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John Leary - Ano 2012 (Inglês)



Ano 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012: (Blessed Mother of God)
Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother had to endure childbirth in a stable, and listen to Simeon speak to her of how a sword would pierce her heart. She bore all of these trials out of love for Me. She did everything that she could do to follow My Father’s Divine Will, even to be sinless throughout her whole life. She is mother to all of her children, as she protects you with her mantle. My circumcision was another trial for her at the Temple, but this was to follow the Jewish custom. You are still rejoicing in how the angels led the shepherds to give honor and glory to their God. The Magi also brought Me gifts fit for a king, as they were led to Me by the Star of Bethlehem. This New Year and Christmas celebrations are a cause to be joyful and glorious amidst all the angels singing their praises of Me. Carry this joy and My love out to all the peoples of the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many tulips in a graveyard as an indication of how many funerals that you have been to over the last year. You were praying prayers of thanksgiving for last year, and you could be thanking Me for the many lives that were gifted to you. Each life is among you for a set time and purpose, and then I call them back to their Creator. Life is precious, but you are only here for a short time. This is why it is such a serious sin to take a life by abortion or murder. As you think back on each person who died, try to remember how each person influenced your life. Just as you remember them, think of how you are affecting people’s lives around you. Make a point to try and share your love and faith in Me with as many people as you can. Live your life to the fullest, just as if this day is the last day of your life.”


Monday, January 2, 2012: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)
Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist is the last of the Old Testament messengers or prophets before My mission. He was the voice crying out in the desert as quoted from Isaiah. These prophets foretold about Me as the coming Redeemer because by My suffering on the cross, all of mankind would be free of their sins if they seek My forgiveness. My apostles and missionaries, as St. Paul, spread My Word and converted many people into following Me as Christians. All throughout history I have blessed you with prophets to show the way to heaven. Even today, you have many people receiving messages and apparitions. Still I must warn My faithful to discern in the Spirit about the truthfulness of the words given because there will be false prophets as well. The greatest deceiver will be the Antichrist, and I have described how he will mislead people by his powers of suggestion. Do not look at his eyes or listen to his voice. Avoid even reading his words that could cause you to worship him. Keep focused on Me and My holy prophets, and you will be protected from the evil ones at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I asked you to save some heirloom seeds to grow vegetables at your refuge. With non-hybrid seeds you could let some of your crops go to seed for the next year. If you live in a more Northern climate, you could build some greenhouses, and heat them to keep them above freezing. You could paint some glass or heavy plastic so you do not have direct sunlight that could be too hot in the summer. Greenhouses will enable you to extend your growing season, and can be a nursery to start your crops from seed. All the food that you grow could be multiplied when you have a lot of people at your refuge. By providing for your vegetables, you can have a well-balanced diet between the bread, deer meat, and any other farm animals that you have. Trust in My help and My protection, and you will have all that you need to survive at My refuges.”


Tuesday, January 3, 2012: (Most Holy Name of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast is about My Name, Jesus, and how it was given at the time of My circumcision at the Temple. St. Gabriel gave My Blessed Mother My Name when she accepted the honor of being My mother. St. John’s Gospel focused today on My Baptism in the Jordan River, when St. John the Baptist saw the Holy Spirit come down over Me in the form of a dove. God the Father came in a voice from heaven saying: ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’ Then St. John the Baptist said: ‘I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son of God.’ This was a manifestation of the Blessed Trinity that St. John acknowledged. Even later, when I asked My apostles who I was, then St. Peter was blessed by the Holy Spirit to say: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ In another Scripture it speaks how at the hearing of My Name, every knee must bend. Out of reverence My faithful should bow their heads when you hear My Name. I am the One who has redeemed all of you, which is why My Name should be honored by everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I love the little children, and I want My faithful to protect them from any abuse. They are so precious and open to love until they are infected with worldly things. They need a lot of your love and direction to point them to good behavior and proper reverence for Me in church. Parents need to watch over what their children are doing in school and especially when they get old enough for dating. A good training in the faith can teach them a proper prayer life, and leading chaste lives in their relationships. Parents teach their children by their actions, so parents need to give their children good example in speech and anger management. You love your children and they need to see your loving actions and concern for them in homework and spiritual needs. You can train them also to attend frequent Confession so their souls are kept clean. Even after they leave your homes, you need to help them in their physical and spiritual needs. You especially need to pray for them that they stay close to Me at Sunday Mass. Parents are responsible for directing their children’s souls, so they can be saved in heaven. As you see Me in your children, everything that you do for them, you do for Me in them.”


Wednesday, January 4, 2012: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
Jesus said: “My people, once St. John the Baptist baptized Me, he said: ‘There goes the Lamb of God.’ Then St. Andrew followed Me and later brought his brother, Simon, to meet Me. I then called him Peter, and they both became My disciples. In this vision of a train track leading into the fog, this represents how My disciples followed Me in blind trust because I am the Messiah. I call many people to follow Me in blind trust, but it is not easy to put aside your worries and anxieties about what you are to eat, what you are to wear, and where you will stay for shelter. These are the things that the worldly people are concerned about, without thinking about My help. When you have full faith in Me, you let Me lead you to find work, a home, money for food, and possibly a car. When you have a good job, you will have the money for your needs. But remember that I enabled you to have the skills for your job, and you are really dependent on Me for everything. Do not let your pride think that once you have a job, that you do not need Me. You could lose your job and your money at any time. You could even lose your life tomorrow. So trust in Me every day to take care of you in giving you the air to breathe and My sunlight to see. I give you so many gifts that you take for granted, but you should be thanking Me for My gifts every day in your prayers. By living in full faith and trust in Me, you will have no worries and no anxieties. Live in My love and be joyous to experience the life that I have given you.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you many messages over the years, and I even instructed you when it was the right time to start publishing your books. Later on I also directed you to have DVD videos made about your talks, and even a DVD on promoting Adoration. Sometimes you have problems in getting just the right lighting and sound to make the DVD video. The second time when you prayed a novena to St. Therese, the DVD was made on the first try. You are seeing attacks from the evil one whenever you try to spread My Word. You will see these attacks getting worse with time as you approach the tribulation time. Even on the ship on your last cruise, I recommended that you take blessed salt and holy water to spread wherever you talked. Using My blessed sacramentals is helpful in protecting you from the demons and any possessed people. By wearing your rosary, scapular, Benedictine cross, and your relic of My true cross, you will have the protection that you will need. Call on Me and My angels to watch over you on your trips. Blessing your van with holy water and praying the St. Michael prayer will also protect you. As you go out to speak and distribute your books and DVDs, trust in the Holy Spirit to give you the words to lead people to conversion and reconversion. Also take the rosaries, leaflets, scapulars, and Confession preparation sheets to encourage people to pray, and to make good confessions of their sins. When you work in My vineyard for the harvest of souls, your reward in heaven will be great.”


Thursday, January 5, 2012: (St. John Neumann)
Jesus said: “My people, you are dealing with the one world people that are purposely developing diseases, viruses, and genetically modified plants and animals. The purpose of these diseases and vaccines is to reduce the world’s population so they have less people to control, and more of the world’s resources for themselves. Lyme disease, AIDS, and many viruses are laboratory creations for population control. These people are so evil that they do not care how many people they kill with their diseases, man-made disasters, and their death culture that favors wars, euthanasia, and abortion. The most insidious work is the manipulation of the DNA of plants and animals for their gain and control. They control the hybrid seeds and even control growth of feed animals with hormones and cross-breeding. This is why your food is adulterated and more people are getting sick with diseases and increased cancer cases. They are also spreading viruses by chemtrails so many people have upper respiratory sicknesses that are becoming hard to treat with antibiotics that are not effective. You can understand the evil influence of Satan when you see the devious ways of the death culture people. This is why My faithful need to stand up against abortion, constant wars, and the abuse of My balance of nature. Pray for My help in the battle between those who protect life, and those who kill life.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been shown the tunnels that have been prepared for the foreign troops who will travel through them to set up a national martial law. Your Congress and President have passed a new law that will enable your military or UN troops to pick up any US citizen that is deemed a threat. This person could be held in internment camps indefinitely without even a trial by jury. You now are living in a police state that could take over your government. The one world people will cause a false emergency to give a claim to establish martial law. Once you see this national martial law, this will be the time to go to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before that the one world people have prepared hundreds of death camps all across the United States. The one world people have been planning to kill at least twenty-five million Christians and patriots that will not go along with their new world order. They will try to force chips in the body on everyone or they will be killed in gas chambers or with guillotines to scare people into submission. Refuse to take any mandatory chips in the body because voices from these devices will control your free will and they will make you like robots. This is another sign to go to My refuges when these chips are made mandatory from your Health Plan.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard how the scientists in the labs have created a virus as deadly as the bird flu, but it will be much more contagious and spread in the air. This is a fear tactic to get people to take a flu shot that will make them more vulnerable to the pandemic virus that the one world people plan to put in the sky with the chemtrails. The evil ones’ goal is to use this pandemic virus to reduce the population. Refuse to take any flu shots that will destroy your immune system. Eventually, they will make these flu shots mandatory, and they will try to imprison those people who refuse these shots. These mandatory shots and the pandemic virus will be another sign to come to My refuges. At My refuges you will look on the luminous cross or drink the healing spring water, and you will be healed of any viruses.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people in the central bankers are planning another stock market crash that will also bring down the dollar and cause the bankruptcy of your government. This crash will start with major defaults in the European Union that will crash the euro as a viable currency. This will precipitate the crash of the dollar. This failing of the banking system will enable the one world people to set up a new currency called the ‘amero’ in a created North American Union. This bankruptcy will also precipitate a martial law takeover by the military. This is yet another sign to come to My refuges to protect you from capture in the death camps.”

Jesus said: “My people, Hitler used this tactic of using thugs to scare the people with false terrorist activity all over Germany. This same plan could be carried out by thugs posing as occupy groups, but they will bring fires, riots, and chaos which could give a reason to declare martial law. If you see widespread riots and terrorism, then this also would be a sign to come to My refuges. Leave quickly before they start picking up people for the death camps.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people already have lists of Christians and patriots who they would like to exterminate for those people going against their new world order. The red list of people are those leaders and educated people who the one world people will try to capture before martial law is declared. The blue list of people will be those persons who the one world people will capture after martial law is declared. Before these captures begin, I will be warning My faithful to leave quickly for My refuges before martial law is declared. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to My nearest refuge. You will be made invisible to these evil ones both on the way to and at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, be thankful that I am calling people to set up refuges with bedding, food, and water that will be multiplied for your needs. Angels at My refuges will defend you from all attempts to kill you. Do not hesitate in coming to My refuges, once you are warned, so you are not captured and killed in the death camps. Some will be martyred for their faith, but they will become instant saints in heaven, and return to My Era of Peace. Those, who come to My refuges, will have to endure a brief time of tribulation under the Antichrist. Fear not since when you see the Antichrist come into power, know that My victory will soon defeat all of these evil ones. After My comet kills the evil ones, they will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace and later into heaven. Rejoice in My coming victory over evil.”


Friday, January 6, 2012: (St. Brother Andre)
Jesus said: “My people, some people have heard about a warning when it is time to come to My refuges. I will indeed warn My faithful when it is time to come. I did not want My people to be confused with the Warning experience which will occur before the Antichrist is declared, and before you need to come to My refuges. The Warning experience will be the first of the major events to occur. Everyone will receive a life review and a mini-judgment all at the same time all over the world. This will occur outside of your body and outside of time. After your life review, you will receive a mini-judgment of your life up to that time. You will be returned to your body with a chance to improve your spiritual life. If you cannot improve your life, then this mini-judgment will become your final judgment. If you are judged to hell or purgatory, you will experience what it would be like to be there. This Warning will give all sinners an opportunity to change their lives and wake them up to how I see their actions. After this Warning experience, you will see events leading up to the Antichrist’s declaration. When it is time to come to My refuges for protection, I will let My people know it is time, just as the angel visited St. Joseph to warn him to take his family to Egypt so Herod could not kill Me. Once you are warned to leave, you need to pack up your things and sacramentals quickly for your trip, and leave immediately. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge. Rejoice that I am protecting My faithful from the evil ones.”


Saturday, January 7, 2012: (St. Raymond of Penyafort)
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My people to imitate Me by picking up their daily cross that they carry throughout their lives. Each day has enough troubles of its own, so do not worry about what you will need tomorrow. In the vision you are seeing someone struggling to climb this long ladder to heaven. Every day brings you one step closer to Me when you are focused on Me. I suffered your human condition because I became a man to take on your sins and provide for your salvation from these sins. To come to heaven I call you to follow the mission that I have given you in life. This mission uses your unique talents in your job or trade where you can offer up your sacrifices and trials to Me. Follow My Commandments and strive to give your will over to My Divine Will so you can allow Me to be the Master of your life. Once you have finished your task on earth, I will call you home for an accounting of your actions. If you have been faithful to Me, I will say to you ‘Well done, My child, enter into the joy of your Father in heaven.’ Those, who have not been faithful to Me, will be judged to suffer in the eternal flames of hell. Some will require some cleansing in purgatory to purify their souls so they can be worthy to enter into the perfection of My love in heaven. Rejoice when you have finished the race, and you have climbed your ladder to heaven. All of heaven also rejoices over each soul that converts and enters heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people can cause disasters or threaten disasters as blackmail against any country that they choose. They have used the HAARP machine to cause major earthquakes all over the world. Where they have caused earthquakes of 8-9, tsunamis have resulted in causing more damage. This vision is of another strong earthquake in the Pacific that will trigger another tsunami wave. The scientists have an early warning system set up to warn people of any Pacific tsunamis, but there will only be a short time of warning because the tsunami waves travel so fast. All the countries along the Pacific coast of Asia should be made ready for another major event.”


Sunday, January 8, 2012: (Epiphany)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been putting up your Nativity scenes for many years. The first figures that came were when the angels appeared to the shepherds, and they were led to Me in My creche. Now in today’s Gospel you are seeing the Magi come to bring Me the kingly gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The vision also shows you some palm leaves that are associated with My ride on the colt into Jerusalem. The gift of myrrh was a prediction of how I would suffer for My people to save their souls. I was born into this world as a God-man so I could redeem sinners from their sins. The price of atonement for everyone’s sins would be My life offered up freely on the cross. So as you conclude your Christmas celebration of My birth, you also are looking forward to the celebration of Easter with My Resurrection from the dead and My victory over sin and death. My life on earth was short and My three years of ministry still had many teachings of My Word directly from God. I love all of My people so much, and this witness of My love went so far that I was willing to offer My life up for all of you.”


Monday, January 9, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read of My baptism by St. John and you have been baptized into the faith to be My disciple. This bell, that is tolling, is a sign that you are all mortal, and you will die one day as I died for you. Just as I had a short life, your life on earth is short also. This life is a test of how you can be faithful to Me or not faithful. For those, who can accept Me as Master and follow My Commandments, they will find eternal life with Me in heaven. It is your love for Me and your neighbor, as well as your good works, that will be most valuable to you at your judgment. Your life is truly a preparation to come to heaven. So live every day for My greater glory in all that you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when St. John the Baptist was captured and he was placed in prison because he told King Herod that it was not right to marry his brother’s wife. Herod’s wife took an opportunity to have St. John beheaded. In a similar way My faithful will be threatened with prison just for believing in Me. What seems innocent to proclaim homosexual acts are sins, can now imprison someone as a hate crime. Even protesting abortions can be a threat for imprisonment. Christians are being attacked and abused more than any other religion. This persecution will get worse when you refuse to take a chip in the body or when you refuse to have a mandatory flu shot. Once these evil ones try to kill you for not going along with their new world order, then you will need to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to the safety of My nearest refuge. If My faithful refuse to go to My refuges when I warn them to go, then they risk being imprisoned and killed in your death camps. Do not be fearful of these evil ones, but trust in My protection.”


Tuesday, January 10, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, this message is to remind My people that you can only live in ‘today’, and you cannot live in ‘tomorrow’. You can be prudent and plan for tomorrow’s events, but do not be overly concerned with tomorrow because today has enough troubles of its own. This vision of a corner is to give you this idea that you do not know what tomorrow holds for you. All of your worries and anxieties about tomorrow will not help you, and a faithful person should have trust in Me. It is the demons who try to make you worry and be anxious. So do not let them influence you, and trust in Me even in difficult situations. Every day offer up all of your works to Me as a prayer. Then ask Me to give you the grace to carry out your mission to do those things that I will lead you to do. When you are praying quietly, listen for My words of instruction. If you are always busy and talking without listening for Me, then it will be hard for you to know what I want you to do. Give Me some prayer time everyday, and I will give you peace in your soul to handle all of your trials. Call on Me, and I will defend you from any temptations and distractions from the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, the American naval forces are taking Iran serious when they made threats to stop the oil in the Persian Gulf if more sanctions are applied. Iran depends on oil exports for its income, so any sanctions on its oil exports would cause financial problems. America is positioning its own naval activities to counter any bold attacks by Iran. This American dependence on foreign oil can easily cause America a problem when it has to defend the sources of oil that it imports. Iran is backed by China and Russia, and China would gladly use Iranian oil. There are many possible conflicts that could result from any blocking of oil shipments. These threats and sanctions could precipitate a war with Iran, but it would not be beneficial for either side. Keep praying for peace in the Middle-East because war could break out at any time.”


Wednesday, January 11, 2012:
Jesus said: “My son, you can identify with the calling of Samuel. I called you in Medugorje to convert your computer addiction from spending so much time for yourself into time for Me in your prayer life. If you allow yourself to be so taken up with worldly cares, you will not be open for the mission that I have planned for you. The healing of this addiction was a miracle as I took you off this detour from My work. Once you were made open, then I asked you to take on My mission. When you accepted My mission, I then gradually led you to receive My inner locutions with visions of the messages. After receiving My messages for a few years, then I urged you to have them published in books. I even gave you the grace by the Holy Spirit to go out speaking to those who would listen to My word. I also urged you to spread My Word in your DVDs and on the internet. You have been led by your spiritual directors, and you have been protected from many trials that have tried to stop your mission. Be grateful that you are working in My vineyard to save souls, and prepare My faithful for the coming tribulation. You need to keep close to Me in your prayers and in My sacraments. I send prophets and messengers into the world in all ages, and in many places all over the earth. My people need to be grateful also when I give you the words that you need to hear for the coming events.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a horse and buggy reminds you of how people traveled around before cars were invented. I am showing you this vision because a time is coming when you may not be able to get gasoline for your cars. Some people can store some extra gas or they can keep their cars at least half full in their gas tanks all the time. The one world people can shut down your economy by turning off your electricity or stopping your oil shipments. When your electricity is off, you will have problems keeping warm in the winter, and you will not be able to pump any gas, or make transactions at the bank. If a war is started in the Middle-East, you could possibly see a stoppage of your oil shipments, and gas would be hard to obtain. If you cannot get more gas, you could only drive with what gas you have on the way to your refuge. Then when the gas runs out, you will have to bring along your bicycles for the rest of your transportation to My refuges. I have asked you to have some working bicycles with a pump for just this emergency of not being able to obtain gas to run your car. Be prepared for no electricity.”

David said: “I want to thank you for calling on me to share my words with you, and when you asked me to intercede for some couples to conceive children. I am happy to greet my parents, my sisters, and my nieces and nephews. I have Mary with me and we are thankful for even the short life that we experienced in this world. We are watching over all of you as you struggle through life’s trials. We pray for you daily as we petition Jesus to give you the grace that you need to accomplish your mission. You have a blessed mission to prepare souls for the coming tribulation. You have made your own preparations, and you are a living example to all who are listening to your words from Jesus.”


Thursday, January 12, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how the Philistines inflicted large losses in defeating Israel. This is a sign to you that everything in life will not go smoothly. At times you endure financial problems when your car needs repair, and your appliances, or devices in your home need repair or replacement. At other times you may endure sicknesses, operations, or deaths in the family. These earthly trials are all part of life, and you need My help and the help of others to solve your problems. The Gospel reading shows the cleansing of a leper from his leprosy. In your world you also have problems with contagious diseases that require quarantines. There is also an analogy in having your sins cleansed from your souls. You have My sacrament of Reconciliation always available in My priests, so you should have pure souls by asking My forgiveness of your sins. I died on the cross to bring salvation to all those who seek My forgiveness. Do not be lazy in your spiritual life, but you need to confess your sins at least once a month. If you have an aching tooth, you go to the dentist immediately. So if you are in mortal sin, you should come to Me in Confession quickly as well. Do not risk dying in mortal sin, so you can have a better judgment when you face Me at death. Also, you love Me dearly, and you want to keep a good love relationship with Me. If you are dead to Me in mortal sin, ask My healing in Confession, and you will be made clean again.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when you decide what time to choose for your prayer time, you should consider praying during the day time instead of at night. At night you are tired from the day’s work, and it is hard to pray late at night. Try to get your rosaries in before supper when possible so you can focus more on your prayers. Remember when you have a lot of unplanned events to make up any missed rosaries on the following day. I rely on My faithful’s prayers to counter balance all the sin of the world. So do not grow lazy with your prayer life because prayers for sinners are greatly needed.”

Jesus said: “My people, setting aside a general time for prayer is the best way to plan around your daily events. Guard this time of the day so nothing else can interfere with your daily prayers. Even if people are visiting, excuse yourself to do your prayers, or invite them to pray with you. By forming a prayer habit at a set time of the day, you are saying to everyone that time with Me is too important to interrupt with only earthly concerns. You make priorities for everything in your life, and I should be your first priority.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you pray, there are various kinds of prayer. You pray for petitions, for Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, for penance for sin, for thanksgiving for favors answered, and for help to get through each day. All of these reasons for prayer have their place, and I hear all of your requests. Even your good works and sufferings can be offered up to Me for any of your intentions. You can pray also for souls to be saved from their sins, even when they are not acknowledging Me in life. Many souls can be saved in this way, but they also require fasting for those with a higher price for their soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, these nuns are performing a selfless suffering for the sinners of the world. Contemplative prayer in silence is very powerful for souls. Praying in quiet is not easily done for people who are busy with only worldly concerns. It takes concentration and training to pray in contemplative prayer. This is why I have asked you to pray this way for five or ten minutes whenever you come to Adoration. Even this short time of quiet is hard to keep focused on Me with all of your worldly distractions. Pray the best that you can from your heart to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you pray your rosaries together before My Blessed Sacrament, you are multiplying your prayers for all of your intentions. I have asked you to place My Divine Mercy Picture before you at every prayer meeting because you can gain great graces as St. Faustina has told you in her diary. My mercy and My graces are poured out on all people who pray before this picture. Be grateful that these heavenly secrets are being revealed to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you wake up each day, you could pray your morning offering and your guardian angel prayer to consecrate all of your actions of the day up to Me. For those, who attend daily Mass in the morning, you have Me intimately with you in Holy Communion. The Mass is the greatest prayer of all. You can pray your rosaries in the afternoon, especially your Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00 p.m. Pray your grace before each meal to honor Me in feeding you. At night you could spend some time with Me at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Before going to sleep, you could pray your Act of Contrition in case you should die during the night. Even My priests and lay people recite the Liturgy of the Hours throughout the day. By remembering Me in your prayers throughout the day, you are showing Me your love as you keep your focus on Me. I will watch over you as I love each of you so much.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of your most frequent prayers are those intentions for healing the sicknesses or diseases of people. When you pray for physical healing, the persons who you are praying over need to have faith that I can heal them. When you pray for a physical healing, you also should pray for a spiritual healing of that person’s soul. This is the way that I healed the whole person both body and soul when I was on the earth. When you pray over people, My prayer warriors need to pray also for a healing of both the body and soul. Remember when you pray to Me, that you are truly communicating with Me from your heart.”


Friday, January 13, 2012: (St. Hilary)
Jesus said: “My people, your winter weather has returned, and now you have to endure the snow, the ice, and the wind. You even have to adjust your driving by preparing your car, and leaving more time for driving and scraping.
Just as you bear with the inconveniences of the weather, you need to bear with all of life’s difficulties. You do not appreciate how fortunate you are with good weather until you start experiencing the raw winter for this time. In the same way you take your health for granted, but when sickness or teeth problems come, you appreciate more how important good health can be. Many people have disabilities or chronic pains as they get older, and they suffer things that they are not used to. Be prepared for suffering in this valley of tears because these trials are all a part of life. Call on My help to get you through the hard pains and rough life when your health fails you. Offer up to Me all of your pains and struggles to make a living as you share them with My suffering on the cross for your sins. You know how much I love you when I purposely took on a human nature so I could suffer My crucifixion and death on the cross to save you from your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government, under a plan called ‘Project Clover Leaf’, has solicited commercial airlines to have their jet airplanes assist in spreading chemtrails. The one world people are using chemtrails supposedly to stop some of the sun’s rays from warming the earth. This is their cover story, but their real reason to spread chemtrails is to reduce people’s immune system so many can be killed by their coming pandemic virus. The one world people have as their goal the premise of reducing the population which was brainwashed into their minds by Satan. The upper levels of the one world people actually worship Satan, and they get their working orders from him. Satan is behind the killing of man in the death culture that promotes abortion, euthanasia, wars, and killing of people by laboratory created viruses. Many people are suffering upper respiratory diseases as a result of the chemtrails. The aluminum oxide being spread in the chemtrails is also causing a higher level of Alzheimer’s disease in bad memory problems. I have asked My faithful to use Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins to build up their immune systems and counter the effects of the chemtrails on the body. Also, avoid taking any flu shots that could ruin your immune system. Pray that My people will be protected and healed from these viruses by looking at My luminous cross at My refuges.”


Saturday, January 14, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, as you observe various plants and animals, you can see some imperfections in their makeup. In the same way you may have some unusual deformities in your hands, bones, teeth, or another part of your body. Some of these things are inherited from your parents, or it may have been a birth defect. You accept many of these things, unless you need operations to fix them. In your soul you have inherited the consequences of Adam’s sin, as original sin that is forgiven with your Baptism. You also have inherited a weakness to sin, which means you are all sinners. Only Myself and My Blessed Mother were without sin on earth. This is why St. John in his letter wrote that those, who claim they have no sin, are liars. Some people think that they are self-righteous, but in their hearts they should humble themselves to seek My forgiveness in frequent Confession. Admitting that you have sinned, requires you to be humbled in the face of My perfection. By coming to Me in Confession, you can seek My forgiveness, and ask Me to pardon your offenses. The priest will give you absolution, and your soul will be filled with the grace of this sacrament. Keep your soul cleansed of sin so you are pleasing to Me in your appearance. You cleanse your body and you keep changing your soiled clothing. All the more reason to have a good appearance in your soul as well. Be grateful that I have given you My sacrament of Penance that allows you to keep your soul cleansed of sin. Truly I am the doctor to heal your souls from all of your sins.”


Sunday, January 15, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of My curing the paralytic man is different from your readings at today’s Mass, but it is all about faith in My healing and knowing that the Son of man can heal and lead people. St. John the Baptist pointed out that I was the ‘Lamb of God’ and My apostles were led to follow Me as they realized that I was the ‘Christ’ who came to redeem mankind. They understood the full meaning of My coming when they saw more miracles in My ministry. The calling of My disciples is similar to how I called My prophets, as Samuel. It is not easy to understand My ways and to listen to My words. For some it may take years of study or a grace of My inspiration from the Holy Spirit. The hardest part to following My ways is for people to be able to give up following their own desires. Giving over your will to Me requires an openness in faith that can take a long time to develop in your love relationship with Me. Put your trust in Me to help you in all that you do, and you will see My Light and believe in My ways.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had a lull in your disasters with very few snow storms. Your weather has been warmer with less snow than normal, but the cold will be returning with snow in some areas. The concern is about the broken glass windows which means you could see some increasing incidents of violence and people who are desperate for food and living accommodations. Many of your people have had to take less paying jobs when the manufacturing jobs left for China. The middle class is losing net income to the cost of things that they can buy. They are getting by, but they are frustrated with decreasing incomes while the rich are getting richer. This frustration with less income could trigger some riots and looting of stores for what they feel they deserve. This lawless activity could trigger martial law if these riots get widespread. Your upcoming elections are not offering much hope that things will get better. Pray that your people will not resort to such chaos and looting because this activity will only cause worse problems.”


Monday, January 16, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Saul was being reprimanded by God’s word to Samuel about how his men offered the spoils of his enemy as animal offerings. This was against God’s laws as well as any other abuses taken from their enemy. Because of these sins, God was removing Saul as the leader of Israel. This idolatry of possessions and wealth is still going on in your people of today. Anything, that gets glorified or idolized before Me, is against My First Commandment. I am more important than anything else in your life. I am a jealous God, and I desire your love and that you place Me first over your possessions and your wealth. I am the One who has given you life and all that you have. I do not force My love on people, but those, who refuse to accept Me as Master of their lives, are on the broad road to hell. While those, who love Me by their own free will and follow My laws, will be on the narrow road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who are working one or two jobs, and some retired people who have just Social Security and a small pension. It is difficult to keep a house and a car operating with a lower income. Some retired people are losing some benefits as their health coverage, and it is again expensive for insurance and drugs. I have asked people to live a simple life and to be content with their lot. The lower part of the middle class and the retired people are being forced to live this life already. Since many people rely on entitlements to survive, you will be seeing a difficult time coming when America’s debts will force a cutback in entitlements. This is because there will not be enough money to fund them. Your government leaders are not facing up to your debt problems or your entitlements that will be running out of money. When these problems start, you will see major chaos and riots when people cannot afford food or paying for their lodging. This is why My people need to be ready to leave for My refuges when your money system will fail. Trust in My help to protect you and feed you.”


Tuesday, January 17, 2012: (St. Anthony of the Desert)
Jesus said: “My people, this ringing of bells by these people is a sign of their religious freedom. I have died on the cross for all peoples, and I have paid the ransom for your souls. So now you have been freed from the bonds of your sins. You can ask My forgiveness in Confession, and I will forgive your sins and restore grace to your souls. Some people accept My call to forgiveness, while the lukewarm and lovers of worldly things are refusing My grace. Those, who refuse to accept Me as their Savior, are still bound in their sins, and they are on the broad road to hell. In the world of nations there are varying degrees of freedom. Some are restrained by communism, and some are controlled by social entitlements. Even though America claims to be free, the one world people are restraining you in your debts, and their control of the money. In the world it is hard to

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of soldiers fighting in the trenches is a sign of how My people are now involved with the battle of good and evil. There are groups and atheists that are trying to remove all mentions of Me in your society. If they cannot get their way, then they resort to the courts to push their cause against Me. You have just battled those people who were not wanting to wish people ‘Merry Christmas’. Some of you were wearing buttons about Christmas, and others were displaying Nativity scenes. Soon people will be marching in Washington, D.C. to protest your Supreme Court decision that supports abortion. My people need to stand up against abortion in protests against abortion clinics. You also may have to stand up against politically correct decisions because the worldly people do not want to follow My laws. Politically correct decisions are based on what is comfortable for man, instead of what I want man to do. This is why when you stand up for your faith, you will be persecuted for My Name’s sake. As they persecuted Me, so these worldly people will persecute you as well. So when you defend life, proper morals, or other faith battles, you will gain graces in heaven for living your faith, even amidst persecution.”ind justice, but with Me you will always have an opportunity to love Me, and I will direct you to heaven. Pray for your leaders to treat everyone fairly without taking away your Constitutional rights. The more these evil ones control you, as in your Health Plan and evil laws of control, the less freedom you will have. Pray for your country and for those who are away from Me because of their spiritual laziness.”


Wednesday, January 18, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, just as you are aware of the Blessed Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, there is also a trinity of evil with Satan, the Antichrist, and the false prophet. This evil of Satan and the two beasts of Revelation will have a short reign in the tribulation time, but when I come on the clouds, the evil ones will be cast into hell. You are assured of My victory over evil because it is foretold in the Book of Revelation. So do not have fear of these evil ones because I will protect the souls of My faithful. Some of My people may be martyred for their faith, but these martyrs will become instant saints in heaven. The rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges until My victory in less than 3 ½ years after the tribulation begins. So it does not matter how fearsome the evil ones will appear. They will be defeated, even as David killed Goliath.”

Jesus said: “My people, the only winners in wars are those who make money on the weapons. The losers are those who are killed or maimed for life. Those, who have their homes destroyed, are also at a loss because insurance will not help them. It is the one world people who make money on selling weapons to both sides of their wars. These wars also cause debts to increase America’s National Debt, which is the largest reason for its increase. Wars away from America have spread your troops thin so there are fewer troops to defend your homeland. Your constant wars and spending on expensive weapons are ruining your economy, and killing many people. Many of these wars are used to fight over oil, and they have nothing to do with defending your homeland. It is the one world people who are constantly leading you into drawn out no-win wars. Pray for peace in the world, and do not follow the central bankers into their trumped up wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of someone being tempted to go down a beautiful black marble stairway represents how the devil tries to draw you into a worship of worldly things. Going down into a dark stairway is like leading you down a broad road to hell. The devil attracts you with the latest homes, cars, TVs, and gadgets. It is one thing to buy something that you need for living, but it is another thing to constantly crave the newest things available with new pleasing features. Do not be taken up with worldly things so much that you make them more important than Me, as in idols. Keep a balance in your life between your spiritual life and your physical needs. This is why if you try to live a simple life of pleasing Me, you will find it more rewarding than trying to please your earthly cravings. Everything that you buy has a limited lifetime which either wears out, breaks down, or becomes outdated. This is why buying new things only satisfies you for a short time until you see something better. Try to keep your things longer without always looking for the most exciting new thing to buy. Seek to please Me more than your desires for earthly things, and you will be less attracted to go down the devil’s path.”


Thursday, January 19, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, be careful not to be envious or jealous of anyone, or their goods. These are the ninth and tenth Commandments, and you can see in the readings how Saul was wanting to kill David because his fame was more than Saul’s. This envy and jealousy is also what drove Cain to kill Abel because Abel’s offering was more pleasing to Me. In the same way people can hold grudges or do serious crimes because other people have more possessions or money. There are always going to be people that have more or less money or things than you do. This is not a reason to be envious or jealous because this is how life is. One can strive to improve oneself, but do not seek to kill or steal to obtain something from someone else. This can happen with individuals and with nations. Some countries may want to go to war to obtain another country’s oil or other resources as land. This is why you should be content with your lot, and follow My Will, rather than your own desires. By following My laws and loving Me and your neighbor, you will have joy and happiness here and in the life to come.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that some people were hurt and some lost their lives due to human error. This latest cruise ship sinking was an unfortunate error on the captain’s part. Once the people are accounted for, as much as possible, the next concern is to remove safely any remaining fuel to prevent a worse environmental disaster. Pray that any other problems are minimized, and that other captains will abide by their normal courses. Many cruise lines will suffer because of one foolish act.”
Jesus said: “My people, war in the Middle-East is becoming more of a possibility as Iran is threatening the oil tankers and the United States’ military ships. The strait leading into the Persian Gulf is narrow, and Iran could threaten ships there with land to ship missiles and their submarines. War could break out as some countries want to boycott Iranian oil. Having another war in this area could be another plan of the one world people to drive up oil and gasoline prices that could cause a world recession.”

Jesus said: “My people, you do not realize how close you are to a military takeover of your government by martial law. There are many detention camps across America that have been activated by FEMA and your Homeland Security forces. The one world people are planning a major incident that could trigger a national martial law that would enable them to takeover America, and make it a part of the North American Union. Your new laws are enabling your military to pick up any American and detain that person indefinitely. Be prepared to come to My refuges when martial law is about to be declared.”

Jesus said: “My people, your national income collected in taxes is not matching the increasing costs of your wars and entitlements. There is a need for a compromise in raising some taxes and lowering some entitlements to close the large deficits being generated each year. Without some change in your Congressional gridlock, the next bankruptcy announcement that you will read about could be that of your own government. Only mild attempts have been made to date, but drastic changes are needed to preserve your social safety nets. With fewer people working, and more people seeking government assistance, there is a day of reckoning coming to your whole financial system. Pray for My help in getting you to your refuges when your money system crashes.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your people were attacked on 9-11-01, many people came back to church. When your banking failure and recession occurred, again some people were going back to church. It is unfortunate that people only run to Me when they are fearful and in need. While people have money to live and a fair amount of employment, they are like Israel when they worshiped the gods of their neighbors. Then Israel suffered disasters as a punishment. So it is with America. You are falling away from Me as you worship your gods of materialism. Soon disasters will come upon you as a punishment, and again you will come to Me on your knees begging for My help. Live faithful lives in good times and bad times, and that will be enough for you to gain heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful to all of My prayer warriors for your prayers for this sinful world. I rely on you daily to help balance some of the evil going on. Ask Me to double your prayers, and remember to make up any missed rosaries or any other prayers that you pray. Also remember that you are in a battle for souls, so you need to keep praying for the conversion of poor sinners. Do not lose heart that evil appears to be winning, because in the end I will triumph over all the evil ones. Rejoice because My victory will occur in your lifetime.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know that you have been praying and struggling to win souls over to Me, but it seems like an almost impossible task. Remember that all things are possible for Me, and I will choose the time for My victory to come. Even as you see the Antichrist preparing to declare himself, know that My victory is near. Have courage and bear with the coming tribulation, for the Antichrist’s reign will be brief before I come. Trust in My help during this battle against evil, and soon you will have My reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”


Friday, January 20, 2012: (St. Fabian)
Jesus said: “My people, beware of the demons who are roaming the earth to seek out the destruction of your souls. This vision of a large predatory fish is an example of what Satan and his demons are all about. There are many souls on earth under the control of Satan, but the souls, who are with Me, are his main targets for his temptations. So call on My angels and My graces to protect you from these evil ones who seek your destruction. These demons hate you because you can pray for the deliverance of souls that they have claimed for their own. So pray for your own soul, as well as for those souls around you in your family, your friends, and even those people who you do not know. Saving souls, and loving Me and your neighbors, are your most important goals in this earthly life.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a blank canvas represents how each person starts out his or her life with a clean slate. I have given each person unique talents to carry out one’s mission in life. The first step in life is to be open to My directing you, and to avoid letting your will take you in an opposite direction. Until you let Me be the Master of your life, you will not be listening for My Word. If you come before My Blessed Sacrament and listen with your heart, you could be open to join your will with My Divine Will. When I give you My plan, it may not be easy to follow, and I may take you out of your comfort zone. Accepting My plan and carrying it out in your actions, is a big struggle. So ask My help, and I will give you the sufficient graces to carry on. When you do My work, you will be persecuted at times, which means you will have to bear some trials. By following My plan for your life and using the skills that I gave you, your life will be a masterpiece where everyone will be able to see My hand in helping you. Follow My ways and My plan, and you will receive a great reward in heaven.”


Saturday, January 21, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, the ‘W’ in the vision stands for war, and when it comes, there will be much destruction and fire. If Iran starts targeting oil freighters, you could see another Iraq with many fires on ships, fires at the large tanks, and possibly oil well fires. Such a war in an oil rich area could mean an environmental nightmare, and an immediate oil shortage for many nations, including America. Those, who are talking about expensive gasoline, are also assuming an oil reduction that will drive up oil prices and gasoline prices. When a war does come, the extent of the war will depend on how many nations will become involved. Pray that such a war does not evolve into a world war. Also, pray that such a war does not start, but the one world people are behind starting one. The repercussions of such a war will depend on how much oil exports are affected. Varying levels of a world recession could result if oil exports are shut down for any length of time.”


Sunday, January 22, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you see in today’s readings the two different responses to My call in rejection or acceptance. In defense of Jonah, he was being asked directly to do something that was out of his comfort zone, with possibly being killed for speaking out against Nineveh. The apostles did not see such danger and persecution at first, but they later died for their faith in Me. I call many people in various ways to fulfill their missions in life. Some are called to a religious vocation, some to married life, and some to single life. There is another calling when I ask people to serve as My prophets and messengers. My son, when I called you for this task of preparing people for the end times, you willingly accepted to do My Will. Even some people criticized you for accepting such a mission right away. Still, I am grateful for all of My prophets to carry out their missions. I have few people doing My work in the vineyard of souls, and I need My servants to speak out, and prepare My people for the spiritual battles that are going to get worse against the evil ones. Continue a good prayer life, and stay close to Me in My sacraments. Carry your blessed sacramentals as well for your protection from the demons. I love My people so much, and I do not want to see even one soul lost. But My prayer warriors need to keep praying for the conversion of the lukewarm souls, and those who have not had the faith.”


Monday, January 23, 2012: (St. Vincent, Right to Life Day)
Jesus said: “My people, King David had a successful reign because I walked with him. It was from King David’s lineage that I became know as the ‘Son of David’ in My ministry. Many of the Scribes wanted to criticize Me, and they even accused Me of being the prince of devils. They said this is how I could cast out demons. Instead, I told them that Satan could not stand if his kingdom was divided. I cast out demons by My own authority as the Son of God. But those, who blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, will not be forgiven. When there is no seeking of forgiveness in one’s soul, then that person is on the broad road to hell. I have died for mankind’s sins, but it is up to everyone to accept Me as Savior, and seek My forgiveness of sins in order to be saved. It is by My ransom of your souls, that your sins are forgiven.”

(Day of Prayer for Unborn) Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful for even a small group of My faithful who came here tonight in support of the unborn. It is sad that more people are not here to make their statement of faith in supporting life for the unborn. This vision of strong supports holding up My Church, means My people need to have a good foundation for their faith. As you adore My Blessed Sacrament, you are worshiping the very Creator of life. At every conception I bring the life of the soul into that new individual. There is no value of money that can be placed on a human soul created by Me. Yet every day your abortions are discarded into your garbage without any ceremony of death, or acknowledgment that a life has been killed. Your death culture people are led by Satan to kill man in your abortions, euthanasia, wars, and even death through man-made viruses and vaccines. Life should be considered precious at all stages of your development. The fertilized egg has 46 chromosomes no matter how many cells are subdivided and developed into a baby. So every person is human from conception. If life is truly precious, then why are your people not defending life at your abortion clinics, in your hospitals, in your elections, and in your courts? Your laws are to support life, and they should not allow such killing of the unborn. The morals of America have been so degraded, that you are slowly becoming a pagan nation that worships materialism. It is more important for some people to have a more comfortable life, than to take care of their children who I send them. Because of your abortions, America will suffer a punishment for the blood on your hands that you cannot remove. Work to stop abortion by prayer and action to help mothers have their children, instead of killing them. Even adoption is a better option than your piles of human garbage.”


Tuesday, January 24, 2012: (St. Francis de Sales)
Jesus said: “My people, you read about King David in today’s reading in how he had the Ark of the Covenant placed in a tent in Jerusalem. Later on his son would build a temple to house the tablets of the Ten Commandments in the Holy of Holies. In the vision you saw two candles that honored My Presence in this Ark. Even today you see candles around all of My tabernacles where you honor My Presence in the consecrated Host of My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. This gift of My Eucharist is how I am with you at all times to give you support, and I am with you intimately in Holy Communion. Many of My adorers come to adore and worship Me at My tabernacles, and when I am exposed in the monstrance. My sacraments are a blessing of My graces at all the stages of your life at birth, weddings, and even at death. I have given you My sacrament of Penance to have your sins cleansed, so you can receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. Rejoice in all of My gifts, even as King David danced around the Ark. You have been blessed in faith and My graces, so you are prepared to accomplish your mission by your actions in life. Give thanks to your Creator who has given you your very life to experience My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, Iran is still making threats on shipping in the Persian Gulf, but they have not made any moves yet with their missiles or their submarines. The new oil embargo by the European Union may not affect Iran if they can sell their oil to other nations. If Iran’s economy is seriously threatened, it may cause a showdown between Iran’s navy and the warships from other nations. This could cause a possible war where neither side wants to risk damage to the flow of oil. This tense situation could change very quickly, so the ships on both sides are on high alert. Keep praying that war does not come to this area, which could cause oil shortages and higher prices for oil and gasoline.”


Wednesday, January 25, 2012: (Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul was blinded by My Light, and later he had to be healed of his sight. Once he realized who I was, St. Paul became one of My most ardent missionaries. He brought the faith to the Gentiles and the Jews. Not everyone will have such a conversion experience, but I give everyone the same opportunity to believe and follow Me to heaven. In the vision there is a deeper meaning to life on earth, if you can see it through My ways instead of man’s ways. If you look closely at My creation, you can see My perfection, and My hand in everything that I have created. Man has abused nature in many ways by changing the make-up of the plants and animals. Your manipulation of the DNA of your crops is causing more cancer, and upsetting the balance of nature that I created. I look at the big picture, while man only treats symptoms, as in your medicines. My faithful need to see My Light and follow My ways because this is the only true path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many signs of how the one world people are preparing to take over the world with their new world order. One sign is the coming possible war in the Middle East that is focused on Iran. This fight over oil could involve China and Russia, which could cause a world war. The price of gasoline will greatly increase, and gasoline could even be in short supply. Having some extra fuel may be wise for traveling to My refuges. Other signs are the possible collapse of the euro in the European Union. Your military can now pick up even Americans who do not go along with the new world order. After the Warning life review, the persecution of Christians will get worse, and the rise of the Antichrist will be coming. I will warn My faithful when it is time to leave for My refuges before the evil ones try to capture you in their death camps. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge. You will be made invisible to the evil ones, so they cannot see you or harm you. Have some food, water, tents, blankets, and sacramentals in one place so you can quickly store them in your vehicles for your escape to My refuges. The tribulation will be an evil reign, but the time will be shortened for the sake of My elect. I will then bring My victory over the evil ones, and I will prepare My Era of Peace for your reward.”


Thursday, January 26, 2012:
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, beware of a possible new war that could involve nuclear bombs being used. Iran has chosen to start talks about their quest to make nuclear bombs. Such talks could be a delaying tactic to break the oil embargo that some nations are using against Iran. Even the threat of war in this oil rich area has already affected gasoline prices. If this war becomes a reality, there could be a true oil shortage if ships cannot make their oil deliveries. Keep praying for peace because nuclear war would be a worse disaster than burning oil wells.”

Jesus said: “My people, you wonder why many people do not trust their politicians. When they make campaign speeches, these people say one thing, but their actions are completely the opposite. Another problem with your election process is that the media and the candidates waste more time on destroying the candidates’ reputations than they spend on the issues that should be compromised. Many pieces of legislation are not voted on in the House and Senate, and even more are not signed by your President. Your power struggles are causing gridlock on the bills that need to be passed to fund your government. Pray for compromise to come in your Congress.”

Jesus said: “My people, abortion has been a divisive issue, but My faithful need to stand up for the unborn who have no rights for life in America. These decisions in your court are like legislation from the bench, when it should be the vote of the people on such a basic right to life. Those, who support this death culture, will need to face Me in judgment for the killing of My babies. I encourage My faithful to keep praying for the stoppage of abortion, and protest your immoral laws and decisions that advocate abortion. These millions of babies who were killed, are weighing heavily against America. Just as Israel was banished into Babylon, so America will fall to the evil one world order as its punishment.”

Jesus said: “My people, be grateful that people are making sacrifices to prepare My refuges for My faithful during the coming tribulation. You have been given many messages on how to prepare refuges and what preparations that My faithful need to store for when you leave for My refuges. You will be facing an evil time that you have never seen before. So thank Me for warning you and helping you to prepare for the Antichrist’s coming.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the past these increases in the debt ceiling were passed without much debate. Now your debt has become so large that it threatens to erode your very government. The problem is that you have over $60 trillion in obligations for your current entitlements, and there is no way to find enough money to fund them. Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security trust funds have been raided to balance previous deficits. Now these funds are nearly broke, and neither party is addressing the collapse of these programs. Instead of trying to blame one side or the other, responsible leaders need to have a plan to face these problems. If these problems are not addressed, your bankruptcy will come quickly.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you how these evil ones have made hundreds of death camps in America with gas chambers and crematoriums. They made these camps so they can exterminate Christians and patriots who will not go along with their North American Union and their new world order. These camps are the one world people’s preparation for when they will declare martial law, and they will try to force mandatory chips in the body on your people. Because of these threats to your lives, this is why I have encouraged people to set up refuges, and why you will need My invisible shield of protection. Bear with these trials for a brief time before I come and conquer these evil ones and cast them into hell. Rejoice in My coming victory when you will enter My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you pray at your meetings, you also are being informed of the events that will soon lead up to the Antichrist’s coming. Being prepared for the coming tribulation will be very helpful in giving you hope in My protection at My refuges. You can see before you, how evil is gaining more control over your daily lives. It is the one world people who are your largest threat to your freedom because they want to control everyone fully. Do not be afraid of these evil ones, because My protection is greater than their power. Trust in Me and I will provide for all of your needs.”


Friday, January 27, 2012: (St. Angela Merici)
Jesus said: “My people, this sin of having relations with another husband’s wife is the subject of the first reading. It was made even worse when King David planned a devious means to have Uriah killed in battle. The first sin is bad enough, but sometimes the results can lead to another sin of abortion for any children that can happen. Many divorces have resulted from such infidelities. This lust in men’s minds is why you have a pornography industry and prostitution. I have placed this passion in both male and female for the purpose of procreation. Unfortunately, this pleasure in relations is abused in many sins of the flesh. Even sins of masturbation are driven by this desire of lust. People need to be able to control their passion appetites as they do any other sinful desires. This sin of adultery or fornication is a mortal sin against the Sixth Commandment. It is a serious sin because it is linked to life in procreation. Remember that every conception results in new life, but it is only lawful between a married man and woman. I have told you before that more souls go to hell because of this sin than any other sin. This is why it is important to live chaste lives, and if you do fall into this sin, it is necessary to seek My forgiveness in Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of insulation wrapped around My faithful is a sign of how I am protecting them. I have shown you many plans of the evil ones who will try to kill My faithful. You will see wars, a falling dollar, bankruptcy, martial law, and terrorist activity. Do not be alarmed, but trust in My protection. When you see these activities that could threaten your life, I have advised you to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My refuges. I have told you how your angels will wrap you in My protection with an invisible shield, once you are on the road to My refuges. Also, at My refuges you will have this same shield, and you can look on My luminous cross to be healed of any viruses or any other harm from the evil ones. With this protection, you should not have any worries or anxieties. Those, who stay in their homes after My call to leave, could be risking martyrdom. So listen to My instructions and follow them, and you will see how I will fight to protect you from the evil ones. Keep wearing your blessed sacramentals and place blessed salt around you to keep the demons from harming you.”


Wednesday, February 15, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have complained about the new Health Law that your President and the Democrats have forced on you. Little by little the effects of this law are taking their toll. The latest forcing of handing out birth control devices on all of your religious organizations is just the beginning of your problems. As your government looks to make cuts in your Health plans, you will see rationed care, especially less care to be given to the elderly. Eventually, these same authorities will try to force mandatory chips in the body on you for your identification. You will soon need this chip for your Health care, and any government entitlement as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare. Even food stamps will require such a chip in the body. My faithful need to be prepared to refuse this chip in the body, even if it means not receiving health insurance or entitlement aid. Once mandatory chips in the body are required, the evil ones will come to your homes to implement this edict. If you refuse to take this chip in the body, they will place you in detention centers, and you may be tortured and killed. This is why I will warn you to leave for My refuges before these one world people come to your home. Mandatory chips in the body were in your original Health Bill, and it is just a matter of time before these chips in the body will be forced on you. Do not take this chip in the body because the black box in the vision will send voices to your chip to control your free will and make you into a robot. It is better to die for your faith, than to lose control over your mind and soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have plans for a war in Iran and possibly Syria. They will be using the media to drum up support for this war. There may even be a fabricated false flag that could be created to bring the US into such a war. It is ironic that the same people, who are cutting your Defense budget, are the same people who will be calling for such a war. Iran’s army and missiles are much more numerous and sophisticated than what America faced in Iraq. Any war in this region of the Middle East will affect oil deliveries, and that will precipitate high oil and gasoline prices. If Russia and China become involved, then you could be on the brink of a world war. A miscalculation on either side could start a war that may be hard to finish. Because America is still dependent on foreign oil, you will be involved in any war in this region. Such a war could strain your National Debt into bankruptcy. Your people need to pray that this war does not start, or you could see some nations destroyed by nuclear weapons.”


Thursday, February 16, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, volcanoes, as you know, can erupt with great violence, smoke, lava, and fire. Volcanoes are active all over the earth, but at times there are huge eruptions that spew smoke and ash for miles into the sky. These large eruptions can even cause visibility problems where planes have to be rerouted, or their jet engines may cease operating. Even weather can be affected if enough sun is blotted out. You have seen several recent articles speaking of the possible eruption of some super volcanoes that could greatly change your landscape. The Gospel speaks of My calling St. Peter, Satan, because he did not want Me to suffer death on the cross. This was against My plan for saving all of mankind, which is why man’s ways are not My ways. There is another evil that will be entering your world. I mentioned before that the demons are increasing their presence on earth as they leave hell and come out of these volcanoes. You are seeing evil things increasing in power before the Antichrist comes into his reign. Do not lose heart because evil will have a short reign before I return to defeat the demons. I will protect My faithful at My refuges, so have no fear. Rejoice that you are living in a time soon when all evil will be conquered, and you will see My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, today you are fighting for your religious freedom where you do not want to be forced to do something against your faith as handing out birth control devices. Tomorrow you will soon be struggling for your life as you will be persecuted for just believing in Me. Right after My death, all Christians were at risk of being killed for their faith as St. Peter and St. Paul were martyred. As the evil people gain in power, your persecution will worsen because the one world people will be trying to eradicate Christianity. My faithful will have to seek My refuges for protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you are complaining about not enough jobs, and poor pay for non-manufacturing jobs. In the future reign of the Antichrist, you will become like slaves again to satisfy your one world masters. A world government is coming, but the Antichrist will become a tyrant like many of your dictators. Do not take his mark or a computer chip in your body, and do not worship him. My faithful will be hiding at My refuges, but those, who take the chip in the body, will be slaves in doing the bidding of the Antichrist. Trust in Me that these evil ones will be defeated, and My faithful will then be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people do not want to believe that the tribulation of the Antichrist is about to take over. They think with enough prayer and sacrifice that the tribulation could be avoided. Unfortunately, this coming of the two beasts in Revelation is what is foretold, and it will happen accordingly. Prayer may shorten the time, but the world will be tested by this evil. The choice will be to stay with Me in faith, or some will choose the evil one and they will be condemned.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s world with so many temptations abound, it is hard to remain faithful to My Word. It takes spiritual courage to go against the political correctness of the worldly people. There is also a risk of your rights and your life to openly fight the one world people who control this world. It takes spiritual stamina from My sacraments to stand up for your faith in Me. Some of My faithful will be martyred for their faith, while others will be safe at My refuges. Even if your life is threatened, never give up your belief in Me. Anyone, who gives in to following the Antichrist, is on the broad road to hell with no spiritual backbone. Be strong in the faith, My people, for your reward will be great in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are standing up for their religious freedom, should be commended for not backing down and not taking the easy way out. When you believe in Me, you may have to come out of your comfort zone to stand up for your freedoms. Your current administration has taken away many of your freedoms guaranteed by your Constitution. It is about time that your people realize what is going on, and now they are speaking out against your President’s edicts. If you do not take a stand for your religious freedom, then all of your freedoms will be taken away when these evil ones bring in the North American Union. Be prepared for a heavy handed battle against your rights.”

Jesus said: “My people, for years the one world people have chosen your Cabinet leaders no matter which party controlled the Presidency. It is this money and control of your media that shapes your candidates and the polls that are taken. If your people can discern the truth, this should be directing your vote. It is difficult to fight this one world power in your government because money and corruption have ruled for many years. You will not see true justice in your world until I come and defeat the evil ones of your society. Have patience at My refuges until you see My return. It is then that I will treat these evil ones with My justice for their evil actions. My faithful will be vindicated for your faith in Me, and you will be rewarded in My Era of peace and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the season of Lent begins next week with Ash Wednesday. This is a beautiful time to try and improve your spiritual life with more prayer and fasting than usual. Try to work on any sinful addictions of your more frequent sins that you confess in Confession. Make some Lenten resolutions that you could maintain throughout all of Lent. Write them down and work everyday on your goals. You need to keep reminding yourself of your intentions and check frequently on your progress. Do not feel down if you fail at times, but pick yourself up and keep trying to fulfill your resolutions. I do not condemn sinners for their sins, but if you stop asking for My forgiveness, then it is hard to justify souls with cold hearts to My love. So keep coming to Me in frequent Confession with a firm purpose of amendment to stop committing the same sins.”


Saturday, February 18, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing unusual weather this year in warm temperatures and less snowfall in some Northern States. You have seen floods, tornadoes, and various cold spells in Europe that have killed hundreds of people. At times you see the disasters, but they are happening with more severity as when you saw the worst damage that you have seen last year more than any other years. This violence in your natural disasters is a reflection of the violence of your wars and your violence in killing My babies with abortion. The Israelites worshiped foreign gods, and they were exiled and banished from their land as a punishment. So now America is becoming a pagan nation with your sexual sins, homosexual acts, abortions, and the worship of money, possessions, and sports. Because you are turning your back against Me, your country will be taken away from you, and the one world people will take it over as a punishment for your sins. You will be in exile also where My faithful will need to come to My refuges of protection. Only those faithful with My cross on their foreheads, will be allowed into My refuges. Repent of your sins in Confession as all of you will suffer this persecution at the hands of the Antichrist and the evil people. Trust in Me and you will be protected.”


Sunday, February 19, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how many events are leading up to the time of the Antichrist’s declaration. Before he comes into power, I will send My Warning experience to everyone on earth all at the same time. I love My people, and I will give everyone an opportunity to be saved. This illumination of conscience will bring all of you to Me as a brilliant light. Then I will give all the people a life review of all of their actions. There will be a focus on the unforgiven sins, and at the end of their life review, there will be a mini-judgment to heaven, hell, or purgatory. Many will have a strong sense of sorrow for having offended Me, and there will be a strong desire for Confession. This experience will help people prepare their spiritual and physical lives for what is to come during the evil reign of the Antichrist in the tribulation. Take advantage of your Lenten devotions to get your spiritual life in order so you will have spiritual courage to carry out My mission in bringing My faithful to My refuges of protection. My angels will help shield you from the evil ones, and they will bring you daily Communion, food, and water for your needs. Have no fear of the evil ones who I will conquer and cast into hell. Be faithful to your daily prayers, daily Mass when you can, and help your neighbors in their physical and spiritual needs. Events will move quickly now, and even more so after My Warning. I love all of you, and I want My people to love everyone, even your enemies and those who persecute you. Your persistent prayers will be needed in bringing your families and friends back to faith in Me.”


Monday, February 20, 2012:
Jackie said: “I am happy to be free as the birds that you are seeing because of the suffering which I had to endure. I am with My Jesus, even as I suffered with Him on the cross as a victim soul. I want to thank E. and all of my care givers for helping me in this life. I will be praying for them and My family. Having a free spirit is such a release from all of the demands of this earthly body. One day you will all appreciate this freedom as well. I love you all, and keep close to my Jesus.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have demons among you in the masons within My Church. It is My Light that will expose who they are, and I will cast them out of My Church as I cast out the demon from the young boy in the Gospel. You will see a division in My Church between the evil schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This schismatic church will be possessed by demons, and they will teach New Age which is an abomination inside of My Church. Once these elements are divided, I will no longer be Present in the Masses or tabernacles of this schismatic church. My faithful need to avoid these false teachings and idol worship that is not of Me. By their works and false worship, you will recognize them. Call on My good angels to defend you from the demons in this evil church that will teach sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. Trust in Me to give you discernment of the evil ones in My Church before this split. Those, who proclaim false teachings, are not to be followed in any heresies, no matter how high they are in My hierarchy.”


Tuesday, February 21, 2012: (St. Peter Damian)
Jesus said: “My people, you are travelers on this earth and you are on a journey from this life into My Era of Peace. My Blessed Mother has promised you a time of her victory over Satan when she will crush his head with her foot, and you will see the coming Era of Peace. This is why you see her altar in your transition from this life of tears into the next age of My glory on earth. I held a little child before My apostles, and I want everyone to become like a child with humility and with a child-like faith in order to enter into heaven. Come to Me, My children, and I will give you all that you need. Trust in Me, and show Me your love as I showed you My love on the cross. You will soon be starting another Lenten season of prayer and fasting. Let your Lenten devotions improve your spiritual life so you can become child-like in your love for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many people asleep in sleeping blankets at this place where My faithful will be protected. I could see a miraculous spring of water to provide for your needs. You will have an angel of protection who will place a shield of invisibility over all the faithful who come here. Your hostess has spent many hours of preparation on this refuge, and I will reward her by sending people and angels to help her. Fear not this coming time for My angels will protect you and give you daily Communion. Keep active with your prayer groups so you can be connected with My faithful prayer warriors.”


Wednesday, February 22, 2012: (Ash Wednesday)
Jesus said: “My people, you received the ashes which are a reminder of your mortality and how your dead body will turn into ashes. As you start your Lenten devotions, your prayers and fasting for forty days will remind you of My fasting in the desert for forty days. I used that time to prepare My human side for My three years of ministry that would culminate with My death by crucifixion on the cross. You have a time in Lent to prepare yourself spiritually for My Resurrection celebration. Use your penances and suffering of fasting to change your life by involving Me more in your life. Once I finished My fasting, I was able to withstand the three temptations of the devil. By prayer and fasting, you too, will be able to withstand the temptations of the devil. Make some good resolutions that you can keep all throughout Lent.”

Jesus said: “My people, your weather has been hot and cold, which is why most of your snow has melted quickly. Because your lakes have not frozen over, any cold spell coming over the Great Lakes could give you some heavy lake effect storms. Your moisture levels have been above normal, but you have had more rain than snow. You also have not had any recent ice storms with temperatures at freezing. This track could change quickly when cold temperatures could last for longer periods of time. Your weather patterns will continue to be erratic because of the manipulation of your jet streams. When man uses machines to change the weather, you may get more disasters than you are planning on. Pray that the people in Europe will get some warmer weather, or you could see more deaths from the cold.”


Thursday, February 23, 2012: (St. Polycarp)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Moses speaks to the people who are about to cross the Jordan into the land of milk and honey from the desert. He proposes a choice to follow the Lord’s Commandments and receive a long life of prosperity, or those, who disobey and follow other gods, will receive a curse of punishment. The Israelites did follow other gods, and they were exiled into Babylon. This same choice is given to everyone and every nation. Those people, who disobey My laws, are welcomed back when they seek My forgiveness, but there is reparation needed for their sins. Even America will be suffering a loss of its freedoms as a punishment for your abortions, and worship of money, fame, and possessions. In the Gospel I call everyone to pick up his or her cross, and share your suffering with Me on My cross. The last line asks you what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul in the process? You are here on earth to know, love, and serve Me, and not just to accumulate wealth for yourselves. Your soul is your most prized possession because the soul lives on forever. Therefore, take advantage of this Lenten season to work on perfecting your spiritual life, so you will remain on the narrow road to heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are two times when it will be necessary to have some extra food and water. The first time is at your homes before you come to My refuges. I have asked My faithful to store about one year’s supply of food for the coming world famine, and when people will be required to have a chip in the body to buy food. You can store dried food, meals ready to eat (MREs), or canned foods. You may take some food with you on your way to My refuges. The second time for storage is at My refuges during the tribulation. The food is to be shared and not hoarded, and it will be multiplied according to your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know that you cannot survive without drinking water. This is why I have suggested that every refuge should have an independent source of water. It could be a river, lake, pond, or a well. A well may require a mechanical pump since there may not be any electricity. If no water is available, I will provide a spring of water just like at Lourdes, France. You may want to have a silver filter to clarify any pond water into potable water.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are starting refuges may have to plan for some farm animals as chickens, rabbits, goats, sheep, or other farm animals for meat in addition to the deer that I will send to you. You will also need to plan for the feed necessary for them to eat. At My refuges everyone will be working to help as a community in feeding the animals, collecting eggs, and preparing food for the people. Any food that is available will be multiplied for everyone to have enough to eat.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you have some land for growing vegetables, you could plant your heirloom seeds, so you could collect some seed for the next growing season. Greenhouses could help to lengthen your growing time for at least two crops. Growing food will require some planning for fertilizer and a means of tilling the soil. Again your crops will be multiplied, and vegetables will give you a balanced diet.”

Jesus said: “My people, your refuges are independent, so you will need to find ways and people with skills and tools to make what you need. You will need a source of wax for candles, lard and lye to make soap, wool from sheep to make clothes, and many such every day needs as sheets and bedding. Buildings will be multiplied to provide room for dormitories for sleeping. Sewing, cooking food, washing dishes and clothes, and cleaning floors will be shared and rotated jobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as I provided the manna for the Exodus in the desert, so I will have My angels give you daily Communion in this coming modern day Exodus. You will also have round the clock Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament at an altar and tabernacle. My angels will also protect My people from the evil ones by leading you to My refuges, and making you invisible to those who want to kill you. Only My faithful with crosses on their foreheads will be allowed into My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, at every refuge I will place a large luminous cross in the sky so you could look on it, and be healed of any infirmity. You have seen luminous crosses in several places of refuges where there are places of healing as well. There will also be healing spring water as at Lourdes, France, not only for drinking, but for some bathing. Just as Moses raised a bronze serpent to heal the snake bites, so My faithful will be healed of their infirmities by these crosses and springs. You will not need doctors and medicines except for broken bones or cuts that need immediate stitches. In all of these messages I am providing for all of your needed materials, but it will be up to your community to plan how to provide for each other’s needs. You will be praying more and working harder to help each other survive.”


Friday, February 24, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, your Lenten devotions of fasting between meals, abstinence of meat on Fridays, and eating smaller meals is at first hard to get used to. The focus is not so much on keeping your weight down, but it is on making an extra effort to control your body’s appetites and earthly desires. Many times you desire snacks at night or in the afternoon, so it is a restraint to
stop something that you crave. Many of you already are praying a lot, but you can add a special Lenten devotion of praying the Stations of the Cross, especially on Fridays. There are also more opportunities to go to Confession, so there is no excuse not to go at least once a month. Another focus in Lent is on trying to restrain any bad habits as anger or swearing. If sexual sins are a problem, then this is another area to restrain during Lent. Lent is a time to focus on how to improve your spiritual life, so you are more pleasing to Me in keeping a clean soul. If you do not make a firm attempt at stopping your sinful habits, then it will be hard to make any spiritual progress. Call on My help in your prayers and fasting to keep struggling to restrain your sinful habits. Be grateful that you have this special time of Lent to get closer to Me in your love relationship.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are holding off on drilling for more oil until the price of oil rises back to $150 a barrel. America has the capability of producing enough oil for its needs, and oil could be had through a pipeline to Canada. In order to cause a war in the Middle East, the one world people need to keep us dependent on oil from that region. Oil prices could rise on speculation over the threat of a war with Iran. Some people have remarked that Iran could have trouble selling its own oil if it blocked the Persian Gulf. The one world people want a war with Iran, and they will be stepping up their media barrage to get the people to back such a war. Even the fear of such a war could drive gasoline prices over $5 a gallon which could cause America to go into another recession. A high price for gasoline could cause many people problems in getting to work, and it could even inflate the cost of many products that require trucking. Causing such a war with Iran will make the one world people rich on fuels, and it could even be a means for taking over America by bankruptcy of the government. When you see who profits the most from higher gasoline prices, you will see that they are the same people who are causing your wars.”


Saturday, February 25, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, just as I called Levi to be one of My apostles, so I call all peoples to follow Me in faith. I love everyone, and I do not discriminate on any groups. My call is to pick up your cross of trials in this life, and bear it out of love for Me. My way of love is difficult because I ask you to give up your free will to let Me be the Master of your life. It is not easy to conform your life to follow My Commandments since the devil is tempting you every day with worldly things. I call sinners to repent, which means all of you, because you are all weak to sin. You need My help, so do not be self-righteous as the Pharisees were. Do not think that you are better than others because your sins are not as severe as theirs. You all are called to carry your cross and seek My forgiveness of your sins. Without the forgiveness of sins and making Me Master of your life, then you cannot follow Me to heaven. As you see Me in the vision leading My faithful up a stairway behind My cross, this is your only means to heaven through Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, the plan of the rich one world people is to keep Americans poor and controlled by gasoline prices. The rich can control America easier by taking the good paying jobs overseas and keeping their profits off shore to avoid taxes on their profits. They are stripping the middle class of their wealth by low savings interest rates, stock manipulations, and low income jobs. They are controlling you through high gasoline prices, and deficit spending that is bankrupting your country. Your entitlement programs are about to go broke because of the mismanagement of the funds that were supposed to fund them. The constant wars perpetrated by the one world people, are deepening your debts, and keeping gasoline prices high by war speculation. Your energy programs have not helped to make America less dependent on foreign oil. The policies of your government are leading your country closer to bankruptcy by the plan of the one world people. Pray for some dramatic changes in your policies before your country’s economic system comes to a crash. You have committed so many sins in your abortions and sexual sins, that you are calling My justice down on America where your enemies will be allowed to take you over as a punishment.”


Sunday, February 26, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel from St. Mark (1:12-13) is very short, but the Gospel of St. Matthew (4:1-11) goes into more detail of the three temptations from Satan. These temptations are worthy of an explanation because the devil tempts you with similar means. I had just fasted for forty days without food in the desert as a preparation for My beginning ministry. Satan tempted Me to produce bread from the stones because My human side was exhausted and hungry. I remarked that man does not live by bread alone, but by the Word that comes forth from the mouth of God. Here in Lent you are fasting between meals, so My people need to restrain themselves from eating when their bodies may be tempted to eat food. This is a reminder not to be so focused on food, clothing, and a place to stay. You should be focused more on trusting in Me to provide for your needs. The second temptation was to throw Myself down on the rocks, but I remarked to Satan that he was not to tempt the Lord, Thy God. This is a temptation to not have faith in My protection, and it is important to not be tempted by apostasy that could lead you away from Me. Hold fast to your faith in Me, and you will have your reward in heaven. The third temptation is when Satan wanted Me to bow down to him, and he would give Me control over all of humanity. I told him to begone because it is the First Commandment to worship only Me, and I am the only One that you should know, love, and serve. This temptation comes as the devil tries to make you seek money, fame, possessions, and anything earthly instead of worshiping Me. Do not give worship or idolize any of these earthly things because I should be first in your life as Master over you. I give you free will, so you need to choose to worship Me instead of following your own way. Ask My help and ask that I send you My angels to help you in fighting off the devil’s daily temptations. By staying close to Me in grace by Confession, you will have sufficient grace to refuse the devil’s temptations. Be grateful for all that I do for you in leading you to be with Me forever in heaven.”


Monday, February 27, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision and in the Gospel you are seeing Me as the judge of mankind. You have been given the Commandments from the time of Moses, so you all know deep in your hearts about My laws of love. It is one thing to say you believe in faith, but it is another thing to prove what you are saying by your actions. I have told you many times that you will know a good tree from a bad tree by the fruit that it bears. So if you truly believe in Me, you will show it by the good works that you do for people. When you help someone, you are helping Me in them. So do not be like the lukewarm who say Lord, Lord, but their actions do not justify any belief in Me. You may have to go out of your comfort zone to help people. This means that you will need to donate some money, time, or talent when they need you in inconvenient times. By doing good works for others out of love for Me, then you will be storing up heavenly treasure for your judgment. You do not want to come to Me in judgment with empty hands without any good deeds. Lent is a good time for prayer and fasting, but it is also a good time to help others. When you desire to love Me, you must also love your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your troops being withdrawn from both Iraq and Afghanistan so they can be ready to be deployed in a new war in the Middle East. The one world people are planning America’s next war, most likely in Iran where they are making nuclear weapons. There has been a respite to see if sanctions can bring Iran to the negotiating table. As long as Iran can sell its oil to China and other countries, they will continue their nuclear bomb goal. If Israel starts a unilateral bombing of nuclear sites in Iran, then America may get drawn into a new conflict. Israel is fighting for its survival because Iran’s president said he would destroy Israel. Some people and the one world people will be encouraging this war, even if America cannot afford the expense of another war. The Congress should be the voice of the people that decides on where to fight wars, if at all. If the President tries to involve the U.S. in another war, the people should have a say in approving such an action. I have shown you before that such a war could bring America into bankruptcy. Keep praying that America does not get into such a risky war.”


Tuesday, February 28, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel focuses on prayer in the Our Father. Your daily prayers during Lent are a link to sharing your requests and feelings with Me. Many of your everyday problems can be annoying, and they can disturb your peace. The challenge is to not let things get you so upset in your possible anger with these problems. The last part of the Our Father deals with forgiveness. I gave you one parable when a master forgave a worker his whole debt when he pleaded with him. Then later that worker demanded a fellow worker to pay back a smaller debt. Even when that fellow worker pleaded for time, this man had him put in jail. The master then asked the first worker why he did not have compassion in forgiving the smaller debt. I have forgiven many debts from you in Confession, so you should also be willing to forgive others in a similar manner. This sin of not forgiving others, if it is not satisfied, will cause people to suffer in purgatory to purify this loss of love and compassion. You have seen this situation in your own experience. So I warn people to forgive each other as I have forgiven them, or there will be a punishment for the reparation due for this sin. I love everyone, but My justice must prevail when you disobey My laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, your deficits and your National Debt are on the brink of bankruptcy. You are only able to run huge deficits as long as you can find countries and the Federal Reserve to buy your Treasury Notes. Your entitlements and possible war spending could be the last strain that could break your banks. Once you cannot pay for your many obligations, your whole government will collapse according to the plan of your central bankers. A martial law or bank holiday will cause such chaos, that food and fuels will be in short supply. Once you see another crash in the banks and the stock market, this will begin a takeover of America into the North American Union. When you see these events coming about, I will warn My faithful to come to the safety of My refuges. You can see the persecutions beginning as your freedoms will be stripped from you to conform to a police state. Protection at My refuges will save your lives and your souls from the mandatory chips in the body. Have no fear because My angels will protect you and provide for your needs. I have been warning you of such crashes coming for years, which is why I warned you to store food, and build My refuges. If you are prepared in body and soul, then you will be ready to weather the coming storm of evil in the tribulation.”


Wednesday, February 29, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, this sign of Jonah is a sign of repentance for all the nations of mankind. When Jonah preached to Nineveh that they would be destroyed in forty days, the people all repented from their evil ways, and they fasted in sackcloth and ashes. If you look at history, many civilizations decayed from within because they lost their moral compass. Rome fell from within and even Israel fell in the Babylonian exile. The bottom line is that those, who turn their backs on Me, are taking away the blessings that made them prosperous. America is on the brink of its destruction because you refuse to pray, refuse to honor Me on Sunday, and you are killing My babies. I am allowing the one world people to take you over because your nation is not repenting of its sins. When you look at communist dictators in Russia and China, you are looking at your future, if you do not repent. It is the one world people’s financial backing that allows communism to survive. These atheistic countries of slave labor will not survive on their own, and they will fall soon as well. You are on the verge of a takeover by the evil forces that will put the Antichrist into power. Once you see evil’s reign start to take over, you will know My victory is near. My people need to look at the big picture to know that you can only save your souls from hell by following My laws and repent of your sins in Confession. I will protect you from these evil ones. My faithful will have to come to My refuges of protection where My angels will shield you, and provide for your needs. Just as I told the Israelites that they would no longer see the Egyptian army alive anymore, I am telling you that My victory will soon cast this evil lot before you into the everlasting flames of hell. Repent and be saved, or you could lose your souls to the Antichrist and be cast into hell with him.”

Jesus said: “My people, the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was interpreted by Daniel (3:24-49). He described four different civilizations that were to follow after the king. There is another Kingdom about Me quoted by Daniel. ‘In the lifetime of these kings the God of heaven will set up a Kingdom that shall never be destroyed or delivered up to another people, rather it shall break into pieces all these kingdoms and put an end to them, and it shall stand forever. That is the meaning of the stone you saw hewn from the mountain without a hand being put to it.’ The stone hewn from the mountain represents the tablets of My Ten Commandments that represented the Kingdom of God awaited by the Jews. My Kingdom was established by Me as the cornerstone, but it was rejected by the builders. This means My Kingdom was given over to My apostles to build up My Church to lead mankind to heaven. The other prophetic word comes from the dreams and messages of George Washington at Valley Forge when he talked about a third world war to come after World War II. Take some time to review his dreams because it speaks of the coming war that will involve America. This war could cause the fall of America as you know it, and it will lead up to the Antichrist’s takeover for a short time.”


Thursday, March 1, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, at the beginning of your country, you called down My blessings when you honored Me in your documents. In the vision of this St. Louis Arch you are seeing a full colored rainbow to indicate the treasure of My blessings upon you. In recent years your people have been doing everything to remove My Name from public view. I realize that there are a few atheists with power in your media that are creating a political correctness that does not include Me. There are also many faithful that are standing up for their faith when their religious freedom is being threatened. Even if you are in the minority, you need to stand by your faith in Me, or your country will continue to lose its blessings of protection. As with your Lenten theme, America needs to repent of its sins, or you will face more devastating disasters and a takeover of your country. The one world people want to take over your country, so it is important to keep praying for your country for the reparation due for your sins. Without a balance of prayer, the evil of your sins will allow your takeover. Wake up and repent, America, or you will soon lose all of your freedoms.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the media’s focus has been mostly concerned with your upcoming presidential election. The real concern, that I have, is for your country’s spiritual direction. Even when spiritual issues came up about abortion and birth control devices, the issue turned to women’s rights. A woman does not have a right to kill a baby in her womb because that baby is an individual separate from the mother. Fighting for religious freedom is a noble effort by your bishops, but Catholics still have problems following My laws to preserve life, and they should be following My Church’s laws against birth control devices. It is your abortions, fornication, adultery, and birth control sins that are bringing My justice upon America. Repent of your sins, or your country could be taken over.”

Jesus said: “My people, growing your grain crops is a delicate balance between having enough seed, sun, and rain in the right amounts at the proper time. Flooding, rotting in storage, and transportation of the food products also control how much bread can be made. I have asked My people to store one year’s supply of food and some heirloom seeds for a coming famine. It does not matter how much money or gold you have if there is no food to buy. Food will be more valuable than all of your riches. Your farmers are important for your survival, yet you short change them, and you do not pay them enough for what the food is really worth. Give thanks for your harvest of crops.”

Jesus said: “My people, America has always had plenty of food, so you are not acquainted with how desperate people can be when famine and empty store shelves come about. Farmers will have some extra food, but distribution will be subject to thievery. Those, who have stored food, will be able to share it, as I will multiply the food that is needed. Heed My warnings now to prepare for the coming famine, or you could be dying of hunger.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people have part time or marginal jobs that they have taken just to get by with a minimal living. You have more people on food stamps and government entitlements than ever before. Your economy is improving a little, but there are not enough taxes being collected to support your current welfare society. When your entitlement funds go broke in a short time, you will see massive riots for jobs, food, and benefits that will not be available. This coming problem of not enough money, will cause a martial law when the evil ones will try to reduce the population. Once you see such turmoil, I will warn you to come to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent is an opportunity to get your spiritual life in order as you will be preparing for the coming persecution. When you fast from food, you are learning how hard it is to deal with hunger. You will be sharing food and housing in My refuges, so you need to think more of sharing what you have with others out of charity. Do not be selfish with your donations of money, time, and talent. You can give some donations to your local food shelf to help others have a meal to eat. When you feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and share your faith, you are sharing with Me in the poor.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your families at times you may have to help each other with some food or money for housing. Your economy has stressed people with lost jobs, or lost benefits, and these problems may require help from family members who have more means than others. Both families and friends are sharing housing and food because of your problems. The rich have money, and some poor have entitlements, but the middle class is struggling to make ends meet. Pray for all of your people who are struggling with financial problems to keep their homes and cars. By sharing with others, you will store treasure in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember how Elijah multiplied the oil and flour so the woman, her son and the prophet could survive through a year’s famine in Israel. This multiplication of food is how I will help My faithful survive at My refuges. Just as I took the loaves and fish and multiplied them for the 4,000 and the 5,000, so I will multiply what food you have so all of you will have something to eat. Trust in Me that I will multiply all the things that you need to survive. Keep close to Me in your prayers, and you will be united with Me in love.”


Friday, March 2, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, when you look into the sky on a clear night, you are awestruck by the immensity of My creation of the universe and all of its stars. Your sun is just one of many stars in your own galaxy. In other ways you appreciate beautiful landscapes at sunrises and sunsets. You view the beautiful spring flowers and fall leaves. Even when you look at your own bodies, you see how you are wonderfully made, and everything is made originally perfect in My eyes. It is man’s pride that has deformed things with the manipulation of the DNA that I made perfectly. When you look at the animals and plants, they all give glory to Me in their very existence. I have made mankind in My image in giving you free will to follow My mission for your life, or your own way. If you follow Me, then you will be giving glory and worship to Me out of love. You can be in harmony with all of My creation, or you can reject Me. This is your choice. I prefer My creatures to come to Me out of love because I love all of you whether you are with Me or not. There are consequences though of your decisions. If you abide by My Commandments and allow Me to be the Master of your life, then you can be assured of a place in heaven with the One who loves you. If you reject Me, and disobey My laws of love, then you are on the broad road to hell where you could live in torment forever in hell with the devil who hates you. Heaven and hell are your only choices, so lead your life accordingly. I struggle every day to save souls from hell, but I cannot force them to love Me. The devil also is struggling to steal souls away from Me through his lies and temptations. This is the battle for souls and you would prefer to be in My territory of love, rather than the devil’s territory of hate. Fight to save your soul and the souls around you so you can be with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the three matches being struck to produce a flame is a sign that I want My faithful’s hearts to be set on fire with a burning love for God the Father, Myself, and God the Holy Spirit. When you read the Scriptures and when you receive Me in Holy Communion, your hearts should be burning with love for Me. You remember My disciples on the road to Emmaus after My Resurrection, how they listened intently to all the Scriptures that foretold My coming and suffering. (Luke 24:32) ‘Was not our heart burning within us while He was speaking on the road and explaining the Scriptures to us.’ Many faithful would have liked to be with Me on that road to listen as well. I want My disciples to be constantly in love with Me, and show that love in your actions by helping people. You are a live, living being, so you should be active in evangelizing souls for My Kingdom. I want My faithful fired up so you are not like the lukewarm who are not active at all. (Rev. 3:16) ‘But because thou are lukewarm, and neither cold not hot, I am about to vomit thee out of My mouth.’ Without good works in your hands, you will find it difficult to get to heaven. So put your faith to work in your actions. Show people, that you love Me so much, and you want to share your love for Me with all those people that you meet. By being on fire with love in your hearts for Me, the Holy Spirit will lead you to accomplish great things for My Church.”


Saturday, March 3, 2012: (St. Katherine Drexel)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some unusual weather this year with low snow levels, and a constant up and down with your temperatures that have been warmer than usual. In recent years your tornadoes have been more frequent and have caused more deaths because of more violent storms. It is the variation in your jet streams that has caused more violent winds. This can be controlled by the HAARP machine which can enhance tornadoes and hurricanes. The more man tries to manipulate your weather with microwaves and chemtrails, the more changes you will see in your weather patterns. Man is bringing the violence of your wars and killings into the violence of your weather. The constant changes of hot and cold in the weather are also a sign to those who are lukewarm to Me, that they will be spewed out of My mouth if they ignore My love. You are here on this earth to know, love, and serve Me, but if you ignore My Presence in your lives, then you are on the broad road to hell. The people need to wake up from their spiritual laziness before it is too late, and Satan will sift them into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people of freedom have developed a great nation based on My Word in your documents. Then the evil central bankers through the Federal Reserve System have gradually led you into wars and stock crashes that have left you on the verge of bankruptcy. Through years of deficit spending, your National Debt is consuming your budget. In this vision you saw the gold removed from a building which is a sign of when your money was taken off the gold standard. Now you have fiat money and your financial system is deteriorating under the burden of your huge debt. This has been the plan of the central bankers to bring down your government through your debts so they could make America a part of the North American Union. Eventually, they will form a one world government controlled by the Antichrist. You also are headed to a spiritual bankruptcy as well. Your country was founded on Godly principles, but now you are turning your backs on Me in all of your public places. You have your spiritual treasure in My Presence in your tabernacles. Now many people do not even believe in My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts. Once you remove Me from your lives, you will also see a crumbling of your country in your abortions and sexual sins. As a punishment, the one world people will be allowed to take over your country for a short time. I will protect My faithful in My refuges during the coming tribulation. I will then come with My victory to defeat the Antichrist and the evil ones as they will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Have no fear and trust in Me, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”


Sunday, March 4, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, both of today’s readings are all about mountain top experiences of joy. I showed My apostles the full countenance of My glorified Body to give them hope for all that they would suffer for Me. In the end at the final judgment, all of My faithful will be joined with their own glorified bodies. By seeing your future with Me in heaven, this will inspire you to keep struggling in this life for your prize in heaven. In the first reading I tested Abraham if he would be able to offer Me his only son. He was about to kill Isaac when My angel stayed his hand. Then I knew that Abraham loved Me so much that he was willing to obey My every command, even if it meant killing his only son. This scene is actually a parallel of My own love for all of mankind, since My Father in heaven was willing to offer up His only begotten Son for all sinners. As you purify yourselves through Lent, you will be suffering with Me on My cross as you lead up to My death on Mount Calvary and My Resurrection after three days. My Transfiguration is a prefigure of My Resurrection, and I died for you to show you how much I love you. I also am the only sacrifice that could be offered up to save all of mankind from their sins. Give praise and glory to the Blessed Trinity for all the gifts that We have bestowed on everyone out of love for each of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, at the Fifth Luminous Mystery you saw Me holding the bread that I consecrated into My Body and Blood. This was a precursor of when I died for all of mankind on Good Friday. As you are praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary, you can join your Lenten penances with My suffering on the cross. This belief in My Real Presence in the Host is a central belief of your faith in Me because I am always with you. My Presence in your tabernacles means that you can come and visit Me at any time to give Me glory and Adoration. When you come to the Triduum of Holy Week, you can identify with My apostles and see how frightened they were to stand by Me. Only St. John stood at the foot of My cross as I gave him to My Blessed Mother and her to him. Later, St. John looked after My Blessed Mother as you saw her home in Ephesus, Turkey. Be thankful for every Lent so you have a time to purify your spiritual life.”


Monday, March 5, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you earlier that there would be a big event coming this year. Now I am telling you that it could precipitate a crash in your money system just as you are seeing in the vision how things are going down the drain. Be prepared with extra food. If your power goes out, be prepared with an alternative means for heating your house. You could even see a bank holiday, so have some money on hand, and something to barter with for your needs. If martial law is declared nationwide, you may have to be prepared to go to your refuges. If you do not know where some refuges are, you can call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge. Many major events could happen this year in addition to your many tornado disasters. You should be prepared when these things happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a lot of imagery in this vision as it represents the hard times in which you are living. Being at sea in a boat represents how you are living on the sea of life. The large dark storm represents the overwhelming evil that is rampant in your world. Even when you trust in Me in your prayers, you know it is impossible to deal with such evil on your own. You are seeing all the signs in your daily events that it is just a matter of time when you will be dealing with mandatory chips in the body, mandatory flu shots, and martial law. This is why you changed your course on the water for the safety of the harbor. The harbor is the safety of My protection that you will find with My angels at My refuges. If you stay in your homes and refuse to seek My refuges, you are risking capture and death by being killed by the one world people in their detention death camps. Coming to My refuges when the time comes is the safest place to be both for your soul and your body. This is why you need to warn your family and friends that the refuges will be your best place to be when the persecution gets bad. Look how Christians are being killed in Muslim countries and communist countries because this will be your future.”


Tuesday, March 6, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing dozens of deaths from the latest series of tornadoes. This season of deadly storms has already passed last year’s deaths at this time, and last year set a record of over 500 deaths. Tornadoes are hard to prepare for, especially at night or with dark clouds. In the vision you see that the safest places are underground. Just as you know enough to build a shelter in the ground for tornadoes, I am showing My faithful how to build refuges for the coming storm of evil in the tribulation. At times you are ravaged by serious storms as a punishment for sins. Soon you will see the Antichrist’s coming as a punishment and a test of your faith in Me. You know that without Me, you can do nothing. So when I give you instructions on how to protect your lives and souls with My angel protection, you should heed My words. Be prepared to come My refuges. There you will be made invisible by My angels from the evil ones who want to kill God’s people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing threats of war coming from Iran and from many of your own leaders. I have asked My people to pray for peace and not war against Iran. Some people think bombing Iran’s nuclear plants or their centrifuges could stop them from making nuclear weapons. Some of their facilities are built underground to protect them from attacks from the air. Any start of a war would most likely come from an Israeli attack. Any war could precipitate Iran’s own attack with missiles on Israel and possible attacks on any US ships in the area. A complete all out war could disrupt oil flows that could cause your gas prices to soar. If America gets drawn into this war, the expenditures of such a war could threaten your fragile economy and may result in your government’s bankruptcy. America needs to be careful about becoming involved in a new war. Your citizens do not favor it, and if other countries become involved, you could see a world war with many deaths. Continue to pray for peace, and write to your Congress people to stop America from getting into another Middle East war.”


Wednesday, March 7, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in your national songs you sing about America as the land of the free, but your government is gradually trying to take away your freedoms. Recently, you have been complaining about your freedom of religion as your Health Department is trying to force people to provide birth control devices against their faith. In other new Defense laws your government can threaten to incarcerate you at their whim and hold you in detention centers indefinitely. Many other freedoms of speech have been challenged. Soon your new Health Plan will force chips in the body for your health insurance that you will be forced to buy against your will. Many of these freedoms are being threatened by incarcerating you if you do not go along with their mandates of chips in the body and mandatory flu shots. When these mandates start getting enforced, it will be time to go to My refuges. When you see a world famine, a division in My Church, martial law, or mandatory chips in the body, these will be the signs to come to My refuges. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge. The ultimate loss of your freedoms will come when the one world people will force America into the North American Union when all of your sovereignty rights will be lost, as your Bill of Rights. Enjoy your freedoms that are left for awhile because you will soon be taken over by the evil ones. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when I warn you, or when you see the signs that I have mentioned. This takeover is not a matter of if it will happen, but it is a matter of when it will happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is that of a man who does not want to be known. This man represents one of the many one world people who have a one world government as their goal. To achieve this goal they have to bring down America’s economy and its military. By arranging constant wars, these evil ones are wearing down your military, and the expense of these wars is increasing your National Debt which could result in your bankruptcy. Bankrupting your government is one means to achieve their takeover of America. The one world people are very secretive and through their money and influence, they control governments through the government’s debts. The time of the one world people and Satan is running out, and they will be speeding up events to bring about their new world order. I have been warning My faithful to have food and preparations to leave for My refuges. You are seeing many events happening quickly so the evil ones can obtain their brief reign. Do not be afraid if you have to live at My refuges for a while because I will protect you and provide for your needs until I will bring My victory over evil. Have faith that I will bring the evil ones to justice with My coming Comet of Chastisement. They will be cast into hell while I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as your reward for staying true to My Word.”


Thursday, March 8, 2012: (St. John of God)
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to research the meaning of the ‘Sword of Damocles’. You have seen that a servant Damocles was asked by King Dionysius to live a day in his life. The king had a sword suspended in air by a horse hair, and it was hung over the throne. The servant preferred his simple life as safer than living in fear of death. Many kings, presidents, and prime ministers have to deal with a threat of death in wars or potential wars. Even your President, John F. Kennedy, compared the threat of nuclear annihilation to a ‘Sword of Damocles’ hanging over the people of the world. Now, you can understand the fear that Israel has over the potential of Iran having nuclear bombs with the missiles to deliver them to Israel. This is enhanced when the leader of Iran has proclaimed many times that he wants to annihilate Israel off the face of the earth. By your listening to Israel’s prime minister, there is a strong possibility that Israel may attempt a preemptive attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities in a way to stop Iran from making an atomic bomb. There is an implied danger that Iran’s response could affect the shipping in the Persian Gulf, or it could involve America in a war. Keep praying that a major war does not start over the making of nuclear weapons in Iran.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing a heavier than usual number of solar flares because of the peak of the sun’s sunspot activity. Up to now you have only seen a small increase in the Aurora Borealis when this solar storm strikes the earth’s atmosphere. The earth’s magnetic field deflects these particles from the sun to the polar areas because there is less protection there. Your scientists have been measuring some relatively fast movement in the earth’s magnetic north which could mean a possible polar shift. Such a shift in transition could cause a weakening in your solar protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some deaths and much destruction from your recent tornado outbreaks. It is hard to put a value on these lost homes, and the lost lives cannot be replaced. Pray for the grieving families and that they will get sufficient aid to rebuild their homes and lost jobs. Even the scientists were saying that the jet streams were coming closer to the earth to cause this violent weather. Your microwave weather machines are also contributing to your violent weather. Pray that
the people could be better prepared so there would be fewer deaths. Safe rooms underground could be a place for the people’s protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, supplies of oil and gas are plentiful, so your price rise is based more on speculation of a coming Iran war and a slower world economy. Higher gas prices have become a topic of debate in your election preparations. America does not have a real energy plan to be less dependent on oil from the Middle East. As prices rise, they do give more incentive to find more oil on your own lands. Unless some plans move forward to change your energy needs, you will still be dependent in the future. Such sustained high prices could affect inflation in America. Pray that your politicians can resolve their disagreements so America can have better sources of energy.”

Jesus said: “My people, your need for fresh water has put a heavy demand on your underground aquifers for both drinking and farm needs. Areas of drought do not have cheap sources of water available, especially when rain levels are low. Your people may have to use membrane technology in order to provide more fresh water from your oceans or pond water. Purification of your used water can also fill some needs. Fresh water will be an ongoing shortage that could lead to your coming world famine. Pray that your country will receive sufficient rain water to avoid persistent droughts.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people and those among your troops are tired of constant tours of duty in your long drawn out wars which are not really accomplishing much. Many people see the danger of Iran developing a nuclear bomb. Iran appears determined to develop nuclear weapons, even despite sanctions and other means which are trying to stop them. This is why Israel and America are preparing militarily for a possible war. I have asked My people to pray much that such a war does not come about.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your corporations have exported your manufacturing jobs to cheaper labor markets, and they do not want to bring back expensive laborers to your factories. Unfortunately, your skilled unemployed workers will soon lose their skills, and they will have to find lower paying service jobs. This is why the average home’s income has been decreasing with less benefits. America will have to establish new industries or make some changes in your import and export policies. You need to give your employers an equal playing field, or you are headed to a third world status. Many of America’s problems are being caused by the one world people who are trying to bring down your economy. Be prepared to go to My refuges when your economy crashes.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I brought My Gospel of love to the people, many rejected Me because I was interfering with their pleasurable sins. I told My followers that as I was persecuted for proclaiming moral principles, so they would also be persecuted as well. This is the same today when you try to get sinners to repent from their fornication, adultery, birth control, and even abortions. When you protest abortion, you see women’s rights people come against you. If you say anything about people living together without marriage, or anything against homosexual marriages, you are persecuted. So do not be disturbed that you are persecuted for standing up for good moral principles because I was even killed for the same reasons. Keep proclaiming My love and the need for souls to repent in order for them to be saved from hell.”


Friday, March 9, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you can see the contrast of how Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers for twenty pieces of silver. Then in the Gospel there is the implication in the son’s death how I would be betrayed by Judas for thirty pieces of silver. In both of these betrayals, the brothers and Judas were even willing to profit from their wrongful deeds. Because of their crimes of betrayal, there was another payment due in the consequences of their actions. The brothers had to suffer embarrassment when Joseph tricked them into a theft, and accused them of a crime. Then finally they had to admit their evil deed of selling their brother into slavery. Fortunately, this was My plan to provide food for My people during a famine. In the case of Judas’ betrayal, he was so sorry for his crime that he did not think that I would forgive him. Then the devil encouraged him to commit suicide by hanging himself to death. In today’s world there are times when you may have betrayed someone’s confidence by speaking about a person’s secrets behind that person’s back. You may at first think you are better than other people by belittling them, but you need to repent of your betrayals in Confession and even beg that person’s forgiveness. I am the only One to pass judgments, and it is not your place to gossip to people about your friends or strangers. During Lent you should seek repentance for your own crimes and gossip in Confession, when you ask for My forgiveness. Come to Me over any sin, and I will always forgive a repentant sinner.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful for your work in keeping your prayer group going for these forty years. My Blessed Mother is also grateful for all the many rosaries and Adoration of Me that you have had at your meetings. It is not easy to keep people faithful to a prayer group for so long. Do not worry about the numbers that come, but be faithful to Me and My Blessed Mother in all of your work. For many years you attended the Blue Army meetings, and I know how faithful you are in praying your daily rosaries and wearing My Blessed Mother’s scapular. Continue to pray for My Blessed Mother’s intentions, especially for sinners, peace in your world, the stoppage of abortion, and for the poor souls in purgatory. You remember the chapel to Our Two Hearts as you have a picture of My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart in your room at your home. As you pray your rosaries, remember to pray for all of your family’s needs and to help pray for their souls to be saved. Family prayer is very important to keep spouses together and to avoid divorce. My Blessed Mother and I are always watching out for you, and we are always available to answer your requests in prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that the Antichrist will be allowed a brief reign of less than 3 ½ years when he will be allowed to control the earth. It should come as no surprise that America will be taken over for the Antichrist to control it. This is why I am showing you a funeral of America’s fall from power. Do not have fear of this time because you will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to fight for souls in the battle of good against evil. You will be persecuted for believing in Me, but when you stand up against this coming evil, you will see My reward.”


Saturday, March 10, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, at the Mass I feed all of My children the Bread of Life in My consecrated Host. I know you cannot come to heaven unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood. Under the appearances of bread and wine you are receiving My Real Presence. I also know that your body needs food for this human life. There will be a world famine coming, and I have asked you to store one year’s supply of food for this event. This food is not meant to be hoarded, but you are to share it with anyone who comes to your house. As you share what little food you have, I will multiply it for your needs. In the vision you are seeing how I will multiply your food, even as I multiplied the bread and fish in the Gospel. Trust in Me to feed you Communion with My angels, and the food that you will need both before and after you come to My refuges.”


Sunday, March 11, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, the readings speak of how I died for all sinners, no matter how serious their sins are. This is a great show of My love for all of you. I lift all of you up in My blessings and graces so you will have the strength and courage to follow Me through all of life’s trials. This sharing of Myself with the woman at the well was an opportunity for Me to tell her about My living water. In St. John’s Gospel I have told you that you must eat My Body and drink My Blood if you are to receive eternal life with Me in heaven. This living water is given to all of you in Holy Communion where you receive My Real Presence and that of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. I ask that you receive Me worthily in the state of grace so you do not commit any sin of sacrilege. Unfortunately, at every Mass there are people who knowingly or unknowingly are having sacrilegious Communions. If you have mortal sin on your soul, you cannot receive Me in Holy Communion until you have that sin confessed by the priest in Confession. Some people are rationalizing their mortal sins as being venial sins so they are not embarrassed to remain seated without receiving Holy Communion. Do not compound any mortal sin by additional sins of sacrilege. The priests are available in Confession so there is no excuse for not having pure souls to receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. Give honor to My Blessed Sacrament by only receiving Me with a pure soul. By following Me in all that I have commanded you, you will truly have your reward in heaven.”


Monday, March 12, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in the reading how Naaman was healed of his leprosy by the prophet, Elisha. This leprosy can be seen as a sign of sin that all of you are afflicted by it. I call all sinners to come to Me to be cleansed of your sins by the waters of Baptism and through the absolution of Confession. You are all sinners, and you are in need of My forgiveness. During Lent you are purifying your spiritual lives, and you need to come to Confession at least once a month. By the power of the grace of your Baptism you are priests, prophets, and kings. Even as I was persecuted for preaching My Gospel of love, so My faithful are also called to go out and evangelize all nations. Do not be fearful of speaking out in My Name, but be a strong witness of My love to everyone, even those who reject you. By proclaiming My Word, you will receive your reward in heaven.”

For Noreen: Jesus said: “My people, I know you are grieving over Joseph, but you had the joy of experiencing the gift of his life. I want you to pray for him because he needs only a few Masses to come to heaven. He is at peace and he sends his love to all of his family. He will be praying for all of you.”


Tuesday, March 13, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, when I talked of forgiveness in the Gospel, My faithful should not act with indifference to people as this stone wall. You need to be able to forgive people seventy times seven times, even as I forgive you of your sins. When I talked of forgiving a huge debt, I was referring to how I died on the cross for all of mankind’s sins. My people need to be loving and forgiving, even though it may be difficult to forgive insults or thefts. When you are driving your car, you are to forgive slow or rude drivers. You also should seek the forgiveness of others when you may have hurt them physically, or with your insults. By forgiving others in love, you will be imitating My example. This will also be like living out the ‘Our Father’ prayer when you say: ‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.’ This is why loving Me, and your neighbor as yourself, is such an important Commandment.”

Jesus said: “My people, the winds of war are swirling between Israel and Iran. America has tried to allow time for sanctions to change Iran into not building a nuclear bomb. But Israel is threatening to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities, and they are choosing the time without notifying America. Israel feels it has to defend itself from a nuclear Iran. If Israel carries out its threat, there could be some dangerous repercussions with oil deliveries and a possible war. Keep praying that such a war does not start. The one world people have involved America in many long no-win wars that have only weakened your military and your economy. They are planning the next war even now.”


Wednesday, March 14, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, because you are seeing increasing gasoline prices, there is a question being raised about developing America’s own oil and gas, as well as getting oil from your neighboring countries. If gasoline prices are high, then why is America exporting refined fuels? As usual your government is not telling you everything about your energy needs. Your country is using twenty percent of the world’s energy supplies with only five percent of the population. There is a plan by the one world people to force oil prices higher by threatening oil sources in the Middle East with another war. Once the oil prices are higher, then the oil companies will expand their drilling for more expensive oil, giving them higher profits. They do not care how many lives are lost in their contrived wars, as long as they profit from selling the arms and the expensive oil. Your economy is still weak with higher unemployment than is reported. Higher fuel prices could threaten inflation and another recession. Pray for no wars and more jobs. The one world people are still meaning to form their one world government at the expense of your freedoms. Continue to be ready for some major events that could require going to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see a showdown between the states and your government in the Supreme Court trial that will determine if it is constitutional for your government to mandate health care with financial penalties for non-compliance. The government is trying to force every citizen to buy their health insurance, and this bill originally even demanded a mandatory chip in the body. Even today there have been estimates that this Health Plan will cost much more than originally stated, as in trillions of dollars more to pay for more than thirty million new patients. It will be hard to find enough doctors, and rationed care is a real possibility. Eventually, mandatory chips in the body and mandatory flu shots will be included. Refuse to take any chips in the body that could cause voices to control your mind. Refuse any flu shots that could cause your immune system to be damaged. This computerized Health Plan is a means to control your people, and possibly a means to reduce your population with dangerous vaccines. If your government tries to enforce mandatory chips in the body, or mandatory flu shots, then you will have to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge. Trust in Me to protect you from the one world people who want total control over your minds and souls.”


Thursday, March 15, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, these ugly demons were once beautiful angels that rebelled against Me out of their pride. Hell was made for them, and there being in hell has turned them into ugly beings that you do not want to look at. In the same way I have shown you the soul bodies that are in hell, and they also appear as ugly human beings. I do not want to see any souls sent to hell, but people by their evil lives, send themselves to hell. In the Gospel you saw how I cast out the mute spirit from the man who was possessed by a demon. Even today there are possessed people that have invited demons into their souls in various ways. Avoid seances, devil worship, tarot cards, evil potions, and Ouija boards that can allow demon possession. These people require an exorcism by a priest, and these exorcist priests are hard to find. Even various addictions of drugs, drinking, and gambling have demons associated with these addictions. By using blessed sacramentals, blessed salt, and holy water, you can protect yourself from these demons. Praying for deliverance from demons and addictions requires prayers of St. Michael and fasting because there may be multiple demons in severe cases. There truly are devils, and there is a hell that exists. So do not believe anyone who tells you that they do not exist. This is a trick of the devil to deceive you. Every soul that leaves its dead body, does not go straight to heaven. Very few souls go straight to heaven. Some go to hell and some go to purgatory. This is why it is so important to have Masses and prayers said for the dead because you do not know how they were judged. Keep praying for the souls in purgatory because if certain souls are in heaven, your prayers will be applied to other family souls in purgatory. Also pray and fast for poor sinners who have not yet died, so they can be saved from hell.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, these race cars represent how your people in America are living a fast paced life that can cause you to be anxious and worried that you could not get everything done that you had planned. I have mentioned this before that you put too much on your agenda to accomplish each day. It is better to make a shorter list and have enough time to do things without being hurried. If you spend time on too many things, you will not leave enough time for your prayer life with Me. Better to work things around your prayer time, than to allow earthly things to push Me out of your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are approaching the middle of Lent, and it would be a good practice to examine how well you are keeping your Lenten resolutions. If you do not see any progress, maybe you could improve on your original intentions, or make some new ones to test your endurance. Refraining from snacks between meals, and any of your penances may seem like a struggle, but it is good to be able to keep the body under control. Many times you give in too easily to all the desires of the body. By curbing these desires, you can see how the soul should be more in control of your life. By imitating My life, you can improve in your spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are doing your best with your Lenten devotions, but you may want to spend some time reading about some of your favorite saints. See how they were so much in love with Me that they all wanted to do all that they could to please Me and help their neighbors. By thinking of helping others out of love, you will have less time to satisfy your own desires. It is hard to live a saintly life in your world because you may get criticized for not conforming to worldly goals. Imitate the saints out of love for Me, even if you are criticized and persecuted.”

Jesus said: “My people, when a nation turns its back on Me, it will see how its blessings will be taken away. You have taken prayer out of your schools, My Commandments out of your public buildings, and some have tried to remove My Name from Christmas. You also are continuing to have abortions, living together in fornication, and having homosexual marriages. When you make money, possessions, and fame your gods, then you are pushing Me out of your lives. America needs to repent of its sins as a nation and individually. You need conversions and a good prayer life to restore your country in My eyes.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to examine your goals in life, and allow Me to be the Master of your lives. Everything that you do should be done for My greater glory instead of your own glory. Seek to serve Me in leading souls to heaven, and you will store treasure in heaven for your good deeds. I know what you need to survive, so trust in Me for all that you need. I want you to use your talents to achieve the mission that I have given you. This means that you have to involve Me in discerning your daily decisions. By allowing Me to lead you, you will accomplish great things for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you do not call on My help in life, you will be carrying a cross that is twice as heavy. Without Me in your life, the devil will lead you into earthly addictions that you may not be able to change. A holy life will lead you on the right path to heaven, but a Godless life will lead you on a path to hell. Every soul eventually seeks peace, but I am the only One who can give you peace in My sacraments. My faithful need to help those who do not have Me in their lives. Pray for sinners and evangelize as many souls as you can to My love in a personal relationship. Saving souls from hell should be everyone’s mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you plan to build a building, you count the costs and you plan for a sound foundation. Even a soul who desires salvation needs to count the costs of coming to Me or turning away from Me. To come to Me I ask that you give your will over to My Divine Will. To have a good foundation in the faith, you need some sound religious training in prayer and the Scriptures. By making these sacrifices out of love for Me, you will be on the right path to heaven. Those, who choose to depend only on their own means, are like those people who build their houses on sand that will not stand up to a strong wind. Instead, build your house on the rock of faith in Me, and your house will last, and your soul will be saved.”


Friday, March 16, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, this tornado is a sign that you are going to see a whirlwind of events happen very quickly. You will see major events occurring that will cause your stock market to crash according to the one world people’s plan. Wars and financial upheavals are in your future as the plans for America’s takeover will be carried out. When you see the euro and the dollar crash, there will be riots and chaos that will precipitate a national martial law. Mandatory chips in the body will be enforced, and I will warn My faithful when it is time to leave for My refuges. These refuges will be your only safe haven as the men in black will be coming to your homes to try to force chips in the body on people. Those, who resist, could be martyred in the one world people’s death camps. Trust in My warning and gather your things quickly to come to My refuges. Your government will be taking away your freedoms until America becomes part of the North American Union. My faithful remnant will have to go underground from the division in My Church, and the evil ones who will be targeting Christians and patriots. America will receive its punishment in exile much like Israel was taken over by the Assyrians. Prepare for this coming tribulation both physically and spiritually.”

Jesus said: “My people, the eagle represents America, and the flying through the air is how America is known as the land of the free. This is opposed to countries as Russia and China that are totalitarian, communist controlled governments. The one world people want to control America as the communists do. This is why your freedoms are being gradually taken away by a government that is over regulating all parts of your life. You are being told what you can do on your property. Your taxes are taking more of your income, and your debt obligations are choking your economy. Many parts of your free speech and freedom of religion are being violated. Soon you will be forced into a Health Care program that will demand chips in your body. If you do not obey your government’s edicts, they will threaten you with prison and possible death sentences for not going along with their new world order. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your freedoms will be stripped from you. You need to obey Me first over obeying man. This is why I will be protecting you at My refuges.”


Saturday, March 17, 2012: (St. Patrick’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, the handrail in the vision represents America’s freedoms based on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. When the wooden peg that held up the handrail was broken, then the handrail fell down. This is what happens to your freedoms in America when your government institutes edicts that violate the Constitution and your Bill of Rights. Your Health Plan is one example that will force everyone to buy the government’s insurance plan, and eventually it will force chips in your body that will control your mind. The Executive Branch is declaring war without Congressional approval, and the Senate is not even passing their budgets. Many other freedoms are being violated, such as the internment of your citizens without any real cause. You will soon be stripped of your sovereignty rights when the one world people will force America into the North American Union. Once these evil ones force mandatory chips in the body on you, or declare martial law, then it will be time to come to My refuges. Many do not want to believe they are in a police state, but when your neighbors are dragged off to your death camps, then you will be forced to believe it. Wake up America, and fight for your freedoms before they are all taken away.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My faithful to be prepared when the dollar will crash. Several countries have issued new currencies when the old money became worthless. Since the dollar was taken off the gold standard, it has no inherent value. What is interesting is that the rich people do not own anything on paper. They own property, antiques, gold, and silver. That is why the rich do not care if your government goes bankrupt, or your dollar becomes worthless, because they own things of inherent value. This is the same reason that I have encouraged My people to store one year’s supply of food and some water. You need food to survive, but if your money is worthless, you will need something to barter for the food. Once the dollar crashes, all of your dollar denominated things on paper as stocks, bonds, and annuities will become worthless as well. Gold and silver will be a medium of barter until the amero is established as your new currency. By having food and things of value, you can get through the currency crisis. Not everyone will be prepared for this disaster, so you could see riots and chaos that could result in martial law. If this happens, you may have to come to My refuges for My protection. Trust in Me that I will provide for your needs at My refuges.”


Sunday, March 18, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel Moses lifted up the bronze serpent on a pole that was meant to heal those who had been bitten by the seraph serpents. These serpents were sent among the Jewish people because they complained about the food that they were receiving. This serpent on a pole was the same image of Me on the cross as a Healer of both your sins and any sickness. The serpent in the vision represents the same Satan who tested Me three times after I fasted for forty days in the desert. This forty day fast is the same fasting that represents how I want My people to fast between meals during Lent. Satan tempted the Jewish people of Israel to worship other gods before Me. This is why I allowed the Assyrians to defeat Israel, and carry off the people in the Babylonian exile. Satan today is attacking the people of America in the same way as you are being tempted by money, possessions, and fame as the gods of your time. Do not be deceived by Satan and the Antichrist who will be allowed to take over America in punishment for your sins. During the coming tribulation, I will call My faithful remnant to My refuges to protect your bodies and your souls. Once you come to My refuges, you will see My luminous cross in the sky, where you will be healed of body and soul when you look on it. This will be a comparison of the bronze serpent of the Old Exodus to the luminous cross of the New Exodus. At My refuges you will be protected from the Antichrist and the evil ones with a shield of invisibility by My angels. Have no fear of the evil ones because My power is greater than all of the evil ones put together.”


Monday, March 19, 2012: (St. Joseph’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel was when I was twelve years old, and I had stayed behind to talk with the teachers in the Temple. St. Mary and St. Joseph were stressed to find Me as in the Fifth Joyous Mystery of the rosary. I had recognized My mission from My Father, and the teachers marveled at My understanding of the Scriptures. This is why I answered My parents with: ‘Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?’ They did not understand My words, but I was then obedient to them in Nazareth. Just as a young person matures enough to learn how to drive a car as in the vision, so I was learning about My coming mission as I matured into a grown man. There is also a lesson here for parents that they need to teach their children the faith, just as much as their worldly preparations. Love your children, and give them good example in imitating My holy life.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you come to Mass, you are repeating the Pascal meal of the Passover. As you approach Holy Week, the Eucharistic meal will be the central focus for Lent. My whole purpose for coming to earth as a man was to be able to sacrifice My life for all the sins of mankind. Another blessing of My Eucharist is that you now have My Real Presence in every consecrated Host in all of your tabernacles. This allows Me to be with you all the time, and you can visit Me at any time when a church is open. There are a significant number of Catholics that do not believe in My Real Presence, even though this is taught by My Church. This is also why I have allowed many miracles of bleeding Hosts to show the unbelievers that I am truly Present in My Hosts. Rejoice in every Mass because you are witnessing a miracle in the transubstantiation of bread and wine into My Body and Blood.”


Tuesday, March 20, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, when you pray to Me for your needs, I already know the needs of your body. There are many people in the world that do not always have water and food as accessible as your people in America. Water is definitely scarce in arid country as deserts. The readings are about water, but I draw your attention to the vision in how I miraculously provided water for My people in the desert during the Exodus. When I protect My faithful at My refuges during the tribulation, I will also provide water for My faithful remnant, even if I have to provide miraculous springs. You remember how Bernadette scratched the ground to form the healing waters at Lourdes, France. If My refuges do not have an independent source of water, I will allow a miraculous spring to provide the water. In addition to providing water, this water will have healing properties, just as looking on My luminous cross. Where there are interim refuges without My luminous cross, they will still have healing in the spring water. Give glory and praise to Me for providing for your spiritual and physical needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have your President carrying out their orders. Recently, a National Defense act was passed that enabled your government to indefinitely imprison any citizen deemed a threat to the government. Now, on March 16, 2012 your President has issued an Executive Order that could enable him to declare martial law in peacetime in any non-emergency situation. This could give him dictatorial powers over everyone and all resources in your country. This move was done secretly to not draw any attention, but it is putting the one world people in position for a grand takeover of America at any time. Should such a national martial law be declared, this would be a sign to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge of protection. Once martial law is declared, the government will target Christians and patriots for execution by order of the one world evil people. You are in a battle of good and evil, so choose to be with Me against the evil forces. Trust in My protection, and you will save your soul.”


Wednesday, March 21, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you that you would see a whirlwind of events, and you are seeing this continue with a 7.4 earthquake in Mexico and a 6.2 earthquake in Indonesia on the same day. Tornadoes and earthquakes are humbling people, as homes are destroyed and some deaths are occurring from these events. You will see more of these events as you usually do, but the coming events will be greater than usual that are approaching biblical proportions, which are signs of My coming. Before I come, you will see evil get worse with the coming of false christs and the Antichrist. So be prepared to come to My refuges for protection from those who want to persecute you because of your belief in Me. You are living in the end times as I have warned you, and you see your government taking away your freedoms frequently. Trust in My greater power as I will protect you from these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have confirmed this message that you will be seeing a major earthquake and tsunami in the Pacific Ocean that could cause major flooding and some deaths. If there is a major tsunami warning, people need to move inland from the coast as fast as possible. Tsunami waves travel very fast, and they can be quite high with a large underwater earthquake. You have been seeing some fairly large earthquakes, and there will be more coming. These events will become more frequent and more severe. I have warned My people to avoid living close to the ocean, and away from known earthquake faults. If a major event happens, It could affect your food and water supplies, which is why I have asked you to store some food and water. If food is scarce, you are to share what you have, and I will multiply what you have for your needs. If a national martial law is declared, be ready to leave for My refuges. This is because the one world people will use even major natural disasters for their takeover. Even some of these things can be created by the HAARP machine for the purpose of a takeover. Trust in Me that I will protect you and provide for your needs.”


Thursday, March 22, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages about the need for My refuges during the end times of the tribulation. I used Moses and his staff to perform miracles to protect My people from the Egyptian army, as the Egyptians were drowned in the Red Sea. During the Exodus I fed the people with manna and quail in the desert. When the people worshiped the golden calf, many of these people were killed for disobeying My Commandment. I am the only One worthy of your worship. During the coming reign of the Antichrist, you will see a modern day Exodus where I again will protect My faithful remnant from being killed by the one world people and their followers. I will have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges, and they will shield you from the evil ones by making you invisible to them. You will also be fed daily Communion by My angels, and with deer for meat. At the end of the tribulation, you will see My Comet of Chastisement kill all of the evil ones, as they will be cast into hell. My refuges will be miracles of protection that will be guarded by powerful angels. Believe in My refuges because this is how I will defend My faithful from the evil ones of today, even as I defended My people in the Exodus from the Egyptians.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, Juliet’s Gospa Prayer House is a refuge and it has been a refuge for some time according to several messages. Recently, there has been some circumstances that have prevented a conference from taking place. You are even having some expansion before the refuge time. If it is possible, you could ask your authorities what conditions would allow a conference to take place. Continue to pray for a solution to this problem including some novenas.”

Jesus said: “My people, Donna was using her faith well in blessing their buildings with blessed salt. As a result, they have seen the apartments fill up with more tenants. The assessment problem is still creating a cash flow problem if there is no change. All of your decisions and problems could be given over to Me in prayer and novenas. You were witness to My help in the past, so keep faithful to Me in your prayers, and I will help you in your troubles.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been to New York City to see where this commitment was made by George Washington at St. Paul’s Church. You have seen in this story of ‘The Harbinger’ how there are many parallels of Israel’s exile to similar happenings in America. I have given you many messages of how important it is for America to repent of its sins. Unless America returns to Me, your country will be repeating the same story as Israel and the Roman Empire. Learn from history, or you will repeat it with your own demise.”

The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Flame of Light that came over the apostles on Pentecost. Many faithful people have become a little complacent in standing up for their faith. I am coming to inspire you with My fire of love so you can see clearly why it is necessary to fight for your freedom of religion. You need to be a witness of your belief in the laws of God by living your faith in your actions. Do not seek the safety of following the crowd, but step out in faith to tell people when they are violating the Commandments. This is why you want to strive to save souls from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, your recent attack on religious institutions for not giving out contraceptives is just the beginning of even more attacks on your churches. You have seen hate laws where you cannot even preach that homosexual acts are serious sins. Many religious freedoms are under attack in religious buildings that accept Federal aid. Soon your political views will threaten your tax exempt status in your churches. You may even see your churches closed for not going along with the new world order. Prepare for many persecutions to come, even as you have seen in Russia and China. Pray for My help at your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of the unusual warm winter that you have had, and some have seen less rain and snowfall than normal. Pray that your farmers will receive enough rain and irrigation needed to grow their crops. Many violent storms have upset farms with your latest tornadoes. The success of your farmers means that you will have enough food to eat. If they cannot grow a full crop, then your food will be expensive and scarce to find. This again is why I have asked you to store one year’s supply of food for a coming famine. You will share what you have, and I will multiply your food so all of you will have what you need.”


Friday, March 23, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a tree much like the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. I am the Tree of Life, and you are the branches. Without Me, you will wither and die. When you look at My crucifix, you see Me dying on the wood of the cross. In the vision you saw grapes and wheat circling around this Tree of Life. This represents the bread and wine that I consecrated in the first Mass which I changed into My Body and Blood. I have repeated the words of St. John’s Gospel many times: ‘You must eat My Body and drink My Blood in order to have eternal life.’ You are receiving Me in Holy Communion, and I bring life into your soul. It is My death on the cross that has brought salvation to all sinners. It is everyone’s choice to accept Me as Master of your life or not. I forgive all repentant sinners who seek My forgiveness. This is why you all are so blessed to receive Me into your souls, so you have the grace of My sacrament that permeates your body and soul. I will be with you in My tabernacles until the day a new life will start in My Era of Peace. In My Era of Peace you will see the same Tree of Life that was seen in the Garden of Eden, and I will be with you spiritually. Rejoice when you visit Me at any of My tabernacles so I can bestow the grace of My Real Presence among you.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Garden of Eden I created Adam and Eve, and they were not meant to die as long as they stayed in the Garden and they did not eat the forbidden fruit. Once they listened to the devil, they ate the forbidden fruit, and they were cast out of the Garden of Eden. One of the consequences of this original sin is that all of mankind became mortal and had to die to this life. Now you see a cycle of life from an infant to an adolescent, and then to an adult. You are familiar with the aging process that causes your body to grow old. Once your soul is created, you will live forever. Your body will die, but your soul will be separated from your body and live on. By your life’s actions, you will be judged to heaven, purgatory, or hell. At the final judgment, all of My faithful will witness their own resurrection as your soul will be reunited with a glorified body. This is My promise that I gave to everyone who would follow My Commandments and show love to Me and the neighbors. This is the complete cycle of life from Adam and Eve until My final judgment of mankind. Be faithful to Me, and you will have your eternal reward with Me in heaven.”


Saturday, March 24, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with your shadow in the sunlight, but I am showing this to you in order to represent your soul body which is superimposed in your physical body. You know that you are made up of a body and soul, but your soul is the most important because it will live on forever. You only have two destinations of either being with My love in heaven, or with the hate of the devil in the flames of hell. By following My Commandments of love and My Gospels, you can imitate My life of prayer and service to God and your neighbors. This is your path to heaven for your soul. I will send everyone a Warning experience before the Antichrist is allowed to declare his reign. In the Warning your soul body will leave your physical body, and you will come before My Light where you will experience your life review. I will show you your whole life with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins. Then you will receive a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will then have your soul body return inside your physical body. You will have an opportunity to improve your spiritual life, and if you do not improve, your soul body’s destination will be that of your mini-judgment. Keep focused on Me at all times in your prayers, and in all of your actions that you do for My greater glory. At the end of the tribulation I will separate the evil souls who reject Me or ignore Me, and they will be sent to hell. Those, who love Me and seek My forgiveness of their sins, will be taken into My Era of Peace and later into heaven. At your death in the body, your soul body will be separated for its final destination. If you die before My return, you will see Me in judgment, and some may have to be purified in purgatory. Pray to evangelize souls in this life so you can keep them from going to hell. Pray also for the souls in purgatory who need your prayers to come to heaven sooner. I love all of My people, and I desire that all of your soul bodies could come to heaven. It is your choice in how you live that will show Me how you love Me or not.”


Sunday, March 25, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, before the people in the Gospel reading, I gave glory to God the Father, and I invited Him to glorify Me in His own voice that the people could hear. My people were given My words that unless a grain of wheat dies, it cannot sprout and yield fruit. This is how I plant My seed of faith in each soul, even as I told you in the parable of the Sower. I ask all souls to come to Me and die to themselves, by giving over their free wills to Me so I can be the Master of their lives. When I lead you in your daily lives, then I will give you the sufficient grace to fulfill your mission and bear the fruit of your gifts. Just as trees blossom, then later they bear fruit to eat. So My people also need to blossom in their faith in Me, so their good works for others will be the fruit that they can bring forth. Remember that by your fruits, I will know if you are following Me or not. A good tree can only bear good fruit, while a bad tree can only bear bad fruit. Be loving of Me every day so that all that you do will be done for My greater glory. Do not seek glory for your good works, but be satisfied that you are doing only what is expected of My followers. Love Me and one another, and you will have the gift of eternal life with Me in heaven.”


Monday, March 26, 2012: (Feast of the Annunciation)
Mary said: “My dear children, I am happy to be with you on my feast day, even as you pray my rosary every day. This feast shows you how I was prepared by God a long time ago so I could be born without original sin, and I lived in the Divine Will of God without sin. I was given a mission that I accepted with my fiat to be the Mother of God in my Son, Jesus. By the power of the Holy Spirit, He overshadowed me to conceive the child Jesus in my womb. I was overwhelmed with this special blessing of being a part of salvation history for all of my children. At the foot of the cross, Jesus gave me over to St. John as his mother, and as the mother of all of Jesus’ people. Even from heaven I put my mantle of protection over all of my children as I look after your souls. Rejoice in this feast when St. Gabriel spoke these words to me, as I accepted the will of God in becoming His Mother.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love all peoples, even all denominations and those people who do not believe in Me. The builder of this community has done a great work to promote the Catholic Faith. If you can encourage people to follow My Commandments and the words of My Gospels, you are being a good evangelist. I have made all of you in My Image, in that I have given you all free will to choose to love Me or not. I desire people to follow My ways, but I do not force My love upon anyone. Those, who choose to live in this community, are aware of some restrictions, but they have accepted them. In any community you may have certain zoning or neighborhood laws, but not always restrictions of religion. Some may take offense to this restriction, but they can live in other neighborhoods. My faithful are like any other people, but they are different in allowing Me to lead their lives. When you love Me and your neighbor as yourself, you are giving good example to others without forcing them to believe in the Catholic Faith. Hold close to your faith in Me as you pray for My protection. Those, who live their faith in Me by their actions, will receive their reward with Me in heaven.”


Tuesday, March 27, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading you saw how Moses had to lift up the bronze serpent on a pole so those, who looked on it, could be healed of their snake bites. This is another image as I was also raised up on the wood of the cross so I could die for your sins. Now, My followers can look on My cross and ask for My forgiveness of their sins, and they will be healed. The serpent in the devil has caused you to sin in the bite of his temptations, but you can be forgiven in Confession. Once your sins are forgiven, now you can be healed by receiving Me in Holy Communion. My Body and Blood heals any spiritual damage done to your souls by your sins. You soon will hear My Passion account of My crucifixion on Palm Sunday, and you will walk with Me to Calvary on Good Friday. I was in the tomb for three days before I resurrected on Easter Sunday. You have been doing your Lenten prayers and fasting to purify your spiritual lives. Soon you will be rejoicing with Me on Easter Sunday in My Resurrection. Give glory and thanks to Me for all the gifts of My love that I have bestowed upon you in My sacraments.”


Wednesday, March 28, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the reading from Daniel you saw how the three Jewish men were tested by the king to worship the false god of his statue, or face death in the fiery furnace. The three men chose to follow God and His ways, rather than obey the king’s order to worship his false god in idol worship. The king had them placed in the hot fiery furnace, but an angel protected them from being burned to death. As a result the king was converted to God, and stopped believing in his own attendants. In today’s world you are also being persecuted for your belief in Me, even as I was persecuted and even killed. You may not face death right now, but a time is coming when you could be martyred for your faith if you do not follow My advice to come to My refuges of protection. The people in authority are controlled by the evil one world people. These evil ones are trying to take away your freedom of religion in forcing you to accept homosexuality and giving out contraceptives. The authorities are trying to force you into a socialistic government that wants to totally control you with chips in the body. Refuse these chips in the body because they will control your mind and your free will. Those, who knowingly take the chip in the body and worship the Antichrist, are condemning themselves to hell according to the Book of Revelation in chapters 13 and 14. Just as the three Jewish men defied the king, so My people need to defy your government that is trying to force you to take the mark of the beast. This is all part of your Health Law that they are trying to force on you. I do not want My people to use guns against these authorities, but when you see martial law and mandatory chips in the body, it will be time to follow your guardian angels to My refuges. Many saints were martyred for their faith, and there will be more martyrs in the tribulation. Hold fast to your faith, even if people threaten to kill you if you do not take the chip in the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see the priest hold up the Host at the Consecration, I want you to think of all that I suffered on Good Friday. You remember how I was scourged with wounds all over My Body. I then carried My cross to Calvary where I fell three times on the Via Dolorosa. Then I suffered much when they stripped My clothes, nailed My hands and feet to the cross, and I suffocated on the cross. All of this suffering was the price of all the souls that I had to redeem. This was the reason for My coming to earth as a man. All of this pain that I endured, was to show you how much I love each soul. This is why I want a large crucifix on every altar, so you can remember how much I love you. People have short memories, but by looking on My crucifix all the time, you will never forget My love for mankind. Rejoice and give thanks that I have paid the price for your sins and your salvation.”


Thursday, March 29, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My people not to take the mark of the beast in their bodies, and not to worship the Antichrist. This is in the Book of Revelation, and you will be told this as well in your Warning experience. This Antichrist will be a man possessed by a demon, and he will have powers to hypnotize you to worship him by his eyes. Do not look at his eyes or listen to his words. That is why after the Warning, you should remove your TVs and your computers out of your houses so you do not have to look at him. Many will be attracted to him because he will promise peace, food, and wealth through his chips in the body. These people will be drawn by his charisma to worship him, and the chips in the body will control their minds. This is why in the vision you are seeing the Antichrist drawing crowds of people right down into a vortex of the whirlpool into the pits of hell. Wake up to this battle of good and evil, and choose to follow My love to heaven, rather than the Antichrist and Satan into the flames of hell. During this coming reign of the Antichrist in the tribulation, call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My refuges where your soul and body will be protected from the evil ones. Those, who refuse to come to My refuges, are risking martyrdom, or some may even lose their souls to these evil ones. Trust in My words of preparation because this evil could overwhelm even some of My elect.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of soul bodies coming up to Me from their physical bodies, represents the time of the Warning when all souls will receive their life review. This will be a wake-up call for all sinners because they will see how their actions have offended Me in their sins. People will receive a mini-judgment after their life review, and they will have a small taste of hell, purgatory, or heaven. Rejoice that you will have another opportunity to improve your spiritual life. Every time that I show you these signs of the Warning, you are sensing how close you are to this test.”

Jesus said: “My people, one side is trying to put forth a budget that tries to balance some of the huge deficits that America is accumulating. Other actions are concerned with your gasoline problems in respect to pipelines and oil company subsidies. Many comments are covering up your true unemployment levels and your true inflation rate. It is very difficult to sort out the truth because each side exaggerates the numbers for their own purposes. Pray for all of your financial problems which are worse than you are being told.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be carrying palms on Palm Sunday, but there will be only a short celebration before you read the account of My Passion. You have been offering up your penances, prayers, and fasting for Lent. Be prepared for Holy Week by going to Confession, and be willing to make some donations for the poor in your almsgiving. You could donate to your local food shelf or the Catholic Relief Services that helps people all over the world. Make some time to attend these Holy Week services that are a Church tradition. These traditions should be supported and passed on to your children. Traveling to several churches on Holy Thursday helps to unite your churches.”

Jesus said: “My people, having a National Health Care law is designed to help everyone to have some health care insurance. It is difficult to force everyone to buy insurance under the threat of a severe financial penalty. There is still a problem of finding enough doctors and the finances to support such a plan. Already your people are seeing trillions of dollars projected in future deficits to pay for this health plan. Pray that a fair system will be developed that does not include the mark of the beast that would force computer chips in your bodies.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have only two more Fridays to pray your Stations of the Cross. This last Friday on Good Friday prepares you to see how much I suffered as I brought salvation to the world. All of your own sufferings can be united with Me on My cross. It is not easy to suffer the trials of earning a living and supporting your families. I suffered your human condition, except sin, so I know what you are going through. Offer up all of your actions for My glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, the signs of spring are coinciding with the new life of My Resurrection. Flowers are coming forth and trees are coming to life. Even your days are getting longer which gives you more light each day. Easter is a beautiful time of year with a burst of color and new life that covers up the barrenness of winter. Rejoice in the new life of My Resurrection as My creation comes alive as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many beautiful kinds of flowers to see in their radiant colors. Just as you have new life in the flowers, so you can see the beauty in the birth of many babies. The only sad part of human life is that you are aborting millions of My babies every year. How can you see the beauty of babies if you are killing them in the womb? Encourage these mothers to have their children, and live with a little less of your country’s abundant wealth. Once you have your children, how can you think of wanting to kill such beautiful life? America needs to learn how precious life is, or you will suffer My punishment for killing My babies.”


Friday, March 30, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, at times you take your car into the carwash to clean off the dirt. Even daily you take a shower to cleanse the outside of your body. How much more you should be concerned with cleansing the sins from your soul in Confession. You are about to renew your Lenten devotions in Holy Week that is a remembrance of how I died on the cross for your sins. I love My people so much that I gave up My life so I could pay the price for your sins. I have given you My sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation so you could seek the forgiveness of your sins from Me. You can keep a clean soul by going to frequent Confession at least once a month. If you commit a mortal sin, you should get to Confession as soon as possible. You do not know when you are going to die, so by keeping a pure soul, you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment. People, who are living in mortal sin, are risking the loss of their soul to hell. So strive to avoid sin, and keep your soul clean by confessing your sins in Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have studied some of the old civilizations, and you see how they rose to power, and then deteriorated from within. You have seen how America started by winning its freedom from Great Britain, and you placed My Name in your early documents. Over the years you have fought many wars to preserve your freedoms. It is only since the Federal Reserve System controlled your money since 1913, that the central bankers have gradually controlled you through your deficits and your debts. When you went off the gold standard, this made your money absolutely worthless with no inherent value. This is why you have lived on fiat money, and your National Debt is over $15 trillion with very few countries wanting to buy your debt. You are spending money in deficits of $1.5 trillion each year, and your Federal Reserve is financing 62% of that debt with Treasury Bonds made from thin air. It is just a matter of time before inflation will take over, and your artificial interest rates will accelerate higher. Prepare some food storage and some metals for barter because your dollar will soon be crashed by the one world people. This crash of the dollar’s value will crash everything denominated in dollars. Be prepared for martial law when this happens, as it will be another reason to go to My refuges of protection. You will see the Antichrist reign for a short time before I will bring My victory over evil, and My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, March 31, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the lower part of purgatory is where souls suffer a burning sensation in their soul bodies. They also suffer the pain of missing My loving Presence. In the upper parts of purgatory they do not suffer from these flames. These souls are promised one day to be with Me in heaven. Very few souls come straight to heaven. So those souls, who avoid hell and do not come straight to heaven, still have to be purified in purgatory until they are worthy of the perfection of heaven. Because you do not always know the disposition of the people who die, you should pray for them and have Masses offered for their souls. Many souls are still languishing in the suffering of purgatory because people have forgotten to keep praying for them. Masses will move these souls up in purgatory the most. There are some souls in the lower parts of purgatory who need to suffer a set time before Masses and prayers can help them. Remember to keep praying for your family members who could still be in purgatory. If one soul, who you are praying for, has come to heaven, then your prayers will go to your other family members. Also, pray in general for all the souls who have no one praying for them. The suffering of these souls is difficult, and you could relieve some of their suffering by your Masses and prayers. Do not be lazy in forgetting to pray for these souls. They should be in your prayer intentions every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are living in an evil time where good and evil people are becoming more obvious. You are seeing in the vision that My Church is being attacked by evil people inside My Church, and from the authorities outside My Church. You will be seeing a division in My Church led by the Masons who will separate a schismatic church from My faithful remnant. Avoid this schismatic church that will be teaching New Age worship of things, and that sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. Stay with My faithful remnant that may have to meet secretly in homes. Gradually, your government will be persecuting you for your belief in Me. They will eventually seek to imprison you and kill you for not taking the chip in the body. I will warn My faithful when it is time to leave for My refuges. Have no fear because My angels will put an invisible shield around you so the evil ones cannot harm you. At My refuges you will be protected from any viruses or any means to reduce the population. You will have food, water, and shelter to survive. You will be praying more, and worshiping Me in Adoration of My Host around the clock. Give thanks to Me for My protection as I will have My angels defend you from the evil people and the demons.”


Sunday, April 1, 2012: (Palm Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, when I prayed in the Garden of Gethsemene, I invited My apostles to pray one hour with Me also. Several times I returned to them, and I found them sleeping. Even now I ask My people to pray every day for the sinners of the world, and many are spiritually lazy, and they are not praying as I asked. During the reading of the Passion, the Jews wanted to kill Me for blasphemy, but they did not realize that I truly AM God the Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. I truly did die for all the nations of all peoples so I could pay the ransom for your souls. I am the only worthy sacrifice to forgive your sins. So come to Me in Confession to claim your forgiveness because of My death on the cross. Unless you seek My forgiveness and allow Me to be Master of your life, then you cannot enter heaven. I have brought victory over sin and death, but My people need to take advantage of My salvation by seeking the forgiveness of their sins.”


Monday, April 2, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, problem pregnancies are very traumatic for women who have been fornicating, or are not able to support any more children. Your court system in America has given women a right to kill their baby in the womb, but this is still killing innocent life in My eyes. At times you see some inspirational movies that bother some people on the issue of abortion. These movies actually are testing people’s consciences because they know deep down in their hearts that abortion is killing babies. People, who promote abortion, are always claiming that the baby which is starting, is just tissue or a fetus. They do not want to admit that it is a human baby because they do not want to face the truth. But every abortion is a sin that mothers and doctors are responsible for at their judgment. Mothers can be forgiven in Confession, if they seek My forgiveness. The movie that you saw was unique, when a failed abortion grew into a woman who was finally able to forgive her mother for aborting her. Unfortunately, all those children, who were aborted, never had a chance to speak to their mothers, except for their silent screams when they were killed.”
Note: We saw the movie “October Baby”.

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a preview of Good Friday in the vision. There was truly a darkness about the time of My death as evil had its hour. Even an earthquake occurred that split the curtain in the Temple. You have been to the Holy Sepulcher, and you have seen the split in the rock. This week is very somber as you read of My Passion and death. Even if your services are long, take the time to honor My death on the cross for the remission of your sins. My death on the cross and My following Resurrection is a victory over sin and death. It will be a quiet service on Friday, but a joyous service on Easter Sunday as you celebrate My glorious Resurrection. Give thanks and glory to your Savior who has redeemed your souls from your sins.”


Tuesday, April 3, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, even at the Last Supper you are seeing the battle of good and evil. You see the contrast of Me as the Light of the world compared to Satan in Judas as the darkness of the world. Evil does not want to have its wicked deeds seen, so evil deeds are done in the darkness of night. Even though there is evil in the world, My people can come to Me for help. You can ask Me, and I will send My angels to protect you from the attacks of the devil. Until Holy Thursday, I did not allow the evil ones to hold Me. I always slipped through the crowds undetected. But that night it was evil’s hour, and I allowed them to capture Me. I had a world to redeem and I used Judas and the Jews to carry out My crucifixion. Judas is mentioned several times in the Gospels as My betrayer. It was hard to see one of My very own apostles betray Me with a kiss. Every time My people offend Me in their sins, you are turning your back on Me as well. Be ready to come to Me for the forgiveness of your sins, because I am waiting to take you back into My good graces. Some people refuse to ask My forgiveness, but I will always forgive a repentant sinner, no matter how serious the sin is.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the news reports of the latest tornadoes, and you have seen pictures of the destruction left behind. In the spring it is not unusual to see many tornadoes. What is unusual is the picture of the low pressure system in the middle of your country which had a center looking like the eye wall of a hurricane. You are aware of the HAARP machine that can cause more violent weather than usual by the use of strong microwaves. It would appear that such action is going on to cause these recent tornadoes. Pray that these abuses of your weather by the HAARP machine can be exposed because your government’s armed forces control this machine. The one world people are using man-made disasters to allow them to eventually take over with a martial law. When this happens,My faithful will need to come to My refuges of protection.”


Wednesday, April 4, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, again in today’s Gospel you read of how Judas betrayed Me for thirty pieces of silver. Not only was I hurt by Judas’ betrayal, but My Blessed Mother was also heart broken to hear that one of My apostles had betrayed Me. The whole time of My capture and My agonizing crucifixion was also a time of suffering for My Blessed Mother. She greeted Me on My way to Calvary as I carried My cross. She was at the foot of My cross and watched Me die. She also held My dead Body, once I was brought down from the cross. This is why you see her looking down and dressed in black in the vision. She was overjoyed to later hear of My Resurrection, and she learned from My apostles about all the events where I appeared to people. My death caused her great sorrow, but she realized the importance of My mission where I had to die for the salvation of souls. Keep praying her rosaries every day so you can help souls as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing major deficits in your Federal Budget that is getting worse every year. Even with planned increases in your taxes, there will not be enough new money to balance off the rate of spending on your entitlements. Both individuals and your states are obligated to have balanced budgets. On your home budget, you cannot afford to buy things that your income cannot cover. If your income is limited, then you have to cut back your expenses to fit your income. Your government should be doing the same, but you may be forced into an austerity budget if you cannot pay your debts. You have seen European countries forced onto austerity budgets when they sought loans to pay their debts. Since many countries do not want to invest in low yield Treasury Notes and a big debt, your Federal Reserve is buying most of your debt with artificial worthless bonds. This will eventually force inflation beyond your artificially low interest rates. Your banking system is teetering on bankruptcy if your budgets are not balanced soon. Pray for a solution to your deficits, or a threatened bankruptcy will force My faithful to come to My refuges when martial law is declared.”


Thursday, April 5, 2012: (Holy Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision of the multiplication of fish and bread, there is a foreshadowing of the Communion that I distributed among My apostles at the Passover of the Last Supper. There are priests consecrating the bread and wine into My Body and Blood all over the world. Tonight My Holy Communions will be reposed for your Good Friday service when there will be no Mass. I am therefore fully Present in My consecrated hosts all over the world in many tabernacles. Give honor and thanks to Me for giving My life up for the salvation of all souls. This Holy Week you are commemorating My crucifixion and then My Resurrection. You are sad to see My death, but you are raised up in joy on Easter Sunday with My Resurrection. Give Me your trials and sufferings so I can join them with Me on My cross. These services are the spiritual high point of the Church Year. So make a point to attend them for Me.”


Friday, April 6, 2012: (Good Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, today is a solemn day when you commemorate My death on the cross when I offered up My life as a sacrifice for all the souls who died, those who are living, and those who will live in the future. In the Gospel you saw Me led to My crucifixion like a sheep led to the slaughter. I willingly died for your souls so you could come to Me for the forgiveness of your sins. I paid the price with My Blood for the remission of your sins. When you are baptized in faith, you become one of My faithful. When you seek My forgiveness of your sins, and make Me Master of your lives, then you will be ready for heaven. At the end of your service today, you left in quiet because I was laid in the tomb for three days. Thank you for all of your Stations of the Cross that you prayed on the Fridays of Lent. Soon you will be celebrating My Resurrection.”


Saturday, April 7, 2012: (Easter Vigil-candle ceremony)
Jesus said: “My people, the Light of My Resurrection so affected the guards that they fell down as dead men. My angels told the women who came that I would see My apostles in Galilee. The women were astounded by the angels, but they believed the angels’ words that I had resurrected. The women told My apostles, but My apostles did not want to accept this news at first until it was confirmed. I told My apostles that I would rise from the dead after three days, but they did not understand what rising from the dead meant. Later, after My appearances, they believed, but blessed are My disciples of today who have believed without seeing Me. Many of you have struggled with fasting and your penances, but now you are free to celebrate the freedom that I bring to each soul in loosening your bonds of sin to truly make you free.”


Sunday, April 8, 2012: (Easter Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, today many people come to church on Sunday who may not come every Sunday. I want My faithful to remember that the Third Commandment says that those, who believe in Me, need to honor Me at Mass on every Sunday, not just when it is convenient. My faithful should be able to find at least one hour a week to come to Sunday Mass. If you do not establish a loving relationship with Me, then I may not recognize you when you face Me at your judgment. Daily prayer is also a way of showing Me your love. I died for all souls to show you how much I love each of you. If you truly love Me, you should show your love by more than one hour a week. Give glory and thanks to Me for bringing salvation to all souls. Rejoice with Me as you see new life spring forth from My creation.”


Monday, April 9, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, after Easter Sunday your readings will focus on the accounts of My early Church in the Acts of the Apostles by St. Luke. You are now in the Easter Season that will last up until Pentecost Sunday. St. Peter was announcing My Resurrection, even though the authorities of My time did not want to accept that I rose from the dead. The Holy Spirit enabled My apostles to speak in various languages, and He gave them the courage to evangelize souls in My Name. Even though they risked their lives to speak out, they still continued to spread My Good News. My faithful of today also need to take courage from the Holy Spirit and spread My Good News to all the nations. Reach out to preach My Resurrection, and invite souls into My Church to have eternal salvation. You have been given My gift of faith, and you need to share your gift with as many souls as you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you before about the importance of fresh water for man’s survival. The cheapest source of fresh water comes from rainfall that you can collect and filter. Other fresh water comes from wells and aquifers. Even your Great Lakes contain 20% of the world’s fresh water. My message today is concerned with people who exploit free water for their own monetary gain. You have seen one freshwater plastic bottling company that relies on an aquifer that runs into Lake Michigan. They barely filter the fresh water, and they make millions of dollars selling it to all countries. Other people try to buy water rights to big aquifers in the Midwest, much like they buy oil rights to properties. When you have to distill or use membranes to purify salt water, water becomes much more expensive. This is done on ships or in arid places where it is too expensive to ship water in bulk. Be aware that storing water is also a part of your preparations for the tribulation, not only for drinking, but for using it to reconstitute dried foods. Everyone requires fresh water daily, but if you cannot readily obtain water, then you have a threat to your survival without a backup supply. This is also why all of My refuges need an independent source of water for survival as well. If necessary I will miraculously provide springs of water for your needs. Be thankful that there is plenty of water available, even if it requires purifying.”


Tuesday, April 10, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, Mary Magdalene was crying over My death, but she did not recognize Me in My glorified Body. When I called out her name, she then knew who I was. This is an example to My faithful that you should work on having a personal love relationship with your Lord. If you do not pray to Me or worship Me on Sundays, how am I going to recognize you at your judgment? Do not wait until your deathbed to start learning about Me. You are placed on this earth to know, love, and serve Me, and not to ignore Me. I am your Creator and Lord of your life, so you need to show Me your love if you want to come to heaven. I have shown My love to all of you by dying for your souls on the cross. You need to give Me thanks and love Me for all that I have given you. You have life, air to breathe, sun to see things, and I gave you talents to obtain what you need. You also have My unconditional love despite your sins. Wake up and realize that only by asking for My forgiveness and allowing Me to be the Master of your life, can you be ready for coming to heaven. You would much prefer to be with the One who loves you in heaven, than be with the one who hates you in the flames of hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a lesson in how some flowers only last for a few weeks. This is true also in your current budget deficits. The plan to raise more taxes will not even cover most of the current deficits. Even if your Health Care Law gets by the Supreme Court, the current estimates are for a large increase in cost over the original plan. Your Congress and your President are not making any serious plans to have a balanced budget. Instead of promising more giveaways, it is time to be serious about limiting the largest growing cost which is the rate of increase in your entitlement expenditures. Unless these increases are addressed, your budget deficits will get larger, and even threaten bankruptcy. Some European countries are facing austerity budgets to control their spending. This is because the banks that finance these countries’ debts are asking higher interest rates for riskier loans. In America your Federal Reserve is financing most of your debt, yet they are keeping interest rates at near 0%. This gives no incentive to lower your debt. If the Federal Reserve threatened higher interest rates if your deficits continued, then you also would be forced into austerity budgets. This is why the interest rates are artificially low, and the Federal Reserve is putting more credit into circulation with worthless bonds that are paying for your debt. This is also why a crash of your dollar could come at any time when other countries stop using the dollar as a reserve currency. Be prepared to come to My refuges when the euro and the dollar crash.”


Wednesday, April 11, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, as I walked with My disciples on the road to Emmaus, I was disappointed that they did not fully understand My mission on earth. They were amazed at many of My miracles of healing, and they believed that I was the Messiah from God. But the idea of My dying to redeem all of mankind was still not fully understood. I had told My apostles several times that the Son of Man must die for the people, and I would rise from the dead on the third day. They had seen Me raise several people from the dead, as Lazarus. They did not realize that death had no hold on Me. So I explained to My two disciples all the Scriptures that referred to My coming. They were delighted to have My insights shown to them, and they finally recognized Me in the ‘breaking of the bread’. It is a miracle of faith to believe that My death was the price to redeem all souls from their sins. This is My gift of Myself to all of humanity. I left another miracle with every priest who consecrates the bread and wine into My Body and Blood at the Mass. Now you have Me with you at all times at Holy Communion and in My Hosts in My tabernacles. Rejoice in My victory over sin and death, and also in the gift of My Eucharist.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to say that the Republican primary fight appears to have gone to the candidate with the most money to spend on it. It is hard for any other candidates to get enough financial support to beat a well funded opponent. Most of the political money went to support the front runner, who was also supported by the main party faithful. In the Presidential election, your incumbent President has a huge amount of money already collected for his campaign. The Republican front runner is just starting to get his fall campaign funded, after spending millions of dollars to get his party’s nomination. Just as money was a determining factor in getting the Republican nomination, so money could also affect the outcome in the November election. The one world people are behind the scenes in directing the outcome of these elections so they will have total control over whoever is elected. Pray for the best God-fearing person to win so he can lead your people out of debt. Pray also for your preparations to leave for My refuges when I give you My warning.”


Thursday, April 12, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of My Transfiguration, My apostles saw Me in My glorified Body, just as I appeared to them after My Resurrection. I told them at that time not to reveal that vision until I had risen from the dead. This was a preview of My Resurrection. Then in the Gospel I again showed My glorified Body to My apostles which is why they had some trouble recognizing Me. I showed them My wounds from the nails that were in My hands and feet, and I even ate some baked fish to show them that I was not a ghost. I then reminded them of all the Scriptures of how I had to suffer death as a ransom for all of mankind’s sins. This was similar to My explanation to My disciples on the road to Emmaus. My apostles were incredulous with joy to see Me alive again in My Body. My Body was glorified from My Resurrection experience. My Resurrection is a hope for all of My faithful. One day at the final judgment, My faithful souls will be rejoined with their glorified bodies.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I told you in a previous message that you could see another tsunami in the Pacific Ocean. Recently, you have seen 8.6 and 8.2 earthquakes in Indonesia which caused a 30″ wave on shore. You also have seen evidence that the HAARP machine was on and witnesses saw colored lights before the earthquake happened, which is a signature of it being used. It is unusual to see two 8.0 earthquakes in Indonesia, 7.0 in Mexico, and 5.9 off the coast of Oregon in one day. The next day there was 6.5 and 6.0 in the Gulf of California. The one world people are using this microwave device to cause chaos and reduce the population. This same machine was active in causing some severe tornadoes.”

Jesus said: “My people, growing crops may appear to be a simple process, but it requires adequate watering and fertilizing. There is also a problem with genetically modified seeds which could be giving you adulterated foods that could lead to higher cancer levels. I have given you My perfect plants for food, but man is trying to make crops with insecticides built into the plants. This is upsetting the bees and the insect balance in nature. Many of these modified crops should be researched for any bad effects on your health. It is your seed companies and food growers that are concerned more with making money than providing healthy foods. Pray to have more research done to see any side effects of these modified crops.”

Jesus said: “My people, your recent news reports are claiming one child out of 88 will develop a case of autism. It would appear that there is a recent connection with your vaccines that is causing this increase in autism cases. There is some indication of a connection with human fetal tissue being used to make vaccines that is linked with this current increase in autism. More research should look closely at what parts of your vaccines are causing this problem. America does not have any better health as a result of these vaccines when compared to other countries. It is your drug companies again that should be investigated.”

Jesus said: “My people, your current economy is still struggling with a high level of unemployment. Some signs show an improvement in business, yet wages are still a problem for the average worker. The latest Health Care Law is adding uncertainty to many employers who are having difficulty with increasing health costs. Pray that your jobs will continue to be increased to provide work for your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, America’s dollar has been used as the reserve currency in international trade, especially for purchasing crude oil. I have mentioned to you before that once the dollar loses this status of being the reserve currency, your dollar will decrease in its value. There is no inherent value in a paper dollar. So when too much money is printed, its value will decrease. There are more dollars in credit being formed in Treasury Notes than actual physical dollar bills. Now you are seeing countries, that use a lot of oil, are making separate contracts without using the dollar, but they are using other currencies and gold. As other countries stop buying your Treasury Notes, and they avoid your currency, then the value of the dollar is in jeopardy. Your huge deficits are also decreasing the value of the dollar as the Federal Reserve is buying 62% of your debt. Be prepared for a coming crash of your dollar by storing food and other means of barter. When a crash does come, you will need to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you see the beautiful flowers on your altars, so you are happy to be celebrating the new life of My Resurrection. My Resurrection accounts in your readings are full of joy and many miracles. This season will last up to Pentecost Sunday. The new life in nature helps remove the lack of vegetation from winter. Rejoice in the colors of the flowers, and share your faith with those who want to have Me in their lives. Keep praying for those souls who are not using My sacraments of grace. Do not give up on praying for them, but continue to give them good example in your behavior.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in the octave of Easter, and you will be celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday this weekend. The Divine Mercy Novena of nine days before Divine Mercy Sunday is a great blessing to take away the reparation due for your sins. By Confession, your novena, and other prayers, you can have this blessing which was promoted by St. Faustina. Follow these requirements so you will have less suffering in purgatory.”


Friday, April 13, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you are still celebrating Easter, even as I have been warning you to make preparations to come to My refuges. You remember in the Scriptures how St. Paul spoke of peace, peace, and then there was sudden destruction. I have been giving you messages for many years to be prepared to come to My refuges. Now, this time is growing close and many of My faithful are still not ready to face the coming tribulation. They do not realize that once they leave their homes, they are not going to return to them. This is why you need sleeping blankets, tents, and some food and water to carry to My refuges. You will also need some toiletries and other personal hygiene things. You may have to endure a more rustic living for up to 3 ½ years during the tribulation. There will be some who will be martyred for My Name’s sake, but they will go straight to heaven. Do not be fearful because I will protect you from the evil ones when My angels will make you invisible to them. I have been giving you many details of how to prepare your refuges with extra bedding, multiple fuels in colder climates, food supplies, a water source, and even non-hybrid seeds for growing your crops. You will be going to a modern day Exodus where My angels will provide you daily Communion and deer meat which is similar to the old Exodus. You will have a luminous cross in the sky for healing when you look upon it. You will also see a large angel of protection that will not allow any evil people to enter My refuges. You will have perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament at My refuges. Rejoice, because no matter how evil things will be, you will be safe at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, after My Resurrection St. Peter wanted to go fishing, or he wanted to return to his old profession. I enabled him to have a large catch of fish to show him My power. Then I asked St. Peter if he loved Me three times, and he responded that he did love Me. Then I said: ‘Feed My sheep.’ These three responses were to make up for when St. Peter denied Me three times. I was also trying to show St. Peter that I was sending him and My apostles out to preach My Gospel of love to all the nations. I told him that I would send down My Holy Spirit upon him and My disciples. With the gifts of the Holy Spirit My apostles were given courage to speak out in witness to My Resurrection. They were also given gifts of healing both for the body and the soul in Confession. In today’s world you have your jobs to provide for your families, but you are also called to do works of mercy for everyone. I asked you to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, and to give shelter to the homeless. You can also visit the sick, the elderly, and those in prison. The more you do these things to help people, the more you help Me in these people. By storing up your good works in heaven, you will be preparing yourselves to meet Me at your judgment.”


Saturday, April 14:
Jesus said: “My people, when you are suffering the trials of life, I ask you to invite Me into your souls so I can calm you down from all of your fears and anxieties. It is not easy to deal with all of life’s troubles, but with faith in Me and My graces for you, you can endure anything. In the Gospel reading you have seen how even My apostles did not want to believe that I rose from the dead, even after being told by the women and the two disciples who saw Me in My Body on the road to Emmaus. It was not until they saw Me in person that they believed in My Resurrection. I told them that they believed in Me because they saw Me, but blessed are those people who believe in Me without seeing My Body. It is one thing to believe in Me with your words, but it is a better witness by your actions in your good works. My apostles were blessed by the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, and their infusion of grace and belief in My Name allowed them to heal the crippled man. The Jewish leaders wanted to punish them, but they warned them not to speak in My Name. The two apostles were later beaten for preaching My Name in defiance of the Jewish leaders’ orders. They rejoiced that they could suffer to spread My Gospel. The people of today also want to criticize My faithful for preaching in My Name in public. They have forced My Commandments out of your public buildings and have stopped prayer in your schools. You are persecuted for protesting abortions, and you can be imprisoned for hate crimes for speaking out against homosexual acts that I consider an abomination. My faithful can show Me your love by evangelizing souls. Preach My Good News that I died for your souls to be saved from your sins. Preach that as I resurrected, so My faithful also will be resurrected at the last judgment. Rejoice in My love as My Easter people.”


Sunday, April 15, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I greeted My apostles with ‘Peace be with you.’ I appeared to them in My glorified Body with My wounds in My hands, feet, and My side. They rejoiced to believe in My Resurrection, but St. Thomas was not with them at My first appearance. He later would not believe until he saw Me in the flesh. People may criticize St. Thomas for doubting, but in fact most of the other apostles did not believe either until they saw Me. Once St. Thomas put his hands into My wounds, he exclaimed: ‘My Lord and My God.’ These are the same words that you announce at My Consecration as the priest raises the bread and the wine. These words are an acknowledgment of My Real Presence in My Body and My Blood. I also breathed the Holy Spirit upon My apostles as I said: ‘Whose sins you shall retain, shall be retained in heaven, and whose sins are forgiven, shall be forgiven in heaven.’ This was conferring the sacrament of Holy Orders on My apostles as priests so they could absolve the sins of sinners in Confession. Today is also Divine Mercy Sunday that was promoted by St. Faustina. You have been given the grace of Divine Mercy when you recite her novena and come to Confession within a week before and after this feast. My mercy will forgive the reparation due for your sins which could lessen any punishment in purgatory. You are joyful in My Easter celebration for these fifty days, but you are also rejoicing to receive My Divine Mercy every day that you come to Me in your daily chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3:00 p.m. Remember that when you pray in front of My Divine Mercy image, that you receive extra graces for believing in My Divine Mercy. You have been given all of these opportunities for My graces, so take advantage of My many gifts to you including My gift of Myself in My Blessed Sacrament.”


Monday, April 16, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel spoke of My conversation with Nicodemus when I told him that all of My faithful are called to be ‘born again in the Spirit.’ You have heard how I breathed the Holy Spirit on My apostles. On Pentecost they received the Holy Spirit with flames of fire over each of them. My faithful of today have been baptized and confirmed with the Holy Spirit so you can evangelize souls. The Holy Spirit inspires you and He gives you the words to proclaim to My people. When you are born in the Spirit, you receive My graces every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion. I do not force Myself on you, but I invite you to love Me and spread My Gospel of love. The vision of nature will also be at My refuges, and at My Era of Peace. The grounds of your meeting are beautiful, but when you are brought into My Era of Peace, it will be even more beautiful than this. Before you come to this Era of Peace, you will need to suffer through the tribulation of the Antichrist’s brief reign. Do not have any fear because I will protect My faithful at My refuges. Rejoice in My hope of your future resurrection, and trust in My protection always.”


Tuesday, April 17, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you are still celebrating My Resurrection as My Easter people. You are realizing the importance of My death and Resurrection as now souls are able to come to heaven once they have been tried in this life and most have been purified in purgatory. I love all of My souls so much, and I provide everyone an opportunity to be saved by My ransom of souls. Only I could provide the worthy sacrifice for all of your sins. Now you can show Me your love in your Masses, prayers, and donations of charity in money and your good works. By your donations to the missions and your own food shelves, you are sharing your wealth with the poor much like the Early Christians who shared their money in common. I have given you many gifts, and your charity donations show your love for Me and your neighbors. Many of the accounts in the Scriptures give you good example of how to lead a good Christian life. The good works that you do, can balance off any reparation due for your sins at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how dangerous it is to be in a swampy area that has snakes and alligators. This is just a sign in nature how there are dangers in both the physical and the spiritual worlds. You are living in an evil age where the demons are holding on to people in their addictions. This is why people are addicted to alcohol, pornography, and even computer programs on the internet. Evil takes many forms, but the worst is the taking of life in your abortions. Without any immigrants coming in, America’s birth rate would cause a decrease in your population. Some of your people are using birth control, contraceptives, and pills as a means of not having many children that would interfere with their lifestyles of pleasure. You need to call on My help and that of My angels to protect you from the temptations of the devil. You are in a daily battle of good and evil, so keep praying and wearing your blessed sacramentals for protection from the evil ones.”


Wednesday, April 18, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel reading (John 3:16) is famous to everyone when My Father sent His only begotten Son to save My people with My death that gives everyone an opportunity for eternal life. In the vision you see Me as the Light that disperses the darkness. Those, who do evil deeds, do not want to come near My Light which would reveal their evil works. But My faithful are drawn to My Light of grace because you can come to Me for all of your needs. If you seek to have your sins forgiven and allow Me to be the Master of your lives, then truly you will be on the right road to heaven. My Light will guide you, and show you the way to fulfill your mission. This gift to My faithful of eternal life in heaven is a reward for believing in Me and imitating My life. Take advantage of My gift and accept Me into your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of beautiful purple flowers show you how life is full of sorrows, but yet there are beautiful moments of joy when I send you a reward for following Me in your works. There is beauty in nature, and everything that I provide for you is made perfectly. It is your actions that need to be perfected in obeying My Commandments. Man has manipulated the plants and animals to his own liking with no regard that I made everything perfectly for your use. When I come to defeat the evil ones, I will need to renew the earth so I can prepare My faithful for an Era of Peace in a perfect world. This new Era will be your reward for being faithful to My call. Rejoice in My Easter message of love where you are called to go out to all the nations to spread My Good News, and evangelize souls to the faith so they could be saved from hell.”


Thursday, April 19, 2012: (Funeral for Henry Mitalski-Carla’s uncle)
Jesus said: “My people, in your life time you just scratch the surface of things that you could learn about in this short life on earth. The spiritual world is another realm of knowledge which is focused on a battle for souls. You will not be judged on your knowledge, status, or how much money you have. You will be judged on your actions, and how you loved Me and your neighbors. My Commandments of love are your spiritual guides as you should do everything out of love for Me. Keep focused on Me throughout your lives, and I will lead you to your home in heaven. Pray for Henry and have Masses said for him, as he will be praying for all of you. Strive for the higher levels of heaven in all that you do to carry out My mission for each of you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing various places where statues and icons are weeping tears of oil, and even blood in some rare instances. These weeping statues are occurring because of heaven’s response to all the abortions being committed. There are also many sexual sins, as your society is turning its back on Me. Pray for sinners, especially for the lukewarm who are spiritually lazy when they do not come to Sunday Mass. Do not refuse My graces by not coming to Mass, but come to Communion so you will have strength to fight the devil’s temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, many places offer free flu shots that your government is paying for. The vaccines are made by your drug companies who are making a good profit. It is sad that some shots are using aborted fetal cells to make the vaccines instead of animal cells. It is safer to reject these flu shots which are causing more harm to your immune system than they are helping. I have asked you to take Hawthorn pills, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system. You will need this protection when the evil ones will try to spread a new Bird Flu that will be contagious and deadly. This is the pandemic virus that will be spread by chemtrails to reduce the population.”

Jesus said: “My people, a good number of My faithful are working to set up refuges for the coming tribulation. Some refuges will be found in caves or dug out houses in the side of a hill or in the mountains. My angels will be guarding My refuges, and they will protect My faithful. You will need full trust in Me when you come to My refuges. Those refuges, where they have stocked food and water, will have these necessities multiplied as more people come to My refuges. My faithful will have an invisible shield around them, and a luminous cross of healing at My refuges. Trust in Me to provide for your needs throughout the whole tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing millions of abortions carried out each year, and most of these mothers have no feeling about killing their babies. Killing a defenseless little baby is about the worst abuse that you could do to My children. You know how much I love the little children, and I am crying like your statues to see these killings continue every day. This killing is an evil in your society that can never truly be justified. Your country will suffer greatly for all of these crimes. Your people need to realize that the death culture’s abortions are the worst and most brutal means of reducing your population. Pray for abortions to be stopped, or your punishment will be even worse.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is a hard task to carry through with building and stocking a refuge with food and fuel. Those faithful, who have chosen a particular refuge to come to, may consider helping with money and food donations, or even some physical labor. Many people, who come to refuges later, will be forming communities to help each other through the coming tribulation. Be grateful to all those people who have volunteered to set up a refuge. Helping them could be your best gesture to show your appreciation for their work.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you are not setting up a refuge, you could also think of possibly bringing as much food and bedding that you could bring in your vehicle. If you can bring more than one vehicle, you could help by bringing even more food. Whatever food and bedding that you could bring, it would be multiplied and a help to support the refuge of your choice. If many people would do this, it would help those people who are setting up refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people first come to My refuges, it is going to be a huge task to organize it with people doing various chores. You need to determine what skills people have, and hopefully they could bring their tools of their trade. Once you allocate the skills, then one or more people need to plan what is needed most. Setting up housing and bedding even in tents will be first. Then setting up places for food preparation would be next. You will need to farm crops or pray for food to be multiplied. Organize a means of water for drinking, bathing, and washing dishes and clothes. Plan for your hygiene needs and possibly a place for latrines. In colder climates you may need wood or other fuels for heat and cooking. All of your major needs will be provided, but all the people in the community will have to make their own work contribution.”


Friday, April 20, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading about Gamaliel (Acts 5:29-39) you are seeing a conflict between the Jewish leaders and the two apostles who wanted to preach My Gospel of love and salvation. St. Peter was defying the leaders because he told them: ‘We must obey God rather than men.’ This principle applied then, and it also applies to your situation in today’s time. If you are preaching My Word to follow, and you meet opposition from either the secular or religious people, then you also need to keep preaching so souls can be saved. You will face Godless people in the secular world, and even some misled people in the religious world who will try to silence your mission. I have given you My messages to spread, and your mission is to help save souls from going to hell. So follow Me as much as you can without letting men interfere with your mission. Gamaliel suggested to the Jewish leaders to leave My apostles alone, as he gave examples how other men arose and then their followers were dispersed. (Acts 5:38, 39) ‘So now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone. For if this plan or work is of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow it.’ Indeed, My apostles had a mission from God, and I have told you that the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church. You are about to see a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This schismatic church will teach New Age principles which are not of God. It is My faithful remnant that will be protected from the gates of hell. My remnant church will eventually have to go underground because of an evil persecution. Keep faithful to My teachings and avoid any churches that teach New Age. As your persecution starts to threaten your lives, I will warn you when it is time to come to My refuges. Have no fear of the evil ones because My power is greater, and you will be protected by My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, every day you look into the mirror when you are washing up. Sometimes you stop to notice how your face has changed over the years as you grow older. You do not know how many more days or years that you have left, but you know one day that you will die. At times you should recollect how you are progressing in your faith, and if you are improving or not each year in your love for Me. I have asked everyone to strive to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect in heaven. If you are to strive for perfection, that means you should work to improve on your spiritual life every year. If you find yourself falling into bad habits, then you need to make an extra effort to get rid of these sinful habits. Start working on your most frequent sin, and focus on how I would act to help fight that sin. Read some good spiritual books like the various lives of the saints so you could imitate their good traits. Call on Me, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit to send our blessings and graces to you so you can be healed of any sinful habits. If you are being attacked by the evil spirits, you can call on Me and I will send you My angels to protect you from these temptations. Trust in Me and work to keep your peace in your soul guarded from all earthly distractions and troubles. By focusing on Me in all that you do, you will have My grace to improve on your perfection so you are ready to meet Me at your judgment on the day that you die.”


Saturday, April 21, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, after St. Peter received the power of the Holy Spirit, he and My apostles started to proclaim the Good News of My Resurrection in various languages. They proclaimed My Gospel of love even though they risked persecution and even death. All the apostles except St. John were eventually martyred for their faith in Me. My people of today have less risk of martyrdom in proclaiming My Good News. Persecution of My faithful is increasing, and you will have to go underground for your worship of Me before you come to My refuges. I have asked you to share your food, money, and your talents with your neighbors. You can also share your faith with those who you meet. By evangelizing souls, you will help them to avoid hell, and you will be helping Me in them as well.”


Sunday, April 22, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were still having reservations about My Resurrection after hearing accounts from the women and My two disciples. Then I appeared in their midst, and that appearance ended any doubts of My Resurrection. I showed them My wounds in My hands and feet, and I ate some fish to let them know that I was not a ghost. I let them touch Me to see that I was present in the flesh. Their joy knew no bounds, and they were happy to have Me back among them for a short time. I made several appearances to My apostles to encourage them in their mission to spread My Good News of My Resurrection. I loved My apostles when I was on the earth in the flesh, and I did not want to lose any of them except for My betrayer who was led by Satan to kill himself. As My apostles believed in Me, so I want My faithful to believe in Me as well, even without seeing Me. I said: ‘Peace be with you,’ to My apostles, and I say the same to My faithful. Rejoice as you read from the Acts of the Apostles and My Gospels about the many beautiful happenings after My Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just heard a beautiful concert where the conductor was leading the various instruments as they played music in harmony together. I am showing you a vision of the stars, and a vision of people’s various skills. If you look at My angels, the beauty of nature, and the beauty of mankind, you can see that I am like a conductor drawing everything together in My harmony of love. I have given the angels and mankind free will to follow Me or not. Some of the angels refused to serve Me, and their disharmony was punished in hell. Even all of mankind is in a weakened state where there is disharmony in sin, wars, and killings. You have been given an example in My life to imitate, and you have My Commandments to keep order and harmony. When you follow My ways, My faithful can make beautiful music together in fulfilling the work of their missions. Those people, who want to follow their own way, can cause disharmony, and they will be punished accordingly. I ask you to look at the harmony in nature and the stars, and you can see how to follow Me so you can be in harmony with My love. I desire that all of you would seek a loving relationship with Me. I can then use you to help each other with your individual skills to make a beautiful world in concert with your Master Conductor. This world has been infected with evil, but a time is coming in My victory when all the evil demons and evil people will be removed to hell. Then once again you will see a beautiful harmony with nature when I will renew the earth in My Era of Peace. After My faithful are perfected, you will see the perfection in heaven that will be a delight to see Me in My beatific vision. Rejoice as you strive to be in harmony with My love through My sacramental graces.”


Monday, April 23, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw the people searching for Me in the boats right after I had multiplied the bread and fish for the thousands of people. I asked them if they were looking to receive more food at first, but then I asked them to follow Me because of the works that I was doing. They asked Me what works of God are they to perform. Then I told them: (John 6:29) ‘This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.’ This was a hard saying for them to understand because they did not understand how God the Father had sent Me to earth in order to die for mankind’s sins. They accepted that I was a prophet because of My miracles, but they would have difficulty in believing that I was the Son of God. My faithful believe in Me because they accept that I am the Messiah, the Son of the living God. You also know that you can come to Me in prayer because I told you that I would give you what you ask of Me. I do answer your prayers, but not always in the way that you desire. I answer your prayers in My time, and I help those in ways that will best help their souls. Just as the people wanted more bread, there is more to life than just living on bread alone. I feed My faithful in Communion where I feed the soul more than just the body because I am the Bread of life. Seek first the kingdom of God, and everything else will be given to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, a while ago I pointed out a circling eye wall of a storm out West being caused by the HAARP machine. In your latest snow storm in the Northeast you are seeing another swirling storm that looked like a hurricane. When you see a storm over an area for a long time, this is another signature of the HAARP weather making machine. You are seeing unusual amounts of snow, flooding, and some power outages. These weather disasters are designed to cause chaos and disruption of your infrastructures. Enough disasters could give your authorities more reason to declare emergencies and local martial law testing. Between major earthquakes and weather disasters, the one world people have a machine at their disposal that could cause disasters wherever and whenever they desire. This is why information on the HAARP machine is being censored by your media so the one world people can cover their devastating secrets.”


Tuesday, April 24, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you see in the vision how I fashion the vases, as you are the clay and I am the potter. I make you as earthen vessels to hold your souls that I treasure so much. This human condition is how I lived for thirty-three years, so I know all of your pains and difficulties. It is not easy to find work and bear with it to provide for your food, and any health problems. Even in today’s reading you could be endangered by your own religious beliefs in Me. St. Stephen died a martyr’s death as he defended Me. Certain people cannot stand to hear the truth, so they strike out at those who bother their conscience. They find ways to either kill religious people, or to silence them in prison or take away their money. You will soon be seeing more persecution of My faithful as the evil ones are preparing the way for the coming Antichrist. I do not want My faithful to take up weapons to kill their persecutors, but I will provide My angel protection at My refuges. Once your lives are threatened with martial law or mandatory chips in the body, I will warn you when it is time to come to My refuges. You can come to heaven as a martyr, or you can follow your guardian angels to My places of safe havens.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people in America take their freedom for granted without realizing how many people had to die to gain your freedom from England, and other dictators. Many recent wars have been trumped up by the one world people for financial gain, and to weaken your military. Your Air Force and Navy have been shrinking in planes and ships. Your Army ranks are barely able to support one small war. The one world people want to take over America so they are stripping your strength and increasing your debts to near bankruptcy. It is sad that these events are going on, and the people are unaware that their freedoms are slipping away. Your country’s abortions and sexual sins are so rampant that America’s punishment will be allowed to come with a new world order takeover. If your people continue to turn your backs on Me, and they do not repent of their sins, then your destruction as a nation is imminent. Evil will be allowed its hour during the tribulation, but I will protect My faithful, and then My victory will cast the evil ones into hell. You will then rejoice in your reward in My Era of Peace. Be patient and trust in My power which is greater than all of the evil ones put together.”


Wednesday, April 25, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many deacons and helpers who assisted My apostles in My Early Church. St. Luke and St. Mark are not only evangelists, but they were some of the early workers as well. It was the Acts of the Apostles that has given you much information about how My Church was started and how the Gospel was proclaimed with healings and signs as in My own ministry. I protected My apostles for a while, but eventually they were martyred except for St. John. This kind of persecution will be revisited as you approach the time of the tribulation with the Antichrist. Even despite this persecution, I want My faithful to evangelize as many souls as possible because you have little time left before the Antichrist declares himself. This vision of the flooded car in the street is a sign that your weather is going to become more violent with more destruction. A good portion of this increase will be man-made by the HAARP machine. You normally see shifts in your weather from the cold and warm waters of the Pacific Ocean. Now you are seeing unusual jet streams coming closer to the earth, and stronger tornadoes and hurricanes than usual. Be prepared for such events again with your stored food, water, and blankets. Even your temperatures have been swinging back and forth from hot to cold. See these things as signs of the end times coming closer.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you have been admiring the beauty of nature in My flowers and trees. Each flower has its own special shape, color, and even pleasing aromas as in the lilacs. When you look at human beings, there is not only a pleasing appearance, but you are interacting with loving the inner spirit that I placed in each body. This is how you come to love your wife or your husband, as you want to do all that you can for each other. A married couple shares a deeper personal love that is more than a casual friendship. The two become one flesh as I created Adam and Eve. When you see pictures or visions of Me as a human being, you are seeing a pure Spirit without sin. Your love for Me is on an agape spiritual level which even goes beyond human love. I desire to have a deep loving personal relationship with each soul because I created you as an extension of My love. Once you are with Me in heaven, you will experience a peace and such a personal love for Me that you will even become one with Me. When I have given you such an experience, you did not want to return to this life. This life is a test of your faith in Me, and it is also a place to work on perfecting your love for Me. Every time that you visit Me in Adoration or receive Me in Holy Communion, you have a small taste of heaven, and My deep personal love for you.”


Thursday, April 26, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, many of your metals, as iron, have to be heated to very hot temperatures in furnaces in order to purify the metal, and mold it into the desired shape. In a different way My souls need to be purified in Confession to absolve them from their sins, so they can be worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion. Even souls after their bodies die, need to be purified in purgatory, and some with flames of punishment. You have heard in the Gospel that ‘I am the Bread of life.’ At the Mass the priest consecrates the Host, and he changes the bread and wine into My Body and Blood through transubstantiation. I ask you in faith to believe in My Real Presence in My Host, even though the form of the bread does not change. Because this is My holy Body, this is why My faithful need to have pure souls in order to be worthy of receiving Me. Pray an Act of Contrition to remove any venial sins, but mortal sins need to be cleansed in Confession through Me in the priest. Do not receive Me in mortal sin, or you will be committing another sin of sacrilege. Keep your soul cleansed with frequent Confession so when I come to take you home, you will be prepared to meet Me at your judgment.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have a network of air freight and large trailer trucks that deliver your food to your local grocery stores. These stores keep only three days supply of food to keep your stores full. If there is something to keep these trucks from their deliveries, many people could go hungry. I have suggested for some time to have about one year’s supply of food on hand for each person in your household. You can buy this over time, and food is not that expensive compared to gold and silver that you cannot eat. If you do not have much money, or little space to store food, then I will multiply what you need until you leave for My refuges. A man-made famine is coming, so have some food on hand.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you to be prepared for a coming bird flu epidemic that will be contagious and deadly. There has already been news of such an experiment in Dutch labs. One of the goals of the one world people is to reduce the population by the use of a pandemic virus. I have suggested that My people have surgical masks, and take Hawthorn pills, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system. Once you see people dying from this new bird flu, then I will warn you to leave for My refuges where you will be healed by looking on My luminous cross in the sky, or by drinking My healing spring water.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of violent weather that comes in the spring in the form of tornadoes. You also have seen snow and cold after your trees and plants came out with early warm weather. Some farmers are claiming losses with their fruit crops that could be harmed by the buds freezing. You will see continuous weather problems that could threaten your food crops. Again be prepared with some extra food. I will provide for your needs, so call on Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a battle between those who want to do away with fossil fuels, and your energy companies that provide coal, oil, and natural gas. If you did not have cheap fuels, you would have less travel, and a much lower standard of living. Minimizing your air and water pollution is a goal, but it is difficult to find enough non-polluting fuels or methods to take the place of your existing fuel needs. Your people will need to have a compromise, or your power plants will be closing.”

Jesus said: “My people, a good number of your manufacturing jobs have been exported to sources of cheaper labor, and many are not going to return. Many of your college and high school graduates are going to have a hard time competing with the skilled workers that are still seeking jobs. Your government already provides 20% of your jobs, but they do not really produce anything except wages for your economy. Until your economy is allowed to prosper, your job growth will be slower than most recoveries. Pray for more jobs, but you cannot depend on long term unemployment benefits and welfare to answer all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you do not realize how desperate you will be in order to find a place of safety from the evil ones who will threaten to kill My faithful. These evil ones, who are led by the Antichrist, will be seeking to kill those who believe in God, and those who will not go along with the new world order. Fear not, My people, because My angels will lead you to the nearest refuge of safety where they will make you invisible to these evil ones. Food and shelter will be given to you at My refuges which is why you will be thankful that I am calling many people to set up refuges of protection. When you put your full trust in Me, I will provide for all of your necessities.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are already living in a police state as your government is already setting up detention centers to place millions of people when martial law is declared. I am showing you many places of refuges that will be located at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, monasteries, holy ground places as farms, and even caves. When the coming persecution threatens your lives and souls, I will warn you when it is time to come to My refuges. Once you are warned, call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to My nearest refuge. Do not delay, or you could risk martyrdom when the men in black will come to your homes to force a mandatory chip in your body. Refuse to take any chip in your body because it will control your mind and your free will.”


Friday, April 27, 2012: (Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, Saul was converted to St. Paul when he was thrown from his horse with My great Light. He was blind for a few days until My servant, Ananias, laid hands on his eyes to heal him. Once he saw clearly again, he followed Me and became one of My greatest missionaries for the faith. You are reading many of his epistles during the Church Year. So it is with My disciples of today. I want all of My faithful to see clearly that evangelizing and saving souls is your mission. Some of you have been given different gifts for different missions. Do not criticize each other, and do not be jealous that one mission seems more important than another. Be joyful in doing your duty for Me because I need all of you to help Me in this final battle for souls with the evil ones. Take courage because My angels will do battle for you. Just call on My help, and I will send My angels to help you.”

Jesus said: “My people, subways are very vulnerable in earthquake areas. Earthquakes have been happening more often, even at 7.0 and beyond 8.0. Severe earthquakes can be devastating to utilities and your means of transportation. This is why I have advised My people to live away from the ocean, and away from earthquake fault lines. Those, who live in such areas, are living there at their own risk. It is bad enough that earthquakes occur, but now you have man-made earthquakes being caused by the HAARP machine. Remember that I warned you about the New Madrid fault and the San Andreas fault as the next targets. Be ready with some extra food if your transportation lines are stopped by earthquakes. If these earthquakes are severe enough, they could even cause a national martial law when you may have to come to My refuges. Pray for My protection. At My refuges you will be safe from any earthquakes.”


Saturday, April 28, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are continuing to see the emphasis on My Real Presence in the consecrated bread and wine. Some of My disciples could not accept that I would give them My Body to eat and My Blood to drink, so they left My company. When I asked My apostles if they would leave Me also, St. Peter said: (John 6:69) ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of everlasting life.’ This was acknowledging their belief in My words when I said: (John 6:54) ‘Unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you.’ Even today a majority of Catholics do not believe in My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. If My people truly believed this, they would have more reverence for My Eucharist, and I would see more people coming to Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. In the vision you are seeing the various levels of heaven which are what you should be focused on now for after your death. Striving for the higher levels of heaven should be your goal in pleasing Me with your prayers, Adoration, and good works. Enter through the narrow gate to follow Me, instead of the broad road that leads to hell. If you are so focused on desiring heaven, then take the next step to seek the higher levels of heaven as well. All those, who believe in Me and live their faith in their actions, will rejoice in their reward with Me in heaven at the end of this life.”


Sunday, April 29, 2012: (Good Shepherd Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Mass was special for you as you watched the young girls and boys dressed for their First Holy Communion. Some of you may be able to remember your own First Holy Communion, and how innocent you were in those early years of your life. You may have lost some of your innocence, but with frequent Confession, you can keep a pure soul. The Gospel speaks of how I left the ninety-nine together in the desert as I went off to search for the lost sheep. I am always drawing My flock of souls to Me as I love you tenderly. I asked My disciples to bring the little children to Me as these First Communicants. These are My little lambs that I carry on My shoulder. The sheep know the voice of their shepherd, and they follow him. My faithful also know My voice, and I call you to come to receive Me worthily in Holy Communion as often as you can. When you receive Me in Communion, I am present in your soul for awhile. Enjoy these intimate moments with Me as I share My graces with you in helping you on your path to heaven. Keep focused on Me as you receive My Body and Blood which will bring you eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the young people are so taken up with entertainment stars that they have little time for Me or the saints in their lives. You have seen how difficult it is to find the young people at Sunday Mass or at prayer groups. I understand after working or going to school all week, that people need some entertainment time. But I am their Creator, and I should deserve some time in their lives. Young people should not always expect to be entertained at Mass, but they should try to understand how much I love them that I died to save their souls. They know in their young lives about their desire in loving a boyfriend or a girlfriend. They should take this love one step higher in loving Me. If they would give Me some of their time to have a personal relationship with Me, they would be overwhelmed when they pray with Me. Satan has distracted today’s youth with fame, materialism, and electronic gadgets. Pornography, bad movies, and games have captured the attention of the youth, but they need to be focused more on beautiful and chaste things. Parents need to give their children good examples to follow and encourage their children to come closer to Me in their prayer life and weekly Sunday Mass. If the children do not see My influence in the lives of the parents, then the children will not seek Me in their lives. Pray for your youth to come to Me more in their needs, and seek My help in their daily problems.”


Monday, April 30, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, every Easter you celebrate My victory over sin and death. This means that since My death the gates of heaven have been opened to worthy souls who have been purified for heaven. My victory over sin is now available in Confession where your sins can be forgiven and absolved by the priest. Another victory is coming soon when the Antichrist and Satan will be cast into hell along with the demons and evil people who did not choose to love Me. Satan’s time is short, and that is why this current battle for souls has become so intense. You need to evangelize as many souls to the faith as you can so you can save these souls from hell. I have shown you how hateful the souls are in hell, but there is such a hopeless feeling for these souls that they will never see Me again. Pray for all sinners that they will be led to follow Me eventually to heaven. You would much rather be with the One who loves you in heaven, than the one who hates you in hell. I love all of you, and I am drawing you to Me with My sacramental graces. Rejoice in My coming victory over evil when you will come to My reward in My Era of Peace and finally to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is appropriate to make a visit to the Shrine of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha where she lived for a while. Especially, because she will be canonized a saint by My Church this year. She died at a young age, but she had a great love for Me and her people who she served. She contracted a disease from serving the sick, and she died from this as well. Miraculously, her lesions disappeared after her death. Rejoice in her sainthood as My Church acknowledges the miracles through her intercession.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am happy to see all of My faithful who are here praying My Blessed Mother’s rosary. It is true that I am with you when you pray together for your intentions. Many times you see
it raining where people honor My Blessed Mother. These are the heavenly tears of sorrow for all the sinners who need forgiveness of their sins. Keep praying for all sinners and the souls in purgatory. There was a message that I gave on February 10, 2012 that spoke of the coming harvest of souls when I come to judge the souls of the earth. This picture that you are showing the people, is about Me as Christ the King, and I am asking My faithful to be ready with pure souls because you do not know when I will come. Come to frequent Confession, and you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”


Tuesday, May 1, 2012: (St. Joseph, the worker)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve committed the original sin by taking the fruit of the forbidden tree because they listened to the devil’s lies. As a consequence of their sin, they were put out of the Garden of Eden, and they had to work by the sweat of their brow in order to work for a living in providing their food and shelter. From this early event men and women have been working as well for their daily bread. Only in recent years have women been forced to work outside of the home in the general work place. Work helps to provide the skills needed to help everyone in each person’s daily necessities. By your working, you help other people in their struggle for survival. Farmers provide your food to eat, and many other workers provide for your other needs. Your work compensation helps you to buy food, houses, and cars for your livelihood. I remind people that you are here on this earth to know, love, and serve Me. So accumulating a lot of wealth is not your main goal. Keep everything in perspective by sharing your wealth and your time to help your neighbors with good works.”

Jesus said: “My people, when one of your friends is afflicted with a stroke or cancer, you are quick to go and see that person and to comfort him or her with your presence. You have seen Me heal many people in the Gospel, and it was the people’s faith in My healing that healed them. Keep praying that your friends can be healed with My grace and your faith in Me to heal them. Ask Me to send down My angels to comfort them, and help your friends on the road to recovery. You have fasted and prayed novenas for healing, so you can do so again for the recent events in your life. Trust that I can enable a quicker recovery, and to stop any cancers from getting worse. Life and your health is a precious gift, and it is when you see yourself or another with a health problem that you realize the thin line between health and sickness or being incapacitated. Pray for your own health, and for that of your loved ones, especially those who are sick or have strokes.”


Wednesday, May 2, 2012: (St. Anthanasius)
Jesus said: “My people, there were some early heresies where people did not believe in My Divinity. It is still a mystery how I could be God and human with both natures in My Incarnation. Even My apostles did not fully understand My Divine nature. It was through the power of the Holy Spirit that My Divinity was revealed to St. Peter when he exclaimed: ‘Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ My apostles witnessed My miracles, and they finally believed in My Resurrection, once I appeared to them in the flesh. It is also a belief in faith that I am truly Present to you in My consecrated Host and Wine. Many miracles of blood on the hosts were allowed to help people believe in My Real Presence. My faithful recite the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed at Mass which professes My Divinity and My human nature. Even if some people do not believe in My Divinity or My Real Presence in the Host, it does not change the reality of your beliefs, and that I am truly the Son of God.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some years you see your grass has died out in spots either from a lack of water, or heavy shade from your trees. You know how difficult it is to re-seed large portions of your lawn. You can see a parallel with physically planting grass seed, and planting the seeds of faith in open souls. With a lawn you need to have good soil to receive the seed which could mean adding new rich topsoil. Then you rake in the seed and water it continuously each day for a week or two. You also noticed that you need warm weather to grow the grass. With souls you need to have them open to receive My message of love in their hearts. You may have to prepare them with an RCIA program. Then you plant the seed of faith with them. In order for the seed of faith to take root, you may have to nurture this budding faith with repetition and a good example from a faithful person. Each new candidate will need to study and practice the faith which he or she is learning. Teaching each convert about having a personal love relationship with Me can be fed by adopting a daily prayer life. Each soul must come to know Me daily, and not just by coming one hour a week to Sunday Mass. Frequent Confession will also be needed to cleanse each convert’s sins. With proper training and nurturing, you can evangelize souls to be saved from hell. This is the best way to follow your mission by leading souls to Me for their salvation in My graces.”


Thursday, May 3, 2012: (Sts. Philip & James)
Jesus said: “My people, at times you receive criticism for talking about refuges where some say they are not in the Bible. At this point in time in non-communist countries you are not openly persecuted to the point of martyrdom for your faith. Yet in the Early Church, Christians were being martyred, so that they practiced their faith secretly in the catacombs. Even the prophets were threatened with death because the people did not want to hear the prophet’s words of repentance for their sins. As a result Elijah hid in a cave at Mt. Carmel in Haifa, Israel to avoid being killed. As in this vision, I even told you that where necessary, My angels would carve out caves for your safe havens. I am giving you a message of hope during the tribulation that My angels will protect you at My refuges by making you invisible to your persecutors. You will have to leave your homes, if they are not refuges, so you can be led by your guardian angels to your safe havens. I will provide for your food and shelter, and My angels will defend you from the evil ones.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I listen to all of your prayers, but you are praying a special prayer for Eileen, your prayer group member and daily Mass member. She is being watched over by Me and My Blessed Mother. I know she is in your thoughts for recovery from her stroke. Keep praying for her with your novenas as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your friends or relatives have a sudden illness, stroke, or heart attack, you should find it in your heart to visit them as a support in their hour of need. The family and the patient will appreciate your visit, and your concern for their health. It is also comforting for the family to know that you are praying for the patient’s recovery.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in a tense military condition when you see nations such as North Korea and Iran testing missiles, especially multi-staged missiles. You are concerned about any possible attack on Iran from Israel to stop their nuclear bomb making. Even as you see many threats around the world, some are downgrading your Defense capabilities. Compromise is better than war, but with dangerous nations, you need to be prepared.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of your new technologies, you are producing more oil and natural gas than usual. Your natural gas has become so abundant that the price has dropped. As more uses are found for natural gas, you will be even less dependent on foreign oil. You are still seeing conflicts between those who want green energy sources and those who want your fossil fuels. Many so called ‘green sources’ are not able to replace the need for your fossil fuels. Some compromises need to be made with your government and your energy producers.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this Easter Season it is a joy to read the healing accounts in the Acts of the Apostles. You have heard of some healing even today when people pray and lay hands on the sick. I have told you that there will be more people with healing gifts as you approach the end times. Even at My refuges, people will be healed by looking on My luminous cross in the sky and by drinking the spring water. Give praise and glory to Me for
all the miraculous healing of My people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the United Nations at work in trying to help nations and minimize wars. I am warning you that the one world people are always manipulating such organizations to help them in their goal for a new world order with a one world government. Follow the money that is spent by the UN to see what their agendas are. The International Monetary Fund is another organization that is used by the one world people. These organizations get some of their funding from your taxpayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you were at the doctor’s office recently, you noticed how everything is being recorded on computers for your health records. You also are seeing your voting machines becoming more computerized as well. While computers are helpful for storing data, they also are prime targets for attacks from computer experts. You are using your fourth new charge card in a few years because of people stealing many charge card numbers. This is why your health records and your voting numbers are at risk from such computer hackers. This could compromise your health information to others and threaten any close elections. In some areas your old methods had better security than today’s computers.”


Friday, May 4, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, man has been very prolific in the many cities and buildings that he has made. Do not get so wrapped up in your business enterprises that you leave Me out of your life. I know that you have earthly concerns to provide for your families in their needs, but you have spiritual needs for your souls as well. In the Gospel, St. Thomas asked Me to show him the way to God the Father. That is when I told him: ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me. When My people come to Me in their Warning experience, I will give these same words to everyone. It does not matter what you believe in your religions because you can only come to heaven through Me. That is because I paid the ransom for every soul. Once you come back into your bodies after the Warning, you will have an opportunity to praise Me, and follow Me in all that you do. You will have a burning desire to repent of your sins in whatever way that you can. For Catholics it is in Confession that you are forgiven and cleansed of your sins. If you imitate My life and obey My Commandments, you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen gold and silver refined in an earthly setting, but I want to see My faithful souls purified in a spiritual setting. You all have souls, as you are made up of body and soul as a human being. I love your souls, and I desire to save as many souls for heaven that will love Me in return. You all are weak to sin because of your fallen nature, but I have given you My sacrament of Penance so you can cleanse your sins. I have also given you an opportunity for plenary indulgences with My Divine Mercy. If people die and they still have reparation due to make up for their sins, there is also purgatory to purify your soul. With all of these means available to refine your impurities of sin, then you need to take advantage of My gifts in order to gain heaven. By prayers, good works, and obedience to My Commandments, you can be set on the right path to heaven. I can purify souls when they seek My forgiveness and repent of their sins. I will always accept a repentant sinner back into My good graces. Seek to love Me always, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven for all eternity.”


Saturday, May 5, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul and Barnabas were teaching about Me in Antioch, and many of the Jews came to believe in Me at the synagogues. So many people were following St. Paul that the Jewish leaders stirred up a rebellion against him. St. Paul then said: (Acts 13:46) ‘It was necessary that the Word of God should be spoken to you first, but since you reject it and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold, we now turn to the Gentiles.’ The Gentiles were delighted to hear the Word of God, and St. Paul became a true missionary for the Gentiles. Because St. Paul and Barnabas were expelled from Antioch, they shook off the dust from their feet in protest against them. These disciples were very much led by the Holy Spirit. (Acts 13:52) ‘And the disciples continued to be filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.’ It was their faith in Me, and the joy of sharing My message that inspired St. Paul to continue on in his missionary work for My Church, even among the Gentiles.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President is already showing you where he is going to focus his campaign. He has reminded you of his killing of Osama bin Laden by his recent trip to Afghanistan. He is emphasizing his lead with women and the young voters. He is also typically campaigning in the states that are too close to call. Currently, he has a collection of campaign funds that are ten times that of his likely opponent. With the media on his side, as well as being an incumbent President, it will be difficult to unseat him. His biggest threat to his re-election will be if the economy gets worse or if gasoline prices and unemployment remain high. I have mentioned before that the one world people control both parties. It does not matter which candidate wins when their cabinet members are picked by the one world people. The Cabinet members all belong to the same one world organizations. I also have mentioned that several events could have an influence on your coming election. I repeat My words from before that you should pray for the most God-fearing candidate to win.”


Sunday, May 6, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel spoke of Me as the vine and you are the branches. Without Me you can do nothing. It is only from My vine that you can produce fruit. The most important fruit is to evangelize souls for heaven in conversions. You nurture your soul by receiving Me in Holy Communion as you receive My graces. It is by My Bread that you will have eternal life. When you come to Church, you are called to share your treasure, talent, and time with the people. It is this giving of self to help others that I call all of My faithful to share. When you receive Holy Communion, you are receiving the Blessed Trinity in all Three Persons-God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Watching the young boys and girls receive their First Holy Communion is a joy to see the children brought to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, at your Mass this morning the children were given rosaries touched where I was born in Bethlehem as a help to pray daily. I love the little children, and they need to be protected from abuse and given good example in how to live a good Christian life. A child can learn things very easily, and that is why they should be taught good things instead of any sinful things. Having a good daily prayer life can help them through life’s trials. Parents need to help their children to learn the faith, and to see how important it is to come to frequent Confession and to Sunday Mass. Parents can also give good example by visiting My tabernacle to give praise and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Teach them also about My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. If parents and teachers do not teach these things to their children, then how are they going to know how to have a good love relationship with their Lord? My parents are responsible for their children’s souls as much as you can help them, even after they leave your home. Pray every day for My help and My Blessed Mother’s help in bringing your children’s souls to heaven.”


Monday, May 7, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I have asked you to follow My Commandments out of love for Me. I have given you many teachings of how to live a good Christian life. But unless you take My Word into your heart and act on it, then you are not witnessing your love for Me or your neighbor. It is by faith and works that you will be allowed into heaven. If you go out of your comfort zone to do a charitable deed for someone, then you are being moved by your love for your neighbor. You may have a great understanding of My Scriptures, but the real confirmation of your belief in Me is witnessed by your good deeds. When you do things out of love, you do not look for compensation, and you do it spontaneously without being asked. Do everything out of love for Me, and you will truly find your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of the one world people who are trying to destroy your economy and weaken your military. One plan is to so overspend your budgets that your National Debt will cause a situation where there is not enough money to even pay the interest on this debt, let alone the principle. The other plan is to have the housing industry so tied up in derivatives and foreclosures that the banks will own most of the available housing. As the dollar loses its ‘reserve currency’ status, it will begin losing its value which will create an uncontrolled inflation. This will crash the dollar, and it will cause a martial law that will force My faithful to go to My refuges. The one world people will force the amero as a new currency for the North American Union, or they will try to force mandatory chips in the body to control people like robots. Either by martial law or mandatory chips in the body, the one world people will do everything to take over America. I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges. I have warned you to have food and to have your things ready to come to My refuges. You have a limited time before the one world people will place the Antichrist into the European Union as the ruler of the world. His reign will be shortened for the sake of My elect. Rejoice when I will bring My victory over Satan, the beasts, and the demons. As you see the signs of the Antichrist coming, know that My victory is soon to follow.”


Tuesday, May 8, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, some of you have been to see many of the places that St. Paul traveled as in Rhodes where he was shipwrecked, and in Greece and Turkey. St. Paul had Barnabas and other disciples helping him to preach to the Jews and the Gentiles. His travels had many hardships that threatened his life at sea and being stoned. The people did not always want to hear his words of the Gospel, and the Jewish leaders tried to get them out of town because the people were believing in his miracles. In your own mission you have traveled to evangelize souls, but you had cars and planes for faster travel. St. Paul wrote his epistles that are now available in the Bible. You have had the internet and your books and DVDs to spread My Word. Imagine if St. Paul had these helps. Being a missionary requires a commitment of time as you wait for planes, and stay in people’s homes. Carrying books and DVDs around is a chore, but you are also able to share rosaries, scapulars, and Confession preparation sheets. As St. Paul mentioned, it was a joy to share My love and evangelize souls for Me. All of My faithful are called to go out to all the nations to evangelize souls, so the faithful should be thankful that My chosen ones are doing their job.”

Jesus said: “My people, America has known freedom for many years, but there are one world people who are taking away your freedoms one by one. Other countries have been oppressed for many years under ruthless dictators. You do not fully appreciate your freedoms until they are taken away. The one world people are not satisfied with just stealing your money in taxes and crashed stock markets. They crave power over the people as in dictatorships. They even want to turn your people into their slaves and reduce the population. This is why they want mandatory chips in the people to control their minds, and make them into robots. It is in their plan to continue abortions, and to get rid of all the people who cannot work for them. Your new Health Plan will be using rationed care for those who are younger and more productive. This is why My faithful should refuse any chips in the body and refuse any flu shots. If the evil ones want to kill you for not taking chips in the body or not taking the flu shots, then you need to soon leave for My refuges. I will provide for your food and shelter at My refuges, but do not allow the Antichrist to control you by avoiding his eyes and not looking at him on TVs or computer screens. When you follow your guardian angels to My refuges, you will be protected from the evil ones by My angels. Trust in My greater power over all the evil people and demons.”


Wednesday, May 9, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, there were several times in the Acts of the Apostles where practical decisions had to be made in how to run My Church. They first decided to replace Judas Iscariot by choosing between Justus and Matthias. Matthias was chosen to complete the twelve apostles that was similar to the twelve tribes of Israel. As the number of converts grew, it was too large a group for only a few to be ministers. This was when the apostles laid hands on certain men to make them deacons. This organization later developed into your current Magisterium of deacons, priests, bishops, and cardinals. The Pope was always an imitation of St. Peter as the leader of My Church. In all of these decisions, the Holy Spirit was guiding the deliberations of the apostles. Today’s reading was the beginning when the Gentiles were not forced to be circumcised. Many of the more human elements of the Jewish customs were also not forced on them. I came to fulfill the law, and not to change it. It is love that should be leading people to follow Me, and My Commandments are guides for how to live your lives. Breaking My Commandments are sins, or violations of My plan for harmony among My people. Some customs are changeable, but My Commandments are not to be changed. When you obey My laws out of love for Me, then you are abiding by the spirit of My laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading I want you to focus on one passage. (John 15:5) ‘I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.’ Many people do not fully understand the meaning of this statement because they believe that they are doing everything for themselves. They are not looking at the big picture. It is by Our Will that any of you continue to remain in existence. I have given you a life spirit that allows you to have life. I have given you all of the abilities that you have to learn things. I have given you good health to accomplish your mission. I allowed you to have the jobs which you had or are holding. I give you the oxygen to breathe and the water to drink. You may have been gifted with a beautiful wife or husband, children, and even grandchildren. These things did not happen by themselves, and you are beholding to Me for all the gifts that you have received. Having faith in Me and the access to My sacraments are your lifeblood for your spiritual life. When you truly realize that you are dependent on Me for everything, then you humbly admit it, and you should give praise and thanks to your Master. I ask each soul to give one’s will over to follow My Divine Will. By doing so, you are seeing why you have been put on this earth, which is to know, love, and serve Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see My crucifix, it is a stark reminder of how much I love all of humanity, that I would give up My life for all of you, and suffer an agonizing death. By My death I am offering salvation to every soul. To gain heaven you must repent of your sins and accept Me as Master of your lives. You also are called to obey My Commandments and give up all of your addictions to human pleasures. This is why some people try to get rid of My crucifix because they do not want to be faced with the Truth which they do not want to follow. They know that you have two choices-either come with Me to heaven, or go with the evil one to hell. Some people love their sins so much that they do not want to be told that living in sin will bring them to hell. You need to follow Me as your Master, but again some people want to be their own boss. This is why some drink and take drugs to forget their sins, and focus more on earthly pleasures than on Me. I have given you the quotation that ‘Many are called, but few are chosen.’ My faithful remnant are My chosen ones, and those, who will be saved, are in the minority. I offer people many opportunities in their lifetime to be converted and repent of their sins. The devil is constantly distracting souls and telling them lies to trick them into sin. The greatest lie is that you have plenty of time to be converted. People cannot even promise themselves that they will live to tomorrow, let alone for a long time. It is better to come to Me now while you are still alive. Once you die and you are not ready for your judgment, you could lose your soul to hell. Repent and confess your sins now, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”


Thursday, May 10, 2012: (St. Damien of Molaka’i)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul went to Jerusalem to plead the case for the Gentiles so they would not have to bear all the Mosaic laws of circumcision and other customs. It was agreed among the apostles that the Gentiles did not have to bear this burden. This opened up the Catholic faith to everyone in the world. There is one restriction that was maintained in lawful marriage between a man and a woman. Divorce has been frowned on because marriage was meant for life. I understand there are some unbearable situations where remaining married may not be possible. Some have separated, and some have been allowed annulments in special cases to allow remarriage in My Church. There are other so-called marriages that are not accepted by My Church. Common law marriage may be accepted civilly, but in My eyes living together in fornication is a life of constant sin. I love everyone, but it is your sinful actions that alienate you from Me. In the vision you could see how God the Father was especially not happy with same sex marriage or those who promote it. I have told you in previous messages that I consider homosexual acts as abominations. This is another sinful lifestyle which My Church and I do not approve of. Even if some people consider same sex marriage politically correct because it is tolerated, it does not change the fact that it also is a life of sinful actions. I am always willing to receive people who want to repent of their sins, but living in relationships outside of marriage, either heterosexual or homosexual, are improper lifestyles that should be avoided. These are delicate issues to discuss, but it is important that I warn souls that such sinful living can lead to hell if you do not change. Love of God and neighbor should be leading your lives.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your government is continuing to spend money that is not collected in taxes, the Senate has ceased establishing budgets, and it is not controlling out of control expenditures. These deficit budgets will put many of your entitlements out of money in a short time. Neither party is willing to compromise for the sake of the people. Your deficits are threatening your whole financial system just as the European countries are ready for bankruptcy. Pray that reason will come to your leaders before your own country could go into bankruptcy.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your politicians are focused on pleasing various segments of your voters to gain more votes at election time. Unusually large sums of money are being collected for the coming campaigns for election. It is the people of influence in the one world people who are controlling both parties. This election could well be your last if candidates for the people are not elected. Pray for America because your freedoms are at risk in this coming election.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw some severe droughts last year, and there is a chance that you will see similar problems with fires as well this summer. Some areas are having problems getting fresh water when the rains cease. Pray that you will not see more disasters that threaten lives. Earthquakes could again be severe in areas with major faults. Have some food ready for any shortages from these coming disasters. I will see to your needs, but your sins are calling for My justice.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the last year or so your stock market has been threatened by potential bank failures in several European countries. Many of these situations are not being helped by austerity budgets. The banks which are financing these loans are having problems, and they will be raising interest rates that could start a domino effect of failures in these countries. This could trigger a failure in the euro and eventually a failure of the dollar as well. Such problems could trigger a world recession or depression that would invite a takeover by the Antichrist. Pray for My help which may lead you to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you before the plans of the one world people to cull or reduce the population. They will begin this plan by spreading a deadly flu and requiring mandatory vaccine shots that will ruin the people’s immune system if they take it. Refuse to take these flu shots. If you see many people dying from such a virus, or the authorities try to have mandatory flu shots, this will be another sign for My people to come to My refuges so you can be healed of any diseases by My luminous cross and the healing spring water.”

Jesus said: “My people, I commend your prayer group and other prayer groups for your persistence in your prayers. By joining together in prayer, you also are forming a network for My faithful to keep in touch with various refuges for helping each other in the coming tribulation. Some prayer groups may even form their own refuges to stock food and needs for your people to survive independently from outside sources. I have been calling many people to set up refuges so My angels can help protect My people from the evil ones. Pray for My help as you need to prepare yourselves for living at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you make plans for your refuges, you also want to pray for good counselors as well to calm down the frightened people when they first come to My refuges. This is why you will need a quiet place of perpetual Adoration at each refuge. You will be in total trust in My protection, and I will have My angels keep the evil ones away from My refuges. I have shown you healing, multiplied food and water, and the angel’s shield of invisibility. So fear not the evil ones, and place your full trust in Me at this time.”


Friday, May 11, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, what is different from thirty years ago and today in your churches? The numbers of faithful coming to church on Sunday have been reduced considerably. There has been a change in the priesthood and in the laity. In both cases I believe there is less prayer said in each group. In the priesthood various people were purposely turning away many callings that has caused your shortage of priests. If My priests are not holy, it is difficult for the people to be spiritually nourished. The laity also have become spiritually lazy by skipping their prayers and not coming to Sunday Mass or Confession. Satan has distracted many souls with the gods of money and materialism. If My people do not nourish their faith with prayers, fasting, retreats, and spiritual reading or Bible study, then their faith slowly dies as a plant that is not fed. You have seen in Europe how very few people come to church. America is going down this same path if your people do not wake up to save their faith. This falling away from the faith is another sign of the end times. This is why I said: ‘When I return, will I find any faith in My people?’ I call on My faithful remnant to share their faith with souls around them before it is too difficult to change souls from being lost to the evil one. You have one last chance after My Warning. After that, if people do not change, then Satan and the Antichrist will sift the remaining souls into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am telling you that the one world people are planning purposely to crash the U.S. dollar before the election. This action is similar to how they brought about the crash of your financial system in 2008. In Europe the central bankers have been giving just enough money in loans to the teetering economies to keep them solvent for a time. At one point they will raise the interest rates so high that these countries will not be able to even pay the interest. At this point the bonds of these countries will fail, and their failed economies will eventually crash the euro as a currency. America and its banks are so tied to supporting Europe that the insolvency of the euro will put such a strain on the dollar that it too will crash. These events will be timed before your election so your President, if he so chooses, could postpone your election so he could invoke his new Executive Order. This would allow him to call an emergency martial law to control the chaos that would ensue from the dollar’s collapse. This would cause a bank holiday and a new currency or a chip in the body would be established as a new means of buying and selling. Be prepared, My people, with food to survive this crisis, and be prepared to leave for My refuges when people start stealing and killing for food. This kind of crisis is being deliberately caused by the one world people so they can take over America and make it a part of the North American Union. My refuges will be your places of protection where My angels will shield you from the evil ones. Have no fear, and trust in My power over the evil ones.”


Saturday, May 12, 2012: (St. Nereus, Achilleus & Pancras)
Jesus said: “My people, the Jewish leaders hated Me before people hated you. Whenever My faithful try to reach out and convert souls, you are going to see a backlash from the demons, either directly or from people they inspire against you. It is one thing if people just refuse your preaching, but it is an evil force that tries to stop you from evangelizing. It is hard to get faithful people to share their faith, and it becomes almost a danger when you get violent reactions against your efforts. Even when you protest abortions or speak against same sex marriage, you get some vigorous reactions from advocates of the other side. Whenever you promote proper behavior, or speak out against sinful lifestyles, you can get criticized for interfering with their rights. This becomes a moral problem when some people think that they have the right to kill babies or kill older people with euthanasia. There are people who love their sins, and they do not want people to criticize them. This social attitude is why it is difficult to get people to repent of their sins, and convert their lives more to serving Me. Even when My faithful are persecuted, you are to be commended for trying to save souls from hell. Call on Me and My angels to help you in your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are two kinds of medicine for healing diseases. The one is with natural plant sources that have very little side-effects, and they are usually inexpensive. The other is man-made medicines, and even in a pure form they usually cause side-effects and are expensive to pay for the research. The pharmaceutical companies make more profit on the man-made medicines because they can charge a high price to make up for their research expenditures. If their goal was to find the best medicine, they could make better use of the natural product medicines. Because these companies are more concerned with making money on artificial medicines, they try to thwart the use of alternative natural medicines as not being effective. In a good number of cases, today’s medicines are derivatives of earlier medicines found in nature. In the Bible I have told you that I give you the various parts of plants for your medicines. It is man’s job to discover which plants will have the best healing for different diseases. In the same way people should be able to use the best and cheapest medicine for their sicknesses. Pray that people can be open to alternative medicines that may work just as well as those from the drug companies. Most medicines just treat the symptoms, but pray for people to be healed of the causes of their sicknesses. I am the greatest of healers so you can pray for My healing as well.”


Sunday, May 13, 2012: (Mother’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, Mother’s Day should be a joyous occasion to celebrate their children. It is a somber, but true problem that some mothers are still aborting their children. Unwed women are faced with serious choices when they become pregnant at any age. It would be better to give the children up for adoption than to kill them. It is sad that these memories of abortion will be with certain women for the rest of their lives. I can forgive such a sin, but it is hard to understand why a mother would want to kill her own child. Women should be proud to have children, but it is sinful unless they are married. It is not easy to bring up a child, but a life is more precious than a career that can be put off for awhile. Life is more precious than money, convenience, or embarrassment. Once you see your child, how could you refuse to take care of her or him? Rejoice when your family comes together today, and pray for all pregnant mothers that they bring their babies to full term. Call on My angels to fight the demons who are tempting mothers to have abortions. Remember also to wish My Blessed Mother a happy Mother’s Day today. You could say a rosary in honoring her as My mother.”


Monday, May 14, 2012: (St. Matthias)
Jesus said: “My people, in your working years you are first happy to have a job with all of the high unemployment rates. This vision of coming to work on Monday morning was always a trial when you were facing another week. Some people are fortunate to have a job in their trained profession. Others have to take jobs in other fields, and have to adjust or take some training in a lesser paying job. Still others, who cannot find full-time jobs, have to take part time jobs, usually without health benefits. When people, who are working, struggle every day to make ends meet with their bills, it is hard to accept the fact that others are receiving free government money from various entitlement programs. Social Security for the retired or disabled is different because these people paid into this plan for many years. Unemployment help is needed also for those still seeking jobs. It is difficult to understand how your government can run large deficits without trying to limit entitlement plans that are not affordable from your income taxes. Pray that your legislators will try better to balance your expenses with your income.”

Jesus said: “My people, your old tungsten incandescent light bulbs are being forced out of the market by regulations and economy. The new twisted mercury bulbs use less energy, and once they are warmed up, they give adequate light. There is a mercury disposal problem, but it is being overlooked in the face of saving electricity. The bigger problem is that your old bulbs are not going to be made anymore, adding more control to what you can use. Many of your regulations start out with good intentions, but it is how they are forced on you that shows you that the one world people want total control over your life. In the vision the electricity went out which represents another control over your life which the one world people will use against you during martial law. The one world people are using fear and threats to your way of life to force you into being their slaves. They want to track you, put chips in your body, and limit your travel without gasoline. You can see your freedoms being restricted every day, and if your citizens do not rise up against this tyranny, you will soon have all of your freedoms taken away. There will be a time coming when it will not be safe for your life or your soul to stay in your home. This is when I will warn My faithful that it is time to leave for My refuges. Do not fight these evil ones with guns, but have My angels shield you on your way to My refuges by making you invisible.”


Tuesday, May 15, 2012: (St. Isidore)
Jesus said: “My people, many of you have grown vegetables in a small garden, and it takes care to prepare the soil, remove the weeds, and water the seed bed to grow your crops. Once you come to your refuges, you will have more time to pray and grow crops for your survival. Most refuges will be rural and they will have land with water resources. I have asked you to buy some heirloom seeds or non-hybrid seeds so you could have seed for the following year. Whatever food you grow or have stored, I will multiply to feed the people at your refuge. Unless you have solar power, most refuges will not have electricity. You will need to be resourceful in providing for your everyday needs. Storing some soap or making it will be needed to clean yourself and your clothes. Think of all the things that you buy and how you can replace them independently. I will have My angels protect you at My refuges, but all the people at My refuges will have to work together for their needs. Prepare to live a more rustic life than you have now. Trust in Me in your daily prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision I am showing you not to use guns in the coming tribulation. Call on My angels to fight your battles of protection when they will make you invisible to those people who want to kill you. You need to love the people, even your enemies. This is why I do not want you to use guns because I do not want you to kill people. It is the demons who try to get various factions to fight each other in wars. These evil ones are also leading the one world people into planning wars for the purpose of reducing the population. The death culture is also led by Satan to reduce the population with abortions, euthanasia, wars, and life threatening viruses. So do not let these evil ones fill you with hate, but only focus on My love and your love for your neighbors.”


Wednesday, May 16, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, when St. Paul was preaching about an ‘unknown god’, he also was telling the Greeks in Athens about My Resurrection from the dead. At that point some of the people walked away because this was hard for them to accept. Having faith in Me requires accepting many mysteries that are hard for man to understand. My Incarnation as a God-man is one mystery because it is hard for you to understand how I could be limited by a human nature. You have read in the Bible of My many miracles which impressed and converted many souls. I came as a man so I could offer My life up to ransom all of your souls from your sins. Forgiving all of your sins with this one sacrifice is even difficult to comprehend. My Resurrection from the dead is My greatest miracle because death has no hold on Me. I conquered sin and death to offer man an opportunity to be saved, and also to be resurrected at the final judgment. Another mystery is how I have allowed My priests to consecrate the bread and wine into My Real Body and Blood. This transubstantiation of these species into My Real Presence is also hard to understand. I also claimed that I would bring spiritual division into families because some would believe in Me, while others would reject Me. My people have to take these things on faith without being able to fully comprehend them. Even though mysteries like the Blessed Trinity are not meant to be fully understood, still you have My love and all the gifts of grace that I bestow on you. Repent of your sins, and allow Me to be the Master of your life, and you will be on the right path to eternal life with Me in heaven. This is enough to know and accept to be one of My disciples.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My faithful in one of My messages to have some bicycles on hand in case you have a problem in getting gasoline to go to My refuges. When the one world people decide to call martial law, I told you that one of their tactics would be to turn off your electricity. This would shut down home computers, bank computers, and gasoline pumps. Some of these could work if they had back up natural gas generators. This action would restrict your travel to the amount of gasoline in your car and that which is stored in your garage. If you take your bikes in your van, then you could keep traveling without being restricted by gasoline. It may be difficult to carry your back packs and camping things on your bikes, so some carrying device would be helpful. You may have to travel one or two days to arrive at the nearest refuge. This could be longer if you are using bikes. Remember to have your bike helmets, and bring your tire pump to keep your tires inflated. I will help you to get to your refuges in a timely manner, but it would be sooner if you planned for some backups. By planning ahead and being ready to come to My refuges, you will be ready sooner to adjust to your rustic living accommodations. Trust in My help, and you will have all that you need.”


Thursday, May 17, 2012: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating My Ascension into heaven as I left My apostles to carry on My work. Listen to what the angels have told you: (Acts 1:11) ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up to heaven? This Jesus who has been taken from you into heaven, shall come in the same way as you have seen Him going up to heaven.’ You are seeing the beginning of a financial collapse in Greece as many people are taking their money out of the Greek banks. If this precipitates Greece leaving the European Union, it will cause problems in the making of a new currency, and any Greek debts may be defaulted. As a percentage of the total European Union, Greece is a small part. But if they default on their loans, all of the holders of Greek debt would lose, and this could precipitate loan problems in the other European countries. You are seeing the result of using debt money which eventually will crash. Even America is in the same problem that your financial system will crash under the weight of its increasing National Debt. You can easily see how the one world people’s plan to crash the euro and then the dollar is well on its way. When there is a financial collapse of these major currencies, you will see the one world people move in to take over, and their continental unions will be formed. Then these unions will be given over to the Antichrist to declare himself a world ruler at the beginning of the tribulation. His reign will be short, and then you will see Me return on the clouds to defeat all the evil ones as the angels prophesied. Rejoice when you see the Antichrist about to take over, because My victory over him will soon follow. You will suffer for a while at My refuges, but then your faithfulness will be rewarded in My Era of Peace and then into heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I have shown you the Antichrist in several messages, and he appeared to you to be a Moslem spiritual leader. I have confirmed his identity to you by telling you that he will declare himself with a different name than you know him. He has announced in previous publications how he will be a world ruler. His personal spokesman has announced his coming with the many different shaped stars in the sky that were made with lasers. This is a sign like My Star of Bethlehem that the Antichrist is mocking. Be watchful of this demonic beast, and do not look at his eyes or listen to his voice. Refuse his mark which will be a computer chip in the body. Fear not this evil one because My angels will protect you. His reign will be brief before I will bring My victory over evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have created their debt based currency for the express purpose of crashing your financial system. A debt based currency is when Federal Treasury Notes are printed and loaned to your government for interest to be paid back. Eventually these debt notes will accumulate a massive interest bill if the National Debt is not paid back. It is just a matter of time before this interest will consume most of your income. All of those people who have fought to eliminate the Federal Reserve have been killed. These central bankers are ruthless, and they will take over America when the dollar crashes. A time will come when I will overthrow the bankers as I threw them out of the Temple. My coming victory will bring down all of their buildings and their money schemes. Rejoice when I will bring My justice against these central bankers.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are students of history, remember the crash in 1929 when there was a run on the U.S. banks, and the depression resulted with heavy unemployment. This is what is going on with the banks in Greece because the depositors are afraid of a bank holiday with a failing government and heavy debts. Greece also has a debt based currency in the euro, and their debt ratio to GDP is worse than in America. Unless Greece gets some new loans or a new non-debt currency, there is a strong chance of a financial collapse. Already you are seeing riots over the austerity budgets. Take heed America because this could be your future as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the graduation of your friends and relatives. After graduation the reality of a poor job market will face these graduates. They will be competing with equally skilled workers, but the older unemployed people will have more work experience. It is this younger group under 25 that has the highest per cent of unemployed. Your economy is generating some jobs, but not enough to keep all of your graduates employed. Pray for these young people to find good jobs because they may have to take less paying jobs to support themselves and pay down their education loans.”

Jesus said: “My people, as I ascended to My Father in heaven, I told My apostles to evangelize people in all the nations. I also told them that I would send the Holy Spirit to inspire them in their mission, as they would receive many gifts from Him. You now have another novena time before you celebrate Pentecost. This is the last major feast before you return to ordinary time again. The Holy Spirit also inspires My faithful from Baptism and Confirmation. Rejoice in the graces of the Holy Spirit who helps you in your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you of some coming financial turmoil and a possible war in the Middle East. These events could be well underway by the fall time of this year. Any serious events that would be cause to go to My refuges, will also require My Warning to come first. I have warned My faithful to have food stored, and your things ready to leave for My refuges. I will warn My people when events will require you to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are signs in the Bible that speak of My coming when you see famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. When you see the Antichrist about to declare himself, this will start the tribulation. Call on Me to send My angels to protect you from the evil ones. I have warned you for many years that this time was coming, and now you are seeing these signs that will eventually bring about My return to the earth in victory. Have no fear and trust in My protection.”


Saturday, May 19, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read how St. John the Baptist wanted people to repent of their sins and be baptized. You also remember how Jonah told the people to repent and fast or Nineveh would be destroyed. Some of you have read the recent book about the Harbingers, and how America has been warned to repent of its sins, or you could follow the way of Israel into exile. You have been warned as in Isaiah 9:10, in the destruction of 9-11-01 and your financial collapse of 2008. If you do not change your ways and follow Me, then you are calling My judgment against America. Still you are aborting your children, committing many sexual sins, and now some are justifying same sex marriage. Without following My ways instead of man’s ways, how can you hold back My judgment against America? In the Gospel I want to lead you to My Father in heaven, but if you do not listen to My words, and put your faith into actions, then My judgment will fall on you. America is turning its back on Me as few are praying and honoring Me on Sunday. If you truly love Me, you would show your love in prayers and worship, as well as showing your love for your neighbor in good works. America’s judgment is coming, and it will come through the one world people in taking over your country. I am merciful and loving, so I will allow you to have My angels’ protection at My refuges. Trust in Me and follow Me, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I leave the doors to My heart open all hours of the day, which is different from your locked churches. I am open to repentant sinners, and I will forgive their sins at any time. Some people are reluctant to come to Confession for fear that the priest will criticize their sins, or for being away from Confession for a long time. Have no fear of coming to Me because I want My faithful to be cleansed of their sins at least once a month. There also are some people who do not want to confess their sins to a priest, or some who do not want to admit that they have committed any sins. To come to Confession, My faithful need to humble themselves in asking for My forgiveness. Call on Me to send you My angels to defend you from the demons. I love all sinners, and I want to see them repent so their souls can be saved. Give praise and thanks to Me for offering up My life for each of you. You all are in a battle for souls, and you need to reach out in charity to evangelize as many souls as possible.”


Sunday, May 20, 2012: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, as you look down at the faces of the people, you can see their souls through their eyes. When you come to worship Me at Mass on Sunday, My love goes out to all the people who are following My Commandments. Your souls are so precious to Me, and that is why I do not want to lose even one soul to the evil one. I wish I could instill this understanding of how precious souls are into everyone of My faithful. If you understood this love of Mine for souls, then you would understand why I send My disciples to all the nations to bring My Word to everyone. I want to give everyone an opportunity to be saved from hell, and to experience My love for each soul. Love of God is on a higher level than earthly love, and I want all souls to receive My gifts and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You are about to celebrate Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came down upon My disciples in the form of flames of fire. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that My missionaries are inspired to evangelize souls, just as My apostles and St. Paul were great evangelists. Rejoice that you are blessed to go out and give witness of My love to the people of the world.”


Monday, May 21, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a recent earthquake in Italy, and I have given you messages about the coming earthquakes in America on the New Madrid fault and the San Andreas fault. These major earthquakes are signs of the end times, as I gave you in the Scriptures. In the Gospel My apostles said they believed in Me, but I warned them how they would scatter except for St. John who stood by Me at the foot of My cross. Even today, My disciples claim to know Me, but how will they keep their faith when it is tested in the coming tribulation? I want My faithful to not lose their faith in these coming trials, but they should follow My directions to stand up against the evils of your day in defending My Church. You will see a religious persecution getting worse as you will be stripped of your freedoms. Be prepared to follow your angels to My refuges for the safety of your body and soul. I will tell you individually when it is time to leave for My refuges. But have no fear and keep peace in your soul as My angels will protect you with a shield of invisibility.”


Tuesday, May 22, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, some of you have experienced a trip to My tomb in the Holy Sepulcher Church in Jerusalem, Israel. Many of these holy places mark the major events of My life. You have seen replicas of My Holy Shroud from My burial clothes. With this evidence some people need to be reminded that I was truly on earth in physical time and space over two thousand years ago. I am still present to you now in My Blessed Sacrament. I am telling you these things because I truly took on a human nature, and I died for all of mankind’s sins so each of you could be ransomed to come to Me in heaven. All, that is required, is to seek the forgiveness of your sins, and to let Me be the Master of your life. The devil wants to keep you busy in the noise of material concerns in the world. I call My faithful to calm down in the quiet of My Presence before My Blessed Sacrament. It is in this quiet contemplative prayer that I can talk to your soul. If you keep talking and are too busy, you have a hard time to let Me come into your life in prayer and leading you to Me. At times people busy themselves with too many activities. It is good to help people with good works, but not to the exclusion of your prayer time with Me. There are not so many important things to do that you could not find one hour for Me each day of your life. If you are too busy, then you need to cut back on your schedule to leave time for Me. I love you and I want you to show Me your love in your prayer time.”


Wednesday, May 23, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you are very alert to having a good, clean appearance. So every day many of you take a shower and groom yourselves in your physical appearance. Just as you are so concerned with your earthly appearance, so you should be even more concerned with your spiritual appearance to Me. Before you receive Communion and before you go to sleep, you could recite to yourself an act of Contrition in sorrow for your venial sins. This helps to keep your soul clean. If you have committed a mortal sin, you should make an effort to get to Confession as soon as possible so you can restore yourself to My heavenly graces. Even at least once a month you should come to Confession to cleanse your sins and receive the grace of My sacrament of Penance. Cleansing your souls of sin will keep a good spiritual appearance, and you will always be ready for your judgment when I call you home in death. Seek to evangelize souls so they too, can be converted in My sacramental graces on the right path to heaven. Saving souls from hell requires My help so you can be protected from the attacks from the devil, who does not want to give up souls easily. But in My Name the devil scatters.”


Thursday, May 24, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, these riots and encounters with the police are purposely being instigated by the rich one world people who are using ‘occupy’ groups for their own purpose. I mentioned to you before that one reason for martial law to be declared is the use of false flag terrorists in various cities across America. It is those ‘occupy’ groups that will be used to cause these acts of terrorism to scare the people into the submission of control. Their first purpose was to counteract the Tea Party movement, and to create a division in your country between the rich and the workers. You have seen articles of billionaires of the one world people who are supporting this ‘occupy’ movement, and they are directing orders to these groups in how to cause trouble and riots. As time goes on, you will see how this movement will cause more and more chaos with the plan to precipitate a martial law. Once you are controlled by the one world people, Americans will lose their freedoms to a dictatorial power that will eventually lead America into the North American Union. Fear not these evil ones because before martial law is declared, My faithful will be called to My refuges of protection. The Antichrist’s reign will be brief before I will come in victory. Be prepared for the coming need to be at My refuges during the tribulation.”


Friday, May 25, 2012: (St. Bede the Venerable)
Jesus said: “My people, the apostles had gone back to their old profession of fishing, but it was through My help that they caught 153 large fish. I had told them before that I would make them fishers of men. At breakfast this was another of My appearances to My apostles after I had resurrected. I had told the women at the grave how I would meet My apostles at Galilee. I asked Peter three times if he loved Me, and he acknowledged how he did love Me. Then I told him to feed My sheep. This was because he denied Me three times, and because Peter was the head of My Church. Peter also was being told about his mission, and to follow Me in imitating My life. The apostles were still afraid of the Jews since the Jewish leaders wanted to stop anyone who was teaching in My Name. I told My apostles that I would have to leave them so they could receive power from the Holy Spirit. You will soon be celebrating Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon My disciples in the form of tongues of fire. It was the gifts of the Holy Spirit that enabled My apostles to start speaking out in My Name and healing the sick. Many people were also astounded when they heard the apostles speaking in several different languages. Rejoice, My faithful, because you too, have been enabled by your Baptism and Confirmation to go out to all the nations and preach My Good News.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to compare graduating from college with graduating from this life at your death. Today it takes a large amount of money or some good scholarships to even be able to enter college, unless you go to a community college or some state colleges. Many students are taking out huge loans which may be hard to pay back. The money for college can be contrasted to the graces you need to get into heaven after your death. Students also need to have good study habits and the ability to plan their priorities for the time they have. In the same way souls also have a limited time without knowing when they are going to die. By keeping your soul pure with daily prayer and at least monthly Confession, you can be prepared for your judgment. In college you need to be able to do your assignments and pass your tests. In life you also need to work on your life’s mission, and with My grace you can endure your trials. In either case you need My help to both graduate from college and graduate to heaven. In both cases you also have to apply your knowledge to accomplish your goals. You need to be able to apply your book knowledge in solving problems in life situations. In the same way you use your knowledge of faith in life’s choices by following proper moral principles. There are some parallels in both graduations, but coming to heaven is your most sought after desire in all the world.”

Tenth Station tree: Jesus said: “My people, I have answered a request for a sign at this Tenth Station of the Cross, as this station is special at Marmora, Canada also. This sign of a weeping tree is but one miracle that witnesses this place as an interim refuge. When you work with Me to follow My Will, you will see your reward. It would be good to offer a sign of thanks for answering this request.”


Saturday, May 26, 2012: (St. Philip Neri)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Scripture readings you have seen how St. Paul was in jail, and how all the apostles, except St. John, were martyred for My Name’s sake. With many of My faithful killed, you were fortunate to have My Gospels and St. Paul’s writings preserved in the Bible. The religious leaders in My time did not want their authority challenged, and they did not want to change their way of worship for many years. These leaders could not accept that I was the Son of God incarnated as a man. This is why these Jewish leaders persecuted those who wanted to spread My Word. Even the Romans continued this persecution of Christians for several hundred years. I have told you before that if they persecuted Me, the people of today will persecute you as well. In America you are being harassed by the media and the one world people. The sinners around you do not want to be told of their sins that they are committing because they want to enjoy their sinful pleasures. Even if the evil ones want to kill you for your belief in Me, I will still protect My faithful at My refuges. Call on Me and My angels to protect you in this coming trial. When you are being persecuted, you will be told when to come to My refuges when your lives will be in danger.”


Sunday, May 27, 2012: (Pentecost Sunday)
God the Holy Spirit said: “I am the Spirit of love and life. You are all temples of Mine because I give life to your soul. God the Father’s love for God the Son generates the Third Person in Me. You have understood My Presence in the signs of the white dove, a blowing wind, and the flames of fire. I bestowed My seven gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, piety, knowledge, and fear of the Lord on the apostles. By My grace they also were given gifts of speaking other languages and healing gifts. They were given the words to speak in gaining converts to the faith. Even in your own mission, I give you the words to speak at your talks, and I am there when you ask for healing of the people who you are praying for. In addition to these gifts, I also bestow the gift of prophesy on various souls who are led to be missionaries and evangelists. Be grateful for My many gifts, and keep calling on Me to help you in your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating Memorial Day for all the servicemen who died in your various wars over the years. Wars are always upsetting people’s plans, and some service people return with injuries or trauma, if they return at all. Many service people are scarred for life by their wartime experiences. Even though you are remembering the service people who died, you also need to thank those who suffered in their health from their time at war. Many of your soldiers had to make great sacrifices so America could maintain its freedoms. Treasure your freedoms that many had to die to protect them. Pray for the souls of all of your service people for both those who are still living, and for those who have died.”


Monday, May 28, 2012: (Memorial Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing droughts and fires already in another hot year coming in the summer. Even the tropical storms are starting early before the official beginning of the hurricane season. In the spring you have seen hot and cold that has caused problems with your orchard crops. If droughts continue in some areas, you could see problems with your other crops. A world famine is coming that will be controlled by man to some degree, but hot weather with little rain will be part of this cause for a famine. As grass and brush become dry, there will be a threat of more severe fires. Watering crops and irrigation is dependent on available water supplies, but this could be in short supply without enough rain. Pray for your farmers that they may be able to supply you with enough food to eat.”

Pat D.: Jesus said: “My son, you did not have an opportunity to come to his services, but you are helping his soul by offering up this Mass for his intention. It is hard for the family to endure such a sudden loss at a relatively young age. He is still in purgatory, and he could use more Masses and prayers to help his soul. He is sorry for any problems that he may have caused people in his life. He asks for your forgiveness, and he will be praying for his family and friends.”

Jesus said: “My people, this imagery of an octopus holding onto things with its tentacles, represents the power of the one world people who are desperate to control everything and all the people. The spewing forth of the octopus’ black inky fluid is a perfect fit of how they spew forth the evil from their cold hearts. I have told you how many of the one world people actually worship Satan, and they get their working orders from him. Since Satan hates man, he is doing everything to direct his subjects to kill people and reduce the population with his death culture. This is why these same one world people support abortion, euthanasia, wars, and deadly viruses. These powerful people use their wealth and position to control people in every way possible. Their goal is to try and place a computer chip in everyone, and control the free will of all the people, making them slaves and robots to do their bidding. Refuse to take any chip in the body, even if the evil ones threaten to kill you. When these evil ones try to force mandatory chips in your body, then it is time to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge.”


Tuesday, May 29, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the evil in wars where many are killed or wounded for life. It is the one world people who are always looking to control people and reduce the population that are purposely causing many of your wars. You are grateful for your service people in protecting your freedoms. But it is diabolical for these evil ones to cause unnecessary wars that disrupt many people’s lives. The rich make profits on wars in the selling of arms, and they profit from the interest on the debts caused by wars. I have asked you many times to pray for peace in the world. Now, you need to pray that your President and Congress stop getting you involved in long drawn out wars that the one world people instigate in getting two sides to fight each other.”

Jesus said: “My people, ever since some leaked Vatican documents showed up in various publications, My Church prelates have been embarrassed at these revelations. The Pope’s butler has been accused of stealing certain documents, but it is going to be difficult to find out the truth of these allegations. The dark house is a sign that there are masons in My Church, and there could be a plan why this came into the open. During any coverup or confusion about the facts, there appears to be some irregularities with the Vatican’s finances. My Church is always protected, but there could be some evil attacks to try and undermine the authority of My Church. Pray that these problems will be settled so evil cannot enter into My Church’s proceedings.”


Wednesday, May 30, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles John and James wanted to sit one on My right and the other on My left side in heaven. They were willing to suffer as I did, but they were asking something that I could not give them. My Father in heaven has reserved everyone’s place in heaven who will come there. I have told you that there are many mansions in heaven, and I will go to prepare a place for you. So you can seek the higher places in heaven, but it is My heavenly Father who will seat you in your reserved place in heaven. Be thankful that you were blessed with faith, and can make it into heaven by My grace. Seeking heaven with Me should be everyone’s goal on earth. So follow My Commandments, and do all that I have asked you to do in fulfilling your mission on earth. Love Me and your neighbor, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you read in your news of many cities that have suffered damage from tornadoes or hurricanes. It becomes more personal if it happens near you, or in your backyard. Cleaning up some major destruction may be costly, especially if your insurance or government does not pay for it. Every year your country suffers billions of dollars of damage that are losses to the owners, insurance companies, and FEMA expenses. Some of this damage can even come from the HAARP machine which can cause serious tornadoes, droughts, or floods. Be grateful if you do not have to suffer any damage from such disasters. Pray for the people who do suffer from these trials that their lives are spared, and they are not financially ruined. You could even make some donations to help those who lost their homes.”


Thursday, May 31, 2012: (Visitation of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast of My Blessed Mother at the Visitation of Elizabeth was an example of her desire to help her cousin in a late pregnancy. This is another miracle pregnancy to bring St. John the Baptist into the world when his mother was beyond normal child bearing years. Even though My Blessed Mother was in early pregnancy, she made a long journey to help Elizabeth. In the Gospel St. John leaped in his mother’s womb at the announcing of My Presence in My Blessed Mother. This feast is also a pro-life example of how the unborn babies could sense each other’s presence. Mothers need to bear their children since all children have unknown missions that can only be carried out if they are born. Even My Blessed Mother was in a delicate position since she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit before she was married. But Mary had no thoughts of aborting Me. So mothers in a similar position should have their children as well, and not kill their own babies. Rejoice to have new lives that are fulfilling God’s plan. My people should look at the big picture, and avoid having abortions under any circumstances.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a large number of monarch butterflies around your neighborhood. The life of a butterfly is very much like your own spiritual life. A butterfly starts out as a caterpillar that is not always beautiful to look at. Then it goes through a metamorphosis when it spins a cocoon, and finally a new life of a butterfly emerges. A human life starts in the womb as a fetus that blooms into a beautiful baby. You grow into a mature human being, and then you die to this life. Your spirit can come to heaven, and at the last judgment you will be rejoined with a glorified body when you are resurrected. This new life is like the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Rejoice that you are looking forward to being transformed into a glorified body at your resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit upon My apostles in the form of tongues of fire. I left My apostles on earth so I could send them the Advocate in the Holy Spirit to inspire and strengthen them in their evangelization mission. You are celebrating My Blessed Mother’s Visitation to Elizabeth today. It was the Holy Spirit who became the Spouse of My Blessed Mother. By His indwelling I was incarnated as a man in the womb of My Blessed Mother. The two unborn infants also were joined in spirit. Be thankful to the Holy Spirit for all of His gifts, and His very dwelling in each of your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen people seeking out gold things to buy in many of your local stores. The price of gold has gone up and down because of speculation. Gold has an inherent value as a commodity because it is scarce. Your rich people treasure things of inherent value over things that are written on paper. They do not have dollars, or stocks because these things can become worthless. When the dollar crashes, many people will have nothing of value, but the rich will still have their wealth. Earthly wealth is of no value to your spiritual life. It is your good deeds and actions that will store up real treasure in heaven. It is your love for Me and your neighbor that you will be judged on, and not your physical wealth. So see the real treasure of a pure soul is more meaningful in My eyes than all of your earthly wealth. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his soul in the process?

Jesus said: “My people, while some people seek the wealth of this world, I am showing you that the soul is your most precious possession. This is why your abortions are so evil, because you are killing these little lives before they have a chance to carry out their missions. These souls are My most precious gifts of life to you, and you are throwing them into your garbage cans. This is a slap in the face for My creations, and your people will be punished for these killings and insulting Me. Keep praying to stop your abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen bank failures and home foreclosures that caused your serious recession in 2008. Many of your large banks were bailed out by billions of dollars of taxpayer money that now makes up part of your growing National Debt. Most people do not even know about the trillions of dollars of derivatives that these banks and hedge funds were involved with. When these paper valued derivatives crash, this will be worse than a crash of the currencies. Be prepared with food and some things to barter when the dollar and the banking system will fail.”
Note: Derivative values held: JP Morgan Chase $70.1 trillion, Citibank $52.4 trillion, Bank of America $50.1 trillion, Goldman Sachs $44.2 trillion. The nine largest U.S. banks hold over $200 trillion in derivatives which is three times the entire global economy.

Jesus said: “My people, when people lose everything financially, there will be such turmoil that My refuges will be your only safe haven. When you see people killing over food to survive, it will be the time to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge. Trust in Me when I will warn you that it is time to come to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some churches or chapels where My Blessed Sacrament has been adored for many years. These places of Adoration are holy ground, and they will be protected by My angels who always honor My Real Presence. Even at all of My refuges, you will have Adoration of My Host going on around the clock. See that the power of My Real Presence will protect My faithful. This is why all of My adorers will have a special reward in heaven. Come to visit Me at My tabernacles, and you will find peace for your souls.”


Friday, June 1, 2012: (St. Justin)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel has many teachings for your soul. The first lesson is about the fig tree, as My faithful also need to bear fruit. Because it was not the season for figs, it did not bear fruit. But My faithful need to do good works for people even when it is outside of your comfort zone, or when you see a need without being asked to help. I cast the money changers out of the Temple, not only because they were cheating the people, but they were doing it in My Father’s house in defiance of respect for God. I told them that My zeal for My Father’s house also drove Me to protect it. When I talked of prayer, I told people to have faith that I would answer their prayer requests. You know that I can do the impossible, so pray with the belief that I can perform miracles. I also asked you to forgive others of any offenses against you, and My Father would forgive you your offenses. But if people do not forgive others from their heart, then they may suffer a longer time in purgatory for holding grudges beyond the grave. Rejoice that you have been given My practical answers for how to live your lives on earth, so you can be prepared for your judgment when you die.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times rain seems like an inconvenience when you want to work in your yard. But once you have had a drought or a long time without rain, you welcome an all day rain. Even when you have been working for a long time, you look forward to a cold drink to moisten your parched mouth. In a spiritual way some people have suffered a dark night of the soul, or some may have been traveling without time to visit Me in Adoration. Your soul can be parched from a lack of not being able to come before My Blessed Sacrament. When you come to Me in Communion or before Me in My tabernacle, I can refresh your soul with My grace. I call souls who are labored or weary, and I will give them rest. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. Keep close to Me, and I will nurture your soul so you can carry on with your mission. Whenever you are afflicted with life’s trials, call on Me and My angels, and we will comfort your spirit with My peace.”


Saturday, June 2, 2012: (St. Marcellinus & St. Peter)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of looking down at your feet represents today, and your immediate future which may be distracted by your daily events. The longer view is looking toward your after life that is seeking Me in heaven. The point of this message is that you should keep your focus on Me on your life’s path to heaven. Along this path you should be focused on your daily prayers and doing good works for your neighbor out of love. As you love Me and your neighbor, you should show it by helping souls to convert their lives to following Me. The devil will place many distractions and addictions in your path, but look beyond him so you can do My things for your own mission. If you do not give your will over to Me, then you will be focused on your own desires. Work to serve Me and follow My discernment, and you will keep on the right path to heaven. Keep your soul pure with frequent Confession, and you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment on any day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are looking down on all the tangible assets of your country in the trees, the parks, the mineral resources, and property. It is your banks that control the wealth of your country, even if they pay you in money printed out of thin air with no backing. Many loans use your houses as collateral for your mortgages. If you do not pay your mortgage, then the bank forecloses, and you lose all of your investment. The banks could demand payment, and you could lose your house as well. Even if your house is paid for, your towns or cities could raise your taxes or condemn your property to take it. The one world people, or central bankers, are ruthless people, and they will take over all properties when they crash your money system. This takeover by martial law is coming, and My faithful need to be ready to flee to My refuges before these evil ones will try to kill you. Christians and patriots will be their targets to eliminate for the evil ones’ new world order. This is why My refuges will be your only safe havens from being martyred. I have told you before that your dollar will be crashed to cause a bankruptcy. This, together with a pandemic virus and terrorist activities, will cause a martial law. This will lead to a new currency and eventually a takeover by the Antichrist. Some will be martyred, but the rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges. I will soon come in victory over evil to establish My Era of Peace. Have patience and call on My angels for your protection.”


Sunday, June 3, 2012: (Trinity Sunday)
God the Father said: “I AM is how people know Me from the Old Testament. You are even seeing various periods of time being ascribed to One Person of God. You have seen Me dominate the time before Jesus’ birth. From His birth to the Era of Peace is considered the time of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit will be marked in the time of the Era of Peace. You know the Blessed Trinity represents Three Persons in One God, but this is a mystery for any of you to understand. So it is in symbols that you can understand Our different Persons. You understand Me in gold colors and in the burning bush. You see Jesus as a corpus on His cross. You see the Holy Spirit as a dove, a strong wind, and the tongues of fire. One thing, that is central in all Three Persons, is the love We have for each other and for all of Our creations. It was My love for man that I sent My only begotten Son to die for your souls to be saved from your sins. So when you see anything about love, it is from Us, and anything evil or of hate, it is from the devil or his demons. You see this in your own life when your guardian angel urges you to do acts of love or good works, but the devil wants you to do evil things or sins of omission. Rejoice that you have a loving God who looks out for you in every facet of your life, and We desire to have all of you come to Us in love for all eternity in heaven.”


Monday, June 4, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel of the vineyard and the tenants, I tell a parable about Myself as the cornerstone who was rejected by the builders who represent the Jewish leaders. Just as the tenants killed the servants and the son, this related to how the leaders killed the prophets, and they would eventually kill Me as the Son of God outside of the city. These Jewish leaders wanted to kill Me, but they feared the people who treated Me as a prophet and a healer. In this parable I was giving everyone a blueprint or plan of how I would give up My life for the souls of all peoples. Even the Old Testament by the prophets also told of My coming. Today, you have My modern day prophets who are also revealing My blueprints of how I will come again in victory over the evil ones. This is how the modern day tenants will be brought to justice in the end times, just as in the parable. Rejoice My faithful that you are being prepared for the tribulation, but you know the outcome of My victory over Satan, the Antichrist, and the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, New York City has been the center of America’s financial exchanges, and you saw the disruption of your finances from the disaster at the trade center in 2001. The one world people have the destruction of your economy as one of their goals for a takeover. These same people have the use of the HAARP machine at their disposal to cause disasters wherever they please. The most damage that they could do to your economy would be to send another major disaster into your financial center in New York City. This vision of a large storm, that would effect this city’s buildings, could be effected by the use of the HAARP machine to enhance your tropical storms up the Eastern coast. You saw the effect of a glancing blow of Hurricane Irene in this area. Any such storm that would affect New York City could throw your recovering economy into a downturn. This is just one of many plans that the one world people could use to make your country vulnerable to martial law. The coming events of the next six months could dramatically change the face of America as you know it today. Pray for My help in bearing these coming events that could lead you to coming to My refuges for protection of your body and your soul.”


Tuesday, June 5, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the consistency of My protection both in the early Exodus and in the coming modern day Exodus. In the old Exodus I allowed the Israelites to escape the Egyptian army by walking through the split Red Sea. Then eventually this whole army was drowned in the sea. In the new Exodus My people will be protected from the evil ones at My refuges, as in the cave of the vision, where you will be invisible to your enemies. At the end of the tribulation you will see all the evil ones cast into hell during the three days of darkness. Then you will see Me renew the earth in a new heavens and a new earth. My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. Rejoice when you see the Antichrist come, because My victory will come soon in your lifetime.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you with messages that your lives could be in danger in the coming months. The vision of black tombstones represent possible martyrs of some of My faithful. The Nativity scene is to indicate that this time could be around Christmas. These events are changeable with prayer, and if My faithful are timely in coming to My refuges, then they would be safe. The one world people will be targeting Christians and patriots to pickup if martial law is declared. If these events get serious enough, I will warn My people when it is time to come to My refuges of protection. If I warn you with an interior message, do not delay, but get your things together, and call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge. Those faithful, who do not heed My warning, could be the martyred faithful buried at these black tombstones in the vision. Pray to Me to give you peace about these coming events that could see people in chaos and riots searching for food and water.”


Wednesday, June 6, 2012: (St. Norbert)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (Mark 12:18-27) the Sadducees, who did not believe in resurrection, tried to test Me with a story of a woman who married seven brothers. Then they posed the question of which husband would the woman have in heaven? This whole question was just a trap of speech because they did not even believe that there would be an after life. I told the Sadducees that they were badly misled because they did not know the Scriptures concerning the resurrection of the soul at the last judgment. I also told them that souls, who enter heaven, are like angels, and they do not marry each other in heaven. This does bring up a question if you will recognize your spouse or relatives in heaven. In heaven everything is in harmony and love, and only those souls, who are worthy, will be there. When you die, you are greeted only by your relatives that are in heaven. These are the same souls who will be praying for you if you need purifying in purgatory. Your main focus will be on loving Me in heaven, as you will be constantly praising Me. When you are in heaven, you will know your loved ones, and you too, will be praying for your relatives in purgatory and those who are still on earth. Coming to heaven will be the most glorious happening in the life of your soul. All of you should be striving for this greatest moment of your eternal life. I love all of My people, and I desire that every soul could come to Me in heaven. I respect every soul’s free will, and I do not force you to love Me, but loving Me will bring you an eternal reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to give you some advice on how to run your refuges, but you must think of how you will be independent from water lines, gas lines, and electric lines. Water is a primary need for survival, so you need an independent source of water as a well or a stream. If you do not have water, I will have a miraculous spring provide your water, but it will be a limited supply that will need multiplying. Many of you are used to using flush toilets and daily showers. If your water supply is limited, you may have to set up outhouses and use small amounts of water for bathing. If you are in the North, you will need wood, kerosene, and gas containers for fuel that could be multiplied, and the appropriate heaters. This will be your means of keeping warm. You will need some kind of an oven or cooking device to prepare your food. You will have daily Communion from My angels, deer, and any other food you have stored or that you have farmed. I will provide the food, but you will need to prepare it. Trust in Me that I will provide your food, water, shelter, and protection with My angels. My refuges will be your places of protection during the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Those, who do not come to My refuges when I warn you, are risking martyrdom if they stay in their homes. Some people feel uncomfortable with the thought of living a rustic life, but these refuges will afford you My protection. It is for certain that this time is coming soon, but do not be concerned with knowing the exact dates of these events. I have told you the sequence of events that will start with My Warning experience, and then the martial law will come. You will be on the road to My refuges before martial law is declared. These events could start any day, so have your preparations ready to leave.”


Thursday, June 7, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, at various times you find yourself waiting at a doctor’s office or at an emergency room when you have some time to spend. Even if you have a different time when you pray, do not waste any of your precious time. Your time goes by very quickly, and it can never be retrieved. In those moments of waiting, you could be praying for your family members or for the souls in purgatory. If you carry your rosary with you at all times, you could pray it while you are waiting. By putting your time to good use, you will be better able to make an accounting to Me of how you spent the time that I gifted to you on this earth. Remember that your time on earth is relatively short compared to the eternal life of your soul. While you are still alive on earth, take every opportunity to love and serve Me and your neighbor so you are living the faith that you believe in. When you come to Me at your judgment, you will be judged on your good works and how much you loved Me and your neighbor.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard about various colored auras that some people can see and some devices can measure. This aura is a sign of the spirit body that animates your physical body. Even the Holy Spirit sent tongues of fire over My disciples. This energy of life is also a sign of the Holy Spirit’s Presence in every living human being. At death this life spirit leaves your body, and your soul comes before Me in judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your deficits keep mounting, there are some in Congress who are seeking to find some compromise in dealing with your government’s overspending. The longer this gridlock continues, your entitlement programs are coming closer to running out of money. Hard choices on the growth of entitlements need to be made now before they could cause your bankruptcy. Some states have made these hard choices, and they are balancing their budgets, and prospering as a result. Common sense to save these programs is needed over continuing political rhetoric with no action.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people will try to force flu shots on you because of a more deadly and contagious bird flu. This makes money for the drug companies, but the flu shots over time will actually be detrimental to your immune system. Avoid taking these flu shots, and instead build up your immune system with Hawthorn pills, vitamins, and herbs. Also have some masks on hand when the evil ones try to spread this virus with chemtrails. Come to My refuges if you see people dying, so you can be healed by looking on My luminous cross at all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been to many countries in Europe where the buildings of older generations have deteriorated by weathering. It is the stone buildings and statues that have survived over the years. Even historical documents are now being saved to optical disks to preserve what man has discovered. It is important that the history of nations should be preserved as it happened, and not recorded with a false agenda. One thing has been true through the years, and that is when people ignore the mistakes of the past, they may live to repeat them.”

Jesus said: “My people, your current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down, but the regime changes in many Arab countries are causing stress among these peoples. As you see an increasing battle of good and evil, you are seeing more signs of the Antichrist’s coming. This tribulation has to come, but I will be victorious over all of the evil ones. Rejoice that you know the outcome of this battle and My victory will prevail.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to set up a refuge because My refuge builders have spent much money, and some have endured harsh criticism. Many of My builders have had inner messages or they have been directed by the Holy Spirit to go forward with their work. Some of My builders have also been given signs to encourage their work. All of them will truly receive My reward for providing safe havens for My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to go through your day’s work when you meet up against problems that seem unsolvable. You should pray for My help in the beginning of your projects, but you may pray harder when things are not working out. After praying, you have seen many times how I have worked out your problems. Remember to thank Me for resolving your problems, and have faith in depending on Me to answer your prayers.”


Friday, June 8, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, if you are able to move about freely in good health, then you should be giving Me thanks that you are not disabled. You have had some leg operations, and you know how difficult it is to get around on crutches or in a wheelchair. Think of all the people who have painful ankles, knees, and hips, or any other disability as lost limbs. They are suffering chronic pain every day. Some are burdened with having to take pain medication just to get through the day. I want My people to pray for the disabled so they can endure their pain. Those, who live in pain, can offer it up with Me on the cross so they could have some redemptive value in helping souls in their family or in purgatory. I suffered on earth to give everyone an opportunity to be saved from their sins and avoid hell. But sinners must seek Me in repentance of their sins, and ask for My forgiveness. By converting your life from sin, and making Me the Master of your life, then you are preparing yourself to be worthy by My grace to enter heaven. All of your struggles through your trials and pains on this earth are a means to test you and purify you to enter heaven. Indeed, some souls are suffering their purgatory on earth through their diseases and health problems in their later years. Have sympathy for the disabled, and help them in any way that you can.”


Saturday, June 9, 2012: (St. Ephrem)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul talked about evangelizing souls, and this is a large part of My faithful’s mission. You have read in the Scriptures how the prophets were anointed with oil. After My Resurrection I want My faithful anointed also in Baptism and Confirmation with the holy oils. For you are priests, prophets, and kings when you spread My Word in converting souls to the faith. The ambry in each church holds the holy oils for My sacraments. This anointing of each person makes him or her a member of My Church, and it bestows My graces of My sacraments on you to strengthen each of you for your own mission. Rejoice in this fellowship of Christians who follow My ways and imitate My life. I love all of My people, and I will send My angels to assist you in your work.”

Jesus said: “My people, your financial transactions in the futures and options markets are very risky, and they can be likened to bets made in a Las Vegas casino. This area of finances is called the derivatives market that have stocks and bonds as the underlying asset. These bets can be leveraged to as much as 2000 to 1. If a bet wins, the owner makes a lot of money, but if that owner loses, there can be some big losses. In the last financial crisis of 2008 many derivative bets were insured by AIG. This financial institution held bets from the banks of many nations. Your central bankers swindled the American taxpayers by bailing out all of these bad derivatives in the billions of dollars that benefitted even foreign banks. There is no regulation of these dangerous bets, yet your taxpayers are backing these bad debts. The five top banks are leveraged for liabilities that amount to over $200 trillion which is three times the total value of the world’s economies. If these banks lose their bets, as one bank has already lost several billion dollars, there is not enough money in the world to bail them out. Only the Federal Reserve could print that much money, but it would inflate the dollar so much that the dollar would be worth next to nothing. The Federal Reserve and your taxpayers should not be liable to cover these bank debts. You can see how if these bets go bad, that the bricks of your financial institutions will come tumbling down as in the vision, and this crash of your money system will bring about a takeover. It is this martial law possibility that is the plan for the one world people’s takeover of America. This is why I have been warning My faithful to have food and be prepared to leave for My refuges. Trust in Me that I will bring My victory over these evil ones after the Antichrist’s short reign.”


Sunday, June 10, 2012: (Corpus Christi)
Jesus said: “My people, through the years there was an old tradition of having a procession of the Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance all around the neighborhood streets of each church. There also is a long standing practice of adoring My Blessed Sacrament where you have perpetual Adoration. This feast day of ‘Corpus Christi’ or ‘The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ’ is a celebration of My gift of Myself in My Blessed Sacrament. It is a belief in My Church that during the consecration of the Mass, the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood. This belief of My Real Presence under the appearances of bread and wine takes an act of faith in order to believe. If you truly believe that I am present in the Host inside My tabernacle, then you would be willing to come and visit Me more often. Some of My believers try to visit Me every day to show Me how much they love Me, and believe in My Real Presence. Because there are many people who do not believe in My Real Presence, I have allowed some miracles of My Eucharist by having real blood appear on the Hosts. These miracles are not meant to sensationalize My Eucharist, but they are meant to show people that I am truly Present in every consecrated Host. So when you receive Holy Communion worthily, you truly receive Me into your soul. Until the Host is consumed, you are like tabernacles of My Presence. At every Consecration of the Mass, and at My tabernacles, My angels are always present, and they are adoring My Eucharist. Many people pray to Me for petitions, but Adoration and worship of My Blessed Sacrament are other forms of prayer to give Me the honor and glory of being the God of the universe. Try to receive Me in Holy Communion and come to Me in Adoration as often as you can, so you can receive the grace of My sacrament, and the grace of visiting My tabernacle.”

Jesus said: “My people, the wood of My cross is tied to this weeping tree at the Tenth Station. I have talked to you about the Tree of Life, and this tree has taken on a spiritual life in giving you a sign. When you look at a cut tree, you can see the rings representing each year of growth. You could see a bright Light over these rings, and it was in the shape of a Host. You are celebrating today’s feast of Corpus Christi, and this is appropriate in seeing My consecrated Host. Where you have My Host, you also have My sacramental Presence. This vision is also a reminder to you that I will bless all of My refuges when My angels will bring you daily Communion if you do not have a priest for Mass. In this way you will be able to have perpetual Adoration at all of My refuges during the tribulation. Rejoice, My faithful, that I will be with you in protecting you at My refuges.”


Monday, June 11, 2012: (St. Barnabas)
Jesus said: “My people, the life of an evangelist is not easy, as you have read the accounts of St. Paul and St. Barnabas in the Acts of the Apostles. You have seen for yourself how you have to manage all the difficulties of traveling in your air travel, driving, and setting up meetings and accommodations. At times you may miss flights, or you may have problems with your luggage. But there is a joy in bringing souls to Me that makes all of your sufferings worth your efforts. Rejoice that you have been called to help save souls. Keep in mind that when you are taking souls away from the demons, that you should be prepared to do battle with the evil spirits. Wear your blessed sacramentals for protection, and call on Me and My angels to assist you in any demonic attacks. You may even see some resistance to your evangelizing efforts from the authorities, or from some who do not want strangers telling them how to follow Me. When you do your work for Me among the people, I will reward your efforts, even if you have to wait until after your death.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been celebrating the feast day of St. Barnabas who was a missionary, and he worked with St. Paul. These disciples of Mine were instrumental in bringing many souls to the faith, especially among the Gentiles. I told My disciples that I came as a man to serve, and not to be served. I also told them that those who desire to be leaders, must serve the rest. At the Last Supper I washed all the feet of My apostles, and I did this to give Myself as an example of how they should serve My people. Helping to save souls is your most important work, but there are many ways in which you can serve people with your good works. You can help serve food at your meetings, and you can feed the poor and the hungry at food shelves or at soup suppers. You can help people by finding apartments to rent for the poor. You can serve by visiting the sick and the elderly. You can even attend funerals to help those who are mourning for their relatives who died. You can also pray for others who are suffering sickness, or those who are seeking employment. By helping to serve other people, you are serving Me and your neighbor out of love.”


Tuesday, June 12, 2012: (Theresa Vitale Funeral)
Jesus said: “My people, My daughter, Theresa, was a good and faithful servant who was attentive to Me at daily Mass and in her daily prayers. You all heard in the eulogies how she cared for all her family in their needs. She loved her family so much, and she was thankful for all those who helped her in her last years, especially Yolanda. She appreciated all of your prayers and offers to help her. She will be praying now for her family and her friends. She is being greeted by her family in heaven. She also wants to thank everyone who came to her wake and her funeral. She sends her love to everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see events moving slowly toward another war in the Middle East, a possible banking problem in Europe, and also a growing National Debt problem in America. The one world people have their takeover plans in place, and events are moving toward their goal. As you can see this large clock moving, the one world people are concerned that the time for taking over is growing short. They know that I am allowing them only a brief reign before they will lose everything. This is why they are shifting their plans into a faster mode, which means they have to speed up the events that will bring about a martial law takeover. The decision on the Health Care issue by your Supreme Court may dictate the coming plans. If the court strikes down any provisions of the current plan, then you will see your President bypass any decisions because they need to control people with chips in the body. Their plan to chip everybody is coming soon either legally or illegally. Their plan to crash the dollar will also be speeded up. These people are on target with their takeover plans, but you may see things moving faster as they now have more of an urgent feeling to get their plan carried out. I will be available to help My people avoid chips in the body and avoid any flu shots. Trust in Me to first bring My Warning, and then I will bring My victory over these evil ones. Be ready to leave for My refuges when I tell you that it is time to go.”


Wednesday, June 13, 2012: (St. Anthony of Padua)
Jesus said: “My people, you have just read the account of Elijah, and how he confronted the many prophets of Baal who were misleading the people away from God. This worship of the pagan gods was a constant problem for Israel because every time that they left Me, they were being conquered by their enemies. Even today, America is faced with the same problem where many people worship the gods of money, lust, and fame. Those, who are teaching New Age, are worshiping crystals, the earth, and everything other than Me. You also are tested by those who promote the death culture. Satan is misleading people to kill their unborn babies and the elderly. It is very difficult to preach the Good News to the people when there are so many prophets of earthly distractions that are misleading the people. This is why I am still allowing signs in miracles to show the people that I am still with you, but they need to have their hearts open to Me in order to believe in these miracles. Many people are not listening to My prophets because conversions to the faith require a responsibility of following My Commandments. To follow Me means giving up their earthly pleasures of fornication and greed for money, and this is hard for those addicted to sin. My faithful are in a battle for souls. So do the best you can to lead as many souls to follow Me as possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people concerned about stressed banks in Greece, Spain, and Italy. You have heard one journalist mention that it becomes difficult to pay back bonds that reach interest rates of over seven per cent. I have told you earlier that once interest rates get too high, then you could start seeing bank failures and even financial crashes in these European countries. There is not enough money to bail out these countries or the big banks. Once the European banks fail, American banks would fail as well. This crash could very well happen this year. This is also why I have warned My people to stock some food to share, and to be ready to leave for My refuges when events could endanger their lives. My Warning experience will come first, and then you will soon see martial law and mandatory chips in the body. I will warn you when to leave for My refuges before the one world people start picking people up for the detention centers. Keep calm, but have your food and something to barter with as gold or silver. I will have your angels lead you to My refuges under an invisible shield. Do not use guns, but let My angels protect you.”


Thursday, June 14, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, those people, who enter heaven, need to obey My laws, but they also need to be purified either in this life or in purgatory. When you make a vase, you require some painted designs and several glazes that are fire-polished. When you die, you may still have to make reparation for your sins. Purgatory is where My souls are promised one day to be in heaven, but they will spend various times being purified by fire or time until they are worthy to enter heaven. In the Gospel I am telling the people not only to guard their actions, but they also need to guard their thoughts. I look into the heart where you have your intentions both for your actions and your thoughts. Avoid situations where you perform actions for show, but deep down you have the opposite motives which can be sinful. Say yes when you mean ‘yes’ and no when you mean ‘no’. All other thoughts can lead you into sin. Show love in your heart at all times, and I will see your intentions, and reward you for your efforts.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at the blooming roses, each rose has its own uniqueness. Just as you see the beauty of My creation in the plants, so there is a duel beauty when you look at different peoples. My people are made of body and soul, and each can have a beauty of its own. You are My creations, and I give you life so you can bloom in your good works and your love of Me and your neighbor. It is this harmony that I put in nature that I wish to see in your society. You all care for one another when you see someone in need of food, clothing, or shelter. Think more of sharing what you have than keeping it just for yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you a model for a loving marriage in Adam and Eve. I have considered My Church as My bride, and I am the groom. Love is everything in heaven, and this is why even My Commandments are modeled on love of God and love of neighbor. I have made you male and female for the procreation of mankind, and it is from the marriage of a man and a woman that you bear children in a loving environment. This plan of marriage should be the nuclear units of your society that keep people together in the family.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the child’s early years he or she seeks the love of the parents, and a proper relationship can shape a child’s personality. The parents need to nurture and teach their children both what is needed to survive in life and in their souls. Parents need to help them in their faith so they can love and serve Me. If children are not given sufficient love, this can create problem children in your society. Love is a personal relationship that parents can bring to their children, and the children know when it is sincere and heartfelt. Loving families are much happier in each other’s presence than when there is division.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Gospel accounts show you many ways in which I showed you My love in My actions. You see how I love My Father in heaven and the Holy Spirit. You saw how I protected and taught My apostles out of love. You saw how I loved Lazarus so much and his family that I wept at his death, and later raised him from the dead. Most of all I showed you all My love when I suffered a scourging and the crucifixion on the cross so My shedding of blood is a ransom for your souls from sin. In becoming a man I know all the pains and trials of life that each of you are going through. I ask only that you love Me in return by imitating My life of holiness.”

Jesus said: “My people, you first see love when parents reach out to help their children. As you grow older, you see people in need of the necessities of life. It is this desire to help others out of love that you help in distributing food, share your clothes, and at times help people to find a place to live. This is brotherly love when you desire to help people through their problems. You feel more love in sharing your money, your talent, and your faith, than just helping yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, your prayers to Me are really a way of showing Me your love. By living your life as a constant prayer, you are united with Me in all that you do out of love. You also can show your love for others by praying for them in their work, their sicknesses, and even in death by praying for their souls. Love is a beautiful way of expressing your feelings for Me and for others. Call on My help and My graces in all of your life’s needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is true that I have given you several glimpses of what heaven is like. You described it as being one with Me in total peace and love. Your beatific vision of Me is so beautiful and inspiring, that you have difficulty in expressing this feeling in words. You did not want to leave, but I wanted you to share this experience with others. Living in total love with the God who loves you is far better than even thinking of living in hate in the fires of hell. If you truly desire to be with Me in heaven, then show Me your love and your love of Me in others.”


Friday, June 15, 2012: (The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast of My Sacred Heart is the first of the Two Hearts of My Blessed Mother and Myself. You know that I am Love itself, and your images of My Heart represent the seat of love that you have as humans. A beating heart represents life, and the eternal flame in My picture also represents how I have a burning love for all of you as a perpetual fire. I have shown you many scenes in the Gospel that expressed My love for people in healing their physical afflictions. In the Gospel of today you see My death on the cross as My greatest act of love for mankind, so I could bring salvation to your souls and free you from the bonds of your sins. You are all My creations, and I desire that all of you will seek Me out of love so you can be with Me in heaven. I give all of you free will to love Me because I do not force Myself on you. I desire that you love Me of your own free will, and that you will want to serve Me as Master of your life. By loving Me, you can also love My Blessed Mother because our hearts are joined together as one. Be thankful that you are temples of the Holy Spirit because He gives life to your body and your soul. I want My people to love Me with an agape love which is a spiritual love of God beyond your filial love for other human beings. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers, and you can nurture your personal love relationship with My Sacred Heart.”

(The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus) Jesus said: “My people, as I look out at all the hearts of My people, I see a lock on each heart. It is My people that need to unlock their hearts from the inside that will open their heart so I can enter. If a person is focused only on themselves, and they are not open to Me, then I cannot enter that soul and that heart. It is only by your giving of your will over to My Divine Will, that I can enter your heart and share My joy with you in the grace of My sacraments. So listen for My call, and you can open your heart to Me so we can be one heart. In this way you can join My Blessed Mother and the Blessed Trinity as we are all one together in spirit. Give praise and glory to Me because My Sacred Heart is always open, just as you have some churches always open to access My tabernacle.”


Saturday, June 16, 2012: (The Immaculate Heart of Mary)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, thank you for celebrating both Masses for our Two Hearts. I know it takes some spiritual endurance to be up late at night to honor both my Son and myself. You know that in everything I do, I lead you to my Son, Jesus. I am the bridge to heaven because I keep repeating the phrase that you hear: ‘To Jesus through Mary.’ All the rosaries that you pray, I give over to Jesus along with your intentions. All the love that you share with me, I share with my Son, Jesus. Now that I look back on Jesus’ remark of his wanting to be in His Father’s house, I know how much He loves His Father. Rejoice in our Two Hearts as we want to join your heart with ours at all times.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Syrian military firing shells on their own civilians. In response there are some groups fighting the military as the beginning of a civil war. Recently, there was some reporting of Russia sending attack helicopters to the Syrian government. Since Syria is a Russian client, it is much more of a delicate political situation to try and remove this dictator as in Libya. Still your ships are standing ready to go into action if they are called on. This area and the Iranian nuclear situation are both potential places for war to break out in the Middle East. Americans are weary of all the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but it is very difficult when action is taken by your President as in Libya without Congressional approval. Pray that war does not spread in this area, and that peace can come to this region.”


Sunday, June 17, 2012: (Father’s Day)
God the Father said: “I AM is here as I celebrate being the Father of all fathers. I have shared My act of creation with all those men who have fathered children. My Son, Jesus, always revered Me to those whom He was speaking. I pray that people revere Me as well, and that the children give respect to their fathers, especially today. It is good to remember fathers because for the most part they help in supporting and guiding their families. I pray that fathers should remain faithful to their spouses in preserving family unity without fighting. Some are grandfathers and even great grandfathers. It is a blessing to be able to see your children to the second and third generations. It is also a blessing to still have your fathers alive to share their lives with you. There are some people who have lost their fathers when they were young. Children need a father figure in their lives to give them balance in learning about life. Rejoice in My gifts, and the gift of your father in your life.”


Monday, June 18, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read the story of how Jezebel had Naboth killed by her false accusations so King Ahab could obtain Naboth’s vineyard. (1 Kings 21:3) There is such a phrase as a ‘Jezebel spirit’ and it refers to someone who acts like Jezebel in a ruthless manner of control. She was a believer in Baal and she tried to remove all of My prophets in Israel. She also had shrines to Baal erected in their place. It was Elijah who defeated the prophets of Baal, and he had them all killed, despite Jezebel’s attempts to kill him. There are many evil people in this world, and you may have to confront the evil that they are doing. Do not use physical weapons to fight evil, but call on Me and My angels to deal with such evil. Even Jezebel and many evil people have been removed as punishment for their evil deeds. Keep your blessed sacramentals on you for a defense against the evil spirits. By trusting in Me, I will deal with the evil around you, and I will bring My victory against these evil ones in My time. Using Confession can keep your souls free from sin, and that is why I showed you these confessionals in the vision.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that your freedoms would be taken away from you one by one. You have a situation in America where your Executive Branch is taking over more power from your Congress in regard to immigration, war powers, printing money, and many violations of your Bill of Rights. Executive orders are being passed that are definitely in violation of your Constitution, and your personal liberties. Even your courts are making laws without Congress. The one world people are directing a takeover of your country, and you do not even put up a fight over your freedoms that are being taken away. Eventually, you will have a dictatorship of the new world order that will be seeking to kill those who believe in God. When your lives are in danger from the coming martial law, I will warn you when it is time to seek safety at My refuges. My angels will make you invisible to your enemies so you will not need weapons. Trust in My caring for you in this modern day Exodus, so you should have no fear and only peace in My love.”


Tuesday, June 19, 2012: (St. Romuald)
Jesus said: “My people, many people on earth fail to appreciate the many beautiful things of My creation that were all made perfect in the beginning. Many of your plants and animals have been manipulated by man in the changing of their genetic make-up. Man in his scientific pride thinks that he can improve on My perfectly made things. Man’s view does not look at the big picture, but only on things that he likes, which is why you are destroying My balance of nature. You are seeing more cancers and sicknesses from all of your adulterated foods and the pollution of your environment. This is why I will have to renew the earth from all of your misguided changes. Even man and woman were made perfect before Adam’s sin. But now you all have inherited a weakness to sin, and you needed My redeeming act of My death to offer you an opportunity for salvation. I have asked all of you to seek perfection as My heavenly Father is perfect. I know that you cannot do this on your own, so I have given you My sacraments of grace to help you. Many of the Gospels have given you models and examples to follow so you could improve your spiritual lives. My teachings are all about loving Me and loving your neighbor. I even have asked you to love your enemies and persecutors as a means of striving for perfection. It is easy to love those who love you, but it takes an extra effort to love those who have harmed you or have insulted you. Be able to forgive everyone as I forgive you, and you will not be far from entering My kingdom of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, over the last few years you have seen several underwater earthquakes off the coast of Oregon. This is of particular concern because of a possible underwater earthquake that could cause a tsunami. The earthquake in the vision was severe enough to cause damage to buildings, but the tsunami in the vision was only about ten feet high. There are many earthquakes on this Pacific Rim, and this area has been due for a good sized earthquake. This is not the big earthquake for San Francisco, but it may be a precursor for a larger earthquake. I have warned My people to avoid living close to the coastline in tsunami and earthquake prone areas. My people need to be ready for some big disasters in these end times, especially if they are severe enough to cause a martial law. I will warn My people when it is time to come to My refuges. Trust in My protection, and have your things ready to leave for My refuges.”


Wednesday, June 20, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel (Matt. 6:5-18) spoke about praying and fasting in secret, instead of trying to impress people with your holiness. Those, who seek to please people, are praying for show, and not just to show Me their love. Their reward has already been given on earth, but those, who pray in secret, will have their reward in heaven. This is also about having humility when you pray as in the vision of the parable about the Pharisee and the publican. (Luke 18:9-14) The Pharisee in the Temple was proud of himself in fasting, praying, and giving alms, and he was putting down the publican. The publican was humble in striking his breast, and asking for My mercy as he claimed to be a sinner. I told the people that the publican went home more justified in My eyes with a sincere prayer of contrition in his heart for his sins. Those, who exalt themselves, will be humbled, but those, who humble themselves, will be exalted. It is a humble and contrite heart that will be more pleasing to Me than a proud and assuming heart. When you pray from the heart, I will see the true intention in your heart whether you are praying for your own gain, or whether you are sincere in your love for Me. You may think that you can fool others, but you cannot fool Me. Focus your lives on serving and loving Me, and you will find your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are also preparing safe places for their VIPs in large underground cities. They are prepared to endure revolutions and any EMP attack on their sophisticated electronic equipment. Some of My refuges are in underground caves, but My people need to be careful about enough oxygen and light to see. Call on My angels to protect you, and to provide for your needs. You may need to stay near the opening of the cave for oxygen and light. In the caves you will need your windup flashlights, tents, and sleeping blankets. At My refuges I will have My angels watching over all of My faithful. Trust in Me wherever you will stay at My refuges.”


Thursday, June 21, 2012: (St. Aloysius Gonzaga)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is about prayer and how I gave My apostles the Lord’s Prayer in the ‘Our Father’. There is an emphasis on praying from the heart, and not just repeating words in a fast manner. You should pray your prayers slowly so you can remember the meaning of the words. At the end of this prayer I make a comparison. As you are forgiven by Me, so you should forgive your neighbor. There are two parables that speak to this principle of forgiveness. The Parable of the Prodigal Son is how I feel in waiting for sinners to return to Me for the forgiveness of their sins. I am like the loving father who wants to lavish his affection on his son. I also want to lavish My repentant sinners with My love and graces. In another parable one servant was forgiven a large debt from his master, but then the servant caused one of his debtors to be put in prison for a much smaller debt. Later, after the master heard of this incident, he asked his servant why he did not forgive the smaller debt as he had been forgiven. Because of this refusal to forgive the smaller debt, the master had his servant placed in jail until he paid the last penny. So it will be for My people who do not forgive their neighbors. As I forgive your sins, you also should forgive others in a like manner. Those, who cannot forgive others, will have to suffer in purgatory for any lack of forgiveness in their hearts.”

Prayer Group:
Eileen said: “I want to say good-bye one last time to all of the prayer group members, and to all the Nocturnal adorers who came to my wake. I thank you, John and Carol, for all the beautiful years that we spent in working together for the Lord’s causes. I wanted to share with you a mention of my holy groanings when some of your messages touched my heart. I thank everyone for your prayers, your flowers, and your Masses. I did my purgatory in my weeks of suffering on earth because of my strokes. So I am rejoicing with Jesus while I am praying for all of your souls and those of my family.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to have to assist at the burials of your friends and relatives. It is hard to say good-bye to them, but you could see them later in heaven after your own death. Many times you grieve for their loss because these people have become an intimate part of your life. Be thankful that these souls have found peace and love with Me. Be grateful that your prayer warriors can pray for you when they are in heaven. Your tears of sorrow should be turned into tears of joy that your friends and relatives are receiving their reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may have seen such a scene when the casket is lowered into the ground and shovels of dirt are thrown on the casket. This is a closure statement for the living, but you are only burying the outer shell of the body because the life spirit continues to live on. It is the glory of God that is praised for every gift of life that is placed into your own life. As you look around you, you are happy to share your love and feelings with those people that you are living with. Give praise and thanks to Me for every moment of life that I am granting you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your children’s bullying of a bus monitor has reached an unacceptable level for the cruelty of these children to this woman. They should be made to make a written letter of apology to this woman for their threatening language. The parents of these children should be ashamed of themselves for not bringing up their children with better manners. These children need to know that they have stepped beyond the line of civility in their language. Pray for these children and their parents to repent of their activities.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times your jury trials do not always seem to bring about a just decision. Yet your jury system is a fair means of having justice carried out the best that you can. This right of trial by jury is one of America’s basic rights in your Bill of Rights. Other countries have a much harsher form of justice as in communist countries and Muslim countries. Work to save your country from the one world people who want to take away all of your freedoms.”

Jesus said: “My people, over the years many soldiers have lost their lives in the defense of your country and your freedoms. You are coming upon your celebration of your Independence Day on July 4th. Remember to thank those who fought to protect your freedoms. You are seeing now how the one world people are directing their puppets in your government to take away your freedoms one by one. Your people need to rise up and fight this stealing of your freedoms, or you will lose all of your rights. The more public opinion resists these new edicts, then you will see these evil ones back down. Pray for your country’s freedom, or you could lose it.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some dramatic scientific discoveries made over time that have helped you in many parts of your lives. In previous years inventions were made to ease man’s burdens and to give people a longer life. Now in recent years your science is being abused for the sole purpose of making money. The ethics of what they are working on is not always questioned, but when you do things that violate My laws, people should complain of their wrongdoing. I will need to renew the earth of all of man’s manipulations of nature in order to return it to My original plan. Rejoice when you will see My new heavens and new earth after My victory over Satan.”


Friday, June 22, 2012: (St. John Fisher & St. Thomas More)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you could see how the king’s children were protected from the leaders who favored the worship of Baal. Once I allowed the rightful heir to the throne, then the prophets and supporters of Baal were killed and peace reigned again in Israel. There have been many evil rulers throughout history that finally were overturned. This vision of someone being backed into a corner could represent the martyrs of today in St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More. They refused to follow the orders of the tyrant King Henry the VIII, and they were beheaded for their faith. Even in these end days My faithful will also have to endure a worse evil in the Antichrist during the coming tribulation. If you are fortunate to come to My refuges of protection, My angels will shield you from these evil ones. You may see many martyred for their faith in these times, but never give up your faith, even if you are threatened with death. Those, who die for their faith, will become instant saints in heaven. My people need to remain strong in their faith, even during the reign of evil rulers. Those, who remain faithful, will receive their reward in My Era of Peace and heaven. Trust in Me because I will soon bring My victory over all of these evil ones who will be cast into hell.”

(Eileen Wilkin’s Funeral Mass) Eileen said: “My people, I am crying because I did not want to leave my family, but God has other plans for Me. I am sorry that I could not communicate very well to my family and friends in my last days. I want to thank all of the doctors and nurses for my care, and my dear husband, Jack, for being with me all the days of my strokes. Thanks also go out to all of you who visited me and prayed for me. I love all of my family so much, and thank you for the kind words about me at the Mass. I will be with all of you in spirit, and I will be praying for my family and friends. I thank God for such a blessing to have a beautiful family, and you know how much I cared for all of you. I will be waiting to greet you in heaven. Keep praying your rosaries and come to Sunday Mass because I will be watching you.”


Saturday, June 23, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how the farmers provide the crops for your food, and the miracle of how plants grow with the proper amount of sun and rain that I provide. So do not worry about what you will eat, what you will wear, or where you will stay. I give you a life long message that you have lived by for many years. (Matt. 6:33) ‘But seek first the kingdom of God, and His justice, and all these things shall be given you besides.’ In the first reading the Israelites killed My prophets and they worshiped other gods. So I allowed a small foreign force to defeat Israel as a punishment for turning their backs on Me and not listening to My prophets. This is a lesson for America today because you are worshiping the gods of materialism, fame, and money. You also are turning your backs on Me in your trying to take My Name out of the public because of a few atheists. Because you are not listening to My prophets of today, and your idol worship, America will also be chastised by the one world people. There will be a punishment for not coming to church, removing My Commandments, and taking prayer out of your schools. America is following the mistakes of the Israelites as in the Harbingers of 9-11-01 and your 2008 crash. Even with these signs that should draw you to repentance, you are calling further judgment upon yourselves by your pagan customs of pleasure and sexual sins.”


Sunday, June 24, 2012: (Birth of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist was My herald in the desert, and he was the last prophet before My earthly ministry started. He announced to the people that I was the ‘Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.’ The people at first did not know that I was the Messiah, but it was later revealed to them by My apostles. You are in the end times, and the reign of the Antichrist is not far off, as is My victory over him. I am sending you many prophets in this time to prepare the way for My coming. You, yourself, have been given a mission to prepare My people for this coming tribulation. You have also talked in My messages of My refuges of hope where My faithful will be protected by My angels. I thank you for answering My call. I have given similar messages to others, as well as to those who are preparing My refuges. Trust in Me to provide and protect My faithful. There will be some who will be martyred for their faith in Me, even as St. John the Baptist was martyred.”


Monday, June 25, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is about not making judgments about people because I am the only One to judge them. Many people are quick to notice any defects in others, but they fail to recognize their own sinfulness. Before you start to evangelize people with My help, you need to get your own spiritual life in order. How can you instruct others if your own behavior is not following My laws? Do not be a hypocrite. You should practice what you are preaching. You are all sinners and liable for judgment, so act humbly without judging others. Once you have cleansed your own soul, then you can suggest My salvation for others. Just as I do not force My way on people, you should not try to force your will on people. Invite people to love Me and give them good example, and you will be fulfilling your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the early days of Christianity My faithful hid in caves and catacombs so the Romans could not find them. In the end days My faithful will also be seeking protection at My refuges. My angels will place a shield of invisibility over all of My disciples, and your enemies will not be able to detect you in any way. By this miracle you will be safe from your enemies, and I will provide food and shelter for you as well. Have faith in Me to protect you when the evil ones will want to kill you. I love you, and I ask you to have no fear of the evil ones who will soon be cast into hell at My victory. These shrines will be places of refuge, even if they are not preparing as My other refuges have prepared with stored food and water.”


Tuesday, June 26, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, the Israelites in today’s first reading were fearful of the Assyrian army as they were about to attack Israel. The king of Israel rent his garments and sat in sackcloth and ashes, and the people prayed to God for protection. Isaiah proclaimed how they would be saved from the Assyrian king. I sent an angel to destroy his army to protect Israel. (4 Kings 19:35) ‘And it came to pass that night, that an angel of the Lord came, and slew in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and eighty-five thousand.’ You are familiar with this passage as you have used it to show the power of the angels against man when they are given the order by God. These same angels will be protecting My faithful at My refuges. I know that your scholars have speculated on many Biblical passages, but this event of the destruction of the Assyrian army was truly carried out by My angel. In the same way I used plagues to cause the overthrow of the Egyptians, and I destroyed their army as well at the Red Sea. Believe in the power of prayer and My miracles because for Me all things are possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a physical treasure where the Crusaders built churches over most of the holy places in Israel. In Nazareth you saw the Church of the Annunciation and even a church to St. Joseph. In Ein Karem you saw a church honoring the Visitation. In Bethlehem you saw a Church of the Nativity and a small church honoring the Shepherd’s Field. You saw the Wailing Wall of the Temple where I was presented and later where I was found teaching as a child. There was a church at Cana where I attended a wedding. There is a place of the Upper Room where I had the Last Supper. There is a church honoring My Agony in the Garden as well as My scourging. There is a place that housed the soldiers where I was judged. Again the Church of the Holy Sepulcher has the place of My Crucifixion and the tomb from where I resurrected. Every time that you have an opportunity to visit where I lived, the Bible comes alive for you as you realize that I truly walked the earth as a man. Give thanks for My gift of Myself in dying for your souls to be saved from sin. Give thanks also for all of My churches that house My Hosts in your tabernacles. You have the grace of being with Me at Holy Communion and at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Keep your lives focused on Me in your prayers and your good works, and you will have your reward in heaven.”


Wednesday, June 27, 2012: (St. Cyril of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading was an emphasis on the reading of the Jewish laws according to their traditions. This would be like reading the Ten Commandments or parts of the Catechism. As Catholics My people also need to follow the laws and traditions of My Church. My laws do not change, but at times there are some who rationalize their meaning to avoid the spirit of the law. When the Gentiles were accepted into the Church, My people did not have to adhere to all of the strict Mosaic laws. The two basic Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself, are the basis for My laws of love. I have also given you My sacraments of grace. When you disobey My laws, you can be forgiven by the priest who represents Me in the sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation. You are sinners, and you are in need of asking My forgiveness. I have even recommended frequent Confession of at least once a month. It is unfortunate that some of your civil laws are in conflict with My Commandments. It is better for you to follow My laws than the laws of man. It is your soul that will have to answer to Me at your final judgment, so follow My laws the best that you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, you already are seeing some ongoing weather disasters with your fires in the West and your tropical storm in Florida. You are receiving unusually hot temperatures with a large high pressure system in the middle of your country. These hot, dry conditions are causing fire warnings as some fires are already burning houses and plenty of acreage. The tropical storm in Florida has caused severe flooding in low areas with high rain levels in a short space of time. These high temperatures can continue to cause more fires, and add strength to any tropical storms. Pray that people heed any evacuation notices so there will be less people in dangerous conditions. If there is little rain out West, you could see some serious drought conditions as last summer in Texas.”


Thursday, June 28, 2012: (St. Irenaeus)
Jesus said: “My people, the leaders of Israel continued to sin before Me in worshiping pagan gods. I sent My prophets to warn them to change their ways, and I even allowed them to lose a battle to a small force of Assyrians. Still they did not repent of their sins, and they called out for My justice. Finally, My justice was carried out by the Assyrians as they conquered Israel. They forced the king, his family, and all the soldiers into exile in Babylon for over seventy years. This history is being repeated in America. America was founded on Godly principles, but now you are worshiping your gods of materialism, money, and fame. You are not coming so much to church on Sunday, and you are removing My Name from your public places. You again have been warned to repent of your sins by My prophets, and you have been attacked at the trade center in 2001, and you had a financial attack occur in 2008. America is about to be exiled as well by a takeover from the one world people as your punishment.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, only a few people have expensive jewelry that is usually kept under lock and key. Most jewelry is inexpensive or some gold chains. Even deceased mother’s wedding rings may be in a special place. I have little treasure boxes that I keep for everyone in heaven. In your box I store the treasure of your good deeds, your prayers, and your tears of sorrow and love. It is these treasures that no one can steal, and the contents will be given to you at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen this split in My Church and how it is carried out in China. Even King Henry VIII caused a split in My Church in the formation of an Anglican church. The coming split in My Church will be between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will teach New Age, and they will control the physical churches. My faithful remnant will have to go underground to have home Masses. Eventually, the evil authorities will force My remnant Church to seek out My refuges for protection. Be prepared for an increase in religious persecution as you are seeing in fighting against abortion and for your religious freedoms.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people are buying cell phones and many other electronic devices that contain chips that can locate the user with your GPS signature. You have seen your police authorities track and find criminals by following their cell phones. I just warn people that many of your electronic devices can be used against you. There are locating chips in your cell phones, your car ignitions, and your on-star or easy passes. You also have chips in your driver’s licenses and passports. I have advised you to put aluminum foil over your microwave devices to avoid detection. Be aware of the abuses of these electronic devices, and keep them hidden from computer thieves.”

Jesus said: “My people, not all of the parts of this Health Care legislation have been determined or implemented, but it does appear that it could possibly make your Health Care more expensive. Your original bill contained a mandatory chip in the body, and this may be eventually adopted with another stroke of a pen. Avoid taking any chip in the body because it will control your free will. While giving everyone health care insurance sounds generous, it still remains to be seen how it is financed and whether it will add to your National Debt. Other problems could be who gets treated first, and whether older people will have access to needed care. This issue will be debated for a long time. Trust in Me to take care of My faithful’s health care at My refuges where they will be healed of their infirmities by looking on My luminous cross. My care will be much better than Obamacare.”

Jesus said: “My people, people that live without electricity and with older methods of providing their necessities, are going to be well prepared for living at refuges. You have visited such restored buildings that date back into the 1800’s. Let these visits be a wake up call that you can survive without all of your time saving devices. I have given you several messages of how to prepare for this rustic living at My refuges. Trust in Me that I will provide for your needs at My refuges, and My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some problems with your orchard fruits as apples and cherries because of the hot and cold spring. The heat and lack of rain could cause more problems in harvesting your grain crops. Pray that your farmers get sufficient amounts of rain for this year’s crops.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see major storms coming, many people empty the grocery shelves to stock up for any future shortages. I have warned My faithful to store at least one year’s supply of food for each person in your household. Just as Joseph in Egypt stored food for a coming famine, so My people need to store for a coming world famine that will be caused by man. When food shortages cause riots, then you will have to seek out My refuges for your safety. Heed My warnings so

Friday, June 29, 2012: (St. Peter and St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading (Acts 12:6-11) St. Peter had been placed in prison with chains and many guards by King Herod. I sent My angel to free St. Peter from his chains, and at night the angel led St. Peter past the guards and out the gate that fell open. The people were praying for St. Peter’s release, and this miracle of My angel enhanced their faith. This week you also had a reading (4 Kings 19:35) when I sent My angel to kill 185,000 Assyrian troops to protect Israel from an attack. These are examples of the power of My angels when I allow them to carry out My commands. At My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist, I will again send My angels, as in the vision, to protect My faithful from being killed by the evil ones. You have seen their power, and they are very tall. Be grateful for all of My protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages before how the one world people have already drawn up red lists and blue lists of people to be exterminated. The red lists are for people to be picked up before martial law. The blue lists are for people to be picked up after martial law has been declared. This is why I will warn My people to leave for My refuges before the red list pickup. There will be no choices of taking chips in the body for the people on these lists. The intention is to exterminate all the enemies of the new world order. The men in black in the vision will be paid mercenaries from foreign countries. These trains will have boxcars with shackles to restrain their prisoners. There will be some who will be martyred in the gas chambers of these detention center death camps. The money for this operation will be a secret military operation that no one will know about. Martial law will be the beginning of the end of your freedoms in America. Those people, who are not on these lists will be given an option to take a chip in the body or be put to death in the death camps. These chips should not be taken because they will control your mind like a robot. This is why My faithful need to leave their homes and follow My angels to My refuges where they will be safe from these killers as I will protect My faithful. I am giving My faithful hope at My refuges. If you refuse to leave for My refuges after My warning, then you are risking martyrdom at the hands of these mercenaries. Trust in Me to help you in your battle against the evil people and evil spirits. The reign of evil will be brief, and then I will bring about My victory.”


Saturday, June 30, 2012: (First Holy Martyrs in Church)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you see a great faith in a Roman centurion when he asked Me to heal his servant without coming to his house. He knew that a Jew would be defiled to enter his house, so he just asked Me to say the word, and his servant would be healed. He went on to explain how he had soldiers and slaves subject to him, and when he gave the word, they followed his orders. By explaining his authority, he also recognized My authority in healing people by faith. This is why I told the people that I had not seen such faith in all of Israel. It is this act of faith from the centurion that you repeat at every Mass right before you receive Me in Holy Communion. I desire that My disciples would have such a deep faith in Me also. By giving over your will to My Divine Will every day, your prayers are more humble and sincere. Because you have such faith in My care for you, your prayers will be answered in My way and in My time.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one party that passed your Health Care Bill in the House and Senate were able to get support for it because it was a mandated penalty and not considered a tax. When that same party tried to win Supreme Court approval, they had it passed by treating it as a tax that Congress could levy. If this was proposed as a tax in the beginning, it would have failed. Since some feel this was a trick to get it by the judges, then your people will need to change those in office if enough people want it repealed. There are some good points and some questionable elements in this law. Implementing all of the features in the law may still require some compromises in its funding and how choices will be made for people to get the care they need. The identification cards with chips and any mandatory chips in the body will still have to be worked out. I have always told My people not to take any chips in the body for any reason, even if someone threatens to kill them. If the authorities try to force chips in the body, then this will be the time that you will need to come to My refuges for protection from the evil ones. Trust in Me because I will have My angels put a shield of invisibility over all of My faithful so you will not need guns for protection.”


Sunday, July 1, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel was an unusual healing of raising a twelve year old girl from the dead. (Mark 5:21-43) Jairus had faith that I could heal his daughter, but the people did not want to trouble Me further when she died. Even though the people criticized Me when I said she was only asleep, I then put them out, and I raised the daughter to life again. The people were astounded, and they believed in Me more. There are several instances in the Bible where people were raised from the dead, even as I raised Lazarus as well. But I was the only One to rise from the dead on My own, and in a glorified Body. I showed My glorified Body to My apostles at My Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor as a preview to My Resurrection. My worthy faithful will have to wait until the last judgment in order to see their glorified bodies when they will be resurrected. My Resurrection is the hope that I give every soul if they are true to My Commandments. Rejoice in My promise of salvation that will be My reward for those who are faithful to Me.”


Monday, July 2, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I know that your lives can be complicated in your modern world, but every day you need to plan your events so that you leave some time for Me in prayer and meditation. You need time for working, sleeping, and taking care of your family, but you should offer up all that you do to Me, so all of your work becomes a prayer. If you really are intent on doing something, you make it a priority for your time. Do not try and plan so many events in a day that you could never finish them. There are necessary things to do, but having adequate time for prayer should be one of them. Helping people with good works are like prayers in showing your love for Me in others. You should also think about giving your will over to My Divine Will so you can follow My plan for your life instead of your own will. Be careful not to load up your schedule with unnecessary busy work that you do not need in your life. I am the center of your life, and you need to be ready any day to meet Me at your judgment at death. This life is about serving Me, and a test of your faith in Me. Your goal is to be with Me in heaven, so let heavenly things be your focus more than earthly things and pleasures.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you could see a major earthquake soon that could change the geography of your Western coastline. This split will occur down the San Andreas fault line in California. I have shown you before how San Francisco will be thrown into the ocean, and it will be destroyed as a punishment for the sinful lifestyle of the people of this city. This will be such a major event that it could trigger other disasters to cause a national martial law. Whenever you see such a major disaster, be ready to pack up your things to leave for My refuges once I warn you that it is time to leave. Such events could be caused by a man-made device, so I have warned you to be prepared by having food stored with your refuge things ready to leave. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges so you can survive the coming tribulation. Evil will have a brief reign before I will bring My victory against all of the evil ones.”


Tuesday, July 3, 2012: (St. Thomas, 47th Wedding Anniversary)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of St. Thomas is in today’s Gospel when I made sure that his faith was certain by asking him to put his finger into My hands and feet, and his hand into My side. In doing so he exclaimed: ‘My Lord and My God’ which is what you say at the Consecration of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This belief in My Real Presence is a testimony to your true belief in My words. This is why I said: ‘Blessed are those who believe and have not seen Me in the flesh.’ This day is also your 47th wedding anniversary, and you saw a flashback of when your children were very young. It is in those earlier moments which are contrasted to seeing your grandchildren, that you realize how time passes more quickly than your realize. Your time on earth is short, so you have to make the most of every day of your life. When you face Me at your judgment, you will have to make an accounting for all of your time on earth. Keep your focus on Me throughout your life, and you will be well along on your path to heaven. Congratulations to you and your family on your 47th wedding anniversary.”

Jesus said: “My people, a good number of your states are still trying to determine how many new expenses they will have to pay for when all the new people sign up for this new Health insurance plan. It is hard to know if there will be a political fight over the funding of this new law. Many employers may stop funding health insurance plans and let the government pay for the insurance. There will still be problems in finding enough doctors to serve the new patients. If the doctors are not paid appropriately for their services, they may choose not to take new patients or move out of your country. There will be more battles over religious freedoms and possible mandatory chips in the body. Depending on the outcome of the elections, this law or parts of it could be repealed. Now that the mandate is considered a tax, there could be some implications that more people will be against this law. This law was forced on the people by one party without the Congress people even reading the bill. Because of all the problems caused by this law, you could see some serious divisions between your states and your government. Pray for peace in your country, but this will be debated for some time.”


Wednesday, July 4, 2012: (Independence Day)
Jesus said: “My people, many of your early documents honored Me, and the reason that people came here, was to have religious freedom to worship Me in the way they wanted. Now you have a few atheists demanding that you cannot pray in your schools or they would be offended. Even your books, coins, and other public places are being forced to remove My name. Your country was founded on Godly principles as a republic, but now you are accentuating a controlling democracy where the masons and the one world people are dictating their Godless rules to you. You are having to struggle for your religious freedoms that your President’s edicts and czars are trying to remove. Your true independence is being threatened, but only a few are fighting back against your current rulers. Because My Name is being stricken from your society, and many are falling away from their faith in Me, you will see a judgment fall against your country. You are being punished for denying your dependence on Me, and you are not repenting of your sins and idol worship. When your country falls to the one world people, you will truly see how you had such freedoms with My help. When you refuse My help and My blessings, you will fall like a rock because you are depending only on your own strength, which is nothing without Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, smoking cigarettes is a bad habit that can become an addiction. Cigarettes are heavily taxed and this smoking can be expensive, and it can cause lung cancer. People who smoke do not realize how second hand smoke can be offensive and harmful to people around them. It is not easy to stop smoking, just as it is difficult to break other addictions as drugs or drinking alcoholic drinks. Many of these substance abuses can affect the liver or other parts of the body as the brain. These things are all unnatural to your body, and you would be well not to start any of these addictions. Remember that most addictions have a demon associated with them, and it is sinful to purposely harm your body for such pleasures. The bigger problem is that under the influence of drugs and drinking, you do not have full control of your actions, and you could harm people in bad driving or by your behavior. There are many people that have these addictions, and they are hard to stop. A person needs to have the desire to stop, and seek help in clinics that may help that person break any bad habits. Pray for all of these people with addictions that they may desire to break their addictions in order to save their health and allow for the safety of others.”


Thursday, July 5, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen people crying at funerals over the loss of their relatives. You have seen others crying over the loss of their homes in the fires and the wind storms. In the vision you are seeing a different sorrow when the people of Israel were weeping at the exile of their nation. The Israelite kings were in error when they worshiped Baal and other pagan gods instead of Me. Then when I sent them prophets to warn the nation to repent and change their sinful lives, the people of Israel did not want to hear the words of Amos and Elijah. They actually sought out My prophets to kill them. Then I brought My justice upon Israel, and they were exiled for over seventy years in Babylon. This is when the people of Israel wept over the loss of their country. Today, My prophets are again warning America to repent and change your ways, or you too will be visited by My judgment for your abortions and same sex marriages. You have seen this same message of a coming judgment being given by many people from even different faiths, but still the people of America are not changing their sinful lifestyles. Again the people do not want to hear any critical words from today’s prophets either, and the lives of My prophets could be in danger. Yet if a nation does not repent, it will face the wrath of My judgment. Just as the people of Israel wept over the loss of their nation, even so, the people of America will also be crying at your loss if you do not change your ways.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many of you have just attended your child’s or your grandchild’s graduation, but it will be difficult for them to find a job, even with a college education. Your country has allowed your corporations to send jobs overseas for cheaper labor, and then they bring these products back here to be sold at full price. Because of this drain of jobs, many of your American workers remain unemployed. Unless your employers can have a fair playing field in competing for jobs, you will continue to have a high unemployment rate. Pray for your employers that they will be able to employ your sons, daughters, and grandchildren.”

Jesus said: “My people, if your community colleges can offer an education at a reasonable price, why are your other colleges and universities charging such an exorbitant tuition and fees? It is already difficult for a family to support their children in college, even with all the aid programs that are available. With such a high cost for a degree, it will be even harder to pay off the school loans with the jobs that are available. Pray for a means to find a cheaper tuition so most people will have an opportunity to obtain a degree.”

Jesus said: “My people, you realize how important it is to have a trade or a degree in some profession so people can be prepared for the work force. It is the public funded state schools that are becoming the cheapest source for obtaining degrees, in addition to correspondence classes. If you want your people to be educated, then some public supported schools may be the best way to support these colleges. Colleges and universities could also encourage intern jobs to provide a labor force that companies can use for on the job training. If schools and companies could interact more, then they could find the trained workers that they desire without bringing in workers from other countries.”

Jesus said: “My people, most of your jobs come from the private sector that does not require any government help. It is the increasing regulations, taxes, and the new Health Care costs that are making it more difficult for small businesses to provide more jobs for your economy. It also is hard to hire more workers when you are seeing such a slow recovery from your recession. Pray that government and business can work together to solve your employment problems instead of fighting against each other.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you have been used to having your freedoms for so long that you do not realize what it would be like to live in a condition of slave labor. China has provided cheap labor, but your corporations are allowing that government to take advantage of slave labor. These people in China should be allowed to receive a wage that could afford a reasonable living. By your corporations condoning slave labor, you are forcing these people to work for low wages at the expense of American workers. Pray for a resolution of this problem that exploits slave labor.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a breakdown in your society when your families are not teaching the faith to their children. With the closing of many Catholic schools, the children are not receiving the proper training that would help them to come to know and love Me. When the young children stop coming to church, then the faithful will lose its future members. Pray that your parents will be more vigilant in teaching the faith, and giving good example by their coming to Sunday Mass as well.”

Camille said: “I am doing what I can to wake up my family to come to Mass and Confession. The reason that you have seen me more active, is because your time to improve and change your lives is growing short. You have little time left before major events are going to limit people’s opportunity to convert their lives. You know in your messages how time is running out, so encourage your family members to act quickly while they still have time to change.”


Friday, July 6, 2012: (St. Maria Goretti)
Jesus said: “My people, I chose My apostles from many walks of life, and Levi was a tax collector to whom I gave the name Matthew when he decided to follow Me. When I went to his house for dinner, there were many tax collectors and sinners there. The Scribes and Pharisees asked My apostles: ‘Why does your Master eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?’ In answer to them I confounded them when I said: ‘The healthy people do not need a physician, but the sick do.’ I came to call sinners to conversion, and not the self-righteous. In My eyes all of the people are sinners, but many do not want to admit it. It is the humble of heart that know they are not worthy of heaven by their own merits. Only those, who are purified, are worthy of entering heaven. You must strive for perfection, and you can only be purified by My help, and the Blood of My perfect sacrifice. I offer all peoples an opportunity for salvation, but you must come to Me and repent of your sins, and ask for My forgiveness. I have given you My sacrament of Penance where you can come to Me when you go to the priest in Confession. Once you confess your sins, I can release you from the bonds of your sins, and grant you My grace to renew your soul. I invite all sinners to cleanse their souls, and come to My Eucharistic banquet at Mass to share My dinner. Unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you cannot have eternal life.”

Jesus said: “My people, My angels are praising Me constantly at every tabernacle on earth. Even if people do not visit Me in My tabernacle, My angels are always keeping company with Me all day long. You are being graced to see My angels at My tabernacle in the vision because they are spirits who you cannot see normally. When you see these angels giving Me praise, this is another proof to you that I am truly present in every consecrated Host. My Hosts appear as bread, but you have My Body present just the same. My Blessed Sacrament is a source of grace to you in Holy Communion, and you receive graces for making holy hours in adoring Me and praising Me. I have told you many times that My faithful adorers, who visit Me regularly, are very close to Me, and they have a special place in My Sacred Heart. Many of you make special trips to come and pray before Me, and I will store your treasure in heaven for the day of your judgment. Because you are familiar with Me, and I know the sincerity of your faith in Me, you are assured of coming to heaven. Woe to those, who do not know Me, since they will not enter heaven because they did not love Me, and they did not follow My Commandments.”


Saturday, July 7, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel talked about fasting when the Pharisees questioned why My disciples did not fast. I told the Pharisees that My apostles would fast when I leave them. Many people pray to Me for their special intentions of illnesses or financial problems. The most important intention is praying for the conversion of sinners. It is the saving of souls that is most important because the souls are the real treasure of this life. In addition to your prayers, fasting is also a means of petition. Fasting and prayer together are even more powerful in having your intentions answered. In the vision there are some who are more focused on gaining riches instead of prayer and fasting for souls. You can pray for the souls in purgatory as well as for the souls who are living. If you are preparing for the end times, there are some who are exchanging their dollars for gold and silver because of a threat to the stability of paper money. Having stored food to share and some means for barter, may help you until you are able to come to My refuges at the proper time.”


Sunday, July 8, 2012:
Jesus said: “My son, these readings are very appropriate for you because you have to deal with people and family in your hometown as well. The word ‘prophet’ can be used to mean teacher, or it can mean your situation where you are receiving messages from Me. I have told you before that you need to stay close to Me in your daily prayers, Mass, and Communion. Coming to Me in Adoration and at Mass has enabled Me to share My messages with you. I am showing you a dark room as a confessional because being humble and coming to frequent Confession are also a part of your life. Some people may criticize you for My words in My messages because they do not believe that I am giving them to you, or they are offended with the words. It is not easy to live a holy life, so you need to work on your actions to give good example. I was rejected in My hometown, and many times My words of changing people’s lives were hard to accept because it means giving up sinful pleasures. Giving messages on the end times of the Antichrist and refuges is even harder for people to accept, but it is the mission that I am calling you to do in order to prepare souls for the coming tribulation. Many things that you have warned people about, are happening now, and they cannot be denied. Stay true to your mission of telling people how to follow My Commandments of love in order to save souls. Many prophets have been criticized, and I have asked you not to make any defense, but believe in My words. Some prophets have even had to hide from being killed because the people do not want to hear My words of judgment against their country for its sins. Preaching a message of repentance is not going to be a popular message, but it is still a message which you need to keep proclaiming, even if your life is threatened. Call on your angel and My angels to protect you at your talks and in your travel. I thank you for answering My call to this ministry.”

Jesus said: “My people, this year the Olympics will be held in London, England. (July 27 to August 12) Already some terrorists have been captured with weapons. This vision of an attack once the Olympics are underway, is a plan by several terrorist cells to disrupt the Olympics and kill some people. They will try to deploy explosives wherever they can find a weak link in the heightened security. This is not the first time that such attacks have been made. Several incidents have occurred at other Olympic sites in previous years. Metal detectors and some search devices may be used to check people entering where the games are played. You have seen bombs in buses and other transportation before, so attacks could come from many directions. Security for so many people will be a major undertaking. Pray that any possible terrorists could be stopped from killing anyone.”


Monday, July 9, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, if today’s Gospel from Matthew (9:18-26) sounds familiar, it is because you heard a longer version of this account a week ago on Sunday from Mark (5:21-43). In this account from Matthew the little girl of twelve was already dead when the ruler asked Me to bring her back to life. This is very similar in Luke (8:40-56). When raising a girl from death and a woman being healed from her bleeding is mentioned in three Gospels, this underlines the importance of these readings. In Mark’s and Luke’s account the ruler of the synagogue, Jairus, was encouraged to have faith in his daughter being raised to life. (Mark 5:36) ‘Do not be afraid, only have faith.’ The main message is the faith of Jairus to have his daughter restored to life, and the faith of the woman who desired to be cured of her bleeding by touching My tassel. I had many miracles of healing people from their afflictions, but only a few accounts of bringing people back to life. It was My restoring life to Lazarus that was one of the reasons that the Jewish leaders wanted to kill Me and Lazarus. Too many people were converting to Christianity, and the Jewish leaders felt threatened in their positions of authority. Be attentive to other important readings as well that are found in multiple accounts of the Gospel writers.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of the darkness where the demons and the Antichrist hide their treachery. There will be a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The Masons and the one world people will find a way to control the churches. This schismatic church will teach New Age principles and they will try to deceive even My elect. I will warn My faithful to have meetings in secret, and My angels will help My faithful to discern who is true and who is false. After My Warning, you will know My faithful by the cross visible on their foreheads. Those, who do not bear My cross on the forehead, will be the evil ones who have taken the mark of the beast after the Warning. When the lives of My faithful are in danger, I will warn them that it is time to leave for My refuges. Rejoice in the protection of My angels at My refuges. Your guardian angels will guide you to My nearest refuge where you will be protected, and I will provide for your needs. This is an exciting time to be alive when My faithful will be separated from the evil ones. Some of My people will be martyred for their faith, but they will be rewarded with instant sainthood in heaven. Trust in Me to guard your faith, but you must stay close to Me in prayer and My sacraments. Your sacramentals and My angels will be your shield, and not any physical weapons.”


Tuesday, July 10, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I healed many people of various diseases and afflictions, and this was amazing to the people of Israel. When I showed My power over the demons, the people had more trouble in understanding My power as the Son of God. They even accused Me of being the prince of demons, but I told them that Satan’s kingdom would fall if it was so divided. Some of the people could not understand how a man could have power over the evil spirits. They did not realize that I was God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. All things, people, and spirits are under My power and authority. The evil spirits know who I am, and they sometimes even admitted this in words that people could hear, but I rebuked them. Healing people, raising people from the dead, multiplying food, calming the storms, and even resurrecting from the dead are all signs of My power as God. Many came to believe in Me because of the miracles that I performed. My main mission was to bring salvation to all souls by My eventual sacrifice on the cross. I taught My apostles in My sermons and parables of how to live a life worthy of heaven in obeying My Commandments. I sent My apostles out to preach the Good News of My Resurrection and salvation by My sacrifice. I even mentioned in today’s Gospel to pray to the harvest master in Me to send out more laborers to harvest the souls for heaven. My people of today also need to pray for vocations to the priesthood. I call many souls to the religious life, and you need to nurture and encourage these men, instead of rejecting their call by having them seek other earthly professions. My priests and lay ministers are helping to direct souls to conversion, so encourage these people to bring souls to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people both in your country and abroad that depend on your corn crop and other grains. The hot temperatures are drying out your crops, and with a lower rainfall many crops are going to be lost without irrigation to provide water. If the output of crops is low, then there will be rationing to all the customers. If you start to see a famine or food shortage, this will fit the world famine that I have tried to prepare you for. Those, who have food, should share it with their relatives and friends. The problem will come when some people cannot get their own food, and they will try and steal it from others or from their fields. This is where violence with guns will make it dangerous for the lives of My faithful. If you are not threatened, then I will multiply your food while you are at your homes. If people start killing for food, then it will be time to come to My refuges for protection. Have no fear because there will always be enough to eat for all of My faithful who come to My refuges. Again, food will be multiplied at My refuges so you will not go hungry, even with a world famine. As your crops are endangered, you will appreciate the value of your farmers more, and the sun and rain that I provide to grow your crops. Pray for your farmers, and pray that the people will find enough food to survive.”


Wednesday, July 11, 2012: (St. Benedict)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Benedict reformed monastic life in the monasteries, and made prayer a more integral part of their lifestyle. My faithful may not lead a structured life as in a monastery, but their prayer life is still needed in their daily lives. When you are praying, it is your way of speaking to Me and loving Me for who I am. I know you all have unusual events come up that can use your time, but do the best that you can to work your prayers into your plans. Remember to make up any missed prayers on the next day. If you keep missing your prayers, then you are doing too many busy activities without Me at the center of your life. You are stewards of your time in your daily activities, so you need to plan better to work your prayer time into your daily schedule. This light coming in when you opened the door in the vision, represents the graces and joys that I share with you when you open your hearts to Me. I love you all dearly, and you can make some time for Me, even if you do not live in a monastery.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is one of the one world people’s plans to start another war in either Iran or Syria. Russia has been arming both countries with their latest military weapons. Any war in this area could draw other countries into a larger conflict. The timing of this war around the election time could give your President an excuse to postpone the elections. Such a postponement could also come about through a planned crash of the dollar. You have seen an increase in Executive Orders by your President so he could declare an emergency for a martial law takeover. Once martial law is declared, your government will cease to exist, and you will be under a dictatorship of the one world people. Should such an emergency come about, I will warn My faithful beforehand to seek out protection at My refuges. I have been warning you about this possibility for some time because it could happen any day. You will see My Warning of the illumination of conscience before these major events take place. Have some food ready, and be ready to leave for My refuges. Have no fear because My angels will protect you at My refuges.”


Thursday, July 12, 2012:
Jesus said: “My son, I sent out My apostles to spread My Good News of salvation. I told them not to worry about taking money or bags because good people would provide for their needs. They were to stay at a good person’s house and bless it with their peace. If that town refused to accept them, then they were to shake the dust from that town from their feet in testimony against them. I am sending out many of My prophets and lay people to spread My Good News of conversion, but also to warn people how to prepare for the coming tribulation. One of the points mentioned in the reading was about not accepting money other than for travel, eating, and accommodations. I have given this to you many times that My Word is given freely, and you should not ask for stipends since I take care of your needs. In the same way you do not make money on the books and DVDs. I do not want you to be tempted by taking money, since your expenses are taken care of by others. You have been given messages about preaching for conversions and saving souls, but also to warn people to have some food set aside for the coming famine and possible chaos in finding food. Many serious events are coming soon, and My faithful need to have some things ready to leave for My refuges of protection. The evil ones will soon threaten you with chips in the body and martial law, and this is when I will direct people to leave for My refuges. This is not a message of fear, but it is a message of hope that I will take care of My faithful.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, those people, who live close to the Great Lakes, do not realize how fortunate they are to be living near such a large source of fresh water. Hopefully, your people will keep it free of pollution. There are many farmers who could use such fresh water for their crops that are dying for lack of rain. Water is essential for all life, and you are seeing its necessity in the latest drought conditions in parts of your country. Pray that your people will find sufficient water for their needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, your extremely warm weather has created very dry brush and fires are continuing because of less rainfall. It is hard to find and afford enough fire fighting equipment to contain these fires. Many homes and some deaths have been lost to these fires. Pray for these families for the loss of their homes and any loved ones lost.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Presidential campaigns should be focused more on the issues of jobs and improving your economy instead of on personal attacks on the candidates. When people make up stories about candidates that are not true, your campaigns have gone over the edge with their lies and insinuations. Millions of dollars are being spent on these ads, and this money could be better spent on helping poor people.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your Supreme Court decision on your health care mandate you have seen the real truth come out about all the new taxes that are being exposed with your latest law. If all of the new taxes were known by the public, this law would never have been passed. Now you are seeing several states wanting to opt out of this new law because of the new funding liabilities in paying for millions of new people’s health insurance. This huge increase in taxes will be well known before your election, so the people can decide if your country can afford it.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have recently seen missile firings by Iran to show off their new weapons to discourage attacks against their nation. Even America is displaying aircraft carriers and minesweepers to discourage Iran from attacking its bases or shipping in the straits of Hormuz. With such close proximity of these forces together, it is very dangerous for these nations to threaten any warfare. Pray that peace will prevail in the Middle East where oil supplies would be held hostage if a war broke out in this area.”

Jesus said: “My people, before a war starts, you are seeing the media speaking about the dangers of Iran’s weapons and the work they are doing on their nuclear bomb capability. Many sanctions and attempts to stop the nuclear bomb work have been unsuccessful. This is why Israel may consider a strike because their nation is at stake. Any strikes on Iran by Israel could possibly draw America into a new war. Troops and armaments are being positioned for the possibility of such a war with Iran. The one world people also want such a war, so it would not take much to set off a serious war among these nations. Again pray for peace that these war plans could be thwarted.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is frustrating for people in how to stop these ongoing wars and all the problems in America that could lead up to martial law being declared. You can call on Me in your novenas of prayer to hold back these serious events that could cause many to be killed or starved by wars and famines. You have
seen the power of prayer demonstrated in many other historical events. Now more than ever you need to call on Me for your protection and safety from the plans of the evil one world people. Without America repenting of its sins, how can I hold back the judgment against you? When the leaders of Israel and Nineveh repented in sackcloth and ashes, I held back My judgment against them. So America can pray and repent to mitigate any judgment against it.”


Friday, July 13, 2012: (St. Henry & St. Cunegundes-wife)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel reading I am encouraging My apostles in what they will face when they go out to preach My Good News. I told them how they would be persecuted for My Name’s sake, and how they would be brought before the authorities to stand trial. The Holy Spirit would give them what to speak, even as He helps you in your talks and writing My messages. In this reading I tell those, who are living in these end times, that they will flee from their own homes to various towns of protection. You will not travel to all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man will come. I have given you many messages that people will have to leave their homes and they will travel to various interim refuges on their way to My final refuge. At these refuges your guardian angels and the angels at My refuges will shield you from the evil ones by making you invisible. The reign of the evil ones will be brief before I will come in victory over them, and they will be cast into hell. Rejoice because you know that I will take care of you in this time of tribulation, and you know that I will be the victor in the end. Pray for souls to be saved so they are not misled by the Antichrist and his companions.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you gather the leaves, it is like gathering the lost sheep for conversions. In this modern age it is hard to find people with a sincere faith in Me. Many people are so taken up with their earthly schedules that I am excluded from their lives. I am sending out many missionaries and prophets, but the people do not want to listen to their words. People are rejecting My way of life because it would mean that they would have to stop their sinful pleasures. In some people’s eyes they would favor earthly pleasures over preparing to come to heaven. I have shown you the beauty of heaven and the ugly life in hell and purgatory. I want My people to desire perfection so you can come closer to heaven. Focus your will on pleasing Me and obeying Me over following your own ways. By seeking to serve Me more than man, you will be on the right path to heaven.”


Sunday, July 15, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, at your church you had the joy of listening to a Viet Nam monk, and a chance to help their order in rebuilding their monastery that was destroyed by a typhoon. In today’s Gospel you are again reading about how I sent My apostles out, and how I gave them authority over the demons and protection from poisons. Just as I called My apostles to be missionaries of My Gospel, so I call on My faithful to share their faith with those who are around them. The most precious gift that I give to everyone is your immortal soul that lives on past the grave. This is why your most important work is to reach out to save souls. I have died for all souls so salvation is available to everyone. But each soul should repent of its sins and seek My forgiveness in Confession in order to be saved. Make Me the center of your life by giving your free will over to My Divine Will. It is a joy when you can convert even one sinner to the faith. Just as heaven rejoices over one sinner who repents, I am also grateful to those who enable these conversions. Call on My graces and the power of the Holy Spirit to save souls.”


Monday, July 16, 2012: (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)
Jesus said: “My people, I ask My faithful people to spend one hour with Me on Sunday morning or Saturday night to worship Me and give Me the glory as the God of your life. To all of those people who have soccer games and baseball games on Saturday evening or Sunday morning, I ask them who is your God? Is it I or your sports games? If you cannot take time to honor Me on Sunday as in the Third Commandment, then how will I know you at your judgment? You do not want to hear the words that I do not know you because those souls are risking the fires of hell. You can only be saved then by a miracle or your family and friends praying for you. My prayer warriors need to pray for those people who make earthly things and earthly events as their god. There is nothing more important than loving Me and loving your neighbor. The First Commandment says that you should not have any other gods before Me. Sports, money, fame, and earthly pleasures are today’s idols and gods that are placed before Me as more people are losing their faith in these end days. My people should be focused on Me and your preparations of food and your things to take to My refuges. I have warned you of some coming events this year that could shake your whole world. Be prepared for some serious persecution, and stop letting worldly things distract you from your love of Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you before about a coming famine. Now, right before your eyes you have seen your cherries and apples ruined, and recently your corn is dying in the fields for lack of rain. I have also mentioned before how the HAARP machine can be used to control your weather by controlling the jet streams that bring rain. In March of this year you saw some unusually warm weather which brought out the buds on your orchard crops. Then it turned cold again and the buds were frozen and killed. By causing this warm and cold cycle the HAARP machine could ruin your cherries and apples in Michigan and New York. Now in the summer time you are seeing the jet streams staying in the North with a huge hot high pressure system sitting over the middle of your country without any rain. When such a pressure system remains in one area for a long time, this is a sign of the HAARP machine being used. I also told you that the one world people are running out of time, so they are creating these weather problems that could affect your crops and create chaos with food shortages. I have been telling you for over a year to store a year’s supply of food because of the coming famine. You can share your food with friends and relatives, and if necessary I will multiply what you need. Once people start killing for food, then you will need to go to My refuges where My angels will make you invisible. I will provide food, water, shelter, and daily Communion at My refuges. There you will always have something to eat without fear of the evil ones trying to kill you. Trust in My messages of hope, and prepare your food and your backpacks to leave for My refuges.”


Tuesday, July 17, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw Me criticize the towns around Me for their lack of faith. There is a Scripture passage when I spoke to My apostles of the weak faith of the people while I was still with them. I said if they are this weak in the time of green pastures with My presence, what are these people going to do in the time of the ‘dry’? I was speaking of the end times when My Name is forbidden to be expressed in public. (Luke 23:29-31) ‘For behold days are coming in which men will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and breasts that never nursed.’ Then they will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall upon us’, and to the hills, ‘Cover us!’ For if in the case of green wood they do these things, what is to happen in the case of the dry?’ With the current drought with very little rain, your grass has turned brown and your crops in the fields are withering. You are seeing the lack of faith in the spirit mirrored in nature as a lack of water. It is My grace in My sacraments that refreshes your souls and makes them vibrant. It is My Body and Blood that you eat and drink worthily that can restore your faith and belief in My Real Presence. If you have strong faith in your heart, you will be able to endure any persecution or drought in your spiritual life. Stay close to Me in My love, and you will be joyful without worries or depression from life’s trials. You know how to water your lawn to keep it green, so you know how to water your soul with My grace which is the lifeblood of the soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, every day your privacy freedoms are being invaded with more cameras and listening devices. There are people monitoring your phones, cell phones, e-mails, and any other forms of communication. The latest Executive Order gives your President control over all of your communications, even the internet. These new edicts by your President will allow him to declare martial law at any time. Some people on the West Coast are seeing radioactive Cesium 137 (half-life of 30 years) in the air and water coming from the crippled Japanese nuclear reactors. Chemtrails could be used to spread such radiation poisoning without the people knowing the danger unless they had a Geiger counter to measure the radiation. Some people have obtained such devices in the West to monitor any unusually high levels of radiation. Chemtrails can spread virus diseases, but radiation and heavy aluminum oxide levels are the new threats to people. If chemtrails are thick and numerous, it may be better to stay inside to avoid any contamination. It will not be long before you may have to come to My refuges so you can be healed of any radiation or viruses by looking on My luminous cross. Call on My protection, and I will have My angels lead you to My refuges.”


Wednesday, July 18, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I have asked My people to be childlike in order to come to heaven. It is not by your own merits that you can come to heaven, but through My death and Resurrection you are saved. Each soul needs to be humble and ask My forgiveness of his or her sins. It is not easy to acknowledge that you are a sinner, but you need to swallow your pride and come to Me in Confession at least once a month. If you truly are going to serve Me, then I need to be the center of your life, which means that you need to conform your will over to My Divine Will. When you follow Me in this way, you can trust in Me that I will watch over you and guide you on your way to heaven. It is only by focusing on My ways that you will be able to fulfill the mission that I have planned for you. Give praise and glory to Me for all that I do for you in this life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when James and John wanted to sit one on My right side and the other on My left side in heaven. (Matt. 21:20-23) I asked them if they could drink the same cup of suffering that I was about to endure. This cup of suffering is what you are seeing in the vision. The darkness in the cup represents the hour of darkness when I would allow the devil to use men to put Me to death. Many followers of Mine have died for their faith as martyrs. A time of persecution is coming soon with an evil that you have yet to see when the Antichrist declares himself in power over the whole world. Soon My faithful will have to drink their cups of suffering as you have to live through this brief reign of evil. Some of My people will be martyred for their faith, but others will be protected at My refuges. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give you what to say when you are tested. Have faith in Me, even if the evil ones threaten to kill you. All martyrs, who die because of their faith in Me, will become instant saints in heaven. Refuse to worship the Antichrist and refuse any chips in the body. You will all be warned when your life is in danger, and when it is time to leave for My refuges. Those, who do not leave in time, are risking martyrdom in the death camps.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some areas you are seeing the decay of My churches. Some parishes have only older people, and as they grow old and their hair turns white, eventually they are dying off. You need young people in a church to keep it vibrant, otherwise it will decay to nothing. There are other forces that will cause a division in My Church when you see New Age teachings start a schismatic church that will force My faithful remnant into home Masses. After this, you will have your religious freedom taken away by your authorities, and it will be unlawful to have a public Mass or church service. My Church will go underground until your lives will be threatened, and you will need to come to My refuges so My angels can make you invisible. At each refuge you will have daily Communion by My angels, and you will have perpetual Adoration to protect you and provide My graces for your souls. Do not fear the end times or the evil ones because I will be at your side protecting you from those who are trying to kill you.”


Thursday, July 19, 2012: (Rosemarie Strollo Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to lose a mother, and I console the family in this loss. Her spirit lives on, as she loves all of you and she will be praying for you. She was thankful for all of her family and friends who could attend this funeral Mass. Pray for her with some Masses, and she will soon join her husband and relatives in heaven. Love is the joy of life, and she shared all that she could with her loving family.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in order for a ship to reach its proper destination, you need to steer the rudder according to a set compass reading. This steering wheel circling around in the vision represents how America’s heading and direction are out of control both physically and spiritually. A country should be controlling its spending according to a balanced budget. When your budget and spending are out of control, then your deficits will consume most of your budget. Your moral heading is also out of control when your laws allowing abortion, euthanasia, and same sex marriage are violating My Commandments. Once a country does not follow My laws, and does not even see Me as the center of your lives, then that country is calling on My justice for punishment. Pray for your country and its leaders so you can put your country back on the right course.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your latest financial collapse in 2008 the taxpayers of America bailed out many large banks and some car manufacturers. Your unemployment levels are still high, but the real truth is coming out about why your jobs are no longer here. Many of your corporations are sending jobs out to places of slave labor in communist China. Even one of your car manufacturers, that was bailed out with taxpayer money, has 70% of its employees in China. Unless the people change the financial incentives of these businesses, more and more jobs will disappear. Pray for your children’s future jobs by stopping this theft of your jobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, much of your country’s wealth has come from its innovation in patents and research. Even in your military, your weapons’ technology has kept you in power. Since much of your manufacturing is sent to communist China, you are enabling them to use your technology against you when they make their own weapons. Communist China’s slave labor and its trade are making it the most powerful nation that will pass up America. These slave labor leaders are taking advantage of their own people, and they are gaining control of the world because of the greed of your corporate leaders. Even if the one world people gain control of the whole world, it will be brief before I bring My victory over all of these evil ones when they will be cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more of an open rebellion against the current regime in Syria that has been killing its own people. Even various Western governments want to give aid to the rebels. Behind the scenes this is another way that the Moslem Brotherhood is trying to influence another take over of an Arab country. These regime changes are helping the one world people in reaching their goal of world control.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of your central bank’s easing or printing of Treasury bonds is continuing to increase your National Debt without any improvement in your economy. Their intent is to eventually bankrupt your country’s finances through a heavy burden of manufactured debt by wars and overspending. This plan could precipitate a martial law which would crash the dollar and bring about a new currency of the amero when you are brought into the North American Union. Once such a regime change is underway, My faithful will need to come to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing evil taking power that seems impossible to fight in your eyes. I am showing you My angel power to give you more hope and trust that I am always in control of things. My angels at My refuges have the same power that destroyed the Assyrian army. They are tall and they will destroy any evil ones who come near My refuges, so have no fear. There will be a Battle of Armageddon in Israel, and you will see the ultimate battle of faithful people and My angels defeat the demons and all the evil leaders. Trust in Me because My angel power and My power are greater than all the demons and evil ones combined.”

Fr. Klem said: “I have lived a long life in God’s service and I see my reward coming soon. Now, I know how St. Paul felt when he reached the end of his ministry. Pray for me and I will be praying for you. I was thankful that I could help direct your ministry in its early beginnings. I see now how God is using you to prepare the people for this coming trial of tribulation. Keep close to Jesus in your prayers and the use of His sacraments so Our Lord can use you as he used me in accomplishing our missions. I love all of you, and I thank you for remembering me.”


Friday, July 20, 2012: (St. Appolinaris)
Jesus said: “My people, the Mosaic law about not doing any work on the Sabbath could be superceded when you may have to do some work in order to eat for survival. Even today this is abused by some places that force people to work at their job on Sunday. Honoring My day of worship on Sunday should at least take priority to come to church unless someone is truly sick. It is the spirit of the law that should be upheld, even if there are some exceptions. You used to have ‘blue laws’ that did not permit people to normally work on Sunday. Now, your society thinks nothing of working on Sunday, as this is just another sign of how America has stopped thinking about Me in My laws. Another part of this Gospel is how you are quick to criticize other people’s faults without thinking of improving your own faults. Do not make judgments on others because judgments should be left up to Me. Do not be hypocrites by committing the same sins that you are preaching against. Encouraging your children to attend Sunday Mass is good as long as you are trying to help their soul as your intention. I read the intentions of your actions in your heart, so live a Christian life as a good example to others.”


Saturday, July 21, 2012: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)
Jesus said: “My people, the people of Israel were given the Ten Commandments by Moses which told them not to worship idols or other gods. Yet, they followed other gods as Baal, and for this they were punished in the Babylonian Exile. They were promised a Redeemer for their sins, but they did not want to recognize Me as the Messiah. Instead, I became the suffering servant of Isaiah, and I died to set men free. Now that I have been offered as an unblemished lamb, you have been freed from the bonds of your sins. Now even the Gentiles and the Jews have the opportunity to be saved. You must come to Me as a repentant sinner in asking Me for the forgiveness of your sins. You also need to allow Me to be the Master of your life in following My Commandments. When you love Me and worship Me, I will put you on the path to heaven. Abide by My ways and imitate My life, and you will be saved.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am happy that all of you were able to attend this Chaplet of Divine Mercy, my rosary, and the Mass where I bring you to my Son, Jesus. As you can see, my Son and I are blessing all of you, and the angels are protecting this Shrine. As I told you at your local Fatima Shrine, all of my shrines and places of holy ground will be my Son’s refuges that are guarded by angels. You know that I am a spiritual refuge of sinners, but at the coming tribulation in my places of apparition and my shrines, I will also provide physical refuges protected by my Son’s angels. Pray and trust in my Son, Jesus, that we will be watching over our children, and we will be protecting you from the Antichrist, the demons, and the evil people.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision represents an expression of yours where ‘the rubber meets the road.’ This situation occurs when people have to go to work in order to pay the bills and put food on the table. Some people have it harder than others when they may have heavy manual labor jobs or jobs that cause a lot of stress with people or the job itself. Some people are locked into low paying jobs, and they are called the working poor. With so many manufacturing jobs being sent overseas, people are fortunate to even have a job. Despite all the troubles of the workplace, it still is important how you react as a loving person in your own situation. It is better to have an uplifting attitude of loving people and helping each other, rather than live with a negative attitude in despair about the hard things of life. It is even better to invite Me into your life every day to help you with My grace in all that you do. At times you start projects, and you fail on your own. Learn to ask My help before you start projects, and it will go better for you with My help. You need to have faith in Me, and trust that I will guide you in helping your family. I know your needs before you ask Me, so come to Me because you are dependent on Me for everything.”


Sunday, July 22, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I asked My apostles to set out for a deserted place so we could take a rest. This is a good suggestion both for your physical and spiritual life. You spend time away from work on vacation when you can, but you can also spend time at retreats to help your spiritual life. When you are at retreats, you have time for Confession, and some spiritual reflections in some talks. It gives you a rest from the noise of worldly concerns, and time to think of how you can improve your spiritual life. Even your daily prayer time gives you a little respite so you can talk to your Lord about your love for Me. Just as I retreated into the mountains to pray, My people need to recharge their spiritual batteries so you can go out to convert souls to the faith. Be good examples of Christian living so people can see by your actions that you practice what you preach. Saving souls is your most precious ministry, and My missionaries will receive a heavenly reward.”


Monday, July 23, 2012:
Kateri said: “My son, I am happy that you are here to honor my tomb. You have been here before and in Fonda, N.Y. to honor me. I would gladly honor any of your requests to be a patron of protection for your refuges. You have asked me before to watch over your daughter, Catherine, because she has my namesake. You gave her my statue when she was younger. Now, you are requesting that I help her to see the importance of coming to Sunday Mass and coming to my Jesus in Confession. Tell her that you and I are praying for her soul, and she needs to be a good example for her daughter, Jocelyn. Make sure my statue is blessed and ask her to place it in a special place in her house where it can be seen. The Church is about to honor me with official sainthood for the miracles of my intercession. I have prayed to Jesus for many requests of the people who have prayed to me as an intercessor. Have faith in my Jesus that your prayer requests have been given to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the conjugal act of marriage is protected by this sign of the ‘marriage bed’. All other unions of fornication, adultery, or homosexual unions are forbidden by the Sixth Commandment. The use of birth control devices, artificial insemination, vasectomies, tubal ligations, and masturbation are also mortal sins, and need to be confessed before you can worthily receive Me in Holy Communion. Avoid pornography, immoral thoughts of sexual sins, or any other improper touching of the opposite sex. There are many sexual sins that can cause souls to be lost in hell. Do not let sensual pleasures lead you into serious sin. Pray to treat each others’ bodies with respect, and spouses need to be faithful to each other as long as they are married. Spouses can be a means of leading each other to follow Me to heaven. Love is a beautiful way of uniting a man and a woman, and in marriage I am the third partner uniting them.”


Tuesday, July 24, 2012: (St. Sharbel)
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you dearly, and I used this moment of greeting My Blessed Mother and My apostles as a teaching moment. I did not ignore them, but I wanted the people to realize that those, who followed Me, were welcomed also as My brothers and sisters. I seek to have a personal relationship with all of My faithful. When you speak to Me in informal prayer or in formal prayer, you are uniting our two hearts in love. If you truly love Me, you should show it in your actions so you can be a good Christian example to others. Guard your eyes and your actions so that you do not allow the evil one to tempt you into sin. Again, if you love Me, you would not do anything to offend Me in sin. It is by striving for purity and perfection that you can train yourself with My grace to be a worthy disciple. In order to come to heaven, you must cleanse yourself of all human desires and pleasures so you can be totally focused on loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself. This is how you will be tested at your judgment, so be prepared with the help of My sacraments.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you before about the old tradition of the priest carrying My Blessed Sacrament outside in a procession. Here at this Shrine, the clergy have kept up this tradition because the Real Presence of My Host is worthy of being displayed to the whole world. There are fewer people believing in My Real Presence because most of My priest sons are afraid to teach this truth in the pulpit. Even some of My priests have a hard time believing in My Real Presence, and this is why I have allowed Eucharistic miracles to try and convince My priests that I am truly present in My Host. These miracles usually involve spots of My Blood that come out on My consecrated Hosts. These miracles also have helped many faithful people to believe in My Real Presence. Rejoice in this gift of Myself that I have left with you until the end of this age.”


Wednesday, July 25, 2012: (St. James)
Jesus said: “My people, I pray that every soul desires to be with Me in heaven, so each soul can be overwhelmed with My love and peace. It is enough for each sinner to repent of his or her sins, and I will put you in the place that I have prepared for you in heaven. I do ask each of My faithful souls to strive for the higher levels of heaven because this requires a deeper love, and a personal commitment to save souls. Do not have any spiritual pride that you are better than anyone else, because you are all equal in My eyes. Each of you have been given different talents to achieve the mission that I have planned for you. In order to fulfill your mission, you need to give your free will over to Me so you can live in My Divine Will. Just as I came to serve and not to be served, so I call on My disciples to serve people in evangelizing souls. You remember your earlier training that you are placed on this earth to know, love, and serve Me with your whole heart, your whole soul, and your whole mind. Live this life in My love, and you will allow Me to lead you to your place in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times I have prayed over people not only to heal their physical problems, but I also desired to heal the people’s souls as well. You have noticed in many of My healings that it was faith in My healing gifts that healed the people. In My own hometown I could not heal more than two people because of their lack of faith in My healing gifts. So when you are asked to pray over someone, try to gather a sense if they believe in God. If someone has any addictions, pray to bind any evil spirits of these addictions to the foot of My cross in My Name, Jesus. Pray the St. Michael prayer for that person as an exorcism prayer. Once their faith is open to Me, then My grace and that of the Holy Spirit can work to heal their physical ailments. When people witness any healing through your prayers and My grace, be sure to give thanks to My intercession and healing. All healing comes from Me and the Holy Spirit, so be sure to give Us the credit without claiming that you did the healing by yourself. I have told you that you will be seeing more healings through My prophets and messengers as you enter the end times. Again, be grateful for every miracle that you see, because these are gifts from God. Also, when you pray over people, be sure to pray for their souls and their bodies as well.”

St. Anne said: “My dear children, I am the grandmother of Jesus, and the Blessed Virgin Mary is my daughter. You are grandparents yourselves, and you know what a joy it is to have grandchildren. I brought Mary up with our Jewish traditions, and these were the same teachings that Mary taught Jesus. My husband, St. Joachim, and I knew of the teachings of the coming Messiah. But we did not realize that I would bear the Mother of God. Mary was sinless, and she had no original sin in her Immaculate Conception. As you can see by the many crutches in the main church, I have been an intercessor of prayer and an intercessor of healing miracles. Just as you pray to the Blessed Mother for prayer petitions, so you can call on me also to intercede for your requests that are given to Jesus. I love all of you so much, and I am happy that your group could come to my Shrine to celebrate my novena and my feast day.”


Thursday, July 26, 2012: (St. Anne & St. Joachim)
Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the feast day of My grandparents. You have seen in the Scriptures about the birth of My Blessed Mother and My own birth. The vision is when I read the Scripture of Isaiah in Nazareth that spoke of the coming of the Messiah. After I read the Scripture and I sat down, I told them that on that day this Scripture has been fulfilled in their hearing. Later, I emphasized that I came from My Father and the people wanted to kill Me because they thought I was blaspheming. In the Gospel of today I told the people about My parables of the coming of My Kingdom. Then I said: ‘Many prophets and religious people longed to hear what you are hearing, but did not hear it, and to see My miracles, but they did not see it.’ My people of today have read My words of the Gospels, and you have read about My miracles, but you have faith without seeing Me in the flesh. I told My apostles after My Resurrection that they believed because they could see and touch My glorified Body, but blessed are those who did not see Me, and still they believe in Me. I love you, My children, and I ask you to follow Me through life, and you will have your reward in heaven for your belief in Me.”


Friday, July 27, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have just read the Parable of the Sower who was sowing the Word of God and the coming of the Kingdom to various souls. The first souls mentioned are the atheists, who hear the Word of God, but they reject Me for other gods. This is the seed that fell on the pathway. The second souls are the lukewarm, and they are represented in the seed that falls on the rocks, but the Word fails in those souls because they have no roots and the seed withers and dies. The third souls are those, who accept My Word for a time, but as they grow up, the desires and concerns of the world choke off their faith. This is the seed that falls upon thorns and weeds. The fourth souls are the seed that falls upon rich soil and they yield fruit a hundred, sixty, and thirty fold. My faithful have been given a gift of faith, but just like a plant, they need to nourish their faith with the grace of My sacraments. You need the sun to grow plants, and you need My Light when you come to adore Me in My Blessed Sacrament at Adoration. Once you have grown in your faith, now you need to share your faith with others by evangelizing people to the faith. The power of the Holy Spirit will give you what to say, and by saving souls, this will be the fruit that you can bear. Rejoice in the joy of My love, and rejoice in bringing new souls to the faith so they can enjoy My love and peace as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have looked back through history to see how different civilizations dealt with various forms of money. The best sources of money came from non-debt money. At times you have seen Colonial script, greenbacks, and gold and silver coins. These currencies had one thing in common in that they did not require interest to be paid in order to produce the money. When your Congress prints money or coins money, then you do not owe interest to anyone. Your country prospered the most without involving the Federal Reserve Notes. Once you allowed the Federal Reserve, or the central bankers, to control the money, now you are under their control. It is the one world people’s wars and your entitlement overspending that has expanded your National Debt to $16 trillion with $60 trillion or more in promises to provide for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. It is just a matter of time before your dollar will be crashed in preparation for the ‘amero’ which is the currency of the North American Union. These central bankers want to control the amount of money so they can create recessions, depressions, and recoveries. Their next objective is to crash the dollar so they can use America’s bankruptcy to declare martial law. This would make your President a dictator under his Executive Orders. Once the euro and the dollar crash, you will need to come to My refuges of protection because there will be chaos over no money and killing for food. Have some bartering coins of silver and gold, extra food, some cash, camping equipment, and extra fuel ready for when the banks will close. You may need these things before you come to My refuges. Once you are led to My refuges, My angels will protect you and provide for your needs. Have faith and trust in Me to lead you to safe places away from the evil ones.”


Saturday, July 28, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, everything in your life should be directed toward your final destination in heaven. This life is a test of your faith in Me, and it is very short. Do not get comfortable with this life because it passes you by in a relatively short time. If your desire is to be with Me in heaven, then you need to repent of your sins and pray to Me every day. It is not easy to live a Christian life because you need to give your life over to Me in following My plan. Because the Israelites worshiped Baal and other gods, they were punished by being exiled. America is also worshiping other gods of sports, money, fame, and pleasures. Because you are turning your back on Me, America also will be suffering a coming punishment at the hands of the one world people. I have told you of some possible major disasters, and a possible martial law coming soon. Before these events take place, I will send you My Warning to prepare the people spiritually for the evil that will come with the Antichrist. Americans need to wake up and get their spiritual lives in order because you will be facing a takeover of your country from war and bankruptcy. You will be alerted in the Warning not to take any chip in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist. My faithful will choose between coming to My refuges or suffering martyrdom. From now to the refuge time, you will need to store one year’s supply of food because you may not find it in the stores, or you may need a chip in the body to buy it. You also may find that your dollars will become worthless so you cannot buy the food. Once your life is in danger, I will warn you that it is time to leave for My refuges. Those, who stay in their homes, are risking martyrdom at the detention death camps because Christians and patriots will be the targets to be killed. The Antichrist will bring about his new world order for a brief time, and I will come and defeat him. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, this tree represents the Tree of Life that will be prolific in My Era of Peace. Rejoice that this coming Era of Peace will be a reward for all of those who will remain faithful to Me throughout the tribulation. I have invited many prophets and messengers to share My words of preparation with My people so they may be ready to endure the coming tribulation. It is not easy to encourage people to repent of their sins and make preparations for a coming famine and martial law. When you see the banks and stores close, you will be thankful that I warned you to store one year’s supply of food and water. My people need to heed My words of preparation so you will have food for your relatives and friends. Pray that people will discern and prepare so they do not go hungry.”


Sunday, July 29, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, throughout My three years of ministry I performed many miracles to heal people both spiritually and physically. This miracle of the multiplication of the bread and fish is a sign of how I would bring My very Body and Blood to all of those who receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. I am truly present in every consecrated Host, and you receive My grace of this Eucharistic sacrament every time that you receive Me. Some of My faithful even come to visit Me and adore Me at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance. While I am present in My tabernacles, it is even more personal to see your God in My Host displayed at Adoration in the monstrance. You also receive grace when you come to adore Me and praise Me in My tabernacle or exposed in the monstrance. Perpetual Adoration at various churches is a blessing for My faithful, and it should be promoted everywhere. My adorers are special to Me because they are true believers in My Real Presence. Teach your children and friends about the graces and blessings that they can receive by visiting Me in My tabernacle. When you come to visit Me, you are at peace in the quiet of your contemplative prayer. I listen to all of your prayer requests, and to all the things that may be troubling your soul. Whatever you ask of Me in prayer, I will answer in My way and in My time. Rejoice in the sharing of My love because I am always with you.”


Monday, July 30, 2012: (St. Peter Chrysologus)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the news some outbreaks of various diseases in Africa. They have had various diseases as sleeping sickness, a nodding disease, ebola, malaria, AIDS, and dengue fever. Many of these diseases occur with tropical climates and various parasites. Some of these diseases are man-made viruses as ebola and AIDS. There are many innocent people dying from these diseases, as they are planned diseases of the one world people to reduce the population of the world. You may see the beginnings of this plan more in tribal societies as in Africa. Be aware that similar diseases can be transferred to other countries to reduce their populations as well. Abortion has been spread to all countries, as well as birth control devices to cut down the population. Killing My babies is the direct work of the demons, so work and pray to stop abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My people to stock up one year’s supply of food and some water because a famine is coming. Those, who do not store any food, will have to wait in government bread lines. You will have to have a chip in the body to get any food. Those, who have stored food, can share it with their relatives and friends. It is unfortunate that the people who were warned to store some food and refused, will be the first in line to try and demand a hand out. The people around you do not understand the need for food insurance, and they are too busy with their entertainment to listen to Me or My prophets. America has had food in its stores for so long that some people cannot believe that food could get scarce. Those, who believe in My words, and heed My advice, will be prepared for this time. You also need to be prepared spiritually with Confession, and ready to leave for My refuges when your lives are in danger. You will be notified when to leave, and you will have a short time to pack your food, water, backpacks, tents, blankets, and extra fuel into your vehicles. My angels will make you invisible once you leave your homes. Have trust in Me that I will protect you and provide for your needs. After My victory over the evil ones, you will have your reward in My Era of Peace and then in heaven.”


Tuesday, July 31, 2012: (St. Ignatius of Loyola)
Jesus said: “My people, this glorious font of My graces from My sacraments is always available to you in Confession and Holy Communion. I have talked about this grace many times as the lifeblood of your soul. At times your soul can be depleted of your graces from the effects of sin, and if you stay away from Mass. My people need to be constantly nourished by My Body and Blood to renew the graces that may have been lost. Just as you eat food to nourish the body, so you need to nourish your soul with My graces by eating My body and drinking My Blood. You also sleep during the night to give your body rest, but you can give spiritual rest to your soul when you come to Me in prayer before My tabernacle. Contemplative prayer can give you a deeper rest in My love. If your graces are taken away by mortal sin, then you need to come to Confession so I can cast away the bonds of your sins, and renew your graces. If you attempt to receive Me in Holy Communion while in mortal sin, you will not receive My graces. Instead, you will commit another sin of sacrilege. Confession is needed to receive Me worthily, and it is My gift of forgiveness that is waiting for every soul. This is why converting souls to the faith and bringing them to My sacraments is so important for them to receive My graces. If your soul is without grace, especially at death, then you are risking the fires of hell at your judgment. I love all of My people, and I desire that all of you can be with Me forever in heaven. You have an opportunity every day to come to share in My font of graces that are always available to you. Take advantage of this free gift, and do not let your sins drag you down to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is in a financial tailspin as your National Debt keeps climbing at a rapid pace with very little done by Congress to reduce the spending or the deficits. In the vision the elevator is going down because you are digging a deeper hole of debt that will almost be impossible to recover from. Many of the agreed upon cuts are now raising cries from the budgets that are being cut. Because of the upcoming elections, your Congress people are reluctant to upset the voters with any budget cuts or tax increases until after the election. If no changes are compromised, your budget will be cut $1.6 trillion over ten years, and the previous tax cuts will expire. Some changes will be made after the election, or a recession could result. Any war or bankruptcy possibility could change this budget crisis. Pray that a war does not involve America, and that you will find a way to balance your budget.”


Wednesday, August 1, 2012: (St. Alphonsus Liguori)
Jesus said: “My people, during the day the sun blots out the stars, and you see a beautiful blue sky. At night with a clear sky, you can see thousands of stars and even distant galaxies with the help of a large telescope. Each star is like your own sun that gives off light from its nuclear furnace. When you study the sun, the planets, and the stars, you see a huge universe that shows you how small the earth is relative to all other celestial bodies. What is unique to earth is the abundance of life with all of its water at the right temperature and the right distance from the sun. Not only is the universe beautiful, but it is hard to comprehend an endless number of stars. Man cannot really understand the true meaning of infinity or eternity because you have little reference of time in this life. Man’s lifetime is fortunate to even reach a hundred years, but this does not even scratch the surface of eternity. Remember your soul is immortal, and it will live on outside of time. You only have two final destinations of either heaven or hell. Once you are judged to one place, your soul will be there for all eternity. Even if you have to suffer in this life, it is worth it to be able to be with Me in heaven forever. You have seen hell, and no one would choose such a horrible eternal destination. Even when people see this possibility at the end of their lives, they will have one last opportunity to love Me and be saved. It is hard to imagine that some souls are so blinded by evil and pleasures that they would choose hell. I desire that all souls would love Me and would want to come to heaven. Those souls, who love Me, will have to suffer much in this life, and they may need to suffer in purgatory to be purified. But the end choice will bring them to the beauty of being with Me in total love for all eternity. This glorious reward is well worth any amount of suffering you may have to suffer to gain heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Word of God is represented in this bright light, and it shines on everyone in the room. Do not keep this Word under a bushel basket, but it should be shouted from the rooftops. You know how much My love inspires you, and your soul has its rest in My graces. Only I can bring peace to your soul. It is this experience of faith in Me that you want people to have when they are converted. When you see their faces light up with My love, there is a satisfaction in your soul that you have enabled others to share in your faith experience of loving Me. I send out My missionaries and My faithful to convert souls while there is still time to bring them to Me. You know that some souls are falling into hell, and you want to save as many souls as you can from going to hell. This means you will need to work hard with My graces and My angels to try and snatch as many souls as you can away from the devil. The devil does not give up souls easily, so you need to help renew people’s fire of faith constantly to keep them in the territory of God and away from the devil’s territory. Remember when people will be coming to the judgment day, I and Satan will be claiming souls as our own. When you come before Me, I want to say that you are ‘Mine’.”


Thursday, August 2, 2012: (St. Eusebius of Vercelli)
Jesus said: “My people, at times you need to step back from your day to day activities and appreciate the beautiful gifts of nature that happen every day, such as the dawn of a new day. Each day I give you new opportunities to serve Me for My greater glory. When you rise in the morning, pray your morning offering, and consecrate all of your actions up to Me that day. All of your actions will now be like little prayers being done for Me. Do not let the devil lead you into despair, but every day should be a joy to serve Me and your neighbor. Do not think that life is boring, but put your full being into everything that is asked of you. When you are faced with difficult tasks, pray to Me, for all things are possible for My power over earthly and spiritual things. Every time that you go out of your comfort zone to help someone, you will receive a heavenly reward in your treasure box that I keep for you in heaven. Give thanks to Me for your body and soul that you are even alive to share in the joy of My love and My creation.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen killings in Aurora, Colorado and Syria. Some of those, who were killed, were mothers of young children, and that is why you see children crying in the vision. Some children have been made orphans, and even children were killed at these scenes. Wars and mass killings are hard to prevent, but the victims of these killings are causing trauma to the family members. Pray for all of those people who are being killed, and for their families.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard from personal testimonies how some people in World War II had to hide from being killed by the German Secret Service. They also had difficulty trying to find enough food to keep alive. This story is a preview of what My faithful will be suffering in the coming tribulation. You will soon see food shortages and Christians will also be hiding from the authorities who will be trying to kill them. This is why I have warned you to store some food for this time so you will not go hungry. Those, who do not have chips in the body, may not be able to buy food or walk around freely. Call on My help and My angels to protect you from the evil ones who will be targeting Christians.”

Jesus said: “My people, you currently have your freedoms guaranteed by your Constitution. But once the Executive Branch or the Judicial Branch start making laws without Congress, then your freedoms will be at risk. You have hate crime laws, edicts from your President, and Health Care laws forced on you that are not constitutional. This is how many of your freedoms are being lost as you are slowly coming to a dictatorship that will culminate with martial law. Once your life is endangered from food shortages, the dollar crashed, mandatory chips in the body, or mandatory flu shots, this will be the time to call on Me, and your guardian angels will guide you to the protection of My nearest refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen one interpretation of the new Health Care plan that will be implemented 36 months after this bill passed which would be April, 2013. Your medical records are being computerized, and it will be very easy to tell which people do not have chips placed in their bodies. If you do not abide by accepting such chips, you may not have medications or operations. As the evil time gets worse, men in black may even start coming to your homes to demand this chip in the body, or they will take you to the death camps. When mandatory chips in the body are implemented, this will be the time to leave for My refuges. Refuse to take any chip in the body for any reason because these chips could control your mind and your free will. Chipping everyone is a goal of the one world people to control you like robots. Trust in Me that I will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you for many years that it will be necessary to come to My refuges to avoid forced martyrdom. The one world people have red and blue lists of Christians and patriots that they are planning to exterminate because they cannot be retrained for their new world order. If My faithful do not leave your homes when I warn you, you will be picked up and killed. Your leaders are puppets of these ruthless killers, and your time of freedom is almost over. Prepare physically and spiritually for this evil trial that will test everyone’s faith in Me. Evil will reign for a brief time before I will come with My victory and cast the evil ones into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that time is running out for the evil ones as well as for My faithful who are preparing refuges or preparing to come to My refuges. Once major events start happening, it may be too late to make any more preparations. My Warning will come before your lives are threatened, so everyone will be aware of the evil tribulation that is coming. Prepare spiritually with Confession, rosaries and the wearing of blessed sacramentals. Prepare physically with fuel, backpacks, blankets, tents, and some food and water to come in your vehicles and bicycles.”

Jesus said: “My people, once you come to My refuges, you will have to live as a Christian community as you help each other to survive for less than 3 ½ years. My angels will place shields of protection over you so the evil ones will not be able to harm you. You will be healed of all of your physical ailments by looking on My luminous cross. At My refuges you will have water, daily Holy Communion, food from deer, crops, or stored food. You will have perpetual Adoration, but you all will have special jobs to help each other with meals, bedding, clothing, and latrines. Have no fear of this time because martyrs will become instant saints, and those, who come to My refuges, will be provided for by My angels.”


Friday, August 3, 2012:
Jesus said: “My son, you are reading in Jeremiah how he was chastising the people for their sins, and God would bring punishment upon the Israelites if they did not change their ways. (Jeremiah 26:1-10) The people even threatened to kill him until he explained that it was God who told him to speak these words. He was later killed as were many of the prophets with similar words. The Israelites did not want to hear the chastising words of the prophets. Israel was later conquered and forced into the Babylonian Exile for seventy years. Even in today’s world, the words of My prophets are also not being heeded, and My punishment will come against America because the people are not repenting of their sins. Just as the people killed the prophets of old, the people of today will also reject your words, and you will have to go into hiding for fear of your life as well. These sinful people do not want to change their ways, and they resent prophets telling them what to do. As a result of this resentment and the coming evil tribulation, My prophets will also be in danger of losing their lives for preaching what I have given them. Even if My prophets are martyred, it is more important to carry on their mission of warning souls to repent and be converted to faith in Me. Rejoice in your mission to save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many prophecies in the Old Testament that spoke of the promise of a Messiah sent by God. I told the people that I was the Messiah pointed out by St. John the Baptist when he called Me the ‘Lamb of God’. Still the people did not want to accept Me. Instead, they said that I was a blasphemer, and they crucified Me on the cross. My coming to earth was a fulfillment of the Old Testament. I did not come to change the law, but to fulfill it. I died so all of mankind could be freed of their sins, and I brought salvation to everyone in My sacrifice. I have left you with My Eucharistic gift of My Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine. I am with you always in My consecrated Hosts in My tabernacle. I thank you for coming to this Divine Mercy Holy Hour, and My Benediction to recite My Divine praises.”


Saturday, August 4, 2012: (St. John Vianney)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been patiently waiting for My return, and an end to the evil going on around you. Many events need to take place first before My victory will begin. Before the one world people are allowed to take over, you will see My Warning where all souls will be illuminated by their life review, as you see when you die. This will be a blessing for all souls so they have one last opportunity to convert their lives and be saved. You will be warned not to take a chip in the body and not to worship the Antichrist. After the Warning you will see some major disasters that will lead up to martial law, and then America’s takeover with the formation of the North American Union. You will be warned to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger. Then you will see all the world unions joined as one under the Antichrist once he declares himself. This will start the tribulation time that will be shortened for the sake of My elect. Once you see this man come, you will know that My victory is not far off. At the end of the tribulation I will bring My Comet of Chastisement when the evil ones will be defeated and cast into hell. After the Three Days of Darkness, I will renew the earth and My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace. Rejoice when you see this curtain open in the vision because then these events of the end days will begin.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been given a choice by your free will to choose to follow My ways or man’s ways. My ways lead to life in heaven, but man’s ways lead to being lost in hell. You are in a constant battle between the forces for good and the forces for evil. If you follow My ways, you will worship Me on Sunday and repent of your sins as you show your love for Me. If you follow man’s ways, you will love only yourself, and refuse to repent of your sins. Those, who are with Me, are against abortion and same sex marriage. Abortion is killing My babies, and yet your court decision allows violating My Fifth Commandment of thou shalt not kill. I created man and woman to be married and become one flesh. Same sex marriage is a defiance of true marriage, and it is an abomination, as well as homosexual acts are abominations. This defiance of My moral laws is part of a plan by the one world people to destroy your society. You are battling for the minds of your children as some of your teaching curriculums and teachers are tearing down the moral fiber of your country. It is your following Me that has made America great. When you remove Me from your schools, and promote promiscuous behavior in your children by allowing pornography to infect their minds as well as improper sexual education by handing out condoms, then your country will fall. Wake up and realize that the battle for souls is tied to your battle of good and evil. If you refuse to stand up and fight this evil in your society, then you will see evil triumph. You know that I will be victorious in the end, so have no fear if evil will be winning for a brief time. I will protect your souls if you call on Me and My angels to help you.”


Sunday, August 5, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more funerals than today’s Baptism because fewer young people are coming to your churches. Other Baptisms occur, but not always at a Mass, and some do not baptize their children. Some churches have an older population which again is why you are seeing many funerals of your friends. In the vision you are seeing My empty tomb, and I have conquered death and sin so everyone has an opportunity to convert their lives and be saved. The readings speak again about the bread and wine which are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood by My priests at Mass. When the people came looking for Me after I multiplied the bread and fish, I told them that I am the Bread of life. Truly those, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will have eternal life with Me in heaven. Later on, some of My disciples left Me because they thought I was encouraging cannibalism, but I was speaking to them of My spiritual food under the appearances of bread and wine. By receiving Me worthily in Holy Communion, I am with you, and you have the graces of My sacrament. Rejoice in the gift of My Eucharist at Communion time, and visiting Me in My tabernacle.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just heard a recent news item of gunmen shooting church members in a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Again some were killed and others wounded. This event comes right after another shooting in Aurora, Colorado. Many of your authorities are having a hard time in determining the reason for these sudden killings. The one killer was mocking the Joker in a Batman movie, and this latest event occurred in a religious temple. Such killings are led by Satan, but there also could be another agenda led by the one world people in causing fear, and now you are seeing a threat to religious groups. If this pattern continues with more such incidents, then you will see this a part of an overall plan. Pray that these shootings do not continue.”


Monday, August 6, 2012: (Transfiguration of Jesus, Eileen’s Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast day of My Transfiguration was a preview of My Resurrection that I allowed James, John, and Peter to witness. They were astonished to see Moses and Elijah next to Me. Then from a cloud God the Father said: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ I appeared to My apostles in My glorified Body which is how I would appear to them later after My Resurrection, but with My wounds of the crucifixion. I warned My apostles not to reveal this vision until after I rose from the dead. They did not understand what rising from the dead meant because they had not seen this happen in life. My Resurrection holds out hope to all of My disciples because after the last judgment, all of My faithful will be rejoined with their glorified bodies as they will be whole again in both body and soul. This is how My faithful will truly experience My glory in heaven as you will be constantly giving Me praise and thanks to Me for being in heaven, as you will see Me on My throne. In the vision you also saw Eileen standing with Me in heaven. She loves you all, and she is watching over her family.”

Jesus said: “My people, most of you only think of cell phone towers and satellites as a means to communicate with cell phones. These towers not only receive signals, but they can send them out as well to locate other cell phones, or other chips. If people have their cell phones turned on, there are authorities that could track your whereabouts. If people are forced to have chips in the body as the Health Plan demands, these towers could not only track where they are, but the microwave signals could control their minds with voices. This means of controlling people was the main reason for building cell towers in addition to helping people communicate to each other. If you cover your chips and cell phones with aluminum foil, then the microwaves cannot find you or control you. If you avoid using cell phones or cover them up, no one can locate you either. By knowing the plan of the evil ones control, then you can avoid being manipulated by their microwaves. Once you come to My refuges, these chips and cell phones will not work. Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges without any chips or cell phone devices on you or in you. Those, who choose the chip in the body, or use cell phones, can be tracked. Those who stay in their homes and do not take a chip in the body, are risking capture and being taken to the death camps by truck or train as in the vision. Heed My warning to come to My refuge when your lives are threatened. Trust in My protection and avoid looking at or listening to the Antichrist.”


Tuesday, August 7, 2012: (St. Sixtus II and companions)
Jesus said: “My people, in the early centuries after My death, many Christians were martyred by the Romans, even the popes. Today, Christians are still being killed in Arab countries. Wherever you have dictatorships or places that worship other gods, these authorities see the worship of Me as a threat to their ruling power, and they kill Christians. As the end times approach, the Antichrist will also demand worship of himself as a god. All those people, who worship only Me, could also be martyred for their faith. This is why My disciples will have to seek out My refuges for safety from the evil ones and the Antichrist. The one world people already have lists of Christians and patriots that they want to exterminate, as they see that you are also a threat to their new world order. Some of My faithful will be martyred, but the rest of them will be protected at My refuges. Trust in My power for the Antichrist and his workers will soon be defeated and cast into hell. My faithful will then have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a mosque burned to the ground was a real event that just happened in Joplin, Missouri. In addition to this a fire in a major refinery in Richmond, California is causing fuel shortages at the third largest refinery in your country. You are seeing an unusual amount of events that are beginning to look like fear tactics that could even be orchestrated by the one world people to control your guns. They have a pattern of create the problem, and then they create the solution. If your plan is to create a situation for martial law, these events would explain why they are happening in quick succession. If you see more of these events, then they will be confirming any possible suspicions of planned false flag events. This is the second attack on a religious church which is another example of the battle between good and evil. Fortunately, in this latest burning, there were no lives lost. Keep praying that no more lives will be lost to any more gunmen.”


Wednesday, August 8, 2012: (St. Dominic)
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before of a coming virus that would not only be deadly, but it would be contagious as well through the air. Without occupying a host, most viruses die off in the summer heat. These flu viruses are more virulent in cooler temperatures, and that is why you see less cases in the summer and more cases between October and February. Many of the flu shots being offered will not protect you against this new outbreak. These shots actually do more harm to your immune system than they help. I have advised My faithful to have masks, and to take Hawthorn pills, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system. Any spreading of such viruses in the chemtrails would probably be done in the cooler temperatures, when viruses could survive until they find a host. If you start seeing an unusual amount of deaths from this pandemic virus attack, then you will have to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge. At the final refuges you will see My luminous cross, and when you look on it, you will be healed of any viruses or any other ailments. At the final and interim refuges you will have miraculous springs of healing water. This water will also heal any deadly viruses and other ailments. Have no fear of the evil people’s means of killing people because My angels will protect you from their weapons and their viruses.”

Jesus said: “My people, over the next few months you will be entering the peak time for hurricane formation. You have had an unusually warm summer, and the heat in the ocean is what feeds these storms. America has only had a few storms make landfall in the last few years, but wherever they hit land, you can see considerable damage. The Gulf of Mexico has many oil rigs at risk to any storm. Any storms that threaten this area could drive up your gas prices even higher. The threat of war with Iran, refinery fires, and speculation on oil prices are driving up oil and gasoline prices. Add inflation from printing so much debt money, and your prices could again approach $4/gallon for gasoline. If these prices continue to rise, you could see a new recession coming. Major events will be picking up to the end of the year, so be ready if you see martial law brought about. I will protect My faithful at My refuges. So when it is time to come, pack quickly and leave your homes with My angels, or you could face martyrdom.”


Thursday, August 9, 2012: (St. Teresa Benedicta, Edith Stein)
Jesus said: “My people, throughout history you have see persecutors of the people by various dictators and tyrants. Persecutions occurred in My day as well by the Romans and Caesar. At times it was done in the name of ethnic cleansing, and other times it has been because of a person’s faith, whether Jewish or Christian. In more recent times you have seen communists take over many countries. In this case communism teaches atheism, and this is another battle of good and evil. Even Muslims are persecuting Christians in Arab countries. A new persecution is about to begin with the one world people wanting to kill Christians and patriots in America. Just as Hitler singled out the Jews to be persecuted, soon you will see a new target of Christians in your own country. Many evil people in positions of power politically and financially are focused on removing My believers because they cannot retrain them for the new world order that will lead to the brief reign of the Antichrist. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful at My refuges, and My victory will come soon when the evil ones will be cast into hell.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I realize that your Presidential campaign is going on now, but some recent ads are focused more on degrading the character of the candidates rather than talking about the issues. Some of these ads are factually not true, but the campaign people are still using them. It is sad that your politicians have to resort to such lies instead of saying what the candidate plans to do as President. These attack ads or smear tactics may backfire as people start to see the deceit and misinformation that is being displayed. Unfortunately, your media is largely slanted to an immoral and liberal view that even distorts the way your news items are presented. Pray for those people who do not understand the evil in abortion and same sex marriage.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a new way of ruling by edicts using Executive Orders that is usurping the power of Congress. Your President is taking away your religious freedom by his Health Department edicts on issuing handing out birth control devices even by religious organizations against it. He has changed martial law requirements so he can issue it for any reason. He has declared any American can be put into detention centers without a trial, and his Health Plan will mandate chips in the body. All of these acts threaten your freedoms, and he is making rules as a dictator. Pray that these edicts can be fought, or you will have no freedoms left.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been given some information about how the one world people have been planning for many years now to destroy your country from within. It is really a Satanic plan to destroy the family by encouraging divorce and same sex marriage, and this is breaking down the morals of your people. By using the ‘feminist’ movement and controlling what is taught in your schools and colleges, the one world people have destroyed your traditional culture of a country that follows Godly principles. Once you turn your back on My help, then your country will cease to be great. If your country does not repent of its sins, you will see a punishment come against your country.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, your country spends billions of dollars on education, yet your country is far behind many other countries. Many of your courses have been watered down so they can pass more students, but many high school students have difficulty reading. Your teachers spend a fair amount of time keeping discipline which makes it hard to teach. Even your history books have changed, as well as your math and science books, which is why your students are not as smart. Home schooled students usually are much more disciplined and they score better on tests. Your educators should look at the success of home schooling to see where they could make improvements.”

Jesus said: “My people, many older Catholics were brought up in Catholic schools when the nuns were teaching your catechisms. Again, it is hard to keep Catholic schools funded privately, and many schools of religion are not very rigorous in teaching the faith. Parents need to pass their faith on to their children, but it is hard to have enough time to teach their children while the parents are working. Parents need to teach their children a desire for daily prayer and for coming to Sunday Mass. Faith needs to be nurtured, and it is hard to find good religion books to teach the children. Pray to evangelize souls with a strong faith in the catechism, or their souls could be lost.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you were being brought up in the faith by your parents, they took you to Confession at least once a month. In those days when you came to the confessionals, there were long lines of people for Confession. Today, when you come to Confession, very few people are there, and they are usually older people. The people are still committing sins, but they have become weak in seeing the need to cleanse their souls of sin. Here again the training on Confession has been lacking, and even the parents are no longer going. How can you teach the children to come to Confession when their own parents do not come? You need to teach the faith by a good example, and tell the children how important it is to have clean souls in order to come to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the family of father, mother, and children are coming under attack by the same one world people who want to destroy the morals of your country. I gave you Adam and Eve as a proper example for an environment of love to bring up your children. Living together in fornication, or in homosexual marriages is against My Commandments, but this is what your society is advocating. Encourage family marriage in the Church to keep your souls clean of sexual mortal sins. When you live by My ways and My Commandments, then your society will thrive both spiritually and physically.”


Friday, August 10, 2012: (St. Lawrence)
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Mass, you bless yourself with holy water, and you receive Me in Holy Communion. The first reading speaks about being a cheerful giver. This means you need to support My churches with a responsible donation, and more than just a token offering. You also need to share your time and talent with your neighbors, as well as reaching out to evangelize souls. This world is not just about receiving gifts and handouts, but it is about giving of yourself to help those who have a lot less than you do. Those, who are able-bodied, should be working when they can find work, so they can help themselves and those who are disabled. You have a welfare society of handouts that takes away people’s dignity and a desire to help themselves. You also have a spiritual welfare society when you have Mass provided and the sacraments, but the faithful need to give back with donations and help in evangelizing souls to the faith. Pray for the souls in purgatory, poor sinners, peace in the world, and the stoppage of abortion. Taking time out of your day for daily prayer is very helpful to help save souls, and show your love for Me. By making these efforts to help My Church and save souls, you will gain your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you wonder why I am showing you this loaded truck leaving for a refuge, it is because the time to leave is quickly approaching. You are seeing many edicts from your President taking away your freedoms, and they are increasing his power over Congress. Under his presidency you have yet to see a true budget emerge from the Senate. As long as the Senate and this President remain in control, you will continue to lose more freedoms and your deficits and debts will spiral out of control. You cannot keep running up trillion dollar deficits, and keep printing money to pay these debts. All of your Federal Reserve’s easing programs are printing Treasury Notes out of thin air to buy the deficits that your country is spending. This house of cards will end with hyper-inflation that will cause a planned bankruptcy. This chaos will precipitate a revolution of the people that will cause a martial law takeover. Once the dollar is crashed, a new currency of the amero will be put in its place, as America will be joined with Mexico and Canada to form the one world people’s North American Union. Before this bankruptcy occurs, you will see My Warning experience, and you will be warned to leave for My refuges with your angels leading you. Fear not these evil ones because My angels at My refuges will shield you from harm. You will only have to bear this rustic living for a short time before I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones. I am more powerful than all of them, and their power will melt to nothing before Me. Those, who are faithful to Me through this trial, will see their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”


Saturday, August 11, 2012: (St. Clare)
Jesus said: “My people, when I was in Nazareth, I read the Scriptures of Isaiah that spoke of the coming Messiah. I told them that today this reading was fulfilled in their hearing. Later, when they understood that I was telling them that I was God’s Son, they wanted to kill Me, but I went through their midst. Because of the lack of faith in My hometown, I could only heal a few people there. It is important to have faith in Me because I offer all people eternal life if they would repent of their sins. You all make choices in life, but choosing to follow Me is not only a choice on earth, but it is an eternal choice in the next life between heaven and hell. I keep telling people that this life is short, and it is not your eternal destination. Instead, this life is a trial to show Me in your actions that you truly love Me and your neighbor as yourself. This is why in order to follow Me, you must imitate My life of holiness in following My Commandments, and repent of your sins in Confession. I will help lead My faithful to heaven through the grace of My sacraments. Listen to My words in the Gospel, and be saved.”


Sunday, August 12, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you see the traditional churches that still have stained glass windows in the vision. The priest is greeting the people, and inviting them to share with Me at the Mass. There are many people who have left the Church because they became lukewarm in their faith. If they truly loved Me and believed in My Real Presence in the Host, how could they refuse to stop receiving Me? When I ask My people to evangelize and convert souls, I am not just asking them to convert new people, but also to reconvert the Catholics who have left. You have seen the numbers of people coming to church in decline because your nation is becoming a pagan nation that worships the gods of sports, money, material things, and fame. Because you have all of your modern distractions, people are rarely praying to Me. Once you lose your faith in Me, it may require a miracle, or many people praying for you in order to get your faith back. The devil is lulling the American people into a spiritual laziness, and they better wake up before they see My punishment fall upon them. As you turn your backs on Me, your blessings are being taken away. The devil is getting stronger in your drug society, your abortions, and your same sex marriages. Come back to Me, and repent of your sins, and I will restore your blessings.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you grow older, some of you require reading glasses to read fine print. It is fortunate that such non-prescription glasses are inexpensive to replace if you break them. You are fortunate also to be able to see because blind people have a much harder disability in making a living. Even as you think of correcting your physical sight, there is also a spiritual sight to be able to understand the faith. I speak sometimes of the eyes of faith because this is needed to know that the end times are approaching. There are signs for the people to tell that the end times are coming. One sign is how the faith is growing cold in the hearts of the people. Another sign is the increase of knowledge as you find everything on the internet. Still a third sign is the formation of continental unions that will be used to bring the Antichrist into power. Other signs are famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. When you see these signs, know that My coming as a victor over the evil ones will soon bring about the defeat of Satan and the Antichrist. They will be cast into hell, and I will bring about My Era of Peace as My faithful’s reward.”


Monday, August 13, 2012: (Mary Pierce’s Funeral Mass)
Mary said: “I am so overwhelmed to see so many people, my family, and the priests who came to my funeral Mass. I am grateful for all of those who took care of me in my last days, and for all the arrangements for my funeral. I thank Father and Greg for their kind words about me. I had a full life of many beautiful activities, but my experiences at the Logos store were the most satisfying in serving the people in their faith. The Cursio meetings were also very joyous in celebrating my faith in Jesus. My last suffering with cancer was my purgatory on earth, so I am now with Jesus and my husband, Fran. I want to bless all of my family, and I will be praying for all of them to come to church and to say their prayers. I love all of my family very much because you meant so much to me in life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a set time of years that only I know exactly how long you will live. Time is my gift to all of you, but it is how you use your time that you will have to answer for at your judgment. I have told you several times that when you are planning your schedule for the day, be sure to leave some time for Me in prayer, and do not plan more events than you can practically carry out. Be careful with your time so that you are making the best choices so you do not waste any time. Remember that once time is wasted, it cannot come back. You can only resolve to make better use for your time that is remaining. Much of your time is committed to sleeping, eating, and working for a living. It is your so-called free time that you cannot afford to waste just on entertainment. It is this free time that you can use for prayers, Mass, Adoration, or helping people. You do need some rest just to take a break from your busy schedules. You may think that a lot can be done in one day, but time has a way of passing by you very quickly. If you are over sixty now, you sometimes wonder where all of those years went. But you can only live in the present moment, so you do not have to worry about the past or the future. Sometimes it is good to recollect at the end of the day how you used your time. If you see that you are not using your time wisely, maybe you could change some of your bad habits. Keep checking each day if you are improving, staying the same, or getting worse so you can make adjustments to improve the use of your time. The most profitable time will be spent on saving souls, and loving Me in all that I want you to do.”


Tuesday, August 14, 2012: (Marlene Kaiser Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, it is always sad to lose a member of your parish family. You can identify with her because she lived in your old neighborhood. There are many older people who have had to move to either assisted living places or to nursing homes. You also have older friends who live in these places. Continue to remember them and pray for them. If you could visit them, they would most appreciate your kind visit. It is hard for older people in these homes when their friends and family forget to visit them. Pray for Marlene and for the family who are grieving her loss. She will be praying for her family and friends.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this baby because you are seeing fewer and fewer of them. Not only are your people having abortions, but they are trying to have their children later in life when they are less fertile. If you take out the children from immigrants, your country’s population would be dying because of your lower fertility rate. Between of your environmental pollution and your genetically modified (GMO) foods, these things are decreasing your fertility both in men and women. Because of your low family numbers, other countries and religions are out populating you. Your number of abortions are the biggest reason for a lower population, and it is also a sign of a loss in your morals as a society. You have the one world people doing many things to reduce the population as abortion, euthanasia, wars, and viruses. Now you can add one more tool for their cause in the modified foods that you are eating that can decrease your fertility. You are also seeing more diseases and cancers because of these modified foods. Try to avoid these GMO foods as much as possible by eating more organic foods, and foods from heirloom seeds. This is why I recommended that you buy the non-hybrid seeds for farming at My refuges. Rejoice that I will be coming soon to restore the earth back to the way I made it in the beginning.”


Wednesday, August 15, 2012: (Assumption of Mary)
Mary said: “My dear children, you have been to many funerals lately so you are acquainted with your friends and relatives passing away from this life. You also have read from my Son’s quote that He is the Resurrection and the life. He resurrected from the grave into His glory, and I have been blessed to be assumed into heaven with both body and soul. These events give glory to God, but they also give my children hope that the faithful will be raised up with their bodies after the last judgment. Continue to offer your rosaries and Masses for the deceased, so they can be freed from purgatory to come to heaven, and they can be with my Son and I.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you first saw the killings in Colorado and Wisconsin, I warned you that they could be related. Now you are seeing a continuing series of killings with guns that definitely looks like a pattern. As with some incidents in the past, you have seen the one world people place chips in people in order to control them with voices. The voices can cause people to commit killings without even knowing what they are doing. This could explain the strange behavior of these people. This is why I have told My people not to take any chips in the body for any reason because they can control your minds against your free will with these chips. The one world people are planning for a takeover of America, and it is their plan to try and remove your guns by any means. Before the election the liberals are afraid to lose any votes to the strong gun lobby. After the election you may see Presidential Executive Orders to try and remove your guns. Hitler did this same gun removal to take over Poland. I have told My faithful to avoid using guns except for immediate self-defense. Once you come to My refuges, My angels will shield you from harm. Some of My faithful may be captured and martyred at the detention death camps. There will also be some of My faithful who will work with My angels against the evil people and demons in the Battle of Armageddon. Know in the end that I will be victorious against these evil ones as they will all be cast into hell. I will then renew the earth to what it was like in the beginning of creation, and you will see My Era of Peace for a long time.”


Thursday, August 16, 2012: (St. Stephen of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, there are some beautiful churches in Europe, but unfortunately, they are becoming museums because very few people are still coming to Mass. Some areas are still strong, but many have forgotten their Catholic roots. The first reading from Ezechiel was a sign to Israel that because they were a rebellious house against Me, they could face exile if they did not repent of their sins. Since My people worshiped pagan gods instead of Me, they did face the Babylonian Exile exactly as was demonstrated by Ezechiel. This lesson in history is also facing America because of your abortions and sexual sins. You too, are worshiping other gods of sports, money, material things, and fame. I am offering a protected exile to My faithful that come to My refuges. I will allow the one world people to take over America as a punishment for your sins. The evil ones will control the world with the Antichrist for a short time. Then I will come in victory with My Comet of Chastisement, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. I will then renew the earth, and My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of how much your modern society is dependent on having electricity. You have seen recently in India how their failures affected their services. This flash on your electric grid could come from lightning, an EMP surge, or a solar flare. If a part of your National grid went down, it could affect bank transfers, refrigerated produce or meats, gas pumps, lights, and your air conditioning. Pray that if such an outage occurs, you could have your power restored quickly.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have recently witnessed some thievery in several homes in your area. Some thieves are stealing money to feed their drug habits, but soon you will be seeing more attempts to find food as a famine comes over your land. Locking doors at night, and even while you are at home has become the normal behavior because the thieves are becoming more bold. Pray that people will find enough food to eat so there is not a fight for food.”

Jesus said: “My people, in days past you would think nothing of going to a busy movie theater. Now when you go to a politically sensitive movie, you are more wary of people that are suspicious, or carrying a bag of weapons. Whenever you may feel threatened, call on Me and I will send My angels to protect you. Be calm and trust in My protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you are truly concerned about the candidates for office, there is a considerable amount of information available on the internet or in the news. Learning about their plans for your country could help you in discerning the candidate of your choice. I am still asking you to pray that the best God-fearing man will be elected. This year’s election is very pivotal in deciding which direction your country will be headed. Your country needs to repent of its sins, and it needs to get its financial house in order, or you could see bankruptcy and a punishment for your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have so much control over your world today, that it would take a miracle of prayer to turn things around. If My people have faith in their prayers, I could accomplish great things for you. You need to focus on daily prayer and do what you can to preserve your freedoms. Your religious freedom is the most important because if it is taken away, you would have to pray in secret. Pray for My protection for your safety.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Israelites refused to change their sinful ways of worshiping the pagan gods of their neighbors. When I sent My prophets to change their evil ways, they killed My prophets, even when the prophets said I would send them a punishment. Only the people of Nineveh changed, but the rest did not, and they paid for this with the Babylonian exile of seventy years. America is also being sent prophets to tell the people to repent of their sins, or they will be punished like Israel was punished. You have been warned by the 9-11-01 events and the 2008 financial crash. The plan of the one world people is to crash the dollar so they can take over America and make it a part of the North American Union. This is one step away from the Antichrist taking over when he declares himself. Trust in Me because I will defeat all of these evil ones.”


Friday, August 17, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel reading was about someone asking Me if it was lawful to divorce a wife. I said to them that Moses allowed divorce because of their hard hearts, but it was not meant that way from the beginning. When a man and woman are married, they are joined as one flesh, and they have made a commitment to be faithful to each other for life. Not everyone can accept this way of life, and that is why My Church in certain circumstances allows annulments. This love in a marriage between a man and a woman is the model that I chose to show My love for My Church. I am the Groom and My Church is My bride. My agape love is on a higher level than your earthly love. Your society has been built around the family as the basic unit where children are born and raised with a loving father and mother. When one parent is taken away, or in same sex marriages, the children are found lacking emotionally, and they miss a father or mother image in their upbringing. This is why your society is in chaos because of divorce, living together in fornication, and same sex unions. Only a third of your households have a mother and father according to your latest census. This is why married people need to strive to compromise with each other so they can live to help each other in love and faith. I am the third partner in every marriage, so My love and My angels are protecting the family from any attacks caused by your society. Those married people, who have stayed together for a long time, are a good example to all newly married couples. Pray for all married couples to stay together in their love and My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a sidewalk breaking up is a sign of how America will be breaking up from a bankruptcy caused by the one world people. You are seeing a decline in America both from an increasing debt and a moral failure. Increasing your taxes will only be used for more spending. It is one thing to reform taxes so everyone pays, but almost half of your people are not paying taxes because they are on government assistance. Many entitlements cannot be afforded, and your Congress needs to cut the increases and new additions. If they are not reduced, then these programs will fail because of insufficient funds. The moral decay in America is why you are failing. I am the one who has made your country great. When you do not pray and worship Me, then your blessings will be withdrawn, and you will fail to be great. It is your abortions and sexual sins that are drawing you down. Keep praying for peace, poor sinners, the souls in purgatory, and the stoppage of abortions. Pray for your country and the right leaders that could balance your budgets, and bring souls back to Me.”


Saturday, August 18, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, this constant stream of water is how My graces are always being poured out on My faithful. I pray also that your prayers would be like an endless stream of love for Me as your Creator. Just as your body needs to be fed every day to give you the energy to live, so you need My sacraments of grace to feed your soul for its life. You also need jobs to provide the money for your food and shelter. You work for your living, and at times you may need to help those who are disabled or need food from a food shelf. Even the elderly need visits, and driving them for their needs. Give glory and thanks to Me for your health, and for your jobs that allow you to have what you need. Remember that without My help, you would have nothing.”

Jesus said: “My people, the apostles had many miracles recorded in the Acts of the Apostles where they were miraculously freed from prison. The first incident was when St. Peter and St. John were freed from the prison of the chief priest. (Acts 5:19) ‘But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the prison and led them out.’ A second incident was again in (Acts 12:7) ‘And behold an angel of the Lord stood beside him, and a light shone in the room; and he struck Peter on the side and woke him.’ Peter’s chains dropped from his hands and the angel led him past the guards and out the city gate that opened by itself. This is the light that you saw in the prison in your vision. In a third incident (Acts 16:25) St. Paul and Silas were freed by an earthquake, and they converted the jailer and his family. ‘And suddenly there was such a great earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. And at once all the doors flew open, and everyone’s chains were unfastened.’ I am reminding you of these miracles because in the tribulation, you will also see miracles by My angels who will free some of your leaders from prison to give hope to My faithful. My angels will lead you to My refuges, and they will shield My faithful from any harm from the evil ones. Rejoice because I am with you at all times to protect your body and your soul.”


Sunday, August 19, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Confession, you are being forgiven by Me through your priest. When your priest consecrates the Host, it is I that is coming down on your altar in the bread and wine. That is why you see Me in the pulpit in the vision because I act through My priests. In today’s reading I told people that they had to eat My Body and drink My Blood to have eternal life. I am asking people to believe on faith that I am truly Present in the consecrated bread and wine. Some disciples thought that I was calling them to cannibalism, so they left My company. My apostle stayed because St. Peter said that I had the words of everlasting life. It is difficult to believe in My Real Presence because it is a mystery that My people have to take on faith. In the second vision you actually saw a miracle of My Eucharist when a bleeding Host appeared on someone’s tongue right before your eyes. I have allowed some bleeding Hosts to be seen as a proof of My Real Presence, especially for those people who do not believe in My Real Presence. Once people see and witness these miracles, then it helps their faith to accept My words in St. John’s Gospel. Rejoice that you have Me with you always in My Hosts until the end of this age.”


Monday, August 20, 2012: (St. Bernard)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been to a monastery, so you know a little about their lifestyle of prayer and silence. Many of the monks have made vows of poverty, and they live a life of silent contemplative prayer. In the Gospel I told the rich man to give away all of his money to the poor, and to follow Me if he wanted to live a holy life. He went away sad because very few people can live a vow of poverty. Those, who give everything up to follow a monastic life, will have their reward in heaven. I know it is difficult for everyone to live this way of life, but you could still make room for Me in your daily prayer time. You can still strive for perfection when you reach out to do some good deeds for people, and when you evangelize souls to save them from hell. You may not live a monastic life as in a monastery, but you can still lead a holy life at Mass, Adoration, and in your prayers. Consecrate all of your day to Me, and you will be offering up all of your actions to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have two kinds of viruses to deal with. I have warned My people not to take any flu shots because they can cause more harm to your immune system than they can help. They are placing coded viruses in these shots which will make people vulnerable to the coming pandemic virus. This virus will have a high per cent of fatalities for people who are sick with this flu. Also avoid using nasal applied vaccines that will cause harm to your immune system. Have some masks, and take Hawthorn pills, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system. Come to My refuges to be healed of any viruses. There are computer viruses as well that can be targeted at large banks to cause shutdowns and bank holidays. Viruses can also be used to damage the internet, and affect computers that control your electrical grids. If major hacking occurs all at once, you could see another excuse to cause martial law. If you see a major bank holiday or a national martial law about to be declared, then you will have to come to the safety of My refuges. Trust in Me that I will warn you when it is time to leave for My refuges.”


Tuesday, August 21, 2012: (St. Pius X)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading of Ezechiel (Ez 28:1-10), the king of Tyre was content with his wealth for himself without worshiping Me. He became lazy in worshiping himself as a god. As a result, I allowed foreigners to kill him and his people with the sword, even as Ezekiel was given this in prophesy. This is a lesson for all the people who allow themselves to be the center of their lives without worshiping Me. The easy chair in the vision is all about how some people are lazy instead of working when they are able-bodied. Your country has too many people who receive entitlement payments from your government for not working. Many of your people, who are young and not retired, could find jobs if they tried harder. Many of your corporations are sending jobs overseas, which is why you have so many people who are unemployed. Laziness is really a sin of sloth if jobs are available. The incentives to work are not encouraging people when their wages after taxes may be less than what is given freely on welfare. There is also a spiritual laziness in people who do not come to church on Sunday to give Me worship. You are dependent on Me for everything, whether you want to accept it or not. So do not allow yourself to be lazy in the body or the spirit.”


Wednesday, August 22, 2012: (Queenship of Mary)
Mary said: “My dear children, today’s feast of my Queenship is an appropriate time that follows my feast of my Assumption into heaven body and soul. In the vision you are seeing my coronation as Queen that you honor in the Fifth Glorious Mystery of the rosary that you pray every day. My Son, Jesus, has blessed me with this honor for being his mother and being faithful to Him with a sinless life. He is the One who prepared me for this time in history that would allow Him to be incarnated as a God-man. Jesus is the fulfillment of all the promises of a Redeemer who would save His people. Give praise and glory to my Son who offers eternal salvation to every soul who accepts Him and repents of his or her sins. I also want to thank your publisher, Queenship Publishing, for adopting this feast of mine in their name, and I thank them for all their work that they do in bringing souls to my Son.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told parables to the people, but many times I would explain the hidden meaning to My apostles. In the parable the owner of the vineyard sent workers out to work at all hours of the day. The surprise in this story was that the owner gave each worker the same wage no matter how many hours they worked. In a financial sense the workers did not understand the difference between generosity and a fair wage by the hour. The hidden meaning in this story is more about saving your soul than about money received for work. The generosity of My justice is that if a soul repents of their sins even on their death bed at the last hour, they can still be saved from hell. I would just encourage people to come to Me now, because you could die suddenly without a chance to repent.”


Thursday, August 23, 2012: (St. Rose of Lima)
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you volcanoes before in how the demons come out of them. This show of fire is what hell is all about where souls suffer. In the Gospel (Matt. 22:1-14) I told of how a king had a wedding feast for his son, and he sent out messengers to invite people to the feast. Some people killed his servants, but later the king sent his army to destroy those murderers, and the army burnt their city. Then the king called in people off the road to fill his banquet house. A man came in without a wedding garment, so he was bound and cast outside where there was weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then I said: ‘For many are called, but few are chosen.’ Even now I am inviting all peoples to share in My Wedding Banquet in heaven. But in order to come into heaven, each soul must be purified by repenting of their sins. Once a soul repents, that person will be given a white wedding garment of grace that will allow the person to enter heaven. Those, who do not repent, and do not have a proper wedding garment, will be thrown into the fire of hell where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. This is My justice, for the faithful have been chosen to enter heaven, but the evil ones will be cast into hell.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your weather forecasters are projecting this latest storm to pass into the Gulf of Mexico. Every time that storms enter the Gulf, there is a fear that your oil and gas rigs could be damaged. This also adds to oil speculation and a rise in gasoline prices. Between food prices rising because of your drought, and the potential storms raising gas prices, you could see a considerable increase in inflation. People are already strained because of your high unemployment rate. Pray that your people can find enough food to eat and gas to drive your vehicles.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of the negative ads have not really changed the minds of your voters. In recent weeks attention is coming back to the issues of budgets, the economy, and jobs. These are the real concerns of your people despite the attempts by your reporters to dwell on any news of various distractions. It is discouraging that your politicians are spending unlimited amounts of money on TV ads for President, and seats in your House and Senate. Your country’s future will be determined by how your people vote this November.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing continuous shootings of civilians in Syria, and some countries are supplying weapons to the rebels that are fighting the government. In other news Iran and Israel are threatening attacks against each other. Much unrest in this area is threatening war, and a possible disruption of oil moving through the Persian Gulf. It is this instability that has contributed to rising oil prices. Keep praying for peace, especially in this area of the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, your most recent concern has been over the rapid spread of West Nile virus by mosquitos in Texas. Other concerns are about a new flu virus in America that could be more deadly than the seasonal flu. In Africa there is a continuing concern about ebola and a new virus that has similar symptoms to HIV. Pray for a control of these diseases which will be healed at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how many good factory jobs have been exported to countries like China that have cheap slave labor. As a result many American factories have closed, and your workers have had to take two low paying jobs to try and pay their bills. These disruptions have lowered the average family income so that the middle class income has actually decreased in the last decade after inflation. Most families know this fact because they are living it. Pray for your families in securing enough work to keep their homes and cars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a current struggle between those who are seeking fossil fuels and those who are seeking green sources. Your new fracking methods are finding new oil and gas supplies with some environmental concerns. Your coal plants that generate electricity still are needed for now. The green sources are not supplying enough energy to replace the oil, gas, and coal that you are using. A new energy policy needs to be formed so your old grid infrastructure can be maintained. The cost of fuels and their sources of availability are becoming a large problem for your manufacturing.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you think of students going back to school, you are seeing various problems of lower enrollments in some areas and rising costs of college. Another concern has been a large amount of school loans that are becoming a major burden when graduates have difficulty finding good jobs to pay back the loans. Pray for your children to be able to afford an adequate education, and that they could obtain good jobs.”


Friday, August 24, 2012: (St. Bartholomew, former name Nathaniel)
Jesus said: “My people, be careful that you do not let pride run your life. Pride is the sin that led the devil’s fall from grace in heaven. When Nathaniel heard that I was from the town of Nazareth, he wondered if the Messiah could come from there. This vision of a walking peacock with all of its beautiful feathers, is a symbol of how some people think that they are more important than they are. Do not look down on others if they are poorer than you are, because you are all equal in My eyes. There are some people with different gifts than yours, but you are all responsible for the gifts that you have been given. So treat everyone as your equal without discriminating with any source of pride. Keep your focus on serving Me, and put any pride aside like you would any other temptation of the devil.”


Saturday, August 25, 2012: (St. Louis)
Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful that you are giving devotion to My Blessed Mother of Fatima. Heaven knows that you are battling the evils of this day, and the many apparitions of the last hundred years are helping you to bear your trials. Some people have been impatient with heaven that We have not ended this evil. You will be seeing a culmination of evil’s last throes when you are faced with the tribulation of the Antichrist. Before you will see the Era of Peace that was spoken of by My Blessed Mother, My faithful will be tested dearly. When you see the coming into power of the Antichrist, you will know My victory is not far off. In My messages I am giving you hope of My protection at My refuges. I will be with you in My Blessed Sacrament to feed you My graces and strength to endure this time of evil that will grow worse. Trust in My Blessed Mother’s weapon of the rosary, and My angels who will protect you. If you are facing evil times, call on Me and My angels to help you. I have asked you to be prepared both physically and spiritually for the major events that are coming soon. I will notify My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges, so you will be protected from the enemy’s viruses and death threats.”


Sunday, August 26, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have some beautiful messages of life in today’s readings. You have a faith declaration from Joshua when he said: ‘As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ This is a faith message for life that his family knows the importance of keeping the tradition of acknowledging Me as Lord and Master of their lives. The message of St. Paul is for married people to not only be submissive to each other, but they need to be submissive to Me in their lives. Just as St. Paul calls husbands to love their wives, I call on all peoples to love Me as I love all of you. When a man and woman marry, they become one flesh as you are one with Me. I call on parents to love their children, and bring them up in the faith. In the Gospel reading you see a continuing account of when people did not understand how I would feed them My Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine. Some of My disciples left Me, but My apostles remained faithful because St. Peter said I had the words of eternal life. This understanding of My Real Presence in My Eucharist has to be taken on faith because it is a mystery. This gift of My Presence in My consecrated Host, is a blessing so I can always be with you in My sacraments. You can receive Me in Holy Communion or visit Me in My tabernacle whenever you wish to share your love or your troubles with Me. It is also a time to ask My help in discerning any important decisions that you need to make in life. Rejoice, My people, that I am providing for your daily needs, and I am always listening to your prayer petitions.”


Monday, August 27, 2012: (St. Monica)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast day of St. Monica helps people to remind them to keep praying for their own children as she prayed for her son, Augustine, and his conversion. Many mothers can identify with her desires to have her son return to the faith. St. Monica was blessed that her son became a bishop and a doctor of the Church. I can encourage My faithful to keep praying for any relatives or friends who have left their faith. If these souls have died, they need prayers, Masses, and fasting to help them if they are in purgatory. Evangelizing or reconverting souls should be your most important work. So do not give up on any soul, but constantly pray for their conversion. In the vision you look down the road of your life, and you think that you have a long time to convert. Some people do not realize how quickly your time passes away, and you could die at any time. It is better to stay close to Me in daily prayer, and frequent Confession so you can keep a clean soul, and you will always be ready to meet Me on the day of your death. Do not keep putting off your conversion to another day, because you could pass on at any time. Rejoice and give Me praise when a soul is converted, because it is a joy to see the reward of your effort for that soul. All of heaven also rejoices over one soul that repents and is saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you look at a dead body in the casket, you start thinking of how some day you will be dead in a casket. It is not easy to face the fact that your body is mortal, and you could die at any time. The important fact is not only that you are going to die, but that you need to have your soul prepared for the death of your body on any day. Once you die, you will have to face your Maker at your first judgment. This is why you want to have a pure soul at all times so you are ready for your judgment. The other reason for this vision is to have mercy on the deceased person’s soul. You do not always know the disposition of that soul in how that person was judged. Assume that the person is in purgatory so you can pray for that soul and offer Masses up for their intention. If that soul is not in purgatory, your prayers and Masses will be applied to your other deceased family members. Rejoice when souls have finished their missions on earth, because now they can pray for souls on earth.”


Tuesday, August 28, 2012: (St. Augustine)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read how I criticized the Pharisees for being hypocrites in their religious practices. They washed the outside of their cups and followed giving tithes in their donations, but inside their souls there were many sins. It is important for My faithful to practice what you preach by your actions. Do not just go through the motions of being religious, but you need to cleanse your sins in frequent Confession, and perform true works of charity for your neighbors. Focus on Me in your prayers, and consecrate everything that you do for My sake. People should be able to tell you are a Christian by your humility, faith, and your actions. Guard your tongue from any bad language, and control your behavior from any outbursts of anger. In essence, you need to give a good example to others so they can see that you are not hypocrites like the Pharisees were.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two weather events that will be testing your people. This latest hurricane is the first to hit your mainland in some time. It is interesting that this storm is coming into Louisiana exactly seven years after Katrina, only this is a smaller storm. There will still be considerable wind and flooding with this storm. You are just approaching the peak of your hurricane season, so you could even see more storms. The other weather event is the hot weather that has brought drought to many of your cornfields. Early forecasts are for a 15% loss in your corn crop, but this could be higher in some areas. Only after the harvest can your farmers see the true reduction in your crops. Without sufficient water throughout the growing season, it is hard to have a good yield in your crops. These are just a few weather signs that can affect your food levels and even your gas prices, if there is a stoppage in your oil production. Have faith that I will provide for your needs, but major events will be testing you.”


Wednesday, August 29, 2012: (Passion of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist was a brave evangelist who baptized many people in the Jordan River. He even baptized Me, and called out that I was the ‘Lamb of God’. In a moment of faith he criticized King Herod for marrying Herodias who was the wife of his brother. As a result St. John was imprisoned, and later he was beheaded when King Herod made a promise to his wife’s daughter. St. John became a martyr for his faith in speaking out against King Herod. Now, you are about to enter the tribulation, and you will be seeing more people martyred for their faith. In the Book of Revelation (20:4) it speaks of a time when people will be beheaded for their faith. ‘And I saw the souls of those who have been beheaded because of the witness to Jesus and because of the Word of God, and who did not worship the beast or his image, and did not accept his mark upon their foreheads or upon their hands.’ There have been several reports in your own country that guillotines have been purchased by your government for public executions. This is how the authorities will kill Christians for their faith. These authorities will use scare tactics of beheading people to follow their edicts. Here again My people will need to leave for My refuges to avoid the coming persecution of My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a reason that this hurricane is coming seven years after the anniversary of Katrina. You have read the Harbinger book and you have watched the movie about ‘The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment’. In there it explains that America had its first sign to repent with the 9-11-01 destruction of the Twin Towers. Then seven years later to the day, you experienced the 2008 financial collapse. This was explained as a Jewish term of when every seven years all debts were cancelled. Now, seven years ago in 2005 your country experienced a natural sign of destruction with Hurricane Katrina that devastated New Orleans. Again seven years later, you are witnessing another hurricane that struck in nearly the same location at New Orleans. This is another natural sign from Me to again ask your people to repent of their sins. You can see the parallel of the first two signs caused by men and these last two signs are from Me, but both were separated by seven years. There is another parallel in that the first two events happened in New York City, and the second two events happened at New Orleans. If America does not repent and change its ways even with these warnings, then your country will face a worse punishment that will throw your people into exile as Israel was punished.”


Thursday, August 30, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel reading (Matt. 24;42-44) has significant meaning to My son. ‘Watch therefore, for you do not know at what hour your Lord is to come. But of this be assured, that if the householder had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would certainly have watched, and not let his house be broken into. Therefore you also must be ready, because at an hour that you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.’ In the vision you had a flashback to when a thief stole the two purses of your guests by coming into your living room while you were in a back room. You left the front door unlocked at night, even though you were in your house. When you prayed to determine the whereabouts of the purses, you saw a black figure come in. You were seeing the two demons come in with a person on drugs. These were the demons that your friends cast out of your house as the demons came to destroy your work. With this sign you know now to put blessed salt and medals buried around your house to keep the demons and evil people from entering. This is also a sign of more attacks that will be coming against your ministry. Call on Me and My angels to help you whenever you feel threatened. I am with you always, but you will be suffering more as time leads into the tribulation. Keep close to Me in prayer and continue to wear your blessed sacramentals.”

Prayer group:
Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to call on Me and I will send you many angels to help in fighting the demons around you. Several times you prayed over some possessed souls and My angels protected you. Even when they caused a car crash, you were unhurt. Continue to wear your blessed sacramentals, pray your daily prayers, and share with Me at Mass, at Adoration, and in the confessional. I have asked you to do a mission for Me, and I am giving you the graces and angel protection to carry it out.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the devastation of your Gulf states by this storm. Pray for those who are bearing power outages and flooded homes. Send whatever donations you can to help the victims of this hurricane. Help those who are delivering food, water, and shelter to the homeless. See this storm as another warning to America that your people need to repent of their sins and change their sinful lifestyles. Remember I am always with My people, but My faithful will have to endure a coming tribulation. In the end I will be victorious over all the demons and evil people.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are planning another major war in the Middle East that could greatly affect the flow of oil from this area. This potential war could still affect the outcome of your Presidential election. Even as your defenses are being weakened, you may still have to deal with fighting a new war. Pray for peace in this area, but the one world people are always behind these wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are behind causing your recessions and depressions by their control of the borrowing and printing of money. Even the Federal Reserve is run by these central bankers, and they may still put more money into circulation with further easing. There is no other way that your Treasury Bonds can be supported, except if the Federal Reserve is the buyer of last resort. The Federal Reserve is supporting your large deficits, but they are printing bonds out of thin air that adds to your National Debt. You will still see more battles over your National Debt limit and your deficit spending.”

Jesus said: “My people, in private and Catholic schools the children are learning about Me and the importance of a religious life in the world. It is difficult in public schools to learn about Me because your school system is growing more atheistic by not allowing prayer in the schools. By not allowing any religious training, the children are being taught to depend on themselves or the government. You know how important it is to have Me lead your lives, so parents are forced to share their faith with their children. Keep praying for your children, and teach them the need for prayer in their lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, as Christians and Catholics, My faithful need to vote against those candidates that support abortion and same sex marriage. This means that you should put your support in voting for those candidates who are against abortion and against same sex marriage. You have a clear moral choice in this election, and you need to live your faith by supporting moral choices that follow My laws. You know that abortion is against My Fifth Commandment of not killing babies. Those, who are living in fornication or committing homosexual acts, are living in mortal sin. Pray for these souls to convert their sinful lifestyles, but do not promote those candidates who are supporting abortion and same sex marriage. Live in a proper marriage of man and woman as I gave you an example with Adam and Eve.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you about the need for having refuges of protection during the coming evil of the tribulation. The Antichrist, the demons, and the evil people are going to have their hour of controlling the world that I will allow. Even while evil may appear to be winning, I will still be protecting My faithful remnant because I promised that the gates of hell will not prevail over My true Church. Trust in My angel power that will be making you invisible to the evil ones. When you see martial law caused by bankruptcy, pandemic viruses, and false terrorism, as well as mandatory chips in the body, know that this will be the time to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge. Many are being called to set up refuges, and I will help them and reward their work. You should be thankful for all of My refuges and the builders of refuges that will provide the protection of My faithful.”


Friday, August 31, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I ask you to follow Me in the cross of My suffering. This life as a human being has many demands from you, as you are limited by the body that is in a weakened state to sin. It is not easy to live a holy life of the cross because you are dealing with the needs of the body, and the temptations of the devil. In order to strive for heaven, you need My help to struggle through all of your distractions and disappointments. When you are battling the devil or dealing with your personal troubles, you can call on Me to share your suffering with My suffering on the cross. My people need to keep themselves pure with frequent Confession so you can always be ready when I come to take you home. You need to imitate the five wise virgins, and do not be lazy in praying your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard for the people in New Orleans where their homes are sitting in twelve feet of water. Certain levees that were repaired, are working, but other levees could not withstand the storm surge. It will be a problem to repair the levees that broke, and pump the water out of a low lying area. More plans are needed for the next possible hurricane. Even with man’s plans, a category one hurricane was able to cause much flooding and damage. Pray for the people affected by this disaster, but this is another sign to America to wake up and repent of its sins. If you do not change your sinful lifestyles, you could see even worse disasters. You need more than just a change in your physical lives, you need even a greater change in your spiritual lives.”


Saturday, September 1, 2012:
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing these chains to you because many of My faithful have had to endure persecution, and even death for their faith in Me. You need to be prepared to be tested in your faith for Me, even if you are threatened with death. Many have been martyred for their faith, and they have become instant saints. Your mission has been to prepare people for the end times during the Antichrist’s reign. Those, who speak out against this evil one, will face extra persecution. As time grows closer to his declaration, you will need to seek out My refuges. I told you that you would be traveling with My angels to various refuges to give encouragement to My faithful during this trial of evil. You will be traveling even as St. Paul traveled to encourage his converts in the various cities of his time. Rejoice that you have been chosen for this task to serve Me, but remain humble as you have a loving responsibility to help souls, and keep them from going to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw a recent earthquake of about 7.6 off the coast of the Phillippines that caused a small tsunami. These large underwater earthquakes can cause tsunamis of a good size. In the Pacific Ocean there are many warning systems to alert people of any tsunami. Be alert that these events could happen at any time. After the devastation in Japan, many are concerned if another event could affect other nuclear reactors along the Pacific coast. Remember that I warned people to not live on the coastline to the oceans. The people in New Orleans are still suffering from Hurricane Isaac. Pray for your storm victims and be prepared for any more major disasters.”


Sunday, September 2, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel reading is about how My apostles were criticized for eating without washing their hands. The Pharisees were citing the rules of the elders, but I could see the hypocrisy of caring for human traditions while they disobeyed My Commandments. This is why I want My faithful to give a good example by living their faith in their actions. You should have your own soul cleansed of the sins that you are preaching against. In the vision of the rainbow, there is a representation of people who appreciate the preciousness of life in protecting babies from being killed in abortion. Your deacon’s homily touched on the fight against abortion in reference to the upcoming Presidential election, and electing Congress people and Senators. Christians and Catholics should be voting for those candidates who vote against abortion and against same sex marriage. This election is clear how your candidates stand, so it is your spiritual and civic duty to vote for the most God-fearing candidates. You cannot vote just for human reasons, but you must vote for people who uphold My Commandments in their votes. Abortion is killing babies, and it is against My Fifth Commandment of thou shalt not kill. So stand up against abortion publicly in your voting, so God-fearing candidates can be elected.”


Monday, September 3, 2012: (Labor Day, St. Gregory the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, you may be familiar with the communist celebration of May 1st every year, but Labor Day is also another reason for them to celebrate. You have been seeing movies and literature that are explaining a progressive or socialist movement in your country that is using these words to hide their communist goals of controlling America. The liberals or progressives have taken over your media and your schools to brainwash your children and the adults to follow their Marxist agenda. Atheism and the ridding of religion from your society is part of their plan, and this is the battle of those who believe in Me against those who do not. Satan is ultimately behind these evil plans, and he is directing the one world people to gain control of all nations under the Antichrist. The tribulation is the reign of this evil, but it will last less than 3 ½ years. The communists hide their true identity as progressives, but their goals are from Karl Marx. Socialism has communism as its goal. You can see signs of this grab for power in your President’s czars and Executive Orders. The liberal judges are defying the people’s laws to force voter identification so the socialists can illegally pad the vote for socialist candidates with people voting multiple times for dead people and people without proper identification. I have warned you that the central bankers can cause a bank holiday with a bankruptcy of your government. This could throw your country into chaos, and martial law could be declared that would negate your election and make your President into a dictator. This could trigger a revolution that your government has been preparing for by ordering massive amounts of ammunition. If you see such a bank holiday followed by chaos, then you will need to come to My refuges of protection from the evil ones. Trust in My angels who will make you invisible to your enemies.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw a recent earthquake of about 7.6 off the coast of the Phillippines that caused a small tsunami. These large underwater earthquakes can cause tsunamis of a good size. In the Pacific Ocean there are many warning systems to alert people of any tsunami. Be alert that these events could happen at any time. After the devastation in Japan, many are concerned if another event could affect other nuclear reactors along the Pacific coast. Remember that I warned people to not live on the coastline to the oceans. The people in New Orleans are still suffering from Hurricane Isaac. Pray for your storm victims and be prepared for any more major disasters.”


Tuesday, September 4, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read how there were people that were possessed by demons in My day. These demons recognized that I was the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, and called out My Name. I rebuked the demon and I ordered the demon to come out of the man. Those, who were around Me, marveled at the authority of My Word to command the demon to come out, and the demon obeyed. You know My power is greater than the demons, and they fear even when you invoke My Name. The demons are more powerful than man, so do not do anything that would invite them to possess you. Avoid any Satanic worship, Ouija boards, curses, tarot cards, evil potions, or fortune tellers. Instead, you should wear blessed sacramentals as a scapular, a rosary, blessed salt, holy water, and a St. Benedict cross with the exorcism medal on it. In the vision you saw how anxious these demons are to bring souls to hell, and they are constantly attacking you with their evil temptations. Do not allow your earthly appetites to control your soul in sinful pleasures. Control your tongue in your language, and do not gossip about others. By knowing your weaknesses, you can be ready to call on Me and your guardian angel to fend off the attacks of the devil. By your daily prayers and staying close to Me in My sacraments, you can avoid falling into occasions of sin. Even if you fall victim to sin, you can come to Me in Confession to free you from the bonds of your sins. I am always ready to forgive even the worst sinner. Be humble in admitting the guilt of your sins, and make an amendment to avoid that sin in the future. With My grace and My sacraments, I will lead you on a path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the roots of Masonry go back many years. You were sensing a connection of these one world people to some of the communist organizations in America. In the early days of Lenin, it was the one world rich people that made large donations of money to get communism started in Russia. These same sponsors have been providing the needed funds to keep the progressive movements going to break down America. The breakdown of America is coming from within your government, where worship of Me is against the work of the one world people who take their orders from Satan. At times the liberals or progressives have the same agenda as the communists who are struggling for a takeover of America. It is the top people in the one world people’s inner circle that are actually behind forming the continental unions that will be joined with the Antichrist for his takeover of the world. The evil ones will appear to be controlling the world, but I will allow My faithful to be protected by My angels at My refuges. Once the evil ones come to full power, I will unleash My Comet of Chastisement that will destroy two-thirds of humanity. I will have My angels protect My faithful by lifting them up into the air. After the three days of darkness, I will renew the earth and bring My faithful back down into My Era of Peace. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and they will no longer have influence over My faithful. Rejoice when I bring My victory over evil, and My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”


Wednesday, September 5, 2012: (Mario Sorge, funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, pray for the mourners of Mario as they give their respects for him. You are seeing Me in My resurrected Body to give everyone of My faithful hope that one day all of you will be resurrected as well. I am the Resurrection and the life, and with My sacrificial death I have ransomed all souls who accept Me, so they can now enter heaven’s gates. Until My death and resurrection, heaven’s gates were closed, and souls could only go to a place of suffering because of Adam’s sin. Now, at your death you can come to your judgment, and I will judge you based on your actions in life. The more gifts that a soul has been given, the more will be expected of that soul. After a soul has passed and is separated from the body, you need to pray for that soul, and offer Masses to help them out of purgatory, if they were judged there. Once souls are purified, they can now come to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have now recorded seven or more incidents of gunmen killing people, and most of them killed themselves later. These events are not just by chance, but it is part of a plan to cause an excuse to try and take away people’s weapons. Many of these attacks used automatic weapons which is one of the targets for your authorities to remove. I have told you before that you can place chips in people, and with voices, you can cause those people to kill people without remembering their crime. These events are more than arbitrary killings because these gunmen are well armed, and they even have body armor. The one world people know that it is difficult to take over a country with well armed citizens and militias. So their intent is to use any excuse to try and disarm your citizens. This is why you will have chaos and a revolution because many people will not give up their arms. My faithful will have to go to My refuges because I do not want My people killing others. On your way to My refuges and at them, My angels will make you invisible, and the angels will not allow the evil ones to harm you. Trust in My protection and My angels so you do not need guns to defend yourselves.”


Thursday, September 6, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in Luke’s Gospel you read how I enabled My future apostles to catch a large number of fish, even though they caught nothing during the night. They were amazed at the miraculous catch, and once they landed, they left their boats to follow Me. I told them that they would be catching people for the Gospel instead of fish. I call on all of My faithful by their Baptism and Confirmation to be evangelists of My Word. You, My son, are ever ready to go out and preach My Word to all the people who you meet in your travels. You have been given a special message of preparing the people for the end times. Remember to strengthen your faith with your prayers, Mass, and My sacraments. It is not easy to preach a hard message, but you have been willing to share My message all over your country, and other parts of the world. Call on My angels for your protection as the evil ones will be making their move for a world takeover. Trust in My doing the impossible so you can be an instrument to bring souls to Me to be saved from hell.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it was a bit of an embarrassment for the Democrats when they had to restore ‘God-given’ and ‘Jerusalem’ back into their platform. It is also unfortunate that their platform still supports abortion and same sex marriage. These two sins are the most responsible for any punishment that will come upon America. I have been sending many signs for America to repent of its sins. Since you are not obeying My laws, you will continue to be tested by events as Hurricane Isaac. Wake up America, and see how your sins are bringing you down in your lack of morals.”

Jesus said: “My people, your election polls are very close for each of your candidates. I continue to tell you to vote for the most God-fearing man for President. If a person does not follow My Commandments, then it tells you more about a person’s moral character. You have a clear choice of what values each candidate stands for. It also is a choice for those who keep their word, and not just a lot of empty words that are not carried out. However America votes, it will decide your fate.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are not always able to carry out their plans according to their time line. They have a desire to crash your stock market and end the dollar as your currency. They may not be able to cause a war or a bankruptcy before the election, but it will not be because they are not trying. If anything serious happens to cause martial law, it will create a major disruption in your country that could precipitate a takeover by the military. Pray that your people could have their say at the election. I have mentioned before that it is possible that you will never see another election. Many people will be ready for a revolution if their right to vote is taken away. Pray for peace and that you do not see a revolution.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you many times that your current government is stripping away your freedoms one by one, especially through your President’s Executive Orders. Your Congress is not fighting for the freedoms being lost because they cannot find any compromise to pass any meaningful legislation. You are seeing both your executive and judicial branches making their own laws without any approval of the people. This also could cause an uprising if nothing is done to protect your freedoms. Continue to pray for your leaders to make the right decisions for your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, your students are having a hard time to see good jobs available once they graduate from high school and college. Many of your good paying jobs are no longer available because your corporations are seeking low wages with very few benefits to be competitive. Pray that your economy will improve to provide decent jobs for your children when they graduate.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a church and state division being used to rid all mention of Me in your lives. By removing Christian principles from your society, you are following the atheists who want to rid Me out of your public life. It is better to stand up against abortion, and seek prayer in public places. If My people do not voice their opinion in defense of your religious freedoms, then soon you will see open persecution of those who believe in Me. Pray for your protection and be ready to leave for My refuges once you lose your freedoms.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more incidents of people being killed at church and the burning of churches and mosques. Your religious persecution is becoming more physical as vandals are venting their anger at My places of worship. The next attacks will come from your authorities when they try to restrict religious worship, and you will be forced to pray in the homes or in underground meetings. When you see evil controlling the churches, it will not be long until you will be seeking


Friday, September 7, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the time of King David and King Solomon a great Temple was erected to house the Holy of Holies with the Ark of the Covenant. This temple was to honor Me and My Father, and give a place of worship. This Shrine also was built as a place to house My Blessed Sacrament in perpetual Adoration. Some may think too much money was spent on this Shrine, but it was made beautiful to give honor and glory to Me. You have a beautiful place here also to give Me worship before My Blessed Sacrament. The nuns here also pray in contemplative prayer as I have asked My people to spend some time in the quiet of their hearts. It is when you spend time to visit Me in Adoration that you can have discernment to direct your earthly decisions how to best serve Me. I thank all of the benefactors who contribute to help Mother Angelica in carrying out her mission. They will receive their reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are witnessing a decline in church attendance of My Roman Catholic Church in America and other countries. Some areas are more faithful than others, but your people are becoming more lax in their prayers and their attendance at Sunday Mass. This decline in your numbers is another sign that you are living in the end times. I mentioned in the Bible if there will be many faithful left when I return to the earth? Satan is attacking your modern society with many addictions and distractions so he can mislead My faithful members. He takes advantage of man’s weaknesses in man’s spiritual life with Me. Every day is a spiritual battle to maintain your faith, and even work to improve your closeness to Me. This is why your daily prayer life and your frequent reception of My sacraments are the best way to keep your focus on Me as you struggle through life for your goal of being with Me in heaven. If you keep close to Me, and you keep strong in your faith, then you will be able to battle the devil who is trying to cause souls to get spiritually lazy. Keep calling on My help and that of your guardian angel so you can keep a pure soul. Those, who are faithful to Me even to the end of their lives, will receive My glorious reward in heaven. Strive to save your own soul, and evangelize weak souls so they can be saved from hell.”


Saturday, September 8, 2012: (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you this vision because coming to adore Me in My Host or in My tabernacle is the back door to My Heart. Whenever you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are one with Me as I come into your soul. This is why I want you to receive Me only in the state of grace without any mortal sin on your soul. Also, whenever you come in front of Me in My Blessed Sacrament, you again are one with Me in your soul. This is why I have even a deeper love for My adorers, because you truly understand, as much as humans can, about My Real Presence in My Host. I know you love Me so much when you share your tears of love for Me. I rejoice in your tears, and I store them in your treasure box in heaven. I invite all of My faithful to be daily Adoration members, because I want all of you to share in My love, and have a deeper commitment to serve Me. It is one thing for My people to call Me, Lord, Lord, but it is more meaningful to act out your faith in your daily life. This means helping your neighbors both in their physical needs and their spiritual needs. This is why it is important to share your money, time, and talent with people. It is even more important to share your love for Me with others in your evangelization efforts. Pray every day in your consecration to Me and My Blessed Mother so you can offer up all of your prayers and actions for My greater glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people do not fully appreciate all the freedoms that you have, compared to other countries. The one world people are slowly closing a vise on your freedoms as they try to remove them one by one. They have two immediate goals of taking away your religious freedom, and controlling your guns. You will see your religious hospitals and related nursing homes forced to remove religion from public buildings. They will even try to take away any church tax exemption. Slowly any public worship will become a crime. After many gun incidents that have been staged, your authorities will first outlaw automatic guns and then all guns. They will send out armed troops to go house to house in order to confiscate all weapons. Lastly, your Executive Branch will declare your country as a part of the North American Union, and all of your rights will be lost as you saw the Statue of Liberty carried away. Along the way you could see chaos and even a revolution against this takeover. Once your freedoms are taken over, you will need to come to My refuges for protection from the evil ones who want to take over America. These events will be happening in a short time so My faithful need to be prepared to leave for My refuges. Trust in Me to have your guardian angels lead you safely to My refuges.”


Sunday, September 9, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, once you heard the Gospel of My healing of the deaf and dumb man, you can be thankful for having all of your senses that are working. Remember that to those, who are given more, more will be expected of them. This is true of the vision where you cannot just sit on a log, but you need to get up and help people without being lazy. Even as you are called to help your neighbor, I am also calling out to your heart in love. As I called the deaf man to open his mouth to speak, so I am calling My faithful to open their hearts to let Me in. My Heart of love is always open to you, but your heart is like a door that you need to open from the inside to accept Me into your heart. Once I can enter your heart, we can be one in love, and I can share My Divine Will with your will. By knowing My plan for your life, you can fulfill the purpose I have for your life. If you do only your own will, you are not allowing Me to be active in your life. So be open in your heart to know and love Me, then you can serve Me in the use of your God-given talents that use all of your senses.”


Monday, September 10, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, right now there is a veil of secrecy over your earthly events because your eyes have been blinded by your earthly weaknesses to truly understand your sins and the sins of others. You will all soon experience My Warning when your conscience will be illuminated to understand the severity of your sins and how you have offended Me. Your spiritual eyes will be opened, and you will then be more responsible for your sinful actions because I will have shown you what you were doing wrong. You will also be able to understand the evil of the sins of others. It will be revealed more about the evil one world people so you will clearly know their intentions and how the Antichrist will come to power. You will see and understand the evil of the Masons in My Church as you will see the division occurring between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. My faithful will be persecuted, and you will need to attend Mass secretly in the homes. Not long after the Warning, it will be apparent to you how the two beasts of the Antichrist and the false prophet will be working together to take over the world. I will warn My faithful when it will be time to come to the safety of My refuges. Some will be martyred and become instant saints, and some will be fighting at the Battle of Armageddon. Have no fear, because My angels will protect you from the evil people and the demons.”


Tuesday, September 11, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen droughts, fires, and storm damage from your last hurricane. In the vision I am showing you more storms and natural disasters that are going to continue to punish America for your sins and laws against My Commandments. If your people do not repent and change their sinful ways, you will see more disasters coming upon your country. Many signs have been given to you in storms and man-made events, but still you refuse to stop your sins. You have recovered from some mild events, but even greater disruptions to your lives will befall you. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your freedoms are taken away, and your lives will be threatened. Pray for My help when evil men will be trying to control you in every facet of your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, traveling through life is similar to praying your rosary. A reverent rosary is said slowly so you can keep focused on the meaning of the mystery that you are praying. If you pray fast, then you are focused more on just repeating words without thinking of the meaning of your prayers. This is true also in how you live your life. If you speed through your life just to try and do a lot of things, then you will not have enough time to dwell on what and why you are doing things. You may be able to visit many places, but your memory of things will be just a blur. If you travel through life at a slower pace as on a bicycle, you may do fewer things, but you will do each thing better and more completely. If you take your time, you can plan things better, and have more time to learn from your mistakes. Just as praying your rosary at a slower pace is more pleasing to Me, so living your life at a slower pace is also more pleasing to Me. Satan knows this as well, so he is always urging you to rush through things so you lose the value of learning from your mistakes. Let Me lead you through life at a slower pace, so you have time for prayer, and you will be following My Divine Will instead of your own will.”


Wednesday, September 12, 2012: (The Most Holy Name of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel of the Beatitudes is a good example to live by, and the Beatitudes are the good works that you could do for your neighbors. Call on Me to give you the spiritual courage to reach out and help people. St. Paul’s Epistle spoke of the need for celibacy so those, who evangelize as priests, could be free to devote all of their time to saving souls. In the vision of the Communion rail, you remember in past years how it was more reverent to kneel as you received My Host. There are other traditions in your old Mass that pleased Me dearly in your singing and praising. In older days more people came to Confession more often as you saw longer lines at the confessionals. My priest sons need to encourage Confession and visiting Me in Adoration. The graces of a good Confession are being missed by some, and others should be cleansing their mortal sins so they can prevent any sins of sacrilege. There are fewer people coming to Mass on Sunday because they are not nourishing their faith in Me properly. There is a mystique of holiness in coming to church that is missing in many people today. If they truly understood how beautiful it is to receive Me into their souls, the people, who are not coming, would be drawn to church again. Be a good example to your children in leading them to Sunday Mass, and invite them to share My Blessed Mother’s rosary in their daily prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people and Iran are sponsoring the Moslem Brotherhood to take over the Arab countries surrounding Israel. The incident with this anti-Islamic movie was perpetrated to instigate an excuse to attack your embassies on 9-11. After Syria is taken over, their next target will be Saudi Arabia which could shut down oil deliveries to America. This will affect oil and gasoline prices which could rise to cause an economic recession or worse. America needs to work quickly to get more independent sources of oil so you are not so dependent on the Middle East oil. Once oil supplies are in danger, America may try and defend the oil countries as Saudi Arabia from any Moslem Brotherhood takeover. This could cause a war with Iran and other countries. The speed of any takeover attempts could possibly interfere with your election. I mentioned before that a war or bank holiday could cause a martial law takeover that would stop your election. If such a martial law occurs, My faithful will need to come to My refuges of protection. Trust in My angels to protect you from the evil ones.”


Thursday, September 13, 2012: (St. John Chrysostom)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I suffered on the cross so all of you could be redeemed from your sins. In the Gospel I emphasized to you how you should love Me and your neighbor. I even asked you to love your enemies and those who are persecuting you. To love one’s friends is only what sinners do in loving their friends. I want My faithful to strive for perfection as My heavenly Father is perfect. This means that you need to love everyone as I love everyone, even your enemies. Each day I ask My faithful to take up their crosses of the trials of life, and bear their pain in union with Me on My cross. This is why I am showing you My cross of suffering. Offer up all of your trials and persecutions to Me so souls can be helped both on earth and in purgatory. Just as My faithful receive My graces from My redeeming crucifixion, so others can receive the redemptive benefit of your suffering as well. Keep close to Me in prayer and My sacraments, and you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of you for attending this holy hour in front of My Most Blessed Sacrament. Your prayers are balancing off some of the evil going on in your world. You have prayer group meetings on My side, and you have occult group meetings on the side of the demons. You have seen how the demons are attacking many souls, and the sin in your world is a result. You have a daily battle with the demons, and you need to invoke your binding of the spirits prayer and the St. Michael prayer. Use your blessed salt, blessed crucifixes, and holy water to fight the presence of the demons. They run from My cross and saying My Name. You know My power is greater than the demons, but you need to cleanse your souls with frequent Confession and receive Me in Holy Communion often.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing a frequent number of disasters that will cause damage to your homes and your infrastructures. Fires, wars, and uprisings are in your future as your freedoms are at risk in your country. The one world people are continuing their plans to ruin your financial system. Your Federal Reserve is continuing to inflate your dollar with a new round of Quantitative Easing III. Fear not those who are trying to destroy your country, as you will need to eventually come to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard these plans before that the one world people are trying to crash your dollar which could lead to a bankruptcy of America. Your dollar is losing its status as a reserve currency. Because of your increasing debts and deficits, your rating agencies are ready to reduce your credit rating. It will become harder to finance your deficits when fewer investors will want to buy your Treasury Notes. Once this debt cannot be funded, interest rates will be forced higher, and more dollars will need to be printed. Once your money reaches hyperinflation, then the dollar will be near worthless. This will cause the dollar to fail, and it will be replaced by the amero. A crash of the dollar is coming, and it will create chaos and possible killings that could invoke martial law. This will also be a time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing signs of future food shortages along with potential problems with your banking system. I have warned My people for some time to put aside six months to a year’s supply of food for the coming world famine and a bank failure. If your money becomes worthless, it will be hard to buy food. Crop shortages could also contribute to food shortages. You could use your food to survive the coming trials until it will be time to come to My refuges. You are to share your food with friends and relatives. I will multiply what you have put aside when it is needed. Those, who do not heed My warning to save some food, may risk starving or they could be killed trying to find food.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the coming tribulation, My faithful will need to come to My refuges where My angels will protect them. Refuges need to be on consecrated land with an independent supply of water. My refuge leaders need to store food and have bedding places for the people. You will also need hygiene kits for personal cleansing and latrines for bathrooms. My angels will bring you daily Communion and they will multiply your food and dwellings as they are needed. My angels will make My faithful invisible to their enemies, and they will defend My faithful from harm. Have no fear of coming to My refuges because I will see to all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, My faithful, who do not live at a refuge, should be preparing some things to bring for their journey to My refuges. In your backpacks you could bring your sacramentals of rosaries, blessed salt, blessed medals, and
Benedictine crosses. Also, you could bring Bibles and Mass books. For your physical things you could have a tent, some sleeping blankets, a windup flashlight, two changes of clothes, a small amount of food and water, cups, plates and silverware, a shovel, towels, and wash cloths. These are the main things, but masks, and matches for a fire would help. Again I will multiply what you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges My angels will provide a consecrated Host in your monstrance so each refuge could have perpetual Adoration. Your people at the refuge would take their own hours to keep praying in front of My Host. My daily Communion and Adoration will be your strength to endure this short time of the tribulation. Trust in My power and My miracles to provide for your needs.”


Friday, September 14, 2012: (Exultation of the Holy Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading the people of Israel complained about the manna that I sent them for food in the desert. Because of their grumbling, I sent them saraph serpents that bit the people and some died. The people asked Moses to help them, so he mounted a bronze serpent on a pole, and lifted it up for the people to look on and be healed. This is an image of Me as I was lifted up on My cross so I could heal people of their sins. I even rewarded the good thief by telling him that on that same day he would be with Me in paradise. I call all of My people to pick up their daily cross and suffer their trials with Me on My cross. You are all struggling through the demands of your human existence so you can have your reward with Me in heaven. Do not fall into despair from whatever you are suffering, but look on Me face to face on My cross, and ask Me to help you through each day. Consecrate everything you do to Me, and you will gain your reward in heaven for your sufferings. Remember also that I will raise up My luminous cross in the sky over My final refuges so My people can look on it and be healed of all of their infirmities. My cross is your salvation and a source of healing. By My perfect sacrifice, you will see My faithful saved from hell and brought to heaven. Satan had people kill My human body, but I confounded him and sin as I turned an evil deed into a saving act for souls who accept Me. Cling to My cross as your comfort in this life, even if you must suffer pain for My sake.”

(Difante Family Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My feast day of the Exultation of the Cross. It is the grace of My death and Resurrection that has brought redemption to all of mankind. It is up to each person’s free will to accept Me and follow My laws, and I will bring that person to heaven. I am always present to you in My tabernacle, but I am still suffering on the cross for all of the ongoing sins of man. This river in the vision represents My endless graces that are constantly available to My faithful through My sacraments. Every time you come before My tabernacle, you can drink in My graces for your visit. Give praise and glory to Me for all the gifts of My graces that I make available to everyone. Many times you watch the river flowing as in the vision, and it is amazing how it seems endless. This is how endless My graces flow out to you from My abundant graces. Take advantage of every grace that you can have from coming to daily Mass. You have a miracle of My Body and Blood which comes before you at every Mass at the Consecration. The more graces you receive, the easier it will be to fight the devil’s temptations.”


Saturday, September 15, 2012: (Our Lady of Sorrows)
(Seven Sorrows: the prophecy of Simeon, the flight into Egypt, the loss of the child Jesus in the Temple, the meeting of Jesus on the way to Calvary, Jesus dies on the cross, Mary receives the Body of Jesus in her arms, the Body of Jesus is placed in the tomb) Mary said: “My dear children, I painfully suffered these sorrows as I had to endure my Son’s death on the cross. I knew His mission was to save all of mankind from their sins, but as a mother, it is hard to lose a son, even if He is God’s Son. I was privileged to be the Mother of Jesus, and I am called blessed among all women. Not only am I the Mother of Jesus, but I am also the mother of His people in the person of St. John at the foot of the cross. I watch over all of my children, and I protect you with my mantle. Call on me in my rosary as you pray the Mysteries of the life I had with Jesus. I am happy to share the joys and graces of my Son, even in the midst of my sorrows.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this stagnant pond with algae to represent a pond that was not being cared for. Sometimes you can use chemicals or have a flow of water to keep the algae from forming. This can also represent a person’s spiritual life that is not active. To guard anything of value as your soul, you need to put up a defense, and nourish your spiritual life with prayer, fasting, and Mass. The devil never sleeps, so you cannot ignore your spiritual life, or you may succumb to his temptations. You also need to wear some blessed sacramentals as a defense against demonic attacks. Beware also of any addictions that may try to control you, because demons are attached to addictions. You need to be constantly vigilant because you need to have pure souls, so you are ready to meet Me at your judgment when you die. Those, who are faithful to Me in life, will receive their just reward in heaven.”


Sunday, September 16, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s reading tells you how faith without works is dead. I have mentioned before how My faithful need to serve Me and your neighbors. When you help your neighbors, you are helping Me in them. In this audience in the vision I am showing you people who are being entertained. When it comes to doing good works for your neighbor, you need to become workers and not just spectators. Some people, who are more fortunate financially, could spend more time and money to help the poor. The more you help others, the more graces you are storing in heaven. Charity comes from the heart, and it is another way to show Me your love and your love for your neighbor. The wealth that you have is only temporary, and you should share what you have while you still can. Remember that I love a cheerful giver.”


Monday, September 17, 2012: (St. Robert Bellarmine)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many world events that are leading up to a financial disaster as well as a planned war in the Middle East. Either of these major events could trigger a martial law that could mean a takeover of America, and the loss of your freedoms. I have told you many times that I will bring My Warning experience before you would be forced to go to My refuges. The one world people have their plans for a takeover, but I am the One who will determine the time when I will allow this to happen. This is why I am again showing you a vivid picture of how the Warning will appear for everyone. You literally will be swept off your feet out of your body and outside of time as you will pass quickly through a tunnel until you see Me in the Light. You will all experience your illumination of conscience in a life review that will be similar to a dying person or a person with a near death experience. You will be focused on your unforgiven sins as you will remember them when you return to your body. I will warn you not to take a chip in the body and not to worship the Antichrist. You will be shown the place of your judgment and experience that place for a while in heaven, hell, or purgatory. Then you will be sent back into your body with a strong feeling to confess your sins. If you do not change your life, then your judgment will be the same. People will also be prepared to leave for My refuges when the events lead up to the coming of the Antichrist. Come to My refuges when I warn you, or you may have to suffer martyrdom. Trust in Me to protect your soul, and allow your guardian angels to lead you to My refuges. The battle for souls will intensify greatly, but never give up your faith in Me, even if you are faced with becoming a martyr. Those, who remain faithful to Me, will see their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are dealing with the one world people who worship demons and superstitions. Just as older civilizations believed in various gods of mythology, so these people follow astrology as Hitler did. Many of their war plans are favoring the right alignment of the stars. You are seeing the Israeli leader speaking of months before Iran could have enough enriched uranium to make an atomic bomb. You are also seeing war games of many nations with multiple aircraft carriers and other ships planning a defense against Iran. Iran is planning a war games display. With so many ships in close proximity, any miscalculation could accidently start a war. In addition to a planned bank holiday, there is still a plan by the one world people to instigate a war with Iran. Such a war could quickly involve many nations that could trigger a world war. Israel has atomic weapons, and if they feel threatened, they would use them to preserve their country. Any use of nuclear weapons could trigger multiple bombs going off with a threat to mankind’s survival. Pray that such a war does not happen, and that nuclear weapons are not used.”


Tuesday, September 18, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of time moving forward, this means that the time of evil’s reign is running out. The evil people, who are preparing the way for the Antichrist, are about to bring on their worst struggle to cause a world takeover. They are preparing a financial disaster of a world depression amidst another world war. Their goal is to steal your wealth and make you their slaves. They may take away your money and your homes, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges. Refuse to take any chips in the body so the evil ones cannot control you with their voices. Some will be martyred in the death camps, and some people, who take the chip in the body, will be your enemies who will try to kill My people. Allow My angels to defend you so you do not use guns to kill people. I have been warning you of these coming events for many years, and soon you will see these trials happening before your eyes. Trust in Me when I will warn My faithful to leave for My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your appliances, vehicles, computers, and anything using microchips are vulnerable to EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) attacks. Some EMP weapons use a small nuclear device which could spread radiation and EMP effects. There are also portable EMP weapons that could be carried by airplanes and directed on localized targets. These weapons can destroy microchips, and they could paralyze equipment and cities. Only if you could provide new chips, or repair your damaged electronics, could your equipment start working again. This is why it would be smart to have such a supply of chips buried in the ground with a shield around it. Many countries have access to such EMP devices, and they could be used to neutralize an enemy’s defenses that use guided missiles. This is why it would be good to plan for a non-electric means of travel like bicycles in case your vehicles do not work, or when gas is not available. Trust in My help when I will protect My faithful at My refuges that will be shielded from this warfare.”


Wednesday, September 19, 2012: (St. Januarius)
Jesus said: “My people, I have talked about the one world people many times, and they are the elite in terms of money and power to influence governments. These people at the top are some of the people who actually worship Satan, and they carry out his directives. This is the meaning of the vision in that those, who worship Satan, are on a path to the flames of hell unless they convert and are saved. These people are even fighting amongst themselves for leadership and power. Once these elite leaders place the Antichrist into power over the world, they are going to be surprised by a double cross when the Antichrist will kill these leaders, and put his own people in power. The one world people are ruthless in their killings of people, and it is poetic that they will be killed themselves. You can put them in your prayers, but it will be near impossible for them to change without them asking for My help. You heard the message of love given by St. Paul. If these people or others do not have love in their hearts, then they will be like clanging cymbals.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I love mankind because I was incarnated as a God-man so I could die on the cross for all of your sins. This is why you should have a large crucifix on all of your altars so you never forget how I died to save mankind. All Three of Us Persons in the Blessed Trinity are pure love, and it is out of sharing Our love that creation was brought about. I am showing you My Sacred Heart because My love for My creatures is overwhelming. I love all of you equally so one soul is no greater than another. I even love those souls who have rejected Me, but they have chosen the wrong destination of their own free will. I want My faithful to love Me so our hearts can be joined in love. I have given you My Commandments which call you to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. I have even asked you to love your enemies and your persecutors. It is hard for man to do this on his own, so call on Me to give you the grace to love everyone. I have called My faithful to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. In your human condition loving everyone may seem impossible, but for Me all things are possible. Pray that all souls could be converted, even though many will use their free will to reject Me. By My grace and possibly the Warning experience, you could see some conversions. I will not refuse any repentant sinner from coming into My loving arms.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the wet pallet represents how America is on a skid into both a bad economy with a possible war. People want to know dates when things will happen, but I only call your attention to the signs that are happening around you. Many people are aware of your unemployment rate at over 8.0% for the last three or four years. Even this rate is closer to 22% if you include those who stopped looking for work, and those who are only working part time. Your National Debt is over $16 trillion with obligations of $56 trillion for unpaid promises for your entitlements. Your government is spending over $1.3 trillion more than it takes in for taxes. The Federal Reserve has started more Quantitative Easing (QE3) because it has to buy 70% of your debt in order to prevent your country’s bankruptcy. With government spending out of control, you will soon see hyperinflation with the printing of more Treasury Bonds. The Federal Reserve and the central bankers are bailing out your banks’ bad mortgage loans at $40 billion per month without any limit. These are signs that show a bank holiday is not far away. Signs of a coming war can be seen in all the Moslem Brotherhood takeovers of the Arab nations as Libya and Egypt where attacks are occurring against your embassies. A danger to oil deliveries is apparent with Iran’s threats to oil shipments through the Persian Gulf. Other conflicts are heating up between China and Japan over some uninhabited islands. The same one world people who are threatening a crash of your dollar, are the same people who are trying to instigate a war with Iran so they can profit from expensive oil prices when oil will become harder to ship. Look around you at these signs, and you can see why your freedoms are in danger of being lost. Have no fear, as I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”


Thursday, September 20, 2012: (St. Andrew Kim & Korean martyrs)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in a cloudy mirror America’s sins of abortion, fornication, and homosexual acts in same sex marriages. America has been sent signs in 9-11-01, 2008’s financial disaster, and the Katrina and Isaac hurricanes. Still your people do not understand that even your leaders are bringing the Isaiah 9:10 judgment against your own nation. You have the Harbinger book that explains the parallels between Israel and America. Israel rejected God’s warning to repent of their sins, and they were punished by being taken over and exiled into Babylon for over seventy years. So now in America, you also are being warned of your sins in this mirror and the events that I mentioned. Yet, your people are still refusing to repent of their sins and change their sinful lifestyles. Because you have turned your back on Me, and you have not heeded My warnings, your country will face disasters and a financial chaos that will take away your freedoms. The one world people and their puppet leaders will take over your country, and you will be defeated and exiled as Israel was because of your worship of other gods. These gods are lust, money, fame, and material things which are against My Commandments, when you should be worshiping only Me. Be prepared, America, to meet your fate, for you will be reaping the punishment for sowing the sins of your passions.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your Constitution has a Bill of Rights which is to protect your individual freedoms. I have mentioned before how you are losing your freedoms one by one, as your Congress and your President are passing legislation and edicts that are threatening your constitutional rights. Your religious freedom came under attack in forcing religious health institutions to hand out birth control devices. Some state laws require identification to vote, but the voters are being usurped by liberal judges who are placing injunctions against these laws. When Congress stops certain legislation, your President is forcing this legislation on the people with his Executive orders. Even your health care law will try to force you to buy insurance and have you take chips in the body. Many of these actions take away your freedoms, but your people are not fighting them. If your people do not take a stand against corrupt politicians and judges, then you will have no rights, and you will be forced into the North American Union. Pray for My help in fighting these injustices.”

Jesus said: “My people, many inventions and technologies were developed in your space programs. Now you are seeing cutbacks in supporting research and space exploration. There is a need for a good education, but you need to have practical jobs and industries to find good jobs for your graduates. By allowing businesses to send good jobs overseas, you are taking away America’s manufacturing potential. The financial incentives need to change to protect your home industries, and allow your inventive skills to keep making needed products. Pray for your children’s jobs that they will be available when they graduate.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people should take back the right to generate new money without it incurring interest for the central bankers. Your Federal Reserve has taken too much power upon itself with the continuous quantitative easing that now is buying $40 billion per month of the banks bad mortgage loans without any limit in time. They are printing bonds out of thin air to purposely inflate your money supply. There is no check or balance on this thievery, and they are controlling interest rates at 0% so savers do not get any interest. These bankers and your deficit spending will lead America into bankruptcy if nothing is done by your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, the overall plan of the one world people is to form unions on every continent so they can be given over to the Antichrist for his reign of evil. This is why the Presidents of America, Canada, and Mexico are working against the people’s rights to form a North American Union (NAU). This is why the one world people want to crash the dollar and replace it with the amero. The quicker they can take over America, the quicker they can form the NAU and bring on the Antichrist’s reign. Such a union will take away your money, your sovereignty rights, and your constitutional republic. All of your wars have been fought for your freedom, but these freedoms will be given over to your new dictator. Once this takeover occurs, My faithful will need safety at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I understand the pain and frustration of My faithful who are trying to cope with the evil things that are gaining more control over your lives. Once your jobs, food, and safety are threatened by your evil dictators, it will be necessary for My faithful to leave for My refuges. Many are preparing refuges for you to come to where My angels will protect My faithful. The evil ones do not have any power over My heavenly communications. My angels will be allowed to do the impossible in multiplying your food and dwellings. They will have power to make you invisible to the evil ones, and the angels will protect you from any harm.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you My coming victory over evil both in the Battle of Armageddon and My Comet of Chastisement. My people need to have hope and trust in My power when I will allow the evil ones to have a brief reign of power. I told you that the gates of hell will not prevail over My faithful remnant. All of the enemy’s armies will be defeated in the Battle of Armageddon by My faithful soldiers and My angels. The Comet of Chastisement will defeat the evil people and demons as they will all be cast into hell. Rejoice when I will bring My faithful into My Era Of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing another religious battle when My Church will be divided into a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This split will cause My faithful remnant to go into your homes for your prayers and services. The schismatic church will follow New Age worship of idols instead of worshiping Me. Eventually, you will need to go to My refuges of protection as the atheists and your authorities will be seeking to kill all believers in Me. Be thankful that My angels will protect you, even though some faithful will be martyred. My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”


Friday, September 21, 2012: (St. Matthew)
Jesus said: “My son, just as Levi was willing to give up everything and follow Me, so you were willing to do My mission when I called you. Some people, who were called to be prophets, were reluctant at first, but you wanted to follow My Will for My calling, and I thank you. Your mission to prepare people for the coming tribulation is not an easy one, and some people do not want to hear your message. When people are asked to store food for bad times, and leave their homes for refuges of protection, this is hard to accept. Yet, I am providing a means of protection from the evil people and the demons so your soul will be safe. Some of My faithful will be called to be martyrs, and they will become instant saints in heaven. Those, who live through the tribulation at My refuges, will be brought into My Era of Peace and later into heaven. This plan of Mine will be made clearer to everyone in their Warning experience. It is a privilege to be living in this time of My victory. Rejoice, My son, in the mission that I have given you, and stay close to Me in My sacraments and your daily prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, this experience of missing your exit was because that ramp was under construction, and that is why you could not find the name of your exit. Sometimes in life you try to do the right thing, but people have changed the rules, and you have to follow a discerned detour. When you are doing My mission, I will have My angels directing you to your destination, even if it means following a different route to get there. I have given you many messages to share with the people on how best to be protected during the tribulation. Just as you allowed My angels to help you reach today’s destination, so you can call on Me and My angels will lead you to the nearest refuge with a physical sign. When you live in trust by following My Will, do not have any fear, but rely on Me to keep you safe from any evil. You will be entering a time of evil and a time of chaos. So do not be alarmed by your events, but be calm in following My directions. It is the same way for My faithful as they first come to My refuges. My refuge leaders need to calm down these new arrivals with prayer, and show them the miracles that I will perform for My people as multiplying food and dwellings. Once these new arrivals understand how I am protecting them and providing for their needs, they will calm down from any doubts. Then they will trust in My care for them. This truly is how I take care of people all of the time, but you do not always appreciate how I am working in your lives to help you. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the gifts that you receive from Me every day.”


Saturday, September 22, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I point out to you My greeting: ‘He who has ears to hear, let him hear.’ This Gospel is about listening to My Word of the Gospel. You are fortunate to have Bibles so you can read My very words as recorded by My evangelists. In the first reading you heard how you are made up of body and spirit. The body seeks earthly things, while the soul seeks to have rest from its Creator. In order for My faithful to grow and bear fruit, you must listen to My Word, and place it in your heart. It is only by your providing fertile ground that My Word can grow in your heart. By focusing on Me and living a holy life as I did, you can go forth in performing good deeds for your neighbor out of love for Me and love for them. I give you My Word, but it is what you do with My Word that will allow you to profit from My direction for your life. Not all people have open hearts to receive My Word, and some even reject My Word. These are the souls who need your prayers, since without your help, they could be misled on their path to heaven. Keep praying for them, and they could be saved. You can help your neighbors with the physical needs of their lives, but helping to save their souls by your prayers would be the most important gift that you could give them. Remember to keep listening to My Word, and you will gain eternal life in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this lonely crucifix as a representation of the many locked churches where I am a prisoner and I am alone in My tabernacles. You are fortunate to find Adoration chapels where you can come and visit Me in My monstrance or My tabernacle. I am God, yet people should have more access to visit Me in My Hosts. I understand why churches are locked to prevent vandalism, but each area should have one chapel open for people to visit Me. I am a loving Being, and I desire to be with My faithful who believe in My Real Presence. I enjoy every moment that someone comes to keep Me company. Come to Me and share your daily troubles with Me so I can calm down any of your fears. Allow Me to give you discernment in making any major decisions in your life. I love My adorers very much, and I thank you for every visit that you take time to come and see Me. I love you and I want you to share your love with Me. It is a beautiful time in Adoration when you can pray to Me in contemplative prayer. Take five to ten minutes to pray with Me in silence. Be open in your hearts and minds to listen to My words. If you can hear My words, you need to place these words in your journal of secrets. If you have a spiritual director, you could share these words with him. I give gifts of prophecy to many souls, but they need to be open to Me in order to share My words with others.”


Sunday, September 23, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I set a child in front of the people to show them how much I love the little children and the unborn children. My people should know that every person has a body and soul, and each person is a temple of the Holy Spirit. This is why every person is important to Me, and each soul is equal in My eyes. So do not discriminate between some people you may like more because of any difference in their clothes, their race, or their financial status. I call all of you to love everyone equally as I do. This means to even love your enemies which is hard to do, but with My grace you can try to do this. In the vision I am comparing your President of power to the least person in your country. You are to respect each life equally if you want to work toward your perfection. In your society the unborn children are not protected from abortion, but their lives should be just as important as any other living person. Pray and fight abortion in your country so these little lives can be protected.”


Monday, September 24, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, there is a focus on a light that is kept in the open, but in the vision you are seeing the true Light that comes from Me in My Word in Scripture. When it is dark at night, you have difficulty in seeing things. It is the devil who tries to cloud My Light in your life, so you have to make an effort to open your Bible so I can enlighten your mind and soul. It is one thing to be guided by daylight or an artificial light at night. It is another thing to have the eyes of faith that lets you see My spiritual Light. It is My spiritual Light of faith that guides you through life to follow My ways and My Commandments. Your gift of faith is also the spiritual Light that you can share with others so you can bring them to Me in their souls. This Light of faith in Me also needs to be shared with your children if you are married with children. The souls of your children are your responsibility even after they leave your house. Give them good example in leading them to Sunday Mass, daily prayer, and monthly Confession. I bring My Light of faith to every soul, but I do not force My love on people. So you should not force My love on your children because I honor your free will choice. Help your children by reminding them of their spiritual responsibility to love Me and their neighbors, but they need to accept Me on their own. Keep praying for their souls and the souls of your grandchildren. I am the Light of the world, and you should spread My Light of faith to the people from the rooftops.”


Tuesday, September 25, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you three seats of power that are calling for your obedience to their authority. The first seat of power is when you see Me sitting on My throne in heaven. I am your Creator, and I call you to obey My laws out of love for Me. I do not force Myself against your free will, but I want you to know, love, and obey Me of your own choosing. The next seat of power is the successor of St. Peter in Pope Benedict XVI. He is the leader of My Church, and My faithful should honor him and obey his leadership in the faith. There are many religions, but only one that I instituted while I was on the earth. The third seat of power is the President of America. You have currently a constitutional republic of laws that you need to honor and obey. Your obedience to your country’s laws is only obligatory if it is in accordance with My laws. Any laws against life, against marriage, or against moral law, you do not have to follow, and you should even protest them in your society. You can see the various levels of authority in these three seats of power, but it is your obedience to Me that must come first over obedience to man. Even if you are threatened with your life if you follow My law over man’s law, be faithful to Me in any possible martyrdom. I will give you the courage and lessen your pain if you are faced with this kind of death. Keep giving Me praise and worship as you witness your love for Me and your love for your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, you now have many microchips in your documents and your cars. I have told you before that if you wrap your chipped documents with a sufficient amount of aluminum foil, people could not steal your identity with a chip reader. You now have chips in your driver’s licenses, in your passports, in your Easy passes, and other government documents. Protect your information in this way, and remember to avoid taking any chip in your body that could control your mind. Your merchants have put small RFID (radio frequency identification chips) in every product that they sell, so your privacy is being invaded with these devices in your homes. These chips and RFID devices are only made to control you, so try to remove them from the items that you buy. The evil ones may seem to be controlling people, but this will only be temporary before I come to defeat the devil, the Antichrist, the evil people, and the demons. Their power is nothing before Me. So trust in My protection at My refuges,and you will have no worries.”


Wednesday, September 26, 2012: (St. Cosmas & St. Damien, Camille)
Camille said: “Hello everybody. You were curious before why I was trying to get your attention with Sharon’s necklace. I told you then that time was getting short for converting your lives, especially those in the family who are not going to Sunday Mass. Today, I am telling you to get your spiritual lives in order with Jesus because the day of the Warning is getting close. I am preparing you for this day because it was quite shocking for me to see my judgment to hell when I died for a short time. Once Carol asked me about going to Confession, I wanted to do it, but on the next day. I thank her for her prayers and bringing the priest to hear my confession. This is why I want our family members to be prepared for this coming Warning so they are not as shocked at their life review as I was. By waking up now to see how they need to be closer to Jesus in attending Sunday Mass, then they will be prepared to face Jesus at their judgment in their life review. I love all of my family, and I am praying for all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many reasons to leave for My refuges. Most of the time you would want to leave in a van or even in two vehicles. If you had to go to another country like Canada, you may even leave in a boat across the St. Lawrence River or even across part of Lake Ontario. I have given you several reasons to leave in a famine, a division in My Church, a bankruptcy, a pandemic virus, false flag terrorist acts, or mandatory chips in the body. I will give you a warning when it is time for My faithful to leave for My refuges. Have your backpacks ready along with your tents, blankets, and some food and water. Once you leave your homes, you will not return, and your angels will make you invisible to the evil ones who will be trying to kill you. This time of tribulation will require a complete trust in My protection, and everyone will have to work together for their survival. Be happy that the time of the Antichrist’s reign will be shortened for the sake of My elect. I love all of My faithful, and I will do everything to help you, and provide for your needs.”


Thursday, September 27, 2012: (St. Vincent de Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading from the Book of Proverbs, and you understand how truly there is not much that is new under the sun. Your news is only about killings, thefts, and current events on the elections. These things are not really new, but your media tries to impress you with the latest breaking news. Once you hear what is new, it quickly becomes old, and it is nothing surprising. Not only is your news not really new, but it is also manipulated and censored by the liberal media. It is always putting down conservatives and applauding the progressive socialists. In the vision of a handicapped person in a wheelchair, many do not think of the difficulty that people have in going up steps until you know someone who needs a wheelchair. It is even harder for younger people who have diseases or injuries that keep them from walking normally. Have mercy on the handicapped in their needs if you can help them get around. Pray for them so they can endure their life’s trials. At times in people’s lives you may have a broken bone or a temporary injury that requires crutches. You may be incapacitated for a while, but imagine if you had to live your whole life in that condition. Then you can understand more what the handicapped people are suffering. So offer up all of your pains and disappointments to Me on My cross to help people that have physical and spiritual needs.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you some information about My angels’ shields that will protect you on the way to and at My refuges. I have told you that I can do the impossible, and these shields are of heavenly construction. These shields will not allow any means to detect you whether microwaves, infra-red, electronic, or by animal scents from dogs. These shields will also protect you from the harm of guns, or even strong atomic bombs. Many of My protections are miraculous, as you will also see the multiplication of food, water, and dormitories. Trust in My angel protection instead of guns, because I do not want you to kill anyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, the leader of Iran has proclaimed that he wants to annihilate Israel from the face of the earth. The Israeli leader believes this Iranian leader’s threats. This is why Israel wants to strike Iran in war before they obtain an atomic bomb. Both of these leaders have made their comments in the UN Assembly. It is not certain if such a strike will come or when, but there is a heightening sense of war in the Middle East. Keep praying for peace in this area, or a world war could start.”

Jesus said: “My people, your National Debt is now over $16 trillion and your deficits continue as your government is spending 40% more that it takes in by taxes. Only 30% of your debt is financed by foreign countries and investors, and this is decreasing. This means that the Federal Reserve is financing most of your debt with new bonds made out of thin air. If your nation does not curtail its excessive spending, then your country could face bankruptcy or hyperinflation. Your Congress and your Presidential candidates have not stated what needs to be cut in order to balance your budget. New tax increases could cause a recession if they are not stopped. Cuts in entitlement spending need to be considered, or these programs will run out of money. Pray that your leaders will make the right choices, or you could see riots as in Europe.”

Jesus said: “My people, it has been over thirty years since you had a new bishop in Rochester, N.Y. This process of change has taken some unexpected turns that could bring some new life into your church. Some are praying for a restoration of some of the closed churches. You may not see any substantial changes until a new bishop is chosen, even though the bishop from Syracuse, N.Y. will be helping temporarily to replace the current bishop. Pray that My Church will go forward with a more traditional leadership.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of the latest threats to your religious freedoms by Executive Orders and Cabinet level directives has inspired the faithful and clergy to stand up and fight politically. I have told you before that if you do not stand up and fight for your freedoms, then your silence will encourage your government to take away more of your freedoms. The one world people will back down some when they are threatened with controversy. So you need to keep fighting for the babies and your freedoms to slow down the persecution of My Church. Once your authorities enforce their edicts with soldiers, then you will have to come to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, the socialists, who are trying to complete their takeover of your country, are truly atheists, and they are trying to remove anything religious in the public arena. They are using a separation of church and state to attack Catholic institutions, and eventually even your right to worship Me in public. Moslems are being given privileges, but Catholic rights are being attacked. This is the beginning of a more serious persecution of My believers because the one world people want to kill all the Christians and patriots for their new world order. This is why they are setting up hundreds of death camps to kill My faithful. This is also why you will have to seek My protection at My refuges to save your souls and your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you are seeing all the persecution of Christians and the threats to your government, then you understand the need to be ready to leave for My refuges. I have given you many messages that describe what you should take, and how you will follow your guardian angels to the nearest refuge. Get your things ready both spiritually and physically so you can leave in a short time. The current events are becoming more obvious for those who have the eyes of faith. Pray that you will be open to My warning message when I will tell you that it is time to leave.”


Friday, September 28, 2012: (St. Wenceslaus)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (Luke 9:18-22) I asked My apostles: ‘Who do the crowds say that I am?’ Their response was that some say that I was St. John the Baptist, Elijah, or one of the prophets. Then I directed My question directly to My apostles. St. Peter said that I was the Christ, the Son of the living God. I commended St. Peter’s response as I told him that he received his answer from My Father in heaven. The apostles were beginning to recognize that I was the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, and I was the Messiah. Only God could perform exorcisms, healings, and raising people from the dead. I am the only One who could forgive sins. I also told My apostles that the Pharisees would persecute Me and kill Me, but I would rise on the third day. Even though My apostles heard these words, they did not fully understand how I was incarnated as a God-man, nor what raising from the dead meant. Only after the Holy Spirit came into My apostles would they understand, and speak out about My Divinity. All Christians need to answer this same question of who I am to really affirm their faith in Me. I came down on earth as a God-man so I could sacrifice My life for the sins of mankind. I am your Savior, and I love all of you so much that I gave up My life for you. Without My unblemished sacrifice, the gates of heaven would not be open, and people could not come to heaven. Give praise and glory to Me for My gift of redemption, and allow Me to be the Master of your lives so you can fulfill the mission that I have given to each of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, man has a desire for earthly things such as money, fame, power, and many material comforts. These are the desires of the body, but your soul craves to be with Me in My peace and rest that you cannot find in earthly things. You would much rather seek to live a holy life as much as you can. I want My faithful to practice humility instead of seeking to be popular. This is needed most when you come to Me to confess your sins. I am your Master, and I ask you to give your life and your will over to My service so I can use you to save souls. You need to empty yourself of your own will so you can obey Me in following My plan for your life. I want you to be able to do everything out of love for Me. I desire that you start each day with a morning offering, and consecrate all of your actions of the day up to Me so every action is like a prayer to Me. Then at night before you go to bed, I want you to make a recollection of your day’s good deeds and anything that you did that offended Me. By focusing on any mistakes that you made, you can learn from your mistakes, and try to not repeat any of your errors. By living close to Me in your works and daily prayers, you can walk with Me through life on your path to heaven.


Saturday, September 29, 2012: (Sts. Michael, Gabriel, & Raphael)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember the two times that I multiplied the bread and the fish for the people, but this is a remembrance of My sharing the bread with My disciples at the Last Supper. This was the first Mass on the night before I was crucified on Friday. I gave up My life on the cross so that all of mankind could be redeemed of their sins. I also instituted Confession and Holy Communion so My faithful could confess their sins to Me in the priest, and you could heal the effects of your sins with Holy Communion. My graces are ever ready to be poured out on all repentant sinners. It is not easy to admit your sins, so ask Me to help you remember your sins, and be humble enough to confess them to the priest. You do not always have the priests available, or the time to come to Confession, but in order to cleanse your sins at least monthly, you need to make your schedule available so you can see a priest usually on Saturday. After Confession you are relieved of your guilt, and you are happy to be in My good graces again. Strive to keep your soul clean so your soul is pure to receive Me in Holy Communion. If you find yourself in mortal sin, do not receive Me in Communion until you have confessed your mortal sins. Do not rationalize your mortal sins as not serious, or you would be committing a sin of sacrilege in taking My Eucharist with mortal sin on your soul. Be grateful for My gifts of these sacraments that give you My graces to be saved and ready for your judgment on any day that you could die.”

St. Michael said: “Yes, I am Michael and I stand before God as your protector. You are at a crossroads of many events that are about to take place. Your messages are becoming more appropriate for these end times. The faithful will need our angel protection at the Lord’s refuges. We will be given authority by God to protect you from the evil people and demons. Call on Jesus and He will send you many angels to protect you from any evil attacks. Your messages are to prepare people for the coming Warning, and the coming reign of the Antichrist in the tribulation. In the readings you heard of the myriads of angels in heaven. Just as the demons will come up from hell, so us angels will be coming down to earth to help you in fighting the demons. You are about to see the last battle of good and evil when Jesus will bring His victory over the evil ones as they will be cast into hell with My help. Give praise and glory to God that you are living in these end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, the best physical witness of how much I suffered on the cross can be found in looking at replicas of the Holy Shroud of Turin. In the Shroud you can see the blood from the crown of thorns on My head. You can also see the nail marks in My wrists and My feet. There are also many whip marks of the balls of the whip that seared open My flesh in My scourging. You can see where blood came out of My side by the lance. Even analysis of the pollen in the Shroud shows pollen from Israel. The image itself was made from a radiant flash of Light once I resurrected, that somewhat singed the linen. Another witness of My suffering on the cross can be found in the St. Bridget prayers in the blue Pieta prayer book. Many people read these prayers because of the promise to save your family members if these prayers are prayed for a year. Read these prayers slowly, and you will know a little of the suffering that I had to undergo in order to redeem mankind. You all are suffering your own human problems, and you can share them with My suffering on the cross. You heard a talk on the ‘Fountain of the Cross’ and this is the fountain of graces that you receive when you meditate on the Stations of the Cross, and any other prayers about My crucifixion. Be grateful for My sacrifice that has brought your own redemption of your soul so you can enter heaven.”


Sunday, September 30, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading and the Gospel I told My apostles that those who proclaim My Name in their deeds are for Me, and not against Me. There are some Christians that are not Roman Catholic, but they are evangelizing in My Name. It would be better to have My sacraments, but My faithful should not stop them from evangelizing in My Name. It is the ones who speak against Me that are your spiritual enemies. I still want you to love everyone, despite some people who are being your persecutors. I showed you a priest offering Mass in an underground catacomb. Years ago the Early Christians hid in catacombs, and they held their services in an underground church. Once you experience a division in My Church, you will see My faithful remnant will have to be an underground church. Soon after, you may have to come to My refuges for protection from your authorities that will be seeking to kill you. Have trust in My protection as My angels will shield you from these evil ones.”


Monday, October 1, 2012: (St. Therese of Lisieux)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s reading about how I allowed Satan to destroy Job’s possessions and his family, is all about how Job reacted to these trials. You have heard the expression of how something was enough to ‘try the patience of Job’. Job’s reaction was that I have given him much, and I can take it away. He came into the world naked, and he will leave the same way. This is true of all people because all that you have has come from Me. This is why all of you need to have patience when things go badly, as a loss of a job, a loss of a family member, a sickness or cancer, or any other trial that could test your peace. Be thankful for every gift that I give you, but restrain yourself when you are tested with evil or any losses. In the vision you are seeing another trial of your Presidential election with the symbol and face of your current President. Some feel he is leading your country into socialism as well as a continued moral decay by supporting abortion and same sex marriage. For this reason some are fasting and praying novenas for him to lose. These same people think their patience is being tried by his grab for power and control over them. America is at a crossroads of choosing a continuing path to socialism and communism, or to return to your forefather’s roots of a democratic republic. Your people need to understand that total government control will lead to bankruptcy with the disappearance of the middle class. Communist and socialist governments do not have a middle class. If the middle class wants to survive, it will have to remove your socialist President. In the end I have told My Christian voters not to vote for candidates who support abortion and same sex marriage. Your moral order is up for election as well as your governmental direction.”

Jesus said: “My people, marriage between a man and a woman is all about the free will of each person to love the other. All of your actions are your own free will decisions, and I do not interfere with your free will. The two people in the marriage have to ask themselves if they truly love the other person. If there is not a mutual love, then it is hard for them to be true to each other. Once this bond of a love promise is broken, it is difficult to repair because trust has been broken as well. You can pray that a marriage stays together, but the spouses need to be able to trust and love each other with respect or the marriage will fall apart.”

St. Therese said: “My son, I am happy to be with you again on my feast day. You have a memory of the rose that I gave you in the jungle, and all of my spiritual messages to you. Sometimes you are rushed and a little annoyed to get some of your work done. There are times when it is difficult to have quiet time to write your messages. The Lord gave you some good advice of saying your prayers slowly, and living your life without rushing. By taking your time, you are less annoyed, and you will do a better job. These are wise words, and people who are constantly rushing really do not need to go fast just to get a job done sooner. It is also wise to make the best use of your time by following more what Jesus wants you to do than your own desires. Ultimately, you want to work the hardest on saving souls and leading them to Jesus in conversion. Continue to keep close to my Jesus in His sacraments, and follow the advice of His messages.”


Tuesday, October 2, 2012: (Guardian Angel Day)
Mark said: “I am Mark, and I stand before God as your protector and guardian. You are seeing some dark days ahead of possible financial hard times and the threat of war. Our Lord has also warned you that the Warning is close, and to be prepared with a pure soul. You are fortunate to be still traveling to share your messages, but times are coming when it will be more difficult to travel and even for all Christians when there will be public persecution. In those days you will need my protection and guidance even more than now. The Lord and I will be warning you when it will be time to go to God’s refuges of protection. All the guardian angels will be guiding souls to safety when the turmoil begins with a takeover of your country. The days of America as you know it are numbered, as you will be facing defeat and exile at the hands of the one world people. This will be your punishment for not repenting of your sins, and worshiping other gods. Have no fear because God’s angels will be defending you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, this election can be centered on the moral issues that are threatening your country with My coming punishment. The Democrat platform supports abortion and same sex marriage, while the Republican platform is against both of these stands. These are moral issues that Christians need to take a stand on. Religious freedoms are also being attacked by your current administration. Many other issues are questioning the use of so many Executive Orders that are stripping away your freedoms. Your country has seen the direction of this President, and your people have to decide if you are going in the wrong direction or not. Your fate will be decided by this election’s outcome.”


Wednesday, October 3, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading about how Job’s patience was tested by God as just about everything was taken away from him. It is not easy to start out from nothing to build up your home and try to furnish it. You remember how it took five years or so to furnish your own home. Once you have established yourself, it is even more difficult to lose almost everything as some people have had to endure tornadoes, floods, or foreclosures on their homes. These people are similar to Job in how they had to start over again from nothing. Imagine the hardship that these people had to endure. It is more frustrating to have to start over from a disaster or a bankruptcy. Remember the lessons of Job in trying to be patient, and do what is needed to replace your home from what was lost. Everything that you have is only temporary in this life, and it can be taken away just as you have acquired it. The most important gift is your faith in Me, and that will not be taken away unless you lose it by your rejection of Me. By remaining faithful to My call, you will be storing the most valuable treasure of all in heaven for your judgment. You will not be judged on how much wealth that you acquired in life, but you will be judged on how you loved Me and your neighbor. It is love that is more important than money or material things. So do not be disappointed or in despair if you lose anything big or you have to live in poverty. Love Me and trust in My help, and that will be enough to make you happy.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been witnessing high unemployment rates in America because your corporations are allowed to exploit slave labor rates in many foreign countries. This is why your jobs are being exported to these countries. This leaves America with a smaller base of manufacturing, and you become more dependent on China for your labor. What happens if you are at war with China, and they shut down your manufacturing? This would leave America searching for other sources of labor and new factories would be needed. The middle class normally has better jobs, usually from factories, but this kind of income is harder to find. This is also why your average middle class income has been steadily decreasing. Not only is it unfair to American workers to export your jobs, but your corporations are perpetuating slave labor conditions in other countries, especially China. Workers in America cannot compete with cheap wages overseas without any benefits. It is hard to have a fair playing field, especially when your government is not protecting its workers, and corporations are getting tax incentives to send jobs overseas. Until Americans unite to fight these injustices, your people will only be able to find low income jobs. You will need highly skilled or trade jobs for good paying jobs, but these jobs are scarce in your economy. This will be a serious problem for your children and grandchildren. Pray that your jobs in America can improve with a better government that is willing to help its own workers.”


Thursday, October 4, 2012: (St. Francis of Assisi)
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with St. Francis and his holy life, but also with his love of the animals. Now in the vision I am showing you how man is destroying the perfection of My plants and animals. In the plants and crops man is genetically altering the structures to build in insecticides that are killing the good bugs and the bees. By changing the corn and other crops, you are causing more cancers and sicknesses. You even have demon led people that are creating viruses and flu shots to reduce the population. You have more evil people manipulating your weather and the earthquakes with the HAARP machine. The chemtrails are spreading viruses and causing memory problems with aluminum oxide sprays. Men are also manipulating the genetic makeup of animals as well as feeding them hormones to grow animals bigger and fatter. Pollution of your water and air is another destruction of your environment. With all of this influence by man, I will have to renew the earth to undo all the evil that the devil has led man to do. My faithful will rejoice in My Era of Peace when all of these evils will be removed. Until then, My people will need to eat organic foods without any GMO crops. You also need to take Hawthorn berries, vitamins, and herbs to build up your immune systems and avoid taking any flu shots. This will protect you from the viruses and vaccines of people who are trying to reduce the population. Pray for My protection at My refuges where you will be healed of your ailments and protected from the coming persecution of the Antichrist.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I know that some people were pleasantly surprised at the outcome of the first debate. I especially liked Gov. Romney’s summation statement that invoked My presence and mentioned Me in your founding documents of your Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I have told you many times that America is great because of your faith and allegiance to Me. When America turns its back on Me in your sins, and neglects honoring Me, then America will cease to be great.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing just the beginning of your fight for your religious freedoms in reference to your Health Care plan. Already the current administration is trying to force Catholics to violate their beliefs with government edicts. You need to keep fighting against abortion in your protests, and in your attempts to cancel Obama care. This new plan has many restrictions that will favor euthanasia, and it has the intention of forcing people to buy insurance and eventually force chips in the body. Refuse to take any chips in the body that could control your mind.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is ironic that the Democrats are being critical of someone who wants to lower taxes and keep the same revenue without a deficit. The current administration has raised your National Debt $6 trillion with $1 trillion deficits every year and into the future. It was obvious as some have said that balancing the budget was not a priority for the President.”

Jesus said: “My people, this sign in the vision of the thread running out represents how America is at the end of its rope financially before bankruptcy could be in your future. Your National Debt is growing exponentially and your government is not making any serious attempts to balance its budget. Entitlement programs and your government’s growth are expanding out of control, and they are the largest reason for your deficits. Taxes may be increased, but there are no plans to limit your entitlements. Your country’s credit rating may be decreased again because of your debts. Pray that your government will change its deficits before bankruptcy could happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Federal Reserve is run by the central bankers who want to destroy your country. This current plan to buy $40 billion/month of your banks’ bad loans will not help jobs or your finances. These debts will be added to the taxpayer’s National Debt for the purpose of bailing out the banks of their scandalous derivatives that they did not want on their books. This will cause inflation and increase the taxpayer’s debt that will fall on their children to pay. This is how evil the one world people are in trying to destroy America. These evil ones will meet their fate in hell when I bring My victory over them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more invasions of your privacy from chips in your driver’s licenses, your passports, your car, your cell phones, and many other means as cameras. You do not need these devices. They are only meant to control your lives and spy on your activities. Many of these chipped devices work with microwaves which are really a hazard to your health, and it is a means of tracking everyone. You can avoid using these devices, or you can put aluminum foil around them. Your latest privacy attack is now coming from smart meters of your utilities that want to control how you use your energy. It is better to refuse these devices to protect your privacy, and to protect you from any microwaves that could harm your health.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to have faith and have your opinions in the security of your own home. It is another thing to spread your religious opinions in the public arena where you may face criticism. When you protest against abortions, euthanasia, and same sex marriage, you may be criticized for your stands, but you are entitled to your free speech. By voting for moral issues and candidates who support them, this is one public forum. You can protest these issues in your actions and conversations. This is an example of witnessing to your faith in Me by your actions to others. Take advantage of your freedoms before they are taken away. I will reward My evangelists of souls who are teaching My Good News in a society that is turning its back on Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that your friend, Patty, was taken so suddenly with this aneurysm. I have My plans for her soul that only I can carry out. I can understand how she wanted to be in this end time struggle at her refuge, but she will be praying and encouraging her husband to carry on their work. Those, who were planning to come there, can still help her husband in this work. I have called many people to set up refuges, and I will support these leaders with My graces and My angels. They will be successful in protecting My faithful. Pray for her soul as she will be praying for her family.”


Friday, October 5, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (Luke 10:13-15) I was bringing woes to the cities of Corozain and Capharnaum because of their sins, and their rejection of Me. I later told these towns how they would lay in ruin as a punishment. I could bring this same woe to America because of its sinful behavior as a people in general. You are still killing My babies in the millions, and now you are flaunting your homosexual sins before Me in defying true marriage of a man and a woman. These sins and other abuses are bringing My judgment against America, and your punishment will be a takeover by the one world people. Even if your President loses this election, the same people will bring your country down only a little slower. Fewer people are coming to church, and faith in Me is decreasing among your people. My prayer warriors need to pray even harder for the few souls that are faithful to Me as well as those who need conversion. My faithful will be seeing a major persecution that will force them to eventually come to My refuges for protection. Keep struggling for your religious freedoms as long as you can, as an example to those who could lose their souls to the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, this life is like a valley of tears. In order to come to heaven, you will have to either suffer a purgatory of pain on earth, or a time of suffering in purgatory itself. The souls who are faithful to Me in life will suffer a lot less than the souls who will suffer for all eternity in the flames and hate of hell. Some souls suffer a lot of pain in this life with cancer, or any other illness or condition of chronic pain. This is how some souls avoid purgatory because they are suffering their purgatory on earth. These souls go straight to heaven at their death. The rest of My faithful may have to suffer a time in purgatory relative to their works and their gifts. Some in lower purgatory suffer flames as in hell, while others in upper purgatory suffer not seeing My face or feeling My love. All souls in purgatory are promised one day to be with Me in heaven. Those faithful, who fulfill My Divine Mercy Sunday requirements, will have all reparation due to sin removed from them. Then once they die, they will only have to atone for the sins since their last Mercy Sunday. In all cases My people will have to suffer in the flesh or in purgatory to purify their souls enough so they are worthy of coming to heaven. Give praise and glory to Me that you are on the right path to heaven, so you can be with your loving Lord for all eternity.”


Saturday, October 6, 2012: (St. Bruno)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the frost on the car windows represents those people who have cold hearts, and they are blind to seeing Me in My love. Those people, who have warm hearts, are able to see Me clearly, and they benefit from My love and My gifts. Love comes from your heart and soul, and it seeks to love Me and your neighbor. True love needs to be shared, and it reaches out to have love returned. Your love and compassion for others is part of your human condition of having both a body and a soul. When you have a deep faith in Me, you also want to share your faith with others as well. It is this faith in Me that puts you on a path to heaven. It is your goal as an evangelist to work to save souls from hell. You can call on Me and I will send My angels to defend you from the evil ones who are trying to stop your mission. All of My faithful should be willing to evangelize souls, even as I sent out My apostles two by two.”


Sunday, October 7, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, creation began many years ago, and this vision of an old record player is a sign of years ago in your modern technical devices. Music is a mix of harmonies in sounds, but My creation was also meant to be a harmony of life in the plants and animals. This is better known as the balance of nature which man is disrupting in many unnatural ways. I am love, and I created everything as a manifestation of My love. Even male and female animals are a means of using love for procreation. My most beautiful creations on earth are man and woman who also are joined in love as one for the purpose of carrying on the human race. There is a parallel that all of mankind is a part of My Body, and a husband and wife are joined as one flesh. This joining of parts into one is even like your own body that has all of its members joined together. This oneness is even seen in the Three Persons of One God. Give praise and glory to Us Three Persons who keep all of you in existence by our continuous love for you in your very being. Your body is mortal, but you have an immortal soul that will live on for all eternity. Heaven is your destination where you want to be with Me in love forever. I give each person a sufficient amount of grace needed to gain heaven, but it is that person’s free will decision to love Me and seek to be with Me in heaven.”

(Our Lady of the Holy Rosary) Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of the Holy Rosary would normally be celebrated, but Sunday’s celebration has taken its place. Some people have been praying for the coming election that there could be a change in your President to one who supports life and is against abortion. You are seeing a trend in America where the atheists are gaining control by removing My Name and My feasts from being celebrated in the public buildings. Prayer has been removed from your schools and school events, even at graduations. My Commandments and Christmas celebrations are banned from public buildings and other public places. You are seeing many attacks on your religious freedoms as well. You have many intentions for your daily rosaries, but your country and the souls of your families are needing your most attention. My Blessed Mother through her saints has promoted her rosary in your lives as one of your great weapons against the demons and evil people. Many apparitions of My Blessed Mother have encouraged My people to pray her daily rosary. My prayer warriors need to be faithful to praying their three or more rosaries each day for My Blessed Mother’s intentions. I hear your prayer intentions that My Blessed Mother has given Me as an intercessor. I hear many prayers of petition, but I also would like to hear prayers of thanksgiving when your prayers are answered.”


Monday, October 8, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have just heard My parable of the ‘Good Samaritan’ in explanation of who is your neighbor. This basic answer of loving Me as your God, and loving your neighbor as yourself, is what you are asked to follow throughout your whole life. This is important because this is how you will be judged in your Warning experience and when you die. At these times you will indeed travel fast through a tunnel until you face My Light at the end of the tunnel, as you viewed in the vision. This will start your life review with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins. Be ready for this judgment of your life with frequent Confession so you have less unforgiven sins on your soul. I am a God of love and mercy, but I am also a God of justice. You will then see where you will be judged, and if it is to hell, you would rather be at your Warning where you will have a chance to change your destination. If you are judged to hell at your death, it will be final. So keep close to Me at all times so you are ready for your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are seeing an increase in highway surveillance with cameras that are invading your privacy. The cover is that they are looking for drug dealers, but they are also questioning everyone’s behavior with knowing who you are by your license. Between your chipped documents and your chipped electronic devices, there are controls being placed on you so government people can track your movements. You will soon see an extension of this control when your authorities will try and force chips in the body to obtain your health insurance. Refuse to take any chips in the body, even if it means a canceling of your health insurance. Do not take any chips in the body for any reason, even if they threaten your life. When your government forces mandatory chips in the body for everyone, this will be the time to leave for My refuges. Those, who take these chips in the body, can remove them before the tribulation. After the tribulation begins, you will not be able to remove them because they will control your mind with voices. Give praise and thanks to Me and My refuge builders who will be providing places of protection for My faithful from the evil ones who are trying to kill you.”


Tuesday, October 9, 2012: (St. Denis)
Jesus said: “My people, this account of Martha and Mary is really a combination of contemplative prayer and good works because both are needed. I said that Mary chose the better part because of My very Presence, since I would not be with them much longer. I am also among My people in My Real Presence sacramentally in My Host at Adoration, and when you receive Me in Holy Communion at Mass. When you come to adore Me at Adoration you are showing your love for Me, and it is quiet time for your contemplative prayer. It is one thing to have faith in Me with a good prayer life. It is another thing to share your faith with others in doing good deeds for people. You need to put your faith into action by helping your neighbor. By your good deeds you are acknowledging your love for Me in your neighbor. Faith and good works are needed for a balanced spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned before that the one world people will find a way to shut down your power grid when they want to take over your government. What you are seeing in this vision is exactly what they plan to do. Once your power goes out, it will be effectively equivalent to a bank holiday, only except where generators may still work. If the one world people can shut down your electricity, they can shut down your natural gas lines, your water lines, and the internet. If this activity lasted for a month or more, this action would bring down your economy, and martial law would have to be declared to control the riots in the streets for food and water. Such a martial law would give control of your government over to the one world people who would make America a part of the North American Union, and you would have no rights. Once martial law is declared, My faithful will need to leave for My refuges which will not rely on electricity. The spinning of the Statue of Liberty means that I will speed up the time of day so the evil one’s reign will be shortened for the sake of My elect. Then I will renew the earth, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Have no fear because I have prepared you for this tribulation, and My angels will defend you from the demons and evil people. Be prepared with wind-up flashlights, oil lamps with oil, and alternative heating if this happens in the cold of winter. Also have some extra food and water until you need to leave for My refuges. By being prepared physically and spiritually, you will have no worries about what is to come.”


Wednesday, October 10, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today in the first reading you see St. Paul evangelizing the Gentiles, and in the Gospel I am teaching My apostles how to pray the ‘Our Father’ prayer. My people need to understand the importance of daily prayer, and the ‘Our Father’ is prayed often in My Blessed Mother’s rosary. All of the prayers in the holy rosary are Scripture based. One of your daily prayer intentions is to pray for the stoppage of abortion in your country and all over the world. You see a baby being held by the child’s mother, and you wonder how a mother can kill her own child in abortion. Money and convenience do not even compare to the value of a human life. Every baby is different from the mother, and each baby is human from the moment of conception. Unless a man and woman are married, they should not be fornicating in the first place. Some abortions are done because of such affairs, but even married women should not be aborting their children either. All abortions are killing children, and this is against My Fifth Commandment of Thou shalt not kill anyone. Taking a life is the most serious of crimes, yet your people are killing millions of babies every year. Why should the unborn baby be any less valuable than other lives? Your killing of babies in abortion is no different from past years when people made human sacrifices to their gods. Your gods are money, convenience, and pride in avoiding any embarrassment. Keep praying to stop abortion in America because the blood of these babies will be bringing punishment on America for these sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a bad year for certain crops. You had a warm March and a cold April which killed many of your buds and blossoms for cherries and apples. In the Northern areas you saw a reduction in cherries, and a 50% loss in your apple production. Many of your weather problems can be manipulated by using the HAARP machine to direct your jet streams that provide rain, and can control the temperatures. They pulled the jet streams north to bring in heat, and they pulled them south to bring in the cold. This same technique was used in the summer to cause massive droughts in your cornfields. By keeping the jet streams to the north and a high pressure system over the middle of your country, the cornfields received very little rain and became dried out in a massive drought. This is why your food prices are higher along with your $4 gasoline prices. To add further inflation, you now have the Federal Reserve printing bonds out of thin air with no limit. The one world people are doing everything they can to bankrupt your economy with hyperinflation and artificially low interest rates. This is another reason why your Congress should take back its right to control the money supply so the one world people could not crash your markets with tight and loose money. Because of these manipulations, you could see a crash of your dollar, and a takeover of America by the one world people. When this happens, My faithful will need to come to My refuges to be protected by My angels. Trust in Me because I will soon bring My victory over the evil ones, and then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, October 11, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I gave an example of someone’s urgent need for bread at night to help feed a late traveler. The point of the story is that if the man being asked did not share his bread out of friendship, he would share it because of the visitor’s persistence. So it is today in a different society. My people need to be able to share your food, water, and money when you are asked. Hopefully, you could even seek to help people in need without being asked. This emphasis on persistence can also refer to how you pray to Me in your petitions. I hear your prayers, but when you pray for people’s conversions, you are dealing with the free will of people that I do not violate. It is your persistence in prayer that can save souls before they die in their body. At times it takes serious events in people’s lives in order to wake them up to their need for My help. You have seen some examples in your lives how people were saved by persistent prayer. So do not give up on any soul, but keep praying for them and giving them your good example of a holy life.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some fighting going on in Syria and along the Turkish border. You have seen an increase in military vessels in the Middle East to protect the flow of oil tankers. As in the vision you are seeing war drums beating that is suggesting a possible war between Iran and Israel. It is a plan of the one world people to start a war in this region which could drastically increase oil prices. Keep praying for peace in this region because any war there could quickly escalate into a world war.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of focus on your Presidential debates as your media is using a magnifying glass to inspect every figure that is given. People will become more anxious to understand which candidate is telling the truth in their proposals. It will be difficult for the incumbent to justify any accomplishments because some are continuing a poor economy. Each debate will show more clarity on the different issues. Again pray for the candidate that stands up for My laws the most.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy when a person is forced to use a wheelchair all of that person’s life. Helping the handicapped, the sick, and the elderly is a call to perform acts of mercy for the infirm. Pray for them to live productive lives despite their handicaps. By helping them, you are helping Me in them. Once My faithful are called to My refuges, you will see many miracles of healing. This will help the infirm once they look upon My luminous cross or drink the healing waters of My blessed springs of water.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you the seven levels of heaven, and I have encouraged My faithful to strive for the higher levels of heaven. Even your wife’s deceased father has called you to the higher levels of heaven. It was unfortunate that you could not come to your friend, Bishop Roman’s funeral in Toronto, Canada. I am confirming his coming to the third level of heaven, and he was happy for all the family, friends, and clergy who could attend this Mass. It was accidental in the way he died, but he had a joyous celebration in the country where he had spent many years. You can now pray to him as an intercessor for your prayers. He will also be praying for his family and friends.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are getting close to the beginning of the tribulation that My faithful have been preparing for many years. When your lives are threatened, I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges of protection. Your guardian angels will be leading you to the nearest refuge, and this umbrella will be a shield of invisibility that will protect you from the evil ones. You will also see the mantle of My Blessed Mother protecting My faithful, especially at her places of apparition that she has blessed. Your prayers to her will be answered in helping to bring your family members to Me in conversions. Be grateful that heaven’s helpers will be providing for all of your needs at My refuges. My angels will finish buildings and provide more dormitories for sleeping and multiply food for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, your original documents in your Declaration of Independence and your Constitution are too precious, and you need to protect the heritage of your freedoms that have been passed down to you. Do not let the atheists and socialists steal your democratic republic that your soldiers have fought to preserve with their very lives. Freedom is precious and you must fight to preserve your country from those who want to take away your freedoms. Your country was founded on Godly principles, and they are worth fighting for against the evil plans of the one world people. My faithful need to make a stand for your God-given rights and a heritage that you can pass on to your children. This election will be a turning point for America in how you want to live.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank your friend, Jerry, for bringing his beautiful flowers to adorn the altar around My Blessed Sacrament. You are seeing the beautiful colors of My creation both in the flowers and the colors of the trees in the fall. Rejoice in My display of color that nature provides for you every year. Give glory and praise to your Creator who has blessed you with all of My gifts. The most beautiful gift is Myself whom I share with you in My Blessed Sacrament.”


Friday, October 12, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in a communist, socialist government as in Russia or China, they preach atheism and they persecute and kill Christians. Also, in these governments there is no middle class, only party elites and the poor people who work in slave labor shops. This is the direction that your current President is leading America to with the ultimate plan of bringing America into the North American Union. A socialist government wants the people to be totally dependent on the government for almost everything. If you look at your President’s Executive Orders and his many czars, you can see his plan for total control. The life of the middle class is at stake, as the average middle class income is decreasing because very good paying jobs have been exported. If the middle class does not remove your socialist agenda, the middle class will disappear. The current Administration supports abortion and same sex marriage, and it is leading America down in its morals and away from Me. America needs to come back to Me in your roots, and come back to your democratic republic roots as well. If America does not change its current direction, you will have a North American Union that will take away all of your rights and freedoms. Pray that your people will make the right choice in your elections.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you want to hide from Me as Adam did after he had sinned. Do not keep this fence between us, but open your heart to confess your sins to Me in Confession. I am always holding My hands out to receive every repentant sinner back into My graces as I forgive each person’s sins. Do not hide from Me, but come to Me in Adoration or Mass to give Me praise and glory for being your Creator. When it is time for My faithful to come to My refuges, I will appoint a special angel of protection at every refuge. There will be a shield of invisibility that will circle every refuge as a fence that no evil spirit or evil person will be able to enter. The cross on the foreheads of My faithful will be the seal of approval to enter My refuges. My angels and refuge builders will provide bedding, water, and food so My faithful will be able to survive the coming tribulation. When necessary, these necessities will be multiplied as needed for more people who come. People will need to help each other with the distribution of food, washing and sewing of clothes, and other needs of the people. Every refuge will have daily Communion and perpetual Adoration in a chapel. Trust in Me because I know all of your needs, and you will be satisfied with My gifts and My love for you.”


Saturday, October 13, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, this is a beautiful chapel that has received many blessings in how the altar and statues were brought here to give honor to Me at Mass. All of My places of refuge will have springs of clear water that will have healings as at Lourdes, France. Not only will you see healings, but if needed, these springs will flow with enough water to drink for all the people who come to My refuges. This water will also be used to baptize all those who love God, but have not yet been baptized in My Church. I love all of My people, and I know how much you will need My protection from the evil ones of these end times. At My refuges you will see My angels who will make you invisible to your enemies. You will have places to sleep, food to eat, and daily Communion at Mass or from My angels. Rejoice in My protection, and be thankful for all the necessities that I will provide for you during this time of tribulation that will be less than 3½ years.”


Sunday, October 14, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, during the Mass My faithful are joined in singing My praises. I am grateful for all the people who make time for Me in worship at Sunday Mass. Pray for all of your family members who are not coming to Sunday Mass, that they will return. Keep giving them your good example and encourage them by inviting them to come to Mass without nagging them. I want people to come to worship Me out of love by their own free will. In today’s Gospel I invited the rich man to follow Me and to give up his money to the poor, but he did not want to give up his wealth. Remember that you cannot take your wealth to the grave, and that your real treasure is your charity in sharing your money and time which I store for you in heaven. I then told the people that it is as difficult to put a camel through the eye of a needle as it is for a rich man to get into heaven. I am not talking about a needle and thread, but you saw a four foot by four foot opening at the entrance of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Israel. So it is a difficult task, but it is physically possible. There are a lot of seemingly impossible tasks that I call My people to do outside of your comfort zone, but remember that I can do the impossible for you. Have trust in My power that is greater than the demons and evil one world people. When you put your trust in Me, I will help you accomplish much more than you thought that you could do on your own. All over your country, your Catholic Dioceses in the fall have their Bishop Appeals to fund their work for your people. This is one of many opportunities to support your church as you support your local parish. Be willing to share substantially which is more than a token donation. I love a cheerful giver.”


Monday, October 15, 2012: (St. Teresa of Avila)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are seeing a contrast between Abraham’s two children. The first son was Ishmael whom Abraham had by Hagar, the slave woman, and the Arabs were descended from him. The second son was Isaac whom Abraham had by Sarah, his wife, and the Israelites were descended from him. The Arabs and the Jews are still fighting with each other, even until today. I was also a descendant of Abraham and David, and I formed My Church with My apostles. This vision of a closed church is a part of the coming persecution in My Church, and from your authorities. My faithful remnant’s first persecution will come from a division in My Church where you will see a separation from a schismatic church. The schismatic church will be teaching New Age worship of things, and My faithful will need to go to an underground church to keep My original teachings. My faithful will receive some persecution from this schismatic church. The most persecution will come from your government authorities that will soon be outlawing your religious freedoms. The one world people have a goal of cleansing all Christians and patriots from your society for their new world order of chipped people. If you refuse these chips and refuse to worship the Antichrist, they will kill you in their death camps. This will be the time when your guardian angels will need to lead you to My refuges for your protection during the tribulation. Trust in My help for a short reign of the Antichrist before I will bring My victory over evil, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, October 16, 2012: (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision represents what is going on in your society where good is bad, and bad is good or normal. You are seeing some people who are living together without marriage in fornication, yet they do not think they are sinning, so they receive sacrilegious Communions. Others, who are committing homosexual acts, are committing sins of abomination, and they also do not think they are sinning. There are many other Catholics who do not attend Sunday Mass, and they are committing mortal sins by not worshiping Me on Sunday against My Third Commandment. These people, who are committing these sins, are living in an upside down reality when they think they are good, but instead they are living in sin. These people also are looking down on faithful people with disdain, and they do not want to hear any criticism, or that they are living in sin. You now have hate crime laws that actually can be used against people for speaking of homosexual acts as sins. You know your society is turning evil when living in sin is considered normal. Pray for all sinners to come to Me in Confession, and to truly understand that their sins do offend Me, and they need cleansing of the sins on their souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, America’s economy is poor at best with a continuing high unemployment which leads to less tax revenue, and entitlement spending that the taxes collected cannot support. Both Social Security and Medicare programs do not have many years left because neither party is willing to make the changes needed to allow them to continue. In addition to a decaying economy with continuing deficits, America is also decaying morally with millions of babies dying from abortion, and continuing lifestyles that are causing more sexual sins in fornication and homosexual acts. Until America repents of its sins, and changes its sinful lifestyles, My blessings will not return. There are forces at work by the one world people that are meant to bring down America through its debts and deficits. America’s debt burden is getting too heavy to be supported by its income. The Federal Reserve is printing too much money in bonds to support America’s deficits. Hyperinflation or a crash of the dollar is coming soon which could bankrupt your government. My people need to prepare to come to My refuges when your dollar fails, or when your government forces mandatory chips in the body. The Warning will come before martial law so souls will have a chance to change their lives. If there is no change, then America will cease to exist. At My refuges I will protect My faithful as they will be your only safe haven. Prepare for a rustic life for a few years until I bring My victory over evil, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, October 17, 2012: (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
Jesus said: “My people, My Church has been built on the rock of St. Peter and his successors. This is the Church that I established, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. This structure of My hierarchy has provided the ruling authority of My Church, and you have had My Word of faith handed down to you from the evangelists of My Gospel. My Church has interpreted My words to follow in your daily lives. Each faithful person has this faith in Me to live by, and to trust in Me that I will give you the graces that you need through My sacraments. It is the support of My Church and the power of the Holy Spirit that strengthens you to keep going every day to put your faith into action by your good works. It is your faith, prayers, and actions that will put you on the right path to heaven. St. Paul tells you how to avoid your earthly passions, and strive to imitate My life of holiness. In the Gospel I am chastising the Pharisees and the lawyers because they voice My Word and place burdens on the people, but they do not practice what they preach, nor do they lift a finger to help people with their burdens. It is so important to not be a hypocrite. In other words it is by your actions that you show your true love for Me in all that you do. Your love for your neighbor should be seen in how you reach out to share your time and donations of money with them. It is your charity in good deeds and your following My Word that will store up treasure in heaven for your judgment. Keep trust and faith in Me and the Holy Spirit as your pillars of support to get you through each day’s trials.”

(Gina’s Confirmation) Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for religious vocations for more nuns and priests. You also need to pray for your priests, deacons, bishops, and nuns to remain true to their vocations. You need sufficient numbers of priests and bishops so your churches can be filled, and My sacraments can be made available to My faithful. My sacraments are your sources of grace that you need for strength against the daily temptations of the evil one. As you receive each sacrament, say a prayer for that priest to give him your support. The priests are most thankful for the parishioners that are praying for them. Receiving Confirmation gives you grace and the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: counsel, piety, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, fortitude, and fear of the Lord. There are also twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit: charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, faith, goodness, long-suffering, mildness, modesty, continency, and chastity. All of these gifts and fruits are bestowed on the candidates who receive Confirmation. Be thankful for all the priests and nuns who are making a life commitment to Me to serve My people in the religious life. Give thanks to Me also for Gina and all the candidates who are saying yes to be soldiers for Me in the battle against evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is showing you a ship that was sunk in the Strait of Hormuz by Iranian weapons. The ship appears to be an oil tanker. This will be the result of a threat carried out by Iran because of the effect of the sanctions on their economy. If such an event takes place, this threat could slow down oil tanker traffic for fear of losing more boats. America has taken the responsibility for the traffic through this narrow waterway. Such a destruction could start a sea battle that could lead to a wider war of destruction between America and Iran. If such a battle starts before the election, there is still a possibility that your election could be cancelled. Pray that you do not see a terrorist act in your country, or a war start before your election. You could even see a false flag terrorist incident that would allow a martial law to keep your President in power. If martial law does occur, My faithful will need to leave immediately for My refuges. Trust in My angel protection no matter what plans the evil ones want to carry out.”


Thursday, October 18, 2012: (St. Luke)
Jesus said: “My people, you know that the devil is strong right now, and many people are falling away from their faith in Me because they are being distracted by many material things and the
events of your world. The attack is being felt the most on the people who are weak in their faith, and they have forgotten to pray their daily prayers. It is hard for some people to recognize how their spiritual lives are deteriorating, but their physical lives are normal. This starts with people who do not come to frequent Confession, and they stop praying. Coming to Mass on Sunday is not enough to remain close to Me. Gradually, these weak souls stop coming to Sunday Mass, and they become part of the lukewarm who know better, but I will vomit them out of My mouth. Pray that the coming Warning will wake up these lukewarm souls, or they are risking hell which I will show them. America is slowly becoming a pagan nation because of your liberal and atheistic media that is removing My Name from everywhere, even from your coins. It is time for America to wake up in this coming election, or you will become a part of the North American Union with no rights, and the loss of your dollars over to the amero.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that time is running out before the main events as the Warning and the Antichrist’s coming are very near. Since the devil’s time is running out as well, he will be working harder to bring souls to hell. You are living in the end times as evil will have its reign for a short time. You have been living a sheltered life for many years with all of your modern conveniences. Soon My people will be suffering an increasing persecution. After the Warning, events will lead up to the Antichrist’s declaration. It is at that time that My faithful will need to come to My refuges for My protection from the evil one.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you look on My crucifix, you are reminded of how much I love each soul in My desire to die for all of mankind’s sins. It is these rays of love that shine out into your hearts which are very much like the rays of grace and mercy that come out in My Divine Mercy image. Be grateful that I came to earth as a redeeming Savior so all souls could have an opportunity to come to heaven. Give praise and thanks to Me for fulfilling My promise after Adam’s sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, I instituted My Eucharist at the first Mass when I consecrated the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This gift of Myself to My faithful is the most precious gift that I could give you. This is how I will be sacramentally present to My people in every tabernacle until the end of this age. I have given you My other sacraments as a source of grace, and Confession is how I can cleanse your sins to make your soul worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion. My people can come to Me at any open church so you can pray to Me in My tabernacle. Adoration is a special love for Me where I can hear your petitions and I can give rest to your soul. Treasure these moments with Me in Holy Communion and when you are present in front of My consecrated Host.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all know that your bodies are mortal, and one day I will return to take you home to your judgment. Those, who fear death the most, are those souls who are far away from Me. Every soul will have to make an accounting for that soul’s actions and how time was used. I will be looking for the least glimmer of love from each soul. Souls, who completely reject Me, will be condemning themselves to hell by their own choosing. Those souls, who love Me, may need to be purified in purgatory, and then they could come to Me in heaven. Few souls can come directly to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, every day you have a struggle with the evil one’s temptations as you strive for the higher levels of heaven. You have choices to perform good works for your neighbor and to pray each day for My Blessed Mother’s intentions. Every day is another step closer to heaven on this stairway. I have given each soul a set number of years to work on the mission that I have appointed for that soul. By giving your ‘yes’ then your heart will be open to follow My plan for your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people go through life and they accumulate physical wealth in the bank, in stocks, or in precious metals. This is called elusive wealth because it can be taken away just as it was gained. You will not be judged in heaven on how much wealth you have accumulated on earth because this world is passing away. In your heavenly treasure box your spiritual treasure cannot be stolen, nor will it lose its value. It is this spiritual treasure that you will have at your judgment to offset any of your sins. This heavenly treasure is much more valuable than any earthly treasure.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you many times that My faithful will come under persecution so much that you will need to go underground in secret to have any celebration of Mass or prayer groups. For a time you will be able to worship Me in this way at your homes. Once your government authorities start to imprison and kill Christians for their faith, or for a failure to take a chip in the body, then you will need to come to My refuges for protection. It is My angels who will guide you to My refuges and protect you with an invisible shield. Rejoice in My protection because soon I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Friday, October 19, 2012: (St. Isaac Jogues and companions)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s vision of gas pumps, you are looking at the new normal of high gasoline prices at or above $4 per gallon in America. Your grocery items will also be rising in price due to your shortages of apples, corn, and other crops that suffered from man-made weather manipulations. Your whole economy is being manipulated by the central banker’s Federal Reserve that is pumping more money into circulation with QE3 to cover the expense of your deficits and increasing National Debt. You have not seen hyperinflation yet because the banks are sitting on trillions of dollars that they are not loaning out. Instead, the banks are using this money to cancel their bad loans that were created by Wall Street’s derivative debacle. Eventually, your dollar will crash because there is not enough money or credit in the world to unwind all the bad derivative bets that were made on bad loans. Many banks and investment firms were betting big money just as people gamble in your casinos. When these bets were lost, now these greedy people want the taxpayer to bail out their bad debts. This is why the Federal Reserve is buying $40 billion/month of these worthless loans and bad derivative bets. These one world people want to crash your economic system so they can take over your country. They will use computer viruses or supposed hackers to close your banks as a beginning sign of their attempted takeover. Such a bank holiday could lead to riots and a martial law. Your time to leave for My refuges will come when your lives will be in danger. Be prepared to leave your homes with as much as you can place in your vehicles. Have trust in My protection during the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I tested My apostles on how so many people could be fed. One said it would take two hundred denarii worth of bread to feed the crowd. Another said that there was a boy with two fish and five barley loaves, but what was this for so many people. Then I blessed the food, and I had My apostles distribute the multiplied fish and bread to the people. I was generous with the food, but I did not want to waste any food, so they collected seven baskets of fragments. Even as I multiplied the fish and the bread for the people, I will also have My angels multiply My Communion so everyone will have daily Communion at My refuges. I will bring deer into the refuges so you will have meat at night. I will also multiply your fuels, water, food, and bedding places. Give thanks and praise to Me because I will be protecting My faithful from evil, and I will provide for your needs.”


Saturday, October 20, 2012: (St. Paul of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, there is only one goal in this life, and it means that you either love Me or not. I encourage everyone to come to Me because I am your Creator and your Savior. I love all of you so much that I became a man so I could die as a sacrifice for all of your sins. When you look at the intricacies of My creation, you see how everything fits together in a balance of nature. Man in many ways is upsetting this delicate balance of nature with his fertilizers, pesticides, and GMO (genetically modified) crops. Even the animals are given growth hormones and crossbreeding for various financial reasons. All the plans of man are imperfect, while all of My plans are perfect. You are also seeing more diseases that are man-made for the purpose of reducing the population. Many vaccines and flu shots actually harm your immune system instead of preventing diseases. It is diabolical that companies as Monsanto and the drug companies are making GMO crops and flu shots for the purpose of reducing the population. The GMO crops are causing cancers, allergies, autism, infertility, and many other diseases in the digestive tract. The vaccines also are causing autism and other disorders. The problem with these side effects is that chemicals are changing the very DNA of your crops and animals. These food sources are affecting many human diets which lead to many diseases because your body does not recognize these DNA changes in the food. For the health of My people, I am encouraging you to avoid GMO crops and the meats of animals that are fed these crops and hormones. Also avoid taking any flu shots, and fight the health professions that are forcing their people to take these bad shots. The next stage will be to force you to take chips in the body, or you will lose your jobs as well. Refuse to take chips in the body, even if they threaten your lives. When mandatory chips in the body come, it will be time to come to My refuges. Trust in My words because Monsanto and the drug companies are only making money on these threats to your health.”

Jesus said: “My people, over the years you have seen many people martyred for their faith in Me. It is not easy to be led like a lamb to the slaughter, but it is better to die a martyr’s death than to deny that you believe in Me. The blood on the ground now is from the civilians being killed in Syria by their own government. The blood of My babies killed by abortion is on the hands of the doctors and mothers who aborted their children. I will forgive those, who repent of their sins, but they will have to deal with this guilt the rest of their lives. Keep praying for peace from wars, and for the stoppage of abortion. Your meeting today in downtown Rochester, N.Y. was uniting all Christians who are standing up for their religious freedoms from a government that rules by edicts and not by the vote of the people. It is the misuse of the Federal Register on regulations, the misuse of Executive Orders, and ramming legislation through by the Congress that has enabled your health plan to be forced on your people. Many Congress people did not even read this legislation before it was passed. Your people will have a say this November on whether this law will be carried out.”


Sunday, October 21, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, coming to Mass on Sunday to worship Me is expected of all Catholics because it is the Third Commandment of keeping Sunday holy. Those, who refuse to come to Mass on Sunday, are committing a serious sin if they are able and not sick. Some people do not come because they are spiritually lazy, and they are becoming part of the lukewarm. It is hard to keep up the support of your parish if people do not come, and do not make a worthy donation. Of the people who do come, there are some who could contribute more than a token amount. These people have money for their comforts, but only share a little in their envelopes. I ask people to give Me at least one hour a week to come and acknowledge their Lord who gives them all that they have. You come on Sunday not only to worship Me, but to thank Me for what you have. Every time you come to Mass, you receive My Real Presence in Holy Communion for those in the state of grace. The same people, who are missing Mass, are also not coming much if at all to Confession. My sacraments are there to cleanse the sins off of your soul, and to strengthen you to fight the devil’s temptations. Pray hard for your family members to come to Sunday Mass, and give them your good example to encourage them to attend Mass and come to Confession.”


Monday, October 22, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, this symbol of a train rushing by represents when I come to take each soul home in death. You do not know when your life will be taken because it will seem like a thief in the night. So keep your soul pure by frequent Confession so you are always ready for Me at your judgment. There are some people as in the Gospel who accumulate wealth, and they think that they will have a long retirement to enjoy their money. But none of you can promise that you will be alive tomorrow. So take each day as a gift, and live it as your last in order to make the most out of your allotted time. Have your will and finances in order because you do not know how much longer you will live. While you are still here on earth, you could try to do as many good works for your neighbor that you can. At your judgment I will be asking you if you fed the hungry, gave water to the thirsty, clothed the people, or visited the sick, elderly, and the imprisoned. If you have done these things, then I will put you on the path to heaven. If you were selfish and did not do these things, then you may find it more difficult to get into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the seven new saints were already saints in heaven, but My Church recognizes saints usually with three miracles attributed to them after their death. This ceremony yesterday was special for Kateri Tekakwitha and Marianne Cope because they were from New York State. Many people are involved in struggling to have the Church honor someone with sainthood. Documentation of the needed miracles is crucial in that decision. So once these people become saints, it is a testimony to the saint and to the hard work needed for the cause of gaining sainthood. I ask all of My faithful to strive to be saints because only holy people can enter heaven. Every time souls enter heaven, they receive a crown of sainthood. This is why I call people to be perfect so they will not suffer long in purgatory until they are released from purgatory into heaven. A crown of sainthood is awaiting each faithful soul in heaven.”


Tuesday, October 23, 2012: (St. John of Capistrano)
Jesus said: “My people, you come to Mass every day to appreciate My gift to you in the miracle of the trans- substantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. You receive My Real Presence in Holy Communion, and I am with you to help you through all of your trials of the day. Living in the human condition makes you vulnerable to the devil’s temptations, and all of your health problems. Many times sickness can try your patience as you suffer fever, pain, and nausea. Now you are also seeing many cancers from your food and your environment. As you pray for people in sickness or death, you can comfort others by your visits and sharing the grief of those who are mourning the loss of their loved ones. Be thankful for the gift of My sacraments in all of the stages of life from birth to death. By keeping close to Me, especially in frequent Confession, you can keep a pure soul so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, this scene outside at night represents the American voters who are kept in the dark about the real issues facing your country. The latest sequestration of over a trillion dollars in cuts is to help balance the budget, but it really will just help pay for the overspending on your out of control entitlements. The same can be said for any tax increases in 2013. To control entitlement spending would take some cuts in benefits, but neither party will move before the election. The Executive branch is stealing your freedoms with edicts and Executive Orders that are not being questioned by your Congress. At the current rate, America will soon become a part of the North American Union unless there is a change in your government. This election will be a choice for either socialism or a democratic republic on the temporal side. On the spiritual side it is a choice between a moral or an immoral society. If America’s voters do not wake up, they will soon see their freedoms disappear. Pray that your citizens will vote for those who will defend your freedoms.”


Wednesday, October 24, 2012: (St. Anthony Claret)
Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing for a single thief to break into your house to steal something. It is another thing when a country allows the thieves of the central bankers to come in and steal or inflate your money until it is worthless. Once the Federal Reserve was given the right to charge interest on your bonds, and to print Treasury Notes without any backing, you have let the fox come into the chicken house. Now you have Quantitative easing with no limit, and the buying of the banks’ bad debts will not help your economy or produce any jobs. Once the banks start to allow more borrowing, you could see a huge increase in inflation. If the banks continue to hold on to their new money, then you could see a worsening economy with more lost jobs. The coming tax increases alone could cause more lost jobs and a recession. The real theft of your country could come with a martial law that would take away your freedoms and force you into the North American Union. If martial law occurs, My faithful will have to leave their homes for the protection of My angels at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard some of the plans of the one world people, but their time line has not been exact, even by their own admission. I am still in control, and I will only allow the evil ones to have their reign when it is according to My time. Before the major events are allowed, I will bring My Warning experience to give every sinner a wake-up call and some time to repent and convert. You have seen one plan to crash the banks in the third week of this month fail as some tried to hack into your banks. At times the one world people put out misinformation to scare the people. Time for My Warning is growing short, and after the Warning events will move fast to bring the Antichrist into power. I am providing My refuges as a safe haven for My believers to be protected during the tribulation. So have some food and fuel ready until you will be forced to leave for My refuges. I will alert people when it is time to come. Trust in My protection as your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge. They will protect you with a shield of invisibility. At the end of this short reign of the Antichrist, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and My angels will cast the evil ones into hell. I will then renew the earth, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven. Rejoice when My victory will come over the Antichrist and Satan.”


Thursday, October 25, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, faith in Me is a gift, and all of you are presented with My Word in the Bible and My sacraments. It is the soul’s choice to seek Me first in Baptism, and continue to follow Me through life’s struggles. There are some who do not have parents to baptize them, so these souls may have to choose Me later in life. At some point in each person’s life, there is a time when each soul needs to make a personal commitment to follow Me. As you see in the vision, the people are climbing the wall of life, and each person is at various stages of progress in his or her faith. Some progress quickly in loving Me, some are slower, and some fall away from their faith. In the Gospel I am showing people that not everyone in your family is going to be a true believer. There is even a possible division in families between those who believe in Me and those who do not. Keep praying for all of your family members to be saved from hell, especially for the lukewarm or those who do not come to church. It is by your persistent prayers that all of your family could be saved.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you a message of destruction for New York City before (6-4-12). Now your weather forecasters are projecting your latest hurricane to strike close to New York City. With enough prayer it is possible to minimize any damage or send it out to sea. It is interesting that this will come into your financial district right before your election. America has been warned to repent earlier this year when Hurricane Isaac struck New Orleans exactly seven years to the day after Hurricane Katrina. I told you that if America does not change its sinful ways, you could see more destruction. America needs to wake up to all the signs that you are being given.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people need to prepare in case this storm strikes near your home in the North where you could see power outages on your power grid. You should have some oil lamps, windup flashlights, extra food and water, and possibly alternative fuels if it is cold. Depending on the severity of the storm, this will determine how quickly power could be restored. Many of these preparations are the same that My faithful will need before you need to leave for My refuges. Pray for the safety of the people to minimize any deaths.” (Note: 10-30-12 there were 8 million homes without power.)

Jesus said: “My people, your new Health Plan, if it is enacted, will cause a problem in determining who gets an operation and who does not. Not only are your health costs going to increase, but there is a problem with not enough doctors to help 33 million new people that will have their insurance with your government. Everyone will not get their needed operation that will be dictated by your 18 member panel that will make these decisions. Other countries that have national health insurance see their people getting secondary health insurance in order to get their operation in a shorter time or to guarantee not being denied. Pray that mandatory chips in the body are not forced on your people as part of this health plan, or you will need to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the latest budget cuts will fall heavily on your military because it is a large portion of your budget. With many possible wars that could happen in the Middle East, it is hard to reduce weapons that may be needed to protect Israel. Your Congress will need to make some hard choices on what budgets to cut so you can strive for a balanced budget. Pray that your leaders will make the right choices for your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is more important to celebrate All Saints Day than to give more time to Halloween. Giving out candy to the children is one thing, but dressing them up as witches, devils, and like give more honor to evil than good. It is better to dress the children in less offensive costumes. Pray that parents do not give their children the wrong message in any honor of evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your prayer groups, Mass people, and other religious groups have older people, you are losing more of your faithful members to death and health problems. You can remember many of your friends that have died this year. Recently, your daily Mass friend, Bob Carey, just died, and you will be planning for his funeral. Pray for his soul and for his wife and family who are mourning his loss. When you see the current list of friends, you wonder how are you going to replace these souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, I keep stressing how important it is for Americans to stand up for all of your freedoms, including your religious freedom. This Freedom Bell goes back to your founding documents that set up your government as a democratic republic. Today, the central bankers are taking away your financial freedom by using the Federal Reserve to inflate your currency with Treasury Notes printed out of thin air, and by buying your mortgages for nothing in buying the banks bad house loans. If your people do not resist this thievery of your country, then you will soon wake up, and they will have taken over your country. America needs to repent of its sins and take back the people’s authority in your government to print money before you cease to exist as a free people.”


Friday, October 26, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, at times you want to have a quiet word with Me away from the busyness of your worldly things. This is why it is so nice to know which churches are open, so you can visit Me in My real sacramental Presence. When you come before Me, you can pray in discernment of any hard choices in life that you need to resolve. When you are in contemplative prayer with Me, you can think of which areas of your life that you need to improve, so you can be more pleasing to Me in your behavior. You were discussing how I love everyone, even the worst of sinners. It is truly your actions that can displease Me at times. I love people more when they love Me sincerely with their heart, mind, and soul of their own free will. This is why you need to pray for all of your family members, especially those who are far from Me in their actions. It is on your actions that you will be judged, because all souls are lovable as My creations.”


Saturday, October 27, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this Blessed Sacrament chapel as an expression of My love for My people for every time you receive Me in Holy Communion. The fireplace represents the fire of My love that is forever burning in your heart. Many times in pictures you see a flame burning in My Sacred Heart. This is an eternal flame of love that I send out to permeate all of My creation. The seat against the wall represents My peace and rest that I bestow on all of My faithful when you come into My Real Presence. When you looked upon My Host in the monstrance, you felt a tingling throughout your body when you became one with Me as you will feel all the time in heaven. Receiving Me in Holy Communion is the best taste of heaven that you could receive on earth. Give praise and glory to Me for My gift of Myself to all of you in My Eucharist. Give thanks to Me for being your Creator and Redeemer of your soul from your sins. Keep close to Me in all that you do out of love for Me. I send My angels of protection to guard you from the evil one, and I give you My blessings to guide you on your path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are always being tempted by the evil one, and at times you find yourself in sin. This cleansing water is like the cleansing of sin with Baptism. In the Gospel you saw how I exorcized the legion of demons out of the possessed man. Because the demons drowned the swine, the people asked Me to leave their territory. I have given you messages before about possessed people in this age, but this Gospel reminds you that some people could be possessed by more than one demon. An exorcist priest would be the ideal person to exorcize possessed people. At times such a priest may not be available. My faithful can pray as a group for deliverance of such demons, but you should protect yourselves with your sacramentals, holy water, and blessed salt. Bind any evil spirits to the foot of My cross in My Name, and pray the long form of the St. Michael prayers. Sometimes you need to pray such deliverance over people with addictions to drugs and alcohol. Many addictions are tied to demons which is why these people need deliverance. I warn people to avoid occult meetings and seances, as well as tarot cards, palm readings, hypnotism, Reiki, and any other Eastern transcendental meditation. Avoid evil potions, and all Harry Potter movies and books which lead to witchcraft, spells, and curses. By wearing your sacramentals of scapulars, rosaries, and Benedictine crosses you can protect yourselves from any demon possession. When you feel that you are under attack by demons, then call on Me, and I will send you more angels of protection. Have trust in Me that I am guarding My faithful from harm at all times.”


Sunday, October 28, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, America has been warned in many ways to repent of its sinful lifestyles, or a punishment will fall on your country. Your laws and decisions are allowing abortion, and they need to be changed. Just as individuals are responsible for their sins, so nations are also responsible for the collective sin of their people. America is being tested by many weather events as a punishment for your sins. If Americans do not repent of their sins and change their lifestyles, they will suffer like Israel in the loss of their freedoms. Keep praying for your country and the souls of its people, and you could mitigate any suffering.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions would be places of refuges. This will be a rustic refuge as many refuges may not have electricity. Even if food and bedding places have not been prepared, I will have My angels provide for your food and bedding. They will multiply the buildings so people will have a place to stay. The angels will also multiply the food and water that will be needed. There is a special angel of protection here at this place.”

Jesus said: “My people, churches that have Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament will be refuges during the tribulation. The angels will help expand your church and provide dormitories for the families to live. Any food preparations will be multiplied for the people who come here so they have enough to eat. Your well will become healing water as well as water to drink. Rejoice in this church when you will have perpetual Adoration. I will even multiply your candles and other needs for this church. The leader will need to direct many people in the jobs people will need to do in helping your community. Rejoice in My angel protection throughout the tribulation.”


Monday, October 29, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you another major earthquake on land near the Western coast of your country. This split could be severe and some people could die as a result. You have seen a recent earthquake of 7.7 in the Northwest area. You will see some aftershocks, but it also could cause other faults to move as a result. Be prepared for more serious earthquakes, especially if the one world people use the HAARP machine to initiate them. The Gospel reading shows that I healed many people, and some were healed on the day of rest. The Pharisees criticized Me many times for healing people on this day, but they were too focused on the letter of the law instead of on the spirit of the law. They did not want to accept that I was the Second Person of God, and that I was Lord of the Sabbath. I have compassion for all people at all times of the week, and I am listening to your prayers constantly. Call on Me with your petitions and I will answer them in My way and in My time. Give praise and glory to Me in all healings that you see and in all the gifts that you receive.”

Jesus said: “My people, Hurricane Sandy is the second storm in a row after Hurricane Irene last year to strike in the New York State area. This storm was much larger and the damage is larger also. Millions of people are experiencing power outages, and they may have to deal with cold weather and heaters that are not working. I have warned My faithful to have food, water, and alternate fuels for the coming tribulation, so they are already equipped to handle power outages, and to be able to leave their homes for My refuges with their backpacks. Being prepared can help for any kind of disaster as this hurricane. This storm is coming as a wake-up call for America, and as a punishment for your abortions. This storm is being directed by the jet streams and by the use of the HAARP machine. Pray that the damage can be mitigated and without much loss of life.”


Tuesday, October 30, 2012: (Bob Carey’s Funeral Mass)
Bob said: “God bless everyone. I am happy to see all of my family and friends that could come to my funeral Mass. I love you Mary, and all of my family. I will be watching over you and praying for all of you. I thank all of my care givers in my last days. I am in heaven, and I am happy to be free of pain in my soul body. I know my family will take good care of Mary. I have had a full life, and I was happy to help the church in the ways that I could. I thank all of the priests at whose Masses I attended. I enjoyed My hobbies, but I am now joyful to be in the workshop of the greatest Carpenter.”

Jesus said: “My people, the effects from this latest hurricane have caused millions of families to lose power, and the flooding could upset normal business for weeks. One problem caused by the power outages would be the affect on people voting next week. If a fair percentage of people could not vote, then some areas may have to postpone their votes until later. Already people are having problems getting food and gasoline. People will have to be patient in helping each other until order can be restored. It will depend on how quickly roads can be cleared that will determine how soon power can be restored. Some reserve troops are keeping order at night, and they are delivering needed food and water. Those, who are prepared, will have no problems with food, lights, and fuel for heat, but those, who are not prepared, may have to go to shelters for help. Pray that your power can be restored in a short time, and that people will share their food and water.”


Wednesday, October 31, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading spoke of honoring and respecting your parents throughout their lives, especially in their old age. You are seeing a flashback to your own parents, who are deceased, and you know they are in heaven. They were good examples of the faith, and they brought you up in Catholic grammar school. Your father took you and your brothers to monthly Confession. Your parents asked you to keep some pictures of them in plain sight so you could remember them. Right now they are telling Me how much they love you and your family, and they are proud of all that you are doing. In the same way as parents yourselves, you need to take care of your children and grandchildren, and especially watch out for their souls in following their faith in Me. You have even seen how your wife’s father has been looking out for your family with a special mission to get your family members to attend Sunday Mass. You all love your family members, and you do not want to see any of them go to hell. So make an effort to pray for all of your family members, and encourage those, who are not coming to Sunday Mass, to start coming regularly. Parents are responsible to pray for all the souls in their family so they can be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time a disaster strikes, your political leaders only think of rebuilding without My help, and without repenting of your sins. These leaders used the Isaiah 9:10 prophesy in their speeches, and it became a judgment against your people. You have had Hurricane Isaac strike New Orleans exactly seven years after Hurricane Katrina in the same place. Now you are seeing a parallel of Hurricane Sandy coming a year after Hurricane Irene struck New York as well. People are not seeing these disasters as signs, yet the disasters keep getting stronger in terms of the destruction. I have drawn your attention to the Harbinger Book before to try and show you why America is being punished for not repenting of its sins, and people are not changing their sinful lifestyles. Keep praying for your country and the sinners that need conversion. I will protect My faithful at My refuges, but the unbelievers need to convert their lives after My Warning, or they could be judged to hell. Time is running out for souls to be saved, so pray hard every day for these souls to be saved from hell.”


Thursday, November 1, 2012: (All Saints Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how My Church canonizes many saints to give them as examples to follow in your lives. This feast day also celebrates all of the saints that are in heaven that have not been recognized by My Church. Being a saint one day in heaven should be the goal of everyone who loves Me. It is not easy to endure the human condition of constant temptations of the evil one, and suffering the pains and sicknesses of the body. Some of My saints even suffered martyrdom, or they were tortured and persecuted for believing in Me. Those, who believe in Me, appear foolish in the eyes of the worldly, and the worldly people do not understand the belief of My faithful that I am truly Present in the consecrated Host. My faithful are ever vigilant in their prayers, Masses, and sharing in My sacraments. By staying close to Me in this way, you will have the graces to carry out My mission for you on earth. Each soul has been given a unique mission that only that person can fulfill. That is why each soul is special to Me, and I guide each of you on your path to heaven. There are some souls who choose to follow their own will, and they may not accomplish their mission. Pray for all sinners who have not been judged yet, so they can be saved from hell. Not all souls come straight to heaven, but very few do who suffer their purgatory on earth. Some are lost to hell by their own choice, but the rest may be purified in purgatory for a time. Once a soul is brought to heaven, that soul receives a crown of sainthood, and the soul receives his or her reward to be in My love and peace for all eternity.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating All Saints Day today which is the real feast day that should be honored more than the Halloween witches and devils. It is unfortunate that some children are being given the wrong message about celebrating evil things instead of the saints. Maybe parents should dress their children up as saints instead of evil things.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing all the destruction of homes and power outages where people are suffering. My people need to reach out with prayers and donations to help the victims of this storm. You are seeing in disasters how people come together to help each other with the necessities of food, water, and heat. Pray that people will have their power restored in a short time.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My faithful to have some extra food and water for the coming and present disasters. When power is out, you see how helpless you become for light, food, and heat. Those, who have prepared, will have sufficient food, oil lamps, and wood burners for heat. At My refuges you will be used to no electricity in a rustic living. Get used to having your comforts removed when My faithful will suffer more persecution.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have advised My people to prepare food and water for the coming tribulation. When you see how desperate people get without food, water, and gasoline for their cars, then you will understand more how much you should be prepared. While people are comfortable and they have heat and electricity, they become complacent, and they do not see the need to store food, water, and fuels. Your preparations are not hoarding, but they are meant to be shared for your survival. Let this event wake up people out of their laziness and really understand the need for these preparations. Have trust in Me that I will protect My people at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as there are poor and those starving for food, so there are souls starving for My love and peace. You know enough to help the poor with the necessities of this life, but many do not realize that many souls are lost in their sins, and they suffer as poor in spirit without Me in their lives. Share your faith with everyone, and work to evangelize even the worst of sinners because you do not want any soul to be lost in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when you will see both a division in My Church and a persecution of Christians from your government. This meeting in the home tonight is a little preparation for when this will be your only way to express your Christian faith. Meeting in secret at night will help until you will have to leave for My refuges. Be prepared for more persecution and harassment from your government and those who do not believe in Me. Pray for all people to be converted by giving your example of faith to others.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good that you are honoring your deceased friends and relatives. All souls do not go directly into heaven, so My people need to pray for the souls in purgatory and have Masses said for them. With enough prayers and Masses, many souls could be uplifted from purgatory into heaven. Do not forget these souls, but pray for them every day, especially for those whom no one is praying for.”


Friday, November 2, 2012: (All Souls Day)
Jesus said: “My people, some people do not believe in a life after death or in praying for the dead. I have mentioned before how few people are fortunate to go straight to heaven. The two biggest groups of souls are those who choose to go to hell, and those who need purification in purgatory. The souls in purgatory cannot pray for themselves. They rely on the people who are still living to pray for them and have Masses said for them. Masses help the souls the most in advancing them through the levels of purgatory toward heaven. I have asked people many times to pray for the poor souls in purgatory. Even in your will you could have people set up Masses to be said for your intention. Once you die, and if you are sent to purgatory, you will also have to rely on your family members to pray for your soul, and have Masses said for you. All the people in purgatory suffer from not seeing Me or experiencing My love. Those souls, who are in the lower part of purgatory also suffer a burning sensation in their soul body like the flames of hell. The good thing in purgatory is that all of these souls are saved, and one day they will be with Me in heaven for all eternity. Keep praying for all sinners so they can at least gain purgatory, and avoid a hopeless eternity in the flames of hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may at times think that a day moves slowly, and at other times a day flies by when you are active. But if you look at how old you are, the years have gone by quicker than you thought. When you come to Me for your life review at your Warning experience or at your death, you will be again fascinated by how fast time passes. You will see all of your actions flash by outside of time, and you will see the good and bad things that you did in your life. There will be a focus on your unforgiven sins as places to improve. At the end you will see your current judgment of where you stand, but hopefully at the Warning, you will be able to improve your current status. You only have one lifetime and one soul, and you need to make a good accounting for your time and your good deeds in order to come to heaven. Live every day as your last with a pure soul, and you will be ready for your judgment.”


Saturday, November 3, 2012: (St. Martin de Porres)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing an audience that represents the workers, and the actors on a stage that represent the leaders. Many of your leaders in government are like puppets on a string. They are doing the bidding of the one world people. Many of your people in New Jersey and New York are suffering from power outages and gasoline shortages. Now the cold is moving in, and heating a home is becoming more of a problem. Many are going to shelters, but some are trying to protect their homes from vandals. Many people are not aware of how the HAARP machine can be used by the one world people to direct storms as Hurricane Sandy by changing the jet streams that steer these storms. If people knew how HAARP and the chemtrails were used as black operations to cause chaos with storms and earthquakes, they would be furious. But this is what is being done to affect the election and reduce the population. Your leaders will be held accountable for all the evil things that they are doing to your people. Remember that the more people are given, the more that they will be held responsible. Also, the more people exalt themselves, they will be humbled. The more you humble yourselves, the more that you will be exalted.”


Sunday, November 4, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My faithful of a coming division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This evil schismatic church will be led by Satan using New Age teachings and heresies. This will cause My faithful to form an underground church as in the catacombs of older days. You will also see religious freedoms under attack by your government, and Christians will be martyred again for their faith. When your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to have their guardian angels lead them to the protection of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the days that I lived on the earth, food was not as plentiful as what you have today. At the Last Supper this was a celebration of the Passover Meal which used unleavened bread, cups of wine, and bitter herbs which was a food made in haste. This custom of unleavened bread is still used today in the Host of Communion. The altar wine has certain requirements as well. These two simple foods are used at the Mass, but these should not be substituted by leavened bread. The consecration of these physical species into My Body and Blood is the most precious gift of Myself that I could give to My faithful in My Eucharist. This sacrament is so holy, that My people are directed not to receive Me with mortal sin on your souls. Those, who commit a sin of sacrilege, are committing another mortal sin that should be confessed. I welcome all souls to Confession so you can cleanse your sins from your soul, and then you are worthy of receiving Me in Holy Communion. You gain graces from both sacraments, but many are not coming to Confession as often as they should. The worst situations are people who are living together in mortal sin with fornication, and they continue to come to sacrilegious Communions. Pray for these souls who are disgracing My sacrament of Communion when they need to confess their mortal sins first. In your families you need to encourage your own relatives to live a proper life. Those souls, who continue to live in sin, are risking the fires of hell. Keep praying for these souls since your prayers could save these people.”


Monday, November 5, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Satan controlling the one world people in all of their attempts to ruin My creation, and reduce the population as well. You are seeing the HAARP machine used to create storms that kill people, and major earthquakes that kill people. You are seeing chemtrails place millions of tons of toxic materials in the air as aluminum oxide and barium ions with viruses that kill people and cause diseases. You are seeing many GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) crops being used that are killing people with cancers and other diseases. Even your vaccines are being abused to kill people and lower your immune system defenses. Man through his corporate greed is destroying the harmony of My balance of nature. Yet your people are blind to all of this destruction because of the brainwashing of the people with the lies from your media. Wake up America and see how you are being punished by the one world people’s control for all of your abortions and sexual sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are still seeing people without electricity in cold weather. Let this be a warning to people to have alternative sources of heat for the winter along with enough fuel for several months. It is hard to live in a cold home in the winter time without a source of heat, as from a kerosene burner or a wood burner. Also, you need to make sure that your burners are in working order. You need to have a windup flashlight or oil with your lamps for light. Having food and water is also necessary for survival. Those people, who have been without electricity in the winter, know how necessary these preparations are needed. If your house is an interim refuge, you also need to have these things, and an independent source of water. By being ready to deal without electricity, you will be ready for the one world people who want to control you by shutting down your grids. Trust in My help in the coming trials which could include power outages.”


Tuesday, November 6, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the hierarchy of My Church you have local bishops who are the shepherds of your dioceses. They are to guide My people in faith and morals, and even defend My Church in standing up for your religious freedoms. They also need to care for the management of the diocese in respect to keeping churches and schools open as long as possible. They should also be promoting vocations to the priesthood, and seeing that these candidates are properly educated. By seeing to the care of the leadership of the parishes, bishops should be allowing the parishes to be run by priests as pastors, or by deacons if there are not enough priests. Being a bishop should be a holy office to help the faith of the people, and not so much about politics. Pray for your bishops and priests so they may be faithful to their duties and their vocations. My faithful also need to financially support the bishop and the pastors of your parishes.”

Jesus said: “My people, in its former days America was very strong morally, but now it is just a shadow of its former self. Every measurement of Mass attendance, living together in sin, and homosexual marriage, shows America becoming more pagan and hedonistic in your society. Because America is turning its back on Me, I have withdrawn My blessings, and you will be seeing a punishment through the one world people. Your increasing deficits and your unemployment levels will bring your country down in eventual bankruptcy. You cannot keep printing more money to pay for your deficits. Once your financial system crashes, the one world people will establish martial law to take America into the North American Union. It does not matter who is elected President, the end result will be the same. Pray for your country to change its fiscal policy, or your country is lost. Pray also to turn around your sinful society, or it will be lost spiritually as well.”


Wednesday, November 7, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing the real worldly treasure of the one world people, and it is not gold, but total control with power as a dictator in the scepter for reigning over the people. It is one thing to desire wealth and possessions of this world, but it is another thing to want to control people as robots with chips in the body. This is Satan’s desire to control people’s free will with chips and voices so they are his possessions. The real treasure for Satan is to control souls, and this is the path of your current government. Most people do not realize the significance of mandatory chips in the body that is promoted by your current Health Care law. If this mandate is carried out, chips in the body will make your people into robots with their souls controlled by Satan. The voices from the chips will be hypnotizing people to worship the beast with this mark of the beast. I am warning all of your people not to take any chip in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist, or you will be condemning yourself to hell according to the Book of Revelation. Once your authorities demand chips in the body, this will be the time to call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you to the protection of My nearest refuge. Those, who do not come to My refuges, are risking martyrdom for their faith in the government’s death camps all over your country. At My refuges the people will be protected throughout the tribulation until I will come in victory over evil, and I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the sun in one of its peak cycles for sunspot activity. You have also seen several solar flares from these sunspots. This vision is showing you another flare that could send enough energy to earth that it could cause problems with your satellites, or it could even affect your power grid which is the darkness in the vision. You have seen some man-made interference with the HAARP machine that has caused some major storm activity. Now you could see some interference from My creation. Your scientists have been warning you of some celestial happenings around the earth, and you could see signs in the sky that could coincide with My coming Warning experience. I told you that My Warning would come before the major events that could cause you to go to My refuges. Be alert to the signs in the sky, and the major earthquakes that are going on.”


Thursday, November 8, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large wave coming against America is a sign that now your country has elected its fate, and it is the status quo without any repentance. Be prepared for more destruction and droughts because your people are depending on themselves, instead of on Me. The more you turn your backs on Me with voting for same sex marriage and legalized marijuana in some states, the more judgment you are calling down on your country. Your politicians are talking about a new cliff of increased taxes and cuts in your budget, but you are also falling off of a spiritual cliff as well. My faithful remnant is growing smaller as your older faithful are dying off, and they are not being replaced with younger people. This is why heaven rejoices over penitent sinners because there are fewer of them as time goes on.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, these people, who are suffering from a hurricane and a snow storm, are without electricity for almost two weeks, and they are cold without heat. It is also hard to find water and food. Some aid is being brought in, but it is hard to help so many people. The snow storm has caused another increase in power outages. You remember yourself how hard it is to endure the cold even when you had heaters from wood and kerosene. Pray for these people and send donations to help them where possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked people to have food and water stored for up to a year’s supply. This would help you through any food shortages until you may need to leave for My refuges. In the North it would be good to have alternative heating sources as wood and kerosene with the appropriate heaters. Those, who have water wells, should have a mechanical backup to pump water. You may need propane for cooking, windup flashlights, or lamps with oil for light. Even some provision may be needed for latrines. These are all of your refuge needs. In addition you will need winter coats, sleeping blankets, and tents for destroyed homes. By being ready for refuges, you will be ready for power outages.”

Jesus said: “My people, America needs to understand that some of this destruction is a punishment for your nation’s sins. People are voting in same sex marriage and allowing legalizing marijuana in some states, and they wonder why they are being punished. America needs to repent of its sins and change the people’s lifestyles if America wants Me to return its blessings. Learn from your mistakes in your sins, or you can expect even worse disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are still relying on oil, natural gas, coal, and wood to provide heat and electricity. It is hard with too many government regulations to provide the needed fuels for your heat and power. Many jobs are also at stake in providing for your energy sources. America needs to have an energy policy to be more energy independent, so your manufacturers can have the fuels that they need. Pray for a compromise that is best for your country. Seeing power outages should make this issue one of immediate need.”

Jesus said: “My people, now that your election is over, it is time to really help your business leaders to start hiring more people instead of just talking about it. All of the unemployed workers will not be able to survive on what little unemployment insurance that is available, and this insurance will be stopped because of insufficient tax money. People need to struggle to find work instead of relying on welfare handouts. It is a difficult situation because your jobs are going to cheap labor overseas. Government could change the incentives to keep work in your own country. You will soon learn that you cannot afford to continue your entitlement spending and survive as a free country. Pray for new solutions to providing jobs, even if some jobs can be provided by the government.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the effects of your droughts and storms on your crop production. The lower harvests could cause some food shortages not only in America, but also in reduced exports to other countries. This already is raising grain and corn prices as the raw materials for many of your foods. Eventually, meat prices will also rise and cause some inflation. Pray that you will have enough food for your needs. This is part of the beginning world famine, and it is why I have warned you to stock up on your food supplies. Your food will be shared with your friends and neighbors, and not hoarded.”

Jesus said: “My people, you continue to see fighting in Syria and Israel as tensions are still high in these areas. Threats from Iran in many areas are also a concern for a new war that could break out. Keep praying for peace in these countries because any new war could lead to a wider war, and restricted oil supplies.”


Friday, November 9, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, as you remember the saints in heaven and the souls in purgatory, you are thinking of the end of your own life. Even the cycle of the seasons shows a cycle of life where nature shows plants dying because of the cold. November is a good month to contemplate on your last days on earth right before the celebration of Advent and Christmas. This is a good time to make an accounting of your year in your spiritual progress. You need to ask yourself if you are getting better, staying the same, or are you falling back. My faithful need to keep getting better in their faith each year because they need to strive toward perfection. You need to show your love for Me in attending Mass when you can, frequent Confession, and your daily prayers. You also need to show your love for your neighbor in helping them with your prayers, donations, and good deeds. When you meet Me at your judgment, you will need to make an accounting for how you loved Me and your neighbor. By following My Commandments and helping your neighbor, you will be ready for your judgment, as I will open the gates of heaven to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just witnessed the terrible damage from Hurricane Sandy and the latest snow storm in the same area along the East coast. Many people are suffering in the cold with no electricity and little heat, food, water, and gasoline. It is one thing to be tested with the loss of your physical necessities from storms, but it will be another thing to suffer your coming spiritual persecution. Christians and patriots are the new targets of the one world people who see My faithful as a threat to their new world order. You are seeing a persecution of your religious freedoms when your government is trying to force Catholic institutions to violate their faith in being forced to provide birth control pills and devices. Your taxes are paying for abortions. Your hate crime laws do not want you to call homosexual acts sins, but they really are abominations in My eyes. Some people are even questioning church tax exemptions for supporting the Republican Presidential nominee. The ultimate persecution will come when your authorities will try to force mandatory chips in the body from your Health Care law. Refuse to take any chips in the body, even under pain of death, because the chips can control your free will like a robot. Your persecution will endanger your life to the point that you will need to come to My refuges for protection. Be prepared to leave your home in a short time when I will warn you to leave. Pray for calm and trust in My help so you can avoid the evil ones who will be trying to kill you.”


Saturday, November 10, 2012: (St. Leo the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a representation of an uphill battle in struggling to bring America back to loving Me more in your public worship. Unfortunately, you have atheists who are controlling your media, and they are doing everything to remove My Name from any public buildings or your feast days. Your stores are already encouraging your Christmas shopping, but your political correctness is trying not to mention My Name. The more your country refuses to acknowledge Me in public, the more you are allowing Satan to control your lives and your activities. There are some faithful who express ‘Merry Christmas’ in their greetings, and they place Nativity Scenes in their Christmas decorations outside their homes. You honor My feast days, but people are missing that My birth is the reason for your celebration. Remember that without Me, you will not have anything because you have everything because of Me in your lives. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that you have both physically and spiritually.”


Sunday, November 11, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading, where Elijah multiplied the flour and oil for a year, is a lesson for those who will be coming to My refuges. My faithful will be seeing famine and food shortages all over the world. This is why I have asked My people to store some food and water, even before you leave for My refuges. At My refuges people will also be storing food and preparing bedding for many people. You will have My angels bring you daily Communion if you do not have a Mass. You will also have perpetual Adoration so I can be with you in prayer at all times. You will have deer for meat and water from wells, ponds, or springs that I will provide. The buildings for bedding will be multiplied for everyone to have a place to sleep. I will multiply the food, water, and fuel to support your necessities. When you are called to My refuges, you will be coming in full faith in My protection with My angel’s invisible shield. You will be trusting Me in feeding you, and providing clothes for everyone. Everyone will be helping each other to survive with your individual trades and talents. You will be at My refuges during the tribulation for less than 3½ years while the Antichrist will be allowed his reign. I will bring My Comet of Chastisement at the end of the tribulation, when I will bring My victory over all the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. I will renew the earth and then I will bring you into My Era of Peace for a long time. After the Era of Peace, I will lead you into heaven. Rejoice in this trial because you will be suffering your purgatory on earth during the tribulation. You trust in Me every day, but you will be needing full trust in Me for everything at My refuges.”


Monday, November 12, 2012: (St. Josaphat)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel reading I asked My apostles to have a strong faith so they could go out to evangelize the people. Even today I ask My people to renew their faith as it once was strong in their initial fervor for Me. When you were brought up in the faith from your parents, you were learning how to love Me from your heart, and not just with your mind. It is this true fervor of love from the heart that I desire from all of My faithful. Sometimes you come to retreats to relight your fire of love for Me in your heart. When your love is strong, it enhances your faith and strengthens you to fight the temptations of the evil one. You also need to share your deep fervor of faith with others, so they can be on fire with love for Me. By coming close to Me every day, you can be ready to meet Me at your judgment when I will call you home to Me. Give praise and thanks to Me, and thank those who helped you to have such a gift of faith. Watch over your children and your relatives to keep their faith burning as strong as yours.”

To a friend: Jesus said: “My people, listen to the inner voices that are guiding you in your work to provide a place for My faithful at My refuges. Just as you have seen in your ‘Field of Dreams’, the people will come to My refuges as they are led by their guardian angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will eventually see a preview to martial law when your police and Army will be setting up checkpoints to monitor the movement of your people. Then you will see certain restrictions for entering certain states in order to have a proper reason to enter. Your main state highways will soon require an ‘easy pass’ to use them. These roads will eventually require National ids and then chips in the body to use. This is why you will be required to use the back roads for your travel before the tribulation to avoid these checkpoints. When it is time to come to My refuges, you will be invisible to these authorities, so you can avoid being captured. Be prepared for limited travel as your gasoline usage could be controlled as well to cut down on your carbon dioxide pollution.”


Tuesday, November 13, 2012: (St. Francis Xavier Cabrini)
Jesus said: “My people, you are living in an evil age, and it is about to get worse during the tribulation of the Antichrist. During this time of persecution of My faithful, you will need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you from your homes to My places of interim and final refuges. You will first be stopping at interim or smaller refuges on the way to your final refuge. At these homes they will provide food, water, and bedding. My people need to have backpacks of clothes, toiletries, sleeping blankets, and a little food and water when you leave your homes. I am calling on many souls to say ‘yes’ to helping people in their needs by setting up refuges. At interim and final refuges, the leaders need to have their places consecrated by a priest, and have an independent source of water by a mechanical well or pond. I will multiply your food and My angels will build more dormitories where needed. After you leave your homes, My angels will shield you with being invisible to your enemies on the way to a refuge and at all of My refuges. Have no fear of these evil ones because My angels will defend you, as you will not need weapons at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told My people not to take any chips in the body for any reason, even if they are threatened with their lives. In the vision I am showing you an operator at an electronic console that could control a person’s actions against their will through a chip in the body. That person could commit crimes without even knowing what that person did through voices. These are true capabilities with your modern technology that use chips in the body with voices directed from satellites and cell towers. Any chips, that could be secretly put into your body, will not function without your consent. I will see to it that these secret small chips will not work. Keep close to Me in frequent Confession, and be ready to leave your home for My refuges when I will warn you.”


Wednesday, November 14, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I wanted your people to see the exact words of your first President, George Washington, as he blessed your nation in New York City at ground zero where the trade towers were destroyed. (April 30, 1789 First Inaugural Address) ‘… so His Divine blessing may be equally conspicuous in the enlarged views, the temperate consultations, and the wise measures on which the success of this Government must depend.’ George Washington also stated that these blessings cannot come upon a country that disregards My laws. ‘…the smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained…’ I am showing America these words because I have removed heaven’s blessing from America because of your abortion decisions and now your acceptance of same sex marriage laws in several states. Now you are more vulnerable to weather disasters and the control of the one world people over your government. This punishment can only be removed by prayer and repenting of your sins. You need to renounce these sinful laws, or you will continue on your road to ruin. I have warned America to repent in many messages, and if you do not learn from the history of how other nations fell by spiritual corruption, then you will be doomed to repeat it with your own fall.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to have your spiritual guard up at all times because you do not know when the devils will attack you with their various temptations. These wicked creatures are searching for any weaknesses to lust, drinking alcohol, or drug and cigarette use. There are also weaknesses to computing, gambling, and overeating. Demons attach themselves to addictions, and they seek to destroy souls through addictions. This is why you need to pray and work with souls who have addictions because they are blind to see how much they are controlled by the demons. My faithful need to wear blessed sacramentals, and be alert to anything that is controlling you. You can check if you are being controlled by seeing what you do with your spare time. If you sense any bad habits controlling you, then you could identify your weakness and seek ways to avoid it. You can cleanse your bad habits with prayer, fasting, and frequent Confession. You can also encourage others to share your faith, and help them to wear sacramentals of protection. Praying for souls in deliverance of their demons can also help save their souls. Frequent Confession and daily prayer will also help protect you from demon temptations. You are in a constant battle with the evil ones, and you need to use your weapons of Mass, rosaries, scapulars, relics, and blessed salt and water. By following My advice, you can protect yourself and others on your way to heaven.”


Thursday, November 15, 2012: (St. Albert the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are dealing with the issue of slavery with slaves as property by their owners. In the vision you are dealing with fame and status of those who want to be leaders of others. I told My apostles that those, who want to be leaders, have to be the servants of everyone in physical service and not just talk. It is not about being first over everyone or who should be slaves, but I see everyone as equal in My eyes because you are all My creations. I want My people to respect everyone’s dignity as a human person, regardless if they are a king or a beggar. Since I treat everyone as equal, you need to love everyone as I do, even your enemies. People have different talents for their missions, and you do not have to like people’s actions, but you need to love the sinner because you are all sinners. Pray for those people who are not living according to My Commandments, and give them your good example of loving everyone without discrimination.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many of your vaccines and flu shots are becoming more of a danger to your immune systems than they are helping. You have seen some articles where people are suing the drug companies for causing autism in their young children. The vaccine business has been very lucrative for the drug companies who are paid by your government for the vaccines, and they are protected in some cases against people suing them for any side effects. This is all about money more than it is about protecting people. I continue to warn people not to take any flu shots.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many missiles being fired on Israel from the Gaza Strip. Many of these weapons are being shipped to Hamas from Iran, and they were supplied by Russia. These increased attacks are testing Israel’s determination to retaliate, and there could be a widening of a war. This could be a sign of increasing terrorism once it appears that America is weak in reacting against the Arabs. The one world people are instigating any war in this area. Pray for peace, or there could be serious consequences.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government is preparing for terrorism or a revolution against its policies. You are seeing many people buying guns and ammunition before it will be confiscated. There are already rumors about confiscating automatic weapons from gun shops. Taking weapons from your citizens will be the first signs of a coming takeover of America. My angels will be protecting My faithful so guns will not be necessary.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is a little strange that all of your scandals broke out in the military immediately after the election. These scandals among the generals are taking attention away from the killing of your diplomat in Lybia, which was exploited in the debates. Many questions have not been answered in this reporting of a terrorist attack.”

Jesus said: “My people, again there are more and more reports of possible vote fraud in the swing states. Some appear to be falsely tabulated, machine malfunctions, and suspicions of voters voting multiple times and in multiple states. It is doubtful that this will receive a serious investigation, but you heard of similar fraud in your previous Presidential election. The one world people will be moving to take over America no matter which President is elected.”

Jesus said: “My people, the internet has become a source of information that is not available on normal media channels. The one world people want to eventually shut down this source of information, and tax people for using the internet which will spread this money to many countries. This would shut down your own website in distributing your messages. Be aware of a continuing restriction of information that those in power are trying to eliminate. This is just one more sign of persecution that will lead to martial law and My people coming to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your lawmakers trying to deal with the coming increase in taxes and the full implementation of your new Health Care Law. In public these Congress people are not talking, but even behind closed doors they have not yet come to any compromise. This tax increase and the coming National Debt Limit have little time for negotiation. Pray that your leaders will come to a meaningful agreement that will not throw your country into a recession or austerity budgets. You have seen the violence in Greece and Spain in their efforts to balance their budgets.”


Friday, November 16, 2012: (St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Gertrude)
Jesus said: “My people, as you approach the end of the Church Year, you are going to be reading the end time readings when I will return to the earth. St. John’s first reading speaks of the antichrist representing the evil people. This vision of a cup of wine is showing you the grapes of wrath where My angels will separate the good people from the evil people. Some good people will be lifted up into the air so they are not killed by My Comet of Chastisement at the end of the tribulation. Many of those left behind, who do not believe in My Commandments, and do not accept Me, will be gathered as grapes to be crushed in My winepress of wrath in hell. Once the evil ones are cleared from the earth, I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace. My justice will be carried out all over the earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of someone opening their eyes is more about a spiritual awakening than a physical one. I have asked all Americans to wake up to the reality of their sins, and repent in their hearts. I talked to you of the veil that is over you before the Warning in that you do not realize how much you offend Me with your sins. Once you become more alert in your eyes of faith, then you can understand the events going on as signs of the end times that are in the Bible. I have warned you when you see pestilence, famine, and an increase in earthquakes, that My coming is near. My Warning experience for all sinners will be a wake-up call to everyone to be prepared for your judgment. Once you see how I view your sins, you will be more conscious of how much you offend Me in your sinful actions. When I place you back in your body to improve your spiritual life, you will know that the Antichrist’s coming will be imminent, and My coming will follow. Do not be fearful because you will find protection at My refuges. My angels will put an invisible shield around you even as you leave your home for My refuge. After the Warning, gather your family members together so you can all come to the same refuge. Read the signs of the times with your own eyes of faith, and you will be ready for the coming end times.”


Saturday, November 17, 2012: (Gloria Carpenter’s funeral Mass)
Gloria said: “I am so grateful to God for having such a beautiful family and a happy life where I could help everyone. I thank Karen especially for all the care that she gave me. I thank all of the clergy and my family for their kind words about me. I remember Betty, your mother, in all of our work with the Legion of Mary. I am in heaven now with Dick, and we will be watching over our family in prayer. I love the little ones as they are so dear to me. Thank you also for remembering my care for all the little animals and cats that I took care of. I will miss you all, but know that I love all of you who could attend my funeral.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is tragic to lose your home to a storm, but people have to struggle for a new home. In the Exodus Moses led his people from bondage in Egypt into freedom in the desert. Later, the people would seek a new home in the Promised land. So it is in these end times, where I am leading My people out of their comfortable homes to a free and safe place at My refuges. This is like the Israelites who left their comfortable homes in Egypt for the harsh living in the desert. These safe havens will only be rustic protection in the modern day Exodus. Your new home will be living in My Era of Peace which will be a spiritual Promised land free of evil. Those, who survive the coming tribulation, will truly receive their reward of coming into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”


Sunday, November 18, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, as you come closer to the end times, you will see a happening in the sky on the day of the Warning that will frighten many people. Everyone will have their life review at the same time. Then you will see where you will be judged. You will have a small taste of your judgment’s destination before you will be brought back into your body. After you come back, you will have a strong feeling to repent of your sins, or a need to come to Confession for Catholics. This will begin the events that will lead up to the Antichrist’s coming into power. At the end of the tribulation, you will see Me on the clouds coming to judge the people. My Comet of Chastisement will cause the three days of darkness. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will renew the earth. Then I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven. Be on the watch for My coming, so your soul is ready to meet Me at its judgment.”


Monday, November 19, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, as you approach the end of the Church Year, you start having thoughts of your own death that could be approaching. The first reading was pointing out to the Church of Ephesus that they needed to repent of their sins. In America also your people are falling away from their religious traditions of coming to Sunday Mass and celebrating Christmas with Nativity scenes. It is the atheists that are attacking your traditions, and My people need to stand up for their religious freedoms. You need to speak out My Name in defiance of the atheists and those who are politically correct. The people of America need to repent of their sins just as the Church of Ephesus was called to do. If people do not repent of their sins now, they will surely do so when they face My Warning experience. Prepare your souls now with frequent Confession so you are ready to meet Me at your judgment, when I call you home when you die, or when you will have your life review at My Warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, this current firing of rockets from Hamas in the Gaza Strip is being backed by Iran and Egypt. If Israel starts killing very many Palestinians, Egypt has threatened to help their fellow Arabs. Israel is using aircraft attacks, and it has its army moving into position for a possible frontal attack. If this war widens to include other nations, America could get involved as well. Pray that this threatened war does not get wider because it could involve nuclear weapons if Israel feels threatened. If the violence gets worse, there could also be a threat to oil supplies which could raise your gasoline prices.”


Tuesday, November 20, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned America to repent of its sins, but your people are not listening to My messages, nor are your people following My Commandments. Not only will you be punished with disasters, but in this vision the America that you know, will be taken over, and the documents of your freedoms will be cremated in this urn. This means after martial law is established, your Declaration of Independence and your Constitution will no longer be valid. America will become a part of the North American Union without any rights for its people, and you will soon come under the control of the Antichrist. Once martial law begins, I will have already warned My faithful to leave for My refuges. The evil ones will be looking to kill Christians and patriots, so you will need the protection of My angels at My refuges. Trust in My help and protection, and you will have nothing to fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is a joyful message to show My faithful how many people are hearing My call to set up refuges, and a good amount of them are saying yes. A good share of these refuge leaders are also receiving messages, and they are writing their messages in a journal to help them set up their refuges. I have been helping many refuge leaders with people’s donations when they do not have much money. Events are getting close to the time when My faithful will have to come to these refuges. Some people are starting their refuges late, and they may need My angels to finish them. Each refuge should be consecrated to Me by a priest*, and have an independent source of water. Refuge leaders should start stocking food, fuel, and places to bed down with blankets and sleeping blankets. They could buy some cheap cots or inexpensive beds. I will multiply the food, water, and bedding. My angels will bring daily Communion to the people, and they will even help build more dormitories as more people come. Rejoice that there will be many places of refuges to offset all the detention center death camps being built by the evil ones.”

*Exorcism Prayer Over Property; Consecration of Property

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our help is in the Name of the Lord:
Who made Heaven and earth.

Father in Heaven, You are the Creator of the earth and of all that fills it; You are the Source of all life and of all goodness, and You constantly bestow Your blessings upon those who place their trust in You. In Your Name, and in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and through the spiritual authority granted to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, I exorcize this property and these buildings of every evil power and influence, and command in the Name of the Most Holy Trinity that every evil spirit be put to flight and be forever barred from returning here; that every hex, conjuring, spell, curse, or form of deception or oppression be shattered; and that every evil scheme or temptation be exposed, unmasked, and broken–for the Glory of the Most Holy Trinity and the salvation of the entire people of God, particularly those who live or visit here.

In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, I consecrate this property to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Mother of God, and in Their Name, I summon all holy angels and archangels, from this time forward, to guard this property and all who live here or come here, from all evil and all harm. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, and the ministry of the angels assigned here, may anyone not called to this place of refuge be blinded to all the traffic that comes here; may anyone seeking to infiltrate this refuge for any purpose contrary to the Will of Almighty God be rendered incapable of any unholy act, and be convicted of the need for heartfelt repentance; and may all who come here in response to the call of Our Lord and Our Lady be kept safe from every physical and spiritual harm, and be truly open to the words of truth proclaimed here, and the blessings of God bestowed here. May all of us fulfill the mission assigned to us in a spirit of gratitude, trust, and humility, and may we be filled with a spirit of wisdom, courage, and fortitude. We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012: (Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, I had prepared My Blessed Mother for this moment of her coming to the earth without original sin. She was consecrated to God in the Temple because she was a gift to her parents. My Blessed Mother was living in the Divine Will without sin during her whole life. She is truly a Divine tabernacle to carry Me in her womb for nine months. As the Mother of God she is highly to be honored among all the people on earth. She is also a true model to follow in her holiness. She was an inspiration to My apostles while she was on earth. Now, she is crowned Queen of heaven, and she is placing her mantle of protection over her children on earth. I gave her to St. John as the Mother of My people at the foot of the cross. This is a fitting feast to My Blessed Mother as she started her work on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I mentioned caves for refuges, you could also see underground dwellings built into the side of a hill. The vision that I showed you, could be such a dwelling in a hill that had supports, and it was lined to keep out the bugs and water. There was an air vent, and a smokestack for a wood burner for warmth and cooking. The door allowed some light to come in, and it had a screened vent for air. The hill was pitched so the water would run away from the entrance. In Northern climates such a home in the hill would be warmer with less effects from the weather. Many refuges will have a rustic appearance, but you will have protection with My angels defending you from the evil ones. I will provide My people with food and water as I will multiply what you have. This is why My refuge leaders need to have some food stored that could be multiplied. During the coming famine, the people, who criticized your food storage, will understand too late. You may have to share your food with many faithful who did not believe in making any preparations.”


Thursday, November 22, 2012: (Thanksgiving Day)
Jesus said: “My people, all of you are born with original sin on your souls from Adam, and you are as one in shackles to sin. Since I died on the cross for all souls, you now have Baptism to be freed of the bonds of your sins, just as the ten lepers were healed of their leprosy. You come to Mass to give thanksgiving for the blessings of a free country, but you also can give Me thanks for your salvation by My death on the cross. At Mass I give you My Eucharist which is My very Body and Blood. This is a sacrament of thanksgiving in the consecrated Bread. When you are eating your Thanksgiving meal, pray and give thanks to Me for all that I have given you in life.”


Friday, November 23, 2012: (St. Clement I)
Jesus said: “My people, there are two representations of this vision of gates opening to a castle. A castle represents a place of safety as a fortress. So opening the gates to a place of safety is how I am providing people to prepare refuges, and My angels will defend you with their invisible shields. At the tribulation time, My faithful will be directed by their guardian angels to the nearest refuge where I will provide the necessities of life. The second meaning of this vision is how I have opened the gates of heaven with My sacrificial death on the cross. This is the ultimate place of safety, since all the evil ones will be cast into hell. In heaven you will experience My beatific vision, My peace, and My love. Heaven will be the fulfillment of your soul’s desire to be One with your Creator. Rejoice that you will find My protection on earth and in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the prince, who fell off the chariot and was injured, represents America as it will fall from the grace of God because of its sins. America will not only be injured by disasters, but it will be taken over by the one world people in the central bankers of the Federal Reserve. You have a bad economy when the bankers restrict the money supply in circulation. These bankers in the past choked the people without money, and they were able to buy up the failed buildings for pennies on the dollar in their forced depressions. Now, the Federal Reserve prints as many Treasury Bonds as it wants out of thin air, and it makes this debt money a part of the National Debt on the books of the Federal Reserve. The central bankers are taking nearly $80 billion a month to buy up all of the bad debts that own all the mortgages from the banks. There is no new money going into circulation, and the bankers are stealing your homes for free. By keeping interest rates low on savings accounts, they are again stealing the money from the older people and poor savers as they make profits on 6% loans. When America goes bankrupt, these bankers will own everything, and they will take over the government. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when martial law is declared to stop the chaos and revolution. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones who will want to try and kill My faithful people.”


Saturday, November 24, 2012: (St. Andrew & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of a circling green cloud, you are seeing another representation of My coming Warning. You are living in the end times and you are reading about the Book of Revelation where the two prophets were ruling over the world. Moses and Elijah were present at My Transfiguration which was a preview of My Resurrection. Now, the two prophets in Revelation are returning in the end times. You will be experiencing My Warning which will be a preview of your final judgment. You will see your life reviewed with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins. After this life review, you will see a judgment to heaven, hell, or purgatory. You will experience your destination briefly, and if you do not improve your spiritual life, this will be where your life is leading you. You will be returned to your body to improve your life. Now, your eyes will see clearly as to how you are offending Me with your sins, and you will be held more accountable for your sins because of your increased knowledge. The Warning will be a blessing for most sinners to repent and change their lives, but some will still reject Me. This will be the time to evangelize your family members to return to their original faith, or they could be lost if they do not change. Keep praying for these souls that they could be saved from hell.”

(Christ the King) Jesus said: “My people, this is the last Sunday of the Church Year, and you are celebrating My Kingship in heaven. The Bible describes how I will come on the clouds to bring judgment on the people of the earth. There will be false christs that will try to deceive the people, but do not follow them. There will also be an Antichrist dressed as an Arab who will claim to be the Man of Peace. Be careful not to look at his eyes because he could cause people to worship him with his demonic powers. This is why I told you after the Warning to get rid of your TVs and your computers so you do not look at his face. I will come in glory on the clouds with love, but the Antichrist comes with hate and demanding obedience to worship him. Do not be deceived by the false christs. I love you all, and this is how you will recognize Me because of My manner of love.”


Sunday, November 25, 2012: (Christ the King)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast is a joyous conclusion of the Church Year. It is also a preview of how I will return in glory to judge all of mankind. I have told you many times that you will see this fulfilled in your lifetime. Rejoice that you are living in these end times. All of mankind will have to see their life review at My Warning which will be a chance for sinners to repent before the great tribulation begins. When you see a world famine, a division in My Church, and mandatory chips in the body begin, My faithful will need to come to My places of refuge. After the Antichrist’s reign, I will come on the clouds to judge people. Rejoice that I will conquer the evil ones, and I will renew the earth. All of My faithful will then be brought into My Era of Peace. My son, rejoice that you are announcing these events to come, so My people can be prepared in their souls, and in My refuges of protection. Let the people hear My words and rejoice in My victory, as they will see Me as their King and their Creator.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of you for coming to this Shrine that honors My Kingship in memory of Charles’ messages from Me. You prayed a beautiful rosary during a moderate snowstorm, and I thank all of you for enduring the cold and snow for My glory. This is indeed a place of refuge as consecrated land. There is a plan to provide a chapel which will need the support of the people to fund it. Time is getting late to build refuges, and My angels may have to help finish such an effort. The vision of fire represents the purification that all souls will need during the tribulation of the Antichrist. Those, who live during the tribulation, will suffer their purgatory on earth rather than in purgatory itself. Give praise and glory to your King on My feast day.”


Monday, November 26, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My faithful to have some spiritual and physical things packed when you will need to go to My refuges of protection. The reason Christians are the targets of the one world people, is because Satan wants to remove all places with My Name displayed. He does not want the Christians to evangelize his subjects that he controls. This is why those, who believe in God, are considered the enemy in the battle for souls. Because Satan is fighting against you with his people, you understand how valuable you are to Me so you can help others to become Christians. Truly you are in a battle between good and evil, and I need My followers to evangelize and pray for as many souls as possible to save them from hell. Do not be fearful of the evil ones, but call on Me, and I will send angels to help you to win souls for Me, and fight off the devil’s temptations. Put your trust in Me, and I will protect you and your family.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country’s Budget is out of control when you are spending a trillion dollars more than you take in for taxes. You have heard a lot of political talk of letting taxes go back to their original level. Just increasing the taxes on the rich will not balance your budget. If you are making cuts, then even people receiving welfare and Social Security will have to suffer the pain with everyone else. Your politicians have been buying votes with increased handouts. Once you start cutting back on the handouts, you will see the people protesting in the streets just as in Greece and Spain. If taxes are not raised, and cuts are not implemented, then your deficits will continue, your credit rating will fall, and interest rates will be forced to rise. Without attempts to reduce your deficits, you will be on the road to bankruptcy. There simply will not be enough money to pay out to all the benefits of the entitlements. Whether the deficits are reduced or not, there will be pain or a collapse of your government. America needs to print its own debt free money, and do away with the bankers’ debt money from the Federal Reserve. There is not enough money available to pay off your National Debt or to keep it from rising. When you see chaos in the streets under bankruptcy, hyperinflation, or austerity budgets, then My faithful will need to seek the safety of My refuges where My angels will see to your needs and protection.”


Tuesday, November 27, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages about being ready to come to My refuges when your lives are threatened. I am showing you in the vision how tunnels and caves would be places of refuge. Caves are cold and damp, and you may have to use your tents, sleeping blankets, and some means of heating to keep warm in the winter. You also will need sweaters, winter coats, boots, gloves, and a warm hat for the cold. Whatever food and water that you have could be multiplied. Your angels will bring you daily Communion and deer for meat. These refuges are rustic, but you will only need to suffer this for less than 3½ years. Be thankful that My angels will protect you with an invisible shield from your enemies. I will protect you from any wild animals or snakes at My refuges. You may need to work on preparing meals, and using wood fires to keep warm and for cooking. You will have enough food to eat, and water from springs to drink. Trust in Me to provide for your needs for this living purgatory on earth that My faithful will suffer through the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your scientists are noticing another alignment of the planets, but there were no effects on earth the last time this occurred. I have mentioned before that the speculation on December 21st of this year will not cause any effect on the earth either. Next year a comet will come around Christmas and an asteroid will come very close in February. The vision of the rover on Mars means that some new discoveries of the rocks could show possible signs of previous water compounds and signs of erosion. The environment on Mars does not appear to have conditions for life, but some crude forms of life could have occurred years ago. Your technology for finding signs of life have greatly improved, so that you could better detect it, or if it was once there.”


Wednesday, November 28, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, every Christmas Season people are busy about buying gifts for relatives and preparing their Christmas decorations. There should be a spirit of joy in this season, but some people see it as too much busy work. Many shopkeepers see this season as a chance to make money on this desire for people to buy gifts. It is nice to share gifts, especially with the children. It is also appropriate to send out Christmas cards because it keeps you in touch with those friends and relatives that you may not see too often. Celebrating My birth should be a time of joy and love, but the people should remember that I am the center of the celebration, and not reindeer, snowmen, and Santa Claus. When you are thinking of giving gifts, you could share some of your money with the poor, and even give spiritual gifts of prayers to those in need of help. By sharing with others, then you can really enjoy the Christmas spirit of love for Me and your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, there will be many rustic refuges that will be hard to live in for over three years. Yet every refuge will be protected by My angels, which is better than risking execution at the hands of the one world people. When I was born in a cold stable in Bethlehem, it was a crude place to live for your King. If I could suffer a humble birth in a cave, then My faithful could suffer living at a simple refuge of whatever is available for sleeping. Many people in America have palaces for homes compared to the poor in the third world countries. It will be hard for some of your people to leave their comfortable homes for a rustic dwelling in the country or in a cave. But this short trial of crude living is a better choice than risking martyrdom. My faithful will have a bed to sleep in, and food and water to survive. Trust in My protection from the evil ones, even if you have to endure your purgatory on earth.”


Thursday, November 29, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, the reading of the Book of Revelation described how Babylon would be defeated which represents the rich one world people and the Antichrist whom they support. In the Gospel you read how armies around Jerusalem destroyed the city, and now you are seeing this same possibility in modern day Israel. This passage from Luke (22:25-28) shows the signs in the heavens and how I will come upon a cloud with great power and majesty in My victory over evil. The last line is so uplifting: ‘When these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads, because your redemption is at hand.’ In the vision you saw St. Michael and My angels gathering the evil people and the demons, and they were cast into hell just as he did when the evil angels were cast out of heaven into hell. Then you saw a glimpse of the gold colors of heaven where a wedding banquet place has been prepared for My faithful to come. Rejoice in these end time readings that you proclaim in your talks because these events are about to begin.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated My feast of ‘Christ the King’ and you honor Me as King and Creator of the universe. The second vision is about My Kingship on My throne as a judge over good and evil. My sickle is harvesting the wheat of My faithful who are to be stored in My barn of heaven. My angels will gather the grapes of the earth with their sharp sickle and the evil souls will go into the winepress of hell. Keep your souls pure with frequent Confession, and you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, this year has been proclaimed the year of ‘Faith’, and it will be honored in various ways in the celebrations of My Church. Faith is a great gift by which you come to believe in Me. The basics of faith are in your Apostle’s Creed, but the love for Me in your heart is how you grow closer to Me. Keep humble in your little faith as you remember Me in your daily prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, during your life I give every soul many opportunities to come to know, love, and serve Me. I am your Master and Creator, but I cannot come into your soul unless you unlock the door from the inside so I can enter. Once you accept Me, I want you to give your free will over to My Divine Will so you can accomplish the unique mission that I have given you. By carrying out your mission, you are adding to My greater glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how important it is for people of the earth to have enough fresh water to survive. There are some people and factories that are polluting your water which will take various expensive means to purify it again for drinking purposes. Rain is another means of obtaining pure water, but it is hard to capture when it does not rain much. Your people will have pure water at all of My refuges. It may be prudent to store some pure water for the coming famines and droughts.”

Jesus said: “My people, your doctors are growing more concerned over hundreds of cases of viruses that are resistant to antibiotics. Most of these patients are dying if they cannot develop enough antibodies to fight this disease. Another dreaded new disease is a new strain of bird flu that is contagious and deadly. This could cause a pandemic virus that could kill millions of people. I have warned My people when you see many people dying, that you should leave for the protection of My refuges where you can look on My luminous cross or drink the healing spring water to be healed. Trust in Me and I will protect you from physical and spiritual harm.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Church gives you Advent and Lent to help you improve your spiritual life. Advent should be a time of prayer, Confession, and Mass to help purify your soul to celebrate My feast of Christmas. Pick up an Advent book at your church so you can have a daily meditation for each day of Advent. These prayerful seasons will help renew the love that you have for both Me and your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to give some words of consolation for Sol’s mourning wife, Judy, when he died. Sol was a gracious man, and I am pleased with his many acts of charity. The expression on his face was one of shock at seeing the end of his life when he was not expecting it. He is in purgatory, and he is in need of some Masses and prayers for his soul. He was sorry to have to leave his wife behind as they were preparing a large refuge. He loves his wife and family dearly, and he will be watching over Judy with his prayers. I ask her friends to pray for her work, and give what time you can to help her and comfort her in her loss.”


Friday, November 30, 2012: (St. Andrew)
Jesus said: “My people, you know that I died on the cross at 3:00 p.m. as I suffered for all of mankind’s sins. I have also told you that time is running out for the devil’s time, and for the time before the tribulation will be starting. This vision of five minutes to 3:00 p.m. means that the persecution of My faithful is about to begin. Before the major events lead up to the declaration of the Antichrist, you will have My Warning experience for everyone. This will be a wake-up call for all sinners, and it is another reason for frequent Confession so you will have less to suffer in your life review. My people need to have their spiritual life in order before you face your mini-judgment in the Warning. You are seeing a lot of signs around you to tell that you are living in the end times by the descriptions in the Bible.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how the HAARP machine is being used to cause droughts in the summer and low snowfall in the winter. Because of this effect on your rainfall, this is why you are seeing low water levels in all of the Great Lakes. Without enough ground water, it is hard to grow crops, and they require irrigation to get enough moisture. Many people do not realize that this weather machine can affect your water levels and the severity of your cold weather. It is hard for your weather forecasters to predict your weather when man-made weather machines are changing the seasonal trends. If this pattern of high jet streams near the border continues, then you could see a repeat of last year’s low snowfall. The one world people are trying to cause famines to reduce the population, and cause food shortages for their takeover. Trust in Me that you will have adequate food supplies at My refuges where I will multiply your food.”


Saturday, December 1, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, even in the last Gospel of the Church Year, it is speaking of My imminent return to the earth. The one world people are planning the collapse of your government, and your President in his arrogance, is planning to increase your taxes and even to rule as a dictator. If he resorts to passing more Executive Orders to bypass your Congress on the budgets and National Debt, there will be such an uproar, that this could even promote a revolution. This contempt for the people of America is how the socialist communists reach out to gain power over your government. They do not care about making compromises with the Republicans because they feel that they have a mandate to do whatever they please. Stealing this election is part of the one world people’s plan for a takeover. This is why you are seeing a vision of leaving for a refuge, because the coming events are moving fast toward bringing America into the North American Union. Be prepared to come to My refuges when you see major changes that will usurp your Constitution from your previous rule of law. Trust in My help during the coming persecution of Christians as you will seek My protection at My refuges.”


Sunday, December 2, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, this Sunday starts Advent, and the Gospel reading of the end times is similar to the week day readings of the last week of the Church Year. The message is about being watchful for My coming at Christmas, but it is also a message of being watchful for My coming again in this age. You can start reading the meditations in your little Advent book so you can prepare your souls for Christmas. The best gift that you can give Me is a pure soul with frequent Confession. Offer up your daily prayers for the souls of your family and for poor sinners. If you are persistent in your prayers for your family, you could help save them from hell. The battle for souls is an ongoing fight against the devil’s temptations, and many souls weaken in the faith as they get older. My faithful need to keep up their spiritual strength with My sacraments so you can endure the test of time on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, this quill pen in the vision was used to write your Constitution that set up a separation of powers between your three Branches of government, and between your powers of the states. You are seeing the Executive Branch taking more power away from your Congress by its fiat rule of Executive Orders, and the Cabinet Departments declaring their own rules. Budgets and debt limits are the domain of the Congress, and your people need to protect this separation of powers, or you will be facing a despot dictator and the loss of your Constitutional rights. Many of your rules of law were set up to restrain one Branch from controlling the whole government. You also are seeing your states taking issue with many parts of your Health Care Law that are usurping the powers of the states. If your people do not enforce your separation of powers, then you are inviting chaos and a possible revolution which is why your documents were drafted. Pray for your country because once the one world people gain control, you all will lose your rights as you will be forced into the North American Union. At that point you will need to leave for the protection of My refuges.”


Monday, December 3, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, as you begin the Advent Season, you will soon see the genealogy of My roots from St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother as their family trees went back to Abraham in Matthew and even to Adam in Luke. You are seeing this Star of David to recognize My Jewish roots, and that some even called Me the Son of David. In the Old Testament I told the people of Israel that I would be their God, and they would be My people. Even though the Jews have not always been faithful to Me, I have been faithful to them in protecting My people. This is why those, who fight against Israel, could even be fighting against Me. I will be allowing the Arabs to have their reign for a short time in the Antichrist, but then I will bring My victory in the Battle of Armageddon, and later at the end of the tribulation with My Comet of Chastisement. In the end the evil ones will be cast into hell, but My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you see your parents and friends pass on, you realize more how quickly your life moves along. You understand this more as you get older. You should make the most of your time on earth by reaching out to save souls from hell. You spend a fair portion of your life working for a living, and it is becoming harder to be able to retire early. The more you can work for Me in your life, the more you can accomplish the mission I have for your stay on earth. Some people like to control their lives without letting Me lead them. If you give your will over to My Divine Will, then you will see the purpose why you were put here on this earth, which is to know, love, and serve Me. It is a joy to love Me, and you will be rewarded for allowing Me to lead you. When you strive to live in My Divine Will, then you understand the harmony of life in loving Me and your neighbor as yourself. Keep struggling for the higher places in heaven, and work to save as many souls from hell as you can.”

For Patty Trapp: Jesus said: “My people, Patty thanks you for your prayers and Masses that have enabled her to come to heaven. Even though she was sad to leave her family, she can now help them from heaven with her prayers. The more souls that are praying for you on earth, the easier it is to endure your human condition against the temptations of the devil. Patty wants her family to carry on with their plans to provide a refuge for travelers. You can call on My angels to help provide for the bedding and food that will be needed during this coming tribulation.”


Tuesday, December 4, 2012: (St. John Damascene)
Jesus said: “My people, you were given the word to watch for My coming as you started this Advent Season. Now in the vision you are being given another word of ‘Light’ so you are ready for My Light to remove the darkness of sin. Wherever you have My Presence, I am the Light of the world to show you the way to heaven. When you have power outages, you are faced with a need for light in the darkness of night. It is My coming to earth that will bring My salvation for all souls who accept Me. Even in the description of Isaiah and in Revelation you are seeing a Light that will not cease in My coming Era of Peace. So rejoice as you see the Light of My Star of Bethlehem that led the Magi to find Me in My crib. I give each soul a spiritual light to follow Me in My sacraments. Even in Baptism, you are given a lighted candle from the Easter Candle. Go in My Light and you will find your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are about to crash the world currencies and establish their new currency, backed by gold and silver, called SDRs or Strategic Drawing Rights. This means that most dollar denominated instruments will have little or no value. Gold, silver, and real estate will have value, but things written on paper will diminish to nothing. The one world people have very little wealth in paper because their currency is gold and silver. Two other commodities will have value, and that is food and energy products. Such a crash of these currencies could cause a world depression before a new money system could be established. People could lose their IRA and 401K funds. Welfare and Social Security checks could stop. Those, who have gold, silver, and food will survive. This crash will cause chaos and a possible revolution which will cause My faithful to come to My refuges of protection. Such a financial disruption will enable the one world people and the Antichrist to take over all of the coming continental unions. This is why it is important for My refuge leaders to set up bedding, and store food, water, and fuel for heat. My angels will protect you, and I will multiply your food and fuel.”


Wednesday, December 5, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision I am showing you another large earthquake that will occur most likely along your Western coast. Your most recent earthquakes in this area have been under the ocean floor. These are the kinds of earthquakes that can cause tsunamis if they are large enough. These severe earthquakes can also trigger the major faults on the land as well. Some of your major quakes have been caused by the HAARP machine with microwaves. If the one world people want to create a major disaster, they could do so with a major quake on the Pacific coastline. You have already seen a few disasters coming into the Northeast with Hurricane Sandy and a snow storm. If the one world people could cause these disasters, they certainly could cause major earthquakes as well. Be prepared for more disasters, as they are looking for excuses to cause a martial law takeover. If such a martial law results, then My faithful will need to come to the protection of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is your first week of Advent, and you should be focused on preparing your soul for My feast day on Christmas. This is a time for prayer, fasting, and attending Mass and Communion. For sinners it is also a time to confess your sins to the priest in the confessional of the vision. Non-Catholics can pray to Me as repentant sinners. I am always ready to forgive your sins and welcome you back into My good graces. You need to take the forward step to come to Me as a humble sinner, and ask for My mercy. Do not put off Confession or repenting, but make a point to reconcile your sins with Me, and plan to visit Me in the sacrament of Penance. Those, who repent, will be rewarded with pure souls who are worthy of coming before Me at My crib. Pray for your soul and the souls of your family. Pray also for all poor sinners, and the souls in purgatory.”


Thursday, December 6, 2012: (St. Nicholas)
Jesus said: “My people, there is a lot of joy and happiness with My feast of Christmas as people are merry and exchanging gifts. Many people like to party and have a good time. In the same way people love Me for curing people and having mercy on them in many ways. The hard part is dealing with My justice when people have to make an accounting for their actions. Once they hear the requirement of obeying My Commandments to get into heaven, some people reject Me because they desire the pleasures of their sexual sins. Fasting, praying, and repenting of one’s sins, requires pain for the bodily desires, and it is not easy to struggle for spiritual perfection. People like the enjoyable part of what I bring into their lives, but they have difficulty with pain, suffering, and being tested in life with trials. It is My grace and sacraments that I offer to everyone that can help them get through their trials. You may not see your reward in this valley of tears, but I promise an eternity of being with Me in heaven for those who are faithful to Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in the last days of this year both of your leaders and both parties are not yet serious about making any compromises for the coming increase in taxes. Your President will get more revenue to spend if no action is taken, and he will blame the other party for any possible recession. This battle over taxes and budgets is all about power which is why your President wants to get rid of any spending limits. The President may get more taxes, but his spending could be cut to fit the National Debt Limit. The possibility of a recession is less important than exorcizing power for your President. When a compromise cannot be found, both parties will share the blame.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is commendable that various small groups of people are collecting food, clothing, and money for the victims of these storms. Some insurance money is helping, but major infrastructure repair will require substantial Federal aid that is usually slow in coming. Keep praying for these victims and helping them where you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a dangerous end game to try and remove the leader of Syria. The rebels, who are supported by the Moslem Brotherhood, are being threatened with the possible use of chemical weapons that could kill more people. The one world people are using the Moslem Brotherhood to take over most of the Arab states so they can force oil prices to rise. They have been slowed down in removing several dictators, but their takeover continues. The North Korean missile launch is defying a UN rule, but they could gain knowledge for intercontinental ballistic missile launches. Both of these issues are trying problems for those who want peace. Keep praying for peace without any war in the Middle East.”

Jesus said: “My people, in Israel they are about to celebrate another Christmas Season at My place of birth in Bethlehem. You are still seeing a tense situation between Hamas and Israel over a strained peace. Here again neither side wants to compromise in a struggle for land ownership. This area also needs prayers to stop any more missile attacks.”

Jesus said: “My people, many departments, as the Defense Department, are being warned to have plans in place in case there is no compromise made on taxes. If these cuts are made, you could see thousands of people lose their jobs in Defense contracts. The job losses and possible shutdown from the Debt Limit could cause dramatic problems for your fragile economy. Pray that some compromises could ease these burdens.”

Jesus said: “My people, this new Health Care Law threatens to cost your people more billions of dollars, and even the possibility of forcing the mark of the beast on your citizens. If mandatory chips in the body are forced on your people, My faithful will need to come to My refuges instead of taking a chip in the body. Such chips could control your free will with voices, and you should not accept any chip in the body, even if they threaten to kill you. This law is against your Constitution in many respects, and if people do not fight it, then your government is lost. Pray that people do not take chips in the body, or they will be turned into robots to do the bidding of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country has the Immaculate Conception as your National Church, and My Blessed Mother is protecting you with her mantle of love. You need to pray your rosaries more than ever for your country’s survival that is being challenged by your central bankers. Many of you are preparing refuges at her shrines for the
time when the persecution of Christians will get worse. All of heaven will be helping My faithful, even when the powers of evil will have their reign. Yes, the persecution will get worse in the tribulation before I will bring My victory. Be patient for this trial, and then you will see your reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”


Friday, December 7, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, your friends have been blessed to acquire this new property so they can expand on the original refuge. The land needs to be consecrated by a priest and even an exorcism prayer is needed for any problems with previous owners. You may want to place blessed salt and blessed medals at the corners of this property. This land will provide more room for any pilgrims who come to this refuge for protection. I will place angels of My protection on this property and Juliet’s house. When the tribulation comes, My angels will help provide bedding, food, and water for those who come here. Trust in Me and the protection of My angels. You will have perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament here so you will always share in My Real Presence.”


Saturday, December 8, 2012: (Immaculate Conception of Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are celebrating my Immaculate Conception that was expressed by Bernadette Soubirous at Lourdes, France in a heavenly revelation. I am showing you my holy rosary which is your daily prayer in all fifteen decades. In the vision you see a heart shaped rosary which honors my Immaculate Heart and my Son’s Sacred Heart. Our two hearts of love represent my living in the Divine Will of following my Son in all of His requests. I am showing you how to pray your rosary slowly and humbly for my prayer intentions. Pray for all sinners, for the souls in purgatory, for peace in the world, and for the stoppage of abortion in the world. My children are weak in their spiritual lives, and I need my prayer warriors to give good example to their families and friends in how to pray and give honor and worship to my Son, especially in Adoration of His Most Blessed Sacrament. I bring you to my Son always, and I thank all of my children for your prayers and coming together at your prayer meetings as at the Gospa Prayer House. The faithful souls are a beacon of light to help spread my Son’s message of love to all the world. In this Advent Season I want you to stay close to us in your prayers, Masses, and devotions to the saints.”


Sunday, December 9, 2012: (Second Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are witnessing the words of St. John the Baptist as he proclaimed: ‘Prepare ye the way of the Lord.’ St. John was a voice in the desert who called the people to repent of their sins, and he baptized them with water by immersion in the Jordan River. Even in your Advent Season, all of My people are called to prayer, fasting, and repentance of your sins as well. You can cleanse your sins in Confession and you will have pure souls to present to Me at My crib. Many of you can remember your sins enough to confess them to the priest. Now is the time for salvation, and now is the time for My faithful to come and confess your sins. Do not put off Confession out of pride or making excuses. You are all sinners, and you are all in need of repentance. Cling to Me in receiving Holy Communion, but you need to be worthy in your souls and free of mortal sin to receive Me. Listen to St. John the Baptist when he says to repent in order to prepare the way for My coming.”


Monday, December 10, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, every time you commit your sins, I am still suffering on My cross for how you are offending Me. I have given you My sacrament of Penance, and I wait for all sinners to repent of their sins. For those, who are Catholic, you can come to Me in the priest of Confession where you will be absolved of your sins. I am a merciful God, and just as the father of the Prodigal Son welcomed his son back, so I welcome all sinners back so their sins will be cleansed, and I will restore sanctifying grace upon their souls. I love all of My people so much, and I want to see you with pure souls by frequent Confession. Your Advent Season is a time of prayer and preparation for My feast of Christmas. I ask My people to seek to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. Pray and evangelize souls so more souls can be saved from hell. I bring My Word of My Gospel of love to everyone as I desire true peace on earth for all of mankind. The mission of My faithful is to convert as many souls to faith in Me as you can. Rejoice and receive My Good News.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President keeps repeating how his election gave him a mandate to continue his previous policies. Even though there are many evidences of fraud in the voting, he will begin to lead your country on the road to socialism with more government control over your people. You will see him use more Executive Orders to get his way, even when his opposition is trying to block him. His abuse of power will become more obvious with each action that will defy your Constitutional rules. I have warned your people that if there is no conformance to your Constitution, then you will eventually lose all of your rights. He is leading your country into the North American Union as power will soon be given over to the Antichrist. When you see this dictatorial rule manifest itself, I will be warning My faithful to be prepared to leave for the protection of My refuges. Martial law or mandatory chips in the body will soon threaten the lives of all Christians and patriots. Do not take up weapons to fight this evil, but let My angels protect you so you do not have to kill anyone. Trust in My warning you when it is time to leave for My refuges. The elite and the Antichrist will have a short reign before I will come in victory over all the evil ones. My faithful will then see their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”


Tuesday, December 11, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, there is a double meaning in this scene of a wheat field. Wheat can be made into bread or cereals for food. You also remember how I multiplied the loaves of bread and the fish to feed the 5,000 and the 4,000. This bread can also be seen as the manna or consecrated Bread of Holy Communion. I have told you how I am the ‘Bread of Life’ and I give My Real Presence to you in My consecrated Hosts. In this year’s harvest, you have seen some shortages in your grain production because of the severe droughts. It is hard to provide food for the world when droughts are causing a cutback on the available food for everyone. When My faithful come to My refuges, they will not only be protected from the evil ones, but I will multiply the daily Communion and any food that you have. Trust in Me to provide for your needs at My refuges, and I will be with you always in My Real Presence.”


Wednesday, December 12, 2012: (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, this miracle was performed for the bishop, and it is my image on Juan Diego’s cloak. This is also a miracle for all the Americas as I appeared as a native American pregnant with my Son, Jesus. This image has also been a sign for Right to Life groups because originally it stopped the killing of Indian babies as sacrifices to their gods. Unfortunately, in many places there are people having abortions, only these babies are offered up to the gods of money, convenience, and shame in affairs of fornication. Your people, today, are no better than the Indians of old who made human sacrifices to their gods. I keep calling on mothers and people to pray for the stoppage of abortion. If the people do not stop killing their babies, then my Son’s hand may force you to stop in a way that will punish you severely. Encourage women to stop their abortions by prayer and counseling at abortion clinics.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing a contrast between a live baby and a dead baby. Abortion is a choice for death, and very few even treat the dead aborted baby with respect enough for a grave. Most aborted babies are treated as human garbage, or people use them to make facial creams or for vaccines. Allowing a baby to be born is a choice for life, and you know how much I love My little ones. Killing My little ones is the worst abuse that you could do to your own children. You originally had laws not to allow abortion, but today’s culture of death and money are stronger than considering the preciousness of a life at any stage of development. Infanticide and near term abortions are the most ruthless of your killings. The evil of these abortions is causing the wrath of My judgment against America. This is why you are seeing many disasters to atone for this evil, and these things are signs to stop your sinful lifestyles. Keep praying to stop these abortions, and encourage these mothers to have their children, even if they have to give them up for adoption. Once you see your baby, how would anyone want to kill him or her?”

Jesus said: “My people, I asked you awhile ago to practice using your tent to sleep overnight outside, and you did so in the summer time. You learned that you would need ear plugs for noise and to use a cushion under your sleeping blanket to help your back. It would be good practice to try this again in the winter time. For winter you need to see how you can assemble your tent with your bare hands in the cold. You will need to dress in a heavy coat, hat, gloves, and boots. You need to have a hanging light source that you could windup and last for at least 15 minutes. You may need a warm blanket to line your tent for all the people to be able to sit on. You may have to invest in ten sterno cans with matches to keep you warm to some extent. Storing water below freezing may be another challenge. Try eating some of your MRE food pouches with maybe putting them over your sterno fire. By living overnight in your tent, you can be ready for summer or winter on the way to your place of refuge. You can also see if there are more things that you will need to buy so you can survive the cold. If you have two or more people in your tent, you can take turns keeping a small fire going so you all can stay warm in your sleeping blankets. Being able to rough it in the wilderness will be good practice for living at a refuge. Food, water, and fuel will be needed for the body. Rosaries, Bibles, and Liturgy of the Hours, Pieta prayer books, blessed sacramentals, and blessed salt would be good for spiritual protection.”


Thursday, December 13, 2012: (St. Lucy)
Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the feast of St. Lucy, and she is patroness of those who have eye problems. The eyes are the window to the soul, and you need light to see your way. When My Light falls on you, you can no longer hide your sins in the darkness. In My Light all of your bad deeds are made known, and you will have to face My judgment of even those things that were done in secret. Many thefts and even killings are done in the darkness of night, but My Light will expose all evil deeds of the evildoers. You may see injustices going on that seem to go unpunished, but there will be a judgment day for everyone where their evil deeds will face My punishment either in purgatory or in hell. You may be suffering from evil masters now, but they will suffer as well at their judgment. Do not judge people, but be loving of all people as you follow My example. I am the Light in the darkness of sin in the world, and I will bring constant light to you in My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this cross in front of America’s flag represents how I am protecting your nation with St. Michael the Archangel’s help. There are many trials going on in your country from disasters to challenges of your religious freedoms. It is difficult for My faithful to endure the various movements against marriage in homosexual marriages, and some who want marijuana legalized. Your financial problems of continual major deficits are being debated, but very little is being done to correct the problems. Pray for your country for its finances and the stoppage of abortion.”

Jesus said: “My people, Medicare and Social Security are growing in spending because more elderly people are entering these programs with fewer paying into the taxes. Instead of making mild attempts to slow down these costs, there is too much inactivity because both sides are not making any true compromises. Without any restraints, these programs may run out of money and outspend other parts of your budget. If the deficit spending continues, your banking that supports your Treasury Notes may fail, causing a bankruptcy. Pray that real compromises can be made to balance your budget.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Federal Reserve is adding billions of dollars to your economy by buying up mortgage derivatives. This Quantitative Easing is not healing your economy because the banks are not spending this money into circulation. Instead the bankers are buying up mortgages and holding interest rates at artificially low levels. The one world people are trying to force people into the stock market so they can steal their money with another crash like in 2008.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for sharing your gifts with the poor and your friends and relatives. Even as you are buying gifts and sending out Christmas cards, you need to make some spiritual giving by praying for each other. You can prepare spiritually as in Lent by attending daily Mass and coming to Confession. You could add some fasting to help souls who need to change from any addictions to drink or drugs.”

Jesus said: “My people, many families come together for Christmas, even if it means traveling some distance to see each other. Christmas is a joyous time to put aside any family differences so you can have a peaceful get together. Love should be in your family to overlook anyone’s short comings. My love goes out to everyone so you can have peace all over the world without constant wars. Open up your hearts to share your love with Me and each other.”

Jesus said: “My people, sharing gifts with the poor gives you a good feeling of helping someone in a season of gift giving. Even if the poor cannot give you gifts back, they are thankful for your charity to them. You have shared with Hurricane Sandy victims, now you are helping the poor with gifts and food. All of your efforts to help the poor will bring treasure for you in heaven. Pray for the poor as well in helping them spiritually and physically.”

Jesus said: “My people, My adorers always have a special place for Me in their hearts not only at Christmas, but every time that they come to Me to make a visit. Even as you place the infant statue in your Nativity scenes, remember Me more in My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. I have asked My faithful to even place a small Nativity scene among their statues in their prayer rooms so they can have My infancy with them all year long. The shepherds came to honor Me and the Magi came from a great distance to honor Me with kingly gifts. So My faithful have a chance to give Me their hearts in front of My tabernacles or My Host in the monstrance.”


Friday, December 14, 2012: (St. John the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, it is appropriate that you have the feast day of St. John of the Cross on a Friday when I died on the cross. He was a holy man, and he gave a directive for testing people who have visions or locutions. The source of the messages comes from either the devil, mental illness, or from God. I know that My son prays for protection before receiving My messages, and he has My angels watching over him to protect him from any evil influence. In the quiet of his meditation, I give My son the vision and the message of what is important for the day. There are also three ways of testing the spirit of what is being received. If the messages are true, they will be in conformance with Scripture and My Church, and they will bear good fruit. You truly have seen conversions for those who have read these messages. I am thankful that My son has been faithful to Me and to the mission that I have given him. I ask many people to share My messages with the people, but few give Me their yes, and some are not persistent in following My ways. I ask My son to remain true to his mission, and to remain close to Me in his daily spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you were horrified to hear of twenty children and eight adults who were killed in a school in Connecticut. Many are sharing the pain of the parents who lost their children, and you need to pray for those who are mourning their loss. This scene of frequent killings is very disturbing to Americans. Some are advocating more stricter gun laws, but the criminals or perpetrators of these killings will always find a way to get guns on the black market, or they will steal them. Trying to determine why people commit such horrible crimes is very difficult to understand, and it could be psychologically unstable people who are doing it. Unless people are making threats to kill someone, it is hard to restrain them. Parents and school officials need to be alert when their children have dramatic changes in their mental thinking. One unusual common thread in many of these gunmen is that they commit suicide after their killings. It does not make sense why anyone would want to kill so many children unless they were mentally unstable. Pray that these kinds of deeds will stop, or there may be more restrictions on your freedoms.”


Saturday, December 15, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I spoke of one like Elijah in St. John the Baptist who would come to announce My coming. Elijah had many beautiful accounts of how he fought the prophets of Baal, and the miracles of calling down fire from heaven that I allowed. I want to focus on how he multiplied the flour and oil for a year of famine for the widow and her son. I also multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 and the 4,000. I am recounting these miracles because I am going to repeat this multiplication of food for My faithful at My refuges during the tribulation. There will be some martyrs for the faith as I suffered, but My angels will be protecting My faithful from the evil ones who want to kill them. You have seen how Satan is trying to kill many people in using abortion, euthanasia, wars, viruses, and now unstable people in apparent suicide missions. Be grateful that I will be protecting you and feeding you in these end times of the Antichrist’s reign.”

Jesus said: “My people, life is very delicate, and it can be snuffed out as breaking this thin thread. Your bodies are mortal and it does not take much to kill the body when the heart stops pumping blood. This is brought home to you more in light of these latest killings by a deranged killer. You are seeing the pictures of the beautiful children that were killed, and you wonder how mental illness can move someone to commit such horrific killings. It is difficult to hear the parents in telling the beauty of their little ones. Even though there is a fine line between life and death, this life is not the end, but it is a place of training for heaven. You are put here to know, love, and serve Me, but not everyone wants to accept Me in faith. I do not force My love on anyone because I want you to love Me of your own free will. This is how you are made in My image, in that you choose by free will to do what you desire. By having a gift of faith you can give your free will over to My Divine Will to follow My Commandments, and to carry out the mission that I have for you. So remember every day to give Me praise in your prayers as you work your way closer to heaven.”


Sunday, December 16, 2012: (Gaudete Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, after witnessing so many children killed recently, you have more appreciation for the little children and the joy that they bring to the parents. Your hearts are heavy because it takes time to heal this shock and horror. My people, if you truly love your children, then you should fight harder to stop the killing of children in the womb by abortion. You have a death culture in your society that favors abortion at one end, and euthanasia at the other end. All life is precious, and these lives should be protected at all stages of life. You should not have boards deciding who lives and who dies as is planned in your Health Care Law. Mothers should have their children instead of killing them. If your society continues its death mentality, then no wonder you are seeing more of these recent tragedies. Love life and protect it.”


Monday, December 17, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you know that it was a miracle by the Holy Spirit that I was incarnated as a man in the womb of My Blessed Mother. St. Matthew in his Gospel shows you all the generations by name from Abraham down to St. Joseph. My Blessed Mother also was descended from King David. In the Gospels people have referred to Me as the Son of David. When the Romans decreed that everyone had to register according to their lineage, this is why My parents had to come to Bethlehem where the family of David resided. Some people knew that I was born in Bethlehem, even though I lived in Nazareth. In Luke’s account of this genealogy, he starts with My foster father, St. Joseph, and he lists all the generations going back to Adam. This is why I came onto the earth to redeem mankind from Adam’s original sin. Now, My people can be baptized from original sin because I paid the price of redemption with My death on the cross. Every church year starts with Advent and My birth, and it goes through My life, death, and Resurrection. All of these Scriptures are written to remind you of My glorious gift of My life, so all of you would be given an opportunity to come to heaven by My sacraments. Be grateful that you have a loving God to save you from your sins.”

(John Stellman memorial Mass) Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to lose a loved one under any condition, especially at a young age. It is a hard life in the military, and it can affect people in many ways. John is in purgatory and he needs another Mass to be released. He has suffered on earth in ways many do not understand. It is by the family’s prayers and Masses that he will be allowed into heaven. He is still adjusting to his body’s separation from his soul. He misses his family, and he loves all of you. Keep praying for his soul.”


Tuesday, December 18, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel My Blessed Mother’s pregnancy was a problem for St. Joseph until the angel made him aware that the Holy Spirit was her spouse. Then St. Joseph took My Blessed Mother into his home, even though he would have to live with being only My foster father. Today, there are many women with pregnancies that are not married, or from affairs. These pregnancies are more in danger of being aborted. Even though these births would cause difficulties and embarrassments, they still are human lives that should have a right to life. Your people should not think that all pregnancies can be disposed of for any reason. It is your death culture that is allowing these killings of children. Think of the young children that were just killed in Connecticut, and how much grief is felt for their loss. Yet there is little if any grief when mothers are allowed to kill their children in the womb by abortion. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion, and for people to appreciate the preciousness of life at all of its stages.”

Jesus said: “My people, you heard someone on TV suspecting that the HAARP machine in Alaska was causing bad storms and severe earthquakes. This is just another confirmation of My messages and the research that I had you look into to show people that there really is data to show the HAARP machine was behind Hurricane Sandy and the Japanese earthquake. Many do not want to believe what you are telling them, but when you show them the data, they are convinced that it is real. This is a well kept secret by the media, and even those who are operating this set of microwave antennae. You also talked to a man who worked with this machine, and he told you how with various mind wave frequencies of the brain that they could make someone laugh or cry. Mind control is another facet of its capabilities. This HAARP machine is a weapon that the one world people can use to cause earthquakes or storms that could kill people and cause great damage. New York and New Jersey are asking your government for $90 billion to repair their damaged infrastructures. Be aware of many disasters that could be caused by this machine as you have seen in your recent droughts.”


Wednesday, December 19, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, most people know the normal course of giving birth, but you had two special means of birth that were carried out according to My plan. My birth occurred through the intercession of the Holy Spirit that did not require relations with St. Joseph. The birth of St. John the Baptist occurred miraculously, even though both parents were advanced in years passed normal childbearing years. Both of these births were foretold by the angel Gabriel where one was believed in faith, while the other was questioned. It is a miracle every time a baby is born, even in the normal course of relations. That is why you should be overjoyed to bring new life into the world instead of even thinking of killing the unborn. Once you see a baby that is so innocent, how could you think of killing such a little one? It is your death mentality and little regard for life that has created your death culture. If your society treated life as precious in all of your activities, games, and movies, then you would not even think of killing anyone. Yet, Satan has crept into all of your activities to encourage death and insensitivity to killing people. My people need to be more loving and accepting of new life as a true miracle that it is.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of aborted babies is very similar to the carnage that was seen by the police when they entered the school in Newtown, Connecticut. Many are in deep sorrow because of this event, and you are seeing the funeral services. Where are the funeral services for all the babies that have been aborted? Just as you could imagine this gunmen shooting these defenseless children, so you can see a doctor killing a defenseless baby in the womb. The result is the same, that more children are being murdered. The irony is how the killing in the womb is allowed by your country’s laws, but other killings are against the law. Some people were saying that these mass killings occur every few weeks, but they are not in the press. Abortions are occurring almost daily and millions of babies are killed every year. Pray for the stoppage of abortion and these mass killings.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages about how the one world people, through your military, have used the HAARP machine to cause earthquakes and bad weather. The HAARP machine is a billion watt microwave machine in Alaska that is controlled by your military as a secret weapon. There are signs when people monitor the power surges from this machine when it is turned on. When you see stripped cloud formations and colors in the sky like an aurora borealis, then you could see major earthquakes after this. When you had earthquakes in China, Haiti, Chile, and Japan, people have reported these cloud formations and colors right before the earthquakes happened. Be alert to those who monitor this machine’s activity, because they could signal the next major earthquake or some severe storm. The one world people are using these events to kill people, and cause fear and chaos for their takeover. Pray for My protection from these evil ones who are using science to serve their evil purposes.”


Thursday, December 20, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I am reaching out to each soul so you can accept Me as your God, and so you can make a personal commitment to Me out of love. If you are to be My disciple, you should follow My Commandments, give worship to Me at least on Sundays, and keep Me in your daily prayers. When you awake, make your morning offering to Me, and consecrate everything that you will do each day to My greater glory. By thinking of Me in love every day, then I will know that you are truly a faithful soul. When you love Me, you must also love your neighbor as yourself. You can show this love of neighbor in donations to the poor, and whatever acts of charity that you could perform for people. Be also willing to share your faith in helping to evangelize souls, and be a good example in your behavior. By practicing what you preach, then you will not be seen as a hypocrite. All souls, who are faithful to Me, will see their eternal reward with Me in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many stories of St. Nicholas who gave gifts to the poor children. There are also many young and old children who expect gifts from their parents on Christmas eve or on Christmas day. It is a very loving gesture to share gifts with the children and the adults. There are names on the gifts, so everyone should thank those who thought enough to give them a gift. Among the family you may expect a gift in return. It is your gifts to the poor that are more rewarding because you do not expect anything in return. Think of the many children who may not have any gifts for Christmas. Pray for the poor and share what you can with them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can remember in the Nativity readings how the Magi brought Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh worthy of their king. You remember how My angels sang heavenly songs to celebrate My birth. Every Christmas you think about giving gifts, but My birth is My greatest gift to all of mankind because I was incarnated as a man so I could later die for your sins on the cross. Be grateful for My plan of salvation for all souls to have an opportunity to come to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, everyone is given a mission to use their talents to make a living for themselves and their families. I was the son of a carpenter in St. Joseph, and he taught Me his trade, and My Blessed Mother taught Me the Old Testament as well. All parents have this responsibility to give their children an education that they could use to make a living. Parents are also responsible for the souls of their children, and they need to see that the children are taught the faith so they can come to know, love, and serve Me. Children need a daily prayer life to know their Savior and worship their God.”

Jesus said: “My people, while your children are growing up, you provide for their bodily needs in food, clothing, and bedding. You also provide them with money and an education at a college where they can learn a business or a trade. Remember also to provide them with some education in the faith so they have a balanced education in the secular and spiritual worlds. An upbringing in the faith is to offer your children the same opportunity that you had in learning to love Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you can remember the various schools where you were taught in grammar school, high school, and college for some. You can remember how vulnerable you were as you were taught your subjects. This scene at a school is fresh in your mind when you learned of some killings in a Connecticut school. Pray for all children that they will be protected as much as possible from any future incidents. Your children are a part of your life, and you do not want to see your children or any children subjected to this terror.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a great need for help in restoring the damaged areas from your recent hurricane. Let your political leaders have compassion on these victims in apportioning enough money to help them repair their damaged infrastructures. If you cannot help your own people in need, then how are these victims going to get back on their feet with jobs and homes? Pray for them and help them financially.”

Jesus said: “My people, these holy days are an excellent time for families to get together and share each other’s company. Remember to give thanks to Me at your family dinner. You come together to share your love, but think to share your love with Me in your prayers and Masses. This is a time of peace and joy that I would like the whole world to share with each other. Put aside your fighting and rivalries for a few days to celebrate My birth at Christmas. I want all peoples to live in harmony, even as you could imitate the harmony of love that I put into all of My creation.”


Friday, December 21, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to celebrate My birth as many of you come together for a Christmas dinner. You also will be sharing gifts with each other as a gesture of thanks for your friendship. This would be a good time to mend any broken relationships in the family. Life is too short to hold grudges over trivial disagreements. Call each other to break the ice on these situations so you can restore any family ties. Even if you have to apologize for any of your mistakes, it is better to show love from your side, and to try to make amends. Pray for all of your friends and relatives for good health, and show your love in your heart for them.”


Saturday, December 22, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all preparing for My coming at Christmas in My crib at Bethlehem. I tell you that you see Me when I come to you at every Mass when the priest consecrates the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. When you receive Me in Holy Communion worthily, I come into your heart and soul in My Eucharist. You have My Real Presence every time that you receive Me in My Blessed Sacrament. You confess your sins in Confession to a priest so your soul is pure and worthy to take Me in Holy Communion. There are some Catholics who do not come often to Confession, and even some who receive Holy Communion in mortal sin which is a sin of sacrilege. If you are in mortal sin, you need to confess your sins before you can receive My Eucharist. As you prepare yourself for Christmas, you could prepare your soul with a good Confession. Then your soul will also be pure and glorious to greet Me at My crib.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen North Korea launch a successful three stage rocket to try and place a satellite into space. This is crucial technology for launching intercontinental ballistic missiles at any country. This vision shows another missile on re-entry that is aimed at America to explode an EMP warhead that could disable all the chips in the Western part of the United States. America does have some missiles to try and intercept such an attack, but they are not guaranteed to work in every case. Such an attack could precipitate an all out attack on North Korea with similar atomic weapons, as this act would be a condition for war. Such an isolated attack could cause other countries as China and Russia to come to the aid of North Korea. Pray that such an attack on America does not happen, and that peace will prevail.”


Sunday, December 23, 2012: (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, many people have visited the Church of the Nativity where I was born in a cave which was used as a stable for animals. This was a humble place for your King to be born, but I was not coming to be a king of physical armies. Many Jews thought that the Messiah would overcome the Romans, but I came to show people the way to heaven through love and not war. This Christmas celebration is a beautiful time to pray for peace all over the world, but not the false peace of the Antichrist. I call all the people to hold this day as a day of peace where everyone should be loving each other without hate.”


Monday, December 24, 2012: (Christmas Vigil)
Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to travel long distances on a donkey, especially when My Blessed Mother was about to give birth to Me. After a long, hard trip, it was even more of an insult that no one would allow us room at any of the inns. Instead, I was born in a stable and I was laid in a manger. In a spiritual way I am still being rejected by people who do not allow Me into their hearts and souls. I knock on the door to souls, but they need to let Me in from the inside. I call on people to love Me and love their neighbor so there can be harmony on the earth. As you wish everyone a Merry Christmas, invite them to know and love Me in faith. Even as the angels sing My praises, so My faithful can worship Me as well.”


Tuesday, December 25, 2012: (Christmas Day, Sol West’s Mass)
Sol said: “I am so happy to be celebrating Christmas with Jesus and the angels in heaven. I am sorry that I had to leave my loving wife, Judy, behind, but I am now able to pray for her mission on earth. I love you so much, Judy, and I am ever thankful for all of your dedicated care for my health in my last days. I am thankful for all of those who cared for me, and I love all of My family. I thank all of those people who prayed for me, and who had Masses said that have enabled me to reach heaven. I will be praying for everyone in their daily trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, peace be with you on this calm, silent Christmas Day. My angels in the vision are singing and trumpeting My glory in commemoration of My coming to earth in the flesh as a man. Rejoice in My gift of salvation that I loved all of you so much that I would die for all of your sins. The other beautiful thing in nature is that from now on, the day will get longer past the winter solstice. This increase in light is another sign of My Light that conquers the darkness. Come and offer your prayers and good deeds to Me at My crib as your gift in thanksgiving for all that I do for you.”


Wednesday, December 26, 2012: (St. Stephen)
Jesus said: “My people, you have just shared gifts on Christmas, and now you are seeing the celebration of a martyr’s feast of St. Stephen. This vision of a cliff and a river shows the danger of martyrdom for the faith, but a chance for salvation in being baptized in the water. In the early days of Christianity it was a risk to be a Christian because the Romans were killing them. Even some Jews, as Saul, were seeking out Christians to kill them. Many today are not in danger of martyrdom for the faith, but a time is coming soon when Christians will be hiding for their lives again. Once you see mandatory chips in the body, martial law, or a pandemic virus, then My faithful will need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges of protection. Trust in My Word to lead you to safety in the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.”


Thursday, December 27, 2012: (John K. funeral)
Jesus said: “My people, your deacon gave a sense that there was a need for healing relationships in this family. It is also good to have a good relationship with Me as well. Life is too short to let any disagreements cause any hard feelings among family members. It is better to forgive any problems and move on in love with the rest of your lives. I have asked everyone to love one another, even when it is difficult to love someone, or your enemies. Families need to help each other, and not make excuses to keep away from each other. Break the ice of any conflicts and make an attempt to heal any rifts. By taking the initiative to show love on your part, other parties may be willing to make amends as well. You do not want to go to your death with any sins of not forgiving someone on your soul, or you may have to spend some time in purgatory. Love one another as I love all of you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are so taken up with your earthly problems that you have forgotten that I am the answer to all of your problems. I have told you to ask and you shall receive, to seek and you will find, but if you do not put faith in Me, then how can I help you? Prayer and worshiping Me is the answer to your problems, but you have taken prayer out of the schools and My Ten Commandments out of your buildings. You give worship to the devil in supporting the death culture of abortion, euthanasia, wars, vaccines, and distorted nature in GMO crops. You need to worship your Creator who has made you with a soul in My image.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a contrast between worshiping Me or worshiping the gods of money, sports, fame, and status. When you worship Me, this is on a higher spiritual plane. When you worship earthly things, this is on a secular plane. You are a spiritual being in an earthly body, and your soul craves to be with its Creator. Keep your focus on doing everything for My greater glory, instead of satisfying your own ego. You were put on this earth to know, love, and serve Me so you can be happy with Me forever in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I call all repentant sinners to come to Me in conversion and to Confession so you can cleanse the sins from your soul with the sacrament of Penance. I treasure all sinners who repent and change their evil lifestyles. When your sins are cleansed, you are radiant with My grace and a joy to see. Unfortunately, I have to see many ugly souls in sin who refuse to repent of their sins. For this reason I will be bringing My Warning experience to wake up souls to show them how sinful they are, and to see how much their sins offend Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I told the people that if their eye is causing their sin, then they need to pluck it out so that they do not go to Gehenna with both eyes. I was exaggerating the extent to which My people should go to remove the occasions of sin in their lives. At times people are looking at pornography or other occasions of sin with their eyes. You need to control your eyes so you do not dwell on impure thoughts of the opposite sex. Control your thoughts and do not let evil temptations lead you into sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the days of a gold rush in the West, and oil discoveries in Texas and offshore drilling. Your latest fracking technology is unleashing a new oil rush that is bringing new wealth to more people who have a greed for wealth in any form. Many people are getting rich, but sometimes at the expense of poisoning the water wells that people depend on for their drinking water. Pray that there will be some safety precautions for these workers to store their poisonous water in safe ponds that do not leach into water aquifers.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many attacks by certain people that the rich are not paying their fair share. There is a strong socialist element in your society that wants class warfare struggles. The truth is that the rich do receive different treatment because they are able to hide their wealth in offshore accounts. Their incomes are increasing at a faster rate than the average workers whose jobs are being exported overseas by the leaders of your corporations. A fair tax on all of the rich people’s wealth without so many tax loopholes would be ideal. Discovering such foreign wealth would bring in a lot more in taxes. The government also needs to control its overspending so deficits could be eliminated.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as each soul has to make an accounting of his or her sins, so every nation has to make an accounting of its collective sins and evil laws. You are about to celebrate the feast of the Holy Innocents where Herod sent out a decree to kill all the young babies around Bethlehem because he wanted to kill Me as a threat to his kingship. I escaped into Egypt, but the innocent babies were slaughtered by Herod’s men. In America you also sent out a decree in the Rowe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision that has allowed abortion on demand. Now you have a perpetual killing of millions of babies in the womb every year. These are your new Holy Innocents where very few people are struggling to save your country from legalizing all of these murders. Because of these killings, America will taste My wrath in many disasters as well as a punishment in the takeover of your country.”


Friday, December 28, 2012: (Holy Innocents)
Jesus said: “My people, every time you see depictions of Me as an innocent baby, it reminds you of how many babies and young children were killed by Herod in an attempt to kill Me as a new king. Herod did not realize that I was not a threat to his kingship, but he was ruthless in these killings to keep his position as king. There are many more ruthless killers in your society that include your abortion doctors who kill even for money. You have seen mentally unstable people killing children, and even your local incident where a killer killed firemen as they came to put out a fire that he purposely started. There is even more irony in that your Senator gave a grant for money to keep jobs for a factory that makes assault rifles for police and the military. The criminals and mental killers find ways to steal guns or buy them on the black market. Gun laws affect only law abiding citizens and not the killers. There is a plan by the one world people to take all the guns from your people for their takeover, and they are using these gun incidents as an excuse. Do not fear these evil ones because My angels will protect you at My refuges.”


Saturday, December 29, 2012: (Presentation of Jesus, St. Thomas)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you see My Presentation in the Temple according to the Jewish rite for male infants. After My death on the cross, My faithful can now be baptized into the faith when they are infants. You saw Simeon giving thanks that he had lived to see My day and he said: ‘Now you can dismiss your servant.’ He also gave a prophecy to My Blessed Mother of My death that a sword would pierce her heart. In the vision of a priest ready for Confession, you are seeing how I bring My Light into the world’s darkness by the forgiveness of sins in your souls. When you come to the priest in Confession, your sins are forgiven, and you have grace restored to your soul. Once you are absolved of your sins, you have My Light in your life to defend you from the temptations of the devil. Rejoice that I have brought My saving Light into your world of sin and darkness.”

Jesus said: “My people, this year you have suffered dramatically from your tornadoes, Hurricane Isaac and Hurricane Sandy, and now from some severe snow storms. You have seen news reports of $11 billion dollars in damage and some deaths as well. These events are truly trials, but these disasters are also a punishment for America’s abortions and sexual sins. The one world people have the HAARP machine at their disposal to cause many of these disasters. This microwave machine can change the jet streams to direct storms to any place that the one world people desire. The intent of these disasters is to cause a disruption in your infrastructure to weaken your country financially. Eventually, your wars and overspending will cause a bankruptcy in your government which will allow martial law to take over your country. I will provide places at My refuges for My faithful when you may see chaos and revolution. This is when the evil ones will do away with your dollar as a currency.”


Sunday, December 30, 2012: (Holy Family Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, the family is your core unit on which your society is built. A loving family environment is the best place to bring your children up with a mother and father image to grow. It is unfortunate that you have so many broken homes in divorce and couples living together without marriage. This is why you are also seeing problem children that are not loved, or they are torn between divorced parents. Some mental problems come from broken homes. Families and couples, who have been married for many years, are a model and examples for the rest of your society. Loving parents and respectful children are needed for harmony in a household. Imitate the Holy Family in your lives, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”


Monday, December 31, 2012: (Vigil of Solemnity of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the fires of hell does not look like any place that a soul would choose, but it is a place of eternal punishment. Hell is for the souls who are evil and have rejected My love. You have seen people who kill others, and some even worship Satan. Some make pacts with the devil, some bring people into hell by coercion, and some are lukewarm without even thinking of Me. These are the kinds of souls who come to hell without anyone praying for them. Hell is a place of constant punishment by fire, tormenting by the devils, full of hate, and these souls will never see My face again. Everyone is given an opportunity to accept and love Me. If you desire to come to heaven, you need to die to self, and follow My Will and not your own. I am love, and only those who love Me and their neighbor will be allowed into heaven. Pray for poor sinners that their souls could be saved from hell. Keep working to save as many souls as you can from going to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are celebrating the New Year coming in, and there are crowds in New York City bringing in the New Year with song and revelry. In this vision I am showing you crowds in the streets all over your country that will be protesting your taxes and cuts in your budgets. Many entitlement programs will need to make some adjustments and cuts as well. There has been a major gridlock because every interest group does not want their funding cut, and they do not want more taxes. Both Republicans and Democrats are to blame for not compromising on their positions. I told you that your Administration wanted to have higher taxes on everyone to pay for their entitlement program deficits, but they will not admit it. More problems will come as your Health Care Law will be implemented. There also may be another battle over increasing the debt limit. Riots and revolution are not out of the question when you have a non-functioning government. Pray for peace in your country, and that your people can reach a fair compromise for all parties.”


Sábado, 29 de Março de 2025

Mulher Vestida de Sol