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John Leary - Ano 2011 (Inglês)



Ano 2011


Saturday, January 1, 2011: (Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God)
Jesus said: “My people, when you see Me as an infant and other animals as newborns, then you can begin to understand a little more of My creation and My plans for mankind. Humans are the only animals with souls, as you are made to My Image with free choice. Everything on earth is provided for man’s use, but not for your abuse. In every age you see the cycle of life from birth until death. Your time on earth in reality is only for a short time relative to eternity. This is why every day, you need to make the best use of your time in accomplishing your mission on earth. In essence it is the value of souls that are important, and you should be focused on saving as many souls as you can from going to hell so they can be brought to heaven. Every soul has to make a choice, and I have made everyone to love Me and be with Me forever in heaven. I give you all free will to choose Me or not, but I am love and the devil only offers you hate, pleasure, and greed. Love overcomes evil, and your experience in heaven will be your reward for being faithful to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I gave you a message before about trying to find the new Mass translation if it was available.(11-16-10) You were led at a reception to talk with someone who had information that you could look up on the internet. There also was information on how parishes could adopt the new changes. Since this information is available, you could make an effort to share this translation to prepare the people. There may be some parishioners with questions about the words, so you could help provide some answers for them. Going back to older translations may be uncomfortable for some, but by reading it ahead of time, you can see what is being questioned. Pray that these changes help the understanding of the words of the Mass without many conflicts.”


Sunday, January 2, 2011: (Epiphany)
Jesus said: “My people, this blossoming flower in the vision later gave birth to its fruit. This first Epiphany or manifestation was the fruit of the womb of My Blessed Mother as you pray in the ‘Hail Mary’. My birth was the manifestation of My Incarnation as a man. Now you have the Wise Men giving Me gifts fit for a king with the gold, frankincense, and myrrh. This Epiphany later paralleled another transformation when I resurrected into My glorified Body. I died for all of mankind’s sins, and My Resurrection is a promise to all who are faithful to Me that they will also one day be resurrected after the last judgment. This gives hope to every soul on earth that this life is passing away, and My faithful will be living a new life when they get transformed. There was another Epiphany scene when My three apostles witnessed My Transfiguration into My glorified Body in the presence of Moses and Elijah. Throughout people’s lives you go through your own moments of epiphany when you are baptized and when you receive Me in Holy Communion. Rejoice that I have shared Myself with all of you in My sacraments.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several snowstorms, and then during the next warm spell, the snow melts away. You see many ebbs and tides in various natural events as I direct them. In your spiritual lives you see similar things when your sins build up over time. Then when you are moved to go to Confession, your sins are cleansed away with My forgiveness. The snow building up in the cold is like some people who have icy hearts of selfishness. Then My love comes into that heart with prayer and Confession, and that heart melts into My warm love. I am Love and I call all of you to accept Me into your hearts so I can dwell within you. By keeping My love in your heart, then you can share your love with others and melt other icy hearts.”


Monday, January 3,2011: (Holy Name of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, as you see the loving vision of Me holding a lantern, it is a sign that I am truly the Light that disperses the darkness. This time of year has longer nights, and after My birth the days get longer. As you see Me carrying this Light, I am also lighting your way so you can see where you are going in both your physical and spiritual life. At the beginning of a New Year it is an opportunity to plan to improve any sinful part of your life. Not only do you need to see your way, but you may have to take a different path to avoid occasions that lead you into sin. I am always at your side, so do not let other things in life lead you astray from the mission that I have given you. By shining My Light on you, you can also keep your focus on Me as the center of your life. At times you may have desires to do other things, but then you find that you are not physically able to achieve them. Rather than frustrate yourself, accept any of your shortcomings physically, and work on your mission as best that you can. Follow My Light for your life in keeping My Commandments, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your auto manufacturers are trying to make more fuel efficient cars, and those that burn little or no carbon dioxide. The electric cars require frequent charging and there are very few places for charging. There is some hazard with every fuel. Even gasoline is very explosive in a crash that has been ignited. Fuel cells, hydrogen, and natural gas are even more explosive, especially in accidents. Ethanol burns cleaner, but it takes a lot of energy to produce. Hybrid cars of gasoline and electric offer a better compromise and better fuel mileage. You are concerned about pollution and fuel costs, so more efficient cars offer some advantages. Most alternative cars to gasoline operated cars are still quite expensive to buy. The demand for cheap fuels and larger numbers of cars is causing your gasoline prices to rise. Even though gasoline alternatives are growing in use, there is still a long way to go in order to replace gasoline as a fuel. You may need some vehicles and tractors to run farm refuges. I will multiply any fuels needed at My refuges.”


Tuesday, January 4, 2011: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
Jesus said: “My people, as you read the readings of St. John the Evangelist, there is a richness in the love that he talks about in Me and in all souls. I am love itself, and My love reaches out to engage every soul on earth. Without Me, you will be incomplete because your soul is searching to find peace in Me. Nothing of this world will please you more than finding love and peace in Me. That is why this vision of Me as the vine and you as the branches, shows you your need to be a part of Me to gain any spiritual grace for your soul. It is the grace of My sacraments that feed your soul in your spiritual sustenance. Without Me, you are lost, but with Me, you are found. I love every soul, even those who refuse to accept Me because you are all My creations. Love is the bond of a true relationship, and you show your love for Me in your prayers, in your good deeds for others, and at Adoration when you visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament. Keep close to Me and focused on Me so you can always see Me as your spiritual lover. There are various meanings of the word ‘love’, but it is the ‘agape’ love that you reserve for Me and the other Persons of the Blessed Trinity. I am at your side all day long, so keep telling Me how much you love Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you have picnics in your backyard, and other times you have them in a local park. When you go, you bring a means for making a fire to cook, some food, drinks, plates, forks, knives, and cups. Even some bring some games to play. It is enjoyable to experience nature on preferably a sunny day. All the things that you bring to a picnic, are the same things that you could bring on your way to My refuges. You brought sleeping bags and a tent as you practiced camping overnight. You know your basic necessities of food, a water source, and a shelter. Providing a fire may require some improvising. When I talk of the need to go to My refuges and storing food, many readers of these messages are uncomfortable with leaving their homes. They have not experienced a religious persecution, riots, or the men in black trying to place chips in their bodies. Once people see these threats, they will have to call on Me to have their guardian angels lead them to My nearest refuge or interim refuge. For some that are reluctant to leave, it may be too late to save them from the death camps. Being prepared to leave with your backpacks, blankets, tents, and bicycles, will be very beneficial when you may have to leave in a short time. Believe that the tribulation is not far off, and your best place of protection will be at My refuges where My angels will protect you.”


Wednesday, January 5, 2011: (St. John Neumann)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of someone’s car stuck in the snow is similar to My apostles being tossed about in the waves of a lake. Whenever I saw the apostles in trouble, I would do what I could to help them. They were afraid at first when I walked on the water. Once I got into the boat, I calmed the seas. With some of My miracles, My apostles did not understand the authority that I had as the Son of God. When I calmed the water and twice multiplied the loaves and the fish, then they had a small feeling that I had special powers that they did not understand. Later, when they received the understanding through the Holy Spirit, then they realized better that I truly am the Son of God. Just as the apostles cried out to Me to save them from drowning, so I will listen to the prayers of My faithful in their needs. I know what each person needs, but I do not force Myself or My gifts on that person. I leave each of you to call on Me in prayer, and I will answer everyone with what is best for the soul. I am always with you, so call on Me at any time.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are taken up with the materialism of the world. You crave the latest new things. Once you acquire them, they soon get old and are obsolete, ready for the junk pile. You are controlled more by the craving than once you have something. Do not let these temporary things control you because they are gone tomorrow. Instead, seek holy things that will last forever past this life. This is why seeking holy things satisfies your soul all the time. You have to struggle with the body that shies away from spiritual things and only craves earthly things. This battle between the desires of the body and the desires of the soul is a lifetime struggle, just as your battle of good and evil. By keeping your focus on Me, you can control any bodily desires for material things. You need some things for survival, but live a simpler life without a need for your favorite things.”


Thursday, January 6, 2011: (St. (Brother) Andre Besset)
Jesus said: “My people, your weather patterns have been changing possibly due to several HAARP machines around the world. You have seen flooding in California and Europe. Now, you are seeing reports of flooding in China and Australia. This increase in natural disasters is also linked with some severe earthquakes and volcanoes as well. Other strange phenomena are seen with birds and fish dying in large numbers, as well as bees dying off in large numbers. Some of the disorientation of these insects and other animals could be attributed to cell phones and HAARP machines that use microwaves and electromagnetic radiation. As man interferes more with My natural balance of things, even the weather is reacting to your manipulations. Pray that those who are carrying out these bad deeds will change their ways, or I will have to intervene sooner than I had planned.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been celebrating My birth during this Christmas season. You have seen the accounts of the shepherds and the Wise Men who came to the celebration of My Epiphany. This season will soon conclude with St. John the Baptist baptizing Me in the Jordan River. Even now you may be putting away your Christmas decorations and My Nativity Scene. I remind you that you can pray to your Infant King all year round by placing a Nativity scene at your altar in your prayer room at home.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing comments on the New Mass translation that will be introduced later in this year. Thank you for looking up on the internet the comparison words of your present Mass words with the New Mass words to be used. For some of My older faithful this will be a return to some familiar words from the old Latin Mass. Some others may not be comfortable with these new words, but this is a compromise for those who want to keep the old translation. Pray for a peaceful transition as you have greeted previous changes.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages on the coming Division in My Church that will separate different elements of My Church. You will see a division between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will follow New Age principles and declare that sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. My faithful remnant will follow the teachings given by My apostles. This will then follow into a religious persecution that will close all churches, and My faithful will need to seek protection at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading of the Gospel, you saw Me reading from Isaiah how the Messiah would come healing the blind and freeing captives. I told the people in Nazareth that today this prophesy was fulfilled in their hearing. They supported Me at first until they realized that I was declaring Myself as the Messiah. At this they tried to kill Me. Also on Palm Sunday many cheered My entry into Jerusalem. Later, they criticized Me for blasphemy when I declared Myself the Son of God. For this they crucified Me, but it was My plan to save My people by My death on the cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been to many Baptisms of infants and you believe they are cleansed of original sin. This is one of the first of My sacraments that was instituted. By one man in Adam, all of mankind were shut out of heaven, and once they died, they went to the place of the dead. Then by one God-man in Me all of your sins were ransomed by My sacrifice on the cross. This event of My saving sacrifice is repeated every day at Mass. Be grateful that all original sin is forgiven at your Baptism. You also are cleansed of your actual sins through My sacrament of Penance so you can have pure souls throughout your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many sports fans who come to these huge stadiums to see their favorite teams play for various titles. I am reminding you of several messages that I have given you concerning how the Antichrist will use these same very stadiums for his purposes of controlling people and getting them to worship him. If you see the Antichrist at stadiums or as he is declared, avoid looking at his eyes or listening to his words. It is at that time when you need to seek My refuges so his workers cannot kill you in his death camps. Be thankful that you are being warned about this evil one who is claiming to be Me. You know that you will have false christs on the earth before I return.”


Friday, January 7, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel a leper asked Me to heal him, so because of his faith, I did will to heal him of his leprosy. I healed many people of their ailments, and then I retreated into the mountains to pray. In the vision you can see My Light of faith and healing emanating out in waves in the air to disperse the darkness of evil. I am always listening to the prayers of My people who are seeking their needs, and trust that I could heal them. But without asking My healing, I do not force Myself on anyone’s free will. My abundant graces are always available to those who call on My help. Acknowledge to Me that you do believe that I can heal you, and you will have a better hearing. Some are healed immediately, while others take longer to heal. You will never be tested beyond your endurance.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of many worldly riches is what many worldly people seek along with the pleasures of this world. I want to quote a few passages from St. Matthew concerning riches: (Matt. 17:26) ‘For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his own soul?’ and (Matt. 6:24) ‘No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will stand by the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.’ My people live in the world but you do not have to be of the world. Do not strive for worldly wealth or constant pleasures. You should seek a simple life and let Me be the Master of what you do and seek. When I created you, you are to know, love, and serve Me if you want to seek heaven. By serving Me instead of serving worldly things, then your reward in heaven will be great. As you listen to St. Faustina’s words describing hell, you also have a mission to save as many souls as you can from being lost in hell.”


Saturday, January 8, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, the time of tribulation will begin when the Antichrist declares himself in power. He will have demonic powers, and you should avoid looking at his eyes or listening to his words. This will be the time to leave for My refuges. In the vision I have shown you his power, and how people will fall down and worship him because of his suggestions by mind control. Even as you saw how St. John the Baptist came and prepared the way for Me, there are plenty of evil ones who are even now preparing the way for the coming of the Antichrist into power. The Antichrist’s power will be shortened, as I will soon come to vanquish all the evil ones into hell. Be joyful when I will renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace. When St. John the Baptist declared: ‘He must increase, while I must decrease.’ He is giving you a good spiritual example to follow. I am the only Master of this world, and if you are not putting Me first in your life, then you too, must decrease in your importance.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is a plan of Satan and the evil ones to try and reduce the population of the world through the use of a deadly pandemic virus. Last year you saw how quickly the Swine Flu spread throughout the world. The Swine Flu was very easy to contaminate people, but fortunately, it was not a very deadly strain. The evil one world people have their scientists working in the lab to create another pandemic virus. This time they are planning a very contagious virus, but one that is more virulent or deadly to man. They also are planning an antidote vaccine to protect the one world people who will be in their underground cities. I have warned My faithful when you see many people dying from a flu virus, that this will be the time to leave for My refuges so you can be healed by the luminous cross or the spring water there. The evil ones have destroyed many people’s immune system with the flu shots every year. Soon they will spread a deadly virus using chemtrails for their delivery method. This will kill many who are not prepared, but My faithful will be protected at My refuges. Prepare by building up your immune system with Hawthorn pills, herbs, and vitamins. Most of all refuse to take any flu shots that could make you susceptible to the new pandemic virus. Also, be ready to leave for My refuges at any time.”


Sunday, January 9, 2011: (Baptism of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, when I was baptized, this represented My institution of this act as a sacrament. By My death on the cross, I paid the price for all of mankind’s sins so that all original sin, and actual sins can be forgiven. Now, when people die, they will not remain in the place of the dead as before because of Adam’s sin. The gates of heaven have now been opened for all who are worthy. Even when you come to Confession and at Baptism, this scrub brush of My grace and absolution washes your souls clean of your sins, and replaces your sins with the grace of My sacrament. Another manifestation at My Baptism is the witness to the Blessed Trinity. You were told of the dove’s presence representing the Holy Spirit, and the words of God the Father were heard: ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’ My Baptism not only brings your Christmas season to a close, but it also started My public mission as St. John pointed Me out as the ‘Lamb of God’. Then some disciples started following Me as a result.”


Monday, January 10, 2011: (Nicole Marie’s Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see such a young life taken even before she finished her schooling. All of her friends and family were surprised to see her passing. She is with Me now in heaven after a short time in purgatory. She sends her love to all of her family and friends as she acknowledged you today. She will be praying for all of you. She is also happy to hear that her dog will be taken care of. Nicole had difficulty with her headaches, and she did not realize the effects of the drugs that she was taking. She is sorry to leave everyone under these circumstances.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing various shifts of temperature in the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans. These shifts and the HAARP machine are creating constant storms and cold waves that are causing problems at your airports and traveling on your highways. Colder winter temperatures with higher snowfalls are occurring now, and most likely they will continue for a while. All over the world people are experiencing unusual weather with higher precipitation levels than normal. The snow received in the South is an example of how cold waves are affecting even warmer climates. Be prepared to be tested by more natural disasters and unusual weather patterns. Have some extra food stored to ride out any storms or power outages.”


Tuesday, January 11, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, while I was on the earth, I healed many sick people, but I also cast many demons out of people as in exorcisms. Throughout history there have been many demon possessions or obsessions. When the people saw Me casting out demons, they were astounded that I spoke with authority even to the evil spirits. Today, you also have demon possessed and obsessed people. You have witnessed some exorcisms and evil is becoming more insidious at this time. The vision of snakes as demons controlling people is why this age has become so evil with abortion, euthanasia, wars, and many killings connected to illegal drugs and pornography. Man is exploiting science to upset My balance of nature with your manipulation of DNA, germ warfare, and unusual weapons of mass destruction. All the greed and sexual sins are rampant as the faith has become lukewarm in many countries. Despite all of this evil, there is still a faithful remnant that loves Me and is working to evangelize souls. Do not be fearful of these demons, but call on My Name to bind these evil spirits to the foot of My Cross if you are attacked by them. My power is much stronger than all of the demons, so invoke My power to protect you when needed. You will see evil get worse on the way up to the tribulation, but My refuges will be havens of protection. Use My angels to fight the evil ones without using guns for killing.”

Jesus said: “My people, your scientists have developed their chosen virus for eliminating some population, and they are now scaling up production to meet their intended release date. They already have made their antidote vaccine which will be given to the people of importance to protect them. Dispersing such a deadly virus may be difficult to protect the crew from any disease when they spread the chemtrails. This could even be used to keep their mission quiet. Many could die from this virus before the media could publicize what is going on. If My faithful are in great danger, I will warn My people to move to My refuges before the chemtrails are loosed on the people. At My refuges you can look on My luminous cross or drink the healing spring water, and you will be healed from any pandemic virus. My angels will shield you from any deadly viruses, toxins, or poisonous chemicals at My refuges. Be grateful for My protection and for My providing your food, water, fuel, and shelter. The evil ones will be using deadly viruses and bacteria to kill off a fair amount of your population. Be prepared physically with Hawthorn pills, herbs, vitamins; and spiritually with frequent Confession.”


Wednesday, January 12, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I was healing the sick and casting out demons. After awhile I told My apostles that we had to move on to another town because it was My mission to spread My words of the Kingdom of God that the people needed to hear. This image of a broken bridge is a symbol of the brokenness of My people in their faith. They need to be lifted up by My grace. This is why I am sending out My messengers to wake up the people from their spiritual laziness. At times retreats and missions can stir up the people’s resolve, but they need to seek My oasis of graces if they want to be re-invigorated in their faith. When I bring My Warning to everyone, this will be a supernatural intervention that will give even the worst of sinners a wake-up call. You will all be given a second chance to change your lives to follow the One who loves you. Your mini-judgment will show you where you are headed. If you wish to be with Me in heaven, then you will need to improve on your goal of perfection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you various ways that some scientists are being used to create a man-made pandemic virus. Many experiments have been tried to refine a virus with the desired traits which are very contagious and deadly. The one world people are planning their escapes to their underground cities so they do not have to deal with dying people. My faithful remnant will be protected at My refuges by looking on My luminous cross or by drinking the healing spring water. The evil ones will try to spread their evil pandemic virus via their chemtrails. Some will be protected, while some will die of the virus. These diseases are purposely being used by the one world people for the reduction of the population. Be prepared to go to My refuges when I warn you, and build up your immune system with Hawthorn pills, herbs, and vitamins.”


Thursday, January 13, 2011: (St. Hilary)
Jesus said: “My people, there are some who pray for a healing of diseases, chronic pains, or for solutions to their financial problems. As in the Gospel I healed many sick people, and they sought Me wherever I went. So people now are seeking Me as well in their petitions. Some are healed, while others have to suffer their pains with Me on the cross. Many sufferings are used to help others in their sins when the sufferings are offered up to Me. As much as people come to Me for physical healing, I wish they had the same fervor to petition Me for spiritual healing of their souls. This vision of a confessional in an old church is a sign of how much I want My faithful to visit Me in the priest to confess their sins at least once a month. Make a proper preparation by looking at lists of sins to reflect on. Your spiritual health is even more important than your physical health. It is unfortunate that many churches make it hard to find their confessionals, and confessions are only heard for a half an hour or an hour once a week. More emphasis on the forgiveness of sins in Confession should be made in your priest’s homilies. This is the most needed cure for all souls so they are always ready to meet Me in their judgment if they should die suddenly.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, seeing this house on fire can relate to both hell and purgatory where souls are burning in the flames without being consumed. The souls in hell have no hope to rid themselves from the flames. Those in lower purgatory can look forward to a time to be moved to upper purgatory without flames, then finally after more time, they are promised to be with Me in heaven. My sinners on earth can atone for their sins and the reparation due for them by taking advantage of My graces on Mercy Sunday. Your prayers and good works will help weigh against your life’s sins. Many souls need purification in purgatory, but you can minimize suffering in the flames by staying close to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people drill for oil and gas, while others drill for water. I have asked My faithful to drill out a hole for well water on their refuges. If this is not possible, I will allow My angels to form miraculous springs like at Lourdes, and they will not run dry. You need water to survive, and this is why an independent supply of water is needed at every refuge.”

David, my son, gave the message: “My dear family, this vision of how aborted babies are incinerated is an unfortunate great sin of America and other nations. In some places nearly half of the conceptions are aborted. These sins of abortion are crying out for the Lord’s justice, so America will pay for its many misdeeds. You have asked Me about your granddaughter. If hormone therapy does not help, then medication will not help much either. Pray that the severity of her seizures will lessen as she grows older. This is a cross for those who have this tendency in their family history. I will intercede to lessen her suffering.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing considerable flooding in Australia and Brazil now, and there has been earlier flooding in Europe and China. Even California has seen flooding. Many areas all over the earth are experiencing excessive precipitation beyond their normal levels. The land cannot absorb too much water, and then floods or mud slides soon develop. Some excessive rainfall can be exaggerated by the HAARP machine or unusual weather patterns. Expect these disasters to continue as nature is rebelling against man’s sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many flights cancelled and roads closed from heavy snowfalls. When you go on your trips, remember to pray for your safety and have blessed salt or holy water in your vehicle. By calling on My help and the angels, you will see My protection guiding your way even through bad weather.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before about food shortages if trucks cannot deliver enough food to your stores. This vision of overturned trucks is an example of what could happen in continuous snowstorms. This is another reason that I have warned My people to have six months to a year’s supply of food on hand in case you see a food shortage. If you do not have enough money or a place to store food and water, then store what you can and I will multiply what you need to survive. Trust in Me and I will provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, your money in America is being artificially controlled, but soon your debtors will demand more interest for your bonds, or no one will buy them. Rising interest rates are a sign that people see that your debts are outstripping your means to pay the interest. Even your states are having difficulties trying to cover their deficits. Austerity plans of increased taxes and forced cuts in spending will cause hardships on many people. When there is no more money to pay workers, there will be more jobs lost. This will next become more of a problem for your government that is on the brink of bankruptcy. When entitlement funds get low, there will be reductions in payments, and fewer will qualify for payments. Riots and chaos could result when people cannot find enough food to eat. When this takeover by martial law occurs, call on Me and your angels to lead you to My refuges.”


Friday, January 14, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this artwork, pictured in the vision, is a view of how I healed the paralytic man in today’s Gospel. There was a large crowd gathered at a house, and some men brought the paralytic man on a stretcher down through the roof. I admired the faith of the man who wanted Me to heal him. I told him that his sins were forgiven, but I received criticisms from those who said that only God can forgive sins. But to show them that I truly was God Incarnate, I healed the man and he picked up his mat and walked. This emphasizes in many of My healings that I desired to heal the whole person, both body and soul. Your body will eventually die and return to dust, but your soul lives on forever and is more important. So whenever you petition for a healing of the body, be sure to pray for that person’s soul as well. Give praise and glory to Me for all the gifts of healing that anyone receives.”


Saturday, January 15, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you many people who are boarding an ark of safety as at My refuges. You remember how Noah, his family, and the animals were sheltered and protected in the ark from the flood. Now, My people will need an ark of protection at My refuges throughout the whole tribulation. My angels will be shielding you from the evil ones. At every refuge you will have an Ark of the Covenant that will have 24 hours Adoration with My Eucharist. Even in today’s reading you are seeing My Blessed Mother as the Ark of the Covenant as she kept Me in her womb for nine months. My people also are little arks of the covenant as you house Me during the reception of Holy Communion until the Host is consumed. Give praise and glory to Me for protecting you and providing for your needs even during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are very active in digging new underground tunnels, and they are also stocking their underground cities with supplies for a long time. This increase in activity is what I have warned you about in previous messages. The urgency to finish up their building and stockpiling is a sign that they are ready to pull off something that is very big, and could lead to the declaration of a national martial law. I have shown you in My messages, and you have read articles on the internet that the evil ones are probing all along the New Madrid fault for weaknesses that the HAARP machine could use to cause a massive earthquake. Such a quake along this fault line could cause so much damage on both sides that it could be used to declare martial law. Once martial law is declared, My faithful need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My nearest refuge. Trust in My warning to leave right away because the men in black will be searching to kill Christians and patriots. If you refuse to take the mark of the beast in your body or the chip, then they would take you to their death camps. Those, who come to Me at My refuges, will be protected. Those, who stay in their homes too long, may risk being captured and killed.”


Sunday, January 16, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is about how St. John the Baptist prepared the way for My ministry. After he had baptized Me and I was walking away, he said ‘There goes the Lamb of God who was promised to all mankind.’ Then more of St. John’s followers started to follow Me. I have given every person unique talents from everyone else, and also a special mission as well. Pray for discernment to use your talents to accomplish the mission that I will reveal to you. By your Baptism and Confirmation you are called to evangelize souls. You need to call on My grace and the Holy Spirit to say what is needed to bring souls to conversion. Just as I called prophets as St. John to prepare the way for My coming, so I am calling prophets of today to prepare the way for My coming again. Have faith and trust that I will reveal My plans so My people will be prepared for the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the gold flakes that are a sign of My Blessed Mother’s presence. Our hearts are joined as one, and every place that I am found in My Real Presence, you will see evidence of My Blessed Mother’s presence as well. We both are watching over our children, and we do not want to lose one soul to the evil one. Be grateful that you are witnessing a beautiful manifestation of these shining and moving gold flakes all around My Host. We both love you so much and we are sharing our love with you in all that you do. Be watchful for these flakes wherever they are found because it indicates My Blessed Mother’s presence.”


Monday, January 17, 2011: (St. Anthony of the Desert)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Anthony followed My words and gave up his wealth, and he went to pray and fast in the desert. By focusing on Me and not his possessions, he found Me in spiritual riches. Many times I also went off into the desert or the mountains to pray and be with My Father. Not only should you not let possessions control you, but all earthly things and desires should be second to Me. For where your treasure lies, so also lies your heart. During the day you need to set aside some time when you can be quiet with Me in prayer. Sometimes it is quiet for you either in the early morning or late at night. This prayer time gives you a chance to refresh your spiritual life, and reflect on how you can improve your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of those who are practicing witchcraft with fortune telling, Ouija boards, tarot cards, and the like because they are rooted in the evil of the demons. Rid your house of Harry Potter movies and books because they invoke real curses and call on real demons. To protect yourself from demon attacks, keep rosaries, Benedictine Crosses, and holy water on your person. Bind any evil spirits in My Name, Jesus, to the foot of My cross. Beware also of those who promote New Age teachings or have any New Age statues of gods that may have curses on them. New Age influences are already entering into My Church. You will see a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will be teaching New Age principles and that sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. Avoid these teachings and believe only in Me. Try to rid these influences from your church, and if they persist, then leave for another church that follows only My teachings. I love all of you, and I do not want to see one soul lost, but you are amidst a battle of good and evil, and you must fight to uphold what is true from My Gospels.”


Tuesday, January 18, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, as your people were talking of honoring the Sabbath, it is important to remember to make Me the center of your life. My Third Commandment is about honoring Me on My day of rest. After I created everything on the earth, I had a day of rest from My work. Even so on My day of rest you should honor Me on Sunday. This should be My day that you should respect without work that you could do on another day. It is a day of prayer when you could focus more on Me in your life. It is true that many are working on Sunday, and you spend much time on entertainment. But do not forget that you should honor Me and worship Me more than your sports. It is also important that all souls should honor Me in coming to Mass or some place of worship on Sunday. Especially remind your family members how important it is to worship Me on Sunday and obey My Third Commandment. Pray for those who are away from Me and who are lukewarm or too lazy spiritually to come to church. Encourage them by your advice and good example. Parents especially are responsible for the spiritual lives of their children. Keep watchful that your children get to church, even when they are older and have moved away from your home. When you come before Me in your judgment, you will have to face the accountability for their souls that you did everything that you could to save their souls. Your persistent prayers can save them, so keep praying for their souls and all sinners to be saved. Thank you for honoring and praising Me in all of your prayers, Masses, and your Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of crude oil spilled all over a mailbox represents a message that the one world people are sending to America. This spill in the Gulf of Mexico was done purposely to create an environmental disaster, and show how dangerous deep sea drilling is to the environment. This enabled your President to stop further drilling that was planned. This makes America more dependent on foreign oil, and it is another incentive for his cap and trade initiative to control world energy sources. The one world people are using global warming as an excuse to control world governments with their carbon credits plan which was blocked by your Congress. Your country has yet to develop a meaningful energy plan which is crucial to your economy and your standard of living. Man is destroying many wildlife and fishing areas with his pollution and the careless use of his oil drilling techniques. Pray that there will be no more oil drilling disasters that could threaten further fishing and wildlife preserves.”


Wednesday, January 19, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, your vacant factories are a sign of millions of jobs that are never going to return. Not only are you having persistently high unemployment from the recession, but it is a result of shipping your factory jobs to China and Mexico for cheap labor. The greed of your corporate leaders and Wall Street are making you dependent on Communist China for most of your manufactured goods. China also holds your Treasury Notes, and you are building their war machine. Shipping factory jobs out of America is also part of a plan to weaken your economy and make you ripe for takeover. The one world people are planning America’s demise, and stripping your factories is just one more means to control you. At one time America’s factories made everything, but now Wall Street, the banks, and your corporations are your current dictators. The one world people control the banks in keeping savings interest artificially low so your people make little money. Stocks are crashed and raised to steal the rest of your money. Corporations are also avoiding taxes by keeping their money off shore. By all of these manipulations, the rich are getting richer and the man in the street is getting poorer. The coming plan to crash your currency will be the next step leading up to your takeover. Be prepared to go to My refuges when this control takes over your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Revelation (Rev. 7:1-3) there is a description of four angels at the four corners of the world. Each of them are appointed a special charge over part of the earth. When the tribulation comes to an end, the evil ones will suffer various plagues which I have shown you in vision. So do not be fearful of the evil ones because their reign will be brief. Then I will come to vanquish the evil ones and cast them into hell. The vision of My Host in the monstrance will be at every refuge to protect My people. I will renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace. My faithful remnant will share this reward with Me, and you will celebrate My victory as you will be prepared for heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, seeing a lot of skyscrapers is a sign of man’s ability to build tall buildings and various bridges. Even though man can build things, they are still subject to the ravages of nature in earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Man is proud of his accomplishments, but he should be giving glory to Me for all that he has through Me. I provide the air, sun, and water for your every day survival. Even your talents come from My gifts. Your health also is a gift, as well as your soul and your very life. It is comforting to know that by loving Me and your neighbor, you will be living with Me in heaven for all eternity. My followers may require some purification, but those, who are on the right path, will receive their reward in heaven. Once you find Me as the center of your life, you can also reach out to save other souls from going to hell. Pray for all of your family members and be persistent in prayer, and you could be their salvation.”


Thursday, January 20, 2011: (St. Fabian & St. Sebastian)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel the people were pressing upon Me to touch them and heal them. Even the demons in possessed people came out of them exclaiming that I was the Son of God, but I told the demons to be quiet. You have witnessed possessed people with demons even today in your world. It is preferred that an exorcist priest should pray over possessed people. For those, who do deliverance prayers for such people, you need to pray as a group and use holy water, blessed salt, and relics as this relic of the true cross in the vision. My people need to wear scapulars and a Benedictine cross for protection against any demon attacks. You have seen the true cross relic used by the priest to quiet such a demon when holy water did not stop the screaming. When you pray over people with My relic, you will also see spiritual and physical healings. Those, who have faith that I can heal them, will receive many blessings. Rejoice that your Lord has visited His people.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother and I are very grateful to the caretakers of statues and pictures who bring them to many homes and churches. Thank you also for your prayer group that honors Me in Adoration and for the statues, pictures and relics that you display every week. By keeping these holy images in view of My faithful, you have a sense of our presence among you.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am happy that you have answered My call to give your message of the end times to the people. You know how many prayer warriors I need, and how important it is to reach out with My messages to evangelize souls and save them from going to hell. Your dedication in distributing My messages is well appreciated, and you will be rewarded for your work.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the battle of good and evil getting more intense as time moves on. The occult movement with witchcraft, Ouija boards, tarot cards, and transcendental meditation exercises, are drawing more curious souls into these evil things that could cause demon possession. Harry Potter books and movies are very deceptive in leading people deeper into witchcraft. Avoid these things by removing them from your houses. New Age teachings are coming into My Church and they will cause a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you to leave for My refuges once mandatory chips in the body will be forced on you for your health insurance. The original bill included chips in the body, but this part was removed temporarily. You will have a National ID smart card at first for your health insurance. As this law is fully implemented by 2014, these chips in the body will be included. Refuse to take any chips in the body for any reason. When you are called to My refuges, you will look on the luminous cross and be healed of all of your ailments. This will be much more beneficial than any health plan of man.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a few warm spells to melt the snow, but they are becoming shorter as the winter continues. You are seeing more snowfall and severe cold as in older years. You were hoping to have light snow for the remaining months, but be prepared for more cold and snow. Your weather patterns are changing as storm after storm keeps coming in off of the Pacific Ocean.”

Jesus said: “My people, China’s economy is growing at a much faster rate than America’s economy. Their cheap labor factories are taking market share away from all other industrialized nations. America is slowly dying because it manufactures very little and your market is falling apart. Even China’s military is expanding to compete with America. Remember that China is an atheistic communist country and communism still has world control as part of its goal. China is taking over the world economy because you have allowed the greed of your corporations to sell you out. America’s sins of abortion and sexual behavior are drawing you into a loss of your morals which will cause your downfall as a punishment for sin. I allowed the Israelites to be taken over by their neighbors because of their sins. This fate of America’s downfall will also be in payment for your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an age of evil taking control of many governments. Even while some things seem to be getting worse, there is some cause to have hope. While the evil ones are appearing to get stronger, the faith of My faithful remnant is also getting stronger as well. As the evil ones build their death camps, I am calling may believers to set up refuges for the end times. I encourage My faithful to pray, and where possible, help My refuge builders physically. You will be thankful when you have to go to My refuges for protection from the evil ones.”


Friday, January 21, 2011: (St. Agnes)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of an empty womb is how some women desire to be free of children by abortion. Some are strongly drawn to pleasure, but they do not want to take care of any children when a pregnancy results from their actions, especially in fornication. This age is more concerned with pleasure than the joy of loving and bringing up children. This is why you have so many abortions. I prophesied about this age: (Luke 24:29) ‘For behold, days are coming in which men will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and breasts that never nursed.’ I detest your killing of My little ones in the unborn. (Matt. 18:10) ‘See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you, their angels in heaven always behold the face of My Father in heaven.’ Birth control and abortions are mortal sins because you are violating life, or the formation of life. Taking a life violates My plan for that life, and this will require a heavy payment for this sin. America and many nations will pay dearly for your laws favoring abortion and for the killing of My babies. Pray and do what you can to stop abortions, and educate people to why abortion is such a serious sin. Those, who work to stop abortions, will have a reward in heaven. But those, who promote abortions, will have a severe accounting at their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, on your TV weather programs you can see the continuous large swirls of storms constantly coming into America from the Pacific Ocean. The HAARP machine is in a perfect position in Alaska to influence the weather over the Pacific Ocean. You are having an unusually snowy and extremely cold winter as in years past. It is a known fact on internet information that the HAARP machine can warm the ionosphere to change the jet streams that control your weather. It is this manipulation of your storms that can increase the amount of precipitation, and bring cold masses of Canadian air down into America. Even though many have talked about the evil things being done by HAARP, there are no open protests to turn it off from what it is doing. Pray that the evil use of this machine will be more exposed so people can complain more of the damage caused by earthquakes and bad weather that is attributed to the HAARP machine.”


Saturday, January 22, 2011: (Rowe vs. Wade Anniversary)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are protesting the anniversary of your Supreme Court decision that has allowed the killing of the unborn babies in America. This decision was falsely judged, but it is the downfall of your country which has become so morally depraved. The beginning of abortion started with birth control, and in some countries as Russia, abortion is a means of birth control. Even in China abortions of girls are rampant. The use of condoms, pills, and all other devices to stop pregnancy are also serious sins. Family planning methods using various restrictions of a woman’s cycle are allowed by the Church. The taking of life is so evil because you are denying My plan for that life that is formed. Women should be advised to have their children and put them up for adoption, rather than killing them in abortion out of convenience or for financial reasons. America will pay dearly for its sins of abortion as your fall and takeover are coming. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion, and pray for these mothers to stop killing their children.”


Sunday, January 23, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in both readings you see it mentioned how people are coming out of the darkness of their sins into the Light of My grace. In order to make progress in your spiritual life, you need to withdraw from your earthly pleasures that can lead you into sin. It is hard to change your life of sin because you have become too comfortable in your earthly sins. Your soul desires to be closer to Me in prayer, Mass, and Confession. But your body likes sinful pleasures, so you need to avoid any occasion of these sins. When people are living together without marriage, they are living in a constant occasion of sin. They need to live separately in chaste lives, or get married. The sexual sins are drawing more souls into hell if they do not change their lives. Pray for such souls on the wrong path, especially those in your own family.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you are seeing -5 F and colder temperatures all in the Northern states. You are also seeing record cold and snow in Southern states that normally get little or no snow. I mentioned in a previous message how the HAARP machine can direct the jet streams to cause droughts or floods. If the jet streams are drawn south enough, they can draw down Canadian cold air further south than normal, causing the cold spells that you are seeing. These cold spells will cause a large need for fuel in warming your houses. You can see how this manipulation of weather can be used by the one world people for their evil plans for takeover. When events are serious enough, you will need to call on Me to have your angels guide you to My refuges for protection from the evil ones. Have no fear of the evil ones, but you are seeing one of their means of control in the weather and earthquakes by the HAARP machine.”


Monday, January 24, 2011: (St. Francis de Sales)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I am warning you of the sin against the Holy Spirit that cannot be forgiven. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1864) ‘Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin. There are no limits to the mercy of God, but anyone who deliberately refuses to accept His mercy by repenting, rejects the forgiveness of his sins and the salvation offered by the Holy Spirit. Such hardness of heart can lead to final impenitence and eternal loss.’ There are several issues in this sin against the Holy Spirit. The main sin is that of not seeking forgiveness where someone refuses to go to Confession. If you cannot believe that it is possible for Me or the Holy Spirit to forgive your sins, then it is almost impossible to be healed of your sins. I am all merciful, and for Me all things are possible. So do not be unbelieving or lost in your depression, but come out into My Light which disperses the darkness of your sin. I am like a loving father, and you need to seek My love by saying that you are sorry for having offended Me in your sin. Seek My forgiveness. By true contrition in your heart and by having faith that I can heal you, you can be restored in My graces in your soul by coming to Me in Confession. When the priest absolves you of your sins, you will be free and found in My love. This is the only road to heaven through Me, and a love for God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, and a love for your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is very important for people’s survival to be able to grow and harvest food for their families. When you have bad weather patterns that ruin crops, or high levels of toxic compounds that are sprayed into the air, then you have many lives at stake that could be lost. Droughts or too much rain are just a few examples that could ruin crops by stunting their growth, or when it is too wet to harvest crops. The amount of aluminum fallout from the chemtrails was quite revealing in the testing of pond water and even the hair of children. Too much aluminum can cause toxic crops or the soil to get too basic. Spreading information about the chemtrails and the HAARP machine can show people the damage being done, but no one is trying to stop them. Testing your water, food, and your blood could show higher than normal levels of aluminum. Many have suffered memory losses with too much aluminum in their bodies. Once you establish whether aluminum levels are too high, then people may have to treat your water or use agents to remove these metals from your body. Verify with research any bad effects of the fallout from these chemtrails that are all over your skies.”


Tuesday, January 25, 2011: (Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s reading speaks of Saul’s miraculous conversion when I spoke to him, and he was blinded by My Light and fell off of his horse. Later, he had his sight back, and he turned around from a Pharisee to St. Paul, one of My most powerful missionaries for the Gentiles. Not everyone has such a miraculous and obvious conversion. Some people, who have addictions, can take a long time to heal any bad habits with drugs, drink, computers, gambling, or overeating. It takes patience, prayers, and sometimes miracles to change people’s lives. Your own computer addiction to computer programming was almost an instant conversion. This left you open to say yes to My call for your own mission. Paul is your Confirmation name, and St. Paul should be an inspiration for you to keep working to evangelize souls. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the people that have been converted to the faith, or re-converted to their former fervor for the faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government representatives have finally got the message that they are spending too much money, and they need to balance the budget. There are many places to make cuts in the current spending. Your war could be cut back because there is no seeming gain for its cost. All of the departments should take a cut so everyone shares the pain. Entitlements need cuts and a cure of the fraud. Many people are cheating on their taxes. The only people who are gaining in income year over year, are the rich. So the rich should be paying more taxes unless they can prove they are adding jobs to the economy. They are in a better position to be taxed on any yearly increases. If people are paying their fair share, and some are taking cuts in their handouts, there could be a chance to balance the budget. The obvious position is that your country cannot afford all of the things that you are spending beyond your tax revenue. If some progress is stopped by interest groups or partisanship, then you are headed for bankruptcy. Finding a fair solution will have pain for everyone, but it will be a lot better than forced austerity budgets when your debt financiers refuse to take on any more of your debt. Take a look at the foreign countries with debt problems that were forced on austerity programs and the riots in the streets. Bipartisan solutions will demand compromises if any progress is to be made. Your people need to pray that your budget can be balanced, or you will be looking at riots in the streets.”


Wednesday, January 26, 2011: (St. Timothy & St. Titus)
Camille said: “Hello everyone, it has been a long time since I talked to you last time. Thank you for all that you are doing to help Lydia in getting her around. I like the new fence that you had put up to replace the old one. I know that you are concerned about Chris, now that Vic is getting out of jail. He has a chance to improve his life if he wants to. Try to help him without nagging him too much. Paying the bills for the utilities and the phone are going to be ongoing problems. The vision of me at my tool bench in the basement is a message for you. I did keep some money and valuables in the basement, so you may have to look around down there more than just where the pole fell. It was not much, so do not spend a lot of time looking. I visited Amanda because I felt sorry for all the seizures that she has had. I am still trying to get family members back to coming to Sunday Mass. So help your people by encouraging them and praying for them. I love all of you so much, and I am watching over all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, whenever you come into a church, most of them have a large crucifix near the altar. You see it there, but many do not realize the significance of its presence. My crucifix should be a reminder to you of how much I love all of you that I would die for your sins. At times you should reflect on the grace of My death on the cross because this is My Holy Sacrifice that you celebrate at every Mass. Because of My ransom for your sins, you are freed of original sin at Baptism, and you can have your actual sins forgiven in Confession. My death has set you free, and those who are worthy, can now enter the gates of heaven. I desire that all of you could come to heaven if you accept Me as Master of your life, and repent of your sins. So when you look on My crucifix, think of how fortunate you are to have a loving God who invites you to heaven by giving your will over to Me out of love.”

On coming Conference: Jesus said: “My people, the theme of your Conference is focused on My Mercy in forgiving your sins. There are some who think they could possibly have their Warning experience or a Warning preview at this Conference. Whenever you have My Warning, it will always be associated with My Divine Mercy. Those, who have life reviews then, will be better prepared to help people as they have their Warning experience on the day when all the world will have this experience of My judgment. It would be good to have Confession before you come, so you will have less unforgiven sins to experience. Many priests will be needed when there will be a strong desire for Confession, should you have your life review and your mini-judgment. This Conference should be focused strongly on My mercy in forgiving your sins.”


Thursday, January 27, 2011: (St. Angela Merici)
Jesus said: “My people, at every Mass you come to see a miracle in the transubstantiation of the bread and wine that is consecrated by your priest into My Body and Blood. You see Light spreading out from the cup to indicate My Real Presence before you under the appearances of bread and wine. My Light shines wherever I am present and those, who receive Me in Holy Communion, have Me in their soul with My grace of this sacrament. It is important to receive Me in the state of grace so you do not commit a sin of sacrilege. In other words, if you have mortal sin on your soul, you need to confess your sins before receiving My Eucharist. If you have venial sins, then recite quietly an Act of Contrition so your soul is ready to receive Me. Many faithful come to daily Mass so they can receive Me into their souls, since I am your spiritual Food. Remember in St. John’s Gospel (John 6:54-55) how I told you that anyone who eats My Body and drinks My Blood will have eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, these shimmering colors are a sign that your government is manipulating your weather by means of the HAARP machine. You continue to have snow storm after snow storm similar to last year, but this year the cold has been worse and it is affecting the South more than normal. These storms are causing power outages, school closings, and many flight cancellations. Fortunately, only a few deaths were the result of this damage. It may be time to start complaining about the abuse caused by this array of microwave beams.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an unusual breakout of street demonstrations in many Arab countries as Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, and Yemen. It is not clear what the source is of a sudden upsurge in protests timed simultaneously. Many dissidents could be stirring up the people because of the poor economies. Pray that order could be restored to such volatile situations.”

Jesus said: “My people, most of you understand what happens to your own household if you spend 50 to 100% more than your income. Eventually, your creditors will not give you any more credit or loans, and you could enter into bankruptcy. Your Federal government is also spending too much money, and your income is still reduced because of the recession and high unemployment. You have seen what happened to other countries as Greece when their creditors forced austerity budgets on their people resulting in riots. If America cannot reduce its deficits, you will see similar austerity budgets forced on your people as well. You cannot afford an expensive war, expensive health care, or open ended expensive entitlements. You need to live within your means to collect adequate taxes because your borrowing is coming to an end. No one will lend you money when you cannot even pay the interest, let alone pay back the debt. Pray for a solution to your debts, or you could face bankruptcy and a takeover by the one world people.”

Jesus said: “My people, both the one world people and My faithful know how dangerous it will be when the tribulation and riots occur. Many will be seeking food when your financial system fails. This is why when people start killing for food or killing Christians, it will be time to come to My refuges of Our Lady’s apparition sites, holy ground places, and caves. Now, even the one world people are preparing and adding supplies to their elite underground cities. These activities are signs of how hard it will be to find food and survive. Trust in My protection from all of the evil ones who will be trying to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in Ordinary time right now, but in about a month you will see Ash Wednesday start another Lenten Season. This coming time is your best time to renew your spiritual life that may be lax at times. Just as you are coming out of the darkness of winter, you are anxious to start reflecting on ways that you could improve your spiritual life. You can start first with monthly Confession with a reasonable preparation beforehand. Keep Me in focus every day in your prayers and possibly daily Mass. I am always at your side to help you through life’s trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, in every daily action you choose either to follow Me or the evil desires of the body. In the vision you are seeing two territories: the side of the devil and darkness on one hand, and the side of Me and My Light on the other hand. By your actions you choose to be on one side or the other. You need to be able to discern whether you are living in My territory or the territory of the devil. Those, who want to be with Me in heaven, should strive to live in the Light. Those, who desire to live in sin and darkness, are living in the devil’s territory on the path to hell. Wake up and discern your eternal destination. Come to Me where I will show you love and heaven, which is far better that living with the hate of the devil in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, abortion is rampant and available in almost every country. Areas that kill their children the most by abortion are declining in population. Other religions or cultures that avoid abortion are having children and their societies are growing. Continue to pray for the stoppage of abortion because taking lives is against My plan. Those, who are pro-life, will eventually out populate those who favor abortion. Wake up to see how precious every life is in My plan of creation.”


Friday, January 28, 2011: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: “My people, your privacy is being invaded by the curious eyes of the one world people. This vision is emphasizing how you are under constant surveillance as in Russia. These evil ones no longer need people to watch you because now they have high quality cameras to do their dirty work of spying. Some uses of cameras do aid in catching criminals, but this also enables the watching of innocent citizens. These people have placed microchips in your passports, your driver’s licenses, and even easy passes for paying your highway tolls. You have RFID (radio frequency identification) chips in everything that you buy, in your money, and in your stamps. All of your communications, charges, and queries on the internet, are all being recorded and stored in the ‘beast’ super computers. These one world people know all of your activities and any religious or patriotic persons are on lists to be eliminated when martial law is declared. You are only a short time away from a one world government take over, when it will be necessary to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My nearest refuge. Be prepared also for My coming Warning that will wake up all sinners to see where their spiritual life is leading them. By daily prayers and monthly Confession, you can even be prepared for the day of your death and your judgment. Many of the events that I have warned you about will soon take place right before your eyes, so you cannot deny they are happening.”

Jesus said: “My people, in America you rarely see mass violence except drug killings in your cities. Now you are seeing drug cartels killing your people next to the border where thousands are entering illegally. In general Americans are wealthy compared to the poor in third world countries. You have been to Egypt and you have seen how destitute people are by where they live. This is why rioting protests are so foreign in your country where you mostly see responsible peaceful protests in Washington, D.C. If your people suddenly experienced hyperinflation so it was hard to live and obtain food, you could see a change in people’s attitude if their survival was at stake. Then you could imagine roaming mobs with guns seeking out any place with food. When people become violent looking for food, you will soon see martial law declared. Many could be killed in such riots, but this will be the time when My faithful will need to seek the protection of My refuges. The one world people in martial law will be looking to find and kill Christians and patriots as their targets for their new world order. If you see riots in your streets because of food shortages, bank failures, and anarchy, then you will be warned what to do. The evil ones leading the new world order will be run by Satan and the Antichrist, so seek My refuges by leaving your homes as soon as possible so you can avoid being killed or controlled with mind control.”


Saturday, January 29, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before how precious fresh water is to everyone for drinking, bathing, and washing things. Municipalities that draw water from rivers and lakes are fortunate to have such a large water source. Other areas have to rely on wells, rainwater, or snow melting. In each case there is a source of water, and also treatment of waste water. All water is too precious to waste, so recycling is paramount. Water standards require removing dangerous bacteria, but toxic salts may also have to be removed, which is more expensive if membranes are required. This is why water costs have been going up, especially in areas without large sources of water. At My refuges water will also be necessary, but I will perform miracles to avoid wells running dry or from being contaminated. Be careful to avoid polluting your water, because it makes it too hard to purify for public use. Be thankful that you have piped water to your house since many countries do not have this basic necessity as available.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some unusual lights in the sky over various countries and these were laser projections that the Antichrist is claiming were like the Star of Bethlehem announcing his coming. These different shaped stars were documented on the internet. The one world people are trying to force you to have their microchips implanted in your body so they could induce voices for you to obey as a robot. These voices will tell those who are chipped to come to various stadiums and auditoriums to watch the projection of the Antichrist who will use mind control to instruct them what to do. This is why you do not want to take any chips in your body or have any microchip devices on your person. You can wrap any chipped documents with aluminum foil so they cannot be used to control you. These chips can give you voices that could control your mind and take away your free will. This is why I told you before to refuse chips in the body, even if these evil ones threaten to kill you. When you see mandatory chips in the body being forced on people, it will be time to call on Me and have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge of protection. Trust in Me that I will provide for your needs as you suffer through the coming brief tribulation.”


Sunday, January 30, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, the faithful remnant are My strong prayer warriors who are an inspiration to the lukewarm who do not pray as much, nor attend Mass as often. These faithful are strong no matter what they face in the world from the evil ones. Family members look up to them as the stalwarts of the faith and as good examples. Those, who pray their rosaries every day, go to daily Mass, may even go to daily Adoration, are the living faithful that do most everything I ask them to do. I have even called some of these warriors to be My messengers of messages to prepare My faithful for the coming tribulation. I call all of My people to be strong in their spiritual lives, and live the beatitudes that you read today as much as possible.”


Monday, January 31, 2011: (St. John Bosco)
Jesus said: “My people, all throughout the Gospels you see displays of My power. In today’s Gospel I cast out a legion of demons from a possessed man. In other Gospels I quieted many storms of the sea, walked on water, multiplied the bread and fish, and made water into wine. I healed many sick people of all their afflictions. All of these signs indicate to you My power over the evil ones. So do not have fear, because I will protect you. I allow testing to occur as a grace of opportunity to make your faith stronger in adversity. I never test you beyond your endurance, but do not expect a comfortable life all the time. These miracles were signs of hope for My apostles. The greatest miracle was My Resurrection from My death on the cross that has saved everyone who accepts Me. I also have given you the gift of Myself in turning bread and wine into My Body and Blood. These sacraments that I instituted, were for your spiritual food and the forgiveness of sins. They give you My grace which is the lifeblood of the soul. I love all of you, and I am always at your side when you call on Me for help.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you are unhappy with the control that your government leaders are exercising in taking over your rights. The real blame is on the central bankers and the one world people who control your leaders as puppets for their evil plans that are led by Satan. Your leaders and the one world people who control your corporations, have literally exported your jobs through their free trade agreements. By importing so many goods from China, China has used your trade deficit to buy your Treasury Notes and build up their military. Now, China could blackmail you by switching these Treasury Notes to other currencies. There is a plan to remove the dollar as the ‘reserve currency’ to transact oil payments. America is being purposely weakened in your economy, education, finances, and in your military power. The plan for a one world government is to bring America into the North American Union to eliminate your Constitutional Bill of Rights. This coming takeover of America will be brought about through martial law. I have shown you before that this could be brought about through bankruptcy, a pandemic virus, terrorist activity, a large man-made induced natural disaster, or even a combination of these things. When you see martial law or mandatory chips in the body, it will be time to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges of protection. Your main battle is one for souls to save them from hell. Countries rise and fall, but your soul’s destination is more important for all eternity. Be ready to go to My refuges, but most of all evangelize as many souls to the faith as you can while you still have time. Pray for My help in your work to save souls.”


Tuesday, February 1, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s miracles in the Gospel one woman was healed by touching My clothing in faith, while a little girl was raised from the dead. When you see this miracle of raising someone from the dead, you can see the same power used when I resurrected Myself from the dead as well. Those, who die, have their souls separated from their bodies. Remember that the body is mortal, but the soul is immortal and lives on for all eternity. It is the destination of the soul that is so important because ultimately you are judged either to heaven or hell. Strive to enter through the narrow gate to heaven by faith, rather than entering the broad road to hell. By denying self and the cares of the body, you can give your will over to My Divine Will. Come in faith to ask My healing of your soul, which is more important than healing any afflictions of the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been fortunate for a long time that you have not suffered another long power outage in the middle of winter. This vision of a chimney with a wood burner is a flashback to when you had to burn wood and use a kerosene burner for eleven days. You may want to check if your alternate heating sources are still in working order, just in case you may have to use them. It is difficult to get along in the winter without a working furnace. Some very big events are coming along when you may see the one world people shut off the electricity and your gas and water lines. If you are prepared with extra food, water, and fuel, you could survive any of the coming trials. I have told you in many messages that you will not wait long for My Warning experience. Keep prepared and be ready to leave your homes for My refuges when I will give you the word to go.”


Wednesday, February 2, 2011:(Angelo Funeral,Presentation in Temple)
Jesus said: “My people, it is always difficult to suffer the death of a husband, a father, and a grandfather. Your priest was very consoling to the wife and the family at the funeral Mass. The family was very appreciative of all the people who made it to the Mass in the middle of a bad snow storm. Angelo’s life covered several countries and he had many talents that he used to help people. He was a very gracious man in all that he did for people. Give thanks and praise to Me for the gift of Angelo’s life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you that your dollar currency is about to collapse because of your deficit budgets, and out of control borrowing and printing of money with no backing. Most Americans have a hard time believing that your currency could collapse. You need to understand the meaning of the dollar as the world’s ‘reserve currency’ in buying oil. Once your debts are so large, countries that you buy goods from will avoid dollars or charge you more dollars for the same goods. Once you no longer have a ‘reserve currency’ the value of the dollar will deteriorate and you will have hyperinflation as many nations have had, as in Germany in World War II. This will precipitate in riots in the street with people searching for food to survive. When you see the collapse of the dollar, martial law will result which will then see America become part of the North American Union. As you see the dollar begin its collapse, this will be the best time to leave for My refuges before the riots and martial law begin. This collapse is not far off, so have your backpacks and necessities ready to leave for My refuges. Call on My help and have no fear since I will have My angels protect you on your way to My refuges and at My refuges. Trust in Me more than your money, gold, or your possessions, since they will not save you.”


Thursday, February 3, 2011: (St. Blaise)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you had a flashback to your trip to St. Blaise Church when it had been attacked in the war. In the sacristy of that church you saw many shaped candles for the blessing of the throats, as you received at Mass. Today, many use crossed candles, but the original candles had more of a handle and a place to light a candle. Many traditions as this evolved from a miracle of St. Blaise when he healed a young boy from a fishbone in his throat. He was a bishop and was martyred for his faith. You all are anxious to have any special blessing, as for your throats. You are all blessed with the opportunity of coming to daily Mass. There you are blessed by the priest and by My grace at Holy Communion. Rejoice in all the blessings that I bestow on all of My people.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate to have any first class relics of the saints. This is why I wanted you, My son, to put your relics on display at your prayer group for everyone to venerate. I mentioned before that you take in your display to fix them when they get out of order. Give thanks and praise to Me for all the faithful who have suffered for giving witness to Me, whether they were martyred or they were dry martyrs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have made many covenants with man, and the first was My promise to send a Redeemer for all mankind. This was required to heal Adam and Eve’s sin of disobedience, and to heal and forgive all the sins of everyone. Another covenant is the Ten Commandments that I gave to My people through Moses. Another covenant combined with My death on the cross is the covenant of My Real Presence as you take My Body and Blood in Holy Communion. Strive to keep My Commandments and know that I will forgive you in Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, many are shocked by the ongoing street demonstrations going on in four or five Arab countries. The fact that these demonstrations occurred all at once is a sign to you that various Muslim elements of the population are trying to gain power in these governments. To some extent the people desire some new leadership because they are poor, many unemployed, and have little to eat with little hope of getting better. These real concerns are being taken advantage of by Islamic activists that desire Islamic states. Pray for calm in these outbreaks so there is little or no loss of life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for doing some research to share with the people exactly how evil these chemtrails and the HAARP machine are in causing man-made disasters. The HAARP has been used to enhance bad storms as you are witnessing all over your country. It is also being used to cause major earthquakes and other military uses. The chemtrails with their toxic barium and aluminum are slowly poisoning your people and the ground where you grow your crops. If people have not looked into the understanding of these weapons, then they should learn exactly how they are abusing the earth as I created it. I have told you if these abuses get worse, I may have to intervene to stop the destruction of My creation.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are a little older, can remember how difficult it was to type letters and research papers with mechanical typewriters. Today, you have computer word processors and laser printers that make it a lot easier to type reports. You are able to send these words in e-mails and broadcast My Word on the internet. It can be a great help to evangelize people in helping them to save their souls. Beware that these tools can be abused by evil people as well to spread pornography and bad movies. Even the Antichrist will use the internet to try and force people to worship him by mind control. Pray for My help in discerning any abuses and get rid of these tools after the Warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, your State and Federal governments have been overspending their budgets for so long that people have accepted it as business as usual. The debts that have piled up are now on the verge of bankruptcy at all levels of government. Even if by a miracle you could manage to have balanced budgets, you still have to pay the enormous interest on such large debts. Even worse are the underfunded pensions and entitlements that will not have enough money to support them. My people should get ready to come to My refuges once your financial system will crash.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to store about one year’s supply of food for when food will be hard to find and purchase, especially if a chip in the hand is required to buy things. Some people at My refuges have stored grains as wheat and rice. In order to use them for food and flour, it will be necessary to grind these grains. If you have such grain stored, then you need to have a small mechanical grinder to convert your grain into flour. The grains will keep longer than the ground flour, so only grind what you need at one time. Be like the wise virgins as you will be prepared to endure this tribulation at My refuges with your supplies and those things that I will multiply.”


Friday, February 4, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, there is a faithful remnant that is close to Me at Mass and in their daily prayers. Some even visit Me daily in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. They have been faithful to Me even over many years. You have seen in the Gospel how St. John the Baptist witnessed to Me by not being afraid to tell King Herod that it was unlawful to marry his brother’s wife. He witnessed his faith, even though he could be at risk of losing his life in doing so. So My faithful of today also need to witness your faith as in protesting abortions and advising people that it is unlawful for couples to live together in constant fornication. This could even endanger your life as the religious persecution time gets stronger. Do not be afraid to stand up for your own faith in Me, and refuse any chips in your body. You will soon be entering the tribulation time when the evil ones will be trying to kill Christians and patriots. This is why I have had My faithful building refuges for your place of protection during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I seek all of My faithful to come to Me in Confession as I am like the father of the Prodigal Son waiting for his son’s return. I am also waiting for all of you to return to Me in Confession so I can break the chain of your sins, and return My grace to your soul. It is not easy for some to come to Confession because it means that you have to admit that you are a sinner and you need to have your sins cleansed in My sacrament of Penance. By swallowing your pride, you are being humble in admitting the guilt of your sins. I desire that you come to Confession as often as you desire, but at least once monthly. When you confess often, this is not a sign of weakness or that you are a great sinner, but it means that you want to be close to Me in the state of grace as much as possible. You need to be constantly vigilant in protecting your soul, so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment when I call you home at your death. By frequent Confession and all of your devotional prayers, you also are minimizing any unforgiven sins that will be scrutinized in your Warning experience at your mini-judgment. My Warning will be an extension of My Divine Mercy for all sinners. Even the worst sinners will be awakened in their spiritual lives, and they will be given a second chance to change their lives. Everyone will understand how your sins offend Me, and how important it is to ask My forgiveness. Many will change and could be saved, but others will need the help of My prayer warriors in finding a way to conversion. Pray that those in your family, who are away from Me, will be healed and converted at My Warning.”


Saturday, February 5, 2011: (St. Agatha)
Jesus said: “My people, many times in the Gospel readings you see Me drawn to go off into deserted places or into the mountains to pray. Prayer is when you are talking to Me from your soul. By being in quiet places, you can be away from the noise of the world in music, talking, or traffic. In this quiet time now you can listen to My words to your heart, and I can hear you more clearly. In this quiet time with Me you can refresh your spiritual lives that are torn with many demands for your attention. I am the Good Shepherd who brings you My Word of Scripture in the Bible. You have other shepherds in My Church as the pope, bishops, and My priest sons. Even My laity that is baptized and confirmed, are priests, prophets, and kings that are in the line of Melchizedek. All of My faithful can shepherd souls to conversion and help save souls from hell through the power of the Holy Spirit. For those who have fallen away from Me, do not give up on their souls, but pray for their conversion and give them good example in your prayer lives. When people see you coming to Mass, Adoration, and saying your prayers, they can see where you get your spiritual strength. Be on your good behavior at all times so people can see that you live what you believe in your life. Guard yourself from any occasions of sin, and ask My help whenever you are tested by the evil one. By your devotional prayer, and good works, you are following Me through the narrow gate to your eternal reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this crucifix on the ground is My calling to everyone to pick up your own cross and suffer carrying it in union with My own suffering. I have told you that I will give you My peace for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Those, who do not invite Me to help them, are carrying twice the burden as My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard a great conversion story and the fruit of his conversion. Many of you think that a conversion can only occur once in your life. Throughout your life you may become comfortable with different sins that can turn into habitual sins. You may be saying your prayers for various petitions, but you should be open to pray for a conversion of one of your habitual sins. You know deep down in your soul that you need to make improvements by dealing with your habitual sins. Take one sin, pray about it, and ask My help to break this habit. When you are tempted to commit this sin, say ‘Jesus help me.’ Make this simple request and I will answer your prayer. Continue to make a conversion in your life of each sin that needs to be rooted out of your comfort zone. You will get many attacks from the devil to put off any conversions, or he will tell you that it is too hard to do. All things are possible with Me, and many conversions can be accomplished in your life if you let Me help you. I love all of you and I want to see your souls perfected over time. Making conversions are very difficult with habitual sins. Saying a novena for this intention may help you in your progress. You can also use a Lenten penance in giving up one of your sins. Be humble and take away your pride, and you will find your conversion may be easier than you thought.”


Sunday, February 6, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you are truly the salt of the earth, and I call all of My faithful to go out into the world to share My Light of the Gospel in seeking to evangelize souls to follow Me. When I said what if the salt loses its flavor, I am referring to what if one of My faithful loses his or her way, then he or she cannot spread My message. So it is important that you stay close to Me in daily prayer and if possible daily Mass. In this way you will not lose any of your gifts of faith, and you will be enabled by the Holy Spirit to spread My Word as My Light disperses the darkness of sin. To protect yourselves from the evil ones, you must wear your weapons of the rosary, the scapular, the Benedictine cross, and possibly holy water and blessed salt. When you go out in your mission trips, you use My blessed salt in your van for protection. Blessed salt is very powerful against the demons, as is your relic of My True Cross. When you pray for a healing of people, remember that you are praying through Me and the Holy Spirit to heal both the body and the soul. Healing of the soul in conversion is even more important than any bodily healing. I love My faithful and all peoples, even those who do not love Me. I give this as an example that I want you to love everyone also, even those who persecute you or try to harm you. Each person has a soul, and I do not want that person to be lost to the evil one. I am sending you out as My apostles two by two so you can go out to all the nations with My Word. Then people can be given the opportunity to be saved and invited to know and love Me. I give you all My blessing of protection and a blessing to strengthen your faith so you can be a witness of My love to all people in the world.”


Monday, February 7, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the beginning of creation I provided the sun for light, the water for drinking, the oxygen in the air for man to breathe, and the plants and animals for food. During the tribulation when you are at My refuges, I will provide the deer for meat, water, and your daily Communion as bread. Your community will have to provide all of your hygiene needs and the things that you use by using your individual talents. This is why in the vision you are seeing these vats for washing, bathing, and making things that you need. You will be living as in older days without many of your present comforts. This will only last less than 3 ½ years until I come and vanquish the evil ones, and bring you into My Era of Peace. Have patience and pray as you will be preparing for your entry into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many doctors, hospitals, and even drug stores encouraging people to get the latest flu shot for Swine Flu and the latest seasonal flu. I have warned you in the past not to take the flu shots because they will damage your immune system instead of protecting you from the flu. It is hard to find any evidence of just how much the shots protect you from the flu, but there is some evidence of side effects that affect a fair percentage of people who took the shots. Some may not have immediate symptoms, but continuous shots have caused memory losses. I told you how the evil ones are preparing to place a deadly virus in the chemtrails that will sicken those who took flu shots more than those who did not take them. It is better to have Hawthorn pills, vitamins, and herbs to build up your immune system. When many are dying, you will need to wear your masks, and call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My refuges. At the refuges look on My luminous cross and drink the healing spring water, and you will be protected from these flu viruses and any other ailment. Give thanks and praise to Me for healing any diseases, and protecting you from the evil ones who want to kill you.”


Tuesday, February 8, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, on the sixth day I created man and later woman, as most animals have male and female species. As you look at the human body and all the intricate parts of a working body, you are amazed at My creative skills. Just look at one part as the eye, and how it functions to provide your sight. Man in all of his scientific research cannot produce a human body. You may be able to manipulate DNA genes and add artificial limbs, but you cannot even come close to making a working human body. You are wonderfully made in the womb, and this is why human life with a soul is so precious, and should not be killed. Many atheists challenge My act of creation with the big bang theory and Darwin’s evolution theory because they do not understand My power over everything. Many of these things are only theories because they have not been proven. My creation is a fact because it is self-evident to those who can see things in front of them. Be grateful for the gift of your life and all the other parts of My creation that you need for survival. Your soul is your most precious gift because it is the spiritual life that will never die. This is also why you must guard it from sin and the devil who wants to possess you in hell. I love you, and I am a jealous God as well for your soul to love Me. I do not force Myself on you because I gave you free will to love Me by your own choice. Come to Me and I will lead you to your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your society is very dependent on your transportation in cars and trucks, and also on the fuel that runs them. For the most part oil is used to make gasoline which is a limited fossil fuel. This is why places of oil have become politically important for the ability to keep your vehicles running. As fuel costs rise relative to the dollar, this can affect many parts of your economy, as transporting goods could drive up prices as well. Hybrid cars and other fuels can improve fuel mileage with less dependency on so much oil. Renewable sources of fuel combined with electric hybrids may offer you the best compromise because fuels like ethanol would be hard to replace all the gasoline that you use. Many emerging economies like China and India are also putting demand on the world’s oil supplies. By being able to make your own fuels from farm products or natural gas, you would be less dependent on politically controlled oil countries. America has many problems with its debts, but a sound energy plan is needed to support your economy. It will be your huge deficits over the years that will bring down the dollar and your country. Once this bankruptcy is forced on the people, there will be chaos and riots in the streets. Once martial law results, My faithful will need to move to My refuges of protection. Trust in My help to get you to My refuges since the one world people are about to bring their one world government into power with the Antichrist at the head.”


Wednesday, February 9, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, there is pride in man in his own accomplishments, when he should be giving glory to Me for such things. The vision of the tower of Babel is a sign how man was trying to reach heaven with a tall building. It was man’s arrogance for power that I humbled him by causing many languages to be spread among the people so they could no longer work together on building this tower. Even today, the same is true with your skyscrapers and inventions when you rarely give Me glory for your accomplishments. The pride and greed for power and money will be leading to America’s demise because of your overspending and irresponsible management of your deficits. Because of your sins of abortion and your sexual sins, your punishment will be the loss of your rights, and you will see a takeover by martial law. Be prepared to go to My refuges when martial law occurs.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not by accident that you are seeing record snowfalls and record cold all over America, especially in the Northern states. In the vision I am showing you exactly how the weather is being formed over the Pacific Ocean and it is swept in by the controlled jet streams into the center of America. Also deep cold waves are coming down from Canada. The storms are coming in one after another, as even the weather forecasters think that this activity does not follow normal weather patterns. It is difficult to prove that the HAARP machine is causing this irregular weather, but I am trying to confirm My previous messages with this vision. Forecasters talk of various oscillator highs over Greenland, but these weather currents can also be manipulated by moving the jet streams in various waves. When you have a microwave machine that can control weather, form earthquakes, and affect mind control over people, then you see why it is so important to alert people about the workings of the HAARP machine. The one world people will use any device at hand to cause major natural disasters that will allow a martial law declaration for total takeover of America. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when I tell you to leave.”


Thursday, February 10, 2011: (St. Scholastica)
Jesus said: “My people, have no fear of the demons when you invoke My Name of protection. But do not become involved with the occult in black magic, New Age, witchcraft, sorcery, tarot cards, or transcendental meditation that can invite demons into your body. Avoid evil potions, Harry Potter movies and books that can influence you to obsession or possession by demons. By calling on My healing and not spirit guides, you can be healed in faith both physically and spiritually. You can wear your blessed sacramentals of your rosaries, scapulars, relics, and holy water or blessed salt to repel any demon attacks. Possessed people should have an exorcist priest pray over them, or a deliverance prayer group binding any evil spirits to the foot of My cross. I have power over all the demons, but in your prayers some demons require prayer and fasting, as with some serious addictions. Recite your St. Michael prayer and invoke My Name if you should be attacked by demons. Ask Me to send angels from heaven to do battle with any evil influences. You have Me, your guardian angel, and the saints to call on for help in guarding you from sin and temptations of the devil that you suffer every day.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the protest marches in Egypt have called for Mubarak to step down from power. The concern is whether the military will assume power in the vacuum of no leadership. If the military starts ruling, there may be a conflict between the protesters and the military which could turn violent very quickly. Pray for no loss of life in this conflict so there is a steady transition of power.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a tall tree shows how much it is dependent on a sound root structure. The first roots of My Church started with the prophecies and prophets of the Old Testament. Today, you have a hierarchy headed by My pope son, the cardinals, bishops, priests, and other clergy. The root structure is made up of My faithful remnant in the laity. As the faith of the people grows weak, the root structure that supports My Church also grows weak. Pray that the lukewarm will be inspired by My prayer warriors to hold fast to their faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, for some time your dollar has been controlled and interest rates have been held at artificially low levels. The Federal Reserve has been printing so much money that the true value of the dollar has been so diluted that many countries will soon avoid dollars. The reserve currency of the dollar to buy oil will soon be superceded by other currencies. If America cannot find buyers for its Treasury Notes, then you will soon have to print so much money that it will cause hyperinflation and soon bankruptcy. When you cannot buy food or fuel, you will see riots and looting followed by martial law. Then you will only be safe by coming to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen threats of bankruptcy in many European countries, and their bailouts are only temporary. Another financial crisis will happen in America that will have rippling effects on the world economies. Because your money does not have any intrinsic value, it can fail very quickly when your debts are impossible to fund. This currency failure will be the beginning of the takeover of America. Again, My refuges will be your best protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are planning major uprisings in many countries so under martial law they can take over many countries to form the unions that will be given over to the Antichrist to control. He will bring peace out of chaos, but soon he will bring about an evil tyrannical dictatorship where he will try and control people with chips in the body. Refuse to take any chips in the body. When this tribulation begins, My faithful need to be at My refuges because the evil ones will try to eliminate Christians and patriots to form their new world order. Have trust in My protection for I am more powerful than all of these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you pray for the success of spiritual conferences, you know that you will need heavenly power to hold back any evil attacks on conferences that will help to save souls. You have seen your own novena to St. Therese answered in helping you complete your recent DVD talk. This is why novena prayers for this upcoming conference are so important for all of your participants to pray. Instead of just nine days, you can pray your novena prayers for all the days before this conference.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your strong, faithful prayer groups are losing members to deaths of various causes. Because your members tend to be getting older into retirement, it is harder to add new members to replace those who have died or are in nursing homes. I have told you when I return, will I find any faith on the earth? Pray now to have your prayers doubled because fewer and fewer prayers are being prayed to offset the increasing evil in the world. This evil will culminate with the short reign of the Antichrist during the tribulation. Trust in My protection at My refuges and do not lose hope. Once you see the Antichrist come into power, know that My coming is soon when I will cast this evil lot into hell and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Friday, February 11, 2011: (Jim White’s funeral Mass)
Jim said: “I want to thank you, John and Carol, for visiting me before I died, and sharing with my family. I wanted to take issue with my nephew’s comment on me being grumpy. My world comments were addressing how evil things have become, and the Lord will be coming to address these evil ones. I do have hope when many will change after the Warning. I have tried to be a spiritual helper in keeping my family in prayer and on the right road to heaven. I will be praying for all of My family as I love all of them so very much. I love you, Maureen, and I am no longer in pain. I will be in purgatory for a short time. Thank you for all of your prayers and Masses for my intention. Support each other in your faith and continue to attend Sunday Mass and monthly Confession. Call on me to pray for you in your times of need.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in history how England’s meager air force was able to defeat a German air force that was four times as large. In America today, you have a different evil force which is trying to take you over, but not by a military takeover. You are dealing with the demon inspired central bankers and one world people who are doing everything to ruin your Republic. Their first attack was to control you financially through the Federal Reserve. The second attack was to create massive deficits through wars, stock market crashes, and overspending by your government. Your debts are so large that it is almost equal to your country’s national output. These evil ones also want to erase the middle class by purposely sending your good manufacturing jobs overseas by controlling corporate leaders. They also want to destroy the moral fabric of America by dividing families, using pornography and drugs to break down the people, and even by using the occult and New Age teachings. You not only are dealing with ruthless killers, but you are in a battle for souls. Many of your churches are losing members as your national morality is being corrupted by evil and spiritual laziness. There is still hope by forming or enlarging your prayer groups. Prayer is your best weapon against the evil ones who are trying to take over America. Many are preparing refuges of protection for dealing with the evil tribulation of the Antichrist. Call on My angels to help you in this battle against the evil ones. Stand up and fight the immorality all around you. Even as Germany was defeated, so I will intervene in the battle against the Antichrist to bring about his demise. Trust in My greater power that will defeat evil and bring My people into My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, February 12, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are seeing the result of the sin of Adam and Eve when they were banished from the Garden of Eden and had to work for their food by tilling the soil. This is contrasted with the vision under the Vatican where you see St. Peter and many popes were buried. I came to die and redeem mankind from the sins that were inherited from Adam and Eve. With My sacrifice you are freed at Baptism from original sin, and I have given you Confession for your actual sins to be forgiven. You have Me in My Eucharist to strengthen your soul as symbolized in the bread that was multiplied in the Gospel. I formed My Church on St. Peter and My apostles to spread Christianity to all the nations of the world. Be grateful that I have protected and preserved My Church from destruction. Many kingdoms are fortunate to last five hundred years, but you have seen My hand in helping My Church throughout history for over two thousand years. My hand of protection will always be with My faithful remnant even throughout the tribulation. So have hope that you will be protected from the demons and the Antichrist at My refuges.”


Sunday, February 13, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of removing a television from the house can be interpreted as another sign of the coming Warning experience. The Warning will come before the Antichrist declares himself. In the Warning experience you will see your life review, and you will be warned not to take the chip in the body, nor worship the Antichrist. After the Warning you will want to remove your TVs, computers, and radios so you will not see or hear the Antichrist, so he cannot try to force you to worship him. Also, after the Warning you will be advised to leave soon for My refuges for protection from the evil ones. The Warning will also be an urging to get to Confession as you will be able to remember all of your unforgiven sins. You can be prepared for the Warning by frequent Confession so you will have fewer unforgiven sins to review.”

Jesus said: “My people, this prescription sign in the vision covers several issues dealing with medicines. The first issue is a concern about avoiding flu shots that are being used by the drug companies to eventually break down people’s immune systems. This will make people vulnerable to the pandemic virus that will be spread by the chemtrails. At the same time, I have recommended masks to wear and Hawthorn pills, vitamins, and herbs to take to help build up your immune systems. Other warnings are a concern about imported medicines from China that could be of questionable quality. Eventually, you may have to stock up on six months supply of your herbs and vitamins when your government will have a new plan according to the World Health Organization that will require licenses to sell vitamins and herbs. Once you come to My refuges, you will have My luminous cross and the healing spring water to protect you from any diseases. But until you leave for My refuges, you may need to help your health needs and be concerned about what people are putting in your food or medicines.”


Monday, February 14, 2011: (St. Cyril and Methodius)
Jesus said: “My people, this rope bridge across a ravine is definitely unsteady as you cross to the other side. This is a little like the ups and downs that you are faced with in life’s trials. At times you may have to deal with problems with your car or your house that need fixing. At other times you may have problems with your health or that of a relative or friends. Also, you have been attending several funerals of your friends. All of life’s problems can cause you stress, but you must keep peace in your soul, and cross these bridges when you have to. Pray for My help in giving you strength to endure your trials, and for My grace to protect you from any temptations of the evil one. Just as Cain allowed himself to be jealous of Abel’s favor with the Lord, do not let things or people bother you so much that it could lead you into sin. Follow your heart of love and do not give in to the urges of the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil central bankers and the one world people are using their public relations people to tell you how imminent their takeover is going to be. They are so prideful of their power, but they are weak against Me and the population that could be turned against them. The evil ones are proceeding with their plans to make the dollar worthless so bankruptcy, pandemic viruses, and world famine could bring about martial law. These evil ones can even create man-made disasters as well. Their intention is to try and place chips in everyone to control them as robots. Refuse to take any chips in the body even under pain of death because they will control your free will. Their other plan is to exterminate all Christians and patriots before and after martial law is declared. My faithful will need to leave for My refuges before the military starts enforcing mandatory chips in the body. Once martial law takes over, America will become part of the North American Union and all of your rights will be taken away. Then all the continental unions will be given over to the Antichrist so he can declare his coming into power. Fear not these evil ones because I will then intervene with My supernatural power that will cast all of these evil ones into hell after they suffer My plagues on earth. You will be seeing the chapters of the Book of Revelation carried out before your eyes, as I will then bring about My Era of Peace as your reward for remaining faithful to Me. So be calm and patient as you prepare to come to My refuges where you will find food, water, shelter, and healings. My angels will protect you, so you will have no need of guns. Have some food on hand until you leave for My refuges. Gold and silver will be used briefly for barter, but food is more valuable to store.”


Tuesday, February 15, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, it is Satan and his demons that are orchestrating the drive in the one world people to cause a world takeover through your debts which will be given over to the Antichrist. If you follow the Scriptures of the Book of Revelation, you know this takeover is coming. What the people of today have a hard time reckoning with, is that this takeover is imminent. Even the one world people themselves, through their intended leaks, are telling you that they intend to crash your dollar in the next two years. I have been warning My faithful to have their backpacks ready to leave for My refuges. Even My refuge builders have been instructed to have things ready to receive a lot of people. My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and I will multiply the food and shelters needed by My faithful. Your money will soon become worthless, so I have told you to stock up on food so you can share it when it is needed. Food will be more valuable than gold or silver. Gold and silver are the currency of the rich, as even they do not trust in paper documents or paper money. These events of a world famine and world bankruptcy are very close, but when martial law comes, the rich will take over everything. Be prepared to refuse any mandatory chips in the body, and leave for My refuges before the chaos and riots in the streets will occur. I have been emphasizing these messages very intensely over this last year. Have your soul prepared by frequent Confession and daily prayer, because your soul is more important than the survival of your body. Be the wise virgins of preparedness than the foolish virgins who did not prepare.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have voted Republicans into replace the overspending Democrats, and you were hoping that they could help balance the budget deficits. What most people do not see is how there are forces behind the scenes that desire America to fall, and they will fight against any serious cuts in spending. Any major changes still have to pass your Democrat controlled Senate and the President. This is why there will be little changed as America is continuing to spend itself into bankruptcy. The Federal Reserve is also buying your Treasury Notes more because fewer people and foreigners are buying them. These purchases add to the National Debt, as the Federal Reserve has a balance sheet that is made out of thin air. The more dollars that are put into credit circulation, the less the dollar will be worth, as its value is diluted. These manipulations are just postponing the inevitable demise of America’s financial system which is based on the dollar. Be prepared, My people, for your debts cannot be sustained for very long. Once your dollar crashes and martial law is put in place, you will need to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge. Trust in My protection and the food I will give you. People will be seeking food when their money cannot buy it because the dollar will be worthless. So get to My refuges before riots and chaos begin.”


Wednesday, February 16, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read of Noah and his ark, and how it protected his family and the animals during a world flood. Once the waters subsided, then the world had to be repopulated with people, animals, and plants. I made a covenant with Noah when I placed a rainbow in the sky that I would never bring a great flood over the earth again. Even today, as My faithful prepare My refuges, these places will be your arks of protection, as My angels will shield you from the evil ones throughout the tribulation. This will be a modern day Exodus as when Moses was enabled by Me to bring My people out of Egypt during the first Exodus. I also am promising you another covenant that I will always be with you in My Real Presence in every tabernacle of every refuge. If you do not have a priest for Mass, I will still have My angels bring you daily Communion so you will have a spiritual Manna of My very Self. Just as Noah had no fear, he braved all the criticisms of his preparations in building the ark. So My people of today must brave similar criticisms of your preparations of food, bedding, and shelters. You will be vindicated when the famine comes, and when you will be protected at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the reading of Noah, the people had to go out and populate the earth again. In the Gospel reading Jesus sent the man, who was healed of his blindness, out to his home so he could share his new found faith. In the vision of a train and a car, these are the means of travel to go out and spread My message so you can evangelize souls to the faith. Do not keep your faith just for yourself, as under a bushel basket. But let your faith shine like a light on a lamp stand, where everyone can hear and see My Good News. By sharing your faith and reaching out to save souls by conversion, your reward will be great in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you see a man drowning in the water, your first thought is to throw him a life saving ring with a rope attached in order to pull him to safety. You may be able to drive a boat out to pull him out of the water, or if necessary, you may even attempt to save him by swimming to him and pulling him to safety. A life is too precious to lose. In a similar manner you may also see someone drowning in their sins, and they could be lost to hell. This could be more difficult and not always as obvious to everyone. You may call on a priest to help counsel such a person, or if he is addicted in some way, he may require special help to rid his demons. Here again you may be the only person of faith that he may meet in this life, and you do not want anyone to be lost. Evangelizing souls to the faith may require a special teaching, or friendship to help that person to have a personal relationship with Me. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the right words to help any sinner. Bringing them to My sacraments is like bringing a soul to safety from falling into hell. It gives you a deep feeling of joy to bring the faith into anyone’s life. I need My prayer warriors to reach out to lost souls and invite them to come to know Me. Once you can bring someone to the faith, then that person can help others in their family to receive the same gift.”


Thursday, February 17, 2011: (Seven founders of the Order of Servites)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a light has many meanings both in the physical world and in the spiritual world. You have just read from Genesis in the last week how I put the sun and the stars in the heavens so you could have light during the day and the reflected light of the moon at night. When your scientists use prisms, they can refract the light into a rainbow of colors. It is true that this is a natural phenomenon. In Genesis I stated that I put a rainbow in the sky as a sign or covenant that I would never again send another flood upon the earth that would kill everyone. Many question whether there was rain and rainbows before the flood. My word to you is that this was the first rainbow because there is little evidence of how the earth was before the flood. Take this on faith that this sign was a new creation. Light can also be seen as spiritual when I talk of Myself as the Light of the world that disperses the darkness of sin. Even in your souls there is an association with darkness when it is full of sin. When I forgive you in Confession, I cast out the darkness of sin, and I renew you with My Light and grace so your soul is now white and spotless. In some of My miracles I healed some people from blindness, and they also came out of darkness into My Light of day because of their faith that I could heal them. When I healed people, I healed both their bodies and their souls. When you receive Me in Holy Communion in the state of grace, you are enlightened by My very Presence in you. It is My spiritual Manna that feeds you My grace and prepares you for eternal life with Me in heaven. Rejoice in My Light of day and My Light in your soul.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are in the end times and you see signs all around you that the Antichrist is about ready to come on the scene. When the Antichrist comes, there will be chaos in riots and a financially troubled world. He will come on the scene as a man of peace who will appear to solve the world’s problems of wars and financial bankruptcies. But very quickly he will become a tyrannical dictator who will try and force the people to take his mark or chip in the hand so he can get people to worship him. My faithful will be at My refuges during this tribulation. Do not take his chip in the body, and trust that I will come soon to cast this evil lot into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not by accident that all of these countries are supposedly desiring democratic control all at once. There are militant Muslims instigating these uprisings in many Arab countries. They are not interested in democracies, but they desire Islamic states wherever possible. Do not let your TV reporters mislead you because this is a coordinated world movement with an evil intent behind it.”

Jesus said: “My people, each of your parties has proposed its current budget, and they cannot even agree on cuts of $61 billion of a $3.7 trillion budget. These cuts will not even touch the main problem which is out of control entitlements that are bankrupting America. You may have some cuts made after some compromises, but your debts are so staggering that your collapse is not far off. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your dollar crashes and food will be fought over.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your states are having budget problems also because of entitlements and unusually expensive pension and pay for government workers. Teachers, firemen, and the police are funded by the taxpayers, but mandates for pay and pensions are causing budget deficits. This is why various states are taking up measures to cut contracts that are not affordable. This is also why many union protests and even minority Democrats are not even allowing such a vote. These protests in the states also could be abused by instigator groups who are trying to cause a takeover even as they liken these protests to those in Egypt. Handing out money is accepted, but cutting back will be causing heated protests. The real protest will come from taxpayers who cannot handle any more tax increases.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your constitutional rights are being violated in the name of security against terrorists. You are seeing more cameras, invasive searching at airports, and broad surveillance of all of your communications. Your Congress people are perpetuating this removal of your rights by enacting further Patriot Act rulings. Many of your citizens will be liable to prison based on bureaucratic rules of what is proper behavior.”

Jesus said: “My people, your military and other Homeland Security groups are preparing detention center death camps for millions of your citizens just because they are religious people or patriots. This is being controlled by the one world people who want to exterminate their opposition who stand in the way of their new world order. The evil ones will be allowed a brief reign of power, but My faithful will need to seek the safety of My refuges to avoid being killed in these death camps. Trust in My warning to leave your homes, or you could be captured and killed by the men in black who will try to force chips into the body on everyone. My people will be protected at My refuges throughout the entire time of the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to My refuges, be prepared to work hard because you will all be working to help each other survive independent of your comforts of today. Many people, who are preparing refuges, are working hard on the things that people will need. Hundreds and even thousands of faithful will be coming to My refuges, so people will have to pitch in and use their talents for the benefit of your own refuge community. My people will have enough food to eat and survive, but you will have to endure a harder lifestyle with little or no electricity. Your spiritual life will be enhanced in a slower pace of a simple life. At the end I will come and cleanse the earth of evil, and I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”


Friday, February 18, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you the Antichrist to be a Muslim leader. This is not by accident, but it is by design of the evil ones. The Antichrist has advertised his coming in newspapers and speaking of his star images that have announced his coming. He will claim to be a leader for all religions. The history of some Muslim sects have predicted his coming in a time of strife, and some sects are actually encouraging his coming by starting uprisings in many Arab countries. The Book of Revelation speaks of a beast called the Antichrist who will reign for less than three and one-half years. This is a description of the tribulation that I have asked My people to prepare for in making My refuges. Many signs of a coming strife are appearing with world financial problems, more earthquakes than normal, and even a pestilence with man-made viruses. The devil and the demons have instigated wars and coming bankruptcies through the central bankers. A new world order is their goal, and you are seeing this come about in your daily events. Once martial law is declared, the declaration of the Antichrist’s reign is not far behind. I will protect My faithful at My refuges until I will come and vanquish all of these evil ones. Have no fear when you call upon My protection and My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is showing you that more natural disasters are going to happen. By controlling the jet streams with the HAARP machine, the evil ones are trying to create more chaos for their takeover. By bringing jet streams closer to the earth, you can enhance high wind storms, blizzards in winter, and more violent tornadoes in the spring. It is hard to recover from recessions when you have to deal with damage to your homes and cars. While some will be experiencing floods from snow melting, others may have to deal with increasing intensities of earthquakes. You are in a time of uncertainty in how events are going to happen, but one thing is sure that at My refuges you will not have to deal with life threatening disasters, evil ones trying to kill you, or even deadly pandemic viruses. My refuges are truly safe havens where all of My faithful will want to be when chaos and riots in the streets begin. Pray to be calm and trusting in My protection as the tribulation comes about.”


Saturday, February 19, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you know that your news has been censored, but it is even worse than you suspected. Those, who are behind the scenes, see to it that they even manipulate the truth with lies, deceptions, and disinformation. Your inflation numbers and unemployment numbers are kept artificially low for political purposes. Your wages are decreasing, while the rich are benefitting from shipping your jobs overseas. Your budgets and interest rates are also artificially manipulated. If people knew the true financial story, you would know that your dollar is about ready to fall as your debts are bringing about your country’s bankruptcy. When your country’s financial system crashes, you will need to come to My refuges for food and protection. Pray for the souls of the people who are being misled by your media.”

Jesus said: “My people, the wheels of time move slowly, but soon the end time events will be upon you. I have not given you so many messages on the refuges unless you will be needing this information. It may be well for you to reread My messages about the coming Warning and the need to be at My refuges during the tribulation. The Warning will come before the Antichrist and the events that will require you to leave for My refuges. The Antichrist will make it mandatory to have chips in the body. Refuse any chip in the body, and do not look at the Antichrist or listen to him. He will have demonic powers to get you to worship him if you look at his eyes or hear his voice. This is why after the Warning you are to remove your TVs, computers, and radios from your houses. I am more powerful than all of these evil ones. When you see a world famine, a division in My Church, martial law, and mandatory chips in the body, then call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge. At the refuges you will be protected, fed, and healed of any ailments. Those, who do not leave soon enough, could be captured and martyred. Trust in Me and I will come in a short time to defeat the Antichrist and his minions, as they will all be cast into hell. Then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Note on Conference questions in February: Jesus said: “My people, in previous messages I have given you that no one will know the exact day of My Warning experience that will be received by everyone on the earth at the same time. There will be a grace of My Divine Mercy at this coming Conference where some will experience their own Warning or a Warning preview. This will be given especially for My refuge builders who will need to help people when they come to My refuges. I will bless everyone at the Conference with My Divine Mercy, and there will be a strong desire for everyone to come to Confession. This is why some have been instructed to have a large number of priests present to hear Confessions. I have also advised you to come to Confession before this Conference so you will have less unforgiven sins to be reviewed in your life review for those who have the Warning experience. Many will also be looking for signs in the sky at this time.”


Sunday, February 20, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this pantry of extra food because you need to have some food on hand for the coming food shortage. I have given you messages before to have a year’s supply of food stored, but this is not meant to cause you any financial hardship. As crops have been damaged by bad weather all over the world, this will put a strain on reserve supplies of food that are at an all time low in the world. Not only will you find it difficult in a short time to find food on the shelves, but you may have to have a chip in the body in order to buy it. Another concern in the short term is that food prices will be increasing because of these shortages. It will eventually reach a point that your dollar will so decrease in value that your money will not be enough to buy your food. You could buy a little bit of extra food each week to build up your own pantry. The year’s supply of food will be needed from now until you have to leave for My refuges. You will not have to worry again about having to dispose of any more spoiled canned goods since the timing of your leaving is not far off.”


Monday, February 21, 2011: (St. Peter Damian)
Jesus said: “My people, some people have been so familiarized with evil all around them that they do not realize it because of its gradual increase. There are a lot more drugs and pornography available than ever before. Even many of your movies have more violence, swearing, and nudity than ever before. Abortions and euthanasia are readily available. The manipulation and destruction of the DNA of plants and animals is rampant. Wars and terrorism are move violent. Even man-made disasters and viruses also show today’s extent of evil. Control through microchips, cameras, and surveillance are taking away your freedoms. Even worship of Me is frowned on in public places, and some countries openly kill Christians. The evil things of today and persecution are getting worse. Those, who have the eyes of faith, see these things as a sign of My coming. There are possessed people today as there were in My time. You need to pray for sinners and for conversions before it is too late for souls who could be lost to the Antichrist. During the tribulation, evil will be at its worst, so you will need My angel protection even more, as well as your daily prayers. Pray to Me to give you strength to endure the devil’s temptations, especially for what you will face in the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is becoming increasingly obvious that Islamic militants are stirring up the unemployed youth to topple the old regimes of many Arab countries. Their goal is to put Islamic states into power, and this could be a threat to Israel, Europe, and even America through terrorism and the control of oil. In years past there were wars with Islamic peoples in Europe. But now you could see attacks coming even from within these countries mentioned. With control over oil, the militants could control or influence the economies of the world. If America faces food shortages and high gas prices, you could see much more violent riots than you have seen so far. These events overseas will definitely affect countries around the world. When you see desires for control of wealth and oil resources, you could even see major wars break out over them. This time of riots and chaos will lead up to the Antichrist’s coming, and also the time for My faithful to come to My refuges. Trust in My protection because the evil ones will see Christians and patriots as their targets for extermination.”


Tuesday, February 22, 2011: (Chair of St. Peter, Camille’s Mass)
Camille said: “I am happy to see all of you again. Tell Lydia that I love her and I did not forget her. I love all of my children, grandchildren, and friends. I see that you are having a cold and snowy winter, and you cannot wait until spring comes. I am still praying for all of the family members who are not attending Sunday Mass. Please help me by praying for them, and give them a little nudge once in awhile. Do not forget to take care of my grave. Some spring flowers would be nice. I pray that Vic can change his ways now that he is back home. Keep praying for him and encouraging him. Thanks again for all of your Masses for me. I will not forget your kindnesses.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people run your governments, the international corporations, and the resources of the world. They have planned the demise of America and other countries by spending deficits and forcing payments of interest until they cannot pay. Then these countries will default on their debts in bankruptcy. America is manufacturing a smaller amount of things while the corporations farm out your jobs to China and other countries. You do grow your own food, but it is being recycled through China into prepared foods. Most all countries rely on China for food and manufactured goods. You rely on OPEC countries now for your oil, even though there are large amounts of oil in America. This enables the one world people to control your food and gas prices. As the Arab countries are taken over, the oil prices will escalate and wars and riots will occur as people seek out food and fuel. It will be during this turmoil that the Antichrist will come to power. When the dollar collapses and looters will seek out food, My faithful will need to go to My refuges to protect their souls and their lives from those who will be trying to kill them. Trust in My victory in the end over all of these evil ones because My power is greater. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as your reward.”


Wednesday, February 23, 2011: (St. Polycarp)
Jesus said: “My people, there are many different sects of Christians that all profess to believe in Me, but they have different interpretations of the Bible. In the Gospel you heard Me say that everyone has to come through Me in order to get to My Father in heaven. I am the gateway to heaven, and people will know this in their Warning experience. I have established My Church and it exists today by My protection. It also is blessed with My sacraments of grace, and it gives the proper interpretation of My Word of Scripture. Look to My Pope son as the leader of My Church in the line back to St. Peter. Those, who teach and heal in My Name, are with you, but those, who teach by any other name, are not with you. Beware of the false christs and the Antichrist who will try and mislead the people. Trust in Me only, and you will be on the right road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have been encouraging your leaders to run up trillions of dollars in deficits by wars and made up financial crises with banks, bad loans, and derivatives. This is why you have a National Debt and obligations to entitlements that you can no longer afford. Your Federal Reserve has also run up debts, as well as your nationalized house loan debts. Your debts have become so large that you will not be able to find enough buyers for your Treasury Notes in order to finance this debt. These one world people intend to crash your dollar in a few years, and then they plan to bring in their new world order in the North American Union. They plan a new currency and mandatory chips in the body. Soon it will be difficult to find and purchase gas and food which could create a depression with chaos in the streets. It is when this bankruptcy of America occurs that My faithful will need to come to My refuges for food and protection. The one world people will put the Antichrist into power, but My supernatural interference will upset all the evil ones’ plans. With My Comet of Chastisement I will bring an end to this evil reign, and I will cast all of these evil ones into hell. I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Remember that I am always in control, and I limit what the evil ones can do. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful with My angels at My refuges. I will bring everyone before Me in judgment, and all will pay for their misdeeds. Come to Me for forgiveness in Confession, and you will be able to enter into heaven.”


Thursday, February 24, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you free will to do what you want in life, but all of your actions will have to face My judgment. In other words there are consequences that you may have to suffer for the decisions that you made in life. This vision of a bicycle riding down the road is a sign that you need to guard the direction of your life. You also need to be able to put on the brakes to your habitual sins in Confession. There are some people living together without marriage who are living in the occasion of fornication or adultery. Some also are committing sins of homosexual acts as well. These lifestyles with these unlawful actions need to stop, even if it means breaking up a personal relationship. A man and woman need to be living in a married state in order to have proper relations. It does not matter how many people are living in sin, since it does not change the fact that they are violating the Sixth Commandment with their sexual sins. Stopping these sins takes a grace of commitment to being obedient to My way of life. You always are welcome to come to Me for the forgiveness of your sins, but you should have a change of heart to get out of such environments that could lead you to repeating these sexual sins. Ask My help to perfect your spiritual lives by breaking your habitual sins that will take a strong desire to accomplish.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing turmoil in the Arab oil countries where it is dangerous to be outside with all the killing going on. There were fewer deaths in some of the other Arab countries where the leaders stepped down, compared to Libya. Much of this strife is spreading to all the Arab countries, but when it strikes Saudi Arabia, oil prices could rise even higher. Be prepared for more uprisings and expensive gasoline prices. Pray for peace in these countries so there will be less killing.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned many times that My people should be slowly building a year’s supply of food because of the world situation with food shortages and financial problems. Now you are hearing this word openly from many sources. Food storage will be of more value than buying gold and silver. Some are buying silver because they are concerned that the dollar could crash. You need to eat and have water to survive, so such coins would only be used to buy food. Some think that these preparations are too much, but your economy is on the brink of failure.”

Jesus said: “My people, today your stores have plenty of food and things to drink. There is only about three days supply of food in these stores. If there is an interruption in the trucks supplying the food, or many people rushing in to stock up on food, you could see a serious problem at your neighborhood stores. Even a threat of a government shutdown has some worried if they will get their entitlement checks. There is reason to be concerned when you see commodity prices that are increasing and the dollar’s value is going down. Continue to be ready to leave for My refuges when things get bad in the streets.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been reminding you in several messages how My refuges will be safe havens as arks of protection in Noah’s time. At My refuges My angels will place a shield of invisibility around everyone to protect them from the evil ones who want to kill them. You will have daily Communion from My angels, and some could live on this alone. Water will be available at My refuges, and I will send deer into your camps for meat. So have no fear in coming to My refuges where I will provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love the little children in their innocence. All children seven and under will have a miraculous protection of My angels watching over them, even in dangerous areas. Trust in My protection for all peoples, but you will need to leave your homes to be protected at My refuges. Even in your Warning experience, you will be told to be ready to leave for My refuges when you see the dollar crash, mandatory chips in the body, or martial law.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Eucharistic adorers of My Blessed Sacrament know the comfort of My Real Presence. Some of you come every night to give Me worship, and I will not forget your faithful service. This joy of being in My Divine Presence will continue at My refuges where you will be adoring Me in perpetual Adoration around the clock. You will be concerned about caring for the body’s survival, but feeding your soul with My Eucharist will be much more useful to you. Even as I protected the Israelites from their neighbors, I will also protect My faithful from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, even as you are praying for good weather for your travel, you should continue praying for good weather at your Conference as well. This Conference of mercy is very important for souls to be healed. The evil one would like to create problems for your meeting, so let your novena prayers continue throughout this Conference for protection from heavy rain and protection from evil spirits. Your people should be open in your hearts as you are open to be slain in the Spirit. By being open to My blessings of My Divine Mercy, many will be open to receive Me in the sacrament of Penance. When you leave this Conference, you will desire to spread My Word in evangelizing souls. Pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire you to carry this joy of My love out to everyone whom you meet.”


Saturday, February 26, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many insurrections in the Arab countries right now, and this looking around the corner of time into the darkness, is a sign that these events will grow increasingly worse. What you are seeing now will be the one world people instigating chaos and bankruptcy among many nations all over the world. Once many of the oil producing countries have limited their crude oil production, there will be shortages at your gas pumps with increasing prices for fuel. This will not be just a temporary shortage, but it could be for a long time until other drilling in America could be brought to market. Without much fuel, it will be difficult for your businesses to operate and also a problem in delivering food to your stores. This will be a manipulated food and fuel shortage that could threaten the current financial operations all over the world. This again is why I have warned My faithful to store some food and have your backpacks ready to leave for My refuges. Chaos and riots will soon be in your streets as people will be searching for food and fuel. When you see the money system failing, and mandatory chips in the body, it will be time to leave your homes for My refuges. Have no fear because you can call on My protection and that of My angels. My angels will lead you to the safety of My refuges where you will find food, water, shelter, and healing from My miraculous luminous cross. This is a difficult message for this Conference, but it will be My mercy on all of you that I will provide for your protection and your needs. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the ways that I am leading you to safety in your soul and in your body.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Conference has been focused on My Divine Mercy devotions, as I have given you My greatest gift of My life for all of your sins. I have also given you a great mercy of My gift of Myself in My Holy Eucharist. This Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in this procession is proper worship of Me in My consecrated Host. My people come to Me at Mass and Adoration, as I am the center of your life. I have told you in St. John’s Gospel how those, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will have eternal life. When you keep close to Me in My Eucharist, I will give you the grace and strength to endure all of your life’s trials. You are tested in this life as part of your purification in seeing how much you love Me and trust in Me. You are again here at My refuge. Those, who come here, will have Me with you always by the priest at Mass, or during the tribulation My angels will bring you daily Communion. Water and food will be provided here miraculously, and shelters also will be provided by My angels. Trust in My protection of both your soul and body at all of My refuges. My protection is another mercy that I am pouring out on all of My faithful. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I am doing for you.”


Sunday, February 27, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you have had a deep revelation in your spirit how you and others will need to become more childlike in your faith. What this means is that you need to separate yourself from worldly pleasures as much as you are able. The reason for this is that the more you can divest yourself of worldly pleasures, the less purification you will need in purgatory. In order to cross this bridge of the vision into heaven you will need to cleanse yourself of all earthly things so you become totally fixed on holy things and on Me. The closer you are to Me, and the more you fulfill My mission, the more graces you will receive to fight off the devil’s temptations. As you start refusing to desire the earthly things that please you, the devil will have a harder time to entice you into your old sins or your habitual sins. Ask Me to send angels around you for your protection from the evil ones. Prepare your soul to receive Me at your death. You will need My help to become more holy. My story is one of love, and I call you to love Me, and everyone else, even your enemies. When you have a love relationship with Me, it will not be complete unless you love your neighbor unconditionally, as I love. With My help and true love of Me and holy things, you could be brought to the higher places in heaven. Seeking Me in My Eucharist is your taste of heaven on earth. This is why I draw you to daily Mass, prayers, and Adoration so you can be close to Me and drink in the love of My Divine Mercy for your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to analyze your spiritual life to see if you are improving in your perfection, or whether you are falling backwards into your old sins. Do not be satisfied with the status quo of no improvement. I have asked you to be holy as My heavenly Father is holy, and to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. In order to enter heaven you need to be cleansed of all of your sins and earthly desires. You need to be improving on your road to perfection. You cannot stand still or become lukewarm in your faith, or Satan will sift you like sand. Ask My help through prayer and worship of My Blessed Sacrament, and you can grow in your holiness. Keep moving up these steps toward heaven, and one day I will welcome you into My wedding banquet in heaven.”


Monday, February 28, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to remember why you have been placed on this earth, and that is to know, love, and serve Me. There are worldly people who seek fame, wealth, and power in this world, but they seek these things out of a selfish spirit, and some even make these things idols in themselves. I call you to keep Me at the center of your life. Out of love I desire you to give Me your free will and your heart, so I can use you as My instrument in carrying out the unique mission that I have for only you. Each person is unique and has his or her own talents that I have given you. Everything that you have comes from Me, so this is why you need to give Me all the glory for your good works and accomplishments in this life. Most of all, you must have love of Me deep in your heart and also a real love for your neighbor as yourself. If you pray and attend Mass, It will help you come close to Me, but if you do not have love, St. Paul says you are nothing more than a clanging gong. I am love and all of My disciples share in My love, even as they must share that love with everyone. Seek first the Kingdom of God, and everything that you need will be granted to you. Even in your dark moments of despair and financial need, trust in Me for everything, and you will not be disappointed. Seek to live in My Divine Will, and I will walk with you in life in guiding you to heaven. Reach out to share your wealth, your time, and your faith with your neighbors so with My help you can evangelize souls for My Kingdom and save them from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are listening to My Blessed Mother’s request for a complete rosary, which means praying the full fifteen decades and Mysteries. I know that you have the Luminous Mysteries, but the original rosary was based on the 150 psalms. As you prayed the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries, you were recalling for the people the places where you visited in Jerusalem. This inspiration of the Holy Spirit is an excellent way to keep focused on the meaning of each Mystery while you are praying the Hail Mary prayers. If you have not been to Jerusalem, you could obtain some books with pictures of the places for each Mystery, so you could have the same thoughts as if you were actually there. You were concerned during the Conference that you did not have enough time to pray your rosaries for the day. I understand that you were giving your talks and having fellowship with the people in your explanations and praying over people. Still I want you to make up any missed rosaries. You may think it is hard to find time to pray so many rosaries each day, but it is all about how you prioritize your time. I know you feel drawn to have conversations with your friends, but you also need to beg leave of them so you can make some time for Me in your prayer life. If you keep too busy with too many events that crowd out your prayer time, then you should cut back your schedule to leave time for Me. Guard your prayer lives because when you pray, you are showing Me how much you love Me. Once you are filled with My love, then you will be led to share your love and your faith with your neighbors. I thank all of My prayer warriors for all of your prayers and good works. Call on Me to even double your prayers so you can better offset the sins of the world.”


Tuesday, March 1, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you have just shared in an uplifting Conference of My love and mercy. Many people were touched in their hearts and souls. Some even had deep inner experiences of new commitments. My Blessed Mother and I blessed you all, and I even gave a special blessing to all of the leaders who are preparing My refuges. On Monday you did see a sign of the confrontation of good and evil that was manifested in the sky. On one hand there was a crossing of the chemtrails, and on the other side there was a beautiful rainbow around the sun. You may have had more expectations of what would happen at this Conference, but trust in Me that there were great spiritual healings without a physical manifestation. Do not be disappointed that your own expectations were not carried out, but trust that I am working My plan through world events.”


Wednesday, March 2, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this sinking ship in the vision is another sign of how America is sinking both from its poor finances physically, and its sins of abortion and sexual sins spiritually. You have seen in recent years how your National Debt has grown out of control with your repeated deficits every year. Since you are operating on paper money without any backing, your businesses and government have been overspending for years with no one concerned about interest on the debt or how these debts would be repaid. The one world people, who are running your government, have purposely spent money into so much debt in order to bankrupt your country. Now that China and other sources of money are not buying your debt in the Treasury Notes, the Federal Reserve is your buyer of last resort. The Federal Reserve is simply making money out of thin air to dilute your money supply, and they are adding to your National Debt with their quantitative easing. These purchases are just postponing your day of reckoning because you have little chance of affording the interest, let alone the principal. Your abortions, sexual sins, killings, and other sins have so shifted the balance of prayer and good works that you have become bankrupt spiritually as well. Just as Israel was exiled for worshiping other gods, so America will suffer a punishment in being taken over. This collapse is coming soon, and this is why I am representing your country as a sinking ship. Pray for the souls, who are in need of conversion, but you will soon have to leave for My refuges before you see riots and destruction all over America.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how your scientists are experimenting with a new mobile EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) machine that could be directed at cities and carried in an airplane. If it was used, it could put out all the computers, microchips, and vehicles, as well as electricity in an area of the size of a city. Such a weapon could cause death to people if it was put up to its highest intensity and highest frequency. This is equivalent to a small nuclear device without the blast damage and similar to a neutron bomb without the radioactivity. These weapons are in several countries and they could be a new form of a weapon of mass destruction. Many of your microchips are vulnerable to such EMP releases. This could bring a city to a standstill and inactivate your business functions. Such weapons have characteristic signatures when used, but they could be hidden in many places. These weapons can be tuned to just inactivate chips without killing people. Beware of these weapons in the wrong hands. You may want to do some research on EMP machines, who makes them, and the extent of damage that they can cause. This is one more case of man using weapons to control people or even kill people. Pray that you can have these weapons controlled. They will not be effective on My refuges.”


Thursday, March 3, 2011: (St. Katharine Drexel)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I healed a blind man who had great faith that I could heal him. Until you see a handicapped person, you realize more how fortunate you are to have all five of your senses in sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. It is when you have lost one of these senses that your body adjusts to enhancing other senses to make up for that loss. Give thanks to Me that you are able to use your given senses, and have compassion and help those who are less fortunate. In addition to the possibility of physical darkness in being blind, there are some people who are blind spiritually who are living in the darkness of their sins. There are some people who purposely refuse to accept Me as atheists do, but there are also some people who ignore My Presence or are lukewarm to going to church on Sunday. My faithful also should give Me thanks that they are living in the Light of faith. This gift of faith is not to be kept under a bushel basket, but faith should be like a bright Light that you put on a lamp stand for all to see and appreciate. My love reaches out to everyone, and I depend on My faithful to evangelize souls and invite them to come and know Me in a love relationship. By spreading My Word of love in conversions, you will receive a reward in heaven for saving souls from hell.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have allowed you to see this life form of a body in purgatory that was thanking you for your prayers. The soul that you heard on the camcorder is that soul. Many times you pray for the souls in purgatory and you do not always have any information of how you are helping these souls. When you pray with the persons’s name, as Eugene in this case, your prayers are even more effective in moving this person closer to getting out of purgatory. Keep praying for these souls as they will pray for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you look at land from far off in this vision, it does not take long until you are entering a cave for a refuge. This scene is an indication that the time for coming to My refuges is not that far off. The one world people are behind stirring up your recent world events that could have implications on your future oil supplies. When you see a coming world famine, mandatory chips in the body, and martial law, it will be the time to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, your state governments are mandated to have balanced budgets. One of the expanding expenses are pensions and benefits that are very expensive and unaffordable, even compared to the private sector. Public employees will be asked to take some benefit cuts or many employees will have to be laid off. Welfare and Medicare will also have to face cuts to balance the budgets. Pray for the people that they can get by with these cuts.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Republican and Democrat lawmakers are pushing harder decisions down the road, but within two weeks they will have to agree on a budget up to October. There also will be another vote on extension of the ceiling of the current National Debt. The sooner that your Congress people can agree to cutting some of your spending and increasing some taxes, the less deficit that will be added to your debt. It is your interest bill and entitlement obligations that are slowly moving you to insolvency. You only have a few years to turn this around before you will be bankrupt.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people had higher expectations than what actually happened. There were many spiritual healings during the Conference, but they were not obviously seen by everyone. It is only after some calls have come in that you are now hearing of people’s personal experiences. Even those, who did not have unusual experiences, were uplifted by the speakers and what they had to say. Listening to these talks could help more souls, as the fruit of this Conference is still being harvested. Give glory and thanks to Me and thanks for the people at Gospa who made this possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, I usually advise you to start planning what you intend to do for this upcoming Lenten Season. You may choose a particular penance by giving up something that you enjoy. You may want to attend daily Mass, read the Liturgy of the Hours, or read some lives of the saints. Lent is a time to work on improving your spiritual life, and it is a good time to examine what sins in your life need to be rooted out. Such an examination is the first part, but actually suffering through this process is the hard part. Even harder is to keep your resolve to improve throughout the whole Lenten Season. Pray for My help because any improvement will bring you closer to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am reminding you of some of the suggestions in the messages at the Conference that you were asked to bring home in your experiences and share them with your friends. You may have received some insights that you may wish to witness so others could be comforted in your experiences. Everyone is at a different level in his or her spiritual progress, so what may seem possible for one, may be too difficult for another. Remember with Me, all things are possible. So when you ask My graces to help you, you may indeed be able to achieve more than you thought you could do.”


Friday, March 4, 2011: (St. Casimir)
Jesus said: “My people, just as I have asked My apostles to follow Me, so I ask all of you to follow Me in faith. I will truly provide for all of your needs when you ask Me. This vision of a railroad track is a sign of how you are to follow Me. Wait until I lead you, so you do not go off on your own in another direction. When you give your whole life over to Me, I will allow you to discern where I am leading you. If you are following My path and that of your guardian angel, you will not be led down the broad road to hell, but it will be down the narrow road to heaven. When you walk with Me, you are walking a life of faith every day. I am putting you on the right track in this vision, so follow Me in everything that I ask you to do in serving Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am called the Lamb of God because I am the living sacrifice offered up for your sins. I am still on the cross because I will continue suffering until the last sin is committed. This is why you can offer up all of your own sufferings in union with My suffering on the cross. This gift of My life is true atonement to My Father for all the sins of mankind. When you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, you are sharing My Real Presence in your souls as you eat My Body and drink My Blood. Give thanks to Me for this gift of Myself in My Blessed Sacrament. Those, who come to adore Me and give Me worship, will receive many graces for their belief in My Real Presence. You can grow close to Me in prayers, Mass and Communion, and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Stay close to Me so you will be with Me in heaven one day.”


Saturday, March 5, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, how I desire all of My people to be pure of heart with souls cleansed of any sin. I also desire that your hearts be open to receive My Blessed Mother and Me. Of your own free will, you should be willing to say ‘yes’ to all that I want you to do in your lives. You start every day with your Morning Offering to Me, and your daily rosaries are your way of sharing your love with Me. In the morning also I feed you with My heavenly Manna at the Mass in Holy Communion. Stay close to Me throughout the day, and I will be guarding your actions in fulfilling your mission on earth. All, that you are doing here, is a preparation to be with Me one day in heaven. Every soul needs to be purified, whether on earth or in purgatory. You can only enter heaven with a pure and unblemished soul. Give praise and glory to Me for all that I am doing in your lives in order to lead you to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, these luminous crosses in the bathroom windows are a special blessing for people to see. They came about as the woman of the house was praying to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the life Light that illumines your soul, as you are Temples of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came down on the apostles and My Blessed Mother as tongues of fire. These luminous crosses that will be in the sky over the refuges will have healing properties. Even where these crosses are found, there are healing miracles when people are prayed over. Where luminous crosses are found, I will offer the opportunity for these residents to have refuges if they so choose. Give praise and glory to Me and the Holy Spirit for all of these gifts of My luminous crosses.”


Sunday, March 6, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you know that you are living in the end times, and you will soon start seeing the public persecution. There will first be a division in My Church from within, but then you will start seeing a persecution of Christians from your government authorities. Terrorists will first be used against My churches as some churches have already been burned. Then gradually, it will be openly against the law to have public Masses. My faithful will need to go underground in secret home Masses. Eventually, you will have an evil persecution of Christians when you will have to seek out My refuges for protection. This vision is an attack on the Vatican authorities by communist and masonic authorities. This open attack on Christianity will become more and more obvious as the coming Christian persecution becomes more violent. When you see such attacks on the Chair of St. Peter, you will know the Antichrist will soon come into power. Pray for your spiritual strength to endure the coming tribulation and trust that I will protect you from the evil ones.”


Monday, March 7, 2011: (St. Perpetua and St. Felicity)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I gave a parable of some evil tenants who did not want to share their produce of the vineyard with the owner. They were so evil that they killed the master’s servants who came for his portion of the produce. They killed even the master’s son. The Pharisees and Sadducees realized that the judgment on the tenants was the same for them, and they wanted to kill the Son of God. I have told you that there will be a division in My Church, and this division will be led by the Masons who have infiltrated My Church in high places. These evil ones are the modern day Pharisees and Sadducees who want to even kill Me in the truth of My Gospel. The schismatic church will teach New Age and heresies. Some of these Masons are behind closing the churches and schools, and they are encouraging wrong teachings in the seminaries. My people need to discern what your leaders are teaching, because if they are teaching heresies, you do not have to follow those teachings, no matter what authority they have. Have no fear because I will expose these traitors in My Church and reveal their evil leanings. Trust in My faithful remnant because My faithful laity will save My Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, your health care costs are going up for all the abuses going on in your hospital emergency rooms. The thirty million people without insurance and the illegal immigrants are coming to your hospital emergency rooms with no intention of ever paying for the care they receive. Your new health care law, if it is funded, will add trillions of dollars to your National Debt. It also will ration care, excluding those over sixty. There will be a chip in the body as a national ID, once this law is fully enacted. Refuse to take any chip in the body, even if it means that you will not have any health care. My care will heal you at My refuges, so have no fear. This health care plan will get worse because thirty million new patients will have a hard time finding a doctor. Even some doctors may leave when their pay will dramatically decrease. Every time that you have government run a business, the bureaucracy and costs will be much more expensive than private practice. Pray for a fair and practical health plan to be implemented in place of your new health law.”


Tuesday, March 8, 2011: (St. John of God)
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are seeing how the Jews kept their scrolls of Scripture wrapped up in a safe place, as they all had to be hand written before your printing presses came into being. You do not realize how fortunate you are to have the Old and New Testament available in your Bible, and yet you should read it more often than most people who do not read it. The Scribes, Pharisees, and the Herodians were always trying to trap Me in their tricks of speech. When I told them: ‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s, they were dumbfounded with confusion. In another reading a short time ago, they asked Me by what authority did I speak and heal. Then I proposed a question to them to answer, and I would tell them where My authority came from. I said: ‘Was John the Baptist’s preaching of divine or earthly origin?’ They were afraid to answer, so I did not answer their question either. This is just a subtle sign of My power in how I could confuse My persecutors in their own speech. This is why it is better to follow the spirit of love in My laws than to be so critical of people to the letter of the law. My laws were given as a guideline for life, and I came to fulfill the law and not to do away with it. I ask you to be obedient out of love for Me. Do not offend Me by your sins, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people have questioned you about why I have given you messages about refuges and storing food. These refuges will be your source of protection during the tribulation. My angels will make you invisible at My refuges and on the way to My refuges. Many people are being called by Me to set up refuges, even independent of My messages to you. It is difficult for some to accept these messages because it means most people will need to leave their comfortable homes and never return. At the refuges it will be a more rustic lifestyle without electricity. If people stay in their homes after My warning to leave, they could be captured and martyred in the detention death camps across America for not taking the chip in the body. On the subject of food storage for a year, this food will be shared and not hoarded. Food will be needed most to survive when your finances will collapse and there will be a world famine. Food is more important than your money, gold, or property. Just as you will see your fuel become expensive and scarce, so also your food will be in short supply, and more expensive to buy. You may require chips in the body to buy food, your money will become worthless to buy food, or you may not find any more food on your grocery store shelves. All of these things I am telling My faithful to get ready for the coming persecution. For those, who do not want to believe, they will be like the foolish virgins who were unprepared. You have planted My seeds of knowledge so people will know what to do when the persecution gets severe. Trust in My words as I will be protecting and feeding My faithful during the tribulation.”


Wednesday, March 9, 2011: (Ash Wednesday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, you are entering the Lenten Season which involves fasting, prayers, penances, and almsgiving. You will be fasting between meals with no meat today and on Fridays as an observance of your Lenten devotions. You may have usual penances as fasting from sweets and desserts, but you may chose a new penance in addition to your other ones. Curbing your earthly desires is a way of purifying the body so the soul can be in control of your bodily actions. Perfecting your spiritual life should be the goal of your Lenten observances. Making some extra charity donations could be another way to help those in need. You may also want to spend your TV watching time on spiritual reading as the lives of the saints. Everything extra that you are doing should be offered up to Me in secret as much as possible, so your treasure will be stored in heaven instead of on earth. Keep focused on Me every day of Lent, even as you should on every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had steady snow storms more than usual, and now you will see steady rain storms as the temperatures warm up. Melting snow with heavy rain can cause flooding, as flood plains may even have to be evacuated because deep moving water can be deadly if you are caught in the flow. Such flooding and heavy rains could hurt winter wheat and the planting of crops. Food is becoming more expensive because crop yields are down all over the world. It is also becoming more expensive for seed and fertilizer. Fuel to run tractors is also raising costs for farmers. Many foods and manufactured goods are increasing in price because farmers and factories have to pass on their increased costs of raw materials. As the value of the dollar decreases because of your debts, everything that you buy will be increasing in price. Having some extra food in your pantry may be needed when famines could cause food shortages all over the world. Be prepared to evacuate from floods, and eventually you may have to go to My refuges when people start fighting over food supplies.”


Thursday, March 10, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman, and their bond is a pledge of faithfulness to each other for life. The tent in the vision also represents the time of Moses when he talked to Me when the cloud was over the tent. In the first reading Moses offers the people a choice between a blessing or a curse. He offers them to choose life by following My Commandments, and they will live in prosperity. But if they worship other gods, they are calling on My justice which was the case when the Israelites were exiled into Babylon. Also, in the Gospel I told the people: ‘What does it profit a man to gain the whole world if he loses his soul in the end?’ You all have to make choices in life in every action of every day. At the end of your life, you will have to face an accounting for your actions at your judgment. So it is better to choose to give your will over to Me, so you can be deserving of being saved by accepting Me as your Savior, and seeking My forgiveness of your sins. Keep choosing the narrow road of following My Commandments, and your reward will be staying with Me in heaven for all eternity.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are just starting your Lenten Season and the beginning fasting and prayer are a little shocking to your normal routine. As you fast from watching so much TV, you could spend your time more in spiritual reading. By reading the lives of the saints, you can see how living a simple, humble life can purify your spiritual life. By avoiding worldly interests, you can focus more on Me in your lives. This Lenten time is a great opportunity to work on your difficult sins and grow in your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the stubbornness of Libya’s leader in not wanting to leave his oil empire. Planes, tanks, and the army are retaking some cities. America is already involved in two wars, and your people and Europe are tired of fighting no-win wars and having their troops killed. Pray for peace in the Middle East where it is uncertain how these latest uprisings will be resolved.”

Jesus said: “My people, as gas prices and food prices rise, there is an air of uncertainty in your economy. If gas prices climb too much, it could endanger the stability of your fragile economy with still high unemployment numbers. Many battles over State and Federal spending could also trigger some division between those receiving entitlements and those paying for them. Pray that your people can endure living with less on a lower standard of living.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are going to see more cutbacks in government spending that could have a ripple effect that could cut your services and possibly raise your local taxes. It may become more difficult to afford health care, welfare, and Social Security. All attempts to reduce entitlement spending is only talking of future benefits that will be cut. Even now most of these programs are increasing your deficits even at current levels of payments. The hard choices to reduce your deficits have not been made because it is not politically desirable. As payments are reduced, many people will be stressed to have food, shelter, and medicines. Again, those who are better off may have to start helping their family and friends.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a dove is a sign of peace and a sign of the Holy Spirit’s presence. Peace in your heart and soul is another sign of a pure soul that needs to be guarded from sin. Many times I have asked you to not let anything take away your peace. The attraction of worldly pleasures and the stress of everyday life can pull you in many different directions. Do not let any addictions or worldly desires control you in any way. By staying fixed on Me in your Lenten devotions, you can better guard your peace that only I and the Holy Spirit can give you.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent leads you up to My Crucifixion in Holy Week and finally to My Resurrection. One of your Lenten devotions is to remember to recite the Stations of the Cross on Friday. Lenten Fridays are special in fasting and not eating meat on those days. When you walk with Me at these Stations, unite all of your pain and suffering with Me as you offer it up as a sacrifice. I ask all of My faithful to pick up your own daily cross as you carry it through life. This life is a valley of tears where comforts are fleeting and trials are all around you. Ask My help in carrying your cross, even as Simon helped Me to carry My cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you have enough money to contribute to your favorite charities. You are hemmed in by the restrictions of less pay, and more expenses in paying for food and gas. Even though your spending money is limited, there are some who can afford to tithe ten per cent to charity. Make a point this Lent to give a donation to some charities above what you normally give. The more you share with others, the more treasure you will be storing in heaven.”


Friday, March 11, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you need to be praying more and making good Confessions at least once a month. Before you go into the confessional, you should make a good examination of conscience to recollect your sins, especially any serious sins. You may carry a book or a sheet of things to remind you of any offenses that you may have forgotten. Remember also to pray your penance from the priest, and to be sorry for having offended Me in your sins. I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation, so you have no excuse not to take advantage of the forgiveness that I am waiting to give you. Do not be lazy and put off going to Confession when you know it is what you need for your soul. Do not receive Me in Holy Communion if you are living in mortal sin. If you are in mortal sin, then get to Confession as soon as possible. You do not want to face Me in your judgment if you are dying in mortal sin. I am looking for any sign of remorse, and I will forgive you to your last dying breath. By going to frequent Confession, you can keep your soul pure and always ready to meet Me at your death. You could die suddenly any time, so have your soul as pure as possible all the time. You do not want to see any soul lost to hell, so even encourage your family and friends to go to frequent Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen that high intensity earthquakes under the ocean can cause tsunami waves that ripple out in all directions. The closer land is to the epicenter, the taller the tsunami waves are. You have done some research to connect the HAARP machine being used in Haiti, Chile, and China as people were seeing aurora borealis colors right before the earthquake occurred. Now you have done further research to show the HAARP machine was turned on right before the massive 9.0 earthquake in Japan. There were no signs of earthquakes in this region several days before the HAARP machine was turned on. (Note: It was turned on 3-9-11 and the first 7.2 earthquake appeared.) I am confirming that these large earthquakes mentioned have been connected with HAARP machine activity. This is why I have encouraged people to understand that this microwave antennae array is a very dangerous weapon and can be used to create man-made disasters. The one world people are using this machine and the turmoil in the Middle East to reduce the population and to disrupt the world economies. Then these countries will be ripe for a one world government takeover which will be given over to the Antichrist. You are seeing these signs of the end times that are leading up to the great tribulation. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when the major events occur. I will warn My faithful when to leave, but this time is approaching soon. Trust in My protection because I am more powerful than any machines or demon led people. Once the Antichrist reaches his height of power, I will bring him down with My Comet of Chastisement. The evil ones will be cleansed from the earth into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, March 12, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I called Levi, a tax collector, to follow Me, and his name was changed to Matthew. I came to his house for dinner with other tax collectors, but the Pharisees criticized Me for eating with sinners. This is when I told them that people, who are well, do not need a physician, but sick people do. For I have come to call sinners, not the just. (Matt. 9:12-13) At times pride can blind people to think that they are not sinners. By Adam’s fall into sin, all people have inherited this weakness to sin. Even St. John in his writings declares that those, who claim not to be sinners, are in fact liars. (1 John 1:10) My faithful need to be careful that they do not criticize someone when they commit the same sins. Do not be hypocrites in your speech about My Commandments, when your actions betray you. Be aware to remove the plank from your own eye before you try to remove a sliver from your brothers’ eye. (Matt. 7:5) Be thankful that I came on the earth to redeem all sinners from their sins by My death on the cross. My love reaches out to everyone, even to those who reject Me. Come to Me so I can forgive you your sins because your faith has saved you.”

Jesus said: “My people, it can be distressing to watch all the events going on all over the world. Your heart goes out to all those who are trying to survive in Japan without heat, power, and water. Many homes were either destroyed by the earthquake or the tsunami. Estimates of thousands missing or dead have made it difficult for loved ones to know the whereabouts of their families. In other places you are seeing fires in the West and floods in the Northeast. Fighting is going on in Libya, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. In addition, the financial problems continue in many countries. Even knowing of these troubles, My people still need to trust in Me and keep peace in their souls. You have seen these events before, but they are happening with an increasing frequency. You may want only to watch TV for no more than an hour so these events do not further upset you. When your killings and persecutions escalate, then it will be time to leave for My refuges. Trust that I will protect you from the evil ones who will try and kill you. This turmoil will last but a short time, and I will bring My Era of Peace over the earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages that you will be seeing an increasing amount of natural disasters and insurrections. These are the end time signs that are leading up to the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Just as you read of the devil tempting Me three times in the desert, so you will see a desert of evil that will force you to leave for My refuges of protection. You know of your daily attacks from the evil one, but during the tribulation you will be seeing an evil that you have never seen before. My refuges will not only protect your bodies, but they will also protect your souls from the power of the Antichrist and the demons unleashed from hell. So you should be preparing not only for your body’s survival, but the protection of your soul with your prayers, Mass, and Confession. Call on My help and have trust that I will protect you during the tribulation.”


Monday, March 14, 2011: (Jim White’s Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a flower open as you will soon see when spring arrives and the weather warms up. Many of you have grown weary of this snow on the ground, and you would like to work in your garden. This is a nice comparison to a pure soul that has the odor of sanctity and is beaming with a bright light of grace. My faithful need to keep their souls cleansed so they can be My beacons of faith, and people can be converted and share in My love. You also want to help your neighbors in their needs because you are helping Me in them. You do not want to meet Me at your judgment, and I find that you did not help My little ones. I will separate the lambs on the right into heaven, but the goats on the left will be cast into hell. Do what you can every day to share your love with Me in prayer and with your neighbor in good deeds. Then when I meet you at your death, you will eventually be welcomed into your eternal resting place with Me in heaven.”
Note: I saw a younger Jim White in heaven as a result of all the Masses that were offered up for him.

Jesus said: “My people, this HAARP machine can be used as a weapon to attack any place that the one world people desire to cause harmful floods, droughts, or earthquakes. They could even blackmail nations who do not go along with their plans. The next targets for making earthquakes will be the New Madrid fault and the San Andreas fault in California. I have shown you several visions earlier of earthquakes in these areas. An earthquake on the New Madrid fault would be catastrophic because all the energy would be felt through the rock splitting apart. Earthquakes underwater or on a coastline would have the energy go into the water. Remember when you see an aurora borealis of colors, look out after for a major earthquake. I also told you that when the San Andreas fault has an earthquake, it could trigger off the Yellowstone super volcano. When all of these events happen, America will be so damaged that martial law will guarantee an imminent takeover. If the HAARP machine could be inactivated, much of this destruction could be prevented. You will not hear over your censored news channels any word of the threat of the HAARP machine. It is a carefully guarded secret. Yet there is information available for the people to learn of HAARP’s capabilities. I will one day bring My Comet of Chastisement to end all of these evil deeds and cast these evil ones into hell. Trust in My protection at My refuges where no harm will befall My faithful,even during the tribulation.”


Tuesday, March 15, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, after a similar size earthquake in Indonesia at 9.0, there were many old volcanoes stirred to life. The Pacific Ring of Fire is connected not only with earthquakes, but also with many associated volcanoes. Where these plates of the earth meet, there is much activity. This vision of lava coming out of volcanoes is another repercussion of this mammoth earthquake in Japan. Several volcanoes along this fault line have become active again, and more could be added to the list. Also, many are concerned with the spreading radiation from some nuclear plants that are beginning to see melting fuel rods. There are many problems being caused as a result of this earthquake and the tsunami. Pray for these people and help them in ways that you can so they can get back on their feet.”

Jesus said: “My people, before you need to go to My refuges, and before the Antichrist declares himself, I will bring My Warning experience on everyone all at the same time. This vision of traveling through a tunnel will occur as you are drawn out of your body outside of time. You will meet Me as a bright Light at the end of the tunnel. Once you come in front of Me, I will show you a review of all of your life’s events with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins. Some people at your Conference had a preview of what this would be like. At the end of your life review, you will have a mini-judgment where you may experience hell, purgatory, or heaven. This will show you that if you continue down your current life’s path, this judgment is where you will end up. Many people will be shaken to see that only through Me will you be able to come to heaven. You will know how much your sins offend Me, and you will desire Confession and a chance to change your life’s direction. You will be told to avoid taking any chip in the body and to refuse to worship the Antichrist. Going to one of My refuges will be your only safe haven. Then you will be placed back into your body, but you will be held more responsible for your sins because you will know what I expect from you. You will desire a deep sorrowful Confession with a strong desire to avoid worldly comforts. You will have a stronger desire to fast and pray more than you did before. You may also desire to be closer to Me at Adoration. You will have a stronger desire to evangelize souls as well, especially those in your family. Everyone will have a second chance to make their life better, or else they will meet the fate of their mini-judgment.”


Wednesday, March 16, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you are constantly under attack every day from the devil’s temptations. The only sign that I gave to the people is the sign of Jonah. That sign is for prayer and fasting that saved the people of Nineveh when they wore sackcloth and ashes and repented. Even some churches in Lent place purple cloths over the statues to honor this form of repentance. Then I told the people that there is something greater than Jonah here, referring to My mission on earth. Later, it was revealed that My death on the cross brought salvation to all of mankind. By accepting Me as the Master of your life and seeking My forgiveness, you can enter into heaven since I have paid the ransom for your soul. I have left you the greatest sign that I could give, and that is My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. This is how I can say that I will be with you in My Blessed Sacrament until the end of this age when I will return. So come to Me in Confession to cleanse the sins from your soul, and receive Me worthily in Holy Communion which heals the damage caused by your sins.”

(St. Joseph Mass) Jesus said: “My people, this celebration of the Mass in honor of St. Joseph is a tribute to My foster father and his beautiful life. The Gospel reading (Matt. 1:18-24) tells of how St. Joseph was going to divorce Mary quietly when she was found with child. Later, an angel came to St. Joseph in a dream to tell him that she conceived a child by the power of the Holy Spirit, and the child was to be called Jesus. Then St. Joseph followed the angel’s words and accepted Mary into his house. St. Joseph was a good guardian in registering in Bethlehem for the census, and also in the warned trip to Egypt and back to avoid Herod trying to kill Me. He plied his carpenter trade to provide for the Holy Family and he taught Me his carpenter trade as well. Even though St. Joseph is not quoted in the Bible, his actions and his unrecorded words were consoling to My Blessed Mother and Me. He was a very caring parent, and he is a model for all fathers. Many people pray to St. Joseph for their petitions and honor him at this St. Joseph’s table.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been watching this earthquake saga in Japan play out, but you do not realize how long the affected areas could be without electricity and other utilities as tap water. Millions of people are without electricity which is why it is hard to fix their nuclear reactors in near darkness, except for flashlights or fuel driven generators. When America will be faced with earthquakes on the West coast and on the New Madrid fault, the damage will kill many people, and more will be without electricity as well. Major earthquakes could also be a problem with your own nuclear reactors. I have asked My people to store a year’s supply of food with water because you may be faced with power outages and food shortages. These power outages could be for a long time, if power stations have to be rebuilt. You also should have extra fuel and heating capabilities along with propane for cooking and oil for lamps to give light. The one world people will turn off your power anyway when they want to declare martial law. These preparations may sound dramatic now, but when disasters strike, these preparations may provide for your survival. I will warn My people when it is time to leave for My refuges before martial law comes. But these things could happen very quickly, so you will need everything ready to leave in a short notice. Do not be distressed or worried over these world events because you can trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones. When these events come, your life will change dramatically, but you will be praying more then.”


Thursday, March 17, 2011: (St. Patrick’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you still honor some earthly kings and queens today, but not as much as in past years. When I came on the earth, some people thought the Messiah would set up an earthly kingdom. Instead, I established the Kingdom of God on earth which is a spiritual Kingdom without the earthly signs of forced control. I came to serve everyone and not to be served. I do not force Myself on anyone, but I do warn people of the consequences of disobeying My Commandments of love. I love everyone unconditionally, and I desire all souls to establish a love relationship with Me. I truly am your King over this earth and the whole universe. Your view of Me in heaven is on My throne wearing a crown. My kingdom is always among you in My Real Presence in My consecrated Host, and all of you are Temples of the Holy Spirit. Where two or more are gathered in prayer, I am there in your midst. Even though the devil is being allowed to control some things, My angels and I still protect My souls from harm. Call on your King at any time, and I will be there to answer your prayer requests.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people for a while you have been living in the time of the red horse which signifies war as in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now you will be living in the time of the black horse of famine and the pale green horse of death from natural and man-made disasters. With each major earthquake you are seeing significant loss of life. These events will continue causing even more deaths. The evil ones are carrying out their threat to reduce the world’s population. As events unfold, you will soon be approaching the time to leave for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Libya’s leader taking back many of the cities from the rebels. Because of the killing of his people, the United Nations has passed a no-fly zone, but without foreign troop occupation. Now a decision will be made as to what nations will be involved in enforcing this no-fly zone. This could be another deception to draw America into another conflict when your forces are strained already in two other countries. Pray for peace so another major war can be averted.”

Jesus said: “My people, many are concerned that the nuclear reactors in Japan are close to a Chernobyl event. The Japanese leaders may even be reaching out to America to help cool down these reactors. In Chernobyl they had to seal the meltdown reactor with cement to prevent further radiation from escaping into the air. Many are unaware that there was a poor design in storing forty years of spent fuel rods in pools right next to these reactors. You will be fortunate to see a prevention of a major radiation leak. Pray that the workers can control the radiation leaks so more people do not die from excessive radiation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I hear your petitions to stop any serious earthquakes in America. You are reacting like the people of Nineveh who repented and changed their ways. Your prayers and Masses should be directed to change the lives of your people as well. I also heard your petition to save the souls of those who may die in a California earthquake when you visited the 21 Missions. Some punishment is coming to America, but your prayers and Masses will mitigate the severity of any disasters. Do not stop praying and offering Masses for this cause because the evil ones’ plans for destruction are near.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are planning your dollar’s demise as quickly as possible. If America does not seriously cut its spending, then the rating of your Treasury Notes will continue to get close to junk bond status. This means you cannot afford the wars and entitlement payments to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare that you have today. Your country’s existence as a free nation weighs in the balance. Pray that your leaders make the right decisions before it is too late.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people have good intentions when they start Lent, but over the weeks they weaken and fall back into their old sins. I am giving you all a reminder to stay strong in your religious fervor and stick by your initial Lenten penances. You need some spiritual stamina to endure your Lenten sacrifices. Think of how much you could improve your spiritual lives if you stay the course on your Lenten promises. Pray for your strength to endure and make some spiritual gains this Lent.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you are going through some major struggles in the life that you are enduring. Unfortunately, your trials are going to get worse before things gets better. The coming tribulation will try your souls, but with faith and trust in Me, you will be protected at My refuges. Your prayer lives will improve under these trials, but remember that by following My Will, you will be rewarded in a world without evil in My Era of Peace. Be patient for a while, and you will thank Me for being faithful to My laws.”


Friday, March 18, 2011: (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how traumatic it is to lose your home to a natural disaster. Since you are praying more during Lent, you could focus your attention on praying for people who have lost their homes and even for the souls who were killed suddenly in these same disasters. Your intentions could also be that the survivors are able to get adequate food and one day be restored to another home. In this you may be able to send some disaster aid to your charity of choice to help the homeless. You could even continue your prayers of thanksgiving that you have not been tested in this way. Pray each day also for America if and when you may be tested with severe earthquakes or other disasters. All of your prayers, fasting, and almsgiving could be offered up to Me for these intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the spring changeover from winter, the United States usually experiences a good portion of your tornadoes for the year. This vision of a metal container with a tornado inside represents how the HAARP machine will now be used to enhance the violence of your tornadoes. Weather modification is another tool that can be used by the one world people to create damage and chaos all across America for their eventual takeover. Do not fear the evil ones who manipulate earthquakes and weather for their own evil plans. I will lead My people to My refuges when they threaten your lives with persecution. At My refuges the evil ones will not be able to harm you in any way from earthquakes, bad weather, viruses, or any other means of control. Trust in Me because the tribulation time will be shortened for the sake of My elect.”


Saturday, March 19, 2011: (St. Joseph)
Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the feast of St. Joseph, husband of My Blessed Mother, Mary. Both My parents were in the line of King David as you saw him in the vision. His kingdom was promised to be forever because as the Son of David, I will reign forever. In this line of kings I am recognized as a king also, as My star announced it to the Magi in the skies. They came to Bethlehem because My parents had to register in the house of their ancestor, King David. The Magi brought Me kingly gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Bethlehem is the place in the Scriptures where the Messiah would come, and it means the House of Bread. This is fitting since My people can be with Me always in the holy Bread of Holy Communion. Give honor to My foster father, St. Joseph, as he protected and provided for the Holy Family.”

Jesus said: “My people, your countries are seeing bad growing conditions that have resulted in reduced crop yields. Your food prices are already rising due to these shortages and the lost value of your dollar. Even your government is buying billions of dollars of food to store in their underground cites for your leaders and important people. There will come a world famine when food will be scarce. I have warned My people many times to have one year’s supply of food stored for the coming famine. Then you will not find food on your grocery shelves, or have enough value in your money to buy it. Yet at My final and interim refuges the refuge leaders have also been warned to store food. At My refuges you will have daily Communion from My angels, and meat from the deer who will drop dead in your camps. When needed, I will multiply your food and water. The food that you are storing at your homes is for the time from now until you will have to leave for My refuges. This food will be shared with your neighbors and not hoarded. I will even multiply the food for all of you to have what is needed. I have told you that storing food will be more valuable than gold or silver, which you cannot eat. Have no fear of having your necessities because I know what you need to survive in this coming famine and tribulation. Have no fear either of the evil ones who will try to kill you because I will make you invisible to them and the Antichrist. After a short reign of evil, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring all of My faithful into My Era of Peace. You will then rejoice in My victory in a world without evil.”


Sunday, March 20, 2011: (Gospel of Transfiguration)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM. You just watched the Ten Commandments, and this phrase is how I described Myself to Moses. I also told Moses to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground. When you honor the Blessed Sacrament, you are honoring the Blessed Trinity because wherever Jesus is, all Three of Us are present as One God in Three Persons. Even St. Patrick taught about the Blessed Trinity in the three leaf shamrock. Whenever you pray the ‘Our Father’ or the ‘Glory Be’, remember Me in your prayers. On this beautiful day with the sun shining and blue skies, you have a true appreciation of My creation. I want you to love one another, and stop your constant wars that offend Me greatly. All killing in abortion or the evil deeds of men and women that result in deaths need to be stopped. Pray and treat life with respect and dignity. Thank you for honoring Me in your Eternal Father prayer group, and My protection will always be with you. Trust that all people will answer to Me for their deeds in their judgment.”


Monday, March 21, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel there were many parallels of your behavior to My response. As you love Me and others, I will love you. When you pardon someone, I will pardon you. When you help someone, I will help you. Whatever measure you use to deal with people, that measure will be used for you, only I will go an extra mile with My mercy. You have a golden rule of do unto others how you would want them to do to you. I ask My faithful to go even further in loving your enemies, and going beyond what others expect of you, even when you volunteer without being asked. For everything that you do beyond what is expected, you will gain graces in heaven. This Mass was joined with many other Masses in reparation for the sins of America. I have given you messages of how America will suffer from natural disasters as a punishment for your many abortions. By the grace of these Masses, I will mitigate the damage of the severe earthquakes that will be coming, and minimize the number of fatalities. You have prayed before for the salvation of the souls that will die suddenly in these earthquakes, both in California and on the New Madrid fault. Keep praying for this intention and for the stoppage of abortions in America.”

(Fr. Donald McCarthy’s Funeral Mass) Fr. Donald said: “Hello, John, this is the last time that you will have to sign in my book. I enjoyed the many years that you shared Jesus’ messages with me. I also enjoyed your many pictures and gifts that you shared with me. I missed you a bit toward the end, but now I am freed from this disease of the mind. I am in no pain or discomfort, and I am sharing the joy of being in the Presence of my Savior. I give my love to all of My brother priests, and especially those in my Basilian Order. Thank Fr. Travato for an excellent homily. I also am happy to see Bishop Matthew who offered up the Mass of my funeral. I give thanks for all of my friends who came to show me their love, as I love all of you as well. I will be praying for all of you.”


Tuesday, March 22, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks of pride and humility in your behavior. The Scribes and Pharisees always sought places of honor at banquets, and they put heavy burdens on people. I told My people to observe what they preached, but do not imitate their actions because they were hypocrites. I told My apostles that they cannot act like that, but that those, who wish to lead, must serve the rest. The last line is My point: ‘Those, who exalt themselves, will be humbled, but those, who humble themselves, will be exalted.’ (Matt. 23:1-12) Living a humble life means letting Me lead you, and being obedient to My Commandments. As you go through Lent, be observant of your fasting and extra prayers. In the vision you see how mankind has not only polluted his physical environment, but also his spiritual environment with things that cause your souls to be black with sin. You see a society that encourages abortion and euthanasia. You also see homosexual marriages encouraged, and your internet and streets advertize for pornography, drugs, and prostitution. All of these addictions to lust, gambling, computers, and overeating, are rampant in your society. You need to cleanse these demons of addiction from your life so that you live your faith, and you are not hypocrites in what you are teaching by your actions. Give good example to your family and others, and work to perfect your imperfections.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen ripples in the clouds as frequency patterns in Indiana. You have also seen dead birds in the area around the New Madrid fault. These are signs that the HAARP machine of one billion watt microwaves is going to be used to cause a greater than 8.0 earthquake that will split America in two. In the vision you are seeing at least one skyscraper collapsing from this coming quake. There will also be a great flow of water coming down the Mississippi River that will widen its size. There will be a fair number of people killed, but this number will be lessened because of your Mass intentions. The damage to homes and buildings will be worse than the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. When this event happens, you will see a martial law declared that could be used for a takeover of America. I will warn My people when it will be time to go to My refuges. This earthquake on the New Madrid fault will be followed by another earthquake on the San Andreas fault. Be prepared to leave, and go to Confession.”

On Trinidad: Jesus said: “My people of Trinidad, a time of famine and financial collapse is coming all over the world. A tribulation will start with the declaration of the Antichrist coming into power. This is why I am leading people to set up refuges where My angels will protect you, and you will have all of your needs provided for. My refuges will be places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, places of holy ground where Adoration has been for a while or monasteries, as well as caves. People will be told in their Warning experience that they will need to leave their homes, and they will be guided to My refuges by their guardian angels.”


Wednesday, March 23, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before that while some countries manage their fishing banks properly, other countries go into areas beyond their own country, and over fish out of greed. When these rogue countries take more fish than normal, they ruin the balance of the fish population to renew itself. This is something that is hard to police or control, but then the fish catches start dwindling while the demand for fish is constantly increasing. Other problems involve oil disasters as in the Gulf of Mexico which set back the fishing industry there for a while. Food sources are having more difficulty in crops and meat production. So when the fishing industry has problems because of over fishing, this becomes one more reduction in the food supply. Your pollution of insecticides and mercury compounds is also affecting the larger fish that you have to eat in moderation, or you will have mercury poisoning. Your people need to manage your environment better to not over fish your oceans, and avoid contaminating it with heavy metals.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have witnessed some glimpses of the many events in your life at various ages. This is just a partial view of what you will see in your life review at your Warning experience and at the end of your life. In your flashbacks you were not held accountable for your actions. In your life review you will be out of your body and outside of time so you can view every action that you did with My assessment of whether each action was good or bad. Many of your sins have already been forgiven, so you will glide past these events, but your unforgiven sins will be pointed out to you. I will show you how to change your life for the better, and you will be placed back into your body. Learn from this experience of My Warning so you can avoid your past sins and live with more love in your interactions with people. Many people after their life review will have a new outlook on life, and a desire for Confession so they can confess their sins which I will help everyone to remember. This Warning will b a spiritual wake-up call and a preparation for souls to be able to withstand the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. I will call My faithful to come to My refuges, and you will live a simpler and holier life under the protection of My angels. As you look on My luminous cross, you will be healed both in body and soul. You will be working with other faithful, and your life will be more rewarding as you will enter My Era of Peace when the evil ones will be cleansed from the earth. Be patient now and ask for My help so you can endure your coming trials.”


Thursday, March 24, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in this Gospel story (Luke 16:19-31) of the rich man and Lazarus you can see how those, who suffer on earth and are faithful to Me, will be promised a place in heaven. But those, who are rich for themselves and do not care for those in need, could find themselves in eternal punishment in the flames of hell. Your body dies, but your soul lives on for all eternity, and it is every person’s choice by his or her deeds that determines where that person will be. Heaven, hell, and purgatory do exist, and these are your only destinations possible. If you choose to follow Me in loving Me, obeying My Commandments, and serving Me and your neighbor, then you may suffer some time in purgatory, but you will one day be with Me in heaven. Those, who reject Me and fail to follow My Commandments, nor help their neighbor, are choosing the broad road to hell. In hell souls suffer an eternal burning feeling of flames, but they are not consumed by the flames. The soul is a spirit, but you will suffer the torments of the demons, and you will never see Me again. Those souls in hell are totally hopeless and they hate Me, but it is the soul’s choice to be in hell. I give every soul on earth a chance to be saved, even to your dying breath. Seeing souls in hell and how they suffer, should be an inspiration to My faithful to reach out and save as many souls as you can from going to hell. Learn from this Gospel that your best choice is to be with the One who loves you in heaven, rather than be with the devil who hates you in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many intentions that you pray for of your own choosing. At this time I wanted to give you a special intention to pray for the people on the plane, and even for all the souls in Trinidad. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the words that will touch the people’s hearts to grow closer to Me in their lives. Every country has its own particular problems, but the sins of every country are calling for reparation for the sins of its own people. This is especially true in your mission to Trinidad. Every person that you meet is another soul that needs prayers. Offer up all of your prayers and sufferings for the people on your plane and for all the people of Trinidad as well.”


Friday, March 25, 2011: (Annunciation)
Mary said: My dear children, I am happy that all of you could come to share in my feast day with my Son in the Mass. In every way I bring you to my Son through my intercession. Our two hearts are always united, and we want to be united with your hearts as well. When the Angel Gabriel came to ask me to accept being the Mother of God, I knew that I was prepared for that moment. I was happy to say ‘Yes’ and give my fiat answer to follow God’s Will in everything. You know that I lived a life without sin, but it was only by the power of God and by uniting my will with His Will. I love all of my children and I put my mantle of protection over all of you. Call on me in your petitions and I will give them to my Son. I told the servants in Cana to do whatever He tells you. I never forced my Son to do anything, but I always gave Him the needs of the people. Even as I have given my will over to God’s Divine Will, I give this as an example to my children. When you give your will over to God’s Will, you are accepting His mission for you, even if He tests you beyond your comfort zone. Do not worry because my Son will never test you beyond your endurance, and He will give you the grace needed to carry out your mission. So say ‘Yes’ to Jesus in everything that He asks you to do.”

Jesus said: “My people of this church, I am grateful for your many Lenten devotions and honoring My Blessed Mother. Your Stations of the Cross were very heart-felt, as were your rosaries in your candlelight procession. When I am in your presence in My Blessed Sacrament during Adoration, I can look into each heart as I hear your individual intentions. All of your prayers are heard, and I will answer them in due time. When you are formulating your intentions, focus your prayers on intentions that will best help souls. The things of this world are passing away, but your souls will live on forever. I hear your prayers for souls that are in most danger of being lost because saving souls should be your most important concern as well. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers, and you will be on the narrow road to heaven.”


Saturday, March 26, 2011:
Jesus said: My people, every day I send you the trials and joys of life, but you must look on everything that I send you as the gifts of today. Even problems and trials are gifts to you because they are meant to test you and purify you as silver and gold are purified with fire. You may endure some stress or pain in your lives, but you can offer these things up to Me as your share with My pain on the cross. Every day you must be willing to pick up your daily cross for My sake, and let these trials be your means of your salvation through Me. I love you, My people, but you even need to train your children to deal with survival in this valley of tears. As you train your children to know their faith, so each day’s events are used to train you in My ways which are different from man’s ways. When you help each other in your daily needs, they are the good works that I am calling you to perform in order to help your neighbor. You will see that helping people are your joys in life, and thank Me for every opportunity that I give you for the benefit of your neighbor. Pray to Me in the morning and make a recollection of your day at night. Learn from your mistakes and by meditating on them, I will show you how to improve in both your physical and spiritual life. Learn to offer up everything to Me, both the joys and the trials, and you will again understand how everything that I send to you are truly gifts of My love.”

St. Therese said: “My dear son, I want to thank all of Jesus’ sisters and friends for all the beautiful work that they are doing for the Lord. Jesus was always the center of my life, and you have seen me portrayed carrying a small cross with roses. I spoke many times of my Little Way which is focused on doing every little task with love for Jesus. When you follow Our Lord, you are offering all of your work up to Jesus. I have always thought of myself as a child of Jesus, and Our Lord has told us that we must have a child like faith in order to enter heaven. In today’s Gospel of the Prodigal Son, this is a lesson in humility in accepting that everyone is a sinner. You all need to be close to my Jesus in frequent Confession so you do not let sin keep you distant from Him. I have given you messages personally to help you in your spiritual life, especially in making the best use of your time in this life. You have recently been praying novenas to me in helping you to make your DVD and in praying for your country’s trials. I also want you to make time every day to have some quiet time so you can be listening to Jesus when He talks to your heart. If you are open to my Jesus, He will direct you in how to follow the mission that He has for your life. Every time that you pray to Jesus, you are sharing your love for Him, and He loves you so much.”

Jesus said: “My people, this ram goat that was in the vision has very powerful eyes of seduction, and this is how the Antichrist will use his demonic powers to mislead many souls into evil. He will come in My Name trying to imitate the Lamb of God, but he will be the evil wolf in sheep’s clothing. Beware of this false Christ because he will try and deceive you, but My faithful will recognize this evil imposter who will try to steal souls away from Me. This evil one will control all the media. After My Warning experience, I want My faithful to remove all televisions and computers from your homes. Do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes, or listen to his words. He will have the power of suggestion to mislead even My elect. Trust in the power of My protection at My refuges where My angels will protect you from any demons or evil people. At My refuges they will not be able to harm your body or your soul. This evil one will come during the tribulation, so avoid his mark and his image, or he could try and get you to worship him. All of these warnings are written in the Book of Revelation, but these events are before you in today’s happenings that are leading up to the declaration of the Antichrist. I am always with you in love. Have no fear of the evil ones, for I will be victorious in the end.”


Sunday, March 27, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, the slide in the vision was black and this represents evil. The serpentine shape represents a slithering snake as the devil. This black serpentine slide at an amusement park is how the devil can use pleasure to bring souls into sin. The Carnival time in many Latin American countries can be a near occasion of sin for unsuspecting people. Many are searching for a good time with music and dancing. Unfortunately, some people can abuse this joyous time by drinking too much alcohol, or becoming involved with fornication or people wearing revealing clothes to tempt men. If people are led into sinful temptations by these Carnival activities, it may be wise for these souls to avoid these areas of sin. Just because this is a time of celebration, it does not change My Commandments against bodily abuse or sexual sins. This is not a criticism of the Carnival time, but only of the sinful abuses that are often found between men and women. Pray for the souls who are tempted to sin in this time of celebration.”

(Gospel of Samaritan women at the well) Jesus said: “My people, the Samaritan woman did not understand who I was, but she desired to receive My living water so she would not thirst again. When I told her that I was the Christ, she ran to bring her friends to see Me. Some may ask, what is this living water? I give you My living Word in My Scriptures to follow, but what is most important is that I give you My Body to eat and My Blood to drink. When you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, you are fed by My spiritual food of My very Self because I am truly present in the consecrated Bread and Wine. I have told you many times, whoever eats My Body and drinks My Blood, will have eternal life with Me in heaven. When you receive Me in My sacraments, you also receive the Holy Spirit of Life and God the Father. Where you have Me, you have the Blessed Trinity because We are Three Persons in One God, and indivisible. When I spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, I was breaking with many traditions of Jews not speaking to Samaritans, and men not speaking to women in that time. By offering My living water to her, I was telling everyone that I treat all of you equally, no matter who you are in this life. Be grateful that I am open to all sinners, because I love all of My creatures, even those who do not accept Me. Many of My faithful have a thirst to be with Me in prayer, Holy Communion, and at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I call My evangelists to help Me in bringing converts to the faith. I will protect you from the evil ones, so trust in Me for all of your physical and spiritual needs.”


Monday, March 28, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard the account of Naaman the Syrian how he was cleansed of his leprosy by the prophet Elisha. He was advised by his Jewish servant to go to Israel to be healed by the prophet, but when Elisha told him to wash seven times in the Jordan, Naaman refused to do it. The servants had more faith and encouraged him to do what the prophet told him. Naaman washed seven times in the Jordan and he was cleansed of his leprosy. Take a lesson from this healing because you need to have faith that I can heal you of your earthly afflictions. In Confession I cleanse you of your sins. This cleansing of sins is a Lenten lesson that all of My people can follow. In the Gospel I told the people of Nazareth that the Christ was among them. They were joyous at first, but when I told them that a prophet is not accepted in his native place, then they wanted to kill Me by throwing Me off the cliff. I walked through their midst because it was not My hour to die then. My prophets throughout history had to suffer persecution for proclaiming My Word of love which is hard for mankind to accept. You may risk death and persecution, but I trust that My prophets will have faith in Me to still carry out the mission that I have given them. You, My son, have been called to prepare the people for the end times of the Antichrist. Many do not want to leave their comfortable homes or their sins of pleasure in order to come to My refuges of protection. Your mission is sent by Me, so do not be discouraged or afraid, but continue your evangelization efforts to save souls because this is more important than any other thing that you could do.”


Tuesday, March 29, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision this large wall represents the way some people separate themselves from Me because of the guilt of their sins. You see Me knocking on the door in the vision. You could open the door to Me so I may enter your heart and soul. I do not force Myself on any soul, and I cannot enter to share My love and forgiveness unless the door is opened from the inside. Knock and I will answer you, ask and you shall receive. Even as I respond to your petition requests, hopefully you will respond in love to My requests as well. Today’s Gospel is about forgiving people, even seventy times seven times for any harm or insult done to you. I gave you the four kinds of forgiveness associated with My sacrament of Penance. The first is to seek My forgiveness of your sins when you are absolved in Confession. The second is when you are called to ask the forgiveness from others for any physical harm or for harm done to their reputation. The third kind is being able to forgive others who may have harmed you in any way. This also means not holding any grudges against people. The fourth kind of forgiveness is being able to forgive yourself. After absolution of your sins, put all of these things behind you and let them go. If you retain any guilt, you could cause some mental sicknesses, or allow the devil to throw your faults at you to make you have a poor opinion of yourself. If you allow this, you could grow into depression or turn to drugs and alcohol. Let your sins go and come to Me in Communion to heal the wounds of your sins by My grace and love.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are obligated by My ‘Our Father’ prayer to forgive one another as I forgive you. This was made even more accountable with the Gospel of the Master and the debtor who was not forgiving of his fellow servant. It is very difficult to be able to forgive someone who has mistreated you because of man’s justice. This vision recalls a woman whom you knew who went to her grave from cancer, but she could not forgive her relatives for only coming to see her to try and get money from her will. In man’s eyes she may have been justified, but in My eyes you still need to forgive your neighbor. She gave you a message that she had to suffer in purgatory for this sin of not being able to forgive her relatives when she died. Take this as a lesson that you need to love everyone, and do not go to your grave with grudges or hate for anyone on your soul. Remember how I told the people to go and make amends with their neighbor, and then bring their gift to the altar at Mass. By forgiving your neighbor all of the time for any faults, you will suffer less in purgatory.”


Wednesday, March 30, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I set before you the Two Great Commandments. You must love the Lord your God with your whole mind, heart, and soul, and you must love your neighbor as yourself. These are the laws of love that I have brought to fulfilment. I love all peoples so much that I brought the Kingdom of God to the earth by My Presence. I have offered up My life as a supreme sacrifice for the ransom of all the souls of humanity. I am with you all days in My Blessed Sacrament until the end of time. In this vision you see how the Old and New Testament are joined as one. I want My people to love everyone, even your enemies who persecute you because every person is made to My image and likeness. When you come to Me in judgment, I will ask you if your loved Me because I am present through the Holy Spirit in every person. If you fed, clothed, and housed the least of My people, then you did this for Me in them. But if you refused to help the least of My little ones, then you refused to help Me in them. I will judge you by your actions of love for Me and your love for your neighbor.”

Mary said: “My dear children, you have heard my Son say to you to ask the harvest master to send more workers into the vineyard. Both the priests and the nuns are in need of new entries into their orders. It is important to provide fertile ground for new vocations to this Carmelite Order. There indeed are many distractions to draw people away from the religious life. You need prayer and fasting for these intentions. You also need a means to invite people to see what this life is all about so they can have the time to see if this life is their calling. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is the best environment for vocations, but even this requires faithful people to support. Passing out literature at the churches may also help the people to think more of religious vocations. Do not be discouraged in seeking vocations, but trust in heaven’s help from my Son to help you.”


Thursday, March 31, 2011:
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some statues that have been vandalized in people’s front yards. I am talking about statues of My Blessed Mother and Me. Some of the people who had this destruction have had prayer groups or Masses in the outdoors when the weather was warm. This desecration of holy statues is the first step in a series of events that will show you how much the evil ones will be persecuting My people. Pray for My angel protection when you are led to My refuges for safety.”

Jesus said: “My people, there were some people with money and education, and some people that led very poor lives in Trinidad, despite the oil wealth in this nation. Even the poor were joyous in singing their hymns to God. There is a strong faithful remnant that makes up the core of the prayer warriors. There are also many who desire Adoration, and they pray reverently in front of My Blessed Sacrament.”

Jesus said: “My people, at night some people are seeking any kind of entertainment, and this is where excessive drinking and lewd dancing occurs. My faithful need to live chaste and humble lives in order to give good example to their children. Teaching children about their faith is one of the best ways to involve the youth in prayer groups so the faith can be carried on.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is the faithful members who are working hard in praying for priests and nuns so the Church will be sustained for Masses and teaching. The religious life requires quiet time for prayer in order to keep Jesus alive in their lives. Pray for new vocations and that the current priests and nuns will stay strong and not abandon their ministries.”

Jesus said: “My people, seminaries and religious teaching are required for teaching new priests and nuns. Bishops usually solicit funds to keep these places of learning open and running. It is also important to have good directors to choose candidates who could make good priests and nuns. These new candidates need much prayer to be found, and to have strong faith in completing their training.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who are weak or lukewarm in their faith. It is the children and some adults that need proper training in the faith, or they could be lost in worldly distractions. This is why My strong faithful need to take the opportunity to give a strong witness in teaching religion to the children, or training adults to enter the Catholic Church. If the children are not fully grounded in their faith, then they could grow weak in their faith and be lost. The people of the parish also need updates in their faith in retreats, missions, or Bible study. In order to gain in your perfection, My faithful need to grow in their understanding of the faith. Keep strong in your love for Me and love for helping your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, this time of Lent helps build spiritual character, and it can be an opportunity for spiritual growth. One of the best ways to seek My help is to rely on persistent prayer. Do not give up easily, but let your heart see the need for prayer, suffering, and fasting because some souls have a high price. Remember your extra prayers, your Stations of the Cross on Friday, fasting between meals, and the special penances that you promised to do for all of Lent. By renouncing your worldly comforts and restraining your body’s desires, you can allow your soul to have more control over your body. Have trust and hope in Me, and I will lead you down the narrow road to heaven.”


Friday, April 1, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision I am showing you how some people worship the things of this world as sports, gold, and famous people as their ‘gods’ instead of Me. When you make anything else more important than Me, then you have made that thing your ‘god’ and you are sinning by idol worship. If you spend all or most of your time on things and concerns of the world, then you are not giving Me enough time in prayer to acknowledge your love for Me. I do not force My love on you, but those, who refuse to accept Me into their lives, could face the consequences of being judged to hell for their rejection of Me, or ignoring Me. I love all of you so much that I died for you. Loving your Creator and giving your thanks to Me for all that I have given you, should be your least response. Those, who truly love Me, can show it in their actions as in prayer and good works for their neighbor. Your priest made a good suggestion to even remember to love yourself because you are made in My image and likeness. You love Me the most, but without knowing how to love yourself, it is true that it will be difficult to love your neighbor. You love yourself not out of pride, but because you are one of My creations and worthy of love. Just as you love your body and soul despite your imperfections, so you should love everyone else in the same way despite their imperfections. By loving your neighbor as you love yourself, then you will be obeying the second part of My great commandment.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you take time to adore My Blessed Sacrament, you give honor and glory to your Lord. It is My great gift to you that I have left Myself present to you in all the tabernacles of the world. You may have some churches that are open most of the time, so you can come and visit Me in quiet contemplation. Remember to leave five to ten minutes for contemplative prayer so I can speak to the quiet of your heart and soul. By listening for My Word, I can give you proper direction and discernment for the many choices that you make every day. Let Me lead you down the right path toward heaven, and be open in your heart to do what I ask of you in your mission. Sometimes I call you to do things that you may not be comfortable with, but many times this leap of faith will bring you more graces than your own plans. Be ready to share your faith with everyone.”


Saturday, April 2, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, fresh water is necessary for all of mankind to survive, whether at your current homes or at My refuges. When you come to My refuges, I have mentioned how an independent source of water will be necessary for all the people who will come. When the tribulation comes, you will not have a store to buy water. It would be best to have a river, a lake, or a pond for a large source of water beyond drinking. Otherwise, you may need to have a water well dug with options for a mechanical pump that does not require electricity. Many refuges will not have solar power, so pumping water will be necessary. If there is no source of water, then you will need a miraculous spring as in Lourdes, France. This is similar to Moses who struck the rock for miraculous water in the desert. Trust in Me to provide enough water for the people to survive at My refuges. At the time to go to My refuges, you will only need the bare necessities of water, food, and a shelter which will be provided, along with My angel protection from the evil ones. You will be living in full trust and faith in Me during this short reign of the Antichrist. Have patience, My people, and you will see My victory over evil, and then you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, coal still provides a large source for your energy production. There are still needs for coal in generating electricity and some is used in making steel. It is the coal mining underground that needs to be done in order to obtain the coal which is dangerous for the workers’ health. You have heard stories of coal miners dying from explosions or toxic gases. Methane gas or coal dust can mix with oxygen and an ignition source to cause an explosion. You have seen these mishaps in America, China, and Chile. It is a dangerous job also from inhaling the coal dust which can cause black lung. Mining coal does provide jobs, but the insurance is higher because of the dangers involved. Your country needs all of your energy sources in order to minimize the oil that is imported, especially from the Middle Eastern oil countries. Coal is worse on pollution, and it produces carbon dioxide as other fuels do. Your appetite for electricity and fuels for your transportation has grown too much, and soon conservation of electricity and more fuel efficient cars will help cut back your fuel needs. America consumes 25% of all of the earth’s fuels, so your standard of living will go down with rising fuel prices. Pray that America can reduce its foreign dependency on oil so you are not restricted by wars and uprisings in these oil countries.”


Sunday, April 3, 2011: (Laetare Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, the vestments today are rose colored to represent rejoicing at the middle of Lent on Laetare Sunday. Today’s reading is associated with My bringing light to disperse the darkness, as I made the blind man see. The Pharisees did not want to believe in My miracle of bringing sight to the blind man because I cured him on the Sabbath. In the vision also you are seeing someone at a refuge come out of the darkness into the light. This represents My protection during the darkness of the Antichrist’s reign in the tribulation time. The other miracle is My multiplication of the food at My refuges so everyone will have something to eat. At My refuges you will have daily Communion from My angels for bread, and the deer who will come into your camps for meat. Any other food that is grown or stored will be multiplied as needed for the people. I have also talked of the need for some food before you come to My refuges because of the coming world famine. I have given an example to store about a year’s supply of food. This was not meant to be a financial hardship on My faithful, or a problem for storing so much food and a source of water. For those, who have limited funds or limited space for the food, I would multiply what is needed. For those, who have the money and space to store this supply of food, then you could purchase the food over some weeks without buying it all at once. This food is to be shared with those people who I will send to you, it is not meant to be hoarded. Once there are riots and chaos in the streets because people are being violent in pillaging for food, then it will be time to call on Me and My angels will lead you to My refuges. You will not need guns for protection because My angels will make you invisible when it is time to leave for My refuges. Trust in My protection and My providing for your needs, and you will have peace in your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been calling people to set up both interim and final refuges. I told you that those people who desire to have a refuge in their hearts, can build one. Each refuge should have the land consecrated to Me, and have an independent source of water, especially for final refuges. At each refuge there should be a storage pantry of food that could have the food multiplied for those who come. This means that each leader needs to plan for some food storage that will keep for about four years. At each refuge there should be a place to sleep for some people with bedding and sheets. This building with beds will also be multiplied as more people come, so everyone will have a place to sleep. Towels, makeshift showers, soap, and toothbrushes will also be needed. Some provision for a latrine should be prepared. Think of living independently from stores and you will see what you will need at your refuges. My angels will protect you, but My people will need to take care of your meals, bathing, and washing clothes. Be prepared to use your talents in helping each other by bringing the tools of your trade to the refuges. Trust in Me that this short suffering will be making you saints in order to get you through this coming tribulation.”


Monday, April 4, 2011: (St. Isidore)
Jesus said: “My people, when you go to school to learn your courses, you are getting the knowledge from books and your teachers. The other kind of knowledge that you acquire is from practical living experience when you try to apply what you have been taught. You have common sense learning and on the job training. Eventually, it is your job experience that can become more valuable than your book learning. In the same way in your spiritual life, you have My Word in the Scriptures and Church Law that teaches you how to live a proper life according to My laws. The challenge is to live your faith and not just be a Catholic in name only. You know how you should be living, but until you apply what you know to your daily actions, then you may not truly take My Word to heart. Living a good Christian life is not easy because the body is always in conflict with the desires of the soul. If you truly want to come to heaven, then you will need to keep your body in check from sin so you can give good example by your actions. You may know what is right, and even preach the Catholic faith, but it is your proper actions that witness to your true beliefs. When you live your life according to My ways, then you will find your reward in heaven at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages before about comets and asteroids coming close to the earth. You have near misses from time to time, but the larger the object, the more there is concern if it could hit the earth or come close enough to cause some effects. Many events are getting close in respect to chips in the body, and a possible failure of the dollar. The Warning is a preparation to go to My refuges, so this Warning will happen first. Be prepared to see some major event in the sky on the day of the Warning. Review your previous messages on this event, and again do some research on any objects coming close to the earth. Do not be fearful of the Warning because it will be a great help to sinners from My Divine Mercy.”


Tuesday, April 5, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you are in a rainy season as winter has changed over to spring. This umbrella in the vision is a sign of protection that I give My people in Confession to wash away your sins. You can come to Me at anytime in My priests in the confessional, especially during Lent. You have no excuse to not have a clean soul with My oasis of graces always waiting for you to come for My forgiveness. You are seeing this umbrella spinning as well which is another sign that the day of My Warning is not far off. In your Warning experience you will be told about the need for seeking a safe haven at one of My refuges. This means that I will send My Warning before you need to leave for My refuges, and before the Antichrist declares himself. Fear not this time because My angels will be protecting you with a shield of invisibility. Have faith to call on Me and your guardian angel when it is time to be led to My refuges.”

(Nadezda Matunow funeral) Jesus said: “My people, not everyone attended Nadezda’s funeral Mass, but you were all united with the Ukrainian Orthodox priest in this service at the grave. All of your prayers and Masses will help usher her into heaven. She had a full life in her years, and she will be missed dearly by her family and friends. Be grateful for the time that you had to share your life with her. She is resting with Me without any more pain. Give praise and glory to Me for this gift of her life.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people are concerned that this nuclear plant in Japan is out of control and that major amounts of radioactive water are being poured into the ocean. Much of the radioactivity will eventually dissipate, but there could be much damage to the marine life before that happens, meaning the fishing industry could be affected. The fact that Japan is seeking help from other countries is a sign that they are desperate for help. Cooling down the spent rods and the devastated four reactors has taken large amounts of seawater that is corroding these reactors. The radioactive pollution has reached such a high level, that it is almost suicide to work at this plant. It will be months before these rods could even be cool enough to try and remove them. The spreading radiation will begin to cause major radiation poisoning over a large area. This will affect Japan’s economy and the selling of any goods that pick up this radiation. This problem could give nuclear energy such a bad reputation that many countries will want to shut down their active plants. This will present a major energy shortage and will cause another major recession or depression. Pray that some means can be provided to be able to shut down these four reactors before any more explosions could send more radiation into the air.”


Wednesday, April 6, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you have tainted your food with many toxic preservatives, and you have genetically modified many of your crops along with making hybrids. Because of these changes in your food and the polluting of your air and water, you are now seeing a proliferation of many kinds of cancers and other chronic diseases. It is sad to see many people suffering with terminal diseases, and chronic conditions as diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and other ailments of pain. My faithful need to pray for these people to have the grace to endure their suffering. Sometimes you may have to be a caretaker for such members of your own family. Do what you can to make them comfortable, and visit the sick to show your concern for their health. This is all the more reason to adjust your diets to eat healthy so you can fulfill your mission.”

(Camille Remacle’s Mass)Camille said: “Hello everyone, every spring I am reminded how much I liked to get out into my garden. I feel sorry for poor Amanda with another broken leg. I will be praying for a successful operation tomorrow. I thank all of you for coming to my Mass intention. Say a special hello to Larisa and John. I am sorry for the loss of her mother. I see a lot of souls moving up and down as some are born, while others leave their bodies in death. Tell Lydia how much I love her, and I thank all of you for helping your mother get around. I still make a couple of visits to encourage people to attend Mass. You can make my work easier if you could encourage those who do not go to Mass to make the extra effort to go. Again, thanks for all the prayers and Masses for me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you currently have a struggle between the cuts of the Republican House and the Democratic Senate. The House passed only a $61 Billion cut out of a $1.3 Trillion deficit, and still the Democrats did not pass it. Two short term resolutions were passed with only $10 Billion in cuts. Now there is talk of another short term bill, but there is still an impasse in the Senate that threatens a government shutdown. Some last minute meetings are taking place, but it may be difficult to get something passed in time to stop a shutdown. This is just the first battle since the next battle will be over Trillions of dollars of cuts for the 2012 budget plan. Another battle will be over raising the National Debt limit. If America cannot get its debt payments under control, then there may be a threat to the dollar or even possible bankruptcy of your financial system. Your major deficits have been caused by wars, this latest bank crisis, and excessive entitlement payments. Without some control over your interest payments, your deficits will become larger than your economy’s production. Pray that your lawmakers can come to a compromise and straighten out your debt payments without a shutdown.”


Thursday, April 7, 2011: (St. John Baptist de la Salle)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I was telling the people how My testimony was greater than that of St. John the Baptist. His testimony pointed to Me as the coming Messiah, and he called people to repent and be baptized. His message is much like you are doing in Lent by prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. St. John the apostle writes a Gospel with an emphasis on My Divinity. I am truly Divine and human at the same time. My testimony is that I bring eternal life through Myself when you share in worthily receiving My Body and Blood in Holy Communion. I bring everyone salvation through My death on the cross. My testimony is verified in My miracles, and the witness of My heavenly Father as He spoke at My Baptism and Transfiguration. I told the people that the Father and I are One, and that I was sent to the earth by My Father. The people thought I was a blasphemer to claim equality with God, and that is why they killed Me. They thought that they knew My origins, and they could not believe that I was a God-man or the Messiah. This whole question of My Divinity was hard for the Jews to accept which is why Holy Week is focused on this dispute. Evil had its hour in My Crucifixion, but then I conquered death and sin by My Resurrection from the dead. It was then that all worthy souls were allowed entry into heaven. Give praise and thanks to Me and to St. John the apostle for explaining My Divinity to you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have information that the HAARP machine can be used to make earthquakes with low 5 Hz frequencies, and it can be used to alter the jet streams to create violent weather. Seeing this beam active means the HAARP machine has been turned on to cause earthquakes and bad weather. You can do some more research for its latest activities.”

Jesus said: “My people, one severe crack has been sealed to restrict high radioactive water from escaping. The normal cooling pumps are not working and adding seawater is creating a corrosive problem to the working problem of cooling the hot rods. Even nitrogen has been introduced to reduce any further explosions of the hydrogen by smothering any oxygen with this inert gas. Without some way of cooling better, more radioactive water will be poured into the ocean. Pray that this radiation can be minimized and controlled.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you analyze who is behind these uprisings, there are terrorist elements connected to Iran and Hamas. Many older leaders are being forced out of power, and it is leaving a vacuum for the Brotherhood to take over. Libya has been slow to change because of Gaddafi’s resistance. During these takeovers, you are seeing oil, gold, and silver prices reaching high levels in dollars. These same terrorists will eventually find their way into Saudi Arabia. When this happens, you could see $300 a barrel oil prices which could send many nations into recession or depression. Pray that this insurrection can be lessened or your world economy could fail.”

Jesus said: “My people, as oil prices continue to rise because of possible supply disruptions in the Middle East, there will be an increasing demand to drill for oil in America. These wells could be started, but by the time they are providing fuel, your country could go bankrupt without cheap fuels for heating and transportation. This is another reason why an independent energy plan should have already been put in place. A disruption in oil deliveries will create a drastic shortage in fuel supplies which will be hard to replace causing many businesses to shut down and could create a chaotic depression. Pray again for an energy transition with less dependence on foreign oil.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see many physical means to purify water for drinking and isolating pure metals for industrial uses. Many people are so busy in the workplace and raising their families that they do not take enough time to see how much they need to purify their sinful souls. Unless you slow down to look at how you can improve your spiritual life, it will be hard to make any progress in seeking your spiritual perfection. Daily prayer and frequent Confession would be a good start to draw close to Me. Instead of letting money, jobs, or entertainment control your lives, you should set Me in the center of your life, and do everything for Me, instead of your own selfish interests. When you let Me run your life, you will have whatever you need and peace in your soul as well. Use this Lenten time to grow in your faith and follow Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, Holy Week is your most important time of spirituality of the whole year. You need to have all of your Lenten devotions prepare you for this holy time of the year. As you realize how much I suffered for your souls, you should give Me praise and thanks that I have brought salvation to everyone who reaches out to ask for My forgiveness. I have opened the gates to heaven, but you are to love Me and your neighbor in order to be worthy to enter. Your whole life is a journey toward heaven, and you need to keep your focus on Me every day. Call on Me to help you on your way to spiritual perfection, and you will one day see your reward in heaven.”


Friday, April 8, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of these three young children is a message to you of how I want you to act in your Christian life. A young child is always trusting in his or her parents without any fear or worry. In this same way I want My faithful to live their faith as this little child with complete trust in Me as your heavenly Parent. Some people as the priest said, do not want to be showed up by others as being better than themselves. When you see the innocence and trust of a young child, you see how much more you need to improve. You all were innocent children at one time, but the world and the evil one have taken away your childhood innocence. Remember that in order to enter heaven, you must have the trust, love, and innocence of a little child. When you ask Me for this gift of living as a little child, I will answer your prayer and bring you close to Me because I love all of you so much. Make Me the center of your life, and I will guide you on your journey through life so you can rest with Me in heaven for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to thank all the people who are making this refuge possible which includes the prayer warriors, the financial sponsors, and all those doing the construction. I have mentioned before that at every refuge I will use all of the talents of the people that come to your refuge. You will all be living a community life under My protection and that of My angels. This is another confirmation for Karen to carry on with her work on this refuge and her work to promote Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. When I am the center of your life, you can listen to My words of calling and discernment in the quiet time before My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. Call on My help to ease any worries or anxieties that may be attacking you. When you ask in My Name, Jesus, I will bring you any healing grace that you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, this clock that is ticking down to 12 o’clock represents a deadline for the one world people when the major events are going to start happening. The signs for this is how these evil ones are putting millions of meals into their secret underground cities so they will have food and a safe place to go. You are seeing the perpetrated unrest brought about in the Arab oil countries, so the oil and food prices would rise beyond what people could afford. This is part of the evil one’s plan to bring down the euro and the dollar. The HAARP machine will be used to cause earthquakes on the New Madrid fault and the fault in California. Your Masses will reduce the deaths and damage that will result. These major events will contribute to martial law and a world famine. I will warn people when it is the proper time to leave for My refuges. Once it is time, My angels will put shields of invisibility around My faithful to protect them from the evil ones who are trying to kill them. My angels are marking My faithful with crosses on the forehead as ‘the mark of the faithful’. During this tribulation time My angels will lead those with this mark on the forehead to My refuges. Those without this mark, will not be allowed to enter My refuges. Fear not the evil ones with guns because My angels will make you invisible and the evil ones will not see you or be able to kill you. Rejoice in the protection of My faithful, but woe to those who reject Me and could be lost. I love all peoples, but it is how people exercise their free will, that will determine their judgement.”


Saturday, April 9, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read about Jeremiah, the prophet, and how he and the prophets suffered persecution for proclaiming My Word. Many of My prophets have suffered martyrdom for their faith in Me. In the Gospel I even described to you what is expected of My prophets. When I call My prophets, they are being graced with the opportunity to share My Word for that time. They should be willing to say ‘yes’ to My mission and not look back, but to follow My lead. They also need to call on My grace to have courage to go where I call them to share My message. My Word is a spiritual message and it is not always to the liking of the body, but it is for the betterment of souls. Some may want to reject My message, and as a consequence may even want to reject My prophets. My prophets are called to endure any rejection and even to be willing to die for spreading My Word. My son, I have called you to this mission of preparing the people for the end times. You are not to mellow the message for a better hearing, and I even asked you to carry on until you could no longer move. You have been faithful to Me for these many years and I am grateful for your efforts. Now, you will be entering the beginnings of the coming tribulation. You know that the evil ones will be coming more into power and this will pose a threat to My prophets and My faithful. You are to be steadfast with My message, even if it may endanger your life. Your reward awaits you in heaven. I call all of My faithful to be priests, prophets, and kings by virtue of your Baptism. So you all are called to evangelize souls to the faith and help them to avoid hell. Give praise and glory to Me for sending My prophets with My warnings for this time.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision about a prison is about two prisoners. The first prisoner is Myself in all the tabernacles all over the world. Where there is perpetual Adoration, it is a joy for Me to give graces to those who make their assigned hour to give Me praise and honor. Your holy Savior waits to greet everyone who comes to visit Me, even if for only ten minutes. It is sad when I am alone night after night and no one comes to see Me. It is at those times that I feel like an ignored prisoner. The second prisoner is your soul that is trapped in this physical body that I have given you. The soul can be constantly tormented by the desires of the body and the many temptations of the evil one. The soul is all love, but at times it is hard for the soul to have control over the body. The best means for the soul to control the body is through prayer and fasting. It is when the body is in control through sin that the soul feels like a prisoner without being able to express itself. The soul needs to direct the body on the path to heaven without allowing the things of the world to control the body as with addictions. By keeping Me as the center of your life, then you can keep the whole person on the right path to heaven.”


Sunday, April 10, 2011: (Lazarus, I am the Resurrection & the Life)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been preparing throughout Lent with your prayers, fasting, and Confession in order to greet Me on Easter cleansed of your sins. When you think of Lazarus in the tomb and bound in strips, you understand how you are bound in your sins of the world as well. I call you to change your lifestyle of any addictions that may be controlling you. You need to free yourself so you can have My true peace in your soul. Guard that grace and peace from any of the world’s distractions and any temptations of the evil one. I told Martha that ‘I AM the Resurrection and the Life’, and you cannot enter heaven unless you come through Me. By cleaning up your spiritual life during Lent, then you will be ready to leave your tomb of worldliness so you can come out into My Light when I call you to come forth. Cleansing your sins in Confession is your best chance to seek My forgiveness of your sins. Every time that you leave My confessional, you are given new life in My grace, and you feel like a new person. This is why I have given you this vision of Lazarus coming out of a confessional, so when I call you to repentance, you can say ‘yes’ to Me and I will cleanse your sins. Now you truly are pure in your soul and ready to walk in My Light of life and love.”


Monday, April 11, 2011: (Susanna story, Daniel 13:1-64)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read how the two elders tried to have Susanna killed because she would not lie with them in sin. She chose not to sin and took her chance to fight them. Fortunately, Daniel questioned their testimony and the two elders lied about which tree they found her under. The law said that the false accusers should face the punishment that they were trying to force on Susanna, which meant that they were to be killed. This sense of injustice can even be found in America’s court rooms. If you have many high priced lawyers on your side, you may be able to win almost any case. The judge and lawyers make backroom settlements for money or pleading guilty to lesser charges for less time in prison. There are many injustices done to people, especially in the abuses of American courts. Many women are taken advantage of in divorces because they do not have enough money to hire a lawyer to plead their case. Pray that these injustices can be resolved as Daniel was able to settle this case of adultery.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of destruction of the buildings in a city, represents earthquake damage coming to a Japanese city. Currently, you are seeing 6.0 and 7.0 earthquakes occurring almost daily in Japan as this whole island is more vulnerable to earthquakes than most places. The Pacific Rim of earthquakes and volcanoes is most active in Japan right now, and these quakes could cause further damage to their cities. Pray for these people who have lost homes, loved ones, and are now facing nuclear pollution.”


Tuesday, April 12, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in many instances I talked with authority to the religious leaders and to the demons that I cast out of those who I healed. In today’s Gospel I referred to Myself as ‘I AM’ which the Jews knew from Moses were the words of God the Father’s Name. I said this so that the people would know that the Father and I are One. Because I spoke with authority, the people came to believe in Me. When they witnessed My miracles of healing and even raising Lazarus from the dead, they began to believe more that I was the Son of Man. My apostles also through the power of the Holy Spirit came to know that I am truly the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. When the people believed that I was the Messiah, then the Pharisees became threatened, and they wanted to kill Me for being a blasphemer in their eyes. As you approach Holy Week, you will be reading stronger accounts of how they were going to kill Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the sheiks in Saudi Arabia is a sign that they are the next target for regime change. There were some disturbances earlier, but order was restored. The Brotherhood and Hamas are determined to cause enough havoc in Saudi Arabia so the fear of lost deliveries of oil could drive oil prices much higher. If these terrorists cannot gather enough support for a successful uprising from the people, then they may resort to sabotage at the oil wells or the refineries. It is part of the one world people’s plan to bring down America to threaten an oil shortage that could affect many nations. This is one more step toward a one world government led by the Antichrist. Control of the oil supplies is crucial to controlling the countries of the world. America depends on foreign oil for much of your energy, so any threat to these oil supplies could threaten your economy. Pray that these plans to disrupt Saudi Arabian oil deliveries will be nullified as long as possible. This is another reason for America to quickly reduce its foreign oil dependency so your involvement in wars could lessen.”


Wednesday, April 13, 2011: (St. Martin I)
Jesus said: “My people, throughout history all the civilizations that purposely worshiped other gods instead of Me were brought down in shambles. In the vision the people who built this tower were brought into confusion by many languages. The Jewish people who worshiped the gods of their neighbors were brought down and exiled to Babylon. Even this Great Babylonian Empire was brought down when they mocked Me and they were defeated by the Medes and Persians. There is even a message for America in that you are worshiping money, the stock market, and your possessions more than Me. Your abortions and sexual sins are calling out for your punishment. America is the Babylon of Revelation that will also be taken over because of your worship of false gods. I am the only One true God and I will not have any strange gods before Me. This is My First Commandment that you love Me with your whole mind, soul, and heart. Those who sin by idol worship against Me, will receive My just punishment for their disobedience.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Passover meal that you celebrated tonight gave you a small feeling of what it was like at the Last Supper. It was the bread and wine that I consecrated which became My Body and Blood because the next day I died on the cross. This vision of a flame that was snuffed out represents how the world rejected My Light and set out to crucify Me unjustly if they knew that I truly AM God. I also showed you how I suffered the scourging, the crown of thorns, the carrying of My cross, and the nails in My hands and feet. After I died, they even speared Me in the side where blood and water came forth. All this suffering I did on one day, but on the third day I resurrected from the dead to prove to My apostles and the world that I truly had risen and I was God’s Son. As Holy Week approaches you can go through another enactment of the first Mass on Holy Thursday, the veneration of My cross on Good Friday, and the celebration of My Resurrection on Easter Sunday.”

Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges I am going to prepare a place for everyone to stay in your own dwelling. Some people do not want to think of how hard it will be to leave your comfortable homes and come to an unknown place at My refuge. Do not worry or have any fear of where you will stay because My angels will feed you daily Communion, provide food and water, protect you, and provide a place to stay. As more people come to My refuges, I will have My angels replicate any buildings on the grounds so everyone will be accommodated. Be grateful for My angel protection from the evil ones, and My healing of your ailments by My luminous cross and My miraculous spring water. This tribulation time will test your faith, but those, who read My words in My Scripture and My messages, will see the glory of My defeat of the Antichrist. Rejoice that you are living in this time when you will soon receive your reward in My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, April 14, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with how to send packages to a destination, and that extra charges are made for a faster delivery. Traveling by airplane should arrive sooner than by ground transportation. In the spiritual life there are also means to speed up the delivery of your soul to heaven. After you die, your soul meets Me for your particular judgment for your sins. The purer your soul is, and the less remission for sin that you have, the less purgatory time you will need to enter heaven. You can even follow the Divine Mercy Novena promises to have all remission for sin forgiven. You may also place Masses for yourself in your will, or have people offer Mass intentions for your soul. Prayers and Masses can also speed the delivery of your soul to heaven. I desire all souls to be with Me forever in heaven, but My justice also needs to be satisfied in purging any punishment due for sin or worldly desires from your soul in purgatory. I am showing you the way for yourselves and others to arrive more quickly into heaven from purgatory. Please remember to have Masses and prayers said for the dead in purgatory because everyone does not go automatically to heaven after one dies.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been over in Europe to see that very few people in general are attending Sunday Mass in huge beautiful churches. Many churches are closing and becoming museums. In America you also are seeing churches closed, but you still have a reasonable number attending Sunday Mass. Pray that young families will keep your churches vibrant with new members.”

Jesus said: “My people, America consumes 25% of all available fuel sources all over the world. Since you are the biggest consumer, America needs a serious energy plan, especially now that the Middle East oil is more in jeopardy. You have many places to drill, but the one world people have purposely restrained more drilling so they could threaten your foreign suppliers. America needs more conservation, more drilling, and more fuel efficient cars. Pray for a change in policy before your gas prices will ruin your economy.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President wants Gaddafi to leave, but he is not really meaning to use American air power to bring his words about. America is already stretched thin by being involved with three battlefields. America cannot afford spending so much on these wars that have no exit and no winning. Pray more for peace in these areas with less involvement in continuous wars that are destroying your military.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some who are advocating a balanced budget amendment, but when it comes to reducing the spending or increasing taxes, there is little light for agreement on the basic problems. Wars and unaffordable entitlement programs are bankrupting your country. The $4 trillion in cuts in the budget even over ten years only represents $400 billion in cuts a year with a growing $3.5 trillion budget. Such severe cuts may not even get voted with all the interest groups against such cuts. You need to stop your deficit budgets before you cannot find anyone to buy this extra debt. Pray that a compromise can be found quickly before no one will want your dollar.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been to various countries as Trinidad and Venezuela where oil is being produced and their gas prices are .50 to $1.00/gallon. America could produce more fuels that would drive down these prices. Many of the food and commodity prices are going up because the value of the dollar is dropping. The Federal Reserve easing policy is flooding the world with dollars which is making your currency less valuable. This is counter productive to lowering prices. Your economists are also minimizing the real inflation rate with their manipulated figures. Pray that your leaders would support your currency instead of debasing it.”

Jesus said: “My people, Holy Week is next week, and it would be a good meditation to see if your spiritual life has profited from your Lenten devotions. Lent is a good time to work on any problem sins, and to improve your prayer life. If you have not made any improvements, there is still a short time to be serious about controlling your worldly desires and doing what you can to get closer to Me. See all of My suffering on Passion Sunday as the price I had to pay for your sins. When you see how much sin offends Me, then you need to restrain your sins and come to Confession at least once a month.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in the past that troubles with cars, houses, and computers are constantly occurring, and they test your peace in having to fix them. You need to try and control your emotions without letting your anger control you. It is when you get upset that you do things that you normally would not do. This is the area where sin enters your life when you have difficulty with your daily trials. Pray to Me to be stronger in your resistance to sin under pressure, and you will be better able to avoid your sins.”


Friday, April 15, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see how the Pharisees did not want any prophets or a baptizer interfering with their authority. This is why many of My prophets were killed, because the religious authorities were threatened by the truth. I told the people to follow the words of the Pharisees, but not their actions of hypocrisy. The Pharisees did not like Me criticizing them, yet they could not explain My miracles. After these leaders crucified Me, they were even more afraid of My Resurrection on Easter Sunday. They paid off the soldiers to say that My disciples stole My Body. This miracle of rising from the dead was way too much for them to accept, so they believe this lie about the soldiers even up to today. As you approach Holy Week give reverence to My very act of salvation for all mankind.”


Saturday, April 16, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating a feast of mixed emotions with the coming of Palm Sunday on one hand, but Passion Sunday on the other hand. At first the people of Jerusalem were celebrating My entrance with palms waving as I came on a young donkey. In another sense there is a celebration that souls in the place of the dead are going to be allowed into heaven because I have paid the ransom for their sins. This is true for all souls who have died or are still alive. On the other side of My Passion, it is hard to witness how much I had to suffer and die. To some, My crucifixion may be a sign of weakness or defeat, but this death on the cross was My means of salvation for all mankind. At one point in the Garden of Gethsemene I wanted to let this cup be passed, but I then accepted the Will of My Father, and allowed evil to have its way with Me in a cruel death. Now that you will be reading My Passion, you are preparing to enter Holy Week with the sorrow of the death of your Savior which was caused by your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be recounting My Passion and death on the cross. Ever since Cain killed Abel, I have decried any form of killing because it is denying My plan for each soul that is killed. The most blatant form of killing is how many people are killed in wars, whether civilians or combatants. It is the one world people who are led by Satan that are forever causing wars because they profit from the money spent on weapons, especially companies who are working for your Defense Industrial Complex. One of America’s recent problems is that your Presidents have been declaring wars on countries without the real consent of your people in the Congress. War powers belong to the Congress and the Executive branch is usurping the will of your people. There is also another war on the unborn which is killing millions of My little ones. These poor children are defenseless against the mothers and doctors who are killing their children. What you have now is a total disregard for the value of human life. You also have killing of older people in euthanasia, and the evil one world people are using their inventions and diseases to kill more people. Satan is leading this evil of killing man because he hates all of you. He has formed this culture of death, but I am calling on My people to work against wars, abortion, and euthanasia. Pray for an end to this death culture because it is calling for My justice.”


Sunday, April 17, 2011: (Palm or Passion Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s long Gospel reading of My Passion you see the close parallel between the lamb’s blood that was offered as protection, compared to My Blood that is offered to save all souls. The last plague against the Egyptians was when the angel of destruction slew the first born of their people, and even their animals. It was the lamb’s blood of this Passover that protected the Israelites from their first born being killed. Now, in My time on earth, I fulfilled My mission by offering up My own Blood for all the souls of mankind. So when My people come to My judgment, you will have My Blood on your soul. I will pass you over, and you will not be condemned to hell, but I will welcome you into heaven. Those, who do not accept Me as Savior and Master, will refuse My Blood of redemption, and they will be cast into hell by their own choosing. Pray for all sinners that they may be converted to accept My gift of salvation, and that they may be saved in heaven from being lost in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see an emotion filled movie, it deals more with love that touches your heart. Other movies of effects, bad language, and violence do not touch the heart with love. This movie pointed out to you how strong the love ties are between the parents and their children, even in the case of adoption. I am using this example also to emphasize the love between Myself and My created people. I am infinite love, and I have demonstrated this love the most in how I took a human nature upon Myself so I could die as the perfect sacrifice for all of your sins. I love all of you, even if you reject Me in sin. I leave the door open to My Heart when you return to Me in Confession seeking My forgiveness. Even loving parents accept their children back when they go astray. A loving being, as Myself, is also seeking you to love Me as well from deep down in your heart by your own free will. You show Me your love in your prayers and when you make special visits to My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle or Adoration in the monstrance. You can also show love for Me when you love Me in your neighbor by helping them. Sometimes just talking and listening shows your love for people when you care about their lives and families. You can share this love in visiting the elderly, the sick, or even those in prison. This life is too short not to make an effort to show your love for others, and especially to love Me.”


Monday, April 18, 2011: (Barbara Roccanti Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (John 12:1-11) you see Mary, the sister of Lazarus, anointing My feet with an expensive ointment and drying them with her hair. Judas Iscariot criticized her for not selling this ointment and giving the money to the poor. I told the guests that the poor you always have with you, but Me you do not. I commended Mary for her gift and said that this was for My burial when I would die later. This story is similar to Mary Magdalene (Luke 7:36-50) when she washed My feet with her tears and wiped them dry with her hair. She also kept kissing My feet. Because of her faith in Me, I healed her by forgiving her sins. The Jewish leaders saw that many Jews were leaving to believe in Me because I raised Lazarus from the dead. Because they were afraid that their positions as leaders were being threatened by Lazarus and Me, the Jews were plotting to kill both of us. You can see how even among religious leaders, there is a struggle for power and influence.”

Jesus said: “My people, as food, gas, gold, and silver become more valuable, this is a sign of how much the dollar has decreased in value. Many people are stocking up on food and coins as a means of barter for the coming famine. As America’s debts keep increasing, it becomes harder to sell more Treasury Notes to pay for it. Your people have sent a message to cut these debts in your 2010 election, yet there has been very little done to curtail more deficit spending. Even a reduction in the credit worthiness of your debt instruments has only slightly affected the stock market. Debts in Ireland and Portugal are also causing concern in the European Union. Other countries are trying to avoid your currency as a ‘reserve currency’ for world trade. If there is no compromise in reducing the US deficits, then your dollar will fall out of favor, and your economy could be brought to a standstill. Pray that your leaders will make the right choices soon, or there could be some drastic consequences if nothing changes.”


Tuesday, April 19, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading in the Gospels how St. Peter denied knowing Me three times, and today how Judas betrayed Me. Judas had Satan enter him and the betrayal went forward to the chief priest. It was then that Judas brought the men armed with clubs and swords, and he kissed Me to identify Me as the one to capture. After his betrayal, he was so heart broken that instead of asking My forgiveness, he hanged himself. St. Peter also was sorry for denying Me three times, but his response was one of sorrow for offending Me, and he sought My forgiveness when I asked him to love Me three times. All people are sinners and you also offend Me with your sins. I give you My sacrament of Penance to come and confess your sins to Me in the priest at the confessional. It is one thing that people sin in their weakness, but it is your response that is more important. If you truly are sorry for having offended Me, you would come to Confession as quickly as possible, and I would forgive you. Yet, there are some sinners who are not only weak to sin, but they are too lazy in their spiritual life to even seek My forgiveness. Some are embarrassed to confess their sins. Some do not want to admit that they have committed any mortal sins, and do not see the need for Confession. You need a properly formed conscience to admit to mortal sin, and serious sin needs immediate Confession, especially for sexual sins. You should come to Confession at least once a month, and My Church requires Confession as your Easter duty at least once a year. Do not be lazy in putting off Confession, because dying in mortal sin could risk the fires of hell forever.”

Jesus said: “My people, every day I put people before you as an opportunity to help save as many souls as you can in conversion. Even if you cannot talk to every person that you meet, at least pray for these souls that they will have the grace of conversion. One of your rosary intentions is to pray for all sinners, but you can add this intention to your prayers of praying for every person that you will meet this day. Everyone needs prayers to get through this life, so ask to double your prayers for all your intentions. I call all people to come to Me out of love. Some answer My call, but you are praying more for those who do not answer My call. When you look at each person, try to see Me in each of them, and love them as I love them.”


Wednesday, April 20, 2011: (Camille Remacle Mass intention)
Camille said: “Hello, John, wish everyone a Happy Easter for me as I miss being with all of you at dinner. Carol and the girls always had good things to eat for the Holy Day celebration. The deacon is not the first person who thought my name was a girl’s name, but at least he was corrected politely. I feel sorry for all of you who are having a cold spring where even the flowers are not flourishing well. I am praying for all of your souls as I love all of you so much. Give my love to Lydia who is still struggling with pain in her knees. Happy Easter to all of you and wish me one also.”

Jesus said: “My people, to have a near death experience is a warning in your life review, but it is even more revealing if you saw yourself condemned to hell in your mini-judgment. When you go through your life review, I will point out to you all of your sinful mistakes and even your habitual sins. This will be a time of remorse and sorrow for your sins that have offended Me. Whatever judgment that I give you, it will be a fair and just judgment that you will accept as true. When I allow you to return to your body, I will be giving you a second chance to change your life for the better. My people need to be ready to die every day because I will chose a day that you least suspect. When I take souls to their death, I am like a thief in the night. Keep your soul ready with at least monthly Confession. Then with a pure soul, you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment on any day that I choose. Daily prayer, daily Mass, frequent Confession, and frequent Adoration visits will be your best preparation for your death. When you follow My Commandments of love and live your life according to My Will, I will prepare a place for you in heaven. When you trust in My Word, I will see to your eternal happiness in heaven.”


Thursday, April 21, 2011: (Holy Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, you can remember when two women washed My feet. The first was a sinner whom I healed with My forgiveness of her sins. She was more caring of Me than even the host of the house that I was in. The second washing was by Mary, the sister of Lazarus. She wiped My feet with an expensive ointment, but this was to be for My burial. After the Last Supper or Seder Supper, I unexpectedly washed the feet of My apostles to show them that those who desired to be first, must be the servant of the rest. This was the example that I gave to My apostles of not only helping people physically, but they were to be fishers of men by converting souls to My teachings of love. At first the apostles were hesitant, but once I gave them the grace of the Holy Spirit, they went forth as I asked them. I call all of My faithful to share their healing gifts of physical help and the conversion of sinners. Do not be afraid, but call on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and He will give you what to say to save souls.”


Friday, April 22, 2011: (Good Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, this day that you honor is the culmination of My redemption of all mankind. I took on a human nature so I could suffer everything that you suffer in this life, and ultimately out of love, I gave up My life to ransom your souls from your sins. This is why it is so important to have a large crucifix in the center of the altar, so you can remember how much I love all of you. Many have come to believe in Me, and these feast days honoring My death and Resurrection, are the most solemn of holy days. Give praise and thanks to Me for dying for your sins. You can show your love for Me by following My Commandments so you can keep your soul pure and united with Me. Even if you should fall into sin, I will forgive you in Confession. Now, you will wait until the third day for My Resurrection, even as I foretold this to My apostles. It is My Resurrection that gives hope to every person for everyone’s opportunity to be resurrected one day.”


Saturday, April 23, 2011: (Easter Vigil)
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My Resurrection as you are singing Alleluia for the first time since Lent began. Just as I resurrected in My glorified Body, so all souls that are worthy of heaven, will be reunited with their glorified bodies after the final judgment. This is the reason for showing you this vision of angels dressed in gold because you will all be like angels in heaven. You will sing praises to Me, and your love will always be focused on Me. Rejoice in this Easter Season because I have given you an example both in My suffering and in My Resurrection. Every time you are suffering, you can unite your suffering with Mine on the cross. When I appeared to My apostles, they rejoiced to see My power even extended over death and sin. I take many bad situations, and I turn them into good results. So see My victory over Satan as a hope that with My help, you can overcome your imperfections as well.”


Sunday, April 24, 2011: (Easter Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you have just recited your Creed of faith in Me, and you heard that I went to a place of the dead. On the third day I rose from the dead, and I welcomed many worthy souls into heaven as I opened the gates of heaven. You were seeing thousands of souls going up into heaven. Even on such holy days as today, many souls are released from purgatory. Give praise and thanks to Me for My death on the cross that has brought salvation to all of mankind. It is by My sacrifice that you have been washed in the Blood of your Savior and freed from your sins. You are all promised heaven for those who obey My laws and accept Me as Master of their lives. Rejoice and enjoy this Easter Celebration.”


Monday, April 25, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, during My ministry I raised Lazarus and a little girl from the dead, but most people did not even understand what rising from the dead meant. Even though I brought some people back to life, no one had ever raised themselves from the dead. This was hard for most people to accept. Yet, I appeared to My apostles and the women to show them My wounds and that I could eat and drink as a live living Person. My Resurrection gave hope to My apostles and to all sinners that there is a life after death. It is this hope and faith in Me that allows you to carry on in this life because you are doing everything to follow Me to heaven. Rejoice also in sharing My gift of faith in My death and Resurrection with everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a damaged plane at an airport is a very real possibility as you saw damage to a St. Louis airport. Your bad weather problems have been following a track from Texas to the Northeast as fronts move across your country picking up moisture from the Gulf of Mexico. Because these patterns are being repeated, you have seen twice as many tornadoes than normal in April. Tornadoes could continue at this high level through May, since May on average has more tornadoes than April. The amount of rainwater has also been excessive where many areas have received twice their normal rainfall. More tornadoes are destroying homes and workplaces, and floods of overflowing rivers could add to this damage. It is known that the HAARP machine can make weather more violent, and can cause flooding from continuous rainstorms. The one world people are using this machine to cause damaging weather and damaging earthquakes. This is part of Satan’s plan to reduce the population and ruin national economies in order to set up a one world government. Created banking crises and deficit spending are other means to bankrupt your country. Disruption in the Middle East countries with continuous wars in the oil countries is another means to cause high gas prices to bring down world economies. When you realize that most of these problems were created on purpose, then you can realize how close you are to the tribulation under the coming Antichrist’s power. Satan and the one world people are bringing these conditions about very quickly. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when I warn you that it is time to go.”


Tuesday, April 26, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I truly did have compassion on Mary Magdalene because she seemed so confused by My disappearance. Not only My apostles, but almost everyone did not fully appreciate what ‘rise from the dead’ meant. St. Peter remembered My promise after the third day, and the empty tomb had confirmed the story that the women told. Still when the apostles heard the testimony of the women seeing an angel, and Mary telling them that she had seen the Lord, they did not want to believe them. When the two disciples met Me on the road to Emmaus, they gave witness to seeing Me when I broke the bread before them. The apostles still refused to totally believe in My Resurrection, even with this testimony. It took My appearance to them in the upper room to have them fully believe that I had resurrected. So when My faithful try to evangelize souls and tell them of My Resurrection, do not be surprised that converts may take some time to understand fully this belief in My rising from the dead. Even My apostles required the grace of the Holy Spirit to understand My rising from the dead, and the significance of My salvation history. Be grateful that My faithful have received My gift of faith so you can believe in My Resurrection, even without seeing My resurrected Body. I told My apostles that they believed because they saw My resurrected Body, but blessed are they who have believed without seeing Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, America needs to cut its yearly deficit by some mix of taxes and spending cuts. Your deficit this year is $1.6 trillion, and even if $4 trillion was cut over ten years, you still would see your National Debt rising $1.2 trillion/year. Some politicians are talking big reductions in spending, but there are very few details of where these cuts will be made. If some serious cuts are not made, then your Treasury Bonds will have a lower rating than AAA. Countries as Greece and Portugal are paying more interest on their loans because of their lower bond rating. To get this money they had to make austerity budgets that have caused riots in their countries. This is the same future that America will face if lower deficits are not put in place. Austerity budgets would be even worse than the cuts that you need to make now. By not having a reasonable compromise on deficit spending, America will be faced with bankruptcy. Time is running out to make the right changes, regardless if some people have to take less payments in their entitlements. The tax income cannot support your future obligations, so there is no other choice than to reduce these payments, and have less paid for wars that you cannot afford. Pray that these issues are truthfully addressed without further mortgaging your children’s future.”


Wednesday, April 27, 2011: (Road to Emmaus)
Jesus said: “My people, it is a joyous time to read the first accounts of how I appeared to people to prove to them that I truly arose from the dead. This account of explaining the Scriptures to two of My disciples on the road to Emmaus is especially touching. They were downcast at first, but they were amazed at the stories of the women who saw angels and even one saw Me alive at the tomb. After talking to My disciples about the Scriptures on the way to Emmaus, then they recognized Me in the breaking of the bread. They said: (Luke 24:32) ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking on the road and explaining the Scriptures to us?’ This joy in their hearts was overwhelming them to see Me alive again in the flesh. Those, who read this passage, are also touched with My loving care for My disciples, by enlightening them to My salvation history. Once My disciples saw the whole picture of My mission, they realized how blessed they were to see everyone’s sin atoned for by My death on the cross. All souls were now able to be forgiven and allowed into heaven. This joy so consumed them that this is why their hearts were burning for love of Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, after seeing the daily tornado damage and the lives lost, your heart goes out to all these people that have had their lives ruined. When you look back on the track and violence of these storms, they appear to be striking the same general area almost every day. When you see this cycle repeated so many times, you ask yourself what could be causing more tornadoes than normal. You know that this pattern fits the type of effects that can be caused by the HAARP machine, but it is difficult to show a real link. This may require some more research into how this machine is being used. Tornadoes occur during this time of year, but you need to compare this year with previous years for the numbers and amount of deaths. Pray for all the people who are losing their homes and loved ones.”


Thursday, April 28, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, your personal morning preparations may vary from person to person as some people are more particular about their physical appearance than others. I pray that My people should be as particular about their spiritual appearance in front of Me. When you awake in the morning, you should think to say your morning offering prayers first. I have to look at many souls which are darkened by much sin. You spend some time before a mirror in preparing your physical appearance. I wish everyone had a spiritual mirror to look at the spiritual appearance of one’s soul. This takes some meditation time to review your past sins. Make more of an effort to see the need for frequent Confession at least monthly. Once you take time to have your sins cleansed, then you will have a nice pure soul that is more pleasing for Me to look at. If you had to look at all the sinful souls that I see every day, you would understand why your spiritual appearance needs a lot more attention than your physical appearance.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, just as I had to suffer and die on the cross, so all of My faithful have to suffer their Good Friday before they can be resurrected. Everyone has to suffer the trials of this life with sickness, the stress of working, and eventually you are called to die. You will be separated from your body, but your soul lives on forever. It is your goal to follow My Will and My mission for you on earth. By doing so out of love for Me, you will have My promise of being united with your body in heaven after the final judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had some cold weather that has delayed your spring flowers. When you see all the beautiful flowers on the altar, it lifts your spirit as you are celebrating the Easter Season. These flowers are a sign to you of new life, which is also a blessing to celebrate any spiritual renewal that you had from your Lenten devotions and fasting. Some self-denial of the body is good for the soul in controlling the desires of the body. Continue to work on any sinful habits that need rooting out of your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read accounts of many of My miracles that were signs of My Divinity. The most significant miracle is when I arose from the dead and I was victorious over sin and death. My apostles witnessed many miracles of My appearances, and they realized that I had a real body with My wounds. This gift of healing miracles was also granted to My apostles who healed the lame man and others. Even today there are faithful who are granted healing gifts. The most important thing to remember in healing people is that all healing comes through My Name.”

Jesus said: “My people, believing in My death and Resurrection is one of your basic beliefs in Me, and this makes you a part of My Easter people. With the joy of My Presence with you in My Blessed Sacrament, you are enabled with My grace to share your faith in evangelizing souls. Not only are you called to assist people with their earthly needs, but also you need to be concerned for their spiritual needs as well. Saving souls from hell should be your most important task.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see the destructive tornadoes destroying everything in their path. It is unfortunate that so many died from these storms, in addition to the homes that were ruined. Many aid groups and financial aid will be needed to clean up the debris and rebuild the homes for people to live in. Some can send donations, water, and food for immediate aid. Pray for these survivors so they can get back to where they were.”

Jesus said: “My people, even when you are tested with these natural disasters, you see many neighbors reaching out to help each other. It is the charity in your hearts that comes forth to do what you can to assist the many homeless people. It is this love of neighbor that will be needed for these people to be enabled to move forward with the rest of their lives. You all have basic needs, so you realize what these people need right away. By showing your charity to help your neighbors, you will receive My graces as your reward. When you help your neighbor, you are helping Me in them out of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, the graces received on Divine Mercy Sunday are meant to remove all reparation due for your sins. There are Divine Mercy prayers and Confession that are required for this grace. Take advantage of My Divine Mercy that St. Faustina has taught you about My image. Remember your three o’clock prayers throughout the year as well. Call on My mercy to help you in confessing your sins, and to help other souls in their conversions.”


Friday, April 29, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are seeing My third appearance to My disciples after My Resurrection. My apostles went fishing in Galilee as their old profession, but they did not catch anything. This is a lesson for many people who are searching for a direction in their lives. At times your mission is not clear what I want you to do. It is in your need that you can call on Me, and I will show you the way, as I showed My disciples where the catch of fish was to be found. With My help they always were successful in their fishing attempts. They were always amazed as well at the enormous generosity of My help. This is why you need to pray for My help in all of your work that you need to live by. At the same time I also help clarify your mission, and I give you the grace to accomplish it. Until you give your will over to Me, it is hard for Me to use your skills. So seek what I want you to do in this life, instead of going off on your own. Let Me be the center of your life, and you will be amazed as My disciples in what you can accomplish.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is going to be cracking up from many severe natural disasters. You are just beginning to see the magnitude of the scientific weapons at the disposal of the one world people. These evil ones can cause 9.0 earthquakes wherever they please. They can manipulate weather to cause killer tornadoes, droughts, or floods. If they desire, they can bring down any country to its knees. These same evil ones also control the world’s money through national central bankers. America is on the brink of a financial collapse that these evil ones control in your debts and deficits. These same one world people are also proposing to make it mandatory that chips are to be placed into everyone so they can control your minds. Ultimately, they want to make America a part of the North American Union which will then be a short step away from total control under the Antichrist’s reign. Once you see massive earthquakes that could trigger martial law, the fall of the dollar, and mandatory chips in the body, then it will be time to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My nearest refuge of protection. The evil ones will have a brief reign of power until I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to vanquish all of them into hell, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, April 30, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you My Heart with flames that represents My constant love for all of you. You heard of My disciples on the road to Emmaus and how there hearts were burning with love for Me. Today, My flames of love go out to all here present so your hearts will burn with My love. Think of My love as an eternal flame. As you received Me in Holy Communion, so My graces are also being showered over your souls. This mixture of grace and love is preparing you for receiving My mercy on your souls tomorrow on Mercy Sunday. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the beautiful gifts that I share with you in love. This beautiful weather is truly another blessing and a sign of how much creation gives honor to Me.”


Sunday, May 1, 2011: (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you have recently seen some considerable damage from tornadoes in your Southern states. This vision is about a future natural disaster that will be caused by a major earthquake in California. In the vision there is wreckage all around and many people are fleeing over a damaged bridge to avoid more damage from any after shocks. I have warned you that a large earthquake is coming in the San Francisco area in several messages. This is one more warning that this event is getting close. I have shown you some dramatic geographical changes that will be coming to the California coastline, and many people will be fleeing to get away from the ocean. Parts of San Francisco are going to be falling into the ocean. It is better to relocate away from where these fault lines are known to be active. Pray for the souls that could die unexpectedly in this coming earthquake.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just witnessed a royal wedding in England, but today’s vision is about being invited to My Wedding Banquet in heaven where I am the Groom and My Church is My Bride. In order to come into My feast, you all need to have the proper wedding garment which is that of a pure soul. You are celebrating My Divine Mercy on this Sunday within the Octave of Easter. When you pray your Novena prayers, and confess your sins in Confession, you receive a special grace that takes away all remission due for your sins. It is this purity of soul that will be the required wedding garment that will allow you into heaven to share in My Wedding Feast. You have seen how proper this royal wedding was in earthly terms, but in heaven you will be giving thanks and praise to Me all the time, and you will hear My angels singing beautiful hymns constantly. Many of you may have to be purified in purgatory, but all of My faithful will rejoice when you will see the risen Lord in My beatific vision in heaven. Be patient now, and call on My help to keep you on the right path to My Wedding Banquet.”


Monday, May 2, 2011: (St. Athanasius)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading with Nicodemus I told My disciples that they had to be born of the Spirit. This did not mean to be born again of the flesh. (John 3:5,6) ‘Jesus answered: ‘Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. This which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.’ When you are baptized and confirmed, you receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that you can evangelize souls. When I met My disciples after My Resurrection, I breathed the Holy Spirit upon them. (John 20:22,23) ‘When He had said this, He breathed upon them, and said to them ‘Receive the Holy Spirit; and whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.” After I ascended into heaven I sent the Holy Spirit upon My disciples from a large wind. (Acts 2:3,4) ‘And there appeared to them parted tongues as of fire, which settled upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign tongues, even as the Holy Spirit prompted them to speak.’ So it is with My disciples of today. You can call on Me and the Holy Spirit will give you the words to evangelize souls. Rejoice in the Spirit who will lead you to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, with this vision you have a feeling of how evil has pervaded many people and things, which is why you are seeing so many black objects. Yet, when you see My Light, I take away any fear, as you know My power is greater than all the evil ones combined. There are still a lot of good people in the world, but some have allowed themselves to get lazy in dealing with their spiritual lives. People need to realize that you are in a daily battle with the demons, and you cannot go on vacation, or let up in fighting the devil, or you will be consumed by evil. In order to fight the evil ones, you need to guard yourself against every temptation, and be true to your daily prayer life. By staying close to Me with your sacramentals and prayer devotions, you can keep these evil ones from influencing you, and I will send My angels to protect you. Trust in My daily protection, and work to witness your faith in converting souls to follow Me. When you pray together, you are building up your spiritual strength with My help. Give praise and thanks for My being a part of your life, and for having a loving relationship with Me.”


Tuesday, May 3, 2011: (St. Phillip & St. James)
Jesus said: “My people, in order for Me to come into your hearts, you need to unlock your heart with your free will as the key so you will be open to receive Me. Many people want to be in total control, and they are afraid to accept Me as Master of their lives. They know if they have to change their lives, it will mean giving up the pleasures of this life which they have made their god. In order to desire opening their hearts, they need to want to improve their spiritual life on their own, or they may need to have people pray for their conversion. Once people can unlock their hearts to Me of their own free will, then I can enter and forgive their sins, and grant them the graces to come to know and love Me. It is this love relationship with Me that is necessary for all souls to come to heaven. St. Thomas asked Me where I was going, so I responded: (St. John 14:6) ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.’ I am sent by My Father to bring all souls to heaven, which is why I came to die for all of mankind’s sins. So by opening your hearts to Me, I will give you the grace to be purified enough to enter heaven. It is this humble way of letting Me be the Master of your life and seeking My forgiveness that will bring you into heaven.”


Wednesday, May 4, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, several times St. Peter and St. John were arrested when they cured a lame beggar, and when they preached My Name in the temple. In today’s reading an angel let them out of prison from locked doors, and they walked past the guards. Once they were arrested again, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, spoke up and told the Sanhedrin to not have anything to do with the apostles. He said: (Acts 5:38,39) ‘So now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone. For if this plan or work is of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow it. Else perhaps you may find yourselves fighting even against God.’ They scourged the apostles, but the apostles were rejoicing to be counted worthy of suffering to defend their teaching in My Name. Even your own mission of preparing the people for the coming tribulation has been allowed to be distributed, even despite some criticism and persecution thrown in your path.”

Jesus said: “My people, ask yourself why you desire to be rich in this world’s goods. Some people desire riches so they will have all that they want and need in this life without depending on anyone. Whenever you depend on yourself for everything, you come up short of all that you need. When you realize that you are dependent on Me for everything, you become rich in a spiritual way. Many of My saints purposely gave up all of their family wealth so they could be totally dependent on Me. When you are rich in the world, you do not gain by the purification of unknown trials in your life. It is dealing with your trials that can improve your spiritual life. Not only do you depend on Me for everything, but you put your trust in Me that I will protect you from any evil influence. When you do battle with the demons, you need to call on My Name for all the good angels that give you support in your need. So do not be fearful or anxious where your next meal is coming from, or how you will be dressed, or where you will stay for shelter. I know all of your needs before you do, so I will grant you your necessities every day. Give Me thanks and praise for all of My gifts to you because I shower you with My abundant graces every day.”


Thursday, May 5, 2011: (Mass for Nadia Matunow)
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles St. Peter and St. John in the reading were like the loudspeakers in the vision continually proclaiming My death and Resurrection, even though they were in danger of being killed. The Word of the joy of My Resurrection is even trumpeted by the Easter lilies in nature, as well as all the spring flowers that are announcing My revelation of new life. On sunny days you can fully appreciate all the beautiful colors in the flowers of My creation. I announced this faith in new life when I raised Lazarus back to life. (St. John 11:25, 26) ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me, even if he dies, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die.’ In the same way Nadia believed in Me, so she also will have her soul live with Me for all eternity. Then on the last day of judgment, all faithful souls will be resurrected with their glorified bodies. My death and Resurrection is not only a victory over sin and death, but it is My promise of Resurrection for all souls who believe in Me. Rejoice in the full meaning of this glorious Easter Season.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing one natural disaster occurring after the other. You are picking up after some extensive damage from some severe tornadoes. This event came right after the major 9.0 earthquake in Japan. Now, you are seeing continuous brush fires in Texas because they are experiencing the worst droughts that they have seen in many years. Because of considerable rainstorms in the middle of America, you are now seeing some severe flooding along the Mississippi River where they had to open some levees to divert more flooding from down the river. Pray that these disasters will stop so the farmers can plant their crops.”

Jesus said: “My people, one miracle has come forth to help Bl. John Paul II in his beatification that was just recently carried out by Pope Benedict XVI. If more miracles can be verified, he will be pushed along on his way to sainthood. The Church takes its time to verify any such miracles. Many people pray to Bl. John Paul II for help and he is loved by many.”

Jesus said: “My people, the political campaign for your next Presidential election is already starting for both Democrats and Republicans. Many are making criticisms of some candidates over where they were born. This issue of birth certificates and the reported killing of Osauma Bin Laden has filled your media reports with many stories. It is hard to determine the truth of these events because your media is censored and full of much disinformation. The one world people will use whatever is available to further their goal of a one world government. Worldly politics will continue to be controlled, so pray for discernment in finding the truth behind the daily reporting.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in several messages how My Church will again face a division between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. I will always protect My Church from the gates of hell. The schismatic church will be teaching New Age principles which are really a pagan worship of earthly things. Guard your souls by praying for discernment if your own local church is following New Age ways. If you find such New Age infiltration, try to get rid of it or leave for a faithful church.”

Jesus said: “My people, many have falsely believed that everyone who dies will go to heaven. This is reserved for true saints or those who have suffered their purgatory on earth. Of those who do not go to hell, many require some amount of purification in purgatory. This is why it is very important to have Masses and prayers offered up for the deceased in order to help their release from purgatory. Masses and prayers for the deceased are the most valuable thing that you could do for these souls, and not just a donation to some charity.”

Jesus said: “My people, it would be valuable for every soul alive today to learn more about how the forces of good are battling the forces of evil. If you do not recognize evil in abortions, pornography, and many New Age occult practices, then it will be difficult to root them out of your lives and your churches. Reiki, Yoga, and other means of transcendental meditation are bringing curious souls into occult practices. Ouija boards, tarot cards, psychic readings, and Harry Potter movies and books are more subtle means of misleading people into evil practices. Use holy water, blessed salt, rosaries, scapulars, and blessed medals and Benedictine Crosses to protect yourself from demonic activity. Call on My Name if you are attacked by evil, and keep close to Me in My sacraments.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you did some self-denial and fasting to help improve your spiritual lives. Now that you are in the Easter Season, do not let your guard down when it comes to your prayer life. You need to pray and fast throughout the year in order to restrain your body from sin, and keep your soul strong against the devil’s temptations.”


Friday, May 6, 2011:
Jesus said: ‘My people, I want to emphasize in today’s reading about the multiplication of the bread and fish in how generous I am in both My physical gifts and My spiritual gifts. In this feeding of the 5,000 men, you read of how they collected twelve baskets of fragments that were left over. Not only was this a lesson in not wasting food, but it also shows you how generous I am when I provide for your necessities. This was the physical food to sustain the crowd from starving in a deserted place. This story of the bread is also a representation of how I feed My faithful with the consecrated bread and wine which are My Body and Blood in Holy Communion. In the Mass I feed My people spiritually as well with the abundant graces of My Blessed Sacrament. I only ask that My faithful receive Me worthily with a clean soul. You can cleanse your souls in Confession where I forgive your sins through the priest’s absolution. Then with a pure soul, you can worthily receive My graces in Communion. My sacraments of grace are always available to you, so take advantage of this opportunity to be blessed every time that you come to Mass. Do not be lazy by not coming to frequent Confession, but be strong in your faith by coming to Confession at least once a month. By keeping close to Me in My abundant graces, you will have the spiritual strength to fight off the evil one’s temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful for all of your prayers tonight while you spend time with Me in Adoration. Celebrating an hour for Divine Mercy is also rewarding to you as you receive My mercy for praying My Chaplet of Divine Mercy. You know that I am always with you, and this miraculous picture in your possession shows My foot and even some of My robes. This is a witness to you of My constant Presence with you, and also a sign of how important My Divine Mercy devotions should be for everyone. St. Faustina has shown you the way to My mercy, and especially My graces are given to you when you pray in front of My Divine Mercy image.”


Saturday, May 7, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of driving a car has some similarities to how you guide your soul in your spiritual life. You try to keep your car in the right lane on the main highway to avoid any bumps or accidents. So in your spiritual life you need to follow the narrow road to heaven instead of the broad road to hell. When possible, you need to avoid any detours that could lead you into addictions of sin. You also need to maintain your car with gas and good brakes, or your car may not run. In the soul you need to cleanse it with Confession, and feed it with the bread of Communion. In the car you need to obey the rules of the road in your speed and not running red lights. In your soul you need to obey My Commandments and My Church laws for keeping your soul pure. Using this analogy of your car and your soul is just one example that you can use to improve your spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, in older days before electricity, life was much different than today with all of your electronic gadgets. Back then, they used lamp oil or kerosene for lights. They had outhouses and true iceboxes, as well as wood stoves for heating and cooking. I am showing you this older lifestyle because most of your refuges will not have electricity, so you will need to get used to living without many of your modern day conveniences. You will be living in refuge communities where you will help each other to survive. I will multiply food and water, but you will still have to prepare things to eat. My angels will give you daily Communion, and you will have more time to pray without TV and reading material. You will have your Bible, and holy books, as well as your rosaries. This slower paced living is more of a lifestyle that will allow you to lead holier lives. Be grateful that most of your earthly distractions of money, possessions, and fame will be taken away. This will be your living purgatory on earth during the tribulation, but I will protect you and provide for your needs.”


Sunday, May 8, 2011: (Mother’s Day)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am your Blessed Mother, and I treasure all souls as my children. I put my mantle of protection around all of you, and I especially love those who wear my brown scapular and pray my daily rosary. You all are thinking of your earthly mothers today, even those who have visited your mother’s grave at the cemetery. Remember all mothers and pray for them, especially mothers that are deciding about abortions. Keep praying for these mothers to have their children, and have them appreciate how precious each life is. As you see these beautiful children who are receiving their First Holy Communion, remember that you need to have pure innocent souls in order to enter into heaven. Whatever it takes to change your life to a child-like soul, you need to give up any lifestyles that may be holding you back from my Son. You need a life of daily prayer, frequent Confession, and Mass and Communion as often as you can. In this way my Son’s graces can keep you on the right road to heaven, and loving our two hearts.”


Monday, May 9, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of people taking free bread rolls from the back of a truck, reminds you of the people in My time who were seeking more free bread and fish from My multiplication of these things. You have such programs for the poor in welfare situations which were intended for the old, the infirm, or handicapped that could not physically work. Instead, now there are even young people who can physically work, but they are looking for free handouts out of laziness. Even in the Scriptures of My early Church, some talked of no supper for those who did not work. People should at least seek what employment is available before asking for free handouts. It is better to help people to find work so they can support themselves, than to ruin a person’s self-worth with handouts for no work. I multiplied the food because I took pity on the people for being with Me for days in a deserted place. My real message was more for their spiritual lives with My Eucharistic bread to feed their souls. This is why these miracles of multiplying the bread are to draw attention to how I share My Body and Blood in Holy Communion. I freely give My sacraments of grace to My people because you need to come to Me for graces in your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, right after the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, the Japanese reactor lost power for its cooling, and a considerable amount of radiation was released. This caused a large evacuation of twenty miles, and this was headline news for several months. Now that this reactor is no longer making headlines, there are still questions over how much radiation is still leaking, and how long until people can return to their homes. This even was rated as bad as Chernobyl by the total amount of radiation given off. Some research might be in order to see if any more information is available, and who is monitoring any ongoing radiation leaks. These reactors may be hot for some time, and they may have to be sealed in concrete like Chernobyl. See what the long term plans are for this radioactive site.”


Tuesday, May 10, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you have a parallel of the manna of the Exodus in the Old Testament with Moses, and the Bread of the Eucharist that I feed you in the New Testament. In the Exodus this manna was meant for physical survival, but in My Blessed Sacrament, you have the spiritual Bread for your soul. There is also a further parallel in the coming tribulation time when you will be experiencing a modern day Exodus as you seek My refuges of protection. At My refuges My angels will feed you My daily Communion so you will be fed both physically and spiritually. Even some of My saints have survived on receiving only My Holy Communion. Rejoice when you receive Me as the Bread of life, for whoever eats My Body and drinks My Blood, will have eternal life.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the course of your life I will give you many opportunities to help people in need. You may be asked to help feed those who are hungry, or help others find a place to stay for shelter. Sometimes you may be called on to visit the sick, the elderly, or those in prison. Other times you may be asked to help those who are shunned by society. You always have a choice to do something, or reject My call, but those who go out of their comfort zone to help others, will be storing up graces in heaven. There are sins of omission where you could have helped someone and you refused. Be observant when you have these opportunities, and take advantage of a chance to help someone. You may need someone’s help later on, and you will appreciate a helping hand. Do not refuse someone some help just because society does not want to help them. Be open to share your time, and physical, or financial help as well.”


Wednesday, May 11, 2011: (Roger Poisson Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Acts of the Apostles you have read how Stephen was stoned to death because of his preaching of My Word, and the Jews could not debate him. The early Christians had to endure persecution by the Jews, even as I had to suffer. This persecution has been ongoing even in your time, but it will get much worse in the coming tribulation. The other apostles and the deacon Philip also were given power by the Holy Spirit to cast out demons and to heal paralytics and cripples. It was these outward signs of healing that gave witness to the truth of My power in My disciples. The people recognized this power and many were converted to the faith. There was great joy in the city of Sumaria as a result.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had a Democrat controlled White House and Congress for the last three years. In that time frame legislation has occurred favoring abortion and a health plan that was intended to mandate chips in the body. This government has also turned more socialist and is running up major deficits because of the recession, unemployment at high levels, and ongoing wars. Since the last Congressional election, this agenda has slowed down, but the deficit spending is still continuing. If America does not change its deficit spending with the next crisis over raising the debt ceiling, then the credit worthiness of the dollar will be in jeopardy. There are continuing debt problems in Greece and other countries which are a warning to America to get its financial house in order. As you see these other countries getting close to bankruptcy, you can see the same threat coming to America. Pray that your leaders will understand the immediate need to change your spending ways before it is too late.”


Thursday, May 12, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s reading about Philip teaching the Ethiopian eunuch about Me in the Scriptures is a good example of how evangelists can bring people to conversion. Not only did Philip explain the prophesy of Isaiah as referring to My ministry and fulfillment of Scripture, but he also baptized the eunuch into the faith. This is the same ministry for all of My faithful to bring people the knowledge of the faith, and to lead people to the sacraments through the RCIA teaching for converts. I have mentioned before that saving souls is your most important work. In the Gospel of John I continually tell people that they can only have eternal life in heaven through Me. Your own mission not only brings My Word to the people, but you are also led to prepare the people for the coming tribulation. My refuges of protection will be the safe havens for My faithful to stay during the tribulation of the Antichrist. Rejoice that you will see My victory soon over the evil ones, as I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, part of the reason for your high unemployment rate is that your corporations have sent many of your good paying jobs overseas. Many of your corporations cannot compete with cheap foreign labor because many foreign nations do not play with fair rules. China uses slave labor with little or no benefits, and they manipulate their currency to their advantage. Japan sells and manufactures things in other countries, but they do not allow other nations to make products there. Without a strong manufacturing base, America is slowly becoming a third world country. The one world people are slowly destroying America with unnecessary wars, false banking crises, and many other means to destroy your economy. Be prepared to go to your refuges when martial law comes.”

Jesus said: “My people, your natural disasters as tornadoes and excessive rainfall have caused extensive damage and floods all along the Mississippi River. The heavy rains are also keeping farmers from planting their crops. Many crop forecasts are already losing for this year, which puts a strain on available food supplies. Pray that your crops can recover so your economy does not get worse.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your raw materials and transportation are increasing in cost, and now your stores will be forced to pass on this increase. Your economy is improving and there is some room to pay for these increases. Your government has been adding money into circulation which devalues your dollar. Salary increases are not keeping up with expenses, and Social Security has also been stagnant. This pinch on the average person will reduce any family spending beyond necessities. Pray for your people who are having hard times, especially the unemployed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many demands placed on you just to survive and help your family members in need. With faith and joy in doing everything for Me, you have a much better attitude in how to deal with life’s trials. Those, who do not rely on Me or on prayer, are carrying twice the burden. When you are stressed, take time to be quiet with Me in prayer and call on My help to deal with your problems. Each family needs to help each other out of love to give support with financial problems. You also need to encourage your family members to come to Sunday Mass and rely on Me in their daily prayer life. Keep close to Me and I will help you in all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, after a long cold winter, it is a joy to see all of the spring flowers dress up your yards and parks. Some may suffer from pollen allergies, but the beauty of My creation will lift up your spirits, much as the Easter Season lifts up your souls. As other people see you every day, it is a smile on your face that can give joy to those around you. By being loving of each other and Me, you can share your love with strangers to uplift their lives. When you complain and are sad, you have a negative effect on others. Try to be uplifting in all that you do so you are adding joy and love to the world instead of adding to life’s problems.”

Jesus said: “My people, every Easter you see many new converts who are brought into the Church. My faithful need to do their part in inviting new people into the Church. Even work on your own family members to try and bring back lukewarm Catholics who are not attending Sunday Mass and are not coming to Confession. Keep praying for these souls who have fallen away, and be a good example to them of how a good Christian should live. This is why it is so important to live your faith to keep spiritually strong and show others that your belief in Me is what should be directing your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times I have told you that you need to slow down the pace of your life so you have time to listen to Me in prayer. If you spend all of your time with noise and excess activities, you leave no room in your life for Me. This is why it is also better to live a simple life without such an emphasis on buying things and trying to do too much each day. By changing your lifestyle to include more prayer time and spiritual reading, you will not have as many fears and anxieties that can control your life. Follow My way of life and I will lead you to eternal life in heaven.”


Friday, May 13, 2011: (Our Lady of Fatima)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading you heard the miraculous conversion of Saul into Paul. He was thrown off of his horse and I asked him why he was persecuting Me. Saul was blind for a few days, until he was later healed and became Paul and a great evangelist of the Gentiles. This incident shows you that I am still being persecuted on the cross by your daily sins. Your own calling to spread My Word came after a healing of your computer addiction. Learn from these experiences not to be controlled, but be free to do My work. In the Gospel some of My disciples could not understand, nor accept that they had to eat My Flesh and drink My Blood. This is My Real Presence in the consecrated bread and wine. My faithful believe in My Real Presence and they believe that I died for their sins, but understanding this transubstantiation and My becoming a God-man, these are mysteries for man. Your belief in My Word and My sacraments of grace are all that is needed, along with seeking the forgiveness of your sins.”


Saturday, May 14, 2011: (Jack Weber’s Funeral, Pat Weber)
Jesus said: “My people, I know all of you are grieving Jack’s death, but he is with Me now after all of his suffering. Jack sends his love to his dear wife, Pat, and all the rest of the family. He was very grateful to all of his care givers in his last years. He was sorry that his family had to bear his memory problems. He also asked the forgiveness of anyone whom he may have offended in any way. He is now in a better place without any more of his health problems, and he will be praying for all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages before how the HAARP machine can be used to cause violent rainstorms that keep going over the same area. In addition to the violent tornadoes, this heavy rain has been directed over the Mississippi River area for an extended period of time. This is why they are experiencing record floods in this area. If continual rain is directed over this area, it could remain flooded into the summer. This flooding is already causing economic hardship to farmlands and restricted use of barge traffic. In addition to an extended flood, the water over the New Madrid fault could also allow a greasing of a major earthquake. You will continue to see these natural disasters bring America to its knees. Many of these events are also a means of bringing punishment on America for its many abortions and sexual sins. Pray for America that your people see the need for prayer, and a spiritual improvement in your lifestyles.”


Sunday, May 15, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, all the readings and songs are focused on Me as the ‘Good Shepherd’. It is true that you have to depend on Me for everything, even though some do not understand this truth. I know your needs, and I help you through them. There are other shepherd images in your life as well. Your pastor shepherds his flock as well as your bishop, and My Pope son at various levels of the hierarchy in My Church. Even the fathers in the family are usually heads of the household that defend the family financially, and against any other threats. Shepherds have a hard time protecting the sheep from wolves and other predators, and there are no vacations. It is a hard life and not one of high status. Yet, the sheep know the voice of the shepherd, and they follow him. In the same way My faithful sheep follow Me as their Shepherd because I am always watching over you, and I hear your prayers. Trust in Me for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of My faithful have been asked to build large refuges, while others are making smaller ones. This vision shows a hard plastic insulated cave dug out of a hill with a camouflaged door. The door had screens for air, with some vents for a wood burner in the ceiling. The plastic would keep it warm and free of moisture and ants. This is similar to having a plastic tent in a cave. There is a need for air in the vents and screens, and water would be needed from a well or nearby stream. These dwellings would be good protection from the weather and cold in the winter. You still may need some warm clothes for places in the ground. Call on Me and My angels to protect you from the evil ones, and to provide you with food and water in this coming time of tribulation.”


Monday, May 16, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you heard how St. Peter had several visions that confirmed to him that the eating of some meats was not profane. He also was led to Gentile homes so he could lay hands on them. St. Peter answered a call from a centurion to come and bless his household with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. The faithful with St. Peter also saw the Gentiles visited by the grace of the Holy Spirit. This was the first time that Gentiles were baptized and brought into the Church. St. Paul also was a missionary among the Gentiles. In these readings I want My people to learn that I died for everyone and all are welcome to be baptized into My Church. Even today you should not discriminate other people because those, who accept Me and seek My forgiveness, can be saved. Give praise and glory to Me because I call Gentiles and non-Catholics to come and be saved through Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to be aware of the Satan led elite of the rich who run all governments from behind the scenes. These evil ones are planning a new world order through the European Union, the North American Union, and all future such unions. Once they are formed, they will be given over to the Antichrist who will reign for less than three and one-half years. The first plan is the destruction and takeover of the United States. America is well on its way to bankruptcy and martial law. Through your corporations, your jobs were purposely exported to foreign countries under the pretense of cheap labor. This was done deliberately to eliminate your manufacturing base. Your military is being ruined by causing many constant wars to cause your debt to increase. Your currency was debased by the formation of the Federal Reserve and taking the dollar off gold and silver backing. Taking God out of public places, harassing churches with tax preferences in exchange for no political support, encouraging drugs, abortion, and pornography are all part of the culture of death plans. Causing a false mortgage crisis with unsecured loans and derivatives were planned to destroy the money system. Even the HAARP machine and chemtrails are used to cause natural disasters and flu outbreaks. All of these plans have been the means by which the one world people want to bankrupt America and bring it into the North American Union by a created martial law. Be prepared to leave your home with your things when you come to My refuges. You will see martial law caused by bankruptcy, pandemic viruses, and false terrorism, as well as mandatory chips in the body for health care. Call on My help and My angels to defend you from these evil ones. I will come with My Comet of Chastisement to place all of these evil ones in hell, and to bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, May 17, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading mentions how the new converts were being called ‘Christians’ for the first time. Those, who follow Me and obey My laws, should be proud to be called Christians because they are trying to imitate My way of life. Your actions though are the best teacher. If people cannot recognize you as living like a Christian, then you need to live more what you believe. You need to be giving good example to others by being on your good behavior. Think of how others are watching you, so you need to be more conscious of what you are doing in your daily actions. If you love Me and your neighbor, then you need to be more loving and help people in their needs. It is this generous spirit that you need to be able to share in your donations of money, your time, and your talent.”

Jesus said: “My people, many protesters have been killed in Syria which is run with a hard hand, much like in Libya. It appears that the Muslim Brotherhood is being used to stir up trouble in many of the Arab countries with oil. The one world people are behind these so-called uprisings for the purpose of shutting down the oil wells in the Middle East in order to raise the price of oil. There is no shortage of oil, but when Saudi Arabia is attacked, the oil price will nearly double. There is plenty of oil in America to be tapped, and even the House of Representatives passed a bill to try and bypass your President’s drilling moratorium. (H.R. 1229 passed 263-163) This still will not pass the Senate and the President until the one world people can get a very high price for the oil. In the interim there could be a purposely caused shortage of oil and gasoline that could even cause a depression. The world economies run on cheap oil, and any threat to this supply, could give the one world people an opportunity for a takeover of America. I warned My people to have bicycles to get to My refuges in case your fuel supplies are cut off. Have your backpacks and transportation ready to leave for My refuges when the evil ones bring about martial law. Call on My help and My angels will make you invisible on your way to My refuges. Be patient at My refuges of protection until I will come and conquer these evil ones.”


Wednesday, May 18, 2011: (Emmet Farnand’s Funeral Mass)
Emmet said: “I am happy to see all of my family present at my Mass. I love all of your happy faces. I am sorry that I had to leave Claire behind in my passing, but I love her so and I will be watching over her. I thank Father for the Mass and Barbara for her kind words. I thank all of my care givers in my illness for all that they did for me. I enjoyed being a member of your prayer group for so many years, John. Thank you for the rosary last night. I will be praying for all of you, as Jesus confirmed for you that I am in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the persecution of Christians is about to get worse. It has been hard to find churches with large crucifixes on the altar. There is going to be an increasing movement to remove all crucifixes from My churches. This will be followed by another movement to remove all tabernacles from My churches. This is the beginning of the coming division in My Church that will separate the schismatic church from My faithful remnant. This schismatic church will preach New Age teachings which is why they do not want My crucifix nor My tabernacles to be present. When this division comes, you may have to have Mass in the homes. Keep faithful to My Word and defend it against all heresies, because soon your life will be threatened to speak out against this schismatic church. Pray for My help and that of the Holy Spirit to speak the words that will give witness to all of your true beliefs.”


Thursday, May 19, 2011: (Mark’s Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, this Mass for Mark was well attended to support the family and his loss. It was good to have his picture on the altar because there were no calling hours. This vision of new life is a sign of how Mark is at a peaceful place. He is in upper purgatory and he needs some prayers and Masses before he can come to heaven. He thanks those who were praying for him and having Masses said for him. He loves all of his family, and he is adjusting to his new environment for his soul. Give thanks to Me for allowing the family to share a long life with Mark.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how My angels kneel and sing My praises constantly in heaven. Even on earth where Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament is exposed, My angels are always present and giving Me constant praise. My angels are also present during the Mass from the Consecration on. This is why I had you place the three archangel statues on the altar in St. Michael, St. Raphael, and St. Gabriel. Give Me thanks that I have left you My very Presence in My consecrated Host.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time that I have shown you this merry-go-round, it is a sign of the coming Warning experience. This circling also represents a kaleidoscope where you see images moving or the very actions that you perform every day that will be played back to you in your life review. The best that you can prepare is to pray your daily prayers, possibly daily Mass, and frequent Confession. By keeping your soul pure, you will have less sins to review.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are going to be tested by a continuous string of natural disasters and plenty of insurrections by man. All the killing and wars in the Arab countries are creating constant turmoil in your financial markets. This violence and killing in your tornadoes is a reflection of the violence of man. Pray for peace in this world and then you may see less violence in your weather.”

Jesus said: “My people, in Texas you are experiencing severe dryness and little rain which has resulted in droughts that have caused many brush fires. In other areas where you have seen record rainfalls, the water has collected to cause record flood levels along the Mississippi River. Many have lost their homes and farms from the tornadoes and the flooding. Be thankful if your home is still intact, but pray for those who lost their homes and have to rebuild them.”

Jesus said: “My people, in America and many other countries the crop yields are decreasing due to bad weather events. Pray that your fields will dry out so the farmers can plant their crops. Pray also for adequate heat and some rain so the crops can grow properly. Many work hard on the farms, but their efforts are dependent on the right mix of sun and rain. Without good crops, you could have the beginning of a world wide famine and food shortages. Be assured that I will find a way to provide you with the food and water that you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many people preparing refuges in rural areas away from the cities. Even some refuges have been directed to have some animals as on a farm. Some have eggs provided from chickens. Some have rabbits, or goats, or cattle. The feed for the animals could be provided by growing corn or wheat. Whatever food that you have from farm animals or deer, I will multiply what is needed for those who come to My refuges. Doing this farm work may be hard, but by working as a community, you can use your talents to help each other to survive. I will have My angels protect My faithful with a shield of invisibility from the evil ones who will try to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, Barbara Roccanti suffered through her cancer in true faith without trying to fight it. She was a beautiful woman of prayer her whole life, always giving support to her husband, Ferdinand. She is with Me in heaven now, and praying for her family who she loves very much. Be thankful to know this loving woman whom you all thought acted very saintly.”


Friday, May 20, 2011: (St. Bernardine of Siena)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel reading is very familiar, since you have heard this at many recent funerals. My promises are not just for a few people, but they are given to everyone as an invitation to heaven. I go to prepare a place in heaven for every person who is faithful to Me in accepting Me as Master and Savior, as well as every person who asks My forgiveness. When you die, not everyone comes directly to heaven. Only those, who live saintly lives or suffer their purgatory on earth, can come directly to heaven. Those, who refuse to accept Me, are on the road to hell, but those, who love Me a little, will need to be purified in purgatory. All of these places do exist, and if someone doubts this truth, he or she will find out too late at death. My promise of being resurrected one day with your body, will also be fulfilled after the final judgment. These many places include seven levels of heaven based on your capacity to love Me and your neighbor. This is why many of My faithful look forward to when I will call them home to heaven because they know that I will keep My promise to those who love Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, when things wear out, or you need a change, it is relatively easy to buy a new home, a new car, or a new computer. When your body starts to stop working in your bad bones, or chronic aches and pains, you cannot buy a new body, although some replace hips and knee joints. Your body is mortal and it will die one day, but your soul lives on forever. Facing up to the fact that you are not going to be living here much longer, is a sobering fact of life. Since your soul is immortal, you want to plan your best resting place. You have two basic choices either in hell or eventually in heaven. Since being with the One who loves you in heaven is far better than being in the flames of hell with the devil who hates you, it is time now to see how you can make it to heaven. You need to come through Me to get into heaven, so loving Me is your first step. I have told My people that you have to be child-like to get into heaven. Living a simple and humble life is your second step. Those, who eat My Body and drink My Blood worthily, will have eternal life. This is why I ask My faithful to confess their sins frequently, and receive Me in Holy Communion as often as they can. By staying close to Me in My sacraments of grace, this will be your third step. By knowing what I have promised you in this life, you can come to Me and you will have no fear at your death that you will be with Me in heaven for your eternal life.”


Saturday, May 21, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I had St. Paul and My disciples preach My Word to the Jews first. In Antioch St. Paul and Barnabas tried to teach the Jews about Me, but they refused My Word about eternal life in heaven. St. Paul then started to preach My Word to the Gentiles, and they were delighted to be converted. The Jews then persecuted St. Paul and Barnabas, and forced them to leave their town. This is why they shook the dust from their feet in testimony to the rejection of My Word in that town. There is a lesson here in spiritual pride, that everyone is welcome to come into My Church. In the Gospel reading I emphasized My Divine nature to My apostles. I had just told them that they could only come to the Father through Me. When Philip asked Me to show him the Father, I told him: ‘I am in the Father and the Father is in Me.’ I have a human nature and a Divine nature as well. I am still the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. This is a reminder even to My faithful of today. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you also see the Father and the Holy Spirit. You receive all of Us at once because We are inseparable as Three Persons in one God.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that the one world people are planning to bankrupt your money system and bring down the dollar. Many of their plans for martial law are very close to being implemented. You know this is close because even the one world people are planning their own places of protection in their underground cities. They have been stocking these places with food and water for many months. They know that there will be rioting and pillaging for food. So they will be seeking protection in their well stocked underground cities. As you see these preparations being made, you know that it is also time to come to My refuges where My faithful will seek My protection. I have told you to store one year’s supply of food and water until you need to leave for My refuges. Even the one world people are warning you to have six months of food and water stored. The dollar will become worthless soon, so having gold, silver and food may be your source of barter until I come. Trust in Me to protect you, and have no fear of the evil ones because they will not harm your soul.”


Sunday, May 22, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I taught My apostles many things, but they still had trouble understanding who I was. They needed the power of the Holy Spirit’s inspiration to help them focus on the mission of My life. After St. Philip asked Me about where I was going, I told the apostles: (John 14:6) ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.’ When I mentioned the Way, I want everyone to follow the narrow road to heaven. When I mentioned the Life, I want everyone to live a Christ-like life that imitates My Way of love of God and neighbor. When I mentioned the Truth, I want everyone to give their will over to My Divine Will. When you accept Me as Master of your life, then you need to live a life led by My Spirit and not by your body. The body desires to lead itself in pride, but the soul desires to follow Me according to My Commandments. It is not easy to give your will over to Me, but by following Me, I have the words of eternal life in heaven. Your goal should be to live with Me forever in heaven. To get to heaven that is why you need to follow Me, because you can only come to heaven through Me.”


Monday, May 23, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, just as you sail in a boat across the sea, I guide you through life and its trials. In a boat you suffer through calm without wind for sailing, and at times you suffer through storms of large waves. In life you may also suffer calms of depression or troubles of unemployment or damage to your homes. Call on My help in all of your needs, whether they are serious or minor. Trust in Me to lead you through life until you can reach My harbor of grace in heaven. This port of desire is to be with the One who loves you forever in heaven. Keep seeking Me by following My Commandments and praying your daily prayers. My daily Mass and Communion feeds you spiritually, and My Presence in your soul is your greatest joy of the day.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you heard of how St. Paul healed the crippled man, but the people wanted to give sacrifice to him as a god. Many of the people of St. Paul’s time believed in Greek and Roman gods. Once they understood St. Paul’s testimony, they were converted to believe in the one True God of Three Persons in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Many of My disciples and the apostles were enabled by the Holy Spirit to heal people from their ailments. When I performed miracles of healing, many people came to believe in Me. Healing gifts are still available and are given to My faithful. Not all people have this gift, but only those to who the Holy Spirit wishes to grant it. As with all holy gifts, you need to nourish your soul with My sacraments and daily prayer to maintain these gifts. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the graces and gifts that I have bestowed upon you.”


Tuesday, May 24, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, when I talk of peace, I am speaking of the grace of My sacraments that I place in your souls. There is also a peace of My love that I place in your hearts. In the Gospel of St. John (14:27-31) I spoke: ‘Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you.’ This peace of faith in Me can be seen in a little child as in the vision. This peace should be guarded from all temptations and trials of the world. This peace can only be found in Me. You cannot find this peace in the world. Many people wander through this life with their soul thirsting for Me. Many try to find peace in possessions, human love, and things of the world, but they are restless and never really are satisfied. You can only find real peace and rest with Me, so trust in Me to lead you and satisfy you in My love relationship with you.”


Wednesday, May 25, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you truly are seeing a lot more vegetation from your excess rainfall. It is very difficult for your people in the Midwest where there has been a lot of damage and loss of life from the recent tornadoes. This tornado season has been very deadly and unusual with the violence of your weather. This should be a spiritual sign to improve your spiritual lives without so much anger and violence in killings from drugs, abortions, and wars. Without conforming to My laws, how can you have calm and joy in your lives? Live your faith with humility and slower paced living. By a simpler way of life, you will have more time for Me in your prayer life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing just the beginning in the number of people killed in your tornadoes. These tornadoes, hailstorms, high winds, hurricanes, and earthquakes are going to take their toll in an unusual amount of violent weather. Even to date you have not seen so many deaths from tornadoes since many years ago. There are many unsuspecting souls who are coming to Me in judgment, and many of them were unprepared to die. This means that there are many souls in the deep parts of purgatory that are in great need of prayers. These souls and the souls of many more, who are about to lose their bodily lives, are calling out for prayers. Make an effort to include their intentions in your rosaries every day.”


Thursday, May 26, 2011: (St. Philip Neri)
Jesus said: “My people, in your earthly world you need lights at night on your car to see the road, and lights to read by in your homes. This need becomes even more apparent when you lose electricity at night. This is why you have lamp oil for your lamps, and even flashlights for a short time. This same concept of seeing in the dark can also be seen in your spiritual life, as I am the Light of the world that disperses the darkness of evil. I have allowed the demons to roam the earth, but I have also given each of you a guardian angel to protect you. You are protected from harm, but you still have to endure the devil’s temptations every day. I shine My Light on the narrow road to heaven so you can see the way to travel throughout your life. When you are tested, you are being purified as silver is refined by fire. Look to Me for direction in your life as I help you to fulfill your life’s mission.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones are planning some major events to precipitate martial law in America. There are many signs that the one world people are in position to cause the collapse of your money system as one more means to cause martial law. Before these events are brought about, I will bring My Warning experience to every soul as a preparation for the coming tribulation. The Warning will be an out of body experience that will review your life of any unforgiven sins. You will see My mini-judgment and some will be converted from their life of sin. This event will occur before the Antichrist comes into power when he declares himself.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were hearing on the news how some scientists want to be able to manipulate the weather for their own uses. They even mentioned the possible use of microwaves in bringing this about. Some experiments have used silver iodide particles to seed the clouds. They did not mention the HAARP machine, but it is known to enhance weather, and it could easily cause these violent tornadoes that you are seeing. Some people are associating cloud formations and colors when the HAARP machine is running.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may have bought backpacks and the materials to take with you to the refuge. Now is the time to pack your needs into your backpacks and have all of your needs ready in one place, so you can grab them and leave as soon as possible for My refuges. You have practiced living in tents and living without electricity, so you know what is needed. Have your preparations ready because the time to leave is not far off.”

Jesus said: “My people, Japan has finally admitted that three of their nuclear reactors went through a meltdown where the fuel fell out of the rods to the bottom of the containment buildings. A minimum amount of radiation is still present when the radioactive water is poured into the ocean. This has been a lesson for all countries who are using nuclear power for energy needs. Pray that there are no more such incidents.”

Jesus said: “My people, peace is nearly impossible in Israel because the Arabs do not want to recognize this Jewish state. This promised land of Israel has been the long standing heritage for the Jewish people. Outside countries, even as the United States, cannot tell Israel what land that they can occupy. This fight over land will eventually lead up to the Battle of Armageddon between the good and evil of the world. When this battle comes, it will be close to My time of return.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your ‘Patriot’ laws are expiring and they are being renewed by your Congress. Many are taking issue with the invasion of personal privacy with this general listening to all communications for watching terrorists. Normal use of such surveillance should be granted by a judge for probable cause. This open listening is a violation of your Fourth Amendment rights. Many are giving up their rights for the possible help in finding terrorists. This is one more control over everyone that the one world people are forcing on you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Me taking many souls home to Me that were great prayer warriors on earth. Many saints and holy people have revealed to you that they can do more from heaven than when they were on earth. These people are praying for both the souls on earth and for the souls in purgatory. Even your wife’s father is still working on members of your family to get them back to Sunday Mass. Heaven is using every available means to save souls because the saints and angels all realize how little time is left for these souls to be saved. Continue, yourselves, to pray for sinners and the souls in purgatory with your rosaries and good example.”


Friday, May 27, 2011: (Mary’s funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, everyone has his or her own personal cross to bear in life. I ask everyone to pick up his or her cross and follow Me. Those, who follow and believe in Me, will have a lighter cross to bear because I will be helping you to bear it. Some people are tested more with illnesses or terminal diseases. These are heavier crosses than the rest of the people. I only test you with what you can handle, because I never test you beyond your endurance. Living through life’s trials and difficulties is part of everyone’s human existence. There are joys and sorrows in life, so be gracious when you do not have to suffer problems. While you have good health, you could make the most of your time by helping others along with your own needs. Life is a blessing to share with each other, and I have asked you to love Me and your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the 37th chapter of the Book of Ezekiel there is a vision of dry bones from which I raised up a whole army. I breathed the life of the Spirit into these bodies. This is a story of the restoration of Israel to its former kingdom. This reading of how the Jews would be brought back into one nation, was fulfilled in 1948 when Israel was declared a Jewish state. This is a fulfillment of one of the end time signs. It is also significant that the Battle of Armageddon will be one of the last signs before I return to the earth in victory over evil. Be patient and be ready to leave for My refuges of protection when the evil ones are about to declare martial law. I will protect My faithful as I will shield them with being invisible by My angels.”


Saturday, May 28, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I call everyone to come into My Church, no matter how you are. In some Scriptures there is a need to be properly dressed to give respect to My Presence. In the vision you are seeing even a crippled person in a wheelchair coming into My Church. In some instances by My grace these crippled people have been healed to walk again. In the spiritual world there are people who are crippled in their sins and the desires of the world. In today’s Gospel I am calling My faithful out of this world so you can be with Me by following My Commandments. If you believe in Me and follow My laws, the world will hate you as it hates Me. Yes, you will be persecuted for living a holy life, because the worldly people hold on to their sinful pleasures. Those, who are against abortion, pornography, adultery, and homosexual behavior, will be persecuted by the worldly people. Be thankful that you are close to Me because My faithful will receive their reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that a few complaints from some atheists and the ACLU has allowed them to strip all of your public buildings from any display of My Ten Commandments. These Commandments were given to Moses and the Israelites, but even some of these people rejected them. These laws are a guide to live a holy life, but the people do not want to obey them since they would have to change their lives of sin. When people disobey My Commandments of love, they are committing sins against Me. This is why I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation, where you can ask for My forgiveness and My priests will absolve you of your sins. Once you are forgiven, I restore sanctifying grace to your souls, and you are now worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion. Many preparations for Confession use the Ten Commandments as a basis for making a good Confession. It is important to have a properly formed conscience so you know what is right from wrong without rationalizing your actions. It is also important to obey My Commandments out of love, so you can lead a life worthy of coming to heaven at your judgment.”


Sunday, May 29, 2011:
Mary said: “My dear children, I came to the three children at Fatima, Portugal and there were promises given to them. I encouraged the children to pray the fifteen decade rosary and to wear the brown scapular. You remember vividly the picture of St. Michael placing the Host on the tongues of the children. This will be performed again for all of my children at my Son’s refuges. I am the refuge of sinners as I bring your petitions to my Son. I gave you the four intentions to pray for on your rosaries: pray for the poor souls in purgatory, for peace in your world from wars, for the stoppage of abortion, and pray for poor sinners. If my children do not pray enough, you could see nations annihilated. Even Russia has spread her errors of atheism and the persecution of My Church. You are truly living in an evil age, but my Son’s power is greater, and we will protect you at His refuges during the coming tribulation. Have no fear because after my Son’s victory, you will witness the Era of Peace that was promised.”


Monday, May 30, 2011: (Memorial Day, George Green’s Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, George was one of My dedicated pro-lifers who worked many years in fighting abortion. For this he is in My spiritual hall of fame for fighting for the souls of the unborn. You are celebrating a Memorial for all of your soldiers who died to defend America. You should also pray for your mothers not to have any more abortions. George was a soldier for life as he tried to defend the lives of the unborn. All of My faithful, who fight to preserve life, need to be remembered as well. George loves his wife, Mary Lou, and the family very much, and he is sorry that he had to leave them. He is in the upper part of purgatory and he needs a few more Masses and prayers to come to heaven. Masses are very important to help the souls in purgatory to be purified for heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of the latest attacks of the devil on My Church is to find reasons to close My churches. These flames in the vision represent the persistence of My faithful to keep their churches open. It is true that you have seen problems with a decreasing number of priests, and fewer people are coming to Sunday Mass. Without the people supporting their pastor both physically in finances, and spiritually in prayers for their priest, you will continue to see more churches closed. My people need to fight and convince your bishops to keep your churches open. By prayer and public witness against the devil’s plans to close churches, you can be instrumental in keeping your church open with a priest. Pray every day for your priests, and pray that those who have fallen away from Me, will be reconverted.”


Tuesday, May 31, 2011: (Visitation)
Jesus said: “My people, as My Blessed Mother greeted St. Elizabeth, the babe in her womb acknowledged My Presence. This feast day is also a celebration of the unborn infants because you have St. John the Baptist in St. Elizabeth, and Myself in My Blessed Mother. At the Annunciation St. Gabriel told Mary that her cousin was in her sixth month because nothing is impossible for God, even beyond normal child bearing years. This is why My Blessed Mother went to help her cousin because of her cousin’s old age. My Blessed Mother announced her Magnificat which you read daily in the evening prayers of the Liturgy of the Hours. At the birth of St. John the Baptist, Zachary pronounced his canticle as his mouth could speak again. This canticle of Zachary is read in the morning prayers of this same Liturgy of the Hours. These beautiful words of both canticles give hope and joy to all who read them.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you clean your house, you use a broom or a vacuum cleaner. When you want to clean your soul from sin, you come to the priest in Confession and ask forgiveness for your sins, and he gives you absolution. Being cleansed of your sins is far more important than having a clean house. The soul lives on forever, but your house could be gone tomorrow because it is temporary. Continue to come to frequent Confession so you can keep a pure soul for the day that I will call you home. In order to make a good Confession, you can write down at night any sins of the day that you could remember. By summing up your nightly recollections of your sins, this will help you to remember them in your Confession. Forming a right conscience to know right from wrong, will also help you focus on how you are disobeying My Commandments. Learn from your sinful mistakes so you can avoid them in the future.”


Wednesday, June 1, 2011: (St. Justin)
Jesus said: “My people, in heaven My angels and saints are constantly singing My praises. In this vision My people are also singing My praises in your songs at Mass. When you pray each day, you are also telling Me how much you love Me. Even though you are dependent on Me for everything, your understanding of who I am is difficult to know. Human knowledge of Me is weak at best, because My Blessed Trinity of Three Persons in One God is a mystery for man. You love Me and pray petitions to Me, and this is enough for you to know. I love all of My creations, even those who refuse to love Me. I even love you unconditionally because I know how weak you are to sin. I have given you free will, and I am always waiting for you to come to Me for the forgiveness of your sins. You know how much I love you because I became a man and died for your sins. This is why I am also waiting for you to love Me and allow Me to be the Master of your life. So be content as My saints and angels are in praising Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how dangerous sharks are to killing people. You also are aware of money sharks who loan money at high rates. You need to be aware of the money sharks in the Federal Reserve and central bankers who are about to inflate your money until it is nearly worthless. Once your paper money has no gold or silver backing, you have allowed the central bankers to print as much fiat money as they want. All of your Federal Treasury bonds are being made out of thin air to inflate the dollars already in circulation. With so many dollars seeking out the same number of items for sale, then inflation will occur when you need more dollars to buy something. This is exactly what the Federal Reserve has done by buying your own National Debt instruments with the $600 billion of Quantitative Easing purchases. The Federal Reserve has become the buyer of last resort since very few investors want to buy risky bonds with such a low interest rate. You are seeing Greece’s bonds getting lowered to junk bond status. Moody’s is the same bond rating agency that has also been threatening to lower America’s bond rating because of your excessive spending and your deficits in your expanded National Debt. You can go the way of Greece, or struggle to reduce your deficits before they get out of control. Pray that your government will change its course to stop the red ink.”


Thursday, June 2, 2011: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast day commemorates when I left My apostles as I ascended into heaven. I will return again in My glorified Body at the end of the age. I encouraged My apostles to wait until they received the Holy Spirit whom I would send in a short time. In ten more days you will celebrate this event on Pentecost. I commissioned My apostles in Matt. (28:19): “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.’ This was the beginning of My Church as you have been reading in the Acts of the Apostles. It was not easy to evangelize souls to the faith because Christians faced martyrdom for the first three hundred years. Even today, My faithful have their Baptism and Confirmation sacraments to empower them to go out and preach My Word to all the nations. Evangelizing souls to the faith is your most important work.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you in previous messages that you will continue to see ongoing natural disasters. Many people have remarked that they have never seen tornadoes in Massachusetts where they have just occurred. You have seen record numbers of deaths from tornadoes this year, and they are even continuing in areas that do not normally have them. This unusual violence is the signature of the HAARP machine that can enhance storms into more violent weather. The damage and injuries have also caused many people to have their lives disrupted. Pray that there will not be any more deaths due to these storms.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is obvious by the data put forth that the amount of taxes collected from each person for Medicare does not come close to how much is being spent on that same senior person. This is also the same problem for Social Security and the rest of your entitlement programs. There is some agreement that changes need to be made, and that cuts in the deficits need to be tied to your debt ceiling. Those, who do not want to face up to entitlements running out of money, are not facing the reality of how they can be paid. Some changes in these benefits need more tax money and a combination of less payments to even come close to a solution. Since many do not want more taxes or less payments, it becomes very difficult for your politicians to make any changes. Your deficits cannot continue, or America will be bankrupted.”

Jesus said: “My people, your spending is going beyond your current debt ceiling, but your Congress people are still reluctant to reduce any entitlements or other budget items. Attempts to date have only changed $30 billion when your deficit is $1.6 trillion this year. This facing up to your excessive deficits requires immediate action, or America will fall. This actually is the plan of the one world people so they can takeover America. Pray that your Congress and President will be more responsive to the debt control that is needed.”

Jesus said: “My people, your unemployment numbers are not improving enough for the man in the street to have a job to support his family. Wages are not keeping up with the increasing cost of your daily necessities. With interest rates held so low, many savers cannot live off of this income as seniors need. Many companies are not making enough jobs in America, even though they have the money and are still sending jobs overseas. This plan to ruin your economy by eliminating manufacturing in America is becoming more obvious why your unemployment rate is not going down. Indeed, the average person is getting poorer while the rich are getting most of the benefits of any recovery. These evil ones of greed will receive My punishment when I return.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are ten days before your coming Pentecost Sunday. This is another time for a novena to the Holy Spirit. Do some research to find this novena, and make your preparations for this coming feast day of Pentecost. Many of your major feast days have novena preparations for them. By praying these novenas, you can better understand the significance of each of these special feasts in My early Church and in My Church of today.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is at this time of the Church Year that your attention is being focused on the Holy Spirit who is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. You are all temples of the Holy Spirit from your Baptism. It is this power of the Holy Spirit that enabled My apostles to have the gifts of the Spirit to help them in their mission of evangelization. Call on the Holy Spirit to give you the words needed to convert sinners to the faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were downcast at first when they saw Me ascend into heaven. The gift of My Eucharist is the gift of My Real Presence among you. I did not leave My people orphans when I ascended into heaven. My Blessed Sacrament is available at every Mass and in My tabernacles so you can receive Me into your souls. Call on the grace of My sacraments to strengthen you in living out your lives on earth. Be grateful that I am truly present to you, even though you cannot see My physical Body.”


Friday, June 3, 2011: (Patricia Conheady’s Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, Patricia was blessed with a large family and many grandchildren. Some people remarked how she was frugal and a very good storyteller. She suffered in her health in her later years, and she has now received her reward with Me. Many people, who have died and have given you messages, want you to have their pictures placed in full sight so you can remember their life with you. This is Patricia’s wish that everyone remember her love by your pictures. She is a true caring mother who will be praying for all of her children and her grandchildren. She has given her family a good example in how to share and care for each other. She gives all of her family her love, and she remembers everyone who came into her life with love.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given messages to St. Faustina about My Divine Mercy image and how it should be venerated. (47 & 48) ‘Paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the signature: Jesus, I trust in you. I desire that this image be venerated, first in your chapel, and throughout the world. I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish. I also promise victory over enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death. I Myself will defend it as My own glory.’ This is why I also have you pray in your room with this image before you as well. My Divine Mercy is a blessing for all people to accept as My gift to your souls. Call on My mercy in your trials and for helping souls, especially at their death. Remember to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet prayers at the 3:00 p.m. hour, when I died.”


Saturday, June 4, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this shadow of Myself in the vision means that you will no longer see Me in human flesh. I am still with you in My Blessed Sacrament, which is why I will still answer any of your requests in My Name. This is why it is good to have crucifixes, statues, and the Divine Mercy image, so they will remind you of My love for all of mankind. Remember Me also in your daily prayers with your rosaries and your novena to the Holy Spirit. Because you do not see Me, it takes faith to believe. I even told My apostles that they believed in Me because they could see My wounds, but blessed are those who have not seen Me, and they still believe. Trust in Me that I will help each of you to have the necessities of life in food, water, and a place to live.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Warning experience for all souls will be a last chance for sinners to wake up and be prepared for the coming tribulation. You are seeing this soul having all his sins shown to him with a mini-judgment given at the end. This sinner did not realize that he would have to pay for his sins, and that he needs to seek the forgiveness of God in order to get to heaven. Some people may know that they committed sin, but they may not know how to make reparation for them. I will have mercy on sinners, but they must face My justice as they are held accountable for their actions. Some will see a judgment to hell or purgatory. These sinners will be placed back into their bodies, and they will have a second chance to seek My forgiveness and change their lifestyles. After the Warning all the people will be held more responsible for their actions because they now know what they did wrong. I will also warn everyone not to take any chips in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist. You will be warned also to remove your TVs and computers out of your houses to avoid seeing or hearing the Antichrist. My faithful will be warned to be ready to leave for My refuges when their lives are threatened by the evil ones. Use this opportunity of My mercy to better your spiritual lives, or you will see the mini-judgment come about if there is no change in your life.”


Sunday, June 5, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this ornate wooden triangle in the vision represents the Blessed Trinity. In the Gospel reading I was telling My apostles how I was about to return to My Father in heaven. I have told them many times that the Father and I are One. Even when Philip asked Me to show him the Father, I again stated that when you see Me, you see the Father. You are still praying your novena to the Holy Spirit in preparation for Pentecost. Again, you are temples of the Holy Spirit because without the Spirit of life in your soul and body, you would cease to exist. You believe by faith that there are Three Persons in one God. You have God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Blessed Trinity. This understanding is a mystery to man. So when you pray to the Father, receive Me in Holy Communion, or speak of the Holy Spirit, you have all Three of Us present because We are inseparable as one God. Give honor and praise to the Blessed Trinity when you make the Sign of the Cross, or pray the ‘Glory be’ prayer.”


Monday, June 6, 2011: (St. Norbert)
Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles in the Gospel that I have conquered the world, which I have done in conquering sin and death. I was supporting them for when I had to return to My Father. In the first reading St. Paul laid hands on the people and the Holy Spirit came down on them as they began to prophesy and evangelize. St. Paul baptized with the Holy Spirit in My Name, while the people he prayed over, were baptized previously by St. John the Baptist. The power of the Holy Spirit is also present in the people of today who have the gifts of prophesy and healing. With the power of your Baptism and Confirmation, My people are enabled by grace to evangelize converts to the faith. You are called to share your gifts with your neighbor, and this includes your gift of faith as well as your time and money.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several U.S. Congressmen and State office holders have to resign and leave their jobs because of lewd pictures that were sent on the internet or dealings with prostitutes. People in these positions are held to a higher responsibility in their public and private lives. These sexual sins show how moral corruption is bringing down your nation. This is in addition to the millions of abortions that are making doctors rich on blood money. Your country is about to be punished for all of its crimes, and your justice will happen through the hands of the one world people. Just as Israel was exiled for worshiping other gods, so America will be taken over as well for its sins. The central bankers will bankrupt your country through your wars, made up bank crises, and deliberate misuse of loans and derivatives. There is no possible way to pay the interest on your debts, and for all the entitlements for Social Security, Medicare, and pensions. Your deficits and obligations have grown out of control, and your politicians do not want to give up these entitlements. If there is not a compromise in taxes and reduced benefits, then your money system will fail. This plays into the hands of the one world people who are purposely planning your demise. Your country will self-destruct when you cannot find enough buyers for your Treasury Notes. Prepare to leave for My refuges of protection before riots in the street will precipitate martial law.”


Tuesday, June 7, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing how the demons try to manipulate people with their own words. Turning your world upside down means the evil ones want you to think that bad is good, and that good is bad. What people establish as politically correct are only worldly feelings that insult Me. If you are against abortion, you are persecuted. If you are against homosexual marriage, you are against someone’s rights. If you are against a man and a woman living together without marriage, you are criticized as old-fashioned. If you come to daily Mass or pray the rosary in public, you are considered a religious fanatic. My Commandments are unchangeable, and they are never old-fashioned. It is man in his love of sin that is out of step with reality. Do not try to rationalize teaching My Word for a better hearing. What you are facing is a battle between the desires of the body with the desires of the soul. If some people tell you it is all right to sin, do not believe them, for the worldly people are walking on the broad road to hell, but My faithful need to enter heaven by the narrow road. Do not follow the crowd into sin, but follow Me into eternal life in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a manufactured gear getting buried in the ground is a sign that the one world people are intentionally moving most all of your manufacturing jobs out of your country. It is true that the American worker at $15/hr. has a hard time competing with slave labor in China at $1/hr. without any benefits. The plan of the new world order is total control which starts with doing away with the middle class in America. With jobs leaving America, this is why your unemployment rate is so high. Average household income has been declining over the last five years, while inflation is truly increasing, despite your government’s disinformation. Only the top 5-10% of your population have seen any income gains. It is just a matter of time until America’s finances collapse, and the one world people will take over. When this happens, My faithful need to call on Me so your guardian angels can lead you to My refuges of protection.”


Wednesday, June 8, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this large arch of a cloud in the vision is similar to the arch in St. Louis, Mo. which is also close to the New Madrid fault line. This arched cloud represents a gateway to more serious natural disasters that evil people are going to cause by using the HAARP machine. This could involve possible earthquakes, high wind storms, flooding, and even severe hurricanes. This area has already seen tornadoes and flooding where many have died, and others have lost their homes. These continuing disasters will affect your economy, and they will contribute to a coming martial law that could result. When your finances and your government are about to fail, My faithful will then need to seek out My refuges for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are seeing a humble cave for shelter on one side, and comfortable living accommodations on a large cabin cruiser on the other side. When I call My faithful to come to My refuges, your place to stay may be very rustic with only the bare necessities. This is in contrast with your comfortable homes and cars with all of your modern conveniences. Living at a refuge without electricity may be difficult, but it will give you a more peaceful life. You will have food, water, and shelter, but you will be more involved in a struggle for survival. Trust in Me that My angels will provide a shield of invisibility, and you can look on My luminous cross in the sky to heal any of your infirmities. My refuges will be your safe havens to protect you from the Antichrist and the evil ones who will be trying to kill you in the tribulation. Give thanks and praise to Me for providing you daily Communion for your soul. I have told you that I would prepare a place for you in heaven, but now I am even having people prepare refuges for this time of trial that will be like a purgatory on earth.”


Thursday, June 9, 2011: (St. Ephrem)
Jesus said: “My people, your farmers take a risk to grow their crops every year. Many farmers got a late start to getting their crops planted because of a cool, wet spring. Now they will need optimal sun and rain to even obtain a marginal crop. If some places have very hot drought conditions or too much rain, then your crops will be reduced further in yield. I have told you to expect continued natural disasters which could even affect more of your crops. Now, you are seeing a considerable amount of fires in the drought areas. If your food becomes scarce, you will see again why it is prudent to have a year’s supply of food for any possible disruptions in your food supply. Pray that people will have enough to eat because some countries already have people dying of starvation.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a flame in the middle of a bird cage represents how your souls are prisoners of the worldly distractions around you. The flame represents the grace of the Holy Spirit which you can call on to release your soul so you will be free of the controls of the world. You have the feast of Pentecost coming on Sunday, so call on the Holy Spirit to give you the gifts that you need to carry out your appointed mission in this life.”

Jesus said: “My people, this special water that you see in the vision represents the Baptism of the Holy Spirit that I poured over My apostles. This is how they experienced the tongues of fire over them in the Upper Room. St. John baptized with water, but I baptized with the Holy Spirit in the image of these tongues of fire. My faithful receive this same Baptism when you receive the Holy Spirit in your Confirmation. So as you are baptized and confirmed, My faithful are called to evangelize souls to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this experience of being slain in the Spirit does not cause everyone to fall to the ground. When you do not fall down, you are blessed in the Spirit just the same. Those, who do fall down, are graced with souls and hearts that are more open to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These souls, who are slain, are given a grace that gives them peace and rest in the Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have accepted the symbol of a white dove to represent the peace of the Holy Spirit. This vision of a dove resting on a branch for five hours was your real life experience at this shrine in Betania, Venezuela. This was a special blessing for your pilgrimage to have the grace of the Holy Spirit among you. The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, and the Three of Us are one God. Continue your novena to the Holy Spirit as you prepare for the great feast of Pentecost.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been blessed to have the Word of God available to you whenever you read the Bible. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that the authors of these books were able to write the Word of God down without any interference of the evil one. This is why you can trust the words of Scripture as true, and from God. If you follow the words of Scripture, you have sufficient revelation to be saved in heaven. You have seen various people who have prophetic gifts. These are gifts of the Holy Spirit. You, yourself, know that you are able to write My messages by the power of the Holy Spirit helping you. The Holy Spirit also directs the words of your talks as you pray for His help. All My faithful can call on the Holy Spirit to give them the gifts that they need to accomplish their mission.”

Jesus said: “My son, you and others have been given the gift of some communication with deceased souls. This gift is not something that should be sought for any gain, but it comes freely by the souls who desire to communicate. The words that you receive from such souls are enabled by the Holy Spirit as He helps you to write them down. This is a gift that cannot be demanded by other living people, but they should accept what comes without trying to predispose you. Be thankful to the Holy Spirit for all the gifts and charisms that He bestows on people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have formed My Church and I have set St. Peter as a rock to be the first Pope. All throughout history the Holy Spirit has guided these leaders in their words and their proclamations. This is another grace and force that has enabled My Church to survive through the years, despite the evil one’s temptations. Continue to pray to the Holy Spirit to inspire My Church’s leaders to proclaim the truth without any heresies.”


Friday, June 10, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I asked St. Peter three times if he loved Me, and then I said to him: ‘Feed My sheep.’ These three times were in response to the three times that he denied Me. In the Greek account there are different words that are used for love. The first two times I asked him if he loved Me as a friend. The third time I asked him if he loved Me with an agape love as you love God. Since St. Peter was chosen by Me to lead My Church, these professions of faith were to insure his leadership in tending My sheep and feeding My lambs. My people of today can also answer these questions so I know that you are sincere in your love for Me. This is not just a friendship love that I desire, but a personal love of God from deep in your heart. This means that you are ready to give your will over to Me so I can be Master of your life. It also means that you are willing to seek out My forgiveness of your sins in order to gain heaven. I want you to love Me so much that you will do everything for love of Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I love you, and how I created mankind to share My love. You are all made in My Image, and you were given free will to love Me by your own choice and not forced by Me. These beautiful flowers in the vision are an example of the beauty of My creation that I also share with you. Adam and Eve fell into sin, and all of mankind has suffered the consequences of sin by death and a weakness to sin. It was to save humanity from their sins that I came to the earth and suffered death by crucifixion. These thorns from the crown of thorns were another form of torment that I had to suffer. When you understand how I freely gave My life to ransom all souls from their sins, then you begin to understand how much I love each of you. My love is unconditional since I love everyone, even those who do not accept Me. Those, who do accept Me as Master, and seek My forgiveness, will receive everlasting life with Me in heaven. Those, who refuse to love Me and refuse to ask My forgiveness of their sins, are on the broad road to hell. I am full love in everything that I do, and My faithful, who have a love relationship with Me, can understand the joy and satisfaction that I give every soul in peace. Keep close to Me, and I will reward you for your prayers and good works.”


Saturday, June 11, 2011: (St. Barnabas)
Jesus said: “My people, in St. Paul and St. Barnabas’ day it was difficult to provide food, water, and lodging, but My missionaries had the gifts of laying on hands to support the people. Many also came to believe in Me because of the healings that were performed on the sick and the lame. The spreading of My Church was difficult in these early days because Christians were persecuted and even martyred for their faith. The joy of My love that you experienced this morning is the joy that was in the hearts of these new converts. These early accounts in the Acts of the Apostles are beautiful examples how I still call on My deacons and priests to make converts to the faith. My laity also are called to share their faith with others so all peoples can experience the joy of My love. Give praise and glory to Me for all that I do to encourage My evangelists to save souls.”


Sunday, June 12, 2011: (Pentecost)
The Holy Spirit said: “I am God the Holy Spirit, and all Three of Us are one God. Today, you celebrate My feast day, and I am happy to celebrate My seven gifts with you. Many people do not know much about Me, but when the evangelists speak of the Spirit of God, they are referring to Me. I gave life to Jesus’ Body at His conception as a Spouse of Mary. I also returned life to His glorified Body on His Resurrection. Wherever you see life present, I am the force animating that form of life. You all have a soul and a body which I allow to exist. When you see the people glowing with life, you know that I am present there enabling them. The love that you have for each other and for Us comes from Me as well. Give praise and glory to all Three Persons of God who have created you and sustain your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, this thermometer in the vision is showing extremely hot temperatures are coming in America during the summer. This swinging of hot and cold extremes in the summer and winter, appear to be a general trend. This extra heat could warm the Gulf of Mexico area and could provide more energy for severe hurricanes. America was fortunate that most of last year’s storms did not hit your country. You will see more land falling storms unless the jet stream currents are altered by man. With warmer temperatures you could see some areas where droughts could continue the fires that have been occurring. With too little rain in some areas and too much rain in other areas, it will be difficult to have good crop yields this year. With enough bad crop yields worldwide, you could see a severe strain on your world food reserves that could cause the beginnings of a world famine.”


Monday, June 13, 2011: (St. Anthony of Padua)
St. Anthony said: “My dear little ones, I am grateful for all of you who are commemorating my feast day. I was a Franciscan and I brought many souls to the Church through my evangelization ministry. Many were touched by my words, and by the grace of God, they came to know and love Jesus in His Blessed Sacrament. The priest gave you a good account of my life, but he did not mention how many people pray to me to find lost articles. For some people, as yourself, you have seen how I have answered your requests. If you want a prayer answered though, you need to voice your request, and I will help you. It also helps to know that I am the saint people pray to for lost things to be found. Thank you again for your devotional prayers, and do not be afraid to witness Jesus by wearing your cross outside for people to see.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to have your soul ready for My judgment every day because you do not know the day that I will take you home. You must realize that when your body dies, your soul will live on forever. You cannot take your gold or possessions with you because it will have no use for your soul. This is why those, who hoard and save money for themselves, do not know to whom their money will go. So do not concern yourself with saving more money than you need. Life is truly short, and you wonder how the many years of your life have passed you by. The best that you can do is to make the most of your time with prayers and good deeds for your neighbor. When you come before Me in judgment, all that you will have will be your sins, and all the good things that you have been rewarded for. Better to have spiritual treasure stored up in heaven that will last, instead of earthly treasure that will dissipate and be stolen. Keep your soul pure at all times with frequent Confession, and you will not be anxious of where you will be judged.”


Tuesday, June 14, 2011:
Jesus said: “My son, this tabernacle in the small chapel is your home with Me throughout your life. You know that you are dependent on Me for everything, and you come to My oasis of graces to be refreshed every day. With Me next to your side, you are able to bear any trial that you may face in life. Whenever you start out on any project, no matter how little or difficult, call on My help, and I will have My angels assist you. Pray for My help even in getting you from place to place while you are driving. Remember your prayers every day and I love to see you at night when you come to visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament. You receive Me in Holy Communion in the morning, pray to Me during the day, and visit Me at night. I am always with you when you are so close to Me every day. I thank you for your obedience, but be careful not to let worldly things disturb your peace. Unusual things and disappointments will happen, so do not be upset by any inconveniences. Reach out to help people whenever you can, and you will be helping Me in them. Love of Me and love of neighbor are your focal points in this life.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision reminds you of your Nativity Scene that you have placed in your prayer room to remind you of My Christmas message of peace all year long. I have told you that I am the only One to satisfy your soul and give you My peace. My peace cannot be found in worldly things. Many people are searching for peace in their lives, but without Me they will not find true peace. You have My peace every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion, and come to Me in My tabernacle. Even as students are graduating from high school, My faithful should also be ready to graduate into the next life when you die. In this life you are weak to sin, so you are faced with many times that you have fallen into sin. I have given you Confession to cleanse your sins and make your soul white again with My graces. Your desire to be with Me forever is very strong, so stay close to Me in My sacraments.”


Wednesday, June 15, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, some people try to interpret My mission on earth, but they do not know My Mind or the many intentions that I had when I was on the earth. You are fortunate that My evangelists were empowered by the Holy Spirit to write down all that I told them. This is why the Scriptures that you read at every Mass have meaning that can be used by My people every day. My main purpose in coming to earth is to give every soul the opportunity for salvation of their soul in heaven. My death and resurrection have ransomed all souls from their sins. The gates of heaven have been opened, and I have given you My sacraments for all your needed graces. By Confession you can ask My forgiveness of your sins, and by Communion you can receive My Real Presence into your souls. Baptism and Confirmation give My faithful the grace of the Holy Spirit to evangelize others. The formation of My Church through My apostles gave you the priests and bishops that can dispense these sacraments, and the Church is the guide to interpreting My words in Scripture. I sought out people to believe in My Word, and to establish love relationships with Me and their neighbors. Many came to believe in Me through My healing miracles. As you view all that I did on earth, you can see that truly I fulfilled the many intentions that My Father requested.”

Jesus said: “My people, you should not criticize other people for their actions because you should not be passing judgment on them. I am the only One to make judgments on people. There are some people who even criticize others for doing what they do. If you are going to preach My Word, you need to get your own spiritual house in order. If you teach one thing, but you are committing the same sin, then you lose your credibility by being a hypocrite. This is why you need to give good example in your actions so you are practicing what you preach. I told you about the Pharisees to follow what they teach, but do not follow their actions.”
Jesus said: “My people, in older days the average worker had a good work ethic, and workers took pride in their work. Today, there is a large part of the work force that wants to do just the bare minimum to earn their wage. There are some over achievers who want to improve their work by coming up with new ideas to get the same product for less money. In many companies it is the good workers who carry the rest who are not putting out as much effort. There are new problems in today’s work force that starts with outsourcing cheap labor. An American worker now has to compete with cheap labor in poor third world countries. Unless that worker is in a technical field, it may be difficult to compete. The basic problem is that there are fewer good paying jobs that are available. With such a high unemployment rate, many are satisfied to get unemployment checks for two years, or get government aid from welfare or disability. You have read data that said 46% of the people are working to support the rest. Even in the Early Church, you did not get supper unless you worked for it. When fewer work for a living, it puts a harder burden on the workers because they are taxed higher to support the welfare state. As deficits and taxes go up, there will come a time when the workers will go on strike for a fairer part of their salary. Pray for your workers, as those getting entitlements may have to take cuts in their payments.”


Thursday, June 16, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in all of your lives you are going to have some smooth days with plenty of sun. You are also going to have cloudy days without much light, and even rainy days that could try your patience. These are the ups and downs of life that test your faith. Today, you have My ‘Our Father’ prayer which is about depending on Me for your daily necessities, but also how to handle forgiveness of your faults and the faults of others. At the end of the reading there is an emphasis on not holding any grudges on anyone for their misdeeds. These guidelines are what I want My faithful to follow, but in life it can be difficult to carry out these things in your actions. Because you have a weakness to sin, you are going to have occasions when you fail to live up to My laws. I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation where your sins can be forgiven, and My love is restored in your heart and soul. I look out for you in all of your daily needs, so trust in Me by asking for what you need with the assurance that your prayers will be answered. Make your daily prayers so much a part of your life that you cannot go on without them. You show your love for Me when you pray. Remember also how I asked you to make up any prayers that you may have missed on the previous day.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a few pictures where you could feel a beating heart. This picture of My Divine Mercy is a special blessing for those who pray before this image. My heart is burning with love for My people, and this vision of a beating heart in this picture shows you vividly how much I care for all of you. Continue to pray your Divine Mercy chaplet in front of this image that is holy.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is one of My miracles of the Eucharist in Venezuela. This bleeding Host is another example of how I am constantly suffering for the sins of mankind. It pains Me also that there are many Catholics who do not believe in My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. When you receive Me in the consecrated Host and consecrated Wine, you are truly eating My Body and drinking My Blood. These miracles of My Eucharistic Hosts are given for the unbelievers to believe in My Real Presence.”

Jesus said: “My people, the relics of the saints and of My True Cross should be revered and used in your healing ministries. These relics will help you in fighting off demons, and they are instrumental in healing. Call on My Name when you are blessing people, and call on My Most Precious Blood for physical healing and spiritual healing. I have an abundance of graces, and you can ask for My graces through My instruments of healing gifts and relics.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some saints whose bodies have remained incorrupt. This again is a special grace to show you these miracles, and it is a sign that one day your bodies will be resurrected with your souls. Some people have difficulty in believing things that they cannot see. These physical miracles are given to help those who are weak in their faith. Give praise and glory to Me for allowing these miracles to strengthen your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you have witnessed further miracles in blood liquefying, statues or pictures weeping oil or blood, and a holy scent of roses in holy places. These are miracles to show that heaven is sad over the many sins and injustices being performed by man. You have witnessed this holy scent of roses at the place of My Crucifixion and with certain visionaries. All of these signs are again meant to witness the truth of My Word and to accentuate holy places.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard many testimonies of near death experiences where some have seen heaven or hell. The life review that is experienced, wakes up many souls to the seriousness of their sins and how they offend Me. Some may see their place of judgment, but they are given a special grace to return to their bodies for a second chance to improve their lives. Most souls see the need to get closer to Me, but some will suffer more in purgatory for not changing their lives. Learn from these people why it is necessary to lead a holy life to gain heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the souls in purgatory are truly suffering, but they are all promised to be with Me one day in heaven. These are saved souls, but they need purification to make them worthy to enter heaven. These souls may be allowed at times to seek prayers from the living souls who may sense their need for prayers. I have asked you to have Masses and prayers said for the deceased, especially those in your family and your friends. You have witnessed many stories of how these souls in purgatory are requesting prayers. Remember to pray for the souls in purgatory, especially for those souls that no one is praying for.”


Friday, June 17, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you have a kernel of life in My Words: ‘Where your treasure lies, so lies your heart.’ What is meant here is you either hold Me close to your heart or your money. Those, who are selfish, buy everything for themselves without regard for others. In this case their treasure is money, and this is where their heart is. For the Christian, you should share your wealth with the poor, the Church, and your family. If you are leaving out the poor, then you need to spend less on your family. When people are strapped with lower incomes and higher inflated expenses, then donations have to be cut back to balance the budget. Still make an effort to give something to your food shelves, the poor, or victims of natural disasters. Remember that I love a cheerful giver who does not hold back even a little for the poor.”


Saturday, June 18, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, every day that is given to you is another opportunity to serve Me the best that you can. Your frail bodies are faced with your human needs for food, water, clothing, and shelter. But do not worry or be anxious over these needs because I know what you need, and I will help you to obtain them. Be prudent to do what is necessary, but do not spend more effort on that which is unnecessary. Be thankful that you have a job or an income to pay your bills. You can even provide help for those who are unemployed and in need of their necessities. (Matt. 6:33) ‘But seek first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be given you besides.’ Trust in My help every day and you will not be anxious about today or tomorrow. The fire in the vision is how you are being purified as you are tested by evil temptations and the problems that come up. You may have to deal with health problems or repairs to your house or car. Whatever you have to face, keep a good disposition without letting things disturb your peace. Everyone has to face the same life situations that you are dealing with. It is how you deal with adversity that will test your true trust in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest volcanic eruption in Chile is very much like the one in Iceland that disrupted many airplane routes because planes cannot fly through the ash. You are seeing another natural disaster that is causing large evacuations. I have warned you to have masks as a protection for the ash of volcanoes or deadly viruses. Some of this ash has already circled around the globe and is returning to the original site. If enough ash stays suspended in the upper atmosphere to block the sun, you could see a cooling effect and possibly a change in the weather. Chile has had some severe earthquakes and these events can trigger old volcanoes along the Pacific Rim. Pray for the people in this area to help them avoid any deaths by following their evacuation orders.” (Cordon Caulle volcano)


Sunday, June 19, 2011: (Trinity Sunday, Father’s Day)
God the Father said: “I AM is giving you this message as you celebrate one of My feast days along with your human fathers. My Son in recent days has given you My prayer in the ‘Our Father’. You pray to Me in your rosaries and I love all of you dearly for remembering Me in your day. The first reading refers to Moses and the Ten Commandments that I have given to all of you as a means to live a holy life. You also are celebrating the Blessed Trinity as I had My only Begotten Son, Jesus, come and redeem you. The Holy Spirit brings life into your souls as you are conceived. The Holy Spirit is the love in the Spirit that unites Myself and My Son. Even as you are celebrating these feasts, I have given you a beautiful sunny day to share in My creation. You take for granted My many gifts that you should be thanking Me for in your prayers. Give praise and glory to all Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity.”

Jesus said: “My people, what you are seeing in this vision is the current high radioactivity still coming forth from these Japanese reactors. If you had a special viewer that could see radioactivity, you could see a green glow around the three reactors that suffered meltdowns. Even your latest news said that the water was too radioactive for people or robots to work on any repairs. As the water needs to be replaced to cool down the nuclear fuel, much of this radioactive water is being dumped into the ocean. After several weeks the radioactive iodine will dissipate. There still could be a bad effect on the marine life in this area. These reactors still need to be contained in some way as at Chernobyl. Until this heat can be controlled, you will continue to see this problem with radioactive water. Many countries are taking a new look at starting new nuclear reactors and even some are stopping existing plants. It will be difficult to take these nuclear reactors off line without some backup energy source. In addition to looking at nuclear plants, these same countries are searching for viable energy sources that are safe and can provide enough power to fulfill each country’s needs. Pray for solutions to the energy needs that people are demanding from their power plants.”


Monday, June 20, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, some people may question this talk of having a wooden plank in someone’s eye. In the language of My day people used hyperboles or exaggerations of speech to make a point clear and obvious. Man has a tendency to want to correct other people’s faults without thinking that his own faults may be just as bad. The message here is for everyone to work on his or her own faults and improve his or her spiritually before you can try to give advice to others about their faults. Do not be hypocrites in criticizing others for something that you are doing in your own actions. Allow Me to be the judge of people’s actions because you each have enough to answer for in your own actions. Rather than criticize people, your best approach should be a good example of your own actions when you perform good works for others. Your actions speak much louder than your words, so be attentive to how you are witnessing your faith to others.”

Jesus said: “My people, this incense cloud over My Real Presence in My Host is what you are seeing today. In the Old Testament there was a cloud of God the Father over the tent of Moses. This love of God the Father and Myself radiates out from this cloud of power. My love goes out to all people who need both physical and spiritual healing. My power went out from the prophet to heal Naaman from his leprosy. That same power went out from My hands to heal the ten lepers. Even today, My healing goes out from My healing ministers to touch many with physical and spiritual healing. Give thanks to Me for all the gifts of healing that people are still experiencing.”


Tuesday, June 21, 2011: (St. Aloysius Gonzaga)
Jesus said: “My people, this account of Abram shows you his generosity in settling a potential problem over who should have which land. Lot chose the well watered land near Sodom and Gomorrah, and Abram was rewarded with a promise of many descendants on his choice of land. It is better to make peaceful compromises than to have constant wars that have occurred throughout history over land and money. This example of Abram could be an answer for the many wars that you are seeing in the Arab countries and in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some of these wars are instigated by the one world people for gain in money in selling weapons or for the oil on the land. The latest conflicts in the Arab countries are changing old regimes with a goal to raise oil prices by threatening the oil supplies. These powerful men behind the scenes are not seeking compromises, but they have a desire for control in money and power. Just as Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their sins, so America is going to suffer its own demise because of its sins. Because man cannot learn from history, your people are doomed to repeat it with your own fall. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when the coming persecution will attack you.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who accumulate wealth for its own sake. I know what you need, and I will see to it that you have your necessities. Sometimes people have more trust in their money than they have trust in My help. Having too much wealth can corrupt people, and they may feel that they do not have to depend on Me. You would much rather store your spiritual treasure in heaven than be concerned about accumulating any money or gold on earth. Remember the Gospel reading recently that said: ‘Where your treasure lies, so lies your heart.’ If you have excess wealth, you could share it with the poor or those in need in your family. Today’s Gospel speaks of the golden rule which says to do unto others what you would want them to do to you. Following My ways of life will lead you to heaven through the narrow gate. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the gifts that I give you. Remember that you are dependent on Me for everything, even for those who do not realize or accept this truth.”


Wednesday, June 22, 2011: (St. John Fisher)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I am warning you to beware of false prophets. The Antichrist, who is already announcing himself, will be claiming himself to be Me and the expected one of all religions. He will claim to be a man of peace, but he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Do not believe in or worship this man, and do not take his mark or chip in the body. He will be truly possessed by a demon and he will have demonic powers to try and get you to worship him. After the Warning I told you to remove your TVs and computers out of your houses so you can avoid looking at his face and avoid listening to his voice. When he declares himself, it will begin the tribulation when I warned you to leave for My refuges of protection. Just as the early Christians were martyred for their faith, so these evil ones will be seeking to kill all Christians and patriots. This will be a time of persecution and evil that you have yet to see. This time will be occurring in your life time in the not too distant future. My Warning experience will occur first to prepare all souls for this time of evil. By the Antichrist’s fruits of evil you will know who he is.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are soon going to see a time of increasing persecution of Christians all over the world. It will be at that time when My faithful will need to seek out My refuges of protection. You will be led by your guardian angels to places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions; places of holy ground that have adored My Blessed Sacrament, or at monasteries; also at places of caves. I have asked you to have tents, sleeping blankets, and backpacks loaded with your physical and spiritual needs. You may need some food, water, clothes, flashlights and masks for several days of travel to the nearest refuge. If you have fuel, you can use your car, but have some bicycles in case you cannot find fuel. Call on Me to protect you from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you. Living at My refuges may be difficult, but the tribulation will be shortened for the sake of My elect. During this trial you will be totally dependent on Me for providing you food, water, and a shelter. Pray daily for the strength to get through this test, but I will send you My Host every day for your spiritual food. Trust in Me that I will care for you, but you will be praying more for sinners than you are now. Give thanks and praise to Me for looking after My faithful in this evil age.”


Thursday, June 23, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this story of Ishmael, the son of Haggar, represents the offspring of Abram from Sarah’s maid. This was Abram’s only heir until later when Sarah had Isaac. These two children of Abram were the beginnings of the Jews in Isaac and the Arabs from Ishmael. As you see the Middle East today, it is prophetic that these two peoples are still contesting for the land in Israel. I started My Church among the Jews and Christianity has spread throughout the world. Now in these end days you are seeing also a conflict between the Muslims and the Christians. As you approach the time of tribulation, you will see the Antichrist leading the Muslims against My believers who will be protected at My refuges. This history from Genesis shows you the roots of today’s problems where these descendants are still fighting over the same land. Be grateful that I am giving My faithful the instructions for making refuges, and eventually directing My faithful to where they are located. My refuges will be My havens of protection until I return to defeat all of these evil ones.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I desire peace and love all over the world, but the devil has stirred up wars and has encouraged hate among different nations. As individuals it is hard to stop the fighting, but My people can pray for peace and an end to hostilities. Wars result in death and destruction which is why wars do not have any good results. Work and pray to inspire My love among all peoples so you can live in harmony.”

Jesus said: “My people, in several countries in Europe there have been financial threats of near bankruptcy. These countries, including Greece, have had to rely on the IMF(International Monetary Fund) and the European Union for funds to protect them from going into bankruptcy. As a means of securing needed loans, Greece has been forced to set up austerity budgets which have put people out of work, and have allowed less money for entitlements. As a result of these austerity measures, the people have demonstrated in the streets against the government. Greece should be an example to America how your Treasury Bonds can also be downgraded because of your deficits and your increasing National Debt.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how much you are happy to be in your comfortable homes. Imagine if you lost your home to a natural disaster, and how lost you would feel. Pray for these homeless people, and help them in any way that you could donate your money or time to help them with their daily necessities. Some aid groups are giving some immediate help, but pray that they can get their jobs back and get back on their way to recovery. Clearing the debris and rebuilding homes takes a lot of money and effort by neighbors helping each other.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is having a period of high unemployment as a result of your recession and banking crisis. It is important for your children to get the best education that they can get because there are many people competing for every available job. Pray for your graduates that they could continue into college or find a good job for their livelihood. It is a nice celebration for their scholastic accomplishment, but they also need to be prepared to enter the work force.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I love all of you, but you also know that I think homosexual acts are an abomination. When Adam and Eve were the first people married, it was intended to procreate children in a natural setting of love. Throughout the years marriage between a man and a woman has been attacked by divorce, living together in sin without marriage, separation, and now homosexual marriage. Because your society is broken, it does not change My Commandments concerning the sexual sins. Any acts outside of the marriage bond are mortal sins and require Confession to be forgiven. This is why it is important to encourage your legislators to stand up for marriage of a man and a woman in voting against homosexual marriages.”

Jesus said: “My people, world events are showing you how your financial system is approaching bankruptcy. With signs of problems in the oil countries, you are seeing potential fuel shortages and a coming world famine. You can also see that the one world people are about to introduce their new world order with the Antichrist as their leader. Because of all of these prophesies of evil coming, I have inspired certain faithful to set up refuges where the rest of My faithful may come for protection. Pray for those who are building refuges and support them with your prayers and your finances.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an increase in evil entering into power in the world. There are forces of good and angels on one side, and those in the occult with demons on the other side. I need My faithful to pray for My help in supporting you against the coming evil forces that you will be facing. The Battle of Armageddon is getting closer as you see the various nations lining up against each other. Prepare to go to My refuges, as some will be in this last battle fighting with Me.”


Friday, June 24, 2011: (Nativity of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast is one of the beginning steps of the coming of the Kingdom of God to mankind. Just as in the vision you see man building things, so you are seeing the beginning of how I built My Church. St. John the Baptist even heralded My coming as he stirred in the womb of his mother on My arrival in the womb of My Blessed Mother. Later, St. John baptized Me and My public ministry began as I taught the people for three years. My apostles spread My Christian faith to all the nations as My Church spread and grew to what it is today. As you look on the plan of My salvation, you are blessed with how My Church has guided souls through the years with My help. I have promised you that the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church.”


Saturday, June 25, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I prayed over many for healing when I was on the earth. Those, who had faith that I could heal them, were healed even when they only touched My garment. Some people, as in today’s Gospel, saw healings even when I was a distance away. Even today, you can still see My healing of people when they pray and have faith in My healing power. I have also told you that during the tribulation, you will see luminous crosses in the sky over My refuges. Those, who believe, will receive instant healing when they look on My cross. This is just how the people in the Exodus had their snake bites healed when they looked on the bronze serpent that Moses lifted up into the air. This same trust that healed the centurion’s servant, will also heal all of My faithful who look on My luminous cross or drink the healing spring water at My refuges. It will be hard to find doctors and hospitals at My refuges, so you will have My healing power any time that you need it. Rejoice that those, who receive physical healing at My refuges, will also receive spiritual healing as well because I heal the whole person, both body and soul.”

(Corpus Christi vigil) Jesus said: “My people, this feast is My most precious gift to all of you which is a gift of Myself. Under the appearances of bread and wine you receive My Body and Blood. In My Blessed Sacrament My true believers receive My Real Presence in Communion. As the priest mentioned, some people come to Mass out of obligation, but others come to be close to Me in My Blessed Sacrament. My true believers talk to Me in prayer in their morning offering, during the day, and in evening prayer. Those, who come to Mass every day, are coming because they want to, and not just out of obligation. Those, who visit Me in Adoration every day, are even in more love with Me. The consecrated Host is not just a piece of bread, but it is truly My very Body and Blood. Rejoice, that you have this gift of Myself that I have left with you on earth. Even during the coming tribulation, I will bless My faithful at My refuges when My angels will give you My daily Communion.”


Sunday, June 26, 2011: (Body and Blood of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been celebrating some graduations, but the people in North Dakota are losing their homes, their jobs, and their schools to floods. You may have a little inconvenience without power, but these people have also lost power and even a home to use the power. In the Southern states that have endured months of droughts, now many of them are dealing with fires that are burning thousands of acres. They continue to have scorching hot days without any rain. The vision of the gold bars is an example to show you that soon your paper money will be worth next to nothing because it has no intrinsic value. You cannot keep spending more money than you take in with taxes, and not have some consequences. Many of the disasters, money problems, and job losses are coming as a punishment for all the killing of babies in abortion, killing in euthanasia, and your sexual sins. Now in your state and others, you have just accepted a law in your Legislature that allows homosexual marriages to be legal. You are insulting My laws against killing, and My laws against adultery, fornication, and homosexual acts which are all mortal sins. I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for less. You will have your wish for My coming to demand My justice against your sins and insults.”1


Monday, June 27, 2011: (St. Cyril of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, Abraham found out that the Lord was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, so he tried to bargain with God to save these people. He started with fifty just men and then came down to ten just men that if they were found, the Lord would not destroy these towns. Only Lot and his family of eight were found just, but not ten, so these towns were destroyed with fire and brimstone. Tradition in history has put this place near the Dead Sea where it is barren with traces of sulfur. These people were destroyed by the justice of God because of the evil of their sins that cried out for punishment. I have mentioned before how the same fate of My justice is being called for on America because of the cries of your abortions, killings in euthanasia and wars, and your sexual sins. Many of your natural disasters are a punishment for these sins. Pray for sinners in your country and for a stoppage of your abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been hearing a lot about legalizing homosexual marriage between two men or two women. These unions are very unnatural, as I only intended marriage between a man and a woman in order to procreate the human race. All sexual acts outside of the marriage bond are mortal sins. They include adultery, fornication, masturbation, and homosexual acts. Even among married partners, they are to avoid birth control devices because every act should be open to procreation. These sexual urges and pleasures were meant for carrying on the human race, but they require a control of the passions. Remember to obey My Sixth Commandment and do not have impure thoughts about others outside of the married partners. There are many abuses of the sexual sins, and many go to hell because of them. Guard your eyes and thoughts so you do not let the devil lead you into sin. Ask for My grace to help you when you are being tempted. By your prayers and controlling yourself, you can remain pure and chaste. If you do sin, you should go to Confession quickly because these are usually serious sins, and you do not want to risk dying in mortal sin.”


Tuesday, June 28, 2011: (St. Irenaeus)
Jesus said: “My people, this punishment of Lot’s wife of being turned into a pillar salt is an example of how important it is to follow My Word, or you will face the consequences. In three or more instances the Bible records My justice of many being killed by My hand. One incident was in the Great Flood when I saved Noah. Another was the evil ones killed in Sodom and Gomorrah where I saved Lot and his family. Still one more was when I killed Pharaoh’s army to save the Hebrews with Moses. These are all examples of My justice in punishing the evil people, but you also see My mercy in protecting My righteous people. You are all obliged to follow My Commandments out of love, and everyone will have an accounting for their actions. Be thankful that you can seek My forgiveness of your sins, instead of being punished with a violent death from My hand.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who live in the North or the middle of America, have been getting adequate rain levels and even a little excess. As soon as the rains become less frequent, then your people start watering their plants and yards more. It is more difficult for farmers to continually irrigate their farms because you need equipment and a large source of water. Any farmers in the deep South are having much less than normal rainfall, and it is almost impossible to have enough fresh water for irrigation. They need prayers for rain, but it is already getting late to have a good crop there. Pray that the rest of your country is more successful with their crops, or there could be some food shortages. Even other countries are seeing floods and bad weather for crops. If natural disasters continue at a high level, you could see the beginnings of a world famine. As the world’s population increases, this also will put an extra demand on food and a place to live. Give praise and thanks to Me if you have enough food to eat and water for your needs. Fresh water is becoming a scarce commodity and a good share comes from rainfall. Some drier areas will need to look at membrane technology to desalinate ocean water to help provide enough fresh water for their needs.”


Wednesday, June 29, 2011: (St. Peter & St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter was the first Pope who said to Me: ‘Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I gave him the keys to the Kingdom of God as I would build My Church on him. The gates of hell will not prevail over My Church which I have protected over these many years. St. Paul was My missionary to the Gentiles, and many were converted to the faith because of him. You also were given his many epistles which have helped the faithful in directing their lives to Me. These two pillars and most of My apostles were martyred for their faith. The blood of the martyrs have become the seeds of many converts. Many Christians were killed by the Romans in an attempt to purge Christianity, but this did not stop the faith from spreading. You will see another physical persecution coming again, but I will be protecting My faithful at My refuges with My angels. Even St. Peter was released from prison by an angel.”

Jesus said: “My people, if I asked My faithful who I am, you have been given the grace to say that I am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Most important is that I am truly Present in the consecrated Hosts in every tabernacle. The red sanctuary lamp, that is kept burning, is a sign to you of My Real Presence. It is My very Presence in the tabernacle that makes all of My churches holier than any other religion. This is why when you come into My churches, you need to genuflect out of reverence for My Presence. Those, who receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, receive My graces to heal the wounds of their sins. Those, who visit Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, also receive extra graces for showing your love for your Lord and Master. My tabernacle is your oasis of graces for your soul. So when you come into My church, you can feel at home in the comfort of My Presence.”

Jesus said: “My people, in areas that are too dry or areas with extreme hot or cold, you could grow your crops in biospheres or greenhouses. In such controlled environments you do not need as much fresh water to grow crops. You can control the humidity and temperature so the crops do not dry out or suffer from too much rainfall. This may be more expensive to operate, but you could take more of the risk out of losing any crops. On average a farmer expects some bad growing years, but the better harvest years make up for some of the losses. If you can cut your losses, you could have money to pay for this extra equipment. Once you have invested money into such an operation, then you only need to maintain it with a little running expense. Controlling a proper environment for your crops will give you options on which crops you could get the most yield from. By having greenhouse production on a large scale, you could produce more crops around the year to satisfy the increasing need for food.”


Thursday, June 30, 2011: (First Holy Martyrs of Roman Church)
Jesus said: “My people, there are two accounts of today’s healing of the paralytic at Capharnaum. The one account that was read at Mass was in Matthew(9:1-8). The second account is in Mark(2:1-12) and it explained more how the friends of the paralytic had to bring him through the roof of the house to get through the crowd. When I said: ‘Take courage son, thy sins are forgiven you.’ the Scribes thought I was blaspheming because only God in their eyes can forgive sins. I explained to them that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins, and then I healed the paralytic. Many of the Scribes and Pharisees did not want to believe that I was God Incarnate, or they would have understood where My authority came from in forgiving sins and healing people. In most of My healing miracles, I healed both the body and the soul, and that is why I forgave the man’s sins first. The first reading about Abraham is also powerful in that he was willing to offer his only son to God as a sacrifice that I had requested. His hand was held back, and he offered a ram instead. This is similar to how I also was God the Father’s only Son, and I was given up as a sacrifice for all of mankind’s sins. Another similarity is how Isaac carried the wood on his back up to the altar. I also carried the wood of My cross up to the hill of Calvary, and I was sacrificed on the cross.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this sign is truly one of My coming Warning that is getting closer every day. You are seeing many natural disasters occurring, but still your people have not changed their sinful lives that are even getting worse. You have been reading of Sodom and Gomorrah, and America is also crying out for My justice. The people need My Warning experience to wake them up spiritually to see how they need to change their lives of sin. When you come before Me in your life review, you will see where you are headed. This experience will change many lives, and create a strong desire for Confession. Have your soul constantly purified to be prepared for this spiritual cleansing.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of you have a set number of days on this earth. This is why it is important to use your precious time wisely in letting Me lead you to accomplish the mission I have given you. Many are concerned with focusing on their own activities without allowing Me into their lives. Call on Me for your daily agenda so you can spend your time working for Me, more than for yourselves. I love all of you and I want you to love Me and your neighbor. When you do acts of charity out of love, you accomplish more than doing things just out of obligation. Allow Me to walk with you in all of your activities, and I will guide you on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times My people make their own projects, and they start out without praying first. You have seen how you have more difficulties in doing things on your own. I have asked you many times to consult with Me in prayer first when you are discerning your work projects. Pray for My help before you start, and you will see how much more you can accomplish with Me helping you. After any successful conclusion to your work, remember to thank Me for helping you. You cannot do anything without Me, so recognize this in everything that you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, you honor many of the saints’ feast days, but you also should try to follow the good example of their lives by imitating their work. The saints should be your models to follow, which is why reading their saintly lives would be educational for your spiritual lives. It is not impossible to live a holy and saintly life, but it requires hard work and My help to avoid temptations and follow My directions. Even imitating My life of love would be another good example to follow. Do not be satisfied to just make it into purgatory, but strive to be in the higher levels of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you think of rest usually in terms of resting the body in sleep. There is also a spiritual rest that only I can satisfy. Many find this rest in the spirit when you receive Me in Holy Communion, when you are before My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration, or when you pray your rosary or are in contemplative prayer. Just as you rest your body at night to renew your bodily strength, so you also need My spiritual rest so you can renew your strength to fight the devil’s temptations. Any time, that you spend with Me, will be much more fruitful than the time that you spend on worldly concerns.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the morning you offer up your good works to Me, and at night you should take some moments to contemplate your actions of the day. Any faults that you committed can be forgiven, and you need to learn from your mistakes. From time to time you need to confess your sins at least monthly, and even sooner if you have any mortal sins. If you do not make time for this nightly recollection, then you are missing an opportunity to improve your spiritual lives. Also, if some people give you some good advice on how to change your life, do not dismiss it, but learn from how people view your actions. The closer you come to Me in letting Me lead your life, the more I can give you the grace to be holy.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are constantly seeking greener pastures to enrich themselves in this world’s possessions. You do not need the latest gadgets, new cars, or new homes. It is sufficient to live a simple, holy life with only the necessities to live. This life is too short to spend most of your time seeking out earthly possessions. Be satisfied with your daily lot without seeking more than you need. Focus more on helping others and sharing your wealth, time, and talent. By having the right priorities in life centered around Me, you will be rich spiritually which is more valuable than earthly wealth.”


Friday, July 1, 2011: (Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how you will be passing through the darkness of a tunnel which represents the time you will spend during the tribulation. At the end of the tribulation you will also see the three days of darkness when I will conquer the evil ones and renew the earth. There will be trials while you are at My refuges, but do not be afraid because My angel will protect you, as you will be made invisible. When you see the corners in this tunnel, it means that these events will be just around the corner in your time. Before these events occur, I will be sending you My Warning experience to prepare everyone for the trials that are about to take place. You will be warned not to take any chip in the body and not to worship the Antichrist. You also will be warned after the Warning to remove your TVs and computers from your homes so you do not see or hear the Antichrist. You will have a life review outside of your body and time, so you will know how your sins offend Me. You will be put back into your body and given a second chance to change your life starting with a good Confession. When you see the world famine, the division in My Church, martial law, and chips in the body become mandatory, then you will know it is time to seek out My refuges for protection. Follow My directions, or your soul could be lost to the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Mass is honoring My Heart of love which loves every soul that was ever created. This burning flame in My Heart on the picture is how My love is ever burning for all of you. I want My faithful to love Me as well with all of your mind, heart, and soul. My love for all of you is unconditional, even when you offend Me in sin, or when some people do not accept Me. I wait for all of you to seek My forgiveness of your sins, just as the father waited for his prodigal son to return. I thank all of My faithful souls who honor the love of My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Coming to both Masses at 11:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. is an extra effort that will give all of those here present My abundant graces for your devotion.”


Saturday, July 2, 2011: (Immaculate Heart of Mary)
Mary said: “My dear children, the devotion of loving our two hearts is a powerful way to gain graces for your soul. My Immaculate Heart and my Son’s Sacred Heart are a beautiful picture to have in your room. This picture gives witness to others of how much you love us, and how much we love you. As a loving mother, I put my mantle of protection around all of my children. I am always working to bring you to my Son, Jesus. In today’s Gospel St. Joseph and I were deeply concerned where Jesus had gone. I did not always understand why my Son did things as this instance in the Temple. Jesus then returned with us to Nazareth, and He was obedient to our guidance. My children also need to be obedient to my Son’s laws out of love for Him. By allowing my Son to be Master of your lives, you will be on the right path to heaven. Our two hearts love all of you, and we want all of you to be with us in heaven for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Jews were expecting a Messiah to be their king and victor over the Romans. Instead, I came as a babe in a manger, and I was a son of a carpenter. I was truly the Messiah that was foretold in the Old Testament, but I was a humble servant and not an earthly king. I was humble, but I taught with authority. I healed many, and I performed many miracles that only God could do. I did not come to conquer armies, but I encouraged people to be loving, even of their enemies. I came more as a spiritual ruler, and My Kingdom is in heaven. I did bring the Kingdom of God on earth, but it was not a military kingdom. The Scribes and Pharisees saw the miracles that I performed, but they did not want to believe that I was God Incarnate. I came as a suffering servant to die for mankind’s sins. I did not seek out fame for Myself, but by My death on the cross, I conquered sin and death. My Resurrection is the greatest miracle that these leaders could not believe. Give thanks and praise to your Savior who has brought salvation to all souls who desire to accept Me and love Me.”


Sunday, July 3, 2011: (46th Wedding Anniversary)
Mark said: “I am Mark, and I stand before God. I want to congratulate you and your wife on your 46th Wedding Anniversary. I am carrying your coat of arms as a protection for all of those in your family. You have three beautiful children and eight grandchildren to be thankful for. When you see only 30% of your country’s households with a mother and a father, you realize how rare it is to find people married 46 years to the same original partners. Of those who are married, only 5% remain married this long. Your country’s morals have been corrupted, and it started with the breakdown of your families. Almost half of your marriages end in divorce. Then you have some that live together without marriage. Now, even a few percentage of couples are homosexual marriages. Do some research to compare the current with older statistics on marriage.”


Monday, July 4, 2011: (Independence Day)
Jesus said: “My people of America, I commend your people for having ‘under God’ in your pledge of allegiance to your flag. You also have ‘God’ in your Declaration of Independence. While you have given Me honor in your documents, your country has prospered. Now though, you are removing My Ten Commandments from your public buildings, and prayer has been taken out of your schools. Do not let the atheists dictate their ‘no religion’ ways to you in your so-called political correctness. While you have freedom of speech and freedom of religion, you need to voice your praise of Me while you can. Your leaders and some of your people have turned their backs on Me because their true colors of unbelief are showing through. Once your country ignores Me, you will remove what has made your country great. Your biggest threat to freedom comes from the one world people and the central bankers, and not foreigners or terrorists. They are working towards total control of all of your rights, and their puppets control your government and your money. These evil ones are bringing your country to bankruptcy by your over spending and your extensive deficits. Pray for My help, but unless your people change their worship of money and possessions, America is headed for its demise.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government is being collapsed from within by the votes of your Congress and your President. That is why the top of the Capitol Building in the vision has collapsed. These representatives supposedly are elected by the people to serve the people, but they are only serving their one world masters. It is the plan of the central bankers to bankrupt your country so they can take it over with martial law. They want total control with no independence. They want to control everyone and make them dependent on their new world order. This is why you are seeing the Capitol Building rebuilt in a different shape. These evil ones want to takeaway your money and your sovereignty rights so they can make America a part of their North American Union. Once they take over, you will have no rights, and they will be like dictators over everything. This is why Americans need to pray, and take back control of their government before it is too late. It is not too late to vote out the socialists who are leading you to ruin with their unsustainable spending. If your deficits and debts are not brought under control, then your money will become worthless. Stand up and struggle for your rights before they are taken away.”


Tuesday, July 5, 2011: (St. Anthony Zaccaria)
Jesus said: “My people, in this account of Jacob wrestling with a man from God, Jacob had his hip socket wrenched. He was also given a new name, Israel. This name is the name of this Jewish state even till today. The twelve sons of Jacob divided the land with each area named after one of the sons. These accounts in Genesis were the early beginnings of Jewish history. This is the chosen people to whom I would come through the line of King David. Many of the prophesies in the Old Testament were fulfilled in My few years on the earth as a man. God took the form of a man in this account with Jacob, and later I took the form of a man also so I could die for mankind’s sins. There are many parallels in Scripture with the Old and New Testaments. Even in the coming tribulation, you will see a modern day Exodus to your refuges, much like God helped His people in the early Exodus.”

Jesus said: “My people, America has become a throw away society for many of your necessities. This vision of the short life time of a battery is one example of how many expended batteries are winding up in your garbage cans and landfills. Rechargeable batteries have a lot longer use and they should be a better use of your materials. Water bottles instead of filtered water is another example of your waste of things. Minimizing this urge for so many disposables in favor of recycling is a much better way to preserve your environment and My creation. My people need to consider how you are going to pass on your land to your children. You have left many scars on the land with your mining for things, and your many landfills will have future homes on them. Even as you work to minimize your disposals and waste streams, you also need to think of how you can clean up your spiritual lives as well. Your souls are not disposable because they live on forever. All of your actions have consequences, and you will have an accounting for them at your judgment. You do have a way of recharging your soul’s lost graces by coming to Me in Confession to have your sins cleansed and My graces put back into your soul by this sacrament. By frequent Confession you can keep your soul pure so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment. Keep working to keep your environment clean as well as your soul.”


Wednesday, July 6, 2011: (St. Maria Goretti)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Mass intention was for the poor souls in purgatory. This is why you are seeing the souls suffering in the flames of lower purgatory. The souls in purgatory have to rely on Masses and prayers from their relatives in order to help them move through the levels of purgatory up to heaven. You experienced movement through the flames, but it was very slow and not always in an upward direction. If you personally experienced the life of a soul in purgatory, you would understand more their struggle with the burning sensation of the flames, and their being deprived of any presence of Myself to them in their condition. Some people think that all souls go to heaven after their death, but this is granted to very few souls at death. This is why the soul’s relatives do not realize what the soul is going through. Masses and prayers are very important to these souls, and My people should not forget to pray for your deceased members of your family who could still be suffering in purgatory. Do not be lazy because they are in deep need of your help. In your daily prayers keep remembering to pray for the souls in purgatory, especially those in your own family. Remember to have Masses said for the deceased at their funerals. Know that most souls who do not go to hell, are in some need of purification in purgatory before they are worthy of entering heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, many reports on the news are focused on raising the debt ceiling that is being linked to some difficult $4 trillion in cuts for spending over ten years. Entitlement projections for just Medicare and Social Security are adding trillions of dollars beyond your income that will soon be out of money. America cannot afford $1.6 trillion yearly deficits. These deficits have to be financed by entities buying your Treasury Notes. China has a huge trade imbalance between your country, and they were buying your Treasury Notes up until now. They now want to buy your land and industries instead, meaning it will be hard to find large investors to buy your bonds. If your bonds cannot be sold, even with large interest rates, then your country will default on its debt obligations, and your dollar will become worthless. This crash of your economic system will go bankrupt even if your Congress passes some budget cuts. These concerns about financing even your current debt could create a world depression and a martial law takeover when you will see riots in the streets. The one world people are behind your coming financial collapse, and they are waiting to place America into the North American Union with a new currency. When this collapse comes, My people will need to flee to My refuges for your protection from these evil ones who want to kill you. Trust in My protection during this coming tribulation, and I will provide for your needs.”


Thursday, July 7, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been spoiled most of your lives in America with always having plenty of meat, bread, and vegetables available for your meals. Treasure the food that you have today because when the famine comes, it will be difficult to find food. I have been warning you in My messages to have a year’s supply of food on hand when financial hard times will come to America. This food will be needed before you will need to go to My refuges for safety. Once bankruptcy, martial law, and mandatory chips in the body come, it will be necessary to go to My refuges because of riots in the streets for those looking for food. I know what each of you need, and I have helped you to get by in this bad economy. During the coming tribulation, it will be difficult to avoid the evil people who are working with the Antichrist. This is why I have had some people set up refuges where My angels will protect you by making you invisible. All of the preparations of backpacks, tents, blankets, and some food and water will be needed on your way to My refuges. Give praise and thanks to Me for preparing you both physically and spiritually for this evil trial.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, America has had many scientific accomplishments with its Space Shuttle program. It has helped in constructing the International Space Station. Other programs are being planned, but the financing is being reduced, as are other needs. It is still sad that man can make great accomplishments in space, but he is still having continuous wars with different factions. Pray for peace between nations, and pray for an end to your hostilities.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a very deadly tornado season where 537 people have died from tornadoes, and many billions of dollars of damage has occurred. This is the most deadly year in your recorded history. Add the destruction to flood damage and fire damage, and you can see how natural disasters are making serious problems for your weak economy. Pray that your disasters will be minimized for the rest of the year.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people are concerned that if the debt limit is not raised, there could be some serious problems in allowing government spending to continue. Some Congress members are trying to cut the deficits as a condition for raising the debt limit. A true compromise could involve cuts to entitlements, and some reduced tax deductions for those considered to be in the high income level. Even the proposed cuts are only a down payment on what is needed to come even close to a balanced budget. If your Treasury Department has a difficulty in selling its bonds, you could see the Federal Reserve start QE3 in order to bail out your deficits. Even these solutions cannot head off your eventual bankruptcy which will be a great distress on those depending on government entitlements. Be prepared for this coming failure of your banking system which will also be a time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, in many parts of your country you are seeing serious drought conditions that will also be bringing water restrictions as well. Farmers are seeing very little rainfall in the summer, and this poses problems in growing their crops. People, who live around the Great Lakes have a great treasure in this large amount of fresh water. Other areas rely on aquifers or well water which is being strained as the water levels go down. Pray that people have sufficient water for your daily needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have abortions in all of your states, and some states are allowing homosexual marriages, and even euthanasia. Your laws are being corrupted as well as your morals. America is being destroyed from within by your poor choices in allowing your laws to defy My laws. Just as the Roman Empire fell from within, so America is going down the same road to your ruin.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a slight decrease in your gas prices, but now the oil prices are increasing, which could raise gas prices in the future. You can observe the value of the dollar slide as your commodities in gold and silver will be increasing. Your dollars are not backed by anything of value, that is why the intrinsic value of oil and metals will become higher as measured in dollars. Read these signs of the coming failure of your money system as this will bring on a time to leave for your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, your precious time is like the sand just about to empty from the upper bulb. Satan has been given a set time to tempt man and a limited tribulation time. This time is running out, and you will soon see My Warning come to prepare sinners for the coming tribulation. I will give sinners a chance to have their sins forgiven and a chance to convert their lives from sin. After the Warning you will see many things quickly bring the Antichrist into power. Be prepared to go to My refuges for protection during the tribulation.”


Friday, July 8, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, for many years I have provided a home and food for you to survive in this world. Even during the coming tribulation I will be taking care of your needs. In the Old Testament Jacob and his family had to leave their home and travel to Egypt where Joseph had rations of grain for those suffering in the famine. In the Gospel I spoke of how My faithful and My apostles would face persecution for their belief in Me. All of these events will be happening to My faithful of today. The persecution of Christians will be getting worse as the Antichrist will come to power. Fortunately, I am preparing refuges for My people to come to where My angels will protect you. You will also have to leave your homes so I can shield you from those who will try to persecute you. You will be living a modern day Exodus at My refuges where I will provide for your food, water, and shelter. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, this clock in the vision represents how things change with time. Those things that change are mortal and temporary, but those things that do not change are immortal and last for all eternity. Think of things that change or grow old. Your bodies grow old and return to dust, making your bodies mortal. Your cars rust out, and your homes could fall apart over time. There are also things that do not change. The Blessed Trinity has always existed and We are continuing to rule. Your soul will live forever, so it is immortal. My Words also will last forever, as My laws never change. By seeing what is temporary and what will last forever, you have a true sense of what is more precious. Your soul will live beyond this life, so you need to do everything so your soul can be saved with Me in heaven. Do everything that you can to show your love for Me and your love for your neighbor, and I will see to your reward in heaven.”


Saturday, July 9, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, some people would be amazed how loving and kind Joseph was to his brothers, who sold him into slavery in Egypt. But Joseph realized that I took something evil, and I turned it into something good. Joseph used his gift of interpreting the Pharaoh’s dream to determine how to protect many people. He saw seven fat cows as seven years of plenty to store the grain, but then he saw seven skinny cows representing seven years of famine. By preparing for the famine, Joseph was able to have grain for many neighboring peoples, including his own family. Do not lie as the brothers did in order to save their lives. Instead, see how I can change many bad situations into good results, because I can do the impossible. This is why you need to trust in My ways to provide for My people. Just as Joseph was able to prophesy the coming famine, so I have been giving you messages to prepare for a coming world famine. I have advised My people to have a year’s supply of food as Joseph saved the food for his famine. This will be needed before you will have to go to My refuges. All of the people, who are making refuges, were also advised to store food and have an independent supply of water. My angels will make you invisible, and I will have deer come into your camps for meat. My angels will give you daily Communion as your spiritual Manna. Be thankful that I am preparing refuges of protection for My faithful to protect them from the Antichrist of the coming tribulation. I am taking an evil time, and I will be using it to help My faithful lead saintly lives. By stripping your worldly possessions, you will lead simple, holy lives of prayer.”


Sunday, July 10, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel was long because I gave the parable of the Sower of seed which I explained to My apostles that the seed is My Word. My Word of Scripture is available to everyone, but not everyone takes the time to read My Word in the Bible to understand My love for man. In days before I came to the earth many wanted to see Me, but they could not, and many wanted to hear My Word, and they could not hear it. So My people are fortunate to see Me in the consecrated Host and receive Me in Holy Communion. You also can read or hear My Word and meditate on understanding My explanations. Give praise and thanks for all of My faithful who were graced to be planted in good soil where they have produced a hundred, sixty, and thirty fold. Pray also for all the lukewarm who are not strong enough to come to Me on their own.”

For France: Jesus said: “My people of France, you have been blessed by My Blessed Mother who is watching over your country. The rain in the vision represents how My Blessed Mother rains down My Word on you as she brings Me to you. She is protecting you with her mantle of protection and there will be several places of refuge that will be spared any destruction. Notre Dame will be one of these places that will be a refuge during the tribulation.” Note: Marie Anne was actually married in Notre Dame Cathedral on December 8, 1972.

Jesus said: “My people, some refuges may be on farms where it is difficult to farm grain crops to feed cows or other animals. The manure can be composted for fertilizer for the crops. Getting seed to grow grain crops may require heirloom seeds so some seed can be harvested every year for the next year’s crop. The milk can be used to make butter and cheese. With a pond for a source of water, this could meet the needs for drinking and washing. Harvesting the grain usually requires machinery that runs on gasoline. At such refuge farms I will multiply the gasoline in the holding tanks. If some woods are available, you could use wood to heat your home during the winter. If you only have propane or natural gas out of the ground, I could multiply your fuel for heating. In order to survive on your refuges, you need to harvest some food for both your animals and the people at the refuge. You need a good source of water and a means to heat in the winter. I will supply deer for meat and My angels will give you daily Communion. Trust in My angels to shield you and My luminous cross to heal your ailments. My angels will also multiply your bedding and buildings to provide places to sleep. At My refuges of protection you can trust in Me to supply all of your needs. So do not worry what you are to eat, drink, or what you will wear. My people will have much work to perform, and more time for praying. Give thanks to Me that I will protect you from the Antichrist and his evil people.”


Monday, July 11, 2011: (St. Benedict)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been in a monastery to see how the monks sing, pray, and do their chores. Even some monasteries have retreats, or have bakeries to sell bread. The monastic life can be a difficult life for those who are more worldly, but the dedication to prayer and good works is very good for the soul. Even people, who live in the world, should find time for Me in your prayer life. Giving Me a part of your day is how you can keep connected in your love relationship with Me. Your daily Mass, prayers, and Adoration may be more than most people do, but it is still beautiful to Me how you can keep faithful to Me. Even at your Adoration time, I asked you to spend five or ten minutes in silent contemplative prayer of listening to Me talk to your soul. When you live with the noise of the world every day, it is hard to focus on your discernment of carrying out My mission in your life. You are constantly petitioning Me with your prayer requests, but you need to be quiet at times so I can talk to your heart. I ask you also to allow Me to be Master of your lives, so you can keep your focus on Me and let Me be the center of your lives. When you let Me help you in carrying your daily cross, truly your burden will be lighter, and you will have My peace in your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people are curious how you could go up to heaven and where heaven is. My apostles watched Me ascend into the clouds as I returned to heaven. Moses also was drawn up into heaven without anyone seeing him. Elijah was drawn up into heaven by a fiery chariot. (4 Kings 2:11-12) This is why Moses and Elijah appeared with Me at My Transfiguration on Mount Tabor. Jacob’s Ladder (Gen. 28:10-19) was also a mystical way portrayed in the Bible to show how you could keep rising on each step with one of your good deeds. By striving to lead a good life by one step at a time, My people can also climb their spiritual ladders to greet Me in heaven for their judgment.”

On the Warning: Jesus said: “My son, you have asked for a confirmation of how long a time it will be that people will be allowed for conversions after the Warning occurs. I have told you in previous messages that there will be a short time after the Warning for My faithful to help bring the fallen away Christians back to the sacraments. This time would not be very long because the Warning will come right before the major events that would lead up to the declaration of the Antichrist. This will also not be too short a time in order to give people a chance to learn the faith or be reconverted. The six weeks that I have mentioned to you is about the right length of time to accommodate the evangelization of souls. Once you see the Warning occur, you could have your family come to the same refuge. Once souls have time for conversions, then you will see the events lead up to the declaration of the Antichrist and the beginning of the tribulation.”


Tuesday, July 12, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, at times you make sharp criticisms of people, or rash judgments of their actions. As you see Me passing judgment over Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as the towns of Israel, you should understand that all judgments should be made by Me. It is not your place to make judgments on others, because it is My appointed task, and because you do not always know all the relevant facts. You all have enough faults of your own that require your improvement without concerning yourself with making judgments of others. One situation does require correction, and that is when you see people giving bad example in moral cases. If someone is teaching heretical facts against the faith, or they may be living in sinful relationships, you should go to them and warn them of their errors, because they could be leading souls to hell. If they refuse to listen, then you should go to a higher authority. You need to give good example to those around you, and do not be hypocrites in your actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you a message on how hot it is going to be during the summer. (6-12-11) You are already seeing people dying from heat strokes, as record high temperatures are being recorded. You have two problems. The one is the ongoing droughts that are causing many fires. The other problem is finding sources of fresh water, especially in hot weather. In the West and the South people rely on snow melt water and well water. It is hard to disperse river water between cities and farm use. The well water for irrigating farms is getting harder to obtain because well water and aquifers are going deeper, so it is difficult to drill that far down. If the jet streams continue to carry rain away from these drought stricken states, then farmers will lose their crops and lawns will dry out. Water will have to be restricted to drinking and minimal personal showers. If reservoirs get very low with no rain in sight, even more restrictions may be applied. If the water runs out, then salt water from the ocean may need to be converted to fresh water just for drinking alone. If these high temperatures persist over the coming years, then other supplies of water may need to be found. Pray for your people who are suffering with such water shortages.”


Wednesday, July 13, 2011: (St. Henry)
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with how a signal light works. When the light is red, you are to stop, and when it is green, you can go. When you look at My Ten Commandments and My Church laws, these are My guides to leading a holy life. Some laws are to do things out of love as in loving Me and your neighbor as yourself. You are asked to come to Mass on Sunday, honor your parents, and to help support your local church. The other laws deal with things that you should not do as no swearing, no killing, no lies, no stealing, and not coveting or being envious of your neighbor’s goods or his wife. These dos and don’ts are similar to the signal’s green and red lights. It is one thing to follow My laws out of obedience, but it is even better to follow them out of love for Me, and your desire not to offend Me in your actions. I asked My disciples and My people to follow Me and imitate My life as a model for their behavior. Many of your choices involve a desire to let Me lead your life, instead of wanting to do everything according to your own ways. It is this conflict between My ways and man’s ways that test your soul every day. If you follow Me in all that I ask you to do, then you will be assured of your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the last hundred years or so there have been many people who received visions and messages from My Blessed Mother. There have been many faithful believers that think heaven is sharing messages with visionaries. You have seen many sites in the mountains where My Blessed Mother has appeared. Not all of these places have been approved by My Church leaders. My people need to test the words given, and any good fruits that are coming from these places. Some people have seen miraculous healings both in physical bodies and spiritual healings. Some have seen the spinning sun in various colors, or even rosaries changing colors. The most important fruit is that many souls have had their spiritual lives healed and enhanced by coming to places of Marian apparitions. You, yourself, had a healing of a computer addiction, and you were given a mission to prepare people for the tribulation time. These conversion stories are signs of the good fruits that are coming from these places of apparition. One of the other important uses of these sites, is that they will serve as places of refuge to protect My people from the evil ones. In addition to these sites, there are many holy ground places that have adored My Blessed Sacrament, along with some monasteries. Even caves will provide safe havens for My people. Give thanks and praise to God for enabling these refuges to be provided for your protection. Listen to the words of the messages given, and you can discern the true refuges where My Blessed Mother has appeared.”


Thursday, July 14, 2011: (Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, when Moses asked God the Father what His name is, the reply was: ‘I AM who AM.’ (Exodus 4:14) This name was to signify that God has always existed, even before creation. It is spoken in the present tense also to mean that God’s existence will always exist. It is difficult for man to describe or know God fully, so this description in a name gave people a small sense of who He is. Moses told the people this name, and he went on to lead his people out of Egypt to the promised land. I used this same expression when the Jews questioned who I am. I told them that Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and they could not believe that I could have seen Abraham. Then I said to them: (John 8:58) ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, before Abraham came to be, I AM.’ This was the same name that God the Father used, but We are both persons of the Blessed Trinity, so I spoke the truth. The people then tried to stone Me to death thinking that I blasphemed. I am truly a God-man, but the people of My time could not accept that I was the Messiah and God at the same time. Today, My people accept Me as a God-man by faith, as you know that I am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. is over regulating your businesses to the point that small businesses are struggling to survive. Your Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is now about to attack your vitamin and herbal supplement businesses by demanding so much regulation to approve their products. It is their intent to ruin this source of alternative medicines and supplements as this will indirectly help your large drug companies. Many natural products can prevent diseases, but the FDA is determined to allow only doctor approved regimens. I have warned people to stock up on their supplements before they may not be available.”

Jesus said: “My people, for a long time it has been the American dream to have a new home. Your housing market has been under duress ever since the housing bubble broke. Many homes have lost value to much less than the original mortgage. Because of lost jobs and bad loans to people who could not afford them, you are still seeing many foreclosures. It has become difficult to get housing loans as banks are more reluctant to loan money. Until the supply of available homes can be reduced, this industry will drag down your economy. Pray for all those people who are having difficulty in securing some kind of a shelter.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many debt limit meetings between the President and your Congress, but little substance of an agreement has been reached. One side does not want any new taxes and the other side does not want any changes made to the entitlements as Social Security and Medicare. The Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, and even the bond rating agencies have voiced their fears if the debt limit is not raised, and some deficits reduced. Even some are suggesting a possible stoppage in delivering Social Security checks. The inability to reach a compromise has now endangered America’s credit rating. Unless some changes are made soon, there is a risk of a default on your National Debt. Pray that a compromise can keep your country from going into default.”

Jesus said: “My people, America’s creditors are knocking on your door to demand your country start controlling its deficits without creating more bonds made from thin air. They are telling your Government that your interest rates will be raised when your credit rating is reduced. Greece and other nations are now paying more interest for their junk bond status. America’s Government better heed these warnings, or bad things will happen such as painful austerity budgets. Your budgets are out of control, so pray that your lawmakers can make some needed corrections.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the spring you had many areas that were getting more rain than usual. Now, with droughts and little rainfall in the last two months, your crops are being threatened. I keep warning people to stock up on at least one year’s supply of food in case world food reserves decrease to a dangerous low. Water will also need to be stored. Pray that more rain may come to your parched lands before many crops could be lost.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a growing concern over your current 9.2% unemployment rate because unemployment checks are ending and these unemployed workers are losing their skills without working. Your government stimulus programs have not supplied many jobs because generating jobs needs to come from the private sector. With cutbacks in government programs, your federal and state governments are actually laying off people. Pray that your uncertainties can be removed so your companies can hire more workers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are all dependent on Me for all of your needs, whether it be your employment, your food, or paying your bills. More people are coming to Me with their prayer petitions which is a sign of how many families are dealing with financial problems just to survive and make ends meet. Some are working multiple part-time jobs because full time jobs are not always available. Keep working the best that you can because this life is going to change to My Era of Peace. Pray for My protection as you will be safe at My refuges.”


Friday, July 15, 2011: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My people, I have given My faithful many messages about preparing refuges and taking things to My refuges. Those, who do not go to My refuges after I warn you, will be picked up by the UN troops dressed in black and brought to the prisons at your detention centers. Those, who refuse to take the chip in the body, will be gassed and cremated as the Jews were in Germany. The one world people will kill all those who do not want to support their new world order. The Christians and patriots will be their targets. Just as in the Gospel, there were Jewish leaders who harassed the people for not following the least letter of their laws, which were sometimes mere human precepts. My people need to follow the spirit of the law out of love for Me. Even today various governments are harassing their people with rules and regulations that are nearly impossible to follow. This is the way your leaders and czars are holding authority over you. When your laws are too complicated to live by, they will be hard to enforce. But these controls over you will become so stifling that they will control you like robots. When these evil ones try to demand mandatory chips in the body, it will be time to refuse such chips, even under threat of death. If you do not, these chips will control your free will. Leave this society to go underground at My refuges where I will provide for your needs and your protection. This time of persecution will last less than 3 ½ years when I will bring My victory, and these evil ones will be cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given My faithful many messages about preparing refuges and taking things to My refuges. Those, who do not go to My refuges after I warn you, will be picked up by the UN troops dressed in black and brought to the prisons at your detention centers. Those, who refuse to take the chip in the body, will be gassed and cremated as the Jews were in Germany. The one world people will kill all those who do not want to support their new world order. The Christians and patriots will be their targets. Just as in the Gospel, there were Jewish leaders who harassed the people for not following the least letter of their laws, which were sometimes mere human precepts. My people need to follow the spirit of the law out of love for Me. Even today various governments are harassing their people with rules and regulations that are nearly impossible to follow. This is the way your leaders and czars are holding authority over you. When your laws are too complicated to live by, they will be hard to enforce. But these controls over you will become so stifling that they will control you like robots. When these evil ones try to demand mandatory chips in the body, it will be time to refuse such chips, even under threat of death. If you do not, these chips will control your free will. Leave this society to go underground at My refuges where I will provide for your needs and your protection. This time of persecution will last less than 3 ½ years when I will bring My victory, and these evil ones will be cast into hell.” Jesus said: “My people, microwaves are very powerful electromagnetic radiation that can be dangerous to humans, animals, and even insects. These towers in the vision are transmitting powerful signals to both satellites and cell phones. You use microwaves to heat things in a short time, but they can be harmful to your bodies as well. Holding cell phones to your head could possibly cause brain cancer over time like cigarettes affect your lungs. It is better to use ear pieces to avoid being close to the microwave source. You have been sending out microwave signals for your TV transmissions for many years. But now you are placing cell towers all over the world so you can have a wireless signal. This is an added pollution of microwaves to all of your environment. This could affect insect and animal orientation for direction. The cell towers were set up to send phone and data messages. They can also be used to track people’s whereabouts through your cell phone, even when it is turned off. In order to avoid being tracked, you can store it in aluminum or remove the batteries. This hiding with aluminum can also be used with any chips in your driver’s license or chips in your passport. Your electronic technology is very helpful, but it can be used against you for surveillance. By leading a simple life without cell phones or chipped devices, you can avoid being tracked and controlled by these microwave devices.”


Saturday, July 16, 2011: (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)
St. Therese said: “My son, you have not heard from me in a while, but I wanted you to make an extra effort to get a chain or leather piece so you can display your relic of the true cross of Jesus at your talks. Even several saints have asked you to display it on the outside of your clothing. Today is a great celebration for Carmelites, and you have been faithful in wearing the Blessed Mother’s brown scapular. You also should remember to keep bringing scapulars to your meetings for the people. You are following Our Lord’s request to spread His messages in your books, the internet, and when you go out speaking. Remember also to add a little more fervor to your prayers without allowing so many interruptions in your prayer time. Even kneeling could help you keep focused on praying to Jesus. Thank you also for being faithful to your prayer time. It is important to keep close to Jesus so your gifts can be used and protected.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come into My Presence at My places of Adoration, this is how I want to greet all of you: (Matt.11:28-30) ‘Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden light.’ I truly give you rest in your souls, and I give you My abundant graces to strengthen you in your mission. I call you to be evangelists to save souls by bringing them to Me in faith. My burden is light in your daily cross that I ask you to carry. I will give you what to speak to souls by the power of the Holy Spirit. The more souls that you can bring to Me, the fewer souls that could be lost to hell. I thank you for coming to Me in My Eucharist, and you will be rewarded for your work of love.”


Sunday, July 17, 2011: (Missionary priest from India)
Jesus said: “My people, this Vincentian order of Priests in India are doing a great missionary work for Me. In the Gospel you are seeing life as it is in this field that had wheat and weeds. The evil people are represented in the weeds, and the good people are represented in the wheat. They are allowed to live together, and some evil people may be converted by the good people. At the harvest there is the judgment when the weeds are thrown into the fire, and the wheat is gathered into My barn. This parable represents the evil ones who are cast into hell, while the faithful are welcomed into heaven at My Wedding Feast. This is why missionaries are needed to bring souls to heaven. This is represented in the vision where people are being led up to heaven on the stairs going up. Today, you are contributing money to help the seminarians and their work. Pray for their work so that the evil one will not mislead these priests.”


Monday, July 18, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, your land is being refreshed with life-giving rain. Many are joyous to see rain in the midst of a drought. Much of your vegetation has dried out into a dormant state, so it requires longer rain days to revive it. Be thankful for every rainfall, even if it is just a little. In the first reading the Egyptians are trying to get revenge for losing their first born, but this army later gets drowned. Moses was faithful in leading the people through the Red Sea and eventually to the promised land. My people also need to be faithful, and know that I will protect you as I did with the Jews in the desert. Just as the Egyptian army was defeated, so in this coming modern day Exodus I will defeat your enemies, and bring you into My Era of Peace which will be your new promised land.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Scribes and Pharisees wanted to see a sign from Me, but I told them that the only sign I would give is that of Jonah, the prophet. As Jonah was in the belly of a fish for three days and three nights, so the Son of Man would lie in the tomb for the same time. These people did not realize that I was telling them My Resurrection from the dead would be the most important sign for all of mankind. It was My suffering and death on the cross that gave salvation to all those who accept Me and seek the forgiveness of their sins. The Scribes and Pharisees eventually would crucify Me, but they did not want to believe in My Resurrection. They did everything to cover it up by bribing the soldiers. I spoke to them of the greatness of Jonah and Solomon, but I told them that they had someone greater than these people by referring to My own greatness as God. In the Gospels My people have the grace of seeing all that I had accomplished on earth, and you now believe in Me even though you cannot see Me. Those, who believe in Me, will receive a prophet’s reward.”


Tuesday, July 19, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, the Jews were frightened by the charging chariots of the Egyptians, but Moses said that they would see them no more. At first the large flame kept the Egyptians from attacking, while Moses put his staff over the Red Sea to divide it. Once the Jews traveled across on dry land, the Egyptians were released to go into the divided sea. Then the sea closed upon them and the soldiers were drowned. This same faith in Me is needed to protect you from the evil ones of this age. During the tribulation, I will be fighting for My people, and My angels will protect you at My refuges. Just as the Egyptians were drowned, so I will send My Comet of Chastisement and My plagues to kill all the evil ones and cast them into hell. So have faith in My protection when I call you to come to My refuges.”

I could see a bright orange and yellow flashing sign that said ‘GET FOOD’. Jesus said: “My people, food and water are your basic necessities, but people do not realize how hard it will be to find them during a world famine. I have asked My people to store one year’s supply of food per person when it is possible. Many people are going to bed hungry already as droughts and disasters are causing food shortages. Food insurance is even more important than having gold or silver because you cannot eat these coins. This food is not for hoarding, but to be shared. You may need this food because of the coming world famine, and you do not want to take a chip in the body to buy it. Many people do not envision the coming problems when gangs will be searching for food once your money system collapses. At one point when you will be threatened by the evil ones, you will need to come to My refuges. Before it is time to leave, having a food storage may be necessary for your survival. The vision emphasized this need to have some supply as soon as possible.”


Wednesday, July 20, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading talks about how the people received the manna in the morning and the quail at night. This Exodus story is a flashback to the unleavened bread that the Jews had at their Passover Meal when they ate this as a food eaten in haste without yeast. The vision of the blood on the lintel and doorposts was the saving blood for the Jews so the angel of death passed over their houses. This connection of the saving blood is a prefigure of My own sacrifice of blood on the cross that has brought salvation to all of mankind. This bread and wine of the Passover Meal is the basis for the Mass and My Eucharist. This manna of the Exodus has now become My very Body and Blood in the Mass at the Consecration. The bread and wine are consecrated into My Body and Blood of My Real Presence. Rejoice that I am feeding My people with My Eucharist at every Mass. Even during the coming tribulation, My angels will be feeding you My heavenly manna every day at all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, on that night when I agonized about the cup that I was about to drink, I even shed drops of blood in My sweat. My human side was testing Me, but in the end I submitted My life to the Will of My Father. It was difficult as a man to give up My life, but I had a world to save, and I had to fulfill the Scriptures that prophesied My suffering and death. I am giving you this insight because My people are tested many times by the same conflict between doing things according to man’s ways, or according to My Will. When you accept Me as being Master of your life, this means that you should be obedient to My ways and My laws as you give your will over to Me. Giving up your will so you can allow Me to lead you, takes grace that I am willing to give to everyone. It is only by My help and grace that you can overcome your worldly desires. Be strong as I was strong in accepting My Father’s Will on earth, and you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, remember when I told you that you should not let anything control you or your time. Many people are sports enthusiasts, whether as a player or as a spectator. Sports are good exercise for the body, and watching sports can be a part of your entertainment. The problem comes when it becomes too much of an obsession, and it takes up a lot of your time when you could be praying to Me instead. Even gambling on sports events can cause problems in your family’s finances. Sports in moderation is acceptable, but do not let it become an idol for you that takes away your prayer time. Some sports organizations have their events on Sunday morning and Saturday night which makes it difficult to even get to Sunday Mass. If you cannot schedule your activities around Mass times, then maybe you are involved in too many sports events for their own sake. If this involves children, then it could even prevent them from getting to Mass also. The Third Commandment asks you to honor Me on Sunday by your worship of Me. At one point you need to decide whether you are going to worship Me, or are you going to worship your sports. Those, who worship sports and are indifferent to Me, are risking the fires of hell.”


Thursday, July 21, 2011: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when the people in the desert complained about the manna that they received without any meat. (Numbers 21:4-9) They were sent seraph serpents as a punishment for grumbling against God’s gift of bread. They then asked Moses to take away the serpents. He was instructed to make a pole with a bronze serpent and he held it up in front of the people. All those, who were bitten by the serpents, had to look on the bronze serpent, and they were healed. This is another prefigure of Me in the Exodus because I am the greatest Healer, better than all of your modern science. When I was on the earth, I healed the sick, cured the blind, and even raised some people from the dead as Lazarus. This putting a bronze serpent up on a pole is symbolic of how I was held up on a cross as a sacrifice for all of your sins. This healing of souls is even more important than just healing the body. My healing of people reached out to heal the whole person, both body and soul. I also have been preparing My people to come to My refuges of protection during the tribulation. I will place My luminous cross in the sky over all of My refuges, and when My faithful look upon My cross, they will be healed of all of their health problems. This will be a much better treatment than any of your doctors could perform. Give praise and glory to Me for taking care of you at all times.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of men walking as soldiers and carrying candles represents My faithful who are My ‘Soldiers of Christ’. When you received the Holy Spirit in your Confirmation, you were graced with His gifts to inspire you to be evangelists of My Word. My faithful can live holy lives and give example to others how to live a good Christian life. There are many distractions and evils in this world, and you need My help and the power of the Spirit to overcome them. Keep faithful to loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen wars in the Middle East before, but these current uprisings of the Muslim Brotherhood seem directed at removing all the heads of state in the Muslim countries. This uprising has been funded by the one world people who are secretly conducting these war plans with the intention of disrupting world oil supplies. If this plan is carried out in Saudi Arabia, there could be a created world oil shortage that could raise the price of oil to twice today’s price. Pray that these hostilities could be brought to an end so there could be peace in this area.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of the one world people worship the devil and they take their orders from him for all the evil being brought on this world. Much of the occult influence is led by the devil and people worship Satan in their black masses and even various gods are worshiped at Bohemian Grove. Money to sponsor the culture of death helps support abortion, euthanasia, viruses, and even wars. I am more powerful than all of these evil ones and their plans. Call on My help to support those who struggle to protect life.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Congress and your President have had many months to come to a compromise agreement on cutting your deficits and raising your debt limit to pay for your bills. All that you have seen is nothing but grandstanding each side’s positions, but with no substance of an agreement in sight. Even with various deadlines of risking defaults or a downgrading of your Treasury Bonds are not changing Congress’ actions. Many in Congress are playing with a dangerous destruction of your economy. Pray that the necessary decisions are made to keep your country from falling into default.”

Jesus said: “My people, this new national health plan will cost billions of dollars to implement and it could take away care from some elderly that some committees could even ration who could live and who should die. Implementing chips in the body was in the initial bill, and I have warned My people not to take any chips in the body where people could control your mind. Once these authorities try to implement mandatory chips in the body, it will be time to call on Me to have your angels lead you to the protection of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, your novena prayers to St. Anne are being heard as you pray for your petitions. Your trip to the Shrine of St. Anne is very fitting to the end of your novena. Many graces will be poured out on all those who are making this pilgrimage. Pray for a safe trip as I will send My angels to protect you from any harm.”

Jesus said: “My son, today is the 18th anniversary of the beginning of your messages. I have enabled you to receive My messages in your locutions after Communion and at Adoration of My Eucharist. I have also helped you in distributing My messages in your books, on the internet, and at your speaking engagements. You have been faithful to Me over these years, and you have traveled many places to preach My message and bring souls to conversion. Remember to guard your peace and keep faithful to your prayer life.”


Friday, July 22, 2011: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My people, when My apostles came to see My empty tomb after I resurrected, it was hard for them to understand how I could rise from the dead. So I left many personal encounters behind to prove that My Body had truly returned with My wounds from My crucifixion. I appeared to St. Mary Magdalene when she came to the tomb so she could tell My apostles that I truly had risen. She at first did not recognize Me in My glorified Body until I called her by name. It was this personal encounter that was a gift to her for her faithfulness even to come to My cross. I also visited My disciples on the road to Emmaus and they did not recognize Me either until the breaking of the bread at supper. Then I appeared to My apostles twice in the upper room, and in Galilee. These appearances showed Me eating with My apostles in My human body so they could fully believe in My Resurrection, and be able to spread this teaching of their experience. I told you before that My Resurrection is the greatest sign that I could give to My faithful. Another gift of My Eucharist is how I will be with you until I will return on the clouds.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you that the devil can appear to you as an angel of light, and he can take many other forms as well to entice you into his evil ways. There will be false prophets as the Antichrist to try and make you believe that they are Me returning to the earth. Do not be fooled or deceived by these evil ones who can perform seeming miracles, but they are using the power from the dark side. My true prophets will speak only in My Name and call on Me alone as any source of healing power. I will come on the clouds and there will be no doubt that it will be My miraculous Presence. Rejoice when I will come in victory over the evil ones who will be cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, man’s pride is always leading him into some foolish competition. Some may seek to have the tallest building in the city, while others may seek to have the best stock on the stock market. It is amazing what people will do to make themselves seem to be the smartest, best looking, or richest person in the neighborhood. This pride is one of the seven capital sins, and it may be directing your life more than you think. You should be focusing on how best to serve Me in saving souls, instead of trying to gain fame and recognition by how much money you have accumulated. Do not seek to be recognized by others, but in a quiet manner strive to do good works for people, so you can store up treasure in heaven. As St. Paul said, it is better to boast about Me than to boast about yourself. Ask My grace to overcome your pride, and seek only to do My Will.”


Saturday, July 23, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, the Kingdom of God is like a precious pearl that a man sold all of his possessions to own that pearl. The Kingdom of God is like a beautiful piece of land that a farmer sold everything in order to buy it. In reality My Kingdom cannot be purchased by anything of this world. Instead, you must give up your free will to Me and seek My forgiveness of your sins. Offer up all of your good works to Me, and I will store them in your heavenly treasure box. I give everyone the opportunity for salvation, but you must take My love to heart and love everyone equally. By doing everything for My glory, I will welcome you into the Kingdom of heaven. The Kingdom of God is upon you in My Real Presence of My Blessed Sacrament. Rejoice that you can receive Me daily into your soul.”

At St. Brother Andre’s tomb: I felt the tingling sensation of the holiness of this saint. St. Brother Andre said: “I thank you for honoring me here on your pilgrimage. I also will present the petitions of your candles to Jesus. Many people have been healed through my intercession. I am sending the healing graces of Jesus upon those that you are praying for. These people need to believe that Jesus can heal them, and they will be healed.”


Sunday, July 24, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a brief vision of heaven where there is an organ playing beautiful heavenly music. Then there were large buckets of liquid gold that represented My Blood and graces that I pour out on My faithful abundantly. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are receiving a touch of heaven when I come into your soul. When you are worthy and open your heart to Me, you receive My abundant graces. Relish these few moments of My Real Presence with you. This is your real treasure, to have Me with you at all times. In the Gospels I have told you where your treasure lies, so lies your heart. Some people’s treasure is only of this world’s things, but it is an empty treasure that will disappear tomorrow. Those, who seek only these things, are on the broad road to hell. But those, who seek to be with Me as your treasure and store your good works in heaven, will indeed be rewarded by being with Me in heaven. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you become one with Me. But when you are cleansed to come into heaven, it will seem that you will be in the middle of Me, and you will be wrapped completely in My love and My peace. Then you will rejoice in My beatific vision.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to warn you against spiritual pride for yourself. I gave you a message before about not being prideful in physical things to gain fame or acknowledgment of your riches and possessions. This was so you are not prideful in things for yourself only. Spiritual pride is also a problem if you are doing things as prayers and Masses for your own pride for people to notice you. Do not allow the devil to slip into your groups to divide you with any pride or competition for any human glory. When you do things for Me, give Me all of the glory for your accomplishments. When people acknowledge your holiness or gifts, tell them it is by the grace of God that you do things for Me. St. Paul only boasted of his weaknesses, and he was thankful to God for his mission. He also boasted in Me. So, My people, you should love one another with no division. When anyone offends you, forgive them, and do not seek ways of revenge or getting even for any injustice. If you cannot love one another despite your imperfections, then how can you be My disciples? I am love, and I want you to love everyone without discrimination for any reason. I love everyone unconditionally, and I want My people to love in this way the best that you can. You must become like little children with complete trust in Me.”


Monday, July 25, 2011: (End of Novena to St. Anne)
Jesus said: “My people, the false Christ, the beast, the Antichrist will come before Me to try and impersonate Me. Do not be deceived by him and do not look at his eyes because he will be possessed by a demon, and he will declare himself which will start the tribulation time. This will be the time when you will be protected at My refuges. At the end of the tribulation you will see Me come in gold on the clouds. I will bring My Comet of Chastisement which will kill two-thirds of humanity, and it will start the three days of darkness. The evil ones will suffer a living hell on earth with My plagues before they will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the face of the earth, and I will lead My faithful into My Era of Peace. Rejoice, My people, that you have been selected to live at this time of My victory.”

For the priest who asked about how voices will come from the chip into people’s hearing. Jesus said: “My son, I have given you many messages not to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body, even under pain of death. This chip, during the tribulation, cannot be removed, and it truly will control your free will with voices controlling you as a robot. A signal will be sent by satellite or cell tower that will activate the chip in your body, and truly you will hear voices, and you will be controlled as one under hypnosis. Search these capabilities out on the internet to show people that this truly is possible as some have witnessed.”

(Vigil of St. Anne) Jesus said: “My people, freedom and your rights are very special and respected. If you hold them dearly, you will do everything to fight to keep them, as many wars were fought to maintain your freedoms. Religious freedom is also important to maintain against the evils of the devil, and the evils of the one world people who want to steal your rights and force you into their new world order. These evil ones want to take away your sovereignty rights to bring the United States into their North American Union. They will destroy your dollar and replace it with the amero. Even in the spiritual world, you must follow My laws and Commandments. I am the Truth of all knowledge, and if you follow Me, the Truth will set you free. I have come to die for your sins, and My sacrifice has set you free from the bonds of your sins. If the Son of Man has freed you, you will truly be free. Rejoice in your freedoms while you still have them. Pray for My protection and give thanks and praise to your Lord who has died for your souls. My sacrifice has washed your sins from your souls.”


Tuesday, July 26, 2011: (St. Anne’s feast day)
St. Anne said: “My dear children, I am so happy that you have been praying your novena intentions to Me as intercessor for you. Just as Jesus listens to his Mother Mary, He also listens to His grandmother. I have given your requests over to Jesus. I also want to thank all of you for your long trip to visit My Shrine. I know such travel is long and difficult, but we in heaven have been guarding your safety. You have seen the vigil of pilgrims as they have walked these grounds at night with your candles. These are all beautiful tributes to my presence here. Your pictures of my relic should be shared with your friends back home because many miracles of healing have been received here. Our Lord has granted all of you many graces for your pilgrimage, and your reward will be stored in heaven. Go now in His grace as we will continue to watch over you in your daily works.”

Jesus said: “My people, the antics being played out between your President and Congress has the appearance of children complaining that they want things their own way. The House Republicans do not want new taxes, but they will accept tax reform with cuts in the budget equal to increases in the debt ceiling. The Democrats do not want any cuts in entitlements, even though there is an unfunded $56 trillion liability that cannot continue. Cuts in spending have not even gone beyond $1 trillion when you have $1.6 trillion deficits projected every year. Neither side is willing to face the reality that your spending is out of control, regardless of the debt ceiling that needs to be raised. Pray that your politicians will come to their senses to resolve your short term problem, and work on long term spending cuts, or your country will be facing bankruptcy and a government takeover.”


Wednesday, July 27, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, just as you keep books of family pictures and words about families, so the Jewish people focused more on the events that the Lord did for them. You have been reading recently of how Moses led the people out of Egypt by the power of the Lord’s plagues, and the protection from the Egyptian army at the Red Sea. Now, you are reading of how the Ten Commandments were given to Moses and the Jewish people. They kept these tablets in the Ark of the Covenant. Moses received many conversations from God and he kept a veil over his radiant face except when he talked with God. I have given man free will to obey My Commandments, but there are consequences and punishments for those who disobey them. The Commandments are spiritual guidelines on how to live a holy life. Later, when I came as a fulfillment of this law of love, I also gave you My sacraments such as Reconciliation. By coming to Me in the priest at Confession, you can have your sins forgiven and grace restored to your soul. It is important that you confess your sins at least once a month so you can keep a clean soul, and keep humble by admitting the guilt of your sins. It is this salvation history that helps you to see how I am always interacting with each of your lives throughout your years.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may have to leave your house quickly when it comes time to leave for My refuges. You were to have your backpacks ready and full of your necessities for survival. You will need tents, sleeping bags, a little food and water, matches, warm clothing, warm snowshoes for winter, masks, a shovel, and your spiritual sacramentals. Your dried food is good for using before you go to your refuge. You may want to pack more meals-ready-to-eat (MRE) in your car because there is less work to prepare this food. Since some of your food is getting old, you may want to get some fresh dried food and fresh MREs if they are available. Your military and your government are buying up these supplies, so you need some fast purchases. Food will be more valuable than coins, and I will multiply your food when it is necessary. Having a supply of water will also be needed wherever you are. Fuel will be a concern during the winter months. I will protect you from the evil ones, but you will all need to develop your survival skills. Keep a space where you can store all of the things that you will be taking, so you can quickly load your things into your car or van. Trust in My help during the tribulation and you will have no worries.”


Thursday, July 28, 2011: (Anniversary of dedication of Holy Name)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading how Moses erected a tent in the desert to house the Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments. The people could see the cloud of God come down over the tent in the day and fire at night. Later, a temple was built in Jerusalem to hold the Holy of Holies. My people of today have a new tabernacle where now you house My very Presence in the Host. You need to give reverence to Me by genuflecting to My tabernacle when you enter a Catholic church. It is My Presence that makes your churches holy. Every parish needs to strive to keep their churches open. This requires money to support the church and the diocese, so both can be viable. It also means that people need to support the activities of their own church. If the parish is closed, then a place of worshiping with Me is lost and the tabernacle is lost. In a time when people are falling away from their faith, it is even more important to struggle to keep your churches open.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this crossroads because your politicians need to make a decision on your debt limit before this coming deadline that could threaten your credit rating. I realize that there are many cuts that need to be made in your spending before certain programs will run out of money. Your politicians keep putting off the hard decisions because they are worried about being re-elected. Some serious consequences could happen without a compromise decision. Pray that the right decisions will be made in the best interest of your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some countries that are going into foreign fishing banks, and they are over fishing these places. The local fishermen know how to conserve their catches so the fish can reproduce for another year. With others upsetting this delicate balance, the fishing industry is being depleted and fish prices are rising. Fish ponds do not produce very healthy fish for the market. Pray that your fishermen can come to a compromise in controlling their fishing industry.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a hot summer with very little rain. Water comes from wells, aquifers, rivers, lakes, and mountain snow melt. The best source of water is rainwater, but this has been in short supply. Many have learned to pray for rain, and work on avoiding any pollution of your streams. Pray that these droughts will come to an end so rain can refresh your crops before they dry up.”

Jesus said: “My people, your pilgrims were blessed for praying the novena to St. Anne and coming to the Basilica for their pilgrimage. You could see a beautiful procession with My Blessed Sacrament at night as pilgrims carried their lit candles on the hill of the Stations of the Cross. You had many good meetings in sharing your prayers and messages. My grandmother, St. Anne, was pleased with your petitions and your dedication in honoring the Holy Family.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many miracles of healing through this huge relic of St. Anne. This was a special gift from Rome to share with Canada. You were privileged to have a close look at this relic, and to place your sacramentals against it. Show your people a picture of this relic, as was requested of you when you return home. Give thanks to God and St. Anne for her role in salvation history.”

Jesus said: “My people, whenever you start out on your pilgrimage, you pray to Me and St. Michael the Archangel for protection in your travel. Your trip up and back to St. Anne de Beaupre was safe and protected. The message on your safety was validated when the wheel came off a car, but nobody was hurt in this accident. It is proper to give thanks for a safe trip. Many of you were joyful in all the events and places that you visited. You also remained faithful to your daily prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, heaven was watching over you in finding your keys and in finding your way to your destinations. Even help was given to you in choosing your restaurants and times for Mass. Many of you were so touched by your pilgrimage that you are already planning to return next year. In the messages you were promised My abundant graces as a reward for your novena and for making this long trip to St. Anne de Beaupre Basilica in celebration of St. Anne’s feast day.”


Friday, July 29, 2011: (St. Martha)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a new gleaming temple is described in Ezechiel (chap.40-48). The very demanding measurements are measured off with an angel’s rod, and it has three gates in all four directions giving a total of twelve gates. This represents the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve apostles. This is a mystical temple that will represent the New Jerusalem in the time of My Era of Peace. This new temple is one made by Me and not by man. Ezechiel’s writings are very prophetic of the end times, and this radiant, gleaming temple will be where My faithful will be living during My reign of Peace. Rejoice, My faithful, for you are living in these end times, and you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace after enduring the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people want to keep the capabilities of the HAARP machine secret. This is why these articles on the HAARP machine are often taken off the internet. These evil ones can cause serious disasters with this secret weapon, and they can blame nature to keep from being blamed themselves. HAARP is capable of using microwaves to cause earthquakes and enhance bad weather as severe tornadoes and hurricanes. They can direct the jet streams by heating the ionosphere, which allows this machine to cause droughts and floods. It is the one world people’s plan to reduce the population through disasters and pandemic viruses. They are being led by Satan who hates man, and he wants to kill as many people as he can. I am on the side of life, and I am against the death culture movement. My followers should also be supporting life as well. Exposing the plans of the one world people is one way to try and break up their plans.”


Saturday, July 30, 2011: (St. Peter Chrysologus)
Jesus said: “My people, beware of the evil spirits who are encouraging wars, anger, and hate. You would much rather seek out peace, love, and humility in front of Me. The evil ones want you to be wrapped up in constant noise and the fast moving pace of your society. When you are so taken up with worldly concerns, you cannot think of Me or make time for Me. This is why you need to take some quiet moments to remove yourself from the world of noise. Then you can recollect your lives, your sins, and the need for prayer and Confession. In the quiet of your soul I can speak to your heart. But if you are constantly busy in the world, you will not be able to listen to Me, and you will be more concerned about following your own plans instead of My plans. I have made you for a spiritual mission, and you cannot fulfill it unless you give your will over to Me. This earthly life is short and temporary, but your spiritual life lasts for all eternity. So keep focused on My plans for your life instead of being swept up on the worldly merry-go-round.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a battle of good and evil going on today between one side that supports and preserves life of human beings, against the other side that supports the death culture. Those, who support the death culture, are in league with the devil because the devil has orchestrated the death culture through the one world people’s help. These rich people support abortion, euthanasia, wars, and even deadly viruses for the express purpose of reducing the population. Those, who support life, are the people who are against abortion, euthanasia, wars and deadly viruses. Man is also abusing nature by manipulating genes and hybrids of animals and plants. It is this abuse of your food that is causing many of your cancers. Pray for sinners and your country because these same evil people want to destroy your country and take it over. Continue to fight to preserve life which is too precious to kill.”


Sunday, July 31, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you all have free will to live the life that you desire on the stage of life. It is My desire that you live a holy life for My sake. The vision on the stage is like you have seen in your grandchildren’s high school graduations. There will come a time when you die, and you will have a graduation from this life into the next life. When you come across the stage to receive your diploma, you will be graded on how you loved Me and your neighbors. This will be your judgment time when you will receive your reward for being faithful to Me. Those, who receive a failing grade, have already chosen their punishment in hell. Those, who have done many good works, will be chosen for the various levels of heaven. Most souls may require some time in purgatory to purify their desires of earthly sins and make up for any remission due for their sins. All of heaven will be rejoicing over every graduation into heaven. Heaven also rejoices when any soul converts to My way of life with the help of My evangelists. Bringing souls to Me will be greatly rewarded in heaven. When My faithful reach this day of graduation into heaven, you will be joyous and happy to be over all the trials that you had to endure for My sake. You will then be ecstatic to behold My beatific vision.”


Monday, August 1, 2011: (St. Alphonsus Liguori)
Jesus said: “My people, My power was present to the Jews in the desert in many signs. This Shekhinah flame in the vision is how I restrained the Egyptian Army while Moses and the Jews traveled through the divided Red Sea. This cloud led the way during the day, and became fire at night to lead the people. This cloud also dwelled over the meeting tent and represented Our Presence to Moses. This same presence of a smaller flame will be the same way that My angels will lead My faithful to My refuges. This modern day Exodus will be the means for protecting My faithful from the Antichrist and the evil ones who will try to kill you. My angels will make you invisible to these evil ones, even as you leave your homes for My refuges. I will be present to you in the spiritual Communion of the manna that My angels will feed you every day during the tribulation. I will provide you with food and water to survive in this evil time. Rejoice to endure a short reign of the Antichrist before I will bring you into the new promised land of My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are starting to see more active storms as you get closer to the peak hurricane season. You have seen much destruction from your winter storms and your tornadoes, as many have been killed. Now your farmers are trying to salvage a bad year for growing crops with many droughts. Many of your people are still suffering from fewer jobs and generally less income over the last five years. Without good incomes, it is hard to spend discretionary money, which is why your economy is weak and you have fewer taxes to support your oversized government. Pray for your families that are struggling to survive. Pray also for sinners who are spiritually struggling to have their souls saved by coming to Me. Working to save your soul is more important than your body’s survival, which will die eventually.”


Tuesday, August 2, 2011: (St. Eusebius of Vercelli)
Jesus said: “My people, man has always been curious about the other planets in the solar system, which is why you are sending probes to investigate them. These attempts may expand your knowledge of such things, but your focus should be more on how to save your soul and to help your neighbors in their needs. There are some places where man’s curiosity is taking him down the wrong paths. You have learned about the DNA and genetic make-up of plants and animals. It is unfortunate that you are using this knowledge to manipulate the DNA of plants and animals for your own uses that are upsetting My balance of nature. These modifications are causing many of your cancers and diseases, and they should never have been changed. It is the devil who is misleading you into thinking that you can make things better than My perfection. Stop carrying on these foolish mistakes, and leave My perfection as I created it. Man, by nature of Adam’s fall, is now imperfect, so how can you improve on My perfection? Man’s scientific pride is leading him into dangerous mistakes that could threaten your survival. When I return, I will need to recreate My creation because you have torn it apart by your pride and curiosity.”

Jesus said: “My people, the same one world people, who were behind the Great Depression of 1929, are the same kind of people that created your Great Recession of 2008. By controlling the money and the jobs, these same central bankers are causing slow growth where the average person is having a hard time just to make ends meet. They are about to cause another financial crisis that could lead to the end of the dollar as your currency. In several comments on the news there was one investor who was investing in gold, silver, and commodities of value. This is the same plan as the rich who use gold and silver as their currency, and they avoid paper denominated assets. While these metals will be good for some bartering, the best investment would be in food that keeps. Food is less expensive than silver or gold, and it would allow you to survive famine and the coming money crisis. Put your trust in Me and My instructions, and you will be protected at My refuges from the evil demons and evil people. Call on My help after the Warning and the events that will signal the time to come to My refuges.”


Wednesday, August 3, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, the scouts that Moses sent into the promised land showed the fruits of this land of milk and honey. They also witnessed a people that looked like giants, and the scouts spread their fears among the people. Because these people did not want to follow Moses into the promised land, they were condemned by Me not to enter this land. By the forty days that they scouted the land, now this generation of Jews would remain in the desert for forty years because they did not have faith in the Lord’s power. You know that all things are possible for Me, even to defeat more powerful enemies. This is a lesson for all My people that you need to trust Me in even impossible situations. I have been warning My people of today in My messages that the time of tribulation is drawing close when the Antichrist will declare himself for a brief reign. I have asked some people to prepare refuges and store some food and water for the coming famine. By trusting in Me, I will be providing your protection from the evil ones by the shield of My angels who will make you invisible to your enemies. I will be fighting for you so you will not need weapons for killing. I will also multiply your food that you have put aside so everyone will have enough to eat. When I multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 and the 4,000, you saw how generous I was as they collected seven and twelve baskets of fragments. So trust in My power always which is greater than all of the evil ones combined.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you have painted your basement walls to avoid water seepage and mold formation. Your dehumidifiers allow you to have a moisture free basement. I am showing you this picture of a basement as an ideal storage place for your food. Some people have even built racks for this purpose. When you see signs of recession and currency weakness, some of your investors have sought out bonds or gold and silver for safe havens. The best haven is to have some food storage in a mix of dried food, MREs, and some recycled canned foods. If you are out of work or have little money, at least a modest food supply could keep you eating for some years with some rationing. Your biggest need will be for water, so some water storage for drinking and water from rain barrels for washing would be prudent. I have asked My refuge builders to have an independent water supply, some food to be multiplied, and some bedding places to be multiplied. You may need some food for the famine that will start before you come to My refuges. By being a wise virgin in being prepared, you will be ready when the end times get difficult. I thank all of My faithful for listening and responding to My advice. The most important preparation is that of your soul by frequent Confession. This is why you need My protection from the evil ones at My refuges where I will feed your body and your soul. Trust in Me and My angels to defend you.”


Thursday, August 4, 2011: (St. John Vianney)
Jesus said: “My people, in these two readings there are human errors and Godly miracles in the use of wood. In the reading from Numbers, Moses was asked to strike the rock with his staff in order to provide water for his people in the desert. He struck the rock twice instead of once, and his error cost him traveling into the Promised Land. I still provided the miraculous water so the people and their herds had water to drink. In the Gospel I had just commended St. Peter for saying that I was the Christ, the Son of the living God. I then made St. Peter the rock upon which I would build My Church. When I prophesied that I would die on the wood of the cross and rise on the third day, then St. Peter did not want this to happen. He became an obstacle to the salvation of all mankind, so I called him Satan in his human error. My apostles were thinking as man does, and not as God does. My miracle of salvation did occur despite many obstacles. Be grateful that My ways prevailed over man’s ways.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the master plan of the one world people is to control all nations and unions through their debts. Another part of their plan is to have all currencies devoid of any backing by silver or gold. This enables governments to print money out of thin air so they can be controlled by their debts. It is the fear of countries not paying their bond holders that has triggered your recent stock market sell off. It is just a matter of time until many of your countries will be forced into bankruptcy. This will begin a set of dominoes falling that will cause a world depression which will allow the evil ones to take over. Fear not at that time when I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, your divided government has now established a precedent for making budget cuts when the debt limit is raised. Your politicians are playing brinkmanship with your bond holders in threatening a default on your payments and shutting down your government. America needs to control its over generous entitlements before they either run out of money, or bankrupt your country. Without controlling your deficits, you will fall into the trap of the one world people.”

Jesus said: “My people, your increased oil and gasoline prices have created a drain on the income of many families. Without cheap gasoline, your economy could be threatened by the high cost of transportation. This is why a good flow of fuel is necessary for the top few economies in the world. This is another cause of concern if the flow of Middle East oil is shut down by wars in these countries. America needs to develop more energy sources so you are not held hostage to your dependence on oil. Pray that your politicians will allow more development of your own energy sources so you can become less dependent on foreign oil. Such work could also provide more American jobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your politicians realize that your jobs are being taken overseas, especially in manufacturing. This is a part of the reason for your high unemployment rate. If you changed your laws to discourage companies from sending jobs overseas, then you would have more American factory jobs. You allow foreigners tax privileges to provide jobs in the U.S., but you do not give the same breaks to your own companies. The one world people are trying to eliminate the middle class, and shipping good jobs out of the U.S. is part of their plan. These evil ones will pay for their crimes when I will return.”

Jesus said: “My people, My heavenly Father is grateful for those who are honoring His feast by their novenas to Him. Whenever you pray to one Person of the Blessed Trinity, you are praying to all Three of Us. Keep your prayers coming because this is one way that you can communicate your needs and desires to Us. By praying to Us, you are showing your confidence that We will answer your prayers in the best way to help your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, St. Anne and the saints in heaven are pleased with your pilgrimages and prayer requests. With faith in My healing power, there are many healings granted to My faithful. When you come on pilgrimages, it shows your belief in My powers, and the intercession of many of My saints. You gain graces with every pilgrimage because you are offering up your time and money to make these efforts. Continue to send your prayer requests for sinners and your sick people.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you read the lives of the saints, you see how they desired to live humble and quiet lives with a total focus on following My Will in their lives. That is why it is fruitful for your own spiritual lives to try and imitate their virtues and their example. You will see when you live your life to please Me, it will take away all of your pride and desire for earthly things and earthly pleasures.”


Friday, August 5, 2011: (Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome)
Jesus said: “My people, you need to read about this Beast in the Book of Revelation (13:1). ‘And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon its horns ten diadems, and upon its heads blasphemous names.’ This beast was spewing out its venom over the nations of Europe. This was affecting many of the economies of these countries, especially their currencies. Satan and the Antichrist are using the one world people to bring down the world’s economy so they can place their unions of power over all the continents. Once the nations are taken over after the currency failures, then the one world people will give this power of the nations over to the Antichrist. Then he will declare himself, and the tribulation will start. I have told My people not to fear since I will have your angels lead you to My refuges of protection. The evil time will be brief for less than 3 ½ years. I will then bring My Comet of Chastisement to defeat these evil ones and cast them into hell. My faithful will be gathered into My Era of Peace where they will be rewarded for following My Will. So do not fear all of the power of the evil ones because I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to read in the Book of Revelation from Chapter 8 to 11 all about the account of St. John of his vision of the seven trumpets blown by the angels. The last message that I gave you a while ago spoke of the Four Horsemen. The Four Horsemen dealt with the seven seals where some people were killed. This vision of the seven trumpets takes up right after the seven seals were broken. The first trumpet starts with Chapter 8 of the Book of Revelation. This dealt with droughts where a third of the land was burnt up. The second trumpet allowed a burning mountain or comet that would kill one third of the creatures of the sea. The third trumpet had a star called wormwood and it made the sea bitter which killed some people. The fourth trumpet took away a third of the light from the sun, the moon, and the stars. The fifth trumpet opened the abyss so large scorpions could sting the evil ones for five months without killing them. The sixth trumpet allowed a third of humanity to be killed by fire, smoke, and sulphur. The seventh trumpet declared God as the victor over all the evil ones. The battle between My angels and the two beasts begins after this test of the trumpets. Each message on the end times shows you a little more clarity on how I will battle the Antichrist and his supporters. Trust in My ultimate victory which will eventually cast all the evil ones into hell.”


Saturday, August 6, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of the Gospel My apostles were awed by seeing Me walk on the water. St. Peter called out to Me that if it was really Me, he wanted Me to ask him to walk to Me on the water as well. At first St. Peter by faith began to walk on the water, but seeing the violence of the sea, his faith faltered and he began to sink. I then lifted him out of the sea into the boat, and I calmed the storm. My apostles had never seen anyone who could walk on water, let alone calm the storm. It was these miracles and others that helped My apostles come to believe in My Divinity and My powers as a man. This lesson of having faith in My power to help My faithful is the point that I am making in bringing salvation to all mankind. You have seen Me die on the cross and then I rose on the third day. This was My personal sacrifice so My Blood sacrifice could be worthy to save all of you from your sins. If you believe in My power, then give your will over to Me so your faith can save you. Just as having faith in Me can heal your bodily sickness, so your faith in Me can also heal your soul.”


Sunday, August 7, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Garden of Eden there were two trees, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life gave Adam and Eve the sustenance for a long life in their bodies. There is a parallel with Me as the Tree of Life on the cross of Calvary. With My death and resurrection I give all of you life for your souls. This salvation of sinners is a gift of My sacrificial Blood that offers everyone an opportunity for life in heaven. Each person needs to come to Me in Confession for the forgiveness of that person’s sins. By allowing Me to be Master of your lives, then you can be saved. This life is temporary, but life in the spirit after this life is the most important. Even in My Era of Peace you will see this new life that I will give to My faithful. Give thanks and praise to God for the life you have both in the body and in the soul.”

(God the Father feast day) God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is happy with your rosaries and your novenas. You have seen some droughts and famines in various places this summer. Some of you have even been praying for more rain. In this vision you are seeing flowing water and rain. Today, you also saw a few rain showers outside. Just as I answered the Jews with water in the desert when Moses struck the rock, so I will answer your prayers for rain in some areas that have been dried out. Whenever you receive any rain storms, no matter how small, give praise and glory to Me for all that you are receiving. I know your needs, so keep sending your prayer requests to Me, and I will act on them.”


Monday, August 8, 2011: (St. Dominic)
Jesus said: “My people, in the days when I was on the earth, the Jewish people had hand- written scrolls to pass on the Word of God in the Scriptures. It is only in relatively recent times that you can find a printed Bible. You have the Scriptures of both the New and Old Testaments to read at any time. The Holy Spirit inspired My prophets, My evangelists, and My missionaries to write down for you the lessons that you need to keep reviewing to improve your faith. It is a blessing to have My very words in the Gospels to live by. You remember how I read the Scriptures from Isaiah in Nazareth, and I told the people: ‘Today, you have seen these Scriptures fulfilled in your hearing.’ The people of My day could not believe in My Divinity because they thought they knew Me from My own home town. Even today, some people do not believe that I am both human and Divine. Take advantage of the opportunity to be able to read the Holy Scriptures every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you another reminder about having some food stored for the coming famine and time of tribulation. If you have room and money to buy one year’s supply of food, this would be ideal. Whatever you can store and buy, I will multiply what you will need. Your dehydrated food will require hot water to reconstitute. This would require some water storage and some means of heating the water. You will need canned foods and maybe some meals-ready-to-eat (MRE) if you cannot heat things or you are low on water. As long as it is not dangerous to stay in your house, you can use your stored food when you see little food in the store or the need for mandatory chips in the body to buy food. I am also asking you to right now place your tents, blankets, backpacks, and some food in a small area together so you can quickly load them into your car or van to leave for My refuges when it is time. This is why I asked you to get some MREs so you could load them into your vehicle. Food is not always going to be available at your local stores. They only have three days of inventory, and if shipments stop, this will run out fast in the face of any disaster or power outage. By being prepared, you will be able to share some food with family and friends. I thank those who have listened to My warnings and have prepared themselves.”


Tuesday, August 9, 2011: (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you saw how I promised the Jews that I would help them to get their land across the Jordan by defeating their enemies. Moses blessed Joshua so he could lead the Jews into the promised land. I told the people not to fear because I would help them take their land which would be their heritage. In the vision I showed you where infants are baptized into the faith at the baptismal font. I am always looking out for the safety of My little ones. I have given each of you a guardian angel to watch over you. So trust in Me that I am looking out for your safety both in body and soul. I have told you that I want you to have the faith of a young child in order to enter heaven. By being humble and innocent, without putting on airs of pride, you will have the right preparation for a holy life that will put you on the narrow road to heaven. So do not fear what you will face in life, but trust in My love and care that I show to every soul.”


Wednesday, August 10, 2011: (St. Lawrence)
Jesus said: “My people, many of the Early Christians and Popes were martyred for their faith by the Roman emperors. St. Lawrence also was martyred on a gridiron and he was heard to say: ‘Turn me over, I am done on this side.’ He was martyred because he only presented the poor as the treasure of the Church, instead of real money. It was the martyrs who died that inspired many new converts to Christianity. I have always been with My Church protecting it from the gates of hell as I told St. Peter. Many churches were built over the tombs of the saints. In Israel there are many Crusader churches built over holy places as My birthplace and that of St. John the Baptist. Rejoice that many of these holy sites have been preserved for pilgrims to see even today.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen very little land damage from tropical storms this year. This vision shows that there will be some wind damage from some coming storms. My people should be on alert to any forecasted storms that could hit land. When it is time to evacuate an area, people should not take any unnecessary risk to stay behind. Pray for My protection from any serious disasters from your tropical storms. You have been fortunate that many storms have turned out to sea. There are many sins that are calling for My punishment. Keep praying for sinners in your country to be converted.”


Thursday, August 11, 2011: (St. Claire)
Jesus said: “My people, it is hard for My faithful to understand how some saints have the gifts to accomplish keeping their holiness in life. These saints were given grace to achieve their missions, but if they did not give their complete will over to My Will, then they would not have had such a spiritual success. I look at the heart for the desire to follow My mission. When souls cooperate with My Will, they can accomplish much for saving souls. In very few instances you have seen physical evidence of these saintly people as in some having My wounds of being stigmatists. Other evidence has been seen in incorrupt bodies of the saints. For those unbelievers or those needing some physical assurance, these signs give authenticity to My saints and their holy lives. Even My martyrs are signs of strong faith to encourage those who are lukewarm in their faith. Other signs have occurred with blood spots forming on My Hosts in miracles of My Eucharist to show My Real Presence in My Hosts. When I appeared to My apostles, I gave them physical proof of My wounds and My eating of food so they could understand that I truly had resurrected from the dead. So be not unbelieving, but believe in My Resurrection that some day all of My faithful will be resurrected in a glorified body as I am.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when you place colorful flowers on the altar, you are honoring My Presence at the Mass and all the saints and angels in heaven. This is a sign of reverence and it is also a sign of life on the altar. You know the beauty of My creation, and you can see it in the lilies of the field. When you bring flowers from your own garden, it is adding a personal touch of your own generosity. As you celebrate Mass, My angels are always present around Me, so it is appropriate that you have statues of angels on My altar.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is a blessing to have the relics of My saints before you as you have on your altar. Many of these saints were martyred for their faith in Me. I have enabled many healings through the intercession of these relics. Usually My Church requires three miracles for a person to be recognized as a saint. It is an honor to reverence these relics of the saints as they had exemplary lives for My faithful to follow.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are blessed to be able to travel to places where My incorrupt saints are encased in glass for your viewing. As you look on these bodies in awe, you know in your heart that it is a miracle for a human body not to decompose as normal. See this as a sign of authenticity for these saints to be preserved for your belief in your own coming resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, this relic of My true cross is another blessing to reverence for healings and for protection from the demons. You have used this relic to pray over people for physical and spiritual healings. You have also seen it used to quiet the demons in a person that was shrieking for some time. This cross is the same symbol that I ask everyone to pick up as their own unique cross to carry through life. It is symbolic that you are wearing this relic as you carry on your mission that I have given you.”

Jesus said: “My people, for many years people have grown grapes and have crushed them to extract the juice for making wine. Wine is one of the physical species that is used in the Consecration to be changed into My Most Precious Blood. Even though the wine still appears as wine, the consecrated wine is My Real Presence when you receive Me. In the Scriptures of the end times this is another symbol when there is a crushing of the grapes as the grapes of wrath are brought down on the evil ones who will be judged to hell. (Rev.14:18,19) ‘Put forth thy sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for its grapes are fully ripe.’ And the angel cast his sickle to the earth, and gathered the vintage of the earth, and cast it into the great wine press of the wrath of God.’ Keep your souls pure with frequent Confession so you can avoid this punishment, and you will be with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you how I go to prepare a place for you at My Wedding Banquet. You are seeing how My banquet table is being prepared with these beautiful wine glasses. At the Last Supper I shared the bread and wine with My apostles as they experienced the first Mass. So when you share this wine of the vine at My heavenly Banquet, you will fully understand that I am the Vine and you are the branches. You cannot survive without Me.”


Friday, August 12, 2011: (St. Jane Frances de Chantal)
Jesus said: “My people, a man and a woman, who come forward to get married, have a special calling to a vocation of love for each other. This is such a hallowed union that I have modeled My love for My Church after it. I am the Groom and the Church is My bride. This fruit in the vision represents the children that come forth which are the fruit of the love between the husband and wife. This commitment in marriage should be until death separates the two. It is the love of the spouses in the heart that joins this man and woman. This love can also be a means of salvation where each partner brings the other into a spiritual unity with Me. I am the third partner in a marriage, and My love will also be there to join their loves. Each partner needs to help the other and make compromises for the good of the marriage. There are many attacks on marriage from your society that are threatening this union as an institution, but the family should be the basic unit of your society. I bless all unions of a husband and wife, and this love environment should be the ideal place for the children to be brought up.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to know what you are going to face tomorrow, but you should have trust in Me that I am with you to help you every day. Some people have been concerned lately with the dramatic ups and downs in your stock market. There are one world rich people who can short your markets into a massive downturn which could steal the people’s 401K funds for retirement. By artificially keeping interest rates low, they try to force people’s money into stocks. Then they drive the market down to steal the money. They repeat this process by buying up the cheap stocks to raise the prices for the next kill. The one world people want the masses to be poor so they can control them. These evil ones are stealing your good jobs out of the country, taking your money away in the stock market, causing low interest on CDs, and lowering your home values. This is a plan for takeover as well as bankrupting your government with benefits that cannot be afforded. The current plan is not only to cause a financial crisis of fear, but to take over your dollar with other currencies. The rich own tangible assets as gold and land. So when dollar denominated assets crash, many people will lose most everything, but the rich will still have valuables. This evil plot is set to crash your markets and your government so the one world people can bring America into the North American Union with a new currency of the amero for America, Canada, and Mexico. Before this takeover happens, I will warn My faithful to leave for My refuges. Those, who do not take the mark of the beast, will be sought out to be tortured and killed. I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on these evil ones, and cast them into hell. My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace. So have no fear because My angels will protect you.”


Saturday, August 13, 2011: (St. Pontian & St. Hippolytus)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Joshua went through a long list of how the Lord defeated the Egyptians, and miraculously fought off all the peoples that occupied their promised land. As he was near death, Joshua made a promise to serve Me, and he placed a stone in the sanctuary to mark this covenant of the Lord with His people. (Joshua 24:15) ‘As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ This personal commitment to
serve Me is a challenge for every soul to accept in order to be able to come to heaven. At your Baptism as an infant, you had your godparents speak for you in your resolution to believe in Me. Later in life, when you can reason for yourself, you need to make your own personal commitment to serve Me. By asking forgiveness of your sins, and accepting Me as Master of your life, truly you will be on the narrow road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you get older, you wonder where the time went because time passed slowly when you were younger. When you see people at class reunions, it brings back old memories as you share your lives with each other. This idea of remembering your life’s actions over the years will be made very clear to you in your Warning experience. The big difference is that you will also see your life through the eyes of those whom you lived with and through My eyes. I will alert you more to the unforgiven sins in your life that you still have to make reparation for. This Warning experience will give everyone a second chance to seek My forgiveness and change your life for the better. I will show you by a mini-judgment where your life is headed if you do not change it. You will be put back into your body, knowing how you should live. You will then be held more responsible because now you will know what is expected of you. You will also be needed to help evangelize souls that will be open to your word to bring them to Me in faith. Rejoice in this chance to change your life, and be prepared for the coming tribulation.”


Sunday, August 14, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you have people today who are possessed by demons in your many addictions. The woman of today’s Gospel was concerned to rid the demon from her daughter. She was a foreigner to the Jews, but she was persistent in her faith, even when at first I did not want to help her. I truly did want to help her daughter, but I tested her resolve. With her answer, I saw that she truly believed in My healing power, so I exorcized the demon from her daughter. This story is truly a lesson in faith when you are in need. It is persistence in prayer and belief in My healing powers that will gain your favor. This depth of faith is important if you are to endure this life’s trials. It is like the parable of the Sower of My Word. Just calling out ‘Lord, Lord’ will not save you, but you need to be like the fertile ground where the seed has a depth of soil to grow and yield thirty, sixty, and a hundred fold. If your faith is like the seed that falls on rocky ground, it sprouts at first, but then it dies for lack of roots. If your faith is like the seed that falls among thorns, it dies also when it is choked by the pleasures and attractions of the world. Your heart needs to be open, in order to let Me into your life and let Me be your Master. Have a strong, persistent faith as the woman in the Gospel, and you will be on the right road to heaven.”


Monday, August 15, 2011: (Assumption of Mary into heaven)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how My Body was resurrected into heaven so there were no bones or body parts left in the tomb. My Blessed Mother died also, but I did not allow her body to suffer decomposition in the grave. Instead, I assumed her body and soul into heaven so My followers could not find the remains of her body in the tomb. My apostles realized that I had granted her this favor as a reward for accepting Me into her body. My Blessed Mother did not suffer the corruption of sin, and she also did not suffer the corruption of her body in the grave either. Again this is another sign to My faithful that one day you will be resurrected body and soul into heaven on the final day of judgment.”

Mary said: “My dear children, I am coming today because this is one of my glorious feasts that gives glory to my Son. I was placed in the Dormition Abbey and by Jesus’ Will I was assumed into heaven so my body would not suffer the normal corruption of the body. I was taken up into heaven both body and soul as you have seen in the vision. In today’s reading I recited my Magnificat when all people will call me Blessed. I received the gift of my Immaculate Conception free of original sin from Adam. During my life on earth I lived in the Divine Will of my Son as I was able to remain sinless in this life. It was because of my faithful service that Jesus allowed my Assumption into heaven. This is another sign for my children that one day you will all be resurrected to heaven. Rejoice in the glory of God for how He takes care of His children.”


Tuesday, August 16, 2011: (St. Stephen of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, when I came on the earth as a man I told you that the Kingdom of God is upon you. Soon by the vision of this clock, you will again see events lead up to My coming again. My power extends throughout all the universe and I am always present. Accepting Me into your life should be your goal because I am the only means by which you can enter heaven. It is this conversion in faith to believing in God that I request of every soul. (John 3:5-6) ‘Amen, amen, I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.’ My Presence is among you in many ways, especially in My sacramental Real Presence in My Eucharist. I am with you in My Blessed Sacrament to the end of time, and you welcome Me into your pure heart when you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. It is when you commit serious sin that your soul is separated from Me. This is why you need to come to Me in Confession through the priest so I can forgive your sins and restore My grace to your soul. By keeping your soul cleansed of sin by frequent Confession and accepting Me as Master of your life, you will receive your reward with Me in the Kingdom of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a bull against the stars represents how Wall Street has lost contact with reality. Your markets are so concentrated on greed, that they are not helping your country or its people when they only make money for the rich. Whenever these companies invest money in jobs, it is usually outside of your country. This process of exporting your jobs and wealth is why there are few good manufacturing jobs available. So when your candidates and your President say they want to have more jobs in America, it becomes empty rhetoric when your corporations are not providing jobs in America. Unless there are taxes or tariffs on incoming goods, or penalties are placed on exporting jobs, there are no incentives for businesses to change how they work. There should be more studies on how many jobs have left your country to explain why you have such high unemployment rates. Your people need to face the reality that your jobs have left and you are now a prisoner to getting most of your goods from China. Your corporations are building up a communist nation by investing more in China than in your own country. The one world people are orchestrating this exporting of your wealth so you will become bankrupt, and they will take you over for a cheap price. It is almost too late to change your government, so prepare to go to My refuges where you will be protected and cared for.”


Wednesday, August 17, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of traveling through a dark tunnel symbolizes how people are tested in this life to see if they can endure the trials of life and come to Me in faith. This story of the owner of the vineyard reminds people that you can still be saved until the last hour, but do not play brinkmanship with your eternal soul. There are a fair number of people that do not even acknowledge Me in their lives. I am ignored which is even worse than those who hate Me. It is these lukewarm souls who need the most attention to wake them up to My existence. Because these people think they can do everything for themselves, they do not see all the gifts that I have given them. My faithful need to keep praying for these lukewarm souls so they can come into My Light before they die and not be lost. People need to give Me all the glory for their gifts and accomplishments. Then they would realize how they cannot live without My help. When the workers complained about their wages, this wage was the entrance into heaven. But some souls are rewarded more by being allowed into the higher levels of heaven. I am just in My punishments and My rewards, so no one will feel cheated at My judgment of souls. So do not wait until the last moment to come to Me for forgiveness on your death bed, because you may die suddenly without time to be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the parable of the owner of a vineyard, he went out at various times of the day to hire workers for his vineyard. All the workers received the same daily wage, even those who only worked one hour. Those, who worked the whole day, thought they should have received more than those who only worked for one hour. So they complained to the owner. The owner asked them if they were envious because of his generosity to all the workers. I am truly generous Myself to everyone. To those, who believe in Me and follow My Commandments, I will give abundant graces. I have given My people My most generous gift of all in giving you Myself in My Blessed Sacrament. You can come to Me in Adoration at My tabernacle wherever the door is open to visit Me. All of My daily adorers have a special place in My heart because they have chosen the better portion as Mary, the sister of Lazarus.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a crumbling building is a sign that your American government is crumbling down as well. The biggest reason that your government is failing is because it is not adhering to your original Constitution. Right now the Executive branch is setting up too many czars for various committees outside of the President’s jurisdiction. Even the Congress has usurped its power to declare war and print money with control by the Federal Reserve of central bankers. Congress also is using Reconciliation acts to fund money instead of the normal budget process. Congress is assigning a super committee to find budget cuts when it should be doing this itself. Your people are finally waking up to the fact that your budgets are too heavy into spending when 40% of your budget requires borrowing to balance it. The question becomes: who is going to buy all of this debt? Europe is having the same problem with Italy and Spain. Entitlements are taking too much of your income to finance. America can no longer afford your welfare government handouts. There are many places in the budget that need cutting where there is fraud and agencies that are no longer serving their function. Instead of growing government, you need to be cutting it down in size so your people are not taxed so much to pay for this excessive spending. By returning to balanced budgets as your states do, then your debt would not grow so fast. Lobbyists and the one world people control your representatives in Congress which is why it is hard to pass legislation that helps the people instead of helping special interest groups. Your finances will soon crash, which will allow the evil ones to take over. When you see bankruptcy, martial law, and mandatory chips in the body come, then My faithful will need to leave for My refuges of protection.”


Thursday, August 18, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in this vision how you need to have a small tent ready that could hold at least four people. You also need to know how to put it up and maybe practice once in a while to keep your skill ready. This vision of people in tents is when you will need them overnight on your way to My refuges. You may also need them at My refuge before your dormitory can be made, or you may need them for warmth in a cave. At one point I recommended that My faithful camp out overnight in a park just to experience your needs. You practiced in the summer, but you also need to try it in colder weather to see what is needed. You may need some STERNO or propane heaters for warmth in the cold. This is also a good time to see that you can find your tent and have it ready with your backpacks, food, and water so you can load these things into your vehicle in a short time. I have mentioned this several times to be ready, but some are too lazy to put these preparations into action. You are going to be tested with a coming persecution, so it is not a matter of if it will happen, but when it will happen.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is good to take some quiet time so you can contemplate on your actions and remember your sins. At night when it is quiet, it is a time to recollect any misdeeds that you may have committed that day. By keeping these thoughts in mind, you can now make a good Confession to the priest. At times your life’s events can run together, and it may be difficult to recall your sins. By analyzing each day, then you can better remember your faults.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have gone to many places that had exposition of My Blessed Sacrament in your travels. It is true at every place of Adoration that you have felt My peace and grace in My Presence. Most people give reverence to My Real Presence by kneeling on both knees. I invite everyone to come to see Me in daily Adoration in the monstrance or in My tabernacle. All of your visits will gain My graces for your devotion to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some areas your rains have returned to help your crops mature. These stands of wheat are a sign of your coming harvest that will be more than was forecasted by your bad weather and heat. Be grateful for all the food that is harvested in this bad growing year for crops. These flowers represent your thanks to Me for all the crops that will be harvested. Many do not realize how your farmers are at the mercy of any weather conditions in growing their crops. Give praise and glory to Me that you have enough food to provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all need to take proper care of your body according to the understanding of the Fifth Commandment. What I am saying is that it can be sinful to abuse your body with drugs, cigarettes, drinking, and overeating. This is how some people die from lung cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. Some who overeat can have other problems as diabetes. By taking proper care of your body, you can have many years to carry out the mission that I have given each soul. Encourage your family to avoid these addictions so they do not abuse their bodies. These abuses can be sins enough to confess to the priest in Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all have various skills that you use in your work to earn a living. At times a neighbor may ask your help when you could use your special skills to help him. I am generous with My gifts to all of you, so you should also be generous with your time to help your neighbors. By helping them without expecting payment, you will be storing up graces in heaven for your good deeds. If you had to ask the same favor from your neighbor, you would hope that he would be willing to help you. This is another way that you could be rewarded by someone helping you in return.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are moving into a new house or a new apartment, it is expected that family members should help each other. Your true friends also may feel obligated to help you in your need. These people do not have to do this, but they are doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. When you help people in need, they will respect your love and concern even more. They also will feel compelled to help you in your needs. By helping each other in such opportunities, you can gain graces as well in being a close part of the lives of your family and friends. When people have helped you, you need to thank them and offer your own services in the future. Just as I answer your prayers, you should thank Me also for the gifts that I give you.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your everyday lives it is not always possible to evangelize souls or help the poor in foreign lands. This is why when missionaries ask for your help, you need to help them as much as you can with donations and prayers. Even your local food shelves are requesting food or donations for the poor in your neighborhood. Be generous to the poor who have difficulty in obtaining food and getting jobs. Again your good works will gain you graces in heaven.”


Friday, August 19, 2011: (St. John Eudes)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in the vision about body protection as in a baseball catcher in contrast to protection for the soul. For your body you may wear a hat to protect your body from sunburn. You wear sunglasses to protect your eyes, and in winter you wear boots, gloves, and a heavy coat to keep from freezing. These are some of your defenses to protect your body from harm. There are also sacramentals that you can wear to defend yourself from the temptations of the demons. You can wear your blessed scapular, your rosary, relics of the saints or My cross, and even holy water or blessed salt. These are all of your weapons to defend your soul from the evil ones. You are contrasting ways to protect your body from being killed vs. ways to keep the soul from being dead in mortal sin. Your body is mortal, so there is nothing you can do when the body dies. But the soul is immortal so it lives on forever. When you commit mortal sin, your soul becomes dead to Me spiritually, because you are without My grace. You are fortunate that I give you My sacrament of Penance or Confession, so you can come to Me in the priest of Confession and be cleansed of your sins with grace renewed in your soul. So there is no excuse why you need to remain in your sin because Confession is available to you in My priests. So do not delay in bringing your soul back to spiritual life with Me, or you could risk losing your soul in hell. But it is even more important that you need to be in constant love of Me so I can help you in your earthly mission. Be sorry for your sins, and ask My forgiveness for having offended Me in your sins. By keeping close to Me in My sacraments and with your sacramentals, you can protect the spiritual life of your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages about the seven levels of heaven, and I have even asked you to strive for the higher levels. This tiered cake has the bottom layers larger and the top layers are getting smaller. It requires more effort and graces to achieve the higher levels of heaven. Each level of the cake as it goes up, decreases in size, and this design is a close measure of the population of souls at each level of heaven. Each soul in heaven has a place that I have prepared, and a level that I have chosen as well, based on the soul’s mission and accomplishments. Be grateful if you come to heaven, for many are called, but few are chosen. My saints are replacing the places vacated by the evil angels who chose not to serve Me and were cast into hell. Many of My eventual saints had to be purified in purgatory before they were worthy enough to enter heaven. As you strive to gain heaven, remember to keep your soul pure by frequent Confession, and keep close to Me in your daily prayers. The more good works that you have stored up in heaven, the easier it will go for you at your judgment.”


Saturday, August 20, 2011: (St. Bernard)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading of the Moabite woman, Ruth, who was a daughter-in-law of Noemi. Ruth has a book of the Bible on her life as she later married Booz of Bethlehem, and had a son, Obed. This vision of bleachers shows a succession of steps even as you see the line of succession leading up to King David. This genealogy of David even leads up to My own line of succession through St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother. (Matt. 1:5) ‘Salmon begot Booz of Rahab. Booz begot Obed of Ruth, Obed begot Jesse, Jesse begot David the King.’ By reading this history in the Bible, you can understand how My plan of salvation for all of mankind was planned through many years of generations of man. Matthew’s account leads from Abraham through St. Joseph at the beginning chapter. St. Luke’s account of generations starts with St. Joseph and goes back even to Adam. (Luke 3:23-38) After Adam’s sin which cast him out of the Garden of Eden, there was a promise of a redeemer. I am that Redeemer, and all of history gives notice to My salvation as you record events either before or after My life on earth. Even the atheists among you are trying to remove My mark on history by replacing B.C. and A.D. with before and after the Common Era. Give praise and thanks to your Redeemer who has died for your sins so heaven is open to all those who believe in Me and ask for My forgiveness of their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this large pipe organ with its many pipes. Each pipe is unique with its specific frequency, tone, and loudness. This relates to the billions of people I have created who also have a unique set of skills. Each person has a unique mission, and I have matched his or her specific skills to fit that person’s mission. So do not think that you are not important because only you can achieve your mission. This is why it is so important not to kill My babies with abortion because these babies also have unique skills and you are denying My Will and My plan for these babies to carry out their missions. Killing people or infants in the womb are mortal sins, and these sins require forgiveness, or there is a risk of that soul being lost to hell. I have a plan for every life, and man should not thwart My plans, or he will face the consequences. Rejoice that you are unique and no one else is like you.”


Sunday, August 21, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the morning at Mass you can look out of the church window to see My sun welcoming you to a new day in My Light. Even as you see this Light, you are also seeing the Son of God shining My graces into your heart and soul when you receive Me in Holy Communion. As St. Peter acknoweledged Me in today’s Gospel: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ so I ask My people to acknowledge Me in faith also. By opening the door to your heart for Me, you are welcoming My Light into your life to lead you to heaven. It is this richness of My graces that I give you which should give you My joy and peace to have no fear of anything in this life. In the Gospel you also saw Me giving the keys of My kingdom to St. Peter as well as giving him the power to forgive sins in Confession. I give you Myself in Holy Communion, but I allow you to keep your soul clean by coming to Me in the priest so I can forgive your sins. Even as you leave the confessional, you are joy filled to be in complete harmony with My love. I want all of My children to have My joy and peace in your heart and soul. You can remain close to Me by receiving Me in My sacraments.”


Monday, August 22, 2011: (Queenship of Mary)
Mary said: “My dear children, I am confirming the miracle of my real eyes being shown in this vision and on the picture in your possession. Many of my feast days have been renamed and even put in different months. You now have my Queenship after my Assumption into heaven. Whenever you celebrate my feast days, I am still here in heaven thanking you, and watching out for your souls. I am truly your Blessed Mother, and I watch out for my children with my mantle of protection. I have given you many messages and apparitions to prepare my children for the end times. So now you need to heed my warnings and preparations for the tribulation that is almost upon you.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see yourself in the mirror, you are seeing how other people see you. This is why you need to lead a holy life as a good example for others. You need to live your faith in the same way that you preach, so you are not a hypocrite in your actions. If you are going to be an evangelist of souls for Me, then you need to get your spiritual life in order. Even as you see yourself in the mirror, you can think of some of your bad moments of sin. You can go to Confession for the sins you can remember, or even do a general Confession of your old sins that bother you the most so you can let them go. This will be a good preparation for the coming Warning so it will go easier for you at your mini-judgment. Many souls will find a healing of their hearts at their Warning experience, and they will have a second chance to change their lives for the better. So do not be so quick to criticize someone, when you have enough to work on with your own faults.”


Tuesday, August 23, 2011: (St. Rose of Lima)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember well your garbage collection day because you plan to accumulate your waste paper, garbage, and garden refuse to get taken away. You also have some garbage that rots and you are happy to get rid of the stench as well. In the spiritual life you also have the garbage of your sins and your excess baggage of addictions that you need to dispose of as well. You may not smell the stench of your sins, but they offend Me greatly in the darkness of your soul. Just as you have a garbage collection day, you usually have Saturday as the day for Confession where you can unload your sins with Me and I can cleanse the darkness of sin from your soul. Once you have confessed your sins, I will forgive you and restore My graces to your soul, where it will then be pure and white. Once you are fully restored to good spiritual health, then your soul will be pleasing for Me to look at, and your soul will smell like roses instead of a foul odor of sin. Once your physical garbage cans are emptied, it is a relief to have it removed. In the same way when you leave the confessional, you have a joy of My love returned to your soul. This is why I am constantly urging you to keep your soul pure by frequent Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, this land has been blessed and My Blessed Mother and I are thankful for all the beautiful rosaries being offered at these prayer group meetings. Since this place was started with My Sacred Heart statue, it would be fitting to name your prayer group after My Sacred Heart. When you smelled the roses, this was a sign that My Blessed Mother was walking among you. If you discern in your hearts, this land could be one of My refuges. Most of My refuges have an independent source of water where they have ponds or water wells. Even some refuges that do not have water, I will have miraculous springs produce the water for the people as at Lourdes, France. Rejoice that heaven is helping all of My faithful to find places of protection for them.”


Wednesday, August 24, 2011: (St. Bartholomew)
Jesus said: “My people, you have just experienced some unusual earthquakes in places where they do not normally occur and on the same day. This vision that I have shown you is a man-made device that uses microwaves to induce earthquakes. There is a very strong relationship between this device and these earthquakes. You are familiar with the HAARP machine and how it has previously caused some serious earthquakes. This is another disaster to do some research on the effects of these earthquakes. Fortunately, there was not any serious damage.”
(Note: 5.3 earthquake in Colorado, 5.8 earthquake in Virginia, both are about equidistant from the New Madrid fault and on the same 40th parallel.)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of harvesting the grapes represents the Scripture in Revelation where the grapes or souls are gathered for the last judgment. (Rev. 14:15-20) ‘Another angel came out of the temple, crying out in a loud voice to the one sitting on a cloud, ‘Use your sickle and reap the harvest, for the time to reap has come, because the earth’s harvest is fully ripe.’ So the one sitting on the cloud swung His sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested. Then another angel came from the altar who was in charge of the fire, and cried out in a loud voice to the one who had the sharp sickle, ‘Use your sharp sickle and cut the clusters from the earth’s vines, for its grapes are ripe.’ So the angel swung his sickle over the earth and cut the earth’s vintage. He threw it into the great wine press of God’s fury. The wine press was trodden outside the city and blood poured out of the wine press to the height of a horse’s bridle for two hundred miles.’ This judgment of the earth’s souls is all about the grapes of wrath where the evil ones are cast into hell, and My faithful are led into heaven. Many people do not realize how close this judgment of the living is at the end of the tribulation. For I am the one coming on the clouds, and I will cut the clusters of grapes for My harvest of souls. This is why I gave you the parable of the wise virgins, so you are prepared for My coming with a clean soul. By frequent Confession your soul will be ready for My judgment.


Thursday, August 25, 2011: (St. Louis of France)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is warning My faithful to be on the watch for My coming, but keep working at your daily mission. Just as your people are preparing for the coming hurricane, so My people need to be prepared spiritually with a pure soul. By frequent Confession, you can keep a pure soul in readiness for My unexpected arrival. Those, who are ready in their heart and soul, will be welcomed into their place in heaven that I have prepared. But those, who are not prepared spiritually, may possibly face My wrath in hell. So do not be taken up with the world’s cares and distractions, but remember that you are a spiritual being as you await your Master’s return. Be a prepared wise virgin with your oil in your lamp.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, America over the last few years has been spared from any major hurricanes striking land. I told you that you could see some damaging hurricanes this year, and you are now seeing such a storm. The people need to prepare and evacuate any dangerous islands. Please pray for any souls that could die suddenly that are not spiritually prepared to meet Me at death. Also you may be called to help areas that could be damaged by this storm.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some minor earthquakes in Colorado and Virginia on the same day. I have told you in previous messages that the next targeted earthquake would be the New Madrid fault by the same one world people that have caused earthquakes in Japan, Haiti, Chile, and China. The goal of these evil ones is to reduce the world’s population, and they are using microwave machines to create earthquakes, tornadoes, and enhanced hurricanes as disasters that cannot be traced to them.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you see various earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes, many people are stocking up on food and water in case there are power outages and food shortages. It is curious to see these activities now because I have been giving you many messages on storing food and water for the coming tribulation. My faithful, who have heeded My warnings, already have their food and water to face any disasters. You will be seeing more disasters one after another, and you will be thankful that you are prepared for these trials. You will see that the government and others will now be competing for any food supplies that are available. Pray for My help to endure these trials, and call on My angels to put up their shields of protection to protect you from harm.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are very dependent on your power plants for electricity that runs your communications, your heating and cooling, as well as your lights. This is why line telephones will be more valuable. You will need alternative heat sources during the cold months, and also oil lamps for light. You may need wood burners, kerosene burners, or gas burners for cooking and heat. Those, who have prepared for the loss of electricity, will not have to rely on stores that will quickly run out of these supplies. You will thank Me for warning you to get ready for these events that will be testing you. You will need to share your preparations with others.”

Jesus said: “My people, preparing for physical disasters is one thing, but preparing for a spiritual battle with the Antichrist is another thing. This is why I am calling some of My faithful to set up refuges for protection from the demons, the Antichrist, and the evil one world people who want to kill My believers. My angels will protect you with invisible shields. My luminous crosses and miraculous springs will heal all of your ailments. Food, water, and shelters will be multiplied at My refuges to provide for your needs. Angels will feed you My daily Communion, and deer will come into your camps for meat. Just as I protected the Jews in the Exodus, so I will protect My faithful in their modern day Exodus.”

Jesus said: “My people, worries, anxieties, and fears are all tools of the evil one to scare you, and the evil ones want to control you if you let them. My faithful need to put their full trust in Me for their needs and do not worry that I can take care of you. You will see the evil ones try to control you through taking your money and trying to make it mandatory to put chips in your body. Refuse any chips in the body because they will control your free will. When you are threatened with these chips in the body and events are leading up to martial law, My faithful need to call on Me, and I will have your guardian angels lead you to My nearest refuge. These are places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, holy ground places, monasteries, and caves. By trusting in Me, I will save your lives and your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, for those of you who are concerned about the coming tribulation and persecution, do not worry because the Bible shows you that I am the victor in the end. You may suffer your purgatory on earth during the tribulation, but have no fear because I am more powerful than all of the demons. My arms of protection are around My people, so you have My promise of salvation for all who believe in Me. Be more concerned about guarding your soul with Confession than worrying about the death of the body. My faithful will witness My victory, so always have trust in My Word.”


Friday, August 26, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel about the wise and foolish virgins is the most obvious message about making proper preparations for the end times. I have warned My people about being ready both physically and spiritually for the coming tribulation time. You do not want to be faced with Me telling you I do not know you, for you know neither the day nor the hour of My coming. You need to be prudent in your preparations without fear, but trust in My protection. You have been warned to have some food for the coming famine, and to be ready to leave for My refuges when the evil ones want to kill you. The wise virgins bought oil for their lamps and they were ready when the Groom came, but the foolish virgins were unprepared and they were locked out of the feast when they went in search of oil for their lamps. My faithful have made their preparations and you are ready for whatever disasters may come. You also are prepared to go to My refuges. Those, who are not prepared, may go hungry without food, and may be killed in the detention center death camps for not leaving their homes for My refuges. Put your trust in Me by following My warnings in making your preparations. You see the earthquakes and storms all around you, so read the signs of the end times, and be prepared.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision shows you a contrast between the Light and the darkness. In the spiritual realm this can be a contrast between good and evil. When I bring My Presence among you, I am the Light that disperses the darkness which represents evil. In certain areas of your country there are patches of evil as in New York City where they accept homosexual laws, and there is the greed of money on Wall Street. In San Francisco I have talked of the effects of homosexual behavior on your society. Various punishments will befall these centers of evil. Earthquakes will bring San Francisco down, and now this latest hurricane is headed for New York City. Just as the devil leads the one world people to do their evil deeds, so I am leading My faithful to pray for these evil people, and be a force for good in evangelizing souls. You will see this battle between good and evil come to a head during the tribulation. You will rejoice when I will intervene and declare My victory over evil.”


Saturday, August 27, 2011: (St. Monica)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s parable is not about who could make the most money, but about not wasting your time and talents that I have given you. I have given all people a mission and the time and talent to carry it out. Whatever vocation that you have chosen with My help, you need to be a good religious, a good spouse, or a good single person. You should be working if possible, and making your physical contribution to society. You also need to be sharing your time, money, and talent with your neighbor in need. In your spiritual mission, you need to share your faith to encourage converts or others to be reconverted to the faith. Your daily prayers also help souls. The lazy servant, who buried his master’s money, was dealt with harshly for squandering his time. So My people should not just lie around idle when you are capable of working. Even My Early Church did not give supper to those who would not work for the community. You also are responsible to make an effort to save souls on earth, and pray for the souls in purgatory. There are sins of omission where you had an opportunity to help someone in need, and you purposely refused for your own convenience. At the judgment you will all have to stand before Me, and justify how you used your time, money, and talents.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages before about underground cities that are manned and dug by the military to shelter important people. In addition to these cities there are many long underground tunnels that are connecting these cities. There have been confirmations of these things on certain internet web sites. I have also told you that your government has been buying excessive amounts of food to store in these cities, and not just for disaster preparations. These important people will have food and shelter for any major disasters above ground. It is as if they know there are going to be riots and revolution when they crash your money. Even as the evil ones prepare tunnels, My faithful are preparing refuges with food and shelters that will be multiplied and protected by My angels’ shields of invisibility. Those, who have tried to buy food for the coming famine, have seen it complicated by the government purchases of food. Trust in My help and protection during the coming tribulation.”


Sunday, August 28, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, every time that you visit Me in Adoration of Me in My Host, you are overwhelmed with your awesome God. I am the almighty, yet I am present for you in all of My tabernacles. You are seeing a contrast of My power in My Host with My power in nature with this latest hurricane. Even though there was flooding and some destruction, there was little loss of life, and not as much damage as forecast. Truly this storm could be considered a wake-up call because man has turned complacent, and I am not seen in many people’s lives that should be coming to church on Sunday. This is a Sunday message to wake up and see My power in your lives both physically and spiritually. I desire that souls come to Me in faith, and in conversion from all of the world’s distractions and pleasures. This storm should get your attention because it is a bit of a punishment for all of your sexual sins and worship of money and possessions. Remember to be alert and prepared in your souls for when I will return.”
(Note: Hurricane Irene came through the Northeast this day.)


Monday, August 29, 2011: (The Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My faithful in many messages that you will be persecuted for My Name’s sake in the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You will be sought out to be killed by the evil ones working for Satan and the Antichrist. (Rev. 14:15) ‘And it was permitted to give life to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that whoever should not worship the image of the beast should be killed.’ Because these evil ones will be seeking to kill you, I have asked some of you to set up refuges of protection where My angels will place shields of invisibility over all of My refuges. Those people, who do not leave their homes for My refuges, will have the men in black try to force them to take the chip in the body and worship the beast. If they refuse, they will face martyrdom either by guillotine or in the gas chambers. Those, who doubt that guillotines will be used, can read the Book of Revelation (20:4): ‘And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of the witness to Jesus and because of the Word of God, and who did not worship the beast or his image, and did not accept his mark upon their foreheads or upon their hands.’ Truly you have had people even witness guillotines being brought into your country at your many detention center death camps. Those, who want to avoid this martyrdom, can call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, this year you have seen billions of dollars in damage from snow storms, Mississippi River floods, tornadoes, droughts, and now hurricanes. Only a bare third of this destruction has been insured, and that will be paid slowly and not for full replacement. The state and Federal governments are already in deficit budgets, so little help can be afforded. This destruction of your infrastructure is a losing battle with no source but borrowed money to pay for it. Many of your entitlement programs and state pensions are at risk of not being able to meet their obligations. As long as these payments are paid out, your society thrives on the spending. But when the funds run out to support this welfare state, your whole financial system will collapse. Your inflation rate is much higher than you are being told. Your commodities, food, education, and health costs are going out of sight in terms of increased costs. You have been living on borrowed money from the oil countries and China. It is just a matter of time when you can no longer find people to buy your increasing debt bonds. When this happens, your interest rates will increase to junk bond status, and your dollar will collapse. This is when the one world people will take over, and force you into a new world currency called the amero, and gradually into a chip in the body. When your money collapses, and martial law is called, you will need to go quickly to My refuges. I will provide for your needs and your protection, so have no fear. All the evil ones will later be cast into hell, while My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, August 30, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read of how I commanded the demon to leave that man. Many of the people of that town marveled at My authority to the demon to leave with My word alone. They did not realize that I was the Second Person of God, but the demons recognized who I was and I told them to be quiet. Some people do not recognize their own demons in their personal addictions. There are demons associated with drinking, smoking, gambling, drugs, computers, and overeating. It is the excessive use of these things that makes them sins because you are abusing your body, and making these things idols instead of following My ways. Make an examination of your own life to see if anything is controlling you. Once you realize any bad habits, then you could work to try and put them out of your life. If you know your addictions and do not do anything to correct them, then you are allowing these demons to control you. Call on My help to rid these demons as I cast the demon out of the person in the Gospel.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I said this storm was a wake-up call, many did not fully comprehend the enormous amount of destruction that could come from wind and rain from such a large storm. As more and more details are discovered of the flooding, roads destroyed, and power outages, people are seeing how much damage was done to the infrastructures of so many states. It is comforting to see how many people reached out to help rescue those in danger. In disasters like this it is important that you help each other to restore roads and electricity. By neighbors helping each other, you can get back to normal means of living. While some jobs were lost, other jobs for repairs are available. Payment for repairs may be a long time coming, so some jobs may be for charity until funds are available. You can see help coming from other states just to provide the needed equipment. Food and water are being rushed to those people who are stranded and homeless. You may be called to donate money, or work to help the people in disaster areas. When I ask you to love your neighbor, this is the best kind of opportunity to offer your services, even if it is done for no payment.”


Wednesday, August 31, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, with unusual damage from your latest hurricane, many people lost electricity and phone lines when trees were knocked down. Now your utility line people are replacing these lines with the line on these large spindles in the vision. Once the roads are cleared of debris and rebuilt in some cases, then your people will have their power and phone lines working again. Communications for phone and even the internet will soon be restored. There is another kind of spiritual communication that is also important to keep Me connected to your souls. Prayer is your best form of spiritual connection because I listen to all of your prayers. When you skip your daily prayer and commit mortal sin, you are breaking your communication lines with Me. Fortunately, you can repair these lines with Confession and renewing your daily prayer. I love all of you and you love Me, but a true love relationship requires a two-way conversation. I always love you, so it is you who breaks that line by your bad actions. Make a habit of praying about the same time each day, and you can keep our love lines open.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as the angels are constantly adoring Me at every Mass, so My faithful are like lamp stands that constantly give glory to My Real Presence. My faithful are lights that witness to My Light in the darkness of the world of sin. You are My ambassadors that invite people to come and be converted to faith in Me. When they accept you, they are accepting Me whom you believe in. My faithful have the gift of faith in Me, but you are sharing My love with them. When they come to accept My love, and they love Me, then they will thank you for such a gift to be shared. You are spiritual beings, and all of you are drawn to Me because I am the only One who can give you peace and rest in your souls. Rejoice that your soul is complete in My love and My gifts.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is getting harder to find skilled jobs that require college degrees. Some companies are also having a hard time finding skilled people in the sciences. With jobs hard to find, college students are limited in their courses of choice in order to fit the jobs available. Intern jobs with school and work might make a better fit for what is needed. The cost of college is growing much faster than inflation, so most students need to go to community colleges and state supported schools in order to afford their education. It is getting even harder to find students who can afford to be medical doctors. Even finding students to be priests is also becoming difficult. It is fortunate that you do not need a lot of training to learn your faith in Me, so ask My help in saving your soul. Being with Me in heaven is a better goal than any degrees that you may earn. If you have the ability to obtain college degrees, then you should use your skills to do so. This will help you more in fulfilling your mission. Keep focused on Me in your spiritual life, and I will help you to succeed in your secular life as well. When you put your trust in Me, you will be able to accomplish more than you thought possible.”


Thursday, September 1, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned in previous messages how My miracles helped My apostles to believe in My mission, and later they realized that I was the Messiah or the Christ. In today’s Gospel from St. Luke, you saw St. Peter, St. John, and St. James leave their work as fishermen to follow Me after they witnessed the miraculous catch of many fish. They were acquainted with Me for awhile, but now My apostles have made their full commitment to be My disciples. In Mark’s Gospel I called the same apostles while they were at shore mending their nets. As My disciples saw more and more of My miracles, this strengthened their faith in My mission. Even though My apostles heard My explanations of My parables and witnessed My miracles, they still did not fully understand My mission. When I told them that I must die and be resurrected on the third day, they were in disbelief. It was only after My Resurrection and My gift of the Holy Spirit that they understood My suffering was meant to save all of mankind from their sins. This is why faith is a gift, and it cannot be reasoned by only human knowledge. Only by My help and that of My Father and the Holy Spirit can My people believe that I am the Son of God to show everyone the way to heaven. I taught My apostles to be fishers of men and women, and I also give this same gift of evangelization to all of My faithful. I call all of you to go out to all the nations to bring souls to Me in conversion. Your reward will be great in heaven for following My words.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many billions of dollars have been spent on the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and now in the Middle East. Now America has been brought to its knees with over $39 billion of natural disaster destruction throughout the year. Money is now needed to repair roads and bridges from Hurricane Irene’s damage. There is a cry of who is more deserving of aid from your Treasury. These questions may cause a change in who decides what priorities are more important. Wars are self-inflicted, but disasters need immediate repair without question.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen people in New England suffering from major flooding that has stopped electricity to millions, and roads that were washed out. Many are offering their services to repair roads, bridges, and power lines, but it will take time and money that is scarce for disasters. Even food and water had to be brought in by helicopter in remote areas. Pray for these people and send donations where you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, even when you see storms coming to areas that normally do not have them, people were still putting themselves at risk when they should have evacuated. Your people are now realizing that even category 1 or 2 hurricanes can still cause a lot of rain damage. This experience may help people to evacuate more quickly when others are threatened. The cumulative effect of one disaster after another is stressing your first responders and the money it takes for repairs. Pray not only for the victims of your disasters, but also pray for those who risk their lives to save others.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have some distressed areas where tornadoes and floods have destroyed some schools. In these cases it may take longer to rebuild schools and find room for temporary school rooms. It is in these situations that the local people are pulling together to restore their towns to normal life. Give these areas credit for working to save their towns and their way of life. Some areas may need to call on others to help them. Even other states have been willing to send what help and aid that they can.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see record numbers of tornadoes and deaths from them, you think this is one isolated instance. Then you see earthquakes in unusual places, and hurricanes in unusual places, and now there seems to be a message in these events. Americans are still killing millions of unborn babies in abortion, killing old people with euthanasia, and are now encouraging homosexual marriages. These crimes against My laws are demanding My justice, and nature is even reacting to your increasing sinful behavior. The violence of your crimes is now being mirrored in the violence of these natural disasters. Pray for all of these sinners so My hand of punishment will be lifted from you.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are feeling frustrated with your stagnant economy and continuing high unemployment. Even with continuing time, there is little hope to see any improvement in your economy. Many of your poor decisions are causing the massive deficits in your government. If some needed changes are not made quickly, then truly you could see a crash of your financial system bring an end to America. Pray that your leaders can correct your bad spending habits in order to balance your budget.”

Jesus said: “My people, your problems with evil are only going to get worse before I bring an end to the Antichrist’s reign. This is why I have been preparing you for My refuges where you will be protected from the evil ones. You will be seeing an evil worse than you have ever seen before with much killing directed by Satan and the Antichrist. You are about to see a battle of good and evil that will end with My victory over evil. Trust in My help and protection as you will be enduring your purgatory on earth. For those, who are faithful to Me, they will see their reward in My Era of Peace and in heaven.”


Friday, September 2, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I broke the bread with My apostles at the Last Supper. Then My disciples on the road to Emmaus recognized Me when I broke bread with them after My Resurrection. At the Mass you see My consecrated Host broken before you. My Real Presence is with you at Communion and in My tabernacles. When you receive Me at Communion time, you have My joy and grace enter into your heart and soul. You are tested in this life with many trials, but you have My peace and hope of eternal life with you at all times to console you. So do not allow the worldly things to depress you, but keep your eyes always focused on Me so I can help you in your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I warned the people of My day to listen to the words of the Pharisees and Sadducees, but not to follow their actions. They were very prideful in looking for places of honor at banquets, and always being recognized as important. It cannot be this way for My disciples. I call on you to be humble and live simple lives without seeking praise from others for your good works. For all of your accomplishments, give all the glory to Me, and you will be rewarded in heaven. When you seek heaven, you must become like little children in their innocence and complete trust in Me. Even when you are blessed with an answer to your prayers, you should give glory and thanks to Me for listening to your prayers. Keep praying to Me for your daily needs and the needs of others.”


Saturday, September 3, 2011: (St. Gregory the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, everyone has a physical heart that needs to keep beating for their survival, but you also have a spiritual heart to love Me and other people. Many of My faithful have a devotion to My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. You recognize My loving Heart just as you all have a loving heart to love Me and others. When a man and a woman fall in love, it is this love of the spiritual hearts that unites them. All of you have this capacity to love Me and to love other human beings. You may love animals or secular things, but this is at a lower level of importance. Love in the heart needs to be shared, and that is why a man and a woman crave to have a spouse, not only physically, but also a spiritual connection. The highest level of love is when you crave to be one with your Creator. This love in your heart can only be fulfilled when you are in union with My Sacred Heart. By joining Me in My Eucharist at Mass, conversing with Me through prayer, and adoring Me at Adoration, you are completely satisfied in your craving for My love in your heart.”


Sunday, September 4, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this weekend you are celebrating your Labor Day holiday. As you see people working in the fields in the vision, work helps put bread on the table and pays your bills. The American worker has been suffering hard times when manufacturing jobs are being sent abroad. This is why your country will be returning to farm life and service jobs. Even as you think about physical labor, there is also a spiritual harvest of souls. When I called My apostles to serve Me, and today when you need more priests and evangelists, it is still an appropriate response to ask for more laborers to convert people. (Matt. 9:37,38) ‘The harvest indeed is great, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into His harvest.’ There is always a need for more vocations to the priesthood, so My people should be praying for this intention. Your priests need your support as well both financially and in your prayers. There are also evangelists and prophets who help bring people to conversion. Even miracles of healing have helped bring souls to Me. Rejoice in the blessing of having a job and also in working to save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, to those parents who have children and grandchildren, you should be thankful that I have invited you to be co-creators in bringing your children into this world. You have brought them physically into the world, but I have placed the soul of life into each of your children. When you see each child, as they are born, you are awed by the miracle of My creation. It is also miraculous how each person is unique with his or her own special talents, specific to each person’s mission. You love your children so much, and you would do anything for them in helping them. Remember that as you are responsible to feed them and educate them, you are also responsible for their souls as well. This means that you need to teach them the faith, and watch over their souls, even after they leave your house. It is important to pass the faith on to your children so they can pass their faith down to their children. You should also look out for the faith of your grandchildren as well. Some times the parents are not always responsible in teaching the faith to their children. This is when the grandchildren could be taught the faith by their grandparents. Saving the souls of your family is most important. So pray for all of your children, grandchildren, and relatives both when they are alive, and even after their deaths.”


Monday, September 5, 2011: (Labor Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you have just listened to the last day of My creation in today’s reading when I rested on the seventh day after all the work of creation was done. When you look back only about one hundred years, you see how you did not have cars or most of your electronic gadgets, and not even air-conditioners as in the vision. This increase of knowledge and all of man’s inventions is another sign to you that you are living in the end days. You have televisions that could provide the image of the beast, and you have chips in the body for buying and selling. Many of these technologies have come from the dark side to hasten the day of the Antichrist’s declaration. Now that control over people’s minds is possible, and the one world people are ready to give this electronic control over to the Antichrist, it is time for the tribulation to come about. Evil will be allowed a short reign to test humanity, but I will bring about My Warning to prepare souls for the coming trial. Take advantage of this time for preparation and be ready both physically and spiritually for this test of My faithful elect.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you how America will be facing one disaster after another, partly as punishment for your sins. You have suffered from heavy snow storms, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, fires, and now tropical storms. Each of these events have caused power outages, while some people have lost their homes and even their places of employment. In many cases people have lost all of their money, and have had to start over. It is difficult in such a bad economy to get new jobs, rent, or build another home. These are the hardships of many of your citizens, and there is not enough government money available to fix all the roads, bridges, and railroads that have been destroyed by your disasters. The worst part of this story is that these disasters are going to continue without anyone knowing how much money will be required for future repairs. My people need to pray for the sinners of your country, and pray for America in general to change your sinful ways, or these disasters will bring you to your knees.”


Tuesday, September 6, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I have called My twelve apostles to represent the twelve tribes of Israel. I also sent My apostles out to all the nations to teach My Word of faith. All but one of them were martyred for their attempts to spread Christianity. To St. Peter I gave the keys of My Kingdom to establish My Church on him as the rock. St. Peter was the first of many popes to lead My Church, as I told him that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church. Christianity has been spread all over the world by My dedicated missionaries and priests who had hands laid on them to serve. As you read the four Gospels, you are blessed with My many teachings over the three years of My public ministry. Stay true to My Church leaders who are guiding you in the morals of your day.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am calling many souls in their hearts to set up refuges for the end times, and be persistent in their mission. There are some who did not have enough money or the desire to carry out this mission, and they have abandoned their refuge. If My faithful start a refuge mission, and they are sincere, I will help them in any trials that they may face. Even if the time to be at My refuges comes and certain refuges are not ready or fully built, I will have My angels finish the building and help with the food and water that is needed. I also told you that as more people come to My refuges, My angels will build more shelters to accommodate them with bedding, food and other needs. My faithful have to trust Me that I will protect them at My refuges with My angels’ shield of invisibility. You will have heavenly Manna daily, plenty of water, and deer for your meat. All that you need will be multiplied so the people will have their necessities. Each member of your community will need to work for the survival of all of your people. Pray for My guidance and peace in your soul, so you will act calmly without any fear of the evil ones.”


Wednesday, September 7, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in St. Paul’s letter to the Colossians (3:5) he calls on the people to strip away their immorality, lust, evil desire, and envy of worldly things. If they do not change, then they are calling down My justice upon them. Even today, I call on all sinners to put away their anger, wrath, malice, and foul language so they can live a proper Christian life that will witness their love for Me. St. Paul is calling you to remove your old life of sin, and put on a new life of mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, and charity. By showing a good example to those around you, you can inspire good behavior in people as they imitate your good traits. When you do these things for My sake, you will receive your reward in heaven. This cleansing process in the vision reminds you of how you can cleanse your sins from your soul with Confession. When you see so much rain coming down on parts of America, it is as if nature is trying to cleanse your sins and evil lifestyles. Your sins are crimson red, and you need to come to Me for forgiveness, so I can restore grace and love in your hearts and souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been monitoring the National Debt and how it is going over $14 trillion this year compared to $8 trillion before your President took office. The other measurement is how many billions of dollars in damage that you have witnessed in this year’s disasters which are over $42 billion. You are setting records in just about every kind of disaster that could happen. In the Bible it speaks of many natural events occurring that would be a sign of My return in the end times. The one world people and the Antichrist will have a brief reign of 3 ½ years, and then I will come on the clouds at the end of the tribulation. I will be victorious over all the evil ones as they will be cast into hell. Rejoice, that I will be the victor, and I will cleanse the earth of all evil. I will renew the earth and restore it so My faithful can live in My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, September 8, 2011: (Nativity of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, this tunnel in the vision represents the lineage from Abraham down to St. Joseph in Matthew’s Gospel (1:1-23). Mary also descended from the line of King David. This is why they had to register in Bethlehem because St. Joseph and Mary were both from the house of King David’s line. As you see in the Bible, I had planned the origin of My parents even back to Adam in Luke’s Gospel. This shows you the salvation history that preceded My birth, and how I planned to redeem all of mankind from their sins. This celebration of My Blessed Mother’s birthday follows nine months after the feast of her Immaculate Conception on December 8th. Rejoice in My Blessed Mother’s fiat yes to St. Gabriel’s invitation to be My mother.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is a rare event for My priests to honor Me with Benediction. Every place that has Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament is an opportunity of grace for all of My faithful to share. My people need to show your support of these places of Adoration by your attendance and help in taking some hours to pray. This world needs a lot of prayer, and there are not enough people praying in front of My tabernacles.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for your representatives to make the right decisions and legislation to help your economy get back on its feet. It is true that you have had disagreements on how to fix your problems, but if some compromise does not come soon, your country could sink into another recession.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the expression: ‘The family that prays together, stays together.’ Your family members may pray on their own, but there is more prayer power where two or more pray together. One rosary does not take that long, and you usually pray three rosaries every day. Try to make a point to pray one rosary with your spouse and children after supper. You each have your own plans, but you will find praying together as a family will help preserve many marriages.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know the importance of having an available reservoir of fresh water for your community. Many countries do not have the convenience of running water from your tap. My people also need to see that My Blessed Sacrament is a reservoir of graces which you can visit any time when you visit My tabernacle or receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. I have an abundance of graces that you can request at any time. You can call on Me to send you angels to support you when you are being tested severely. I know your needs, so ask and your prayers will be answered.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how traumatic it is to lose your home when you have to live in a shelter or out of your vans. There are many organizations that you could donate to in order to help your citizens who are facing hard times from your disasters. Your people need to realize that many of your hardships of unemployment, and your latest disasters are in part a punishment for your sins and your lack of praying to Me. With more prayer and trust in Me, your people could accomplish great things. Your spiritual lives are more important than your physical possessions, so take care of your souls the most.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you have pride, and you want to be independent in helping your own household. At times disasters or job losses are beyond what you can accomplish on your own. When you see your neighbor in need to fix his house, be willing to reach out financially and with your labor to fill that need. You may even have to share food with those who have been wiped out financially, or their house is unlivable. The more you help your neighbor, the more graces you will store up in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you share many parties for birthdays in your family and among your relatives. My Blessed Mother loves you all dearly, and she watches out for your protection with her mantle. It would be appropriate to wish her a happy birthday, and thank her for all the intercessions that she provides for you. Imitate her life of love and humility, and heaven will be watching over you in your prayers.”


Friday, September 9, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you this message several times before that My people need to understand the need to put your spiritual life in order by coming to confess your sins in My sacrament of Reconciliation. This scene of rain water flushing down your streets is a sign for the need of people to ask My forgiveness of their sins. These major storms are truly a wake-up call to get your attention to change your lives of sin and your sinful lifestyles. The vision of the cesspool is to emphasize how the stench of your sins is calling for My justice. I keep repeating this message because you see what is happening, but you are too comfortable in your sins to change. You talked of dieting where you may have to change your comfortable eating habits, and suffer for awhile to lose some weight. In your spiritual life it is also a suffering to give up your sinful habits, as living together without marriage. But the result of having a purified soul without any more addictions to sin, is well worth your efforts in controlling your human passions. It is one thing to come to Confession for your sins of lust, but it is even more important to remove yourself from the occasion of sin that causes you to sin. This may be difficult to leave a personal relationship for the body, but it is much more beneficial for your soul. Trust in Me to lead you on the right path to heaven, and focus more on My Will than following your own will.”


Saturday, September 10, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, when this woman came to the well, I told her that she could ask Me for ‘Living Water’ that I would give her in the Holy Spirit. Every day My faithful need to come to Me with your morning offering, and receive Me in Holy Communion if you come to daily Mass. Just as the woman came every day for water to survive in the body, so you need to call on My graces every day as My daily Bread of Communion for your heavenly food. You are dependent on Me every day for all that you have, even for your very existence. Give praise and thanks to Me for everything that you receive, and not just when you are having problems and difficulties with life. When you are strong in your faith and act on My words, then you will show the good fruit coming from your heart by your charity to your neighbor. Those, who have evil hearts, can only bring forth evil deeds. Work to convert these evil hearts by My grace so they can bring forth good fruit as well. My faithful, who have made a foundation of faith in Me, are strong against the evil one. They have built their faith on the rock of St. Peter in following My Pope and My Church. Those, who have no foundation in faith in Me, are like people who build their houses on sand. When the storms of the evil one’s temptations come, they will fall to sin with no protection. So trust in Me and act on My words, and you will have eternal life in heaven.”


Sunday, September 11, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I told My apostle to forgive his neighbor seventy times seven times. In other words My people need to be generous as I am generous in forgiving their sins. I love all of you unconditionally, and you should strive to love everyone and Me as you love yourself. This is My Great Commandment, but I know it is difficult to love your enemies and those who persecute you. You need to pray even harder for souls who do not believe in Me, and may be following the devil in earthly ways. In all cases you should strive to forgive your neighbor of any transgressions against you, and be able to seek your neighbor’s forgiveness of any harm you may have done to him or her. All of you are sinners and in need of My forgiveness and My grace. I have given you My sacrament of Penance so you can come to Me in the priest to seek My forgiveness and absolution of your sins. You should confess your sins at least monthly or sooner if you are in mortal sin. Those, who are in mortal sin, are dead to Me with no grace in their souls. By confessing your sins, your soul is cleansed of all darkness, and you are now in My Light with sanctifying grace restored to your soul. Pray for your priests who receive you in Confession and give you Holy Communion. They have to endure the attacks of the devil just as you do. By keeping your soul pure along with your daily prayers, you can keep close to Me and open to carry out the mission that you have been given. I am all loving and I call My faithful to be all loving in imitation of Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing much sin in San Francisco and New York City. These sexual sins are calling on My punishment for homosexual acts and fornication. The vision shows My severe punishment of San Francisco when it will be submerged into the ocean from an earthquake because of the homosexual sins. There is also coming more punishment for New York City from storms and other means of destruction. Recently, New York State has approved homosexual marriage. These sins are all abominations and these cities will not escape My punishment for their sins. I am warning My faithful to leave these cities just as I warned Lot to leave Sodom and Gomorrah. This is because in a short time these cities will suffer My wrath. I have put up with man’s sins for too long, but now these cities are calling down My justice. Pray for the souls of the people of these cities because many may die suddenly without being ready to meet Me at their judgment.”


Monday, September 12, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I remarked how much faith that the centurion had in My ability to heal his servant. He also respected Me that I did not have to come into his home for his servant to be healed. It was forbidden for Jews to enter a Roman centurion’s home. Even in the Mass around Communion time you are quoting the centurion’s prayer: ‘Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul will be healed.’ When I was on the earth, I treated everyone equally both the rich and the poor. I love everyone equally with an unconditional love. I want all of My faithful to love everyone as well, even your enemies. In your society at times you tend to show favored treatment for the rich and important people. Some also seek fame and desire to be treated royally by increasing their status or their wealth. My faithful need to seek a simple and humble life without fame. You also should not discriminate between the rich and the poor because they all have a soul which I have created equally. Respect everyone because each person is a temple of the Holy Spirit with the spiritual life of a soul.”


Tuesday, September 13, 2011: (St. John Chrysostom)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel when the widow’s only son died, I was moved with compassion to raise him from the dead so she could be supported in her old age. Her son could then start a new life just as in the vision when now he will have a new slate when all of his past life was wiped away. When My faithful come to Confession for the forgiveness of their sins, they too, have their sins wiped away, and they can have a new start with a fresh clean slate. When you come out of the confessional, you feel new and refreshed with grace in your souls. Work to keep your souls pure and full of grace by frequent Confession of at least once a month. By being open to following My Will, you will be able to carry out the mission that I have given you.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I raised the son of a widow from the dead, and the people were amazed at My Divine powers. There were many other miracles that were also amazing to the crowds and My apostles. I saved the most amazing miracle for the end when I resurrected from the dead. Even My people can witness the burning energy from My Body that burned the Shroud of My burial. This miracle of My death and Resurrection is how I brought salvation to all souls who want to come to Me for the forgiveness of their sins. Now that you have seen the power of My Divinity, you can understand the vision that portrays Me as your King on a throne. Because of My miracles, the people recognized that God is in their midst. It takes Divine power to raise someone from the dead. I am truly the giver and taker of life, so when people kill others, they are violating the mission that I had for those that were killed. Give praise and glory to your King who reigns in heaven with My angels and saints.”


Wednesday, September 14, 2011: (Exaltation of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast exults My crucifix which is lifted up in triumph over sin and death. In the Old Testament reading, Moses lifted up the bronze serpent on a pole so the people could look on it and be healed of their snake bites. Now, I am raised up on My cross so people can look on Me, and be converted from their sins, and healed in their souls. I have paid the price with the sacrifice of My human life so all of mankind could be saved. People can only be saved if they seek My forgiveness and let Me be the Master of their lives. Every cross needs to have My corpus on it because otherwise there is no sign of suffering or sacrifice. My crucifix should also be a large one for all to see on the altar. Every Mass on the altar is a remembrance of My Body and Blood that was offered at My death on the cross. It is My Blood that washes away your sins on your soul and offers you salvation in heaven. In the coming tribulation My faithful will be called to My refuges of protection where My angels will shield you from the evil ones with an invisible shield. Over every refuge there will be a luminous cross that the people can look on to be healed of all of their ailments. Give praise, glory, and thanks to your Savior for dying on the cross to offer salvation to all of mankind.”

Jesus said: “My people, many gambling casinos have controls on roulette tables and lever machines that favor winnings for the owners of the casino. This is called manipulated gambling. On Wall Street you have a similar manipulated market that favors the hedge funds and institutions that can control the buying and selling of large numbers of stock shares. This manipulation idea gets carried out even further in the workings of your government as the one world people start wars and purposely run up huge deficits to control America’s polices. The manipulation of your interest rates, printing money, and authorizing Treasury Note auctions with no backing of the currency, is how the one world people control your money through the Federal Reserve. It is these central bankers who are setting up the North American Union for the eventual takeover of America. These unions will then be given over to the Antichrist to start his 3 ½ year reign. Do not fear these evil ones in all of their controls because in the end they will be cast into hell, and My faithful will be safe at My refuges, and then in My Era of Peace. Be patient for a short time of tribulation, and then you will see My victory over evil.”


Thursday, September 15, 2011: (Our Lady of Sorrows)
Jesus said: “My people, this scene at My cross was one of My Blessed Mother’s seven sorrows and one could feel the love of our two hearts as I was saying good-bye to her in My death. I gave her over to St. John to take care of her, but I was also announcing that My Blessed Mother would be the mother for everyone on earth. She indeed treats you all as her children, and she places her mantle of protection over you. I died on the cross to redeem all of your souls, but this experience of My death was very traumatic for My Blessed Mother to lose her son. There were many other sorrows that she had to endure, but the human experience of life is always full of trials and life threatening events. Life is very fragile, and sickness and death are a part of every life. When you are suffering the trials of life, you can offer it up and pray to Me and My Blessed Mother because we sympathize with your problems as we both had to endure these same trials. Even though there are sorrowful moments in everyone’s life, people still need to have hope and joy in My victory that will allow everyone to have the opportunity to come to heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you how necessary it will be to have an independent source of water at every refuge for drinking, bathing, and cooking. Some refuges have man-made ponds, lakes, rivers, or wells. If there are no sources of water, I will enable springs to form as at Lourdes, France. I will be multiplying your food, and I will also multiply enough water to fulfill your needs. Water is necessary for your survival, and that is why a good water source is needed.”

Jesus said: “My people, pictures are a unique freeze frame of people at a point in time. Since time passes rather quickly, it is good to save some pictures of various events in your life. Some save wedding pictures, graduations, First Holy Communions and baby pictures. If you have some younger pictures in your twenties or thirties, you may recognize such pictures if you were able to see a soul body at someone’s funeral. Your soul body keeps the same age throughout your stay on earth. Looking back through your old pictures will give you a preview of your life review at your death or at the Warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, these trumpets from heaven are announcing to the earth that the coming events of the end times are about to take place in the coming tribulation. Have your soul ready with frequent Confession so you are ready to meet Me at your Warning or your death. Many keep wondering and asking if the Warning is going to come. I assure you it will happen before the Antichrist comes to power. The more that you have your soul ready, the less that you will suffer in your Warning experience. Trust that I will bring My Warning so you can have converts in preparation for the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges you may have some fruit trees that will have plenty of fruit. You also can plant vegetables with your heirloom seeds that I asked you to buy. By having various foods multiplied and the deer provided, you can have well balanced meals to keep you healthy during the tribulation. I know your needs, and I have advised your refuge leaders what to stock up on for your survival. Everyone will be working in your refuge community so you can share your skills and trades to help keep people alive. There will be no people sitting around wasting their time. I will be multiplying your food so you can stay at your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the target of the evil ones during the tribulation, will be to kill all Christians and patriots. Those people, who are captured, will be killed with gas chambers and guillotines in the many detention centers located across America. I will warn My people to leave for My refuges before the men in black will come looking for you. Give thanks and praise to Me for protecting you at My refuges and preparing your souls for the end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will need to have some tents and blankets ready to take to My refuges. When you first come to My refuges, it may be necessary to use your tents until the angels can provide your buildings to live in. I have told you before when people first come to My refuges, they may be anxious if there will be enough food and shelters. Once they see My miracles of food multiplying and buildings being multiplied, they will calm down. It is important to be quiet and trusting in Me for all of you to be able to live together.”

Jesus said: “My people, I assure you that guns will not be necessary because My angels will be your protection with their shields of invisibility. If the evil ones cannot see you or track you, then they will not be able to kill you. Just as I blinded the people of Sodom and Gomorrah to protect Lot, so the evil ones will not see you as well. But you will be able to see each other. As for the meat that you will need, I will have deer come and drop dead in your camps so you do not have to shoot them. In the old Exodus I brought the quail into the camps and they dropped dead also. So trust in My protection because I do not want you killing people for your defense.”


Friday, September 16, 2011: (St. Cornelius & St. Cyprian)
Jesus said: “My people, one of the key phrases in the first reading is: ‘Money is the root of all evil.’ You can see this in your society with fast money schemes in the stock market, gambling casinos, lottery tickets, and even drug money. Where money is, there is usually crime seeking it. Some medium of exchange is needed for buying your food and shelter, but money should not be sought out for its own sake just to be rich. Some seek money for what it can buy, and others seek it as a means of power and control. Avarice, or seeking money for its own sake, is actually a sin because it is making money an idol before Me. Those, who have excess wealth beyond their needs, should be sharing it with family, the poor, and support for My Church. I love a cheerful giver to charities, and not to begrudge giving some of your wealth away. In the Bible there is even mention of tithing or giving ten per cent of your income to charity. When you love your neighbor, donations are one way to show your generosity. Supporting My Church financially is part of your task in building up the faith. So do not seek to accumulate wealth only for yourself, but use your wealth in sharing it with your neighbor and not hoarding it.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you these forty foot wide tunnels before that connected the underground cities. It is true that the one world people are still making more tunnels around Denver, as you saw the construction going on. They have been storing large quantities of food in these cities for the one world people who plan to hide there for an upcoming event that they will stage. There is a honeycomb of these tunnels covering most of the Western states. There is also a further reason for having these tunnels made. When the planned martial law begins, it would show their plans if people saw troop carriers, tanks, and armored personnel vehicles traveling through your streets. By sending these armored UN troops through these tunnels, they can be pre-positioned in many areas, and ready to implement martial law instantly without anyone knowing where they came from. This sudden attack and control of the highways will catch all of your citizens by surprise. I know all the plans of these evil ones, and I will notify My faithful ahead of time to leave for My refuges, so you will be safe once the evil ones try to capture you. The evil ones have a secured network for communication, but My spiritual communication will reach every faithful person all at once in defiance of their plans. Trust in Me to take care of you, but you must be ready to move quickly once you are notified or sense danger.”


Saturday, September 17, 2011: (St. Robert Bellarmine)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel gave an explanation for the Parable of the Sower. The seed that was spread is the Word of God. The seed that fell by the path represents those who have the Word stolen out of their hearts by the devil. The seed that fell on the rocks represents those who receive the Word with joy, but then fall with temptation because they have no roots. The seed that fell among thorns represents those who have the Word choked by the cares and pleasures of the world. But the seed that fell on good ground represents those who bore good fruit in patience. My faithful are called in the vision to carry their cross every day toward Calvary, as they bear the good fruit of good works. It is a daily suffering to withstand the devil’s temptations and do good. You are to imitate My life in suffering the trials of each day. You share in My suffering as you are united with Me on My cross. This Calvary will be the time of the tribulation. Once you arrive at Calvary, you will not be crucified unless you stay at your home when I call you to My refuges. You will suffer your purgatory on earth during the tribulation. By bearing your cross in faith, you will receive your reward in My Era of Peace and then in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, abortion of the unborn is another abominable sin because it takes the life of a defenseless baby. Any killing of a human being defies the plan that I had for that soul. Imagine if you were facing an abortion in your mother’s womb. All the wonders of life that you have experienced would not have happened if you were aborted before you were born. Think of the millions of abortions that are performed each year, and these babies are being denied the life that you are living. Abortion should not be a means of birth control because many people have large families and they still survive. America’s abortions are the worst sins that you could commit. So pray for your mothers to have their children according to My plan. Many punishments are befalling you because of your abortions.”


Sunday, September 18, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I know this is an unusual vision, and I will be giving you more information later as the time of this event gets closer. The large burning fire is from a large refinery in America. This scene may be reported as an accident, but it is a terrorist incident to disrupt the flow of gasoline. There will be even more than one of these incidents as an attempt to cause fear and terror among your people. It is a part of the one world people’s plan for total control by disrupting your fuel for transportation. Your economy is based on cheap fuels, but if these fuels become scarce from these fires, the gasoline prices will rise and put more pressure on your government and your people. Pray for My help in getting you safely to My refuges when the time comes to go.”


Monday, September 19, 2011: (St. Januarius)
Jesus said: “My people, this light in the lamppost of the vision is symbolic of My Light of protection that disperses the darkness of sin. The rain represents the disasters that are going on all around you. There is also a sturdiness in the lamppost that is enduring the storm as I am your strength to get you through life’s trials. Your stressed economy has put a hard burden on everyone just to make ends meet with the few jobs that are available. Many families need two or three jobs to afford their homes, cars, and bringing up their children. Getting loans has become difficult, and it is hard to even invest any extra money that can make a reasonable return. My faithful need to trust and depend on Me for their needs. You may have to endure a lower standard of living as your manufacturing jobs have been deliberately taken overseas because of cheap labor. You will not have long until you will be at My refuges during the tribulation. So be patient for a short time until you can be with Me in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen fires before in the upper floors of a skyscraper. This fire in the vision is from an arson, and they found a way to even shut off the sprinkler system. Such a fire will burn out several floors before it can be brought under control. You have seen arson before, but this fire will be more professional with a purpose to cause the most damage. Buildings should secure their water and electrical systems so they can be protected from these kind of arsonists. Buildings that are important to your economy are the most desirable targets for arsonists who are using terrorist tactics. Pray for your firemen who are most vulnerable in these fires in skyscrapers.”


Tuesday, September 20, 2011: (St. Andrew Kim, et.al.Korean martyrs)
Jesus said: “My people, many times history repeats itself since many civilizations have risen and fallen. The prophets were sent to warn Israel not to worship idols and foreign gods, but the people of Israel would not listen to Me or My prophets who brought My messages. As a consequence, Israel was conquered and exiled in Babylon. Later, they were allowed to return to rebuild their Temple. So it is with America because you are also idolizing money, sports, fame, and gold. Because you are turning your back to Me with your abortions, homosexual marriages, divorces, fornication, and not worshiping Me on Sunday, you also will be exiled from your own land. My faithful will be making an exodus from their homes to My refuges. The Antichrist will kill, torture, or enslave those who do not come to My refuges. Even your many disasters in the weather are reflecting the violence of your sinful society. My faithful will be returned to a renewed land of My Era of Peace when all the evil ones will be separated and cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, the progression of your lights started with torches, lanterns, candles, and now you have modern lights. You have used tungsten incandescent lighting even until now. You also have fluorescent lights and mercury vapor lights. Even though your mercury lights save energy, there is still a problem with disposing of a toxic material as mercury. This is why it is a little overpowering to have your government force everyone to use these toxic lights. Lights for Me are unnecessary, and even for some tribal people. Wherever I am, there is a glow of My Light. Even in My Era of Peace, there will be light all over the world. It is My spiritual power that is a source of constant light. Even your artists paint halos around the saints because of this glow of love and the spirit. Trust in My spiritual Light to understand My power and how My angels could either blind your enemies with their light, or make you invisible by altering the way light travels on earth. Be grateful that you can walk in the Light of faith and love.”


Wednesday, September 21, 2011: (St. Matthew)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in this vision a very thin wire that represents the delicate thread of life. I have given you a very complex body that has been created to give you the functions of life that you are familiar with. Your body is vulnerable to many accidents that could stop your heart or ruin your brain. Even many diseases, snake bites, or a number of problems could cause your death. You need to be prudent in protecting your body, and not abuse it with smoking, drugs, or overeating. By protecting your body and eating the proper foods, you can avoid cancer, and other diseases of the heart. In the first reading St. Paul mentioned many different gifts that are granted to My faithful. (Ephesians 4:11) ‘And He Himself gave some men as apostles, and some as prophets, others again as evangelists, and others as pastors and teachers, in order to perfect the saints for a work of ministry, for building up the Body of Christ.’ You, My son, have been given a mission to bring to My faithful My Word to warn people to prepare for the coming tribulation which is now at the door. You have worked many years, and you have been obedient to My mission. Even so, your work will get even more difficult as the evil ones will try to stifle your message against the Antichrist’s new world order. My ways are not man’s ways, and you are all dependent on Me. In these end days I will provide My faithful with protection from the evil ones at My refuges. This is why you still need to proclaim My message of hope and love from the rooftops for all to see and follow My words.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of seeing a gear going around is in reference to the Warning, and the ticking means that the time of the Warning is getting close even in your time. All the events of the weather, earthquakes, and near bankrupt governments are showing you that things are coming to a head when the Antichrist will take over. I have told you that the Warning would come before the Antichrist takes over. The Warning will frighten many people, and some may die in seeing things in the sky and their sinfulness. This experience will bring your soul body out of your physical body right before Me, and you will be outside of time. You will have an illumination of your conscience when I will show you your whole life with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins. You will see heaven, hell, or purgatory wherever you are judged. Then you will be returned to your body, and you will have a strong desire for Confession. My faithful will be evangelizing many souls at that time. This Warning is to prepare souls for the coming tribulation. So be prepared in your souls with frequent Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, space on a refuge farm will be difficult because some land will be needed for dormitories, and other land will be needed for crops and feed for cows and cattle. If the land is limited with less land to grow feed, then only a few large animals could be fed. If you call on My help I could multiply the animal feed as well as the food for the people at the refuge. You will also have deer come into your refuges for meat as well. Depending on how many people come to these refuges, there will be a need for some good planning on how to provide food, prepare the food, washing of clothes, sewing, bathing, fuel for the winter, providing water, and attending round the clock Adoration. Everyone will have a job to help fill the needs of the people. You will have your own shelters, but probably large cafeterias for eating. You will be protected by My angels as you will be living in your refuge communities for less than 3 ½ years. Be patient with this new lifestyle and I will bring all of you into My Era of Peace, and then into heaven.”


Thursday, September 22, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, whenever you see the breaking of the bread, let it be a remembrance of when I broke bread for My apostles at the Last Supper. Even the vision shows you a table as at the Last Supper as well. At My refuges you may be making your own bread for your community. I told you that if you did not have a Mass, then My angels will bring you Holy Communion every day. Some saints have even lived on My heavenly Host alone. The angels will also bring you a Host for your ongoing Adoration when you will be adoring Me around the clock in perpetual Adoration. Be grateful that I will always be with you until the end of this age.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, what you are seeing in these two candles can represent two kinds of souls. A faithful soul believes in Me, and that soul burns brightly with a flame of My grace and carries out My mission. A lukewarm soul is joyful at first, but as time goes on, the flame of faith dies out, and that soul is more concerned with following that soul’s own will instead of My Will. This is why I am calling on My faithful to pray and help the lukewarm come to believe in Me again. By renewing the lukewarm soul’s faith in Me, the flame of My love will burn brightly again in that soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen continuing riots in Greece and in Syria from what the people are viewing as repressive governments. In the case of Greece, the austerity budgets are threatening to reduce the average worker’s pay or their subsidies. It becomes harder to cut back further on the people’s standard of living. Many countries are seeing the percentage of poverty increasing which puts a strain on those in poverty to obtain food and shelter. Where it is possible, My people need to share what they can with the poor to lift up their spirits. Prayer and physical help are just as important as donations.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of destroyed homes and roads as a result of Hurricane Irene. Even your churches are being asked to contribute what the faithful can contribute to those who need homes and food. You should give generously to help your fellow countrymen in their need. It is unfortunate that your Congress is still grid locked to pass some aid money for these poor victims. Pray that your Congress can find it in their hearts to put aside politics to help your people in serious need.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are using hydrofracking to extract oil and gas, want to exploit this new source of fuel for their own profit. You have heard how they are using toxic chemicals and water to obtain this oil. When the process starts, they extract millions of gallons of toxic water and place it in ponds. Only some companies are lining these ponds so this toxic water does not leach into the local well water. There is truly an environmental concern that the people will not be poisoned or sickened by this process. Pray that enough safety measures are taken so the drinking water is not contaminated.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are serious problems with America’s eating habits that is leading to higher percentages of obesity. In a society that is constantly rushing around, many people are eating the wrong kind of foods instead of healthy foods. There should be nutrition courses taught in your high schools, and even in adult education classes so people can learn how to eat a proper diet. Many of your diseases and sicknesses are a result of overeating of fattening foods. By keeping a proper weight, you are helping your body to stay healthy instead of abusing your body which can be sinful gluttony in extremes.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen heavy deficit spending in many countries of the world. You have also seen an increase in the printing of currencies that do not have any gold or silver backing. In America you are becoming more dependent on foreign countries, as China, to keep buying your Treasury Notes of debt. As your debt increases, it will be harder to find buyers. This is why your Federal Reserve is buying more Treasury Notes themselves on their own balance sheet. When this money scheme collapses, your printing presses will flood your economy with too many dollars that will make the dollar near worthless. This will begin your bankruptcy, riots, and anarchy. It will be an opportunity for a one world people takeover of America with a new amero currency to replace the dollar. This will be the time to go to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, once you see your economy and food reserves tested, it will be time to leave for My refuges. People will be killing each other for food, and chaos will break out that will be dangerous for everyone. Let My angels defend you with their shield of invisibility. Leave when I tell you so you will not need guns to defend yourselves. The evil ones will be seeking Christians and patriots as their targets to kill so they can have their new world order. You will see quickly why refuges are necessary for your protection. So see that this is why I have directed some people to set up My refuges for this time.”


Friday, September 23, 2011: (St. Padre Pio)
Jesus said: “My people, the goal of My faithful is to be with Me at My Wedding Banquet in heaven, and that is the meaning of the wedding flowers. The out of focus scene of the altar represents those souls who do not believe in My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. Some of your polls of Catholics have found that a majority of people do not have a strong enough faith to believe in My Real Presence. Part of this reason is that the people are not always taught this in their upbringing, or by the priests in the pulpit. It should be the responsibility of the priests and the parents to educate their children to this belief in My Church. My faithful should look into their faith more to learn what My Church teaches on this subject. My Real Presence in the Hosts of My tabernacle makes a Roman Catholic Church holier than any other denomination. Those, who believe in My Real Presence, come and adore Me at Adoration chapels. They should encourage the lukewarm to accept this teaching of My Church. I have given you this gift of Myself in My Eucharist, so it behooves all Catholics to believe in My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts. This means also to give respect and reverence to My Blessed Sacrament by genuflecting to My tabernacles, and receiving Me on the tongue in Holy Communion after bowing or genuflecting.”

Jesus said: “My people, the shrines to My Blessed Mother and Me are places of holy ground, so they would be protected refuges, even if people are not making preparations. My son, as you make preparations for leaving for your final refuge, there are some items to add to your list. Remember to take your monstrance, your relics, a Mass kit in case you have a priest, and some hosts and wine for Mass. Also, you could bring a few smaller statues for a new prayer room at your refuge. You may be able to stay at your home for a short time until it will be dangerous with people looking for you. Once you arrive at your refuge, you could set up a place of Adoration with your monstrance and consecrated Host from either a priest or My angels. Being able to adore Me at anytime will give the faithful people peace in their hearts and souls, even with all the evil things going on. It is this calming effect of My Real Presence that will put the members of your community at ease because they can put their trust in Me to help them.”


Saturday, September 24, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that My angels will be multiplying your refuge dwellings as more people arrive for protection. Even if some refuges have not been built or completed, you can see in the vision how they will bring the materials and put them together for you. I know some people do not have the funds to build all that is needed, so call on Me and My angels for all of your needs. Being at My refuges will be your needed protection from the evil ones. My faithful will be living a more rustic lifestyle than what most of you are living now. It will be a refreshing change because you will have more time to pray and adore Me instead of all of your earthly concerns. You will still have to do some work together to help each other survive, but food, water, and your supplies will be multiplied. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the ways that I will protect you and provide for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen My justice carried out in parts of the Bible, but you see even more accounts of My love and mercy. While I was on the earth, I drove the money changers out of the temple. At other times I cried when Lazarus died, and I called him back to life. I was moved with love and pity for the crowd, so I multiplied the bread and fish for them to eat. It is one thing to desire heaven to avoid the fires of hell, but it is even better to desire heaven out of love for Me. I am all loving, which means that I love everyone, even those who will be going to hell. It is man who chooses not to love Me that sends himself to hell. If you sincerely love Me with your whole heart, mind, and soul, you will be promised a place in My Kingdom. Remember it is mercy that I desire and not sacrifice of animals. Even St. Paul said to you that if you do all that is expected, but you do not have charity or love, you will be like a clanging cymbal. So you must love God and love your neighbor as yourself.”


Sunday, September 25, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision represents how I want My faithful to build up My Church by your good example and making converts to the faith. It is one thing to say that you believe in Me, but it is another to carry it out in your actions. Do not be a hypocrite when you say one thing, but you do another. If you truly love Me, you will show your love for Me in your daily prayer, in your coming to Sunday Mass, and in coming to frequent Confession. If you love Me, you must also show your love for your neighbor by helping them in their need. In order to keep your faith strong, you need to nurture it with retreats, missions, and Bible study. How can you improve in your perfection unless you work to make it better? You cannot just accept the status quo, but you must move forward to enhance your faith.”


Monday, September 26, 2011: (2nd anniversary of Camille’s death)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of someone taking notes in class reminds you how you want to remember the important points on the subject being taken. Sometimes at talks, people take notes of the highlight ideas being spoken. Even if you do not take physical notes, sometimes you make mental notes of sermons or homilies being given to you. The same can be said when you are reading Scripture passages at Mass, reading from the Bible, or other holy books. Hopefully, My people take these spiritual notes to heart and make them a part of their daily living. If you are going to imitate My life, you need to put My words into the actions of your own life. By living your faith, others will see that you are not a hypocrite because you live out what you believe in faith. So make a point to store your spiritual points in memory so you can live by what you read and hear.”

Camille Remacle (his Mass intention): “Hello everyone, I thank you for the Mass again for my intention. Once someone is in heaven, the graces of the Mass are shared with our other deceased members of the family that are still in purgatory. You have a beautiful sunny day to share my anniversary of my death. I am not as active in my earthly signs because the people, that I am trying to get back to Sunday Mass, are not changing their ways. I am still praying for them, and I am still watching out for Lydia. I am grateful that you are taking care of her daily needs. I love all of you, and I pray for you. Keep remembering me by having my picture around you. I am still with you as I can see all of your activities. You all are on display for all of heaven, so be on your best behavior.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see the contrast between the things made by Me out of love, and the things of man made out of pride. Everything that I create is made perfectly, but everything made by man is imperfect. So when man thinks that he can improve on My perfection, it is only through his scientific pride that he tries. Imperfectly made things will never be perfect. This is why your medicines have side effects, and your manipulated DNA of plants and animals is destroying My balance of nature. Your food is becoming so adulterated by unnatural means that it is causing more diseases and cancer. This is why when I bring about My Era of Peace, I will have to recreate the earth to rid it of all of your abominations with My perfect creation. The devil is behind this destruction of My creation, but in the end I will be victorious by recreating the earth as it was in the beginning.”


Tuesday, September 27, 2011: (St. Vincent de Paul)
Jesus said: “My son, you have heard your mission director’s talk on many of the subjects that I have mentioned to you before in My messages to all of you. As he was talking about communication with your spouse in prayer together, you remember My message about: ‘The family that prays together, stays together.’ I also suggested praying the rosary together after supper. You each say your prayers separately, but you could pray some together. In your Adoration time I also suggested that you alternate between reading the Bible and your Liturgy of the Hours so you can meditate on My Word in the Scriptures. The other point that I needed to emphasize is the need for contemplative prayer or quiet time, so I can speak to your soul and have time to share your problems with Me and voice your love. Your situation is different because you are listening all the time for My messages. I thank you for your love and obedience in carrying out this mission that I have given you. But at the end of your writing and reading, I asked you to remain quiet for five or ten minutes so you could listen to My words of love and consolation for the things that you are facing. Father is right that you need to have a dialogue of talking and listening to Me in your prayer time. If people want to know My Will, they need to listen for Me in their hearts. By having a two-way conversation, you can enrich your love for Me since I love you all of the time. You need to use this same loving dialogue even with your spouse and those whom you meet.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are very concerned about your outward appearance, and this is why you have so many mirrors in your house. Imagine if you had a mirror to see the sins of your soul. You would be very embarrassed if people could see your soul as I see you every day. If you are so concerned about your physical appearance, you should be even more concerned about your spiritual appearance and where you will go when you die. If you come to monthly Confession, you will have a pure soul, and be ready for when you will meet Me at your judgment at your death. If you have had a long time since your last confession, or you are not coming at all, then you are risking your eternal destination in heaven. I am a loving and merciful God, and I will forgive any sinner who seeks My forgiveness. I only ask that you love Me, and let Me be the Master of your life. Recognize that you are all sinners and you are in need of purification. Reconcile with the One who loves you, and I promise you eternal salvation. Establish a good love relationship with Me now, so I will know you and welcome you into My Kingdom. You do not want Me to say that I do not know you at your judgment. Strive even for the higher levels of heaven by a strong love for Me.”


Wednesday, September 28, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a snake biting the people represents the attack of the devil on souls. All of your life you will have to endure the evil one with his temptations. By Adam’s original sin, you all have inherited a weakness to sin. You all are sinners whether you want to believe it or not. Even in St. John’s letters he mentions that those, who say they are not sinners, are liars. This is why I came into the world so I could offer the sacrifice of My life as an atonement for everyone’s sins. I give everyone the opportunity to be saved, but people need to ask for the forgiveness of their sins, and accept Me as Master of their lives. For Roman Catholics this cleansing of sins from their souls is granted by absolution of the priest in Confession. This is a gift of sanctifying grace that brings spiritual life back to each soul that goes to Confession. Do not let the devil use your pride to prevent you from coming to Confession. Once you come out of the confessional, you feel relief from the guilt of your sins that are now cleansed. You also feel a faith exhilaration from the grace that you have received. So put aside all of your false fears, and come to Me in the priest in Confession, and you will feel refreshed both physically and spiritually.”

(Magdalena McCart’s Funeral Mass) Magdalena said: “I am happy to see all of my children at my Mass. I love all of you: John, Thomas, Joseph, and Magdalena. I have been with my children so long, and I thank them for taking care of me over the years. I thank all of my friends and family for coming as well. I thank John, my son, for his beautiful words of love, and especially his words about my strong love of Jesus in His Church. I am in heaven now, and I will be praying for all of my family to stay close to Jesus. I want my children to promise me that they would make an effort to pray every day, and come to Sunday Mass. I am responsible for your souls, and I do not want any one of you lost because you are lazy in your religious faith. Keep my picture around you so you can remember me. I love you so much and I will be waiting for you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this burning fire in the fireplace of the living room gives you the feeling of keeping the home fires burning. Many people find a burning fire relaxing, and it can give you a spiritual peace by turning off the world’s constant noise. Eating supper at the kitchen table is a beautiful time for the family to get together and enjoy each other’s company. It may be the best opportunity to communicate with each other about the day’s events and any problems that may need to get worked out in the future. Just as you make time for communication between your family members, you also need to make time for communicating with Me in a two-way conversation. I listen to many of your prayers and requests every day, but you need to give Me some quiet time so you can listen to My requests and directions for your life. Many people like to be in charge of their life most of the time, but if you are going to follow My Will, then you need to let Me lead you for a change. If you are so busy following your own agenda, you will not give Me any time to do the mission that I have given you. When you follow My Will, I will take care of your needs, and you will have peace in your heart and soul.”


Thursday, September 29, 2011: (St.Michael,St.Gabriel,St.Raphael)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing My grandmother, St. Anne, and My Blessed Mother in the vision. From the time of Adam and Eve’s original sin I have promised mankind a redeemer when I would conquer Satan, sin, and death. I prepared My Blessed Mother even throughout all of the generations quoted by St. Luke so she would be the new Eve. St. Anne and St. Joachim had My Blessed Mother later in life, and she was consecrated at the Temple. You are celebrating the feast day of St. Gabriel and he brought the news of the Annunciation to My Blessed Mother. She accepted the angel’s request and the Holy Spirit overshadowed her with My conception. St. Anne and My Blessed Mother were instrumental in My salvation history as My Blessed Mother brought Me into the world. At the foot of the cross I gave My Blessed Mother over to all of mankind as their mother. By her mantle of protection she guards all of her children. Give praise and glory to God for the gift of My life that has given everyone an opportunity for salvation in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
St. Michael said: “I am Michael, and I stand before God. We archangels are happy to see your statues of us as we always honor Jesus in His Blessed Sacrament. When you end your rosary or your Mass, it is appropriate to call on Me to help you fight off the demons when they tempt you by reciting my prayer. I am also happy to guide you and guard you against harm as you travel by car or by airplane. Continue to pray to Me for your needs, and call on us angels to strengthen you in your times of trial.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given several messages to warn you when it will be time to come to My refuges. First, you will have My Warning experience which will bring many souls back to Confession and prepare the people for the coming tribulation. After about six weeks of conversion, you will see a world famine, a division in My Church, martial law, and mandatory chips in the body. Once you see these things or even sooner, I will warn you that it is time to leave for My refuges. Then you will call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a physical flame to My nearest refuge. Once you leave your homes, My angels will place a shield of invisibility around you to protect you from the evil ones.”

Mark said: “I, too, stand before God and I am watching over you as you have seen in the vision. You have seen several times how I have protected you from harm, even when the evil ones wanted to thwart your mission. Thank you for praying to Me every day, and also for loving me. Our Lord has sent me with a strong purpose to guide you and strengthen you in fighting off temptations. Your mission is important to share with as many people as possible. Call on my help and guidance when you are having difficulties and I will come to your aid.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many historical lands in this area of New York State that have significance to many tribes of Indians even today. It is good that certain people are called to support their causes, and even set up buildings to remember these sacred places. It is sad that some land developers do not even acknowledge tribal burial grounds. Pray for these Indian peoples who are looked down on by various parts of your society.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you need to look at the beautiful flowers of My creation. I thank the people who grow these flowers for all of My people to see. I thank all of the people who bring flowers to adore My Blessed Sacrament of the altar. This is another way to give Me praise along with your beautiful rosaries. Remember that when your prayer group offers up your rosaries together, you multiply your prayers for the intentions that you mentioned.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you large, tall angels at My refuges to indicate the power of these good angels. Just as I assigned a guardian angel for each soul, so I am assigning special angels to protect each of My refuges. When you come to My refuge, My people will see a large angel there protecting you, and only allowing in the faithful who have a cross on their foreheads. Those, who are carrying the mark of the beast, will not be allowed in. At My refuges you will be healed of your ailments when you look upon My luminous cross or drink My miraculous spring water. As more pilgrims come, you will see other angels building any needed shelters to house everyone who comes. Have no fear when you have these heavenly warriors, since they will defend you without any need for guns.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called many people to set up refuges so My faithful will have a place of protection to come. It is not easy to establish a refuge with all that will be needed to support the faithful that will come. The refuges need a place of Adoration and Masses if priests are available. I also asked My faithful to help these refuges in their needs by making some donations to help them financially, and with your labor when you know where the refuges are. Once My people come, you will need to set up a community of workers that will all be assigned tasks to help everyone survive with their needs. Food, water, fuel, and shelters will be multiplied, but everyone will have to work for their supper and pray every day.”


Friday, September 30, 2011: (St. Jerome)
Jesus said: “My people, woe to America for you have turned your back on Me in mocking My Commandments and My day of worship on Sunday. Many of you have stopped praying, and fewer are coming to Mass on Sunday. You are more concerned about working and shopping on Sunday, as well as even having your sports games on Sunday mornings. My day of rest should be reverenced more with no servile work, as in My Church laws. Because of your disregard for My laws, you will continue to see more disasters and some of them are man-made by the HAARP machine. This year is one of the worst for damage and loss of life. As these events get more violent, you are even seeing nature rebelling against you. Your corporations and the one world people are conspiring against you in sending your manufacturing jobs to China and other places abroad. Put the blame for your job losses where it should be on your large corporations, and not on smaller work places. It is those who control your government that are causing your debts by overspending the taxpayer’s money. Pray for My protection from these evil one world people because soon you will be forced to seek My refuges from their persecution.”

Jesus said: “My people, the gift of My Eucharist is the best gift that I could give you which is My very Self in My Real Presence of the consecrated Bread and Wine. When you receive My Eucharist, I come into your heart and soul, and for a while you can share all of your problems and requests with Me. I love you so much, and I desire that you love Me as much as you can. You can start by opening the door to your heart and desiring to give your free will over to My Divine Will. Be open to doing all that I request of you in helping your neighbor. You will encounter many trials and temptations in life, so call on My help so you do not get angry or fall into temptations. When you ask My help, I will send My angels to protect you from harm and protect your soul from the demons. You can show your love for Me also in your daily prayers, coming to Mass, or coming to visit Me in Adoration. Offer up all that you do and suffer all day for Me, and these things will gain you merits in heaven. You can also have your offering be used as a redemptive blessing for the souls that you are praying for. When you receive Me in My Eucharist, you are united in the Communion of Saints with souls on earth, the souls in purgatory, and with all the saints and angels in heaven. When you start to comprehend this gift of My Eucharist, you will be in awe of My glory and power that you are sharing with Me. Go out to all the nations to share My gift with those who will accept My invitation to conversion.”


Saturday, October 1, 2011: (St. Therese of Lisieux)
St. Therese said: “My son, I am happy to talk to you again, and you can invite me at any time to help you. In the vision I am pointing to Jesus in the tabernacle. As you come to Jesus through our Blessed Mother, I can also lead you to Jesus through my intercession. You have been using your prayer time very well as you see the need to be close to Jesus. You know my Little Way of doing things, so I am giving you some spiritual advice to help you deal with the trials of life. When you are communicating to your wife and others, try not to be so demanding or let difficulties upset you, as in getting your airplane tickets. You need to be an example of Jesus’ love, so speak calmly and lovingly to everyone so you do not upset their day either. Look at everything you do as something to offer up to Jesus, and do not let anything upset your peace. You are doing a good mission for Jesus, but you could improve your perfection more by putting more love in all that you do. Be patient with everyone because they may be trying to be patient with you. Learn from your mistakes so you can grow in your faith. Thank you for loving me and thinking of me on my feast day. You can pray your novena prayers through me for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in past messages how My angels could lead you to caves for protection. They even could carve them out of dirt or rock, and they will have lighting and ventilation for air in the cave. Do not think that My caves will be second-rate refuges because they will still have food, water, and Communion every day. Luminous crosses will be seen overhead, and there will be springs of fresh water. You may need some warmer clothes, and your tents would be useful to keep you warm and dry. Remember that there are many accounts in the Bible that speak of caves for protection. Elijah was protected in a cave at Mt. Carmel, and I was born in a cave at Bethlehem. I also lived in a cave in Egypt while I was protected from Herod. You were able to visit these places to verify these accounts. So trust in Me that your angels will lead you to the nearest place of refuge during the tribulation.”


Sunday, October 2, 2011: (Guardian Angel Day)
Mark said: “I am Mark, and I stand before God in obedience to Him. It is a joy to work with you because your gift from God keeps you linked with His words, and you are trying to be obedient to Him also. We angels make only one choice to serve God and it is forever. You also have said ‘yes’ to serve God in your mission to share God’s Word about preparing for the tribulation. I am reaffirming that when you feel nudges to pray, go to Mass, go to Adoration, and work for your neighbor, you are being urged on by me. I am also protecting you in your travel both in the car and in airplanes. The demons are doing everything to distract you with worldly pleasures, so call on me when you are being tested. Share your love with everyone and also share your faith where possible. Remember how the Lord told you not to mellow His words for a better hearing. So keep giving your messages even if some people do not want to hear you, or they are persecuting you. For being faithful, the Lord will give you graces and a great reward in heaven. Keep praying your morning prayers and your prayers to me in love. I love you so much, even as the Lord loves you.”


Monday, October 3, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, the Bible has many lessons in leading a good Christian life, but unless you open it and read it, you will never appreciate the context of the readings at Mass. The first reading is the account of Jonah and how he was trying to run away from the mission that I called him to share. I asked Jonah to tell the people of Nineveh to change their evil ways, or in forty days I would destroy the city. Jonah tried to get away and he was thrown off a ship in a violent storm, swallowed up by a large fish, and spewed on the shore. It is better to accept My mission than to reject it, just to do your own will. The second reading is about the Good Samaritan, and it showed up the Jews for all of their human traditions that did not help their neighbor. The man who was beaten and left for dead was a scene that was crying out to people by looking at his condition. But the priest and the Levite did nothing to help him. I made the Samaritan foreigner the good neighbor who helped the man beaten by robbers. Even if you may be inconvenienced to help someone in immediate need, it is the proper thing to assist that person, especially if they are threatened with being close to death. Put aside your traditions to reach out of your comfort zone in order to help your neighbor in need.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you many times that you are dealing with a battle between good and evil, and the prizes are souls. On the one side you have My faithful helped by Me and the good angels. On the other side you have pro-death people who are being helped by Satan and the demons. You are always battling the evil one’s temptations, but you must remain strong in My grace to follow My Commandments. My faithful must not be afraid to speak out in the defense of the unborn, defense against euthanasia, defense of proper marriage, and against the social injustices of the one world people who are trying to control you. As this evil gets worse, you will see more open persecution of those who believe in Me. Once this evil starts to threaten your life or your job, you need to call on My help because it will be close to the time to leave for My refuges. Once I give you the word to leave, do not hesitate or you could be risking martyrdom in a death camp. So trust in Me that I will be working with you in this battle. You are constantly in a battle between good and evil, even if you do not see it spiritually.”


Tuesday, October 4, 2011: (St. Francis of Assisi)
Jesus said: “My people, sometimes you see some empty seats at Mass in the church, and you complain where are the people who should be there? Some of your family members are not always coming to Sunday Mass, and they should be your responsibility to encourage them to attend or reconvert. I send all of My faithful out to evangelize souls to the faith. If you can bring some new people or your family to Sunday Mass, then you are building up My Church. Your numbers are falling because some people are lazy and their family is not inviting them to come. You cannot change people’s free will, but you can still pray for them, and nudge them along without nagging them. Instead of concerning yourself with offending someone, think more that you are trying to save that soul if there is any comment of criticism.”

Jesus said: “My people, Wall Street represents all the big corporations that run America’s business machine. Unfortunately, it is manipulated by hedge funds, institutions, and day traders that can bring stocks up or down. Many of your created financial crises were designed to steal the savings from the small investor’s 401K programs. These same one world people drive interest rates on CDs artificially low to try and force people into the stock market so they can steal the money of the investors. The rich are more concerned with keeping most people poor so they can control them. The latest protesters in front of Wall Street are organized by the rich to try and cause chaos in your economy, as the organizers are trying to link themselves to the Moslem Brotherhood movement in the Arab countries. There is a true complaint against Wall Street for taking the manufacturing jobs overseas, but these true complaints are not being voiced. Certain parts of your government are trying to create a divide in America between the rich and the poor. This is new world order propaganda that is part of the plan of the rich to take over America by martial law. Be prepared for more violent protests and riots as a means to precipitate martial law. I will warn My people when it is time to leave for your refuges. Trust in My help and pray for the conversion of sinners.”


Wednesday, October 5, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of guns being produced and delivered on a conveyor belt is a sign to you that the armaments business makes big money. It is not by accident that your Defense Budget is the single largest item in your annual budget. Many people profit from wars, and America’s Industrial Defense Complex is one of the largest arms producers in the world. In order to justify such a large budget, the one world people cause a continuing flow of wars by design, even when Congress has only a lukewarm participation. You have an ongoing presence in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya where there is no real reason to be there so long. If you look at the cause of most of your National Debt, it is because of unfunded expenditures for your wars that are no real threat to your country. These wars are trumped up as an excuse for the rich to make money on arms, and the central bankers are collecting taxpayer dollars for the interest on these debts. The central bankers of your Federal Reserve are pocketing the third largest item in your budget to pay the interest on your debt. Not only are the rich making money on wars, but this is blood money for all the innocent people being killed in these wars. This is another reason why the devil is encouraging these wars in order to reduce the population. The one world people at the upper levels of their organizations worship Satan, and they are carrying out his orders. This is also why My faithful need to pray for peace, and refuse to support wars just to make the rich richer.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people are planning a major event to occur before the end of 2012. Some are saying there is a plan to crash the dollar and the euro before the end of 2012. Most of the upper 10% of the society in income are already paying 70% of the Federal taxes, so they are already paying their fair share. 46% of the people are paying no taxes, and only a small percentage of the rich pay no taxes. If it was not for the rich, the poor would not get any welfare, food stamps, or Medicaid. The President and his party are pushing for more taxes on the rich in a recession. By creating riots and protests against the rich, there is a hope that those in power will keep control, even if they need to cause a martial law takeover. You will see a struggle to stop a National Health law that plans to try and force mandatory chips in the body on everyone to have health insurance. Refuse to take any chip in the body and refuse any mandatory flu shots. These chips will control your mind and threaten your soul by taking away your free will. When you see martial law, bankruptcy, or mandatory chips in the body, it will be the time to leave for My refuges. Just as I mentioned before, you will be fortunate to continue your way of government past the end of 2012. Ask My help to protect you from the one world people who want to kill all Christians and patriots.”


Thursday, October 6, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel reading I gave an example of someone needing some bread at night. It was the persistence of that person that prompted a neighbor to help that person even late at night. Even now in parts of the Northeast of America, there are people in need of housing or in need of repairs for their homes. Many washed out roads had to be rebuilt and the cost was helped by some FEMA funds. These people also had to rely on neighbors and family to get started again. So when people ask for aid to help them, you could have compassion for their needs. Helping the poor and needy should be part of your charity contributions, as well as praying for their situations to get better. This example of the person in need was also directed at being persistent in your prayers for My help. Many times I answer your prayers in ways that will best help souls. This may not be the exact answer to some prayers, but souls are more important to be saved than some personal gain. Be open in your prayers to pray for what is best for a soul’s spiritual gain.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages to avoid taking flu shots because they can cause diseases, and they can destroy your immune system. The plan of the one world people is to make you more susceptible to the coming pandemic virus by the yearly flu shots. Avoid taking any mandatory flu shots. Even some shots for younger children contain relatively high amounts of mercury preservatives that have caused some cases of autism. It is better to take the childhood shots one at a time instead of all at once to avoid too much mercury poisoning.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have been placing chemtrails in the sky since 1998 or sooner. These trails contain aluminum oxide, barium salts, polymeric fibers, and viruses that cause upper respiratory illnesses with flu symptoms. These chemtrails will be the vehicle that the evil ones will use to spread a pandemic virus that will kill many people like the Spanish Flu killed many people years ago. This virus is a biological weapon that will be used specifically to reduce the population. The one world people have a goal to reduce the population with vaccines, and they have stated their intentions openly. My faithful will be healed of all of these viruses and poisons when they come to My refuges and look on the luminous cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My faithful to store a one year’s supply of food and water because of the coming planned world famine. Many government controls will soon ration food supplies to only those people who have a chip in the body. The other problem will occur when your dollar is so devalued that you will not be able to afford buying the food that will be available. Because My faithful will have enough food, you will not need chips in the body to buy it, and you will not be affected by a crashed dollar. This is why it is better to buy food than gold or silver. Follow My instructions, and you will have enough food to share for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, your dollar is being devalued every time the Federal Reserve pumps more money into circulation with its ‘quantitative easing’. Every stimulus measure carried out has not helped jobs, but these measures have added to the trillions of dollars of debt. The more deficits that you add to your debt, the more Treasury Notes you need to find buyers for it in order to finance this debt. Once bond rates increase, it will be more expensive to service a large debt. A bankruptcy is coming because you have over $60 trillion of unfunded liabilities for pensions, welfare, Social Security, and home mortgages. This will be another reason to go to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are instigators in these latest protests against Wall Street who are trying to cause more damage to your economy than help. Many of these organizations are trying to exploit the people’s frustration with the bad economy and use them for their own political agenda. This uprising is trying to simulate the same uprisings occurring in the Arab countries. This movement was also started to thwart the Tea Party movement by putting leftists against conservatives. My people need to avoid riots and chaos that will only serve the one world people’s agenda for a national takeover by martial law.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are working with Satan and the Antichrist for a world takeover. Their targets are the removal of Christians and patriots who could block their new world order. There are already hundreds of detention center death camps all over America which are under FEMA’s jurisdiction. These evil ones want to kill all Christians and patriots by using these death camps for that purpose. Some they want to kill before martial law who are on a red list. Others they want to kill after martial law who are on a blue list. It is for this reason that My people are setting up refuges that will be protected from these evil ones by My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Warning or the illumination of conscience will occur first and then later events will lead up to the beginning of the Great Tribulation when the Antichrist will declare himself. This is why My refuges need to be made because My angels will defend you from the evil ones who are trying to kill you. Trust in My Word when I warn you to leave your homes for My refuges. The evil ones will not be able to find you at My refuges because they will not be able to detect you. Give praise and thanks to Me for protecting you throughout this short reign of the tribulation.”


Friday, October 7, 2011: (Our Lady of the Rosary)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the triumph of My Blessed Mother as she steps on the serpent representing the devil. When I died on the cross, this was My victory over sin and death. When I return in triumph over the Antichrist, you will see in the vision how the devil will suffer the disgrace of being stepped on by My Blessed Mother as he will then be cast into hell. The Antichrist’s reign will be less than 3 ½ years, and My faithful will need to seek My protection at My refuges. My Blessed Mother will protect her children with her mantle, especially those souls who pray her rosary and wear her scapular. The rosary is a powerful weapon against the evil one in praying for sinners and also for the souls in purgatory. Praying for souls to come to heaven is what is needed most for your world. There are many lukewarm souls that will be saved because their family or relatives are praying for them. Keep praying for your own family members to be saved from their sins. You do not want to see any of them lost to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, the fight to protect life at all stages of development is another part of the battle between good and evil. On one side you have pro-life people who are doing everything to stop abortions, stop euthanasia, and have peace to stop the constant wars. My faithful realize that life is precious, and it is against My Fifth Commandment to kill anyone. On the other side of this battle you have pro-death people who are choosing only to kill. They have fought to have the freedom to kill their children as a right, and almost all countries allow abortion. These people also want the right to terminate older people who have only a short time to live. Again some states allow this killing of the elderly. Wars are more nebulous, but the intent is to kill the soldiers of the other side. Another issue concerns capital punishment with the death sentence. A consistent life ethic should also stop even so-called justified killing as a punishment for murderers. Preserving life for all people should be your goal because everyone should be allowed the opportunity to live. In all levels of government this battle to protect life goes on, and it usually involves conflicts over giving public money to organizations that perform abortions. There is even a battle to elect pro-life candidates over pro-death candidates. Remember that Satan wants to kill man, and he is getting his followers to sponsor this killing in order to reduce the population. I want My faithful to stand up for their Christian beliefs, and defend life at all of its stages. You may even have to go outside of your comfort zone to be truly active in this battle against evil.”


Saturday, October 8, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a shadow is a further sign that all peoples are standing in My Light as I am truly the Light of the world. There is evil and darkness in the world, but My power of Light overshadows them. I have created your physical light with the sun, the moon, and the stars, but I also give you My spiritual Light which shines My abundant graces on everyone. It is how you receive My invitation to grace that will most affect your souls. Those, who believe in Me and receive My sacraments, will have My grace in their souls. Those, who do not believe in Me and refuse My grace, are in danger of losing their souls to the evil one. Unless you open the door from the inside, I cannot enter your heart and soul. This is why I send out My evangelists to try and convert souls to faith in Me. Some will welcome them, but some will refuse My invitation to holiness. This is the ongoing battle for souls going on in your world. The devil is working just as hard to take souls away from Me. I have read you the parable of the Sower which basically speaks about the lukewarm, and My believers. Even if people around you or your relatives refuse to come to Me voluntarily, you can still pray for their souls to come into My Light. Do not give up on any soul, and be persistent in your prayers that could save that soul. Rejoice in the Light of My grace as you try to share My Light of faith with all the souls that you meet.”


Sunday, October 9, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading of Isaiah, he speaks of rich choice wines and food at a banquet. In the vision you see a banquet table of food and wine that represents My Wedding Banquet in heaven that I have prepared for My faithful who love Me. In the Gospel reading I spoke of a king who sent out invitations to his people, but the people abused his servants, so he called in other people off the streets to fill his banquet hall. Even in the Scriptures I am inviting all the peoples of the world to come and believe in Me and love their Creator. I do not burden anyone, but I ask all peoples to seek the forgiveness of their sins, and make Me the Master of their lives. In the parable many rejected the king’s invitation, or they were not properly dressed, so these people were cast outside to wail and grind their teeth. In life I am also a king, and those, who refuse to accept Me, are risking the fires of hell. Those, who love Me, seek My forgiveness, and allow Me to run their lives, will receive a great reward in heaven at My Wedding Banquet. The focus is on the last line of the Gospel: ‘For many are called, but few are chosen.’ It will not be the majority that will come to heaven, but only a minority will be chosen. Many will choose their own way instead of My way, but the evil ones will suffer forever in hell. My faithful will be ever thankful that they love Me and obey My laws, because they will experience the love and peace in heaven that is overwhelming in My beatific vision.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been working hard to bring speakers to share My message with the people, and you are being tested with some unintended circumstances. You were right not to give people any defense, and rely on prayers for your plans to work out. In some circumstances it is more obvious that the attacks you are receiving are coming from the devil. In these attacks of the evil one, you should do your binding prayer of these evil ones to the foot of My cross. Pray your St. Michael prayer also to take away the evil ones. In all of your work that you do to help souls, you should expect certain attacks because the evil ones do not want you to save souls. Give praise and thanks to Me for helping you in these battles. You are right in realizing that My power is greater than all of the evil ones put together.”

Jesus said: “St. Anthony was happy to help you in finding your wife’s earring, and he was pleased how you both thanked him.”


Monday, October 10, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large fan generating some wind is a sign of the Holy Spirit’s presence as when the apostles experienced a wind in the upper room. At that moment all of those present had tongues of fire over them, as they felt the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This gift of the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles inspired them to speak out as they carried My message to all the nations. Even today, in healing Masses you can see people slain in the Spirit as they are open to receive My peace in their hearts. The Holy Spirit is in all of you, and He empowers you when you receive Him in Confirmation. Whenever you receive Holy Communion, you also receive grace from all Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity. All of My faithful are inspired by the Holy Spirit, so let that grace move you to evangelize souls just as My apostles did.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been planning your cruise and your plane flights in the last few weeks, and there will be some blessings along the way. You also will be facing some trials, but I will have My angels protect you on your pilgrimage. Events are bringing the tribulation closer to its fulfillment. It will be increasingly more difficult to go on any more cruises after this one. This trip will be a bit of a rest from all of your recent activities. Enjoy the beauty of My creation in all the places that you will visit. You will be focused on Me in all of your prayers and Masses, even amidst your travel plans. In the Holy Lands My words will speak to you in all of the familiar scenes in the Gospel. Be grateful every time that you have the opportunity to see where I lived. Help those in your group with their needs, and share your faith and messages with them. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the places that I lead you so you can follow Me.”


Tuesday, October 11, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel the Pharisees criticized Me and My apostles for not following the traditional washing of hands. It is then that I told them about how well they followed Moses’s traditions of cleaning the outside of the body, but they did not keep the inside soul clean from their sins. This is true of people today because they are so concerned about their outward appearances. When you have a sin filled soul, it appears very dark and displeasing for Me to look at. People with mortal sin even appear dead to Me in their souls. The point of this reading is that your soul’s appearance should be of more concern to you than how you appear in your body. By going to frequent Confession at least monthly, you can keep a pure soul and be much more pleasing to Me. Instead of trying to please people, you should be trying to please Me more. You are only on the earth a short time before your body dies, but your soul lives on for all eternity. So strive to be worthy of coming to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is good reason to watch the latest developments in the Canary Islands. There is a major volcano that is linked with the formation of these islands. The longer the earthquake activity continues, and the more bulging that occurs, the chance of a major explosion increases. If any release is slow, then there will be a minimal effect on the area. If activity increases at a rapid rate with larger earthquakes, you could see a major eruption that could send tsunamis to the East coast of America. Pray that this volcano does not explode violently which could put a lot of ash into the atmosphere. Do some research to examine the size of the caldera of this volcano, and some history of its past eruptions.” Note: El Hierro volcano in the Canary Islands is a shield volcano and it has been releasing gases from the ocean floor. It is in red alert with earthquakes ongoing even at a lower than 2.0 level. There was a 4.3 earthquake, and this is the first activity since 1971.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, both of today’s readings speak of not judging others since it is My place to do the judging. In your human weakness you may even make unfair judgments of others when you may be just as guilty of what you are judging. Be sure to get your own house in order before you look for the speck in your neighbor’s eye. When you see the globe in the vision, this means that nations or their heads of state may also be making rash judgments about other nations. Even when America calls for regime changes, or tries to force its way of government on others, your country is judging beyond your place, and you are exerting your own control on other nations. This is in part why many nations have a dislike for America because your corporations are trying to exploit the natural resources of other countries. It is this greed for cheap oil and cheap labor that is sending both your money and jobs to other nations. America needs to examine its own behavior before being critical of other nations.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people have had to do some belt tightening because of the poor U.S. economy. Students, who are going to college, are finding it hard to fund their tuition, living expenses, and books. Parents are paying a larger portion of these expenses. Yet on graduation, it is also harder to find a good paying job. Because so many people are not working, the average family income has been decreasing over the years. I have told you that you would see a lower standard of living because many of your jobs are being sent out of the country. Even those, who are living on pensions and Social Security, are hurting with no raises and some have lost some of their investments in the stock market. Despite your ongoing recession, your people in America still have a lot better living than other countries. As long as your people have food and shelter, they will get along. It will be when your money crashes, and your entitlements go broke that you will see riots and desperation to get food to eat. When life gets more stressed, you will need to come to My refuges for protection and your food. Be patient for several years, and I will bring My victory over the evil ones. Life in My Era of Peace will be a welcome change to your life now.”


Thursday, October 13, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, your people have many comforts in their homes because of the electricity that is available. Most all of the power that you have is produced from hydroelectric plants, and steam turbines which are powered by coal, gas, or oil. Small amounts of power can come from wind turbines and solar cell devices. Most people are not familiar with what plants are providing their electricity because it comes from a collective grid. If these plants or the transmission lines are damaged by storms or terrorism, then power outages could be a problem for a long time. You have seen power outages on hot summer days or when the latest hurricane came through. I have even warned My people to have backup oil lamps for light, and alternate sources of fuel for heating in the winter. It is your electrical appliances as ovens, refrigerators, and sump pumps that require more electricity. Be thankful for these conveniences, but your power is very vulnerable to being stopped. Even when the one world people want to force martial law on you, they will cut your power lines so they can control you.”

Prayer Group:
St. Padre Pio said: “My dear faithful souls, you are honoring My Jesus in His Blessed Sacrament, and praying your rosaries to help souls. Heaven thanks you for all that you are doing to save souls. I came especially to thank Steve for all of his dedication to make religious wood carvings, as he has shown in this statue tonight. I want to encourage him to share his gift with everyone. I also want to remind my son to wear his cross outside of his clothing. Continue to remember me in your prayer requests.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to look at every day as one small step closer to your death, and an opportunity to come to heaven. Even as I struggled to carry My cross to Mount Calvary, I had to take every step closer to My own death. You all have a mortal body that has a short time until you die. But your soul lives on forever, and you are calling on Me to lead you to heaven. In this morning’s readings you saw that you need both faith and works to give evidence of your belief in Me. By putting My words into action in your life, you are witnessing your faith to others.”

Jesus said: “My people, America still has a few technical jobs left in your factories. It is encouraging in certain industries to see some of your jobs returning home. Shipping costs have tripled, container costs have risen, and labor costs are rising in China. It is now about an equal cost to manufacture some things here. If markets are allowed to have a fair playing field, you could see more jobs returning to your country. If foreign companies paid the same taxes, and had to meet similar benefits, then your companies could compete without any disadvantages. Your corporations could make profits here, but there are less taxes and less environmental costs overseas. Pray that your people change your job incentives to keep your jobs here.”

Jesus said: “My people, your business and financial districts in your cities are what has made America great in your eyes. To Me it is your faith in Me in your morals that has made America great in My eyes. When you stop worshiping Me and praying to Me, then you will see how your fame and fortune will be slowly overtaken by other developing countries. Encourage people to pray more and convert their secular lives into holy lives of faith. Unless America comes back to Me in faith, then your civilization could decay as the Roman Empire collapsed from its own decadence.”

Jesus said: “My people, this falling over of large buildings is not because of a poor physical foundation, but it is a sign of a bad spiritual foundation. If you build your house on the sand of fame and fortune, then once you are tested, your house will crumble. If you build your house on the rock of St. Peter in My Church, then your spiritual house will stand against the wind of the evil one’s temptations. Put your trust and faith in Me, and I will see to your every need.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had some trials and difficulties in bringing in your speakers to your city. My son, you have seen these same trials in your work as well. Do not be discouraged to help people get closer to Me. If you are doing this good work for souls, then you will constantly see the devil taunting you with problems to try and discourage you in your work. Instead of giving up, you should struggle on harder to work for souls. I had a world to save, and I gave up every drop of My Blood and every effort to carry My cross. You will be facing worse persecutions than this, so struggle to save souls while you still have time to do so.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in a battle against evil, and you need to keep your army fighting for your own individual church’s survival. Do not be discouraged over some of these closures because you need to call on My strength to keep your churches open. By prayer, fasting, and helping your pastors, you can keep your churches open. Keep fighting and do not give up your faith in this effort.”


Friday, October 14, 2011: (St. Callistus I)
Jesus said: “My people, the people of the world are constantly searching for peace and rest, but they do not find it in worldly things. This is because the body is searching more for comforts and pleasures, and it is never satisfied. It is your inner spiritual soul that is also not finding peace with earthly things. Again, your soul is searching for its Creator and My love, because I am the only One who can give peace to your soul. This peace comes from the grace of My sacraments when you cleanse your soul from your sins in Confession, and when you receive My Real Presence in Holy Communion. Guard this peace of My grace in your soul, and do not let anything in life disturb your peace. When you are seeking rest for your soul, come before Me in My tabernacle in quiet contemplative prayer, and listen to My words of consolation. Before My tabernacle you can shut out the noise of the world to relax in My Presence. Once you taste of My peace in faith, you will realize that it is My love that is constantly drawing you to Me. I want you to seek Me only, and you will have the peace that your soul is searching for in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, many places and events were important in My life on earth as a man. One of the most significant events was the first Mass of the Passover meal at the Last Supper. That is why this vision of the upper room should be important to remember what took place there. Holy Thursday was the day before I was to give up My life for everyone’s sins on Good Friday. The consecration of the Mass goes back to My first breaking of bread in Holy Communion. I consecrated the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This gift of My Real Presence in My Eucharist is the greatest gift of Myself that I could give you. Treasure My Eucharist as a source of graces for your soul. I am always with you in My consecrated Host, and you can receive Me daily at the Mass in Holy Communion. Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament can also bring you close to Me when you make time to visit My tabernacle. The more time that you allow Me into your life, the more you can accomplish for Me in your mission. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the many gifts that I share with you out of love.”


Saturday, October 15, 2011: (St. Teresa of Avila)
St. Teresa said: “My dear children, I am so happy to share my love of Jesus with you. Jesus was my whole life on earth, and I am one with him now in heaven. It is not easy in this life to dedicate your life to Jesus because the devil and the world are constantly trying to distract you from him. By the grace of God I was inspired to make Jesus the center of my life, and I am calling on all of you to let Jesus be the center of your life also. You see Me holding His crucifix because we all are called to pick up our crosses and carry them every day. As soon as you wake up in the morning, ask Jesus: ‘What are the works that you want me to accomplish this day?’ Each day is an opportunity to give praise and glory to Jesus in all that you do. Make everything you do a prayer to Jesus, and think of Him throughout your day. By walking with Jesus every day, He will be guiding you on your path to heaven.
It would be a joy to me and you if you could bring my relic to be honored at your Conference on my feast day. Jesus said: ‘What about Me?’ So bring the Infant of Prague statue as well which is a part of Marino’s ministry.”


Sunday, October 16, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this vision of your pastor offering Mass so that you realize what a treasure you have in the Mass, as well as the blessing of having a pastor. The Mass brings you the blessing of Myself that you receive in Holy Communion, and you also have My Word in the readings by which to live. You know how much I love all of you, and how I want to bring every soul to heaven. By the grace of My sacraments, you are constantly being nourished with My heavenly Manna to sustain your life in body and spirit. As you see My priest son, you should pray for him and help him in his ministry to your parish. You were seeing another gift of Baptism as you brought this little one into the faith. The priests bring you My sacraments, and this is why it is so important to keep your churches open. By keeping your church alive, the people have an opportunity to worship Me and help bring new converts into the faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, the riches and pleasures of this world have enticed many people into sin, and these people are worshiping these things as gods. People with money and possessions think that they do not need Me because they provide for themselves. Without Me, you would have nothing. You are totally dependent on Me for everything whether you believe it or not. This is why you should not become so attached to the things of this world that you could not give them up. Everything that you have is on loan, and you are only a tenant of Mine. When I ask you to follow Me, I am not asking for a percentage of your time, but I am asking you to make a total commitment to My Divine Will. I can only be the Master of your life, if you give Me your whole free will. As you heard tonight, there are only two choices. You are either with Me or with Satan. There is no place in between. You will either allow Me to be your Master, or you are choosing Satan to be your master. If you choose to let yourself be the master, then you are giving yourself over to Satan. Choose life today by following Me into the Light, or you could be lost to hell. This decision cannot be put off to tomorrow, because you may not live to see another day. If you desire to be with the One who loves you, then follow Me on the narrow road to heaven. Any other choice will lead you to the devil who hates you, and he will lead you on the broad road to hell.”


Monday, October 17, 2011: (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
Jesus said: “My people, those, who were martyred for their faith, are in a high level of heaven because of their sacrifice for love of Me. They are now celebrating with Me in heaven at a great banquet table with a red tablecloth. I have mentioned before in My messages that those, who die in defending the faith in Me, will become instant saints in heaven. They may not be all recognized as saints in My Church, but they are still honored as such in heaven. As the coming tribulation is about to start, there will again be a time of persecution where many will die for their faith. I have told you not to worry about your life on earth as long as you are close to Me in My sacraments. Whether you die as a martyr, or you are protected at My refuges, you will be sharing in My Kingdom in heaven. Give thanks to Me for all the models of inspiration that My martyred saints represented for you on earth. It was because of their steadfastness in the faith that many converts were led to the faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, already you are seeing Christmas things appearing in your stores. In the Gospel I spoke of the greed of the man who was trying to get a part of his brother’s inheritance. The greed for money has been with man all throughout history. Even today your shopkeepers start advertising Christmas gifts sooner and sooner. By rushing the beginning of Christmas shopping, they can extend the season to make more money. Most shops make their biggest profits around the Christmas season. Even with such a focus on Christmas shopping, these greedy shopkeepers are very careful not to mention the word, ‘Christmas’, even though it is My birth that is being celebrated. I have asked people to put ‘Christ’ back into Christmas because I am the center of this feast. If My people did not buy their presents until later, then these shopkeepers might stop rushing this season. It is good to share gifts with each other as the Magi did in bringing Me gifts, but the focus should be more on loving Me than the gifts that you share. Do not spend so many long hours in the stores, when you can better share your time with Me in prayer before My crib or My tabernacle. If you want to express your love for Me on Christmas, you could display My Nativity Scene at your house.”


Tuesday, October 18, 2011: (St. Luke)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of St. Luke and the seventy-two disciples that I sent out, is all about evangelizing souls and building up My Church. I sent My disciples out two by two without money or any baggage. It is not easy to lead your life as a missionary because you are always dependent on people of peace to help you with lodging and meals. The laborer in the harvest of souls is worthy of having his or her needs met. As you brought in two speakers, you brought them into your home and helped them with bedding and meals. My son, you know how important it is to have kind, helping people because you travel from place to place where you also are dependent on people tending to your needs. My people should be thankful that there are laborers going out to share My Word with possible converts. Do not worry about the numbers of people who come to these talks because those who come will be enlightened, and they will spread My message to their friends and relatives. Even books and various media can be useful to share My message in the quiet of the people’s homes. In the Gospel I told the people to ask the harvest master to send out more laborers in the field to convert souls. All of My faithful need to take My message to heart, and go out to all the nations and share My Good News with potential converts to the faith. By sharing your faith with others, you all are working to save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a saying that a chain is as strong as its weakest link. When your parishioners are pulling together to support their church, they need to be strong in faith and character. A church will not survive when people only give a dollar or two in the Sunday collection. A parish also needs individual participation in the various functions of running a church. The faith of the people needs to be strong so you have a firm reason to protect your sacramental church from being closed. This is why the weak link of lukewarm people are being sifted out as they fall away from their faith. My people need to encourage their family members and friends to keep coming to Sunday Mass so they can be fed with My heavenly Bread. Reach out to save as many souls as possible because you are in the midst of a battle for souls.”


Wednesday, October 19, 2011: (St. Issac Jogues, and companions)
Jesus said: “My people, when martial law and mandatory chips in the body come, I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge for protection from the evil ones. These refuges will be at places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, places of holy ground, and caves. This vision at Auriesville, N.Y. is at the place honored by the North American martyrs, and it is truly holy ground. Many shrines will be refuges as this one is, even if there are no obvious provisions being made to store food and shelters. It is My angels that will make the buildings for dormitories to sleep. The building in the vision that you are looking out of is one of the buildings that will be provided. Food and deer will be provided to eat, as well as daily Communion. There will be water from springs, and a luminous cross for healing will light your way. You will see My angel of protection there who will make My faithful invisible to the evil ones. Rejoice that I am providing these many refuges to protect you during the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Have no fear, but you must leave your homes for My refuges when I call you to come. This will be a rustic living with people working for their survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, raising cattle is a delicate balance between how much it costs to feed them vs. how much money they can be sold for at the market. During the warm days they can feed on the grass, but during the winter you need to house them and spend money for feed. In the spiritual world there is a challenge for a soul to survive this human condition. In this case there is a balance between struggling through the daily temptations of the evil ones. If the soul is fed Holy Communion and obeys My Commandments, then there is a guarantee of coming to heaven. If the soul refuses My help and tries to go through life on its own, then the balance could shift to a soul lost to the devil. Man is weak to temptations, so each soul must seek My help in order to come to heaven. Each soul is very precious to Me and even to Satan. Because souls are so valuable, you see a battle to the end between Satan and Me for each soul, right up to the point of death. Keep close to Me with a pure soul by Confession, and help to evangelize souls so they can be saved from hell.”


Thursday, October 20, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you know that valuable gifts can come in little boxes. The first vision of a diamond ring in a box is usually for a woman who is about to be engaged to be married. The second vision of the Blessed Sacrament in a pyx is an even more valuable gift of Myself. This is usually for someone who cannot come to Mass. My Blessed Sacrament is an ongoing gift that marries or unites your soul to Me. Offering to bring My Eucharist to the sick and disabled is literally a beautiful ministry of reaching out to bring Me to other souls. The treasure of My Real Presence is even much more valuable than any earthly thing that you could give. It is more valuable because I am a spiritual gift to the soul of everlasting value, more than any temporary earthly gift. So when you bring My consecrated Host to someone, you are enriching that soul more than you realize in your act of charity. If you are searching for a helpful job at your church, bringing My Eucharist to people can be a rewarding good work both for you and the people who receive My Host.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have had a complete regime change brought about in Libya with the help of NATO forces and the rebel forces on the ground. There is a concern about some missing weapons, but the old leader has been killed. It is unknown how Libya and Egypt’s leadership will be resolved, and what kind of a government will be set up. Pray that the people of these countries will have a participation in the new governments.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government is still paying out billions of dollars to your Defense Industrial Complex to make weapons for the world. Many of the US troops in the Middle East are being recalled for different missions. America has been involved in these wars for many years, and it is now time to withdraw some of your troops. I have asked you to pray for peace and stop getting involved in new wars. Man needs to try more compromises before resorting to constant wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how much money you have spent on your wars in the Middle East. Contrast this to the small amounts of money spent on rebuilding homes and roads in the many disaster areas of America. Instead of focusing on killing people and destroying things in your wars, you should be more focused on building up the destroyed homes from your tornadoes, fires, and hurricanes. When America is concerned more with helping people instead of wanting regime changes, then you will be on the road to spiritual recovery.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the fall flowers blossom, and the colorful foliage as the leaves of the trees are turning colors. Some people look forward to traveling around your parks to take pictures of the fall foliage. All the flowers and trees are rejoicing in color before winter comes to put nature more into a dormant state. These colors are brief, so enjoy this display while it is still available.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the next few weeks you will be celebrating the saints on November 1st of All Saints’ Day, and the souls suffering in purgatory on November 2nd of All Souls’ Day. Both the saints in heaven and the souls in purgatory are saved, but souls on earth have yet to be judged. This is why you need to pray for the conversion of sinners on earth who need to be converted before they could be lost.”

Jesus said: “My son, your people have been blessed to visit the places that I have traveled. It is a great opportunity to see the places where My disciples converted sinners and started the formation of My Church. As you visit these places in the Holy Lands, take a Bible along with you so you can read of the Gospel accounts where you are traveling. Your Bible will come alive as you visit My holy places. You will also appreciate how difficult it was to travel around in the time that I was on the earth. Give thanks to all of My missionaries who have toiled to save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, your world has been in financial turmoil in the last few years because of all the national debts that are testing many countries for survival. Even America is being tested by your increasing debts and threats of insolvency to many of your entitlements. Your people need to better manage your budgets and deficits that are threatening your way of life. Call on My help to get you through these difficult times.”


Friday, October 21, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading St. Paul is talking of how hard it is to obey the Lord because his body’s members are struggling to do the wrong things. There is a constant battle going on between the desires of the body and the desires of the soul. It is the devil who takes advantage of your weak human nature to tempt you into sin. I know this weakness, and I am willing to forgive your sins at any time. Remember to ask for My forgiveness in Confession, and your soul can be refreshed with My grace. The Gospel reading speaks of recognizing the signs of My return. You have read the Scriptures of how you will see famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. I have told you of the evil of Noah’s day, and how evil it is now in your world, which is a sign of My coming again. Many of these disasters are increasing in frequency and severity, and they are setting records. If you have the eyes of faith, you can read these signs as well. I have given you the mission to prepare My people for the coming tribulation. You are to warn them how to prepare to come to My refuges to avoid the Antichrist and his evil supporters. Rejoice in My help because once you see the Antichrist coming into power, you will soon see Me coming in victory over him.”


Saturday, October 22, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard from St. Paul how you should be living according to the law of the Spirit of God. You are not to be so concerned about the things of the flesh, but you should be more concerned about eternal life in the spirit. In the parable of the fig tree there is no fruit on it. The owner wanted to cut it down because it had no fruit for three years. The gardener asked the owner to allow it one more year so he could cultivate it and fertilize it. This parable is speaking of My faithful who are also meant to bear fruit as your prayers and good works. You have heard My Word and have been blessed to receive the faith. Now you must act on My Word and show your love for Me and your neighbor in your actions. This means that you need to pray to Me and worship Me every day. By your charity from your heart, you should reach out to help your neighbors in their needs. You should take every opportunity to help your family members or friends in their needs without complaint, and act without being asked. For every good work that you do, you will store up treasure in heaven. So after some years, if you do not bear fruit, you could be like this barren fig tree. I offer to cultivate you with My graces and My Word. I give you Confession to forgive your sins, and I enrich you with the spiritual fertilizer of My graces. If you do not bear fruit during your life, then you are risking hell if you are cut down for not obeying My laws. I ask My faithful to be fruitful and may your works be multiplied, so when you face Me at your judgment, you will be found as a fruit laden fig tree.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times ships get lost in the fog, and the light from the lighthouse gives them their bearings so they can find their way. In the spiritual realm there are many people lost in the fog of worldly noise and the desires of earthly things and activities. My sanctuary light in My Adoration chapel is locating My Real Presence so My faithful know where to find Me. When you come into the silence of My Presence, you have a chance to not only make your prayer requests, but also you can listen for My voice in your heart. It is in your contemplative prayer that I can show you how to advance in your mission. It is not easy to find peace and quiet, but when you come to Adoration, I put your mind at ease, and I bring peace to your soul. Be thankful that I am your oasis of grace and peace. If people spent more time visiting Me at Adoration, they would find more purpose to their lives, and they would stop wasting so much time on worldly concerns of no value. Continue to seek out My places of Light where you can find rest for your soul.”


Sunday, October 23, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read some of the lives of the saints as they are My helpmates with My angels in leading people to the faith. If you have not read any of the lives of the saints, you should share in their dedication of their lives to Me, and imitate their lives. They are a beautiful inspiration for your spiritual lives, and when you call on them, they will help you. You, My son, have had messages from them, and you know how they have helped you in your spiritual direction. All of you are called to be missionaries as you share your faith with those around you. If you are loving and witnessing the glory of My Word, people will see how much you love Me, and they will desire your loving spirit that they want to share. So always show your love to Me and follow My laws, and you will be a shining good example for people to follow. Do not be a hypocrite by speaking of My law, and you do not keep it. Heaven is watching you all of the time, so be on your good behavior out of love for Me and love for your neighbor. Also, tell My angels and saints how much you love them.”


Monday, October 24, 2011: (St. Anthony Claret)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of two children sitting on a porch railing is a sign to you of not putting yourself in dangerous situations. In this case there is a physical danger of being hurt accidentally if they fell. My people need to be careful not to endanger their lives in precarious situations, and not to place themselves in occasions of sin which could harm them spiritually. Every day you can meet dangerous situations in car accidents or when you are walking on the roadside. A spiritual occasion of sin could be a couple who are living together without marriage. Fornication can keep occurring in this situation, and it is better to get married or live apart from each other. Most people realize that it is not safe to place yourself in risky situations that could kill them. It is more subtle to be aware of risking mortal sin which could bring death to your soul. When you are in mortal sin, your soul is dead to Me until you come to Confession. The best plan is to avoid deadly situations both for your body and your soul.”


Wednesday, October 26, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, when you receive Me in Holy Communion, you also receive God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. This gleaming triangle is showing you the power of all Three Persons in the Blessed Trinity. It is Our Light and graces that are poured out on you as you receive Us in Holy Communion. You also are seeing heavenly angels as they give praise and glory to Me at the Consecration of the Mass. As each of you receive Me in Holy Communion, you also are seeing angels around you as you are like a tabernacle with Me until the consecrated Host is consumed. As you prayed My Blessed Mother’s rosary and worshiped Me at the Mass, We are welcoming you on your pilgrimage with ‘Mary’s Pilgrims’. I have told you before that you will gain great graces for every pilgrimage that you make. Learn from your spiritual experiences which will help you grow in faith. Remember to follow your passages from the Bible that refer to the places that you are visiting.”


Thursday, October 27, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing the beauty of My creation every morning. You have been given the gift of faith in Me that you treasure every day. Offer up all of your requests, prayers, and works each day to Me as you ask Me to be a part of what you do each day. If you are with Me, who can be against you? It is by your free will that you give yourself over to Me and let Me lead you on your mission. I do not want any of you to be separated from Me. If you break our relationship with sin, you can be reconciled with Me in Confession. You are joined in the Communion of Saints at Communion, and I call you to pray for the conversion of sinners, especially those in your own family. Give everyone good example, and pray persistently for any lost souls because you can save your fallen away members by your prayers. Pray and have Masses said for your deceased friends and relatives. Pray for the souls in purgatory with your daily rosaries. By striving to keep your family together in My good graces, you can all be joined with Me in heaven one day. I love all of you, and I do not want to see any soul lost to the devil.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am happy that your pilgrimage brought you to the home where I lived. St. John took care of me in Ephesus, Turkey. Your readings today confirmed that St. John was given to me as a son from Jesus on the cross. I was given to be the Mother of all of God’s children in addition to St. John. I call all of you to remember to pray your rosaries every day and to make up any missed rosaries on the following day. I have many intentions of praying for sinners, for souls in purgatory, for the stoppage of abortion, and for peace without wars. If you forget these particular intentions, then just pray for my general intentions. You have visited my House of Loretto and near the Dormition Abbey where I was assumed into heaven. Be grateful that you have been able to see all of these holy places. You need to get your Bible out to see where all of these places are mentioned in the readings.”


Friday, October 28, 2011: (St. Simon and St. Jude)
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were My special helpers in spreading My Word of the Gospel. They traveled around with Me for the three years of My public ministry. St. Matthew and St. John wrote two of the Gospels. I took St. John, St. James, and St. Peter up with Me on Mt. Tabor for My Transfiguration and the same three apostles were close to Me at My Agony in the Garden of Gethsemene. St. John was close to Me at the foot of My cross as he took care of My Blessed Mother. St. Peter was made the first pope as I gave him the keys of My Kingdom to lead My Church. All of the apostles, the deacons, and St. Paul and his companions were missionaries to the Jews and the Gentiles. You can see the result of their work in how they led My Church through the early years of persecution. All of My apostles, except St. John, were martyred as were many of the early popes. I promised that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church, and it is still going on for over two thousand years. Give praise and glory to Me as I use My faithful of today to evangelize and convert souls to the faith in order to build up My Church.”

Jesus said: “My people of Mary’s Pilgrims, I am showing you that this ship is infested with demons that are associated with fornication, gambling, and overeating. It would be wise to spread holy water or blessed salt around your Gamma meeting room, where you eat, and in your cabins. This blessing, your prayers, and your Masses are for this intention of controlling these demons and binding them to the foot of My cross. Pray also for all the people on this boat who may be sinning or who are in a state of mortal sin. Even when you go ashore, you should wear some blessed sacramentals for protection from the demons. You go about in life without realizing all the battles of good and evil that are going on all around you. Pray for your protection and call on My angels to put up a shield of protection against the demons on the boat and the demons on the shore. Pray also for all the souls that could be influenced by these demons both on the ship and where you are traveling.”


Saturday, October 29, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I know that all souls should be struggling against the temptations of the devil out of love for Me. You should desire to be with Me in heaven out of love, but those, who reject Me, are risking the eternal fires of hell. There is a gift of the Holy Spirit in the fear of the Lord, but this should make everyone humble before Me. Those, who are faithful to Me in their daily prayers, works for their neighbor, and have love of God and neighbor, need not fear because you will be with Me one day in heaven. You are seeing in the vision how many souls will forever suffer in the flames of hell because of their rejection of Me. You are seeing so many souls around you who are all living in the body and have not yet been judged. This is why it is so important to pray for the souls in your family and all sinners in the world so My mercy can forgive them of their sins. Pray for My Most Precious Blood to be poured out on these sinners so that souls, who are away from Me, will be predisposed to My love in their hearts. I do not force My love on the free will of any soul. Those, who are praying for sinners, can be instrumental in saving souls. So be persistent in praying for sinners. You can pray for the souls in purgatory also, but they are already saved from hell. Praying for sinners should be your most important intention as well as evangelizing souls to convert their lives to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were hearing your priest speak about the Little Way of St. Therese, and how you should be more childlike in your faith and your actions. You also need to have a pure and chaste soul because many souls are going to hell because of the sins of the flesh. Many affairs are started by men looking on women with lust in their hearts. Some women dress immodestly and throw themselves at the men. I am always warning people not to be involved with adultery, fornication, masturbation, birth control devices, or homosexual acts. You have strong urges at times, but you must guard your eyes and your passions to avoid the sins of the flesh. Even living together without marriage can be sinful and an occasion of sin that should be avoided. You can live a chaste life by asking My help, and ask for the grace of purity to correct any habitual sexual sin. Most sexual sins are mortal sins because they abuse the proper way of providing for children in a loving environment. If you do fall to such sins, you will need Confession so you can be worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion. This is one type of sin that takes spiritual strength to avoid, so guard your eyes and be faithful to your spouses if you are married. By living a chaste life, this will help you in fighting off other temptations as well. In all that you do, you should live to show Me your love by not offending Me with any sinful actions.”


Sunday, October 30, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you are visiting Bethlehem where I was born, even though it is hard to think of Christmas in October. The star is the exact location in a cave like structure where My birth took place. People from many previous centuries had waited for their Redeemer to come to the earth. Because of the sin of Adam and Eve, many souls had to languish in Sheol where people suffered a hell like existence after their death. Only after I died on the cross and paid the ransom for everyone’s sins, could the worthy souls be released into heaven. Many of My people today take Baptism for granted that releases souls from original sin. The people that lived before My birth had a different suffering. My people of today need to rejoice that you have been redeemed even from your actual sins, as well as from original sin. By seeking My forgiveness in Confession, you can keep your soul clean and ready for your judgment. In another month or so you will start Advent with the new translated Mass. This will be an extra Christmas treat to return to the old Mass in the vernacular. Enjoy the rest of your trip even if you have to travel longer in the bus due to your port change. There are always adjustments that you need to make when you travel, even on a pilgrimage.”


Monday, October 31, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, the first Adam had a beautiful life in the Garden of Eden, and I even provided a helpmate with Eve. The devil tempted him with a desire to be like a god in knowing good and evil, so he fell to the sin of eating the forbidden fruit. As a consequence of his sin, Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden, and he now had to work for a living. He experienced pain and sickness, and he now had a mortal body that would die. I am the new Adam and I took on all of the fallen consequences except sin. I became the unblemished Lamb that was to be offered up for all of mankind’s sins. Today, you visited a new Garden of Gethsemene where I suffered My agony with blood that came from My sweating. I was tested by the devil as well, but I did not fall and I chose to follow My Father’s Will. It was My acceptance of dying on the cross that has brought salvation to everyone. The first Adam brought death and misery, but the new Adam has brought everyone the opportunity for eternal life in heaven. Rejoice that your Redeemer has come to heal your sins, and restore grace to your soul. I will come again to judge souls, so keep your souls pure with Confession so you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”


Tuesday, November 1, 2011: (All Saints’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you were fortunate to have heard My Gospel on the Beatitudes in the very place where I gave My Sermon on this Mount of the Beatitudes. These happenings are well planned in life, and not just by accident. Two of the Beatitudes that deal with the poor in spirit, and those who are persecuted, are promised the Kingdom of heaven. This is what many are going to face in the coming persecution of the tribulation. Right now, your lives are not at risk because of your belief in Me, but as the time of the Antichrist draws near, you will be facing persecution from within My Church and from your authorities. Again, those, who remain faithful even when they may risk martyrdom, will be granted their reward in heaven. Ask for My grace and protection at My refuges, and I will have My angels place an invisible shield around you to protect you from the evil ones. My faithful will be marked on their foreheads so they can enter My refuges.”


Wednesday, November 2, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you have visited Cana where I had My first miracle. It was not My time to start My ministry, but I honored My Blessed Mother’s request to provide more wine. I did not want the Host to be embarrassed by not having enough wine. After I had the servants fill the six jars with water, I performed a miracle of changing the water into wine. I then had a servant take the wine to the head waiter. He did not know where the wine came from, but he remarked how the best wine had been saved for last. This wine and bread would later be changed again into My Body and Blood at the Last Supper. All those, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will have eternal life. This wedding feast of Cana is another symbol of how I am calling all of My faithful to My eventual Wedding Banquet in heaven. Those, who are worthy and purified, will be allowed into heaven because I go to prepare a place for My faithful in heaven. Rejoice with Me when I will share a new wine with you.”


Thursday, November 3, 2011: (St. Martin de Porres)
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Good Shepherd, and I love all of My people. I am calling all of you to be converted from your ways of the world over to My ways. I am searching for every lost soul, and I am inviting every soul to come to My mercy and forgiveness. Even when I was criticized by the Scribes and Pharisees for being with sinners, I told them that sick people need a doctor, while the self-righteous do not. All of you are sinners and in need of My forgiveness. As you confess your sins to Me through the priest, I heal your soul and return My grace to your soul. Be humble in asking for My forgiveness, and let Me be the Master of your lives. Many people on the ship have fallen ill from one sickness or another. So pray for them to get better both in body and soul. For every soul that converts to following Me, heaven rejoices over even one soul that repents. Just as the shepherd finds his lost sheep and he rejoices, so I and all of heaven rejoice over all sinners who are healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you should rejoice for all the beautiful places that you were able to visit. You saw the place of My birth in Bethlehem. You walked the via Delorosa to Calvary where you saw My tomb in the Holy Sepulcher and where I died on the cross. You visited the Sea of Gallilee where I gave many parables, and you even went out in a boat on this sea. You saw St. Peter’s house and the Mount of the Beatitudes where I preached about the beatitudes. You also visited the Church of the Annunciation at Nazareth, Israel where My Blessed Mother gave her fiat to be My mother. You saw Mt. Tabor where I was transfigured before My apostles, and you saw where Elijah hid in a cave on Mt. Carnel. This was a very successful trip as your Biblical readings will now come alive to you. When you return home, you will be able to share your movies and pictures to show all the places where My apostles, I, and St. Paul traveled. Give praise and thanksgiving to Me for all that you have seen on this pilgrimage. Let this experience enlighten your spiritual life and enhance your prayer life.”


Friday, November 4, 2011: (St. Charles Borromeo)
Jesus said: “My people, it is very difficult for the rich to enter heaven. I even told My apostles that getting a rich person to heaven will be as hard as passing a camel through the eye of a needle. This does not refer to a needle and thread, but through a four foot by four foot hole as at the Church of the Nativity. Be careful with wealth, and do not let it become an idol that can control you. Be prudent in the use of money to provide for your family’s needs and share it with others when possible. The more important wealth is spiritual wealth that you can store in heaven for your good works. Your best treasure is your freely given faith in Me. You can gain great treasure in heaven by converting souls to Me by sharing your faith in evangelization. The more souls that you can bring to Me, are the less souls that will be lost to Satan. Rejoice with the joy in heaven when you can help one soul repent of that person’s sins.”


Saturday, November 5, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all born into this world, but you do not have to be of this world in desiring only material things. In everything you do each day, it is always a choice to serve Me or to serve yourself and money. Those, who follow Me, must give your will over to My Divine Will, and let Me be the Master of your life. Those, who choose to follow their own ways of man only, are risking the consequences of their actions that could lead them to hell. You can only love and serve one Master, either Me or the world. If you are going to serve Me, you must be the servant of your neighbors in charity. By loving Me and loving your neighbor, you will be choosing the narrow road to heaven. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and then he loses his soul to the devil? You are on this earth to know, love, and serve Me. All of creation follows My way, but man has been made in My Divine image with the gift of free will. I do not force My love on you, but I want you to love Me by your own free will. When you desire to follow My ways, you will be in harmony with all of My creation. Give praise and glory to your God who desires that all souls be saved in My love.”

(Sunday anticipation Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you do not want to be one of the five foolish virgins when I tell them that I do not know them, for they do not know the day nor the hour of My coming. If you want to enter the gates of heaven, you must have a personal relationship with Me in your prayer life. By coming to Me in My sacraments, you will be on the narrow road to heaven. Those, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will have eternal life. This parable of the wise and foolish virgins is a warning to you to be watchful and ready in your soul for your judgment when I return. Do not be a foolish virgin without any preparation for the coming tribulation. I will provide for all of My faithful at My refuges, so have no fear, but have hope in My watching over you.”


Monday, November 7, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you have had several delays and changes in your travel plans, and St. Paul also had travel problems in being shipwrecked as in the vision. America is also traveling down the wrong road, and it could also see changes that could lead to bankruptcy and disasters. If your money people crash the dollar, you could see your country shipwrecked as well. When a country turns its back on Me, it loses its graces, and it is open to disasters. Pray for My protection, and I will send My angels to guard you from the evil ones.”


Tuesday, November 8, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, before your trip started, I told you that you would experience some trials, but My angels would protect you. Your first trial was the closing of the Ashdod port because of some missiles that were fired. You had several problems with lengthy waits during security checks for the airlines. There were several sicknesses on the ship that caused some discomfort. Even coming home, you had to deal with a flight cancellation. Despite your trials, you were still protected from any life threatening events. Give praise and thanks to Me that you were able to see most of the scheduled places on your pilgrimage. As you review the scenes of your trip, you will have some treasured memories in the Holy Lands that will make your Scripture readings come alive.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you have a hard time seeing the road on a foggy night, so it will be hard to see you when you are on your way to a refuge. Your angels will make you invisible to those who want to kill you. Be thankful that I am providing refuges for you to stay during the tribulation. You will be able to see each other, but the evil ones will not be able to detect you, even with all of their electronic detectors. This is a miracle of protection as you will see everything provided for you as I multiply your food and shelters. My angels will build your shelters as you need them. You will be praying more as you work with your community to provide for everyone’s needs. This trial will last less than 3 ½ years, and then I will bring My victory over the Antichrist. I will renew the earth, and then you will be brought down into My Era of Peace. You are fortunate to be living in this transition time when you will be prepared for heaven. Ask My help in all that you do every day.”


Wednesday, November 9, 2011: (Dedication of St.John Lateran)
Jesus said: “My people, it is a duty of those who oversee My Church to keep the deposit of faith ever before My people. This briefcase in the vision holds all of My Church’s laws, canons, and Encyclicals, as well as the Scriptures of My Word. I am the keystone of My Church as I founded it with St. Peter as its first Pope. This dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica is because this was the place for My Popes until St. Peter’s Basilica was built. It is still recognized as the Church of Rome. I have protected My Church through the years, and I am always reaching out to evangelize sinners through My missionaries. You are all on your journey toward heaven, and My Church is there to guide you and make any interpretation of Scripture, or faith and moral decisions. Other denominations have split off from the main branch, but My Church is the true Church with My sacraments to make you holy.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who travel on cruise ships are familiar with places to gather before you leave on your tour for the day. It can be an exciting trip to see new places, or even places that you have been many years ago. When you play back your pictures or movies, you can bring back your memories of that trip. Your life experience can also be seen as a tour because you are always meeting new challenges with opportunities to help people out of charity. You start your day with your morning offering to Me as I help direct you on your mission. Having a good spiritual outlook on life can share your joy of faith with others in lifting up the spirits of those people whom you meet each day. Everyday life has its problems and some people can get overburdened and sad with life’s trials. By your prayers and help, you can console such persons who have sickness or deaths in their family. You can help one another get through your trials, and it can be a comfort to have someone listen to another person’s problems. One day at either your Warning or your death, you will see your life’s memories played back to you at your judgment. If you focus on following My ways and loving Me and your neighbor, you will be rewarded for your good behavior. Those, who do not follow My ways and go against My laws, may suffer a more harsh punishment. It is your choice every day whether to follow My ways or the ways of the world. To gain heaven you need to imitate My life, and follow My Commandments out of love for Me.”


Thursday, November 10, 2011: (St. Leo the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you messages right along about the coming Warning experience that everyone will feel all at once. This vision of an umbrella is an indication that a great storm of evil will follow after this Warning. Indeed, after the Warning you will see events lead up to the coming of the Antichrist. You are seeing continuing storms and earthquakes happening one after another. Your first major snow storm has already caused many power outages. The Warning will be like a near death experience where you will come before Me in an out of body instance when I will review your whole life. This will focus on your unforgiven sins which will be stored in your memory. You will have a strong desire for Confession when you understand how much your sins offend Me. You will see a mini-judgment of where you would be sent if you died right now-whether to hell, purgatory, or heaven. You will be given a chance to improve your life when you return to your body. If you do not change your spiritual direction, then this mini-judgment will be where you will go when you die. I am giving My mercy to every soul for an opportunity to change your lives so you can be saved. This Warning experience is also a preparation for the coming tribulation. You will be seeing an evil worse than you have ever seen. So be prepared to come to My refuges where you will be protected from the evil ones.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul was one of My great missionaries for the Gentiles. He evangelized with My Word to convert people in all the places that he traveled. You were fortunate on your trip to walk the many paths that St. Paul walked. He had My grace to be courageous in speaking out to those who did not want to hear My way of life. Many pagans believed in many gods, and this was a problem for St. Paul when they stoned him. He was in many prisons for the Gospel, and he sent epistles to the many people where he preached. My people will soon start to get persecuted as well, and you may be threatened with prison.”

Jesus said: “My people, carpenters in your day are not as skilled in making statues and ornate carvings for churches. These old skills have been shelved in order to build houses and simply designed buildings. The people of the world do not always appreciate beautifully carved statues and ornate churches. There are some artisans around, but they are finding it hard to make a living. Give thanks and praise to Me for all the skills that you have acquired in life to make your living.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you travel around the world in various countries, you can notice the old architecture of the churches and mosques. You do not see these kinds of buildings being made today. The beauty of your old churches showed the desire of the artisans to work for My glory in making ornate churches. Even if you have different skills today, you should work at your jobs for My greater glory. Pray and work to evangelize souls to the faith because saving souls is your most important work.”

Jesus said: “My people, only about 500 years ago your scientists finally determined that the earth was round, and it circled around the sun. With all of your recent technology, you were amazed to learn that some ancient peoples were able to determine that the earth was round. Every time that you want to think different from the status quo in science, it sometimes is a struggle for people to accept your ideas. Truth in nature and science are usually found in simple ways to describe things. Be grateful for My blessings in all the work that you do for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, My way to Calvary along the Via Dolorosa was difficult in carrying My cross. I was weak from My scourging, but I struggled on because I had a world to save. Simon helped carry My cross, and I will help you with your cross if you ask Me. I ask all of My faithful to take up their daily crosses, and struggle to follow My ways to heaven. The body’s desires are always holding you back from accomplishing what the soul desires. Trust in Me to lead you on the narrow road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been prepared to learn the new changes in the Mass that will start with the First Sunday of Advent. You can also get prepared in your heart to celebrate another Christmas Season. As you went to see where I was born in Bethlehem, these readings will come alive for you. You also saw where the shepherds were tending their sheep when the angel encouraged them to come to greet Me. Every time that you come to the Holy Lands, there is a joy in following My footsteps.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have life a little easier in America compared to some people in foreign countries. Many people have struggled to give you your freedoms that you take for granted. Your previous generations should be thanked for all the blessings that you have today. My graces also help you in your daily work. You all have a common experience in your needs for food and shelter. Work to share your love and your skills in helping your neighbor in his needs. I love all of you, and I want you to work in harmony with all the peoples of the world instead of fighting wars.”


Friday, November 11, 2011: (St. Martin of Tours)
Jesus said: “My people, in these weeks before Advent begins, the Gospel readings are focused on the end times. I have given you descriptions in the Gospels of these coming times when you will see famine, pestilence, and earthquakes. In the vision you are seeing flooding of your rivers to give you another sign that was seen in Noah’s day with the flood. When you see evil getting as bad as it was in Noah’s day, this will be a sign for you that the Son of Man will be returning. You have been seeing continuous earthquakes even in Eastern Turkey where you just traveled. It will be the major earthquakes on the New Madrid fault and the San Andrea’s fault that will cause the most damage in America. You have been praying for the souls who will die at that time because many will not be ready to meet Me at their judgment. You are seeing other signs in potential government defaults, and the reality of mandatory chips in the body being forced on you by your government. There will come a time of the Antichrist’s reign when your best place of protection will be at My refuges. Do not be fearful, but trust that I will take care of you in this coming persecution of the tribulation. I will come and defeat the Antichrist, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Rejoice that these things will be happening in your lifetime.”

Jesus said: “My people, all throughout history civilizations have fought one another for control of certain types of land that were strategic for defending their people. As you saw in your travels, holding high ground was easier to defend. Over the years your weapons have become more efficient in killing the enemy’s soldiers. Even today, weapon makers have a thriving business because there are always wars going on in some part of the world. In older days of fighting wars it was necessary to protect your homeland. In today’s wars they are fought for profit for the arms dealers. A war for defense of your country could be considered a just war, but the wars of today are caused by the one world people out of greed for money. America should be more careful in getting involved with so many unnecessary wars. Initiating wars for regime change is very controlling. Pray for peace with less hostilities.”


Saturday, November 12, 2011: (St. Josaphat)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings I gave a parable about the unjust judge who finally gave a proper judgment to a poor widow after she kept begging him. This parable was to emphasize the need for persistent prayer. I know what you need, and I will provide for those who request their needs. Providing life sustaining needs will come as quickly as possible. It is prayer requests for souls to be saved that will take more persistent prayer. I hear all of your prayers, but I usually answer them by what is best for souls. Some souls have a higher price to be saved than others because of their sins, or the demons that are attached to their addictions. Do not give up on any soul but continue in your persistent prayer for that person. It is your prayers that could save many souls. You saw the demons all around you, and you need blessed salt and blessed sacramentals to protect your home and your person from their attacks. Trust in My protection and come to monthly Confession to keep your soul pure and protected from the demons.”


Sunday, November 13, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel reading was a test of using the talents that I have given to everyone. Some people use their talents to provide for their families and the good works of charity. Other people either are lazy in not using their talents, or they are selfish, and they do everything for themselves only. Just as the productive servants gained their just reward, so My faithful, who use their talents for My mission, will also receive their reward in heaven. The one, who buried his talent, had that taken away, and he was cast outside to wail and gnash his teeth. So those people, who reject Me and are lazy in not following My laws, will receive punishment as a consequence for their actions. The vision in the confessional is all about facing Me at the judgment when everyone will have to make an accounting for all the actions of their lives. It is better to settle your accounts with Me in Confession than to suffer a harsh punishment at your death and judgment. Continue to be prepared for your death by keeping a pure soul with frequent Confession.”

(Rose Grassi Mass intention) Jesus said: “My people, Rose was a very proper lady, and she was very charitable in her good works. Raoul and Rose were very generous in funding Mt. Carmel House as a Catholic hospice. This was a model for other homes as well. The first reading truly described her wonderful ways of helping people. All of My faithful Carmelites will receive their reward for all their prayers and good works. Give thanks and praise to Me for this gift of Rose’s life.”


Monday, November 14, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading about the abominations being performed against Me in the time of the Maccabees. You saw the idols of the king placed in the sanctuaries of the altars, the discarding of the scrolls of the Scriptures, and the immoral worldly behavior of the people. Even those, who tried to follow My ways, were tortured and killed. If this behavior sounds familiar, it is because America is going down this same path of paganism. Your idols are sports in the stadiums, fame in riches, and possessions of all kinds. Many of your people do not come to Sunday Mass and rarely read the Bible. You abort your children, many live together without marriage, and there are many accepted homosexual acts between two men and two women. In history such decadent civilizations destroyed themselves from within, and America is experiencing all of the symptoms of the fall of the Roman Empire. I have punished such behavior with sudden destruction by weather disasters and earthquakes. America is facing a growing deterioration because of your decadent behavior. If your people do not repent and change their ways, you will face the same fate as many failed civilizations in history. Even if you must face criticism and persecution, remain faithful to Me, and you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the blind man pursued Me in a loud voice because he had faith that I could heal his blindness. I asked him what he wanted since I wanted to hear his request from his own lips. I then healed him, and My Light came into his eyes so he was healed not only physically, but spiritually as well. He then followed Me giving glory to God. There are many people who are alive, but they are walking blind in their spiritual lives. My grace is always available to those who request healing. By prayer for this gift of My grace, people can be healed of their spiritual blindness. Without the eyes of faith, it is difficult to find the narrow road to heaven. You are blessed to have faith and see your mission clearly. You also need to ask Me for My grace to carry out your mission as well. Rejoice when you can evangelize souls so they can see clearly to follow Me in life. Curing any spiritual blindness is even a greater gift than being healed from physical blindness.”


Tuesday, November 15, 2011: (St. Albert the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, when I went to the houses of sinners, I could hear some of the Jewish leaders grumbling how I associated Myself with sinners. They did not realize that Matthew converted to be one of My disciples, and he wrote one of the Gospels. Zaccheus also converted from his ways of stealing money, and he changed his life. I told these complainers that sick people need a doctor, but the self-righteous do not. My whole purpose for coming to the earth as a man was for the salvation of sinners. All of you are sinners, if you want to admit it or not. I wait patiently for you to come to Me and seek My forgiveness for your sins. You have inherited a weakness to sin from Adam, but I have died for each of you. Now, you can come to Me in Confession to cleanse your sins, and renew My grace in your souls. Pray for sinners to repent because many are blinded by their sins, and they have difficulty finding their way to Me. I need My missionaries in the vineyard to evangelize the lost souls before they could be lost to the evil one forever.”

Jesus said: “My people, when there are dictators killing their people or their neighbors, some people in your government start beating the war drums to try and remove such dangerous dictators. It takes a well funded military machine which is financed by your people in order to dislodge some of the tyrants causing trouble in your world. You have removed dictators in the former Yugoslavia, in Iraq, and in Libya. Even the one world people have used the Moslem Brotherhood to take over several Arab countries as Egypt and Algeria. You are seeing how the one world people are orchestrating their new world order takeover. You have seen the European Union formed as a trading block, and even eventually you will see a North American Union between Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. The plan of the Antichrist is to bring all of these unions into one massive world government that he will rule over. I will protect My faithful in My refuges, so have faith and trust in My protection.”


Wednesday, November 16, 2011: (St. Margaret of Scotland)
Jesus said: “My people, as you see signs of winter coming with cold and snow, you start preparing your homes and your cars for winter weather. Even so, as you also start seeing the signs of the end times coming, I am inspiring My faithful to set up refuges for the rest of My people to come. I have told you in the Scriptures how I go to prepare a place in heaven for all of My faithful souls. Even in this world, I am also preparing a place for My faithful at My refuges all over the world. I know it is difficult to face the evil of the Antichrist, so I am enabling your angels to lead you to My nearest refuge. In the vision you see a protected refuge inside this enclosure. Have no fear because you will be made invisible at My refuges, and I will provide for your food and shelter. When you see My Warning and the events leading up to the Antichrist’s coming, then call on Me and you will be led to My places of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy for people to build a refuge and finance it. I know that people have limited funds for any refuge building. There are some people who have money and the right inspiration to build a refuge, but these are rare situations. I am preparing people to set up refuges with whatever they have available. A refuge building only needs to be functional in providing shelter, and some kitchens to feed the people. At My refuges My angels will multiply your dormitories, the food, and the supplies needed for hygiene and bedding. I will protect My faithful, but you will have faith communities where everyone will have a job to help support each other. You will have perpetual Adoration and prayer times for your spiritual support. My angels will bring you daily Communion if you do not have a Mass. Priests are going to be difficult to find for every refuge. Trust in My help during the tribulation, and do not fear the evil ones because My angels will defend you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government is trying to control its citizens through mandatory smart cards and soon mandatory chips in the body. Already you have chips in your passports, driver’s licenses, and Easy passes. These chips are not necessary for transactions, but their only true purpose is control of your people. You use these chips in government entry passes, grocery discount chips, and gasoline buying chips. You have chips in the products that you buy, and soon you will need chips in your body for your health insurance and other government programs. Food stamps and some welfare recipients are required to have finger prints, retina scans, facial recognition, or other biometric means to get money cards. The next requirement will be mandatory chips in the body that will soon be demanded of anyone getting money from the government. I have warned My people not to take any chips in the body for any reason. If and when chips in the body are required for Social Security money, welfare, or health insurance, then you will need to survive without these chips. This mandatory chip in the body is all about mind control over your free will, and when this happens, it will be a sign to leave for your refuges. Do not let the one world people control your body like a robot with chips in the body because your soul will be in danger from these evil ones. Remove all of these chips so you cannot be tracked. Call on Me to lead you to My refuges when mandatory chips in the body are forced on you.”


Thursday, November 17, 2011: (St. Elizabeth of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is very ominous in showing a large wave of evil that will be attacking everyone by demons. You have an expression about slowly boiling a frog in water, and he does not realize the water is getting warmer until it is too late. This wave of evil will not come all at once, but evil is gradually getting more power in high places that will test your faith. Little by little the atheists in your society are removing all words of God from your people. You started with removing prayer from the schools with your church and state separation which is not in your Constitution. You removed My Ten Commandments from your public buildings as people do not want to be reminded how they are sinning. Christmas has been attacked for years to remove My Nativity Scene, and replace it with Season’s Greetings, reindeer, and snowmen. Even in your churches many have stopped coming to Sunday Mass, and many do not want to hear about sin and the Church’s teaching against abortion, birth control, adultery, fornication in living together, nor homosexual sins. My laws have not changed, but it is your increasing immoral society that will start challenging your religious beliefs. In today’s reading (1 Maccabees 2:15-30) Matathias did not want to have the king dictate what religion to follow. He refused to worship the king’s idols and he fled to the mountains for safety and left his possessions behind. Even in today’s coming tribulation of the Antichrist, My faithful will also have to leave their possessions behind in their homes so you can come to My refuges of safety. You will not have to take up weapons because My angels will defend you by making you invisible on your way to My refuges. Those, who remain in their homes, will face persecution and martyrdom in the death camps for not taking chips in the body or not following the new world order’s laws. I am providing protection at My refuges. So when you see the Warning followed by famine, division in My Church, martial law, and mandatory chips in the body, then you can call on Me and I will have My angels lead you to My nearest refuge. Have no fear of this evil because My power is greater than the demons. Call on My help to guard your souls from the demons and the evil that will be growing worse. Wake up to the evil all around you, and do not let laziness allow you to lose your soul to the evil one.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have had a few good size earthquakes in Canada and in Maryland where earthquakes of this size are unusual. I have given you messages about the coming earthquakes on the New Madrid fault and the San Andrea fault in California. This rumbling feeling is a sign that earthquakes in these areas will start small and get larger. The HAARP machine has been used to cause previous large earthquakes, and it is being planned to cause a large incident that could trigger a martial law declaration. This would fit into the one world people’s plans for taking over America. Be prepared to go to My refuges if a national martial law is declared.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many banks that have a poor loan portfolio, and some are on the brink of bankruptcy. Many loans with your government loan agencies are being supported and bailed out by the U.S. taxpayers. The general banking system has stabilized, but the housing industry is in a shambles, and it could bring down parts of your economy. Even as European countries are in danger of default, so your U.S. National Debt is increasing at a fast rate as well. If your deficits and budgets are not brought under control soon, America could face a dollar crash when these debts can no longer be supported.”

Jesus said: “My people, many weather related disasters have stretched local state budgets to the bone in order to try and repair destroyed roads, bridges, and power lines. Even your recent snowstorm put millions of people out of power in the Northeast. If these disasters continue, there will be some budget shortfalls that may not find Federal funding. If there is not more aid forthcoming, you could see local and state governments defaulting on their debts. Pray for less disasters and more funding of your needed infrastructure repairs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some serious sex scandals at some college football programs, and some discrimination attacks against some boy scout troops. Sexual misconduct with young boys has come under investigation with some football teams. It is becoming difficult to have enough oversight on an industry that tries to hide its problems. Pray that these young men will be more protected from any more scandals.”

Jesus said: “My people, a new translation of the Latin Mass will soon be introduced into My Church. Some are wondering why this is being done after so many years, but others want a better translation than what you have now. It is to be seen how this change will be accepted. There is an attempt being made to add more reverence and meaning to the Mass by this change. Other countries have made some changes even before America. Pray that the faithful will find this new translation an improvement in their worship experience.”

Jesus said: “My people, you soon will be starting another Advent Season in preparation for My coming at Christmas. Putting out your Nativity scenes can remind people of the real reason to celebrate My birth. You have just visited Bethlehem at the place where I was born in a cave, so you are already seeing the beauty of My Incarnation as a man. You also are aware of the novenas to the Christ child that will be said. As you make your preparations for another Christmas, remember to be closer to Me in prayer as you bring your gifts before My crib.”

Jesus said: “My people, just before Advent you are seeing many readings of the end times brought before you. I have given you a mission to prepare the people for the coming end times when the Antichrist will come to power. This is not an easy message because some people are uncomfortable with the thought of leaving their homes for My refuges. There will be a major battle of good and evil that will come to a head when I will bring My victory over the evil ones. Rejoice that you are living in these times when you will be entering into My Era of Peace.”


Friday, November 18, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember in the Scriptures how man boasted about building a Tower of Babel that reached into the heavens. Because this was a boasting of man’s building, I brought a confusion among the people with many different languages so they could not understand each other. In today’s world man has built many skyscrapers and he prides himself in all the manipulations of DNA in the plants and animals. Many of these changes in nature have been an abomination to My perfection in My creation. Because of these prideful things of man, you have upset the balance of nature, and more people are having cancers and other diseases as a result. When I return, I will set My creation back to its original perfection, and My faithful will live in My Era of Peace. After I defeat the Antichrist and his demons, you will live on the earth as Adam and Eve once enjoyed life. You will rejoice to see the earth restored to its original beauty. Give glory and praise to Me for My creation because you will soon visit My perfect creation in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the Gospel how zeal for My Church drove Me to putting the money changers out of My place of holy ground. There is another danger lurking in My Church that will soon lead to a division in My Church. I am speaking of the New Age threat that is coming into My Church. Those, who promote Reiki, crystal worship calling on cosmic forces of the devil, and any other worship of things and idols, should also be removed from My Church. Do not allow workshops of enigrams and various New Age practices to come into My Church. These Eastern meditations are bringing the devil into your churches. Avoid any New Age teachings, and if you cannot rid them from your church, then go to another proper church. This is the devil’s way to bring division among My faithful. So be on guard to rid it from your churches, just as I drove the money changers out of the Temple. I am protecting your souls from an evil idol worship. So heed My words of warning.”


Saturday, November 19, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that many Catholic universities have sold out to grants from your government. In the eyes of your government once these universities accept public money, they are no longer considered private schools. In earlier years these universities required Theology and Philosophy as part of their mandatory courses. Now as optional studies, Theology and Philosophy are not as much in demand. These subjects gave the students a well rounded education about their God as well as their chosen course of study. It is sad because of this government money that students are neglecting this opportunity to grow in their faith. This same problem of Catholic teaching even in high schools and grammar schools is struggling to survive in many dioceses. This makes it harder for your children to learn the basics of their faith. If you cannot hand down your faith to your children, how are the future generations going to remain faithful to God. It is the responsibility of the parents to have their children educated in schools that teach about the Catholic faith. With the increasing cost of a Catholic education, it is becoming more difficult for parents to afford to educate their children in the faith. A person is fortunate to be taught sound Catholic teaching because these courses are hard to find. Pray for your children to keep close to their faith, and not wander away from Me in missing Sunday Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are coming to the close of the Church Year and the Gospel reading is speaking about the judging of souls. Once a person dies, their judgment is final. Those, who are living in the end days, are going to have a second chance because you will have your Warning experience first. At the time of the Warning, everyone will see his or her life review at the same time. You will have a mini-judgment of your life, and you will see where you would be judged as if you died that day. The blessing of this experience is that this judgment is not final, but it lets you know where you stand in My eyes for all of your life’s actions. You will have a second chance when you are placed back into your body to change your life in doing more to love people and help them out of charity. Even the worst of sinners could change if they were headed to hell. This will be a wake-up call because you do not want to hear My judgment to hell as being a final judgment. I have told you that you would be judged on how much you loved Me and your neighbor. You need to have love in your heart for everyone without any discrimination. I have even asked you to love your enemies and everyone unconditionally. It is better to seek the higher levels of heaven than to just be satisfied with making it into purgatory. Focus your life on Me, and let Me be the Master of your life. Then you will be assured of heaven with no worry over your final judgment,”


Sunday, November 20, 2011: (Christ the King)
Jesus said: “My people, I share My love with you, and I pray that you would share your love with Me and all of those around you. You hold My love close to your heart as a treasure, and you want people to experience this same love experience that you have. You are eager to share your love, and some even desire to be missionaries of My Word. I call My missionaries to go out to all the nations to spread My Word of love. You are celebrating My kingship today at this Mass, and I want to be the Master of your life in directing you to heaven. See that you are always dependent on Me as you come to Me for your daily sustenance of My grace in the Bread of My Real Presence. I want you to share your faith experience with as many people as possible, even if it requires you to go out of your comfort zone to make some converts. By seeing to your neighbor’s physical needs and spiritual needs, you are doing this to Me in them. Then when you come to Me in your judgment, you will have good works in your hands, and I will invite you into your reward in heaven. But those, who refuse to love Me and their neighbor, will have empty hands, and they will be sent to hell because they did not do anything for Me in their neighbor. Give praise and glory to your King who loves you so much.”


Monday, November 21, 2011: (Presentation of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, in this short Gospel I remarked how the widow put all that she had to live on in the Temple treasury. The wealthy contributors gave from their excess wealth. In the Scriptures it is suggested to give ten per cent of your income as a guideline for tithing. Some, who have less income, may have more difficulty in being this generous, but people with more income can afford this out of love. Sometimes greed for money, or buying more things than you can afford, can interfere with any concern for sharing in charity. If you plan your personal budget, you can plan a fair amount of your income to support My Church and help the poor. You are having your Thanksgiving Day soon, so sharing with the less fortunate in your local food shelf would be a worthy donation. I have asked My faithful to be loving and cheerful in your giving. I have asked you to share your money and your time with your neighbor, but your sharing should be in the spirit of loving your neighbor. As you share with others, you will be storing up a more beautiful treasure in heaven, which is worth more than your material wealth. I love everyone, and I want My faithful to love Me and their neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see in the vision how I had difficulty in carrying My cross along the Via Dolorosa to Calvary. I am asking My faithful every day to pick up their own cross in imitation of Me. It is not easy to put up with all of life’s stresses to make a living for your family, but I will give you the grace to succeed. Offer up all that you will endure for the day for all of your family members, especially for those that are away from the faith. It is your prayers and offerings that could save their souls. Thanksgiving is coming, and many families come together to celebrate this feast. Truly you should be thankful for all that I have given you. You may even want to make a donation to your local food shelf so they can feed the hungry while you are having a big meal. I am thankful also for all the work of My missionaries who are constantly working to convert souls. Enjoy your feast with the love that you have for your family. Remember to say some extra prayers of thanksgiving at your turkey meal.”


Tuesday, November 22, 2011: (St. Cecilia)
Jesus said: “My people, My disciples were looking for signs and dates of the end times, very much like the people of today. As you have read in the Scriptures, only the Father knows the last day of the world. I have warned you that you would have My Warning experience first before the major events that would lead up to the Antichrist’s coming. You will have to endure the tribulation of less than 3 ½ years before I will defeat him and bring about My Era of Peace. You are seeing wars and financial problems all over the world as signs leading up to the coming events. Do not be fearful and do not focus only on what is coming, because you must move on with your own mission until these things happen. It is not important to know the date of the Warning. My people will be protected at My refuges during the tribulation. I have asked you to have a year’s supply of food and water on hand for the coming created famine. This is because you may require chips to buy your food and the food may be in short supply. This will be needed before you leave for My refuges. I also have asked you to be prepared with backpacks, tents, sleeping blankets, and things you would need for a picnic. Also, you will need sacramentals, a blessed candle, and a deer knife. Have these things ready to leave shortly for My refuges when it is time for martial law and mandatory chips in the body. Have your soul ready also with frequent Confession. There are evil times of persecution coming, but My angels will be protecting you with an invisible shield on your way to My refuges. These are the preparations that I have given you so you can be a wise virgin with oil in your lamps, instead of the foolish virgins who have not made any preparations.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you see the end of the leaves falling from the trees, you know winter is near. So when you see the signs of the end times, you know My coming is near. As you see increasing disasters, severe earthquakes, and famine spreading, these are the end time signs in the Bible. When you see the Antichrist about to come into power, this is another sign of My coming in victory over him. As the tribulation approaches, be prepared in your soul with frequent Confession. Be ready also to leave for My refuges when I warn you that it is time to go. When you see martial law and mandatory chips in the body, you know these are the signs to leave your homes for My refuges. Have your backpacks ready so you have some food and clothing on the way to My refuges. You will have to leave in haste just as the Israelites had to follow Moses into the desert in the Exodus. You will be leaving in a modern day Exodus, but My angels will protect you by making you invisible to those who want to kill you. Be faithful and keep watching for the moment when I will deliver you from the Antichrist.”


Wednesday, November 23, 2011: (St. Clement I)
Jesus said: “My people, this first reading from Daniel could be interpreted as a sign for America because you have the same symptoms of a collapsing nation from your immoral actions. The king did not give praise to Me in Babylon, and he abused the vessels of the Temple in using it for his own meal. In America you are facing punishments in many disasters because of your grievous sins of abortion. Some have turned their backs on Me as the lukewarm, who do not come to Sunday Mass. You have replaced worshiping Me with your idols of sports, fame, and your material possessions. Read the writing of your own failings on the wall of your own homes. Those, who change their lives to follow Me, can find their reward in heaven. Those, who refuse to honor and worship Me, will be the souls who will be wailing and gnashing their teeth in the fires of hell. Be prepared for the coming judgment by keeping a pure soul with frequent Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, this ship in the vision is traveling in the darkness without lights or proper navigation, and it is sailing as a blind person without direction. America is like this ship because it has lost its focus on Me, and you are having trouble finding your way with your gridlock in Congress. Since both parties are not compromising on taxes or entitlements, you are in a state of inaction when it comes to controlling your deficits. As much as you would like to give money to fit everyone’s needs, there is not enough revenue to pay for such a runaway expense. Cuts are needed in some areas, but increasing taxes too much will only postpone decisions on cutting expensive entitlements. The bigger blindness is in your country’s attempts to remove Me out of your lives. Not only are you not coming to Sunday Mass, but your sexual sins and abortions are crying out for My justice. You have seen in the Scriptures how nations, who have ignored Me, have had disasters or they were conquered by their neighbors. America needs to find its physical and spiritual way before your country collapses under the weight of its own sins.”


Thursday, November 24, 2011: (Thanksgiving Day)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw only the Samaritan return to Me to give thanks for being healed of his leprosy. I then asked where are the other nine lepers who were healed? At times you take many of your blessings for granted, but you need to be like this Samaritan and come to Me to give thanks for all that you have. First, be thankful that I died for all of mankind so you can have the opportunity to come to heaven. Thank Me for giving you all of your children, relatives, and friends. Thank Me also for your jobs and your possessions. You are dependent on Me for everything, even for the air you breathe and the light from the sun. I care for all of My people, and I provide all that you need. The best way that you can thank Me is in loving Me and your neighbor. You have been blessed with many things, and you need to share your money, time, and faith with all of your neighbors in need. By thanking Me for all these gifts, then you will be like the cured Samaritan who thanked Me.”


Friday, November 25, 2011: (St. Catherine of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, this large rainfall in the vision that caused a flood, is a sign as in Noah’s time when the Son of Man will return. You are seeing the evil as bad as in Noah’s time when My justice will fall upon the earth. You will be seeing continuous disasters, and the financial money systems will be failing all over the world, as the debts of each nation will bring them into default. There is a plan by the one world people to destroy all of your governments so they can start a new currency in your North American Union called the amero. Unions will be formed on every continent, and all of these unions will be given over to the Antichrist as a savior for your economic crash. The Antichrist will quickly become a tyrant for the 3 ½ years of the tribulation. When this crash of currencies, martial law, and mandatory chips in the body occurs, My faithful will need to go to My refuges for protection. Once this time of tribulation is finished, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement on the evil ones in the three days of darkness, and they will be cast into hell. My faithful will be protected from the comet, and they will be brought into My Era of Peace after I renew the earth. Rejoice when all the evil ones will be defeated, and I will reward My faithful in the new heavens and new earth.”


Saturday, November 26, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you a major earthquake before when San Francisco will fall into the ocean. The destruction of this modern day Sodom and Gomorrah city will be a direct intervention of My justice because of the abominable sins of homosexual acts. I am showing you this destruction in vivid detail starting with the destruction of the Golden Gate bridge when you saw the cable spans up close in the vision. I have warned people to leave this city because of the coming destruction. Many do not want to leave their homes, but it is their decision to risk staying there. You are doing Masses for the souls who could face a sudden judgment that they are not expecting. Continue to pray for those who will die suddenly, especially those who are living in mortal sin. You have had this message many times, which is an indication that it truly will happen. Even other people are receiving the same message that this event is imminent. My Blessed Mother has held back My hand, but the continuing sins there are demanding that My justice be carried out, and soon.”

Jesus said: “My people, your troops are on schedule to leave Iraq and Afghanistan shortly. Some troops will be brought home, but the one world people are already instigating the next war. These people, who control your government, are always planning how to make wars so they have a place to use and sell their weapons. Without ongoing unnecessary wars, these people could not make money on arms sales. So you can be sure to be involved in another war very soon. They usually choose countries with oil or a drug trade to make more money. These wars are rarely paid by your Defense Budget, but they usually are paid as it happens, and are added to the National Debt. It is rarely determined that you cannot afford these wars which are bringing you into bankruptcy. The one world people so control your President and Congress that it is almost impossible to stop these frivolous wars that do not threaten America. Pray that you could vote in more responsible representatives that will stop these wars.”


Sunday, November 27, 2011: (First Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading the Scriptures speak of how many people are searching for worldly treasures and comforts. They do not stop to think about who created them or who created the world they live in. It is when you search for awhile, and you cannot find any peace, that your soul starts searching to find Me. I am the only One who can bring peace to your soul with the grace of My sacraments. By coming to Me in the confession of your sins, and receiving Me in Holy Communion, then you can find peace and rest in your soul. In days of old the people were waiting for their Savior. Advent is a time of waiting for Me to come at Christmas. But even today you are waiting for My return in victory over the evil ones. This is why the theme of this first Sunday of Advent is all about being watchful for My coming. Both this Sunday and the last Sunday of the Church Year are focused on My final return, so be patient and watch.”

Jesus said: “My people, in older days the Romans made very good roads that lasted for many years. The stones on the side kept you on the road without any detours. This narrow road is what I want My faithful to focus on in imitating My life. I am the Way and the Life for My faithful to follow, and you will be rewarded for obeying My laws and staying on the straight and narrow path. I keep telling My disciples to enter through the narrow gate, and avoid taking the broad road to hell which seems easier. This is a trap of the devil to try and lure you with wealth and worldly comforts. To come to heaven you must pick up your cross and suffer with Me on My cross. Sinners always take the easy way out of problems, but My faithful must follow Me through thick and thin, and many times outside of their comfort zone. By following your mission, you will gain your reward when I allow you into heaven.”


Monday, November 28, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, when I came to the earth as a Redeemer, the people did not recognize Me as the Messiah because I did not come as a conquering hero. I came as an innocent baby of poor parents, and My words turned the world upside down because many did not want to hear My words of love. My words of love seek an unconditional love which means even a love for your enemies. For I desire mercy instead of sacrifice, and forgiveness instead of holding grudges. It is not easy for mankind to follow My ways because they are different from man’s ways of worldly desires. I call all of you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. Only very few saints have struggled to live this way, so I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation when you fall into sin. You can seek My forgiveness any time that you can find a priest, so you should be able to keep your soul pure for your judgment. Strive to follow My ways, and you will find your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your flu season starts about now until March. The flu virus remains dormant in the cold weather until it comes alive in a warm host. During the summer, most flu viruses die off from the heat before they can infect people. This is why chemtrails laden with flu viruses can cause flu outbreaks to occur. I have warned My faithful to take Hawthorn, vitamins, and herbs in order to build up their immune systems to fight off the germs from the chemtrails. Many people have tried to push people into taking flu shots every year. I also have warned My faithful to avoid taking flu shots because of the side effects, and the long term destruction of their immune systems. Some of the preservatives and other components can cause an increased chance of Alzheimer’s disease. When the time comes to leave for My refuges, My faithful will be healed of all of their illnesses by looking on My luminous cross in the sky. My healing will be much better than any of your government Health Plans could ever achieve. Trust in Me to protect you from all the man-made diseases that are killing your people.”


Tuesday, November 29, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen rivers flowing endlessly, even as the flow of My mercies and My graces is endless. I am always ready to help My faithful in all of their needs. Just as Isaiah foretold what it would be like in the coming Era of Peace, so I also promised My people salvation and a place in heaven for those who are worthy. The people of My day were promised a Redeemer, and they would see My day. But they did not want to believe that I was the Son of God. As you are preparing to celebrate My birth on Christmas, you need to prepare your hearts and bring your gifts to My crib. These gifts could be spiritual prayers, or good works that you do for your neighbor. You have been fortunate to have Me in My Eucharist and My Word of Scripture, but the people of My day had yet to be freed from their sins. Rejoice in the gifts of My graces and mercies that I bestow on you today.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with this microwave weapon called the ‘HAARP machine’ that is being used by your government to cause weather disasters and massive earthquakes all over the world. All of your major media have not talked about the HAARP machine or the chemtrails in the sky because they are black operations run by your government in secret. The next earthquake targets are the New Madrid fault and the San Andrea’s fault in California. If these earthquakes reach 8.0 or 9.0, there could be catastrophic damage on both faults that could cause a martial law to be declared. The one world people are using this weapon to engineer their new world order that would place the Antichrist into power. Your economy is barely keeping out of recession. A large earthquake or a major financial crisis could send you into a major recession that could precipitate a bankruptcy and the crash of the dollar. Beware of some large events that could be reason to go to My refuges for safety both for your soul and your body.”


Wednesday, November 30, 2011: (St. Andrew)
Jesus said: “My people, you are looking at this strong tree in the vision as a sign of how strong in faith I want My faithful to be in standing up for what you believe. In your society there are some people who look down on you for going against what is considered to be the politically correct position. This vision is usually a worldly vision that is in favor of abortion and taking God out of your life. This is where My faithful need to witness to My Gospel in protecting life, and telling people how they are dependent on Me for everything. It is not easy to proclaim My Gospel of love when the atheists are trying to remove prayer, My Ten Commandments, and the Nativity Scene for Christmas. Be like this strong tree and stand up for your faith in Me, and even evangelize souls to be saved from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, some scientists find it interesting why you see various colors in the blue sky, the blue water, and rainbows through the rain. The rain acts as a prism that allows the various colors of light to be displayed as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The blue sky results from sunlight hitting the various molecules of oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere. Your eyes are marvels of My creation that only see the visible spectrum of light. The colored pigment in things reflect a certain wavelength from light that allows your eyes to determine various colors. Understanding the intricacies of My creation can involve a deep knowledge of how beautiful My creation is, and how it all works in harmony if man does not disturb it. I have created things perfectly with a proper balance of nature. It is man in his ignorance and pride that thinks he can improve on My perfection. This is why your manipulation of My plants and animals has rebelled against My natural balance. You look at individual characteristics, but I create with a view to the big picture of interactions with everything. Admire the beauty of My creation, but do not try to change it into something more than it was meant to be.”


Thursday, December 1, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, one of the requirements for My refuges is that they have an independent source of water on the land. Some refuges have ponds or rivers, but those, who do not, will need to drill a hole for a water well. This well will need to have a mechanical means of pumping water since you may not have access to electricity. All of My refuge sources of water will be miraculously pure, and will not run dry because I know how much you need pure water to survive. Even if My refuges do not have a well, I will supply miraculous springs as in Lourdes, France. I told you that I would provide water, food, and shelter at My protected refuges. Give praise and thanks to Me because My angels will provide a shield of invisibility so the evil ones will not be able to detect your presence. You will need to get used to not having any chipped devices for communication at My refuges. Avoid taking any chips in your body that could control your free will.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I gave you a message that the people behind your government are planning another war for America to enter. You also have seen some reports of carrier groups moving close to Syria. Many of your attacks have come by surprise at night, and they have been focused on regime changes of various long time dictators. The Moslem Brotherhood has been used to take over various countries. Syria, Iran, and even Saudi Arabia have been difficult to get uprisings going in these nations. The one world people want to use these uprisings to cause a rise in the oil prices. Pray for peace that America is not dragged into more wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing dangerous legislation in the Senate that will give the Executive Branch the power to use your military to gather up people who are opposed to government policies. I have warned you about how the one world people want to exterminate 25 million Christians and patriots in order to implement the North American Union. By forcing people to take mandatory chips in the body and mandatory flu shots, they will have a reason to capture your own citizens and kill them in their death camps. This law will allow this capture under any pretense. Be ready to leave for My refuges when these events occur.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your government’s Health Bill there was a mandate of chips in the body to have your insurance and a health card. This was covered over by the media, but it will soon be implemented. Once chips are made mandatory in the body for any reason, it will be time to come to My refuges. Do not take any chips in the body because voices could control your free will and your soul. The one world people want total control over you as robots, and this trumped up Health Plan is their means to force these chips on you. Be watchful of this Health Plan so you are ready to leave for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, many European countries are teetering on collapse because of their failing social welfare societies. These countries are going to fail no matter how much money America is forced to back them up through the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which is supported 70% by America. This weakening of the dollar by placing more dollars into circulation is the same disaster as your ‘quantitative easing’ which just added more money to your National Debt. Be prepared to go to My refuges when Europe falls and America right after Europe. This is all part of a plan to set a new world order in power with the Antichrist leading the world for a brief time. Trust in My help during this coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are setting up My refuges, need to be prepared to have fuel and burners ready to keep warm, especially in the Northern states. I will multiply your fuel when it is needed, but you should have some initial fuels to multiply. Wood, kerosene, oil, and gas may be sources to keep you warm. My faithful need such fuel prepared because you could see power outages from snow and ice storms. By having extra water, food, and fuel on hand, you can be ready when these things will be in short supply.”

Jesus said: “My people, the words of the new Mass translation give a deeper meaning and reverence to the Mass. It is not easy to remember the new words at first, but it will not take long to remember them since there are only a few changes. It is good to have a little change back to the old words so people are more conscious of what they are saying. Those, who come to daily Mass, will pick up these new changes much quicker because it is being reinforced every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, part of the reason, that you have become involved in so many wars, is because you are so dependent on other countries for oil. By providing more fuels from your own country, you can reduce this dependence on outside fuels. The big factor is how to safely go about drilling without creating bad environments for your people. There are definite concerns with your new gas drilling that need laws to protect your civilians from poisons. By working and praying for a good outcome, you can have more jobs and more American fuel.”


Friday, December 2, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I asked the blind men if they had faith that I could heal them. When they acknowledged their true belief, then I was able to heal them. I do not force My gifts of healing on people. In their hearts people truly need to believe that I can heal them, and they can be healed. You believe that I was incarnated as a God-man when I was born into this world. So you should also believe in My Real Presence when you receive Me in Holy Communion. When you have faith in My healing abilities, you will receive both physical and spiritual healing.”

Jesus said: “My people, this idea of seeing a glass window in the vision is referring to how spiritually your eyes are the window to your soul. You can tell a lot about a person by looking into their eyes. If someone’s eyes are always moving, that person may be agitated in some way. Some people do not want to look at you eye to eye because they are shy or uncomfortable looking into other people’s eyes. Others have a joyful appearance and give a radiant look of full faith in Me. You have a sense sometimes if you are looking into evil eyes or the eyes of a faithful person. You can pray for evil looking people, but it will be easier for a faithful person to be in the company of another faithful person. I look into the souls of many people, and unfortunately there are more people in deep sin than there are people with pure souls. A soul who prays and is close to Me every day, is much easier to look at than a soul with mortal sin. Keep a pleasing soul to look at by striving to keep a pure soul with frequent Confession.”


Saturday, December 3, 2011: (St. Francis Xavier)
Jesus said: “My people, many of you in your country feel unclean unless you have a shower or bath each day. You are even washing your hands many times a day to keep from getting colds or the flu. You are so concerned about washing the outside of your body every day, but how often do you think about cleansing the inside soul. There are many clean people walking around with mortal sins on their souls. I even criticized the Pharisees for all of their scrupulous washing of pots and kettles as well as the purifying of hands. I told them that My Father who made the outside of their bodies, also made the inside soul as well. So focus more on keeping your souls clean on the inside than just cleaning the outside of your body. By going to frequent Confession, then you can be clean both inside and outside of your bodies.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Advent there is a need for the Christmas spirit in sharing with the needs of others by giving what you have of money, time, and talent. You just had Thanksgiving week awhile ago, and sharing what you have is the best way to give Me thanks. You can show this by giving donations of money or food to the poor. You can do a good deed for someone in the Christmas spirit. You share gifts with your friends and relatives, but you may receive something back from them in return. When you share with the poor, it is coming from your heart because you are not expecting anything in return but a thank you. Every time you pray for someone or help them freely, you are storing up spiritual treasure in heaven. Even when you give donations, you should do so lovingly, and not just for a tax deduction. By showing love in giving to the poor, you are showing your love to Me.”


Sunday, December 4, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, when you are putting up your Christmas decorations, some people put up the Nativity scene, but they leave the creche empty until Christmas. This is part of your preparation for My coming. Even today in the Gospel reading you are seeing St. John the Baptist preparing the way for Me when he asked the people to repent of their sins and be baptized. Another one of your own preparations could be to come to Me in Confession so you can repent of your sins and have a pure soul for Me at Christmas. Every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion, you can prepare for My coming with Confession and a good Act of Contrition. You should only receive Me in Holy Communion with a pure soul and not in mortal sin to avoid committing a sin of sacrilege. Rejoice in My coming always.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the preparation for My coming ministry from St. John the Baptist in today’s Gospel. My Blessed Mother is also central to My coming at Christmas as her Immaculate Conception is celebrated later this week. Her Annunciation was celebrated on March 25th which is the most significant because her pregnancy ends on the celebration of My birth on December 25th. My Blessed Mother gave her fiat acceptance to the Angel Gabriel in being My mother. Give thanks to her for accepting this honor even though she had to suffer this pregnancy by the Holy Spirit before she was married. My Blessed Mother is everyone’s mother as I gave her to you at the foot of My cross. Rejoice in having her as a major part of your Christmas celebration. This is why your Nativity scene is a tribute to Me and My Blessed Mother.”


Monday, December 5, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, the Scribes and Pharisees were more concerned about My forgiving sins than they were about My miracles of physical healing. I even questioned them if it was easier to say ‘Thy sins are forgiven.’ or ‘Arise and walk.’ But so that they knew the Son of Man could forgive sins, I ordered the man to pick up his pallet and go home. In many accounts of My healing of people, I healed their souls of sin as well as their bodies. In this way I healed the whole person, body and soul. So in this case I forgave the man’s sins, and I healed his inability to get up and walk. The people were all astounded, and they gave glory to God. Even today, those, who pray for healings, can be healed by faith in My healing ability. Some gifted souls among you also have been given the gift of healing people. Rejoice and give thanks to God for all those who are healed before you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked the people at My refuges to store some food for the people that would be coming. My refuges will not have electricity unless some have solar power. This means you will need to be able to store food without a refrigerator. In the vision you are seeing My people digging out a root cellar in the ground which needs support to keep the ground from falling in. Storing food in caves or in the ground can keep it at 50 degrees F or lower. When you are storing your crops or cut up deer meat, you will need to store what you are not eating for later. Everyone will have a job to do in cutting up meat, growing and canning crops, and mending clothes. All the people will use their skills and trades for the survival of their community. My angels will protect My refuges from any evil people. Rejoice that you will be protected throughout the tribulation, but your living conditions will be much more rustic than what you are used to now.”


Tuesday, December 6, 2011: (St. Nicholas)
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard many stories about St. Nicholas in helping people. Your modern day Santa Claus is a version of this original story. The thought of sharing gifts with the young children has come down through many generations. Even though the children later learn of Santa’s helpers, they welcome any gifts at any age. Gift giving at Christmas is always a nice celebration for My birthday, but some people focus too much on the shopping. It should all be done in a generous spirit in moderation without excesses. You should remember to focus on My coming at Bethlehem as the main event, and not just the gift giving. Even sharing gifts with the poor would please Me more. As you come to My crib at Christmas, bring Me your prayers, works, and worship as well. Rejoice in this celebration of My infancy with your novena prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times I come knocking on the door to your soul and your heart. You are the only ones who can unlock this door from the inside. By letting Me in the door, you can invite Me to be the Master of your lives. It is hard for man to give up complete control of your life over to Me. You want to control a part of your life that seeks the material things in your life. You want to control your personal budget with some gifting of charity, but you do not want to give everything away. A vow of poverty is very difficult, and I do not ask this of everyone. If you want Me to be your Master, then you should consult with Me in every major decision that you make. When I question the motive for your actions, then you can think more if your decisions conform with My ways. At times you desire more things than you really need, and you could live a more simpler life if you chose to do so. Instead of trying to satisfy your every earthly desire, try to restrain yourself to only those things that are really needed. By restraining your desires, you will be in more control of your life with Me leading you, and confirming your right decisions.”


Wednesday, December 7, 2011: (St. Ambrose)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you see demons attacking My Church in large numbers. There is going to be an increasing power of demonic forces working inside My Church to cause a division. I will always protect My faithful remnant from the gates of hell, but you will see the New Age movement come into the schismatic church. This schismatic church will split off from My faithful remnant, and the demons will control this church. It will teach New Age philosophies and theology of worshiping things and not God. It will teach that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. Avoid any churches that teach New Age, or have any idols or statues of New Age gods. This division in My Church will grow more apparent with time. This is why you want to have blessed sacramentals as rosaries, scapulars, and Benedictine crosses on your body to protect yourself from these demons at all times. When you give talks or you are on missions, carry blessed salt or holy water with you to fight these demons who want to stop your work. I am with you always so call on Me and My angels to protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many ads for selling gold or buying gold jewelry. As your National Debt keeps rising at a rapid rate, many people are concerned that the dollar will crash with any default or bankruptcy. This is why people are trying to protect the value of their assets by buying precious metals as gold and silver. For many years gold and silver have been the medium of exchange because of their inherent value. As more dollars are printed and more credit in bonds is created out of thin air, the value of the dollar has dropped dramatically. I have asked people to put some money into a year’s supply of food which will be more valuable than gold during the coming famine. Putting your trust in My help at My refuges is a lot more dependable than putting your trust in gold. Giving donations to the poor will store up more valuable treasure in heaven. By focusing more on My plan for your life, you will have a great reward in heaven which is more valuable than accumulating piles of gold on earth.”


Thursday, December 8, 2011:(Memorial Mass for Jack Shea)
Jesus said: “My people, Jack told you at the wake that he only needed a few Masses to get into heaven. You all know how joyful and faithful Jack was in his prayer life, and in inviting people to pray the rosary in his backyard. You were there many years, as were many of your spiritual friends. Jack was happy and thankful for all the people that came to the funeral and this memorial Mass. Many people will miss his joyful smile and warm words. He will be praying for all of you and especially his family.”

(Immaculate Conception) Jesus said: “My people, you know that I prepared My Blessed Mother for many years before she was born. It was fitting that she should be born without original sin, and by her acceptance of My Will, she did not sin during her life as well. Only a sinless virgin would be the proper place for Me to be housed for nine months. In heaven everything is pure and sinless. So everything in My Presence should be sinless as well. This is why you need to have frequent Confession so you can have pure souls to receive Me in Holy Communion. When My Blessed Mother gave her fiat ‘yes’ to the angel Gabriel, history was changed as your Savior came into this world by the power of the Holy Spirit. This was the beginning of My walk to Calvary where I died for all the sins of mankind. Salvation has come to everyone with My victory over sin and death. Be grateful for this ultimate sacrifice of My life so you can be saved and allowed into heaven. Be grateful also to My Blessed Mother for accepting My invitation to be My mother out of love for Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in years gone by My prophets had more difficulty in writing down what they were given through the Holy Spirit. Even though there are no more additions to the Bible, I send prophets to prepare for My coming again, even as prophets foretold My being born in Bethlehem. Your writing implements have changed and the typed word has been made much easier. Be grateful for all the messages of My prophets both in older years, and even now.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you pass through Advent, you will see one of the readings of St. Joseph’s genealogy from the house of David. This was emphasized when St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother had to travel to Bethlehem for the census. You can see accounts in Matthew and Luke that go back to Abraham and even to Adam. You have a new Adam in Me, but without any sin. This is My plan of salvation, and you can see in the Bible how it was carried out through the years.”

Jesus said: “My people, thanks to your recent trip to Bethlehem, you have a better grasp of where I was born, and you are blessed for this coming Christmas celebration. It is a testimony to My protection of My Church that the Catholic Church is still viable after over 2,000 years. This again shows the plan that I have had for My faithful remnant. I have asked if there will be any faithful when I return, but I know My faithful remnant will remain true to My Word. Trust in My protection even during the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been fortunate even today, to still have My sacraments available to you through My priests. This is why it is so important to encourage priestly vocations so My people can keep receiving the graces of My sacraments. The demons are doing everything to attack My priests, so pray for them and encourage them in their ministry. The priests and My sacraments are the life blood of your spiritual lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you focus on My Heart, you see how My love burns for all of you, since I desire to bring as many souls as possible to heaven with Me. When you work to do everything out of love for Me, you are happy to carry out the mission that I have given you. I am all loving, and the more you can show your love for Me and your neighbor, the more prepared you will be to come to heaven. This is how you will be judged, by the extent of your love that you carried out through your whole life. You are not judged on one event, but on your life’s goals and how well you obeyed My laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you parables in explaining how your faith should be built on rock to withstand life’s trials. Those, who build their faith on sand, will not last against the storms of life. This is why it is so important to provide yourselves and your children with a solid foundation in your faith by having daily prayer and good teaching. If you do not focus on such a need, then you will see why the lukewarm and your children will fall away from their faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, this image of the potter is how I mold My people and fashion them out of the dust of clay. I form you in the womb of your mother as I give each of you a unique set of talents that is different from any other person. This is why abortion is so evil because it denies My plan for humanity. Your bodies are mortal, and because of Adam’s sin, you all must die one day. This dust that you were made from, will return to dust when you die. So while you still have time in this life, make a point to strive to save as many souls as you can. Once your body is separated from your soul, your mission on earth is over. Think of doing everything for Me, and you will be storing up treasure in heaven for your day of judgment.”


Friday, December 9, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, there are times when people are not happy with the environment that they are living in. Some people may not have a financial condition that would allow them to move some place else. In many cases you are forced to accept your situation and make the best of what you have. Even though you complain of your surroundings, maybe you could do some little things to improve the appearance of your own dwelling. Accepting your place in life may take some humility when your options are limited. In the Gospel I was pointing out to the people how they made judgments about people when they did not know the whole story. This is why My people should leave judgments up to Me only, and pray for people who may be troubled from outward appearances. You all are sinners and you know your own shortcomings. So do not be critical of others, but do what you can to help them where possible. Focus more on the good of people rather than thinking about their imperfections. You should strive to love everyone, even those people who may be hard to live with.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read how the obesity levels are getting higher among people, as well as a higher number of people with diabetes. Even the children are seeing higher levels of obesity. Part of the reason is because of your Western diet of fast foods and many high carbohydrate foods. Add to this the lack of a proper diet and little exercise, and you can see why people are having weight problems. Those, who are overweight, could help their health by eating a better diet and avoiding so many sweets and junk food. Work on a sound, balanced, nutritional diet, and you could lose some of your excess weight. This same training should be given to your children as well. Eating the wrong foods can harm your body, and you should not abuse your body by overeating and putting on too much weight. I am not criticizing your appearance, but you should pay attention to taking proper care of your body for good health. Keeping a healthy, pure soul by frequent Confession could help purify the whole person, both body and soul.”


Saturday, December 10, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I talked about how St. John the Baptist led the way to follow Me. He called for repentance, and he baptized people who wanted to change their lives. This is why in the vision you see a path of water in a rut that is directed to Me. I also mentioned how the spirit of Elijah was with St. John in leading him. Many prophets in the Old Testament pointed to Me as the coming Redeemer. Now in this Advent Season leading up to My celebration of Christmas, you can rejoice that I came as a man to save everyone from each person’s sins. This is a joyful time before the feast of My birth so you can share your love with Me and your neighbor. Families come together to share a meal and gifts as well. For family members who live far away from each other, it is a welcome home coming to see everyone again. Just as St. John the Baptist kept his focus on Me, remember to keep your focus on My birth as the true reason to celebrate Christmas.”

Jesus said: “My people, gambling can turn into an expensive addiction that could drain a family’s means for survival. I have told you how demons are attached to these addictions, and that is why they are difficult to break. Because gambling addictions can be so harmful, it is an atrocity that your governments promote gambling at off track betting parlors and casinos. This is so they can get income from the taxes. These people in government do not realize the harm gambling can do to people because they are only interested in the income. The desire of greed for what appears to be easy money hides the fact that the odds for winning are always designed for the house to win. It is the excesses of bad habits that can lead to addictions as gambling or drinking. I have warned you in past messages not to allow anything to control you so you can have Me to lead you. If you keep holy in prayer, then these demons of addiction cannot get a hold on you.”


Sunday, December 11, 2011: (Gaudete Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, today is a joy filled Sunday in Advent with the rose colored vestments. My people should always be joyful because you have Me with you at all times. Some people may let the trials of life get them down at times, but My faithful should have no worries with My help. So do not worry about what you are to eat, wear, or where you are to stay. You see in the vision how I dress the lilies of the field in majestic colors. If I can do this for the flowers of the field that will fade away tomorrow, imagine how I will help you in your needs when you are worth more than a flock of sparrows. Be confident in My taking care of you, and have faith that I am watching over you. Most Americans have the things that they need to survive. You may desire more than you have at times, but you are rich compared to other countries. Be satisfied with your place in life, and try to live a simpler life, and you will be less disappointed.”


Monday, December 12, 2011: (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
Mary said: “My dear children, you are especially blessed to have this unusual miracle of my image that was given as proof to the bishop in an area around Mexico City. As your priest mentioned, many souls were saved by this miracle. It is a picture very much like the reading in Revelation where the woman was dressed in the sun. I was shown as an Indian woman, and pregnant with my Son, Jesus. There were stars on my dress and a half moon under my feet. I am the patroness of North America, and I place my mantle of my protection over my children. Every time you see me or hear me, I bring you to my Son, Jesus. When you pray your rosaries, I bring your offerings and requests to Jesus. Be grateful that Jesus and I love you so much that we watch over you, and have the angels help you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the miracle of this image of My Blessed Mother as Our Lady of Guadalupe was a sign to the Indian peoples to stop their human sacrifices to pagan gods. Because My Blessed Mother was pregnant in this image, she has become a patroness for the unborn. In today’s world you are still offering up human sacrifices as abortions to your gods of pride and convenience. Some women think the rights to their body are being violated, but the unborn child is not a part of the mother, but a new individual person. Some women have abortions because they are not married, or they feel that they cannot afford another child. Each child from conception has a unique mission that no other person can accomplish. It is murder for killing every unborn baby, and this is a mortal sin against My Fifth Commandment. Every baby that is aborted is a violation of the plan that I had for that life. So pray for abortions to stop and that mothers will decide to have their children, even if adoption is necessary.”


Tuesday, December 13, 2011: (St. Lucy)
Jesus said: “My people, the story of St. Lucy having her eyes gouged out is a dramatic scene of how violent the persecution was in the time of the Romans. Many Christians were martyred for their faith during these early years. Unfortunately, the time of the coming tribulation will see even more violence to Christians and patriots. Already the one world people have established hundreds of death camp prisons all across your country. They have gas chambers and crematoriums ready to dispose of millions of people who will not go along with the new world order. Refuse to take any chips in the body or any flu shots, as you will be warned when to come to My refuges of protection from these killers. I will be fighting on the side of My faithful with My angels against the demons. You know in the end that I will defeat the Antichrist, Satan, and all the demons and evil people when they are cast into hell. Once you see the evil ones come to power, you know My victory is not far off. So have faith and trust in My protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how your young children loved to open their Christmas gifts. Now you watch your grandchildren open their gifts as well. Many people spend a fair amount of money on Christmas gifts to make the children happy. Even as you give gifts to your relatives, you could also help the poor children and their families with donations to your local food shelf. As some families have what they need, other families are suffering from unemployment problems or other financial problems. You may receive gifts back from your relatives, but donations to the poor will store up treasure in heaven. So when you want to share with Me, you could do some good works or donations for the poor. These people appreciate any help that you could give them. Pray for the poor as well that they may find the financial and spiritual help that they need.”


Wednesday, December 14, 2011: (St. John of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, there are two main choices in this life. You are either with Me or against Me. Those, who are with Me, know that they are asked to pick up their cross and suffer with Me as they carry it through life. My faithful also know enough to choose the difficult narrow road which means you are called to follow My ways and not the ways of the world. Those, who are against Me, do not love Me or they do not even acknowledge Me as their Creator. They love worldly things and make them into idols of worship as money, possession, and fame. These people are seeking the broad road to hell and desire their own way or the ways of the world. In order to come to heaven you need to seek the forgiveness of your sins, and work to make Me the center of your life. Only completely purified souls are allowed to enter into heaven. This is why so many souls need to be purged in purgatory to remove any earthly desires. Do not let things control your life, because these things should only be tools to carry out your life’s mission. They should not be ends in themselves to worship. Focus only on Me who loves you, as I desire to bring all souls to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages how you would see an angel of protection at every refuge. This angel will build an umbrella of light all around the refuge so that no means of communication could locate people because they would be made invisible to the evil ones. You will be able to see each other, but outsiders will not detect you with satellites, cell towers, infrared heat, dogs, or any other means of detection. You will have your food, water, and fuel multiplied for your survival. Trust in Me that your angels will even protect you on your way to My refuges. With such protection from the Antichrist and the demons, you should have no worries over how I will be protecting you during the persecution of the tribulation.”


Thursday, December 15, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of the Jordan River you remember well where I was baptized by St. John the Baptist. St. John was My herald in the desert preparing the way for My coming public ministry. Even when My Blessed Mother visited St. Elizabeth, he leapt in her womb on My arrival as an unborn child. St. John called for the people to repent of their sins and change their lives with his baptism of water in the Jordan River. When St. John baptized Me, he saw the dove representing the Holy Spirit and he heard My Father speak: ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’(Matt. 3:17) With that he proclaimed Me as the Lamb of God and asked his followers to follow Me. He even claimed that he must decrease while I would increase. St. John was outspoken to Herod because Herod married his brother’s wife. He even risked martyrdom to proclaim My message. St. John is a witness to all of My faithful how he was committed to bringing souls to Me in his mission. Rejoice in the gift of his life when he fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy of a voice crying out in the desert who announced My coming.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many sinners on earth, but I am showing you the worst sinners that are mired in the filth of their mortal sins. Unless prayers are said constantly for these souls, or they receive a miracle of My grace, they could be lost forever in the pits of hell. The more often people commit mortal sins, the harder it becomes to come to Confession to receive My mercy of forgiveness. A person needs to desire to be with Me more than the desire for one’s sins. Souls, who are this lost, will require much prayer to strip the demons of their bad habits.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a large divorce rate in America. These problems have contributed to putting some fear in couples, so they are living together instead. Even when you encourage these couples to get married, it is not always carried out. It is a sin of fornication to live together with relations. People, who live like this, are living in mortal sin, and they either need to live separately, or get married if they truly love each other. Your society has accepted living together and divorces without annulments. These situations of living together are very strong occasions of sin. Pray for these couples to desire a pure spiritual marriage instead of living in sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to point out the sexual sins that people are committing often. Three more such sins are with homosexual acts, masturbation, and using birth control devices and operations as vasectomies and tubal ligations. These are all serious sins against the Sixth Commandment. I call My people to live pure and chaste lives, but if you fall into these sexual sins, you should come to Confession to purify your soul in order to receive Holy Communion worthily. I have been speaking of these sexual sins because many souls are being lost to hell because of the desire for these immoral pleasures.”

Jesus said: “My people, all souls are going to have a Warning experience to wake them up to see where their lives are leading them. During this experience, some souls will receive a mini-judgment to hell, and they will experience a little of what it would be like in hell. Unfortunately, even some of these souls will desire the pleasure of their lust rather than change their lives to good. After the Warning My faithful will need to work hard to bring your family members back to Me before it is too late, and they could be lost to hell. If you saw how much these souls suffer in hell, you would be more inspired to evangelize souls so they could be saved from this infinite punishment.”

Jesus said: “My people, once a soul has been in purgatory for a long time, the relatives stop praying for these souls. You have seen some souls given a grace to try and contact the living souls for prayers. The deeper in purgatory that souls are, the harder it is to find someone to pray for them. This is why I have encouraged My faithful to pray for the souls in purgatory, especially for all of your past relatives. Only few souls go straight to heaven, which means many souls are in need of your prayers and Masses to bring them to heaven quicker. You know how painful it is to suffer burns, so help these souls so they could be raised out of these flames.”

Jesus said: “My people, years ago you could see long lines at the confessional because these souls knew the need to cleanse their souls frequently. Unless My priest sons encourage the people to come to Confession, the people will put it off indefinitely out of spiritual laziness. My people need to wake up to their sins and examine their consciences to see the need for My forgiveness of their sins. If you truly love Me, you will work to minimize your sinful habits, and go to frequent Confession to keep a pure soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you want to know your sinful habits, think of the sins that you confess the most in your confessions. It is not easy to admit that you are a sinner, and it can be embarrassing to keep confessing the same sins without making any spiritual improvements. During Lent and Advent you could try fasting to control one of your bad habits. Think of what conditions or near occasions of sin that lead you into that sin. Then try to avoid situations that could lead you into your habitual sin. By focusing on working to stop a particular sin, and by asking My help in prayer, you could conquer this sin. But if you do not make an effort to root it out, then you are allowing the devil to have his way with you. Trust in My help and you can have a holier life.”


Friday, December 16, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Scriptures there are many descriptions of Myself as the Son of God, such as when St. Peter was questioned who I am. Another scripture (Matt. 12:41,42) was when I was telling the people of My day that the only sign to be given is that of Jonah: ‘The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, a greater than Jonah is here. The queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, a greater than Solomon is here.’ I was not glorifying Myself because these people could not fully understand My Incarnation as a God-man. But I was letting them know that the miracles that I performed, and the words that I spoke were testimony that I had this power because I am a God-man. Give thanks to God the Father that He sent Me for the salvation of all the souls of mankind.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you are about to celebrate My feast day of Christmas, you are reminded of the Star of Bethlehem that led the Magi to find Me. There are other stars being created by lasers in various countries to give a sign of the Antichrist’s coming to power. You are seeing people notice some advertizing that the Antichrist is coming. Before his coming to power in his declaration, the one world people will be working to force everyone to have a chip in the body to control people’s free will. Your current Health Plan is right out of the pits of hell because this will be the vehicle that will try and force everyone to have a chip in the body. Refuse to take this mark of the beast, or a chip in the body because it could turn you into a robot, and your soul could be lost. When they threaten you with death if you do not take this chip, then call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge of protection. I have given this message many times, but now that you see the imminent coming of the Antichrist, be prepared to take action in coming to My refuges. If you do not come to My refuges, you could be killed in the evil one’s death camps. Wake up and call on My help to be protected, or your soul could be at risk of being lost to the Antichrist during his reign in the tribulation.”


Saturday, December 17, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel from the beginning of Matthew, you are reacquainted with the genealogy of St. Joseph coming down from Abraham. In Luke’s Gospel he starts with St. Joseph and it leads all the way back to Adam. Along the way you see David the King mentioned, as I was called the Son of David. Even when you see Adam mentioned, you can think of Me as the new Adam. The first Adam brought sin into the world, and all the souls, who had died in the body, had to suffer in hell until I redeemed them. You take My sacraments for granted, but Baptism from original sin only came with My death on the cross. You also have Me constantly present to you in My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacles that you can visit. Rejoice in My coming feast of Christmas because this is the beginning of a new light as your days in the North start getting longer. You can also come to Me in Confession where your sins can be forgiven, and your soul will be refreshed with My grace when the priest gives you absolution. These graces were unavailable to the people before My time on earth. So be joyful that you have all the graces of My sacraments that are available to you now.”

Jesus said: “My people, your forefathers, who set up your Democratic Republic, knew how the three branches of your government needed checks and balances so one branch could not control everything. Over the years, the Executive branch has taken more liberties with powers that should be held by the Congress. Your original rules were meant to put the power of government in the hands of the people, but the corporations are controlling things through their lobbying of millions of dollars. Money and greed are controlling your representatives, and many of them are looking out for themselves more than for the people that they represent. Corruption in government is hard to root out because it is very costly to remove the incumbents. Pray for your representatives who are constantly being tested by money and lies for their votes.”


Sunday, December 18, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is the appearance of the Angel Gabriel to My Blessed Mother when she accepted his message to be My mother. After her fiat ‘yes’, then a powerful golden beam of light came down upon Mary. By the power of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, Mary conceived Me in her womb as a God-man. This is the moment that all souls rejoiced when I came into the world as the Redeemer of all mankind. As your Christmas celebration draws near, you will be celebrating My birth among you. Remember that My feast day is more than giving gifts, but it is a remembrance of My birth as a man and your Redeemer.”


Monday, December 19, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing a camouflage tent that was disguising a cover so the enemy planes could not find these soldiers. In a similar way My angels at My refuges will place a shield of invisibility over all of My faithful at every refuge. The evil people will not be able to detect My refuges or anyone there. Their weapons will not harm you, nor will any evil people be allowed to enter My refuges. My refuges will truly be places of protection where I will multiply your food, fuel, and shelters for sleeping. The angels appeared to Hannah and Zachary, and they had a frightful appearance. Even so, the angels at My refuges will also be frightening in appearance, as they will be your protectors without the need for guns. Be thankful that I will protect My faithful from harm at My refuges throughout the whole time of the tribulation.”

Mass for Rose Q.: Jesus said: “My people, it is good that you had this Mass offered for Rose’s soul. She is still in purgatory, and she could use your prayers and Masses. Most people think that souls go straight to heaven, but only very few do so. Her suffering on earth has shortened her time in purgatory. She is in a peaceful place, and she will be praying for her relatives and friends. She was sorry to leave you behind, but she was ready to come home to Me. She gives all her love to her family and friends.”

Jesus said: “My people, as the Antichrist’s power will come to an end, there will be one last battle of Armageddon where the nations, the demons, and My angels will fight against each other. It is about that time that I will bring My Comet of Chastisement on the earth to bring about My victory over all of the evil ones. I will protect My faithful, but the evil ones will suffer plagues of fire on earth before they are all cast into the eternal flames of hell. Then I will renew the face of the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as their reward. Rejoice when you see My victory over the evil ones. As soon as you see the signs of the Antichrist’s coming, know that My victory is near.”


Tuesday, December 20, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, there are two Scriptures that describe My birth that are well known. The first is in today’s reading: (Isaiah 7:14) ‘Therefore the Lord Himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name Him Emmanuel.’ The second is (Micah 5:1,2) ‘But you Bethlehem-Ephratha too small to be among the clans of Juda, from you shall come forth for me One who is to be ruler in Israel; whose origin is from of old, from ancient times. (Therefore the Lord will give them up, until the time when she who is to give birth has borne, and the rest of His brethren shall return to the children of Israel.)’ You are close to the celebration of My birth, so you will be reading these Scriptures that prophesied My coming as a Redeemer to save all the people from their sins. Rejoice that I foretold My coming as a man to the prophets in the Old Testament. Now, I am giving My prophets of this age a foretelling of My coming again to defeat the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is aware of how many billions of your dollars are spent on foreign oil in order to provide crude oil for making your gasoline. As your demand for oil and gasoline keeps increasing, your oil people are finding new sources of oil and natural gas on your own lands. This new refinery and others will be needed to refine more of your own oil. Even new pipelines can be used to bring in Canadian and Alaskan crude oil. Ways of storing your new sources of natural gas will be needed as this fuel could be used in cars, homes, electric plants, and businesses. As your fuel prices may rise with your inflated dollars, many of your people are buying more fuel efficient cars to save money on gasoline. Having cheap fuels is part of why you have a higher standard of living than other nations. Any supply shortages by disruption in your crude oil or natural gas could upset your whole economy. Wars and insurrections could threaten these supplies at any time.”


Wednesday, December 21, 2011: (St. Peter Canisius)
Jesus said: “My people, once St. Gabriel told My Blessed Mother that St. Elizabeth was pregnant in her old age, Mary set out for Ein Karem from Nazareth on a donkey. Most people do not understand how brave she was to travel such a distance while she was pregnant herself. She wanted to help her cousin, and this is called the Visitation in your Joyful Rosary Mystery. The scene where St. John the Baptist stirred in the womb of St. Elizabeth was a leap for joy at My Blessed Mother’s arrival bearing Me in her womb. St. John was going to proclaim My coming, and this was our first meeting. Right after this scene, My Blessed Mother proclaimed her Magnificat, one of her few words in the Scriptures. This is a joyful occasion and a beautiful story for Advent as you prepare for My birth.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have visited this church in Ein Karem where My Blessed Mother came to help St. Elizabeth with her late pregnancy. This flashback vision gives you the feeling of being back in Israel where I lived. When you travel to Israel, the Bible comes alive when you read the Scriptures of My Gospels. Be thankful that you had the opportunity to visit there, since many people cannot make this trip. All of these early readings in St. Luke help prepare you for My coming at Christmas. You can be prepared in your soul also by making a good confession. Pray for the people of the world to accept Me into their hearts, so you can have true peace in the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, wishing people a Merry Christmas is making a struggle to return because some people are upset that many people and businesses have chosen to say ‘Happy Holidays’. But the feast of My birth is a holy day, because it is a sign of your beginning Redemption as I became a God-man. Displaying My Nativity scene at your house, and wishing people a Merry Christmas can be your way of witnessing your faith to Me and to others. The atheists have done everything to try and remove My Name from all of your public places. These people are in the minority, and they should not violate your freedom to express your faith. Be joyful and share your Christmas spirit of love with everyone.”


Thursday, December 22, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel reading is My Blessed Mother’s beautiful Magnificat that is read every night in the Liturgy of the Hours. The vision of My creation shows you how I planned everything to be in harmony with one another, as in the balance of nature. By his own free will, man was tempted by the devil, and Adam brought sin and disharmony into the world. Your world was then promised a Redeemer to bring salvation to every soul who accepts Me. You are celebrating My coming into the world, and I later died for your sins because I love you all so much. As you see the image of a babe in the manger, you are looking at your salvation. Rejoice that My Blessed Mother was given to you as a gift from heaven. Her words are echoed throughout all of heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, a while back I gave you some messages that those, who developed other viruses, will develop a new flu virus that will be both deadly and contagious. I even saw these evil ones making large amounts of this virus that they intended to spread by means of the chemtrails. Now these scientists have leaked out the information that they have produced such a virus. This could be another excuse to provide a new vaccine to protect the people. In actuality they want to force people into mandatory flu shots that will reduce your immune system, and make you more vulnerable to this new virus. Get some masks, refuse to take any mandatory flu shots, and take Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system. Before they spray this virus in the chemtrails, I will warn you to go to My refuges where you can look on My luminous cross and be healed of any virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, these scientists, who make deadly viruses, are working for the one world people who want to reduce the population drastically through these laboratory viruses. By establishing a world wide scare about new viruses, this will give an excuse to make more vaccines. Their purpose is to kill many people with these vaccines, even as Bill Gates has openly admitted this plan. It is the mandatory vaccines that will cause a problem. Those, who refuse to take flu shots, could be jailed or quarantined. This is when I warned My faithful that it would be time to come to My refuges when you are threatened with death or prison for refusing any flu shots.”

Jesus said: “My people, for some time you have seen military and commercial jets spreading chemtrails, according to a program set up by your own government. These chemtrails have been spreading viruses, aluminum oxide, barium compounds, and other polymeric fibers which have caused flu, upper respiratory diseases, and Alzheimer’s diseaes. Since they have been doing this since 1998, you will not know when they will use chemtrails to spread this new deadly virus. I will warn you when you will need to be at My refuges for protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, a while ago you saw some strange deaths occurring among certain microbiologists. They were being killed to keep them quiet from telling about how the one world people will use deadly viruses to reduce the population. After these latest discoveries of more deadly viruses, you could see more deaths to keep these scientists quiet as well by threats. Be confident in My protection from all of these diseases at My refuges. These diseases are another scare tactic being using by the one world people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing new restrictions being placed on American planes that fly into the European Union airports. Pollution permits are the beginning of more United Nations carbon credits that will be a new means to tax your corporations into funds to feed the poor of the world. This is the beginning of a new one world government that is being forced on all nations. Again when you see nations being forced to pay for a world welfare program, it is the beginning of this new world order. Pray for My protection from these evil ones who want total control of the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to celebrate My feast of Christmas when you are praying for peace to come over everyone. While some people desire peace, others are purposely causing uprisings and insurrections to overturn the current leaders. It is this desire for fame and greed for power that is causing many of your wars and killings by suicide bombers. Pray for a stoppage of these killings so peace can come to your world.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are all working hard to prepare for your Christmas meal and the giving of gifts to each other. Remember that this feast is celebrating My birth and My redemption of sinners. Coming to Mass on Christmas could be a good way to thank Me for having died for your sins. Celebrate the prayers of My Novena for My Infancy. Christmas should be more focused on Me than buying all of your gifts.”


Friday, December 23, 2011: (Joan Zornow’s Funeral Mass)
Joan said: “I am so happy to be with Jesus as He has graced me with coming to heaven. I suffered my purgatory on earth, and I had a full life of many happy experiences. I want to thank Carole, whom I love so much, and all of my care givers for taking care of me, especially in my later years. I love all of my family members for coming to my wake and the funeral. Thank you for the flowers, but you can see in the vision how heavenly flowers are even more beautiful. I am sorry in my later years that I could not convey all of my feelings toward all of you. I will be praying for all of my family as you face life’s trials. I was met by all of my deceased friends and relatives. This transition has freed me from all of my earthly restrictions. I love Jesus and Mary for all they did for me in life.”

Saturday, December 24, 2011: (Morning Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember the Scripture when the angel appeared to Zechariah in the Temple to give him the news that St. Elizabeth would have a son to be named John. When Zechariah doubted because of their ages, the angel made him unable to speak. Once St. John the Baptist was born, then Zechariah could speak, and his first words were his canticle that is said every morning in the Liturgy of the Hours. This birth was a miracle, and St. John would come later into the desert and he called the people to repent and be baptized. St. John was My herald in the desert to prepare the people for My coming. This reading is very appropriate right before you celebrate My birth on Christmas.”

(Vigil of Christmas Mass) Jesus said: “My people, as you see the reasons why people die from cancer, heart problems, pneumonia, or other diseases, you start to see how fragile your life is here on earth. In fact you cannot even assure yourselves that you will be alive tomorrow. You live from day to day thinking that you will have a long life. Sometimes when you have medical check ups, you start to see some of your own failings and vulnerabilities. Even more so, you should also be conscious of striving to have a pure soul in preparation for the day when you will be called home to judgment before Me. It is a joy to share your love with Me, especially as you celebrate My birth at Christmas. Since you do not know which day you are going to die, you should be prepared to die every day. If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do different from what you are doing today? In other words you could be living your life to the fullest every day thinking that this day is your last day on earth. Do not put off to tomorrow any preparations that you should be making today for your last day before your judgment.”


Sunday, December 25, 2011: (Christmas)
Jesus said: “My people, I was born in a humble stable in a cave, but you are seeing the glory of My Star and My angels that are announcing My birth. All of heaven was triumphant and singing with the angels at My birth. As you see Me in the manger as an infant, I am asking everyone what gifts are your bringing to Me? My most desired gift is your love and your soul given to Me by your own free will. Another gift that you could give Me, is a sharing of your time and money with the poor. When you help people by visits or giving them food, you are helping Me in them out of love. When you share what you have with others, you are storing up treasure in heaven. Rejoice in this Christmas celebration as you sing your Christmas carols.”


Monday, December 26, 2011: (St. Stephen)
Jesus said: “My people, just as the people of this world did not want to hear My message and persecuted Me, so My faithful will also be persecuted. St. Stephen was stoned to death, and many were martyred for their faith. You are seeing some rejection today, but you are not threatened with martyrdom right now. As evil gets worse and people stop going to church, you will see this persecution get worse as well. I have been having some of you set up refuges of protection that will be needed during the tribulation. Once you see martial law, mandatory chips in the body, or mandatory flu shots, it will be time to leave your homes for My refuges. My angels will protect you, and all of your needs will be provided. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I am doing for My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several large tsunamis that killed many people as a result of an earthquake induction under water. You are seeing in the vision another tsunami that will occur from a large earthquake on the Western coast of North America. As the wave came in, it washed over the shore and caused much destruction. This large earthquake could be triggered by the HAARP machine which is being used by the one world people to reduce the population through devastating disasters. It is hard to be prepared for such a disaster because these waves travel so fast. You could only quickly evacuate to higher ground, but traffic may slow down a quick escape. It is better to not live near the ocean where induction earthquakes can occur. Pray for all the people who could lose their lives in such a disaster, and especially pray for those souls living in mortal sin who may not be ready to meet Me at their judgment.”


Tuesday, December 27, 2011: (St. John the Evangelist)
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles heard Me tell them several times that I was born into this world to be the Redeemer of all mankind. This account from St. John in today’s reading was a message of reality that I died and I rose from the empty tomb. My apostles, St. Peter and St. John, could see the wrappings of the Shroud that I was buried in, and they believed in My Resurrection. I told them that I would die and rise on the third day, which is why you honor My death on Friday, and My Resurrection at Mass on Sunday. This feast and these readings are amidst your Christmas celebrations, but it points to the purpose of My Incarnation as a God-man at My birth. Give praise and glory to Me for the gift of My life for your sins, and My gift of Myself to you in My Blessed Sacrament where you always have Me with you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to be aware of the one world people’s desire to control people in all parts of your life. You are seeing more cameras for tracking people that are being placed on the highways, and at intersections. Even more toll roads are being made so they can eventually encourage you to buy easy passes in order to avoid long lines at checkpoints. By these easy passes, On Star GPS systems, and cell phones, these people can track where you are. You can avoid easy passes, and you can remove the batteries from your emergency cell phones, or wrap them in aluminum foil. The less means that you give them so they cannot track you, the more privacy you will have. Also, avoid taking any chips in the body for any reason because they can cause voices to control your free will. When you see mandatory chips in the body, mandatory flu shots, martial law, or any other threatening things as a pandemic deadly virus, these are the signs to call on Me and your angel to lead you to the nearest refuge. I will provide protection for My faithful at My refuges by My angels. When it is time to leave for My refuges, leave quickly because the men in black will be searching for you to capture you and possibly kill you in their death camps. Trust in My help to provide for all of your needs.”


Wednesday, December 28, 2011: (Vito Marcello funeral Mass)
Vito said: “I am so happy to see everyone who came to my funeral Mass. I love you all so much, and I give each of you a portion of my spirit. I especially love Elisabeth and my family, and I am sorry to have to leave you. I will be watching out for all of you in my prayers. The Lord has graced me with coming to heaven by my sufferings and this Mass that have atoned for my sins. I thank all of my care givers and family for your help in my last years of my illness. If it is not a burden, maybe you could visit my place of burial. I want to thank all of those who came to pay their respects for my life among them.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the North you have had a relatively warm winter with little snow. Now, the cold and snow have returned as you will be back to shoveling snow and scraping ice from your windshields. This is the fourth season, but not everyone is happy to see the snow come. Those, who like sledding, ice skating, and skiing, are happy, but not always for a deep cold spell. Some choose to go South to a warmer climate for the winter, but others are resigned to deal with the snow and cold. Many are happy with less snow this year, but winter is just beginning. As you see the cold weather set in, you might want to check on you back up heating devices to make sure they are in working order. Each winter can pose possible power outages that will require oil lamps for light, and other means of keeping your house warm. Being prepared now is better than being without what you need. Be grateful that I am helping to provide for your needs in all kinds of weather and disasters.”


Thursday, December 29, 2011: (St. Thomas Becket)
Jesus said: “My people, you are truly blessed by My coming to earth when I atoned for all the sins of mankind by My death on the cross. Now, the gates of heaven have been opened to those who believe in Me and follow My Commandments. It is not easy in this life of temptations with your earthly desires to see My Light and live a life of love as I have given you My example to follow. Walk in the Light of My ways which are opposed to the ways of man. Those, who follow the ways of the world in sin, are living in the darkness of the evil that they desire. They cannot stand the Light of My truth which means that they do not want to change their ways of lust and greed for wealth. As St. John says, you cannot be My disciple if you hate your brother and violate My Commandments. You are weak in a nature that is prone to sin, but I give you My forgiveness in Confession so you can cleanse your sins and restore My graces to your soul. Seek to love Me and your neighbor as yourself, and you will find your reward with Me in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how you like to keep your driveway plowed out so you can get your car out for your needs. In the same way I want you to clear the way so I can come into your heart and soul. By inviting Me to come, and by seeking My forgiveness of your sins, you are preparing the way for Me. You have brought your gifts to My crib and I want to share My love with all of you. Strive to keep your soul pure with frequent Confession. Your soul’s appearance is more important to Me than any other physical appearance.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people like to celebrate a Happy New Year, but it is also a feast day of My Blessed Mother. This coming year will hold many surprises, both good and bad. I have told you that the one world people will be initiating a new war soon to take the place of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The news and the media are talking more about a possible intervention into either Syria or Iran. Threats of shutting off oil routes by Iran have brought rebukes from your own leaders. Pray for peace, but be prepared for more serious conflicts.”

Jesus said: “My people, this tunnel is how many souls will come to Me during the Warning experience. I have warned you to be prepared for this event which is like a near death experience in a life review with a mini-judgment at the end. This experience will occur outside of time and outside of your body. Everyone will have this same experience at the same time. Events are leading up to the Antichrist’s coming, and I told you that My Warning would come before his declaration. This spiritual wake-up call will give everyone a chance to convert their lives to Me before the major events start the tribulation. Frequent Confession and daily prayer can prepare you for My Warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, your economy and jobs will be the topics of discussion as your political primaries are about to begin. Your media has focused on putting down each candidate as they rise in the polls. Instead of focusing on individual personal backgrounds, more time should be focused on how to solve your financial problems that have been grid-locked between raising taxes and cutting entitlements. Your people will be voting for the candidates that have the best solutions for your problems.”

Jesus said: “My people, the beginning of the year is a good time to make a spiritual assessment of what is going on in your life right now. You can compare where you are now with a year ago to see if you are getting better, or if you are falling back into some old habits of sin. Try to make some plans in changing your life, but let them be something that you can achieve. These plans should be revisited every month just to see if you are making any progress. If you do not put some effort into making these changes work, then it will be difficult to achieve your goals. Pray for My help in your plans, and even do some fasting and prayer for your success.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have suggested before that you could look at some of your most frequently confessed sins as a place to improve your spiritual life. Sometimes you are dealing with demons that are attached to your addictions or habitual sins. If you desire to be with Me in heaven, you need to not let any particular sin control your life. Addictions to drink, drugs, smoking, lust, overeating, or gambling can be places to clean up your life. Whatever is your most serious sin, should be your primary objective. Work on removing occasions or places that lead you into this sin. Fasting and novenas can help break the demon’s hold on you. By the end of the next year, you can see if you have made any progress. Call on My help when you may be frustrated in your attempts to clean up your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people feel most comfortable in praying formal prayers as daily rosaries, the Liturgy of the Hours, or other prayers. Other people want to share informal prayer with Me, especially in front of My Blessed Sacrament. Whatever prayer that you choose, find a way to be persistent with your intentions. Daily prayer brings you closer to Me, and you will have less desire for sin when you are with Me. I know that you are faced with daily temptations, so keep praying to help overcome them. Pray daily for sinners, the souls in purgatory, peace in the world, and for a stoppage to abortion.”


Friday, December 30, 2011:(The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary &Joseph)
Jesus said: “My people, many people could model their lives after My Holy Family. In today’s world it is harder to find manufacturing jobs for either parent. The first struggle for a family is an adequate job or two to provide income for a home, car, food, and the needs of the children. The parents of children have many responsibilities for their bedding, clothes, food, and education. Bringing up children requires some discipline in love to help them with their schoolwork as well as training them in the faith with Sunday Mass and a good prayer life. They need training to learn the faith as much as they need training for other subjects. A well-rounded person needs Me at the center of his or her life, as well as a knowledge to provide for a job in the world. When you keep focused on Me, I will provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may not see them, but people are committing many sins at any time all around the clock, all over the world. I died once in the body during time over two thousand years ago, but I am still suffering outside of time for all the sins that are still being committed. When I ask My faithful to share your sufferings with Me on the cross, I am still in pain for your sins. All of you have to bear the trials of this life whether it is your chronic pains, or the struggles you go through in earning a living, or fixing any problems that you have. I lived this life, so I know what pains you are going through just to survive. You could cause Me less pain to suffer by minimizing your sins that I have to atone for. You are seeing much evil in your world as with your many abortions, even in just your own country. There are some areas on earth where there are more sins than others, and these places are calling out for My justice to punish them. These places will be destroyed even as I brought punishment down on Sodom and Gomorrah. Continue to offer up your prayers and sufferings to Me, so I can apply this for people who need physical and spiritual healing. Just as My suffering is redemptive for sinners, so your offerings can have redemptive value for souls as well in your intentions.”


Sábado, 29 de Março de 2025

Mulher Vestida de Sol