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John Leary - Ano 2015 (Inglês)



Ano 2015


Thursday, January 1, 2015: (Solemnity of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, today celebrates My Circumcision  in older years, and now My Blessed Mother’s place of honor.  In all that My Blessed Mother did, she always led people to Me as her Son.  Today, you are seeing the shepherds giving glory and praise to their Savior, as it was announced by My angels.  In a few more days, you will celebrate the Epiphany and the gifts of the Three Kings.  They announced My own kingship, and they gave Me royal gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Rejoice in this new year, as you have more time to perform good deeds for your neighbors.  Keep praying for peace where there are constant wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard some predictions of a possible bank failure  this year in September.  I have mentioned before that dates of predictions are rarely on time.  You have a conflict with the free will of man and people praying for petitions.  I have also told you that the major events would not be allowed to happen until after the Warning.  The evil ones have their plans, but they are controlled by the Father’s Will and His plans first.  On a human level, you will see a struggle for power between your President and the new Congress.  There will be a lot more vetoes because the Senate will no longer be under his party’s control.  Getting sufficient votes to override any vetoes will be a constant theme running your government. The use of Executive Orders and memorandum will come under more scrutiny by your Congress.  The new party in control will be fighting to prohibit any dictatorial control by your President.  The events of this year will shape the future freedoms of your citizens.”


Friday, January 2, 2015: (First Mass for Carl and Marian B.)

Jesus said: “My son, your friends have enabled you to build this new addition to your house for some possible home Masses.  You are seeing a new room in the vision that will provide the space that you need.  It is appropriate that you have these Masses said for the souls of your friends.  Multiple Masses for individual intentions are the most needed to liberate souls from purgatory.  Your friends will be most thankful for your gift.  Masses for the deceased are much more valuable to souls than any amount of money.  I told you that you cannot take your money beyond the grave, but if your heirs use some of the money for your Masses, it is even better.  In this case, you are both helping each other with My work.  Continue your work on this project, and you can pray your St. Therese Novena that everything will go well without any interference from the evil one.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have shown this vision to you before, but I want to emphasize how I am already speeding up your time.  During the tribulation, it is mentioned in the Bible how I will shorten the time of this trial for the sake of My elect. (Matt. 24:22) In the vision you are seeing the earth spinning around faster to shorten  the 24 hour day.  This trial will be less than 3½ years before I will bring My victory over the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement.  Fear no evil because My power is greater than all of the demons.  In addition to the time speeding up, you could even see a polar shift that could bring some dramatic changes in your weather with more disasters.  The power of nature is much greater than what man could control, so trust in My power over the power of man, or the demons.”


Saturday, January 3, 2015: (Diane’s funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, Diane is happy to see all of you come to her funeral.  She is sorry that she had to leave you so suddenly.  She will be praying for all of you.  She loves her family and all of her friends.  She needs a few Masses to come to heaven.  She still had a good life in all that she did.”

Diane said: “I love all of my family, and I am glad that my son was listening to my lessons for his life.  Remember me in your prayers  and Masses, as I will be praying for you as well.  Whichever pictures of me that you like the best, treasure them in your homes.  You will learn also how short life is, as you will come to Jesus sooner than you think.  Trust in the Lord and follow Him, and He will give you your reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, for the present time, you need some transportation, and you need a dependable vehicle for leaving to My refuges.  Not everyone can afford late model cars, as some can only afford used cars.  Your cars do not last very long, which is why a lot of people try to buy cheaper used cars.  In your days, it is important to have a car to get to your workplace, which is why parents help their younger children to buy a car.  Be thankful that your fuel costs have come down with lower crude oil and gasoline prices.  I have mentioned before that if you leave for My refuges when I tell you, you can leave in your vehicles.  Those people, who do not leave right away, may have to leave for My refuges by bike, or on foot.  Be ready to leave in a short time, and you could be more comfortable in your own cars.  Trust in My help to protect you from the evil ones, who  want to kill you.”


Sunday, January 4, 2015: (The Epiphany)

Jesus said: “My people, many of you pray to Me as the Infant Jesus, and I am always present to you in whichever way you see Me.  The Epiphany is a celebration of My manifestation as your true King, when the Magi presented Me with their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh worthy of a king.  I ask My faithful to come to Me with your gifts of mind, heart, and soul, as you give Me your will to follow My ways instead of your ways.  This is a glorious feast as My angels are singing My praises.  Give thanks to Me for My Incarnation as a God-man, so I could offer My life up in sacrifice for your sins.  It is good to keep your focus on Me during this Christmas Season that ends with the feast of My Baptism.  Even the Magi avoided Herod so he would not be led to Me.  Herod is the reason our Family had to leave for Egypt, but the Holy Innocents paid the price for his greed for power.  Many people are still being persecuted today for their belief in Me.  In the end My believers will be vindicated when they come to Me in heaven.”

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, my Son and I are looking down on your prayer group, and we are pleased with your devotional prayers for your intentions.  My Son is blessing you for being so faithful to your prayer group.  Continue to be faithful to praying my rosary because this is your most powerful weapon against evil, and for answering your prayer petitions.  We hear all of your prayers and my Son has taken them to the Blessed Trinity.  You are celebrating my Son’s Epiphany, and there is great joy and praising of God in heaven on these feast days.  Give praise and thanks to my Son because He answers your prayers for what is best for your souls, and the souls of your intentions.”


Monday, January 5, 2015: (St. John Neumann)

Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Evangelist talked of people who were against Me as being antichrists.  But there is the  Antichrist who is the first beast of the Book of Revelation, and he will be a demon incarnate.  He will have unusual powers, and a great charisma that will control people through his eyes.  In the vision you could see how he could control people, as in a hypnotic state, with his eyes that would make them worship him.  This is why I have warned people not to look at the Antichrist’s eyes, or listen to his words.  After the Warning, the Antichrist will be gaining in power, and my faithful are to remove all of your TVs and computers out of your homes so you do not look at his eyes.  Remove all cell phones and any device connected to the internet.  I will warn My faithful when to leave for My refuges, as your lives and souls will be in danger.  Trust in My protection because My power is greater than all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, your society is living at a fast tempo, and you are always in a hurry to go someplace.  Because you are influenced by consumerism and living in a fast mode, you do not always have time for Me in your day.  You are on this earth to know, love, and serve Me.  Until you slow down and follow My agenda, instead of your own, you will have little, if any, time for Me in prayer.  It is when you are quiet and still, that you can hear My Word for your soul.  When you are in a rush to do too many things, you get frustrated by not being able to accomplish more than you have time to finish.  With My agenda, it is souls and prayers, that are more important than earthly tasks.  When you do things out of love for Me, you will be much more peaceful in your soul.  When you do things to help your neighbor, you are not being selfish with your time, but you will be happy to help someone.  Do not let noise or time run your life, but follow My directions instead.  If you let the worldly desires and comforts run your life, then you will have no time for Me, and little time to pray.  Plan your prayer time during the day by making time for Me, because it is difficult to pray at night when you are tired from the day’s events.  By following My ways, you will be much more at peace in your soul.”


Tuesday, January 6, 2015: (St. Andre Bessette)

Jesus said: “My people, in the readings you hear of My love for man, and how I showed My love with the ultimate gift of My life to forgive your sins.  It is My Body and Blood that is symbolized in the breaking of bread in giving it to the five thousand men.  This multiplication of the bread and fish was another miracle to witness  that I am a God-man who suffered all of your human frailties, except I was without sin.  This is a good opportunity to help people understand that I left My Eucharist with you so I could be with you intimately with My Real Presence.  At every Consecration of the Mass, you have the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood, even though you may not see My very Blood.  There have been miracles of My Eucharist when actual blood appeared on the Host to help those unbelievers to believe in My Real Presence.  This is why you should be reverent in bowing or kneeling to receive My consecrated Host on your tongue.  Also, you should genuflect to My Presence in the tabernacle when you enter church, and when you walk by My tabernacle.  This concept of the multiplication of food will also be used to provide food for My people during the trial of the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.  My faithful, who survive the persecution, will be living at My refuges that will be protected by My angels.  There, the priest will give you Holy Communion, or if a priest is not present, My angels will give you daily Holy Communion.  You will have perpetual Adoration of My consecrated Host at every refuge.  I will not leave you orphans, but I will remain with you until I come in victory over the evil ones.”


Wednesday, January 7, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, I know what you need in life to survive, and I will help you to achieve your goals.  I call on you to trust in Me to provide for you, even in difficult circumstances.  You have seen lost jobs in recessions, and how people have lost money in the stock market, or they have lost their homes in the housing crisis.  Keep praying to Me and following My ways, and I will find a job, a home, and transportation for you.  You have been preparing some refuges to house people, and store some supplies, food, and bedding.  Preparing even an interim refuge requires some planning, dedication in faith, and confidence that I will direct you in what to do.  Pray for discernment if having a refuge is My mission for you.  Work toward helping people to find a safe haven during the tribulation, if you hear My calling.  Those, who carry out My work out of love for Me, will have their reward in heaven.”


Thursday, January 8, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you can see how the Old Testament readings are the predecessor of My New Testament readings. Salvation history has been foretold through many prophets, how a Redeemer would come and save the people from their sins. I read the Scripture from Isaiah how I would heal the blind, the lepers, and the poor. I would release sinners of their sins through My sacrifice on the cross. This is why I told the people of Nazareth that this Scripture reading was fulfilled in their hearing. The people received Me with joy at first. Later, when they heard about My claims of being God’s Son, they wanted to kill Me, but I walked through their midst. The people of My day did not understand My mission in bringing salvation to the whole world. I did not just come only to save the Jews, but all of humanity is given an opportunity to be saved. Those people, who believe in Me as their Savior, and seek My forgiveness of their sins, will be saved from hell and their sins, and they will find their reward with Me in heaven.”


Friday, January 9, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, I have compassion on all of My people, just as I had compassion on the leper in healing him.  I know all of your needs, and I will provide for you every day.  Trust in Me to take care of you, even throughout the coming tribulation.  I am showing you in the vision how I will multiply your food and drink at My refuges, that are protected by My angels.  Have no fear, even when you see people killed by terrorists, or when Christians will be persecuted with martyrdom.  I will warn My faithful when it is time to leave for My refuges.  I will have your guardian angels guide you to My safe havens.  You will be protected from the evil ones by an invisible shield that will not allow them to harm you.  Give thanks and praise to your God who looks over your care both spiritually and physically.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have all come together to share in the wedding of Sarah and Trent, who many of you know through friends.  You have read the passage in the Bible when Tobiah and Sarah prayed on their wedding night to be protected from Asmodeus, the demon.  Several other husbands of Sarah were killed by the demon on her wedding night.  St. Raphael answered their prayer by casting out the demon, and Tobiah’s life was spared.  I mentioned this so you could pray this prayer to St. Raphael for the protection of Sarah and Trent in their wedded life.  This is a prayer that all couples could pray for each other so God’s protection from the demons could be with them at all times.”

St. Raphael’s prayer:

Blessed St. Raphael, the Archangel, we beseech thee to help us in all of our needs and trials of this life, as thou, through the power of God, didst restore sight to Tobit and gave guidance to young Tobiah.  We humbly seek thine aid and intercession, that our souls may be healed, our bodies protected from all ills, and that through Divine grace we may be fit to dwell in the eternal glory of God in heaven. Amen.


Saturday, January 10, 2015: (Sarah and Trent’s Wedding)

Jesus said: “My people, at every wedding, your thoughts go back to the wedding at Cana as you read in the Gospel.  It is also one of the Luminous Mysteries of the rosary.  This is fitting because Sarah has a rosary ministry with her sisters and parents.  I performed My first miracle at Cana when I changed the water into wine at the request of My Blessed Mother.  She had a beautiful quote to the servants when she said: ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ This is also fitting because My Blessed Mother always leads you to Me.  I want to bless Sarah and Trent on their wedding day.  As they keep close to Me in prayer, I will bless their marriage every day.  Getting married in My Church is a beautiful example to all couples, so they can live in My graces throughout their married lives.”


Sunday, January 11, 2015: (The Baptism of the Lord)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of My Baptism is also a feast day of the manifestation of Our Holy Trinity.  God the Father proclaimed in a voice over Me: ‘This is My beloved Son, and I am well pleased with Him.’ There also was a dove over Me, representing the power of the Holy Spirit, and I was there as God the Son.  This was the beginning of My ministry on earth, and it is also the end of your Christmas Season.  I love all of My people, and My death on the cross has brought salvation to all sinners who repent of their sins.  It is My sacrifice that removes original sin from all souls who are baptized either as infants or as adults.  Rejoice in My graces of Baptism that makes each of My followers priest, prophet and king.”

David said: “I am greeting my father, my mother, and my sisters, Jeanette, Donna, and Catherine.  I am still watching over each of you, and as you accept the infant Jesus, remember me as your infant son.  You are working now to provide a place for people later, so remember to pray to me for any help in this new part of your mission.  Time is growing short, but Our Lord has asked you to proceed with your plan.  Trust in the Lord for everything, and He will protect you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, today, many of My faithful are comfortable in their homes with all of their electronic devices.  You are concerned with keeping your grass green, and keeping your cars clean.  At My refuges you will need to get used to different priorities in what you are doing to follow My Will.  You will have different things to eat with no electronic devices because they will not work.  Keeping warm will be more work, and preparing your meals will also be more difficult.  I will help you to lead holier lives.  You will have more time to pray to Me, and you will attend perpetual Adoration every day.  Some people may not want to leave the comforts of their homes, in order to come to rustic living at My refuges.  I ask My faithful to trust in Me for their protection by My angels, and to trust in Me to provide the food they eat and the water they drink.  When you will be living in full trust of what I provide, your soul will be at rest in My peace.”


Monday, January 12, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, every day you need to pick up your cross and carry it through all of life’s trials.  You cross many bridges that could test your faith.  You may have your own personal health problems to deal with.  Your family and friends may also have health problems that you may need to help them.  Comfort those who are sick, and share your sympathies with those who are mourning deaths in your family or among friends.  Even visiting the elderly and helping them at times is one of your callings.  You can also assist those who need charity donations to get by.  Remember to love Me and your neighbor in helping them in their trials.  Sometimes you have to be like Simon in helping people to carry their crosses which may be heavier than yours.  All that you do to assist your neighbor in good works, will store up treasure in heaven for your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that this land is consecrated, and it is a refuge for the end times.  The angels are here to protect this shrine from the evil ones.  St. Mother Cabrini thanks all of you for coming and for making the effort to climb the stairs to the statue of My Sacred Heart.  I will have My angels provide food and bedding for the people who will come here during the tribulation.”

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini said: “My dear pilgrims, I thank all of you for making an effort to visit my shrine, even through the fog and icy conditions.  I want to bless all of you, especially Juliet, and all the people from California.  Some of you braved the weather to have a drink from the spring that I enabled.  Others even made the climb to see Jesus’ statue and my own heart rosary.  Come to me as an intercessor for all of your prayer requests.  I know some of you have my statues in your homes, and a few have my relics.  I will be praying for all of you, and I will be watching out for all of you from heaven.  You can imitate my life by caring for the poor, and those who need food and financial help.”


Tuesday, January 13, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, everyone has a God-given physical appearance, but it is vanity to desire to look younger than you are, as you grow older.  Be content with your present appearance after you have washed and taken care of your normal hygiene.  Also, do not put on airs that you are someone of greater riches or fame.  The worldly people seek these things, but it is the inner appearance of your soul’s condition that is more important to Me.  You remember when I criticized the Pharisees for their enhanced appearance and their looking for places of honor at banquets and in the Temple.  I told them how they looked good on the outside, but inside they appeared as dead man’s bones.  Focus more on keeping your soul pure with prayer and frequent Confession.  Seek to present a beautiful soul to Me, and do not concern yourselves with beauty, riches, and fame of the body that are fleeting and will pass away.  But your soul lives on forever, and you should be more concerned about your soul’s destination to heaven.  I love all of My people, and I call all of you to seek My love in heaven over all of your earthly desires.”

Jesus said: “My people,  praying for the conversion of poor sinners is one of your best prayers to save souls from hell.  In the Pieta prayer book you have the St. Bridget prayers for a year for your family members.  You also have the twenty-four Glory Be Novena to St. Therese for prayer intentions like the new chapel.  Then there are the three beautiful prayers for someone who is dying.  These devotions are all trusting in My mercy to save souls.  I hear all of your prayers, and I answer them for what is best for the souls who are being prayed for.  Do not forget your daily rosaries, which are your best weapons against the evil ones.  I keep stressing the importance of prayer to counteract all the sins in your world.  The saving of souls is also the greatest reason that I died on the cross to give souls an opportunity to be saved from hell, and come to heaven one day.”


Wednesday, January 14, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this river of water that represents how My graces and blessings are flowing over you.  Just as a river seems to flow endlessly, so My graces and blessings flow out to you endlessly, as in the picture of My Divine Mercy.  I love all of you so much that I died to free you from your sins, and offer every soul salvation.  I give everyone free will to choose to accept Me or not.  Those people, who seek My forgiveness of their sins, and accept Me as their Savior, will have fertile ground to receive the rain of My graces and blessings.  Those people, who reject Me, are rejecting My graces and help to come to heaven.  Pray for these souls who are away from Me, so they can be saved.  The souls, who love Me and follow My ways, will receive their reward at My judgment.  These people are My faithful who are called to be evangelists for other souls.  Those people, who experience My love,  are one with Me in their souls, and they want to share this love relationship with Me with others.  I am love itself, and I want all of you to share in My love, and desire an everlasting personal love relationship with Me.”


Thursday, January 15, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, the Israelites did suffer hard times in the desert, but I provided them water from the rock,  manna on the ground, and quail for meat at night.  Still they complained about the food, and I sent them serpents as a punishment. Moses held up the bronze serpent so those, who looked on it, would be healed of their snake bites.  Many people in today’s world complain also of their financial and food problems.  In all of these cases, My people need to have trust in Me that I will provide for their needs.  I have helped you to survive in the past, and I will continue to do so both now and in the future.  The trials of the Exodus will be similar for My faithful at My refuges.  You will have rustic living with little electricity.  You will need your food, water, and lodgings multiplied to survive.  My luminous cross will also heal your ailments by looking upon it.  My angels will provide Holy Communion daily, if a priest is not present.  You will have deer come into your camps and die for your meat.  Water will be supplied in springs if necessary.  You will have interim and final refuges for your places to stay.  Be thankful that My angels will protect you from the evil ones, and do not complain about your food and dwellings.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a horrifying look of a soul who is suffering in the lower parts of purgatory where the flames are just as cruel as those that are in hell.  Some of the souls in lower purgatory will be there until the end of this age.  I am just in all of My judgments, and I am merciful to even allow some souls into lower purgatory rather than going to hell.  Keep praying for the souls in lower purgatory, and offer individual Masses if the names are known.”

Jesus said: “My people, most of the recent terrorist killings have been committed with automatic weapons.  Some terrorists use high explosive bombs, especially suicide bombers.  You have seen several incidents in Europe recently, and these terrorists were only interested in getting headlines with hostages.  It is sad that most of these people are Moslem jahadists.  They are intent on upsetting people’s peace to promote their own religion, and they are trying to force Shariah law where they have large numbers.  Pray that these cells could be captured before they kill more people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are already seeing a battle over the funding of Homeland Security, and the taking back of your President’s misuse of his writing laws on immigration without Congress.  Several funding bills could be how Congress is going to fight your President in his attempts to make legislation without Congress.  This could hold up the funding of various parts of your government.  Unless your President is willing to compromise, you could see some difficult problems that could affect many Americans.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Jewish people being attacked and killed by Muslim terrorists.  You have also seen attacks on policemen and even military people.  You will be seeing more attacks against various religions, especially Christians. In Muslim countries, Christians  are being killed, and even threatened in ethnic like cleansing.  If Christians do not leave, they are being killed.  These same attacks on Christians will increase in America, so be prepared to go into hiding or come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a war going on between your oil suppliers.  It is more expensive to extract oil by fracking, so your Arab countries are willing to take lower profits to try and force new American oil sources out of business.  Many oil companies are making less profits, and their businesses are at risk.  Pray that your country can get through this test so your economy is not affected.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your good jobs have been sent overseas for cheap labor, so your average worker is making less money with low paying jobs.  Even your Health program is encouraging your employers to have workers only work thirty hours so they do not have to pay high health premiums.  This again is hurting workers income along with paying higher health premiums and higher deductions.  Some people are paying penalties rather than paying premiums that they cannot afford. This will be another fight in Congress over Health Care.  Pray that people can get more affordable health insurance.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Sunday Mass attendance has been dropping more in recent years because the people in your society are growing weak in their spirituality.  People are distracted by more earthly comforts and entertainment than coming close to Me in prayer.  It is not easy to keep a holy life with so much sexual sin in fornication and homosexual sin.  As evil is getting worse, the faith in people is getting weaker.  Pray that your people will have a spiritual revival, or I will have to bring My Warning sooner.”


Friday, January 16, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told the paralytic man: ‘Your sins are forgiven.’  The people were thinking how could I forgive sins, since only God can forgive sins.  I used this healing of the paralytic man to show them that the Son of God can heal both the body and the soul.  If they understood My power, they would see that I am God the Son of the Blessed Trinity.  In the vision I showed you an even greater miracle of when I called Lazarus forth from his tomb.  He was dead several days, and I brought him back to life to show them that I had power over death and sin.  This so amazed the religious leaders that I threatened them with My many followers.  As a result, these leaders wanted to kill both Me and Lazarus.  This raising of Lazarus from the dead was a preview of how I resurrected from the tomb after three days.  This miracle of My Resurrection overshadowed all of My miracles to convince people that I really am God the Son.  My death on the cross was My real reason for becoming a God-man, so I could sacrifice My life for the sins of all of mankind.  Trust in My great love for all of you, that I would give up My life to save all souls who repent of their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your people who are committing many sexual sins, and they are not repenting because they do not think that they are doing anything wrong.  I assure you fornication, adultery, prostitution, and homosexual acts are all mortal sins, and they need to be confessed.  When you come before Me at the judgment, these souls, who are in sin and do not repent, are on the path to hell.  You cannot rationalize away your sins, or make excuses, because you know My Ten Commandments in your conscience.  These sexual sins and your abortions are bringing your country down.  This is why My Blessed Mother and I are requesting your prayers to help so many sinners to change their lives to avoid coming to hell.  I have told you before that your prayers can save your family members.  Do not forget to pray your rosaries every day, and make  up for missed rosaries on the next day.  I depend on the prayers of My faithful for poor sinners.  So do not disappoint Me with any spiritual laziness.  Be persistent in your prayers, and you will help sinners and yourselves to come to heaven.  Those people, who have been given much, I will expect more from them with a heavy responsibility to follow My ways.”


Saturday, January 17, 2015: (St. Anthony in the desert)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a ladder which has both physical and spiritual meanings. In the physical world you could use a ladder to get up into a bunk bed, get up on your roof, or even climb up the ladder in a company’s supervision. When you think of ladders in the spiritual realm, you could be climbing Jacob’s ladder as you come closer to heaven. You could be climbing through the levels of purgatory with people’s Masses and prayers. You could also be progressing in your spiritual life from a grievous sinner to a faithful righteous person in a holier life. You could also be striving with your good deeds to reach a higher level in heaven one day. I have also shown you that each day of your life is one step closer to heaven when I will call you home at your death. This life is passing away quickly, so do whatever you can to evangelize souls, and keep close to Me in your daily prayers. By following My Commandments and repenting of your sins, I will make a home for your reward in heaven.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, throughout the ages I have called people to be My messengers and prophets. I have warned My people through prophetic writings of any dangers that were to come. So, I am calling you, My son, to spread My Word through evangelization, and also to warn the people of the evil in the end days of the Antichrist. You have been given messages about preparing refuges, both small and large ones. The interim refuges will be a place to stay for awhile on your way to a large refuge. You have already been preparing things to go to My refuges, as well as having extra supplies for surviving independently with My angel protection. You may need a source of water, and a place for people to bed down. If you are called to have a refuge, then you need to hurry plans along because the time is short before I will bring My Warning, and allow the evil ones their brief reign. Trust in My protection and providing for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your human condition, good health is a blessing. There are some people with permanent disabilities, and others who suffer chronic pain, like arthritis or other bone and nerve problems. The doctors may offer pain pills, but they cannot always remove the source of the pain. It is the aggravating pain that can cause some people to be in depression without any letup. Pray for these people in pain that they will have the grace to endure this trial in life. Those, who are healthy, should pray a prayer of thanksgiving that they do not have to suffer such pain. When you can assist such people in pain, you will gain treasure in heaven. Even despite any health problems, remain faithful to Me in your daily prayers.”


Sunday, January 18, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel and other accounts, Andrew led people to Me so they could experience My love relationship. In the same way, I want My faithful to imitate Andrew so you can be My ambassador to lead souls to Me to be saved. Reaching out to others as evangelists, is part of your calling in your vocation to win souls over to Me. By your Baptism and Confirmation, you are called to share your faith with others. When you love Me so much, you want to share that love experience with others. Love is contagious, and it needs to be shared. I love all of you so much, and I want you to love Me and your neighbor. Give praise and thanks to Me for bringing you all together in your faith of My Good News.”

(Bishop’s Right to Life Mass) Jesus said: “My people, this funeral service is being held for all of the unborn babies who were killed in abortion, as they did not have a proper burial service. Unfortunately, the unborn babies are treated as human garbage, and sometimes they are used in cosmetics. Rarely is an aborted baby given a death certificate because the pro-abortion people do not want them considered human, which they are. It is sad that your mothers are killing their children for conveniences. Your people do not consider life precious enough to stop your abortions. Your country will soon pay a serious punishment for all of these deliberate killings. When you lose your freedoms, and are running from your persecutors, you will remember My words about your punishment. The Israelites suffered for disobeying My laws, and every nation who kills their babies, will suffer as well. Pray to stop abortion, and try to discourage pregnant women from aborting their children. Adoption is a better option.”


Monday, January 19, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, when your priests go away on vacation, you have a difficulty finding retired priests so you can have Holy Mass. It is at these times that you see how valuable it is to have your priest present for Mass and the sacraments. Once you need to have Mass in the homes, it will be difficult to locate a priest in hiding. This is why it may be a good time to befriend a priest for your refuges. My daily Mass people will find it difficult, if you cannot have a priest for Mass. Keep in mind that the priests will be persecuted, and they will have to find refuges to survive. So when you can have a priest in the homes, you will have to provide books, vestments, candles, and the bread and wine for Mass, as well as food and a place to sleep. Remember that the priests are priests forever according to the order of Melchisedek.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is to give you an idea of how hard it will be to live through the tribulation. It will be easier at My refuges to survive than among the persecution of the evil ones. The Antichrist and his minions will try to kill as many Christians as they can because they want to remove all traces of God all over the earth. I will protect My faithful at My refuges with My angels, and a shield of invisibility. Be grateful that I will always be with you because every refuge will have perpetual Adoration of My consecrated Host. You will suffer a rustic living as meals will be harder to prepare during the tribulation. Despite all of these coming trials, it will still be better to suffer purgatory on earth, rather than the suffering in real purgatory.”


Tuesday, January 20, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, the Jewish people have many Mosaic practices and traditions about not working on the Sabbath. I even mentioned to them how they should pull one of their animals out of a pit on the Sabbath to save its life. Then I emphasized how the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. It is still part of My Church law to minimize any servile work on Sunday. This is to respect My day of rest. In America you used to have blue laws not to force workers to work on Sunday. Now, people work on Sundays, and they hold their sports games on Saturday night and Sunday morning. It is better to put off any work on Sunday until you can do it during the rest of the week. Even more important, My people need to make time for Me at Sunday Mass. I only ask you to attend one hour a week for Me on Sunday,according to My Third Commandment. So do not be lazy, or so selfish with your time that you miss Sunday Mass. Pray for those in your family who do not come to Mass every Sunday because their souls are in danger of being lost. Encourage all of the fallen away Catholics to return to Sunday Mass to honor My day of rest. If you truly love Me, then you should show it by coming to Sunday Mass to give Me praise and thanks for all that I do for you every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have no idea of how harsh the coming tribulation will be, when the evil ones will have a short reign. If you do not come to My safe havens with My angel protection, then the evil ones will drag you off to the detention death camps to kill you with gas chambers or guillotines. They know who the Christians are, and their intent is to exterminate anyone who goes against the new world order. Those, who are preparing refuges, will have only a short time to build them, before I will bring My Warning experience to everyone. After the Warning and conversion time, the evil ones will come looking for all of My faithful to kill them. I will not leave My faithful orphans, which is why I am providing My angel protection at My refuges. My refuge builders will need to have water, food, and fuel so I can multiply them for your survival. You also will need bedding for those who come to your refuges. You will have one of My angels appointed to watch over every refuge. You will have healing spring water and My luminous cross to heal all of your ailments. You also will have daily Holy Communion and perpetual Adoration. You all will be living in a community where everyone will have to contribute their skills to help each other. You all will need full trust in My help, and My protection. So have no fear of these events. Be ready to counsel any new arrivals to calm down their fears. You will not need guns because you will be protected with an invisible shield from your enemies.”


Wednesday, January 21, 2015: (St. Agnes)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel of another day, I spoke of not hiding a light under a bushel basket, but it should be put in a prominent place for all to see it. In the vision you are seeing My great Light shining from My consecrated Host. I am truly Present in My Host, and this is why My Light is shining forth. Even in My tabernacle, I am still Present, and this is why My tabernacles should also be in a place of prominence, and not in a back room out of sight. My faithful also should be like beacons of faith, so you shine forth My Word out to everyone. Do not be afraid to defend My way of life, instead of your society’s sinful lifestyles. Those, who are faithful to Me, even under difficult circumstances, will receive their reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have variable jet stream patterns that appear to bring precipitation over the same areas. You have seen unusually heavy snow or rain, as in Buffalo, N.Y. with seven feet of snow. You also have seen droughts in California. When you see low pressure going over the same area for days, or high pressure consistently in another area, this is a sign that your weather is being manipulated by man-made machines as the HAARP machine. These microwave machines can control jet streams to create floods, droughts, as well as high winds in tornadoes, hurricanes, and typhoons. You have seen many typhoons in the Pacific Ocean that have ravaged the Asian countries. Even in the winter you are seeing such storms in the Philippines. These weather-making machines can cause serious harm to countries where they are used. This is a dangerous tool that the one world people are using as a means of blackmail for their agenda. Only your internet will carry stories about the HAARP machine and chemtrails. These stories are not broadcast, and are censored from your controlled media. Be watchful of your weather events and earthquakes, as they can be manipulated to cause many disasters. Pray for My intervention into the one world people’s plans, as their reign will be brief, before I will bring My victory over all of them.”


Thursday, January 22, 2015:(Roe v Wade anniversary, stop abortions)
Jesus said: “My people, every year you march against abortion in Washington, D.C. on January 22 where your Supreme Court has approved of killing My unborn babies. Your nation will suffer a loss of your freedoms because you are denying the freedom of life for all the unborn babies that you are killing. All mothers of aborted babies, the doctors who killed them, and all those people who support abortion, are all liable for punishment of their evil deeds, and should seek My forgiveness. My Blessed Mother has said to you that not working to stop abortion in prayer or protest, is the worst sin of omission. You complain of all the terrorist killings, and the holocaust in Germany, but you are just as guilty in killing My babies. I have told you that if you do not stop your abortions, then I will stop them in a way that you will regret. This means I will allow the one world people to punish you with a takeover, and a loss of all of your freedoms in a totalitarian state of communism. Socialism is where you are today, and that leads to God-less communism. This is why I am having some faithful set up refuges when martial law is declared, so you will be protected from the evil ones by My angels at My safe havens.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your elected officials should be held to a higher standard of ethics than others, because they serve your people. You have seen other officials charged with crimes because of their inappropriate behavior. They are human, but it puts a bad light on your officials that sometimes think they are above the law. Pray for all of your elected officials that they lead upright lives, instead of causing any scandals.”

Jesus said: “My people, your media is so censored, that they do not want to show the thousands of people who are protesting abortion. Many of your Congress people try to hide from these protestors. I applaud those who are standing up to defend the little babies from being killed by abortion. Shame on those mothers who are killing their children. Shame on the doctors as well who take blood money to perform thousands of abortions. These souls need to seek My forgiveness for their crimes. Your country is in danger of My punishment because your laws and decisions allow the killing of unborn babies. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion.”

Jesus said: “My people, your media is very quick to show you riots and other protests, but not any protests against abortion or homosexual marriage. It has been proven that most of your announcers and owners of your media, are very left of center in displaying their censored politics. This has been a goal of left leaning organizations to control the media and its message, which many times is favoring atheism instead of talking about Me. Some people are no longer watching TV. Avoiding the left brainwashing is a good reason not to watch it.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your modern churches do not have statues or pictures of Me, My Blessed Mother, or the saints. Many churches do not even have a large crucifix by the altar. Pictures and statues of the saints help you to remember them to imitate their holy lives. Stained glass windows are also a means of displaying Myself and My saints, even as you are viewing an old stained glass window that you brought to your prayer group. Some people have reached out to save such holy objects from being thrown out or desecrated. I commend those people who are trying to preserve such holy objects.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you look at who is attending Sunday Mass, there are fewer young people coming, especially as they grow into adulthood. Each succeeding generation is getting weaker in their faith. When your children attend college, they find many professors who are teaching atheism. Your society also advocates more sinful lifestyles as living together or same sex marriage. You see attacks on the family in many ways that try to split the families. With such an environment for your children, you can see why fewer young people keep their faith strong into adulthood. Keep praying for your children to stay close to Me, and strong in their faith.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know that you wanted to be at your friend’s funeral, but you were away when she died. She was a dedicated fighter for the faith, and she had invited you for several talks in Canada. My faithful network needs to keep in touch with each other, and pray for each other. Carmel suffered for a time with cancer, and this was her purgatory on earth. She will be brought to heaven on the next feast day of My Blessed Mother.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been advising My refuge builders to be stocked up on the physical needs as food, water, and fuel. I will multiply what you need, even your buildings that are like dormitories for bedding. My faithful also need to stock up on your spiritual needs, as preparations for Mass, Adoration, rosaries, scapulars, and religious books as Mass books, Bibles, Pieta prayer books, and the Liturgy of the Hours. You will be praying more at My refuges, so you will need plenty of rosaries and religious books to share.”


Friday, January 23, 2015: (St. Marianne Cope)
Jesus said: “My people, you are again being given My apostles and St. Marianne Cope as models to imitate in helping people, as St. Marianne did in working with the lepers for thirty years. When you see people suffering in pain, your heart goes out to them to relieve them. You can pray over sick people, or help comfort them by your visits. Not only are you concerned with people in physical pain on earth, but there are soul bodies suffering in lower purgatory from the flames. You can pray for these souls, and have Masses said for individuals. By helping to move these souls out of the flames, these souls will be grateful for any help that you can give them. Remember to help all souls in pain, either on earth or in purgatory.”

(Mass for Janet’s 100 yr old mother) Jesus said: “My people, some of you have had to take care of your parents in wheelchairs, and caretakers require patience and endurance to take care of all of their parent’s needs. You do what you have to do for your parents because they spent time bringing you up. Sometimes when they have memory problems or other disabilities, you need to take them to assisted living places, or even to nursing homes. Be grateful for every year that your parents are alive. You love them deeply, and you are at a loss when I take them home. Keep remembering your trials, because you may one day need to have your relatives take care of you. You do not know how long you have to live, but make the most of your short time on earth. Keep praying for the souls of your family, so none of them are lost to hell.”


Saturday, January 24, 2015: (Mass for Carl & Marian)
Jesus said: “My people, there are many souls suffering in purgatory, but praying Masses for these souls is the best help to bring them to heaven. Carl and Marian are on their way to heaven because of these Masses. It is hard for people on earth to appreciate what souls in purgatory are suffering. The lower level has burning flames, but the higher level does not. It is still a gray, dingy environment without My loving presence. These souls are also outside of time, so they do not know how long they have been suffering, nor do they know how much longer they have to suffer. Over time and with prayers and Masses said for them, these souls have a sense that they are rising in levels closer to coming to heaven, which they are promised one day. Have mercy and sympathy for the souls in purgatory who are suffering because of their sins. When you can have a plenary indulgence as on Mercy Sunday, reach out to accept it, because it could lessen your time in purgatory. Those people, who live during the tribulation time, will be suffering their purgatory on earth. Remember to keep praying for the poor souls in purgatory.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I call many of My faithful to come forward to work in My vineyard. You are seeing three basic answers to My call. The one, like the apostles, is where they dropped everything and followed Me without looking back. The second is one like Jonah, who was a reluctant prophet, and he did not want to help his enemies. But he was thrown into the sea and a whale threw him up on the beach. Later, he finally went to Nineveh and told the people, if they did not repent, then in forty days, Nineveh would be destroyed. The third answer, which was not in the readings, is to not answer My call at all out of fear or laziness. When you see these three responses, I can even ask each of My faithful, which response are you going to give Me when I call you to be My evangelist? My son, when I asked you to do a mission for Me, you said that you would do My Will without knowing what I was calling you to do. In order for Me to work a mission through you, you have to give your will over to Me so you can follow My agenda and not your own. You have been faithful to My mission for you, and you will have My reward for coming forward to preach My Word to the world. This is the response that I pray more of My faithful would answer. Some are also answering My call to set up refuges of protection during the tribulation. By answering My call, I can work miracles through My people. Give praise and thanks to Me that I call people to help and lead My faithful, as My priest sons do.”


Sunday, January 25, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, many people give donations to the Church, relatives, and friends, but fewer people take time to donate to the poor. I know it is difficult to pay your bills, and still have money left for donations. Most Americans are rich compared to the poor in the third world countries. You spend money on restaurants and entertainment, so you could spend a few of those dollars to feed the poor who have next to nothing. You have plenty of welfare programs for any people in America, but there is no safety net for the truly poor in other countries. Make room in your budget next month to help the poor in foreign lands. You had a deacon promoting ‘Food for the Poor’, and he was showing you a true need for help in the Caribbean countries. You also can pray for these poor people, that they will find a way just to survive.”


Monday, January 26, 2015:(Camille Remacle’s birthday,Carol’s dad)
Camille said: “Hello everybody, I am back to have a few words for you. You are seeing me receive Holy Communion because this is a sign of how you will receive your Jesus at the refuges. I am surprised that you are being asked to have a safe place at this late date. I understand your desire to do so with your latest good fortune. Our Lord is still continuing to tell you to go forward as soon as you can get started. You were wondering how you were going to protect your family, so now you are being led to set something up. You need to work a little harder on getting the old home ready to sell. It has been sitting idle long enough.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had some cold weather, but not as much snow as usual. You have also seen some major snow disasters in Buffalo, N.Y., Maine, and now along the Northeastern coast. When you see empty shelves in the store in preparation for a bad storm, this should be a sign to you to have plenty of supplies on hand for just such occasions. My faithful, who are preparing refuges in the Northern states, also need to be storing hats, gloves, winter coats, boots, sweaters, blankets, and plenty of alternative fuels. You also need some extra warm underwear, and a good number of beds. I will need to multiply your food, water, and fuels, so you can keep fed and warm. Living in winter weather needs plenty of preparation for heating your place and cooking your food. You will be living independently from your normal services, so think of how you are going to survive. In all of your coming trials, you need to have trust in My help, and guard your prayer lives from any distractions.”


Tuesday, January 27, 2015: (St. Angela Merici)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., shows it on fire, and this can be taken as a future heated debate, or eventually as a martial law takeover. You are going to see some debates, and hopefully some compromises, in order to get by your President’s vetoes. Both of your political parties are in a fight to control your country’s agenda. You also will be seeing a struggle between your conservatives and the one world people who have the money to control people. With each election the sentiment of the people has been more to the center than the extreme left of the last six years. If your parties do not reach some compromises, then funding your government may be more difficult. Your President’s veto threats and the use of Executive Orders and memorandums, are showing that he will not be compromising, unless he is forced to. Pray for your leaders that they will do what is right for the people, and not just for the new world order.”

Jesus said: “My people, pray for the people who are suffering in New England from this latest blizzard storm. Some people have no electricity, while others have flooded houses. Pray that they can have a warm, dry place to stay before they can return to their homes. Record snow levels were seen in the New England states and parts of New York. Some places were spared heavy snow, but others are still beginning to dig out. It is not easy to suffer cold weather without electricity. You need a generator, or a fire with wood, kerosene, or natural gas. Those, who are prepared with fuel, water, and food, could weather the storm. Keeping warm with heavy clothing also helps to survive. Pray that no more lives are lost to the bad weather. Trust in My help to get people through this trial.”


Wednesday, January 28, 2015: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate a great theological teacher in St. Thomas Aquinas. He has inspired many to understand Me a little better by his teachings. You also received a flashback to your grammar school years when you were being taught your faith from the catechism. You remember the one answer that I repeat many times. You are here on earth to know, love, and serve Me. This simple answer is truly about your obedience to following My words, and it is a sign that you need to give your will over to Me, so you can fulfill your individual missions. Living a faithful, holy life is what I call everyone to do. You are here on this earth for only a short time, so do the best that you can to please Me by your good deeds, and seek Me for the forgiveness of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you saw some dollars on the floor, you would gladly pick them up as valuable for buying things. While this is true today, there will come a time when you will not pick them up, because they will be worthless to you. There is a plan by the evil one world people to crash your dollar, and use this currency crisis as a means for taking over America. When the dollar crashes, everything denominated in dollars will crash in value as well,and it will cause a depression. The new money will be electronic money called SDRs or Strategic Drawing Rights, and it will be controlled by the one world people. If you do not take a computer chip in the body, you will not be able to buy or sell anything, except on the black market. My faithful should not take a computer chip in the body for any reason, because it will control your mind and free will. You will be told in the Warning experience to not take a chip in the body, and to not worship the Antichrist, or look at his eyes. After the Warning, I will tell My people with an interior message, when to leave their homes for the nearest refuge. My angels will lead you to a safe haven with an invisible shield to protect you. Those, who accept My warning, will be protected, but those, who refuse to leave their homes, could be martyred at the detention death camps.”


Thursday, January 29, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, every person is different, and the extent of your spiritual progress is a combination of My gifts and opportunities, as well as your desire to strive for perfection. Whatever level of holiness that you have, is always coming from My graces, and it is not just on your own efforts. I call all of My people to strive to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. Man has a fallen or imperfect nature because of Adam’s sin, so it is difficult for you to attain the perfection that is necessary for sainthood in heaven. It takes a strong will, and a deep faith in Me to overcome the desires and distractions of the world. You need to keep your focus on Me in prayer to keep progressing in your spiritual life. I want all of you to shine as beacons of true Christianity, so you can evangelize souls to the faith, and help save them from hell. The canonized saints are your models to imitate, as well as imitating My life and that of My Blessed Mother. If you are striving for perfection, then follow Me and My Blessed Mother, since we had no sin.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, as these people in New England are digging out of the snow, it is still early to know the extent of the damage from the Juno snowstorm. Pray for all the people who lost electricity, and those who suffered flood damage. It will take some time to restore these devastated areas back to normal. In the last few years you have been seeing more severe winter storms from a change in the jet streams. It was good that people had some time to prepare for this storm.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is an uneasy peace in this area of Israel and Lebanon where some recent rocket attacks have killed some soldiers. Israel is surrounded by hostile Arab nations, and there is less support coming from America than in the past. There is always a threat of an expanded war in this area, so pray for peace between these warring factions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see a lot more vetoes of bills by your President, but some compromise will be needed to fund your government. Each party is trying to control the budget process, but one party has a majority in both the House and the Senate. Each side may have to make some concessions in order for anything to get passed. Pray for your leaders to make the right choices.”

Jesus said: “My people, even your scientists are admitting that the recent flu shot has only been effective for 25% of the viruses causing this year’s flu cases. This is why there have been more cases than usual. You have also seen some small epidemics of measles in parts of your country. Some diseases that were thought to be under control, are causing more sicknesses as tuberculosis and even polio. Certain antibiotic resistant diseases are also hard to treat. Some of your physicians are concerned about these developments. Pray for a healing for these new outbreaks. At My refuges you will see great healings of all diseases by looking on My luminous cross and drinking the healing spring water.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a decrease in the numbers of priests and the number of faithful coming to church. It is difficult to know all of the reasons for these declines, but America’s abortion rates and the numbers of couples living in sin, are causing a great stress on the faith of your people. This trend will continue until I will bring My Warning experience upon you, when some will be converted. This illumination of conscience will test all sinners in seeing how much they are offending Me with their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lenten devotions are a good way to help put your spiritual life back on the right track. You will begin Lent in a few weeks, so now would be a good time to think of how you could break some of your sinful habits. Your fasting and extra prayers could give you the strength to make some good resolutions to help your spiritual life. Just as you make New Year’s resolutions, so you can make some spiritual resolutions to improve your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know the life expectancy for men and women. You also know that one day you are going to be in a casket, just as you view people at the funerals you attend. You do not know when I am going to call you home in death, so you need to be ready to meet Me at your judgment every day. By living a holy life of prayer and frequent Confession, you can keep your soul pure and ready to meet Me. Even receiving plenary indulgences, as on Mercy Sunday, can help remove any reparation due for your sins, which could shorten any purgatory time. Keep praying for your soul, and the souls of your relatives and friends. Prayer is your best weapon against the evils of your world.”


Friday, January 30, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, just as I suffered on the cross, so My followers will also suffer persecution at the hands of the Godless people that are running your governments. You may be comfortable now, but you are already seeing how Christians are being abused in Arab countries. Some people are even being beheaded as foretold in the Book of Revelation. Be prepared to lose your freedoms, your money, and your possessions in the coming tribulation. This is why I am having some faithful people prepare refuges that will be protected by My angels. You do not know how much Satan is driving his people to kill all of My followers. You will see an evil that you have not seen up to now. The Antichrist is a demon incarnate, and he will lead many Arabs against you. In the end My victory will prevail, because My power is greater than all of the evil people and demons put together. So as in the reading, do not lose confidence or trust in My power and My protection. I will even multiply your water, food, and fuel, so you can survive this trial. Above all, keep your faith, because that will be your passport into heaven. All suffering on the earth will pass away, and you will share My eternal joy in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is just a short time until you will see the Antichrist come into power, when I will allow him less than 3½ years to reign. Do not be fearful of this evil age coming, but trust in My protection. Some people are trying to build up their money and possessions, but all of these things will be taken away from them. My followers will need to come to My refuges or be martyred. I have warned My faithful to be prepared to leave your homes with your backpacks, tents, and sleeping bags to come to My refuges. Those few people, who have said ‘yes’ to preparing a refuge, need to have extra food, water, and bedding for as many people as they can take care of. I will multiply your supplies, and My angels will finish any needed buildings. Some people can even help these refuge builders in their expenses. You will need all the people at a refuge to work hard, and use all of their skills. You will need full trust in My protection. So do not concern yourself with frivolous earthly goals. Focus on improving your spiritual life so you will be able to endure the coming trial of the tribulation.


Saturday, January 31, 2015: (St. John Bosco)
Jesus said: “My people, I have left you My very Self in every Holy Communion that you receive. My Eucharist is the most sacred gift that I have bestowed upon My people so I can always be with you. I only ask that you receive Me reverently by bowing or kneeling, and taking My consecrated Host on your tongue. You also need to receive Me without mortal sin on your soul, so you do not commit a sin of sacrilege. This is why it is good to come to monthly Confession so you can keep a pure soul. Not every person believes in My Real Presence, but I am still there. This is why you genuflect before My tabernacle that contains My consecrated Hosts. When you receive Me in My Eucharistic sacrament, you receive My graces to heal any effects of sin on your soul. Before you receive Me, you could pray an Act of Contrition for any venial sins only. Mortal sins require Confession to the priest to be cleansed from your souls before you can receive Me in Holy Communion. By giving Me praise and thanks for My gifts to you, you are giving reverence to My Real Presence. Remember to take some quiet time with Me after receiving Holy Communion. This is your intimate time with Me to hear My words for your life. This miracle of changing bread and wine into My Body and Blood, is the best reason to come to daily Mass. Adoration visits are also a way of keeping close to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that I would put an invisible shield of protection around the people at My refuges during the tribulation. Before this time, there may be a need to hide people from the authorities. The evil ones will be searching for Christian leaders before martial law is declared. It will be in these early stages when some of My faithful will be more vulnerable. Keep this in mind as you are making plans for your addition, so more people can have a place to stay. Again, trust in My help and protection in all that you are called to do.”


Sunday, February 1, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, just as I preached My Word to the people, so I have called My prophets and others to spread My Word as well. You share money and help people with their physical needs, but you can also share your faith in Me with others. You may be the only person to speak of Me to someone, so do not be silent, but preach My Word as best as you can from the rooftops. There are special prophets that I send to My people throughout the ages. You, My son, are one of My prophets to prepare My people for the end times. This is a gift, but only boast in Me as St. Paul did. You need to keep a faithful prayer life, and live a holy life as a good example to others. I give you My words of love to share with the people, so they will not be fearful, but be thankful that I will be protecting them at My refuges during the tribulation. Call on My help every day to do your mission, as all of My faithful are called to keep the faith, and share it with others.”


Monday, February 2, 2015: (Presentation of Jesus in the Temple)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast is when I was presented in the Temple for the Jewish tradition of circumcision, and My Name was now known. Simeon was promised to see Me before he died, and he was grateful for being in My Presence. Anna also gave thanks and praise for My Presence. My faithful are also happy and grateful to be in My Presence, especially when you receive Me in Holy Communion. Those faithful, who love Me very much, come to daily Mass and to Adoration, so I can be Present to them every day. This is why I have a special place in My Heart for My daily Mass people, and those who visit Me often in My Blessed Sacrament, either in My monstrance or in My tabernacle. This Presentation in church is My true Body and Blood, and it is My most generous Gift of Myself that I could give all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just witnessed a second big snowstorm that has pushed some areas into record totals of snow for this season. You also are seeing very cold areas as well, even as cold as you had last winter. You have seen the snow coming from lake effect, some coming across the country, and several tracks going up the Eastern coast. With another month of these storms, you could even see more snow records for the whole winter season. You have also seen cancellations of many airplane flights and train routes. People have been stranded at airports, and sometimes cities have been shut down by snowstorms. This all works hardships on businesses and the employees. Last year you saw a negative GDP in the first quarter because of the winter problems. You have even seen some deaths as a result of these storms. You can pray that your people in the Northern states can endure the cold, and withstand the high snowfall levels. It even appears that your winters are getting worse than better. Your storms are getting more severe than usual because the jet streams are being manipulated.”


Tuesday, February 3, 2015: (St. Blaise)
Jesus said: “My people, just as I reached out to heal people, and help them when I could, so I send each of you opportunities to pray over people, and help the poor. I know it is challenging to help people when at times they do not want to help themselves, or they cannot help themselves. Still you need to help your friends in need, even if it takes you out of your comfort zone. You may even be asked to make a few donations for their needs. Do not pass up these opportunities because you can gain treasure in heaven. This is better than suffering any purgatory for your sins of omission. You remember the story of Lazarus and the rich man. The rich man enjoyed the comforts of this life, and he refused to help the beggar, Lazarus. When both of them died, the rich man suffered the flames in hell, while Lazarus came to Me in heaven. You may not suffer in hell, but you still would rather endure a little discomfort to help someone on earth, than suffer more time in the flames of purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My people about a coming Christian persecution, when your lives will be in danger. I have called people to set up refuges where you will be protected by My angels, and the refuge builders will supply the guests with food, water, and a place to sleep. I will call My people with an interior message when it is time to come to My refuges. My refuges will include places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions, places of consecrated ground, shrines, monasteries, places that have had perpetual Adoration, and caves. The vision of a dug out cave in the side of a hill, had a white cylinder inside to give support from the dirt, and you are able to sleep on the plastic. There also was a camouflaged opening so people and animals could not enter. Some refuges will be well planned, while others may be more crude in using what is available. All of My refuges will have My angel hide you with an invisible shield. Be thankful that I will be protecting My faithful from the evil ones.”


Wednesday, February 4, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how your walls look like new after you paint them. If you are painting them white, then you are covering all the marks and discolorations. It even brightens a room to have a new coat of paint. Think of when you come to Confession. After your absolution, your soul is now pure white with all of the black sins removed. It is beautiful for Me to see all the pure souls coming out of Confession. I pray that more souls would take advantage of My sacrament of Reconciliation, so they could have pure souls as well. Instead, I am faced with looking at many fully black souls with mortal sin, and even souls with so many venial sins that I cannot see any white, but gray souls. I encourage those souls in mortal sin to come to Confession immediately. People do not realize the danger of dying in mortal sin, as they are risking being cast into the fires of hell forever.  I love all souls, but to come to heaven, you must love Me, and seek My forgiveness of your sins. I will send My Warning at some time to wake up sinners to this reality of having their sins revealed, and they will desire My forgiveness. You do not see all the souls that are being lost to hell because they ignore Me, and are not sorry for their sins. So look to paint your soul white by coming to frequent Confession. Then you will look beautiful on the outside of your body, and on the inside of your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, New Age influences will soon becoming more pronounced in your society, and in your churches. In the vision you are seeing strange statues of goddesses, and pictures of the occult. The snake in the vision represents Satan, who is behind these New Age teachings. Eventually, these New Age influences will be dividing My Church between a schismatic church and the faithful remnant. The evil ones will control the churches, and My faithful will need to seek homes to have secret home Masses. This is why I have led some faithful to set up both interim and larger final refuges. My angels will protect you at My refuges from those who will try to kill you. A persecution will grow so bad against Christians, that My people will need to leave their homes to come to My safe havens. I will multiply your food, water, buildings, fuels, and bedding. Some people will be martyred for My sake, but the rest will be living rustic lives at My refuges. You will only have to endure less than 3½ years before I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and then I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, February 5, 2015: (St. Agatha)
Jesus said: “My people, just as I sent My apostles out to evangelize souls, so I send out My faithful to evangelize souls as well. When you go out to give talks, My son, you also travel light with one bag for your clothes, and one bag for My messages. When you are invited, there are people who put you up in their homes, and they feed you your meals. They even take up collections for gas when you are driving, and plane tickets when you are flying someplace. It is good to wear your sacramentals and shake holy water or blessed salt in your vehicles for protection from the evil ones. You pray the St. Michael prayer before traveling back and forth. Keep praying for your safety, and have people pray for you as well. You know the evil one tries to discourage you, and block your visits. You are in a battle with good and evil, so work to save as many souls as you can.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are some increased air attacks against ISIS because of some of the brutal executions of ISIS’ hostages. Jordan has threatened all out war, but no one is committing troops on the ground to root ISIS out of its conquests. Again there is little military aid being given to those forces that would be fighting ISIS. You are also seeing Russian rebel troops taking over more territory in the Ukraine. It is the same story. Everyone decries Russia’s takeover, but no one is coming forward with military aid to help the Ukrainian people. Pray for peace in these areas, but as long as these forces see little opposition, they will continue their conquests.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people are now questioning the religious terrorism of the ISIS forces because they are defying human respect for prisoners, and their religious fervor is being questioned. Some extreme Muslims believe in killing infidels and any enemy that fights them. These people are not showing love for anyone, and their motives are becoming suspect. Pray for them to change their vicious desire to kill people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing jet engine problems and storms that have brought down several airplanes. It is up to the companies maintaining these planes to see that they are airworthy. There also is little protocol on when planes should turn back from heavy storms that cannot be avoided by flying around or over the storms. Since many lives are at stake, these pilots need more guidance in making safe decisions. Pray for the safe travel of your airplane flights all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen two heavy snowstorms back to back, and now you may be facing another storm. You are also seeing some unusually cold temperatures as well. This winter is causing many problems for everyone, as you are being forced to stay inside more until this weather breaks. Just keeping your driveways clear has been a consistent problem. Pray for your people to find the strength to persevere through all of your cold and snow.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a great hate for Christians being demonstrated in Arab countries when machetes are used to butcher My followers. These killings are motivated from a Satanic source more than just persecution. It is not normal for one religious group to try and exterminate another religious group. This hate has a Satanic origin for many extreme terrorists who are driven to such killings. So you are in a battle of good and evil, and I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you are seeing more evil forces attacking your families, you are seeing a breakdown in the family as evidenced in your sinful lifestyles. Because evil and sin are becoming rampant in your society, you are seeing an increase in the numbers of people who worship Satan and are participating in occult meetings, and New Age workshops. This is why I am calling My faithful to pray more deliverance prayers for your family members and relatives, who have fallen away from Sunday Mass and My sacraments.”

Jesus said: “My people, as Lent will be coming in a few weeks, you need to strengthen your spiritual lives with more prayer and fasting. At times the cold, snowy winter may put you in a bad mood that could easily lead to depression. You have Me with you at all times, so you should be more joyful as a Christian who loves Me and your neighbors. Do not let your job situations or the weather get you down, but use your prayer life to lift up your spirits over your daily problems. This world is passing away, so your main focus should be on your future life with Me in heaven. When you are down, call on Me, and I will send you My angels to protect you and give you the grace to carry on with your life in joy and not sadness.”


Friday, February 6, 2015: (St. Paul Miki & his Japanese companions)
Jesus said: “My people, I want each of you to look deeply into your soul to find some quiet time with Me, so you can see if you are truly doing My Will or your will. This is a hard reality because you are taken up with so many earthly distractions. You want to love Me more, and help people out of love,but at times you want to do more things for yourselves. If you want to test this in your lives, think if all that you are doing is what I would want you to do. This is how you can measure how worldly you are, and how much time you are doing your things instead of My things. I do not deny you of your earthly pleasures, but I am asking you to give Me a higher proportion of your time. Aside from sleeping, eating, and working for a living, how much of your free time is given to Me. If you are spending less than one hour a day with My things, then it might be time to analyze your priorities in who you are really serving. Do not be a servant of self, the world, or the devil’s things, or you will be serving them more than Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you that a collapse of your money system and your government, will allow the one world people to take over America, and put you into the North American Union. This will bring you closer to mandatory chips in the body, and the coming into power of the Antichrist. None of these things can happen entirely, until I bring My Warning experience to everyone on earth. I will give all sinners one last opportunity to change their lives, and seek My forgiveness. I will show all the people how they stand with Me in their mini-judgment. If they do not change their lives, then this first judgment will become their final judgment. My refuge builders need to have all of their buildings finished before My Warning, or My angels will need to finish them. Be prepared to leave for My refuges after the six weeks of conversion time. I will give you an interior message when to leave for My refuges, or you may be captured and martyred. Have trust in My protection during the tribulation, because I will then bring you into My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, February 7, 2015: (Fr. Gerard J. McMahon Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, Fr. McMahon was a hard working, and faithful priest throughout his life. He was an inspiration to his parishioners and other priests. Sometimes people take My priest sons for granted, but each one is a gift to you, and it is hard when one dies. It is good that your bishops honor your deceased priests with a funeral Mass. Your church was full, and this was a testimony to how much people loved him with this Mass. I received him into heaven today. My people can see the shortage of priests, and you need to pray for your bishop and your priests. Pray also for new vocations to the priesthood. You need fertile ground for vocations, by encouraging young men to answer My call. Where there is Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, you have this fertile ground. I am grateful to see such a holy priest, and all that he did for his people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of the account of Job in how I allowed Satan to test Job by taking away his herds and some of his relatives. Even though much of his wealth was lost, and his people died, he still was patient, and he did not curse Me. Satan realized Job’s faith endured through all of his testing. Patience can be a difficult virtue to master, because it takes great restraint, and a deep faith and confidence in My help. This would be a good virtue to work on during your coming Lenten Season. In the Gospel, you witnessed how I healed many people of their ailments, but I also healed their souls of their sins. Those people, who have gifts of healing, should use their gift to help others who ask them to pray over the sick. Even if you do not have healing gifts, you can still pray for the sick and visit them in their home or the hospital. You can also pray to help heal souls as well. I call all of My faithful to do what they can to share their love and faith with all the people around them.”


Sunday, February 8, 2015:
Jesus said: “My son, you have read in the second reading about how St. Paul had a mission to go out and preach My Word as a missionary. He had a choice, but he was compelled to share My love with the people. It was not easy for him to travel around and to encourage people to stop their sinful lifestyles. So you also have been given an opportunity to share My messages with the people. You have accepted My mission, and you also need to travel to your talks by car or airplane. Your travel is much easier than St. Paul had to endure. Not only have I asked you to save souls by love of Me and your neighbor, but I have asked you to prepare the people for the end times and the coming tribulation. This also is about encouraging people to set up places of refuge where angels will protect My faithful. Be willing to share your faith, when priests ask you to talk in general for a short time. You may find yourself in places out of your comfort zone, but do not be afraid to go forward because the Holy Spirit will give you the words that you need to speak.”


Monday, February 9, 2015: (Ida DiMarsico funeral, Rocco’s mother)
Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to lose your mother, even if she lived a long life. Mothers are always looking out for their children both in their physical and spiritual needs. Ida has suffered for some years, and now she is with Me in heaven. Even despite the snowy weather, your prayer group members were here to support Rocco and his family. You come to many funerals to pay respects to the families that you touch in various ways. Comforting the mourning of your friends and relatives is one of your neighborly duties. Keep praying for this family to endure this loss of their mother.”

Jesus said: “My people, your life on earth is very delicate as indicated in the vision of a red cord. Your earthly life is very fragile, and once this string is cut, your physical life is over because of your mortal nature. Your soul lives on forever, which is why directing your spiritual life toward heaven with Me, is more important than your earthly needs. There is another interpretation of this red cord, which someone gave you in a message. This same red cord means how you will be linking refuge people together in a network, so you know who is on your side. Even as you go out to give talks, many of the people at your talks can meet each other, and keep in touch for their refuge preparations. You also can have links between people on each trip when you go to several cities. I am using My messengers to share My messages, and give My faithful confidence in My help and My protection. Give praise and thanks to Me for how I lead My people through these hard times.”


Tuesday, February 10, 2015: (St. Scholastica)
Jesus said: “My people, when you are thinking of living independently at My refuges, your ordinary comforts today will be taken away. You need to think of how you could cook food on a wood burning oven or heat your house with wood, kerosene, or possibly propane. I will provide your meat with the deer, and I will multiply your water and your fuels. You may have to grow some vegetables with your non-hybrid seeds. This too, I will multiply for all to have some variety in your food. In the Northern States you will need warm clothes, boots, hats, gloves, and shovels. You will be fortunate at My refuges to have a priest for daily Mass. This will require vestments, books for Mass, a cup, hosts, altar wine, candles, bottles for the wine and water, a cross, and possibly bells. You will have Perpetual Adoration, so you do not have to go out. If you do not have a priest, My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. You will also need rosaries, scapulars, Pieta prayer books, Bibles, and the Liturgy of the Hours. You need your earthly needs, as well as your spiritual needs. Be thankful that My angels will defend all of My refuges with a shield of invisibility. My angels will not allow anyone into My refuges, unless they have a cross on the forehead, imprinted by My angels. When you prepare your refuges, think of all of these things that you will need, along with providing bedding, wash places, and outdoor lavatories.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate to have a monthly healing Mass at your old closed church of Holy Name. When you come to such a Mass, you can pray for yourself, or you can receive a blessing for someone who is sick or terminally ill. Even when you receive Me in My Eucharist, you have My healing for your body and soul. When I was on the earth, I would heal the person’s sins first, and then any physical problem. I have blessed some souls with healing gifts, and they can pray over people and heal them. Even when I prayed over people, they had to have faith that I could heal them. In My hometown of Nazareth, I could only heal a few foreigners because of their lack of faith. So it is with healing today, people have to have faith that I can heal them.”


Wednesday, February 11, 2015: (Our Lady of Lourdes)
Jesus said: “My son, you know immediately that this wood bin in the vision is a sign to have plenty of wood for both heating your house, and it can be used for cooking as well. You have seen again how snowy and cold your winters are getting, so you need plenty of fuel to heat your house when you could lose your electricity. Those people, who are being asked to build refuges, also need to stock up on their fuels, as wood, so they can live independently from any utility services. I will multiply your fuels, water, and food, but you need to have some stored things to be multiplied. Some people will be frightened for their lives during the coming Christian persecution. Fear not, because I will be defending you by My angels, and I will provide for all of your needs, both physical and spiritual.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your scientists do not believe in My account of creation in the Book of Genesis. They have no understanding about creation out of nothing, so they provided a ‘big bang theory’ that does not have any explanation of where the elements of hydrogen came from to form the stars. Most of these same scientists are atheists, and they do not believe in a Supreme Being, as I am. With Me, all things are possible, just as you see the order of My creation that man is destroying. These people also believe in ‘Darwin’s theory of evolution’ which again does not explain all the different chromosomes of the animals and how they came to be. These man-made theories are without proof, even though these scientists teach them as facts. I am the One, who controls all life, and that is why you should not kill anyone, because I have a plan for everyone’s life. I keep reminding you that you are put on this earth to know, love, and serve Me. When you serve anyone else, it is not according to My plan for your life. So when you read My Word in the Scriptures, you need to defend My creation account as the real means by which you are all living. I positioned your planet at the right distance from the sun, so it is not too cold and not too hot. You have liquid water, sunlight, and oxygen in the air so you can survive. Belief in Me takes faith that the atheists are not willing to accept. Try to evangelize as many souls to the faith as you can, and you will have your reward in heaven.”


Thursday, February 12, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, when I made man and woman in Adam and Eve, they were made to complement each other. Man and woman have been given different skills, so they could work together. Some of your people want equality with men and women, but they are not made the same. The men can do heavier jobs, while the women can do lighter things. Each of them should have equal freedoms, but their jobs fit their skills. It is better for a man to be married, so the two can help each other in bringing up the children. Single parent families are causing the children to miss a motherly or fatherly figure to imitate. This is why your society should be built around a family of husband and wife, and not the distorted lifestyles in your present society. Once the family life is broken, your nation will fall apart from within. Pray that your society will learn from its mistakes, but Satan wants to divide and conquer you. Call on My help, and trust in Me, and not just in yourselves.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, these trumpet sounds represent the seven trumpets that were announcing the coming events of the tribulation from the Book of Revelation. Each of My angels that blew the trumpets, had control over the four corners of the earth. This time of trial will test all souls, but My angels will begin My victory over the evil ones, who will be tested by several plagues. Rejoice in My coming victory, as I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace after your stay at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, My life is an example to you of how I risked speaking out against some hostile people. My faithful are also called to speak out against the evil ways of your society. It is not easy to witness to your faith in Me because there are some evil people who want to persecute you, and even kill Christians in some places. Do not be fearful of what to say, because the Holy Spirit will give you the words to speak. I will protect My faithful at My refuges when your lives will be in danger.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are brave and dedicated to working for Me, even amidst some severe cold and snow. Pray your St. Michael prayer for My protection from any trials that you may face both going and coming. Travel in the winter time presents many driving hazards, but I will be at your side to protect you from harm. Continue to trust in Me as you share My words among the people who you will be seeing. Your mission is a good example for others to follow.”

St. Therese said: “My son, you and your wife have been faithful to praying my twenty-four Glory Be prayers. Even if you have missed some days, I know you have a good heart to follow the Will of My Jesus. I truly have sent you some signs that your prayers are being answered, especially with the stories from the contractor who visited you today. Have faith in Jesus, and My intercession for your mission to be completed.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is facing My punishment for your evil decisions and laws that are allowing abortion and same sex marriage. Your Supreme Court refused to make such a ruling when 30 states had allowed such marriages. Now 37 states have passed laws allowing same sex marriage. Such a ruling in favor of this same sex marriage by your Supreme Court would force such an abomination on all of your states who have not passed such laws. You know that I consider same sex marriage as an abomination, even as you are reading about Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis. Pray that your court does not allow this to be the law of the land, or you will be putting another nail in your coffin.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you would see waves of cold and snow come upon you this winter. Many of your Northeastern cities are struggling with heavy snowfalls, and now with some below zero temperatures. Pray that your people can keep warm without any power outages. You are tired of all of your snow removal, but trust in My help to get you through this winter. Such weather is hurting your businesses, and keeping some shoppers from coming to the stores. You may have to have more patience for the rest of your winter. Call on My help when you are being tested.”

Jesus said: “My people, your coming Lenten Season starts on Ash Wednesday, and it is an appropriate time to work on healing your sinful habits. It is not easy to improve your spiritual life on your own, but you can call on Me, My angels, and My saints to intercede for you in improving your faith. Leading holy lives, takes a great effort because you are fighting the devil and your earthly desires. My ways are not mankind’s ways, so it is difficult to curb your earthly ways and follow My Will. Those, who do make an extra effort this Lent, will receive My graces and treasure in heaven.”


Friday, February 13, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read the account of how the devil in the serpent, enticed Adam and Eve to commit a sin of eating from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was because of this sin, that you have pain, sickness, death, and a weakness to sin. It is because of this sin in the world, that I was promised as a Redeemer to save My people from hell, where the demons were sent. This vision of a black pyramid represents the one world people who actually worship Satan, and carry out his orders to spew evil all over the world. These evil ones control the finances, and they are behind the running of the governments in all of your countries. These are the ones who will form unions on every continent, and this power will be given over to the Antichrist when he declares himself. I have helped My faithful prepare refuges to protect themselves during the tribulation.”


Sunday, February 15, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when all of My churches will be closed because of the Christian persecution, as it will be unlawful by your government to hold a public Mass. This will be when My priests will have to hold private Masses in the homes. Satan will have his evil servants close the churches, so My sacraments will be hard to find. He knows the power of Confession and My Eucharist, so he wants to keep My faithful away from church. Already, he has made some people so lazy that they are not coming to Sunday Mass. The next step will be to close My churches. My faithful need to open their homes to hide My priest sons. These people need to have vestments, books, bread and wine for Mass. Some of these homes for Mass will become refuges that will be protected by My angels. Give thanks and praise to Me for allowing My faithful to have Mass available. Have more appreciation for the opportunity to have Mass and receive Me in Holy Communion every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, this cross that you are seeing over everyone, represents the cross that I give you to carry throughout your life. This is appropriate for the upcoming Season of Lent that starts on this Ash Wednesday. During Lent you need to focus on your prayers, fasting, and almsgiving. In the Gospel you read of My healing of the man who had leprosy. There is a parallel of how you are also ‘unclean’ when you commit sins against Me. There are many souls who are unclean with mortal sin on their souls, who should be coming to Confession. When you come to Me in the priest, I can heal your sins of a spiritual leprosy, as you confess your sins and you are healed by the priest’s absolution. During Lent you need to make some sacrifices that could help you in healing some of your sinful habits. You could give up some things that you like, in order to help control the worldly desires of the flesh. Make a commitment that you could achieve and offer up throughout the whole Lenten Season.”


Monday, February 16, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how Cain killed his brother, Abel. You have seen such killings going on throughout man’s history. The worst of these killings is all of your abortions, where you are killing My precious little ones. Their blood cries out to Me, just as the blood of Abel cried out to Me. Their guardian angels come back to Me to give witness of the aborted children. Just as Cain was punished for killing Abel, so America will be punished with the loss of your freedoms. You heard of more Christians being killed by Muslims, and now the Muslims are even threatening the same for Rome. I have warned My faithful of the coming Christian persecution. You are seeing this especially in Arab countries, but soon it will be happening in America. This is why I am having some faithful prepare refuges of safety for My people. As you saw a waterfalls flowing, this represents My constant flow of graces, and I am always ready to grant My mercy on repentant sinners.”


Tuesday, February 17, 2015: (The Seven Holy Founders of Servites)
Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed My mercy with My death on the cross to allow all of mankind the opportunity to be saved from their sins and avoid going to hell. Even as I am merciful, I am also just in My punishments as well. In many accounts in the Scriptures, you have seen or read of My justice in how sinful people have been punished. You have read today how I spared Noah and his family by warning him to build and enter the ark of safety. I then brought the flood to kill all of the evil people who did not follow My ways and lived sinful lives. You have seen other times as in Sodom and Gomorrah how sinful people were destroyed by fire, but Lot and his family were also spared. The Israelites were also punished with the Babylonian Exile. Even today, America is killing a million of My unborn babies every year. There are also great numbers of adulteries, fornications, and homosexual acts being committed. For all of these sins, America will be punished as well, when you will lose your freedoms by the one world people. My mercy will be granted to all of My faithful who will be protected at My refuges. There will come a great tribulation of evil by the Antichrist and his minions. I will punish all of these evil ones by casting them into hell, when I will bring My victory over them. Rejoice in My victory when I will bring all of My faithful into My Era of Peace and into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people find it difficult to accept two men or two women being married. I find it sinful and appalling that your society accepts such an abomination. But now, your courts are forcing you to accept this lifestyle as their right to live in sin. Another extension of these rights is when they are allowed to adopt children. The poor children will not know what a normal family is, and they may be encouraged to imitate this same sex lifestyle. Your hate crime laws are even punishing anyone who is critical of their lifestyle. It is sad when your normal households of husband and wife are now in the minority. When you encourage living together or same sex marriage, you are destroying the family image, and advocating sinful lifestyles. It is your court system and parts of your society that are defending gay marriage along with their adoption of children. There were many Sodomites that were killed by the fire that I sent on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. You will see more punishment for these lifestyles and your abortions.”


Wednesday, February 18, 2015: (Ash Wednesday)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are beginning a new Lenten Season that should be focused on improving your spiritual life. Some of you are already praying a lot, so you need to be able to fast between meals, and try to avoid any occasions of your most frequent sins. Denying yourself of some comforts, can help strengthen you against sinful temptations. You could make a few more charitable donations than you normally do. I have asked you to make more time for Me, so you could read the Bible or other spiritual reading. Keep remembering to take advantage of any opportunities to help people. Lent is a time to focus more on love of Me, and love of your neighbors. Be ready to share your faith with others for conversions. I rely on My prayer warriors to keep praying for sinners and the souls in purgatory. Choose some extra efforts that you could make during Lent.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are frustrated with life’s events, especially in the winter during February. Cold and snowy winters are hard to cope with when you are setting snow level records and cold temperature records. Many of you in the Northern states have not seen a thaw or much weather over freezing in the last month or so. Even those people in the Southern states, are suffering from power outages in ice storms. It is hard to lift up the spirits of people who are so downcast. Christians should be happy to have opportunities to help people every day. If you should meet any frustrating situations, it might be better to change your environment, or remove yourself from such a state. If you cannot make such changes, then call on Me to have My angels console you, and strengthen you through your trials. You are entering the Lenten Season, so try to bear your burdens without any complaints. Think more about loving Me and your neighbor, instead of being upset by life’s trials.”


Thursday, February 19, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading, you are asked to choose life between the blessing and the curse. This is literally a choice between heaven or hell for your final destination. Those, who follow My laws and love Me, will receive their reward. But those, who refuse to love Me and refuse to accept Me and My ways, are on the road to hell. In the Gospel I asked everyone to pick up their daily cross and bear it up for My Name’s sake. Bearing your daily struggles, especially this winter, can be trying at times, but imitate how I carried My cross. In everything, I want you to love Me and your neighbor. St. Paul finished his life by saying that I have fought the good fight and I have finished the course. I have kept the faith. Now, I will receive My reward. (Timothy 4:6-8)”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the Muslim terrorists martyr twenty-one Coptic Christians with their gruesome killing and beheading. You have seen several episodes of these brutal beheadings, and yet where is the outrage from your leaders as they look the other way? It is bad enough that these terrorists are killing Christians, but why is your President making excuses for the terrorists? You are looking at what the radical Muslims will do when they come to America.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing continuous waves of snow and deep cold coming into your Northern states. Even though you are weary of snow removal, you still need to help each other to get through your wintry trials. You are fortunate to have good snow plows to clear your roads. Many people are suffering from higher heating bills than average. Be willing to remove the snow for your neighbors, and help people stuck in the snow. Be aware of older people so they can get proper heat and food to eat. All of your good deeds will store up treasure in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you start a new Lenten Season, you remember quickly how hard it is to do some fasting and more acts of self-denial. Some are giving up sweets, TV watching, or other comforts. When you suffer a little denial of your earthly desires, it is difficult to continue throughout all of Lent. You also are realizing that you do not really need so many comforts. With more charity donations, you are helping people in their financial needs. Remain steadfast in your devotions of more prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are taken back by so many beheadings by the Islamic terrorists in how ruthless they are. Many of you do not see how your abortionist doctors tear the little babies apart in abortion, and crush their heads. They even have to make sure that all the body parts are removed. Then they discard these little bodies into a human garbage bin. I would say that your abortions are even more vicious than some of these beheadings. ISIS is killing some Christians, but you are killing a million babies every year. If you want to have compassion, you should protest all of your abortion laws to save the defenseless unborn babies.”

Jesus said: “My people, having mission retreats are appropriate during Lent so you can be guided in improving your spiritual life. Many people do not take the time to come to Confession as often as they should. These missions usually have one night focused on repentance in Confessions. Take advantage of this opportunity to cleanse your souls of your sins. Even despite your bad weather, you should make time for Me at your parish missions. Lent is a good time to examine your consciences, so you could live a holier life. You could even continue some of your Lenten practices throughout the whole year.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is obvious that Russian troops in non-military garb, are slowly taking over the Ukraine, and they are meeting little to no resistance. No one is sending substantial arms to help the Ukraine. All the West can do is use sanctions and diplomacy which is not stopping the tanks. The European countries are next on Russia’s agenda, so they need to make a stand before it is too late. Keep praying for peace, but defensive fighting will be required.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some serious damage to your cars in all the ice related accidents. Your ice storms are causing power outages where people have to find warm shelters. Homes are suffering broken water pipes and crushed roofs from the heavy snowstorms. Your economy and people’s lives are being adversely affected by all the cold, snow, and ice. Pray for your safety and warm places to stay. Keep helping your neighbors in their needs.”


Friday, February 20, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a time of fasting between meals, and no meat on the Fridays of Lent. This sacrifice of fasting is to help the soul control the desires of the body. You can eat at meal time, but no snacks in between. Some people may not be able to fast, but if you are healthy, it is better for your spiritual life. You can also make some other sacrifices as not eating desserts, or giving donations to the poor. As you see in the vision, coming to Confession will help remove the sins from your soul, as they are washed away with the priest’s absolution. By making your extra Lenten devotions a part of your life, then you can work toward a holier life, and not just your normal routine. It is by changing your life in removing your bad habits, that this will help you in your progress toward sainthood. This is your goal to be perfected, and ready to come to Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you use a manual shift car, you go through the gears to pick up speed. I want to relate this to your level of spirituality. There are some souls who are stuck in first gear, and they have not advanced much since their grade school religion classes. If you truly love Me, you will desire to go to the next level of understanding, as you progress in your faith. This could mean using Bible study or taking courses in the faith or theology. You can also enhance your love for Me by coming to daily Mass, praying the daily rosary, and coming to daily Adoration. I am happy when My prayer warriors are so active in loving Me and helping their neighbors. This Lent is a good opportunity to pray more and enhance your faith in parish retreats. By trying to reach the next levels of faith, you can also strive for the higher levels of heaven.”


Saturday, February 21, 2015:
Jesus said: “My son, you are planning for the possibility of having Mass in the homes, once the Christian persecution will close your churches. This is why you were taking down some dimensions for an altar. You also could be seeking out some priests who could offer Mass at your home. Pray for your priests because the evil one is doing everything to mislead them away from their vocation as a priest. Pray also for My faithful who could be coming to your home for Mass. Eventually, you will need to have secret Masses, and even come to places of refuge. This is a large undertaking that will require a lot of work for My refuge builders. Remember that My angels will protect My refuges with an invisible shield.”

(4:00 p.m. First Sunday of Lent) Jesus said: “My people, this tree of life means there had to be new life to repopulate the earth after Noah and the flood. The evil people were removed as they were drowned. The animals had to repopulate the earth as well. I made a new covenant with Noah by placing a rainbow in the sky whenever it rains, and I would not drown people again by a world flood. As you start a new Lenten Season, you need to refocus on Me in repentance of your sins. I am the Tree of Life where I am the Vine and you are the branches. Those, who do not follow Me, are separated from Me, and wither away without nourishment from My sacramental graces. Use this Lent to improve your spiritual life, and you can show Me how much you love Me, and how much you love your neighbor. Make your plans for fasting, prayer, and almsgiving.”


Sunday, February 22, 2015: (First Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing progress made in the building of your addition, as the large tree was taken down, and the stump was ground up. You are still working on removing the wood, but you are now ready to dig out the basement and remove any roots. In the vision you saw a large stained glass window that represents the stained glass windows that you have purchased. You are getting ready to build your new holy place, and your new kitchen. You have had a mission for evangelization for many years, and now you are having an additional mission of preparation. I want to confirm the naming of your holy place after ‘The Eternal Father’. I know you will put the same effort into providing for your guests as you have done with spreading My messages. Keep praying your St. Theresa Glory Bes for the successful completion of your addition.”


Monday, February 23, 2015: (St. Polycarp)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that I give all of you plenty of opportunities to help people in doing works of mercy. You can help the hungry, the thirsty, clothe the naked, give shelter to those in the cold, and visit the sick, and those in prison. Those people, who use such opportunities to help people, are showing their love for their neighbors, and Me in them. These helpers will receive My reward in heaven. Those people, who do not help others out of selfishness or laziness, are not showing love for their neighbors or Me, and they are on the road to hell. This is the last judgment. With love, you come to heaven. Without love, you are destined for hell. So choose life and love.”

Jesus said: “My people, most people who have chosen to build refuges, have already built their place. Some people are still building a refuge, or they are finishing up their preparations. You need a place of prayer or chapel at each refuge where you will have Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. This chapel will also be a place to hold Mass if you have a priest. Even when a priest is not present, My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion during the tribulation. Each person will take an hour to pray before My consecrated Host. As you heard at the mission, it is prayer that enables Me to talk to your heart. It is My words that will confirm your mission, especially at My refuges where people will use their individual skills. You need quiet time in contemplative prayer, in order to be open to hear My Word. I have shown you many refuges where people receive messages for their refuge. Trust in My Word and My protection, as I will heal your ailments, and I will provide for your physical and spiritual needs. I will call My faithful to My refuges with an interior message, when your lives and souls will be in danger.”


Tuesday, February 24, 2015: (Mass for Sam Cimino)
Jesus said: “My people, you are all suffering from the cold and the snowy weather, but the poor are fortunate to have a heated home or shelter. They also are dependent on food shelves or food stamps for their food to survive. So when you are thinking of giving alms, you could give donations to your local food shelves for Lent. You were a part of this work before, and you know how much the people appreciated receiving food in their need. You also were reading the Gospel about praying the ‘Our Father’ prayer. During Lent you are praying more, and it is good to focus on forgiving people, instead of holding grudges. Life is too short to avoid people over petty differences. Learn to forgive and forget, so you can move on with a life of joy, instead of a life of hate. Sam was grateful for your Mass in remembering him.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember what I told the Pharisees when they criticized Me for eating with sinners, as tax collectors. It is the sick people who need a physician, and not the self-righteous. So when you become ill, you seek out a physician to get well. In your vision, you saw how you are more sympathetic to others who are sick, because you understand a little of their pain and discomfort. When you are well, you do not feel this pain as much as when you are sick. You may want to help people to get better, when you offer them some medicine or advice. This is true also in your spiritual life when you may commit sins of swearing or sexual sins. You feel spiritually sick in your soul, and you may see a need to come to Me in the priest at Confession to be healed. Absolution can free you of your sins and heal your spiritual sickness. You may see others who are living sinful lifestyles, or they are not coming to Sunday Mass. Do not judge others, but you can give them some gentle advice on how to live a less sinful life according to My Commandments. You can even encourage others to come to Confession to help their souls, and heal their spiritual sickness. You can come to Me, and I can heal the whole person, both in physical sickness, and in spiritual sickness.”


Wednesday, February 25, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how the people of Nineveh took Jonah’s warning seriously, and they put on sackcloth and ashes in repentance of their sins. In most of the accounts of the Bible, the people were defiant of My Commandments. In the vision at Babel, they defied Me by worshiping other gods, and they were punished with many languages. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah defied Me, and I sent fire and brimstone against them. Even today, your people are defying Me with their abortions, euthanasia, and many sexual sins. I have given you many messages about a coming cleansing of your people in the tribulation. At the end of the Antichrist’s reign, I will bring a Comet of Chastisement that will kill two-thirds of humanity. These are just punishments because I have pleaded with you many times to repent and change your ways. Those, who refuse to obey Me, will suffer the consequences. I will provide safe havens for My believers, even as I protected Noah and his family, and Lot and his family. Those, who repent and follow My Commandments, will find a place with Me in heaven, even if they suffer martyrdom for their faith in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you have people work hard for you on a job, beyond what was agreed to in a contract. When you see such a generous spirit in someone, you feel drawn to reward that person with an extra donation for the their good service. You can verbally thank them as well. There are also other situations when you see people in need, and you want to offer help in your donations of food or money. Even when you have been given an unexpected inheritance, you want to share your good fortune with your family and friends. You can share some donations also with the poor at your food shelves. When you are given such gifts, you also are seeing another purpose in sharing safe places with My faithful during the tribulation. For those, who share their wealth, faith, and their skills with others, you will be storing up treasure in heaven. Even after you have helped some people with money, prayers, and Masses, you have a warm feeling in your heart that you could share your love with them, and your love for Me in them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of how cold it has been in the last few years. You use electricity to run your natural gas heater. When you think of living at a refuge, you will need to live independently without the services that come into your house. You will be faced with how to keep warm, where to get your water, and what food you will eat. Keeping warm may require cutting up wood, or having your gasoline, or kerosene multiplied. I will multiply your fuels, so you may need to have a gasoline power saw to cut up your wood. Wood is usually available from your trees or multiplied wood. You can save rain water in barrels from your gutters, but you may need to filter the water to purify it. You could even have a miraculous spring for water. You could grow some vegetables and use deer meat for food. Call on Me, and I will provide for your needs to survive. This tribulation will only last a short time before I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, February 26, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, this scene shows a paralytic man who was determined to come to Me, despite the crowd in the house. He had faith that I had the power to heal him. I started out by healing the man’s sins, even though some people thought only God could heal sins. If these people truly knew that I was the Son of God, they would understand how I want to heal the whole person. In many healing miracles, it is necessary for the person to have faith in My healing power. This is why I could only heal a few people in My hometown of Nazareth because they did not have faith in My healing power. After I healed the paralytic’s sins, I then told him to walk, pick up his pallet, and go home. The people were amazed at the man’s healing, and they gave glory to God for the healing. So when you call on Me to heal someone, you need to have faith that I could heal that person. Remember with Me, all things are possible.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I know that you have been suffering through record cold temperatures with no let up. In a few more weeks, you will see a little warmer weather, so the deep cold will be coming to an end. Take heart, and do not let this weather bring you into depression. You need to bear a few more weeks of suffering as you are in prayer during Lent. When you are down, you need to count your blessings in your family, and that you are warm in your homes. When you pray your rosaries, you are sharing your love for Me, and you know how much I love you. My grace is enough to get you through the trials of life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for all the sexual offenders that they will not kill any more women. It is sad that some men are so demented that they would kill for such a pleasure. Many families are torn apart by the loss of their family members to such a cruel crime. You also are seeing the unusual slaying of Christians in Arab countries by Islamic terrorists. The killing of My babies in abortion is another tragedy to lose so many little lives. You will see My justice against such killers in due time. These killings will not go unnoticed.”

Jesus said: “My people, this example of Ecuador going completely into electronic money shows you how quickly your money system could be changed. Not all of the Ecuadorean people are liking this, but some are changing over. The bulk of America’s money transactions are already electronic in your debits and credits. You have only a small amount of money in circulation that could be stopped. Once you do not have physical money, you will be ready for the new electronic money called SDRs. The next step will be a mandatory chip in the body which will be the mark of the beast. Do not take any chip in the body that could control your free will.”

Jesus said: “My people, your internet has become an important part of your economy for buying goods online. It is also an opportunity to share ideas and messages. If this free internet were to be censored as your other media outlets, there would be total control over any free speech. Such control could threaten to take down your own internet site as well as any other sources of messages. This new control is just another loss of your freedoms that are being taken away one by one. Your people need to stand up for your freedoms before they are all taken away by your government.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been well taught on the Church and the family as they are being attacked in your society. Your visiting priest did a good job in presenting the importance of the family at home, and the family in My Church. You could have had a better attendance if your weather was less severe. The Church and your family are the home where you feel most comfortable. Retreats give you an opportunity to expand your faith, and come to Confession to cleanse your sins. Take advantage of attending your retreat missions.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been praying for the successful completion of your new addition. The first step of clearing a large tree has been completed. When temperatures permit, you will start the foundation and building of the basement as the next step. Keep going forward with your plan for a safe place.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are working on your little penances of fasting between meals and praying more than usual. Even coming to daily Mass would be a blessing for some people. Doing a little more spiritual reading could help your faith as well. Coming to Confession during Lent would also be good for your souls. Some people may be giving up things to show their love for Me, by not letting anything control them. By continuing your Lenten practices, as the Stations of the Cross, you can benefit spiritually from this Lenten Season.”


Friday, February 27, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s readings are all about how I judge people on their lives. I give every sinner many opportunities to come to Me for the forgiveness of his or her sins. You cannot come into heaven unless you ask My forgiveness of your sins, and accept Me as your Savior, when I died for you on the cross. I forgive your sins many times in your life, but you need to keep seeking My forgiveness every time you commit sins against Me. I am always willing to forgive a repentant sinner, no matter how great the crime. I am like the father of the Prodigal Son in waiting for you to return to Me for forgiveness. In the same way, I want My followers to forgive others of any harm done to My believers. You should not hold grudges against people, and do not go to your grave with any unforgiven things on your heart, or you will suffer more time in purgatory. Lent is a good time to make amends with Me in Confession, and with your neighbor before you bring your gift to the altar.”

Jesus said: “My people, this scene of the Islamic terrorists destroying old artifacts of history, has two intentions. The first intention is to destroy any history that would show people how the mistakes of man are being repeated without learning from the past. The other intention is to infuriate the West with more atrocities, as their brutal killings, to precipitate a large war that could bring on the Twelfth Imam. There are also similar things going on in America to change the history books to remove any national patriotism. Freedom was the reason for your Founding Fathers to set up your Constitutional Republic. The one world people want to make you more subservient to your government, so you are being conditioned to accept their new world order. This is why your President and his party are trying to strip Americans of their freedoms for more control. There are also atheists running your government and your schools, and they are trying to remove My Name from all of your society. This is why Christian persecution will be coming to America where your religious freedom will be taken away. If you do not take a stand against those who want to take away your freedoms, then you will be taken over, and you will have to come to My refuges. Evil will have its hour, but it will be short lived, when I will bring My Chastisement against these evil ones, and they will all be cast into hell. Then I will bring My faithful into their reward in My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”


Saturday, February 28, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, this is an ugly scene in a church where people normally come to worship Me, but you are seeing many black souls because very few are coming to Confession. This also represents the people who are, or will be a part of a schismatic church, that does not believe in Me, and worships New Age gods and goddesses. The first attack on My Church will be from within where some people will follow New Age teachings. My faithful should leave any schismatic church, and seek out home Masses that worship only Me. The second attack on My Church will come from your government that will close your traditional churches, and they will not allow public Masses. The third and more violent attack will come from Islamic terrorists who will burn churches, and behead all the people who will not join Islamic ways. Many of these evil people, who are attacking My Church, are led, or are inspired by Satan, himself. This is why My faithful will retreat to home Masses, and eventually to places of refuge, protected by My angels. Have no fear of these evil ones, but do not attend New Age or schismatic churches. I will protect My faithful with an invisible shield.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading I was testing Abraham to see if he was willing to give up his only son, Isaac. But I had My angel hold his knife from killing his son. He was rewarded for his act of faith. There is a parallel in that My heavenly Father had Me, His only Beloved Son, come to earth to sacrifice My life for all of mankind’s sins. This shows you how much I love all of you enough to give up My life for you. This was My plan to be the Redeemer of all mankind, from the time that a Redeemer was promised to man. I wanted to show My apostles My glory in a view of My coming resurrected Body. I also showed them Moses and Elijah, which is why St. Peter wanted to set up tents to relish this vision. My heavenly Father then said: ‘This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him.’ I then told My apostles to not mention My Transfiguration until after I rose from the dead. St. James, St. John, and St. Peter did not yet understand how I could rise from the dead, because no one had ever done such a thing. This vision of My Transfiguration is a preview of the miracle of My Resurrection. This is another example, that with Me all things are possible.”


Sunday, March 1, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, the Jewish people have made blood sacrifices with animals for many years in atonement for sin. In the first reading Abraham was tested by My Father, as he was about to sacrifice his only son. An angel was sent to hold his hand, and he sacrificed a ram instead. I came as a Redeemer, and I was called the ‘Lamb of God’ by St. John the Baptist. Later, I was the unblemished Lamb sacrificed on the cross in atonement for all of mankind’s sins. This image of My Crucifixion is the same sacrifice offered at every Mass. Every time you see the Host and wine raised up, you are to remember My physical sacrifice of My life for your sins. When you speak about the ‘sacrifice of the Mass’, it is an offering up of My Body and Blood for all the sins of the world. You have My Real Presence which you receive in Holy Communion, that requires your soul to be without mortal sin, or you commit a sin of sacrilege. Give reverence to My consecrated Host in Holy Communion and in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I have left you with My Real Presence in My Body and Blood, every time you have the sacrifice of the Mass. Rejoice in this gift, and My miracle, every time you have the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood.”


Monday, March 2, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a lot of lights in your church now, because soon these lights will be off forever, when the evil ones will close your churches. You are happy to receive Me in Holy Communion now, but soon you will have to receive Me in the homes, and then in My refuges. Many do not want to hear these hard things now, but what you are seeing in Arab countries with Christians being killed, will soon be happening in America. Whether you like it or not, the Christian persecution will spread all over the world, as the Antichrist will take over. You are fortunate that I have some faithful building refuges, where My angels will protect you from the evil ones, who want to kill you. Trust in My protection, and keep your soul pure in case you are martyred.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you look at yourself in a mirror, you are seeing how you appear to others. People can see your manner of dress as some description of who you are. During Lent, it is good to examine your actions and how you could change your sinful ways into a holier life. You can start by noticing if anything controls you in bad habits. You can also look at your most frequently confessed sins as a place to improve your spiritual life. Try to imitate My life or the lives of the saints, if you are looking for good role models. Each year you need to make a spiritual assessment if you have improved, stayed the same, or if you are worse than last year. By making plans to improve your life, you need to improve every year so you can work toward your perfection in sainthood. By striving for perfection, you can also strive for the higher levels of heaven.”


Tuesday, March 3, 2015: (St. Katherine Drexel)
Jesus said: “My people, many of you have situations with the weather, sickness, or job problems that frustrate you because things are hanging on, without getting better. It is hard to suffer from problems that do not seem to see any light at the end of the tunnel. Some people feel tried at the end of their patience. When you come to see Me at Mass, think of Me as the Light of your hope, even when you are down in your spirit. I am the Great Healer of your physical and spiritual problems. When you seek a healing, or a needed grace, you need to have faith that I can help you. Then give Me your prayer request, which I know before you ask Me. I can help with impossible situations, but you should also ask for the grace of patience to endure your suffering until your problem is resolved. Time and My grace can heal most situations. People with chronic or permanent ailments are My suffering servants. These people should be inspirations of hope to those with temporary problems. There are always worse cases than your own problem, so work to stop your complaining. Your faith is more important than any earthly problem. So keep focused on Me as your Light to answer your problems.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing millions of unborn babies still being killed in America. You are also seeing vicious killings of Christians in Arab countries. This information is readily known in the news, but there is no action being taken to stop either of these atrocities. Some protest abortions, but your government laws allow these so-called legal killings. Some protest Arab killings of Christians, but again nothing is being done to stop these killings. If people do not stand up against these killings, then your freedoms will be lost next as your punishment. I have been giving you many warnings that Christian killings will be coming to America. The same Islamic terrorists want to kill Christians in America. My faithful need to be ready to leave for My refuges when I will warn them that their lives are in danger. Be ready to leave your homes with your backpacks, tents, food, and bedding in your vehicles. Be grateful that I am providing safe havens to protect you from the evil ones who want to kill you. Many people do not want to believe such a tribulation can happen in America. Believe that the Antichrist is coming for less than 3½ years, but most of My faithful will be protected. Some will be martyred, even as you are seeing today. I bring a message of hope that My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace after I bring My victory over the evil ones.”


Wednesday, March 4, 2015: (St. Casimir)
Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful for all of My followers who truly believe in My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. It is those faithful who love Me so much, that spend hours giving Me praise and Adoration. I am always present to you in My tabernacle, as I wait for your visit whenever you can find an open church. When you come in front of My Blessed Sacrament, you can ask Me what you need in life, or I can help you in making any big decisions about faith or your financial problems. You can trust that I will answer you in time, or possibly you can listen to My words in your quiet contemplative prayer time. As you see churches closing, and as you will see churches being closed in the future, you will be missing this opportunity to adore Me and visit Me in church. Later, at My refuges you will have perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament at both My interim and final refuges. Rejoice, that you have Me with you always in My Blessed Host until the end of this age.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you look all over the world, there are many forces of evil seeking out world control. You have a deepening Muslim terrorism taking over the Middle East with vicious killings. You have Communist Russia trying to reestablish its old empire. Even Communist China is controlling foreign bases, and expanding its territories in Asia. Ultimately, you will be seeing the one world people establishing continental unions which will be given over to the Antichrist for his takeover. You can see the coming tribulation being set up by Satan’s leadership. I am allowing this evil to last only a short time, until I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and I will cast them into hell. Be patient and have hope, as I will provide refuges for My people during this tribulation. Those, who are faithful to Me, will have their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”


Thursday, March 5, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read the account of Lazarus and the rich man in the Gospel, and it should remind most people in America of how you are living a good life compared to the rest of the world. There are many poor around you like Lazarus, so you need to be ever vigilant in not forgetting them in your charity donations. You look at your after tax income, and you could afford ten per cent of your income for donations to My Church, your family, and the poor. There are many good causes as your local food shelves, Food for the Poor, Catholic Relief Services, and other places to help the poor. You can also offer your time as well to help the poor, and even your neighbors. By remembering to help the less fortunate people, you are showing your love for Me in them. Do not begrudge sharing your money, time, and talent in helping others, especially the poor.”

(Loretta Harrington’s Memorial Mass) Jesus said: “My people, it is always difficult to lose a mother and a grandmother, but she had the good blessing of a long life. She loved her family in all that she could do for them, and she was happy to see all of her family and friends at today’s service. She was led by Me into her reward in heaven, as seen in the garden of the vision. Loretta will be praying for all of her family, and she will be your prayer intercessor in heaven. She especially wants to thank all of her care givers and her children for all the patient hours of taking care of her in her last days. Many blessings will come over those who cared for her in her need. Give praise and thanks to Me for this special woman who was a gift of life for her family, and for all the people that she worked with.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the sin of avarice, or the love of money and power, can be a great source of crime. You have seen people rob banks, sell drugs, embezzle stocks, and kill others for inheritances. The idea of getting rich quick has even caused many gambling problems with broken homes. Some people think that with more money, they could live an easy life. Depending on wealth is a very empty life because such people do not want to depend on Me for help. This earthly wealth will be lost or stolen, and it will not last or help people get to heaven. It is better to depend on Me for all of your needs, because I have the words of everlasting life in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the illegal drug industry is tearing your country apart with drug addicts and cartel killings for money and power. The drug dealers would not be in business unless they had a lot of customers and sellers that make big money. Drugs like cocaine, heroin, and marijuana and the like can degrade your body and kill brain cells. It is a communist tactic to destroy America from within. Other countries have severe laws against drugs, but America’s authorities are not as stringent. Pray that these drugs could be stopped by tougher laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, the pornography business is another great evil that is linked with prostitution and exotic dancing. An even more diabolic part of this problem is child pornography and pedophile attacks. Even date rape and college sex crimes have become a recent problem. This evil use of sex to gain money or pleasure, is a disrespect of the use of My gift of procreation. Internet use of pornography has broken up many marriages, and has even encouraged adultery with other partners. Here again, your laws permitting such evils need to be stronger.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the recent statistics that only one third of your households have a normal marriage of a husband and a wife. Those people, who live together in adultery or fornication, are living in sin, and they need to separate or get married normally to avoid this sin. Those people desiring same sex marriage with homosexual acts, are even living in a worse abomination because it is unnatural and destroys the whole concept of a true marriage that should be between a man and a woman. Your society has given full acceptance of such sinful lifestyles, and this is why your children are having so many problems without the proper models to follow from their parents. These sexual sins are bringing America down by this widespread immorality and disregard for My Commandments.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know there is a desire to control the number of children at times, but My Church has only accepted Family Planning means to avoid pregnancies. Other means of birth control as condoms, vasectomies, and tube tying are sinful things that are outlawed by My Church. This desire to stop pregnancies is what has led to your prolific abortions and the day after pills that are killing many of My babies. Abortion alone will bring down countries as America, who allow such killings. Pray for people to obey My Sixth Commandment, and follow what is taught in Humanae Vitae.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many homes and marriages destroyed by alcoholic addictions. This starts out with casual drinking, and it can lead to binge drinking when people get drunk. Too much alcohol can actually be deadly, especially if mixed with medications. Drunk drivers have killed many people when their driving is affected by excessive drinking of alcohol. There are ways to help stop drinking, but the person has to desire to stop. Many addictions, as excessive drinking, have demons attached to this behavior, and it takes deliverance prayers to heal as well. You know of family members with these drinking problems, and they can affect other parts of your extended family. Keep praying for such souls to stop their drinking.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you have prayer groups to honor and worship Me, so you have Satan’s opposite of occult groups and New Age groups that worship Satan and crystals. This is an evil straight from hell, and some Satan worshipers are controlling the one world people who are carrying out Satan’s orders to kill man. These evil ones are behind your death culture that is supporting abortion, euthanasia, wars, vaccines, and viruses that are meant to reduce the population. These are the same people who are forming continental unions that will bring the Antichrist into power. This ultimately will bring on the tribulation that I have warned you about in many messages. You are facing a battle of good and evil that I will have to settle with My victory over all evil. Keep praying to save souls, and lead people away from any evil practices against Me.”


Friday, March 6, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, the Jewish leaders did not want to accept Me as God’s Son, so they wanted to kill Me, even as Joseph’s brothers wanted to kill the master dreamer. Thus the builders rejected Me, and I had to set up My Church with St. Peter and My apostles. The Jewish leaders did finally crucify Me, but My Resurrection defied their plans. It was My plan of salvation that has survived when I died to save all of mankind from their sins. I have protected My Church down through the ages, and it will not be destroyed even by the Antichrist. My faithful remnant will survive by My grace at My refuges. When all of the people come face to face with Me at the Warning for all the people in the world at the same time, they will know that they can only come to heaven through Me as their Savior. Those people, who refuse to accept Me and refuse to ask My forgiveness of their sins, will be on the road to hell. There are only two choices, heaven with Me, or hell with the devil. At the Warning you will also learn that My Church is the only church with the fullness of the faith in My sacraments. Believe that I am your Redeemer, and I will set you free of your sins, and invite you into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been given many detailed messages about My refuges, and how they will be protected by My angels. I have talked about invisible shields because I want you to have full trust in Me without using guns to kill people. I have shown you very powerful angels that will stand guard over My refuges, and only allow people with crosses on their foreheads to enter. These same angels will multiply your dwellings so more people could be accommodated. They will also multiply your fuels, water, food, and bedding as needed. They will bring you Holy Communion if you do not have a priest. When people start coming to you at the proper time, you will need counselors to calm them down, and I will give them miracles to believe. Even before the people come, I will be showing you signs for helping people believe without any doubt that I am helping you. You have experienced many confirmations over the years about My messages, but others have not had this experience, so it is harder for them to believe. This new additional mission will require some work, that you already know a lot about preparing. You will need to organize your home better to remove what is not necessary. You will need to organize your items so they are cataloged and easy to find. You will need spiritual things just as well as your physical things. I will help you organize your thoughts and needs as you progress on this project.”


Saturday, March 7, 2015: (Sts. Perpetua and Felicity)
Jesus said: “My people, it is hard for My people to have patience with other people, especially when they repeat the same offensive behavior. Now, you can imagine just a little of what I suffer in My endless mercy for seeing all of your sins. Heaven and I are all rejoicing over one sinner who repents and seeks My forgiveness. I will always forgive a repentant sinner, but each person needs to be sorry for offending Me, and to try and avoid the same sin. I did not condemn the prostitute, but I told her to go and sin no more. The account of the Prodigal Son is very touching, and I see Myself as the father in many cases on earth. I keep seeking out the lost sheep to come back to Me. I am like the hound of heaven always in search of lost souls. There are also many faithful, who have been close to Me for years, and they need to be patient, and not complain of the sinners that I forgive. You all are sinners, and you are at various stages of your spiritual progress. So do not look down on others because of their sins, but for My grace, you could be like them. Instead, remain faithful to Me, and continue to seek Me out in monthly Confession. Then you can keep a pure soul which is ready when I call you home to your judgment.”

(Gerry Oftedahl Memorial Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I am very proud of Gerry as a great fighter to save My babies from being aborted. I wish many more could have her zeal for such a cause as these very lives of the unborn. Gerry had so much treasure stored in heaven for her work, that they outweighed her sins, so she was escorted into heaven by the guardian angels of the babies that she saved. Give thanks to Me for her gift of life that could lead your Right to Life group for so many years.”
Gerry said: “I am so happy to see all of my family and my dear Right to Life friends. I so enjoyed doing all that I could to help save God’s little ones. Keep up the good fight for the unborn babies. Our Lord loves us fighters more than you know for standing up to protect life. I will be praying for my family and for all the Right to Life workers.”


Sunday, March 8, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, it is very hard to hear of all the brutal killing of Christians by Muslim extremists, but it is also hard to deny that it is going on. With Me there is only love and an appreciation for life. In some parts of the world there is only hate and killing that can only come from the evil one. I do not want My children killing each other, but immediate defense of one’s life from a killer is justified. This is why I have not given any messages about fighting with guns because I want My angels to defend My people. When you are shielded by invisibility of My angels, you will not need guns at My refuges. The deer will drop dead in your camps like the quail did in the Exodus, so you will not need guns to kill them. You are constantly being threatened with wars and all kinds of deadly weapons. It is better to trust in My protection than any of your weapons. Your rosaries should be your best weapon against evil and the demons.”


Monday, March 9, 2015: (St. Frances of Rome)
Jesus said: “My people, there are many proud and arrogant people who have been humbled by disease and sickness. Your health can even be considered as one of My gifts, because you have experienced difficulties with sickness. In today’s first reading, Naaman expected himself to be healed directly by the prophet, Elisha. Instead, he was asked to wash seven times in the Jordan River. He resisted at first out of pride, but he followed his servant’s advice to follow the prophet’s words. Once he washed seven times, he was healed. In many ways people are humbled in their pride. Instead of being puffed up with pride in your own works, you need to be more humble in following My ways instead of your ways. When you look back at your life’s events, you can see how My plans accomplished more than your worldly plans. I do not violate your free will, but when you are obedient to My Will, you will see the best is being done for your soul and the souls around you. Those people, who exalt themselves, will be humbled, but those people, who humble themselves, will be exalted.”

Jesus said: “My people, personal pride can hold you back from being a more loving and sharing person. Many times you compare yourself with other people to see if you are better than them in looks, money, faith, or social status. You should see people for who they are, without thinking that you are better than them. In Lent you should be focusing more on humility and living a humble life, without looking for acknowledgment of your accomplishments. You should be loving and sharing more with people when you have the opportunity. I give everyone many opportunities for grace, so take advantage of them to store up treasure in heaven. Share your love, faith, and wealth with people, and you will find your reward in heaven.”


Tuesday, March 10, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, today in your society, you have some evil people who are trying to create divisions between race, religion, and social status. These evil ones want to destroy your government and take over. When your people focused on Me, your country, and the family, America prospered. Now, with all the evils of drugs, and materialism running your people, the corporations and rich people are manipulating and controlling your lives with chips and chipped documents. The Gospel is focused on love and forgiveness, which is lacking in some of your people. Just as I forgive you your sins many times, so you need to forgive your neighbors, and even your family members. Your life is too short, so you should try to live in harmony with everyone to stop hate and wars. Imitate My life and the lives of the saints, as you strive for your sainthood.”

Jesus said: “My people, your life can be a little like a sleigh ride with ups and downs, as well as some unexpected bumps. You need to have the same acceptance of difficulties as you do your blessings. It is more difficult to work out problems, but I help you to get through everything in your life. It is your trust in My help that I admire most in My faithful servants. Work on your humility and your generosity to help family, friends, and the poor with your almsgiving. By sharing your faith and your donations, you are thanking Me for My gifts to you. You know how much I love all of you, and I want you to love Me and your neighbor as well. During Lent, you are also focused on seeking My forgiveness in Confession, and you can forgive others who have harmed you in any way. By working to heal your bad habits, you can have a great benefit from your Lenten devotions. I thank all of you for doing what you can to build up My Church, and My faithful in it.”


Wednesday, March 11, 2015:

Jesus said: “My son, you are following My wishes in making your chapel.  It is appropriate to name your chapel for the ‘Eternal Father’ as a namesake for your prayer group.  Do not be concerned about letting people know about this name, even if your inspectors see what you are doing.  You are preparing a prayer meeting place for when the churches are closed.  I will guide you in your preparations, so you can have a successful completion of your construction.  I am calling many others to also set up places for prayer, where I will have My angels defend My faithful.  I will be giving you messages on how to prepare your place for what is to come.  Put your full trust in how I will lead My people to safety at the proper time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have anxiously awaited the warmer weather that you have experienced in the last few days.  Even the melting snow piles are a welcome relief that you can see the ground again.  Your Lenten retreats are inspiring your faith, and you are feeling a joy in My loving you all the time.  As winter is losing  its grip over your Northern states, your lives are returning to your normal warmer weather for this time of year.  My creation will soon be showing signs of spring with the new life coming up all around you.  You have had a hard, cold winter, and it is good to be able to walk around with more joy in your heart and soul.  During Lent, you are enduring your fasting and other penances that you have taken on for My sake. As you rejoice in a change of weather, you are also rejoicing in your heart and spirit for the joy of knowing and loving Me.”


Thursday, March 12, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, some of the Jewish leaders accused Me of being with the prince of devils when I cast demons out of people. They did not realize that it was by the finger of God that I cast the demons out. Even in your own days, there are people possessed or influenced by demons. This requires exorcism by an exorcist priest, or deliverance prayers by My faith filled people. You also are being controlled by the one world people, who worship Satan and carry out his orders. These evil ones are preparing the way for the Antichrist’s reign. One of their means of control is to force your people to have chipped documents as driver’s licenses, charge cards, and passports. These chips allow them to track you and eventually control your money. You have read in the Scriptures of not taking the mark of the beast, and not worshiping the Antichrist. The next step of the evil ones’ control is to force you to take chips in the body, which is the mark of the beast. Refuse to take any chips in the body because they will control your free will and your soul as being hypnotized. Even if these evil ones threaten your life, your property, your money, or even your relatives, refuse any chips in the body for any reason. It is when your government authorities will demand mandatory chips in the body, that you will need to come to My refuges of protection. Do not fear these evil ones, since My angels will protect you at My refuges. Some of My faithful may be martyred for not giving up their faith, but they will become instant saints in heaven. This evil tribulation will last only a short time before I will bring My victory over all the evil ones, as they will be cast into hell.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that people in My churches and schools are removing My crucifixes and statues. You are only a few weeks away from Holy Week, when you will be venerating My crucifix, as I died on Good Friday. I have asked all of My faithful to imitate Me by picking up their daily cross and carry it through their day. The statues of Me and My saints are to remind you of our lives, and how you can use My saints as models for your lives. You could even have a large crucifix in your altars at church to remind you of how much I love you, since I died to save all of mankind from their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the building of churches years ago, but now you are closing more churches than you are building new ones. You are being called to build up My Church with new or old members because many Catholics have become lax in their faith, and they are not coming to Sunday Mass. You have seen some people who are being inspired to knock on the doors of your members who are no longer attending Mass. Sometimes giving a personal request to return to church for those who are not attending, may be all that is needed to stir them into action.”

Jesus said: “My people, your life is a school of training on earth where you learn from your experiences in preparation for your graduation at death into heaven. This life truly is a place of training where you are trained to love Me and your neighbor because you will be judged on how you loved. You have plenty of opportunities in life to help people and store up treasure for your judgment. Use this time of Lent to grow holier in your life by prayer and spiritual reading.”

Jesus said: “My people, at the beginning of Lent, you made resolutions of fasting and making certain penances. You are about in the middle of Lent, and now would be a good time to see how you are succeeding in your Lenten devotions. Many of you are still fasting and keeping up with your penances. You may be doing more spiritual reading, which you could even continue after Lent is over. I am proud of My people who are still keeping up their penances as not eating sweets, or spending more time in prayer. The more acts of self-denial that you can achieve, the more your spiritual life can be helped.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard about fasting, almsgiving, and the forgiveness of sins. During Lent, it is a good opportunity to come to the priest in Confession. I have given many messages suggesting that monthly Confession should be a minimum in coming to Confession, which is needed by all sinners. If you accept that you are a sinner, then you need to come to Me to seek My forgiveness of your sins. All sinners need to have their souls cleansed from their sins. By asking My forgiveness, you are being humbled in your spiritual weaknesses. Do not be so proud or lazy that you stay away from My sacrament of Reconciliation.”

Jesus said: “My people, in Lent you are called to give alms, and the poor are in most need of your donations of food and money. You may give donations to many causes, but do not forget the poor who are always in need of their necessities. You can even serve the poor at soup suppers, or take food to them. Do not look down on the poor, but pray for them, and lift them up the best that you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many ways of praying in Adoration, giving thanks, prayers of petition, praying for the souls in purgatory, and your morning and night prayers. Praying daily rosaries, reading the Scriptures, the Liturgy of the Hours, or the Pieta prayers, are just a few examples of how people pray to Me. I listen to all of your prayers. I answer your prayers in whatever is best for your soul or the souls of others. When you pray, you could keep focused on intentions that are best for people’s souls. Prayers during Lent should be done daily by making the time for Me before all of your other earthly activities.”


Friday, March 13, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I have encouraged all of My faithful to work hard at evangelizing souls to be saved from hell with My help. All of you, who are baptized and confirmed, have been given a gift of faith to be nurtured, but also you need to share your faith with others. You not only are called to build up My Church with new converts, but you also need to try and reconvert those Catholics who have fallen away, and are not practicing their faith. Many families have some members who are not coming to Sunday Mass. You need to carefully remind them of their faith commitment without pushing them away. Even if they still do not want to listen to your invitation, you can continue to pray for their souls to come back. I have called all of My faithful to go out to all the nations to help save souls, so you will have to answer to Me for your actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people are planning America’s demise, and they are considering crashing the dollar, and turning off the electricity. Your economy is based on the dollar, but if it was crashed, it would throw all of your National debt into receivership with the Federal Reserve. Such a crash would crash your stock market and create chaos in the streets, as people would be seeking food and water. This event could easily precipitate martial law, and a rapid takeover of your government by a dictatorial regime. If you see such an event taking place, prepare to come to My refuges for protection. My angels will protect you from any rioting with their invisible shield. I will multiply your food, water, and bedding at My refuges so you will have all of your needs satisfied. Keep trusting in Me, and I will protect you throughout the time of the tribulation.”


Saturday, March 14, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel (Luke 18:9-14) of the Pharisee and the publican, you see the pride of the Pharisee who is claiming how he tithes, and is thankful that he is not like sinners, as the publican. He spoke as a self-righteous person, instead of being a repentant sinner. The Pharisee did not give of himself, so he did not gain anything from his visit to the Temple. The publican bowed his head, and beat his chest as a humble, repentant sinner. He asked Me for mercy for his sins, and he went home justified and rewarded for his humility. All sinners need to come to Me humbly to seek My forgiveness and My mercy. You are all
human and you have inherited Adam’s weakness to sin. When a repentant sinner seeks My forgiveness, I will always forgive that person, and cleanse the sins from that person’s soul. When you come to the priest in Confession, his absolution and My grace will set you free of the bonds of your sins. In the vision you see this endless flow of water that represents My endless flow of graces that I bestow on every repentant sinner.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I am just in My judgments, but I am merciful to sinners. The Israelites worshiped many foreign gods before Me, even after I brought them out of Egypt with a heavy hand. They were into unnatural sex and idolatry, much like the people of today. Because of their sins of disobedience, I allowed Israel’s enemies to defeat them, and carry them off to captivity for seventy years. America is walking down the same path as Israel did. With your abortions, fornications, adultery, and same sex marriage, you also are worshiping idols of money, fame, sex, and even occult beliefs, instead of worshiping Me. Because of America’s sins, you are calling down My justice that will bring a great punishment down upon your people. I am merciful to repentant sinners, but your sins as a nation, will put you also into exile. It is just a matter of time until I will allow your enemies in the one world people, to take you over. This will be the beginning of the tribulation of the Antichrist. Trust in My help to protect you through this time.”


Sunday, March 15, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, there are two times when My heavenly Father presented Me to you, at My Baptism and at My Transfiguration. When St. John the Baptist baptized Me, God the Father said: (Matt. 3:17) ‘This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’ Again, at My Transfiguration God the Father said:
(Matt. 17:5) ‘This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased; hear Him.’ Now, in today’s Gospel from St. John you have a quote that is cited many times: (John 3:16) ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that those who believe in Him may not perish, but may have life everlasting.’ My coming into the world had one purpose in love, and that was to sacrifice My life so that all souls would have the opportunity to be saved from their sins. Those people, who accept Me as their Savior, and seek the forgiveness of their sins, will be saved from hell, and welcomed into heaven. But those people, who refuse to believe in Me and refuse to ask My forgiveness, are on the road to hell by their own choosing. I love all of the people that have been created, and I desire that they love Me in return. I also want My people to love their neighbors as themselves. I am love, and I want My people to know that I love you so much that I am willing to die for each soul.”


Monday, March 16, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading from (Is 65:17-25) speaks about the new heavens and the new earth which truly describes My Era of Peace, once the world is recreated, and the evil ones are placed in hell. I will bring My faithful people into this new earth, both those who survived the tribulation, and those who were martyred during the tribulation. This new heavens and new earth is also mentioned in the Book of Revelation (21:1-8). This is when there will be no evil, and people will live a longer time than usual. These faithful will receive their reward, and eat from the tree of life. These souls will be prepared as saints to enter heaven. Rejoice My people, and be patient for My coming victory over the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, right now, things are normal with some indications of coming problems with persecutions and a government takeover. When chips in the body become mandatory, you will see people hiding in basements or underground places. Once your lives are in danger, you will need to come to My refuges of protection. This is why you are making your preparations along with many other refuge builders. You will need to store food, water, and have bedding accommodations for some people. I will have My angels protect your dwelling, and multiply your food, water, and fuels to keep warm and for cooking. Your people in your community will all have to work together for your mutual survival. You will need a chapel for prayer, Mass if you have a priest, and around the clock Adoration. You will only have to endure this rustic life for less than 3½ years before I will bring My victory over the evil ones. Be patient and rejoice that I will be protecting My faithful at My refuges.”


Tuesday, March 17, 2015: (St. Patrick)
Jesus said: “My people, I healed many people on earth both physically and spiritually, but the people had to have faith in Me so I could heal them. I have given messages how My people would be healed of their ailments both at My final and interim refuges. I also have said that some interim refuges would become final refuges. At all of My final refuges you will have a Luminous Cross in the sky where people will look upon it and be healed. At refuges without the Luminous Cross, you will have healing springs of water or holy water to heal people. You could be prayed over with the laying on of hands. This healing of ailments will also be accompanied by a healing of souls. You may not have any medical doctors at your refuge, so this healing gift of Mine will be needed by My faithful. Trust in Me to bring My faithful through this coming tribulation by My protection at My refuges through My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, your new addition is getting put up fast, as your construction of a new chapel should be framed in within a week. Continue your St. Theresa prayers for a successful completion of your addition. All of your plans are coming together, as now your kitchen plans will be next. Your chapel still needs some more planning for how to furnish it. I will be giving you more instructions as time moves on. Your new mission will take a lot of work to set up. Be patient, but move along with your plans because the time for building is running out, before some major events could quickly lead to martial law. Trust in My help with all of your building plans, and your preparations for the needs of the people who will be coming to you.”


Wednesday, March 18, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your President acting as a dictator, as he is doing all that he can to get rid of any of his opposition.  He has eliminated many of the generals who do not want to carry out his plans of disarmament.  He has used some questionable means to steal his elections.  He is usurping the Congress with his Executive orders, memorandums, and his vetoes.  He is even threatening to go to the UN for any deal with Iran to avoid the Senate ratification.  His latest push is to try and unseat Israel’s prime minister by supporting his opposition.  Many of his actions violate your Constitution, but the party in power of the Congress will not stand up to his dictatorial actions.  If your representatives do not resist him, you will have a true dictatorship.  Pray that you take back your country, or the one world people will control your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages before about having plenty of water on hand for drinking and reconstituting your dried food.  There are various ways that I could provide the water you need for your daily survival.  You could have some barrels to catch rainwater from your gutters, and springs could be used to provide water.  Just as I multiplied the bread and fish, I can also multiply your water and food at your refuges.  You may have to use your heirloom seeds to grow your vegetables.  I will also have to expand your house to accommodate more people.  Your present addition will give you extra space in your basement, your chapel, and your kitchen.  You will be using this addition for prayer meetings, Masses, Adoration, as well as more space to provide food for the people.  Pay attention to every detail of My instructions so you are prepared to provide for the people that I will send to you.  Trust in My angel protection for the short time of this coming tribulation.  You will need to assign various tasks for all of your people to help in providing for your survival in this trial.”


Thursday, March 19, 2015: (St. Joseph)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph was My foster father, and he provided for My Blessed Mother and Myself as I was growing up.  He guarded My life when we had to go to Egypt to avoid Herod’s soldiers.  He also taught Me his trade as a carpenter. He was a kind and righteous man in all he did to follow God’s plan of salvation.  All fathers could use St. Joseph as their role model to follow.  Fathers for years have protected their families, and have provided the money for them to live.  Today, both parents work in some families, so some of the traditional roles have changed.  It is unfortunate that fathers are missing in some families, so the children are brought up without a father image to guide them.  This truly has a bad effect on the children who live in divorced families or unmarried families.  Pray for more fathers to support and live with their families.  Parenthood has its responsibilities, and fathers should not leave everything for the mothers to do.  This is why your society has poor spiritual values, because of your sinful lifestyles.  Your society is decaying because of the attacks on the family.  Pray that your families stay together to help each other.  It is with prayer that your families can deal with life’s trials and keep together.”

Prayer group:

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you pray the Stations of the Cross as you remember how much I suffered abuse from the Roman soldiers.  Every time that you look upon a crucifix, you are reminded how I suffered and died for your sins.  In a few weeks you will be attending Holy Week services that will give you the readings of My Passion and death.  Never forget how much I love you, and I pray that you love Me also.”

Jesus said: “My people, I fasted in the desert for forty days before I started My three years of My public ministry.  You complain about some mild fasting, but I suffered a lot more.  Your Lenten services are modeled after My forty days in the desert. For those people, who are following all of these Lenten sufferings, it is a way of building up your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you walk on a beautiful sunny day, you are lifted up from all of your dreariness  in this winter.  Many signs of spring, as the singing birds, are slowly putting new life into your experience of My creation.  As you approach Easter Sunday, you are seeing longer days which add to the celebration of My Resurrection.  It is in these beautiful experiences that you are happy to be alive in your spirit.  Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you.”

Jesus said: “My son, it was almost fifty years ago since you experienced the building of your present house.  Now, you are revisiting some new construction, but for a different purpose than raising a family.  Those people, who are building safe havens, are making preparations for a new family of faithful who will be together throughout the coming tribulation.  I have heard your prayers for this chapel, and your desire to carry out this second mission that I have given you.  Some of My faithful have answered this call, and I thank all of My refuge builders for all of their efforts and dedication to this mission of protection for My people.”

Jesus said: “My people, repenting of your sins in Confession is your best Lenten practice that you could do for your souls.  Lent is all about improving your spiritual lives, and frequent Confession is your best way to get close to Me  and repair your souls from the effects of your sins.  There are a  large number of sinners who do not take advantage of My sacrament of Reconciliation.  My people need to keep their souls clean so their souls are prepared to meet Me at their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people,  one of your sincere prayer intentions is to pray for the healing of many sick people you know, and others who have asked you to pray for them.  It is difficult to see so many people in pain, and some  are on the verge of death. Keep praying for these intentions, and even for the healing of these sicknesses.  You have experienced the frustration and pain of being sick with your cough in your throat recently.  Have mercy and sympathy for those people who are suffering in their ailments.”

Jesus said: “My people, you attend many funerals for your friends, and even relatives of your friends.  You have even seen deaths in your own family.  It is an act of mercy to attend these funerals and give comfort to the families who are mourning their losses.  When people die, they leave others behind who will miss them dearly.  It takes time to heal such losses, so it is good to have people comfort the family members.  You can also pray for the souls who have passed on, and have Masses said for their souls.  Many souls have to be purified in purgatory, so your prayers and Masses can  help these souls come to heaven sooner.  These souls cannot pray for themselves, so they need people on earth to pray for them.”


Friday, March 20, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, what you are seeing in this vision, is a massive application of aluminum oxide, polymeric fibers, barium salts, and viruses that are being spread all over your skies. Many people are becoming sick because of these applications, in the name of global warming to block the sun. This is a government secret operation that has been going on since 1998, without any mention in your media. This is part of the one world people’s plan to reduce the population with their man-made viruses. Your people have seen these chemtrails in the skies, as they are very obvious, but your people are not aware of the dangers to your health. I have recommended Hawthorn pills, vitamins, and herbs to build up your immune systems to combat the effects of these chemtrails. Your people should complain to your government representatives to stop this invasion of your airspace by these bad chemicals and viruses.”

Jesus said: “My people, I was giving some sources of water in previous messages, but in the vision I showed you how My angels could dig out a well for you. This well had water coming in from a spring, and people were lowering a pail on a rope to pull up the water. It did not require a pump, but it would take time to pull up a lot of water. Most refuges will not have electricity for pumping water. All the wells at My refuges would be clean, and not contaminated. Since water is necessary for your survival, a well would be convenient. I could multiply your water in the barrels, if it was needed. My angels will protect My refuges, and I will multiply your fuels and food as well. My angels could also build more dormitories for the people to sleep, and even a multistory building if necessary. Trust in My help to provide for all of your needs at My refuges during the tribulation.”


Saturday, March 21, 2015:

Jesus said: “My son, I want you to take note of the things that you will need for your new chapel.  First you are arranging for someone to build you an altar with certain dimensions.  You will need to bring down your tabernacle and some statues.  You will need a lectern for reading the Gospel and the Epistles.  You will need vessels and candles, along with your monstrance for Adoration.  You may need some stands for the gifts to be brought up.  You also will need some chairs for the people to sit. You will need some lights and some small Stations of the Cross.  Once you have the chapel built,  then you can plan where to place things.  You may have to keep the doors open if you have a large number of people for your services.  Remember that during the tribulation, you will have perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament at all of My refuges.  I will be with you through this struggle, and My angels will protect you.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you know how I was tried in the Garden of Gethsemane when I was sweating drops of blood.  My human side was asking if it was possible to avoid dying on the cross, but then I wanted to do My Father’s Will.  I came to the earth as a man so I could be the Redeemer that was foretold by the prophets.  So I had to go through the severe trial of being crucified on the cross.  In some cases My followers are being tested as I was, when I lived on the earth as a God-man.  It is easier to follow your own will in your comforts, than to follow My Will which could take you out of your comfort zone.  I have given each of you a mission to accomplish along with the grace and the means to accomplish your mission.  You need to pray to Me in quiet contemplative prayer to understand the mission that I want you to do.  I am asking each of you to give Me your ‘yes’ to do My mission for you.  Many times people give Me their ‘yes’ without knowing completely what I am asking them to do.  By following My Will, I will lead you to achieving your mission.  You need to have full trust in Me that this mission is the best for your soul.  Some people are asked more than others because I know they are capable of doing what I need done.  I give every person opportunities to do My Will, but not all  of the people want to go against their own will.  Those people, who follow My Will, are going to accomplish more and gain more graces than those people who do not follow My Will.  It is your choice to follow Me, as I asked My apostles to leave everything to follow Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of wine being poured out on the floor, represents how all of your comforts will soon be taken away.  Just as Israel was punished by being defeated and exiled in Babylon, so America will be punished for its sins by persecution and captivity as well.  It is for this reason that I am having My people set up refuges of protection during the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.  Those people, who come to My refuges, will be protected and fed.  Those people, who refuse to leave their homes for My refuges, could risk capture and martyrdom.  I love all of My people, and I will not leave you orphans.  At My refuges I will be with you in perpetual Adoration, until I bring you into My Era of Peace with My victory over the evil ones.”


Sunday, March 22, 2015:

Jesus said:  “My people, the Gospel account today, shows you My human side in how I was in deep sorrow for My friend, Lazarus, who had died.  I know how hard it is to lose a loved one at death, and I sympathize with your sorrow.  At the same time, it gave Me a perfect opportunity to ask Martha if she believed that I would raise people up on the last day of judgment.  I gave her My reassurance even in My own Resurrection from the dead, for I have conquered sin and death. (John 11:25, 26) ‘I am the Resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me, even if he dies, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die.’  Some people have a fear of death because of the unknown.  If you love Me and your neighbor, and obey My laws, you should have no fear, because you will be with Me in Paradise, just like the good thief on the cross.  Everyone who dies, does not come immediately to heaven.  Some are lost to hell, while others need various amounts of purification in purgatory.  This is why you need to pray for the souls of the dead, and have Masses said for them, so they will suffer less time in purgatory.  I love all of you, but each person has to have an accounting at the judgment for his or her actions.  I raised Lazarus from the dead,  and I can raise all of My faithful as well.  When I died on the cross for all of you, I brought My victory over sin and death.”


Monday, March 23, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people,  both of today’s readings have to do with sins of the flesh.  In Daniel the two elders were lusting for Susanna, and in the Gospel I was tested by the people with a woman who was found committing adultery.  I did not condemn her, but I told her to sin no more.  I also told the people that whoever had no sin could throw the first stone.  I wrote their sins in the dirt, and they slowly went away, one by one.  Sexual sins are the most committed sins.  These sins are adultery, fornication,  homosexual acts, and even people using birth control devices.  The lust in the heart, and sexual attraction can cause many sins, so you have to control your passions.  Even impure thoughts need to be confessed, as some are drawn into pornography and prostitution.  There are many people who make money on mankind’s sexual desires.  Even women who do not properly cover themselves, are tempting the men to sin.  I created this sexual drive in people to provide for procreation, but not to be abused for pleasure only.  People need to live chaste lives, and not be controlled by their earthly desires of the flesh.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see how brutal ISIS is in beheading people and taking over parts of Syria and Iraq.  Once your troops left Iraq, you are seeing ISIS and Iran fighting to take over Iraq.  You are fearful of these terrorists, but I tell you it is the evil ones that are controlling the one world people, who will threaten you the most.  The masons and the Zionists worship Satan, and they take their orders directly from Satan.  These are the people controlling the money, and they control your governments.  These are the ones who are planning to crash your money, and take over your government.  These Godless people have placed a large force of mercenary soldiers at many camps all around your country that are from various foreign countries.  These are the soldiers who will try and force your people to take the mark of the beast in a computer chip.  This is why you will need to come to My refuges to avoid being captured and killed by these soldiers dressed in black.  Trust in Me to protect you and feed you at My refuges.”


Tuesday, March 24, 2015:

Jesus said: “My son, listen to the complaints to Moses in the Exodus, because in your modern day Exodus, you will also hear complaints and fears from the people who come to you.  Many will not understand that they will need to live in full trust of My miracles to protect them, feed them, and provide for their daily needs.  The first problem is that you will need counselors to calm the people down from their fears of being killed by the men in black.  At all of My refuges only those people with crosses on their foreheads, will be allowed in by My angels.  The angels will place an invisible shield over My refuges so the evil ones will not harm you.  Water will be provided, even if the water in your barrels needs to be multiplied.  Food will also be multiplied.  Bedding will be there and again it will be multiplied if necessary.  You will wash your clothes and your bodies with what water is available.  Your spiritual needs will also be met with daily Holy Communion and perpetual Adoration.  Pray that your people will be understanding, and that they do not complain too much.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are just hearing how 150 people died in a plane crash in the Alps of France.  These poor people had their lives come to a sudden end without much warning.  Every time you take a plane flight, there is a remote chance that you could be in a plane crash.  All of these people had to face Me at their particular judgment.  Many souls were not prepared spiritually to have to answer for their life’s actions.  It is sad for all the loved ones who are left behind that are grieving their losses.  When you see people facing the loss of their lives, it gives you pause to think if you are ready to die.  I have asked My people to keep close to Me with pure souls by coming to frequent Confession.  When you lead good lives by following My Commandments and praying your daily prayers, you will have a pure soul, and be ready to meet Me any day that I may call you home.  Those people, who are not ready and have sinful souls, fear death more than the holy souls.  This is another reason to reach out to convert souls before it is too late, so you can help prevent souls from going to hell.  Your life on earth passes by quickly, until you are at death’s door.  So work to keep a pure soul, so you know that you will not go to hell, but share in My mercy.  It is better to desire heaven and avoid any sin that offends Me.  I love all of you, and I do not want to lose any souls, but you have free will to choose to obey Me or not.”


Wednesday, March 25, 2015: (Funeral Mass for Edward Mandery)

Jesus said: “My people, it is a sorrowful day to see a loved one pass on at a relatively young age of 57.  His life was a joy to those who loved him, and it will take time to heal his loss.  The family and friends need to comfort the woman in his life.  He is in purgatory and he will need Masses and prayers for his soul.  Keep his picture to remember him.  He will be watching over you in your needs.  Give thanks and praise to Me for the gift of his life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of the Last Supper that was a Jewish custom of the Passover.  It is also a model for the Mass, but you have My own Body and Blood sacrificed instead of the lamb’s blood.  I am the unblemished ‘Lamb of God’ that was sacrificed for all the sins of mankind.  You have Holy Communion in the unleavened bread, which is now My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament.  This is your spiritual daily Bread that you can receive at daily Mass.  At My refuges you will also have My Presence, either from a priest at Mass, or from My angels who will bring you daily Holy Communion.  You can even save a Host in your monstrance for Perpetual Adoration.  Every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are commemorating the Jewish Seder Supper, and My Last Supper at the Passover time.  You will see this relived as part of your Holy Thursday Mass celebration.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been given several signs to go ahead with this chapel as a place for home Masses, and eventually as an interim refuge.  I have also shown you people hiding in this new basement when the refuge time comes.  My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges, and you will see many miracles of multiplication to provide for all the people that I will send to you.  I have told you also to go forward with your plans, even if the tribulation occurs during your construction. Time is growing short before the evil ones will be given their hour of reign.  Trust in My protection no matter how much you will be tested with persecution and criticism.  I told you that I would be giving you any instructions that are needed to run a refuge.  Trust in Me and My angels to defend you, and provide for your needs.”


Thursday, March 26, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, St. John’s Gospel has a more obvious explanation of My Divinity than the other Gospels.  In today’s Gospel from St. John I spoke of how Abraham was glad to see My day when he died.  The people of My day could not understand how I could see Abraham since I was not that old as a man.  Then when I told them before Abraham came to be, ‘I AM’, they wanted to stone Me for what they thought was blasphemy.  In actuality, I was telling the truth because I am the Second Person of God in the Blessed Trinity.  The people of Nazareth also heard Me infer that I was the Christ, the Messiah of God, but they tried to kill Me also.  Then in front of the Sanhedrin, the Jewish High Priest demanded that I answer if I was the Son of God.  When I said, ‘I AM’, they accused Me of blasphemy, and that is why they wanted to kill Me.  They could not believe that I was God’s Son, even though I performed many miracles as multiplying the bread and fish, calming the storm, and raising Lazarus from the dead.  These leaders also saw Me as a threat to their authority.  These people were waiting for a Redeemer, but they thought that the Messiah would defeat the Romans.  I used all of these circumstances for My ultimate plan of salvation, so I would die for all of the sins of mankind.  Be thankful for My death and Resurrection, which has paid the price for your souls.  You are seeing how much I love My people, by offering up My very life for all of your souls.  This is why I want you to remember My love by having a large crucifix on your altars.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, this new war of Saudi Arabia with the terrorists in Yemen appears to be happening because Saudi Arabia is concerned about the oil transport lanes that are being threatened by Yemen.  This is an additional war to the conflict in Iraq where Iran, ISIS, and the Kurds are all fighting to gain control over Iraq.  It is possible that America could get drawn into these conflicts for control of the oil.  Already in Afghanistan, American troops are still remaining.  Pray for peace in the Middle East where there is a constant conflict for land and oil.”

Jesus said: “My people, after the investigators heard the voice recorder, they realized that the co-pilot locked the cabin door so the pilot could not enter the cockpit.  The co-pilot than purposely directed the plane into a sharp descent that crashed the plane into the mountains with no voice communications.  Some people are thinking that this could have been a terrorist act to kill all of the passengers, just as some previous terrorist acts have crashed planes on purpose.  Pray for the safety of your airplane passengers, and your attempts to prevent this from happening again.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the spring time  you usually have more tornadoes and hail storms.  Recently, such tornadoes have struck Oklahoma.  This state has also been witnessing a cluster of small earthquakes.  There are some people speaking about a possible large earthquake in America.  I have warned you in the past of a large earthquake on the San Andreas Fault and an earthquake on the New Madrid Fault that could be triggered by the HAARP machine that sends out powerful microwaves.  Some people have mentioned certain dates, but I have told you not to trust dates so you do not lose your faith.  I will send America a punishment for its sins in My time only.”

Jesus said: “My son, at times you are seeing delays in your construction by rain, snow, and cold temperatures.  Your spring weather will come, but it is being interrupted by various cold waves from the North.  Be patient as the workers need good weather to work.  I am glad that you are doing what you can to bring your chapel to completion.  A time is coming soon when I will warn My people that it is time to come to My refuges for protection by My angels.  Trust in My leading you to safe havens when your lives and souls will be in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, I pray that most of My people have profited from their Lenten devotions and penances.  Your fasting between meals, and your penances, have been difficult to bear, but it helps your souls to control your earthly desires.  This test of your will and self-control is a great help in fighting your temptations to sin.  When you are having spiritual attacks, you could resume your fasting and penances to give you strength.  You can also call on Me, and I will send My angels to comfort you and protect you.  Trust in My help and stay close to Me  with pure souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, enjoy your opportunities to come to Mass and Adoration at church, because a time of persecution is coming when your churches will be closed or burned down.  You are seeing an increase in attacks on Christians by violent Muslims in various countries.  Be prepared, My people,  because this persecution will soon be coming to America.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are entering the most important week of the Church calendar, as you are approaching Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.  This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday that begins Holy Week. Try to make a point of attending all the Holy Week services so you can appreciate how I suffered to save your souls from your sins.  I gave up My life as I was crucified to pay the price or ransom for your souls.  On Easter Sunday you will share in My victory over sin and death.  Your Lenten penances will be over, but remember Me every time you look at My crucifix.”


Friday, March 27, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, you are approaching Palm Sunday when you read about My Passion and death.  The Jewish leaders condemned Me to death for claiming I was God’s Son, which is a truth that they refused to believe.  They took Me to the Romans who helped carry out My sentence to death by crucifixion.  On Passion Sunday you will read a long account of how I was scourged, and beaten while I was carrying My cross.  You will have the Stations of the Cross today, so you can read of how I suffered on the Via Dolorosa.  All of My sufferings were part of My sacrifice to save souls from their sins.  This was why I came to the earth as a man, so I could suffer all that you go through in life, except sin.  I love all of you so much that I was willing to give up My life for you.  Whenever you are going through earthly suffering in pain or sickness, you can unite your suffering with Me on the cross.  You can offer up your pain for redemptive merit to help other souls.  As you go through Holy Week, you will appreciate all the cruelty of man both in mistreating Me, and how evil people mistreat and kill others.  Walk with Me to Calvary as you carry your own cross in life.”

Jesus said: “My people, life on earth could be considered a race through time, with heaven as your finish line.  As with your judgment, you will be tested how you loved Me and your neighbor in your actions.  You have many choices in life to follow your will, or My will.  You make this choice in every one of your actions because every choice is made by your free will.  If you follow My Commandments and cleanse your sins in Confession, you will have your reward in heaven.  I know you have earthly weaknesses to sin, so you need to repent of your sinful mistakes, and start anew.  Seek My forgiveness with contrition, and I will free you of your bonds of sin.  You can also try to evangelize as many souls as you can to keep them from going to hell.  St. Paul at the end of his life said: (2Tim 4:7) ‘I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.”


Saturday, March 28, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, today, you have many different denominations of My followers, but I have My one true Church led by St. Peter’s successor.  You are already seeing an increasing persecution of Christians by radical Muslims.  There will be a coming tribulation when you will see an apparent battle between My people and the devil’s people.  My faithful remnant will be led to My refuges when I give an interior warning.  They will be united and protected by My angels.  They will be working together for their survival as I will provide for their food, shelter, and bedding.  Trust in Me to lead all of My people to My safe havens of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are reading My Passion in St. John’s Gospel, but at first the people were cheering Me with palms.  This is why this coming Sunday is called Palm Sunday, but it is also know as Passions Sunday because you read a long Gospel about My Passion and death.  In some ways all sinners go through a spiritual hot and cold time.  You love Me in your prayers and Masses, but at other times you fall into temptation and sin.  You are graced to have My sacraments, especially Reconciliation, to cleanse your soul of your sins.  I will always forgive a repentant sinner, and I am waiting for you to return to Me to ask My forgiveness of your sins.  You need to strive to have a pure soul, and be a loving Christian by showing Me your love, and your love for your neighbor.  Do not show people by your bad actions that you are a hypocrite, because you do not practice what you preach.  By keeping close to Me in your daily prayers, you will be a role model for others to follow.”


Sunday, March 29, 2015: (Palm Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, before I died on the cross to save you from your sins, the gates to heaven were closed to those who died before Me.  Now that I have been sacrificed for all of mankind, the gates of heaven are open to worthy souls.  I instituted My sacraments for My people who believe in Me.  The vision of a waterfalls coming down the stairs of a theater, represents the cleansing waters of Baptism that cleanses original sin that came from Adam, and actual sin of any older people. Baptism initiates people into My Church, and it is a gift of faith to be shared in converting souls to believe in Me. You are starting  Holy Week with Passion Sunday.  Try to attend this week’s services that commemorate My death and Resurrection.  You are celebrating Palm Sunday with your palms, but you are sad that I had to die for your sins.  I am the only worthy ‘Lamb of God’ that could be sacrificed to save all of mankind from their sins.  Rejoice that you can cleanse your sins with Baptism and Reconciliation.  I desire that you keep your souls pure by coming to at least monthly Confession.”


Monday, March 30, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel of St. John you are reading how Mary anointed Me with a bottle of expensive genuine nard.  Judas Iscariot complained that it could have been sold, and the money given to the poor.  I told him that she was anointing Me for My burial.  When I raised Lazarus  from the dead, many came to see him, and they were leaving the Jewish synagogue to believe in Me.  The Jewish leaders were afraid that I was taking away their people, and their authority was being threatened.  This is another reason that these leaders wanted to kill Me, and they also wanted to kill Lazarus as well.  Later on, they accused Me of blasphemy when I claimed that I was the Son of God.  For this reason they wanted to kill Me with the approval of the Romans.  This Holy Week is all about Judas as My betrayer, My scourging, and My crucifixion.  The most important event is My Resurrection on Easter Sunday, when I brought My victory over sin and death.  Rejoice, My people, because I have brought salvation to all of mankind for the forgiveness of their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, life is not just like an amusement park where everything is fun without any problems.  Instead, you need to work for a living, go to school for your education, and possibly get married.  There are big decisions in your life to choose a college, find a way to pay for it, choose a wife or a husband, choose a place to live, choose a place to work, and other material things as a car, and a house.  Life is not easy when you are bringing up children, helping them through school, and keeping a good job if there are lay-offs.  Providing the money for the family, usually is the husband’s responsibility.  During life you also have to deal with any health problems, possibly help your parents as they age, or you may even be tested with deaths in your family or among your friends.  Those, who are older, have experienced many good times and sorrows.  The closer you stay with Me spiritually, the easier your life could be, unless you are asked to be a suffering servant.  When you call on Me to help you through life’s trials, I will be right at your side, helping you.  The more I call on people to be evangelists, the more you may have to endure living outside of your comfort zone.  I will give you the grace to accomplish your mission, but you need to have faith in Me for leading you on the right path.  Those people, who follow Me, will have their reward in heaven.”


Tuesday, March 31, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I knew from the time that Judas became one of My apostles, that he would betray Me to the high priest. There were two denials of Me, one from St. Peter, and the other from Judas. St. Peter was sorry and repented, but Judas had Satan enter his heart. Later, after Satan had used him, he urged Judas to hang himself to death. My people also betray Me or deny Me when they commit their sins. It is how you respond after, that is important. You can seek My forgiveness in Confession. I know all of you are sinners and weak to temptation, but I wait for your return as a repentant sinner. Even though you commit sins, you need to keep trying to avoid sin, and ask for My forgiveness. Then you will later have your reward in heaven for being faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of microchips and a little of how they are used in computers, camcorders, and cameras. There are other kinds of chips that can be used in your body to control people’s minds. This link of biochips is dangerous when they can affect your mind as someone being hypnotized. In essence such chips can control your actions and take away your free will. This mind control could even misdirect your soul into evils that you would not normally commit. This is why I have warned people not to accept any chip into their bodies for any reason. Already you are being forced to used chipped documents as passports, driver’s licenses, and charge cards. You have chips in your TVs that could have mind control over you. Many other chips run your appliances and your vehicles. It would be good to research the latest mind control chips that are placed in the body, to understand how dangerous they are for your mind and your soul.”


Wednesday, April 1, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, yesterday, you read about Judas’ betrayal according to St. John’s Gospel. Today, you read of Judas’ betrayal according to St. Matthew’s Gospel. You know that Judas loved money, and he sometimes stole money from the common purse. So when he bargained with the High Priest to hand Me over to them, he asked how much money were they willing to pay him. They gave Judas 30 pieces of silver which became the price on My head. When Judas later repented of his betrayal, he threw the money into the Temple. Since this was blood money, they used it to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for strangers. (Matt. 27:6-9) Judas later betrayed Me with a kiss when he brought the Jews to take Me in the Garden of Gethsemane. This was the beginning of My crucifixion and death on Mt. Calvary that you will be commemorating on Good Friday. I love My people so much, that I was willing to give up My life so you all could be saved from your sins if you repented.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is better to build up relationships with love, than to tear down relationships with criticism that is constant. I know that you are sinners, and you make mistakes, but I still love you just the same. Try to seek ways to remedy your mistakes, and put them behind you. Seek My forgiveness in your missteps, and I will forgive you. You can advise someone how to improve their ways, but do not continuously nag anyone in your advice. You will get a better response from someone if you are kind to that person, than talking down on someone. I am love and I want My people to love Me and love each other. Imitate My life, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”


Thursday, April 2, 2015: (Holy Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, at the Last Supper you saw Me instituting My Blessed Sacrament as My greatest gift of Myself to all of you. When your priest consecrates the bread and wine into My Body and Blood, you have My Real Presence among you. The Jews repeat the Passover once every year, but My faithful can partake of My Mass and Holy Communion every day. You have a miracle of My transubstantiation of bread and wine into My Body and Blood at every daily Mass. Keep your soul clean of any mortal sin by your frequent Confession. As you remember My Last Supper, it brings you to think of your large stained glass window of this scene. You also have a flashback of when you were actually present in the Upper Room, where I shared this meal with My apostles. You are fortunate to have these memories of My Last Supper.”


Friday, April 3, 2015: (Good Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, today, you commemorate My suffering and death on the cross. I had wounds all over My Body, and I almost died while carrying My cross. All of My sufferings were a ransom for souls, and a worthy sacrifice of the Son of God, that was offered up to My Father in heaven. I died outside of time, so you can still unite your sufferings with Mine on My cross. Once I died, I took many souls with Me into heaven, especially the good thief. All the worthy souls who died after Adam’s sin and before I came, were now able to come to heaven, as the gates of heaven are now open. My sacrifice of My life allows you to be baptized from your original sin and your actual sins. Give praise and thanks to Me for allowing all worthy souls to be saved from hell, and one day you can come to heaven.”


Saturday, April 4, 2015: (Easter Vigil)
Jesus said: “My people, you are joyful to be celebrating the greatest miracle that I performed in rising from the dead, since death had no power over Me. Now, you are seeing My transfiguration completed in the appearance of My glorified Body. I am the example of how all of My followers will one day be with Me, as their souls will be reunited with their glorified bodies, as one complete person. I give all of you hope to be with Me in heaven for all eternity, where there is no time. I am your Savior and Redeemer, as I will set sinners free of their bonds of sin, when they seek My forgiveness. Rejoice, as the gates of heaven are now open for all worthy souls to enter.”


Sunday, April 5, 2015: (Easter Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, the tomb was empty with My burial clothes folded. The angels greeted the women who came to anoint Me. The angels said: (Luke 24:5-7) ‘Why do you seek the living One among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how He spoke to you while He was yet in Galilee, saying that the Son of Man must be betrayed into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on rise on the third day.’ I still had the wounds in My hands, feet, and My side in My glorified Body. I would soon show Myself to Mary, the disciples on the road to Emmaus, and My apostles in the upper room. I ate food with them to show them My Body was not a ghost, but flesh. When My apostles saw the empty tomb, and Me later in My appearances, they believed that I truly rose from the dead. Then they understood My purpose in My coming to the earth to die and bring salvation to all of those people who would accept Me.”


Monday, April 6, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, no one has ever risen from the dead, so My disciples were joyfully amazed to see the empty tomb, and that I resurrected on the third day as I told them. They now believed My words of how I would rise from the dead. After the disciples left the tomb, Mary Magdalene was there, and I appeared to her first. She then reported My appearance to My disciples, but they did not believe her until I appeared to all of them. In Matthew’s Gospel (28:11-15) there is an account of how the Jewish leaders paid off the soldiers to tell a story that My disciples carried away My Body. The Jewish leaders did not want the Jews to know that I actually resurrected from the dead, so the Jews would not follow My teachings. This story about the disciples carrying away My Body, still circulates among the Jews today. Despite these lies, I raised up My Catholic Church with St. Peter as the head. All Christians are witnesses of My true Resurrection, and they proclaim that I have brought salvation to all souls who believe in Me. I have conquered sin and death, as all of My faithful followers will rise again on the last day of judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some prominent signs in the sky with the eclipse of the sun, and the third blood moon on Passover of this year. The Tetrad blood moons are usually significant for events concerning Israel. There could be some kind of a war in Israel’s future. Many times different people have tried to predict dates of money failures and destruction, and they have been wrong. Until I bring My Warning all over the world for people to repent of their evil deeds, I will not allow martial law or any life threatening events for large numbers of people. After the Warning, I will allow the evil ones to have their reign for a short time. When your lives are in danger from mandatory chips in the body, martial law, or a money crash, then I will give all of My faithful an interior warning that it is time to leave for My refuges. It will be at that time of chaos that I will defend My followers at My refuges with My powerful angels. Some people will be martyred, but the rest of My faithful will be protected with an invisible shield.”


Tuesday, April 7, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel from St. John is when I showed Myself to Mary Magdalene in My glorified Body. She at first did not recognize Me, and she thought that I was the gardener. Then I called her name, Mary, and she called Me ‘teacher’. I told her to go and tell My apostles that I would see them later, as I was going to My Father. This was such a joy to Mary, that she was eager to share her seeing Me to My disciples. They at first did not believe her, but later they believed when they saw Me in person. It is hard to accept My Resurrection, but My disciples actually witnessed My Presence in their midst, and they believed. Blessed are all of My faithful who believe in My Resurrection, even if they have not seen Me in person.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know how many of you are hurting from your health problems, stress at work, financial problems, and deaths in the families. My Resurrection gives you all hope in My victory over sin and death. I come to turn your tears of sorrow and mourning into tears of joy in My great love for you. You have many petitions, even for your family and friends. As you come up for healing, give Me all of your hurts and petitions, and I will give them up to My heavenly Father. I give you My peace and love to settle your soul, so you will have no more worries or anxieties, but hope and joy in your hearts. Put your trust in Me to help you with all of your needs both spiritual and physical. As you come up for a blessing, the Holy Spirit will touch your hearts and give you the words to give witness to My Resurrection in all of your evangelization efforts. Your love for Me must be shared because it is too much to keep to yourself. I love all of you, and I desire that you love Me and your neighbor as yourselves.”


Wednesday, April 8, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Acts of the Apostles reading, you read of a crippled man at the ‘Beautiful Gate’ to the Temple, and how St. Peter healed him. The healed man jumped around giving praise to God for his healing. In the vision you saw the beautiful gates of heaven open up to a garden of many colored flowers. This means that in faith I am always ready to heal your physical problems, and forgive your sins. In the Gospel you read of how I interpreted the Scriptures about My mission to My disciples on the road to Emmaus. They did not recognize Me at first, but they recognized Me at the breaking of the bread. Then I vanished from their sight. The disciples were so moved with joy, and a burning in their hearts, when I related My explanation of the Scriptures. This was the second time that I appeared to My disciples, and there was an emphasis to remember the Mass. I will always be Present at the Consecration of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. The breaking of the bread is a remembrance of the Last Supper which you witness at every Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are right in understanding that your President has set himself up as your dictator with little, if any resistance to his takeover. He is ruling with edicts from his Executive Orders and memorandum that even a Republican controlled Congress will not fight him. Only one Federal judge is defying your President’s claim for amnesty to four million illegal immigrants, as the judge is protecting states’ rights from your President’s power. Your people have sent a mandate to the Republican Party to lead your nation, but when faced with a showdown on amnesty for illegal immigrants, the Republicans backed down. If these Congressional leaders do not take a stand against your President, then your country is totally lost to this dictator. Pray that your leaders can lead with a backbone to fight your corrupt President, who is defying your Constitutional authority on many issues. The freedom of your citizens hangs in the balance on the willingness of your Congress to fight your President for power over your country. The fate of your freedom will be determined in the next year or two. The one world people are using your President as a puppet for their takeover of America. You are on a road to the North American Union, when your President will take away all of your Bill of Rights, and you will be wards of a communist state which will be your punishment for your abortions and your sexual sins.”


Friday, April 10, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I told the women at the tomb that I would meet My disciples in Galilee. So in today’s Gospel from St. John (21:1-14) I performed another miracle of providing 153 large fish that My disciples were able to pull ashore. I broke bread with them, and they ate the fish for breakfast. My disciples went back to their old profession of fishing, but I was reminding them of their new mission as priests to continue the Mass, and to proclaim My Resurrection. Just as I provided the food for My disciples, so I will multiply the food needed at My refuges. I showed you your new basement again as a place for people to hide, and be fed by My multiplication of your food. Trust in Me that I know all of your needs for food, water, and bedding. I will direct My refuge builders to provide what is needed, but I also will have My angels provide any more buildings that are needed as more people come to your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are more souls than you think that are going to hell because they ignored Me, or they openly rejected Me. I am sad to lose so many souls to Satan in hell, but I am just in all of My judgment of souls. I am merciful to repentant sinners, but there has to be a glimmer of desire for forgiveness, or some sign of love for Me in order for souls to be saved. I am constantly urging My prayer warriors to seek conversions, and pray for all the souls who have yet to be judged. Just like Me, you do not want to see any soul lost to the eternal fires of hell. There is only hate, torture, and burning flames in hell, so why would souls want to go there? Souls, who go to hell, refuse to love Me nor serve Me. Satan disguises many sins with an earthly desire for pleasure or entertainment. Do not be taken in by the devil’s lies and temptations, but choose to follow My ways, which will lead you to eternal happiness in heaven. It is how you love Me and your neighbor that will win heaven for your soul. Keep focused on Me and your spiritual destination in heaven, over all of your earthly desires and pleasures.”


Saturday, April 11, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I appeared to Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb, and she brought word that she had seen Me to My disciples, but they refused to believe her. St. Peter and St. John had viewed the empty tomb, and they believed that I had resurrected. Later, I appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and I revealed Myself to them in the breaking of the bread. These two disciples also told My apostles that they had seen Me, but still My apostles did not believe that I appeared to the two. When I appeared to all of My apostles, they finally believed in My Resurrection in the flesh. I chastised My apostles for their disbelief in Mary Magdalene and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. The apostles needed to be more open to believe in My rising from the dead. In the vision of the closed triptych, this also is reminding My faithful to be more open to things until they have all the facts on something. My Resurrection is a miracle, and My faithful need to proclaim it to all the nations, even as I sent My apostles out after they received the Holy Spirit.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, when I appeared before My apostles with My wounds in My hands, feet, and My side, they all were incredulous with joy to see that I defeated sin and death. This was a joyful moment for all of them, except St. Thomas was not present. At another time I came again, and I had St. Thomas put his finger into the wounds in My hands and side. St. Thomas said the words that you say when the consecrated Host is raised: ‘My Lord and My God.’ I told him that he believed because he could see Me and touch Me, but blessed are those people who believe in Me by faith without seeing Me. Many of the apostles did not believe at first, so they could not criticize St. Thomas for their own doubts. My appearances to My disciples made it clear to them that now they had to go out and proclaim My Resurrection to all the nations.”


Sunday, April 12, 2015: (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, Divine Mercy Sunday is a beautiful image with your sun shining and warm temperatures. My mercy is always available to all of My people. I am ready to forgive all repentant sinners, and let My grace fill their souls. Those people, who pray St. Faustina’s Divine Mercy Novena, her chaplet, and come to Confession, can receive My plenary indulgence which frees you of any reparation due for your sins. This cleansing is a gift of My Divine Mercy which you celebrate today. I want My people to share their faith with others in converting and re-converting as many souls as possible. Share My love and joy of My Resurrection with all the people whom you meet. I bless all of you in your various missions.”

(3:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, peace be with you. This was My greeting to My apostles, and they believed because they could see Me in the flesh. St. Thomas did not believe at first, but later he believed when he put his hands into My wounds. In the vision you saw a prison fence. This represents the bonds of your sins, that I freed you from with My death on the cross. The flames represent the gift of the Holy Spirit, even as I breathed on My apostles to receive Him. My death on the cross is a sign of how much I love all of My people, as I brought all of you salvation from your sins. This Divine Mercy Sunday is a tribute of My mercy that I shower upon all souls. I desire to save all souls, if they would only love Me and seek My mercy. As you read the diary of St. Fautina, you see the need to pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy in front of My Divine Mercy image. Rejoice in My Divine Mercy that spares many sinners from hell. Especially pray the Divine Mercy chaplet when souls are dying.”


Monday, April 13, 2015: (St. Martin I)
Jesus said: “My people, after I breathed the Holy Spirit upon My apostles, they were able to boldly proclaim their faith in My Name. With My Resurrection, they became inspired as Easter people, and they were able to heal people, and witness My Resurrection as a new teaching. St. Peter was the leader of My new Church that has been protected even until this day. I promised that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church. Just as My apostles were given courage and strength to proclaim My Word with the power of the Holy Spirit, so My disciples of today are also empowered by the Holy Spirit in your Baptism and your Confirmation. I gave a call for My apostles to go out to all the nations and proclaim My Good News of salvation. Even today, I give the same call to all of My faithful to proclaim My Good News to all the people whom you meet. Some of My special missionaries are truly traveling to all of the nations to evangelize souls. Pray for all of your missionaries and prophets.”

Jesus said: “My people, this single evergreen tree has two meanings. The first is that it is always green, meaning that it is like Me in that I am always loving you, and I am always willing to forgive your sins. The second meaning is that I am the Vine while you are the branches who get your nourishment from Me. I give you Myself in Holy Communion that feeds your soul and heals the damage from your sins. I am always Present to you to help you in both your physical and spiritual needs. Those people, who refuse My nourishment, will soon have their faith wither and die. You need to come through Me in order to enter heaven. Rejoice in My Easter message, where My death and Resurrection are bringing salvation to all souls who believe in Me.”


Tuesday, April 14, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I talked to Nicodemus about being reborn in the spirit, but he could only think about it in the body. You are made up of body, spirit, and soul, so to truly have faith in Me, you need to have the inside alive with Me as well as the outside. It is this rebirth or acceptance in the spirit, that I was trying to have Nicodemus understand. Even when I healed people, I would heal their sins in their soul first, and then I healed any infirmity of the body. You are a whole person with body and spirit. So when you are converted to believe in Me, you must be cleansed both on the inside and the outside. It is your free will in the mind and soul that controls the body’s actions. So strive to keep your soul clean with Confession, just as you clean the body with your bathing.”

Jesus said: “My people, remember when I told you that if they persecuted Me, the unbelievers will persecute you also. If you protest abortions, you are criticized for violating someone’s freedom to kill that person’s baby. When you proclaim that homosexual acts are mortal sins, you could be jailed for hate crimes. If you speak out in My Name in public, people criticize you for violating their freedom as an atheist. Your world praises evil things, but they reject good and Christian things. What you are seeing is a continual battle of good against evil. This is why you will see the Christian persecution grow worse to the point that the evil ones will be seeking to kill you just for believing in My Name. This is why I am having My refuge builders form places of safe haven, so My angels will defend you from the evil ones. Trust and hope in My protection during the coming tribulation.”


Wednesday, April 15, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you have just read in the Acts of the Apostles how St. Peter and St. John were put in prison for speaking about Me in curing the crippled man. I had My angel miraculously free them so they could teach in the Temple. The Jewish leaders imprisoned them again, and later had them beaten. This is how much these leaders tried to keep the apostles from spreading My Good News of salvation. My Church survived this persecution, even until today. As the time of tribulation approaches, you will see more severe Christian persecutions, as you are seeing Christians beheaded in Arab countries. This is why I am having My faithful build refuges of protection for My people. You are one of these builders, as you see in the vision all of the things that are needed. You will need an altar, a lectern, some chairs, and some stands. You may also want some prayer books and song books for the people. I will advise you on your needs, once your building is completed. Be patient and have faith in how My angels will protect you, and provide for your needs and the needs of the people who will come.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some rustic scenes because many of My rural refuges are accessed by dirt roads. You have seen many refuges in person that are off dirt roads. When you come to most of My refuges, they may not be modern looking, but they will be practical to house and feed My faithful. As more people come, it may be necessary for My angels to build more buildings, or add floors to existing buildings. My angels will put up an invisible shield around My refuges to protect My people from the evil ones, and the angels will only allow people in who have crosses on their foreheads. My refuge builders and My angels will supply the food, water, and bedding to accommodate the faithful people who will be led to both My interim and final refuges. The final refuges will have a luminous cross to heal people of their infirmities. The interim refuges will have healing springs of water, or holy water to heal people. All of My refuges will have daily Holy Communion from a priest, or from My angels. This Holy Communion will be used for perpetual Adoration for everyone to take turns in their holy hours around the clock. I will be with you always, so trust in My love and protection that I will take care of My faithful. Some may be martyred, but they will become instant saints.”


Thursday, April 16, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, in the old Exodus, I protected the Israelites from the Egyptian soldiers with a large Shekinah flame. I also used this flame to lead My people at night through the desert. Just as I protected My people in the old Exodus, so I will protect My people through the coming tribulation or modern day Exodus. The one world people will be forming continental unions, as the North American Union, and they will be seeking to kill all the Christians. This is when I will be directing My faithful to My interim and final refuges. When I give My people an interior voice to leave their homes for My refuges, I will have your guardian angels lead you with a small Shekinah flame in the night to the nearest refuge. Once you leave your home, these angels will place an invisible shield around you, so you will not be seen by the evil ones, and you will not need guns to defend yourself. You will be seeing My miraculous hand of protection watching over you, just as I protected the Israelites from the Egyptian soldiers. Trust in Me to protect you, and provide for your needs at My safe havens, which I have directed My refuge builders to prepare for this tribulation.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading about the drought in California which has required mandatory restrictions for water usage. Other means of obtaining fresh water from desalinization of ocean salt water are being looked at. This would be expensive water that people will need to pay for, especially for drinking and cooking. This need for water will also be a concern for all of My refuges. I will help people obtain pure water from wells and springs. Water is needed for survival for drinking. Some water may be available for sponge baths and washing things, but it will be limited unless a large source of water is available. You will not go thirsty at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in these latest conflicts that airplane attacks are not enough to win control on the ground. It will take a commitment of soldiers on the ground to fight off any attacks of ISIS or any other terrorist attacks in Iraq and Yemen. America and other nations are getting more reluctant to send in any troops in these latest conflicts. If very little is done, the terrorists will occupy more parts of these countries and the oil. Keep praying for peace in the Middle East.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government has been having problems in restraining your own citizens who want to fight with ISIS. The other problem of suicide bombers or other killers with guns, are also causing a problem to restrain their killing of innocent victims. Your people will need to take actions to discourage this recruitment of your own citizens to join militant groups.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have delayed My Warning experience, so people will have more time to prepare their refuges. There are not a lot of people who have given their ‘yes’ to build a refuge. This takes a lot of faith and work to set up a place for people to stay. It may require some extra building and securing of food, water, and bedding for those who would come. Pray for My refuge builders, and help them in some of their needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that the one world people are trying to control you in your documents, your food, and even taking away more of your freedoms. Your freedoms of speech and religion are being attacked the worst. There are even more controls over what you can do with your land, or how you can speak in public. Your chipped documents are most notable in trying to control you. Keep proclaiming Me as your Lord and Savior, even though you may face persecution for standing up for what you believe. If you do not fight for your freedoms, then you will lose them.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you have seen runs on food and water in your stores when there is a threat of a hurricane or a threat to your electricity. This threat to your food supplies is why I have asked you to store some extra food for the coming martial law and tribulation. Have some extra food so I could multiply it for your needs and for those who come to My refuges. Even My refuge builders should take this advice to be prepared for closing stores.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Easter Season is a blessing of joy and hope for My people. Do not let worldly troubles cause you to be down and depressed. If you are truly My Easter people, then you need to share your faith and love with your neighbors. With My death on the cross, I have brought you salvation and freedom from your bonds of sin. So lift up your spirits and give praise and thanks to Me for all that I have done for each of you. Everything you have, has come through Me, so trust in Me to provide for all of your needs.”

Friday, April 17, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, from the beginning, the Jewish leaders were trying to put down My followers, and they even wanted to kill St. Peter and St. John. It was Gamaliel who persuaded the Sanhedrin not to kill them. My disciples were being persecuted and martyred for three hundred years by the Romans and other leaders. There has always been a conflict between the evil ones and My Church. I told My people that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church, and it stands until today. There will be a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. It will be this remnant that will be protected at My refuges. I will be with you always in My tabernacles, and later you will have perpetual Adoration at My refuges. Have trust in Me to protect My faithful, even though some will be martyred in the coming persecution of the Antichrist. I will bring My victory over the evil ones, as they will be cast into hell. The remaining faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”

(Joanne & Steve’s wedding) Jesus said: “My people, when you see a marriage between a man and a woman, it reminds other married people of the vows of commitment that they made when they were married. When you see the two lights made one in the unity candle service, I am reminding you that I am a third partner in your marriage. I give you the sacramental grace of Matrimony to live out the vows made in this ceremony. Unfortunately, there are a good number of marriages that end up in divorce for many reasons. It is sad that couples do not always try to work out their differences, as they want it their way without any compromise. Those couples, who have a similar faith commitment to Me, find it easier to get along with each other. When you honor Me every day in your prayers, you will have My help to get through all of life’s trials.”


Saturday, April 18, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, many of My miracles encouraged the faith in Me for My apostles. When they saw Me calm a violent storm, they wondered about My powers. When they saw Me walk on water, this was defying natural things. They saw Me heal the sick, raise the dead to life, and multiply the bread and the fish. These were all astounding miracles that brought many people to believe in Me. I told My apostles that I would be killed, but I would rise on the third day. My Resurrection from the dead, is My greatest miracle, as My apostles saw and felt My wounds in My flesh, and they believed. Adam’s sin brought many weaknesses to sin, to sickness, and to a short life in death. My Resurrection is an example to My followers that those, who follow My Commandments, seek My forgiveness, and accept Me as Savior, are promised one day to have a united body and soul at the last judgment. This is the hope I give to everyone, that you can strive for a holy life, so you may have eternal life with Me in heaven as your reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing problems with Greece making its payments, and stock bubbles in China that could affect your markets, as they did on Friday. I have warned you in the past that there is a strong possibility of a financial instability occurring this year with the Tetrad blood moons. If there is a currency crash or a stock market crash, this could upset people’s sources of food and other necessities of life. Those people, who are dependent on your government for Social Security or welfare, could find it difficult to buy anything if these funds stop coming. This is another reason to have some extra food and water. If chaos and riots result over finding food, you could see a martial law, and your lives would be in danger. My refuges would be your places of protection at that time, so be prepared to leave your homes to come to My safe havens. My Warning experience needs to take place first, because many souls are not spiritually ready for the evil that is coming. Trust in My help in your needs and for My angel protection.”


Sunday, April 19, 2015:

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you in the vision how people are building most refuges in rural settings. There are some refuges in cities and suburbs, but they will need special angel protection from robbers, and the men in black. These mercenary soldiers will be seeking out Christians and those people against the new world order, to kill them. My angel, who will defend each refuge, will be huge and powerful, and the angel will not allow anyone into the refuge who does not have a cross on the forehead. The angel will place an invisible shield all around the refuge, but the evil ones will not be able to shoot you, bomb you, set fire to the building, nor poison you, or affect you with any viruses. This will be a miraculous protection, and you will have food, water, and fuel for the people to survive who come. The angel will also provide you with daily Holy Communion, if you do not have a priest. You will have perpetual Adoration of My Host during the tribulation, and your guardian angels will give honor and praise to Me. This trial of evil will be less than 3½ years before I will bring My victory over the evil ones. Trust in My protection, and be patient until I come.”


Monday, April 20, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, you remember the account of Jonah, the prophet, when I asked him to go to Nineveh so he could tell the people to repent, or they would be destroyed in forty days. These people were the enemies of the Jews, so Jonah was reluctant to do My bidding, and he tried to run away. A big storm came up, and the people on the boat threw Jonah overboard, and he was brought to the shore by a big fish. I have asked many people to do My missions, but not all of them wanted to give Me their ‘yes’. I do not force Myself on anyone, but those, who do accept My mission, I will give them the grace and physical things that they need to carry it out. I have already used you, My son, to warn the people of the coming tribulation. You have been more willing to carry out My plans than Jonah did. Now, I am asking you to carry out an additional mission of providing a safe haven. You have been given the means to carry this out, and you are moving forward as fast as you can. I bless you for your efforts for all that you do for Me, and you will have your reward later. Call on Me whenever you are tested, and I will send My angels to help you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing a time when anyone proclaiming Christian values, will be persecuted for revealing people’s sins. There are so many people living in mortal sin from fornication, adultery, homosexual acts, and people using birth control, that they do not want to hear that they are living in sin. It is this guilt coming from Christians that causes these sinners to persecute Christians. Just as I was persecuted for speaking about loving everyone, so My faithful will be persecuted as well. The evil in the world will grow so bad, that I will need to protect My faithful at My refuges from people trying to abuse you. This is why I am having some faithful set up refuges now with angels and supplies that they need to feed people. Trust in Me to shield you from persecution. Some may be martyred, but they will be with Me in heaven.”


Tuesday, April 21, 2015: (St. Anselm)

Jesus said: “My people, you are still celebrating My Easter Resurrection, but I have left you a most precious gift of Myself in My very Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. The Eucharist is the central focus of the Mass because of My Real Presence in the consecrated bread and wine. In today’s reading I called Myself the ‘Bread of Life’. (John 6:48-55) ‘I am the Bread of Life. If anyone eat of this Bread, he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give is My Flesh for the life of the world.’ ‘Amen, Amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’ My son, you come to Mass and Adoration every day because you believe in My Real Presence in the Host, and you know that I am the source of all life. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are receiving your daily spiritual nourishment for you soul. When you adore Me in front of My monstrance or My tabernacle, you are giving glory and praise to Me for all that I do for you. Remember Me every day as I share My love with you, and you show Me your love in your prayers and actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, most people, who have decided to have a refuge, have already prepared a place as a safe haven. There are still a few people who are still preparing a place of safety. I will accept anyone who discerns in prayer that they want to have a refuge. I have mentioned before that My angels could even help complete any unfinished refuges. I also said that I would hold off My Warning so people would have more time to finish their safe haven. Please be patient with every leader of any given refuge, because they are trying their best to provide a place to live for My faithful during the tribulation. I will direct people to come to various refuges, and My angels will help the refuge builders in providing the food, water, and bedding that will be needed at each refuge. Trust in My protection during this coming tribulation.”


Wednesday, April 22, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, you have read of how the Jews stoned St. Stephen to death because of how he taught about Me, and they were no match for his wisdom. Even Saul, before his conversion, was having Christians dragged out of their homes and killed. Despite the persecution and threats to their lives, the apostles, like St. Philip, still went out to proclaim My Good News. The apostles performed miracles of healing and casting out demons, so this enabled them to convert many people to the faith. Eventually, all the apostles, except St. John, were martyred for their faith. Even today, I am asking My faithful to make an effort to convert souls to save as many people from hell as they can. Here in America, you are not yet risking your lives to spread My Good News. It is spiritual apathy that grasps many Christians today. A time is coming when your lives will be threatened, just as Christians are being beheaded in Arab countries. I bless My missionaries and prophets with My grace and protection, so they can spread My Gospel to all the nations. Be willing to support My evangelists in their work with your prayers, and any other support that you can give them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing sabotage causing a major fire to come at an American refinery in the vision. I have mentioned before that many of your supposed accidents in your energy sources were purposely caused. There are terrorist elements that are seeking to affect your energy sources with sabotage. There is an increasing supply of oil and gas that is making the United States more energy independent. This competition with other countries in their oil supplies has caused an over supply that has resulted in lower gas and oil prices. The lower oil prices are causing layoffs and cutbacks in the number of rigs used, because fracking methods are more expensive to obtain oil. Many oil companies are losing profits due to these lower prices. The one world people are struggling among themselves on where oil prices should be. There are some Arab terrorist elements that are at odds with America becoming more oil independent. Their plans to reduce your energy supplies could be the reason that you may see more disruptions in your gasoline supplies. Be on the alert that you could see more price fluctuations in your gas prices, for several reasons that are all planned by the one world people to control your fuel supplies. Your economy thrives on cheap gas prices, but they may not stay low for long.”


Thursday, April 23, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, as the Ethiopian eunuch was traveling home from Jerusalem, he needed St. Philip to explain the passage from Isaiah that referred to Me. St. Philip was instructed by the Holy Spirit to come to the Ethiopian, so he could instruct him about My death and Resurrection, and later he baptized him. Just as St. Philip came out of the water, he disappeared, and he continued evangelizing other areas. This is an example for all of My faithful, that you are the ones to explain the Scriptures about Me to everyone, and if possible, you could see that people could be baptized into the faith as well. If My faithful do not invite converts or re-converts into My Church, then you would not have any RICA instructed people to be brought into the Church at Easter. Call on the Holy Spirit to inspire you to evangelize souls, just as St. Philip did in today’s reading.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, you are constantly cleaning out cupboards and drawers, as your house is storing all of your kitchen food, dishes, and pans. You are constructing this chapel as I have led you, and I have made it possible for you to build it. When you do things by following My instructions, you will see a beautiful result. This will be a place for prayer and protection during the coming persecution. Give glory and praise to Me for all that I do for My people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how your President is intent on extending his authority over your people by fiat regulations without Congressional approval. He is even defying your Constitution in reaching out to control every part of your life by his dictatorial orders. Your current Congress has been too afraid to confront your President’s power, so he will continue to assume powers he should not have. Stand up for your rights, before you allow him unlimited power that is against what your founding fathers set forth in your Constitution.”

Jesus said: “My people, the environmentalists are proclaiming earth day as a step toward controlling global warming. There are some signs of melting glaciers and some minor increases in the earth’s temperature, but there is also a push to use such a cause as a means to control the world’s economy with carbon credits. This is another ploy by the one world people to redistribute wealth with an aim for world control under a totalitarian state led by the UN. This world control is how the Antichrist will come into power, so people need to understand an evil plan in this use of so-called global warming to control them. The evil ones are manipulating your weather for their own purpose.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a buildup in military equipment and firepower by Iran, China, and Russia. Iran is trying to export its terrorism into Iraq and Yemen, and it could come into a war of confrontation with Israel and the United States. Even Saudi Arabia is sending airplane attacks against the rebels in Yemen. The whole Middle East is on the verge of an open war that could bring other nations into a conflict. Keep praying for peace in this area of constant conflict.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see an increasing Muslim control in various cities, as their intent is to bring their law in control of communities, in open defiance of America’s laws. This same means of overpopulating their opposition is how they will be controlling many countries. The violent terrorists from these people are killing many Christians. A time is coming when My faithful remnant will need to come to My refuges for their protection. My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are two forces in the world that are trying to win converts to their side. Some of the violent Muslims are purposely trying to proselytize more terrorists to their cause here in America. In other Arab countries there is an ethnic cleansing of Christians who are being forced to turn Muslim or be killed. The Christians are not violent in their evangelization, but they are being confronted by people who want to kill them. Eventually, I will bring My victory over these evil ones, but you must be patient at My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, evil will have its hour during the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Because the evil ones will try to kill all of My followers, I will have refuges set up to protect My faithful remnant. Once I bring My victory against the evil ones, they will all be cast into hell. Then I will recreate the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. This will be a reward for My faithful when there will be no more evil, and thou will be prepared for heaven.”


Friday, April 24, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to open your ears and hear My Word of the Gospel. In My day some of My followers no longer stayed with Me when I asked them to eat My Body and drink My Blood. They did not hear and understand My words, as I spoke to them of a spiritual nourishment under the appearances of bread and wine. I have left My Blessed Sacrament with all of you to be received worthily without being in mortal sin. There is a transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and My Blood at every Mass. Even as some of My followers could not accept My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, there are many Catholics today, who also do not believe in My Real Presence in My Host. My believers in My Real Presence, are My special people because they give Me special praise and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament at the daily Mass, and when they adore Me in front of My tabernacle. The apostles believed in My Resurrection because they saw Me, but blessed are My followers who have not seen Me in person, and still they believe in My Resurrection and My Real Presence.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are praying prayers of reparation as if you are in your new chapel. There are different kinds of prayers, but you are praying for your country and the souls who will die during the tribulation who are not spiritually ready. This is why I must bring My Warning experience to all souls, so they have an opportunity to desire Confession for all of their sins, or repent however they can. I call people to make a decision to love Me as their Savior, and to repent of their sins, or face a judgment to hell. This is an eternal life decision that all souls must face. You are praying reparation for souls to make the right choice to repent of their sins. The more souls you can pray for, are the more souls that could be saved from a judgment to hell. This cause of saving souls from hell, should be your primary work as one of My disciples.”


Saturday, April 25, 2015: (St. Mark the Evangelist)

Jesus said: “My people, the Church and I give approval of the Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass. This Latin Mass is the same Mass which you attended for many years, but now you have the Mass in the vernacular of the language of each country. I still am very pleased with the reverence and holiness of My Latin Mass. The Mass is a blessing for you, and the gift of My Blessed Sacrament which you receive in Holy Communion, nourishes you and sustains you through life’s trials. I only ask that you receive My consecrated Host without mortal sin on your soul, because you are receiving My Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine. In these Easter readings you are seeing the importance of sharing My Gospel message of My Good News of My salvation in My death and Resurrection. It is this belief in Me that I want My disciples to spread throughout the nations, making converts wherever you go. Souls can only enter heaven through Me, and all souls, who enter, need to repent of their sins and accept Me as their Savior and Lord over their lives. Following My Commandments and doing My Will the best that you can, is the holy life that I call all souls to lead. Give praise and glory to Me, just as My angels do constantly. My son, give thanks to Me for your guardian angel, Mark, whose namesake is honored in your feast today of St. Mark the Evangelist.”


Sunday, April 26, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I asked St. Peter if he loved Me. St. Peter said: ‘yes, I love you.’ Then I told him to feed My sheep. I am the Good Shepherd, and I laid down My life for My sheep. I protect My sheep from the wolves and the demons in the world. I do not desert you in time of trouble, but I am always willing to forgive all repentant sinners. In another passage I do not want to lose even one soul. So I left the ninety-nine sheep in the desert, and i went out to find the lost sheep. Once I found it, I carried it upon My shoulder to join it with the other ninety-nine sheep. My sheep know My voice and they follow Me in all of My Commandments. Those people, who do not follow Me, scatter and are lost. My people, you have free will to choose to love Me or reject Me. There are consequences for your choice. My sheep I will gather into heaven, but the goats who reject Me, will find eternal suffering in the flames of hell. I call all people to come to Me so they can be with Me in heaven for all eternity. The evil ones will be judged to hell with all the demons, and they will never see My face. There is a great chasm between heaven and hell, so that those, who are in hell, cannot come across into heaven. I call on My disciples to help in saving as many souls from hell as they can.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Church has had to fight off many heresies throughout the years. When you hear heretical statements against the teachings of My Church, you need to stand up and criticize them for their false teaching. You have the Catechism of the Catholic Church which is a repository of all things that are true according to the teachings of My apostles. There is a dramatic split coming in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This schismatic church will accept New Age teachings, and it will claim that many sexual sins will not be mortal sins any longer. These schismatic teachings will defy My Sixth Commandment and the teachings of Humane Vitae. My faithful remnant will protest and fight such teachings as heresies. If My leaders continue to teach heresies, then you do not have to follow their false and incorrect teachings. Eventually, this split in My Church will require My remnant to have their prayer groups and Masses in the homes. As the Christian persecution increases, you will need to come to the safety of My refuges. When your churches start to teach heresies, you need to try and correct those in error. If the church leaders do not stop their heresies, then you need to leave that church. You all will need to follow only My true teachings, and do not be deceived by false teachings. Pray for discernment for the truth in what is taught in My churches. Avoid all heretical churches, and trust in the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. I will protect My remnant from all evil and all heresies, especially at My refuges.”


Monday, April 27, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to give thanks to Me for all of these beautiful nuns who have dedicated their lives to serving Me, especially in prayer. Pray for these nuns that they continue on without losing their vocation. These nuns pray often in contemplative prayer, and I want to remind My Adorers to spend five to ten minutes in silent prayer, so you can be united with Me before My Blessed Sacrament. This monastery and all faithful monasteries, will be safe havens during the tribulation. Any food, water, and bedding will be provided by My angels, and multiplied for all those people who come here. I also want to remind My faithful to have their sins cleansed in Confession at least once a month. Only receive Me in Holy Communion with a pure soul, without any mortal sin. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers so you can show Me how much you love Me. I am the Good Shepherd, and I love My faithful, and I seek out lost souls to bring them into My sheepfold. Go out and evangelize souls in all the nations.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I greeted My apostles in My resurrected Body, I said to them: ‘Peace be with you.’ Not long after that, I breathed on them with the power of the Holy Spirit. It was the gifts of the Holy Spirit that enabled My apostles to boldly proclaim My death and Resurrection. When St. Peter prayed with the Gentiles, he was amazed when they also received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I was emphasizing to St. Peter in his three visions that I came to die for all souls, and not just the Jews. It is the laying on of hands that brought the gifts of the Holy Spirit on all the new converts. Even today, My people need to call on the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their own lives. In the early Church, and even now, it is necessary to make discernment about the teachings of the faith. Whenever certain beliefs in the faith are questioned, My people need to call on the Holy Spirit to discern what is the truth of God, or any false doubts that Satan is using to cause division. When you are trying to do good works for Me, the devil will try and bring division to diminish your good intentions. Keep true to My teachings of My apostles, and do not let any heresies test your faith in Me. You have My Word in the Bible, and the Catechism to give you proper instruction as to what is true. Remember to challenge any attacks on the truths of My faith. Do not let the devil disturb your faith, but keep the faith strong by your traditional teachings of the faith with My help, and that of the Holy Spirit.”


Tuesday, April 28, 2015:

St. Michael the Archangel said: “I am Michael and I stand before God. My son, I am coming to give you strength, and courage to speak out against a false teaching that you know in your heart and in what you were taught, is wrong. You have consulted with what the Church teaches in the Catechism, and truly I know beyond a doubt that hell is forever and eternal, because I was ordered by God to cast the demons into hell forever. This has occurred in the ‘now’ time of God before man and time were created. Whenever you hear statements against the teachings of the apostles, you need to speak out against it, even if anyone refutes what you are saying. Call on Jesus and the Holy Spirit to make a proper discernment, but you must defend the traditional Church teachings against any heretical statements. Your eyes have been opened to understand how diabolical influences can persuade good people to believe in heresies or false doctrine. Keep praying to Me for protection from these evil forces, and you can easily see clearly how the coming division in the Church will take place. It will be the faithful remnant that will be protected from the gates of hell, and any demonic teachings.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are having your spiritual eyes opened to the effects of heresies on people’s faith. I have given you My words in the Gospels, and you have a recent compilation of the truths of the faith that St. John Paul II put together in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. These truths are your authority from Me to disprove any heretical teachings that are being put out by different clerical authorities. After your experience today, you are realizing how close the great apostasy is in your time. There are many confusing statements and doubts coming into your hearing that have many demonic influences. Those people, who advocate traditional Church teachings, are coming under more attacks from the liberal views in your current society. I have told you, if you hear heresies being taught in a church, then move on to another church. Soon you will see a schismatic church take over most of the churches. This is when you will need to have your prayer groups in the homes, and Masses by faithful priests. The next attack will come from your government, when they will close your churches, and Christians will be persecuted with even martyrdom. Once your lives are endangered, you will need to come to My refuges for My protection. Hold on to your faith with My help in your daily prayers. Repent of your sins in monthly Confession, and trust in My help to protect your souls from any heretical deceptions of the demons.”


Wednesday, April 29, 2015:

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing two heretical statements being mentioned in some magazine articles. The one statement was that hell is not eternal, and the other statement is that souls, who go to hell, will be annihilated or will no longer exist. Both of these statements violate My true Church teachings because hell is eternal, and the souls in hell will suffer the flames there for all eternity. If people hear these heresies from Church sources, they could be misled and think that there is no reason to fear My judgment to hell. This would make them think that there is no need for repentance. If there is no punishment for sin in My justice, then My death and Resurrection to save souls from hell would be meaningless. This is why these statements are heretical, and those people, who spread such false teachings, should be called heretics, and they should be held accountable for their errors. You can see how the spreading of doubts and heretical statements could risk souls to hell. Beware of such statements, that are heresies, because you do not have to follow them, no matter who proclaims them.”


Thursday, April 30, 2015: (St. Pius V)

Jesus said: “My people, you are reading in the Acts of the Apostles how important it was for St. Paul to spread My Good News in the Gospels to the Jews and the Gentiles. I have died and resurrected to bring salvation to all souls who will accept Me and repent of their sins. I love all of My people, and all the people need this opportunity of My grace of salvation, so they can hear and understand. There are only two choices for your eternal life in your soul. You either accept My gift of grace in My sacraments and repent of your sins to be saved, or you choose to ignore Me, or reject Me which will send you to the eternal flames in hell. Many people are deceived as they follow other gods and other heresies, but they risk losing their souls by not following the teachings of My apostles. My son, you are seeing more clearly, how important your mission is to alert My faithful to the lies and heresies around you that are misleading the people. Hold fast to My teachings in the Gospels and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, because this is My truth to follow, and not the lies, doubts, and heresies that you are hearing from various sources. I am the only real authority, so listen to My words only, and do not be deceived by the devil or any heretics.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, when you come into a church, you are used to finding My tabernacle in plain sight, a large crucifix on the altar, and possibly some stained glass windows.  Many traditional things give you more of a feeling that you are in a holy place of worship.  Over the years many traditions and the Gospels were handed down to each generation.  You are fortunate to have My printed word in your Bibles.  In previous times, people had to rely on scrolls written by the monks.  You can even use your electronic devices to know the exact words of the Scriptures, and find any subject.  Follow My Word without allowing others to deceive you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you rely on My priest sons to offer up Mass and to teach you properly in their homilies.  They also are your spiritual leaders who offer Confession, and the sacraments.  This is why your priests are needed, and you need to pray for them so they are not deceived in their teachings.  Pray that they remain faithful to their vocations.  They need to be good examples, so they could encourage other young men to become priests.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you truly believe in My Real Presence, you will desire to be close to Me in daily Mass, and in your visits to adore Me in My tabernacles.  My Blessed Sacrament is My very Presence among you, as I told you that I would be with you to the end of time.  Give reverence to Me in My tabernacles as you kneel to honor Me.  You also bow or genuflect when you receive Me in Holy Communion.  Those, who are close to Me by frequent Confession, are given extra graces to fight off the demon’s temptations.”

Jesus said:  “My people, just as you pray for good priests, you also need to pray for those who are teaching your future priests in the seminaries.  There are some modernism teachings that are coming into various seminaries that could mislead these new priests.  Keeping faithful to My traditional Church teachings is becoming a problem for some seminaries that are going astray with heretical teachings.  This is why these teachers need to teach properly by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  This is also needed for teaching  permanent deacons the faith.  Trust in My spiritual guidance for My people.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that such abuse occurs by certain police actions, but it is the hate and riots that are stirred up by certain groups that continue these uprisings.  There are some people who want to encourage race divisions so they can divide and conquer your government for a takeover.  Beware of some evil ones who are encouraging such divisions.”

Jesus said: “My people,  you are seeing a persecution of Christians because they are standing up for My beliefs that your society, at times, does not want to hear.  It is the protection of My faithful that will be needed at My refuges.  This is why I am encouraging My refuge builders to make places of safe haven.  You have heard this message for some time, but now you are understanding the true need of protection when your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading of how the faith was spread by the teachings of My apostles and other missionaries as St. Paul in the Acts of the Apostles.  Even today, there is a great need to evangelize people with My Word of love, and the blessing of the Holy Spirit.  The apostles were able to heal people in both mind and body.  My evangelists in the end times will also have healing gifts for the body and the soul.  Call on the power of the Holy Spirit for healing gifts, even as you approach the feast of Pentecost.”


Friday, May 1, 2015: (St. Joseph, the worker)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how people get deceived when Satan portrays himself as an angel of light. He shows people beautiful, desirable, and pleasurable things to draw them into sin, when they do not realize what they are doing. These are the beginning temptations that you should be on the alert to discern what it is, before you are drawn into sin. The devil also tries to deceive you with half-truths and heresies, even if they are promoted by some religious people. If he can spread information with only 10% error in it, this gives him a foot in the door to deceive good people. If you are uncertain if something is true or not, you need to consult My Word in the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You test any teaching if it is in line with Scripture or Catholic teachings, and also test the fruit of any teachings. Good things will bear good fruit, while evil things will bear bad fruit. When you find heretical statements, stand up against them with your research in hand. If people refuse to believe you, then pray for them, but avoid listening to their teaching and warn others. It is this spewing of heresies that could endanger other souls to be lost to the devil. So be alert and question anything that does not seem proper, according to Apostolic teaching.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Divine Mercy flows out to all of My faithful to sustain them against the many temptations of the devil. When you pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet before My image of the Divine Mercy, you have extra graces bestowed upon you for all that you do for Me. Your prayers and Masses are a sign of how much you love Me. I want My people to be faithful to their daily prayers because they are needed to counter all the evil in the world. As you see people dying, you can pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet for their souls. Trust in Me to help you through every difficulty that you will face. Those people, who are faithful to Me in this life, will see their reward in the next life of heaven.”


Saturday, May 2, 2015: (Jeane Smith’s Funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the life of Jeane Smith at her funeral Mass.  She is happy to see all of you, and she is sorry that she had to leave you.  She loves her husband and family, and she thanks her friends for coming to give their respects.  Many of you are happy to be at your old church of Holy Name.  Jeane is in heaven with Me, and she was grateful for the beautiful words about her.  She will be praying for all of her family and friends, and she will be watching over you. Remember to call on her as a prayer intercessor.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My son, when you were out taking pictures, you were experiencing the beauty of My creation in the flowers, the flowering trees, and the singing birds.  Spring is a beautiful season to see new life after a long, hard winter. Many of your plants are coming out a few weeks later than normal in your area.  Today’s Gospel speaks of Me as the Vine, and you are the branches.  Some people do not realize that everything they have, has come from My gracious bounty of gifts. You are dependent on Me for all of your needs.  The important lesson of today is to learn about coming to Me in heaven, by asking the forgiveness of your sins, and performing good works to help your neighbor.  Those people, who are selfish and ignore Me, are the branches who separate themselves from Me, and they will  wither and be thrown into the fire of hell to be burned up forever.  By following My Will, you will have your reward to see an even more beautiful heaven, with the constant singing of My angels.”


Sunday, May 3, 2015:
God the Father said: “My son, I want to thank you for dedicating your chapel to Me, as well as your prayer group. This is a beautiful tribute in My honor, and you need to thank the people at the glass shop who did such a wonderful job for you. I will place My blessings over your work, and over all of those people who come to your chapel, and those in your prayer group. There are not too many people who give Me honor and glory as you have done in the naming of your chapel and your prayer group. Call on Me to help you in all that you do for Us. You have chosen some beautiful symbols in My burning bush, the Bible, the Alpha and Omega, and a statement of My Name: ‘I AM WHO AM’. You have been asked to provide an interim refuge, and I will have My angels guarding your house, and they will provide you with My Son’s Presence in Holy Communion during the tribulation. When you work for souls, We will bless your work in all that you do for Us. Trust in Our help to lead you and provide for your needs, and the needs of the people who will come to this house of prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this sign of the Great Wall of China so you know that there is an event coming that will involve China. The one world people have a plan for world control, and China is going to be the world’s manufacturer. China also holds a large portion of America’s Federal bond debt that backs up your money. The United States’ currency has been the reserve currency for trade which is now being defied by many nations. Once China stops buying your Federal Bonds, and sells what they have, this will upset the currency of America, and you will lose your reserve currency status. America is also dependent on China to buy many goods in your stores, because of the greed of your corporations for cheap labor. Once your currency crashes, there will not be enough bonds to finance your government. This will cause chaos in your stock markets, and your goods and food will be hard to obtain. When your people stop getting their Social Security checks and their welfare checks, you will see riots in the streets that will be a lot worse than what you are seeing now. Be prepared, My people, because a currency and stock market crash will precipitate a martial law that will begin a takeover of your country. Be ready to leave for My refuges when your lives are in danger, and when I will warn you to leave your homes for My refuges.”


Monday, May 4, 2015: (Dorothy Holt Funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to see the loss of the matron of the family, who is the heart of the family.  There are many memories of the family meetings in the kitchen, which is the center of activity.  She is very much like your mother-in-law, who has passed as well.  Dorothy loves all of her family dearly, and she will be praying for them.  She was very faithful in coming to Sunday Mass, even when she had trouble walking.  She is with Me in heaven with this Mass, and she was greeted by all of her deceased relatives.  She will be watching over her family, so they need to be on their good behavior.  She sends you all her love.”

Jesus said: ‘My people, you know how much I love the little children, and I do not want to see any harm come upon them.  There are many abuses of children, and the worst is how the unborn babies are killed by abortion.  These million abortions every year in America are calling down My judgment upon you, as you will lose your freedoms to the one world people.  There are also cases where parents sexually abuse their children.  Some children are abused in pedophile attacks by various people.  Even child porn and other pornography are sold on the internet.  Such sexual molestations can affect children in their later lives.  These crimes should be brought to justice, as I have said that people who abuse My little ones should have a milestone put on their necks and be thrown into the sea.  My justice will fall heavily against those who abuse My little ones.”


Tuesday, May 5, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how vandals will throw rocks through the stained glass windows  of a church.  The other scene is when some churches will be set on fire.  The evil ones are going to persecute My churches by trying to frighten people away from Mass.  The security for your churches will be threatened by those who are trying to close all the churches.  When your lives are threatened by these vandal attacks, it will be time to come to My refuges for your protection. The angels will protect My faithful at My refuges, and only those, who are marked with an invisible cross on their forehead, will be allowed in.  Angels have already marked My faithful with this invisible cross, which will be visible at the tribulation time. It will appear that the Antichrist and his minions are taking over the world, but this reign will be brief, until I will bring My victory  over the evil ones.  Have faith and hope in My power, which is greater than all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing your new doors boarded up to indicate that you will be in your chapel during the tribulation.  The Christian persecution will show that the plan of the evil ones, is to cleanse or eradicate all Christians from the earth. This is the goal of Satan and the Antichrist.  Your image of a small lamb with a shepherd’s crook is an excellent drawing to have on your new altar.  If you have a Mass on such an altar with this image, this idea of Me as the ‘Lamb of God’ is appropriate because I was offered on the cross for all the sins of mankind.  I am the only worthy sacrifice that would be accepted by My heavenly Father to atone for all the sins of mankind.  Once your construction of your chapel addition is done, then you will need to proceed with any needed furniture.  Be patient for some inconvenience now, but everything is taking shape for what you have planned.  Trust in My help and My messages for what you will be doing next.”


Wednesday, May 6, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you a large measure of time before the major events will begin.  This is why I have delayed the Warning experience.  In the vision I have shown you an hourglass with the last bits of sand running out.  This vision is to warn you that your time is running out before these events will happen.  The Warning is needed to offer an opportunity for all sinners to see how they have offended Me in their sins, and some will want to convert and be saved.  Those people, who have had a near death experience, are repentant and desire Confession, or they want their sins to be forgiven.  Once, I bring about the Warning experience for everyone, the major events leading up to the Antichrist’s reign  will occur rapidly.  I have even mentioned before about six weeks of time after the Warning, will be the time for conversions.  Those, who do not change their life direction, are risking being taken in by the Antichrist, and they could be lost in the eternal fires of hell.  I told you, My son, that you would be fortunate to have your chapel completed.  Some major events and possibly a major war could happen this year of the last Tetrad blood moons.  Time is urgent, and evangelizing souls will always be important, both now and after the Warning.  Be prepared after the Warning, so you are ready to leave for My refuges on short notice.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not hard to see the effects of evil in your society.  Your first indication of the devil’s success is how many people come to Sunday Mass, which has been decreasing over the years.  Another sign is how many churched people do not come to frequent Confession.  Still another weakness is how few people are prayer warriors.  The biggest attack of the devil has been his attack on the family, and getting souls occupied with all kinds of addictions.  There is a high rate of divorce because people lack a sense of commitment and sacrifice.  Even electronic devices have captivated many young people.  He attacks priests and educated people with all kinds of subtle heresies to play with their minds, as some do not follow Church teachings.  You also can see many abortions, fornication, masturbation, adultery, prostitution, and pornography which is running rampant among your society.  Unless you take time to analyze the devil’s attacks, you do not realize how many souls he controls.  I have told you to hold on to your faith in Me by following My Commandments, and helping your neighbor with loving good works.  Keep close to Me in your daily prayers, frequent Confession, daily Mass, and visits to My tabernacles.  When you follow My Will and perform the things that I want you to do out of love for Me, your soul will find peace and joy with your personal love relationship with Me.  You can help others by your good example, and working to evangelize souls who are away from Me.  My faithful will have their reward in heaven, but those, who choose  to ignore Me or refuse My love, are on the broad road to hell.  So choose the narrow gate that will be more difficult against your body’s desires, but your reward will be great in heaven.”


Thursday, May 7, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, during your daily lives, everything does not always happen according to your liking, and you can get challenged with the stress of handling your problems.  It is hard to keep a calm temper during such trials.  Different people have varied ways of handling stress.  Some can take it, and work out the problems, while others get frustrated with swearing or getting upset.  It is best to size up problems, and try to resolve them without getting upset.  Try first to pray for My help before you take on a difficult task.  I am always ready to answer your requests.  It is another struggle for some to contain any short-tempered responses, but prayer can help calm you down.  Even if you have any anger situations, you can come to Confession for the forgiveness of your sins.  Most problems can be solved with thinking out the solution, getting the right tools, or have someone help you with the skills that are needed.  There can be some situations that are impossible to fix that you need to work around.  Controlling your emotions over problem solving, takes time to work it out, but try to not lose your patience in these trials.  You face different problems every day, so learn to do things a little slower, and with My help you will have your answer to your problems.  Try to also incorporate more love in dealing with people during your trials, so you do not upset others.  Everyone encounters these trials, but it is how you respond to situations that you have to control.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, some people might ask why I allow people to be victims of various illnesses.  All of you who are sick, are suffering the consequences of Adam’s original sin in the weakness to sickness.  In the vision I am showing you many chronic illnesses as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and many back and knee pains.  Your doctors can heal some illnesses, but the rest can only have mild relief of their symptoms.  So when you pray for the sick, have compassion for what they suffer daily.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read many accounts of the people who I healed.  People had to have faith that I could heal them, or I could not heal them, as in My hometown of Nazareth.  When I prayed over people, I healed the soul first, and then any earthly illness.  My apostles were empowered by the Holy Spirit to heal people.  Even some of My faithful of today have healing gifts also through the Holy Spirit.  When people come to My refuges during the tribulation, they will look upon My luminous cross, or drink healing spring water, and they will be healed of all of their illnesses.  Trust in My healing power.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have possibly seen family members die a labored and slow death in hospice care.  Usually, they are cancer victims or stroke victims.  It is hard to see your loved ones suffer in their last days, but you can visit them and support them.  You all have mortal bodies, and you know one day that you will die from some earthly cause.  This is why I ask people to come to frequent Confession so your soul can be in a pure state, and you will be ready to meet Me in death whenever I will call you home to Me.  Even as you see people dying, you can pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet to save their souls from hell.  Keep praying for all of your family to help save their souls as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you could even have a sickness of venial or mortal sin that even could affect your physical health.  This is why I call people to frequent Confession so your sins can be forgiven, and My grace can be restored to your souls.  In serious addictions, demon possessions or obsessions, there is a need for an exorcism or deliverance prayers.  You have seen accounts of how I called demons out of people.  Your addictions have demons attached to them.  You can pray the St. Michael prayer for deliverance, or a binding of evil spirits to the foot of My cross.  Exorcist priests can help rid the demons.  This is the battle of good and evil that you are seeing in today’s world.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a beautiful sacrament of the Blessing of the Sick for people who could be seriously sick or near death.  You call the priests to administer this sacrament to a dying person.  If people are conscious, they could be helped by Confession to possibly save their soul on their deathbed.  When a loved one is given these sacraments near death, you feel that this soul has been given a chance to be saved from hell.  You would like to see all souls saved in this way, but sometimes people reject My priests.  Pray for such souls to be saved, despite their reluctance to be prayed over.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to people’s funerals, not all of these souls come straight to heaven.  Some holy souls and those who have had their purgatory on earth in sickness for a long time, come straight to heaven.  Most souls, who do not go to hell, require some purification of their souls in purgatory by My justice to atone for the reparation due for their sins.  You can pray for the  souls in purgatory, and Masses are most beneficial for their souls.  During life you can have a plenary indulgence on Mercy Sunday to take away any reparation due for your sins.  This will give you less purgatory time to suffer.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My Resurrection in this Easter Season.  I have told you that I am the Resurrection and the Life, and your goal is to be resurrected body and soul into heaven at the last judgment.  I have conquered sin and death, and I offer salvation to all souls who accept Me into  their hearts and souls.  You need to seek the forgiveness of your sins, and accept Me as your Savior, and you will one day see My face without the affliction of death or sickness.”


Friday, May 8, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, I give each of you a special mission, but you need to say ‘yes’ to that mission by giving your will over to Me.  Once you agree to follow Me by following My Commandments, then I can carry it out with your cooperation.  By your Baptism and Confirmation you have been called  to love Me and all the people, and to evangelize souls to help save them from hell.  Some people may be willing to contribute to charities out of love for their neighbor, but sharing their faith with others is more difficult for most people.  When your love for Me is strong, and you see how souls suffer so much in hell, you are drawn to share your faith so more souls can be saved from this eternal suffering.  There are so many souls who are influenced by earthly things, that they are blinded in their search for being with Me in heaven for all eternity.  Trust in Me and call on the Holy Spirit to help you achieve your special mission.”


Saturday, May 9, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, you are born into this world, but you do not belong to the world.  I have chosen you from the world, so you may go forth to accomplish your mission.  I do not force My Will on anyone, but I desire that you love Me enough to give Me your ‘yes’ to your special mission.  My son, you have been given another mission to provide a place of prayer and safe haven for My faithful during the tribulation.  This is in addition to evangelizing souls for Me, and warning people to be ready to come to My refuges.  You are about to complete the building phase of your interim refuge.  Then you will need to furnish your chapel with an altar, a lectern, and chairs for the people who will come.  You may need preparations for Mass, some Stations of the Cross, and books for the people to read and sing.  I will help you with what you need for your chapel as you are ready.”


Sunday, May 10, 2015: (Mother’s Day)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel invites you to share in My love because I am perfect love.  This love is even expressed in My Commandment of loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself.  You are living in a world that has little love, and your society focuses more on earthly things than on the things of heaven.  When you love your spouse and family, this is a pure love of the people who are close to you.  When you love Me, it is on a higher level which is a spiritual love for the One who died for your sins to be forgiven.  I love My people so much that I want you to know you are living in My Presence at all times.  I will never leave you, and I am always at your side to help you and hear your prayer requests.  I shower each of you with My love, My grace, and My mercy.  I only pray that you love Me and that you abide by My laws.  You show your love and thanks to Me by your good works to your neighbor, and by your daily prayer life.  When you experience My love relationship, you want to share My love with everyone.  By spreading My love, you can counter all the hate and killings in your world.  My faithful are beacons of light and love, and you diminish the darkness of sin and evil in the world.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, today’s readings are all about love, especially for all the mothers and grandmothers.  I am your Blessed Mother, and I bring you to the love of my Son, Jesus.  At the foot of the cross my Son gave me over to St. John as his mother, and I became the Blessed Mother of all God’s children.  The Scriptures and the prophets prepared the way for my Son’s coming.  All the prophesies had to be fulfilled.  I also bring you to the love of my Son in the Host of His Blessed Sacrament.  Jesus is always present to you in His Eucharist.  Give glory and praise to Him for all that He does for you everyday.  You  can also give your prayer requests to me, and I will intercede for you because He always listens to His Blessed Mother.”


Monday, May 11, 2015:

Jesus said: “My son, just as you read of St. Paul’s teaching of the people, I have asked you to spread My Word as well.  Even if you are tested with health problems or travel difficulties,  I want you to remain faithful to your mission of preparing My people for the coming tribulation.  I will give you the grace and the power of the Holy Spirit to speak My words of love and comfort to My people.  The people of faith need My words of encouragement to bear the struggles of life, despite the evil in the world.  My people need to put their full trust in Me that I will lead them and protect them for what is to come.  You will see a Christian persecution where some people will be martyred, and the rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges.  You are preparing your  place of safety that will be guarded by My angels against any evil ones.  This time of trial will be shortened for the sake of My elect.  So go forth to carry out your missions in full confidence of My help and My Presence by your side.”


Tuesday, May 12, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have their plans for a takeover of America, but they do not control My Divine intervention.  By My postponing the Warning, I am putting off their schedule for a takeover.  I am allowing My refuge builders to have time to finish their refuges.  The Warning will give every sinner an opportunity to repent and seek My forgiveness.  I will also give people six weeks time for conversion after the Warning, and an opportunity to improve their spiritual lives.  After the Warning, people will know that they can only come to heaven through Me.  All sinners will know true right from wrong, and they will be more responsible for their sins that offend Me.  The more information you have, the more reason you have to love Me.  I am reaching out to save as many souls as possible, so My Warning will be a wake-up call in your life reviews.  I am greater than all the evil ones, and I will be victorious over all of their plans.  Evil will have its hour, but it will be brief before I cast this evil lot into the eternal flames of hell.”


Wednesday, May 13, 2015: (Our Lady of Fatima)

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am like a good mother as I watch over all of my children in your health problems, and your prayer requests.  I love all of you, and I want you to be faithful to your daily rosaries.  Your world is in a crisis of evil, and events will be accelerating this year, even as you are familiar with my messages at Fatima.  My son, you have been given many messages about preparing refuges for a money crash, and a possible martial law.  These safe havens will be guarded by God’s angels, and you will be protected there.  Be prepared, my children, for you will be seeing a serious evil time that is worse than you have ever seen.  Trust in my Son’s protection, and pray continuously for the saving of souls from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are aware of a protracted drought in most of California.  Over the years the average rainfall in California has been fifteen inches per year.  In the last year or so, the rainfall has only been a few inches per year. There are weather making microwave machines both in America and Russia.  They can be used to control the jet streams with standing high pressure areas to cause droughts, or standing low pressure areas that could cause rain and floods.  It has been measured that a high pressure area has formed off the coast of California, and this has caused all the rain storms to go around this high.  California has provided many fruits and vegetables for your country, but the farmers are having trouble getting enough water to irrigate their crops.  This has resulted in water restrictions for California as the weather machines are causing this problem.  The mountain snow that provides runoff water, is no longer present in normal quantities as seen in pictures of the mountains.  It is a question why this drought is being forced on California, but it has an evil intention if it is to cut down your food production.”


Thursday, May 14, 2015: (Ascension Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, this scene of My leaving My apostles was a little somber because the apostles did not have the power of the Holy Spirit as yet.  They would receive gifts from the Holy Spirit when the flames appeared over their heads.  The apostles did not have a clear picture of what they had to do.  Just as I left the earth, now My followers would have to carry on the mission of spreading My Good News of salvation.  The apostles and St. Paul would be My missionaries once they received the flames of the Holy Spirit.  You have been reading the Acts of the Apostles and how the early Church was formed, with Me as the cornerstone.  Today, My believers are called on the same mission to spread My Good News to all the nations.  You have been empowered by Me and the Holy Spirit in Baptism and Confirmation to spread the faith.  You are to be My prayer warriors, and your first responsibility is to help bring your own family to Sunday Mass, and teach them the faith by your good example.  Some of My faithful are even called to share their faith with others by traveling to various cities and countries.  I brought the faith to My disciples, and now you all are sharing both your faith and finances to help build up My Church.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, in just the last few weeks you have seen thousands of people killed from two major earthquakes in Nepal.  Some also have died in a train crash, and still more in tornadoes in the Midwest.  You have been having Masses of reparation offered up for the souls who die suddenly, and they may not have clean souls to meet Me at their judgment.  I am asking you to pray daily for such souls that may not have anyone praying for them.  I have told you that a constant flow of prayers could help save such souls from hell, especially if you pray the Divine Mercy chaplet at their death.”

Jesus said: “My people, the structure of your jet streams and your geography causes a higher number of tornadoes to form in the spring in the Midwest.  You need rain, but some storms are more violent with tornadoes in them.  Most people know how to get in a basement with sufficient warning, but most of the tornadoes do not hit big cities.  These storms come quickly, and there is not always a lot of warning time.  These tornadoes can cause serious damage, and have killed some people recently.  Again, pray for the victims of these storms, and especially for those who are killed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some serious flooding in Texas where they have had heavy rainfalls.  This is another natural disaster that could drown people when rivers overflow in torrents of water.  It is hard to prepare for floods that happen quickly.  Since these events can threaten your lives, the best advice is to come to frequent Confession, so your soul is in a pure state, free of sin.  By being ready to die every day, then you will be ready to meet Me if you should die quickly in an accident or weather event.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have just seen over a thousand graduates at your granddaughter’s graduation exercises.  Many of these graduates will be addressing how to get a good paying job in your current economy.  You remember your own experience in trying to keep a good job.  Sometimes it takes six months to a year to obtain a good job.  You need to pray for these graduates to find work.  Many students have to deal with paying off school loans, if their parents could not pay for the tuition.  It is becoming more of a financial problem to obtain a degree in college because of the high tuition at your colleges and universities.  Keep praying for the young people to get started in their life’s occupation.”

Jesus said: “My people of America are seeing a problem for families to find jobs that pay enough to provide food and other needs for their children.  You are even seeing many young people staying with their parents until they could afford a house or an apartment.  This means that the children may need more help from the parents to get started with loans and living expenses.  Continue to pray for your families and your children as you help them where you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, novenas are powerful in helping you with any of your personal intentions.  You are seeing how many prayers are needed for families and the children.  You are also seeing many attacks on the family both from divorce and same sex marriages.  Your society is falling apart because you are allowing your family life to deteriorate by your immoral actions.  The family of a husband and wife should be the basic structure to bring up children in a loving environment.  When you have so many single parent households, this is a sign of why your country’s morality is being undermined by your sins of fornication, adultery, and prostitution.  If you do not change your ways, America could fall to the one world people as your punishment.”

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were empowered by the Holy Spirit, as you will soon be celebrating Pentecost Sunday.  Even in your Baptism and Confirmation, you are receiving  the many gifts of the Holy Spirit.  You pray the Sign of the Cross, and your Glory Be prayers that call on the Holy Spirit to help you in life both for your earthly and spiritual needs.  Just as you call on Me and God the Father, you can also pray to the Holy Spirit to empower you with His gifts.”


Friday, May 15, 2015: (St. Isidore, the farmer)

Jesus said: “My people, today’s readings show you the contrast between what My faithful suffer on earth, and the joy they will have in heaven.  Suffering pain in health problems or from persecution, is just a short time in life compared to an eternity of joy and love with Me in heaven.  The suffering you have on earth can help make up some of the punishment in purgatory for your sins.  Your earthly body is subject to health problems and your eventual death.  Your life after death will be freed from the weaknesses of the body.  Most souls, who do not go to hell, will need some purification in purgatory.  Suffering in purgatory will seem worse for your soul body, but you may have people praying for you, as you pray for the poor souls in purgatory. Have some Masses requested in your will, or give instructions to your relatives.  My faithful are promised to be with Me one day, and you will be ecstatic to comprehend My infinite love.  Whatever suffering that you endure for My sake, will seem minor compared to eternal joy with Me in heaven.  So do not let any suffering or problems hold you down, because your spirit will be jumping for joy on the day that you come to Me forever.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large hive of wasps and the thorny weeds in the grass, are a warning for people to avoid getting stung or suffering pain from the thorns on your skin.  When you are outside, there are things in nature that could harm you.  So you try to avoid any discomforts.  In your spiritual life you can be harmed by sin or addictions.  Avoiding occasions of sin is not always thought of because there is not an immediate pain if you make a mistake.  Certain addictions may be hard to avoid once a habit has been established.  People can get drawn into addictions without realizing it at first.  Sinful actions can also be subtle at first, but your body’s desires can cause you to sin, which could cause habitual sin to form.  Even as you are smart enough to avoid painful things in nature, so you also need to be ever alert to the devil’s temptations by avoiding any occasions of sin.  Fortunately, you have My sacrament of Reconciliation which allows you to cleanse your souls of mortal and venial sin.  My faithful should learn from their mistakes so they could avoid the same sin in the future.  It is the sins that you commit most frequently that you should work on, so you can avoid them as much as possible.  If you truly love Me, you need to avoid offending Me with any habitual sin.  Pray for My angels to help you in any weakness to sin.”


Saturday, May 16, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, I gave you some inspirations during Lent to pray for the poor and now earthquake victims, and even the giving of alms.  I know it is difficult to give to causes when you do not know how the money is distributed.  Do not forget the poor, and do something positive to help them.  You have some ongoing requests for donations, but you need to make the poor a higher priority in your donations.  Do not be so concerned that you may not have enough money to pay all of your bills.  I see to it that you have what you need, and I am using your financial help to assist the poor.  Have more compassion for the people who have lost their lives and their homes in Nepal.  Pray again for the souls who have died in these disaster. The more you give in prayers and donations for charity, the more you will be rewarded.”

Jesus said: “My people, enjoy the availability of your fresh foods today, because water shortages could make your food more expensive and harder to find.  As the one world people try to take over America, you will see that you will be forced to have credit cards with chips in them by this year.  All of your smart cards, and chips in all of your documents are all part of a plan for complete control of your people.  The next stage of control will be mandatory chips in your body that would control you as a robot with no free will.  This is why I keep warning you not to take any chip in your body for any reason.  When such chips in the body, or the mark of the beast, become mandatory, this will be the time to come to My refuges.  These evil ones will try to kill any people who refuse to take a chip in the body.  This will be the beginning of the North American Union that will take away all of your rights when the Bill of Rights are cancelled.  You could also see a possible bank failure that would precipitate martial law.  My Warning experience for everyone has to occur first.  Then you will have six weeks of time for conversions.  This will be followed by events that will lead up to the declaration of the Antichrist as a brief ruler of the earth.  I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges of safety.  Trust in My power which is greater than all the plans of the evil ones.”


Sunday, May 17, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, you have just read of how Judas was replaced with Matthias to complete the twelve apostles.  Judas betrayed Me, and he was an influence of evil at the beginning of My Church on earth.  I have been warning you of a coming division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant.  You will see the beginnings of this division now, but after the Warning, you will see the two beasts of Revelation coming into power with the Antichrist and the False Prophet. There will be a Christian persecution that will close the remnant churches, so you will have to have services in the homes.  After the Warning, the major events will occur that will endanger your lives.  At this point I will warn My faithful with an interior message that it is time to come to the safety of My refuges that will be guarded by My angels.  Have no fear because I will bring My victory over the brief time of the Antichrist.  Then I will bring My faithful into their reward in My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”


Monday, May 18, 2015: (St. John I)

Jesus said: “My people, you have been preparing for the coming of the evil of the Antichrist in the tribulation for many years.  All of your preparations are about to be vindicated as you will be coming to My refuges.  All of My refuge builders have been working hard to have their places ready to receive My faithful at both the interim and final refuges.  Without My help and the angels, all of My faithful would be killed by the evil ones.  But you have My promise of protection during the tribulation.  Some will be martyred, but they will become instant saints in heaven.  During this brief reign of evil, at My refuges I want My faithful to hold a constant vigil of prayer for souls in front of My Blessed Sacrament.  As in the vision, you will need a constant flame burning in your vigil.  The evil time will come after My Warning.  Once I bring My victory over the evil ones, you will blow out this vigil candle, and be ready to enter My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been patiently waiting for your kitchen and chapel to be done, while having to live without cooking on a stove.  You will need to clean up all of your furniture and the contents from your old cupboards.  Once you are back to a normal household, do not lose your focus on making your place a refuge for people to stay and eat.  You will need your new space for tables, chairs, and some bedding.  You are securing an altar, and you will need places for books and vestments.  I will be giving you instructions as you go along.  You have obtained some beautiful things, but keep focused on your prayers, and a place for future services and prayer meetings.  You will need books for Mass and singing.  Have some Bibles with notes on where to find the readings for Mass for the three cycles.  You will need a lectern and some stands to store things.  I am asking you to keep focused on this second mission because your time for preparation is short.”


Tuesday, May 19, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I met the woman at the well, and I told her that I could give her ‘Living Water’ so she would not have to keep drawing water from the well.  I told her about her life, and when the town’s people heard My words and saw My miracles, they too believed in Me.  This vision of ‘Living Water’ coming forth from the Light of God, is how I bring God the Father and the Holy Spirit to all of you who are worthy.  I call My people to come to frequent Confession, so you can keep a pure soul, worthy of receiving Me in Holy Communion.  The Three of Us in the Blessed Trinity are brought to you as ‘Living Water’ every time you receive Us in Holy Communion.  In St. John’s Gospel I told you: ‘That whoever eats My Body and drinks My Blood, will receive eternal life.’  Receiving Me in Holy Communion is your spiritual nourishment, and you can only come to heaven through Me.  I am always Present to you in My Blessed Sacrament, and you give glory to Me in your prayers and your visits to My tabernacle.  Keep close to Me with a pure soul, and you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who believe a world government should run everything.  These people are quite naive to think that other people are going to take care of them.  The one world people worship Satan, and they carry out his evil orders.  These people are the money people behind the forming of the European Union and the North American Union.  They want to control everyone with chips in the body.  They are not just satisfied with controlling people with chips in their charge cards, passports, and drivers’ licenses.  These evil ones want to control your free will as a robot with chips in your body.  Avoid taking any chip in the body for any reason, and do not worship the Antichrist.  This computer chip in the body is the mark of the beast that the Antichrist will try and use to control people’s minds to do his bidding.  When these evil ones declare mandatory chips in the body, this will be a sign to come to My refuges.  This world government will control your body, if you take the chip in the body, so you would be in a hypnotized state.  These evil ones will try to force everyone to take a chip in the body, and they will try to kill those people who refuse to take it.  This is why I am having My faithful build interim and final refuges to protect them from the evil ones.  At the Warning, I will tell people not to take chips in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist.  I will also warn My faithful that they will need to come to My refuges to be protected from those people who are trying to kill them or persecute them.  Fear not these evil ones because I am stronger, and I will bring My victory over all of them.  It will be hard to live a rustic life at My refuges, but everyone will be helping one another to survive and use your individual skills.  Bring the tools of your trade to help those people at your refuge.”


Wednesday, May 20, 2015: (St. Bernardine of Siena)
Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for all of your preparations that you have been patiently enduring while the workers fix up your new chapel and kitchen. You have been asked to provide an interim refuge, and I have provided you the funds and the people to help carry out your mission. Today, people are comfortable in coming to their churches. Little do they realize that your churches could be closed very quickly, once the evil ones are given their hour. Then My faithful will need to come to My refuges where My angels will protect My people. Only My faithful, who have crosses on their foreheads, will be allowed into My refuges. The evil ones will not be able to enter. At My refuges you will have altars for Mass, and you will also have perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Not only will water, food, and bedding be provided, but you will have daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels. The evil ones want to kill all Christians. Some will be martyred, but the rest will be protected by My large angels at each refuge. My angels will not allow any harm to come to My people. I will multiply all of your food, and even more dwellings, if necessary. Have trust in My protection because the evil ones have no power over Me or My angels. If you are attacked by evil, call on Me and My angels, and we will come to your rescue. I will not leave you orphans, but have faith in all of My words of prophecy.”

(Funeral Mass for Gerald ‘Jed’ Hanna, Sr.) Jesus said: “My people, Jed has left his loving family, but he is now part of another family in heaven. He loves his dear wife and all the children, and grandchildren. He will be watching out for them, and praying for them. It was difficult to suffer through the years after his stroke, but it allowed him to do his purgatory on earth. It is always sad to say good-bye to a loved one, but passing on is a part of everyone’s life. It is a tribute to him in how many came to the funeral Mass, and the words spoken about him were very touching about his life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a grandfather clock with the hour and minute hands moving fast around the clock. This is another sign for you that time is getting short before some major events will start happening. It is another indication that I am speeding up the time so the tribulation will be shortened for the sake of My elect. You have had many years of messages to prepare for the end times, and now you are seeing many signs that it is approaching quickly. Many souls are not spiritually ready to face the evil of the Antichrist. This is why I will bring My Warning to all souls to give everyone one last opportunity to repent and be saved. Even now, My faithful can come to frequent Confession so their souls will be pure, and they will have less to suffer at the Warning. When you come to Me, face to face, you will have to account for all of your unforgiven sins, and you will have to make reparation for your sins. By keeping a pure soul and receiving your plenary indulgence for Mercy Sunday, you will have less to suffer when you see the state of your soul in My eyes. You also need to be prepared to leave for My refuges of protection. If you are a refuge builder, you need to make your last preparations to receive the people who will be coming to your place of safe haven. Trust in My love, My forgiveness, and My protection.”


Thursday, May 21, 2015: (St. Christopher Magallanes)

Jesus said: “My people, you have St. Paul in the readings who was willing to proclaim My Gospel and My Resurrection from the dead.  He is one of My most courageous missionaries who was responsible for converting many Gentiles to the faith. He was a Pharisee, until he had a miraculous conversion, when I asked him to stop persecuting Me.  He is a good model for you to speak out about My Gospel, so you can convert souls to the  faith, and they may be saved from hell.  My son, you also are being called to speak out on My behalf to convert souls to the faith, and to prepare the people for My coming Warning, and the time of tribulation.  You have been given several messages that this time is growing short before these events will take place.  So you need to take courage as well, and continue to speak out in My Name that the people need to repent and be saved, before it is too late when the evil ones will be allowed to take power.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, your government has printed Federal Notes for circulation for many years, and it prints these notes with no gold backing.  What is not seen, is the printing of a lot higher denomination bonds or Treasury Bills.  You have almost $18 trillion dollars as a national debt, and over $56 trillion in liabilities for Social Security and other obligations.  It is the quadrillion dollars of derivatives that are gambles by your bankers that will be backed by the depositors of the banks and the taxpayers.  Your financial system is about to crash when interest rates are raised.  When the dollar and your markets crash, there will be chaos and killing in your streets, when people are looking for food and water.  This will be when My people will need to come to My refuges for food, water, and protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will bring about My Warning experience before any events that will endanger your lives.  I have given you messages before that martial law will be precipitated by a money crash, a pandemic virus, and terrorist activities in multiple cities.  This financial crisis will come as interests rates rise, and the derivatives fail.  You will also see a pandemic virus that will kill many people.  You will also see continuing terrorist activities from the drug dealers, and jihadist Moslems.  This martial law will be the end of any normal government, and you will be in a police state with no rights.  This will also be a time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about the coming mark of the beast, that will bring a mandatory chip in the body which will control you like a robot, if you take it.  Refuse to take any chip in your body, even if the authorities threaten to kill you.  In your Warning experience, I will warn people not take any chip in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist.  This again will also be the time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a persistent drought in California, and there are some scientists predicting a major water shortage in a good portion of the West.  This could cause a strain on your food supplies with higher prices.  In addition, you will see people forced to use chips in the hand to buy any food.  Again, avoid taking any chip in the body, and you will need to come to My refuges for My multiplication of your food.  Such a famine and food shortage will be a big need for My refuges.  People need to store some food as this famine will spread.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing a schismatic church take over most of the churches, as My faithful remnant will have to come to their homes for prayers and services.  The schismatic church will teach New Age and that sexual sins are no longer mortal sins.  The faithful remnant will teach My true Gospel of My apostles.  You will need to leave these heretical churches for your safe havens of My true teachings.  Eventually, again you will need to come to My refuges to avoid being influenced by Godless churches.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of all of the evils of the previous messages, My faithful will be directed to My refuges to save their souls from any influence from the Antichrist and the False Prophet.  My angels will protect you at My refuges from any evil plans of the one world people.  You will have My luminous cross heal people when they look upon My cross at My final refuges.  At interim refuges you will be healed by drinking spring water or holy water.  You will be praying more and adoring My Blessed Sacrament.  You all will be working together to provide for your survival.  I will provide for all of your needs, and My angel protection at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have promised you that I would bring My victory over the Antichrist and the demons.  All the evil people and the demons will be cast into hell.  Before  the comet strikes the earth, I will raise up My faithful into the air so they are not killed by the comet.  I will recreate the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.  Rejoice, My faithful, and be patient for you will soon have your reward for being faithful to My Word.”


Friday, May 22, 2015: (St. Rita of Cascia)
Jesus said: “My son, you know that during the tribulation, you will not have your normal services to your house, like electricity, water, and natural gas. This time when you have not had a stove or appliances, represents a little of the rustic life that you will be living in the tribulation of the Antichrist. Be prepared to have your water, food, and your fuels multiplied for those people who will be living at your place. My angels will protect you from the evil ones, but you will need to wash dishes and clothes without electricity. All of your needs will be provided, along with your bedding, but everyone will have to help each other for your physical survival. You will have your altar and perpetual Adoration in your chapel. You will be praying more without your electrical devices, and no communications from your cell phones. Your tribulation time will be shortened so you will have less to suffer. Trust in My power and My protection, and I will help you through any difficulties.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want My refuge builders to be prepared to have Mass, if you have a priest. This means you will need to stock some small and large hosts along with some cases of altar wine. My faithful need to be centered around My Eucharist, which is your spiritual nourishment, and it is much more important than physical food. If need be, you could survive entirely on My Host alone. At My refuges I want you to set up a chapel where you can have perpetual Adoration, with at least two faithful people taking turns every hour to adore and worship Me, as My saints and angels do. My Eucharist is the center of your lives at Mass and when you adore Me at My tabernacles or in front of My monstrance. My Real Presence is with you at all times, until the end of this age. You are having a reunion of My faithful, so you will all be strong in carrying out your own individual missions for the end times. I am showing you now how to prepare your refuges to provide food, water, and bedding for your people. Trust in My power and My leadership to have the Holy Spirit enlighten you to evangelize souls so they can be saved from hell. After you endure this coming trial, you will all be rewarded in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”


Saturday, May 23, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, remember that you are in the world, but you are not of the world. It is I who have chosen you, and not you who chose Me. I have a mission for each soul, but only when you give your will over to Me, can you carry out My mission. I give each person specific talents that are unique to you, and these talents are given to carry out your mission. You are the only one that is equipped to carry out that mission. I love all souls in the world, even those souls who reject Me. I know in your human weakness that you are liable to sin, so I am willing to forgive all repentant sinners. I call you to be like little children in your hearts, so you can have true humility and be given the grace to seek My forgiveness of your sins. You need to accept that you are sinners, and you are in need of coming to Me in My sacrament of Reconciliation at least once monthly. By keeping your soul pure, you can be worthy of receiving Me in Holy Communion. Your whole world is in need of repentance, but the people first need to be converted by My evangelists and My prayer warriors. My faithful need to continuously reach out to convert souls and invite them to come and believe in Me with their whole mind, their whole heart, and their whole soul. Once a soul is laid bare to its sins in My eyes, only then will the soul desire My forgiveness of his or her sins. This grace of faith is a gift that I offer to everyone who wants to be saved with Me forever. Give up your worldly desires, and only desire to love Me, and your neighbor as yourself. Call on Me to protect you from the devil’s temptations, and do everything out of love for Me. Then you will be fulfilling the mission I gave you because you gave Me your ‘yes’ to follow My Will.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you see a tomb, you should think of how one day, you will be passing through this shroud into your own death. Do not be afraid to die, because all of you will be joined with Me in judgment. Be prepared with prayers and a pure soul in frequent Confession. I love all of you, and I do not want to lose even one soul to the evil one. This is why it is so important to evangelize souls, and pray that all the souls in your family will not see hell. Keep close to Me at all times so I can guard you from any occasions of sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, your fresh water that is delivered to your house, will soon run dry in many Western states. You are seeing a time when your rainfall has been falling gradually below normal levels. The farmers and the people in their homes have been draining your lakes, rivers, and well water for many years, but it is not being replenished enough by your rainfall or snow. This will become a severe problem in the West where there are fewer sources of water. You have the possibility of having a need for large scale desalinization plants along the ocean that could use membranes to make potable fresh water. This could provide drinking water and smaller amounts of expensive fresh water. Your water bills will get more expensive, and your fresh fruits and vegetables will also increase in price. The food and water which you have taken for granted for many years, will becoming harder to find at a higher price. You are going to realize how these basic commodities are so valuable now, and at your future refuges. I know your physical needs for your survival, and I will multiply these things when they are needed at your refuges. Give thanks to Me for all that I do to provide for your every day needs.”


Sunday, May 24, 2015: (Feast of Pentecost)
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the God of love, and I am One with God the Father and God the Son. When you receive Holy Communion worthily, you receive all of Us in the Blessed Trinity. You have honored God the Father and Jesus in your chapel, but it would be fitting to also honor Me as well. I would like one framed picture of the Baptism of Jesus in the portrayal of the Blessed Trinity, a picture of a Dove, and a picture of My flames that appeared over the apostles and the disciples. It would please Me if you placed this combined picture in your chapel, and take it to your prayer group meetings. You know how I inspire you in writing your messages, and in helping you to evangelize souls in your speaking engagements. I reach out to touch all souls to know Jesus, even those souls who have fallen away, or those souls who have never known Jesus. Remember Me in the Sign of the Cross, and your Glory Be prayers to the Blessed Trinity. Some people may forget about Me, but I bring you My gifts every day as My blessing. When you pray to any Person of the Blessed Trinity, you are praying to all of Us, because We are One in a mystery that is difficult for you to understand. Call on all of Us every day to help you to bring souls to the faith, so they can be saved from hell.”


Monday, May 25, 2015: (Memorial Day)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are remembering all the soldiers who died in fighting for your freedoms. It is sad when you know that the one world people have encouraged wars for their own financial gain. You actually are losing many of your freedoms because of your poor leaders. When your people of America turn your backs on Me, and you continue your abortions, euthanasia, and same sex marriages, then you will reap the consequences of your sins. It is your divorce and living together in fornication without proper marriage, that is destroying your families. It is living in your sinful lifestyles that is offending Me in your sin. Where is your love for Me and your neighbor? Without having Me as the center of your lives as a nation, America will surely fall from within. Keep praying for your family members to turn from their evil ways, and repent of their sins. Without the forgiveness of sin, these souls are on the road to hell in My justice. America needs to wake up spiritually to see My Light, or your country is lost.”

Jesus said: “My people, your soul is your most valuable possession that you have, and I am your most valuable friend that you could have.  Your goal in this life is to seek heaven by coming to Me for the forgiveness of your sins in Confession.  Your next goal is to share My love with others, so you could convert their souls, and save them from hell.  The kingdom of heaven is like a precious diamond that you would sell all that you have to buy it.  I love all of you so much that I died on the cross to offer salvation to everyone.  I want you to love Me also, and you can show it in your prayers and in your good deeds for your neighbor.  If you do everything out of love for Me, then I will see your good intentions in your heart.  Keep focused on Me and never forget Me.”


Tuesday, May 26, 2015: (St. Philip Neri)

Jesus said: “My people, when I make a person’s body and soul, I throw away the mold because each of you are made different with your own set of talents that are unique from anyone else.  You need to acknowledge that I created you with the use of your parents in the creation process.  Even when you have your own children, you are united with Me in bringing another soul and body into the world.  You are all a part of My human family, and I give a call to you to ‘follow Me’ in whatever vocation you choose.  I do not force My love on anyone, but you all hear My call to your mission in life.  There is always a cost to follow Me, and it means you are giving up your own free will and earthly desires to follow My Will.  Choosing a spiritual life of working with Me in all that you do, can be difficult when I take you out of your comfort zone to help people.  Yet, you will have your reward both here and in heaven.  My apostles left their livelihoods, and followed Me immediately without looking back.  You are answering My call when you accept Me as Lord and Savior over your life.  When you follow Me in My requests, you are in harmony with My Will, as all of nature is in harmony with Me.  You are called to love Me and your neighbor, and your reward will be great in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, water was freely flowing in the Garden of Eden, but now your weather is more erratic with floods in Texas and droughts in California.  Your water is becoming more of a concern, as many of your lakes are drying up or going down.  Those of you who live near the Great Lakes, or on large rivers, are fortunate to have enough water to drink and bathe.  Other places are limited in water, and are on water restrictions.  You are seeing a need to store some food and water for the time of famine that is coming.  The distribution of food will be limited when you will need a chip in the hand to buy it, but do not take any chip in the body.  Your refuges will need to stock up on food and water, so it can be multiplied for those who come to My refuges.  Trust in Me to provide for your needs, even during the time of tribulation.”

Mass intention for Joan Sadie Allen (Kathy’s mother): Jesus said: “My people, even though Joan may have had some different ways about her, she still was the mother of her children.  You need to respect her for bringing up her kids.  Deep down she had love for her children, despite her actions.  I know there was some concern for her soul, but the family’s prayers have saved her.  She will be in purgatory for awhile, so she could use your Masses and prayers.  Many souls have been saved from hell because of the prayers from the prayer warriors in the family.”


Wednesday, May 27, 2015: (St. Augustine of Canterbury)

Jesus said: “My people, you need to be watchful of any earthly desires of pride, greed, or fame in your lives.  St. John and St. James had a spiritual pride in wanting to be on My right and My left in heaven.  I know they were willing to suffer for Me, but I told them it was not My decision for where My heavenly Father wants to place people in heaven.  I ask people to strive to be holy, so they could come to the higher levels of heaven, but it is My heavenly Father’s choice as to what level people will be brought in heaven.  On an earthly level, there are prideful people who want to have higher social status and better paying jobs.  When someone has good fortune by inheritance or hard work, you should be happy for them, and not envious.  You also should not look down on people because they are poor, or of another race.  Each person deserves your respect, without discriminating people because of their background or social status.  Every soul is equal in My eyes, and I do not show any favoritism.  You need to love everyone as I love everyone.  Do not be seeking money or possessions so you can be better than someone else.  All of these earthly things will pass away, so it is better to store up treasure in heaven than being concerned about accumulating money and possessions on earth.  Your earthly fame will also pass away quickly, so do not waste time on desiring to be famous.  Work to love Me and your neighbor, and when you do things for My Name’s sake, you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you of the coming time of Christian persecution, and you are even seeing Christians being beheaded in Arab countries.  In America you are seeing a breakdown in your society, where following My Commandments is not even a thought in many people’s minds.  Some people do not want Christians telling them that they are living in sin, because they know this is the truth. Instead of repenting of their sins and changing their ways, your society is persecuting the Christian messengers because they do not want people telling them how to live.  Even if you are criticized for evangelizing souls, you need to spread My Good News because you may be the only person that is speaking about Me and My salvation of their souls.  Your goal is to save as many souls from hell as you can.  You do not want to see any family members, or anyone suffer in hell for all eternity.  Even if people threaten your lives, you need to remain faithful to your belief in Me, and fight against any heretical statements against Me.  There are false prophets and even clergy that are teaching heretical beliefs. You need to stand up against such heresies, even if you will be criticized for being supportive of the apostolic teachings.  Those faithful, who suffer persecution for My Name’s sake, will be rewarded for taking a strong stand.”


Thursday, May 28, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, you take your sight for granted, but imagine if you were the blind man, as in today’s Gospel.  Bartimeus had faith that I could heal him, so I answered his request in allowing him to see.  You may see physical things clearly, but sometimes people are spiritually blind because they do not believe in Me by faith.  Faith is a gift, and when it is granted, truly that person will now see with the eyes of faith.  When you believe in Me, you know that I can do the impossible by man’s limitations.  Open your eyes and hearts, because I can answer all of your requests in whatever is best for your soul.  You know how much I love you, and My faithful want to share My love with those who need to be converted or re-converted.  The Holy Spirit will give you His gifts to help speak the words which are needed to bring people to believe in Me.  Rejoice in My love, and rejoice in sharing My love with others.  Every soul that you bring to Me in evangelization, is one more soul who will be saved from hell.”

Prayer Group:

The Holy Spirit said: “I am the God of love, and you have just celebrated My feast day on Pentecost Sunday.  I have asked you to have a picture of a Dove over Jesus in His Baptism, and a scene of the tongues of fire over Jesus’ disciples. These images of a dove and the tongues of fire, help you to understand My Presence in My gifts. I thank you for answering My request.  You have the three Archangels displayed on the altar, and now you have the Three representations of the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity.  Jesus is seen in the Divine Mercy picture.  God the Father is represented in the scene at Mt. Tabor.  The Eternal Father is also the name of your prayer group.  Now, you have My representation in the Baptism of Jesus, and in My descent upon the disciples as tongues of fire.”

Jesus said: “My people, some churches are very plain, and you do not always find a large crucifix, or My tabernacle in plain sight.  The statues and pictures of the saints help you to remember their lives, as they are models to live your own lives.  Many people pray the rosary, and special prayers to their favorite saints.  Keep close to Me and live holy lives, as My saints have done.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many beautiful traditions that make you feel that you are in a real church.  My first tradition is that you know that I am Present in My Hosts in My tabernacle.  It is My Real Presence that sets your Roman Catholic churches apart from other churches because of My Blessed Sacrament in your tabernacles.  Another tradition is to have a large crucifix on your altars so you never forget how much I love you by dying on the cross for your sins.  Some churches have statues of Myself, My Blessed Mother, and St. Joseph to remember the Holy Family.  You may also see other saints that may be the namesake of that church.  You should see confessionals where you can come to the priests for the sacrament of Reconciliation, which you should visit at least once a month.  It is your many traditions that keep you close to Me in your faith in My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, this season of Ordinary time is a long time until you get ready for Advent.  During Lent you were fasting and giving alms along with your penances.  You can fast and give alms throughout the year so you do not grow cold in your faith to Me.  The feast days and the various holy seasons give you more to think about in your daily walk in faith.  This is why I do not want you to grow complacent in your faith during this long time of Ordinary time.  Keep close to Me in frequent Mass, daily prayers, and monthly Confession.  By keeping Me at the center of your lives, you will be more focused on doing everything for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad for Me to see so many of My people receiving Holy Communion when they have mortal sin on their souls.  These are sacrilegious  receptions of My Host, and these people are adding more sin to their souls.  I am happy that people are coming to church, but they need to examine their consciences and come to Confession if they are committing mortal sin.  There are many couples who are not married, and still they live a life of sin in fornicating.  Other  people are sinning in adultery, and even using birth control devices, vasectomies, or tubal ligations.  People need to learn their faith in what the Church teaches about sexual sins.  These sins bring more souls to hell than any other sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are witnessing some actions that are stirring up racial tensions, and even terrorist activities designed for a takeover of America.  Various government preparations for martial law are giving signs of their coming intentions.  Even as the evil ones prepare for a takeover, I am having My refuge builders prepare for when you will need to come to My safe havens during the tribulation.  These builders are storing up food, water, and bedding for when these things will be multiplied for those who come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to remain in a state of readiness for so many years when nothing is happening right now.  You remember when someone asked if the Warning was ever going to happen. My answer was ‘Believe it’.  I do not give dates of these things, but you can read the signs of the times as evil is getting worse.  You know that only by My Divine intervention will man ever change his heart.  My Warning is getting close, even though you have heard these words for some time.  The evil ones are planning for a martial law, but it will not happen until My Warning gives everyone one last opportunity to be saved.”


Friday, May 29, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, you can appreciate My dismay with the money changers who were taking advantage of the people with their cheating in My Father’s house of prayer.  This is why I turned over their tables and chased them out of the Temple.  This is one violation to the Temple, but today and soon, you will be seeing worse things in My churches.  You will see My clergy teaching heresies and misleading My people.  Eventually, the leaders will be teaching New Age precepts of worshiping things, and not even worshiping Me.  The schismatic church will divide My Church, as they will claim the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins.  You have seen some priests even teaching that hell is not eternal, which is a heresy.  My faithful remnant will have to have services and prayer meetings in the homes, when the churches will be taken over by the schismatic church.  This is one of the reasons that I have asked you to have your own chapel, as it will become an interim refuge during the tribulation.  If the money changers dismayed Me, you can imagine how I will feel about My clergy who will be misleading the people with their lies and heresies.  Those people, who could bring souls to hell, will face a severe judgment for their actions.  Be prepared, My son, for what evil will be coming upon you, but have no fear because I will protect you.”


Saturday, May 30, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, the Jewish leaders were always questioning My authority, and how I could perform miracles. I did not want to reveal My true identity as part of My Messianic secret.  So I posed another question to them about St. John the Baptist, if his Baptism was from heaven or from men.  Since they did not want to answer Me, then I did not answer them.  This incident happened after I had chased the money changers out of the Temple.  I spoke to the people and these leaders in parables, so they did not understand My true purpose. Later, I would explain the parables to My apostles. In essence, I received My authority from God the Father, who sent Me, but this would be revealed later when I spoke plainly before I was crucified.  Another reason that the Scribes and Pharisees questioned My authority, is because My miracles and My teachings threatened their own authority over the people. They saw many people believe in Me, especially after I raised Lazarus from the dead.  This is why they wanted to kill Me, so I could no longer lead the people away from their control. Even today, Christians are being persecuted because the sinners do not want their sins exposed, and they want to silence any criticism. They will want to kill My faithful because they do not want people telling them how to live holy lives, since they love their sins more than Me.  Despite any persecution, My people need to warn sinners that it is necessary to repent and be converted, in order to be saved in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people,  I want to emphasize to you that hell exists, and the evil demons exist.  I made hell originally for a place of punishment for the bad angels who would not serve Me.  Hell is eternal, and there are souls who refuse to serve and love Me.  They condemn themselves to the eternal flames of hell as well.  You have My Commandments to love Me and your neighbor.  In order to enter heaven, a soul needs to repent of its sins, and accept Me as Lord and Savior of its life. Even on earth you have punishment for crimes against others.  I am infinitely merciful, but I am infinitely just as well.  If the devil or certain faiths can get you to believe that there is no punishment for sin in hell, or that the demons to not exist, then these evil ones could cause you to be lost forever in hell.  I call people to love Me, but I do not force My love on them, because I want them to love Me of their own free will.  When Adam and Eve sinned, they were punished with death, sickness, and the need to work for a living.  You all are weak to sin, but I came to the earth to sacrifice My life to atone for all of your sins.  I offer everyone salvation, if they accept Me and seek My forgiveness.  If there were no punishment for sin, then I would not have died to save souls from hell.  In conclusion, there is an eternal judgment to hell’s fires for those souls who reject Me and fail to love Me.  There is also a beautiful place in heaven that awaits souls who repent of their sins and love Me.  I have given you My sacraments for grace, and you have Confession where you are absolved of your sins, when you are sorry and repent. There is also a purgatory where souls, who are not condemned to hell, need to be purified and make reparation for their past sins. My justice is carried out as all souls are brought to their judgment, when they have to make an accounting for all of their actions during their life on earth.”


Sunday, May 31, 2015: (The Most Holy Trinity Sunday)

The Holy Spirit said: “I am the God of love, and all Three of Us in the Blessed Trinity are here to greet you and celebrate this Mass on Our feast day. You have asked what your wife, Carol, has been experiencing since Pentecost Sunday. You remember when you both were blessed with the gift of My Spirit at a prayer meeting.  Your wife on occasion has exhibited a gift of tongues. She has had this gift for many years, but she has not had many occasions to use her gift.  She is now feeling the power of My Spirit, and she was led to have this beautiful chapel built for the coming tribulation. Now, that you have this chapel prepared, you need to bring in your cross, the pictures, the relics, the tabernacle, and the monstrance.  You are having a beautiful altar made, and you could have a lectern, a pray-Dieu or two, and some chairs for the people to pray.  All three of Us are blessing this chapel, and you could pray your St. Michael prayer for its protection.  Later, you could have a priest or deacon bless it as well.  You all have My gifts, and you need to express them as your mission calls you.”


Monday, June 1, 2015: (St. Justin)

Jesus said: “My people, I chose the Jewish people to be My own people, where I would live on the earth. Even though I performed many miracles and I openly told the Jews that I was sent by God the Father, the Jewish leaders did not accept My authority.  Because these leaders rejected My mission, I gave them the parable about the bad tenants of the vineyard. They realized that I was referring to them as the bad tenants, so they wanted to kill Me. I am the Cornerstone that these builders rejected, so I set up My Church with My apostles as the new worthy tenants. I gave the keys of My kingdom to St. Peter as My leader, and I told him that the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church.  The Jews killed many of the prophets, and Myself as well.  This is why their leadership was taken away and given to My apostles.  All peoples will learn at the Warning that people can only come through Me to come to heaven.  I was given this authority as God’s only Beloved Son.”

Jesus said: “My people, for those people who have the eyes of faith, they are noticing the signs of your rights being taken away.  In the area of computer chips, you are seeing more control in mandatory smart cards for your credit cards, chips in your passports, chips in some driver’s licenses, and Easy Pass chips in your cars. These chips and your cell phones allow your authorities to track where you travel at all times.  You can put aluminum foil around any chipped documents to prevent tracking, and the stealing of your identity. You also are seeing more trade agreements that continue to threaten your jobs.  Even some information is leaking out about the hundreds of detention centers that are being made ready to imprison millions of people who will not go along with the new world order.  The persecution of Christians is being further planned to imprison them and torture them. Other signs are in the sky with the last Tetrad Blood Moon in September.  I will hold off the more serious events until I will bring My Warning to all the people.  After the Warning you will need to get rid of your TVs, computers, and any internet device to avoid looking at the face of the Antichrist.  As your lives become endangered, My people will need to come to My refuges when I give you the word to come.”


Tuesday, June 2, 2015: (Sts. Marcellinus & Peter)

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Tobit became blind, and he was unfairly critical of his wife, Anna, when she received a goat as a bonus for her work.  She then made a point of how his true character was coming out.  At times people make the same mistake by drawing their own conclusions about others, without knowing all the facts.  I am the only true Judge, and I ask you not to judge others. Sometimes people criticize others without any justification.  Be careful not to insult people with unfair criticism.  If someone is spreading a heresy, then it may be proper to confront that person with true Church teaching to instruct someone in any error.  Some people may thank you for any helpful correction, but others may be offended, and reject your instruction, even if it is correct.  It is not easy to know all the facts of why people do what they do, and that is why I am the only One to judge people’s actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some good sized earthquakes and some volcanoes explode recently.  This vision is of a massive volcanic explosion that is yet to take place.  Massive amounts of rock and dust will be thrown into the air.  This could even affect your weather and your plane routes.  You were struck in the vision of the dark clouds and how huge the explosion was.  Even as time draws close to the Warning, you will be seeing more drastic natural disasters by the events in and around the earth. Be prepared to come to My refuges for your protection.”

For Don: Jesus said: “My people, your contractor, Don, has helped you immensely and lovingly to build your chapel, kitchen, and the many extras.  Don is grateful for you and your wife’s friendship, and how she has reached out to him both physically in the meals, and spiritually.  Don realizes that this addition is special, and it is part of My plan for an interim refuge.  He is happy to be building this for you and for My plan.  Don is a loving and caring person, especially for his wife and family.  He has been touched by your friendship, as he sees that you have a special mission from Me.  You have been praying for Don and the stress he is living under, and for his wife’s health.  Encourage him in his prayers and coming close to Me, as I love him so much.  I thank him as well for all he has done for you.  You also need to thank him, especially for all the extra things that he has done for you at a minimal cost.”


Wednesday, June 3, 2015: (St. Charles Lwanga & companions)

Jesus said: “My people, I hear all of your prayers, even as I heard the prayers of Tobit and Sarah in today’s first reading. Each of them were overcome with grief. Tobit was frustrated with his blindness, while Sarah was afflicted with the demon Asmodeus, who had strangled her seven husbands on her wedding night. To answer their prayers, I sent St. Raphael, the archangel, to heal Tobit’s eyes, and to remove the demon from Sarah. This is a lesson for all of My people who are facing problems in life. I have told you to ask Me, and you will receive My help. When you are tested by any evil demons, call on Me, and I will send you My angels to comfort and protect you. When people have faith that I can help them, they will receive My help in dealing with their problems. It is comforting to know that I am always at your side, ready to assist you in your needs. I love all of you, and I know your needs even before you ask Me. I await your request and your belief in My help.”

Jesus said: “My son, these visions are flashbacks to when you were in Hanceville, Alabama when you visited Mother Angelica’s EWTN, which she originally set up to be a refuge that could operate without electricity. She has a beautiful perpetual Adoration chapel on top and a nice crypt for Mass on the bottom. Your friend Judy has a beautiful large place, and she wants to have a large church built next to her house. You have a special friend, who might be living in this area, and it would be good to put your friend in contact with your other friends there. Many people are going to be coming to these refuges, and My angels will provide food, water, and shelter for the people who come. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs.”


Thursday, June 4, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, this account of Tobiah’s marriage to Sarah is very touching because they saw the importance of prayer in their marriage. The demon, Asmodeus, had killed seven of Sarah’s husbands, but St. Raphael, the archangel, removed the demon and protected Tobiah. Their marriage was consummated after three days of prayer, and they were able to live through this trial because of their faithfulness to Me. In the book of Tobit (6:16-22)it speaks of how St. Raphael encouraged Tobiah to pray for three days, and they burned the liver of the fish to drive away the demon. When couples get married, they could pray this prayer of St. Raphael to bless their marriage. They also should follow Tobiah’s prayer to focus on the love of children, rather than lust for one’s wife. The children are a gift from God, and truly the purpose of the marriage in true love. All families should be joined in daily prayer and trust in Me, and you would see much less divorce because of your faithfulness to Me.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, you have been waiting patiently over three months for the construction of your new chapel and kitchen to be done. Now, you have a working oven and your appliances are in place. You have followed the Holy Spirit’s instructions to place your tabernacle, pictures, and cross into your new chapel. Soon you will have a new altar, and you can start planning to put what is needed into your rooms. I will be helping you to complete what is needed for what is coming.”

Jesus said: “My people, even before the tribulation comes, you could pray your St. Michael prayers for your family in the new chapel after supper. You could start praying your rosaries in the chapel instead of in your upstairs rooms. You could even close the doors for more quiet before Me. If you have occasion to do your Adoration at your home, you could use your laptop computer to play your Adoration DVD. Let your chapel be the center for your prayers and Adoration, as it will be into the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been asking My refuge builders to try and finish up their preparations because events could be changing soon. Before your lives are endangered, I will bring My Warning to give all souls one last opportunity to repent and change their lives. After people have converted, I will give an interior message to all of My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges. When I call you, do not delay, or you will be risking capture by the men in black, and even martyrdom. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see people dying in floods, tornadoes, and even capsized boats, as in China. You do not know when or how I will call you home at your death. All of you need to come to frequent Confession so you can have a pure soul at your Warning, or if you should die suddenly without any preparation. I have asked you to pray constantly for those people who are dying, and your Divine Mercy Chaplet can be beneficial in saving souls from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, after the Warning, you will have six weeks of time to make conversions. Many people, after their Warning experience, will be seeking Confession of their sins which will be imprinted in their minds. This will be the best time to evangelize your family members who are not coming to Sunday Mass. They need to have pure souls, if they expect to come to My refuges. My angels will not let people in to My refuges unless they have crosses on their foreheads.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more detention centers being prepared to imprison millions of Americans who will not go along with the new world order. This is why I am having My faithful prepare refuges for the safety of My people. You will first see mandatory smart cards in your credit cards. Then there will be mandatory chips in the hand. Refuse any chips in the body because these chips will control your free will. Follow My angels and obey My refuge leaders in the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I appeared to My apostles, I did not want to frighten them, and I told them to be at peace. I love My people so much, and I do not want the people of today to be frightened either of the coming time of the Antichrist. Have trust and confidence that I will not leave you orphans, but I will bring My angel protection at My refuges when you will be invisible to your enemies. My angels are more powerful than all the demons and evil people. They will be ready to do battle for you. This tribulation will be shortened for the sake of My elect. Some will be martyred, but the rest of My faithful will be protected at My safe havens.”


Friday, June 5, 2015: (Millie Wagner’s Funeral Mass)

Millie said: “Hello everyone, I am sorry I had to leave all of you, but I am without any pain now. I love all of you, and I will be watching over you and praying for you. I want Melissa to know that she did all that she could do for me, and not to worry. I saw my husband, Ray, come to visit me. That is why I looked at his picture. I saw Jesus coming to get me in the other corner. I want to comfort Carol in my passing. I will need some prayers and a few Masses to bring me to heaven. Keep my picture out to remember Ray and myself. I will be waiting to see you all one day. Good-bye for now.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been attentive to the Holy Spirit’s request to set up your chapel with your tabernacle, your cross, and the pictures of all Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity. You are also listening to My requests to pray your prayers and do any Adoration in your new chapel. You had the star wallpaper installed on your ceiling, and you are awaiting your new altar. Many of your plans for this chapel have come about, and you need just a few more things to have it ready for the people to see. This will be a safe haven for the end times, so you need to get the rest of your preparations done. Remember during the tribulation that you will have perpetual Adoration here with the help of My angels and any priest that comes. You need to have this chapel blessed by a priest or a deacon. Many blessings will flow out to the people who come here. Give praise and thanks to Me for making all of this possible.”


Sunday, June 7, 2015: (Corpus Christi Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, in older days Moses took the blood of sacrificed animals, and he spread it over the people. Then when I came, I gave My life on the cross, and you now have My Most Precious Blood that covers My people from the One who is your most worthy sacrificial Lamb. At the Last Supper, that commemorated the Passover, I gave the blessing, and I offered up to God the Father the bread and wine that were consecrated into My Body and Blood. So at every Mass, the priest also consecrates the bread and wine, and it is transubstantiated into My very Body and Blood. This is a teaching of My Real Presence in the consecrated Hosts. When you keep My consecrated Hosts in your tabernacles, you have My Presence, and this makes your churches holy and different from any other church. I also want to emphasize to My people that it is necessary to receive My consecrated Host or Eucharist, in the state of grace without mortal sin on your souls. If you have mortal sin on your soul, you need to come to the priest in Confession so you can be absolved and have your sins forgiven. Then you can receive Me worthily. Those, who receive Me in mortal sin, are committing a sin of sacrilege. I am holy, and only holy souls should receive Me. People also can come in front of My Blessed Sacrament to adore Me in Adoration for your holy hour. Those special souls, who love Me so much, come to daily Mass, and even some come in Adoration of Me every day as well. Give praise and thanks to Me for giving you My Gift of My Real Presence that you receive in Holy Communion.”


Monday, June 8, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the sinful people getting worse, and My faithful are becoming stronger in their faith. The lifestyles of living in fornication, or some in same sex marriages, are so foreign to My faithful’s way of living. Because My faithful live faithful lives, and they try to share My love with others, they are a threat to other people’s lifestyle. Because those, who live evil lives even hate you, you will be suffering various persecutions for who you are. Do not feel that you have to change your lives to be accepted. It is better to obey Me than to obey people who may threaten your lives because of your faith in Me. Once your lives are in danger after the Warning, you will have to seek out My refuges for protection, or you may face martyrdom. Even as you may suffer persecution now, you can unite any of your suffering with Me on the cross. The coming tribulation will be shortened, and it will last less then 3½ years. This is a brief time of suffering for an eternity in heaven. Keep close to Me with pure souls, and you will have nothing to fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I love you because I came to the earth to give up My life to save all of those souls who love Me. I call on all of you to love Me as well, and I give you the Beatitudes to follow for your perfection. There are many people who I have called to become missionaries in spreading My Good News of My Resurrection and salvation. If you love Me every day, then you should desire to share My love with your neighbors. My desire is that My faithful should reach out to save as many souls as they can from the fires of hell with My help.”

Private message about the thousands of flies in our house. Jesus said: “My son, in all the months of the construction of your chapel and kitchen, your workers left the doors open, and only a few flies came in. Now, as you are giving your talks, you are seeing thousands of flies in the chapel behind the stained glass windows. You have sensed that this attack of flies is not normal, and it could well be an attack of the demons. I want you to pray the St. Michael prayer and spread some blessed salt and holy water all over your house. Fight this with prayer and exorcism first. Then work to remove the flies. I have allowed this as a sign to you that Satan is very upset with your chapel plans. When you do good things, the evil one will attack you, and try to bring it down. Call on Me and My angels to defeat any attacks of the demons.”


Tuesday, June 9, 2015: (St. Ephrem)

Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel is very appropriate for all missionaries, as St. Paul. I want all of My faithful to be the Salt of the earth. You are My prayer warriors that pray for souls, and you must be willing to suffer persecution for standing up for your faith in Me against all heresies. In the end times some of My faithful could be martyred for proclaiming My Word. Do not ever deny Me, even if your life is required to witness your faith in Me. I am the Light of the world, and I bring you My words of eternal life in heaven. You have heard the words of My Gospel, and My faithful need to put My words into action by going out to all the nations to evangelize souls. I have brought salvation to all souls by My death on the cross. It is up to each soul to repent of one’s sins, and come to Me in the priest to seek the forgiveness of one’s sins. You also need to accept Me as your Savior and Master of your lives. By doing so, I will guide you on your narrow path to heaven. Rejoice that I give My prayer warriors a strong gift of faith, as they go forth to share their salt and My Word of Light in the Gospels to all the souls in the nations. When you call on Me, I will send My angels to protect you from evil, and the Holy Spirit will give you the right words to proclaim to the people.”

Jesus said: “My son, you need to pray for more protection for your chapel. I told you to call on Me to send you My angels of protection when you are attacked by demonic things. These thousands of flies were definitely an attack of the evil ones. Pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer, and then make a cross with holy water over your stained glass windows, and all the objects in your chapel. You can even place some blessed salt in all the corners of your chapel as well. You could have a priest or a deacon bless your chapel as an exorcism for any future attacks on your chapel. I told you that many graces will be poured out on the people who come into your chapel to pray. Give praise and thanks to Me for getting rid of these flies, along with your contractor, Don, who cleaned them up.”


Wednesday, June 10, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, in My day the Jewish leaders were more wrapped up in following the details of the Mosaic Law in many human traditions, that they lost the spirit of love in the law. I came to fulfill the law and not to change it. I did emphasize that all the laws given could be summed up in a love of God and a love of neighbor. It was this love relationship with Me and others that was not being fully expressed by the religious leaders of My day. Even in the lives of your people today, many are wrapped up so much in watching TV and computer devices, that they have lost the art of conversation. It is this love relationship with Me and your neighbors that has turned cold, because of the devil’s influence. You need to be more focused on personal interactions that are based on love of everyone, rather than only focusing on yourself. Move out of your old sinful habits, so you can focus more on loving Me and loving your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My son, your construction is finally complete, and now you need to organize your food with some new bedding. Once you finish repainting your old basement, then you need to see what things you need to get rid of. I showed you some bunk beds to maximize your space for sleeping in the new basement during the tribulation. It will be a major job to finish your clean up of the basement and your other rooms. Your time is short, so you need to finish your basement as quickly as possible. You will also need to get your chapel ready to receive people for prayer services. Plan your work to finish your preparations as soon as possible. Call on My help every day to get things ready.”


Thursday, June 11, 2015: (St. Barnabas)

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how the early Church took a lot of hard work and traveling to bring My Good News of salvation to the people in various countries. In the Acts of the Apostles you can read of some of the miracles that My disciples performed that helped to convert souls to the faith. It was much harder to travel in those days, but still My disciples were working to convert souls despite any problems. It is this eager spirit to build up My Church that I am calling on all of My faithful to put their faith into action. Not everyone is willing to travel to share My words with your neighbors in other states and countries. My son, you have been called to prepare the people for the coming tribulation, and you have done well in your travels for many years. Now, you are again being called to provide a safe haven for My faithful to find protection. Keep working on conversions, and your work at your interim refuge.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, parting with good friends can always present a moment of sadness. Your friends are also fellow workers in defending the unborn babies in your Right to Life groups. Pat Amato was a beautiful lady who worked many hours in the defense of life for the unborn. Her death is a great loss, but she is no longer suffering from her health problems. Your little send off party for Barbara and Jan Fredricks is a little like when St. Paul and St. Barnabas were sent off to convert souls in many lands. Pray for Pat, and for a good mission for Barbara and Jan.”

Jesus said: “My son, your friend, Alice, has had you speak many times in Charleston, South Carolina. She had suffered many years with difficulty in walking. She had followed your messages, that I gave you, for many years. I have had mercy on her soul, and she is now with Me in paradise. She was a strong and faithful woman, even despite her disabilities. Give thanks to Me for the gift of her life in helping your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all are tried in life with many trials, both in faith and in health. Take courage, because I will give you the grace to carry out your missions. Keep strong in your faith with your prayers and the reception of My sacraments. I rely on My prayer warriors to help their families and to convert souls to the faith. Keep praying for the younger people to stay strong in their faith, and keep coming to Sunday Mass. My prayer warriors will have their reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many of your friends in bad health from various infirmities. After the Warning, events will lead up to the coming of the Antichrist, and I will be calling My faithful to come to My refuges. Just like the apostles performed many healings, so you will see all of My faithful healed of their infirmities by looking on My luminous cross, drinking the healing spring water, or drinking holy water. These healings will strengthen My faithful in their faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of damage from your recent tornadoes, thunderstorms, and even hail storms. You have seen these events before, but when it happens in your own backyard, it becomes more threatening. When storms threaten your lives, you can call on My help by praying your storm prayer in the Pieta prayer book. I will hear your request, and you will be protected as you have seen in the past.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you have many duties to carry out in running your home and carrying out your two missions. You are gracious with your time in speaking in many cities, as well as preparing your new refuge. I have asked you to speed up your work in the old basement by cleaning and painting your walls. I thank you for your latest work in addition to your other responsibilities. I am not forcing you to work harder, but you do not have much time left to prepare your refuge. Call on My help in prayer so you can complete your work in your refuge preparations.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of My refuge builders have various accesses to money,either from friends or from inheritances. If you choose to build a refuge, I will find a way to help complete your work. Those builders, who have started late, may have to speed up their plans, or I will have to have My angels complete their work. Keep working steadily on your preparations, and I will bless your efforts. Many people do not realize how much planning, spending of money, and the long hours of work that are necessary in preparing a good refuge. Others can help you by their prayers, physical labor, or even donations, if they are needed. With the help of your friends, you all can have an adequate refuge to fulfill all of your needs.”


Friday, June 12, 2015: (The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for honoring My feast day and that of My Blessed Mother, because our two hearts are always joined together. You have a picture of our Two Hearts in your bedroom, and you look at us while you are praying your rosaries. I have an infinite love of all souls, as I pray that all of you could be saved from the evil one. I do not force My love on you, but I want you all to love Me of your own free will. In the picture of My Sacred Heart, you can see an eternal flame of love, and I unite your suffering with Mine on the cross. My mercy and My love are poured out on everyone, as you see Me as your Creator and your Savior. I desire that you show your love for Me in your holy hours of prayer, in your Masses, in your Adoration of Me, and in your good deeds for your neighbors. I am all loving, and I want you to imitate Me by loving Me and your neighbor.”

(Pat Amato’s Funeral Mass) Pat said: “I am overwhelmed by the kindness of all the people who attended my funeral. I love Fred and all of my family so much, and I am sorry that I had to leave all of you so suddenly. I thank all of the people who helped me in my health problems. You know in life how much I loved to help people in many ways and through many organizations. I had this mother instinct in me for not only my children and grandchildren, but also for all the people that I could help. You know I had a great love of life, and I always worked to save the unborn and help all the mothers. I even had compassion for those mothers who had abortions. I am with my Jesus in heaven by his grace, and I will be praying for my family and for all the organizations that I worked with. It is the loving people that I enjoyed working with, and I will miss being with all of you.”


Saturday, June 13, 2015: (Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Anthony)

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are sharing a special feast of my Immaculate Heart as I love all of you as my own Son, Jesus. I bring you to my Son in all that I do. I give Him all of your petitions as an intercessor. The feast of our Two Hearts shows you how close I am to my Son. This church is named for my Sorrows, and today’s Gospel about losing my Son for three days, is one of those sorrows. As all mothers know, not finding your son among a lot of people can be trying, and even traumatic. I pondered the words of Jesus in my heart when He said that He must be doing His Father’s work. At age twelve, I did not know that He would be starting His ministry. I realized later the mystery of His true mission in His offering of His life for all the sins of mankind. We love all of our children, and we want you to encourage souls to love us as well. Remember to pray your rosaries every day, and pray for the saving of souls in the world, and the souls in purgatory.”

(4:00 p.m Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading, and in the Gospel, there is mention about the mystery of My creation in how crops grow with the right fertilizer, the seed, water, the sun, and good soil. It is the grace of crops that give you your food to eat and survive. There was another parable when an enemy sowed weed seeds with the planted wheat. When the wheat grew up, so the weeds showed as well. Instead of pulling up the weeds and destroying some wheat, the master allowed both to grow until the harvest. At the harvest, the weeds were gathered and were thrown into the fire, but the wheat was gathered into My barn. In life you also see the good and evil people living together until the judgment of souls. At the judgment, the evil souls will be gathered and cast into the eternal fires of hell. My faithful souls will also be gathered with Me into heaven as their reward for believing in Me and seeking My forgiveness. There are other parallels when you compare good and bad trees by their fruit. The good tree bears good fruit, as a faithful person will have many good deeds to show for their time on earth. The bad tree bears bad fruit, and it is not worth eating, much like the evil people who have only evil deeds to show for their life. There will be a judgment for all souls, and it will be your actions and deeds that will determine your eternal destination. Trust in My words and follow My Commandments, and your reward will be great in heaven.”


Sunday, June 14, 2015: (Fr. John Reif’s 50th Anniversary as priest)

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating Fr. John’s 50th Anniversary as a priest, and he is a priest forever according to the order of Melchisedec. You have known Fr. John from various parishes for many years. The priest represents Me at the altar and in the presentation of the sacraments to the people. You rely on My priests for daily Mass and the Eucharist, as well as for Confession, Anointing of the Sick, and for funerals and weddings. You can remember the priests who baptized your children and gave them their First Holy Communion. You are fortunate to be ordaining four priests this year, as some priests are dying. Give praise to Me and thanks to have a beautiful priest as Father John.”


Monday, June 15, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, in various ways I keep asking My faithful to love your enemies, and even those who persecute you. If someone strikes you in the face on one side, then turn your face to be struck on the other side. This is not a normal earthly response, as most people seek vengeance to repay an injustice. If someone harms you in some way, do not look to harm that person back. I want My followers to respond to people with love to combat their evil ways. People may take advantage of your kindness, but love them just the same. In cases of serious harm or killings, then civil justice will deal with such criminals. But for small slights, they can be overlooked. Do not plan evil or grudges against your neighbor. This is a difficult response for some, but you are trying to be perfect as I love both the good and the bad people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had a somewhat dry April, but now you are experiencing an unusually wet June. Texas has seen the worst of the flooding, and they may even see a near tropical storm. You have also seen some damaging tornadoes, even in upstate New York State. Some of these persistent rainstorms are giving all indications that they are being caused by weather-making microwave machines. In addition to floods, the severe storms have caused trees to fall on power lines giving power outages. You have had to pick up a lot of small branches from the wind effect on your trees. With all of your rain, your sump pumps have been coming on frequently, and some people have had flooded basements. Be prepared for some natural disasters from your strange weather patterns.”


Tuesday, June 16, 2015:

Jesus said: “My people, you have had two similar Gospels about loving your neighbors. The one is about not taking vengeance for wrongdoing, and the other is to love your enemies, and even your persecutors. You may not like their evil actions, but you still need to love the person and pray for their conversions. Do not discriminate between those people you like and those people who you do not like. When you love everyone, you are imitating My love for everyone, and you are working toward your perfection. When you think of loving your neighbor, you need to love My presence in each soul. You are all temples of the Holy Spirit, despite your sins. It is this grace that keeps you alive, and keeps your soul in existence. Give thanks and praise to Me for your life and your gift of faith in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have flown in planes before, and you have read how planes are directed by radio homing beacons, and by satellite. These beacons keep the plane on the right course to its destination. In a spiritual way, I am your homing beacon, and I am always drawing you to My Light. When you sin, you are following your own will, and you lose your focus on Me. To follow My Light, you need to be open to following My Will over your own free will. It is when you are union with My Will that you can fulfill the mission that I have for you. Your final destination should be coming to heaven, so you need to keep on course by following My Light. When you obey My Commandments and seek My forgiveness for your sins, then your reward will be great in heaven.”


Wednesday, June 17, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how I came on the earth as a man, so I could offer up My life as a perfect sacrifice to atone for all the sins of mankind. I am offering all the people salvation from the bonds of their sins. This offering of My life is a sign of My love for you, and I am opening the gates of heaven to you, if you would only repent of your sins, and accept Me as Master of your lives. You all are sinners because of Adam’s sin, but not all people want to accept that they are weak to sin. Your sins offend Me, but I have given you a gift of My sacrament of Reconciliation. You can come to Me in the priest in Confession so your sins can be forgiven. You have this source of grace in Confession, but many do not take advantage of this opportunity. If people do not think that they are committing any mortal sins, then they may not think it is necessary to come to Confession. My faithful need to form a right conscience so they can determine right from wrong, as well as knowing if they are committing serious sin. Some people rationalize that they are not committing mortal sin, even if they are living together in fornication or in homosexual relationships. Once people truly examine their consciences, they could see the need for forgiveness of their sins. My priest sons should be preaching more about the need for Confession, and a proper examination of people’s sinful actions that need to be confessed. You are aware of how few people come to Confession, yet there is plenty of serious sin in your society. Pray for souls to return to My sacraments, as in Confession, because all sinners should be coming to frequent Confession at least monthly. I died for your sins, so all of you need to seek Me for the forgiveness of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you My consecrated Host with My face to emphasize My Real Presence in the Host. Those, who love Me dearly, are aware of the miracle of the bread and wine being changed into My Body and Blood at the Consecration of every Mass. This is why My true faithful have a desire for daily Mass, and visits to Me for Adoration before My monstrance. At every Mass you receive Me into your soul at Holy Communion time, and you have an intimate union with Me as a taste of heaven. You, My son, have had the gift of receiving a vision and a message from Me at almost every Mass and at Adoration. Seeing this vision of My consecrated Host along with My face, gave you a rich feeling of My love, and a complete confirmation of My Real Presence. As you receive Me often, do not get complacent, but each time you receive Me, it is like a new experience of My love and grace.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is the month of June, and you just celebrated the feast of My Sacred Heart and then My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart on the next day. The two of us are joined as one in a beautiful love relationship. I desire that all souls could have a deep love relationship with Me. I am your best friend, and I will never stop loving you. Even though you cannot see Me in a physical body, you can see Me and feel My Presence in My consecrated Host. I give you many gifts every day, which you may not realize. You can thank Me in your daily prayers. When you pray and when you come to Mass, you are showing Me your love, and your belief that I am your Lord and Redeemer. The more you can develop a love relationship with Me, the stronger you will be in your faith. Let Me walk with you every day by your side, so you can witness My love helping you in all of your actions.”


Thursday, June 18, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I shared the ‘Our Father’ prayer with My apostles. You remember several times how I went off to the mountains to pray to My heavenly Father. Prayer is something you should make time for every day, because it gives you a chance to be united with Me in love. It also gives you time to recollect yourself in doing the things that I want you to do. It is even good to go on retreats from time to time to gather your thoughts about why you are here to know, love, and serve Me. If you let the noise and distractions of the world control you, then it will be hard for you to make time for Me. If you make time for Me in prayer, then I can help you in your requests, and your life will be much easier with Me helping you. You can also pray for others who need both spiritual and physical help, as well as for the souls in purgatory.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen these mass killings before, but this time the shooter did not kill himself as in other cases. This was a deliberate act against some African Americans that people could claim was a hate crime. People, who do these irrational killings, are either psychotic or controlled by chips. Pray a Divine Mercy prayer for those who were suddenly killed, and a prayer for the soul of this misled young man. Such acts only make race relations more difficult. Pray that more riots do not get initiated.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are joyful that all of your building plans have been completed, with the grading of dirt around your addition. Now that you have most things in place, you are working to fix up your basement in both the new addition and in the old basement. You have made some great strides in cleaning up your rooms and your basement. You will be focused on your chapel needs, and the food and bedding plans for your safe haven. Give thanks to Me, and all the people that have helped you in making your place possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that I am reluctant to give out any dates for My Warning experience. It is not important to know exact dates, but you can read the signs of your world events. Unless I bring My Warning, it is unlikely that your society’s evil actions will change. I told you that I would bring My Warning in My time, before I would allow the evil ones to endanger your lives. Trust in Me and My angels to protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I hear all of your prayer requests for your sick and deceased friends. Some of these health problems and deaths are part of life, but I understand your love for your friends, and your desire to see them get better. Some people blame Me for these trials, and they do not understand why I allow such things to happen. In some instances there are healings, but not in all cases. Some suffering is being used to allow people to suffer their purgatory on earth. Other suffering can be offered up to save souls. You all are going to die some day, so pray that you have your souls ready for all the trials that will test your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some refuges that will be very appealing in appearance, but most refuges will be more rustic and ordinary. Unless people have solar panels or generators with multiplied fuel, it will be rare to see much electricity being used at My refuges. I have instructed My refuge builders to have fuel for heating and cooking, food, water sources, and bedding supplies. You will also need washing and latrine facilities for your hygiene needs. Your needs will be multiplied to provide for your survival. Trust in My angel protection from the evil ones who want to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, there will be some martyrs in the Christian persecution of the coming tribulation, but they will become instant saints. My angels will protect the rest of My faithful as you have seen their power in the Scriptures. You have heard of modern day miracles of food being multiplied. In the old Exodus I defeated the Egyptian soldiers and I fed My people in the desert with water, manna, and the quail. In the new Exodus, My angels will protect you from the Antichrist, the demons, and the men in black who are mercenaries. I told you that My angels or a priest will provide you daily Holy Communion that you could even live on alone. I will provide your water sources and I will send deer into your camps for meat. Do not question My miracles or whether I can do these things, but have trust that I will provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned to you in previous messages that My angels at My refuges will only allow those people, who have crosses on their foreheads, to enter. Those people, who do not have crosses, will not be able to enter. This is why you need to have your family members converted with a love for Me, or the angels will not place a cross on their foreheads. For some people, who lead lives of sin, you will need to evangelize such souls after the Warning has touched their hearts. Without the forgiveness of sin and an acceptance of Me as their Savior, souls will not be able to enter heaven or My refuges.”


Friday, June 19, 2015: (St. Romuald)
Jesus said: “My people, you all have to deal with the struggles of life in working for a living, providing a house to live in, and providing the food you need to live. You call on Me to help you in your daily needs through prayer. St. Paul showed you all of his trials in his attempt to bring My Word to the Gentiles. He only boasted in his weaknesses. You can all join your pain of your trials with My suffering on the cross. In the Gospel you have earthly treasure and spiritual treasure. You should focus on storing up heavenly treasure with your good deeds for your neighbor. It is this treasure in heaven with Me, that is more valuable than any passing treasure on earth. Your heart should desire this heavenly treasure the most, because it is everlasting to help you in your judgment. Hold on to your love of Me and your love of neighbor, and you will be on the right path to heaven. Do not let your worldly things distract you from your focus on Me, and the things I want you to do.”

Jesus said: “My son, do not be overwhelmed by how much work that still needs to be done in your yard and in your basements. Take each job and do what you can in the time that you have. I will help you finish what is necessary to prepare your safe haven. Pray for My strength because you are a lot older than when you put your lawn in the first time. You are seeding a smaller area of your backyard, so you have less to get ready. Your wife and you are working hard to get things ready. You are ordering some of the rest of your needs for your chapel. I will keep giving you directions for your future needs. Be ready to prepare your things because I keep warning you that you are running out of time. Trust in Me to keep focused on both of your missions.”


Saturday, June 20, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel (Matt. 6:25-34) is all about trusting in Me to provide for all of your needs. I gave an example of the birds of the air that are fed by My heavenly Father, even though they do not store food. The lilies of the field do not make clothes, yet they are arrayed in beautiful colors more than man could make. So I told the people, do not be concerned about what you are to eat, what you shall drink, or what you shall wear. I know your needs before you ask Me, and I will see to your needs in miraculous ways, especially at My refuges. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His justice, and all of these things will be given you besides. Do not be anxious about tomorrow’s needs, for tomorrow will have anxieties of its own. Sufficient for today is its own needs. I am watching over you all the time every day, and I will do the impossible for you when it is needed. This means at My refuges, I will provide water from miraculous springs, and I will multiply your food, fuel, and anything else that you need. I will even have My angels bring you daily Holy Communion, if you do not have a priest. So trust in Me in faith, and you will have all that you need for both your physical and spiritual needs.”


Sunday, June 21, 2015: (Father’s day)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM, is here, and you read from the Book of Job how I tested him with many trials, but he still remained faithful to Me. I restored all that I gave him, and in even more abundance. So it is with My faithful of today. You have many blessings in material things, but these things will pass away and be taken from you. It is better to rely on Me for everything, than your money or your possessions. It is your spiritual treasure in heaven that is more important. The apostles were tested in the storm, but they called on My Son to save them. Jesus rebuked the wind, and there was calms seas. So it is with your daily trials. You need to hold on to your faith in Me, and I will protect you and provide for your needs. I ask people to look back in their lives to remember all the anxious moments and fears that you had, and yet you lived through your trials. This is why fears, anxieties, and worries are all from the evil one to test your faith. You need to have faith and trust in Me as Job did, and I will solve your daily problems. When you are faithful to Me in your trials, then I will bring you blessings and gifts in more abundance than you had before.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you signs before that your time is running out before the major events will start. Now, you are seeing the clock striking twelve o’clock which means that your time has run out, and the events could start at any time. I have told you that My Warning needs to happen first, so sinners have a chance to change their ways. After the six weeks of conversion, you could see wars and a collapse of your money. This could bring about a martial law, and your lives will be in danger. When chips in the body are made mandatory, then I will warn My people to come to My refuges as soon as possible. Be prepared to leave for My refuges at any time I call you.”


Monday, June 22, 2015: (St. John Fisher)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of things being turned upside down, indicates how your world will be turned upside down from how you see things as normal today. My people need to be prepared to leave for My places of refuge when world events could endanger your lives as a preparation for martial law. You saw in the first reading when Abram had to move to the Promised Land. Eventually, My faithful will need to go to My refuges, as you will be awaiting a new Promised Land in My Era of Peace. I have told you before of the red list and the blue list of people that the one world people want to kill because these people will not go along with the new world order. The red list are the leaders or vocal people that the evil ones want to kill before martial law is declared. The blue list are less important people they want to kill after martial law is declared. This is why they want to know the coordinates of where you are living, so they know where to find you. This is why I will be sending out an interior message to all of My faithful to warn you to leave your homes for My refuges, so the men in black will not capture you. This is why you need your things prepared to leave at a short time’s notice. Trust in Me to protect you with an invisible shield, as your guardian angels will lead you with a physical flame to the nearest refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages of a coming division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. I have even mentioned that the schismatic church will be teaching New Age things, and they will teach that the sexual sins will no longer be mortal sins. You are even seeing some points of possible difference concerning global warming and same sex marriage. The one world people are using global warming to institute carbon credits to control the economies of the world’s nations. Concerning same sex marriage, I have given you several messages that this is a sinful relationship, and I see these homosexual acts as an abomination and unnatural. Even adultery, fornication, and masturbation are also mortal sins. Any teaching that teaches these sins are not mortal sins, is a heresy in My eyes. Be prepared to come to the homes for your prayer services, when churches are taken over by the schismatic church. You are seeing signs of these divisions already with other heresies as well.”


Tuesday, June 23, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading in the Old Testament how Abram was promised the land and many descendants because the Jewish people were chosen by God the Father. We love all of our children, but there are times when certain peoples become wicked in their sins, especially homosexual sins. You are about to read the story of Lot and his family when the people of Sodom harassed them. Abram was warned by angels that Sodom and Gomorrah would be destroyed by fire because of their wickedness. Angels were sent to lead Lot and his family out of Sodom. They appeared as young men, and the Sodomites desired their bodies. The angels struck all of these evil ones with blindness, as they led Lot’s family out of the city. You can see why I abhor homosexual acts then, as I do today. Sodom and Gomorrah were punished for their evil actions, and there will be a coming punishment for the evil ones of your day at the end of the tribulation. Just as Lot had to face abuse, so Christians are being persecuted as well for their faith in Me. Fear not this evil age because I will be protecting My faithful with My angels when you will be made invisible on your way to My refuges of protection.”

(Vigil Mass of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My son, you are happy this day to have your chapel being used for what it was intended. You are also blessed to have a relic of St. John the Baptist for this vigil Mass of his birth. You have had your grounds blessed to ward off any more attacks of the flies that were from the evil one. This is a blessed day for your people as well, who had the grace of this Mass come upon them. All the faithful souls who receive My Body and Blood in My Eucharist will have eternal life. Give praise and thanks to Me for all of those people who have made this chapel possible.”


Wednesday, June 24, 2015: (Nativity of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when St. John the Baptist stirred in the womb of St. Elizabeth when My Blessed Mother brought Me in her womb to visit St. Elizabeth. The account of St. Zachariah being visited by St. Gabriel, was the announcing that St. John would be born to an older barren women, and this was a miracle in itself. St. Zachariah was made mute for his unbelief, but he spoke again at the naming of St. John. These words are said every day in the Liturgy of the Hours morning prayer. St. John the Baptist was the one crying in the desert to announce My coming, and a request of the people to repent of their sins and be baptized. When he baptized Me in the Jordan River, there was a manifestation of the Blessed Trinity with My Father’s voice and the appearance of a dove in the Holy Spirit. St. John the Baptist was finally beheaded for speaking out about Herod marrying his brother’s wife. St. John told My disciples that I was the ‘Lamb of God’ and to follow Me. He also said that he must decrease while I must increase. This means that all of you should let Me be the Master of your lives. Rejoice in this feast of My herald in the desert.”

Jesus said: “My people, you look to the skies for any signs of things to come. You have seen the three blood moons and the fourth one will be occurring in late September on the feast of Booths. You also saw an eclipse of the sun. Now, you have just witnessed three large ejections from the sun that could have a small effect on your communications. You are seeing other signs in frequent tornadoes and high wind storms. You have also seen some signs in your financial world with many threats to your economy from oil prices and a Greek bailout. There are reports from several sources that you could see a rocky road for your financial institutions this fall. It is not important to know exact dates, but several people have had messages about these events in the fall. Trust in My protection as you move forward with the rest of your chapel plans.”


Thursday, June 25, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, there are people who hear My words, and call ‘Lord, Lord’, but in their hearts, they are far from Me. This is why they did not know Me, and it is why I dismissed them. Then My faithful put My words into action, and they follow My Will. You can do good works by your own decision, but I desire that people follow what I want them to do. If you love Me and you love your neighbor, then you will do good works out of love for Me. Those people, who do things to please Me, are like the people who built their homes on rock, and their homes stood up to the storms of life. Those people, who do things only to please themselves, are like the people who built their homes on sand, and their homes collapsed in the storm. My faithful need to build their faith on Me as the cornerstone, and on the rock of My Church in St. Peter. With a solid foundation, you will be able to weather the storms of life, and the evil one’s temptations. The roots of all that you do, need to be centered on Me, so when you face Me at your judgment, I will say ‘Well done My good and faithful servant.’ Because of your faithfulness to Me, now you may enter into My Kingdom of heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages before about how many people of influence actually worship Satan, and they are carrying out his orders. This is why My faithful will be persecuted for believing in Me and for proclaiming My words and My Commandments. America has approved abortion, and you are on the verge of approving same sex marriage as well. These laws and decisions against My Fifth and Sixth Commandments are calling down My justice against America. Fire was called down on Sodom and Gomorrah for such sins. Unless America changes soon, I will send My punishment against your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to learn from the mistakes in history made by older civilizations. Rome had a great empire with a disciplined army. Once Rome became very decadent in its sexual sins, this was the weakness that broke down their strength to fight. Now, America is becoming decadent in its sexual sins and abortions of unborn babies. Your family is breaking down, and religion or love of Me is waning among your people. America is following the decay of Rome, and you are not learning from Rome’s mistakes, so you will fall in ruin as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Warning experience needs to come so all sinners will have an opportunity to be saved. Some people will change their sinful lives, but the majority will continue to love their sins and earthly pleasures. Your family members will face Me in their life review of the Warning, and they will be open for a short time to your evangelization efforts. Work on their conversions or they could be lost to the evil one. Souls need to seek My forgiveness, and take advantage of the spiritual renewal in My Warning experience.”

Jesus said: “My people, over a period of years, you can see how the evil one has become successful in getting some people to love their faith and become complacent in their love for Me. It is this spiritual laziness that has allowed your society to grow more evil in your lifestyles. You tolerate blatant sin so much that many no longer follow My Commandments. The evil ones will persecute you because they do not want to hear your speaking out against your society’s sins. Your people know they are doing wrong, but they do not want to change their sinful pleasures. Pray for your families and for poor sinners.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to go out as a missionary to teach My Word to the people. It takes a strong faith and the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit for one to be inspired to be an evangelist. Many shy away from sharing their faith with others because they are afraid of offending someone. Satan does not give up souls easily, so it takes a great effort to convert sinners from their sinful comforts. My prayer warriors are so joyful in their love for Me, that they want to share My love with everyone. I also call My people to help save souls from hell, where there is no escape. Use your St. Michael prayer and your deliverance prayers to help bring My faith to all sinners.”

Jesus said: “My people, your life review will reveal all of your unforgiven sins. This Warning experience will be more severe for those who do not come to frequent Confession. If you have a pure soul from Confession, your Warning experience will be easier. You do not want to see what hell is like, if your life is leading in that direction. You can improve your spiritual life now without Me showing you how evil you are living. For some sinners My Warning will be a needed wake-up call to show them how they need to stop offending Me and work toward coming to heaven. Be prepared for My Warning because events will be changing rapidly.”

Jesus said: “My people, in My recent messages I have told you that your preparation time is over and soon My Warning will allow sinners their last chance to change before the tribulation will come like a thief. Souls, who do not take advantage of changing their lives, will find it very difficult to face the evil of the Antichrist. Satan will sift the souls who are not prayerful enough to resist His temptations. Only faithful souls will be allowed to enter My refuges. Souls outside of My refuges may be martyred or lost to the evil ones. Be prepared with clean souls for the coming tribulation.”


Friday, June 26, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people of America, your country has sunk to a new spiritual low in the acceptance of same sex marriage for all of your states in your latest Supreme Court decision. This is a cold day in the hearts of your leaders on the Court who are dictating law to all of your people without any vote by your Congress that represents the people. It is the laws or decisions of your country that are legalizing abortion, gay marriage, and your Obama Care law that will eventually bring the chip in the body or the mark of the beast. It is your abortions, and now legal gay marriages that are defying My fifth Commandment of ‘Do not kill’ and homosexual lifestyles against My sixth Commandment. These are all heavy burdens of sin that are calling down My judgment against America. I punished Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness, and now America will feel destruction from My justice. You will see increasing disasters and eventually a crash of your money system because your decadence has reached a new spiritual condemnation. Homosexual marriages should not be allowed in My churches, even if it means the closing of your churches. Such homosexual marriages are an abomination, and an insult to My plan for marriage between a man and a woman. Do not be afraid of any appearing victories of the evil one, for I am your eternal Flame of hope, who will defend My faithful. You will see an increasing persecution of Christians from the schismatic church and your own government. Have faith and trust in Me because the days of My Warning, and the need for My refuges, are coming soon.”


Saturday, June 27, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you are reading about unusual miracles that I performed to strengthen the faith of My believers. In the first reading My angels brought a message to Abraham and Sarah that they would have a son, Isaac. This was not normal to conceive a child beyond a woman’s child bearing years, so I did the impossible to show that I could do anything. I healed the centurion’s servant from a distance, and I healed St. Peter’s mother-in-law from a fever. In the vision I did another impossible miracle of calming the storm while I was in a boat with My apostles. My faithful need to have full faith in My miracles that go beyond your natural occurrences. You will be seeing a coming time of persecution when the one world people and the Antichrist will try to kill My believers. There will be some who are martyred for their faith, but they will become instant saints in heaven. I will be having refuges at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, shrines, places of holy ground, monasteries, and even caves. I will perform impossible miracles of protection with My angels’ invisible shields. At My refuges you will have My Eucharist, food, fuels, water, and all of your needs multiplied. Believe and trust in Me that I can do the impossible for you, for nothing is beyond My power. Do not limit your belief to only natural occurrences, because My power goes beyond what you know on earth. Those people, who are faithful to Me in little things, will receive My reward in the Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

(Vigil Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read about the faith of the woman who had the hemorrhages. She believed that if she touched My clothes, that she would be healed. Healings can come from Me, but the person who desires a healing, must have faith that I can heal them. I performed an even greater miracle when I raised the young girl from death into life again. Many people became believers because of My miracles. There are also spiritual healings which can help save souls from the evil ones. Spiritual healings are even greater than physical healings. Your body will pass away, but your purified souls will live on forever. Seek the spiritual healings more than any healing of the body.”

Ferdinand said: “I am overjoyed to see all of my Gospa people and friends. I am not worthy of your tribute for myself, but it is better to give glory to God for all that He did through my life. I am joined with Barbara in heaven, and we will be praying for all of your families. Remember what I said about turning off your TVs. You will have more time for working and praying with Jesus and Mary. Remember also how powerful it is for your families if you pray together, especially the spouses. I thank Juliet for putting this tribute together, but I am happy to see all of you renew your friendships together. I was more than happy to contribute my paintings to help Gospa’s mission. Thank you again for all those people who helped me in my last years. I love all of you, and Barbara and I will be praying and watching out for all of your families.”


Monday, June 29, 2015: (St. Peter & St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, you have two pillars of My Church in celebrating this feast day of St. Peter and St. Paul. St. Peter denied Me three times in a moment of weakness, but he reconciled with Me to feed My sheep. I even gave him the keys of My kingdom on earth, so he could lead My Church as the first Pope. My faithful have a weakness to sin as well, but you have Confession to repent to Me in the priest. St. Paul had to change his Jewish ways to follow My ways of spreading My Good News. He stopped persecuting Me when he fell off of his horse, and he was blinded by My Light. He became one of My greatest missionaries in spreading the faith among the Gentiles. St. Paul suffered many hardships and beatings in spreading My message of the Good News of My Resurrection. I want My disciples to share their faith with their neighbors. Only a few people answer My call to be missionaries to all the nations. Over time you will see more persecution for those who share My Word. Many of My apostles risked martyrdom to spread My Good News. It was hard for the people to believe in My Resurrection, but My miracles helped the people to believe in Me as the Son of God. Even today, you have My prayer warriors and My prophets to lead you, and you may even observe some miracles both physically and spiritually. Give thanks and praise to Me as you reach out of your comfort zone to save souls.”


Tuesday, June 30, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are reading of how My angels were leading Lot and his family out of Sodom before it was destroyed by fire. The angels warned them not to look back at this destruction, but Lot’s wife looked back, and she was changed into a pillar of salt. In America and many countries, you are seeing the many sins of abortion, same sex marriage, fornication, adultery, masturbation, and prostitution. The stench of your sins, and the angels of the aborted children are rising to heaven as a witness against your people. At the end of the Antichrist’s reign during the tribulation, you will again see the fire of My justice fall upon the earth in My Comet of Chastisement. I will raise My people up so they are not killed by the comet. Then I will recreate the earth, and I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace as a reward for their obedience to My laws. Be prepared to suffer the coming Christian persecution, as My angels will protect My people at My refuges.”


Wednesday, July 1, 2015: (Bl Junipero Serra)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I cast the demons out of the two possessed men into the pigs. When the pigs drowned, the people wanted Me to leave their town. They were more concerned about losing the pigs than the two men who were cured of the demons. You know I have the power to cast out demons, even when there are thousands of them. This scene of the legion of demons being cast out, reminds you of the attack of the thousands of flies that were in your new chapel and kitchen. This also was an attack of the demons, but your St. Michael prayer in the long form, was enough to remove the flies in My Name. You have not seen such an attack before or after, which means it was truly an evil attack on the new chapel. This chapel is blessed now by your priest, not only for being an interim refuge, but also it was exorcized to remove any evil from the attack of the flies. This is another example of My power over the evil ones because many blessings will be granted to those who come to your chapel.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you this water problem out West several times. As this drought continues, your cities will have to import water, or desalinate the ocean water. Water will be getting more expensive as you can only recycle the spent water so far that goes down the drain. Farmers are already letting some land go unused because of the water restrictions that you saw when you went out West. Many farmers are using drip irrigation and plastic sheeting to cut down on evaporation. These same kind of water concerns can occur at My refuges as well. I will multiply the water in your barrels so you have enough water to drink and for some washing. You could save some rainwater in barrels for your bathing and washing. I could provide some springs at your refuges for drinking. You may want to research some means to recycle water and find ways to purify water. Check the cost of various ways to provide fresh water, which you could produce at your refuges.”


Thursday, July 2, 2015:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM, is showing you the parallel between Abraham offering up his only son with Me, as I allowed My Only Begotten Son to be offered up for all of humanity. I called Abraham to test him and see if he would be willing to sacrifice his only son in obedience to My command. As you read in the Book of Genesis, Abraham immediately cut the wood, and took Isaac to Mt. Moriah. There he made an altar, and he was about to sacrifice his son with a knife. Then I sent My messenger angel to hold his hand, and I now knew that Abraham would follow all of My commands, even to give up his only son. In a similar situation, but for different reasons, I promised man that I would send a Redeemer to save all of you from the sin of Adam and Eve. All of humanity has inherited a weakness to sin, and the gates of heaven have remained closed since there was no person or animal worthy of sacrifice to atone for all the sins of mankind. I love all of you so much that I sent My Only Begotten Son as a God-man, to be sacrificed in reparation for all of the sins of mankind. My Son is the only worthy sacrificial Lamb who could atone for the sins of mankind. Jesus died and was resurrected to show how all of you will be raised up on the last day, as your body will be reunited with your soul to be whole again. Give thanks and praise to Me that I allowed My Only Begotten Son to die for your sins, and bring you salvation of your souls. With My Son’s death, the gates of heaven were opened to all souls who accept Me and seek the forgiveness of their sins. My Son is your Redeemer, and He is the only true Gate by which all souls can come into heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the battle between good and evil is getting stronger every day, but there are fewer good people because they are dying off. You also have fewer people praying for souls than in the past. Many faithful souls are fighting the good fight, but there are more people doing evil, and less people are doing good things. You can call on Me to double your prayers as I multiply other things. Do not get lax in your prayers because more prayers are needed to offset today’s evil. Instead of spending time on frivolous things, work more to do My work of saving souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that My angels would assist My refuge builders in supplying more housing as people keep coming to your places of safe haven. All of these buildings will be invisible to your authorities, but the people need to have a cross on their foreheads to enter. My refuge builders need to have food, water, and bedding which can be multiplied. Be grateful that some faithful have said ‘yes’ to My call to have refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, I told you before not to feel overwhelmed with all of your work. It is important also to make some time for your prayers, even if you have to put off some other needed chores. Doing a little of everything can keep your other jobs from getting backed up. People, who try to put demands on you, need to be more patient, as you are working on their jobs. By keeping calm and steady in your work, things will get done in a reasonable length of time.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are very pleased with your new altar and your Mass needs that just came to your house. The altar is a very nice piece of work by your friendly carpenter. It is nice to be able to see your inlaid altar stone that was gifted to you a long time ago. You also received a nice pray-Dieu and some beautiful Stations of the Cross that will go well in your new chapel. Again you need to take your time to place everything in their proper places. You need to be thankful to all the people who have given you the things that you need.”

Jesus said: “My son, your friends have seen your needs, and they are helping you very much without even being asked. You should know that I am touching hearts to help you in your needs, and that is why everything is coming together quickly because your time is short. You can thank Me for arranging these things for you, all for My greater glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some financial problems with defaults and bankruptcies in Greece, Puerto Rico, and some of your cities. It is the pensions and the social service payments that are causing some government deficits which are causing your financial problems. As budgets have less money to finance governments, you will see the necessity to make some cutbacks in these payments because the tax revenue is not keeping up to pay everything. If these cuts are not made, you will be seeing more bankruptcies.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some financial failures occurring in some countries and in your own cities. It is just a matter of time when the deficits in your countries will be too overextended and the debt holders will no longer support these deficits. Any increase in interest rates for your debts will only make things worse. You knew this day was coming because you cannot keep spending money that is not there by issuing more debt instruments. You are seeing this strain of debt on many countries, and this could precipitate a world banking crisis that will be worse than 2008. It is important to have your refuges ready, and even some extra food and water at home when the stores and banks will be closed. Pray for the people to find a means for survival in this coming financial crash.”


Friday, July 3, 2015: (St. Thomas, our 50th Wedding Anniversary)
Jesus said: “My son, many people are congratulating you on your 50th anniversary of marriage, and this is a major milestone in your lives. You are an inspiration of commitment to a proper marriage of a man and a woman. In your society you are seeing many divorces, and even a flaunting of gay marriage in your courts. In the beginning I made Adam and Eve as your original parents, and they brought up their children in an environment of love. You are seeing many attacks on the family, and this is why I encourage spouses to pray together in order to stay together. Even your friend, Ferdinand, gave you examples of how he and Barbara prayed together. I am the third partner in your marriage as you keep close to Me every day at Mass. I love all of you, and you know how I call My Church My bride, and I am the Groom. This love between spouses is a small example of even the love between the Three Persons of Our Blessed Trinity. If your world was more focused on loving Me and each other, there would not be so much fighting and killing.”

Jesus said: “My people, as long as your heart keeps beating, you are responsible for the mission or missions that I have given you. This latest mission of preparing an interim refuge is a sign to you that your time is short before I will bring My Warning. Once you have this life review, you will be called to evangelize your family and any other souls who believe in Me. After the conversion time, you will see many fast moving events that will lead up to a takeover of your government. When the chip in the body is mandatory, and there is a financial collapse, then you will be led to My refuges of protection from those who want to kill Christians. Your refuge life will be rustic with the bare necessities, and I will multiply what you need to survive. You need to finish your basement and lawn preparations, as well as the rest of your needs for your chapel. Do not spend so much of your time on other tasks that take away from your prayers and your refuge needs. I will help you in all of your preparations.”


Saturday, July 4, 2015: (Independence Day)
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you many visions of the division in My Church, but this vision is showing you how the evil ones will be attacking the places for Mass. The evil dog shows you how the schismatic church will be taking over your churches. Again there will be a time when My faithful remnant will have to move your prayer services into the homes. You are celebrating the anniversary of your country’s independence when you gave worship to Me on Sundays. Now, you have turned your backs on Me, and you are no longer obeying My Commandments in your abortions, same sex marriage, fornication, adultery, and even euthanasia. When your country was focused on Me, your country was great. Now, when your sins are rampant, your country will no longer be great. Your decadence will bring about your desolation of destruction, when your country will be destroyed because of your evil laws and decisions of your Supreme Court. How long do you think that I will tolerate your evil lifestyles? You are testing My love, but you will bring down My justice upon you because of your sins against Me. Be prepared for the evil tribulation after My Warning. I will protect My faithful at My refuges, but those, who do not believe in Me, and do not accept My love, will perish in My punishment.”


Sunday, July 5, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read about the prophets and how they were mistreated, even as I was. When the prophets spoke out about the people’s sins and the need for repentance, the people did not want to hear it. So they persecuted and even killed some prophets, as they did not want to hear about it anymore. So it is with the prophets of your day and your own messages from Me, that are critical of America’s sins and your Supreme Court decisions. There are some prophets that have talked about refuges and preparing for martial law and the coming tribulation. Many of My messages have come true, and your people need to heed My words, even if they do not want to change their lives of sin. You can see the evil all around you, and you can sense that My punishment is on its way to all those living on the earth. I love all of you, and I will protect My remnant, but the evil ones will have to account for their sins.”


Monday, July 6, 2015: (St. Maria Goretti)
Jesus said: “My people, as you get closer to the time of a martial law declaration, you are seeing more military operations all over your country. These military exercises are becoming more invasive and more obvious to the people. One of the means of hiding their plans is to use tunnels connecting the large cities. The tunnels enable them to station troops in coordinated positions, so they can come up when it is time for their takeover. Just as the evil ones are making their plans, so My refuge builders are making their plans as well. You do not know how dangerous it will be for My believers once the evil ones are allowed to persecute you. My faithful will need to come to My refuges, or they will risk martyrdom, if they stay in their homes. Trust in My protection as My angels will be helping you.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been seeding the lawn after the contractor had soil pushed around your chapel addition. You are learning what it takes to get the grass growing. You are adding organic topsoil and good grass seed after cultivating the soil. Then you need plenty of water to germinate the seed. This is like the parable of the Sower where My Word is the seed that I plant in everyone’s heart. There are some people who are like the seed that fell on rocky ground or untilled soil. In these cases My Word is heard, but it cannot take root because there is not enough soil, or they do not want to act on My Word. In other cases you removed the weeds and the stones, but the seed as it grew, was strangled by the cares and pleasures of this world. When you have fertile ground and water the seeds well, then My Word would yield thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold. This is a sign of My faithful who receive Me in faith, and they nourish My Word with prayers, Mass, and Confession. By keeping close to Me with a pure soul, then you will be ready to meet Me at the harvest of souls, as the wheat will be separated from the weeds. The wheat or My faithful, will be gathered into My barn of heaven, but the weeds or the evil ones, will be cast into the fires of hell.”


Tuesday, July 7, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, many of you are living a good and comfortable life in America. You have many entertainment distractions and pleasurable things to do, thanks to your technology. Your country and others are living well beyond your means as your government’s deficits keep expanding. Eventually, your debts are going to bring you down, as your Social Security and Welfare payments will be unsustainable. You have been printing more bonds and dollars without any backing that will soon be unacceptable from your creditors. Once your dollars are worth less and you cannot pay your increasing bills, then you will see a crash of your economy. This will create a chaos, as people will be searching for food and water to survive. So do not rely on your money, but have trust and faith in Me that I will protect you through the coming tribulation. Your refuges will be your safe havens during this persecution of Christians.”

Jesus said: “My people, there will be several plagues that will torture the evil ones of the earth, before they are cast into hell. There will be only two types of people who will live during the tribulation of the Antichrist. One group will have crosses on their foreheads, who were marked by My good angels. The other group will be more evil, without any cross on their foreheads. It is the people without crosses on their foreheads, who will be tortured by the plagues during the tribulation. One of these plagues is mentioned in the Book of Revelation (9:1-11) that refers to a plague of large scorpions as large as horses. They will come up out of the smoke of hell, and they will sting the evil ones for five months, but the evil ones will not be killed. This punishment of the non-believers is befitting for their offenses against Me in their sins, when they did not seek My forgiveness.”


Wednesday, July 8, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember the account of the dream that Pharaoh had before the famine, when he saw seven fat cows followed by seven lean cows. Joseph interpreted the dream as meaning there would be seven years of plenty, and this would be followed by seven years of famine. So Joseph had his workers store the extra harvest for the coming years of famine. Once the famine occurred, then there was wheat to ration out to those people who were starving. This is a similar story for today. I have given you many messages of a coming world famine, and that you need to have a year’s supply of food in your houses. This coming famine will be mostly man-made, even as the evil one world people are causing a drought in California to limit your food production. These same evil ones will try and force people to take a chip in the body in order to buy food. This is why you will need extra food in your houses for the famine to come. At My refuges, My faithful builders are storing food as well that I will multiply during the tribulation. Have at least some provisions on hand so they can be multiplied. I know your physical needs to survive, so you can trust that I will help you in your need. Those people, who are mocking you for storing food, will be the loudest to complain when they are dying of hunger and thirst.”

Jesus said: “My people, with today’s events and other occurrences, you are realizing how vulnerable your internet technology is to hackers or computer crimes. Some hacker groups even warned you that there would be problems today with your stock market. If these groups can shut down your stock market in New York and United Airlines, they could also bring down your communications and your electricity. Your country needs to start working on backup systems that are not connected to the internet, or you could even be blackmailed by the hackers. Even intranet connections could be hacked. These attacks are a lesson to you to have backups for your communications and your electricity. You have another event going on in China’s stock market that looks like another market bubble, where Chinese stocks have become overvalued compared to the real earnings. This stock decline could have some repercussions on China’s economy, which is not as vigorous as it was before. China’s economy is very linked with America’s economy, because you import so much of their goods, and they were buying a lot of your debt instruments. If China stops buying your Treasury Notes, or they begin to sell them, your deficits will become difficult to finance. This is a warning to your government to stop its overspending, or your will face a bankruptcy or a currency crash. Be watchful of your markets because your deficits are getting unsustainable. I have warned you of the possibility of a currency crash, or a debt bankruptcy that you could not pay back. Such a crash could precipitate a martial law takeover that your government has been planning for some time. Once your lives are in danger, I will warn you to come to My refuges of protection. Trust in Me to bring My victory over Satan and the Antichrist.”


Thursday, July 9, 2015: (St. Augustine and companions)
Jesus said: “My son, you have been following the account of Joseph and how it was My plan that he was sent to Egypt, so he could be instrumental in interpreting the Pharaoh’s dream to provide wheat for the famine. Events happen, but you do not always realize that they occur for a specific reason. In your own mission I have been warning the people how to prepare for the coming tribulation. Storing food and preparing refuges will also be needed when you will all be confronted with the evil of the Antichrist and his minions. You will need the protection of My angels, and you are spreading this message. Now, in these late stages before these events will come about, I have asked you to prepare a safe haven for your family and friends. I have warned you that your time has run out, and the events of the end times are already unfolding. You are seeing many financial problems getting worse because of your reliance on deficit spending, not only in your country, but also in other countries. Between your sins and your greed for wealth, you are seeing a coming decline in your country’s economy. If you paid heed to My laws and repented of your sins, then you could turn things around. As it is, your country is not repenting, and you are turning to more evil with your same sex marriage. Expect My punishment to take your country down through the one world people.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, some of you may be familiar with the twenty-one missions along the coast of California that were started by Blessed Junipero Serra, who had his feast recently. (7-1-15) I am showing you these missions because they are living history where some still have Sunday Masses there. Some of the Indians were converted through these missions, and they will be places of safe haven in the end days of persecution.”

Jesus said: “My people, this door represents the doorway to your hearts. When you open the door from the inside, you are being open to My love, and you can ask the forgiveness for your sins. Those, who do not open the door to My knocking, are those souls who do not love Me. I will always forgive a repentant sinner. I do not force My love on you, but I want you to love Me of your own free will.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are happy with all the things that are now placed into your chapel. You have a new altar, some beautiful Stations of the Cross, a new lectern, and some chairs. Now, you are praying your rosaries in this chapel, and it is a holy feeling when you are in there. Some people have admired the beauty of your chapel, complete with the symbols of God the Father on your glass doors. I have given you messages of how people will be blessed for being in this chapel, especially during the Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you this prison as an example detention center death camp. This is where the one world people want to place all those people who refuse to take the mark of the beast, and will not accept the new world order as their government. Once the Antichrist comes into power, he will try and kill all of My faithful believers. This is why I have asked some faithful to set up refuges for your protection. My angels will make you invisible, and I will provide all that you need for your survival. Do not be afraid of the evil ones, even if you are martyred for your faith. All martyrs will become instant saints with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you might think farmers are not in a desirable profession because farming requires hard work, and they are at the mercy of the weather. The smaller farmers can barely make a living because of the price controls for their crops. They provide the food you eat, and they will be very important during the coming world famine. The farmers’ crops are perishable, and they have to take great care so their harvest is stored properly. You need to be thankful for the people who bring you your food. You may also have to store some extra food when it will be more valuable than any amount of money. This is why I showed you a farmer in a gold light.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are blessed to have faithful spouses for many years. The love of a married couple is very much how I love My Church as a bride. The married love usually bears children, and eventually grandchildren. Some couples are even further blessed to have great grandchildren. You are drawn to Me first, but your love for your spouse is a beautiful life in this world with many trials and broken families. This is why when a spouse dies, it is very traumatic for the surviving spouse. Pray for all families, and especially for widows and widowers.”

Jesus said: “My people, whenever stock prices drop, whether in America or China, the stockholders are stressed over any losses. It is hard to find investments that do not fluctuate and make enough money for a living. Your low interest rates have pushed some people into stocks, but there is always a risk of loss. When your money crashes from your overspending, it will not matter how much money you have. This is why I encouraged you to buy some extra food because the food will be more valuable for your survival than worthless money. Trust in Me to provide what you need at My refuges.”

From Carl, our old deceased neighbor: “I want to tell Carol that her dream about me was a confirmation that Marian and I are now in heaven thanks to your prayers and Masses.”


Friday, July 10, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision will be a sad day when My churches will start worshiping New Age gods and goddesses. You are seeing the gold dust rising in the vision, since it represents My Real Presence leaving this church, because the priest will not be praying the proper words of Consecration. This is how the schismatic churches will be taking over your churches. In the schismatic churches I will no longer be present in their tabernacles. This again will cause a division in My Church, where eventually, My faithful remnant will have to come to the homes for their prayer services. You have had the proper Mass in your churches for many years, but this new schismatic church will take over very quickly and soon. This is one more sign that you will be coming to My refuges, as these end time signs will become very apparent. Do not lose hope or be afraid, because My angels will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the last few days you have seen hacking attacks on your NY Stock Exchange, United Airlines, US Government employees, and now Ameritrade. You have seen cover up stories of new software updates as the cause, because they do not want the public to know it is hackers or terrorists doing this. You have even had hints that foreign governments were behind the hacking. In the vision you are seeing train derailments being caused by hackers in changing the track switches. As long as your internet is connected to various means of transportation, it can be hacked to cause damage and the loss of lives. This is why I told you before, it is better not to be linked to the internet when someone could create a damaging device. Just as computers can be helpful, they also can be manipulated to cause evil outcomes. Pray that you will have better detectives to foil anymore people with bad intentions that steal identities or cause mechanical failures.”


Saturday, July 11, 2015: (St. Benedict)
Jesus said: “My people, today, you celebrate the feast of St. Benedict, who brought you a monastic life of prayer. You also remember to carry your St. Benedict medal as a way to protect yourself from the demons, as it is a medal of exorcism. I have emphasized this to you when your silver medal of St. Benedict turned to gold. Let this feast day help you to remember the importance of praying your rosaries every day, and to make time for Me every day. In your Adoration time, remember also to take five or ten minutes of silent prayer in contemplative prayer so you are united with Me in love. In the vision I have shown you My footsteps because I want all of you to follow in My footsteps, so you can imitate how I lived. I lived very simply, and I was constantly in prayer to be united with My heavenly Father in love. I want you to do everything for Me out of love for Me. This means giving your will over to Me so you can carry out your individual missions. I may lead you to do things out of your comfort zone, but be willing to go the extra mile to save souls from hell. I thank all of My faithful for taking up their cross to follow Me in My footsteps.”

(4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass) Jesus said: “My people, when you have a vivid picture of how souls are suffering in hell for all eternity, you have an added incentive to prevent more souls from going there in your conversion efforts. When you have a hot day without any air conditioning, you are very uncomfortable, and sweating from the heat. Your little suffering on earth is nothing compared to be being roasted black in the pits of hell. When people reject Me, and worship their possessions and pleasures, they do not realize what judgment awaits them. This is why I need My evangelists and My prophets to wake these people up to the reality of choosing the right eternal destination for their souls. To obey My Commandments and show love to Me and your neighbors, may take some sacrifices, but you do not want to face My judging you to hell. It is either heaven or hell. These are the only two choices. You would much rather choose Me, who loves you, than Satan, who hates you.”


Sunday, July 12, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, when you see Me as a living Tree of Life, you think of Me as the Vine, and you are the branches. You need to draw your daily sustenance from Me in My Eucharist, so your spiritual life can keep growing. I have also talked to you of being a good tree that bears good fruit of conversions in your evangelization. You do not want to be a bad tree that bears bad fruit, or a barren tree with no fruit at all, because you would not be putting any effort into converting souls. The vision of the rings of a tree represents all the years that you have worked in My service. It is for your endurance as a good Christian that you will one day be rewarded in heaven at your judgment. As long as you are alive, you are all summoned, as My apostles, to go out and spread My Good News to all the nations.”


Monday, July 13, 2015: (Doris Metzger Miller Memorial Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, your life on earth is very short, before you are in the casket. You are born and you grown up quickly, and then you become old and wonder where all the years went. While you are going through life, you may not think much about death, but as you grow older and see all of your parents and friends die, then you realize how you need to be ready to meet Me at your judgment. If you are one of My faithful, then you have been close to Me in love all of your life. Even if you need some purification in purgatory, your goal has always been to be with Me in heaven. I beg you to do whatever you can to help save as many souls from hell as you can. There are many souls who do not know Me, or do not love Me out of ignorance, and some who openly reject Me. These souls do not realize the danger they are in, if they should be lost in hell. Only those souls who seek the forgiveness of their sins, and love Me, will enter into heaven. I will allow some souls to be saved by the prayers of their friends or relatives. Those people, who continue to reject Me, even at their judgment, will be lost forever in the eternal flames of hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you measure time by your watches, and by your calendars. You measure 24 hours in each day for one revolution of the earth, and you measure 365 days in a year for the earth to make a complete orbit around the sun. Time is a fleeting thing, and you can notice how your body ages over time. I am showing you your life’s time line that you will see in your Warning experience. You will come out of your body to see My Light, and then you will see a total review of your life from conception to the present moment. You will review every moment of your life, and you will be held accountable for how you spent your time. You will see how much you loved Me and your neighbor each day, because you will be judged on the intentions of your actions. If you truly love Me, you will try to do everything for Me, and not just for yourself. I know all of you are sinners and weak to sin, but you must come to Confession to seek My forgiveness of your sins. After the Warning, some people will be open to conversion, but many will not change, even if they see their mini-judgment of going to hell without any change. I love everyone, but each soul has a free will to love Me in return or not. Those souls, who love Me and ask forgiveness of their sins, will be with Me in heaven. Those souls, who reject My love and refuse to repent of their sins, are on the road to hell.”


Tuesday, July 14, 2015: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, woe to America, as well as Sodom and Gomorrah, for you all will suffer punishment on the judgment day. Your recent Supreme Court decisions of approving gay marriage and your Obama Care Law are placing more nails in your coffin as a nation. Your nation’s sin can be measured by your laws and decisions that defy My Commandments. By forcing your states to accept these sins as legal, you are going against My plan for your lives. Even My faithful can be put into prison for calling homosexual acts sins, according to your hate crime laws. You will be facing more destructive storms, earthquakes, and bankruptcies as a punishment for your sins. America needs to repent, or many of your people will be going down to the nether world, as the cities I condemned in today’s Gospel.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen new grass as it comes through the soil, after it has been nurtured and watered well. I am giving you this image because I want My faithful to build up My Church by nurturing converts to the faith. You have seen where people have Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. This is where you have fertile ground for new priests and new converts. Teach the people how to pray the rosary and make visits to My tabernacles. This will also help nourish souls in their spiritual lives. When you pray, you are telling Me how much you love Me, and I listen to all of your prayers. New converts can be brought to the priest and the RICA for training to be Catholics, or to reconvert Catholics. I have given you My Commandments, and the Third Commandment is how you are to keep Sunday holy by coming to worship Me at Mass, and to limit your servile work on My day of rest. I do not ask for that much time of My faithful, but at least to set aside one hour a week at Sunday Mass. Many people like to claim they are Catholics, but it is those who make the effort to come to Sunday Mass, who are putting their words into action.”


Wednesday, July 15, 2015: (St. Bonaventure)
God the Father said: “My son, I AM WHO AM is here today to remind you of how I appeared to Moses as a burning bush that was not consumed by the fire. I also told Moses to remove his sandals to honor My holy ground. You have made a beautiful chapel in My honor, and you have a symbol of My burning bush on your glass window. Whenever you have Mass, you know that Myself, Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit are all Present in the Eucharist. This is why you kneel in Our Presence as holy ground, and you are blessed to receive Us into your souls. It is appropriate to have all the beautiful things as an altar, Stations of the Cross, and vessels for Mass, but remember that it is Our Presence that is most important to honor and worship. You have the Sacrifice of My Beloved Son, Jesus, which is re-enacted at each Mass under the appearance of bread and wine. Remember that I helped Moses to set the Israelites free of the bondage of the Egyptians. Now, with the Sacrifice of My Beloved Son’s Body and Blood, you all have been set free of the bondage of your sins. My Beloved Son has brought salvation to all sinners who wish to accept Him and repent of their sins. Even in the Scriptures, I have sent many prophets to proclaim the coming of a Redeemer to open the gates of heaven to all worthy souls. Now, I am sending you more prophets to prepare the people for My Beloved Son’s return in victory over the Antichrist and the evil ones in the coming tribulation. You will be needing Our protection at your interim and final refuges as safe havens to protect you from the evil ones. Trust in My power as My angels will protect you, and bring you Holy Communion every day, if you do not have a priest.”

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is showing you how important My Ten Commandments are for everyone, because they are all about love of Me and love of your neighbor. You are reading about the account of Moses, and how I sent him on a mission to free the people of Israel from the Egyptians’ oppression. Later, once the people were freed, I directed Moses to bring the people to Mount Sinai where I would give them My Ten Commandments. These Commandments are My spiritual way of life, and they need to be obeyed. Those people, who violate My Commandments, commit a sin that should be forgiven in Confession. Some people do not even know what My Ten Commandments are, which is why I want you to quote them in this message so the people know what they say. In the same way of information, I want you to have a picture or a display of the Words of My Ten Commandments in your chapel dedicated to Me.” The Ten Commandments are:
1) I am the Lord your God. You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.
2) You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
3) Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.
4) Honor your father and your mother.
5) You shall not kill.
6) You shall not commit adultery
7) You shall not steal.

8) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
9) You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
10) You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.


Thursday, July 16, 2015: (Our Lady of Mount Carmel)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is emphasizing in the reading how I gave Moses My Name to tell the Israelites, which is ‘I AM WHO AM’. This is My Name forever in your hearing. I also told Moses that I would release the people from the Egyptians’ slavery, but it would take miracles for Pharaoh to accept this release. This was a prophecy of the plagues that I would bring upon Egypt to let My people go. Even today, you again are seeing how the evil ones are controlling you, and their persecution of Christians will get worse. Just as I punished Sodom and the Egyptians, so I will bring punishment upon this evil world, and a victory over the Antichrist and the demons. Be patient during the tribulation at My refuges, and remain faithful to Me, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when you are trying to help your neighbor in any way, make sure that what you are doing for them, is what they want. Sometimes you mean well, but your neighbor may have different preferences that you did not consider. You love your neighbor, and hopefully they understand your good intentions. It is good works that you need to store up in heaven, without looking to be rewarded here on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your military people performing exercises in a civilian setting. You are on the verge of a police state, much like what occurred in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. I have warned you that you could see some serious events that could lead up to a crash of your financial system. It is the derivatives that your banks have purchased that are gambling with the depositors money. Once these trillions of dollars of derivatives fail, you could see a crash of the financial system in America and possibly the whole world. Pray for My protection at your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your people think America will go on leading the world in finances and military power. Your people appear to be better off than some nations, but you are very dependent on China to provide many of your manufactured items, and even your processed foods. It is your corporations that have sought China’s cheap labor to make their products. You may not realize it, but the one world people are controlling what you can buy and own. Be prepared to come to My refuges of protection, when the one world people choose their time for a takeover of America.”

Jesus said: “My people, most of My refuge builders have been preparing their refuges over a number of years. It is those builders, who are just getting started, that are trying to catch up on their work in a short space of time. You have very little time to finish your preparations. You may need to make some short cuts in your plans to get ready on time. I will comfort these late builders with the help of My angels who could finish up any needed preparations. My angels could multiply your food and your bedding as needed. They could even multiply your building to house those who come to your refuge. It is best to buy some of your needs so they could be multiplied later. Fear not the evil ones because My angels will protect you from harm.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may think that you can bring all of your family members into the closest refuge, but they all need to have crosses on their foreheads in order to enter My refuges. My angels will not allow anyone without a cross on the forehead to enter. You can only receive a cross on the forehead from My angels, if you are one of My faithful believers. This is why it is important after the Warning to try and evangelize all of your family members to the faith. They all need to be believers before they can come to My refuges. You do not want to see any of your family members refused entry to My refuges. Pray that all of your family members can be converted to full believers in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you have your meetings, people bring a dish to pass. You are getting a preview of how life will be at your refuges. The preparation and multiplication of food will be one of your first concerns. I told you that I would bring deer into your refuges for meat, just as I brought quail to My people in the desert. Do not complain about the food, and be thankful that you will have a daily Holy Communion. Some of you could even survive alone on My Eucharist. Trust in Me that I will protect you and provide for your needs at all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of those people, who live in the time of the coming tribulation, will all be rewarded in My Era of Peace. Those people, who are martyred for their faith, will be raised up to teach My people in the Era of Peace. So do not be concerned with how long the tribulation will be, and do not worry about what you are to eat, drink, or where you will sleep. I will shorten the time of the tribulation by shortening the length of the day for less than 3½ years. Trust in Me at all times, and you will be rewarded for your faithful endurance.”


Friday, July 17, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading shows how Moses was instructed how to set up the Passover Meal with bitter herbs and unleavened bread as a meal in haste. This was the night when they were to spread the lamb’s blood over their door posts and lintel, so the angel of destruction would pass over their houses. They were to prepare an unblemished male lamb. You can see all of the parallels of the Mass with the Last Supper that commemorated the Passover Meal. The Passover is celebrated only once a year, but Mass is celebrated every day. In the Mass you have Me as the unblemished male Lamb of God, because I am the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity. You are eating My Body and drinking My Blood at Holy Communion time, and the unleavened bread is what you receive, along with the consecrated wine. The Israelites offered up the blood of animals, but you have My Body and Blood offered up on the cross as the daily Sacrifice of the Mass. It is My Body and Blood that has forgiven your sins and has opened the gates of heaven. The Israelites were freed from the bondage of Pharaoh, but all sinners are released from their bondage of sin by My sacrifice on the cross. Rejoice that you can receive your Lord every day at Mass in Holy Communion, because My grace nourishes your soul with My spiritual Food.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when the people wanted to capture Me in the Garden of Gethsemene, St. Peter cut off the ear of the servant, Malchus. I told St. Peter to put away his sword ‘for all those who take up the sword, will perish by the sword.’ (Matt. 26:52) You have seen many people killed in wars, which the one world people have instigated to make money on the weapons. Over the years your people have made more deadly weapons that could kill many people, as your nuclear weapons. You have seen poison gases, nerve gases, and even virulent viruses that could also kill many people. This is why you cannot take up guns against the one world people, because they have more powerful weapons than your guns. Prayers and My angels’ invisible shields will be your best weapons against the evil ones. Because they want to kill all Christians, you will need to come to My refuges where My angels will protect you. It is better not to use guns in your defense because I do not want you to kill people. You can protect yourself from an immediate threat to your lives, or your family, but it would be better to come to My refuges. Trust in My protection, and in My providing for your needs.”


Saturday, July 18, 2015: (St. Camillis de Lellis, Chuck’s 50 ann. Mass for us)
Jesus said: “My people, after the firstborn among the Egyptians were slain by the destroying angel, the Pharaoh let My people go. Moses led the people out into the desert in search of the Promised Land. During the Exodus, the people roamed the desert for forty years. They were protected at the Red Sea from the Egyptian soldiers. They were given manna in the morning to eat, and in the evening they had quail come into the camp for their meat. Moses struck the rock for water, and he held up the bronze serpent to heal those who were bitten by the seraph serpents. This is a foreshadowing of the modern day Exodus that My people will suffer during the coming tribulation. My angels will defend you with an invisible shield from those trying to kill you. You will see a luminous cross or you will drink spring water to be healed of all of your ailments. You will have My Flesh and Blood to take in daily Holy Communion by My angel or by a priest. You will have springs of water to drink, and deer will come into your camps for meat. I will be lifted up on the cross to free you from your bondage of sin. At the end of the tribulation, I will destroy the evil ones, and recreate the earth, as you will be brought into your own Promised Land of My Era of Peace. You will rejoice in My victory over the evil ones, just as the Egyptian soldiers were drowned in defeat.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I love all of you, and I am happy that you could come to my shrine each year, as I bring you to my Son, Jesus, in the Mass. Thank you for praying my rosary for your intentions. You know how there are different views on many subjects, but my children need to be faithful to your Catholic teachings. You are faced today with abortions, homosexual marriage, and couples living together in fornication. You need to separate the sin from the sinner because you are all sinners. You are called to love all of your neighbors, but you do not have to accept their sinful behavior as being right. If you are directly questioned about a truth of my Son’s Church, you need to abide by the Commandments, and admit the above sins are serious mortal sins. Even if you are threatened by those who think differently, you need to keep faithful to my Son’s teachings.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see people in pain all around you, as they are suffering from poor legs or other ailments. I want you to pray for all those people who are suffering in pain today. I pray that those people, who are suffering, could offer up their pain to Me to help souls in need of conversion. Even St. Therese offered up all of her daily actions to Me for redemptive merit. All of you could so the same in offering up all of your actions to help people spiritually and physically. By uniting your actions and pains on the cross with Me, you can help many souls in their trials. You can also offer up your prayers and pains to help the poor souls in purgatory who are suffering their pain of purification. The more you can suffer with Me for other souls, the more treasure you will be storing up in heaven for your judgment, to offset the punishment due for your sins. You can also call on Me to help you fight the evil ones when they are attacking you. You need to have faith that I can help you in any distress. You prayed to Me in confidence that I could get you through to your website, when it was not working all day. After your prayer, you were successful in uploading your recent messages, and your new speaking places with the details. Give praise and thanks to Me for coming to your assistance in faith.”


Sunday, July 19, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel My apostles had just returned from evangelizing new converts to the faith, and they healed people of various ailments. I initially was calling My disciples to a deserted place to relax and pray. It is good to spend some quiet time with Me, as in retreats, where there are few people, and time to meditate. When we disembarked from the boats, many people had found us in a deserted place. I felt all of these people were without a shepherd, and I did not want them to starve there. So I multiplied the bread and fish for the five thousand people. They then collected twelve baskets of remaining fragments. You are about to go on a pilgrimage to St. Ann de Beaupres in Canada, and it will take a few days travel both coming and going. When you get there, you will be among your friends as you enjoy a retreat of prayer and a procession. Do not let any travel problems disturb your peace, because the devil tries to upset your peace of mind. Look on this pilgrimage as a retreat that will settle your soul in My peace. Those, who go on these pilgrimages, gain many graces for all of their efforts.”


Monday, July 20, 2015: (St. Apollinaris)
Jesus said: “My people, how quickly the Israelites forgot about all the miracles that were performed that allowed their freedom from Pharaoh. It was the killing of all the firstborn children of the Egyptians that broke the resolve of Pharaoh to let the slaves go. Then again in the desert I led the people through the Red Sea on dry land. As the Egyptians pursued the Israelites, the soldiers were drowned as the sea flowed back to its normal level. These were great miracles that the Jews remember to this day. It is the faith in My protection that came to the Israelites’ aid when they needed My help. Even today, My faithful have to have faith that I can protect them from any demons, or the attacks of the one world people. This is why I will provide you My protection at My refuges, because you have faith in My help. In the Gospel I told the people how I would lie in the tomb for three days before My Resurrection, just as Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days. I also told them that Jonah’s account of repenting was the only sign that I would give the people. They saw many of My miracles, and they still would not believe in Me. I told them that I was greater than Jonah and King Solomon. Sometimes the people of today are also looking for signs, but I perform miracles in their lives every day that they do not always recognize.”

Jesus said: “My people, ‘Freedom’ means different things to different people. If you lived in a communist country, freedom would mean you were no longer controlled by the government. If you lived in chronic pain, freedom would mean being free from pain as at My refuges or in the Era of Peace. If you were stressed by evil people or demon possession, freedom would mean being free of evil. If you were suffering souls in purgatory, freedom would mean being released from purgatory into heaven. Heaven should be your ideal goal when you are finally free of your bodily weaknesses to sin. Even the Era of Peace would be free of evil and sickness. Living at My refuges would also be free of sickness and persecution. Living in America is free of communist control, but it is still corrupted by the one world people. You can offer up all of your troubles and sicknesses to Me, and I will store your merits in heaven. You are fortunate that this life is brief, but you can try to do everything for Me and My greater glory. Once you come to My Era of Peace, you will be living as I meant life to be for man. Strive to be in the higher levels of heaven, and you will be totally satisfied in your soul and in your spirit.”


Tuesday, July 21, 2015: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)
Jesus said: “My people, there are many different sources of light that you encounter every day. At night you need a light to find your way in your house amidst the darkness. This vision of a lampshade is to provide light, but to ease your eyes from the brightness of your light bulb. You have artificial light with your light fixtures, but you also have sunlight and moonlight at times. In the Era of Peace you will have My Light of the Son of God. I am even referred to as the ‘Light of the world’ because I have redeemed all of mankind by removing the darkness of sin. Many light sources give off heat as well as light. The sun warms the whole earth during the day, and it gets colder at night. In the same way, you experience the warmth of My love spiritually in your heart and in your soul. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, I light up your life, and I give you direction to follow Me in your life’s mission. There are some people, who have had near death experiences, so they claim that they are drawn to My Light in their judgment. When you live in My Presence in My Era of Peace or in heaven, you will truly experience My Light and My love as all encompassing. You will be as one with Me, but you will still have your soul body.”

Jesus said: “My son, today you are celebrating 22 years since I first started giving you messages in 1993. It is also the 11th anniversary of your mother’s death in 2004. Over the years you have been faithful to Me in your daily Mass and Holy Communion that you started in 1959. In the vision you saw a train track that turned into two snakes. This is an indication of how the demons could mislead you on the wrong track. You were in fact detoured from Me while you were addicted to computer programming. You still kept praying your prayers and coming to Mass, but it was your trip to Medjugore that allowed you a miracle to drop your computer addiction. Give praise and thanks to Me, because after stopping your computer programming, you now had the time to do My mission, by giving Me your free will. I have been able to use you to spread My messages of evangelization to all the people who read your books, or the messages at johnleary.com. You are announcing the need to prepare for the tribulation, and make refuges ready for the protection of My faithful. By forewarning the people about the events to come, you will help the people to get ready spiritually for the Warning, and a mini-judgment with Me about your life’s actions. I thank you, My son, for all that you have done to lead souls to Me.”


Wednesday, July 22, 2015: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Scriptures how the people of the Exodus did not know where they would get food and water in the desert. I had to perform many more miracles for the people to have water, meat, and bread in the desert. These people had concerns for their survival, so I had Moses strike the rock to get enough water for all the people to drink. Then in the morning they gathered manna, and they ate quail for meat at night. They complained about the manna, and they suffered snake bites as a punishment. Moses held up the bronze serpent on a pole, so when they looked on it, they were healed. This is a preview of your refuge living during the persecution of the tribulation. Expect your people to be frightened and concerned about survival as well. You will need counseling to calm down the fears of the people. I will multiply your water and provide a spring for water as well. You will have My daily Eucharistic manna from My angels or a priest. You will have deer for meat, and I will multiply your other food. You will have daily perpetual Adoration of My consecrated Host at My refuges. You will see healing from the luminous cross and the healing spring water. Trust in My protection as My angels will put an invisible shield around you. The tribulation will be brief, but you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace for being faithful to My miracles.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been on this pilgrimage to St. Ann de Beaupres several times, and you know how the evil one tries to test you to keep you from getting to your destination on time. In a previous message I warned you to pray for safe travel, and to not be upset by any disturbances in your travels. You have seen car problems in the past, so you know enough to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer for your protection. You have enough time to pray your three rosaries for the day in the car. All of you will receive graces for making this pilgrimage to St. Ann’s. You are meeting because of the feast day, but also to have an opportunity to be with your friends. Call on St. Ann to guide you safely to your destination. With My protection and that of My saints and angels, you should arrive safely without any incident. God bless all of you for coming to St. Ann’s these last several years.”


Thursday, July 23, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, just as you are offended by loud sounds that are not real music on an organ, so I am offended by the sight and sound of your sinful actions. It is true that this organ music represents confusion in My Church. Some various comments on homosexual marriage and global warming have confused the faithful on what is being taught. I have mentioned before that you need to speak out in defense of My proper teachings on marriage in your Catechism of My Catholic Church, regardless if you are criticized for your position.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of you for coming to Cape de Madeleine on your way to visit the Shrine of St. Ann de Beaupres. You have witnessed a few difficulties in the bird droppings, the detour at Fulton, N.Y., and a small problem in finding the hotel. You have been somewhat reserved in facing these problems, but you need to call on Me and St. Michael to help you stay calm, and realize that Satan is testing you. You are seeing a battle of good and evil every time that you try to do something good. Keep striving to do good works for your neighbor, despite any harassment that you may receive from the devil. I read you good intentions in your heart, and I will reward you for your efforts.”

Our Lady said: “My dear children, I thank you for praying my three rosaries in your car, and for all the rosaries that you pray every day. My rosary and my scapular are your best weapons to fight the evil of this world. I thank you for also giving me your special petitions that I will give to my Son as your intercessor. You have your picture in your room of my Immaculate Heart, and my Son’s Sacred Heart. Our hearts are joined as one, and we want to join your heart with our hearts as well. You have read of the great miracles here that have lifted up the faith of the pilgrims that come here. I know how my children believe in miracles, especially the greatest miracle of my Son’s Resurrection from the dead. Help spread the love of my Son, and His Good News of your salvation. We love all of you so much, and we invite you to share your love with us in your prayers and your actions.”


Friday, July 24, 2015: (St. Charbel)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM, is with you My son, and I want to thank you for putting up a copy of My Ten Commandments in your chapel. As you were considering going to Confession at St. Ann de Beaupres, you know that you can use My Ten Commandments as your preparation for Confession. There are more meanings to each Commandment as you have read before. It is good to make a proper examination of your conscience, as you are preparing to meet the priest, who represents Me. You are all sinners, and you need to repent of your sins and ask for My forgiveness. You were hearing that some people think My Commandments are something that is old and forgotten. I assure you that all of My Words are meant to always be remembered because My Commandments are forever. It is the devil who wants you to believe that the Commandments are old-fashioned. Do not listen to him, because My Words of love are forever. My Words are meant for you to live by them as a part of you in your body and in your spirit. They are not suggestions as some may think, but they are My Commands, which means they are to always be followed. You can confess your sins at any time, because I will forgive all repentant sinners. I love all of you, and I want you to love Me as well. You can show Me your love by following My Commandments. My faithful should also make an effort to encourage all of your family and friends to come to Confession at least once a month. You are all evangelists, and encouraging repentance among My people, is the best that you can do to help save souls from hell. The Holy Spirit will give you what to say, but go forward and share My Ten Commandments with everyone.”

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for praying My Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the rosary, and My Stations of the Cross. As you finished the Stations of the Cross, you were reminded of your Stations that you were given, and that you have hung on your chapel walls. I have made many requests of you, but I desire that on Fridays, when you are home, that you pray My Stations of the Cross, just as you do on the Fridays of Lent. Keep your folder of the Stations of the Cross in your chapel. When you pray My Stations, I want you to offer up all of your pains and troubles so you can unite them with My suffering on the cross. I will apply all of your merits to help save souls from hell. You know clearly how I came as your Redeemer to offer up My life for all of your sins. Give praise and thanks to Me for this most precious gift of My Life, so that all sinners will have an opportunity to be saved, if they repent of their sins, and accept Me as Master of their lives. I am giving you this blessed bridge to bring My faithful to heaven one day.”


Saturday, July 25, 2015: (St. James)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s message is about personal pride both in an earthly and spiritual way. The devil uses pride as one of the deadly sins to take away your focus on Me, and put the focus on yourself. Instead, My faithful need to be humble and practice the virtue of humility, which is the opposite of pride. I want My faithful to do everything in following My Will for My greater glory. Whenever you accomplish something, you need to give praise and honor to Me for helping you in your work. When you humble yourself and acknowledge Me in all that you do, you will be pleasing Me to show that it is My power and grace that accomplishes things in your life. Pride focuses on self, but humility focuses on Me. Do not think that you are better than someone else, but it is My grace that is helping you. When you pray and give all the glory to Me, you will be great in the eyes of those in heaven. It is better to do things in secret, so your heavenly Father sees it, and He will reward you in heaven. When you do things for the glory of men and women, then you will already be rewarded here on earth. Be humble and give your respect to Me, and that will be enough for you. Take the opportunity to come and give Me praise in front of My Blessed Sacrament. The more you show your love for Me, the more you are preparing to be with Me forever in heaven.”

(Vigil of St. Ann’s feast day) St. Ann said: “My dear grandchildren, I am the grandmother of Jesus, and the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I love all of you, and those, who have prayed my novena, will have their prayer requests given to my Grandson, Jesus. All of those, who came here tonight, also will have their prayer requests given to Jesus. I thank you for all of your prayers, and continue to pray your daily rosaries, and wear the brown scapular for your protection. All of us in heaven are happy to see your procession with my Grandson’s Blessed Sacrament. Give praise and glory to Jesus in His Real Presence. As you go home, remember that I also draw you to Jesus, just as my daughter, Mary, leads you to her Son.”


Sunday, July 26, 2015: (St. Ann’s feast day)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the relic of St. Ann and all of your other relics. You treasure these first class relics of the bone pieces of the saints because you belong to the Communion of Saints. All the souls on earth, the souls in purgatory, and the souls of the saints in heaven, are all joined in My Communion of Saints. The saints of your relics remind you of their lives, as their lives are models for you to imitate. Some of them have suffered martyrdom either in blood, or as dry martyrs. You all need to follow their lead in how they gave Me praise in their good works. You also can be a saint in a proper time, if you follow My laws and repent of your sins. Give thanks to Me that you were able to come here to celebrate the feast day of My grandmother, St. Ann.”

Jesus said: “My son, the tingling at the tomb of St. Andre is a blessing for your requests to help your family and friends. You can see that many people have been healed here over the years through the intercession of St. Andre. Remember what I told you, that when you have faith in My healing power, you can receive a healing for yourself or someone else. When you prayed at the foot of My Cross on the altar, you were reminded of your deliverance prayers of binding the evil spirits to the foot of My Cross. When you are praying over a possessed or obsessed person with an evil spirit, I told you to pray My binding of the spirits prayer, and your St. Michael prayer. ‘I bind any evil spirits of this person or place to the foot of Jesus’ cross in the Name of Jesus.’ This prayer when prayed with a St. Benedict medal, is powerful against the evil spirits. The long form of the St. Michael prayer is also powerful in protecting your car and your chapel from any evil ones. When you are attacked by evil spirits, you need to call on Me, and I will send My angels to help protect you from the demons. Do not have any fear of the evil ones, because My power is much greater than the evil ones. Give thanks and praise to Me for helping you in all of your daily trials.”


Monday, July 27, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard Me say how many are called, but few are chosen. It is true that I died on the cross to make reparation for all the sins of mankind. Even though I have given every soul an opportunity to be saved, you still need to repent of your sins and accept Me as Master of your lives. It is not easy to overcome your earthly distractions to give your free will over to My Divine Will. Yet, I love all of you so much, and I want you to follow Me in everything that you do. For all the faithful, who follow Me, they will have their heavenly reward. Since there are only a few true prayer warriors, I need them to help evangelize as many souls to the faith as they can. Work with Me to save souls from going to hell. Pray also for the souls in purgatory to be released as well, so they can come to heaven. Again, you will be rewarded for your good works.”


Tuesday, July 28, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, today you heard Me explain about the wheat and the tares or weeds to My apostles. The wheat, or My faithful people, will be gathered into My barn of heaven at the harvest of souls at the judgment. The weeds, or evil people, will be gathered up by My angels and thrown into the fire of hell. In the vision, I am showing you how the one world evil people are behind corrupting your governments and your evil laws and decisions of your courts. They also are having you poisoned with the chemtrails, your GMO crops, and your bad medicines, which are all designed to reduce your population. This killing of men and women, is a plan of Satan because he hates mankind. Those rich and evil people, who worship Satan, are carrying out his killing orders. They are behind abortions, euthanasia, wars, viruses, and vaccines that kill people. Call on Me to protect you from these evil ones, since they will be the ones who are cast into hell for their evil deeds.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember how I took the two fish and the five barley loaves of bread, and I multiplied both the fish and the bread to feed five thousand men. They were all sitting on the grass as if they were on a picnic. I have given you instructions how to prepare your backpacks, as if you were going on a picnic. You need to have dishes, cups, and silverware for eating a meal. You also should have some bottles of water and some food, as your MREs so they can be multiplied for your survival. When you bring your clothes to My refuges, you need to also bring anything else that you need multiplied, as fuel for a fire with propane or wood, or even gasoline for your cars and engines. You will need full trust in Me when you leave your homes for My refuges. You will also need to have faith that I will perform miracles to provide for your food with the deer, and spiritual food with My consecrated Hosts. My angels will protect you with invisible shields against the evil ones. You have visited several refuges, and you need to prepare your own refuge as quickly as possible. You will need food, water, and beds for the people to sleep. Get your place in order, and then get more beds and mattresses. By making your preparations, you are obeying My instructions.”


Wednesday, July 29, 2015: (St. Martha)
Jesus said: “My son, you remember when I called St. Martha to stop worrying about the many things in her life, especially when she wanted her sister to help her with the things of hospitality. I told her that her sister, Mary, had chosen the better part of being with Me, and it would not be taken from her. My son, today, you too, are overwhelmed with your responsibilities of typing your messages to give to your spiritual director, your financial bills, your yard care, and getting your rug to finish the basement organization. It is hard to manage your time for all of your needs, but you need to have patience, and do the best you can with My help. You are very committed to your prayer time, and working on your missions of evangelizing souls, and now providing for your interim refuge. I am pleased with your efforts and the good intentions in your heart, but do not let the devil affect you with anxieties, worries, or impatience with others. Many people have problems with patience and being humble, but you must be a good example to others because they know I am giving you messages. Strive to be holy, despite your earthly weaknesses.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the vision how one person’s trade was making glass objects. In your Chemistry field you used many expensive pieces of glassware that required a good glass maker to build them. There are people with many different skills that will be needed in your refuges. I even advised people to bring the tools of their trade with them, so they could share their skill with others. At your refuges there will be needs for builders, people who can cut deer meat, farmers, and other trades needed for cooking and for survival. It is unfortunate that many artisans have lost their jobs to cheap foreign labor. Now, you have fewer factories, and more people are on welfare and Social Security than ever before. It is just a matter of time until your over-spending government will run out of sponsors for your debt. This will bring chaos that will kill many people, when your checks stop coming, or when they are worthless. Be prepared to come to My refuges when the evil ones start killing the Christians in America. I will provide what you need, and My angels will protect you. Pray that My Warning comes soon, so some souls will wake up and desire to be saved.”


Thursday, July 30, 2015: (St. Peter Chrysologus)
Jesus said: “My people, Moses was given the Ten Commandments as a covenant with God and My people. This is why they were stored in the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ as a precious place where God the Father dwelled. Later, this Ark would even be carried into battle against their enemies. The Ten Commandments should be treasured by all peoples because everyone is called to obey them. This Ark with the cloud was how the Israelites were led through the desert in the day, and by a pillar of fire at night. There are other meanings of the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ because My Blessed Mother was given this name, since she carried Me in her womb for nine months. She was named ‘Blessed’ because she was the mother of the Son of God in Me. Even My faithful, who receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, are Arks of the Covenant as you carry Me in your bodies for about fifteen minutes. This term then is used to honor My Presence and God the Father’s Presence. Even your tabernacles that hold My consecrated Hosts, can be considered your modern day Arks of the Covenant.”

Prayer Group:
St. Ann said: “My dear grandchildren, I want to give all of those faithful, who came to My pilgrimage, a proper thank you for all of their efforts to come a good distance to share in my Novena on my feast day. Even though it is a time and financial struggle to come and visit me, I appreciate your devotion to me, and you will receive many graces for your dedication to the Holy Family. Your families are under attack from the evil one, so it is important to pray your rosaries to help souls in this battle. Remember me by obtaining a statue or a picture of me for your prayer room.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are so used to your chipped documents and cell phones, that you could be lost if these kinds of communications were no longer available. Your computer chips are vulnerable to EMP or solar radiation. If your normal devices did not work, you may have to resort to Morse Code on a telegraph line. This early form of communication is not as vulnerable as your computer chips. Your cell phones and chipped devices will no longer work at My refuges. So be prepared to use old means of communicating in the end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, your society holds your children and the unborn in little respect for their existence. Every child, who is conceived, is just as important to Me as any other soul. My people need to hold My children on a higher plane of importance than you do now. These little ones are My future faithful, and you need to instruct them in the faith. Each life is My gift to you, and you should not discriminate against them because of their young age. Do what you can to protect the children and the unborn.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a deep appreciation for My creations, especially beautiful flowers. Some people put flowers on My altar, but do not just bring them for funerals alone. When you make a good presentation on the altar, you are doing so out of love for Me. Even in your prayer rooms, you could place some flowers to acknowledge Me and the saints. You love to take pictures of My flowers in nature, so you could buy some to show your love for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are more conscious of eating organic and good foods, instead of buying fast foods which may not be as healthy for you. It is when you are on the road, and your time is limited, that you sometimes purchase fast foods. You may eat these foods only in haste, but you should seek healthier foods at other times. Your society seems to be doing things in haste most of the time. This is why you have bad eating habits, and many of your people are overweight. I will see to your good diets at My refuges and in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know that My faithful are trying to do things for Me in helping others. You need to analyze how you spend your time each day. Instead of trying to work your prayers into your busy schedules, you need to give your prayer time a higher priority in your daily list of things to do. Without talking of love to Me in prayer, it is harder to truly have a good love relationship with Me. Do not save your prayers until late at night when you will be too tired to pray. Try to give Me your prayer time during the day. By making more time for Me in your busy schedules, then I will truly know how much you love Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you to perform acts of mercy for other people whenever you have the opportunity. Do not wait until you are sick to appreciate how important it is to pray for the sick, for those who are bedridden, and even for the souls suffering in purgatory. By praying for the sick, visiting the sick and lonely, and even visiting the elderly or prisoners, you are showing Me the love that you have for your neighbor, and Me in them. Give donations to the poor and the needy, even as you are praying for them. By doing these acts of mercy, you are storing up treasure in heaven for your judgment day.”


Friday, July 31, 2015: (St. Ignatius of Loyola)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading, you read of how God the Father gave instructions to Moses which feast days they were to honor Him. Two of the feast days, that were mentioned, are Passover and the feast of Booths. This is important because I have been talking about the Tetrad blood moons as your signs in the sky of some significant events that could happen around the end of September. A blood moon is when the earth eclipses the moon, and the moon takes on an orange or red color. It is a sign when this eclipse fell exactly on the two feasts of Passover and Booths both this year and last year. This cancelling of debts has had an influence on your money system in 2001, 2008, and now in 2015, every seven years. These Tetrad blood moons also are a sign of significant events for Israel. In the vision of your preparations in the basement, you are setting down your new rug, and rearranging your food and water storage. Once you have your things in their proper place, then you can go forward with your bedding preparations. You may have to forego some of your other plans to finish your preparations because your time to prepare is running out. Just as the Israelites had to heed God’s Words to Moses, so you need to heed My words about the events leading up to the end days of the Antichrist’s takeover. When your lives will be in danger, this will be why you will need to come to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages about how the Tetrad blood moons were indicating that a major event could occur in September. In another message I told you that Israel could be involved in a war with Iran. Israel cannot trust your President to defend them, if they were attacked by any Arab state, including Iran. Because Israel is feeling isolated with this latest agreement with Iran and the U.S., Israel may go ahead with its own pre-emptive attack on Iran, in desperation to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. In the vision you are seeing a very dark sky that represents war clouds between Israel and Iran. You are seeing Israel launching a nuclear device over Iran, high in the sky to cause an EMP shower, that could inactivate a good share of Iran’s chipped devices. Such a nuclear device could stop Iran’s nuclear bomb building program with little loss of life. If this was like a neutron bomb, it would not destroy any buildings, but it could kill some people. This would be a more dramatic attack that could cause more damage to Iran than only smart bombs from a plane attack. Expect some kind of a small war between Israel and Iran that is being foretold by the signs in the sky of the Tetrad blood moons.”


Saturday, August 1, 2015: (St. Alphonsus Liguori)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read of the cruel beheading of St. John the Baptist by Herod. This form of killing seems very gruesome, but it was done in England and in the French Revolution with a guillotine. In today’s world you are still seeing the brutality of the Moslem jihadists who are also beheading Christians. It is mentioned in the Book of Revelation that there will be martyrs for the faith when they are beheaded. You have also heard of how your Army forces have secured guillotines for when martial law is declared. The evil ones, who are following the orders of Satan, want to exterminate all Christians and believers in God. Over the years, you have seen man’s inhumanity to man, even as you are still killing millions of unborn babies. I tell you that all of those people, who kill people, will have to answer to Me for their crimes at the judgment.”


Sunday, August 2, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the desert the Israelites complained to Moses and Aaron that they had no food to eat or water to drink. Later, God the Father gave them manna to eat in the morning, and quail to eat in the evening. At another time Moses was called to strike a rock and water came forth. I have given you many messages of how I will feed My people at My refuges. I will have My angels bring you Holy Communion every day, if you do not have a priest. I am the Bread of Life, and you need to eat My Body and drink My Blood to have eternal life. In the evening I will send you deer in your refuges, so you can have meat. If you do not have a source of water, I will bring you springs of water. I will multiply your food and water so all the people, who come to your place, will have enough to survive. You have been making good progress in preparing both basements to store your food and water, as well as securing your bunk beds and mattresses for the people to sleep. Everyone at your refuges will take turns in washing clothes, preparing meals, and adoring Me in Adoration. Your tribulation time will be shortened for the sake of My elect. I continue to encourage you to get your preparations done as soon as possible. Trust in My help and My protection to endure the coming tribulation time.”


Monday, August 3, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Exodus in the desert I provided the Israelites with water and manna that they made into bread. Because they did not have vegetables or meat, the people complained to Moses. I sent them a punishment of poisonous snakes because these people called My food ‘wretched’. Moses later raised a bronze serpent that healed the people of their snake bites when they looked on the bronze serpent. I then sent the people quail at night for meat. People tend to complain when they do not get their way, or when things are not to their liking. In some severe cases, your complaints may be justified. In other cases, I provide you the grace to endure your trials, and the general necessities to survive. It is at times when the uncertainty of how to solve a problem, or you only have limited access to the food items that you like, which causes you to complain. I send you rain that helps to grow your crops, and you complain. You have to live in faith that I will provide for your needs, when you face a need for a job, or when you need enough food to eat for your family. I understand your complaints, but you need to be grateful and give thanks to Me for what you do have. In the tribulation time, you will be tested at My refuges because of a rustic living condition without much electricity. You will need to learn how to endure this trial of just having your bare necessities. So do not complain, but be thankful that My angels will protect you from the evil ones. You will have the Manna of My very Body and Blood in My consecrated Hosts. Some saints even survived on only eating My Hosts. It is better to be giving Me praise for My gifts to you, than to be complaining of your dislikes for things, or your inconveniences.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you have seen how China in recent years has built up its military, even its own navy. They have been taking over islands, and even creating new islands so they could claim more air space as their territory. Your ships and planes have been challenging these claims, and it puts both country’s planes and ships in close proximity. These are dangerous exercises that could cause an incident with one miscalculation. In a time when there are more threats in the world, your President is even cutting your men in uniform, and your ships and planes. Keep praying for peace between your country and China, because you are also doing a lot of trade with China. There are other threats of war in the Middle East that could break out at any time. A time of major incidents is already in the making for this fall. It is I who will choose when they can happen after My Warning.”


Tuesday, August 4, 2015: (St. John Vianney)
Jesus said: “My people, there are times when people make judgments about others without knowing all of the reasons for a person’s behavior. I am the only One to judge, because I do know everything about all of you. When you misjudge someone, you could cause some conflicts. Aaron and Mariam were critical of Moses for not marrying someone in their heritage. I have a plan for each person, and it may not be what others think is right. I see the big picture of salvation history, so you may not understand My ways. My messengers and prophets have flaws, as you all do in your sins, but they need to control themselves because of their missions. It is easy to complain about people’s flaws, but you need to give each other more respect as one of My faithful. Keep focused on your own missions, and hold fast to your faith in Me, and this will be enough for all of you to accomplish.”

Jesus said: “My people, your world and country events are occurring more frequently. You are seeing major fires in California, extensive flooding in Florida, and now you are seeing Puerto Rico defaulting on its debt payments. This is worse then Detroit, Michigan, and similar to the country of Greece. Many of the U.S. cities are also on the verge of default. The money problems are building up to even an overwhelming debt of your own government. You could easily see a domino effect from your many debt payments that will cause other defaults. It is impossible to keep giving out benefits in pensions, Social Security, and welfare, when there are not enough tax revenues to pay for it. America’s day of reckoning with its creditors is just a matter of time away. You are preparing your refuges for a time when the one world people will bring about martial law after My Warning. Keep working to save souls now, and after the Warning. Trust in My help to have My angels protect you, and multiply your food and water at My refuges.”


Wednesday, August 5, 2015: (Dedication of Mary Major Basilica)
Jesus said: “My people, you need to realize that all of your actions have consequences. In order to carry out your actions, you need to make free will decisions. I can see the intention in your hearts for all that you act out, so you cannot hide your true intentions from Me. Once the Israelites scouted the Promised Land, they noticed that the cities were well fortified, and the people there, looked like giants. The scouts were afraid to fight the people on the land, so they spread rumors among the Israelites that they should not fight the giants. Since the Israelites chose not to fight the giants, God the Father punished them for forty years in the desert until those, who refused to fight, had died. Moses also could not enter the Promised Land because he struck the rock twice instead of once to have water. In this first reading, you are seeing how I am so offended when you disobey My commands, and when you lack faith that I can defeat your enemies. You need to remember that I am more powerful than the evil ones, and that I can do the impossible in your eyes. The Israelite scouts defied the wishes of God the Father, and they were punished severely. I love My people, but there are consequences for your sinful behavior. You can come to Me in Confession to seek My forgiveness. If you violate My laws, and refuse to seek My forgiveness, then you too, will be treated severely, as the Israelites were. It is better to choose to follow My commands, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, even though chipped cards have advantages for inventory purposes, their main purpose is to have control over data, and even giving people’s location. Your chips are similar to your cell phones in that they are linked to your satellites and cell towers. It is one thing to have chipped cards with a choice to use it or not. It is another thing to be forced to have chipped credit cards. These chips also enable tracking of your cards by satellite. Some hackers can steal your information off of your smart card, just walking by you with a reader. If you put aluminum foil around your card, then you will be protected from hackers and satellites tracking you. When you need your card for a transaction, then you pull it out of its protection. You return it to your foil wrap after your transaction is done. None of these chipped devices will work at My refuges. Unfortunately, these chipped cards are the forerunner for the chip in the hand. Refuse to take any chips in your hand because this is the mark of the beast, and it will control your free will. Do not let the evil ones control you, no matter how much they threaten you. By remaining faithful to My Word, then My faithful will have their reward. Those people, who accept the chip in the body for their own needs, could see increased control over their lives. Follow My instructions at My refuges, and you will have all of your needs satisfied, and My angels will protect you.”


Thursday, August 6, 2015: (The Transfiguration)
Jesus said: “My people, this Transfiguration moment was a glorious moment for Me, when I was able to show My apostles exactly who I am in all My glory as a God-man. I even showed them Elijah and Moses, the two great Biblical figures that all the Israelites knew so well by their writings with the help of the Holy Spirit. St. Peter was so amazed by the Transfiguration that he wanted to set up three tents to remember this vision. Then God the Father said in an audible voice: ‘This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’ When the apostles looked up, then the vision was ended, and the white Light was gone. My disciples felt they were so honored to be witnesses of My manifestation. This was a preview of My Resurrection, but I did not want My disciples to reveal this to anyone until after My Resurrection, when I would rise from the dead. I foretold My Resurrection from the dead at least three times, but My apostles did not know about rising from the dead, because no one had done this before. Rejoice in this feast, because it is another witness of My power being greater than all the evil ones of this world.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when a refuge is built, it takes careful planning, and enough financial resources to pay for the wood and the laborers. The plywood you see in the vision gives you a flashback to when you were having your own refuge built. You were fortunate to have built your refuge in only four or five months. This was the first step, and now you have painted and put rugs down in both the new and old basements. You will be storing your food and water in their proper places. Then you need to organize some bedding for the people to sleep. You are making your preparations in haste, and My angels will multiply any further structures to provide for any places needed for the people who will come.”

Jesus said: “My people, your electrical lines are very vulnerable to attack from natural or terrorist activity. When you have no electricity, you will need lights and substitutes for your machines that no longer work. You need to have oil lamps with oil supplies, batteries, wind-up flashlights, and fuel to keep warm and provide for cooking. It is not easy to live without electricity, but you need to plan for this at your refuges. Trust in Me to provide for all of these needs over the less than 3½ years of the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are about done with your building and storing things. In getting your food organized, it needs to be stored in boxes on your shelves with adequate labeling. Take the recently purchased MREs and dried foods, and place them on your shelving. This is a better use of your shelving. Have all of your barrels loaded with fresh water as soon as possible. Your food and water are needed for your immediate survival. I will multiply them as it is needed for those who come. Getting your bedding together is your next necessity that needs to be in place. It is hard to get all of these things in place, but some of your other plans (not trips to talk) need less priority so you have your refuge ready. I will help you in all that is needed.”

Jesus said: “My people, for those faithful who will be moving to a final or interim refuge, you need to prepare your vehicles so they are available in good working order to take people to My refuges. You may have backpacks, tents, clothes, and trade tools that need to be placed in one space, so you can quickly load them into your vehicles. I am having you get prepared for leaving your home because events will happen fast after My Warning.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have shown you this basement scene before so you can place some bedding there for those who come. It may at first be used to hide people before martial law. If you have any open space left in your old basement, you could buy some cheap cots for more sleeping areas. You may even add some cots in your other bedrooms. You are being asked to house My faithful, so be prepared for a fair number to come and stay. Do not be afraid of how to help people, because I will help you with My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have described how beautiful My Transfiguration was in front of My apostles. My faithful may suffer during the tribulation, but you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace. This will be a new earth, and you will be living longer and healthier. There are many descriptions of this time in Isaiah, Daniel, and in the Book of Revelation. Do not lose hope, but trust in My coming victory over all evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, an evil time of persecution is coming, when your lives will be in danger from the Antichrist and the men in black. Do not be fearful of any people trying to kill you. Some may be martyred for their faith, but they will be instant saints in heaven. The rest of My faithful will be led by their guardian angels to My places of refuge by a small flame. My angels will protect you with an invisible shield so you will not need guns for your protection. I will give all of My faithful an interior message when it is time to leave for My refuges. Be calm and patient as I will provide for your needs and your protection.”


Friday, August 7, 2015: (St. Cajetan)
Jesus said: “My people, your life is not as complicated as you think, because there are really only two destinations for your soul, when you leave this life on earth. Your life here is a testing ground, or training for whether you want to come with Me in love to heaven, or go with Satan, who hates you, as you go to hell. If you choose to come with Me, then you need to give your life and your free will over to Me, and pick up your daily cross in following My ways. Your body and the devil are calling you away from Me, but your soul and spirit crave to be in My Presence at Mass and at Adoration. I desire to save all souls from hell, which is why I died to atone for all of your sins. It is each person’s decision to choose life with Me in following My Commandments and to seek My forgiveness of your sins. You are all sinners, and you are in need of My love and grace to keep you on the right path to heaven. You have weaknesses, but by accepting My mission, I can make you strong and prepare you for sainthood. My call is for you to love Me, and love your neighbor as yourself. Have faith and trust in Me, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many times when you find yourself trapped in a corner with no way out. For man your trials may seem impossible to endure, but I can do the impossible to help you, if you would ask My help. Games of chance can be frustrating when average frequencies are not always followed. If certain situations can cause you problems most of the time, it may be better to walk away from any occasions of sin. Your soul will find more peace in prayer, than in constant irritation playing games of chance. If people are critical of your choice, then just tell them it is better to please Me, than it is to please them. By spending more time following My mission, you will be more calm, and productive in doing My work.”


Saturday, August 8, 2015: (St. Dominic)
Jesus said: “My people, I am the ‘Tree of Life’ and you are My branches. Apart from Me, your spiritual life will die, and you will be cut off from My graces. I call you to pick up your own daily cross and carry it through life for My sake. You need to have faith in Me in all that you do, and I will help you to save souls, and heal people both in soul and body. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that you will have any gift of healing. The more you use your gifts, the more healing power that will go out to people through you. If you do not use your gifts often, then they will not be as effective. The people, who you pray over, need to have faith that I can heal them. You remember how I healed only a few foreigners in My hometown of Nazareth because of their lack of faith in Me. Even My apostles could not drive a certain demon out of someone, because the apostles had little faith. So it is with someone who is healing people. Even the healer needs to have faith that I can heal someone. By putting your full trust in Me, and in My power to heal people, My faithful could heal people also. When you pray over people, remember to imitate Me, as I healed both the body and the soul. If a person does not love Me, or does not believe in My healing power, there is little you can do for that person.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you can go from one country to another with a proper passport, or an extended driver’s license. I am showing you this walled border because your travel will be more restricted in the future. At some point before the tribulation starts, you will need a chip in the hand to go over the border, and then gradually you will need the same chip in the hand to go across state borders, or to travel on certain highways. You will soon see that such chips will be controlling your life in many ways. I have warned My faithful not to take any chips in the body. You may be considered even an outlaw for not having such a chip. Be prepared to come to My refuges when chips in the body will be mandatory. Do not fear the evil ones since I will be protecting you at My refuges.”


Sunday, August 9, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you read in today’s Gospel how I said: ‘I am the Bread that has come down from heaven.’ I am also the Bread of Life, because when you receive Me in Holy Communion, you receive My Real Presence in My Eucharist. You are always ready to eat at your three meals, because you know that food is necessary to keep your body alive. Your spiritual body also needs food to survive, and I am the Food to keep your spirit refreshed in My grace. Those people, who eat My Body and drink My Blood worthily, will have eternal life both on earth and in heaven. My Eucharist is the greatest gift of Myself that I could give you. It is a blessing to have faith in Me, and to believe in My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts. It is important to share My love and teach others about My Eucharist. It is also important to stress the need for a pure soul in order to receive Me in Holy Communion. You are all sinners, and you are in need of seeking My forgiveness in Confession. You should come to Me in the priest to show Me that you are truly sorry for offending Me in your sins, at least once a month. Those people, who receive Holy Communion with mortal sin on their souls, are committing another serious sin of sacrilege. I forgive all repentant sinners of their sins, but they need to make a forward action in seeking My forgiveness. The sacrament of Reconciliation takes away all sin, and it restores sanctifying grace to your soul, so you are a worthy vessel to receive Me in Holy Communion. These are the words of true life for your soul, to be united with Me in a loving relationship.”

(Procession in honor of God the Father) God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is happy with all of your prayers and devotions to Me. While you were outside, you could hear the birds singing, and you were seeing a beautiful sunny day for your procession. You appreciate My creation, but there are some atheists and others who do not want to believe My account of creation, as it is written in the Bible. The words of Scripture are recorded by men, but they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. I am the First Cause of all creation out of nothing, and your atheists are only proposing theories without any true proof. I am the Mastermind and Planner of all that you see in existence. Creation did not just happen on its own. It was by My Word that everything has come into being. Give praise and thanks to Me for your own very existence. Follow My ways and accept Me as your Creator, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”


Monday, August 10, 2015: (St. Lawrence)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s readings are all about being generous to others in your good deeds, your prayers, and your sharing of money with those in need. If you consider how gracious I am in providing for your needs each day, then you can see why I want you to share as well out of love for Me, and love for your neighbor. Some people have been blessed with wealth either from their labors or from inheritances. You are not here on this earth just to accumulate wealth only for yourself, but all that you have should be shared in part with others who are less fortunate. Giving of time, labor, and money should come out of love, and it is not forced. All that you share on earth, will be stored up as your treasure in heaven. It is this heavenly treasure that will offset your sins at the judgment. When I see your generosity with others, then I will know you are not hoarding your wealth only for yourself. You all need a certain income for your daily needs, but some have an excess wealth that can be shared, especially with the poor. Take a look at your income and how much you spend, and you can give away at least ten per cent of your after tax income. If you are only sharing a token amount, then you could consider more generous donations, if you can afford it.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people are trying to bring many divisions in your society over abortion, between the races, between men and women, between gays and straight people, between the rich and the poor, and even persecution of those who believe in God. They are hoping to bring chaos and hatred, that would give a reason for martial law. Your government is even openly training for martial law in several states. They are also activating many detention death camps, where they want to place all Christians, and those who do not want to go along with the new world order. You are soon seeing mandatory chips in your charge cards. This will eventually move to mandatory chips in the body. My faithful will be called to My refuges because you do not want to take any chips in your body that could control your free will. Have your things ready to leave because I will call you to My refuges before martial law starts. You can see this evil plan progress because I have given you the signs to look for. I will allow this evil tribulation only for a brief time, so you will not have to suffer long. Keep close to Me in prayer and visits to My Blessed Sacrament. Have faith in Me, and I will provide for you in your protection and your needs.”
Fr. Bart: Jesus said: “My people, Fr. Bart was greeted in heaven by all of his other priest friends that have died also. He will continue to be Gospa’s spiritual director, only from heaven. He was grateful for all those people who took care of him in his last days.”


Tuesday, August 11, 2015: (St. Clare)
Jesus said: “My people, when you see a fully formed baby in the nursery, you say how cute he or she is. A new baby is so precious in most of your eyes, but then how can a mother kill her own child by an abortion? Babies require a lot of care, but it is so selfish by a mother to kill her child for convenience or to save a little money. You cannot put a price on a child, whether in money or your time. Killing babies is so cruel and a huge mortal sin as well. I will forgive repentant sinners, but allowing a law to kill infants, is truly calling down My wrath on your country. Many countries also allow such killings, and they too will pay dearly for their crimes. It is unfortunate that all of your people do not value the preciousness of life at all stages of life. Your abortion mentality was started with birth control devices, vasectomies, and tubal ligations. Now, you have pills to kill the baby, and even pills to stop fertility. All of this is focused on pleasure and convenience, instead of bringing up your children. Your society is so lazy and selfish with your time, that you do not have a place in your hearts for My little ones. If you remember in the Scriptures, I said that those people, who harm My little ones, should have a millstone put around their necks, and be thrown into the sea. Of all of your sins, abortions offend Me the most because you are denying My plan for this life, and only I should give and take lives. So continue to pray for the stoppage of abortion, and encourage these mothers to have their children.”

Jesus said: “My son, as you see these different sized planes, you are reminded of how many flights that you take on various sized planes. You are grateful that you can travel to many far away places without taking too long to get there. You can imagine if My apostles had such an opportunity, how much more they could have accomplished. You are fortunate to be able to spread My Good News of salvation to many places all over your country. As events are getting more serious, it is important that you can prepare My people for the end times. I told you that these end time events would occur in your lifetime, so the people need to prepare themselves with daily prayer and frequent Confession. By keeping your soul holy, you are better prepared for My Warning experience. You do not want to see a judgment experience in hell to wake you up. All sinners will experience My Warning, and it will be an opportunity to better your life from what you are doing right now. You will see My reaction to all of your actions, and I will help all of you to live holier lives. Life is a spiritual struggle to imitate My life, but I give you the grace to endure all of your trials.”


Wednesday, August 12, 2015: (St. Jane Frances de Chantal)
Jesus said: “My people, today in the first reading, you are seeing the legacy of Moses, and how he was the only prophet and leader to talk to Me face to face. God the Father gave Moses the miracles in the plagues to free the Israelites from the power of the Pharaoh of Egypt. The Egyptian soldiers were killed in the Red Sea. God the Father also gave Moses the Ten Commandments of life on Mt. Sinai. These Ten Commandments were not only for the Israelites, but they were intended to be obeyed by everyone. The Israelites were finally led by Joshua into the Promised Land. Moses led the people through the desert, and they were given manna, water, and quail to eat and drink. They kept the Ark of the Covenant in a special tent, and Moses gave the Israelites the first five books of the Bible to store with the Ark. The Passover is one of the biggest feasts among the Jews because it marks the freeing of the people from Egypt. Easter is your biggest celebration also, because it is a sign of My death and Resurrection to free you from your sins. I am the promised Redeemer of all of mankind, as I am the Son of the Living God, who lives among you as a God-man.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want My people to be the good soil that produces thirty, sixty, and one hundredfold. I give all of you an equal opportunity to use your gifts to produce good fruit. You may help people with your prayers, your good deeds, or even evangelize them into the faith. It is those people, who do not use their gifts, that I will chastize for not doing what they should be doing. You have many options of how to use your time effectively. Do not waste your time on frivolous things or too much entertainment. You should do everything out of love for Me, and not just for yourself. Trust in Me to help you fulfill all of your needs, and to give you the grace to help others. You need to recognize when others are in need of your help, before they ask you. This is how I answer your prayers, because I know what you need before you ask Me. You should be thankful that you have a loving God who looks after all that you need, and I know when you need something.”


Thursday, August 13, 2015: (St. Pontian & St. Hippolytus)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land across the Jordan River. He assured the people that God was with them, when the Ark of the Covenant was placed in the Jordan River. The flow of the river was miraculously stopped. The people walked across on dry land, even as they walked across the Red Sea on dry land. This reminded the people of how they were saved from the Egyptians. Even so, God protected them from the other people on the land by helping to fight the Israelites’ battles. These accounts of the Israelites being protected, are also a sign of how I will protect My faithful in the coming tribulation. Some of My faithful will be martyred for their faith, but the rest will be protected by My angels at My refuges. You will not have to fight your persecutors of the one world people, because My angels will put an invisible shield around you. My angels will not allow people to enter into My refuges unless they have a cross on their foreheads. This is why your family members need to be converted after the Warning, or they could be lost to the Antichrist. Trust in Me to provide for your protection, and what you need to survive this trial.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing people getting sick more frequently, and for longer times to get better. There are several causes. More people have poor immune systems because your food is not as nutritious as in the past. You are seeing more drug resistant strains of bacteria like MRSA, that have learned to fight your modern antibiotics. Even the chemtrails are spreading diseases from the sky. I have advised people to build up their immune systems with Hawthorn herb pills, along with your vitamins and herbs. At My refuges you can be healed of diseases by looking on My luminous cross or drinking from the healing spring water.”

Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges I am encouraging My leaders to have two sources of fuel for heating and for cooking. Some have wood, kerosene, propane, or natural gas. I will multiply your fuels so you can keep warm and cook your meals. Whatever food items you have stored, I will preserve them so they do not go bad, and they can be multiplied. It is not easy to find fresh food for a lot of people, so I will send deer into your camps for meat. Trust in Me and My angels to provide food and water for your body. I will also provide you My Eucharist so you can have My spiritual food as well.”

Jesus said: “My son, every time you travel to give talks, you need to pray your St. Michael long form prayer for your protection because the devil tries to prevent your coming. Keep calm in your travel trials, and even pray on your return as well. When you travel, you are joining a network of My faithful, so they can keep in touch with each other. As you prepare for some coming events, keep praying for poor sinners and for the souls in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, in these end times, it is your rosaries and My sacraments that will be your best weapons against the evil ones of this age. Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament will continue at the homes, once your churches are closed. My angels will provide the consecrated Hosts when they are needed. You will have strength with My Real Presence among you. You could even survive on My Hosts if you did not have any food. You will have healing at My refuges with My luminous cross or your healing spring water. Trust in My protection, and how I will multiply your food.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not be fearful of the one world people who want to crash your financial system and take over your government. These evil ones are trying to control you with chips in your charge cards, your passports, and even your driver’s licenses. Eventually, they will make chips in the body mandatory. At that point My people will need to come to My refuges so you do not have to take chips in the body that could control your free will. At My refuges you will have everything provided, so you will not need money or guns.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to My refuges, I will not leave you orphans, and I truly will be performing miracles. Once people see such miracles, My faithful will relax in My hands and be calm. You need to be living in full trust of Me in providing for your survival. Your invisible shields will be another sign of My help. Have confidence in My help because I know all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you will be suffering many trials in the coming tribulation. I will never test you beyond your endurance, so you can trust that I will give you the grace needed to get through your trials. You will be tested for less than 3½ years, but this time will be shortened as I will shorten your actual days by speeding up the earth on its axis. I will be with you always in My Blessed Sacrament, and My angels will protect you from any of the evil ones who are trying to kill you. At the end of the tribulation, I will send My Comet of Chastisement that will cleanse the world of all the evil ones who will be cast into hell. Rejoice, My faithful, for your reward on earth and heaven will be more than you can imagine.”


Friday, August 14, 2015: (St. Maximillian Kolbe)
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of how St. Maximillian Kolbe died in being a martyr for another’s life. You have also heard the Gospel verse: ‘No greater love can one person have, than to give one’s life up for another.’ This is in fact what I did, when I gave up My life so that all of mankind could have salvation from their sins. I could even ask all of you if you were forced to accept Me or die, could you do this for Me in being a martyr? I know, My son, that you have said ‘yes’ to all that I have asked of you. Some of My faithful are dying, and you will die for Me as martyrs. You can also be a dry martyr and be persecuted for standing up for what My church teaches. You should be willing to protest abortions and stand up against the cruel killing of My babies. You may stand up against gay marriage in My Church, or any other heresies, even if they are uttered by a priest. Even as you may be persecuted unfairly, I have asked you to make no defense against others who spread lies about you. Instead, I want you to pray for the souls of your persecutors. I have told you many times that you are called to love everyone, even your enemies. By loving everyone, you will be imitating My love for all of you.”


Saturday, August 15, 2015: (The Assumption)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I love you all so much, and I thank you for praying my three rosaries every day. When you pray, my Son hears your prayers, and you are united with Him in love. My Lord has seen fit to raise me body and soul into heaven when my mission on earth was finished. My Assumption has even been accepted by the Church as a dogma of the faith. You will see my foot crush the head of the serpent, the devil. I watch over all of my children in love, and I am your intercessor of your prayers, as I bring them to my Son, Jesus. Hold your rosaries and scapulars close as your weapons of protection from the evil ones. I put my mantle of protection over all of my children as Jesus does not want to lose even one soul to the evil one. Give glory and thanks to my Son for all that He does for you every day. Go in peace to show your love and service to your Lord. I am the Ark of the Covenant as I held my Son in my womb. My children, you too are little arks of the covenant for a short time after you receive Jesus in Holy Communion. Be grateful for His greatest gift of Himself in His Eucharistic Presence.”


Sunday, August 16, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel has the heart of St. John’s account in Chapter six that describes My greatest gift of Myself to all of you in My Eucharistic Presence. I have told you how receiving Me in Holy Communion is the closest taste of heaven that you could have on earth. Those, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will have eternal life with Me forever in heaven. It takes a true gift of faith with My grace to fully grasp this belief in My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. My faithful need to be free of mortal sin in order to receive Me worthily into their hearts and souls. Some of My disciples left Me when I presented this teaching because they thought that I was calling them to cannibalism. I even asked My apostles if they would leave Me, but St. Peter said: ‘Lord, where else could we go, for you have the Words of everlasting life.’ The bread and wine are transubstantiated into My true Body and Blood when the priest consecrates these species. Belief in My Real Presence is difficult, unless My people have the grace to believe. Some say only thirty per cent of Roman Catholics believe in My Real Presence. For those, who believe in this miracle at every Mass, My believers will do everything to be at daily Mass, and they desire to be with Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I should be the center of your lives, and I am always ready to guide you in life, so you can be with Me in heaven one day. Your love for Me and your neighbor, is your preparation for being with Me in the glory of heaven. Keep your focus on Me, and keep the faith in Me for all that you do for Me to give Me greater glory.”


Monday, August 17, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, do not be afraid of what you are to eat and drink at My places of refuge. If you have a priest for Mass every day, you will be blessed. If you do not have a priest, I am showing you a vision of how St. Michael the archangel gave Holy Communion to the visionaries at Fatima, Portugal. My angels will give you Holy Communion every day, and you will have perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament at every refuge. You have heard in the past how some saints were able to live on only receiving Holy Communion. If you do not have enough food, you could live this way also. My refuge builders or My angels will provide the food you need. My angels will multiply your food and water, when it is needed. Bedding for your sleeping will also be provided. You will be praying more and helping each other in all of your spiritual and physical needs. Give thanks and praise to Me for watching over My children, even through the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you for many years that a time of persecution was coming when the Antichrist would declare himself at the tribulation time. I will warn My faithful with an interior message when it is time to leave your homes for My refuges. You have seen some places of refuge, and how they have stored some food and water. You could have water from lakes, rivers, or wells. You could even start a spring of water, or have the water multiplied by Me in your barrels. You will have bread in Holy Communion, and even deer will come into your camp for meat. You could store dried food, MREs, or canned goods. I have asked you to get some bunk beds, mattresses, and some cots with foam for sleeping places. You may have to get rid of some of your old things to make room for your bedding. My angels will put their protection around you with invisible shields. Be grateful that I will supply all of your needs at My refuges.”


Tuesday, August 18, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful for all of My refuge builders who have given their ‘yes’ to build refuges for Me for the end times. I realize that building refuges and preparing food, water, and bedding takes a lot of sacrifice, money, time, and physical effort. My refuge builders are building up My Church of the faithful remnant. I have warned you that there will be a division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. It is this faithful remnant that will be protected from the gates of hell. So My refuge builders will be supplying safe havens for My faithful remnant, who believe in Me, even if some are martyred. These builders also will be storing up treasure and graces in heaven for all that they are doing for Me on earth. My faithful remnant should also thank Me and these builders for making a place for their protection, and for being fed and housed. It is this remnant Church that I am calling My faithful to build up, because the rest of the evil ones, who do not believe, will receive a just punishment. Continue to give Me praise and thanks at My tabernacles, and later at My protected places of Adoration.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you saw a tsunami on the East coast of America, and a large wall of water went inland covering over the fields of crops. You saw a tidal wave which was caused by a comet that struck in the Atlantic Ocean. I have shown you this before, but as part of a Comet of Chastisement at the end of the tribulation. Such a comet could strike soon, if the tribulation and the Warning would appear in a short time. Make a thorough investigation of any comets that could come close to striking the earth in the near future. (There did not appear to be any comets striking the earth that NASA was willing to tell you.) No matter when My Comet of Chastisement strikes, I will protect My people from being killed by it. I will raise you up in the air so you are not killed. Then I will cast the evil ones into hell, and recreate the earth. My people will follow Me down into My Era of Peace. This Comet will come, but in My time and not your time.”


Thursday, August 20, 2015: (St. Bernard)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is about a king who invited people to his banquet. Some killed his servants, but the king had them killed and burned their city. Other guests were brought in from the street to fill the banquet, but some were not properly dressed. One guest, who was not properly dressed, was bound and cast outside. I invite many people to My banquet in heaven, but those, who do not have purified souls, are cast into hell. For many are invited, but few are chosen. Even in your world today, I invite people to be with Me in prayer and at Mass, but the majority do not have time for Me because they are busy with sports, entertainment, or they ignore Me. This is why the majority of the people will be lost in hell, because I only choose those souls, who take time to love Me as My faithful, and they are the few who are saved for heaven. Only those people, who seek My forgiveness and accept Me as Master of their lives, are the souls who are worthy of coming into My banquet of heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jeanne Marie said: “I am happy to greet all of you, and I am sad that I had to leave you so soon, but I had no control over my cancer. I love Al so much, and I am comforting him for his devotion and love of me. I will be watching out for him as he adjusts to his life without me. I was always happy to invite people over to see our large decorated Christmas tree. It would be nice if he continued this tradition, but it is not necessary. I will be suffering a short time in purgatory, so I would appreciate your prayers and Masses for My intention. Leave my picture around to remember me. I will be praying for all of my family and friends who I love so dearly. I enjoyed all of your friendships in life because you were always concerned about me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had an abundance of rain in your area, which is why everything is so green. You can pray for those areas that are not receiving enough rain to have more rain, as in California. It has been a dark few days, as you are mourning over the loss of another long time friend. You have lost three long time friends this year. Keep remembering them in your prayers, and pray for all the souls that are in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know that you have a lot of commitments for your first mission of giving talks. Do not be concerned over any trials that you face in your evangelization efforts. I will help you to have My messages spread wherever you go. In your second mission of preparing an interim refuge, you still need to finish cleaning up your new basement, so you could install your bunk beds. Get some mattresses and cots for your bedding, so you can house the people who will come to your refuge. I thank you for all that you have done, but your time is limited, and you need to finish your work.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people are trying to preserve their wealth and store up firearms for protection. Do not be so concerned about your money and your possessions because these things will pass away in your coming money crash. The one world people have a plan to crash your dollar, and takeover your country to make it a part of the North American Union. This will happen quickly after My Warning experience. Do not be concerned about dates, because I will choose when these things can happen. Be prepared to leave for My refuges, where I will protect My faithful and feed them.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know that you are concerned about any Church teaching that could come out of the coming Synod in October of this year. You know that I consider same sex marriage as an abomination, and it should not be accepted by My Church. If you see this being accepted, then you know that this is a heresy, and you do not have to accept it. Follow My Church’s current position. You can have love for these people, but you do not have to accept their sinful actions as legal in My Church. Stand up for what is taught in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You may see the beginnings of a split in My Church, but stay with the teachings of My Church in My faithful remnant.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Senate will vote on your agreement with Iran, but it will not matter because your President is determined to push this through. You know that Iran will cheat on this because they will be making a bomb underground. This is why any agreement with Iran is flawed, because they are intent on destroying Israel as soon as they have a device to launch. This is why there is a strong possibility of a war between Israel and Iran.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country has existed a long time based on your Constitution and obeying My Commandments. Your government is about to collapse, as you know it, because you are not following your own Constitution, and you are turning your back on Me in your laws and in your decisions. Any country that becomes corrupt and turns their back on Me, will not last, and America will soon fall as you know it. I will punish America for your abortions, fornications, and gay marriages by allowing the one world people to take you over. You will soon see a persecution of Christians and My believers, when you will have to come to My refuges for your protection.”


Friday, August 21, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I quoted the two Great Commandments of loving God and loving your neighbor to the Scribes and Pharisees. They were always trying to test Me and trip Me up, but I usually confounded them in their questions. My apostles and the people were always open to hear My parables, and the people came to Me for healings of their sicknesses and other afflictions. I sent My apostles out two by two so they could spread My Good News of My salvation. After I rose from the dead, they proclaimed My Resurrection as well. Today, I send out My evangelists and faithful people to continue spreading the Good News of My Resurrection, and they are to reach out to save souls. My messengers are also preaching about these end times, and the need for places of refuge during the tribulation. Listen to their words of warning in having your souls purified for the coming Warning experience.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are a few reasons that investors are concerned about the recent downturn in the stock indexes. There are some currencies that are going down vs. the dollar. China’s changes in their currency and the slow down in their economy, is affecting other countries. You are seeing lower gasoline prices because the price of oil has gone down. Some of your oil companies are shutting down oil wells because there is not enough profit to keep them running. Fracking has put more oil and gas on the market, so you have too much oil available, causing a reduced price of oil. This slump in stock prices could stop interest rates from rising, and it could continue even into a recession. The one world people are trying to cause a crash, and they are making investors nervous with this down trend. They are having some practice runs at trying to precipitate a crash, which could give a reason for a martial law takeover of your country. This is another reason to have your things ready to leave for your refuges. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, despite any chaos in your money system.”


Saturday, August 22, 2015: (Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, any confusion in the world is coming from the devil, as I crushed his head with my heel. There is a battle of good and evil in a struggle for souls. This is why it is so important to storm heaven with your daily three rosaries. I am thankful for my prayer warriors who pray every day for sinners and the souls in purgatory. As you pray and have Masses said for your deceased friends in purgatory, remember how I take many souls in purgatory up to heaven on my feast days. Make an extra effort in your prayers today, so I can go to my Son to beg for the release of more souls. I see how much you love your deceased friends, and I know how much you would like to see them come into heaven. When you pray, ask Jesus to have mercy on the souls of your deceased friends, so they could be released from purgatory. Have Masses said for them, and they could be released sooner.”

(4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you heard Joshua make a bold proclamation: ‘As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ Even in your early years, you remember how you are here on earth to know, love, and serve the Lord. You are serving Me in many ways in your prayers, in your good deeds, and even when you evangelize souls. You have served Me many years in spreading My messages and preparing people for the end times. You have also stood up against abortion in your prayers and public protests. Now you will be serving Me again in preparing your place to be an interim refuge. I want to thank you for moving ahead in making your bunk beds. You will need to get some mattresses, cots, and some foam for people to have sleeping quarters. Make some plans so you have time to prepare your safe haven.”


Sunday, August 23, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Cornerstone of your belief in Me, and I have the keys to eternal life. One key is My gift of faith so people can love Me, and trust that I will lead them on a path to heaven. Another key is My gift of Myself, both Body and Blood, that you receive in Holy Communion. A third key is how I forgive your sins in Confession to the priest. You need to keep your soul cleansed of your sins by frequent Confession, at least monthly. I gave My apostles the power to forgive sins in Confession, and the power to consecrate the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. In the Gospel it speaks of ‘Does this shock you?’ I am referring to giving you My Body to eat and My Blood to drink. This understanding of My Real Presence in the consecrated Host and wine, is not easy to comprehend. It is a spiritual mystery in how I allow the priest to transubstantiate the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This is only accepted by a gift of faith in My very words in St. John’s sixth Chapter. This is why some of My disciples stopped following Me, and even some today do not believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. But for those who do believe, you have Me intimately sharing Myself with them in Holy Communion. I give you the grace in this sacrament of My Eucharist to heal any effects of your sins, and I am with you always in My tabernacles.”


Monday, August 24, 2015: (Funeral Mass for Jeanne Marie)
Jeanne Marie said: “You can see how ecstatic I am to be with my Jesus in heaven. I want to thank all the priests, my family, and my friends for coming to my funeral Mass. I love you Al, Kurt, and Erick. Thank you for carrying out my wishes for my funeral Mass. I thank all of those people who cared for me in my last days. I was in purgatory briefly, but the Blessed Mother took me up to heaven on her feast day of her Queenship. I was brought to heaven because of your prayers, and anticipated Masses. So continue to have them offered. I also thank you John and Carol for bringing us together at your prayer group. I will be watching over Al and the family, and I will be praying for all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, much of your news and concern has been focused on China and its affect on your stock market, which has had a dramatic downturn. China’s economy is linked very closely to America’s corporations that have their products made there with cheap labor. China’s economy is slowing down, which will mean fewer products for Americans to buy. As China reduces its holding of Treasury Notes, this will put a strain on the financing of America’s debt. There has been a serious explosion in one of China’s cities, and news about the cause and damage has been blacked out in China. The extent of this damage implies an unusual source of destruction. Until there is more stability in China’s finances, you could see stock markets continue to be in jeopardy of further losses. This presents an opportunity for the one world people to take advantage of any financial upheavals that would lead to their planned martial law takeover. I have encouraged all of My refuge builders to have things ready because some serious events will threaten your lives. Trust in Me to take care of My people in the coming tribulation.”


Tuesday, August 25, 2015: (St. Louis)
Jesus said: “My people, there are plenty of hypocrites in your own society who proclaim to be righteous, but their actions greatly offend Me. This is like the parable on people who are judging their neighbors, but they are blind to their own evil actions. I told the people, that they need to take the wooden beam out of their own eye first, before they look to try and remove the speck out of their neighbor’s eye. Even in your own society, you are committing sins of abortion, fornication, homosexual acts, and many other evils. You will see My punishment carried out on your country for all the evil laws and decisions that violate My laws and Commandments. Other countries that violate My laws will also face My judgment of their actions. Many civilizations have been brought down from within because of their decadence and their evil actions. You have seen such examples throughout history. If you do not learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of other civilizations, then you will be repeating the same outcome of destruction.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that Christians will be persecuted first from within during the division of My Church. The schismatic church will be criticizing you because of your faithfulness to the teachings of My apostles. Then you will be persecuted by the media and even your government. Once your lives are in danger, I will first call you to secret meetings in your homes. Your prayer group will return to your home, and then your refuge mission will come into play. Pray for your enemies, but you will need My angel protection to protect you from the evil ones who want to kill you. You are seeing Christians being martyred overseas already, and soon you will see such killings in America.”


Wednesday, August 26, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I have called many people to set up refuges for the coming tribulation, but only a few people have given Me their ‘yes’ to go ahead. Planning a refuge requires consecrating the land, and having a possible source of water for drinking. You will all be acting independently from your normal services. You will need an alternate source of heat for keeping you warm in the winter, and for cooking. You will need to store some food in the basement, and possibly some water barrels to be multiplied. Some refuges have dedicated housing for dormitories. Others have regular beds and bunk beds where space is limited. Even some cots could be used for sleeping where such space has other uses. By providing for eating and sleeping, you will be able to accommodate your relatives, friends, or others who come. My angels will put a shield of invisibility around your dwellings, and they will keep out the evil ones who want to kill you. Trust in My protection and how I will provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of typhoons and hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean. Now, you are seeing more storms in the Atlantic Ocean as you are approaching the peak time for hurricanes in September. I am showing you a vision of a storm surge coming ashore in your country. You have seen some heavy rains in some parts of your country that have caused some flooding. Other areas are experiencing droughts and fires. Tornadoes and hurricanes cause a lot of damage throughout the year. If you add up all of your natural disasters, your country suffers millions of dollars of damage every year. Except for some government aid, your localities have to repair their own damage. Pray for all the victims of these disasters, so they can get housing and new jobs if their jobs were lost. Some of these disasters are man-made, and some are coming as a punishment for sin. Your abortions and sexual sins are constantly calling out for My justice. This is why your nation is suffering destruction at times. Continue to pray for sinners to repent, and continue your Masses of reparation for those people who are dying suddenly, without any preparation for their judgment.”


Thursday, August 27, 2015: (St. Monica)
Jesus said: “My people, you have experienced evil things on the earth as wars, killings, and many abortions. In the vision you are seeing an evil descending on the earth that will be the worst evil manifestation that you have ever seen. This evil will be the Antichrist as he comes into power with all the demons and evil people carrying out his misdeeds during the tribulation. In the end times you are seeing why I have asked My faithful to build refuges where My angels will defend My people from the evil ones who want to kill all of My believers. This truly will be a battle of good and evil, and it will bring on the Battle of Armageddon. Some of My faithful will be martyred for their faith, but they will become instant saints. I told people not to take a chip in the body, or the evil ones will control their free will like a robot that is hypnotized. Do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist, or he could force you to worship him. This is why, after the Warning, you will need to get rid of your TVs, computers, and any links to the internet. I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges of protection. Keep your souls clean so you will be strong to face the greatest evil that you will ever see. Trust in My help and My angel protection at My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in these latest gyrations in your stock market, there were many large investors who were shorting the market to take advantage of the small investors who were holding long positions. It is sad that some people could lose some of their life savings if they sold out on the way down. Some of the problems in China can affect a healthy American economy. China and other countries could cause problems for your debt financing by selling your Treasury Notes. Pray for your country and your people who are influenced by stock losses.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing ongoing problems as China’s firefighters are still battling fires in the port that had a large explosion. There is still a toxic rain in the area. You are seeing a desperate Chinese government that is lowering bank interest rates, and even buying stocks of large companies to stop their stock market from falling further. The money problems in China are not over, and this swoon in the U.S. markets can happen again.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing various cities and places like Puerto Rico who are defaulting on their loans. Such cities are having problems paying pension plans, health obligations, and welfare payments with a decreasing tax base. Without enough income to support these governments, these defaulting cities will have to cut back on services that they can no longer pay for. It will be impossible for your country’s government to bail out all of these cities because your government has a huge national debt already. Pray for these people so riots do not get out of hand.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are several European countries that are in near default, even as you just saw Greece getting bailed out. Your world economies are not as well off as America, and they are on the edge of defaulting on their loans. I have told you to look for some major financial problems this fall. As more economies become less likely to pay their debts, it will become too difficult to bail out all the coming defaults. This can cause some bank failures and a possible world slowdown or recession. Pray that the people in these countries can find food to survive.”

Jesus said: “My son, as you have been feeding people in various events, you are getting a sample of how you will be feeding many people at your refuge. Think of how you will have to use your own food and provide water for many people on different cooking devices without electricity. Start thinking of how you will need Me to multiply your fuels for heating and cooking. Call on Me to direct you in providing food, water, sleeping materials, and spiritual food by My angels or by My priests.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have made some big improvements with your bed plans, but now you need to finish securing your mattresses and more cots. When you see a lot of people at your house, think of how you would have to provide sleeping places for them. As you accomplish each task, I will help you organize what else is needed. Keep praying for My help in directing your refuge needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you go on these trips to various rustic settings, you are getting prepared how to live with less conveniences and more basic necessities. When you wash up in common bathrooms, and eat fewer meals, you will be living the rustic lives of many refuges. Making do with a minimum of lights and the bunk beds, will get you ready for your refuge living. Learn your needs from this trip, so you can plan what you will need for the people at your refuge. Trust in My protection, but some of you may also be called to be martyrs for your faith.”


Friday, August 28, 2015: (St. Augustine)
Jesus said: “My people, I call all of you to My banquet at the Sacrifice of the Mass. There are two images that come to mind when you hear the account of the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins. It was the wise virgins who had enough oil to burn their lamps bright, while the foolish virgins had their lamps go out. The spiritual explanation is that the wise virgins had enough grace to be worthy to receive Me at My banquet of Holy Communion. The foolish virgins needed more grace, meaning they needed to confess their sins to receive the grace needed to be worthy of receiving Me in Holy Communion. The physical explanation speaks to being ready to come to My refuges. The wise virgins again had prepared food, water, and bedding so they were ready for the coming tribulation. The foolish virgins are the people who heard My Word to be prepared, but they were too lazy to make any preparations. It is My refuge builders who are the true wise virgins who will welcome all of those people who are seeking My protection from the evil ones. Those people, who come to My refuges, can also be prepared with backpacks and bedding preparations. Be grateful that you will have Adoration and Holy Communion at every refuge, so each refuge will be a place of My banquet.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how hard it was to build your addition with all of your electric tools. After looking at the replica of an Indian village, you can imagine how much longer it took to build a similar structure without electricity. In your days, you have the luxury of a modern stove, free running water and ice, and a refrigerator. Even your cars make travel much quicker than horse drawn carriages. People survived without electricity and your modern conveniences for many years. You may have to get used to living this way again if you do not have solar power or a generator. You may have to look into the possibility of having a well dug on your property. Otherwise, I will have to multiply your water or provide a spring of water. You are seeing the same basic necessities needed in these old villages as food, water, and bedding. These things will be the same necessities needed at your refuges. Once you take care of your bedding needs, you may want to stock up on some more canned goods, pouches, or MREs. Having a source of water, or storing more barrels of water may be needed for bathing and drinking water for large numbers of people. By making your extra efforts now, you will be like the wise virgins who are well prepared for what is to come at your refuges.”


Saturday, August 29, 2015: (The Passion of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, you are called in this place of the martyrs, to imitate their faith and dedication to do My Will for you. You have many daily concerns about what you are to eat and where you will stay. Learn from this rustic life how you are totally dependent on Me for everything. Look around at your surroundings, and you can realize how little you really need in life. It is not necessary to have all of your modern comforts and entertainment to live. It is your spiritual life that you should be more concerned about in pleasing Me and following My mission for your lives. My mission is that you use your physical and spiritual talents for My greater glory. I call some faithful for special missions to help others with My Word, and even some are called to be priests and deacons. Be grateful also that I am calling some faithful to set up interim and final refuges. These places will be needed as safe havens during the tribulation. In all of your aspirations, I call all of you to be faithful to Me, even if you are threatened with your lives. Some may be physical martyrs, and some may suffer as dry martyrs. I thank all of you for being faithful to My call, just as the martyrs did.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are like pilgrims as you made the six mile walk of the Canadian Martyrs to the place of St. Ignatius’ cross. You suffered a little on your walk with some pain in your legs and your back, but you were determined to offer up any suffering for souls. You have been witnessing a rustic living, but you have been rewarded with great meals. The martyrs were with you on your walk, and they were grateful that you could come to this Shrine. You could remember them in any pictures that you have. Keep focused on both of your missions of spreading My Word and providing for the people at your refuge.”


Sunday, August 30, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Gospel about how the Scribes and Pharisees were very attentive to the letter of the law, but they did not always abide by the spirit of the law. Even today, many of you are so concerned with your outward appearances, so you look presentable to please mankind. But you are not as diligent in how your soul appears to Me in all of your ugly sins. Take care to be more concerned about keeping your soul pure on the inside than so much worry about how you appear on the outside of your body. It is for this hypocrisy that I was reprimanding the Scribes and Pharisees. So, My people need to observe the same lesson of keeping both the inside and the outside clean, but mostly to please Me more than mankind. My people, as you leave this place of the Canadian martyrs, call on them to protect you on your way home, and work to continue imitating their lives, even if you have to suffer persecution for your belief in Me. I see all the intentions in your heart and soul, so be watchful that you follow My laws in the spirit of loving Me and loving your neighbor.”


Monday, August 31, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, a prophet is not always accepted in his hometown, because the town people do not want to accept miracles from a person whom they know. This was a problem for Me, and it is even a problem for My prophets in their hometowns. I have been giving you messages about preparing an interim refuge in anticipation of the coming tribulation. You are seeing several confirmation signs that some significant events will be happening this fall. The Tetrad Blood moons and the year of the Shimetah are more signs in the sky of financial problems. I will use the one world people to carry out America’s punishment, but they will not threaten your lives until after My Warning. These events will happen according to My plan, even as I will allow sinners time to repent and convert their lives. This again is why I am warning My refuge builders to finish up their preparations. Trust in My protection and that I will provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have done well to get your mattresses for your beds. Now, your next step is to secure some cots with small mattresses so you can store more beds for other space that could serve two uses. Another step is to make sure that you have enough pillows, blankets, and sheets for your beds. Every week that you go shopping, you could pick up some extra canned goods for a balanced diet. It might be easier to use up your canned goods first, but buy food that you can rotate on your shelves. I keep mentioning your three basic needs of water, food, and sleeping accommodations. Once you have some basic supplies, then you can expand as space and time permits. It is true that I will multiply what you need, but you need to have something to multiply. Call on Me to answer any of your questions on what to have on hand. Even as you are buying what you need, you still have some clutter that needs cleaning up, and throwing out the things that are not useful. Keep working at a good pace without slowing down, or wasting your time. Remember also not to forget your daily prayers. Keep trusting in My protection, and follow My directions.”


Tuesday, September 1, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, remember that I am the Creator, and the demons are My creatures. All the demons know who I am, and when I command them, they must obey, no matter how many or how powerful they may be. My power far surpasses any power of the demons. I even gave power to My apostles to cast out demons from people. My exorcist priests are also given My authority to cast out demons. I give power to My faithful to pray deliverance prayers for possessed people. Pray as a group using the long form of the St. Michael prayer. You can also use the binding of the spirits prayer: ‘I bind any evil spirits in a person to the foot of My cross in My Name, Jesus.’ My Name has power, and the demons recognize My power, but you must have faith in Me, and use fasting in some cases, as I told you in the Scriptures. Trust in My power and call on Me, and I will send My angels when you are being attacked by demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country has gone through some serious financial disruptions in 2001 and 2008. You have had a calm stock market for several years, while your interest rates have been held near zero artificially. America’s corporations have transferred much of their manufacturing to China because of the cheap labor. In this process, America has become dependent on China for your things to buy, and they were buying your Treasury Debt Notes. As China’s economy cools off, and they start selling Treasury Notes, then you can see why your stock market is falling. The one world people want to take over America because your people are used to being free without a communist government. The evil ones want to bring about a financial collapse, so they could declare a martial law takeover. You are seeing signs in your markets, and many laws and decisions that have not been voted in by the people. You are also seeing chipped charge cards with a plan to force chips in the body on your people. This is why I am calling some faithful to set up refuges for this coming persecution of My believers. You are moving ahead to have more beds and bedding supplies for people to come to your refuge. You were asking about numbers, and I see that you may be able to handle about forty people without My multiplying your present space. Plan for this number in your supplies that I will multiply. If more people come, I will have to expand your facilities and multiply your food and water. I am grateful for all of your progress on such a short notice. Continue your preparations and clean up of some of your old things that could be discarded.”


Wednesday, September 2, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in St. Luke’s Gospel you see more of a focus on My healing of people because he was a physician. So in today’s Gospel you read of My healing of St. Peter’s mother-in-law, who had a fever. I also healed many sick people, and I even cast demons out of people to heal them. The people of Capharnaum tried to detain Me there, but I told them that I had to go to other towns to proclaim the Kingdom of God. This was part of My mission to reach all of those people in the tribes of Israel, the chosen people. St. Paul’s focus was to spread My Words of My Resurrection and My Kingdom to all the gentiles. You can read St. Paul’s accounts in the Acts of the Apostles and in his many letters or epistles to the people who he was evangelizing. By Baptism and Confirmation, I am calling all of My believers to spread My Gospel message, and work to save souls by evangelizing them. I am even sending out My special messengers and prophets also to spread My message of love to all the nations. I want all sinners to have an opportunity to be saved. This is why I will send out My Warning experience to everyone, so they will see their sins, and have a chance to repent and be saved. After the Warning, people will be very open to My faithful, who will be working hard to evangelize as many souls as possible. Some people will reject Me, but those, who repent of their sins, will find eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some heavy rains from the remnants of a tropical storm on the Southeast coast. America has not suffered much from any Atlantic Ocean hurricanes, but you are still seeing some mild flooding. There have been more storms in the Pacific Ocean, but only some rain and heavy surf have affected your lands, even in Hawaii. You have been more affected by the turbulence in your stock markets than by any physical storms. Most of your volatility has come as a result of a slow down in China’s economy. If China continues to sell your Treasury Notes instead of buying them, then America’s debt service could become a problem that will force your Federal Reserve to buy your debt. You have seen several quantitative easing sessions to put more money into circulation. This extra money has not been removed, so there is a chance of inflation if the Federal Reserve issues more bonds. Your economy is growing at over 3%, and there is a debate whether or not to raise interest rates. The volatility in your markets will continue until there is more certainty about a stable world economy. Pray that you do not have a financial crash, or your country could see a takeover by the one world people.”


Thursday, September 3, 2015: (Pope Gregory the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in the Scriptures how some of My followers were called by Me with various miracles. In today’s Gospel you are seeing a miraculous catch of many fish that was a call to mission for St. Peter, St. John, and St. James. St. Paul was thrown from his horse and a great light blinded him, as I asked him ‘Why he was persecuting Me?’ Other disciples were called without such miracles, but still they responded by following Me without questioning their call. You, My son, also had a miracle conversion of your computer addiction as you answered ‘yes’ to your mission of spreading My Word. Now, you are being called to a second mission of preparing an interim refuge with another ‘yes’ without question. You have seen many confirmations of small miracles to convince you of My call, and now answering My second request, has come normally as you are committed to do My Will. Once you are focused on Me in your Mass and daily prayers, doing My Will comes as a natural response. It is this natural response to My Word that orders all of My creation. I have given mankind a free will to obey Me or not. But once you have been given a gift of faith, your obedience is expected. Whenever you answer My call to a mission, you will receive the grace to endure any obstacles to your mission. The devil will try to distract you, and take your focus off of Me, but I will not leave My faithful as orphans, even if I need to send you My angels to fight your battles. Trust in Me to help you in all of your missions, so you can carry out My plan for your life.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that there would be a major event this fall. You could see a serious missile attack against your country in five of your cities. The terrorists, who attacked you before in 2001, have access to more sophisticated weapons, and they prefer to attack multiple cities. These missiles are being launched by sleeper cells of ISIS in various parts of your country. It will be hard to prevent such an attack. Pray for My help in any recovery from such an attack.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of the coming factors in when you will leave for My refuges is a coming declaration of martial law. The one world people are planning a takeover of America with martial law that will result from a bankruptcy, a pandemic virus, and terrorist activities. With these events happening, it will give your President an opportunity to declare martial law. My faithful will be at My refuges when this occurs.”

Jesus said: “My people, before the major events threaten your lives, I will send everyone their Warning experience. This illumination of conscience will show each person a life review and a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. This will happen to everyone at the same time outside of your body, and outside of time. You will have six weeks of time for conversions to change your lives. Be thankful that I will allow all sinners an opportunity to repent of their sins and convert their lives. This will be the best opportunity to save souls who love Me and want to accept Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, after My Warning experience, I will send all of My faithful an interior message of when it is time to leave for My refuges. I will warn you before martial law occurs so you can leave your homes before the men in black start coming to your houses to kill My believers. The Warning is your sign that the major events are about to happen. Once I warn you, call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge. Do not delay in leaving, or you could be captured and martyred. Call on Me to keep you calm, as your angels will make you invisible to your enemies.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning My refuge builders to be ready to receive My faithful into their safe havens. You will need to counsel these people who will be frightened by the threats to their lives. My refuges will be protected by My angels who will only allow people with crosses on their foreheads to enter. You will have food, water, fuel, and bedding multiplied so each person will have their own place. You will have daily Holy Communion, and perpetual Adoration at every refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, some refuges may have electricity from solar cells or generators, but most refuges will be using oil lamps for light, and crude cooking devices. My faithful will be thankful to My refuge builders for providing them a safe haven to live. My angels will shield you from the evil ones, and they will multiply all that you will need to survive. Each person will be working together for cooking, washing clothes, securing food, and contributing their talents.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called some of My faithful to help establish interim and final refuges so My faithful have a safe place to stay during the tribulation. Not everyone has answered ‘yes’, but I am thanking those people who have made this commitment. You may not realize how much work goes into preparing a refuge. I have asked My builders to have extra food and water that can be multiplied to feed the faithful who come. These builders need to make an effort to supply bedding with bunk beds, cots, and sleeping blankets. These things will also be multiplied if necessary. Trust in Me and I will provide the funding for your refuges. You will need the people, who come, to help you with supplying the food, water, beds, and hygiene supplies to everyone. Each refuge will be a loving community that will work as a team in prayer and helping your neighbor to survive.”


Friday, September 4, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, there are certain ways of making wine that take certain lengths of time in the fermentation of the sugar into alcohol. This is the physical nature of this process, and it cannot be rushed any sooner to make a good wine. In life you have man’s ways, and then you have My ways which cannot be compared. This is because your ways are imperfect, but My ways are total perfection. This is why I call you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. I know that you are sinners, and it is not in your human nature to be perfect because of the effects of Adam’s original sin. Once you are either purified in purgatory, or on earth through suffering, then you will appreciate the perfection and the holiness of My saints in heaven. Just as wine has to be cured in a lengthy process, so your souls also have to be purified over time until you are prepared for heaven. So do not be upset over your imperfections, but be grateful that you can have pure souls by confessing your sins to Me in the priest. Strive to seek holiness with My grace, and I will see the sincerity of your struggle to do good in following My laws. Those people, who repent of their sins, and accept Me as Master of their lives, will have their reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am repeating several facts in My messages, so you will be ready for when you will be coming to My refuges. I have made requests before that the people, who come to your refuges, should bring the tools and supplies of their trade, so they can share their skills to help that refuge. I will multiply your trade supplies so you can continue to provide your trades. Each refuge will have people who have different skills so you can each make your own contribution in helping the people at your refuge. Some people may have saws for cutting wood, others can help prepare the deer meat, some have sewing skills, while others are good at household chores. Everyone will be assigned tasks that will benefit your group. You all will take turns at various tasks, and at your Adoration hours around the clock. Be patient with each other, as there will be plenty of work to do in providing meals, washing, and providing places to sleep. You will only be enduring this refuge life for less than 3½ years before I will come in victory over the evil ones. Then I will lead you into My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, September 5, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to clean the trash out of your house, but it is another to purify your sinful trash out of your soul in Confession. Sometimes in older days you could see trash being burned up in a trash barrel. It is not accepted now, because of your pollution laws. Even now, you also see only a few people coming to Confession, usually on Saturday. You all are sinners, and yet only a few people see Confession as a true need to cleanse their souls. When My people see their Warning experience, they will have a different view of their sins in how they offend Me. There will be long lines with the priests working overtime in the confessional. This cleansing of souls is so needed, because if you could see the stench of black sins on the souls, you would want them cleansed as I desire it. Pray for souls to be converted both now and at the Warning. The Warning will come in My time, but you could prepare yourself with frequent Confession, monthly.”

(4:00 p.m. anticipation Mass) Jesus said: “My son, I am giving you a glimpse of what your Warning experience would be like. You will see how you progressed in your faith, and how I have used you to spread My messages over the internet and through your books to help evangelize souls. Your gift of My mission has held you close to Me, and you need to do everything for Me, and not just to please yourself. Once I helped break your programming addiction, you understood how you were wasting your time on earthly things, instead of letting Me run your life. You can see in your life review how events are intensifying, as you prepare your house to be an interim refuge. You are seeing the urgency in My messages as world events will become more serious, with evil growing in temporary power. This dramatic view of the Warning is another sign that the time of My Warning is about to be brought upon all sinners. After My Warning, you will have a time to repent before major events will lead up to the declaration of the Antichrist and the beginning of the tribulation. It is at that time when My faithful will be coming to My refuges, and you will be fulfilling your new mission. Trust in Me and My angels to protect those who are not martyred, and I will multiply what you need.”


Sunday, September 6, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you heard My words in how I healed the deaf mute (Mark 7:31-37). I took him aside from the crowd, and I touched his ears so he could hear. Then I put My spittle on his tongue so he could speak plainly. Many people were amazed at this healing, and word of this healing spread in the district of Tyre. My son, this is a perfect message for you, because I have called you to be one of My prophets, since I have given you many messages by your listening to My Word. I have also given you a mission to go out and speak My Word to all the nations. This is why you saw in the vision a large speaker and a big microphone. My Word is like the Light of understanding that must be proclaimed from the rooftops, and not kept under a bushel basket. You have seen some good fruit come forth from sharing My Word, when some people have been converted and saved from hell. Be grateful that I have given you this mission to share your faith and My Word with the people in your writings and DVDs.”


Monday, September 7, 2015: (Labor Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your water in your lakes, rivers, and oceans, and I am showing you how polluted and contaminated it is. You are seeing toxic algae blooms in some of your lakes because of the hot weather. In the Pacific Ocean you are still dealing with a plume of radiation from the Japanese nuclear plant that was destroyed. Your corporate waste streams and your treatment plants are also polluting your limited fresh water sources. With droughts your well water is going lower with more mineral pollution. Your pesticides and fertilizers add to your pollution. Your fresh water is so precious and necessary for life, but your people are not protecting your most needed resource. Pray that your leaders will see the danger in all of your water pollution.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you of a coming division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This vision is of a priest who has heard of some heresies being promoted by some clergy. He is in a state of shock in disbelief of what he was hearing. You will be hearing of more heresies, and an acceptance of same sex marriage, even among some clergy. Some elements of My Church will be misleading the people, and they will be forming the schismatic church that will eventually adopt New Age teachings. When you see these heresies in a church, you need to move to a more traditional church. Eventually, you will need to have your prayer meetings in the home, when the schismatic church takes over. This will be another sign of how close the time is when My faithful will need to come to My refuges for protection from the Christian persecution by the evil ones. Trust in My protection at My refuges where you will have Me Present in your perpetual Adoration.”


Tuesday, September 8, 2015: (Nativity of the Blessed Mother)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel gives you the genealogy of St. Joseph from Abraham. My Blessed Mother also was from the house of King David, because St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother had to register in Bethlehem, where I was born. The Archangel Gabriel brought a request for My Blessed Mother if she would be the Mother of God, and carry Me in her womb. She gave her great ‘fiat’ or ‘yes’ to the angel. It was by the power of the Holy Spirit that she conceived Me, and it was St. Joseph who finally accepted her into his home as his wife. This was even though My Blessed Mother was already pregnant. St. Joseph had an angel appear to him in a dream, and told him that My Blessed Mother conceived Me by the power of the Holy Spirit. This was to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah (7:14): ‘Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son; and they shall call His name, Emmanuel.’”

Jesus said: “My people, I know how many of you like to make time for Me in your prayers. You are careful to remember to make intentions for all of your prayers. I hear all of your prayers and I look for your intentions in your heart. I also want you to remember that when two or more of you pray together, I am there in your midst. This is why I encourage married couples to pray together, when you can, to help keep marriages together. When you pray and give everything over to Me, I will do the heavy lifting to change hearts that are open to loving Me. You saw in the movie how forgiving others and overcoming your pride, was the best way back into My graces. I ask you to seek My forgiveness of your sins, and allow Me to be the Master of your lives. I give all of you a free will, and you need to choose to love Me and obey My Commandments so you can be on the right path to heaven. Praying for others in your family, is also powerful to help save them from their sins. Stay true to your daily prayers, and you will have a great reward in heaven. Praying privately in your room can sometimes help you to be quiet in discerning My words of what you are to do.”


Wednesday, September 9, 2015: (St. Peter Claver)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a contrast in what people consider valuable as a treasure. You are seeing circular, unleavened wafers. When they are consecrated at a Mass, they become My very Body and Blood in My Real Presence. The other vision is of the minting of circular gold coins. A spirit filled person will consider My Eucharistic Hosts as the most valuable. An earthly person will consider the gold coins to be more valuable. There is a Scripture passage in St. Matthew (6:21) ‘For where thy treasure is, there also will thy heart be.’ There is another passage also in St. Matthew (6:24) ‘You cannot serve God and money’. It is true that you need some money to buy your necessities, but do not make money an idol that you worship before Me. This is against My First Commandment that says you are to worship only Me. Each person has two natures: an earthly nature, and a spiritual nature. You are joined in body and soul, but it is your soul that will live on forever, and the body will pass away. This is why your soul is more important than the body, since it is your eternal destination in heaven that is more important than money. Seek to follow Me on your path to heaven, more than being concerned with accumulating earthly wealth which will pass away.”

Jesus said: “My people, the low rainfall in the West has caused severe rationing of water, especially for lawns. They are even recommending rock gardens instead of small lawns. There are even penalties for people who use over a certain amount of water. It is hard to import water because it is expensive to transport it. Wells are running dry, and the heat is not letting up. People may have to resort to condensing water out of the air, or desalinating the ocean water. There are not many choices to buying bottled water from other places. Pray for these people because these water shortages are only going to continue. It is sad that the one world people are continuing to use the HAARP machine to cause droughts in California. You will suffer in your crop shortages as a result. This is why I am having you store food and water for the coming world famine.”


Friday, September 11, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people of America, you are remembering the people who were killed on 9-11-01 by the terrorists in destroying the two trade towers in New York City. This was a punishment of America, but it was also promulgated to cause America to attack the terrorists in Afghanistan. This was a sad day for America when three thousand Americans lost their lives. You are having memorial services for all those people who lost their lives, and for the families of the deceased. The one world people precipitate wars with such incidents. If your wars were closely analyzed, you would see how these evil ones make money on your wars, and they gain control over certain lands. There is a desire of these evil ones to involve America in another war with ISIS in the Middle East. Do not be surprised if you see another major attack from ISIS terrorists to cause such a war against them. The last time you had such an incident in 2001, there was also a large stock market decline. If you see another such created incident, there could be another effect on your financial system. Pray that your people stay close to Me, even if your country is not humbled again by a terrorist attack.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are a lot of confusing statements being made about some basic parts of the Christian faith. Most of this confusion is coming from Satan in order to divide My Church. You have heard of two heresies being promoted. One is that hell is not eternal, and the other is that the Church should accept same-sex marriage. My faithful need a moral compass, and you can find the truth of your Catholic Faith in reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You remember in your research where the Catechism openly teaches that hell is eternal. On the subject of same-sex marriage, I have told you that I created man and woman for a proper marriage. A marriage between two men or two women is unnatural, and it is an abomination in My eyes. Neither of these heresies should be accepted in My Church, and if you hear this proclaimed in a church, then avoid that church. I have told you that there will be a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. When the schismatic church takes over the churches, My faithful remnant will need to come to their homes for any prayer services. It will not be long when you will need to come to My refuges for protection from the evil ones, who want to kill all of My believers. After the Warning, you will see events lead up to the Antichrist declaring himself, and this will start the tribulation that I will shorten for the sake of My elect. Soon I will bring My victory over the evil ones, as they will be cast into hell. My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”


Saturday, September 12, 2015: (Most Holy Name of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, I brought My victory over sin and death into the world with My death on the cross and My Resurrection from the dead. This is the Good News that I want all of My faithful to rejoice in with My saving grace. When you seek My forgiveness of your sins, and accept Me as the Master over your lives, then you share in My salvation of your soul to be free from the bonds of your sins. I call all of My faithful to be strong in their faith by daily prayer, frequent Mass, and monthly Confession. Learn the tenets of your faith and defend them, and you will be building up your faith on the rock of St. Peter. Those people, who do not trust in Me, and do not believe in Me, are building their lives on sand, so they will not be able to stand up against the evil one. I want My faithful to act on their faith by doing good deeds for their neighbor, and this will be a witness to others that their fruit is coming from a good tree. Too many times you see the evil ones doing bad deeds, as they witness to bearing bad fruit from a bad tree. Those people, who are good, are on the way to heaven and they are following Me. Those people, who are evil, are on a path to hell, and are following the devil. My faithful are called to evangelize souls, so you can help save them from hell. You do not want to see any soul lost to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you two situations in life. In the first scene, it is someone who aspires to come to the higher levels of heaven. It is not easy to overcome the desires of the body, and sometimes you fall into sin. I love all of My faithful, even if they offend Me with their sins. I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation so you can come and ask My forgiveness for your sins. The vision of swimming in the water, represents how your sins can be cleansed in Confession. The climbing of stairs represents how people need to work harder to be holier persons, so they can one day be elevated to the higher places in heaven. There is another scene, but it is of souls in purgatory as they also aspire to be with God in heaven. The suffering of purification in purgatory is also represented by the swimming in water, but these souls are suffering a lot more by not seeing Me, and these souls are at the mercy of people on earth who pray for them. These poor souls can suffer many years until My Blessed Mother brings them to heaven. They are promised one day to be with Me, and I will determine their level in heaven. I want My souls on earth to be merciful for these souls in purgatory. They are saved, but your prayers and Masses can hasten the time of their release from purgatory. All of the souls that you help to heaven, will remember you forever, and they will pray for your release from any purgatory that you could suffer. Remember your prayer intentions for poor sinners and the poor souls in purgatory, and this could help you to gain the higher places in heaven that you desire.”


Sunday, September 13, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I looked with disdain on the Scribes and Pharisees because of the hypocrisy of their thoughts. They preached the law, but they did not have a true feeling of obeying My laws out of love. In your society also, you have laws on your books and decisions from your Supreme Court that defy My laws. One decision has allowed women to kill their children by abortion. Another decision has legalized same-sex marriage all over your country. Even a few states allow euthanasia or assisted suicide. You have evil inspired men and women on your Supreme Court who cannot separate politically correct laws from moral laws that follow My Ten Commandments. Spiritual laws are on a higher level than your earthly human laws. This is why it is more important to obey Me than to obey man. The evil ones may persecute you for not following the immoral laws of man, but you must be true to Me first, and do not obey such evil laws. The evil ones will try to imprison you, even as they jailed the woman who would not give out marriage licenses to gay couples. It is these corrupt laws and decisions that are killing My babies, and this will bring My judgment against your country. You will also be mandated soon to have chips in your body. Refuse to take any chips in the body that could control your free will, even if the authorities threaten to kill you. It is when your lives are at risk, that I will warn you that it is time to come to My refuges of protection. Have no fear of the evil ones, but focus on obeying My laws, even if you are called to be martyrs for your faith in Me. All martyrs for the faith will become instant saints in heaven. The rest of My faithful will be protected by My angels at My refuges.”


Monday, September 14, 2015: (The Exultation of the Holy Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, you are all blessed that I died for all the souls of mankind. I gave up My life on the cross so that all the people, who accept Me in love, will have eternal life in heaven. This is My promise to all of My disciples that you will die, but at the final judgment, you will all be resurrected body and soul to be with Me in heaven forever. I carried My cross of suffering to Calvary where I was crucified, and I paid the price of your sins with My Blood sacrifice. You repeat this sacrifice at the Mass as you eat My Body and drink My Blood. I have brought salvation to everyone who accepts Me and acts on My Word. I have broken the bonds of your sins to set you free. I call on you to carry your own cross of suffering to your Calvary at your death. All of you have to die in this life as a result of Adam’s sin. You cannot escape dying in your mortal bodies, but your soul lives on forever. It is the destination of your soul that is your most important choice in life. I call you to love Me as your Master, and to seek the forgiveness of your sins in Confession. By giving your allegiance to Me in all that you do, you will have your reward with Me one day in heaven. Pray also to bring as many souls as you can to Me, so they can be saved for heaven and avoid hell. Especially, be a witness of faith to your family and friends so they will desire to be with Me in heaven. I love all of you so much, and I gave up My life so everyone could come to heaven if each person so chose. Choose to be with the One who loves you in the glory of heaven, instead of being with the devil who hates you in the flames of hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people do not have the right priorities in their lives. Those people, who put their trust in Me to help them with their necessities, have the right attitude. It is your spiritual orientation that will help you throughout your life. You do not need a lot of money to have a family with the necessities of life. If you work hard and you are honest with people, you will make enough money to get by. It is when people are responsible in loving Me that they will live responsibly at their job and provide for their families. If you abuse your bodies with alcohol, drugs, and other addictions, then the devil will lead you into sin, and your life will be in chaos. Follow My Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbor, and you will have your reward. By doing good works for others, and helping needy people and the poor, you will be storing up treasures in heaven. Everyone will get tested with health problems, accidents, or financial losses. It is how you react to your problems that I am watching for. A good Christian will call on Me every day to help him or her, and not just in hard times. I hear your prayers, and I will help you in whatever is best for your soul, and the souls of others. Let Me guide you in your daily lives, and you will have no worries, no anxieties, and no fears, because I know what your need the most.”


Tuesday, September 15, 2015: (Our Lady of Sorrows)
Jesus said: “My people, you all have sorrows and difficulties to suffer in your lives. So it was with My Blessed Mother during her life. She first endured the blessing of Simeon when I was brought to the Temple for My circumcision. He told her a sword would later pierce her heart. Another scene was when Herod wanted to kill Me, and My family had to flee to Egypt. When I was twelve years old, My parents had lost Me, but I was teaching people in the Temple. When I was carrying My cross, My Blessed Mother was in agony to see Me scourged and bleeding, when she met Me on the way. Later, she saw Me dying on the cross, and I gave her over to St. John. Finally, she held My dead Body in her arms after they had taken Me down from the cross. My Blessed Mother had to endure all of these sorrows, as she pondered them in her heart. Even when you are going through your own trials, you can call on My Blessed Mother to console you because she feels your pain, and she will pray for you. You all have to go through death, pain, and tears, but you can call on Me and My Blessed Mother to endure them, and even offer up your hurts to help souls here and in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is just a matter of time when the one world people will close your banks, and turn off your electricity, as they declare a martial law. I will warn My people with an interior message when it is time to come to My refuges. Life is going to get very dangerous when people cannot get money out of the banks, and the stores are ransacked for what food and water was there. This is why I am having My refuge builders set up safe havens that will be protected by My angels and your shields of invisibility. At My refuges you will have food, water, and bedding accommodations which will be multiplied for your survival. The Antichrist will control the world for a short time, until I will bring My victory over all the evil ones. Trust in My power to control the evil people and the demons. Some of My faithful will be martyred, and become instant saints in heaven. The rest of My faithful will endure the tribulation at My refuges. Then you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”


Wednesday, September 16, 2015: (St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian)
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you this vision of a boat, as it is being steered by Me at the helm. I give you the right directions to follow Me to heaven, but you must be willing to say ‘yes’ for what I want you to do. I give all of you a free will to choose to love Me and follow Me, as I led My apostles. For those faithful, who do follow Me, even out of their comfort zone, I will give them the grace to endure their trials, and treasure will be stored up in heaven for their good deeds. I need to be the center of your life in your prayers, Masses, and all that you do for your neighbor out of love for Me. I am the rock for the foundation of your faith. I give you strength along with the Holy Spirit to help you with your mission of evangelization, and your mission to set up an interim refuge. You have answered My call, and I thank you for following My lead in both missions. You will face a major trial with the coming tribulation, but call on My help and My protection in all that you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many martyrs killed because they did not want to give up their faith. They would rather give up their lives than deny Me. You are seeing in the vision all the ruthless kings as Herod, and the emperors in Rome who killed many of the Early Christians. Herod gave the order to kill all the male children under two years old in Bethlehem in an attempt to kill Me. The emperors of Rome killed many Christians, even the early Popes. So it will be during the tribulation when the Antichrist and your leaders will be trying to kill all of My believers. This is why I am having My refuge builders make safe havens to protect My faithful from being killed. My angels will defend you from the evil ones at My refuges. When I come at the end of the tribulation, I will cast all of these evil leaders into hell for their misdeeds. This includes the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and all of his minions and demons as well. These evil ones may martyr some of My faithful, but in the end these murderers will suffer in hell forever. Trust in My protection from these killers.”


Thursday, September 17, 2015: (St. Robert Bellarmine)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I compared people’s sins to loans of money. If two people had loans forgiven, and one loan was ten times the other, surely the one who had a larger debt would be more thankful. I welcome all repentant sinners to come to Me in Confession for the forgiveness of their sins. Some people who do not come to Confession so often may also be more thankful than other people who come monthly. It is better to confess your sins more often, at least monthly, so you can still remember your faults and mistakes in sin. You receive My grace each time you receive My sacrament of Reconciliation. Some people find it hard to come to Confession because they are forced to root out any sinful addictions. It is difficult to admit your imperfections, but it is better to root out your sins, than to let them get worse by not coming to Confession so often. Some souls need to come more often instead of waiting to the last minute on their death bed, when it could be too late to make amends before they meet Me at their judgment. Do not put off Confession until an indefinite tomorrow, because today is an acceptable time.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some unusual heavy rains with some hail in some areas. Even some have died from an 8.3 earthquake off the coast of Chile. These natural disasters test the people with unsettled weather. Some areas, as in New York, are seeing four inches of rainfall over your normal level. Other areas in California are seeing ten inch deficits, and they are seeing historically large fires with hundreds of homes destroyed. Pray for all the victims of these fires, storms, and earthquakes. Many families will have to relocate all over again.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people die suddenly in severe storms or earthquakes, they may not have their souls purified to meet Me at their judgment. This is why you have been having your Masses of reparation for such troubled souls. These people may have need of your chaplet of Divine Mercy and your three beautiful prayers for the dying. With prayers and Masses for these victims, you could help save these souls from going to hell.”

I could see a tight schedule of talks and plans being made for our interim refuge. Jesus said: “My son, you have had a chance to come to several meetings for talks, as you sense an urgency to reach as many souls as possible before some serious events happen. You are making the best use of your time in reaching many souls with My messages. You also are being called to prepare food and bedding for about forty people at your interim refuge. You have ordered another ten cots which will give you forty sleeping places. I have given you the funds and time to set up your refuge in a short time. Be ready for those people who you will be sheltering in the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an increase in cancers due to your foods and your environment. Many people also are being stressed to make a living, which can weaken their immune systems. My people need to focus on trusting in Me for their needs and watching what they can do to build up their immune systems. Eating non-GMO foods and taking vitamins, herbs, and Hawthorn can help avoid some cancers. Pray for those people, who have cancer, so they could be healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, by getting regular medical checkups, you can have a better chance of catching any cancers early. Do not short yourself in getting checkups, even if you have to pay the whole bill. If you notice any unusual lumps or growths, you should seek immediate medical attention to test them for cancer. If you wait too long, you could let a cancer get more serious. Know the signs of cancer and keep a watch over your body. Some cancers can be treated if they are discovered early. Again you can pray for any cancer victims to be healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, once you experience My Warning, it will not be long before you will be coming to My refuges for protection from the evil ones who are trying to kill you. At My final refuges, you can look upon My Luminous cross and you will be healed of all of your health problems. At the interim refuges you will have spring water or holy water to heal any sickness. Give thanks and praise to Me for providing for your health, food, water, as well as a bed in a shelter. My angels will protect you and lead you safely to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been asking you to get prepared for My Warning and the coming tribulation for some years. Some have questioned if it is truly coming, but I told you it would be in your lifetime. One person told you that the Warning would be coming for sure. I would not have so many people preparing refuges unless they would be needed. Even now, you may want to have a year’s supply of food per person for the coming world famine. Call on Me to guard you and bring you to a safe place when you will need My protection.”


Friday, September 18, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you My Commandments because I want you to follow the desire of your soul in obedience to My laws. You are born with original sin, and your body craves to please your senses in usually sinful excesses. I give you a guardian angel to help direct you down the right path to holiness. I do not violate your free will, but I want you to love Me and your neighbor. In My Gospels I have advised you to be generous in sharing what you have with others. I have even suggested giving ten per cent of your income to charity causes, especially the poor and My Church. The more wealth that you are entrusted with, the more you should share with others. Even when you are asked to prepare a refuge, you will be sharing your wealth in buying food, bedding, and your other refuge needs. I see that you are generous, and I will multiply what is needed for the people. You are sharing your money, and your time, but you also need to share your faith in My messages and your healing gifts. All the money and prayers that you give to others, will store up treasure in heaven for your judgment. When you give of what you have, this is a way of thanking Me for My gifts to you. I take care of you in life, and now I will be providing for the people who come to your refuge by multiplying what they need.”


Saturday, September 19, 2015: (St. Januarius)
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with planting grass seed, and you need to be patient as you water the planted seed and watch the grass break through the soil. This parable of the Sower has been explained to you, where My Word is represented by the seed. In the vision, you are seeing the time of your life spread out and how you reacted to My Word of love. Some people fall away from My love as the devil distracts them with earthly pleasures. I am patient, and I wait for My faithful to come to Me in love. It is not easy for man or woman to be persistent in your love for Me and love for your neighbor. I wait for you to come to Confession and seek My forgiveness of your sins. During life some come back to Me later in life, some are faithful all of the time, and some reject Me. You all have free will and I wait for you to love Me in your time. You only have so many years in your life, so do not waste your time on your own desires, but focus your time on doing My Will for your mission. You can be fruitful in your good deeds and prayers, which store up treasure in heaven. Respond to My Word and My love, so you can also spread My Word of faith to your family and others. You are thankful for your gift of faith, so you can thank Me by sharing your gift of faith with other souls. Keep striving to save as many souls as you can, so they can be with Me in heaven and not lost in hell. Those people, who are faithful to Me in life, will share their reward of eternal life with Me in heaven. Hold Me in your hearts of love every day of your life.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have prepared a beautiful chapel and a large kitchen so you can provide a place to worship and a place for eating. You have also prepared your bunk beds in the basement with cots to provide for the forty people that could come to your refuge. You could even get some more canned food for your food storage. In the vision I am showing you your backyard and how you could build a latrine and possibly a pump to supply your water from a well. Check to see what your town requirements would be to drill a well, and how much it would cost. Then try to see how you could dig a latrine with some lime on hand. Your next project would be to see if you could install some solar cells for some electricity. I know you are starting a refuge late in a possible time of chaos, but move forward in what you need. If you have problems establishing these projects, then I will give you some alternatives.”


Sunday, September 20, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I want to focus this message on the sacrament of Reconciliation, which My people so desperately need for My grace and My forgiveness. I call all repentant sinners to come to Confession where you can confess your sins to the priest. I act through the priest to absolve you and forgive your sins, so you can have a pure soul with My sanctifying grace. There are many souls who do not come to Confession, even though they should. You are not perfect, and you commit sins that offend Me. This is why you need to come at least monthly to cleanse your souls of your sins. Before confessing your sins, you need to make a good examination of your conscience so you can remember your sins, and tell the priest how long it has been since your last Confession. After you have been absolved of your sins, remember to pray your penance from the priest before you forget. You should take your family with you to Confession so you can train them in this part of their faith. Remember to seek My forgiveness in Confession sooner if you have any mortal sin on your soul. You cannot receive Me in Holy Communion unless your soul is free of any mortal sin, or you will commit a sin of sacrilege. You want to have pure souls as much as you can, so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment when you will die. Living holy lives can also lead you to the higher places in heaven. I do not force souls to come to Confession, but I wait for you to come home to Me, even as the father of the Prodigal son waited for his son’s return. I thank all of you who come to frequent Confession, and I encourage all of your family and friends to cleanse their souls as well.”

Jesus said: “My son, be grateful that you are going out to many meeting places now, because there will come a time when your travel will be secret and restricted. Once your highways demand a chip in the hand, or an easy pass to travel with your van, then your travel will be much longer on side roads. I told you that your travel to your talks would become harder to get there. Eventually, you will no longer be able to travel either by van or by airplane. This is why you need to take advantage of what little time you have left to spread My Word. Once you can no longer travel, My Warning and My refuge time will be at hand. By reading the signs around you, you will be able to tell the timing of My Warning. After My Warning, you need to get your family together, and be ready to open your refuge to those who are coming. Work on evangelizing those people who are not coming to church, or your refuge angel may not accept them as part of My faithful. You will need to get acquainted with your refuge angel to allow people into your refuge. Be grateful that I am calling you to set up a refuge, so you can bring your relatives to your home. Trust in Me to put My protection around your refuges.”


Monday, September 21, 2015: (St. Matthew)
Jesus said: “My son, you have read about My calling of St. Matthew, the tax collector, to be one of My apostles. The Scribes and Pharisees criticized Me for eating and drinking with sinners. Then I told them that sick people need a physician to heal them, which meant that they need spiritual healing the most. I also said that I came to heal sinners and not the self-righteous. You all are sinners, and you are in need of cleansing your souls of your sins. I called many other disciples to come and follow Me, so they could be trained in My way of love, and later to spread the Good News of My death and Resurrection. It is My sacrifice on the cross that has brought salvation to all repentant sinners. Even today, I am still calling My disciples to spread My Good News and to evangelize those souls who need conversion. My son, I have called you also from your computer addiction that I healed. I have given you two missions now, one to alert the people of the end times, and the other is to set up an interim refuge. I have accepted your ‘yes’ to both missions, and I thank you for sharing My words with the people in your books and on the internet. You also have been asked to go out to all the nations to preach My Word and pray over the people. I have only a few messengers, and you have been faithful to My call. Now, you are also preparing your refuge for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You are seeing how Christians are being persecuted and even martyred in the Middle East. Soon you will see such persecution in America, as My faithful will be fleeing to My refuges of protection. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, and I am still coming to save as many sinners as possible, especially with My coming Warning experience.”

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am showing you a new way as indicated by the construction of a new road. This is a path to my Son’s refuges that you will be shown when it is time. I am asking all the refuge builders to get their supplies ready to share with the people when they are called by my Son to come. When you saw my lips moving, you heard what Ferdinand used to say: ‘Are you talking to me?’ So yes, I am talking to you now. Even if refuges are not preparing their food, water, and bedding, my Son will have His angels bring what you need. You will be seeing events lead up to my Son’s Warning experience, so be prepared by coming to frequent Confession. I thank you for your devotions to me by praying your rosaries for all the souls who are most in need of my Son’s graces.”

(Reparation Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I am proposing a question to all of you if you are being generous enough with your money, your time, or sharing your faith with family, friends, and others? Some people only give token amounts of help, when they could really share more if they wanted to. If you are a true Christian, you could share as much as possible to help someone in need. Do not be so selfish with your time and money, when you could help people with their needs. Sharing your faith or evangelizing souls, takes a little more spiritual courage, because doing so, might take some people out of their comfort zone. It might take some time and your personal interest to discover what people truly need help with. Once you realize the people’s needs, you might have to consider how much help you could afford to share. I told you that the more wealth that is given to you, means you are expected to share more. I thank you for all of your gifts of charity that will be storing up treasure in heaven for your judgment.”


Tuesday, September 22, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you have many hot spots of possible conflict in Korea, Ukraine, and the Middle East. The evil ones want to draw America into another conflict, and there are several places that this could happen. Some possible terrorist attacks in America could cause a reaction to attack ISIS. The one world people are planning some events to draw America into another conflict. They are also planning an internal situation that will trigger a call for martial law. I have told you before that I will send My Warning experience to everyone before your lives will be threatened in the coming Christian persecution in America. Be prepared after the Warning, when you will be called to My refuges for protection from the men in black who want to kill you. Trust in My protection during the coming chaos in your streets.”


Wednesday, September 23, 2015: (St. Padre Pio)
Jesus said: “My son, in today’s Gospel I told you how I sent My disciples out to preach My Good News to all the nations. I instructed them not to take any money or a second tunic with them, because they were worthy of being housed and fed by virtue of their mission. They were to be totally dependent on Me, and on the hospitality of the people who they met. I even told them to shake the dust from their feet of those people who rejected My Word as testimony against them. You, My son, are also sent out to spread My messages to many places in America. You also travel with a small amount of luggage of one bag, and your books and DVDs. You depend on Me also to bring you to your speaking places, as well as on the people to put you up with lodging, and provide your meals and transportation costs. I told you that you would be seeing more trials in your travels. You have seen planes miss their connections, persecution against you, and delays in your traveling in the van. Whenever you are spreading My Word, expect the demons to try and attack you to keep you from coming. Do not fear, for I will protect you as you pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer both coming and going. I thank you and your wife for continuing to carry out this mission of evangelizing people, as well as your new mission of preparing an interim refuge.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to get some more canned goods for immediate use. Make sure that you have some can openers to be stored with your cans. You can obtain what you want, but I will give you some suggestions. Peanut butter is always easy to store. You could also buy some baked beans, some stews, and some tunafish. You should start thinking of what you would like to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Dried meats may be another choice. By thinking of what you like to eat, you may choose something more to your liking. Oatmeal may be good for your breakfast with some dried or concentrated milk. Once you have decided what you want to store, then make a list so you can decide how much to buy. You may want to buy a small amount each week for what you can afford, and so you do not draw too much attention to your storage. Keep in mind to store a few of what you want multiplied, when it is needed for a lot of people. Plan your shopping list before you go to the store. I told you recently that events are close enough that you will not have to concern yourself with expiration dates. Your food and water are your biggest concerns. Trust in Me and I will provide what you need.”


Thursday, September 24, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading how the Israelites had to rebuild the Temple once they returned from the Babylonian Exile. This Temple was to give glory to God for His many gifts. Even now, you are seeing some people building their refuges that will be needed for protection during the tribulation. My son, you were given the funds, and now you have built a beautiful chapel, kitchen, and a new basement. You now have a place to worship Me, a place for people to eat, and even a place for people to sleep. You still need a little more planning for some food, and some other needs, if there is time to prepare them. You are doing all of this to give Me the greater glory. I will multiply your food, water, and your fuels. As the weather turns colder, you will have your wood and kerosene to provide heat and a means for heating your food. My people need to be grateful that I have inspired My refuge builders to prepare for the needs of My people. I will have My angels defend your refuges with invisible shields. Give glory and praise to Me for giving you a safe haven for your protection. This tribulation will be one of the hardest times for My people to survive. You will be leaving your homes, but you will have a new home for less than 3½ years, until you will be brought into My Era of Peace. Your refuges will be like an oasis among the evil of the Antichrist.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, for the first three hundred years after My death, there was a Christian persecution that killed many Christians. This is why Christians hid themselves in the catacombs to keep from being killed. Only after a long time could My followers come out of hiding. Today, you are again seeing Christians being killed by Moslems in the Middle East. This Christian persecution will be coming to America next. This is why I am having My refuge builders make safe havens so My angels will protect you with invisible shields. Be patient until I will bring My punishment on the evil ones to hell, while I will lead My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your people who are joyful to see Pope Francis come to your country. He is greeting your President, your Congress, and even the UN. He is bringing My message to your people, and he is sharing his love with all of you. Pray for his safe travel in your country.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing some people who are visiting your new chapel and all of your refuge preparations. They are impressed with the beauty of your chapel with your altar, the paintings, your Stations of the Cross, and all of your Mass preparations. Later on, you will see people coming to your refuge for protection during the tribulation. You are seeing your responsibility to provide what you need to feed them and provide sleeping quarters. I will multiply what you need at that time. Trust in Me, and do not worry about what is needed because My angels will help you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to have alternate fuel supplies in case your electricity is cut off. You have a wood burner, a kerosene heater, and a Colman stove for cooking along with the appropriate fuel supplies for each of them. You saw how cold it was this last winter, so you will need some means to heat your home. You may have to put a cover over your wood outside. Just keeping warm and providing food will be a major job when your people will need to help you. You may need your flash lights and oil lamps for light if you do not have solar cells. I will help you with electricity, a latrine, and a water source for your people. Be prepared to make do with what you have if there is not enough time for these projects to be completed. I could even have My angels help you to finish them. Trust in My help every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you to be prepared for My Warning experience by coming to Confession at least once a month. The Warning will be a great opportunity to re-convert your family members so they could be part of My faithful in having a cross marked on their foreheads. This would allow them into My refuges. You do not want to see any family members lost to the Antichrist. You have many physical things for the people, but you also need to have your Mass supplies and Adoration monstrance to help the people’s spiritual lives as well. You will have daily Holy Communion and perpetual Adoration for all of your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Warning will be the beginning of your major events such as a world famine, a division in My Church, a martial law, and a mandatory chip in the body. You will be told when to come to My refuges, and you will have to counsel people from their fears of the evil ones. Trust in My protection with My angel power, and have your souls and refuges ready for the worst evil you have ever seen.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to My refuges, it will be a time of chaos as you will be coming in haste for My protection. When you will see miracles of multiplication of things, this will calm down any fears in the people. You have read of My miracles, but you may not have witnessed any of them. You heard of how the priest fed five hundred people with one ham. Have faith in My miracles of food and protection, and you will see a modern day Exodus occurring right before your eyes.”


Friday, September 25, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I asked My apostles plainly ‘Who am I?’ After sharing what the people said, then St. Peter said: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I commended him for giving the correct answer, as it was the Holy Spirit speaking through him. I then told My apostles not to tell anyone about this, because it was part of My Messianic secret. I had also told My apostles how the Scribes and Pharisees would put Me to death, but I would rise on the third day. When I died and resurrected, these things would be part of the Good News that My apostles would preach. I call all peoples to come to know Me, and have a personal love relationship with Me, as I need to be the center of your lives. I need to know you by your love in your daily prayers. Let Me lead you as the Master of your life, and come to Me for the forgiveness of your sins. By accepting Me as your God, I will know you as one of My faithful, especially at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you many times to pray for your priests and bishops so they can continue to serve you with Mass and the sacraments. I have also given you many messages about preparing refuges, and preparing to come to My refuges in the end times. Some of My faithful could be martyred for their faith because of the Antichrist and his evil workers. My clergy are going to be even more targeted than Christians in general, because the devil knows the value of My priests in giving you My sacraments and the Mass. So if you know some priest friends, you could invite them to come to your refuge for protection during the tribulation. I will call My faithful to My refuges before martial law is declared. Continue to pray for your priests and even more so when they could be helping you at your refuges. I know some priests do not want to believe in My end time messages, as you have seen, but pray for all priests and bishops when they will face a Christian persecution, as in Early Christianity.”


Saturday, September 26, 2015: (Cosmas & Damien)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM comes to you because I have the solution for all of your problems in your society. It is love God and love your neighbor as yourself. You have heard Me talk of My Ten Commandments that I gave to Moses, but this is a gift of life so that everyone should obey Me and worship Me out of love. I call you to love Me of your own free will, and to make Me the Master of your lives. I have also called you to be perfect on your way to sainthood. This is a life’s work, but you need to keep improving if you are going to be a saint one day. I have showed you the path to heaven, but you will be in a battle with the devil every day of your life. Those people, who are successful in keeping their souls holy, will have their reward with Me in heaven. Becoming a saint, may seem impossible for man, but with My help, all things are possible. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones and remember to obey all of My Ten Commandments of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, explaining My existence requires an understanding of how things or persons have a first cause. You can take material things and make an art form where you are the cause of its shape. The real problem is to explain how this matter and even the universe came into being from nothing. I am the only true Cause of how anything comes into being, and it is My desire that such things continue to exist. Things and the universe cannot be formed out of chaos by chance, because there is order and beauty to everything in existence. This order also has to have a cause, and it is from My mind because I can do the impossible. It is difficult to convince an atheist of My existence because they cannot understand My love when I died for all of you on the cross. I also perform miracles of healing to let you know I am with you. Many of you have love relationships with Me, and this would not happen if I did not exist. I do exist, and you have to trust My Word in faith that I am the First Cause of everything that I have created. I am watching over all of you, and I give you guardian angels to help protect you from the evil one. When you call on Me in prayer, I act out of love to answer what is best for your soul and the souls of others. So trust in Me for all that you need and follow My laws, and you will have My reward in heaven.”


Sunday, September 27, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I truly was a carpenter, but now I am building up My Church. I told the fishermen that I called, that they would be fishers of men. You can see that your initial mission can be turned into a spiritual mission, because you are all called by Me to give witness to Me in your lives. If you are true Christians, you will imitate My life of simplicity and humility, but most of all imitate My love and allegiance to God the Father. Every day consecrate your day’s activities to Me, and let Me lead you in how you can give service to Me in all that you do. When your life is focused on Me as your Master, you will be living your faith in all of your actions. You have had a good retreat here this weekend, and you have had a chance to refresh your faith and share with all the other men in your meals, Masses, and prayers. Now, go out to your missions with My blessing to continue My work of building up My Church.”


Monday, September 28, 2015: (St. Wenceslaus)
Jesus said: “My people, I know a lot of people like to be in control of everything in their lives, but when you give your life and your free will over to Me, I am happy to lead you on your mission. Even as it is good to be under obedience to a spiritual director, it is also important to let Me be the driver of your lives. When I am at the center of your lives, you have direction where to go without having to find your way. Just as you use your GPS device to get to your destination, I am the ultimate source of direction for all of your needs, as I will be leading you to your eternal destination in heaven. When you look at all of what you are doing on earth, it is your most important desire to be with Me in heaven. All of your other desires are far less important. Loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself, is what your life is all about. You help others with your good deeds and your prayers. You show Me your love by doing everything out of love for Me. I am close to you in your prayers, your Masses, and when you visit Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. It is a joy for you to follow Me because I know what is best for your soul, and the souls of others. I love you when you are so considerate in helping others. Always keep love as your driving force in life, and you will be with Me in heaven where love is all consuming.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have mentioned to you before about building a shed in your backyard for multiple purposes. It would be good for storage, and you might consider a movable shed in case you want to move it to another location. This would free up some space in your garage, which is crowded with your other needs. Another project would be to get some prices on how much it would cost to install solar panels on your roof. This would include the solar panels, batteries, an inverter to convert DC to AC, and any wiring to make it independent of your current power input. You will have to decide how much power you will need to run lights and a minimum number of appliances. You were even considering some unusual sources of power, but again the output would be the major consideration. These projects are things you could accomplish right away. The solar power might get expensive, so you may have to put a limit on how much you can afford to spend, which would also limit your maximum appliance load. As you have time before things are about to happen, plan when you can accomplish these tasks. My angels may have to help you to finish these projects, but trust in Me to provide for your needs, and the needs of the people at your refuge.”


Tuesday, September 29, 2015: (Archangels Michael,Gabriel,Raphael)
St. Michael said: “I am Michael, and I stand before God at His service. I thank you for calling on me to protect you in your travels, and from the evil ones when you receive messages. You also are praying the long form of my prayer to help your family members to return to Mass on Sunday. When you call on me in prayer, I come with many angels because you are in a battle of good and evil. Awhile back you had an evil attack of the flies, but I was there to help your contractor and your friend get rid of them. You are feeling a sense of holiness and spiritual power in your chapel, because the angels are there to protect you. Give praise and thanks to God for these angels, and the guardian angels who are watching over you.”

(Camille Remacle Mass) Camille said: “Hello everybody, I am showing you the house that I lived in when I was in Belgium. You remember when the new owner saw me and recognized me from many years ago. He went up into the attic, and he gave us the cross that was blessing the house. If you can locate that cross, it would mean a lot to me if you could place that cross in your chapel, in memory of me. Your chapel is beautiful, and you have followed the Lord’s instructions for you in preparing this refuge. I too, can see the angels there, which is why you feel a holy presence. Your many relics are holy as well. Lydia and I wish all of you a happy 50th Wedding Anniversary. Say hello to Sharon, Dave, Vic, as well as all of the grandchildren, and even the new arrival, Collin Justin. We are still praying for all of you.”


Wednesday, September 30, 2015: (St. Jerome, 50th Wedding Anniv.)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Eastern Rite, you see a special altar that is enclosed from the rest of the church. This private chamber is where the priest offers the Mass. This has a special meaning for all of My refuge builders, who have prepared a special chapel to have Mass if a priest is available, and for Adoration. You, My son, have also prepared a special chapel with beautiful stained glass windows and the Stations of the Cross. You have taken great care and some expense to make a beautiful chapel. You have dedicated your chapel to the Eternal Father, and He is grateful for what you have done for His glory. You have prepared this interim refuge to provide a safe haven to protect God’s faithful remnant. Your Mass today, was dedicated also for your 50th Wedding Anniversary, as you have been blessed with many years of a happy marriage, along with all of your missions that you are both fulfilling. Continue to be a shining example of love to all couples who know you. I am blessing your marriage, just as the priest did on July 3 of this year.”

Jesus said: “My son, you keep moving along with all of your refuge tasks. You have secured some more canned food and MREs, even as you are preparing to send in your next book to your publisher. After the book is done, you will have to group your food types together so they can be labeled and put in one place. Having your food organized, will make it easier to find what you need. Storing more MREs will make it convenient to hand out meals to the people. Now that you are having to get supplies for forty people, you need at least two of what you will need multiplied. Stocking up more food will be needed when the people will come. Your next projects of a shed and solar power are in the planning stages. The solar power will take some thorough investigation into what is needed to get powered. This may have to wait until you have more funds available, but you can get plans made for what appliances will be needed. You also may have to get a few prices for comparison. As you are given more time, try to make the most use of it in improving your preparations. I thank you for moving ahead in providing what is needed for the people who come to your refuge. These people will also be thankful for all of your planning. Trust in My help and My angels to finish up what you are planning.”


Thursday, October 1, 2015: (St. Therese)
St. Therese said: “My son, your spiritual advisor is here to calm you down, and you need to move forward at a reasonable pace without rushing in haste. The Lord gives you your direction, so follow Him in all that He wants you to do. I treasured all of my duties, and I was happy to offer them up to Jesus for souls. You are receiving messages so they can be shared with the public both on the internet and in your books. Preparing your books are important, and you could be doing my novena for their success. Call on Jesus and the Holy Spirit to guide you in getting your book ready for publishing. You also have been called to prepare a refuge, and you could again pray for your guidance in all of your projects. By working with Jesus, you can fulfill all of His objectives. Remember to focus more on your prayer life, because this is your source of strength to accomplish God’s work.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, at My refuge chapels, you could have a priest to offer Mass during the tribulation. Then your people could receive Holy Communion every day. If you do not have a priest, then I will have My angels bring you daily Holy Communion. With one of the consecrated Hosts, you could place it in your monstrance for perpetual Adoration. All of My refuges will have My Real Presence, so I can strengthen all of My faithful throughout the whole tribulation time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some flooding all up and down the East coast from some strong rainstorms. Now you are seeing a major hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean. People need to prepare for floods and high winds where it comes closest to shore. Pray for the people affected by any storm damage, and that there will not be any deaths with enough warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, with the continuing fires out West, you could see a record year for acres burned in one year. You also have seen many homes burned and several evacuations. Pray for the victims of these fires and especially for any lost lives and lost homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing disasters in fires, tornadoes, and hurricanes this year that have taken a toll in lives and damaged property. These things are occurring as a punishment for your many sins of abortion, and your sexual sins. When you continue to violate My Commandments, your country will suffer dearly for your offenses. Instead of repenting and changing your ways, you are making same sex marriages and euthanasia legal in your laws and court decisions. As your sins grow worse, so your punishment will get worse as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have droughts in the West, and you are seeing excess rainfall with floods in the East. These conditions have not decreased your crops that much, but if these conditions persist, you could see the beginning of a world famine with scarce food supplies. I have asked My people to have one year’s supply of food per person on hand in anticipation of low food supplies and a possible control of food by chips in the body. This is not hoarding of food, but it is in preparation of a famine so you could share food with others.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I multiplied the two fish and five barley loaves to feed five thousand men. Even now, you will see Me multiplying food at My refuges so you will have enough food to eat. This multiplication of bread is how I will feed the people at My refuges with Holy Communion at your Masses. Rejoice that I will be with you every day in Holy Communion. You will not only have your body fed, but your spirit will be fed as well with My Blessed Sacrament.”

Jesus said: “My people, tomorrow is the feast of the Guardian Angels, and I have given every soul a guardian angel to watch over you during your whole life. You can remember to pray to your guardian angel every morning so you can acknowledge their help. Ask them to help you in fighting any occasion of sin. Listen to their suggestions to help your spiritual life. They will be guiding My faithful to My refuges when I warn My faithful it is time to leave. When you abort the unborn babies, these guardian angels of the aborted ones come to heaven to give testimony to Me when another life has been taken. You cannot hide your abortions from Me, no matter how secretly you try to cover up these killings. Learn to pray to your guardian angel for help.”


Friday, October 2, 2015: (Guardian Angel day - Mark)
St. Mark said: “I am Mark and I stand before God to watch over you. You would make my job easier if you controlled your driving habits. You need to only drive five mph more than the speed limit at the most. Do not race to beat the lights, and think of the safety of others and those in your car. You also need to put your prayer time as your number one priority, even if you have guests, or you are rushed to do things. If necessary, excuse yourself to pray, because your prayer time each day shows Our Lord how much you love Him and obey Him. I am also confirming that there are many angels present in your chapel, and you need to pray more there and remember your Stations of the Cross on Fridays. I try to give you urges to do things for God, so it would be good for you to follow My prompting. I know you have free will, but Our Lord sent me to help you. I am here to help you, so you can call on me through Jesus to give you advice.”

Jesus said: “My people, you live in an age where man’s technical knowledge has made great advances, but all of your knowledge is like dust to Me. There are some people who actually worship science more than Me. These people only believe in what they can see, and their spiritual lives are too wrapped up in earthly experiences. You are made up of body and soul, so your soul can only be satisfied in craving to be with Me, its Creator. Do not be misled by those people who are only focused on physical things and physical pleasures. There is more to life than being smart in this world, even in scientific machinery for space. Your faith in Me comes from understanding My Word in the Scriptures. Your soul is fed by receiving Me worthily in Holy Communion. This taste of heaven is far more important than the wealth and possessions of this world. Your soul lives on forever, and your body and this life are passing away. It is your eternal destination that you should be working on, by striving to be with Me forever in heaven. This will require confessing your sins and asking for My forgiveness. Your good deeds and righteous actions will put you on the right path to heaven. Let your soul’s desires overcome any of your earthly distractions. I wait for you to follow Me on your way to heaven. Let Me be the Master of your life, and you will be happy to live in obedience to Me.”


Saturday, October 3, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the vision of evil coming all over the earth. What you are seeing, is history repeating itself through mankind’s evil actions. In the first reading you saw how Israel was punished by an occupation of Assyrians because they had turned their backs on God, and they were worshiping idols and no-gods. So it is in the world today. You have sports, entertainment shows and devices, and pornography that are being worshiped as idols. You also have abortions, fornication, euthanasia, prostitution, and homosexual activity that are calling down My justice on many nations. You are seeing drugs and birth control pills and devices controlling your society. You know and see this evil that gets worse as you are passing laws for same sex marriage and euthanasia. I have given the people time to repent, but because they are not turning away from their sins, their weaknesses are leading them into more serious sins. This is why I will bring My justice against your nations. I will allow the one world people to place you into exile with a takeover of your country. You will be punished severely just as Israel was punished. I still love My people, and I will give you My refuges as a place of safety during the reign of the Antichrist in the tribulation. Then I will chastise the earth with a comet that will kill two-thirds of humanity. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am a jealous God, and I want My people to let Me be first in their lives. One of the devil’s tools against you, is to involve you in earthly addictions. Some people are addicted to watching TV, but there are many evils displayed that could influence your thinking in a bad way. Some people are addicted to sports, either watching or participating in them. You saw yourself how you could become addicted to computers or cell phone use. Many of your youth are connected to texting or social media. Still others are more seriously addicted to drugs, alcohol, or pornography. Addictions are like habits that give you some kind of pleasure, but they all have a way of controlling you. You can tell if you have an addiction when you cannot stop your habit. These addictions are hard to get rid of because they have demons attached to them. So do not let anything control you that you cannot stop. If you have Me as your central focus, then you will be better prepared to break any earthly addiction. Call on My help in your prayers and Masses to help you to break any addiction in your life. Do not let the devil distract you with all the cares and pleasures of your life on earth. I offer you eternal life in the happiness of heaven, while the devil can only offer you eternal suffering in the flames of hell.”


Sunday, October 4, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading in the Book of Genesis how I made man and woman in Adam and Eve, the first parents in marriage. I made Eve to be a helpmate to Adam. This is the first couple that I have given you as a model for all families. From the love environment of a marriage of a man and a woman, you have children born and raised. I did not create men to marry men or women to marry women. This is the devil’s distortion of marriage in today’s same sex marriage which is an abomination in My eyes. Marriage of a man and a woman is under attack in your society with living together without marriage, and many divorces and separations. In marriage the couples should be committing themselves for a life together, and not to think of divorce as a way out. It is up to each couple to do everything as ‘we’ and not ‘me’. Love comes from the heart, and I am the third partner in every marriage with the grace of My sacrament of Matrimony. I have told you before that the couple, who prays together as a family, will stay together in My love. When the couple continues their marriage for many years, they give balance to the lives of their children, and they give a good example that marriage can last until death. See how your love for Me can be brought into your love for a spouse, and your love for your children. There is only love in heaven, so you are preparing yourselves for heaven in every loving proper marriage.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to have some facilities made in your backyard. You are seeing a shed being built in your backyard to fit some of your things in the garage. This will be a multipurpose building that will fulfill your needs during the tribulation. You have also rearranged your canned foods in the basement so you can locate each item in one area. You are making steady progress in all of your preparations. Your latest project will be to look into an inexpensive solar cell system that could provide enough electricity for your lights and some appliances. Do some investigations this week to see what you could have installed. I will continue to guide you in your needs, so keep praying your novena to St. Therese for all of your projects.”


Monday, October 5, 2015: (Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos)
Jesus said: “My people, I call many messengers and prophets to do My missions, but some people do not always answer ‘yes’ right away. In Jonah’s case he did not want to stop the destruction of his people’s enemy. He tried to flee, but events, that I encouraged, brought him back in a miraculous way. He was thrown into the sea to save the rest of the people on the ship that was distressed by a violent storm. He then was in the belly of a fish for three days before he was thrown ashore. This was a parallel of how I was in the tomb for three days before I resurrected from the dead. I give everyone free will because I want My messengers to act freely in carrying out My missions. Those, who accept, will be given the grace to carry out their mission. Those, who are reluctant, as Jonah, can at times change their minds to follow My mission. Trust in My call so you can help your neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, your movie industry has been destroying the moral fiber of your country with its ‘R’ and ‘PG-13′ movies in your theaters. You see nudity, profanity,and killing made commonplace in your movie entertainment. These same kind of movies can also be seen on your cable TVs. With Hollywood brainwashing your people with sinful activity, it is no wonder that your society is falling apart with its decadence. Even worse are your ‘X’ rated pornography films, books, and other drug culture that is causing the breakup of families and destroying the morality of your children. You should avoid all of these evil movies, and encourage your children not to watch these movies either. There are some good movies, but you see how few people come to see them. Another bad effect of your evil movies, is how they are spread all over the world in other countries. Satan is controlling most of your TV programs and movies, which is why it may be better not to watch TV, or go to many movies. You do not need more occasions of sin, so take heed of what you and your children are watching.”


Tuesday, October 6, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, there have not been many examples like Nineveh, where the whole city repented of their sins and changed their evil ways. They were repenting to avoid the destruction of their city as Jonah had warned them. This was a miraculous conversion, and because of their change of heart, I relented from the punishment of their city. In today’s world, there is so much evil around, that it will take My Warning experience to even change some hearts. This will be like a near death experience, when people will see how their sins offend Me. They will see a mini-judgment, and those, who see hell, may change their ways to avoid that punishment. Man is in a weakened state in being tempted to sin, and it will take a supernatural intervention to wake up some souls. I desire people to come to Me out of love, but some souls after the Warning, may want to change their lives to avoid going to hell. The Warning will give all sinners one last chance to be saved, because time is running out before the Antichrist will be allowed to reign for a short time. If souls have not converted in the short time after the Warning, then they could be lost to the evil one, if they do not listen to their faithful family members. Your family members, who are away from Me, will be open more to your evangelization efforts after the Warning. They need to change to a believer so My angels can mark a cross on their foreheads. Only those people, who have crosses on their foreheads, will be allowed into My refuges. This will be a true test for everyone. Each person will either be in My camp, or in the camp of the devil.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to look into installing solar cells, batteries, and invertors at your house. You can put power on the grid, but you need to be able to turn switches off, so you can run independently off of your batteries. Look into what your maximum load would be without using your oven. This would help determine how expensive a unit you would need. Plan your money allocation to determine your cash flow for any purchase. Get at least two estimates from different suppliers. Having some electricity would be helpful for having lights and some appliances working both during blackouts, and being independent during the tribulation. You also may be able to cut down on your electric bill for now. When getting your estimates, try to get a time of start and completion from each vendor. You may have to go with which one can complete the job first. Call on My help to make any decisions along the way, and thank you for moving on this project as I asked you to do.”


Wednesday, October 7, 2015: (Our Lady of the Rosary)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading, Jonah was disappointed that I did not destroy Nineveh for all of their sins. He may not have known how the people repented and changed their ways. He had carried out the mission that I gave him, but now he was even angry with Me for not bringing any punishment on Nineveh. He was also angry when the gourd plant died, and he had to suffer the hot sun of the day. This account is actually about My mercy and forgiveness, when these people turned from their evil ways, and repented of their sins in sackcloth and ashes. This blessing of no destruction, was a reward for heeding My words in changing their ways. My people may also be disappointed that I am not bringing destruction upon the sinners of this world. You can trust Me that the evil ones will receive their punishment, but not right at this time. It is My Warning that will give all sinners a chance to repent and change their ways. Then you will see a brief test of evil in the tribulation. After this trial, the evil ones will be cast into hell, and My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, euthanasia, or doctor assisted suicide, can be dangerous in taking lives that is equal to murder. Older people, who come to a hospital for treatment, could see themselves in danger of being killed, either by accident or on purpose. At a certain age, eventually there is a plan to not treat older patients. It may be safer to not come to a hospital in those cases. There are other states who are approving medical marijuana use, and Colorado has even recreational marijuana allowed. This drug kills brain cells, and it is dubious to use it for medical reasons. When your people legalize drugs like marijuana, you are inviting more accidents in your cars, and bad effects of these drugs to harm people. Some politicians have plans to make money by taxing this drug use. They are not seeing the danger in destroying lives. It is better not to legalize drugs when they can harm people. You should vote down any calls for euthanasia, or the legalization of marijuana use.”


Thursday, October 8, 2015:
Jesus said: “My son, in today’s Gospel I was telling the people to ask Me what they needed, and I would answer them. I said: ‘Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened to you.’ Every time that you travel out to speak, you call on Me and St. Michael to give you safe, on time travel. You get tested at times with missed flights, and some small discomforts, but you still arrive safely. You are always willing to endure whatever travel problems that come up. As you travel to the Luminous Cross again, the Holy Spirit will lead you what to present to the people that will help them in their lives to grow closer to Me. Give thanks to Me for My messages which keep you close to Me in My Eucharist. Your second mission of having an interim refuge, will bring you new challenges. You are asking My help to carry out your next projects of your shed and some possible solar cells for electricity. You have been given some financial help to provide for your needs, so call on Me to guide you in what is the best way to accomplish your projects.”

Prayer Group:
St. Anthony said: “My son, you and your wife have been praying to me to find your lost piece of glass that shows the luminous cross. It was your wife who asked me to materialize this lost glass because it disappeared from sight. You both have looked at this spot before, and it was not where it was found. I performed this miracle for you so you could witness how I do answer prayers for lost things, especially for those who pray in faith. I saw the sincerity of your wife’s prayer, and I answered because of her great faith in my help.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just witnessed a historic level of rainfall in South Carolina that flooded rivers and broke dams. Over fifteen people were killed and millions of dollars of damage was a result of this storm event. This is one of this fall’s major events that surpassed all previous river flood levels. Be grateful that more people were not killed in such torrents of water.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just witnessed ten people being killed by a single gunman in another school shooting. You have seen a pattern of these mass killings usually by a mentally unstable person with an access to multiple weapons and plenty of ammunition. It was unclear if he was killed by police or by a self-inflicted wound. You have seen several of these killings in your schools, and it is hard to defend such targets where there is little or no security with weapons. Pray for the families who lost loved ones at this school.”

Jesus said: “My people, America’s involvement in ridding ISIS from Syria is being compromised by Russia’s entry into this war. With a multiple airplane attack and missiles launched from warships, Russia appeared to be bombing the same rebel force that was trying to topple Assad, and which America is supporting. ISIS was not being attacked except by American and coalition forces. There is a very obvious disagreement between American and Russian forces in who they are supporting. If there is not some peaceful agreement between Russia and the U.S., there could be a direct conflict between your two countries. Pray for an end to these conflicts before a more serious war could break out in Syria.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Federal Reserve is continuing to support your stock market with low interest rates, which have led to high prices for your stocks, and low interest rates for your bonds. The rich have been prospering with manipulated interest rates, but those people who are trying to save money, are getting little to no interest on their savings. If interest rates were at more historical rates of at least 4%, the retired people would be able to get more income. This subsidizing of Wall Street could lead to another investment bubble which could crash when higher rates will come.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen only a ten per cent correction in your stock prices that occurred in August. If your world economy stagnates or declines, your Federal Reserve may be slow to raise interest rates. Any interest rate hikes could precipitate a failure in derivatives that could still cause a bank failure. Such a crash could precipitate a martial law which is what your military is preparing for. You could even see your President declare martial law to keep himself in power as a dictator. Before any such disasters occur, I will bring My Warning to prepare sinners for the coming tribulation. I am having My faithful set up refuges to protect My faithful from the coming evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, up to now the Democrats have stopped any legislation that would challenge any of your President’s spending plans, such as the stoppage of Planned Parenthood funding. There will be future problems financing your budgets that could possibly shut down your government. Be prepared for any such shutdowns that could again lead into martial law. This is again why I have formed My refuges, and why stocking a year’s supply of food is a good backup for when stores could be closed in riots for food. Pray for My protection, especially after the Warning.”


Friday, October 9, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you should be thankful for this opportunity to make a pilgrimage to the Luminous Cross. Remember to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer both before and on your return from the Luminous Cross. This is for safe travel and protection from the attacks of the devil. You have seen several people healed at this site. As you pray for any healing, call on this healing power of Mine that comes from the Luminous Cross. During the tribulation, I told you that at My refuges you could receive healing of your ailments by looking on My Luminous Cross in the sky. Even now, as you look upon the Luminous Cross at Thermal, Ca., I will enable healing upon My people both in body and soul. Remember when you pray for healing people, you need to pray for both a physical and a spiritual healing. As you are enjoying your pilgrimage, remember to act as a true pilgrim and give reverence to the holy ground of My Presence in this miracle of the Luminous Cross. I love all of My pilgrims, and you will gain My graces for your pilgrimage to the Luminous Cross. My Blessed Mother and I bless all of you, and we will receive all of your petitions of the people that you are praying for.”


Saturday, October 10, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of you for coming to My Luminous Cross at today’s Mass. I am showing you how I was suffering My Agony in the Garden of Gethsemene as an example of how I want you to make holy hours every day in your prayers. I went back to My apostles and I found them sleeping. I asked them: ‘Could you not spend one hour with Me in prayer?’ So now I am asking all of you: ‘Could you not spend one hour with Me on Sunday at Mass?’ You spend all the hours of the week on yourself, and all I am asking for is one of your weekly hours to give Me worship on Sunday. There are many Catholics in name only, because many do not take time to come to Sunday Mass. I am your Creator and your Redeemer, and I am worthy of your worship on every Sunday which is My day of rest. You are celebrating My sacramental Presence in My consecrated Host in the Mass. But you also are witnessing My healing Presence in My Luminous Cross. Give honor and thanks for this miraculous Luminous Cross that shines with My Light, even when there is no other source of light. I will continue to heal My people here and at all of My refuges, especially during the tribulation. You will see Luminous crosses in the sky over My refuges protecting you and healing you.”


Sunday, October 11, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I called the young man to give up his wealth and follow Me, but he went away sad because he had many possessions. I also call all of My followers to help build up My Church. It is not easy to give up your comfort zone and follow Me. I want you to give back to your God for your beautiful gift of faith. You can share your money, your time, your labor, and your faith. If you walk away from Me like the young man, then you are failing to put your faith into action. Instead, you need to give Me your ‘yes’ of your free will that you are willing to make a faith commitment to Me in whatever it may cost you. Do not worry about spending your money, or giving your time to evangelize souls for heaven. Everything that you have, has been given to you by Me. This is why all that you give back to Me, will be stored up as treasure in heaven that is worth more than anything on earth. You are leaving this place of My Luminous Cross tonight, but I want all of you to take home My Light of faith and healing, so you can share this experience with your family and friends. Give praise and thanks to Me for this gift of My Luminous Cross and your own gift of faith.”


Monday, October 12, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I have loved all of you all the time at every moment, and I will continue to love you, even in your soul after your death. I loved you when I created your soul and body in your mother’s womb. I love you every moment of every day of your life. I love you now, and I will love you forever. This eternal flame represents My eternal love for everyone, even those people who reject Me. In response to My love, I desire in your human possible way to show Me your love in every moment in your prayers, in your good deeds, in your Holy Communions, and in all of your moments that you adore Me. Remember what I told Martha about her sister Mary. Mary stayed by Me to listen to My words, and she adored Me. I told Martha that Mary has chosen the better part of loving Me, and it shall not be taken away from her. My people, if you focused on loving Me every moment, the devil could never get you to sin. Even if you said: ‘Jesus, I love you.’ all the time during the day, you would please Me greatly. When you love your wife or husband, you are constantly showing your love by being with your spouse, and caring for each other’s needs. In a similar way, I want you to imitate My love for others, and tell Me how much you love Me. Remember that in heaven there is only love and peace. So when you love Me and love your neighbor as yourself, you are preparing yourself for an eternity of love with Me in heaven.”

(Canadian Thanksgiving Day). Jesus said: “My people, it is a happy moment when all of your family members can come together from all over to enjoy each other’s company and share your stories of life. This is a great time to catch up on how each of your children and grandchildren are doing. It is a time to also support one another both physically and spiritually. Try to avoid watching TV, so you can spend some quality time with your family members. My son, keep in mind that you would like to have your family stay with you at your refuge. You will have an opportunity after the Warning to work on evangelizing any family members that may be away from Me for any reason. You are thankful for all of My gifts to you and this meal is a chance to thank Me for all the lives of your family that are in your care. You also have spiritual families that you are close to, as in your prayer group and your family at your Sunday Mass. You share a spiritual bond with all of your friends, and you are familiar with your neighbors in church. You even have a wider family in the human family all over the world. I have asked you to pray for all sinners who have not been judged yet. I have even asked some of you to reach out in love to evangelize souls in all of the nations. You all are called by your Baptism and Confirmation to try and save as many souls as you can with My help. I have brought salvation to all of you with My death on the cross. You are My hands and My feet to bring My Good News to everyone, and encourage them to accept Me as Master of their lives by seeking My forgiveness of their sins. Rejoice and give thanks to Me for bringing you salvation and the gift of life to each of you. You have My gift of faith and My sacraments to also be thankful for. Remember the reason for your Thanksgiving feast, which should be to give Me thanks for all that you have.”


Tuesday, October 13, 2015: (Our Lady of Fatima)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first vision, I was showing you the waters of the latrine in the pipe that represents the stench of all the sins in the world. You are sensing how this evil in the world is growing worse with time, as nothing appears to be sacred to the people. You are enveloped in so much sin that at times it overwhelms you. Keep in mind that I am always with you in My Eucharist, and I am more powerful that all of the demons and evil people. You see evil, but do not give credit to the demons’ power. Instead, call on My power to protect you from Satan’s temptations. I have mercy on all of mankind when I died on the cross to bring you all salvation. Now, in the second vision you are seeing the cleansing waters of Baptism and Reconciliation that will wipe away your sins, and give you a pure, white soul, free of sin. It is a pure, contrite, and humble soul that I desire from all of you. This takes an action of your free will to ask My forgiveness of your sins, and your ‘yes’ to follow My Divine Will. This is how I can be the Master of your lives, when you open your soul to My grace, so you can fulfill My mission for you. So do not be fearful of all the evil in the world because I have conquered death and sin in the world with My death and Resurrection. It is this Good News of conversion that I want My followers to spread all over the world, despite any persecution that you may face.”

Our Lady said: “My son, you remember on August 13, 1987 when you did a pilgrimage to Fatima, Portugal. They were celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the apparitions, and there were many people that filled the plaza. You also started your prayer group as a Blue Army cell in 1973, so you have been praying your rosaries at home and in the church for forty-two years. You truly have connections with my apparitions in Fatima, Portugal. I love all of my pilgrims and your prayer group members for being faithful to praying my rosary. Your friend also had a miracle picture of my traveling statue of Fatima. These are all beautiful memories with my commemoration of the apparitions to the three children at Fatima in 1917. These messages and secrets will be fulfilled in God’s time.”


Wednesday, October 14, 2015: (St. Collistus I)
Jesus said: “My people, whenever you buy a new car or a late model used car, you may take pride in how nice it looks. Keep in mind that the things of this world will pass away, which is why I am showing you the old cars in a junkyard. Do not let your possessions become more important than Me in your life. Some people let possessions and money become their gods because they have forgotten Me, or they never wanted to learn about Me. Do not let your pride make you think that you or your possessions are more important than Me. I should be first in your lives, and I desire that you worship only Me before anything or anyone else. You need to put your spiritual priorities before any of your earthly priorities, because your body and this life are passing away. It is the eternal destination for your soul that should be focused on Me in heaven. You were placed here to know, love, and serve Me, but I gave you a free will so you can love Me by your own decision. I criticized the Pharisees and the lawyers because of their hypocrisy in doing everything for show. Everything that you have, I have gifted to you, so you should be worshiping Me, and thanking Me for all that you have received.”

Jesus said: “My son, this vision of a raft as a backup, relates to your backup heating of your house, if you lost power or access to natural gas. You are starting to see the weather get colder, as you are approaching another heating season for the winter. You need to burn a fire in your fireplace to see how much heat you could get in your lower rooms of the first floor. You can also try using your kerosene heater as well. If you need to heat more rooms, you may need to use both sources of heating. I will multiply your fuels when it is needed for heating and cooking. You may want to try your small Coleman stove with a small propane bottle. Having working heaters is essential for keeping people warm in the winter. You may want to look into buying some more warm blankets for forty people to have at least one warm blanket. When the cold of winter comes, you will be happy to have warm blankets and warm coats for the people. Trust in Me to advise you in your current needs. Work on your solar plans so you can be ready to go when your money is available.”


Thursday, October 15, 2015: (St. Teresa of Jesus, Avila)
Jesus said: “My people, you are now thinking of donating to your bishop’s appeal, and helping to supply food to those who are less fortunate. You always have poor people who are in need of food, which they may not be able to afford. It is hard to go through life hungry without anything to eat. This is also why it is a good cause to donate money or food to your local food shelves, where the poor come for food. America is the land of plenty, but there are still some children who find it hard to get enough food to eat. Donations can also be sent to orphanages who rely on the public to support the children without parents. As you think about food, you may also want to have a little extra food in your pantry in case there is a food disruption. At times in the winter or with storms, you may not be able to get to the store, or the trucks cannot deliver food to the store. Even My refuge builders need to store food that I will multiply in the tribulation. Be thankful for your farmers who supply your food.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have cash and coins, but this is only a small portion of money in circulation. There is more credit and checks passing through your banks and businesses. You are about to see your dollars crash, and you will have a new cashless society. When your dollars are worth next to nothing, there will be chaos until a new currency is established. All dollar investments will crash, as SDRs will be your new currency. This will work a hardship on the elderly and those who will have their savings wiped out. Such a crash of the dollar could precipitate a martial law, and a call to come to My refuges. I will warn you before this happens.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a vision of several volcanoes going off about the same time. There will be so much dust and rock spewed into the air, that you will see a ring of smoke going around the earth. Your weather will be affected by giving cooler temperatures. You have seen a relative calm in earthly disasters, but soon you will see unusual changes, just as the earth reacts to all of the evil going on.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen beheading acts and all manner of brutality being brought on Christians in the Middle East. This violence against Christians will spread all over the earth. The time of the evil ones is running out, so they will start getting more violent. When your lives are in danger, I will send My people an internal warning that it is time to come to My refuges. Be thankful that you have places to go where you will be protected from martyrdom. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you from any killings at My refuges, and you will have what you need to survive.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to witness a chain of events that will lead up to mandatory chips in the body, that will be forced on your people as a result of your Health Care law. Many older people will not come to your hospitals for fear of being killed by euthanasia. Refuse to take any chip in the body because they could control you like a robot. This mandatory chip in the body, will require My faithful to seek out My refuges for protection from the men in black who want to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have urged you to move along with your projects, because people will be coming to your refuge sooner than you think. Even if you do not finish everything, I will have My angels complete your projects so your people will have what they need. You have started this interim refuge late in the time leading up to the coming takeover by the Antichrist. Do not be fearful because I will help all the people who have given Me their ‘yes’ to building a refuge.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been given a lot of pointed messages to have your place ready to house about forty people. Even recently when you ordered more MRE meals, the supplier told you that FEMA had bought up all of their MREs so the supplier could not fill your order until next week. This tells you that the one world people are preparing food for the VIPs in the underground cities. This fits in with some of the plans you have heard to start a martial law. You have been wondering how soon this takeover would come, and now the signs of its coming are showing up all over your country. Again, have no fear, because My angels will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a record number of acres burned by fires this year. What you are not hearing is that a good share of these fires are arson to cause hidden terrorist attacks. The HAARP machine has also been active in changing many of your weather patterns. They have created droughts in the West, and unusual floods and heavy rains in the East. Look at your record rainfall accounts in a good share of your states. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, despite all of the disasters that are going on.”


Friday, October 16, 2015: (St. Hedwig, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you about the evil one world people who want to kill people as Satan is leading them in the death culture. This is why the evil ones are behind abortion, euthanasia, wars, vaccines, and viruses, that are killing people. The Antichrist is even worse because his eyes could hypnotize people into worshiping him, and they could be lost in hell. This is also why I have warned you to get rid of your TVs, computers, and any internet devices, after the Warning, so you do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist. He will be on all of the networks trying to mislead souls, and kill them as well. He is the one to avoid, and do not take the chip in the body that will be the mark of the beast. He will use this chip to control people to do his evil bidding, and lead them to hell.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have done well in following My instructions for your interim refuge. You have fuel for your heaters, but you could use some more gasoline and a full replacement propane tank. You will soon have enough pillows, blankets, and sheets for all forty people. You are moving forward with your solar plans and hopefully your shed plans. When you started out with your new addition, everything looked overwhelming to you. As you work on your projects, a little at a time, you can see everything falling into place. You are fulfilling your mission for evangelizing souls, and in between trips, you have been able to carry out your refuge mission as well. I thank you for working hard on both missions to help save souls, and to prepare a safe haven for the people that I will send to you. I have been encouraging you with your projects to get them done quickly, so you are ready for what is coming. You are seeing signs of the impending martial law, so encourage your family and friends to get to Confession in preparation for the coming Warning.”


Saturday, October 17, 2015: (4:00 p.m. Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel, St. John and St. James asked Me if they could be on My right hand and on My left when I would bring them to heaven. This was not meant for them, and it would only be what My heavenly Father wanted. I also told My apostles that those, who want to be great in My eyes, must be the servants of all the people. I came to serve people and not to be served. In the vision, you saw an expensive yacht moving through the water, as this could be somebody’s dream. Having such a yacht is not meant for most people, and it is more important to seek heaven and heavenly things rather than earthly possessions. You need to seek to serve your neighbors in their needs, rather than accumulating wealth and possessions. I know what is best for your souls, and I will help you to obtain only what is necessary to live. Seek to do good works, and show Me your love in your daily prayers, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, I keep encouraging you to get as many projects finished as you can. You need just a few more pillows, some gasoline, a shed in the backyard in a reasonable time, and some plans for your solar cells on your roof. You will have most of your water, food, and bedding done shortly. It is your shed and solar projects that need to move forward. Get some backup plans for each of these projects, because your time is running out, when My angels may have to finish your projects. Keep praying your St. Theresa prayers for the successful completion of your interim refuge. While you have time, you can keep adding things, and maintaining your heaters for the winter.”


Sunday, October 18, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, as you see this clock going faster, it reminds you of how I am speeding up the time, so the evil one will have less time to harass you in these end times. You will be thankful that I am shortening the time of the tribulation for the sake of My elect. In the Gospel, there is a theme about how man should not seek to be famous and renowned, because I look on all souls as equal, and there is no partiality with Me. The other word in the Gospel is a focus on the word ‘many’. I came to the earth to bring salvation to everyone, but not all of the people want to love Me and accept Me as Master of their lives. This is why you have ‘many’ in this quote because I realize that I will not be able to save everyone because of your gift of free will. I do not force My love on anyone, but I want you to love Me of your own free choice. I love all of you, as you can see how I suffered on the cross for you. You can join your suffering and problems with Me on My living cross.”


Monday, October 19, 2015: (St. Isaac Joques & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how money can be the root of many evils, when people fight and kill for money. Certain people want to be rich for themselves in how many possessions they could buy. Others who have money, are willing to share it with the poor, and those in need. Money can be used for good, and if you tithe your income, you can store treasure in heaven. Remember that money and possessions are only temporary, while you are alive. You cannot take anything past the grave, so your eternal destination is more valuable than any passing wealth. Those, who are selfish with their money, will have empty hands when they come to their judgment. Share what you have now, and your heavenly treasure can balance off your sins with less time in purgatory. Money of itself is not evil, but it is the evil things that you do to acquire it, or spend it on evil actions, that can be sinful. Trust in Me for acquiring all that you need for your family to survive, and do not just trust in your wealth.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, your forefathers, who wrote your Constitution, wanted a government that was for the people and by the people. Now you have Presidents who are usurping the Congress’ powers and the whole process is deadlocked instead of making some compromises. Whoever is in power, lords it over the other party, and the people do not have much say in their government. You now have the one world people and the rich controlling the elections and the Congress people and the Senators. In the original Constitution, you gave honor to your Creator, but your laws are now defying My Commandments. Because your country supports abortion, gay marriage, and euthanasia in your laws, you are calling down My punishment on your nation. Pray for your leaders to support the wishes of the people, instead of their own personal agendas.”


Tuesday, October 20, 2015: (St. Paul of the cross)

Jesus said: “My people, you may not see the demons, but they are lurking around, as they try to get you to sin against Me. I have given each of you a guardian angel to protect you, but you must realize that you are in a battle of good and evil every day. You cannot let your guard down at any moment, so you are not weak to sin. This is why your daily prayers are important to help you focus on Me, and do not be distracted by any temptation to addicting earthly things. By guarding against sin and the demons, you can keep your souls pure, and be a good example to your children and grandchildren. Trust in Me to protect you from all the evil people and the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, the anchor in the vision represents the stability and a spiritual foundation that I give you in My sacraments. If you are in a boat or a ship, you need an anchor to keep from drifting into rocks or the dock. Those faithful, who keep their focus on Me, will be safely led to heaven one day. Some people can drift away from coming to Mass, but if you love Me in My Eucharist, you will always be drawn to My love. By keeping grounded in your faith with Confession and Mass, you will be prepared for when I call you to your judgment at your death. I love all of My people, and I desire to not lose even one soul to the evil one. It is those souls, who reject Me, who send themselves to hell.”

Refuge protection: Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to have a refuge where one spouse is not in favor of that plan. You can pray in discernment to give Me your ‘yes’ for a refuge. Even some monasteries will be refuges without any preparations. My angels will provide food, bedding, and a shelter in those cases. Wherever you desire a refuge, I will have My angels put a shield of invisibility around you, and provide for your needs. Trust in My protection, and My multiplication of your food and water.”


Wednesday, October 21, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see in the vision how the bar gets raised higher for those who can jump higher. In the Gospel I told you that those, who have received more grace and talent, more will be expected from them. My faithful are at different levels of progress in their faith, depending on the gifts that they were given. Those people, who have progressed more in faith, are expected to have more fruits in their works, than others who are just starting out. The more you have been given, the more responsibility you will have to help people. My people with more gifts should not be fearful, because I will be helping you, and you will be better able to endure your added mission responsibility. Be thankful for all that you have been given, and keep focused on your prayers and My sacraments to support your work.”

Jesus said: “My people, what you are seeing in the Middle East, is Moslems massacring Christians with swords in many beheading acts. Even if people are killing others, I do not want My people to kill people, except in cases of immediate self-defense. It is the devil and his workers who are killing people in your death culture. You are even seeing euthanasia spreading in the health field where doctors are slowly killing patients with morphine. Some states are performing assisted suicide, and even involuntary killing of older patients is occurring, especially without advocates present. Killing in abortion should be stopped, and at least protested. Many of your wars are caused by the one world people which cause many killings. There are even some viruses being man-made for the purpose of reducing the population. It is all of these killings that I detest, and those, who are behind these killings, will face My punishment at their judgment. Pray to stop all of these killings where man is acting in My place, by taking lives.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have suggested getting a solar system with batteries, so you could have an independent source of power, away from your electric grid. You are learning all the new advances in solar cells, and how much power you would need to run your appliances, except your oven and your air conditioner. Once you get all of your estimates and timing of installation, then you can discern with Me before My Blessed Sacrament, what would be the best decision. Having some electricity would provide lights, a sump pump, and a refrigerator. You will still need your wood burner and your kerosene burner to heat your home without a source of natural gas. You may also need your grill and your small Coleman stove for cooking things. Keep working to install your solar panels and your shed as soon as possible. By following My directions, you will have your preparations ready for all the people that I will send to you.”


Thursday, October 22, 2015: (St. John Paul II)
Jesus said: “My people, when you truly believe in Me, and follow My Commandments, your lifestyle will be different from those who do not believe. At times people with sinful addictions, may cause divisions in families with drinking, drugs, or gambling. You pray for all of your family members, who are away from Me, and do not come to Sunday Mass. You do not want to see any members lost to the evil one, as I do not want to lose any soul either. You will also see a coming division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. My laws do not change, and those who follow heretical teachings, are also in danger of being lost. Pray for all sinners, and especially for those people who need deliverance prayers.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, since I told you to prepare supplies for forty people, you have prepared beds, pillows, sheets, and warm blankets for them. You also are stocking up on more MRE meals, and some extra canned goods. You have some water and food that I will multiply for all of your daily needs. You also have wood, kerosene, and a new full propane tank for your fuels. You also are planning for some solar cells to supply some electricity. A shed also will be needed in the backyard. All of these projects are underway, even as I told you to get them done as soon as possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time that your U.S. budget ceiling for your expenditures comes up for a vote, there have been some threats of a government shutdown, if it is not raised. There are some Congress people who do not want to raise the budget ceiling, which is why it is difficult to pass legislation for this need for more money. Part of the problem is the huge National Debt that is getting harder to finance without people buying enough Treasury Notes. Pray that your leaders will control your spending.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard some outcries by your workers for a living wage. As a result of these complaints, the minimum wage will be rising dramatically. When wages rise three to five per cent, this could bring on an increase in inflation, layoffs, and possible interest rate hikes. Pray for your workers so they can feed their families and afford adequate housing.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just had a little cold weather to get you thinking about winter preparations. I told you to check your heaters that they are in working condition. You put your scrappers in your vehicles, when you had to scrape some ice off of your windshield. You bought some extra fuels that could be needed for heating, cooking, and running your car. Having some warm blankets may be needed if your gas heater stops working. Keeping warm in the winter is a big concern when the cold and snow get severe. You also need gloves, hats, heavy coats, and boots. Being prepared is better to face winter’s cold.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have not heard much news about the latest Synod meetings. This was about the family, and there are concerns of any changes in reference to gay marriage and any restrictions on receiving Holy Communion. Beware of any changes that could be considered against Church laws, or any heresies. Pray for My guidance of your Church leaders that they do not violate My laws.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have just bought a supply of apples and squash at your local farms. Canning fruits as peaches and apples is a great way to keep them from spoiling. Your new root cellar will help keep your crops from freezing, as you have seen in your cold garage. Storing fruits and vegetables will help get you through the winter months when you have no growing season. Give thanks to Me and your farmers for supplying your food throughout the year.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are coming to the end of the Church year as the readings will be focused on the end times that will lead up to the coming tribulation. There are also readings that speak of keeping your soul pure as you approach the end of your life, and your judgment before Me. You see people dying all the time, but as your friends die, you start thinking of your own preparation at the funeral parlor. By frequent Confession, you can keep your soul pure and always ready for your own death.”


Friday, October 23, 2015: (James Alan Palmer Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the life of one of My faithful servants in Alan. He was a loving husband, father, and grandfather. He had a very vibrant spirit, so that people were happy to work with him. You heard a testimony of his many jobs and activities in giving loving service to people by his son’s statements. With this Mass, he is with Me in heaven as his reward. He suffered much in his later days. He is watching over his family, and he loves them very much. He also will be praying for his family and friends.”

(Shannon and Sean Finucane Wedding)
Jesus said: “My people, it is a blessing to see a couple getting married in the Church, when there are so many others who are living together, or getting married by a justice of the peace. Marriage is a true gift of love for each spouse, but it is also a commitment for life that I will help them in grace to continue. There are also many divorces, so it takes a dedicated love to make a marriage work the way it should. The couple is not alone. They can depend on their parents and friends to support them with money, love, and prayers. I have encouraged all married couples to work on keeping their love consecrated to Me as the third partner. There are some couples who have been married over fifty years, so a life long commitment is possible. Each couple needs to pray every day with each other to truly keep the flame of love alive. The more spouses pray together, the more they will stay together.”


Saturday, October 24, 2015: (St. Anthony Mary Claret)
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Spirit of God, and you are hearing about how St. Paul talks about the spirit of man, and being united with the Spirit of Christ. Many believers do not understand about how man is made up of spirit, soul, and body. The spirit refers to being conscious of God, and it contains your intuition, conscience, and a communion with God. The soul refers to being conscious of self, and it contains the mind, emotions, and your free will. The body refers to being conscious of the world through your senses. I am coming to share your link to God through Me, as you are Temples of the Holy Spirit. I keep you focused on your desire to be with God’s Presence, and especially to desire being in heaven for all eternity. In the spirit of man you find your higher longing for God, especially at Mass, receiving Holy Communion, and in front of the Blessed Sacrament at Adoration. Your heart is overwhelmed with the love of God when you pray, as this is your communication with God. Trust in the Three Persons of God as We lift you to a higher level of loving Us in your spirit.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing in the reading how I was able to heal the blind man because he had faith that I could heal him. This was different from the people of Nazareth who did not have faith in My healing, so I could not heal any of the people from that town. Even as you think of My healing of the blindness in his physical eyes, there is also healing of spiritual sight which comes when someone is converted to a believer. In order to have a gift of faith, you need My grace to have the eyes of faith that understand My love for you. Once you accept Me in faith, you have the responsibility to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. You need to also reach out and share your money, and your faith with others. In this way you can help others to take away their spiritual blindness, so you can help grow My Church. When you have the light of faith, you can see life from the big picture as I see life. Give praise and thanks to Me for opening both your physical and spiritual eyes.”


Sunday, October 25, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you see day and night, but this can also represent a battle of good and evil. I have conquered the darkness of evil and death when I resurrected on Easter morning. It was My death on the cross that has enabled My faithful to come to heaven through the open gates. You can see the battle of good and evil going on today, as it really is a battle to save souls from hell. All of My faithful need to think of themselves as prayer warriors, and you are called to evangelize souls for Me. With My help you can bring converts or reconverts into My Church. Even by your prayers and good example, you could help save souls in your own family. Gently encourage them to come to Mass and even Confession. You are all in this battle together, and each of you can make a contribution of time and prayers. You pray daily, so remember your family and friends in your intentions. By helping to save souls, you will store up treasure in heaven.”


Monday, October 26, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, as you see Me suffering from My wounds in the vision, I want you all to be more sympathetic for all the people around you who are suffering in pain. These people are My suffering servants, and I desire that all of those people in pain could offer up their suffering for other souls. Pain that is not offered up, is wasted opportunities of grace for that person or others. When you see people suffering or sick, you could visit and help them, or at least include them in your prayer intentions. If a person should get healed, or get over the sickness, then that person should give thanks to Me for being free and well again. It is easy to pray to Me to remove your pain, but not all people give Me thanks for making them well. Remember when only one of the ten healed lepers came back to thank Me for their healing. So continue to pray for the sick and visit them, so they are not forgotten. Show your love for your neighbors by doing corporal works of mercy for them.”

(Genevieve P. Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, it is always sad to lose a mother and a grandmother. Genevieve was a kind and generous person who helped her family and others at the church. You are all thankful for her gift of life in how she affected so many lives. Love of family and friends was always on her mind. She will be watching over and praying for her family and friends.”


Tuesday, October 27, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading St. Paul speaks of hope in when you will be brought to heaven. You hope for what you cannot see now, and not for what you see of this life. You have a small taste of heaven when you experience My love and My Real Presence, when you receive Me in Holy Communion. In the Gospel I likened the Kingdom of heaven to the growth of the mustard seed into a large bush. I also likened it to how yeast leavens the whole dough of bread. You have experienced heaven a few times in your visions, and you felt like being One with Me in complete peace and love. It is My love and My Presence that permeates all of My creation both in the universe and in heaven with all of My saints and angels. Once you have a glimpse of what heaven is, you will want to desire to be with Me for all eternity. This is the hope that each soul craves to be with Me in heaven, after this life.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you read My Word in the Bible, you also need some Bible study helps to understand the deeper meaning of the words, in the context of when it was written. When you examine cross references, you see how various parts of the Bible explain other parts as a whole. Many Roman Catholics do not take the time to read more of the Bible, than just the daily readings. If you want to know and appreciate My Word more, then you need to make time for a Bible study, either a self-help means or a regular planned meeting. The Bible is an excellent way to enhance your faith, but very few take the time to read it and study it. Make a point to at least seek out some good self-help study guides as books, CDs, or videos. Going to the Holy Lands, if possible, is another way to make My Bible accounts come alive. Do not just stagnate in your faith, but you can grow in your faith with good Bible study.”

Solar decision: Jesus said: “My son, you have sought out a few prices, and your decision with the cheaper price looks reasonable in acquiring as many panels as you can fit on your roof. You have discerned your solar installer as being a faithful person, so you have chosen well.”

Sleeping problems: Jesus said: “My daughter, there are some physical things you could do to improve your ability to sleep nights. Try to remove as much stress as possible. Try not to go to bed too late so you are not overtired. Try to avoid much eating or stimulants before bed. For spiritual help: Try to pray your rosaries in bed. Some people get sleepy when they pray. Try reading the Bible or the lives of the saints. Most of all, in your night prayers, pray to Me to help you get to sleep every night. If this is not successful, then you may need some medical help.”


Wednesday, October 28, 2015: (St. Simon and St. Jude)
Jesus said: “My people, I sent My apostles out two by two to spread My Good News, and to evangelize souls to the faith in Me. It was not easy to travel in My day, and the apostles met some resistance from the authorities, and even among the Jews. All but St. John were martyred for their faith. Even today, My son, you are encountering some problems in your travels with missed planes and bad weather. Today, it is easier to travel long distances with your planes and cars. There are some faithful who are willing to listen to My messages, but you also are meeting some resistance from some priests and laity. It is difficult for some to receive My messages for the end times, because people feel uncomfortable with storing food, or leaving their homes for My refuges. Many of My prophetic words about chips in the body are already proving to be accurate in controlling people. I have sent you out to many places to spread My Word, and you have been faithful to My mission for you, despite some criticism. As the evil gets worse, your lives will be in danger, and My faithful will be thankful to have safe havens of My protection available at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are concerned about finding enough fresh water for all the people who will come to your interim refuge. You have taken one step in doubling the number of your 55 gallon new barrels, and you filled them with tap water. In your vision you can see how you could replenish your empty barrels by attaching your drain spouts to your barrels. To make potable drinking water, you can put the drain water through your silver filter. You may also use the unfiltered water for washing dishes, clothing, and possible sponge baths. You may need to buy some plastic drain spouts so they can be attached to your metal pipes. If you cannot find your silver filter, you may have to buy another one to make fresh water to drink. I can multiply your water when there is no other option. I will even provide a spring and how to get water from it, if more people come. Water is an essential need for all life every day, which is why you need to find some sources when you cannot get it from your service water line. You are right in planning how to replace your water for many people. By heeding My instructions, you will be better prepared when the tribulation time comes.”


Thursday, October 29, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you read how Herod was trying to kill Me, but it was not My hour to die. Most of the prophets were killed in Jerusalem because of the religious leaders who did not want anyone to challenge their leadership. Even if the prophets were sent by Me to speak My Word, they still killed them. I knew Myself, that I would also be killed there, but I would be raised up on the third day. You heard in the first reading: ‘If God is for us, who can be against us?’ This is a statement of faith that you will never deny Me, even if the authorities threaten to kill you. In the end days, it will not be any different, in that the authorities will seek to kill My prophets and My messengers. It is true that My people will be called to the safety of My refuges, but some of My faithful will be martyred. Even if you may be captured, never deny your faith in Me, but be willing to give up your life for your belief in Me. All of My martyrs will become instant saints in heaven, so have no fear.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you are progressing well in your preparations for My refuge. You spent time organizing and bagging all of your pillows and washed blankets. You just bought some more canned goods to add to your shelves. You recently received some more MRE meals, and you again took time to label all of the contents. You also purchased some more 55 gallon blue barrels to double your water storage. All of these parts of your preparations were accomplished in a timely manner.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have advised you to be prepared to use some barrels to catch some rainwater from your drain spouts. You have ordered a new silver ceramic filter to purify your rain water into drinking water. You still need plastic extensions to connect to your barrels. You have also started a man to work on your solar system, and the planning for your funding of this purchase. You still need a shed which could either be made by your friend, or you may have to purchase one and assemble it. This shed should be set up shortly before the snow makes it impossible.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the strongest hurricane at a category 5 strike Mexico. There were some deaths and damage, but it broke up into a major rainstorm in the Southern states. This was in addition to a major flood in Texas and South Carolina. Some areas have seen historic high rainfalls with resulting flooding. It is difficult to have just the right amount of rain. It has either been too little or too much. Pray and send donations for the victims of these disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the talking points for both political sides, and it will be hard to pare down all the candidates to only one on each side. This could be another crucial election in 2016. In an older message I mentioned the possibility of a cancelled election. If your current President wants to call a martial law, you could see no election at all, as you would have a dictator leading you into the North American Union. Beware of this possibility because you would have to come to My refuges as a result. Pray for My protection from such a takeover of America.”

Jesus said: “My people, even though you distribute candy to the children as they travel from house to house, Halloween is actually an evil feast for those who worship Satan. Avoid dressing your children as evil people, but it is better to celebrate All Saints Day. Pray that the children will be protected from real evil beings at this time.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the past you had some threats of a Federal shutdown in passing the US Budget and the lifting of a budget ceiling for spending. This discussion has been put to rest until March of 2017 when a new Congress will start. Your deficits and spending continue to be out of control, but your politicians do not want to face any hard decisions to cut spending or to cut taxes. Many people, who are up for election, do not always have much control in limiting your Budget. Pray that your leaders will make the right decisions for your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to celebrate the souls in heaven, and the souls in purgatory. This is a celebration of the Communion of Saints which joins the souls in heaven, the souls in purgatory, and the souls on earth. There are many saints who have made it to heaven, but not all of them have been canonized by My Church. It is a glorious day for a soul to come from earth or purgatory into sainthood in heaven. This should be the desire of every soul, to come to heaven. As you celebrate All Souls Day, remember to offer your prayers and Masses for the poor souls in purgatory.”


Friday, October 30, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I healed a man of dropsy at the Pharisee’s house on the Sabbath. The Jewish people gave worship to Me on Saturday, and the Mosaic Law did not allow work on the Sabbath. This was the hypocrisy of the Pharisees who criticized Me for healing people on the Sabbath. You know how I resurrected on Easter Sunday, so now My Church honors Sunday as My day of rest. Today, you have a vigil Mass on Saturday, later in the afternoon, and Sunday Mass to follow. It is My Third Commandment that calls you to worship Me on the Lord’s Day, and not to do servile work on that day. At one time you honored not working on Sunday, but now people are forced to work on Sunday for their wages. Employers are greedy for more profits, so they force their employees to work on Sunday. Even many sports have games on Saturday night and Sunday morning, forcing some people to miss Mass. America is becoming more pagan, as fewer people are coming to Sunday Mass to honor Me. Encourage your family members to obey My Third Commandment by coming to Sunday Mass every week.”


Saturday, October 31, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told you that he who exalts himself, will be humbled, and he who humbles himself, will be exalted. I am calling My faithful to live a sincere, humble life without any attempt for being humble for impressing others. In other words, you need to be sincere and not showing a false humility. True humility comes from the heart, and it should be a part of who you are in life. You should give Me reverence in My Presence, and worship Me every day in your prayers. As an example, I told the Pharisees that when they fasted, they made themselves look drawn and in suffering as they showed there appearance in the street for all to see. When you fast and pray, go to your room and pray, and My Father who sees you in secret, will repay you. This is how you should live a humble life, without care of how others are seeing you. When I see that you are living humbly for My sake and not for show, then I also will store up treasure for you in heaven for following My way of life. I love all of you so much, and I want My followers to love everyone as well. Remember that you are living examples of being Christians, so make Me proud of you in your actions to win souls over to Me.”


Sunday, November 1, 2015: (All Saints’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the first reading from the Book of Revelation where I am having My angels mark a cross on the foreheads of all of My faithful believers. It will be more than just 144,000 because there will be myriads upon myriads of saints and angels that will be in heaven. All of My faithful, who endure the coming tribulation, will receive special crowns of sainthood, and you will be dressed in white robes. Remember how I told you that I go to heaven to prepare a place for My faithful saints. You, My son, are seeing in this vision the place that I have saved for you among My saints. Your wife is wondering where she will be, but assure her that she will be standing by your side, as you are in life. All of My faithful will receive their reward in heaven as well. I have shown you visions of heaven, where you will be singing My constant praises with My saints and angels. You will be fulfilled in constant peace and love in the Oneness of My Being, as you will be One with Me in My Real Presence. As you rejoice in celebrating the lives of the saints, rejoice also that My faithful will be with Me and My saints one day in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are viewing the time of persecution in the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. The evil ones want to kill all of My believers for their new world order. The first martyrs will be killed by guillotine, and those are the ones who have plain burial crosses. The rest of the martyrs will be killed and buried in mass graves, much like the Jews were killed in Germany. These are the people who did not want to leave their homes, and they were captured by the men in black. The rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges. These martyrs will become instant saints, and they will be raised up in the time of My Era of Peace. Those people, who are protected by My angels, will reach My Era of Peace. Rejoice in My protection, and your new life in My refuges as well as your life in My Era of Peace.”

About the Farm: Jesus said: “My people, I have given previous messages about this area as being a refuge for My people to come. You are still having some activities here, so it is being used. Eventually, you may have to use any well water for the people who will come here. It is possible that you will have a priest here for Mass. If not, My angels will bring the people Holy Communion during the tribulation. It may be difficult to prepare food and bedding here. Those people who come, may have to use tents and fires to live here. I will have My angels provide food and wood for heating. Trust in Me to provide for all the pilgrims who come here. My angels will also put an invisible shield of protection over all of this land.”


Monday, November 2, 2015: (All Souls’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, in the fall as the leaves are falling, you are thinking of the end of your life, when you will face Me at your judgment. This is why I always encourage you to have a pure soul with frequent Confession. I am showing you another vision of purgatory where most saved souls need purification before they can enter heaven. Some suffer not seeing My loving Presence, and others also suffer a torment of burning flames on their soul body. These souls suffer in a grey or dark area outside of time, and they have no sense of how long they have been suffering or will suffer. Some souls in purgatory are allowed to give signs to their family members that they need prayers and Masses to get out of purgatory. I keep reminding you to pray for the poor souls in purgatory, especially for the souls who no one is praying for. When these souls reach heaven, they will not forget the people who helped release them from purgatory. My Blessed Mother comes to these souls to give them some comfort, and she takes souls, who are purified, up to heaven on the feast days. These souls are saved, but they long to be with Me in heaven. Do not forget to pray for these souls, because very few souls come straight to heaven without some purification in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to live a life of silence in prayer because your world today is so full of noise and distractions. A monastic life is used to contemplative prayer because the monks understand silence when I talk to them. The person in today’s world finds it hard to make time for Me in prayer, and it is even harder to listen in silence for My words of direction. I have advised you several times to take five or ten minutes of contemplative prayer in silence when you come to Me in Adoration. It is in silence when you can listen for My Word. When you are following My directions, life will seem so much easier for you, because I give order to your life. My son, you have been carrying out both missions of spreading My messages and preparing an interim refuge. Once you come to My refuges, you will have more time to pray and adore Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. All of your prayer time is preparing you for heaven, when you will enjoy My love and peace forever.”


Tuesday, November 3, 2015: (St. Martin de Porres)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel the master of the house held a great banquet, but some of those who were invited, did not want to come. In anger the man ordered his servants to invite people off of the road, so none of those people who refused to come, would taste of his dinner. My people, I invite everyone to come to My banquet both at Mass and to heaven, but many refuse to come because of their earthly distractions. Others were invited to eat a free dinner, but some were not properly dressed to enter. Those people, who were not worthy, were people who had mortal sin on their souls, and they were not allowed to taste of My Eucharist. Sinners need to repent of their sins and be forgiven in Confession, in order to receive My Blessed Sacrament worthily at the Mass. Many people are called to My banquet in heaven, but only a few are chosen as worthy to enter.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several airplanes blown up in the sky, killing hundreds of innocent passengers.  This is another terrorist tactic being used in the Middle East.  It is not clear at this time who is responsible for the apparent bombing, but some think that ISIS was involved.  This is creating a fear of attack when passengers want to travel in a dangerous area.  It is harder in foreign countries to prevent sabotage, or missile attacks on civilian planes.  Pray for the souls of those killed, and for the loss to their families.  Your Masses of reparation are needed for these souls who quickly came before Me in their judgment without time to prepare.”


Wednesday, November 4, 2015: (St. Charles Borromeo)
Jesus said: “My people, your world is so full of cares and distractions, that you can understand how sometimes it is difficult to focus on your prayers. Even when you come to Adoration, you need to calm down and relax from all of your errands and worldly concerns. You sometimes even pray to remove the bad angel of distractions, so you can focus more on what I want you to do. Try to think more about Me, than thinking about your worldly things. You are constantly battling between the desires of the soul over the desires of the body. You are a combination of body and spirit, and it is difficult to keep your body’s desires under control. Work a little harder on focusing your thoughts on the particular Mystery of the rosary that you are praying, so your thoughts do not wander. When you come to Mass, put all of your outside cares out of your mind, and focus on Me and the readings. By controlling your body, you can keep a better concentration on your prayers and Me. This takes an act of your will to be more focused on Me, despite your many earthly distractions. Once you are closer to Me in love, then you will be better able to avoid any earthly concerns in your prayer life.”

Jesus said: “My son, this vision of a train constantly moving, is very much like your life as you travel from place to place to give talks about My messages. You have been traveling often for the last twenty-two years. Some people even ask you how you are able to travel so much. You know of course that it is the Holy Spirit who is giving you the grace and strength to carry on with your mission. You have a mission to save souls, and you are reaching out to evangelize people. Now, you have a second mission of preparing an interim refuge. You have been given some money to build your chapel and a new kitchen addition. This also has kept you busy buying the things that you need. Your latest project is beginning with a plan to put an array of solar panels on your roof along with batteries and inverters in your basement. This could supply most of your electrical needs for your refuge, especially when you become independent from your electrical grid. You are traveling from one project to another because I have encouraged you to finish up your preparations. Time is running out before the tribulation begins, but your missions are keeping you busy for My greater glory.”


Thursday, November 5, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, every year in the fall, you see the leaves fall from the trees. As you gather them up, it reminds you of an image of gathering souls to be saved. As you see an abundant number of souls, you cry out to the Master of the harvest to send out more laborers into the field to convert and evangelize these souls. You do not want to lose even one soul, so you should be working hard to reach out to as many souls as possible. I call My prayer warriors to keep praying for the conversion of poor sinners, and to share their faith with those who are not on the right path to heaven. You all are in need of My grace to get through this life, so spread My Word of the Gospel so more souls could be saved. Even if you save one soul on your trips, it would be well worth your effort. I call out to all sinners to come to Me, but My faithful need to show others the way to My love by encouraging them to believe in My saving grace. I died for all souls to be saved, but all sinners must be open to Me, by repenting of their sins, and seeking My forgiveness. When you let Me be the Master of your lives, then you will be on the right road to heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard that some cities are seeing an increase in violent crimes. Some of these crimes are linked to drug traffic. Your jails are quite full, and these cases cost a lot to maintain by the taxpayer. Drug and alcohol addictions play a role in the increased crime. Pray for these addicts to break their addictions with help from some clinics and your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, these increased cancer cases are coming as a result of your poor diets and your food that has been over processed. You also are seeing a lot of pollution in your air and water which can cause cancer. By eating organic foods and drinking filtered water, you can eat healthier. Even taking herbs and vitamins can help improve your immune system. I have advised taking Hawthorn pills to counter the bad effects of the chemtrails in the sky. By taking care of your immune system, you can help reduce any chance of having cancer.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to take care in your driving, and remember to pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer both coming and going for your protection. Give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination so you do not have to rush your driving. Minimize your distractions so you can concentrate on your driving. Pray to your guardian angels to protect you from any bad drivers. When you arrive safely at your destination, you can pray a prayer of thanksgiving for a safe trip.”

Aunt Jenny said: “I am happy to be free of all of my pain and difficulties in hearing and seeing. I am sorry that I had to leave you all behind, but the Lord was calling me home. I love Irvin and all of our family members. It will be difficult for all of you to make a trip to my funeral, but I am happy that you are making the effort to be with me. My funeral is another way for all of you to be united right before Thanksgiving. I thank Carol G. and all of my care givers in my last years. I saw all of our deceased relatives that came to greet me. I am with Jesus now, and I will be praying for all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, this election has brought more laws in your states that are accepting euthanasia and marijuana. You have abortion and same sex marriage already on your books, and now your evil laws are getting worse with each year. Your laws, that are against My laws, are only bringing My justice faster against your country, as well as a worse punishment. You will see your disasters increase in number and severity. Pray for the souls in America, because the evil around you is growing worse.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were first seeing a complaint of low wages from the fast food restaurant workers. You were seeing some people stating that 50% of your work force earns less than $15/hr. It is a struggle for people to live on just the present minimum wage. It may be good to help these people in their living expenses, but the employers will have to make some hard decisions in making cuts in their staff, or give less hours for this increase to be paid for. When you call for wage controls on your markets, there will be a reaction with more jobs being lost, or more jobs being sent to China for cheaper wages. Your people may find their living conditions even worse, if they lose their jobs. Pray for the working poor who need more than one job to survive.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your businesses and home buyers profiting from very low interest rates. While this helps Wall Street companies to have low interest rates, it has been a hardship on savers and the elderly who are living off of their investments and interest in the banks. When rates do rise, it will cause problems for your derivatives and your National Debt to pay more interest. Your Federal Reserve has been giving huge profits to your business companies by keeping interest rates artificially low.”


Saturday, November 7, 2015: (Aunt Jennie’s Funeral Mass)
Jennie said: “I saw Irvin’s sad face, and I wanted to go over and kiss him, but he could not see me. Please tell him that I love him very much, and I will be watching over him. I was happy to see all of the happy faces of my family and friends. I know how we all used to be laughing at our holiday meetings. I am sad that I had to leave all of you, but I will be praying for you. I am sure that you will be having fun as you will get together for eating. Keep a picture of me around your house to remember me. I thank all of you for making an effort to come to my funeral. I continue to thank all of my care givers for all the help that they gave me. I hope to see all of you with me one day in heaven.”


Sunday, November 8, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing My martyrs of the end times who were taking their places in the higher level of heaven. They were dressed in red as they marched in, and I congratulated them and thanked them for their supreme sacrifice of their lives. Then you saw in the vision, My faithful remnant who were dressed in white robes, and they marched into a slightly lower level in heaven than My martyrs. These souls were all rejoicing and giving Me praise and thanks to be present with Me, My angels, and My saints. This heavenly space is the reward for all the souls who loved Me and were purified for heaven. This month is focused on those people who died this year, and on the reading of the end time Scriptures to prepare you for the coming tribulation time. This means you need to purify your soul with frequent Confession so you are always prepared to meet Me at your judgment, when you die. Give glory and praise to me every day of your life, so you will be prepared to be with Me eternally in the joy, peace, and love of heaven.”


Monday, November 9, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard your various political leaders trying to brainwash you with an incorrect theory that they call ‘global warming’. This connection between carbon dioxide levels with the earth’s temperature does not stand up to historical records. An increase in relatively small amounts of carbon dioxide is not causing the temperature change that you are seeing. Your temperatures have varied over the years, but the carbon dioxide levels increased after the temperature increased. You could do some of your own research to show global warming to be an incorrect theory. The one world people are purposely using this means of scaring people into doing what they want, so they can use carbon credits to control world governments. They are creating an artificial crisis, so they can propose their own solution, which is world control. Do not believe these evil men who I will punish at their judgment. You can protect My environment, but you need to challenge the incorrect science that is being forced on you by these evil men.”


Tuesday, November 10, 2015: (St. Leo the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, you can think of your life as being on a ship and sailing through the water with all kinds of dangers around you, as sharks and whales. I have given each of you a guardian angel to defend you from all of the spiritual and physical dangers in your life. Most people do not always realize that you are dependent on Me for everything in your life’s needs. You need the oxygen to breathe that I provide in your atmosphere. You need the light of the sun for direction, and the rain to grow your crops. Everything that you have in your talents and possessions, have come from My gifts. Even your very life and spirit exist because of Me. So instead of being proud of your own accomplishments, be thankful to Me every day for all that I do to help provide for your needs. You can thank Me by your prayers and your good deeds in helping your neighbor. You also should be focused on following My Will, by continuing to work hard on the missions that I give you in life. By following My directions, you will receive your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your society is corrupt because most Americans are not coming to church on Sunday, and I am not the center of their lives. Your laws and court decisions are corrupt as well, because they legalize abortions, same sex marriage, and even euthanasia in some states. If you do not pray and repent of your sins, how can I bless America? My faithful are called to evangelize souls for heaven. You also need to repent of your sins in at least monthly Confession. You should be prepared to defend your faith by opposing abortions, same sex marriage, and euthanasia. When you hear heresies, get your Catechism of the Catholic Church out to show people their errors. Fight such heresies wherever they are, so they do not contaminate the rest of My faithful. As you openly fight these evils, you will be facing criticism, persecution, and possible martyrdom. Do not be afraid because I will give you the grace to endure your fight for your faith in Me.”


Wednesday, November 11, 2015: (St. Martin of Tours, Veterans Day)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel of the healing of the ten lepers is a lesson in being thankful for what you have. Only one of the ten lepers, who were healed, returned to thank Me for his healing. Even now, many of you have been blessed with children and grandchildren, and you should give thanks to Me for their lives. You also have been blessed to share My Word of preparing refuges for the coming tribulation. I have given you adequate funds, and blessings of having good people work for you in making your refuge. You have heeded My instructions in your preparations, so now you are almost through with your projects. You have been given some extra time to get things ready for the coming martial law. Make the most of your time by carrying through with your plans that I have given you. Continue your prayers and travels to help save souls from hell. Your prayers and good deeds are your best way to thank Me for all that you have been given.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have just signed a contract to place solar panels on your roof, and batteries and two inverters in your basement. I have advised you to get a solar system in place so you could have electricity for your lights, refrigerator, and your sump pumps. It would be too hard to power your oven and your air conditioner. Having some electricity could help some of your power needs, and save you on your electric bill. With proper planning, you could have this installed before the end of the year. This leaves your remaining project of building a shed for your outdoor needs. You have two options for your shed, but do not wait too long to get one means started. You also need to finish up your plans for how to connect your gutter pipes to your barrels. This need for another source of water will help replenish the water that you are saving. By getting all of your projects completed, then you will have your refuge ready to receive the people that I will send to you. Give thanks to Me for helping you to set up your refuge, and to continue your mission of evangelizing souls.”


Thursday, November 12, 2015: (St. Josaphat)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told you that the Kingdom of God is in your midst among My believers. A day is coming when the Son of Man will come to judge the earth with lightning from one end of the sky to the other. Before that happens, I died on the cross for your sins, and you will all have to endure the time of the Antichrist in the coming tribulation. You have been preparing your refuge because these places will be safe havens for My faithful. Those people, who refuse to come to My refuges, will be risking martyrdom at the hands of the one world people who will place the Antichrist into power. Have no fear because those faithful, who are martyred for their faith in Me, will become instant saints. This is the blood that you saw in the vision for those who will be killed in the tribulation. The rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges. No matter whether you live or you are martyred, My faithful will all be joined in their reward of My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two disruptions in your schools from gunmen killing students, and now student uprisings to remove teachers and principals. Your schools are becoming targets by psychotic killers, who are killing students because security is lax. More recently, several schools are seeing organized protests against teachers and principals for trumped up reasons. You have certain one world radicals who are behind the killings, and the protests that are spreading to other schools. Pray for calm in your schools so the students can study their courses without these perpetrated disruptions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that I have been speeding up the days as you are entering the end times. I am slowly speeding up the earth on its axis. This is why the months and years seem to be flying by, so your tribulation time will be shortened for the sake of My elect. The reign of the Antichrist will be brief, and I will protect My faithful at My refuges. I will bring My Warning to wake up the sinners, and some will repent of their sins and seek My forgiveness.”

Jesus said: “My people, once you allow pornography and drug use to be used legally, you are inviting the moral breakdown of your society with these addictions. Pornography use is breaking up families because of the lust for sex and not for having children. This is also a bad environment to bring up children. The medical marijuana is a foot in the door to legalize marijuana for recreational use for all the people. Try to avoid these temptations that can cause evil addictions to sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, your previous times had interest rates at 4 to 5% for many years. Now for the last decade you have had 0% interest, beyond what is needed. Your Federal Reserve is planning to raise rates to more normal rates. Europe is now using the printing of money to spur their weak economies. It is the manipulation of money by your governments that is causing many of your financial problems. Pray for calm in your markets without governments stealing the value of your money from its peoples by inflating the money.”

Jesus said: “My people, My prayer warriors are most needed now because of the evil extending from abortions, same sex marriage, fornication, transgender problems, and other evil addictions. I told you that I will multiply your prayers, but now it will be multiple times and not just a double. I am relying on My prayer warriors for their daily rosaries, Masses, and other prayers. The sins of the world are not being balanced with enough prayer, so your evil actions and laws are growing worse and more corrupt.”

Jesus said: “My people, the number of families married with a man and a woman are only a third of your households. You now have many single parent families, divorces, couples living together, and same sex marriages. Your children should be brought up in a loving environment of a normal family, but now many children have only one parent or same sex parents. This strained environment is why your children have problems in school with their learning, and later with poorer paid jobs that can cause poverty. Pray for your families, and encourage marriage in My Church.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you are seeing an older population dying off with very few young people to take their place. If you did not have increasing immigrants coming into your country, you would be losing population as the European countries. You are having less children because of your abortion and birth control mentality. Without enough children to pay for your taxes and support your Social Security for the older people, your financial support could fall apart. When there is not enough money to support your welfare state, your society will collapse under its own debts. Pray for your people to support themselves without relying on government handouts.”


Friday, November 13, 2015: (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Gospel how I punished the evil people of Noah’s time with a flood, and the evil ones in Sodom with fire and brimstone. There will also be a punishment coming for this generation as well, when the Antichrist comes to power in the tribulation time. I have been preparing My faithful for this time because many people have turned their backs on Me, and some even defy Me by worshiping idols of lust, money, fame, and possessions. Pray for all the poor sinners, and I will bring My Warning to wake them up to how they are offending Me with their sins. These people will have one last chance to believe in Me, or they could be lost in hell. You are evangelizing souls the best that you can, and more will be saved after the Warning. My refuges will be My safe havens for those people who believe and come to be protected. My angels will put a shield of invisibility around those people who come to My refuges. Both My martyrs and those faithful at My refuges, will be brought into My Era of Peace and later into heaven, as their reward for being faithful to Me.”


Saturday, November 14, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you heard of how the unjust judge finally ruled in favor of the widow’s plea. It was because of her persistence in asking the judge many times, that he finally relented in her cause. Take a lesson from this account, so that you all are persistent in your prayers that I will answer in My time, and according to My Will. You are well aware of how I answered your wife’s long time of prayers for her father, when he was blessed with a good Confession on his death bed. So it is with all of your prayers that I hear every day. Be tenacious in your prayers every day, because I am indebted to My prayer warriors whose prayers are balancing the evil actions in your world. Remember to pray your rosaries every day, and if you forget them, or your events do not allow you time, then make your prayers up the next day. You know how many prayers are needed, and I depend on your faithful daily prayers for souls. Pray for poor sinners, the poor souls in purgatory, the stoppage of abortion, and peace from wars in the world. When you pray, you are conversing with Me in how you love Me. Remember also, to pray your silent contemplative prayer, so you can listen to My words to your heart of what I want you to do for Me.”


Sunday, November 15, 2015: (33rd Sunday after Pentecost)
Jesus said: “My people, in this month of November, you are focused not only on preparing for your own death, but you are also awaiting the day of My return in glory to judge the people. Your best preparation is to keep your soul pure by frequent Confession, at least monthly. By having a pure soul, you will be worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion, and you will also be ready to meet Me at your judgment, either at your death, or when I return. There are many people who try to predict the day of My Warning, or the day of My return, but only My Father in heaven knows these times. So do not concern yourselves with knowing the dates, but keep your soul pure every day, in preparation for My coming again. I told you in the Gospel to look for the signs of My coming, as I talked about the new leaves on the fig tree. When you see the evil growing worse, you will soon see My Warning followed by the Antichrist. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to end the evil in the world. Then I will come to cast the evil ones into hell, and My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”


Monday, November 16, 2015: (St. Margaret of Scotland)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how an evil king forced Gentile ways over the Israelites. The evil ones even destroyed the scrolls of the Covenant, and tried to force them to eat unclean meats. Many of the Israelites refused to follow these ways against their religion, and some of them were martyred as a result. My people of America, you are seeing similar activities against My teachings being forced on you from those who do not believe in Me. You have atheists leading laws and court decisions to legalize abortions, same sex marriages, and even euthanasia. Your country was formed on Christian principles, but you are now being controlled by pagan and atheistic people. They are even forcing socialism on you, which is nothing more than a communist state on your people. Just as you read of the Israelites being martyred for their beliefs in God, so you will be seeing increased persecution and eventually martyrdom for your faith in Me. In many places your world does not worship Me, and you even see Muslims killing Christians in barbaric killings by beheading people. You will soon see the Antichrist come into power, and there will be a tribulation where My believers will be persecuted and killed. I am raising up refuges as safe havens for My faithful to be protected by My angels. After My Warning, you will see this evil one come into power. Call on Me and My angels to protect you. You will see Me come in victory over these evil ones, so have patience and trust in My protection.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have mentioned several things and projects that you need to get ready. First you still need to get some plastic drains to connect your gutters to your barrels. You may want to buy two more barrels for your down spouts. Remember that you can only collect rainwater when it is above freezing, or the water will freeze in your barrels. In the winter, you could collect snow and melt it inside by your heaters. I want you to try your kerosene burner inside to see how much heat you will get. You can also put some logs on fire in your fireplace so you know how to control the flue for getting heat. Also try your electric fan if you have electricity. You can even use your Coleman stove to give heat downstairs. Keep working to get your solar panels installed, and you may have to order a wood shed to put it together before the snow comes. Write down all of these items so you can check them off when they are done. Do not let your preparations get put off while you have the time to accomplish them. Once you have your projects completed, then you will be ready when your refuge will be needed. I am trusting that you will do all that you can to help the people who will come.”


Tuesday, November 17, 2015: (St. Elizabeth of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, you take your modern cars for granted, but you do not fully appreciate how valuable they are for your transportation, and such a help in your ministry. Without them, you would be very limited in how many people who you could reach with My messages. You also should be thankful for your communications by sharing My messages on your internet website. Even your books and DVDs are another means to spread My message of love and evangelization. You should be thankful that Queenship and its people have been able to publish your books and make your DVDs. After you gave your talks with the people, and prayed over them, people were thanking you for your work. I know you have accepted this mission out of love for Me, and you are following My Will, but it is heart warming to have thanks given to you for all that you do for people. I too, wish to thank you for carrying out your mission of evangelization, and your recent mission to set up an interim refuge. I need many workers in the world to bring home My souls to Me, so they can be converted for heaven. I will give you the grace to carry out all that I have asked you to do.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen terrorist Moslems kill hundreds of people in France and Egypt. With many ISIS terrorists sneaking in with supposed Syrian refugees, your President still has some plans to bring hundreds of refugees into America. He should recognize the danger of allowing terrorists into your country. Many of your governors are refusing to accept Syrian immigrants into their states. It is too difficult for your FBI to know and follow all of the potential terrorists among these refugees. Many of them have Moslem ties, and they could trigger more ISIS killings. Your Congress people are fighting this Syrian immigration by your President, and there will be a power struggle against bringing these Syrian immigrants into America.”


Wednesday, November 18, 2015: (Dedication of Sts. Peter & Paul Basilicas)
Jesus said: “My people, today, you are celebrating the dedication of the two great basilicas to St. Peter and St. Paul. In the vision you could see the chains of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome where they are joined together. The Romans were instrumental in martyring both of these saints, as well as many more Christians. This time of the persecution of Christians will occur again during the tribulation of the Antichrist. The evil ones will try to kill all of My believers. Some will be martyred, but I am having My faithful build places of refuge to protect the rest of My people. At My refuges you will have angel protection, food, water, beds, and all of your needs will be met by My multiplication of your food and water. My refuge builders need to finish up their preparations because the time of martial law and the tribulation are coming upon you. Then when I notify My believers, they will have their angels lead them to a place of refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel (Luke 19:11-27) you heard My parable about a man who wanted to be king, and he went away and he gave a gold coin to each of ten people. On his return there was a settling of accounts with the people who were given the gold coins. The first man made ten gold coins more from the one he was given, and he was rewarded with controlling ten cities. The second person gained five gold coins, and he was rewarded with controlling five cities. The third man presented his gold coin to the king after hiding it, and he was scolded for not using the money for any gain. This parable teaches how important it is to use your God-given talents for My greater glory. When you waste your talent by not using it correctly, you will have to answer to Me and suffer the consequences. You all have been given a specific mission to carry out, and it is your responsibility to use your talents to save as many souls as you can. This is similar to not offering up your pain to save souls. The first reading from Maccabees is how a mother watched all of her sons being killed for not following the king’s decree. The king tried to force them to eat unclean meat, and they refused to violate the Mosaic laws. Because of their refusal to follow his command, they were all martyred. This could also happen in America, if your authorities tried to force you to deny your faith. Never deny Me before men, even if they threaten to kill you. It is better to lose your life for My sake, than to deny your faith in Me. All of My martyrs will become instant saints, and I will lessen their pain of death. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, even during the tribulation.”


Thursday, November 19, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how the Israelite leader of a town refused to obey the king’s order to give up his faith and worship idols. So he warned all of his people, and they fled to the cover of the mountains. You are reading the signs of the end times when your society is doing the same thing of trying to force you to accept sinful behavior as legal. You are being told to accept killing babies in the womb, and allowing same sex marriages as legal. Even if you advocate that fornication and homosexual acts are mortal sins, you could be liable to hate crimes. All acts of killing in abortions or euthanasia are serious sins against My Fifth Commandment. All acts of fornication in living together, and homosexual acts in same sex marriage are also mortal sins, and they are against My Sixth Commandment. Your society and its laws are defying My Commandments, and you will be punished. My people need to stand up against these sins. Because My believers are hated by Satan and his followers, you will be suffering persecution and possible martyrdom. In the vision of My people leaving for My refuges, these places will be your only safe havens when the evil ones want to kill you. This again is why I am asking My faithful to set up refuges for these end times of the tribulation. Have no fear, because My power is far superior to the devil and the Antichrist.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing multiple attacks on people in France from ISIS. The Moslems consider America the great Satan, so they are planning many attacks all over your country. This vision of a small plane flying into a tall skyscraper is just one means of attacking your business buildings. Your security forces should be on full alert for any attempts on mass killings. Pray for the protection of your people from such attacks.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see people dying every day, but sometimes it is people who you know, and these deaths are more personal and need My blessing. When you see someone dying, or someone who just died, you can pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for their soul. You have seen several souls snatched from the demons because you took time to pray for these souls. These souls, who come to heaven, will pray for you on the earth, and when you die and are sent to purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have a grinder and wheat grain in some five gallon pails. You can make dough with the flour and your yeast, and then bake it in your propane oven. You eat a lot of bread, so you need a means to bake it, even if your natural gas oven is not working. I will be providing many miracles to help multiply your food and water. Remember also to have your deer knife for skinning the deer who will come into your camp. This meat may be preserved in your freezer when you have electricity from your solar cells. Have faith in My miracles which will sustain your people for your brief time in the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, your authorities are not revealing all of the terrorist activities in an attempt to keep your people from overreacting. You have also heard of several bank shutdowns as in Massachusetts that lasted for a day because of computer attacks by hackers from China or Russia. The one world people are stepping up their attacks on your infrastructure with a plan to create conditions for a martial law declaration. This is why My refuge builders need to quickly finish their preparations so they can accept My faithful when martial law comes. Listen for My warning when I will tell you that it is time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen a leak from your humidifier that caused your condensate pump to burn out and the water drained on the rug. This happened while you were away. After vacuuming and soaking up the water, your basement is drying out with your fans and dehumidifier working hard. I will see to it that no mold will develop from this attack. Keep praying for My protection from any other possible attacks.”

Jesus said: “My son, you will be seeing the weather turning colder, and you need to get your shed ordered now because it will take some time for it to be delivered. You need this in place before any snow could hamper your efforts in the backyard. All of your other heating preparations need attending so they can be used for heating in the winter, should you lose power or your natural gas. Pray for My help to get ready, or My angels may have to finish your preparations.”

Jesus said: “My people, your security forces in all of your countries may have to go on full alert and even start preemptive actions against terrorist groups that could kill more people. You will soon be in a state of war against any jihad Moslem attacks. If more attacks continue, you could see how much your safe havens will be needed when chaos could threaten your food, water, and electricity. The one world people want to precipitate more threatening attacks so they could have an excuse to start martial law. Be ready soon to leave for My refuges when chaos will cause riots in your streets.”


Friday, November 20, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I made some whips and I threw the money changers out of the Temple because My house is a house of prayer, and the money changers made it into a den of thieves. You will be seeing organizations like the World Council of Churches trying to force communist infiltration into your churches. You even have masons infested in My Roman Catholic Church. I have told you before that there will first be a division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will teach New Age doctrine and that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. The second attack will be from your own government as well as terrorist attacks to burn your churches. The persecution of Christians by Muslim jihadists will continue into America. There are many terrorist cells in America waiting to attack the infidels. Once you see martial law and mandatory chips in the body, you will be well on your way to My places of refuge for your protection by My angels. As you see the current number of terrorist attacks, more fear and chaos could result. Do not fear these evil ones, but be ready to come to My refuges when I give you the notice to come. Trust in Me to protect you as I have promised.”

A person’s land: Jesus said: “My people, just as you receive power and grace from Me to do your work, so the evil ones draw their power from the demons for their work. I am superior to their power. So call on My Name when you are attacked, and I will send My angels to defend you. There are souls of dead people on this land who want to control this land, and they draw their power from the demons. This is why they are trying to scare you away from this land. Use your blessed salt, holy water, and your exorcism deliverance prayers to protect yourself. Wear your scapular and your St. Benedict blessed crosses for your protection. You can sense any evil influences to see if these evil ones are still present. When they cannot stand hearing My Name, over and over, then they will leave.”


Saturday, November 21, 2015: (Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, today, you are celebrating the Presentation of My Blessed Mother. St. Joachim and St. Ann brought My Blessed Mother to be blessed as an infant. St. Ann taught My Blessed Mother her faith, just as she taught Me the faith when I was young. This is a good example for all parents to teach their children faith in Me while they are growing up. You cannot rely even on Catholic Schools to teach your children the basics, that some of you were taught from your Baltimore Catechism. You have the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults to read, but the Baltimore Catechism was good to teach your children. You were showing your guests the catechism that you had when you were a child, and it brought back memories of your being taught in the faith. Current books have been watered down, but your old catechisms were better. Teach your children the best that you can.”

(4:00p.m. Mass, Christ the King) Jesus said: “My people, today is a beautiful celebration of My Kingship at the end of the Church Year. You had beautiful prophetic messages of the end times from Daniel and the Book of Revelation. My son, you are a missionary of the end times, and you are spreading My messages of preparation for My coming again in glory. You are seeing the many evils spreading throughout the world, but I will be bringing My Warning as a wake-up call for all sinners to get their lives in order before the Antichrist comes. My refuges are being prepared now, as you know, so My faithful will have a safe haven of protection from the evil ones who are killing Christians. The Antichrist will have a short reign before I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. Then you will see My glory as I will renew the earth, and I will bring all of My faithful remnant into My Era of Peace. Rejoice that you will be counted as one of My faithful in the Era of Peace and later in My glory of heaven. My victory over Satan and the Antichrist will show My power as King of the universe.”


Sunday, November 22, 2015: (Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating My Kingship, and a showing of My power over all of the evil ones. Even as you see Me coming on the clouds, do not be afraid. I bring My faithful peace and joy, even amidst a world of hate and killings caused by the devil and the one world people. My coming again was foretold by Daniel and St. John in Revelation, and I will send My Warning to prepare souls for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. The evil one’s reign will be brief before I will truly come in glory to cleanse the evil ones from this world, and then I will renew the earth for My Era of Peace. Have patience through the coming trial, but be assured that My victory is coming, and it will be complete domination over evil and the whole universe.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you before about the coming Warning, but do not concern yourselves with a specific date. I want My people to be focused on keeping a pure soul, by frequent Confession, so you are prepared for My Warning and your death. I am focused on the Warning because you will come before your King when I show you your life review. You will receive your mini-judgment, which is why you want a pure soul when you stand before Me. All sinners will have one last chance to be saved at My Warning. Rejoice when you will meet your King.”


Monday, November 23, 2015: (Bl. Miguel Pro)
Jesus said: “My people, many of My faithful give a token to moderate amount of money in the Sunday collection from their surplus wealth. In the Gospel I commended the widow for her small donation, but it was all that she had to live on. When you are sharing your wealth with charity causes, you could be more generous in your giving of your money. Remember how I told you that I love a cheerful giver, and not someone who begrudges every charity donation. Whether you are sharing your money and time for My Church, or your family and friends, you need to be giving from the love of your heart, without one hand knowing what the other is doing. All of your donations will be storing up treasure in heaven. As you think about being thankful for all that I have given you, you could be thanking Me by being more generous in sharing your wealth with your family and charity donations. In your Christmas gifts, you could be sharing money with your family members, especially those members who are having hard times. You will see that there is more joy in helping people, than spending money for your own things.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you several projects to complete in setting up your refuge. You have completed the building of your chapel, your kitchen, and your new bathroom. You also have set up your root cellar, secured some food, and have stored some water. You built your three bunk beds, and you have enough cots, beds, pillows, and blankets for the forty people I told you to prepare for. Now, you have ordered your shed and your solar equipment. You just need to check up on your heaters to be ready for the winter cold. You already have stored some fuel for your heaters. You may want to look into buying some Bibles, Mass books, and even some song books for your services. As you move along in your work, I will advise you what is needed. Have faith and trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones, and I will multiply what you need for your survival.”


Tuesday, November 24, 2015: (St. Andrew and Vietnamese companions)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel, even My apostles were asking Me when I would be returning to the earth. This curiosity of the time of My return has had people concerned for many years. It is not important to know the times appointed by My Father, but it is important to remain faithful to My Commandments. I told My apostles that I would return on the clouds, just as I left them, when I ascended into heaven. I have given you signs in the Scriptures when you will see famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. I have even given you a sequence of events that would start with My Warning, and six weeks after for the conversion of sinners. Then you will see a man-made famine, a division in My Church, and a martial law from bankruptcy, pandemic virus, and terrorist events. This would be followed by mandatory chips in the body. All of these things would lead up to the tribulation of the Antichrist. His reign will be less than 3½ years for the sake of My elect. Then I will bring My victory over the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement. During the tribulation, I will have your angels lead you to places of refuge, where you will be protected by a shield of invisibility. Before the comet kills two-thirds of humanity, I will raise My faithful up into the air so you are not killed by the comet. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will renew the earth. I will then bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace as your reward. Later, you will be prepared to come into heaven. Rejoice, because you know the end of the story, and I will be victorious over the evil ones. So do not be afraid, but trust in My protection.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have a precarious war going on where Russia is supporting Assad, and their planes are attacking the rebels against Assad. America is defending the rebels and attacking Syrian troops and ISIS terrorists. With two superpowers defending opposite sides, you have a danger of a wider war. When Turkish pilots used American made jets to shoot down a Russian jet in Turkish airspace, you now could see more repercussions from Russia. Please pray that these incidents do not trigger a more serious conflict.”

Jesus said: “My people, after ISIS killed 130 people in Paris, France wants to step up the attacks on ISIS. America has also increased its attack on ISIS by destroying 580 trucks that were carrying oil for the ISIS troops who were selling contraband oil. This is another escalation of the war in Syria against ISIS. Again, you need to pray for war to stop before it could draw more countries into this conflict.”

Jesus said: “My people, you knew that winter was coming, but the first snowstorm draws a lot of attention to the cold weather. This also should cause My faithful to get their winter preparations together in case you should lose power in the cold of winter. Checking the operation of your heaters is now more important, and you need to make sure they are in working order. I warned you to do this, but now you need to attend to the rest of your work. Trust in Me to provide for your fuel by multiplying your wood and kerosene.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your family comes together for your Thanksgiving meal, they will see where to come when your interim refuge is ready to be used. I told you that after the Warning experience, it would be a good time to bring your family together. Now that you have your own refuge, you could accommodate your family at your house. Pray for all souls after the Warning to wake up to seeing that they can only come to heaven through Me. They need to repent of their sins, and seek My forgiveness in order to be saved.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know that you are having your shed delivered in three weeks, and the solar cells were to be installed in a few weeks, weather permitting. There are an increasing amount of terrorist activities, and a potential war in the Mideast. If things start to happen, My angels could finish your projects, if they are needed. You will be getting these needs done just in time when they will be needed. My faithful need to get their backpacks together, so they are ready to leave their homes for My refuges. Pray that your weather will be good when you have to leave.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the readings focusing on the end times in this last week of the Church Year. These readings should remind you to be ready for the coming tribulation by coming to frequent Confession to have a pure soul. Even as you are preparing for another Advent, you also need to be prepared to leave for My refuges at a moment’s notice. Keep close to Me in your prayers, Masses, and visits to My Adoration places, and pray for My angel protection every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year about this time, you are preparing to put out your Nativity Scene on your porch, and put up your Christmas tree decorations in your living room. Just as you are commemorating My birth in Bethlehem, you also need to be prepared at any time, when I will return to the earth. I love your Christmas songs that give glory and praise to My Name. Some honor the infant Jesus with special novenas for My coming on December 25th. Give glory and praise to Me, even as you are listening to the songs of the Messiah. God bless all of your families as you celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas.”


Wednesday, November 25, 2015: (St. Catherine of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Daniel interpreted the writing on the wall for the king which was ‘mene’ where God has numbered the days of the king’s kingdom, and God will put an end to it. ‘Tekel’ where the king was weighed on the scales of justice, and he was found wanting. ‘Peres’ where the king’s kingdom will be divided, and given over to the Medes and the Persians. This all came about because the king used the sacred vessels of Jerusalem to drink wine with his people. They also worshiped gods of gold, silver, bronze, and iron, instead of worshiping Me. In the Gospel I spoke of a coming time of persecution of Christians because of their faith in Me. Even today, I am calling on My faithful to stand up against your society’s gods of money, lust, fame, and possessions. You even had a flashback when you put aside your lab mate’s pornography as unprofessional and really an occasion of sin. You may be persecuted for taking a stand against these sins, but you will be rewarded for abiding by My laws against man’s laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, at Fukushima you have seen a modern day melt down of six reactors that blew off the containment walls, and the seawater is being poured over the cores, and the radioactive water is washed into the Pacific Ocean. This has been contaminating the Pacific Ocean ever since with little being done to stop this pollution. There are many more nuclear reactors that are getting old, and they need expensive repairs. This problem of aging nuclear plants presents a problem in how to dispose of the depleted pellets, and how the local electric companies can close down an old plant. This becomes a large expense, and only the electric users should be asked to pay for this disposal. Pray for a solution to this problem and a replacement of nuclear plants with safer fuels.”


Thursday, November 26, 2015: (Thanksgiving Day)
Jesus said: “My son, you have more to be thankful for this year than other years. You are especially grateful for your recent inheritances that have enabled you to build your chapel, new kitchen, and your added basement. You have been gifted with a new mission of preparing a refuge for your family and friends. Even though everything looks beautiful, you have had to make a few sacrifices and perform a lot of work in your basement and in your yard. You have been faithful to Me in carrying out My plans for what you will need during the tribulation. You also should be thankful for all the lives of your family members, and being able to help them in their needs. You can also thank Me for your good health, and being able to go out to all of your talks. I am happy to help My faithful people who are sharing their faith and their wealth.”


Friday, November 27, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading about the end times from Chapter 21 of St. Luke’s Gospel. I told the people when the fig tree puts forth new shoots, you know summer is near. When you see Me coming on the clouds, or other signs, you know that the Kingdom of God is near. When evil is reaching a worse stage, then the Antichrist is about to declare himself, and you will know that the tribulation will be upon you. I have been calling My refuge builders to prepare their safe havens for the protection of My faithful. I will warn you when it is time to leave for My refuges, where My angels will protect you. When you see My Warning, then you will know that the Antichrist will be coming into power soon. Some people will be martyred and become instant saints, but the rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges. Be prepared to leave for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been giving you many messages about the coming tribulation, and the signs that you will see before it happens. You are seeing droughts that are man-made, and they will cause a famine with a shortage of food. I have also shown you earthquakes in California and along the New Madrid fault. You are also seeing diseases as AIDS, ebola, and other viruses that are killing people. You are being led to make refuges for My faithful so you will be protected by My angels during the evil time of the Antichrist. Trust in Me to multiply all that you will need to survive this evil. All of these events will speed up after the Warning.”


Saturday, November 28, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you have yet to see the power of the Antichrist that will be unleashed upon the world. This will be the worst evil that you have ever seen. You will be seeing a battle of good and evil between the good angels and the demons. The good angels will be guarding each refuge from all the evil ones. This is why My refuges will be your only safe havens to come to for My faithful. My refuge builders have been preparing for the coming tribulation. My angels will see to it that you have sufficient means to heat your house in the winter, and provide you food, water, and bedding for your people to survive. My people will be more than grateful for My refuge builders who gave Me their ‘yes’ to provide a safe haven, and also for My angel’s help. Give praise and glory to Me at your places of Adoration at all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have wondered if using wood for your fireplace and your kerosene for your kerosene burner would be enough to keep your house warm for cold winters. Since you will have electricity with your solar cells and your batteries, you could buy two electric space heaters, one for the second floor, and one for your new basement. This would allow you to sleep warm upstairs and in the new basement. Remember to check your carbon monoxide sensor when you are heating with fuels. Again, you need to check that your burners are in working order. You also need to follow up on your solar purchase and your shed that should be in place by December according to your purchase requests. You could still buy a few extra canned goods in your weekly shopping. By being prepared, you will be able to provide light, heat, food, water, and bedding for your people. My angels will help multiply your food, fuel, and water.”


Sunday, November 29, 2015: (First Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, today is a special Mass because you are celebrating My coming at Bethlehem on your first Sunday of Advent. In the Gospel you are celebrating My coming again, when you will be rejoicing that your redemption is at hand. You have set up your Nativity scene outside on your porch, and now you will be putting up your Christmas tree and your other decorations. You will be taking some time now during Advent for an extra prayer time in preparation for Christmas. You have heard your shop keepers selling their things on Black Friday, but your worship of Me is more important than buying your gifts. Many of you are too focused on your material things, and you forget that your celebration should be about the commemoration of My birth. Give praise and glory to your King that you celebrated last week.”


Monday, November 30, 2015: (St. Andrew)
Jesus said: “My people, many have wondered why I picked the apostles that I chose, but they were all open and willing to accept My message, except Judas, My betrayer. All of My apostles were good preachers of My Word because they lived with Me and heard My teachings to the people. So once I died, and I rose up to heaven, they received the Holy Spirit and they were inspired to travel around the world to bring My message of salvation to many people. My apostles were the reason for the early spread of Christianity, which had to endure a time of martyrdom for the faith. Your flashback to watching Bishop Sheen on TV and listening to his tapes in your prayer group, shows Bishop Sheen as another great evangelist of your time. He spoke often of St. Andrew as My ambassador for the other apostles to accept Me. You, My son, also have been called to spread My message of love, salvation, and a preparation for the end times. I have always prepared My people for what was to come by My Word through My prophets. So be vigilant and watch for My coming at Christmas, and at the end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing wars and terrorist killings in several nations. You also are seeing lives lost in strong storms of wind, rain, and snow. The forces of evil are all around you, but I will not allow major threats to your lives until after My Warning. Once people have had a chance to seek My forgiveness of their sins after the Warning, then I will allow the evil ones to have their hour of persecuting Christians. This will give My people a need to come to the protection of My refuges, where My angels will defend you. Keep faithful to My Commandments, and you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace whether you are martyred or not.”


Tuesday, December 1, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing all of these global meetings of your world leaders that are discussing world finances as your basket of reserve currencies, and your global warming issues. These things are all centered around a world government that would take away individual freedoms, and place you into a totalitarian state. Your President is leading your country into the hands of the one world people, who are striving for the North American Union of Canada, America, and Mexico as one entity. This is their plan for a takeover of America, by making you into a socialist or communist country that is completely left of center. This is why your President is taking away any power of your Congress by his executive orders and his made-up regulations, when Congress defies him. You are witnessing this takeover before your eyes, but no one is trying to change your country’s leaning to communist principles. Since your country has turned its back on Me by accepting abortion, gay marriage, and euthanasia in your laws, you will be punished by a takeover by the one world people. Soon you will see these evil ones try to kill all of My believers. This will be when you will have to come to the protection of My refuges. Have trust in Me to protect you from the devil’s followers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing snakes lately that represent the devil at work before the entry of the Antichrist.  Your society’s morals have been broken down by your pornographic movies, and your educational system that has taken Me out of your schools, and is brainwashing your students with atheism.  You can sense how evil is getting worse, and this is even a sign of the end times before I will return.  In the first reading in the morning, you read from Isaiah that was describing My Era of Peace.  When the animals will not eat each other, there will be peace and harmony.  After the evil tribulation time, My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace.  Your lives will be in danger during the time of the Antichrist, and this is why I am having My faithful build refuges where My angels will protect them from the evil ones.  You will be enduring your purgatory on earth while you are living during the tribulation.  Trust in My protection both now and in the future.”


Wednesday, December 2, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading in the Scriptures about several accounts of how I multiplied the bread for My people. In Moses’ time I multiplied the manna every day, so the people had bread in the morning, and I fed them with quail for meat in the evening. While I was on the earth as a God-man, I multiplied the bread and fish twice for the 4,000 and the 5,000 people. In the coming modern day Exodus, I will have My angels multiply My Eucharist for My faithful every day at My refuges, during the tribulation. Even some of My saints lived solely on My Eucharist for their survival. In My refuges you will have meat from the deer who will come into your refuges. I took pity on the crowd in Moses’ time, in My time, and at your coming refuges, so My people will have food to eat for the body and the soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest incident of mass killings in California, is different in that the suspects were not suicide killers, but they were well armed. They were able to leave the scene, but the latest reports showed two of the suspects were killed by the police. These incidents are occurring frequently on soft targets where there are no security agents, and the apparent plan is to cause fear among your people. Frequent terrorist attacks, bankruptcy, and pandemic viruses are the means that you will see happen when you will have martial law established in an attempt to take over your country. Many of your army troops and your police are preparing for a possible martial law. It will not take too many incidents to bring about martial law. You already are seeing martial law in France because of the terrorist attacks there. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when I will warn you that it is time to leave. Do not have fear of these evil ones, because My power is greater than all of these souls that are in danger of being lost.”


Thursday, December 3, 2015: (St. Francis Xavier)
Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of all of My saints, as St. Francis Xavier, and how they are intercessors and models of inspiration to you for spreading My Word and evangelizing souls. I have brought salvation to everyone, so they could chose to love Me and give Me thanks for their gift of faith. I am calling My faithful forward to be instruments to help save souls from hell. I want all souls to be saved, but I do not force them, and they need to chose to love Me of their own free will. You, My son, have accepted My mission of saving souls and preparing the people for the end times of the Antichrist. You have also accepted a second mission to provide an interim refuge for forty people. All of those faithful, who answer My call, will receive their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. I will give all of My faithful the grace and My angel help to carry out the missions I give to them. Give praise and glory to Me, as you know I will be victorious over all of the evil ones.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many of you are sympathizing with the families in San Bernardino, California who lost their loved ones in this latest mass killing of fourteen people and the wounded. You also are asking what was the motive of these killers. All of the evidence appears to suggest that this was a planned event, because of the weapons, a large amount of ammunition, and made up pipe bombs. These planned killings are part of a larger plan which is to cause fear among your people. This is not just about the weapons, but it is the people who are doing the shooting that needs to be addressed. Some of these killers have mental problems, but others are being trained to kill. Pray for calm among your people, but you are seeing evil influences behind these killings.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been given a mission to provide an interim refuge, and you have worked hard with your contractor to make it a holy and beautiful room. Some people have mentioned how they feel a strong holy presence in your chapel. This is why the devil attacked this room with thousands of flies before you had deliverance prayers said to rid the flies and any evil influence. Be thankful for the people who made this chapel possible, and rejoice over the many graces that are given to the people who come here.”

Jesus said: “My son, these two signs that you have seen in your chapel, are just the beginning of many other signs of My love that I will be watching out for the safety and spiritual welfare of all the people who will come here. The first sign was the reappearance of a lost piece of glass that showed a luminous cross when a point source of light was shone through the glass. A second sign was an unusual light that appeared on your chapel wall right on the Station of the Cross showing My death on the cross. These and other signs are showing you how My refuges are blessed, and they will have angels protecting you with an invisible shield. Trust in Me that I will perform miracles of protection and the multiplication of your food, water, and your fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people will tolerate some incidents, but a steady amount of them could bring a desperate reaction to stop these killings. Some are questioning gun control, and others are talking about people being radicalized in other countries. It is difficult to defend people when there are no warnings of these killings. Pray that your security people can bring peace to your land with My help.”

Jesus said: “My people, Advent is a little like Lent when you think of improving your prayer life and even your spiritual reading. A good way to work on improving your spiritual life is to grow in your faith with a good Bible study, or do more fasting with your prayers. There is a lot of evil and sin in your world, and your prayers can offset this evil as well as your good works. Trust in My grace to help you bear life’s trials, and remember that I am more powerful than all of the evil ones who are causing trouble.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many suggestions that I could give you for helping people during Advent. Many churches encourage people to buy certain gifts, or help others with transportation for those in need. Some give donations to local charities as your food shelves. Others can visit the sick in hospitals, or the elderly in nursing homes. By thinking of performing acts of charity for others, you can spread your Christmas generosity as gifts to Me at My crib.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to advise My people to be more Christian when you are driving your car, and shopping for your Christmas presents in the store. My faithful need to be good examples to others in all of your actions in public. This may require some kindness and patience with the clerks who are taking care of your purchases. You should act in good faith all of the time, but you may be tested more in busy shopping days. You can also pray for all of the people that you encounter in the stores. Use your actions as a way to help people show more love for each other.”


Friday, December 4, 2015: (St. Damascene)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw how the blind men believed in faith that I could heal them. Because of their faith, they were healed, and they gave glory and thanks to God. It is one thing to be able to see physically, but it is even more glorious to have the eyes of faith, so you can appreciate knowing and loving your Creator. Those people, who have a gift of faith, can see how I am the center of their lives, and they need to follow My mission for their lives. Having faith also means that you need to share My love, by sharing and evangelizing others to the faith. Even as you receive Me in My Eucharist, you need to taste and see how good I am to you in life. You receive many blessings from Me, so you can overcome all of life’s problems. So rejoice in this Advent season, and keep your soul pleasing to Me by frequent Confession, as you seek My forgiveness of your sins. It can be challenging to admit your sins, but I welcome all sinners to come to Me to be freed of the bonds of their sins.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are hearing some passages from St. Faustina’s diary for your meditations. You could be doing some extra spiritual reading for Advent, such as reading from this Diary to help you appreciate how the saints see Me. Following the lives of the saints can be a good example to follow. This will help you improve your spiritual life, which is how you can keep striving for your perfection to be ready for heaven. Trying to gain in holiness should be everyone’s goal, but if you do not take steps to improve, then you will be staying in the same place. Even if you just read a few pages at a time, this will give you some insight on how saints dealt with life’s problems. Their experiences may help you as well.”


Saturday, December 5, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, every year about this time, you are constantly seeing ads in your newspapers and on the internet for buying gifts for people. Many of your businesses rely on making most of their money during the Christmas Season. If you have a Nativity Scene in your decorations, this is what Christmas is all about. It is the miracle of My birth as a God-man that you should be celebrating the most. It was My mission to come on the earth and teach you My Gospels, but most of all to bring you salvation from your sins with My death on the cross. Rejoice as you prepare to commemorate My feast of Christmas. You can prepare your gifts for people, and even pray for the people who you are buying gifts for. This is a joyful season to spread peace and good will to everyone. You can also thank Me for My coming to save all of those souls who love Me and follow My Commandments.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are noticing different kinds of killers in these latest incidents. Some killers are more psychotic and after killing people, they were killing themselves. The recent ISIS people are more deadly because they leave bombs behind to kill the first responders. They also had heavy amounts of ammunition and bombs to try and kill the police as they fled. There are still other suicide bombers who blow themselves up to kill a lot of people. This is why your police and SWAT teams have been using robots because of rigged bombs. You will be seeing more of these terrorist incidents to try and frighten your people. These killers are very ruthless, and they are willing to die for their cause. This is why those people, who go abroad for training, are very dangerous killers with both guns and bombs. Pray that your security forces will be equipped and able to fight these terrorists.”


Sunday, December 6, 2015: (Second Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading of the Gospel, you are seeing how St. John the Baptist was My herald in the desert, and he was calling people to repent of their sins and be baptized. He was preparing the way for My coming. He would say how he was unworthy to untie My sandals. When I came to be baptized, he said that he must decrease, while I must increase. He even pointed to Me as the Lamb of God, as My apostles started following Me. As you prepare for My coming at Christmas with all of your decorations and gifts, remember to repent of your sins and prepare your souls to meet Me by coming to Confession. Decorate your soul with My grace of Reconciliation, and this will please Me more that your physical preparations.”


Monday, December 7, 2015: (St. Ambrose)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing ISIS attacks in several countries, and in Syria there are several factions fighting that involve Russia and America. Now, France is moving against the Moslem mosques, as they are centers for organizing attacks. This vision of more serious wars on the horizon, are involving Moslem jihadists in various countries. Beware also of more volcanoes erupting, as I told you before that more demons are being unleashed through active volcanoes. This level of evil is increasing in the world as a result. Evil will have its hour, but it will be brief before I will bring My victory against them. This evil power is no match for Me, as with one finger, I will overturn them. Have faith and trust in Me to protect you at My refuges during the tribulation.”

(Anticipation Mass of the Immaculate Conception) The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, Our Lord made special preparations for me as I was born to my parents of St. Ann and St. Joachim. It was His wish that I would be born and conceived without original sin. I was further given the grace to live in my Son’s Divine Will, so I did not have any sin during my life. When St. Gabriel asked me to be the Mother of God, I gave my fiat ‘yes’ to be His handmaid. By the power of the Holy Spirit I conceived Jesus, and I was without sin so His holiness would be carried in my womb for nine months as an Ark of His Covenant. Rejoice in my free will choice to be the Mother of Our Savior. You are about to celebrate His birth at Christmas, as you commemorate this gift of Himself to all of us.”


Tuesday, December 8, 2015: (Immaculate Conception)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading first how Eve sinned against God by eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Then you have the new ‘Eve’ in My Blessed Mother, who is faithful to God without sin, even as she was conceived without original sin. In another comparison, you had Adam, who also sinned, and he brought the consequences of original sin which are the weakness to sin and natural death to all of humanity, who would inherit these things. Those, who died then, were sent to hell until I died for all of your sins. Now, I am the new ‘Adam’ and I have conquered sin and death with My sacrifice on the cross. I am without sin as a God-man, and I have opened the gates of heaven to all souls who believe in Me, and seek My forgiveness of their sins. You can have your sins forgiven in My sacraments of Baptism and Reconciliation. Even though your physical body will die, My faithful souls will have eternal life with Me in heaven. At the last judgment, your glorified body will be rejoined with your soul. Adam has brought you death and sickness in sin, but I have brought you new life in heaven. Rejoice in the gift of My Blessed Mother, and My gift of eternal life.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have wondered what angel will guard over your interim refuge, and what is the name of this angel. I told you before that many of your prayer groups could become refuges, so it is fitting that your prayer group angel, St. Meridia, will be guarding over your refuge. Remember how you call St. Michael the Archangel, so you should also refer to your guardian angel as St. Mark, and your prayer group angel as St. Meridia. Your angel of protection will place a shield over your refuge so any solar panels that you are adding according to My direction, will be protected from any EMP or bomb attacks. I have given you instructions how to prepare your refuge, and I will provide for your protection of your refuge with an invisible shield. Some of the miracles that you are seeing, are signs of your current protection. I will reward the people who have faith in My refuges with My angel protection, which will be both physical and spiritual.”


Wednesday, December 9, 2015: (St. Juan Diego)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Juan Diego received messages from My Blessed Mother, and she wanted a basilica to be built on Tepeyac Hill. In order for the local bishop to believe in his messages, St. Juan Diego brought the bishop roses in winter on his tilma. When he opened his tilma, there was an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on it, and the bishop believed because of these miracles. This image is also to help stop abortions, not only among the Indians, but also for your current society that is killing My babies. This feast is a preview of My Blessed Mother’s feast of Guadalupe on December 12th.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as the Israelites ate the meat of the quail, so My people at My refuges will have deer come and die in your refuges. You will need someone with a deer knife to cut up the deer for your meat to eat. It will take someone who knows how to butcher the meat for cooking. You will have your ovens to cook the meat, but they will be smaller ovens with less heat than your modern ranges. You will have your freezer to store the meat, but your solar electricity will not be able to power your current oven. You will have to cut up the meat in small pieces to cook it. I will send you the deer when meat is needed. Be thankful that I will send people with talents to provide food, heat, and water for your survival. You will all be working and praying to help each other in your needs. Give thanks to Me for My protection, and for multiplying all that is needed for your people.”


Thursday, December 10, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, before I was born, there were many prophets who foretold My coming, as they prepared the people for the coming Messiah. Some of the Jews thought I would come as an earthly king and take away the Roman yoke from around them. I came as a poor innocent babe, and even Herod wanted to kill Me. These prophets called the people to repentance and to follow My Commandments. The people resented being told what to do, and many of the prophets were killed because the people did not want to hear a message to change their lives of sin. Even St. John the Baptist was killed by Herod, and I was also crucified for My message. It is no surprise that the people of today, do not want to hear My current prophets either. You, My son, have an even harder message in preparing the people for the coming tribulation. They do not want to hear about saving food, or leaving their homes for My refuges. Still you need to keep proclaiming My coming, and preparing souls with Confession in readiness for My coming Warning. Those people, who do not accept Me, could lose their souls in hell. Those people, who do accept Me, will have their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you have fulfilled another one of your projects as you installed a new fence, and your new shed. You are planning to put in some insulation into the shed as recommended by your contractor. Keep in mind that you will only be using this shed for your purpose for only a few years. You may also consider using some of your left over rug material on the floor. The shed is movable for your later purposes. Now, you will be focused on getting your solar panels installed. Your initial work is almost complete and ready for when people will be coming.”

Jesus said: “My people, your weather forecasters have been predicting a warmer winter than normal because of your El Nino effect in the Pacific Ocean. You have not had measurable snow at your airport, where you normally have had ten inches by now. Be thankful for less cold and snow than you usually receive. This good weather will allow workers to do more work outside.”

Jesus said: “My people, normally you would want to help the Syrian refugees, especially the Christians who are fleeing from ISIS terrorists. Your President is more focused on bringing in Syrian Moslems, which has some people questioning about the background of these immigrants. This is becoming more of a concern after the ISIS leaning people killed people in San Bernardino, Ca. Pray that these immigrants do not cause you more problems.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Russia bombing mostly the rebels against Assad, and very little, if any, against the ISIS fighters. America is supporting Iraq, the rebels, and even the Kurds. There is a plan to add more weapons and some ground troops to direct your own planes who are bombing ISIS elements. There is some concern that this war could expand because it is hard to determine who is fighting against who. Russia and America seem to be supporting opposite sides, so your countries could be fighting each other in the future. Keep praying for peace in this unsettled war.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Central bank in America is about to increase its interest rate in a mild tightening back toward historical rates. They are doing so as long as inflation is low and unemployment rates are low. In Europe their Central bank is making more money available with lower rates and even some quantitative easing as your country did earlier. Their unemployment rate is higher than your rate. Pray that your economies will work out any shortcomings so the people will have jobs for work, and food to eat.”

Jesus said: “My son, in the past you have prayed your St. Theresa novena for help with your books and your refuge needs. In this case you could pray this novena so your daughter could find a job while she still is fresh with her job skills. Remember also to pray a thanksgiving novena when she does find a job. Have confidence and faith in your prayer requests, and they will be answered.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have helped your family members in their needs for loans on houses and cars. You may have to again assist your daughter until she finds a new job. All of those family members who you helped, are most grateful for your concern and love for them in their needs. Have your daughter think about coming to Sunday Mass in her prayers for a job. Both of you need to pray for this intention.”


Friday, December 11, 2015: (St. Damascus I)
Jesus said: “My people, when you will be enduring the evil of the Antichrist during the tribulation, you will be happy to know how this time will be shortened. I am speeding up the time so the actual day will be less than 24 hours. The evil one’s time is being shortened for the sake of My elect. The 3½ years that is mentioned in the Scriptures, will be less when I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones. Your time at My refuges will be short, so do not be worried about what you will eat and drink, or what clothes you will wear. I will provide for your protection and your food to eat at My refuges. I will multiply your water, food, and fuels for you to survive. I will give you Holy Communion every day at My refuges, and you will have perpetual Adoration every day. I will then bring My victory, and My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace as your reward for being faithful to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were seeing a massive earthquake in a restaurant with mountains in the background. You are familiar with the San Andreas fault that could trigger a large earthquake in California. I have given you several messages of how San Francisco will fall into the ocean because of all the homosexual sins. This will be one of the punishments that people will suffer for these sexual sins. The sight of this scene’s earthquake could even precipitate a volcanic eruption at Yellowstone which could react with its own smoke and ash for miles. You have had a relative calm without major disasters, but you will be seeing more earthquakes, volcanoes, and tornadoes occurring in a short time. These things will be signs to you of the coming tribulation. So be prepared to see lives lost in these events. Trust in My protection at My refuges during these end times.”


Saturday, December 12, 2015: (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
Our Lady said: “My dear children, under this title of ‘Our Lady of Guadalupe’, I have been known as the ‘Mother of the Americas’. I came to Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill, and at the request of the bishop, there were allowed two miracles of roses in winter, and my image on Juan’s tilma. This was my image as an Aztec woman, with a sign that I was pregnant. There was a basilica erected outside of Mexico City at my request. Many pilgrims visit this site, and I was a sign to the Indians to stop offering up their children to pagan gods. I am a sign against abortion as well, because many people are now offering up their babies to abortion, and the gods of money, convenience, and laziness to accept children. You also remember your local miracle when a crucifix was touched to my image, and the crucifix had blood or a redness appear on it. Babies are your little miracles, so do not discard these little ones for any reason. My Son and I love every soul, and your killing of the babies greatly offends us, and defies my Son’s plan for these lives. Do whatever you can to stop abortion, and counsel these women to have their children, and not kill them.”

(4:00 p.m. Anticipation of Third Sunday of Advent) God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here, and you are all rejoicing on Guadete Sunday. You are burning the pink candle, and even some priests wear rose colored vestments. I am thankful for all of My faithful prayer warriors, and for all of My refuge builders who have made some sacrifices of money and time to prepare their refuges. My son, you have accepted this second mission of preparing a beautiful refuge by giving Me your ‘yes’. I must admit that I admire your eagerness in your preparations, as well as your wife. Not everyone is working as hard as you have done. I know We have told you to get this refuge completed as soon as possible, because My refuges will be needed in the not too distant future. The sooner you are done, the less you will have to depend on My angels to complete your initial work. Keep up the good work, because we appreciate your desire to have things ready.”


Sunday, December 13, 2015: (Third Sunday of Advent)
At St. Charles Borromeo after Holy Communion, Jesus said: “My people, it is horrible that various people are fighting in wars, but it is even worse to be killing each other in the Christmas holidays. This is the meaning of this vision of soldiers as they all sat down with their guns. The evil ones are always stirring up trouble to cause wars, and make blood money on selling weapons to both sides. I am allowing man to make foolish choices for now, but a time is coming in My Warning, when I will show all of you how you have offended Me with your sins, and your sins of omission as well. You will see your mini-judgment, and have a look at where you will be going if you do not change your life. Then the Antichrist will have his hour, which is followed by My victory over all the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. Rejoice, because soon all of this evil and chaos will all come to an end.”


Monday, December 14, 2015: (St. John of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, during Advent you have been reading from the various prophets who were giving prophecy of My coming to the earth as a Redeemer and Savior of all peoples from their sins, both past and present. You have been gifted with prophets who foretold My coming at Bethlehem, and current prophets who are foretelling My return to the earth in the end times. You also have been gifted with prayerful people who have taught about the monastic life of contemplative prayer as St. John of the Cross, and St. Teresa of Avila. You have nuns and monks in the monasteries who are praying to offset some of the evil in the world. You can take a lesson from their lives of prayer, and continue your own daily prayers with some minutes of quiet meditation to listen for My words.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have added insulation and plywood to your 10 x 14 shed, so it could be used for multiple purposes. You have a particular use that I asked you to prepare, but with some light and a space heater, you could use this for housing some people in the future. You have cooking and washing facilities in your house that could be shared. At the time of the tribulation when people will be coming to your refuge, I could have My angels multiply this shed for other people to use. They could even share your cots or have them multiplied as well. Little dwellings like this could offer some privacy for those who come to your place. Thank you for following My instructions to make your preparations for the people.”


Tuesday, December 15, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in every social situation, you need order and people respecting each other to avoid chaos and destruction. In every family all of the members need to perform their duties for order in a household. The parents need to be responsible in working to provide a house, some transportation, and food on the table. Later, they may need to help some in paying for the education of the children. The children also need to be responsible in doing their studies at school and possibly in college. In the work place and at school there needs to be order and obedience for all that needs to get done. In the spiritual part of your life, you also need to be obedient to Me, and responsible for all of your actions in following My Commandments. In nature I have created harmony among the plants and animals. I have given men and women free will because I want you to love Me and each other by your own choice. It is fulfilling your harmony in love that I look for in each persons’ intentions and actions that point a person toward heaven. Keep focused on loving Me and doing My Will in obedience to My Commandments, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read of how the ancient Assyrians defeated Israel, and they took them to Babylon for seventy years. This was a punishment for Israel because they worshiped pagan gods in defiance of the One true God. You are seeing history repeating itself because the new terrorists in ISIS, are distant relatives of the Assyrians, and they speak Arabic as well. Many people in America are now worshiping the pagan idols of money, gold, fame, and possessions. Because America has adopted laws favoring abortion, same sex marriage, and euthanasia, you are calling down My justice upon you. America will be punished for its idol worship and evil laws, and it will come at the hands of the ISIS terrorists, as well as the one world people. Pray for the souls of your country who are being misled by Satan and the demons. Call on Me to provide protection from these evil ones at My refuges.”


Wednesday, December 16, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, Isaiah speaks of God the Father as the only One worthy of being worshiped, and there is no other who created everything. Isaiah also foretold My coming as a Savior, and the One who will heal people’s infirmities. In the Gospel I spoke of Myself in cloaked language without saying that I was the Messiah to come. I told St. John the Baptist’s disciples that the deaf hear, the blind see, and people are raised from the dead. These are similar to Isaiah’s words so St. John would know that I am the Savior to come. Throughout My time on the earth as a God-man, I kept My identity hidden as a Messianic secret. When I did reveal Myself as the Son of God before Pilate, I was wrongfully accused of blaspheming. As you study the Scriptures, you will see My life of love is one to imitate.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how there are two general kinds of people. On the one side you have the good people who are faithful to Me in all that they do, and they share their faith and goods with others. On the other side you have evil people who ignore Me, or they refuse to believe in Me. These are selfish people, and even some of them worship Satan and carry out his evil deeds. At the end times you will see a battle between the good and evil people on the plains of Armageddon. There will be one last battle, and I will be victorious over the evil ones, while My faithful are protected at My refuges. Rejoice when I will bring My people into My Era of Peace, but the evil ones will be punished in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Hollywood people are good at making serial films of at least three episodes so they can make more money with the same or similar setups. They hype up unusual expectations to sell their movies. Then they make more money on DVDs of the same movie. It is one thing to make money, but a good share of these movies are filled with nudity or improper scenes of a sexual nature. They also contain profanity and violence of killing people. This is all done in the name of entertainment, but these movies can become occasions of sin for people who watch them. This is why you need to avoid movies that are ‘R’ rated or that thrive on violence. In the past most of these movies would have been banned for their content, but now people have been so desensitized that they do not see them as bad, when they really are bad. You may be better off not going to so many movies, unless there is a good story without offensive scenes. Be careful that you are not taken in by all the advertising hype that Hollywood is known for.”


Thursday, December 17, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read of My genealogy down from Abraham and King David. You also remember how both St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother had to register in Bethlehem for the census. Bethlehem was the house of King David, and it was foretold by Micah (5:1-2) that the Savior would be born there. ‘But you Bethlehem-Ephratha too small to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for Me One who is to be Ruler in Israel; whose origin is from of old from ancient times.’ My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph were both in the lineage from King David, and all the people had to register according to the tribes of their ancestors. St. Matthew even pointed out the plan of God in noting there were fourteen generations from Abraham to King David. Then there were fourteen generations from King David to the Babylonian Exile, and fourteen generations from the Babylonian Exile until I was born. A Savior was promised by God to save all of mankind from their sins, and I am the One who was foretold by the prophets to fulfill God’s promise.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you were happy to hear that your solar project has received the needed approvals, so your solar installer can buy the equipment to put your system together in a few weeks. Your work on the shed only needs a little paint, some shelves, and a rug to be installed. It has taken some time to bring all of your projects together, but now, the end of your initial work is almost done.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is sad that your daughter’s bank group were all let go right before Christmas and near her birthday. Make a point to remember to pray your St.Therese’s Novena every day for a new job for your daughter. Continue to encourage her to pray as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may not have much snow for Christmas, but you need to pray your St. Michael prayer for safe travel for your relatives. It takes some work to prepare your meals and accommodate your guests for sleeping. It is always a joy to share your Christmas gifts with each other on Christmas Eve. Remember to share your gifts with Me at Mass on Christmas. Your Advent Season is almost over, but you still have time for Confession and your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some attempts being made to try and stop such killings, but these efforts appear weak, and there is not much effort in Syria to fight ISIS on the ground. I wish you could have peace in this area, but some terrorists are intent on continuing the killing of innocent people. These terrorists are also intent on trying to draw you into more fighting, by their acts of brutality on people. Keep praying for this situation to have less fighting and more peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, during this Christmas Season, you need to have some sympathy for those people who are on hard times, and they need help with housing and food. Pray for them and contribute some charity money to help them. You have shelters and food shelves who could use your financial help to assist the poor and the homeless. You could even help your friends and family in their needs. When you help people, you will be storing up treasure in heaven for your good deeds.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been blessed with aquifers for your wells to provide water for your crops. It is unfortunate that these wells are not being replenished, and some of them are going dry because they are being over pumped for your farms. I have told you in the past how fresh water will be harder to find as droughts and lower water tables are taking a toll on your farmers. Pray for more rain and snowfall on your mountains.”

Jesus said: “My people, your college tuition and board are getting so expensive, that many students cannot afford college, and the high amount of loans that are required. Some students can go to community colleges, but they may have to take more years to work and take fewer courses to afford their degrees. Another concern is finding employment at a living wage in a workplace that has sent many jobs overseas. It is getting harder to pay off school loans without good paying jobs. Pray for your students and parents to find answers to their needs.”


Friday, December 18, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the Gospel how I communicate My words to My people as My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph through My messenger angels. There is a point of hearing My message, but the important fact is the openness to do My Will and make a choice with your free will. If My Blessed Mother refused, then I could not come. If St. Joseph did not accept, this also would have been a problem for My home. My parents did choose to follow God’s Will, and they were rewarded. So in today’s world, there are people that I call to do various missions in life, but it is an openness to follow My Will that is required for that mission to be carried out. Some people are given words, while others may have feelings for a direction to follow. You can pray before My Blessed Sacrament, and I will help people how to make decisions in life. Trust in My directions because I will not lead you astray. It is better to be obedient to what I want you to do, than to be obedient to any human person. When you trust in Me, you will be rewarded for following My ways and My directions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing My angels in heaven celebrating My coming to earth, as you commemorate My birth at Christmas. The choirs of angels are constantly singing of My glory, even as they sang the Gloria for the shepherds. All of heaven rejoices on My feast days, and My Blessed Mother brings purified souls from purgatory up to heaven. You are all buying your last minute gifts for each other, but remember to bring your prayers and good deeds to My crib as your gifts to Me. My angels will later be blowing their trumpets when severe punishments will come upon the earth. I have shown you before in the Book of Revelation that you are seeing the seals opened where you have the four horsemen. The red horse is a sign of war when you will be approaching a third world war that will be focused on Israel. I showed you before that war could come after the Tetrad blood moons. After the war, you are seeing a black horse to indicate a coming time of famine. Already you are seeing problems in finding enough water to grow your crops. Droughts in California are already limiting your food from the ground. Prepare your food, water, and refuges when you will see a world famine beginning. Call on My protection to lead you to the safety of My refuges, as the tribulation is about to come to the earth.”


Saturday, December 19, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, your society does not consider life precious in the womb because you are killing millions of My babies every year. You have listened to Satan’s lies, and all the excuses to kill your children. You have terrorists in the doctors who are killing babies in all of your abortion clinics. They are not just killing a group of people, but millions of babies. I detest all killing, but to kill defenseless little ones is about as low and as evil as you can get. It is your abortion laws and all of your killings that will bring My punishment against your country. Because you have denied these babies their freedom to live, I will deny your freedom, and you will be under a coming dictatorship of the one world people in the North American Union. My faithful need to fight against your country’s abortion laws, and be persistent in stopping abortions with your prayers and actions.”

(4:00 p.m. Fourth Sunday of Advent Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I am drawing your attention to two times when I rode on a donkey. When My Blessed Mother was carrying Me in her womb, she rode with Me on a donkey. This is the donkey that you see in many Nativity Scenes. At My birth there was much celebration, as the angels were singing glory to Me in front of the shepherds in the fields. The shepherds came to see Me in My crib as they were directed by the angels. At another time, I rode on a donkey into Jerusalem, and everyone was cheering My entry with palms, as you celebrate on Palm Sunday. There is a parallel in these events that were both celebrations of My glory. You are celebrating My birth as the Savior when I came to the earth as a God-man at the end of Advent. In a while, you will be celebrating My Resurrection at the end of Lent. These are the two major feasts of the Year in My Church, at Christmas and Easter. Rejoice in these celebrations of My glory.”

Jesus said: “My faithful refuge builders, you all have given Me your ‘yes’ to carry out your mission to build interim and final refuges. Some of you have been diligently working on these projects for many years. Others have only recently been building things, and they are hurrying to finish them before people will be coming to My refuges. I commend all of you for all the financial and timely work that you have had to bear in making these refuges. Some of you have gotten financial help from others, and a few have used inheritances or other means to pay for your materials. It is not easy to prepare living quarters, bedding, food, and water sources. You also need some good organization, and some have received messages of instruction to help them. Your work will not be in vain because My angels will help you to take care of My faithful souls during the tribulation. You will have invisible shields of protection, luminous crosses and springs of healing, as well as daily Holy Communion for all who come to My refuges. My faithful will all be rewarded in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”


Sunday, December 20, 2015: (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, as you approach the commemoration of My birth on Christmas, there is great cheer and happiness for My coming as Savior of the world. Many people are busy with their decorations and gift buying at the stores, but keep your focus on Me as the reason for the Christmas Season. Life with Me is more than buying gifts. It is sharing love and your faith so you can bring true peace to your world. You can also help people in their needs by sharing food and clothing. It is when you share things with others, that you are sharing things with Me in them. It is even greater to give than to receive, or to give to the poor when you know they cannot give back to you in return. Rejoice with your family and friends as you share your Christmas spirit.”


Monday, December 21, 2015: (Bob Lombino’s Funeral Mass)
Bob said: “I thank all of the people who thought enough about me, to come to my funeral Mass. I love all of you, especially Karen and my family. I know you are sad because of my leaving, but I wish you would change your tears of sorrow into tears of joy, because I am with the Lord in heaven. I am even surprised by Jesus in all that I am experiencing in heaven with no more pain. I was greeted by all of our deceased family and friends. I thank all of the people who helped me along the way of my sufferings. I am so enraptured with the singing and love in heaven. It is beyond my wildest dreams. I am waiting for the day to see you with me in heaven when you will experience God’s complete and beautiful love. I am glad that you liked my songs and readings. I will be praying for all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I warned you before that the one world people want to take over America so it could be made into a part of the North American Union. There are different ways that they could take down your banking system. They could find a way to turn off your electricity which could shut down your banks. They could use an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack to stop all of your chips and cars. They could have terrorist attacks in destroying your electric grid, or they could have hackers attack all of your banks as they did for one day in Massachusetts. They could also crash your dollar to make it worthless. If your banks and electricity were shut down for any length of time, there would be riots in the streets with people seeking food and water. Such a situation could trigger a martial law with your military taking control. When your lives are in danger, I will warn My faithful to seek out My refuges of safety. My angels will shield My faithful and provide for their needs. Be grateful that I have My refuge builders storing food, water, bedding, and shelter for My faithful. Most of you will be safe during the tribulation, and then I will bring My victory over the evil ones. Be patient for awhile, until these things will come to pass, and I will lead My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, December 22, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, there are very few quotations from My Blessed Mother in the Scriptures, but her Magnificat, so fits in with your Advent preparations for commemorating My birth. These words of the Magnificat are repeated every day in the night prayers of the Liturgy of the Hours. In the morning prayers you have Zechariah’s words after his voice returned on St. John the Baptist’s birth. Both of these prayers are centered around My coming as the Savior of all mankind from their sins. As you prepare for My feast of Christmas, remember the importance of My Blessed Mother’s fiat to the angel when she had a choice to be My mother. This was when it could have endangered her life before St. Joseph took her into his home. My Blessed Mother truly is worthy of being called ‘Blessed’ because she was born without original sin, and she lived in My Divine Will without sin. Every time you pray the ‘Hail Mary’ prayer, you are reminded of her holiness and obedience to My Will.”

Jesus said: “My people, I warned you first that you will face attacks from the schismatic church, as they will try to oust you from their church. You will be part of My faithful remnant that will be caught up in the division of My Church. The next attack will come from your own corrupt government that will be trying to capture those people who believe in Me, and those who refuse to take a mandatory chip in the body. If they capture you, they will take you to the detention centers to kill you in the gas chambers. I will warn My faithful beforehand to come to My refuges of protection before these evil ones could capture you, and before martial law is declared. Some people have told you not to store food, or not to go to My refuges. When this evil time comes, these non-believers in My messages and warnings, will be captured and martyred. Believe in My messages and follow My instructions, and you will be protected. This is why I have asked special people to build My refuges, so the faithful will have a safe haven to come to during the tribulation. Only those people, who are believers with My cross on their foreheads, will be allowed into My refuges.”


Wednesday, December 23, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, truly the birth of St. John the Baptist was a miracle to be born of aging parents. St. Zechariah named the new boy ‘John’ because this was the name given by an angel, even though there were none of his relatives with this name. St. John the Baptist was to be My herald in the desert to prepare My way, and call the people to repentance of their sins. In the first reading from Malachi, he talked about Elijah coming before Me, and truly the spirit of Elijah was with St. John. Elijah will also come with Enoch as the two witnesses of My coming in victory as mentioned in the Book of Revelation. You are living in these end times, even as you are celebrating My coming to Bethlehem. Rejoice both now, and when I will come to cast the evil ones into hell, for your redemption is near at hand.”
Note: The Gospel of Luke states that while Zechariah ministered at the altar of incense, an angel of the Lord appeared and announced to him that his wife would give birth to a son, whom he was to name John, and that this son would be the forerunner of the Lord (Luke 1:12–17). Citing their advanced age, Zechariah asked with disbelief for a sign whereby he would know the truth of this prophecy. In reply, the angel identified himself as Gabriel, sent especially by God to make this announcement, and added that because of Zechariah’s doubt he would be struck dumb and “not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed”. Consequently, when he went out to the waiting worshippers in the temple’s outer courts, he was unable to speak the customary blessing (Luke 1:18–22).

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages that I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges. It will appear that nothing is wrong, and you will have to trust My Word to leave your homes quickly for My refuges. The evil one world people have even foreign military ready in their tunnels to come up and try to capture the ‘red’ list faithful before martial law is declared. After My Warning experience for everyone, there will be six weeks of time for conversions. When I warn you to leave, you must do it quickly, or you will risk being captured and killed. Take this warning to leave as a true prophecy so you are not captured. After martial law is declared, these same evil ones will then seek out the ‘blue’ list people who are the faithful who the evil ones will try and kill next. These evil ones are ruthless killers who will be sent out to kill My faithful before they can get to My refuges. Only those faithful with My crosses on their foreheads, will be able to enter My refuges.”


Thursday, December 24, 2015: (10:00 p.m. Vigil Mass of Christmas)
Jesus said: “My people, there were only a few people in the shepherds and the Magi who witnessed My birth, but Herod had every intention to kill Me. The angels in heaven and those in hell at the time, knew that I was the promised Redeemer to open the gates of heaven after My death on the cross. This time of My birth is a major celebration of My coming to the earth as a God-man. Up to that time, no one could come into heaven, and there was no forgiveness of original sin. Rejoice in your commemoration of My birth, which was the new birth of Christianity that has survived in My Church even until today.”


Friday, December 25, 2015: (Christmas Day)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of people celebrating Christmas, would be a beautiful dream, if people truly were joyous over My coming, instead of shopping, or secular holidays. I am the One true God who is worthy of your worship and praise, but this feast is now all about buying and selling gifts. I came to the earth as your Savior and Redeemer, but many people do not fully appreciate My true reason for coming which is to save souls. Continue to rejoice in My peace and love, as a preview of a glimpse of what heaven is like. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you have a taste of My Real Presence in heaven. Keep your soul pure with frequent Confession, and you will be always prepared to meet Me at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some unusual rain patterns that have caused droughts in California. You are also seeing unusually warm temperatures in the North from the El Nino in the Pacific Ocean. If your plants bud too early, then the cold could kill them, and you may have some reduced fruit crops in the North as well as the West. All of these weather changes could contribute to a coming world famine. I have warned My faithful to store some extra food for just such an event. Those people, who refuse to heed My warning, could go hungry in search of food. My refuge builders are also concerned about stocking up on food and water that I will have My angels multiply when it is needed. Have trust in My messages that are preparing you for the coming tribulation.”


Saturday, December 26, 2015: (7:00 p.m. Holy Family Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, not only are you honoring Myself, My Blessed Mother, and St. Joseph as the Holy Family, but you are also honoring all families as an institution of marriage. In our own family, St. Joseph taught Me his trade as a carpenter, and I became known as the carpenter’s son. My Blessed Mother taught Me the Jewish faith, and they brought Me to be circumcised at the temple. My Blessed Mother also questioned Me why I was at the temple teaching, when they could not find Me. All families require someone or both parents to work to provide the money for the family’s needs. Parents help bring up the children in the faith, and they help the children with their education. Children are a blessing to the parents, as well as the grandchildren. Around the holidays, it is fitting for families to come together. It also would be good to come together after the Warning, so they could come to the same refuge. Rejoice in your family life, as the family should be the central units of your society.”

Jesus said: “My people, whenever you see an exorcism of a demon out of a person, you are seeing My stronger power over the demons. They fear My Name being said, and they must obey My commands. There were two things in the movie about ‘The Rite’ that stood out. One was that you are not alone. You always have your guardian angel and Me with you. If you are being attacked by demons, you can call on Me, and I will send you many angels to defend you and protect you. The other comment is that you have to have faith in Me that I can exorcize demons out of people. You have prayed deliverance prayers over people before, but it is My power that removes the demons. Do not take pride, because you are only My instruments in carrying out the deliverance of souls from the evil ones.”


Sunday, December 27, 2015: (Holy Family Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, today you draw your attention to My Holy Family of Myself, My Blessed Mother, and St. Joseph. We are the model family to follow, even amidst all the trials of life. You help your children grow up through all of their school years. You educate them in the faith and their secular learning to prepare them for a good job. You have helped them with college expenses, and even with wedding and house expenses. You may have been able to help them with buying cars, and maybe even babysitting for your grandchildren. You always are willing to help your children with their needs, as you love them unconditionally. You love Me as well, and you invite your children to have the same love relationship with Me as you have with Me. By following My Commandments and living a good married life, you will be blessed with My gifts, as I am always looking out for your needs as you do for your children. You are all My children and My family of believers, so keep close to Me in your daily prayers of love.”


Monday, December 28, 2015: (Holy Innocents)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read how angry King Herod was when the Magi did not tell him where I was born. As a result, he sent out orders for his soldiers to kill all the children in the Bethlehem area who were two years old or younger. St. Joseph had a dream from an angel to take Me and My Blessed Mother to Egypt to avoid Herod’s soldiers. This unfortunate slaying of these innocent children in Bethlehem was foretold by the prophets. It is also a parallel to how your society is killing its babies in a million abortions every year. You hear stories speaking of terrorist killings, or people killed in tornadoes, and this is big news. Yet, you have many babies being killed, and you do not even hear of these deaths with no death certificates. This is a result of your death culture and little regard for the preciousness of life. You are more concerned with money and convenience, than saving the lives of these little ones. Because of your abortion laws and all of these abortions, America will be held responsible for this blood on your hands, when I bring My punishment upon you. Continue to fight against abortion both physically in your protests, and spiritually in your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you about all the abortions that are committed in America, and how I would bring My punishment against you. Today, you are seeing many suffering from tornadoes with deaths and lost homes. You have also seen some floods causing destruction from the heavy rains. Now, you are seeing ice storms cutting people’s power from trees falling on your electric wires. You have these things happening, but today on the feast of the Holy Innocents, you are seeing even more severe storm damage than usual. Today is the remembrance of the babies killed by Herod, but you are even worse in aborting millions of lives every year. Pray for the stoppage of abortion, gay marriage, and euthanasia that has been bringing down My judgment against America.”


Tuesday, December 29, 2015: (St. Thomas Becket)
Jesus said: “My people, the church is where you come together, but it is the faithful people who make up My Church. When I tell you to build up My Church, I am really asking you to evangelize more people to share in My love and My glory. I came to the earth to bring salvation to all sinners who repent of their sins. My death on the cross has opened up the gates of heaven. When you confess your sins in Confession, you allow My grace to come into your soul, as I will heal your soul from any effects of your sins. Rejoice as Simeon did, because My promise has been fulfilled to him and to all people, that the Savior has been born to you. As you celebrate Christmas, you are celebrating your redemption by your Redeemer in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, because your weather has seen warmer temperatures, you could see more violent storms to come that could include tornadoes and mixes of rain, snow, and ice. This latest storm across your country has caused deaths, and much destruction. In the past you have seen deep cold and a large amount of snow in the last few years. This could change to more severe weather with less cold and less snow. Just as you are seeing more severe weather with El Nino, this is nature that is reflecting the violence of your terrorist attacks. I have warned you to be prepared with extra food and fuel in case your weather does not allow you to get to the store for supplies. You have oil lanterns for light, and fuels for your kerosene burner and your wood fireplace. You may need your preparations of food when your supplies get low at your stores. I will protect you from whatever evil plans the one world people have in place. Trust in Me for your protection and providing for your needs in whatever you may face.”


Wednesday, December 30, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, when you build a tall building, you need to have a good foundation with piers going into bedrock, and not on sand. In the same way with your faith, you need to also have a good foundation built on the rock of My Church in St. Peter. You must follow My Ten Commandments and the laws of My Church. You must be trained in the Scriptures with Bible study, and make use of My sacraments. If you are going to follow Me, you need to focus your life on Me every day, and imitate My life on earth in prayer and fasting. Pick up your cross and carry it through life, without looking back. By making a good foundation in your faith, you will be able to endure all the temptations of the devil. Even when you fall into sin, you can repent in Confession, and I will forgive you. Have faith and trust in Me during life, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, you had a priest do a Mass for any evil spirits in the house, or on your friend’s land. This land was a burial ground at one time, and there is a mixture of demons, and the spirits of people who died a long time ago. Most of the spirits are Indians, and they want you to respect their burial lands. It is the demons who are taking advantage of these spirits, and the demons are trying to keep the spirits away from My Light. Once you can have the demons release these old spirits, then this land would no longer be haunted. Keep praying your binding of the spirits prayers and deliverance prayers, and dedicate your Masses to rid the demons from this land.”


Thursday, December 31, 2015: (St. Sylvester I)
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel of St. John the Evangelist spoke of Me as the Light in the world, but the world did not recognize Me as the promised Messiah. The Magi followed My miraculous star to Bethlehem, and they brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh that were fit for a king. This vision of My star emphasizes that I am truly the Light of the world, and I bring My victory over sin and the darkness of sin. I am also the Light of Truth where I revealed that I am the Son of God in the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity to My apostles. Receive My Light of faith that enlightens your soul with My gifts of grace in My sacraments. Both in Baptism and Confession, you are forgiven your sins, so you can be My disciples. Treasure the gift of My Light in your soul that guides you through the darkness of this sinful world. By following My Commandments and sharing My Light of faith with others, you will have your reward in the Light and beauty of heaven. All souls strive for My ‘Light’ so they can be released from the bonds of this physical life on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a year of no change in your stock market. The few interest rate raises are not even going to change the interest rates for savers at your banks. With higher minimum wages, there will be fewer jobs with less hours. Many of your health exchanges will have a hard time making a profit, as your health system is falling apart from not having enough people signing up. Finding good jobs will be harder as companies are trying to cut their numbers. As some countries falter in their lack of growth, you will see some stagnant economies and some possible bank failures. Your National Debt is rising faster than you can continue to finance it. There will be some food shortages because of your bad weather conditions with very few reserves to back up any losses. Be prepared in case your President wants to declare martial law to stop the coming Presidential election. The one world people want to take over America by any means possible, and they will use any means necessary to implement their plan. Have your refuges ready to accept many faithful as soon as possible. Have trust in My protection through the coming tribulation.”


Sábado, 29 de Março de 2025

Mulher Vestida de Sol