’s own desire to do everything for themselves only. Love is the part of Me that is rooted in the creation of every soul, and it is a desire of the soul to love your Creator and love Me in your neighbor. You all have choices in life by your free will, and you choose in every action to do things for good or against My laws. I do not force My love on you, but those, who totally reject Me, are choosing to be in hell with the devil who hates them. You would much rather be with Me in the joy and beauty of heaven with the One who loves you. When you choose to love Me, then show your love in your daily prayers, and helping others by sharing what you have and sharing your faith. The Christmas spirit of love and joy is something that you should desire every day. I came to disperse the darkness of your sins, and your flame of love can also give the Light of My love to all of those who you meet in life.”

Jesus said: “My people, in order to claim an emergency that could precipitate martial law, the one world people will create some massive explosions and make it appear to be terrorist incidents. They will plan multiple explosions in large cities to create a sense of panic and a need for military control. This vision is of a fireman trying to put out a blaze from chemicals, which is why he has a flame retardant suit on. Once martial law is established, the evil ones will take over your government and prepare to bring about the North American Union. If such a martial law is imminent, then My faithful need to prepare to leave for My refuges led by your guardian angels. You will then be protected from the men in black who will try to eliminate religious and patriotic people. These men are UN foreign troops who do not care who they will be killing. Trust in My warning and leave quickly so they do not find you at your home.”

Irena Jakus: I could see people escaping from a prison. She said: “I am showing you how we were blessed by God to escape the prisons, and I explained to you how we survived only on dried bread for two years. You have even stored some dried bread in preparation for the end times. I shared my story of how and why I made all of these jeweled pictures. Even some of the Holy Eucharist pictures would be how Jesus will be with you in His Host. You all are part of the Lord’s prayer warriors, and you must be prepared physically and spiritually for the coming tribulation. I and many other faithful, who have died, will be praying for you to endure this coming reign of evil.”


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel reading (Luke 1:46-55) is at the ‘Visitation’ Mystery of the rosary where My Blessed Mother acknowledged her gift of carrying Me into the world and being called ‘Blessed’. Her prayer looks forward to My justice of those evildoers who take advantage of people for their own gain. My Blessed Mother always leads you to Me in everything that she does, so pray her rosary for her intentions. Our hearts are joined as one, and we call you to join your hearts with ours. As you prepare for Christmas, make an effort to prepare your souls in Confession so you are pure to receive Me as My Blessed Mother was without sin to bring Me into the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen reports of earthquake activity near an active volcano in the Philippines. This vision of a truck trying to escape from volcanic ash and smoke is a real possibility from this active volcano. Exploding volcanoes can spread ash miles into the sky, and fallout can spread over a wide area. I have already warned you to have masks to protect yourself from a Yellowstone disaster and from deadly viruses. If you are in such a cloud of dust, breathe through your masks or through your clothes. If you breathe the ash and dust, your lungs could stop working, and you would suffocate and die. Any heavy dust clouds that go high into the sky, could blot out the sun, and cause cooler temperatures. Be prepared to go inside and take precautions in breathing so you do not inhale any dust or ash in the air, if you are near such an explosion.”


Wednesday, December 23, 2009: (St. John of Kanty)

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing the focus on St. John the Baptist and Myself in the womb, and today is the celebration of St. John’s birth, just a few day before the celebration of My birth. This sinister sense of evil and death at the time of these births represents the influence of abortion on your infants. The evil one is behind this whole urging of having abortions, and even behind this whole abortion industry with its doctors and those who support abortion. Abortion is the largest part of your death culture which is why your population is not increasing in America and other countries. Pray for the stoppage of abortion because you are destroying millions of lives every year in direct defiance of My plan for these babies.”


Thursday, December 24, 2009: (Joan Hull’s Funeral Mass)

Joan said: “I am so overjoyed to finally be free of my body and to be with Jesus in heaven. I am living the Bible when it speaks about leaping as a stag. I thank everyone for attending the Mass, and I love all of you as you love me. I am happy to have had so many helpers throughout my difficult life and I thank them. Being at Mass every day was my joy, no matter what it took for me to be there. Thank Fr. Travato for those words of our meetings together. We really learned from each other. Thank Fr. Peter also for all the time that he accompanied me. You have not heard my last advice. I will be watching over you all and praying for you.”


Friday, December 25, 2009: (Midnight Christmas Day)

Jesus said: “My people, it is always a joy to sing the songs of My first coming on Christmas. You have prepared all Advent and in your Novena for this feast day of Christmas. It is the day to open your hearts and souls to let Me in to be with you. We were refused at the inn and had to make a place to stay in a stable. I was born of humble beginnings, even though I was incarnated as a man and I am the Second Person of God. But I came to the earth as a man so I could be the innocent Lamb led to the slaughter to pay the ransom for your sins. Do not see My crucifixion as any weakness of Mine, but it was My free will to die and pay the price of offering salvation to everyone out of love for you. Give thanks and praise to Me for My gift of spiritual life and an opportunity for heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Wise Men followed My star to find Me in Bethlehem, and then gave Me worship with their gifts. There is another parallel in that you will be following the flames of your guardian angels to the safety of My refuges. Once you arrive at a refuge, you will see My luminous cross, and those, who look on it, will be healed of all of their infirmities. You have been praying your Novena intentions and now you need to continue your prayers for nine days of thanksgiving. My parents brought Me to the safety of the stable, but My angels will bring you to the safety of My refuges where you will be invisible to your enemies.”


Saturday, December 26, 2009: (St. Stephen)

Jesus said: “My people, your Legislature is on the verge of passing a Health Care Plan that could eventually pay for abortions and even encourage euthanasia, as well as a possible National ID computer chip card for your medical services. These controlled Congress people are led and financed by the one world people, and they buy their votes with the taxpayers’ money. This will be your country’s undoing as you are on the road to bankruptcy and martial law when the people will revolt against your new mandates. When these evil ones control your food and your electricity, the one world troops will force a takeover, and My faithful will go to My refuges for protection. This takeover could be forced on America in a short time, which is why I have given you so many messages on how to prepare for and leave for My refuges. Your persecution will worsen until the tribulation will begin as the Antichrist will declare himself. Trust in Me and do not be afraid, as you call on My angels to protect you. I will be with you and defend My faithful remnant from the gates of hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a ship catching fire and sinking represents America in how you will be destroyed by fire. This ship represents your own ship of state which is self-destructing from the actions of your government. Many actions taken in the last year have extended your National Debt, and they are leading you into a planned bankruptcy. The one world people are purposely trying to destroy your economy and your military. With America out of the way, they could easily plunder the rest of the world in a similar manner. Trust in My protection from these evil ones as you are directed to My refuges. You can see the planned destruction of your country taking place in all of the reckless spending going on. Pray for the spiritual salvation of the souls in your country, despite any persecution.”


Sunday, December 27, 2009: (Holy Family Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated Christmas, and now even in the Gospel, you find life has its daily difficulties in the finding of Jesus in the Temple. Your homilist was right in encouraging holiness to help deal with your troubles. This is why having an intimate relationship with Me in prayer can help you get through the worst of situations. Dealing with your earthly life is part of your human condition which I have shared with you in pain and trials. You also can have struggles in your spiritual life in avoiding sin, and you can cleanse your sins with Confession. Keeping your soul pure should be your most important concern. Walk with Me every day, and your life will go much easier.”


Monday, December 28, 2009: (Holy Innocents)

Jesus said: “My people, how long will I put up with your daily killing of My babies in abortion? When you grasp the immensity of the millions of babies that were killed, you can understand the gravity of all of these sins. It is bad enough that you are committing mortal sins of fornication, masturbation, adultery, and birth control, but the killing of My babies is the last nail in your coffin as a nation. I am reminding you constantly about stopping your abortions, and now your new Health Plan is proposing to pay for abortion by your taxpayers. Your freedoms are about to be taken away, and all the possessions and pleasures that you worship instead of Me, are also about to be taken away as well. The evil one world people are on the verge of taking over your country and creating the North American Union. Other unions will be formed, and all of these unions will be given over to the Antichrist to start the tribulation. When martial law takes over your country and mandatory chips in the body are in place, then call on Me to have My guardian angels lead you to My protection at My refuges. Be prepared physically and spiritually before a reign of evil will be allowed to take over the earth. Trust in Me to save your souls through this time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just suffered one of your worst recessions this last year or so, but now people want to be optimistic that things will get better. Some of your stocks have come back, but there is still a threat of another slow down, once your government stops stimulating your economy artificially. Even though the job losses have lessened, there are still many unemployed, no matter how you count them. If enough jobs cannot be increased, then you will have a stagnant economy. Much of your deficit spending is getting worse without any benefit to the everyday person. It is the rich who have profited from this downturn. The average worker continues to make less money, while the executives are getting outrageous bonuses. Many people are not satisfied that your current leaders have not delivered what they said they would do. Even though there are many social injustices, My faithful need to persevere in their prayers and charity to help the needy. Look forward to your joy and vindication in heaven because this world is only a valley of tears and sorrows.”


Tuesday, December 29, 2009: (St. Thomas Becket)

Jesus said: “My people, I was being presented in the Temple according to Jewish custom of consecrating to God the first born male child. This originated with the last plague against the Pharaoh and the Egyptians where the angel of death killed the first born males. The Israelites first born males were protected by putting lamb’s blood around the doorways. This is prophetic because I would become the Lamb of God to shed My Blood as a blessed sacrifice to atone for all of mankind’s sins. You, My son, are also a first born male which is another confirmation of your mission to spread My messages to prepare people for the coming tribulation. Simeon blessed Me and made some prophecies of My mission and how My Blessed Mother would suffer a sword in her heart at My death. Many have died as martyrs for My Name, even as you celebrate today’s feast day of St. Thomas Becket who is a saint in heaven. Strive to proclaim your faith and be prepared even to die for your faith, if necessary.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the expression ‘They have ears to hear, but cannot understand My words; and they have eyes to see, but cannot understand the meaning of My miraculous healings’. The people of My time could hear and see My words and deeds, but still many did not want to believe in Me. In today’s world you also have the Scriptures of My words, even with My explanations, and people refuse to believe in Me. You have My creation to see, and even miracle healings among you, and people still refuse to believe in My act of creation. I reveal Myself in many ways to people, but they must develop a desire to love Me if they want to see and listen with the eyes and ears of faith. I do not force Myself on your free will, but you must be willing to accept the consequences of your actions. In the end there are only two choices: eternal love with Me in heaven, or eternal hate with the devil in hell. Strive to have a pure soul with Me in heaven which is much more desired by your souls’ craving. Do not let the devil or the things of the world take you away from My unconditional love for you. Come to Me and I will feed your soul with My Body and Blood which only I can satisfy your soul’s seeking of love and peace.”


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from St. John, he speaks of those people who are following worldly ways, and these people cannot truly believe in Me. You can only follow one master, and you cannot love God and money. You will either love one or hate the other. Your reward in heaven for all eternity is a large incentive to love Me over the world. The world is quickly passing away and this life is not very long. It is better to desire My eternal love than suffer eternity in the flames of hell. Worldly comforts and pleasures are very temporary and the devil will gladly give you anything in exchange for your soul. Your soul is your most prized possession, so guard it carefully from the devil’s sin and you will be safe with me. To follow Me it would be best to keep saying your daily prayers, repent of your sins, and accept Me as Master of your life. When you love Me in My sacraments, you can even have a taste of heaven on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all are joyful in this Octave of Christmas and you are about to share a Happy New Year of the Lord. These holy days lift up your spirits in the middle of a dark winter. You are always grateful to see the days get longer, which goes well with My dispersing the darkness of sin. I am happy to see your prayer group take time in prayer to give Me praise for all that I do for you. I have heard all of your petitions and your prayers for those with health problems.”

Jesus said: “My people, prayer and My sacraments keep you united with My Blessed Mother and Me. You are always comforted as you pray together, because I hold you all in My arms. When you are close to Me, you can trust in My help in any of your troubles. I am always grateful to see My prayer warriors come together in your meetings. You give support to each other, and you have My graces bestowed upon you. Continue to come to your prayer groups because your world is in great need of prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, remember when I was criticized for going to Matthew’s house for being with sinners. My answer was that the sick are those who need a doctor and not the self-righteous. I am the great Healer both for your physical infirmities as well as your spiritual sicknesses of sin. Many times I healed a person’s soul of their sins before I healed their physical problems. In this way I was healing the whole person, both body and soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some who make New Year’s resolutions to do better in their lives. This is a good time to make an examination of your life over the last year to see if you are getting better in your faith life, or whether you have fallen back into some old habits of sin. Make a point to see what ways you could improve not only your physical life, but your spiritual life as well. Once you have made some plans for improvement, then write them down so you can remind yourself of your new commitment during the months of the year. It is by improving your holiness that you can be on the right path to perfection and sainthood.”

Jesus said: “My people, this could be a good practice for you to keep a crucifix in every room of your house so you could remember My sacrifice at all times. By staying focused on Me, you can take up your own cross of suffering and walk with Me as I suffered walking to Calvary. Suffering can be a means for your salvation, or helping others with your redemptive suffering. Do not waste your pain, but offer it up for those who need healing, especially those who have no one to pray for them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many people who are unemployed and in need of food and shelter. You give many gifts to people, but you may receive some in return at Christmas. When you give money, food, clothing, or shelter to the poor, you do not expect anything in return except possibly a ‘thank you’. Such charity for the poor will always receive a gift of treasure in heaven that will await your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, soon you will be reading the accounts of the Wise Men bringing Me their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. You may not have such gifts for Me, but you can continue your Novena of thanksgiving for your many intentions. See this Octave of Christmas as a perfect time for prayers for the coming New Year. You do not know what lays ahead of you in this coming year, but by working on your holiness and helping others, you will be following what I desire for you. I wish all of you a Happy New Year in all that you do for Me.”


Thursday, December 31, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, remember when I spoke to St. Peter in Galilee after My Resurrection: (John 21:18-19) ‘Amen, amen, I say to thee, when you were young, you gird yourself and walked where you wanted. But when you are old, you will stretch forth your hands, and another will gird you, and lead you where you do not want to go. Now this He said to signify by what manner of death St. Peter would glorify God.’ St. Peter was later martyred for his faith, and even in these end times, some will also be martyred for their faith. In today’s reading (1 St. John 2:18) it is appropriate for the end times: ‘Dear children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming; so now many antichrists have arisen. Thus we know that it is the last hour.’ Truly you have seen the antichrists in some of your evil leaders who are leading you astray. These are the ones who are preparing to give the world over to the Antichrist for his short reign before I come in triumph over him. I have given you the signs of a world famine, division in My Church, martial law, mandatory chips in the body, and a pandemic virus. When you see these things, then it is time to call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge. Once you are at My refuges, you will be protected from any viruses or destruction of the earth. It is true that it is a long time plan of the one world people to reduce the population of the earth dramatically so that they have fewer people to control. This is all part of the death culture plan that is being led by Satan, himself. Remember that the higher one world authorities worship Satan and get their marching orders from Satan, himself. His plan is to destroy man because he hates man, but I have control over the extent of his allowed power. Trust in Me that he will not achieve his goal, and I will protect My faithful at My refuges throughout the entire tribulation. I will then cast these evil ones into hell, restore the earth, and bring about My Era of Peace. I give you one emphasis in My power that the Warning will occur before the Antichrist comes to power, so everyone will be prepared for these evil last days.”


Sábado, 22 de Fevereiro de 2025

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