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John Leary - Ano 2010 (Inglês)



Ano 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010: (Mary, Mother of God)

Jesus said: “My people, as you look at this brick church, think of Me as the cornerstone not only of a building, but mostly as the foundation of your faith in Me. I built My Church with St. Peter as the rock or leader, and you have the succession of Popes from St. Peter. I have protected My Church from the gates of hell over the years so you can see how I am in control of salvation history. This light at the end of a tunnel in the vision is another sign of both near death experiences and when people die and come before Me in judgment before My Light. Everyone has a review of their life before I pass judgment on them. This life review will also be given to everyone at the time of the Warning or illumination of conscience. The Warning will be a blessing to all sinners because after your judgment, you will be placed back into your body and given a second chance to change your life for the better in following Me. Give praise and glory to God for your gift of faith, and for this coming gift of My Warning to help save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are going to have a severe winter with plenty of snow. Ice storms and other disasters will affect your people as well. Pray that you do not have to go to your refuges in the winter time. I am reminding you every winter to have some alternative fuels on hand for any power outages. In the Northern States cold weather is hard to bear without some source of heat, especially if you lose your power. You have had some terrorist attacks and fortunately they were not serious. Your security people should be prepared for more of these incidents. Some times the militants are using different tactics to test your weaknesses which appear to be many, even from computer attacks. You are in a constant battle with forces who want to see America fall. Pray for the safety and health of your people from any man-made diseases.”


Saturday, January 2, 2010: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you already are seeing St. John the Baptist pointing the way to My coming in My public ministry as the ‘Lamb of God’. He was the herald in the desert preparing the people with a baptism of water, as he called the people to repent of their sins. My son, you have a similar mission both to call people to repent of their sins, and to point to My coming after the tribulation. I have asked you to prepare the way also in warning people when to leave for My refuges. I am also calling many people to prepare final and interim refuges so the people will have a place to go. At My refuges there will be angels of protection, and they will make you invisible and provide for your needs. At the refuges you will have food, water, shelter, and be healed of viruses and infirmities. These are great words of comfort and trust in Me that will allow you to live through the coming tribulation of evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, the terrorists, who are mostly Muslim extremists, are becoming more active with large numbers of people as their targets. You have seen a military man shoot multiple service people, and an attempt to blow up one of your airplanes. This vision of a massive explosion at a large airport terminal in the U.S. at a busy time, could happen from some kind of a truck bomb or an individual carrying undetectable explosives. The bomb could even be brought inside before entering security checks. This event could be prevented with enough security notice on high alert. Pray that your security agents can stop these kinds of incidents before they can be carried out.”


Sunday, January 3, 2010: (Epiphany)

Jesus said: “My people, today the Wise Men honored Me as the Infant King as they brought Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, fit for royal people. Even though I was born into humble beginnings, I have a royal heritage from the line of King David. You know that I am the Second Person of God, but I lowered Myself to be incarnated as a man so I could die for your sins. I had powers to heal and cast out demons, but I did not seek glory for Myself. I humbled Myself to be obedient to My parents and to God the Father. Later, I even allowed Myself to be humbled by an agonizing crucifixion. I came to the earth as a servant and Savior, and not as a ruler. My public ministry was to teach the people and My apostles about the Kingdom of God, and how to save souls from going to hell so they could come to heaven. Rejoice on this feast of the Epiphany as you honor My Kingship with your praise and worship.”


Monday, January 4, 2010: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)

Jesus said: “My people, when My public ministry began, it was too difficult for the people of My day to comprehend the possibility of God becoming a man. They listened to My words and they sought to be healed by My healing power. But when I talked of My Divinity and two natures, they wanted to stone Me as a blasphemer. Throughout history there have been various heresies that denied My Divinity. My becoming a man is a mystery for man to understand, but it is true that I took on two natures-human and the Divine. Understanding the Blessed Trinity of Three Persons in One God is also a mystery of faith. At all times whenever you see Me, you also see God the Father and God the Holy Spirit because We are always One and inseparable. Another mystery of faith is accepting My Real Presence in every consecrated Host and the consecrated Wine. This mystery is shared every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion since you receive God the Father and God the Holy Spirit all at the same time. Give praise and glory to all Three Persons of God that We are joined intimately with you in spirit and in the physical substance of bread and wine.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been saying your Santo Nino Novena for your conference funding, and now you have seen an answer to your prayer. You knew that this was a powerful prayer, so now you have another confirmation. As with all answered prayers, it is only fitting that you continue with your thanksgiving Novena of Santo Nino. You gave Me, as an Infant King, all of your prayers and petitions, and now your conference is ready. Continue your prayers in faith and persistence for all of your other intentions. You know when it is according to My Will that I will answer those prayers where many souls will be helped. This is another reason to see the importance of gathering all of your Betania groups together in spreading the message of repentance with My Blessed Mother. Repentance is the theme of St. John the Baptist, and this Christmas Season fits the message of your conference. Give praise and glory to God for answering your intention.”


Tuesday, January 5, 2010: (St. John Neumann)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fish for the 5,000 people was more than just out of necessity. This was also a test of the belief of My apostles in My power as the Son of God. I am the same God who created all the earth and the universe. Multiplying the food was a simple act of My Will in asking My Father’s blessing. The multiplication of bread is also a symbol of My consecration of bread as Holy Communion because I am the ‘Bread of Life’. Whoever eats My Body and drinks My Blood will have eternal life in heaven. I am love and My death on the cross for your sins is the greatest act of love that I could show you. I gave up My life for you and I suffered an ignominious death in My crucifixion. This love of Mine is given to you freely and I ask you to love Me also of your own free will. Call on Me at any time in prayer because I am always at your side willing to answer your prayer, and accept you in the forgiveness of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, these footprints in the snow are a reminder how your storms have been snowy and cold. I have mentioned about following Me in My footprints several times, and I invite you to imitate My example of love for God and your neighbor. Keeping the faith takes work and stamina to avoid sin and keep your spiritual life alive with a pure soul. It is your spiritual survival that is even more important than your physical survival. You work to keep your body alive with food and water. You also should keep your soul alive in My grace by feeding on Holy Communion and frequent Confession. Just as you follow Me, you can also help others by your good example so they can follow in your footprints. You are My prayer warriors who can help convert souls and be a beacon of hope for your families and friends. Keep your light of faith burning as you disperse evil and spread good will where you go in My Name.”


Wednesday, January 6, 2010: (Brother Andre)

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you someone in chains in a prison because torture, prisons, and martyrdom for the faith will become more widespread as you approach the time of tribulation. This is all the more reason that you should be prepared to go to My refuges with your backpacks, blankets, and tents. Any food and water would be multiplied later. You may be traveling a few days which is why you need a tent, a windup flashlight, warm clothes, food, and water. Those, who do not go to My refuges when I warn you, will be risking capture, torture, slave labor, or death. Even before the Antichrist comes to power, I have asked you to store one year’s supply of food, water barrels, and extra fuel sources. If you have power outages, viruses, or any riots, you may need this food and water to survive. Pray for My help whenever you are tested.”

Jesus said: “My people, man is using up many natural resources as metal ores, coal, oil, and uranium that are not endless sources for the future. You are also using up potash and various fertilizer components that are being used by your farmers. Recycling metals as scrap steel, copper, glass, and aluminum can minimize finding more resources. There are limits to the amount of food and things that you can manufacture. This is why conservation of energy and alternative energy sources are being looked at. Your desire for fossil fuels and more energy sources will have its limits, and your expanding population will create even more demands. This is why the one world people want to reduce the population because of your limited resources. Beware of the viruses, bad foods, and medicines that are slowly controlling your immune systems and could sterilize parts of your society. Trust in Me at My refuges where you will be healthy and fed with My food and water.”


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, those, who live near rivers and lakes, are fortunate to have water readily available, even if it has to be purified. This vision of a deep water well is how far you need to drill for water in arid country. In such dry areas water becomes very precious. Without water you could only live a few days, so water is a necessity for your life. In the same way My grace is a necessity for your spiritual life. Your soul is dead to Me if you are living in mortal sin without My grace. My sacraments with the priest are your oasis for grace in the soul. By seeking My forgiveness in Confession, you can restore grace and viability to your spiritual life. Your main goal is to seek to be with Me in eternal life after your death. By keeping in My grace with a pure soul, you will always be ready to meet Me in your judgment. This is why frequent Confession and Holy Communion will keep you alive and vibrant in your faith and your soul.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, all of you, who said your Santo Nino Novena, have received many graces and answers to your prayers. You will soon see a closing of your Christmas Season as you put your decorations away. Remember to keep a little crib scene at your little altar, and remember to pray to Santo Nino all year long. You have been gifted with My first coming, and you will be gifted again when I return.”

David said: “My family, thank you for visiting my grave recently and remember to pray to me for your intentions. I have seen Camille, Carol’s father, and he is also trying to help your family in your day to day struggles. He is trying to leave some indications of his presence at your daughter, Donna’s house. There may be some subtle hints there to encourage everyone to go to Sunday Mass. I also am giving a message for Catherine to try more to consistently go to Sunday Mass without trying to make excuses. It is important for everyone’s faith to have a deep love for Jesus in His sacraments.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is interesting how the Democrats worked hard to ensure 60 votes to pass your Health Plan in the Senate. Once they have done their dirty work, now several Democrats are not running for re-election because they do not want to face your people’s backlash on election day. When your people wanted a change from the war in Iraq, they did not realize that they are giving up their freedoms under the Democrats. The one world people control both parties, but there are more death culture proponents on the left. These proponents of big government are taking away your freedoms, and they will control you more under this new Health Plan when it is put through with more secret meetings. Pray for a return to a republic government than your present leaning to socialism.”

Jesus said: “My people, your central bankers are exploiting the people with your taxes and low interest rates to bail out the banks and Wall Street Corporations. Bailout and stimulus money has helped the rich and not the poor. Low interest rates are hurting all savers who are getting practically no return for their money in the bank. Here the rich are getting richer and the taxpayer suffers little employment and little credit to buy things. You may not see justice now, but at the judgment these evil ones will pay for their greed and injustice to the poor.”

Jesus said: “My people, these latest terrorist attacks could give your Homeland Security and FEMA more power to restrict your movements on various means of transportation. In an attempt to protect your people, they will implement more chips in your license and health cards with GPS capability so they can track you better. Eventually, they will try to force chips in the body for better control, but this will lead to controlling people like robots. Refuse any mandatory chips in the body and leave for your refuges when this happens. This socialistic control is what you invited into your government with your current leaders. The time to leave for your refuges grows closer with every lost freedom.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see the prices of your commodities increase, it will be more the decrease in the value of the dollar than an increase in demand for oil, gold, and others. Your government leaders are spending you into bankruptcy as your National Debt is growing beyond your ability to support it. Foreigners are not buying more of your debt, and your Federal Reserve cannot rely on monetizing your debts into hyperinflation. When you cannot pay your bills, you will see your government lead you into financial chaos. This destruction of your economy has been planned for years so the one world people could take over your country. This disaster and chaos will be another reason to leave for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages of a coming deadly pandemic virus. Your flu viruses to date have not been that deadly. You will see a more deadly virus start happening when the evil one world people will infect your people with another man-made virus that will kill a larger percentage of those who get sick. Again when you see many dying, use your masks, build up your immune system with Hawthorn, and move quickly to My refuges where you will be healed by looking on My luminous crosses or drinking the healing spring water.”


Friday, January 8, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the Gospel of My healing the leper of his disease, but it was his faith that healed him. This is true of physical healings and spiritual healings. There needs to be a desire to be healed in the body and the soul. Faith in My healing power also is needed in physical healings. Most important in spiritual healings is also a desire to seek My forgiveness in a person. You know that you can come to Me in Confession to have your sins forgiven, but you must make the forward act of making plans to go to Confession. You can have souls praying for you both on earth and in heaven, but each sinner needs the desire on their own to come forward to be cleansed, like this leper. Life is short and you may not always have the opportunity to confess your sins if you should die suddenly. This vision of darkness in a wooden frame represents a soul living in mortal sin. It is your duty as a Christian to warn people who are living in sin to wake up and convert their lives before it may be too late and they may lose their soul in hell. Do not worry if you are offending their emotions, but tell them that you love them and you are concerned about saving their soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to end the Christmas Season with the celebration of My Baptism in the Jordan River by St. John the Baptist. After this season is over, you will have some ordinary time before you prepare for another Season of Lent, followed by Easter. Every time, that you read My Scripture passages, you can get a new meaning out of the familiar words of a new cycle of readings. As you see this empty casket, you realize that My death on the cross for your sins is the reason for My coming in the first place. My victory over sin and death was completed in My Resurrection. Rejoice because those, who believe in My promises, will one day be united with Me as you are also resurrected with your glorified body. You have no idea of what beauty and glory awaits you when you arrive in heaven. Many of your relatives here are encouraging you and praying for you on your life’s journey through your daily temptations of the devil. I invite you to call on your relatives in heaven in prayer to help you and those who may be away from the faith.”

Camille: He said: “I have been asked why I have been turning on the lights at H.. and Donna’s house, and yes it is to try and help the family stay close to Jesus. I know H.. was disbelieving in my presence at first, but now he knows that it is real. I know H.. has a good heart, but I am sad that he has closed the door to Jesus in trying to use his gifts. Tell him that I am praying for him to return to church and give Jesus a second chance. For V.. I told you that he is in a great need of prayer help which all of you have been doing. I know he has some demons in his drugs and drinking, but if he continues, his life will be shortened. I have given him signs as well in fixing some things, and let me tell him that he can only be saved, if he allows Jesus to come into his life. He is searching for peace, but it can only come by praying to Jesus for help and forgiveness. He is a good hearted kid if he could stay off the drinking. His health and my leaving have been a problem, but he can still get out of his condition if he could look for some help. Keep praying for him and encourage him to change his ways, and his life will get better. I am praying for H.. and V.. to help save their souls because I love them.”


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist was My herald in the desert preparing the way for My coming. He kept asking the people to repent of their sins and be baptized. When I let St. John baptize Me, there was a manifestation of the Blessed Trinity. (Matt. 3:16,17) ‘And when Jesus had been baptized, He immediately came up from the water and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and coming upon Him. And behold, a voice from the heavens said, ‘This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’ When I died on the cross, I ransomed all souls from their sins, if they would come forth to be baptized. Now, today you bring your children to be baptized in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This sacrament is your entry into the faith, and it forgives your original sin from Adam, and any actual sin up to that time of Baptism. My request continues to call all souls to repentance so you can receive My graces and be saved from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times I invite you to come and make visits to My tabernacle in prayer. When you come before Me with all of your troubles and intentions, you can find peace with Me that only I can give to your soul. You are My children of faith, and I treasure the moments that you come to share with Me. I love My adorers so much and I wish you could crowd every Adoration chapel so there is no place to stand. Yet I am thankful for the few who do come, and I will shine many graces on you for your efforts to be here in taking time out of your busy schedules. Do not forget to make some quiet time for Me every day. This is My time to talk to your heart and encourage everyone in their special mission in life. Walk with Me as I walked with My disciples on the road to Emmaus and I gave them My words of My mission, and how it fulfilled the prophecies of the prophets. Encourage each other in your prayers, and help others to share some quiet moments with Me in My tabernacle.


Sunday, January 10, 2010: (Baptism of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, even as you are bringing your Christmas Season to a close, do not cease singing your praises to Me as the angels sing to Me constantly. As you see this vision of a choir getting their places, you all have some small part to play in voicing your faith to others as you sing My praises. By your daily prayers and your actions, you are being a witness to others of your faith in Me. Remember that heaven and the people around you are observing your every move. So always give good example to lift others up in their faith. When you were baptized, I called you to be an evangelist to help save souls. Your faith is a gift of love from Me and you need to share it, and not just keep it to yourself. Witness your love for Me and your neighbor every day.”


Monday, January 11, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, you know that I came from humble beginnings and I was St. Joseph’s son, a carpenter. When it came time to choose My apostles, I also chose simple fishermen instead of people who were rich or part of the religious authorities. I wanted My apostles to be open and to freely choose to follow My new teachings that fulfilled the Law of the Jews. Those in authority would refuse Me, but My words of love touched the hearts of all the apostles that I asked. By the power of the Holy Spirit and My guiding hand, many have come to believe in Me and have converted to follow a Christian way of life. Those, who repent of their sins and accept Me as Master of their lives, will have eternal life with Me in heaven. The reward for following Me, as My apostles did, is worth more than any hardships that you must face in this life. Keep focused on Me and perfecting your spiritual life, and you will find your crown of sainthood in heaven with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is being wrapped in a tightening vise of socialism that will be controlling your freedoms more and more. You have cameras identifying you in many places. You have microchips in your driver’s licenses, your passports, and soon in your National ID health cards. Your travel in airplanes and other transportation is dictated by these chips. The one world people are not satisfied with overtaxing you and stealing your money from the stock market and the banks, but they want to control you like robots and choose your thoughts with mind control. This is why their next push will be for mandatory chips in the body, and a reduction in the population by diseases and breakdowns in your immune systems. Viruses in flu shots and viruses in the chem trails are adding to your adulterated food that they are going to use to kill people, and sterilize them as well. When mandatory chips in the body are declared, pandemic viruses kill many, or martial law is called, then call on Me and My guardian angels will lead you to the safety of My nearest refuge. Trust in My protection as the tribulation time is about to start.”


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, you know how important it is to have your priests to pray the Mass and administer the sacraments. Some of your people may not fully understand the importance of your priests for your spiritual life. They counsel people in Confession and for marriage. They consecrate My Hosts so you can have Me in Holy Communion and at Adoration. Because they take My place on earth, the demons are constantly tormenting the priests to give up their vocation. This is why they need your constant prayers and support to protect them from the demons and to provide for their needs. A priest’s life today is under constant demand to run their parish, and they may even help other parishes as you share priests in your shortages. Pray also to inspire your faithful to continue coming to Mass and supporting your parish church. You all are like Christian soldiers defending the faith. You need to encourage your family and friends to remain faithful to your own calls, whether in the single life or your married vows. Support your pastors because you can remember how difficult it was to be without a pastor.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed at least three major earthquakes in the last week or so. One was near New Zealand, one off the coast of California, and now a severe one in Haiti. You are entering a time of increased severe earthquake activity which is a warning for California and the middle of your country. When you see considerable activity around Indonesia and New Zealand, then stress is now on the other ends of these plates. Let this disaster in Haiti be a warning for America’s places of vulnerability. Food supplies around the world are at all time lows, and any major disaster will find it hard to get many supplies there, even if the money is available. Pray for those suffering from this earthquake, and provide some donations of what you can to help them. It is difficult for poor countries to respond to such disasters that could quickly lead to chaos and looting of what food can be found.”


Wednesday, January 13, 2010: (St. Hillary)

Jesus said: “My people, today you will see more pictures of death and destruction in Haiti as many countries will be sending them help. As I mentioned in a previous message, there are some good charity organizations that send aid to this country that you could send donations to them, as well as your prayers. Some people without much understanding even blame Me for all of these natural disasters. In some cases there is destruction because of evil and sin in areas, but earthquakes are of their own course. There are known faults on this island that were dormant for many years, but much of this damage is because it is a poor country with little if any control over home construction. Where there are well known earthquake areas or regular hurricanes, I have advised people to avoid living in these areas. Wherever you build houses or buildings, you always are taking some risk of natural disasters. Sudden massive destruction is hard to prepare for, but it is part of life’s struggles. Reach out to help these people in their trials, as My heart goes out to all of the poor in their needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been hearing a lot of talk about the Mayan Calendar ending in 2012 with a possible threatening event at that time. You know from the historian of this civilization that this is only the end of a 5,000 year cycle that will start over again. I alone in the Father know the true time of the end of the world, and it will not come at a predictable time of man. You were told that 2000 would bring dire consequences, but it proved to be only man’s hype. Now you are getting the same signals of 2012. There is some changing, or shifting of the magnetic North Pole, and sun spot activity does increase and ebb with an 11 year cycle. There are people preparing caves that go back to previous messages (9-21-04 and 2-15-05) where the one world people are building underground cities with tunnels connecting other areas. This could be protection for the elite during a pandemic virus or riots over food and water. I did show you a comet coming that would strike the earth and be My triumph over Satan. The comet will trigger volcanic fire and three days of darkness will cover the earth. My people will be protected from the comet in caves or when I protect you at My refuges. Fear not any fire, comet, or earthquakes because My angels will protect you. Rejoice on the day of My victory when all the evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, you have read of My many healings and how crowds of people were always seeking to find Me so they could be healed and listen to My sermons. Because of My notoriety I had to seek places in the mountains and outside of town for rest, prayer, and quiet time with My Father. This need for rest was My human side, and all of you need rest at times as well. Even more than physical rest, you also need to be fed spiritually when you receive Me in Holy Communion and when you come to Me in your daily prayer time. It is difficult to keep busy all of the time, so it is important that you make some quiet time for Me every day. This is when I can console you in any of your troubles, and give you encouragement to carry on with your mission. Just as your body needs sleep to get your strength back, so even your soul needs to rest in My peace so you are ready for your next battle against the evil one’s temptations. It is by My grace from My sacraments that you will have the spiritual stamina to remain faithful to My mission and My Commandments.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, your modern technology from the satellites can show exactly the status of the destruction in Haiti. You could even see the military’s presence that was working to bring aid and clear the roads for distribution of food and water. Many are working to free as many as possible from the concrete rubble that has buried and killed thousands. Pray for these people and help them with your donations. You will gain treasure in heaven for all of your charity.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you look on all of the death and destruction from the earthquake in Haiti, you should wonder why man would cause even more destruction with your constant wars. Not only is property damaged in war, it is also the senseless killing that goes on, even when civilians are being killed. Pray for peace to stop your killings and your hostilities in these wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of bank bailouts and stimulus spending, but you still have 10% unemployment and the banks are still reluctant to loan money to small businesses that create the most jobs. Your foreclosures and job losses continue because the government has difficulty in creating jobs. Pray for your economy to turn around so employment can be restored to many of the unemployed.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is still not clear what parts of your House and Senate Health bills that will come forth out of a Conference bill. Many interest groups are lobbying for their supporters in trying to gain some benefits. With the Democrats in control, they will put forth their own agenda without any input from other parties. It will only be once the bill is forced through that you will find out its details.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people trying to predict when My Warning would occur, but these dates, that are spoken of, are fruitless because I told you that no one would know the actual date of the Warning. The Warning will be My mercy on sinners to prepare them for the tribulation. Therefore it needs to come before My call to go to the refuges, and definitely before the Antichrist comes to power. Call on My help so you can go to frequent Confession and have pure souls before the Warning. With pure souls you will not experience what hell would be like after receiving your judgment in the Warning experience.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am directing certain souls to set up final and interim refuges where My people can be protected throughout the tribulation. When I warn you to leave your homes for My refuges, call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you with a physical flame to your nearest refuge. These places will be at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground where Adoration of My Host has been going on for many years, monasteries that are faithful to Me, and caves. Have no fear because My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many pulled to safety, even as others were saved from other disasters. It is one thing to have your physical life saved, but it is another thing to be pulled to spiritual safety in saving your soul from hell because of sin. Even though you may be living a sinful life, it is not too late to send out a distress signal to Me to bring you back into My good graces. Desiring to be saved is your first step, and acting on this desire could indeed save your spiritual life. My faithful need to be looking constantly for lost souls who need to be invited to conversion or re-conversion to a Christian way of life. Some are lukewarm and need encouragement to get back to Sunday Mass and repentance for their sins. When you reach out to these souls, think of pulling them out from the rubble of sin as people are saved physically.”


Friday, January 15, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, you have been praying for the poor people in Haiti who have lost their lives and their homes, and you will be giving donations to help them get food and water. Here in America you complain of the least little pain, and if you lose electricity to an ice storm, it is a catastrophe. After seeing all of this destruction and death, now is a good time for a prayer of thanksgiving for all that you have, along with your health. You have much to be thankful for in your food, water, heat, and communications. Imagine if you lost your home or any of your services. You have seen problems with ice storms and lost homes in New Orleans, so you know how disasters can affect your life. Have mercy on those who are suffering all over the earth because you are sharing in My suffering on the cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your Northern states that have received a lot of snow I am warning you of possible flooding from any warming trend that could melt the snow all at once. This normally happens in the spring time, but you can get thaws during the winter. At times this has been compounded by heavy rain storms at the same time. In previous years you have seen some extensive flooding, but you have not built up your levees sufficiently to handle any future flooding. Man should learn from his experiences or find ways to either divert or slow down any flood waters as with dams in appropriate areas. By being prepared for sudden surges of water with either wider river beds or better walls along the rivers, you can stop damage to farms and homes.”

Question on leaving for refuges: Jesus said: “My people, My angels will make My faithful invisible as you are walking or driving down the road. When you leave your houses, it should be at night in dark clothing so people would have difficulty seeing you leave. The invisible shield of the angels occurs away from your home. Even though you will be made invisible to the evil ones, you will still be able to see each other. The angels will lead you down back roads on your way to My refuges. Have faith and trust in Me that you will be protected on the way to My refuges and once you arrive there as well.”


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, these doctors are the ones who are developing the next man-made virus that will be the third wave of your pandemic Swine Flu. This slimy looking substance on their gloves is a sign of the new virus that they are making. It also symbolizes the blood on their hands of all the people who will die from this new wave of disease. Again, I am warning My people to build up your immune systems with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. Also have masks on hand so you can wear them to avoid breathing germs, once this disease spreads. If you see many people dying from this flu at a fast rate, then this will be another sign to leave for My refuges so you can be healed by looking on My luminous cross or by drinking the healing spring water. No matter what evil plans that the evil ones have to try to kill you, My angels and I will protect you. Some may die as martyrs if you stay at your homes, but those, who leave, will be protected.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times I give you unusual signs that appear as miracles, as this rose blooming in the winter. As you see the snow melting, it gives you thoughts of spring, even in the middle of winter. The rose is a sign of life even amidst your death culture. No matter how evil man can get, there are always people of faith that are standing up for the Right to Life. These thoughts of protecting life in the womb against abortion, are preparing you to remember your nation’s anniversary court decision of accepting abortion on demand. I have asked you to struggle in any way that you can to defend life and work to encourage your women not to have any abortions. Your country is on a path to its own destruction because of this decision to accept abortion which is opposed to My Fifth Commandment of ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ See this rose as your sign to remember all of the innocent babies that are being killed.”


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, in the second reading the gifts of the Holy Spirit were enumerated. Every person has been given a particular mission with sufficient graces to carry it out. One of these gifts is ‘prophecy’ which can be about words of faith as well as things to come. This gift has been your mission which you have accepted, and I am thankful that you are doing what I have asked of you. This mission is of warnings and preparations, but it is a difficult message to share because many do not want to hear about the coming tribulation. The important message is that people need to trust in Me for protection and your needs. The coming Warning is My mercy on sinners to wake up and be prepared in their souls by repentance, and to be ready to leave for My refuges when the evil ones start to force a takeover. You will see My angels protect you and provide for your food, water, and shelter at My refuges. Be thankful for this mission, and keep close to Me in you prayer life so you can carry it out.”


Monday, January 18, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, many times I was challenged by the Scribes and Pharisees that I did not strictly follow the Mosaic Law as with today’s fasting. I did not come to change the law but to fulfill it, as well as to fulfill the prophecies of My coming. I also spoke to My critics that they should be obeying the spirit of the law and not just the letter of the law. These leaders spoke of the law of God, but their hearts were far from Me. Remember the words of St. Paul in that there is more to the law than just the motions. You must have love in your heart as well for everyone. (1 Cor 13:1-13) I told them if you only love those who love you, what merit is there in that, since even the pagans love their own. Instead, My faithful must love even your enemies and your persecutors if you want to gain perfection for your sainthood. Work to get your own spiritual house in order before thinking of criticizing others.”

Jesus said: “My people, a small farm would be good for a refuge, but most of the farming of corn and wheat would be more for the people of the refuge than just a few animals. Any food as the eggs and milk will be multiplied, and the deer will be your meat source. Ponds would supply the water and everyone would have to work to provide for the community survival. My angels will protect every refuge from being seen, or detected by the evil ones. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs. Thank Me for watching over My faithful, but you must leave your homes for My refuges when I give you the warning. I also thank those who have said ‘yes’ to providing for a refuge. Many people will help these brave souls when the time comes. Pray for discernment to form refuges, or help those whom you know that have refuges.”


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, the situation in Haiti seems to be getting worse for the long term. It is difficult to establish order, feed the hungry, rescue those trapped, and remove the dead bodies. This is why your military has established order, and is using the helicopters to ferry in supplies to remote areas where roads are blocked. Long term reconstruction of the damaged buildings may be a problem for a poor country where few nations are willing to put up much money in that effort. Charity from the people of other nations is flowing more than from their governments. Many may leave Haiti as you witnessed in New Orleans. The other symbol of this whirling motion in the vision is how I have related words of the coming Warning experience. Many events are pointing toward an eventual martial law situation in America. Before this comes, it will be necessary for the people to be warned and prepared spiritually for the coming tribulation. This means that My Warning experience is close as well. Trust that you all will be chastised in the Warning for your own preparation.”


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, a church will succeed where the priests and the bishops are inspired enough to make it work. You have two major problems in a shortage of priests, and a dropping attendance from the laity. There are plenty of vocations that I send to each diocese. If you are lacking in vocations, then you need to examine those who are operating your priest formation and those who are choosing your candidates. There also needs to be a proper fertile ground of holiness with prayer and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament to encourage vocations. If you can inspire more vocations, then that part of your problem would help keep more lay people coming to church. When you do not have a pastor, then your people will leave to go to a church that has one. General attendance at Sunday Mass has been dropping because of the evil age that you are living in and because of the many distractions that are taking people into other faiths. My people need to be encouraged in their prayer life and their sacramental life. You have Me in Holy Communion and in My forgiveness in Confession. Use My graces and sacramentals to protect yourself from your daily temptations. It is spiritual laziness that is affecting your vocations, and your attendance at Mass. Pray for the lukewarm to be re-converted and for conversions of your young people who are leaving your churches. Pray for your priests and for vocations to stop the shortage of priests.”


Wednesday, January 20, 2010: (St. Fabian)

Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to complain and sit idly by watching life go by you. It is another thing to stand up to your persecutors and still proclaim the Gospel by fighting in peaceful demonstrations against your abortion court decision. When the people rise up against their evil-minded leaders, you can see how the pro-death candidates can be defeated. This latest Health Plan in all of its backroom deals has infuriated the people, and they are taking action against the current administration’s plans to force a bad bill through the Congress. Even as David defeated Goliath, so the death culture people have lost a crucial Senate seat, halting their 60 vote majority. Now you are seeing that the will of the people can still override the one world people if you take action as a group over their power. Call on My power in prayer and you can even move political mountains.”

Jesus said: “My people, to create a need for a National Emergency, the one world people could use various terrorist plots to either destroy some major buildings, spread a deadly Swine Flu virus, or poison your water. These attacks on your air, water, or your electric grid are your most vulnerable targets. This is why the elite have their underground bunkers so they can protect themselves from any means of cutting down the population. The death culture people are planning to reduce the population dramatically, and the quickest way is through a highly contagious and deadly pandemic virus. This could be spread by release through chemtrails or spreading the disease by putting live virus in the flu shots. The evil ones already have an antidote vaccine to protect themselves. This is why I have told you, when you see many people dying from a new virus, it is time to go to your refuges by calling on Me to lead you with your guardian angels. You will be healed by looking on My luminous cross at My refuges. Trust in My protection when martial law will be declared.”


Thursday, January 21, 2010: (St. Agnes)

Jesus said: “My people, the people of America are speaking loud and clear to their elected officials through the ballet box that they are opposed to your government’s favoritism in the latest Health bill. Pushing through major Stimulus and Bailout spending has only bailed out the banks and the rich who stole the money from the people in the stock market. These central bankers are not loaning enough money to small businesses, and their low interest rates are hurting your savers. The corporations have sent many jobs overseas that will not return at the expense of your own workers. While the rich are getting huge bonuses for failing, the everyday worker’s wages and benefits are dropping, in addition to high unemployment. It is no wonder that the people are backlashing the overspending and the increasing National Debt which is out of control. One thing is clear that the voice of the people is even making the one world people give pause for their agenda that is ruining your country. If your people do not take back your country from the evils that are going on, then America will fall very quickly into the one world people’s control. Pray for your people in government to change their ways, and pray for the poor and unemployed who are suffering to survive.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, in the early days of your nation’s founding, freedom had a different meaning from today. Most of the people who came to America were fleeing persecution, and they wanted to be free of any English tyranny. Your people here have been free of big government to some extent. Now freedom means more about freedom from the threat of big government and chips controlling your lives. Chips in the body will take away your free will, so your people are fighting to keep your freedoms instead of someone taking them away. Pray for spiritual freedom from the evil ways of your earthly society.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people have had visions of angels and souls traveling up holy stairways to heaven. I have shown you how each day is another step toward heaven as you perfect your spiritual life. This working on your perfection over the course of your life can be a struggle to keep climbing every day to meet your goal to be with Me. But once you reach heaven, you will be thankful that you strived to keep on track to follow Me. Continue on your path, and work to bring souls with you on your way to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, a few weeks ago you were enjoying a time without much testing from world disasters. Now your heart goes out to help the poor and hungry people who are suffering from the earthquakes in Haiti. People in California and elsewhere are suffering from severe flooding and mud slides. When your homes and survival are threatened, you start to realize what is most important in your life, and that is your faith and trust in Me. Call on My help in prayer, and give your donations to help these people through their trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you were suffering blizzard snow and some had no power, it was very difficult to manage a normal life. Once the snow has melted, you are getting a respite from your winter weather. No matter where you live, there can always be some kind of trial or disaster that you will have to bear. It is comforting to know that other people will come to your aid when you have to endure hard times. Even some are having bad financial times with high unemployment and a recession. Pray for My help and reach out to help others when you have the opportunity.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to have your physical life threatened by natural disasters. It is another thing to prepare for a time when your spiritual life will be in danger as well. During the coming tribulation you will experience an evil that you have yet to see. Demons will be testing you all over, and you will need to seek My protection at My refuges where My angels will do battle for you against the evil ones. Be thankful that you will have safe havens to go to as the evil of this world brings about the reign of the Antichrist. Have trust in Me and patience until I will defeat the Antichrist and cast the evil ones into hell. I will prepare a place for you both in My Era of Peace and in heaven for all those who remain faithful to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you read or see such tribal people offering up their infants as sacrifices, you think that they are very brutal and inhumane to do such things. Yet, when you kill your babies in the womb, you are no better when you offer their lives up to your gods of pleasure, lust, and convenience. Tomorrow is the anniversary of your court decision that legalized abortion in America. I tell you that you may have evil laws as this, but you still are committing a grave sin of murder against My Fifth Commandment for every abortion. It is this blood on your hands that is condemning your country to your coming destruction. Pray to stop abortion both in America and in other countries as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some couples, that are childless, and they are praying to have a successful pregnancy. Yet, other mothers are discarding the miracles of conception that some would love to have. Even if these mothers gave up their babies for adoption, it would be far better than taking a life against God’s plan. Encourage mothers to avoid abortion and teach them how valuable every life is and how precious each life is to Me who created that soul and life.”


Friday, January 22, 2010: (Row vs. Wade Anniversary)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Early Christian era you were sought out and killed if you practiced your Christian faith. Even today in some communist countries you risk jail or martyrdom for being a Christian. Many of these early martyrs became saints and were canonized by My Church. Also today, you have new martyrs in all of the babies being killed by abortion. Your society, by its laws, has little respect for life in the womb and even life at the end in old age. Any kind of killing is not acceptable behavior in My eyes. Self-defense and just war situations may be justified in self-preservation, but any other killing is against My Fifth Commandment. When you are allowed to kill by abortion or euthanasia, your society does not appreciate how precious life is to be honored. Your marches for life on this day of the court decision bring to mind every year how brutal and inhumane your people are in killing their own children. You have read studies of the increased abuse of your children, but killing them is the ultimate abuse. If people can be tried for murder in killing their born children, why should they not be tried for murder for killing their unborn children? Your laws in this area are not consistent, and they are against My laws which is more important. Work to stop abortion in your prayers and actions. Even if people persecute you for being outspoken about murdering My babies, be willing to stand up for a greater good against your evil society.”

Jesus said: “My people, as adults you are already alive and you see some mothers having abortions that you are praying would have their babies. Too often abortions are performed to hide affairs outside of marriage or when married people do not want to have any more children. If you were the soul in a forming baby that was at risk of being killed, you would be praying for loving parents who would not even consider having an abortion. If you were a forming baby who was being aborted, it would seem like an unexpected terror to be killed by your own mother. Mothers need to think of life as precious, and babies are too valuable to be slaughtered like an animal that you would use for meat. These little ones are defenseless and vulnerable in needing care for their survival. You should only have the marriage act if you are married and are willing to bear any children that result from your relations. Adultery and fornication are mortal sins requiring Confession, but abortion compounds these sins with a worse sin of murder. All unborn babies are human beings and not just flesh only. Each unborn baby has a soul and a body that the parents are responsible for. When you think about abortion from the baby’s point of view, abortion becomes a much more serious crime. This is why your society is very evil when it thinks that these lives are expendable. Pray for all mothers to avoid abortion at all costs, even if having a baby may be embarrassing to the parents.”


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, when I was on the earth in human form, I took many liberties to do My mission, and My life is an example to all Christians not to be afraid to step out in faith. When you were baptized, you were given the grace to carry out your own mission and help save souls. When people are paralyzed with fear to fight the political correctness of your society, then they will refuse to fight against abortion. Many times even in My own efforts, I did things to show the hypocrisy of many of the actions of the religious authorities. It takes spiritual courage to stand up for the morally right decisions. Taking a correct stand by My laws will gain you a reward in heaven, even if you will suffer in this world. Whenever you are faced with making decisions, always take the morally high road, despite any repercussions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages on the Swine Flu shots with an emphasis on not to take it. Every time another wave of disease comes out, the authorities start offering free Swine Flu shots. They are not truly free because your government pays the drug companies to distribute the shots. Many of these diseases are man-made, but the vaccine shots can damage your immune system and cause other problems for years. Some develop Gulf War type reactions to the shots, while others do not see any immediate effects. The mercury preservative and the squalene in some shots are the most damaging to your health. These diseases and viruses, that are being spread, are meant to reduce the population as part of the death culture plan to make an easier takeover of your country. The Health Plan is part of their grab for power to control your medications and operations. This plan will now have a harder time to pass through the Senate without enough votes to by-pass the Republicans. The people are waking up to the threat against their freedoms. They are finally taking some action to block your president’s plan to push an unfavorable bill through by backroom trickery. Pray to protect your health and freedoms from the one world people who want to control you.”


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 4:18-19) ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me because He has anointed Me; to bring good news to the poor He has sent Me, to proclaim to the captives release, and sight to the blind; to set at liberty the oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of recompense.’ After reading this passage from Isaiah, I sat down and said: (Luke 4:21)

‘Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.’ The people of Nazareth at first did not realize that I was declaring Myself the Messiah. Later, they understood when I made it clear that I was sent from God, but they could not stand hearing what I proclaimed, and they tried to kill Me. I walked through their midst because it was not My hour. This is another acknowledgment that a prophet is not accepted in his own town because they have little faith. Trust in My words and imitate My actions in your own life.”


Monday, January 25, 2010: (Conversion of St. Paul)

Jesus said: “My people, what you are seeing in this vision is a spring time experience with blooming flowers. Sometimes your life is like the winter weather where all the plant life seems dull and dead. This is when you need a retreat or a spiritual awakening to put some spirit back into your life. If you truly believe in your Christian faith, then you should look forward to every day as a new opportunity to do something for Me and your neighbor out of love. If you do everything only for yourself, then your life will be dull. Conversion, as with St. Paul, can wake you up to your real purpose on earth to know, love and serve Me. Wake up out of your complacency, and you truly will feel alive in the Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, you would be amazed to see the process of how your money is created through bonds and Federal Notes. The documents are all debt instruments that make up a part of your trillions of dollars of the National Debt. People from here and various countries buy these notes and bonds, expecting to be paid back interest in more debt notes. As long as people accept these notes as backed by the taxpayer and your net worth, these notes have value. The larger your National Debt is as a percentage of your GDP, then the value of your money decreases. The more the Federal Reserve monetizes your debt, the more chance that they are going to inflate your dollar. In days past you had real money in gold and silver as a currency. Once you accepted Federal Notes, there is no intrinsic value to your paper money. This has allowed your central bankers to control you by the loans you are making to the Federal Reserve, which is not a part of your government. Once people stop buying your Treasury Notes, you will go into bankruptcy with no market to sell your debt and interest. This is why gold and silver will always be more valuable than your paper promises to pay. This bankruptcy could happen any time, and everything denominated in dollars will become worthless as the one world people will use ameros to replace your dollars. Do not put faith and trust in your money or your possessions because they can be stolen, devalued, or lost. Put your faith and trust in Me because I can always be trusted to treat you fairly and protect your souls. Keep close to Me in your prayers and your obedience to My Commandments.”


Tuesday, January 26, 2010: (St. Timothy and St. Titus)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a great divide in the rock of the mountains is a sign of the coming division in My Church. Even as you are seeing the early structure in My Church in the readings, there were problems that caused divisions in My Church before. Wherever you see division and confusion, you know that Satan is there trying to destroy My Church. Because of My promises, I will always defend My Church from the gates of hell. The coming division I have given you many times in My messages, and there will be such a division between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will be teaching New Age which is not about God, and that the sexual sins are no longer serious sins. My angels and the Holy Spirit will be guiding My faithful remnant, even when you may need to celebrate Mass in the homes and later at My refuges. Trust in My leading you even throughout the coming tribulation.”

Camille Remacle’s birthday (Carol’s father): He said: “I want to comfort My family that I am still praying and watching out for all of you. Continue to watch over Lydia and Vic, for they are in need of your help. My signs around you will be less frequent, and more around my day of death than my birthday.”

Jesus said: “My people, after the earthquake in Haiti, there were massive problems with dead bodies and looting. The American military has helped a lot in aid distribution and keeping order. Some countries are concerned that America could be an occupying army in a takeover of Haiti. Seeing the military in a disaster situation brings back memories of the military in keeping order in New Orleans. You can see how a natural disaster or a man-made disaster could precipitate a larger takeover in America, under the pretense of a national emergency or martial law. The military could easily be called in to manage such a crisis. This is the opportunity that the one world people are looking for to bring about their North American Union. All of these events will be leading up to the Antichrist taking over these unions. Trust in My protection and My providing for your needs at My refuges.”


Wednesday, January 27, 2010: (St. Angela Merici)

Jesus said: “My people, My parable about the sower of seed is all about how people receive Me in My Word. When I was on the earth, the people only heard the parables without the explanations that I gave My apostles. But today My Word in the Bible is available to everyone who wishes to read it in various languages. The seed in the parable is the Word of God, and how it is received, will determine how everyone will bear fruit. Those, who do not have deep roots of faith, or those, who are choked by the cares of the world, will not bear much fruit because Satan steals the will to believe out of their hearts. But those, who listen and act on My Word, are the ones who bear fruit thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold. Those, who truly love Me and desire to be with Me, are the ones who receive Me in Holy Communion often and visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration. This alternating vision of Me and My Sacred Host is to emphasize My Real Presence in every consecrated Host. This gift of My Presence with you is how I strengthen you with My graces so you can resist the temptations of the devil. You have Confession when you fail, so you always have an opportunity to be with Me. Go forward and share My Gospel of love with all those that you meet so they can have the same experience of My loving Presence.”

Jesus said: “My people, it was the rich hedge funds and Wall Street derivatives that really were the culprits of your latest bank system failure. Then when they lost money on speculative home loans that had more risk than was made public, the rich had the government and AIG bailout their losses as ‘too big to fail’. There was little or no regulation of these derivatives or risky home loans. A combination of bank and stimulus spending, along with near zero interest loans from the taxpayer have bailed out the banks on their bad debts. This was a created economic crisis to cause a recession and high unemployment as a means to bankrupt your economy. Even though many lost money, it was the man in the street who saw his investments stolen, his job taken, and his house devalued. But the rich were allowed to regain their losses at the taxpayer’s expense. These are the injustices that I will hold the cheaters and swindlers on Wall Street accountable for at their judgment. The one world people will reign over you for a short time with the Antichrist, but I will come and cast this whole evil lot into hell for all of their greed and killing. Then I will renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace. Have patience for now as you go to My refuges of protection, because you will be happy with Me, but the evil ones will languish in hell with the devil tormenting them.”


Thursday, January 28, 2010: (St. Thomas Aquinas)

Jesus said: “My people, I have invited My faithful to take time to visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament in contemplative prayer. After you receive Me in Holy Communion at Mass, you usually do not have a lot of quiet time to hear My words to your heart. That is why at Adoration you have more time for meditation and listening to what I want you to do. Also, your time in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament is a preparation for what it will be like in heaven as My saints and angels are always praising Me in song and adoration. Give thanks to Me for My two great gifts of My salvation in My death on the cross, and My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. My sacraments are the fullness of the faith that are missing in other religions. So enjoy this intimate closeness with Me that you have in My Blessed Sacrament.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, it has been a tragedy in Haiti where many have lost their lives in the rubble from the earthquake. Another tragedy is how many young children, who were fortunate to survive, are now orphans because their parents have either died or they have been separated from each other. Some orphans have been adopted in America, but the rest will need help to continue surviving. Pray for these people and continue your donations for their basic needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, driving in blizzard snow is very risky, and you have seen some major pileups in your recent storms. Sometimes it may be better to avoid driving in real bad weather if it can be put off. Pray for the safety of your workers who have to battle the storms to make a living. Living in the North has its trials in dealing with the snow, ice, and windy cold.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times wearing gold jewelry may be tempting someone to steal any valuable jewelry. You have seen such theft in Venezuela on one of your trips to Betania. In certain places it is prudent not to wear such an expensive necklace. You have noticed how many are turning in their gold things because they are more valuable now. The gold maintains its buying power, but it is your dollar that is losing its value. When commodities such as gold increase in price rapidly, then you can see how quickly your dollar’s value is deteriorating due to your rising deficits. Trust in Me more than any of your valuables.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is this time of year that many start taking vacations in warmer climates. Older people or retirees have more opportunity to live down in the Southern states in the winter. Those, who endure the winter cold and snow are hearty and may not have the time or money to travel to the South. Every area of your country has its risks to live in. The South must bear hot summers and possible hurricanes. The North has its cold, and the West endures fires, mud slides, and earthquakes. Pray that you live in as safe an area as possible. Offer up your pain and suffering for souls, as everyone is tested by trials in this life.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times in history you are blessed with some gifted doctors of the Church in their writings. St. Thomas has left you with many valuable books and even some beautiful hymns to honor My Blessed Sacrament. You sing these hymns often at Adoration, as St. Thomas had a great love for Me in My Divinity. When you come to heaven, you will hear all kinds of beautiful music that gives honor and glory to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, your business people are always using various holidays and occasions to sell their goods to those who prepare for these special days. Earthly love is part of your St. Valentine celebration. Marital love is a needed cornerstone for your families which are under attack in your society. Many enjoy a good love story and it is good to see couples in love getting married. There is also a spiritual love for Me and your neighbor. Think of sharing valentines of love with Me as I show My love for you as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, think of how the world glorifies earthly things in this world with all of your high profile advertising. Your businesses try to entice you to buy many things that you do not need, and these things do not make you happy just to own them. The real valuable things are those gifts from heaven as life itself and your faith. Desiring to lead good lives in preparation for heaven is a lot more rewarding than buying the latest things being advertised. Helping your neighbor with food, clothing, and shelter is again more rewarding than keeping your wealth just for yourself. Loving and sharing is what you should be doing instead of focusing on just your earthly desires.”


Friday, January 29, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, in the everyday course of doing your mission, some people have offered to help you. It is part of having a generous spirit to be able to welcome help from others, even when you could have done something yourself. I have asked people to be charitable in helping others in their needs, but when you have a need, then others might be willing to step forward in assisting you. So there is a twofold response to charity. One is being open to help others when the opportunity arises, and the other is being generous in accepting another’s offer to help. By helping one another, then all of your missions can be fulfilled and people will feel satisfied that they could contribute to another’s needs. This is the spiritual reward that you receive from your charity, even when there was no physical reward. You would much rather store up heavenly treasure than be paid in earthly treasure.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard for people of faith to understand what would make a mother want to kill her own child by abortion. The numbers of abortions in America are staggering in even its effect on your population. The repercussions of these killings are leading America down a path to your own destruction. I have asked you repeatedly to pray to stop your abortions, but your people seem to have no pity in their hearts for all the unborn babies who are being killed. Just because you do not see the dead babies, some may think it is easier to put them out of your mind. This vision of hundreds of dead babies is real, and the disposal of these little lives does not even honor their deaths. They are many times treated as human garbage where some have to be incinerated to avoid an evil smell of dead bodies. If Americans do not heed My words to stop your abortions, then you are bringing your own destruction upon yourselves. Do whatever you can to close the abortion clinics without violence, and encourage your mothers to have their babies.”


Saturday, January 30, 2010: (Funeral Mass, Loretta VerWeire)

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the life of Loretta as a very loving woman of faith who helped many people in her many activities. She was always doing all that she could do for her family and her friends. She was also a faithful daily Mass person and she spent many hours at Adoration. I have mentioned in other messages how My adorers are My special lovers, and they have a special place in My Heart. The reward that I have for My adorers in heaven is a special place that I have prepared for them. Know that she is with Me in that place right now. Her life is a great model to imitate both in her physical and spiritual life. She is happy to be with Me and her husband.”

Jesus said: “My people, at the Mass you have the bread and wine that are later consecrated by the priest into My Body and Blood. I have told you many times that if you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you cannot have eternal life. Those, who partake of Communion every day, are that much closer to Me in My Blessed Sacrament. A time of persecution is coming when you may have to defend My Blessed Sacrament from the evil ones by carrying Me to a safe place. You may also have to take care of a priest and make a place for him to stay so you can have the Mass and My sacraments. Trust in My angel protection at My refuges and you will have no worries.”


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, many times your path to improving your spiritual life has been blocked by your complacency to take any action to improve it. The idea of this vision of a door blocking your way is a challenge to decide how to act and when to act. Until you open the door from the inside of your heart to Me, I cannot enter. So the first step to improving your life is to be open to My grace and change in your life. The second step is to have enough belief in your faith that you are willing to reach out and try to understand your faith better with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. A third step to improving your spiritual life is to learn how to love Me and your neighbor more as you love yourself. You should have the intention in your heart to do everything out of love for Me without worry about the cost of how you will be viewed by the world. I am love itself, and you were created out of love. So love should be in your make-up by the life I give you as your inheritance. In order to accomplish any improvement in your spiritual life, you need a good prayer life and be humble in all that you succeed in doing. You are to give glory to Me for all of your accomplishments, and not just give all the credit to yourself. When I ask you to love everyone, I want you to love even your enemies and your persecutors because My Light of grace shines on the good and the bad. See Me in every person so that it is this part of loving Me in them that will help your faith grow. Listen to My words and let them touch your heart so you can truly grow and improve your spiritual life. It is this searching for perfection that will lead you on your path to sainthood. Remember that only saints can enter heaven, so ask Me to give you the grace to achieve your crown in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of these skulls represent how many babies are dying from abortion every year. The avalanche is a sign of how many abortions are being done in America which is in the thousands. If man cannot hold back all of these abortions from being performed, then I cannot hold back My arm of justice that will strike your country. All of these slain babies are martyrs who are having their reward in heaven. All of My faithful need to struggle to save your brothers and sisters from being murdered. Unless you do everything that you can to stop these abortions, then they will continue to condemn your land. If you truly love Me, then you will fight to save these lives from being killed. I love all of My people so much, but you must wake up your country to all the horrors going on in your abortion clinics.”


Monday, February 1, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that the tribulation will be an evil that you have never seen. Part of this increase in evil is that more demons will be allowed to leave hell and torment the souls on the earth. You may have to grab your backpacks and leave as you see the UN military ransacking houses right on your street. In this case you may not have the cover of night which is why you may have to sneak out your back door even in the daylight. If you leave when I first warn you, you will have time to wait until nighttime. If you do not leave right away, you may have to leave in a short time when you see these men coming. Call on Me and My angels to guide you to the nearest refuge because you may have to leave on bikes or on foot if you have to leave in haste. Those, who stay in their homes, could risk martyrdom, but those, who leave at My direction, will be protected at My refuges.”


Monday, February 1, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, you have been blessed with having My Mass present to you, even daily for those who desire to come. The rain on the Mass represents the devil’s attempts to take you away from Me with sin and the world’s distractions. But his temptations only last a while and My sun comes out to protect you. The other vision of a galaxy of souls circling around My Host in the monstrance represents how I will draw My faithful remnant to My places of refuge. It also is a little like heaven where everything revolves around Me, and is focused on Me. Many people do not fully believe that I created the universe and that I control all of the movements of the stars and the planets. For those, who do believe, you are the ones that also see My hand in all of your lives and how you are dependent on Me for everything. Give praise and glory to your Lord and continue to accept Me as Master of your life in following My mission for you. Give thanks to Me for all that I do for you and My unconditional love for you. I only ask that you love Me and share My love with your neighbor as well. By keeping focused on Me in daily prayer, you can see how your life revolves around Me in all that you do.”


Tuesday, February 2, 2010: (Presentation of Jesus in the Temple)

Jesus said: “My people, today you honor Me at My Presentation in the Temple which is a Jewish tradition to bless the first born males. This goes back to when the first born males of the Israelites were spared in Egypt, and the Egyptians suffered the loss of their first born males who died in the last of ten plagues. This was the turning point in Pharaoh releasing the Jews to leave Egypt. This is also a day of tradition in the blessing of candles which prepares you for the blessing of the throats tomorrow on the feast day of St. Blaise. Blessed candles also will be used and needed when you are faced with the three days of darkness, as they will be the only allowed source of light. There are many traditions that you honor in your faith that give reverence, honor, and glory to Me. You should honor and accept My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament which means genuflecting or bowing to Me in Holy Communion or in My tabernacle. It is more reverent to receive My consecrated Host on the tongue than in the hand. Having a large crucifix on the altar also helps you to remember how I died a cruel death to save all of your souls. Coming to Sunday Mass is not only a tradition, but it is part of My Third Commandment. As soon as you neglect this reverence for Me, you are on the wrong path to letting your love for Me weaken in your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who live in the Northern states are acquainted with the long cold winters and the need for a fuel source to keep warm. For many years you have been spoiled with relatively cheap fuels of natural gas, propane, wood, and oil. When you had an ice storm and lost your electricity for over a week, you saw the value of having an alternative source of fuel in wood and your kerosene. Even at My refuges, I have advised My people to have at least two sources of fuel for heating. At My refuges I will even multiply your fuel if necessary to keep you warm in the winter or to heat your food. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs throughout the tribulation time. Many miracles will be performed both as protection and ways to provide your food.”


Wednesday, February 3, 2010: (St. Blaise)

Jesus said: “My people, I know this life is difficult to endure physically with your aches and pains, and spiritually with your daily confrontation with the devil’s temptations. But I give you My graces in My sacraments and the Mass. You also have the Scriptures in the Bible to follow and imitate My life. All of your struggles on earth are focused on your desire to one day be with Me in heaven where there is constant love, peace, and the absence of evil. You have to suffer a purification of your earthly desires either here on earth or in purgatory. Those, who refuse to accept Me and give in to Satan and pleasures, risk losing their soul for all eternity in the flames of hell. So I ask you to have your soul prepared every day to meet Me at your judgment. By having a soul cleansed of sin through My forgiveness in Confession, you will truly be pure and ready to meet Me. In near death situations or at the Warning, you will have a mini-judgment and you will be given a second chance to save your soul. But at death you will face a judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. Work to be worthy of being with Me in the joy of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, in previous messages I have advised you to leave for your refuges under cover of night. In general I will give you enough warning to leave so you can wait to leave at night. Certain people may wait too long after My warning to leave, and it is these people that may need to leave in the daytime when they see the men in black pulling people out of their homes. If you leave at night, you could take your vehicle to travel. If the evil ones are coming close, then you may have to leave on foot or with bicycles out of your back doors. This is a message of clarification for the recent vision on leaving in the daylight. This is another example of leaving when I tell you to leave or you could risk being captured and martyred for your faith. Once you are well down the road to My refuges, then your angels will shield you by making you invisible to your persecutors. Give praise and thanks to Me for protecting you and providing for your needs.”


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, this asteroid in your vision is relatively small, but at the speed that it is traveling, there is still a chance of damage from the remaining fragments after entry into your atmosphere. You have recently read articles of how only a small amount of money is spent on searching for near miss objects coming toward the earth. Many times you find out about such objects after they have passed you, as the recent object that was only 80,000 miles away. Any such objects that strike in the ocean could send a considerable sized tsunami that could inundate coastal cities with a wall of water. Do not be surprised if such an event happens with little or no warning.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, your people have still not realized how precious each life is that I bring to the earth. In addition to taking life because it is a convenience or an embarrassment, you are denying the plan that I had for the life that you killed. America needs to wake up and stop supporting the death culture in abortion, euthanasia, and wars. Even your scientists are developing diseases to drastically decrease the world’s population as they follow the plan of the one world people. Work to stop abortion, euthanasia and wars to fight the demons who are encouraging these killings.”

Jesus said: “My people, because abortion is so prevalent in your society, all of heaven is celebrating every birth of a child in this life. Taking care of children has become a difficulty because many babies are taken to day care centers so the mother could go to work. It is unfortunate for these children that see a babysitter more than their parents. Your society is so preoccupied with money and possessions that your children find it hard to express themselves. You are being out populated by the Muslims because they are more concerned for their children in large families. It is unfortunate that some are used for suicide bombers. So treat life as precious because your time on earth is short.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your travels you have seen how sound, lights, heating, and cooling have changed a lot even in your old churches. The ornate woodcarving and paintings are becoming a lost art, as well as stained glass windows. Modernism has crept into My Church to try and take away all of the old traditions. People at times come to church looking to be entertained instead of coming to be with Me in a personal relationship. This is why the faith is weak because you bring your technology into My churches. See My Word and the Mass as unchanging, and far superior to anything that man could do. Keep close to Me in your soul and do not let the worldly distractions take you away from Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a lesson in this disaster in Haiti, and you should realize how quickly everything that you have could be lost in an instant. This is why money, possessions, and homes are not to be your gods because they are all passing away. My Word and My sacraments will live on forever, so put your faith in heavenly things that will last forever. Your desire to be with Me in love is far more satisfying to your soul’s peace than anything that this world could offer.”

Jesus said: “My people, this evil man of peace is causing signs in the sky with various technical means to claim that he is about to declare himself and lead a peace movement to stop wars. He also is claiming to be a grand master and a simple man with charismatic powers to control people’s minds. Beware of looking at this Antichrist and avoid listening to his words that will attempt to get you to worship him. Before he comes to power I will bring My Warning to wake you up to who I am and how you need to be serving Me by helping others. Avoid any chips in the body and be ready to come to My refuges during this evil one’s reign.”

My father said: “I am happy that my family is taking care of their children and having a good influence on their spiritual lives. In heaven everything is focused on Jesus, and I am proud of your ministry to help souls. It would be a good thought to have pictures of us around the house so you can better remember us who have passed on. We are here to help you, and you could call on our prayers as you pray to your son, David. Thank you for remembering me everyday at Communion time. We are part of the Communion of Saints that are always united with you. Keep working on improving your spiritual life, as heaven is always encouraging you to do your best for Jesus.”

My mother said: “John, you were always meaning well to help my conversion, but it was difficult for me to grasp at first. Once I worked for Mary and Jesus, my life was full of more joy. Dad and I are together once again and we both want to be more a part of your lives. Thank you for thinking of us at our graves, and I too would like to see our pictures around your house. We love you so much.”


Friday, February 5, 2010: (St. Agatha)

Jesus said: “My people, the pride of man is one of his greatest weaknesses that Satan exploits for sin in many people. Your scientists are destroying My creation with all of your genetically modified food and even modifications in animals and man himself. You are changing your genes beyond My original plan by splicing parts together. All the changes, that you are making, are upsetting My balance of nature, and I will need to correct these faults when I renew the earth. Man’s power and his inventions are here today and gone tomorrow. Your words against My creation of everything are against My plan, and My faithful need to stand up against those who are atheists and Satan worshipers. As you see evil and the Antichrist gain in power, remember to trust that I will protect you against the gates of hell. My refuges will protect you, then I will vanquish these evil ones after a short reign. Do not let pride control you because all that you control and do are like chaff that the wind blows away. Be faithful to Me and you will have your reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing unusually heavy snowstorms coming through Washington, D.C. for the last few storms. These people do not have much snow removal equipment, so many people could be stranded for several days. These storms have been too consistent over the same area to happen by chance. You know how the HAARP machine can direct bad storms over the same area by controlling the jet stream currents that direct the weather. Enough debilitating disasters as ice storms in Oklahoma and heavy snow in Virginia, are causing local emergency situations. Creating such emergencies are part of the one world people’s plan to upset your government and give room for possible military takeovers. Pray that your people can recover from these storms fast enough so that the military is not needed. Trust in My help and My angels to protect you, and be able to avoid taking chips in the body from the evil ones. Have no fear because I am at your side.”


Saturday, February 6, 2010: (St. Paul Micki & companions)

Jesus said: “My people, during life you encounter many difficult tasks that may appear impossible to overcome. If I send you on a mission that appears difficult, as these mountains in the vision, then rest assured that I will give you the grace to accomplish that mission. For with Me all things are possible. Keep faithful to your prayer life, and struggle through with trust in My help. Your most important mission is to save souls from hell, and you need to reach out to invite people to have a personal love relationship with Me, their Lord. The more people can give their will over to Me, the better I can use them to carry out their mission. It is when you close Me out of your life, and you do your own agenda, that you run into more problems in life. You are tested every day, but when you walk with Me, your life will be easier and less burdensome without any addictions.”

Jesus said: “My people, this roulette gambling table is an example of how some people are gambling with their lives and their souls by how much they abuse their bodies. If you have addictions to drinking, drugs, and smoking, then you are risking cancer in your liver and your lungs. If people are so addicted, then they need some intervention to deal with the withdrawals of drying out. Anybody, who enables their addictions, is not helping them to stop, but may be allowing them to abuse themselves to death. It is one thing to pray for them to stop, but it is another thing to have tough love to help them stop their addictions. If these people continue their bad habits, then they are truly shortening their lives. Not only will they be held accountable for abusing their bodies, but their souls are being led to the devil’s ways of the world as well. These people may even need exorcisms to rid the demons that are attached to these addictions.”


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion you are joined with the Communion of Saints which means the saints and angels of heaven as well as the souls in purgatory. So you had glimpses of your relatives that are deceased in the vision in order to emphasize this union with them through Me. Call on your relatives to help you in life with their prayers. They love you and they want to help you to get to heaven. Some people get spiritually lazy in taking care of their spiritual life, so any help, that you can call on, will be better for you. Many do not realize that there is a battle for souls going on in this life. So as the apostles pulled in the fish, so My faithful need to pull in the lost sheep so they are not lost to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages about refuges and how necessary they will be for your protection during the tribulation. Some people do not realize how evil it will be during the reign of the Antichrist at the tribulation time. These refuges will be oases of grace and protection during that time. The evil ones will try and force mandatory chips in the body on everyone that is not at a refuge, and these chips will control their minds. Refuse to take any chips in the body, and refuse to worship the Antichrist or even look at him nor listen to him. The Antichrist will have powers of suggestion to try and force you to worship him. My angels will guide you to safety at My refuges where you will be invisible to the evil ones. These refuge messages are true, and many people, who receive messages, will soon have this revealed to them as well. This preparation for the end times is your mission, but it is also My mercy to protect My faithful. Have no fear of this time. Some will be martyred for their faith and come straight to heaven. The rest of My faithful will be led to the safety of My refuges where I will provide for all of your needs.”


Monday, February 8, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s economic hard times it is difficult to keep a good job and pay all of your bills. This vision of some added small construction is a bit of a risk to build something new with all of the constraints of ongoing expenses. Sometimes in other areas of your life, you reach out to change your bad habits which is a risk to keep your bodily desires in check. As Lent approaches, building bridges to cross over to a holier life, is not only a risk, but something all of My faithful need to do to root out your sinful vices. Whether it is smoking, drinking, overeating, or using birth control devices, avoiding these sinful habits, that can damage the body or soul, are very good choices to improve your spiritual life. See the need for fasting or avoiding sinful things during Lent, and you may even continue this after Lent is over. The real challenge is to take a risk and start living a better life when you should have been living this way from the beginning. As you prepare for Lent, think of one of your sins and how you could fast from it during Lent. People take risks to improve their home’s condition, so now you need to take a risk to improve your souls’s condition as well, and you will be preparing for your home in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you come into the time of tribulation that is led by the Antichrist, you will see a very vicious persecution of the clergy and My prophets. In the beginning the evil ones will purposely arrest and kill the cardinals, bishops, priests, and any religious leaders. The Antichrist and his followers will know who My prophets are, and they will seek them out to be killed as well. As the persecution continues, the evil ones will seek to eliminate all those people who believe in Me. This is why I am preparing My faithful to go to My refuges for protection which are My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, holy ground places as monasteries, and even caves. You will need to protect My priests from being killed by taking them to My refuges with you. Have some Mass kits, wine and bread so you can have Mass and My Eucharist. For those, who do not have Mass, I will have My angels deliver Holy Communion to you on your tongues daily. Trust in My protection as I will provide you food, water, and shelter.”


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this scene of people working in their yards because I am with you at your side every day. Some people do not realize that they can call on My help at any moment when you are having difficulties. If you have a loving relationship with your Lord, you know that I am always with you. I know all of your trials and pains as you experience them, but you must come forward to Me with your petitions in prayer, if you want Me to help you. Even those, that I healed, were always asked what they wanted. I also wanted to heal the whole person, both their spiritual life and any physical infirmities. Those, who have faith that I can heal them, could be healed if it is according to My Will. Reach out to share your faith with others so they will know enough to call on Me for help in their prayers. Have trust in Me daily as you walk with Me in your daily prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are in your car, you use your mirrors to see cars behind you or to see the side where you want to change lanes. Your mirrors also show you where you have been as you travel along. I want My people to be at peace in their souls, and in order to be peaceful, you need to put aside all of your fears, worries, and anxieties. First of all, you only live in the present moment and not in the past, nor in the future. Do not be worried about future events, because many things, that you fear, do not normally happen. Even the hard things of deaths in the family, sickness, or trials in your jobs can be consoled by My loving graces. When you look back at the difficult moments in your life, I was always there to help you. So have no fear of the future because I will get you through those things in the same way. When you put your full trust in Me, you will have peace in your soul with no worries. You also need to share your peace and confidence in Me with others around you who seem to be stressed by their life’s trials. When they see you at peace, even amidst many difficulties, then they will have peace too and trust in Me as well.”


Wednesday, February 10, 2010: (St. Scholastica)

Jesus said: “My people, there is a thin veil between the living and the world of the dead. As soon as the body dies, the soul is separated from the body and comes before Me for their first judgment. Many souls require a short purification in purgatory before coming to heaven. The souls of your relatives are still looking out for their relatives on earth who are still alive. They pray for your souls to be saved every day. Some souls of your deceased relatives may still be in purgatory and they at times are reaching out for prayers so they could be taken up to heaven. Continue to remember to pray for the souls in purgatory, especially those who have no one to pray for them. You have had many messages from your own relatives as a testimony to what I am explaining to you now. You can call on your deceased relatives to pray for you and help you in fighting off the devil’s temptations. While you are in this world, there is a constant battle going on for souls between heaven and the demons of hell. Stay close to Me in your prayers and My sacraments, and your salvation in heaven will be assured.”

Jesus said: “My people, in a previous message (12-1-09) I warned you that the one world people would try to prevent the sale of your vitamins and herbs according to the Codex directive of your health organizations. I recommended that you buy a year’s supply of your vitamins and herbs before this directive would be implemented. Now in your news, Canada has just sent out a directive to all of their pharmacies to refuse to sell any vitamins or herbs that were not licensed as safe. They are allowing natural food stores to sell them, but these sources will eventually be shut down as well. It is ironic that many of your licensed drugs are poisons to the body, but the herbs and vitamins are more natural for your health. It is just a matter of time until you will see the same directives by your health and drug organizations in America. This will enable your drug companies to license these items for much higher prices. By eliminating alternative and natural medicines, the medical establishment will have more control over your health. Fear not these evil ones from controlling your health because you will be healed of all of your health issues at My refuges when you look on My luminous cross and drink the healing spring water.”


Thursday, February 11, 2010: (Our Lady of Lourdes)

Jesus said: “My people, this scene was at a Mass of many years ago because the style of clothing was much different from today. This was also when the people had a much stronger faith than those of today, as evidenced by a full church at every Mass. This scene was not long after World War II when the people were shook up by the hardships of wartime. When people are threatened by war and there was not much wealth, many are drawn to be close to Me. Today there is a distant war and there is much more wealth and distractions in the things of the world. The number of people at Mass has decreased considerably and the morals of the general population are at a low ebb. Your abortions, people swearing, and your violent, sexually explicit movies are all witnesses of your low morals and less attendance to worshiping Me. Your people need something to wake them up from their spiritual complacency of the lukewarm. Events are going to worsen in natural disasters and government takeovers of your freedoms. As all of the messages have prepared you for the refuge time, you will see what I warned you about happening right before your very eyes. Keep close to Me and trust in My protection.”

Camille Remacle said: “This scene was when I attended Mass earlier in my life. I am sorry that I was not a better example in leading people to Mass. Still you are right in thinking that I now have been assigned a task of getting our relatives back to Mass for the salvation of their souls. I thank Carol for helping me both in my physical and spiritual needs. Now it is my turn to return the favor. I love all of you so very much, as in heaven love is everything with God.”

Prayer Group:

Our Lady said: “My dear children, thank you for praying my rosary tonight and in all of your daily prayers. I revealed to St. Bernadette that I am the ‘Immaculate Conception’ which is the namesake for your National Church in Washington, D.C. I also enabled her through my Son, Jesus, to have a miraculous spring of water where many have been healed of their infirmities. I am confirming to you that all of the places of my apparitions will be places of refuge with healing spring water and a luminous cross of healing as well. The angels will lead you to the refuges, and they will protect you with an invisible shield there. Trust in me and my Son to protect you during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many touching stories of people being able to be saved from being trapped under the rubble of this earthquake. Donations of food, water, and tents have been appreciated at the first response, but ongoing donations may be required until these people can recover and plant new crops. Poor nations, as Haiti, have been receiving aid on a regular basis, but now many of the hospitals and aid organizations have to rebuild in order to continue their ongoing mission. Pray for these people and help them with what you can afford to donate.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who have stored food at My suggestion, now have something to eat and drink with their alternate fuel supply keeping them warm. Pray for all of the people who are suffering to get their jobs back and clear the snow from their streets. These natural disasters are bringing about emergency declarations to help the people have order and food. These continuous storms are showing you how vulnerable everyone can be to such disasters. Even mud slides in California and other states are being tested with disasters. As you helped those in Haiti, now you may need to help your own people with their needs for power, heat, and food.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages that America will be tested more frequently with major disasters as you are seeing with your record snowstorms and various mud slides. Even earthquakes are shaking people in Illinois and California. There are lessons in these disasters to help your neighbor in need, and to see that you need to trust in Me more than your money. Your abortions and sinful lifestyles are also calling down My justice on America in some areas. Pray for your people to stop your abortions and sexual sins if you want peace and My protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, several feet of snow on a roof can put stress on such structures, especially flat roofs. Many are trying to remove the snow before damage could occur to their homes. Here again there may be a need to provide funding for people to repair their homes, especially those without insurance. In these disasters there are many repercussions that could threaten jobs, homes, and even public buildings as hospitals. Donations and prayers in these areas will be greatly needed.”

Jesus said: “My people, after disasters, as your Trade Center destruction, you have seen a return of the people to church seeking My help in prayer. It is unfortunate that this increased religious fervor only lasted about a month, and then the people returned to their old sinful ways. You may see this temporary religious fervor again in your present and future disasters, but how I wish man would learn his lesson to stay close to Me in prayer on a regular basis.”

Jesus said: “My people, My faithful need to have a consistent daily prayer life to support themselves in their daily needs as well as in major disasters. Do not wait until a disaster comes in order to see the need for prayer in your life. I am with you at your side to call on Me in even the little trials of your life. When you call on Me to help you every day, I will be there to lessen your burdens. Also, I ask you to be alert to help your neighbor in any needs that they have. You have helped strangers as well as family and friends. So keep your heart open for all those who need your help.”


Friday, February 12, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, you are faced with many choices and directions to take in life. Every action, that you take, is either a choice for good or bad. But you need to have a properly formed conscience so you can choose between My ways, or the ways of the devil and the world. This vision of choosing between the broad road of the world and all of its allurements, or the narrow road to heaven, is constantly facing you every day. My point is that you need to keep your eyes fixed on Me as your goal for heaven. At times you are detoured to follow worldly comforts and pleasures, but do not let addictions and worldly ways lead your life. Do not let the malls of buying things, money, or cruises become your gods. Instead, pray to get back on the right path of following My ways to heaven. Seek out My graces from My sacraments and your daily prayers to worship Me only, and keep your eyes and love of heart focused on serving Me and your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some irregularities in your children who are having deformities, allergies, cancer, and autism. These are occurring in ever increasing numbers, and it is a result of your air and water pollution, as well as the viruses and preservatives in the vaccines that they are receiving. You have microwaves going through the air, and people are affected by high tension electric wires, as well as pollution from being near chemical plants and refineries. Just as your pesticides have affected bird populations, so your chemicals in the ground water are lowering your fertility rates as well. In addition to your pollution, you are genetically modifying the crops and animals that you eat which can also alter your body chemistry. Man is ruining My balance of nature in many things that he does. It is time to reverse all of your modifications back to My original perfectly made crops and animals, or your diseases will get even worse. Many of these things were modified to control your food sources to make some people rich. When I return, I will have to change nature back to My original perfection. Try to eat naturally and avoid your artificial crops, animals, and vaccines. Work on eating herbs and vitamins to build up your immune system.”


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, you have a treasure of My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle, where you can visit Me and keep Me company any time that you can find an open church. You also have Me present in your prayers where two or more are gathered. I am also present when you hear My Word proclaimed in the readings at Mass. You are temples of the Holy Spirit which is why you see Me in every person that you assist in their needs. I have a treasure box for each of you in heaven, and I store your tears of joy and anguish in it as jewels. I store all of your good deeds there as well. This will assist you at your judgment to weigh against your sins. All the prayers that you have said throughout your life are recorded here. Your treasure in heaven is more valuable in your donations than any physical money of the world. So as you treasure My Presence in your lives, so I treasure your presence in your treasure boxes in heaven.”


Sunday, February 14, 2010: (St. Valentine’s day)

Jesus said: “My people, this weekend is focused on love and I am God who is all loving of everyone. I have died on the cross out of love for all of mankind, and that is the most powerful way of showing you My love by giving up My life for you. My other gift of love is My Blessed Sacrament in the Host where I am with you always at Communion time and in My tabernacle. In the beginning I instituted marriage between a man and a woman with Adam and Eve, and the two became one flesh in love for each other. It is this love in the sacrament of Matrimony that unites a man and a woman for a lifetime commitment. This represents a total giving of self to each other which is a union made in heaven and honored by My Church. I encourage love in a proper way according to My Commandments, but not just out of lust outside of marriage. The marriage act is reserved only for those who are properly married, and not for sinful fornication or adultery. You can have filial love with your neighbor, but married love is more intimate. Read in St. Paul’s epistles how he talks about the beauty of love.” (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)


Monday, February 15, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel reading the people of My day were asking for a sign. In this passage I told them that no sign would be given to them. In another Scripture passage I told them that the only sign to be given would be that of Jonah. Jonah was asked to tell the people of Nineveh to repent or they would be destroyed. So all the people repented and even the king put on sackcloth and sat in the ashes. Because of the change in their sinful ways, I relented of the destruction of that town and I did not carry it out. So shortly you will also be marked with ashes on Ash Wednesday to start another Season of Lent when you can repent and change your sinful ways. The sign in the vision of creation on a beautiful day is that only I could provide you the sun to see, the oxygen to breathe, and the food to eat. It is your very life that is a sign to you of My existence, and your faith in Me that is your gift to know and love Me. See that you were made out of dust and unto dust your body will return. But your soul will live on with Me in heaven for those who remain faithful to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen much loss of life from the earthquake on Haiti because of the poor house construction. About the same number died in the large earthquake in Indonesia from a tsunami. Several smaller tsunamis have occurred recently with smaller numbers of deaths. The most loss of life in recent years from natural disasters has come mostly from earthquake activity. Earthquakes are an ongoing occurrence, and the numbers are increasing as well as the intensity. This vision of another devastating tsunami is just a matter of time, but it could happen at any time. The earth’s plates are constantly shifting, and there is much activity all around the Pacific Rim. Be prepared with your early warning protection for tsunamis so people can be warned as soon as possible to get to high ground. These events are causing more and more food shortages, as the floods are destroying warehouses and the land to grow crops. Pray for My help for those who could suffer destruction of their homes and food supplies.”


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you much about the things people knew about in My day in the form of parables, so they could start to understand the parallels of their physical life with their spiritual life. In today’s Gospel I warned the people to avoid the leaven or yeast of the teachings of the Pharisees and Herod. Their deeds were done for show, but their hearts were far from Me. Then I reminded My apostles of My leaven or teaching as I multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 and the 4,000. I took what little they had and I made enough food available for everyone to have some with even a surplus of twelve baskets and seven baskets. This multiplication of food and shelters will be provided again at My refuges. I also multiply My Presence in the bread of Holy Communion. In the vision people tie up their boats at the dock so the boats do not wander off, and they are protected from the storms in the safety of the harbor. This is symbolic of how I want you to be tied to Me in faith in the safety of My protection from the demons who are tempting you on the ‘sea of life’. By staying in the harbor of My grace, your soul can remain pure and free of sin. I am also like an anchor that keeps you from drifting away into sin. I want to keep you in My sheepfold so I do not have to seek you out as a lost sheep. When you are detoured by the world’s attractions and curiosities, as well as comforts and desires, then you are risking the loss of your soul in hell. By returning to Me in Confession or holding fast to Me in your daily prayers, you can follow the narrow road to heaven. Prepare to improve your spiritual life with your coming Lenten devotions.”

Jesus said: “My people, some refuges will not only be shielded by My angels from sight, but they will be built behind hills and in out of the way rural areas. Even when planes and helicopters go over these refuges, they will not be seen. I will protect My faithful from the evil ones at My refuges in miraculous ways. When you are there, your living conditions will be more rustic with few of the comforts that you are used to today. Preparing food, bathing, bedding, and any entertainment will be more of a chore as in older days with little, if any electricity. Your living conditions will be more like living in a monastery where prayer and worship of Me will be your focal point. This will be a penance and spiritual preparation for your coming to heaven. You are tomorrow starting another Lenten Season that is focused on more prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Use each Lent to purify your spiritual life, and be prepared at any time to leave for My refuges.”


Wednesday, February 17, 2010: (Ash Wednesday)

Jesus said: “My people, as you receive your ashes today, let this be a beneficial Lent in helping your spiritual life. Not everyone honors this time as a chance to purify your soul with self-denial and penances. You may have chosen to do some extra prayers or give something up during Lent. In all that you do for Lent, bear your suffering in silence without complaining of any of your fasting. As you offer up your prayers, fasting and alms to Me, let your weak family members or friends be your intentions to help their faith to be saved. You all need to help each other, not only in worldly needs, but in spiritual needs as well. Be persistent in your prayers and do not give up on any soul, regardless of how sinful that person may be. You may not know it, but they may be searching, and you could be the beacon of faith that they are looking up to. You have seen even how anxious the souls in heaven are to help their loved ones here on earth. So as you are trying to improve your own spirituality, keep working to evangelize all souls, and especially your own family members.”

(Hunter Funeral Mass) Jesus said: “My people, the readings and songs, that were chosen, were well chosen for a child’s funeral. I truly love the children and cared for them even when I was on the earth. I have told everyone that you need to have the innocent faith of a child if you wish to enter heaven. I also frowned on those people who abused My little ones, especially by killing them. Many people, that have abortions, do not realize that they are killing their children, and this action is just as serious a crime as if they killed a child already born. Every soul has to make an accounting of their actions before Me at their judgment. But let Me be the judge and do not judge people on your own. Pray for the family that has had to endure this hardship of the loss of this young boy.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are starting another Lenten Season on this Ash Wednesday. One of your Lenten penances is almsgiving or donations to the poor and needy. When you tithe ten per cent of your income to charity and support of My Church, you are storing up real treasure in heaven. Some people place more trust in their riches than they do in My helping them through prayer. They think that gold, money, and stocks are going to provide them food and all of their needs. These things of the world can be stolen, lost, or lose their value, and then what will you rely on for your survival. Put your trust in Me and I will never let you down, especially once you come to My refuges. During Lent you can give your prayers and time to help people spiritually, as well as physically with money donations. Keep your focus on Me in retreats and your Lenten devotions, and you will keep close to Me in your souls. Giving up something that you like to do is another penance along with your fasting that can help you fight against sin by training the body to keep its desires under control. Be persistent throughout the whole of Lent in your chosen penances so you can have more self-control in dealing with your temptations.”


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, today’s first readings from Moses directs your attention to ‘Choose Life’ with God instead of the world. I have told you before that every action is either a choice for Me or for yourself. This choice of Moses is a life commitment which means that you want to be focused on Me down the narrow road to heaven, rather than following the devil down the broad road to hell. When you get to your judgment, there will be no excuses as you will be the only one to blame for your sins. I love all of My people and I will have mercy on your souls, but still there will be an accounting for all of your actions. As you are starting Lent and you still have not decided on what extra penances that you would like to perform, now would be a good time to think about what you could do. Just as I went off into the mountains to pray, taking some extra time for prayer is always gratifying for your soul. Your life is a faith walk full of opportunities for graces in correcting your own life, and helping to evangelize others in their spiritual lives. The more souls, that you can bring to heaven, are the more souls that are saved from going to hell. Saving souls is one of your most important goals in life, and your reward in heaven will be great.”

Prayer group:

Jesus said: “My people, your Federal government and State governments are spending money way beyond reason, as if your economy was fully financed. In your home budgets when your income is less, you are forced to spend less to avoid bankruptcy. Unfortunately, your governments are spending more instead of less. Your recession is still having effects on your economy, and your unemployment rate is still high, which is why less taxes are being collected. Your elected officials are afraid to reduce spending and raise taxes because it is an election year. If nothing is done, your country and your states will go bankrupt. Already Social Security and your health programs are spending more than what is being collected for that purpose. Pray that your Congress people will make the right choices before everything collapses under the weight of your overextended debts.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest destruction of a government building fortunately did not result in a lot of deaths. Some people are going over the edge of reality in expressing their frustrations with the latest job situation and poor economy. Many of your jobs have been taken overseas and will not return. Other cheap labor is being brought into your country. It is the rich and heads of corporations who are to blame for seeking cheap labor at the expense of your own workers, yet they are charging the same high prices for their products. If your people cannot stop this flood of jobs out of America, very few will be employed. It is your corporations who are running your governments and stripping your people of living wages and jobs. Pray for more justice in this employment problem, or you soon will be taken over by the one world people.”

Jesus said: “My people, your church laws have been relaxed considerably in respect to mandatory fasting. In older days you were supposed to fast between meals, but now some still fast on their own as part of their Lenten devotions. I have mentioned before that prayer with fasting is more powerful toward your intentions than just prayer alone. Offer up all of your prayers and fasting to Me for the benefit of souls who need to be saved from their sins. See the value of daily prayer which could be carried on all year long. Some even attend daily Mass during Lent which also gives you more graces. Be faithful to your chosen Lenten penances.”

Jesus said: “My people, your leaders are carrying on their own agenda without any hearing from the rejection of your people. Certain politicians have been voted out of office for going against the people’s wishes. Some talk of change, but their actions have been the opposite of what they said they would do. There is a sense of reversal in your previous voting that is showing an independent feeling that is against the two parties in power. If America does not take back control from your corporations and special interests, then you will soon be taken over.”

Jesus said: “My people, your world is becoming more evil with every year. As you see the tribulation coming, there will be more open persecution of Christians. You are honoring how I suffered at the hands of men when they scourged Me and crucified Me. Many of My faithful will be suffering also at the hands of the one world people. But I will protect My faithful at My refuges for those who follow My instructions promptly. Keep your souls pure with Confession and hold Me close to your heart as you seek to follow My laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for your prayers tonight as you honor Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. During Lent you are thinking more of praying the Stations of the Cross and being more fervent in your prayers. One thing I would ask is that you sincerely carry out your penances for love of Me and your neighbor, and not just to go through the motions for show. Many start with the ashes and good intentions, but within a short time they have forgotten why they were doing these devotions. Focus on being true to Me and true to your initial fervor, and you could profit spiritually from your efforts.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your older traditions have changed in your churches during Lent. There still are Stations of the Cross, soup suppers, and other Penance services, but some outward signs, as your coverings, are not always giving you the sense of Lent as you knew it. You have more liberties now in doing your own devotions, so use your opportunities to grow in your faith with special spiritual readings, retreats, and daily Mass to help you. The more you put into your Lenten devotions, the more you will benefit in My graces for you.”


Friday, February 19, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, in this Lenten Season you need to look at how you spend your time and try to focus more on doing things for Me and your neighbor than just for yourself. It is not sinful to desire some entertainment, but do not let games or other pastimes so occupy your time to the exclusion of everything else. Some games and gambling can become addicting. So when you see that you have some games that are controlling you, it would be better to avoid such time consumers. You need to be in control of what you do so you can apportion your time for Me, your needs, and then your entertainment. There are many people that could use your time to help them in their needs. First, you need to make time for others in your life, and make that a priority in your decision making. Second, you also need to give Me time for prayer, since you should be doing everything out of love for Me. If you so occupy your time filling your own agenda, then you will not have time to do the mission that I have chosen for you to accomplish. I have very few prayer warriors, and I need My people not to forget their responsibilities for the many souls that they are praying for. By keeping your priorities in focus on My mission, then you will see why it is so important not to waste time on your frivolous desires and things that are of little concern.”

Jesus said: “My people, many Southern and Mid-Atlantic states have been experiencing record snowfalls and colder than usual temperatures. As a result, some are having more doubts about global warming. Your measured world temperature has dipped a little, but the longer average is on the rise. When your average temperature increases, it puts more moisture into the atmosphere as precipitation. Any increase in heat would also cause more violent weather. An increase in violent weather could also be enhanced by man-made microwave machines. The HAARP machine could also be used to cause earthquakes that are happening more frequently. Be prepared for more violent weather which is also an end time sign. Ask My protection from such violence, and call on My help for those who are suffering from your current natural disasters.”


Saturday, February 20,2010: (Phyllis Tripi Funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, you are in the middle of Lent and you are leading up to the feast day of Easter that celebrates My Resurrection. Today’s Gospel (John 11:25) quotes My words: ‘I am the Resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me, shall never die.’ This is My promise to all of My faithful that on the last day you will be resurrected body and soul to be with Me in heaven for all eternity. This is what is promised today to Phyllis who was the matriarch of this family. Many gave witness of her physical strength and her spiritual strength. Her reward will be great with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as I provided food for My people wandering in the desert, so in this modern day exodus to come, I will provide food for My faithful at My refuges. In the desert I had quail come up and land in the camp so they had meat to eat in the evening. Then in the morning I gave them bread in the manna that they had to collect on the desert dew. As you are brought to My refuges by your guardian angels, I will give you the bread of Holy Communion in the morning. If a priest is not present for a Mass, My angels will give you My Holy Bread on your tongue. Later in the day, you will have deer come into your refuges and you will need deer knives to provide the meat for My faithful. Not every one will like the taste of this meat, but unless you have other animals for meat, you will have to accept the food given to you. Some may want to try some venison to get used to this kind of meat. Be thankful that you have multiplied shelters, food, water, and protection by My angels.”


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, on this First Sunday of Lent you are just starting out following in My footsteps on your way to Calvary, and eventually to celebrate My Resurrection on Easter. You may endure some fasting between meals, abstinence from meat, and any other penances, but you can offer them up along with My ongoing suffering on the cross. Americans know little about suffering, but you are enduring high unemployment and a poor economy. The people in Haiti are truly suffering, and I thank all of those people who have helped them, or are still helping them. Forty days of Lenten suffering seems long at first. You need spiritual endurance to help people, and this struggle during Lent will help cleanse your soul. I am not asking everyone to be a martyr, but let your daily trials be a means of sharing your pain with Me. Spiritual cleansing by Confession and acts of self-denial are a huge help for your weaknesses to sin. Keep focusing on perfecting your soul so you are constantly prepared to meet Me at your judgment every day, because you do not know when I will call you home.”


Monday, February 22, 2010: (Chair of St. Peter)

Jesus said: “My people, at one point I asked My apostles: (Matt. 16:13-19) ‘Who do you say that I am?’ Simon Peter answered and said: ‘Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Then Jesus answered and said, ‘Blessed art thou, Simon Bar Jona, for flesh and blood have not revealed this to thee, but My Father in heaven. And I say to thee thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give thee the keys of the Kingdom of heaven; and whatever thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, and whatever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven.’ This is when I gave authority of My Church over to the first pope, St. Peter, and I also was instituting the sacrament of Penance where you could confess your sins to the priest. All of My faithful need to acknowledge that I am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity and that you accept Me as Master over your life. For I have created every soul to know, love, and serve Me. If you are to be My true disciples, then these are your commitments. The smoke, that you see in the fire, represents the smoke of Satan who is always trying to destroy My Church. Beware of those who are trying to mislead you against My teachings. Especially do not follow anyone trying to teach you to follow New Age principles which will be causing a division in My Church. But My faithful remnant will prevail over a coming schismatic church.”

Jesus said: “My people, you go about your entertainment, as with this outdoor pool table, and then some unusual weather events upset your plans. A few inches of snow can be a little unexpected, but when some areas get several feet of snow, it could be a disaster. Some of these areas are receiving twice as much snow as their normal amount for the whole season. Many records for snow and cold are being set this winter. Some people are already complaining that they have had enough winter, but you still could get snow into April. Be patient and let this weather be one of your Lenten penances that I asked you to bear quietly. As you prepare for your next trip, pray for safe travel and a peaceful conference.”


Tuesday, February 23, 2010: (St. Polycarp)

Jesus said: “My people, part of your Lenten devotions are prayers for various intentions, and this is why I gave all of you My ‘Our Father’ prayer. When you pray, it would be proper to pray for things according to My Will instead of what you desire. It was said in the Gospel that My Father knows your needs before you request them. Every prayer is answered, but sometimes the answer is no if it is not in the best interest for souls. I am always looking at the big picture of how I can best help you. Sometimes I allow suffering because it is humbling and good may come out of it, if it is offered up as redemptive suffering for souls. In the ‘Our Father’ it speaks of your daily bread, or your food to sustain you. You have physical bread for the body, but I also feed you Myself in the Spiritual Bread of Holy Communion. This is the Bread that I said if you eat, you will have eternal life. I give you Myself freely and you can share with Me intimately at daily Mass and at Adoration. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I provide for your daily living, both for the body and the soul.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you all are in the world and you are tempted every day by the demons. This cross that you saw in the vision is your protection in wearing the Benedictine Cross or the cross that contains part of My original cross. The exorcism medal is a protection from evil, and you can call on My Name, Jesus, and the evil ones will leave you. Trust in My protection even amidst these demon attacks.”

Jesus said: “My people, Juliet has been under pressure in arranging this huge conference, but she has seen how I have helped her through My Christmas Novena. Pray continuously to My Santo Nino image or statue and I will continue to protect this conference and make it a success. Your intentions of repentance and saving souls is an appropriate theme for Lent. Trust in Me and have faith in Me, and all of your prayers will be answered.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, I know many people are out of work and depending on unemployment insurance. Your lawmakers are voting on extending this safety net, but it is difficult to expect the government to increase jobs when this is not their function. Companies are still cutting back, and it is difficult for employers to hire more when your tax laws and your economy are so full of uncertainty. Your people need to repent of their sins and have faith in praying to Me for more jobs to be created. You need stable laws and stable banks before your jobs can increase. You are being tested as a country, and you need to pray more on your knees to change America back to its former ways.”

Jesus said: “My people, more U.S. troops are leaving Iraq and some are going to Afghanistan. It is always difficult to know if these wars on terror are having any long term effects. It is good that you are keeping your word in leaving Iraq. What will be left behind will still allow a haven for terrorists, but they could go to any country that they choose. Having an exit strategy is needed for both these wars because they are running up your National Debt even now. Pray for peace in these countries because constant killing has not solved any problems there.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your small banks are in jeopardy of being closed, as many are on a watch list. Your big banks have been bailed out by your taxpayers because you were told that they were too big to fail. Yet your central bankers are willing to close smaller banks so there are only a few large banks left. This closing of small banks has left Canada with only three large banks which puts control in the hands of a few. Pray that your small banks survive because these were helping your small businesses the most.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are just in your first week of Lent and you are seeing how difficult it is to fast between meals. When you think fasting is too hard, just think of those who do not have any food, and how they are suffering through fasting without a choice. Fasting is a way to train your body to be obedient to the desires of the soul. Do not give in so easy to the hunger of the body, and especially to desserts for those giving these up for Lent. Be strong in your Lenten efforts because your soul will benefit in fighting off sinful temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that when you come to My refuges, you will be living more of a monastic kind of prayer life. Even when you come to Adoration to pray in silence, I have asked you to practice some contemplative prayer when you are not reading or praying your prayers. Just be quiet as you gaze on My Host, and give Me an opportunity to talk to your heart. In order to listen to My words, you need to be silent without any distractions occupying your mind. Pray to Me to take away any demon of distractions that is trying to keep you away from Me. Satan wants to keep you busy with confusing noisy environments because he knows that it is difficult to hear My voice through your worldly chatter. Once you have experienced quiet contemplative prayer, you will desire it more often.”


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, in the Old Testament you remember how Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire and brimstone for their unforgiving sinful lifestyles. Today, you are seeing in the first reading how I relented of the destruction of Nineveh because they repented and put on sackcloth and ashes. These are My examples of justice and mercy. You also have a gift of the Holy Spirit called ‘fear of the Lord’ which is really a fear of going to hell for wrongdoing. There are two ways to avoid going to hell. The first is more desirable in that you want to love Me and not offend Me by sin. If you really love someone, then you would work to do everything out of love for that person. So it is by loving Me and your neighbor that you will then be worthy of heaven. St. Paul said without love, all that you do is as nothing. The second way to heaven is to do things so you will not be judged to hell. Fear of hell is a real concern since I have shown you how people in hell in their soul bodies are ugly, have a constant burning of flames, are tormented by the demons, and most of all they will not see My face or love again for all eternity. Seeing how souls suffer in hell should be an incentive for My evangelists to bring as many souls as possible to heaven so those souls can avoid hell. But do not deny either of these ways to heaven out of love or out of fear of hell. If you focus on loving Me and your neighbor, then you know that I will save you from hell.”

Mary said: “My dear parents, this scene in the vision of when I was miscarried and died, was a very traumatic moment for my mother. I want to greet my parents and my sisters because I am up in heaven with David, my brother, who also died after a short life. We are praying for all of you up here. You often wondered what was causing the strange noises upstairs as if someone was walking upstairs. This is where I died and I was giving you some signs, but you did not connect this with my death. I was happy that you asked for my name and honored me at Norbert’s farm. You could honor me even more if you could frame this message with my name ‘Mary Leary’ and place it next to my brother David’s picture. I know this message may be difficult to hear and understand, but I have been waiting for the right moment to share my feelings of love for all of you. Remember us as your children who are always ready to intercede for you in your prayers. David already has brought about some beautiful miracles. So when you pray to David, think of me also.”


Friday, February 26, 2010

Jesus said: “My people of this conference, I am bringing My Blessed Mother with Me as you adore Me and honor her in our two hearts that are portrayed in the vision. Our love goes out to all of you as you are blessed with hearing your gifted speakers and the Betania Choir. Open your hearts to our two hearts as you dwell on the theme of Reconciliation. There will be confessions so you can truly reconcile your sins and restore graces to your souls. You have started your conference with a beautiful Mass because I am the focus of all that is holy. Remember during this conference to pray your rosaries and make time for Me at your Adoration hours. Again we in heaven are all happy for you, as you are all joined together in prayer, worship, and song. As you see My Santo Nino image, I also want you to pray for the success of this conference and that all debts will be covered by the generosity of your faithful supporters.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your homes you usually throw your scrap paper into your waste baskets. After a while your baskets get full and you need to empty them so the garbage trucks can take away all of your trash. If you did not empty your trash, you would be inundated with piles of paper. In the spiritual world your souls are collectors of your sins. Your souls also get filled up with your sins, and they need to get cleaned out by going to Confession. The priest cleanses your soul by his absolution in Confession and I forget your forgiven sins. Once you have your sins cleansed, then I can fill your soul full of My graces. The emptying of your full baskets is parallel to emptying your soul of your sins. Keeping your soul clean and pure is even more important than keeping your room clean. Encourage your family and friends to go to at least monthly Confession, and you can encourage them to keep pure souls.”


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, this mountaintop experience on Mount Tabor was a prefigurement of My coming Resurrection. My apostles were graced with seeing Me in all of My glory with Moses and Eliziah. Some say you do not have many mountaintop experiences on earth, but in reality, you are with Me as I was on the mountain every time that you come to Holy Communion or visit My Blessed Sacrament. Rejoice in My Real Presence because I have left you My greatest gift of Myself in My Holy Eucharist. I am always at your side when you call on Me, and I am in your midst where two or more are gathered.”


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some unusual natural disasters this year already. Two major earthquakes, one in Haiti and one in Chile have caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands and over 700 people, respectively. In addition to the earthquakes you have seen several bad snow storms that have set record snowfalls where snow is rare. These storms have shut down businesses and many people were without electricity. It is sad that some of these disasters have been enhanced with the HAARP machine, which is an array of microwave antennas being used by your government under the direction of the one world people. These evil ones are purposely enhancing natural disasters to create emergencies that could lead to takeovers. Such natural disasters have already paralyzed parts of America as in Washington, D.C. If major earthquakes come to America, you could see the beginnings of local takeovers with the possibility of a worsening bankruptcy. If the HAARP machine could cause destruction in other countries, it could bring destruction to America also. I have told you in recent messages to be ready to embrace increasingly worse disasters. When you see colored lights in the sky before an earthquake, or a snow storm staying in one place for a long time, then you know that these are the signs that the HAARP machine is active. Pray for My protection at My refuges where you will be protected from viruses, natural disasters, and from the UN people who will try to kill you. Events are moving quickly as your sign that the tribulation is about to begin.”


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, I criticized the Pharisees and the priestly class for seeking places of honor and not practicing the words that they taught the people. All of you today need to be careful so you are not hypocrites as well, so that you practice what you preach. Obeying My Commandments is one of your first steps in following what I taught through the Scriptures. The other lesson in today’s Gospel is about the sin of pride and how you should practice humility instead. When life’s things do not go according to your expectations, do not get angry over things that you cannot change. Accept life as it happens and do your best to change the bad things to good things where you can as in stopping abortion. Do not try to be someone who you are not, in trying to impress someone, or in trying to be politically correct. Be yourself as a humble person who follows My ways and not the world’s ways. Live a simple life without focusing on the latest fashions and rich looking attire. Instead, focus more on Me and what you need to do in working toward heaven. Follow your Lenten devotions of fasting and prayer to better your spiritual life instead of rushing to buy things that you do not need. Remember the last line of this reading: ‘Those, who exalt themselves, will be humbled, while those, who humble themselves, will be exalted.”


Wednesday, March 3, 2010: (St. Katharine Drexel, Camille’s Mass)

Camille said: “Hello again, John. I wanted to let you know that I did close the door at your church to prepare you for hearing me at the Communion time. As you know, I have been getting Herm and Donna’s attention with their light which is easy for me to turn on. It is with these signs that the Lord has enabled me to give you some communication. I also told you that the Lord has given me a mission for saving the souls in the family. I am most concerned for those in your family who could use some prayer help. I am doing what I can from heaven, but I need some help from you prayer warriors. Tell everyone how much I love them, and I look out for helping Lydia as well. You can pray to me as an intercessor just as you pray to your children who died.”

Jesus said: “My people, many parts of this Health Plan could cause problems for America. The first problem is how to finance a trillion dollar program with no meaningful way to pay for it. Your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid entitlements are all paying out more than they are taking in already. This Health Plan will grow your National Debt with another unaffordable entitlement program. Paying for everyone’s health costs is too much to ask of your taxpayers and your children who will pay the future taxes. The second problem is the payment of abortions and euthanasia by the taxpayer. A third problem is the control over your health care and drugs with a National ID card which will contain a microchip. Operations will be harder to schedule, especially for older patients. The real trouble is how the Democrats are trying to force this plan through by Reconciliation of 51 votes vs. the normal vote of 60 votes which the Democrats do not have in the Senate. Even though polls of your people are against this plan because of penalties and too many rules, the Democrats are pushing it through despite public opinion against it. They see no other way to pass an unpopular bill by clouded talk of trying to add Republican ideas which will be very minimal. Pray that your Congress votes for the right plan that will help the needy without bankrupting your country.”


Thursday, March 4, 2010: (St. Casimir)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel shows you a very clear choice between heaven or hell. The rich man lived only for his own gratification with this world’s comforts and pleasures. He did not lift a finger to feed Lazarus or care for him. You are here on this earth to know, love, and serve Me. So if you do not love Me and your neighbor by helping them, and you worship only earthly things, then you are on the broad road to hell and the torment of flames. If you do love Me and your neighbor by your words and actions, then you are on the narrow road to heaven. It is how you live this life that will determine how you will be judged. I have mercy on souls who repent, and I will restore graces to their souls. But those, who do not repent and do not accept Me as Master of their lives, are calling down My justice as the rich man suffered in hell. Every day is an opportunity for conversion, but you need to change your sinful ways before your death. Do not count on a long life to repent later, but be saved as soon as possible by coming to Me for help. By loving Me and accepting Me into your lives, then you can be assured of your eternal salvation in heaven. Choose life in heaven rather than death to Me in hell. Remember when you are in mortal sin, your soul is dead to Me, so come to Confession to cleanse your sins.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, it is good to be close to nature when you are out at a picnic. As you look around the woods, you can see deer, rabbits, squirrels, and birds. You also have a host of ants, bees, and mosquitos. Not only do the animals have to find food, but a lot of people also go to bed hungry. Pray that all peoples will be able to find enough food to survive. Food and water may be taken for granted, but in poor countries they are hard to find.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were just helping the poor in Haiti a few weeks ago, and now help is needed for the earthquake victims in Chile. Even in the Northeast and the Middle Atlantic states people are still digging out from unusually heavy snowstorms. Many had to suffer without electricity in the cold when you may need wood burners or kerosene burners for extra heat sources and for cooking. Trust in My preparations that I have encouraged you to have on hand for such emergencies.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know many of you are busy all day long, but you need to work your rosaries in during the day because you may be too sleepy to pray at night. Some people have difficulty sleeping because you may be overtired. It is important

for your body to have enough sleep, or you will find it hard to function throughout the day. Do not try to accomplish too much in one day because you need enough time to eat, sleep, and pray. Set your time priorities for all that you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages of when it will be time to leave for My refuges. Those signs include world famine, division in My Church, martial law, pandemic viruses, and mandatory chips in the hand or forehead. I will give you a warning when to leave, but that time is drawing close with each freedom that is being taken away. Pray that all of My refuges will be prepared for all the people who will be coming. My angels will protect you, so trust in My words of preparation that will help you in your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, at your Conference you were given some good areas to work on in your spiritual life for Lent. Pride and anger definitely require work for most people in order to avoid swearing, or to avoid being puffed up with pride of your possessions. You should start with your habitual sins and work to avoid occasions of sin and how best to restrain yourself when you are tested. You will always be tested by evil temptations, so you need to be prepared how to fight them with My help.”

Jesus said: “My people, even if you come to visit My Blessed Sacrament every night, you still will not be able to get enough time to be with Me. Each visit is special and has its own graces. I have told you many times that My adorers are My special people. You have so many worldly distractions that it is refreshing to come and be quiet in front of Me. Treasure this quiet time when I can talk to your hearts of how to carry out your mission. Continue to keep close to Me in your daily prayers, Mass, and monthly Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent I want you to focus more on doing your 3:00 p.m. Divine Mercy prayers and your Stations of the Cross on Fridays. Your fasting between meals is still a struggle for some, but offer this up for souls that you are praying for. Remember to focus your intentions of prayer for poor sinners and the poor souls in purgatory. The more souls that you pray for, the more they will pray for you both on earth and if you come to purgatory. Keep a crucifix and some statues in your prayer room so you never forget that I died for you because I love you so much. Keep working on your Lenten devotions to improve your holiness.”


Friday, March 5, 2010: (First Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, in the case of Joseph and Myself there was pride in the desire to kill us, and also greed because Joseph was sold for twenty pieces of silver, and I was betrayed for thirty pieces of silver. In Joseph’s story his brothers were angry because Jacob favored Joseph with a colored coat, and he was the youngest. They wanted to kill Joseph, but instead they sold him to the Ishmalites who took him to Egypt. This was part of God’s plan that eventually Joseph, by his dream interpretation, was able to store food for the famine of seven years that was used to feed Jacob’s family. This also led to the Israelites’ Egyptian captivity that Moses later led them out to the Promised Land. In My case the Pharisees and Sadducees wanted to kill Me both because I claimed that I was God’s Son, and that I criticized them for being hypocrites. They were threatened in losing their position with the people, and they did not want My teachings to be allowed. This Crucifixion of My Body was also a part of God’s plan of salvation for all of mankind. So as you study the Scriptures during Lent, see that there was a plan of God in every act of Mine and man himself.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision indicates that there will be more signs of coming earthquakes. The birds’ sudden migration in large numbers is a sign that some kind of high pitched sound has frightened them into flight. The sounds of microwave interference that are silent to your ears is another reason to show evidence that a good number of your natural disasters could be man-made. The close proximity in time between the latest damaging earthquakes could be a sign also that more disasters may be waiting to happen. There was a fair sized tsunami that destroyed one town in Chile. Be wary of large earthquakes that could set off large tsunamis along the Pacific Rim where most earthquakes occur. Continue to be prepared for these tsunamis by living on high ground. Pray for the people who are suffering from earthquake destruction, and send them donations when you can.”


Saturday, March 6, 2010:

Jesus said: “My people, the Prodigal Son parable is a very timely teaching for Lent. The sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession is My gift of forgiveness for all sinners because everyone is a sinner by your weakened state. Some do not want to admit their faults. When a sinner repents, there is rejoicing in heaven, even as the father celebrated his son’s return. You are not worthy of My forgiveness on your own, but it is My Blood sacrifice that has paid the price for your offenses. I welcome the sinner with open arms, even as the father welcomed his son back. As you look at the righteous son’s response, do not be critical or envious of My generosity to sinners. Some may be forgiven lesser offenses, but still be thankful, and do not think that you do not sin at all. Those who say they do not do anything wrong, are either prideful, or they are not truly honest about their actions. I have much more love for sinners who repent than for the lukewarm persons who think that they do not need My forgiveness. Pray for all sinners to return to their Lord for forgiveness, and be forgiving of others for any offenses against you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to show you how you were always being watched over by Me throughout your whole life. You in turn help others as well. In your early years you are led and taught the faith by your parents or a family member strong in the faith. During your twenties you have many decisions to make that can be guided by Me in prayer. This is when you choose your education and what kind of trade or occupation that you want for your work years. In that time you also may choose your vocation in life whether to be single, married, or in the religious life. For all of these big decisions, remember to pray to Me for discernment. If you choose the married life, it is an accomplishment to find a woman or man who can best bring you to heaven. In most cases you then help bring up your children in the faith and even watch over their souls when they leave the house. You may even have an opportunity to help your grandchildren keep the faith. Pray for the salvation of all the souls in your family and be a good example to them. You also may have to help your parents in their old age, and you could be a good faith example to them as well. Throughout every stage of your life I am guiding your steps if you are open to My help. Then whenever I will call you home, you can say how you have fought the good fight against evil, and have brought souls to heaven. I will say: ‘Well done, My good and faithful servant, enter into your Master’s house where I have prepared a place for you at My wedding banquet in heaven.’”


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, I know that you need to love everyone, even those who are in favor of abortion. The real issue is that it should not be a choice to kill an innocent baby in the womb. This is against My Fifth Commandment of thou shalt not kill. Some feel it is embarrassing to have a child outside of marriage, but it is even more embarrassing to heaven to kill an infant. This is a battle for life against those who want to kill life. There are protests in Washington, D.C., protests at Planned Parenthood, and counseling of pregnant women. Help centers for women also can ease any difficulty in having their children. You can pray to stop abortion and write to your government representatives to discourage payment for abortions with tax money. The devil hates man, and he encourages people to kill their children, kill the elderly, and cause wars. It is a plan of the evil ones to cut the population in any way that they can. This is the battle for life that you are in, and any legal way that you can stop abortions is open for your action. If you do not do anything to stop abortions, you are committing a sin of omission. Reach out to love and educate people about the value and preciousness of life that I create.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I taught My apostles My Gospels, I asked them to follow Me, and this is the meaning of the footprint. In the same way I want you to teach your children the same faith that I taught My apostles. Not only do you teach them by word, but you also are teaching them by your actions in how you lead your lives. Your children notice how you say your prayers before meals, how you pray your rosaries during the day, and how you go to Mass every day. Teach your children also how they need to have their sins forgiven every month at Confession. By letting your children see your actions, they can make prayer a part of their lives as well. See that your children attend proper religious instruction and be careful what they are taught. Also make sure that they have a properly formed conscience so they know right from wrong by what I teach. Even after your children have grown into adulthood, you need to warn them against living together in sin before marriage. Also continue to advise them that they need to continue to go to Sunday Mass. Inform them in a loving way because you are concerned to have their souls saved in heaven. You are responsible for the souls of your children and even your grandchildren. When you come before Me at your judgment, you will have to make an accounting for how you led your children in their faith upbringing. They have free will, but they need a proper faith formation.”


Monday, March 8, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, the rest of your world does not see when every abortion is done, but up in heaven we see the rose and the guardian angel give witness to every soul that is aborted. Because abortions occur behind closed doors, most people do not realize when this is going on. The mothers and the doctors know, but they treat these babies as a blob of tissue instead of as a human person. They are not given death certificates and these mothers are so callous to even think that they did not kill their children until later. When these mothers realize what they have done, then they can have psychological problems that can require therapy to treat them. Statistics of how many abortions are done may be available, but your people only hear the numbers, and they do not associate these numbers with human lives as in the loss of your soldiers from war. In actuality there is a battle going on between those trying to save these lives, and those who want the right to kill their children in the womb. This is the ultimate in child abuse, but where is the outcry to stop this carnage? Your populations are suffering from not enough live births, and your country will pay for this killing when you are taken over. As you take away the freedoms of these lives to live, so shall your freedoms be taken away from you in My justice.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been given a difficult mission to warn the people of the coming tribulation. Many of the prophets had to endure persecution and even some were killed. Those, who did not want to hear My message, kept calling Me a blasphemer and wanted to kill Me. So do not be offended if they treat you in a similar manner. Be confident in My help and trust in My protection.”

Camille’s Mass: Camille Remacle said: “I was happy to see Lydia come to my Mass intention along with the rest of you. Tell her how much I love her and I am sending her a spiritual kiss. She is always saying how she never hears anything from me. I honored your request for a sign for her by having the chimes play a song that was at my funeral. I am always happy to give a few words of encouragement for the family to keep them on the right path to heaven. This has been one of my missions from heaven to save souls. I want to thank all of the people and the priests who had the Masses said for my intention. It was these graces that helped get me out of purgatory in a short time. I have seen the power of prayer and the Mass in helping me get to heaven.”


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you need to take special notice of how to stop your habitual sins. If anger and swearing is a problem, you need to pray to restrain any momentary flare ups. You are tested in your weaknesses every day, so do what you can to work on any bad habits. You may have drinking, drugs, or gambling habits that could use counseling or rehabilitation to get rid of these demons. Pray to Me for help and call on My Name when you have an urge for these habits. Some are fornicating in living together, or some are using birth control. You need to control your passions and eating excesses in following what My Church teaches. You sometimes are too quick to rationalize that you are not committing sins, but all of you know your sinful habits that need to be worked on. See the need for at least monthly Confession to cleanse your sins, and follow Me in a good Christian life. All of your fasting and prayers should be directed at healing your sinful habits because improving your spiritual life is the reason for your Lenten devotions. Come to Me to seek the forgiveness of your sins, and also forgive others who have done anything against you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you already have a Social Security Number, new driver’s licenses with microchips, and a new passport with microchips. Now your government is planning a National ID card with a microchip to control your health care options. This chip will become mandatory for various services even beyond health care. If your government can mandate these chipped cards, they can mandate chips in the body so you do not lose your card. Not only are chips a means of controlling you, but they also will be used to track wherever you go. There will eventually be mandates that you need to carry this card with you at all times. Once these mandates demand control of your lives, you will approach the time to leave for My refuges. Refuse to take any chips in your body, or they will control your mind with voices. Call on Me for discernment for the right time to leave at night for My refuges. Trust in My protection from the evil ones who want to kill all of My faithful. Do what you can to discourage the control part of this Health Plan which also contains abortion payments by the taxpayer. Many dislike this plan because of its unfunded high cost, but the secret plans in the bill are even more threatening to your freedoms.”


Wednesday, March 10, 2010: (Pauline’s Funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, it is always hard for the family when the mother passes on. Pauline had a full life, but she had to endure many trials. I am always here to comfort the family in their grief. It is not uncommon that a spouse would die not long after the other is deceased. It is always a blessing for the soul to have Masses and prayers said for the deceased relative. As you have had messages before, it is always a kind remembrance to keep their picture always in plane sight on a table or on the wall. There was a sense of sadness in Pauline’s soul that her personality was not as complete as in her younger years. Your mother related the same feeling when she had dementia in her last years. Be happy that she is suffering no longer on the earth, and she is in a better place.”

Jesus said: “My people, the public option plan and allowing abortions to be paid by the taxpayer is what is holding up the current Health Care bill. The Democrats and the one world people are determined to pass this bad bill that would allow government control over your health options. They are willing to use Reconciliation tactics to avoid the 60 vote requirement in the Senate and go against the will of the people. More backroom deals will be made to push it through. Only a miracle of prayer could prevent you from being controlled by a National ID card containing a microchip . The unfunded cost alone will enable those in power to bankrupt your government and allow a martial law takeover. Refuse any mandatory chips in the body as this will be the time to leave for My refuges. The more freedoms that you allow your government to take away, the quicker your demise will come. Your present leaders are leading you down the path to forming the North American Union which will unite America with Mexico and Canada and take away your sovereignty rights. Stand up for your freedoms, or they will be taken away from you.”


Thursday, March 11, 2020

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in this vision the birth and death of bodies that goes on daily in your world. In essence at every conception I create a new soul for that developing physical body. Once the soul is created, it will live on forever because souls are immortal, even if the body dies. If everyone could see this vision, they would understand how life on earth is for a very short time. Each soul in their body has to endure pain, sickness, and the trial of living in the human condition when you are tempted every day by the devil. I cast the demon out of a person in today’s Gospel, but there are still demon possessed people even in your world of today. Life can be beautiful, even despite your weaknesses that are inherited from Adam’s sin. Experiencing love for Me and love for your spouses and neighbors is very comforting and well worth living. Your family and friends are your support through this life in addition to your heavenly support from Me, the saints, and the angels. You have the gift of My sacraments to sustain you spiritually, and My graces to provide for your physical needs. Seek to be united with Me in everything you do, and when you return to Me in judgment, you will eventually join Me in My heavenly banquet.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, as you see signs of spring with warmer weather, your souls and bodies feel joyful to see winter leaving. Your spiritual life is also seeking freedom and joy in My rest. By cleansing your souls of sin in Confession, you can rejoice as well in releasing your bonds of sin. The more you let Me come into your life, the happier you will be in My love and graces. Your love relationship with Me is so rewarding that you are drawn to want to share your experience with other souls. Pray for the conversion of poor sinners.”

Jesus said: “My people, here in America you have plenty of food, and so you are even concerned about diets to keep from getting overweight. Unfortunately, in many poor countries, as Haiti, the people are struggling to find food and water. This is not a one time donation, since now the people in Chile need help. Continue to share your surplus with those who are less fortunate.”

Jesus said: “My people, the weeks of Lent pass quickly, and already you are at the middle of Lent. Now is a good time to review how well you have been doing with your Lenten devotions. Fasting between meals is a challenge to keep working at it. Giving up smoking, giving up eating sweets, or other penances are also a struggle. The fruit of your devotions is to control the sins that could be habits in your life. By denying your body what it desires, this helps in keeping the body’s desires in check. When you see that you can exercise your free will to stop your sins, then this will give you strength to keep a pure soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to find a safe place to build a home. Disasters can happen to anyone no matter where you are living. It is wise to live away from coastlines to oceans, lakes, and rivers. Living in non-earthquake prone areas is another way to avoid disasters. Even still, disasters can strike anywhere, and you need to help those who are homeless and unemployed. They need shelter and food to eat. Help where you can, then if it happens to you, your friends will help you in return.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you truly love your neighbor, you could help with donations of time and money to your local food shelves. Some could help distributing food to the homeless, or help by painting homes that are in disrepair. This proactive work is above prayer and donations, and would be welcome help for the poor to see people that care that much. Even those, who are unemployed, could better use their time in contributing their skills to help people. These are the deeds that will store up treasure in heaven for your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times people are having bad times in being out of work, having sicknesses in their families, or even deaths. If someone asks you to pray for their trials, be ready to say ‘yes’ and pray for these people. Your prayer help is just as needed as donations or your physical help. Helping others is how you can show your love and care for them. You may even be asked to help your parents or support your older children at your home or financially. Again all of your efforts are appreciated and gain you favor in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is traumatic to lose your home, and you do not know which way to turn. You may have helped people, so it is hard to imagine if you would need help yourself one day. If you were reaching out for such help, imagine how grateful you would be for someone to feed you, if you were out of work. Imagine also if people helped rebuild your home, how thankful you would be. So put yourself in these peoples’ shoes for a moment, and you can realize how much they need your help. When opportunities come along to help people, reach out without being asked to volunteer your money and your services. Again every soul, that you help, is also helping Me in them.”


Friday, March 12, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to consider all of the additives that your food processors place in your food. Your first problem is that it is sometimes difficult to trace the place of origin of your food. In foreign countries they could add poisons to your food before it even comes into your country. You have seen salmonella contaminants and melamine that could have come from the country of origin. Examine where most of your imported food comes from, as China and South America, and you should be concerned about cheap products and their quality. Some manufacturers add preservatives and others use fillers that are unnatural and could cause cancer. Some use dyes and nitrites to make meats look good. Pesticides can also poison your foods. Some use gene altered food crops which may have long term health issues. Your foods have become so adulterated with additives that they could cause harm to your health. That is why more people are desiring natural organic food with original seeds that are without hybrids. If you are personally concerned about your food sources, then investigate the additives on the ingredient labels, and research their effects on the body.”

(Camille Remacle Mass intention) Camille said: “I understand your question about my change in my love for God because I am ashamed that I did not love God more in my earlier life. I must admit that if it were not for your prayers, I may not have been allowed a death bed conversion. It was the mercy of God that saved me, and your Masses, like today, that further allowed me into heaven. I was in purgatory briefly, and it was very difficult to suffer purification there. I understand now that to come to heaven, you need to give up all of your earthly desires and seek only God’s love. Once you experience God’s love, all you want to do is share it with everyone. This is what is driving me to help souls in our family to be close to God’s love. I would like to give more signs to Vic, but you need to send angels and blessed salt and medals to help disable all the demons that are around him and influencing him. Only then could he be open to any physical signs. I love all of you, and keep praying for my intercession in your prayers.”


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, pride is one of the seven most deadly sins and its opposite, humility, is one of the virtues that you could be working on for Lent. It is pride that draws you to buy many things that you do not need or cannot afford. Pride is also apparent in the vanity of your appearance when people have plastic surgery, facelifts, and the like. Pride makes you think that you are better than others as you seek to show off your skills or your latest gadgets. As in today’s Gospel, it is better for your soul to remember that you are a sinner, and you need My forgiveness of your sins in Confession. When you try to be more humble in public, it will help restrain your pride, and in your prayers you will go home justified as the tax collector did. Pray to Me to exercise more humility in your life when you find yourself boasting and desiring so many worldly things.”

Jesus said: “My people, your coming events are going to make your head spin with the rapid succession of disasters and political changes. Storms of rain, floods, tornadoes, and possible ice storms are going to take their toll on your country. There are those who want to see people get health care, but paying for it with tax dollars has put many against it. The Health Plan, cap and trade, and the ongoing wars have people concerned that your National Debt problem is going to lead you into bankruptcy and into an eventual takeover. The chance of another financial downturn with high unemployment could trigger a grassroots uprising that could lead to riots. Your government is being so controlled by the one world people, that their plan for a North American Union is on its way, which will take away your freedoms. When this takeover comes, My faithful will need to leave for My refuges. Have all of your backpacks and things ready because those in power are working to gain complete control over your rights and freedoms through big government and chips control. Pray for My protection when your persecution will come about.”


Sunday, March 14, 2010: (Parable of Prodigal Son)

Jesus said: “My people, the Pharisees and Scribes were criticizing Me for eating and drinking with sinners. In another passage I said to the Pharisees: (Matt. 9:12)‘It is not the healthy who need a physician, but they who are sick.’ In today’s Gospel about the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) I also likened the Pharisees to the second son who did not need to be found. This was the son who refused to go in to celebrate his brother’s return. The Pharisees refused also to believe in Me that I was God’s Son, and they refused to follow Me as well. The first son, who squandered his father’s money in sinful living, is like all sinners that I invite to conversion, so they can be found with Me in My forgiveness at My banquet in heaven. The scene of the father rushing to receive his lost son represents how I and all of heaven rejoice over the conversion of even one sinner. The last sentence of this parable invites those who were faithful with those who have returned to Me from their sinful life. (Luke 15:32) ‘Son, thou art always with Me, and all that is mine is thine; but we were bound to make merry and rejoice, for this thy brother was dead, and has come to life, he was lost, and is found.’”


Monday, March 15, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, some people make it a practice to pray their rosaries or do their spiritual reading every day. You can pray in the morning, the afternoon, or in early evening. For those who are not praying daily, this would make a good Lenten devotion. I rely on My prayer warriors and your intentions to help poor sinners and those in purgatory. I even thank you for your prayers and your many hours of Adoration. You will have your reward in heaven for your prayers and good deeds. You saw Me heal someone from a distance in the Gospel. When you pray for someone who is sick or in need of My help, you are trusting in Me for an answer to your prayer, even if that person is not in front of you. Every prayer is heard and answered according to My Will. So keep praying for your needs and the needs of others.”


Monday, March 15, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, your freedoms that are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in your Constitution are what separates you from other dictatorial governments. When you start losing these freedoms, then you will become a ward of the state. Your freedom of speech is being curtailed by your Patriot laws and laws against hate crimes. Your freedom of religion is being crowded in by rulings of church and state. Christians are increasingly persecuted more than other religions. Your freedom of movement is being challenged by requiring chipped documents to track your whereabouts. Even your money will be taken away when the amero becomes your new currency. All of these rights will be taken away when the North American Union will be formed. This is why food and water storage will be needed if you do not have anything of value to buy food to eat. When control is too pervasive, you will need to go to My refuges where My angels will protect you and provide for your needs. My angels will be your shields, so do not worry about having guns or fighting physically. All that you have will be taken away, so do not try to amass wealth that will come to nothing. Trust in Me and that will be enough for your soul and body.”


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, the theme of today’s readings are about healing waters as in Baptism. The other side of water is when rain and wind combine in violent storms to cut off electricity with falling trees, and when floods can inundate whole towns. You have this kind of damage combined with melting snow to create a problem with too much water and many rivers at flood stage. There have been some deaths in these disasters, so pray for these people that they can have their power restored quickly so people can get on with their lives. Tree damage and flood damage can be expensive to repair and it takes time to restore. You have been through ice storms, and you can have a feeling of what these people are enduring. Again these disasters always show you how vulnerable you are to weather events. Be thankful if you have been able to avoid such damage. This is another opportunity to help each other in restoring services and sharing food and heat.”

Jesus said: “My people, purgatory is a real place and it is where souls, who do not go to hell, are purified of their earthly desires and their reparation due for their sins. It is a very dark and dingy place of suffering where you are outside of time, and you have no measure of how long you have been there. In the lower levels of purgatory, the souls suffer the burning flames as in hell, but one day they are promised to be with Me in heaven. In the higher levels of purgatory, the souls suffer from not seeing Me or feeling My love, but they are free of the burning flames. These souls can pray for you, but not for themselves. They rely on the people alive on earth to pray for them and to have Masses said for their intention. Masses have the most power in raising souls up through the levels of purgatory. This is why we in heaven are constantly asking you to pray for the poor souls in purgatory, especially those who have no one to pray for them. These souls will remember what you did for them, and should you have to suffer purification, you will be grateful that they will be praying for you. You can minimize your time in purgatory by offering up your pains for others, asking My mercy to heal the reparation due for your sins on Divine Mercy Sunday, and by purifying your earthly desires while you are still on earth. Just as you adore Me at Adoration, this is training in how to worship Me in heaven. Pray to Me often so you can develop a loving relationship with your Lord both now and with Me in heaven.”


Wednesday, March 17, 2010: (St. Patrick’s Day)

Jesus said: “My people, you are blessed to have many Irish priests and nuns who came to America years ago. St. Patrick brought the faith to Ireland as a missionary priest and bishop. It is this Catholic heritage that has been handed down to many faithful today in America. You treasure the wearing of a green shamrock, but it was St. Patrick’s teaching of the Blessed Trinity that it represents. Your gift of faith is a blessing to pass on for many generations, and you should be thankful to your roots and your parents and grandparents for your Irish faith. The faith has lessened in strength in Ireland and America, but there are still remnants of that original strong faith left in various parts of your country. Treasure your gift of faith no matter what nation you are from because it is your spiritual life blood that will bring you to heaven. Stay close to Me in your daily prayers and your sharing in My sacraments.”

Jesus said: “My people, this circling like a hurricane with intermittent sparks is how the HAARP machine enhances storms, and adds to the intensity of hurricanes, tornadoes, and low pressure weather. These sparks and colored lights are also how these microwaves can set up a resonance on fault lines and can cause severe earthquakes. The one world people, who are trying to cut the population, are the ones behind using this array of antennas to cause death and destruction. They also are using the chemtrails to spread viruses to cause a fair number of flu deaths. They are trying to keep these covert operations secret, but I see their intentions in their hearts and they will have to answer to Me for their evil deeds at their judgment. Pray for the victims of these disasters who are suffering losses of their homes, and their loved ones. As the evil increases, My people will eventually have to leave for My refuges to protect themselves from being killed.”


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, the Israelites worshiped the golden calf before Me, and I was about to punish them when Moses interceded to hold back My hand. Still because of this incident and their lack of trust in Me for entering the Promised Land, I punished that generation by causing them to roam for forty years in the desert. Even in your world of today, you have a new golden calf in worshiping your possessions before Me. Some are taken up with their large new homes, new cars, and the wealth that they have amassed in stocks, money, and real estate. But these same people refuse to worship Me at Sunday Mass. You cannot have two masters, because you will love the one and hate the other. (Matt. 6:24) ‘You cannot serve God and mammon (worldly goods).’ If you wish to enter into heaven, you must accept Me as the only Master of your life and seek My forgiveness for your sins. This world is passing away and even your very life will be taken away from you. You cannot take these possessions with you, and you will then have your soul live on forever. But if you worship these earthly things before Me, you will be testing My justice on the road to hell. Better to worship Me only so your soul can rest with Me in heaven for all eternity.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, in a few weeks you will be attending your Holy Week services when you will come face to face with how much I suffered on the cross for your sins, and how I suffered out of My love for you. Many times you just glance at My crucifix, but when you truly look at the cross for a length of time, you realize how much I love all of you. This is why you need a large crucifix on the altar so My love is ingrained in your heart every time that you look at it. When you suffer through your trials, offer up your pain with Me on the cross because I am still suffering from your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, at every Mass you pray to Me as the ‘Lamb of God’ and ask for My mercy. Truly My sacrifice and death on the cross was something that I freely did to save all of mankind from their sins. Even though I did not commit any sin or crime, I was crucified as a criminal because My people did not want to believe that I AM the Son of God. I was led like an innocent lamb to be sacrificed as a sin offering on the cross. Give praise and thanks to Me for this ultimate gift of life that I have given you.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you pray the Stations of the Cross or the Pieta prayers, you are voicing how I suffered in My scourging, My walk to Calvary, and My death on the cross. When you imagine what pain that I went through without any complaint, then you should not complain of your trials either. Living in the human condition with pain, sickness, and death, you are living My pain every day and you are tempted to sin as well. Pray for My help to endure this life no matter what you are asked to do.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to understand how some have to die early from cancer or from any other accident, or killing. Some, who watch dying patients, can see the joy on their faces when I come to take them home. It is a wonderful act of mercy to comfort the dying and mourn with those relatives left behind. You have been to many funerals and there is always the thought that one day you will be in a casket. This life is short and you need to always be prepared to die by having a pure soul by frequent Confession. Lent is truly a time to emphasize the need for having sorrow for your sins. It is also a time of prayer to make any spiritual changes that you need in order to perfect your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your Lenten devotions you are well aware that you are at the crossroads of your life when by your actions you are doing things for Me on your way to heaven, or things only for yourself on the broad road to hell. Keep focused on Me and your goal for heaven, and you will have no worries about judgment to hell. I love you and I wait for your return in Confession. Do not wander off in so much sin that you could lose your way on your path to heaven. Avoid any detours by coming back to your narrow road to heaven. If you truly love Me in all that you do, you will truly avoid sin because you do not want to offend Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know in the Gospels that I am your King and Master of your lives. Even as you think of My Crucifixion, there was only a short time in the grave, and I was resurrected body and soul into heaven. This is My sign of hope for every soul because those, who are faithful to Me in this life, will be promised a resurrection on the last day in your glorified body. Rejoice even in your suffering here on earth because your life is short, and you will be at your judgment day before you know it. You are sad during My days of suffering, but you are joyful when you celebrate Easter Sunday.”

Jesus said: “My people, your spring season is near as you see the seasons progress from the death of winter to the new life of spring. This is very similar to how I died, and then rose on the third day in My glorified Body. As you are joyful to see winter leave, so you are joyful to look forward to My Easter Season of life in its fullness of My glory. Even as you see the cycle of the seasons, you also can see the cycle of years as a person goes through this life. You know that you have to die in the end, but you also look forward to your joy when My faithful will share their new life with Me in heaven. Follow Me in My Word and My Commandments, and I assure you, like the thief on the cross, you will soon be with Me in paradise.”


Friday, March 19, 2010: (St. Joseph)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph is a silent obedient father as far as Scripture is concerned. He followed the angel’s dreams of accepting Mary into his house, taking the family to register in Bethlehem, leaving for Egypt, and returning to Nazareth. He is the guardian of My Church, patron of the dying, and a good example for all fathers in taking care of their families as a carpenter. I was obedient to My parents, and he taught Me his trade as a carpenter, but God the Father had a greater mission of saving My people. Today, there are many single parent households, but fathers should recognize their responsibility for their children and see to their needs. The Holy Family should be a model for all families with a father and mother along with the children under the seal of marriage. Living together in sinful fornication or in homosexual relationships are not proper environments to raise children. Children should be raised in a proper loving relationship under a proper marriage in the Church. St. Joseph was a loving parent, even if he was a foster father. I invite you to love Joseph and Mary as you can pray to them for your prayer intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, this walking staff of St. Joseph represents his leadership of the Holy Family and also as guardian of My Church. I am thankful for St. Joseph’s care for My Blessed Mother and Myself in all of our travels and at our home in Nazareth. He is also helping those in My Church who pray to him as an intercessor. Many people have many traditions on this feast day in making breads and the like. You see statues of him holding Me as an infant. This idea of leadership is also seen in the vision of a bishop with his crosier as the Shepherd of his flock of souls. Pray for your bishops who are constantly enduring the attacks of the evil one. May they have courage to lead their people in fighting abortion and standing up for the faith that is also under attack from your secular world. Remember to continue to pray to the Holy Family so today’s families can be supported in their faith.”


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, you can see in the Gospel that the religious leaders of My time did not realize that God’s ways are not man’s ways. They did not realize that I was born in Bethlehem in King David’s line, even though I was brought up in Nazareth. Even Scripture talks about the Nazarene. So it is in your day. You know that your life should be focused on Me, but you allow the concerns of the world to cloud your mind and distract you from your mission, which is to know, love, and serve Me. Try to imitate My life of simplicity, humility, a good prayer life, and following My Commandments. When you love Me and your neighbor, you should show it in your actions and thoughts.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a picture of a flame of faith that is so delicate, and it can be snuffed out by man’s sin and the devil’s temptations. Once a person’s faith is snuffed out as the lukewarm, it takes a miracle or a lot of prayer and fasting to relight that flame of faith again. This is why your Sunday Mass attendance is down because so many people have lost their way by allowing the worldly distractions to detour them from their path to heaven. This is why a faithful person needs to be close to Me in their daily prayer life, Mass, and My sacraments. You have the grace to keep your flame of faith burning brightly, but you must give your will over to doing My mission every day if you want to reach heaven. Think of yourselves as My prayer warriors and My evangelists, so by your efforts and My grace, you can relight the flame of faith in as many souls as possible.”


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, in a few more weeks you will be celebrating Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday. Divine Mercy Sunday allows you to receive My mercy by following the requirements of this devotion that will enable you to cleanse all the reparation due for all of your past sins. This devotion is a gift of God to man, and not like other devotions that you make to Me and the saints, which are from man to God. This mercy of Mine will be extended to everyone in My coming Warning experience. Everyone at the same time all over the world will have an out of body, outside of time life review of all of your actions. Some people have death or near death experiences where they have life reviews, a mini-judgment, and they are returned to their bodies. Everyone will have a similar experience in the Warning of coming before Me in My Light to receive an illumination of their conscience so they will know true right from wrong, as I will judge all that they did whether right or wrong. Everyone, no matter what religion or not, will know that only through Me can you enter heaven. It was My sacrifice on the cross that freed you from your sins. It is only necessary for you to say that you are sorry for your sins and ask My forgiveness, and your sins will be cleansed in Confession. I left you on earth with My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament of the Mass. I am truly Present in every consecrated Host and in the consecrated Wine. I only ask that you receive Me in Holy Communion worthily without any mortal sin so you can avoid any sin of sacrilege. I want to take the visiting priest’s comments to task when he stated that I was not in My tabernacle. This is bordering on heresy because I am truly Present in My Hosts that are stored in My tabernacle. I invite you to visit My tabernacle and Adore Me because I am sacramentally Present among you. God the Holy Spirit is in you as you are temples of the Holy Spirit, but My Eucharist is a mystery of My Real Presence. The Warning is part of My Divine Mercy in giving every soul a chance to be saved. Your focus will be on all of your unforgiven actual sins and sins of omission. Many will desire Confession after the Warning, and it will be My prayer warriors’ best opportunity to evangelize souls, especially those souls in your family. After the Warning, events will lead up to the coming Antichrist that will start the tribulation. Pray for My protection at My refuges as I and the angels will shield you from the evil ones.”


Monday, March 22, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, this account of Susanna (Daniel 13:1-64) being attacked by the two elders, is a story of man’s lust for women. I created a desire in man for the purpose of reproduction, but only in the environment of a proper marriage with a commitment of love between a man and a woman. Man in his weakness of lust has committed many sins of fornication and adultery throughout history, and this is a mortal sin against My Sixth Commandment. The most souls go to hell committing these sins of the flesh. That is why this account is a good lesson against such behavior because you saw the consequences of the elders’ behavior which was death by their own accusations. In another political scene of your Congress, you have seen a raping of the people’s will against the current Health Bill that was voted into law and included taxpayer funding for abortion. Even in the face of public opinion against this bill, your Congress passed this legislation which could have serious control over your people that could even bankrupt your country with unforeseen expenses of another entitlement program. I told you that these events would move quickly, and you are seeing this come to pass. Helping the poor to have health care may be a worthy goal, but the controls , taxpayer paid abortions, and the expense will become a physical and spiritual burden on your people. These political actions could create a great upheaval among your people in the years to come.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of the New Age teachings which try to make a religion out of worshiping the earth, moon, stars, crystals, and even old Egyptian goddesses as Isis. In other words worshiping inanimate objects is not anything new at all, but the old tricks of the devil to take your mind off of worshiping and loving Me. I am a living and loving Person, but the devil hates man, so why do you listen to him? His promises only lead you to death and eternal suffering in hell, but I lead you to eternal life in the beauty of heaven and to My beatific vision of love, peace, and perfection in your soul. You can only find these things with Me as you follow My ways and My Commandments. Do not be misled by curiosities and promises of fortunes and wealth in this world because all of these things will pass away and where will your soul be judged? There is only heaven or hell, so choose to follow your loving Lord to heaven, and avoid temptations for anything else.”


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, I am the great Healer of mankind both in body and soul. The Israelites complained to Moses about the manna as a difficult food, so I sent seraph snakes that killed some of the complainers. In answer to Moses’ prayer for the people, I asked him to make a bronze serpent and all of those people, who looked on it that were bitten, were healed by Me. In the coming modern day Exodus when you leave for My refuges, I will give you luminous crosses in the sky over My refuges. When you look upon this cross or drink from the healing spring water, you will be healed of any disease or affliction, including any man-made viruses. This bronze serpent being lifted up is likened to My being lifted up on the cross as a sacrificial offering for all of mankind’s sins, so even your souls could be healed if you call on My forgiveness and mercy. I gave up My life for the salvation of all sinners, and I give you all an opportunity to come to heaven’s open gates. Until I died, even the souls who died long ago could not enter heaven. This Easter Sunday you will celebrate My Resurrection which will enable every soul that is worthy to one day be resurrected body and soul together. Rejoice in My healing of body and soul, and strive with My grace to reach eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, on a dark grey rainy day your spirits tend to be low, and you feel like the sun is not going to show for a long time. Some are also feeling low over how your government is taking everything over after the Health Plan passed. I am showing you this light at the end of the tunnel because worldly things will get worse before I come to set things straight. The one world people have their people in position for a political takeover which will eventually lead into the North American Union and then into the Antichrist coming into power. But at the height of evil’s power, then I will return and cast this evil lot into hell. I will renew the earth and you will have constant light all over. Once I have My victory, there will be rejoicing as you enter My Era of Peace. All the evil power will be vanquished. So when you see evil gaining in power, then My coming is not far off. Do not worry or be fearful of the evil one because his time will be short before I come to defeat him. You know the outcome of this story that the Antichrist loses and My faithful and I will reign. So be joyful even amidst this evil and pain, for your redemption into heaven is near.”


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, I love the children so much because they are so loving and trusting of their parents and Me. This is also why My justice will fall on those who abuse My little ones, or lead them into sin. This vision is found in Matthew 18:5-6. ‘And whoever receives one such little child for My sake, receives Me. But whoever causes one of these little ones who believes in Me to sin, it were better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.’ My justice will also fall on those who promote and kill My babies in abortion. Killing My little ones is a mortal sin, and there needs to be repentance for this sin, or those who commit these sins could be on the road to hell. This latest Health Plan will force taxpayers to pay for these abortions, even though your president signed an executive order to stop this payment. It is bad enough that abortion is allowed in your country, but now you may be forced to pay for them against your will. Pray for the souls in your country because you will be visited with My punishment for the evil of your sins as a nation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in this vision of heaven the seven different levels where saints and angels have a special place at their chosen level. As you look at the levels going higher, these souls and angels have higher powers of being and understanding. The saints are chosen by God the Father by their fervor and devotion for their proper level in heaven. The more that you do for Me, and the less attached you are to worldly things, the higher in heaven that you could be placed. It is one thing to aspire for heaven in humility, but by working harder with My grace, you can even aspire for the higher places in heaven. The more your soul is perfected in My love, the less time you may need for purification, and the higher you could be placed in heaven. Strive to save as many souls as you can from going to hell, and you will gain My favor at your judgment. When you come to heaven, you will be overwhelmed with My peace, My love, and the myriads upon myriads of saints and angels who are here with Me.”


Thursday, March 25, 2010: (Annunciation)

Jesus said: “My people, I had prepared My Blessed Mother right from her Immaculate Conception to be without sin. It was her free will to follow My Divine Will in everything that she did, which is why she was without sin, even during her whole life. When the angel Gabriel appeared to her and asked her to be My Mother, she again gave her free will choice to follow God’s mission for her in salvation history. Her fiat ‘Yes’ allowed My Incarnation as a man when the Holy Spirit overshadowed her to conceive Me. This was a pivotal part in the beginning of My mission to eventually offer My life on the cross for all of mankind’s sins. This feast is purposely placed in the Church Calendar nine months before December 25 when My birth is celebrated at Christmas. Rejoice in our two hearts since I entrusted you in St. John to have My Blessed Mother be your mother also. My Blessed Mother is your intercessor for prayer since I always listen to My Blessed Mother’s wishes, even as I did at Cana in providing the wine. Rejoice in this feast of My Blessed Mother’s Annunciation because you are also celebrating My Incarnation as a man.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, artists choose to make My crucifix without much blood coming from My wounds. But if you look closely at the Shroud of Turin, you could see the wounds from the nails, the whip marks from metal thongs, the wounds from the crown of thorns, the lance mark in My side, and bruises on My shoulder and knees. The agonizing crucifix is closer to the true representation of what I suffered. This cross may be difficult to look at, but it is the reality of how cruel men beat Me and crucified Me. As you look on My suffering, you realize more how much I suffered for all of your sins. Give praise and thanks to Me that I was willing to die a difficult death so all of you would have the opportunity to be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, I cried at the death of Lazarus, but his death was My opportunity to witness to life after death in your soul. By the power of God Lazarus was raised from the dead and it was then that I said: (John 11:25,26)‘I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me, even if he die, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.’ I wanted to make people realize that your soul is immortal and it will live on forever. This is why you also need to seek heaven over hell by your actions because you will be held accountable at your judgment. One day My faithful will also be resurrected body and soul on the last day.”

Jesus said: “My people, My priests’ hands have been consecrated so they could offer up the bread and wine that is transubstantiated into My Body and Blood during the Consecration of the Mass. The Last Supper was a commemoration of the Passover when the Israelites were finally released from the slavery of the Egyptians after the last plague that killed their first born. My dying on the cross is My blood sacrifice to atone for all the sins of mankind. This was the First Eucharist that I instituted so you could have My sacramental Presence among you at Mass and in My tabernacle.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Sunday is joyful in giving glory to Me as I came into Jerusalem, but it is also sad when you hear the account of My Passion. Some even call this Passion Sunday instead of Palm Sunday. You have been bearing your fasting and extra prayers and penances during Lent, so soon you will see this come to an end on Easter Sunday. Learn from your Lenten devotions how you could do extra suffering for Me at any time during the year.”

Jesus said: “My people, this visiting of churches on Holy Thursday is an old tradition passed down the generations, and it is a sharing of the faith with your neighboring parishes. You can see how each church celebrates My Last Supper. Keep your prayers coming at each church and encourage your children to keep up your faith traditions. It may even be helpful to investigate the reasons for starting this tradition. Your focus that night is on My Blessed Sacrament, so continue your reverence for My consecrated Host of My Real Presence. This sacrament is not just a tradition, but My sacramental Presence is the core of your belief and why you attend Mass on Sunday.”

(Note.)As to customs, many families have a practice of visiting the tabernacles of three or seven nearby churches after the Mass on this day as a sort of "mini-pilgrimage" (any nearby Catholic churches will do). Some families visit the churches directly after the evening Mass; others go home and wake up in the middle of the night to make the visits (though since churches are rarely open all night these days, this would be hard to do). The spirit of the visits to the churches is keeping vigil in the Garden of Gethsemani while Jesus prayed before His arrest. Matthew 26:36 "Then Jesus came with them into a country place which is called Gethsemani; and he said to his disciples: Sit you here, till I go yonder and pray."

The tradition of visiting seven churches on Holy Thursday is an ancient practice, probably originating in Rome, where early pilgrims visited the seven pilgrim churches as penance. They are Saint John Lateran, Saint Peter, Saint Mary Major, Saint Paul-outside-the-Walls, Saint Lawrence Outside the Walls, Holy Cross-in-Jerusalem, and traditionally Saint Sebastian Outside the Walls. Pope John Paul II replaced St. Sebastian with the Sanctuary of the Madonna of Divine Love for the jubilee year of 2000.

Jesus said: “My people, I used Judas’ betrayal for My purpose in offering My life for sinners, but this shows you man’s weaknesses in betrayal and how ruthless some people are just to obtain money for their evil deeds. Sometimes your friends may betray you for various reasons. Then you will know how I was hurt by Judas and even how I am offended by your sins as well. You need to be able to forgive those who have harmed you and be loving even of your enemies. Encourage love and peace in your own families with family prayer where possible. I do everything out of love for you, and you could do everything out of love for Me in return for My gifts of grace and life.”

Mary said: “My dear children, I thank you for all of your intentions and your rosaries as I have asked you to pray. You are blessed to have My Son’s Real Presence before you in your holy hour. I want to ask you to pray my Angelus prayers during the appropriate hours because this honors My Annunciation feast that you are honoring today. I treasured the years while I was bringing up My Son, but I was heart broken to have to see Him scourged and crucified. I know this was necessary for salvation, but losing your son is very difficult. I know you all have sufferings, so send your intentions to me and I will give them to My Son.”


Friday, March 26, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, as you see in this vision, do not focus only on rushing around to do the worldly things that please you without forgetting why you are doing these things. Your life should have spiritual meaning in your actions and not just worldly reasons to please the body. How can I be Master of your life, and how can you reduce your worldly desires for perfection if you allow your body to dictate all of your actions? If you are busy doing your own personal mission, you are not allowing Me time to accomplish My mission for your life. You have physical needs to eat, sleep, and earn your way of living, but you also have spiritual needs which also need attention to feed your soul. You are a whole person of body and soul, so do not let your body run your whole life without including Me in your plans. I desire that you would do things out of love for Me, and for what is best for your soul. Remember when you die and leave this world, the body stays behind and rots away, while your soul lives on for all eternity. It is the destination of your soul to heaven that should be more important than just pleasing the body’s senses. So be more focused on spiritual things that will last, than on worldly things that are gone tomorrow. Focus more on your prayer life and love of God and neighbor, even while you are doing your earthly necessities.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before that you are witnessing a battle between good and evil. For the most part this has been a spiritual battle, but soon you will see this as even a physical battle as you see more dissatisfaction of your people with the one world controlled government. Under the guise of a financial meltdown, your government has spent trillions of taxpayer dollars to bail out Wall Street and the banks. The government has taken over some banks, Wall Street institutions as your house mortgage companies, car companies, and now your health industry. You are advancing from socialism to near communist tactics when you have no other option but your government control. Every piece of legislation has been pushed through your Congress either with or without public support. If those in power continue, there will not be one part of your life that is not under their control. You are looking at the dismantling of your American Republic into a loss of all of your rights. This trend will culminate into a North American Union takeover where there will be no more real elections and no more individual rights. At that point you will need to leave for your refuges, as this evil lot will be seeking to kill all Christians. This will soon begin the tribulation of the Antichrist which will then bring about My return to defeat the evil ones and cast them into hell. Then once I renew the earth, you will be brought into My Era of Peace with no more evil against you. Endure this brief trial of evil now because My reign is near. Call on Me and My angels to protect you at My refuges.”


Saturday, March 27, 2010: (Robert Morris Funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, there are many souls that live through life handicapped in some way. As the priest said, they are ‘innocent’ and not as accountable for their behavior. I protect them in a special way from the devil’s temptations. Even despite their limitations, they are still living and loving souls that you need to respect their lives. These soul bodies, that are in these shells of physical bodies, are frustrated that they cannot fully express themselves. I love everyone of these souls as I love everyone, but these are like little children to Me that I also watch over with a special love. They are victims of disease, wars, or birth defects where there is no blame for their condition. Now I will give you over to Bobby.”

Bobby said: “You all know how much I love you when I was in my body. I am now free of my restrictions and it is beautiful to see Jesus and Mary again. I want to thank all of my family and especially Marilyn and Joanne for all that you cared for me in life. You went out of your way to make my life as comfortable as possible under difficult circumstances. I was limited in what I could do, but I was not limited in expressing my love to everyone. I enjoyed being with people and being accepted by people into their lives. I will be praying for all of you, and please keep a picture of me in plain sight so you can remember to pray to me as a prayer intercessor because Jesus listens to His little ones.”

(Palm Sunday Mass-Camille’s intention) Camille said: “I was happy to see Lydia and the rest of you at my Mass intention. I already mentioned how I was thankful for all the Masses that were able to bring me to heaven sooner. I remembered the Palm Sunday services that I went to years ago, but everything then was in Latin. The music at the Mass was beautiful, but I must admit that the heavenly music is much better. You heard from Jeanette how I have been busy down at her house too, so she did not feel left out. (He turned off the lights and turned on the fan) I am always looking to help souls get to heaven, as you know this is my new mission. Say hello to Babe, Vic, Sharon, and Carol, and tell them how much I love them.”


Sunday, March 28, 2010: (Palm Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, as you read My Passion, you can see all of the injustices that were caused by the religious leaders and how they stirred up the people to crucify Me. They claimed that I was a blasphemer because they did not want to believe that I truly was the Son of God. They could not understand My Incarnation as a man and they did not want someone upsetting their years of authority. Some believed in Me, but for many years the Romans killed the Christians. In that time it was difficult to hide and profess your belief in Me, even as most of My apostles were martyred. In this vision you walk through the biblical account of My suffering which you will hear again during Holy Week. You will witness My condemnation, see My scourging, walk with Me to Calvary, see Me stripped of My clothes and nailed to the cross, then you will agonize over My death on the cross. All of this suffering and mistreatment from man I put up with as a ransom for all of mankind’s sins from Adam’s sin up to when I come again. It is hard for you to fully appreciate how much I love all of you until you can understand how much I suffered at the hands of the Romans. Every time that you read the account of My Passion or the Pieta prayers, then you have a little feeling of what I suffered. When you see the wars, abortions, other killings, and sins of the flesh, you see why I had to suffer so much for all of you. Come to the Holy Week services and relive how I suffered on the cross.”


Monday, March 29, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, the woman who anointed My feet was criticized for using expensive perfume by Judas, but it was most appropriate for My burial as I stated later. There are many people, like Judas, who say one thing, but it is because they have an ulterior motive for money. In this Gospel account it mentions how the Jewish leaders not only wanted to kill Me, but they also wanted to kill Lazarus since too many were believing in Me because I raised Lazarus from the dead. (John 12:10) This is more evidence that they were more threatened with their loss of their authority than they wanted to kill Me because I stated that I was the Son of God. This same threat to their authority could also be seen when they also wanted to guard the tomb so My disciples could not steal My body. This plan was thwarted when I truly arose from the dead and the soldiers were blinded by My light as the rock blocking the entrance fell aside by itself. The same leaders later paid off the soldiers to spread the story that My disciples did carry off My body, and they would protect them if word of their sleeping was found out. My followers have been persecuted and killed to this day because Satan is behind trying to stop My Word from spreading. I call on My faithful to proclaim their faith from the rooftops, and do not be fearful of any restraints or criticism. Another time of persecution is coming when you will need to seek My safety at My refuges. Trust in Me in reaching out to save souls.”

(Camille’s Mass intention) Camille said: “It is hard to believe how many Masses that you had said for me because you are always coming to another one. I am still grateful for all of your efforts on my behalf. It is spring now and I am thinking how you people are going to keep my garden going. It takes plenty of digging, and you need to keep adding organic things to it in order to keep it loose. If you are going to keep the house, it needs grass cutting, and cleaning up the cones and other limbs. I am not there to take care of it myself, so you have to be my arms and legs. I loved that garden, when I was on the earth, as if it was a part of me. I am happy that you all could attend the Mass, and I look forward to talking to all of you. You know how much I liked to talk. I also was grateful that you helped Lydia look into getting some hearing aids.”


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, many talk about the two betrayals of St. Peter and Judas. You know the outcome in the Scriptures that St. Peter was sorry and repented later as sinners come to Me in Confession. Judas did not repent, but out of despair he went out and hanged himself. Each of them approached their betrayal quite differently. In St. Peter’s case his betrayal was not planned, and he denied knowing Me out of fear for his life, even after he said that he would die for Me. Judas’

betrayal was much more serious because he premeditated his crime with the Jewish leaders and even took thirty pieces of silver in payment. I also allowed Satan to enter Judas’ heart to carry out the betrayal which is why he did not repent. Instead the devil tempted him with despair and urged him to commit suicide. In that way Judas was not allowed to repent, but he was led by the devil to his death without love for Me. The outcomes of these betrayals were different because of their motives and a different level of temptation in their deeds. Protect yourselves from Satan’s attacks with blessed sacramentals and the use of My sacraments so you can remain strong, even despite your failures. I give you Confession to repent of your sins when you fail, but remember to avoid your sins so you do not offend Me in your actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a tax form is in the context of how ‘death and taxes’ are always present and people can be sure about them. All governments need money to operate, so taxing is always with you at all levels of government. All humans have to die as a consequence of Adam’s original sin. This fact about death of the body is very real, but some people live as if this life is going on forever. The soul lives on forever because it is immortal. If this earthly life is passing away, then the soul’s eternal destination should be of most concern for everyone. A true Christian should have a pure soul with frequent Confession so that soul is not afraid to die, but is confident in My judgment. A soul can be dead to Me in mortal sin, and it is this case that you need to seek Confession to be cleansed and have My grace restored. By keeping free of mortal sin, your soul is always alive in My grace and love. So even though you know that you are going to die one day, you can be prepared for My judgment by remaining in the state of grace at all times.”


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, you know that at the Last Supper I instituted My Holy Eucharist at the first Mass. (Matt.26:26-28) ‘And while they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and blessed and broke it, and gave it to His disciples, and said: ‘Take and eat; this is My Body.’ And taking a cup, He gave thanks and gave it to them, saying: ‘All of you drink of this; for this is My Blood of the New Covenant, which is being shed for many unto the forgiveness of sins.’ This was the first time that My apostles received Me in Holy Communion, and they would repeat these words at every Mass as they consecrated the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. In the Gospel accounts it is not made clear exactly when Judas left to bring those who would arrest Me. In Matthew and Mark’s Gospel this betrayal is before I blessed the bread and wine. In John’s Gospel Judas left immediately after I gave him some bread from the dish. In Luke’s Gospel the betrayal is after the blessing. Satan was already in Judas’ heart, so I did not allow My Presence to enter an unclean soul. I also have warned My faithful not to receive Holy Communion with mortal sin on their souls, so they do not commit a sin of sacrilege against My Eucharist. Rejoice that I am with you always in My consecrated Hosts in My tabernacle.”

Jesus said: “My people, man is always exploring new worlds of science dealing with particle research, fusion research, and DNA manipulations. Some of these experiments can create dangerous radiation or new animals and plants that were not in My creation. Fusion is an attempt to gain more energy out of a plasma than what was put in, but this technology is very difficult to contain or store the energy produced. Particle smashing at high speeds could create new particles or antimatter that could affect people’s health. Man is already making too many new hybrids of plants by changing the DNA. It is not known to you how the body will be affected by eating these genetically altered crops. The same is true for animals that man eats when their DNA is changed. Even cloning and making body parts with stem cells is delving into areas that are abusing My creation. It is not a matter of being able to use these technologies, but it is a decision if it is the right thing to be doing, which is questionable at best. It would be better for man to use the original creations that were found in nature than creating things that could change the balance of nature. I made everything perfect from the beginning, so how can man in his ignorance think he can improve on My perfection? It is the changes in your food and your environment that are causing more diseases. Stop manipulating My creation beyond what it should remain, or I will have to intervene before things get too far out of control.”


Thursday, April 1, 2010: (Holy Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I washed the feet of My disciples as an example of how they were to serve others. I came to serve and not to be served. I also told My disciples that the one who desires to be first, must be the one who serves the rest. This is also an example for all of My faithful that you are to serve Me in the needs of your neighbor. This Last Supper was the night that I instituted My Eucharist, as you repeat this at every Mass. Before I died, I left you with My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts that are in My tabernacle. It is one of your customs or traditions to visit three or more churches. Some have suggested that it is like praying with Me one hour in the Garden. Rejoice in this service that is centered around Me in My Blessed Sacrament. Thank you for visiting My tabernacles this night to adore Me and give Me thanks.”


Friday, April 2, 2010: (Good Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I love you as you saw that I gave up My life for all of you. In the vision you saw My compassionate face that knows your problems and My angels are watching over you. Pray to Me and I will be there by your side to answer your prayers. How I could redeem all souls from their sins is a mystery to explain. Because of Adam’s sin, all human souls have inherited original sin except Me and My Blessed Mother. Now because of My sacrificial death, all souls can receive My redemption if you repent of your sins and make Me Master of your lives. This vision of light is an attempt to show you how all souls: living, dead, and to come, are all ransomed from your sins all at once, as outside of time. Now, as you inherited original sin by one man, Adam, so you are inheriting My payment for your sins by one man, Jesus. The gates of heaven have been opened, and all those, who are worthy after cleansing, can now enter My heavenly Banquet.”


Saturday, April 3, 2010: (Easter Vigil)

Jesus said: “My people, even though I told My apostles several times that I must die and rise on the third day, they did not comprehend My words as possible or maybe even forgot them. So when they heard of My Resurrection from the women, they still did not believe them. It was only once St. Peter and St. John went to the tomb to verify the story that some believed. Then they finally remembered My words that I would rise on the third day. I met with My apostles several times so they could see that I truly resurrected and that I was flesh and blood when I ate with them. I was not a ghost. At some of My appearances at the tomb and on the road to Emmaus, My disciples did not recognize Me until I called their name or broke bread with them. This was because I now was in My glorified Body, even though I still showed them My wounds in My hands, feet, and My side. Rejoice in My Resurrection because I have promised My faithful that one day they also would be resurrected body and soul in heaven.”


Sunday, April 4, 2010: (Easter Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, you know about the Shroud of Turin, but no one can explain the image that is miraculously imprinted on the shroud. Once I resurrected there was a burst of energy that slightly singed the cloth as I left you with the details of My suffering on the cross. This is a glorious moment when I defeated sin and even death itself. I took a seeming defeat in My death and turned it into a victory in the salvation of everyone, as you are all redeemed by My Blood sacrifice. This Resurrection and Life are celebrated at every sacrifice of the Mass. Even though My disciples took time to believe and understand what it meant to rise from the dead, they too, gradually came to be joyous at My Resurrection. Every year that you celebrate this feast, you also can be joyful that I have defeated Satan, death and sin. In My death and Resurrection I have given all of My faithful hope in your after life, as your soul lives on forever and you will later be rejoined with your body. This is cause for all of you to believe and evangelize souls so they can be saved and enjoy My love relationship with their souls.”


Monday, April 5, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, this Easter experience in the vision is showing you that this is a transition from the sadness of My passion and death into the joy and happiness of My victory over sin and death with My Resurrection. As you see the beautiful spring flowers and people dressed for Easter, there is an expression of new life both in nature and in your souls. You have made your self-denial devotions in fasting during Lent, and now you are freed from these obligations as I freed everyone from their sins. Come to Me and I will forgive you of your sins because I have already paid the ransom for your souls. Once you accept My invitation to Confession, then you will be freed of the bonds of your sins. I love all of you so very much, and I desire that all of you could come to heaven. This Easter spirit should lift up your souls in My graces so you can shout from the rooftops in celebration of your salvation and your belief in your future resurrection. This is a hope in faith that all of My believers should revel in all of your life, and not just on Easter. Rejoice in this celebration of life both physically and spiritually.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see someone working at a good job later in life, it is hard to imagine how that person had to get just the right breaks to succeed. Those, who have rich parents, have it a lot easier to afford a good college education. Those, who come from an average family, have it a little harder to save and take out loans to get through school. Those, who come from a family at a poverty level, require much more will power, or certain breaks like grants or scholarships to make it through. Money is not everything, but some is needed for survival of the family with a good wage earner. With love, courage, and faith in Me, all things are possible, and you need to rely on Me for everything in life. I also should be the one that you come to for discernment in every big decision in your life. Every child should be able to dream what they want, and have someone help them to achieve that dream. This is why parents are responsible for the physical and spiritual well being of their children. When you make Me the center of your life, then I can use you to help others and fulfill the mission that I have for your life. Give your will over to Me so I can have you accomplish this mission. You may not grow up to be rich in this world’s goods, but if you allow Me to lead you, you will definitely be rich in your spiritual treasure that I store up for you in heaven. I see the intentions in your heart to do good, so let Me into your life, and you will always be successful in My eyes, especially in your evangelical attempts to save souls. Love Me and your neighbor as you serve Me, and your reward will be great in heaven.”


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, after My Resurrection some of My disciples did not recognize Me at first because they knew that I had died, and they did not expect to see Me again. As yet they still did not understand what rising from the dead meant. They knew My Body was not in the tomb, but they did not know that I was going to appear to them in the flesh, even with My five wounds. It was not until I called Mary’s name that she recognized Me. Even My disciples did not believe the women when they gave My disciples My words at the tomb. Instead they had to see for themselves that My Body was gone, and My wrappings were still in the tomb. Once they realized that I truly rose from the dead, they were incredulous with joy. They also were reminded that My words of rising again on the third day had been fulfilled. Not only was this a joy for My disciples, but it is still a joy for My faithful of today. My Easter Gospels are filled with joy and expectation of My return one day. Later, My disciples had to return to their evangelization work and not just dwell on waiting for My return. Even today you are still awaiting My return, but you must continue your individual missions until it is time to go to My refuges. You also are rejoicing in My Resurrection because you all are promised to be resurrected after death on the last day.”

Jesus said: “My people, for years I have warned you about not taking any chips in the body, even before smart cards and Verichips in the body were proposed. I have also given many messages that when your authorities make it mandatory to have chips placed in your body, then it will be an indicator of time to leave for your refuges. You have chips being placed in your passports and now in your new driver’s licenses. I have also said that if these authorities can mandate chips in your documents, then they can mandate chips in your body. DO NOT TAKE ANY CHIPS IN YOUR BODIES UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, EVEN IF THESE EVIL ONES THREATEN TO KILL YOU. Chips implanted into the body can control your mind and your free will with voices of suggestion that will make you like a robot. The reason that I am emphasizing not to take chips in the body is because people have quoted sections from your new Health Law that will demand implanted chips in your body to obtain any medical services. This action is very serious and it is why the one world people have done everything possible to pass this evil law. This is not about giving insurance to the poor, but it is about total control over your bodies, which the one world people have desired for many years. Once this law is implemented and these chips are mandatory in the body, it will be time for you to go to My refuges. You are seeing a takeover implemented by your President which is what I told you he would do when he was elected. Seeing how close your refuge time is, also shows you how close My Warning is and the coming tribulation. Get your things prepared to leave your homes, and My refuge owners need to get their places ready to receive you. Pray to Me for guidance and help when I will tell you that it is time to leave.”


Wednesday, April 7, 2010: (Camille’s Mass intention,Carol’s father)

Camille said: “Happy Easter, I missed you all at your Sunday dinner. I must say that all of heaven is in celebration mode more than normal, as you celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. This life after death is more than I ever expected, and there truly is a promise that one day we will see each other with our bodies. I want to thank you all for picking up the yard and taking care of your mother. I miss you all at our family gatherings, but I am praying for all of you in heaven. I can’t stop thanking you for all of these Masses for me. You don’t know how much I am grateful to God and to all of you that enabled me to be here. This is why I have a lot of payback for my blessings. I will not forget all of your kindnesses to me. I love you all and tell Babe how much I still love her.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some major earthquakes in Haiti, Chili, and now in the Bahaj of Mexico in a relatively short space of time. It appears that there is a trend of earthquakes going up the West coast from the south going north along the Pacific Rim. I have shown you earthquakes in San Francisco changing the geography of that area. You can see when an earthquake occurs in a populated area that the death toll can go quiet high. Construction of the buildings can have an effect on the outcome, but if the earthquake is severe enough, it can knock over buildings in large cities. Pray for the people who are still suffering from the latest earthquakes, and also for any people in future quakes. Avoid living in earthquake prone fault areas in order to avoid being involved in such disasters. Volcanoes in this area along the coast is another area to avoid living where people could die of fire, ash, and explosions. These kinds of disasters are occurring more frequently, even as I warned you of such happenings.”


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, My angels and saints are always singing My praises, but now that you are in My Easter celebration, the angels are blowing their trumpets with extra vigor. Today’s first reading shows St. Peter witnessing the power of My Name in healing the lame beggar. (Acts 3:1-11) He also witnessed how My crucifixion and death were followed by My Resurrection from the dead on the third day. Some, who doubted at first, were now becoming believers with the apparent miracles. In the Gospel also I appeared to the apostles to show them My real Body that I was not a ghost. They could see My wounds and that I ate the baked fish in front of them. They were astounded that I could appear through the walls without entering through the door. Yet I manifested Myself to them in My glorified Body. I did not stay with them long, but I made several appearances to encourage My apostles that I truly had risen from the dead. I also wanted to inspire them to preach about My Resurrection, and that I would bestow the Holy Spirit’s power among them in the days to come. My apostles were hoping that I would come back to stay with them, but they soon realized that I was preparing them for My final departure. Rejoice in this Easter Season because you are My Easter people who also need to share your faith with everyone.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, My disciples feared for their lives and only St. John was at the foot of the cross comforting My Blessed Mother. The other women were there and they were the first to come to My tomb. They were surprised to see My Body gone and Mary Magdalene was rewarded with being the first to see My resurrected Body. I want My faithful to have courage also in not being afraid to witness your faith in Me to others.”

Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter at first denied Me three times, but later he and St. John were not afraid to witness that it was through My Name that the lame beggar was healed. In a later incident they were brought to trial and reprimanded with a beating

for speaking out about Me in My healing power. They were rejoicing that they were worthy to suffer for My Name’s sake. Many people have died for their faith, and they were courageous to be martyred as witnesses to My death and Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that there is no greater love for another that you could show, than to die for that friend. This is what I have done in dying to pay the ransom for everyone’s sins, so you can see My deep love for all of you. St. Maximillian Kolbe was a German prisoner and a priest, but he gave up his life so another prisoner with a family could live. This is not an easy sacrifice for anyone to make, but this saint demonstrated a similar love for his fellow man. Love one another as I love you.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the first few hundred years after My death, many of My followers who were ‘Christians’ suffered persecution and even were martyred for My Name’s sake. All of My apostles, but St. John, were executed for not giving up their belief in Me. The Romans were ruthless in killing the Early Christians in many cruel killings. Even today in communist countries, some Christians risk their lives in secret in order to keep their faith. You are not as threatened in America right now, so take the opportunity to evangelize souls while you can. Soon you will see increasing persecution of My faithful when your lives will be in danger to speak out about Me in public. Trust in My protection and do not be afraid to try and save souls from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know of this local story when a priest and nun made an attempt to rescue My Blessed Hosts from a burning church. They gave up their lives also as martyrs in a way to try to keep the flames from consuming My Eucharist. You see these heroic acts that people have made throughout history on My behalf because of their great love for Me. Please honor all of the saints who were martyred for their faith. They would rather give up their lives than deny their faith in Me.”

Note. On Feb 20, 1967, the Rev. George Weinmann and Sister Lilian McLaughlin gave their very lives attempting to remove the Blessed Sacrament from a fire at St. Philip Neri Church in Rochester, N.Y. The late Archbishop Fulton Sheen, then stationed at Sacred Heart, referred to them as martyrs for their heroic effort.

Jesus said: “My people, nearly half of the babies, that are conceived, are killed in the womb and were never allowed to fulfill their mission in life. Abortions are the worst abuses of your children that you could perform. Why are you killing your own flesh and blood just out of convenience or embarrassment? These lives deserve a chance to survive and you are denying My plans for these lives by murdering them before they can be born. These souls are My little innocent martyrs, killed by their own mothers. There is a price to pay for taking these little lives. I can forgive sins in Confession, but woe to those who commit such crimes and do not seek repentance for their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people in non-Christian countries that were imprisoned and tortured for their faith, but they were not martyred. These faithful suffered a long enduring ‘dry’ martyrdom for not giving up their faith. Many who lived behind the Iron Curtain had to suffer this persecution. Even your deceased friend Josyp Terelya suffered imprisonment as an example of a ‘dry’ martyr for the faith. Pray that all of My faithful will be strong in the coming tribulation so you would rather die than give up your faith.”


Friday, April 9, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, whenever I was with My disciples fishing, they always had a large catch of fish, even after they had fished and had caught nothing. My disciples went back to their old profession, and they needed My inspiration to have more dedication to carrying on My mission of fishing for souls instead of fish. My appearances after My death did encourage them and gave them hope. After I was killed, they were still fearful at times to speak out. As the Holy Spirit gave them courage, they were more outspoken as with the crippled man that they healed in My Name. They did not have it easy because of the persecution from the Romans and the Jewish leaders. Even My faithful of today can take a lesson from these readings in that you need to trust in Me to help you through life. When you pray for My help, you will see how I lighten your burdens and give you peace. Focus on letting Me lead your life, and you will be accomplishing more beautiful things for My glory.”


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, in My Early Church you can see how much My disciples had to struggle to spread My Word because the devil’s forces were against them all of the time. I promised St. Peter that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church, so there will always be a faithful remnant to survive in every age. This vision of older churches represents the deep roots of Catholicism all over the world, but many churches are becoming museums and are being closed because of low attendance and lukewarm faith. These are increasing signs of the end times when I asked if I will find any faith when I return. Now in the spring you are seeing new growth in the grass, the trees, and the flowers. This Easter Season should be your inspiration to reach out like My apostles to evangelize souls in the faith. Wake up the lukewarm to return to their former fervor to save their souls. Many have fallen asleep in their spiritual lives, and they need to be awakened before the Antichrist and his minions can sift them like wheat. If you are so weak in the faith in the ‘green’ time without persecution, what are you going to do in the ‘dry’ of the tribulation time? Be strong and share your faith with everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am going to compare what you receive in your mailbox with the actions of your heart and soul. Throughout your life you may have received acceptance letters to high schools, colleges, grad schools, and places of employment. In your own life you received letters from your future wife that were heart warming. You also conduct your financial needs and bills through the mail. There are many more things that come in the mail that you buy and look forward to opening. There is one similarity between your mailbox and your heart and that is they both need to be opened to know the contents. I am speaking of how you open your heart to Me and also how the intentions of your heart lead to your actions. This is how I judge your actions from the heart. When you pray from the heart, you add a special fervor to your intentions that you are praying for. The open heart is also how you form love relationships at various levels. You have a higher spiritual love in loving Me with all of your heart, mind, and soul. You love your spouse with a more intimate love than you love your family or your friends. The heart is much more personal than an object such as a mailbox, but there are some interesting similarities in how your lives are affected by each. Every time that you pray to Me, you are sending Me a spiritual love letter which I am always eager to hear.”


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, some people have to see things for themselves to believe something. Even My apostles did not at first want to believe the women at the tomb or the disciples on the road to Emmaus that I had resurrected. So when St. Thomas did not see Me the first time, this human need to examine My appearance was still causing his doubt. Once I appeared when St. Thomas was there, this is why I wanted him to feel My wounds so he could see that I was flesh and blood. Then I emphasized it to St. Thomas to believe in My Resurrection and take away his doubt. This account in the Scriptures is also more proof to any non-believers that truly I died and was resurrected from the dead. This victory over sin and death should be the core of your faith to believe in My words that I truly am the Son of God incarnated as a man. I said to My apostles: ‘You have believed because you have seen Me, but blessed are those who have not seen Me, and yet they still believe that I was resurrected.’ This is why it is important for My faithful to evangelize souls, so others can hear and believe in Me, and they can have eternal life in heaven and be saved from hell.”

(Divine Mercy Sunday) Jesus said: “My people, you have prepared for this day of Mercy Sunday by your Novena of prayers, your Divine Mercy chaplet at 3:00 p.m., your Confession, and your Mass and Holy Communion. By following this instruction of St. Faustina, you can have the reparation due for your sins forgiven and My mercy free you of this burden. Look upon My Divine Mercy Image as you pray your chaplet and My graces and mercy will fall upon you. This vision of My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance is another source of My graces and My mercy as the rays are shining forth from My consecrated Host. My gift of My Real Presence is a comfort to My people wherever you visit Me in Adoration either in My monstrance or in My tabernacle. Rejoice in My Easter celebration and in giving Me praise and glory in My Eucharist.”


Monday, April 12, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, at times life requires you to struggle and work hard to make a living. At other times you are overwhelmed by so much to do, that it may seem hard to accomplish what is expected of you. In life and in your spiritual life you need to have a purpose and a direction for what you are to do. This is when you need to come to Me in prayer so I can calm you down and focus you more on what I want you to accomplish than on the earthly desires that you want to do. Once you have the grace of the Holy Spirit directing you, it will be like the apostles and how they were inspired by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Put aside any lazy feelings and be ready to get down to some meaningful work. Put your mind and body in motion, and by My grace you will accomplish great works for My glory. When you do things out of love for Me and your neighbor, great things can happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, many countries are looking for cheap energy that does not require burning fossil fuels or natural gas. Some are exploring wind turbines and more efficient solar panels or mirrors. It is more efficient to use dropping water for powering turbines, but there also could be some use in moving water or places with high tides. Some investigation would be needed to see what return could be had for such power, but it would be a continuous free source of movement that could be harnessed. Renewable energy sources from plants and trees would be better than burning oil and coal for the long term. Any oil or ethanol production from plants should not be using food as the actual corn or grains. Such things could be made from organic wastes or the left overs from harvests. There are many sources of energy that man could make profitable with a reasonable amount of research and investment. By using such means for energy, you could lessen your reliance on foreign fuels. This could also help poor nations survive as well.”


Tuesday, April 13, 2010: (St. Martin)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I was explaining what ‘born again’ or ‘born from above’ meant to Nicodemus. (John 3:3-16) At Baptism you are joined in faith with My believers, but normally as an infant you have godparents speak for you. At some time in your life you must realize that you cannot do everything on your own, but you can only succeed with My help. This is when you need to make a full commitment to loving Me and let Me be the Master over your life. This loving faith commitment is when you establish a love relationship with Me every day in your prayers. The vision of Moses lifting up the bronze serpent is similar to My being lifted up on the cross as a blood sacrifice for all of your sins. Now, you can look upon Me and be healed spiritually when you ask My forgiveness of your sins. These are the two requirements for entering into heaven-be sorry for your sins in repentance, and to accept Me as Master over your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, the collapse of this train trestle represents the breakdown of America. Little by little the powers of the Congress are being usurped by the President and His Cabinet and Czars. Even the rights of the states and the individual freedoms are being taken away. But it is the flood of deficit spending that is caused by your wars and uncontrolled entitlements that are bringing your country’s finances closer to bankruptcy. This latest Health Care spending Law could be the last straw to run your deficits beyond its financing. As foreign countries pull back on buying more of your Treasury Notes, it will be harder to find buyers of your bonds and the interest rates will be forced higher. Your current interest rates are being held at near zero which are supporting your banks and corporations, but are keeping your savers from making a fair return. With the people having high unemployment and less taxes coming in, you cannot support wars and high entitlements at the same time. This coming bankruptcy of America is a result of your greed and your sins of abortion. It is a part of a plan by the one world people to take over your country and make it a part of the North American Union. As this takeover is brought about, you will be called to seek My refuges for food and protection. Pray that all of your family members can be joined together after the Warning, so their souls can be saved.”


Wednesday, April 14, 2010: (Lynn Holt’s Funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, around Easter time it is appropriate that the family chose the Gospel Reading of My walk to Emmaus with My disciples. (Luke 24:13-35) This was one of My first appearances after seeing Mary at the tomb. I explained the Scriptures to My disciples so they understood why I had to suffer to bring salvation to everyone. It is also appropriate to be talking about My Resurrection since after death, all of My faithful are promised to be with Me in heaven, and at the final judgment, My faithful will be resurrected with their bodies. It is interesting that Lynn loved fishing so much because many of My apostles were fishermen. Even in the vision I was walking with Lynn and sharing some of My fish stories with him. Of course My stories were more about miraculous catches and the multiplication of the fish and the bread. We were also on a walk to heaven instead of to Emmaus. Lynn suffered his purgatory here on earth in his last few years. He is watching out for his family, and he will be praying for all of them out of love for them.”


Wednesday, April 14, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of people waiting for a subway ride represents the time needed to get out of purgatory. Depending on the destination and how frequently the trains run, the time of waiting could be either short or long. The amount of prayers and Masses said for someone could also shorten this time. You just had your opportunity to have all of your sins forgiven by My Divine Mercy devotion which is like a plenary indulgence which removes reparation due for your sins. If you do your Divine Mercy devotion every year, you will have a shorter time in purgatory than if you did not do this devotion. Have mercy on the souls in purgatory by praying for them and having Masses said for them. Especially remember to pray for your own family members who still may be in purgatory. Those, who are in purgatory and are receiving your prayers, can pray for you in return. You will rejoice once you have been purified enough to come to heaven. This is your desire to be with Me forever in heaven.”


Thursday, April 15, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, as spring sends forth new life in all of the beautiful flowers, so there is also new life coming to you in the glory of My Easter celebration. In the spring you are happy to see the warmer temperatures to replace the cold, and the blossoming trees and flowers to replace the dull look of dormant vegetation. There is a beauty in the spiritual world as well, as you see My sun shining down My heavenly graces on everyone. In the Gospel it speaks of how I do not ration My blessings, but I give them freely because of My unconditional love for all souls. This is why I want all souls to open their hearts to Me, so I can enter and share My love with you. In the first reading St. Peter is brave in speaking out to his persecutors in the Sanhedrin because they were trying to prevent him from speaking out in My Name. St. Peter said he would rather obey God in witnessing to My Resurrection than obey these men in keeping quiet. So it is with My faithful of today that you would rather obey God in evangelizing souls than listen to all of the political correctness of those led by Satan. Keep your faith alive and vibrant, and do not fall victim to becoming lukewarm in your love for Me.”

Prayer group:

Jesus said: “My people, just as you use handrails to guide you safely down the stairs, so My angels will lead you with a flame of fire to the nearest refuge. On the way to My refuge the angels will also make you invisible to those who will be searching for you. Your guardian angels have charge over watching out for your soul, and they will be leading you to a safe haven during the tribulation time. When I warn you that it is time to leave, pack up your short list of things to carry, and be prepared to leave your homes. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you.”

Jesus said: “My people, as I told you before, events will be occurring one after another even as I speak. Major earthquakes are occurring in Haiti, Chile, Indonesia, Baja, Mexico, and now in China with many deaths from these disasters. Two volcanic eruptions have occurred in Iceland and the volcanic particles are causing many airports to close, since the planes would be risking jet engine damage. This closure could last for weeks. See these incidents as continuing signs of the end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people are concerned about the new changes that will be implemented in this new Health Law. The reading of the law is showing up problems that were not made clear before the final vote was taken. Politicians are very quiet, but the opposition is growing daily. Implementing a chip in the body for having the public option Health Plan is the beginning move to control people’s minds without them knowing the dangers. I have given many messages warning everyone not to take chips in the body, even if they threaten to kill you if you refuse. Even if you have to go without Health care or you cannot buy and sell, do not take this chip in the body because this will be your time to leave for My refuge where you will be healed by looking on My luminous cross or drinking from the healing spring water.”

Jesus said: “My people, this new ID Health chip will be used to buy and sell later, making it required to board planes and other means of travel just as you use your driver’s license today. Chips are not needed for buying and selling, or acquiring Health care, but this is the one world people’s plan to control your minds like robots so you can become their slaves. Mandatory chips in the body are the next logical step after the authorities have demanded chips in your driver’s license and chips in your passport. I told you before when chips in the body become mandatory, this is one of the conditions that you will then need to leave your homes and follow My angels to the nearest refuge. Do not fear because I will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, many groups are starting to complain that current spending plans are creating more debt than your people can afford. Once people realize that high debt levels threaten your currency and possible bankruptcy, then there will be an outcry to balance the budget with controls on spending and reasonable tax levels. More taxes are not the answer, but your government needs to live within its means as your states are forced to do. When the viability of entitlement funding is threatened, then cutbacks will be necessary across all spending. This could create riots and physical protests that could threaten a military takeover. Pray for some proper compromises that will stop your bankruptcy.”

Jesus said: “My people, many are hurting from unemployment and the possibility that these funds will not last much longer. It is impossible to keep mounting more debts so people can get paid for not working. Many states are going bankrupt because employers are not supporting unemployment insurance. The economy is improving, but jobs are still a problem. Employers would be better off hiring more workers to do actual work than paying people not to work. When states run out of money, you will see cuts especially in the schools and other payments. Pray for a solution to your current financial dilemma.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard for people to find a compromise solution for all of your problems. This is why you need to call on My help to find the best use of what finances are available. It is hard for some to shoulder all the hardships of living while others are living an expensive lifestyle. Pray that clear heads will prevail over special interests so the general people can make a living. I feel the pain of those who are hurting, and those who are well off could help the people in hard times.”


Friday, April 16, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of watering the lawn reminds you of the waters of Baptism which are associated with My Easter message. Many people, that are brought into the Church, are baptized at the Easter Vigil. Adam’s sin caused everyone to inherit original sin as a consequence of his disobedience to God. But it was My death on the cross that now gives you Baptism to take away original sin and your actual sins are forgiven in Confession. I paid the price for your sins, and now heaven is open to those who are purified and believe in Me. In the first reading Gamaliel (Acts 5:34-39) prevailed on the Sanhedrin to not kill St. Peter and St. John, but they were flogged as punishment for speaking in My Name. My disciples were rejoicing that they were worthy to suffer for spreading My Gospel message. Even though they were threatened, they still kept preaching My words to the people. This was the beginning of many who would be persecuted and even martyred for speaking in My Name, and not giving up their faith in Me. My faithful also need to be strong in their faith, and stand up for what I taught, even against public pressure. Throughout history I have stood by My Church and the gates of hell have not prevailed against it.”

Jesus said: “My people, not everyone, that I called to make a refuge, has answered My call, but those, who have, are doing a good job. I thank all of My faithful who have said ‘yes’ and are preparing to house the many that I will send to My refuges. Building refuges, storing food, and getting bedding supplies and fuel are not easy to provide. Once My people come to My refuges, My angels will help build any needed dwellings, and they will provide protection and multiply the food and water. Many miracles of My grace will be needed to provide for the needs of the people at My refuges. The luminous cross in the sky will provide healing by looking upon it. The evil one world people will try to kill My faithful, but those at My refuges will be made invisible to them. You will need to endure the trials of the coming tribulation, but be ready to leave for My refuges once I warn you.”


Saturday, April 17, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel from (John 6:16-21) is about My walking on the water to My apostles, but the vision is from (Matt. 14:22-33) which is in more detail of this miracle. There was a storm around My apostles in the boat that made them fearful. When they saw Me walking on the water, they were awed at this sight and even thought that I was a ghost. St. Peter was anxious to greet Me and he also came to Me walking on the water, but when he saw the stormy seas, he became fearful and started sinking into the water. At that point he called on Me to save him and I lifted him into the boat, and I quieted the seas. Once I was in the boat they truly admitted that I was the Son of God, as no mere man could walk on water and calm the seas. This was a faith experience for St. Peter as I asked him why did he falter in his faith because that is when he began sinking. So it is with My faithful when you are amidst troubles that seem impossible to overcome. Call on Me in faith and I will help you to resolve your problems, because nothing is impossible for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you circling things before in your visions to indicate that the message was in reference to the Warning. You were wondering what is different about today’s message. The Warning is a life review that everyone will have outside of time in My normal unchanging time. You will also be outside of your body. You will view all of your life’s actions both good and bad with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins and sins of omission. You can remember back about some of your life’s experiences. The difference in My Warning for you is that you will be viewing every action in a spiritual context of what was right or wrong, and you will have My judgment of it. There will be no doubt that you will know in your mind why any bad action was wrong. Then you will have to accept My judgment of your actions as to where you would go if you were to die just then. Once you realize where your actions are sending you, you could have a new outlook on life when you return to your body. Many will seek to go to Confession and be willing to be converted to faith in Me. My faithful will need to be ready to evangelize as many souls as you can quickly because soon people will forget that this has happened. My Warning is an outreach to all sinners and it is part of My Divine Mercy wish to save every soul possible. I realize some people after the Warning will still refuse to believe in Me, but you must still pray for them and evangelize them the best that you can.”


Sunday, April 18, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I was asking everyone to love Me three times and not just St.Peter. These three times were in answer to the three times that St. Peter denied Me, but how many times have all sinners denied Me in their sins? In a way I was hearing St. Peter’s Confession, even as you pray your Act of Contrition for your sins. So when I asked St. Peter to follow Me in love, I am also asking everyone to follow Me in love as well. If you truly love Me, you should be willing to give Me more of your time to do what I want you to do. In the vision I am showing you that you are carrying a lot of baggage in all of the earthly things that you find desirable. But if you spend most of your time on pleasing your senses and doing your things, then you are not leaving much time for My things which are of greater value for your soul. So I am asking you to look at your everyday life’s activities and see which ones that you could eliminate so you would have more time for prayer and to help others. By doing more things out of love for Me and your neighbor, then you will avoid using your time to only please yourself.”


Monday, April 19, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this dark cloud in the vision is not only about the current volcano erupting in Iceland, but there are even more events coming. With this cloud and any future volcanic eruptions, they could cause a cooling effect on your weather as it blocks the sunlight. Such a temporary trend could cause ice flows to build up instead of any melting. In the immediate area the dust and ash could ruin farms until vegetation returns. I have given you warnings before for the potential volcanoes along the West coast and even Yellowstone that could be triggered by continuing earthquake activity. Many deadly disasters have occurred in the last year and do not be surprised if this activity continues. In recent years you have seen activity in unpopulated regions, but when this activity increases in populated areas, then more deaths will occur and people will take notice. Pray for the victims of these disasters that they will receive enough aid for food and shelter.”

Jesus said: “My people, the latest investigations of some of your hedge fund investment houses has shown fraud that caused the banking failure in the first place. One group established derivatives based on sub-prime loans that had a good chance to fail, while another group from the same investment house took out insurance hedging against its failure without telling the investors. This is why the one world people supported the AIG bailout with billions of taxpayer dollars because they held the insurance to make the hedge funds billions of dollars as the investors lost nearly everything. This shows you that the manipulators on Wall Street were shorting stocks to steal the investors money. The other manipulation is that your government is run by the one world people, and their intention is to spend your country into so much debt that you will become bankrupt so they can take over America. This is occurring with bailouts of the banks, car makers, house mortgages, and now control of the Health industry. Stimulus spending, future bank controls, cap and trade, and VAT taxes are the next spending plans of America into bankruptcy. Your National Debt cannot afford your entitlements, let alone your new spending plans. When you see the one world people plan for a takeover of America, now you see what these evil ones are planning and why spending is purposely out of control. The only way to try and thwart this bankruptcy is to put hard reins on any spending within the limits of your present income. Budgets for your National Government need to be balanced, no matter how many cuts are needed to make it happen, or the one world people will take you over. Barring some miracle of the people revolting, you are headed to be joined into the North American Union with no individual rights. This takeover of America will be another reason to leave for My refuges for protection from these evil ones.”


Tuesday, April 20, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, there is truly a link with the outdoors and the ‘Bread of Life’. It starts with Moses and the Exodus which was outside in the desert. It is on the ground that the Israelites had to collect the manna which was their bread, and they ate the quail at night for meat. Even when I was on the earth, I multiplied the bread and fish outdoors for the 5,000 and the 4,000. It was in the breaking of the bread in Holy Communion that My disciples recognized Me. I am the ‘Bread of Life’ and he who eats My Body and drinks My Blood will have eternal life. At the Last Supper I instituted My Eucharist by changing bread and wine into My Body and Blood. At every Mass you can receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, and this is My gift of Myself to you. In another modern day Exodus at My refuges, you will again receive Me in Holy Communion outside. If you do not have a priest for Mass, My angels will bring you daily Communion so you can be protected and have Me present among you during the tribulation. Rejoice that I will not leave you as orphans.”

Jesus said: “My people, in My Gospels you hear of Me as the ‘Good Shepherd’ who would die for his flock. The hired hand would run off at danger because he did not care for the sheep as I would. Sheep are docile and willing to follow the voice of the shepherd. The goats are more independent and need to be herded more than the sheep. In the Gospel the separation of the sheep from the goats represents the separation of My faithful from the evil ones. (Matt. 25:32-33) When I return to the earth, I will be judging souls based on their actions and how much they loved Me. Keep the faith through all of your trials during the tribulation and you will find your reward in heaven.”


Wednesday, April 21, 2010: (St. Anselm)
Jesus said: “My people, during the Mass you honor My coming down into the bread and wine as it is changed into My Body and Blood by ringing the bells three times. The bells not only alert the people to the Consecration time, but they also celebrate My Real Presence. The same can be said with the bells ringing in the bell tower of the vision. This not only alerts people to the time of Mass, but it is a celebration of My Easter Resurrection and My victory over sin and death. The Resurrection is a key part of your faith in Me because it gives you hope that after this life of sorrows, there is a better life in heaven to be with Me for all eternity. I have shown you before how beautiful and peaceful it is to be in My Presence in heaven. Knowing that this reward awaits you in heaven, this gives you an incentive to do all that you can to know, love, and serve Me on the earth in this life. This means not only following My Commandments out of love, but also doing good deeds for your neighbor whenever I give you the opportunity. You can even seek out ways to help charities with your time and money without being asked. By loving Me and your neighbor, you are preparing to share an eternity of love with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of diesel horns blowing all at once is a sign that something significant is about to happen to your country. It is most likely that it will happen this year. It will be a combination of a bad economy, military problems, and natural disasters. Many of these situations are accidents waiting to happen. Those, who are in control of your country, are misleading you into bad decisions and your sins are getting worse each year. Your sexual sins and abortions are not decreasing, and your punishment for not changing is slowly reaching a point of no return. I have warned you to get stocked up on food, water, and have your backpacks ready to leave for your refuges. This message of refuge readiness will be needed when these coming events will necessitate your leaving so you can be protected at My refuges. You will have to leave in a short time from when I will warn you. Trust in Me to protect you through this time of tribulation.”


Thursday, April 22, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision was a miraculous Baptism for this Ethiopian eunuch. St. Philip explained to him that the passage from Isaiah (Is 53:7) which the eunuch was reading, referred to Me and how I died for everyone’s sins and took away original sin with Baptism. This is why the eunuch requested to be baptized, but after the Baptism, St. Philip disappeared from the eunuch’s eyes. (Acts 8:26-40) The Gospel reading speaks more about Me being the ‘Bread of Life’ in My Eucharist. St. John the Evangelist focuses on My Divinity and on My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. Whoever eats My consecrated Bread will never die spiritually. This is a consolation for My faithful that even if your body dies, your soul lives on forever because it is immortal. Those, who are faithful and repent of their sins, will be with Me forever in heaven.”

Sam’s Mass (a prayer group member): Sam said: “I am thankful that my family and friends were able to be at my Mass intention. I thank those who are praying for me and for your Mass intentions. As a result of this brain cancer experience, I grew closer to God and I thank Jesus for helping me. I am also grateful for inviting me to your prayer group and praying over me. Our Lord is taking care of me without pain, and I am finally at peace.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, I have been telling you about the mandated microchips that will need to be implanted in the body in order for someone to receive any new Health insurance. This chip will become your new National ID that will be needed to fly on planes and eventually for all buying and selling. This chip to be implanted will be a larger GPS chip that will eventually be used to track people by cell towers and by satellite. This is all about controlling your mind and tracking your whereabouts.”

Jesus said: “My people, after your major earthquakes now you are seeing a major volcanic explosion that is still pouring ash into the European airplane routes. For several days planes did not want to risk flying through the ash and small sand particles. The flow into the sky is slowing, but there is still concern that it could trigger a close-by volcano. This is creating a financial loss to the area and it is affecting the farmland. Pray for the people physically and for help to get to their destinations.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is another explosion that has possibly killed some workers and the fire is spreading smoke for miles. As this rig fell into the water, there is a strong chance that oil pollution could present problems to the environment. Pray that this leak could be brought under control. This accident came right as plans were being made for more drilling sites.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you a while back that events would be happening one after another even as you are seeing this prophecy being fulfilled. On top of your natural disasters going on, you are seeing many earth-shaking new legislation coming out of your Congress that continues to strain your National Debt and brings you closer to bankruptcy. Even though some want restraints on spending and taxes, the party in control is pushing for more spending and more taxes. Pray for a compromise so your people can live in peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is some concern that enough weapon’s grade uranium could come into bomb making amounts for terrorist groups. Proliferation of nuclear weapons could intensify strained relations between terrorist groups and the Wester democracies. This could create a potential for a limited nuclear exchange that could threaten the earth’s environment. Pray that such wars could be prevented.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many financial disasters that were created by greed and fraud in your banking system. Attempts to fix such ‘too big to fail’ firms and a consumer regulating group could cause more problems in trying to correct the unregulated derivatives and hedge funds. Fixing the environment is being based on a global warming plan that is scientifically challenged. Cap and trade taxes again could cause more problems with your factories and it adds more government controls. Pray again for what is best for the people and not just for the rich.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Church has been under considerable attack for allowing priests that committed pedophile acts on young boys to go unpunished. Some of these crimes should have been turned over to the police instead of just moving these priests to another area. Unfortunately, laws and circumstances have changed over the years, that have allowed lawyers to make obscene profits. Even though this is a bad situation, My Church is being singled out for attack worse than any other denomination or religion. Pray that these problems can be worked out in a fair way for all parties involved.”


Friday, April 23, 2010: (St. George)
Jesus said: “My people, not everyone has a conversion experience as Saul was changed to St. Paul when he was knocked off of his horse and I spoke to him plainly for everyone to hear. This miraculous conversion was complete with a healing of his temporary blindness. To change a vigorous persecutor of the faith into one of My greatest missionaries of the Gentiles is another sign to you that with Me, all things are possible. Be grateful to God if you have received the gift of faith and you are practicing your belief. In essence everyone, who converts to a belief in Me, is receiving a miracle of faith in their gift. Those, who fully believe in Me and repent of their sins, are promised eternal salvation with Me in heaven. Faith needs to be nourished daily with prayer to Me and if possible with your daily bread in daily Mass and Communion. Faith is not static, but it needs to be active and led by the Holy Spirit to grow. Faith is a love for Me so deep that you want to share it with others by your evangelization efforts. By imitating My life and that of St. Paul, you will be inspired to live a fruitful Christian life of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision I am showing you the power of My Blessed Sacrament when you come to give Me honor and glory in Adoration of My sacramental Presence in My Eucharist. I encourage everyone to come and visit Me whenever you make time for Me in your quiet time of contemplative prayer. You believe in faith that I am truly before you in My Real Presence. When you need to determine My discernment of what you should be doing, make a point to come before My Blessed Sacrament, and I will show you the way that is best for your soul. This is how I lead you by encouraging you to imitate My life of peace and humility. If you have Me with you, then who could be against you? I give you the strength to accomplish your mission in your daily activities. Call on Me in your morning prayers to guide you, and call on Me in your evening prayers to contemplate on what you have done for the day. By meditating on the day’s activities, you can see any errors in your actions and learn from your mistakes. Be willing to accept any correction that you need in your life to perfect your ways which will bring you closer to Me. I love all of you, and I want to keep you on the right path to heaven. By a prayerful life and the use of My sacraments, you can be directed in a holy life to love Me and your neighbor in all of your actions. Go and evangelize souls by sharing your faith and love of Me.”

Regarding if St. Edward’s is a refuge: Jesus said: “My people, I do not force Myself on anyone, so if someone truly discerns in prayer that they wish to have a refuge, then I will accommodate that person in their ‘yes’ to this work. On a church property this land has already been consecrated. All refuges eventually need to have an independent source of water, whether it be a well, a pond, or other body of water. If there is no such source, I will have My angels produce a water flow just as at Lourdes, France. There should be some buildings for shelter that could be multiplied later for people to stay. There also should be some storage of food supplies that could also later be multiplied. I will bring deer to the refuge for meat and My angels will lead people to this refuge. Over all refuges I will place My luminous cross for people to be healed by looking on it. As My chosen ones lead My people, there will be many gifts of healing bestowed on them in the end days. Trust in My angels helping anyone who agrees to have one of My refuges. I thank and bless all of them.”


Saturday, April 24, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, My love is overflowing as in the vision where you are seeing how I bless you with My Body and Blood. My saving Blood flows over everyone. It is you who need to believe in My Real Presence and receive Me in Holy Communion without mortal sin. My disciples had difficulty in understanding how I could give them My Body to eat and My Blood to drink. When the priest consecrates the bread and wine, I transubstantiate these physical species into My true Body and Blood. The physical appearance remains, but it is My Real Presence just the same. Even though this Real Presence must be believed in faith, it is how I am always present with you in My Blessed Sacrament. Just as it was difficult for My followers to believe in My Real Presence then, even today it is also difficult for some to believe in this truth. But this is why I ask you to visit Me in My tabernacle so you can praise and adore Me as I talk to your heart. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, I come into your heart and soul and you can share a few moments intimately with Me in My love. I am your daily Bread and he who eats My Body under the appearance of bread, and drinks My Blood under the appearance of wine, will receive eternal life. Even angels cannot receive Me, but you are allowed to receive Me in Holy Communion. This gift of Myself to you is the greatest gift that I can share with you. When you receive Me, you also receive God the Father and God the Holy Spirit as well. Rejoice in My Eucharist because you receive My grace which cures all of the damage done by your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see this concrete building cracking and disintegrating, this represents the faith of some people that is becoming lukewarm. Unless you feed and nourish your faith, it will begin withering away without daily prayer. Pray for all sinners so they can stay strong in their faith. If you become spiritually lazy, then you will stop going to Sunday Mass and forget your prayers. Your faith has to be vibrant and spiritually inspired, or the evil one will lead you astray with worldly distractions.”


Sunday, April 25, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks of Me as the Good Shepherd and every time you visit My Blessed Sacrament or receive Me in Holy Communion, you are having My graces rain down on you, as you see in the vision and as the rain falls on you today outside. You have been reading many passages from St. John that explains the gift of My Real Presence in My Eucharist. This belief of faith, that I am truly with you in Holy Communion, is a sharing of My Communion of Saints and it is your closest taste of heaven on earth. During this time after Communion you are intimately united with Me in your heart and soul. This is when I comfort you in your troubles and I give you direction for how you can serve Me. The most beautiful way of serving Me is sharing your love for Me with others in your evangelization efforts. Bringing My Word of faith to others is a deep desire in your soul to try and save as many souls for Me as you can. Satan is always in a battle with Me for souls and saving souls from hell should be everyone’s work that believes in Me. Pray for conversions, for sinners, for priests, and for priestly vocations. You all need religious leaders and you need to help them in their work in your parishes and in your dioceses.”


Monday, April 26, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I am a God of love and mercy as you know, but I am also a God of justice. You know how much I want you to love Me and love your neighbor as yourself. I also desire you to obey My Commandments of love as a direction for your life. You are all My creations as you all have a mission that I give to each of you. You cannot accomplish your mission unless you give your complete will over to My Will. You are placed here on earth to know, love, and serve Me. You see all the plants and animals that are in obedience to My ways. I have made man into My own Image in that I have given you free will to choose to love Me or not. I know you are weak by Adam’s sin, but I give you My sacraments to give you strength against committing sin that offends Me. At the end of this life, you will face My judgment of your actions. Those, who are faithful to Me, have nothing to fear. You may suffer some purification with fire in purgatory, but one day you will be with Me in the glory of heaven. Those, who refuse to love Me and refuse to obey My Commandments, are calling on My justice and these souls could suffer the flames of hell for all eternity. These souls will never see My face again, and their torments will never end. As you see these souls suffering in the flames of hell, let this be a lesson to you so you will be led to save as many souls as possible from this fate. Pray for all sinners and all the souls suffering in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can ask any of My saintly people to be an intercessor for your family’s intentions. I hear all of your prayers through any intercessor that you choose. Many times there are serious sicknesses in your family, and you can turn to Me and My intercessors for healing. You could even pray for your own discomforts to be healed. Some healings require more prayers than others. When you pray for a healing, pray for both a spiritual conversion and a physical healing. Where there is a spiritual conversion required, it is more difficult to change someone’s free will. You know that I do not force anything on your free will. In order for people to be converted, it must be their own choice to truly love Me. This is why you need to keep praying for your relatives that My Most Precious Blood can be poured over them to change their hearts so they can be predisposed to My love. By your persistent prayer, your family can be saved.”


Tuesday, April 27, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you have an expression of ‘walk a mile in my shoes’ in order to really know a person. Truly I have revealed Myself to you in Holy Communion and in My Word of My Scriptures that was directed by the Holy Spirit. Once you intimately experience My love, you cannot contain My love only in yourself, but you feel that you have to share My love with others. I sent My apostles out two by two to evangelize the people with My message. You have been reading all the accounts in the ‘Acts of the Apostles’ of the many converts to the faith. I am sending all of My faithful out into your own surrounds so you can share My message of faith and love with new converts. You know how much you love Me and how I love you so much unconditionally. This gift of faith is why you want other souls to experience My love and understand My Word. Call on My Holy Spirit to give you the courage and strength to evangelize as many souls as you can to bring them to Me and help in saving them from hell and the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware that you are in the middle of a spiritual battle between good and evil. In every place that you travel, you should carry your spiritual weapons to fight off the demons. You should wear your brown scapular and follow the promises of My Blessed Mother to protect you from hell. Also carry your rosary and your Benedictine blessed crucifix with the exorcism medal of St. Benedict on the back of the cross. Also, blessed medals of St. Michael, St. Benedict, and the Miraculous Medal could be placed in the rooms of your house for demon protection. Some people sprinkle blessed salt or holy water where they live or where their loved ones live. You can also use these weapons in places where you speak or where religious classes are given. You have various exorcism prayers and your St. Michael prayer to help you if you are being attacked by demons. Call on Me and My angels to protect you in these attacks and especially invoke My Name ‘Jesus’ against them.”


Wednesday, April 28, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing all of the beautiful spring flowers blooming in your gardens. You also are celebrating the Easter Season and you are My Easter people. This vision of blooming flowers in the pews represents My faithful in the pews when you shine forth with your spiritual works of mercy. You all have the gifts of faith from the Holy Spirit, and you all are called forth to bear fruit in your actions. A flower blooms and it is fulfilling what it is created to do. My people also have a mission to save souls and help people. Doing these good works is what you were created to do as well. You see all of creation and how everything obeys My Will in their purpose of why things and animals were made. See also that My people also need to give their wills over to Me so they can conform to My plan for their lives. This time of Easter is a joyous celebration and you all are giving Me praise and glory for My gift in My death and Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you are troubled in your thoughts about what to expect in life. Even some people allow difficulties in life to draw them into states of depression. Yet when you pray to Me for help and when you come before Me in My tabernacle, I can comfort you in My arms, and you feel loved in My Presence. You have times of joy and times of sorrow when people die or have life threatening diseases or cancer. You need to rely on your daily prayers to lift you out of any depression, and seek My love to comfort you. You always have a friend in Me at your side when you need Me. Those, who are faithful to Me in this life, have My promise of eternal life in heaven. So do not have any fear of things in the future because I always give you enough grace to overcome any of your difficulties. When you are next to a warm fire in your house, or a warm heater in your car, you enjoy the comfort of that warmth. When you are close to Me, you have a spiritual warmth in your heart that gives you comfort to endure anything. Trust in Me that I will take care of you in all of your needs.”


Thursday, April 29, 2010: (St. Catherine of Sienna)
Jesus said: “My people, in the spring you see many beautiful flowers and these flowers perform a beautiful function in nature. They are a pleasure for viewing, but they also provide a means for developing your crops. The bees, that you are also seeing in the vision, not only are making honey, but they also fertilize nearly one-third of all of your crops that have flowers. This is why shortages of bee colonies have become a serious problem for your farmers and those with orchards. When man changes your plants by hybrids, you are interfering with nature in not making good seeds and upsetting this fertilization process. This changes your food and can cause more cancer and other diseases. It is better to use organic and non-hybrid crops to keep My balance of nature. In the spiritual world it is My grace that fertilizes your souls so you can be fruitful in your good deeds. Even when I directed man to be fruitful and multiply with future generations, I also want you to multiply your good deeds so others can see and imitate your good works. Strive to work in harmony with My Will both in your physical world and in your spiritual lives.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when Rome was attacked, the Holy Father had to flee. Then there were three claims to be Pope, and it was St. Catherine the Great who brought the true Pope to be established in Rome. The other antipopes had to leave. St. Catherine helped guide the Church with her writings and she became one of the few women doctors of the Church. Give thanks for her life and her contributions to the Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, no matter how many spring seasons that you experience, the beauty of My flowers of creation are still breath-taking. Even as a photographer, you are awed by this beauty every year. Continue to give Me praise and glory in every part of My creation that you admire. By sharing your pictures and movies, others can appreciate what you see each year.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are never lacking in prayer petitions because you are seeing many people die from various causes, and others are sick and in need of operations. Pray for these people who are having a hard time to bear with this life. I never test you beyond what you can endure, because I give you enough grace to get through each trial.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are sleep deprived because they went to bed too late, will have to pay for this the next day when it is difficult to do everything with strength. Sometimes people also get lazy or sleepy in their spiritual lives as well. You can get repetitious even in your prayer life. But when you skip your prayers and stop going to Sunday Mass, you can grow weak in standing up to temptations to sin. This is why you need retreats or new experiences to invigorate your faith. Pray for My help that you do not fall lax in your religious fervor.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you struggle to evangelize souls, you need to be well read in your Scriptures and be ready to answer people’s questions. As you teach your faith to others, you are learning as well how much I love you and those that you are trying to convert. It takes courage in your faith to go out and preach My Word to the people. One thing, that you need to watch, is that you practice what you preach, and let others see that you are living your faith in your actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people have well manicured lawns, gardens, and their houses are immaculately clean. These people are very conscious of their outward appearances in dress and their cars. My question is how clean is their inside life in their souls? I criticized the Pharisees for having good outward appearances, but inside they were like dead men’s bones. I make the outside as well as the inside, so be careful to go to frequent Confession so your souls are as pleasing to look at as the outside of your body.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your businesses are doing much better with their earnings because they have stripped themselves lean of some workers. Once they are doing better, it would help if they stopped being greedy for more profits and shared this money by hiring unemployed workers. Many corporations are benefitting from low interest loans and less taxes, yet they do not seem to want to share their earnings with the unemployed in their contributions to this worker insurance plan for the unemployed. Pray that as your economy picks up, that more people will find it easier to secure a job.”


Friday, April 30, 2010: (St. Pius V)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel of St. John I told My apostles that I was going to prepare a place for them. In My house in heaven there are many mansions for every soul that comes to heaven. When people die, many souls come to Me in judgment through this same tunnel. The vision of many lights means that a large number of souls will be coming to Me all at once when the great Warning experience comes to everyone on earth. This will be like a near death experience because you will come to Me out of your body, outside of time. There will be no waiting, but you will see how your actions will be judged as if you died just then. Once you have your life review and mini-judgment, you will have My grace and My mercy to return to your bodies, and you will have an opportunity to repent and change your lives. Once you have this knowledge of your sins, you will be held more accountable for the rest of your life. This Warning will be a preparation for your final judgment and the tribulation. There will be a great need for priests for Confessions as you evangelize souls, and these souls will be more open to repentance. Then there will be no more questions of where they will be going.”

(Camille’s Mass) Camille said: “I was happy to see that you found out about my Mass today. You may have to check when these Mass intentions are being said. As you saw in the vision about the car, it was good that you got it fixed for inspection in order to sell it. I always had a problem with that engine light going on. I have been turning lights on and off, but that engine light was one to keep off. I am still changing lights to let you know that I am watching over all of you. Take good care of your mother, and tell her how I am looking out for her out of love.”


Saturday, May 1, 2010: (Justin’s First Holy Communion-grandson)
Jesus said: “My people, as you look upon these First Communicants in their white dresses, veils, and suits, you can see the sweet innocence of My little children. They are so anxious to receive Me for the first time, and some even go to daily Mass for a while because they are now a part of the whole Mass as they receive Communion with everyone. I have told you that you need to be humble and innocent as these small children if you want to enter into heaven. These children have blind faith in their parents and in Me, and that is why your faith should be as strong as well, without any reservations. The beautiful gift, that you have in receiving Me in Holy Communion, is that each time you receive Me, you have a new and different experience of My love. No matter how many times that you receive Me in Holy Communion, you will always be learning something new about Me. My Real Presence in My Hosts is difficult to understand, but believe this in faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, many think if they have enough money and places to live, that they are secure. Money can be stolen or devalued, and it is gone tomorrow. Some think they need to have a lot of gold and silver, or diamonds. These things keep their value, but they may be hard to barter with and again they are subject to theft. If you want to have something of value, it would be better to stock at least one year’s supply of food in dried foods, meals ready to eat, or rotated canned foods. If necessary, I will multiply your food and extra fuel. You are most secure in trusting in Me to provide for your needs and your protection. Your money will soon become worthless in the next financial disaster that will change your dollar over to the North American Union’s amero. When this happens, you will need to call on Me and I will have your angels lead you to the nearest refuge. Do not rely on your own security, but trust in Me always for everything.”


Sunday, May 2, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a heart is all about the unconditional love that I have for all of you, as evidenced when I died for you on the cross. No one can have a greater love for another than when one offers his or her life for that person. This Adoration of Me at Benediction is the love that I receive from you when you give Me praise and glory in My Real Presence. When you come before My tabernacle and genuflect before Me, you are giving reverence to your God and Master. When you pray your rosaries for your intentions, you are speaking your words of love to Me. When you give donations or do good deeds for people, you are saying how much you love Me in your neighbor. You need to tell Me every day how much you love Me, as you know that I always love you, even despite your sinfulness.”

(Christ the King Shrine’s Anniversary) Jesus said: “My people, I gave the keys of My Kingdom to St. Peter as the first Pope of My Church to be its leader. By My power I have guarded My Church from the gates of hell throughout the centuries. I am showing you this vision of My Pope son because I am calling on all of My faithful to pray for Pope Benedict XVI. He and My Church are being persecuted by your media. You need to support all of your Church leaders, but especially with this latest criticism. I also want My faithful here today to pray for the approval of this Shrine as many have worked for this cause and have been dedicated to this Shrine. I thank all of you for faithfully honoring this Shrine on this anniversary and for all of your prayers for your intentions. My Blessed Mother and I are blessing all of you this day. Thank you for all of the honoring of the statues and preparations that have been made here as well. Heaven is very happy with your work here.”


Monday, May 3, 2010: (St. Philip and St. James)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is giving attention to the importance of honoring My Blessed Sacrament and giving Me reverence because I am the One who makes your churches holy. I am reserved in the tabernacle for all of you to visit, and being in the middle of the altar is My proper place, and not hidden away in some back room. It is unfortunate that more Catholics do not fully recognize My Real Presence in every consecrated Host. It is also important to receive Me in Holy Communion without any mortal sin on your soul. Your priest should encourage their people to go to frequent Confession at least once monthly so you can be prepared for your day of judgment. Your priests also need to encourage people to give Me reverence in genuflecting to My tabernacle and bowing before the priest before receiving My Eucharist. It is more reverent to receive Me in Holy Communion on the tongue than in the hand. I am sharing this idea of reverence for My Blessed Sacrament especially to train the young children, since many are receiving their First Holy Communion at this time of year.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people require glasses either for distance vision or for reading up close. Glasses allow your eyes to have a better focus on what you are reading. In your spiritual life I have asked you to keep your focus on Me and what I want you to do, instead of looking for worldly things. At times you get detoured by your sinful desires, and you need to get your focus back by repenting of your sins in Confession. I know what is best for your soul, so following My ways will lead you on the right path to heaven. If you get taken up with various addictions, it is more difficult to get back to following Me. With addictions you need possible rehabilitation and avoiding the first temptation. Pray much for My grace to keep you on course and focused on Me, and you will have everything provided for you.”


Tuesday, May 4, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, painting a house is similar to how a soul can be converted. At first you clean and scrape the old paint from your house. This is equivalent to ridding your old habits of sin by avoiding occasions of sin and fighting temptations. Once the surface is prepared, then it is time to get out the paint, brushes, and ladders to paint over the old surface. You can see how much better your house looks after it has been painted. So also once a soul has converted, now they are ready for the grace of Confession when all of their sins will be forgiven, and My grace will erase the darkness of sin. Receiving Me in Holy Communion will heal the soul of its sins and that soul will take on a new life in the Spirit that even can be seen in their physical appearance. Heaven rejoices every time that a soul goes through this conversion process. I am like the Prodigal Son’s father waiting for every soul to return to Me for the forgiveness of their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen various terrorist attacks using planes, suicide bombers, and roadside bombs. This vision represents a different kind of spines as on sea mines. Just as mine fields are used in various battlefields, sea mines could be used in straights of water that are narrow as in the Persian Gulf and near the Suez and Panama Canals. This could disrupt much shipping, especially oil tankers. Terrorists could lay these mines at night and ships may be hard to see them, especially if they were partially submerged. Your security people have to be on constant alert for all the different ways that terrorists attack, as on a plane or with a car bomb. Pray that these terrorists can be stopped before they could kill many people.”


Wednesday, May 5, 2010:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM. You have many Masses being offered, but where are the people to see this miracle of My Son, Jesus, being brought down into the bread and wine? It is unfortunate that those who proclaim to be Catholics are waning in their faith, as fewer are coming even to Sunday Mass. For the few that are here, I bring down My heavenly graces on them. My Son has told you that when you receive Him in Holy Communion, you also receive Me and God the Holy Spirit. I have given My Ten Commandments to Moses as guidelines for living life for all peoples all over the world. I know that you are weak to sin, but living My Commandments is not a difficult way. Pray for protection from the evil one’s temptations, and by My sacraments you will have the strength to endure your trials. Live life to the fullest for My greater glory, and choose life over the death of sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that there would be a frightful scene in the sky on the day of the Warning. This comet is truly on a near miss collision with the earth and it has already been detected by the Hubble Telescope. The media will not broadcast such a sighting until it is very close. This will come so fast that you will not track it very well. I have told you also that events are happening one after another, and that My Warning is not far off. All of these events will soon come together to prepare My people for the beginning of the tribulation as the Antichrist will declare himself. Be prepared to leave for My refuges as soon as I warn you to do so.”


Thursday, May 6, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, it took some time, discussions, and discernment until My apostles could accept Gentiles into My Church. No longer did new converts have to follow all of the Jewish traditions. They still had to repent of their sins and follow My Ten Commandments of love, but not circumcision. I came to fulfill the Law and not to take anything away. But I also died for all of mankind so that everyone can be converted, no matter what their past religion or ethnic background is. Even the word ‘Catholic’ not only refers to My Church, but it means universal, meaning that anyone can join. The only basic requirements are to repent of their sins, accept Me as Master of their lives, and obey My Ten Commandments. You also have My sacraments which include confession of your sins to My priests. The disciples, especially St. Paul, were happy to work in converting the Gentiles to the faith. Even today, I encourage My faithful to evangelize all souls without any discrimination. This is why I sent My apostles out to all the nations to evangelize souls for My Church.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, at your prayer group you are very faithful in praying My Divine Mercy chaplet. You are familiar with the graces from My Divine Mercy devotions. You also have St. Faustina’s Diary and you have read the promises for those who pray in the presence of My image. It would be good for you to acquire a reasonable sized picture for display at your prayer group and in your home. You remember how Stanley had such a picture in his ministry. Also reread to the people the graces for praying in front of My image.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know that some of you come to daily Mass and even a few make daily visits to My tabernacle. I thank you for all of your devotions, but I desire you to pray your rosaries with more fervor and not just worked in simultaneous with your other duties. If you are to pray to Me from the heart, as I requested, then you need to have your full attention on Me in a prayerful position as on your knees. It is more important to pray with fervor and slowly than to just say the words in haste. Remember that when you are praying to Me, you are giving Me your words of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know from your trips to Medugorje that My Blessed Mother has requested fasting on Wednesday and Friday. You have made attempts to follow this request, but over the years you have been a little lax in a true fast. Even fasting between meals without eating sweets would be a good start with only one main meal. I am reminding you of these things that I taught you, and it would be a good practice to return to your initial fervor.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you make some time to pray to Me, especially in front of My tabernacle, make a point to alternate between your Bible and the Liturgy of the Hours. Remember also to take 5 or 10 minutes of silence in your contemplative prayer so I can talk to your heart. If you are to strive to be holy, you need to read My Word and listen to My personal instruction for each of your missions.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you all were doing well with your Lenten devotions. You can help your spiritual life by using some of these devotions throughout the whole year. On Friday you should pray My Stations of the Cross or My Pieta prayers to St. Bridget. Make an emphasis on your morning and night prayers. Maybe reading your Imitations of Christ for a few pages would be helpful. I know that you have other obligations, but if you try, you can make more time for Me every day without doing things that waste your precious time on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all are going to have a life review at death and hopefully if you live to see My Warning. You can take stock of your daily life right now and see how much time that you give Me each day. If you start adding these extra devotions to your day, even for a short time, then you will not be embarrassed when I review each day with you. The closer you are to Me in your spiritual life, the easier it will go for you at your judgment. Keep focused on Me and you will be better able to fight off the temptations of the devil.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you formed some good prayerful habits and I have reminded you several times that you could do these things the year round. Think of your whole life as on a pilgrimage to your eternal destination. In other words you will be judged on your actions during Lent as well as during the rest of the year. This is why you need to keep your guard up against sin at all times. It also means that you should cleanse your soul regularly at least monthly at Confession, and not just when you commit a mortal sin. By keeping your soul pure, you will always be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”


Friday, May 7, 2010: (Eleanor Schultz Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a beautiful picture of heaven because eternal life with Me should be the goal of every soul. Everything, that you do in life, should be done out of love for Me and love for your neighbor. When you have a life dedicated to Me, I am showing you your eventual reward in heaven. Some souls need to spend some time being purified in purgatory before they are allowed through the gates of heaven. You all have access to My Word in the Bible, so you know what is expected of you in this life. You have free will to follow Me or not, but your decision has its consequences. All of My faithful should be giving Me worship and praise every Sunday at Mass along with your daily prayers. The closer you are to Me, that will mean less time in purgatory. I am accepting your prayers and Masses to bring Ellie into heaven.”


Saturday, May 8, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this rotating tunnel is another view of the tunnel that you will be coming through to see Me both at your death and at the Warning. The Warning will come first, but the vision of a wedding banquet in heaven is My promise to My faithful for those who follow My Commandments. The fact, that I have been giving you these kind of messages frequently, is another sign that this experience is getting closer. If you are practicing your faith and following My ways, you will have nothing to fear. For those, who are in mortal sin, it would be better to go to Confession quickly so you do not have to face the possibility of seeing what hell is like in your Warning experience. Living a good Christian life is your best preparation for the Warning. Then there will be no surprises.”

(Shaun & Kathleen Wedding) Jesus said: “My people, at every marriage ceremony when you unite a man and a woman, as Shaun and Kathleen, you are symbolizing the marriage of Me and My Church. That is why you are seeing this church and the bright Light in Me. This occasion at Cana is a joyful celebration of the uniting of two lives in love. The readings were well chosen of St. Raphael’s blessing and Tobias and Sara’s prayers, the description of love, and My miracle of changing water into wine at Cana. As the priest requested, everyone raised their hand that they would pray for Shaun and Kathleen. It is good to give support to the newlyweds because there are many attacks against today’s families. As the priest prayed over them, I am blessing them and I am a third partner in their marriage.”


Sunday, May 9, 2010: (Mother’s Day)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am your heavenly Mother and I am watching over all of you with my mantle as a shield from the evil one. I encourage you to wear my brown scapular and to pray my rosary every day. These are your weapons for fighting evil and not using guns. I especially want to bless all the mothers in the world. Motherhood is how the human race is carried on, and having children is a share in God’s creation. Life is too precious to kill, especially in the womb. I thank all mothers who have had their children, and I console those who have had abortions. I encourage all future mothers not to have abortions for any reason, nor use birth control methods. Life is a grace and is not to be killed. Praying for the stoppage of abortion should be one of your daily rosary intentions. Bring up your children in loving and prayerful environments, and teach them the value of worship at every Sunday Mass as well as the need for the sacraments. My Son and I are always seeking the conversion of sinners, and sharing eternal life with you in the glory of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, these sets of small steps represent the stairs by which you can advance in your spiritual life. The chocolate candy at the foot of the steps represents the various temptations of earthly desires that can keep you from improving in this spiritual life. Candy is just an example, but there are many other temptations and even addictions, that if you allow them, can hinder your progress. This is why you need to be strong and vigilant in your struggle to follow My instructions that will keep you on the right path to heaven. Every year you need to check your status to see if you are improving in your love for Me or if you are static or worse. If you are not improving, then you are not spending your time profitably for your soul. If you cannot improve on your perfection on earth, then you may take longer in purgatory to purge your earthly desires. You need to have a pure heart and soul so you will be open to worshiping Me with all of your being in heaven.”


Monday, May 10, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading from the Acts of the Apostles and all about their many missionary trips as they were converting souls in the Early Church. As you see this car in the vision, imagine if St. Paul and the apostles could have used cars and airplanes. How many more souls they could have reached with your vehicles. So today, you are able to travel by car and airplane to visit many more places in a shorter time in order to spread My Word of love and warning. You have a difficult message to share of preparing for the coming tribulation, but you are blessed also in accepting My mission so people will know about My refuges of protection in this coming time of evil. It is one thing to convert souls to the faith, but it is another to show My faithful how they will be protected in the coming persecution of Christians. People must know that after the Warning, events will quickly lead up to the time when the Antichrist will declare himself. Disasters and a major economic disaster will lead the way to this event. Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges of protection. You will not be safe at your homes when the evil ones will try and force the mark of the beast on you, or take you to detention centers that are death camps. Trust in Me by then calling on Me, and your guardian angel will lead you with a physical flame to the nearest refuge. On the way and at My refuges you will be made invisible to the evil ones. Be thankful that My angels will protect you during this coming persecution.”


Tuesday, May 11, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading as in the vision of St. Paul and Silas, there was an earthquake that opened the prison doors, but they did not flee. Instead this became an occasion to evangelize the jailer when he was about to kill himself. In another prison scene St. Peter and St. John were led by an angel out of prison at night past the guards. These events were miracles at times to give hope to My disciples as they evangelized even those in the prisons. Despite the evil one’s attempts to persecute My prophets and My disciples, I at times protected them from harm. One of the end time signs is that there will be an increase in severe earthquakes. A good number of earthquakes occur in nature due to the tectonic plates shifting all over the earth. In more recent times you have seen the use of microwave arrays, like the HAARP machine, being purposely used to cause earthquakes and bad weather which result in death and disasters. Satan hates man, and he is directing the one world people to decrease the world’s population according to their death culture. So they are using any means possible to achieve this goal.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a loudspeaker truly represents the commentators on television who are sponsored and run by the one world people. By giving the people a steady diet of half-truths and disinformation, you can persuade the people to follow their plan without any rebellion. Some people believe that everything that is presented on TV is the only truth. There are many points of view expressed on the internet and on talk radio, but it is just a matter of time before all opposition voices will be eliminated, even from these sources. This is because your freedom of speech is being limited to what is politically correct according to the elite one world people. As your freedoms are being taken away, there will be a persecution of those voicing opposition to the current government. This persecution will soon make it difficult for Christians to live among the people. They will single you out until it will be necessary to go to My refuges just to survive. The day of leaving your homes for My refuges is quickly approaching, even as I have warned you of these days of tribulation to come. Be prepared both physically and spiritually when the Antichrist will take over the world. Have faith and trust in My protection at all times with Me at your side.”


Wednesday, May 12, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, throughout the year you are being tested with natural and man-made disasters. You first saw damaging snow storms with power outages on the East coast. You have seen floods in Tennessee and now tornadoes in Oklahoma and the middle of your country. Your Gulf coast is dealing with a major oil spill. Other areas have suffered high winds with trees down and more power outages. These events are testing your people, and some have lost their homes or had to rebuild them from the floods. In addition to these events, your people are still suffering from low income caused by cutbacks in hours of work, and high unemployment. While Wall Street is cheering higher earnings, the man in the street is still suffering from the recession. Amidst all of these trials, you still see that I am the only One to be trusted in providing for your needs. It is My strength that you should rely on, and not just your own. Pray to Me for your needs and you will be satisfied.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing you for the coming tribulation for many years. Many people cannot imagine how evil the Antichrist will be when he is declared. As the computer chips in your driver’s licenses and your passports are now mandatory, people can see how the government is controlling your life. This control will become even bolder when these authorities will demand a chip be implanted in your body in order to get your new health insurance. This chip in the body is the mark of the beast for buying and selling as quoted in the Book of Revelation. This image of the beast in the vision could be a picture or the Antichrist’s image on your TV. This is why after My Warning, I told you to remove all televisions, radios, and computer monitors out of your homes so you do not look at the Antichrist’s face. He will have evil powers to try and control your mind to worship him. Do not take his chip in the body, and do not look at his image so your mind is not controlled by him. For not taking the chip in the body, and for not worshiping the Antichrist, the evil ones will try and kill you. This is why at that time you will need to call on Me and have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge to be protected from being killed. If you stay in your homes, the men in black will come and take you to the detention center death camps where you could be martyred for your faith. Be ready to leave your homes with your backpacks available. You will not be returning to your homes, and you will endure the three and one-half years of tribulation at My refuges. Then I will return to conquer all evil and bring about My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, May 13, 2010: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you saw Me leaving this world as I ascended to My Father in heaven. The angels told My disciples that I would return even as they saw Me ascending. But when I return, I will come to defeat the Antichrist, the devil, and the second beast to bring about My glory in the Era of Peace. Man has so abused My original creation that I will have to renew the earth so I can bring the New Jerusalem down so there will be a new heavens and a new earth. This vision is showing you how the Antichrist will declare himself and the one world people will bring him into power as head of the European Union and of the whole world as a dictator. He will be a man of peace and he will settle any financial disasters. Then he will become a tyrant leader forcing everyone to take his mark or chip in the body and to worship him as a god. He will have demonic powers and be able to control peoples’ minds by looking at them. He will be on television controlling everyone with his eyes. This is why My faithful will need to be protected by My angels at My refuges from this evil lot. Do not take any chips in your body and do not worship anybody but Me. Those, who violate My directions, are condemning themselves to the fires of hell when I return. The Comet of Chastisement will come at the end of this evil tribulation and cause the Three Days of Darkness that will destroy two-thirds of humanity. The evil ones will be chained in hell as I will protect My faithful and bring them into My Era of Peace. Be prepared to endure this tribulation where some will be martyred for their faith. All martyrs will become instant saints and be brought to heaven. My faithful in this Era of Peace will later be perfected and brought to heaven as well. Choose life with Me now, even if you are tested with this evil. Call on My help and My angels will protect you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, last week I asked you to buy a Divine Mercy picture for display when you pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet. Once you have the picture delivered, you can read to your prayer group the passage in St. Faustina’s Diary that speaks of the graces that you receive while in the presence of this image. You can also gain graces when you pray in front of this image at your home. It is a blessing to My people wherever this image can be kept. Some churches keep this image visible for this same reason.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are wondering who fixed the relic that had fallen out of its holder. You normally put it away and no one would have touched it. This is just a small miracle of My angels and saints to have a nice appearance in front of Me. It would be interesting to note which saint’s relic was fixed. (St. Pius X) Be grateful for all of heaven’s helps, and honor all the saints in this reliquary of relics.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people are stronger than others in controlling any potential addiction to alcohol. Some also have genetic weaknesses to alcohol, and they cannot even take one drink. Some college students are led into drinking with others as peer pressure has forced this on them. It is better to cure this addiction early before it controls people. Drinking can become a sickness that even defies your free will to control it. I have mentioned also how many addictions have demons associated with them. This is why exorcism prayers may be needed along with a person’s desire to quite drinking. Rehabilitation and prayer novenas are also helpful.”

Jesus said: “My people, this feast day of My Ascension is 40 days after Easter. Now you will be praying a novena of prayers until Pentecost Sunday comes. I want you to look up any novena prayers that you can find for this occasion. You can add your own intentions with these prayers. The more that you learn of your Church’s traditions, the richer your faith in Me could be.”

Jesus said: “My people, near the end of the school year you are seeing junior and senior prom events at your high schools. The men and women look beautiful in their appearances. You also have seen My Blessed Mother pictured being crowned in heaven. This month of May is in her honor as you remember to pray your rosaries for her intentions. You have such a display with a statue of My Blessed Mother in church and all of heaven thanks you for praying your rosaries before us.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Congress is taking up energy reform for your nation as you attempt to lessen your demand for oil and coal. Natural gas is more plentiful and burns cleaner, but it still produces some by-products. Many of your attempts to use solar and wind alternatives are improving, but it will take awhile to replace oil and coal to produce electricity and run your cars. This global warming agenda is still a tool of the one world people to control nations and your manufacturing. You looked this up before and found that warming causes more carbon dioxide formation and not the false science proclaimed by some.”

Jesus said: “My people in ten more days you will be celebrating Pentecost which is really when you honor the Holy Spirit and how He came as wind and tongues of fire to inspire My apostles in their evangelization efforts. As you are praying your novena prayers, you could look up any information about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how He influences your spiritual life, especially through My sacraments. You are all Temples of the Holy Spirit and He is present to you whenever you see Me or God the Father, because we are all One and inseparable. The Blessed Trinity is truly a mystery, but you can thank the Holy Spirit for all that He does for you.”


Friday, May 14, 2010: (St. Matthias)
Jesus said: “My people, the three companies responsible for the oil disaster are all trying to blame each other to avoid their own financial liabilities for this accident. With no one wanting to pay the damages, the real account of the cause could be clouded over to hide the truth from investigators. This historic sized spill will give more reason to avoid new drilling and put more regulations on the safety of other rigs. The details of the failed relief device with supposed dead batteries will open many more investigations. Your needs for fuels and electricity should add more incentives to finding less risky means of obtaining them. These new sources may require a higher cost for future needs which may also encourage higher efficient engines and conservation of existing sources. At times such incidents make people address their current energy solutions. Your country is facing an end to your cheap fuel sources.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people try to use fear tactics to get people to give up their freedoms. They have used terrorist incidents and wars to scare taxpayers into funding the largest defense budget in the world with constant new weapons’ programs. Almost every year a new virus threatens humanity as Swine Flu, bird flu, AIDS, SARS, West Nile Fever and a host more. Many of these viruses are man-made. This vision of making a new virus is just a continuation of the pandemic virus fear. Another fear is bringing financial ruin to various countries to threaten your banking system. Last year it was the sub-prime bubble in the housing industry. This enabled the central bankers to put America in deep debt with your Stimulus and Bailout plans. This year it is the fear of a collapse of Greece and the European Union in their finances. A few years ago it was the Asian currency. You can see how the one world people create the fear problems, and then they create the solution which usually results in stealing money from the taxpayer or forcing people to give up their freedoms. To solve the Health Insurance problem they will force you to have a chip in the body. To solve the Swine Flu problem they wanted to have mandatory vaccine flu shots. To solve the finance problems of the mortgage foreclosures, your government took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In every case the one world people have moved themselves closer to a one world government of complete takeover. When you look at the big picture, you can see how they manipulate the people with fear tactics. Trust in Me to protect My faithful and shield them at My refuges.”


Saturday, May 15, 2010: (Mass of the Ascension)
Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing of My Ascension and how I sent My apostles out to be witnesses of My Resurrection and share faith in Me by the power of the Holy Spirit. This time between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost is your novena time to prepare for the feast of Pentecost and invite the Holy Spirit into your lives. This vision of a DNA strand is how your genetic make-up is passed on to your children and their children. You pass on your name and who you are to your children. In a spiritual way you are passing on the faith as your ‘spiritual DNA’ to your children and grandchildren. Your children are your heritage, so they need to see a good example of faith in their parents. Just as the apostles were sent out to evangelize souls, so all of My faithful as well are sent out to all the nations to bring souls to Me in faith. This gift of faith, that you have inherited from your parents, teachers, and priests, must now be passed on to the next generations. If you are not seeing many young people coming to church, it could be that they are not receiving enough training and fervor from their parents. As parents become lukewarm, then their children will have less desire to come to Sunday Mass. The Third Commandment is about giving Me worship on Sunday, or you commit a mortal sin if it is intentionally missed. So encourage your children in their faith by seeing you at Sunday Mass and in your daily prayer. Your children are your spiritual responsibility, so give them good example and pray for their faith to be strong.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to find good paying factory jobs in America because many of these jobs have been outsourced to foreign countries. In some cases it is because cheaper labor can be found in places like China where they do not have benefits that are demanded in your country. In other cases where labor is competitive, it is the CEOs of big companies that want to control middle income workers so the one world people can better control the population by keeping them poor and dependent on government. This is why the unemployment level will be held high by design, even while workers are being imported for low paying jobs. Service economies that produce few goods are going to be less influential countries and eventually will turn into third world countries. Eliminating America as a financial giant is the aim of the one world people in taking you over. I am watching over My faithful, and I help families to find ways to survive. So trust in Me and pray for your needs, and I will answer your prayers. America’s entrepreneurial spirit in your small businesses has provided your jobs and this is causing the one world people problems in defying their plans. If America repents and changes its sinful ways, your country could have its freedoms longer. If not, then you will be taken over with the loss of all of your freedoms.”


Sunday, May 16, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, ever since Easter you have been celebrating My Resurrection and the gift of My death that have given you salvation in the forgiveness of your sins. I am showing you the blooming flowers again as a sign of My love for all of you. I ask only that you give Me your love and praise in thanksgiving for all that I have given you. As I ascended into heaven, I then had My apostles await the fire of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. All of you have been blessed by the Holy Spirit in your Baptism and Confirmation so you also have his gifts to go forth and share My Gospel of love with everyone. It is the evangelization of souls that is so important to prepare everyone to have faith in life and meet Me at your judgment. Pray for all sinners who need conversion now more than ever.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Catholic Church in America is slowly decaying like My Church in Europe. As you pray over many people, you are seeing a constant theme in their prayers for the older children who are falling away from their faith in not coming to Sunday Mass. The parents have a deep rooted faith, but the next generation has become so lukewarm that they are not inspired to see how important the Mass and prayer should be in their lives. This is how the devil is distracting them with worldly things and even addictions to drugs, alcohol, and smoking. As this generation loses their faith, fewer are coming to church which results in closing their parishes. In order to keep the youth interested in their faith, they need to be encouraged with Bible study, retreats, missions, and renewal groups. If there is not enough spiritual activity to involve your youth in learning about their faith, then they become lazy and fall away from their faith. This is also testing even the older adults, but most have kept their faith by a good prayer life taught by their parents. My people need to work harder to re-evangelize even your own family members. Ask them politely why they stopped going to church. If your children are not going to Mass, then imagine what will happen to their children. Your society of the lukewarm and the lack of repentance for sin is why your country is receiving less blessings, and the devil is winning souls away from Me. Pray for your children’s souls, but it will take My Warning to wake up these sinners from their apathy and complacency. Pray for My Warning to come soon before the faith becomes a small minority.”


Monday, May 17, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, those, who proclaim My Gospel, do so at a risk because the world will reject you as it rejected Me. Most people know how to love and what is morally right in following My Commandments. But the world is led by Satan and the people of the world like comforts and the pleasures of their sins. So when people stand up for what is right against abortion, fornication, adultery, homosexual acts and any other sins against My laws, they will be criticized by the world. The worldly do not like to be told that they are doing wrong, and do not want to be told what to do. The worldly people desire their sins which is why righteous Christians will be persecuted for speaking in My Name. But do not be fearful of any persecution, even if you are threatened with martyrdom. I am always at your side to help you and defend you with the words of the Holy Spirit. By remaining faithful to My words, even amidst criticism or persecution, you will save your soul and possibly some souls who will repent and be saved. You will always meet resistance from the devil in any work to save souls, so pray for My strength to carry on with your evangelization efforts.”

Jesus said: “My people, this dark church in the vision represents how the faith in My churches is growing weak. The Light shining from My tabernacle is a sign that I am still present among you in My Hosts in My tabernacle. Where My faithful adore My Blessed Sacrament, there is strength in faith by My grace. As long as My people come to Sunday Mass, there is hope for any parish to survive. It is when My faithful stop believing in My Real Presence in My Host that their faith will begin to dim. Keep promoting My Real Presence for people to believe even when your priests are not vocal about Me. When people hear of your worship of Me at Adoration, your witness will be an inspiration to others. Encourage people to come to Me in adoring My Host, and you can be My bright lights in church that will remove the darkness. I am truly the Light that disperses the darkness, so let Me come into your churches as the sanctuary light is a witness to My Real Presence.”


Tuesday, May 18, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, these young souls are beautiful and blessed to receive Me for the first time. They have been prepared physically and spiritually in Confession. I want to remind you of the blessing that each First Communicant has in answering their prayer at that time. You heard of one child’s prayer to save his father from dying in World War II. By a miracle at that time, there was a peace accord to end the war and his father was protected. Tell your children of this blessing and their intention in prayer could be answered. These children are the parents’ responsibility for each of their souls. Bring them up in the proper faith with daily prayer and Sunday Mass, along with frequent Confession. Keep praying for your children’s souls every day to protect them from all evil. You all need to keep My peace in your souls and a childlike faith in Me with a humble and contrite heart. This childlike spiritual life is what will lead you into heaven. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the graces that I bestow on you with My sacraments.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages of how you will need to come to My refuges for protection from being killed by the evil ones. I have also told you how you will have daily Communion from My angels and deer will drop dead in the camp at night for meat. If you have a farm, you could have other sources of meat and eggs. In addition to animals you may want to farm vegetables and various fruits. In the vision you could grow grape vines, raspberries, strawberries, and even have fruit trees of apples and cherries. I know you would be healed of all diseases at My refuges, but by adding fruits and vegetables, you could have a well rounded diet. Be thankful for all that I will provide, and I will multiply these crops for everyone to share at My refuges. Some storage of your crops may have to be put away underground in root cellars at harvest time. Also use some non-hybrid seeds so you can save seeds from your harvest for the following year’s crops.”


Wednesday, May 19, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Truth of the Gospel reading and I am all loving as well. I am most worthy of your praise and adoration when I am exposed in the monstrance as My Real Presence in My Host. I am a gift of grace that you can always visit Me in My tabernacle and at Adoration. I am showing you this image of Myself in this picture of My Divine Mercy as well. As stated by St. Faustina, there are many graces that you may receive for your soul when you pray before this image. Remember to honor Me and pray My Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the three o’clock hour. I am happy that you are getting such an image that you could share with your church. Even if you leave this image at church, you should also be praying your rosaries before this image in your home as well. If you need to buy two pictures, it is more useful to honor Me at your prayer group and your home. Give praise and honor to Me in this image because it is like visiting Me at My tabernacle if you cannot have My Blessed Sacrament at your house to visit.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is always a blessing to be able to do your Holy Hour in front of My Blessed Sacrament. At times it may be difficult to come to a church with My tabernacle and give adoration to My Host. As churches are closed down and many churches are not open, it will be getting harder to be with Me. I am showing you three ways in which you can have the grace of My Real Presence in front of you when you are unable to find a tabernacle. There is power of My grace in the Divine Mercy image, and you could have the grace of My Presence before you. This vision shows you a picture of a Host with jewels that were arranged by Irena Jakus. You had other messages that this picture also would contain My Real Presence during the tribulation. A third way of viewing My Real Presence is when you look at your Adoration movie while you are viewing My Host in Adoration. I know that you love Me in My Eucharist very much, and that you want to have Me close to you at all times. Use these means to share your love with Me at all times.”


Thursday, May 20, 2010: (St. Bernardine of Sienna)
Jesus said: “My people, there are two thoughts represented in this vision of a watermill. The first thought is about the preciousness of having fresh water available for drinking and for growing crops. In many arid lands it is becoming more difficult to find fresh water, and people are using various desalinization methods to make fresh water. In these cases it becomes more expensive to provide water and some even fight over the rights for water where it is scarce. Grinding the wheat into flour for bread is another necessity of life where again some have very little to eat for survival. This symbol of the flour for bread leads into My own Bread of Life when the priest consecrates the bread at Mass into My Body and Blood. My Eucharist is My spiritual food that will bring My faithful eternal life. I have quoted you many times from St. John’s Gospel 6:54,55: ‘Unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has life everlasting and I will raise him up on the last day. He who eats this Bread shall live forever.’”

Prayer Group:
St. Patrick said: “May my blessings be upon all of you as you pray your rosaries for your intentions. One of your intentions was for a good bishop to replace your current Bishop Matthew Clark. I bless that choice and pray for good health for your present bishop. There is one other concern that your new bishop will allow you to continue on in your mission. This is another intention that you need to pray for. Pray for Ireland that they will survive this latest financial disturbance.”

St. Anthony said: “My dear son, when you first noticed that your cross was missing, it was toward the end of your trip in Ohio. You looked around in all of the places that you had been, and then you and your friends prayed to me to find your cross. Once you returned home, you thought it was lost for good. Then a small miracle happened when by accident your hand was drawn into your couch cushion and you pulled out your cross. I thank you for coming to me and thanking me for finding your cross. This happened with your luggage as well. It was after you were resigned to losing these items that they were recovered for you and you were most grateful. I just remind those people who pray to me for lost objects that you remember to thank me and the Lord for the return of your lost things.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of fears in your markets over the financial problems in Europe and your high unemployment. Many of your investors were trying to buy safe instruments in your Treasury bonds because of the uncertainty affecting the world’s finances. The gold in the vision has still kept its high price and it is a stable investment as well. All of these latest gyrations have your investment community uncertain of how severe any correction will be. By putting your trust in Me, you will not have any fears of what happens in worldly events.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government is sponsoring the production of ethanol and your manufacturers are producing cars to use ethanol as a fuel. Your ethanol production requires natural gas to distill this fuel, and it does consume a food stuff that could feed the hungry. But this and other alternatives are reducing your need for coal and oil. Brazil uses ethanol almost exclusively, but it is using sugar cane in addition to grains to generate its fuel. America’s fuel needs are too large for alternatives to replace all of the coal and oil that you use. Any energy plan will be a long term project as new alternatives are not large enough to replace gasoline. By cutting back on your needs, you could reduce your excessive consumption of fuels relative to other countries. It is your cheap fuels that have enabled your high standard of living.”

Jesus said: “My people, America has been recovering from the latest recession, but other nations are not as fortunate, and they are having debt problems with their overspending. There still are high numbers of the unemployed as this could increase as people run out of their unemployment checks. As jobs are hard to find, other people are in danger of losing their homes which puts more homes on the market. All of these concerns are giving anxiety to your workers and your investors. Pray that more jobs can be provided from your small businesses, or you could see a drawn out recovery.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you saw your consumers turn more to saving their money during the last financial downturn, they could stop spending again if there are more threats to their jobs in any cutbacks. Pray for a solution to the financial problems in Europe, or you could have a double dip recession of worldwide proportions.”

Jesus said: “My people of Holy Name, you are fortunate to have been chosen to have this Divine Mercy service at your church. Make the time and put away some other schedules so that you have time to attend these services. You need your people to be good examples for others to be drawn to this time of prayer. The same is true for your Nocturnal Adoration to support your own parish’s spiritual activities.”


Friday, May 21, 2010:
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you recognize my Guadeloupe image with the sun all around me. I am portrayed with my Son in the womb, so this brightness of the sun is from my Son, Jesus. I know this is not my feast day, but it is my month of May. You were reading how so many women take a contraceptive pill and how many ways people use devices to prevent having children in birth control. These things have encouraged promiscuity both in fornication and adultery. This mentality has brought on abortions even in partial birth abortions. I conceived my child even though it was difficult before I was married, but Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. Your society is more concerned with the pleasures of your passions than the desire to bring up children. Using these devices and having sex without marriage are all mortal sins, and you need to confess your sins before receiving Holy Communion, even when it may be embarrassing to remain in your pew at Mass. Do not compound your sexual sins with sacrilege or with abortions. I have asked you to pray my three Mysteries of the rosary and the fourth Mystery of Light if you can. Even if you have many things to do, you should make your prayers your first priority so you can show your love for me and my Son, Jesus. He has even asked you to make up the rosaries that you have missed because He is relying on his prayer warriors to pray for the sinners of the world. We in our two hearts love all of you and we want to see you live holy lives. We encourage you to love us and your neighbor as yourself.”

(Camille Remacle’s Mass intention) Camille said: “In your vision you saw how I used to find bicycles on the road and fix them up for people, as I did with the lawnmowers. I see now why you may need some bicycles if you cannot drive your car to a refuge. I want to thank you for the flowers at my grave and for keeping up the house. It will look a lot better once you get a new fence in there. Carol was noticing how the raspberry bushes are getting out of control. That is another upkeep with berry bushes. You have to trim and thin them out, or it is hard to pick them and get to them. Any good garden requires care and upkeep, and that is one thing that kept me busy. I love all of you and I am praying for your souls.”


Saturday, May 22, 2010: (St. Rita)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in Greece how their government was forcing harsh economic restraints on their people. Most people in America are not aware of the actual reductions in income that these people in Greece are suffering. By the reaction in their streets, it had to be substantial. When the central bankers did not want to buy their bonds, Greece was forced to use economic cutbacks, or face very high interest rates that it could not afford. The central bankers in America hold increasing debts as well, and their intention is to bankrupt your country in order to take it over. They purposely encourage indebtedness so they can control your lives through your debts. Once you are forced to cut back Social Security payments, welfare payments, and Medicare payments to balance your budgets, then your people will see protest marches and possibly riots as well. After debts reach close to your National output, very few investors will want to risk in buying your debt instruments for fear that they will lose their money. When bonds cannot be sold, then your money printing presses will inflate your dollar to near worthless, and chaos will result in an eventual takeover by the North American Union. Your freedoms are gradually being taken away with a socialist government. This is what could cause an open rebellion against your authorities. When violence and chaos begins, it will be necessary to leave for My refuges. These events could happen soon since your debt situation is not much different from Europe. Pray for My help in having your angels lead you to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are using every means at their disposal to allow them to use mind control for running people as robots. One of these tools is to get people interested in using virtual reality head sets or virtual reality movies that are enhanced by a 3-D appearance. In virtual reality you feel like you are living in a different world from reality. This can be useful when the one world people will try to force mind control chips in the body on people. Once you hear voices, they will induce a hypnotic state over you as you will seem to be in a different world. They will then control your actions for how they want to use you, even to kill Christians. So you see that this virtual reality training is a way to condition their subjects to accept chips in the body. This is why I have asked My faithful to avoid virtual reality headsets, movies, and 3-D reality programming to avoid any mind control abuse. Also refuse to take any chips in your body for any reason, even to avoid government health insurance. When you come to My refuges, you will find healing in My luminous cross and you will have food and shelter, so you do not need anything from the government. Trust in My protection from mind control and any persecution by the evil ones. My angels will make you invisible at My refuges as well.”


Sunday, May 23, 2010:(Fr. Fraats 50th Anniversary of his priesthood)
Jesus said: “My people, to all of My priests here I bless all of you, and especially Fr. Fraats on his Golden Jubilee. You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchisedec. Fr. Fraats has been blessed with many years, and I thank him as I do all of My priests for answering My call in your vocation to the priesthood. All of My faithful in this area where he serves should also be thankful when he gave Me to them in the Mass at the Consecration. A priest shares My sacraments in Baptism, Holy Communion, Matrimony, Confession, and the Last Rites. I thank Fr. Fraats for carrying out the mission that I have given him in all that he has done for My greater glory. Some couples celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary, but Fr. Fraats in one way has had Me as his partner in faith for fifty years. I am always watching over My priest sons. I again call on My faithful to pray for your priests and for vocations to the priesthood. I love My priests so much and My laity should love their priests as well.”


Monday, May 24, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, when the rich young man asked what must he do to gain eternal life, I mentioned how he could keep My Commandments. (Matt. 19:16-28) When the man claimed that he had kept them since his youth, then I asked him to sell what he had and give it to the poor. Since this man had many possessions, he went away sad because he did not want to give them up for the poor. Even the rich of today are reluctant to give away their wealth. They may give some away for a tax deduction rather than in the spirit of truly sharing their wealth. Even My apostles questioned Me when I said that it was easier for a camel to pass through a four foot high ‘eye of a needle’ than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of heaven. For man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. To give up all of your wealth to the poor may seem impractical, but it also means that you would rather trust in Me for your needs than just on your own efforts. Sharing at least ten percent of your income is more practical, but even a good number do not want to do this to deny their comforts and pleasures. Those, who do tithe their income, will find treasure in heaven which will go well with them at their judgment.”

(Amanda’s Confirmation, granddaughter) Jesus said: “My people, you just celebrated Pentecost and now you are at a Confirmation. This vision of a room with tongues of fire over everyone is how the Holy Spirit came to My apostles and disciples. These confirmands have received the Holy Spirit and all of His seven gifts. These gifts have now moved these young adults into the next level of their spiritual growth. The sponsors now are spiritually responsible for their confirmand, and they need to help their charges in learning their faith and encourage them to grow in their faith. Sponsors are not just a polite gesture, but they have a serious mission to watch over their young person. The new confirmands, by their Baptism and Confirmation, are now given a new mission as part of the faith community to reach out and save souls wherever they are-in their homes, their schools, or their future workplaces. These gifts of the Holy Spirit enabled My apostles to go out to all the nations and preach My Word of love. These same gifts will also inspire all of those confirmed today. Encourage these newly confirmed youth to imitate their teachers in spreading My Gospel.”


Tuesday, May 25, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, as you think of all the meals that you eat during the course of a year, do not fear of how you will be provided for in your needs. I know all of your needs because your human condition needs constant food for energy and to provide for your muscles, blood, and bones to work properly. This is why you are seeing all of these meals that I provide for everyone. Even at My Masses you are fed with My Body and Blood in the manna of Holy Communion. I feed your soul and your body. Without Me you cannot have eternal life. As I am feeding you now, so also will My angels feed you My Communion daily at My refuges of protection during the tribulation. Physical food will also be provided as the deer come into your camp and as farming will give you crops to eat and multiply. Even though there will be a tribulation of persecution, I will also have My angels lead you to My refuges where you will have your portion of Bread at the proper time.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you would see continuing natural disasters as you are seeing with this latest volcano and now with the current oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The ash that you are seeing in the vision is from a new eruption from a volcano. You are seeing the effects of a volcano on your airplane travel. Whenever a volcano erupts near plane routes, you can have quite a disruption in people’s travel plans. The darkness is associated with another created financial crisis. The European Union has considerable trade effects on America and the rest of the world. As the euro trades down compared to other currencies, there is concern how Greece and other countries are going to deal with their debt situations. Even in America your own National Debt is getting out of control with your spending beyond your means to pay it back. A financial crisis is looming over Europe and America. Pray for My help in any natural disaster, and watch for any bankruptcy of America which could necessitate your time to go to My refuges.”


Wednesday, May 26, 2010: (St. Philip Neri)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel St. James and St. John wanted to be at My right hand and at My left hand in heaven. I told them that they would suffer as I was about to, but that choosing places in heaven was not Mine to give. I then explained to them how the current religious leaders demanded respect, but it must not be that way for My apostles. Just as I washed the feet of My apostles, those, who want to lead, must be servants for everyone. Do not lord your authority over anyone, but work to do everything for Me. This vision of the purification of gold is how all of My faithful must work every day on perfecting your spiritual life. If you have authority over anyone, even in your family, do not abuse your power, but use it in a Christian way to help those under your charge.”

Jesus said: “My people, for years your farmers have been using various pesticides to kill the bugs that would otherwise destroy their fruit products. Unfortunately, many of these pesticides are slow to decompose and they poison the orchards where they are used. Those, who build homes on old orchards, have had cancers and other diseases as these chemicals affect humans. Even some amounts of these pesticides remain on or in the fruit and they do not wash off completely. As the insects develop resistance to these chemicals, your chemical manufacturers keep developing new pesticides which are not fully tested for the effects on man. Recently, some studies are showing effects on children from eating this fruit and they are accumulating higher residual levels of pesticides in the body. These chemicals seem to be linked to Attention Deficit Syndrome problems in young children. They also could be linked to allergies and cancers if enough years of study could be carried out. Man in his attempts to control nature through hybrids, pesticides, and fertilizers, has upset the delicate balance of nature that I established at the beginning of creation. When I come to judge the earth, I will have to renew My creation to its original perfection. Be careful to build up your immune system with herbs and vitamins so your bodies can fight off all of these pesticides that could adversely affect your health.”


Thursday, May 27, 2010: (St. Augustine of Canterbury)
Jesus said: “My people, it is a nice touch to place living flowers around a grave. Even cut flowers at a funeral are a sign of life to honor the life of the deceased. Remember what the angels said of Me at My tomb after I had resurrected. (Luke 24;5,6) ‘Why do you seek the living One among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.’ Flowers are a beautiful witness of My creation. At the funeral they are a sign of new life in the spirit as your soul lives on forever. Pray for every soul that passes from the body in case one needs prayers to get out of purgatory. In heaven you will see colors more beautiful than these earthly flowers. You will also hear beautiful music from the choirs of angels singing My constant praises. Do not think that death is the end of everything because by My death on the cross I have brought salvation for the forgiveness of your sins, and I have opened the gates of heaven. Those, who have faith in Me like the blind man, have nothing to fear for you will see Me one day in heaven. I cured the man’s blindness because of his faith, and I disperse the darkness of sin so you can see the Light of My glory on earth and in heaven. Enjoy the beauty of My flowers now as a precursor for the beauty that you will see in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are to pray to the Holy Spirit when you need to test the spirits of those who are leading you. The devil and his agents can assume different disguises to mislead you into occult practices. Beware of those who worship crystals or earthly things because they are calling on evil spirits. Beware of those who are cold or are causing confusion because there is evil in your midst. Avoid any places that teach New Age practices so you can avoid the evil in their groups. It is good to carry your blessed sacramentals of your Benedictine crosses, rosaries, blessed salt, holy water, and blessed medals of the saints. If you ever deal with people who have evil spirits controlling them, do a binding of evil spirits prayer and your St. Michael prayer. Call on My angels of protection to help defend you from any evil, and call on My Name, Jesus, as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have prisons where you place criminals, just as you keep animals caged so they cannot escape. In the coming tribulation you will see the persecution of Christians become very obvious, even as Hitler singled out the Jews for persecution. You are seeing hate crimes for even speaking out against homosexual acts as sins. You also can get persecuted for speaking out against abortion or anything against government policies of political correctness. This persecution will worsen to the point that you will need to seek out My refuges for protection. This time of refuge draws closer, even as your laws will be demanding mandatory chips in the body. Refuse these chips in the body at all costs, and follow My angels to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are living in an evil age when evil men are in control of power and money. Your government officials are puppets for the one world people who are pulling their strings behind the scenes. I am allowing the coming tribulation as a test of your faith. The Antichrist will have a short reign of less than 3½ years when he will be allowed to rule the earth. Do not have any fear, but do not take his chips or look at his face. At My refuges you will have an invisible shield all around you.”

Jesus said: “My people, whenever you try to lead a holy life, you will be criticized and you may even see demons tempting you or attacking you more than usual. For every good intention given to you by your guardian angels, there will be an equal attack by a demon. Pray for My help to follow your good intention for prayers and saintly devotions.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is important that you guard the intentions of your actions. Everything that you do should be done out of love and for My glory and not your own. When you do things purposely for your own benefit for money or fame, then you are not doing it for Me. Also in your heart you should be doing things out of love for Me and your neighbor. Turn aside pride and greed, and seek humility and charity instead.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times earthly schedules and commitments can get in your way so much that you find it difficult to get your prayers said during the day. Do not put off your prayers to late at night when you become too tired to pray with fervor. Someway during the day, you need to retreat to your room for prayer and put your earthly agenda on hold. Nothing should be that important to postpone your prayer time. If prayer time is difficult, then you are doing too many earthly things, and you are putting them before Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this feeling of holy love coming forth from My eyes and heart is how much I love each one of you. I even love you despite your sins and your weak nature to sin. My desire is that you should love Me more than anything or anyone in this world. Remember what St. Paul said that if you do all things right, but do not have love, then you are like a clanging cymbal. (1 Cor 13:1-7) When you act out of love, then you are doing things to please Me and others before yourself. I am love itself, and I want you to imitate My selfless love by emptying yourself of human love and seek My spiritual love.”


Friday, May 28, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, even as the spring time of year brings beautiful flowers, it also is the season for tornadoes and hurricanes. The darkness of the clouds in the vision is not a good sign for America. You have already seen considerable damage from your tornadoes and wind storms as evidenced in the leaves all around in the vision. These storms are small compared to what is in store for you in the coming hurricane season. You were spared Atlantic Ocean damage by the El Nino of last year, but this year will be a return to your average storm count. You already are seeing a disaster in the Gulf of Mexico from your oil spill, but this could spread more with any storm damage. Pray for the people along your Southern shores who will be bearing the brunt of any damage from these disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about the evil one world people who have secret money and power that control your world governments from behind the scenes. They are involved with central bankers who control your banks and loans to all governments. They are the ones who created your financial crisis in America, and now in the European countries. I also have told you that these one world people get their orders from Satan, himself. Many of the one world people actually worship Satan and other evil deities. They are deeply involved with sexual sins and drugs of many addictions. It is a one world government that they seek that is forcing constant surveillance of your communications and cameras everywhere. This same group is behind the chips in your driver’s licenses, passports, and soon mandatory chips in the body for total control of your minds through voice mind control. They are the same force trying to bring about the North American Union which will take away all of your sovereignty rights. Once such unions are on every continent, they will give this authority over to the Antichrist to rule the world. This will be the time of tribulation that I have prepared My refuges for protecting My faithful. Do not fight with guns, but let My angels protect you with an invisible shield against the demon controlled evil ones. You have seen the fulfillment of the messages that I have given you in how evil the world has become. This evil is a sign of My coming, and you will see My Warning come to help separate the sheep from the goats. Those, who do not follow Me, are condemning themselves for all eternity. My love reaches out to save everyone, but each soul must choose allegiance to either Me or the devil, either heaven or hell.”


Saturday, May 29, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, just as you maintain your house with painting, fixing roofs, cleaning, and caring for the lawn, so also My churches need to be maintained as well. Some services need to be contracted out, but some can also be done by parish volunteers. There is also a spiritual duty that needs to be maintained in the faith. Building up the faith community by evangelizing souls is a necessary function of My faithful to keep your faith vibrant, and able to be passed on to the next generation. This involves teaching the young children in religion classes and even assisting adults with Bible study and rosary groups. Assisting in sacramental preparation is also important. By having good leadership in the physical and spiritual maintenance of a parish, that church can survive in your modern world. If the people are lax in supporting a church, then that church could become another closure. Keeping a church open is therefore the responsibility of the faith community and its leaders.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who seek fame and riches as their main goal in this earthly life. Some even sell their souls to the devil to obtain fame and fortune. Remember that these things are temporary and they will be gone tomorrow. The things of this world are only here for awhile, which is why heavenly things are more valuable because they last forever. Instead of seeking earthly treasures, you should seek heavenly treasures in doing good deeds for people. Instead of doing things for show or an earthly reward, you should do everything out of love for Me and for My greater glory. Pride and greed tend to drive people to look for fame and riches, but those, who want to be humble and charitable, will be better off in their spiritual life. You may not see your reward here on earth for your good deeds, but My Father sees what you do in secret, and you will have your reward in the next life. Your best goal is to seek heaven, but you will need to struggle against your earthly weaknesses to stay on the narrow road to heaven. Call on My help in your daily prayers to stay close to Me.”


Sunday, May 30, 2010: (Trinity Sunday)
God the Father said: “I AM wants to share My love with all of you as you share the beauty of My creation. You have a beautiful sunny day and you know that I love everyone so much that I sent My only Begotten Son to die for your sins. These visions are My words over My Son, Jesus. (Matt. 3:17) ‘And behold, a voice from the heavens said, ‘This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.” This came at My Son’s baptism by St. John the Baptist. (Matt. 11:5) ‘This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased; hear Him.’ These words came with Jesus and His three apostles at My Son’s Transfiguration. You have seen the beauty of My creation out West in many of your parks, and you love the beauty of My flowers in the spring, and the colors of the changing leaves in the fall. When St. Thomas said: ‘Show us the Father,’ Jesus told him: ‘When you see Me, you see the Father, for We are One.’ Even when you receive Holy Communion, you are receiving the Blessed Trinity because We are One and We are inseparable. It is hard to understand the Blessed Trinity of Three Persons in one God because this is a mystery of faith. Believe in Me and follow My Commandments that I gave to Moses.”


Monday, May 31, 2010: (Visitation, Memorial Day)
Our Lady said: “My dear children, this feast day of My Visitation is joyful in celebrating new life, and there is joy as I gave my Magnificat in the Gospel. This feast also comes on your Memorial Day when you are reminded of all the lives that were lost in your wars. As you think of lives lost, you also can shed a tear for the many lives lost from abortion, both in your country and in the rest of the world. Much of this killing could be avoided, but these are two intentions that I have asked you to pray for in your rosaries. They are peace in your world and the stoppage of abortion. In your newspapers you are reading of many Catholic churches being closed. This is another sad time that could have been avoided. It is because your people have become lax in their daily rosaries and their Sunday Mass attendance that many of your churches are being forced to close. This loss of faith is another sign of the end times, but it is not a reason to give up hope. There will always be a faithful remnant of my prayer warriors, and it is this group that my Son and I are counting on to pray for the lukewarm. When the Warning comes, you will be called on to evangelize these souls the best that you can. Call on all of us in heaven in prayer to support your spiritual lives, and be good examples for others.”


Tuesday, June 1, 2010: (St. Justin)
Jesus said: “My people, as you see many people running for office in primaries for President and for Governor, you can see the thirst for power in politics. As you see these pillars of government in the vision, there are always various interest groups seeking the reins of power. Unfortunately, in many governments there are graft and corruption where money is at stake. Every member of Congress has some pet projects to get special financial favors for the people of that district. Even the Pharisees saw Me as a threat to their power, and they tried to involve Me in their petty politics. So when they asked Me if it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, I said to them: ‘Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.’ This confounded their intentions to trap Me at that time, but they continued to harass Me. So I tell My faithful, do not seek after power and money because they are fleeting and gone tomorrow. Instead, seek after heavenly treasures that are everlasting.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Israeli imposed embargo on supply ships to Gaza is a point of friction that could bring world opinion against Israel. If more such incidents occur, it will be increasingly difficult for America to defend Israel. As America is already at war with Arabs in Afghanistan, and is trying to deal with Iran’s uranium enriching, it will be harder to deal with an additional Palestinian problem. American troops have already been strained with constant tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. This constant expense and strain on your people for financing these wars is another addition to your National Debt when your deficits are already getting out of control. America needs to get its financial house in order by getting out of these wars, and controlling its spending. If there is no change, then the one world people will bring about bankruptcy proceedings against America in their desire for a takeover. But in fact bankrupting America has been the one world people’s plan right along. These central bankers caused your financial crisis, and they keep involving you in false flag wars purposely to bring your government down. Their plan is to take you over and bring about a North American Union. When this comes, My faithful will need to have Me direct your angels to guide you to My refuges. This will be your place of protection throughout the tribulation and the Antichrist’s reign. Then I will come with My Comet of Chastisement to vanquish all evil and renew the earth for My Era of Peace. Be patient with this trial of evil, and you will soon see My triumph.”


Wednesday, June 2, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you have a drug culture at all levels of your society that provides a market for all of the drug smuggling underworld. Once unsuspecting people experiment with drugs, then some get addicted, and their lives are ruined. Many thefts and killings occur in your cities because of the addicts feeding their habit and the dealers making big money. Even some have advocated for marijuana to be sold publicly beyond health reasons. This is a huge industry from Columbia and Afghanistan that has only added to the crime and degradation of your society. Drugs and alcohol are escapes for people who cannot deal with life’s trials, but these addictions make things worse. These dealers prey on the young and the poor for their new customers, and you need to warn your children not to get involved with these evil people. Stopping the traffic of drugs is a big problem, especially when the dealers pay off the enforcers. People need to trust more in Me for help instead of relying on drugs and alcohol. The devil is behind this destruction, so do not let these things control your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are dealing with a foreign oil company and they have been slow to try various ways to stop this oil from leaking into the Gulf of Mexico. The huge cement containment device failed, and the mud and cement ‘top kill’ failed to slow the flow as well. Every attempt has not been tried at such depths, which is why the cold temperatures and heavy pressures are causing problems. There is an urgency to stop this flow and people do not want to hear of several months until another well can be drilled to take off some of the pressure. Investigation of the explosion has still not revealed any main malfunctions or causes, other than a possible natural gas explosion from a faulty relief valve. Damage to the fishing and tourism in the area has created a financial disaster as well as an environmental disaster. This man-made disaster is becoming worse than even the hurricane damage. Pray for a rapid solution to this leak and a strong effort to clean up the oil. This is demonstrating how there is less control in fixing deep water wells, and it could hinder such oil sources in the future as insurance costs will be expensive.”


Thursday, June 3, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, not all caves will be good places for refuges. There are many caves in various places, but some have too much water and are too vulnerable to flooding. My angels will only lead you to caves that have dry spots and air to breathe. If necessary, they will even carve them out for you for a place to stay. My angels will also guard you from the evil ones and make your cave invisible to even dangerous animals. You will need some water in the cave and a tent for a warmer place to stay. Food will be multiplied for your needs. Trust in Me that I will provide for you in the tribulation time. You could even survive on the daily Eucharist that My angels will bring to you. So have no fear of this evil time when My angels will make you invisible, even in the caves.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people of America, you have just celebrated Memorial Day when you honor all of those who died for this country to keep it free and strong based on the God-given principles in your Constitution. Under your Bill of Rights you have your guaranteed freedoms, but you have the one world people trying to take away these freedoms. Many laws and decrees of Congress and the President are trying to take away your freedoms. Hate Crime legislation and your Health Law are attempts to take away free speech and mandate chips in the body to control your minds. Once you see martial law, mandatory chips in the body, and a division in My Church, it will be necessary to go to My refuges for protection. Trust in Me to leave quickly once you have been warned that it is time to go.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you need to discern if major events in your headlines are being purposely trumped up to take your mind off the plan of the one world people to take over your country. You have seen in the past how the one world people are famous for creating problems and then proposing solutions which move you closer to a one world government. This oil rig explosion is too convenient to stop more off shore drilling for oil. These constant wars are too convenient to keep your military industrial complex in business. The central bankers are leading you into bankruptcy for one purpose, and that is total control in the North American Union. This is the plan that the one world people are covering up with their made up events. Fear not because I will come to vanquish this evil lot.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your people were about to vote into office your last two presidents, I told you that you had an opportunity to do away with abortion and your wars. Unfortunately, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have helped to remove these burdens from America. Instead, you continue your abortions, your wars, and your exorbitant spending. Because you have not changed your sinful ways, you are still suffering the consequences of your sins, as My blessings have been taken away. Today, Wall Street’s corporate greed is controlling your government, and the central bankers are controlling your interest rates at zero and limited loans. As your people are losing their faith, so America is sinking into the abyss of its own sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, the near term future for America is getting worse with each day. It is only My faithful remnant and their prayers that have postponed My coming judgment against America. Your prayer groups are your core members to prepare the people for your refuges in the coming tribulation. Those, who depend on Me for everything by faith, will have your reward both on earth and in heaven. When you leave your homes for your refuges, you will truly be trusting in Me for all that you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people are afraid and concerned what will happen to them during the time of the coming tribulation. I assure you that My angels will be protecting your souls from all of the demons. Some of My faithful will be martyred and become instant saints in heaven. The rest of My faithful will be protected in your own shelter at My refuges. This light in this house of the vision is an example of how you will be protected by an invisible shield at My refuges. So have no fear as My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My faithful to have their backpacks ready to leave at any time. Those, who have interim or final refuges, also need to be ready to accept My faithful when I warn you of the time to leave. You know of the mandatory chips in the body that will come as your new Health Law is implemented within three years. Once this takes place, you will need to leave for My refuges. This is just one sign of many that your refuge time is close. I have prepared you for this moment for many years, and soon you will see it brought about in your lifetime.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to give you this vision of hope in how you will be rejoicing in My Era of Peace after you have endured the evil time of tribulation. You know that I will be the victor in the end against Satan, the Antichrist, and the rest of the evil ones. All that you are suffering now will be well worth your reward in My Era of peace and in heaven. In My Era of Peace you will see no evil and everything will be provided without working for it. You will be singing My praises daily as you are perfected to enter heaven. Rejoice in My coming victory. As you see the Antichrist about to take power, know that your redemption is at hand.”


Friday, June 4, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you for a long time that the one world people have wanted to force implantable chips in your body since their first attempts at National Health Insurance. I gave you messages that implantable chips in the body were a part of this legislation before you even read the bill. You have found and shown the people the words of ‘implantable’ devices in HR 3200 before it became law. For those who still doubt that this is in the legislation that was finally signed into law, you could do some more research into the Senate bill and the combined bill in conference that your President signed. The Senators and Congress people did not go to all the trouble of changing parties to get 60 votes in order to pass this legislation without a reason. The one world people have forced chips in the body through your Congress, as they have forced through all of your other spending bills that are expanding your National Debt to near bankruptcy. Once mandatory chips in the body are forced on your people, then it truly will be time to go to your refuges. This mark of the beast is one of your big signs of when to leave your homes. Be ready to leave when this Law is implemented. Have no fear because My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you know about the chemtrails that have littered the skies for over ten years or more. You also have seen the difference between a water vapor trail that disappears quickly called a ‘contrail’ and a ‘chemtrail’ that lasts much longer until the wind disperses it. Most people are not aware that military planes and some commercial planes are used to put these trails in the sky. Most of this work is secret and there has been a news blackout on this subject in your media. Some people have developed flu-like symptoms after such trails have been used. Some articles have claimed they are being used to cool the global warming problem and counteract the Russians’ use of weather making machines to cause droughts. Since the one world people want to reduce the population with virus diseases, it would appear their best use of this technology is to first destroy your immune system so you would be weak to their deadly viruses. Then they could spread viruses that could kill more people. Many articles on chemtrails are on the internet, but it is hard to discern any facts for their validity because it is not being researched or discussed openly. Pray that some authoritative information could be gathered as to the purpose for why these chemtrails are being used. If they are truly detrimental to your health, then there should be an investigation to stop this work. There are some tests which have revealed that they are causing sicknesses in people, so this should be a national concern. Pray for your people to build up their immune systems with herbs and vitamins to counteract any viruses being spread by the chemtrails. Especially have Hawthorn tea or pills available.”


Saturday, June 5, 2010: (St. Boniface)
Jesus said: “My people, when you hear the Gospel of the widow’s mite when she gave to the temple all that she had to live on, it gives everyone pause to think of what you do in charity for others. As you see in your own life, it is your deeper concerns with your larger donations and your willingness to donate your hard work that mean more to you. When you give a few dollars to a church or a foreign mission, these are just token donations with little heart in it. At other times you may help people at your food shelves or even some hard work for your family members where your heart is really a part of your giving. It is these situations that will truly gain you more treasure in heaven than your token donations from your excess wealth. If you truly want to be sincere in your charity, then it is your heartfelt investments of time and money that will have more meaning in your life. This is the true love for each other that should be driving the intentions of your actions.”


Sunday, June 6, 2010: (Corpus Christi)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of My Body and Blood is to honor the institution of My Eucharist when at every Mass the priest consecrates the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you truly are receiving My Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine. This belief in My Real Presence should be emphasized more by your priests because many people do not fully believe in or understand that I am really Present in My Blessed Sacrament. In the vision of My walking to the cave for refuge protection, this represents how I am going to multiply My spiritual Manna so everyone at My refuges will have Holy Communion from My angels. It also represents how I will multiply your food at My refuges during the time of tribulation. Just as I multiplied the fish and bread for the 5,000 and the 4,000 people, so you will again see My multiplication of food during the modern day Exodus. So have no fear of what you will eat or what you will wear, or where you will stay. Your Father in heaven knows your needs and you will be provided for during this coming time of evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are comfortable now because you can eat anything you like, and as much as you need. When it comes time to go to My refuges and My interim refuges, the food that is stored will be multiplied as well as the deer and My Eucharist. At times you may have to eat what is available, even if it may not be food that you like. There will be a little suffering in what you eat, and you may have a more limited choice of foods available. For those, who are storing food, you may have to check to see if any of your food has spoiled, and it may have to be replaced. Once the tribulation begins, I will see to it that none of your food will spoil. If you do not have electricity for refrigerators, you may have to make root cellars in the ground to help preserve your food. Do not worry if you will have enough food for everyone, because as in today’s Gospel I provided an abundance as there were twelve baskets of leftovers. Trust in Me during the tribulation since I will provide protection, water, food and shelter for everyone. I still encourage those who have trades to bring your tools and some supplies. Whatever you bring will also be multiplied. I take what little you have, and I will multiply it for everyone’s needs.”


Monday, June 7, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, why is it that man continues to seek comforts even at Mass and Confession? Some are reluctant to attend Sunday Mass if it is raining, snowing, windy, or too hot without air conditioning. I suffered much more for you on My cross in My crucifixion. I am asking you to come and give Me praise and glory on Sunday at Mass. Those, who come to Sunday Mass, have an opportunity to receive Me in Holy Communion which is the food that you need to have eternal life. Experiencing My Real Presence worthily gives you My grace to strengthen you against sin. My faithful need to encourage your family members to attend Sunday Mass regularly for the benefit of their souls, and to avoid sin against My Third Commandment for those who knowingly refuse to attend. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you should be free of any mortal sin by going to Confession at least once a month. My sacraments are available to nourish your soul with My graces. Take advantage of these opportunities now that may be difficult to find as more churches are closing.”

Jesus said: “My people, ever since Abraham was led into the promised land, the Hebrews, Jews, or Israelites have had to fight for their land. In recent news the Jewish people have been taking criticism for their raid that killed people when they were enforcing their ship blockade of Gaza. It is not clear if those killed were done out of self-defense. A terrorist element has taken over Gaza with a purpose to eliminate Israel which is why Israel is trying to stop rockets from entering Gaza. Many nations have been outspoken against Israel and even some media people. Just as the Jews, Christians have also been criticized and persecuted throughout history, especially by Muslims. This criticism of Christians has become more open recently. Many other religions would take more offense at such treatment if they were persecuted as the Christians. I have asked My people not to fight with weapons, except for self-defense, and not to make a defense of living your faith. As the tribulation comes, your life will be more in danger as Christians will be targeted for killing. Some of you will be martyred, while the rest will find safety at My refuges of protection. My angels will make you invisible, and you will be healed of your health problems by looking on My luminous cross. Have no fear of these evil ones who are trying to kill you, since you will see My protection and how I will have all of these evil ones thrown into hell.”


Tuesday, June 8, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading (3 Kings 17:8-24) you read of Elijah and how he was sent to a widow of Zarephath of Sidon during a famine in Israel. For one year Elijah prayed that her jar of flour and her jug of oil would not be used up so that he, the widow, and her son could survive the famine. This is one of many accounts where I allowed a multiplication of food from what little the people had. I also multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 and 4,000 people when I was on the earth as a man. Even so when you come to My refuges during the tribulation, I will again multiply the food, water, and shelter that you will need. My angels will help in the distribution of food, especially My daily Communion. The angels will also help in finishing refuge buildings and help in multiplying the buildings so everyone will have a place to stay. This is why My faithful should have no fear of the end times because I will see to your needs in miraculous ways that you cannot imagine. Remember that with Me all things are possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are electronic data banks that hold information on every aspect of your life, and much of it was acquired by your government without your consent nor a proper warrant for due cause. They know all of your financial records in how much you own. They know your buying patterns by your charges which they sell to commercial businesses. They have all of your phone records and e-mails. They know of all of your travel plans and travel patterns. They know your friends and contacts. They know if you write letters to the editor or your Congress people. In short they know your political opinions, your religion, and even your donations to charities. They know where you worked, your education, and your type of job responsibilities. With all of this electronic information stored in duplicate, it takes a vast array of computers to update your information. When the one world people want to make up a red list to kill you before martial law, or a blue list to kill you after martial law, they will use this information against you as being against the new world order. This is again why I will warn My faithful on these lists before the men in black will come to your home to capture you before martial law occurs. The evil ones know who will reject their chips, and that is why they will exterminate any objectors. The rest of the people who take the chip in the body will already be under their control. Because of this evil plan, you will need to seek out My refuges to avoid the evil ones who want to kill you. By My grace your guardian angels will make you invisible once you are down the road away from your home, and they will lead you to the nearest refuge. Trust in Me and My angels for your protection and your needs.”


Wednesday, June 9, 2010: (St. Ephrem)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading Elijah used a sacrifice to demonstrate God’s power over man’s worship of other gods, as Baal. After Elijah criticized the Baal worshipers for not bringing fire down on their sacrifice, he called on Me and God the Father to bring fire down on a water saturated offering. Once the fire consumed the whole sacrifice, the people announced twice: ‘The Lord is God.’ The Jewish people were weak at times, as all of mankind are, but at other times as at the Red Sea and in this account, they were faced with the obvious truth of Our existence. This vision of Marino’s story in the cave is another example of how he called on his New Age gods and crystals to help him in his rebel captivity, but nothing happened. When he called on Me finally, he received an eight hour Warning experience that converted him from many years of New Age teachings. Even today people can look back in their lives and see how I have helped them get through many desperate situations. Even in your own ministry, you have seen many confirmations from your own messages that have come true, and from others who have confirmed your authenticity through various signs. Still there are some people who worship worldly gods and material things instead of Me. Once these people are confronted with threatening situations, they soon see that their money, possessions, and worldly gods cannot help them. I am the only One who will love you and take care of you because you are My creations. The devil hates you, and the worldly things are cold and are gone tomorrow. Even in your modern world, you can see in these examples that ‘The Lord is God.’ as the Israelites proclaimed in the reading.”

Jesus said: “My people, public information about comets and asteroids is sketchy at best. This current comet (C/2009 R1-McNaught) that you are following was seen coming at first in September, 2009. Unless this information is public and available, very few would know about it. I have mentioned before that there will be a bright comet that will be in the sky on the day of the Warning. This trajectory will be so close to the earth that this information will be blacked out until many people will see it. Any comet that comes from behind the sun could be blocked from view for a time. Certain comets may not get very bright until they are close to the sun. This comet of the Warning will be significant because it will return to hit the earth as the Comet of Chastisement. As this Warning event draws close, it would be good to confess your sins monthly so you are ready to meet Me at your mini-judgment. The Warning will be experienced by everyone at the same time and you will be warned not to take any chip in the body and not to worship the Antichrist. You also will be notified that a time is coming to leave your homes for My refuges. Pray for your acceptance of this trial as you will need to be at My refuges to avoid being killed by the evil ones. Trust in My angels to protect you. Use this Warning experience to evangelize your family members, since they will be most open to your words about Confession for their souls at that time.”


Thursday, June 10, 2010:
Jesus said: “My son, many times in your talks you have stressed the need for forgiveness in your lives because it is not easy for man to go against his nature. The first meaning of forgiveness is to be able to come to Me in the priest at Confession to confess your sins. You come with contrite hearts because you are sorry for having offended Me. Even in the Gospel I told the people if you have to go and make amends with your neighbor for harming him or her, then do so and bring your gift to the altar. Someone may come up to you and beg for your forgiveness for something they have done to you, and you need to be willing to forgive that person. Just as I forgive you unconditionally, so My faithful need to be able to forgive everyone. Even as I have forgiven your sins, you also need to forgive yourself so the evil one cannot use your past sins against you. The only sin that cannot be forgiven is the sin against the Holy Spirit which is really the sin of not having a forgiving heart. If you have sinned and you do not want to acknowledge your sin or ask My forgiveness, then this sin will not be cleansed, and it could lead you to hell. You have until your dying breath to seek My forgiveness, but do not wait until then because you may die suddenly without any time for a last minute repentance. I love all of you very much, but souls must say that they are sorry for their sins, or they cannot enter into heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate to have My Divine Mercy image to pray in front of tonight. You will have extra graces by virtue of this image and the promises given to St. Faustina. It does not matter what the cost of the picture is, but it is having it before you that is most important. You need to look more into the order of your own picture, and if it cannot be delivered within a week, you could look elsewhere.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you have seen an increase in serious earthquakes with thousands being killed, so also your world wide volcanic activity will be increasing as well. If enough volcanoes emit enough smoke and ash into the upper atmosphere, you could see an increasing haze and a possible reduction in your temperatures. You have seen the effects of such volcanoes on your plane routes, so further activity could affect your travel in areas around the active volcanoes. These are more signs of the end times that are coming upon you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been gradually leaving Iraq, but more troops are being sent to Afghanistan. These constant wars are not accomplishing much, but they are costing you dearly in lives lost and in Defense spending. Just as you are leaving Iraq, you need an exit strategy as well for Afghanistan. Your country cannot afford wars and spending on your domestic programs at the same time. This is increasing your National Debt beyond what you can pay back. America needs to rein in its spending before it becomes like the countries in Europe. Pray for a resolution to your exorbitant spending before you become bankrupt.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen My messages giving you many helps in getting your refuges ready. You also have been receiving more messages concerning My Warning that is to come. There has been a tone of urgency in these preparations because your time of tribulation is growing closer every day. Your government is planning mandatory chips in the body with your current Health Plan which will be implemented within three years. If this is truly carried out according to the one world people’s plan, then your time to leave for your refuges is truly close. It is better to be prepared to leave on short notice than to concern yourself with the actual date of the Warning or the beginning date of the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you the luminous cross at Thermal, California as an example of what these crosses will look like in the sky at all of My refuges. These crosses will be miracles of My healing graces that will be needed for your health needs. During this coming tribulation, the evil ones will be trying to kill many people with pandemic viruses and natural disasters. You will be protected at My refuges by My angels when you look on My luminous cross or drink the spring water. You will truly be healed of all of your health problems. I will also see to spiritual healings as well at My refuges for those who are weak in their faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the oil spill disaster and its effects on your beaches and on your fishing industries. In addition to these threatened jobs, there is an increasing threat to the 30% of your oil production from this offshore drilling with the new drilling moratorium. As your own energy production could be threatened, your prices for your fuels could eventually rise with these problems. Cleaner energy sources are desired, but it will be hard to supply your immediate energy needs if there is a reduction in your national oil production. Pray for some quicker energy solutions and even reductions in your energy usage.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been speaking much about physical preparations at your refuges, but you also need to be preparing spiritually as well. It is true that your lifestyles will change dramatically at My refuges, but even more so you will be living in complete trust of how I will provide for your needs. This new life could make you into saints because you will be following My plan much more than you are right now. Increases in your prayer, fasting, and giving praise to Me will be much more rigorous, so you can start preparing for this new life in your present spiritual lives now.”


Friday, June 11, 2010: (Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the feast day of My Sacred Heart which is shown as a flame of love on My Heart. It is also pictured with a crown of thorns around the middle of the heart to remind you how I gave up My life for everyone’s sins out of love for humanity in My death on the cross. You have asked Me what to say to people about having faith in Me and what people should receive in the Mass. Faith is a gift as you know, and I do not force My love on those who do not want to love Me. You are faced with two basic choices. You can love Me and seek heaven as your eternal destination, or you can love the worldly things and accept hell for all eternity as a consequence. I am your Creator and I love each of you enough to die for your sins. I have given you My Commandments as a guideline for how you are to live in this world, but they are truly based on love of Me and your neighbor as yourself. Some people want signs of My Presence in their lives, but you can see how I enable you in your physical and spiritual lives. When people pray, they should know that I answer their prayers most when they will help your soul or other souls. Everyone in life is tested with trials in work, health, and the same for your loved ones. There are evil people in the world and they choose to kill and steal from others. Sometimes you will be in accidents or have chronic medical problems. It is not easy to bear the crosses that you carry in life, but you can offer up any pain or discomfort for your sins or the sins of others. People of faith direct their lives to please Me and love Me in all that they do without question because they know their reward will be great in heaven. Do not let the evil one direct you away from Me by indifference or desires for worldly possessions. In the end you will face Me in judgment with only your good deeds to balance your sinful actions. It is your soul that lives on forever, so protect your soul from sin and come to Me in seeking the forgiveness of your sins. By confessing your sins in Confession, you will be freed from the bonds of sin and are promised a beautiful life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have put it on the hearts of many people to start preparing a refuge for the end times. Some have declined because they thought it was too much for them to take on, or they did not totally believe that the end times are coming soon. Others have given their ‘yes’ because they felt that I was calling them in faith to do this to help the many Christians who will be seeking a place of protection during the tribulation. Each refuge should be consecrated to Me preferably by a priest, and have an independent source of water on the land. People, who have discerned in prayer at their refuges, are getting some food supplies that will be multiplied later for the people who will be directed there by their angels. They also are preparing at least one building for people to stay in beds. This building will also be multiplied so many people will have a place to stay. Those, who are preparing refuges, will have their reward for reaching out in faith to help others. When you see the evil ones killing Christians, and when they make it mandatory to have chips implanted in your body, then you are to call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to a proper refuge. This will be your place of protection thanks to those who have answered My call. Over every refuge you will see My luminous cross where those, who look on it in faith, will be restored to good health. At My refuges many people will have their spiritual lives perfected from any worldly desires, even as many saints gave up everything so they could follow My Will more perfectly.”


Saturday, June 12, 2010: (Immaculate Heart of Mary)
Our Lady said: “My dear children, you have heard my Son, Jesus, describe the places of refuge, and one of them is at places of my apparitions to my little ones. You are being shown the water that came forth from the ground at Lourdes, France when I directed St. Bernadette to dig a hole at that place. This became a spring of healing water and Lourdes is famous for so many physical healing gifts. What you may not know is that many souls are healed as well with the spring water. I am emphasizing this healing spring water because this will be found at every refuge just like at Lourdes. Even if a refuge may not originally have water on the land, after the tribulation begins, there will come forth a spring of healing water. This healing will be in addition to the luminous cross that will be at places as Garabandal, Spain where I also gave apparitions to the young girls. Rejoice that you are being cared for by my Son and the angels at the refuges prepared for my dear children.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who work for a living, do need a rest and some time for recreation. The problem comes when people spend too much time watching TV and they forget about their other responsibilities, especially their prayer time. Usually, in a home situation each member of the family should make their contribution to keep their dwelling clean both inside and in the yard. Working for a living is expected for most people, but some have difficulty finding work, or are content to be on welfare. You have been given a gift of time and good health, so everyone has to make an accounting of your time when you come to My judgment. It is best to fill your time with work, prayer, and good works as evangelizing souls. This life is very challenging in providing a living, and bringing up your children in the faith. Pray that you will have the strength and courage to carry out the mission that I have given you without letting your own worldly desires interfere. Your spiritual life requires daily prayer to nourish it, even as you rely on praying to Me in helping you with your daily troubles. Keep focused on Me in your life and avoid wasting your precious time on earth.”


Sunday, June 13, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading the prophet Nathan chastised King David for purposely putting Uriah the Hittite in the heaviest part of the battle so he would die, and then David took Uriah’s wife to be his own wife. King David then repented for this indirect murder and his adultery, and asked forgiveness of God for his sins. Even My chosen ones have committed sins and I gave them the opportunity to come to Me in repentance. In the Gospel a woman, who had committed many sins, washed My feet with her tears, dried them with her hair, and applied ointment to My feet. For her sincerity in faith I forgave her sins. I then explained to Simon that those, who are forgiven more sins or more serious sins, have a deeper love for Me and are more thankful than those who are forgiven fewer sins or less serious sins. Those disciples of Mine, who love Me dearly and are given many understandings of My Law, will be more responsible for when they sin against Me. All the more reason that My faithful should confess their sins at least monthly because they know better, and have no excuse for committing their offenses against Me. Still I am all forgiving of any sinner who comes to Me for repentance. This is also why there is celebration in heaven for even one repentant sinner. I love all of you and I wait for you to come to Confession when I can forgive your sins and restore My graces to your souls.”


Monday, June 14, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you know there are evil ones on the earth that think only of plundering the poor and defenseless for their physical gain. I love everyone and even these thieves. You also are to love everyone as well, and be prudent in your dealings with such people. Do not harbor grudges or anger toward them, but pray for their souls. All the things of this world are passing away, so do not be so possessive of any wealth. In this vision the Babylonians abused the temple vessels of Israel, but you saw the fall of these people for their wicked deeds. Do not judge because thieves and murderers will have to answer to Me at their judgment. Instead, keep peace in your soul as I will provide for your needs, despite any disasters or thefts that come into your lives. At one point you will have to give up your wealth since you cannot take it with you, even into My refuges. So be at peace whenever you may be stripped of your wealth. Focus on loving Me and doing My Will, and that will be enough for you to accomplish.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have had to deal with some trials on this trip. You had a difficulty swallowing at one meal in the restaurant. This was a suffering that could be used to help souls that come to your talks. You have had such physical trials before for the benefit of souls. The unusually heavy rainstorms are just one more sign of the natural disasters that are increasing in these end times. Every time that you see such an event outside of the ordinary, your people take notice of it. These increasing signs of the end times, that are described in the Bible, are telling you how close you are to the tribulation and My coming again. My faithful are blessed with these messages so you can be prepared spiritually and physically for what evil that is to come. Focus the most on how I know this evil, and how I will defeat it with My angel power in protecting you at My refuges. Have no fear of these end times, and be ready to enjoy your reward for standing up to the evil ones when you will be brought into My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, June 15, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing people traveling to and fro as in Daniel’s prophecy. A time is coming when you will see a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This schismatic church will be teaching New Age heresies. New Age teachings focus on praying to things of the earth and not a word about Me. The schismatic church will also teach that the sexual sins are no longer serious sins. Remember to leave any churches who teach New Age or have statues of gods and goddesses of New Age. My faithful remnant will be true to the teachings of My apostles, but they will be seeking an underground church to avoid the false teachings of the schismatic church. This underground church will be like your current prayer groups that will be bringing My prayer warriors together and getting them ready to go to My refuges. This will be close to the time to travel to My refuges when you see this division in My Church. The devil will be misleading some people in My Church, but they will have a chance to change their lives at My Warning. Those, who refuse to change their lives, could be misled into following the schismatic church. Those, who follow Me in daily prayer, are those who will be led to My refuges, or may be martyred for their faith. Be at peace that I will protect your souls, but you will be tested in your faith during the tribulation. Pray for My strength to endure this trial and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace and in heaven.”


Wednesday, June 16, 2010:
Jesus said: “My son, you have encountered some struggles and suffering before on your speaking trips. Take these things in stride and be happy that you can suffer for the souls that you are meeting. You endured a problem with your swallowing, a struggle with your plane flight in staying overnight, and even a little test of rain getting to your car. When you are helping souls in their spiritual trials, you have seen how the evil ones are not pleased and they try to disrupt your peace. This was not as bad as your car accident, but I sometimes allow these testings as the price for these souls. Understand this battle for souls even if you are asked to suffer a little physically and financially. Once you realize why you are suffering, then you will understand. You are doing this work for Me and all that you suffer will store up treasure in heaven.”


Thursday, June 17, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, the Israelites were fortunate to have the prophets who I sent to keep bringing them back to Me from worshiping pagan gods. When My people worshiped other gods, I would pull back My blessings and allow their enemies to have the better of any wars. Once the people listened to My prophets and changed their lives, they were restored to the Promised Land, as when they were set free after the Babylonian Exile. America at the outset has been a God-fearing people, but there is an evil that is influencing your people to worship material things as gods instead of Me. Again I send prophets, even in this modern world to try and bring My people back to their senses to give Me proper worship in your churches. Unfortunately, your people do not want to listen to My calls to change your sinful lives, and I am again taking away My blessings. Your enemies of the one world people are being allowed to take over your freedoms. Your people only take notice when you face major disasters, but even after such incidents pass, your people return to their sinful ways. In the days of the early Jewish people, the prophets were persecuted and sometimes killed because the people did not want to hear the truth, and they fell away from Me. I have told you that if they persecuted Me, they will persecute My prophets of today. Do not be surprised that My prophets will again be persecuted and killed as the time of tribulation brings about the evil of the Antichrist. My faithful need to trust in Me to protect them, especially at My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I love all of you because I gave up My earthly life so all of you could have salvation from your sins. I am asking you if you would be ready to die for Me if you had to choose between dying for your faith or living in denial of your faith in Me. Giving up your life for your faith is the decision that made saints out of some of My disciples. Knowing that you will be a saint instantly is a consolation for those who are martyred. Even if you are not called to be a martyr, My disciples can die to self so you can give your will over to My Divine Will. These decisions require a full commitment in the heart and soul to the mission that I have given each of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, making a discernment in your vocation takes a commitment of vows if you choose to be married or to be living a religious life. You are constantly praying for priestly vocations because priests are needed for Mass and the sacraments. Living a celibate life takes a bit of sacrifice in not having a wife and family. Living a married life requires doing all that you can to please your wife or husband, and a commitment in bringing up your children in the faith. Even a single life requires a commitment to live your lives in My service. Walk in faith in your vocation and be faithful to your vows of marriage or the religious life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you go through life every day without always thinking if you are ready to meet Me at your judgment every day. When you are faced with a life threatening disease or cancer, you have a different outlook on the value of every day that you are alive. After living into adulthood, it is easy to assume that your life will go on to an old age. Your time on this earth is finite and you should value every day in how you could serve Me and your neighbor. Do not wait until you are near death to appreciate the gift of life that I have given you. Make daily prayer and good deeds a part of your day’s commitment to loving and serving Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been to funerals enough to know how hard it is to mourn for a parent or another relative. When you hear a eulogy, it gives you pause to consider how the deceased has been a part of your life. You can even think of yourself and how you are a part of other people’s lives. Your life on earth is so short, as time passes you by very quickly. All the more reason to live with love in your heart for everyone. Be a good example of a holy life so others can see you as a model to live their own lives. My prayer warriors need to do all that they can to evangelize souls. Saving souls for Me is one of your greatest acts of kindness that you could do for them.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you desire to go on retreats to break up your day to day work so you can think about how to involve Me more in your life. Retreats give you a chance to freely express your love for Me and maybe plan how to improve your spiritual life. Making more time for Me and helping your neighbor can expand your ways to express your love for Me. Even if you cannot break away for a retreat, take some time during the day to do a mini-retreat in some quiet contemplative prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you can make some time to help people in an organized charity, it will be rewarding to see those whom you have helped. Some people work in hospices, food shelves, hospitals, or prison work. Whatever way, that you could use your talents to help someone out of charity, will be most appreciated by those who you are helping. You remember the joy in the faces of the people when you brought food to them in their need as you were working for your town’s food shelf. Give a part of yourself to others, and it will make you feel fulfilled that you were able to help someone. Every time that you help someone, you are helping Me in that person also.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you could see power outages or storm damage that made someone’s home unusable. If your neighbor is in need of food, a place to stay, or you are able to help repair a home, then reach out willingly to help that person. Neighbors should be there to help each other face the disasters of life. Helping people until they can get back on their feet is what you are called to do as a loving Christian. Be willing to give time or money to various charities and you will be storing treasures up in heaven.”


Friday, June 18, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you many times how all of your good deeds for your neighbor will gain you more treasure in heaven than any thanks that you receive on earth. On the other hand, if you receive money and tax advantages for your work, then you already have received your reward on earth. There are some people, as in the vision, who struggle all through their lives to amass fortunes in earthly wealth. Then once they have acquired a large amount of money, they are content that they will be able to live a life of luxury. This is just like the parable of the rich man who tore down his smaller barns to build bigger ones so he could store all of his harvest. But then his life was required of him and I asked: ‘To whom will all of this wealth go to?’ Those, who store up riches for themselves without sharing, are never content to have enough, and they are rarely happy in this life because money is cold without love. But those, who store up riches in heaven, are much more joyful in sharing what they have with others. Money and possessions do not satisfy the soul because they please only the senses. I emphasized that wherever your treasure is, there is your heart also. If your treasure is in your possessions on earth, then your heart is wrapped in the love of worldly things. But if your treasure is in heaven with Me, then your heart is in love with Me. Keep your heart focused on Me with your goal on heaven because you are a spiritual being with a soul that can only be satisfied with being with Me in heaven for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the original Health Bill in the House there was a provision for setting up a National Database with a National ID appointed to those in the new plan. This will eventually be expanded to include everyone as you approach a National Health Plan. In order to verify your Health ID number, there was an original plan to use implantable microchips as the Verichip. Because many complaints were heard for using chips in the body, the government plan may start with a smart card first. Later, a chip will be placed in the body. Even if you cannot find the word ‘implantable’ in the final version that was signed, it will eventually be decreed in some fashion as your driver’s licenses and passports now require microchips. The evil ones running your government have planned for years to use chips in the body to control you, and they will carry out mandatory chips in the body in due time. Continue your research to follow when they plan to implement chips in the body for everyone. Trust in Me to protect you at My refuges when you will need to leave your homes.”


Saturday, June 19, 2010:
Jesus said: “My son, I am giving you a glimpse of what it will be like in heaven as a consolation for all that you have been enduring recently. You were being led by your angel to see all of the beautiful colors in heaven. You could hear and have a joyful feeling of how My angels are constantly singing My praises. Then you could see My saints standing around Me, and I was sitting on My throne wearing a crown as your King. This glimpse of heaven gave you a feeling of My love and peace that is hard to describe in earthly terms. It is enough to experience heaven without being able to explain it. You have had this experience before and you did not want to return to earth, but your mission is not completed yet. Just tell the people that they need to strive to be with Me in heaven because it is beyond your imagination how beautiful you will feel in being with Me in My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have advised you to have some food on hand until you have to leave your homes for My refuges. When I first suggested this food option as food insurance, there was no time given for how long you may have to store this food. Food will be needed in case your money becomes worthless or you need a microchip to buy your food. You also could have a world famine when food may not be available. Different kinds of food can be stored. Nitrogen packed freeze dried foods will last up to forty years. Meals ready to eat will last for ten years. Canned foods normally last only about five years. I have mentioned several times to recycle canned foods to help avoid spoilage. Unfortunately, there are some who stored canned foods indefinitely and they did not know how long events will take to go to My refuges. As a result some people have had to discard the spoiled food and replace it only with recycled canned foods or the other foods that I mentioned. In cycling food you use the oldest food first and store the new cans to be used last. There is still a need for food insurance, but now you know how to store it without knowing the time to leave which is closer than when you first started storing food. Trust in My help so you can share your food with others. It was never meant to be hoarded, but eventually multiplied for your neighbors to have what is needed.”


Sunday, June 20, 2010: (Father’s Day)
God the Father said: “I AM is with you at all times, and I am truly the Father of everyone. I am blessing all fathers on Father’s Day as they direct their families both financially and lovingly in sharing with their children. The rest of their families need to give respect and thanks for the fathers who many times are the heads of the household. It is unfortunate that a father and mother family is now in the minority in your society which tells you how your family traditions are being destroyed. In the Gospel reading My Son, Jesus, was asking His disciples who He was. I have answered ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ This was My announcement both at the Baptism of Jesus and His Transfiguration. St. Peter was empowered by the power of the Holy Spirit and My power to proclaim: ‘Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ (Matt. 16:16) My Son then proclaimed to St. Peter: ‘Blessed are thou, Simon Bar Jona, for flesh and blood have not revealed this to thee, but My Father in heaven.’ (Matt. 16:17) I sent My beloved Son as a sin offering to save all of mankind by His death on the cross. This shows you how much the Blessed Trinity loves all of you. It is by faith in believing in Us that you will love Us as well, and follow the mission in life that We have given you. By your mutual love of Me and your neighbor, all of mankind can be united in harmony with all of My creation.”

Camille said: “I was watching the people who were stealing the flowers from my grave, and I thought they were pretty cheap to not buy their own flowers. It is definitely rude to steal from a grave. I am sorry that I will not be celebrating Father’s Day with you at your picnic, but wish me a happy Father’s Day anyway. I love you and I am still moving around to let you know that I am still active.”


Monday, June 21, 2010: (Aloysius Gonzaga)
Jesus said: “My people, it is wrong to make judgments about people and ruin people’s reputations with your gossiping behind their backs. You would not like people to do that against you in secret either. In the Gospel I was asking people how could they see the splinter in their neighbor’s eye while they had a wooden plank in their own eye. Leave any judging to Me because it is not your place to judge anyone. Before you criticize or preach about proper behavior, you need to have your own spiritual house in order so you are not a hypocrite in your own actions. Be prepared to practice what you preach, or others will not listen to your words. Be sure to give good example to others because your actions speak louder than your spoken words. I love you all so much and you can use My life on earth as a model for your own behavior. I realize that I did not commit any sin, but strive to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several earthquakes recently that have killed many people. When the HAARP machine is used to cause earthquakes, many have seen various colors as an Aurora Borealis. Then suddenly a serious earthquake is witnessed. I have told you before if they use this machine on America, you are most vulnerable along the West Coast and the New Madrid fault lines. If you see such lights again over these areas, then be prepared for some serious earthquakes where many could be killed. In addition to earthquake events, you have a serious gas and oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico from a very deep well into the earth. The problem with such deep wells is that they are associated with very high pressure releases which your technology is not prepared to handle. Drilling more wells in this area will cause even higher releases of oil and gas, and could cause more fissures in the ocean floor. Very toxic gases including hydrogen sulfide (causes death above 700 ppm) and other organic toxic gases are being released into the air because of the proximity to magma and sulfur sources. More drilling could result in more problems. Pray for the people affected by these man-made disasters as many could die from the earthquakes and deadly gases.”


Tuesday, June 22, 2010: (St. John Fisher)
Jesus said: “My people, history is full of many evil kings and tyrant dictators, and your world of today is not much different. In the case of St. John Fisher he was defending the Church against King Henry VIII. In many other cases My saints were martyred because they refused to give up their faith. It is not easy to preach a message of love and peace when the leaders of the new world order, led by Satan, want to persecute anyone who believes in God. This persecution of believers will be getting worse, as eventually the Antichrist will declare himself. Just as in the past many of My prophets and messengers will be under attack and could be martyred as well. My son, your message of preparation for this time of tribulation is not an easy one, but the faithful remnant need to be warned so they can be led by My angels to their places of protection at My refuges. My angels will be protecting My faithful at My refuges, and the angels will have power to make My faithful invisible. You are seeing the power of My angels as in the first reading when 185,000 of the Assyrian army were destroyed by one angel in defense of Israel. Trust in My protection at My refuges, but some will be martyred during this coming persecution. I will definitely be protecting the souls of My faithful from the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is the goal of the one world people to bankrupt America through wars and debts so they can take over your country and its people. These central bankers have created your financial crisis for excuses to increase your National Debt with all of your Stimulus funding and bailouts of banks and corporations. They encouraged people into sub-prime loans for houses they knew the people could not afford. They then created derivatives with no real value that were insured by AIG and this insurance company was bailed out by the taxpayers. Now your National Debt and your Federal obligations to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are four times your GDP which is an explanation of your insolvency. There is no way of financing all of these obligations with taxes or Treasury Notes. As soon as you cannot find enough buyers for your Treasury Notes, then the Federal Reserve will force monetization of your debt. This will cause more and more money to be printed which will cause hyperinflation until your dollar will become worthless. Once your people cannot pay off your mortgages, the one world people will repossess everything in a complete takeover. This bankruptcy will create chaos and riots as people will have no food or lodging to afford. The evil ones will then bring about their new world order as they will kill those who are against them, and force the rest of the people to be controlled by chips in the body. Before martial law comes, you will have the Warning and a sign to leave for My refuges before they come to kill My faithful. The Antichrist will have his short reign, but then I will vanquish all the evil ones into hell and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, June 23, 2010:(Pat Amato’s sister, Mary, funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, every time that someone dies, as Mary did, your soul body is lifted out of your physical body. You may know about this separation of body and soul as you have been told by people and the Bible. Some people may have had near death experiences and so they know what it is like to leave their body and look down on it. When you die though, you will never return to your earthly body. Only at the last judgment will you be reunited with a glorified body. What is unique, when you leave your body, is this freedom of all of your earthly constraints of time and space. You will be floating freely in your soul body and you will come to Me for your judgment. After your judgment, you will go to heaven, purgatory, or hell based on your life’s actions. I always urge the mourners at the funeral to pray for their loved ones who may need to be purified in purgatory. You can even have Masses said for the deceased because these can offset much purgatory time.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you have seen unusually heavy snowfalls in areas that get little snow. You have seen unusually intense rain storms that have caused many floods and power outages. You also have seen many violent tornadoes that have caused much damage. Many of these things and future events can be caused by or enhanced by the HAARP machine in Alaska using microwave beams. Soon you will be seeing more earthquakes, possible volcanoes, more violent storms, enhanced hurricanes, and the like. This use of the HAARP machine to modify weather and cause earthquakes is part of the one world plan to bring down America both physically and financially. Events will be moving swiftly that have never been seen before in such high frequency. America will be tested in many ways that will take away your freedoms as the one world people will implement their plans for taking over America. Store some food and fuel which could be harder to obtain in coming times. When things will get violent and martial law is about to be declared, you will need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My nearest refuge. Pray for My help as riots and chaos are in your future.”


Thursday, June 24, 2010: (Nativity of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My dear son, you have seen in the Gospels how St. John the Baptist was a herald of My coming ministry on earth. Even now it is not an accident that your name is John also, as you are one of many messengers who are preparing the people for when I will come in spirit after the tribulation of the Antichrist. You have been given many messages of these end times in how the evil ones will force their new world order on everyone. You have warned the people not to take the Antichrist’s chip in the body, and not to look at him. You also were told how I will visit everyone in the Warning to change their lives. My refuges will be places of protection during the tribulation. At the end of the tribulation, I will vanquish all the evil ones to hell with My Comet of Chastisement. Then I will bring about My Era of Peace where My faithful will be rewarded for their good deeds.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember the account of Adam and Eve and how the serpent tricked them into eating the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The consequences of sin are death and having to work for your living. This vision of the serpent again is a sign that the time of the Antichrist’s declaration is getting close. Satan and the two beasts of Revelation are the Trinity of evil that mimic the Blessed Trinity of God. Be prepared with My sacraments and My sacramentals so you can withstand the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, many have realized by now that this well had some flaws and it was drilled in an area rich in natural gas. It also was drilled down six miles below the sea floor which is deeper than most wells. There is concern that drilling more wells will also contain the high pressure that is expected from such deep wells. In getting permission for this well, many were eager to tap into areas of larger oil finds because domestic production was waning. The pressures were unexpectedly high and it will be fortunate to stop this leak. Pray for those working to fix this problem that there is no more deaths and success in the clean up.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing damage from tornadoes, windstorms, earthquakes, and many places of flooding from severe rainstorms. This damage is compounding the difficulties with your bad economy and high unemployment. Many flooded areas are having difficulties in funding the rebuilding that will be needed. Immediate aid is getting tested by groups as the Red Cross when funds are running out. Pray for these distressed people who are struggling to rebuild. Some thought is being given to locating on higher ground away from flood plains.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unusual to see a 5.0 earthquake in this area as well as a tornado not far from the G-20 meeting in Ottawa. Some have speculated on this relationship. There was a shakeup when people from a wide area could feel this quake. This is just a sign of even more severe earthquakes that will be happening in your North American Continent. Be prepared to handle people’s needs from the coming damage and pray for any souls that could die from these disasters, especially those who are not ready to die.”

I could see Beverly’s family mourning her loss. Jesus said: “My people, some of your family’s relatives die suddenly, while others die after long illnesses as cancer. Even when their passing is expected, it is still difficult once I take them to Myself. Think of how her life has influenced so many other lives. She had a healing of cancer that extended her life, so she enjoyed life a little longer. Be grateful for her gift of life and have Masses said for her soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, only St. John the Baptist, My Blessed Mother, and Myself have our births celebrated in My Church. You are fortunate to have St. John the Baptist’s first class relic on your altar to be venerated. All the relics of the saints are a gift of their lives to be witnessed before you. You are truly blessed with their presence and good examples in their lives of service to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you read the accounts of how St. John the Baptist and My birth came about, you can see the plan of God to bring salvation to mankind even after the sin of Adam and Eve. I was born in Bethlehem as a descendant of the house of King David. Many miracles and angel interventions guided My life on earth as well as the saints who have served Me. Give praise and glory to God for sending Me to you so I could die for your sins on the cross. I have given you all of My sacraments to strengthen your spiritual lives so you could one day be with Me in heaven. This is why it is so important to discern before My tabernacle how you should follow your mission to gain heaven with My help for your own soul. Give thanks to Me for all the gifts that I have given you in life.”


Friday, June 25, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a vision of much damage that will come in the middle of your country from a series of earthquakes and other man-made disasters. The construction equipment in the vision was to rebuild the roads so aid could be brought in to help people from the devastation. The sonic boom is to indicate the speed at which this earthquake will occur. The wavy lines in the clouds of the sky are a sign of the frequency patterns that the HAARP machine uses to create earthquakes. A series of harmonic frequencies are focused in an area until much shaking occurs with an earthquake. Right before an earthquake will start, you will see various colors in the sky as the microwaves of the HAARP machine will ionize the air giving these colors. Many of these man-made disasters are being brought down on America to cause death and destruction that could result in calling for martial law to establish order from any stealing. Be prepared for this destruction by having water, food, and fuel on hand because these things may be difficult to obtain when you see power outages from these events. Pray again for the people who will be suffering from this disaster, especially those who may die with souls unready to meet Me at their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many trials in the work place that can cause stress on people in getting their job done. In today’s labor market there is competition for jobs and sometimes it is unsure how long you could keep a job. Even if your job is in jeopardy, worrying about it is not going to change anything. It is more important to trust in Me to take care of you than to waste time and energy worrying about losing your job. When you live in total trust of Me, you need to be prudent in your plans, but keep peace in your soul as you do not let anything control you. When you let worries, anxieties, and fears run your life, then you are allowing the devil to run your life because these things are from him. You know that I know your needs, and I will help your family to survive, even amidst a poor economy. Some people always want to be in control of their lives because they think that they can do a better job than I could. Those, who truly trust in Me, have learned to give their will over to My Will so I can lead them to fulfill their mission. Learn to do the best job at your work that you can and leave the rest up to Me. Those, who let Me lead, are much more content and joyful in their lives because they have My peace in their souls. Give praise and thanks to Me every day for all of My gifts that I share with you. The spiritual treasures are much more satisfying than any physical treasure.”


Saturday, June 26, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, before the distribution of Holy Communion you strike your breast three times and pray this prayer of the centurion: ‘Lord, I am not worthy that Thou should enter under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed.’ This is an act of faith that you believe that I can heal your infirmities and bear your diseases. When you pray over people for healings, you are calling on Me to heal not only their physical problems, but also to heal their spiritual problems as well. When you call on My Name, and the people believe that I can heal them, they will be given graces for healing both the soul and body. This faith of the centurion is the faith that I pray that all of My faithful could have and live out in their lives. When you walk in faith, you are giving everything over to Me in full trust. Sometimes you may think that you do not have to ask My help in all that you do, but then you are frustrated in your trials. Walking in faith is when you call on Me every day in your morning offering to have Me help you in every little duty of your day. By accepting everything that I test you with during the day, you can live in peace and bear your trials gracefully without complaints. You need My help every day and you should depend on Me for providing for all of your needs. I know what you need, and I ask you to follow Me in all that you do, even as My apostles followed Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these sheaves of wheat because this wheat leads to the Bread of Life that is consecrated at the Mass. First the wheat is cut and placed in some stands in the field to dry out. Then the wheat kernels are separated from the chaff and the tares. The wheat is gathered into My barn and the chaff is burned in the fire. This is another picture of the judgment when My faithful will be rewarded and gathered into My barn of heaven. Then the evil ones will be like the chaff as these souls will be thrown into the fires of hell. I call on My faithful to evangelize as many souls as you can, so you can save some souls that would have gone to hell. This wheat, stored as grain, can be stored in pails for use in the end times. Once it is ground into flour, then the flour has a shorter keeping time. Some people have stored grain with a small grinder so you can grind what you need to make bread and unleavened hosts for use at Mass. When consecrated, this bread is truly My Bread of Life, and you cannot have eternal life without Holy Communion. As you praise and adore Me in My consecrated Host, you are receiving My graces for believing in My Real Presence. You feed on My Host at every Mass and you can have a time of intimacy with Me in My peace and love. Give thanks to Me for giving you Myself in My Eucharist. I love all of you so much and I make it possible for all of you to be with Me at any time you can visit My tabernacle when a church is open. Rejoice in the gift of My Eucharist and the gift of salvation that I have gained for you by dying for you on the cross.”


Sunday, June 27, 2010:
Jesus said: “My son, you know very well the words ‘Come follow Me.’ because you are doing My mission of evangelizing souls even now. I have called you not only to follow Me in prayer, but to bring a difficult message to My people in preparing them for the coming tribulation and My return as well. This mission is similar to St. John the Baptist when he called the people to repent of their sins. You are also inviting My people to follow Me to the refuges with their guardian angels so they can be in a safe haven that will be protected from the evil ones. The tribulation will be a time of the Antichrist who will try and kill My faithful, or try and have you worship him. Refuse to take his chip in the body, and refuse to worship him. It is difficult to encourage people to leave their possessions and comforts behind, but My people will be protected and provided for at My refuges. Those, who stay behind, could be martyred for their faith, but they will become instant saints in heaven. Preparing to leave as Elisha was called, and as My apostles were called, is not an easy undertaking. This leaving of homes will be in total trust of My help, but My angels will make you invisible on the way to My refuges. Have peace in your soul when you are called to leave without any fear because this following Me will make you saints for your obedience. You will be asked to help each other at My refuges, so be loving and prayerful in all that I call you to do.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have wondered what happened to the young people of today and why their faith is not as strong as the children of fifty years ago. Back then you were trained by the nuns and you remember how you had to memorize the answers in your Baltimore Catechism. This is before your religious teaching became liberalized into a watered down faith. In those days you had much more discipline expected of you in your behavior, and you respected your teachers and parents. At home television was just coming out, and you did not have computers, nor the internet. At that time your movies were much cleaner, there were little drugs, and sex before marriage was frowned on. Today many Catholic schools are being closed and religious education is hard to get older children to attend. Religious discipline of prayer and Confession are lacking in many families. You are seeing your students have little respect for their teachers and their parents. Divorce and sexual promiscuity is ruining families, and drug and internet addictions are rampant. Your movies have explicit sex, violence, and vulgar language, as do your television programs. With all of these causes, you can see why you have many lukewarm in the faith that are not coming to church, which is causing many churches to close and fewer men desiring the priesthood. Even still the parents are responsible for bringing up their children in the faith. See that they get a proper Catholic education and teach them their prayers. Give them good example by your prayer life, your going to Sunday Mass, and your going to at least monthly Confession. Pray for your children to stay strong in their faith by encouraging them without nagging. This is an evil time and living a saintly, holy life is much more difficult than in past years. Call on My help and graces, and you can overcome any evil influence.”


Monday, June 28, 2010: (St. Irenaeus)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading the prophet Amos sees many abuses and injustices by those in power in his time. Even in your world today, you have corporations and central bankers of the one world people who are trying to control all power and wealth for themselves by stealing from the rest of the people that they control. On lower levels My people need to be generous in your own charity to your neighbor in loving kindness. When you love Me and your neighbor, you do not concern yourself with greed and selfishness. Do not follow the ways of the evil ones who worship Satan and their wealth, but only follow Me in love. You are seeing the beginnings of the persecution of Christians by those who do not believe in Me. Fear not My people because My justice will be meted out to these evil ones, while I will protect My faithful at My refuges. Avoid their chips in the body and reach out to Me for all of your needs. The time of tribulation is upon you, but I will vanquish these evil ones and reward My faithful in My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, June 29, 2010: (St. Peter & St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, this bronze serpent, that was lifted up by Moses to heal those who were bit by the seraph serpents, is a prefigurement of how I was lifted up on the cross in the darkness of an eclipse of the moon over the sun. This was the hour of Satan when I was betrayed by Judas into the hands of the Jewish leaders. After My death on the cross, I arose from the dead in My glorious Resurrection. It was this faith in Me that I brought salvation to all of mankind, and this was preached by St. Peter to the Jews, and St. Paul to the Gentiles. They were so strong in their faith that they were willing to be martyred in defense of their faith in Me. Their deaths as marJesus said: “My people, I am showing you this old car in the junkyard because this is what happens to everything in the world when it passes away. This is why things of this world should not be the center of your life. You are a spiritual being and your soul yearns for the peace that I alone can give you. Some people work all of their lives to amass money, houses, cars, and such things. When you die, you cannot take this wealth with you, so you should be more concerned about the eternal destination of your soul. Your soul is immortal and lives on forever past the life of your body. Your goal should be to be with Me for all eternity in heaven. In order to reach heaven you must repent of your sins, follow My Commandments, and accept Me as Master of your life. In order to live a holy life you need daily prayer, monthly Confession, and have love of Me and your neighbor as yourself. By keeping your soul in peace without mortal sin, you will be free of the bonds of sin and better able to follow My mission. Also by frequent Confession, your soul will be ready to meet Me at your judgment no matter when I call you home in death. Your life is a preparation for your death by performing many good works to balance your sins at your judgment. Keep your focus on Me instead of the worldly things, and you can be assured of a place with Me in heaven.”tyrs and their lives are an inspiration to My faithful of today. My faithful may not be called to be martyrs, but you are called by Me to evangelize souls to the faith so they can be saved from hell. Do not be afraid to speak out about your faith in Me, so others can follow your example of a holy life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this old car in the junkyard because this is what happens to everything in the world when it passes away. This is why things of this world should not be the center of your life. You are a spiritual being and your soul yearns for the peace that I alone can give you. Some people work all of their lives to amass money, houses, cars, and such things. When you die, you cannot take this wealth with you, so you should be more concerned about the eternal destination of your soul. Your soul is immortal and lives on forever past the life of your body. Your goal should be to be with Me for all eternity in heaven. In order to reach heaven you must repent of your sins, follow My Commandments, and accept Me as Master of your life. In order to live a holy life you need daily prayer, monthly Confession, and have love of Me and your neighbor as yourself. By keeping your soul in peace without mortal sin, you will be free of the bonds of sin and better able to follow My mission. Also by frequent Confession, your soul will be ready to meet Me at your judgment no matter when I call you home in death. Your life is a preparation for your death by performing many good works to balance your sins at your judgment. Keep your focus on Me instead of the worldly things, and you can be assured of a place with Me in heaven.”


Wednesday, June 30, 2010: (First Holy Martyrs in Rome)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (Matt. 8:23,24) I cured two possessed men that had legions of demons in them, and I cast the demons into the swine who ran into the sea and were drowned. The town’s people were more concerned about the dead swine than that two people were freed from demons. Many people of today do not realize that there are still some people who are obsessed or possessed by demons even now. Many holy people and priests have exorcized demons out of people over the years. There are some demons that even My disciples could not exorcize out of one person. (Matt. 17:14-20) ‘But this kind can be cast out only by prayer and fasting.’ At times when you are confronted with people possessed by demons it is best to have an exorcist priest pray over them. Otherwise, pray a binding of the spirits prayer in My Name with a St. Michael prayer. You may even need to pray and fast to eliminate some demons. Keep your blessed sacramentals on you and use blessed salt and holy water for protection. Trust in Me because My power is stronger than any demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard a lot of talk in your media about this wellhead that is leaking oil at a gushing rate in the Gulf. Some of the questions not getting answers are why was the drilling in that spot? Why was the bore drilled so deep? and what is the normal depth of drilling? The answer is most likely that this was an experiment to see if larger deposits of oil could be found at such depths as the Russians have found on land. The problem is that such pressures from deep wells are too hard to handle in deep water. Many ordinary safety precautions were overlooked to try and save time and money, but now a runaway spill will cost even more to clean up. Pray for a solution to these problems which seem to be harder than was estimated at first.”


Thursday, July 1, 2010: (Blessed Junipero Serra)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Amos (Amos 7:10-17) the prophet is telling the king that he will be killed and Israel will be conquered by its enemies and exiled to a far land. I indeed told Israel that I was withdrawing My blessings because of the lifestyles of the leaders and the people. In fact Israel was defeated by the Babylonians and they took Israel prisoner in this foreign land for many years. In the vision of the Bible as a history book, this is a lesson for all peoples who reject Me and worship other gods as money and possessions. America is turning her back on Me as you worship other gods, so I am also withdrawing My blessings from you, and I will allow your enemies in the Masons to take you over. Just as Israel lived to regret its sin against Me, so America will be taken prisoner and live in exile as your freedoms will be taken from you also. Just as prophets foretold the fall of Israel, so your prophets of today are foretelling the fall of America. If My people do not worship Me, as you were directed by the Bible, then America is doomed to repeat the history of other fallen nations who have rejected Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this violent spinning is a sign of the Warning and how events will be happening quickly with much damage. I have shown you signs of the Warning before that will be an illumination of conscience where you will see your life review and a mini-judgment. As you travel through a tunnel to see Me, it will seem that you are traveling at a very fast speed. Then you will all return to your bodies seeking Confession. The events that are about to occur will be violent natural disasters where much help will be needed for medical aid, food, and housing. Have some first aid equipment on hand as well as some bedding.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen indications that people are making plans for a possible evacuation of the coastline along the Gulf of Mexico. There are strong indications for more hurricanes coming ashore this year than last year. There also are some unknowns about the leaking oil well which appears to be among some natural gas domes that could be released through the ocean floor that could cause a major tsunami. If the pressure from the well cannot be relieved by another well, then there could be a major accident waiting to happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, many investors and workers are getting nervous that the unemployment levels are not going down. Other groups that are studying the National Debt problem are concerned that there may not be enough funds available to pay people receiving Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and Welfare. All of these programs are paying out more than is being collected from taxes. These same payments for unemployment and Medicare are also having funding problems at the state level. Without an increase in tax receipts from a normal recovery, budgets at all levels of government could start generating riots when people cannot get their payments. Pray that budgets can be met to keep your economy from falling back into another recession.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a real concern when Stimulus payments, unemployment extensions, and house credits stop, that your economy will be under considerable stress that will be hard to recover without more jobs. Small businesses need credit to provide more jobs, but the larger banks are not making enough loans. The large banks received bailouts, but without lending, there could be no more job growth. There seems to be a plan to create a credit problem that could cause more instability in making jobs. Pray that these banks will allow more lending for future jobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving messages and guiding those who have wanted to provide refuges for the people during the tribulation. Time is growing short until events will necessitate My people to soon leave their homes for My refuges. This is why My faithful may need to bring as much food and camping equipment that they can carry because it will take some time to get My refuges ready to handle large numbers of people. Those running My refuges need to have their supplies and bedding ready to handle more people than they planned on since there is an increasing urgency to be prepared. I will multiply what food and supplies that are needed when you call on Me in prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as the financial problems and disasters are getting worse, so there is also an increasing urgency for interim refuges to get their things ready to receive people. My faithful also need to make last minute checks that you have your backpacks ready with a little more food and camping equipment for those who have not made any preparations. Pray and be prepared because your trials are about to be put to the test.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been making some prudent plans in your physical preparations to go to My refuges, but you also need to be in the right state of mind spiritually to be able to deal with the evil that you will be facing. You need to get your spiritual houses in order with frequent Confession, and your daily prayer lives. Also make sure that you have an abundance of rosaries, and blessed medals to share with the people. Your spiritual trust in My help will be greatly needed without fear of any evil or the trials that you will face. Call on Me and your guardian angels to help you when I give you the time to leave.”


Friday, July 2, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people of America, you are seeing many heavy downpours of rain from various sources like you saw in Oklahoma. These intense storms will continue and could even be the result of some hurricanes. You saw in the vision where a white car was in the water, and then it quickly was submerged in a swift flowing current of water. Be prepared for more flooding as these natural disasters will take their toll on your fragile economy. Some storms will be enhanced, and the damage will be serious. There is no place that is completely secure from disasters, but be ready to evacuate when you are given the order. Pray for My help to endure these coming trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, many traditional services in My Church have changed dramatically, but the mystique of the special devotions to My Blessed Sacrament and My Blessed Mother have been lost in some areas. I have mentioned before how I enjoy the holiness of the Tridentine Mass. I am also greatly pleased with your Adoration services at your prayer meetings, at Benediction, and the old Forty Hours devotions. Praying My Blessed Mother’s rosaries and the Divine Mercy Chaplet are very needed devotions in your world today. You were pleased to finally receive My Divine Mercy image for your prayer group and other Divine Mercy services. Many graces will come from praying before My image as promised to St. Faustina. These devotions to My Blessed Sacrament are also a good environment for priestly vocations. Keep close to Me in these devotions and you will be protected from the evil one’s temptations.”


Saturday, July 3, 2010: (our 45th wedding anniversary)
Jesus said: “My people of America, you are celebrating your country’s 234th Anniversary of your Independence day. The vision of the eagle represents America as you have on your older coins. The eagle taking to flight represents your freedoms that are slowly being taken away from you one by one. The freedom to worship Me should be your most guarded freedom, but even Christians are being persecuted more and more. Enjoy being able to come to Mass and Adoration because these days are numbered. Many people do not understand the meaning of a democratic republic or the words of your documents in the Declaration of Independence and your Constitution. If you compare your present laws to these original documents, then you would see how many freedoms have been limited or taken away. Pray for your people to endure the tribulation that is coming. I love all of you in America because your founding fathers put My Name in your documents and on your money-In God We Trust.”

(Wedding Mass for Andrew & Sarah) Jesus said: “My people, you do not always see a vision of the spirits in people as well as their angels. This was a special enlightenment to see the joy in the physical faces as well as in their soul body faces in the spirit. A wedding is a beautiful time to be sharing your love with each other, and it is blessed by Me at the Mass. I am always the third partner in every consecrated marriage, even though I did not sign your document. I already have signed My image in each one of your souls because you are all made in My Image when you were given a free will that I will never violate. This bond of marriage is a commitment to your vows and your vocation as husband and wife. Those, who have been married for many years, give testimony to this love commitment. The prayers of the relatives and friends go with Andrew and Sarah as they embark on this sealed love relationship. Give the newlyweds your love and encouragement as you support them in their marriage. I love all couples and I encourage you to pray for each other as husbands and wives help each other to come to Me in heaven. Even those, who may be divorced or separated, need to pray for each other’s souls. Rejoice in sharing your love together because a true marriage is your closest earthly experience of how you can experience My love for you and in My Eucharist. After receiving Me in Holy Communion, you are overwhelmed with My love, even if you cannot fully experience it or understand My gift of Myself to you.”


Sunday, July 4, 2010: (Independence Day)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of purifying gold and refining silver is a sign of how I purify your souls as I burn away all of your sins and earthly desires. Your life every day is a constant work at perfecting your soul so I can bring you into heaven. It is through the grace of Confession that your sins are cleansed, and the grace of Holy Communion that heals the wounds of your sins. Even as you work toward your perfection, I am the only One who can bring true peace into your souls. You are a spiritual being and your soul seeks to be with Me in the peace of My love. Those, who wander through the world seeking only worldly things, find themselves always missing Me in their lives. They are always hungering for Me and do not feel complete until they search Me out and find Me in Holy Communion. You know how I am the ‘hound of heaven’ seeking out every soul to be reunited in faith. I knew all of you when you were created, and I wait for every soul to return to your Creator. Seek My peace and My forgiveness, and My graces will set you free. Now on this day of your Independence you celebrate your physical freedom. I love America and I want you to be free in your soul also from the bonds of your sins. I call on all of you to pray for peace in the world and pray for the stoppage of abortion, especially in your country. Remember again to strive for My peace as you work on your perfection each day.”


Monday, July 5, 2010: (St. Anthony Zaccaria)
Jesus said: “My people, you all remember the account of Adam and Eve when the serpent, representing the devil, tricked them into eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. So again the evil serpent from time to time tempted Israel to worship other gods as Baal. The people of Israel suffered My judgment for their disobedience in worshiping other gods. This same evil serpent is still spreading his errors among the nations at war, and among individuals in their sins against Me. You have a fallen flesh from Adam’s sin, and this human condition makes you weak to sin, but I give you My graces from My sacraments to heal your sins and come to Me for repentance. Live a life of obedience to My laws, and you will be saved in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your hurricane season is just beginning and already the oil spill clean up is having problems from the waves of Alex. I was showing you several long bridges in Florida and in California that are vulnerable to natural disasters. You have had hurricanes before that have threatened your deep water rigs, but you never had any serious oil spills that were made public. These large long bridges carry a lot of traffic and they could cause a big disruption of travel if they were destroyed by hurricanes or earthquakes. Pray that your infrastructures can stand up to these disasters, and be prepared if some bridges are lost. The coming disasters could have a considerable amount of loss of life in populated areas. Be prepared to evacuate should the need arise.”


Tuesday, July 6, 2010: (St. Maria Goretti)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read or heard of all the sexual abuse of both girls and boys. For those children, who survive such ordeals, many are scarred for life in their social lives with people. Those, who kill young children, are even more brutal and will face My judgment. Even those, who abort and kill their children, also are having to face Me for their crimes. It is a ruthless and hardened heart that takes the life of one of My little ones. Their angels witness to Me at each killing. Pray for the souls of all those people who have killed My little ones because if they do not repent, then they are facing the fires of hell. Pray also for all molesters of children and for the children who were molested. Your society is so taken up with sexual sins that this is the largest cause of souls going to hell. Avoid fornication, adultery, and birth control as these are mortal sins requiring Confession before receiving Me in Holy Communion. Seek to be chaste and pure of heart and soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, man has been disposing garbage and refuse into the ocean for many years. Industrial wastes also have been polluting the oceans along with your commercial and cruise ships. But the pollution of millions of gallons of crude oil in the ocean could cause the creation of dead zones in the water where the oil and methane gas are using up the available oxygen in the water when microbes consume these pollutants. Crude oil, the volatile organic compounds, and the dispersant are all toxic compounds themselves, and marine life could not survive in such waters. When any hurricanes come into this area, they could carry these toxic compounds inland when they get caught up in the wind and rain of such storms. This could even become more dangerous for humans to breathe these fumes that continue to get spewed into the Gulf of Mexico. If such toxic clouds make it unbearable to breathe on land, then you could see the need for evacuations along the beach area. Pray for some resolutions to these problems, but this environmental disaster is not going away for quite awhile.”


Wednesday, July 7, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this roof of gold over people represents how some put their security in gold and themselves, instead of trusting in Me for their protection. Do not put your trust in elusive wealth because it can be stolen or devalued, and it is gone tomorrow. I know all of your needs and by trusting in Me, I will provide for you. Do not worry over where you will find food to eat, clothes to wear, or a home to stay. These are the things that the worldly people are concerned about, but My faithful need only to trust in My help. I have provided these things in your life up to now, and you will have what you need in the future as well. So do not spend your life amassing wealth, because you cannot take it with you past the grave. Instead, live a life of trust in Me and sharing what you have with your neighbor. It is love of Me and your neighbor as yourself that keeps you happy with My peace in your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many difficult news stories about the oil spill, earthquakes, and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is hard to keep hearing stories on these subjects without it affecting your outlook on current life. Some people turn to sports or comedy for a change of pace. When you are in love with your Lord, you can look beyond the day’s events and try to make the best of your life in helping others with their physical lives and their spiritual lives. Various disasters and wars are hard to do anything to change these things for the better. You could send donations to help the people that are suffering from disasters. Your best option is to pray for people and for these problems to be resolved. Do not let worries or anxieties affect you when they will not make things better. It is best to ask My help in bringing joy into your heart and the hearts of your neighbors. By living life with a joyful outlook, you can help those around you feel better about their lives. Trust in Me to work out your daily problems so you can always have My peace in your soul.”


Thursday, July 8, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel reading I was sending My apostles out two by two to evangelize first the lost ones of Israel. Later, My disciples traveled to many nations abroad where they shared My message of love and had many converts to Christianity. When they brought new converts into the faith, they would baptize them in any available streams of water. I
advised them to travel light without worry about taking money with them. Missionaries even today rely on donations and people to support them in their houses. I told My disciples that the workers in My vineyard are deserving of their wage, which is their food and a place to stay where they are working. My missionaries are still in need of your support when they work in foreign lands. This includes both financial support and spiritual support in your prayers. It is not easy to be a missionary in leaving your home, or My messengers who also travel around with My message. Be thankful for all of My workers that I send out to harvest the souls for heaven. Pray for more vocations because this evil world needs more missionaries to go out into My vineyard for the harvest.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am happy that you finally were able to get your own Divine Mercy Image. This is not just another piece of artwork, but it has a special blessing when you pray in front of this image as St. Faustina gave you in her diary. Next time, you can read what was given to her about My Divine Mercy. Even when you bring this picture home, it is meant to be exposed where you are praying so you can receive the graces of My Divine Mercy Image.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you think that you are suffering from your latest heat wave, then think also how souls are suffering in the flames of hell, and those in lower purgatory who are also suffering from flames. It is hard for you to imagine soul bodies burning in flames without being consumed. Pray for the sinners so they can avoid going to hell, and pray for the souls in lower purgatory so they can be moved higher out of the flames. Pray for all the souls in purgatory, but the lowest are suffering as in hell, except that they are promised to be with Me one day in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the beginning of your hurricane season is already disturbing the oil clean up and causing floods along the Gulf of Mexico. There are more storms to come, but pray that these storms may be diverted away from the oil spill. Any storms that pick up these pollutants could send these toxic substances inland and could cause sickness to spread among your people. Many are praying that this well could be plugged so the oil flow could be stopped. Many other wells that have been abandoned are becoming a concern if they also start leaking oil. Because of your desire to drive your cars, there is still a desire to extract more oil from your offshore rigs. Your moratorium on drilling is already becoming a threat to your domestic oil sources.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you have recently been to a refuge for a wedding, but the people, who were invited, could see how rustic living on a farm is not an easy life. You again experienced some difficulties sleeping and had to endure some mosquito bites. You also had to endure these insects when you went to Trinidad. You can understand how people can get various diseases through these bites. Pray for My faithful who are building refuges, and for My faithful who will have to suffer a more difficult lifestyle away from all of your creature comforts.”

Jesus said: “My people, this coming time of tribulation will be a means for purifying the souls of My faithful because giving up your riches and possessions can make saints out of you. You will not see any TV and you will find more time to pray in giving Me praise and glory, as My saints and angels sing My praises constantly in heaven. Bring many rosaries, prayer books, and Bibles because you will be thirsting for My Words in the Bible and your spiritual reading. You will need to share them with those who do not have anything to pray with.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not concern yourselves about when the Warning will occur or when the Antichrist will declare himself. Dates are not important, but only be prepared for when they do occur. The Warning will come first to alert all sinners to convert their lives. I will give you the time for when you will need to come to My refuges so your angels can direct you to My nearest refuge where you will be protected from the evil ones. My faithful will be hidden by a veil of invisibility so you will be protected. Give praise and thanks that many will be saved from a martyr’s death. Walk with Me in faith as you keep your souls pure by frequent Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are preparing My refuges and interim refuges, are checking their food storage for spoilage and to stock even more supplies for the people who will be coming to them. I will truly multiply the food and water that you need, but all of you must be ready to help each other in your faith communities. By using your skills and tools, everyone will have whatever is needed to survive. When you come to My refuges, you will be living in full trust of My help. Be confident that I will soon be victorious over these evil ones as I will bring you into My Era of Peace after the tribulation is over.”


Friday, July 9, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this butterfly on the church wall means that My Church needs to focus more on My roots of leading a holy life instead of being so involved with politics. Your people have become too comfortable in the ways of the world and that is why some shy away from prayer and fasting. You are a spiritual being and this desire to seek Me out for your soul’s peace is being diminished by a lukewarm response to My calling in My Word. It is because so many are lukewarm and not alive with the faith that people stop coming to Sunday Mass and to Confession. Instead of a renewal or rebirth in the peace and justice of man, you need to have a vigorous improvement in the original fervor of your faith in Me. It is a desire to be with Me in My Blessed Sacrament that could give you the grace to be stronger and alive in your faith. My people have become too complacent and routine in their Sunday Mass. Work harder on your prayer life and spiritual reading, and then your faith will become alive. Satan wants you to be lazy and asleep in your faith so he can distract you with more worldly concerns. Put your focus on Me as the center of your life, then My love will inspire you to desire more prayer and good works for your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people have wondered why there is such a decline in Mass attendance, but look how many churches are being stripped of your traditions. Some churches have no statues to remind the people of Me, My Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, or the angels. My tabernacles have been removed to back rooms. Many devotions to the rosary and My Blessed Sacrament have been forgotten or purposely stopped. Without a good prayer life and a love for My Blessed Sacrament, it is hard to have a deep faith that keeps you focused on Me. Even a large crucifix on the altar is missing in many churches. When you look upon My crucifix, you can see how much I love each of you when I died for your sins and offered you salvation. My priests should be encouraging the rosary, Confession, Sunday Mass attendance and a love for My Blessed Sacrament. Love of My Eucharist and belief in My Real Presence should also be encouraged. Without a solid foundation in the faith and without coming to My sacraments, it is hard to follow My call for salvation. It is this deep faith that also is necessary for My faithful to evangelize souls to believe in Me. By holding on to My traditions in the Church, it is easier to keep your faith strong. When these traditions are removed and New Age is allowed into My Church, then the strength of faith in Me diminishes into the lukewarm. Hold fast to your traditions, devotions, and love of My sacraments in order to preserve your parishes from closing.”


Saturday, July 10, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, it is a pleasure for parents to want to help their children get through any difficulties or help with their needs. You even may be called on to help your grandchildren, or your aging parents. Doing things for your relatives should be an expected task. At other times you may be asked to help your friends or even strangers. It is love and charity of heart that gives you the desire to help people. If you, who are sinners, can give good things to your children, then think how much I desire in love to give good things to My people. You are always dependent on Me for everything, even if you do not want to admit it. So ask Me to help you through every day with your morning offering, and trust in Me that I will see to your needs. You receive the light that I give you in the sun, the rain I send you in the clouds, and the oxygen you need to breathe. Even these simple things are so necessary for your existence, but many do not think to thank Me for all that I give you. Give Me praise and thanks, and keep close to Me in your daily prayer life.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as I have directed certain people to quickly finish their refuges to handle hundreds of people, so also the evil ones are also preparing their death camps to kill as many of My faithful as they can capture. The red and blue lists are the people that the one world people want to eliminate. Those, who are against the new world order or believe in God, are on their lists. I will warn everyone who is on the lists to seek My refuges before the men in black come to their houses. Those, who remain at their houses, will risk being martyred, but those, who leave for My refuges, will be made invisible to the evil ones and will be safe. Those, who come to My refuges, will be My faithful remnant that will be protected from the gates of hell. My refuges have been prepared for some time to be a safe haven for My faithful. Be thankful for all of those who have said ‘yes’ to My call to make a refuge. Pray for spiritual direction by your guardian angels and for courage to endure this evil age. Those, who are faithful to Me during this trial of the tribulation, will be greatly rewarded in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”


Sunday, July 11, 2010: (Good Samaritan)
Jesus said: “My people, not many years ago, everyone knew all of their neighbors by name. Today, there is so much mobility in people moving to different houses and your lifestyles are so busy that it is hard to find time to know your neighbors. Many people feel more independent and it is not always necessary to help your neighbor who lives close to you. If you define neighbor as one who is in need of physical or financial help, this could even include poor areas around the world. You could be giving charity to your local food shelf or to mission agencies to help the poor abroad. You may be in a position to help someone now, but if you had something happen to your house, you could also be in need of help at another time. By being gracious to your neighbor now, you may have the favor returned in the future. You can also pray for the poor in spirit and those who are facing disasters. When you focus more on looking out for opportunities to help people, be open to share what you have with others.”


Monday, July 12, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, when you pray and come to Mass, you must be sincere in truly coming to Me for forgiveness of your sins as a sinner, and not just a self-righteous person whose actions are just for show. Isaiah was critical of the people who made their offerings to God and then went out and lived a life of sin. I know My people are weak to sin, but do not act as hypocrites when you preach one thing, but your actions are contrary to My laws. You need to be sincere and contrite as you ask Me to forgive your sins. Then you need to strive to imitate Me in a holy life of prayer and good deeds. Every day you need to struggle in carrying your cross of life’s trials. Give good example to your family and others because you can evangelize souls by your good actions which speak louder than your words. Your preaching must match your lifestyle, or you may be just going through the motions without meaning to your life. Call on My help to lead you on the narrow path to your goal in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen one of the worst oil disasters with this latest explosion and oil spill in your history. Fixing this oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico has proved difficult at the depths of water where the oil is leaking. The first government moratorium to stop all deep sea drilling was restrained by a judge, but now a second attempt is being made. Over one-third of your oil comes from these offshore sources which is why there is opposition to this moratorium. Your government also is suing the state of Arizona for its attempt to enforce the immigration laws on the books. Another issue being pushed is to control your people who are opposed to the current government’s policies where they could be imprisoned in detention centers. (“The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act”) I have warned you about your freedoms being taken away, and soon you could be jailed for speaking out against the elite’s power structure. As you see these controls tightening around your neck, then you need to be ready to leave for My refuges. Mandatory chips in the body are almost here, and this will be the mark of the beast to avoid at all costs, or they will control your minds like robots. Once you are warned to leave your homes, then call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge of protection. Have no fear because My power is greater than all of these evil ones.”


Tuesday, July 13, 2010: (St. Henry)
Jesus said: “My people, this is an unusual sight to see all the souls from all over the earth come all at once through this transparent tunnel. This tunnel leads to their mini-judgment with Me. The soul bodies all look between twenty to thirty years old. The speed that the souls are moving makes them look like a blur of movement. All souls will see their destination of where they would go if they do not change their lives. Many who have a taste of hell or purgatory could repent of their sins, once they are returned to their bodies. Some will change, but others will prefer to remain in their comfortable sinful lifestyles. Once these souls are given this information, they will be held more accountable for their actions because they will know the consequences of their decisions. All souls will still have their free will to decide their own destination. Pray and work on your family members to repent and confess their sins. You have tried to advise your relatives of the importance of saving their souls even now. If they refuse to listen to Me or your pleading, then they may face hell or the bottom of purgatory. This again is another message of the Warning experience when everyone will see their life review and how I will judge them. Be grateful for this grace of My Divine Mercy.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been some reports that this oil well, that created the spill, should not have been drilled in an unstable field of natural gas pockets. Since this oil spill started, millions of gallons of oil have polluted the Gulf coast land. This vision of a volcano represents the force of oil coming up from the floor of the Gulf of Mexico. It is hard to get the true reading of the oil pressure. Some have mentioned 20,000 psi, while others speak of 70,000 to 100,000 psi. If BP caps this oil well without a leak, many will be pleased, but if not, then the oil will continue to pollute the Gulf. The toxicity of this spill has many groups planning for a possible evacuation of the Gulf states. It is even possible for the one world people to use this event for declaring martial law in the name of these toxic environments. There have been plans made and equipment is available in these areas to carry out a mandatory evacuation. If such an evacuation is carried out, then it will throw suspicion on whether in fact this spill was purposely caused to give reason for an emergency evacuation. The one world people will stop at nothing to implement their takeover of America. Be prepared to leave for your refuges if such a mandatory evacuation to detention centers is declared. Call on Me and your guardian angel to lead you to the nearest refuge of protection that will be free of any toxic fumes.”


Wednesday, July 14, 2010: (Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, today you honor the young maiden, Kateri Tekakwitha, and how she was converted to a great love of Me and helping the sick. As you look closer at how these people lived off of the land, you can take note how to live at your refuges that will also be rustic in appearance. Unless you have solar or wind power, you will probably be living without electricity. This is why it will be necessary to have an independent source of water at your refuges. A miraculous spring will be at every refuge that will give water and be a source of healing as well. Meat will come from the deer that I will provide, and with your non-hybrid seeds, you could plant your own vegetables. My angels will multiply your dwellings so you will have a place to stay. My angels will also bring you daily Communion if you do not have a priest for Mass. At your refuge everyone will have an assigned job to do to help each other, and you will have more time for prayer. Be thankful that My angels will be protecting you from the evil ones at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, your country of freedoms is about to end when the one world people choose to call in your bankruptcy of debt that you cannot afford. Before President Bush took office, your National Debt was $4 trillion. When he left office, it was $8 trillion, thanks to wars and your created financial crisis. After your latest president’s 1 ½ years, your debt is now $13 trillion. This does not include all of your obligations to Social Security and other individual payments which add up to $56 trillion. This debt and your payments to individuals cannot possibly be financed from Treasury notes. Because of this debt problem, the elite’s United Nations wants to change the dollar from being the reserve currency to a basket of currencies. This will begin a slide in the value of the dollar which will eventually bring about hyperinflation. When the dollar becomes worthless, only gold, silver, food, and real estate will have value. The one world people are preparing their takeover by bringing about the ruin of your currency. There is nothing backing the dollar and it is only a paper promissory note to the Federal Reserve, which is the central bankers. When this crash of your monetary system comes, there will be riots and chaos that could bring about martial law. This will be the time to leave for My refuges for protection from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs at My refuges. The evil ones will take over America as part of the North American Union which will soon lead to the Antichrist’s takeover of the world. As he reaches full control, I will come and vanquish him and set up My Era of Peace. The evil ones will only have a short reign before they will be cast into hell.”


Thursday, July 15, 2010: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is very short, but it is very comforting to My faithful: (Matt. 11:28-30) ‘Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden light.’ As you look at the corner in this room, you are many times put into situations that seem to have no solution. Yet, when you let My Light of understanding come into your life, things in life seem a lot easier and you can solve your problems of the day. Life in the human condition will always seem burdensome, but when you are a believer in My ways, you can call on My help and grace to lighten your trials. Those, who refuse to accept Me into their lives, will need to carry twice the load without Me comforting them. Come to your Master for support and direction, and My truth will set you free of the bonds of your sins.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you do not fully comprehend all the evil that is going on around you in this world. Satan is being allowed a certain time of influence that is behind all of the evil that you are seeing. The one world people take their orders from him as they worship him. The New Age movement and other occult worship are led by Satan. Avoid all evil influences from crystals, fortune telling, tarot card reading, and the like. Instead, carry blessed sacramentals on your person as the rosary, the scapular, and blessed medals. Even blessed salt and holy water are also helpful against evil influences. Overcome evil with prayer and your good deeds.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have become very dependent on your power grid that provides electricity for many of your devices. Many heaters and air conditioners need this power. It also runs your lights, your computers, and your banking system. This will be shut down during a takeover. The spider web represents the internet which also runs many businesses and communications. This can be used for good, but also for evil as in gambling and pornography. Even marital problems are resulting from the abuse of finding other partners on the internet. Beware of the evil in the abuses on the internet.”

Jesus said: “My people, continuing high unemployment is a plan of the one world people to destroy the American economy. They control the large corporations who continue to out source their labor, parts, and assembly of products that used to be made in America. These jobs are not going to return and it will be difficult to have high paying jobs without industry. It is the cost of benefits that is lacking in foreign countries that makes labor in America more expensive. There is not a fair playing field for businesses to survive in America against foreign competition. As your consumers deal with less paying jobs, your ability to live a reasonable life is becoming more difficult. Pray for the unemployed and for businesses to hire more people.”

Jesus said: “My people, this roller coaster represents your business cycles between good years and years of recession. It is unfortunate that after recent recessions, the recoveries are getting worse until you will just have a sluggish ongoing economy with fewer jobs. The one world people have encouraged government Stimulus and bailout plans which only have added to your National Debt instead of bringing you out of the recession. Government does not have enough income to sponsor the number of jobs needed because these jobs do not make a profit, but only create more debt. Pray for your businesses to provide more jobs and to decrease your government control.”

Jesus said: “My people, the best way to combat the evil that is around you is through prayer and fasting. Daily prayer is a powerful force in your life that can help you and those around you to have a positive influence on all the evil going on in this world. It is your prayers that are the best weapons against war and abortion, and all the other evils in the world. Without repentance of your sins and enough prayer, America could lose its freedoms and its greatness. Without having Me as the center of your lives, then your country will fall. Strive to teach prayer to your children, relatives, and friends in order to save your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you have occasional sickness, it may be a temporary discomfort. But when people suffer ongoing illness or cancer, it is more painful and more difficult to bear. Many are learning that good health is becoming harder to maintain with all of your adulterated foods, hybrids, and polluted environments. This is why good diets and building up your immune systems are critical to your health. There are some healings granted through prayer, but many are left to bear with their chronic pain. Give your pain over to Me so I can share My suffering on the cross with you. By offering up your pain, you can help people in their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, amidst all the trials and sicknesses that you face in life, you need My grace and mercy to build up your faith in Me. You only live a short time in this life, so make the best of your situation by trusting in Me to help you through every trial. When you are strong in your faith and confident in your Lord, then you should have no worries that I will take care of you. I am giving My prayer warriors extra graces to be an inspiration to the rest of their families. By following Me and imitating My life on earth, your reward will be great in heaven.”


Friday, July 16, 2010: (Our Lady of Mount Carmel)
Jesus said: “My people, you have recorded Scripture in the Bible to help save your souls. My Blessed Mother has given special messages to help you in fighting the devil’s activities. You have the rosary and My Blessed Mother’s brown scapular as sacramentals for your protection. There are some who belittle messages of My Blessed Mother and the brown scapular, but these people are speaking out of ignorance or devil tempted to discourage its protection. My people need to be aware of the protection of the brown scapular. I want you to give the people your research:
“Take this scapular, it shall be a Sign of Salvation, a protection in danger and a pledge of peace. Whosoever dies wearing this scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.” - Promise of Our Lady made July 16, 1251 to Saint Simon Stock.
Pope Benedict XV addressing seminarians in Rome: “Let all of you have a common language and a common armor: the language, the sentences of the Gospel–the common armor, the brown scapular of the Virgin of Carmel which you ought to wear and which enjoys the singular privilege and protection after death.”
“One of the most remarkable effects of sacramentals is the virtue to drive away evil spirits whose mysterious and baleful operations affect sometimes the physical activity of man. To combat this occult power the Church has recourse to exorcism, and sacramentals.” (The Catholic Encyclopedia)
Because My people need this protection and the devil knows that this protection is real, then refuse to listen to people who mock this brown scapular. The devils fear My Name, the Holy Name of Mary, and the Holy Scapular of Carmel. So wear My Blessed Mother’s brown scapular as your protection from the evil ones.”


Saturday, July 17, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, the time is quickly coming when it will be difficult for My faithful priests to be able to say Mass in your churches that will be taken over. As this priest was led in the vision, only Masses will be said at My refuges and secret places, and no longer in public. This is why it would be good to inform your priests of this coming time of tribulation when it will be necessary to come to My havens of protection. Those, who do not leave their homes at the appointed time, including My priests, may suffer martyrdom at the hands of the evil authorities. The priests may not want to believe these messages, but at least plant this seed of knowledge so they can pray to Me and their guardian angels will lead them to My refuges. Even plant this seed for all peoples to be ready to follow Me to their refuges as well. This protection at My refuges is a grace of My mercy to shield My faithful from all the killing by the evil ones. Fear not this time, for once the Antichrist comes to power, know that My victory is near.”

Camille: “You have asked me why I am opening Sharon’s neckless so many times. You just had the feast day of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and how she gave you her scapular to be protected from hell. Please have Sharon and all of you wear Our Lady’s scapular, the same scapular that I gave to V. when I died. Also encourage Sharon and all of you to get to Confession more, as I should have. Also have Sharon pray for D.’s soul and encourage him in the faith as much as he will accept without forcing him. I am still sent to save the souls of our family, as this is my mission. I love all of you, and I am watching out for your souls with my little visits.”


Sunday, July 18, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel has many facets to understand. Martha is to be commended for caring for everyone’s needs of hospitality. One thing, that many of you do, is complain of your duties that at times seem burdensome. The body needs its own rest in short naps or sleeping overnight to gain back its energy. What may be missing in some lives is the fact that your soul or spirit is also seeking its rest as well. Your soul can only find its true rest and peace in Me. This deep prayer life in contemplative prayer is what is needed for your soul when you converse with Me. Whenever you receive Me in Holy Communion, or come and make visits to Me in Adoration, or at My tabernacle, you are united intimately with My love in My Real Presence in My Eucharist. It is this rest of the soul that is what I referred to as the better portion that Mary had chosen. She had My Presence and My teaching available as she served Me spiritually in her attention to My words. You can serve Me also in helping your neighbor with their physical needs, but even more importantly you can serve their spiritual needs in your evangelization efforts. The whole person needs to be healed both in bodily needs and the soul’s spiritual needs. The most important mission is to save the souls in heaven away from the evil that leads people to hell. Strive to be with Me in heaven by serving Me as both Martha and Mary did.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had only two small named storms come in on the Texas-Mexican border. Your scientists are expecting a more active hurricane season than last year, but the activity usually increases more in August and September. Temperatures are somewhat warmer which gives fuel to more violent storms. Any more storms in the Gulf of Mexico could cause any oil slicks to be pushed inland. Since the oil spill has been stopped, there has been little news on the plans to put a permanent plug in this previous gusher. Pray for a continued success to keep this well plugged, and for minimum damage to your operating rigs from any future storms.”


Monday, July 19, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, every age seeks a sign when they are searching for direction, but the only sign to be given is that of Jonah. This means that man has to acknowledge that there is someone greater than man here, and all of you need to repent of your sins. Just like the Israelites, who wandered away from the Mosaic law that My Father gave, so the people of America have wandered away from My traditions and even the laws set up by your forefathers. The devil entices you with the desires of the flesh, but the body is always doing battle with the desires of the soul. The greatest sign given to you is My death on the cross to save all of mankind from their sins. By My Word of the Gospel, and My actions as a man, I have given you a life to imitate. I have given you My sacraments and My very Self in Holy Communion. By Confession you can have your sins cleansed and always have a pure soul to receive Me in Holy Communion. I ask you to follow Me on the narrow road to heaven by obeying My Commandments and serving Me and your neighbor out of love. Keep your life constantly focused on Me, and there will be no reason to ask for a sign.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of the needs, that I will provide for My people, will be miraculous with Divine intervention. Your modern day Exodus will parallel the original Exodus in many ways. The water provided will come from miraculous clean wells from a spring of healing water. The manna that I will provide, will be My very Body and Blood in daily Communion. The deer meat that will be provided is similar to the quail that were provided for the Israelites. The luminous cross of healing in the sky will provide healing as did the bronze serpent of Moses. The shield of invisibility from My angels will be your first line of defense that your enemies will not be able to see you or detect you in any way. Even if the evil ones knew where your refuges were before becoming invisible, My refuges will still be protected from any bombs, viruses, or harm of any kind. I performed many miracles to protect My people from the Egyptian army, including the parting and closing of the Red Sea, and the many plagues that let My people go free. I will perform many miracles of protection for My faithful remnant at My refuges. These are just a few examples of My superior power over the evil ones. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs in this coming time of tribulation.”


Tuesday, July 20, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I was meeting My Blessed Mother and My disciples, but I used the opportunity to say that all those people, who do My Father’s Will, are brother, sister, and mother to Me. My Blessed Mother always lived in the Divine Will, as she had no sin. She is protective of her children as I gave all of you over to her when I told St. John at the cross: ‘This is your mother.’ She protects all of you with her mantle and she offers you her sacramentals of the rosary and the brown scapular. The rosary is your weapon against the evil one and all of his temptations, as well as from all the evil people. The scapular is worn around your neck to show that you are being faithful to Me and her so you will be saved from the eternal flames of hell. This promise of heaven and to be saved from hell, requires you to repent of your sins and accept Me as Lord of your life. Rejoice in every help that is given to you to save your soul, and to pray and evangelize souls for Me. Remember to wear your rosary and your brown scapular every day. Thank Me and My Blessed Mother for watching over all of our children because we love you so much.”


Wednesday, July 21, 2010: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)
Jesus said: “My people, every person, who I called to religious life, or to be a messenger or prophet, gave a variety of responses. Some were reluctant and later accepted, some gave their yes right away, and some refused altogether. You should not criticize anyone for how they chose to do My mission. Just as I chose My apostles from ordinary people, so I choose many ordinary people to do My calling in your world of today. Those, who bring My Word to My people, are doing My Will, and you need to discern if their words follow My teachings, the teachings of My Church, and if good works come as a result. In these end times I am sending many messengers, but the evil one is also sending false witnesses to confuse you. Those, whom I call, need to have a holy life of prayer and good works. I know My servants have human frailties, but in their heart they love Me and are doing the best that they can to serve Me. Whenever you do something good as a directed mission, the evil one will attack you in any way he can to upset and disturb your plans. Have no fear or anxiety of what to do. I will give My people the grace and courage to accomplish the mission that I have planned for their lives. When it is time to give witness to My Word, the Holy Spirit will give you what you are to say. This is why I ask you, My son, to call on the Holy Spirit to help you in your talks. I call on all of My people to go out to all the nations and evangelize souls to the faith, so you can save as many souls as possible from going to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are running your government’s budgets are not telling the people your true levels of indebtedness. You have two budgets and two measures of National Debt. One is considered on budget, meaning the actual dollars collected and spent. The other is off budget, meaning future obligations to be paid to Social Security recipients, unemployment benefits, Medicare, and Medicaid. The on budget deficit is about $13 trillion, while the off budget deficit is about $56 trillion. Many tricks are used to disguise the deficits so the people will not realize that your country is technically insolvent. This means that your debts are well beyond your ability to pay. Your spending is also well beyond your income, and there is no plan to cut spending to balance your budget. Your home, businesses, and even states have to balance their budgets or they are declared bankrupt. Your government can use tricks to print bonds and money out of thin air because these Federal Reserve notes are not backed by anything of value. This is why the elite have their wealth in tangibles, instead of in paper money and paper stock certificates. Your money system is like a deck of cards that is ready to be crashed at any time. Once investors and foreigners stop buying your Treasury notes, there will be no way to finance your debt and your money will be worthless. This plan of bankrupting America has been the one world people’s way of taking over your country for many years. Be prepared to go to My refuges once your dollar crashes. The evil ones want total control over your lives, and that is why they are encouraging socialism where your government controls everything as in China and Russia. Pray for your people to repent before the Antichrist takes over.”


Thursday, July 22, 2010: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Mary Magdalene and the other women brought spices for My burial on the morning of My Resurrection. An angel with an earthquake removed the large stone that covered My tomb. The soldiers fled in fright on seeing the angel. The women looked into the tomb and they saw two angels. One angel told them: ‘Why are you looking for the Living One among the dead? Go and tell St. Peter and the other disciples.’ The women told My disciples and St. Peter and St. John went and saw the empty tomb. After waiting and sobbing, St. Mary Magdalene saw Me first and I called her by name, ‘Mary’. She recognized Me and I told her to tell My disciples that I had ascended to My Father. Even after telling the disciples that she had seen her Lord, the disciples refused to believe her, and they even refused to believe the two disciples who I appeared to on the road to Emmaus. I rewarded Mary for her deep love for Me by letting her see Me first after My Resurrection. Only later when I appeared to My disciples in the upper room, did they finally believe in My Resurrection. I chastised them for not believing Mary or the two disciples. I told My disciples that they believed in Me because they could see Me, but blessed are they who have not seen Me, yet they still believe in My Resurrection. This was My victory over sin and death, and I called on My disciples to spread this Word of My Resurrection and salvation for all of mankind to all the nations.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this Santo Nino image to remind you of My infancy when you pray My novena before Christmas. I have asked you to have a small Nativity scene to be placed on your altars at home to remind you of My infancy so that you can pray to Me as a youth or an adult. I am reminding you also of My Star of Bethlehem that the Wise men followed to find Me. The Antichrist is also claiming various stars that have made many appearances to announce his coming to power. Be prepared for the coming tribulation as you prepare to come to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have prepared you for a coming martial law that could be set off by a national bankruptcy, a pandemic virus, or a false terrorist attack. The one world people are planning your demise in causing a national emergency that would trigger a takeover of America. This would bring about a North American Union with the amero as your new currency. Once these unions are formed on every continent, then the Antichrist will declare himself and he would take over the European Union. As you see the Antichrist coming to power, know that My victory is not far off.”

Jesus said: “My people, this image of the frog slowly being boiled to death is similar to how the one world people will slowly devalue your dollar until it will be nearly worthless. For a long time you have had artificially low interest rates and low inflation. Once the dollar will no longer be the reserve currency of the world, there will be fewer people buying Treasury notes. Your deficits are growing very rapidly, but they need to be financed. As fewer Treasury notes are purchased, your debt will be monetized by printing more dollars. As your dollar gradually loses its value, you will soon see hyperinflation. This gradual loss of value is similar to the frog being boiled slowly. Once you realize that your dollar is near worthless, it will be too late, as the one world people will take you over. Then you will need to leave your homes for the protection of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, before the tribulation begins, you will see more persecution of those who believe in God, and any mention of God will be removed from the public. You have seen prayer removed from your schools. Soon public churches will need permits and tax exemption will stop. God will be taken off of your money and out of your documents. Nativity scenes will be banned and preaching about Me will become a crime. As you witness this gradual persecution, this will be another sign to go to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have your freedoms through your Constitution and your Bill of Rights. When people want to control your speech, take away your guns, your court freedoms, and your right to worship Me, then you are seeing how your freedoms are being eliminated one by one. As your jobs have been sent overseas by your corporations, your government is controlling many of your jobs in a socialist takeover. Those, who have eyes to understand, can realize how the one world people are increasing their control over you day by day with every new legislation that is passed. America needs to realize that you have to defend your rights every day or they will soon disappear.”

Jesus said: “My people, Satan realizes that his time of reign is about to come to an end. This is why the evil in your world is increasing rapidly in every phase of your life. You are being attacked at your jobs, in your families, in your movies and TV programs, and even on the internet. Unless you seek out a holy life with prayer and fasting, the evil ones will slowly distract you into worldly ways of sin. In this age more than ever, you are in a battle between good and evil at every moment of your life. Stand up for your faith and be counted on My side, even if you risk being persecuted or threatened by the evil ones. Trust that My power is greater than Satan’s power.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you consider praying in silence before My Blessed Sacrament, you can see how difficult this is to remain focused on Me without worldly distractions affecting your prayer. In the world you have constant noise from music in many public areas. People watch and are controlled by TV announcers. You have cell phones so you can talk to each other constantly, as well as e-mails and other electronic devices. You need to be quiet in order to have fervent and serious prayer, and pray to have any demons of distractions bound to the foot of My cross so they do not disturb your peace. By taking time out to be quiet with Me in contemplative prayer, you can see how much the world influences your thoughts in most of your waking hours. Come to Me and ask My grace to guard you from evil thoughts and attractions so you can better focus on following My Will for your mission on earth.”


Friday, July 23, 2010: (St. Bridget of Sweden)
Jesus said: “My people, at night you draw down the shades so you can sleep without any outside lights keeping you awake. In the morning you draw up the shades to let the light of day come in. It is difficult to read or do any work without sufficient light in the house. Your soul needs a different light and that is the enlightenment of My Word so you can have spiritual direction for your life. My Commandments give you a guide in how to live your life in love of Me and your neighbor as yourself. It is My Blessed Sacrament that gives food to your soul and Confession that cleanses your sins. My sacraments provide your spiritual strength to do your work of saving souls for Me. Today’s Gospel speaks of My Word as the seed of faith in the Kingdom of God. You need a fertile soil of preparation in order for My Word to yield its fruit of labor in My vineyard. A soul needs to be open to receive Me and not distracted by the devil’s worldly desires and temptations. By the grace of My sacraments, you will have the desire in your soul to follow Me and yield a hundred, sixty, and thirty fold.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing these three merry-go-rounds moving around all at the same time to represent how the Warning will happen to everyone at the same time in all of the countries of the world. This will be a momentous supernatural intervention where all souls will come to meet Me in a mini-judgment of their lives. There will be no choice as you will be forced to see your life review. You will still have free will to decide to change your life for the better or not when you are returned to your bodies. Your soul will leave your body and you will be outside of time when I will show you where you stand with Me spiritually. Those, who are judged to hell or purgatory, will have a taste of what it is like in these places. Once you see where you are going, you will have a strong desire for Confession, and every soul will be given this opportunity to be saved. You will be warned not to take any chip in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist. After the Warning, remove your TVs and computers from your homes in order to avoid looking at the Antichrist who could control your thoughts. Use this Warning to help evangelize everyone in your family and among your friends. Give praise and thanks to Me for giving every soul a chance to be saved before the tribulation will be upon you.”


Saturday, July 24, 2010: (St. Sharbel Makhliuf)
Jesus said: “My people, there is a natural attraction between men and women that I have instilled in everyone for the purpose of having children. But once a man and a woman get married, there is still a desire at times for the opposite sexes. This can become an occasion of sin for those who are married to desire another. This is why affairs have ruined many marriages and have resulted in divorce over fornication and adultery. Even a whole industry has been created in pornography to satisfy even men or women in their fantasies. These passions of the body need to be restrained from sinful behavior. More souls go to hell for the sins of the flesh than any other sins. You have seen many famous people in sports, politics, and the movies who have need of curing these habitual sins of the flesh. These affairs are also linked many times to abortions to cover up these sins. There are also many sins of birth control devices and sterilizations that are rampant among married people. There are so many attacks against the family that the majority of households are either single parents or those living together in sin without marriage. This is a serious problem in your society because your people are so promiscuous and have been influenced by pornography, bad movies, and TV programs. My people need to guard their eyes on their sexual desires and obey My Commandments in these areas. Pray for strength to overcome your bodily weaknesses.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you to have some extra fuel for the winter for both at your homes and for those preparing refuges. This is most needed in the Northern climates where it is colder. Even two sources of fuel as wood, kerosene, natural gas, or propane would be helpful. Fuels are not only good for heating, but they can be used for lights in lamps, and for cooking. When you have power outages or if the natural gas is controlled, then you could still keep warm. This means that you need a wood burning stove, a kerosene burner, or a gas heater. When you are at home or at a refuge, you want to be as independent as you can be with extra food, fuel and water. When you are in need of protection, I will multiply whatever you need to survive. Pray for My help during these end days so My angels can protect you and lead you to My refuges.”


Sunday, July 25, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who like to do what they want, even if it infringes on the freedoms or property of others. This is why it is necessary to have laws against people’s bad behavior. Even in a worldly way you need a sense of order with punishment to enforce the laws on the criminals. People need to realize that they need to be responsible for their actions, or they will face the consequences in jail. I am merciful, but I am also just. You can see My justice carried out in the Bible. There were not even ten just people in Sodom and Gomorrah, so they suffered destruction. My own people worshiped Baal instead of Me, so they were exiled in a foreign land. America is facing the same judgment for all of your sins as well. If your people do not repent and change their sinful ways, then they too will lose their country to the one world people. You have worshiped your wealth, comforts, and yourselves in pride, instead of Me, so now you will have to answer for the consequences of your actions. All people have to account for their behavior, and this also applies to each country as well. Pray for the souls and hearts of your people to change to do good, so you can endure the coming tribulation.”


Monday, July 26, 2010: (St. Joachim and St. Anne-Mary’s parents)
Jesus said: “My people, according to tradition My Blessed Mother’s parents, St. Joachim and St. Anne, were childless at first. Then the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived without original sin. In thanksgiving for having a child, they brought My Blessed Mother to the Temple where she remained. She was prepared for her role as My mother in the Temple. St. Joachim and St. Anne also have the distinction of being My grandparents. They were also in the line of King David which is why My Blessed Mother had to be registered with St. Joseph in Bethlehem for a census. This is the city where I was born and why I was called the Son of David. All of these saints are a part of My salvation history which I planned for many years because My mother was to be a sinless virgin, even from early prophecies. Rejoice in this feast of My grandparents.”

Jesus said: “My people, this mountain of rock represents the strength that I want all of My faithful to have. My Church is built on the rock of St. Peter, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Even though the evil ones will have their time of reign, I will still have My angels shield you from any evil at My refuges. Those, who believe in Me and trust in My power, will be able to overcome evil with good in your strong faith. Let My angels lead you to My refuges, and you will have no worries as I will provide for all of your needs. You only need to have faith in My miracles, and you will soon see My victory over all of the evil ones. Give praise and thanks to Me for giving you My protection when there is no other way to fight this evil world. Fighting with guns is useless. Rely on My angel power which is more than sufficient to overpower the demons and the evil people.”


Tuesday, July 27, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I explained to My disciples the meaning of the Parable of the Sower. The seed is the Word of the Kingdom, and it is given freely to everyone. But the devil tries to take this Word out of the hearts of those who hear My Word. All of you are given a choice to follow Me to heaven, or to follow the worldly ways of the devil to hell. It is the soul that seeks its peace with Me, and I am the only One who can satisfy your soul. It is the body that seeks comforts and pleasures, but it must be restrained to avoid excesses that are sinful. This battle between the desires of the soul and the desires of the body is the human condition. You are weak by Adam’s sin, but in the vision I give you Myself in Holy Communion to strengthen you against the devil’s temptations. When you do fail, you can come to Confession to repent of your sins, and I will forgive you. Trust Me in My sacraments and My Word so you can focus on Me and follow Me to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when many people are without jobs, unemployment insurance has stopped, and the money is slowly becoming worthless, there will be riots and chaos. Survival will be the first concern as the riot people will seek out food and water as a mob, and they will attack food stores. The stores do not have that much security and there is only three days supply of food on hand which will disappear quickly. This is why I have asked My people to store one year’s supply of food and some water in case the food is not on the shelves as with riots, or you do not have a chip to buy it. These spontaneous riots could trigger martial law which is what the one world people want for an excuse to take over America. Once you see these riots extend over the country, it will be time to soon go to My refuges to avoid being captured in the coming martial law. I will warn you to leave at the proper time. You will need to take some food and water with you on the way to My refuges. As people become desperate for food for survival, there will be no rational thought, but only a mob mentality. Guns and weapons could make this time very dangerous, but depend on My angels for your safety. When I give you the word to leave, you can see by the circumstances that it will be wise to leave as quickly as possible. Pray for My help when you are facing a lot of desperate people.”


Tuesday, July 20, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I was meeting My Blessed Mother and My disciples, but I used the opportunity to say that all those people, who do My Father’s Will, are brother, sister, and mother to Me. My Blessed Mother always lived in the Divine Will, as she had no sin. She is protective of her children as I gave all of you over to her when I told St. John at the cross: ‘This is your mother.’ She protects all of you with her mantle and she offers you her sacramentals of the rosary and the brown scapular. The rosary is your weapon against the evil one and all of his temptations, as well as from all the evil people. The scapular is worn around your neck to show that you are being faithful to Me and her so you will be saved from the eternal flames of hell. This promise of heaven and to be saved from hell, requires you to repent of your sins and accept Me as Lord of your life. Rejoice in every help that is given to you to save your soul, and to pray and evangelize souls for Me. Remember to wear your rosary and your brown scapular every day. Thank Me and My Blessed Mother for watching over all of our children because we love you so much.”


Wednesday, July 21, 2010: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)
Jesus said: “My people, every person, who I called to religious life, or to be a messenger or prophet, gave a variety of responses. Some were reluctant and later accepted, some gave their yes right away, and some refused altogether. You should not criticize anyone for how they chose to do My mission. Just as I chose My apostles from ordinary people, so I choose many ordinary people to do My calling in your world of today. Those, who bring My Word to My people, are doing My Will, and you need to discern if their words follow My teachings, the teachings of My Church, and if good works come as a result. In these end times I am sending many messengers, but the evil one is also sending false witnesses to confuse you. Those, whom I call, need to have a holy life of prayer and good works. I know My servants have human frailties, but in their heart they love Me and are doing the best that they can to serve Me. Whenever you do something good as a directed mission, the evil one will attack you in any way he can to upset and disturb your plans. Have no fear or anxiety of what to do. I will give My people the grace and courage to accomplish the mission that I have planned for their lives. When it is time to give witness to My Word, the Holy Spirit will give you what you are to say. This is why I ask you, My son, to call on the Holy Spirit to help you in your talks. I call on all of My people to go out to all the nations and evangelize souls to the faith, so you can save as many souls as possible from going to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are running your government’s budgets are not telling the people your true levels of indebtedness. You have two budgets and two measures of National Debt. One is considered on budget, meaning the actual dollars collected and spent. The other is off budget, meaning future obligations to be paid to Social Security recipients, unemployment benefits, Medicare, and Medicaid. The on budget deficit is about $13 trillion, while the off budget deficit is about $56 trillion. Many tricks are used to disguise the deficits so the people will not realize that your country is technically insolvent. This means that your debts are well beyond your ability to pay. Your spending is also well beyond your income, and there is no plan to cut spending to balance your budget. Your home, businesses, and even states have to balance their budgets or they are declared bankrupt. Your government can use tricks to print bonds and money out of thin air because these Federal Reserve notes are not backed by anything of value. This is why the elite have their wealth in tangibles, instead of in paper money and paper stock certificates. Your money system is like a deck of cards that is ready to be crashed at any time. Once investors and foreigners stop buying your Treasury notes, there will be no way to finance your debt and your money will be worthless. This plan of bankrupting America has been the one world people’s way of taking over your country for many years. Be prepared to go to My refuges once your dollar crashes. The evil ones want total control over your lives, and that is why they are encouraging socialism where your government controls everything as in China and Russia. Pray for your people to repent before the Antichrist takes over.”


Thursday, July 22, 2010: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Mary Magdalene and the other women brought spices for My burial on the morning of My Resurrection. An angel with an earthquake removed the large stone that covered My tomb. The soldiers fled in fright on seeing the angel. The women looked into the tomb and they saw two angels. One angel told them: ‘Why are you looking for the Living One among the dead? Go and tell St. Peter and the other disciples.’ The women told My disciples and St. Peter and St. John went and saw the empty tomb. After waiting and sobbing, St. Mary Magdalene saw Me first and I called her by name, ‘Mary’. She recognized Me and I told her to tell My disciples that I had ascended to My Father. Even after telling the disciples that she had seen her Lord, the disciples refused to believe her, and they even refused to believe the two disciples who I appeared to on the road to Emmaus. I rewarded Mary for her deep love for Me by letting her see Me first after My Resurrection. Only later when I appeared to My disciples in the upper room, did they finally believe in My Resurrection. I chastised them for not believing Mary or the two disciples. I told My disciples that they believed in Me because they could see Me, but blessed are they who have not seen Me, yet they still believe in My Resurrection. This was My victory over sin and death, and I called on My disciples to spread this Word of My Resurrection and salvation for all of mankind to all the nations.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this Santo Nino image to remind you of My infancy when you pray My novena before Christmas. I have asked you to have a small Nativity scene to be placed on your altars at home to remind you of My infancy so that you can pray to Me as a youth or an adult. I am reminding you also of My Star of Bethlehem that the Wise men followed to find Me. The Antichrist is also claiming various stars that have made many appearances to announce his coming to power. Be prepared for the coming tribulation as you prepare to come to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have prepared you for a coming martial law that could be set off by a national bankruptcy, a pandemic virus, or a false terrorist attack. The one world people are planning your demise in causing a national emergency that would trigger a takeover of America. This would bring about a North American Union with the amero as your new currency. Once these unions are formed on every continent, then the Antichrist will declare himself and he would take over the European Union. As you see the Antichrist coming to power, know that My victory is not far off.”

Jesus said: “My people, this image of the frog slowly being boiled to death is similar to how the one world people will slowly devalue your dollar until it will be nearly worthless. For a long time you have had artificially low interest rates and low inflation. Once the dollar will no longer be the reserve currency of the world, there will be fewer people buying Treasury notes. Your deficits are growing very rapidly, but they need to be financed. As fewer Treasury notes are purchased, your debt will be monetized by printing more dollars. As your dollar gradually loses its value, you will soon see hyperinflation. This gradual loss of value is similar to the frog being boiled slowly. Once you realize that your dollar is near worthless, it will be too late, as the one world people will take you over. Then you will need to leave your homes for the protection of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, before the tribulation begins, you will see more persecution of those who believe in God, and any mention of God will be removed from the public. You have seen prayer removed from your schools. Soon public churches will need permits and tax exemption will stop. God will be taken off of your money and out of your documents. Nativity scenes will be banned and preaching about Me will become a crime. As you witness this gradual persecution, this will be another sign to go to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have your freedoms through your Constitution and your Bill of Rights. When people want to control your speech, take away your guns, your court freedoms, and your right to worship Me, then you are seeing how your freedoms are being eliminated one by one. As your jobs have been sent overseas by your corporations, your government is controlling many of your jobs in a socialist takeover. Those, who have eyes to understand, can realize how the one world people are increasing their control over you day by day with every new legislation that is passed. America needs to realize that you have to defend your rights every day or they will soon disappear.”

Jesus said: “My people, Satan realizes that his time of reign is about to come to an end. This is why the evil in your world is increasing rapidly in every phase of your life. You are being attacked at your jobs, in your families, in your movies and TV programs, and even on the internet. Unless you seek out a holy life with prayer and fasting, the evil ones will slowly distract you into worldly ways of sin. In this age more than ever, you are in a battle between good and evil at every moment of your life. Stand up for your faith and be counted on My side, even if you risk being persecuted or threatened by the evil ones. Trust that My power is greater than Satan’s power.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you consider praying in silence before My Blessed Sacrament, you can see how difficult this is to remain focused on Me without worldly distractions affecting your prayer. In the world you have constant noise from music in many public areas. People watch and are controlled by TV announcers. You have cell phones so you can talk to each other constantly, as well as e-mails and other electronic devices. You need to be quiet in order to have fervent and serious prayer, and pray to have any demons of distractions bound to the foot of My cross so they do not disturb your peace. By taking time out to be quiet with Me in contemplative prayer, you can see how much the world influences your thoughts in most of your waking hours. Come to Me and ask My grace to guard you from evil thoughts and attractions so you can better focus on following My Will for your mission on earth.”


Friday, July 23, 2010: (St. Bridget of Sweden)
Jesus said: “My people, at night you draw down the shades so you can sleep without any outside lights keeping you awake. In the morning you draw up the shades to let the light of day come in. It is difficult to read or do any work without sufficient light in the house. Your soul needs a different light and that is the enlightenment of My Word so you can have spiritual direction for your life. My Commandments give you a guide in how to live your life in love of Me and your neighbor as yourself. It is My Blessed Sacrament that gives food to your soul and Confession that cleanses your sins. My sacraments provide your spiritual strength to do your work of saving souls for Me. Today’s Gospel speaks of My Word as the seed of faith in the Kingdom of God. You need a fertile soil of preparation in order for My Word to yield its fruit of labor in My vineyard. A soul needs to be open to receive Me and not distracted by the devil’s worldly desires and temptations. By the grace of My sacraments, you will have the desire in your soul to follow Me and yield a hundred, sixty, and thirty fold.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing these three merry-go-rounds moving around all at the same time to represent how the Warning will happen to everyone at the same time in all of the countries of the world. This will be a momentous supernatural intervention where all souls will come to meet Me in a mini-judgment of their lives. There will be no choice as you will be forced to see your life review. You will still have free will to decide to change your life for the better or not when you are returned to your bodies. Your soul will leave your body and you will be outside of time when I will show you where you stand with Me spiritually. Those, who are judged to hell or purgatory, will have a taste of what it is like in these places. Once you see where you are going, you will have a strong desire for Confession, and every soul will be given this opportunity to be saved. You will be warned not to take any chip in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist. After the Warning, remove your TVs and computers from your homes in order to avoid looking at the Antichrist who could control your thoughts. Use this Warning to help evangelize everyone in your family and among your friends. Give praise and thanks to Me for giving every soul a chance to be saved before the tribulation will be upon you.”


Saturday, July 24, 2010: (St. Sharbel Makhliuf)
Jesus said: “My people, there is a natural attraction between men and women that I have instilled in everyone for the purpose of having children. But once a man and a woman get married, there is still a desire at times for the opposite sexes. This can become an occasion of sin for those who are married to desire another. This is why affairs have ruined many marriages and have resulted in divorce over fornication and adultery. Even a whole industry has been created in pornography to satisfy even men or women in their fantasies. These passions of the body need to be restrained from sinful behavior. More souls go to hell for the sins of the flesh than any other sins. You have seen many famous people in sports, politics, and the movies who have need of curing these habitual sins of the flesh. These affairs are also linked many times to abortions to cover up these sins. There are also many sins of birth control devices and sterilizations that are rampant among married people. There are so many attacks against the family that the majority of households are either single parents or those living together in sin without marriage. This is a serious problem in your society because your people are so promiscuous and have been influenced by pornography, bad movies, and TV programs. My people need to guard their eyes on their sexual desires and obey My Commandments in these areas. Pray for strength to overcome your bodily weaknesses.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you to have some extra fuel for the winter for both at your homes and for those preparing refuges. This is most needed in the Northern climates where it is colder. Even two sources of fuel as wood, kerosene, natural gas, or propane would be helpful. Fuels are not only good for heating, but they can be used for lights in lamps, and for cooking. When you have power outages or if the natural gas is controlled, then you could still keep warm. This means that you need a wood burning stove, a kerosene burner, or a gas heater. When you are at home or at a refuge, you want to be as independent as you can be with extra food, fuel and water. When you are in need of protection, I will multiply whatever you need to survive. Pray for My help during these end days so My angels can protect you and lead you to My refuges.”


Sunday, July 25, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who like to do what they want, even if it infringes on the freedoms or property of others. This is why it is necessary to have laws against people’s bad behavior. Even in a worldly way you need a sense of order with punishment to enforce the laws on the criminals. People need to realize that they need to be responsible for their actions, or they will face the consequences in jail. I am merciful, but I am also just. You can see My justice carried out in the Bible. There were not even ten just people in Sodom and Gomorrah, so they suffered destruction. My own people worshiped Baal instead of Me, so they were exiled in a foreign land. America is facing the same judgment for all of your sins as well. If your people do not repent and change their sinful ways, then they too will lose their country to the one world people. You have worshiped your wealth, comforts, and yourselves in pride, instead of Me, so now you will have to answer for the consequences of your actions. All people have to account for their behavior, and this also applies to each country as well. Pray for the souls and hearts of your people to change to do good, so you can endure the coming tribulation.”


Monday, July 26, 2010: (St. Joachim and St. Anne-Mary’s parents)
Jesus said: “My people, according to tradition My Blessed Mother’s parents, St. Joachim and St. Anne, were childless at first. Then the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived without original sin. In thanksgiving for having a child, they brought My Blessed Mother to the Temple where she remained. She was prepared for her role as My mother in the Temple. St. Joachim and St. Anne also have the distinction of being My grandparents. They were also in the line of King David which is why My Blessed Mother had to be registered with St. Joseph in Bethlehem for a census. This is the city where I was born and why I was called the Son of David. All of these saints are a part of My salvation history which I planned for many years because My mother was to be a sinless virgin, even from early prophecies. Rejoice in this feast of My grandparents.”

Jesus said: “My people, this mountain of rock represents the strength that I want all of My faithful to have. My Church is built on the rock of St. Peter, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Even though the evil ones will have their time of reign, I will still have My angels shield you from any evil at My refuges. Those, who believe in Me and trust in My power, will be able to overcome evil with good in your strong faith. Let My angels lead you to My refuges, and you will have no worries as I will provide for all of your needs. You only need to have faith in My miracles, and you will soon see My victory over all of the evil ones. Give praise and thanks to Me for giving you My protection when there is no other way to fight this evil world. Fighting with guns is useless. Rely on My angel power which is more than sufficient to overpower the demons and the evil people.”


Tuesday, July 27, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I explained to My disciples the meaning of the Parable of the Sower. The seed is the Word of the Kingdom, and it is given freely to everyone. But the devil tries to take this Word out of the hearts of those who hear My Word. All of you are given a choice to follow Me to heaven, or to follow the worldly ways of the devil to hell. It is the soul that seeks its peace with Me, and I am the only One who can satisfy your soul. It is the body that seeks comforts and pleasures, but it must be restrained to avoid excesses that are sinful. This battle between the desires of the soul and the desires of the body is the human condition. You are weak by Adam’s sin, but in the vision I give you Myself in Holy Communion to strengthen you against the devil’s temptations. When you do fail, you can come to Confession to repent of your sins, and I will forgive you. Trust Me in My sacraments and My Word so you can focus on Me and follow Me to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when many people are without jobs, unemployment insurance has stopped, and the money is slowly becoming worthless, there will be riots and chaos. Survival will be the first concern as the riot people will seek out food and water as a mob, and they will attack food stores. The stores do not have that much security and there is only three days supply of food on hand which will disappear quickly. This is why I have asked My people to store one year’s supply of food and some water in case the food is not on the shelves as with riots, or you do not have a chip to buy it. These spontaneous riots could trigger martial law which is what the one world people want for an excuse to take over America. Once you see these riots extend over the country, it will be time to soon go to My refuges to avoid being captured in the coming martial law. I will warn you to leave at the proper time. You will need to take some food and water with you on the way to My refuges. As people become desperate for food for survival, there will be no rational thought, but only a mob mentality. Guns and weapons could make this time very dangerous, but depend on My angels for your safety. When I give you the word to leave, you can see by the circumstances that it will be wise to leave as quickly as possible. Pray for My help when you are facing a lot of desperate people.”


Wednesday, July 28, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with riding a horse and how you lead the horse to go and stop. You also have to groom your horse, feed it, and have water for it. There are many responsibilities to owning horses, but they provided transportation and work for people before your cars and trucks. It may not be the best of analogies, but in some respects I am like the rider and you are like the horse. I guide you on your way and I provide for your food and shelter, but I still allow your free will. When you listen to My Word and follow My ways, then life appears easy in taking on My burden. But when you prefer to follow your own ways, then you run into many difficulties and even punishment when you get out of control. Even your society forces you to conform to the laws of the land. The lesson is to be faithful to Me in all that you do, and this life will be much more bearable.”

Camille: “Hello everybody, I am still here trying to help all of you, but getting people back to church is not an easy job. If you see Me repeating things in my visits, it is because you are not listening to what the Lord wants you to do. I admit that I was not any better when I lived on the earth, but now I think differently when the Lord wants me to do something. I was used to people doing what I asked, but I see why the Lord is constantly nudging people because many are ignoring Him. I am also being frustrated by having to accept that I cannot change people’s free will. I pray for all of you, and I will be persistent in doing what I can to lead you on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you not to put your trust in money, gold, stocks, or bank balances, but instead, put your trust in Me for all that you need. In past civilizations people used gold and silver coins for buying and selling, but these metals are quite heavy for large transactions. Through the years America also has used gold and silver coins. Once you introduced paper notes backed by gold and silver, you now had paper that was only a promise to be redeemed in real value coins. Then this backing was taken away and your cash was truly in paper with only the faith of your government backing these notes. Now you have bank ledgers on electronic computers that exchanges money by credit. This credit has multiplied much more than your physical paper cash. If someone wants to cancel your credit card or zero balance your bank accounts, you are powerless to control your money. The central bankers do control your accounts and they can devalue your currency by inflating your credit. Once they demand computer chips in the body for your transactions, they will control your mind. Refuse to take any chips in the body, even if they steal all of your credit money or threaten to kill you. This is why it is better to have food and things to barter with when your fiat money is taken away. When the authorities try to force such chips on you, it will be time to leave for My refuges. The evil ones control the value of your dollar and soon it will become worthless. This is why saving some food and being ready to go to My refuges should be a part of your preparations for a coming takeover of America. I have given you many messages on these end times, and you are seeing the signs of these prophesies being fulfilled. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you in this coming tribulation at My refuges.”


Thursday, July 29, 2010: (St. Martha)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read before the account of St. Martha as she was occupied with the work of hospitality. Her sister, Mary, chose to listen to My words and she had chosen the better portion, and it was not denied her. The other optional Gospel account was St. Martha’s request for her brother, Lazarus, who had died. She was confident that My Father in heaven would give Me whatever I asked for her. I told St. Martha that her brother would be raised up, and she believed in his resurrection on the last day. Then I made a revelation to her of My Divinity and My power. (John 11:25, 26) ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me, even if he die, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die.’ She believed in what I told her, and later I was moved with pity and I raised Lazarus from the dead. St. Martha and St. Mary had a strong belief in Me, and they recognized Me as the Christ, the Son of God. This is why I came into the world to die for all of mankind’s sins, and open heaven for everyone to have an opportunity to be resurrected to heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, these three dimensional images are using lasers and various effects to put these pictures out into space that will promote the Antichrist and his improvised miracles. These images in the sky and the 3-D projections are all tools of the evil one to simulate virtual reality movies that can be used in mind control devices. See these things as artificial and do not be taken in by the Antichrist’s claims that he is the Christ and a great spiritual leader. Once he makes his appearance, remove your TVs and computers out of your homes so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes. Call on My help and My angels to lead you to My refuges of protection where you will be made invisible to the evil ones. Refuse any chips in the body and do not worship him, even if the evil ones threaten to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I encourage your prayer groups and places of Adoration to flourish because prayer is your best weapon to counter the increasing evil in your world. Those, who are keeping My Adoration places open, are going to be coming under increasing pressure to close them down. You need to be strong and remember to call on Me in prayer in front of My Blessed Sacrament. The evil ones know the power of My Eucharist, and they will fight against you, but My power is greater.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not let the evil ones stifle you in your evangelization efforts, or speaking out against abortions and the sexual sins. Continue to preach repentance in public, even if they threaten to take away your tax exemption. You may have to pay taxes for your churches in order to keep your freedom of speech, and your freedom to worship Me. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you what to say to your authorities. Religious persecution of Christians is just beginning, and you need to stand your ground against your persecutors.”

Jesus said: “My people, your first persecution will come from within My Church as you will see a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Even as you learn to gather together in your prayer groups for religious safety, you will soon see religious persecution coming from your government authorities and judges. It will be at that point when you will need to seek out My refuges for physical and spiritual protection from the demons and evil people led by the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are dealing with a daily battle between good and evil in your world. You see battles at the abortion clinics, adult bookshops, and occult movies and meetings. New Age teachings are even entering openly into your churches and you need to fight to remove such elements, or go to another church. Evil is all around you as you need your weapons of your rosary, My Divine Mercy chaplet, blessed sacramentals as medals and Benedictine crosses. Relics of My true cross and relics of the saints are powerful weapons against evil and the demons. Blessed salt and holy water are also helpful as well as exorcisms and binding of the spirits prayers. Use all of these weapons and the Mass to overcome evil with good.”

Jesus said: “My people, these refuges and interim refuges are going to be your best places of protection during the coming tribulation of the Antichrist’s reign. I have asked these leaders to work hard on their preparations, but My faithful could also help them in their prayers and even financially, or the storage of food. It is a financial sacrifice to prepare a refuge, and My refuge makers will receive a heavenly reward. There will also be a need for spiritual counselors to help the faith of those who come to My refuges. The early arrivals will be in fright until they see My miracles of protection and multiplication of food and lodging. Pray for these souls to have peace in their hearts.”

Jesus said: “My people, life at My refuges will be much more rustic and prayerful than the lives that you are living now. You will be focused on community needs of survival, but most of all you will have more time for fervent prayer as if you could be living a monastic kind of life. This is why you will need your Liturgy of the Hours prayer books, rosaries, and other spiritual reading. Mass books and the Bible will also be helpful in sharing your faith with each other. Give praise and thanks to Me that I will protect My faithful remnant at My refuges and interim refuges.”


Friday, July 30, 2010: (St. Peter Chrysologus)
Jesus said: “My people, I taught My message of love and the Kingdom of God, but the people questioned My origins instead of believing in My words. When I told them that I was fulfilling the words of Isaiah in the coming Messiah, they refused to hear Me and they wanted to throw Me over the cliff. Instead, I walked through their midst because it was not My hour to die. That is why I told them that a prophet is not accepted in his own hometown. Even My messengers of today are not always accepted in their hometown either. As you see the persecution of Jeremiah and Myself, your very life may be in jeopardy because the people feel threatened by harsh words on their sins. Your mission, My son, is even more difficult in preparing people for the coming tribulation. Your people like their comforts and pleasures, and they do not want to give up their sexual sins. Even more, they feel threatened in leaving their homes and seeing the coming persecution of Christians. Remember that as I was persecuted for speaking the truth, so My disciples will face the same persecution. Call on Me to have your guardian angels protect you as you are led to safety at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages before on how many of your churches are being closed. It is one thing if there truly is a priest shortage and very few people (under a hundred) who are coming to Sunday Mass. It is another matter when over five hundred people are coming to Mass and they are paying their bills. Those, who are in charge of closing My churches, will pay a heavy price for closing My churches just because they are traditional in their ways. My people need their local churches, and you should be working to build up My Kingdom, instead of discouraging people to attend Sunday Mass. My priests are not doing their job to inspire their people if they allow their parish to wither away without working to see the reason for people leaving. If the priests promote My Blessed Sacrament visits and Confession, they will make fertile ground for new vocations to the priesthood. I know the people are weak in attendance, but they need to be fed a fervent faith to come to know and love Me better. You can improve attendance if you work at it. Just look at other religions around you that have good numbers.”

Brain cancer request: Jesus said: “My son, it is difficult to deal with a terminal cancer in an area that is inoperable, as in brain cancer. There are few miracles in this healing because this requires novenas of prayer and fasting. This also requires that the person to be healed must believe in faith that I have the power to heal that person. Get as many friends and relatives as you can to pray for this person’s healing. Even if this person should die of her cancer, then you need to prepare her soul for the coming judgment. All people need to be prepared in their soul to die because you do not know how long you have on this earth. You could use Lourdes’ water or holy water in praying over a sick person. I have told you that My refuges will have healing water just as at Lourdes, France.”


Saturday, July 31, 2010: (St. Ignatius of Loyala)
Jesus said: “My people, just as I asked My apostles to go out to all the nations and spread My Good News of salvation, so I call on all of My disciples in faith of today to also go out to all the nations and evangelize souls to faith in Me. It is not always possible for everyone to go out to share their faith with those in foreign lands. There are some among you who are missionaries that have answered My call to go to foreign countries. For these servants of Mine, My people should honor their work and help them with your prayers and donations. They have given up everything to follow Me and the laborer is worth his wage. I have also called many messengers and prophets to spread My Word of faith and hope among the people. As you read about Jeremiah, he lived among people who wanted to take his life for telling the words of My chastisement of Israel. He was protected from harm when those in power realized that he was only following My words. My prophets of today also may be criticized and threatened because their message of My justice may be difficult to understand. Yet I give you hope in My protection at My refuges where the evil ones will not harm you. Some may be martyred for their faith, but follow My angels and they will provide for your needs at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given up My life on earth so that all of you could share in My love and My sacrifice of My life, so your souls could be washed in My Most Precious Blood. I am asking My faithful if you could die for Me if you had to choose between your life or your belief in Me. It is not easy to accept a martyr’s death in this world, but you would have more graces and you would gain heaven instantly if you so suffered for Me. My martyrs shared their suffering with Me on My cross. Give praise and thanks for the many saints who have given up their lives to Me for the sake of My Gospel. You have felt a deep sense of these saints’ presence in your heart and soul. Give honor and thanks to these saints as you pray to them as intercessors for your prayers. This area is holy ground by their sacrifices. This will be a refuge of protection in the coming days of trial. Even if you are not called to be a martyr in this life, you can offer up all of your sufferings as a ‘dry’ martyr.”

Camille: “This whole concept of martyrdom is not anything that I understood when I was on the earth. I heard of saints, but I did not know or appreciate what they suffered on earth. In my little faith I doubt that I could have died for such a cause. Now that I am in heaven, I would do whatever the Lord asked of me. God bless you all who have a deep faith in Jesus throughout your whole lives. These martyrs have a higher place in heaven than I am because of their great faith. You all should strive for the higher places in heaven.”


Sunday, August 1, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I chastised the blind guides of the Pharisees. They looked for the speck in their brother’s eyes, but they did not see the beam in their own eyes. Do not judge anyone. Leave any judging to Me. The Pharisees spoke the words of the prophets. I told My people to listen to their words, but do not follow their actions. In another way do not focus so much on material things, but seek heavenly things which are more valuable for your soul. You saw the rich man who was concerned about how he could store his harvest. So he built bigger barns and when the harvest was put away, he was content for years to come. But then that night the rich man was being called to his death, and he could not take anything with him. When you spend your time accumulating wealth for yourself, you forget that it is Me whom you should be worshiping. Focus your life on Me and heaven rather than on your earthly things. Use your wealth to help others, and you will be storing treasure in heaven which is more valuable. Those, who follow Me in life and obey My Commandments, will have their reward in the eternity of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many suggestions for good spiritual reading in the Bible, the Liturgy of the Hours, the Imitation of Christ, and the Pieta prayer book. When you visited the cross where some of the martyrs were killed and tortured, the people quoted one of the martyrs reading from Chapter 12 ‘The Royal Way of the Cross’. Many of the North American priests, who were martyred, are pictured carrying My cross with a crucifix. Even Kateri Tekakwitha carried My cross. Carrying My cross is still an important part of a fervent Christian of today. This means instead of complaining about your trials, you need to see that accepting your trials is a way of perfecting your spiritual life in following My Will in all that you do. Denial of self is not easy, and it means that you are giving up your will to live in My Divine Will. You are still living in the world and you are tempted by the material things that are what the body desires. In order to truly live a holy life, you need to have the desires of the soul overpower the desires of the body. This can only be accomplished through My grace and My sacraments. By prayer and true fasting, you can overcome the desires of the body and you will have My true peace in your soul.”


Monday, August 2, 2010: (St. Eusebius of Vercelli)
Jesus said: “My son, this first reading is significant for the mission that I gave you. There are many false prophets at this time that are misleading the people much like Hananiah in the time of Jeremiah. You were sent to prepare the people for the coming tribulation which many do not want to accept. But I give hope to My people that they will be protected at My refuges from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you. There will be a time of My peace coming after My victory over Satan and the Antichrist. Only after you suffer through the tribulation, will you be worthy of My Era of Peace. This belief in My protection is the faith that I was seeking from St. Peter in the Gospel reading. I came walking on the water and St. Peter asked Me to invite him to walk to Me on the water. He started walking on the water and he became frightened of the wind and the seas as he took his eyes off of Me. Then he began to sink, but he called on Me to save him. I brought St. Peter into the boat and I calmed the seas. Learn the lesson of St. Peter and always keep your eyes on Me, and trust in Me for everything. When you were converted, or when you made your total commitment to Me in faith, your faith was strong in your fervor. Do not doubt or wander from your first faith. If you do forget or weaken, remember to return to your original fervor because this belief in Me is your way into heaven. You need full trust in Me for physical healing and spiritual healing. Share this faith with others as you are called to evangelize souls for heaven. When you come to Me in death, you will have a prophet’s reward when you come into heaven.”


Tuesday, August 3, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you have become so accustomed to your modern day conveniences run by electricity, that you forget what it was like to live in older days. They did not have cell phones, LCD TVs, air conditioners, running water, hot baths, cars, or modern homes. You are distracted by many things in your world of today. So when I give you messages like Jeremiah to repent of your sin, and prepare to leave your comfortable homes for a rustic refuge, My people do not want to hear this message. Many want to continue on in their comforts and sinful pleasures. This time of an evil tribulation is truly coming, and those, who are not prepared, could find themselves tortured and martyred as the North American Martyrs were in days past. I will give you a warning when it will be time to call on Me, and your guardian angel will lead you to the nearest refuge of My protection. When you come to My refuges, you will be more focused on Me in your prayers, and on your means of survival. Many people are preparing refuges so you will have a place to stay, have food and water, and have a means of healing in My luminous crosses and the miraculous spring water. Everyone will have a job to do in order to help each other in their needs, and they will be using their skills as well. Daily prayer and daily Communion will be an important part of your life, even as they are today. Trust in Me to have your angels protect you from the evil ones, but you will perform many labors out of love for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are continuing to see many natural disturbances that are causing considerable damage. Many violent and heavy rainstorms along with tornadoes have caused damage in many areas. Fires have burned some homes in various states in forests and grassy areas. Small earthquakes have been happening on the West coast and a few in the East. These earthquakes have not been as devastating as Haiti and Chile. The HAARP machine has been active in creating more violent storms and droughts in some areas. Earthquakes could also be enhanced and anything over 5.0 could cause more damage. Be prepared for more damaging natural disasters by having some extra food and fuel on hand. In the winter this could be compounded by cold and ice. The evil ones are preparing for their takeover, and they are planning the means for declaring martial law. Be prepared with your tents and backpacks when I will warn you to leave your homes for My refuges.”


Wednesday, August 4, 2010: (St. John Vianney)
Jesus said: “My people, I want to remind you of the First Commandment: ‘I am the Lord Thy God, and thou shalt not have any other gods before Me.’ I am the only One worthy of your worship. Do not make gold, wealth, fame, or anything of a worldly origin into a god that you worship or focus on more than Me. I am a jealous God and you should only worship Me who loves you and has created your soul. There are some people who ignore Me until they need something, but you must give Me praise and glory all of the time, every day in your prayers. I am watching over you every day, and I hear your prayers. I will see to your needs, but do not ask for more than you need. Some focus their lives on amassing wealth and possessions, but do not take your focus off of Me. I am much more valuable than anything else that you are seeking. Come to Me out of love, and I will bring a peace to your heart that you will not find anywhere else. Give thanks to Me that I love you so much that I died to save your souls. You do not find this love in anything else that you are seeking. Loving Me and giving Me praise will give your soul more joy than all of the wealth of the world. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul in the process? Your soul is your most prized possession, and being with Me in heaven will give you an eternity of ecstasy.”

Jesus said: “My people, this picture of the pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill is an indication that the Masons are connected with the FDIC and the Federal Reserve System that controls your money. Ever since the dollar was not backed by gold or silver, you have been working with fiat money and bank credit that has much more value than the money in circulation. Much of the credit and Treasury Notes are made out of thin air without anything of real value backing it. This is how you are financing your huge $13 trillion National Debt. As long as investors and foreigners buy your Treasury Notes, you can carry a large debt. America’s spending is expanding at a pace that you cannot afford, and it will soon dwarf your market activity. Faith in your dollar is dwindling as your debts keep increasing. Your dollar will soon collapse as fewer people will want to risk buying your Treasury Notes. This collapse will trigger a martial law and My people will need to go to My refuges for protection. This collapse will quickly lead to a takeover of America and you will become a part of the North American Union with the amero as your new currency. All dollar denominated stocks and bonds will soon become worthless, just like the dollar. Gold, silver, food, real estate, and tangible assets will still have value. Tangible assets are the currency of the one world people who do not have paper assets. Trust in Me more than your worldly things, for I will provide for your needs at My refuges. Do not rely on dollar denominated things because they will soon become worthless.”


Thursday, August 5, 2010: (Dedication of St. Mary Major in Rome)
Jesus said: “My people, many of you go to great lengths to enhance your physical appearance. You cut and comb your hair. You shave or add powder to your face. Some even have operations to change their facial appearance or diet to be slender. Much money and care goes into your daily appearance. I pray that everyone will have as much fervor to attend to your soul’s appearance as you do for your body’s appearance. Did I not make the inside soul as I made your physical outside body? (Luke 11:40) You are body and soul, and you need to pay more attention to your soul’s appearance to Me. If you are in sin, especially mortal sin, your soul looks dark and even dead to Me. You need to go to Confession at least once a month so your soul can be forgiven your sins, and it will be dazzlingly white with My grace of absolution. I will cleanse your soul’s sins to return your soul’s beautiful appearance when you are free of sin and full of My grace. All souls, that repent of their sins in Confession, cause a great celebration in heaven for each converted sinner. Rejoice that you may have a beautiful appearance both inside and outside of your body. Strive to keep My peace in your heart and soul.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have complained about oil spills and dirty, dangerous coal mines, but the truth is that you are dependent on oil and coal to run your country. The car being driven into a flood of oil in the vision is a sign that to drive all of your cars, trucks, and other vehicles, you need to consume 25% of the world’s oil production. Your people are so in love with their individual cars that you do not realize how much energy in fuels and coal for power plants that you consume. This is why you have a higher standard of living than other nations, but you are having billions of dollars in lost trade balance as a result. Your standard of living will be decreasing because of your overspending. America will need to cut back on your consumption because you cannot keep increasing your debts without some consequences.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have realized for many years that your communications have been censored to the point that only your liberal media controls what is politically correct. This radio melting in the vision is another sign that those in control of your media are going to mute or shut down your freedom of speech on the airwaves. Any speaking about Me or religious subjects will also be stifled. Your authorities are trying to eliminate their opposition so you will only hear one liberal and socialist voice. This control will be similar to other communist countries.”

Jesus said: “My people, this school bus accident is another sign that your children are being brain washed with warped science in teaching evolution theory as fact, no prayer in the schools, and changed h
istory books to deceive children on the real meaning of your democratic republic. These young minds are being censored from hearing other points of view in science, religion, and history. This is why America is falling back in education as many children are weak in the science and math needed for your working world. When you take Me out of your schools, you will see that this void will be filled with worthless distractions. You are dependent on Me for everything, so America needs to repent, or you will fall.”

Jesus said: “My people, exercise in sports is helpful for your health. Unfortunately, the major sports coverage and participation is so pervasive that this can become an obsession, as some people lose focus on where your country is headed. When you worship sports on Sunday games ahead of going to Sunday Mass, you can see that you truly are placing other gods of entertainment before Me. By My Third Commandment you are called to worship Me on My day of rest under pain of mortal sin, and not to worship sports even on Sunday Mass times. When you turn your back on Me, you are calling for My judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were enriched with the history of your North American martyrs. You walked a path that they likely walked, and you were given the details of their torture and a look at a small village as it was in years past. There are similarities with those times compared with your coming trials in the tribulation. You will be seeing religious persecution as many will be martyred for their faith again. This rustic village, where there was no electricity, will be similar to your refuges that will have a simple way of life with Me in the center. When you take away your many worldly distractions, you will have more time for Me in prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your manufacturing jobs have been shipped overseas, soon you will have a lower standard of living and return to an agrarian style of life. Farms are also being controlled by fertilizer and seed companies. Food prices are also held artificially low for the farmers as their costs outstrip what they can get for their crops. When famines come, the evil ones will cause food control that could cause many to die of starvation. This is why you will need some extra food until you come to My refuges. You will have your food multiplied at My refuges so all of those who come will have enough to eat.”


Friday, August 6, 2010: (Feast of the Transfiguration)
Jesus said: “My people, My Transfiguration was a brief revelation of My glorified Body to My apostles, St. Peter, St. James, and St. John. They also saw the prophets Elijah and Moses so they could understand that I was truly the Messiah foretold by the prophets. My disciples also experienced My heavenly Father’s words in the cloud: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ (Matt. 17:5) This was a preview of My Resurrection when My apostles would again see Me in My glorified Body complete with My wounds. I want to make a few comments on what happens when a person dies and you have their funeral. Some assume wrongly that everyone, who dies, goes to heaven. Each soul comes before Me in their particular judgment as I review that soul’s life before him or her. Very few souls come directly to heaven who have suffered their purgatory on earth. Some souls are judged to hell, while the remaining souls are judged to various levels of purgatory. If they are not in purgatory, your prayers will go to other family members who are there. Prayers are never wasted, and they are applied to those in need. Even as I was resurrected, all of My faithful need to seek Me in heaven. On the day of the last judgment, only then would you be resurrected and joined with your glorified body, if you were judged to be with Me in heaven. This is your goal to be with Me in heaven for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My people, for those who make it to My refuges, you will be satisfied in both soul and body. You will see miracles upon miracles of healing when you drink the spring water as at Lourdes, France. Think about no cancer, no heart trouble, no diabetes, and no dialysis. You will have perfect health and live to the time of My Era of Peace. All of your food and water will be provided. You only need to help each other in preparing and distributing the food. You all will have your own dwelling and plenty of time to pray and thank Me for healing you and feeding you. When you have good health, your life will be much more enjoyable. My angels will shield you from any harm by the evil one world people. Rejoice in this time of My victory over evil. Even those, who are martyred, will be made instant saints in heaven. When you follow My ways, you will have your reward on earth and in heaven.”


Saturday, August 7, 2010: (Votive Mass of the Blessed Mother)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I thank you for encouraging my children to pray the rosary in your hand outs at your talks, and your own personal three rosaries every day, and at your prayer group. My rosary is your weapon against the evils in your world today. Recently, on my feast day of Mt. Carmel, my Son encouraged you to emphasize the importance of wearing my scapular in faith, even if your pride is offended in your appearance with it. Your wife’s father also gave a message of how important it is to wear my brown scapular, even as he gave it to his son when your wife’s father died. Because of the importance of this sacramental, I am encouraging you to hand out my brown scapular at your talks with some information on how it should be used. You could help more souls to be saved from hell who wear my protection of my brown scapular.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are on the road to your refuge at night, you will be in need of some light to see. If you are traveling with your car, you will have your headlights. If you are traveling by bicycle, you may want to have a generator headlight for night riding. If you are traveling on foot, you should remember to bring a windup flashlight so you are not dependent on batteries. My angels will be leading you with a small flame that will not give a lot of light. At night you may want to put up your tents and sleeping blankets for sleeping. You may need a windup light that you can hang in your tents. Some may be concerned about wild animals in rural areas when you are traveling to your refuges. Just as your guardian angels will make you invisible to the evil ones, you also will be made invisible to any animals that could harm you, as wolves, bears, and snakes. Be grateful that you will have My miraculous help to protect you from harm, but be sure to leave your homes for My refuges when you get My warning.”


Sunday, August 8, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading it speaks of ‘The eye has not seen, and the ear has not heard what has been planned for My faithful.’ This is a description of the joy of being in heaven. A time is coming when everyone will have an illumination of their conscience in the Warning experience. In the vision you are seeing how people will be traveling at a fast speed through glass tubes until they see Me in a great Light. These people will be experiencing a supernatural intervention of God in their lives. They will see their life reviews and have a taste of their mini-judgment. A few will experience the beauty and love of heaven, while others will experience a taste of purgatory or hell. Then they will be returned to their bodies with a strong desire for Confession. This is My Divine Mercy that will give every sinner an opportunity to see where his or her soul is headed, and a chance to change their lives with repentance. If souls still refuse My grace, then they will be held more responsible for their actions. Remember the words of the Gospel in that those who have been given more, more will be expected of them.”

(God the Father Feast) God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here, and I am showing you My Son born into the world because I sent Him as a sacrificial Lamb for the forgiveness of your sins. This is why you are seeing the Nativity Scene in the vision. On My Son’s feast of the Transfiguration you heard My words: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ Wherever you see My Son in the Eucharist, you are seeing Me also because Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and I are One God in Three Persons. Even when Jesus was on the earth, you heard Jesus speak: ‘The Father and I are One. When you see Me, you see the Father.’ This was in answer to St. Philip when he asked Jesus to show him the Father. Thank you for celebrating My feast day today. Whenever you pray the Our Father prayer in your rosaries, you are giving honor to Me. Thank you also for naming your prayer group in My honor. Give praise and glory to the Blessed Trinity when you pray your ‘Glory Be’ prayer and when you make the Sign of the Cross.”


Monday, August 9, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I chose to pay the Temple tax, even though I told My apostles that we should be exempt from paying because I was the Teacher. I did choose a miraculous way to provide the coin which had to be obtained by catching a fish. It is unusual to find a coin in a fish’s mouth, let alone the very fish that the apostles would catch. This miracle was performed more for the benefit of My apostles’ faith, than just to pay the Temple tax. One of the laws of My Church is to help in its financial support. Just as you need money to run a secular business, so there is money needed for a church and its staff, which is a duty of the parishioners to keep their church viable. I paid the Temple tax to honor this duty of those who attend. So My faithful should follow My example in supporting your own church. Everyone does not have the same capability for helping his or her church. I have asked people to tithe their income for all charities to which they contribute. I have blessed people with My abundance, so some are better able to make sizable donations to My Church than others. Be supportive of your pastors as your finances are able, and also be willing to pray for your priests and donate your time as your talents allow. By sharing your wealth, your talent, and your time, you will be storing up treasure in heaven for your judgment.”


Tuesday, August 10, 2010: (Helen’s Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, at any time I could call you home to Me, but will you be ready to meet Me at your judgment? You are not ready to live until you are ready to die. In other words, you need to keep your soul clean and pure with frequent Confession. Those, who wear My Blessed Mother’s brown scapular and pray the prayers, are close to Me, and I will protect their souls from falling into hell. Helen was very devoted to Me and My Blessed Mother throughout her life, and she has received her holy reward. I thank all of her faithful friends and fellow Carmelites for honoring her. Her family also is grateful for having such a loving and faithful member to be their guardian. There are many older members who have devotion in faith to us in heaven, but you need to work harder to teach these devotions to your children and grandchildren.”

Jesus said: “My people, your boy scouts and girl scouts have had plenty of practice at camping, pitching up tents, and sleeping overnight in tents in their sleeping bags. You have had a few experiences to know enough to bring along ear plugs, and pads for your sleeping bags when you go camping. Finding water, food, and fuel for a fire, will be your survival needs on your way to the refuges. When you have to depend on yourselves and My help, you will be dealing with less comforts than you have now. Do not count on your wealth and your possessions because one day they will be taken from you. Have your backpacks and tents ready for your body, and a pure soul with Confession. Have your prayer books, spiritual reading, blessed sacramentals, and your blessed salt ready to fight any evil that you may face in the tribulation. Be confident in My power, and trust in My protection, and you will have no worries and peace in your heart and soul.”


Wednesday, August 11, 2010: (St. Claire)
Jesus said: “My people, I give you herb plants and roots for your health to build up your immune systems against viruses and bacteria. These natural remedies are found many times in nature to cure diseases and chronic ailments. Be grateful that I help you in your needs for medicines and vitamins for proper health in your bodies. I also provide My graces from Confession to forgive your sins and heal your souls as well. I am the great Healer through natural herbs, My graces, and My miracles. Doctors help you in operations, and their prescriptions from your drug companies are based on natural sources. Unfortunately, your artificial drugs treat mostly symptoms, and have side affects which is not like My natural cures that do not have side effects. At times too many drugs and antibiotics can harm other parts of your body because of these interactions. Give praise and thanks to Me for healing your body and your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many Shuttle launches to take cargo to the space station. But there have been other launches from Iran and North Korea. This can be combined with their home made nuclear bombs to make them terrorist threats in their areas. The proliferation of nuclear bombs and delivery rockets is putting your world very much on the verge of a world war. Even conventional warfare is very devastating with your modern weapons. Pray for peace in these areas of tension, but a major war could break out at any time. Pray for peace also in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many lives are being lost from natural disasters and abortions. Wars can be prevented if man has a desire to do so.”


Thursday, August 12, 2010: (St. Jane Frances de Chantal)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is a hard example to explain forgiveness from the heart. Man in his pride finds it hard to forgive people who have wronged him in any way. Even some harbor grudges for years over simple offenses. Yet when you come to Me, you expect Me to forgive you instantly and forever with little consequence. It is My own sacrifice of My life that frees you from your sins, but you need to admit that you are a sinner, and confess your sins to be forgiven. I am always ready to forgive you unconditionally. This is why I told St. Peter that he needed to forgive his neighbor seventy-seven times, meaning all the time, if you want to imitate My example. I am like the Master who forgave the whole debt, and you must do likewise in forgiving the debts of your neighbor, even though your debt to Me is much larger than your neighbor’s debt. Think also if you wanted a small debt forgiven when you beg forgiveness of someone. Just as you expect to be forgiven by another person, so you should be willing to forgive your neighbor. Be kind and merciful to others as I treat you. This is the same meaning when you pray the ‘Our Father’ prayer: ‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.’”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a fast moving device coming to an abrupt stop, is a sign of what it will be like when you come to Me in an out of body experience. There are two kinds of jolts that you will experience. The first is that all worldly noises will cease, and you will be hearing the peaceful and loving music of heaven. The second jolt is that you will be thrust into a deeply spiritual realm that is totally focused on God and away from any material or earthly things. Then when people visit their life reviews, they will see that prayers and good works are worth more than any earthly endeavors centered on self and worldly things. Recognize that it is your soul’s goal to be with Me forever, but you must battle your bodily desires every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, looking at the beautiful scenes of nature, as the falls in this vision, can settle down your restless spirit. The body seeks to be busy with many things, but it is not always centered on doing things for My glory. The soul sees the value of a holy and prayerful life, and the need to seek Me in everything. The body loves to take pride in its works without giving glory to Me. The soul wishes to give all the glory of its deeds over to Me. Strive to keep Me at the center of all of your activities, and give thanks and glory to Me at all times.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you visions of how beautiful it is in heaven with all the saints and angels constantly singing My praises. You will be consumed in My love as you become so close to Me that your soul will seem like it is one with Me. When you receive Me in Holy Communion and you seek Me in contemplative prayer, you will seem as if you are having a taste of heaven, and how you will be worshiping Me constantly. Adoration and being close to My Eucharist will be a preparation for how you will be living in heaven. Love of Me will far surpass any love for anything else.”

Jesus said: “My people, the time, that you have on earth, is but a short walk in time, and you will be facing your death on earth. Some spend their short lives in fruitful abundance for their souls and the souls that they brought to faith on earth. I have given you all spiritual missions for your life on earth, but you must open your heart to Me, and give your will over to Me so I can lead you in your mission. Those, who reject Me and want to run their own lives, are not letting Me use their talents for My purpose. I do not violate your free will choice, but there are consequences in hell and lower purgatory for those who refuse to accept Me into their lives. The Warning may be the last chance to save these souls who are lost in themselves.”

Jesus said: “My people, I formed My Church with St. Peter as its head in the first pope. With My Church you have the deposit of faith in My Word and My sacraments. My Church interprets My words for My faithful to follow. My Church is protected from the gates of hell, and you can find your way at My Mass and My sacraments. Many doctors of My Church have given you the way to follow Me to heaven in leading a good Christian life. It is up to My followers to let My Church guide them with My Word and its explanation. When you hold fast to My Church’s teaching authority, you will be focused on My Presence in My Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been given great role models in following My life and the holy lives of the saints. My saints did not focus on needing creature comforts, but they did great mortifications of the body in fasting and offered up their sufferings to Me. In doing good works to help people in body and soul, they were raising up treasure in heaven. Saving souls and living holy lives were their callings, and they are great examples for you to follow. Rejoice in whatever little things that you can do for Me each day. Offer up all of your actions to Me for My greater glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, while your soul is attached to its body, it is very difficult to keep its focus on Me because of the many earthly distractions that you face each day. As you realize death is approaching, you need to make sure that your soul is pure by frequent Confession. Seek to be with Me forever in heaven, because it is your soul’s eternal destination that is most important in this life. Once you are free of the body, you will see a new release in your spiritual awareness of Me. Some souls have been graced with My peace while they are still in the body. You seek to be released from your sins, but you will seek an even greater release to freedom from the constraints of the body. I love all of My people, and I work to save every soul possible for My Kingdom.”


Friday, August 13, 2010: (St. Pontian & St. Hippolytus)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you can see how the spider sets his web to ensnare his prey of unsuspecting insects. There is a parallel in the spirit world where the demons also try to ensnare souls in the traps of their temptations to sin. Man is weak to sin because of Adam’s Fall, and he needs to be wary of these sins of temptation, even when they look desirable from an earthly point of view. I have given you My Ten Commandments as a guideline for living a holy life. By loving Me and your neighbor, you will be led to follow a proper behavior for being one of My faithful disciples. You are sinners, and you have learned what sins that you commit most frequently. Learn from your mistakes and avoid situations or near occasions of sin, so you do not keep committing the same sins again. The demons prey on your bodily weaknesses, so keep in daily prayer and frequent Confession so you can avoid sin, and the many snares of sin from the web of Satan.”

Jesus said: “My people, the government people, who are working with the chemtrails in the sky, are also coordinating their work with the people controlling the HAARP machine. There are certain times when you see chemtrails crossed to form an ‘X’. This is a convenient method to direct the HAARP machine to cause droughts or large rainstorms in that area. These people can also enhance virus diseases with the microwaves being used to carry a disease. It is quite amazing that your people have not complained more about the use of chemtrails and the weather effects of the HAARP machine. If investigations were ordered to look into what purpose they were serving, many would desire to stop this effect on your health and natural disasters. Much information about these technologies is available on the internet, but there are not any grassroot groups to stop them. These are just a few more black ops being run secretly for the one world people’s interests. Pray that people become more informed on what the chemtrails and HAARP machine are being used for.”


Saturday, August 14, 2010: (St. Maximilian Kolbe)
Jesus said: “My people, your latest recession and broken housing bubble were a created crisis by the one world people. In your circus days, loans were given to poor risks that were never going to be able to pay them off. Then the greedy stock brokers added to the circus acts by floating risky bonds disguised as solid investments with outrageous leverage of forty to one in so-called derivatives. Then when it came time to pay for these frauds, your whole financial system folded like a falling stack of cards. Your Federal Government put you into extreme debt in the trillions of dollars to bail out the rich bankers and corporations. The poor lost their homes and any investments, but the central bankers now own you through these debts. By eliminating American manufacturing, your corporate barons have robbed American workers of their jobs, and they have created high unemployment on purpose. Now your state governments are crashing as their employee pension funds are near broke. All of these circus acts of greed were manufactured for one reason–bankruptcy of America and a resulting takeover. This is the plan of the one world people to ruin your money system and make you their slaves to the North American Union. This fall of America is very similar to Israel when they turned their backs on Me and worshiped other gods. America has worshiped the dollar, Wall Street, and your possessions before Me, and now you will be reaping the consequences of your greed and corruption. Repent America, while you are still alive.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I came upon a barren fig tree and I urged the gardener to cut it down and burn it. But the gardener requested one more year to see if with manure and watering that he could revive this tree. This is a little like souls who do everything for themselves and do not bear any fruit of good works. I give souls many opportunities to change their ways so they can help people and bear fruit. If they continue to be barren of good fruits, then they are choosing their own judgment of being cast into hell for not helping anyone. When I bring My faithful before their judgment, I will ask them if they fed the hungry, gave water to the thirsty, clothed the naked, or gave shelter to the homeless. If they answer ‘yes’ to doing good works for their neighbor, I will say: ‘Since you did this for the least of My little ones, then you did this for Me.’ These will enter into My Kingdom. But those on the left who answered ‘no’ to doing good works, I will say: ‘Since you did not do this to the least of My little ones, then you did not do this to Me.’ For this the evil ones will be banished into hell for all eternity.”


Sunday, August 15, 2010: (The Assumption)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear son, I am thanking you and my children for being faithful to praying your rosaries every day, and for wearing my brown scapular of protection. You were asked by me on August 7, 2010 to have some brown scapulars to hand out at your talks, along with an explanation of what prayers to say. This is a gentle reminder again of how important it is to have my children protected by wearing my brown scapular. It would also be helpful to give some explanations for the people, so they realize why it is important to wear this sacramental. The promise of my protection from hell should be obvious for your souls. I thank you for handing out the rosaries, but my brown scapular is also important to be handed out as well. This subject of my brown scapular has come up several times since my feast day of Mount Carmel on July 16. These added messages should be helpful for all of my faithful children to see the need to wear your own scapular and encourage your children and grandchildren to do the same.”


Monday, August 16, 2010: (St. Stephen of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel a young man was looking to do more than follow My Commandments, but when I asked him to sell his possessions and follow Me, he went away sad for he had many possessions. I call everyone to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect, but it is not easy to give up your job and possessions and live a monastic life. I realize that this lifestyle is not for everyone, but I still call all people to do the best that they can with the talents which I have given them. This vision of My angel guarding My Word of Scripture means that My words are forever and they are given for everyone’s salvation. Even though My words were given to you two thousand years ago, they are still true today and they have not changed. Do not think that My Word of Scripture can be changed or rationalized for a better hearing. My Scriptures should be interpreted as My apostles taught, and how My Church protects My Word. You need to confess your sins regularly without trying to minimize your mortal sins. I see all of your actions and you cannot hide them from Me. You will be accountable at your judgment for all of your actions. Have your souls cleansed in Confession, and always be prepared to leave this world, and your place in heaven will be assured.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the 1930’s the Ukraine was the bread basket of Russia and they grew a large wheat crop. But the communists had the wheat shipped out of the Ukraine, and they starved sixty million people to death by controlling the food. This history lesson could be repeated once again as the one world people are again controlling the food through the seeds, the fertilizer, and the allocation of certain lands to grow planned crops by subsidies. There are only a few seed companies producing bulk seed, and much of these seeds are hybrids so the farmers have a difficult time to grow their own seed. Seed from hybrid plants do not reproduce good crops the next year. Fertilizers are also controlled. Even the HAARP machine can be used to cause droughts or floods which could ruin the crops and cause a famine. The coming world famine will be severe because world storage places of food are low in food reserves, and only a few major disasters could create famines even as seen in the floods in Pakistan. Places as Haiti after the earthquake are still in need of food. The food, that you have, has been altered, and it is not as healthy as organically grown food. This is why I have advised people to have one year’s supply of food on hand when this famine occurs, or when you may need chips in the body to buy food. At My refuges and interim refuges I will multiply what food you need to survive. Trust in Me to feed you, clothe you, and protect you from the evil ones.”


Tuesday, August 17, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles that for a rich man to be saved, it would be very difficult, even as hard as getting a camel through the eye of a needle. In the Holy Lands it is possible to push a camel through a four foot square, but it is difficult. I was emphasizing the fact that without My help, it is nearly impossible to be saved. But all things are possible for God. I have spoken many times about not making gods out of fame, possessions, and riches. If you want to store up meaningful wealth, then store up treasure in heaven with good deeds. There are two kinds of treasure: the material treasure on earth, and the spiritual treasure in heaven. I told you that wherever your treasure lies, there also lies your heart. If your heart desires the treasure of heaven, then you are not far from the Kingdom of God. But if your heart desires earthly treasure only, then you may be on the path to hell. Wake up and see that heavenly treasure is all that matters for your soul because these earthly things will be gone tomorrow.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people will do everything to eliminate their opposition, even if they cannot see you. These evil ones will be setting booby traps on hiker trails where they suspect the faithful will travel. My angels will clear the way of any traps, viruses, or road blocks so My faithful will not be harmed on your way to My refuges. I have told you to rely on My angel power for your defense so you do not need guns to fight. Trust in Me on your way to My refuges, and I will provide for your food, water, and shelter. You may have to suffer some persecution as you lose your freedoms, but I will warn you when it is time to come to My refuges for safety.”


Wednesday, August 18, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel about the owner of a vineyard shows how gracious and generous he is to give the same wage to every worker, even those who only worked a short time. This is just a small example of My infinite mercy that I have for repentant sinners. This is why you see Me in the vision greeting sinners as a loving father would. I give every sinner many opportunities to come to Me in repentance, even until your dying breath. Some may think it is unfair to accept sinners so late in their lives. But look how many times that I forgive you when you come to Confession every month. All of you are open to My graces when you seek My forgiveness of your sins. I never refuse anyone who comes to Me. Only those, who refuse to be forgiven, are the souls who are in danger of being lost. All of heaven rejoices when one sinner repents of his or her sins. There is no excuse that you cannot have a pure soul because you can confess your sins to the priest at any time that he is available. Do not let the devil put off Confession because you may forget, and you need My graces for protection from even worse sins. I am always waiting to receive every sinner, but I do not force you against your free will because I want you to come to Me out of love by your own choice.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming soon when your government authorities will start using scare tactics to discourage people from speaking out against any government or new world order policies. They will arrest and handcuff violators in their eyes and then let them go. This treatment will become more severe with each supposed violation. This is a means to put down dissent and take away your freedom of speech. It is also a way to eliminate any opposition to the one world people’s new world order. This is just the beginning of the removal of your Bill of Rights, as these evil ones prepare to bring about the North American Union. Once your sovereignty rights are taken away, then I will warn My faithful that it is time to leave your homes for My refuges. If you do not leave soon enough, then you risk capture and being killed in the detention center death camps. Once you leave your homes, My angels will lead you to My refuges, and you will be invisible to the evil ones who want to kill you. All of your needs will be provided for you, so have no fear of this evil lot who will not be able to find you.”


Thursday, August 19, 2010: (St. John Eudes)
Jesus said: “My people, I adopted Israel for My own people, and I was born among them in Bethlehem. Many times they rebelled against Me by worshiping alien gods. My plan of salvation was a promise of a redeemer because of Adam’s sin, but I would be saving all peoples from their sins, and not just Israel. Isaiah prophesied My coming, but his terms were hard for Israel because of their offenses: (Is 41:14) ‘Fear not, O worm Jacob, O maggot Israel; I will help you says the Lord; your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel.’ Today’s reading from Ezechiel (36:23-33) also describes how the people of Israel will be My people and how I chastised them for their sins. My anger lasted but a moment, and then I reached out to help My people. So it is with America. You have committed many sins in your abortions and worship of other gods. I love you because of your founding in My Name, but you are drifting away from Me as a nation. Just as Israel went into exile for her sins, so I will allow America to be taken over because of your sins, and your refusal to seek My forgiveness. Beware America, for your days of freedom are numbered. Repent before it is too late.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the people of Noah’s time were evil and unrepentant. Only Noah and his family followed My laws. Because of the people’s sins, I brought forty days and nights of rain to flood the earth and kill the evil ones. I had Noah prepare a huge ark to house and feed the animals on the ark. Just as I prepared Noah and his family, so I have called many to prepare refuges of safety for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. These refuges also will need food, water, and shelter so they will be the new arks of protection for My people. In the Northern climates fuels will also be needed to keep the people warm in the winter. These arks will be shielded by My angels so you will not be seen or harmed by the evil ones. Rejoice that you are being forewarned and prepared for the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with all of your modern means of detection with radar, satellite images, infra-red detection, and others. Even with all of man’s latest sophisticated technology, the evil ones will be no match for My power and the miracles that I will perform to hide you from those who are trying to kill you. Their instruments will not work and you will be hidden from any means of detection. When I perform these miracles, My faithful will have more assurance for their weak faith. My apostles believed in Me more when they saw My miracles. So My disciples will believe more when you witness My protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, it will not be easy at first for all the people as they are led to My refuges. My refuge builders only have limited means to provide for the needs of all the people that will come. You will see My angels build and multiply your dwellings. People will be amazed at this building. Water, food, and fuels will also be multiplied so everyone will have enough to eat. My angels will bring you daily Communion and deer will come and drop dead in your camps. You all will have jobs to do in using your talents to help each other with food, clothing, bedding, and a means to keep warm. Trust in all that I will do for My people in their needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Antichrist will show signs of his star in the night skies, but they will be artificial to fool people into believing that he is Me. The forces of evil are gathering strength for their moment of takeover. There will be a martial law declared that will begin a takeover of America. This emergency will come from a banking failure with your currency, pandemic viruses, and false terrorist events. Before this occurs I will warn My faithful to call on Me and I will have their guardian angels lead them to My nearest refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, at every refuge you will set up special tents or chapels where My angels will store My Blessed Sacrament. At that place Holy Communion will be multiplied daily so everyone can partake in My Body and Blood. You will also be able to come and visit Me in Adoration as often as you want. I am with you always, even throughout the tribulation time. Angels will be all around My Eucharist, and you may even hear them singing My praises.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of My miracles at My refuges will be My luminous cross that everyone at My refuges will see both day and night. At night this cross will shed a brilliant light over everyone there, and as you gaze on My cross, you will be healed of any health problems. This healing will be much like those who were healed of their snake bites when they looked on the bronze serpent that Moses held up. Be grateful for My healings and your faith in coming to My refuges.”

Trip to 21 Missions: Jesus said: “My people, this trip that you will be taking in visiting these missions will be like a mission retreat. Think of the inspiration of those who set out to build these missions as a means of evangelization. As you visit each mission let the holiness of that place come into your heart and soul. Your spiritual life will be renewed with this pilgrimage. You will have memories of these experiences that you can draw on to strengthen your faith. If all goes as planned, you will also have a chance to visit the luminous cross miracle in Thermal, California that you have seen before. This is also holy ground and a refuge of miracles. I love all of My people, and those, who come on this retreat, will share in My graces for making this effort to come.”


Friday, August 20, 2010: (St. Bernard)
Jesus said: “My people, fresh water is a necessity of life and at times it is hard to find. At other times rain in excess can cause floods and damage. Your bodies require a constant source of fresh water, so be thankful that you have access to it. Even in the spiritual world you use water for Baptism, and holy water for protection from the demons. There is another spiritual necessity in My Body and Blood of My Eucharist. With My grace in My sacraments, you have the life blood for the soul. Your soul is constantly thirsting for My Presence to be satisfied in My peace. Rejoice also when you have access to Holy Communion at your daily and Sunday Masses.”

Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges I want you to set up a tent or a chapel that contains a tabernacle to store the Hosts of Holy Communion that My angels will multiply and distribute every day. You should have a sanctuary light to indicate My very Presence that I am always with you. This place of My tabernacle is holy ground, and I want you to remove your shoes when you come before Me. This is just what My Father told Moses when he came before the burning bush. This gives honor and praise to Me in acknowledging My Real Presence. At My refuges I want My people to assign hours around the clock so that someone is constantly praying in front of My Blessed Sacrament. You will have more time for prayer at My refuges, so you could honor My request. At any time you will be able to come to Me at Adoration, much as you are doing now. At My refuges I will provide your physical food, and the spiritual food in My consecrated Manna. Give thanks and praise to Me for all of My preparations so you can endure the coming tribulation.”


Saturday, August 21, 2010: (St. Pius X)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that the eyes are the window to the soul. In this vision when you look into My eye, you see My peace and joy as if you were One with Me in heaven. It is only I who can put your soul at rest because your soul is always seeking to be with Me. I am your Creator and your God whom you love. I am love itself and everything that I do is done out of love. This is the example that I want all of you to follow. I want you to do everything out of love for Me and love for your neighbor. When you see My eye on you, you know that I am watching your every action. So be a good example in your behavior. I want your heart to be open to Me so I can use you in the mission that I have planned for your life. It is when you desire to do your own things that you cannot do what I want from you. In the morning pray to do My Will, so that all you do, will be done for My greater glory. Pray for My help before you start each project so you will have the grace of My discernment. Walk through life with your constant focus on Me, even as I am watching you.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of lights shining on a church at night is a sign when the men in black will come looking to capture any priests that they can find, and they will kill them in the death camps. I treasure My priest sons and you should treasure them also. I have asked you to prepare the priests for the coming tribulation by warning them that they will need to flee to My refuges for My protection. Today only a few priests believe these messages on the end times, and that is why only a few will dare to speak out on this subject. Be prepared to help guide your priests to My refuges when I warn you that it is time to go. Ask in prayer for My help to encourage your priests to be ready to leave.”


Sunday, August 22, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, as you look upon Me carrying My cross, I want you to offer up your trials and sufferings to Me for both your sins and the sins of others. There is redemptive value in your pain and suffering, if you can give it over to Me. In the Gospel I am asking you to enter through the narrow gate to gain heaven. Keep your focus on Me all day long as you give your will over to Me in doing everything for My glory. You need love in your heart for both Me and your neighbor. When you follow My Commandments of love, you will be doing good works for your neighbor out of love for him or her. When you examine your conscience and evaluate your actions, you will be drawn to frequent Confession. You know how much I love all of you, and I want you to follow the right path to heaven by avoiding the temptations of the world. Another way to assure your path to heaven and avoid judgment to hell is to wear My Blessed Mother’s scapular and pray her prayers of consecration. By following these instructions, you will have your reward in heaven.”


Monday, August 23, 2010: (St. Rose of Lima)
Jesus said: “My people, I have given some hard messages about having to leave your homes for My refuges of protection in the tribulation time. Those, who have expensive large homes, are going to be reluctant to leave for some rustic refuges. This is not an easy decision to live in complete trust in Me, instead of staying at your comfortable homes. You will have to give up your wealth and possessions in order to allow your angels to lead you to My nearest refuge. Those, who do refuse to leave, could be facing the men in black who will be trying to capture people who are believers, and then kill them in the death camps. So do not concern yourselves with bodily comforts, but think more of heavenly comforts for your soul, as you give everything over to Me. Trust in My help and protection, and you will have your reward for being faithful to My Word.”


Tuesday, August 24, 2010: (St. Bartholomew)
Jesus said: “My people, on this feast day of one of My apostles, St. Bartholomew, you see in the vision how I sent out My apostles to evangelize souls in all the nations. At the same time I am sending out My messengers even today to evangelize souls and prepare them for the coming tribulation. You, My son, have been called to a mission of saving souls as well. You have responded well in giving talks all over and distributing My messages in your books, DVDs, and on the internet. I also have asked you to help distribute rosaries, brown scapulars, preparations for Confession, and Divine Mercy Chaplet leaflets. You have also been given messages to help prepare the people physically and spiritually for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. I have asked you to warn the people not to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in their bodies because it will control them. Also, I asked people to be able to leave for My refuges of protection at the time of My warning. My messengers cannot carry out their missions unless they lead holy lives as I have instructed them. This is why I have encouraged you to daily Mass, Adoration, frequent Confession, your three rosaries, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays. Not everyone can follow these instructions, but those who do, will be closer to his or her Lord. God bless those messengers who are following My call.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, this vision of large flames in front of a young girl and a baby represents the punishment coming to America for all of your abortions, child abuse, and the use of aborted fetal tissue for stem cell research. Recently, your government is pushing past a judge’s decision to stop stem cell research using aborted fetal tissue. This is just one more step closer to My judgment being called down on your country. I have called your people to stop your abortions, and you continue killing My babies. You are killing your own children out of convenience for an infidelity or an unwanted child. Rather than giving them up for adoption, you are sending My gifts of life to your garbage bins. Using parts of these aborted babies for research and beauty aids is a further abomination. America will suffer dearly for these sins by physical fires, natural disasters, and an eventual takeover into the North American Union. You will lose all of your rights and your possessions. Be prepared to suffer for your sins against the lives of the unborn and the abuses of your children. This is the severest of sins because you are denying My plan for these souls on earth. Pray to stop your abortions before it is too late.”


Wednesday, August 25, 2010: (St. Louis of France)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I spoke of the hypocrisy of the Scribes and Pharisees. They were concerned about their outward appearances and desired places of honor, but inside they were like whitened sepulchers and dead men’s bones. In other words I told My people to listen to the words of the prophets that the Scribes and Pharisees read, but do not follow their actions. Do not preach My Word and then live a corrupt life as a hypocrite. Instead, act out what you preach as a good example. As in the vision of the lepers, you have sometimes had skin diseases or were handicapped with broken limbs. In those temporary situations you could feel the discomfort or pain of your affliction. When you experience these things, have mercy on those who are handicapped all of their lives. Do not look down on the helpless of society, but give them hope and assist them in their needs. Those, who are sick, maimed, or handicapped in any way, are lifting up their pain with Me on the cross. You are all equal before Me, so do not treat them as second class citizens. I love all of you, and you should love everyone also, even those who appear poor and helpless.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government policies of Stimulus and tax cuts have failed, and your banks and corporations are sitting on their money. Few loans are being given, underwater loans cannot be refinanced, and corporations are beginning more layoffs than major hiring. The uncertainty of tax hikes and your Health care costs have stopped the spending. Your consumers are cutting debt instead of spending because they are unsure of their jobs. All of your economic data point toward another recession and your Federal Reserve will have to buy your increasing debt notes. This will be another caused crisis by the cutting off of any credit. Amidst this grief, your dollar will be more at risk of losing its value. I have told you that bankruptcy is in America’s future, and you are seeing it played out in your economy. Be prepared to go to My refuges when riots and martial law will occur. Trust in My help more than your government that is stealing your money in taxes and its value. The rich are planning your demise in their secret meetings. Pray for My help in facing these evil ones who are bringing you to the point of bankruptcy in the one world people.”


Thursday, August 26, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, ‘stay awake’ is the first words of today’s Gospel. You are in the later chapters of Matthew’s Gospel that speaks of the end times and My coming again. It is joyful and hopeful to know that there will be Divine intervention to take away the evil of this generation. This is truly a time of preparation both for the coming tribulation and My vanquishing of the Antichrist and the demons. For when you see the Antichrist declare himself, you know his reign will be brief and I will be coming soon. I will not leave My people orphans to face this evil, but you will first be prepared by My Warning experience for everyone. During the tribulation, I will protect you physically and spiritually at My places of refuge. My angels will lead you there, and they will provide for your needs. At the end of the tribulation I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and I will cast the evil ones into hell while I renew the earth. There will be a new heavens and a new earth according to Scripture that will lead into My Era of Peace, and then into heaven when you are cleansed of all of your earthly desires. This truly is a joyful time to anticipate My victory and glory over evil. Stay awake and be prepared.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart so your heart could be united with our hearts as one. When you wake up each day, make your morning offering to us, and give everything over to Me so you can receive My graces to carry out your daily tasks. Seeing our hearts burning with fire is how we are so loving of our children. Be aware of opportunities to help your family members, friends, and neighbors in their needs. I send you tests sometimes in your health to keep you humble, but they are opportunities for grace. When these trials are healed, give thanks to Me for your healing.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will always be tested by natural disasters in forest fires, volcanos, earthquakes, and hurricanes. The fact that you are seeing a general increase in these events, is a sign that you are living in the end times. Many say that you have seen these things right along, but those who keep statistics of these events know that these are unusual times. Look with the eyes of faith on these events, and you will see how they fit with the Scriptures that describe the end days.”

Jesus said: “My people, your world and your sins are crying out for your prayers of reparation. That is why these burning candles are a sign of those who are praying for these intentions of the sins of the world. As you see the candles snuffed out, this represents the evil ones who are trying to remove My Name and prayer from public places. Some atheists want My Name out of your Pledge of Allegiance, and My Name off of your currency. Stand up against these attempts and any attempts to make drugs legal and homosexual marriages equal to the marriage of a man and a woman. There are many uses of pornography that pollute young minds on the internet and adult book shops that could be protested. Pray also for the stoppage of your abortions, for poor sinners, and for the souls in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen the anniversaries of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, and the deaths and destruction that they caused. Yet many of your nations possess these weapons and they could threaten to use them. You see enough killing and destruction with your ongoing wars and conventional bombing and suicide bombs. You do not want to invite atomic bomb attacks that could kill thousands of people. Man needs to suppress his desire for wars and the one world people who cause them in greed for blood money. Pray for peace all over the world because war can be a punishment for sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen numbers reported on how many bridges, tunnels, trains, airports, and airplanes have need of repair and are dangerous to use. Some of your city infrastructures are failing because they have not been properly maintained over many years. As age sets in, fatigue and increasing weight and use have put these infrastructures at risk. With state and Federal budgets strapped for funds, these conditions could be an increasing problem. Pray that safety will be heeded to prevent any further disasters as this bridge collapse in the vision.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people are using many fuels to run your cars, heat and cool your homes, and power your factories. Acquiring these fuels has always been a dangerous hazard as well as storing them. You have seen oil fires and spills, people killed in coal mines, and refinery explosions that have killed people. These events will happen due to accidents with explosive fuels, but the option of not using fuels would have a louder cry than the few lost in acquiring and dispensing of fuels. This is the dilemma that your people create in desiring a high standard of living with all of your conveniences. Living at the refuges will require less fuel because your travel will be limited, and your fuels will be wood and any natural gas where it is on refuge sites.”

Jesus said: ‘My people, when you take vacations in the summer, you have an opportunity to visit your National parks that show you the beauty of My creation. It is good to go out hiking to appreciate this beauty that is all around you, and let it be a lesson that you do not want to destroy My balance of nature with all of your pollution. This world should be left as a heritage for your children and not something to be destroyed. Take care in the disposal of your garbage and pollutants to preserve your lakes, rivers, oceans, and the air you breathe.”


Friday, August 27, 2010: (St. Monica)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel (Matt. 25:1-13) is about the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins who carried their oil lamps. The five wise virgins were prepared to meet the bridegroom by buying extra oil to run their lamps. The five foolish virgins were not prepared and did not buy any extra oil. When the bridegroom’s coming was announced, after a long time, the virgins trimmed their lamps. When the foolish virgins had their lamps run out of oil, they had to leave to buy more oil. Then on their return, they found the door locked and they were told by the gatekeeper that he did not know them because they did not know neither the day nor the hour. So it is with the wise faithful and the foolish worldly people. The faithful are prepared in their souls with frequent Confession and they know Me everyday in their prayers. The worldly people ignore Me and refuse to allow Me into their lives, even with many opportunities. They make their possessions and riches their gods, and they are not prepared to meet Me at their judgment. Then when these worldly people come to the gates of heaven, I will tell them I do not know them, and the accursed will be sent to hell and they will not be able to escape, just as in the vision where the bars were over the abyss. The lesson for entering heaven is to be prepared in your soul for your judgment, and make sure that you have a loving relationship with Me so I can know you are one of My disciples. Those, who refuse Me, do not know the day of My coming, and could be lost forever in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times you look at beautiful flowers up close as you take their pictures. The bees also go from flower to flower harvesting the sweet nectar to make their honey. The sweet smell of some flowers is the essence of their beauty. In the spiritual world you have a taste of heaven in the essence of My Real Presence in Holy Communion. My disciples worship Me in Adoration because you have faith in Me and true belief that you are receiving My Body and Blood at Holy Communion time. Belief in My death on the cross that has brought salvation for mankind, may be foolishness to the world. But your belief in Me and seeking My forgiveness of your sins will set you free of the bonds of your sins, and put you on a path to heaven. Those, who do not believe in Me, will soon see that they are the fools when they may be judged to hell.”


Saturday, August 28, 2010: (St. Augustine)
Jesus said: “My people, you all need to have a target or a goal for life, and that is to keep your focus on Me at all times. I have given you all special talents that are unique from everyone else. This is why it is necessary to share your physical and spiritual talents to help people in their physical needs and share your faith with them in their spiritual needs. It is your good works that are the fruit of your talents, and this is what you give to your Master on My return. But those, who keep everything to themselves without love in their hearts, are like the one who buried his talent in the ground. Those, who follow their will instead of following Mine, are also weak in their sins to ask My forgiveness. At the judgment you all will have to account for your actions. Those, with love of Me and neighbor will enter into My banquet of heaven. Those, who refuse to love Me and neighbor, are risking the eternal fires of hell. Have no fear of evil because I am with you always with My protection. By keeping focused on Me as your goal, you will receive your reward in heaven.”


Sunday, August 29, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a need for a coming evacuation from a natural disaster when people will be fleeing for their lives. As the time draws closer, I will give you more details. More and more significant events will be occurring that will emphasize the end time signs. These events will become larger in scope than you have seen in recent years. Have no fear of these things, but there could be some loss of life in them. Be prepared especially in areas along the coastlines, rivers, and earthquake areas that may have to evacuate quickly. Have some supplies ready to put into your car for such cases.”


Monday, August 30, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I first impressed the people of Nazareth when I told them that I was fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy. Later, when I knew in their minds that they could not have faith in Me, I told them of other prophets who did not heal people in their home towns. At this they rose up to try and kill Me, but I walked through their midst because it was not My hour to die. This vision of a dark abyss is like the hill that these people wanted to throw Me over, and it represents a rejection of Me with a possible result of being cast into the abyss of hell. The other scene of My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration is your other choice to know, love, adore, and serve Me. Everyone is given this opportunity to accept Me or reject Me by your free will that I will never violate. But your choices have consequences, and those, who follow Me, can come to heaven, while those, who reject Me, could be choosing hell. Love is the curing factor if a person is open to loving Me, but the devil hates you and worldly things are very cold. Let your heart lead you to Me in My love instead of letting your body desire earthly things that will be gone tomorrow. Concern yourself more with your eternal life than this very short life.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times I have asked you to put your trust in Me to help you in all of your needs, even when you have to go out of your comfort zone to help people. Some people would rather trust in themselves and their wealth to minimize any risk of being hurt or in need. When you make attempts to help people, you could be at risk that they may take advantage of you financially or abuse you verbally in your evangelization attempts. When you desire to help people out of love for Me and them, you never know how they will react to your actions. Hopefully they may be grateful, but some may be envious of what you have and they may steal from you. Always act with love in your dealings with people so you are giving them good example in living as I did.”


Tuesday, August 31, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, many of your churches have been renovated where the traditional statues and ornate altars have been removed. Then there are a few churches where traditional crucifixes and statues are being returned. The statues and crucifix keep you fixed on My suffering and the saints are models to lead a holy life. Your traditional devotions of rosaries, novenas, Benediction, and Adoration also keep you close to Me in respecting My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. It is this devotion to a holy life that can provide a good environment for priestly vocations. Encouraging daily prayer and frequent Confession should also be a part of a pastor’s guiding of his flock. Enriching the parishioners spiritual life is how traditional devotions can improve their lives to handle life’s trials. You need to call on Me in trust every day, and seek a loving relationship with Me in all that I ask you to do. By following My Will in your life, you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, soon your children will be returning to school for a new school year at all levels of education. There have been mixed results with your public education system in America, but other countries are rated higher in their studies. Getting a college education is possible, but it is getting more expensive every year. Certain subjects as history and science have been distorted by those with particular agendas. It is harder to choose a career in certain fields because corporate America is shipping the good jobs out of the country for cheaper labor. Even foreigners are brought into America for cheaper jobs. Students here do not even realize that they are competing with foreigners for their future jobs. The average family wages are shrinking because of a lack of good corporate jobs. Manufacturing jobs have been exported to many nations which is part of the reason for your high unemployment. Encouraging a good education is always helpful, but the availability of good paying jobs is becoming a problem. Unless America can retain good paying manufacturing jobs, you could become a nation of smaller status. Pray for your children to have similar opportunities that you had in college and the work force.”


Wednesday, September 1, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in your physical world your eyes have more trouble focusing as you age, or even some people need glasses early in life. You have various glasses to help with near and farsightedness. This need to see a focused image is necessary for reading signs or books. In a spiritual way you also need to be able to keep your focus on Me as the center of your life. Too often you have many worldly distractions and temptations of the devil that can put Me out of focus and blur your love for Me. This is why you need My graces as glasses to keep your clear focus on Me. Daily prayer and your morning offering to ask My help, can also bring clarity to your mission on this earth. Your life here could end tomorrow, so you need to have a clear thought for your eternal destination. By following My laws of love of God and love of neighbor, you will see clearly how to avoid sin and seek to be with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are men and women in this world who take pride in their power as they blow their trumpets so everyone will respect them. Some leaders in your government crave roles of authority to show off how much power they have over people. The one world people and the central bankers are so sure of their blatant power that they flaunt their control over various governments. The Antichrist and Satan also are drunk with pride and power in their attempts to control souls on earth. Such pride is the undoing of beings, whether they be humans or evil spirits. I am the Ruler and Judge of all souls and spirits by the events that I put into motion. I humble the proud and I bring low any ruler who defies Me. All of those people who think that they are in control today, will be nowhere to be found tomorrow in their death. All the evil bankers, the Antichrist, and Satan will be vanquished and chained in hell. Do not seek to judge these evil ones, for I will take care of them in My time and in My justice. Seek to be humble in this world because the humble will be exalted, but those, who exalt themselves, will be humbled.”


Thursday, September 2, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who are knowledgeable of the things of the world, but there are fewer who have trust and faith in the impossible that I can do. My apostles at first were not acquainted with My powers as the Son of God, so they had trouble when I suggested things that seemed impossible in their understanding of worldly things. St. Peter had been fishing and had caught nothing during the night. He prided himself as a good fisherman. So when I suggested to lower the nets for a catch of fish, he was first reluctant, but he did not want to offend Me. When the apostles were astounded with a large catch of fish, then St. Peter admitted that he had doubted any success in catching any fish. It is this doubt in My powers, that even some of My faithful have, that I wanted to stress in today’s message. When I was on the earth, I performed many miracles which helped people and the faith of My apostles in My works. You know that I can do the impossible if it is My Will to do so. When you make requests in My Name for prayer, you should pray for what is best for your soul or the soul that you are praying for. I hear your prayers and I answer them according to My Will in My time. So do not be offended if I answer your requests in a different way from what you desire. You read from the ‘Imitation of Christ’ Chapter 22 about a revealing quote in this regard. ‘Why are thou troubled because things do not succeed with thee according to thy will and desire? Who is there who has all things according to his will? Neither I, nor thou, nor any man upon earth.’ My point is to trust in Me to take care of your needs, even if you do not understand how I will bring this about. In the end you have all that you need, and you should not complain of any trials that I send to test you. Without any testing, you could not advance in grace. So accept your place in things that I send to you, and see these trials as opportunities for grace and improvement in your spiritual life.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have dragged on for many years, and even your leaders are seeing the need to wind down in Iraq without further need for combat troops. Many of these wars are inspired by the one world people behind the scenes so they can profit from the making of weapons. The war on terror rhetoric has finally been challenged because terrorists could set up their camps anywhere. Instead of accepting constant wars, your people should question their need, and pray for peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are dedicated souls who have been protesting abortion and America’s court decisions on abortion for many years. Praying and counseling in front of your abortion clinics takes endurance and a true desire in prayer to see this killing of My babies brought to an end. Your abortions in America are your most offensive sins to Me because you are taking the lives of My little ones who I love dearly in their innocence. Continue your work in this protest because you cannot let your silence condone these crimes. Thank you to all who are working and praying at the abortion clinics to stop abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have teachers both in the secular subjects and in religion classes. Some can remember their experiences being taught in Catholic schools. This is where you were educated with a faithful experience even in secular subjects as Math and English. Learning your faith in school is even more important than being taught general education subjects. This religious environment for your children is getting more difficult to carry out. Many Catholic schools are closing because of lower attendance and the expense of running an additional school system that competes with public education. Keep supporting your faith teaching because your children need to have their faith education more than other subjects.”

Jesus said: “My people, many are questioning if the decline in My Roman Catholic Church is the fault of My leaders or the faithful in the pews. To some extent the leadership could be improved in various areas, but it is up to the faithful to stay strong in their faith in supporting their Church. Keeping your children strong in the faith has been helped by your Catholic schools. Training in special classes at church are not rigorous enough to carry into high school programs. It is the children who are falling away from their faith because they are not being properly taught and trained in a strong prayer life. Pray for your children’s faith and more support for a good Catholic school program.”

Jesus said: “My people, will I find any faith on the earth when I return? One of the end time signs will be a loss of faith in Me among the people of the world. There are some souls who are strong in the faith because of their daily prayer life, and devotions to My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. I thank all prayer groups for your rosaries, your Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, and your good works in showing your love for Me and your neighbor. The strong prayer warriors need to help carry those who are lukewarm in the faith, especially those who are weak in your own families and friends.”

Jesus said: “My people, over the last two years America has been tested with wars, recession, high unemployment, and a shift to the socialist left in your government policies. Many policies to make larger government and take away your freedoms are currently being promoted by those in your Congress, the White House, and your court system. This coming election gives your people a chance to voice their choices in the candidates that you have to elect to office. Voting for moral leaders and those who will lead your country is the responsibility of your informed citizens. Pray for the election of the best leaders to run your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you think of the purpose of your Labor Day holiday, you can see that your current unemployment rates are weighing heavily on your people. Many have been out of work so long that they have finished any unemployment benefits, and they are now drawing on their savings. It is difficult with many uncertainties of taxes for companies and businesses to improve their hiring levels. Now you need to focus more on praying for more long term jobs to be made available so people can return to work and improve your economy. Sometimes these trials are a punishment for sin, but your people need to help each other in the needs for food, clothing, and shelter.”


Friday, September 3, 2010: (St. Gregory the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the scales of justice have found America wanting in its sins. Just as individuals are accountable for their actions and have to accept the consequences of their deeds, so nations as a whole also are responsible for the sins and actions of its people. I am quoting from Daniel (5:25-28) the prophesy of the destruction of Babylon which is symbolic of America in the Book of Revelation. ‘This is the writing that was inscribed on the wall: Mene, Tekel, and Peres. These words mean: Mene, God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it; Tekel, you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting; Peres, your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians.’ This is a sign of the coming fall of America as well because of your sins of abortion, your fornication, adultery, and homosexual acts. Your people are drifting away from Me in your lukewarm faith, and the perversions of your movies, pornography, drugs, and greed for wealth are calling down My justice for your sins. Your days are numbered also. You have also been found wanting on the scales of My justice. Your country will be given over to the one world people in the masons and central bankers. You will become a part of the North American Union in losing your rights and being slaves of your new masters. Your money will soon be worth next to nothing. This is when you will need to seek My refuges for My protection as you will soon be entering the tribulation of the Antichrist. Have no fear, but trust that My angels will shield you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your world where there is constant noise of music, radio, and television, it is hard to find silent time with Me to recollect your spiritual life of prayer. When you come in silence before My Blessed Sacrament, you have a joy in letting Me come into your heart without the distractions of the outside world. It is at that time that you can share your troubles and thoughts with Me one on one. When you have some difficult decisions in life, you can come to Me in front of My Blessed Sacrament and let Me help you to discern a proper course of action that would be best for your soul. You desire to make prayer requests of Me, but you also need to be able to listen to My words of counsel. I have even suggested five to ten minutes of quiet contemplative prayer when you are with Me in silence. Quiet time with Me is a blessing, and the more you improve in your spiritual holiness, the more you will treasure these quiet moments with Me.”


Saturday, September 4, 2010:
Jesus said: ‘My people, when you look at all of the days that you see while you are on the earth, this is a short time, and soon your life will be called from you. This time passes quickly, so you need to make the best use of your time while you can store up treasures in heaven. You all know that one day you will die, but you do not know how or when. At times you need to recollect your spiritual life to see where you will stand at your judgment. Some people keep pure souls with frequent Confession and daily prayer, while others are not fully prepared. Once you die, you cannot change anything, so it is important to always be ready. When you examine your life, see if you are improving or not so you can change any parts of your life that need improvement. You should be striving for perfection which means coming closer to Me and being less involved with worldly desires. The more good works that you store up in heaven, the easier it will go for you at your judgment. As you help your own spiritual life, you can also be a good example to others in improving their spiritual lives.”


Sunday, September 5, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at people around you, there are those who are better off and those who have less possessions or talents in the things of the world. Do not belittle anyone in your mind or in word who has less talents than you do because I give everyone different skills. Also, do not treat someone who is rich with any more favored treatment to get some kind of gain. You should treat everyone with an equal amount of respect both as a physical person and a fellow soul on this earth. Before My eyes you are all equal, even though some have been granted more talents or more graces than others. To those who have been granted more gifts, more will be expected of them. So be careful not to discriminate in any way between various people, and you will be showing My love for everyone. I love even the worst of sinners, so you also should love everyone, even the hardest to love that are shunned by society. For loving everyone and respecting their humanity as My creation, you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, my Son, Jesus, and I love all of you and especially the young innocent children. I appeared to children in various apparitions because of their innocence and how the people would know that they could not give my messages on their own. In some instances I had to teach the children how to pray my prayers completely and slowly. Teach your children how to pray the rosary and wear my brown scapular. They are important sacramentals that your children should be acquainted with. As the children return to school, they should be educated in both their spiritual knowledge as well as their secular knowledge. I encourage all of my children to continue to gain in their spiritual life, even after any formal training. You need to grow in your spiritual life until your dying day. Never stop loving Jesus and me as you strive to learn all that you can about us and our love for you. Thank you for your rosaries and wishing me a Happy Birthday.”


Monday, September 6, 2010: (Labor Day)
Jesus said: “My people, this large bug in the vision represents some disease bearing insect as well as a new flu virus. Almost every year you have had to deal with viruses as your recent Swine Flu from last year. You have already seen how your drug companies are putting H1N1 flu shots together with your seasonal flu shots. They also are encouraging everyone except infants to receive such shots. The drug companies have a vested interest in making money on these shots, whether they work or not. Many people are not vulnerable to such diseases, and some people have had adverse effects from such shots. Putting two shots together could also cause some complications. My advice in the past has been to avoid such flu shots, and build up your immune system with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. If the one world people start introducing a deadly pandemic virus, this would be a time to leave for My refuges where you would be healed of these viruses by looking on the luminous cross or drinking the healing spring water. So there is no fear of such viruses since you know what to do. In past years you have seen a lot of scare tactics used to try and force people to take flu shots that could actually weaken their immune systems to planned new viruses. Trust in My help and avoid the one world people’s flu vaccines.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times your weather radar uses unusual pulses of energy that could affect people’s health in the body and mental health that could cause depression and even suicidal feelings. With enough consecutive pulses, various weather radars could cause health problems with people near the source of radiation. I am asking you to do some research in this area because there are more cases of depression and suicide in certain areas. Some radiations that are similar to brain waves can have an influence on your physical and mental health. Even areas of high tension electric wires and microwave relays are spewing dangerous radiation near these sources. It may be unhealthy where cancers are more frequent. This combination of microwave radiation and airborne viruses can cause immune systems in people to be compromised to more illnesses than average. Beware of living in these high radiation zones that could adversely affect your health. Continue to build up your immune system against these viruses and radiations.”


Tuesday, September 7, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, there are numbers of people dying in the floods of Pakistan, China, and other places on the earth. It is always traumatic to see loved ones die in such natural disasters, not only is there a need to bury the dead for health reasons, but these floods are destroying food storage and the crops used to feed the people. Many times disease and famines follow such flooding. Areas of such death will be requesting aid for food and medicines. As more of these disasters occur, it is becoming harder to find money and food to help these people. Just as America has been tested by disasters for its sins, so other areas of sin in the world are being tested as well. Poorer countries have it harder to recover from disasters. So pray for these people, and send them what aid that you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had several near misses with hurricanes, but Earl has caused some destruction and power outages even though it did not hit America directly. Another storm came quickly into Texas making it a main rain event. This season is becoming very active with several storms in s short time. Keep prepared with food and be ready to evacuate coastal areas. Pray for those who are suffering any damage. Active storms, earthquakes, and volcanoes are happening with an increasing frequency as signs of the end times.”


Wednesday, September 8, 2010: (Birthday of Our Lady)
Jesus said: “My people, today according to the feast day of My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Conception on December 8, you have this feast day of My Blessed Mother’s birth, nine months later. My Blessed Mother was free of sin from original sin and even free of actual sin during her life. She was the perfect soul that I prepared for My tabernacle while she carried Me for nine months. The reading also shows you My human ancestry that was traced from Abraham to St. Joseph according to Matthew’s Gospel. My Blessed Mother also belonged to the house of David because they both had to register in Bethlehem. In Luke’s Gospel My genealogy was traced from St. Joseph backwards all the way down to Adam, the first man. This shows you My human origin, even as I am Divine as well. It also shows you My plan of salvation for all of mankind because My death on the cross atoned for all of your sins. I paid the price of your souls with My Blood, and you make a personal free will choice to accept or reject My gift of salvation. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you. Also give thanks to My Blessed Mother who gave her ‘yes’ to the angel Gabriel that she would be My mother and bring Me into this world.”

Jesus said: “My people, soon your leaves will be changing colors and falling to the ground. This is another colorful season, much like the colorful flowers in the spring. Many enjoy visiting your parks for pictures of this changing of the leaves. There is a spiritual insight into the four seasons that is similar to man’s quick life on earth. You have new life or birth in spring, a growing to adulthood in summer, getting old in fall as your hair turns grey or white, and finally death at winter. This cycle of four seasons is a constant reminder of the mortality of the body. You know at one time you are appointed to die, so you always need to be properly prepared to meet Me at your judgment. As you see fall and winter coming, you also are reminded of the end days in the readings leading up to Advent. This fall and winter is a good time to recollect your soul to be prepared for your judgment. Examine your actions and the state of your spiritual life. Try to make some steady improvements in your life with more good works and a good prayer life. By focusing on Me and knowing that you could die tomorrow, you will not be found wanting when I come to take you home to Me.”


Thursday, September 9, 2010: (St. Peter Claver)
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at this year’s harvest of crops, you realize how important the farmers are in providing food for everyone. One part of your daily necessities in your human condition is the need to eat usually three meals of food. The food grown by the farmers is providing your daily life’s needs for nourishment of your bodies. When you realize the importance of their work, you should be thanking Me and the farmers more for your daily bread. It is unfortunate that the distribution of this food is not always even all over the world. There are some countries where people are starving, especially in highly populated third world countries. Many times you receive requests in the mail to help these poor countries, and even your local food shelves need donations for the poor in your area. Many of My faithful have been blessed with more abundance than they need. Charity in helping others should be your calling to share what you have with those who are in need of food and shelter. This is part of what is expected from those who have been given more of this world’s wealth. Those, who neglect to share and are selfish with their wealth, will have to settle accounts with Me at their judgment. Help people with your good works now while you have the opportunity, and you will be storing them up against your sins at the judgment. Even more, you should be performing acts of charity out of love for Me and love for your neighbor. It may happen one day that you may need help. As you expect people to help you in your need, so be willing to help others in their needs, whether in physical needs or help in evangelizing their souls.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are various insects, animals, and reptiles that are moving to new environments due to certain migrations or infestations from various imported goods. When animals or insects are established, there is a balance of nature that controls the numbers with natural predators. When a new species arrives without these natural predators, that species could cause an infestation or destruction to their habitat. When man interferes with this process, you can have even worse environmental disasters. Pray that these problems do not affect your food supply.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some fires in various parts of your country due to your hot, dry weather. It is difficult when fires are set by lightening, but a good share of these fires are from deliberate arson. Some may be looking for notoriety or some other reason, but they are truly in need of making reparation, even if it would be a term in jail. Pray that these fires can be controlled and any responsible people brought to justice.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, every year in November people exercise their duty as informed citizens to vote for the candidates for office. It would be best for your people to investigate the needs of your government and the people who are up for election. It is better to make an informed vote than just voting for someone that you know nothing about. Your country is on the brink of bankruptcy, so you should vote for those who will use a fiscal policy that will turn your deficits and spending into a more responsible direction.”

Jesus said: “My people, your energy alternatives are gaining some ground to replace some of your coal and gas fuels, but they are still small compared to oil, coal and gas total usage. Cleaner and green sources of energy are getting some big investments. Your country should also be looking to cut its energy needs by reducing your electricity and power needs as a companion conservation to help reduce your fuel needs. Look for more efficiency than using more electrical devices that use more power.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your entitlements such as Social Security, Welfare, and Medical programs are paying out more than they are collecting, which is testing your budget deficits. States are having problems paying for mandated pensions and extended unemployment. Once budgets get tight, cuts will be made that could cause many entitlement recipients to cause some protest. Not enough people are contributing taxes to support these programs, and your debts keep increasing. In a short time these deficits will threaten America with bankruptcy. Pray that your representatives to be elected will turn your high spending around to act more responsibly.”

Jesus said: “My people, your bank losses and foreclosures are still a problem with your financial system. You are seeing your FDIC and government control closing more banks over this year. If your finances were getting better, then why are so many banks being taken over for lack of capital reserves. Those, who truly know what is going on behind the scenes, know that a day of reckoning for your dollar and your economy is coming soon. Those in the media are giving you disinformation about the true serious debts and deficits which are getting worse and not better. Be prepared to leave for your refuges when your economy goes under.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you study the history of these missions, you will be impressed with the spirit of evangelization that was behind this construction. You may want to research these missions and learn from those giving you information on your tours. There is a certain spirit that you will need to apply to your time at My rustic refuges, just as these missions used. Trust in Me to lead and protect My faithful from the coming persecution in the tribulation.”


Friday, September 10, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you are beginning a beautiful retreat in visiting the Missions of California. This vision of many white caskets being carried up to a cemetery has an ominous feeling because it refers to the number of lives that will be lost in the coming major earthquakes. This will change the geography of the current California coastline. There is an added meaning to your retreat with Me in Adoration on your journey. My graces and your prayers will be offered for the souls who will die suddenly in these coming earthquakes. Many will not be properly prepared to meet Me at their judgment. It is this mission retreat that I will use to help save these souls through My mercy. Offer up your intentions of your Divine Mercy prayers for the souls who will see their bodies called home to Me in death from these natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were fortunate to be able to have Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament on the bus for an hour. My blessings went out to all of those traveling on the highway with you. This reminded you of the day when the priest brought My Blessed Sacrament through the neighborhood and blessed the houses. Many of these old traditions were ways to strengthen your faith and keep you close to Me. Give Me praise and thanks any time that you can share with Me in My Real Presence.”


Saturday, September 11, 2010: (Sunday Mass-Parable of Prodigal Son)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is all about repentance for sin and the seeking of forgiveness. It is hard for My faithful to hear Me say ‘Love your enemies’, but not their evil deeds. With people you need to be able to separate the person or soul from their actions. Leave this judgment of souls up to My justice. Many Americans are still holding the 9/11 crimes against the Arabs for their killing so many Americans, not to mention the destruction of the buildings. Unfortunately, this evil had even deeper roots in sabotage against your country by the one world people who wanted to cause war against Afghanistan. All of the evil ones who performed these killings will face My justice, but continue to love everyone, even your enemies. When you love your neighbor, good or bad, you are fulfilling your duty. If they refuse to love you or Me, then they will be brought to justice and be judged on their own sins. Once you let anger or grudges cloud your reasoning, you are allowing Satan to control you. You must have love and peace in your heart and soul at all times, even though you have a right to self-defense. Pray for your persecutors and enemies, and be willing to forgive them. Know that when I return, I will cast the evil ones into hell, but I will invite My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Sunday, September 12, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been visiting these missions as a pilgrimage, and you are seeing in the vision how the missionaries of these missions were converting the souls of the Indians. Here in America you are seeing only less than 25% of Roman Catholics attending Sunday Mass. Many faithful and other Christian faiths are growing lukewarm in their faith. As a result of this weakness in faith, America is also becoming a mission land. This is why I am raising up many messengers and prayer warriors to give witness to souls and evangelize them to the faith or others back to the faith. The time to be brought to Me in faith is growing short, and if souls do not accept Me soon, they could be lost in the tribulation. Some souls will be converted after the coming Warning experience that will come before the Antichrist declares himself. Those, who are praying to save their family members’ souls, will see them more open to conversion after the Warning. At that time your prayers for them will be answered for those who give their will over to Me. Rejoice in these conversions, even as heaven is celebrating as well. Pray to support My messengers, priests, and all missionaries who are bringing souls to Me. Saving souls is the most important duty that My disciples could do to serve Me. See that visiting these missions should inspire you to reach out and save souls around you.”

Jesus said: “My people, today is My day of rest and you should be worshiping and praising Me all day. Instead, many people are not going to Mass on Sunday, but they flock to their stadiums to worship their gods of sports in football, baseball, and golf. Sports and other means of entertainment have become even more important to people than loving Me. All the things of this world are passing away, but the life of your soul lives on forever. It is more important to choose your final destination with Me than to let worldly things become gods to worship. You are aware of crowds of people coming to see the Antichrist in your sports stadiums. By being used to spending your time watching sports in these stadiums, you will be more susceptible to be drawn to these stadiums to watch and listen to the Antichrist. Keep your focus on Me, especially on Sunday, and do not let the gods of this world control you in anyway. Give praise and glory to Me every day, but give Me even more of your time in worshiping Me on Sunday.”


Monday, September 13, 2010: (St. John Chrystostom)
Jesus said: “My people, when you restore My churches, you are not only keeping historical buildings in repair, but you are helping to preserve the faith. These old missions are an inspiration to My faithful that they are following in My footsteps and keeping close to Me. These buildings are a treasure in recognizing My saints as models for your lives. The missionary efforts of the Franciscans are also an example to My faithful to work to save souls through conversion from earthly ways. Trust in Me and come to visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come into these missions, they are dark at first, especially in the dome of the vision. I have shown you My Light as I disperse the darkness in this mission. Also, when you receive Me in Holy Communion, you have My Light in you as well. This Light is the power of My Real Presence that flows into your hearts. When you experience My Real Presence, you have My love come into you sometimes as a tingling feeling. This Communion is a taste of heaven on earth. Once you have My Light in you, you can be a light for other souls to have My love and Presence in their lives. Rejoice that you can come to Me at Mass and Adoration to renew your spiritual strength, and share more Light with souls who are walking in the darkness of the world and Satan.”


Tuesday, September 14, 2010: (The Triumph of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, be grateful that I have died on the cross for all of mankind. I have won the victory over sin and death, and it is by My Blood that all of you are saved. It is your individual choice to accept or reject My salvation of your sins. At every Mass you have the opportunity to receive My Real Presence in Holy Communion. Remember in St. John’s Gospel when I said that only those who receive My Body and Blood will have eternal life. Every day I ask My faithful to take up his or her cross and follow Me. Offer up your trials and pains of the day as you share them with My pain on the cross. Give praise and thanks to Me for My gift of faith and My gift of eternal life in My Eucharist. Treasure the cross that I give you because it is by My testing that you are purified and refined like silver so you are prepared to enter heaven. Just as Moses raised up the bronze serpent, so I was raised up on the cross, and you are all healed by My Blood sacrifice. Also, at My refuges when you look on My luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your infirmities.”


Wednesday, September 15, 2010: (Our Lady of Sorrows)
Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am your Holy Mother and I truly care for my children. Just as you mothers care for your children, so I love all of you and I do not want to see one of your souls lost. I place my mantle of protection over all of my children to protect you from physical injury. I remind you how I placed my mantle between your bus and the military trucks in Venezuela to prevent an accidental crash at night. I also protect you from evil demons, and I help you to avoid their evil temptations. I guide you and encourage you to pray my rosary and wear my brown scapular. I also console you in your pain of sickness and when you lose your loved ones. I join your pain with my sorrows as I watched my Son die. As you offer up your pain with Jesus on the cross, I am with you also. This life is truly a valley of tears, but you can call on me and my Son to give you the strength to endure all of your daily trials. Whenever you are sad, I am standing by you as I suffered in sadness. Continue to pray your rosaries for all those who are suffering on earth and in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, there truly are storm clouds coming as trouble in your government and trouble in your banking system. Many actions by your government have caused an increased deficit in your National Debt in an attempt to bail out your big banks. Now you are facing a possible tax increase and Health Care increases that could cause another recession to get worse. Some changes in the control of Congress will occur in your upcoming elections. Your President will use his veto more to keep his programs in place. Dissatisfaction with your economy could worsen if more foreclosures and bank failures continue. The longer your unemployment rate stays high and workers stop receiving any help, the more chance you will have for crime increases and possible riots. Pray for those who are unemployed to get jobs, and pray for your economy to keep from falling back into recession.”


Thursday, September 16, 2010: (St. Cornelius & St. Cyprian)
Jesus said: “My people, why do you have continuous wars that are based on greed? You should search and pray for peace in the world. This fighting over land causes the loss of much life. In the end it is the one world people who profit from selling arms to both sides of your conflicts, even until today. You have also seen many visions of earthquakes along the coast of California, and you are here on the fault line at this mission. The messages on San Francisco have talked of the many sins of the flesh that will cause massive earthquakes that will send this city into the sea. I use natural disasters as punishment in some cases, and this is one of them. Be prepared for some serious earthquakes in this area so there will be fewer people who will die.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are seeing My mercy of forgiveness on even the most grievous of sinners. The woman at Simon’s house kissed My feet and washed them with her tears. Then she anointed My feet with expensive ointment for My funeral. After, I forgave her sins and told her to go in peace. Those, who were self-righteous, were questioning how I could forgive sins. My disciples know that I forgive sins through the priest in Confession. Even the worst of sinners, I will forgive, if they are repentant of their sins. All of you have an opportunity to be forgiven, so receive Me in Confession at least monthly. I love all of you and I want all souls to be saved. So come to Me out of love so you can be perfected for heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you more floods that will be occurring as you see more natural disasters. In some areas of continuous low pressure, rainstorms will cause heavy downpours and could cause floods in some areas. Where you have a low or high pressure for extended days, then you will be experiencing HAARP machine induced weather that could cause these floods. Such microwave interference is being used purposely to cause a declaration of emergency as practice for your coming national martial law. Such a martial law will be declared from a combination of bank bankruptcies, a pandemic virus, and false terrorist acts. As a result of this martial law, you will see mandatory chips in the body and the authorities will shut down your electricity in order to limit your travel. The one world people want to control your bodies so you can be their slaves. So refuse to take any chips in your body, even if the evil ones threaten to kill you. When these things happen, call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges of protection.”


Friday, September 17, 2010: (St. Robert Bellarmine)
Jesus said: “My people, as with today’s saint, My disciples need to protect My Church from false teachings as New Age. The missionaries worked to convert the Indians and save their souls. My disciples also are blessed with My gift of salvation by My death on the cross. You all need to be witnesses of My love and teach the people the faith that I taught My apostles. Seek to save souls through a good example of a holy life. By your evangelization efforts you can bring souls to Me, instead of them being lost to Satan. At times you pray for souls, but in this vision that represents fasting, you can add fasting from food and desserts as part of your suffering to save souls, especially in your own family. Together with not eating between meals, you could fast at least one or two meals on Wednesday and Friday. When you offer up prayer and fasting for souls, it is more powerful than prayer alone.”

Jesus said: “My people, this image, that showed Me walking, means that I want you to walk with Me in My footsteps as you can grow in your spiritual life. Also, I experienced your pain in criticisms, persecution, and even when some are martyred for their faith in Me. I walk with all of you through your life’s trials, so call on My help so your life’s suffering will be more bearable.”


Saturday, September 18, 2010: (Sunday Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you another indication of the graces going forth to everyone in My Warning experience. In this coming supernatural intervention, everyone will be given an opportunity to see their sins, repent, and then change their lives. You will all come to Me as a great Light, and I will show you a life review of your sins, with a focus on your unforgiven sins. The graces and My mercy flow out to you from My Divine Mercy which is why the Warning is such a blessing for all sinners. This experience will be a small taste of heaven and all sinners will appreciate how much they offend Me with their sins, and even their indifference to My love. This desire for repentance and Confession will be burning in your souls so much that you will have a need to want to change your life when you return into your body. This whole Warning experience will be out of body and outside of time. Give thanks and praise to Me for bathing you in My grace and mercy.”


Sunday, September 19, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen fields of white crosses at military cemeteries where many have died from wars. In this vision of a church and a field of white crosses, you are seeing a battle of good and evil where there will be a substantial number of martyrs for the faith during the tribulation. I have told you before that the evil ones will be targeting religious and patriotic people, and especially your leaders. The evil ones are already preparing red and blue lists of people that they want to eliminate both before and after martial law is declared. Hundreds of detention center death camps are being manned by United Nations troops where many will be martyred by being gassed, or killed by Guillotine followed by being cremated. I am also having My faithful refuge leaders build havens that will be protected by My angels. As the evil ones prepare their death camps, so My faithful are preparing interim and final refuges where My angels will lead My faithful to safety. Fear not if you are called to be a martyr rather than renounce your faith in Me. My martyrs will all become instant saints and I will ease their pain. The faithful, who are not martyred, will be led and protected at My refuges. So do not worry about what will happen in the tribulation because I will protect the souls of My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am reaffirming that these grounds are holy and this is truly a refuge where visions and messages have been given. As the time of tribulation draws near, many people are preparing refuges of protection and I am calling them in their hearts to provide for My faithful remnant. I have given you messages before how many miracles will be performed at My refuges in order to feed you and shelter you from the evil ones who want to kill My faithful. On refuges that have plenty of acreage, I will multiply the buildings so My people will have sufficient accommodations to live. On refuges that have a small amount of land, I will have My angels build high buildings that look like this pagoda in the vision. When you see these miracles, you will more fully believe in My power, My grace, and My mercy. Give praise and thanks to Me that I am always at your side to guide you in life and protect your souls. This blessing of My refuges of protection is like I protected My people from the Egyptian armies. During the tribulation of the modern day Exodus, My angels will protect My faithful from the army of the Antichrist, who is also trying to kill you and take your souls. Have no fear, but trust in Me as I bring My peace into your heart and soul every day. My love goes out to all of My faithful, and those, who are providing refuges for My faithful, will receive a great reward in heaven.”


Monday, September 20, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you are here again at the Luminous Cross and you are fortunate to experience this miracle. As you look at the Luminous Cross in back of the altar, this should remind you how I desire a large crucifix on the main altar. Seeing My crucifix shows you how much I love all of you by My death on the cross. You also are seeing a tabernacle in the middle behind the altar as I also desire, because I should be the center of attention. I have left you My Real Presence in My tabernacle, and I am the Guest that makes your churches holy. These are old traditions which I have given you sufficient reason for being there. The shape of this Luminous Cross is the same appearance that you will see in the sky over every refuge, and this will remain in the sky until My Comet of Chastisement comes that will end the tribulation. Rejoice in My protection and know that I will come to vanquish all of the evil ones into hell.”


Wednesday, September 22, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you see how I sent My apostles out two by two in all directions with very little to carry. They followed Me in training for preaching the Kingdom of God for several years. They taught My Word and healed people of their infirmities. In the same way I send out My messengers and prayer warriors who will evangelize all nations and heal the sick. Trust in Me on your mission to save souls and I will provide for your needs because the laborer is worthy of his wage. Wherever you are welcomed, share what you have in your gifts. Wherever you are rejected, move on to the next town. I bring those who are called to your talks, and those, who need to hear My Word, can receive it on your website, or in your books. Those, who work to save souls, will have an even greater reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you frequent messages about the Warning that is coming which is a sign of its coming closer in time. This vision of a comet coming close to the earth is another sign of the coming of the Comet of the Warning. You may not get any public warning of this comet until only a few days before its arrival. The day of the coming of the Warning has not yet been revealed. It is only known that it will come within a year of the miracle. I have also given you that it would most likely occur between September and February in the football season. It is not necessary to know the exact date of events, but by the signs given in the Bible, the Warning is not far off. Some will be frightened by these events in the sky, but the Warning will be a blessing for sinners to change their lives. This will be a time when your family members will be more open to your evangelization efforts. So be prepared to help them in their trials. Have your souls cleansed by monthly Confession, and your Warning experience will be less severe.”


Thursday, September 23, 2010: (St. Pio)
St. Pio said: “My dear son, I have given you a message before about wearing your cross more outside and not being afraid of displaying your love for Jesus. In the vision you are seeing that I am helping more people from heaven than I did when I was on earth. Many people pray to me for their petitions which I take to Jesus as an intercessor. Some people have seen my image in spirit, and I especially watch over those who call on my protection. You should concern yourself more with your prayer life than spending so much time on worldly concerns. Giving Jesus His time of prayer and worship should be first in your priorities, then you could do your worldly tasks. Things in the world, that you think are so important to accomplish, will have little meaning in just a few days. Jesus and heaven depend on prayer warriors for their rosaries for poor souls on earth and the souls in purgatory. When you miss your prayers on one day, you should make them up on the next day.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have all manner of lighting today that usually has an electric source. In older days without electricity, the missions made their own tallow by boiling fats, bones, and hides of animals. This they used for making candles and soap. Life then was a lot harder than it is today with all of your comforts. This rustic scene at the missions is similar to how life will be at your refuges without electricity. Some will have windup flashlights so batteries are not needed. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, every mission had a beautiful handcrafted altar with a crucifix and tabernacle in the middle of the church. Each mission was named after a saint nearest to the time when the church was built. Each mission also had bells, gardens, and cemeteries. Many missions used the labor of the Indians to build them. There were priests present to evangelize the Indians and hear their confessions.”

Jesus said: “My people, these missions were an early start for My Church in early life in California. On the Eastern coast you also had an early start in My Church as religious freedom has been a hallmark to your freedoms in America. My Church has survived all of these years despite all the evils of your society. Give thanks to Me and your early missionaries who established My Church in this country. Unfortunately, many have become lax in their Sunday Mass attendance, and you have forgotten how your founding fathers established religious freedom as one of your rights in your Constitution. Remember your moral and religious roots that have made America great.”

Jesus said: “My people, salvation history has been passed on over the years so My Word in the Bible could be remembered and put into practice. It is one thing to be called a Christian and My follower, but it is your actions that show that you are living your faith daily. I have given you My life and the lives of the saints to be models for your lives. Do not be controlled by worldly gods or by the devil’s temptations. Instead, live My life of love in showing love for Me and your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, during your traveling you were adoring My Blessed Sacrament, attending daily Mass, and praying your rosaries. You also were watching some inspiring movies on your Popes and the saints. Many graces were granted to your pilgrims and even to those driving around you during the Adoration on the bus. Every time that you go on a retreat, or go on a pilgrimage, you come back strengthened in your faith and your spiritual life. See in this walk back in history how I was always a focus for My people in these early days, even until the present time. Learn from history how My Church has been preserved through all of these years.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your traditional devotions as the rosary, the scapular, and novenas have been handed down through the centuries. You have devotions to My Sacred Heart, My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart, My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration, and many devotions to My saints. These devotions help preserve your strong faith and they are worthy to be handed down to your children and grandchildren. Do not let any modernism in My Church belittle or try to put down these holy devotions. Preserve My holy traditions that have held My Church together for so many years.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you return home from a retreat or a pilgrimage, you can share your faith experiences with others and apply what you learned to improve your spiritual life. These trips are not just vacations for a good time, but they should be opportunities for graces and learning how to apply your faith to your everyday activities. You have learned how valuable it is to make time for prayer to Me every day so you can stay focused on Me and My love for you. Take time to make a retreat or a pilgrimage to add some inspiration to your spiritual life.”


Friday, September 24, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of going through a series of tunnels through caves is a sign that you will need to go through the tunnel of the Warning life review before you go to My refuges. Many people are not prepared to meet Me in their judgment, and they do not know the need to go to My refuges. In the Warning experience you will be warned not to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body, even if the evil ones threaten to kill you. In the Warning many souls will see the need to convert and change their lives if they want to avoid going to hell. In the Warning also, the people, who desire to be faithful to God, will see the need to go to My refuges to avoid being killed by the Antichrist and his agents. As the signs of the end times are all around you, be prepared for your Warning experience that will prepare everyone for the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you had an earlier reading in Ecclesiastes that stated there is nothing new under the sun. I am showing you in the vision how the Egyptians were proud of their cities and construction of the pyramids. They had great learning in mathematics that is used even today. Modern day man also has become prideful in his buildings, medical advances, speeds of new computer chips, and manipulation of DNA in both plants and animals. Man has become so confident in his own workings that he thinks that he is no longer dependent on Me for anything. This pride is from the devil, because without Me, you would not even exist, have oxygen to breathe, or light to see. All of your skills are My gifts, and everything that you have, has come through Me. Your spiritual salvation itself is My gift of the sacrifice that I made when I died on the cross for your sins. Instead of making yourself gods, you should understand that you are totally dependent on Me for everything. Once you accept your dependence on Me, you can give your will over to Me, so I can use you to save souls, and fulfill the mission that I have for your soul. Put your pride aside and see that loving Me and your neighbor are more important than any of your little accomplishments. Give thanks to Me for all that you have been given, and share your gifts to help those in need around you.”


Saturday, September 25, 2010: (Votive Mass of Our Lady)
Jesus said: “My people, in these end days My Blessed Mother has appeared in apparition with messages for the whole world to repent and pray her holy rosary. Some messages have foretold the coming persecutions that will occur during the tribulation. You have heard your priest talk of My Blessed Mother as a lady of service in how she helped St. Elizabeth in her pregnancy, even though it was difficult for Mary to travel. My Blessed Mother has spoken often how she protects her children with her mantle of protection, and how she is a refuge for sinners. As the end times of evil persecution draw near, I have given you many messages of how people are preparing refuges to protect My faithful from the evil ones. My angels will watch over you, and as you come to My refuges, you will be made invisible to the evil ones who are trying to kill you. All the places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions will be places of refuge, where she will be drawing you to her mantle of protection. Other refuge places will be places of holy ground as where Adoration has occurred often, or at monasteries. Also, caves will be provided as places of refuge. My Blessed Mother and I are both people of service in our protection and in our providing for your needs at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the traditional statues being removed is a symptom of many good traditions that have been removed by those who teach modernism and change for its own sake. You see Catholics leaving their churches and churches closing as a big problem, but again this is a symptom of a larger problem. People are losing their faith, or they were never taught the basics of their faith. The youth are leaving more because they are not being fully grounded in the dogmas of the faith. Many, who were brought up fifty years ago with the nuns and the Baltimore Catechism, had to memorize the basics of their faith. The nuns taught the prayers, the Commandments, the sacraments, and much more. Your schools of today are not teaching the children in this same way. They now have a watered down faith, and do not even appreciate My Real Presence in My Eucharist, or know the need for prayer in their lives. You also had to teach the children in your religion classes how to say the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers because they were not taught in previous classes or by the parents. Yet, when you try to have educators teach these basics of the faith, you are criticized as being old fashion. The rosary, the Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Holy Scripture, and teaching of the faith, are very important to have a proper spirituality to gain heaven. Without promoting these important elements of the faith, your churches will die on the vine. When you remove Me from the church, you are taking away the power that makes a church holy. My people need to re-educate or for the first time teach these basics to your adults and the children, or your churches will deteriorate further. A full knowledge of My love in My Real Presence will keep My faithful strong in their faith, and they will never leave. Teach about My Real Presence so the 70% who do not believe, can come to believe that I am truly present in My consecrated Host and Wine.”


Sunday, September 26, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many faithful being persecuted and even killed in communist and Muslim countries. These same people when they come to America, cannot understand why you are not taking advantage of your religious freedom while you still have it. Unfortunately, people in America have become lukewarm and complacent toward Me, instead of attending Sunday Mass. People, who have been persecuted for many years, jump at the chance to go to Sunday Mass. Seeing this persecution in other countries is a sign of what Americans will be dealing with when the tribulation comes. The vision of souls falling into hell and seeing how much they are suffering, is a little like the Gospel when Divies was suffering in hell. Divies even wanted Abraham to warn his brothers to avoid hell by a good life. But Abraham said that they had Moses and the prophets to guide them. Then when Divies suggested that someone who returned from the dead could convince his brothers, Abraham said even that would not change them. This is true even when I died and I was resurrected. I returned from the dead and still people did not want to believe in Me. I have brought everyone salvation by My Blood sacrifice, but still people need to accept My love and choose to repent of their sins in order to be saved.”

Camille said: “Thank you again for the many Masses that were offered for my intention. As I see people coming to my Mass, I am sorry that I was too lazy and did not attend Mass while I was on the earth. I am also grateful to be in heaven because I could easily have been like the rich man in the Gospel who had to suffer in the flames of hell. I told you about the basement that I saw in hell. God bless all of you, and I am praying for everyone to go to Sunday Mass.”


Monday, September 27, 2010: (St. Vincent de Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you saw how I allowed Satan to take away a lot of animals and even the children of Job. Even with these losses, Job did not get angry nor sin against God. At times you have problems with losing your possessions, but you can find a way to replace anything that is faulty. A time is coming when My people will have to leave their possessions behind them, and come to My refuges of protection. Living at a refuge may be without electrical devices, so it will be a much more rustic living without so much travel. You live a spoiled and comfortable life now, but a time is coming when you will not have so much entertainment, and you will have more time for prayer. Living at a refuge will be more like a monastic life, and it will make you like saints. You will see that by taking away your toys and comforts, that you really do not need them, and they distract you from your mission on earth to serve Me. Be grateful that you will be cleansed in preparation for heaven. You will be doing your purgatory on earth during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is losing the battle in its competition for world markets as manufacturers. There are so many factors in favor of the foreigners that America will be falling into third world class if there are not some changes made. Corporations have gone out of America for cheap labor, less environmental restraints, and less taxes. If the laws were changed to discourage the uneven playing field, then manufacturing could come back in America. Artificial currency controls and nearly slave labor has enabled China to take over many of your markets. America needs to reduce its trade deficit, reduce government deficits and overspending, and have reasonable taxes before it has a chance to survive. Cutting back on oil imports by using less oil, and buying less goods from overseas would also help your deficits. Even stopping your continuous wars would save your people billions of wasted dollars. America needs to get its spiritual house in order as well, as in stopping abortion and stopping the living together outside of marriage. Pray that your leaders start working for your people, instead of just making money for themselves.”


Tuesday, September 28, 2010: (St. Wenceslaus)
Jesus said: “My people, America would be losing population if it were not for the number of immigrants coming to your country. In the general population there is an average 1.2 million abortions a year and about 4 million live births per year. Your death culture is still rampant in your society and abortions are only decreasing slightly over the last few years. The use of birth control devices is in considerable use to control family size. Abortions, the use of birth control devices, and sterilizations are mortal sins as taught by My Church, and they require Confession before receiving Holy Communion. This is why there are many sacrileges committed at Sunday Mass. This taking of life or obstruction of life formation are sins that are very offensive to Me because you are denying life that I intended and I had plans for them. Because of these abortions and your many other sexual sins of fornication, adultery, and homosexual acts, America is calling out for My justice against you. The guardian angels of these aborted babies are testifying against you in heaven. This is why your country is headed for a takeover by the one world people because I am allowing it for your punishment. Just as Israel was exiled because of its worship of other gods, so America will also be exiled for its worship of worldly gods and its sins of abortion. You are living in an evil age that will become even worse under the Antichrist during the tribulation. This is why I am having faithful people prepare My refuges of protection for these end days. Be grateful for My protection when persecution of My believers will threaten their lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, some almanacs are forecasting a colder winter than normal. In some areas it is not uncommon to have power outages from winter storms. It would be wise to have some warm sweaters, warm undergarments, and some heavy coats with warm boots just in case you may lose your electricity in the cold of winter. Also, have some alternative fuels as wood, kerosene, or propane, and the appropriate heaters to use these fuels. As you are packing your refuge needs when you leave your home, you may want to pack some extra warm clothing as well. Be prepared if you have to leave for your refuges in the cold of winter. You practiced your living in tents during the summer, but you may need extra warm sleeping bags, a mat underneath, and some source of heat as STERNO to keep warm in your tent during winter. By being prepared to handle the cold, whether in your home without electricity, or on the way to your refuge in winter, you will be able to keep warm in the worst of possible cold weather. Trust in Me to give you good advice, and help with your every day needs.”


Wednesday, September 29, 2010:(St.Michael, St.Gabriel, St. Raphael)
St. Michael said: “I am Michael, and I stand before God to constantly give Him praise and glory. In these end days you are part of the battle between the good spirits and the evil spirits in a fight for souls. We Archangels are not only messengers, but we are part of God’s army to fight the demons and protect the souls on earth from being lost. Every time that you call on us to help you in your mission, we are there with thousands of angels to empower your struggle to save souls. I know that you pray for My help every day in union with your guardian angel, Mark. You are tested in many ways with obstacles to stop your work, but where we are allowed, we can make your path less obstructed. Continue to pray to me and the other good angels to help you in your work. You saw in the vision the dove of the Holy Spirit and myself fighting the demons in the world. Trust in God and our help as He directs us.”

Jesus said: “My people, agriculture or farming is a large industry that requires seed companies and fertilizer companies. A good share of your crops can be harvested by machines, but still laborers are needed. Other crops, that are more sensitive, require workers to pick and collect the crops. Even when given an opportunity, many Americans do not want the cheap labor and hard work in the fields. Many farmers need to have immigrant workers pick their crops or their crops could not be harvested. Many Americans rely on their farmers for their food, but farmers barely make a living with all of their costs of doing business. If the farmers did not get some subsidies, they could not make a living. Even though the immigrant problem causes political problems with crime and entitlements, they do fulfill a need in picking the crops that you eat in America. Again, be thankful that your farmers and immigrants are doing their job to feed America and export their surpluses.”


Thursday, September 30, 2010: (St. Jerome)
Jesus said: “My people, there have been many approved translations of the Bible, but some recent English translations have been quite liberal in changing the meaning of certain texts. One example as I have told you before is: (Matt. 16:26) ‘For what does it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, but suffer the loss of his own soul?’ in older translations and is compared to the newer translation of: ‘What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?’ This difference may seem slight, but soul can be much different than your earthly life. In the Gospel of Luke (Luke 9:1-8 and 10:1-12) there is a contrast between the mission of the apostles that were sent out, and the seventy-two deacons who were also sent out to preach about My Word and the Kingdom of God. In both cases they were to travel light and rely on the people for their food and lodging. Those, who rejected them, were to have the dust of that town shaken from their feet. They both were also called to cure the sick. This priesthood has been handed down through the years by the ‘laying on of hands’. So pray for vocations and for your current clergy as you support them in their needs.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, once the Antichrist declares himself, he will take his reign as ruler of the world, and this will begin the great tribulation of three and one-half years. I will shorten this time, but this will begin a reign of evil that you have never seen before. He will first claim to be a man of peace, but later his evil power will enable him to become a tyrant ruler. He will demand that all of his subjects need to have chips in the body, or else they would be killed. This is when the men in black will come to your houses to carry out this edict. Refuse to take any mark of the beast or a chip in the body, or it will control your mind. Many will be martyred for their faith, but they will have any pain lessened, and they will become instant saints. The rest of My faithful will be led by their guardian angels to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, unions of the one world people will be formed on every continent. Once the Antichrist is declared, he will be given power over the European Union by the one world people. Once in power, he will have a round table of leaders, and he will have the original union leaders killed and replaced with his own evil minions. There will be a battle at Armageddon between all the evil people and demons against the good people and the good angels. I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth at the end of the tribulation. This will be My victory over Satan, the Antichrist, and the evil ones, as they will all be chained in hell. Lift up your eyes then, for your redemption will be at hand as I renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that you are living in the end days with a major battle between good and evil. Keep praying at your prayer groups because you are countering the evil going on in Satanic rituals and occult meetings. The meetings of evil are growing in number, and your prayer groups are diminishing in number. This is an evil age, but My faithful will become living saints as you are tested by this tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are planning an ultimate crash of your trading markets and your current banking system. The Antichrist will come on the scene to set up a new money system that will require buying and selling only through the mark of the beast as a computer chip in the body. Your money will become worthless and your possessions will be taken away from you. My faithful will only be safe at My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are planning a takeover of America by creating a national emergency. This will be caused by a declaration of martial law as a result of a combination of a national bankruptcy, a pandemic virus, and false terrorist acts. Be prepared when I will warn My faithful when it is time to leave for your refuges before the evil ones can implement their red and blue list pickup plans.”

Jesus said: “My people, the targets of the evil ones are all people who are religious and patriotic. The red list plan is for the men in black of the UN troops to capture the leaders meant for execution before martial law is declared. The blue list will pick up the rest of the people after martial law is declared. The evil ones plan to try and execute those who they cannot break and brainwash to accept their new world order. Those, who are not killed, will be tortured or forced into work camps as slaves of the Antichrist’s leaders. Trust in My protection from these evil ones who will have their time of short reign.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that My Church will see a division between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. It is this faithful remnant that the gates of hell will not prevail over them. Just as all the demons will be released onto the earth, so you are seeing St. Michael and My angels will join the battle to protect the souls of My faithful. Rejoice that My angels will protect you in miraculous ways. You will not need physical weapons because My angels will do battle to help you.”


Friday, October 1, 2010: (St. Therese of Lisieux)
St. Therese said: “My dear son, I am happy to greet you again, and to help you in your mission. I know that you have many responsibilities in your earthly duties and your spiritual duties, but Our Lord has reminded you several times that it is so important to do your minimum prayer time. My prayer time with Jesus was always a joy, and much more desirable than my earthly duties. At times you may feel pressured to do so many things, but it is important to keep peace in your soul and carry out your tasks as time permits. Do not overburden your day with more things than you have time to accomplish. Always limit your objectives to something that is achievable, and do not worry about something that you did not have time to do. Be able to ask Jesus to discern what are the most important tasks to do first. If others try to change your discernment of order, just tell them that it is on your to do list. Getting frustrated at what to do first, or how to find enough time to do everything, should not cause you to lose your peace. Make the best discernment, and do what is needed most. You will never accomplish everything, so do not let the evil one try to rush you and upset you. I pray for you in your mission, so call on me in your needs with prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, My daily Mass people and My faithful adorers at Adoration are the core of My prayer warriors that I depend on the most for prayers and evangelization. These are My special souls that will have a great treasure in heaven for all of their hours of Masses, rosaries, and Adoration. These souls have a deeper love relationship with Me every day. Once you go beyond your duty of Sunday Mass, you truly are called to share all of your life with Me in your daily troubles and activities. I want My faithful to keep your focus on Me in loving Me and helping your neighbor out of love for Me. When you give your will over to Me in all that you do, then I can use your work to save more souls. Give praise and glory to Me every day, even as My angels and saints give Me homage in heaven every day. The closer you come to Me, the more you are preparing for your life with Me in heaven.”


Saturday, October 2, 2010: (Guardian Angels)
Mark said: “I am Mark and I stand before God. You remember in Scripture when the Lord came to the prophet in a whisper. This is also how you need to be quiet to hear my prompting to do good things. You are also in some dangerous physical environment at times where I am looking out for your safety. You also need to avoid occasions of sin in some temptations in flipping through channels of your TV and also on the internet. Guard your eyes also from dwelling on sinful thoughts. When you are on your way to your talks, I am also with you to help you arrive on time. Thank you for praying for my help in your morning prayers. I am always at your side for advice and spiritual help, so call on me whenever you are having difficulties in life.”

Jesus said: “My people, every town has at least one church and the old churches could be found by looking for a tall steeple. You are seeing a decline in Sunday Mass attendance in many parts of America. There is a process going on that could have many contributing factors, but the main problem is that people are becoming lukewarm in their faith. First you see a closing of your Catholic parish schools. Then you see clusters formed of neighboring churches. This is finally followed by closing some of the clustered churches. Part of this problem is that the parishioners are not being spiritually fed by just a ten minute homily every Sunday. People have become so lazy in their faith, that they get upset if the homily is any longer than ten minutes. To truly feed My people, you should be hearing a half hour sermon that could teach My people more about the basics of the faith. A sermon is a teaching experience, while a homily is just a rewording of the readings, and not always an application to your daily lives. By spending more time to teach everyone the basics of the faith, then coming to Mass would be more inspiring. Many Catholics are going to Protestant groups that preach a lot longer than ten minutes. Once you truly understand the basics of your faith, you would not desire to give up My Eucharist to attend another church. My priests and bishops need to build up the people’s faith, or you will see your attendance at Mass get even worse.”


Sunday, October 3, 2010: (Right to Life Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the many children on a merry-go-round, is symbolic of how many more children that could be in My Church if it were not for your abortions and birth control. Think of all the lives and missions that I had planned for your people, but now they will not be fulfilled because of your convenience and selfishness. Many souls desire the pleasure of their lust, but they do not want to face up to the consequences of an unexpected pregnancy. Some of these abortions come from sexually active young girls who are not ready to bring up children, but there are also abortions from affairs of adults, and even married people. Whether abortions are performed for convenience or out of embarrassment, they are still grievous sins against My plans for human life. It is this taking of life, and the disrespect for life that is weighing heavily against America. These sins continue, and My justice will also be demanded when you are called to account for these sins. Just as My babies had to pay a dear price in the loss of their lives, so America will have to pay a dear price when your freedoms and your possessions are taken away from you. You make gods out of possessions, wealth, sports, and fame, and because you worship these things before worshiping Me, I will take all of these things away from you as you will suffer in exile. Your country needs to wake up and stop murdering My babies with your abortions, or you will be sealing America’s fate.”


Monday, October 4, 2010: (St. Francis of Assisi)
Jesus said: “My people, I have encouraged My faithful to be perfected and work on their spiritual lives to attain heaven. Even beyond the minimum to gain heaven, you can work harder to strive for the higher levels of heaven. There are spiritual riches and joys that are the reward for those who bring many souls to heaven. The more effort that you make to do My Will on earth, the greater your reward will be in the higher levels of heaven. In the vision you are seeing souls graduate to the higher levels of heaven after their judgment. The closer that you come to Me in our love relationship with your devotions, good works, and saved souls, the closer I will bring you to Myself in the higher levels of heaven. My faithful will rejoice when I show them their reward for all of their earthly suffering and their hard work for Me. The more of your pains, sufferings, and striving to do My Will which you offer up to Me, the more treasure that you will have stored up for you in heaven. When you arrive in heaven, your peace, love, and joy in My beatific vision will be complete in My love for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, these secret meetings are planning the demise of America so you can be taken over through your debts. The one world people are bringing down the value of the dollar, which is why gold, silver, and your other commodities have higher prices in dollars. As a country continues running deficits relative to its worth in GDP, the value of that currency will decrease as there is more of a chance for default on its debts. If you were to chart your budgets in the United States over the last ten years, you could see how your deficits are rising at a rate that you cannot afford to pay even the interest. The interest is becoming a larger portion of your budget and you gain nothing from paying it off. This debt problem is forcing your budget to shrink on other needed items because the capital is also being taken out of your corporate needs to borrow. If America cannot eliminate its deficits, you could soon see a bankruptcy coming that would cause chaos and riots in your streets when your entitlements would cease. This will be one of the causes of your coming martial law, that will be the end of your country as you know it. When this occurs, you can call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge of protection. Pray for My help to protect your souls and your body from being killed by the evil ones.”


Tuesday, October 5, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, back in the days of St. Paul most of their transportation was focused on horses and ships. He was a strong willed missionary to bring souls to Me after his conversion. Considering his limited transportation abilities, he traveled a lot as you can read in his writings. Today, My disciples and messengers have airplanes, cars, and the internet, along with books and DVDs to spread My message of the Kingdom of God. With all of these means at your disposal, there is even more of an obligation to take advantage of these gifts to help evangelize souls. As time approaches to the tribulation time, the Antichrist will also take advantage of your means of communication to try and force people to worship him. This is why I told you after the Warning to remove your televisions, computers, and radios from your homes so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes or listen to his voice. Refuse to take his chip in your body, even if the evil ones threaten to kill you. Also, refuse to use smart cards, or cell phones once he is declared because his voice will control you like a robot. Once you see him about to come into power, you need to call on Me to have your angel lead you to the nearest refuge of protection so you will be free from the Antichrist’s control and from any attempt to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, as a result of your recession and your corporations sending most of the manufacturing jobs out of the country, you now have high unemployment with little chance of these lost jobs returning. As long as cheap imports are allowed to steal your markets, America cannot compete without a level playing field. The less good paying jobs that are available, the lower your average income will be for each family, even with two working. With so many people on unemployment insurance, welfare and food stamps, this puts stress on the state and local governments where less taxes are being collected. More people are being included below the poverty line because of scarce jobs, and lost jobs are also causing more home foreclosures. It is difficult to have peace of mind when many are hurting financially with their household incomes barely able to pay their bills. Some are looking more to local food shelves just to have enough food to eat. Those, who are better off, could help the poor with donations to food shelves, or providing jobs. When the tribulation comes, you all will be trusting in My protection and relying on Me to provide for your food and shelter. Some of these hard times are preparing people to live without their possessions and comforts. Pray for My help both now and when you will be at your refuges.”


Wednesday, October 6, 2010: (St. Bruno)
Jesus said: “My people, there have been certain disagreements over parts of the faith with various heresies over the years, but I have guided My Church through these rough waters. In the Early Church there was a disagreement on whether new converts had to be circumcised or not as a Jewish custom. Later, this requirement was dropped. Then in the Middle centuries there was a division and a break away of the Eastern Rite church. Martin Luther started another major rift in the Church which resulted in Protestant sects that did not follow the Pope. The Anglican Church was another split because of King Henry VIII. It is unfortunate that Christian believers have become so divided over the years because of certain belief differences. As you are approaching the end times, there will be even a further division in My Roman Catholic Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will be preaching New Age which is not even a religion of God. This church will also be teaching that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. My faithful remnant will follow My apostolic teachings, and this branch will be My Church protected from the gates of hell. Do not be taken in by any heretical teachings of modernism or New Age. If you see this in your church, then work to change it. If you cannot get it changed, then leave that church for a faithful remnant church that teaches My true Word. Pray for discernment from the Holy Spirit to direct you in keeping your traditional faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see the leaves changing color and falling, the nights getting longer, temperatures getting cooler, and more rain, these are the signs of the fall season coming. Just as you are observant of the seasonal changes, so you also need the eyes of faith to see that the end times are coming as well. When you see people losing their faith, the evil ones planning a takeover by the Antichrist, chips in the body being forced on people, and preparations for your death camps, you can read these signs of the coming tribulation. I have enabled people to set up refuges to protect My faithful remnant during the tribulation. You will need to have full trust that My angels will protect you by making you invisible to the evil ones. You will need to leave your homes at the proper time, but fear not because I will provide for your food and lodging. When you see the Antichrist come into power, know that My victory is near. You will be living your purgatory on earth, but you know that the Antichrist’s reign will be short. Pray to have the strength which you will need to bear your cross in this evil time.”


Thursday, October 7, 2010: (Our Lady of the Rosary)
Jesus said: “My people, when you pray the rosary, it is your special time with Me in praying for all of your petitions. This feast day was in honor of My Blessed Mother’s protection of Europe from the invading Muslim ships that were defeated in a storm at sea at the Battle of Lepanto. My Blessed Mother has given you her rosary of fifteen decades as a daily prayer for your help and protection. Some think this is too long to pray, or it is just an old tradition, but the rosary is a powerful weapon against evil and its forces. When you call on us in prayer, your prayer petitions are always heard, and I will answer them in ways that benefit the most souls. You pray your rosaries daily, especially for My Blessed Mother’s intentions. The four intentions that you were given are for the souls of poor sinners, the souls in purgatory, for peace in the world, and for the stoppage of abortion. You have family members who may be away from Me, and your prayers for them need to be persistent, since their souls may demand a heavy price to be saved. Pray for what is best for these souls in leading them to heaven. Saving souls is your most precious calling, and prayer is the best way to bring your petitions to heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your current administration has used your recession as an opportunity to spend trillions of dollars on his own agenda which has not helped the job situation even after two years. This agenda is more about government control of banks, the car industry, and the health industry. Government jobs are not permanent or productive, which is why you have problems in all parts of your business world because of government interference. Pray that your elections can help correct this takeover agenda.”

Mary said: “My dear children, at almost every apparition site I have asked you to pray my rosary for all the troubles and evils in your world to stop. I thank all of you for praying my holy rosary on this feast day of the Holy Rosary. You have many intentions which I am giving over to my Son, Jesus. Have faith and trust that your prayers will be answered according to my Son’s will in His time.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people under water where their mortgage is much more than the true value of the house itself. Several banks have put a freeze on selling foreclosed homes because they will lose money to auction them off at reduced prices from the mortgages that they hold. This interference with market prices could cause major problems with your housing industry. Pray that a fair arrangement can be made to deal with foreclosed homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is obvious to many investors and other world governments that America is overspending beyond what she can afford. Your mounting deficits are about equal to your GDP and you remember the problems Greece had when its debts were too high. The dollar is losing its value because of these debts that are too high. This is seen in your increased commodity prices of gold, silver, and oil. If this spending cannot be contained relative to your collected taxes, then America is headed for bankruptcy and hyperinflation. Pray that your representatives will come to their senses and make cuts where it is necessary.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year your Congress has to vote on the ceiling of your National Debt. In the past this has been raised at outrageous increases, but this needs to be the first place to stop the runaway spending. Your taxes both on property and on income should also have some reasonable ceilings based on what people can afford to pay. Your entitlements, public pensions, and your debts are all out of control, and they need to be reined under control to what taxes are collected, and they should be relative to other workers’ pay and benefits. Without some control over these expenses, your government will not be able to afford these outlays. America needs to control its spending before you see a collapse in your money system.”

Jesus said: “My people, as more investigations are making public the murky workings of your banks, it is being revealed how they sold junk quality bonds on suspect houses, and made derivative bets against them. When home backed securities became toxic, some banks profited from insurance companies as AIG when the banks had insured their bets against their bonds. AIG was bailed out by the taxpayers and they paid even foreigners for the hedge bets against these bonds. This control of the banks and derivatives by the one world people is how they intend to bankrupt your government. Be prepared to go to My refuges when this crash and takeover begins.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your wars are promoted by the one world people, and these same people are instrumental in starting them. These wars are linked to your Defense Industrial complex which needs wars to justify its existence. Many American and foreign lives are being lost with no clear reason for the U.S. remaining in this war. The reasons for starting this war were planned, but there is no benefit from winning. Instead, pray for peace and stop getting involved in useless wars that last a long time.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people are suffering financially and you do not need unnecessary wars and killing to add to it. You can see the one world people bringing about their plans for a world takeover and leading up to the Antichrist’s reign. The problems that you have today are nothing compared to the tyranny of evil that will come in the tribulation. Pray for your spiritual and physical protection that I will bring in the protection of My refuges. You are in a battle for souls and this is more important than losing your possessions and comforts.”


Friday, October 8, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this clock speeding up in the vision is showing you that in the near future you will see the religious persecution increase so much that the priests will have to offer Mass underground at secret Masses in the homes. Home Masses will only go on for a short time as the tribulation will soon follow and all of My faithful will need to go to My refuges for protection. This is when you could encourage your priests to come with you to the refuges. Even if you cannot have a Mass at My refuges, My angels will bring you daily Communion and you will have tabernacles to adore Me at your refuges as well. I will always be with you even through the worst of the coming evil days. Trust in Me for all of your needs as My angels will defend you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who support abortion and even promote abortion, are sinning against the lives of My babies. To vote for a candidate that openly supports abortion, is also an action that supports abortion and is liable to My judgment. People, who hold office and vote for bills that support abortion, also are liable for a priest to refuse them Communion if they do not repent. My people should avoid voting for candidates who support abortion because their apparent disdain for life even questions their moral judgment in other areas. This is not just a one issue decision, but it indicates a support of a death culture that is running America. Your media people criticize some honest candidates who are even against abortion in rape and incest cases. These babies from such cases are still innocent lives, but these same media people are not critical of all the innocent millions of babies being slaughtered. You need to be consistent in your decisions to support life in all instances. Do not let the death culture candidates get away with lying about the truth of My Word. Stand up and defend these babies from those who want to kill them. Call the doctors and mothers murderers for their abortions. I will accept their repentance, but they need to ask for My forgiveness to be saved. Whenever you can stand up and protest the taking of life in abortion, do so in front of the clinics who perform abortions for blood money. If you do not stop your abortions, America will face its own demise.”


Saturday, October 9, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that nations are responsible for their actions and their sins. This is why I have asked My people to pray for poor sinners and to make reparation for the sins of your country. This is a mission for the cloistered nuns as in the vision. The gavel that the nun was carrying, represents how they are praying to mitigate My justice against America’s sins. You know that there is a price for everyone’s sins, and the more prayers and offerings that are given up to Me, the easier it will go for each soul. There is a balance of sin and evil with prayer and good deeds. So when the evil gets worse than those who are praying, then My justice must be carried out against that nation. This again is why I depend on My prayer warriors, and if you miss your rosaries one day, then you need to make them up the next day.”


Sunday, October 10, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in two of today’s readings you read of how people were miraculously healed of their leprosy. In the one case Naaman was healed by the prophet Elisha, and in the Gospel ten lepers were healed by Jesus. In addition to physical healings, there were also spiritual conversions. In the vision in the river there is a representation of Baptism as St. John the Baptist baptized many by immersion in the water. When people are blessed with My gifts, it is unfortunate that not everyone is quick to thank Me as the Samaritan did. You have many things to give Me thanks for in your gift of faith, your gift of life, and your loving relationship with Me, especially in My Eucharist. Some should be grateful for a good marriage, children, and grandchildren. Others have been blessed with a job, food to eat, and a home to go to. You take many things for granted such as the air you breathe, the light from the sun, and water to drink. It is when you are without these gifts that you may more fully appreciate their value to you. When you have droughts, floods, or loss of electricity, you appreciate your proper amount of water, and the ability to have your electrical appliances work. So give praise and thanks to Me for all that you have through Me. You can show your appreciation by sharing your gifts with others, and you will be storing up your reward in heaven. Your family and friends are gifts to each other, so share your love with them and all those who are a part of your life.”


Monday, October 11, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in a month or so you will be preparing for another Advent Season leading up to the celebration of My birth on Christmas. Even some of your merchants are already stocking their stores to sell gifts for Christmas. In the Gospel reading I told the people that no sign will be given except for the sign of Jona. Jona called on the people of Nineveh to repent of their sins or the town would be destroyed. These people did repent in sackcloth and ashes, and their lives were spared. In a similar manner My messengers are calling on My people to repent of their sins as well, but only a few are listening and praying. When I was born, you saw a sign in My star over Bethlehem, and the shepherds and Wise men followed the star to Me. Now in these days, you have My Scriptures giving you signs of when I will come again to the earth in splendor on the clouds. One sign is that evil will increase, and another sign is that the people will become lukewarm in their faith. Other signs will be in the increased earthquakes and pestilence in viruses afflicting your people. You will see famines and a division in My Church. You will also witness a major sign in My Warning experience that will wake up many sinners. As these things happen, I will send a sign when it is time to leave your homes for My refuges of protection. When you see the Antichrist come to power, know that soon I will be coming to claim My victory over the evil ones.”


Tuesday, October 12, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, your priest asked why I had to suffer a crucifixion and die on the cross for My people. I could have chosen other means to redeem sinners, but I love mankind so much that I wanted to suffer to show you My great love. I also wanted to offer up My Blood sacrifice to wash away your sins. The offerings of animals has nothing to do with humans. I became a man and died for you also to fulfill Scripture that promised mankind a Redeemer. By one man, Adam, sin came into the world, and by one man in Myself, sin has been conquered and I have atoned for all sin both in the past and in the future. I give every soul an opportunity for redemption, but all souls have to make a personal choice to accept Me into their lives and believe in Me to be saved. By loving Me and your neighbor as yourself, you are open to be received in heaven. By your good deeds and actions you will be judged worthy of the Lamb to enter into eternal life with Me in heaven. By eating My Body and drinking My Blood in Holy Communion, you will have eternal life with Me. Come to Me all who are burdened with this life, and I will give you eternal rest for your soul. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”


Wednesday, October 13, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this serpent engulfing apartments represents how evil people were involved in writing mortgages for overpriced homes for people who could not afford these homes. When these dwellings were not being paid for, the banks or creditors sold these mortgages to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who now control them, as they have added five trillion dollars of liability on the taxpayer as part of your National Debt obligations. These toxic assets were absorbed by the government, and they are still financing mortgages. Many people are in foreclosure and some banks are not foreclosing or allowing properties to be auctioned off at a loss. Some are leaving their homes because the house is now worth much less than the original mortgage. Others have lost their jobs, or some had their payments raised beyond their ability to pay the whole mortgage. Such foreclosures are adding more inventory of houses to be sold, and the condition of these homes are causing home prices to fall. Credit to buy houses has become more difficult to obtain and there has been a decrease in houses sold both new and old. These conditions are causing turmoil in the housing industry. Many people also have lost money on the bonds that used these houses for collateral. Once the foreclosures started, then these bonds and derivatives became junk bond status that no one wanted to buy. This was a created crisis because the creditors knowingly sold mortgages to those people who they knew would not be able to pay for them. Pray that the common man can find a proper settlement so he does not lose his investment in his home because of fraudulent bankers and creditors.”


Thursday, October 14, 2010: (St. Pope Callistus I, martyr)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first three hundred years after My birth, it was very difficult for My early followers even to admit that they were Christians. Christians were killed or martyred for their faith if they were discovered. This is why many in Rome hid in the catacombs for protection. The Popes as well in this time faced martyrdom. The Early Christians hid in caves and had their Masses offered in secret caves as well. This time of persecution of My followers will again be coming during the tribulation. The evil ones will be seeking out religious people to kill them, just as in this early period after My death. You will again have to have secret Masses in the homes. As the persecution grows worse, you will need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge, where My angels will protect you from being killed by a shield of invisibility. These refuges will be at places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, places of holy ground of My Eucharistic Adoration, monasteries, and even caves as in the vision. This age of the evil Antichrist will last for a short time before I will vanquish him and all the evil ones into hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. You will rejoice in My victory over evil and the joy of My Presence.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the back door of a home at night because as the persecution starts, you will meet at your prayer groups secretly. By coming in the dark of night to the back door with your car parked down the road, you can still pray together without drawing attention to your meeting places. You may also wish to meet at alternate members’ homes so the neighbors do not notice a pattern. This will avoid some persecution, but eventually you will need to go to My refuges for protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, thank you for bringing these beautiful flowers to honor Me and My Blessed Mother. I sense a hint of an evil attack as you saw one of the vases tip over. Every time you do something for My glory, there are going to be attacks as you have seen with audio recordings and TV taping. Even if you see such attacks, do not be upset because the evil one’s attacks must mean that you are reaching souls to help them.”

Jesus said: “My people, your world has witnessed a miracle in that all the miners were able to be rescued from a deep mine in the earth. Various drilling and rescue equipment came from various countries to rescue the thirty-three miners in Chile. This was a beautiful reaching out of various nations. Everyone was very patient while the proper drilling finally located the miners. Keeping these men alive is a tribute to all those involved. This will be a beautiful display of prayers answered that all the miners were rescued. Give praise and thanks to Me that all went well for these men who endured such a long time in the dark. Coming into the light is how graced you are to see Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, every rescue of miners is not always completely successful. In some cases only one or a few are rescued. You have seen many die in mines, especially in China. In such disaster cases it is not uncommon that they were a result of careless techniques and even violations of safety. These deaths result in penalties for the operators and better safety procedures. In other words some deaths could have been prevented if good safety procedures were followed and violations were fixed. Pray for the safety of these miners that they will be protected in the future.”

Jesus said: “My people, young children and elderly people need care givers when it is difficult to move around or when little ones need feeding and care day after day. Both old and young people put major demands on the family for time of care and even expenses for medicines and food. Daycare and nursing homes become quite expensive if needed, which is why it is better to have family help where possible. When you care for another person, hopefully you will receive some reward in your heart that makes you feel that your efforts were appreciated.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you see how much care is required to help a newborn child reach maturity, you see now how much you need to thank your parents for what they endured for you. Even be thankful if you have children to help you in your old age as you helped your parents. In all cases of care giving, it takes love from the heart to carry out your mission for people. I see all of these struggles and My care givers are truly going to receive their reward in heaven. Even as you help someone who requires your help, you have a warm feeling in your heart that you could contribute to someone’s comfort in their need. Pray for your care givers as much as you do for the patients.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen people in your family or close friends who may need to use your house to live in until their houses can be repaired or the power restored. You have lost electricity to ice storms and the like, and you have been thankful to have backup sources of heating for yourselves and your family. Sometimes you may have to take in your older children until they can get a job to fix their debts. Be open in your hearts to help those in need, even if it is just for a few days. Again, your reward for helping family or neighbors will be great in heaven.”


Friday, October 15, 2010: (St. Teresa of Jesus, Avila)
Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing My faithful for the coming darkness of evil in the tribulation of the Antichrist. Some will be martyred, while the rest will be at My refuges of protection. At a certain point in time, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to rid the evil ones on the earth during the Three Days of Darkness. Just as the miners came out of the darkness into the light, so in the vision you are seeing My people come out of this darkness into My Era of Peace to greet your King in the Light of My glory. Many people have waited patiently to be rewarded for their faithfulness throughout the tribulation. This coming time will give you hope for all that you are suffering now because you will soon witness My Victory.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you in previous messages how the one world people want to reduce the population drastically down to only 500 million people from 6.8 billion people. The quickest way to do this is to use deadly viruses or toxic compounds in the air and water. These could be spread by chem trails or a simultaneous release of germs from all the germ labs all across your country. The tip off that this is about to take place, will be when all of your important people go underground for protection. I will warn My people when the evil ones are about to kill a lot of people, so you will have time to get to My refuges and be protected from any airborne diseases. The viruses that they use will only have a short lifetime, then those, who they want killed, could be removed to start over. The evil ones will have vaccines so they will not be killed. Once the population is thinned out, and they cannot find any more Christians to kill, then the Antichrist will have his short reign. In less than 3 ½ years I will then bring My own plagues and chastisement on the evil people as they will all be cast into hell. Those faithful at My refuges, will be brought into My Era of Peace and be rewarded for being true to Me.”


Saturday, October 16, 2010: (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)
Jesus said: “My people, I have prepared you for the harsh reality of the coming persecution of the tribulation. This will be an evil that you have never seen before. There will be martyrs, but many of My faithful will be protected at My refuges. This great dawn of Light in the vision is when I will bring a supernatural intervention of My victory over the evil ones. My angels will bring plagues against only the evil ones. This will be the dawn of My Era of Peace when I will bring down a new heavens and a new earth, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. This will be a time of great joy for My faithful remnant as they will have their reward for being faithful to Me. Have no fear of the coming evil because My victory is not far off.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the tribulation there will be tabernacles and monstrances at every refuge. I have also asked My people to set up around the clock Adoration hours so I will always be with you in My Blessed Sacrament. Adoring Me and praying to Me will prepare you for the day when you will come to heaven. I have even told you to have a traveling monstrance so you can share My Real Presence with various refuges that you will visit. Just like you travel around to various churches on Holy Thursday, so you will be traveling to multiple refuges guarded by My angels. These visitations will lift the spirits of the faithful at My refuges when you come there. Be joyful that My angels will give you daily Communion if you cannot have a Mass. At My refuges you will have spiritual Manna of My Real Presence, which is better than the physical manna of the old Exodus.”


Sunday, October 17, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the miners being brought up out of a deep mine in Chile by a miracle drilling. This life of men coming back to their loved ones is a sign of the vision with the flowers coming up out of a hole. This coming to life again can also be seen on a spiritual level. When you live in mortal sin without confessing your sins, you are in the darkness because your soul is dead to Me. It is only by conversion by a miracle of grace or by prayers of your relatives that a soul can be brought back to spiritual life in My grace. Once your soul is again blessed with My grace and made clean of your mortal sins by absolution, then you will have rest in My love. Your constant seeking for peace can only come through Me, when you are satisfied in My rest. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers, and you will have My protection from the temptations of the devil. Treasure My love, and you will not desire to offend Me in any way by your sins.”


Monday, October 18, 2010: (St. Luke)
Jesus said: “My people, in this world of sin, a soul has to be discerning of the proper behavior to follow. If many of your friends are having pre-marital sex, it does not make it right by My law. If many of your friends are taking drugs or getting drunk, it also does not make it right by My Commandments. Just because you want to have people accept you, you do not have to follow their sinful behavior. This is how some people get attached to the wrong crowd which can lead them into trouble in their spiritual and physical lives. Even some parents can mislead their children into sex before marriage, drinking, drugs, and swearing. Every soul is given a conscience and certain behaviors have a wrong feeling that is your first warning of sinful behavior. This is why it is important for each soul to have a properly formed conscience to know right from wrong without any rationalizations. Do not just think because some friends are doing sinful behavior that it is permissible against My laws. Every soul has to stand in judgment before Me, and performing sins against Me because you thought everyone was doing it, will not make it right. You will still have to make reparation for your sinful behavior. So it is important to properly discern any of your actions by seeking My approval. Test yourself before you act. You have many temptations to commit sin every day, and one of the devil’s favorite traps is that everyone is doing it. But it is not right to follow sinful behavior for any reason.”

Jesus said: “My people, in normal weather the weather people have plenty of time to forecast bad weather coming, in order to warn people to get under cover. It is when the HAARP microwave machine is used that you can see very quick violent weather appear all at once. In these cases as with tornadoes and hurricanes, the winds can change direction rapidly and put many people at risk. When bad weather persists or gets very violent, it is most likely when the HAARP machine is being used. Russia also has several of these machines and they could be enhancing storms in the Pacific Ocean. These machines can be used to cause various natural disasters which can be used against the one world people’s enemies, or for causing emergencies to justify martial law. Pray for My protection from these evil ones in all of their evil plans.”


Tuesday, October 19, 2010: (St. Issac Jogues & St. John de Brebeuf)

Jesus said: “My people, many billions of taxpayer dollars are being spent every year on weapons and service pay for running constant wars as in Afghanistan and Iraq. The only ones benefitting from this money are the arms builders and the one world people who profit from these sales. These weapons quickly become old, and they need servicing in harsh environments. There is truly no need for constant wars for the rich to grow richer at the taxpayer expense. These wars are made up from the beginning, and peace should be prayed for instead. There is too much fraud and corruption going on in your big government programs, especially in the Defense and Security Departments. Both parties try to solve all of your problems by spending more money on unnecessary solutions without balancing the budgets to what taxes are collected. Without some control over your spending, your government could be bankrupted by your inept leaders.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with how spiders make webs to trap insects for eating them. You also see how carnivorous animals lay traps to kill their prey. Man also lays traps to catch animals either for food or furs. In the spiritual world every soul has to deal with the snares and temptations of the devil. The devil has angelic powers of cunning that are beyond your powers, but your guardian angel is present to help you, if you take your angel’s advice. Obvious temptations may be easier to ignore, but subtle temptations that have some good, can be more deceptive to cause sin. The devil’s easier ways to get you to sin are through your weak habits. Sins that you commit often are harder to stop. Be on the alert for how the devil tries to lead you into habitual sin. Avoid places or things that lead you to sin. By being prepared in recognizing your weaknesses, you will be stronger in resisting the devil’s temptations. Call on My help, your angel, and the saints to help you in avoiding sin. By prayer and frequent reception of My sacraments, you can better fend off your daily temptations from the devil.”


Wednesday, October 20, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember vividly how desperate the people in Chile were to get the miners up from an explosion in a mine that was several thousand feet into the earth. It was a huge responsibility to drill a hole in the rock in order to get to the miners. It took several drilled holes to find them and get them out. Others had to get communications, air, and whatever else that could be sent down to them for over sixty days. The point I am making for everyone is that the more responsibility that you are given, the more will be expected of you. This is true both in your physical life, and in your spiritual life. You may be the head of the household, and your family is depending on you to hold a job and support them by providing food, clothing, and a shelter. You may also be the prayer warrior of the family and others in the family are looking up to you for spiritual guidance, and helping them save their souls. By encouraging them in Sunday Mass attendance, monthly Confession, wearing a scapular, and praying a daily rosary, you can do what you can to bring them to heaven. It is not easy to carry such heavy burdens of responsibility to save souls, but those, who have been given talents and a gift of faith, need to fulfill their missions with My help. Have trust in Me, and My faithful remnant can help many souls to avoid hell and come to heaven to receive My reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, for many months American tactics in Afghanistan have used drone reaper aircraft to seek out terrorist leaders and send missiles to kill them. This has occurred even into Pakistan safe caves. These tactics have infuriated Pakistan officials and the Arab terrorists. As a reprisal, there are plans to send assassins to whatever country they can in order to attack American leaders. Your security people should be prepared for these reprisals against your leaders, especially in foreign lands. When these attacks start, there will be many attacks going on simultaneously to use the element of surprise. These terrorists have been under siege from your missile attacks, so it is understandable why they are striking back at your leaders. Pray for the safety of your leaders, but all these things are done in war. Pray also that peace could come to stop these open ended conflicts.”


Thursday, October 21, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I was telling the people that some of them would believe My message of love, but others would reject My words. I am all loving, and I love everyone, both the good and the bad. What was difficult for My listeners is when I asked them to love their enemies, and to share what they had with those who are poor or in need. I even encouraged My faithful to evangelize souls to save them from hell. Many have trouble with loving their enemies, forgiving those who harmed them, and sharing their means with others. It is those people who are against My words that will give My faithful resistance and could divide people. The devil also enhances any division by planting false teachers among My faithful to try and confuse the message of My faithful. Avoid those, who teach New Age or a false faith, and cleanse them from your members. If you can evangelize unbelievers, then accept them, but if they refuse to believe, then they are better to be left out of your faith community. Those, who love Me, are in My sheepfold, but those, who do not believe, will be scattered.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are only a few in control of your media on TV, radio, and in your newspapers. Your media is so censored and controlled because the owners can dictate what is said, or else your job is removed. You have an artificial political correctness that favors only a select number of liberal groups. Any negative comments on other groups, as Christians, does not seem to matter. As you see more persecution of Christians coming, this group will be singled out for attack as Hitler treated the Jews. Your freedoms will be diminishing as you are picked for persecution.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of the current Democratic office holders have been upset by the latest ‘tea party’ opposition to their politics. They cannot score points with a truthful debate, so they have resorted to dirty politics by creating scenes that are trumped up to make their opposition look bad. They infiltrate organizations with radicals to make the tea party groups appear in a bad light. The people can see through these dirty tricks, and they are supporting those in favor of reduced spending. This election year will be a turning point if America can be put back on the right track. Pray for the morally correct candidates to be elected.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of your low bank rates on deposits and the bank bailouts from the taxpayer, many banks are making record profits, while foreclosures continue and people are losing their homes. The banks are making big money at others’ expense. Your large corporations, after laying off thousands of workers, are also making huge profits from shipping jobs out of the country. The rich are getting richer, but the man in the street has less income and is getting poorer each year. This injustice will be repudiated when I return to cast the evil rich people into hell. Endure your trials for awhile until I can bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are evil forces at work in your evil secret societies that are controlling all the governments of the world. Satan is directing the leaders of these one world groups because they worship Satan. This is why you are dealing with so much evil in your society starting with your many abortions. They direct your death culture, and they control your money sources. They direct what laws will be passed to continue their control. Do not judge these evil ones because My justice will come to them in the end.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the last Sundays after Pentecost you will see more readings of the end times that describe the coming Antichrist in the tribulation. Many Protestant groups talk of the end times in the Book of Revelation, but only a few priests are brave enough to talk about the end times. These end time readings are the preparations for the coming tribulation which I have given you in My messages. They are real and present to you as you see the signs all around you. You can have some Bible Study on the end time preparations so you will be ready to leave for My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year you see many Halloween ugly costumes and trick or treat parties that seem to encourage witches and goblins. These are almost like evil rituals, but they use children and candy treats to make it sound appealing. Sharing some candy is one thing, but you do not have to encourage any evil influences. It is better to focus on All Saints’ Day than honor an evil feast day.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year in November you give proper respect to all of those who have died during the year. You have All Saints’ Day to honor those who have passed to heaven, and All Souls’ Day for those who may still be suffering in purgatory. When people die, do not assume that every soul goes directly to heaven. For the most part many souls require some purification in purgatory before they can come to heaven. This is another reminder to pray for any of your family members who still may need your prayers to get out of purgatory. Having Masses said for the deceased will help them the most. Also pray for the souls who do not have anyone to pray for them.”


Saturday, October 23, 2010: (St. John of Capistrano)
Jesus said: “My people, as you came into church, you could see the lines for Confession before Mass. Today’s Gospel also speaks of repenting for your sins. You know that I came as a man to die on a cross as a blood sacrifice for all the sins of mankind. Every Mass is an unbloody re-enactment of My sacrifice because you receive My Body and Blood at Communion time. It is important that whenever you receive Me in My Eucharist that you receive Me in the state of grace so you do not commit any sin of sacrilege against My Blessed Sacrament. To keep your soul clean in order to receive Me worthily, you should have your sins cleansed in Confession at least once every month. When the priest gives you absolution, your sins will be forgiven and My grace will be restored to your soul. Even before you enter the confessional, you should make a good examination of your conscience so you can recollect any sins that you have committed since your last Confession. When you come out of the confessional, remember to pray your penance and any other prayers of thanksgiving. By staying close to Me in Confession and receiving My Blessed Sacrament often, then you will be strengthened to endure your daily temptations of the devil, and help evangelize souls for heaven. When you see so much evil in the world, you need to strive to save as many souls as you can from hell with My help.”


Sunday, October 24, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, My love for all of you is overflowing as My graces are poured out on you from this vision of the cornucopia, or some call it a horn of plenty. Even when you come to Me in prayer, I am always ready to answer your prayer. I have said: ‘Ask and you will receive, knock and the door will be opened for you.’ In the Gospel parable it is better to come to Me as the tax collector who came humbly into My presence. All the saints felt that they were unworthy in coming to Me. The Pharisee was commendable in what he did, but by bragging and belittling others, he offended Me with his self righteousness. In the end those who exalt themselves will be humbled, while those who humble themselves will be exalted. When you come to Me in prayer, have trust that I will hear and answer your prayer in what is best for your soul and the souls who you are praying for. Give praise and thanksgiving to Me for all the physical gifts that I send to you, and all the graces that I give you for your spiritual protection.”


Monday, October 25, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, there is a battle of good and evil going on all around you every day where both sides are fighting for souls. You may find yourself in some churches where they teach New Age principles, and they belittle My Blessed Mother’s rosary. Beware when anyone teaches heretical facts against the faith. If someone teaches that Bible stories are myths, if they teach New Age worship and Reiki, or they teach that sexual sins are no longer sins, then you need to stand up and witness against such teachings. You may get persecuted and put down because some clergy think that they are more intelligent than you are. My laity will save My Church from such clergy that teach heresies. If you cannot change this heretical teaching, then move to a church that teaches correctly. This is another sign that the division is coming soon in My Church where the schismatic church will be separated from My faithful remnant. You eventually will be forced to have Masses in the home if you can find a faithful priest. The persecution of Christians will get so bad with some being martyred that you will then have to call on Me and your guardian angel to lead you to My refuges of protection. When you are confronted by heretical teaching in the religion classes, you also should speak out against such errors. Even if they throw you out of such classes, at least you have warned the people of false teaching. Do not let those teaching heresies go unchallenged when you know they are teaching against My Church laws and My Commandments. You will be rewarded in heaven for defending the faith. But those who do nothing against heresies could suffer in purgatory for condoning such lies by their inaction. Pray for My discernment in all that you hear from the pulpit and in person, and let the Holy Spirit speak through you to answer such heresies.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I healed a woman of a demon who had been torturing her for eighteen years, and still I received criticism for healing her on the Sabbath.(Luke 13:10-17) Demons even today are torturing people with various addictions from drinking, drugs, gambling, computers, smoking, and overeating. People have various weaknesses to sin and some of these tendencies are inherited. Most all of these excessive addictions are associated with demons. In order to heal these addictions, the first step is to admit that you have a problem, and the second step is to desire to heal your addiction. In all cases you need to pray for a healing, and have faith in Me that you can be healed. If you cannot heal your addiction on your own, then you may need counseling or a withdrawal from what is causing the addiction. Prayers, healing from healers, exorcisms, or miracles can also help in healing addictions. The price of removing an addiction could be high and it could require persistent prayer and fasting over some years. Even Mass intentions could help remove the demons. By realizing that demons are attached to addictions, then you can see that this is a spiritual battle to win with My help. Never give up on any healing, and be persistent in your prayers for any person with an addiction.”


Tuesday, October 26, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in St. Paul’s day the husband had more authority as the head of the household, which is why in the first reading he asked the wives to be subordinate to their husbands. He also said that husbands should love their wives as I love My Church. The family is the unit of the fabric of your society, but there are many attacks on the family from divorce, living together, and unnatural marriages that have split families. Now only a third of households are husband and wife. When your society breaks down in its morality, your country is also headed to ruin as well. Abortion and birth control are further signs of a disrespect for life and the poor care of children. Your society is more focused on lust, pleasure, and comforts. This is why sin is rampant in your society, which will bring your destruction. The family needs to be supported as an ideal for living instead of a tradition that some want to discard as old fashioned. America was great when it recognized Me in your documents, but now that you are turning your back on Me, your greatness will fall.”

Jesus said: “My people, I showed you a leaning tower and all the dimensions and forces that were necessary to cause the tower to fall. At a certain angle, gravity would cause the tower to accelerate toward its fall. America, with its internal moral decay, is already reaching past the point of no return. This means that the evil you see today, is accelerating at an ever increasing rate until you will enter the evil of the Antichrist’s tribulation. Do not give up hope because evil will grow worse before I come to vanquish all the evil ones. Instead, call on My grace of protection by help from My angels, and they will lead you to My refuges. My refuges will be your safe havens from those who will be trying to kill you. Some will be martyred for their faith, while the rest of My faithful remnant will be safe at My refuges. Do not worry, but have trust in Me, even when the persecution will get much worse than now. Evil will have a short reign before I will intervene and cast this evil lot into hell. I will then renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, October 27, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, whenever you see a dark cave as in the vision, there is always some uncertainty as to whether there are animals present or not. When you are led to caves for protection, you will need your windup flashlights to see into the darkness. Your angels will protect you even from any threatening animals in the caves. Caves can be cold and moist, so it would be a good idea to set up your tents in the caves for warmth and some protection from any moist ground. You may need to stay closer to the opening for air to breathe and some daylight. There is also spiritual darkness in life that also needs My Light of grace to take away any fear of the evil around you. Trust in My leading you through the trials of this life on earth. Without Me you can do nothing, but with My help you will have direction and purpose to your mission in life. At times you are tested in your faith, but by trusting in Me, you will find the right path to My Kingdom in the Gospel reading, where I will open the door to My faithful.”

For Carl: Jesus said: “Marion sends you her love (to Carl) because you need some comforting in her passing. She will be in purgatory a short time as the Masses will bring her to heaven. She will be watching over Carl and praying for his help in this time of mourning. He can call on her as an intercessor for prayer requests. I see her looking down on her old home on Shale Drive. She was very happy to have John and Carol as neighbors for so long, and she thanks the two of you for your love and your friendship.”

Jesus said: “My people, this election will be a chance for voters to vote against all of your president’s socialist agenda. His ‘change’ has given you a health plan that will eventually demand computer chips in the body. He has helped close many banks under the FDIC. Many large banks were bailed out, and many toxic assets are a taxpayer liability with the takeover of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Two car companies were taken over and many large deficits were put in place with little accounting for how the money was spent. The high unemployment rate is still a result of the one world people’s plan to eliminate all manufacturing in America. This has been carried out by your large corporations who have exported many jobs to China, India, and other third world countries. If this trend is not stopped, America will have only the rich and the poor with no jobs for the middle class. Without good incomes, there will be less taxes to support your growing welfare state that will collapse under its own weight of debts. Your finances are close to bankruptcy, even if your Federal Reserve buys more worthless Treasury Notes. The dollar is artificially controlled, and its true value is rapidly decreasing as measured against commodities and other currencies. Once your bankruptcy is completed, then you will see your takeover into the North American Union. Martial law will be declared and I will warn My faithful when it is time to leave for My refuges to avoid being killed by the one world armies. Be prepared for the coming tribulation both spiritually and physically. Once you see the Antichrist come to power, then you know that My coming is near when I will defeat these evil ones.”


Thursday, October 28, 2010: (St. Simon & St. Jude)
Jesus said: “My people, this hole in the vision that grew deeper and deeper, refers to America’s problems both physically and spiritually. You are digging a deeper hole in financial debts with your rapidly expanding deficits which are also challenging the value of your dollar currency. A deeper hole in debt threatens not only your current standard of living, but it even threatens the future of your children who will be paying the interest on the higher National Debt. If these debts get much worse, there is a chance of bankruptcy of America, and a disruption of your whole money system. Spiritually, you are also digging a deeper hole where your sins are outweighing the prayers and good works being done by your people. Corruption in your government and business world has been driven by greed and the desire for power by the one world people to take over your country and turn you into their slaves. My justice will be bringing My punishment upon your nation, just as Israel was exiled for worshiping other gods. Unless your people repent and change their lives for the better, America will bring its own ruin upon itself.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many of your flowers and vegetables have had an even longer growing season without having a frost. The changing leaves and mums are still adding color to your landscape before winter descends on you. When you have the bright sunshine on your changing leaves, the colors are bright and vivid as well. You have captured some fall beauty in your pictures. Thank you for those who dress the altar to give Me glory from the beauty of My creation.”

Jesus said: “My people, some will be happy when all the signs and ads stop after your coming election is over. Some have been encouraging the voters to change the current socialist government that is being forced on you from the current administration. Some politicians predict a change in the seats of your Congress, but the vote still has to be counted. Every election year is an opportunity to change your country’s direction to a better position on the moral laws of your government. Your abortion laws need to stop abortions, and your death culture needs to be changed. Pray for the candidates who are morally right to lead your country. Your people need to do their civil responsibility to get out and vote for the right candidates.”

Jesus said: “My people, if your voters do not stand up to the current left leaning Congress, then socialism will take away your remaining rights. Fight for your Constitutional rights, or you could even see your sovereignty rights taken away when you could be forced to accept the North American Union. Vote for those candidates who will rein in your deficit spending so your budget could become balanced.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Congress people in office are afraid to run on their voting record when it is exposed, which is why they do not want to debate the true issues. Instead, they have focused on negative ads in great quantity hoping to put the ‘Tea Party’ opposition in any bad light they can. They even produce false stories in their favor because the media is very liberal in its portrayal of news events. See through these made up stories and the censored news that you have to tolerate every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of your media blackout on the important issues of your government, you are not finding out how corrupt and even ruthless your Congress is in forcing legislation on you that is not even read or examined. These bills being pushed through are against your freedoms, and that is why these corrupt politicians do not want you to know what is said in the hidden lines of their bills. Pray again for your voters to root out this leftist corruption that is stealing away your Constitutional rights.”

Jesus said: “My people, All Souls’ Day should be a day of obligation for all Catholics to come to Mass. The less you abide by My Church laws on days of obligation, the harder it will be to have My faithful follow other Church laws. There are only a handful of such Holy days celebrated for the whole year. It is also fitting that you honor all the saints who have struggled through trials and sufferings to gain their crowns in heaven. Pray for the souls in purgatory and pray to My saints as intercessors for your petitions.”

Jesus said: “My people, as the leaves fall from your trees, they are littered all over your lawn which makes it look untidy. When you rake up the leaves, your lawn looks cleansed just as when you come to Confession and your sins are cleansed from your souls. Even at times you may feel like you are evangelizing souls as you rake your leaves and bag them. Reach out to all souls so you can help them to avoid going to hell. You would much rather see souls being taken up to heaven than burning in the flames of hell.”


Friday, October 29, 2010: (Bishop Clark’s Mass for 43rd Holy Name Anniversary)

Jesus said: “My people, the people of this church have been blessed by My Presence for forty-three years as you are seeing My Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar in the vision. All of My churches have been under attack to be closed. The churches that are still surviving, are a tribute to the parishioners and the pastors of those churches. You have been blessed by a strong pastor who is working hard to keep your church open. Give thanks and praise to Me because My sacramental Presence is what makes your churches holy. It is difficult to suffer the closing of many churches, but it is a sign of how lukewarm many Catholics have become in their faith. Once people stop coming to Sunday Mass, then your faith community is weakened by that loss. Pray for your church members to be strong in their faith, and that they will work to support your church and your pastor in all that is needed to keep your church open. This is one more battle that you face in the temptations of spiritual laziness. Pray that your people will keep strong in their prayer life, and receive My sacraments often.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are predators looking to make money on people in all walks of life. You have seen many scams on Wall Street that have stolen people’s life savings. These evil people have greed and a desire for power in their hearts and souls. Many kinds of fraud are usually found out and captured, but some get away with their theft. I see all of their evil deeds and they will have to stand before Me in judgment. The difficulty is how do My people deal with such evil minded people. There are various ways to steal people’s identity, and everyone is vulnerable to such attacks. The best that you can do is to make it harder for evil ones to access your information. In the end you have to deal with any losses, but losing money is not the end of your life. Money and possessions can be replaced to some extent, but it is your soul that is more important to guard. This is why you still have to love everyone despite their imperfections. Do not let such losses affect your love relationships, but try to reconcile any problems and move on with the rest of your life.”


Saturday, October 30, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this crown of thorns over My cross represents how My Blessed Mother shared all of My sufferings as I died on the cross. It is very difficult to see your son so brutally crucified, even when I committed no crime. But My Blessed Mother knew that I had to suffer as a price for the salvation of all of mankind’s sins. This is why My Blessed Mother can console anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one. Pray to My Blessed Mother as an intercessor for your petitions because I listen closely to her requests. Wherever you see Me, My Blessed Mother is with Me because our two hearts are always united. My Blessed Mother watches over her children as she loves Me, so let her mantle of protection be always at your side. When you pray your rosaries for her intentions, she will always have My ear to hear them.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are various orders of priests and brothers who are called to be missionaries and help convert souls to the faith. Some Franciscans pray and work in monasteries. Some Redemptorists give missions or retreats for the people. Some Jesuits go to other foreign countries to win souls to the faith. I even send various messengers out to share My Gospel of love, but also some to prepare refuges for the coming tribulation. I told you before as the time of tribulation grows close, that many messengers will be receiving more messages about refuge preparation. As the persecution of Christians will grow worse, My faithful will need My refuges for physical and spiritual protection. I call all of My faithful in addition to those mentioned to go out and evangelize souls to the faith. Some will be converted for the first time, while the lukewarm need to be re-converted.”


Sunday, October 31, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, when people speak of the end times, they think of it as long off beyond their lifetime without any concern. It is true that I have told you to carry on with your mission and not just to stop and wait for the end to come. I have also told you not to have fear of the end times, and to trust in My protection. On the other hand, I have reminded you several times that these events will happen in your lifetime, so you need to be prepared for what to do. You need to be like the five wise virgins who had extra oil for their lamps, and they were prepared for the Wedding Banquet. Since you do not know if I will come tomorrow, you need to have your soul ready to meet Me at the judgment on any day by frequent Confession, at least monthly. Your mission is also to warn people to have their backpacks, blankets, and tents ready now for when you will need to leave for My refuges. It will be at My refuges that you will be protected by My angels from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you. These refuges will be at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground, monasteries, and caves. When I warn you that it is time to go, call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge with a physical flame. You will have to leave quickly, preferably at night. Be thankful that I will be protecting you, and that you have been given information on what to take, and how you will be living away from your homes in safety. So do not take the end times lightly because with your eyes of faith, you are seeing all the signs now that are leading up to the Antichrist’s takeover.”


Monday, November 1, 2010: (All Saints’ Day)
St. Therese said: “My son, I am happy to guide you in your work for My Jesus. Do not be upset at any of your unintended mistakes in judgment. Make amends with anyone that you may have indirectly harmed and move on with your work and prayer. Do not let the devil use these impediments to discourage you from your work in any way. In considering doing another DVD, you know the attacks that you received in your previous DVD. You know my Novena for help, so call on my prayer as an intercessor to protect you from any spiritual harassment in this effort. The more you pray at the beginning of your work, the easier it will go for you. Keep me in mind in your prayers and I will be watching out for you and protecting you.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are two ways that the one world people could pull off a takeover without using viruses to kill a lot of people. One way would be to turn off the electric grid which would stop gasoline pumps, some factories, many communications, water pumps, refrigerators, banks, computers, televisions, and regular lighting. No electricity would cause people to live a much simpler life with little travel. Another means that could send your technology back to the 1920s is an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack either from bombs or EMP weapons. This attack would stop your vehicles from moving and it would destroy all of your microchips that run computers and many of your appliances. If the electricity was turned off, it could be restored at any time by the one world people who want to take over. If an EMP attack was used, computers and chips would have to be stored deep underground so they could restart a society later under the one world control. In either case, My faithful could seek My refuges for food and shelter without any need of electricity or chips in order to survive. You have become dependent on many electrical comforts that you will have taken away from you when it is time to go to My refuges. Be prepared to live a much more rustic life with a lot less comforts that you have today.”


Tuesday, November 2, 2010: (All Souls’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you know of My mercy in saving souls from hell, but you also know of My justice where only pure souls can enter into heaven. As your priests mentioned, there is My forgiveness of repentant sinners, but there also is reparation for those sins that needs to be satisfied in some way as well. Some do their reparation or suffering on earth to save them time in purgatory. Others need to be purified in purgatory. Even in purgatory there are two general sufferings. The lower parts of purgatory suffer from the burning flames as in hell, and they cannot be in My presence, but they are promised one day to enter heaven. These souls are spirits only, and they can sometimes communicate with the people on earth. The upper parts of purgatory are not suffering the flames, but they are in a grey, dingy area, and they also cannot be in My presence. These souls see each other, but they cannot comfort each other. Time in purgatory is no longer relevant because these souls are outside of time, and their suffering seems longer. Once you have a sense of how much these souls suffer, then you want to help alleviate their time there. My faithful can pray for these souls to lessen their time, and Masses said for them are an even greater help. Some souls have to suffer a minimum time in purgatory before your prayers can benefit them. So in your daily prayers, do not forget to pray for the release of souls in purgatory, especially those in your own family who may still be suffering there.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard and have been given messages about many underground cities that were built to protect the one world people. One message, that has been given a lot of press, is about a massive corona discharge that could kill a lot of people with particles from the sun. While this is possible, your research has shown it to be improbable. Protection underground could more likely be needed if there were riots over food shortages, massive EMP attacks that would set off a martial law, or a very deadly virus attack that would reduce the population. Just as the one world people will seek these underground cities, so My faithful will need My protection at My refuges. There, I will shield you from the one world armies, bombs, EMP attacks, virus attacks, or attacks from the sun. Whatever means that the evil ones will use for a takeover, My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges. So have no fear of the evil ones as I will be guarding your bodies and your souls.”


Wednesday, November 3, 2010: (St. Martin de Porres)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you at My refuges how I will provide the food for you by allowing deer to drop dead in your camps, as in the Exodus when the quail dropped dead in their camps. It will be the responsibility of your community to bleed and hang the deer, as well as using your deer knives to cut them up. Once prepared, then you are seeing deer parts roasted on a fire with a turning spit in the vision. You will have shelters and food provided, but you will need to clean, make beds, wash clothes, and prepare food as in past days without your modern appliances. This rustic living will keep you more focused on Me in prayer while you are protected from the evil ones. Give Me thanks and praise for how I take care of your needs even now.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you that the one world people have been secretly producing one virus scare after another. The most recent H1N1 virus of Swine Flu was designed to be highly contagious, but it was not very deadly. The interesting part is that the one world people wanted everyone to take their Swine Flu shot and the seasonal flu shot together. I have encouraged My faithful to avoid taking any flu shots because this will be the method to make everyone susceptible to the deadly pandemic virus that they plan to release by the chemtrails. You have seen on TV programs and on the internet how there are hundreds of secret germ labs all over your country. It is a fact that AIDS and other viruses were made and released for the purpose of reducing the population. This is part of the death culture led by Satan. I will warn My faithful to go to My refuges before this pandemic virus will be released. By looking on the luminous cross and drinking the healing spring water, My people will be healed of any viruses that the evil ones are working on. Have no fear of these deadly viruses because I will shield you from them, but the evil people will reduce the population to some extent according to their evil plan. Trust in Me that I will cast all of these evil ones into hell, while I will prepare My Era of Peace for My followers.”


Thursday, November 4, 2010: (St. Charles Borromeo)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I gave two parables about finding a lost sheep and a lost coin to emphasize how heaven rejoices over every repentant sinner. In order to repent, souls have to make an act of their free will to be sorry for their sins and seek My forgiveness. I want everyone to love Me, but I do not force Myself on you. It is your free will to love Me or not, but when love is shown freely, this is cause for celebration. The rainbow in the Old Testament was My covenant with man that I would never destroy life on earth with a flood ever again. It is this covenant that I am emphasizing in the vision when I died for your sins on the cross. For those, who repent of their sins and follow My Commandments, I will offer them eternal life in heaven. There may be some purification needed on earth or in purgatory, but I will keep My promise of My reward in heaven for My faithful. When souls enter heaven, there is even more rejoicing when they receive their crowns of glory in My eternal presence.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your elections have sent a strong message to the Democrats that the people are against them for taking their freedoms away, and for their socialist policies that have enabled government to grow more into everyone’s lives. The largest requests were for less spending, reduced deficits, and help with getting jobs for people. Some parts of your society were against the Health Law that will raise costs more than lower them. Some want various health insurance coverages, but no one wants to pay for them. Now that the elections are over, it will be a challenge for all those who were elected to make some hard choices.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw in the original Health Bill a place indicating that chips in the body would be required for insurance benefits. This is the ultimate plan of the one world people to force mandatory chips in the body on everyone. These officials will mandate a National ID with a smart chip in it. This will be the first stage, and then chips in the body will be demanded so you do not lose your chip identification. Remember to place aluminum foil over all chipped documents to protect against identity theft and prevent tracking. Refuse to take any chips in your body because they will control your mind. When this comes, leave for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, this ‘Quantitative Easing’ of your Federal Reserve to buy $900 billion worth of Treasury Notes is a disguise to purposely lower the value of the dollar in the name of boosting the economy. They already have bought $1.8 trillion worth of Treasury Notes the first time, and this did not help that much. This is purposely increasing the National Debt with no promise that it will stimulate the economy. This action places America one step closer to bankruptcy which is the real plan for a martial law takeover. Many of these massive spending plans were never voted by the people, but they were forced on you by the one world people. Stimulus spending and bank bailouts have helped only the rich, but they are mortgaging your children’s future. Pray that the deficit spending, stimulus spending, and other useless spending could be brought under control before America becomes bankrupt.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is considerable Masonic influence behind the scenes that is controlling your government, even from the roots of the Masonic symbols in Washington, D.C.’s design. It is not by accident that most all the Cabinet posts are given to one world controlled people who belong to the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergs, and the Trilateral Commission. This is why neither party will change the one world people’s plans because their people are always in control with puppets leading your country. Pray for true freedom through your representatives, and not just the following of orders from the one world people and Satan.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people brought about the European Union with no votes from the people. Now, your recent Presidents have supported and expanded your North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This is the path to forming the North American Union that combines America, Mexico, and Canada. This plan will take away your sovereignty rights and let these one world people make you into their slaves. Fight against this union that will put you closer into the Antichrist’s power. Once this union is formed, you will need to leave for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware that your government’s largest budget item is for your Defense Department which pays for your military people and their weapons and bases. Here again the one world people cause constant wars so your military people are never home to defend their own people, and your deficits are increased. This is one more means of worthless spending to bankrupt your country. Wars never have winners, but the rich prosper on the weapons’ sales. Pray for peace and more control by the people over any choices for war.”

Jesus said: “My people, on the surface it appears that the Republicans have taken back many seats that were lost because the people were tired of your previous President’s wars and deficits. Now the new ‘Tea Party’ faction wants Republicans to turn back to their principles against deficits and a return of their lost freedoms. Without a serious change in their policies, there may even be another formation of a third party. Pray for more reasonable spending, and policies that are for the people and not for the ruling one world people.”


Friday, November 5, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, your current military weapons have some serious consequences if they are fully deployed. Some weapons can melt metal tanks, some lasers can inactivate incoming missiles, while some EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) weapons could paralyze whole cities or armies that use microchips in their equipment. EMP weapons can simulate the effects of neutron bombs. Their powerful rays can destroy microchips that would stop vehicles, computers, and any appliances that use microchips. Modern armies rely on microchips to run vehicles, target the enemy tanks, and many guidance systems for missiles. If EMP weapons were used, aircraft carriers and whole armies could be neutralized. If these weapons fell into the wrong hands, America’s existence could be changed back to old technology. None of these weapons could harm My faithful at My refuges, so My protection is far superior to any of man’s weapons. Be aware of your military’s capabilities, but remember that I have a greater power than all of these evil ones. In the end My power will triumph over the Antichrist and Satan, as My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace and then into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a priest standing before the Ten Commandments, means the priest in his homilies needs to emphasize the need for frequent Confession. You are all sinners and are in need of My forgiveness. Some rationalize their mortal sins into venial sins, and think they do not have to go to Confession. Even if you only have venial sins, you should make a practice of going to at least monthly Confession. There are many preparations for Confession to examine your conscience for your past sins. Unless you come to Confession, you do not have My absolution that forgives your sins and restores grace to your souls. My priests also need to warn the people that if they have mortal sin on their souls, they should not receive Me in Holy Communion because they would be committing another mortal sin of sacrilege. My priests should also emphasize that I am truly Present in My Body and Blood in every consecrated Host, and the people need to genuflect to My tabernacle on entering and leaving My church. By confessing your sins and giving honor to My Blessed Sacrament, you will have sufficient graces to protect yourself from the devil’s daily temptations.”


Saturday, November 6, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many people in your society where their greed for money, power, and possessions have turned them into money worshipers instead of worshiping Me. It is bad enough to be addicted to wealth and power, but it is even worse when the rich steal money from the people in planned stock crashes, and from the taxpayers who have bailed out their losses. Your financial crisis has been purposely manufactured by the financiers of Wall Street in order to steal money from innocent investors. Now the central bankers of your Federal Reserve want to lower the value of your currency until it is worthless, so they can replace the dollar with the amero of the North American Union. I have warned My people of the rich elites that are planning a bankruptcy of America for the takeover of your country through martial law. Once they strip you of your dollar’s value, then they will try to force mandatory chips in the body. When you see this collapse of America and the riots that will follow, refuse to take any chips in the body, and call on Me to lead you to the safety of My refuges.”


Sunday, November 7, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel the Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection of the body, were trying to test Me with their story of the seven brothers who married the same woman. I told them that they were greatly mistaken, and that the souls in heaven are like angels who do not marry. Heaven is a spiritual kingdom, and the bodies of the faithful will only be joined with their souls at the last judgment. When people die in this life, only very few souls come directly to heaven. Some souls go to hell, and the rest need purification in purgatory. This is why Masses and prayers are said for the dead, so those who are in purgatory can be helped by shortening their time there. Praying for the souls in purgatory should be one of your daily prayer intentions. In the deacon’s homily it should also have been mentioned how important Confession should be in protecting your soul from going to hell. By frequent repenting of your sins in Confession, you can have your souls cleansed of sin, and you will be in the state of grace and ready to receive Me at your judgment on the day of your death. One day the souls in purgatory are promised to be with Me in heaven, and then they will receive their crowns of sainthood that you saw in the vision.”

Jesus said: “My people, this empty chair is a sign that many of My prayer warriors are dying, and the younger generation is not as prayerful. It is important for My prayer warriors to teach their children how to pray the rosary, and to be faithful to praying it every day. You are dealing with a spiritual battle between good and evil, and the number of prayers cannot decrease, or evil will gain in the world. This is why it is necessary that for every prayer warrior that dies, you need to have other prayer warriors to take their place. Continue to ask Me to double your prayers and to have My angels finish your rosaries if you fall asleep. Also, I continue to remind you to make up any missed rosaries on the following day. I depend on the prayers of My prayer warriors to balance the evil in your world. When the prayers diminish to a certain level, Satan and the Antichrist will be allowed their hour at the time of the tribulation. This loss of faith and poor prayer lives are a sign of the end days beginning. Be prepared to come to My refuges when the tribulation begins.”


Monday, November 8, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of the daily printing of your newspaper, this reminds you of how anxious you are to read the daily news so you are kept up to date on what is happening in the world. I want to contrast this to My Good News in the Bible which keeps you up to date with what is happening in the spiritual world of your soul. You have one news for the body, and another news for the soul. But it is your soul that is everlasting, and your body is temporary and lasts but a short lifetime. So My Good News of how to live a proper spiritual life should be of more concern for your eternal life and your destination than any worldly news. Another reason, that I want you to read your Bible more, is so you can put the readings at Mass into their full context. Notice which readings are going to be read, and then read what comes before and after the reading so this can enhance your understanding of My message in the Scriptures. By quiet contemplation on these readings, you will be better trained in your faith, and better able to direct your spiritual life. I love all of you, and I want everyone to take full advantage of all that I have revealed to you in My Word. Once you see how important My Good News is over your worldly news, you can look forward more to hearing My Word that lasts forever, beyond your worldly news that is old after you read it.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many advances in your microchip manufacturing, especially for chips that could be implanted in the body. These chips in the vision were especially designed for mind control and your government has produced millions of them to go along with your latest Health Care bill. Initially, there will be smart cards as national ID cards for tracking, buying and selling, as well as for health care. The next stage planned is to make it mandatory to have a microchip in the body so the one world people could control you like robots. The authorities will not tell you that they are mind control chips, but that is what they will be using. Refuse to take any chips in the body, even if they threaten to kill you and deny you health care. This is the mark of the beast to avoid, and once they are made mandatory, then it is time to come to My refuges. At My refuges you will be healed of all of your ailments by looking on My luminous cross. My health plan is much better than that of your current President. Trust in My protection at My refuges where I will provide for all of your needs.”


Tuesday, November 9, 2010:(Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica)
Jesus said: “My people, St. John Lateran Basilica is the Cathedral of Rome, and it is where many popes resided before St. Peter’s Basilica was built. On this feast day of its dedication, this church is like a hub for all the Roman Catholic churches as in the vision. You saw in the Gospel how I cast the money changers out of the Temple for making it a marketplace instead of a place of worship. St. John quoted from Psalm 68:10 ‘Zeal for your house consumes Me’ meaning how much My churches are holy because My very Presence resides there in My tabernacles. When the Jews asked for a sign of why I threw out the money changers, I told them ‘Destroy this temple (of My body) and in three days I will rebuild it.’ This was a sign of My coming death and resurrection, but they did not understand that I was referring to the temple of My Body. This is a reminder also how your bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit in the same description of your body. So rejoice in coming to My churches, but I am also present in My people.”

Jesus said: “My people, this current volcanic release of smoke and ash has been going on for nearly a month. Even your President’s visit to Indonesia had to be cut short because it is difficult to fly jet planes near such active volcanoes. Several years ago, a large 9.2 earthquake in this area triggered eleven volcanoes back to life in lava flows. Now a recent 7.7 earthquake in Indonesia has caused a less severe tsunami and has brought more volcanoes into an active state. This current volcano (Merapi Volcano) has caused hundreds of deaths and more people are being evacuated. The longer these eruptions spew more smoke and ash into the upper atmosphere, you have a chance to block out the sun, and it can cause a cooling effect over the earth. Also, the more active the earthquakes and volcanoes get, this could affect other areas along the fault lines of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Be prepared to witness more natural disasters, even as your hurricane season is just finishing. Pray that those being affected by the earthquakes and the volcano will find enough aid to get them through these latest disasters.”


Wednesday, November 10, 2010: (St. Leo the Great, Pope)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel there were ten lepers that I healed, but only a Samaritan returned to give thanks for his healing. I told him to go as his faith had saved him. There are also the lukewarm in the faith vs. My prayer warriors. This is the contrast in the vision where some faithful are beacons of faith and hope, but the lukewarm have their light out because of their spiritual laziness. But those, who pray and do good works in evangelizing souls, are the souls that I will welcome into heaven. The lukewarm, who only call on Me when they are in need and do not help people, may have the gates of heaven closed to them if they do not wake up. Also, My faithful need to be thanking Me for all that I do for you. Give praise and glory to your Lord, and you will have My promise of eternal life in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are before Me in Adoration, you can contemplate how best to improve your spiritual life. When you see this waste basket, it reminds you of what sinful habits that you would like to discard into the basket. There are certain sins that you repeat in Confession many times. Think of your worst habitual sin, and try to focus on how you can best avoid that sin. Pray to Me to give you the grace to overcome that weakness in your life. As you see the water in the pool, think of how your sins could be cleansed from your soul, and how you could work to keep your soul pure. By working to rid your habitual sins, then you could be making progress in striving for your perfection. If you allow yourself to fall back into your old habits, then pick yourself up, and struggle back to where you have progressed before. By keeping your focus on Me, and keeping yourself strong in the face of temptations, then you can make some true progress in your spiritual life.”


Thursday, November 11, 2010: (St. Martin of Tours)
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing a frightening look at the black eye of the evil one who is always trying to attack you and your ministry. Whenever you are doing good things in your prayers, good works for people, or attempts at evangelizing people, you are going to get attacks from the evil ones. Fear not, My son, for I send you angels of protection because your ministry is important to prepare My people for the coming tribulation. As you are preparing your next DVD, it is important to do your novena prayers for the success of this project. You will be attacked to put this off, so work hard on finishing this work every day. This time is crucial because the evil forces are gaining more power as the time of the tribulation approaches. The faith and prayers of My people are also growing weak in this time. Be consistent in your prayers, and do everything that you can to reach out to souls to save them from hell.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your present bishop will be retiring soon, and you need to keep praying for a good bishop who will allow your mission to continue. Pray that this new bishop will encourage Adoration and take a more active role in deciding who would be good candidates for the priesthood. Many good candidates have been refused, and they had to go elsewhere. Pray also for a new bishop who would be more outspoken for Right to Life causes.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people and your central bankers are set on a policy to lower the value of your dollar, as they have started by buying more of your Treasury Notes. This is a false attempt to help your economy, and instead it will add to your National Debt, and result in a road to higher prices of goods with rampant inflation. The value of your commodities is not changing, but it is the value of the dollar that is decreasing relative to other currencies. This is one more step closer to your eventual bankruptcy in America.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest cruise ship fire resulted in the generators burning out, which left everyone without any electricity and only emergency lighting. Stored food quickly became uneatable as the refrigeration stopped working. Air conditioning and other pumps also did not work. This having no electricity will also be a small problem at My refuges when you will have less comforts in a more rustic living. There are older means of preparing food, making soap, cleaning clothes, and providing heat in the winter. All of your raw materials will be multiplied to provide for your food, heat, and other needs. Trust in Me to protect you at My refuges from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you have tornadoes, you hear sirens warning the people to take cover. When you hear smoke alarms at night, you are warned to evacuate from a fire. Even some have carbon monoxide alarms to warn of any toxic condition. There will be another warning sign that I will wake up My faithful with at the time it is necessary to leave for My refuges. When you see a national bankruptcy, a pandemic deadly virus, mandatory chips in the body, or national martial law declared, these are the reasons for coming to My refuges. Do not hesitate to leave your homes when I warn you because your time to leave will be limited. You will not be returning to your homes, and you will be at My refuges throughout the whole tribulation. If you do not leave your homes, you will risk being captured and killed by the men in black.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of My refuges will be working farms that will provide fresh vegetables and various sources of meat in addition to the deer meat. Working on farms and growing feed for the animals is hard work that will require everyone’s help for the refuge community to survive. You will be protected from the evil ones, and I will multiply your fuels and food that you grow. You will need fuel for your farm vehicles, for cooking, lighting, and heating. Have no fear of this time, but My faithful will be hard at work at My refuges, as well as spending more time in prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, at the refuges there will be no garbage pickups and very little running water. You will need to burn or bury your refuse, or use it for mulch. Outhouses will require maintenance as in the past with lime and landfills. This part of your life will not change, but your disposal methods will be as in older days. This lifestyle of a simpler life will bring you closer to Me, as you will have more time for prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, this feast day of St. Martin of Tours honors a saint who was first in the military before he became a cleric. This Veterans’ Day also honors those in the military who have defended your freedoms in the wars with other nations. It is unfortunate that man cannot live in peace with each other. The one world people encourage wars to make their blood money on selling weapons. These evil ones will have to suffer My justice at their judgment. Continue to pray for peace and encourage peaceful solutions over war that has no winners.”


Friday, November 12, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in the next few weeks you will see the readings focused on the end days where there will be much destruction. The Gospel speaks of the people killed in the flood and those killed in the fire and brimstone of Sodom and Gomorrah. Just as My justice was brought down on the evil people of Noah’s time and the evil people of Lot’s time, so you will again see My justice brought down on the Antichrist and his minions. Evil under the Antichrist during the tribulation will be the worst evil that you have ever seen. Once you see the Antichrist come to power, know that My coming on the clouds to defeat him, is not far away. I will bring a fiery comet into the Atlantic Ocean that will destroy two-thirds of humanity. This will be the end of the Antichrist’s power, as he and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. During the tribulation, My faithful will be protected at My refuges, and the evil ones will not be able to see them or kill them. Even when the comet comes, I will lift them up so they will not be killed. Some faithful will be martyred, but those at My refuges will be rewarded in My Era of Peace and in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before that you were living in the time of the red horse that had a rider with a bow meaning a time of a bloody war. Today, I am showing you a black horse which is when you are living now. This black horse has a rider who is carrying a scales, and this signifies a time of famine. I have told you before to store up one year’s supply of food for the day of the world famine, and in case you do not have the chip in the body to buy your food. There are going to be an increasing number of disasters that may cause food shortages. Remember that you are now dependent on China for more than half of your food, as well as many of your other store items. With your decreasing dollar, your food will become more costly, as well as your gasoline. This world famine will be a manipulated food shortage, so it would be wise to have your own food supply in your basement. Once it is dangerous because mobs will be searching for food, it will again be another reason to leave for your refuges. It is one thing to share food with others, but when they want to kill you for it, it will be time to leave. At My refuges you will have food, water, and daily Communion provided, so do not worry that you will not have enough to eat. Trust in Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My nearest place of refuge where you will be safe from the evil ones.”


Saturday, November 13, 2010: (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is about the persistent widow who was begging the dishonest judge to rule in her favor. He relented in her favor for fear that she would bring physical harm to him. There was another reading about charity where a man was begging another at night for three loaves of bread for his guests. The one inside was reluctant at first, but later got up to give him the bread because of the visitor’s persistence. So it is when you come to Me with your prayer intentions. Some are answered right away, while others may take years of persistent prayer because of the high price for that person’s soul. Even at times the answer to your prayer may be a ‘no’, as your priest suggested. I know what is best for your soul, so I answer prayers that will best help you, or the souls that you are praying for. You are at a Carmelite monastery where the nuns are praying constantly in silence for the sinners of the world. Your world is full of so much evil that your prayers are needed every day. This decline in faith is another sign of the end times, and it is why I asked the question: ‘Will I find any faith on the earth when I return?’”


Sunday, November 14, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I want everyone to be conscious of the preparations that you need to make in case you die suddenly, or when the time of tribulation falls upon you. You do not have tomorrow until I grant it to you, so you should always have your soul in the state of grace by frequent Confession. In addition to the day of your death, people should also be ready for the time of tribulation under the Antichrist. Most people do not understand that this event could happen in their lifetime, as I have informed My son in My messages. I have talked of having one year’s supply of food on hand for the coming famine, and many messages on preparing backpacks, tents, and blankets for leaving for My refuges. You will have the Warning first, a world famine, division in My Church, mandatory chips in the body, and martial law. When you see these things, call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to My nearest refuge. Many priests and deacons avoid talking of the end times at this time of year, but they are doing a disservice to their people by not warning them of the coming tribulation. You need to have eyes of faith to see that you are living in the end time signs of the Bible. Those, who are left in their homes, may be captured and killed if they do not realize that they need to leave for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are having a massive tunnel building program underway to protect themselves from something big coming up. They are also storing supplies in their VIP underground cities. This means that they are planning on some riots for a food famine, a dollar crash, or a deadly virus attack. They feel whatever they are planning, that they will be safe underground, while those, who are above ground, will be at risk for their lives. If a martial law chaos began, they would also be protected from the foreign troops who would implement any capture of citizens. By the fast tempo of this building campaign, you are being given a sign of what the one world people will be doing in their bid for taking over America. Despite all of their plans, I will warn My faithful when it is time for them to come to My refuges of protection, where the evil ones cannot harm them. Have trust in My help and protection throughout the whole time of the tribulation before I return.”


Monday, November 15, 2010: (St. Albert the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from the Book of Revelation, St. John is called to write down the words for the seven churches. He is writing in Patmos what the angel is revealing to him. In the vision My son, John, also is being called to write down My words to prepare the people for the tribulation of the Antichrist, and My coming in victory. This is a glorious time to be alive, as My son is continuing the work of his namesake in St. John. You are preparing a second DVD to alert the people when to leave for My refuges, where to go, and the many miracles of protection that I will perform in addition to multiplying food and shelters. Continue to pray your novena prayers of St. Therese so you will be protected from any attacks on your work from the evil one. This DVD will be a great help in explaining what is needed on your way to the refuges, and it is a message of hope and My mercy instead of gloom and doom. This preparation message is needed because many people do not understand that this tribulation is most likely in their lifetimes and not far off. Continue, My people, to pray and discern how to prepare for this time. By prayer and frequent Confession, you will have your soul pure and ready to meet Me at any time.”

Jesus said: “My people, most of you are unaware of the thorough records that the one world people are keeping on you. They have super computers with enough memory to store your life’s history. They know all of your bank records, stocks, bonds, and real estate that you own. So they know your total worth, and they can even profile you by your credit card purchases. They have every transaction that you ever made, and they have your e-mails and phone calls recorded. Every part of your life is known to them through their unknown tapping of your communications. This is not enough control for them, but they are working on smart cards in your licenses, and you may have chips in your passports. You can protect your identity and tracking by storing any chipped documents with aluminum foil. Once the new Health Plan is implemented, these same one world people will try to demand mandatory chips in the body, so they can track you and control you with voices and mind control. Refuse to take any chips in the body, and when the evil ones try to force these on people, it will be time to go to My refuges. As you see these things coming about in front of you, you know the tribulation is very close. Fear not the evil one’s plans, because you will have complete protection at My refuges where I will provide for your needs.”


Tuesday, November 16, 2010: (St. Margaret of Scotland)
Jesus said: “My people, America’s Achilles heel is your dependence on your electricity. Your electricity producing plants also require natural gas or coal to keep them running. These plants or any place along the transmission lines are vulnerable to accidents, bad weather, aging, and terrorism. You have seen ice storms, a car crashing into a pole, and even animals eating the line insulation where your electricity was stopped. This can also be shut down by those who control your electric grid, and by any unusual surges in the grid. You are most vulnerable in the winter, since your heaters would stop, and you would need an alternate source of heat. You also would need oil lamps for light, gas for cooking, and possibly bailing water from your sump pump. Refrigerators would not work, and you would need backup food supplies. Your gasoline pumps would also be shut down, limiting your means of travel. All of these resulting shutdowns show you the areas where you need some backups when you lose your electricity. Be prepared for this incident and possibly living without electricity at your rustic refuges. Once you come to My refuges, you will be living a much simpler life under My protection. Controlling your electricity will be one of the one world people’s means of trying to force you to accept their new world order. Refuse their threats and chips in the body, and trust in My protection from the evil ones at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this vision of a Latin Mass because soon there will be a more traditional translation of the original Latin Mass. At this time it is hard for you to know what form this will take until you can view a copy. Some are saying that they do not want to change, while others want to see it before making any judgment. It is not known whether the Gospel and Epistle readings will be changed or not. You may want to do some research into finding a copy. If it is available, you can see what will be recommended at all of the churches. The last change dealt with inclusive language, so it will be a change that may take some getting used to. Pray that there will be unity over this change and not any division.”


Wednesday, November 17, 2010: (St. Elizabeth of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel accounts there were several versions of My parable about the talents or gold coins. Two of the people in the parable, who were given money, were industrious to make more money, but the third man hid the money in the ground or in a handkerchief. This is an example in life of whether you used your talents for My glory, or you wasted your talents by not using them for what they were intended. Those, who did not use their talents, may suffer longer in purgatory. The other people mentioned, who rejected the king or killed his servants, are those who committed sins, but did not repent, and they are the ones who were sent to hell because they rejected Me. You all have choices in life because I do not force you to love Me. But at the judgment you must answer and suffer the consequences of your decisions. Those, who love Me and follow My Commandments, may be purified and come to heaven. Those, who reject Me, do not keep My Commandments, and do not repent, are those who will be sent into the flames of hell. I am merciful, but I am also a just judge. I want My people to love Me and follow Me without fear. Then I will welcome you into My Wedding Banquet in heaven as your reward.”

(Rosaria Proia wake) Jesus said: “My people, it is appropriate to be praying the rosary for a mother and grandmother with the name Rosaria. She has had the gift of more years than most people, but they were very productive years. When I called her home, she was ready to see Me. She will be doing a short purification in purgatory, and when her Masses are said, she will be released to be with Me in heaven. She did not leave you completely because she loves her family, and she will be praying for all of you. She will be missed at your holiday celebrations, but remember her in your prayers, especially when you give thanksgiving at your meals.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you truly love Me, you will seek out learning everything you can about Me and My creation. When you are having a nature walk, you are joyful to be alive so you can appreciate the fall foliage, the birds, the deer, and the squirrels on your path. There is beauty in nature and in My people where you can find an extension of My love. In all of the world the souls of My people are My most prized possessions. I give you all free will so you can come to love Me by yourselves without Me forcing you. I allow the good and the bad to live their lives together, just as I spoke of the wheat and the tares growing up together. At the harvest the wheat I separated to go into My barn, while the tares were bundled together and thrown into the fire. So it is at the judgment. My faithful, who have loved Me and performed good works for others, will see their reward in heaven. The evil ones, who have killed My people and refused to repent of their sins, will be cast into the fires of hell. I love everyone, but those who deny life in the womb, kill older people in euthanasia, and encourage killing in wars and by viruses, are the evil ones who will face My justice. I am the giver and taker of life, and those, who deny My plans for souls by killing, are committing the worst offense against Me. Pray for these souls to change their ways before it is too late to save them from hell. I strive to have every soul come to heaven, but the evil one is battling with Me for every soul. My joy is to see My faithful evangelize and convert souls to My Gospel. If you saw how much souls suffer in the flames of hell, you would strive also to save as many souls as you could from going to hell.”


Thursday, November 18, 2010: (Dedication of Basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s feast of the Dedication of the Basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome, you are honoring the two great pillars of My Church. St. Peter was very impulsive to act even in attempting to walk on water, but his faith was weak at times before he received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He was the leader of My apostles, and he is represented by the many Popes in his succession. St. Paul also was a strong man in his principles, and his conversion was miraculous. I visited him personally to change him from Saul to Paul, and to change him into one of My greatest missionaries. Many people have visited the places where St. Paul taught in Greece and Turkey. The vision of a dungeon prison is the place where they both were imprisoned, chained, and later martyred for their faith. These two basilicas are great remembrances of these saints where they are buried in Rome. Give praise and glory to your Lord because I have raised up My Church on the humble beginnings of these two great saints.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your media has censored your news so much that they have you concentrate on issues of little importance while the important issues are overlooked or purposely avoided. Many of your freedoms are being suppressed by hate crimes and your Patriot laws. Even the latest airport security is going beyond reasonable searches. Decisions about wars and letting the Federal Reserve bankers control your finances, are never debated. Pray for your new representatives to change the socialist leanings of your current government.”

Jesus said: “My people, your highways are being more controlled with easy chip passes, cameras, and North American Union special highways. Even your fuels and car regulations are becoming more expensive and controlled with chipped driver’s licenses. It will come to a point where it will be difficult without chips to even travel on the main interstate highways. This is why when you go to My refuges, your angels will lead you down local roads instead of the highways.”

Jesus said: “My people, your state governments have to live within balanced budgets, which means cutting employees and expenditures to match what is collected in taxes. This is contrasted with your Congress that is spending and borrowing money with no concern for balancing their budget. If they did try to achieve a balanced budget, they would have to cut outrageous salaries, too many people, and unfunded payments to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, and many other payments that you cannot afford. Continued deficit spending is the one world people’s means of bankrupting America. If balanced budgets are not achieved, then you could see the end of your country and your freedoms. The evil ones want to control you with microchips, so refuse them in any attempts at mandatory chips in the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, as winter draws near, you could be seeing more natural disasters from major snow storms, ice storms, and high winds. This vision of a bridge being washed out is an example of floods from heavy rainfall. Be prepared for power outages, and food and fuel shortages by stocking up on some extra food and fuel. These items will become more expensive relative to the shrinking value of your dollar. This will become more of a hardship on people who are just getting by. You may have to help your neighbor more by supporting your local food shelves for the poor.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year many families travel to their parents’ home for their Thanksgiving Dinner. It is good for families to keep together in their traditions. As you are thinking of family and thanking Me for your blessings, now you are hearing statistics of how nearly half of your people are in favor of living together without marriage. Your family of husband and wife should be the model for your society, and not just relationships of convenience without responsibilities to Me and your children. The traditional family is more God centered, but your society is turning more materialistic rather than spiritual. This trend also will lead your country to ruin because of your abortions and sexual sins. Pray for your people to wake up to the immorality in your society, and change your ways to follow Me in prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, the faith of many people is growing more lukewarm as they are skipping their prayers and are not coming to Sunday Mass. You are seeing churches closing around you because many are not living their faith as they should. Yes, there are priest shortages, but it is your loss of Sunday Mass attendance that is the worst problem. My faithful need to be building up their faith on their way to perfection, instead of falling into lax spiritual habits. Your love for Me should be burning strong, but unless you pray daily, it will continue to become lukewarm. In the Bible it says how I vomit the lukewarm from My mouth. I want My faithful to be vibrant in their faith and not nearly dead spiritually.”

Jesus said: “My people, even as you are preparing for Thanksgiving, your shopkeepers are planning for Christmas selling. As you approach your coming Advent season, this is another time, as in Lent, when you plan to do a little more prayer and fasting. In days past you used to have even more Sundays of preparation for Advent. As you prepare again for another celebration of Christmas, think of giving Me some spiritual bouquets of prayers to help sinners and those souls in purgatory.”


Friday, November 19, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I love My churches because it is where I reside in My tabernacles as you come to worship Me. You should treasure your local church as well and work to keep it open by your presence, and your financial and spiritual support. My people need to be strong in their faith and do not become lukewarm. Pray to Me every day and not just one hour on Sunday. Live your faith in your works and deeds so that everyone can recognize you as a Christian. Your love for Me will be your passport when you reach the gates of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the most important work, that you could perform, is being able to bring souls to conversion. This is why St. Elizabeth’s work in teaching students their faith and other studies was so important in forming the spiritual lives of her students. You also helped teach your students how to pray the rosary and their religion class. When you bring Me closer to these students, you are a model of faith to follow. Be grateful for the opportunity to teach children their faith, and how to depend on Me for everything. Parents and teachers have a great responsibility to lead their children’s souls, and point them toward heaven for their eternal destination. As you come closer to your Thanksgiving Day holiday, remember to share your wealth and your faith with the physical poor, and those who are in need of spiritual support. Also, continue to give Me thanks every day for your gift of life, and another opportunity to do more good works for Me in your neighbor’s need.”


Saturday, November 20, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in these last weeks of the Church Year, there are many readings from the Book of Revelation and other places that speak of the end days before My return. In order for the Antichrist to come to power, America will be taken over by the one world people. They are promoting their new world order as a world government of all the nations of the world. The vision shows the destruction of your government as you know it today, and it will be ruled by the Antichrist during the tribulation of evil. Once you see martial law and mandatory chips in the body coming, My faithful need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges of protection. There My angels will shield you from the evil ones and their ruthless tyranny. Those, who refuse to leave their homes, could face martyrdom for not taking any chips in the body. The joy at the end of the tribulation is that I will come in victory with My Comet of Chastisement, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. My people know the end of the story and the Antichrist loses, while heaven and My angels are triumphant. This is why My message of the end days gives you hope for those who are faithful to Me.”


Sunday, November 21, 2010: (Christ the King)
Jesus said: “My people, My love is flowing out over all of My people as My cup is overflowing with My graces and mercies for them from My Divine Mercy. I have showed you how much I love you by dying for all of you on the cross. I ask My people to love Me also by their own free will. This focus on Me should be a part of your love for Me every day in all that you do. I am your King and I should be the center of your life. Pray to Me every day and ask My help in all of your work and decisions. When you ask My help, you will see that all of your work will go well with you.”


Monday, November 22, 2010: (St. Cecilia)
Jesus said: “My people, this curtain of fire all around an ongoing Mass represents the coming persecution of the tribulation. Even as St. Cecilia was martyred, there will be more martyrs as the evil ones of this age will be trying to kill all of the faithful Christians for their new world order. In the early years of My Church there were many martyred for their faith. During the tribulation of the Antichrist this reign of terror will again be testing My people all over the earth. Those, who are martyred, will become instant saints, but the rest of My people will be protected at My refuges. Even if you are threatened by death, never give up your faith in Me. Any people who may be martyred for My sake, I will ease their pain because I never test you beyond what you could endure. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you. I will warn My people when it is time to leave for My refuges before the evil ones come to your houses. Leave by nightfall, and My angels will shield you by making you invisible. Take your backpacks, tents, and blankets as you follow your guardian angels to My nearest refuge. Honor My saints who have given their lives up for Me, rather than giving up their faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, all people know that one day they will die and be placed in a grave. You have been to many funerals, so it is easy to imagine yourself in a casket at the end of your life. This may be the end of your mortal body, but it is not the end of your immortal soul. This is why it is so important to point your destination to heaven for your soul. I will do the judging, but if you follow My Commandments and repent of your sins, you are promised your reward in heaven. Work every day on minimizing your sins and maximizing your efforts to convert sinners, and do good works for your neighbor. When you have your soul constantly cleansed of your sins at monthly Confession, you will not have any fear of dying because you know your destination will be with Me in heaven.”


Tuesday, November 23, 2010: (Bl. Miguel Pro)
Jesus said: “My people, as you see the Swiss guards guarding the Vatican and the Pope, so My faithful need to guard their faith and stand up for My Gospel teachings even if they are threatened with death. Never give up your faith, even as the martyrs of My Church gave up their lives instead of giving up their faith. You may not be tested with your lives, but it takes courage to fight against abortion, living together outside of marriage, and homosexual marriages. The accepted sins of your society are what will bring America to its knees from My justice. Reach out in faith to be models of good Christians both for your family and those around you. You may be persecuted for taking unpopular stands, but you are witnessing My Gospel teachings and My Ten Commandments. Use your witness to convert souls to Christianity and keep them from being lost in hell. Pray for all of your family members so they can be saved. By guarding your faith for yourself and others in your evangelization efforts, you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some kings and queens in the world, but they are usually just titles without much authority. You just celebrated My Kingship which is more inclusive than any human king. I am your Master and Creator to whom you should give honor and thanks for creating you. Kings and queens have subjects that are bound to obey them. I am a King, but I do not force My love on people. I give all of you free will so you can come to love Me of your own free choice. Once you choose to love Me, I should be your Master and the center focus of your life. I give you everything to survive, and I died for your sins so you could be saved to come to heaven. As you celebrate Thanksgiving Day, remember to thank Me for all that you have been given, especially the gifts of life in your family. You remembered those who have died this year, but you also should remember how fortunate you are to have a loving family to comfort you in this hard life on earth. I love all of you so much, and I guide you on your path to heaven.”


Wednesday, November 24, 2010: (Vietnamese martyrs)
Jesus said: “My people, in these end time readings there is much talk of persecution and killing of martyrs, but this evil is balanced by the promise of My victory in the end. I am much more powerful than anything that the evil ones could do on earth. There will be a time of tribulation as described in the Book of Revelation, but this time will be less than 3 ½ years for the sake of My elect. There is always a battle between good and evil, but at the end, the evil ones are cast into hell, while My faithful are brought into My Era of Peace. I will protect My faithful at My refuges, but some will be martyred for their faith. The descriptions of heaven are glorious in these readings, so have no fear and have peace in your soul as My faithful await their entry into heaven. Your time in My Era of Peace and then in heaven will be your reward for being faithful to loving Me and following My Commandments.”

Jesus said: “My people, as seen in the vision, many shoppers are ready to start their Christmas shopping at their local mall stores. Your shopkeepers are hoping to see more profits this year than the last few years of recession. There are still many people who are unemployed, and their unemployment checks are running out. People are preparing for another winter season by buying snow boots, hats, gloves, and scrappers for their cars. Heavier coats are also needed as snow storms are causing blizzards in the Middle Northern states. Some people even migrate to warmer states for the winter. Longer nights and getting close to the winter solstice are other signs of winter’s arrival. Pray for good weather for your families that are traveling for their Thanksgiving meetings. Your Mid-Atlantic states had some heavy snow storms last year, and you may see more of the same this year. Be prepared for any power outages with extra fuel sources as wood and kerosene for burners in addition to your natural gas burners. Having some extra food and oil for your lamps will also keep you eating with sufficient light. Give thanks to Me in your prayers before your dinner, and enjoy exchanging conversations with your relatives who you do not see very often.”


Thursday, November 25, 2010: (Thanksgiving Day)
Jesus said: “My people, today is the day for a special thank you to Me for all that I have given you. You were fortunate to be born in America where you still have more freedoms than some countries. This vision of My creation in the forests is how you can thank Me for all the beautiful nature scenes around you. You have your life, your faith, and your beautiful family, if you are married with children. Your society is slowly drifting into a pagan style of living when people look down on marriage as unnecessary. I know many women can be independent financially with their own jobs, but living in marriage is also following My Commandments, compared to living together in a sinful environment. This is not just a casual opinion, but a moral lifestyle is much more expected of My faithful than living in fornication or in homosexual relationships. You should also be thankful for your job, if you have one, and all of your possessions. The best way that you could thank Me for My gifts is when you share your wealth with those who are poor, and to even share your faith in bringing souls to conversion. Your Thanksgiving Dinner is a pleasure for eating, but also it is a time to share your conversation with relatives and friends. You can also reach out to people by praying for their health and their needs. Thank you also for those who came to Mass to give Me thanks. I encourage all of you to share your love with Me and your neighbors.”


Friday, November 26, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, an independent water source will be needed at every refuge for water to drink, for cooking, and for bathing. As in the vision, a mechanical pump would be desired because most refuges will not have any electricity. At times it may be difficult to have such a well because of your zoning regulations for pure water. When water is needed, I will see to it that your wells will not run dry. For those refuges that have not secured such a water source, I will allow a spring to develop to supply My people with the water they need. Such spring water will also have miraculous healing properties for all of your sicknesses. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful at My refuges, and I will provide you with all that you need both physically and spiritually. Be ready when I will warn you that it is time to leave for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, this fountain of water is a sign that My faithful need constant cleansing of their sins in frequent Confession. I have told you before that most of the sexual sins are usually mortal sins. Fornication, adultery, and birth control are in this realm of mortal sins. My Church has taught for years that every marital act needs to be open to the possibility of new life without being obstructed. This is why vasectomies, tubal ligations, artificial insemination, and condoms all have as their intent the manipulation of life for convenience. All forms of birth control are therefore serious sins, no matter what particular condition could be posed. Once you start making exceptions to these laws of the Sixth Commandment, then you are treading on dangerous territory.”


Saturday, November 27, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this is the last day of the Church Year, and you are seeing more references to the end times of My return in the readings. In the vision you are seeing a vigil with candles on a road, as you await My return. You are to continue on with your life’s work every day, but you can still have a pure soul that is ready to meet Me when I return. It is better to be prepared for the end times as the five wise virgins who had their oil and lamps ready, than the five foolish virgins who did not. My faithful also need to be ready to leave your homes for My refuges with your backpacks ready, and all of your preparations for the tribulation. As you keep a light or candle lit at your home altar, let this be your vigil candle that awaits My return.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one common thread through most of your sports games is that you always have two opposing sides. You also have different numbers of players in different sports. The battle between good and evil also has two sides, but any number of players. On the good team you have the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity with more power than the evil side of Satan, the demons, and the Antichrist. Also, on the good side you have the angels and saints, especially your own guardian angel. In the background you also have your fellow faithful, and the souls in purgatory to help in the battle against evil. You have three basic armies for good: the saints of the Church Triumphant in heaven, the souls in purgatory of the Church Suffering, and the faithful souls on earth of the Church Militant. In order to fight the good fight, you need to defend yourself with the grace of My sacraments, the breastplate of righteousness and the helmet of salvation. Be able to stand up and resist the evil one’s temptations, and stand fast to your beliefs in Me no matter what you must suffer.”


Sunday, November 28, 2010: (First Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, this First Sunday of Advent is similar to the Christ the King Sunday in that it calls you to ‘Stay awake’ and be vigilant because I could return on a day that you are not suspecting. In the Gospel it tells you that the Son of Man will return when there is evil on the earth as in the days of Noah before the flood. You are seeing more evil on the earth now, and it will even get worse during the tribulation. Know when you see the Antichrist rise to power, it will not be long before I will return in victory over him. His reign will be short for less than 3 ½ years. I want you to go about your daily tasks, but have your soul pure for the day of My return which is in your lifetime.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned to you before how My priest sons could do more to help the people by teaching them sermons on the faith. I want to give you such a sermon on a typical day of how to show your love for Me. Not everyone can make this time for Me, but you are in control of your own time and how you plan it. In the morning when you wake up, you could spend a few moments to pray your morning offering and your guardian angel prayer. Next, you could ask Me to discern your list of activities for the day to fulfill your responsibilities to your job, your family’s needs, and any tasks that require your work. As you start each project, ask for My help to do the best job possible. Show your love for Me in your actions. You usually start your day with morning Mass and Communion. Sometime later in the day you make time for Me in your three or four rosaries, and your Divine Mercy Chaplet at the 3:00 p.m. hour. You finish up your day with an Hour of Adoration in front of My Blessed Sacrament. It is at night that you can reflect on your actions of the day, and see how you could learn from your mistakes so you do not repeat them. Right before going to sleep you could recite your Act of Contrition in case you should die overnight. By paying attention to having Me be a part of all that you do, you are offering up all of your actions for My greater glory. Working on your daily love relationship with Me will keep you close to Me, and always ready to meet Me at your judgment.”


Monday, November 29, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel shows how much I was impressed by even a Roman centurion’s faith in Me. He recognized that I had the power to heal his sick servant, but even from a distance without coming into his home. He knew that it would defile a Jew to come into his home, so he gave the famous quote that you say before Communion: ‘Lord, I am not worthy that Thou should enter under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed.’ This was an act of faith for the centurion, but when you repeat this saying, you are making your own act of faith in the healing power of My Eucharist. The consecrated Host is My Real Presence. So literally you are taking Me into the roof of your mouth. Because you are receiving Me in faith, it would be reverent to bow or genuflect to receive Me on your tongue. Faith in Me is a gift, and few believe in My Real Presence because they are not taught, or they have a difficulty in believing that I could truly be present in the Host. This requires faith to believe in the Transubstantiation of the bread and wine that are transformed into My own Body and Blood at the Consecration. The centurion believed in My miracles of healing, but My faithful are asked to believe in My miracle of being fully present in the consecrated Bread in all the tabernacles of the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is bad enough to see terrorist acts on adults, but it is even worse to see attacks on young children. You have seen sexual predators prey on teenagers both at night and even through the internet. Terrorists do not care who they kill, whether people are young children, teenagers, or adults. You are seeing some terrorists recruiting teenagers and women for their cause because people would be less suspicious of them to make terrorist attacks. If you see some suspicious activity, you need to be watchful because terrorism could come from anyone at any age, or from any gender. Much of this activity is directed by Muslim extremists which is why they seek out others to do their acts of terrorism. It is hard to understand why they want to persecute Christians, but for some of them it is a part of their Islamic beliefs that drive them to kill the infidels, or those outside of their faith. There are not many serious incidents in America, but terrorist activity is spread throughout the world. Pray that your security could stop these plans before they start. Over time this persecution will worsen, so be prepared to go to My refuges when I warn you that it is time.”


Tuesday, November 30, 2010: (St. Andrew)
Jesus said: “My people, all of My apostles, except St. John, suffered martyrdom for their faith. St. Andrew introduced several apostles to Me as he became a fisher of men for teaching My Gospel. Just as My apostles and many of My early followers were persecuted by the Romans, so My faithful of today will also be facing persecution from the one world people. When you call on Me, I will have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge where you will be protected by an angel that you will see. The angel will make you invisible to your enemies, and you may be staying at a log cabin as in the vision. You will need to do some hard manual labor to survive, but My refuges will protect you from the evil ones who are trying to kill you. Some will be martyred, but the rest will be saved. Many of your comforts will be taken away, but you will have more time for prayer and adoring Me in My tabernacles.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the first three hundred years after My death, the Romans persecuted My faithful so that many were martyred for their faith. The Romans even made sport of these killings with lions and gladiators. There is a parallel persecution of Christians going on even today. In communist countries and Muslim countries there are people killing Christians. The coming Antichrist is a Muslim leader, and he will continue this persecution of Christians. The plan of the one world people is to declare martial law and kill as many Christians and patriots as they can in their detention death camps. I will warn My people when it is time to leave for My refuges so they can avoid being killed by these evil ones. At My refuges My angels will shield you and provide for your physical and spiritual needs. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, and reward you in My Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, December 1, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this sharing of bread and fish was My compassion on the crowd in their need for food. Man in his human condition requires food and water to survive. This multiplication of bread is also a parallel to Communion that I shared with My disciples at the first Mass at the Last Supper. Multiplying food is how I will feed My people during the tribulation when you are at My refuges. My angels will multiply the daily Communion that you will receive, just as the manna was provided in the Old Exodus. Any other food from farm crops or meat from animals will also be multiplied. You will even see multiplication of your dwellings so everyone will have a place to stay. You know that I can multiply things as in this Gospel, so trust in Me to multiply things that you need at My refuges. Water also will be plentiful for drinking, cooking, and bathing.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you go about your daily activities, only a few people consider the possibility that they could die any day. Accidents, or a sudden heart attack could take you at any time. Just because you are healthy, it does not guarantee that you will be alive tomorrow. It is best to keep a pure soul by at least monthly Confession. When a person dies, it does not guarantee that he or she will go to heaven immediately. Of the souls that do not go to hell, most of them will require some time in purgatory. It would be good to direct someone to have Masses said for your soul in your will. Masses can release souls from purgatory more than just prayers alone. You all must die one day, so it is best to be prepared at any time. Some patients with cancer can be better prepared because they know that their time is limited. You are all terminal, but it is just a matter of when you will die. This is why it is important to try to evangelize souls before they leave this earth because you do not want anyone to be lost in hell. Reach out to save as many souls as you can while you still have time.”


Thursday, December 2, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, your life is like this spool of twine being wound day after day. This also represents how vulnerable you are to death if this twine has a break. The Gospel has a very deep understanding as well, when I compared the faith of two people where one built it on rock and the other on sand. If you build your house of faith on the rock of St. Peter, then you will be able to withstand the buffets of the devil’s temptations. But if you build your house of faith on sand, as only yourself, then you will be vulnerable to collapse when tempted by the devil. You need to do more than just call My Name, Lord, Lord. In order to be saved in heaven you need to follow the Will of My Father in heaven, and direct your actions to fulfill His Will. By following the Commandments of love and doing good works for your neighbor, your reward in heaven will be great.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when you have children, I know how you want to buy Christmas gifts for them. Giving gifts to your children comes from your heart because you want to make them happy. It is better to buy fewer, less expensive gifts than to spoil them by buying all that they want. Gifts to family and friends are one part of sharing, but you also need to share My coming at My birth on earth with everyone. I came to you on earth so I could die for your sins, but I also taught you the faith in My words that you read in the Bible. Give praise and glory to Me as you prepare to celebrate My birthday on Christmas.”

Jesus said: “My people, for many years your legislators have deceived your people by using giveaways and enhanced entitlements to win votes for election. By offering Social Security, Welfare, Medicare, and the like, the intent was to help the poor. Unfortunately, these plans, as your new Health Law, were not fully funded for what would come in the future. As a result, people have come to rely on this free money without seeing that these things are unaffordable through taxes, and they will bankrupt America without some cutbacks. Only recently are you understanding how your debts and deficits are out of control. The one world people will use your debts to bring down your country. Then your hope will only be in going to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, in Greece many rioted when they had to make serious cutbacks to get loans at good interest rates. Similar uproars have been seen in France over raising the retirement age. Also in California the students have protested higher tuition payments. Your country has been drowning in deficits so long that it will take strong medicine to reverse deficits to balanced budgets. Once these decisions are forced on you, you will see many upset people as well. If this deficit trend is allowed to continue, your years as a nation will be numbered. The plan of the evil ones is being carried out, and it will start with the crash of the dollar. Prepare for your refuges when martial law will be declared.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is bad enough that your politicians have nearly bankrupted your country with bailouts and entitlements. Now, you are seeing the corruption of this censured politician who used means to evade taxes and help his election funding. This is a hard example for people to trust politicians when they are even censured by their own peers. Pray to elect moral lawmakers who will support the needs of the people, and not just interest groups.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country has too many leaders that are trying to take your country in many directions. Each group wants its own way to satisfy its own political base. It is almost impossible to get clear agreement on issues important to America because each group is seeking its own power base. Unless each side is truly willing to have compromises to run your government, then gridlock could paralyze any needed action on debts and deficits. By the time it is understood that compromise is necessary, it could be too late to save your country from the central bankers and the one world people. Pray to keep your freedoms while you still have time to change.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is coming a general Warning that will be a supernatural intervention of My Divine Mercy to try and save many souls. This Warning experience will be like a near death experience for everyone at the same time. I have told you that this life review will come before the Antichrist takes power, and it will prepare souls to come to My refuges. The more you see events getting close to mandated chips in the body, martial law, and more virulent viruses, this means that the Warning is close. In your Warning experience you will be warned not to take chips in the body, not to worship the Antichrist, and to prepare to go to My refuges. After the Warning you are to remove your TVs, computers, and radios from your homes so you are not controlled by the Antichrist’s eyes. These events are closer than you think and not tens of years away.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are to trust in Me at all times, even if you face persecution and possible martyrdom. When you eat My Body and drink My Blood at Communion, you are promised eternal life. My faithful will find protection at My refuges no matter what the evil ones will plan against you. At My refuges you will be free of disease and have all of your needs provided for. Your body will pass away, but your soul lives on forever. Protect your soul with frequent Confession and prayer, and you will be prepared for whatever you will face in life.”


Friday, December 3, 2010: (St. Francis Xavier)
Jesus said: “My people, I am sharing this beautiful image of a guardian angel with the soul that the angel is protecting. The bright white spiritual color is the radiance of My grace and power in this being. The angel is face to face with its protected soul because there is a deep spiritual love of the angel for that soul. You know how much I love My souls because I died to redeem all of you. All spiritual beings, as saints and good angels, love you as well, even as you love them. The evil angels, or demons, are filled with hate for you, which is why they try to draw you to evil actions. Your guardian angels also have a great love for you, and they try to direct you to do good things at all times. My people should also love their guardian angels, and recite your prayer to your guardian angel every day. They are with you at all times, so acknowledge your thanks to them in helping you to save your soul. You also call on your guardian angel for favors in helping you or others. You can thank them for that help also. I know this is their job to help you, but showing them your love would be a way to thank them for loving you.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of My faithful adorers are blessed to have My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament to adore and worship. The power given to My priests to consecrate bread and wine into My Body and Blood is beyond human comprehension. This is why it is so important to guard your priests in prayer from the evil ones and to support them in their work in the parish. Do not take daily Mass for granted, because soon you will be seeing more churches closed. It eventually will come to the point where it is only safe to have secret Masses in the homes. Enjoy your Masses in your churches now because this will change dramatically when the religious persecution starts. Do whatever you can to protect My Hosts from being stolen or desecrated. Give praise and thanks to Me for making My Real Presence before you in My Eucharist.”


Saturday, December 4, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to picture yourself in the casket of a funeral as you should be prepared to meet Me at your judgment every day. As you look at the collages of the deceased’s life, you see through all the years how they fit into the family’s activities. Picture your own life’s collage through the years in all the good and bad experiences of your life. I am trying to get you to review your life because you are going to face your unforgiven sins in the Warning experience that is coming soon. You will be so moved by your contrition for your sins that you will truly understand how much your sins offend Me. People, who have had a near death experience, seek Confession as quickly as possible. The Warning experience will enable you to remember every unconfessed sin in your life. You can prepare for your Warning by making a good Confession with a good review of your life beforehand. You should always be conscious of struggling to improve your perfection every year. At some point during the year, as at the end, it would be good to compare where you are now spiritually to how you were at the beginning of the year. With a good recollection of your thoughts, you could make some resolutions how to improve your life for the coming year. By working on changing your habitual sins, you could come closer to Me in your perfection. See that you improve each year instead of falling back into your old sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you recognize immediately the meaning of this spinning kaleidoscope as a part of the life review that everyone will see in their Warning experience. You also are astute to know that this is the third Warning message in the last few days which is another indication that the Warning day is getting close. (12-4, 12-2) I am trying to have My people prepared in their souls for what you will face in your Warning experience. By going to frequent Confession, you can minimize any unforgiven sins that will be emphasized to you in your Warning. Pray for many souls to be converted and forgiven in this Warning. My grace of forgiveness will be offered to every sinner, but I do not force My love on anyone. I will show you your sins and how much they offend Me. It is up to your free will to have a change of heart and seek My love forgiveness. Coming in front of Me in My Light to review your life, may be a traumatic experience, but one that is necessary to wake up people out of their sinful behavior. Once you return to your bodies, you will have a strong desire for My forgiveness and a desire to make Me the Master of your life. Catholics will desire Confession to a priest, while others will seek My forgiveness in their own way. Be thankful that you are being alerted to save your soul and follow Me, instead of following the Antichrist. Do not take any chips in your body, and do not worship the Antichrist, nor look at his eyes.”


Sunday, December 5, 2010: (Second Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, this cry in the desert by St. John the Baptist was his exclamation, ‘Repent’, which he repeated often. He was asking those who came to repent of their sins and ask God’s forgiveness. He even asked them to be baptized by immersion in the Jordan River. He ate locusts and wild honey, and wore simple clothing in the desert. His mission was to prepare the people for My coming, but not just at My birth. He was preparing the people to hear My Good News that is read now in My Gospels. He was preparing the people for the coming of the Kingdom. Many beautiful images are given in Isaiah which even describes My Era of Peace on My return. The early readings of Advent are talking of My beginning ministry when St. John is mentioned. In the later weeks of Advent you will be reading of My birth at Bethlehem. Many of your shoppers need to keep focused on Me in wishing each other a ‘Merry Christmas’ because My coming on earth is the reason for your celebration. This is not just Season’s Greetings, but it is My greeting to all of you that I love you enough to become a man on earth, and die for the sins of everyone, no matter what your faith is. So repent and rejoice as you share the season of My birth at Christmas.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you prepare your Christmas decorations, be sure to have at least one presentation of a Nativity Scene so people remember the most important part of Christmas. This vision is beautiful because you are seeing a family praying the rosary together in front of a Nativity Scene. Some of you have been fortunate to visit Bethlehem in Israel and have brought home some keepsakes of My Nativity. In this Christmas Season many people are focused on shopping for gifts, but the best gift that you could give Me is yourselves in prayer. When you are gathered around your tree and decorations, you could try to get you family to pray at least one decade of the rosary before you hand out your gifts. If your family is stronger in faith, maybe even a whole rosary could be said with the intentions for the souls of your family. By putting prayer more in focus around your gift giving, you can keep love of Me more in focus on My feast day.”


Monday, December 6, 2010: (St. Nicholas)
Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones will be getting worse in the authorities, and the religious persecution will spread to public closing of churches, or they may be destroyed by fire. This is another reason for Masses in the homes until it is time to go to My refuges. Your prayer groups would be good places to meet, but you may have to be secret about where and when to meet. This is why it would be the right time to start going to a prayer group, or forming your own prayer group. You can see how Christians are being persecuted already in the media, and this will only get worse, just as Hitler persecuted the Jews. It will be harder for Christians to hold jobs, buy food, homes, or anything else. When the authorities mandate chips in the body, or start killing Christians, then it will be time to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My nearest refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your terrorist attacks have occurred around Christian holy days. This vision of a terrorist group is how they are plotting to blow up some crucial power stations that could cripple your electric grid in the middle of winter. Power outages are difficult to recover from, but people are more vulnerable for heating their homes, and finding food during the winter. Important grid locations should have cameras and alert security so you can prevent situations that would cause long power outages. Storms and heavy snow cause enough outages, but sabotage should be a little easier to prevent. This is another reason to have some extra food on hand with another source of heating your house as well. Being prepared for times when you are most vulnerable is the best insurance when bad things happen. Preparing your soul with frequent Confession is another insurance when I will call you home.”


Tuesday, December 7, 2010: (St. Ambrose)
Jesus said: “My people, already in some places in your Northern states you are seeing two feet of snow on everything. This has caused some highway blockages and a few short power outages. Enough snow on the roof can melt and form icicles which can cause water leaks or damage to the roof with enough weight of the snow. This is why after heavy snows, some people shovel the snow off the roof as a precaution. Keeping a clean driveway or a clear roof can have an analogy in the spiritual world to keeping a clean soul by Confession. In your secular world you like to be able to drive out of your driveway, especially for emergencies. In your spiritual world it is even more important to keep your soul pure in case I call you home in death. Your soul is even more important than your body which will pass away, but your soul lives on forever. During Advent as you prepare for Christmas, you need to focus more on your prayers and frequent Confession so you can present your spiritual gifts to Me at My crib.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages on the need for fresh water because it is so necessary for survival, but only three per cent of the earth’s water does not contain salts. I have mentioned the need for fresh water sources at all of My refuges. I will see to it that all refuges have sufficient fresh water for survival and the wells will not run dry. Water will be multiplied where needed. You have seen problems with pollution and people stealing water for bottling purposes. One of the solutions for increasing fresh water supplies is the use of membrane technology where there is access to ocean water next to deserts. In the West where there are fresh water shortages, membranes could be used on ocean water off California to make more fresh water. This would come at a price people would be willing to pay for. Pray that sufficient amounts of fresh water can be provided for all peoples all over the world.”


Wednesday, December 8, 2010: (Immaculate Conception)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how I had prepared My Blessed Mother for her role in bringing a Redeemer for My people into this world. From her very conception she was blessed to have no original sin on her soul. She was to continue throughout her whole life to be sinless so she would be a perfect Ark of the Covenant to carry Me for nine months until My birth. Her Immaculate Heart has always been joined with My Sacred Heart. My Blessed Mother is also a gift to all humanity as your spiritual mother. She encourages all of her children to pray her rosary which contains quotations from Scripture in the prayers. This feast is also a National feast because she is patroness of America under her title of the ‘Immaculate Conception’. The basilica in her honor in Washington, D.C. is testimony to her place as your Holy Mother. Give thanks to My Blessed Mother for placing her mantle of protection over all of her children.”

Jesus said: “My people, your televisions have mesmerized your people into believing what is said over and over until you are brainwashed to believe the one world people’s line. The netting behind the screen shows the TV is dragging people into wasting a lot of their time. There are a few good religious programs, but there are more violent, and promiscuous movies and programs which are sending the wrong message to your young people. You should limit your TV watching to no more than one hour a day, or your children will become dependent on it as a babysitter. Use of the internet on your computers is another source of violence and pornography. Some sites can even cause marriage breakups. This also should be limited in the time you are on it. You can see why it will be necessary to remove these image sources once the Antichrist controls the channels. Especially after the Warning, remove your TVs and computers from your homes so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes or listen to his voice where he could control your mind. Be aware of possible addictions with TV watching and use of the internet. Pray for My help so you are focused more on spiritual things than worldly things.”


Thursday, December 9, 2010: (St. Juan Diego)
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of many relics of My time during My mission on earth. Some have small pieces of My cross, the spear of Longinus, the crown of thorns, and the veil of Veronica. One of the more treasured relics was one they called the ‘Holy Grail’ which I used at the Last Supper for the bread and wine that I consecrated into My Body and Blood. This suffering and death on the cross was My ransom for the sins of all mankind, and it was the reason that I came as a man on the earth. This Advent Season is the beginning of My life story all over again as you will be celebrating My birth on Christmas. There are many peoples that honor My infancy with their novenas and traditions. Give praise and thanks to your Lord who loves you so much that I was willing to die for your salvation.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, large satellites after time have their orbits drawn closer to earth until they breakup. Large pieces that survive burning up usually land in the ocean, but on occasion people mistake them for meteors. These falling satellites are watched by your military, but you are only warned if there is a risk of radiation being spread. With enough care for orbits, such vehicles could be directed to places away from inhabited areas.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many tunnels through rocky mountains to run roads and railroads. Such hardened protection could also house military equipment that could withstand even nuclear attacks. There are many such hiding places that are housing food and protection for your important authorities. Some are underground cities, but others are hidden in rocky mountains. I will protect My faithful at My refuges that also will be shielded from bombs by My angels. The one world people know they are going to meet resistance, so they are preparing these bomb shelters for their own protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, as the persecution of the tribulation is about to start, it will become necessary to hold Masses in the homes, and prayer groups will need to meet in secret. My faithful have tabernacles, Mass kits, bread, wine, and candles ready for home Masses. Priests and My faithful will be targets for the one world people to kill, so when I give the warning to leave, then bring your priests to My refuges. When you call on Me, your guardian angels will lead you to My nearest refuge. The angels will shield you with invisibility so the evil ones cannot find you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the feast of Juan Diego who presented his tilma full of flowers in front of the bishop during the winter. His tilma had a miraculous image of My Blessed Mother on it, and this was a sign that verified Juan’s visions of Our Lady as real. This tilma has been a sign of My Blessed Mother’s protection of all the Americas under the title of ‘Our Lady of Guadeloupe’. Ask for My Blessed Mother’s help in prayer, and honor her in any processions using this image.”

Jesus said: “My people, it was part of My plan to use the Roman census that would draw all the Jews to their place of ancestry. This was to fulfill the passage from Micah that foretold My birth in the city of David at Bethlehem. (Micah 5:1) ‘But you Bethlehem-Ephratha too small to be among the clans of Juda, from you shall come forth for Me one who is to be ruler in Israel..’ Some called Me the Son of David because this truly is the lineage of both of My parents. See how all that was foretold about Me in the Scriptures had to be fulfilled.”

Jesus said: “My people, the riots in England were part of some austerity measures to try and help balance their budgets and cut their debts. Take a good look at this protest because you could see such riots in America when your own Federal and State governments start cutting your overspending with entitlements in order to balance your budgets. Some are crying over no Social Security raises and no government employee raises. What will happen when pensions and other entitlements cannot be paid because there is not enough money to pay the people. Truly you could have riots which is why the one world people are ready with their underground cities that would protect the elite from harm. Trust in Me to feed you and shelter you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, many Spanish speaking countries honor Me with a novena of prayers before Christmas. Some of you have Santo Nino statues of My infancy at your home altars. By praying this novena, you could have the souls of your family as your intention to pray for. You could also do this novena as there are several on the internet to follow.”


Friday, December 10, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in several situations with Moses at Mt. Sinai, God the Father shared graces with the people of the world in giving them the Ten Commandments. Now in the last century or so there have also been apparitions received on the mountains by young children through My Blessed Mother. The mountains have a holy aura for graces and the mercy of God that have been shared with all of mankind. Some people do not want to follow My Commandments because it makes demands of love on their lifestyles to be without sinful earthly pleasures. Those, who want to gain heaven, need to pray and follow My laws which are really guidelines of how to lead a holy life. Even the messages to the children also are a help to guide your lives to heaven. Be grateful that heaven has revealed to you the gifts of My Commandments of love and the messages of comfort from My Blessed Mother.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen throughout history how those in power have created false flag* events to trigger a desired war. Part of America’s problems is that Congress is no longer claiming their power to declare war. Instead the President and those desiring war are making that decision. Now in some countries as England, France, and Greece, you are seeing riots among the people over austerity changes to correct overspending. Even your talk shows are concerned that austerity changes in America could precipitate riots among interest groups. What is more concerning is if some elements of your society do not get their way with the new Congress. You could see some false flag* riots in order to declare martial law. Once martial law is invoked, the one world people will have their opportunity to force a new world order over you in forming the North American Union. If you see wholesale riots all over America, then be ready to leave for My refuges. Martial law will be a license for the one world people to kill the religious and patriots who are their real targets. Then you will see the men in black take prisoners to boxcars for extermination at their death camps. By leaving early for My refuges, you can avoid being captured by the evil authorities. Pray for My word when it is the right time to leave your homes.”
*(Note: False flag operations are covert operations designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities when in fact they are the plan of the one world people.)


Saturday, December 11, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, many of My prophets were killed because they carried My message, but the worldly people did not want to hear them because the prophets criticized the evil ones’ lifestyles. Even St. John the Baptist criticized Herod for living with his brother’s wife, so she had him beheaded. In the Gospel I told My apostles how I would be mistreated as well, and even be killed. The worldly are constantly seeking money, fame, and power. The Christians instead are seeking love of God and their neighbor as themselves. Those, who follow Me, I help with their necessities, but they share what they have, and desire to do everything for My greater glory. Those, who kill, cheat, and steal for their own personal gain, are on the path to hell if they do not repent. Do not be surprised then that when you follow My ways, you will be unpopular, criticized, and you may even have to suffer as I suffered at the hands of men. Those, who are faithful to My Word, will have their reward in heaven, despite any abuse that they may suffer for spreading My Gospel.”


Sunday, December 12, 2010: (3rd Sunday of Advent,Guadeloupe)
Jesus said: “My people, you are getting closer to Christmas as you celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent. Your themes have been ‘Stay Awake’, ‘Repent’, and now ‘Rejoice’. This celebration of My coming Kingdom is reason for rejoicing, and it is why you see the rose colored vestments worn today. You have St. John the Baptist preparing the way for My ministry as he calls people forth to change their sinful lives. The vision of the Star of Bethlehem represents My Light that is dispersing the darkness of sin. You are seeing the nights getting longer now. After My birth the nights will grow shorter and the light of day will grow longer. Rejoice in this Advent Season, and be thankful for My coming to save all of you from your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, the coming Antichrist will use your large football stadiums to talk to thousands of people at once how he wants to have them worship him with his demonic power of suggestion. He will also have his appearance broadcast to all the other nations via satellite TV. This is how he will spread his influence all over the world. Once he takes power, My people will need to be at their refuges of protection. Do not look at his eyes or listen to his voice. After the Warning, this is why you need to put your TVs and computers out of your homes so he cannot control your minds. Beware of mind control techniques being used on large groups of people wherever they are meeting.”


Monday, December 13, 2010: (St. Lucy)
Jesus said: “My people, when you first start out in life, the length of your life is not a concern. As you get into your 60s, then you start planning more seriously in the event that you could die at any time. You also could die when you are younger, but you really are more concerned once you start collecting Social Security. Your life is full of opportunities to help people, and even more so once you are retired. If you do not have another mission, you can take a small job just to keep busy. Try and make the best use of your time, especially while you are healthy. You can help your family, friends, or spend more time in prayer. You have been busy most of your life, so you will find other things to do once you retire from working. In all of your activities at any age, you need to keep focused on Me as the center of your life. However many years that you are given, keep doing all that you can for My glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are experiencing some freezing weather along with some lake effect snow. This saw over the ice in the vision is an idea of the cutting cold weather that is affecting your airplane flights and other vehicle movement in these storms. I have warned you before of how vulnerable you are in the cold winter weather. Imagine if you lost your electricity, how important it would be to have a backup source of heat and light. This is why I have asked you to store one year’s supply of food, and a winter’s supply of wood and kerosene along with the needed heaters. When the one world people want to take you over, you could see how they could control people through their needs for food and fuel. At My refuges My angels will supply your food and shelter needs, so trust in My protection. Even at the refuges, everyone will have their own job to do, as you will be busy in providing for your survival. Pray more that you will guard your soul for its needs of being pure than any needs of the body.”


Tuesday, December 14, 2010: (St. John of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, in your snow and cold many airplane flights were cancelled. Even with all of your sophisticated electronic devices, the weather can humble all of man’s plans. There is just so much that man can control, but My creation is too awesome to overcome. Snow and ice storms give a reality lesson to My people whenever you are feeling high and mighty. The rich one world people think that they can control humanity, but they are sadly mistaken. I am still in control, and I will allow the Antichrist a brief reign before I will vanquish all the evil ones into hell in My justice. Just when you think it is hopeless to carry on, I will intervene and set all things to My way as creation first started. Rejoice in My Christmas Season, but you will rejoice even more when I come on the clouds in victory.”

Jesus said: “My people, the wheat is harvested and ground to make flour for bread. It is the unleavened bread that the priest consecrates with the wine into My Body and Blood. Those, who eat My Body and drink My Blood worthily, will have eternal life. My Eucharist is real food for your soul, as you are partaking in My Real Presence that allows you to be My tabernacle until the Host is consumed. Holy Communion gives you the spiritual strength to heal the wounds of your sins, and make you strong against temptations to sin. Be thankful that I give Myself to you at every Mass. St. John of the Cross shows you how important it is to take up your own cross and follow Me in your life’s actions. When you carry the cross, you are bearing the burdens of everyday life. Be true to Me and trust in Me that by suffering your cross with Me, you can gain eternal salvation.”


Wednesday, December 15, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, when St. John the Baptist’s disciples were asking if I was the Messiah, I gave witness to him of the healing of the blind, the deaf, the lame, and even the dead being raised. These were the prophecies given of when the Redeemer would come, so St. John would recognize these signs. Even in today’s world you are still seeing conversions to the faith, and some healings are seen, as well as some exorcisms. My gifts are shared with those who believe, and those that I have given special missions. These miracles are signs for the unbelievers and confirmations to those who serve Me. Most healings of the body are combined with healings of the soul. Many are healed who believe that I can heal them. The most important healing is in saving souls from hell. That is why My evangelists are doing the best service to people that can be done for them. Believe in My Good News, and you will have rest and peace in your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, your snowfall from lake effect squalls has been heavy already, and it will continue for some time during your winter season. It is one thing to deal with snow storms, but you may also have to deal with another flu season. Your seasonal flu viruses tend to spread when the weather is cold. During the summer these viruses die off before they can infect someone. I have warned you that the one world people will use pandemic viruses in order to reduce the population. Since these viruses survive better in the cold, then they would most likely spread such viruses in the winter by using chemtrails. I will warn you when it is the right time to leave for My refuges. If you come to My refuges soon enough, you will be healed of all sicknesses by looking on My luminous cross or by drinking the spring water. By being at My refuges, the evil ones will not be able to capture you or be able to put microchips in your body. Rejoice that I will protect you and feed you what you need to survive. You will also have My angels feed you My daily Eucharist, and with priests present, you could have Confession of your sins. I will be healing your body and your soul just as I healed the whole body when I was among My people.”


Thursday, December 16, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in your society that is always interested in having something new, you have created a second market of used computers and used cars. As these things are passed down, eventually they become so out of date that your used things are thrown into a junk pile. Some people even make a market in old parts as replacements cheaper than new parts. In your spiritual life you also are dealing with old sinful habits that you find hard to discard. You also need to be wary of the devil’s tricks in calling things ‘new’ when they are really old. You have a ‘New Age’ movement which is nothing new because it is nothing more than pagan idol worship dressed up with a ‘new’ name. It is man’s curiosity in these old sins that has attracted him to ‘new’ sins of old ways. Worship only Me at all times, and you will not be confused or distracted by the devil’s tricks.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, man’s fascination with identifying people by placing chips in people should be avoided at all costs to avoid misuse of mind control techniques. Your latest means of bar coding embryos and chipping babies is another tactic by the one world people to control all babies at birth. Those, who have chips in their body, could be controlled by voices from these chips. Do not take any chips in your bodies, even if the evil ones threaten to kill you. This is why you need to come to My refuges so these evil ones cannot put chips into your body.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you these riots in Greece because America will also have to employ austerity measures when those holding your Treasury Notes demand it. In Greece salaries and pensions are being reduced and the retirement age is being raised. America cannot keep overspending and reducing taxes because your debt is ballooning beyond your ability to finance it. Just as your states are struggling with their debts, both your Federal and state governments will need to balance their budgets or face fiscal bankruptcy. Pray that you work on your debts before they become too large to service.”

Jesus said: “My people, your war in Afghanistan needs to come to an end because you cannot afford the human losses nor the debts they are costing. This war has dragged on for many years without any benefits to show that it is necessary to continue. Terrorists can hide anywhere and rooting out a few hideouts at your current cost cannot be justified. Work to have peace in this area because this war only gives profits to the rich.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an ongoing proliferation of nuclear weapons in countries advocating war and terrorism. This is why any agreements to lessen your defense does not make sense against rogue states with atomic weapons. A proper defense can be justified, but large weapons budgets could be better spent on helping the poor. Your spending priorities need to be further studied for cuts, and you may need to raise taxes to balance your budget. Spending more stimulus funds has not really given you any more jobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, your corporations and banks have been bailed out with stimulus and bailout money from the taxpayers. As a result, both corporations and banks are making billions of dollars, but jobs are not being funded very much and bank interest for savers is practically non-existent. The intent seems to be to send people’s money into stocks so the rich can steal it again with another stock crash. This total control of money is what the one world people want so they can keep your people poor, and keep you under their control. Pray that My justice will come quickly on the evil ones who are greedy for power and riches.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Warning is needed to wake up sinners to see how much they need My help to have contrition for their sins, and work to convert their lives to My way of life in order to gain heaven. My intervention in protecting My faithful remnant at My refuges gives hope to all of My people who desire to follow Me instead of the Antichrist. It is My angel protection that will shield My people from the evil ones who are trying to kill you. Be grateful for My intervention against all the evil ones of the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of My faithful are brave enough to have Nativity scenes as their house decorations outside for Christmas. This is a statement of your belief in why I came on the earth to save mankind from their sins. Rejoice in celebrating this Christmas Season with gifts to each other, but share your gifts as well with the poor who have next to nothing. Help your local food shelves with donations to supply people with food. Give your gifts of prayers as well to help souls come closer in loving Me. By sharing your treasure and evangelization efforts, you will store up treasure for yourselves in heaven.”


Friday, December 17, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a transformation of the Antichrist from a demon controlled human into a demon possessed human. In the vision you are seeing his eyes change from brown into black once the demon entered him. This will take place once he comes into power. This is another reason not to look at the Antichrist’s eyes, and to get rid of your TVs and computers after the Warning so you do not see him or hear his voice. This demon possession of the Antichrist is to mock My Incarnation as a man which you are celebrating at My birth. This is why you are to avoid the Antichrist because he will have demonic powers to try and force you to worship him. You will need My protection and that of your guardian angel to bring you to My refuges where you will be protected from this demonic power, and your spiritual and physical needs will be provided for.”

Jesus said: “My people, you read the Scriptures about the events that led up to My birth in Bethlehem. Having a Nativity scene among your Christmas decorations should be essential to celebrating My birth on Christmas. Yet, you have many other traditions about Christmas. St. Nicholas truly did share gifts with the poor, but the reindeer and elves have been more of a story than reality. Every year you put up Christmas trees, but how much do you know of this tradition and where it came from. My Star of Bethlehem is a miracle that led the Wise Men to see Me. This is in Scripture, but many scientists are baffled about how this could happen. Everything in Scripture that prophesied about Me had to be fulfilled. Rejoice that I came on the earth as a man so I could redeem all of mankind by My sacrificial death on the cross.”


Saturday, December 18, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, during the Christmas Season you do a lot of shopping to share gifts on Christmas. You can think of the Magi who brought Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, befitting a king. As you see the gold tabernacle in the vision, you can think of how you bring Me gifts of your prayers and good deeds, but I give you the gift of Myself every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion. In this way we are also sharing gifts with each other, but more in a spiritual way than in material things. Rejoice in this season of Advent as you share your good will with your relatives and friends, in addition to your physical gifts. When you pray with each other, you are asking Me to share in your joy of worshiping Me as the infant in the crib.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing unusually cold and snowy weather, and increasing costs for your fuel in gasoline. There has been an increase in world demand for oil and the value of your dollar has also been dropping. Your government has been spending much more money than it is collecting in taxes, and soon your economy will have to survive without any more stimulus giveaways. As I showed you these trucks, think if they have problems delivering your food and gas to your stores. The drivers are also dealing with higher fuel costs and poor weather. This is another reason to have some extra food and fuel available in case you may face some shortages caused by missed truck deliveries. It is one thing to help poor people with gifts of food, but imagine when many people do not have enough food to eat or fuel for their cars. Many are having hard economic times with fewer jobs or less paying jobs. They do not have many reserves to get through continuing money shortages. Pray that people help each other with their needs, before people get desperate to steal what they need.”


Sunday, December 19, 2010: (4th Sunday of Advent)
Our Lady said: “My dear children, my human spouse was St. Joseph and he was a caring man on earth who took care of me and my Son, Jesus. Even though the evangelists did not record his words, they did record his actions which were very loving in taking me into his home. When I accepted being the Mother of my Savior, I knew that I may be subjected to criticism from the society. But St. Joseph listened to the angel and understood God’s plan for Jesus. He also led us to Egypt and back to avoid Herod’s attempt to kill my Son. Pray to St. Joseph because he is a model father of my Holy Family. All fathers should see his concern and care for his family, and model their lives after his love for his family. Despite all of life’s trials, fathers need to be true to their wives in helping them, and the children in their support. Part of America’s moral breakdown comes from the fathers who have left their families in divorce and separation.”


Monday, December 20, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother had been prepared for many years to be the sinless virgin who would bring Me into the world. Truly she was ‘Blessed’ among all women to fulfill this task for all humanity to carry Me in her womb for nine months. My Blessed Mother always did My Will, and this question of St. Gabriel was her fitting time to give her fiat ‘yes’ to be My mother through the overshadowing by the Holy Spirit. This was the first human step of My redemption of mankind when I became impregnated in My Blessed Mother. This is why My Blessed Mother was an integral part in man’s redemption through My Incarnation as a man to later die for mankind’s sins. You are about to celebrate My birth at Christmas, but many preparations had to occur before this event could take place. Give thanks to Me and to all of those who were a part of My plan of salvation for mankind.”

Jesus said: “My people, your freedoms in America are being lost every day. All of your remaining freedoms will need defending to keep them from being taken away. Even with your change in the Congress, many good laws may not get passed over your President’s veto. You will see increasing regulation coming from the Executive branch that is taking powers away from your Congress and your states. Once your freedoms are taken away as with the North American Union, then My faithful will need to go to My refuges for protection from being killed by the one world people. Enjoy the few freedoms that you have now, because you will see more and more dictatorial power forced on your people. Pray that most of you can get to My refuges before being martyred.”


Tuesday, December 21, 2010: (St. Canisius)
Jesus said: “My people, many people are always worrying about what will happen tomorrow, which is why you are looking around the corner in the vision. You can do what is prudent for everyday planning for tomorrow, but you cannot live your life in tomorrow. You can only live today, and the troubles of today are enough for your concern. It is the present where you act out your plans, and even at times you have to change your daily plans because of changed circumstances. Focus on doing everything for My greater glory, instead of seeking glory for your own deeds. Also, do not live in the past either, because you need to have faith in Me to lead you on a better path learning from your mistakes. By living in the present, you will be able to focus all of your energy on your work at hand without worrying about tomorrow or yesterday.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how vulnerable you are if your electricity is cut off. You are also vulnerable to a communications break down as well. You have become so used to making bank transactions over the internet for individuals and for businesses. You also transmit data and voice messages over your phone and cell phone. Depending on the electric source for the phone lines, land lines have their own electric source, but cell phones would not work without electricity. You can realize how everything would come to a halt without such communications. In the spiritual world our lines of communication are always open, even after your death. The only problem could come if a person does not want to talk to Me in any form of prayer. I am always knocking on the door of your heart and soul, and you have to open the door from the inside in order to have a working love relationship with Me. So work with Me on your prayers. You need an open mind, heart, and soul to accomplish your mission on earth. The point of My message on communications is that you have to keep the line open so we can have a two-way conversation. Give thanks to Me for enabling you to do all that you are accomplishing.”


Wednesday, December 22, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are reading My Blessed Mother’s Magnificat that is read every night in the Liturgy of the Hours. She is a model to follow because she lived in My Divine Will, and she was sinless her whole life because of her love for Me. She was blessed to be My mother, but she was humble, followed My Will, and reached out to help others as she helped Elizabeth in her late pregnancy. She was a good teacher in My younger years, and she was a beacon of faith for My apostles. Give thanks and glory to God that you have such a loving spiritual mother who watches out for all of her children.”

Jesus said: “My people, your winter has just started and you are already seeing high snowfalls in some areas, and floods in California. Even tonight you are having a small amount of freezing rain. Some have had power outages from heavy snow, but you know how devastating ice storms are for power outages. Pray that you do not suffer such a storm this winter. Whenever you see freezing rain, it is a sign to you to check that you have some extra food, alternate fuel for heat, and lamp oil for lights. Having some windup flashlights that work would also be good to have on hand for seeing at night. In some Northern states you have been without power for a few weeks in the past years, so you know how difficult it is to keep warm without electricity. You also may want to test your alternate heaters to make sure that they are in working order. I mentioned these preparations before, but when you have a near miss ice storm, you get a reality check on something that could easily happen.”


Thursday, December 23, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, there were many events that had to be fulfilled for My plan of salvation to be carried out. One miraculous event was the birth of St. John the Baptist to his parents Elizabeth and Zachariah who were advanced in years, for everything is possible for Me. Zachariah was struck deaf and dumb for not believing St. Gabriel’s message that he would have a son. At the birth of St. John, Zachariah gave a beautiful canticle that is read in the morning for the Liturgy of the Hours. St. John was prepared as My messenger in the desert who would herald My coming and prepare the people with repentance. As you are about to celebrate another Christmas, you can see how all the pieces of salvation history were orchestrated and brought together so all souls could be redeemed by My sacrifice.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, as you are about to celebrate Christmas, there is much preparation at each church to give honor to My birth. This year your church’s Nativity scene is especially beautiful with your different statues. Many of your people will be grateful for these beautiful decorations. Christmas is a solemn feast day in My Church, and it is one of the major highlights in your Church Year. As you celebrate in giving your gifts to each other, remember to say your decade of the rosary before you open your gifts.”

Jesus said: “My people, even as you celebrate My feast of Christmas, remember in your prayers to pray especially for those families who have lost their homes to various natural disasters or terrorist actions. Some terrorists plan their attacks around Christian holy days as a defiance against any belief in My coming as the Son of Man. They believe that I was only a prophet, and not God incarnate as a man. My coming to earth as a man had an exact reason, to bring salvation to all of mankind by My death on the cross. Defend My Incarnation as a man to witness to the world that God truly has visited His people.”

Jesus said: “My people, the angels sang My song of glory for the shepherds, and they led the shepherds to My crib at Bethlehem. Rejoice in their singing: ‘Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men of good will.’ The angels brought their light to My crib. Wherever you see Me, as in My Blessed Sacrament, My angels are around Me singing My songs of praise as they do in heaven. If you were to see Me in heaven, you could hear all the choirs of angels singing My constant praises.”

Jesus said: “My people, in My day there were not many ways to draw attention to a great event as My birth. So I used natural means to display notice for a supernatural event when I was born as a man into your world in the history of time. You have recorded history of My time on earth as you measure your years by before and after My birth. There are some atheists that want to do away with the meanings of B.C. and A.D. See that I watch over My people, and I love you so much that I died for each one of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a great richness in the promise of a Redeemer who would come to My Jewish people. This vision of the Wailing Wall represents the remnants of the old Temple. I have built My Church on a new rock in My apostles, and on the kingdom that I brought into the world. I have come to save all peoples of all nations, and not just the Jewish people. When St. Paul reached out to the Gentiles, you could see the true universality of My Word that I have brought to all of mankind, even if some do not believe in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some areas expanding My churches, but there are more churches being closed. Where the faith is strong, there are plenty of priestly vocations and whole families are coming every Sunday to Mass. Where the faith is weak, your attendance at Mass is falling and there are priest shortages. My religious leaders need to do their job in building up the faithful numbers.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you truly want to come and share your gifts with Me on Christmas, then make an effort to come to Mass on Christmas Day or the vigil so you can be with Me in My Eucharist. My sacramental Presence reaches out to all of you so you can share in the graces of My Eucharist. Christmas is one of My great feast days, so you should make an effort to come out to greet Me and give Me praise and glory in your singing. Pray for all of your family and friends that you could be an inspiration in leading them to Me in heaven. Saving souls should be your most important vocation in life.”


Friday, December 24, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I was fortunate to find a place to stay in a cave for the animals. Today, many families travel great distances to be with each other on Christmas Day. You usually have a big meal and then share your gifts around the Christmas tree. Only this year you will be praying a decade of the rosary before opening your gifts. Remember this moment with your pictures as you pray for your family members to save their souls. You have seen in the Scriptures how the shepherds and the Magi traveled a great distance to see the new born King. Even today, you would travel a distance to receive Me at a Mass. In some areas of the South you had to travel hundreds of miles to find a Catholic Church. In the coming tribulation you also will find it difficult to have a priest for a Mass. By the grace of My angels you will have daily Communion, even if you do not have a Mass. Rejoice while you still have your churches for daily Mass, because a time is coming when they will be closed by the evil ones.”

(Vigil Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you know that I am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Yet, with all of My power in the universe, I was able to take on a human nature and I still remained God and Divine at the same time. This Incarnation into a human is a mystery that is hard for man to comprehend. Still, becoming a man was part of My means to redeem all of mankind. Many prophecies were given of My coming, but some people had different expectations of Me coming as a powerful king to free the Jews from the Romans. Many had difficulty in accepting My Gospel of love because it meant changing from a life of greed and pleasure. Even the people of today have the same difficulty because man’s desires and wants have not changed over the years. The real understanding comes when each of you discover that you have a spiritual life in your soul that can only be satisfied with My peace. Follow your spiritual desires to be with Me more than any worldly desires of the body.”


Saturday, December 25, 2010: (Christmas Day)
Jesus said: “My people, I am your Lord and God at any age, even as an infant. You can pray to Me as Santo Nino, a twelve year old boy, or as a grown adult because I am the same Jesus. I could have come with more glorious power, but I came as an innocent baby, born to a poor family. I chose a humble beginning with very little of My younger life that was recorded in the Scriptures. It was My teaching ministry and My Passion and death that you know the most about because that was My mission on earth to redeem all of you. You all are born as innocent children, and it is what you do with your life that you will be held accountable for. I have given you My life as a model to follow as well as My Blessed Mother. We were without sin, but you can still strive for perfection in this life. Call on Me to help you every day to follow My laws and share your gifts with everyone.”


Sunday, December 26, 2010: (Holy Family Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, this Sunday is dedicated to My Holy Family, but it is also meant for all families. Just as I called fisherman to be My apostles, I am always searching for souls to pull them into My love. The family is based on love and it is beautiful. A man and woman are joined in marriage with the sacrament of Matrimony. It is love that brought them together for a life long commitment. Just as it is out of love that I have created everything, so it is out of love that children are brought into the world. It is in this family setting of loving parents that the children are raised up to adults. This is why fornication, adultery, and divorce are destroying family life in the way that I meant it to be among you. Marriage is a responsibility in faith as well as living according to My laws. Living together does not have the same commitment in neither faith nor bringing up children. When your society is more concerned with pleasure and materialism instead of living in loving marriages, then you can see the downfall coming in your country. Pray for all married people and that your children see the need to avoid living together in sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of the signs and symbols in the vision are another description of the coming Warning. The stage of life is where you perform your daily actions, both good and bad. The flames represent the souls of life who are each accountable in their life review. The circling glass clock means that the time of the Warning is getting close. Your life review will focus on your unforgiven sins, so your best preparation is to go to frequent Confession at least monthly. The Warning will be an opportunity for even the worst sinner to have a second chance at changing their lifestyle. This will be a spiritual wake-up call also for all the lukewarm souls who could be lost if they do not change their lazy ways. Your judgment will show you where you are headed if you continue on your present path. Returning to your body will give you a second chance to be saved which is more than those who die without this opportunity. Keep focused on Me as your love that you would want to be with. By accepting Me as Master of your life and seeking the forgiveness of your sins, you could receive eternal life in heaven.”


Monday, December 27, 2010: (St. John the Evangelist)
Jesus said: “My people, St. John is the one apostle who loved Me most as His Master. He was the only apostle not to be martyred, and he took care of My Blessed Mother in her later years. He wrote his Gospel later with a heavy emphasis on My Resurrection, as he saw the empty tomb in today’s Gospel. He also wrote some letters and the Book of Revelation on Patmos. His writings are words of hope and encouragement for My faithful. His words on eating My Body and drinking My Blood that would give eternal life are very direct and profound. His words about the end times are very connected to My son’s mission of preparation. Continue to proclaim My promises, and keep leading My people to My refuges of protection. Know that in the end I will defeat the evil ones and bring about My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, with a steady number of volcanic explosions, you have seen a lot of smoke and particles get placed in the upper atmosphere. With a sufficient amount of clouds and dust, there could be a reduced amount of sunlight that could have a cooling effect on the earth’s temperature. Unless there is an increase in sunspot activity, there may be more global cooling than global warming. Just when scientists think global trends are going in one direction, then natural occurrences create an equilibrium with no net change. The bigger events will be going on with an increase in evil more than any natural disasters. Pray that My faithful will be ready to go to My refuges before more of My faithful are martyred.”


Tuesday, December 28, 2010: (Holy Innocents)
Jesus said: “My people, you saw Moses in the vision today as the parallels with Me are many. We were both threatened with death in our infancies. Moses was protected from death by the Pharaoh’s daughter, and I was taken to Egypt with My parents so Herod could not kill Me. Herod killed all the boys up to two years old in Bethlehem, which is the reason for today’s feast honoring these holy, innocent babies. Even today many innocent babies are still being killed by abortion. Moses had a mission to save his people from the Egyptians as he brought them to the Promised Land. I had a mission to save all of humanity from their sins by My death on the cross. Moses celebrated the Passover meal with unleavened bread and the wine. At the Last Supper I also celebrated the Passover meal, but I consecrated the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood. This is a new spiritual manna that gives eternal life at every Mass. When Moses was in the desert, there was miraculous food and water that were multiplied. During My ministry I performed many miracles as well in multiplying the bread and fish for the multitudes of people on two occasions. Moses raised up the bronze serpent to heal the people from their snake bites. I was raised up on a cross and many were healed by the sacrifice of My Blood. There are many such parallels of the Old Testament accounts with the New Testament. As you read the Scripture accounts, you can learn how to be a good Christian by loving Me and your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, keeping the city churches open has become a financial problem for the pastors of these churches. Every church has expenses to keep operating: for mortgages, heating, lighting, and paying the staff. Some Catholics still think that they can just put a few dollars in the basket and the church will keep running. All church expenses have to be covered by the donations of those who attend. In the city the people may be hard pressed to donate what is needed to keep the church open. Not only are your city churches dealing with poor attendance, but the people cannot afford to pay much. Without some big supporters, these churches will be closing by the hundreds. This is the current problem, but in the future the persecution will close all churches as in Russia at one time. My faithful will soon need to have Mass and prayer groups in the homes. This is why I have asked you to have Mass supplies in the home and prepare your priests for when they will have to flee or come to your homes. As the religious persecution gets worse, you will be forced to come to My refuges of protection. Call on My help and I will provide for all of your needs at My refuges.”


Wednesday, December 29, 2010: (St. Thomas Becket)
Jesus said: “My people, in days past when My faithful were being martyred for their faith, some hid in caves as the catacombs around Rome. In other places in the Bible, Elijah and other prophets hid in caves to avoid being killed by those who did not like their message. My son, your message of preparation in the end times is also a difficult message that many do not want to hear. As the persecution gets worse leading up to the Antichrist, your life and others will also be at risk for martyrdom. A time will come when you will be called into hiding at My refuges. I want all of My faithful to never deny their love for Me, even if it means that your life may be endangered. Better to die a martyr’s death than live your life in denial of your faith. Many people put their life on the line as soldiers or policemen. If you could risk death for a good cause, how much more should you be willing to die for your faith in Me? Dying as a martyr may be a difficult decision, but I will give all of My faithful the strength to endure this test if it is required of them in the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of an empty throne is a sign that the Antichrist will be coming into power in a short time. I have given you messages before that the one world people are forming unions on every continent to focus power on the unions and away from any people who are patriotic to their country. Once they have formed these unions, as the European Union and the North American Union, then the one world people will give control of these unions over to the Antichrist who will be allowed to control the world. His seat of power will be set up in the European Union and the Antichrist will have a reign of power of less than 3 ½ years. This will begin a reign of evil that you have never seen before. Once the Antichrist declares himself, My faithful will need to seek My protection at My refuges. Refuse to take any chip in the body, and refuse to worship him. Do not look at his eyes or listen to his voice. By following My direction you will have angels at My refuges who will protect you from any evil demons, or virus diseases. Trust in Me and I will come to defeat the evil ones and bring about My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, December 30, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read of St. John the Baptist in chains, and also St. Peter and St. Paul. Many of My disciples and apostles were captured in prison with chains, and later they were martyred for their faith. This religious persecution is about to be repeated in the coming tribulation. You will again see some of My people shackled on trains and delivered to the current death camps for execution. This is why I am preparing refuges with people that I have inspired, so My faithful will have places to go in order to avoid being captured by the one world people. Some will be martyred for their faith, but I will lessen the pain to allow them to endure it. These martyrs will become instant saints in heaven. For those, who come to My refuges, they will be protected from harm by My angels, and I will provide for their needs during the reign of the Antichrist. Have no fear, for I will give you My peace in all of this struggle. After the Antichrist’s time, I will come with My victory over all the evil ones, and I will establish My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this spinning globe is a sign of how I will speed up the earth on its axis so the time of the tribulation will be shortened for the sake of the elect. The football field represents the time from September to February when the Warning will most likely occur. My people can prepare themselves with prayer and Confession of their unforgiven sins. The Warning will be your sign of the events that will lead up to the coming of the Antichrist into power.”

Jesus said: “My people, at the end of the tribulation I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to enable My victory over all of the evil ones. As the comet strikes the earth, many volcanoes will erupt, and the ash will block out the sun creating the Three Days of Darkness. In the vision you are seeing 72 hour blessed candles that will give the only light during this darkness. Remember to take such a candle with you in your backpacks on your way to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My refuge builders to have one building dedicated for sleeping quarters for My faithful. This is why you are looking at the roof of such a building, as I will multiply such buildings as needed. Those, who are preparing their refuges, need to have some food, fuel, and water so I could multiply these things that people need for their survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of My faithful that come to My refuges know and follow My Commandments. Among all the buildings that will house My faithful, you will all be on the honor system with no stealing accepted. You will all be in loving communities that will not require locks as you do now in the world where there are thieves. Just as you trust in Me, so you will have to trust each other because everything belongs to Me, and I share it with all of you. By helping each other to survive by using your own talents, everyone will have what they need. Be loving of each other as you pray to Me. You are all one family with Me as I protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, freedoms are granted to everyone from My authority. When your leaders or Congress take away your freedoms, they are not serving the common good because they are serving only themselves. Various forms of government have been time tested, but unless you work to preserve your freedoms, others will take control over you. This is why following My laws and keeping your focus on Me is very crucial for any form of government to continue.”

Jesus said: “My people, all forms of government need to have a means to defend themselves against outside armies. You may have a good republic democracy, but without a proper defense, other peoples could destroy you. Defending one’s country is acceptable, but using military might to control your neighbors is an abuse of your power. America has defended others from dictatorial leaders who wanted to control the world. America does not have the right to change other countries for its own gain. Fight to keep peace in the world so everyone will have the same freedoms.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a new Congress running your government, and there will be some hard decisions that need to be made in order to keep America from collapsing. Pray that your leaders will follow My model of love instead of following their own greed. America’s deficits and overspending need to be reined in or you will be headed for bankruptcy and collapse of civil order. Balancing budgets, even if austerity budgets are required, will cause some conflicts when people do not have their expected entitlements. Compromises will be required for what is best for your country to survive. If there is no change, then you will see the chaos and confusion in the vision that could result. Pray that your leaders make the right decisions for your country to survive.”


Friday, December 31, 2010: (Paul Macaluso’s Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, it is a very sad occasion when parents have to bury their younger son, as Paul. This vision at a deli meat counter was how Paul loved to eat and share with his family. A sudden and unexpected death is also hard on the family who wanted to hear his last words. My Blessed Mother and I met Paul when he died, and he was met also by his deceased relatives. Paul sends his love to all of his family and friends. He is in a peaceful place, but he asks all of you to have Masses said for him. He will be watching out for all of you. Paul was grateful for all the prayers that were said for him, and also for those who were instrumental in allowing him Confession, the last rites, and the scapular. He wanted you all to remember him by visiting his grave from time to time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen movies before, but when you get to know the actors behind the scenes, it adds depth to how these actors can perform. My people are also actors on the stage of life, but you also know the actors in your life and how you fit into their life experiences. Movies are run by a script, but in real life there is no script. You are all asked to be the best that you could be. Everyone has their own talents, but I call all of them to use their talents to carry out the mission in life that I have called them to accomplish. You all have to pick up your cross and carry it with Me. Share your suffering with My suffering on the cross. By following My laws of loving Me and your neighbor as yourself, you will gain eternal life with Me in heaven.”


Sexta-feira, 07 de Março de 2025

Mulher Vestida de Sol