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John Leary - Ano 2016 (Inglês)



Ano 2016

Friday, January 1, 2016: (Solemnity of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, the celebration of My birth is over, and you read how I was circumcised and given My Name in the Temple. Then you witnessed My flight into Egypt, as we were fleeing the wrath of Herod, who felt threatened by another king to take his throne. We went into hiding in another cave dwelling in Egypt that you have visited. I have given you messages, My son, about how I will warn people when My faithful will also have to flee to places of hiding from the evil ones who want to kill My believers. The one world people and the Antichrist want to kill all the people who refuse a chip in the body, and those who will not go along with the new world order. This time of tribulation will be short, and some people will be martyred. But the rest of My faithful will be protected until I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you start out on a New Year, you have an opportunity to change how you do things in life. In your physical life you may want to get more exercise by walking every day, or indoor biking when the weather is bad. You may want to cut back on eating so many desserts, or too many sweets to cut your weight down. Occasionally, you may need to clean out your basement and garage. In your spiritual life, you could add at least a half hour of spiritual reading as your Imitations of Christ. You may want to reach out in helping people more with their needs. You also may want to focus more on praying five to ten minutes in silent contemplative prayer. I am giving you some suggestions to improve your life, but you could think of other things that could help you. Each year you should try to take an inventory of whether you are improving or falling back in your spiritual life. In order to work on trying to perfect your life, you need to be improving each year. As you get older in years, you should be making sure you are always ready with a pure soul for when I will take you home at your death. Many souls die unexpectedly without any proper preparation for their judgment before Me. Once you make your resolutions, you need to write them down, and work on trying to keep them.”


Saturday, January 2, 2016: (The Epiphany 4:00 p.m. Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s celebration of the Magi coming to greet Me at My crib is a joyous occasion. They followed a star that moved and led them to Israel. This is a miraculous star, and you could do some research to see what has been discovered. The Three Kings asked Herod where to find Me, and they were told to go to Bethlehem where they could find Me. They were overjoyed to see Me, and they gave Me their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They went home another route, and they did not return to Herod because they were advised in a dream. The star they followed represents My Light that shines out to all peoples, and not just to the Magi. You are all drawn to My Light because your souls are only satisfied when they can be in My Presence. Give praise and glory to Me, even as the Magi bowed to give Me homage.”


Sunday, January 3, 2016: (Epiphany Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you are continuing to celebrate My coming as the Magi gave Me homage, and they gave gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. I call My people to give Me your gifts as well, by your obedience to My laws, and sharing charity with those people around you. This vision of a strong sense of evil coming upon the world, appeared to you as a dark, huge hurricane of evil. You will see destructive natural disasters, more wars, and an attempt by the one world people to take over your country. I will not give a specific time, but this year will move you closer to the North American Union becoming a reality. This will mean all of your rights will be taken away, and chips in the body will be forced on you. Refuse to take any chips in the body for any reason, because you will be made like a robot. Before your lives are in danger, you will have My Warning experience, and I will give you the word to leave for My refuges. Be not afraid, but put your trust, hope, and faith in My protection at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a rustic refuge that may not be the best looking place, but it will be very practical for your survival during the tribulation. I have asked My refuge builders to be prepared with some water sources, some stocked up food, two sources of fuel to keep you warm in the winter, and bedding for everyone. You will use your space for eating during the day, and you will pull out your cots and beds to sleep at night. You will also need latrines or septic systems for your needs. Some refuges may have solar power for lights, refrigerators, and sump pumps. For cooking, you may need propane, wood, or kerosene fuels in your heaters. My angels will provide for your needs by multiplying your food, water, fuels, and your buildings. Do not complain of your surroundings, or your food, but be thankful that you will be protected from the evil ones who want to kill you. The angels will put an invisible shield around your refuges, and they will provide daily Holy Communion, if you do not have a priest. You will also share hours of Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament at every refuge. Do not be afraid of the evil ones, because I will protect you throughout the tribulation. Have patience through this trial, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”


Monday, January 4, 2016: (Frank Toukatly Funeral Mass)
Frank said: “I thank all of you for taking the time to come to my funeral Mass. Father Abe gave a great homily, and I was blessed to have so many priests come as well. I love Connie, my children, and my grandchildren very much, and I am sorry that I had to leave them. I thank my family and my care givers for enduring all this time with my cancer. I thank all of my friends for attending the Mass, and especially those people who came from out of town like yourselves, John and Carol. I will be watching out for all of you, and I will be praying for you in heaven. As in the vision, this was a special honor for Jesus to come and take me to heaven. His coming through the roof was very Biblical as the healing of the paralytic man. God bless all of you, and remember me as your prayer intercessor.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government is grid locked because no bills can get passed the Senate cloture and your President’s veto. He is not compromising because he is trying to force his will over Congress and the people by declaring Executive Orders and new regulations. Even though the opposite party controls both houses of Congress, they cannot overcome this gauntlet of cloture and vetoes. This exploitation of Presidential power is beyond your Constitutional authority, and it is why your President appears as a dictator. Until your people and politicians enforce your Constitution, you will be allowing your President to do whatever he wants to do. This is why you are on the road to losing all of your rights, and allowing your President and the one world people to take over your country. This will be followed by forcing you into the North American Union, which has been the plan all along. When your country is taken over, you will need to come to My refuges, because these evil ones want to kill all of My believers. If you do not fight for your rights, you will lose them. Be thankful that My angels will protect you at My refuges, even though some of My faithful will be martyred.”


Tuesday, January 5, 2016: (St. John Neumann)
Jesus said: “My people, these visions of how a lot of chickens disappeared, represents some of the problems that the farmers have had with bird flu among the chickens. They had to dispose of a lot of chickens as a result. Some of these stories do not make a lot of headlines, but you see the effect on your prices of chicken when the supply lessens. In other cases you are seeing some foods pulled off of the shelf because of bacteria outbreaks of a toxic nature. These are just a few cases that can threaten your food supplies. I have mentioned before, how you need to have some reserve supplies of food in your pantries, because a world famine will be coming as a sign of the end times. Your weather fluctuations and your water shortages are threatening your crops. This will be one more reason that you will need to come to My refuges, where I will be multiplying your food as I did in today’s Gospel.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in the past that it is not necessary to know the exact date of the tribulation, because only My Father in heaven knows these times, and it will happen when he allows it. I have also told you the same for the date of the Warning. To understand when these events will happen, you need to have the eyes of faith, and put your total trust in My Word to you. If you are observing the current events, you would see how the evil in the world keeps getting worse. You have seen millions of babies being killed in America every year, which is supported by your Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade. Recently, you have seen the Supreme Court again has approved gay marriage as legal, which I abhor as an abomination. You are also seeing euthanasia being approved in some of your states. You also are seeing medical marijuana approved, and some even have approved recreational marijuana as legal. These are just some of the signs of evil getting worse. You will be seeing chips in the body being approved after your credit cards now have to have chips in them. There are plans being made for martial law, and for America to be a part of the North American Union. Some people may think nothing is happening, but those with the eyes of faith can tell you that the time of the Antichrist is near because he is already present on the earth. My Warning will come first, but I will not allow the Antichrist’s reign to come until My Father gives the Word. I will call My faithful to My refuges when your lives are in danger. Be grateful that My refuge builders have prepared safe havens for My faithful to be protected.”


Wednesday, January 6, 2016: (St. Andre Bessette)
Jesus said: “My people, love in a marriage needs to always be faithful. Once spouses make a commitment to love one another, they should not be looking for another person, and surely not any affairs. If you truly love someone, you should be faithful to your spouse. Many marriages wind up in divorce because of infidelity. As you were reading about love in St. John’s letter, so you have made a commitment to love your Creator. Remember that it is I who chose to love you from your conception. I should be first in your life, even above your spouse, without any other idols or gods. I am a jealous God, and I desire that all souls love Me in return. I do not force My love on anyone, because I want everyone to love Me by their own free will. If you truly love Me, your soul will not be satisfied until you are united with Me in prayer, in receiving Me in Holy Communion, or in visiting Me in front of My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle. I am love, and when you are worthy to come to heaven, you will experience My complete love, as you will be one with Me in your spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see this vision of orange tulips, it brings memories about spring flowers and the beauty of nature. Right now, you are seeing mostly poinsettias on your church altars. You see other flowers with funeral arrangements. This picture of tulips gives you great joy to look beyond the winter that has been warmer with less snow. There is another representation of the spring flowers, and that means it is a sign of more serious events that will be coming soon. You are seeing nuclear tests in North Korea, a slip in China’s economy, and oil prices going lower. The war in Syria and Iraq is continuing to expand with the countries that are involved. My people need to be prepared for some major events that could affect your electricity and your food supplies. My refuge builders are preparing food, fuels, and bedding for a coming tribulation. Prepare for My Warning which will come before any life threatening events. The time for the evil ones is running out, and they will make one last grab for power before I will conquer them, and claim My victory.”


Thursday, January 7, 2016: (St. Raymond of Penyafort)
Jesus said: “My people, you are so used to living each day, that you sometimes forget all of the gifts that I give to you each day. You have the oxygen in the air that you need to breathe, so your body can function. You have the light of your star at just the right distance to give direction to see, and enough warmth so you can survive. You have abundant water because you need this for your body as well. When you think of all the gifts of Mine that you take for granted, you can thank Me, because I am providing for your needs all of the time. This again is why I am worthy of your worship and your love, because I have created you, and all that you see in the world. As you look at the plants, the animals, and the stars of the universe, you see everything is ordered and follows My commands. I have given men and women free will to choose to follow My ways or not. I desire everything to be in harmony with My Will, and this is what I ask of everyone because nature is in harmony with Me. All of those people, who love and obey My Commandments, will one day be whole in a glorified body and soul with Me in heaven. But those people, who refuse to love Me and do not seek the forgiveness of their sins, will be choosing to be with the devil in hell for all eternity. This is your choice in life, and I want to save all souls, but you must choose to be with Me in heaven of your own free will.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, China is the second largest economy in the world, and when there was a drop in its businesses, it triggered markets to drop all over the world. Some people have criticized China for stopping its markets and changing the value of its currency. People forget that your US government used taxpayer money to prop up your banks in 2008. The Federal Reserve also lowered interest rates to 0%, and you had three quantitative easings that fabricated trillions of dollars on the Federal Reserve balance sheet. It is the world bankers that are controlling your currencies and debts. They want to crash your financial systems, and start a new world single currency under their control. When this manufactured collapse occurs, you will have martial law, and lose all of your freedoms. This will create chaos, and My faithful will need to come to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, the timing of this test by North Korea seems to be a ploy to make headlines, and try to cover up the financial problems in China. There was a significant spike on the earthquake scales that a bomb was tested. Your scientists are still trying to determine if it was a hydrogen bomb, because this is much more explosive than an atomic bomb. This act against your UN treaties is disturbing to the other nations around North Korea. I detest the use of such weapons that could kill millions of people. Keep praying for world peace with your daily rosaries.”

David said: “My dear family, I am still watching over you and praying for your needs. My sister, Catherine, is having to deal with a lost job when her bank closed their office. I am also interceding to Jesus to help her in getting another job to pay her bills. She may need some patience until she can find another job to her liking. All of you are praying for her as well. I love all of my family, and I am happy that you placed my picture in your chapel. I also thank you for visiting my grave. Remember me as your prayer intercessor for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you are seeing pictures of death and destruction from many tornadoes in parts of your country. In other areas you had excessive rainfall cause some severe flooding along your rivers. You do not appreciate the loss of life and homes that has been going on, but the victims are suffering greatly with their lives totally disrupted. All of this destruction will have some effect on your economy. Some of these events are a punishment for all of your sins against My Commandments. Keep praying for your sinners, and pray to stop your abortions.”

Jesus said: “My son, putting your solar panels in place, is the last big project of your refuge plans. Once your batteries, invertors, and solar panels are installed, you could have an independent source of electricity during the tribulation. Your angel will be protecting this project from any outside damage, so it will continue to work with your maintenance. You are getting your refuge ready just in time before events will be leading My faithful to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are sometimes drawn to see the latest new electronic gadgets that your companies are bringing to the market place. You may need to buy new things to replace your aging equipment, but do not let these things distract you from your love for Me and working on your missions. All of these things will become obsolete and pass away, but your souls and I will live on for all eternity. So let your main focus be on your eternal destination.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a steady number of killings by Islamic terrorists all over the world. These attacks will continue as the one world people will use fear of these killings as a way to control and manipulate your people. Be prepared for a martial law declaration as a result of terrorist attacks, bankruptcy of your financial system, and pandemic viruses. I have been giving this message for a long time, but you will be seeing events move quickly in this direction. Be prepared to leave for My refuges before many people will have their lives threatened. Trust in My protection during this trial before I will bring My victory over the evil ones.”


Friday, January 8, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some serious problems with your markets, and some are apprehensive where this will lead your country. The one world people are orchestrating all of your financial problems because it is their intention to take over your country with a martial law. This is why they are trying to create one crisis after another to achieve their goal of a take over of America. This takeover will be a punishment for your sins, but I will provide protection for My faithful at My refuges. You will need patience to endure the trial that is coming, but the evil ones will only have a short reign before I will bring My victory. The tribulation is prophesied in the Scriptures. The light at the end of this tunnel is My promised victory over the evil ones. Trust in Me that My power is much greater than the Antichrist and the demons. Keep close to Me in frequent Confession, and your soul will be saved with Me.”


Saturday, January 9, 2016: (Baptism of Jesus, 5:00 p.m. Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, you are witnessing a presentation of Our Blessed Trinity when I was being baptized in the Jordan River. I was immersed totally in the water while St. John the Baptist prayed over Me. Then you saw in the vision how the Holy Spirit descended upon Me. God the Father was manifested when His voice called out:‘This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’ St. John the Baptist was told before when he would see a dove descend on someone, that he would be the true Lamb and Messiah who was promised. This is why St. John the Baptist called out that I was the Lamb of God and to follow Me. He also said that he must decrease while I must increase. This is a spiritual message for all of My followers that I must be first in your life, while you are following My Commandments, and carrying out the mission that I have given you. Think of this scene of the Blessed Trinity when you make the sign of the cross, and when you pray the ‘Glory Be’ prayers. Even when you receive Me in Holy Communion, you also receive My heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit as well because We cannot be separated. This Baptism is also a sacrament that I instituted as it brings new converts into the faith, and it takes away all original and actual sin. Give glory and praise to Me for all of My sacraments that are My gifts to you.”


Sunday, January 10, 2016:
Jesus said: ‘My people, today you are witnessing My Baptism in the Jordan River by St. John the Baptist in the presence of the Holy Spirit, and My heavenly Father. This is the sacrament of Baptism by which all Catholics are initiated into My Church. Some are baptized as infants, and the parents and godparents attend classes in preparation. Adults or older children are trained in RCIA classes. When you are taught the faith, you are understanding My Ten Commandments, My Church laws, and all about My sacraments. You are also taught about the Mass, and how I am really Present in the consecrated Host and the consecrated Wine as My Body and Blood. They are also taught about confessing their sins before receiving Me in Holy Communion. They could also learn about their formal prayers as the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and the Apostles’ Creed. I love all of My people, and I thank My faithful for leading converts to the faith. All of My faithful by your Baptism and Confirmation are called to evangelize souls. When you are baptized you are priest, prophet, and king in My Church. Those people, who have been to a Baptism, see a priest or a deacon baptize a person or persons with water in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You see them marked with chrism, salt, and they are given a candle lit from the Easter Candle. This is truly a proper entry into My Church because it was by My Blood on the cross that people are forgiven original sin in this sacrament. Now the newly baptized people can go forth as My followers and believers in My Word.”


Monday, January 11, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that My Warning will be coming soon, and on that day you will be seeing strange lights in the sky, and people will be frightened by this sign. All of the people at the same time, will be drawn up to My Light through a tunnel. They will be taken out of their bodies and outside of time, as they are brought before Me. Then you all will experience a life review of all of your actions in your life, both good and bad. At the end, you will have a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or to hell. Many people will desire Confession when they realize how much they have offended Me with their sins. You will know that if you do not change your life, then this will be your judgment at your death. During this experience, I will warn people not to take the mark of the beast which is a computer chip that could control their free will. I will also advise you to come to My refuges as a safe haven of protection from the evil ones. I will allow six weeks of conversion. Then you will need to remove your TVs, computers, and internet devices from your homes so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes. If you look at his eyes, he could hypnotize you to worship him. After the Warning, you will see major events happen that will lead up to the Antichrist’s declaration and the start of the tribulation. I will warn My people when it is time to come to My refuges, when your lives are in danger. When it is time, I want you to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge with a small flame. Your angel will place an invisible shield over you when you leave your home, so you will not need guns for protection. Be faithful in coming as soon as possible to My refuge, or you could be captured at your home and martyred in the detention death camps. This is a supernatural intervention that will allow all sinners one last change to be saved with Me. Rejoice that I will cleanse the people before the Antichrist comes.”

Jesus said: “My people, in Luke’s Gospel (4:16-21) I read a passage from the prophet Isaiah (Is 61) in the synagogue where it talked of an anointed One who would bring Good News to the poor, he would release the captives, and cure the blind and the lame. After reading the passage, I told the people on that day this Scripture was fulfilled in their hearing. This was a sign that I was bringing the Kingdom of God upon them by My very Presence. I preached the Gospel of the Kingdom, and I verified My authority in My many miracles where I healed all diseases and sicknesses among the people. It was those people, who had faith in My healing power, who were healed. The people of My hometown, in Nazareth refused to believe that I had the gift to heal people, so I could not heal any people from that town. In many accounts I told My apostles that I had to move on to more towns where I could preach the Kingdom of God. I freed people of their sins when I died on the cross, so My mission is to forgive people’s sins by My Blood sacrifice. I am truly your Savior and Redeemer who was promised by the prophets.”


Tuesday, January 12, 2016: (Joyce Lippa’s Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, Joyce thanks all of you for coming to her last Mass at her funeral Mass. This reading about love in the Corinthians, identifies with her because she loved Nick and the family so much. She also loved Me dearly in her life, in her prayers, and in her good works. She met her deceased relatives as she came to heaven. She is waiting for the day when she can meet all of you again. She is sorry that she had to leave all of you so suddenly in her death. She will be praying for you and watching over you. You can thank Me for her gift of life to all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year you see thousands of people protesting in front of your Supreme Court where your justices are making laws against My Commandments. They have legalized the killing of My babies in abortion, and same sex marriages which are bringing My punishments upon your nation. I will allow the one world people to take you over as your punishment, and you will lose your freedoms, and have to seek My refuges to keep from being martyred. A million of My babies are killed every year in your country alone. This blood on your hands is demanding My justice to come down upon you. You need to keep standing up against your society’s evils of abortion, same sex marriage, and euthanasia. Your country is falling from within by your immoral decadence. Expect this punishment to fall on you in disasters and financial ruin.”


Wednesday, January 13, 2016: (St. Hilary)
Jesus said: “My son, today you read how Samuel was being called by God to be a prophet for his people. He was told by Eli to answer God’s call by saying: ‘Speak Lord, your servant is listening.’ In the same way, My son, you are also called to listen for My words in the inner locutions that I send to you in the quiet after Holy Communion, and the quiet of Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. You have been faithful in spreading My messages for twenty-three years with your books, your website, and your talks all over. By listening to My Word and being faithful to your daily prayers, I have given you many gifts to share with the people. Now, you received some help from your neighbor so you could finance building a chapel, and preparing an interim refuge, which is your second mission. By being faithful to My instructions, everything has come together for a beautiful chapel and all of your preparations for the trial to come. Those people, who listen to My invitation and accept My missions, will be rewarded in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, I knew you had the inheritance money to afford installing solar panels, so I requested that you get your solar project moving. It has taken a long time for your approvals, but now your solar people have already delivered your panels and invertors. The contractor will soon install them so you can start having a lower electric bill. This is one of your remaining projects to get ready. As you are seeing a dropping stock market, you are getting this done, even as world events are making people nervous about their investments. The people behind the scenes are influencing your markets to go lower. One of their plans is to turn off your electricity. By using batteries and solar panels to provide your electricity, this will help your refuge to have power when it is needed. I told you that I will have your prayer group angel protect this investment that I urged you to obtain. I have helped you in many ways to prepare a beautiful chapel, and I will multiply your food, water, sleeping quarters, and fuels so you will be able to support forty people at first at your refuge. Give thanks and praise to Me for all that I am doing to provide for your needs.”


Thursday, January 14, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read how the Israelites at one time worshiped other gods and did evil in My sight. Even though they were the Promised people to receive Me, they still could be punished for their sins. This is why I allowed the Israelites to be defeated by the Philistines, even in the presence of the Ark of the Covenant. So it is with America. You are defying My laws, and you even worship other gods of sports, fame, and possessions. Because you are killing a million of My babies every year, and your other sins, you will be tested with bad times, and even defeat on the battlefield. I have given messages to My prophets through the years to warn you that you need to repent of your sins, and change your ways like the Ninevites did. Even now, I am warning America to repent from your evil laws, or you will face My judgment, and be punished by the one world people. The descendants of the Assyrians will be harassing you even in your own country with terrorism. Your blessings of My protection have been taken away from you, even as I removed My protection from the Israelites. It is just a matter of time until this punishment will be carried out. Save your souls by staying close to Me in your prayers, and seeking My forgiveness in Confession.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in recent weeks you read of My birth, and how King Herod feared Me because I would be a king and ruler of Israel, as foretold by the prophets. Even the kings of the East came to give Me homage as a king with the royal gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. I was born in a lowly cave, and I did not reveal My true identity until I was before the high priest. I am truly your King because I am God the Father’s Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. In Sunday’s Gospel of My Baptism, you also saw the Blessed Trinity manifested with the Holy Spirit as a dove, and God the Father in a voice. Give praise and thanks to your King, who came to die on the cross for all of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been calling many people to set up refuges for the coming tribulation. Not all of the people, who I called, said ‘yes’ to My mission. It is a grace of faith and trust in Me for people to accept My mission of building a refuge. Many people have asked you if they could have a refuge. I will accept any person who discerns in prayer that they want to accept this mission. The tribulation will be a great time of evil with the Antichrist, and My faithful will need a safe haven with My angels to protect them from those who want to kill them. Give thanks to Me for providing refuges where I will multiply your food and water.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have waited a long time until these solar workers are finally installing your solar system. I have urged you to do this solar project months ago, and now it is happening. This will provide most of your electricity, except for your oven and air conditioner. Your people will be happy for lights and some small appliances during the tribulation.”

Fr. George said: “My son, I was happy to see you when you visited Canada to give your talks. You were struck with awe when I prayed over the possessed woman in Michigan, and I was able to remove the demon by God’s power. We priests have a heavy responsibility to bring souls to God with our ministry at Mass, and the sacraments, especially hearing confessions. I will miss all of you, but I will be praying for all of the people who I ministered to. I thank all of my care givers in my last years.”

Jesus said: “My people, even though you have a low unemployment rate, and people have some money to spend, there is still uncertainty about China’s economy and your oil prices. You have seen some serious corrections in your markets, and some people do not feel secure in their jobs. There are some people manipulating your markets for their advantage. Do not have fear of these times because I will send My angels to protect you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people rely on the snow pack in the mountains for their drinking water. You have seen recent rainstorms and snow coming to the mountains in California. It will take more of this weather to bring the land back from the drought conditions. Keep praying for adequate water sources, so you can continue growing your crops in California.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are not happy with the direction of your government. This is why there is a desire for a change in your government away from the liberal elements that are defying My laws and over regulating your businesses. You need some good leadership as good statesmen or women instead of your politically correct politicians. If your government people do not change and repent of their sins, then they will be misleading the people with immoral laws that are condemning your nation. Pray for this change, because otherwise I will have to intervene supernaturally with My Warning to try and change your hearts to see how your sins are offending Me.”


Friday, January 15, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you are very familiar with the account of My healing of the paralytic man because you, My son, have a large picture of this scene on your mantle that was painted by Josyp Terelya. The four men and the paralytic man had great faith in My healing that they would open the roof to let him down amidst a large crowd. On seeing the man’s faith, I healed his sins and then his human condition. In many of My healings, I healed the whole person, both body and soul. The Jewish leaders questioned if I could heal his sins, and they even accused Me of blasphemy, because only God could forgive sins. I proved to them that I could forgive sins, when I had the man pick up his mat and go home in full health. This healing astounded them since they had never seen such a healing. Later on, I gave this healing of sins power to My apostles in the sacrament of Reconciliation. I died on the cross to allow My Blood sacrifice to redeem all of My believers from their sins. You can be healed of sin in your Baptism or in Confession. I have recommended frequent Confession, at least monthly, so you can keep your souls pure, and you would be ready to meet Me at your judgment. Believe that I can heal you in your sins and sickness, and you could also be healed as the paralytic man was healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to believe that there are demons all around you, and they want to bring your soul to hell. These demons can control people through their addictions to electronic devices, drugs, and alcohol. In order for people to break their addictions, they need prayer warriors or exorcist priests praying over them to release them from the grasp of the demons. Call on Me when you are attacked by demons, and I will bring My angels to break any addictions, and take away any demons attached to these addictions. Pray the long form of your St. Michael prayer over the person. Put a Benedictine blessed cross on them, a blessed scapular, holy water, and blessed salt on them as well. These are your weapons to defeat the demons, and when you pray deliverance prayers in My Name, and command the demons to the foot of My cross, they will obey Me in you. Do not have any fear of these demons, because I will protect you.”


Saturday, January 16, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see in the Scriptures how I use chosen prophets to direct the chosen people of Israel on the right path to follow My Word. I chose Samuel to anoint Saul as the king that the people requested. Throughout Israel’s history, I protected them from their enemies when they obeyed My laws and worshiped only Me. Once they disobeyed My laws and worshiped other gods, then I allowed their enemies to defeat Israel. So it is with My prophets of today. I am warning America to repent of its sins, and obey My laws without worshiping other gods. Because you are not heeding My laws, especially against abortion, you are seeing disasters and financial problems. Do not be surprised if you are taken over by your enemies in the one world people, just as Israel was also taken over.”

Jesus said: “My people, this sign of a lighthouse warning means America will be facing a great danger from natural disasters, financial troubles, and terrorist activities. You will be seeing multiple events that could bring about a martial law. You already are seeing a major downturn in your markets. The one world people could easily cause a stock market crash that could upset your current economy that has a low GDP. This could affect layoffs and move your unemployment rate higher. Even though your stock market was breaking records, your average worker has been having hard times with less income. Because you could see threats to your money and your economy, it would be prudent to have some extra food and fuels in case your stores were shut down, or your electricity was shut down. I have told you before that you were getting your refuge preparations done just in time, when events could quickly lead up to a need to come to My refuges. I will bring My Warning first, and then the evil ones will have their hour. Fear not, because I will warn you when you will need to come to My refuges, where My angels will protect you from being killed.”


Sunday, January 17, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I performed a miracle at Cana where I changed six jars of water into jars of wine for the wedding guests. This was a multiplication done because the people were out of wine, and My Blessed Mother had urged Me to do something. A marriage between a man and a woman is the core of your family life. It is in this environment of love that it is best to bring up your children. Your society is disregarding My Commandments because some couples live in constant fornication without marriage, and others are committing homosexual acts in living together. A few people could be living celibate lives, but most of this living together without a proper marriage are people living in mortal sin. Even married couples need to avoid birth control devices, and they could use family planning methods instead. Other couples are committing sins when either a man or a woman is getting sterilized. These are all sins against My Sixth Commandment. A proper loving marriage of a man and a woman is the model of love that I have given you, because I am the Groom and My Church is the bride. Living in love of a proper marriage is a preparation for living in spiritual love in heaven.”


Monday, January 18, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given many gifts to all of My faithful, and I take care of your needs. It is the responsibility of My faithful to carry out the missions that I have given them. At times you indulge in the spoils of your gifts for your own pleasure, as Saul did in today’s first reading. Despite your earthly weaknesses, I want My faithful to try their best to be obedient to My laws, and their missions. I want My faithful to use their God-given talents to reach out to evangelize souls, and do good works for their neighbors. When you are obedient to My requests, you will have your reward both on earth and in heaven. But when you ignore, or put off your mission, and you are not obedient to My ways, then you will suffer the consequences of your actions that could punish you in your arrogance. When you disobey My ways, you need to repent of your sins, and change your ways to follow My ways.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may be impatient with Me because I am not bringing My judgment on you sooner. That time will come, but it will happen in My time when God the Father chooses. Do not rush this time of tribulation, because many will suffer at that time. You need to focus more on doing your own prayers for the reparation of souls, while you still have time. I have said that this year will be more troublesome, as you are moving closer to establishing the North American Union. These unions on each continent are being established by the one world people as a power grab, and they will take away your freedoms and rights. As events get more serious, you need to have your backpacks ready to leave for My refuges at any time. It will be when I give everyone a notice to leave, that you will leave your homes and be led by your guardian angel to the nearest refuge. Be not afraid because I am more powerful than all of the evil people and demons.”


Tuesday, January 19, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read how Samuel was appointed to anoint Saul and David as kings. I look into the hearts of the people who I choose for special missions. In the vision you are seeing how all of you are anointed with oil at your Baptism and Confirmation, so you can also go forth to accomplish the missions that I have given to each of you. You all are important to Me, and each person has been given the specific talents needed to fulfill that person’s mission. You also are asked to pick up your own cross to carry in life, which is most comfortable with you. I have given you My Commandments and Church laws as a guide on how you should lead your lives. You all have free will to choose to love Me, and follow My laws out of love for Me. When you fall into sin, I will forgive you in Confession. Keep your focus on doing everything for Me, and you will be on the right road to heaven. The Pharisees were quick to criticize Me and My apostles for not fasting, or picking grain on the Sabbath. It is the spirit of the law that I want people to follow, more than just the letter of the law. If you do everything out of love for Me, you will be pleasing Me the most.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not feel abandoned when you see the evil people appearing to win many battles all over the earth. You will see the Antichrist and his evil inspired people reigning over the world for a short time. Fear not, because I will have My angels protect My faithful remnant from being killed. All of the evil people will have to answer to Me for their evil deeds, and I will soon bring My victory over them. The evil ones and the demons will all be cast into hell. My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace. You know the end of the story, so trust in My protection at My refuges.”


Wednesday, January 20, 2016: (Mass for Aunt Jennie)
Jesus said: “My people, this account of David overcoming Goliath, is an example of My miraculous support for David in leading Israel. When people pray and have confidence in My help, they will see miraculous power over many seemingly impossible obstacles. I may not remove all of your problems, but I will see to your needs to get through your trials, if you just pray and have faith in My help. Every day you face large problems, but I get you through them all. Just look back through your life, and see how I enabled you to overcome obstacles that blocked your path. What David did was actually possible, but I supported his efforts, and I gave him the confidence in faith to carry out his successful battle against the Philistines. Continue to pray in confidence that I will hear your prayers and send you My angels to assist you in your needs. Sometimes you may have to be patient, but be persistent in your prayers, and they will be answered.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been observing your stock markets dropping severely up to 20% for some stocks. It has made many investors nervous that your stock prices have dropped so fast. Some of your commodities, as oil and your metals, have also dropped at a fast rate. This is just like your vision as you saw an elevator dropping floors very fast. Some of these things are being controlled by the rich and hedge corporations, who are shorting your stocks similar to 2008. There is also a sense that your world economies are growing stagnant, and this could easily fall into a recession. The one world people want to crash your markets and the dollar, so they could precipitate a martial law takeover of your country. This is why I am having My refuge builders prepare for the coming tribulation with food, water, and fuels. When the Warning is over, you will see events move quickly to allow the Antichrist to have a short reign. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when I give you an interior warning. My angels will protect you, so have no fear of the evil ones, who I will cast into hell on My victory.”

Jesus said: “My people, the people in Flint, Michigan had a change in their water supply that contained acid and lead from the lead pipes. I have mentioned before how delicate your fresh water supply is, and you can see how it could easily be contaminated with salt, or any other things as discarded medicines. Your treatment plants have a difficulty in removing soluble poisons and other contaminants. Once there is a problem, you need to boil the water, or even distill it to purify bad water. You have stored some water in your barrels for when water is either unavailable, or the tap water is contaminated. I will also clarify your well water, or even multiply what you have, if it is limited in supply for a lot of people. Trust in Me to provide your water because I know how you all need a sufficient amount of fresh water to survive. You may have to use rainwater or melted snow for a continuous source of water. You can use your ceramic silver filter to purify water from various sources so you can have drinkable water. Your water preparations are very important for your refuge life.”


Thursday, January 21, 2016: (St. Agnes)
Jesus said: “My people, I am the One true God, and you should worship and love Me every day of your life. The Gospel speaks about seeking a treasure, but I am even more than a treasure, because I am your very lifeblood. Without Me, you would have nothing. You may have desires for earthly things, but I am far above any thing or any person on earth. I am a jealous God, and I want all of you for Myself. I do not force you to love Me, but I desire that you love Me of your own free will. The more you love Me, the more you want to draw closer to Me in your daily prayers, in daily Mass, and even daily Adoration visits. When you come to heaven, you will be One with Me in spirit. Even now, you can desire to do everything for Me out of love for Me. You can also share My love with others by evangelizing them to faith in Me. You have a beautiful love relationship with Me, and you should desire to have others enjoy this same love relationship with Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, tomorrow you will be seeing thousands of people protesting your abortion ruling in the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. Your country has made it legal to kill a million babies every year. Your people are cold hearted to not change this ruling, even as you kill My babies every day, and you do not acknowledge these deaths. You are appalled at various murders in your news, and the millions of people who were killed by Hitler in Germany. Yet these brutal killings of babies in the womb, are performed by doctors who should be protecting life. I have told you, if you do not change these killings, then I will intervene with My judgment against your abortions. Your doctors and mothers will have to answer to Me for their evil deeds.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when the Antichrist will try to have his troops kill all of My believers. They want to reduce the number of people in the world because Satan is controlling the evil people to kill My faithful remnant. I will not allow the gates of hell to prevail over My faithful remnant. I will protect My faithful from the evil ones, as you come to My refuges of protection. Do not fear these evil ones, but trust in Me that I will cast them into hell. The detention death camps are all over your country, and they will be killing people there. Leave your homes quickly for My refuges when I warn you, so you can be saved at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, this snow storm seems to be timed for the anniversary of your Roe vs. Wade decision that has allowed abortion to be legal in your country. It is unfortunate that your abortion protesters may be at risk, so pray for their safety. This storm could also be seen as a punishment for America, because it is almost centered around your Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. You know how even a small amount of snow is a disaster because they do not have enough snow removal vehicles. When there are power outages, it will take a long time to repair in a winter storm. You saw how it took three days to clear the roads from a 24 inch storm, and they are forecasting up to 30 inches there.”

Jesus said: “My son, you need to pray your novena prayers for the workers to finish your solar panel installation. They have been hampered by snow storms, and some missed communications in doing the work. You also need the delivery of your batteries to complete this project. Continue to pray for a timely completion of your work.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of the true problems that have caused this drop, have not changed, so you could see a lot of volatility in your markets. Your prices of your stocks have been driven up by your low loan rates that allow margin gambling to own stocks. There is a lot of artificial value in your stocks that could still drop your prices further. You will see a punishment in your finances as a result of your abortions, euthanasia, and gay marriages. Prepare for another hard year in your markets.”

Jesus said: “My people, in times of turmoil your currencies could see some manipulation, as with China’s currency. Once your reserve currency status of the dollar is undermined by other nations trading without dollars, you could see a drop in the dollar’s value. Be prepared to buy food and other things of value, so you will not lose everything when your dollar crashes. Your rich people do not invest in paper money, but they buy tangible valued assets. Live your normal lives, but be ready to come to My refuges when your lives will be in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Lenten Season is an excellent time to take stock of your spiritual progress. When you take a long look at your life and how you are living it, you could see some faults that need work to improve your spiritual life. Before Lent starts, you could make a list of things that need to be corrected in your life. You may also think of coming to Confession more often, and praying to keep focused on any penances that would be good for your soul. As you plan what to accomplish this Lent, call on Me to help you discover the best ways to cure any of your bad habits.”


Friday, January 22, 2016: (Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade decision)
Jesus said: “My people, just as David spared the life of Saul in the cave, so I want your mother’s to spare killing their babies in the womb. All of this killing of My babies is not worth any money or any convenience. You cannot put a price on a human life, and imagine if your mother aborted you. You would not even have your gift of life. This right to life is such a basic right, that it should not be taken away in the womb, or by euthanasia. You all should treat life as precious, because you will have to answer to Me for killing your babies. Pray for mothers to have their children, instead of killing them. If they do not want children, then they should avoid getting pregnant. Pray also for your abortion protesters who may be facing snow storms in Washington, D.C. today.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were trying to explain this unusual light on the wall, but most of you agreed that it was not normal. I have given you witness of these two miracles which have occurred in your chapel. You also saw an evil attack of the flies in this chapel, as the devil knows that My angels are protecting your house. There will be many blessings received here because of your dedication and obedience to this second mission. You will be seeing more miracles here when people will be healed of their illnesses. Continue to pray for the souls who will be drawn here, so they can be healed in both body and soul. My refuges will be made invisible to the evil ones, and My angels will protect you and feed you. Give thanks and praise to Me for all that I have done to bring this refuge to where it is today.”


Saturday, January 23, 2016: (St. Vincent)
Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to do several projects for your refuge, and your solar project is one of them. You have been working for a few months to put your solar panels on the roof, and finally the workers have put them in place. You still are waiting for the batteries to be put in place, as well as the use of your other half of your panels to generate power. You will make more power in the summer than in the winter, so you may not see much power generated on snow covered, cloudy days. This setup will help you with your electricity during the tribulation, and even some help with your present electric bills. I thank you for carrying out all of your projects that I have given you. The people who come to your refuge will thank you as well. When the evil ones shut off your electric grid, you will still be able to operate some of your appliances. You also have heaters for heat, cooking, and lanterns and flashlights for light. I will also have My angels watching over your house, even now. Keep praying for souls to be converted, and for those who may die suddenly in your reparation prayers. The souls are more important than all of your physical things, but when you have My angel protection, they will be protecting you from physical harm, and any attacks from the demons.”

(4:00 p.m. Sunday Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you have had your freedom for many years, compared to the dictatorial communist control in other nations. Your people are growing complacent, and even evil in their sexual sins of living together, and having abortions of My little ones. When your country turns your back against Me, and violates My Commandments, it is calling down My justice. You have seen a second downturn in your markets, and some recent heavy snow storms. I told you that you would see more disasters and financial problems as a punishment for your sins. With enough disasters, terrorist activities, and financial problems, you could even see a possible martial law, which could take over your country. This is the goal of the one world people to force you into their North American Union. When that happens, you will lose all of your freedoms, and your property and your wealth will be confiscated. Your lives will be in danger from the evil ones, who want to kill you. This will be when you will leave your homes to come to the safety of My refuges. Trust in My protection, and you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”


Sunday, January 24, 2016: (Food for the Poor presentation)
Jesus said: “My people, during the homily you were listening to a missionary describe the poor life that people are living in Haiti. You have donated before to ‘Food for the Poor’ because most of your donation goes to helping the poor. You do not always have a first hand view of how these poor people have to suffer. I know you have given donations to your local food shelf as well, but this foreign cause in the Caribbean is one of the better organizations that helps the poor. The missionary priest’s descriptions were quite vivid where people have to live in such poor conditions. He was asking donations to build homes for those who were homeless from an earthquake, and from forced immigration from the Dominican Republic. In addition to your donations to these poor people, you could pray for them as well. Bless you and thank you for your charity to help your neighbors.”


Monday, January 25, 2016: (Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are commemorating the conversion of St. Paul. There is a connection between these visions because there is My Light, but it blinded St. Paul as he could not see. This darkness is connected to a city without lights in a blackout. During this latest snowstorm, you saw hundreds of thousands of people without power. They are being quickly restored, but the snow removal is still going on. When you have blizzards, or high windstorms, you can see some power outages. This blackout is one perpetrated by people either turning off the grid, or the destruction of your relay stations. Shutting off your electricity, will be one of the plans of the one world people in their takeover attempt. I have told you that I will bring the Warning at the time of My Father’s choosing. I will also prevent any takeovers before the Warning. After the Warning, you could see blackouts and a crash of your money and your markets. You may want to stock up on your food and water for the events that are coming, when your stores will be empty. You will see chaos in the streets when people are looking for food and water. I will call My people to My refuges then, because your lives will be in danger. Trust in My protection at My refuges, where I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.”

(Solemn Vespers for Fr. Ventura) Jesus said: “My people, you read the Gospel yesterday in how I read a passage from Isaiah that spoke of how I would heal the people and release the captives of sin. Then I told them how this passage was fulfilled in their hearing. My priest sons are dear to Me, and I treasure all of their lives, especially Father Ventura, today. When a priest dies, it is a loss to My Church. Every priest has consecrated hands, and he performs different miracles for My faithful. At every Mass the priest offers a miracle of changing the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood. In the confessional My priests offer another miracle when they act through Me in forgiving the sins of those who come to Confession. My priest sons help My Church in offering Mass and sharing My sacraments. Give thanks to Me for the gifts of all of My priests. Pray for all of your priests and support them in their ministries. Pray also for more vocations to the priesthood. I love all of My priests and My faithful.”


Tuesday, January 26, 2016: (St. Timothy and St. Titus)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I sent My disciples out two by two to evangelize the people to believe in My ministry of the Kingdom of God. I told them not to take any money, food, or too many clothes. They should come to a town and stay in one house that has peace. The disciples were to take their meals and their keep at that house, for the workers in My harvest are worth their pay. My disciples prepared each city or town before I entered to speak. My son, you have been traveling, speaking, and evangelizing My Word for over twenty years. You see many similarities in this Gospel. You and your wife travel as a pair, like My disciples did. You have the people pay for your transportation, your meals, and your sleeping arrangements. You take no money for a stipend, and you do not profit from the sale of your books and DVDs. I am truly grateful for your ministry in sharing My Word, and enduring all of your travel problems for so many years. You are storing up treasure in heaven for all of your good deeds. I desire that other people would be as willing as you have been, because the harvest is great, but few are willing to do what you do. Pray that the Master of the harvest of souls will send out more workers into the vineyard.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard about the heavy snowfall that set records in many Eastern states. A somewhat hidden story is all about the coastal flooding that has caused billions of dollars of damage. The flooding is not over, because the warm temperatures will melt a lot of snow, and it will cause more flooding. Continue to pray for the victims who lost their lives, or who lost their homes in the damage. Pray prayers of reparation for all of the souls who died suddenly without time for preparation before their judgment. The major part of this storm struck on January 22, 2016, which is the anniversary of your Supreme Court decision that has made abortion legal in America. You can see a link of punishment for this decision right over Washington, D.C. itself. I have told you that if you did not change your abortion law and repent of your sins, then America will suffer greatly from disasters and a takeover of your country.”


Wednesday, January 27, 2016: (St. Angela Merici)
Jesus said: “My son, in the Gospel you read of the parable of the Sower, and how My Word was the seed that was sown among the people. The seed on the rocky ground, represented those people who received My Word in joy at first, but they fell away for lack of roots for their faith. The seed among the thorns, represented the people who received My Word for awhile, but it was choked off because of the distractions of the world. The seed sown on good soil, represents My faithful who yielded fruit thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold. My son, as you go out to evangelize the people in your speaking trips, you are also spreading My Word as seeds of faith in the people’s minds and hearts. It is saving souls in faith that should be the goal of all of My faithful. The stairway represents your mission to bring souls to the higher levels of heaven. Pray your St. Michael prayer for your protection on your trips.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your President issue an Executive Order that would allow him to declare martial law for any reason. He is following the orders of the one world people to set up a martial law to take over your country. A time will come before your elections when it would be time to discontinue the elections because of a made-up crisis. I have mentioned before that your martial law could occur from a combination of a country bankruptcy, a pandemic virus, and terrorist activities. Your Federal Reserve is planning to slowly increase your interest rates. Many people have been borrowing cheap loans to buy stocks, especially those people who hold derivatives on home loans. As interest rates increase, your National Debt will grow faster because more interest would have to be paid. The existing derivatives will also fail as interest rates go up. In either case this could precipitate loan failures that could cause a bankruptcy of your financial system. This will cause a martial law that will bring in the North American Union, and a loss of your freedoms, and your money would fail. This would cause riots when people could not get their welfare checks or their Social Security checks. So prepare some food and water for hard times, and be ready to leave your homes for My refuges when I tell you. My angels will protect you on the way to My refuges, and at My refuges. Trust in My protection during the coming tribulation.”


Thursday, January 28, 2016: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: “My people, it is not what you expel from your body that makes you unclean, but it is the evil that comes from the heart through your speech and your actions that makes you unclean. It is by the consent of your free will to do evil things, that you are held responsible for your sins. You have your guardian angel who prompts you to do good things, and it is the devil who prompts you to do sinful things. You have a constant battle going on every day between your body’s sinful desires, and your soul’s desires to follow Me. It takes spiritual courage and fortitude to abide by My laws for your life, because they are usually hard for the body to accept. When you live holy lives, you are also criticized by worldly people. Do not be concerned if you offend others with My ways, because you are not conforming to what is politically correct. It is better for you to obey Me, than to obey men. My ways are always better than your ways. It is not easy to follow Me, but I want you to have a clean heart so only good deeds will come out in your actions. Even if you should falter, I will forgive your sins in Confession. So call on My help every day to focus on My ways, and you will be on the right road to heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, others do not realize how much of a sacrifice it is to travel long distances twice a month. You have people pay for your travel, but it does take some stamina to carry your bags, and to wait in airports most of two days coming and going. Remember to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer for safe travel going both ways. You could also invite your prayer group members to pray for your safe travel, and a good reception for your talks.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen both parties struggling to choose their candidates. The debates are showing you where they stand on the issues. You have a lot of differences between the candidates and the two parties. Your one party is supporting abortion and very liberal views compared to the other party. Pray that your leaders will do what is best for your country.”

Jesus said: “My son, in addition to your books and DVDs, I have asked you to give out rosaries, rosary leaflets, scapulars, Divine Mercy leaflets, Confession preparations, and St. Michael long form prayers. Since you do not make money on your books and DVDs, you use any donations to pay for these handouts. You give a good example to others in helping their prayer lives. These sacramentals are your weapons against the evil demons. You also have advised people to buy St. Benedictine blessed crosses as an exorcism protection against temptations. You could also use blessed salt, holy water, and your holy oil from the weeping statues for healing prayers.”

Camille said: “Hello everyone, I have not had many words in a long time. Thank you for tending our grave sites for Lydia and myself. I also want to thank you for putting up the old crucifix in your chapel, since it was a family treasure. I know you are thinking more of selling our house, but you really need to get working harder to clean it out and get it ready for sale. You are spending a lot of money and efforts to keep it up that is not necessary. I will be praying for all of you to come to Mass, and to sell the house.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been good at praying your Stations of the Cross on Fridays, and you use your Adoration DVD at times in the chapel when it is late or hard to get to My Blessed Sacrament. You could pray your rosaries more in the chapel because you will have more graces in this holy place. Your chapel has been a blessing, and there truly is a holy presence there. My angels are guarding your chapel from any harm because it will be a place of Adoration of My Host during the tribulation. You also know how your prayer group angel, St. Meridia, is also guarding your chapel. Give thanks to Me for bringing this about.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you see evil getting worse, and events in your finances moving toward a crash, you know that I will bring My Warning before any serious crash. Once you see bankruptcies coming, I will have you leave your homes for the safety of My refuges. When the money crashes and food is scarce, there will be riots in the streets to find food, and your lives will be in danger. Trust in Me to give all sinners one last chance to be saved in My Warning, before the Antichrist is allowed his reign. You will need My angel protection from the evil ones who want to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a great time for prayer and fasting that can help strengthen your souls. It lasts longer than Advent, so you have a longer time to keep your intentions of your sacrifices in line. Use this Lent for extra time in spiritual reading and Bible study. I have asked you to look harder at buying some DVDs or audio tapes so you could listen while you are traveling. In every day you have a little spare time, so make the best use of your time, especially during your Lenten Season.”


Friday, January 29, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, as you read how even King David committed a sin of fornication, you are seeing the weakness of men and women in how they are attracted to each other to have relations. My people know My Commandments, and it is a mortal sin to have relations outside of marriage. Fornication and homosexual acts need to be confessed in Confession. My faithful need to get married in My Church with the sacrament of Matrimony, in order to have proper relations. When people live together outside of marriage, they are living in sin, and they need to be properly married. When you confess your sins, you pray to have a proper discernment not to commit the same sin again. This is why it is hard to have a true forgiveness in Confession when you are living a sinful life together. Even married people need to avoid birth control devices, and follow My Church’s accepted Family Planning. Giving birth to new life is a precious gift that should not be violated with abortion. If you want to be saved in heaven, and live a pure life, then you need to follow My Commandments, even despite any human desires for relations. I forgive sinners in Confession, but you need to avoid living in sin if you want to be with Me in heaven. You need to control your passions, and live a pure life so you do not offend Me in your sins. Those people, who strive to live a pure life, will be rewarded with Me in heaven.”


Saturday, January 30, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, places that have a lot of water are blessed to support the vegetation, trees, and bushes. You may need the drains to control the water for the rain. In life you have polluted water and fresh water. This is your choice to choose to be with Me, or with the ways of the devil. If you understand the glory of My creation, then you understand a little of My love for you, because I created you through your parents. I give you life and a soul, and you will either live a good life with Me, or an evil life by ignoring My love. Choose life because you are choosing your eternal destination of heaven or hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I chastised My apostles for their little faith, since I was in the boat sleeping. So I awoke and calmed the sea so they would know by My miracles that truly I am the Son of God, and the promised Messiah. Even as I tested My apostles, all of you are tested by the trials of life. Since Adam’s sin, all of you have to work by the sweat of your brow to make a living, and provide a house and your meals. Everything that you have, I have given you, and I help you to provide for your survival. You should remember that fears, anxieties, and worries are from the evil one. I know in certain trials, you may have some human fear of losing your life, but you can pray to Me, and I will have My angels protect you. If you have full trust in Me, you will not fear any evil, harm, or sickness. If you believe that I love you so much, you know that I will help you when you call on Me in faith. When you have the gift of faith, you will live in My love, and have no fear. Even if you are called to be a martyr for faith in Me, I will minimize your pain, and you will become an instant saint. Never deny Me under any circumstance, because I am with you always. Those faithful, who live in My love, are always happy to carry out their mission, and do everything out of love for Me. Live in peace and joy every day, as you use your time for prayer and good deeds for My greater glory.”


Sunday, January 31, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, today the priest was talking about how the Blessed Trinity created the universe, the earth, man and woman, and all the plants and animals as in Genesis. There are many atheists who do not believe the true creation account, and they even mock My believers for doing so. Those people, who do not believe in God, are the promoters of Darwin’s theory of the origin of species. It is true that there are mutations within each specie, and sometimes you artificially cross-breed some animals and plants. There is order in My universe, and among the plant and animal kingdoms. You do not have order come out of chaos or chance. All of the planets are in elliptical orbits around the sun, similar to how atoms have electrons orbiting the nucleus. There is intelligent design from God in everything. Darwin’s Theory is only a theory, meaning it is not actual fact, and cannot be proven. There is no proof that one set of chromosomes could go to a higher number in an animal or a plant. Evolution or mutations can only occur within one specie, but not between different species. Men and women are also made in My image with a soul and a free will. This spiritual part of man is far above Darwin’s explanations, because the body and this earth are passing away, but the soul lives on forever. So trust in My account of creation, and not the imperfect knowledge of man’s theories.”


Monday, February 1, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Gospel how I cast the thousands of demons out of the possessed man. I am more powerful than all the demons, and they fear My Name and My Presence. As you look around at people, you can see how they are controlled by their addictions to drugs, alcohol, sports, and electronic devices. There are demons linked to these addictions, and that is why it hard to break these addictions. People are suffering depression and other symptoms from their addictions. When people do not have Me in their lives, they are more susceptible to being controlled by demons and addictions. When you pray to release these demons, it may require an exorcist priest, or your strong deliverance prayers with holy water or blessed salt. You can pray your binding of the spirits prayer to the foot of My cross in My Name, Jesus. You can pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer for these people as often as you can. When there are more than one demon, it may require prayer and fasting to expel the demons. Have your family wear their weapons of scapulars, St. Benedict crosses, rosaries, and blessed salt for protection against the demons and their addictions. The demons are always fighting for your soul every day, so you need your daily prayers and consecration to Me and My Blessed Mother for your protection. When you wear your blessed sacramentals, come to at least Sunday Mass, and monthly Confession, and I will be protecting you with your guardian angel.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing more complaints about placing holy images, crucifixes, or the Ten Commandments in public places, and even on church property. The atheists, who believe in worshiping Satan, will be allowed by your courts to place images or statues worshiping Satan next to any holy images that can be viewed in public. You will begin to see more people openly worshiping Satan and the Antichrist, as time draws closer to the Antichrist’s time of declaration. Christians and all believers in God will be persecuted more and more, until your lives will be in danger. This will be the time when you will need to come to My refuges for protection. These houses of prayer will be places of refuge guarded by My angels. Have trust and hope in My power that will protect you throughout the whole time of the tribulation which I will shorten for the sake of My elect.”


Tuesday, February 2, 2016: (Presentation of Jesus in the Temple)
Jesus said: “My people, you are commemorating My Presentation when I was circumcised and given My Name from the angel. You read about how Simeon and Anna were blessed to see My day. All of you are starting out in life with some kind of initiation. For Catholic families you are baptized, and your name is recorded on your Baptismal certificate. There are some parents who are spiritually lazy, and they neglect to have their children baptized. Baptism is your entry into your faith with Me. Your godparents are to look after your spiritual welfare, as well as your parents. It is your upbringing by your parents that can put you on the right road for knowing and loving Me. Some people are converted later in life, but a good number of Catholics are brought up with their parents bringing them to Sunday Mass. My death on the cross has enabled sinners to be freed from original sin at their Baptism. You can repent and confess your sins at any time, because I have paid the price for your soul. Having faith in My leading your life, is a blessing because I am directing you to be with Me in heaven. When you love Me, you are also called to love everyone, even those people who persecute you. When you truly appreciate your gift of faith and My love, you want to share it with everyone. You also are called by your Baptism to evangelize souls so they can be saved from hell and the devil’s temptations. Live in My love, and you will have the greatest joy possible in this life.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not be curious about many things, because it is only important to know, love, and serve Me. Sometimes people travel a lot because their work requires it. Other people travel because they are curious about things in other countries. Wherever I have placed you, it is for a reason to carry out your mission there. I have mentioned before that you all have unique talents that were given to you to perform your mission. So place yourself in a job or position that can best utilize your talents to help people. As you looked at Bl. Mother Teresa’s life, you can see how she was inspired to help the poor, no matter what obstacles she had to overcome. Even despite her darkness at times, she kept focused on her original mission. This should be everyone’s goal to carry out the mission that God gives you. If you are unclear about your mission, then ask Me in front of My tabernacle in silence, and I will direct you. By listening for My Word in your heart, you will know what you are being asked to accomplish. At the end of your life, you can recall St. Paul’s words: ‘I have fought the good fight, and I have finished the course. Now you can take your servant home.”


Wednesday, February 3, 2016: (St. Blaise)
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you in the vision how there are masonic Cardinals in My Church leaders who will bring about the division in My Church. It is the black hooded Cardinals who are masons in My Church. The smoke of Satan is in My Church, even in the Vatican. I have told you before that a split will come between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will teach New Age traditions, and declare that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. These evil ones will mislead many in My Church, as they will worship crystals and things instead of Me. The faithful remnant will teach the faith of My apostles, and they will be persecuted by the schismatic church, and later by your government. My faithful remnant need to be prepared to leave for My refuges when their lives are in danger, and when I will tell them to leave under the protection of their guardian angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have different means of defense for your country. Your National Defense Department spends billions of dollars on warships, submarines, jet planes, along with the bombs, guns, and ammunition for your troops. These troops defend your country from the many nations that want to take you over. There is another defense at your refuges where My angels will be defending you from the evil one world people who want to kill you. This will be a spiritual and physical defense against the evil ones and the Antichrist. There is another defense for individuals when you use My blessed sacramentals of scapulars, rosaries, St. Benedict crosses, blessed salt, and holy water. The sacramentals, along with your prayers and Masses, help protect you from the temptations of the demons. Monthly Confession and My Blessed Sacrament will help strengthen you against the devil’s temptations. It will be My angels and My sacramentals that will defend your body and soul against the evil ones. Rejoice in My weapons of protection that are a far better defense than your guns and bombs.”


Thursday, February 4, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, just as I sent My apostles out two by two, so I am sending you out with your wife as two of My disciples of this day. You have just witnessed how people received your blessing for their health problems. You also were praying for conversions in the families for those people who were not coming to Mass. You give talks of My words of preparation for the coming tribulation, and you give the people hope in My protection at My refuges. You travel light, and you have the people provide for your transportation, food, and a place to stay. Your evangelization mission is similar to My apostles, and you are now adding a mission of providing an interim refuge. You have given Me your ‘yes’ for these missions, and I have provided the means to carry out My plans for your work. I am grateful for your dedication in following My requests, and for all of My refuge builders who will be providing safe havens for My faithful remnant.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of certain people who worship Satan, and some of these people hold high offices in your government. These same people visit Bohemian Grove in California where they worship gods in the owl and other evil things. This vision of a demon speaking through a man, is a preview of how the Antichrist will be speaking as a demon incarnate. Many of your evil laws are being implemented by some evil leaders who worship Satan. This evil will reign for a short time before I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, be aware that a mandatory chip in the body was part of your original Health Care Bill. You have been forced to accept microchips in your passports, driver’s licenses, and now in your charge cards. The next step will be to force everyone to have a microchip in their body. This chip will control your free will, so refuse any chip in the body. They will start with captive people as the military people first. Then those people, who get payments from the government, as welfare, or Social Security checks. Those people, who refuse chips in the body, will be taken to the death camps. When chips are mandatory in the body, I will warn My people that it is time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are gradually losing your freedoms to a socialist state. Your President is gradually thwarting Congress, so your freedoms will be lost to a communist way of control. The white star represents your republic, but it is gradually turning to a red star that represents a communist state. This is the precursor for your country to be a part of the North American Union. When your rights are taken away, you will need to come to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you should be aware that your government is behind all the chemtrails that are being placed in your skies. These are not contrails of water and ice, but these chemtrails contain aluminum oxide, Barium ions, polymeric fibers, and viruses. They spread out and they can cause flu-like symptoms among the people on the ground. Most samples that were analyzed, caused flu symptoms on the lab people. Pray that you can get the military to stop spraying these deadly mixtures in your skies.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have visited one of the detention center death camps that are equipped with gas chambers and crematoriums. Those people, who do not go along with the coming new world order, are going to be killed at your death camps. Signs are being made, and troops are training to carry out martial law. I will warn My faithful to leave for My refuges before martial law is declared. Trust in My angels who will protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, your electric grid could be turned off at any time the one world people want to take over. Your banks could not easily transact business. Your gas could not be pumped, and frozen foods would spoil. Your economy would fail without electricity. This is why you need solar power, or adapt things to work without electricity. This grid failure would be another reason to come to My refuges. Trust in Me for your survival, even if you have to go back to living without electricity.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing you for the coming of Lent next week with its prayer and fasting. Some people choose to offer something up for Lent that is some kind of a suffering, or doing without something that you like. If you cannot fast from food, you could avoid eating sweets, or stop watching television. You could do some extra exercise, or some extra Bible study. You need to fast from meat on Ash Wednesday, and the Lenten Fridays. You may fast from snacks between meals. You could also continue to pray the Stations of the Cross on Fridays. You have many options for prayer, fasting, and penance. You could also come to frequent Confession at least once a month. By doing these penances, you could strengthen your spiritual life, as you try to please Me in avoiding your sins. Pray to Me that you could be firm in staying with your intended Lenten devotions.”


Friday, February 5, 2016: (St. Agatha)
Jesus said: “My people, today you have many forms of pollution in your air and water, and even your foods have been genetically altered. Some of your medicines can even be poisons for your body. This is why natural remedies, herbs, and vitamins can help keep you healthy and cancer free. You have seen some unusual methods to heal people with natural means. Even your calcium aspartate has helped your bone spurs and your wife’s knee. If some new therapies have no harmful effects, and they can heal people, you need to be open to try something new. When you pray over people, you have seen some healings as well, when people have faith in My healing power. Trust in Me to lead you to ways of healing that you can share with people. Once I invite you to My refuges, you will see miracles of healing when you look on the Luminous Cross, or drink the spring water, and even holy water.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you a Moslem leader that is sitting on a throne in your vision. This will look like how the Antichrist will be allowed to reign over the world for a short time. He will have demonic powers to control people’s minds through his eyes. This is why I told you to get rid of your TVs and computer’s out of your homes after the Warning, so you do not look at his eyes, as he could get you to worship him. I will send My angels to protect you at My refuges, so you are protected from any demons or evil people. This will be an evil worse than you have ever seen before. It is only by My power that I will defeat these evil ones, and bring about My victory. Follow My directions for your protection, or you could be controlled by the Antichrist over your soul and your body. Trust in My power that is greater than the demons.”


Saturday, February 6, 2016: (St. Paul Miki & companions-Japan)
Jesus said: “My son, in the first reading I gave Solomon a choice for whatever he wanted. He asked for understanding to rule his people of Israel. Because he did not ask for money, victory over his enemies, or a long life, I blessed him with wisdom and lavish gifts of riches. My son, you have desired to do My Will when I asked you to do My mission of evangelizing souls for the tribulation. This is why I have shared My messages with you, and why I guided you in your books, DVDs, and your website. The Holy Spirit has enabled you to write down the messages, and help you in your talks. You did not choose to make any money on your books, DVDs, or any stipends for your talks. Because of your faithfulness, you have been blessed with enough money to build your chapel and kitchen addition, and your refuge needs. Continue to guard your prayer life, and to be obedient to My instructions for your refuge. Give thanks and praise to Me for all that I am doing for you, as you are doing well to carry out both missions of evangelizing, and providing a safe haven for people.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have told you several times that during the tribulation, your refuge angel will bring you daily Holy Communion, if a priest is not present. I showed you one vision of when you saw a young man receive a Host on his tongue. As you open your mouth, the angel would also place a Host on your tongue. If a priest can have a Mass, you could receive Holy Communion on the tongue as you do now. Pray that you can have a priest for every refuge, so you could repent of your sins in Confession. Pray also that you will have your Hosts and wine multiplied for all the time that you are at your refuge. Give thanks and praise to Me for all that I do to protect you.”


Sunday, February 7, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s vision of a drum being beaten is a sign that I need your attention to be My evangelists of the people. When I performed a miracle of a large catch of fish, I definitely got the attention of My future apostles in St. Peter, St. John, and St. James. After they arrived at the shore, they gave up their fishing business to be fishers of men. As you approach Lent, you are focused on penance, fasting, and prayer. It also is a good opportunity to train yourself in the faith and the Scriptures, so you can go out and evangelize souls to the faith in Me. There is a great harvest of souls, but I need to send more workers out into My vineyard to save souls from hell. I called My apostles to evangelize, and I am calling My faithful to also follow Me to evangelize souls. You also are in need of more priests, so pray for your priests, and pray for more vocations to the priesthood. When you follow Me in this work, you are building up My Church for My greater glory.”


Monday, February 8, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Scriptures and in today’s Gospel, you have read of the many people that I healed, even from a distance, when people had faith that I could heal them. I have mentioned before how I wanted to heal the whole person, which is why I healed the soul first by forgiving the sins of the person. Then I healed the body’s sickness or pain. I even gave healing gifts to My apostles, and they were able to heal people in faith as well. Even today, I have given healing gifts to some of My faithful prayer warriors. You, My son, have prayed over people, and you have witnessed some people being healed in faith. Give glory and thanks to Me because all healing comes through faith in My healing Word.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you another Warning message that shows how you will all receive a life review of your actions at the same time, as you travel outside of your body and outside of time. This vision of a kaleidoscope of your actions is a portrayal of your life review where you will be able to focus on Me as the center of your lives. You will remember all of your unforgiven sins, and you will see how much your sins offend Me. At the end of your life review, you will receive a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. During your Warning experience, you will be told that you can only come into My refuges unless you have a cross on your forehead given to you from My angels. Only faithful people who pray and practice their faith will receive a cross on the forehead. Once you return to your body, My faithful will help others to change their lives so they can receive their cross on the forehead. The reason that I am giving you this Warning message again, is because I will bring My Warning before martial law, and before your lives will be endangered. The one world people want to kill all of My believers, so I am having My faithful set up refuges of holy ground, so they and others can be protected from the evil ones. Give thanks and praise to Me for getting souls prepared for the coming tribulation.”


Tuesday, February 9, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a vision of an exploding volcano with smoke, ash, and rock being thrown high into the sky. In some cases it causes darkness, and it could even affect your weather and the temperature. Even planes had to fly around these plumes as in Iceland. There will be an increase in disasters and bad weather, as these are true signs of the end times. Do not be afraid of these things because once you need to come to My refuges, My angels will protect you from any harmful disasters or virus plagues. I am warning you to be observant of these things, when they happen. Know that when you see them, that My victory over evil is near.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the account of Jonah when I called him to warn Nineveh, that in forty days they would be destroyed, if they did not repent. The people and the king took this warning seriously, and they changed their ways, and repented of their sins. They even fasted and sat in sackcloth and ashes. Because they repented of their sins, I did not carry out the punishment that I was prepared to bring down on Nineveh. Jonah was unhappy, but I helped him to get over his disappointment. This is a fitting story to start Lent with prayer, fasting, and repentance. This story of warning is also similar to your warning of America, My son. If America does not stop its abortions and repent of its sins, I will bring My punishment against you. Your punishment will be carried out by the one world people taking over your government. You have the potential to repent and ask My forgiveness, but only a few of you are sincere to change your lives. You have another Lent to use for improving your spiritual life. Remember to look into your Bible study that I suggested in an earlier message.”


Wednesday, February 10, 2016: (Ash Wednesday)
Jesus said: “My people, there is a great symbol in wearing ashes, because it reminds you that you came from dust, and unto dust you shall return. This life is very delicate because of your mortal bodies that only live a short time, relative to eternity for your soul. This is why you need to live your life to the fullest for love of Me. During Lent, you are called to your Lenten devotions of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. You have been blessed with faith in Me, and you need to share your love and your gifts with others. You could share donations with your local food shelves, and some worthy organizations that help the poor. I also recommended looking for some good Bible study DVDs so you could enhance your knowledge and understanding of My Word in the Bible. Remember to fast between meals, and pray the Stations of the Cross on Fridays of Lent. You also should fast from meat on Fridays as well. By making some extra sacrifices or penances for Lent, you can improve your spiritual life of the soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are looking at some signs in the world economies that are pointing to a possible recession. You have been watching your stock market getting close to a bear market in lost stock value. A good number of investors are choosing secure investments in Treasury bills where the rates have gone down considerably. Your labor market is not producing as many jobs as before, and you are seeing layoffs, especially in the energy stocks. Europe, Japan, and China are experiencing slowdowns in their economies. Oil prices have dropped the most, even though low gas prices are helping your consumers. Your National Debt is growing at a fast rate. If you put all of these signs together, you can see how America is pointed toward a recession. The one world people could take advantage of this bad financial picture, by crashing your money, and turning off your electric grid. Your Federal Reserve still has a large balance sheet that could cause a bankruptcy, if they tried to sell their Treasury bills too fast. The Federal Reserve may pause any interest rate hikes because of your turbulent markets. They are the buyer of last resort for your debt instruments, but more quantitative easing by printing more money, could cause inflation. Pray for your country’s economy not to fail, because of your large debt and deficits. Trust in My protection at My refuges, when there will be chaos in the streets.”


Thursday, February 11, 2016: (Our Lady of Lourdes)
Jesus said: “My people, the first reading was focused on ‘choose life’, whether you choose the blessing or the curse. Those people, who follow My Commandments of love, are promised eternal salvation in heaven. Those people, who ignore Me and worship other gods, are on the road to the curse in hell. It is by your actions that you are judged, so use this Lent to be inspired to help others as much as you can. In the Gospel it speaks of being committed to pick up your cross, and carry it with Me in all that you suffer. Life’s trials are unknown, and they can be difficult at times. Call on Me to help you through your trials, and they will be less difficult. Unite your suffering with Me on My cross, as I died for all of your sins. When you call on Me, I will give you sufficient grace to carry out your mission.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Northern winter weather you are having a cold spell like you had last February, 2015. If outside faucets are not protected by taking off any hoses, you could see frozen faucets that have to be replaced. You even experienced a frozen water line when it ran through your root cellar that got too cold from an open window. Also, when you are traveling in very cold weather, you need to have some warm blankets and some food, in case you get stranded in a snow storm. You may also need a shovel and a broom to clear the snow off your car. You may want to keep your gas tank full after it comes down to half, to avoid water condensation. By making prudent preparations, you can travel safely to your destination. Also pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer coming and going.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your markets slowly degrading as some people are shorting your market as in 2008. If this drop continues, you could see some effects on your economy in layoffs and bankruptcies. If you have another recession, your central banks could be in trouble both abroad and in America. You have relied on your technology, but when people cannot buy things, they will have trouble with jobs, and buying food and water for survival. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just started Lent with your ashes yesterday. Now, you need to choose what penances you want to offer up for Lent. Even fasting between meals can be a challenge when you are used to having snacks, especially at night. Even if you give up sweets and desserts, it is hard at first, but after a while you get used to less eating. Continue to work on improving your spiritual life with prayer and fasting. This is the best way to root out any of your addictions.”

Jesus said: “My people, be ready to reach out and help people with their needs by using your talents in fixing things. It is easy to give donations to the poor, but you may have to go out of your comfort zone to help people with food or transportation. You may do other good works by visiting people in hospitals or nursing homes. You may even do extra help for your children or your parents. If you notice that someone has a need, you can volunteer to help them before you are asked to help. By doing good deeds out of love for Me, you will be living your Christian faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, you cannot just be satisfied with doing only your normal prayers in Lent. You need to expand your prayer life by adding some spiritual reading, and possibly some Bible study. When you study the Scriptures, you can have a deeper understanding of My Word. When you read the lives of the saints, you could imitate their ways of growing holy. When you search for a deeper love relationship with Me, you can see how you are sometimes blinded by the world’s distractions.”

Jesus said: “My people, since Lent is all about repentance for your sins, you can take some time to prepare to make a good Confession. Before you go into the confessional, you need to make a good examination of your conscience to remember what offenses you have committed since your last Confession. There are many good suggestions to read that look at the various sins in each Commandment. Once you confess your sins, you need to do your penance from the priest, and be thankful how I forgive your sins in Confession. Pray for your priests that help you in Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, once you have chosen some penances for Lent, then you need to pray to Me to help you continue your plan for all of Lent. When you do things to help your soul spiritually, you will see the body rebel and complain that it is too difficult to keep it up. This is where the soul has to be stronger than the body in being steadfast to continue your penance, despite any suffering or inconvenience for the body. The more the soul can overcome the body’s weaknesses, the better your spiritual life will be.”


Friday, February 12, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you live a complicated life rushing around to do your errands and entertainment, but then many of you do not leave enough time of the day for Me in your prayers. Do not let the world and all of its distractions take your focus off of Me, because I should be the center of your life. Lent should be a time to think more of how to please Me with your love, and how you can communicate your love for Me in your prayers and good deeds. This means you need to make more time for Me in your priorities each day. This should be all the time, and not just in Lent. I love all of you, and I provide for your needs. I also watch out for your protection from harm to your body and your soul. Instead of asking My help on certain occasions, call on Me in consecrating everything you do each day over to Me. By making Me more a part of your life each day, I will see how sincere your love is for Me.”


Saturday, February 13, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, I want you to be careful about what you hear in the world that you do not understand. I call you to research these subjects, and call on Me to assist you in your understanding if these things are true and can be substantiated. In the Gospel you are reading of My call to Levi, the tax collector. I later called him Matthew, and you are familiar with the Gospel he wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. My apostles were with Me during My public life. I led them to go out two by two to spread My Word of love in the Scriptures, and to preach about the coming of My Kingdom, which is My Presence among the people. As I called My apostles, I also am calling My baptized faithful to go out and share My Word to convert souls to the faith in Me, so they can be saved from hell. You are being purified and cleansed during this Lenten Season. I have called you, My son, to a special mission for Me to prepare the people for the end times. You have been faithful to both your mission of spreading My Word, and preparing your refuge. Do not have any fear of what is coming because I will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you may choose to not eat sweets as a penance or suffering for the body. Keep in mind that you fast between meals, and choose penances in order to restrain the desires of the body so the soul is in control of the body. Some people choose Sunday as a day without your penances. So excuse yourself from eating sweets to be true to your suffering for My sake. You also heard from your friend about more proof that the evolution of man cannot happen by itself. The chance of forming life from nothing, or changing species are astronomical, meaning impossible. The chance of order coming out of chaos is equally impossible by scientific probability. It is sad that your children and adults are being brain washed by atheists teaching bad science that is a denial of Our creation of the world. These atheists are forcing colleges and schools to teach theories as fact, when there is no way to prove Darwinism or the big bang theory. These theories are all means to deny Our creation, and deny My existence. You do not have to believe these lies, even if people do not accept you in school or they mock you in society. I know your heart, and I thank you for believing in Me more than man.”


Sunday, February 14, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read of My fasting for forty days, and your Lenten devotions are also for forty days. In the desert you read of the three temptations of the devil. One was for bread, one was for fame in the world, and one was pride. For man in this world, you are also tempted by the devil in similar ways. First you are tested by food where some are gluttons, and some have no food. Your fasting between meals, or giving up certain foods, helps the soul to control the body’s desire for more food than is necessary to eat. A second temptation could be a strong desire for money and possessions. Do not let anything control you, or become an addiction or a god for you. I give you sufficient things for your life, so trust in Me to provide for you without worrying about how you will have food to eat, clothes to wear, or a house to stay. A third temptation is how some people desire fame or social status to be important in people’s eyes. You need to be more humble, and do not be taken up with your pride in having riches or knowledge to show off to people. You are celebrating St. Valentine’s day, so you need to show your special love for your wife or sweetheart. You extend that love to put Me first in your lives, and to love your neighbor and help them in their needs. When you love Me and everyone, you are preparing yourself for the love of being in heaven.”


Monday, February 15, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading from Leviticus, you are being reminded that in order to be holy, you need to follow My Ten Commandments. These laws are formed on My two Great Commandments, which are to love Me with your whole heart, mind, and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself. This is an appropriate reading for Lent to focus more on being obedient to My laws. The Gospel reading extends this love of neighbor into your actions by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and housing the homeless. When you help the least of My poor people, you are helping Me in them. You are seeing at the judgment how I will separate the goats on My left, and My sheep on My right. Those people, who reach out to help their neighbor, are the righteous people who I will welcome into heaven. Those people, who neglect their neighbor and are selfish for their own pleasure, will be the goats who will be cast into the everlasting fire of hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am encouraging you to drink spring water which has minerals, or mix mineral water with the fresh water. Much of the water that you drink is devoid of your needed minerals for good health. You need enough magnesium, selenium, and other minerals to help your body’s functions. If you drink enough water, you can cleanse your body of the toxins and some fat that needs to be flushed out of your body. Drinking water is better than your flavored or carbonated drinks. You also need to eat healthy food without too much red meat, but with plenty of vegetables. By eating a balanced meal of the right kind of carbohydrates, protein, and fat, you should keep your body disease free. You can control your weight and health with a proper diet. Even when you are fasting between meals, you are giving your body a rest from digesting food. It is important to not abuse your body, but to eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water. By following My instructions, you can live a good and happy life with very little sickness. At My refuges you will be healed of all of your health problems by looking on My luminous cross, or drinking the healing spring water. Rejoice in My protection and My healing of the body and soul.”


Tuesday, February 16, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Gospel how I taught My apostles how to pray with the ‘Our Father’ prayer. You have many intentions for your prayers, and during Lent you should take more time to pray and repent of your sins in Confession. I died for your sins out of love for all of you. You can unite your suffering with Me on My cross. A good prayer life is needed, because you can come to Me to help you with your daily troubles. Those people, who do not know Me, are carrying crosses that are twice as heavy without Me. I should be at the center of your lives because you were created to know, love, and serve Me. Your Lenten devotions are all meant to strengthen your spiritual life in this world of evil people and evil demons. I am more powerful that these evil ones, so call on My help, and I will send My angels to help you.”

Jesus said: “My people, after your abortion decision anniversary, I told you that you would experience more disasters and problems with your finances. You have seen heavy snowstorms in the Northeast, along with some ice storms. In the Southeast you have been seeing tornadoes and high wind storms cause a lot of damage. You have also seen a turbulent stock market as your oil prices are seeking stability. You have seen another threat to your Supreme Court when Justice Scalia died. If another liberal judge gets appointed, then your Supreme Court could pass more decisions to take away your rights. Pray for your country to repent of its sins and stop your abortions, or you will see worse punishments.”


Wednesday, February 17, 2016: (7 Founders of the Servite Order)
Jesus said: “My people, you are experiencing one of the small punishments with all of these storms. Pray for the homeless and all the hardships that people are suffering from your big snowfall. In Nineveh the people repented and changed their evil ways, so I relented from the punishment that I was going to bring down on Nineveh. My people of America have the same opportunity to repent of their sins, and change their sinful ways. If you do not stop your abortions, then I will continue to send punishments for your sins. You are seeing a reflection of the violence of your sins in the violence of your weather. Lent is a time to repent and change your sinful habits. Take heed of this opportunity, or worse punishments will befall you.”

Jesus said: “My son, you finally have completed the installation of your solar panels, the inverter boxes, and the six batteries. You have been patient in having the remaining control boxes put in place. With your snow in the winter, you are seeing how it will be difficult to generate any power when the solar panels are covered with snow. This is why you need your fuels for heat and cooking, as well as your oil lamps and flashlights for light in the winter. Once the weather changes, you will be generating more power, and you may need more batteries to store the power that you will need. It would be prudent for you to order at least six more batteries, so you can save the power that you are making. Once you are off the grid, you will have no other place to send your excess power. You can also use more batteries to power any light or electrical needs during the night. I thank you for carrying through with the projects that I have given you.”

Colors on mail boxes in Michigan: Jesus said: “My people, these colors that are being placed on your mailboxes, are codes for the foreign military people when they will be enforcing martial law. They do not all know English, so they need color codes to know what to do with the people in the houses. You know red and blue mean to kill people before and after martial law. The other colors indicate if the occupants believe in God or not, and how these troops will send people to various slave camps for making food and other needs. It is important to leave your homes for My refuges when I tell you, so you will not be home when the foreign troops come to get you. If you can remove these stickers, this will confuse their plans. Trust in Me to protect you from these soldiers who want to kill you.”


Thursday, February 18, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how Queen Ester prayed to Me so she could approach the king with a request for her people. Anyone who approached the king without being asked, could face death for such an action. In the vision you are seeing a crown put on your President, as he is reigning like a king over his people. He has defied your Constitution and the Congress in being uncompromising, and making fiat laws for what he wants. Now he wants to control the Supreme Court with one of his own candidates. The one world people are guiding your President to a takeover of your country in making America a communist state of the North American Union. I have mentioned before that unless your people rise up against him, you will lose all of your rights, and you will be subject to him as a king or a dictator. You are planning for your election of a new President, but do not be surprised if your President finds a way to remain in power. If you see such a takeover, then My faithful will need to prepare to leave for My refuges when your lives will be in danger. Do not be afraid of any takeover of your country because I will protect you from anyone who wants to kill you. Call on My help, and My angels will bring you to My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that fresh water will be needed for all of My refuges. It would be ideal to have a fresh water source at all of My refuges. You could save some water in a good number of food grade 55 gallon blue barrels. You have some water in your hot water tank, and some in your sump wells. You could capture rain water from your drain spouts from the roof, when temperatures are above freezing. You can also melt the snow for water in the winter. Your runoff water could be used for bathing or sponge baths. Any water for drinking could be filtered with your silver ceramic filter. As more water is needed, you could call on Me to multiply your barreled water, or I could provide a spring for a constant source of water. Remember when I had Moses strike the rock for water in the desert, so you know that I can perform miracles to provide water for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the winter the snow could cover your solar panels, so you will need wood in a wood burner, kerosene in a kerosene burner, and propane for gas heaters. If you have some electricity, you may use a space heater at a low setting. You may need gasoline for farm machinery. I could multiply your fuels as they are needed for heat and cooking.”

Jesus said: “My people, at your refuges you could store three kinds of food on your shelves. Your dried food or dehydrated food could last the longest up to forty years. You need heat and water to restore this food for eating. You have MREs or ‘meals ready to eat’ which last about fifteen years, and this could be eaten right out of the pouch. You also have canned foods that could last five years or longer. I will also send deer into your camps so you could have fresh meat. If necessary, I will multiply your food for your survival. Trust in Me to feed you for as long as it takes during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, at your refuges you will need a place to eat with dishes, tables, silverware, chairs, and possibly shifts may be needed for eating. As night comes, you may need some of the same eating space for placing your cots and beds along with blankets and pillows. For your hygiene needs, you will need wash water, soap, toothpaste and brushes, shavers, and any other needs for your hair. You could use sinks, bathtubs, and vanities for washing. You may also need an outhouse like your shed when you do not have flush toilets working. This will require some lime bags for curing any wastes. Even a movable shed may be necessary. You also may need soap for cleaning your clothes and washing your dishes. Having a first aid kit may be needed for cuts. I will again multiply any of your supplies for many people.”

Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges you will be praying more, and My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion if you do not have a priest. If you have a priest, you will need wine, hosts, candles, Mass books, and song books. A chapel would be a good place for Mass and a tabernacle and monstrance for Adoration. You will need vestments for the priest, and other altar aids, with an altar and a crucifix. I again will have My angels multiply the wine and the hosts for Mass to accommodate all the people. You could use a consecrated Host in your monstrance for Perpetual Adoration. You will need to assign hours for people to adore Me all the time. I will be with you throughout the tribulation in My Hosts and in your prayers together.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of My refuges may have limited electricity with gas generators or solar power. I will protect any electric sources from any EMP attacks or any malfunctions. Any electricity could be used to power lights, refrigerators, sump pumps, fans, and smaller electric tools. If you do not have electricity, you will need windup flashlights, kerosene or lamp oil for your oil lamps with the fuel and extra wicks. You will need matches for lighting burners and lamps.”

Jesus said: “My people, My refuges will be at My Blessed Mother’s apparition sites, places of holy ground, shrines, monasteries, places that have adored My Blessed Sacrament for years, and caves. I will give all of My faithful an interior message when it will be necessary to come to My refuges. I will send My Warning first to prepare people in their souls. Once I call you to My refuges, then call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge with a small flame. Have some basic necessities in a backpack to carry. Your angel will place an invisible shield around you on your way to My refuges. Rejoice that I give you hope in protecting you from the evil ones at My refuges.”


Friday, February 19, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the expression that you need to walk a mile in the footsteps of your neighbor to understand their troubles and needs in life. At times you are called to help your neighbor in giving them a ride, or helping them to clean out their driveway after a big snowstorm. Without some help, they may not be able to get out for medical appointments, or getting their groceries. You need to be ready to reach out and help your neighbor whenever they are in need. The more good deeds that you do to help people, the more treasure you are storing up in heaven for your judgment. So do not be selfish with your time, but be willing to share your time and money to help people. Some other time, you may be in need of help, and someone will help you in your trouble. I watch over all of My children, and I inspire people to help each other. Always be ready to assist people, even if you may be inconvenienced with your time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the evil eyes of the Antichrist, which is why you shied away from this evil one’s control over people through his eyes. This Arab leader will be a demon incarnate, so you want to avoid him at all costs. You see how controlling his eyes are, and that is why after the Warning you will need to get rid of your TVs and internet connections. He will be on all of your communications, and you do not want to see his eyes that could hypnotize you to worship him. When he is about to declare himself, you will need to come to My refuges for protection from these evil ones.”


Saturday, February 20, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing smoke coming out from My altar, and this represents the smoke of Satan that is in My Church. There are masons in My clergy and even in the Vatican. These masons are the ones who will bring about the division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. I keep telling you that the schismatic church will teach New Age teachings and they will say that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. This schismatic church will take over the churches, and My faithful will need to hold their services in the homes because of a coming persecution. The persecution of Christians will get even worse when the government will try to imprison and kill My faithful. It will be when your lives are in danger that I will call you to My refuges. Trust in My power because the gates of hell will not prevail over My faithful remnant.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) God the Father spoke: “I AM WHO AM is showing you a familiar sight of the picture that you had painted by Michele of My Son’s Transfiguration. You wanted to have a picture that would witness My Presence at your prayer group, which you have named in My honor. It pleased Me after your prayer that you chose My Presence on Mt. Tabor for Michele to paint. When My Son was transfigured, He was shown with a bright white robe as His glorified Body. I said the words: “This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.’ The apostles were amazed, as they saw Moses and Elijah next to My Son on either side. St. Peter even wanted to set up three tents for Moses, Elijah, and My Son. In an instant this vision vanished, and My Son asked His apostles not to mention this until after He rose from the dead. This was also a preview of My Son when He resurrected from the tomb. This vision was to give hope to His apostles, and it was a witness that truly He is the Son of God. Rejoice in My plan of salvation because it was My Son’s sacrifice on the cross that has redeemed mankind from their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had three messages on the Warning in the last two months. This higher frequency of Warning messages is a sign to you that this time of My Warning grows short. Your best preparation for your life review, is to confess your sins in Confession at least once a month. This will lessen the unforgiven sins that you will see in your life review. In the Warning experience you will be shown a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will be told not to take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in the body. Also, do not worship the Antichrist, or look at his eyes. You also will be told that you will need to come to My refuges soon after the six weeks for conversion, after My Warning. My angels will lead you to the nearest refuge with a small flame, and they will put an invisible shield around you on your way to My refuges, when I call you. Trust in My protection throughout the entire time of the tribulation.”


Sunday, February 21, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, this is an unusual vision that is part of a secret military operation that is monitoring all communications and checking any objects coming close to the earth. You may be familiar with various means how your military and spy organizations are monitoring everyone’s communications. They are trying to uncover terrorist operations, but they also have information stored on everyone, including the coordinates of your house location, and your very personal location through your cell phone or other chips on you. If certain people know information about comets or other celestial bodies that are coming near the earth, or will hit the earth, they will not tell the public until it is actually seen. I have told you of the many tunnels under your country, but they could be used for transporting military equipment, or for hiding people from some serious problems on the earth’s surface. Even if some dangerous things may come near or hit the earth, I will protect My faithful in ways that may seem impossible to you.”


Monday, February 22, 2016: (Chair of St. Peter)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast is for the Chair of St. Peter, when I told him that he is ‘rock’ and I will build My Church upon him. The gates of hell will not prevail over My Church. I asked My apostles who do people say that I am, and it was St. Peter who said: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.’ I commended his answer, and I told him that it was My Father in heaven who had revealed this to him. This Chair represents the succession of Popes that followed St. Peter to lead My Church. In the first three hundred years after My death, many Christians and even Popes, were martyred for their faith in Me. As you approach the end times, you will again see Christians martyred for their faith. During the coming end times, there will be a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. It will be My faithful remnant that will be protected from the gates of hell. In this Gospel passage I also blessed My apostles to forgive sins in Confession when I told them whatever they shall bind on earth, will be bound in heaven, and whatever they shall loose on earth, will be loosed in heaven. These are My first priests who were enabled to forgive sins through Me. Your priests of today are also enabled to forgive sins in Confession, as well as offer Mass every day. Give praise and glory to Me for all of My gifts that I have bestowed upon you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your economy has hit a low spot with less jobs formed and a dropping stock market. Your attention has been drawn toward your Presidential primaries, but there are people held down by low incomes and hard to find good paying jobs. You have many people needing two jobs with part time or low wage jobs. European countries and China have seen slowdowns, and low oil prices are the reason for your lower stock prices. You may be cutting some of your budget deficits, but your National Debt is now at $19 trillion and climbing fast. With taxes decreasing on less general income, it is hard for your government to keep affording your welfare and Social Security checks. Your Federal Reserve is inflating your money by adding trillions of dollars to their balance sheet out of thin air. You have had a long recovery with very low interest rates, and it is still hard to return to normal rates. You could have more serious financial problems with all of your artificial spending of dollars made up out of thin air. I have had My refuge builders prepare your safe havens for potential problems this year.”


Tuesday, February 23, 2016: (St. Polycarp)
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you should be aware of the needs of your relatives and friends in how you can reach out to help them in anyway that you can. This could involve donations, helping with their health, or giving them your time for their needs. Performing corporal works of mercy, and helping people with their finances, can help others in their needs for living. You can also offer up your prayer intentions for your relatives and friends. When you love Me, you also need to love your neighbor. So when you help others out of love for Me, you are showing your love for them, and Me in them. You may have to reach out to people outside of your comfort zone and what you are familiar with to help others, but do it out of love. You will be rewarded in heaven for your good works.”

Jesus said: “My people, in older days people lived a harder life without cars and electronic gadgets. Life was more rustic without hot water showers, and you used outhouses. This will be the kind of life that you will be living at some refuges. You will be fortunate to have electricity, and your eating will be much different with deer meat and canned foods. You will have very small amounts of desserts, dehydrated milk, and multiplied food and water. You will have crude bedding with cots, pillows, and blankets. You will be heating your dwelling with wood fires, kerosene burners, propane burners, and some small electric heaters when you have electricity. My angels will be protecting My refuges from guns, bombs, and diseases. You will have an invisible shield all around your refuge. Even though refuge living will be more rustic, you will be praying more and constantly adoring My Blessed Sacrament. Rejoice that I will protect your body and soul at My refuges.”


Wednesday, February 24, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, those people, who want to be first, must serve the rest. I did not come to be served, but to serve all of you by dying on the cross. Do not be taken up with pride either with earthly things, or that you are better than others spiritually. The Gospel ends by saying that those people, who exult themselves, will be humbled. Those people, who humble themselves, will be exulted. Learn from this problem of pride, so you are not taken in by Satan’s temptations to be better than others. You are all equal in My eyes, whether some are more intelligent, or others have more money. You all have talents that are not measured in terms of money, but you need to use your gifts to share with others.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are continuing to see tornadoes in the South, and snow, rain, and freezing rain in the North. In general you have had a warm winter early, and less snow than usual from a strong El Nino in the Pacific Ocean. Your winds tend to be more violent as you change from warm fronts to cold fronts. You have been saving on your natural gas bill, and your gasoline prices because of the low oil prices. Your markets have been going up and down just as your weather temperature has also been going in a similar manner. Your snowstorms have been coming twenty inches all at once in some areas. Your weather patterns have changed dramatically, but there still are drought signs in California. As you look around, you are noticing more evil occurring with more people living together without marriage, and same sex marriage accepted by your Supreme Court. Euthanasia is the next evil that is being accepted in more states. Euthanasia has been accepted in several countries like Canada. These sins, along with abortion, are calling down My punishment against America. America needs to repent and change its ways, or you will see even worse and more disasters.”


Thursday, February 25, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read of the rich man, who was suffering in hell, because he failed to lift a finger to help the poor beggar, Lazarus, who went to heaven. This story is a reality check to let people know the consequences of their actions on the eternal destination of their souls. You know of some cases personally, and you have read stories of people who have had near death experiences, and they find themselves in hell. They cry out for help from Me, and very few are given a second chance to change their lives, when they are brought back into their bodies. Those souls, who experience the flames of hell, finally wake up to change their lives to worshiping Me, and helping their neighbors. When people are blessed with their Warning experience, they will all see where their lives are leading, whether to heaven, purgatory, or hell. Those again, who experience hell in their mini-judgment, will be given a second chance to change their eternal destination. This will be a blessing given to all sinners who are alive at the time of the Warning. Sadly, only some souls will change their ways when they return into their bodies, while the rest will refuse to serve Me, and they will suffer forever in the flames of hell without Me. You need to pray for your relatives and friends, and help guide them to Me after their Warning experience. If the souls judged to hell do not wake up and listen to you, they could be lost forever. This is why you need to keep praying for your relatives and friends because you could be their salvation as a prayer intercessor. Be persistent in your prayers, but in the end these souls need to choose Me for themselves. I do not force souls to love Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Russia bombing many of the rebels against the leader of Syria. The US has backed these rebels. Russia is bringing in the latest aircraft and missiles to exploit this war for their own gain. China also is fortifying new man-made islands with antiship missiles. There could be a confrontation of China with the US in the China Sea. Pray for hostilities to cease in these areas of conflict.”

Jesus said: “My people, whenever you see big movements either up or down in the stock market, you know that hedge funds and institutions are either shorting the market down, or buying long positions when it goes up. These people are stealing the investors money by their up or down positions. It is sad that their greed for money has ruined many retirement funds. Many of these leaders will pay for their evil actions, when I call them to judgment. Some of these rich people will be like the rich man in today’s Gospel who was condemned to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, as more of the bigger states hold their primaries, it will become clearer, who can get enough delegates to win the nomination. The party with many candidates is seeing some drop out. There is still a concern that major events could either postpone the election or cancel it all together. Pray that you have a fair election, or you will have a dictator in office if martial law occurs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see a very difficult time to approve and vet any new Supreme Court candidate in the US Senate. If a liberal or a conservative is placed on the court, it could determine your Supreme Court decisions for a long time, but you may not see a long time for your government. You could soon see the one world people force a takeover which would supersede any Presidential election or your Supreme Court composition. Once the North American Union gets established, you will have no rights because a new court will rule over your rights and laws. Trust in Me because in the end, I will be the victor over all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen chips forced on you in your passports, driver’s licenses, new charge cards, and ‘easy’ passes. The next step in your Health Care Plan is to force mandatory chips in the body on people. My faithful need to refuse any chip in the body, because these new chips will control your free will, like being hypnotized. When people refuse these chips, the authorities will try to imprison you, or even kill you. This is why My faithful will need to come to My refuges for protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are well into your second week of Lent, and you need to analyze your progress with any special penances. Even if you have had a few misses, you can still try to stay on track for the rest of Lent. If you are not doing any extra penance, you could choose to start something for the rest of Lent. Use this Lenten Season to help improve your spiritual life. Lent is a time for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are making some efforts to help people in their health, as well as extra prayers over people for any healing. You have heard of some helps, and now you are investigating any useful service. You need to pray about how to go about using any services, but again do not charge money for your helps. I look into the hearts of those people who are sincere in their efforts to help people. Call on My healing power in using your natural means.”


Friday, February 26, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you were reading in Genesis about how Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob, and he dressed Joseph in a colored tunic. Joseph had gifts to interpret dreams, and his brothers hated him out of jealousy, so much that they wanted to kill the ‘master dreamer’. They eventually sold him to the Ismaelites for twenty pieces of silver. This is a similarity to how I was sold to the Jews by Judas for thirty pieces of silver. The caravan took Joseph to Egypt, where I used Joseph to interpret the Pharaoh’s dream. There were seven fat cows that came up out of the Nile, and then seven thin cows devoured the fat cows. Joseph interpreted the dream that meant there would be seven years of plenty, which would be followed by seven years of severe famine. The Pharaoh placed Joseph in charge of storing the grain in the years of plenty. Then Joseph sold the grain to all those suffering from the famine, even to his own family. My son, you also are warning the people of a coming man-made world famine. You are encouraging the people to have at least a year’s supply of food to withstand a world famine, and to avoid taking a chip to buy the food. You also are telling the people to prepare refuges of protection during the tribulation of the Antichrist. My angels will protect My faithful with an invisible shield. You are storing food, water, and fuels to be independent of the evil one’s control. I will bless all of these refuges with healing gifts, and all that you will need to survive.”

Prayers for those using your device: Jesus said: “My people, when I healed people, I prayed first to heal the sins of their souls, and then I healed the body. As when you pray for healing people, you must also pray that their sins will be forgiven in Confession by a priest. You are praying to heal the whole person, both body and soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are under attack constantly from these demons who are coming up out of hell through the volcanoes. It is your guardian angel and My many good angels who are protecting My faithful and keeping your souls pure to do My evangelization. It is My faithful prayer warriors that are holding the demons at bay from taking over the earth. You can see how evil is infesting many of your churches and streets, especially with seance and occult groups that are countering your prayers with evil spells and curses. Even if you are outnumbered by evil people all around you, it is your prayers and good works in evangelizing souls that shines My Light of goodness on the darkness of evil to dispel it. Continue to be My beacons of Light and faith, by sharing My love with your neighbors. It is My love that permeates the hearts of the people, and brings them closer to Me in love. It is My love relationship with each soul, and My sacramentals that are protecting My souls from demonic attacks. You can do your St. Michael prayer over people to cleanse them of any demonic spirits that may be affecting them. You can also bless them with blessed salt and holy water. When you want to help people with natural machines, you need to have a priest exorcize them, so they will be used for a good purpose. Trust in My daily protection from the evil ones.”


Saturday, February 27, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, this story of the Prodigal Son shows you someone who wasted his inheritance on earthly living, extravagantly, and then finds himself poor without anything to eat. He finally comes to his senses, and is ashamed to return to his father’s house. The father was so grateful for his son’s return that he gave him a feast. He was lost and now he is found. You may know situations in your families when one child may have run into financial problems, and that person had to return to the parents’ home for support. There are many young people living at home until they can save up enough money to afford a place to stay and a car for a job. Just as this father welcomed his son home, many fathers would welcome their son or daughter back home to help them. This story has a spiritual meaning which is deeper, because it is a witness of My mercy that I am always ready to welcome any sinner, who is seeking My forgiveness in Confession. All heaven rejoices when one sinner repents of his or her sins, and is converted in faith. The value of a soul is even beyond just the person’s bodily life, but the soul lives on forever. You need to choose to want to be with Me or the devil because these are your only choices. I love all of you so much, that I do everything to encourage you to love Me as well. The devil hates you, and the desire of earthly things will pass away. The devil can only give you the flames of hell forever, while I offer you an eternity of love and peace in heaven. I even call My faithful to reach out and save souls from their poor choices, so My faithful can show these souls the true love of the God who loves them, and welcomes them, even with their many sins. I love all sinners, and I am always waiting for them to repent and love Me in return. My faithful also need to rejoice when you can help save even one sinner from hell. Many souls are searching for love, but when they find Me, they have found true love.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here as you read in the first reading how Moses came to see Me on the mountain as a burning bush that was not consumed. I told Moses to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground near Me. When you come to adore Us in the consecrated Host, you also have removed your shoes to honor Us. I call all of My people to honor Our Presence, and to obey My Ten Commandments. You just repented at Confession today, and you have My Ten Commandments posted in your chapel. You also have honored Me in naming your chapel after Me. You have a burning bush, the alpha and omega over a Bible, and My words ‘I AM WHO AM’ etched on your door windows. This is a fitting tribute to honor Me, as well as the naming of your prayer group as ‘The Eternal Father Prayer Group’. I hear your prayers that you want to heal people both in body and soul. My blessing goes forth over your good intentions to help people. Your blessing of the inheritance that you received, was meant to help you with your refuge, and to help others in various ways. I thank you for your work, and keep close to Us in your daily prayers. We love you in all that you are doing to spread Our Word, and heal souls as well as the bodies.”


Sunday, February 28, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you have a beautiful sunny, warm day for your winter season, and you feel full of life and joy to be alive. You are enjoying My creation, and you are in love with your Lord. In the Gospel I was reminding the people of the day, that they had to repent of their sins, or they could perish in hell. When you desire to come to heaven, you need to seek My forgiveness of your sins, and let Me be the Master of your lives. If you do not allow Me to direct your lives, then you will be unable to carry out My mission for you. If you truly love Me, then you need to obey My laws and follow Me. I call all of My people to know, love, and serve Me, because this is why you were created. To serve Me, you must love Me with your whole heart, mind, and soul, and your neighbor as yourself. This will allow you to be with Me in love in heaven for all eternity.”


Monday, February 29, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, a prophet is not always accepted in his hometown, and he may even be persecuted for what he is preaching. When I was in Nazareth, I could not heal any of the people who knew Me, because they could not understand where I received My gifts. In order for people to be healed, they needed to have faith that I could heal them. When I told them that only a foreigner, Naaman, was a leper who was healed, and another lady and her son were fed during a famine by Elijah without any others healed, they became angry with Me. They even tried to kill Me, but I walked through their midst. My son, you have been given a hard message to prepare people for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You even are showing people the necessity of having refuges in this time. Many people do not want to accept your message because they feel threatened. You also are praying over people for healing. You are setting up a refuge, and you are trying to help people with health suggestions. Pray for the success of your efforts, as I will bless your work and protect you. Have a priest pray over your efforts as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of several treatments to try and help cancer patients with plant medicines, and various other therapies. You are investigating a new therapy that has some promise, and it is a natural means to help the body. You are praying to help people and give some advice that you have heard from others. Remember to have a priest bless your work, and you could pray a St. Michael prayer to help people. Even as you try to help people’s health, you should be concerned most with praying for their spiritual health. By praying to heal the whole person, they can be ready for whatever comes into their lives. I thank you for all of your efforts to help people with their health.”


Tuesday, March 1, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, My apostle asked Me if he should forgive his neighbor seven times, but I told him that he needed to forgive his neighbor seventy times seven times. In other words, as you strive to be perfect, you need to be able to always forgive your neighbor, and even your enemies. I have told you about forgiveness many times, but I have instituted My sacrament of Reconciliation so you can come to Me in the priest to confess your sins and repent of them. If you truly love Me, you will not offend Me with your sins. You also need to be able to go to your neighbor to ask their forgiveness of anything that you may have offended them. You need to be generous if someone asks you for forgiveness of some offense he or she committed against you, and forgive them. Also, after Confession you need to be able to forgive yourself for any mistakes or sins you committed with a firm purpose not to commit them again. Forgiveness is important so you do not hold any grudges or stop speaking to people for any reason. It is better to forgive and forget transgressions, than living in a world of hate and misery. I call My faithful to love everyone despite any faults or misdeeds.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of your Lenten devotions could be to try and make visits to My Blessed Sacrament as often as you can, especially when you have My consecrated Host in the monstrance. This worship of Me at Adoration is a preparation for when you will be spending many hours at My refuges in Perpetual Adoration. It also is a preparation when you will be worshiping Me in My Real Presence in heaven. When you have a deep love relationship with Me, you desire to be with Me as much as possible. At Holy Communion time, you are finishing up the Mass. This is why it would be good for you to stay a few minutes after Mass to truly unite your heart with Mine, because people are always in a rush to do their earthly things. When you are united with Me, I want you to be at peace so you can fully appreciate My love for you, and you can share your love for Me.”


Wednesday, March 2, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, you are learning a new health therapy that could help other people, and it is good to share this with your relatives and friends. I want you to pray over this therapy with your St. Michael prayer in the long form, because you are praying for both a healing of the body and the soul. In the readings there is a focus on obeying My Commandments, and I mentioned how I came to fulfill the law, and not to change it. It is important to remember that My laws do not change, so anyone who tells you that they are changing, is a liar. Listen to My Word and love in your hearts, and you will be on the right road to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are responsible for taking care of your body and your soul. People abuse their bodies by not eating properly. You need to eat the right kind of carbohydrates, protein, and fat in the right proportions. When you drink too much alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and eat too much red meat or too much sugar products, then you are compromising your immune system. This could lead to cancer or diabetes. You are also compromised by chemtrails, GMO crops, and polluted air and water. This is why you may need to supplement your body with hawthorn pills, herbs, and vitamins. Even eating raw almonds could help fight cancer. You can take care of your soul with frequent Confession, at least monthly. You also need daily prayer as your three or four rosaries, and your Divine Mercy chaplet. Going to daily Mass and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament can also keep you close to Me. By taking good care of your body and your soul, you could be a healthy person in this life.”


Thursday, March 3, 2016: (St. Katherine Drexel)
Jesus said: “My people, in Lent you are focused on converting your lives from ways of sin and all of your addictions. There are some people who drink alcohol, take drugs, or smoke cigarettes too much. There are others addicted to computers, pornography, and fornication. These are all difficult addictions to break on your own, but with My help and deliverance prayers, you can cast out your own demons that are holding you on to your sin. By converting your lives, you will be free of the bonds of your sins. In the vision of the many fishing nets, you are reminded how I told My apostles who were fishermen, that they would now be fishers of men, instead of fish. It may take time and many prayers to make conversions to the faith, but My faithful need to be patient and persistent in their prayers to save souls. Keep praying for the conversion of sinners, and for the souls in purgatory.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you are pleased that your solar contractor has installed another six batteries to give you a total of twelve. You had thirty-four panels installed on your roof, but only twenty-two were providing electricity. After your contractor fixed the wires, now the other twelve panels are also generating electricity. You finally have your solar project up and running. This was the last of your major projects to complete, and you could have electricity during the tribulation. Your angel, St. Meridia, will protect your panels from wind, EMP attacks, and from any malfunction. Give thanks for My plans for your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are working on your new health project that could help some people with their health problems. You are even procuring more help so you could share your success with others. You are finding ways to see if this therapy helps people, as others have tried it, and they have had success. Remember to pray when you use this help so you can help heal the body and the soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an unusual primary season where the one world people and the old guard politicians are trying to stop one of your candidates from winning his party’s nomination. This kind of political correctness is why your primary voters dislike the business as usual control in Washington, D.C. You could see problems within each party that could threaten your Presidential election. I have mentioned before that there could be some created events that could postpone or cancel the coming election.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is showing a similar story to when Joseph stored food for seven years of plenty in Egypt, so there would be grain to share during seven years of famine. I have warned My people to prepare for a coming world famine. This was represented by the near empty truck. Since you could store food now, it would be prudent to store one year’s amount of food for each person in your houses. My refuge builders are also encouraged to store some extra food that could be multiplied at My refuges. Trust in Me to provide enough food for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been wondering how you could provide enough water for forty people without a well or a spring. You are witnessing a continuing flow of water out of your new basement from your new sump pump. It appears that you could have some kind of spring water that is flowing from your sump pump. This could be a good source of water during the tribulation, as I will perform miracles for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Lenten missions are appropriate to get people closer to their faith. These sessions are like retreats that can help your spiritual life get back on track. You need to attend them to gain any insights. Usually there are Confessions and almsgiving on the last day of the mission. Take advantage of your Confessions all day, so you have enough opportunity to change your life. When you repent of your sins, and seek My forgiveness, you will be free of your bonds of sin, and you can seek Me in love.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you see warmer weather coming, you start thinking of spring and spring flowers. You have been fortunate to have less snow and a warmer winter than normal. You still have several weeks left in Lent before you will be preparing for Holy Week. This coming end of Lent is the best focus on My Resurrection on Easter in your whole Church year. My death on the cross has been your salvation, and My means of suffering for all of your sins. You can always unite your suffering and trials with My suffering on the cross because this occurred outside of time. You will be celebrating Easter again with all the joy and happiness of My call to all souls to come to heaven. When the Warning comes, you all will see how much your sins offend Me, and many will have a strong desire for Confession. This will be your best time after My Warning to evangelize your relatives and friends to faith in My love. Take advantage of this opportunity to help save as many souls as possible.”


Friday, March 4, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I was showing people that My Ten Commandments are based on love of Me, love of your neighbor, and love of self. When you help your neighbor, you are doing it out of love for your neighbor, and love for Me in them. Your acts of mercy will receive treasure in heaven. Lent is a time of sacrifice, and a time of sharing your faith and goods with others. You can also pray for those people who are sick and having financial struggles. Giving alms to the poor, will also store treasure in heaven. Be ready to help others in their needs without worrying about being inconvenienced. By showing your love for Me and others, you will also be happy that you could help someone.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are being tested again with your bathroom lights not working. You may need an electrician to troubleshoot your circuit breaker, or what may be wrong with your light fixture. It is difficult to use your bathroom for showers at night with just a small light hooked up to the wall outside of the bathroom. Pray for a solution to your problem, and I will find someone to fix it for you. You still need to be thankful that you have all of your solar panels working properly. You had twelve of the thirty-four panels that were not working. You also have your six new batteries hooked up to your other six to give you twelve batteries. This will provide your electricity storage when the grid is not working. You have succeeded in working on all of My suggestions for your solar project.”


Saturday, March 5, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, before I came to the earth as a man, it was a Jewish custom to sacrifice the blood of animals on an altar. Now that I am the Sacrificial Lamb on the cross, I have given My Blood Sacrifice to the Father to take away the guilt of your sins. When you confess your sins, My Sacrificial Blood is paying for your sins, and it is no longer necessary to offer any further blood sacrifices from animals. It is the evil ones at black masses who offer animals and even human sacrifices to Satan in mockery of My Sacrifice. In the parable, the Pharisee was self-righteous in his good deeds, but the tax collector prayed for My forgiveness. He, who exults himself, will be humbled, and he, who humbles himself, will be exulted. As you work to better your spiritual life, it is better to practice humility than to brag about your accomplishments or your possessions. Be grateful to Me for all of the gifts that I have given you, and do not think that you are better than anyone else. Love one another, and do not hold grudges against each other. Suppress any pride, and focus more on loving Me and your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, these soldiers who are marching around the globe of the earth, are a sign of a coming world war. The one world people are led by Satan, and they worship Satan. They are taking his orders to instigate a world war in the Middle East. These evil ones are planning takeovers on all of the continents. They want to destroy America and combine you with Canada and Mexico in making the North American Union. Your primary elections will fade away in importance, as events will move closer to a takeover of America. Such a takeover will leave your President in power, and it could result in riots and a revolt in the streets. The military and foreign troops will use martial law to restore order, but they will rule so you will have no rights. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges for your safety. Trust in My protection throughout the whole time of the tribulation.”


Sunday, March 6, 2016: (Laetare Sunday, 4th Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the story of the Prodigal Son who returned to his father to ask his father’s forgiveness. This story represents how I am waiting for sinners to return to Me for forgiveness as well, in Confession. I see into your hearts, and I know who is sincerely sorry for their sins, and who is not. In order to confess your sins, you need to put aside your pride, which the devil uses against you to keep you away from Confession. You need to be humble to admit your sins and mistakes in your actions, and confess them to the priest. When you realize how you offend Me with your sins, you need to seek My mercy to forgive you. When I see your change in life to follow My laws, all of heaven rejoices as I welcome you back to My graces. This rejoicing at sinners who repent, is in keeping with Laetare Sunday, which means rejoice Sunday in the middle of Lent. When people are contrite and sorry for their sins, they also rejoice when they leave the confessional with absolution of their sins. You have a fresh, clean soul that is full of My sanctifying grace, and you are prepared to receive Me in Holy Communion. The sacrament of Reconciliation is always available on Saturdays with the priest in the confessional, and some priests even have Confession before or after Mass. This week your Diocese has an all day opportunity for Confession on Wednesday. To keep your soul clean, you should confess your sins at least once a month. I am happy when My priests encourage people to come to Confession. You see yourself how few people come to Confession when you go on Saturday. If the people are not taught the necessity for confessing their sins, then few people will attend. You should confess mortal sins as quickly as possible, but you need to confess venial sins as well. You also receive the grace of the sacrament of Reconciliation every time you confess your sins. Rejoice in My love and continue to keep our love relationship open with frequent Confession. When you live in mortal sin, your soul is dead to Me without any grace. So confess your sin, and be clean as the leper was healed of his leprosy. By keeping your soul clean, you can avoid any possibility of being lost in hell in mortal sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know of a lot of alcoholics that do not want to believe they have a drinking problem, and instead they try to hide it. They are only kidding themselves, as they are ruining their bodies. They also seek ways to buy more of the alcohol that they constantly crave. This addiction is hard to heal, and the person has to choose to stop, in order to get better. It also takes prayer and a request from Me to get rid of the demon that is attached to this addiction. It is only by accepting treatment, and a desire to change one’s life, that a person could stop their drinking habit. If they refuse to take any treatment to detoxify their body, they will succumb to their habit. Alcohol can destroy a person’s life, and affect the family members as well. Pray that these alcoholics will see My Light, and change their lives.”


Monday, March 7, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading from Isaiah (65:17-25) you are reading of the world that I will renew after My victory over the Antichrist in the tribulation. Those faithful, who are martyred during the tribulation, and those who are at My refuges, will be brought into My Era of Peace. As you read these passages, it is not describing your earthly existence as you know it now. Here are the passages referring to My Era of Peace: (Is17) ‘Lo, I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ (Is20) ‘…an old man who does not round out his full lifetime; he dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years, and he who fails of a hundred shall be thought accursed.’ (Is25) ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. (But the serpent’s food shall be dust) None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some people complain about coal-fired power plants because of the coal dust, and some pollution. Some of these plants have been converted over to natural gas power plants with less pollution. You still have over 35% of your power plants that are powered by coal. It is costly to convert all the plants all at once. It is also unfair to close all of the coal-fired plants because of some pollution. It is better to have some power than nothing. People, who want the natural gas plants, may have to pay for this conversion, and it may take time. Your government regulations could leave some areas without power, and the coal miners without a job. Your people are demanding more electricity, but your power production and your grid are breaking down. Solar and wind power are alternatives, but this is only a small amount of the total power needs. Again there is a lot of up front costs to provide any needed new power source. Pray for your country to invest more in your power production and better power lines, so you all can share in having available electricity.”


Tuesday, March 8, 2016: (St. John of God)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I healed a lame man at the Bethesda Pool on the Sabbath, and the Pharisees were critical of My healing on the Sabbath. In another time I told the Pharisees: (Mk 2:27,28) ‘The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.’ These people worshiped Me with their lips, but their hearts were far from Me. I keep encouraging people with healing gifts to pray for healing both the body and the soul. I gave healing power to My apostles and some of My faithful. Keep using your healing gifts, and you will see miracles, if you believe in My healing power. Pray for the sick and the souls in purgatory. When you care for your neighbor’s needs, you will store up treasure in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see many poor people with daily problems because they have little or no income. There are other people who had good families to support them, so they could go to college, and have a good job. In today’s world you may have to struggle for a good job, even with a college education. Many good paying jobs have been sent to other countries. It is your corporations who are exporting jobs for cheaper salaries. Your welfare state is completely out of control because there is no incentive to work when taxes are taken out of your pay, and you get less benefits than a welfare person. Your Social Security system is also a fraud because others are getting benefits that they never worked for. Older people have less people paying into the Social Security system, and even the older workers are getting more money than they paid in, even despite the difference in inflation. The true poor in other countries need your donations. The poor in America could be helped by your donations to your local food shelves. You need to help your neighbor when you can out of love, and you will be rewarded in heaven.”


Wednesday, March 9, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you wonder why your government people act the way they do. Now you know that the one world people are literally pulling the strings of these government people. Your President and other officials are the puppets of the one world people. The one world people worship Satan, and he gives them their evil orders to carry out. So even the one world people are puppets of Satan. The evil that you see in the world, will get worse when the Antichrist declares himself, but fear not, because I will protect My faithful at My refuges. This time of evil will be shortened for the sake of My elect. Be patient because My victory over evil is coming after I defeat the Antichrist. The gates of hell will not prevail over My faithful remnant. There will be a division in My Church, but My remnant will be protected at My refuges. In the end I will be victorious over the evil ones, and My faithful will be with Me in My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, March 10, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you information from various sources that AIDS, ebola, and many of your flu viruses are laboratory man-made creations with the express purpose of reducing the population. The one world people and Satan are behind this killing because Satan hates man. Many people do not want to believe this truth, but this is just another part of the death culture behind abortion, euthanasia, and wars. Many of your wars are also instigated by these Satan worshipers to make money on the weapons, and again to reduce the population. If you can understand the big picture that Satan has planned, you can see the evil plan in all of this killing of people. This evil of these killings is about to be brought to an end, when I will bring My victory over these evil ones. You still have to endure the Antichrist’s tribulation, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges. Keep praying to save souls, and have hope in My coming victory, when My faithful will be with Me in My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this coming down a stairway is a sign that you all need to practice the virtue of humility, so you do not think that you are better than other people. Sometimes your pride puffs you up with your own importance, or your wealth and possessions. You are all equal in My eyes whether you have money, education, or social status. So do not be bragging about what you have, because I have given you all of your gifts. Be willing to share your gifts with your neighbors, and thank Me for all that you have.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing spring like weather and you may desire to get out into your yard to pick things up after your winter snow. This garden hose has you thinking of watering your lawn and your new flowers. You could still get some cold weather, but early flowers are breaking through the soil. Spring is a time when new life appears, even as you will be celebrating My Resurrection in a few weeks. Enjoy My creation as the trees and flowers will be sprouting forth new life. This is a sign that My faithful need to change their lives in getting close to Me in love.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see formations of geese flying in ‘V’ formations, you can see this migration of birds as another sign of spring. As the temperatures increase, there is less likely any chance that you will have more snow. Rejoice in being able to work outside again. Once your vegetation arrives, you feel renewed also in your faith during the weeks approaching Easter. In your parish mission you also had an opportunity to come to Confession. This cleaning out the sins in your soul, gives you another release in life to appreciate My grace and forgiveness. Rejoice in your new love experience with Me as I watch over you every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, this image of letting fresh air into your house, can also represent how you let Me come into your lives with My grace and love. You see many images of Me knocking on the doors of your heart. That door has to be opened from the inside, so you can let Me into your hearts. I love all of you so much, but I do not force My love on you. I want all of you to love Me in return. When My love comes into your house, you are overwhelmed with a loving God, who will set you free of all the bonds of your sins. This fresh air in the vision is like My grace and love which makes you feel alive in faith.”

Dick said: “I am happy to give you a few words because I died so suddenly in the car crash. I could see many of my relatives, and my wife who met me at my death. I appreciate the concern of all of my friends, and I will be praying for all of you. Remember to have some Masses said for me as I am on my way to see my Jesus. I will be moving from my spiritual friends on earth to see my friends in heaven. There is a joy to have no more pain on my way to heaven. Remember me as one of your intercessors of your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am having My refuge builders prepare all that will be necessary for feeding people, and giving them shelter and a place to sleep. My faithful need to have a backpack ready to take some of your clothes, water, and a little food for a trip to a refuge. I will let you know when it is time to come to My refuges with an inner locution for everyone at the same time. Your guardian angels will protect you and guide you to My refuges. Keep a pure soul so your Warning experience will be more fruitful. My Warning will come before you come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent this is a time to get your spiritual life in order as you travel through the trials of this life. I look into your hearts for the intentions of your actions. By your prayers, good deeds, and your shared donations, you are storing up treasure in heaven in preparation for your judgment. Take advantage of this Lent to clean up any of your bad habits, and let Me lead your lives to heaven. Those souls, who are faithful to Me in this life, are promised a new life with Me in heaven. Be thankful for My mercy in My forgiveness of your sins, and for loving you every minute while you are alive on this earth.”


Friday, March 11, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you see how the Israelites did not believe in Me because they knew I was brought up in Nazareth, but they believed that the Messiah would not have an earthly upbringing. They further found it hard to believe that I could be God’s Son, which is why they condemned Me to death for blasphemy. They knew that I did not live a sinful life, and I warned them against their sins. I even healed people on the Sabbath, and I spoke with authority in demanding the demons to leave possessed people. I spoke in cloaked language, but some could see by My miracles that I was sent by God as the Messiah. This was all too much for the Pharisees because My new Church threatened their authority. But it was part of My mission to die for all the sins of mankind, which is why I suffered on the cross. My faithful are called to spread My Good News of salvation, even though you will meet persecution for calling people to stop their sinful pleasures, and obey My Commandments. This is why some souls are lost to hell because they desire to be in control of their lives with their earthly pleasures. They would rather worship their pleasures, more than worship Me. You have only two choices: to be with Me in heaven, or to suffer eternity in hell for not serving and loving Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before that some rogue country like North Korea could send a missile attack against you to cause an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) explosion that could take out a large part of your microchips. If such a missile caused an EMP event, your electric grid and your communications would go down. Your country has been experimenting with anti-missiles that could destroy an incoming missile. What you are seeing in this vision is how a rogue missile attack could be exploded before it could damage your country. If such an attack was successful, your election could be called off by a martial law takeover of your country by your military. Beware of such a manufactured event that would precipitate a martial law takeover of your government. If there is such a martial law declared, I will warn My faithful when it is time to leave for My refuges. My refuges will be protected by My angels with invisible shields that your enemies could not violate. Trust in My protection, and be prepared when you could see some major events occur this year.”


Saturday, March 12, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you have a large telescope in orbit that can see great distances with exact detail. This telescope and others are constantly scanning the skies for any major events. I am telling you this because there is a major event coming which all of you will eventually see with your own eyes. Such an event will happen on the day of the Warning when people will be frightened by a body that will come close to the earth. Your scientists have known this for some time, but they will not make this public until it is very visible, so the people will not be scared. Your amateur astronomers will tell you first, but not long after, everyone will be able to see what is coming. It will appear as like two suns in the sky, and even some may die of fright. Even more frightening will be everyone’s Warning experience, which will give every sinner a chance to repent. This is an important time to be living, because after My Warning, you are about to see the Antichrist begin the time of tribulation. Come to frequent Confession during this Lenten Season, so you will be better prepared for your Warning experience.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing record high temperatures in the Northern States during March, which usually is still winter time. The vision is showing people outside on their lawn chairs, like they would be in the summer time. You have seen a warmer than usual winter, and in your area you have had only 53 inches of snow where you normally average 100 inches. There is definitely a change in your jet streams that are not bringing many snow storms. This is good for your heating bill, but these changes could affect your crops if you have a freeze once the tree buds come out. Pray that you do not have a bad apple and cherry crop with your changing weather.”


Sunday, March 13, 2016: (John 11:1-46)
Jesus said: “My people, when My friend Lazarus died, I wept for the loss of a good friend. I went to the house of Martha and Mary, and they were sad that I could not come sooner to heal their brother. Then I told Martha: ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me, even if he die, shall live, and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die.’ I was speaking of the next life after death, because I am the victor over death. Those people, who believe in Me and repent of their sins, will have eternal life with Me in heaven. So the people would know that I am the Son of God, I even raised Lazarus from the dead. Some of the Jews believed in Me because of this miracle. The Pharisees were plotting to kill Me because they were afraid of losing their authority. Everyone is appointed to die, as this is one of the consequences of Adam’s sin. You will only die in your body, but your soul lives on forever. You saw My victory over death when I resurrected from My tomb. On the day of the final judgment, My faithful will be resurrected with a glorified body, and you will be whole again. This is the hope that I give to every living person. My faithful need to be patient for all of My gifts, even after your death. All of heaven rejoices over one repentant sinner.”


Monday, March 14, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading from Daniel (Dn 13:1-63) you read how two respected Babylonian elders tried to force Susanna to lie with them, but she refused and screamed. Then the elders tried to have Susanna put to death by their false testimony that she was committing fornication with a man. Daniel came to her rescue and found the two judges had perjured themselves, when one claimed he found the lovers under a ‘mastic’ tree, and the other judge said it was under an ‘oak tree’. So Susanna’s life was spared, but the two judges were killed according to the law of Moses. Today, in many of your political elections you are also seeing injustices committed by your leaders who are influenced by the one world people. Even some witnesses have come forward to proclaim that they fixed the electronic voting machines to change opposition votes to the desired winner. You have read testimonies of how no opposition votes were found against your President in many districts where such machines were fixed. This is how the one world people control who is elected. You are seeing similar manipulations against one of your Republican candidates who is not part of the one world people. You will see such injustices until I will return in My victory. Once I come, these evil ones will receive My justice for their evil deeds. You all will have to meet Me at your judgment, so repent and cleanse your souls through My forgiveness in Confession, and you will be with Me forever in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know of the Fukushima disaster that is still sending out radioactive particles of radiation into the Pacific Ocean. Not much has been done to stop this flow. The ocean currents are carrying this radiation to your Western shores, and all the fish being caught in the Pacific Ocean need to be checked. This is a potential health hazard to your fishing industry, and for the people who eat this fish. Currently, the fish seem to be at safe levels, but radiation is cumulative. There is a set limit of radiation for fish to be sold, but it requires some kind of monitoring. In addition to checking the water, there also is some monitoring for radiation in the air. Radiation can cause severe sickness, as in Japan, when it is at high levels. This should be a major concern for everyone, which is why it is necessary to monitor this radiation both in the water and in the air.”


Tuesday, March 15, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading you read how the Israelites complained about the manna in the desert, and the Lord sent them poisonous snakes that killed some people. Then Moses was directed to mount a bronze serpent on a pole, and he held it up so those, who looked on it, were healed of their snakebite. There is a symbol in My suffering on the cross as a healing for the soul and the body. I was offered up on the cross for all of your sins, while the bronze serpent only healed the body. The vision of the heater in the basement represents only heat for the body in the winter. But if you look at My love for man by dying on the cross, you see the warmth of My love and My healing of the soul and the body in My forgiveness of your sins. Saving your soul is much more important than your body. Your soul is searching for peace that only I can satisfy. You can only find peace for your soul in My Presence. So be thankful that you can receive Me in Holy Communion, and visit Me often in My tabernacle. Trust in Me that I will provide for both your physical and spiritual needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, in America your wind currents cause many tornadoes which are different from other countries. You see most of your tornadoes in the spring and some in the fall. Your weather channel has shown you the damage, and even eye witness accounts with movies of living through a tornado. At times you have multiple tornadoes follow close to each other. Pray for the victims of these tornado attacks because some people have to start over and build another house. Some families are making safe rooms out of concrete. It is bad enough to lose homes, but it is even more tragic to see lives lost in tornadoes. Other parts of your country have seen the heavy rains bring floods, as in your Southern states. Some of this destruction is a result of your abortion sins, euthanasia killing of older people, gay marriage, and fornication of those living together without marriage. Your actions bring consequences, and your punishment can come with natural disasters. Pray that your people will repent of their many sins, and change their lives.”


Wednesday, March 16, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Book of Daniel (Dn 3:1-97) how Shadrach, Mishach, and Abedenago refused to bow and worship the king’s statue. They only worshiped Me, and not any false idols. This made King Nebuchadnezzar very angry, so he had the three young men thrown into the white hot furnace. They would rather die than worship any false god. But I sent My angel to protect them from the fire, and the king realized that the God of the Israelites is the true God, and the king was converted. Today, you are seeing Christians being killed by Moslems, and all Christians are being persecuted for My Name’s sake. I have died on the cross for all sinners, but how many people are prepared to die for their faith in Me? You do not want to worship the Antichrist or any idols before Me. Some of My faithful may be tested with martyrdom, which is better than worshiping any false gods. Be strong in your faith, and call on My grace to stand up against all of your society’s abortions, same sex marriage, euthanasia, or any of your sexual sins of fornication or adultery. By witnessing to My love and My laws rather than man’s laws, you will receive a great reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you have plenty of food, you have the energy to do a lot of work. But when you are starving and worried where your next meal is coming from, it is hard to do much of anything. In America even the poor have food shelves and welfare to support them. In foreign countries they do not always have public assistance to support the poor, or even charitable organizations may not have available facilities to help. The poor in these countries could use your donations and prayers. I know people have their favorite charities, but find it in your heart to feed the starving poor in foreign countries.”


Thursday, March 17, 2016: (St. Patrick)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel from St. John (8:48-59) I told the people that if anyone keeps My Word, he will never see death, but I was really referring to death in hell. When the Jews criticized Me, they said that all the prophets had died. Then I told them that before Abraham came to be, I AM. They started throwing stones at Me because they thought I was blaspheming in saying that I am God’s Son. Even later, the high priest would question Me if I was the Son of the Living God. When I said I AM, they began to call for My crucifixion. In many ways I gave proof through My miracles that I am God’s Son. My apostles saw Me heal the sick, raise the dead, multiply the bread and fish, calm the seas, and walk on water. The ultimate miracle was when I raised Myself from the tomb in My Resurrection from the dead. The Jews tried to hide My miracles so their authority would override My true Church. You will soon be entering Holy Week which is the most important week in the Church Year. Believe that I am truly the Son of God, and give Me worship at Mass and before My tabernacle.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your internet and phone communications are strongly dependent on your satellites and your cell towers. These devices are vulnerable to physical attacks and attacks from hackers. Many people are dependent on the internet for their work and their banking. If this communication is shut down, you would be back to older means of communicating. The internet is also vulnerable to an EMP attack as well. When you come to My refuges, there will be no communications. You will get rid of your TVs and computers so you do not get affected by the Antichrist’s eyes to worship him. Trust in My angel protection at My refuges.”

St. Patrick said: “My dear son, you made it over to Ireland a few times, and you experienced St. Patrick’s Purgatory, which was a test of fasting in food and no sleep. I thank you for this, and I want you to remember me as an intercessor for your prayers on all the days of the year, and not just on my feast day. Pray for all of your relatives, especially those people of Irish descent. I thank all of you for wearing the green, and I noticed my shamrock teaching of the Blessed Trinity.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing disruptive protesters coming to the candidate rallies at your various primaries. Some of the one world people are openly telling you that they intend to send more violent protesters to try and stop one candidate from getting enough delegates for his party’s nomination. This is just another attack that will try to thwart the will of the people in choosing their President. If there is enough disruption, you may even see your Presidential election postponed or canceled.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had low oil and gasoline prices for some time, but now these prices are rising some. You also had your Federal Reserve stop its rate increases. These events and a steady job market has allowed your stock prices to rise back to year end prices. There will be some coming events that could lower your markets again, as your dollar and freedoms will be challenged. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when your lives or freedoms are endangered.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how mandatory chips in the body were included in your original health care bill. Already several states are encouraging voluntary use of chips in the body. This is fulfilling one of My messages that said you would see voluntary chips in the body first that would be followed by mandatory chips in the body later. Do not take any chips in the body, even if it means your Social Security or welfare checks would be cancelled. Soon if you do not have a chip in the body, you will not be able to buy and sell things. You also will be risking martyrdom when the men in black will try to bring you to the detention death centers. This will be a sign to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, Holy Week will start this Palm Sunday as your Lenten Season will be coming to an end. You also will be celebrating Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday to follow. You all should try to make all the services of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. You could try to get to Confession as a preparation for Easter. This is a great celebration of remembering My death on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see the Warning experience come as your most dramatic sign of the Antichrist’s coming. There will be six weeks of conversion after the Warning, and you will need to remove all of your TVs, computers, and internet devices out of your homes, so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes. He could control your mind with his eyes, and with the chip in the body. Avoid taking any chip in the body, and do not worship the Antichrist. You will then see a world famine, a division in My Church, martial law, and mandatory chips in the body. This will be the time when you will have to come to My refuges for your protection. The one world people will give all of the power of the continental unions over to the Antichrist in the European Union. The Antichrist will declare himself at the beginning of the tribulation which will be less then 3½ years. There will be some faithful that are martyred, but the rest of My faithful will be protected by My angels at My refuges. You will rejoice when I will defeat the Antichrist and bring you into My Era of Peace. Be patient since soon you will be with Me in heaven, and all the evil people and demons will be cast into hell.”


Friday, March 18, 2016: (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)
Jesus said: “My people, the people of My day did not understand how the Son of God could take on a human body. This Incarnation of My human body is a mystery in itself, but it enabled Me to sacrifice My Body in death for the reparation of all the sins of mankind. No longer is it necessary for sacrificing animals, because I became the ultimate sacrifice for everyone, as I brought salvation to all repentant sinners. The people wanted to stone Me because they thought I was committing blasphemy when I claimed to be God’s Son. But I really am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, and when I resurrected from the dead, My apostles had the ultimate proof in this miracle. You are about to enter Holy Week, and there are many graces given to those people who take part in the Holy Week services. Rejoice with the angels and saints who praise Me constantly. In every Mass you are commemorating My sacrifice on the cross, as you eat My Body and drink My Blood. You have the grace of My Blessed Sacrament given to you every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion. Be grateful that I have left you with My Real Presence by the priest’s hands in the Mass. I am with you always to help you on your way to heaven.”


Saturday, March 19, 2016: (St. Joseph)
St. Joseph said: “I am Joseph the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the foster father of Jesus. I was given a heavy responsibility to take Mary into my home, even though she was already pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit. I had to protect Jesus from Herod by taking our family to Egypt, and we returned eventually back to Nazareth. I also was responsible for feeding and housing our family, along with teaching Jesus my carpentry trade. I am telling you this because I am a model for all fathers to follow. Fathers need to be responsible for supporting their families for food, shelter, and education in the faith, as well as providing for their education to have a trade or college education. You also may need to help your children with marriage expenses, and maybe with their house mortgage for a down payment. Depending on the father’s finances, they may need to help in paying some of the college expenses. I am also noted as a patron for the dying, so you can pray to me for a happy death or comfort for the family. Some people also pray to me for finding a house or selling a house. I took care of the Holy Family, and I will intercede for your family as well.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were wondering how you would find a water well, and how you would get the water out. I told you that I would provide a water well when you would need it in the future. Now you remember how there was a wet spot on your new basement wall toward your backyard. When you used your dowser to point where the water is, you found a spot that was only ten feet out into your backyard opposite the wet spot on the basement. You are seeing your new sump pump putting out water quite often. This would be one source of water, and drilling a well on the dousing spot would be another source of water. Your friend helped you secure a manual water pump, a wellpoint, and several pieces of pipe for pounding a hole for a well. You have your barrels of water, and a means of using your drain spouts for rainwater. I will provide for your water needs, and multiply your water, food, and fuels for your survival at your refuge. Trust in My protection during the tribulation.”


Sunday, March 20, 2016: (Palm Sunday, Passion Sunday)
Jesus said: “My son, you are revisiting your trip to Jerusalem when you saw the place where the Roman soldiers crowned Me with a crown of thorns. You then remembered how your group carried a cross along the Via Dolorosa. You also visited the Holy Sepulcher where the place of My crucifixion is honored, and also there was the tomb where I later resurrected. At another time you visited the upper room where I had the Last Supper with My apostles. Today’s vestments are red to honor the Passion of My death. This is the beginning of Holy Week that honors My death and Resurrection. You read the Passion account right after the people were celebrating with Me in waving the palms. The people loved Me for all of My healing miracles, but the Pharisees could not accept that I am the Son of the Living God. They called for My crucifixion because they claimed I was committing blasphemy. In actuality I am truly the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, but I was not accepted as God’s Son. You also have to suffer your Good Friday in this life, so you can be gifted with your own resurrection at the final judgment. Rejoice at the end of Holy Week when you will celebrate Easter Sunday with My rising from the dead.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you an American football with the laces to remind you of what I told you about how the Warning would come most likely during the football season. I will bring My Warning before the major events that could threaten your lives. After the Warning you will have six weeks of time for conversions. During the Warning, you will have a life review, much like a near dear experience. After your life review, you will have a mini-judgement to heaven, purgatory, or hell to show you how your life’s actions are leading you to your destination. Once you are placed back into your body, you will have a chance to change your life toward heaven. During the Warning you will be told to avoid taking any chip in the body, and to not worship the Antichrist, or else you could be controlled, and you could be sent to hell. When I will give you an interior message to leave your home for My refuge, leave as quickly as possible. You will see a frightening body in the sky on the day of the Warning, followed by signs of the Antichrist’s coming. Be prepared to leave for My refuges because the events this year could cause a need to be there.”


Monday, March 21, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are seeing a woman anointing Me with expensive oil which really was a sign for preparing for My burial. In Holy Week you are seeing all the events leading up to My death on the cross. This will be the hour of My sacrifice for all of the sins of mankind. Up until this time, I walked away from all of My persecutors who wanted to kill Me. In the garden I accepted My Father’s Will that I would give up My human life, so I could conquer sin and death. Death has no hold on Me, as you will soon commemorate My Resurrection again in your services. In the Gospel you also witnessed Judas’ love for money, as he complained that the oil should have been sold to give the money to the poor. He really was a thief in stealing money from the common purse. Even when he betrayed Me, there was a price of thirty pieces of silver put on My head. His biggest fate is that he could not accept My forgiveness, and Satan took over his heart, and led him to commit suicide. All of these things happened according to My plan for man’s salvation.”

Jesus said: “My people, this snake in the tree represents the one world people, and how they lie with a forked tongue. They are the poisonous vipers who are spreading their evil deeds through the death culture that is killing people to reduce the population. They slither about just like the snakes of Satan, as they seek the ruin of souls. Satan and his minions are trying to steal souls from Me, so they can be thrown into the flames of hell. I have come to save souls, but Satan and the demons have come to destroy souls. I call on My faithful souls to go out and convert souls to My way so they can be saved. He that eats My Body and drinks My Blood, will have eternal life with Me in heaven. In order to come to heaven, you must repent of your sins, and allow Me to be the Master of your life. I will always forgive the repentant sinner. Avoid the evil ones, and do not believe their lies, nor take any chip in your body. By believing in Me, and following My Commandments, you will be saved in heaven.”


Tuesday, March 22, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are seeing how one of My own apostles, Judas, would betray Me to the Jewish leaders. He accepted thirty pieces of silver to betray His Master. Satan took advantage of Judas’ weakness, and Satan entered Judas’ heart to lead the Jews to find Me in the garden. I knew of Judas as My betrayer from the time he came to follow Me. He was one of the instruments that I used in My plan for man’s salvation. I told St. Peter that he would deny Me three times before the cock crowed. Both men denied Me, but St. Peter repented, and Judas was led by Satan to hang himself to death. My apostles did not understand what Judas was doing when he left us. You are seeing in the readings how these events led up to My crucifixion. I accepted My calling to offer My life up for all of mankind’s sins. My faithful are called to be true to their faith in Me, even if they may be threatened with martyrdom.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people,I instituted the sacrament of Reconciliation so all sinners will have an opportunity to cleanse their sins from their souls. I died on Good Friday to make reparation for all of your sins. I am like the father of the Prodigal Son, waiting for sinners to come to Me in the priest, so I can forgive their sins. You know when you come to Confession how few people are there in line. I invite all sinners to come because I did not die just for the few who come to Confession, but I died for all of them. If you truly appreciate how much I suffered for you, then you will see the need to answer My call to have your sins forgiven. See how much I love all of you that I would give up My life for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just had a Sedder supper to commemorate the Mass where I offer up My Body and Blood under the appearance of bread and wine. You shared in the unleavened bread and the wine that you took during this Eucharistic sacrifice. The Mass was modeled after the Passover Meal, only I was the true Sacrificial Lamb that is offered up for the sins of mankind. Every Mass is a re-enactment of My Sacrifice in an unbloody manner. Treasure My Eucharistic Sacrifice as you receive My Real Presence in Holy Communion. Give praise and thanks to Me for dying for your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you pray the Stations of the Cross, you are walking with Me on My way to Calvary. I invite all of My faithful to pick up their own unique cross, and carry it through life amidst all of their trials and troubles. This life is a test in how you can know, love, and serve Me in this world. This life has pains, sorrows, sickness, and even death that you all must endure, even as I had to suffer. Pray for My help that you can follow Me on your path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will read in the Scriptures how the soldiers scourged Me at the pillar, and placed a crown of thorns on My head. They pounded nails into My hands and feet. They even put a lance into My side after I died. I had to suffer a crucifixion to ransom My people for the price of their sins. My death was the ultimate Sacrifice of the Son of God, as the true Lamb of God. No longer do you need any more animal sacrifices. You can offer up your own trials of life, when you share your pain with Me on My cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read about the good thief, and the other thief who only wanted Me to save his physical life. The good thief believed in Me, and he asked Me to remember him when I come into My Kingdom. I responded: ‘This day you will be with Me in Paradise.’ This life is passing away, and your soul will live on into the next life. It is the destination of your soul that is most important. Your soul desires to be with Me in heaven, so do not let any distractions of this world lead you astray from your path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see a coming tribulation of the Antichrist, but I will shorten this time for the sake of My elect. Then I will bring My Comet of Chastisement on the earth. I will raise up My faithful,
but the evil ones will be cast into hell. I will renew the earth and bring My faithful down to enjoy My new heavens and a new earth. This will be the reward for all of those people who were faithful to Me, despite any persecution that they suffered. You will then be prepared to be saints in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, a crown of sainthood awaits all of My faithful souls who succeeded in following My Commandments to a place in heaven. Some souls will require purgatory time to enter heaven, while those who live through the tribulation will suffer their purgatory on earth. At the last judgment every one of My faithful will receive a glorified body to be joined with the soul. When I resurrected, I had a glorified body, which is why some people did not recognize Me. This Resurrection will occur for all of My faithful at the final judgment. Then you will be completely whole again, and you will see Me in the beatific vision of My love.”


Wednesday, March 23, 2016:

Jesus said: “My people of America, this vision of four large tornadoes at four corners of the vision, represents massive destruction that will be coming to your country to all four corners of your land. Your sins of abortion, gay marriage, euthanasia, and prolific drugs, are calling down My punishment upon America. Not only will you see physical destruction, but you are gradually losing your freedoms. The one world people want to take over your country to put you into the North American Union. You already are seeing a planned disruption of your primaries by one of these rich one world people. The establishment in both parties is defying the will of the people from choosing a candidate that the establishment cannot control. This will create an excuse for more turmoil that could precipitate a martial law to steal any chance of another election for President from proceeding. Pray for peace, but the evil ones will prevail for awhile before I will bring My victory. Be prepared when I will tell you that it is time to come to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to celebrate the Triduum of Holy Week, starting with Holy Thursday and ending with Easter Sunday. This is the most sacred celebration of the whole Church Year. I was crucified on the cross on Mount Calvary, and I was buried in the tomb for three days before I resurrected. My Resurrection from the dead was My greatest miracle. Death had no hold on Me, but I had to give up My human life as a sacrifice for the salvation of all mankind. My death was the greatest gift a person could give for other souls. This shows you how much I love all sinners. As you take part in these Holy Week services, give thanks to Me for all that I have done for you by dying on the cross.”

Lydia (Carol’s mother): “Some of you have seen me in your dreams, and dad and I have not forgotten you. We are watching over all of our family, and we are praying for you. Thank you for all that you did for me, especially in my later years.”


Thursday, March 24, 2016: (Holy Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, at the Last Supper with My apostles I instituted My Eucharist, which is the basis for your Mass today. I also washed their feet with water, and dried them with a towel. I told My apostles that those people, who wish to be great among them, must be the servant of all. You reposed My Blessed Sacrament in a special place, because you will not have Mass again until the Easter Vigil. You have a special tradition on this night to visit three other churches as a sign of unity among your churches. Try to keep your devotional traditions during Holy Week, because these services are all about My death and Resurrection, which is My gift to all of you. With My sacrifice on the cross, I have brought salvation to all repentant sinners. I have opened the gates of heaven so all worthy souls may enter. Be grateful for My gift of Myself in instituting all of My sacraments. You share in My Divine Presence when you receive Me in Holy Communion. My sacrament of Reconciliation offers you a chance to have your sins forgiven, and keep a clean soul free of mortal sin. Rejoice in this Triduum of feast days leading up to Easter Sunday.”


Friday, March 25, 2016: (Good Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read of the account of My Passion, and you have been praying the Stations of the Cross. You are remembering how much pain I had to suffer in My scourging, the carrying of the cross, the nails placed in My hands and feet, and My dying on the cross of crucifixion. I went through all of this pain, suffering, and death as an accepted sacrifice to My Father for all the sins of mankind. I love all of you so much that I died for you. No greater love can a man have for a neighbor than to give up his life for him. I had to endure this painful death because I have a world to save. But unless you repent of your sins, and accept Me as your Savior, you cannot be saved . All of those faithful, who do repent, and accept Me as their Master, will have eternal life with Me. At the end of this day’s account, I was buried in a tomb, and it was sealed until the third day, when you will celebrate My Resurrection at the Easter Vigil. Death did not have a hold on Me because I brought My victory over death and sin. Rejoice soon in My victory at your next service.”


Saturday, March 26, 2016: (Easter Vigil Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, all of heaven is rejoicing as you celebrate My Resurrection from the dead. I foretold that I would rise from the dead in three days, and so it happened. The stone rolled away, and My Light dispersed the darkness. The soldiers were asleep, and they only saw the empty tomb as they reported this to the chief priest. My Resurrection is a joyous and triumphant feast that celebrates My victory over sin and death. I am the Resurrection and the Life, and all of My faithful will also be resurrected at the last judgment. I have brought salvation to all of those people who love Me and accept Me. I ask just as at tonight’s Creed that you say ‘I do’ in faith to all of your beliefs in Me. These Baptismal vows are all a promise that you will follow My Commandments to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. All of those people, who believe, will have eternal life with Me in heaven one day. Give praise and thanks to Me for offering up My life for you.”


Sunday, March 27, 2016: (8:00 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, you could see My tomb inside the Holy Sepulcher that was empty. Then you saw My brilliant white light of My glorified Body, just as I appeared to My apostles on Mt. Tabor. My Transfiguration was a preview of the glory of My Resurrection. Now I have opened the gates of heaven for all of those people who are worthy to come in. As you recited ‘I do’ to your beliefs in Me, you need to go forth and share your faith with others. My love for all of you is overflowing, and I want to share My love with everyone. I love all of you, but I do not force My love on anyone. I give each of you free will so you could choose to love Me on your own. You have a beautiful sunny spring day, and all of My creation is shouting with joy. All of heaven is rejoicing with you to celebrate My victory over sin, death, and the evil one. Your priest’s homily was very inspiring for all of you to realize the precious gift of faith that I give to all of those people who will accept Me.”

(9:30 a.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I know how you feel so overjoyed as you are loving Me so much for My gift of My Resurrection. This is My promise to all of My faithful that you will be resurrected at the last judgment. I want you to share your love for Me with all people, especially with those people who may be away from Me now. I want you to see My Presence in all people as you look into their hearts. I want you to show your love for all of those people who are hard to love. It is your invitation and your prayers that could bring all of your relatives and friends to heaven. You can even go outside of your comfort zone, and love those people who you think are your enemies. I love everyone, even those people who are not open to Me now. Every soul has a choice to be saved, and you could help make it happen with your persistent prayers for each person, because nothing is impossible for Me. People need to open their hearts to Me to be saved. Pray for that openness of hearts to receive Me. Sinners need to repent of their sins, and seek My forgiveness as Master of their lives. All of those people, who love Me, will be with Me for all eternity in heaven.”


Monday, March 28, 2016:

Jesus said: “My people, today the focus is on My risen Body when I first appeared to the women after they saw the empty tomb. It would take a few of My visits in the flesh for My apostles to fully understand My plan of salvation. My apostles did not want to accept the account from the women that they had seen My risen Body. Once the apostles saw Me, they believed in My appearance. After seeing the empty tomb, St. John and St. Peter believed in My Resurrection. It is sad that the Jewish leaders did not want to accept My Resurrection, and they even paid the soldiers to say that My apostles stole My Body. At the Warning, the Jews and all the people will know that they can only come to heaven through Me. With My Resurrection I am showing you a model that one day all of My faithful will be resurrected as well. Some people are killing Christians today, but those people, who reject Me, will receive their punishment in hell. My martyrs will become instant saints. Trust in My Word because I will be bringing My victory over the evil ones after the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon see another edict issued by your President that will make it mandatory to have a computer chip placed in your body. You already have charge cards and passports that have mandated smart chips in them. You do not want to take any chip in your body, even if they threaten to kill you. This chip in the body will control your free will like a robot, so do not ever take it. At first you are seeing some people volunteering to take the chip in the body. The authorities will threaten you with stopping your Social Security and welfare checks, if you do not take it. You will not be able to buy or sell anything without a chip in the body. Eventually, they will confiscate all of your money and possessions if you refuse to take the chip in the body. Some will think that they need the chip for food and survival, but refuse to take this chip in the body for any reason. I will warn My faithful to leave for My refuges once this chip will be mandatory. If My people do not leave for My refuges quickly, then they could be captured by the men in black, and they will be taken to the death camps to be killed or made into slaves. If you come to My refuges with your angel protection, the evil ones will not be able to find you. My refuge builders will have safe havens guarded by angels to protect My faithful there. All refuges will have invisible shields, so the authorities will not harm you. Trust in Me to protect you at My refuges throughout the whole tribulation time. This is why it is necessary to leave your homes quickly when I warn you. Those people, who are martyred, will become instant saints. Be prepared to come to My refuges, where I will protect you, and provide for all of your physical and spiritual needs.”


Tuesday, March 29, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, throughout your whole life you will be living either in My camp, or you will be living in the camp of the devil. Those people, who live following My Commandments in My camp, will have eternal life with Me in heaven. Those people, who live an evil life in following the devil’s ways, will live eternity in hell without ever seeing Me. In life you are choosing your eternal destination by your daily actions which will lead you to heaven for consistent good deeds, or to hell for consistent evil deeds. I do not condemn souls. You choose to either follow Me to heaven, or you will follow the devil to hell. When you are called to your judgment, I will call out to My faithful, ‘Mine’, and Satan will cry out to the lost souls, ‘Mine’. You choose your destination, so choose wisely because you will have to live with your choice for all eternity. Follow the One who loves you to heaven, and not the one who hates you into hell.”

Catherine’s job: Jesus said: “My son, the prayers that you have been praying for your daughter’s job have been answered. So now it is appropriate to pray prayers of thanksgiving.”


Wednesday, March 30, 2016:(Jesus on road to Emmaus Luke 2:13-35)
Jesus said: “My people, you are My Easter people, and your joy and love for Me knows no bounds. This Gospel of My meeting the two disciples on the road to Emmaus is so touching, that it brings tears to your eyes. My two disciples were sad about My death, but they were encouraged to hear of My Resurrection from the tomb. I was happy to explain all of the Scriptures that foretold of My coming, and why I had to die on the cross to bring salvation to all sinners. The disciples did not recognize Me because I was in My glorified Body. They also were still unclear of what My rising from the dead meant. Once we were at supper, their eyes were opened to see it was Me in the ‘breaking of the bread’. Then I vanished from their sight, and they said how their hearts were burning within them as I explained the Scriptures to them. This was My second appearance when I appeared to Cleopas and Simon after My Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, before the chip in the body is made mandatory, some people will be encouraged voluntarily to take a chip in the body. Once people take the chip, they could be drawn by voices to come to certain football stadiums, where the Antichrist could broadcast TV pictures to control the people in worshiping him. Eventually, it would be mandatory to have a chip in the body to receive money, and to buy and sell in the market place. You will have a new electronic money that will require a chip in the body to buy and sell things. Do not take any chip in the body so you are not controlled by them. You will see Christians come under persecution for following My ways. You will be confronted by the new world order people both in the schismatic church and in the government. Trust in My angel protection, as I will warn you when it is time to come to My refuges.”


Thursday, March 31, 2016:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the spring how the rain comes down on the earth to soften the soil, and bring forth the grass and new flowers. As you prepare for Divine Mercy Sunday, you are also seeing My rays of mercy and grace come down upon your souls to enrich them. Then My faithful can bloom with the joy of My Resurrection, as they go forth and proclaim themselves as witnesses of My Word, and My Resurrection from the dead. I love all of you, and I want all of you to love Me in return. I died for your sins out of love for you, so people need to wake up out of their spiritual sleep, and see that they can only come to heaven through Me. Your soul can only find peace in Me. So repent of your sins, and let Me be the Master of your life. Spring brings forth new life in My creation, and so the celebration of My Resurrection should bring new life into your soul as well.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, as you read the first passages from the Acts of the Apostles, you feel like you were right there with My apostles. For those people, who have traveled to Israel, you can remember the empty tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. You may also remember the upper room where I appeared to My apostles after My Resurrection. This Easter Season shows you how My Church got started with St. Peter as the first Pope. There were a lot of early martyrs for the faith, and you honor some of them as saints. You even have their first class relics on your altar tonight. Rejoice in My Resurrection as you continue celebrating this Easter Season.”

Jesus said: “My people, Easter lilies are trumpeting a beautiful scent that awakens your sense of smell. They also look like trumpets, and they give My disciples an example to shout My Easter message to all peoples. My message is that I have risen from the dead, just as I promise all of My faithful will rise from the dead at the last judgment. The flowers on the altar remind you of the new life in the Spirit, that is calling all of My faithful to go out and evangelize souls.”

Jesus said: “My people of your prayer group, you are fortunate to have My Real Presence in the monstrance to offer up your prayers and intentions. I hear all of your prayers, and I thank you for coming here every week to give Me praise and thanks. I treasure all souls who love Me so much, and they take the time to show Me their love of My Blessed Sacrament. This gift of My Eucharist is the greatest gift of Myself that I could leave you when My Body ascended into heaven. I did not leave you, but I am always with you in My tabernacles all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I criticized the Pharisees for all of their rules for washing pots and kettles as well as the body. They focused more on their outward appearances, but inside their souls, they were far from Me. So it is with the people of today. You do everything to put on a good appearance with your showers, and your hair and facial appearance. Your clothes need to be clean and neat looking. I pray that all people should be as conscious of keeping their souls clean by coming to frequent Confession. I wish you could see all the dirty souls that are covered with mortal and venial sins as I see them. I sometimes have to turn away from this evil sight. You can make Me happy if you cleanse your soul as much as you cleanse your body.”

Jesus said: “My people, at your Easter Vigil you saw the Baptism and initiation of your RCIA candidates into the faith. They had water placed on their heads, and you all repeated your Baptismal vows with ‘I do’ after each article of faith. I died for all sinners so they could be freed of original sin, and their actual sins in Confession. You have a clean soul after your Baptism, and after you leave the confessional with the absolution of your sins. Seek My forgiveness as you repent of your sinful actions. I love all of you, but you must have clean souls to receive Me in Holy Communion. You experience a little taste of heaven, every time that you receive My consecrated Host. Stay close to Me with clean souls, and you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are three times when you see the Easter Candle displayed in prominence. You see this candle displayed on the altar during the entire Easter Season. Those, who come to funerals, are well acquainted with this candle that is placed before the casket of the person who died. You also see this candle as part of the Baptismal rite. The Easter Candle represents the spiritual life of the Holy Spirit that is present in all of you who are temples of the Holy Spirit. You can see how you come into life at your Baptism, and your life is celebrated in death at your funeral. This candle of life and My Presence in your life, should be burning constantly.”

St. Michael said: “I am Michael, and I stand before God ready to do His Will in all that He wants of me. I am your intercessor and protector from the evil spirits. I assist the priest who does exorcisms, and I am with you when you pray my prayers of deliverance. I have asked you to pray the long form of my prayer to help in breaking any generational sins in your families. When you finish praying, you could make crosses over the pictures of your family with holy water. You can pray this prayer to help cleanse addictions and fight evil spirits. You may also pray this prayer for your protection when you travel to your talks, and when you return home. Call on my help whenever you feel that you are being attacked by demons.”


Friday, April 1, 2016:

Jesus said: “My people, in this Easter Season you see signs of new life in nature among the flowers and trees. Your daylight is getting longer, and temperatures are generally warmer. Your spiritual life also is feeling joyful as you celebrate the glory of My Resurrection. When nature is bursting with new life, it gives your souls new life as well. You will soon be celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday, so continue your Novena prayers, and try to get to Confession this Saturday as part of your plenary indulgence preparations. In today’s Gospel I showed the apostles My resurrected body, and another miraculous catch of fish. I gave them more inspiration to go out and evangelize people to faith in Me. I empowered My apostles with healing gifts as they healed the lame beggar. These miracles were instrumental in making many conversions. Remember when you have healing gifts to use them whenever you can, or you could lose your gift.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you raise your expectations about certain events, you are greatly disappointed when events are not as special as you thought they would be. To avoid being disappointed, do not think great things will happen at your events. Think of things as all being equal, and you can be thankful if something is better than normal. At times you may desire something that is hard to get, and you have to wait a long time to receive it. It is your anticipation of receiving something new that drives you to desire things. Once you obtain it, you realize that it was not as great as it was advertised, and you soon grow tired of it as it becomes obsolete, and you want a new device again. This is the problem with things of the world because they are cold, and they do not satisfy your soul as I do. So do not make earthly things or people idols in your eyes because you will be disappointed with them over time. I am the most desired Person that your soul will be satisfied to be in My Presence, because I will not disappoint you. Love the One who will always love you, because even earthly people can reject you, but I will never reject you. You are My creation out of love, and I will love you even when you sin against Me. I desire that you return to My love by repenting of your sins in Confession. Then you can be reunited with My love.”


Saturday, April 2, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I appeared to My disciples, and I scolded them for their unbelief in My Resurrection, even when Mary Magdalene and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, witnessed to them. They believed because they saw My resurrected Body, but blessed are they who have not seen Me, and still they believe. I related to My apostles all the Scriptures about Me that had to be fulfilled. By this miracle of My rising from the dead, they started to understand that I am truly the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. I came into this world to offer up My life for My sheep, and My death has brought salvation to all sinners who believe in Me. By repenting of your sins, and accepting Me as your Savior and Master, you are on the right road to heaven. Enjoy reading all the accounts of My appearances to My disciples, after I rose from the tomb.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some instances you may see a certain goal blocked, but you need to be resourceful in thinking of ways around your blocked path. This happens in life’s trials, but it can also happen in your spiritual life as well. You cannot overcome someone’s free will when you want them to come to Sunday Mass. You can pray to various intercessors, or you can pray persistently for someone to be open to My grace to change their lives. Even if someone in your family is far away from Me, your persistent prayers can save that soul from going to hell. It is not enough to have a successful life with a good job, but you must allow Me to lead your life to heaven. You may wish to evangelize souls to come to Me, but you need to show people by your actions that you truly practice what you preach. When they see the joy in your life because you love Me, they will want to have your joy and peace for themselves by converting to the faith. There are many ways to come to believe in Me, but the most direct is to repent of your sins, and imitate My love for everyone. When you love your friends and relatives, this does not take too much effort. It is when you love your enemies and your persecutors, that your love expands to everyone. This is how you can move closer to perfection when you love everyone as I do.”


Sunday, April 3, 2016: (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, in the readings today you are witnessing My mercy on the sick, and My great love for My apostles and My believers. I bestowed My miraculous healing powers on My apostles, and even on My special people among you. Those, who have such gifts, should share them with others. In the Upper Room I appeared to My apostles to encourage them, and I breathed the Holy Spirit on them, so they could forgive sins in Confession. This sacrament of Holy Orders is conferred on all of My priest sons, so they can forgive sins in the sacrament of Reconciliation. I also showed them My Body and My wounds. I even ate food with them to show them that I was not a ghost. St. Thomas is criticized for being a doubter, but many of My apostles did not believe the account of My resurrected Body when I appeared to Mary Magdalene, and the disciples on the road to Emmaus. I wanted My apostles and My people to be not unbelieving, but believers in My Resurrection. I sent all of them out to evangelize souls to believe in Me, even as I call on My believers of today to go out and convert souls to the faith.”

(11:00a.m. Bishop’s Mass) Jesus said: “My people, at times you take My gift of your priests for granted, but it was in today’s Gospel that I gave My apostles the power to forgive sins in the sacrament of Reconciliation. I told them: (Jn 20:22) ‘Receive the Holy Spirit; whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained. You need to pray for your priests and bishops so they will not leave their vocation. By your prayers and support, you can help protect your priests from the devil’s attacks. You need to pray for vocations to the priesthood as well. You can also pray that you will have a priest at your refuge, so you can have Mass and Confession. If you do not have a priest at your refuge, I will have My angels bring you daily Holy Communion, so you will always have My Presence with you. Rejoice to have a priest because I am acting through them in Confession and at the Mass.”


Monday, April 4, 2016: (Annunciation)
Jesus said: “My people, when the Archangel Gabriel came to My Blessed Mother, she was offered a choice to carry Me for nine months in her womb. Her ‘fiat’ acceptance of the angel’s request was the beginning step for man’s salvation. My Blessed Mother was prepared for this moment out of all women, because she was immaculately conceived, and she was without sin. Wherever I am, it needs to be a holy and spotless place. She was the Ark of the Covenant of My promise to man of sending a Redeemer. She conceived Me by the power of the Holy Spirit, and not by a man. St. Joseph was guided by a dream to take his betrothed wife into his home, even though she was already pregnant. Thus My Blessed Mother was protected from any punishment. The people did not know I was conceived by the Holy Spirit, but St. Joseph knew this in the dream. My Incarnation into a God-man is even a mystery for anyone to understand. Rejoice that My Blessed Mother said ‘yes’ to being My mother.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some comparisons between GMO and organic foods, but it is hard to find data to prove that eating organic foods are better and could cause less cancer. Even if farmers wanted to grow more organic foods, it is hard to get seeds at a reasonable price. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables may also be better than canned foods. It is better to eat more natural foods that are less processed, but it is getting more difficult to pay for more expensive healthy foods when you can find them. It would be good to know some good nutritious food to eat that would be better for your health. You need to do some research to see what are the more nutritious foods to eat.”


Tuesday, April 5, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to go through your Good Friday as I suffered, when you will face the evil and destruction of the coming tribulation. Some of My faithful may suffer martyrdom, but the rest of you will be protected at My refuges. Just as the cross seemed a sign of defeat in My death, yet in reality it was My means of bringing salvation to all of mankind. It was also My way of bringing victory over sin, death, and the evil ones. You too, will suffer your purgatory on earth, but I will bring My victory over the Antichrist and the evil ones, when they are all cast into hell. Then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. This is the beautiful glory of My victory that you are seeing in the vision. Later, you will be prepared as saints, ready to come to heaven. Stay faithful to your belief in Me, and you will share in My victorious celebration.”

Jesus said: “My people, men of science are proud of themselves in how much they have invented in the digital world over the last fifty years. Even though man’s science has come a long way in a short time, your people have not even scratched the body of knowledge that is known to Me. Do not take pride in these accomplishments because your soul is most important in this life in time. Your accomplishments come and go, but they will all pass away. Your soul lives on forever after you die, and your lifetime is not even a hundred years for most people. It is more important then for you to keep a pure soul with frequent Confession, than to gain the whole world. You want a pure soul when you meet Me at your judgment, because you would much rather be with Me in heaven for eternity, than to be with the devil in the flames of hell forever without Me.”


Wednesday, April 6, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, this door opening to you represents the many opportunities that I place before you for sharing My messages. I want you to take advantage of these places, even if you feel that you are going outside of your comfort zone. You have been invited to come to Mexico and some people may be fearful of some of the criminal elements there. You have listened to a story of how a young boy was attacked by demons, but I had My angels protect him. So it is with some of the dangerous places you have gone, where I had My angels to protect you. So do not be fearful of your trip to Mexico because I will have My angels defend you from any attacks of the evil ones. I love you, and you have an important mission for these end days. Your trials will become more trying as you approach the days of tribulation. This is why I have been preparing you with your refuge to help people. Have trust in Me and keep faithful to your prayers and Adoration, and your reward in heaven will be great.”


Thursday, April 7, 2016: (St. John the Baptist de la Salle)
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to remember that I am the Teacher and you are the students, as you have seen the student desks in the room in the vision. The fire burning in the fireplace represents the fire of the Holy Spirit that is enkindled in your hearts. It is the knowledge of My Word and your faith in Me that drives you to obey My laws, and helps you to consecrate all that you do over to Me every day. As you read of the fervor of the faith in My apostles, they were led to convert souls to the faith. Hopefully, you are brought up in the faith in the home by your parents. It is the parents who are responsible to bring up their children in the faith, and to help the children believe even after they leave the house. The parents also are responsible for the souls of their children. You can also imitate My apostles in reaching out to share your faith and love of Me with others to save their souls. You may have to suffer persecution from worldly people, but remember the words of the apostles. It is better for us to obey God first, rather than men. You all were created to know, love, and serve Me. This is why I should be your main focus in life. I love all of you so much, and I want you to love Me as well in all of your evangelization efforts.”


Friday, April 8, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Gamaliel was wise in telling the Jewish leaders to not harm My apostles in case their preaching could even be from God. In fact My Church under St. Peter had Me as the cornerstone. You are witnesses of how My Church has survived through all kinds of persecution and martyrdom over the years. All other religions were not started by Me, and they do not have My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. In the Gospel you have the miracle of My multiplication of the five barley loaves and the two fish that fed five thousand men. My miracle was so generous that there were twelve baskets of fragments left over. This miracle is linked with the multiplication of My Eucharist, as I share My Body and Blood with you in Holy Communion. I am multiplied all over the world in every tabernacle of all the Catholic Churches. Give thanks and praise to Me for sharing My very Self with you every time you receive Me in Holy Communion, and every time that you visit Me in My tabernacle or in the monstrance for Adoration.”


Saturday, April 9, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a terrorist bombing is a sign that you are going to see more frequent terrorist bombings in America, and they will be larger in scale. This will require more security forces to try and protect your people. With more severe explosions, you could see some opportunities to declare martial law all over your country. If martial law is declared nationwide, this will be a reason to leave your homes and seek out My refuges. You will need to come to My refuges because people will be seeking food and water. There will be chaos in your streets, and mandatory chips in the body will follow. It is better to come to My refuges for protection from the evil ones, so I can multiply your food, water, and fuels. Trust in My Word, but you will need to move quickly when I warn you. The men in black will be seeking people who believe in God, and those who refuse to take the mandatory chip in the body. Those people who do not come to My refuges quickly, are risking being captured and killed by the evil ones.”


Sunday, April 10, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read how I fed My apostles bread and fish, even as I multiplied the bread and fish for the five thousand and the four thousand. This is symbolic of how I gave Holy Communion to My apostles at the Last Supper. I performed another miracle of helping the apostles to make a large catch of fish. This also is symbolic since now My apostles will be fishers of men, rather than fish. I forgave St. Peter his three denials of Me by asking him three times if he loved Me. I also made a point that St. Peter would be the leader of My Church, and he needed to tend My sheep. I called My apostles to go out and be witnesses of My Resurrection to the people, so the people could be converted to the faith. It is not easy to make conversions since the people will have to change their lives and be persistent in their prayers and worship of Me. My evangelists will also be enduring persecution from the atheists and the demons for converting sinners. You read how St. Peter and St. John were persecuted by the Jewish leaders for teaching in My Name. They had the best answer to the leaders by saying they wanted to obey God rather than men. Follow Me by reaching out to evangelize as many souls as you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that I do not want to see people using guns to kill others. Over the years you have seen many battles and world wars that have killed thousands of people. You even are seeing millions of babies being killed by abortion each year. It is the one world people who are following Satan’s orders to instigate wars to make money on the weapons. I am calling My people to evangelize souls so they can be saved from hell. You have seen how many people are developing respiratory sicknesses that are causing fevers and headaches. You need to take some fever medicine and vitamin C to help minimize any symptoms. Pray for the people who are sick and in need of some cures. Try to avoid spreading any sickness to those around you, if you become sick. Pray to Me for any healing of your sickness.”


Monday, April 11, 2016: (St. Stanislaus)
Jesus said: “My people, your priest was informing you how to receive Me in Holy Communion, either on the tongue, or in the hand. You need to treat My Blessed Sacrament with respect. You could bow to Me or genuflect to show your reverence for My Eucharist. When you come in front of My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance, you should kneel on both knees, and make the Sign of the Cross. Remember to pray your three rosaries and your Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I rely on My prayer warriors to pray for souls to be saved. Pray also to be healed of your sickness.”

Delores’ Funeral: Delores said: “I had a difficult life in my later years. You are seeing me as I looked in my younger years. I am happy that my suffering is over because it was hard to recognize people. I was suffering My purgatory on earth, and I will be praying for all of our family members. Tell Ray that I love him so much, even though I could not express it. I love all of my family, so do not forget me, and keep my picture in a prominent place.”


Tuesday, April 12, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, one of the consequences of Adam’s sin is that you can have many sicknesses and chronic pain. When you are feeling good, you do not think too much about how other people are suffering. But when you become sick, you can sympathize more with people who are sick or in pain. You saw how much pain I had to endure when I was scourged and crucified. I sympathize with your pain because I experienced pain as you know it. Even when you feel good, remember when you were in sickness and suffering pain. Pray for those people who are sick and in pain because you cannot always know what pain people are suffering. You can also be sick in your soul when sin and addictions control you. You can come to Confession to cleanse your souls. You may need deliverance prayers to heal any addictions.”


Wednesday, April 13, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the early years of My Church many Christians were martyred for their belief in Me. At that time the Romans were killing My people. Even now you are seeing Christians being killed in Islamic countries. In America Christians are being persecuted in your freedoms. The one world people and the atheists are your persecutors, and they are led by Satan to try and rid any teachings about Me. This has been going on for many years, but I have allowed My Church to remain in existence because My Church was started with Me as the cornerstone. I told St. Peter that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church. Even if you see a division in My Church, know that My faithful remnant will be under My protection at My refuges. So keep a strong faith in Me, and you will receive a heavenly reward.”


Thursday, April 14, 2016: (Prayer Group)
Jesus said: “My people, it is the goal for all couples to be trained and married in My Church. The sacrament of Matrimony is the binding of a couple’s love with Me as the third partner. Even as they are starting their married life together, they need the family’s support and their prayers. There should be an intent for each partner to be faithful and sharing in their marriage. The other married couples in the family should be an example for the newlyweds to follow.”

Jesus said: “My son, your friends are back working on your new patio and fire pit. They are putting the finishing touches on the bricks, and to complete this last project. Be thankful that they are finally getting some good weather to work on this patio. You have had some good recommendations for all of your successful projects. This fire pit will be useful when people have to come to My refuges so you can have large cookouts.”

Jesus said: “My son, four of your people at the wedding came down with flu like symptoms. You had to suffer some nights with little sleep because of your low grade fever and throbbing headaches. Your medicines have reduced the pain, but you have had some relapses of your headaches. Keep praying for your healing and for all sick people who are suffering. You may want to use your new therapy to minimize your symptoms.”

Jesus said: “My people, the ceremony of the Unity Candle is more than just a custom, it represents My burning flame of love that should remain in every marriage. I am the Light of the world, and you see the Easter Candle also as the flame of the Holy Spirit’s love for all of you. This eternal flame of My love is burning strong in every marriage. Rejoice in the healing power of the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen how your sickness and your daughter’s lost job presented some initial problems. Even despite your sickness, you still were able to struggle in completing your rosaries. You offered up your pain to help sinners. Most people should realize that you can offer up your pain to help sinners return to Me. Do not waste your pain, but see your struggles as an opportunity to help poor sinners. It is your persistent prayers that could bring souls in your family to heaven. Do not give up on any sinner, because I can work miracles with your persistent prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, sometimes you see strong faith in those faithful who have received Confirmation and Holy Communion. After awhile the cares and distractions of the world draw souls into missing Mass and Confession. My Third Commandment is a call to all of My people to remember to keep the Lord’s Day holy on Sunday. This means you should strive to attend Mass on Sunday or at the anticipation Mass on Saturday. You need My strength and grace that you receive at the Mass and in receiving Me in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, before you have your First Holy Communion, you should receive your First Penance to have a pure soul to receive Me. Confession is also a good preparation for Confirmation, Matrimony, and Holy Orders. These sacraments are big events in your lives, so you want to receive them with a pure soul. It is even good to come to frequent Confession so your soul will always be ready to come to Me at your death. The priest can bring you the last sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. I love all of you, and you can keep a pure soul to show Me how much you love Me. As you look throughout your life, you can see how important it is to repent of your sins, and ask for My forgiveness.”


Friday, April 15, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you may see certain events in history that seem impossible for man’s understanding. But for Me all things are possible. I have a set plan for My leaders, and I even have changed My persecutors into My evangelists for the Gentiles. It would seem impossible for Saul to be converted, yet it was in My plan that he would be My most fervent evangelist among the Gentiles. I brought about the healing of his sight, and he was baptized into My Church. Not everyone is converted so dramatically as St. Paul was, but there are still people being converted to the faith. Once people are converted, they receive a new life as I become the Master of their lives. By your Baptism and Confirmation, My faithful are called to go out and evangelize souls, just as St. Paul did. I rely on My prayer warriors to bring sinners back to Me in Confession. You can see there is a battle for souls between Satan and Me. I am much more powerful than Satan, but I allow people to use their own free will to accept Me or not. So pray for the conversion of poor sinners so they can come to heaven and avoid hell.”


Saturday, April 16, 2016: (4:00 p.m. Mass, Good Shepherd)
Jesus said: “My people, I know My sheep, and they know Me when they hear My voice. You may not know much about shepherds, but in My day it was much more commonplace when the sheep had to be guarded from any wolves. A shepherd is close to caring for his sheep. You remember how I do not want to lose one soul to the evil one. I will leave the ninety-nine sheep in the desert to go in search of the lost sheep. There are many voices competing for your souls. The devil and the distractions of the world are always tempting you away from Me with their evil voices. My voice is one of love and care for My faithful, and I am always searching for your soul to bring you back into My Church. I wait for you to return to Me in Confession so I can forgive your sins. Keep following My voice of love, and do not follow the world or the devil which only have voices of hate and earthly pleasure.”

Jesus said: “My people, I see how many people are suffering from sickness, disease, the trials of earning a living, and some are dying from terminal conditions. Your hearts go out to all of those suffering people, and you reach out to help where you can. Sometimes comforting the sick, the lonely, and the mourners can be a great help to people. It is your love for each other that moves you to do good works for each other. It is easier to love people in general, but it is true love when you love people who are sick or are hurting financially. Loving your enemies is even harder, but they are all My children. Pray for poor sinners and the souls in purgatory.”


Monday, April 18, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you know that My apostles and I were of the Jewish faith and the Mosaic customs. The Jews had to be circumcised, and they could only eat Kosher foods. I died on the cross for everyone, including the Gentiles. It was difficult for My apostles to accept the Gentiles. You read in the first reading how St. Peter had a vision of all kinds of animals that Jews did not eat. A voice told him that all foods were not profane. He was also told to convert the people in Joppa, and to eat with the Gentiles. In this way St. Peter was made to accept and convert the Gentiles. Later, you see St. Paul being called purposely to evangelize the Gentiles as well. All of the Gentile converts even today need to be thankful for My gift of faith in My sacraments. Give thanks and praise to Me for all that I do in your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen a 7.8 earthquake in Equador where several hundred people were killed. You have seen a large number of earthquakes and volcanoes going off all along the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean. There will be some earthquakes that will strike in California, so people should be prepared. This activity and possible polar shifts are all linked to an incoming celestial body with a large magnetic effect on the earth. These events could interrupt your Presidential primary from being completed. You are seeing unusual rainstorms with unprecedented flooding, as in Texas. You could have some more natural disasters that could lead up to martial law. Be prepared to come to My refuges if martial law is declared.”


Tuesday, April 19, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the early Church My disciples were eager to share My Good News of My Resurrection with everyone. My Church in Jerusalem was happy to receive even the Greek converts. My disciples were also happy to be called Christians for the first time in Antioch. Later on the Christians were persecuted and even martyred for My Name’s sake. The Jews and the Romans did not want to lose their authority, so they started killing off My converts. Even to this day, the devil and the one world people are trying to remove any teaching in My Name. In other countries My faithful have to hide from those evil ones trying to kill them. It is difficult to love even your enemies and your persecutors. Do not let any opposition keep you from proclaiming My Word of salvation. Reach out to save souls, despite people who reject My Word and My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time you come together at this refuge, you are sharing a meal that will be like living in a small community. I have asked My refuge builders to prepare places with food, water, fuels, and even chapels. My angels will be protecting My faithful from any harm from the evil ones. I have led you to water sources, and I will be multiplying your food and fuels for heat. My angels will also bring you My Eucharist daily, even if you do not have a priest. Just as you are reading of My Easter people celebrating My Resurrection, so My faithful will be happy together as you are protected during the tribulation. You will be living in full trust of My promises, so live in My love and peace without fear.”


Wednesday, April 20, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, My disciples were sent out to evangelize souls by the direction of the Holy Spirit. They had a strong feeling of the Gospel in their speech, and they performed miracles of healing for the people. The joy of My message of love and the miracles, helped to convert many souls for My early disciples. I sent them out two by two. Their efforts may have looked small to some people, but I performed impossible conversions by the power of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. My evangelists of today are facing great odds against them, but My angels go with them, and I am touching many hearts who are open to My Word. Trust in Me and have confidence in My call.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of the older faithful were taught religious education by the nuns. You followed a different catechism to learn the dogmas of the faith. You were taught your prayers, and you had classes for each sacrament. In today’s schools, Catholic Education is quite watered down, and it is hard to find good teachers of religion. Even older children could read the Catechism of the Catholic Church from Pope John Paul II. Many young children are not taught about the Bible, or how to have a good prayer life. There are more people not coming to Mass because people are not taught about the Mass, and My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. If people truly loved Me and treasured My Real Presence, they would never leave the Church. There should be more adult education programs so people could learn about their faith. Even Bible Study programs can enhance people’s faith. It is one thing to evangelize souls, but it is important to teach the faith so the people know what their beliefs are. In order for My faithful to become good evangelists, they need to have a good knowledge of My teachings of love. You can call on the Holy Spirit to inspire you with a deep love for Me and your neighbors. Encourage your churches to have good adult faith classes, and you could expand your knowledge of the faith.”


Thursday, April 21, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading about My Resurrection, and how My apostles were My evangelists in all parts of the world. You are My hands and feet, and I must use My prayer warriors to proclaim My Good News to save souls. So every day, you must go out and give witness to My love, that I died on the cross to bring salvation to everyone who accepts Me. My sacrifice has made reparation for all of your sins. All I ask is that you come to Me to ask forgiveness for your sins, and accept Me as the Master of your lives. Your soul lives on forever, so it is your eternal destination that is so important for your soul. Those people, who accept Me and repent of their sins, will be saved in heaven. But those people, who reject Me and do not repent, are on the road to hell. Choose Me and you will be saved. Choose this life and the devil’s ways, and you could be lost forever in the flames of hell. I love all of you so much, and I do not want to lose one soul. I am love, and I want all of you to love Me in return. Follow Me and keep preaching My Good News, so you and others can be saved.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the many chem trails of white plumes in the sky that are being spread by both military and commercial jets. They are spreading many viruses that are causing people to get sick. You have seen many people in your family that have had a bad flu attack that was very contagious. You all have not been so sick in a long time. The weakness in your body has persisted for a few weeks. If your people realized how bad these viruses were from the sky, there would be more complaints. This is another attempt to reduce the population. You can pray that this evil gets exposed. I have asked you to take Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you have been reading of an increase in the number of bankruptcies among your large corporations. Some people see this as a debt bubble that could take down your economy. Your interest rates have been held low artificially, and many corporations have leveraged huge debts that are difficult to finance. You are also seeing debt problems in many cities and states as well. Your own government has an enormous debt, and it is growing out of control. Pray for the stability of your economy, but it is on the verge of a debt bubble.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your candidates are continuing their primary contests, even though they do not have a chance to win. There is a push by some to have a brokered convention for another candidate than the front runner. This could split your parties which could be a problem for the general election. Pray for a peaceful vote without any violence.”

Jesus said: “My people, you witnessed a large 7.8 earthquake in Equador recently. Now you have another 6.1 earthquake in Equador as an aftershock. There are over 500 people who have died in this disaster. You have seen extensive earthquakes and volcanoes erupting on both sides of the Ring of Fire. There is a lot of strain on the fault lines in California and in Yellowstone, that are quiet along this coast, compared to the other active coasts. I have warned your people to be prepared for any natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have an acceptance of same sex marriage by your Supreme Court that is now forcing this travesty on all of your states. In Canada you have seen an acceptance of euthanasia or mercy killing among the elderly. This is the next battle in your courts, as you are seeing such killing going on in some states and many hospitals. A further battle is starting in the legalization of marijuana use in your society. These events are showing a breakdown in your society’s morals. Keep working to stop abortions, and all of these other sexual sins. If America does not change its ways, you could see a punishment where the one world people will take over your country. Pray for souls to change their evil ways.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed some dangerous plane fly-by flights near your military vessels. The United States also has been challenging China’s new bases in the China Sea. You need to pray that there is not any miscalculation of these incidents that could trigger a war. Keep praying for peace and a cessation of hostilities.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been praying for those relatives in your family who are not coming to Sunday Mass. You cannot change people’s free will, but you can pray that they could be predisposed to being open to change. Be persistent in your prayers for these relatives who you could help to be saved one day. Do not give up on these souls, but pray harder for their changing. At the Warning these souls may be open to change that you could help bring about in their conversion. You do not want to see these souls lost in hell, so keep up your prayer efforts, and do not be discouraged.”


Friday, April 22, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, you have faced many obstacles in your travels to give your talks. But one thing is sure that I am always with you, and I am protecting you with My angels. Continue to go forward with your mission and do not be discouraged by any sickness or criticism of your mission. If only one soul is saved in your talks, it is well worth all that you bear to be with the people. You have a strong faith in sharing My Word with the people. It is your peace and strength in Me that carries you to perform your mission. The Holy Spirit gives you what to say and what to write down when you are called to give your talks. Give praise and thanks to Me for calling you to do My work. When you go out, you need to share your confidence and faith in sharing My words of life with the people. Even though you may not realize it, you are an inspiration of faith for all the people to see. Stay close to Me in your daily prayers, your Mass, and your Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I love My workers, and I love your persistence in carrying out My Will for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the devil and the one world people are planning to keep your President in power by creating a made up emergency that will precipitate a declaration of martial law. This would bypass your Constitution and it will cancel your Presidential election. You could see a terrorist attack or a market collapse that would crash your dollar and start a chip in the body for your money. Your people could revolt against such a grab for power. If martial law is declared, this would be a sign to come to My refuges for your protection, and a place of hiding from the men in black. Do not be afraid of these coming events, but have confidence that I will protect you from the evil ones.”


Saturday, April 23, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, there are going to be unbelievers in your travels who do not want to hear My Good News. Do not be discouraged, but pray for them. Those people, who believe in Me, have a gift of faith which cannot be taken away from them. When you come to know and love Me, you have a peace in your souls that completely satisfies your soul. With Me you have everything that you need in this life. When the Jews refused to believe My apostles about Me, the Gentiles were only too happy to receive Me. You need to have people with an open mind, in order to receive My Word. This is true when you are evangelizing souls. Those people, who reject you, are missing out on My love. But go forward to those people, who receive you, and bring My Word and love to those people who appreciate My gifts. My love must be shared, and My believers have a joy in their hearts that is contagious to open souls. Rejoice in My love, and give thanks and praise to Me for your gift of faith.”

Jesus said:
“My son, you have been My helper in your travels to spread My messages of love and conversions. You have also been generous in sharing your inheritance with others in need. I have given you more than you ever dreamed of, but you see it was for a good purpose in setting up your refuge. You are helping your family and other people with refuges and health needs. Be grateful that you can help others because this money may not be good for much longer. You have seen how I helped you because of your faithfulness to your mission. Continue to share My Word as you continue to go out and give your talks. My angels will be guiding you, even when you may go out of your comfort zone.”


Sunday, April 24, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I had to suffer on the cross, but it was for a good cause to bring salvation for sinners. Now, My faithful are about to face the coming tribulation, but this will be your purgatory on earth. I have been preparing and helping My refuge builders to get ready to endure the tribulation of the Antichrist. You have bedding, food, water, and fuels so you can survive on your own, and provide shelter for those people who I will send to you. You have finished your solar project, and now your patio is done. You read today from the Book of Revelation how I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and I will renew the earth so My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace. You will see a new heavens and a new earth, but the evil ones will all be cast into the flames of hell. At My refuges you all will be living in a protected, loving community.”


Monday, April 25, 2016: (St. Mark)
Jesus said: “My son, you are celebrating the feast of one of My four evangelists in St. Mark. You also are reminded of your guardian angel who is called St. Mark also. My son, you have traveled around the world for over twenty years, giving your talks and sharing My messages. You have been very dedicated to following your mission in your prayers, and writing down My messages by the power of the Holy Spirit. You have sensed some of the coming events that will lead up to the coming tribulation. You are carrying out your mission to evangelize souls, and your new mission of preparing a refuge for forty people. There are some people who are criticizing your refuge preparations and food storage, but you are faithful to the projects that I have called you to perform. Do not be fearful of any criticism or persecution, because you will see Christians continue to be martyred and persecuted. Continue with your prayers, and go where I give you the opportunity to talk about My messages.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Federal Reserve has kept interest rates low for way too long. This has enabled stock buy backs and leveraged hedging on stock prices with cheap loans. This is why your market prices are higher than they should be for low stock earnings. When interest rates are normalized to higher rates, your stock prices will decline because it will be more expensive to use loans to buy stocks. Once prices drop, it could stop the buying, and more people will sell. There will be a significant drop until real earnings come into line with the stock prices. You have a stagnant economy, but with stock prices higher than they should be. This bear market will result from a bubble of debt that will burst to bring stocks down dramatically. Eventually, your currencies may crash with your stocks as well. Be prepared for some serious financial bankruptcies when loans cannot be paid. This could trigger a martial law that would bring My faithful to My refuges. Major events will be happening this year.”


Tuesday, April 26, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you know I am more powerful than all the demons and all the evil men. They are nothing in My sight, and I can do the impossible to help you in any bad circumstance. So why should you be afraid of anything? Those people, who truly have faith in Me and My power, do not worry because they trust in My help. You cannot do anything without Me, so I am with you in all that you do. This is why I send My messengers out to proclaim My Word in a world where many people do not love Me. You may be persecuted and rejected, but continue to preach My Gospel of love to touch any souls who are open to receive Me. You are giving souls an opportunity to know about Me as a loving Person who loves everyone. All of heaven rejoices over even one soul who repents and is converted to being a Christian. So if you go out and convert even one soul, your trip will be worth it, and heaven will be cheering your evangelization efforts. Trust in Me always, and do not be afraid of any evil people.”

Jesus said: “My people, the leading candidates in the two primary fights are causing divisions in each party. It will be close that each leader will secure enough delegates to win their party’s endorsement on the first ballot. It will be even more divisive if the front runners are prevented from winning. After the conventions, it will be hard to unite all the factions under one leader. If the loser’s people do not vote for their candidate, then the other party could win easily. It is a little threatening when your President said that one candidate will not be President. This could mean another rigged election machine, or your President is planning a martial law takeover. There will be major events that could affect this election. There is a plan by the one world people to form the North American Union that would require a takeover of America. Have no fear if these evil ones have their way. I will call My faithful to My refuges if your lives are in danger.”


Wednesday, April 27, 2016: (Celine Nebbia Funeral Mass)
Celine said: “I am so happy to see all of my family and friends. I am sorry that I had to leave you all, but I love you so much. We all remember all the happy get- togethers with all the food that was planned. You never went away hungry at our parties. With a big family we always had occasions for celebrations. I love Jesus so much, and I will be praying for all of you. We all have pictures on our walls of our family, so remember me in my pictures.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people who control your Congress, will also be trying to control who gets the nominations for your two parties. If they cannot get the candidates that they want, they could resort to a takeover of your government under an orchestrated martial law. Such a grab for power to make your President a virtual dictator, could cause a major revolt by your people. This could precipitate a military takeover of America with possibly foreign troops involved. Such a takeover of America would begin the entry of America into the North American Union. If your people do not take back your country, you will lose all of your freedoms, and My faithful would have to come to My refuges for protection. You know that the tribulation of the Antichrist has to come. So these evil ones will try to seize power for the Antichrist. There will be a battle between the evil ones and My angels at the Battle of Armageddon. Evil will reign a short while before I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones. My faithful remnant will be protected at My refuges by My angels, so have no fear of the evil ones. At My victory, the evil ones will all be cast into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, April 28, 2016: (St. Louis de Montford)
Jesus said: “My people, I have been directing My refuge builders to prepare places for people to stay for a long time. I have been directing them to save some food, have sources of water, and to have bedding and fuels for heating and cooking. It is becoming clearer that you are witnessing a battle of good and evil. It will appear that the evil forces will be controlling the world for a brief time, and they will be trying to kill My believers. Some of My faithful will be martyred, and they will become instant saints. The rest of My faithful remnant will be protected by My angels at My refuges. Once the evil ones form unions on all the continents, they will be given over to the Antichrist. You will see a world famine, a division in My Church, a made up martial law, and mandatory chips in the body. Refuse to take any chip in your body, and when I give you an interior message to come to My refuges, then leave immediately. My angels will lead you to My refuges with a shield of invisibility. Trust in My protection during the tribulation, and then I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when people die in their old age, it is still a loss, but somewhat expected. It is much more difficult when young people die in accidents or from cancer. You have seen some sad cases with your friends. Your heart goes out to all the survivors who are mourning their losses. Pray for the souls of the deceased, and offer your prayer support for their families.”

Jesus said: “My people, North Korea has made many threats with their missile launches and their bomb experiments. The threats to their neighbors has raised tensions in this area. These nuclear weapons could become a threat to America with North Korea’s long range missiles. Pray that such a war could be prevented, or that any miscalculated mistake does not happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people are complaining of unusually cold weather for early spring. Some areas are even seeing snow or hail. Spring does bring violent weather, but the deep jet stream changes are bringing colder weather from the north. In the Southern states you are seeing heavy rains that are causing some serious flooding. Pray for the people who have lost their homes and some lives in this violent weather.”

Jesus said: “My people, your electorate is showing a dislike for the control of the one world people, and how your President is abusing his power over the Congress and the people. You are seeing more people coming out to vote in your primaries than usual. Your people want a change, but their votes are being frustrated with backroom politics. You could see a lot of manipulating of delegates in the upcoming convention. Pray for a peaceful process that will support the will of the people.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were elated to be able to share a larger than normal donation with a fellow refuge builder. A generous lady offered to help your former prayer group members in their refuge needs. This donation came at a time when there was a great need. You all were praying prayers of thanksgiving for how I moved this lady to do what she did.”

Jesus said: “My son, you and your wife have been suffering from the flu and its lasting weakness over several weeks. Now that you are feeling better, you can get ready to share My messages at your various talks. You all are sensing an increasing battle of good vs. evil. It is better to follow My Commandments and My Church’s long standing teachings, especially in the area of the sexual sins. These acts are mortal sins, no matter what anyone says about them. Share My messages of love, mercy, and My justice concerning the sexual sins. Your society is becoming depraved because it is not following My ways. I love all of you, but your sins are calling out for My justice.”


Friday, April 29, 2016: (St. Catherine of Siena)
Jesus said: “My son, you were reading how My disciples were sent out to preach to the Gentiles how they did not have to be circumcised, or follow all the dietary Mosaic laws of the Jews. In order to be Christians, they need to love one another, and follow My teachings and My Commandments. My son, you too are called to go out and share My messages by the power of the Holy Spirit, who also helps you to write down My words of instruction. All of My faithful should share their faith with others, but My messengers are given where to go. You also have a chapel and a place of refuge that I have helped you to prepare for the people who you will be sheltering and feeding. On this feast of St. Catherine of Siena, you are reminded that there will again be a division in My Church. When you see people saying that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins, know that this is false teaching, and do not believe or follow such heretics. The Holy Spirit is always helping you to discern between good and evil.”


Saturday, April 30, 2016: (St. Pius V)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how evil this society has become, and the people do not want to hear My words, because it is difficult to follow My laws against their pleasures of sin. Because I call people to repent of their sins and change their evil ways, it is very difficult to convert today’s sinners. Still I send My evangelists out among the wolves, but I give you the protection of My angels. You are in a battle for souls, which means you have to pry souls away from the devil’s influence and the people’s addictions. The people are so in love with their earthly pleasures, that it is difficult to get their attention. I want My faithful to still reach out with My words of love and mercy, because these sinners only know the hate of Satan’s lies. Once you take away the lies, then the people can see clearly that heaven and My love offers them much more spiritually, than the attraction of worldly things. The sinners cannot find true peace in their souls, unless they accept Me into their lives. It is the promise of eternal life with Me in heaven, that Satan and the world could never give people. So look beyond this life to your eternal destination. You need to repent of your sins, and let Me be the Master of your lives, in order to have eternal life with Me in heaven.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, today’s reading from the Book of Revelation gives you a look at the new Jerusalem, where My Light will not require the light of the sun or the moon. I will have My spiritual Presence with you, and it will be like daylight all of the time. This description of the new Jerusalem has all the markings of My twelve apostles and the beautiful jasper stones. This is also describing My Era of Peace, where all of My faithful will receive their reward for suffering through the tribulation at My refuges. This is what My faithful have to look forward to after My victory over the Antichrist, the False Prophet, the evil men, and the demons. Rejoice, because this will be your preparation for heaven.”


Sunday, May 1, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember the reading about My disciples who walked with Me on the road to Emmaus. They recognized Me in My resurrected Body at the breaking of the bread. Most people can remember their First Holy Communion possibly in a picture. You were seven years old then, and you may not have fully understood My Real Presence in My Eucharist. But every time you receive Me in Holy Communion, it is like a new experience in My Presence. As you mature spiritually, you understand how I give you strength and grace in My Eucharist to get you through life’s trials. Receiving Me for the first time is a milestone in your faith experience. Hopefully, you were able to receive your First Penance to have your sins forgiven before receiving Holy Communion. I pray that the parents continue to encourage their young children to receive Holy Communion worthily at each Sunday Mass. Pray for them also when they leave your house so your spiritual preparation will keep them strong in their faith. Encourage your children to come to Confession at least monthly. Then one day when your children have their own kids, they can bring them to their First Holy Communion in their own church. When you see these young people receiving My sacraments, they are the future Church members to carry on the faith in their families.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard My messages that I have told you of some possible martial law situations that could happen this year. You have also heard similar messages from other sources. I have also had various refuge builders prepare places with food, bedding, and water sources. You have heard of a coming tribulation that will happen, but I have not given you a time for it. When things start getting violent, your lives will be in danger. This will be the time when I will give everyone an interior message to come to My refuges. You have made many preparations for this time, but when you are faced with killing and chaos in your streets, people will panic and there will be stealing, as people will be desperate for food and water. Once people come to your refuges, you will have to call on My angels to protect everyone. You will also have to counsel people to calm them down. Not everyone will have a strong faith in My protection, and it may be necessary to pray for people to get a hold of their senses and stop panicking. When you are together, I will multiply what you need. You will have to have someone assign jobs for preparing food, taking care of bedding, hygiene needs, and latrine needs. Water will be necessary, and you may not have enough for everyone to have a shower. Your people will need to be patient with each other for a few years. Trust in Me that I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and I will bring you into My Era of Peace, as in your reading today from the Book of Revelation.”


Monday, May 2, 2016: (St. Athanasius)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s St. Athanasius fought against heresies that denied My Divinity as a God-man. He was a courageous man to defend the teachings of the faith at Nicea. This is the creed that you recite and believe at Sunday Mass. I also call My faithful to defend My Commandments and Church teachings on the sexual sins as mortal sins. Those people, who commit acts of fornication, adultery, homosexual sins, or use birth control devices or pills, are committing mortal sins, and they need to be confessed in Confession before receiving Me in Holy Communion. These are all serious sins against the Sixth Commandment. Do not accept any teachings that violate My Sixth Commandment. You will be seeing a division coming in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. You have souls at risk of going to hell for not cleansing these mortal sins from their souls. The schismatic church will be teaching that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins, so be aware of what is coming. Live according to My laws of love, and you will have eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a two hundred foot tsunami come against your Eastern shore from a major earthquake under the Atlantic Ocean. This wave could cause great destruction to your coastal cities. It would be a major disaster that would definitely cause a martial law with evacuations and a huge cleanup. This would be a major punishment of America, and it would upset the plans of the one world people. If you do not see such a tidal wave, you could see another kind of natural disaster on the same scale. There will be a major event this year that could change the way you live.”


Tuesday, May 3, 2016: (Sts. Philip and James)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Philip and the apostles had still not realized that the Father and I are One. The apostles had seen many of My miracles, and St. Peter knew that I was God’s Son, but they did not understand about the Blessed Trinity. Wherever I am, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit are with Me, because We are One, and We cannot be separated. The apostles realized this more after they saw My resurrected Body. You will soon be celebrating My Ascension into heaven followed by the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. You also should get your Novena of the Holy Spirit ready for Thursday. I love all of My people, and you need to know about the gifts of the Holy Spirit that you received at your Baptism and your Confirmation. Rejoice in understanding what you can of My Holy Father in heaven, and the Holy Spirit, because you are temples of the Holy Spirit. The Blessed Trinity is a mystery in faith, but We are all active in your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, the front runners in both parties are close to winning their party’s nomination. Once the conventions affirm their candidates, they will have to decide on a Vice Presidential nomination, and develop a platform. There is still an unknown in how your President and the one world people will react to the above events. You could see a natural disaster or the Warning interfere with the coming election. The one world people could also create a major incident that would precipitate a martial law, and keep your President in office. A takeover of America would move America into the North American Union. This would allow the Antichrist to declare his takeover for a short time. Do not be fearful of these evil ones, because I will bring My victory over them. The bad people will be cast into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. You know the end of the story that Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet will all be conquered. This is My plan, and the evil ones will not be able to change it, because My power is greater, and I am always in charge of what goes on.”


Wednesday, May 4, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles saw My powers were of a Divine origin, so they were open to believe in My mission. I am a loving God, and I came as a man so I could offer up My life to atone for all of the sins of mankind. Death and sin had no power over Me, but My greatest miracle was My Resurrection from the dead. This Good News of My Resurrection is a promise to My faithful that at the last judgment, they will be joined with a glorified body as I appeared to My apostles. This belief that I am God’s Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, can only be granted by Me and the Holy Spirit to believe in a gift of faith. This is why it was hard for the Athenians to accept My Resurrection. Your whole Easter celebration is focused on My Resurrection. I have given you My sacraments, and the gift of My very Self in the Mass, when the priest consecrates the bread and wine into My Body and Blood for you to receive. I ask that you receive My Eucharist with a soul that does not have any mortal sin on it. You can come to My priest to confess your sins, in order to have a pure soul. Having a pure soul by frequent Confession, will give you a constant preparation for when you will be judged at your death. Those people, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will have eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, America has enjoyed its freedom from communism and other kinds of control. Your Declaration of Independence and your Constitution, are a tribute to your founding fathers who recognized Me in your documents. It is sad that your current politicians have pushed your country completely to the left, so you have a socialist government with fewer freedoms. The one world people have so influenced your political leaders that they are dictating their control over you. Now that you have a populist candidate running for President, the one world people feel threatened to lose their control. You could see some made up events that could threaten to shut down your election, or there may be some threats against your candidates. Be prepared for some political battles that could threaten your freedoms. Pray for your country that you do not see killings and chaos in your streets.”


Thursday, May 5, 2016: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, when you think of My Ascension into heaven, those people, who have been to Israel, think of the hill on Bethany where it is marked by a shrine building. The significant reading is when My angels told My apostles that I will return on the clouds, even as I left on the clouds. It is this promise of My return that My faithful are patiently awaiting. When you see the sun out, and all the beautiful spring flowers, you have a new joy of being alive. The celebration of Ascension Thursday means you have ten days until you celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Today, you are starting your Novena to the Holy Spirit. When you have your flower pictures printed, you can remember this spirit of joy in spring, and the joy of being with Me amidst all of these feast days. Life with Me every day is a joy to be close to your Lord.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is a miracle to watch how seeds planted in good soil can sprout forth when it is watered with warm temperatures. This is a parallel to the Parable of the Sower where the seed is My Word that is planted in the hearts of people. You need an open mind to receive My Word, and those people, who hear and act on My Word, are the seeds who are planted in good soil. You have read where the seed that falls on rocks or hard trails, cannot sprout without any roots. The seed that falls among thorns is choked by the distractions and cares of this world. Those, who hear My Word and accept it, can produce thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Easter Season is placed appropriately in spring because it is a time of new life among My creation. Both the animal world and the world of plants are teeming with life at this time. I call My faithful to share your faith life with those people who do not know Me. Evangelizing souls is the most rewarding work you could do to save souls from hell, and bring them to My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, each person has been given a mortal body and an immortal soul. It is your soul that is constantly seeking peace, but each soul can only find peace in My Presence. This is why your spiritual life is seeking after My love, but it is always battling the earthly life of the body which seeks the world. Your body and this world will pass away, but your soul will live on forever. This is why it is better to be with Me in love, because I can promise you eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people have a book of this Novena to the Holy Spirit. You can also find this Novena online on your computer, so you can print it out. This is a good preparation for the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. You pray many novenas as with your prayers to St. Theresa, but this Novena to the Holy Spirit is one of the oldest novenas. You can call on the Holy Spirit to bestow His gifts on you to strengthen your faith. My son, you know how the Holy Spirit helps you to write down My messages, and He helps you to give your talks. When you pray the ‘Glory Be’, you are calling on His help.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages on the importance of finding and protecting your fresh water sources. Even rainfall is distilled water that comes back onto the earth. This is your easiest source to capture off of your roofs in rain barrels. Other sources are aquifer wells, streams, and some fresh water lakes. Protect your water from pollution and other poisons in your places of recycling water. I give you My gift of water, but drinkable water is harder to find.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you look to space travel, you realize how fortunate you are to have the earth at the right distance from the sun for you to survive. You have the right temperature for water to be liquid, and you have an oxygen rich atmosphere to breathe and live. All of My gifts of food, water, oxygen, and the light of the sun, are all blessings that you receive from Me for your life to be viable. Give thanks to Me every day for all that I do for you. Show your love for Me and your neighbor in all the works that you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know the story of My creation of everything from nothing according to the Book of Genesis. It is one thing to appreciate My creation in all of its miracles, but there are some people who do not want to believe that I exist, and they do not believe in My creation of everything. Man is caught up in science, and some scientists have ‘big bang’ theories, and evolution theories. These things are all theories, and they have not been proven. Trust in My creation, because the perfect order of My creation does not happen by chance or by itself. I am the Prime Cause of all creation, and when you die, you will realize how everything is under My control.”


Friday, May 6, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, you are blessed that I have called you to go out and share My messages, as well as evangelize souls to come to Me in conversion to the faith. There are many souls who have not yet been invited personally to know and love Me. It takes the grace of the Holy Spirit to inspire My faithful to go out and preach My Good News of salvation, and My Resurrection from the dead. If people read My words in the Bible and acted on them, there would be no need for evangelists. But the evil one has a hold on people so much, you have to wake people up and pray deliverance prayers for their souls to be open to My words. The Bible is always available, and Confession is available also, but it takes a personal contact to evangelize souls to know My love. Many souls are in serious sin, and they need to have their sins forgiven in Confession so they can be freed from the bonds of their sins. By reaching out to help these sinners, you can help change their lives into faithful Christians. Deep down in their souls, sinners know what it takes to change, but giving up their sins of comfort, can take a large step by someone’s help. For every soul that you can bring to Me, your trip has been worth your effort, and heaven rejoices. Continue to pray for My help and the Holy Spirit to carry out your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were unsure of how and when the Holy Spirit would come upon them. I told My apostles to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the Paraclete to come upon them. Once I left My apostles, they would be waiting for My return. But they did not know how long it would be. My faithful of today are still waiting for My return. There is a joy in your hearts to know that you are already blessed by the Holy Spirit at your Baptism and at your Confirmation. You did not experience My Presence in the flesh, but you are blessed to still believe in Me by faith. You did not experience a tongue of fire that came down upon My apostles, yet you still believe that you have received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Faith in Me is a gift of My grace, and you should give Me praise and thanks for all that I do for you. If you truly love Me, you will go forth and share your faith with others in your good works.”


Saturday, May 7, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, mothers are at the core of all of your families, and they are the heart of the family. When your sons and daughters come to the homestead, there is a joy in celebrating with your children, grandchildren, and even some great grandchildren. Just as you celebrate Mother’s Day with your immediate family, you are also celebrating with My Blessed Mother and the whole Church. You have been reading how My disciples like St. Paul, were joyful in sharing their faith with many different cities, as in Greece. You have also been reading how My Early Church was started, and how the faith was spread to all the nations. There are still more missionaries who go out to different countries to bring in converts to the faith. I encourage all of My messengers and faithful to go out to all the nations, and share My Good News of My Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are made up of body and soul, and the most important thing to recognize is where you want to be for all eternity. Your body will pass away, but your soul lives on forever. By all of My gifts of creation, you can know that I exist as your God. I have given mankind My two greatest Commandments which are to love Me with your whole mind, body, heart, and soul; and to love your neighbor as yourself. I am all loving, and loving people should be your goal. You also need to know that I have chosen you, and I created you to know, love, and serve Me. You have a purpose to imitate Me in your lives, and do everything out of love for Me. Your good works are a way of thanking Me for all that I do for you. In order to come to heaven, you need to repent of your sins, and ask for My forgiveness. You also need to accept Me as the Master of your life. I was incarnated as a God-man, so I could sacrifice My life so all mankind could have an opportunity to be saved. You have a choice to accept My salvation or reject it by your free will. I do not force My love on anyone, but there are consequences for your decision. Those people, who love Me and obey My Commandments, will have eternal life with Me in heaven. Those people, who do not love Me and disobey My laws without repenting, are on the road to hell, if they do not change their ways. You see why it is your eternal destination that is most important for your soul, and why it is also important to save as many souls as you can from the fires of hell. Loving Me is the best choice that you could make.”


Sunday, May 8, 2016: (Mother’s Day)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am the Mother of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit, and I was blessed to bring up my Son in the Jewish ways. I am the Blessed Mother of all of my faithful children, and I am a model mother for all mothers to imitate. This is a joyous occasion to celebrate all mothers who are bringing up their children as faithful Christians. Encourage your children in their daily prayers, as the rosary, and have them attend Sunday Mass to help save their souls. I pray that your mothers do not have to bury their children, because it is sad to have them die at a young age. My Son, Jesus, had a mission to die for all the sins of mankind. His death was a defeat of Satan and sin itself. Rejoice in this beautiful sunny day, as you see the flowers as a beautiful outpouring of God’s creation. You mothers should rejoice to share your life and love with your children. Give thanks to God for all of these gifts of life in your children, grandchildren, and even great grandchildren.”


Monday, May 9, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that My Warning will come before your lives are in danger. This will give all sinners an opportunity to change their lives of sin. You are seeing in the vision a comet that will appear in the sky on the day of the Warning. This comet will not hit the earth, but people will be frightened when they see what will appear as two suns in the sky. Many of you know that My Warning will give everyone a life review to know how they have offended Me with their sins. You will have a mini-judgment to show you your eternal destination, unless you change your life. This comet of the Warning will change its course, and it will return as My Comet of Chastisement that will hit the earth and be My victory over the evil ones. My faithful will be tested by the Antichrist’s tribulation, while you are at My refuges. Do not be afraid, because you will have your reward in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, the interest rates in America and many other countries have been held artificially low for many years. Low rates encourage people to buy cars and homes, and it also helps your government to hold down your debt payments for interest on your National Debt. Low rates also encourage some people to buy stocks on margin with cheap loans. For those people, who do not want to risk losing their capital, it is difficult to find acceptable interest rates for certificates or annuities. You also are seeing people holding huge debts at low interest rates. You have a debt bubble with students having huge loans to pay back. Others have huge balances on their credit cards because of their bad spending habits. The worst bubble of all are the derivatives that control huge amounts of credit, and they could default with an increase in interest rates. Many national economies are on the brink of bankruptcy when they default on their loan payments. Such a crash of these debt instruments could cause a crash of your money system, and precipitate a martial law, and a new money system like mandatory chips in the body. If you see such events, this will be the time to come to My refuges. It is not a matter of if such a crash would occur, but it is a matter of when it will occur. You will be at My refuges soon, so be prepared to leave your home. My refuge builders need to be ready to help people. I will multiply what you need, because you will be living independently from those people who are controlling the new world order. Be patient before I will bring about My victory.”


Tuesday, May 10, 2016: (St. Damien de Veuster)
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing in St. Paul’s life how the Holy Spirit is guiding My special messengers. You also have seen the Holy Spirit guide you in writing My messages and giving your talks. You also have the Holy Spirit guiding you in where to travel as well. I have My angels protecting you on your journeys. You were instructed to pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer both before your trip, and on your return home. St. Michael is another one of your protecting angels. Whoever reaches out to help save souls, can expect to get attacks from the evil one, who wants to stop your work. Keep praying for your protection, and be ready for these attacks in whatever form they may take. Those faithful, who go out to work in the vineyard for souls, will receive My reward for all of their work and dedication. Be thankful and give Me praise that you have been chosen to be My evangelist and messenger of My Word.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the story of how Fr. Damien helped the lepers, and he became a leper himself as a result. It is not easy to travel and give talks in various states. When I call My faithful to go out to all the nations to make converts, they may have to go into situations outside of their comfort zone. It is one thing to share your faith, but when you start risking physical injury to accomplish your mission, then it takes an extra grace of trust in My help and My protection. My son, you have been in some dangerous areas when My angels had to protect you. When you go out to give talks, you are trusting in My help to get you back home without any problems. It is this trust in Me that I can use to help win souls over to Me. Have courage, and trust in My daily protection.”


Wednesday, May 11, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, you are fortunate that you can sit down and write My love messages every day after Mass, and at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. You take time to type them, put them out on the internet after your spiritual director approves them, and you have them published every three months. These are words to encourage My faithful in their faith, and a preparation for the trials that are coming. You are sharing My messages, and you have another mission of having your interim refuge ready to accept the people I will send you during the tribulation. Some people have doubted that these events will come soon, but I told you they would happen in your lifetime. You are not the only refuge builder, because there are many faithful who have accepted this mission of building large and small refuges. These refuges will be My special places of protection for My faithful. Trust in Me to have My angels watch over you and protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some strong evidence that your new electronic voting machines could be hacked or manipulated to change votes for the one world people’s candidates for President. In order to have a fair election, only people who are registered and in an election book, can sign to vote. Each machine should be checked independently to make sure they are recording the right votes. Unless you can check these machines, the one world candidates will always win by manipulating the vote. You have seen even foreign countries running these machines. The one world people had your old lever machines replaced because they could not manipulate those machines. It is difficult to verify that all of your machines are working properly, but if they are not checked, the same one world backed candidates will continue to win. The one world people control all of your elected officials, which is why their takeover will be coming soon. Be ready to leave for My refuges, if you see martial law, mandatory chips in the body, or a crash of your money system. Your tribulation is coming soon, but My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges.”


Thursday, May 12, 2016: (St. Nereus & St. Achilleus)
Jesus said: “My people, you may not see Christians being martyred today in America, but there are Christians being brutally beheaded by Moslems in other countries. You may not be martyred now, but you could be persecuted for speaking out against abortion, people living in fornication, or same sex marriages. Now, you are dealing with transgender people, and those people who are favoring euthanasia. These acts are all sins against My Commandments, and you need to stand up for what you believe, instead of following what some say is politically correct. My ways are different from man’s ways, and you could be persecuted for publically standing up for My Commandments. Even if you are threatened with death, never deny your belief in Me, and refuse to take any chips in the your body. The days are coming in the tribulation when Christians will be martyred for their faith, and you will have to seek out My refuges for your physical and spiritual protection.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, with the male history of deacons and priests, it is hard to imagine such a change in tradition to consider women deacons which could even mention possible women as priests. I made My apostles into My first priests, and deacons were chosen from among men for the most part. If I had wanted women to be priests and deacons, I could have done so, but the men are now living celibate lives in My service. Changing such a tradition would be difficult after so many years. It should be a decision by the Holy Spirit, if women should be deacons.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some leaders in the GOP that are having a struggle with the issues over the current Presidential nominee. This nominee does not want to change his ways just to please a few Congress people. Their goal is to win the Presidency, so there will need to be some compromises. There are still several possibilities that something will interfere with this election process. The one world people do not want to give up without a fight over their influence, so you could see an event that could delay or cancel this election.”

Jesus said: “My people, your electric grid is very vulnerable to an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack or terrorism on your transmission lines. Without electricity your banks and your home heating would be in jeopardy. Your communications, cars, trucks, and buses would not work. Your economy would come to a standstill, and many could die of starvation. There have been people looking into it, but it would take billions of dollars to protect your lines from an EMP attack. This is why I have had My refuge builders put in solar panels and batteries to have electricity. I will protect all of My refuges from any EMP attack.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages that events of this year could lead to a martial law. It is the goal of the one world people to take over America, and put you into their North American Union. These unions on all the continents will be given over to the Antichrist when he declares himself ruler of the world. The tribulation is coming, and the one world people will be America’s punishment for all of your sins against Me. When martial law occurs, there will be chaos and riots in your streets, as people will be looking for food and water. This will be the time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several countries buying up as much gold as they can find, because the dollar will be losing its value as a reserve currency used for buying oil. America has a huge National Debt, and there is no real value backing your dollar. Once the dollar fails, you will see the one world people bring out a new electronic money called ‘SDRs’ or Strategic Drawing Rights. This is when your money system will collapse, and the one world people will bring about their new world order. Again this will be a time when My faithful will need to come to My refuges for protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, when the Holy Spirit came over My disciples with tongues of fire, they began to speak different languages, and they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit to go out and make converts. Pentecost Sunday is the last big feast of the Church Year, so enjoy the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You also should be finishing up your Novena to the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My son, I want you to remember to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer before you leave, and on your return. Call on Me and My angels to protect you in your travel, and in sharing My messages with the people. I thank you for all of your traveling and evangelizing the souls that you meet. Call on the Holy Spirit to speak My words that will touch the hearts of the people who will receive you. Remember that even if one soul is saved on your trip, then your trip was worth your efforts. All of heaven rejoices over one soul who converts, and accepts Me as that person’s Master.”


Friday, May 13, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in this world you have many distractions with music, watching TV, and your electronic devices. You are racing through life without taking time to get to know your Creator. My faithful know how important daily Mass, daily prayer, and monthly Confession are to your spiritual life. At times you need to be quiet and turn off all of your worldly distractions. It is in your quiet moments when I can talk to your heart, if you are listening. I have asked you to pray for sinners, the souls in purgatory, and for the souls in your family who are away from Me. Your prayer life can settle the peace in your soul that I give you. I love all of My people, but there are many souls who do not take the time each day to love Me, and seek My help in their trials. Without Me in your lives, you will be struggling twice as hard in your trials. When you take up the cross that I will give you, I will be like Simon helping you to lighten your load. When you trust in Me for everything, I will see to all of your needs. So slow down your life’s tempo, and take some quiet time each day so you can know Me better. Those faithful, who let Me lead their lives, will accomplish more, and you will be on the right road to heaven.”

(Our Lady of Fatima) Jesus said: “My people, your priest gave a good homily in explaining what a mortal sin is. It is unusual to hear a homily on sin, especially one that explains the seriousness of a mortal sin. Mortal sin is a serious sin, as with many sexual sins, but also it can be a serious denial of Me in public as St. Peter, when he denied Me three times. Mortal sin breaks your connection of love with Me, and your soul is dead spiritually. When you commit such a serious sin, this requires being forgiven in Confession before you can receive Me in Holy Communion. Otherwise, when you receive Holy Communion in mortal sin, you commit another sin of sacrilege against My Eucharist. There are many people who are in denial, or they do not think they are committing a mortal sin by having relations without marriage. The same is true of homosexual acts as well. This is why it is important for every Christian to have a properly formed conscience so they truly know when they are committing a serious sin as a mortal sin. Some people rationalize that living in fornication is not a serious sin because they are in love. This is still a mortal sin. To have relations properly, a couple needs to be married in My Church. Once you know what is a serious sin, you need to avoid such a sin or the occasion that could lead to a serious sin. By living in My grace with frequent Confession, you can come closer to Me, and your life could be a good example to other people around you. I will always forgive a repentant sinner, but those people, who commit serious sins without repenting, are on a path to My judgment to hell. If you truly love Me, you will keep a pure soul so I can take you to heaven one day.”


Saturday, May 14, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, it is true that I want all of My faithful to live responsibly to Me in both their physical and spiritual lives. In your physical lives you are called to provide for yourselves with a job so you have a place to live and food to eat. Some people are called to a married life, some to the religious life, and some to the single life. Whatever vocation you are called to, you have responsibilities to take care of your children, if you are married. You may be called to offer Mass and hear confessions, if you are a priest. In your spiritual life you are called to do everything out of love for Me. You have a responsibility to have your soul saved from hell by following My Commandments. You should leave some time for Me every day in your prayers. You also have a responsibility to help save the souls of your children and your spouse. The priest has a responsibility for helping to save the souls of his parishioners. It is love that I desire from everyone, and you should try to love everyone in your life.”

(St. Matthias) Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read how you were chosen by Me to be living here now. You may be born to your parents, but it was I through the Holy Spirit who placed your soul into your fertilized egg at conception. You have even seen a white light emitted from a newly fertilized egg. Each person is unique with special talents for their unique mission. This is why it is a crime to abort babies because you are interrupting the plan I had for that soul. Today’s St. Matthias was chosen by My apostles to fill the place of Judas, who killed himself. Most people do not realize that they were chosen by Me, even though this is quoted in the Scriptures. All of you also have Me as your personal Redeemer, because I died on the cross to save all souls who accept Me into their lives. I desire that all souls could be saved, but I have to honor every person’s free will choice. Your natural inclination of your soul is to seek Me out as your Creator. It is the devil who tries to lead you astray. Follow your heart and soul to seek My peace, and you will be completely satisfied.”


Sunday, May 15, 2016: (Pentecost)
The Holy Spirit said: “I love you as your Comforter, and I bring comfort to My people. I am your Paraclete, and you know Me as the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. Just as on the first Pentecost, I have blessed all of you with My seven gifts. As you prayed after Mass, you could feel My healing power as you held out your hands in prayer. My son, you took a trip to Betania, Venezuela and before you went there, your priest had a small dove on his forehead in a picture. There also was a lot of glitter flakes all over the floor. When you were at Betania, you remember very clearly how a white dove came and stayed on a nearby tree for four or five hours without moving. This was a sign that I am the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and I was giving witness to your priest and the people how much I love you. I empowered the apostles with My gift of tongues so they could evangelize the people in their own language. Today, you can feel the joy of My love in your hearts, and you all are My temples. I empower all of My faithful to go out to all the nations to share the Good News of Jesus’ Resurrection. Trust in Me that I will give you the words to touch the hearts of the people, so they can be converted to the Lord. Rejoice in My feast of Pentecost because I am with you always with My love in your hearts. I give you gifts to prophesy, to speak in tongues, and to heal people both in body and soul.”


Monday, May 16, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, Alice has a very child like trust in Me and My Blessed Mother for all of her life. Even though she has gone through trials of health with her daughter, I have given her the strength to deal with Debbie’s death. Debbie has given you some words and she is with Me. Alice has been given some great gifts in her new chapel and the beautiful Infant of Prague. I have been helping her to prepare her refuge for many years. Your children and friends know they can be supported here both physically and spiritually during hard times, as in your ice storm, and even during the coming tribulation. My angels are protecting this place, and My Blessed Mother and I want to comfort you in your loss. You will see My coming Era of Peace when you will see My love poured out to prepare My faithful to be saints in heaven. I love all of you, and continue to follow Me in trust.”


Tuesday, May 17, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many closed doors in your life where things that you want, have not been open to you. Sometimes you run into legal problems, or you may not have the money to buy something. I have told you in the Scriptures to knock, and it will be opened to you. This means you have to ask Me for something in your prayer intentions, and it will be answered in My way, and in My time. At times either I or your guardian angel, wanted you to do something, and it seems that your mind was closed to listening to us. You need to have an open mind to be able to change your life for the better by taking our advice. Many people are so close minded that they do not want to take anyone’s advice, since they are prideful in thinking they have the best ways to do something. The only way that you can learn something in the world, or spiritually, is to be willing to take a chance on trying something new that is proper according to My laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many beautiful instruments, and I am showing you an excellent grand piano. It is the music that you wish to play that gives witness to a person’s free will to express themselves. Some people may play rock music, classical music, or musical hymns for Mass. There is music in heaven that will sound beautiful to My liking, because it will be My expression of heavenly music, and it will sound better than any earthly music. You have an imperfect body, and it will not be perfect until you come to heaven. This is why everything that you do on earth is imperfect, and it can be done better in heaven. Even though you are imperfect now, I am pleased with My faithful when you strive for perfection in all that you do for Me. So play your music on the piano the best that you can. Also ask My help to do everything as perfectly as possible on earth for My greater glory.”


Wednesday, May 18, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you cannot promise yourself that you will be here tomorrow, but for My grace, you may not die today. You always need to say, if I (Jesus) will it, you will be here tomorrow. Life is short, and you could die from any number of causes. If you are alive, then you need to use your life to pray and help people with their problems. Many people take things for granted that their lives will continue on. If you had a terminal disease like cancer, you would appreciate every moment that you had left. You all are a comfort to each other because it is difficult to live alone. Treasure your friends and family members while they are still with you, because each life that I put in your path, is a gift to you, especially your children. You see people each day, but imagine your life without them, and you will appreciate them even more. Live your life to the fullest, so you can show Me your good deeds for all of your time that you were here on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how much water you need to drink each day. When you have forty people at your refuge, I will multiply what you need without counting the water you need for washing your body, your clothes, and your dishes. You will need your dousing rods to point to any springs on your land. I will enable your drilling equipment to be able to pump fresh water from the ground. You may need a cistern to settle any muddy water, or a filter to purify your water. The water in your barrels will be needed for drinking only. Your drilled well and any rain collected from your roof, should be the water used for washing your body, clothes, and your dishes. If you can reuse your water by purifying it, then you would have more to share. You will have to pray for some miracles to multiply your fresh water, so everyone will have enough to drink and wash. When it rains, you will have to use your gutters to fill your rain barrels. You could get some smaller portable houses for your latrines, so you could move them easier than your large shed. You will need to make some holes in the ground and use your lime for curing the smell. You may need some fence post shovels for digging your holes. By being prepared to take care of large numbers of people, you will be able to help the people who come to your refuge. Most of all, you need to pray and be patient with your people.”


Thursday, May 19, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with how some rich people take advantage of the poor, when they use them like slave labor workers, and pay them low wages. There are many injustices in the world, while the rich have a good life on other people’s money. You have read about Lazarus and the rich man in the Bible. During life the rich man did not even help Lazarus with his sores or give him food. Then at the judgment, Lazarus was with Me in heaven, but the rich man was languishing in the flames of hell. He wanted water to cool his tongue, but his punishment was forever. If you have excess wealth, you should share it in charity donations. If you live selfishly, then you may be punished like the rich man in hell. By loving people and helping them when you can, you will be storing up real treasure in heaven. Help the poor with your donations and prayers, while you still have the opportunity.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see another plane taken out of the sky in the Mediterranean Sea. There was some debris on the surface near a Greek island. All the passengers and crew are presumed lost. Your people are suspicious of a terrorist act, as there was no warning or communication of trouble. Pray for the people who were lost, and their grieving families.”

Jesus said: “My son, you forgot at first to pray your St. Michael prayer on your way back home from Kentucky. Once you saw a backup of traffic on the main highway to the airport, you were concerned that you might miss your plane. This is when you prayed your long form of the St. Michael prayer. As you were lost for a moment, you had a generous man lead you in his car back to the main highway past the blocked traffic. You were also fortunate that your plane was delayed so you were able to get on your plane in time. You need prayers of thanksgiving for a good outcome, and an answer to your prayer.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were able to give your friend some words of comfort from her daughter, who died from brain cancer. She also shared some words about miracles that would occur in your chapel. The people were happy to receive your messages on Pentecost. The Holy Spirit helps people to prophesy, heal, and evangelize converts. Your trip was very successful in your sharing.”

Jesus said: “My son, you witnessed the young girl who was searching for the truth. When you shared the rosary and how to say it, she felt warm and accepted by My Blessed Mother. Your friend wanted to follow up with her so she could come close to Me and My Blessed Mother. Remember when I told you that if one soul is converted, then your trip was worth your effort.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw a beautiful tribute to Alice as she was graced with one of four statues of the Infant of Prague that were brought to America. This gift and her new chapel were graces given to her to soften the hardship of losing her daughter to cancer. Debbie is in heaven and she will be praying over her family. It was good that you were there to help comfort Alice in her grieving for her daughter.”

Jesus said: “My people, after your celebration of My Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, now you will return to the green vestments of Ordinary Time. The coming of the Holy Spirit on Sunday is a great sign as He appeared with tongues of fire over My apostles. He brought His gifts to My disciples and they began to preach in foreign languages. My apostles were given the courage to go out to all the nations to share My Good News of My Resurrection. Thus My Church was able to grow in numbers and spread all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, your spring weather has been cooler than normal, which is why your flowers and trees were slow to show new growth. Now, that your weather is warming, you have seen your grass growing long. You had to cut a high grass because of this increased growth. Be joyful that life has returned to all of your flowers, trees, and grasses. The beauty of spring is a welcome relief from your cold winter and bare trees. This cycle of life is a reminder how your life is precious, but it will come to an end one day. Keep your soul pure with monthly Confession so you are ready for your judgment.”


Friday, May 20, 2016: (St. Bernardine of Siena)
Jesus said: “My people, you are living in an age when Satan has attacked the family with so many immoral movies, the acceptance of living together, divorce, and homosexual marriages. In Moses’ time he allowed them to write a divorce because of their hard hearts. Today, your society has down played the importance of the institution of marriage. I told My apostles that there should not be a divorce, since a man commits adultery against his wife, if he marries another. A woman commits adultery against her husband, if she marries another. A husband and wife should be marrying for life with a total commitment to each other. It is unfortunate that some marriages are violated by infidelity, verbal and physical abuse, mental problems, and serious addictions like alcoholism. Today, you are allowed annulments to remarry, just as Moses did. You have society accepting people living in fornication or with homosexual acts. These are sinful relationships, and they should be avoided to keep your soul pure. Divorce has also created problems with where the children will live. Some of the children’s behavior problems stem from single parent households. For those couples who are able to live in a committed marriage, they will receive more treasure in heaven for being faithful to their spouses. Call on My help in your marriages because love should be a giving of oneself to the other in all that you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President has said that one of your candidates for President will not be President. He said this as he already is implementing his own takeover. He is shipping in thousands of young Moslems that could be used for multiple terrorist attacks, which would give him an excuse to declare martial law. Over the last eight years, he has removed many of your generals who would not go along with his plan for a new world order. Many of your service corps have been stripped of planes and ammunition so they can barely protect you. There are many foreign troops here with their own planes and tanks, ready to enforce mandatory chips in the body, and an eventual takeover of America. You are close to being joined into the North American Union with Canada and Mexico. This takeover will be so sudden, that you will wonder how this could take place. You are so close to the tribulation of the Antichrist, that it is about to come soon. Be ready to leave for My refuges as soon as I give everyone an interior message to leave your homes. If you have not read the signs of this coming takeover, then you are not very observant. Trust in My protection at My refuges, and I will have My angels protect you.”


Saturday, May 21, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, there were many beautiful ideas in your readings today, but I love the part that says everyone needs to act with the innocence of a little child in order to enter heaven. You were thinking of the beautiful life of St. Therese as an example of such a child-like faith. In her ‘little way’ she tried to do every little thing for Me in her daily work. The child-like faith and openness to My Word, is what I desire in every soul that seeks to be with Me in heaven. You need to live a humble life without being consumed by the cares and distractions of the worldly things. Your eternal life with Me should be your goal, which is why you should be more focused on heavenly things rather than earthly things. Live a life of love of Me, and love of your neighbor as yourself.”


Sunday, May 22, 2016: (Holy Trinity Sunday)
The Eternal Father said: “I AM WHO AM, is greeting you, My son. This Sunday celebrates Our Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You just celebrated Pentecost and honored the Holy Spirit. We are Three Persons in One God, which is a mystery for people to understand. You have to think of each Person separately, but We are always Present together. So when you receive My Beloved Son, Jesus in Holy Communion, you are receiving all of Us at once. This was true of Jesus’ Baptism, and when Jesus was transfigured on Mt. Tabor. When you give glory and praise to Us, your ‘Glory Be’ prayer is the best prayer to acknowledge all of Us. When you pray your novena prayers to St. Therese, your twenty-four ‘Glory Be’ prayers are most effective. This is why We do not want you to have any fear of the evil ones, because We created all the angels both good and bad, and they are subject to Our power. This is also why you need to have more trust in Our protection from the evil ones. You have been given powerful guardian angels to protect you and guide you. You also have prayed to St. Michael to guide you and help you on your travels. So all of My children should not be afraid of anyone, because they need to have trust in Our help and Our protection. Listen to the words of My Son when He said to His apostles: ‘Peace be with you.’”


Monday, May 23, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I was telling My apostles how hard it is for a rich man to be saved. Some people rely on their own wealth to buy everything, instead of depending on Me for everything. I even emphasized that it is as hard to put a camel through an eye of a needle, as it is for a rich man to be saved. The eye of a needle was a four foot by four foot opening to keep the animals out. What seems impossible for man, is possible for God. If you do not have My help and grace, you cannot enter heaven. To enter heaven, you need to repent of your sins, and accept Me as the Master of your life. I died on the cross to atone for all of your sins, so you need to accept My gift of salvation. A rich person is attracted to the wealth and possessions of this world. It is hard to give up his or her wealth, and even to share it with others for some rich people. When you die, you cannot take your wealth with you. Having a lot of money will not buy your way into heaven. You will be judged on your love for Me and your neighbors, and not on how successful you were in this world. What does it profit you if you gain the whole world, but lose your soul? It is the eternal destination of your soul that matters the most.”


Tuesday, May 24, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you about your President’s plans, and the one world people’s goal of declaring martial law, so they could take over America. Your President wants martial law so he can cancel your Presidential election. Your President has just made some changes with his latest Executive Order that would give him more power over your civilian population for total control. If your Presidential elections are blocked by an artificial emergency for martial law, then your President would assume dictatorial powers over your Constitutional rights. This would be treason against your country, but it would give the one world people the takeover to put you into the North American Union. Americans need to overthrow any such martial law, or you will lose all of your freedoms. You may even have a revolt in your streets over such a blatant grab for power. If martial law is declared, My faithful will need to come to My refuges for their protection from the men in black who want to kill you. Trust in My protection because My power is greater than the demons and the one world people.”


Wednesday, May 25, 2016: (Funeral Mass for Carole DeRuyscher)
Carole said: “I am happy to be with my Jesus in heaven, and I was greeted there by my husband. My husband was calling me in a dream. I love all of my family, and I will be praying for all of their souls. I thank Fr. Peter for telling my family of my wish that they come to Mass on Sunday. I can tell you that heaven is so beautiful, and I will be waiting to meet my family and friends in heaven one day. I thank you John and Carol, and the prayer group for your many years of friendship. God bless everyone and keep the faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, there may be some weather related problems that could reduce the amount of food available. The largest problem for obtaining enough food, will be linked to mandatory chips in the body. Eventually, you will not be able to buy food, unless you have a chip in the body. I have warned My faithful to have a year’s supply of food for each person living in your home. This is so you do not need a chip to buy food, or there may be a limited food shortage. Do not take a chip in the body, even if the authorities threaten your life, or prevent you from buying food. You can buy canned foods, meals ready to eat, and dehydrated foods. The one world people will try to cause a man-made famine by restricting who can buy the food. Once you see such a famine and mandatory chips in the body, this will be the sign to come to My refuges, because there will be riots in the streets to obtain food and water. I will protect My faithful at My refuges, and I will multiply any food and water so you do not starve or go thirsty. Trust in My protection, and providing you with enough food and water for your survival.”


Thursday, May 26, 2016: (St. Philip Neri)
Jesus said: “My people, there are people dying every day, as I take them home. As you grow older, you notice how many of your friends have deceased. It is hard to lose old friends, but death is part of your lives as mortal beings. Each life is My gift to you, but each person is only here for a short time. Appreciate your friends while they are still with you. You are hearing some beautiful descriptions of heaven through their messages to you. Some people die young from cancer, while others are graced with a long life. You are so used to waking up in the morning to continue your life’s work, but one day you will be called home, and there will be no more tomorrow for you in this life. Your true life will be waiting for you after you die. So do not have a fear of death as My faithful, because your reward is waiting for you in My glory of heaven.”

(Funeral Mass for Estelle Wegman) Estelle said: “I am proud of all of my family for coming to my funeral, I love you all so much. I thank all of the people who helped me in my later years, especially during my medical problems. My last sufferings were my purgatory on earth, as I am in heaven with Ed and my deceased family and friends. I want all of you to keep in line in the faith, by coming to Sunday Mass and Confession. I will be watching you and praying for all of you because I want to see all of you with me in heaven. Remember me in my pictures because I will never forget you. Thank you for singing the ‘Mother’ prayer to me on Mother’s Day.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to be careful, and do not open yourself up to any demonic possession or oppression. Avoid using Ouija boards, palm reading, evil electronic games, and any other occult practice. Sometimes people invite demons in using Yoga, or any other Eastern meditations. You have seen possessed people and they need exorcisms and strong deliverance prayers like the long form of the St. Michael prayer. When you have strong demons or multiple demons, you will need prayer and fasting.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to be alert to the signs of evil in a person. The person or the demon does not like Me or My Blessed Mother. The evil one could shy away from holy water, a blessed cross, or deliverance prayers. You could see unusual coldness in the room, or guttural sounds coming from someone. You have seen possessed people slithering on the ground like a snake, or they could be spitting on you. Once you recognize these signs, you need an exorcist priest to pray over someone. You can also pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer over this person. Try to place blessed sacramentals on evil people.”

Jesus said: “My people, another means for ridding demons is to try and find out the name of the demon. Then you could pray a binding prayer of that spirit’s name to leave, and go to the foot of My cross, and never to return. Without a priest, you need a group of people to pray the deliverance prayers. Be careful if the demon is quiet, and is still present. Trust in My power and demand the demon to leave in My Name.”

Jesus said: “My people, you should wear your weapons against the evil ones with your scapular, a rosary, a St. Benedict blessed cross, some holy water, blessed salt, or some relics of the saints. Your best preparation against temptations of the devil is to come to frequent Confession to the priest. The more that you commit serious sins against Me, the harder it is to resist the devil’s temptations. If you are attacked by the demons, then call on Me to send you My angels of protection. You call on St. Michael to protect you on your travels both coming and going. Avoid occasions of sin, and keep close to Me in your daily prayers, Mass, and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament.”

Jesus said: “My people, you cannot change someone’s free will, but you can encourage people to be open in coming to Me. If you are persistent in your prayers for someone, you can help give them an opportunity to be saved. You can pray novenas for conversions, or you can pray the St. Bridget prayers for a year or more for someone. I prefer people to repent of their sins, but My mercy can go out to someone whom you are praying for. Go out to all the nations and evangelize all those people who are open to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some recent articles about how doctors and others are promoting people to have chips placed in their bodies. At first you will see people volunteering to take chips in the body, but soon your government will make chips in the body mandatory for your new money and for buying and selling. Do not take any chip in your body for any reason, even if people threaten to kill you. This chip in the body is the mark of the beast, and it will control you like a robot as if you were hypnotized. When chips in the body are mandatory, this will be the time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you feel hot and uncomfortable, you turn on fans or your air conditioning. At times it is difficult to travel outside in the hot blazing sun. If you think you are uncomfortable in a hot, humid climate, imagine the souls in hell who have to endure the hot flames of hell forever with no rest and no cooling or water. If you do not want to suffer in hell, then you need to repent of your sins in Confession, and let Me be the Master of your lives. You also do not want to see your family members or your friends go to hell. So you need to reach out and share your faith with everyone so they will have an invitation and an opportunity to be saved. Those people, who are condemned to hell, can never escape the flames. So convert as many people as you can to My love to save them from hell.”


Friday, May 27, 2016: (St. Augustine of Canterbury)
Jesus said: “My people, it is important for My faithful to bear fruit, as with good deeds, and bringing the faith to converts. You are created to know, love, and serve Me, and that is why it is your calling to bear fruit for My greater glory. In the Gospel I also made a point that if you desire something in prayer, you also need to be specific with your prayers, and I will answer them in My way, and in My time. I answer prayers for what is best for the souls involved. If you desire something that is bad for the soul, then My answer will be no. If your prayer is something that is good for your soul or another soul, it will be done for you. So if you are making a prayer request, it is best to ask for something that will benefit the soul, and not just a worldly pleasure.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning My faithful that the one world people are planning their takeover of America soon. I am in control of what is allowed on earth. You have seen Me postpone the evil people’s plan last year, and I will only allow them their hour in My time. You will first see My Warning also in My time. There will be a time of conversion after the Warning, and then the events will lead up to the Antichrist’s declaration, and the beginning of the tribulation. After My Warning, I will let everyone know that it is time to come to My refuges. If you have not made any preparations to leave your home with your backpacks, now is the time to make your last minute preparations. When I call you, you can call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge. Trust in Me to provide for your protection, and the food and water needed for your survival.”


Saturday, May 28, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, after I threw the money changers out of the Temple, I told the people that they were a den of thieves in My Father’s place of worship. It was for this reason that the Pharisees were questioning Me by what authority was I doing such a thing. I returned their question with My own question whether St. John the Baptist was speaking from Divine or earthly origin. This was part of My Messianic secret that I did not proclaim I was the Son of God until My trial before My death. Whenever I proclaimed My Divinity, the people did not believe Me, and they wanted to kill Me for blasphemy. But in reality I am God the Son, and My authority is over everyone and the universe, because We created everyone and all things. You all give praise and glory to Me because I created you, and you are subject to My power which is greater than the created demons. Those people, who believe in Me, do not need any explanation of My authority, because My power is apparent and understood. You all were created to know, love, and serve Me, and this is your mission.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass, Most Holy Body & Blood of Jesus-Corpus Christi) Jesus said: “My people, in this church without the lights on, I am truly the Light of the world, just like your burning candles. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, I light up your life with My heavenly graces. This feast of Corpus Christi is special for all of My faithful who believe in My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. Those faithful, who love Me so much, come to adore Me in the monstrance, or in My tabernacle. Your deacon was witnessing the many miracles of My Eucharist throughout the years, where some of them have seen blood on the consecrated Host. I have performed such miracles, especially for those people who do not believe in My Real Presence in the Host. When I showed My resurrected Body to St. Thomas, he said: ‘My Lord and My God.’ I told My apostles that they believed in My Resurrection because they saw Me in the flesh after My death, but blessed are they who have not seen Me in the flesh, and still they believe. Rejoice in the miracle at each Mass, when the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood.”


Sunday, May 29, 2016: (Corpus Christi)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of Corpus Christi is to honor My Real Presence in My consecrated bread and wine, as it is transubstantiated into My Body and Blood. When I first offered My Body and Blood to eat and drink, some of My followers left Me because they thought I was calling them to cannibalism. (Jn 6:61) Then I asked My disciples if they wanted to leave Me also, but St. Peter said: ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of everlasting life, and we have come to believe and to know that you are the Christ, the Son of God.’(Jn 6:69,70) In St. John’s Gospel it is stated very clearly that only those people, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will find eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day. (Jn 6:55) This is why your Catholic faith is centered around the Mass, when you hear My words of Consecration and receive Me in Holy Communion. I give you strength and My grace every time you receive My Eucharist worthily. Because you receive My Real Presence in My consecrated Host, you need to have a soul free of any mortal sin. Those people, who take Holy Communion in mortal sin, commit a sin of sacrilege against Me. If you have mortal sin, you need to come to Confession to the priest as soon as possible, because you do not want to risk hell if you should die in mortal sin. You have seen the multiplication of the bread and fish for the five thousand men, so I also multiply My Hosts at the Consecration of the Mass. Give praise and thanks to Me for sharing Myself with you in Holy Communion.”


Monday, May 30, 2016: (Memorial Day)
Jesus said: “My people, today you recognize all of those service people who died to ensure your freedoms from tyrant governments as those under communism. It is sad though that you kill a million babies in abortion each year, which is more deaths than all of your wars combined. Your country is slowly losing its freedoms by courts making laws, and your President’s dictatorial edicts. Your Supreme Court has approved abortion and gay marriage. Now, they are considering euthanasia and legalized marijuana. You can see the morals of your society have been so degraded, that you are turning your back on Me in your Declaration of Independence. A man should love his wife, and a woman should love her husband. This is how I made Adam and Eve to have a proper marriage. You have listened to Satan’s lies of political correctness, and a false idea of human rights. Your country will pay dearly for your sins, when I will allow the one world people to take you over as your punishment. Make your refuge preparations because you will only be protected at My safe havens.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people started many wars because they profited from selling the weapons to both sides. I told you before that Satan is giving orders to his worshipers to promote his culture of death, and to reduce the population. He promotes abortions to kill the babies. He promotes wars to kill your young men. He promotes euthanasia to kill the older people. He also promotes viruses and vaccines to kill even more people. You need to build up your immune system with Hawthorn to fight off the viruses spread in the chemtrails. As you honor your service people, who were killed in your wars, it is a shame that these lives were used to make others rich. Continue to pray and fight against abortion, wars, euthanasia, and avoid taking the flu shots.”


Tuesday, May 31, 2016: (Visitation of the Blessed Mother)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am pleased to meet all of you on one of my feast days. You can read how I went to help my cousin St. Elizabeth with a pregnancy in her old age. Even as I arrived in Ein Karem, St. John the Baptist leaped in his mother’s womb. This was the first proclamation of my Son’s mission that St. John would be the herald of in the desert. It was difficult for me to travel while pregnant myself, but the Lord enabled me to help St. Elizabeth for three months. Most people in your world today, do not fully appreciate how fortunate you are to travel around in your cars. If you had to walk or travel by donkey or camel to your destinations, you would not travel far. But you know how far it is from Nazareth to just outside of Jerusalem. I rejoiced at St. John the Baptist’s birth because even our Church has feast days for his Nativity (6-24) and his death (8-29). I love all of you so much, and I want all of you to pray your daily rosary, and wear my scapular of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I had prepared My Blessed Mother for her time on earth, and she was conceived without original sin. You watched the movie about Bernadette Soubirous when she received messages at Lourdes, France from the Blessed Mother. One of her messages was a revelation about My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Conception. It took years before My Church accepted this teaching. My Blessed Mother also lived in the Divine Will, and she did not commit any sin during her life as well. My Blessed Mother became a Holy Ark of the Covenant, as she became My living tabernacle for nine months while she was pregnant with Me. In the Gospel she recited her beautiful Magnificat which is read every evening in the Liturgy of the Hours. Once St. Gabriel had received My Blessed Mother’s ‘fiat’ acceptance, the angel told her that her cousin St. Elizabeth was with child at six months. This inspired My Blessed Mother to make a long trip to care for her cousin. Give thanks to Me that I gave My Blessed Mother to St. John and all of My Church at the foot of My cross.”


Wednesday, June 1, 2016: (St. Justin)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel the Sadducees, who do not believe in the Resurrection, asked Me about a woman who married seven brothers after each one had died. Whose wife would she be at the Resurrection? I told them that the resurrected souls would be as angels, and they do not marry in heaven. The Sadducees were misled in their thinking. A soul that comes before Me at its judgment, may have to suffer purgatory time to be purified. The soul is greeted first by its friends and relatives in a transition from earthly life to the spiritual life. When a soul comes to heaven, it is directed to the level of heaven which its good deeds and love have merited. There are seven levels of heaven, and it is My determination which level has been reserved for that soul. I make places in heaven for each of you who will come here. Keep close to Me in obeying My Commandments, and you will have a place reserved for you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, time is moving faster, and your events are flashing by just as if you were all on a roller coaster. I told you that I would be speeding up your days so they would be shorter than your twenty-four hour day. The earth is being speeded up on its axis so your time will travel faster, and My faithful will have less time to suffer during the tribulation. You will begin to see more people getting sick from the viruses in your chemtrails. You will be seeing more natural disasters, and your money is in danger of crashing. Chips have been forced in your charge cards, and next, chips in the body will be mandatory for everyone. I have told My people not to be fearful of the evil ones, and refuse to take any chip in the body for any reason, even if people threaten to kill you. Things will happen when I allow them, and not before it. Have patience because when things happen, they will go quickly. Seek out My refuges when it is time to come to protect your lives and your souls.”


Thursday, June 2, 2016: (St. Marcelinus and St. Peter)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read about how My early Church had many martyrs as the saints of today’s feast. I am preparing My faithful for another time of persecution, as you are about to enter the tribulation of the Antichrist. There may be some faithful who would rather die than leave their homes for My refuges. These martyrs for their faith will become instant saints on their deaths. For those people, who want to live through this coming tribulation, I am providing My refuges with My angel’s protection. When I warn you to leave your homes, call on Me, and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge with a flame, and a shield of invisibility. If you happen to get captured, refuse to deny Me, and refuse to take any chip in the body, even if they threaten to kill you. It is better to die as a martyr than to deny Me. It is also better not to take any chip in the body that could control your free will to worship the Antichrist. Pray for those people who are weak in their faith, that they will not give in to worshiping the Antichrist, since they could lose their souls.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to lose your parents, and they are deeply missed among the children. You are experiencing another problem in how to empty the contents of your parent’s home, and get it ready for selling. Homes that are not lived in for several years can present problems to clean and make it livable. You need a united effort from your family members to finish the sale of the house. Pray to St. Joseph to make any repairs, and to sell the house.”

Jesus said: “My people, those of you, who are older in your family, are finding it hard to attend so many funerals, when your friends or family members are dying. Some die younger from cancer or accidents. Others, who survive longer, are starting to realize how short their lives are, even when they become elderly. As long as you are active and healthy, you do not realize how quickly the years go by. Since time is short, you want to make the best use of your time with prayers, good works, and receiving My sacraments.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people, who discover cancer early, have a better chance of finding a cure. Your wife and others with breast cancer have survived. It is the more serious cases of cancer that are harder to cure. You have seen some alternative means being successful in curing a few cancers. In every case you need to pray for the person’s cure, and by My grace, you have seen some cures. It takes about five years to be more sure of a healing of cancer. When you do see cures, you need to have prayers of thanksgiving that a life has been saved, and maybe even a conversion.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the spring you see a lot of planting both for crops and for pretty flowers. Your farmers provide the food you eat, and they have to take risks on what to grow, how to fertilize, and how to water their crops. In certain areas you see floods, fires, or droughts. These natural disasters can put your food supplies in danger. When you go to the grocery store, be thankful that the farmer has gone through a lot of efforts to bring you your food. Some people like to buy directly from the farmers to help their finances. It takes the right amount of sun, warm temperatures, and timely rain or irrigation to bring you good crops. You can thank Me for helping the farmer to have the right growing conditions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of all the dedicated schoolwork that is necessary to graduate from high school or college. It is always a hard question to decide how far in school you can achieve. Some are fortunate to afford a local two year college and possibly a not too expensive four year college. Many students have large college loans when they graduate. Another hard decision is what kind of job a graduate can find to make a living wage. Some people have to work two or more jobs to just get by. Pray for your graduates to make the right decisions for colleges, and the right job for their capabilities.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard for your young people to get started with a car for work, or help in buying a home. If some parents are able financially, it would be very helpful to give loans or donations for buying cars or homes. It is unusual for young people to be able to afford big items early in their working lives. This is why some young people are living at home with their parents longer to save up for a house. These people appreciate any help, even if they pay back any loans when they can. It is getting harder to find and keep good paying jobs, so parents need to pray for their children’s jobs and for their souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some of you who always pray to our Two Hearts, My Sacred Heart, followed by the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Those people, who do pray to us, usually have a picture of our Two Hearts together on the wall. We love all of our children, and by your prayers, we can send you the sufficient graces you need to survive the evil of this world. You need to love us as well, and have trust that we can provide all the physical and spiritual needs for your lives.”


Friday, June 3, 2016: (Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, it is appropriate that you celebrate My Sacred Heart feast with Adoration on First Friday. When you look closely at the picture of My Most Sacred Heart, you see a crown of thorns with drops of blood, and an eternal flame. This means I love all of mankind so much that I gave up My life on the cross to save you from your sins. My love for you is eternal, and I will always love you, despite your sins and imperfections. You are all My creations, and I will never deny you. Some people may deny Me and refuse My love, while others, who love Me, bring joy to My Heart. Do not let the devil mislead you with his lies, but see that you are all My children, and I desire to save all of you. You are celebrating our Two Hearts, both My Sacred Heart today, and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart tomorrow. Treasure the picture of our Two Hearts in your library.”

Jesus said: “My people, because the earth has a molten iron core, it acts as a magnet where the charged particles from the sun’s rays are deflected to the poles. You also have an ozone layer that absorbs a lot of UV light, and minimizes the cosmic rays on your skin. Without this layer, the sun’s radiation could cause harm to your body. Even out in space you need to have some protection from this harmful radiation. The earth is positioned at the right distance from the sun so you have tolerable temperatures that do not boil water, and do not freeze all of your water. You should be thankful that your planet has the near optimum conditions for life to exist. If you are able to have solar cells, you can provide most of your electricity that you need, except when there is snow on your panels. Harnessing the sun’s energy is what your plants do in photosynthesis. If you have enough rainfall, the farmers can grow their crops, and you will have food to eat. I love all of you, and I have provided for all of your needs.”


Saturday, June 4, 2016: (Immaculate Heart of Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I love all of you, and I thank you for celebrating my feast of my Immaculate Heart, which is the second half of our Two Hearts commemoration. You see a flame in my Immaculate Heart picture which also represents an eternal flame of love for all of you. Many of you have made a consecration to me with a thirty-three day preparation for one of my feast days. I want you to try and make as many consecrations and renewals as you can, more than just one. You found your orange book of the ‘Total Consecration’ by St. Louis de Monteford. The more consecrations you can make, the more graces you will receive from our Two Hearts. This truly is my mission to lead you to my Son, Jesus, through me. I give all the glory to my Son, but you can pray to me as your intercessor for your intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who come to My refuges, will see My angels of protection, and they will have a luminous cross in the sky or miraculous spring water that will heal people. I have promised My refuge builders that I will multiply your water, food, and fuels. You will be depending on My miracles to provide what you need for My people. Water is your most important need, but you may not have water in the lines to your house. This means you will need multiplied fresh water from your barrels, a drilled well, or water from your roof when it rains. The next most important item is having enough food for your forty people. You have some stored food, but you will need your daily Holy Communion and deer for meat. You will need soap for washing your body, your dishes, and your clothes. You can use your solar panels for lights, your refrigerator, and your sump pumps. You will have to have an outdoor bathroom in place of your flush toilets. You will not need cell phones or any other electronic devices, because you do not want to listen to or look at the Antichrist because he could hypnotize you into worshiping him. Trust in Me to provide all that you will need at My refuges.”


Sunday, June 5, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, (Jn 11:25, 26) ‘I am the Resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me, even if he dies, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die.’ I said this to Martha as I was about to raise Lazarus from the dead. In today’s Gospel I also raised a man from the dead, who was the only son of a widow. When I died on the cross, I conquered death, and I offered My life to save all of mankind from their sins. I resurrected from the dead Myself, to prove that death had no power over Me. I granted this gift of bringing people back from the dead to Elijah and St. Peter in other Scripture passages. Death is another consequence of Adam’s sin, but if you are faithful to Me in My Commandments, you all will be resurrected with Me in heaven at the last judgment. So do not be afraid of death and the evil ones, because I have conquered them. Peace be with you, as My angels will protect you.”


Monday, June 6, 2016: (St. Norbert)
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are addicted to gambling at the many casinos. This can be a difficult problem for gambling addicts who spend the money they need to live on. This can affect other family members who may have to buy food for such addicts. Some local governments like to collect taxes from any winnings. There is one kind of gambling, called derivatives where bankers make bets with the bank’s money that home owners will not be able to pay off their mortgages. Many banks are on the verge of a major bankruptcy when these derivatives fail. The world’s banking system could also crash. There is more credit in derivatives than there is in the value of the world’s assets. Another gamble people make is the risk of losing their souls to the evil one by not repenting of their sins. Some people do not understand the importance of keeping a pure soul, should they die unexpectedly. Once you die, there is no more time to prepare your soul. People are gambling with the lives of their souls if they do not keep their souls free of mortal sin. At your very judgment, I give souls one last chance to love and accept Me. If they still refuse to repent, and refuse to love Me, then they are choosing hell by their own free will.”

Jesus said: “My son, I gave you this vision independent of your knowledge of a coming Bilderberg meeting of the one world people. These people make their decisions on how they want to control events in the world according to their desire. After they put their plans into action, you may see some serious changes in wars or recessions. They have enough wealth that they force events to go in their favor. These are the people who are planning a takeover of your country, and they want to crash the dollar. At times I intervene with My supernatural events to thwart their plans. I will only allow their plan to occur after My Warning. Be prepared this year for a major event to occur.”


Tuesday, June 7, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, at times you are dealing with the darkness that represents the evil in the world. Remember that My Light shines on all of you, but the evil ones commit their crimes in the darkness where they cannot be seen. You may not see all these crimes, but I see them, and these evil ones will answer for their misdeeds at the judgment. I am the Light of the world, and I will expose all of the crimes of the evil ones. I am merciful, but I am just as well for those who violate My Commandments. I will forgive the repentant sinner, but those people, who do not repent, will suffer My punishment. I do the judging, but My faithful can shine their light of love on all the people they meet. Share your faith with others, so they can pass on this gift of Light for others to follow My way to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am confirming that you are seeing several attacks for your upcoming talks in Florida. The first attack is that your flight was booked from the wrong city. A second attack is how your knee is sprained, and it makes it difficult to walk. A small attack was a missing time in one of the three spots on your website for the Florida talk. It cost some extra money, but you now have a connecting flight from Rochester to New York City. The time was added on your website. You have suffered pain for other talks to offer it up for converting souls. You can see that every trip is different, and you need to be more alert for possible problems. I keep reminding you to pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer on leaving and returning home. You forgot on your trip home on your last trip, and you prayed your prayer belatedly when you had traffic problems that nearly caused you to miss your flight. Trust in My help and My angels to get you to your destinations on time.”


Wednesday, June 8, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, you prayed that your knee would get better for your trip on Friday. Even though you were in great pain yesterday, you were pleasantly surprised that you could walk better this morning. I am always protecting you, and answering your prayers, so have trust that I will enable you to carry out your mission. You have seen such suffering occur before on several of your trips. You thought you could not make it, but you were only inconvenienced a little. In some cases your pains disappeared after the weekend, so you know it was pain to help save souls at your talks. You have learned from these experiences, and you remember now how I told you how you will be tested more as time goes on. Your evangelization mission is not easy, but I will give you sufficient graces to overcome most all of the obstacles that the evil one places in your way.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are focused on the upcoming election as your primaries come to a close. The evil one world people do not want to see all that they worked for taken away by a new President. They are planning your destruction, because they want America to be a part of the North American Union. Their plan is to give all of the continental unions over to the Antichrist, so he can declare himself ruler of the world. I am still in total control, and I will choose the time when the Antichrist will have his brief reign. Many Christians will be persecuted here in America. This overthrow of your government could come through martial law, and your freedoms will be taken away in the North American Union. There are many foreign troops in your country who are ready to try and kill My faithful. This is why your President is secretly disarming you, so these foreign troops could take you over. Under the coming unions and the Antichrist, Christians will be eliminated. It is for this reason that I have urged My refuge builders to build safe havens where My faithful will be protected by My angels during the coming tribulation. Trust in My protection, and seek out My refuges before these evil ones could try to kill you.”


Thursday, June 9, 2016: (St. Ephrem)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told people to go and reconcile themselves with those they may have harmed or insulted, and then bring their gifts to the altar. In reference to preparing for Mass and receiving Me in Holy Communion, it is important to go to Confession to the priest to have any mortal sins confessed before you are able to receive Me in Holy Communion. Otherwise, receiving My Eucharist in mortal sin commits another sin of sacrilege. Give reverence to My Blessed Sacrament by only receiving Me with a soul in the state of grace and free of mortal sin. This is why you saw the priest confessing sinners in the vision. This is also why some priests make themselves available for Confession before Mass starts. This gives people a chance to cleanse their souls sooner than waiting for Saturday, when confessions are usually offered. If you have mortal sin on your soul, you should try to confess your sins as quick as possible, in case you could die and risk hell at your judgment.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I am warning you to stay alert in your travels so you will be able to catch your flights. Even with your long form of the St. Michael prayer, you will face some unexpected circumstances. Be prepared and I will overcome any difficulties. You had to get a ticket to New York City from Rochester, which should get your flight to Miami, Fla. You also were happy that your knee healed overnight after your prayer. Your pain and difficulties are being offered up for the souls who you will be seeing this weekend. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I am doing for you.”

Jesus said: “My son, even if these attacks on you get worse, do not be afraid because My angels will be helping you. Remember when I told you that if you feel the evil one is attacking you, then you need to call on Me, and I will send you many angels to protect you. I am more powerful than the demons, so trust in My protection at all times. As long as you pray for My help, I will be there for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, as you give the people My messages, be sure to encourage them to wear My Blessed Mother’s scapular, her rosary, and the St. Benedict cross as their protection from the demons and their temptations. Blessed salt and holy water are more weapons. Have the people help others by wearing these blessed sacramentals. When you pray the rosary, you are placing your weapon of protection in front of all the demons and their temptations. Trust in My power in your deliverance prayers to help any person afflicted with demon obsession or possession.”

Jesus said: “My people, in any battle you have to build up your defenses and strengthen yourself to endure the attacks of the evil ones. Your first defense is to come to Confession monthly to cleanse your sins. The more sin you have on your soul, the weaker you will be to fight off temptations. With a clean soul, you will have the grace to fight off the devil’s attacks. Daily Mass, and daily prayer are also helping to build up your defenses. Wearing your blessed sacramentals will also help you. Use the long form of your St. Michael prayer for your deliverance prayers for people with serious addictions. If there is a demonic presence, you may need fasting and prayers to fight the evil ones. All of My faithful are on the winning side with Me as your Leader against the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, be not afraid of whatever the evil ones will do because I will protect your souls. If you are faithful to Me, you will be with Me in heaven, just as I promised the good thief on My cross. Your earthly senses will see the evil ones appearing to win at first, but I will call My faithful to My refuges for protection. My angels will protect your souls whether you are martyred or protected at My refuges. I want My faithful to reach out and evangelize as many souls as you can to keep them from going to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will bring My Warning before your lives will be in danger, and you will have some time for conversion before I will allow the evil ones their brief reign of power. The one world people have their plans, but My supernatural intervention will hold them at bay, until I will allow their time. So fear not these coming events because in the end, I will be victorious and all the evil people and the demons will be cast into the eternal flames of hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you could only see how powerful your prayers are for helping sinners and the souls in purgatory, you would be praying a lot more hours than you do now. I cannot emphasize this prayer power more because your world is in great need of more prayers. I have to depend on My prayer warriors every day because the evil is choking many souls who give into sin of their own free will. This is why I told you to make up any rosaries that you missed on the next day. My Blessed Mother has told you with her many messages, that if enough people prayed, you could stop abortion and many other evils of your world. So remember to pray daily for all sinners and all the souls in purgatory.”


Friday, June 10, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I love My adorers so much because they take the time to visit Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Every time you make a visit to see Me, I give you graces to carry on your daily work. Those people, who truly believe in My Real Presence, seek Me out at Mass and Adoration. If you are quiet and listen to My voice, I can give you spiritual direction in your life, and help you with life’s important decisions. You are seeing in the vision a person praying before a crucifix with candles burning at the person’s home. If you have not prepared a prayer room, I wish all of your could set up a little altar as your prayer room. You could have a crucifix, some statues, a burning candle, and some blessed salt or holy water for your prayer room. My son, every day you set aside a special time for Me that starts with your Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00 p.m. This is followed by your three rosaries with your intentions for peace in the world, stopping of abortions, and praying for the conversion of sinners, and for the souls in purgatory. You pray for special intentions and the saving of the souls in your family, especially those who are not coming to Sunday Mass. By praying at a set time, you can remember it every day. If events interfere with this time, then you could pray before or after such events. I rely on My prayer warriors to pray for sinners to repent and be converted. Pray for your priests and for more vocations to the priesthood. You have many intentions for your prayers, but the most important thing is to make time for Me every day in your prayer time.”


Saturday, June 11, 2016: (St. Barnabas)
Jesus said: “My people, these readings are for everyone because I invite My faithful also to go out to all the nations to share the Good News of My Gospel and My Resurrection. My son, I am happy that you have heard My call to go out to many places to share My messages of love and repentance. It is not easy to be like a missionary to go out to all the nations and reach out to souls to help convert them. My words need to be shared with all those people who hear them, and they need to act on My words. There is great evil in your world today, and it is in great need for the repentance of your sins. Encourage the people to come to Me in Confession so they can seek My forgiveness of their sins. I love all of My children, and I desire to save all of their souls. Unless you repent of your sins and accept Me as the Master of your lives, you cannot enter heaven with Me. As you look at this vision, you can see all the souls who are with Me in heaven. You have many souls around you, and I want you to reach out in faith to try and evangelize as many people as you can. The devil and I are battling for every soul. This is why I need My people to help sinners to know, love, and serve Me instead of serving the world. I love all of you, and I want My children to love Me as well with your daily prayers and Sunday worship.”


Sunday, June 12, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read of how I cast seven evil spirits out of Mary Magdalene. There are different spirits in your world that I want you to be aware of. You all have guardian angels which are good spirits that I have sent to help protect you. You also have evil spirits present, especially in your addictions. These evil spirits can also take the form of people to confuse you. At funerals the human spirit of the deceased may be around the body for several days during their transition from the earthly world of time into the spiritual world. Some souls come to purgatory to be purified. Few souls come directly to heaven because they led saintly lives, or because they suffered their purgatory on earth. There are also souls who reject Me, and they have chosen to go to hell. Do not seek any spirits to come to you out of curiosity, because this is how evil spirits are invited to torment you. If you are attacked by demons, you can call on Me, and I will send angels to protect you. You can also bind any evil spirits to the foot of My cross in My Name. You may have seen some people who are either obsessed or possessed by demons. This may require an exorcist priest to exorcize such a person. You can pray and fast for such people with the long form of the St. Michael prayer for deliverance. You could also have signs from a soul in purgatory who is requesting prayer to get out of purgatory. Pray for these souls in purgatory and have Masses said for them. If you sense a presence of spirits, you can test if they are evil by calling on My Name, or shaking holy water in that place. Good spirits will remain, but evil spirits will move away. Do not have any fear of evil spirits because you can call on Me, and My angels for protection. I love all of My children, and I am guiding you on a path to be with Me in heaven.”


Monday, June 13, 2016: (St. Anthony of Padua)
Jesus said: “My people, in two instances in the Bible you have seen a greed for one’s desire result in a murder to obtain it. King David had Uriah killed so he could take his wife. Jezebel had Naboth killed so the king could have Naboth’s vineyard. David repented, but Jezebel did not. Even in your world, you are seeing brutal killings by Moslem terrorists. In the Gospel I am asking you to even love your enemies and pray for them, even if they are killing your people. This is a more perfect love, but it is a goal for you to improve. In such cases you can justify self-defense, or restraining terrorists from further killings. There is an evil element in some of these radical jihadists, but you still have to love the Moslem people. I have told you how the one world people will use terrorism, bankruptcies, and viruses to precipitate martial law. Their goal is total control so they can allow the Antichrist to come into power. Fear not these evil ones because I will protect My faithful at My refuges. You will see a lot of chaos and killing, but I will be victorious over all of these evil ones. The evil people and demons will be cast into hell, but My faithful will be protected at My refuges, and they will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, the killings you saw in Orlando, Fla. are just the beginning of more frequent terrorist attacks by ISIS. You will be seeing such attacks where there are crowds of people as at airports, stadiums, or your large stores. It is hard to have guards with heavy armaments guarding such places because you do not know where they are going to strike next. You could also see some reactions by SWAT teams that could be checking mosques for weapons and training of terrorists like in France. If you have enough of these attacks, you could even see martial law declared as in France. This is the plan of the one world people to create an emergency martial law so they could take over America. If your lives are in danger, I will stop these attacks and allow My Warning to give all sinners a chance to repent. Be ready to come to My refuges when I give you the word.”


Tuesday, June 14, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you read from the Book of Kings how Jezebel had Naboth killed, so King Ahab could take possession of Naboth’s vineyard. Just as King Ahab was taking possession of the vineyard, I gave a message for him through Elijah that he would die for his killing of Naboth. The king humbled himself by putting on sackcloth and ashes, seeking My forgiveness. I relented of his punishment, and I allowed the king to live. I will always forgive a repentant sinner, and you all can seek My forgiveness of your sins in Confession. I have given you the sacrament of Reconciliation so you can make amends for your sins. Once you realize how much you offend Me in your sins, you can be forgiven, and learn not to commit that sin again. Woe to those people, who do not repent, because they will suffer My justice.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who want to take you over, have two plans in place. The first plan is to take away all of your citizen’s guns and ammunition so you are defenseless. Another part of that plan is to minimize your home defenses by taking away the guns, ammunition, and planes from your military. A second plan is to minimize your databases on Muslim terrorist identifications in the name of profiling. Many records of the terrorist links have been cleansed so it is hard to identify the ISIS threats. These are just a few plans of the one world people to create terrorist threats that could precipitate a martial law for your takeover. When people’s liberties are threatened, there could be a revolution of war between factions of your nation. The one world people will then bring in the foreign troops, tanks, and planes to take you over. Before this killing begins, I will bring My Warning, and I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection with My angels. I want you to avoid killing people with guns, unless it is for immediate self-defense. Let Me protect you at My refuges with a shield of invisibility.”


Wednesday, June 15, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, on your national holidays you usually celebrate with parades, bands, and fireworks. Memorial Day and Independence Day are really applauding your brave soldiers who helped gain and keep your freedom from tyrants who want to control you. Today, you have new threats to your freedoms, and they are the jihadist terrorists and the one world people who want to take you over. I have been warning you of the various elements in your government, and the foreign troops that are already in your country. They are ready to implement a martial law and mandatory chips in the body. My refuge builders have been alerted to have all of their preparations ready to receive My faithful, when I give the word to leave their homes for the safety of My refuges. I have given these messages quite often over the years, but soon these events will come into reality, and you will be fortunate to be warned and prepared. Since America has turned its back on Me with your abortions, the killing of the elderly, and your gay marriages, you will be punished with severe natural disasters, and a loss of your freedoms in a takeover. Events will be moving quickly until you will soon be coming to My refuges. When you see a world famine, a division in My Church, martial law, and mandatory chips in the body, then you will see the Antichrist’s takeover, and a need to come to My refuges. Do not delay in coming to My refuges, or you could be captured and martyred. Trust in My angel protection as you leave your home to follow your guardian angel to the nearest refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is traumatic to keep having visions of this terrorist shooting people until he was killed. This incident in Orlando, Fla. will encourage more people who have pistol permits to carry them on their person. People in crowded areas are targets for these jihadist terrorists, especially in Ramadan. Just as you are tested for weapons at the airports, you could see more metal detectors at stadiums and arenas. If more attacks become frequent, you may even see raids on mosques all over America. In France you saw the police striking back to thwart further attacks. I do not approve of killing, except in self-defense, but you can see more selling of guns and ammunition for protection. You can see if a series of ISIS attacks occur, how it would be easy to declare martial law. This would allow a takeover of your country with your President as a dictator. Pray that your police and your military can protect you from these terrorist attacks. I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges of protection where My angels will not allow any killing.”


Thursday, June 16, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I gave My apostles and My faithful the best prayer possible in the ‘Our Father’ prayer. This prayer directs you to My Father in heaven. At the end it focuses on seeking My forgiveness, and being able to forgive those people who have offended you. You remember the four kinds of forgiveness that I have given you. First, seek My forgiveness for your sins, especially in Confession. Second, be able to seek the forgiveness of those people who you have offended. Third, be able to forgive those people who have offended you. Fourth, be able to forgive yourself and let go of all of your sins and bad habits. In order to be able to seek forgiveness, you need to love Me and love your neighbor as yourself. By being able to reconcile your differences, then you can live a joyful life without holding any grudges, and being free of any bad feeling toward others. Life is too short to be fighting over many little offenses or misunderstandings. You need to live a loving life, without looking for faults in each other.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you first want to console the families for their lost loves ones in Orlando, Fla. Pray for the souls of the deceased, and for those who are mourning their loss. All the gun laws in the world will not prevent any criminal or terrorist from finding guns and ammunition. You have even seen other people buy weapons for the terrorists. Some gun laws want to restrict sales from people on no fly lists, or those who have mental conditions. These laws will only affect law abiding citizens. Many people do not want to see these killings repeated, but your FBI lists of possible terrorists are better to seek these terrorists out.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a double standard for your President when he is forcing states to take on young Muslim immigrants from Syria. Christians are not at the camps in Syria for fear of their lives, so only Muslims are being brought in. These people are not vetted, and they are being forced on your people. It is known that ISIS terrorists are coming in among the immigrants. Your President does not want Muslim profiling, but most terrorists are from Muslim heritage. Pray that your military and FBI are able to screen out the Muslim jihadists.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know it is difficult to love those people who are killing your citizens. You need to love them, but their bad actions need to be punished. Even those people, who helped this killer in Orlando, Fla., need to be tried in court for their misdeeds. Many people want to have weapons of protection, but you are becoming an armed camp against a few evil people. Pray for your police and military to restrain the jihadist suspects.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of rain and even floods in your country during your spring season. As summer is starting, you are seeing little rain and high temperatures in the middle of your country. In your own home area you are a few inches short of your normal rainfall. Pray that your farmers can get enough water for their crops, so you can have enough food without any droughts from hot, dry weather.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you start seeing droughts, it would be good to stock up on water and some extra food. I have asked My faithful to have a year’s supply of food stocked up for every person in your home. This is not about hoarding, but you may have to share your food with others, if your shelves in the store are empty, or your government forces people to have chips in the hand in order to buy food. I will multiply your food when it is needed, but you need to have food and water so I can multiply it.”

Jesus said: “My people, the people who ran the restaurant in Orlando, Fla. may be liable for having the rear exits chained and locked. Just as in theaters, you need to have open exits in case of fire or terrorist acts. Some places may have to have armed security agents if such a terrorist would start shooting. Some are concerned about being sued, but it is better to have armed people among crowds who are targets for these shooters. Having background data on suspected terrorists should also be given to your authorities. When this killing gets worse, I will have My faithful come to the protection of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of your President’s latest Executive Order that allows him to declare martial law for any action he deems it necessary. It is known that he would like to seek a third term as President, and martial law for terrorism would be a good excuse. During martial law your President would control everything as a dictator, and your freedoms will be stripped from you. You could then be led into the North American Union which would open your borders to Canada and Mexico. When martial law is established, have your backpacks ready to leave for My refuges because Christians will be targeted for persecution. Trust in My protection during this coming tribulation of the Antichrist.”


Friday, June 17, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen throughout history how people have struggled to get to be leaders of their country. Some have even killed or assassinated their opposition to gain control. You also have the one world people controlling who gets to be President of America. If you see your President using martial law to stay in power, this will violate your Constitution where such powers are not recognized. Then you will see how power corrupts completely. Do not strive for power, fame, and wealth in this life because these things will be passing away. It is better to store up treasure in heaven for your judgment. For where your treasure lies, there lies your heart. Any earthly treasure will be taken away, but your heavenly treasure will last forever. Focus your life on doing My Will, and you will gain heaven. Those people, who worship idols of power, fame, and wealth, are on the road to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I was praying in the Garden of Gethsemene, the soldiers came to arrest Me. St. Peter drew his sword and cut off the ear of one of the guards. I told St. Peter to put away his sword, and I told him ‘Those who live by the sword, will die by the sword.’ Those, who live by the gun, may also die by the gun. I prefer My faithful to trust in My protection because I do not want you killing people, unless it is for immediate self-defense. When you come to My refuges, My angels will put a shield of invisibility around you so you do not need guns for your defense. My angels will also protect you from bullets, bombs, or any other threats to your life at My refuges. You need to trust Me to protect you, but come to My refuges quickly, when I tell you.”


Saturday, June 18, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you had two powerful readings today. The first reading was a punishment of Israel for worshiping pagan gods. This was similar to the Breach in Jonathan Cahn’s ‘Harbingers’ where he likened it to America’s attack on 9-11-01. In Israel the Armenians destroyed many things, and killed many soldiers with a small force. The second reading of the Gospel is where I told the people not to worry about what they are to eat, or what they are to wear, or where they are to live. I also said not to worry about tomorrow because today has enough troubles of its own. I told them one of your favorite Scripture passages: ‘Seek first the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be given to you.’ When you love Me and trust in My help, I will see to all of your needs, and My angels will protect you from the evil ones.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you another experience of what will happen when I will bring My Warning upon everyone. This flash of light will occur when your soul will leave your body, and you will be outside of time. You will see your soul body passing quickly through this tunnel to My Light at the end of the tunnel. You will have a life review of all of your life’s actions with an emphasis on remembering your unforgiven sins. You will then have a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. When you see Me, you will know that I am the Christ, and the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. I will also tell you that you will only be able to come to heaven through Me. Those people, who do not choose to love Me, do not repent, and do not allow Me to be their Master, are on a path to hell. You will be placed back into your body in time, and you will have a second chance to change your life, so you could be on a path to heaven. I will bring this Warning experience to everyone at the same time so all sinners will have one last chance to be saved. You will have six weeks after the Warning to convert your life, and you can help convert your family members who will then be more open to your evangelization efforts. Trust in My protection, and I will bring you to heaven.”


Sunday, June 19, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel from St. Luke you see a sharp contrast with St. Matthew’s version of when St. Peter told Me that I am the Christ of the Lord. In St. Luke’s Gospel I rebuked St. Peter for telling the truth about My identity, because I did not want My mission exposed openly. This again is My Messianic secret until I declared My identity as the Son of God before the High Priest. In St. Matthew’s Gospel I applauded St. Peter telling him that he knew this from the power of the Holy Spirit. Then I told My apostles how I would have to suffer My crucifixion because of the Jewish leaders, but I would rise from the dead on the third day. The vision of someone falling down relates to the several times that I fell carrying My cross on the road to Calvary. I want My people to carry their daily cross in their suffering in this life, but I will be like Simon helping you to carry your cross. I will forgive your sins so you can pick yourself up from falling into sin. If you are My true followers, you will also suffer persecution from the worldly people who love the world instead of Me. Be not afraid because I will lead My people on a path to heaven.”


Monday, June 20, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I sent many prophets to the people of Samaria to stop worshiping pagan gods, but they refused to change their lives, and they even killed My prophets. You are seeing history being repeated, because America is also following idols of money, fame, and possessions. Fewer people are coming to Sunday worship, and you are not listening to My modern day prophets. My prophets are warning you to repent and stop your abortions, euthanasia, and sexual sins. You have seen how the people of Samaria were punished by being defeated and exiled to Assyria. America also is calling down My punishment, if you do not repent and change your evil ways. I also asked you to stop judging others because I am the only true and fair judge of humanity. Some of you are accusing others of the same sins that you are committing. So do not be hypocrites, but practice what you are preaching. I told the people to remove the wooden beam in their own eye before trying to remove the splinter in their neighbor’s eye.”

Jesus said: “My people, this flagrant Satanic worship and dancing was performed before the heads of State in Europe without any rejection. These people are opening themselves to attacks of the demons in their evil ceremonies for this new tunnel in Switzerland that just opened. They are calling down My punishment on the European Union. You can see how these events are preparing for the Antichrist’s declaration of power in the European Union. These events were planned, and they mock Me by worshiping Satan so openly. I would not even draw attention to these scenes on the internet because they are so perverse. Do not invite people to look at such filth. It is enough to know how they are perverting the people with their evil actions. Do not be surprised if you see My punishment confound these European nations. Pray that you work to prevent any more of these displays in all of your nations.”


Tuesday, June 21, 2016: (St. Aloysius Gonzaga)
Jesus said: “My people, your people watch more hours of television than they spend in prayer to Me. In one sense you almost worship your TV programming more than Me as a result. Your children and adults are mesmerized by screens on your TV, your computer monitors, and your cell phone screens. I have mentioned many times not to let anything control you, as this is how addictions are formed. You should limit any TV or cell phone use to only a few hours at most for your children and your adults. By spending so much time in front of these screens, you are not praying, or doing what is needed in your lives. I have also warned My people after My Warning experience to get rid of all of your screen devices so you are not watching the Antichrist’s eyes or listening to his evil voice. The Antichrist could hypnotize you with his eyes to get you to worship him. Events will move quickly that will lead up to the Antichrist’s reign after My Warning. So be prepared to leave for My refuges when I give you the word to go. Do not hesitate, but go quickly following your guardian angel to My nearest refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, today’s St. Aloysius Gonzaga was a young man who cared for the sick, but he became sick himself and died at twenty-three years old. He had dedicated himself to following Me, and he was training to become a Jesuit priest. It is sad that he had to die so young, but he has become a model saint for all the young people to imitate. I thank all of the people who love Me, and are following the holy ways of this young saint. There are many people who suffer much from their health problems, and I pray that they could offer up their pain to save souls. There are many good nurses, doctors, and assistants who are drawn to help people. When you make suggestions to help people’s health, you feel blessed that you could help some people with their pain. When you love Me, you should love others as well.”


Wednesday, June 22, 2016: (St. John Fisher & St. Thomas More)
Jesus said: “My son, you have a personal interest in today’s feast of St. John Fisher because he is the patron of your Diocese, and he was the bishop of Rochester, England. You also are a graduate of St. John Fisher College where you received your degree in Chemistry. St. John Fisher stood up to the king who wanted to change the Church laws on divorce. He defied the king’s demands, even at the risk of being beheaded. You were in the very tower where these saints were held before their execution. There are many saints in heaven who would rather be martyred than give up their faith. It takes a special courage and faith to die for My Name’s sake. The Gospel reading is a witness to all of My saints and My faithful today who bear good fruit in their works of mercy for their neighbors. I told the people that you could tell the good people from the bad people by their fruits or their actions. A good tree will only bear good fruit, just as evil people bear mostly evil deeds. A Christian will truly stand out as one of My disciples, by the love for Me, and his or her love for the neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a room so cold with evil that there were icicles all over the ceiling. I have warned you before that one of the signs of the presence of evil is a deep cold in a room. These icicles and the cold also represent the coldness of the people’s hearts in not coming to love Me. Many people go about their lives without even thinking about Me, let alone loving Me. This total indifferent attitude toward Me, is a sign of a cold, lukewarm heart that I wish to vomit from My mouth. I wish that souls are either hot or cold, but indifference is truly insulting Me. Those people, who are aware of Me in their lives, know that they cannot exist without My help and My grace. As you look upon My consecrated Host, you believe that I am truly Present in My Body under the appearance of bread. Those faithful, who truly love Me, seek to be close to Me at daily Mass, and daily Adoration. I pray that your priests would teach the people more about My Real Presence in their homilies. How will My people know about My Real Presence if they are not taught about it? I will be bringing My Warning soon to wake up all sinners, and give them a chance to repent and change their lives, before the Antichrist’s tribulation will test all of them. Keep praying and working to save souls, especially the wayward souls in your family. Those souls, who love Me and repent of their sins, will be saved in heaven. But those souls, who continue to ignore Me, and do not repent of their sins after the Warning, are on the road to hell. Do not be so taken up with the cares and pleasures of this life, but let Me run your life in all that you do for Me.”


Thursday, June 23, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading about the Babylonian Exile of the Jews, when they were punished for turning their backs to Me, and they broke My covenant by worshiping pagan gods. I allowed the Babylonian king to defeat Israel and they carried off the Temple treasure, the soldiers, and the king and his court back to Babylon. This is an example of how Israel’s kings built their house on the sand of their own accomplishments without giving praise and thanks to Me. So when the flood of soldiers besieged Jerusalem, their house fell because it was built on sand. Those people, who read My Scriptures and act on My Word, are the people who built their house on the rock of faith in Me. I appointed St. Peter as the ‘rock’ on which I would build My Church. My Church has survived throughout the years because I told St. Peter that the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church. This parable of building your faith and your house on a solid foundation, is appropriate for both your physical and your spiritual life. In the physical world you know that most all good homes are built on a concrete footing so it will not get washed away. Some poor people build simple homes on the ground, but the wind and rain will destroy them. It is the spiritual life where many of your people are lacking in building a good foundation for their faith. You need to be taught the basics of the faith by the Ten Commandments, and the beliefs in the Apostles’ Creed. You also need to follow the rules of My Church, and understand My sacraments. Sunday Mass and daily prayer is another way to show Me how much you love Me. You can also help your neighbor with works of mercy to show your love for them. Those people, who refuse to repent and worship Me, are building their spiritual life on sand, and they are risking hell at their judgment. You know and have read My Word, but until you act on My Word, only then can you come to heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, up until now the people have not had an opportunity to vote whether to stay or leave the European Union. Most nations have been joined into these Unions by the one world people without any say from the people. It is also unusual to see one of the leaders of this exit being shot and killed right before the election. These Unions will be used by the Antichrist to help set up his reign. You do not want the North American Union because you will lose your Bill of Rights.”

Jesus said: “My people, your gun laws would only be obeyed by law abiding citizens. The terrorists and criminals do not obey such gun laws, so it will not change any amount of crime or terrorist actions. There will always be a black market where anyone could find the guns they want to buy. You have some people who want to restrict your rights, but there are also some strong lobbies who are blocking such gun laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read how the Panama Canal is being widened to handle larger container ships. You may have forgotten how this crucial waterway was given away by your country, and was purchased by Communist China. You also saw a Satanic ceremony that celebrated an opening of a new tunnel through Switzerland. This shows the evil control that is taking over the European Union. You are seeing how the evil ones will be controlling the unions on all of the continents.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President tried to force thousands of immigrants of Syrian Moslems on your people by his fiat Executive Order. Your lower court judges have stopped this order because he was going beyond his power. Your President finally met some resistance to his fiat rules which are unconstitutional. Your Congress did not stop it, but some brave judges have stood up in the breach against your President. Many of these immigrants have not been vetted, and they need to go through the same laws as anyone else.”

Jesus said: “My people, when certain people cannot win their party’s nomination, they will try any means to block a candidate’s right to be nominated. It is not fair for a legal primary winner to have his
nomination stolen by changing the convention rules. This fight could carry on into the convention. Pray that reason will reign in your Presidential nominations. This election could be in jeopardy from various causes.”

Jesus said: “My people, right now many people have cell phones for their communications. They are all run by microchips in these devices. There is a plan to make it mandatory to place microchips in your body to control your free will. These chips in the body will be a means to control people’s minds, and the one world people will use the same cell towers and satellites that you are using today. This is why I am warning you not to take any of these chips in the body because they will control you like a robot. The Antichrist will communicate his orders through your chips, so refuse to be controlled by taking chips in the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, what you are seeing and hearing from various sources are plans for a massive martial law takeover. These activities indicate that it is just a matter of time before a martial law will be established. I will bring My Warning first before I will allow this punishment of America to happen. This Warning is to allow sinners a chance to prepare their souls for what is about to come in the tribulation. After a time of conversion, you will see this martial law implemented. I will call My faithful to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger. Trust in My protection throughout this shortened tribulation.”


Friday, June 24, 2016: (Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist was My herald in the desert who prepared the people for My coming by calling them to repent and be baptized. While he was still in the womb of St. Elizabeth, he first acknowledged My coming as he stirred in the womb, when My Blessed Mother came with Me in her womb. This birth is celebrated because it is one of the first signs of My coming. St. John the Baptist’s birth was a miracle birth when St. Elizabeth conceived him in her old age. The angel Gabriel announced his coming birth and that he would be named ‘John’ and not after his father. St. Zechariah was made mute when he questioned St. John’s birth. After St. John’s birth and it was time to name St. Zechariah’s son, then St. Zechariah could speak again and he gave his beautiful words that are recited in morning prayers in the Liturgy of the Hours. St. John the Baptist proclaimed My coming, and he said that he was unworthy of tying My sandals. He also said that he must decrease while I must increase in importance. This statement is how you should all live your lives by decreasing your own importance, and let Me run your lives with My grace. When you give up self to let Me lead you in all that you do, then I can use you to fulfill the plan I have for your life. If you decide to run your own life, then you are preventing Me from acting through you. This is why you must decrease while I must increase as your Master.”


Saturday, June 25, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I want to greet all of you on this beautiful day for your conference that is celebrating a Twenty Year Anniversary of My Blessed Mother’s messages and apparitions. You are all taking time for Me and My Blessed Mother out of your busy schedules. Have your souls open to receive the spiritual messages that you will hear from your speakers. I will grace your conference with My blessing, so you will take what you learn and share it with your friends when you return home. You have seen many beautiful conferences here and many gifted speakers to enlighten your souls. You can thank Me and your hostess, Juliet, for all of her work in setting up this refuge, and the conferences out of love for Me and My Blessed Mother.”

Jesus said: “My people, I was very much amazed at the centurion’s request for Me to heal his sick servant. I told him that I would come and heal him. The centurion gave a response that all of you respond before receiving Holy Communion: ‘Lord, I am not worthy that Thou should enter under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed.’ He then further demonstrated his faith in My healing when he spoke of how he orders his servant to do something and he does it. He knows how I could heal his servant even from a distance. I told the people that I could not find anyone with more faith in all of Israel. The lesson is that in order to heal someone, that person needs to have faith that I could heal him or her. In this case it was the faith of the centurion who was an intercessor for his servant. Later, the centurion learned that the servant recovered at the very time I gave the healing blessing. This vision of the white tent represents the body that houses your soul. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you are like a tabernacle that houses My Real Presence. Give praise and glory to Me for all the healings I perform through My healing servants. When you see a healing, give all the praise to Me, and thank Me for restoring someone to good health. Do not take any prideful credit for yourself, but always give praise and thanks to Me.”


Sunday, June 26, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, there is a veil of evil that will come over My Church, and you will see a division between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This evil will be brought about by the masons that are infested in My Church. In various churches you will see New Age teachings and the words of the Mass and Consecration will be changed. You will also see heresies being proclaimed in some churches. I have told you to stand up to the priests, bishops, and clergy who are proclaiming heresies. Use your Catechism of the Catholic Church to show these heretics the truth that they are denying. If these people refuse to accept My truths, then take it to a higher authority. When such churches, who are violating My laws and teachings, refuse to change, then leave these churches for traditional churches. It will come to a point when you will have to come to your prayer groups or your homes to express your faith and have Mass with faithful priests. I will protect and shelter My faithful remnant from the evil ones and all of their troops with My angel protection. Eventually, you will have to come to My refuges for your protection and for your survival. Trust in Me and do not be afraid of these evil ones. Evil will appear to prevail for a short time, but in the end I will defeat the Antichrist and all of the evil people and demons, when I will cast them into hell. My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace, as I will renew the earth. So believe in My promises because truly the best is yet to come in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, before you see the evil ones taking over America, you will see some serious natural disasters. In these visions you are seeing a lot of smoke from a huge wild fire. You also are seeing bridges collapsing into the water from a severe earthquake. These are some severe natural disasters that will be occurring before My Warning and any martial law. There will be some deaths in these disasters, and these people are the souls that you are praying for in your reparation Masses. My people need to be prepared with frequent Confession so they will be ready for their Warning experience and these disasters. Once these events begin, things will happen in quick succession. Before martial law is declared, I will warn My faithful to leave for My refuges. You will be protected at My refuges, so have no fear of this tribulation.”


Monday, June 27, 2016: (St. Cyril of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, when you awake in the morning, you are greeted with a new day with My sun shining. You have been given another opportunity to offer up all that you do this day for My greater glory. Pray this consecration prayer in the morning as your morning offering to Me. Then pray to Me for your direction in what you can do to fulfill your mission. Each day of your lives is another step closer to being with Me for all eternity. I give you all the time of each day so you can labor for saving souls in My vineyard. There are some people who are converted to the faith later in life, or even death bed conversions. It does not matter how many years that you labor for Me, because you will all receive the same daily wage which is your reward to be with Me in heaven. Rejoice every day that you are given, so you can show Me the fruit of your works in how you spent your time on earth for My mission. I have given unique missions for each of you, and I have given each of you unique talents and the grace to carry out your mission. So go forth every day to follow My Will in your mission.”


Tuesday, June 28, 2016: (St. Irenaeus)
Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel is a good lesson in life because while everything is peaceful at sea, there is little concern. As soon as I tested My apostles with a violent storm, they feared for their lives from being drowned, even though I was in the boat with them. Once they called on Me, I calmed the storm, and I told them that they had little faith in Me. My apostles were amazed that I had control over the weather, and they did not realize My powers as the Son of God. In the vision I showed you an empty casket because many people fear the unknown when they die. It is true that you have natural instincts to preserve your life. There are many trials in your life, and sometimes you may come close to death in accidents, health problems, violent weather, or shootings. You may have a natural fear of death, but you also have faith in My protection. Your soul lives on forever, but your body and this life will pass away, as everyone is appointed to die as a result of Adam’s sin. So do not fear death because it is part of your human experience. If there is a fear or a concern for your death, it should be more about the judgment of your soul. My son, you have seen heaven, purgatory, and hell, so it is the death of your soul in mortal sin that should be your most concern. This is why I give you Confession to keep your soul cleansed from mortal sin. You are concerned most with offending Me in your sins, but there is also a fear of being judged to hell. If you keep a pure soul and follow My Commandments, you should have no fear of death, because you will receive your reward with Me in heaven.”

(Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass)Jesus said: “My people, how I long to be with the hearts of those people who burn with love for Me constantly. It is the hearts who are cold who reject My love, or are indifferent to My love. I pray that all hearts would be open to My love, because I desire to save all souls. But I will not force My love on your free will. I want My followers to love Me by their own choice. Keep close to Me with pure hearts and souls, by your daily prayers, Masses, and frequent Confession.”


Wednesday, June 29, 2016: (St. Peter and St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, I came to the earth to free My faithful from their sins with My death on the cross. My victory was shown in My Resurrection, and I have given you spiritual freedom with My sacraments, especially Reconciliation. I formed My Church on St. Peter as I gave him the keys to the Kingdom of God. The gates of hell will not prevail over My faithful remnant, and My angels will protect you from the evil ones. I have blessed America because of your consecration to Me and the words of Me in your early documents of your Declaration of Independence and your Constitution. It is unfortunate that you have allowed your leaders to strip Me out of your schools and public places. Your sins and lack of worship of Me are calling down My punishment when your freedoms will be taken away. I will not leave you orphans, because I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”


Thursday, June 30, 2016: (First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the king of Northern Israel so proud of his city, and he did not want to hear the words of the prophet Amos. He wanted Amos to flee to Judah. Amos gave a prophecy how the king would be killed by the Assyrians and the people would be killed or exiled. Even today, you see the proud and the rich build their cities, and they do not want to hear My Word from My modern day prophets. You have heard in My messages, that because of your sexual sins and your worship of worldly things as money and possessions, America will also suffer a punishment from the one world people. These evil ones will take you over, and there will be martyrs for their faith in Me. I will protect My faithful remnant at My refuges, and you will see My Warning before the Antichrist’s brief reign. Trust in My protection, as My power is greater than all of the evil ones.”


Friday, July 1, 2016: (St. Junipero Serra)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I called Levi, the tax collector, to follow Me. He immediately left his post, and I named him Matthew when he became one of My disciples. He invited Me to his house with all of his friends, and he pledged that he would no longer cheat people, and he would repay those people who felt cheated. I told him salvation came to his house for his conversion. The Pharisees were critical of My eating with tax collectors, so I told them: ‘It is the sick or sinners who need a physician, because those who are self-righteous, do not desire My help.’ I came to call sinners to repentance. All of you are sinners because you are weak to sin because of Adam’s sin. Even St. John the apostle said that those people, who do not claim to be sinners, are liars. (I John 1:10) So if all of you are sinners, then I came to die on the cross for all of you. Those people, who refuse to repent of their sins, and refuse to accept My saving grace, are the lukewarm who I spew from My mouth. I want all souls to follow Me, as I desire to save all souls. It is those souls who refuse to follow Me and refuse to accept Me as their Savior, who will be lost forever in hell of their own free will. I call all of My faithful to follow Me and repent of their sins, and I will bring all of them with Me into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, I am wishing you a happy birthday on the 240th Anniversary of your Declaration of Independence. You ask a difficult question because your nation started out in search of religious freedom, and you have My Name in your early documents. You have seen various organizations and individuals doing everything in their power to remove My Name and prayer from your schools and public buildings. You have also seen how the devil causes people to be so wrapped up in their events, parties, sports, and entertainment so they have no more room for Me in their lives. If you truly want to make Me more of a part of your lives, then try to think of Me in all that you do, and do things out of love for Me. It is your culture of death and your political correctness that has taken Me out of your schools and public places. If the Moslems can pray in public, then you can pray in public to Me as well. Do not feel that you are offending the atheists by praying to Me or speaking My Name in public. You have free speech and a freedom of religion right now. Do not let this separation of Church and State be allowed to run your lives, because this is not in your original laws. If your people praised and worshiped Me more, you would see less of My punishments coming upon you. Do not fear the evil people because I will be protecting you at My refuges. Give good example to others when you pray before meals in restaurants and wear My cross in public, even in the workplace. By showing your love for Me before people in public, I will witness your love to My heavenly Father. Why is it too hard for people to give Me only one hour a week in Sunday worship,when I give you so many hours in each week.”


Saturday, July 2, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, you need to pray more for a discernment of spirits as you enter different churches. You are realizing how the evil people could be infested even in My Catholic Churches. This vision of a dark veil over the altar, is alerting you to the evil that is going on in My churches. I have told you how the freemasons are controlling things in various churches. You are also seeing the evil among the Muslims who are buying Catholic Churches and mocking the previous consecrated lands of those churches. You are in a battle of good over these evil ones. I told you about a coming division in My Church where the schismatic churches will spread their evil worship into most of My churches. This is why you will eventually have to pray and worship in your prayer groups and homes. Try and search for a holy and traditional priest who could sacrifice Mass at your homes and at your refuges. This evil will be spreading through My churches all over your country. You will have to pray My St. Michael prayer in the long form to fight the evil ones who are trying to attack My faithful remnant. Call on Me for the right prayers to protect your people, and I will send My angels to warn you of who you can trust as My servants. The evil ones hide in lamb’s clothing to deceive you, so bind any evil spirits to the foot of My cross in My Name, Jesus, and discern the spirits of those people around you. Trust in My power which is greater than the evil ones’ curses and spells. Live in My love and follow My Commandments, and I will protect your souls and bring you into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your travels you have seen many signs and have heard from others how your military and the many UN troops are getting ready to carry out a martial law. Remember what I told you about the red list that are the people who will be picked up and killed before martial law is declared. The one world people want to eliminate all the people who believe in Me, and any leaders against the new world order. They want to make your takeover so quick, that it will be very hard to respond against it. I will give you My Warning and a notice when to leave for My refuges. You will be seeing an attempt to exterminate all Christians, just like in Germany when Hitler had the Jews, priests, and educated people massacred in the death camps. You will see people put on train cars with shackles, and they will be sent to the gas chambers and crematoriums. Many of My faithful will escape by fleeing to My refuges for My protection. Leave your homes quickly when I give the word, so you are not captured at your homes by the men in black of the UN foreign troops. Trust in My protection, as I am more powerful than all of the evil plans of the Antichrist.”


Sunday, July 3, 2016: (our 51st Wedding Anniversary)
Jesus said: “My people, I sent My apostles out two by two to go out to preach to all the nations as priests who could offer Mass. I also appointed seventy-two deacon men to assist My apostles in preparing the towns to receive My message of the Kingdom of God. They were like your permanent deacons of today. You also have some temporary deacons who are being made ready to be ordained priests. It has been My Church’s tradition to only ordain men to be deacons. Even in your churches today, you have deacons to assist your priests at Mass and in other duties. My son, you and your wife are not ordained ministers, but you have been called as one of My prophets of today to go out as two to spread My messages. My messages are preparing the people for My Warning and the coming tribulation, when people will come to My refuges for protection. You have been preparing the people for over twenty years, and now you see a real possibility of some drastic changes this year. Do not be complacent, because My people need to repent of their sins, and pray for the conversion of sinners for the coming tribulation. Trust in My help and protection at My refuges.”


Monday, July 4, 2016: (Independence Day)
Jesus said: “My people, today is your country’s Independence Day, and you have had many heroes fight to obtain your freedoms. It is one thing to have physical freedom, but you need Me in your lives to have your spiritual freedom. It is because your people are not repenting of their sins, that you are seeing evil all over your society. Without worshiping Me on Sunday and your prayers, how am I going to help you without asking My help? You need to put My Name back in your public places to honor My Presence. Satan is winning if you take Me out of your lives. Do not let the atheists dictate their evil ways to you. Pray in public and let My Word be heard everywhere. Continue to pray for sinners and your country to live proper lives. Without attending to your spiritual lives, your country will decay with its moral decadence. Love Me and your neighbor in your actions, and your good example could be a model for others to follow.”

Jesus said: “My people, you do not realize how close you are to a time of riots and martial law. A time is coming when there will be a reduction in food stamps, and you could see riots to obtain food. Some food will be distributed only to people with chips in the body at the detention centers. Eventually, the military could start eliminating people who will not take a chip, or who will not go along with the new world order. Once you see military vehicles controlling traffic, you will be seeing an unannounced martial law. This will be the time to come to My refuges, when your authorities are trying to trick the people to come to the detention death camps for food. This is again why I wanted My people to have a year’s supply of food so you do not have to take a chip in the body to buy food. The food supply will be controlled to force people to get a chip in the body in order to buy their food. Refuse to take a chip in the body for food because I will feed you at My refuges. These chips in the body will control your free will, and you will be like robots if you take them. Trust in My protection at My refuges.”


Tuesday, July 5, 2016: (St. Elizabeth of Portugal)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a potential viral attack coming from the freemasons infested in My Church. The masons will be spreading their evil spells and curses on the people, and the people will not know where it is coming from. This will take a discernment of spirits to see how these masons are attacking My Eucharist for their black masses. If you see unusual practices and any change in the homilies, be aware of this potential evil coming into My churches. These evil ones are very deceptive, but you will sense the evil in their ways. Only a few holy souls can truly sense such an evil, but once it is confirmed, it would be better to go to another church. Eventually, My faithful will have to go to prayer groups in the homes for your meetings. When this division in My Church is widespread, you will then have to come to My refuges for your spiritual and physical protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year your church offers a special retreat for the men, and later for the women. It is good to take some quiet time with Me at these three day weekend retreats. You have some time to check how your spiritual life is going since last year. When you have busy schedules, it is hard to find time for a weekend retreat. You make priorities for your other activities, so you need to set aside one weekend for Me. You have Mass, Confession, and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. You also have about three or four talks from the priests and the nun at your retreat. You even get introduced to some chosen books to help you with your spiritual reading. Making a regular retreat each year is food for your soul, and more people should take this opportunity to grow closer to Me. Your parish priests should encourage their parishioners to attend these retreats. I will bless you with extra graces for making the time to attend these retreats. Your lives pass by so quickly, so it is good to slow down, and take some time with Me.”


Wednesday, July 6, 2016; (St. Maria Goretti)
Jesus said: “My people, you see all the pornography in magazines, on the internet, and all the prostitution rings, and then you wonder why women are raped and killed. The demons are using people’s sexual weaknesses to tempt them into their sexual sins of fornication, adultery, prostitution, and rape. It is bad enough that rapes occur, but then the evil men are killing the women, and the women are using abortion and pills to kill My little ones. You are compounding one sin with an even worse sin of murder. When you see all of this evil in the world, then you know why I cannot hold back My hand of justice against your evil societies. America has been given many opportunities with your freedoms, but with your abuses, your freedoms will be taken away when you see martial law here. Pray for poor sinners so they will be converted.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you many messages about the possibility of a martial law this year, and you have seen some signs of this in various states. I told you that I would give all of My faithful an interior message when it is time to leave for My refuges. I will warn you before the evil ones will try to capture all of the people on the ‘red’ list that they want to eliminate before martial law is declared. Once you leave for My refuges, your guardian angel will put an invisible shield over you and your vehicle. This is why I was showing you a vision of driving past foreign military people, and they did not see you. Be thankful that My angels will be protecting you at My refuges, and on the way to My refuges. You have just read about a leader of one left organization who wants to cause a riot and martial law at your conventions for President. The one world people are so set on starting martial law, that they will do anything to prevent the coming election. They do not want a new President who could upset their plans for a takeover of America. They are desperate to have you join the North American Union, so they can take away your rights, and make you into slaves for them. Trust in My protection from these evil ones, who I will soon cast into hell on My victory. No matter what the evil ones try to do, I will defeat all of their power and plans, as I will cast them into hell forever.”


Thursday, July 7, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, in the Gospel you read of how I gave My apostles the power to heal people and cast out demons. These gifts were freely given, and so they did not expect any payment for their services. They were sent out with no money, and they were to accept a place to stay, and be fed with what the people gave them. My son, you have also been sent out to share My messages and proclaim the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. You have been traveling for over twenty years, and you do not accept any stipends, nor do you make money on your books and DVDs. The people take up collections to help you with your plane tickets when you fly, or your gas when you drive. They put you up in their homes to sleep, and they pay for your meals when they can. You pray over the people and share My messages. Your mission is to prepare the people for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist, and recently you have another mission of preparing a small refuge for forty people. I have given you the gifts you need, and the grace and money to carry out both missions. Give praise and thanks to Me for calling you to accept these missions. I thank you for saying ‘yes’ to My call.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, what you are seeing in the news is that there are laws for the average person, but the elite seem to be above the law, and they are not held accountable for their actions. Even so, all of these one world people will have to come before Me in a judgment that they will not be able to avoid, or lie their way out of. You can still hear the words of ‘careless and irresponsible’. You may not see fair judgments now, but in the end all of these real facts will see the light of day.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the coming election you will find it difficult to really determine what the candidates really stand for. You will see each candidate trying to smear the other candidate, but there will be so much biased media coverage that it may be hard to sort out the real truth of what is said. Pray that you can discern the best candidate.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Israelites fell away from their true faith in Me, and they started worshiping the pagan gods of Baal. My people of today are just as weak because of your sexual sins, and your worship of money and entertainment stars. Wake up America and see that worshiping Me is your only proper choice because without Me, you are nothing.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many signs and military movements that can only point to a martial law that will take away your freedoms, and put you into the North American Union. The evil one world people not only want to stop your election, they want to control your souls as robots. Refuse any chips in your body so you are not controlled. Give thanks and praise to Me for protecting you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I can understand how some people are having a struggle with why I have not brought down My punishment on your society already. You do not see the big picture of how I am trying to save as many souls as possible. You are seeing My faithful grow stronger, while the devil is putting more evil into the world. Those people, who have been waiting, are about to be vindicated when world events will soon place the Antichrist into power. I have told My faithful to be prepared for a bloody battle of good against the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some unrest before, but this is nothing compared to the evil that is coming. It is the plan of the one world people to try and control as many people as possible. They will try to exterminate all the people who believe in Me, and those people who will not go along with the new world order. My faithful will be very grateful for all the refuges that have been built as safe havens. Pray for My angel protection because there will be some people martyred for their faith in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you have not only been waiting for the tribulation, but you are also awaiting My victory over all the evil ones. I will raise My faithful up into the air so you are not killed by My Comet of Chastisement that will bring My victory. Two-thirds of humanity will be killed, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. This is their judgment for denying Me and trying to kill My faithful. Rejoice when I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful remnant into My Era of Peace. You will have your reward for being true to Me, despite all of the evil things that will happen.”


Friday, July 8, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see in your news how some factions in your society are trying to foment race riots by the killing of African Americans, and now purposeful killings of your policemen. Each day you are seeing more signs that could lead up to a martial law being declared. I do not want My people to be fearful, but there has been some killings going on from terrorists and thugs paid to cause trouble. In the vision I am showing you another sign of the coming Warning by reminding you of a message I gave concerning how the Warning would come most likely in the football season. The best way to prepare yourself for My Warning experience, is to come to Confession frequently to keep your soul pure for My mini-judgment. You do not want to see a judgment to hell if I am not in your life. So be ready for My Warning by confessing your sins, and you will have very few unforgiven sins to answer for. As evil will be increasing, My people need to be prepared to leave for My refuges with your backpacks.”

Jesus said: “My people, awhile back I had you buy two bicycles, head gear, and a hand pump to put air in the tires. This was to give you a backup means of transportation if your car was not working, or you could not buy the gas. My son, I have given you many projects to set up your own refuge. You may no longer need your bikes to get to your interim refuge, but they would be a backup if you had to leave for a final refuge. For those people who do not live at a refuge, it still would be a good backup to have some bikes available. When you leave for My refuges, your guardian angel will put an invisible shield around you, whether you are walking, driving a car, or riding bicycles. Trust in My protection when you need to come to My refuges. I have been preparing you for this time, so be ready to leave as soon as I tell you.”


Saturday, July 9, 2016: (St. Augustine & Chinese companions)
Jesus said: “My people, the early Jewish prophets were sent out by Me to instruct the people and encourage them to stop worshiping pagan gods, and repent of their sins. You have read how Isaiah was purified by an ember from the altar that was placed on his lips. He was then sent out to proclaim My Word. All of My faithful are called as priests, prophets, and kings by your Baptism and Confirmation. It is everyone’s calling to convert those people who do not know Me, and re-convert the fallen away Catholics. I have also called special faithful to share My prophetic Word as a preparation for the evil of the coming tribulation. My son, you have been sent out to also prepare the people for the coming Warning experience which will be like a near death experience in a review of your life. Just as Isaiah was purified by the angel touching a red hot ember to his lips, so My people need to confess their sins frequently in Confession to purify their souls. At the Warning some people will be awakened from their spiritual laziness by seeing a mini-judgment to hell. When they see hell and how they have offended Me in their sins, they will be eager to seek My forgiveness in Confession and change their lives. If the people do not improve their lives when they are placed back into their bodies, then their final judgment would be their mini-judgment. Take advantage of this opportunity for all sinners to repent and be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people will try to keep your President in power through martial law. He is doing everything to disarm your citizens and your military. He is making laws by his edicts, or he secretly does what he wants. He is secretly bringing in Muslim Syrian immigrants at night for votes and possible terrorists to cause a martial law takeover. The opposing party cannot pass legislation past the Senate filibuster or cloture, or your President’s veto. He is secretly encouraging race disruptions so he can declare martial law. Everything is being done to prevent any Republican candidate from being President. Even if you have a revolt over a martial law takeover, the foreign troops will take you over. Be prepared to come to My refuges for your protection. You will have to be patient until My victory will come over the evil ones. Evil will reign for a short time, and then I will cast all the evil ones into hell. Trust in My victory, but evil will get worse first. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Sunday, July 10, 2016: (Good Samaritan Gospel)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel on the Good Samaritan is an excellent example of how to help your neighbor in their need. You have learned of some good helps to heal your neighbors when they have cancer or bone problems. For the bone problems you had your bone spurs stop giving you pain when you used your Calcium Aspartate pills (Ezorb). Several other people had pain relief using the same pills. Others who had cancer or oxygen problems have been healed using ozone therapy or food grade hydrogen peroxide (35%) in the right doses. People can read of these therapies on the online information. As you saw the Good Samaritan helping the man who was beaten by robbers, so you are reaching out to heal your neighbors with their pains. Do not worry about any criticisms, but when you find something that heals people, it is worth sharing with people.”


Monday, July 11, 2016: (St. Benedict)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s St. Benedict is the father of monastic life. Many monasteries follow the Rule of St. Benedict in prayer, work, and reading. You read of a few characteristics of this Rule. Primary is obedience to the abbot for one’s personal needs. There are also times of silent prayer in one’s cell. The monks also need to adopt a conversion of life to God and to be humble in what they do. There is a community spirit of living among the monks. In a certain way I will be calling My faithful to a communal life when they will be restricted to living in a refuge, instead of a monastery. You will have time in Adoration and prayer. If you are fortunate to have a priest, you could have daily Mass, but you will always have daily Holy Communion by My angels if necessary. Your work will be to prepare the food and water for your meals, which will be multiplied when needed. Deer will come into your camp for your meat. Jobs will be assigned for your hygiene needs of bathing and brushing your teeth. Some will help washing clothes and the dishes. Others will help with the bedding and latrine needs. At My refuges you will be protected by My angels, and healed of health problems by looking on My luminous cross, or drinking the healing spring water. You will only need to bear this time for a few years at the most. Then you will be led into My Era of Peace as your reward.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am reminding you of the parable of the legion of demons that were in a possessed man. I came and cast the legion of demons into a herd of swine from the possessed man. The demons then drove the herd of swine over a cliff to their deaths. The people were more concerned about the lost swine instead of glorifying God for healing the man. In the vision you are seeing a similar story, only in this case you were seeing the demons stampeding hundreds of people over a cliff right into hell. There are many souls being lost who do not have any faith in Me, nor do they have anyone praying for their souls. This is why it is so important to keep praying for your relatives, even if they do not listen to you, and they are not coming to Sunday Mass. You do not want to see any of your relatives or friends lost in hell, so keep your prayers coming to help save them. You are in a battle for souls, and there are only two sides–My side, and the side of the devil. Keep struggling to bring as many souls over to My side. I will give people one last chance to be saved when I will bring My Warning experience. I pray that souls will wake up, and have a desire to repent of their sins, and show their love for Me and their neighbors.”


Tuesday, July 12, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, woe to you America, for your sins of abortion, euthanasia, and gay marriage are calling down My justice on your people. You concern yourselves with gold, silver, and other possessions and guns as your protection. But I tell you that there are foreign armies on your soil that are about to take you over, and your people are oblivious to all the signs and reports in various states. Just as Israel was defeated by their neighbors for worshiping pagan gods, so America is facing the same defeat for your sexual sins and your gods of money, fame, and sports. If you do not worship Me and call on Me to protect you, I will take away My blessings, and you will fall under the weight of your own sins. You do not realize that your treasonous leaders are looking for the least excuse to declare martial law, and take you over. You will lose all of your rights and possessions because you will be like a communist state under the North American Union. I will warn you soon to leave for My refuges because the evil ones want to kill all of My faithful. My refuges will be your only safe havens of protection, so be ready to leave any moment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen people addicted to alcohol, and this can affect their jobs, their health, and their families. When you are under the influence of alcohol, you can endanger yourself or others in a car. You have seen people addicted to drugs or marijuana smoking. Again this causes problems to buy drugs and some even kill to get high. You have seen other addictions as smoking cigarettes, gambling, pornography, prostitution, and computers. I have told you before that it is hard to stop these addictions because of the demons who are attached to them, and how your body develops a craving to satisfy your need to have something. When you are controlled by these addictions, you are weak to committing other sins. In order to have your soul united with Me, you first have to desire to stop your bad habits, and get some treatment. By prayer or someone’s assistance, you can come back to Me in Confession, and rid yourself of your bad habits. It may even take an exorcism or deliverance prayers to break your addictions, but use any help to get rid of them, including My help.”


Wednesday, July 13, 2016: (St. Henry)
Jesus said: “My people, I have been telling you that you will see a major event this year, and it will be some form of a natural disaster. This is the second time that I have shown you a massive tidal wave that could kill many people. Your sins in America are so perverse that it is hard for Me to look at them. You have gone from gay marriages to transgender people, and some are even talking about bestiality. How can you continue to accept these actions that are so unnatural? Do you think that ‘I’ will tolerate these sins for long? I tell you, My punishment will be swift on such sins, as well as your abortions. You can expect more natural disasters, and eventually you will be an exiled people in your own land. I will allow the evil ones to take over your country, and My faithful will only find safety at the protection of My refuges. You have been preparing for this time of tribulation for many years, so you need to make any last minute preparations. You need to have more barrels for your drinking water, and secure at least two smaller outhouses.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are people intent on trying to stop any Republican candidate from being elected. This is why there could be a confrontation with your police and the protesters. There are several other things that could be planned at the Cleveland Republican Convention. Some leaders may try to prevent the Republican nominee in the primaries from getting enough delegates by changing the rules. There are also possibilities of another shooter of policemen, or a terrorist trying to kill a lot of people in this crowd. Security will be heavy, and I want My people to pray that you do not have any violence that could take more lives. There are certain one world people who are funding these protests that could easily get out of hand, as at one other rally of the Republican nominee. When you have organizers and thugs purposely disrupting your election process, you are seeing how the one world people are trying to control you. Pray that you will have an election, but there are many forces trying to keep your President in power. As events and killings get worse, I will warn My faithful when to come to My refuges. I will also bring My Warning before your lives are in danger. Trust in My protection, and I will bring you to My safe havens.”


Thursday, July 14, 2016: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Satan and his worshipers determined to stir up trouble between your races. It is even demonic that the one world people are paying protesters to stir up trouble to cause the martial law that they want. Amidst all of these disturbances, I call My people to come to Me in prayer, Mass, and Adoration, where I can refresh your spirit with My graces, and you can only find true peace with Me. When you pray, you are talking to Me, and you turn off the noise and confusion of the devil. You saw a headline in your local paper: ‘Satan is real busy out here’. Some people realize that evil and the demons are truly behind the killing and drugs in your society. It is better for your people to come to Me for comfort, than to listen to the demons and their lies to stir up trouble. Life has its daily troubles and frustrations, but killing and causing riots does not help your people. It is time to pray for people to get along in love without listening, or taking money from those evil ones who want to destroy your nation with fear and hate.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many mothers and spouses mourning for those policemen in Dallas, and now those killed in France. It is difficult to understand how some people are filled with so much hate that they could kill many people without regard for even their own lives. You need to pray for the mourners and those who were killed. These people are more intentions for your reparation Masses. Keep praying that your security people could prevent any more attacks.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are beginning to see a record heat with little, if any, rainfall this summer. Many areas all across your country are experiencing droughts with little rain forecasted. If you do not have adequate water irrigation, you may see the beginning of a food famine when eatable crops will not be available. You remember again how I advised you to store one year’s supply of food for everyone in your household.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have advised you to have 4-8 more barrels on hand for drinking water for forty people, and as storage for rainwater off the spouts from your roof. It would be good to practice collecting rain water into your barrels while your temperatures are above freezing. During the winter you can practice melting snow for water into your barrels. You will need alternative water sources for washing things, or filter it for drinking. I will multiply your water so you will not go thirsty.”

Jesus said: “My people, keep praying your glory be Novena prayers to prevent any more killing in the streets. Pray for peace and more love among your people. There are evil people encouraging race riots, but try to thwart them with your prayers. Pray your Divine Mercy Chaplets for those people who just died recently, so their souls many be saved. Continue also praying for souls who die suddenly without having time to prepare their souls for My judgment. All souls who are saved from hell by your prayers, will be praying for your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen past elections of your President with no threats of killing or martial law. This year is different because
Satan and the one world people are desperate to speed up the takeover of America. This is why they want to create serious incidents to precipitate a martial law takeover. Their plan is to force you into their North American Union, so this will lead up to the declaration of the Antichrist. Be ready to leave for the protection of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen mandatory chips in your charge cards and other documents. The next plan is to mandate chips in the body, or the mark of the beast for buying and selling. You will see voluntary chips in the body at first, but your foreign troops will come to your doors to enforce mandatory chips in the body. When this time comes, refuse to take any chips in the your body, and leave quickly for the protection of My refuges. Only faithful people with crosses on their foreheads will be allowed to enter My refuges. Trust in My angel protection from those people who will be trying to kill you in their death camps.”

Jesus said: “My refuge builders, I have given many of you messages of how to finish up your last minute preparations. Once the refuge time begins, you will not be able to obtain any more food and needs, except by My multiplication. Carry out My requests for your needs now while you still have some time. I know you are making your best efforts, and I will have My angels complete or build more places to stay. I will also direct My angels to multiply your food, water, fuels, and meat when you need these things for your survival. Just as Moses helped provide water and food with his staff, so in your time of refuge, My angels will provide for your needs.”


Friday, July 15, 2016: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My people, in an earlier message,(6-13-16) I told you that you would see a continuing number of terrorist attacks both here in America and abroad. In Nice, France you saw many people killed and injured on Bastille Day. The President of France declared another three months of martial law, just as the previous nine months were over. Many of these terrorist attacks are suicide jihadists, and their intent is to kill as many people as possible. It is hard to defend against such attacks, but those evil ones want to cause fear without any real motive. Pray for those people who are killed, and be vigilant if martial law is declared in America. Before martial law is declared in your country, I will warn you when it is time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, your freedoms are at a crossroad, and without Me in your hearts, minds, and souls, you will not exist as your current Democratic Republic. When your country was formed, I was in your Declaration of Independence, and your Constitution. Now many of your people have turned their backs to Me, and only a few people are praying to Me daily. These are My prayer warriors to try and save the rest of their families. Because of your sins of abortion, euthanasia, and gay marriage, I will be bringing My just punishments upon you. To save your country, it would take a massive prayer renewal, and your people would have to repent of their sins. I will send you My Warning experience to help change your lives. You can pray for souls to be saved, but if your people to not repent and change their ways, your country will be lost, and taken over by the one world people and the UN troops in black.”


Saturday, July 16, 2016: (Dorothy Macaluso Funeral Mass)
Dorothy said: “I am happy to see all of my family and friends, as you came to share my life. I love all of you so much, and I thank all of you for coming to my funeral. I am grateful to my husband for all the great years of our marriage, and for all of his help in my later years. I love him so much. I thank all of my caretakers as well. I am with Jesus and Mary, along with our deceased relatives. I was faithful in my prayers, and Jesus has rewarded me with a special place in heaven. I am waiting to greet all of you here one day. I am praying for all the souls of my family, and I asked the Lord to protect all of them from being led astray. I cannot express in words how happy I am to be with my Lord, and heaven is so beautiful and loving. All of my prayers go with all of you, as I will be watching over you. I was happy to share prayers with my Carmelite brothers and sisters on this feast day of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, I will repeat what you are seeing in the vision: ‘Pray, Pray, Pray for America’. You need to be praying for your country, and for the souls of your citizens. Your country is in deep peril of being taken over by UN troops in a made up martial law effort. Your only answer at this point is to pray for the conversion of sinners, because I am drawing down the curtain on your freedoms. You are following the gods and idols of your electronic devices, sports, and money, in place of worshiping Me, especially on Sunday. Your refusal to repent and change your lives is bringing down My justice on your country. If you remember in several instances in the Bible, like Jonah, the people repented and put on sackcloth and ashes, and I spared their punishment. Unless America does the same to show Me that you are truly sorry for your sins, you will not be spared this takeover and loss of your freedoms. Your prayers will need to be doubled by praying longer, or you will not balance all of the sin in your country.”


Sunday, July 17, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people of America, you are seeing more serious messages about how the devil and the demons want to swallow you up like this python image in the vision. I have told you before that the devil’s time to steal souls is close to ending, so the demons are going to do all in their power to steal souls, and have the evil ones take over your country. The one world people want to make America part of the North American Union. They may try to speed up this takeover by causing terrorist attacks and bankruptcies in your banks to precipitate an artificial cause for martial law. Pray that your families can come together when I send My Warning. The evil of your sins is bringing My punishment down upon you in the form of natural disasters and martial law. Pray for the souls of your family and friends so they could be saved from the coming tribulation.”


Monday, July 18, 2016: (St. Camellis de Lellis)
Jesus said: “My people of America, in today’s Gospel I told My people that the only sign that I will give, is the sign of Jonah. This is the same sign that I give to the American people. Jonah told the people: ‘Forty days more and Nineveh will be destroyed.’ In fear of My punishment, the king and all the people of Nineveh put on sackcloth and ashes, and they changed their evil ways. I relented of My punishment on this city, because they repented. I will always forgive a repentant sinner. America has heard My call to repent and change your evil ways, but very few are listening to My voice through My prophets of this time. I will give you one last chance to repent when I send My Warning experience to everyone. Some faithful souls will repent, but the majority will not repent, nor change their ways. This will seal your fate, as your nation will live in exile with no freedoms. Prepare for the coming takeover of your country, as you are about to endure the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Trust in Me by coming to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, your time before the Warning and the tribulation is running out. I will be speeding up your events so you will expect something each day. You will be seeing a battle of wills between both parties as each candidate will be fighting to be elected President. You may see some violence to precipitate martial law. It is unclear yet if your President will allow your election to take place. If his party wins, he may give up his office to the current nominee. In any event, your President wants his people to stay in power. If you see many terrorist acts or a major bankruptcy before the election, then martial law will come before the election. Unless I intervene, the one world people want the current party to prevail. I will warn My people before martial law takes place, so you will have time to come to My refuges of protection.”


Tuesday, July 19, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how the one world people and your President do not want to see a Republican President take over your country. They will do almost anything to prevent this from happening. Some protest groups will try to give your Republican candidate as much trouble as they can. There will be attempts to cause more terrorist attacks, race riots, or a crash of your money system before the election. If the election is allowed, you will see more attempts to manipulate your voting machines to allow the same party to control the Presidency. If the opposition party wins the election, despite all attempts to block it, then your President will try to intervene with martial law. When your lives will be in danger, I will warn you in advance to come to My refuges. Before any violence that would take many lives, I will bring My Warning experience. This will be My supernatural intervention that will upset the evil ones’ plans. All sinners will have one last chance to repent before events will lead up to a takeover by the Antichrist. Trust in My protection at My refuges, even if some faithful are martyred.”

Jesus said: “My people, this blur of images circling fast around My crucifix is another sign of My coming Warning with your life reviews. I am asking My people to pray and prepare their souls with frequent Confession. Your best preparation for My Warning is to have a pure soul. In your life review there will be a focus on your unforgiven sins. Many people after the Warning will want to repent of their sins, and Catholics will seek Confession. You will see a mini-judgment of where your spiritual life is headed, whether to heaven, hell, or purgatory. This may wake up some sinners to change their lives to improve their spiritual lives. I have been mentioning the Warning quite often in the recent messages. This is another sign that My Warning is near at hand. Call on Me in your temptations to give you the strength to fight the devil’s attacks. Trust in Me to help you, as I desire to save as many souls who listen to Me and act on My Word.”


Wednesday, July 20, 2016: (Anna Fallone Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, at every funeral there is a grieving of loss of a loved one. As you view the body in the casket, you realize how short your life is here on earth. The days and years pass you by, and you barely sense that you are aging. You see your hair getting grey and then white, and your face and skin change slowly. Your life is almost compared to a flower. You sprout up and look young and beautiful in your blooming. Then your flower withers and dies, and you are returned to the dust of the earth. During your life, you are to bear fruit in your faith, and you can share your faith by converting other souls to the faith. Bringing souls to Me is your best gift of your life. Praying and giving worship to Me is another way of thanking Me for all the gifts that I have given to you in life. You all should be striving to be with Me in heaven one day. You all are appointed to die because of Adam’s sin. You can only come to heaven through Me when you die. So have your soul purified and prepared to meet Me at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are living in dangerous times, and the devil’s evil is all around you. Do not be fearful because My power is greater than all of the demons. When you feel depressed or the devil is attacking you, then call on Me and I will have My angels come and protect you. Even if you do not call on Me, your guardian angel is close to help you. The demons play on your fears, worries, and anxieties, so do not let these things control your lives. Pray your daily prayers to help sinners, and share your faith in making new converts. Strive to do as many good works for people as you can, and you can store your treasure in heaven to balance off your sins at your judgment.”


Thursday, July 21, 2016: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the Parable of the Sower many times, but it is still a good message for how to live your lives. What is sown, is the Word of God into the hearts of the people. The first few cases in the parable deal with people of little belief in the faith, because there is a lack of roots. You need to have a good foundation when you are taught the faith, and you need to love Me and desire a close relationship with Me. Without such deep roots, you will fall away from your faith with the least temptation. The next case is the seed that fell among the thorn bushes that choked the grain from growing. These are the souls who allow the cares and desires of worldly things to choke off the roots of faith in God. The seed that falls on good soil brings forth a good harvest of thirty, sixty, or a hundredfold. If you are blessed with a gift of faith, then you should be ready to act on My Word with good works for your neighbor. It is this fruit of your labor in My vineyard that will store up treasure for you in heaven. Then when you face Me at your judgment, you will be welcomed into heaven, because you knew Me in love, and in the love of your neighbor.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when you see My Spirit and the angels coming through the Golden Gate of the walled City of Jerusalem, you know that I am coming again in victory over the evil ones. I have been giving many messages that you are living in the end times. My son, I have sent you out among the people to prepare them for My coming to conquer the evil ones. There are other messengers who are confirming that you are living in the end times as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several important figures who have quoted Isaiah 9:10 that America will rebuild the trade towers, but without repenting and asking My help. This quotation of Isaiah 9:10 is becoming a condemnation of your country, because you are not repenting of your sins, and you are not changing your ways. This prophecy will be fulfilled when you see a ‘financial collapse’ of your dollar and your economic system. Pray for your country and your sinners, so they can turn your country around before it is too late.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a heavy police presence from many different states. Because of this presence of security, any flag burners, and protesters have been kept under control. This has allowed the speakers to give their speeches without any disturbances. You can still see a few splits in this party at the Republican Convention, but there will be a joining of purpose for the Presidential election. It is hard to please all the people when several have tried to win the nomination. Pray for the coming election that it will be allowed to happen without any further violence.”

Jesus said: “My people, your two parties have to give you an explanation of their platforms, so you can understand what they want to achieve. It is important for your candidates to talk about the important issues, and not spend so much time criticizing each other. Your country needs to decide whether you want to continue down the road to socialism, or abide by your Constitution in keeping your Democratic Republic. Your President is abusing powers with his Executive orders that should be legislated in your Congress. If you do not control the Executive branch, you will be under a dictatorship with no rights. Pray for your country to turn more to Me, or you will see a takeover and natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called your country to repent of its sins and change your Godless laws that perpetuate abortions, euthanasia, and gay marriages. The evil in your country grows worse with no attempt to repent or change your sinful ways. I have given America many opportunities to change your laws, but you have refused Me, and you defend your political correctness which supports your evil earthly ways. Your judgment will be coming in your punishment of a takeover and natural disasters. Be prepared to accept the consequences of your evil choices.”

Jesus said: “My people, for many years you have kept this quotation on your money: ‘In God We Trust’. This may be on your coins and dollars, but it is not in your hearts. Because you have taken My Name out of your schools and public buildings, I will be removing My blessings on your country. Many countries are starting to refuse to accept the dollar as the reserve currency, because it is not backed by gold or silver as in the past. Since you have a large National Debt and a trade deficit, many countries are not trusting your currency to pay off debts. This is the beginning of the crash of your dollar and it will bring down your economy. Any crash of your dollar could create a martial law, and a need to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, America has been a strong force in keeping order and defending the free world. It is unfortunate that your President wants to reduce your defense to a very little force. He is disarming your military so they are weak for a UN takeover. You have a moderate defense with little backup in what your troops need to defend your country. Just like Israel was defeated for worshiping pagan gods, so America is close to being taken over because of your abortions and worship of idols. By turning your backs on Me, I will allow your enemies to take you over as your punishment.”


Friday, July 22, 2016: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My people, at the tomb where I resurrected from the dead, I met Mary Magdalene and I called her by name. I loved Mary, and she loved Me for forgiving her sins. I am the Resurrection and the Life, and I call all of My people by name. I created each one of you, and I want you to love Me as I love you. Come to Me as a repentant sinner, and I will forgive all of your sins.”

St. Kateri Takakwitha came to me: “My son, I am well aware of your love for your daughter, Catherine, who has my namesake. You have asked me to watch over her and intercede for her to Jesus so her soul, and all the souls of your family could be saved. Keep praying for these souls so Jesus will answer your petitions. You are also asking Me to intercede for your friends Amy and Don, who seem to be frustrated with so many health and family problems. I will reach out to help them and guide them through their troubled lives. You know of My Indian heritage, and I will help protect them from any spirits that are on their lands. I also will assist Jocelyn since she also has some Indian heritage. God bless all of you for coming to My tomb on your pilgrimage, and I will be guarding you on your travels.”


Saturday, July 23, 2016: (Desmond Clayton Marolly Funeral Mass-father of Clayton Marolly)
Jesus said: “My people, you can see in the vision how My angels are honoring Desmond’s passing. He is being guided to Me, and he is also greeted by his deceased family members. He is calling out for prayers and Masses to help complete his purification. He suffered in his last days, but he is in a peaceful place with no more suffering. He will be praying for all of his family members, and he will be watching out for them as well. He thanks everyone who came to this funeral Mass, and he loves all of his family and friends.”

St. Brother Andre said: “My son, I hear your petitions for Catherine and the rest of your family to help bring them closer to Jesus. I will take your prayers for them to Our Lord. It is your persistent prayers that could save their souls. You can only enter heaven through Jesus, so you need to repent of your sins in Confession, and accept Jesus as your Savior and Master of your life. If someone does not worship God on Sunday, it will take prayers, Masses, and fasting to bring them to heaven. It is your life’s work to bring as many souls to heaven as you can. Without the shedding of Jesus’ Blood, none of you could be saved. So give praise and thanks to Jesus for all of your gifts and for all of your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Thank you again for making your effort to visit my tomb, and thank me for being your intercessor for the prayers for your family.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been preparing your refuge to receive the forty people that I told you to be ready to house. You have solar panels to make electricity, while you do not have snow on them. With your batteries you can have power at night, and they can be recharged during the day. You have oil lamps for light, and your rechargeable flashlights. You have wood for your wood furnace, and kerosene for your kerosene burner. You should consider buying another kerosene burner for your basement, or in your shed. Do not count on having your natural gas for long. You also still need to obtain a small outhouse when your flush toilets will not be working. A smaller outhouse would be useful for moving to different holes that will be needed. You could stock up on more lime for the outhouse. Your time is getting close, so you need to get these last preparations. Call on My help and My angels for your protection and for any needs to expand your facilities. You also could get another four barrels to catch your rainwater. I will multiply your water, food, and fuels for your survival.”


Sunday, July 24, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an attack on My Church and its many laws and traditions. You are seeing a sign of the coming division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This will start by a breakdown in My traditions and gradually a Masonic influence will change My words of the Mass. Your services will no longer bring My Real Presence into the hosts. You will soon see My Name removed from your prayers, and there will be an increase in New Age teachings. I will warn My people when it is time to move to more traditional churches. Then you will be forbidden to have public Masses, and you will need to have them in the homes. Eventually, you will be hiding at My refuges to avoid martyrdom. You are about to see events move quickly, including My Warning. Keep close to Me in prayer, and in Confession, while it is still available in your churches. I love all of My people, and I want you to love Me as well, but be prepared for the coming battle of good and evil which will greatly intensify.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see some startling revelations about your Democratic nominee after the Convention. Some people will be revealing her life story in some movies that could put her in a bad light. There also could be some information coming out that would expose what was in her deleted emails. If this nominee is eliminated from the election, your President will try to get nominated a third time, or he could declare martial law before the election. If the Republican candidate wins the election, then your President could declare martial law after the election. In any event the one world people and your President have said that your Republican candidate will not be President. You will be having a martial law takeover in a relatively short time. This will gradually lead up to the tribulation of the Antichrist. Have no fear because I am in control at all times. I will allow a short reign of the Antichrist, but My faithful will be protected at My refuges. Then I will cast all the evil ones into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Mark said: “I am Mark and I stand before God. I have been your spiritual guardian angel for many years, and I thank you for remembering me in your morning prayers. The Lord has given you some recent requests that you need to carry out quickly because your time to obtain them is about to close. Do not worry about the money because your money will soon be worthless. You also need to fill your barrels with water so they can be multiplied. You also need to get another kerosene heater for heat in the winter. You need to order your small outhouse as well. The Lord will be sending you many angels to help you feed and house the people that will come to your house. This mission for a refuge is a new responsibility, but many people and angels will help you to carry it out. Trust in the Lord, and perform all of your works out of love for the Lord and your neighbors.”


Monday, July 25, 2016: (St. James, Vigil of St. Anne)
St. Anne said: “My dear grandchildren, I am your grandmother, and the grandmother of Jesus. I was blessed in my older years to conceive and bear my daughter, Mary, with an Immaculate Conception without original sin. I thank your priest for pointing out the beautiful images in this church of how I brought up my daughter, Mary, in the faith. This same Jewish faith was then passed on, as the Blessed Virgin Mary taught Jesus. I want to thank all of my grandchildren who were persistent in all of the days of the novena that they made in my honor. I thank all of the people who came and walked in the processions. Do not be concerned about the numbers of people who come, but give thanks for all of the pilgrims who came to honor my feast day, and who traveled long distances to get here. I bless all of you and I will give all of your petitions to my grandson, Jesus. As you return home, I will be guarding you for safe travel. Many of you have my statues at home, so when you are praying your rosaries, remember me in making your petitions as your intercessor. You always see me with my Blessed daughter, Mary, because our hearts are one with Jesus.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am happy to see all the pilgrims with their candles as they honor St. Anne’s feast day. I want to thank St. Anne and My Blessed Mother for carrying out their part in My plan for your salvation. They were part of the descendants from King David who allowed Me to be called the ‘Son of David’. The biggest celebration has been My Resurrection from the dead, where My sacrifice on the cross has given all souls an opportunity to be saved. Welcome Me into your hearts as you repent of your sins, and seek My forgiveness. You are honoring My grandmother, St. Anne, on her feast day, so remember to pray to her as your intercessor for prayer.”


Tuesday, July 26, 2016: (St. Anne and St. Joachim)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in this vision how simply these saints of today lived and provided for their basic needs, even with the Blessed Virgin Mary. I want you to take note of their simple life because many of you will be living this same simple life at your refuges during the tribulation. You will be protected by My angels from the evil ones, but you will need to help each other in a loving community. Each person will be assigned tasks to help provide food, water, lavatory needs, hygiene needs, and heating and cooling. You will call on Me and My angels every day to multiply your food, water, and fuels. I know you will be living in a small area, and you all will need to be Christian to your fellow refugees. The angels and I will be watching over your spiritual needs as well. Pray to have a priest at your refuge for the sacraments, especially Mass and Holy Communion. My angels will bring you Holy Communion every day, if you do not have a priest. You will all be taking turns to make holy hours before My Blessed Sacrament in perpetual Adoration around the day and night. This will be to give thanks to Me for all the gifts you will receive. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring you into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”


Wednesday, July 27, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, in today’s first reading you read how Jeremiah was criticized for his messages and prophecies about the destruction that was to come against Israel. Even though he had to suffer much, I told him that I would protect him from the people who wanted to kill him. In the same way, My son, you have suffered some criticism for your messages, and some of the people did not want to hear about the lost freedoms, famine, and destruction that will come upon the people of America. The people should thank you for warning them that they have to repent of their sins, and accept Me as Master of their lives in order to be saved. I will also send you angels, My son, to protect you from any harm from the evil ones. In the vision you are seeing how a priest’s vestments were rotted away. This is another sign of the coming split in My Church when the traditions of the Mass will be changed. The schismatic church will no longer have the proper Mass words and traditions. I will not be present in the hosts of the schismatic church. They will introduce New Age traditions, and eventually the schismatic church will be worshiping Satan and the Antichrist like you saw in the opening of the new train tunnels in Europe. My faithful remnant will have their Masses in the homes, and later at My refuges of protection. Have patience and trust in My protection in My refuges, before I will bring My victory over the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a Washington, D.C. outsider drive to his party’s nomination, and now he will challenge the establishment candidate for President. If the people are allowed to pick their own candidate without cheating with the votes, they could choose the Republican nominee. Even if the Republican candidate wins, he still could face your President’s martial law which could cause riots in the streets. If the Democrats win by cheating again, you could also see riots because the people’s voice is not being allowed to be heard. These actions could again give authority over to your President to act as the dictator of your country. Look for a coming martial law that could allow the one world people to carry out their takeover plan. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, and cast the evil ones into hell.”


Thursday, July 28, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I likened the Kingdom of heaven to a catch of fish where the good fish have to be separated from the trash fish. So it is when people come to their judgment. My angels will separate the good people from the evil people, and the evil ones will be cast into the ever burning flames of hell. If you could see the peace, love, and beauty of heaven, those people in sin would feel unworthy to come into My holy Presence. This is why when you are judged, you see how you need to be purified, and you will desire cleansing in purgatory. When you are called to a wedding feast, you do not want to come in without a proper wedding garment. There are even some souls who are so evil and full of hate, that they will never be fit for heaven. You can see why My angels are casting such evil souls into hell. Those people, who desire to come into heaven, need to repent of their sins, and have a strong longing to love Me in My peace. People, who cannot repent of sin and cannot love Me, are condemning themselves to hell. My faithful long to be with Me in My loving Presence, and I am preparing a place in heaven for all of them. Seek to come to the higher levels of heaven by your good works, and a holy life of prayer on earth. I have given you My sacraments, especially Confession, so you can keep your souls pure for your judgment. I desire that all souls could come to heaven, but they need to have pure souls and a strong love for Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you recently saw a crane fall and break over a new bridge being built in New York City. This is a sign of the punishments that will befall New York City for all of its sins of the flesh, and killings associated with drugs. The big cities have more people and more killings. You have not seen too many incidents at either Convention, which is a blessing that there was little violence. Continue to pray for your elections so you do not see any more violence.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some strong feelings about some of the National issues, and this could result in a further division among your people. Not very many people realize that there is a battle going on between the socialists and those people standing up for your Constitution. If the socialists win, you will lose more of your rights, and it could lead to martial law where your Congress is not included in the governing process. Pray for your country to keep its way of governing as your country was founded.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Social Security system was meant to only support the retired workers who were taxed to provide the money for this system. It is a pay as you go system with enough revenue to pay for itself. Your greedy Congress people have used this system to extend payments to even young people, which is why it is bankrupt and requires deficits to pay people. You can see that your deficits are caused by few paying in, and many drawing free income who were not intended at the beginning. You have corrupt politicians promising more benefits than can be funded by your taxes. It is this welfare state that is bankrupting your country. Pray that your welfare could be turned into a work for pay system before your economy collapses.”

Jesus said: “My people, if your election is allowed to continue, your people have a choice to choose a new direction back to a Constitutional government with Me in your legislation. When you choose Godless socialism, you are following the one world people who are led by Satan. Do not believe the lies and false promises of the socialists because they are leading you to a dictatorial communist state that will take away all that you own. If your people do not repent of their sins, and take back control of their country, you will have no country, and you will be a part of the North American Union.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government is printing far too much money that has no backing and no real value. When gold and silver backed your money, it had value. Now your dollars are only promises to pay your Federal Reserve, which is the big bankers, and not part of your Treasury. This debt money is a scheme by the one world bankers to bankrupt your country, and take it over. When the dollar crashes, you will lose all dollar denominated assets, and all of your welfare and Social Security checks will stop. This will lead to chaos and martial law. My faithful will need to come to My refuges for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how people without money will become desperate for something to eat and drink. There will be killings over food, and the UN troops will take over your country. When your lives are in danger from famine and martial law, My angels will lead you to My refuges of protection. Trust in My angel power for protection, and for all of your earthly needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that My Warning is coming that will wake up many sinners to change their evil ways, or they will suffer the consequences. After My Warning experience, you will have six weeks of time to convert your lives from sin. This will also be a time for families to come to the same refuge, if they so desire. Each refuge will have protection, but you will only be able to travel for a short time. Once the Antichrist declares himself, you will have to stay at the refuge you are in. Call on Me for your discernment for what refuge you would want to stay. Trust in My protection throughout the tribulation, as I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace on My victory.”


Friday, July 29, 2016: (St. Martha)
Jesus said: “My people, I was coming to Martha and Mary to share in their mourning of their brother, Lazarus, who had died. Martha was telling Me that I could have healed Lazarus if I had come sooner. Little did she know that I was about to raise Lazarus from the dead. I told Martha that her brother will rise, and she acknowledged his resurrection on the last day. I also told her that I am the Resurrection and the Life, and I asked her if she believed Me. Then like St. Peter, Martha said that I was the Christ, the Son of God, and the coming Messiah. Even today, I repeat this to all of My faithful. Whoever believes in Me, even if he dies, will live, and anyone who lives and believes in Me, will never die. I am referring to your spiritual life with Me, because all of you will die one day in your body. Later, I raised Lazarus from the dead, and many came to believe in Me. It was because of My miracles that the Jewish leaders wanted to kill Me and Lazarus. So have no worries or anxieties of this life, because I will bring My faithful into heaven.”


Saturday, July 30, 2016: (St. Peter Chrysologus)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been given many messages recently concerning the coming punishment upon America for your abortions and your sexual sins. I am a merciful God, but I am also just. Your sins are deserving of My just punishment, but My mercy will be My angel protection for My faithful at My refuges. In the vision you are seeing several arks as Noah built for his family and the animals. These arks symbolize My refuges that people are also building. Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to My nearest refuge when your lives are in danger. During the tribulation, you will be limited to live within the border of each refuge. My angels will put a shield of invisibility over you to protect you from the evil ones who want to kill My people. This limited space of your refuge is like the ark of Noah, only My angels will multiply your food, water, and fuels. If necessary, the angels will build more dwellings for everyone to have a place to sleep, eat, and live. Give thanks and praise to Me for providing for your needs. America will suffer much from natural disasters and a coming martial law that will threaten the lives of My people. You can choose martyrdom by remaining in your homes, or you can choose to come to the safety of My refuge arks. Either way, My faithful will eventually be brought to your prepared places in heaven.”

(Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary) Jesus said: “My people, I came to the earth to offer Myself as a sacrifice to My heavenly Father. I offered up My Body and Blood to wash away the sins of all the people who accept Me as their Savior. In the vision you saw the Three Kings who brought Me gold, frankincense, and myrrh as royal gifts for My mission. I brought you the sacrament of Baptism as I am giving you the grace to forgive the original sin from Adam and Eve. Once you are baptized, you are priest, prophet, and king. This is why all of My baptized faithful are called to go out and evangelize souls to be saved. I bless all of the people here today and your families.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been showing you many signs that martial law is coming. You have heard of people seeing martial law signs. You also have seen military vehicles on your highways. Some people have even seen tanks being moved on railroad flat cars. Some reports have shown large cargo planes that were bringing in foreign tanks. I have also shown you UN vehicles that were like armored vehicles. The one world people have been planning a martial law takeover for some time, and your President will be using his powers to prevent a Republican Presidency. Do not be afraid of these foreign troops because I will protect My faithful at My refuges. I am showing you these signs because a martial law government could soon lead you into the North American Union. I will bring My Warning before martial law is declared, so be prepared to leave for My refuges at any time.”


Sunday, July 31, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his own soul? (Matt. 16:26) I give all of you many gifts, both physical and spiritual. You should be thankful to Me for all that you have been given. You are totally dependent on Me for everything, so do not think you have gained anything for yourself only. I have given you your intelligence to train for your work. I call all of you to know, love, and serve Me. I call you to share what you have with others, so you are not doing everything only for yourself. In the Bible I have recommended that you tithe or give ten per cent of your income to the charitable needs of your neighbor. Whatever you give away to people, will store up spiritual treasure in heaven to balance your sins at your judgment. Do not just give token donations, but give what you can afford. Remember the woman who put all she had to live on in the Temple treasury. This widow’s mite was worth more than the rich people who only shared a small portion of their excess wealth. You need to plan your finances prudently for your needs and the needs of others. You need to share your time and your faith, as well as your money. It is more of a commitment to share your time and work with someone. You all have special skills, so you need to share your skills to help someone in need without expecting payment. Do things in secret without boasting, and My heavenly Father will reward you. Those people, who brag about their generosity, are already paid on earth. Your treasure in heaven is worth far more than any wealth you have on earth.”


Monday, August 1, 2016: (St. Alphonsus Liguori)
Jesus said: “My people, some of My apostles were fisherman, and as I was sending them out into the world, I told them that now they would be catching souls instead of fish. I told them that they needed to be good examples in how to be models for others to live. You heard in the Gospel that My faithful need to be the ‘salt’ of the earth in teaching others how to be converted and repent of their sins. Be good disciples of My Word in your actions so you are not hypocrites. Most of all you need to remember your daily prayers, because I depend on My prayer warriors to help bring souls to Me. You need to be able to help your neighbor in sharing your time, your faith, and your charitable donations. When you love Me, you also need to show your love for your neighbor in your good works. You need to see Me present in every person, so you are doing things for your neighbor out of love for Me. So I am telling all of My faithful to go out to all the nations and share My Good News of salvation for the souls you meet.”

Blessed Solanus Casey said: “My dear little ones, you are living in a very difficult time as many evil ones are controlling your society. You also have many distractions and some addictions. Few Christians are praying and practicing their faith. Your people should spend a little time each day in the silence of contemplative prayer, so you can turn off the noise of worldly things, and have time to listen for the voice of Jesus. By following the directions of Jesus, you can direct your lives to His service, and He will guide you to your goal of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read the Gospel where My apostles were frightened for their lives when they were in fear of drowning from a storm while they were in a boat with Me. They awakened Me, and I calmed the storm. My people, many of you have had serious problems in life, and you can call on Me to help you through your trials. I will calm your fears, but you must have faith and I will answer your requests. When you need healing in body or soul, you can call on the Holy Spirit to heal you. Call on the gifts of the Holy Spirit to reach out and convert souls from their depression and trials of this life.”


Tuesday, August 2, 2016: (St. Peter Julian Eymard)
Jesus said: “My people, at times you store things away in a closet so people do not see them. You also hide or keep secret any embarrassing things in your past. You may be able to hide your bad actions or sinful habits that you perform in secret away from people, but I see everything, and you cannot hide things from Me. Many people do not want to admit the bad things they have done, but you need to be able to reveal them to My priest sons in Confession. I know all that you do, so do not be afraid to tell all of your deep dark secret sins to the priest. It is hard for Me to forgive the sins you have not knowingly told your priest. Do not be afraid of the priest who may give you a strong penance for any sins. Admit all of the sins you can remember, and I will forgive the most serious sins you tell the priest. You are all sinners, so you should try to confess your sins at least once a month. By keeping a pure soul, you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment in the Warning and when you die. I know your faults, so open your souls and hearts to My forgiving love, and I will restore grace to your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, this last weekend you traveled five to six hours one way by car to the Detroit, Michigan area, and you gave four talks in four days, and then drove home. It is no wonder that you feel weak and exhausted at night. I have asked you to call on Me to send My angels to support you when you are being attacked by demons. When you are tired and weak, you are more vulnerable to the devil’s attacks. So when you are tired and exhausted from your teaching mission, call on Me also to have Me send My angels to strengthen you in your work. You receive messages each day, and it takes you time to write them down, and later to type several days of messages. I appreciate all that you are doing for Me, and the help you are doing for souls who you are reaching out to share My Word. Some people do not realize how much work you do on each trip, so you need to ask people to pray for your health and safety in your travels. You have accepted My missions with your ‘yes’, and I will have My angels guard you and strengthen you at each talk.”


Wednesday, August 3, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, your time is running out when soon your money will also be running out to pay for your welfare and your Social Security checks. Because you are paying out so much money to people who did not work for it, your deficits are going to bring down your whole government and your economy. You cannot just keep printing more money indefinitely, because your dollars are not being accepted as payment in some countries. You import more goods than you export, and it is this transferal of money overseas that is another debt to pay. As you see your National Debt reaching almost $20 trillion, you can see why people overseas do not trust the value of your dollar. When your money collapses, you will see riots and looting to get food and water. This will be another reason to store food, and be ready to leave for My refuges when martial law is declared. Many of My refuge builders are making their last preparations for the chaos of the coming tribulation and the takeover of your country. Trust in Me to protect you from harm, and to provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, your news media on your televisions are doing everything to brainwash your people with meaningless comments, so you can be led however they want. There is more focus on creating dissension and conflicts, than on educating your people on the real problems with your government, and making life better for your people. When people outside the Washington, D.C. establishment threaten the control of your puppets who are running your government, you will see a firestorm to tear down such a candidate. Your leaders do not want to discuss the issues, but they want to discredit the credibility of anyone who opposes them. Your leaders cannot deal with the truth, because their power is built on lies. In the end, your people in this election are voting for socialism or a Constitutional government. The merry-go-round is also a sign of the coming Warning, when all the people will have a life review outside of time and outside of their body all at once. The events of your lives will pass in front of you, and you will be focused on your unforgiven sins. Your best preparation for My Warning is to come to frequent Confession, so you do not see any judgment to hell. Be prepared to come to My refuges after your Warning, so you can be protected by My angels.”


Thursday, August 4, 2016: (St. John Vianney)
Jesus said: “My son, you remember this vision of a glass chandelier in an Adoration room, and it was in reality without you seeing it beforehand. This vision impressed the priest where you visited in Trinidad. (1-8-2003 message) This bright Light was also a sense of My Real Presence when My Blessed Sacrament is in the monstrance for viewing. You also have a chandelier in your Eternal Father Chapel that you moved from your kitchen. You have spent many hours of Adoration in peace and love before My Blessed Sacrament. It is before My Eucharistic Host or receiving Me in Holy Communion that has given you many opportunities to receive My inner locution messages. It is the Holy Spirit who helps you to write down My messages, so give praise and thanks to Me and the Holy Spirit for your gifts. I have asked you to distribute your Adoration DVD so people can hear about My messages on My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, and about the miracles of My Eucharist. At the end of this DVD, you have some views for ten minutes of My Host in the monstrance so people can have a small Adoration visit. You have used this Adoration DVD when it is not easy to travel to My Adoration churches. I bless all of My faithful with My graces, when you make a special visit before My Blessed Sacrament. Thank you also for having Adoration at your prayer group.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your President is going to have some tall explaining to do about $400 million in various currencies that was secretly delivered to Iran. The four captives could not be released until the plane with the money arrived. This was not part of any nuclear agreement with Iran, and Congress was not given any news of this exchange. It is in all appearance a ransom for the captives. Further explanations may be coming, but it is questionable to be giving any money to Iran for spreading terrorism all over.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing who controls the media when you see how biased they are on the candidates for your Presidential election. I have mentioned in My parables that by their fruits you will know the people who support life and those who do not. You are also seeing an election between support for socialism vs. support for your Constitutional government. Pray that you will be able to have a lawful election without manipulation of the voting machines, nor any martial law.”

Jesus said: “My people, the party controlling your Congress has yet to seriously challenge your President on stopping deficit budgets, or reducing your National Debt. Under your current President, you are approaching a $20 trillion National Debt, and it was $8 trillion when your President took office. The one world people are using your leaders as puppets to destroy your economy by bankrupting your country. If you do not take back your country from the evil ones, your country will cease to exist.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing damaging floods and tornadoes affecting West Virginia and other states. In California and in parts of the Northeast, you are seeing droughts with little rain in these areas. Even in your own area you are six inches below your normal rainfall. Floods are destroying property and taking some lives. Your droughts are affecting your food supplies in some areas. Many of these natural disasters are a part of the punishments being directed on America because of your sins of abortion and your sexual sins. Pray for your country to change its moral direction, or your country will be taken over.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw how Israel was taken over because they worshiped idols and foreign gods as Baal. Now, America is on a similar path to destruction without much repenting of sin, nor any changing of evil ways. No matter how much I send you messages of wake up and repent, your people are still continuing to love their sins more than obeying My Commandments. Your country is on a path to a martial law takeover, if you do not change dramatically.”

Jesus said: “My son, I confirm your inner feelings of your teaching mission coming to a close, while your refuge mission will be needed more. You can see the many signs for a coming martial law. Such a state would stop your traveling, and it would force My faithful to come to My refuges. You just acquired your extra barrels for water and your extra kerosene heaters. You just ordered your outhouse kit that will take a few weeks to arrive. You may have to fill your barrels with water in preparation for the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know all the plans of the evil one world people, but I will not let them have any control until I bring My Warning and the six weeks of conversion after it. The Warning will be one last opportunity for all sinners to be reconciled with their Lord. Those people, who choose to repent and purify their souls, will be saved. But those people, who refuse to repent and refuse to change their sinful habits, are on a path to My judgment to hell. I offer My forgiveness to all repentant sinners, but those people, who refuse to accept Me, are choosing a punishment in the eternal flames of hell.”


Friday, August 5, 2016:(Dedication of the Basilica to Mary Major)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a vision of various demons in hell who are tempting people with sloth, greed, and jealousy. Sometimes when you are working hard, you desire a rest to gather your strength again. There are demons who tempt you with sloth or laziness. You are created to know, love, and serve Me on earth. For all the time that you are given each day, you are accountable for using your time to help yourself and others. The temptation is to sit around watching TV or wasting your time on frivolous pleasures. You have your own needs to work for a living, get your food at the store, and pay your bills. You also need to educate yourself and provide for a place to live. You have relatives and neighbors who you may be called on to help with their needs by work or donations. When you are doing things, they should be done out of love for Me. When people are lazy, your duties are not being accomplished, and even spiritually your prayers are needed to help people. Other people are tempted by the demons to be greedy for more than they need by stealing or manipulating people to gain money from them. Some people desire wealth so they do not have to work for it. Others are using your welfare system to live off of the taxpayers’ money. Some people are disabled and they cannot work, but other healthy young people could be earning their living by working as most people do. It is difficult in your economy to find good paying jobs, but even working at low paying jobs, gives you more sense of worth than relying on handouts. Some people may be tempted by demons to be jealous of others who have more money and more possessions. People need to be satisfied with their lot of enough to survive, rather than be jealous of other people’s success by their labor. By living in love of Me and your neighbor, you will be free, and do not let the demons tempt you with sloth, greed, or jealousy.”

Jesus said: “My son, obedience to Me and your spiritual director is the best way to carry out your mission, so you are under supervision and you keep humble. Until people accept Me as the Master of their lives, it is hard to carry out the mission I have for them. I have given all of you a mission to accomplish, but you can only carry it out according to My plan for your life. When people want to be in control of their own lives, they do not leave room for Me to work with them. Many times the demons will try to mislead you into the pride of running your own life. The best success that you can accomplish on this earth, is to be united with Me in strict obedience, so you can carry out My mission for you. I do not force people to do anything, because I want people to follow Me by their own free will. Trust in Me to give you the grace to accomplish your own personal mission.”


Saturday, August 6, 2016: (Transfiguration of Jesus on Mt. Tabor)
Jesus said: “My people, you are marveling at the beautiful vision of My glory, and the words are precious to hear them and treasure them in your hearts. St. Peter said: ‘Lord, it is good for us to be here. If Thou wilt, let us set up three tents here, one for Thee, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.’ (Matt.17:4) Then God the Father spoke from a cloud so all of the apostles could hear. ‘This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.’ (Matt.17:5) The apostles witnessed Me in bright white garments as I was radiant in My Glorified Body. They were seeing a preview of how I would appear after My Resurrection. My son, I gave you just a small taste of the feeling of joy that I gave My apostles. When you witness My glory, you need to announce it from the rooftops for all to hear that I am truly Lord over all creation. All the things on earth pale in front of My power and glory. When you see My glory, you see why Satan and the demons are but a grain of sand before My power. This is why they scatter when you announce My Name, Jesus. No matter how Satan tempts you, or how evil appears to be winning, you will see how I will overpower all of these creatures, when I will bring about My victory. I will only allow Satan and the demons to test you only so far, and then My angels will protect you. So do not fear the evil ones, because you can call on Me, and I will send you My angels to defeat them and protect your souls. I will even protect your body as well at My angel guarded refuges. Give glory and praise to Me because I am always at your side, just as St. Peter said: ‘It is good for you to be here with us.’”


Sunday, August 7, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you need your daily bread for nourishment, which is why I am showing you a harvest of wheat. You gather the kernels and grind them for flour. Then you bake the bread and share it with your family. You have My spiritual Bread as well that nourishes your soul with My consecrated Host. This is My gift to My faithful that you can have My Real Presence with you at daily Mass. When Abraham went to a foreign land for his inheritance, he lived in tents and he obeyed God in faith. Eventually, a holy Temple was built to house the Ark of the Covenant that held the Ten Commandments. Now, My faithful need to build up My Church by converting people to the faith. Even as you build a church of My people, you also have built physical churches to house My Blessed Sacrament in your tabernacles. Just as I called Abraham to serve Me, so I call all of My faithful to serve Me and their neighbors out of love.”


Monday, August 8, 2016: (St. Dominic)
Jesus said: “My people, you receive many services that are piped into your home. When the tribulation comes, these services will cease, and you will be living independently on whatever you have prepared. One of the important services is your water line, because you need fresh water to survive. This means the water cannot be contaminated nor as salt water. At your refuge, My son, I have asked you to prepare for forty people, and to have more barrels to store your drinking water. You will need to have your barrels filled with water inside from the cold, except for a few to collect your rain water for washing when it is not freezing. I have also had you get some materials for a well or a spring for a more continuous source of water. Just as you are being asked to conserve your water usage during your present drought, so you may also have to conserve your water usage at My refuges as well. I will perform miracles at My refuges to provide clear continuous water from your wells, and I will multiply the water in your barrels. This will mean that you will have to have faith and trust in Me to provide enough water for all of your people to survive. This is why you will need to be praying every day for My help, and to honor and praise Me in perpetual Adoration. Your people at My refuges may be frightened at first to wonder where all the food, water, and fuels will come from. Once they see My miracles of multiplication occur, this will calm their fears, and they will see the protection of My angels. Remember the few miracles that you have seen in your chapel. These were signs of the miracles that I will perform at your refuge so you can all have something to eat and drink. You will be living in full trust of Me to provide for your needs, so do not be afraid or worry about what you are to eat or drink.”

Jesus said: “My people, in one of My parables I told the people that the Kingdom of heaven is like a pearl of great value that a man would sell all of his possessions to buy that pearl. You cannot buy heaven with money, but you can store up heavenly treasure with your holy life and good works. When you do things, you should do them out of love for Me, and love for your neighbor. Many people value the things of this world more than the things of spiritual value in heaven. This is why it is better to strive for spiritual treasure and the higher levels of heaven. I want My people to develop a personal love relationship with Me so I can help them with My grace to lead them to heaven.”


Tuesday, August 9, 2016: (St. Teresa Benedicta, Edith Stein)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how evil it is in war and how so many people were killed in World War II. Hitler made himself a dictator, and he tried to eliminate his enemies, the Jews, and the clergy. He also made the people salute to him almost as a god. You are aware of the holocaust that killed so many people in the death camps. St. Teresa was a victim of this same brutality. Many people wanted to prevent any future holocausts, but yet your people are killing millions of My babies in abortion with no remorse. You do not even honor their deaths with death certificates. You will be seeing a further holocaust in your present detention death camps, when the one world people take over your country with a martial law. It is not a matter of if there will be a martial law, but it is when this will happen. I have told My faithful for many years that I will have people prepare refuges for another takeover that will kill millions of people in these gas chambers and crematoriums. I will send My Warning first to offer sinners one last chance to be saved. This is why I want My people to be humble as little children, so you will be prepared to come to heaven. Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges when I will tell you, because your lives will be in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is being punished by weather extremes. You are seeing an unusually hot summer with many nineties in the North, and hundreds in the South. You also are witnessing droughts in the Northeast, and floods along the Southern Gulf states. If your heat lasts much longer, you could see these conditions endanger the harvest of your crops. Farmers may have to irrigate their fields if they have a cheap source of water. Pray for your farmers that they receive enough rain to keep their crops green. Pray also for souls to be converted after My Warning. If your souls are lacking My grace, then they could be dry and parched from the heat of the devil’s temptations. Call on Me and My angels to defeat the demons, and put My angels’ shields of invisibility all around you for your protection.”


Wednesday, August 10, 2016: (St. Lawrence)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel it speaks about a grain of wheat that can only grow into a plant in the ground unless it dies. This means that each person must die to yourself, in order to give your life over to My service. This is not easy to give control over your life to Me. It means making sacrifices each day which could take you out of your comfort zone to help people. You trust in Me to provide for all of your needs, but sometimes other people depend on you for help. You need to be generous in helping others without being selfish. Remember that all of your donations are storing up treasure in heaven. So do not dismiss someone who is in need, when you can help them. When you help your neighbor, you will be helping Me in them.”

Jesus said: “My people, this thin gold thread represents how delicate and vulnerable your life is on this earth. You may have lived for many years without too many serious threats to your life. Yet, some people have sudden heart attacks, or some have cancer and die in a short time. Your very life can be taken away in a car crash, or an airplane accident. You do not know how long you will live, or how you will die. This is why you have been doing your Masses of reparation for those people who die quickly in natural disasters, without having any preparation time for their judgment. Since you do not know when, or how you will die, it is prudent to come to frequent Confession at least once a month. By having a pure soul as much as you can, then you will be prepared to meet Me at your judgment, whenever I call you home to Me in death. Some souls are lost because they ignored Me in life. Unless a soul accepts Me as Lord of his or her life, it is hard to be saved, except if a prayer warrior is praying for that soul to be saved. Remember how vulnerable your body is to dying, so you can be ready to meet Me with a pure soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people die, they see a review of their whole lives with both the good and the bad things that happened in their lives. After this review they are faced with My judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. I give every person one last opportunity to love Me as their Savior, and accept Me as their loving God. Those people, who refuse to love Me, and refuse to repent of their sins, are choosing hell by their own free will. Some souls show a spark of love, and they need to be purified in purgatory. Very few souls are holy, or have suffered their purgatory on earth, and are accepted into heaven. There are other life reviews where people have near death experiences, and others will be gifted with My Warning experience with a life review experience. At the Warning all living souls will have a life review outside of time, and outside of their bodies. The mercy of My Warning is that those people will have a second chance to improve their spiritual lives before their death review. These people will have a mini-judgment to see where they would be judged on their life based on their actions. Those people, who may be judged to hell, will have a second chance to improve, but they will experience what hell is like. Those souls, who do not change or improve, once they are back in their bodies, will keep the same judgment as their mini-judgment. After the Warning My faithful will have a chance to convert those souls who are away from Me. So be prepared for your death or My Warning, by having a pure soul with Confession, so you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”


Thursday, August 11, 2016: (St. Clare)
Jesus said: “My people, all of you are sinners, even if you do not want to admit it. I am a merciful God, and look how many times I have forgiven people in Confession. I will always forgive a repentant sinner, no matter how serious the sin is. Today’s Gospel is making a point of how many times you need to forgive people. You need to forgive people more than a few times, but even all of the time, if you are seeking to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. It is hard for man to forgive his family members, let alone others. I am even requesting that you forgive your enemies as well. When you hang on to grudges or unforgiven offenses from someone, it holds you down and can stifle your life. So you need to let these things go, so you can get on with your life. My faithful also need to ask others for forgiveness of any harm that you might have done to them. You also should be able to forgive yourself for bad behavior, and then learn from your mistakes so you do not repeat them. Many of you have habitual sins, and it takes spiritual will power to change your ways. Do what you can to avoid any occasion of sin, and call on My grace to live a holy Christian life.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a set of steps which represent the steps for a martial law takeover. The first step is to weaken your military defenses, especially the protection of the mainland. The second is to invite UN foreign troops into your bases. Another is to prepare detention death camps to eliminate those people who are blocking the new world order. One step is to control people through chipped documents, and eventually chips in the body to control people like robots. Other steps are to break down the family and a love of God. If you are an astute observer, you can see that martial law could take over America at any time. Pray for your sinners, but your punishment is about to be carried out.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have evil ones around you, and I will not leave you orphans or defenseless. Before the evil ones can implement their planned takeover, I will bring My Warning, and I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges of protection. Your guardian angels will lead you to My refuges, and they will shield you from the evil ones. My refuge builders have prepared food, water, bedding, and fuels for heating. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. Angels will protect you, and they will only allow people with crosses on their foreheads to enter My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned this problem before about your computerized voting machines that may have been fixed so only one candidate could be tallied. To keep your elections fair, these machines should check the tally with the paper ballots after the vote is taken. Only those registered in a district should be allowed to vote with their signature to match the voting record signature. If you allow other votes, you are encouraging fraud. Without a fair election, only the one world candidates will be allowed to win. Pray for your country, but expect another fixed election as you have had in the past.”

Jesus said: “My people, in World War II you saw how the Nazi Germans tried to cleanse all the Jews, religious, and anyone against them by killing them in gas chambers at the death camps. Today, you are about to see another holocaust to remove Christians, and anyone against the new world order. There are hundreds of detention camps all over your country, equipped with gas chambers and crematoriums. They were built to be used in the coming takeover of America. The evil ones will cover this up, but there is plenty of evidence of their evil plans for takeover. Be prepared to come to My refuges of protection. Soon I will bring My victory over all of these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, for many years you have fought wars to be free of dictators like Hitler. The evil ones, who worship Satan, have infested your land to break down your families and your worship of God. By your abortions, drugs, pornography, and many other distractions, you have fallen away from your faith in Me. You have allowed the one world people to control your leaders, and now it is almost impossible to take back your country. Be prepared to trust in Me in prayer so I can protect you. You will face a short tribulation before I bring My victory.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you that soon it will be difficult to buy any food at your stores. You will be seeing a controlled food distribution by chips that will create an artificial famine. Eventually, chips in the body will be necessary to buy food. Refuse chips in the body because they will control your minds and your free will. You will need your stored extra food at first that you store in your homes. Later, you will need to come to My refuges for your food and My protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people do not believe that your country is about to be taken over. These disbelievers need to talk to people who had their country quickly taken over by the communists. Before any takeover, the evil ones hide their intentions with lies and cover stories, even as you are being deceived by your media. You need to trust in Me to protect you every day, and I am giving you My prophets to warn you of the coming tribulation.”


Friday, August 12, 2016: (St. Jane Frances de Chantal)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks about divorce when I was asked about why Moses allowed a writ of divorce. There is a first consideration if the marriage is valid, and if there were any impediments as not bringing up the children in the faith, or even having children. When people get married, they should be focused on a life long commitment to making the marriage work over the years. You are not married just for pleasure, but you are marrying the whole person, body and soul. This is why it is best to be both in the same faith with a strong belief in Me. I have mentioned before that a couple who prays together, will have a more successful marriage. A love of spouses is needed where one spouse should not overly dominate the other. You need compromises so you each are trying to please the other in everything, as much as possible. With prayer and true devotion to each other, marriages can last a long time. Your focus should be always to love the spouse, and avoid any thoughts of divorce over any small inconveniences. Just as I love all of you forever, married couples should also try to love each other as long as possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you see people walking around on your main streets, you do not see them as I see them. A good share of these people are walking around with black souls of mortal sin. You have difficulty looking at certain politicians, but imagine how hard it is for Me to see people who do not know Me in love with their black souls. Those souls, who love Me, warm My heart, but other souls love themselves and their idols of money, possessions, and sports. I am the Creator of all men and women, but only My faithful acknowledge My love and My Kingship. This is why I will bring My Warning to wake up all sinners to show them that they can only come to heaven through Me. They will be shown their life review, and they will have My mini-judgment of their lives. Some people with these black souls will actually feel and see what hell is like. They will be put back into their bodies to have a second chance to repent of their sins, and accept Me as their Savior. Some people will be converted in the Warning, but others will refuse to love Me because they love their sinful pleasures more than Me. I am asking My prayer warriors to pray for poor sinners, so some of them could be saved from hell.”


Saturday, August 13, 2016: (St. Pontian & St. Hippolytus)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a monastery where the monks live a monastic life of prayer and silence. Today’s Gospel calls on you to have the innocence and the humility of a child who is dependent on his or her parents. You are also My children, and you are dependent on Me for everything. I want My faithful to take time out for Me in silent contemplative prayer each day, to honor your Lord, and listen to My words of instruction. If you are quiet and listen to your heart, I will instruct you what I want you to do each day. You remember the words of My heavenly Father on Mt. Tabor: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ You can listen for My words in the readings and the Gospel. Even your guardian angel is guiding you what to do. I love all of My people, and I am calling all of you to know, love, and serve Me by helping your neighbors. Do everything out of love for Me, and you will be on the right path to heaven. Pray for your children, and help guide them to heaven, even after they leave your home.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to be aware of doing your corporal works of mercy. Whenever one of your friends or family are in the hospital, you need to make an attempt to visit them, and pray over them. In other times when your friends or relatives have a death in the family, you need to come to the funeral to pay your respects. Pray for the deceased with a Chaplet of Divine Mercy for his or her soul, and have a Mass offered as well. You need to comfort the family with your presence, and put your heart into your good deeds. You may even be called to pray for the prisoners in prison, or to comfort some elderly friends or relatives. By doing all of your corporal works of mercy, you are storing up treasure in heaven. You have also been active in your food shelf work to help feed the poor. You have demonstrated against abortion before Planned Parenthood abortion centers, and in Washington, D.C. on January 22. Life is so precious and you need to defend the unborn and to fight against euthanasia. I bless all of My faithful who are trying to save lives, and to save souls from the evil ones.”


Sunday, August 14, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision I am giving you is like a miracle of My grace that I could touch people’s hearts with so much joy that people would walk out of a football stadium game and into a church with Mass. This is how I wish My love through the Holy Spirit could touch people. In reality I have given all people a free will to choose to love Me, but I do not force people to do so. It is this choice of loving Me or not, that may appear to be a division, but it is really how people choose to live. When people have a strong faith in Me, they are loving Me, and loving their neighbors in their actions. When you are on fire in My love, you want to share your love with everyone, even with those people who are not with Me. It is this love that gives you the desire to even share your faith, as you try to evangelize people who are open to My Word. I give all of My people the grace for evangelizing at your Baptism and Confirmation. So when you listen to today’s Gospel, let the fire of the Holy Spirit come into your hearts and souls. America needs a spiritual renewal, and it is through your prayers and actions that you could set your country on fire with My love. Peace be with you, even amidst all of your divisions.”


Monday, August 15, 2016: (The Assumption of Mary into heaven)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, the Church is honoring my feast day today as I was graced by Jesus to be assumed into heaven. I love all of my children, and you honor Me, but you worship my Son, Jesus. My Son and I are joined as one in our two hearts. The priest is right that I was sinless, and I did not suffer all the consequences of Adam and Eve’s original sin. One of these consequences is death in the grave, but Our Lord did not allow me to suffer corruption in the grave. Instead I was assumed into heaven with body and soul. In the reading it said that death will be the last enemy that my Son will conquer. All of heaven is rejoicing on my feast day. On the last day of judgment, my faithful children will also be joined with their body and soul. I commend your priest for giving respect to my Son by giving Holy Communion on the tongue and the people were kneeling. This also honors my Son’s Real Presence in the consecrated Host. There have been attempts to take away the reverence for the Blessed Sacrament. So stand up for your beliefs in the Church’s teachings. Continue to pray your daily rosaries, and wear my scapulars of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is a special feast of My Blessed Mother’s Assumption into heaven. In the Gospel you see St. John the Baptist stirring in Elizabeth’s womb to announce My coming. I was present in My Blessed Mother’s womb to greet St. John. I chose My Blessed Mother from all women, and I prepared her to be free of original sin. She also was sinless in life, and she was the perfect Ark of the Covenant so she could carry Me for nine months. Our hearts are always joined as one, and it was her fiat ‘yes’ that made her My co-redemptrix for the salvation of all humanity. She is the most Blessed Mother to live in My Divine Will without sin. This is why she is a perfect model to follow, so she can lead you to heaven through Me. She is also a perfect intercessor for your petitions because I always listen to My Blessed Mother’s requests for prayer. She offers you to pray the fifteen decade rosary each day which is modeled after the 150 Psalms. She also offers you her protection with wearing her scapular, and she will help you to gain heaven after your death. Give honor to My Blessed Mother for saying ‘yes’ to St. Gabriel to be the handmaid of the Lord.”


Tuesday, August 16, 2016: (St. Stephen of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages how America will be punished with natural disasters because of your abortions and your sexual sins. Now, you are reading of the current floods in Louisiana that have flooded thousands of homes, and even some people have died as well. Other places as California and the Northeast, are suffering from severe droughts as your crops are at risk. As time moves on, you could see more natural disasters, and a possible martial law could be declared if enough people are affected. Keep praying hard for your country so the people could repent, and prevent a takeover of America. If your people do not repent, and do not change their ways, then you could see a takeover of America.”


Wednesday, August 17, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, I am happy that you are going out to many places to spread My Good News. This car in the vision is how you travel to places closer to your home. You are also pasturing My sheep when I have so few working for Me in My vineyard. I am affirming, My son, that you need to have a physical and spiritual rest for all of your traveling and talks. You have read in the Gospels how I went off into the mountains to gather My physical rest after giving My sermons. I also wanted to be close to My heavenly Father in prayer so I could rest spiritually as well. This is why you need to make it a priority in your life to make time for Me in prayer. You can only find true rest and peace in Me in your prayer time. Sometimes it is good to go on retreats to strengthen your spiritual life, and to give your body rest from your busy schedule. You remember the Bible quote: ‘Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden light.’” (Matt. 11:28-30)

Jesus said: “My people, there will be one last World War that could start the Battle of Armageddon. This will involve millions of troops from many nations. Many will die in this battle, but My forces will prevail over the evil ones. As this battle comes to a close, I will then bring My Comet of Chastisement that will be My victory over the evil ones. I will protect My faithful from the Comet and the evil ones. All the evil people and demons will be cast into hell during the three days of darkness. I will renew the face of the earth, and it will look like the Garden of Eden. I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, and you will live a long time as you are prepared for heaven. Rejoice that I will show you My power, which is greater than all the evil ones. Keep your souls pure so you are ready for My Warning, and your judgment.”


Wednesday, August 17, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, I am happy that you are going out to many places to spread My Good News. This car in the vision is how you travel to places closer to your home. You are also pasturing My sheep when I have so few working for Me in My vineyard. I am affirming, My son, that you need to have a physical and spiritual rest for all of your traveling and talks. You have read in the Gospels how I went off into the mountains to gather My physical rest after giving My sermons. I also wanted to be close to My heavenly Father in prayer so I could rest spiritually as well. This is why you need to make it a priority in your life to make time for Me in prayer. You can only find true rest and peace in Me in your prayer time. Sometimes it is good to go on retreats to strengthen your spiritual life, and to give your body rest from your busy schedule. You remember the Bible quote: ‘Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden light.’” (Matt. 11:28-30)

Jesus said: “My people, there will be one last World War that could start the Battle of Armageddon. This will involve millions of troops from many nations. Many will die in this battle, but My forces will prevail over the evil ones. As this battle comes to a close, I will then bring My Comet of Chastisement that will be My victory over the evil ones. I will protect My faithful from the Comet and the evil ones. All the evil people and demons will be cast into hell during the three days of darkness. I will renew the face of the earth, and it will look like the Garden of Eden. I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, and you will live a long time as you are prepared for heaven. Rejoice that I will show you My power, which is greater than all the evil ones. Keep your souls pure so you are ready for My Warning, and your judgment.”


Thursday, August 18, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I call all of My people to obey My Commandments and My decrees. You have free will to obey Me or not, but you will suffer the consequences of your sins. In the Gospel the man found without a wedding garment was bound and thrown outside to gnash his teeth. If you die with mortal sin on your soul, you are at risk to be judged to hell. So come to Confession so you can have a pure soul, and you will be properly dressed for My Wedding Banquet. In the last sentence you read how many are called to the Wedding Banquet, but few are chosen. By loving Me and following My Commandments, you can be one of My chosen disciples. In the last sentence of the first reading I told the Israelites that I would be their God, and they will be My people. In the New Testament I am the cornerstone, but the builders rejected Me. So I formed My Church on St. Peter, and the gates of hell will not prevail over My faithful remnant, who are My chosen people, and I will protect them at My refuges. Trust in your Savior and follow Me, and I will bring My faithful to My heavenly Wedding Banquet.”

(Funeral Mass for Helen Rosenthal) Helen said: “I am overjoyed to be standing in line for the best dinner of all with Jesus at His Wedding Feast. This Mass enabled me to come to heaven. I was happy to see my fellow Carmelites at my funeral. I love all of my family, and I will be praying for them and watching over them. I thank all of my family and friends for coming to my funeral Mass. I thank Jesus and the Blessed Mother for all they have done for me in my life on earth. I hope to see all of you again one day when you come to heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the Book of Revelation, and there are various groups of seven objects (7 churches, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 signs, and 7 bowls) that reveal the progression toward the coming tribulation events. For your homework I want you to look up the seven scrolls with the seven seals of Revelation because these events are about to be opened. I will give you another message to reveal their contents so you can share what is coming upon mankind.” (Revelation chapters 6 and 7)
The seven seals are war, strife, famine, pestilence, martyrs, stars falling from heaven, sealing of God’s servants on the forehead.

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the severe droughts you have been having in California. Because of this dry bush and some arson fires, you are seeing tens of thousands of homes having to evacuate due to many severe fires. It is hard for many families to return to their burned out homes. These people were losing lives, jobs, and their homes. The winds have made it difficult to contain these fires. Pray for rain and less wind so the fires could be brought under control.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gulf area you have seen a circling low pressure that was equivalent to the rain of a hurricane. The rain storms stayed over Louisiana long enough to create some historic flood levels that have taken lives and tens of thousands of homes. The devastation is so bad that it will take a major effort to restore this area to normal again. Pray for donations and prayers for these people to start all over. These natural disasters are part of America’s punishment for your abortions, euthanasia, and gay marriages. Pray for your people to see the need for prayers and repenting.”

Jesus said: “My people, more information is being revealed about the email details of your Democratic candidate. I have mentioned before that more revelations from these emails could endanger this candidate’s credibility. It is unknown what will happen if this candidate was removed from the election. A surprise candidate could replace the current candidate. The one world people are intent on creating a martial law so they could take over America and bring about a North American Union. Be ready to leave for My refuges, if you see a martial law or mandatory chips in the body. Have trust in Me that I will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you for some time that you need to store some extra food and water for a coming world famine. Your natural disasters and mandatory chips in the body will cause a famine in America. Without these chips you will not be able to buy food. I will multiply your food pantries so you will not starve, and you will not need chips for food because you will be at My refuges. When your lives are in danger I will help you with My angels to get to My refuges, and I will bring My Warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people come to My refuges, they think all will go smoothly, but at first it will take a while to calm the people down, so they can work together for their survival. People will be assigned jobs to help with bedding, meals, water, and the multiplication of your food and fuels. Storage of your refuge items and space for the people will be needed. If necessary, My angels may have to expand your living quarters to provide for more people than you expected. Trust in Me that you will have food to eat, water to drink, beds to sleep on, and clothes to wear.”

Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges My angels may have to finish or build more buildings to accommodate all the people who will come to your refuges. Keep in mind that only the people who have crosses on their foreheads, will be allowed into your refuges. You may need to make more tables for eating, more beds for sleeping, and more outhouses for your needs. With all of this construction and building going on at your refuges, it may take a short time for people to adapt to their new homes and your angel protection. I will calm people down with My Eucharistic miracles, and you will have a place for perpetual Adoration. Pray that your people will see the need to be satisfied with less accommodations than they had at their homes. You will also see the need for a better prayer life.”


Friday, August 19, 2016: (St. John Eudes)
Jesus said: “My people, you have two meanings in this vision where a pan of bread was baked to a black crisp. The first meaning is that the unusual heat of this summer has combined with little rain, and your crops are drying out to a crisp as well. The second meaning is that your souls were once with Me and they were full of grace. Now, your sins are like scarlet, and they have become so perverted that there are many souls who are black with mortal sin. When your fields of crops dry up, are burned by fire, or are flooded, then your food supply can be affected. This could be the beginning of a world famine when the best fields for producing wheat and corn are not producing what is needed. Keep a watch on your food supplies because this is critical for your survival. Trust in Me to provide for your needs.”
(Isaiah 1:18-20) “Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool. If you are willing, and obey, you shall eat the good things of the land; but if you refuse and resist, the sword shall consume you: for the mouth of the Lord as spoken.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of prayer groups praying for people’s souls to be saved. You may not know too much about the covens of witches and warlocks that have their own occult meetings. They pray to Satan with curses and spells to try and bring souls to hell. They use horoscopes and meet on full moons because they worship the moon and the sun as gods. For everything that Christians do, these occult members do the opposite. You have Masses with the priest, but the evil ones have black masses to desecrate My Blessed Sacrament, or they have human or animal sacrifices. You have prayers on the rosary beads, and they have cosmic beads with curses and spells. You worship the Blessed Trinity, and they worship Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. You pray for the souls of the dead, and they have seances to call up the spirits of the dead. You have My Bible, and they have the Satanic verses. My faithful need protection from the demons, and the evil people who try to cast spells and curses on you. My power is greater than the demons, so call on Me, and I will send My angels to protect you.”


Saturday, August 20, 2016: (St. Bernard)
Jesus said: “My people, you have had small wars with ISIS in Syria and Iraq, but I am preparing you for a larger World War that would be a major battle involving many nations. This battle will even involve demons and My angels supporting the troops. This unusual vision of what appears to be robots, or men dressed in metallic colored outfits, represents the high technical warfare that will occur. Just as your police use robots to disarm bombs, you will see a larger use of robots, or robotic arms and legs on the military people. You could even see tactical nuclear weapons and EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapons in use. Some armies may use chemical weapons as well. I told you that many people would die in this massive war. This will be the Antichrist’ brief reign, but I will bring My victory with My angels and My Comet of Chastisement. All the power of the evil ones will be overwhelmed by My power, and My angels will cast the demons and the evil people into hell. You will rejoice when I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, it is not enough to call out Lord, Lord to be saved, but you need to develop a personal love relationship with Me. Show your love for Me in your actions, and not just in your words. By helping your neighbor in good works, then you are putting your love for Me into action. It is better to pray to Me daily to show Me that you want to talk to Me, and ask your petitions. If you pray, come to Mass on Sunday, and help your neighbor, then you will know and love Me. Those people, who only give Me lip service, are not sincere in trying to know Me, but they just want Me to give them things. So when these lukewarm souls come to My gates to try and enter heaven, I will turn them away as evildoers who I do not know. I am love and I give everyone the ability to love Me and your neighbor. When you ignore Me and worship the things of the earth, how am I to see the proof of your love? I call on all souls to repent of their sins, and to accept Me as Master of their lives. These are My conditions to come to heaven. If you do not show Me love and do not obey My Commandments, you are not ready for heaven. Love for Me and your neighbor needs to be in your heart as the first step to heaven. Until people love Me and repent of their sins, they will be just another black soul that will not be allowed into heaven, and will be cast into hell.”


Sunday, August 21, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, many of you are locked in your habits of your activities, and you do not go outside of what you know. All of My faithful people have been given gifts of faith and love of their Lord. Do not just keep your joy of faith to yourself, because you need to share My love with everyone, even if it takes you out of your comfort zone. I told My apostles to go out to all the nations and share My Good News. Some of you are called to be My missionaries, but even if you do not go too far, you can still make some sacrifices to share your faith with others. My love inspires you with My peace in celebration of My Gospel. There are many people who do not know My love, and you are called to invite non-believers to come to My heavenly Banquet at Mass to share My Eucharistic joy in their hearts. Once people are converted, and they feel My Real Presence, they will thank you for inviting them to Me. I tell you to love one another as I have loved you.”


Monday, August 22, 2016: (Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, about a week ago you celebrated My Blessed Mother’s Assumption of body and soul into heaven. Today, you are celebrating her Queenship as she was crowned as Queen in heaven. This is another glorious celebration in heaven. I know that you have a May crowning of My Blessed Mother’s statues, but her proper order to be crowned, comes after her Assumption. My Blessed Mother plays a large role in your salvation because she gave her ‘yes’ or fiat to carry Me in her womb for nine months. Because she was made ‘Blessed’ among your people, she is more than worthy of her Queenship title. Sometimes you give titles of temporary fame to people, but My Blessed Mother’s Queenship is an everlasting title of distinction, and not of fame. I want you to honor her as your best intercessor for prayer intentions. This is why you have pictures, icons, and statues to remember Me and My Blessed Mother.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a rich looking hotel where the G-8 people were meeting in secret. They were making plans how to crash the dollar, and replace it with a gold backed currency called SDRs or Special Drawing Rights. This will be an electronic currency that would require chips in the body to complete any transaction. A gold backed currency would attract more investors, and soon the debt backed dollar would become worthless. Many rich people are already using their dollars to purchase value assets that keep their value like gold, silver, diamonds, artwork, and land. When the dollar crashes, all dollar backed assets would also become worthless. Your markets would crash and your stores would be cleaned out by thieves. Such a major event would cause riots in the streets, and precipitate a martial law. If you see the banks close and the dollar lose its value, then it will be time to come to the safety of My refuges. Many will lose what money they have in bankruptcy, but the rich and those people who have value assets, will not lose anything. See this coming martial law as another reason to be ready to leave for My refuges.”


Tuesday, August 23, 2016: (St. Rose of Lima)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the vision how a stream of water can be used to turn a water wheel which can help grind the grain into flour. There is a millstone that can grind the wheat, so there are two thoughts in this vision. The first is about the millstone: ‘Whoever causes a little child, who believes in Me to sin, it were better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.’ (Matt. 18:6) The second thought is about the flour that can be made into the unleavened Host for Mass. ‘If anyone eats of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give is My Flesh for the life of the world.’ (John 6:52) This is a difficult saying to eat My Body and drink My Blood. When the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood at the Consecration of the Mass, this is a miracle to have you receive My Real Presence. Then I gave a further explanation: ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’ (John 6:54-55) This is why you are called to worship Me at Sunday Mass, but also you can receive Me in Holy Communion to unite your life and Mine in the Holy Spirit. I give you the grace of My Eucharist to strengthen you against sin, and to heal any effects of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My son, you need to be more careful with objects that could be stolen from your cars, and having locked doors at your house. These devices are helpful in finding places for your talks when you are driving. I also want to calm any of your apprehensions of danger on your trip to Mexico. When you go in faith and trust to give My messages to the people of Mexico, I will send angels of protection to provide for your safety. Do not be afraid, but continue on as you talk in many other places. Be at peace in your soul, and the Holy Spirit will lead you in what words to say. You are happy to finally visit My Blessed Mother’s Shrine of Guadalupe in Mexico City. She is waiting to share her graces with both of you, once you arrive at the shrine.”


Wednesday, August 24, 2016: (St. Bartholomew)
Jesus said: “My people, there are many Catholics that do not even attend Sunday Mass, let alone coming to weekday Mass. You have some people who are spiritually lazy, and they know that they should be coming to Mass on Sunday. You need to pray for these lukewarm Catholics to wake up to how much they need Me in their lives. There are faithful souls who love Me so much, that they go out of their way to find time to be with Me at daily Mass. These souls are coming without being forced, but they are coming out of love for being with Me in My Blessed Sacrament. The same can be said for those souls who take time to come and visit Me in My tabernacle, or in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament with the Host in the monstrance. These souls are My prayer warriors, and they are devoted in helping people with prayers and good works for people. They will receive much treasure in heaven for their love of Me and their neighbors. Your priest made a good point in his homily that My people need to share their faith experiences, even in difficult moments when they are being tested. Life’s experiences test all souls, but it matters how you respond lovingly to life’s challenges. Do not let anger for justice consume you, but keep My love in your heart so you can share it all of the time. By trying to imitate My life of love, you can put aside the temptations of the evil one.”

Jesus said: “My people, this show of spears represents the many weapons made by your defense contractors. There are heavy politics in what companies get chosen for contracts, and in what election districts the companies are favored. Some of these companies sell planes and guns to foreign countries. If you followed the money, you would see arms are sold to both parties in any wars. The one world people encourage wars, and then they sell weapons to both sides. It is almost like blood money that these companies are making profits on wars. In some wars the weapons continue to kill more people with more powerful explosives. This plan of causing wars is another means for Satan to reduce the population. Beware of your industrial defense complex that makes many kinds of deadly weapons. Weapons are being made abroad as well with factories in other countries. Your country spends the most on your Defense Budgets, but your military is being restrained in protecting your mainland. Keep praying for peace and less conflicts among the world’s nations.”


Thursday, August 25, 2016: (St. Louis)
Jesus said: “My people, the people who were crushed or trapped under concrete debris suffered either an instant death, or one of suffocation over time. A few people were freed, but a few hundred people died under the ruble. Several towns were leveled from an earthquake in Italy. The people there lost everything, and it will be hard to rebuild or find shelter. They need prayers and assistance with food and water. Natural disasters are happening in various countries, but it is hard for the people to get back to a normal way of life. Continue praying, and have Masses of reparation offered for the souls who die suddenly, without time to prepare for their judgment.”

Prayer Group:
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I invite many faithful souls to come and visit my basilica near Tepeyac Hill in Mexico. You will see crowds of reverent people as they honor my image at Guadalupe on St. Juan Diego’s tilma. My son, you have not had an opportunity to visit my shrine at Guadalupe, but now the way is clear for you to make that visit. You are familiar how the Indians stopped offering up their babies to the gods when they saw this miracle of my picture on the tilma. Now, years later you are killing millions of babies in the womb by abortion. I am your inspiration to fight abortion, and try to convince women not to abort their babies.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read of a meeting coming in September in Jerusalem that will be a joining of all religions together. There are various organizations who want to form a one world religion which is a violation of My Church’s teachings that should not be changed. See this one world religion as misleading people beyond any ecumenical movement. The Antichrist is behind the new world order, and he wants to control all religions. Avoid such a one world religion because it is against My teachings.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the death toll growing, and how hundreds of people were injured. As you watch rescue workers trying to clear the debris, only a few live people have been found. This is a huge disaster that has not discovered the extent of how many people were affected. Pray for the mourning of the dead, and for people to find shelter, food, and water.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some instances where you have seen young children physically abused and controlled by demons. Even when priests have prayed over these children, they are still seeing attacks. I want My children and priests to use blessed salt, holy water, and blessed sacramentals to be placed on or near these children. In some severe cases you may need rigorous fasting, and the long form of the St. Michael prayer for deliverance. You can also pray the binding of evil spirits to the foot of My cross in My Name, Jesus. You can also call on Me, and I will send My angels to combat these demons. Trust in My power when you fight addictions and possessed people.”

Jesus said: “My son, you need to remember the poor and the hungry who do not have food to eat. Your food shelves are your last resort for people who cannot get food stamps or help from your welfare programs. You saw the faces of the people that you brought food in your work. Even if you cannot do this now, you can still pray for the hungry, and make financial donations to your food shelves.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many disasters all over your nation where people, who lost homes, need help for homes, food, and water. It is hard to get donations to the people, who need immediate help, but pray and do what you can to help your own countrymen and women. It takes many years of work to heal these damaged communities. Pray that your first responders and government agencies can get help to these people in need.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a long hot summer with record high temperatures, and droughts with little rain. Your farmers have suffered lost crops when they could not get enough water to keep their crops alive. Another problem with droughts is that lightning and arson can cause fires that burn up woodlands and destroy homes. Again you need to pray for any firefighters who were killed, and pray for the people who lost their homes in the fires. It is not easy to start all over, but some people have had no choice.”


Friday. August 26, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, before you bring your gift to the altar, you need to go and seek the forgiveness of those people who you have harmed or insulted. Once you have made a proper preparation for Mass with a good Confession, then you can come and share My Eucharist at the banquet table. If you remember the Gospel reading, the wise virgins were prepared for the wedding feast because they brought oil for their lamps. The foolish virgins did not bring oil for their lamps. So when they went to buy the oil and returned, the door to the banquet was shut, and they could not enter. So it is for the people who live good lives and follow My Commandments. They repented of their sins, and I will welcome such faithful into heaven at My Banquet. Other people have not repented of their sins, and they come to heaven with empty hands, and without any good works. When these people call Lord, Lord at the gates of heaven, the door to heaven will be closed to them because they did not confess their sins, and they did not make a proper preparation for their judgment. Such lukewarm people I spew from My mouth, and they are on the road to hell.”


Saturday, August 27, 2016: (St. Monica)
Jesus said: “My people, I do not want My servants to boast of their status, their wealth, or their intelligence. You need to treat all people equally because I see all souls as very valuable. You are so valuable to Me that I suffered death on the cross to offer all of you an opportunity for salvation. So do not discriminate between people, who are poorer than you, or have less intelligence, or are different from you in any way. You are all My children that I love. The Gospel is another opportunity to learn about how to live a good Christian life. I give all peoples various talents or gifts to provide for earning their living. Some may have more gifts of learning, but they have a higher responsibility to use their gifts properly. Some have lesser gifts, but they still are called to work hard for their wages. Some people are disabled, and they need the help of others. But there are some people who are lazy, as the man who buried his master’s money. You are called to make something of your life without wasting all of your time. You should be able to work for a living to support your family, and be ready to help your neighbor with good works. You were given talents to use them, so work to serve Me and your neighbors. Those people, who waste their talents, will have to account for their actions at their judgment.”

(7:00 p.m. Sunday Mass) Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who like to sit in places of honor, even if they are not worthy. Others strive to be famous and rich so they can show off expensive cars and expensive homes. My faithful people, I want you to live a humble life, and be satisfied with your station in life. Fame is fleeting, and it is more important to strive for the higher places in heaven, because when you are in heaven, it is for all eternity. Those people, who exult themselves, will be humbled, but those people, who humble themselves, will be exulted. Trust in Me because you are worth more than a flock of sparrows, and I will see to all of your earthly and spiritual needs.”


Sunday, August 28, 2016: (Mass with Cardinal Norberto Rivera)
Jesus said: “My people, I know you will always have the poor with you, but you need to respect them as your neighbors, and love them for My sake. Pray for them to have food to live and a place to stay. When possible, give donations to your local food shelf and worthy organizations who help the poor. As you witnessed the beautiful Mass of Cardinal Norberto Rivera, you also witnessed the love of the Mexican people that they have for Me and My Church. I love all the people of Mexico, as I love all the peoples of the world.
When you arrived at the Cathedral, you saw native Indian people with drums. You thought it was entertaining at first, but later you saw dancing with incense being given to spirits you did not know. If they do not give worship to Me, then they are worshiping the evil spirits that you should avoid. Such worship is bringing evil among the people. Pray for My angels to protect you from such evil. You would be better to erase such evil worship from your cameras so you do not bring evil into your homes or into your mission.”

Jesus said: “My son, you just saw a thief that wanted to steal your purses, but you saw him in time, so he went away. It is one thing if a thief steals your possessions that can be replaced. It is another thing if you see demons trying to steal your soul that cannot be replaced. These demons try to get you involved in addictions so they can control you, and make you weak to more serious sins. Do not let anything earthly control you, but instead you should be dependent on Me for everything. You need to stop any addictions before they can control you, so do not start them. When you feel like you are being attacked by evil spirits, then call on Me, and I will send My angels to defend you. Be on your guard at all times so you can avoid any demon that is trying to steal your soul from Me. I am your Lord and Master, and you should only worship Me, and be dependent on Me every day.”


Monday, August 29, 2016: (Beheading of St. John the Baptist)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am happy that you all are coming as pilgrims to visit the site of my apparitions to St. Juan Diego. I told you in a previous message that I would shine my Son’s graces on you to strengthen you in fighting your daily temptations. I want you to enjoy the beautiful gardens and basilicas here that the people have built in my honor and at my request. I am also showing you a sign of the coming persecution of the Church with this large crucifix on fire. You are aware of some people who are against your country when they desecrate your flag by burning it. So in this vision a time is coming when evil people will burn my Son’s crucifix, and they will destroy anything that is holy. They will also burn or destroy your churches, and they will try to kill all Christians. The angels will guide you to safe places of refuge at that time. At this shrine my Son will have the angels protect the faithful from those evil ones who want to kill you. Give thanks and praise to my Son because he will protect you at all of our shrines. I will pray for all of you, and for your protection on your pilgrimage.”

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am giving my blessing to all of the pilgrims, and to all the people of Mexico. I am the Blessed Virgin for all of the Americas as well. You saw me crying tears in the vision for all of the abortions of the unborn. They are like little martyrs who are also being beheaded as St. John the Baptist on his feast day. I came here years ago to stop the Aztec Indians from offering up their babies to their gods. They were inspired by my picture as a pregnant Aztec virgin which was a miracle on St. Juan Diego’s tilma, and they stopped killing their babies. Today, I am asking all of my pilgrims to pray for the stoppage of abortion of your babies. You are doing Satan’s work when you kill your babies. Life is precious and this killing of the unborn greatly offends my Son, Jesus. Those women, who have had abortions, need to come to Confession to have this sin forgiven. Those people, who support and fund abortions, also need to come to Confession for aiding these killings. Women, who abort their babies, are worshiping their gods of money, convenience, and pleasure. Seek the forgiveness of my Son, and work to have laws against abortion. Protest against abortions where they are killing God’s little ones.”


Tuesday, August 30, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing in the vision how I draw you to Myself in Holy Communion at Mass, and before My consecrated Host in My tabernacle that opened so you could see Me. It is My Real Presence that draws you, and in Holy Communion I feed you your daily spiritual Bread. I am the One who sustains you every day in both your soul and your body. When you seek My forgiveness of your sins, then I heal your soul, and I fill your soul with My sanctifying grace. You have been given a gift of faith in Me, and I am such a part of your life, that you obey Me, and I lead you what to do each day. By letting Me be the Master of your life, you are able to accomplish the special mission that I have given you. You should be watchful to give good example to others by being humble and prayerful. The people need to know Me and obey My Commandments out of love for Me. When you love Me, you will be willing to serve Me in all that I ask of you. My faithful need to preach My Gospel to everyone, and you should try to convert all souls to My love, for those who are open to hear My Word and act on it.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been shown a Ferris Wheel that was moving around, and this represented another sign of the Warning, and it will be coming soon. I have shown you many signs of the Warning and how such a number of signs means it is about to happen. My faithful should know that My Warning is another extension of My Divine Mercy for all souls to have one last chance to repent and have their souls saved from hell. You know My mercy is endless, and I will forgive any repentant sinner. Those souls, who receive My Warning experience, will be given a second chance to save themselves by changing their life of sin. If people do not show any effort to change their lives away from sin, then their mini-judgment will become their final judgment. I am praying for My prayer warriors to work on evangelizing their family members, especially after the Warning. Let those people, who are away from Me, be saved by changing their lives to a love of Me, and I will lead them to heaven. Give praise and glory to Me for sharing My Divine Mercy on all sinners.”

For the Divine Will prayer group that Marisa attends in Mexico City, Mexico:
Jesus said: “My people, all of your prayer groups have an angel assigned to watch over their members to keep them together, and to protect them from any evil influence. You were asking for a name of the angel of this prayer group. I do not force such a name on this prayer group, but I will send one of My archangels as St. Uriel to guard over them. You could find a picture or a statue of St. Uriel to place at their meetings.”


Wednesday, August 31, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading St. Paul is reminding the people that all power and graces come down from Me, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. When you receive Holy Communion, you are receiving all Three Persons in the Blessed Trinity. When you are praying for deliverance from the demons, your prayers are invoking My Name and My power to cast out the demons. When you are praying to heal people, or for answering their prayer requests, it is My power and grace that heals addictions and heals your infirmities. You saw in the Gospel how I healed the fever of St. Peter’s mother-in-law. I also healed many people who were brought before Me. When I was on the earth, I healed both the soul and the body. When My healing ministers pray over people, they also should pray to heal the soul and the body. Each soul, who desires a healing, needs to have an open soul and an open heart to receive My healing power, and they should have faith in Me that I can heal them.”


Thursday, September 1, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who boast of all of their accomplishments without one word of Me in helping them. In the vision you are seeing a hall of awards, but the fame of people is temporary, and it will pass away. St. Peter had fished all night, and had caught nothing. When I asked him to lower the nets for a catch, he did so reluctantly, but he did not expect to catch anything. When the apostles had caught a great catch of fish, St. Peter was sorry for doubting My Word. When you put your trust in Me to do a mission, your work may seem like foolishness to the world, but you will be blessed as St. Peter with a great catch. I provide for all of your needs, but I will even give you a greater reward than you could ever imagine in heaven for your faithfulness to Me. So do not worry or be anxious of what you need, or what you will do, because I will lead you with My angels to help accomplish the mission that I have given you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many killings with guns, so I do not want My faithful to use guns to kill people, except in immediate self-defense. Your laws against people having guns are not realistic, because your criminals will find illegal ways to obtain and use guns. I have told you that you should not worry about having guns because I will protect you with an invisible shield when you come to My refuges. The evil ones will have far more firepower than your citizens with guns. So it is better to depend on My protection with My angels, than to depend on your guns for protection. Eventually, I will conquer all of the evil ones, and there will be no evil in the Era of Peace. So do not worry about your protection, because I will provide what you need for your soul and your body.”


Friday, September 2, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing the Light of My glory. This is very much how I showed My radiance of My glorified Body to My apostles in My Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor. I was giving assurance of My power to My apostles before I had to suffer and die on the cross. So it is right now. I am showing you My glory and My power before the darkness of the tribulation that I will allow. I am giving My faithful confidence in My protection so you can endure your Good Friday of suffering. I will protect you at My refuges, but you will be joyous to share in My victory in My Era of Peace. In the first reading St. Paul spoke of his desire to only be judged by God, and he encourages the people not to judge others either. You do not know all of the circumstances of people’s lives, so you should leave any judging up to Me. You may see evil in the actions of others, but only advise them how to live better, and pray for them without judging. The Gospel reading speaks about fasting which is a powerful means with prayer to help people, and even to help get rid of demons out of people. Whenever you are doing novenas for your intentions, you can add fasting to open the hearts of those fallen away souls, so they will be open to love Me and repent of their sins.”


Saturday, September 3, 2016: (St. Gregory the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a flashback in your memory of when you used to show the old films of the Mysteries of the rosary in your church. At that time there were a lot more people coming to Sunday Mass and they were praying the rosary, which you were promoting. You remember very vividly how Fr. Peyton said: ‘The family that prays together, stays together.’ This was very good training for young couples to have family rosaries together. Today, you are seeing more divorces, and living together in fornication because people are not coming to Sunday Mass, nor are they praying in family prayer. Those faithful, who pray in public or encourage others to come to Mass, are ridiculed as being old-fashioned, or overly religious. My people, you may seem like fools to the rest of your pagan society, but to Me you are beacons of faith shining in the darkness of evil. So do not be afraid to pray in public, or encourage people to convert to being a Catholic. Your life on earth is short, and My prayer warriors are needed more than ever to pray for sinners, so they can be saved from hell. You will be persecuted more and more as you will be entering the time of tribulation. Keep strong in your faith, even if people threaten your lives, because I will be guarding your souls at all times.”


Sunday, September 4, 2016: (Canonization of St. Mother Teresa)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this beautiful stairway to heaven as it comes into a church. When you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, you have a taste of heaven in My Real Presence. In today’s Gospel I am not directly causing division in your families, but each person has to make a choice to accept Me or not by his or her own free will. Some people may choose to follow Me, while others may not. The other parts of My teaching refer to counting the costs to become one of My believers. To truly be My disciple you need to let Me be the Master of your life. You can only accomplish the mission I have for you, by dying to self and letting Me lead you in your every day activities. When you do everything for Me out of love, you will be helping your neighbor as best as you can. You could help others out of love for Me as well. You may give donations to people, but doing physical labor or housing someone takes an extra step of love that may even take you out of your comfort zone. When you reach out to help people, you are storing up treasure in heaven, so one day you can walk up My stairway to heaven.”


Monday, September 5, 2016: (Labor Day)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a picture of the past when the nuns wore a black habit. Many of your traditions and laws have changed over the years. The Pharisees made some of their traditions into laws of conduct, but they missed the spirit of the law. My Commandments are the laws that are changeless, but some of the traditions could be changed. In your world today, people are forced to work on Sundays which used to be respected without working for honoring My day of rest. When you are not obligated to work on Sunday, it is better to do work on another day. Your people should be coming more often to Confession, as there are only a few present when you come. They also should be coming to Sunday Mass as well. This is another sign of how spiritual laziness is afflicting your people. When people start ignoring My laws and their daily prayer, they are closing Me out of their lives. I love all of My people, but their love for Me is waning. The devil has used many of your distractions to keep you away from Me. I am coming with My Warning to give everyone one last chance to wake up, and see how they are offending Me with their sins. Those people, who do not repent and do not accept Me as their loving Lord, are on the road to hell. Those people, who repent and love their Master, will find their reward in heaven, where I will prepare a place for them.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked about people drinking to excess when they become drunk drinking alcoholic liquids as wine in the vision. Once you are drunk with alcohol, you lose control of your bodily functions to make proper decisions. Your inhibitions for bad behavior are blocked, as you could do things you would not do if you were sober. You could cause a car accident and endanger lives on the road, if you drove while intoxicated. Some people get violent when they are drinking, and they could harm people. This is why you are seeing the prisoner in an orange jumpsuit with handcuffs. If you kill someone or injure them, you could be put in prison for your bad behavior. If you drink wine, be careful not to drink too much. Those people, who drink too much, can become drunkards, if they become addicted. Such drinkers can become a problem when they could harm, or upset a whole family. Pray for such addicts to alcohol, and try to get them to stop. It takes time to detox such a drinker, but you can only help cure them if they want to stop. You can also pray deliverance prayers for them. As long as they have access to money and alcoholic drinks, it is hard to stop their habit. The best solution is to not get drunk in the first place.”


Tuesday, September 6, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, this trumpet looking shade, that was turning around with My Light, is another sign of My coming Warning. Some people will experience a long spinning tunnel as they come to My Light. I keep telling My faithful that the best preparation for My Warning, is daily prayer and frequent Confession. By remaining faithful to Me, and obeying My Commandments, you can avoid any mini-judgment to hell. Even if some people see their first judgment to hell, they still will have a second chance to change their lives, when they return to their bodies. People returning from this experience, will understand how much they have offended Me with their sins, and they will be seeking My forgiveness in Confession. The most important lesson from the Warning, will be to see the need for repenting of your sins. The next step is to develop a love for Me by giving your will over to following My ways. By loving God and neighbor, you will be put on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are living at My refuges during the tribulation, you will be praying more than now, and you will be spending at least one hour a day adoring My Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance. I will have a priest or My angels bring you daily Holy Communion. You will place one of My consecrated Hosts into your monstrance for perpetual Adoration. At that time it will not be necessary to have a bishop’s approval to have My Blessed Sacrament in your refuges. You will have more time to pray your Chaplet of Divine Mercy and your rosaries. I will continue giving you messages to support the people at your refuges. Pray that you will have a faithful priest for daily Mass. I am answering your question of how you will be able to share your messages with other refuges. You will be bi-locating to different refuges while your body is asleep at your refuge. This will give hope to other refuges when you come before them. There will be many healings when My faithful look upon My luminous cross, or when you are blessed with holy water or miraculous spring water. I will see that you all have enough food, water, and fuels for your survival. You have just acquired the plans and lumber necessary to build your outhouse. Now, you will have to put it together with someone’s help so you will be ready to use this latrine. At the appropriate time you will have to dig a hole and have your lime ready to use for the people. This will still be heavy to move, but easier than moving your shed. Thank you, My son, for all that you are doing to help prepare your refuge, and thank you for saying ‘yes’ to this mission also.”


Wednesday, September 7, 2016: (Magi Andresky Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, Magi was happy to see all of her family and friends at the wake, and at the funeral Mass. She was thankful for the eulogy and Father’s homily. She was truly a prayer warrior as she prayed for all of her family and friends. You saw in the vision how My Blessed Mother and I welcomed Magi in the clouds of heaven. She will be watching over her family, and praying for them as she did on earth. She loved the songs and the readings that were picked out. She says farewell, but she loves all of her family and friends.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a preview of what it will be like when you come to My refuges. Those people, who come to the larger final refuges, will see My luminous cross in the sky. When you look upon it, you will be healed of all of your infirmities. When you come to smaller interim refuges, you could be healed from healing spring water or from holy water. There will be a means for healing people at every refuge, so rejoice in not needing pills or doctors. At My refuges you will also see a large powerful angel who will put an invisible shield all around your refuge so no evil ones will see you. Only My faithful people with a cross on their foreheads, will be allowed to enter. Those people, who do not have such a cross on their foreheads, will not be allowed to enter. My refuge builders have been preparing for this time of the tribulation for a long time. Other refuge builders are rushing to complete their projects before the tribulation comes. Be grateful that I am providing places of refuge to protect you from the evil ones who want to kill you.”


Thursday, September 8, 2016: (Nativity of the Blessed Mother)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading of Micah (5:1-2) a sign was given that a virgin shall give birth to a Ruler of the world in Bethlehem. I prepared My Blessed Mother to be the perfect woman without original sin, when she was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. She truly lived in My Divine Will without any sin. She would be the holy Ark of the Covenant to carry Me in her womb. She gave her free will ‘fiat’ to conceive Me in her womb as well. My Blessed Mother’s birth was one of the first steps to man’s salvation, before I came into the world as your Savior. Rejoice on this day commemorating her birth, as she later was the fulfillment of this prophesy from Micah.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you could see various kings that inherited power over certain lands. I came on the earth as King of the Universe, but Herod tried to kill Me. Even though I had a spiritual nature and a physical nature, the people did not recognize Me as the Messiah, despite My many miracles. I kept My identity hidden, until My hour came, and I admitted to Pontius Pilot that I was a king. When I told the high priest of the Sanhedrin that I was the Son of God, he did not believe Me, and he wanted Me crucified for blaspheming. So My people need to give praise and worship to your heavenly King.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember the parable I told about the five wise virgins who brought oil for their lamps at the wedding feast. There were five foolish virgins who did not bring oil with their lamps, and their lamps were going out. The foolish ones went to buy oil, but when they returned, they could not enter the closed door. The time of the tribulation is coming soon, and My faithful need to be prepared with daily prayer and frequent Confession. Keep faithful to Me, and the doors to My refuges and the gates of heaven, will be open to you.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were welcomed to Mexico and My Blessed Mother’s Shrine at Guadalupe. I thank you for coming, and you had everything fall into place so you could give your talks. The people treated you well, and they were open to My messages. As you came to My Blessed Mother’s Shrine, you were given graces for coming, and for going through the holy doors. The people were blessed by your visit, and you prayed over many people. This was a very successful and fruitful trip to Mexico.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have struggled to obtain your outhouse kit from the trucking company, and then you carried the wood to your shed. Now, you need to find a way to put it together for your future latrine. Call on My help and I will have people help you to put it together. You may not have to dig a hole yet, but you could buy some extra lime to be multiplied. You also have purchased eight more 55 gallon barrels, but you need to fill at least six of them with water before you have freezing weather. You will need to keep your barrels inside, so the water does not freeze. You could keep some in your garage where it does not get too cold. You need to complete these projects as soon as possible.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been urging you to get your projects done soon because there will be some serious events about to occur in your country. In the vision you had a sense of the ominous events that will be coming that could even lead to a martial law. If these events do result in martial law, then you will need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge. This again is why your refuge needs to be ready to receive My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My son, you need to research any progress of this plan to have a one world religion. I do not want My Church compromised to change any of My teachings. Such a one world religion is a plan of Satan to bring down and persecute My Church, and your belief in Me. Do not accept any one world religion because this could be the vehicle to cause a division in My Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision speaks of two types of building processes. The first speaks about My refuge builders who I am helping to build places of safe haven for My faithful to be protected during the tribulation. Preparing buildings, providing food, bedding, and water is not easy, especially for a lot of people. I have enabled some people with financial gifts to have the money to build their refuges. The second building up of My Church is another ongoing mission to bring converts into My Church. You need to have souls with open minds and hearts so they can receive My Word, and grow into a gift of faith. Continue to pray for the conversion of poor sinners.”


Friday, September 9, 2016: (St. Peter Claver)
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing how St. Peter Claver dedicated his life to helping the African slaves have hope, and he baptized them. In a similar manner, My refuge builders need to help My desperate faithful to have hope in face of the evil people who want to kill you. You have made a lot preparations, but your time to prepare is running out. This is why I have been encouraging you to finish up the projects that I have given you. Make the best use of what time you have left, so you will be able to accept the people that I will send to you. You may have to change some of your priorities to fit these projects into your schedule. I will be always watching over you to find ways to finish what you need. I thank you for your dedication to both missions of sharing My messages, and sharing your refuge with people.”

Jesus said: “My son, when you are thinking of independent living on a refuge, you need to have a good source of water, because you cannot live without fresh water. I have been directing you to get more 55 gallon food grade barrels so you can store as much drinking water as possible for your forty people. You have decided to store six of your barrels in your garage that gets cold in the winter. Your friend suggested wrapping these barrels with flexible insulation to try and keep the water in the barrels from freezing. Also, only fill these barrels 2/3rds full in case the water turns to ice and expands. I mentioned before to use your drain water for washing while temperatures are above freezing. You can melt snow for water during the winter. You also have a pump and some piping if you can find water at a shallow depth. Again, I mentioned how I would multiply your drinking water and wash water. Just as you had to believe in faith that I could heal people, so you will have to believe in faith that I could multiply your water, food, and fuels. By following all of My instructions, and praying for what you need, I will see to all of your needs. In some cases you have even seen some people able to survive on just receiving daily Holy Communion, which will be given by a priest or My angels. So trust in Me that I will provide you with enough fresh water to drink and wash. You will even have water to reconstitute your dried foods.”


Saturday, September 10, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is full of good advice for your souls. I want My faithful disciples to be like the good tree, and bear fruit of your good works. It is true that you can tell about people in the deeds that they do in life. If you are a true disciple, you will listen to My Word and act on it. You will see mostly evil deeds come forth from an evil person, but a good person will perform good deeds for his or her neighbor out of love for Me. I also spoke about building a house on rock, instead of on sand where storms will destroy a house. This is true about the foundation you build for your faith in Me. You should build your faith around daily prayer, and daily Mass when you can, so you are always fed by My Blessed Sacrament. My graces will sustain you through the trials of life. Frequent Confession also will keep your soul pure. By trusting in Me as your Master, I will provide for all of your needs. Those people, who do not have a love relationship with Me, will suffer twice as much without My help, and could be lost.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel was quite long, but it spoke of two themes, the Good Shepherd, and the Prodigal Son. You know how much I love all of you, and I will leave the ninety-nine sheep in the desert to find the lost sheep. There is rejoicing in heaven over even one soul who repents and is converted. In the second parable the father was waiting for his lost son to come home. When the prodigal son did return, the father rejoiced with a feast because the son, who was lost, is now found. The second son was upset how his father treated the first son with a feast after spending his inheritance on prostitutes. The father assured the second son of his love, but the father was happy to have his first son home again. This is how I love all sinners as well, when I wait for them to seek My forgiveness of their sins. In the vision you are seeing how My mouth was covered so I could not speak. This is in reference to certain places where people are not allowed to speak My Name, Jesus. Your religious freedoms are being attacked, but My faithful need to speak My Name freely without worry of being persecuted. Shout My Name from the rooftops, because the evil ones run from My Name, and they fear My power being invoked. You will see Christians persecuted more as time goes on, but keep the faith no matter how much you are threatened. Do not let the atheists win by keeping you silent. You must speak the truth to witness your allegiance to your Lord.”


Sunday, September 11, 2016: (Trade Towers 15th Anniversary)
Jesus said: “My people, today you heard the short form of the long Gospel. There is an emphasis on how I am always searching for the lost souls, as I pray for their return. I want souls to love Me, and repent of their sins. I do not force people to do anything, and they need to come to Me of their own free will. When souls do repent and come back to Me, there is much rejoicing in heaven over any soul, who was lost, and now was found. I will always forgive a repentant sinner. Today, you also are remembering the 3,000 or more people who were killed at the Trade Towers, and how the terrorists have changed your world. The people of America are still not understanding how your country has already been taken over by the socialists, including your President. You are one step away from a total takeover which could come by martial law. This is why I have been urging My refuge builders to complete all of their projects, so they are ready to receive My faithful. Trust in My power because My angels will be protecting you.”


Monday, September 12, 2016: (The Most Holy Name of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, My faithful, who come to daily Mass, see My consecrated Bread and Wine as a part of their everyday lives. I am truly Present for you in My Eucharist, and you have a little taste of heaven every time you receive Me worthily. I give you My graces to support your strength to endure the daily temptations of the devil. When you come to Mass, you recite the centurion’s words: ‘Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and my soul will be healed.’ I was awed by this response when the centurion explained how he understood the authority of orders. If he would call his soldiers or his slave, they would come and they followed his orders. Now, he believes that when I would give the Word for his slave to be healed, My healing power would heal his slave. This truly was a great expression of faith in My healing power, which is why I proclaimed that I had never seen such faith in all of Israel. My Church has also been touched by these words, and that is why the centurion’s faith has been incorporated into the Mass. I bless all of those people who truly believe in My healing powers.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you many messages about My Warning, but I want to give you some more details of what your experience will be like. As you enter this black tunnel, you will be moving fast toward My Light without your body, and outside of time. As you approach My Light, you will feel unworthy of being in My Presence. I will start your life review, and you will see all of the good and bad actions that you have done in your life. In every action, you will view it from the viewpoint of everyone around you, and you will see My judgment of whether it was good or bad. You will go through every day of your life, and you will have to account for how you spent every moment. My angel will be tallying your good points and your sins. When you see how much your bad actions offend Me, you will have deep remorse, and desire My forgiveness. At the end of your life review, you will be part of making your judgment. Once you have been judged, you will see that it is fair according to the responsibilities of the gifts that I have given you. Truly the more you are given, the more that I will expect of you. With this knowledge of what you have done wrong in My eyes, you will have a second chance to change your life to how I want you to live. Take full advantage of this opportunity to improve, and you could gain a higher place in heaven. Do not be satisfied with doing the bare minimum, but strive to be the saint that I want everyone to be. Use this Warning to help bring your family back to Me, by your evangelization efforts. The more souls you can help save, the more heavenly treasure you will gain towards your reward in heaven one day.”


Tuesday, September 13, 2016: (St. John Chrysostom)
Jesus said: “My people, this cup of wine on the altar is a sign of a cup of suffering, like I had to go through on Good Friday. This large damaging tornado is a sign of the many natural disasters that will be brought against America because of your many serious sins. Your hot weather has continued on into the fall season with hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and droughts. You have even seen some severe earthquakes in Oklahoma. You will continue to see some severe weather as you will be suffering more as a nation. Your financial storms will soon cause even more damage to your economy, as the one world people will cause this problem, and give a solution which could involve martial law. Before the major financial storms, I will bring My Warning to prepare sinners for what is about to befall them. Trust in My protection at My refuges, and do not worry about the plans of the evil ones, because My power is greater than all the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, when these armed teams are called for deadly assignments, they are wearing protective shields all over their body. My faithful do not have to worry about using guns and body armor. When it is time to seek the safety of My refuges, you will be warned and leave your homes, and your guardian angel will put a shield of invisibility around you, so the evil ones do not see you. You will also be protected by a powerful angel at both the large and small refuges. Not only will your body be protected, but My angels will also shield your soul from the demons who want to attack you. Be thankful for all of the refuge places that will be available, because some faithful have said ‘yes’ to providing a safe haven. You have your own refuge, and you are finishing up your outhouse and the work on your water barrels. It is difficult to imagine how you will manage to have water and food for all of those people who will come to your house. Trust in My angel help, and have faith in My multiplication of what you need to survive. When you have faith in My power to supply your needs, it will be done for you.”


Wednesday, September 14, 2016: (Exultation of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, the cross is a symbol of suffering, but My death on the cross is a means of your salvation. Many times in life you have to suffer to gain something. In My case I had to suffer My Good Friday to have My Easter Sunday. So too, My faithful need to take up your cross of life, and suffer for Me to serve Me and your neighbor. In the readings you have some beautiful imagery in Moses lifting up the bronze serpent so people could be healed of their snake bites. This symbolizes how you look upon My Holy Cross, and you can be healed of your sins when you repent in Confession. You have a further healing when people will look upon My Luminous Cross at My refuges, and you will be healed of all of your infirmities. When you pick up your cross and carry it, you are sharing your suffering with Me on My cross. My people need to rejoice that My heavenly Father sent His only Begotten Son, that those who believe in Him may not perish, but have life everlasting.” (John 3:16)

Jesus said: “My people, you know that Satan is stirring up his pot of evil, and he knows that his time is short. I have given you several messages of what is being planned by the one world people. Their goal is to have a takeover of America so the UN people can put America into the North American Union. This is part of Satan’s plan to give all the nations over to the Antichrist. I am controlling what and when the evil ones can act, because I will bring My Warning first to give all souls a chance to convert their lives. I will allow these evil ones to go only so far, because you will have an opportunity to get to My refuges before your lives will be in danger. These evil ones do not want any Republican President, as your current nominee. During this coming election, you will see a battle of the good forces against the evil forces. Ultimately, I will win this battle for power, but the Antichrist will be allowed a brief reign. Be ready to leave for My refuges of safety when I give you the word to go.”


Thursday, September 15, 2016: (Our Lady of Sorrows)
Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother loves Me dearly, both as her Son, and as the Son of God. She had many sorrows throughout her life, but the hardest suffering was when I suffered and died on the cross. She knew of My mission that I had to die for the salvation of all souls, but it was still painful to see the way that I was mistreated and crucified. At the foot of the cross I gave My Blessed Mother over to St. John to be the mother of all of My faithful. I said to St. John: ‘Behold your mother’, and to My Blessed Mother: ‘Behold your son.’ All mothers love their children, and they would also suffer if they lost a son. You, My son, lost an infant boy, and it was a suffering to see him die so young. So when you have pain, or are suffering for your children’s problems, you can call on My Blessed Mother as your intercessor for prayer, because she is very sympathetic for your suffering. She loves all of you as her children, and she will support you in your sorrows.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing just one of My sufferings with the crown of thorns. My Blessed Mother had to suffer the sorrow of seeing Me crucified. I had a price to pay for all of your souls, and I gave up My life for all of you, so you all could live in faith. In another way, every soul has to count the cost of being one of My disciples. You need to die to self, so I can be the Master of your life. By giving your will over to Me, you can fulfill the mission I have for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know there are some former military people, who may want to fight the evil ones with weapons. It is My wish that you rely more on the power of My angels so you do not have to kill anyone. When the men in black are about to come to your houses, I will warn you to leave like I warned St. Joseph to flee to Egypt with My Blessed Mother and Me. Your guardian angels will lead you to My refuges, and they will put a shield of invisibility around you so the evil ones cannot see you.”

Jesus said: “My people, this miracle of raising you up into the sky is My way of protecting My people from being killed by the Comet of Chastisement, which will be My victory over the evil ones. At that time all of the evil angels and evil people will be cast into hell. I will then bring My people into My Era of Peace as you will see My victory.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My refuge builders to prepare buildings with bedding, food, water, and fuels. It is not easy to make all of these preparations. Some of My people have been gifted with donations that provided the money to buy what is needed. All of My refuges will be guarded by My angels to protect the refuges from bombs and weapons of the evil ones. Only those people, who have My mark on their foreheads, will be allowed into My refuges. So put your full trust in Me, and I will protect you, and provide what you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is how you will have to put every refuge together, by working as a group to finish each of your projects. Once you are called to My refuges during the tribulation, you all will be working together for your survival. Everyone will be assigned jobs to help the common good at your refuge community. Be ready to do the jobs you can to contribute what you know to help everyone. You will see miracles of My angel protection, and I will multiply your water, food, beds, and fuels for your living accommodations. You will also be given daily Holy Communion by a priest or by My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are nearing another election, that could involve an incident to cause a martial law takeover. You could see a financial crash that would close your banks, and you will see your electricity turned off purposely to control your people. Most people do not have food and water to sustain them for a long duration. This is how the one world people want to reduce the population, because many people could die of starvation. Once mandatory chips in the body and martial law is declared, this will be the time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not be fearful of the tribulation and the trials that are coming. I will bring My Warning to help save souls who want to repent. I will warn My faithful with an inner locution when it will be time to seek My safe havens. Some people, who remain in their homes could be captured and martyred. So leave quickly when I warn you, and you will be protected. You trust in Me to help you every day, but the coming trials of tribulation will test your endurance. So have full trust in where I will lead you, and you will be under My protective wings of My angels.”


Friday, September 16, 2016: (St. Cornelius & St. Cyprian)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s saints were martyred during the early persecution of My faithful by the Romans. This is a preview of what is to come as the evil ones will be seeking to kill My faithful, as in the early days of Christianity. I have been preparing My people to be ready to suffer the persecution of the coming tribulation. There will again be martyrs for the faith in Me. But there will also be places of safe haven where My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges. These times of trial will test your faith, but take heart because I will be with you along with My angels. You are about to see a great battle of good and evil. It will appear for a while that evil will be reigning, but I will only allow this for a short time. Then I will bring My victory, and there will be no doubt that I am more powerful than the demons. I will cast the evil people and the demons into hell, but I will bring My faithful people into My Era of Peace as their reward for being faithful to Me during the tribulation. Trust in Me and I will protect your souls throughout this trial.”


Saturday, September 17, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, this blood coming down from the chair of St. Peter, is a sign of the coming persecution of the Vatican that may cause some bloodshed. You are moving closer to My tribulation, and the evil ones will have their last attacks on My faithful. The demons are attacking My Church, and they are attacking My faithful families. You are seeing many married couples getting divorces or separations. This is why I am having you pray more to keep your families together. Prayer and love of Me in your families, needs to be prayed for every day. Even if your children have left My Church, your persistent prayer can save their souls from hell and the demons. Your society and the evil people will be persecuting all Christians, and your lives may even be in danger. Soon I will be calling My faithful to come to My refuges, after I bring My Warning. Trust in My angel protection at My refuges, and come quickly after I call you to leave, or you could be martyred, if you stay in your homes. The evil ones will try to control you, but do not give in to their temptations.”


Sunday, September 18, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many crosses and crucifixes with My Body on the cross. My true cross has My suffering Body on it. So do not have crosses without My Body or the resurrected Body, because they do not convey My suffering. In this life you are to share all of your life’s sufferings with My suffering on the cross. Each of you must pick up your own cross, which is specific for your mission, and carry it through all of your trials on earth. When you are united as One with Me, you will see how I will accomplish great things through you. It is not easy to convert someone to faith in Me until that person is willing to die to self, and live his or her life to know, love, and serve Me in all you do. I call all of My disciples to pray and go out into the world to bring as many souls to Me as they can. Trust in My grace and power to carry out the mission that I have given each of you.”


Tuesday, September 20, 2016: (St. Andrew Kim & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a long, straight, white path that represents the path that I want you to follow. In faith I want to lead you to walk in My footsteps, so you are following My Will, and not just what you want to do. Giving your will over to Me is not easy, because most people want to follow their own way, so they can be in control of everything. When you follow My directions for your life, I may take you into places outside of your comfort zone that you would not choose on your own. You will see that My path is done out of love for Me and love of your neighbor. My ways are not your ways, but when you carry out My requests, you will accomplish many good spiritual works. I do not force people to do what I want, but when you truly love Me, you will desire to carry out My mission for your life. When you do the works of My Will, you will also store up treasure in heaven for your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how ugly the pictures are of the aborted babies. You may not think of these aborted babies as martyrs, but they truly are martyrs. Your people are not doing much to try and stop this carnage of My little ones. You are even using body parts and making cosmetics with unborn babies. America is going to suffer a ruthless takeover of your country as a punishment for your abortions. You also are legalizing gay marriages and even euthanasia in some states. Every year your sins grow worse, and fewer people are coming to Sunday Mass and Confession. America needs to wake up to all of your sexual sins that are mortal sins. If you do not repent of your sins, you will face worse disasters.”


Wednesday, September 21, 2016: (St. Matthew)
Jesus said: “My people, when I called My apostles to follow Me, they immediately left their jobs, and they did follow Me. There was no hesitation, because they realized that I had a special mission, and they were blessed to be a part of it. In today’s world it is hard to find dedicated people to follow My service, and even to be a refuge builder. Those people, who are close to Me, are more than willing to serve Me, when I ask them to follow Me. It is an honor to be asked to do My special missions. When I asked you, My son, you were willing to do My Will, even when you did not know what My mission required. You also have answered My call for a second mission to be one of My refuge builders. When My faithful follow My mission, they will have a heavenly reward for their unconditional acceptance of what I ask of them. My faithful should also be happy that they are helping Me to build up My Church and provide safe havens for the tribulation. There are some people, who refuse My call, because they are either afraid of what they may have to do, or they are too weak in My love to be committed to any special mission. I thank all of My special workers who have said ‘yes’ to My call, for they will receive a prophet’s reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, when the wine is consecrated, it is transubstantiated into My Blood. This re-enactment of My death on the cross shows My Blood pouring out of the cup. When My faithful are martyred, or when you kill My babies, your blood is being mingled with Mine. You continue to see terrorist acts led by Muslim jihadists that are killing and injuring people. You also are seeing continuous riots over questionable killings of some African Americans. You also are seeing many drug related shootings. Even though millions of unborn babies are killed every year, these abortions receive little or no press stories. When people protest abortions outside of Planned Parenthood clinics, or even in Washington, D.C. on January 22, your media down plays this as not being news worthy. Yet, you see many pages of other killings all over your papers. You can see that your media has a double standard. In the future you are going to see Christians so persecuted, that your lives will be in danger. It will be during the tribulation that My faithful will need to come to My refuges for protection. My angels will guard you at My safe havens, so your lives and souls will be protected. Even if you see some faithful martyred, trust in My protection at your refuges, and I will multiply your water, food, and fuels.”


Thursday, September 22, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you marvel at such wonders of the world as Niagara Falls. This water comes from the other Great Lakes, but it is also a wonder that twenty per cent of the world’s fresh water is in these lakes. It is a great benefit for those people who get their water from these lakes. When you look how dry it is in the West, then you appreciate this water even more. This same need for fresh water is why I was giving you so many messages on ways to get water for your refuges. You have stored some water in your food grade fifty-five gallon barrels so I can multiply it for your people that will come to your refuge. Your other sources are sump pump water, rainwater, snow, and possibly a spring that you could get out of the ground. This fresh water is an important item for survival, along with your multiplied food and fuels. Be thankful for My protection and providing for your needs.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when the words of the Consecration of the Mass will be changed, and I will no longer be Present in the hosts. This is why you are seeing an empty tabernacle, and the doors closing which represents how I will no longer be Present in many tabernacles. So when you do not hear the proper words of the Consecration, I will not be Present, and you will need to go to a proper Mass. You will eventually come to your homes for a proper Mass and My Real Presence. You will be blessed to have My angels bring you My consecrated Hosts at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you have My Blessed Sacrament before you tonight, you are able to worship and adore Me in your churches. You know in the future that you may not have this gift of My Real Presence in public. A persecution of Christians is coming that will close your churches, and you will need to have secret Masses in the homes, and eventually at My refuges. I will always be with you at every refuge during the tribulation. So rejoice in My protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have noticed the declining numbers of people who come to Sunday Mass. You witnessed a closing of your former church because the attendance was very low, and you could not find a priest to carry it on. You will be seeing more closings, and even churches closed by your government. You already are seeing Muslims killing Christians in Arab countries. As Muslims start taking over other countries, you will see more Christians killed and burned churches. When your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to come to My refuges for Mass when you have a priest.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the days of early Christianity, Christians were killed in the Coliseum by the Romans. Today, the Vatican is near Rome, and there will again be killing of Christians in Italy. As Muslims become more powerful in Europe, you will see more terrorist attacks on My churches. When your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning, and then you will need to come to My refuges of protection. You will be joyful at My refuges, because My angels will shield you from any evil people who want to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to treasure your present freedoms while you still have them. Little do you know of the evil people running your government, because they are planning to take over your country with martial law by Executive Orders. These actions will defy your Constitution, and you will lose your rights and your money, as you will be joined with Canada and Mexico in the North American Union. This takeover will happen quickly as the Antichrist will come into power. I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you a lot of messages about how you will need to come to My refuges where My angels will defend you from the evil ones and the demons. You will see the glory of My power over all the demons and the Antichrist at My refuges. I will allow the Antichrist a brief reign before I will crush all of the evil ones as they will be cast into hell. Have trust in My power and My multiplication of your food, water, and fuels. When I bring My victory, you will delight in your reward in My Era of Peace. You may see evil winning for a time, but it will be brief before My power will be self-evident. You know that I am more powerful than the evil ones, but My victory will overwhelm you in My glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read about the harbingers coming against America as several of your leaders have proclaimed this prophesy of Isaiah 9:10 which is really a condemnation of America. You just celebrated the remembrance of 9-11-01, but soon this prophesy will be carried out as the one world people will take over your country in a martial law. Because your people have not repented of your sins, and they did not change their evil ways, you will see a destruction of your country and your freedoms.”


Friday, September 23, 2016; (St. Padre Pio)
Jesus said: “My people, I came as the prophesied Messiah of the Old Testament, but I did not want the people in public to know of My identity until I was to suffer on the cross. So when I asked My apostles who I am, they were at first not knowing how to answer. Then St. Peter said that I was the Christ, the Son of God. It was the Holy Spirit that enabled him to make this declaration. I then told My apostles to keep this a secret. I performed many miracles to testify to My authority, but I did not claim My identity until I was before the High Priest, Caiaphas, just as the Jews condemned Me to death for blasphemy. My son, do not worry about your solar system that can be repaired. This is another trial as you have seen other refuges that have had problems with their solar systems. Better to repair this system now, before it will be needed later. Call on My help, and I will help you with any of your refuge projects.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just read about the history of Fr. Paul Miller, C.S.R, whom you knew as one of the speakers at your retreats at the Notre Dame Retreat House. You all looked forward to his talks and roundtable discussions. He was a great historian of My Church. He will be greatly missed, and you can pray for his soul, and have Masses said for him. You saw in the vision how a shelf of religious books could serve you well in your religious reading. You read from the Bible, the Liturgy of the Hours, your Pieta prayer book, and your Magnificat prayer book. When you read your secular papers, they do not enrich your lives, as these holy books do. You need to spend time in prayer with Me, but you also need time for spiritual reading as well. When you have some spare time without any obligations, you could spend time reading these spiritual books, and it will be well worth your time in knowing more about Me. Remember when I told you that you will have to account for every moment of your lives. This time in spiritual reading will be a blessing for your judgment.”


Saturday, September 24, 2016: (Men’s retreat)
Jesus said: “My son, every day of your life you behold My beautiful creation. You are seeing also all the beautiful people who I place in your life. Some of you have been graced with a loving wife and your children. You have many people and things to be grateful for in My gifts. I call all of you to know, love, and serve Me every day of your life. You all have been given many opportunities to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. In faith I call all of you to be with Me in heaven one day, so you need to repent of your sins and let Me be the Master of your life. While you are on earth, you can share My love by converting souls to the faith. By winning souls over to Me, you can build up My Church. Those souls, who you invited to love Me, will be very thankful that you brought them to My love. Just as you are viewing the beauty of My creation, I am viewing the love of all of My faithful souls. Your love warms My Heart, but it is sad that the other souls are so blind to My love that they are missing. Again, My people can pray for the lukewarm souls to be open to My love. Your persistent prayers can help save souls. Rejoice in My love and My creation because you cannot imagine how much more beauty you will see when My faithful come to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are still finishing some of your projects with your outhouse and insulating your water barrels for the winter. You may need some repairs to your solar system, so be ready to finance what is needed before winter comes. The next few months will test the patience of your people, especially if martial law is forced on you. You have filled your large oxygen tank, so you can refill your smaller tanks in using your oxygen therapy. You know of some successful uses of this therapy to help people, so call on your contacts for helping those people who will use this therapy. Before you have miracle healings at your refuge during the tribulation time, you could help people as they begin any therapy. Trust in My healing powers, especially using natural means.”


Sunday, September 25, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you see the consequences of how you acted during your life on earth. This life is a place for spiritual training so you have an opportunity to be saved for heaven. I can even save people on their death bed at the last moment. I also listen to persistent prayer warriors who are praying for their loved ones. Never give up on any living soul. You are aware of My words in the Scriptures and the teachings of My Church. If you are open and listen to My words, you know what is needed to gain eternal life for yourself. In short you are called to repent of your sins, and allow Me to be the Master of your life. The souls, who go to hell, are choosing this place of torture by their own free will, because they refuse to accept My love. Those souls, who are faithful to Me, will have an eternity to know and love Me in heaven by My beatific vision. Look forward to your sunny days because this is just a small taste of My glory that you will see in heaven.”


Monday, September 26, 2016: (St. Cosmas & St. Damian)
Camille said: “I am happy to see all of you again, and I am also happy that you are about to put the house up for sale. I want you to look around in the drawers and out of the way places that you may find more hidden money, as you did under the table cover. Make a good search before you sell the house. I want to thank all of you for getting the house and the grounds ready to sell. I know you put a lot of effort into it. I am also thankful that you are helping Vic get by, even if he gives you trouble. I am aware of all of the events going on down there, but heaven is preparing for a huge battle with Satan and the Antichrist. All of your messages are telling you to be prepared for the coming tribulation. God bless all of you, and we are watching out for all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, Job is a beautiful model of patience, even in the face of losing everything. My faithful also need to be able to give up everything as well, so you are not attached to anything earthly. Like Job said, he came into the world with nothing, and you will leave this world without anything. You can be sorry for your sins, and you will carry your good works, but no possessions up to heaven. When you die to self, and let Me be your Master, you will lose your craving for anything earthly. You all are called to share your faith, your love, and your possessions. So share yourself entirely for love of Me. The closer you come to Me, the more you will be One with My Sacred Heart. As you crave to be in My Real Presence, you are preparing for being with Me in heaven. When you come to this healing Mass, you are healed in both soul and body. Rejoice in My intimate love which lasts forever. My son, you just had an unusual problem with your solar inverter when you discovered it was covered inside with a lot of water that grounded your device, and stopped it from working. Once you dried it off, your system is now functioning properly. This was another trial just as you had with the flies. You were open to have Me fix it for you, and trust that I will be present to help you in all of your refuge needs.”


Tuesday, September 27, 2016: (St. Vincent de Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, you saw how Job was down on himself for being born, because of all of Satan’s attacks killing his flocks, and even his children. In all of these trials he never blamed Me, and he was not abusive to Me. One of the lessons from this story is to be careful how you react to bad things in your life. You can learn patience from Job, and not to blame Me for the trials in your life. In every life you are going to be tested by difficulties, and you will be tested by Satan’s temptations your whole life. When you have difficulties, call on My help to ease your pain, and solve your problems. If Satan attacks you spiritually, then call on Me, and I will send you angels to protect you. Do not lose your temper with problems, but treat these things as a test of your love and faith in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, your current Administration is bankrupting your country with a welfare state, and their health care program. You have heard your President state that the more hand out programs he can start, the quicker your country will be bankrupt and ready for a totalitarian takeover. The goal of the one world people is a total martial law takeover, so you are primed for the Antichrist to take over the world. Your debt money was set up by the one world bankers’s Federal Reserve, and they knew that you could never pay back your National Debt. They have been preparing for America’s fall when your dollar will be worthless. Your country needs a sound money system and a solid defense, but your Administration is trying to make you weak for an easy takeover. You also need Me in your schools and your churches. It is because America is turning its back on Me, that you are in a weakened state, and you will receive My punishment soon for your abortions and your sexual sins. My faithful will be protected at My refuges by My angels.”


Wednesday, September 28, 2016: (St. Lawrence Ruiz & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen violence in your streets and violence in killing people in wars. In your newspaper today you saw a comparison of deaths in the last five years in Iraq, Syria, and Chicago. There were more deaths in the killings in Chicago, Ill. than either of these battlegrounds. You have seen drive-by killings, and killings over drugs taking a substantial toll of lives in the streets of your cities. You have also seen more babies killed in abortion than all of your wars combined. This killing of My little ones is the biggest offense of your country against Me. The magnitude of these millions of deaths is even beyond those killed in the Holocaust of Hitler’s death camps. You see over one million babies killed in one year in America. My people need to stand up against your abortion laws, and any candidates favoring abortion should be voted out of office. America will pay dearly in natural disasters and your lost freedoms as a punishment for your sins of abortion. Pray to stop abortion, and counsel your young mothers not to kill their babies.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just read how Deutsche Bank is on the verge of crashing. It is heavily invested in derivatives, and there is not enough money in all of Germany to bail out their losses. Still they will confiscate their depositors money to pay for their debts, which will not be enough for a bail out. This failure could take down the European Union and affect banks in America who hold these derivatives. You could be looking at a derivative crash that will cause a world depression. Such an event and subsequent crash of your financial system would allow a martial law to be declared. When the one world people want to take over, they will stop your electricity with either an EMP attack or they will turn off your grid. You also are seeing a possibility of your President giving your internet over to the UN, which will allow the UN to shut down all of your conservative web sites. There also is going to be a change in America’s reserve currency status when China’s currency will be a part of the new currency. This will begin the crash of your dollar when dollar reserves will not be as necessary for other nations to have on hand. All of these events will lead up to the same course of action that will create a martial law, which could supercede your election, and make your President a virtual dictator. Do not be surprised if you see a dollar crash and a stock market crash when the banks are too big to fail. There is not enough credit or money in the world to bail out all of your derivatives that the banks cannot redeem. Be prepared to come to My refuges if you see the banks collapse. Trust in My protection, and My multiplication of what you will need.”
Note: Deutsche Bank has $72.8 trillion of derivatives on its books, but its market cap is only $20 billion.


Thursday, September 29, 2016:(St.Michael, St.Gabriel, St.Raphael)
St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God. You read in the Book of Revelation how I was appointed by God to cast Satan and the bad angels down into hell on the earth. Hell was meant to be eternal, just as I told you when the priest said the opposite that hell was not eternal in his homily. Anyone who suggests that Satan does not exist, or that hell is not eternal, are telling you heresies, and they should not be listened to. You are also seeing a battle on earth, as Satan and the demons are waging war on your souls. This is why the good angels are assisting you in fighting the demons and their temptations. Carol’s father told you that we are preparing for a major battle with Satan and the Antichrist. You all will be tested by the coming tribulation as the Antichrist will be allowed a short reign.
But fear not because Jesus will bring His Warning first to give all souls one last chance to repent of their sins. The good angels will be protecting the faithful at God’s refuges during the tribulation, so do not worry about the demons little power. Jesus will be with you in Holy Communion every day, and the good angels will be shielding you from the demons and the evil people. Some people, who do not come to God’ refuges, may be martyred, but no one will be killed at God’s refuges. The faithful have been marked with a cross on the forehead by the angels, which will let the faithful into the refuges.”

Prayer Group:
St. Michael the Archangel said: “I am Michael and I stand before God. You are seeing the demons preying on unsuspecting souls with their temptations and addictions. Some people are not prepared spiritually to do battle with these evil ones. I am the angel guarding America, but when people give in to their mortal sins, it is hard to help them. You need to wear your protection every day with your rosary, scapular, and St. Benedictine Blessed crosses. You also could protect yourself with Mass and your daily rosaries. Recognize that you are living through the coming tribulation, so you could come to Confession frequently to keep your soul pure.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would see more disasters, and you are seeing some hurricanes, floods, and now even a train accident that saw some injuries and a death. It is not clear what caused this accident, but something happened to the engineer, because the train came in too fast without stopping. Pray for those people who were hurt, and for those who will be inconvenienced by this station shutting down.”

Jesus said: “My people, when the dollar was the more powerful reserve currency, countries had to buy dollars to make their transactions. Soon the dollar will be a smaller per cent of the world’s reserve currency basket when the Chinese currency will become the third largest portion. The Euro is the second largest. This means that countries will be selling some of their dollars that are no longer needed. China is also selling your Treasury Notes instead of buying your debt. This change in currencies could reduce the value of the dollar, and it will be harder to find buyers of your increasing National Debt. Your country is becoming a larger risk because of your $19 trillion debt, so you may again see a lower grade for your bonds. Be prepared to come to My refuges when you could see your dollar crash, and a possible martial law declared.”

Jesus said: “My people, some European banks are on the verge of crashing because they have many non-performing loans tied to the derivative market. The Deutsche Bank has so many debts that it would be impossible to bail out. You saw some major financial failures in 2008. If you see a derivative crash, this could endanger the finances of your world banks. Again, this could cause a martial law that could last a long time. Be prepared to come to My refuges if you see any crashes or martial law.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been working hard to finish your projects. You have your outhouse ready for construction, but you have been having rainy days. Your barrels have now been insulated, and you put some holy water in the barrels that are in the garage to keep them from freezing. You could store up a little extra pasta for some quick meals for the people. You will need trust in My protection, and faith in My multiplication of your food, water, and fuels.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were surprised when one of your inverters stopped working that controls twelve of your solar panels. When the solar worker opened the inverter, you saw a quarter pail of water come out. Once he sealed the input line from your panels, and dried things out, your service was restored without any expense to you. The man said it was unusual for that much water to drain down into your inverter. This was like a flashback to when you had a problem with the flies. You need to bless your system with holy water to prevent any more problems. You were fortunate this happened in good weather so it could be easily fixed.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been directing your projects for the last year or so, and I have been encouraging you to finish your projects quickly before events could soon endanger your lives. If all of your service lines that come into your homes were shut down, many people would die of starvation and exposure to cold weather. You remember how Noah was also criticized, but these critics died in the flood. Be grateful for My warnings and preparations, so My faithful people could find food and bedding at My refuges. Pray for My faithful that they will find protection and their needs at My refuges.”


Friday, September 30, 2016: (St. Jerome)
Jesus said: “My son, when you look at your life today, you can see that you center your life around Me in all that I am asking of you. At Mass you had a strong desire to be with Me in heaven and on earth. You desire to be with Me at daily Mass and at Adoration. You give Me time each day in your Chaplet of Divine Mercy and your rosaries. You are carrying out My instructions in doing your refuge projects. You go out to your talks to spread My messages, and you are open to help people. When you center your life around Me, then you will be able to fulfill the mission I have given you. Other people, who only want to do their own plan, are not open to My instructions, and they will have difficulty hearing My Word. The more people are open to follow My ways, the more they will be able to accomplish for My greater glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am about to bring My Warning experience to everyone on earth at the same time. No one will be excluded, and you will all face your life review and My mini-judgment. At the time of the Antichrist’s declaration, everyone will have to endure the tribulation. I will then bring My Comet of Chastisement on the earth at the end of this tribulation, and only those faithful with My cross on the forehead will be raised up in the sky to avoid being killed. I will then cast the evil ones into hell, and I will renew the earth. Everyone of My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace, and they will later come to heaven. So keep your trust in Me to save the souls of My faithful.”


Saturday, October 1, 2016: (St. Therese of Liseux)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing another hurricane in the Caribbean that is headed for Cuba and other islands, and coming close to Florida. In this vision you are seeing damage to come in the wake of some flooding. Pray for the people who will be in the path of this storm, and that people will be prepared to minimize any deaths. You have seen more Atlantic storms threaten America this year than over ten years. Be thankful that your hurricane damage has been small compared to the damage in Taiwan, China, and Japan from all of their typhoons. You are at the peak of your hurricane season, so you need to be prepared. You also should be prepared for any financial storms that could affect your money or your economy. Your election could also cause some divisions in your country. My refuge builders have been preparing for an eventual martial law, and mandatory chips in the body. This will be when My faithful will be seeking My safe havens. Trust in My protection and My multiplication of food and water.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel the apostles asked Me to increase their faith. Then I told them if they had the faith of a mustard seed, they could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey them. (Luke 17:6) My people of today, you can see the priest in the vision is trying to inspire the whole parish to go out and evangelize souls. By your Baptism and Confirmation, you are priest, prophet and king, which means you have the grace to be an evangelist. Most people could share their faith with their friends and relatives, and they could find someone who might be open to join the Roman Catholic Church. I have special evangelists who desire to travel and spread My Word to all the people who would come and listen to them. I even have some messengers or prophets who also evangelize, by sharing My words in their messages. However, you can help build up My Church, you should make an effort to convert sinners to the faith. Even if you do not physically evangelize people, you can pray for the conversion of poor sinners. You can also pray for your priests, and for more vocations to the priesthood. All the work that you can do for Me will be appreciated, and it will store up treasure for you in heaven.”


Sunday, October 2, 2016: (Guardian Angel feast)
St. Mark (my guardian angel) said: “I am Mark and I stand before God. I showed you my beauty as an angel, but you have a beautiful mission which I am happy to guide you on. You actually have two missions, one to share Jesus’ messages with the people, and the other to prepare your interim refuge. I give you many urges to do everything out of love for God. I even protect you in many close encounters with the evil demons and evil people. I love your openness to do God’s Will in even some uncomfortable circumstances. By being open to listen to the words of Jesus, you have been a willing servant to go out to many places to share His Word. You have called on our angel help in your traveling experiences, and you pray daily for your strength to follow Jesus in His plans. Your efforts to spread the Lord’s Word has helped many souls to come closer to God. At the end of your life you will see the full extent of your work, for which God is thankful. Continue to be attentive to Jesus’ intentions to carry out His plan. You are coming into a time of battle with the evil ones, and you will be asked to do some heroic things for the Lord. Whatever He asks you to do, go forward, and he will give you the grace and the strength to carry it out. Keep close to Jesus in His Eucharist because He is the center of your life, and the food you need to nourish your soul.”


Monday, October 3, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, pray for the people who are in the path of the coming hurricane. You are seeing in the vision all of the coming damage from wind and flooding. The people there need to heed the warnings so they are prepared for a serious storm. This is only the second serious hurricane of the season. Pray also that there will be little loss of life as well. There may even be some effects on your East coast with this storm. This will be one more test for the people who live in the South. These storms are another reason to live further inland, instead of on the coast. Be ready to help any victims of this storm. In the Gospel of the Good Samaritan, some people were reluctant to help the victim of the robbers. In the same way as the Good Samaritan, your people should be sympathetic for any storm victims and help them where you can.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are making plans for getting some more food, and for building your outhouse. Your time is running out to obtain more things, so it is good to make one last order. You will have a good group to work on your outhouse, which is your last major project. Pray that your food can be delivered in a timely fashion, when you are home. You can also pray for the lady you are helping so she can be healed. You are preparing to help a lot of people at your refuge, and I will be helping you to multiply your food and water. If more than forty people come, I will have My angels supply the wood and build more buildings on your grounds. The people, who will come, should be grateful that you are providing a place of protection, and all that is necessary for survival. You will be happy to see people healed of their infirmities. You will also be happy to have perpetual Adoration at your refuge. Continue to trust in Me to help all of you to survive this coming tribulation.”


Tuesday, October 4, 2016: (St. Francis of Assisi)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a contrast between the ways of evil men, and My ways in the coming Warning experience. You have men with evil intentions making tunnels underground with special machines. These tunnels are a means for military people to travel for martial law. They also are storing food in underground cities for your VIP people. The other tunnels are a spiritual means of how all of you will come to Me in your Warning experience. At that time your spirit body will come out of your physical body, and you will travel quickly through a tunnel until you come in front of My Light. Every soul will see their life review so you can remember your unforgiven sins. You will all face a mini-judgment, and you will be placed back into your bodies to improve your lives. This will help sinners to have a chance to repent of their sins and be converted if they so choose.”

Jesus said: “My son, as you look back over the last year and a half, you have accomplished many of My projects for your interim refuge with My help. Your neighbors’ inheritance enabled you to build a new chapel and a new kitchen. You have filled both rooms with your needed furniture and appliances. You prepared three bunk beds and you bought twenty cots for people to sleep. You have also purchased some food for multiplication. You have bought a good number of barrels for storing water to drink. You installed a very good solar system with batteries. You also bought a new shed and an outhouse that is almost built. All of your projects have been carried out as quickly as possible. Not all refuge builders have a lot of money for their projects, but I have helped them in various ways to get their refuges ready. Some people may wonder why you are spending so much money for your projects, but I thank you for listening to My plans and carrying them out. This work will not be in vain because you are just finishing up in time for the evil tribulation that is at the door. Keep your souls and your refuges ready for what you are about to face. With My help and My angels, we will provide for your protection and your needs.”


Wednesday, October 5, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I taught My apostles how to pray with the ‘Our Father’ prayer with a focus on forgiving one another, as well as asking My forgiveness of your sins. It is important to make time for Me in prayer every day. I am calling you to center your life around loving Me and loving your neighbor. You saw how I retreated into the mountains to pray, away from the noise of the crowds. In the same way you can go to your prayer room to pray away from other people. You need some quiet time so you can listen for My words to direct you in spreading My Gospel. This is why I am telling you to go and reconcile any problems with your neighbor before you come to the altar at Mass. You can also come to Confession to the priest to cleanse your sins, so you can be worthy with a pure soul to receive Me in Holy Communion. You also have many intentions to pray for your relatives and friends so you can be intercessors of prayer to Me for them. I hear all of your prayer petitions, and I will answer them in My ways and in My time.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are making progress on your outhouse building, but you ran into some pieces that were not cut right. You had to cut pieces that were missing, and remake the hole in a new piece of plywood, so it lined up properly. The metal roof piece was not cut properly, and the boot for the pipe needed a steeper incline. You will also need some brackets so you can use boards to lift up the outhouse to needed locations when you can dig a deep hole. This will be needed when your flush toilets will not work during the tribulation. You also ordered some more dehydrated food and some MREs, and it will be shipping from your vendor. You were making room for the food in your crawl space in the basement. Once you put the finishing touches on your outhouse, you will be ready with your finished projects. Pray for the people who will be led to your interim refuge. My angels will be guarding your refuge, and they will multiply your food, water, and fuels. They also will bring you daily Holy Communion, and they will build more buildings if necessary. Trust in My help for all of your refuge needs.”


Thursday, October 6, 2016: (St. Bruno)
Jesus said: “My people, many areas in Florida are already being asked to evacuate because electricity could be stopped for a while. There is a major concern to save lives and not worry about destroyed buildings and houses. Some people have evacuated voluntarily, but soon there will be mandatory evacuations. This is the largest evacuation ever ordered in Florida. Pray for these people that they will do the right thing and leave while they can. Even the military are getting ready to help people. This truly is one of the main events that will happen to America this year.”


Friday, October 7, 2016: (Our Lady of the Holy Rosary)
Our Lady said: “My dear children, your best weapon against Satan and all of his temptations is praying the holy rosary. My complete rosary is the fifteen decade rosary of the fifteen Mysteries which was modeled after the 150 Psalms. Pope John Paul II has added the Luminous Mysteries because all the Mysteries are about my life and the life of my Son, Jesus. You have heard the many powerful stories of how my rosary has helped my children throughout history. Today, more than ever, we in heaven need your prayers to balance out all the sins of your world. Many times I have given you my intentions, which are prayers for the conversion of sinners, for the souls in purgatory, for stopping abortion, and for peace in the world. You have been praying many years for the conversion of communist Russia. You are also praying for the people who are suffering from Hurricane Matthew. I applaud all of your reparation Masses for the souls who die suddenly in disasters because they did not have time to prepare for their judgment. Remember to pray your rosaries every day, and if you should forget them, you need to make up for them on the next day. In the Gospel, my son, you saw mention of Beelzebul, who is the lord of the flies. You actually experienced thousands of flies in your new chapel as an attack on your good intentions. With praying the St. Michael prayer and consecrating your land to my Son, Jesus, this evil has been cleansed from your refuge. God bless you in your missions, and I thank all of My prayer warriors for praying my rosary.”

Jesus said: “My people, a while back you were without power for eleven days, and your natural gas heater was not working in a cold March, 1991. You know what it is like to be without power for an extended period of time. You can empathize with the people of Florida in their power outage, only they will suffer the heat without air conditioners. There also is damage that may take a long time to repair. When people are suffering in one state, it is hard for people in other states to appreciate any stress the people in Florida are feeling. It will be hard to assess the total damage and hardships suffered from this storm. Pray for these people that deaths will be minimized and that power could be restored quickly. I told you that this event of Hurricane Matthew was one of the main events for this year. You still could see another main event in the next few months. Pray for the people who are suffering now, and those people who could suffer in the next event. Some of these events are a punishment for your sins, especially for your abortions.”


Saturday, October 8, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, when people first come to America, they are greeted by the Statue of Liberty, which is a symbol of freedom. You have a constitutional republic, but the one world people, who control your government people, are moving quickly to take control of America. Your President has written many Executive Orders so he could declare martial law at any time, for any reason. If he does not like the winner of this election, you could easily see martial law. It is My Warning that could interrupt the one world people’s plans. I want all sinners to have one last chance to be saved from their sins. The moment you see mandatory chips in the body, or martial law, you need to come to My refuges for protection. It is your spiritual and physical freedoms that will soon be taken away when martial law is declared. You will also see problems to obtain food, water, and gasoline unless you have a chip in the body, or the mark of the beast. When your lives are threatened, I will warn My faithful that it is time to leave for My refuges. Be prepared, My children, because these events could be tied to your election. My angels will watch over you, but be ready to leave your homes for My refuges.”


Sunday, October 9, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, just as you open your shades to let the sunlight come in, so I want you to open your hearts and souls to let My Light and My graces come into your souls in Holy Communion. My joy and love go out to each soul, especially to those souls who are open to receive Me. In the Gospel, you read of how I healed the ten lepers of their leprosy. I had them go to the high priest to be officially accepted back into their society. On the way, they all realized that they were cleansed of their leprosy. I want My faithful to come to Confession at least once a month so they can cleanse their souls of the spiritual leprosy of their sins. Do not look down upon people with any disease, but see that each person has My Presence in everyone, and you are all of great value to Me as My creations. Only one leper came back to thank Me for his healing, and he was a Samaritan. In your lives I give all of you many gifts of healing, and what you need in life. Remember to thank Me every day for all that I do for you. In doing so, you will be blessed for your gratitude. Just as I told the healed leper to go, because your faith has saved you, all of you will be saved who thank Me and obey My Commandments. Even in your lives, when someone helps you in some way, you need to thank them as you thank Me.”


Monday, October 10, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is showing you an upward path that is smooth without steps. It is difficult to climb because you could slip and fall downward. My faithful struggle to walk up this slippery path to be with Me, but people who are against Me, either keep falling down, or they do not want to be with the One who loves them. In the Gospel the only sign that I will give you, is the sign of Jonah. Jonah told the people of Nineveh to repent of their sins and change their ways, or they would be destroyed in forty days. So it is today, I am still calling for all peoples to repent of their sins, and try to follow My ways. Those people, who refuse to accept Me, and refuse to worship Me on Sunday, are calling for My justice, which could be disasters, and the possible loss of their souls. Follow the words of My Gospel and act on them, and you will be saved. Repent of your sins, and confess them in Confession at least once a month, and you will be worthy of receiving Me in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your society crave wealth and possessions, and they spend their entire lives accumulating valuables. I do not measure success on earth by how much money you have, but I measure it in your love for Me and for others, and in how many good works that you perform. Some rich people are afraid of losing their wealth to a dollar or a stock market crash, so they buy valuable assets as gold, silver, diamonds, art, and real estate. It is sad to see that people worship money and possessions more than Me. Some rich people desire to control people more than their wealth. Love of money is an addiction, and those people, who are rich for themselves, depend more on themselves than depending on Me. My people need to let Me be the center of their lives, and they need to trust in Me to provide for all of their needs. You cannot do anything on your own, but you need My graces to help you in your daily chores. This is why My faithful, who trust in Me, do not worry about growing rich, and they allow Me to provide for their food and water. All of you are very valuable to Me, and I want to save as many souls as possible. This is why I am sending My messengers out into the world so they can evangelize souls to worship Me and have people repent of their sins.”


Tuesday, October 11, 2016: (St. John XXIII)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a ship being launched at sea, represents how each of you are placed on the sea of life. When you are at sea, you are at the mercy of the waves which are stirred up by storms. This is the ups and downs of life when you suffer trials, as in the storms. At times you seek the harbor of My grace so you can be protected from the storms of life. You also seek My direction in which way to follow Me. If you listen to My words, I will give you direction to follow My ways in life. In the Gospel the Pharisees followed all of their traditions on the outside, but I was looking into their hearts on the inside. Their intentions were not to worship Me, but what they could gain for themselves. I was telling them that it is more important to love Me and love their neighbor. You can show your love for Me by sharing alms for the support of My Church, and donations to your neighbor. This sharing with alms is an outward sign in how you can thank Me for all the gifts that I give to you every day. If all of the people loved each other as I desire, you would not have wars, disagreements, or grudges of hate or unforgiveness. When you worship Me and pray to Me daily in your prayers, you are uniting your heart with Mine in all that you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, Hurricane Matthew will be remembered a long time for all the damage and the lives that were lost. The destruction of buildings, work places, and flood damage has taken its toll on the people, who have lost their homes, their jobs, as well as some who lost their lives. I am merciful in granting forgiveness to the repentant sinners. But America is calling down My justice for your many abortions, gay marriages, and even killing of older people with euthanasia. What is most offensive is that you have laws, or Supreme Court decisions that are legalizing these evils in your society. Each year the evils of your society are getting worse, instead of better, so I am allowing these disasters as a punishment for your nation’s sins. If your people do not repent and change their ways, then you will see a takeover of your country, and you will lose your freedoms. Pray for a spiritual revival of America, or you will be brought to your knees as the Roman Empire collapsed from its decadence.”


Wednesday, October 12, 2016: (Claire Farnand’s funeral Mass)
Claire said: “I am happy to see all of my family at my funeral. I love all of you, and I send my last kiss to all of you. (At that time I felt a wave of love that came over all of us from Claire.) I am with my husband, Emmet, in heaven with today’s Mass. You could see us together again as we love each other even after death. We will be looking out for all of you in our prayers for you. Remember all of my teachings of Mary and Jesus as we taught you to pray the rosary. I thank Barbara for her kind words about me. I thank you John and Carol for all the rosaries that we shared together at your prayer meetings. I love all of my family and friends, and we will be waiting to see you again in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how the one world people will do anything to keep your Republican candidate from becoming President. The establishment Republicans are not even supporting him. There are others who are doing everything to smear his name. Both of your candidates have histories of bad behavior. It is sad that instead of debating the issues, you are seeing a smear campaign on both sides. Your President or the Democratic candidate could easily be put in power. Their plans are to have mandatory chips in the body that will be required for food, money, and jobs. You recently heard of some people from Venezuela tell you that their people needed chips in the body for food, and living accommodations. This will be coming to America through your health plan. The one world people also have a plan for martial law, so they can cleanse My faithful out of your society. Do not fear the plans of the evil ones because I will have My angels protect you at My refuges. The angels will multiply your food, water, and fuels. They will also bring Me to you in daily Holy Communion. The Antichrist will have a short reign, and then I will cast the demons and the evil people into hell. You will then be brought into My Era of Peace, and then later into heaven.”


Thursday, October 13, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in just a few days of strong rain from the hurricane, North Carolina was flooded with water that had no place to flow but into the houses. You can still see people being evacuated to higher dry ground, and it will take a while for the flood water to drain off. The residents cannot restore their dwellings until the water is gone, so these people could be homeless for an extended period of time. Many people are without electricity, who are still able to stay in their homes. This devastation may even take years to repair. Pray for these people in their struggle to survive, and get sufficient food and water. You have seen many requests for donations to help the flood victims, and the damage in Haiti, where there was much more loss of life. The damage to your coastal properties could affect your national economy, especially in the East. Many of these Eastern cities have been declared national emergencies, and they will require a huge amount of tax dollars to repair the damage.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the straits by Yemen see many oil tankers and ships from various countries pass through this narrow waterway. You have seen your ships harassed in this area before. When two of your ships were attacked by rebel forces with missiles, your ships had to take evasive action to avoid being hit. Your ships have retaliated by sending Tomahawk missiles to destroy three radar stations. Each action seems to accelerate the hostilities against shipping in this area. Pray that these incidents do not provoke a war, or involve other countries who could come to the aid of the rebels.”

Jesus said: “My people, your news reports are finally showing these rivers in North Carolina are reaching their crests, but it will take a long time to restore these river levels to normal. There are still several hundred thousand people without electricity. This was a very destructive storm, and the full extent of the damage is still unknown. People and your government need to step up with donations to help these people get back to normal. Pray for all of your victims of this storm that they will be provided for in their needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Supreme Court makeup could be determined by the next elected President. If the Democrats win the Presidency this election, it will be next to impossible for any conservative to win, because the population will be so imbalanced to the left. The people, who vote, will have to take their responsibility for their choice in what will happen. Your country is at a crossroads of being either socialist or being a democratic republic.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been witnessing all the latest hacking by Wikileaks and other hackers who are exposing private emails and stealing charge card information. Large corporations are having their customers’ privacy invaded, where their debit accounts could be stolen. You have had to change your charge card accounts several times because of this hacking, and it does not matter if your charge cards are chipped or not. You will soon see a major change in your finance accounts that could lead to chips in the body. Pray for a better financial system to limit this extensive hacking without mandatory chips in the body.”

St. Therese said: “My son, I did not have an opportunity to talk to you on my feast day or last Thursday. You can see every day how your country is moving further away from God. Your society and your Supreme Court have forced your health plan and gay marriage upon everyone, whether they want it or not. Your courts are making laws by their decisions, even when it is against the vote of the people. This is why evil laws are bringing your country down, and they are bringing the Lord’s justice upon you in your disasters. Continue praying for your country, and the conversion of sinners. Your only hope will be God’s supernatural intervention with His Warning to try and change your people’s evil ways.”

Jesus said: “My people, your National Debt is getting out of control, as your deficits continue, and you are finding it difficult to find buyers of your Treasury Notes. The latest shift in your reserve currency with China is now having their currency added to your basket of currencies, which will bring down your dollar down in value. As the dollar decreases in value, so your wealth instruments in dollars will lose value as well. When you are forced to take chips in the body, you will need to come to My refuges so you will not be forced to take them. Refuse these chips that could control your mind and your free will.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a strong possibility for either martial law or My Warning before the end of this year. The one world people will take any opportunity to force martial law on your people, so they can force America into the North American Union. These evil ones do not know when I could bring My Warning to upset their plans. I can postpone your elections with a supernatural intervention. I will also shorten the Antichrist’s reign so you will not suffer as much. Be prepared for the coming tribulation when evil people will have their last struggle to win souls. Remember that I will be victorious in the end, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell.”


Friday, October 14, 2016: (St. Collistus I)
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard how the Christian martyrs could not be buried in the normal graveyard, so St. Collistus I had the catacombs made to give a proper burial place for the martyrs. You have been inside the catacombs, and you could see three indentations, one over the other, in the walls on both sides for burying the bodies. You also saw some places where secret Masses and prayer services could have been held. There was a great persecution of Christians for the first three hundred years after My death on the Cross. Many Popes were martyred during this time. I am showing you these things, because you are about to see another time of Christian persecution when your lives will be in danger of martyrdom. This is why I am warning My faithful to be ready to leave for My refuges, which will be your new catacombs, but you will be above ground guarded by My angels. Those faithful, who stay in their homes, could be risking martyrdom when the men in black will come to your homes to force mandatory chips in the body on everyone. I have told you many times not to take these chips in the body, because this will be the mark of the beast. I also mentioned that you could remove this chip up until the Antichrist declares himself. Once the Antichrist declares himself, these chips will have control over your mind and your free will. Your faith will be tested during the coming persecution and tribulation. Trust in Me to have My angels protect you from the evil ones with their shield of invisibility at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that America is being punished by disasters because of your abortions and your sexual sins. You just saw Hurricane Matthew cause a lot of damage on your East coast between Florida and North Carolina. Now, you are seeing hurricane winds and tornadoes coming into Washington and Oregon. You are seeing continuing disasters, but your people are not connecting your sins to this punishment. When you see such disasters, I am getting your attention. But as these trials continue, you will realize that there is a reason for your punishment. Once you see that My blessings of good weather are no longer present, then you will understand that I am calling America to repent of your sins, or face more bad weather.”


Saturday, October 15, 2016: (St. Teresa of Avila)
Jesus said: “My people, be thankful that you have food to eat and share because a time is coming when you will see a world famine. People, who have suffered destruction from storms, have lost their homes, and food is hard to find. There will also be a famine for those people who do not take a chip in the body. My faithful will be fed at My refuges so they do not have to take the mark of the beast, which I do not want you to take for any reason. At this time of year you are seeing a harvest of food which is why you are thanking Me for your gifts of food from the fields. Even more important is the need for a harvest of souls, which is why I will bring My Warning experience for all souls in the world. I will give everyone a life review so you can see how you offend Me with your sins. You will have a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell based on your life’s actions. In the Gospel I told you that those people, who acknowledge Me before My heavenly Father by your worship and repentance, will be saved. But those people, who refuse to worship Me and refuse to seek the forgiveness of their sins, could be lost to hell. I will give all souls an opportunity to change their lives of sin to one of obeying My Commandments. After the Warning, souls will desire Confession, and I will be waiting for all souls to come to My forgiveness, as the father of the Prodigal son. I want all of you to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit so you can go forth and proclaim My Good News of salvation to all the nations, and evangelize souls to accept Me into their hearts and souls. I love all of you, and I desire that all souls could be saved from hell, so they can be in My loving presence for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My son, you may be in a dangerous area near San Francisco, if there are major earthquakes along the San Andreas fault. Your news reports are already claiming there are a lot of smaller earthquakes on this fault. The next serious earthquake could also trigger an eruption of the super volcano under Yellowstone Park. Even a minor eruption could shutdown many airplane flights which you are seeing in the vision. Such a major event could also trigger a martial law which would have My faithful come to their refuges. Be watchful of several major events that could trigger a martial law. Pray for My protection as you prepare to face the coming tribulation.”


Sunday, October 16, 2016: (Conference at Legion Post)
Jesus said: “My people, you need to tear down this wall around your heart so you can be open to My love, and so you can share your love with others. You have the key from inside to open your heart to Me. I love all of you, and you need to love Me and love your neighbors. Just as the unjust judge settled in favor of the woman’s case, so My faithful need to be persistent in their prayers for those souls who are away from Me. I hear all of your prayers, and when you ask for the conversion of souls, I will have mercy on those sinners. Some souls, who are away from Me, will be very grateful to you for helping to save them from hell. Pray for these souls that they will be open to My graces. I pray that all of My prayer warriors will be persistent in their prayers as the woman in the Gospel, and more souls could be saved. Especially after the Warning, be ready to evangelize your family members when they will be more open to your evangelization efforts. The more souls you can help save, the less souls that will be going to hell, and I will reward you for every soul that you were instrumental in saving.”


Monday, October 17, 2016: (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you the green roof of your outhouse that needs to be completed with the new piece of correct metal sheeting that was sent to you recently. Your contractor was willing to come and finish this job. You could give him a donation for his labor. Again, I am pushing you to finish up your projects, so you are ready when I will send people to your interim refuge. In the Gospel you are seeing a rich man who had a bountiful harvest. He tore down his smaller grain bins to build larger ones, so he could store all of his harvest. When he stored the grain, he thought he could relax and live off of his harvest. I called him a fool, because he was storing treasure for himself, and not for others. That night his life would be taken, and I asked him to whom would all of his treasure go, because he would not be able to take it past the grave. Your life is brief on this earth, and you are put here to know, love, and serve Me. You are not here to accumulate wealth just for yourself, but you must share your wealth with others. So when you see someone in need, and you can afford to share your surplus wealth, it is your duty to help others in thanksgiving for all the gifts that I have given you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the beginning pews of a church, but your churches are far from being full. You see many people sitting further back in the church because they are afraid to make any commitments to build up My Church. My faithful people, who truly love Me, want to be with Me every day at weekday Mass. Those people, who just come to Mass on Sunday, could be coming more out of obligation to My Third Commandment than because they truly want to be with Me in Holy Communion. My true believers also want Me to be the center of their lives, and they long to be with Me at daily Adoration of My Eucharist. The lukewarm Catholics, who do not come to Sunday Mass, only come to Me for material possessions, or when they are tested by death or serious illnesses. My people need to understand that you are dependent on Me for everything in your lives. All that you have, has come from My gifts. I call on My faithful to do everything that you can to encourage souls to come to Me, so I can save their souls. When you love Me, you will want to share My love with everyone. Call on Me to give you all the necessary graces that you will need to serve Me in love, and to help save the souls of your neighbors for My greater glory.”


Tuesday, October 18, 2016: (St. Luke the Evangelist)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that the harvest of souls is great, but the laborers for My Gospel are few. You have read how I sent My apostles and deacons out to the towns to prepare them for My coming to them. When I sent them out, I told them not to take any money or food, because the laborer is worthy of his support in food and lodging. Even today, I am still sending out My prophets and messengers to prepare the people for the coming tribulation, but also for My coming again in justice. You have been happy in My year of Mercy, but soon you will experience My year of Justice. I love everyone, but you are all responsible for your actions before Me. I have called you to repent of your sins, and to allow Me to be the Master of your lives. Those people, who heed My words of repentance, will be rewarded in My Kingdom. But those people, who refuse to repent and refuse to accept Me, are on the road to hell. My laborers also need to evangelize souls, so sinners can repent and be ready for Me at My mini-judgment in the Warning, and when I return to the earth in Spirit. Have your souls cleansed in Confession, so you will be worthy to face Me at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing American dollars in a glass jar that represents the basket of currencies that has changed for the reserve currency. This reduction in the percentage of American dollars as part of this basket of reserve currencies, is a sign of America’s lower status in the world’s currencies. China’s currency has been added to this basket. As a result, the dollar is losing value to other currencies. The dollar is not backed by gold or silver, so its value could go down quickly as your National Debt increases. It will become more difficult to sell your Treasury Bonds or Federal Notes to other countries or investors. If no one will buy them, then either your Treasury or the Federal Reserve will be the buyer of last resort. As you print more money and more bonds, you will be inflating the dollar. As interest rates go up, you will have to pay more interest to finance your National Debt. Once you cannot finance your debt, your government and the dollar will crash, and you will be bankrupt. All of your instruments in dollars will crash also. This will require a new electronic currency, but you could see martial law with such a crash. Before your economy or your dollar crashes, I will send you My Warning so you can help save souls, and have time to get to My refuges. You will not need money at My refuges, but I will have to multiply your water, food, and fuels. You will be healed of your infirmities at My refuges, and you will have daily Holy Communion in perpetual Adoration. Trust in Me that My angels will lead you to My refuges before your lives will be threatened.”


Wednesday, October 19, 2016: (St. Issac Joques & companions)
Jesus said: “My son, you are very familiar with these North American martyrs, because you have felt the presence of these martyrs at Auriesville and at Midland in Canada. Several times you walked the trail of the martyrs at Midland to the three crosses. You read how these martyrs were brutally killed by the Indians. They were able to evangelize some of the Indians, and these martyrs were some of the first missionaries to America. Truly all the blood of these martyrs were the seeds of faith for your people. For many years you have been able to share your faith in public, but soon you will see all Christians being persecuted by Muslims and the one world people. You will be seeing more movement to a one world religion that is being promoted by Satan. I do not want My people to compromise any of My teachings, just to please other people in their religion or atheist practices. I am the foundation for the Catholic Church, and it will prevail against the gates of hell in My faithful remnant. There is a split in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will teach heresies, lies, and New Age, which I want My faithful to avoid. This schismatic church will control all of the churches, and My faithful will need to have a proper Mass and prayer in the homes, and eventually at My refuges. Be prepared to be martyrs for your faith in Me, if you are chosen to be persecuted for Me. Never deny Me even in public, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you have an important choice coming in choosing your election for President. Some of your issues are very clear. Do you want a President who favors killing My babies, or one who treats life as precious? Do want a socialist government that takes away your rights, or a Democratic Republic that protects your rights? Do you want a government that doubles your National Debt continued, or a change in spending? Do you want your electricity cut off or lessened because some people do not want coal, which is providing 30% of your power? You have a country of laws, but your President is not enforcing them. Do you want a President who supports the one world people’s agenda against America, or a President who stands up against these evil ones? When all of your votes are counted, the people will get who they voted for. If your government does not fight against abortion, gay marriage, and euthanasia, your country will suffer under the weight of your sins. You will see a takeover of your country and many disasters, if you do not repent of your sins, and change your evil laws. Your people are bringing down My justice upon them for not obeying My Commandments.”


Thursday, October 20, 2016: (St. Paul of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, after the twin towers were destroyed with the terrorists influence, and the help of the one world people, your people rebuilt the ‘Freedom Tower’ higher in defiance of Me. You did not see this attack as a sign against you, as Israel was first attacked in the North. This is a flashback to the harbingers of your country’s coming destruction, and even your leaders are defying Isaiah 9:10.
You are rebuilding the Tower without My help and without repentance of your sins. When your country defies My laws as with abortion, gay marriage, and euthanasia, you are calling down My justice. Without changing your sinful ways and your evil laws, you will see more disasters and a takeover of your country by the one world people. The one world people, who control your government, will not allow anyone to change their control, and they will tear down or kill anyone who defies them. They have power, and they will not give it up. Their goal is to have an open takeover of your country, and they will take away your rights to place you into the North American Union. You will become a part of the new world order when the Antichrist declares himself. Fear not My faithful, because I am preparing My refuges for your protection, and My angels will multiply your food, water, and fuels. I will have My victory over all of the evil demons and evil people when they will be cast into hell. Remain faithful to Me, and you will share your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I had you purchase a wellpoint, pipes to pound in, and an attached hand pump. You have used some dousing rods to determine where a spring could be found. It is not proper to dig a well right now, but you could do so when water is needed. You have seen how important a water source is when you have had a continuous drought. I told you that I would give you springs of water if you did not have a source of water on your land. You have barrels of water for drinking, but the water needs to be multiplied for drinking, washing, and bathing. Be grateful that any wells will have pure water at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the debates with the two candidates, and you have heard them speak out on their talking points. Many people have made their choice, but it will be how many people that will actually come to the voting booth, that will elect a candidate. You have seen some fraudulent votes from dead people, and more votes than are registered in a district. You will see more of the same as some groups will encourage multiple votes and other illegal means of voting. People are naïve to say there is no cheating going on. Pray for a fair election without illegal votes.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have made several walks along the path that the martyrs traveled. You can try to make some plans for a time when most people could attend. It would be difficult to choose a time when people are voting for your President. It is a good time to make a trip before the end of the Year of Mercy. Events that lead up to My Warning time could start in the next Year of Justice. Pray for the safety of your pilgrims.”

Jesus said: “My people, it would not take much effort from any number of countries to send a nuclear bomb that could explode high above your country. Such an EMP attack could turn off your electricity, and you could see many people die of starvation. This is another reason to stock your homes with enough food for one year for each person in your household. You could also stock some water in case your public water gets contaminated. This preparation could also be helpful at My refuges during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, any such events that would endanger your lives, will come after My Warning experience so you can prepare your souls to face Me at your judgment. The prophecy that you may not have another normal Christmas could very well happen, if there is a plan allowed by My Will. Such significant events could trigger a martial law, so I would bring My Warning before that happens. Trust in My protection from being captured by these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the Russian people practicing for the possibility of a nuclear attack. They are being threatened by new missile batteries being placed by NATO near the Russian border. Such a nuclear war could kill many people, and it could also destroy your chips with any EMP attack. There are means to protect your grid from an EMP attack using Faraday cages, but this would be expensive to deploy. Having protection from such an attack would help preserve your society from starving. Pray that such a war does not happen, but My refuges would be protected from any nuclear bombs.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is getting late to begin making new refuges, but there are prayer groups that meet at refuges. Your prayer group angel, St. Meridia, is also your angel of protection at your refuge. Pray for your people to be ready to leave for your refuges, and pray for your refuge builders to be ready to receive the people who I will send to them. Trust in Me that I will send only faithful people to My refuges.”


Friday, October 21, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all blessed to take time to come to be with Me in this retreat to nourish your souls. My Gospa Prayerhouse group is to be commended to offer this time for Me to talk to your souls. As in many retreats, it is good to have places of silence be honored, as you should be contemplating your prayers of silence to Me in contemplative prayer. You can have time for conversation at your meals, but if you have a place for adoring My Blessed Sacrament, you could keep silence in reverence for My Real Presence. I thank all of you for making this retreat, and be ready to take what you have learned home, and put it into your life’s work. I love all of you so much, and you are showing Me your love by giving Me your time and reverence at this retreat.”


Saturday, October 22, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, when you think of the fruit of your life, there are two lives because you are made up of body and spirit. You are concerned with the body’s survival and the soul’s eternal survival with Me. In the vision you see gold or money which is needed to buy your food and support your living accommodations. You have a work vocation to earn a living, and I give each of you special gifts in various trades. You, My son, were given a gift in the sciences to work as a chemist. Others were given gifts for other professions. You are called to be providers for your family. But do not let your earthly desires for comforts and financial security, consume your time. This life is temporary, but you are truly seeking an eternal life with Me in love, and also during your time on earth. Your spiritual fruit is how you know, love, and serve Me. I give you My Eucharist every day for those who come to daily Mass. Those souls, who are close to Me, allow Me to be the Master and center of their lives. Just as you were given physical gifts to earn your living for the body, so you were also given spiritual gifts to bring you close to Me in prayer, worship, and perform good works for your neighbor. You have the gifts of the Holy Spirit and My own Self that I share with you in Holy Communion. I want you to use all of your gifts to provide the fruit that I am seeking in your love of Me and love of your neighbor. It is this fruit of how you loved in the world that will be your witness before Me at your judgment. So live your life in My love, so I can see that you are a fruitful fig tree, and you are worthy of coming into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to describe to you how souls are suffering in hell, but they all chose to be there of their own free will. These soul bodies are experiencing a burning sensation from the eternal flames of hell. They are constantly being tormented by the demons, and they will never see My face or love again. They are in a hopeless state of only experiencing hate with no love. You do not want any of your relatives, friends, or anyone to come to hell. Hell is eternal, and it was made for the bad angels who disobeyed Me. I am showing you this experience to warn people of the consequences of their sins when they refuse to love and worship Me. I will bring My Warning to give all sinners one last chance to be saved from hell, by repenting of their sins and changing their lives of sin. Souls, who are heading to hell, will be warned and shown what hell is like. I showed the children at Fatima a vision of hell, so you all could pray for poor sinners. You have heard testimonies of those souls who were in hell briefly in near death experiences. My people, you are called to pray for sinners in conversion, so you can save as many souls as possible from hell with My help. Many souls are falling into hell, and your prayers are needed desperately to help souls from going to hell. Give good example to all of your relatives and friends, so they could be saved, especially conversions after the Warning.”


Sunday, October 23, 2016: (Eastern Rite Mass)
Jesus said: “My son, I gave you a message last night about hell, so you would pray more for sinners who are in most danger of falling into hell. In today’s Gospel, I told the parable about the rich man and the beggar, Lazarus. Lazarus was at the gate of the rich man, longing to eat the scraps from his table, but no one offered Lazarus anything to eat. Only the dogs licked the sores of Lazarus. Upon their deaths, Lazarus came to heaven, but the rich man found himself in the eternal fires of hell. The rich man wanted water for his parched tongue, and he asked Me to warn his brothers not to come to hell. I told him that they had Moses, the prophets, and the Torah to guide them. The rich man wanted Me to send someone from the dead to tell his brothers about hell. I told him if the brothers did not listen to Moses and the prophets, then they would not listen to one who rose from the dead either. I am the only man who rose from the dead to offer everyone salvation, yet still there are souls who do not want to believe in Me. In the vision I showed you how My faithful have to enter heaven by the narrow road. It is the devil who is trying to get souls to follow the easy, broad road to hell. So listen to My words of love, so you can repent of your sins and be prepared to enter heaven. Those people, who follow the pleasures and riches of this world without repenting, are truly following the devil on the broad road to hell. So again, I am asking My prayer warriors to spend your extra time praying for sinners, but especially for sinners who are away from Me, and in most peril of losing their souls into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you come to Mass, you are celebrating the Communion of Saints. This is a union of the saints in heaven representing the Church Triumphant, the souls in purgatory representing the Church Suffering, and the souls on earth who have not been judged representing the Church Militant. You have seen Me encouraging you to pray for the souls on earth so they could be saved from hell. I also at times have been encouraging you to pray for the souls in purgatory so they could one day be released from their suffering. In various ways I have been urging you not to spend your time on frivolous pleasures, but to spend more time praying for sinners and for the souls in purgatory. If you are persistent in praying for the salvation of the souls of your relatives, I will hear your prayers, and they will be allowed an opportunity to be saved. When you meditate on the Communion of Saints, you are witnessing My grand plan of salvation for souls, who choose to be faithful to Me. The souls in heaven are saved, and the souls in purgatory are saved, but they need time to be purified. This is why you are seeing a real battle for souls on earth because souls can still be lost to hell. So remember to spend as much of your time as possible praying to save poor sinners and praying to release souls from purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come before My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, I want you to be humble and give reverence to My Blessed Sacrament. Do not feel that you are better than any other sinner because I see all of you as equal, beautiful souls before Me. All that you have, and all of your accomplishments have been a result of My grace, so do not think that you have accomplished things on your own in your pride. Without My help, you would have nothing. You are totally dependent on Me for everything. So you should be thanking Me every day for what I help you to do. When you pray, you are sharing your love with Me in prayers of Adoration, worship, petition, thanksgiving, and prayers of helping people. It is your prayers for souls that are most important now because your time is short to save souls before I will bring My Warning, and I will allow the coming tribulation. I see many of My faithful wasting their precious time on things that do not help souls. I do not know how much more I can emphasize to you that prayers for sinners are needed now, more than ever. Many souls are on the brink of being lost in hell, especially to the Antichrist. Pray for these souls to be saved, and be prepared to evangelize souls after the Warning when souls will be more open to your evangelization efforts. Saving souls with My help is your most important vocation.”


Monday, October 24, 2016: (St. Anthony Mary Claret)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing generous people giving their time and money to help feed the homeless. My people, you need to reach out to all people to help provide them food for the body and food for the soul. In the Gospel I healed the woman of her illness on the Sabbath, and I was criticized by the Pharisees. But I told them that they would water their animals on the Sabbath. All the more it was important to free the woman both of the bondage of her illness and the bondage of her sins. In the same way I am calling all people with healing gifts to reach out to pray for a healing of both body and soul. When you heal the soul, it is forever, but when you heal the body, it is only for a short life on earth. Also when you are praying over someone, you need to have faith that I can heal that person. The person, who is asking for a healing, also has to have faith that I can heal them. Seek to heal people of their infirmities, but even more so, seek to heal souls of their bondage of sin with My help.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a set of keys in the vision, and they could start your cars or unlock your home. They are a practical means of running your cars or locking your doors. Be careful with these keys to your possessions, so these things do not control you. You have a new use for your keys that open and close your interim refuge in your addition. You also have a shed and an outhouse for your refuge. When I called St. Peter the rock on whom I would build My Church, I gave him the spiritual keys to direct My Church in My Kingdom. So even now I am calling many refuge builders to set up places of safe havens, and I am giving them spiritual keys to lead and protect the faithful who I will send to them. My angels will protect My refuges, but I need My faithful builders to help supply the people with their spiritual and physical needs. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels, but you need some basic supplies so I can multiply them. Have faith and trust in Me because I will be watching over My faithful remnant who will be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, October 25, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, the Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed that starts with a small seed and grows into a large bush. Again, the Kingdom of God is like the yeast that mixes with the dough, and it rises to feed you the Bread of Life. Wherever I am present, the Kingdom of God is among you. When two or more of you are present in prayer, I am there in your midst. Treasure My Presence, because I am always with you, all of the time. I call you to be obedient to your superiors, and especially to your spiritual director. Most of all I call you to be obedient to My Commandments, which are really summed up in your love for Me and love for your neighbors. There is a special love for married couples who are called to love each other by their vows. They are committed for life to care for each other equally without one dominating the other. Out of this married union comes forth the children, who require upbringing in faith and preparation for surviving in the world. Your families are truly the basic building blocks of your society. When you tear down the families, then your society will crumble as well. I made Adam and Eve as an example for how I want most people to live. You also have the example of My Holy Family of St. Joseph, My Blessed Mother, and Me. Continue to love one another as I love all of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, let Me say with certainty that Satan and the demons exist, and they are allowed to torment people in some cases, and they can even possess people who invite them. Hell with its flames does exist, and it is eternal. The souls who are in hell will be there for all eternity. Hell was originally intended for the bad angels, but a good number of souls are choosing to go there. You are seeing more occult groups and more black masses where they offer up bodies or body parts to Satan. You are also seeing a battle for souls. I am warning My faithful to wear your blessed sacramentals as a protection against demon attacks and any curses or spells. You could wear scapulars, rosaries, Benedictine crosses, blessed salt, holy water, and relics for your protection. There are some people who are inviting obsessions or possessions with cursed potions, Ouija boards, tarot cards, or occult meetings. So avoid opening any portals for the demons to enter. These demons can also gain entrance through your addictions. Do not let anything control you, and refuse to accept any chip in the body or mark of the beast for any reason. You are seeing evil leaders who worship Satan, and they carry out his evil orders. There is even a death culture run by the one world people who are intent on reducing the population. These are the people behind abortions, euthanasia, wars, viruses, vaccines, and even gay marriage. Satan has a counterfeit for everything that I promote as holy. Beware of evil things and demons, and call on Me to send you My angels when you are attacked by demons. Use your long form of the St. Michael prayer for protection, and for deliverance of afflicted souls.”


Wednesday, October 26, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how all of nature in the plants and animals are called to obey Me. All human beings are also called to obey Me through the action of their free will. You have the natural law to understand what is good or bad. You are also called to obey My Commandments to love Me and love your neighbors. It is difficult in this world to know how you are to respond to evil in what is being forced on you. You have the option to live your life according to My ways, or the ways of the world. If you see the wrong teachings taught in your churches by the priest, you can try to correct them lovingly. Otherwise, you may have to go to a different church. I assure you that the evil ones are infecting your churches, so you will have to have Mass and prayer in your homes, and later at My refuges. When the evil ones try to force mandatory chips in the body on you, refuse to take any chip in the body, and come to My refuges. You will see increasing persecution of all Christians, but instead of taking up weapons against the evil ones, I am calling you to My refuges of protection. Pray and keep calling on My angels to protect your body and your soul at My refuges. You may even be tested by martyrdom, but do not deny Me, and keep faithful to My commands to love Me, and one another.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of all the electronic surveillance cameras that are watching your traffic and business places. Many policemen use this information to catch thieves, and to catch red light violations. You know of a lot of computer information that is used for making sales on the internet, but there is also hacking of data to steal money from people’s accounts. Even your election machines can be controlled to switch votes. I am warning My people to be aware of how this information on your credit cards can be hacked, and even stolen with readers. This is why you could put your chipped documents in aluminum foil to stop any illegal reading of your cards. The real threat to controlling your mind is when chips in the body will be mandatory. Do not take any chips in the body for any reason, even if people threaten your lives, or buying your food. This is why you will need to come to My refuges for your protection. Do not bring cell phones or electronic devices to My refuges because they will not work. My angels will protect you from all kinds of sensing devices of your location. The evil ones will not be able to detect you at My refuges by any device. I will perform miracles of healing and multiplication for all of your needs at My refuges. Trust in My protection during the tribulation, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, October 27, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you are in a great battle between good people and evil people. This is why I am showing you a soldier dressed in armor for battle. There will be a physical fight in the Battle of Armageddon. But the current battle is a spiritual battle where you will need to wear your spiritual armor. My faithful are dressed with scapulars, rosaries, Benedictine crosses, and relics, if you have them. Your rosary of My Blessed Mother is your best weapon to fight the devil and his demons. You should have no fear, no anxieties, and no worries when you have My protection and your guardian angels. Even if some of My faithful are tortured and martyred, I will lessen their pain, and they will become instant saints in heaven. The rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges by My angels, where I will multiply all of your food, water, and fuels. Be thankful that you are living during this coming tribulation because you will be suffering your purgatory on earth. You will be healed of your infirmities by looking on the Luminous Cross, and the angels will put a shield of invisibility all around you at My refuges. At the end of the tribulation I will protect you and lead you into your reward in My Era of Peace. Rejoice when I will be victorious over all the evil ones when they will be cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are boating through a large pond, you could see dangers in the dark water, like floating logs and alligators in the South. When you have an election for President, where every vote counts, you could see many evil people who would want to rig the voting machines for their candidate. Already in the beginning votes you can see people complaining of their votes being changed to the Democratic candidate in Texas. If there were one or two mistakes, it could be voter error, but when many Republican voters complain with very few Democrat complaints, then the machines appear to be programmed for cheating. This happened in Texas and other states, but this is not in the regular controlled media. If you cannot have a fair election with rigged machines, then you need another company to check the machines for errors, or get new machines. There were so many changed votes, that the authorities were even allowing paper ballots to replace changed votes. Your governments are so corrupt that your election is always going to vote in the one world people candidates because they are fixing the machines for their candidates. If enough people complain about their votes being changed, then you may have a fairer election. Pray for the candidate who supports life decisions against abortion. If America continues to vote for abortion favoring candidates, then you will see continuing punishments from your disasters.”


Friday, October 28, 2016: (St. Simon and St. Jude)
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Holy Communion, you should be free of mortal sin and pray your Act of Contrition to ask My forgiveness of your sins. When you receive Holy Communion worthily, you will receive the grace of My sacrament to heal your spiritual wounds. Your priest talked about how you should work to be holy as a goal to work on your perfection. I have called you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. Because of the consequences of original sin, you are weak to sin, but do not despair. Because you are sinners, you all need to repent of your sins, and seek My forgiveness in Confession at least once a month. If you have committed mortal sin, then you need to seek Confession as soon as possible. Prayer and My sacraments are your means to seek your holiness. I have asked My faithful to pray your morning consecration, your chaplet of Divine Mercy, daily Mass if you can, and your three or four rosaries. When you are united with Me in prayer, you are talking to Me and showing Me your love. You can also show Me your love by your good works. It is important to give Me your ‘yes’ so I can be the Master of your lives. Give Me your will freely so I can use you to accomplish My mission for you. When people follow their own will, it blocks My Will in fulfilling their missions. Strive to enter through the narrow gate to heaven, and this will be your path to holiness in your earthly life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are just hearing news of Russia building a large ballistic missile, and they are moving some ships into the Mediterranean Sea to support their involvement in Syria. The Russian leader is sensing the weakness of your President, just as you are involved in a Presidential election. This Russian leader could very well challenge your country in the Middle East, and any miscalculation on both sides could trigger a major war between Russia and America. Because your President is disarming you, and you are not challenging Russia in taking more land in the Ukraine, you could see Russia emboldened to start a war with America. Such a war could show Russia’s power in the region, and it could even be involved in the Battle of Armageddon. Pray for peace in this area, but you could see a war in this area because of America’s perceived weakness.”


Saturday, October 29, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel is a teaching of being humble in your earthly life. Many people desire to be first in the best possessions, first in fame, and first in lines at the bank and at the market. You truly need to learn the lesson of being patient, and your life will be one of peace in your souls. You can find true peace only in My Presence. Even in your lives, you want to be first in controlling your life before Me. It is only when you let Me be first in your life that you will be open to hear My Word, and carry out the mission I have for you. So you have only one goal to follow Me in imitating Me in being humble and living patiently for all that I want you to do. Give praise and honor to Me in all that you do for Me in life. This place of the Luminous Cross shows you My Light in this miracle of the cross, and it is My suffering on the cross that you share in your suffering with Me. Again, give thanks to Me for all the healings of both body and spirit that are happening here.”


Sunday, October 30, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I call all sizes of people, even small people, like Zaccheus, to come and accept Me into their souls and their hearts. I am calling all sinners to repent of their sins and seek My forgiveness in Confession. All I ask is that you have an open heart and soul to receive Me. Those people, who reject Me, need My grace, or prayer warriors to help save their souls. Just as I asked sinners to repent and be saved, so I call on My faithful to reach out to all sinners to invite them to My forgiveness. At this place of the Luminous Cross you have a refuge for healings. Trust in Me to protect you at whatever refuge that you are led by My angels. Thank all of you for coming here so you can share in My graces which you will receive at any shrine to Me or My Blessed Mother.”


Monday, October 31, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a heart shape that could even represent My Sacred Heart. In the Gospel I asked you to invite people to your dinner without expecting people to repay you. I also am showing you My Sacred Heart of love because I want My faithful to share your faith, love, and donations with everyone, especially the poor. You are aware of how people celebrate Halloween with a lot of evil looking costumes and decorations. I want My faithful to think more of celebrating the vigil of All Saints’ Day. So if you send your children out for candy, do not dress them in evil costumes, but use holy costumes to honor All Saints’ Day and not the evil ones. You did the right thing to pray the long form of the St. Michael Prayer so you give praise and honor to Me, and do not give credit or worship to the evil ones.”

For Yvon: Jesus said: “My people, Yvon was a missionary for his Michael paper for many years. It was unfortunate that he had to suffer and die of cancer at a young age. He worked with Pierre as his peer leader. Their group fights against abortion and many other evils of your society. Yvon is still in upper purgatory and he could use your prayers and Masses.”
Yvon: ‘Hello John, I always had a special place in My heart for you, and we were happy to invite you to share Jesus’ messages. Your words reinforced our own mission to save souls, and make people aware of the evil around them. I am sorry I had to leave so quickly, but I will be praying for My Michael friends, and all of God’s faithful warriors.”

(Vigil of All Saints’ Day) Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a rainbow as My covenant of faith with all of My people. You are seeing the celebration of My saints on their feast day as they rejoice to be in My Presence. The lives of My saints are inspirations for all of you that one day you could be saints as well. I have mentioned before that My faithful will be suffering their purgatory on earth during the tribulation. All of My faithful will see their reward in My Era of Peace, when I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones. Some faithful may be martyred in the tribulation, but they will be raised up to live again in My Era of Peace without dying again. The rest of My faithful will be brought safely to My refuges, and then after the tribulation, they will be raised up as I will recreate the earth. Then all of My saints of the tribulation will live in My Era of Peace. Those people, who were not martyred, will live a long time until their death. After the Era of Peace, My saints in white robes will join the rest of My saints in heaven, and there will be great rejoicing for My victory.”


Tuesday, November 1, 2016: (All Saints’ Day)
Jesus said: “My son, you need to work out whatever is necessary to fix your outhouse roof. You may want to paint it and insulate it, so you could have it multiplied if necessary. You also could stock up on more canned foods as well as any other supplies that are needed for multiplying. You have accomplished your projects, and now events could happen, so you need to be ready to receive people at your refuge. You need to be ready with your spiritual things as well as your physical things. You will be seeing events speed up, and My Warning will be coming soon.”


Wednesday, November 2, 2016: (Rose Patalano’s Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see a family member die suddenly without much of an opportunity to be with Rose at her death. As you see people dying close to your own age, it gives you pause to want to be prepared for your own death. You can pray for Rose and have Masses, offered for her soul. Today is the feast of All Souls’ Day, so you should remember to pray for all the souls in purgatory, especially for those souls who do not have anyone praying for them. Rose will be praying for all of her family members, and she loves them very much.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing events that are showing the mass corruption in your government. You could very well see either martial law or an assassination of one of your candidates. The one world people do not want to see your Republican candidate win, and they will stop at nothing to destroy him, even with more manipulated voting machines. You are seeing parts of your FBI at odds with your President in wanting to investigate the new emails, and keep the case open against the Democratic candidate. You have seen so many scandals and cover ups for the Democrats, that they have lost the trust of your people. I told you before that it is just a matter of time until you will have a martial law. So be prepared to leave for your refuges when your lives are in danger. You also will have to leave if you see mandatory chips in the body, a crash of your dollar, or a bankruptcy of your government. Another threat could come from your electricity being shut down from various means. If your electricity is shut down for a long time, then many people could die from starvation. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from the evil ways of the one world people at My refuges.”


Thursday, November 3, 2016: (St. Martin de Porres)
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at the events going on, you can see how this vortex of evil circling around, represents the evil of your time. You are seeing abortions, euthanasia, and gay marriage running rampant. You are seeing a proliferation of marijuana and drugs destroying your people. You also are seeing corruption in your government at all levels. This circling mess could bring on My Warning because the one world people will use any excuse for a takeover. Once your lives are in danger, I will bring My supernatural intervention to save some souls with My life review. Keep praying for your election and for the conversion of sinners. The Gospel speaks of saving sheep and drawing sinners to repent of their sins. The Warning will wake up some souls, but others will not change their evil ways. If souls do not repent, even seeing hell in their future, then by their free will, those souls are on the path to eternal loss in hell. Keep praying for your relatives and friends who could be saved by your prayers.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a drastic change in the make up of one of the teaching organizations in the Vatican. I mentioned before that there will be changes in My Church that could lead to a division in My Church between a schismatic church and the faithful remnant. If you hear of heresies or New Age teachings coming into your church, then prepare to move to a more traditional church. Eventually, you will need to come to the homes for Mass, and then to My refuges. Trust in My protection and discern what is being taught in your churches.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that one of your parties has to use thugs to harass campaign rallies. Even despite a controlled media, both sides are getting their messages out to the people. You may be surprised at the election outcome. Your polls have not always been accurate in a close race. Continue to pray for your elections so those candidates who favor life could be elected.”

Jesus said: “My people, carrying out a martial law will require a larger number of troops, and many preparations that will not go unnoticed. You have heard more reports of martial law signs being delivered in your country. You have also heard of foreign troops and tanks being moved around. Be ready to leave for My refuges if you see martial law declared nationwide. Before your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning to offer you a place of protection at My refuges. Trust in My angel protection at your refuges where I will provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, America has had a strong military presence around the world, but your defenses are being diminished by your current Administration. Russia and China are expanding their navies and their missile technology while you are not changing much. This is a new threat to your forces, as Russia is expanding its influence in the Middle East, and China is expanding its forces in the China Sea. Pray for peace and a viable defense for your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, more FBI investigations of emails are showing you how devious one party has been in soliciting money, and a cover up of security secrets. There are definite criminal actions being uncovered in the latest emails found. It is unfortunate that this information could be shut down, and pardons for such criminal actions could be given by your President. You are seeing government corruption getting worse every day. The evil ones will have their way for a brief time, but then I will bring My victory, and they will be cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have brought many foreign UN troops into your country to implement a takeover and mandatory chips in the body. More Muslim militants are entering your country to cause terrorist actions against your government. There is even a collusion of your paid off officials with these foreign forces. Be prepared to come to My refuges when these evil ones declare martial law. I will protect My faithful at My refuges with My angels who are more powerful than the evil traitors.”

Jesus said: “My people, the first few days of November are used to honor the saints who have gone before you, and a day to remember to pray for the souls in purgatory. The saints are your models for how to live holy lives, and you can call on them to help you, and be intercessors for your prayers. All Souls’ Day is dedicated to make you aware of the souls in purgatory who need your prayers and Masses to get out of that place of purification. Remember these souls, especially in your family, that rely on you to pray for them. You have a Book of Remembrance for all those people who died this year. You can place the names of your deceased friends and relatives in these books so they can be prayed for. Trust in My grace and mercy to help release these souls one day from their suffering in purgatory.”


Friday, November 4, 2016: (St. Charles Borromeo)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some solar flares of the sun in the vision. This year has seen some active sunspots that release a lot of particles in a solar wind that shower on the earth. Some of this activity has caused unusual Aurora Borealis displays. Occasionally, large flares can affect your communications with extra static. The worst flare could even give an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) effect that could damage your microchips in all of your devices. Most of the time the earth’s magnetosphere deflects the solar wind from hitting the earth. The ozone layer also protects you from ultraviolet rays. I am warning My faithful to be aware of these sun flares that could happen at any time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many revolutions in France, Russia, and in America as a separation from the King of England. In the vision you are seeing a different revolution of the people against the one world rich people who run your government. You have seen how the rich people control your Congress people, your Senators, and your President and Cabinet. Because your people are controlled by your welfare state, and your wages and interest rates are controlled as well, the people are frustrated, and they want a change. If there is no change after the election, you could see a popular revolution to oust the evil people who are controlling your government. The one world people would then declare martial law to take away all of your rights. At that point I will call My faithful to My refuges where My angels will protect you. The evil ones will be in control for a short time, and then I will bring My victory. You will rejoice when I bring My Era of Peace as a reward for My faithful.”


Saturday, November 5, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is all about how some people love money, and even kill people for money. Others spend their lives accumulating money for prestige and status. You cannot love Me and money. Love of Me and love of your neighbor is more important. It is your soul’s eternal life in heaven that is more important than living a comfortable life here on earth. I call people to tithe ten per cent of their income to charity, if it is possible. Sharing your wealth will store up treasure in heaven. Where your treasure lies, so lies your heart. So do not let money run your life, but be good stewards of what you have, because wealth is fleeting and temporary. There is even a time coming when your money will be worthless, and you will need to survive at My refuges. Trust in Me more than your money, because I will always see to your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen different kinds of walls. You have seen the Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, and the wall on the Mexican border. Many civilizations have built walls of defense around their cities as in Jerusalem. The other kind of walls are walls of prisons as at the detention center death camps. The one world people have built hundreds of these death camps so they can kill Christians, and those people who are against the new world order. This is Satan’s plan to reduce the population, and kill My faithful people. I will give all of My people the time to come to My refuges, so you can avoid the evil ones who are trying to kill you. You will see My Warning first, when all sinners will see their lives reviewed as I see them. People will be given a chance to save their souls, when they have their life reviews, and a chance to repent of their sins. You will have six weeks after the Warning to repent and change your lives. Trust in My protection from the evil ones when I bring you to My refuges.”


Sunday, November 6, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the beauty of heaven in one of My many mansions for My people. I told you that I will go and prepare a place for you. I also said that in My Father’s place there are many mansions. You also saw all the saints in white robes, and the angels. When you come to heaven after your purification, I will greet you with My Blessed Mother. Then you will see all of your deceased family and friends who will congratulate you on coming to heaven. Keep praying and performing good works, and you will have your reward in heaven for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to November and All Souls’ Day, you are thinking about praying for the souls in purgatory. In the vision you are seeing the leaves falling as another sign of life coming to an end for the year. This also is a sign for My people to start thinking about the end of their lives, and how they should have their souls purified with frequent Confession. As you grow older, you may think more of your death, but you could die at any time. You cannot even promise yourself that you will be here alive tomorrow. So again keep your soul pure because you do not know the day that you will face Me at your judgment. As you change your clocks, and you see the daytime grow shorter, this is another sign of the cycling seasons which is like your life that is coming to a close as you get older. So be ready every day if you should die, and be thankful for every day that I give you. Remember to make the most of your time, because your life could end tomorrow.”


Monday, November 7, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, as you prepare for your election for President, you are seeing all the evil forces trying to promote the establishment candidates. You have seen a dictatorial control over you at all levels of your government. Those people, who want to control you, are doing everything to keep themselves in power. Your leaders have little care for the people, and they are only focused on their own fortunes. This may be the last election to stop your socialist government from taking over. You have seen voter fraud in the past, and it will continue in this election. If the current establishment wins again, then you will see mandatory chips in the body, and you will be forced into the North American Union. Pray that your people do not believe all of the lies of the one world candidates, and vote for a democratic republic instead of socialism.”

(Prayer meeting for the election) Jesus said: “My people, I hear your sincere prayers here, and other places for a pro-life candidate to win the election tomorrow. You know how the polls are, but I want you to have faith that I can answer your prayers. You remember another cause with Louis Saia when he heard My Blessed Mother say to him: ‘Just have faith in my Son, Jesus.’ Because of his faith in Me, he won his case. So today, you have to have faith that I can turn the tide for the pro-life candidate to win. Pray from your heart, and have faith in Me, and you will be granted your request to your prayer. In the Scripture you have heard Me say ‘Seek and you will find, and ask for a favor and it shall be granted to you.’ Focus on your faith in My power, and you will see great things happen.”


Tuesday, November 8, 2016: (Election Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you are being called to be good and faithful servants in the Gospel. I understand your free will that I have given you, but I am asking you to freely follow Me, and do not lose heart over the coming persecution. Your faith in Me is about to be tested. You will see a few victories in this life, but you will soon be entering a dark period of the tribulation that I will allow for a time. My first victory will be how I will reach out to all sinners at the same time in My Warning. I am giving every soul one last chance to renounce their earthly desires, and seek the love of your Lord and Creator. So repent of your sins, and seek My forgiveness in Confession. Call on Me to protect your souls and bodies at My refuges. There you will be with Me in perpetual Adoration. After a short trial, My true servants will then share in My victory over the Antichrist in My Era of Peace. Then you will be grateful that you have been chosen to follow Me, even through any persecution that will test your faith in Me.”


Wednesday, November 9, 2016:(Dedication St.John Lateran Basilica)
Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed a miracle and the surprise outcome that I spoke to you about with your President-Elect Trump’s win. I and your people have answered your prayer for this outcome. It is your people who rose up against your establishment that have held your people hostage for so long. Your people have spoken at the ballot box, and some prayers of thanksgiving are in order. It is the reaction of your establishment that you need to be concerned about now. You need to continue your prayers that you do not see a martial law reaction, and prayers that your new President-Elect is not assassinated. The evil ones among your establishment are going to strike back, and you need prayers and My power to protect the choice of your people. Pray also that these power people do not ruin your economy for revenge. America is standing up against abortion and socialism by this election. Now the Supreme Court can be filled with people who could change the laws that are against Me. This is an opportunity that America must take advantage of, or you could suffer the consequences.”

(Ezekiel 36:25-32) Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you My supernatural intervention which I will bring upon all of the people on the earth at the same time. Before the evil ones can endanger your lives, I will intervene with My plan to spoil the plans of the evil people. You are seeing yourself drawn to My Light through a tunnel where you are tumbling through space. I will show you and everyone your life review in your soul body just like a near death experience. You will see events of your life viewed from other people’s viewpoint and My judgment. At the end of your life review, I will show you your mini-judgment. You will then view your place of judgment. During your experience, I will warn people not to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body. I will also warn you not to worship the Antichrist and avoid looking at his eyes where he could hypnotize you. You will have six weeks for conversion, once you return into your physical body. You will be looking for a priest to confess all of the sins that you will be able to remember. Those sinners, who convert their lives to being one of My faithful, will receive a cross on the forehead that everyone could see. If you are not at a refuge, I will have your guardian angel guide you to the nearest refuge at the proper time. At My refuges you will be protected from the evil ones with an invisible shield. At the refuge, My refuge builders will supply you a bed and give you water and food to survive. You will receive Holy Communion every day, and have time for adoring Me at your refuge. So do not worry about the men in black with guns who cannot see you, and they will not be able to harm you. You will be healed of your infirmities by looking on My Luminous Cross or drinking the healing spring water. All of My faithful will be protected at My refuges, if you come when I call you.”


Thursday, November 10, 2016: (St. Leo the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, just as you are seeing a change in the seasons from fall to winter, so you will be seeing a big change in your government away from the socialism of your current President. This will happen as long as the one world people do not intervene with your President-Elect’s agenda. There will be turmoil with this change, and you need to pray that there is no violence. Even still, you will continue to see an increasing persecution of Christians. In the Gospel I told you that I would be rejected when I suffered on the cross. So My people will also have to suffer the coming tribulation before you will see your reward in My Era of Peace. Be ready to endure this trial as you are protected at My refuges. You know the Antichrist will be allowed a brief reign, but trust in Me because I will bring My victory over the evil ones, when they are cast into hell.”

Prayer Group:
Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am happy for America that all of your prayers from the heart were answered by my Son. You had faith in my Son, and He performed a Divine miracle, despite the fixed voting machines. You have a pro-life President-Elect, and you need to continue your prayers of thanksgiving for this outcome. You are seeing the power of my rosary again. Thank you for displaying my picture that has my quote: ‘Just have faith in my Son, Jesus.’ This picture was a victory for Louis Saia, and your President Bush. Now, it is another victory for your President-Elect Trump.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year you struggle to rake up the leaves from your trees. This is the price of having nice trees in your yard, but the trees also add to the oxygen at the ground level. When you clean up your yard, this is also a reminder that you need to clean up your soul in Confession. Seek the forgiveness of your sins, and learn from your mistakes so you do not repeat them. I forgive all repentant sinners, so repent and be sorry for your sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, your own citizens elected your President-Elect, so this is how you transfer power at your National elections. For people to be protesting, it is not how your country should react to an election. There may be different desires for who should win, but once it is over, people should accept the outcome. There is a possibility that the same people who were protesting the Trump rallies, are now protesting his fair election. If you see exceptional riots and disturbances, this could be fomented by the one world people who do not want a Republican President to hold office. There is a possibility that there will be an attempt to declare martial law to deny your President-Elect from taking office. Pray that this does not happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your problems are now soon to be addressed by your new President-Elect. You will be seeing a transition with a new cabinet being decided. Your business people are optimistic in your stock market gains. You have waited a long time to have a pro-life President. Pray that he will be able to implement changes that will honor Me more in your proceedings.”

Jesus said: “My people, I applaud your desire to make this martyr’s walk in the Year of Mercy. You will gain graces for yourselves, and for saving souls in the conversion of sinners, and helping the souls in purgatory to be released. I know when you come to Midland, Canada that you are all making a physical sacrifice of time and money. But you are doing this for the noble purpose of saving souls, and helping souls in purgatory. These souls will be grateful for your efforts. I will send My angels to protect you in your travels.”

Jesus said: “My people, this coming January 22 you will have a new opportunity for your pro-life President to encourage your protest against your Roe vs. Wade decision that established abortion. It would also be a good time for My faithful to partake in this protest to show the need to stop the killing of My babies. Your country is reaping its problems because of your many abortions. Keep praying to stop abortions in America.” (Note: this march will be on January 27, 2017 because of the inauguration.)

Jesus said: “My people, the next few years may bring a great trial upon you as a punishment for your abortions and your sexual sins. A time is coming when you will have a martial law takeover by the one world people. This will usher in a great Christian persecution, and you will need to come to My refuges for the safety of your soul and your body. Trust in Me to provide My angel protection, and all of your physical and spiritual needs.”


Friday, November 11, 2016: (St. Martin de Tours, Veterans’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing signs of a battle for souls all around you. Just as you are praying rosaries for the conversion of sinners, there are occult groups worshiping Satan and putting curses and spells on people. It is this spiritual battle for souls that is more important than your wars or political stands. You are either with Me or Satan, and your choice is either for heaven or hell for your eternal destination. All of your earthly battles are temporary, but your soul lives on forever. Your Gospel is speaking about the end times, and My son, this has been your mission to prepare the people for the tribulation and protection at My refuges. The Antichrist and the false prophet are going to try and win souls for Satan. My faithful people need My protection at My refuges where I will protect your souls as well as your bodies. Keep praying for the conversion of sinners in your battle for souls.”

(Stella Davis healing service)Jesus said: “My people, you were all open to the Holy Spirit as many people rested in the Spirit. Those people, who open their hearts to Me, and have faith that I can heal them, will have any needed healing accomplished by My power. Give praise and thanks to Me and the Holy Spirit for any healing that you received. You all can open your hearts to Me, but some people want to hold back, and they do not fully trust Me in everything. The more faith you are willing to have in My healing graces, the more blessings you will receive. It is this blind faith in My help that helps people get through their troubles. The more you trust in Me instead of yourself, the more I can accomplish through you. Go forward and trust that I will help you in everything.”


Saturday, November 12, 2016: (St. Josaphat)
Jesus said: “My son, you have been obedient to My plans for My refuge in every detail of your projects. Now I am showing you how I will have My angels expand your refuge to accommodate a lot more people. Do not question how all of this will happen, but accept My Word in faith that I will bring it about. I will also multiply all of your food, water, beds, and buildings with sufficient fuels for you all to survive the shortened time of the tribulation. You will all be able to share Mass with some priests, and you will thank Me for all that I am doing for My faithful. Your walk at the martyr’s shrine will be bringing many souls in purgatory to heaven, and your prayers will help convert some sinners as well. I thank all of you for your dedication to My directions in helping to bring souls to Me, and releasing souls from purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My son, the missing twenty dollar bill happened on purpose to show you that you need to be more generous in your giving to charity. The other reason I allowed this to happen is because a time is coming when your money will be worthless. I told you events will be moving quickly that will bring about the Antichrist’s reign. The evil ones will take over your money system, and all of your dollars will not buy anything because a new money system will be established. This will require a mark of the beast, or a computer microchip in the body. Refuse to take any chip in the body because it will control your mind and you will lose your free will, and be forced to worship the Antichrist. When mandatory chips are required, you will need to come to My refuges for your protection.”


Sunday, November 13, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, this Sunday’s Gospel speaks of My coming in victory as I come to judge all of humanity. I told you that you are living in a glorious time of My power over the evil ones, and you will live to see this brought about in your lifetime. At this time you are preparing both for My Warning and the coming tribulation. I have asked you to prepare a refuge for this time. You have been given My messages to help prepare the people for the Warning and the tribulation. It is the power of My angels that will protect you through this time. My Warning is My Divine Mercy on all sinners to wake up and repent of their sins. Believe in Me so all of you can receive your cross on your forehead, so you will be allowed into My refuges. This will be your last chance to evangelize your family and friends before the Antichrist’s brief reign. I want all of you to trust in My protection at all times, even if some people are martyred for their faith. My son, I love your obedience to My Will in all that I have asked you to do. Keep faithful to My Word, and call on My angels whenever you are attacked by the evil one. When you trust in Me for everything, then you will experience My true love and peace that you experienced when I took you to heaven. Go and present yourselves in this walk of the martyrs so I can hear your prayers to evangelize souls and allow more souls to be released from purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, all the souls who were released from purgatory are ever grateful for your efforts to make this walk for them. They will be praying for you to help with your refuges. You were asked to place the martyrs’ picture in your chapel, so maybe you could frame a picture to remember these North American Martyrs. Invite them to help you with any of your problems. I thank all of you for acknowledging these brave martyrs who gave up their lives for their faith in Me. Be ready to suffer any persecutions that you may face in the coming tribulation.”


Monday, November 14, 2016:
Jesus said: “My pilgrims, I am thanking you for following My desire for you to come to the martyr’s walk before the end of the Year of Mercy. I told you how the souls that were released from purgatory are also thanking you for making the effort to do this walk. I want to remind you to continue praying for the souls in purgatory and for the conversion of poor sinners. You will soon be thanking Me for everything at your Thanksgiving Day feast. Even now you are seeing preparations being made by your shopkeepers for My coming at Christmas. You are also seeing an end coming to My Year of Mercy. There may be a new year that could celebrate My justice, but your Pope has not made such an announcement. Continue to be prepared for any martial law that could happen, because you have yet to see the complete response of the one world people to your new President-Elect’s election. Keep praying for your protection from the evil ones, because My plans will overpower their plans.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you have been wondering what is the other major disaster that could happen this year. In the vision you are sensing an event that could kill thousands of people. You were also wondering what the one world people would do to try and stop your President-Elect from taking office. The one world people could resort to some very ruthless activity to maintain power. You have seen the HAARP machine being used to cause major disasters to promote their evil plans. So you have the possibility that these evil ones could use the HAARP machine to cause a major earthquake or a major storm that could kill a lot of people. Such an event could trigger the martial law that the evil ones want for their takeover. If this event comes this year, then they could prevent your President-Elect from taking office. Be prepared for the one world people’s response to stopping your President-Elect.”


Tuesday, November 15, 2016: (St. Albert the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the scrolls of the churches of the Book of Revelation. They are encouraging these people to change their evil ways so they can be presented in washed white robes, ready to meet Me at their judgment. As you read these warnings, America could also take some lessons in cleaning up its evil ways as well. A time is coming when you will all be held responsible for your own evil deeds. You will see My Warning when all sinners will be given an opportunity to clean up their sins and seek My forgiveness. I have given you many messages about the coming persecution of Christians, and the brief reign of the Antichrist in the tribulation of evil. I will never test you beyond your endurance, but the coming evil will be so great, that you will need to come to My refuges to protect your body and soul. Pray for your refuge builders in all the sacrifices that they are being called on to make, so My people will have a safe haven to live during the tribulation. I am also calling on My refuge builders to carry out the preparations that I have requested them to do. They need to trust in Me and My angels to have their refuges ready to receive the people who I will send to them. Your suffering will be less than 3½ years, but your reward will be great both in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you read about the self-righteous Pharisees who were judging Me as evil because I was eating with someone known as a sinner to them. First of all, you are all sinners, and you all are in need of repentance and My forgiveness. I am the only One worthy enough to judge people in their sins. Remember when I told people that they need to remove the wooden beam in their own eye, before they can see the splinter in their neighbor’s eye. So do not criticize others when you have plenty of faults of your own. In fact you should not make judgments at all of other people, because you do not know all the reasons why people behave the way they do. If you see someone acting in an evil way, you can make suggestions to help them, but do not judge them because that is done only by Me. You can see how I was criticized many times by the Pharisees, because they did not have the insight and intelligence that I have. So be humble as the tax collector, and listen to My Word to improve your lives.”


Wednesday, November 16, 2016: (St. Gertrude)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read of the two good servants who increased the coins that they were given, but the third servant did nothing with his master’s money. You are all given certain talents, so you can use them to serve Me and your neighbor. I am looking to see the fruits of your labor, but you need to use your gifts for a good purpose, and not just for yourself. Those people, who do not use their talents, will have to answer to Me at their judgment. There are some people who do not work on purpose by living off of other people without using their talents. There are also people in the spiritual life who do not use their gift of faith, and they rely on themselves instead of Me. You have spiritual talents as well, and you need to share your faith in evangelizing souls. Do not just keep your faith to yourself. My love was meant to be shared. So use your gifts both in the physical world and the spiritual world, and you will be rewarded in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are reading from the Book of Revelation that is foretelling the events of the end times. St. John is describing the beauty of heaven as appearing with beautiful gems, and lightning and thunder coming from the throne of God. You are reading of the four living creatures that could be a sign of the four Evangelists. The angels are worshiping God along with the twenty-four elders. They sang: ‘Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God Almighty, who was, who is, and who is coming.’ There are many scrolls and seals of terrible things that will happen during the tribulation of the Antichrist. This is why I will be protecting My faithful at My refuges. So do not have any fear, but trust that I will watch out for My people.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you see digging in the dirt, it could be a preparation for making a basement, or for making a grave for a dead person. There is another use for clay in having a potter make vases on his wheel. I make all of you out of the dust of the earth as I am the Potter, and you are My creations. You will also return to dust when you die. Even as I am forming babies in the womb, there are a good number of people who are aborting My babies. Abortion has been one of your Presidential campaign issues that can still be turned around with a conservative Supreme Court. Keep praying for your new President and that he can change some of the evil laws on your books. Also pray for his protection from the demons and the evil one world people who want to stop him from being inaugurated President. He was Divinely elected by My power and the angels at the election booths. There are still many people who do not want him to succeed. Your prayers can help soften the hearts of those people who are rejecting My truths and My ways. Whether people like it or not, your new President can change much of your evil society if he is allowed to act on it. Keep praying for your country’s success in getting closer to Me in your actions. The more you can convert sinners to faith believing people, the more souls you can save.”


Thursday, November 17, 2016: (St. Elizabeth of Hungary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear son, I want you to be at peace through all of the events that are about to take place. You trust in my Son’s grace to help and protect you. In the coming events many people will be frightened and upset because they have little faith in my Son. You are right in thinking that this coming year is a year of my Son’s justice. The evil of your world is so great that it will require my Son’s intervention because the evil ones are mocking and killing Christians. Yes, the Warning is coming, and it will shake all sinners to the core. This will be my Son’s last call to prepare everyone for the evil that will come in the Antichrist’s brief reign. It is also true that My faithful will need the protection of my Son’s angels at His refuges. So be at peace, my son, and do not fear, because my Son is allowing this test of all sinners. We will be with you and protect your people at your refuge. Just have faith in my Son, Jesus.”
Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you have had many messages about being prepared to come to My refuges when the tribulation starts. This message is about having your car in good repair so you will be able to travel to your nearest refuge. This means having good tires, and a good engine so you have dependable transportation. You also should have your bikes in good repair with pumped up tires so you have a backup transportation in case of an EMP attack, or if gasoline is not available.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, your new President is proposing an increase in infrastructure spending, and an increase in defense spending. These things are needed, but with reduced taxes, it may be hard to control your deficit on the National Debt. There will have to be some modification in your spending, and a retirement of programs that are no longer needed. This will create some resistance in reducing your socialist programs. Pray that your leaders will vote for the best budget to help your people and not just for private interests.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is a week after your election, and some people are still marching in protest of the latest election. There is increasing evidence that these protests are being purposely planned by the same people who caused problems at your President-Elect’s campaign rallies. The one world people are still trying to cause enough trouble to start a martial law. Pray that My angels will be instrumental in stopping any martial law. Trust in My power that is stronger than the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you see an increase in the number of Warning messages, you are seeing a stronger case for the Warning to come soon because of this increase. Many people are not seeing how your children and your adults are being brainwashed by your socialist government leaders, and your socialist teachers in your schools and colleges. By removing My teachings from your schools and the workplace, you are going along with the atheist people. It is time now to put aside your politically correct thinking, and embrace My love and My ways in your society. Those people, who control your media and your school teaching, need to be changed back to God-fearing traditions that your country was founded on.”

Jesus said: “My people, now is the time to start putting prayer and My Name back into the public view. Do not let the atheists control you. You have freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Do not let the atheists and Muslims dictate your religious norms. If Muslims can pray anywhere, then Christians can express themselves as well. Stand up for your Constitutional rights, or they will be taken away. Pray for love and unity, but there should be a fair expression for everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people have spoken out against your socialist policies of your current President, but now your prayers are needed for a smooth transition of power. Keep praying for the safety of your new President, and pray that martial law does not stop your new President from taking office. This was a Divine election, and it needs preserving with your prayers. You will be seeing a lot of political resistance to changing your government, but without a cleaning out of evil policies, your country will be punished.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of any made up disturbances by left leaning organizations who are trying to steal your government from the people. Many of the seeming protests are being organized against the vote of your people. Pray that your police and military are willing to protect your laws and the will of the people. All of your violent protesters should be restrained and even jailed for crimes of destruction of property. If you cannot establish proper law and order, then you are allowing the anarchists to control you. Pray that these illegal damaging protests can be brought under control.”


Friday, November 18, 2016: (Dedication of St.Peter & St.Paul Basilicas)
Jesus said: “My people, when you are on the stage of life every day, you have everyone looking at you in your actions. Even people know you more by your deeds than by just your physical appearance. You can be educated in the best schools, but it is what you do with your knowledge that makes it most useful. You could have many degrees, but if you do not use them for some good purpose, then it is a wasted effort. Even now because there are not enough good jobs available, students coming out of today’s colleges have difficulties in finding jobs to match their skills. I give everyone brains, and you have the opportunity to use them to gain a good education. You have My Commandments and your faith, so it is your actions that you will be judged on. You are all good people because I created you, but it is what you do with your life that matters most. So do not waste your time or your life on frivolous things or living off handouts, but gain your own living by the work of your God-given skills. Even in St. Paul’s writings he says that those people, who do not work, should not eat. Use your God-given skills for the right purpose, and you will be judged worthy to enter heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been protected from evil because of your mission, and because you love Me enough to do all that I ask of you. I am letting you see that many people ignore Me, and some people even worship the devil as you know. I have only a small remnant that I can depend on as My prayer warriors. I thank all of you for being faithful to Me, and you need to reach out to evangelize souls. If you truly understood how evil this world is, you would be on your knees praying for souls constantly. I have told you in the Scriptures that many are called, but only a few are chosen who have faith and truly love Me. You are definitely in the minority, which is why the demons are attacking My faithful more, because they already control the weak sinners, especially people with addictions. When you were addicted to computer programming, you gave Me only a small part of your time. Now, you give Me a lot more time because you see the need for so much prayer for converting sinners, and helping souls get out of purgatory. Learn this lesson that you need to pray more because I am depending on My prayer warriors.”


Saturday, November 19, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, the Sadducees were badly mistaken when they asked Me about the seven brothers who married a woman. In heaven My saints do not marry, but they are like angels who constantly praise My glory. These people did not believe that there was life after death. After your soul has been purified, you will be coming to heaven. Truly your soul lives on forever. When the women came to My tomb, My angels said: ‘Why do you seek the Living One among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.’ (Luke 24:5-6) Just as I rose from the dead, so My faithful will have resurrected bodies on the day of judgment. This life is passing away. So focus your life around Me, so I can take you into the next life in heaven. It is your eternal destination that is most important for your soul. So truly there is life after death, and this is why saving souls from hell, is such an important work while you are still on earth. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do to bring souls to Me. I give you the gift of faith, and I offer every soul an opportunity to be with the One who loves them, and not Satan who hates them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have Thanksgiving Day coming next week when all of your family comes together for a turkey dinner. Even as you prepare for this get together, you have many things to be thankful for. You can thank Me for your President-Elect’s election and your wife’s healing of breast cancer. You have seen other cancer healings as well. You can thank Me for the health of both of your bodies, and helping you in your travels to share My messages. You can thank Me for your inheritances and the building of your refuge. You can thank Me for your gifts of faith and many other blessings. The most important is to keep your souls pure with frequent Confession. Remember to thank Me, especially when I answer your prayers.”


Sunday, November 20, 2016: (Christ the King)
Jesus said: “My people, today all of you can give praise and glory to your King of the Universe. On such a happy occasion your people should be singing out as loud as they can at Mass. There are many people who view My creation every day, but they still do not appreciate the Creator, and give Me glory. I give all of you many gifts, and you should be thanking Me every day, especially in this Thanksgiving week. I love all of you so much, and I pray that many people would love Me as well. It is sad that many people ignore Me, and they do not seek My peace, or they would have less troubles. When you pray to Me and ask Me to be a part of your life, I will send you many blessings, and you will always be happy with Me at your side. I bless all of My faithful who give Me praise, and talk to Me in their prayers. I love you so much, and I say to you, ‘You will be with Me in paradise one day.’”

Jesus said: “My people, I am so happy to see all of you who came to pray My Blessed Mother’s rosary. I know it is cold and snowy, but you are still here despite the bad weather. By your presence I know you love Me so much as your King and your Creator. You all are to be commended for keeping up this Shrine in remembrance of My messages here. I thank all of your leaders for organizing this Shrine. I thank all of My faithful prayer warriors for being true to Me, and I offer you this same promise that I gave to the good thief. I told him: ‘This day thou shall be with Me in paradise.’ Go forward and evangelize as many souls as you can, so they can share in My love for all eternity. Keep praying for poor sinners and for the souls in purgatory with your daily rosaries and your Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Thank you again for giving Me praise and glory on this feast of My Kingship.”


Monday, November 21, 2016:(Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Jesus said: “My son, yesterday you had a very difficult time getting home from Utica, New York because of snowy conditions at night. You saw several accidents and cars off the road. By My grace and the angels, you were spared getting into any accident or going off of the icy and snowy roads. There were even a few power outages in your area from cars hitting poles, and trees falling on your power lines. You were again spared such outages. Just as you were thankful to get home safely and stay warm, you should pray for all the people who had car problems, and had to deal with power outages. Winter has returned, and you can see all the problems associated with it. This again is another reason to have alternate fuels, candles, and oil lamps for light. Even your wind-up flashlights would be helpful. Having extra food and water will also be needed.”

Jesus said: “My people, in America you have plenty of food when you go into most of your grocery stores. Your fields are fertile, and you see a lot of fields of corn, soybeans, and wheat. You even export some of your grain crops because you have so much of a harvest. This symbol of a cornucopia is appropriate for your coming turkey dinner this week. Even though the farmers grow your food, they have a hard time making a profit because they are at the mercy of your rainfall. Without irrigation and a large farm, it is hard to make money at farming. So when you see all of your food on the table, you truly need to thank your farmers for what you are eating. You need good cooks and some planning for everyone to bring a different dish. Just as you are blessed with enough food now, so you will have what you need at My refuges. Give praise and thanks to Me to help your refuge builders, and for your refuge builders who gave Me their ‘yes’ to My call. Call on Me to multiply your food and water, so you all will have enough to survive.”


Tuesday, November 22, 2016: (St. Cecilia)
Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel of the five wise virgins, who bought extra oil, and the five unwise virgins, who did not, is all about making preparations. When the bridegroom was coming, the five virgins, who did not bring extra oil, had to go buy some oil because their lamps were going out. When they returned, they could not enter because the door was closed. So it is with preparing for the end times, when you will be facing the tribulation of the Antichrist. I have called some faithful souls to build refuges with supplies, and My angels will protect these safe havens from the evil ones who want to kill Christians. Those people, who do not have refuges, need to prepare backpacks or roller boards with food and clothing, so they can be ready to travel to the nearest refuge that My angel will lead them. It is this preparation that is similar to the five wise virgins who were prepared with extra oil for their lamps. Having oil lamps and lamp oil is one of the preparations to have light at night if you should have a power outage. My refuge builders are also storing food, water, and fuels during the winter. If you do not have electricity or natural gas for your heaters, then you will need alternate sources of fuel for heating your house in the winter. You could use wood, kerosene, or propane, if they are available, with the appropriate heaters to stay warm. You will also need fuels for any cooking device as a Coleman stove, or even an outside grill. You will also need spiritual preparations as an altar for Mass and perpetual Adoration. You also may need rosaries, Bibles, candles, bread and wine for Mass. In the house you will also need cots, beds, pillows, and blankets for sleeping. I will multiply what you need for living through this short reign of evil. Have trust and faith in My protection, and fulfilling all of your needs.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you know how badly it was snowing on your highway on Sunday night as you were returning home from your talk in Utica, New York. You read in your morning paper how you had 14 inches of snow mostly east and south of Rochester, New York. Those people on the west of the city only had a few inches. You are still recovering from a drought, so this did give you some water. Pray for the safety of your drivers as people will be traveling for Thanksgiving Day dinner.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see power outages this is a reminder to have some alternate fuels for heating and some oil lamps for light. It is difficult to be without power, especially in winter. You could also stock up on some extra food if such an outage lasts into weeks. This loss of power could also come from an EMP attack which could cause people to starve if they do not have much food. Be prepared also to come to My refuges if your power is out for a long time.”

Jesus said: “My people, Thanksgiving Day is a great time for your family reunions as you share in a great meal. Be sure to pray a special prayer of thanksgiving before you eat your meal. Thank Me personally for all I have done in your lives. As you greet your family, you can think of how you can pray for all the souls who need to come closer to Me in their faith. Remember this moment also when you come together at the Warning when you could evangelize these souls so they could receive My crosses on their foreheads. After the Warning, these souls will be seeking My forgiveness.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer so your family members could be converted. Make a cross over their pictures with holy water to help break any addictions. Your persistent prayers for your family members could help save them from hell. If any of your family is sick or dying, you could also pray a Chaplet of Divine Mercy for their intention. If you could get family members to wear blessed sacramentals, it could guard them from demon attacks. The best help you could give your family, is to help save their souls from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I directed you to go to your room in quiet to pray your prayers to Me. Some people have set up a designated prayer room where they could pray, away from the noise of the world. When you pray in silence, then you can listen for My words to your heart so I can direct you what to do for Me. By being open and listening for My Word, then you could receive My message and direction for your life. Trust in Me as I lead you in your mission on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, once you come to Me in prayer, I allow you to see what is needed in your life to bring you closer to Me. When you see your imperfections, you want to repent of your sins, and come to Me in Confession so I can forgive your sins. You should try to have your sins forgiven in Confession at least once a month. By keeping your souls pure, then you will be prepared to meet Me at your judgment whenever I will call you home to Me. Encourage your family and friends to come closer to Me, especially in coming to Mass and Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, I give you many gifts each day, and when you pray to Me, it is your way of thanking Me for all that I do for you. I love My prayer warriors, and I thank you for all of your prayers. By being faithful to Me, you will receive your reward both in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. Continue to pray for the conversion of sinners so they can love Me and be saved from hell. When you all come together in prayer, I am there in your midst. You all share in My joy when you pray together. I long for the day when I can welcome all of you into heaven where you will share My peace and love for all eternity.”


Wednesday, November 23, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, as you think about the first Thanksgiving meals with the pilgrims, they came to America for freedom to worship Me as they chose. For many years you have had freedom of religion that was guaranteed by your founding fathers in your Constitution. Now, you are seeing the atheists and Muslims persecuting Christians for displaying My Name in public. You are seeing openly that the Muslims here are not coming to blend in with your people, but they are coming to take over your country. This is your future when My believers will be persecuted, and some will be martyred for proclaiming My Name. Rejoice that I am having My faithful refuge builders set up safe havens, where My faithful can come and be protected by My angels from those people who want to kill you. As you are eating your Thanksgiving meal tomorrow, pray for your physical protection from the one world people who still want to take over your country by force. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you during the coming tribulation and persecution of My believers.”

Jesus said: “My people, this ‘boat of St. Peter’ is how he led the Church as its leader, once I ascended into heaven. The apostles had to wait for the Holy Spirit to come down upon them. Then with the gift of tongues, they were able to speak foreign languages. My Church has been directed by St. Peter’s successors as Popes down through the ages. My Church has been tested by time as I told you that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church. You remember when I was on the sea with My apostles, and they were frightened by the waves of a large storm. They awakened Me, and I calmed the storm. (Matt. 8:23-27) There was another scene when I was walking on the water, and I called St. Peter to come to Me on the water. He walked on the water briefly, but then he faltered, and I had to save him from drowning. (Matt. 4:22-33) Many times I enabled My apostles to have large catches of fish. (John 21:1-14) Despite all the problems and heresies that My Church had to endure, I was leading My people as I calmed the storms. Now, you will be seeing another time when there will be a division in My Church, but I will still be looking after My faithful remnant, even throughout the tribulation. Trust in Me to continue leading My Church on the sea of life.”


Thursday, November 24, 2016: (Thanksgiving Day)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is about the ten lepers, who were healed. This is a sign of how many people forget to thank Me for all the healings and gifts that I give to them. Only one Samaritan returned to give Me thanks for his healing of leprosy. I asked him where were the other nine, but I blessed the Samaritan, and I told him his faith had saved him. Many people are praying prayers of petition, but when their prayers are answered, they need to remember their prayers of thanksgiving. In many ways I allow good things to happen for you that you did not even ask for. You also should be thanking Me for all of My gifts, even the ones you did not realize, as your existence, the air you breathe, the sun on everything, and even the rain that comes. It is good that you celebrate such a feast, because it gives you a chance to ponder all the things that I do for everyone. Give praise and thanks to Me for your gifts and talents to survive both physically and spiritually.”

Jesus said: “My son, when you help people, you feel good, even if you do not get much thanks. I help a lot of people, and I do not get much gratitude either. You really are helping people more because you love them, and not just to receive a thank you. So keep up your prayers for souls, and doing what you can to spread My messages. You can share your donations of money, and you can share your faith and love of Me. You appreciate My love and help, and you want other souls to have the same experience. When you help souls by evangelizing and praying for the souls in purgatory, you are helping them, and storing up treasure in heaven for yourself.”


Friday, November 25, 2016: (St. Catherine of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My son, you have been reading the Book of Revelation this last week of the Church Year, and this is your mission to prepare the people for the end times. Very few priests want to talk about the new heavens and the new earth in the Era of Peace. You will be entering this time of tribulation where My faithful will be persecuted by the Antichrist and the evil people. This is why you are preparing the people to understand the need for My refuges as safe havens from those who want to kill you. You will only have to bear this trial for less than 3½ years. Then you will experience My victory in My Era of Peace. In the Book of Revelation (chap 20) you will see how all the martyrs will be raised up and joining with My faithful in My Era of Peace. This will be a glorious time when My faithful will be prepared to be saints for their entry into heaven. This is a hope filled message of My love and victory over the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you the evil one world people will make an attempt to get the electors to change their votes to the opposite party. You need to pray that the electors do not change their votes. You also need to pray that you do not see a martial law that would prevent your President-Elect from taking his office as President in January. You further need to pray for My angel protection so your President-Elect does not get assassinated. If this change in power does not occur, then your current President would stay in power. If such a power is taken away from the people, you could see a massive revolution to try and take over your government. This could create another civil war among your people. This struggle would call on Me to bring My Warning, and then you would go to My refuges for your protection with My angels. Trust in My angel protection, for you are about to see a great turmoil in your country.”


Saturday, November 26, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before, that fears, worries, and anxieties are from the evil one trying to bring you down. If you have Me by your side, who can harm you? I want you to have hope and faith in Me, even as you are about to endure the persecution of the tribulation. You and My refuge builders are all prepared to help My faithful with My angels watching over My safe havens. Whatever you are faced with, trust that you will not be tested beyond your endurance. One day I am coming in victory to defeat all of the evil ones, and I will cast them into hell. My faithful will then be happy to be with Me in My Era of Peace with the new heavens and the new earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people have an opportunity to get degrees at affordable colleges. Some people need to go to two year Community Colleges, and then to State Colleges for two years so they do not have large loans to pay off. Once you have a degree, it still takes time to find a good paying job that you can live on. Even college graduates have to take jobs that are not what they trained for. It is your corporations and the one world people who make the laws so they can exploit the cheap labor overseas. The current establishment with all of their free trade, has sent many of your good paying manufacturing jobs overseas. This is why your average salaries are low, and some need two jobs to survive. You can see why your President-Elect won, because he was pushing to keep jobs in America. Many of the one world people are only helping themselves, and they do not try to protect American jobs for your own workers. Pray that your President-Elect is allowed a chance to change your socialist government back to a government of the people, and not just for special interests.”


Sunday, November 27, 2016: (First Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, at the end of the Church Year and at the beginning of Advent, you receive a similar message in the readings to be awake and watch for My coming. This stairway to heaven is everyone’s dream, but you do not know the day nor the hour of My coming. So have your souls pure with frequent Confession, and be ready to receive Me at your judgment. You will either see Me coming in the clouds for everyone, or I could be calling you home to Me in death. So stay alert for the day I will bring you into heaven, or into My Era of Peace.”


Monday, November 28, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, it is true in the Gospel how I was surprised at the great faith in Me that the Roman centurion had, that I could heal his servant, even from a distance. The centurion understood his own authority over his soldiers, and he could see My authority in healing people. But he was also humble that he did not want Me to come under his roof, in case it would defile Me. It would be pleasing to Me if everyone could have such a strong faith, so I could heal many people both in their bodies and in their souls. Faith is a gift that I freely give to everyone. It is up to each person whether he or she wants to accept Me or not. If people do accept Me in faith, then it is to what extent they have faith in Me, that will determine how much I can use people for My work of saving souls. So if you have faith in Me, then give your whole mind, heart, and soul over to Me, so I can use you to the full extent of your gifts.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the possible connection between the one world people and all the various attempts to stop your President-Elect from taking office. Even after the election was certified, you have had many protest marches in several states. You have also seen attempts to get the electors of the electoral college to change their votes. You are also seeing the latest attempts to have a recount of votes in Wisconsin which would not change the outcome. These people are doing everything possible to change the outcome of a completed election. My people need to continue your prayers that your President-Elect is allowed to take office in January. Any interruption of this new President in taking office, would be a violation of the people’s choice, and a violation of your current law. You did prayers for the election, and thanksgiving prayers for the outcome. Now you are continuing your prayers for a new administration to lead your country back to Me.”


Tuesday, November 29, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, before I came to the earth, you read how Isaiah and the prophets spoke of My coming. Ever since Adam’s sin, I have promised man that I would send him a Redeemer. So for many years the people were waiting for the Messiah to come. In Micah you even have the foretelling of My coming in Bethlehem. In Isaiah’s reading you are even seeing some descriptions of the coming Era of Peace. Just as My prophets foretold My first coming, so My prophets of today are preparing you for My Warning, the tribulation, and My coming victory over the evil ones. You are celebrating Advent before Christmas, but you will also be pleased when I come to defeat the Antichrist and Satan. They will be sealed in hell during My Era of Peace, as you will have no evil present, and Isaiah’s prophecy will be fulfilled.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the one world people planning to incite riots or terrorist attacks before your President-Elect’s inauguration. They have two options to either cause a martial law, or any means to prevent your President-Elect from taking office. With enough serious riots or terrorist attacks, this could cause your current President to declare martial law and allow a takeover. The establishment does not want your President-Elect in the White House, and they will attempt many possibilities to stop this inauguration. This could trigger more turmoil when your people object to any takeover. You have seen many signs of troop movements and martial law physical signs that there is an ongoing preparation to carry out a martial law. If this plan goes forward, you could also see My supernatural intervention of My Warning to protect My faithful from being killed. Be prepared, My people, because after the Warning and conversions, you will soon have to come to My refuges as a means of protection from the coming persecution of Christians in the tribulation.”


Wednesday, November 30, 2016: (St. Andrew)
Jesus said: “My people, on this feast of St. Andrew, you are reading how he and his brother, St. Peter, were called by Me to be fishers of men. So they left their fishing jobs to follow Me in My unknown mission for the world. I also send out a call in the hearts of those men who could be My priest sons. I am always asking you to pray for vocations to the priesthood. I call all of My faithful to be evangelists, so more people could be saved by the Gospel. In the vision, My son, you remember how I asked you to do a mission for Me, and you accepted to do My Will. It was unknown to you that I was calling you to be one of My prophets for the end times. This has been a long and difficult process to give talks, write messages, and evangelize souls to be saved from hell. I thank you for your ‘yes’ and all that you have done through the years in your persistent effort for your mission. Continue to pray and follow Me in all that I ask of you. This applies to all of My faithful as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you how you will be seeing more disasters this year, and you are seeing serious fires in Tennessee that have taken lives and destroyed homes. These fires are happening because of a drought and there are some fires that were set by arson. You also are seeing several tornadoes in the South which is unusual for this time of year. In the political arena you are seeing the Democrats pushing for recounts in several states with close contests. They are even trying to threaten the electors to change their votes. You could still see a potential martial law, if this is the last resort to keep your President-Elect from taking office. The one world people are concerned that all of their work to control America could be undone by your new President. This is why they will try many ways to oust him. Be prepared for My Warning if the evil ones will threaten your lives. In the end I will protect My faithful because My power is greater than the evil ones’ power.”


Thursday, December 1, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing in the vision something out of the ordinary with this incensor smoking upside down. You usually see the incensor being used for Benediction or for Mass, especially at funerals. In this case the rising smoke gives glory to Me. In this vision with the smoke going down, your world is giving glory to Satan. This sign is also about how what is right, is not politically correct, but what is wrong, is accepted and tolerated. Look at people living together in fornication without marriage that is accepted in your society. Look also at gay marriage which is a violation of sinful homosexual acts, as well as giving marriage a bad name. Because of your abortions and these sexual sins, I am about to turn your world upside down when you see My Warning experience. This will show you how much you are offending Me with your sins. Even My faithful are being persecuted for worshiping Me, or saying My Name in public. You will see a short time of apostasy during the shortened tribulation, but then My faithful will be vindicated, and the evil ones will be cast into hell. Then in hell’s flames the evil ones can give glory to Satan, and he will torment them for all eternity. My faithful need to reach out and shake these sinners into reality with conversions, or they will suffer the flames of hell forever. I love all of you, but you have a choice of either being with Me in heaven, or being with the devil in hell. If you truly love Me, then you should show Me in your actions of loving Me and loving your neighbor.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all sensing a coming battle between your President-Elect and your current establishment of the one world people. The principles of each side are so far apart that you could see some physical turmoil to settle these differences. If the evil ones start using violent tactics against My people, the one world people will have their plans changed by My supernatural intervention of My Warning. I will bring this intervention to keep the evil ones from harming My faithful. After the Warning I will soon direct My people to My refuges for their protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are now in Advent and many people are shopping for gifts, and preparing their Christmas decorations both inside and outside. You are hearing the readings of Isaiah, as he was preparing the people for the coming Redeemer. So My people are making their own preparations for their coming Christmas feast. I remind people to be kind and courteous to your fellow shoppers both in the stores and in your cars. Many of you will be traveling to get together, so pray for safe travel for celebrating My birth.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know that buying gifts for each other is a tradition for celebrating Christmas. Even the Magi brought Me gifts of frankincense, gold, and myrrh. It is good to share with each other, but do not be too extravagant with your gifts because you all have different abilities to afford gifts. You can all share gifts of prayers for each other as well as your physical gifts. Remember that it is the thought of a gift that counts the most. Even sharing a meal with each other is also a happy occasion for most families. You may not see all of your family members very often, so enjoy each other’s company.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are poor people among you who you could share some gifts with. They do not have much, so any help would be most appreciated. When you share with the poor, you should be thankful that they could only thank you, and are not able to give you gifts in return. In these gifts of charity, you will store up treasure in heaven for your kind deeds. You can help people with food, donations, or even some Christmas flowers. When you share your love with family and the poor, you are respecting My Presence in your neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can remember in past days how each family member felt chosen to light the candles on your Advent wreath at your evening meal. Try to have such an Advent wreath present in your home so you could pray some prayers that are special for Advent. You are preparing to remember My coming in Bethlehem. This was a historical event that is a center point in your dates of BC and AD. Rejoice that your Redeemer is near in your celebration of My birth, for I am truly the reason for your Christmas season.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many miracles that all are brought about in My salvation plan for all of mankind. The prophets foretold how I would be sent to My people to save sinners from their sins. With My birth you are seeing the miracle of My Incarnation as a God-man, and other miracles as My star of Bethlehem that led the Magi to Me. Even when I come in victory, you are seeing My present day prophets speak of My coming to purify My people in the end times. Rejoice that you are living in this time of My coming victory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware how during Lent before Easter, you take time to pray, do penances, and give alms to charities. Advent is not as long as Lent, but you could also do a little penance, prayer, and almsgiving during this time. Every extra effort to share your love with Me and your neighbors, is well appreciated, and you will store up treasure in heaven for your judgment.”


Friday, December 2, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, at times it is good to take walks in your parks, just to appreciate the beauty of My creation. During the winter months, it is not as nice looking because the leaves on the trees and the flowers are gone. There is still a certain beauty in each of the seasons. Many of these sights were created for you to marvel at such beauty. You get caught up in your daily routines so much that you sometimes forget to thank Me for all the beautiful scenes in My creation. When you go on trips for vacations or even work, you can see more of your country’s treasures. Even as you see beautiful scenery on earth, this does not even come close to My creation in heaven’s beauty. This life on earth is a trial of your actions and faith in Me. Those people, who repent of their sins, and work hard to obey My Commandments of love in good works, will see their reward in the glory of heaven with Me one day. Even as you prepare for the celebrations of Christmas, you can also keep your souls pure with frequent Confession and be ready to be with Me in the glory of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you a vision of how your life review will appear in your Warning experience. It will appear as you are looking in the mirror, and you will see your own actions, as well as how people were reacting to your actions. If you expand this mirror image out, you will be able to see everything in your life as in a time line. You will be outside of time, as you will not realize how long it took to visit every moment of your life. As you view a sin that was not forgiven, you will see it in slow motion compared to the rest of your life review. I will enable you to remember every unforgiven sin, so you could tell it to the priest in Confession later. After you digest your own life review, you will be able to help lead your family and friends back to the sacraments, especially Confession. At first they will be seeking My forgiveness, so Confession will help them the most. If you do not try to evangelize them right away, they could in time forget their experience, and it will be harder to evangelize them. I will give everyone six weeks of time to be evangelized, and have time to learn to love Me. Once a person has faith in Me, My angels will place a cross on their foreheads. This cross on the forehead will be needed as a pass to get into My refuges by the protecting angel. Trust in My help, and keep praying that your family and friends will change their lives, so they can be saved from hell.”


Saturday, December 3, 2016: (St. Francis Xavier)
Jesus said: “My people, the laborers are few, but the harvest is great. Ask the harvest Master to send out more workers to harvest the souls. My son, it is coincidental that you are coming to another church for Saturday morning Mass, and now you hear My call for more priests. I have asked you many times to pray for your priests, and for more vocations to the priesthood. As more older priests retire, it puts more of a burden on the remaining priests to provide Masses for all the open churches. As Mass schedules change, you will see it harder to even have a Sunday Mass, let along a Saturday morning Mass. Not only are you seeing fewer priests available, but you are also seeing a declining number of lay people in the pews. There truly are a lot of souls to be converted, but few people are willing to be evangelists to save souls. I thank all of My priest sons and lay people who are reaching out to save souls from hell. Keep praying for vocations to the priesthood, and for the conversion of poor sinners.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, today in the Gospel you are hearing My herald in the desert preparing the way for Me. St. John called people to ‘repent’ of their sins, and be baptized by immersion into the water of the Jordan River. He is the one in the desert who wore camel’s hair and ate locusts and wild honey. He was called by God to be one of My prophets. You have read the account how as a baby in the womb, St. John leapt for joy at the announcement of My Blessed Mother’s coming to visit St. Elizabeth. This was his first announcement of My coming, as I was in My Blessed Mother’s womb. Later, in the desert he called Me the ‘Lamb of God’, and My first apostles started following Me. St. John was strong in his faith, and he even told King Herod that he should not marry his brother’s wife. For that he was imprisoned, and later beheaded by Herod. Rejoice in this second week of Advent, as I also call people to repent of their sins, and confess them in Confession frequently. You will soon be reading the account of My birth, and you are grateful that I came as a God-man. I came to sacrifice My life so that all sinners could be redeemed of their sins, and be saved from hell. I have given you My sacrament of Baptism as an entrance into being a Christian. Many of you were baptized at birth, but you can now proclaim your own faith in Me, as your Baptismal sponsors did. Enjoy the Christmas spirit by loving Me and loving your neighbors.”


Sunday, December 4, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, Advent time is a time of preparing for Christmas, but also it is a time to prepare your soul by confessing your sins, and changing your heart to more love for Me and your neighbor. The Pharisees also taunted Me, because I was threatening their authority over the people. I came to redeem the people with My sacrifice on the cross, but the Pharisees were hypocrites, because they did not follow what they preached. They were only interested in money, fame, and power. I also came as a God-man to give you an example to follow, since I was without sin. Even when you fall into sin, your soul can be restored by confessing your sins to the priest, and to Me in the priest. Seek My forgiveness and avoid repeating your sins that offend Me. I love all of you, and I want to look at your pure souls, instead of all the black souls in mortal sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing St. John baptizing Me in the Jordan River, and you have been to this same place in Israel. This scene was in a desolate place in the desert, and it is a great place to consider repenting of one’s sins. St. John was the last of the Old Testament prophets, and he was My herald in the desert preparing the way for My mission. St. John baptized with water, but I came to baptize with the Holy Spirit. Your Baptisms now, are possible because My sacrifice has redeemed your souls with the price of My Blood. Your Baptism brings you into the faith. It is sad that some parents refuse to have their children baptized. There could be a Baptism of desire in these cases. At the Easter Vigil and at Baptismal services, you are denying the devil and all of his temptations. This sacrament is a deliverance service to claim your soul for Me. In a word, today is all about repenting and being sorry for your sins. Keep close to Me in your prayers, so the devil cannot steal your soul.”


Monday, December 5, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, when you see a stream of water, as in the vision, you see it as a sign of supporting life for drinking. The ice forming over it, is a small sign of the coldness of the hearts of My people to My love. I love you all so much, as you can see in all that I do for you. But at times people forget about Me, and some people do not even make an attempt to know and love Me. Some people only come to Me when they want something. When you truly love someone, even your Creator, you do not just give Me only one hour on Sunday. But you need to remember Me every day in prayer. Some people to not even come to church, and these people need your invitation to My love in evangelizing. You know how much you love Me, but you need to share My love with those people around you. You are preparing to celebrate My birth at Christmas, so remember to think about My love every day in all that you do in your daily consecration.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this very pointed vision of a stream of souls in mortal sin as they were flowing into the abyss of hell. These are the souls who died, and they still refused to accept Me and love Me. I have been asking My people to pray for the conversion of poor sinners. You do not realize how these souls, who were not converted, are going to be lost forever in hell. Unless there is a miracle, or people praying for these lost souls, they will all be lost forever in hell. I could see how you were taken back at the sight of so many souls who are constantly going down into hell of their own choosing. I cannot force people to love Me, because I have given all of you a free will. I want people to love Me, and desire to be with Me in heaven, but each soul has to truly love Me by their own free will. Most of these lost souls have basically ignored Me all of their lives, and they did not repent of their sins. I have encouraged all of My people to pray for poor sinners, and for the souls in purgatory. When you have extra time, pray a few more rosaries for the intention of souls that might otherwise be lost.”


Tuesday, December 6, 2016: (St. Nicholas)
Jesus said: “My people, each day in the readings of Isaiah, you are hearing about preparing for My coming at Christmas. You are also reminded about St. John the Baptist as one crying out in the desert for people to repent of their sins. Even as you prepare to come to the altar at every Mass, you need to have your soul cleansed in Confession, so you are worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion. On today’s feast of St. Nicholas, many people celebrate this as ‘little Christmas’. The idea of handing out gifts to the poor came from the stories about St. Nicholas. This is part of why you share gifts at Christmas. When you see your ‘Santa Claus’ dressed people, this idea of giving gifts is attributed to ‘St. Nick’. This is another way of preparing for Christmas, when you go out of your way to work through the crowds to buy a special gift for your relatives and friends. Many of you are still sending out Christmas cards with notes to keep in touch with your distant friends. Caring for other people is how you can share your love with your neighbors, out of love for Me.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been making updated DVD talks every two years, and making a new update in December gives you plenty of time to complete it. You have been sensing that the Warning is near. The installing of your President-elect is becoming crucial for your country so it can be turned around both physically and spiritually. Remember that I will bring about My intervention in My time, when it is the right time. So continue preparing your new DVD and pray for your protection and success with your St. Theresa Novena. A lot has happened in the last few years, so it is appropriate for making your new DVD talk. I will be blessing you in this work to reach out to save souls from hell.”


Wednesday, December 7, 2016: (St. Ambrose)
Jesus said: “My son, it is true that you have seen many unusual events that could be shared in your DVD. Your readers have seen many things in the messages, but your DVD can give more explanations and personal accounts that are not in your books. Your talk can also sum up the events to show how My power is greater than the evil ones in many ways. My people need to be encouraged by all the beautiful miracles that you have experienced. I love My people and this sharing can help build up the faith and trust that they should have in Me. You have seen the power of prayers in many ways that have thwarted the plans of the one world people. You are seeing a crucial battle for souls, and you are being prepared for My Warning before the tribulation will come. Continue to trust in Me in your prayers, and I will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have so many electronic distractions that it is difficult to find some quiet time for prayer. If you want to have true peace, you need to turn off the noise of the world, and go to a quiet place to pray. If you do not take time for Me in a quiet place, it will be hard for you to hear Me, and hard to make an assessment of where you are going in your life. If you meditate on your daily actions, you can see your mistakes, and try to change your behavior. If you do not show Me your love in quiet prayer time, then you could get taken in by worldly events, and lose your focus on Me. I should be the center of your life, but you need to turn off the noise of the world in order to hear Me. Trust in Me to lead you on the right path to heaven, but you need to give Me some prayer time each day to show Me your love. Those people, who pray and listen to Me, will receive their reward with Me in heaven.”


Thursday, December 8, 2016: (Immaculate Conception)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, as you read the account of Adam and Eve’s original sin, you are now seeing me as the new ‘Eve’. My Son, Jesus, gave me to St. John, and I was given to be the mother of all of Jesus’ people. Now, Jesus is also the new ‘Adam’. As you see the first Adam and Eve were in sin, now you have both the new ‘Adam’ and the new ‘Eve’ are both without sin. In the Gospel you have the account of my Annunciation on the feast day of my Immaculate Conception. You remember Bernadette Soubirous at Lourdes, France where I gave her the message of my Immaculate Conception. The Lord prepared me without original sin so I would be worthy to be His mother. Both our lives were sinless, and we are examples for you to imitate.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many one world people who do not want to see your President-elect take office. This is why I have encouraged My faithful to pray for your new President that he is not harmed, and not prevented from taking office. You have prayed for his election, and you have prayed prayers of thanksgiving that he won. Continue your prayers that America will be given a new opportunity to get rid of your current evil laws, and change your ways to love Me more.”

Jesus said: “My people, America will continue to be tested by more disasters. As you move more into winter, you are seeing snow blizzards and more earthquakes that have killed some people and have caused severe damage. Pray that your people will recover, and help the victims of your disasters. Call on My help to get through your daily trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your new President takes office you could see some disagreements on how to address the various problems of your country. Rather than spending your time fighting, now is the time to find some compromises so you can move forward with the needs of your people. With the focus on the true needs of your country, then your establishment should not block what is good for your country. Keep praying that your leaders can make the right decisions for your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your President submits his appointments for cabinet positions to the Senate, hopefully there will be a consensus to move on with governing, without too much disagreement over these choices. It takes time and deliberation to choose a cabinet for the incoming President. Pray that these proceedings will be brief so your new government can move forward. You have been praying for a change, and with your prayers, your new President will get his chance to govern.”

Jesus said: “My people, your reading of Psalm 51 three times is a great sign by your prayer group that you are truly trying to follow My Will for your country. Your people need to change their hearts and repent of their sins. This is truly the Advent spirit that is needed for your preparation for Christmas. Look beyond your gift giving, and see the need for more prayers to convert souls to love Me. Christmas is all about sharing, so you need to pray for each other in addition to exchanging gifts.”

Jesus said: “My people of St. Charles Borromeo, you have been blessed to have this old cross from Holy Name placed on your front wall. This cross took forty years until it could be placed on the altar. Your present church did not have a large crucifix, so putting this cross up is a fine tradition to show the true leader of your church in Me. My Crucifixion shows you how much I love My people that I was willing to give up My life to bring salvation to all sinners. Show your love for Me in your daily prayers and your good works.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing that you cannot presume everything will go along without some trials. In the past you have had difficulties in preparing the DVD talks that you sell. The evil one will always try to upset your good work. This is why you see the need for your St. Theresa Novena to prepare your way. Call on My angels to help you in your work on your DVD talk. This is a good vehicle to share your love and evangelization efforts with all the people who will watch and listen to this new DVD. I will assist you in all that you are doing to help save souls from going to hell.”


Friday, December 9, 2016: (Juan Diego)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Northern states you receive a fair amount of snow, especially around the Great Lakes with your lake effect storms. You have had some warmer weather, but now you are entering into the grip of winter and its many storms. This will be the time for snow removal, and hard to travel roads. It is also a time when you can help each other clear driveways, or offer rides when they are needed. As you travel to be with family on the Christmas holidays, your families will need to pray for safe travel on the icy roads. This time of year can also be difficult in paying for your heating bills, which are higher during the heating season. Winter has its problems, but the white covering has a certain beauty to it, especially for skiers. Be ready to help people in their needs out of love for Me.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have heard of some people who are talking about this Christmas being different from those in the past. You also have seen some recent powerful earthquakes off the coast of California and a larger one near the Solomon Islands. These serious earthquakes appear to be happening more frequently. It is very possible that you could see more large earthquakes before Christmas that could cause problems for your people. There is another comet (Honda) coming by in February, but it is far away and does not appear to threaten the earth. God bless all of you for remaining faithful to Me in all of these latest events.”


Saturday, December 10, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, your first reading focused on Elijah the prophet, and how he was taken up into heaven on a chariot with fiery horses. You remember several passages when he multiplied the oil and flour for the widow, and he had the prophets of Baal killed when he brought fire down from heaven on his sacrifice. Then in the Gospel I told the apostles that Elijah had come first in the person of St. John the Baptist. This was not reincarnation, but it was like the spirit of Elijah. St. John was first before Me to prepare the way of My mission. There is another passage in the Book of Revelation (11:3) that speaks of two witnesses in Elijah and Enoch, who will evangelize people before My return. They will be killed, but later I will raise them up in the end days. You can see how Elijah did come first, before My coming on earth, and before I will return. Trust in My prophets that I send to you, for they will witness to My coming in the end days.”

Jesus said: “My people, when the one world people plan to takeover, I told you that they would find a way to turn off your electricity either by turning off the grid, causing an EMP attack, or have terrorists destroy key power stations. If your power is out for a short time, many people have backup generators that are run by natural gas or gasoline. If your power was off for a long time, then My people may have to come to their refuges sooner. My refuge builders were told to have at least two back up sources of heating. You could use wood, oil, propane, or kerosene with the appropriate burners. You also need to have sources of light as battery operated lights, windup flashlights, and oil lamps with bottles of lamp oil. You will need to pray that I will multiply your fuels, your water, and your food. You can see that there could be many deaths from starvation or freezing, because most people do not have backup plans for a long time. Be ready to leave for My refuges when your lives are in danger.”


Sunday, December 11, 2016: (Gaudete Sunday, rejoice, rose candle)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when St. John the Baptist called Me the ‘Lamb of God’. He was witnessing My coming because he saw the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in a dove and the voice of God the Father over Me. St. John wanted to hear My proclamation from My own lips. I described how I healed the blind, the lame, and the lepers. I even raised people from the dead. These were all signs of the coming Messiah. I also heard St. Peter describe Me as the Christ, the Son of the Living God. During My ministry My apostles witnessed My multiplying of the bread and the fish, My calming of the sea, My walking on water, and raising Lazarus from the dead. Only God’s Son could do these things, so there are plenty of signs that I was sent by My Father in heaven. Today is a special rejoicing of My coming to the earth as a God-man. My Incarnation as a man was part of My plan of salvation for all sinners. This is truly a time to rejoice. I came as a humble infant boy, born in a stable amidst the animals. Others expected Me to put down the Romans, but I came to show you My love that I would even give up My life for My people to be healed and their sins forgiven.”


Monday, December 12, 2016: (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
Our Lady said: “My dear son, I am happy that you were able to visit my shrine of Guadalupe in Mexico. You could still see how my picture on St. Juan Diego’s tilma is still intact for everyone to see this miracle. I am the patroness of all the Americas and I love my children as I bring you to my Son, Jesus. You were able to see the original church that was sinking into the earth on a tilt. The large Basilica could hold thousands of people. I gave you messages on Tepeyac Hill and in the Basilica. You met some new friends there, and they were very gracious to you. Now, you can share your experiences at my shrine where many people visit each year. Remember to pray your daily rosaries for the conversion of poor sinners, the souls in purgatory, peace in the world, and the stoppage of abortion.”

Jesus said: “My son, when you are praying your rosaries, typing your messages, or making DVDs, you know how hard it is to avoid your distractions. This is why I wanted you to pray your St. Theresa Novena to help carry out your good works. You also need to pray to have a persistent focus when you are doing good works for Me. Whenever you try to do something good for Me, the devil will always try to interfere with things to distract you. You have seen this before, so keep praying your Glory Bes to keep focused on things to please Me. You have even seen temptations to sleep while you are doing your rosaries. Remember to pray your intentions for your prayers. By keeping focused on your work, and praying to avoid your distractions, you will be successful in your intentions.”


Tuesday, December 13, 2016: (St. Lucy)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of St. Lucy is appropriate before Christmas. She is the patroness for helping people with eye problems. There are some people who are blind, and some who need glasses. You also have heard of the ten virgins where five were wise and brought extra oil for their lamps, and five who were not wise, and were not prepared. When the bridegroom came, the five foolish virgins went to buy oil for their lamps, but the door was closed when they returned. If you are waiting for My return, you need to be more like the five wise virgins, and be prepared. Some people are saving extra food and lamp oil for their lamps to give light. You can also be prepared in your souls with frequent Confession. Those people, who are not prepared, will not have crosses on their foreheads, and I will say to them: ‘I do not know you, because you do not know the time, nor the hour of My return.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see a crossroads, you can go in all four directions. This means you have many choices in life, but I am always at the center of your lives directing traffic, and telling you which is the right direction to go. The biggest problem many people have, is that they would like to make their own decisions, instead of letting Me help them. When you listen to Me in prayer, and let Me guide you on the right path to heaven, you will be content with My decisions. When you refuse My help, and do things alone, you will go down many dead ends. Even more so, you need to imitate Me in life, and let Me guide you in your spiritual life as well. You need to let Me be the center of your lives, because all roads lead to Me, your Creator. Give Me your will, and you will be safe by My side at all times.”


Wednesday, December 14, 2016: (St. John of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My son, you were fortunate to have Father Klem directing you in the beginning of your ministry with My messages. He was approving of putting your messages in book form with Queenship Publishing Co., and he helped you to discern about My messages about the Era of Peace. He did not want you to put in the visions until after the books were published. Father Klem had a great love for St. John of the Cross, and he used St. John’s approach to testing the authenticity of people who are receiving messages. Father Klem reasoned if the messages are not from the devil, and you are not mentally ill, then there is a possibility that they are truly from God. You also can test people by the fruit of the messages, and how long they last. Your spiritual director always encouraged you to keep praying each day, and to use My healing gifts for body and soul. St. John of the Cross is a good inspiration for many of you to follow, even as he helped establish Carmelite monasteries. Learn about his teachings so you can apply them to your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, today is the feast day of St. John of the Cross, so you are seeing Me in the vision handing out crosses for people to carry. Every person has their own cross that only that person can carry. I have mentioned in the Scriptures that I want people to pick up their cross and carry it through life. Each cross is unique, and it takes patience to endure life’s trials. You can call on Me to help you carry your cross. I will never test you beyond your endurance. When I ask you to do things for Me, I may take you to places outside of your comfort zone. You will see My grace will help you along the narrow road to heaven. Be patient and trust in Me to lead you on the right path to heaven. You will face problems in life, but I will help you to solve them. You need to trust in My help, and have hope that your reward will be given to you in heaven. My burden is light, and you will be happy to evangelize souls for Me.”


Thursday, December 15, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the reading from Isaiah, you see how My anger lasts but a moment, and then I move to help sinners get restored to My graces. My coming at Christmas is all about bringing salvation and My forgiveness to all sinners. I offer this chance for all of you to repent and change your evil ways. You may forget Me, but I will never stop loving all of you. You always have a choice of loving Me or not by your free will. Those people, who repent and seek My forgiveness, are on the right path to heaven. But those people, who do not repent and do not love Me, are on the road to the pit of hell. When you choose your eternal destination, remember that eternity is a very long time, and you do not want to see anyone go to hell, let alone be burning there for all eternity. I have created all of you, and I am calling all of you to love Me and accept the mission I have for each soul. The devil and I are battling for every soul, and neither one of us lets up on this battle. As long as you all are alive, you will have to defend yourself from the devil with My help.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a potential increase in manufacturing jobs in America that have been leaving your country for cheaper labor. Your new President is planning to try and bring back jobs to your country, and keep new jobs from leaving your country. If your new President is allowed to act, you will see great opportunities for your workers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several recounts in several states that have failed to show any problems. If anything, the recount uncovered fraud for some Democratic precincts. Other attempts were to blame Russia for hacking the votes, but this also was not confirmed. Attempts were also made to have the electors change their votes. You have never seen an election result with so many attempts to stop a President-elect from taking office. I have answered your prayers to allow a fair election, but you need to pray that there is no more foul play or danger for your President-elect.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of these gambling casinos are taking advantage of gambling addicts that are ruining some families with their bad habits. They are taking money away from families who need food and to pay the mortgage. Your increasing marijuana use will also be causing people to have addiction problems, and a possible increase in car accidents. The medical permission is the beginning of recreational use that will cause more problems than it will solve. Pray that people do not get involved with drugs that can harm their health.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your business people are hoping that your new President-elect will improve your economy before he is even made President. This is what has caused some dramatic rises in your stock markets. The actual outcome can still change, and there could be a downturn before the needed changes can be put into place. Your new business environment still needs to be defined. Pray that the one world people do not harm your new President, and that they do not sabotage your economy to make him look bad. There will be great changes in your economy and your government. Pray that there is no martial law, or any other planned destruction of your economy or your grid.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see some new additions to your Supreme Court that could change some of your current laws. Planned Parenthood and your Health Care Plan could see financial disruptions as the party in power wants to change these plans. Pray that there will be a peaceful transition.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in other countries where holy statues and Nativity scenes have been outlawed in public. Christians and your public worship will be coming under more attacks from Muslims and atheists. You will eventually have to have more private services in your homes, and then at your refuges as the tribulation time comes upon you. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger. Call on My angel help to protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, Advent and Lent are special times of preparation for Christmas and Easter. It is an opportunity for people to reflect on their spiritual lives, and how they could be improved. Just as during Lent, you could make an extra effort to come to daily Mass and pray more prayers for poor sinners and the souls in purgatory. You could give some donations to help people, and even doing some fasting for your prayer intentions. Advent goes by very quickly, so take advantage of this time for prayer, penance, and the confession of your sins.”


Friday, December 16, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, buying gifts for people can be difficult if you do not know what they could use. This is why many people buy gift cards for stores or restaurants. Those people, who want to show their care for people, go to the store to pick out something a person could wear or use. It is a lot harder to find just the right gift. This is why when you receive a gift on Christmas, you need to thank that person for spending the time and money for getting your gift. You can also pray some prayers for people as an added gift from your heart. You may add this comment of prayer on your card to show them how much you care about them, even for their soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are spending a lot of time and money on gifts for your relatives and friends, but they probably will be giving you gifts as well. This is why you should give some donations and prayers for the poor. You are fortunate that they cannot return the favor, and you will gain treasure in heaven for your charity and kindness. Sometimes you may be able to help the poor directly by giving them gifts or giving them food at your food shelf or soup kitchens. Pray for the poor as well, so they can get by on a place to stay and food to eat. Pray also for the homeless at the shelters, especially during your cold weather.”


Saturday, December 17, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you believe that I created the earth and the rest of the universe according to the Book of Genesis. There are some people who believe in the big bang theory, but it does not explain where all the hydrogen came from to make up the stars. I am the First Cause of everything. In today’s Gospel reading you are seeing My genealogy from Abraham down to St. Joseph according to St. Matthew. In St. Luke’s Gospel you see all the generations from St. Joseph down to Adam, the first man, who I created. You have also seen Darwin’s theory of evolution, but there is no way that mutations can change the chromosome counts. If evolution was true, you would still be seeing changes in the animals. But there are no leaps in chromosome counts, because I created everything from the beginning. Scientists, who promote these theories, are mostly atheists who do not believe in My existence. I am still providing miracles for you every day in your births, where I create the life spirit in the soul of every baby at conception. There are so many things that man does not know about life, and when you cannot explain something in reality, you develop strange theories that have no proof. This is why you call the big bang and evolution theories because there is no proof. My believers understand that I am their Creator, and I am worthy of their thanks and their love for creating them. I love all of mankind and all of My creations, because you are My sons and daughters that I love enough to die for on My cross.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are seeing a prophesy of My coming that was given by King Ahaz when he said: ‘A virgin shall conceive a son, and His Name will be called Emmanuel.’ In the Gospel you are seeing a dilemma for St. Joseph when he saw his betrothed was with child. He was going to quietly divorce her, but the angel came to him in a dream to say that it was by the power of the Holy Spirit that I was conceived in My Blessed Mother’s womb. The angel urged him to take Mary into his home, which he did. St. Joseph was to be My foster father to protect our family. Rejoice in My plan of salvation, which I offer to all the people.”

Jesus said: “My people, the manna of the Israelites in the desert was a prefigure of My Eucharist that I share with all of you at Mass, and at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I died for all of you on Mt. Calvary, and I share My love with you in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. When you look upon My Host in the monstrance, you can feel My love that I am sharing with each of you. When you come to Mass and Adoration, you are seeking the One you love in Me. You should share this faith and love of Me with those people who do not know Me. Love needs to be shared to be fully appreciated. When you love Me and your neighbor as yourself, you are living My Commandments that were meant to guide you to Me. Keep close to Me with a pure soul by frequent Confession, and you will enjoy My love constantly.”


Sunday, December 18, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel St. Joseph was in doubt whether to take his betrothed into his house as his wife, because she was already pregnant with Me. An angel came in a dream to tell him that My Blessed Mother conceived Me by the power of the Holy Spirit. My Blessed Mother was also trying to understand how she would have a child when St. Gabriel told her that she would conceive Me, and I am the Son of God. My Blessed Mother was always obedient to God and His plan, and she immediately gave her ‘fiat’. Once she was pregnant, she would risk criticism and possible stoning. But I protected her with St. Joseph, and My plan of salvation continued. So both St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother took risks to follow My Will, but they gave their ‘yes’ of their own free will. By their cooperation and the power of the Holy Spirit, I was allowed to come on the earth as a God-man. Give praise and glory to Me for My plan to offer My life as a ransom for your sins.”


Monday, December 19, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, for Christmas many of you share gifts and money at your households. I give you many gifts as well, and the most precious gifts are your babies, and the continuation of your very lives. You wake up every morning and move on with your lives, but give Me thanks that you can continue to see the next day, instead of dying in your sleep. Life is very fragile, and you can die from any number of causes. So you need to keep your soul pure by frequent Confession, because you do not know when you will face Me at your judgment in death. In the readings you are seeing two more gifts of babies in Samson and St. John the Baptist. These people are preparing you for the greatest gift of Myself at Christmas. It was My coming as a God-man that fulfilled the many prophecies that were promised when I would come as the Redeemer of your sins. I died on the cross as My gift of My life so all of you could have an opportunity to be saved from your sins, and come to heaven, for those who love and accept Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, My refuge builders need to walk through how they intend to heat and have light in their buildings during the winter months, when it is very cold in the Northern states. You have to assume that your gas and water lines will not be working, and your electricity will be turned off. You will need a source of heat with a wood fire or a kerosene heater with the needed wood and kerosene available. I will multiply your fuels, but you will need a fireplace and other heaters. For light you will need oil lamps with lamp oil, and some windup flashlights. For survival you will also need some water and food sources that I will also multiply. When you lost power with your ice storm, you had a lesson in how to keep warm and fed during the winter. This should also remind you to burn some wood in your fireplace, and make sure your kerosene burner is in working order. Trust in Me to help you survive through the tribulation with My angel protection. You also need to be close to Me in daily Holy Communion and perpetual Adoration, as well as your daily prayers.”


Tuesday, December 20, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, the readings of today are full of wonder and mystery, because man does not understand My ways and miracles. It is even hard to imagine how I, as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, could take on being a God-man. My Incarnation has to be taken in faith, because it is beyond your understanding. Then I allowed My Blessed Mother to not have any original sin, and by her free will, she had no sin and accepted being My mother. My miraculous conception by the power of the Holy Spirit, is another miracle as My Blessed Mother became the ‘virgin with child’ as foretold by King Ahaz. I am fulfilling the Scriptures, because I became the promised Redeemer, who would come as a Lamb to sacrifice My life for all the sins of mankind. After My death, the gates of heaven were opened, and the worthy souls could enter. This all seems impossible for man, but for God, all things are possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, the two suns in the sky will be a comet on the day of the Warning, and this will be the other event that could happen within a year or so. This comet will trigger major earthquakes around the world, and they could kill people and cause much damage. During the Warning and for six weeks, this will be a time for conversions, and the evil ones will not be able to take over. After this time, you will need to get rid of all of your electronic devices so you do not see or hear the Antichrist. Do not take any chips in the body for any reason. My refuges will be protected from any damage of the earthquakes. You will have martial law declared after the six weeks, so My people will be called to My refuges. At My refuges, I will multiply your food, water, and fuels so you can stay warm in the winter. My angels will protect you at My refuges with invisible shields. The tribulation time will be shortened for the sake of My elect, and you will not run out of food, water, or fuels for your survival. Your people need to trust in Me, and you will need to help each other in all of your needs. My refuge builders need to be prepared soon to receive My faithful with the crosses on their foreheads.”


Wednesday, December 21,2016: (St. Peter Canisius)
Jesus said: “My people, these visions show people trapped in a deep water well, and in a deep snow crevasse. These people were pulled to safety by some kind rescue men, and it represents how you can help pull souls out of purgatory with your prayers. One feels hopelessly trapped in these holes when you cannot help yourself out. It is the same way for souls in purgatory, who cannot pray for themselves, and they need people on earth to come to their rescue. It is even more frustrating when the souls’ own relatives do not have Masses said for them, or they do not pray for their deceased relatives. This is why when Masses are said for souls in hell, or souls already in heaven, the merits of these Masses go to help any deceased relatives of that family. Prayers and Masses are never wasted, but they help other souls in purgatory. Pray for your relatives, and for all the poor souls in purgatory in your daily prayer intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of terrorist activity and some policemen are being killed. After the latest attack in Germany, there is now a call to stop bringing in refuges from Syria until they are approved. There is still a concern about the one world people in how they are still trying to prevent your President-elect from taking office. You have never seen recounts and threats to your electors as in this election. You need to continue praying for the safety of your President-elect, and that you do not have any serious events that could cause a martial law. Once your new President takes office, you could see a flurry of activity that could make your country safer from terrorism. Your deficits and balance of trade need to be addressed because they are dragging down your economy. Trust in Me to watch over My people so you will be protected from the evil ones.”


Thursday, December 22, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother is not quoted very much in the Bible, and today’s reading of her Magnificat is the longest quote that is recorded. This prayer is recited every evening in the Liturgy of the Hours. She is giving thanks for her mission as My mother, just as Hannah gave thanks for being able to have the birth of Samson. Giving thanks for My gifts is a good lesson to all of My faithful. I give everyone all that is necessary for your survival. By listening to My Word in quiet prayer, you can receive My direction for your life. Rejoice as you are about to celebrate the anniversary of My birth at Christmas.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, after losing your keys to the church for the second time, you now are realizing how valuable these keys are. You can pray to St. Anthony to materialize your keys, and you could make a thorough search of your house. If you cannot locate your keys, you may need to have your prayer group back in the house again. This may be another sign to you that the time to come to My refuges could be very soon.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen this tidal wave against your East coast in a previous message. This would be a serious disaster that could kill many people, and could easily trigger a martial law. When the next major disaster occurs, your people will not be prepared, because it will happen suddenly. Trust in Me that I will protect My refuges from any harm.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am preparing many of My messengers with the same message of some serious events that are about to cause a major disaster. The Warning will be the leading event that I will bring to signal the beginning of the tribulation. I have warned My refuge builders to be ready to accept the people that I will send them. Do not be afraid because I will have My angels protect you from those people who want to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your sins of homosexual marriage and transgender problems, along with your abortions, are calling out for My wrath to fall against areas of great sin. You have seen the fire and brimstone that I sent upon Sodom and Gomorrah, and you will see some more disasters fall on areas of great sin. I have heard your prayers to put an end to these blatant sins against Me. This evil has to be answered at this time in order to prepare your people for the coming tribulation. I am more powerful than these evil ones, and I will soon show you My justice after your year of mercy.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you have a sense of the Warning and the tribulation coming, your people need to prepare their souls with frequent Confession. If you have a pure soul and pray every day, you will be better prepared to face your Warning experience. You have been preparing your refuge for this time of tribulation, and your preparations will not be in vain. Your time is short and your persistent prayers are needed now more than ever to help save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am calling all of My people to repent and change their evil ways to pray more and come closer to Me. Time is growing short for the evil one, but it is also growing short before you will be praying constantly at My refuges. My people have grown lax in their faith, and fewer people are coming to Sunday Mass. This weakening of faith is another sign of the end times. It is also a sign to My faithful, that they need to strengthen their spiritual lives in preparation for the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your relatives and friends are coming together to celebrate My feast of Christmas. You are just passing the winter solstice, so your days will be coming longer again as My Light of the Star of Bethlehem is affecting the light of your days. You are seeing many miracles in My star, and how the shepherds and Magi were led to find Me. The evil in Herod tried to kill Me, but My angels led our family to safety in Egypt. So it is when the evil of the Antichrist comes, because I will be leading My faithful to the safety of My refuges with My angels. As you celebrate My feast of Christmas, know that I will bring peace and My grace of protection upon you.”


Friday, December 23, 2016: (Nancy Leitten’s Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the life of one of My suffering servants in Nancy Leitten. She was a prayer warrior and a Carmelite, and she suffered her purgatory on earth with her illness. She is coming to heaven after her time to say goodbye to everyone. She loves her family, and she also loves her friends and her fellow Carmelites. She will be praying for all of you, and she is finally free of all of her suffering. I am grateful for all she did for Me.”

Jesus said: “My son, you had a little miracle in finding your lost church keys in the snow by your sidewalk. You need to thank Me and St. Anthony for helping you to find your lost keys. You need to keep them in a safe place until you need them for prayer group time. You are sharing your gifts with your children and your grandchildren for Christmas. Your sharing is a way of showing them how much you love them, and how you try to help them. By reaching out to help people in the little things of life, you are making life easier for the people around you. I bless you for all that you do for Me and your neighbors.”


Saturday, December 24, 2016: (10 p.m. Mass of Christmas)
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you several tidal waves on the East coast, and now you are also seeing tidal waves on the West coast as well. These are tsunamis that are being caused by major underwater earthquakes. Your people need to move inland to higher ground once you see the strong earthquakes occur. Along the coasts, many people could be drowned by the tidal waves, and there will be much destruction as well. My refuges will be protected, and they will be your only safe havens from the evil ones and the disasters. Trust in My angel protection at all of My refuges during the tribulation.”


Sunday, December 25, 2016: (Christmas Day)
Jesus said: “My people, I was born in a stable in Bethlehem, as I would be known as the Son of David. I came in a humble setting, even though I am King of the Universe. I came as the Lamb of God so I could ransom My people with My death on the cross. I truly do want peace on earth, but the devil has stirred up trouble to defy Me, and steal souls away from Me. I offer everyone an opportunity to be saved, but each person needs to love Me, repent of their sins, and allow Me to be their Master, to get into heaven. When I bring My Warning, it will be the last chance for people to change their lives, and accept their Savior. Those people, who refuse to accept Me and refuse to repent of their sins, are on the broad road to hell. Come to your senses while you still have time to be saved in My love.”


Monday, December 26, 2016: (St. Stephen)
Jesus said: “My people, immediately after the feast of My birth at Christmas, now you are remembering the martyrdom of St. Stephen who was stoned to death by the Jews. There have been many martyrs who died for their faith in Me, but they were determined not to deny My Name, even when they were threatened with martyrdom. I am showing you a river of blood from all the little martyred babies, who were killed by your doctors in abortion, even as the mothers allowed it. You do not even know the mission and accomplishments that I had planned for these lives who you have killed. It is for this killing of My babies that your country will pay dearly for such a crime. I will allow the one world people to take you over as your punishment. Pray for your country, and for the conversion of poor sinners. I love all of you, and I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you know how the devil picks on your weak spots to try and distract you from your work on your next book and your next DVD talk. This is why you need to pray your St. Theresa Novena for the grace to accomplish your mission in getting My messages out to the people in your books and DVDs. You have had a lot of serious messages recently, and the people do not realize how I am about to assert My authority against the evil people with disasters and My Warning. Some people think life will continue on like you have it now, but you will soon see some dramatic changes in your lives. Evil will get worse, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges with My angels.”


Tuesday, December 27, 2016: (St. John, apostle and evangelist)
Jesus said: “My people, it is important to have the right priorities in life both for your physical and spiritual life. Your first priority is to your Lord and Master, who loves you and created you. If I am your greatest Love, then you need to show your love in return in the time that you give Me in prayer, every day. When you come to daily Mass, and pray your rosaries and Divine Mercy Chaplet, you may appear to take time away from others for a short while. If you are praying or doing My work, it is hard for some people to understand why you spend so much time for Me. You also need to show your love for your family and friends. Your second priority is for your spouse and family in helping them and supporting them in love. You do have some time restraints, and it is a challenge to balance your time for Me, your family, and when you are working for a living. By keeping your focus on the proper priorities in your life, then you will have peace and comfort with Me and your family. Keep in mind that it is love of Me and your neighbors as yourself, that should be guiding your decisions. I love all of you, and I ask that you love Me in return, and show it in your actions.”

Jesus said: “My son, when you are out in the beauty of nature, you feel more alive than in the city. As you take pictures and movies of My flowers, roses, trees, and ponds, you have a better appreciation of all the beautiful things in My creation. Other people are more interested in making money which does not last. They are missing out on viewing the wonders of My creation. Even if you study the human body, you see many miracles, especially the birth of a new baby. If you understood the beauty and joy of life more, people would not even consider killing one of My little ones. Killing a baby just for convenience shows you just how much some people are not understanding life and morals. You are aware of My Fifth Commandment which forbids you to kill anyone, even an unborn baby. So do not have any abortions, and appreciate the beauty of life, and that I share this part of creation with the parents of a family. I love all of you, and I want you to help educate people to the understanding of life’s beauty, especially in little children, so you can stop your selfish abortions.”


Wednesday, December 28, 2016: (Holy Innocents)
Jesus said: “My people, Herod killed the babies in Bethlehem to insure his kingship would not be threatened by the coming Messiah as King. In this time you have women killing their children for selfish reasons of convenience, saving embarrassment, or even financial problems. Life is too precious to be thrown away as human garbage. This is an act of killing, whether people want to admit it or not. It is against My Fifth Commandment, that you should not kill any human being, no matter what stage of life that person may be in. This growing baby is human, right from conception. There are many people who would want to adopt a baby, so even having the child for adoption is much better than an abortion. When you see the child, either born or in the womb, this child is too beautiful to kill. Continue praying to stop abortion, and pray for the mothers to have their children. Children should be born out of love, and not just out of lust for pleasure.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this gallon jug of water because many of you have stored water at your refuges. For those people, who have room, you can also store water in your food grade 55 gallon blue barrels. If you do not have a source of water on your land, I could multiply your water in your barrels. I could also provide a shallow spring well if you have pipes and a mechanical hand pump. Water is precious, and you cannot survive long without water. You can also obtain wash water from your gutters, sump wells, hot water tanks, and melted snow. I was reviewing a few points of how to store and obtain your water. When you are on your own at a refuge, you may not have the water line coming into your house. You also will need your outhouse without flush toilets. Trust in Me to provide for your water, food, and fuels to survive during the tribulation.”


Thursday, December 29, 2016: (St. Thomas Becket)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of St. Thomas Becket shows you a strong man of principle and faith who did not back down, even against the king’s wishes on his divorce. He stood up for the Church and My laws, and it cost him his life. In today’s world you also are faced with people who do not abide by My laws on abortion, gay marriage, and euthanasia. So stand up for your faith, because you may be tested by others who think you are not politically correct in voicing your faith in public. Do not let the worldly people dictate how you should act and believe. For now you have a free country to voice your own opinion in following My ways. A time will come when you will be openly persecuted for living a Christian life of love. Continue in your belief to stand up against the pagans and atheists who defy you. You will eventually need to come to My refuges so you can be protected from the evil ones who want to kill you for obeying My laws. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and provide for your needs.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, a resolution was put forth that would restrict Jewish settlements from being built on Palestinian lands. At the Security Council of the UN, your Ambassador to the UN voted to abstain on this resolution, instead of voting to stop it by a veto. This action was allowed against Israel by your President, and it was a change from your longstanding support of Israel. These Jewish people are still My people, and when you do not support them, you are calling down My judgment against America.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you celebrate a Happy New Year, there is plenty of optimism that your new President will have a chance to improve and correct some of the problems facing your country. You still are seeing attempts by the one world people to cause riots and protests to try and stop the inauguration of your President-elect. You need to pray for your new President so he is not hindered from taking his oath of office. You could see some resistance to the plans of your new President as well. Pray for peaceful compromises so your government can move on with its agenda.”

Jesus said: “My people, your new President will need to have his cabinet choices approved in the Senate. The majority of the Senate is the same party as your President-elect. The other party will try to stop some of these choices, but the Democrats set a previous precedent of only requiring a majority vote to approve candidates for the cabinet. This same precedent could approve your President-elect’s choices. There will be many complaints by your media, but the chosen people could still be appointed. Again, pray that this process will not be divisive in your new Administration.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you have a chance to change your socialist government, that is against Me, back to a God-centered Democratic Republic as you had at the beginning. You have seen Christian worship of Me repressed by your current Administration. Now, you will have an opportunity for more religious freedoms if you can change your current atheist mind-set of what is ‘politically correct’. Pray that your freedom to worship Me in public will be more fully accepted by your new Administration and your people.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, your workers have not had any support to keep jobs here, and your corporations have sent jobs overseas for cheaper labor. Your new President is working to penalize corporations who send jobs overseas with tariffs on the products they send back to America. He is also trying to lower corporate taxes so our companies can be on a better competitive playing field with other countries. It is difficult to see how these plans will be carried out, but pray that your workers could have some good paying jobs as a result.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you consider some new resolutions for the year, try to make some resolutions that are achievable, and that you will be able to keep. Your best changes could be to change your bad habits, and pray more for conversions and for the souls in purgatory. By improving your spiritual lives, you will be better prepared for your judgment when I call you home.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is up to your political leaders if they really want to change the evil laws on your books. You need to pray for your leaders to change your atheistic ways back to My ways of love. If there is no spiritual renewal, then you will see more disasters befall your country. You still have the one world people controlling your lawmakers, so you need to pray hard and long for a renewal to take place. You will be seeing events move toward the coming tribulation, but I will protect My people at My refuges. Trust in Me to watch over you in all of your needs.”


Friday, December 30, 2016: (Feast of the Holy Family)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the greatest example to follow in My Holy Family of Me, My Blessed Mother, and St. Joseph. Your society today is destroying the family which should be the basic unit for bringing up children in love. You have listened and tolerated the devil’s call for same sex marriage, divorce, and couples living together in fornication without marriage. You know it is a mortal sin against the Sixth Commandment to commit homosexual acts and for having sex outside of true marriage in fornication. Yet by society tolerating these sinful actions with no shame, you are accepting the tearing down of marriage as an institution. If you wanted to destroy America in its love of God, love of country, and love of family, like the communists planned, you would destroy the family. The communists have planned to use sex exploitation in pornography, hard rock music, liberal teaching without God in the colleges, and drugs to destroy your country. You are seeing it happen before your eyes. Your country needs a spiritual renewal to put Me back into your society by coming to church every week, repenting of your sins, and praying more. You need to see sin and call it for what it is, without any ‘political correctness’. By restoring your morals, you can save America. If you do not change, America will leave the face of the earth as you know it.”

(Leonard Farnand Funeral Mass) God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is visiting you today because I had to come to celebrate this life of Leonard, who was so dedicated to his God throughout his whole life. Leonard was always watching over his family in their faith for many years. He loves all of his family so much, and he will be praying for them, and watching over them as well. Today is the feast of The Holy Family and Leonard was a great family man, and he was a good example of faith to his family members. He is with Me now, and he will be a continual model of faith to all of you. He thanks all of you for coming to his funeral, and he wants you to remember him by posting his picture in your homes. I bless this family for having such a beautiful patriarch to lead all of you to Me.”


Saturday, December 31, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you read from the Gospel of St. John that says: ‘In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God; and the Word was God.’ This Word refers to Me, and how I would reveal Myself in the words of the Gospels of the four evangelists. As you will be starting another year tomorrow, you all could have a new beginning in how you live and proclaim your faith to people around you. Many of you have read the Word of My Gospels, and you could sum them up in My Commandments that call you to love Me, and to love your neighbor as yourself. This is what you should be pondering in your hearts for the New Year. How can you better express your love for Me and your neighbor in your actions, and not just in your words? It is your actions of helping people that speak much louder than your words. If you want to know if someone is a Christian, it is by the fruit of their actions that you will know if that person is living a Christian life. Can people tell that you are a Christian by your actions? You all could work on expressing your love for people, because you are loving Me in each person.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is about to see some major changes, as long as your new President is allowed to have his plans carried out. There are still many people in Congress who do not want so many changes. Just as your current President penned many Executive Orders, you may see your new President also use Executive Orders to get his agenda going faster. Every President has a particular style of governing, and it will take a while to see how many new laws he can get passed. There will always be disagreements among your parties, but the incoming Administration should not have many restraints. Keep praying for your President-elect and your leaders in Congress to put forth the laws that are needed to change your current socialist government back into a democratic republic.”


Sexta-feira, 07 de Março de 2025

Mulher Vestida de Sol