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John Leary - Ano 2017 (Inglês)



Ano 2017


Sunday, January 1, 2017: (Solemnity of the Blessed Mother)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are blessed to have another year of opportunity to change your lives, and your country into a better spiritual life. As the angel Gabriel came to me, I did ‘ponder’ these things in my heart. You have had a year of mercy, but this year, you will see my Son’s year of justice, because of all the sin in the world. You will need to pray more rosaries than ever for what is about to occur. Very few people are praying, and I am depending on My prayer warriors to increase their prayers to make up the difference for those people who are not praying. My Son asked you to pray to have your prayers doubled, and you need it for the conversion of sinners and to help the souls in purgatory. Keep your focus on my Son this year, and keep your souls pure with frequent Confession.”


Monday, January 2, 2017: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading about how St. John the Baptist prepared the way for Me by calling Me the ‘Lamb of God’. Even as you are preparing for the Magi coming at the Epiphany, the readings are focusing on My public ministry that is about to begin another phase of My earthly life. There is very little written about My youth, except when My parents found Me in the Temple teaching, when I was twelve. Now, in the vision I am reminding you of another coming, when you will see Me in My Warning experience that is followed by the tribulation of the Antichrist. It is during this trial that I will bring My faithful to many refuges that will be protected by My angels. You are seeing a small refuge building, because I will use the most out of the way place that you have, even as I used a stable for My birth. Your refuges may be rustic, but My angels will supply shelter, food, water, beds, and fuels to keep you warm. Do not worry about what you are to eat, drink, or where you will stay, because I will provide for your needs, even for daily Holy Communion. You will rejoice when I will come in victory to cast all the evil ones into hell, as I will prepare an Era of Peace for My faithful as your reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President-elect has carefully chosen his Cabinet as a team like a football team. They are all in position and ready to be approved by the Senate. You still are being controlled by your current President, who is trying to throw as many roadblocks as he can in front of your President-elect. Continue to pray for your President-elect’s safety, and that there will be no martial law to stop the inauguration. You have been waiting many years to get rid of your socialist government. Your current President is afraid that all of his programs will be torn down, and that your President-elect could write his own Executive Orders. Beware of the one world people’s last gasps at stopping your President-elect from becoming President. They still are planning disruptions to the inauguration. Pray for My intervention in the evil one’s actions, so I can have My angels win the day for your country.”


Tuesday, January 3, 2017: (The Most Holy Name of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, when you have the start of a new year, it is a chance to make some good changes in your life, and in the life of your country. You have seen many restrictions on your religious beliefs, and your Republic in your country’s governing. Soon you will not have socialistic control over you, and it will be a true beginning of a new chapter in the life of America. It is not right that atheists and Muslims should control your public expression of your faith. It is time for many changes in your tax codes, and even more concern for the people’s voice to be heard, instead of the one world people’s control of your government. There is still a concern for those people who oppose the old leaders who could still threaten your new Administration. Pray for your new leaders who are trying to restore your government back to its original roots of a Republic for the people. You will see what principles that will come forth from your new President and Congress. You have a new opportunity to follow My ways or the devil’s ways. Pray for your new leaders to follow the right path.”

Jesus said: “My people, there will be hired thugs who will try to disrupt the inauguration of your President-elect with riots, paint, and snipers to kill the police. Your police, who will be protecting this event, need to have good numbers, and well dressed with riot gear and bullet proof vests. It will be dangerous even for your President-elect who should also have body armor, and be watchful of any assassination attempts. Your police may need to make any arrests of those people who are using violence to get their way. You may need to know who the groups are, and who is funding them. These are communist tactics to try and take over your government with martial law by a planned riot. Your people need to be prepared to even call out your National Guard if the rioters are too many for your police to handle. Keep praying for the safety of your police, and the safety of your President-elect.”


Wednesday, January 4, 2017: (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
Jesus said: “My people, you all have been given various talents to succeed in life. Many of My saints have started schools, hospitals, or orders for men or women. Everyone is expected to do what is necessary to provide for themselves, however they can manage, so they do not have to depend on others. In the Gospels on the talents, I did not have good words for those people who buried their gifts, and did not want to work for a living. Even among My faithful, those people who did not work, did not get supper. There are some disabled people who need help, but there is no excuse for those people who are healthy and do not look for work. You see others with addictions, or people who do not know how to manage money, and they will always be begging for money. These people are those who need welfare help. People, who do not want to help themselves, can cause stress on the people around them. Pray that these people will make more of an effort to help themselves, and call on My help.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard that I am the Master Potter, and I form people out of the dust and clay of the earth. When I form a person, and I put My life spirit into their soul, as I have a plan for that life. This vision of a broken piece of pottery represents your abortions when you kill My babies, and cancel the plans I had for these lives. This is a serious mortal sin to abort a baby, and it offends Me and defies My plans for all the babies of abortion. Those people, who favor abortion, are upset with the possibility that Planned Parenthood may have its funding cut off from the government. Your people are being forced to pay taxes to assist in aborting My babies. If your new Administration cuts off this funding, it would be one means to help discourage abortions, and not force the taxpayers to fund these abortion clinics. The blood of these babies is on your hands, so stopping this funding of abortion clinics would be a good thing. Continue to pray for the stoppage of abortion, which is weighing America down with this killing of My babies.”


Thursday, January 5, 2017: (St. John Neumann)
Jesus said: “My people, My angels were always around Me when I was on the earth as a God-man. They supported Me many times, especially in My agony in the Garden of Gethsemene. They ascended with Me in My Ascension into heaven. Even now, My angels are present at Mass, and around My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration and in My tabernacles. You remember how Carol’s father also saw the souls being ushered by angels going down into the newly conceived babies, and other angels ushering the deceased souls to their judgment before Me. My angels also usher souls to heaven from purgatory, and some who come directly to heaven from their earthly lives.”

(Adam Andresky’s Funeral Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you heard some beautiful words about Adam in his eulogy, and he was thankful for that kindness. He passed early in the morning, as many people would like that choice. He was a great family man, and he cared and loved all of his family. He is united with his wife in heaven with this Mass. He is grateful for all the family’s help in his later years. He will be praying for all of his family, and he will be watching over them. He was sorry that he did not say good-bye in person, but he loves all of you so much.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a few more earthquakes than normal that are occurring along the Pacific Rim. Some of your earthquakes have been a result of your fracking for oil and gas. This may not be a good practice in areas that are susceptible to earthquakes. It is hard to warn people about earthquakes, because they are very unpredictable. Because several areas are long overdue, it is possible that you could be on the verge of some serious earthquakes.”

Jesus said: “My people, this program of your Health Care was forced on your people with penalties if you did not join. It is impossible to try to have your government pay for everyone’s health care. This was later revealed as a tax by your Supreme Court, and it was never proposed this way when it was passed. It was intended to fail by its planners, so single payer socialist medicine could replace it. It is failing because not enough people joined, and insurance companies were backing out of these exchanges. Many people are paying huge premiums with higher deductibles that are becoming a burden to finance. The incoming Administration is being saddled with a losing program that is impossible to implement, and some people could lose their coverages. Pray that a better program could be phased in.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of many issues that were debated in your election. It will be difficult to handle immigration, and an increase in defense spending, and still keep your deficits from expanding. As you see budget proposals debated, there will be many debates over what budgets get cut, and what budgets are increased. Your Congress will have to make some hard decisions for how you are to carry on with your country’s needs. Pray that your leaders can make some compromises that are best for your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, your new Administration is trying to reduce corporate taxes so corporations can justify keeping jobs in your country. It is hard to force companies not to out source, unless they can make savings on taxes. There are still questions on how lower taxes will affect your deficits. By allowing your companies to have a fairer playing field with other countries, then they could compete with more jobs staying in your country. Pray for your new Administration to help your businesses to succeed in providing more good paying jobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, financing your National Debt will become harder to finance, especially if your deficits continue. Your deficit of payments from more imports coming in than exports going out, is draining capital out from your country that cannot be sustained. Unless these financial problems are turned around, your country is headed into bankruptcy and a crash of your dollar. Pray that your leaders can change these trends, or you could see some major financial disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been enjoying the beauty of this Christmas Season. Once you celebrate the Magi on the Epiphany, many will start putting away their Christmas lights and decorations. This Season will end with the celebration of My Baptism by St. John the Baptist. Christmas is a joyful Season as you shared gifts of love among your family and friends. You will return to your Ordinary Season, and later on your Season of Lent will begin. Every Season has its own beauty, even though you repeat the same themes every year. Rejoice while you still have your decorations to enjoy.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your faithful are eager to come to the Right to Life March on January 27 as you protest your abortion decision at your Supreme Court. You will be getting more support from a President who will support your cause. You could also see some help in choosing a new conservative Supreme Court justice to fill the current vacancy. If your Supreme Court can change some of your abortion and other decisions, you could ease some of your sinful laws that are pulling your country down. Pray for a good Supreme Court justice to put Me back further into your public lives.”


Friday, January 6, 2017: (St. Andre Bessette)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been blessed with My very Presence in the gift of My Blessed Sacrament. At the Consecration of the Mass, you have the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. You have this miracle at every Mass, and you can receive My Real Presence when you receive Me in Holy Communion. No other churches have this blessing that you have in your tabernacles. I am with you always, and in St. John’s chapter 6 it states: ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He, who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’ (John 6:54,55) When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you need to have a soul free of mortal sin, or you commit a sin of sacrilege. Keep your souls pure with frequent Confession. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the graces and gifts that I bestow on you every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, today was another set of killings by a gunman who had several clips of bullets for his handgun. This occurred in an airport with many people around. His killing of five people and wounding eight more, was a planned indiscriminate act that has not yet been explained why he did it. This person had psychological problems, but he appeared to have no value for life with such bloody killings. It is hard for your security to be everywhere in your airports, but some security should be present in your baggage areas after this incident. This person and the weapon and ammunition need to be investigated to see if other people helped him to secure this weapon. It may be difficult to find out the real reasons for this attack, but having so much ammunition, points to a planned event. Pray for your airport security to be on guard for suspicious people, especially people with a psychological history.”


Saturday, January 7, 2017: (St. Raymond of Penyafort)
Jesus said: “My people, I was not ready to start the miracles of My ministry, but at My Blessed Mother’s request, I changed the water in the six water jars into wine. I also made it into a better wine than at the beginning of the Wedding feast. My apostles became true believers in Me when they saw My miracles. I am still performing miracles when you pray, like the victory of your President-elect. This Wedding feast miracle was water being changed into wine. I perform miracles at every Mass when I change the bread and wine into My Body and Blood of My Eucharist. You have seen other miracles, but My Eucharistic miracle is special, because this is how I remain with you every day in My sacramental Presence. Treasure this miracle that you share with Me, when you receive Me in Holy Communion. Give praise and thanks to Me after every Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you have more than enough money to live a good life, some people strive for fame, power, or more money. Your Hollywood people lead different lives than most people, and they have different goals. Some share their wealth, while others want more fame, more money, or more power over people. It is the greed for things that can become an addiction. All of your money, fame, and power are fleeting, and they are passing away. My people need to focus your lives on love of Me, and being with Me in heaven for all eternity. Your lives need to be centered around Me, and not around what you can achieve in this life. Financial success or fame, will not buy your way into heaven. It is by being humble and sorry for your sins that you could be on the right path to heaven. So do not worry or strive for earthly things, because they will rot or get outdated. All things on this earth are temporary, and it is better to strive for spiritual treasures that will bring you close to Me in heaven. Give thanks and praise for all the gifts that you have received, and be grateful for your gift of faith.”


Sunday, January 8, 2017: (The Epiphany)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast of My Epiphany is a manifestation of My Kingship when the Three Kings brought Me gifts as if I was royalty. They followed My miraculous Star that led them to Israel. They were in search of the infant King, and they went to King Herod to see where the child was to be born. The Scriptures spoke of Bethlehem, so I would be called the Son of David. After visiting Me, they left for home by another route according to a dream that they had. Herod then wanted all the children of two and younger to be killed in Bethlehem. St. Joseph had a dream by an angel to take Me and My Blessed Mother to Egypt to avoid Herod’s attempt to kill Me. I have warned My faithful that when your lives are in danger, I will send a dream to My faithful to leave their homes for My refuges of protection from those evil ones who want to kill you. Just as St. Joseph had a dream when to leave, so My faithful will also have a dream to leave. My angels will be My messengers, and they will warn you, and shield you with invisibility so no one can harm you. Rejoice in My Epiphany feast just as you will rejoice in My protection of My faithful at My refuges.”


Monday, January 9, 2017: (Baptism of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, normally you would celebrate My Baptism on a Sunday, but you had My Epiphany to celebrate this last Sunday. You are concluding the Christmas Season with My Baptism. You had My manifestation of My birth, the Epiphany with the Magi, and now My Baptism with My Blessed Trinity. You had Me as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Spirit as the dove, and God the Father speaking when he said: ‘This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’ You could add one more manifestation at My Transfiguration when My apostles saw Moses, Elijah, and they heard God the Father say: ‘This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him.’ All of these events were to witness to My Divine nature, as well as My human nature. I came into the world so I could offer up My Blood Sacrifice for all of your sins, and so you could come to heaven when I opened the gates. Rejoice in all of these feasts, as now you will be going back to Ordinary Time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several major snow storms recently, and now massive rains on the West coast have been causing some serious flooding. I have told you before that the HAARP machine could be used to cause bad weather and earthquakes. Many of the unusual weather patterns and frequent earthquakes that you are seeing, does fit what the HAARP machine could do. These are some of the natural disasters that I have been talking about, and the one world people control the use of the HAARP machine. Continue to pray for the victims of these storms, and you are praying and fasting already for the souls who could die suddenly in any large earthquakes. You have been praying your Reparation Masses for the souls, so they could be saved. I have answered your prayers also to finish your latest book and your latest DVD.”


Tuesday, January 10, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, when I went to Capharnum, I immediately went into the synagogue and I began teaching with authority, that was different from the Scribes. There was a man there with an unclean spirit, and the spirit called Me the ‘Holy One of God’. I ordered the spirit to be quiet, and come out of the man. The spirit left, and the people were in awe because I could order the evil spirit to leave with authority in My voice. The people came to respect My teachings and My healing gifts. It was by My miracles that My Apostles also came to believe in Me. There are some people who have strong faith and healing gifts. I told you if you had the faith the size of a mustard seed, you could heal people and deliver souls from the demons. Remember that you need prayer and fasting to cleanse the more powerful demons.”

Jesus said: “My son, I hear your storm prayer for protection, and a request for good health. You have faith in My healing and My protection. I will send My angels to guard your property, and I will help you get better from your sickness. You could use some of your home remedies, and a doctor’s prescription might be helpful. You have seen a lot of sickness and coughing around you, so pray for your people to be healed.”


Wednesday, January 11, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, your current President and his party are putting sanctions on Russia as they try to prove that Russia caused their loss to your President-elect. Russia is making preparations for war, because they do not know what your current President could do in his few more days in power. The one world people are at a loss because your President-elect’s win has caused them to change their plans. Keep in mind that your Congress is still infested with many masons, and they will not give in to your new President without a fight. The first fight will be over the candidates for the new Cabinet. If your people do not stand together against your enemies, then you will be more vulnerable to continued control by the one world people. Pray for your country to move forward against any left leaning socialism.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, throughout the election and even now, the liberals and one world people have been attacking your President-elect with all kinds of slander and hate stories that they could find. They have even used fake stories to stir up the people against your new President. You know by now that your President-elect’s win was a miracle of My angels because of all of your prayers. The one world people are in complete disarray, because they cannot believe that the rigged voting machines did not work, as in the previous elections that put your current President in office. Your elections are so corrupt that I had My angels turn back the changing of votes so the people could elect a courageous new leader. Despite the hoodlums trying to destroy the President-elect’s rallies, and the liberal media’s lies, you now have a President who is worthy of that office. All the attempts to stop your President-elect have failed, and now I will give him the grace to clean out the corruption in your government’s socialist control. Your fierce storms are a reflection of all the hate against your new President. You still have a lot of one world people in both parties in Congress, who will try to block many of your new President’s reforms. It is very possible that he may have to use Executive Orders to get by a reluctant Congress. The corruption in your government is so evil, that your new President may need My angel power to cleanse the swamp. Pray for your new President that he will be able to carry out his agenda to truly make your country great with My power.”


Thursday January 12, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some pictures in the West how prolonged heavy rainstorms have caused fast rivers of water to flow into some housing developments. This has been an unusual deluge that has flooded many areas, and some people have died as a result. When you have such a once in a lifetime event, you are seeing either My punishment, or your machines manipulating the weather. Pray for the victims who have lost their loved ones, and their homes. These people will have to start all over, and hope that they can get some compensation for their losses. They may need some assistance to make a new home.”

Prayer Group:
David said: “My father, mother, and my sisters, I am happy to be able to display my love for all of you. I have told you before that the Warning is coming and heaven is preparing for the coming battle. I am praying for all the souls in our family and our greater family. It is important for all of you to have pure souls with frequent Confession. There are some of our family that are not on the right path. I pray that they will change their lives after the Warning. Continue to be good examples for all of our family.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have heard from one of your friends that I have put My hand on his heart to lead your people back to a Christian nation, free of your ‘political correctness’. He is truly concerned that your country was on the wrong path, and he is dedicated to making your country great, even in My eyes. It will be up to your Congress and your corporations how much they are willing to follow his leadership. It will take time and a struggle to make the needed changes. He has built a Cabinet with the right credentials to carry out his agenda. I will send him the needed graces and My angels to help him succeed.”

Jesus said: “My people, your current Health Plan was headed for disaster with few exchanges and high premiums and high deductibles. It may take a while to make the necessary changes, but it has become unaffordable as it is. It will require competition between your health insurance providers in order to make your new plan affordable. Unless you have a proper base of participants that are paying their fair share, this will not work. Getting rid of a tax and penalties will be needed. Pray for your people to work together to make a new health plan viable.”

Jesus said: “My people, for years your current President was heavily supported by the liberal elements of your media. During his eight years, he shunned conservative networks and talk shows. Now, you will be seeing just the opposite for your President-elect who is openly hostile toward liberal networks who are criticizing him with ‘fake news’ stories. You are seeing a turn over from socialism back to your original democratic republic. Rejoice that your religious persecution from the left, will be rejected by your new Administration.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, I have given you a new opportunity with your President-elect to restore your Christian values, and to change the evil ways of your current Administration. Instead of having the left agenda forced down your throats, you will have a chance to work together for what is needed for your country and its citizens. Continue to pray for the success of your President-elect and for America to succeed with My help.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are truly seeing a battle between Christian values and those people who do not love Me. You have an atheistic socialism that is trying to overtake your people, but I have brought a miraculous intervention of My power against this evil. If your people do not wake up to My love and My laws, then you will see the Antichrist have his way for a short time. During the tribulation, I will intervene again to bring My faithful to My refuges. At the end of the Antichrist’s brief reign, I will bring My victory, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. You will rejoice when I will renew the earth, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven. Do not be afraid of the evil ones, because their time is almost over.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not be surprised that the possessed people will be attacking your churches and My Sacred Hosts. These people are seeking My consecrated Hosts so they could desecrate them in their black masses. You may not be aware of such demon inspired attacks, but they will become more frequent. You will even see a coming Division in My Church, when you will need to come to your homes and refuges to have a true Mass and prayer groups. Evil will have its day for a short time, but do not lose hope because My victory is coming soon when all the evil ones will be cast by My angels into hell. Trust in My protection because I will be the Supreme Ruler over all evil.”


Friday, January 13, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I was impressed by the faith of the paralytic man and his bearers, who knew I could heal him. The crowd was so great that they made a hole in the roof to let him down before Me. I told the paralytic: ‘Your sins are forgiven.’ The people who were there thought I was blaspheming, since only God can forgive sins. They did not know it, but I truly am the Second Person of God. I was concerned first with healing the man’s soul and forgiving his sins, so his soul would be saved. Then to show My authority from My heavenly Father, I told the paralytic to pick up his mat and go home, because his faith has saved him. The people were amazed that I could heal the man’s paralysis, but they should also be amazed that I could forgive his sins as well. Remember what I told you, that the one who is healing, needs to have faith that I can heal a sick person. The person, who is sick, also needs to have faith that I can heal that person. Without faith, no healing can be accomplished. This is why I could not heal people in My hometown of Nazareth, because they did not have faith in My healing power. Trust in Me, and I will forgive your sins, and heal your sickness.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country did not defend Israel when your UN Ambassador could have vetoed a UN Resolution to declare more rights for the Palestinians in prohibiting Israel from building settlements on contested lands. Your current President is also trying to use a Paris Peace Accord to further favor Palestinian possession of Israeli held sacred places. These actions by your current President will embolden Hamas and other terrorists to start an uprising against Israel. This is why you are seeing soldiers shooting their guns at those people causing a new uprising. Your current President is indirectly causing another war to come in Israel, and he is not coming to Israel’s defense. Pray for peace in Israel, despite your current President is stirring up trouble between the two factions.”


Saturday, January 14, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you were praying an overnight vigil of Memorare prayers to protect the souls of those people who could be harmed in some coming disasters. I have warned you before of some impending earthquakes, which is why you are checking for them daily. You also have been warned of some possible protests and large marches before your President-elect’s Inauguration. Then you will be attending a Right to Life March in front of your Supreme Court. I have asked for your prayers to help prevent any martial law, and prevent any possible harm to your President-elect. My angels will be guarding him. Eventually, you will be seeing a Division in My Church when the schismatic church will cause the changes that will split My Church. Follow My faithful remnant church and avoid the New Age teachings of the schismatic church. Trust in My protection during the coming trials.”


Sunday, January 15, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, from the beginning of My life on earth as a God-man, My whole purpose was to bring salvation to all of mankind. I am the true ‘Lamb of God’, and I offered My life, once and for all, as the supreme sacrifice of My earthly life for the forgiveness of your sins. Even before Holy Communion, you recite the ‘Lamb of God’ prayer three times. In My sacrifice I have taken on all of your sins, so you could all have an opportunity to be saved by giving your free will ‘yes’ to My love. My death on the cross is an expression of how much I love each soul who I created. It is My intention to save everyone, but I do not violate your free will choice. It is My hope that all souls will love Me in return and accept their own crosses to follow My Will. I know the devil has controlled the minds of some souls, and some souls are being lost in hell by their own free will choice. Those souls, who do repent and love Me, will have their eternal reward with Me in heaven. At every Mass you have the ‘sacrifice of the Mass’ when My Body and Blood are offered up for you in the changing of the bread and wine into My Body and My Blood. It is by My Blood that your souls are washed clean, and I am your ransom to atone for the reparation of your sins. Give praise and thanks to Me for saving your souls through My sacrifice as the ‘Lamb’ offered up to My heavenly Father.”


Monday, January 16, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you wonder why you have so much evil and frequent disasters in your country, when all you have to do is look around at how your people are living. When a country loses its moral compass, and only listens to the devil’s call for material things and pleasures, then you know why your country is failing. You need to have loving parents and children living according to My Commandments of love. This means you need to live in marriage of a man and a woman. When you live in fornication without marriage, there is little love and little commitment. When you live in sin, you will reap the wages of sin and punishment in your life. I did not call people to live in sinful homosexual relationships either. Transgender people are also living unnatural lives. It is possible to live in a normal marriage, and you need to encourage your children to live properly. Because your society does not shun sinful living together, you are only encouraging sin with the devil’s ‘political correctness’. It is time that your people should follow My ways instead of the devil’s ways, if they expect to be able to come to heaven. You also need to have your children instead of aborting them. Your people and your country will face My justice because of your abortions and sexual sins that defy My laws and offend Me greatly. Pray for a spiritual renewal of America, or you will call down My judgment as I punished Sodom and Gomorrah.”


Tuesday, January 17, 2017: (St. Anthony of the Desert)
Jesus said: “My people, I love you all so much, and I have given you My Commandments of love to live as your daily guide. You also have some Church laws and traditions to follow as well. There are times when your survival is more important than some traditions. At the time in the reading, My disciples needed something to eat because they were hungry. On Sunday it is part of My law not to do servile work, but if your livelihood requires you to work, then it could be tolerated. It would be better to have a different job, and do your work on another day, but the necessity of survival may be needed. You are trying to avoid offending Me in My laws, and you do this out of love for Me. There are Commandments associated with mortal sin, and you should abide by them. If you are truly sick on Sunday and cannot come out for Mass, it is understood. But do not make excuses when it is something like sports events that are not absolutely necessary to attend. This is not an acceptable excuse, and you could change the games, or do not play at all. You do make choices in your life, but try to follow My laws of love to have a proper Christian life.”

Jesus said: “My son, this was an exorcist priest that you remembered, who had a large painting of St. Anthony of the Desert that was oiling. You saw several movies of how this priest exorcized demons out of people. These hermit priests live on very little food, and they pray a lot in quiet surrounds. They are even attacked by demons, because the demons do not want the priest to save souls. St. Anthony was the Father of monastic life even before monasteries were formed. His way of contemplative prayer attracted many other monks who later came to monasteries. The monks way of silence in their cells started with St. Anthony’s example. Many contemplative orders adopted the teachings of St. Anthony. I need many prayer warriors to counter the evil that Satan is carrying on throughout the earth. Pray much for all the sinners who need conversions.”


Wednesday, January 18, 2017:
Jesus said: “My son, you have helped your family and friends in their needs without hesitation. You have been given many gifts so you could help people, but you feel in your heart how you want to share what you have. You also are being called to share My messages and your faith with people who you do not know, and some friends who you have made in many places. Every time you share your time and finances with people, you are storing up treasure in heaven. I am also calling on all of My faithful to do what you are doing in sharing time, faith, and donations. There is a further need for prayers for converting sinners to the faith, and for prayers to release the souls from purgatory. This is more time that I am asking, so your prayers can be used to help people in their souls. People need physical help to survive with money for food and a place to stay, but your souls last forever, and this life is temporary. The more souls you can help save is the best gift that you could give anyone. This is why prayers and Masses for the dead are greatly needed. Remember to pray and give Masses for all the people who you attend at their funerals. The souls in purgatory are quickly forgotten because you do not see them anymore. This is why they want you to have their pictures in open places, so you can see them, and remember to pray for their souls. Continue to spend as much time as you can praying for the conversion of sinners, and for the poor suffering souls in purgatory, so they can be released one day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been waiting for this inauguration for many weeks since the election. You have never seen such a display by the losing party as you have in this election. A fair number of Congress people have said that they will not attend the inauguration. It is very hard to have a united country when one side does not even accept that your President-elect was properly elected. You are coming to a point to see what protest will be carried out. Your police and National Guard are ready to protect this event from any violence. Continue to pray for your President-elect to be sworn into office without any trouble. Pray for his safety and the safety of all of your Congress people present. You will see all the plans that will be implemented by your new President. Pray that he will succeed in turning your country around to its original roots.”


Thursday, January 19, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people of America, you recently were all together celebrating the New Year, which was only a calendar event. Now, when you have a change of Presidents, your opposition leaders are doing everything possible to disrupt the inauguration of your new President. You have never seen such foolish behavior, so how can your country come together if one side is so partisan in opposition to everything? You have a duly elected President, and your people should at least respect this office of your country’s leader. I have enabled this man to win, despite all of your corrupt election machines, and the hate media. You need to see what he can do, before making any judgments. You have a socialist government that needs to be changed back to a republic, with atheism put aside, because your original documents have My Name leading you. Do not let the devil’s ways lead you, as in other atheist, communist countries, but let Me and My angels guide you in faith and freedom. It is the one world Godless people who are trying to control you, but I have intervened to fight for your people’s true freedom from their evil control. Be grateful for this breath of fresh air in your government, and pray for your leaders to let Me be a part of your lives.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in past messages that I want you to get rid of your TVs, computers, and internet devices after the Warning. I also told you to work hard during the six weeks after the Warning for conversions with your family and friends. Since you will need a means of communication during this six weeks, you can keep all of your devices until after this conversion time is over. You will see My protection against the evil ones up until the end of the six weeks after the Warning. Once the six weeks are over, then you will need to get rid of your cell phones, TVs, and computers so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes on your screens, because he could hypnotize you into worshiping him.”

Jesus said: “My people, keep praying for the safety of your President-elect and all of your Congress people. Certain parties are intent on disrupting the inauguration, and this is why you will need good security measures. All of the attempts to stop this event have failed, and I will have My angels protecting your leaders. Those people, who are causing problems, are trying to stir up the people against your new President. You need to have a peaceful transition of power if your country is able to be united again.”

Jesus said: “My people, the opposition party cannot stop these confirmations unless the party in power loses some of its members against the nominees. The only resistance is to slow down this process, so your new President would have to wait for some of his plans to be put into place. Keep praying for your leaders to govern the best possible for your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, your new President has a monumental struggle to battle the new world order people to implement his plans. He is putting capable people around him in his Cabinet to fulfill his plans. His inaugural address should give a few specifics about the changes that he is about to make. There are many issues, and the Budget and Health Care are the most difficult. Again, pray for your President and his party to guide your country down the best path for your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have some improvements to make in your Defense Department, and a need to set a tone for your foreign policy. America has helped to protect many countries, especially Israel where your previous Administration was failing. Your new President has a different world view, and it will take time to implement. Again, pray for peace in the world where there are many foreign pressures on your trade balance.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have allowed your President to win so you could have a small reprieve from a one world people takeover. He will have a short time to right some of the wrongs that were done by your previous Administration. You know that eventually the evil forces will bring the Antichrist into power. The one world people need to make new plans for their takeover, and you will have a short delay, but you will have a tribulation one day when you will have to come to My refuges for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that the evil ones will have a brief reign, but do not lose hope, because I am more powerful than all the evil people and demons. My faithful are preparing My refuges for your protection during the tribulation. I will only allow the evil ones to test you so far. In the tribulation My angels will be protecting you at My refuges with miraculous powers, and they will multiply your food, water, and fuels. When I bring My victory, all of these evil ones will be cast into hell. Then I will renew face of the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as their reward. Have patience for a time, because you know that I will win out for My faithful at the end of this battle.”


Friday, January 20, 2017: (Inauguration Day)
Jesus said: “My people, your country has been restricted in so many ways by your previous Administration. So now you will see a new way of governing. It still is possible that the one world people in your Congress could slow down, or restrict your new President’s plans. You will need to pray for your new leaders to restore some of your religious freedoms that the atheists have stifled. You will also have to pray for a good new Supreme Court Justice who will abide by the Constitution. There is an optimistic spirit that your economy will improve, and that all levels of the people will benefit, especially the middle class. You will see your new President’s inaugural address, and how he plans to govern. Again, I am blessing him with graces to help him fulfill his promises to the American people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are blessed that there was no martial law to prevent your new President from taking his oath of office. Your President has a very ambitious agenda, and he is calling on My help to bring the government back to the people. You heard him calling My Name, and your ministers and priest had some good Bible quotations to call down My help on your country. I told you My angels are protecting your President. Pray that your Congress people can work with your new President to improve your Defense, your infrastructure, your trade agreements, and your jobs, as he has promised. He is trying to help the middle class, and take care of your veterans. Keep praying for his success in making America great again.”


Saturday, January 21, 2017: (St. Agnes)
Jesus said: “My son, in the first reading it talks about a tabernacle and the Holy of Holies. At this time you cannot keep My consecrated Hosts in your tabernacle, but during the tribulation, I will be there. It will be a blessing to have a priest at your refuge so he could offer daily Mass. Even those refuges, who do not have a priest, will have My angels bring daily Holy Communion to them. You will also have perpetual Adoration at every refuge, and you will assign two people to cover all the hours, as each of you will take turns. You will display My Host in your monstrance. In this way I will always be with you to support you physically and spiritually. If you have a priest, you could also have all the sacraments as well. Give praise and thanks to Me for protecting you from the evil ones.”

(4:00 p.m Mass) Jesus said: “My people, truly I was calling My disciples from all walks of life to follow Me. I told them: ‘Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.’ St. John the Baptist called the people to repent as well. I needed to have My followers to go out and preach My ‘Good News’. But I taught them for three years all the lessons that they needed to write down, and share with the people by word of mouth. In the Gospel I chose fishermen in St. Peter, St. Andrew, St. James, and St. John. They all left their boats and immediately began to follow Me. I told them that they would be fishers of men for My sake. I also gave My apostles hope and faith in Me when I performed many miracles. I would share My healing gifts with them, once I left them on their own with the Holy Spirit. Even today, I call on all of My faithful to go out and evangelize souls to the faith. Saving souls from hell should be your best vocation. I want people to love Me by their own free will. The people need to be pointed toward Me by My faithful so the people can be taught the faith. True faith is a gift that I give to you in your heart. So give thanks for your gift of faith, and share your faith with those people around you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I told you that new wine has to be placed into new wineskins to preserve the wine and the skins. I have come into the world so I could offer My life as a sacrifice to My heavenly Father for the salvation of all souls who want to accept Me and repent of their sins. I told you also that I allowed your President to win so you could have a new opportunity for a spiritual renewal in America. You were in the shackles of a socialist model for total control of your government. Now, you will be able to return to your original roots of a republic form of government. You would much rather live in freedom from the likes of communism as in Russia and China. Give praise and thanks to Me for intervening for the benefit of your people.”


Sunday, January 22, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been asked to give donations to the poor before, but this Unbound group keeps you in touch with a special person so you can see where your donation is going. Those people, who have surplus money, can share your donations with the poor. Remember that I told you, for all the charity that you share, this will store up treasure in heaven. You can offer your prayers up for the poor as well. I have given all of you enough gifts to get by, so now you can help other people in need. These people, may not be able to give you gifts in return, but you will enjoy reading their letter of gratitude.”


Monday, January 23, 2017: (Right to Life protest for the unborn)
Jesus said: “My people, you see in the Gospel about the mention of Beelzebub, the ‘Lord of the Flies’, that attacked your refuge chapel. When you are fighting the devil and the evil ones, you know you can count on Me to help you, because I have power over the demons. When you are fighting to save the lives of the unborn, you are battling devils and evil people who support abortion. All of those women, who abort their children, will suffer at their judgment. I will forgive sin, but there is still reparation for this sin that has to be paid for. Also, those people, who support abortion, are liable for punishment. All of My faithful, who struggle to save the lives of the unborn, will receive their reward in heaven. I will send My angels to guard and guide you on your trip to the March for Life on January 27. Do not worry about parking because I will assist you in your need. Everything that you do in prayers and good deeds for the unborn, is well appreciated in your efforts to save lives. You remember well how My Blessed Mother said: ‘The greatest sin of omission is for those people who do not pray or protest abortions.’ The lives of My little ones are too precious to kill for any reason. Pray for these mothers to have their children. The unborn babies are gifts of life that the devil is trying to take away. Pray for the stoppage of abortion because your prayers will be answered one day.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to continue My message to America about stopping the killing of My babies by your abortions. How can you not see that My babies are little miracles, and the parents have the right to join with Me in creating new life? You all need to understand how precious life is whether in the womb or near death. I am so appalled by your disregard for life in allowing your babies to be aborted. This is not an old issue, but it is an important issue at all times. Your mothers need to love their children, and not kill them. This killing of the unborn babies is a mortal sin, and it greatly offends Me that abortion is about rights. The baby is different from the mother, and it is not a choice to kill the baby or not. The baby should not be killed at all. I sometimes have to shield My eyes from watching your abortions. But the guardian angels of these little martyrs are coming to Me to tell Me of the death of My little ones. Your abortions alone are calling down My wrath on your country. When I bring My Warning as My intervention, every mother of an aborted baby will know exactly the kind of life their child was meant to live. There will be great lamentation when they view the killing of their baby in their life review. I will forgive this sin if the parties repent and seek My forgiveness. Try to counsel these women not to have an abortion, but bring their baby to the term of birth. I love all of you, and I want you to love all of My creations of life.”


Tuesday, January 24, 2017: (St. Francis de Sales)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this basement room full of multiplied food, so you have true hope and confidence that I will provide the food for all the people who will come to your refuges. In the Bible it says not to fear or worry about what you are to eat, what you will wear, or where you will stay. I know your needs and the restraints of staying within the borders of your refuge. So I will have to multiply your food, water, fuels, and even your buildings for your people to survive your short stay during the tribulation. Trust in My angel protection from the evil ones, because the evil ones will not see you. I will be present with you in daily Holy Communion, and in your perpetual Adoration. You will be praying more, and helping each other in eating, sleeping, and washing your clothes. Once you bear this tribulation time, then you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President will meet a lot of opposition from different factions and the one world people in trying to get his plans through. Even though his plans are good for your people, there are still people in Washington, D.C. who do not like his changes. There will be a struggle for who is in control of your government. I will be helping him to lead your people down the right path. If the one world people continue to hire thugs to block his way, you could see more violent protests. As you go down to support the unborn babies in your protest of abortions in Washington, D.C., I will have My angels protect you from any violent protesters who could try to disturb your rally. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion in your country, because this sin is bringing destruction upon your country in My punishments. Pray for a peaceful march, and that your press reports the real story, and not more fake news.”


Wednesday, January 25, 2017: (Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, was a miraculous one. St. Paul was having Christians persecuted, when My Light knocked him off of his horse and blinded him. I had one of My faithful heal him, and he later became one of My greatest missionaries. I have asked you to pray for the conversion of sinners many times as one of your daily prayer intentions. You may even require My Warning to convert some of your family members. With your persistent prayers you could even help save your family members from hell. Keep praying for the conversion of poor sinners, and to save your family members from hell.”

(Pillar’s Mass, Alma’s mother) Jesus said: “My people, it is always hard to lose a mother, because you remember how she took care of you in your youth. Pillar had a long life, and she was a good woman. It is hard to keep in touch with parents who live a long distance away. The children should help their parents in their old age when possible. You could have Mass and prayers said for Pillar’s soul as you did today. She is still in purgatory and only needs some prayers and a few Masses to gain heaven. It was good that the family attended her funeral, even if it took some time and money. You all had closure as a family. Give Me thanks for the gift of her life. She loves all of you, and she will be praying for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are quickly seeing why I allowed the miracle of your President to win his election. Your people have had to endure some abuses under your previous President. Now, your new President is reversing many policies that were bad for your people. As time moves on, you will see his intentions are focused truly on helping American workers, and making a more level playing field in your trade deals. Most of your deficit of payments going out of your country has been because of no control over taxes, cheap labor, or currency manipulations. You finally have a President on the side of the workers in trying to keep good paying jobs in America. Many of the things that your President is doing, are common sense things for the benefit of America, and not foreign interests or corporate interests. If he is able to exercise his plans, you will be more thankful that he was elected. I continue to bless him and your country for not exporting your abortion funding overseas. You are seeing a breath of fresh air of truth in your government, so keep praying for the protection and success of your new President.”


Thursday, January 26, 2017:
Camille said: “Hello, John, Lydia and I are so grateful to Carol and you for all of your prayers and Masses that helped allow us into heaven. We are still watching over our family, and they will need your prayers and Masses also to help save them from hell. When a soul does not have a strong faith, that soul will need someone praying on their behalf to be saved. Our family should thank you, Carol, and us for praying for their souls to be saved. I told you before that all of heaven is preparing for the coming battle between the devils and the angels during the tribulation. Our Lord has truly given you a reprieve by allowing his angels to help Trump win. The one world people are changing their plans, and you will see a lot of resistance to your President in Congress. You are seeing how the Congress people are threatening your new President to follow their plans or else. Do not be surprised if you see the one world people try to impeach or try to kill your President, because they want control of your government.”


Friday, January 27, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, it warms My heart to see so many people who are protesting your Supreme Court decision that has allowed abortion. Abortion is murder, and your people are greatly offending Me when they kill My little babies. Your President will not support International Planned Parenthood in other countries. Even your President and Congress want to stop funding Planned Parenthood, so taxpayers do not have to pay for abortions. This effort by your leaders to try and stop abortions is to be commended, because My wrath will be held back because of your efforts. You are still killing My babies, and your mothers and your abortion mentality are still defying My Commandments. Keep praying to stop abortion, and continue your protests as your March for Life today.”


Saturday, January 28, 2017: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: “My people, there were times when I tested the faith of My apostles with scenes such as a storm that was swamping the boat. The apostles were fearing for their lives as the storm was quite violent. When I stood up in the boat and I said: ‘Peace, be still’, the storm stopped, and there was a great calm. This miracle amazed My apostles, and they said: ‘Even the wind and the sea obey Him.’ This was just one of many miracles that I performed to show My apostles that I truly am a God-man. I showed them that through My power, all things were possible for Me. These miracles in the Gospels are also to help all of your lives of faith to know that I can do the impossible for you in your prayers. So do not ever lose hope or faith in Me, despite all the trials and disappointments that you may encounter in life. I am always beside you to guard you from harm, and provide for your needs. Call on Me in prayer, and I will send My angels to comfort and guide you through any storms in life that may occur. When you have true faith in Me, you will no longer have worries, anxieties, or fears, because these things are only from the devil as temptations. I love all of you, and you can have confidence in My help every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, it will not be easy living in a confined space of a refuge with many people happy to be alive and cared for at a refuge. Every refuge will have perpetual Adoration where you can have a quiet place to pray to Me. It is not easy to live with a lot of people in one dwelling. This time at the refuge will be less than 3½ years, but My angels will protect you and provide for your daily needs. Just as I protected My apostles for three years, so I will be shielding you from the evil ones for a shortened time with a shield of invisibility. It is hard to imagine how I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. You read how I calmed the storm, so I will be doing the impossible for those people who believe that I can multiply the food. This is why the unbelievers will not be allowed into My refuges. You will be thankful to have a place of refuge when the evil ones will be killing Christians. You will also have to calm down the people when they first come to your refuge, because they will be scared by the evil ones. There will be some people who will be martyred, but do not be afraid because I will lessen their pain. I love all of My children, and I will help you get by this tribulation so you can be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”


Sunday, January 29, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks about the beatitudes, and I want to talk about people with too much pride. You know how I can humble the proud, and I want My people to be more humble without bragging. Even if you have had some good accomplishments from your hard work, you need to give credit to Me for helping you to do so well. I have given you the talents for your work, and I have enabled you to have the money to buy things. Do not accumulate money just to be rich for yourself, but share what you have, because you cannot take it with you at death. I love all of you, and you could imitate My humility because I could do even the impossible by human standards. Focus your life on working to be worthy of coming to heaven by obeying My laws. I died on the cross to enable sinners to come to heaven. So give praise and thanks to Me for giving you faith, so you can come into heaven. Repent of your sins and seek My forgiveness in Confession, and you will have your reward in heaven.”


Monday, January 30, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you are familiar with the demon possessed man, when I cast out the legion of demons into the swine that ran over the cliff and drowned. This was a great miracle, but the people, who lost the swine, wanted Me to leave their district. The man, who was healed, went back to his town and proclaimed his healing to all the amazed people. I mentioned before that some possessed people may require prayer and fasting to cast out demons in My Name. There are still possessed or obsessed people in your time, and some of these demons are connected to your addictions. Do not let things control you, so you are free of these demons. Focus your lives on carrying out My mission for you, and you will be protected from any demons. When you pray and attend Mass, you will have spiritual strength from My sacraments against the demons. The demons and hell do exist, so be on guard against their temptations. Trust in My help to defend your souls from any demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can read about some of the latest technical weapons that are being used for a possible sea war between the US and China in the South China Sea. Both Russia and China are developing new weapons to try and overcome the US Navy. This is why your own defense requires new weapons as well to balance your opposition. Various countries are preparing for war, and it is just a matter of time until some country could challenge your forces. There are crucial shipping lanes that are needed by various countries for goods and fuels. When these ships are challenged, they will need the protection of your Navy. You could see some kind of war start that could challenge your food and fuel deliveries. This is another reason to have extra food in your house, and extra food in My refuges. Pray for peace, but you could see a large war at any time.”


Tuesday, January 31, 2017: (St. John Bosco)
Jesus said: “My people, this long Gospel was about two people who had faith that I could heal them. The synagogue official first asked Me to heal his daughter, who was near death. While we were on the way to his house, a woman with hemorrhages for twelve years was healed when she touched My cloak. She had faith that if she touched Me, she would be healed. She was rewarded for her faith when her blood flow stopped, after she touched Me. Because of her faith, I healed her spiritually as well. When the twelve year old daughter died, I put the people out, and I raised the girl back to life. The people were amazed, but this again was a reward for the faith of that synagogue official. I only healed those people who had faith in My healing power. This healing of people from the dead is still going on even in your world of today. If the person with healing gifts has faith enough, I can even bring people back to life. The person, who wants to be healed, must also have faith that I can heal them. Give praise and thanks to Me whenever someone is healed by a miracle of grace in My Name. Trust in Me, and you can see more healings both of soul and body.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the liberal forces who are advocating abortion, euthanasia, and gay-marriage as rights which are totally against My Fifth and Sixth Commandments. When Catholics stand up against abortion, against euthanasia, and against gay marriage, they are criticized for violating people’s rights. But you are really asking people to obey My laws. Abortion, mercy killing, and homosexual acts are all mortal sins, whether people like it or not. People who violate My laws will have to answer to Me at their judgment. When more of your people accept or tolerate these sins, you are calling down My judgment on America. These visions of a catastrophic earthquake, and a following huge tsunami wave are the kind of punishments that are coming to your sinful nation. Many people will be killed by these coming disasters, and you are praying for the souls who will die suddenly without preparation for their judgment. Your society is getting more evil every year, and My wrath is about to come down upon America. Repent and seek My forgiveness of your sins while you still have time. You will be seeing major disasters that will lead up to the tribulation. Call on My help to get to My refuges when your lives are threatened. My angels will protect you and provide for your needs at My refuges. Obeying My Commandments is the best path to heaven that I could give you. Do not worry if you are criticized for obeying My laws, for you will have My reward.”

For Jennifer’s lost baby: Jesus said: “My people, losing a child in the womb can be a traumatic experience for a mother. You all are trying to comfort Jennifer with your kind words, and your prayers. This will be a painful time to remove the dead baby from the womb. After a sufficient mourning time, she could try again for another child, or possibly seek an adoption, if that is acceptable. Many people desire to have their own children, but it will require many prayers when a woman is later in life. Trust in your prayers to Me for a healthy child, and I could answer your request.”


Wednesday, February 1, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel again speaks about faith in My healing power. The people of Nazareth knew Me as a carpenter in the family of Joseph and Mary, but they did not know My true origin as a God-man through the power of the Holy Spirit. Because their eyes were blinded to My healing power, I could only heal foreigners in My hometown. You are seeing a current battle between people who want to follow My laws, and the people who want to follow only man’s laws of a ‘politically correct’ mentality. Just because you have laws of court decisions that defy My laws, this does not make them right. In conscience you do not have to follow immoral laws, and you are in your religious rights able to defy them. I want My people to be ‘spiritually correct’ in following My laws, and oppose the evil ‘politically correct’ thinking. This is why you are seeing such a battle of good against evil. You have at least five sins that are being considered ‘legal’ in your society, but I consider them ‘illegal’ to My laws. Abortion is the killing of a human life, right from conception where the new baby is always human. This is a mortal sin against My Fifth Commandment. Your Supreme Court decision did not change the fact that abortion is a mortal sin against Me. You have people living together in fornication, and these acts are always mortal sins outside of marriage. This is against My Sixth Commandment, and this activity should be discouraged. You have people in same sex marriages where homosexual acts are also mortal sins, and this activity should also be discouraged. Marriage should only be reserved for a man and a woman, and not an unnatural marriage of same sexes. Again the Supreme Court does not change same sex marriage from being sinful. You also have transgender people who again are defiling their bodies from how they were made. You have people promoting euthanasia or mercy killing, but this is also sinful, no matter what your laws are. I do not want you to judge people, but you can advise your brother or sister to avoid sin against Me. If you desire to come to heaven, you need to avoid these sins, and repent of them in Confession. Those people, who defy My laws, are on the path to hell, but those people, who love Me and follow My laws, will be rewarded in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President is trying to establish order and a proper government, but the opposition party is trying to hold back any nomination votes for his cabinet choices. Many of the things that your previous President did secretly, are the same things that your President is doing more openly. The street protests and even unruly mobs are the same people who harassed your President’s primary and Presidential rallies. They are organized and paid to protest by the one world people, who are angry at your President for destroying their takeover plans. You can expect these protests to continue until these people are investigated, and the mob leaders jailed for their destruction. You have seen the ads in the newspapers to pay for protesters to keep marching. You have free speech, but not any authority to destroy property. You will see some groups trying to upset your government with a plan to impeach your President, and cause a martial law. It will take your police and National Guard to put down the unruly mobs who only want to cause trouble. Your people will soon realize such a perpetual protest is not normal, but organized by the enemies of your people. Pray for a restoration of calm, and pray for your leaders to do the right thing.”


Thursday, February 2, 2017:(Presentation in Temple,Blessing Candles)
Jesus said: “My people, I was brought to the Temple to do the Jewish circumcision, and Simeon, and Anna blessed Me. I was not only presented, but this was also a purification rite. After I died on the cross, I paid the price for the original sin of Adam. Now, people can be baptized into the faith either as an adult, or as an infant. This is your new purification rite in Baptism without any sacrifice of animals or pigeons. My sacrifice on the cross was My shedding of Blood that washed away your sins at your Baptism and in Confession. If I have cleansed your sins, then you are truly set free of the bonds of your sins. I have encouraged you to come to frequent Confession, at least once a month, so you can have a pure soul and be ready for your judgment any day. Once you are baptized, you are joined with Me in faith as your god-parents spoke up for you. As you mature, you can make your own act of faith in acknowledging your love for Me every day in your prayers. When you join the Catholic faith, you are expected to follow My Commandments and My Church laws. My laws are your spiritual guides through life to help protect you from the devil’s temptations. This is also a feast for blessing your candles for your Masses and any candles you burn in your house. Rejoice that I have given you My sacraments for purifying the sins from your souls. Take advantage of My graces that await you in Confession to the priest, so you can be pure in your soul.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I had asked you previously to make an effort to come to the March for Life in Washington, D.C. You were able to come with your friends, and you took pictures of your group and video taped the Mass at the Immaculate Conception Basilica. You saw record numbers of people processing peacefully to the steps of the Supreme Court. It was your Court’s Roe vs. Wade decision that brought abortion to your nation as legal. This was an evil decision, because your many abortions are bringing My punishment upon you. Pray for the stoppage of abortion, and continue to struggle to protect the unborn.”

Jesus said: “My son, I gave you a miraculous light on your chapel wall a year ago as a sign of the miracles that I would perform at your refuge. The light then, was like a veil or a curtain, and it moved around. Today, you had a smaller light dance around as before. You were able to capture this light on your camcorder for people to see. This truly is another sign to you that times will be getting difficult, and you will be needing the safety of your refuges in the not too distant future. Pray for your people, and be ready to leave for My refuges when your lives are threatened.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many protests against your new President in many ways. Part of this protest has been to slow down the approval of your President’s Cabinet choices. Some of these actions include walkouts by the opposition Senators. You have also seen some violent protests in the streets which have become unlawful in damaging property. Your authorities need to quickly stop these outbursts, or you could see more trouble. These protests are over and above any previous transition, and they appear to be instigated by people who have no regard for other people’s property. Pray for calm to be restored to your country which is becoming more divided.”

Jesus said: “My people, it appears that Iran is testing your new President to see how he will respond. Sanctions are being mentioned, as well as America is putting Iran on notice for possible action beyond the sanctions. It is dangerous to give money to a country that exports terrorists. Pray again for peace among these Middle East countries, especially Iran.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are living in a dangerous world where China is making a power grab for the control of the South China Sea. Russia is stirring to take more land in the Ukraine, and reacting to your forces on its border. North Korea is threatening to use ballistic missiles to put America in the dark with an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack. Your new President will need to make some crucial decisions, and he plans to build up your defenses. This buildup will take time, money, and more manpower than you have now. Your President wants peace from a point of strength, and it will be decided in your Congress.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President campaigned on making this appointment to the Supreme Court, and your Senate is very divided on this issue of a new choice for this Court. Your Senate leader is hoping for a possible vote without having to reach for a change in the rules and from previous precedents. The opposition party is mad because the Senate did not consider your previous President’s candidate. This battle could last several months, but it is difficult for the Supreme Court to vote when they are evenly split. Pray for a resolution to this problem without any more protests.”

Jesus said: “My people, I allowed your new President to win, so you would have an opportunity for a spiritual renewal. Instead of accepting this transition, you are seeing evil elements of the one world people doing everything they can to stop your new President from carrying out his plans. If your violence continues to get worse, you could see a possible martial law, and a possible attempt to assassinate your President. Just as this picture on your altar shows, I am sending My angels to protect him from harm, and to keep these evil ones from causing any move severe trouble. Pray for your President and your leaders to do the right thing for your people.”


Friday, February 3, 2017: (St. Blaise)
Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the feast of St. Blaise who was martyred for his faith in Me. This church of St. Blaise in Debrovnik that you visited, had been bombed during the war, and the people were happy to see tourists return to see their city. You saw ethnic cleansing of various peoples in the war in the former Yugoslavia. It was a dictator who was bombing and killing people in this land. In some of these European countries there has been many wars to control different lands by ethnic peoples. These hostilities run deep in their history, and it is hard to have peace when each claims the land. Even in America you are seeing hard feelings between your two major parties. If the violence and protests continue, it will be hard to unite your people against any outside threats to your country. You have an ongoing battle between your new President and the one world people. Keep praying for peace among your own people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all are sinners and weak to sin, so I have provided My sacrament of Reconciliation, so you can cleanse your soul and start over. You should be thankful that I took all the sins of mankind on My cross, and My death and My Blood have washed away all of your sins. When the priest gives you absolution, you are forgiven your sins, and you have My sanctifying grace in your soul. By following My Commandments and performing your good deeds, you are on the right path to heaven. This life is passing away, so do not be so concerned about the things of this world that will be passing away as well. It is your eternal destination that should be your main concern, because heaven should be your desire to be with Me for all eternity. Heaven is all about love and peace, without any more trials. You are tested on earth every day by the demons, but with My protection, you have nothing to fear. Keep close to Me in Mass and daily prayer, and this will show Me how much you love Me. I love all of you, and I desire that all of you could seek My love in heaven.”


Saturday, February 4, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of an amphitheater in Athens, Greece was where St. Paul preached about Me as the Unknown God. They listened at first, but when St. Paul tried to teach them about My Resurrection from the dead, they did not believe, and told him to talk about it at another time. It is not easy for man to understand that I am a God-man, and that I raised Myself from the dead, because death had no power over Me. In the Gospel I took pity on the crowd because they were in a deserted place, and they looked like sheep without a shepherd. This Gospel in Mark 6:30 is right before I multiplied the five loaves of bread, and the two fish for five thousand men. They collected twelve baskets of fragments from what was left over. This was another sign of My Eucharist that I feed My faithful every time when you come to Mass. Rejoice in this gift of Myself that I share with you at every Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this evil eye that is projecting a bright light of movies onto a big screen. There is also an evil brainwashing going on in your programs on television. You are seeing how some of your Hollywood actors are speaking out against your President, and some are so bold that they want to overthrow your government. It may be better not to watch TV, and avoid supporting these bad actors and their ‘R’ movies. Your people listen to your news commentators, and they trust their words, but some of them are lying with fake news. It is difficult to discern which people are telling the truth. It is better to trust in My Word of the Bible as truth, and I will set you free from the bonds of your sins. My words last forever because they are Divine, but your words in the newspaper are thrown out in the trash tomorrow. It is better to believe in My ‘Good News’ than the devil’s ‘fake news’ that lead people into sin.”


Sunday, February 5, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people of faith, you truly are the salt of the earth, and the Light of faith in the evil dark world of sin. You are seeing so many protests of your new President. So if some people can voice their opinion, then you need to speak out on My issues of stopping abortion, euthanasia, and same sex marriage. Your people are listening to the constant barrage of the devil’s temptations by some broadcasters on your television. You need to speak out on My truths in the Bible against your society’s evil ways that violate My Commandments. You have noticed that your media only wants to hear their own voice, and they fight to silence My voice or Christian morals. Pray for your country’s spiritual renewal while you still have time.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this clock ticking, because it is a sign that the time of the evil one is running out. You can see when someone like your new President tries to change your evil ways, some people are causing a major resistance. I told you that you would have a reprieve from your trials by My miracle of allowing your current President to be elected. I also mentioned that this would be a short reprieve, because the one world people will be fighting back. These people still have a plan for a takeover of America, and they are trying to cause a revolution by protesting everything that your President is trying to change. If these protests continue, you could be moving into a police state, as your form of government may be breaking down. Some of these property damaging thugs could really be tried for treason in trying to overthrow your government.
Your refuges will still be needed, because your takeover time has only been slowed down. I will bring My Warning soon when your lives will be in danger. Pray that the souls of your families will be converted in My Warning.”


Monday, February 6, 2017: (St. Paul Miki and his companions)
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the account of the creation of the earth according to the writings of Genesis that were written with the help of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is My Word, and I can only speak the truth. This account has more truth than your skeptical scientists, who manufacture many theories that have no proof whatsoever. The people, who doubt My account, are mostly atheists who do not believe in My existence. They truly have no proof of their made-up theories. When you all come to your judgment, you will see the real truth, and you will wonder why you even doubted My Word at all. I am in control of the universe, the wind, and the storms, as you saw Me calm the seas. In the Gospel you saw how I healed the sick when they touched My tassel. With all of the miracles that I performed, you could see My power over everything, and nothing is impossible for Me. This is why My faithful trust in Me by faith, because they have read the accounts of My miracles. You also know that I came to the earth as a God-man, so I could sacrifice My life for all of your souls, and forgive your sins. My sacrifice is a ransom offered so you can repent of your sins, and accept Me as your Master. Rejoice in all of My creation of My people, and the things on earth, and around the earth. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I have done for you, and show Me your thanks by loving Me and obeying My laws.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have to ask all of My refuge builders if they are ready to take care of My faithful at their refuges? Right now you have been spoiled by having electricity and a working gas heater, a gas water heater, and working sump pumps. If you are in the cold winter and your electricity stopped, what would you do? You have just tested your fireplace, and your sticks worked well to get your logs burning. You had a nice warm heat from your fireplace. You also have tried one of your three kerosene burners, and your fuel was still giving good heat. You have some oil lamps and the oil to give a little heat, and a flame for light at night. Your wind-up flashlights could help you find your way in the dark. You have beds, cots, blankets, and pillows for sleeping. You have a Coleman stove and a grill for cooking. You also have food and water for eating and drinking. You have followed all of My projects, so you will have some electricity in the warmer season with your solar panels and batteries. Rejoice that I will have My angels protect you with an invisible shield, and they will provide you with daily Holy Communion. My angels will also multiply your food, water, and fuels. They will even build more buildings, if more people come that are beyond your plans. Trust in Me to have My refuges ready to receive My faithful. This will be how I will provide for My people during the tribulation, so have no fear.”


Tuesday, February 7, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading of the creation of man in Genesis, you read how I made Adam and Eve in My own image with a free will. The animals were made with instincts to control their lives, but man has been given a soul and free will, so you can choose to love Me or not. I do not control your free will, because I want My human family to love Me freely. In the vision you are seeing a new baby born because I have given parents a part of My creation in being able to have children. I put the life giving spirit in the soul at conception, as I also assign a guardian angel to each soul. I have given you, through Moses, My Ten Commandments as your guide to live by in love of Me and love of your neighbor. Just as I told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, so all of My people are obligated to follow My Commandments. You can ask My forgiveness of your sins, but you must keep clean souls in order to be allowed into heaven. Rejoice in My creation, even as you see new life born into the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is possible that North Korea could launch several missiles at once to try and cause an EMP attack on your country. You may have some intercept missiles, but it would be very difficult to try and knock down multiple missiles all at once. If even one missile gets through, an EMP attack could put part of your country in the dark for a long time. Your electrical grid is very vulnerable to such an attack. This could also initiate a retaliatory attack on North Korea that could kill a lot of people. I mentioned before that I would protect My refuges from any EMP attack, so your solar panels would still function to make electricity. You have fuels, heaters, and sources of light, but some electricity would help lights, refrigerators, and sump pumps. Be thankful that My angels will protect My refuges, but the people will need to leave quickly for My refuges when I warn them. With all of your enemies capable of causing wars, you could see a major war that could be triggered over oil fuels. Keep praying for peace and your protection at My refuges.”n My creation, even as you see new life born into the world.”


Wednesday,February 8,2017:(St.Josephine Bakhita,St.Jerome Emiliani)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading speaks about the Garden of Eden, where I created man from the dust, and I breathed the life spirit into the man in his soul. I also created woman from the rib of Adam as his helper. The two were instructed not to eat any fruit from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but they were able to eat from the Tree of Life. This same spirit of the soul that I placed into Adam, is the same spirit of life that I place in every conceived baby. This is why every conception is a live human being with a soul that I love. This is also why no one should attempt to kill this baby in the womb, or you are defiling yourself with murder that comes from the heart. Abortion is killing a baby, and it is against My Fifth Commandment. Such an act is a mortal sin for the mother and for those who assist in this abortion. It is even a sin to promote abortion, because you are promoting the killing of innocent, and defenseless babies. When you see the birth of My little ones, how could you think of even killing such a beautiful creation? You not only are killing babies, but you are defying My Will for the purpose of this child’s life. In the Warning the mothers of aborted children, will see the life that their child would have lived, if they were not killed. Encourage all mothers to have their children, even if they may offer them up for adoption, when they cannot take care of them. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion in your daily prayers.”
Note: Our granddaughter had a little girl making us great grandparents again.

Jesus said: “My people, because of your abortions and your sexual sins, I am showing you some future punishments that I will send against your country. You are currently witnessing damage from a tornado, and some parts of your country are seeing floods with some deaths. Now, you are seeing organized protests against everything that your President is proposing. These protests are not just because your President won his election, but the one world people are deliberately causing treasonous acts by paying people to protest, and even cause damaging riots. Their goal is not just to protest, but they want to overthrow your government for a takeover. You have never seen so many protests after an election. The one world people were going to use the opposition (Democrat) party to form a communist government, but their plans were set back by this miracle win of your new President. He is doing everything to thwart the plans of the elite, which is why they are organizing an all out battle against your current Administration. My people may have to defend themselves from the anarchist forces marching in your streets. If these battles and riots get worse, My people will need to leave for My refuges, so you can be protected from those people who want to kill you. Trust in Me to protect you at My refuges, but you will see some major disasters as punishment for your sins.”


Thursday, February 9, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading about the creation of the world in Genesis, and how I created man and woman. You also had a time when people became so evil, that I saved Noah and his family, along with the animals in the ark, when the flood killed the evil ones. I had to make a new creation on the earth again. In the vision you saw My Light when I came on the earth so I could bring a new spiritual creation. I died for the sins of mankind, and I opened the gates of heaven. After another evil time of the tribulation of the Antichrist, I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and you will see another recreation when I renew the earth, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Rejoice because this will be similar to the beginning before the fall of Adam and Eve in their sin against Me. After this Era, My faithful will be prepared to be saints before entering heaven. Those people, who love Me and follow My laws, will have their reward in heaven. But those people, who hate Me and do not repent, will see their just punishment forever in hell. Choose life and love to be with Me forever in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you are fortunate to see this little baby girl, who was born to your granddaughter yesterday. You have been taking pictures to show people My latest creation. I want you to remind the parents to have this child baptized as soon as possible, just as the first born great grandson was baptized at your old parish of Holy Name. I love the little children to come to Me, and I call on My faithful to protect the children from any abuse or abortion.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the video with this new light that moved around as your first sign. This is a smaller light than the first sign, but I told you that it is another sign of how the time is getting short before you will see some serious events. Pray for My protection when you will need to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, by all comparisons of previous Presidents, the Cabinet confirmations for your President have been almost the slowest ever. In addition to this problem, you are also seeing some unusual protests of your President’s travel ban. Some courts have spoken out against this ban, but this will be determined in the courts. Your President was trying to properly vet foreigners from terrorist countries. Pray for your President and your country to resolve your immigration policies.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some possible threats of war from Iran, North Korea, and China. America is developing its own weapons to counter any missile attacks from these countries. Keep praying for peace and to stop any potential wars from killing people.”

Jesus said: “My people, America has been buying many products from China, and there is going to be a clash between your President and China over unfair trading advantages for China. Many corporations have sent your jobs to China for cheaper wages, but soon these trade deals many have to be renegotiated for adjusted border taxes and currency changes. This may increase the cost of your goods, but your workers may be getting some of their jobs back in deals with fair trading practices. China is challenging your country in the South China Sea. If you had a trade war with China over tariffs or taxes, both of your countries could suffer.”

Jesus said: “My people, once you see the real purpose for these protests, you are learning that it is not just for political reasons, but it is the one world people’s plan for a takeover of your country. These riots and destruction of property are nothing more than treason against your government. Once you realize the true plans of the one world people, then your government may have to use your National Guard to establish order with a possible martial law. These evil ones are trying to cause a civil war which could result in a takeover. Pray for peace in your country, but be ready to leave for My refuges for your protection when your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Bible speaks of a coming tribulation that will allow the Antichrist a brief reign of evil in the end times. In order for this to happen, you will see a takeover of America as a punishment for your sins. This will all come about after I will bring My Warning experience to everyone at the same time all over the world. Do not be fearful of this tribulation, because My angels will protect you at My refuges. Trust in My Word that I will provide for your protection and your needs at My refuges. Once I bring My victory over these evil ones, I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Friday, February 10, 2017: (St. Scholastica)
Jesus said: “My people, I call My faithful to love each other and to help each other when you can. Sometimes you are helping others, and at other times people will help you in return. You all have earthly needs, and you feel good when you can help someone, even if you are not asked. These good deeds are your way of thanking Me when you help your neighbors. In today’s first reading you see how the devil in the serpent, tricked Eve and then Adam into eating the fruit from the forbidden tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The serpent lied to them that they would be like gods, so they desired this for their knowledge. But they broke My law, and caused this original sin to be placed on everyone. This is why I promised man a Redeemer, when I would offer up My life so your sins could be forgiven. This is also why I call My faithful to baptize their children, to take away this original sin of Adam and Eve. Baptism also brings My children into your faith community, and this puts the children on the road to heaven with the parents’ help.”

Jesus said: “My people, your enemies know how vulnerable your electric grid is. Your people have not taken enough care in protecting your grid from terrorist attacks. Unless you have enough generators to backup your electricity, you would have difficulty with your internet, your banking, and your heaters with electrical components. There are several ways to shut down your electricity. You could use an EMP attack from a bomb or a local high powered EMP machine. You could create a short circuit surge that would trip your breakers. You could physically destroy crucial substations. Hackers could attack any sensitive code that controls your substations. You could find a way to turn off the grid switches themselves. The one world people will find a way to turn off your electricity when they begin their takeover attempt on America. Your country should work harder on the means of protecting your electric grid from attack. Even Faraday cages could be used to defend against EMP attacks, if they were placed around your vulnerable power stations. You could also use older vacuum tube run devices that are not affected by EMP. Without defending your electrical grid, you will remain vulnerable to an attack on your power grid. Pray for your country’s protection with My angels.”


Saturday, February 11, 2017: (Our Lady of Lourdes)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s readings have many meanings. The first reading is when Adam and Eve faced their judgment for committing their sin against Me. I promised man a Redeemer, but I cast them out of the Garden of Eden. Man would have to work by the sweat of his brow to get his food, and the woman would have to suffer pain in bearing children. Adam and Eve also were separated from eating the fruit of the Tree of Life, so they could not live forever, but now they would die. I have told My faithful that in My Era of Peace, you would have many Trees of Life, so you could live a long life. But at a certain length of time, all of you would die and be prepared to come to heaven as saints. In the Gospel you are seeing how I took pity on the four thousand people, and I multiplied the seven loaves of bread and the two fish so all of the people ate and were satisfied. They collected twelve baskets of fragments so the food did not go to waste. When I distributed the bread, I broke it and blessed it, as I gave it to My apostles. This was similar to how I broke the bread and blessed it, and I gave it to My apostles at the Last Supper. You now receive My very Self in the consecrated Host, as I feed you in Holy Communion both physically and spiritually, as I am the ‘Bread of Life.’ After My Resurrection, you remember when My two disciples walked with Me on the road to Emmaus, and I explained all the references to Me in the Old Testament. Then at supper I broke bread with them, and they recognized Me, as I disappeared. So all of you can remember Me in the ‘Breaking of the Bread’ at every Mass. Even at your refuges, I will have My angels bring you daily Holy Communion, if you do not have a priest.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, your time for converting souls is growing short before I will bring My Warning. Those souls, who are faithful to Me, will not be tested by seeing any mini-judgment to hell. If you come to frequent Confession to keep a clean soul, then you will only see some possible purgatory time. After My Warning, you will be moving as fast as you can to win souls over to Me, especially those souls in your own family. Once your people witness their life reviews, they will be seeking My forgiveness, and they will be more open to your conversion efforts. If you can convert them, then My angels will put a cross on their foreheads. Without accepting Me in faith, they cannot enter My refuges. With your brief power outage, you were able to get a fire going in your fireplace, and you quickly got your oil lamps burning for light. Your wind-up flashlight helped you find your gas lighter, your lamps, and your lamp oil. You see now how important it is to be able to get heat and light quickly when the power goes out at night. You need to call your solar installer to check how your battery equipment could get turned on when the power goes out. You may have had some shorts when the water came in your lines. Be thankful that you have made your preparations to survive without power. I will have My angels assist you in multiplying any needed fuels, water, and food. Trust in My protection that you had a practice drill to get you ready for the real tribulation.”


Sunday, February 12, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I needed to explain to the people that it is not just the letter of the law that is important, but it is the spirit of the law in doing things out of love of Me and love of your neighbor. Even in the Ten Commandments, the first three are about love of Me, and the other seven are about love of neighbor. It is true what was said how you learn about My laws through knowledge, but it takes understanding and wisdom to follow My laws in love from the heart. Once you can move your knowledge from the brain to the heart, then you can live your lives by love. I was also expanding the meaning of My laws beyond just the act of adultery for example. This also includes even thinking of such an act about someone as a serious sin as well. By meditating on the spirit of the law, you can see how I am deeply offended by your bad actions, and your evil thoughts. I mentioned in the Gospel that you need to forgive one another, and confess your sins in Confession before you can come and receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. It is your sins and your evil intentions that come out of your hearts, so guard your intentions to keep a pure soul.”


Monday, February 13, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the first reading how Cain killed his brother Abel out of jealousy and pride. Cain did not offer up his best crops, so I was not pleased with his offering. Abel offered up his best sheep, and I was pleased with his offering. Cain did not like it that his younger brother had a better offering. It was pride that took over Cain’s heart, and he was jealous of Abel’s offering that I accepted over Cain’s. Cain did not want this to continue, so he killed Abel out in the field. This was the first killing by anger, but you have seen constant killings in wars, over drugs, and in abortions. Some people kill for money, revenge, or out of anger. In abortion some women are killing their babies out of convenience, or to cover up an embarrassing pregnancy. Again, it is out of greed, pride, or jealousy that motivates people to kill others. There is a great punishment for killing people, because you are robbing people from fulfilling My plan for them. Even people, who are not punished here for their abortions, will suffer at their judgment. There needs to be a repenting of sin, if a person wants to be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, in California you had an extended drought, but now they are having heavy rains, and it has caused flooding. One of the main dams is overflowing, and it is dangerously close to causing a huge flood from a dam failure. The people are being evacuated as more heavy rains are forecast. You have seen floods and tornadoes in the South, and heavy snowstorms in the Northeast from the Great Lakes. These damaging storms continue to reflect the hate and protests against your current President. Instead of so many protests, your people should unite against your common enemies who are testing you with their missile tests as in Iran and North Korea. Pray for your leaders, and for America to return to your Christian morals and principles.”


Tuesday, February 14, 2017:(St.Cyril & St.Methodius, St. Valentine)
Jesus said: “My people, Noah and his family were righteous people and obeyed My laws, so I had him build an ark for his family and the animals because I intended to kill the evil people with a flood. I spared Noah and his family from drowning, even while the evil people ridiculed them for building such a large ark in the desert. The rains came and flooded the earth, and the evil ones were killed. In some places you are seeing small floods, but I will not cover the earth again with a flood, and I left the rainbow in the sky as a sign of My covenant. A time of tribulation of the evil Antichrist is coming, but his reign will be brief. This time I am having My refuge builders make safe havens for My faithful people. Your refuges will be like arks where My angels will protect you. After I bring My Comet of Chastisement upon the earth, all the evil people will be killed, and cast into hell. I will protect My people by raising them into the air so they are not killed by the Comet. Then I will renew the earth as it was in the beginning, and My people will be brought down to live in My Era of Peace for a long time.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President is being attacked by your media, the opposition party, and the one world people, as the masons. It is the rich evil ones who are paying people to cause protests and riots. These evil ones are also paying off your Congress people to go against your President. Now, some of the Obama bureaucrats are leaking information to the ‘fake news’ press to harass your President’s Cabinet, and even his family members. You have never seen such a reaction to a new President. If your people do not support your President, you could see his plans get stopped by your mason infested Congress. I told you before that opposition to change the old guard establishment will be very difficult. Your President may indeed have to use his Executive Orders to get any quick action done, because of the resistance in your Congress. Continue praying for your country’s President and his protection. I will send My angels to help him, but your country needs to come back to Me in repentance of your sins.”


Wednesday, February 15, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, after the rain of the Great Flood was over, Noah sent out birds to see if the waters had subsided. Finally, a dove came back with an olive branch in its beak, which has become a peace symbol. When the dove did not return, he opened the hatch to see that the land was appearing again. I had to evaporate the water, and store water in your aquifers so the land could appear. Once Noah brought the animals out of the ark, there was a new renewal, or a recreation of the earth with its plants and animals. Noah and his family had to repopulate the earth, and they lived a long time. In the Gospel I healed the blind man and light came into his sight as a new creation as well. There are many people walking around in spiritual blindness because they fail to see My Light of faith in their hearts and souls. These people are the ones who need to be converted to help save their souls. This is why I am constantly calling on My faithful to pray for the conversion of sinners with your evangelization efforts. When I bring My Warning, the sinners will have one last chance to wake up and see My Light in faith. If they fail to repent and accept Me in love, then they will be on the path to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent gives people thoughts about repenting about their sins, praying more, Confession, making some sacrifices, fasting, and almsgiving to charities. These are good ways to help improve your spiritual lives. You are constantly being challenged by the devil’s temptations. This is why you need to build up your spiritual strength to combat your daily temptations from the devil. Fasting can be a challenge for your diet, especially not eating between meals, and if you are giving up sweets and desserts. It is a challenge of your will power over your bodily cravings. If you really try, you can live without sweets, and you do not need food between meals. Coming to frequent Confession can also be a challenge to be truthful in telling your sins to a priest. You need to make a good preparation in order to make a good Confession. During Lent you could also examine your budget to give some extra donations to your local food shelf, or to the poor through various organizations. Look at how much you spend on eating out, on entertainment, or on expensive items that are extras that you could do without. Just reallocating some spending would greatly help some charities that you could donate to in money or time. By thinking out what you could do this Lent, you could even work on some of your bad habits. By disciplining your physical and spiritual desires, you could improve your lives and please Me too. Start thinking of these ideas now so you can start Lent with a plan that you could continue for forty days.”


Thursday, February 16, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I asked My disciples who I am. First they responded about how other people thought I was a prophet like Elijah or St. John the Baptist. But when I asked them specifically who they thought I was, then St. Peter said: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I commended St. Peter for his answer, and I told him that the Holy Spirit inspired his answer. My people of today need to remember that I am truly God’s Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Then I gave My apostles a prophecy of My mission when I said the Jewish leaders would have Me crucified on a cross, but that I would rise from the dead after three days. This was My mission to come to earth as a God-man, and I would sacrifice My life for the sins of all of mankind in the past, present, and the future. I had to rebuke St. Peter because he did not want Me to die. But I have a world to save, and My plans had to be carried out according to My heavenly Father’s plans. My sacrifice of blood is far greater than all of the animal sacrifices. After My sacrifice on the cross, there is no longer any need for any more animal sacrifices. Give praise and thanks to Me that I died for each and every sinner on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading after Noah and the animals left the ark, I told them to go forth and multiply, and subdue the earth over all of the animals. All the animals could be food for man. After Cain killed Abel years before, I told the people of that time that life was sacred, and they should not kill each other, or they will face a harsh judgment. The blood of man is precious, and even the blood of animals as well. They could only eat animals that had the blood drained or removed. This would make My Blood even more precious when it is poured out on sinners to convert them. At every Mass you have the bread and wine transubstantiated into My Body and Blood that you receive in Holy Communion. Because human life is so precious, this is why it is so important to stop your abortions that kill My babies.”

For Claude Samson’s Mass intention (Lise’s brother):
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that Claude passed away because his family is grieving his death and loss. It is good that you are praying for his soul and having Masses said for him because he is still in purgatory. All souls need prayers, and do not forget to pray for him. This is why many deceased people want you to have their pictures in your house, so you can remember to pray for them. He loves all of you, and he will be praying for you as well.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you recently had an hour power outage just as it was getting dark. You did well to get a fire going in your fireplace for heat, and you used your wind-up flashlight to find two oil lamps with a bottle of lamp oil. You lit them with your gas lighter after adjusting the wicks. This was a test or a drill on how quickly you could have heat and a light to see at night. This power outage was a blessing in disguise because your batteries to your inverter failed to power on your lights. You had the solar man find a switch that had to be pressed to turn your inverter on, so your battery DC could be converted to AC for your lights and some appliances. It was important to get this fixed so that during the tribulation, when the power is not running, you could have electricity when the solar panels could recharge your batteries.”

Jesus said: “My people, you had a few of your President’s Cabinet let go, and your Press media was pressuring your President with some stories that were not true. He is trying to get his Cabinet confirmed, but he has had a slow time in the Senate. He still has had some advances to try and retain some jobs here in America. Keep praying for your President and his Administration to get your country back to more Christian principles that your country was founded on.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw a meeting of coal workers encouraging your President to allow coal to be used in your power plants, without so many regulations that were closing these plants. Now you will have the needed electricity that your factories will need to get your workers back to making good wages again.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more optimism in your people for getting your industrial jobs back. You have seen a rapid rise in your stock market with increased earnings and more jobs coming. Your President is trying to discourage your corporations from sending jobs to Mexico and China by using a border tax on goods coming into your country. It will take time, but your companies are seeing it is more profitable to build plants in your country than to send them overseas. I have allowed you a reprieve with the miracle of your new President’s win.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some continued protests against your new President without giving him a chance to make good on his promises. The one world people and your opposition party have done all they could to harass your President, and slow down his Cabinet confirmations. Your TV and press media have put out many stories to harass your President, and some have used criminal leaks of secure information. Even false stories have been used to try and stop your new President. The people are getting tired of seeing such harassment that you have not seen with other Presidential transitions. Continue praying for your new President, as he is trying to improve your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, your present Supreme Court cannot function properly with four against four. Many lower court rulings are left standing because the High Court cannot agree on certain cases. With a new justice, your Supreme Court could function better. You are also about to see more action on your tax structure and a change in your health program. Again, pray that your country’s important issues could find some common ground to help your country move forward.”

Jesus said: “My refuge builders, I am giving you a reprieve of time by allowing your new President to win against the one world order people. Your President has set the plans of the one world people back, so they will have to take time to implement a new plan for taking over your country. This could involve a created financial turmoil with a potential crash of your money and your markets. My refuge builders are getting more time to prepare, but My people need to be ready to leave their homes when their lives will be threatened. Trust in My help to protect you and provide for your needs.”


Friday, February 17, 2017: (Seven Holy Founders of Servite Order)
Jesus said: “My people, in the early years people wanted to make a name for themselves, so they built a great Tower of Babel. I did not approve of what they were doing, so I brought different languages upon man so they were spread all over the world in confusion. Sometimes you see man’s pride also in all of the skyscrapers that he builds in his cities. You are even seeing the devil’s confusion that he brings upon you from your greed and pride. In the Gospel I am giving you some Lenten thoughts, when I tell My faithful that they need to pick up their crosses of life and carry them for love of Me. I carried My cross to Calvary, and all of you must accept the crosses of life and bear them as your commitment for life. You all face the many trials of life, but bear them for love of Me, and you could gain merits for your suffering. Man is tested by greed to have ownership of this world’s goods of cars, houses, riches, and fame. Do not just seek these things for your own selfish motives, but seek what will help your souls get to heaven. For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but he loses his soul in the process? Your goal should be to strive to have a pure soul with frequent Confession and good deeds, so you will be worthy of coming to heaven. Gaining heaven for your soul is far more valuable than all the riches of this world that are passing away. Your soul lives on forever, so do not get taken up with things that will pass away. Seek eternal life of love and peace with Me, and you will be completely satisfied.”

For Don’s foot and health problems: Jesus said: “My people, in order to have a healing, you need Don to have faith that I can heal his foot. It would also be good to have someone or a group of believers pray over him where they also have faith in My healing power. You could also pray the St. Therese Novena for nine days with your twenty-four ‘Glory Be’ prayers. You do not want to see Don lose his foot, so you have to be sincere in your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you messages of how My angels are going to protect your refuge and other refuges with an invisible shield, so the evil ones could not see you. This protection would extend to the borders of your property. I am showing you this white Light because your refuge will be expanded to hold more people than the original forty people, that you were asked to prepare for. The larger refuges will have a white luminous cross in the sky that people will be healed when they look upon it in faith. This luminous cross is the white Light that will be in the sky over your refuge. Be thankful that you will be blessed with this healing miracle. You are noticing how often the sump pump in your new basement is going on at this time of year when your yard is moist. If you unplug this pump, you could bail out plenty of wash water for cleaning clothes, dishes, and sponge baths. You do have a small spring in your backyard that you may be able to use as a shallow well for your water needs. Have trust in Me that I will provide for multiplying your water, food, and fuels for the survival of your people.”


Saturday, February 18, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, My Transfiguration was a preview of My Glorified Body after My Resurrection. On Mt. Tabor I was glorified with gleaming white clothes to show My apostles My Divine Glory before them. Moses and Elijah appeared beside Me to show that I came to fulfill the law. My heavenly Father said: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ This was to show My apostles that I was sent by God the Father to offer My life on the cross to bring redemption to all sinners, who will repent and accept Me in love. This whole event was to increase the apostles’ faith in Me for St. Peter, St. John, and St. James. I told them not to tell anyone about this manifestation until after I rose from the dead. I have already died and I rose again, so you can tell everyone of this glorious event.”

“My son, you have had an unexpected gift given to you, and it was a fulfillment of what your wife’s father told you about his house. Be thankful for all that I have given you, and this is just another sign how I will help you at your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, the invention of the wheel has been very helpful in moving things for many years. The invention of the automobile has been around for years also, and it enables you to travel large distances, and to run errands to get food or go to the bank. In years past, you had to use horses and a buckboard to move things. Cars are more convenient than horses, but they still cost a lot of money, and you are dependent on gas and oil to run them. My apostles would have had more options to evangelize people, if they lived now. My faithful have this advantage of travel, so you need to get out and evangelize souls. Your cars can also be used to help transport people to church or help your relatives and friends when they need to move things. This is another means of offering your services for charity. You have had other times when you have shared your skills and your faith. So be open to take advantage of My opportunities of grace.”


Sunday, February 19, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks about loving your enemies and your persecutors. This is difficult for man’s ways, but I want you to imitate My love in My ways, just as I want you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. If you all had Christian love instead of wanting everything your own way, then your country would not be so divided. The biggest problem that you have in your politics, is that neither side is willing to compromise and get along. You are more content to lord it over the side who has the least votes. When one party has its way for eight years, they cannot stand being denied when it’s the other party’s turn. Love everyone, or you will always have wars and disagreements.”


Monday, February 20, 2017:
Jesus said: “My son, you had a small flashback of your work place experiences, much like you will see in your Warning experience. Everyone will have their own life review, all at the same time. My Warning will be a blessing for all souls to wake up spiritually, and see how much they are offending Me in their sins. This may be the last chance for some souls to be converted. After your life review and your mini-judgment, you will see many people desiring to come to Confession to have Me forgive their sins. My people will have a chance to convert their family members, because they will be open to your evangelization efforts. Trust in Me that I love all of you so much that I will give everyone this one last chance to be saved. Remember that I told you how all the souls, who go to hell, have chosen hell of their own free will. Keep praying for all your family members with your persistent prayers, and you could help save their souls.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to try out your fireplace, your kerosene heater, and your Coleman stove with your various fuels. You have stored more water in your barrels, and you have obtained your outhouse. You have purchased canned foods, MREs (Meals ready to eat) and dehydrated foods. You have tried some older foods before, but I want you to prepare some of your MREs and dehydrated foods so you know how to prepare and eat them. You do not need to try that many, but see how you could work them into your diet. Use the dried milk for your oatmeal. You are going to ask other people to eat this food, so you need to know how it tastes and how best to prepare them. Keep in mind, you will only be on this diet for less than 3½ years. You have tried things out before, like camping outside, so now you need to see how you can get by on your stored food. I will always be watching out for your needs by multiplying what you have.”


Tuesday, February 21, 2017: (St. Peter Damian)
Jesus said: “My people, in St. Matthew’s Gospel (Matt 21:20-28) the mother of St. John and St. James asked Me if her sons could be on My right and on My left in heaven. First, I asked My apostles if they could drink from My cup of suffering that I would take, and they were willing to suffer for My sake. They may drink from My cup, but it is not My place to say where they will be in heaven. It has been reserved by My Father in heaven. My apostles were offended when the two disciples wanted places of honor. Then I told them: ‘Whoever wishes to become great among you, shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you, shall be your slave.’ I did not want My apostles to be like the Scribes and Pharisees who always sought places of honor at weddings and in the synagogues. It is better to be humble and help people instead of searching for fame and riches. When you pray and do good works, you will store up treasure in heaven for your day of judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, many martyrs and saints have died for their faith rather than deny Me. You have had martyrs all throughout history, but it takes a special faith to be able to die for My sake. Even during the coming tribulation, there will be more martyrs who will die for their faith. Some of My faithful may be called on to be martyrs, but they will become instant saints in heaven. Rejoice, that I will have My refuge builders be the leaders for your communities at My refuges. My angels will protect you and provide for your needs. Be patient through this turmoil, because you will be joyful after I remove the evil ones who are challenging your faith.”


Wednesday, February 22, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, some years back you had an arms race and a cold war using a mutually assured destruction thinking. Today, you are seeing four nations building new extensive armies, navies, and missiles for delivering nuclear weapons. You have Iran testing missiles and delivering weapons to their client states. You have North Korea also testing missiles and threatening an EMP attack. You have China developing new missiles, a navy expansion, and trying to declare the South China Sea as their territory. You have Russia expanding its navy, missiles, and conventional weapons, as they are trying to take over the Ukraine and Syria. Your military is stretched thin in Iraq, Afghanistan, and many places where your navy is being challenged. My people need to pray for peace as your defense forces are expanding as well with your new President. It would only take one miscalculation to set off a possible world war that could leave your country without electricity in an EMP attack.”


Thursday, February 23, 2017: (St. Polycarp)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Sirach (5:1-8), it is telling people not to depend on deceitful wealth, and not to depend on your strength. This applies to individuals and to nations alike. Some people accumulate wealth for themselves, but I could bring bankruptcy upon them, and where would they be? Some people rely on their physical strength, but if they have accidents or sickness, they are brought down to nothing. Instead, you should rely on My help, and life will seem easy for you. You have communist countries relying on their oil wealth and their weapons, but the price of oil could go down, and their weapons could become rusty and obsolete. You have Russia, China, and North Korea all following atheistic communism without them praising Me. In America you also have wealth and weapons, but you have Me helping you. So whether you are an individual or a nation, it is better to rely on My help, and on My strength, than on your own wealth and strength. Pray for peace and My direction, and work to follow My Will for your life, and you will have your eternal reward in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many of My refuges are in rural areas on dirt roads. Even if refuges are located in the suburbs, where they are close to other houses, My angels will hide them with an invisible shield. I have asked My refuge builders to have everything in place, but now they have been given some extra time, because of your President’s miraculous win. Do not squander this time, but you can use this time to finish up any jobs that were left undone. It would be a good time to check all of your fuel burners to make sure they are in working order. Check your batteries and oil lamps that they are available and working. Trust in My help and My angels to keep you safe and supplied with food.”

Jesus said: “My people, I do not want My people to lose hope, and do not be concerned that the time for the tribulation has had an intervention of My hand. The tribulation is still coming, and you will see My Warning at a time of turmoil. My faithful still need to be ready to leave their homes when I call you to come to My refuges. You are just seeing the beginning of a movement by the one world people to try and overthrow your President. Pray for My protection in the chaos that is coming.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called many of My faithful to rise up in protest against abortion and many other evils of your society. When you are called to battle the evil ones, you do not know what I will ask you to do out of love for Me. You have participated in the Right to Life March in Washington, D.C. which was a long trip for some of My faithful. You have also on occasion marched in front of abortion clinics such as Planned Parenthood and some hospitals. You need to stand up for the unborn babies who are being killed every year. My faithful will need to join forces, against the funding of abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, your new Administration wants to arrest and remove all criminal elements that are hiding among other immigrants who are law abiding. There is also an intention to vet immigrants from some terrorist countries. The first ban is tied up in the courts, but visa holders and other citizens will have a new protection in another approach. This immigration situation needs a compromise which has not been fully resolved to keep terrorists out of your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, both your health care and tax reform will be debated soon in your Congress. Both of these issues may take awhile to be resolved, especially in the Senate. Your health plan was having problems with high premiums and high deductibles. You need to pray for your leaders to present a better plan that can be implemented quickly. An easier tax code with lower rates could help individuals and businesses. Trust in Me to help your new Administration to carry out these issues to stop some of the current injustices.”

Jesus said: “My people, next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of your fasting for Lent. I mentioned before to start making some plans now so you could fast between meals and not eat meat on Fridays and Ash Wednesday. Lent is a good time to work on your bad habits and removing any occasions of sin. Some people have given up watching TV or not eating desserts and sweets. You need to make some physical sacrifices, and you could help the poor with your almsgiving in donations of money and time. Try to go to Confession more frequently when possible. Lent should help strengthen your spiritual lives if you are faithful to your intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen protests before of various Administrations, but not on the scale that you are seeing in this transition. I just gave you My answer to love your enemies and persecutors in a recent Gospel, but your people today are full of anger and hate. People need more love of neighbor in trying to help each other, and not people who do not want any compromise. Pray for peace and love among your people so you can work together with My help.”


Friday, February 24, 2017:
Maria said: “My dear children, I am happy to see all of your smiling faces, even as we met many years ago. You have been close to our family, even as you called yourselves Betania IV. Geo and I are together once again in heaven, and we are overjoyed that you are having this tribute for the both of us. We want to thank all of the people who have put this tribute together. My son, I used to come to you at Holy Communion when we were united in my chapel. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share our love and our blessings on all of you. God will bless all of you in your work for souls. Pray also for the souls in purgatory who need your prayers to come to heaven.”


Saturday, February 25, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I called St. Peter the rock on whom I would build My Church. I want My people to build their houses on rock, meaning you should have a sound foundation for your faith. Build your spiritual house on My Commandments and the laws of My Church, and you will be on the right path to heaven. The foolish ones build their houses on sand, meaning that they do not have a solid spiritual foundation. When temptations come, they fall to the devil’s ways because they are not strong. In the Gospel, I told My people that they must have a childlike faith to enter heaven. In combination with this humble life, I want My people to have this rock of faith in My Word so they all can have a pure soul. Accept Me as your Master, and follow My Will for your life. Pray in front of My Blessed Sacrament, and I will help you discern the right direction in your lives.”


Sunday, February 26, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, the message today is be not afraid of the evil one, because I am more powerful than any of My creations like the devil. I love all of you so much, and I will always take care of your physical and spiritual needs. Remember in the Gospel reading: ‘Seek first the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be granted to you. Worries, anxieties, and fears are tools of the devil that he uses to tempt you. Do not fall into the addictions of material things that could ensnare you with the demons. Instead, you need to put your full trust in Me every day. When you pray to Me, you are using the words of love for Me and My Blessed Mother. Prayer is how you communicate your love to us. When you make your petitions, I will always hear your prayers, and I will answer them according to My Will in My time. Keep trusting in Me, and pray for the souls that have not been judged, and for the souls in purgatory.”


Monday, February 27, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, the rich man asked: ‘What must I do to inherit eternal life?’ I then told him that he needed to repent of his sins and obey My Commandments. I told him that he was lacking in charity, and he needed to share his money with the poor. He went away sad because he had many possessions, and he did not want to give them up. I have told My people many times that when you give money to the poor, you are storing up treasure in heaven. In the same way, when you share your faith with others in making converts, you are also storing up treasure in heaven. Earthly wealth is passing away, and your money will crash, or you will not be able to buy anything without the mark of the beast. You cannot buy yourself into heaven, but you can perform good deeds to gain merits in heaven. Where your treasure lies, there lies your heart. If you seek spiritual treasure with Me, you will find heaven. But if your treasure is in your accumulated wealth, it will be difficult for those rich for themselves to find heaven.”


Tuesday, February 28, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I call people to various vocations, whether to the religious life, the married life, or the single life. Within your vocations, I call everyone to be evangelists by your Baptism and your Confirmation. In all that you do, I call you most to follow My Will so you can carry out the mission I have given you. If you follow your own will, then you will not be open to do your unique mission. My son, you have answered My call to travel to many places to share My messages in your talks. You have also taken the time to journal My messages, and put them in your books and on the internet. You are sacrificing your time and work for Me, and this is your reward to see the conversions, and to be able to spread My Word. I rely on My evangelists and My prayer warriors to help save souls, and pray for the souls in purgatory. I love all of you, and I thank you for your service, but this is the work that My followers said ‘yes’ to follow. All the good works and deeds of people will store up treasure in heaven. Continue praying because the souls who were converted, and the souls who were released from purgatory, are also grateful for the work and prayers of My prayer warriors.”


Wednesday, March 1, 2017: (Ash Wednesday-beginning of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, today you start the season of Lent, and you will be fasting between meals, and not eating meat today and on the Fridays of Lent. This vision of a Baptismal font represents the washing away of your sins in Baptism and Reconciliation or Confession. This is a time to renew your spiritual life with fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. You can make some Lenten penances by giving up something as sweets or TV, and you could come to daily Mass or make some extra visits to My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle or in the monstrance. You could also make some extra donations to help the poor and My churches. All your penances or sacrifices can store up treasure in heaven, and I will give you graces for your gifts. You can also work on healing your bad habits. All of your Lenten efforts will help strengthen your spiritual life against the devil’s temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some unusually warm weather for the winter time. You normally would be in the 30sF with snow, but instead you are seeing 60sF and setting records for high temperatures. Your wind has been so strong tonight that you were prompted to pray your storm prayer. Your warm temperatures have been all throughout your Northern States. Such anomalies can be caused by the HAARP machine by directing the jet stream patterns. You have a proper concern about your fruit trees that could bud and get frozen. You have seen lost apples and cherries in other years because of this kind of weather. You are right in praying for no damage from the weather. You have seen a lot of damage from tornadoes in the Southern States. I am watching over your refuge, so do not be afraid.”


Thursday, March 2, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Moses presented the Commandments to his people, and gave them a choice between the blessing or the curse. He told them to choose life and avoid the sins. You all have free will to follow My Commandments or not. There are consequences for all of your actions that you will have to account for at your judgment. Those people, who follow My laws and love Me and their neighbor, will have eternal life. Those people, who disobey My laws and do not repent, are risking the fires of hell. In the Gospel and during Lent, I asked My people to pick up their cross of life daily, and carry it for My sake. Unless you deny your life and follow My ways, you cannot be one of My disciples. Offer up all of your trials and disappointments to Me out of love, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”

(Jerry Schneider Funeral Mass) Jerry said: “I am grateful for all of my family and friends who were able to come to My funeral. I suffered with my lung problem, but now I am with my Jesus after this Mass. I love Grace and my family so much, and I will be watching over you and praying for all of you. I loved my working with wood, and you can remember me every time you look at the cross I made, that is now hanging in St. Charles Borromeo Church. I remember this altar and the Holy Name altar, where I prayed many times with my Nocturnal Adoration members in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I love my Jesus so much, and now I am resting with Him. I am waiting to see you when you all can come to heaven with us.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I know your needs, and I will find a way with My angels to get you out of the problem you are in. Have patience and pray for My assistance. I have never let you down in your needs, so do not worry about your situation that needs a way out.”

Jesus said: “My son, the picture of Maria Esperanza and Geo Bianchini was a gift from Juliet that you have placed on your altar. Geo died recently, and your conference was your tribute to a great man. You used to get messages from Maria for a while at Holy Communion time. You have made many trips to see Maria and Geo. You had the Bianchini family talk to your group using Skype, and they sang three songs for you. Several daughters gave some words to your Gospa Prayer house group. Give thanks for this experience.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you had air turbulence on the plane, you were praying harder for safe travel. This same windy storm caused some downed tree limbs to your property and others. With your storm prayer, I protected your refuge and the people around you. You saw a downed tree that frightened your daughter, and it just missed her garage. There were also some power outages in your area, as you saw your lights flicker a little. Be grateful that you did not have much damage, and you only had some branches to pick up.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President’s talk was very uplifting for your people, but your stock market is speculating that his plans will be carried out. The opposition party and even some of his own party members are not all helping your President, and they may even make his plans hard to implement. Keep praying that your President and Congress can come together on what is best for your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, having a national health plan without being forced on everyone, will require some compromises from your people, the insurance providers, and your doctors and nurses. It is difficult to see how the premiums will be paid, and how many people will be allowed free medical help. This will be difficult to get through Congress, especially through the Senate. Your old health system was collapsing, so pray that you could have a satisfactory health plan that truly is affordable.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know My Church’s historical position on having relations outside of marriage. Such relations, whether heterosexual or homosexual, are considered mortal sins outside of marriage. This requires Confession before such a sinner could receive Holy Communion. Even divorced Catholics require annulments for a proper marriage. When you defy My laws, you need to seek My forgiveness, otherwise people in mortal sin commit a sacrilege if they receive Holy Communion. Pray for poor sinners that they will seek My forgiveness for their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Lenten Season has begun, and you need to decide what penances you will carry out to help in your spiritual lives. Fasting between meals and avoiding meat on the Fridays of Lent is just the beginning. You could make some personal sacrifices to help restrict some of your temptations for sin. By fasting you are controlling some of your passions and desires for things that you could do without, as desserts, sweets, TV, smoking, or any other addictions that you have. By working to make your spiritual life better, you are preparing yourself for your judgment day. Try to be persistent in your Lenten intentions and sacrifices.”


Friday, March 3, 2017: (St. Katherine Drexel)
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are called to fast between meals, especially on the Fridays of Lent. Today is also First Friday of the month, so you need to remember to pray your Stations of the Cross on Friday. In your lives you meet with all kinds of trials, so instead of getting angry, offer them up to Me, and I will help you. I know what you need, but you need to unite yourself with Me to let Me work out your problems. Even today you can call on Me to help you get your car out of a rut of mud. Have faith in Me that I can help you, and you will find a solution to your problem. After you have solved your problem, then you can give Me prayers of thanksgiving.”


Saturday, March 4, 2017: (St. Casimir)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read how I called Levi, the tax collector, to be one of My disciples. Then he held a dinner for Me and his friends. The Pharisees and Scribes questioned Me, why I was eating with sinners and tax collectors. Tax collectors were considered traitors in collecting taxes for the Romans, who occupied Israel. I answered them: ‘Those people, who are not sick, do not need a physician, but the sick people do. I have come to heal and forgive sinners, and not the self-righteous.’ All of you are sinners and you are weak to sin. I came to the earth as your Redeemer in sacrificing My life for all peoples who want to repent and be forgiven. Those people, who refuse to repent, and do not love Me, are on the path to hell.
My son, you had an extreme ordeal in trying to get your car out of the mud yesterday. But then you finally gave up struggling with your own efforts, and you called a truck to pull you out with his winch and a long cable. It cost you some money, but you were able to get your car back, and you washed off the mud. You were upset how you would get the car out, but I told you not to worry, that I would find a way for you. At times you want to do things on your own, but when it is overwhelming, you need to call on others to help. When you have troubles, you can call on Me and others to help solve your problems. You need to pray some prayers of thanksgiving to have your car back. I help all sinners in both their physical and spiritual ways.”

Jesus said: “My son, I told you to make use of your extra time from this short reprieve that I have given you. You still have a few things to finish up. You need to finish the roof on your outhouse and put some brackets on it so several people could lift it over a deep hole that you will have to dig out later. You might want to cut up some of your wood outside so it will fit in your fireplace grate. Your solar panels will not work much in the months of winter when you have snow on them, or you have cloudy days. You will need your wood and kerosene for heat, and your oil lamps for light. You might put tape or insulation around your water lines going through your root cellar, so your lines do not freeze on cold days. You also need to try your MREs and your dehydrated food as I asked you before. You have a list of action items to go along with your other duties. Be thankful that you have your own refuge, but you will be doing a lot of work to help people through the coming Warning and tribulation.”


Sunday, March 5, 2017: (First Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Genesis, you saw how the devil in the serpent tricked Adam and Eve into eating the fruit from the forbidden tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan is the great liar and deceiver, who tempts people into sin with your earthly pride and desires. In the Gospel you again saw how Satan tempted Me with food after forty days of not eating. He tempted Me to fall off a cliff, and he tempted Me to kneel and praise him to gain all the kingdoms of the world. I read him Scriptures for all of his temptations, but I did not fall like Adam and Eve did. So one man sinned and he brought sin, suffering, and death upon mankind. I, as another man, have brought salvation of your sins, and eternal life for those people who obey My Commandments. This is the trial of this life that Satan and the demons will be tempting you every day of your life. So do not let your guard down because the devil never sleeps, nor does he take a vacation. This is why you need Me and My angels to fight the devil’s temptations. This is also why I gave you Confession to cleanse your sins when you fall like Adam. I know you are weak, but you can ask My forgiveness of your sins. Keep focused on Me, and you will have your eternal reward with Me in heaven.”


Monday, March 6, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to your judgment, I will settle accounts with everyone on how you lived your lives. This will be a test to see if you have enough evidence that you were loving of Me and loving of your neighbor. All of your good deeds in your heavenly treasure will be used as your defense. Today’s Gospel is a somber revelation of what it will be like at your judgment. I will ask you if you fed the hungry poor people? Did you clothe the naked? Did you physically help people in need? Did you give water to the thirsty? Did you visit people in prison? Did you take in people who needed shelter? Did you give money to the poor and My Church? Did you show your love for Me in prayer and at Sunday Mass? If you did this for the least of your neighbors, you did it for Me in them. Those souls, who can say ‘yes’ to these things, will be allowed into heaven as an eternal reward. But those souls, who did not love Me, and did not reach out to Me in their neighbors, will be cast into hell as their punishment, never to see Me again.”


Tuesday, March 7, 2017: (St. Perpetua & St. Felicity)
Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when you will be seeing an increase in natural disasters that could cause some power outages. When these incidents become severe, as with major earthquakes, you will see a national martial law declared. When your lives are threatened, I will call all of My people to My refuges, and you will not return to your homes. My refuges will be protected by My angels from any physical harm. When the one world people plan to take over America, they will find a way to turn off your electricity. This is why some of My refuges will have some electricity from solar power and generators. This is also why you will need some sources of heat during the winter, and means for light at night, that do not require electricity. You may want to look into a relatively inexpensive backup generator, so you could have some electricity during the winter months. You may have to see how you could add something to your current solar system, or use separate wires.”
For Al: Jesus said: “My son, you all have gifts for your own missions. When you are called to a healing ministry, it means that you should have faith that I can heal people. The person being prayed over, also needs to have faith that I can heal them. Not everyone, who you pray over, will have an outward healing. You could be giving a spiritual healing that could help the soul. Not all healings are instant, and it could take time and prayers. Trust and have faith in Me to use your gifts.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you an easy chair, because your people are so spoiled with all of your comforts. Lent is a time of doing penances, so you can be detached from so many worldly things that control you. Many of you are eating too much, and that is why so many of you are overweight. Doing some fasting and eating the right foods, could curtail your bad eating habits. You spend a lot of money on your electronic things, cars, and houses. You could set aside some of your spending money to help the poor in your local food shelf, or other groups that help the poor. Lent is also a time to improve your prayer life, and read spiritual books. It would be a good exercise to see how you spend your spare time, and you could spend more time praying your daily prayers. Some people need to make time in their day for praying to Me. It is too hard to save your prayer time for when you are about to go to sleep. Set a time during the day for prayers, so you are not so sleepy praying them. By following your Lenten devotions, as frequent Confession, you can help improve your spiritual life with more love for Me and your neighbor.”


Wednesday, March 8, 2017: (St. John of God)
Jesus said: “My people, the only sign that I gave the people, was the sign of Jonah. Because at the preaching of Jonah, he told the people of Nineveh that their city would be destroyed in forty days. The people, in fear of destruction, repented and changed their evil ways. Even the king sat in sackcloth and ashes, and he decreed a fast for man and beast. When I saw how they were sincere in their changed ways, I relented of the destruction I had planned, and I did not carry it out. My people of today have the same decision. You can repent of your sins and reform your evil habits, then you will be saved as the people of Nineveh. The other option is to remain in your sins and evil comforts, and you could face My wrath of destruction as in Sodom and Gomorrah. Lent is a time to work on your bad habits, and get your spiritual lives in proper order by following My Commandments and confessing your sins in Confession. Once you make amends with your Lord, I will give you the graces to start a new life again, with Me as your focus. Rooting out your evil addictions is not easy, because of your weaknesses. This is how you pick up your cross and bear it for Me to be saved. Following a holy Christian life is against your human nature, and against the bad ways of your society. I am giving you a higher calling to live like a saint, and you will have your reward in heaven. Even if you should fall into sin, you can pick yourself up and be forgiven in frequent Confession. Keep faithful to your Lenten devotions of fasting, prayers, and almsgiving, and your spiritual life will be better and stronger against temptations of the devil.”

Jesus said: “My son, this is the second severe wind storm in two weeks, and you are seeing worse destruction with downed trees, power lines, and many power outages in your area. I was just telling you that you could see an increase in natural disasters. When your relatives are without power, it is only right to offer them a place to stay when it is cold outside. Depending on how extensive these power outages are, your power may take a longer time to be restored. You again are seeing why you were asked to have alternative electricity and heating capacity, and your oil lamps for light. Your brief power outage earlier with a car hitting a power line, helped you to make sure your batteries are now able to power your house some. When your people lose power all over your country, then you will be ready to offer people a safe haven for less than 3½ years. Trust in Me to provide for your needs at your refuge.”


Thursday, March 9, 2017: (St. Frances of Rome)
Jesus said: “My son, in today’s Gospel it says to seek Me and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. When you had the bad wind storm, you were praying that your house would not get damaged, and you would keep your power on. You prayed the ‘storm prayer’ in your ‘Pieta’ prayer book, as well as your rosaries. I heard your prayers, and your house was spared. Now, you can pray your prayers of thanksgiving, and for all the thousands of people who do not have power. (100,000 without power, 81 mph wind) There are many people who do not have generators for keeping their burners working for heat, and they will be suffering from the cold until power can be restored. Trust in Me and your neighbors to help these people.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you had high winds on Monday and Tuesday. Now that the high winds have stopped, you are working to clear the branches and fallen trees. Many people are realizing that it could take days to restore electricity to everyone. Those people, who have power, could help the people without power by letting them stay in their warm houses, and helping them with fuel and light. You could also pray for the safety of the crews that are working on the downed power lines. Pray also for those who are cold and victims of this storm.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you lose power, people may lose the food in their refrigerators and freezers. You may help people by giving them prepared food, as some soup, vegetables, and fruits. People also need some form of light if they are staying in their cold homes. They may need some oil lamps and wind-up flashlights. In addition to your prayers, you could reach out to help your neighbors as much as you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how all of your refuge preparations could help people heat their cold homes. You have used wood in your fireplaces with your branches and newspapers to get the fire started. You have used your kerosene burners to heat your house, but it takes care not to spill the kerosene fuel. You also need a source of kerosene. Some people have used propane or natural gas heaters, but care is needed in handling gas fuels. You can help people when you have burners, and fuel available. Be thankful if you have power, and be thankful that you could help people.”

Jesus said: “My people, your present Obamacare health plan was failing badly, as the premiums and deductibles were too expensive, and the insurers were backing out because there were not enough young people signing on that paid premiums. The old system became an entitlement that your country could not afford. You have too many with free health care, and not enough people and employers paying in. Removing the mandates and penalties is a fairer system. Pray that your new health care program will be more affordable.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President has finally received approval for most of his cabinet members. He is just starting out, but the one world people are doing everything to try and stop him. Your President needs your prayers and your support to restore your country to a republic and away from atheistic socialism without Me. Your country needs to repent of your sins, and call on My help with your problems. You have heard your President say ‘God bless America’, so he needs your support.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been working on your Lenten devotions and penances for over a week into Lent. It is good to see if you are still able to keep up with your initial intentions. Are you fasting between meals? Are you still avoiding sweets and desserts, or whatever penance you chose? All of your fasting and penances are to help you resist the devil’s temptations and control your body’s desires. So the benefit of your suffering will help your spiritual life. If you stopped your devotions, or you did not start any extra penance, you can still start again. Use this Lenten time for your spiritual cleansing of your bad habits. I love all of you and I thank you for trying to come closer to Me in all of your Lenten attempts.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your people spend a lot of time watching movies and television programs. Those people, without power, are being tested with less TV time. Even if you have power, you could limit your TV time to 1-2 hours, so you would have more time to be with Me in prayer and in Adoration of My Eucharist. Time is precious and you will have to make an accounting of how you spent your time at your judgment. So make a plan this Lent to spend your time wisely with Me more than with your worldly distractions. Work on detaching yourself from any of your addictions that are controlling you. By letting Me lead you in your life’s plan, you can come closer to following a good Christian life in following My Will.”


Friday, March 10, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, people have a hard time holding their temper when people hit you, or when bad things happen. At times people may be tempted to swear in a moment of anger. It is not easy to control your emotions in such situations. Some people are better than others in restraining their anger. This is one area to work on during Lent, so you can stop your swearing, and do not hit things or people in a moment of rage. You may also need to restrain yourself when you meet bad drivers on the road, when you are driving your car. During each day you may be tested with your emotions, but keep them under control, and stay calm during life’s difficult situations. With a good daily prayer life, this will help you to control any anger and swearing. Trust in My help in all that you have to deal with.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a monk praying his prayers in silence, because Lent is a time of prayer. The monks spend their days in prayer throughout the day. My faithful, who live in the world, do not pray as much as the monks, because they have family and work obligations to provide for their needs. My son, I know you are faithful in praying your rosaries, your Divine Mercy Chaplet, and coming to daily Mass and daily Adoration. Your prayers convey your love for Me, but I love your personal informal prayers the most, since they come from your heart. When you come to adore Me at Adoration, I ask you to spend 5-10 minutes in silence so you can listen for My words in contemplative prayer. You ask Me many things, but you need to listen in silence so I can answer you, and help you in discerning how you could work on your problems. It is how you pray from your heart, and listen for My words, that most pleases Me. Trust in Me every day in faith, and I will satisfy your needs.”


Saturday, March 11, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to receive My Word of Light and love into your hearts. When you accept My Word, I want you to act on it by loving Me and your neighbor in My Ten Commandments. I am love and I want all of you to do everything for Me out of love. This means you are to share your money and your faith with all the people who you meet. You are all being called to journal My Words of love, so you can read them later, and share them with others. Do not put My Light and My Word under a bushel basket, but you are to shout My Word from the rooftops. I love all of you and I am sharing My words with you. My faithful need to have open minds and hearts so you can hear My Word and act on it. When you listen to My Word only, then it just stays with you. You need to act on My Word to put it into your everyday life and live in My Light. Follow Me as you evangelize souls. You are My arms and legs that I depend on to touch other souls with My Word.”

For Fr. Bill McCarthy: Jesus said: “My son, you have been faithful to Me for many years in your work here. My angels are blessing and protecting these grounds as a refuge for My faithful remnant during the tribulation. Trust in Me that My angels will provide what is needed for the people to survive who come here.”


Sunday, March 12, 2017:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to ask you to listen to My Son, Jesus because He brings you My Word. At times Jesus is even considered the Word as He teaches you all about My Commandments and how to live a good Christian life of love. You have visited My priest son, Fr. Bill, at his place that honors Me, and I am pleased with his work. You, My son, have also honored Me in your prayer group name and the name of your chapel after Me. The people pray to Me in the Sign of the Cross, the Our Father, and the Glory Be prayers. I love all of you so much that I have sent My Beloved Son to die for your sins, and offer you salvation. When you pray to One of Us Persons in the Blessed Trinity, you are praying to all Three of Us in Myself, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. You also receive all Three of Us in Holy Communion as well. Sunday is My day of rest and I desire that all of you give Me praise and honor Me by refraining from work as much as possible on Sunday. I give you all good gifts for what you need every day to accomplish your mission and provide for your needs. I desire that you love Me of your own free will, as I love all of you. Go forth and make disciples of Jesus to bring My Word to everyone.”


Monday, March 13, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you the dome of My picture as a just Judge when I judge your people. In the reading from Daniel, he spoke of the many sins in his time that needed repenting and forgiveness. In your world today, you are seeing rampant sin all over, that is even worse and perverted. Your sins of abortion, fornication, adultery, homosexual acts, and euthanasia are all calling out for My justice. You are seeing continuous disasters as punishment for your sins. In the Gospel I am telling you not to judge people, because that is My responsibility, and not yours. You can advise people how to live a proper life without sin. Do not judge people because you do not know what is in their heart’s intentions, nor do you know the events in their lives that influenced their decisions. It is enough for each of you to take care of your own problems. In the Gospel I told you to take out the beam of wood in your own eye before looking to take out the splinter in your neighbor’s eye. Sometimes when you judge or criticize others, you are doing the same things or worse. You all are weak sinners, and in need of frequent Confession to keep your souls pure through My forgiveness of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who did not lose power, or have their power back on, should pray prayers of thanksgiving. You also need to pray for the people who still do not have their power on. You have seen some bad winds, but at least your homes are intact. Be thankful also that you do not normally see tornadoes that can rip your homes into shreds. This reminder of giving thanks after your power has been restored, is because some people are like the nine of ten cured lepers who did not return to thank Me for their healing. When your prayer requests are answered, you need to thank Me also. You are about to have another storm, so you can pray your storm prayer again.”


Tuesday, March 14, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, ‘Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool.’(Is. 1:18) During Lent you are called to repent of your sins, and seek My forgiveness. This is why during Lent, you have one day dedicated to hearing confessions by the priests, all day long. Take advantage of this opportunity to cleanse your souls with the absolution of My priest sons. Then you can have souls as white as the snow that is falling in your snow storm. You just suffered damage from your high wind storm, and now your Northeast will be suffering from a foot of snow or more. This is a continuing punishment for your sins that people are not repenting for. The Gospel calls My faithful to open their hearts and follow My ways of humility. ‘Those people, who exalt themselves, will be humbled, but those people, who humble themselves, will be exalted.’(Matt. 23:11)”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing another major event that is causing snowstorms all up and down the Northeast. (Stella snow storm) You have had to clear out your driveway four times today. You also had to deal with another two hour power outage. This time your solar batteries kept your heater, refrigerator, sump pumps, and some lights and sockets working. You used your oil lamps again in darker rooms without working lights. You were pleased that your solar man fixed your inverter to convert your battery DC into AC power. It may take awhile until your solar panels are free of snow so they can start working again. Your people, who are still without power, may still have a problem heating their homes, so pray for them. It is good that you are prepared with batteries and a fireplace if it is needed, so you can have heat in the winter. You have been getting several tests of your preparations, and you have planned well by My instructions. Try your food for your last test, and you will be ready to help people at your refuge during the tribulation.”


Wednesday, March 15, 2017: (The snow was so bad we did not have morning Mass-church was closed.)

Jesus said: “My son, today you had a heavy snowstorm of two feet and higher in drifts. You spent yesterday and today removing the snow from your driveway, and cleaning off your cars that were outside. You noticed high drifts of snow on the side of your house where your exhaust pipe is located for your heater. When you were down in your basement, you could smell a foul odor, and you were suspicious of a gas leak. You were smart to get your carbon monoxide tester, and when you put it in the basement, your readings were dangerous at >200 ppm of carbon monoxide. As you called the gas company, your wife suggested a plugged exhaust by the snow drift. The gas man helped you clear the exhaust pipe of snow. Then you opened the door to the outside for fresh air, and you used fans to dissipate the carbon monoxide fumes. If you did not notice the odor, your meter would have beeped in your bedroom where you keep it. Now, you know to be careful when snow is high and drifting, to make sure your exhaust pipes are not covered. It may be better to have the pipes up higher. Be thankful that your guardian angel was helping you to notice this problem. Other people have had a similar problem, and it is good to check the carbon monoxide levels when you use indoor heaters. Opening the door for fresh air helped when you were burning kerosene in a previous power outage.”


Thursday, March 16, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, the account of Lazarus, the beggar, and Dives, the rich man, is a lesson for being conscious of helping the poor. Lazarus wanted the scraps from the rich man’s table, but the rich man did not want to help the poor man. The rich man had all of earth’s comforts, but he did not share with anyone. When they both died, the rich man was tormented in the flames of hell, but Lazarus was in heaven next to Abraham. The rich man called out to Abraham to give him some water, and he wanted someone from the dead to visit his five brothers to warn them about hell. Abraham said if they do not listen to Moses and obey the Commandments, then neither would they listen to someone who came back from the dead. In fact, I died on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins, but many people do not even listen to the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity in Me, who rose from the dead. So obey My Commandments and share your money and faith with all the people, not just the poor. If you refuse to help people, you could risk finding yourself with Dives in hell. Even Carol’s father was thankful for the prayers and Masses to keep him from going to hell. He even warned his relatives to come to frequent Confession so they did not have to experience hell in the mini-judgment of the Warning. Trust in Me and keep a pure soul, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, Baptism of adults and infants is how souls are brought into the Catholic faith. You would be surprised how many parents forget to have their children baptized. In the Catholic tradition you need godparents and some training about the sacrament of Baptism before bringing an adult or an infant to the Baptismal service in church. You also receive a Baptismal certificate which is almost as good as a birth certificate. I am just reminding your granddaughter to move forward with the classes for Baptism.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know that I had you make provisions for some backup electricity throughout the tribulation with your solar panels and batteries. Even your batteries helped you through some hours of power outages. It is good for everyone to have some kind of backup power when you lose power, especially in the winter. Some people have natural gas generators, gasoline and propane powered generators. I had you look into getting a propane generator during the winter when clouds and snow would cover your solar panels. It still would be a good plan to consider.”

Jesus said: “My people, I do not want people at war, but it is prudent with the dangerous countries in the world to have a strong defense. Your previous President really had a goal of disarming you, so your new President is trying to restore the neglect of your Defense. His change in the budget will have resistance because of the cuts being made to pay for this increase in defense. Pray for your leaders to protect your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, all over the world you are seeing the beginning of another arms race, especially in China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. Because America has helped to defend the free world, this is why your country may need a better Defense than in the past. You are seeing threats from China and North Korea at sea, and Russia is provoking you with fly-bys of their warplanes. Pray for peace, but America needs to be vigilant of your enemies.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your media have criticized your new President, but he truly is trying to bring jobs back to America. He is also trying to make better trade deals to give your businesses a fairer trading field so they can compete with other nations. He is restoring prayer in the White House, and he uses My Name to bless your country. Your President has a good heart, and he is trying to make your country better for all workers and the poor.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are working to improve your spiritual life so you will be prepared for your mini-judgment in the Warning, or your first judgment if you should die before the Warning. If you take advantage of frequent Confession, and the Divine Mercy Sunday graces, you can have a pure soul, and reparation for your sins to have less time in purgatory. Keep faithful to your Lenten devotions of daily prayer, fasting, and sharing donations with the poor. For all of your good works, you are storing up treasure in heaven for your judgment. Keep close to Me in all that you do every day.”

Jesus said: “My son, your group is working hard to provide accommodations for all of your friends who will be coming together to host Fr. Michel Rodrigue on March 26. You remember well his healing stories, and all the good things he is doing for his seminary. He is a beautiful priest, and he has been taught well by God the Father. He will be an inspiration for your guests. Pray for his safety and his health while he is with you. You could take up a collection to help him with his new seminary. I will bless all of you for safe travel when you all come together to give honor and praise to Me and God the Father at your Masses, Confession, and your services.”


Friday, March 17, 2017: (St. Patrick’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Joseph’s brothers wanted to kill him, so they had to choose what to do. They first threw him into a dry cistern, then later they sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver on their way to Egypt. In the Gospel I spoke a parable about how a king left tenants to provide him the produce from his vineyard. The tenants killed his servants and also killed his son outside the vineyard. I told the Pharisees that their leadership would be given over to a group faithful to Me. But I am the Son of God that they killed outside the city on a cross. I was betrayed like Joseph for thirty pieces of silver by Judas. I am the cornerstone whom the builders rejected. I formed My Catholic Church around St. Peter as the first Pope. My faithful should be grateful, for I brought salvation to all those people who repent and accept Me as Master of their lives. This is everyone’s choice in life whether to obey Me for heaven, or reject Me on a path to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the plans of the one world people. In the vision you are seeing the powerful one world people who control the heads of governments, and even your own House of Representatives and Senate people. These powerful people all worship Satan, and they are working with the Antichrist for a world takeover. Your new President is upsetting all the one world plans for taking over America and forming the North American Union. This is why they are attacking your President constantly, because they want to have him removed as President. These Masons will try and block his plans in Congress, and with the controlled judges who are going beyond their authority. Their last resort will be to have him assassinated. I have placed My angel power around your President, which is why these evil ones are being confounded by your President’s actions. All the evil forces and liberals are attacking your President. These evil ones are having witches try and put hexes and curses on him. Eventually, the evil ones will have their way for a brief reign. Then I will bring My Comet of Chastisement on the world, and the evil ones will be killed and placed in hell. My faithful remnant will be protected, as I will place them in My Era of Peace. You will celebrate My victory as you will be trained as saints in My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, March 18, 2017: (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)
Jesus said: “My son, I am giving you a message that a famous figure will die soon, and you are seeing all these flowers on the altar for a funeral. In the Gospel you read about My parable of the ‘Prodigal Son’, who eventually returned to his father. I have given you this message many times that I am like the father in the parable, that I am waiting for My children to return to Me in Confession. At most every Mass you see everyone get up and come to receive Holy Communion. You know that it is a mortal sin of sacrilege to receive My Eucharist with mortal sin on your soul. Yet, people are embarrassed to remain in their seats, since others would think they are in mortal sin. So they receive Me in Holy Communion, when they should stay in their seats. You know that some people are living together in fornication or other mortal sinful states. So pray for these souls who are receiving Holy Communion unworthily, because they are committing another mortal sin of sacrilege. I love all of My children, but you need to come to frequent Confession, at least once a month, to keep a pure soul. If you are in mortal sin, you need to come to Confession immediately, or you could lose your soul in hell if you die in that state. Keep close to Me with a pure soul, and you will be always prepared to meet Me at your judgment, when you die. Remember the joy of the father on getting his son back in the parable. All of heaven rejoices over even one sinner who repents of his or her sins. You were lost in sin, and now you will be found in My grace with Confession.”

(4:30 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, the Samaritan woman was surprised that I asked her for a drink of water, because Jews do not usually associate with Samaritans. Then I offered her My ‘Living Water’ of the Holy Spirit, and I told her that if she drank My water, she would not have to return to this well. She did not understand that I was speaking of a spiritual gift, and not physical water. I then told her about her five husbands, and the man she was with who was not her husband. She then asked about the coming Christ, and I told her that I am the Christ. Many of the people of the town came to believe in Me by My words that I preached to them. My son, you also will be needing physical water for the survival of the faithful who will come to your refuge. You have water in your barrels that I will multiply, but you also have water for washing from your sump wells, the rainwater, and you will have a spring that you will be pumping from the ground. You will also have the bread of life in My Eucharistic Hosts from Mass or My angels. You will also share in My ‘Living Water’ as you will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit in Adoration. Trust in Me to supply all of your needs for those people who will come to your refuge. Continue making any final preparations for the people to come.”


Sunday, March 19, 2017: (Third Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read the account of the Samaritan woman meeting Me at Jacob’s well from St. John’s Gospel. I talked about the Holy Spirit in the ‘Living Water’. A while later I would breathe the Holy Spirit upon My apostles. My apostles went to get food, but I was talking to them about Myself being the Bread of Life in Holy Communion. I share Myself with all of you, as I love all of you as well. You cannot do anything without Me, so you should love Me also. I have asked you to love your neighbors, and even your enemies and persecutors. This is not easy for man, but I will give you the grace to strive for perfection in this loving of enemies. You need to pray for all sinners, including your enemies as well. I am total love, and I want My faithful to imitate My love.”


Monday, March 20, 2017: (Mary Lincoln Funeral Mass)
Mary said: “My dear family and friends, I am happy that all of my trials are over, and that all of you could come to my funeral. I love my family so much, since you were so much a part of my life. I enjoyed all of my church events, and being close to my Lord and Savior. I thank many of the Holy Name people who I worked with through the years in the choir, cleaning the church, and at Adoration. I will miss all of you, but I am praying for my family and friends.”


Tuesday, March 21, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard My answer to My apostle that you need to forgive people seventy times seven times, or in other words, all of the time with no limit. Not only are you to forgive people, but you need to love them as well. I mentioned the four kinds of forgiveness before. You need to repent and ask My forgiveness the most in Confession. Be able to go and ask the forgiveness of those people who you have harmed, and then bring your gift to the altar. You need to be generous and forgive anyone who seeks your forgiveness. You also need to forgive yourself, and let go of all of your past sins so the devil cannot use them against you. It is easier to forgive those people who you know and accept, but I am asking you to forgive your enemies and those who reject you. You also need to love everyone, even your persecutors and non-believers. I am all love, and I love all peoples. So if you want to be on the road to perfection, you need to imitate My love, even loving your enemies. Pray for all sinners that they can be converted, and pray for the souls in purgatory, who are a part of the Communion of Saints.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you a worse event than you had with your wind storm, that will affect your area. I am faithful to My refuge builders in that My angels will protect My refuges from any natural disasters, even before the tribulation. Be prepared for such a disaster, but do not be afraid because I am protecting you. As time gets closer, I will give you more details. Keep praying for the souls who will be victims of the coming disaster.”


Wednesday, March 22, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, the Ten Commandments were given to Moses and his people as guides to live a saintly life. They are guides for all of My people. They are truly the laws to love Me and to love your neighbors. I told you in the Gospel that I came to fulfill the law, and not to change it. My laws are a covenant of love with man, and not one letter will be changed, because My law and My Words are forever. I came to the earth so I could be the Lamb of God offered up to God the Father, as the perfect sacrifice to make reparation for all of your sins. I died for love of all of you. I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation, so you could have your sins absolved by the priest in Confession. I want you to obey My laws, but it is the spirit of the law that is most important, so you are loving Me, and you do not want to offend Me. I want to keep a loving relationship with all of My faithful. You want to be close to Me throughout your life, so I can welcome you as My friend into heaven at your death.”

Jesus said: “My people, ‘What goes into the mouth does not defile a man; but it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man.’(Matt. 15:11) ‘Do you not realize that whatever enters the mouth passes into the belly and is cast out into the drain? But the things that proceed out of the mouth, come from the heart, and it is they that defile a man. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, immorality, thefts, false witness, and blasphemies. These are the things that defile a man; but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.’(Matt. 15:7-20) I was taking the Pharisees to task for following mere human precepts, but their hearts are far from Me. For I look into everyone’s heart, and I see the intentions of their actions. Some people may be clever in fooling you with their actions, but I am reading the heart, and you cannot fool Me in what you intended to accomplish. So My friends, you need to keep a pure soul and a heart with only good intentions. By following My ways instead of man’s ways, you will be on the right path to heaven.”


Thursday, March 23, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, My Church was built on the rock of St. Peter, but I am the cornerstone of My Church. I am showing you each layer of blocks which represents the succeeding generations. Your blocks are held together with the mortar of faith in My Words of the Scriptures. The strength of the mortar is measured by how strongly you live My Words in your actions. When the faith is weak, the blocks could fall apart. You can see how the faith of My people is losing its original fervor, and as parents pass on their faith, it is getting weaker. This is why parts of My Church are crumbling away. I told you that you will see a coming division in My Church from the masons and demons like Beelzebub. Then there will be a crumbling of the schismatic church because they will only believe in New Age teachings that do not worship Me, but things as crystals. It is My faithful remnant church that will stand firm because they will stay strong in their faith of Me through My apostles. Trust in Me because I am more powerful than the demons. I will protect My faithful at their refuges with My angels, and I will provide for all of their needs.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are more focused on repenting of your sins, and your additional prayers, and almsgiving. Tonight and on Saturday you have access to Confession and a chance to cleanse your souls from your sins. When you come out of the confessional, you are freed from your sins, and you are full of My sanctifying grace. When your soul is pure from mortal sin, then you are worthy of receiving Me in Holy Communion.”

(Barnabus devotion) Jesus said: “My people, this devotion to My Agonizing Cross is a great prayer to honor My Crucifixion, especially during Lent and Holy Week. These prayers are powerful in fighting the evil forces around you. Take some time to learn about this devotion which is helpful in breaking addictions and for healing in faith.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to pray the Stations of the Cross on every Friday, but even more so during Lent. You pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet to honor My death on the cross at 3:00 p.m. When you pray My Stations of the Cross, you understand more how important it is to pick up your own cross and carry it for My sake. Your penances of fasting between meals, and any other pleasures that you give up, help your body to fend off temptations to sin. You realize that you can live without some of your pleasures and comforts. It is better to deny yourself, so you can detach yourself from worldly things, and dismiss some of your earthly desires.”

Jesus said: “My people, every dollar that you share in donations, helps store up heavenly treasure in heaven. I have asked you to be a cheerful giver, so you do not give grudgingly with only a token donation. I have also asked you to tithe, or to give 10% of your income to charity. Those people, who do so, are having their reward multiplied even on earth. A time may come when you are in need of someone’s financial help, so this favor will be returned to you. I have mentioned before: ‘Where your treasure lies, there lies your heart.’ If you hold on to your money as a god, your heart will be loving the world. If your treasure is with Me, then your heart will be with Me every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you pray a certain amount of prayers every day. During Lent I want you to make more quiet time in your day for more prayers and spiritual reading. Spend some time with informal prayer and some time in quiet contemplative prayer. You need to work harder on removing any addictions or any sinful bad habits. By working harder to improve your spiritual life, you will please Me and ease your physical burdens. Carry your cross of life to Calvary with love in your heart to follow Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you draw closer to Easter at the end of Lent, you are seeing many signs of spring that will bring on a season of new life. You are happy to see sunny days, and warmer days without the snow. This spring time is how I bring My Light and the joy of My Resurrection. You are suffering through your Good Friday of pain, so you can appreciate your reward in your Easter moments. You will be seeing Holy Week come in a few weeks, so be ready to attend your Triduum services at your local church. This is the most blessed week of the Church Year, so make time for Me during that week. You should be thankful for how I gave up My life for you out of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are happy to share your messages and Fr. Michel’s experiences with your people at the coming God the Father Conference on March 26. Pray for the protection of your speakers, and pray that the people’s hearts will be open to receive My Word, and allow My Word to change the people’s lives. This is a great grace and opportunity for people, but the evil one will try to cause problems. Exorcize the place of speaking with blessed salt, and pray to stop any evil attacks on this conference. I love all of you, and it is a joy for all of My faithful to come together in My love.”


Friday, March 24, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, there were many dark or difficult moments in My life. You remember My Agony in the Garden, when I had to follow God the Father’s Will, but angels helped Me. On the road to Calvary, I had to carry the heavy cross of the sins of the world, but Simon helped Me. I was on the cross and darkness came over the world. I felt alone and abandoned, but My Blessed Mother and St. John were at the foot of My cross. I am mentioning these difficult times, because My people go through troubled times in their lives also. The vision shows you My Light and grace that are always available to help you to carry your cross. Just call on Me and My Blessed Mother, and we will help you in your needs with our help and My angels. Do not fear, but have total trust and faith in our help. We love you so much and we know your needs. You can always come to My tabernacle for your discernment in any of life’s problems. Listen for My Word in silence, and I will touch your heart for what you need.”

(4:15 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for My priest sons, bishops, cardinals, and the Pope. You are seeing a decline in the number of priests, but you need fertile ground for priestly vocations. Parishes that have prayer groups, and places of Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, will have plenty of vocations. My people need to pray for vocations to the priesthood, and nourish your seminarians so they can enter the priesthood. You need My priests because I am acting through them in the confessional and in their counseling of couples for marriage. You can remember through the years of all of your Masses, Confessions, First Holy Communions and Baptisms of your children, and your bishop sharing Confirmation. Without the priests, your parishes would die, so you need to encourage and pray for your parish priest. The priests and the seminarians are under constant attack from the devil and the demons. This is why they need your prayers, and they need to wear My weapons of crosses, holy medals, Benedictine crosses, blessed salt, and My Blessed Mother’s scapular. Rosaries and the breviary are a priest’s weapons of protection. Every priest is a gift to you, so you need to support them in their ministry, and pray to Me to send My angels to protect them. I love My priests because they have dedicated their lives to Me, and they are called to evangelize souls, and even pray deliverance prayers over souls afflicted by demons. Give praise and thanks to Me for all of the priests, especially the priests who gave you your daily Masses.”


Saturday, March 25, 2017: (Annunciation of the Blessed Mother)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear son and daughter, your wife discovered that Fr. Michel did not have a statue of myself in his place, so she offered one of your statues to him. Fr. Michel was happy to receive this gift, and you both are generous to give this statue. You are celebrating my feast of my Annunciation when I gave my ‘fiat’ to St. Gabriel. I was blessed by Jesus to be sinless, even without original sin. Only my Son and I are sinless, but my children are all weak in their sins because of Adam’s sin. Both my Son and I are your models for you to imitate. You can strive to be holy by your prayers, and frequent Confession. You are called to follow my Son’s Divine Will in the intentions of your actions. It is your striving for perfection that is your goal. You can pick yourself up from your sins by coming to the priest who acts in place of my Son to forgive your sins. We need your prayers to make reparation for the sins of the world, so continue to be faithful to my rosaries every day. My Son’s graces are being sent over all of my children so you can share the faith of My Son with those people who need conversion.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I was called to heal a blind man from birth, when I used some spital and clay to rub on his eyes. Once he washed his eyes in the Pool of Siloam, he could see. This disturbed the Pharisees because I healed him on the Sabbath. This account of My healing of the blind man is more than just a physical healing, but it is also a spiritual healing of blindness in the soul. How I wish to wake up all souls who are spiritually blind, or spiritually asleep in their faith. I need souls to open the door to their souls so I can let My Light of grace shine into their hearts, and wake them up to My love. Once My souls are strong in their faith, then I can use them to evangelize souls, and shine their light on other souls to wake them up. The evil one has put blindness over many souls, but I want to heal and forgive sinners who open their hearts to My love. It is a free will choice to be open to My love, so listen to My call of the Gospel to come and follow My Will as your Master. I love all of you, and I desire to bring as many souls to heaven who accept Me and give praise to Me in Adoration. So do not remain in your sin and spiritual blindness, but be healed and see Me as I am in love.”


Sunday, March 26, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, the eyes are the light to the soul. If a soul is loving and faithful, that soul will be gleaming and joyous to be united with My love. If a soul is in mortal sin, there will be darkness in that soul, and no light will come forth. When you see the eyes of the demons, you want to shy away from the ugliness of hate and burned embers. Call on your guardian angel and My angels if you are attacked by the demons. When a faithful soul goes out into the world, you are sharing My Light and My love with all the people who you meet. Use this Light and love to convert sinners into My faithful fold. When you are in My Light, you need to share My Word and love with everyone. People will see My love in your eyes, and they will desire to be like you, with My love in their heart and soul. The more you share My Light, the less darkness of evil there will be in the world.”


Monday, March 27, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Isaiah, you are seeing a description of the Era of Peace. At the end of the tribulation of the reign of the Antichrist, I will bring My victory over all the evil ones, and they will all be cast into hell. My faithful will be protected, and I will renew the earth, as in the Garden of Eden. I will then bring My faithful back down to the new earth, and they will live a long time. This is why it is said that he who dies after only a hundred years, will be considered a youth in My Era of Peace. Then My faithful will be trained to be saints, and one day they will be able to climb the stairs in the vision up to heaven. This will be like the people climbing Jacob’s ladder to heaven. Once you come to your prepared level of heaven, you will enter the house of your mansion in heaven. I love all of My faithful, and one day you will be with Me in Paradise, just like I promised the good thief on the cross.”

Jesus said: “My son, I want you to tell My people to get to Confession so they can have a pure soul for what is about to happen. It is true that I will be bringing about a supernatural intervention for all souls on the earth at the same time. Everyone will see their souls as I see them. You know this experience as the Warning, and I have shown you a little of what that experience will be like. You will come outside of your body and outside of time, and you will be drawn to My Light, and you will see My face. I will show all of you your individual life reviews of all of your actions from your conception until the moment of this experience. Your focus will be on your unforgiven sins and sins of omission. At the end of your life review, you will have My mini-judgment of where your life has taken you. You will see heaven, hell, or purgatory, and you will experience your place of judgment. I am giving all of you this chance to prepare your souls by Confession, so you can avoid any experience of seeing yourself in hell. After this Warning, you will have six weeks of time to convert your lives to be faithful to Me. If you are faithful to Me, My angels will mark a cross on your forehead, so you will be able to come into My refuges during the tribulation. You will receive a just judgment, so keep your soul pure for when I will bring you in front of Me. I love all of My people, and I will give every sinner one last chance to be saved from eternity in hell. Love Me and accept Me as your Master, and you will receive your reward in heaven. Repent of your sins, and I will save you.”


Tuesday, March 28, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, both readings had water mentioned, and they had to do with the cleansing of sins and the body’s sickness. At the Bethesda Pool there was a saying that once the angels stirred the water, the first one to enter the water, could be healed. This is why the lame man had difficulty to get into the water first. I asked him if he wanted to get well, so he could affirm his belief that I could heal him. Not only did I heal his body, but I healed his soul as well, and I told him not to sin. The man immediately was healed, and he carried his mat, even though it was the Sabbath. The Pharisees criticized him for carrying his mat, and later they learned that I had healed him. This further infuriated them that I healed people on the Sabbath. This cleansing water is a sign like the waters of Baptism, where the original sin of Adam is cleansed away, and the baptized people are welcomed into the Christian faith. The parents and godparents need to attend some training classes, so they can bring up the new convert in the faith. This is why you need to encourage the parents to have their newborn children baptized, so they are free of original sin, and they will later seek conversions of other souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision shows you the next step of the one world people in removing circulating cash, and changing the dollar into electronic SDRs. Many vending machines use coins or dollars, but only a few use credit cards. A cashless society would essentially crash your dollar, and you may not get much value back when the SDRs (strategic drawing rights) will become the new medium of exchange. Eventually, you will need a chip in the body to make any transactions. This will be the beginning of a world takeover with a world currency. The only real valuables will be food, gold, silver, and diamonds for barter. Even the gold could become outlawed as it was in World War II. When your money crashes, this could trigger a martial law takeover. This would be a time when I will warn My faithful to come to My refuges for protection, because you could starve without a chip in your body. You had a little practice in feeding a large group at your house, so you know what it will be like. This financial crash could come at any time, so be prepared when My faithful will come to your refuges.”


Wednesday, March 29, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, as the snow is about gone, you are seeing many signs of spring with warmer weather and longer days of sunlight. You hear the birds chirping, and you see the new buds on the trees, and some early flowers. You also are a few weeks until you will be coming to your Holy Week services. Even as you are doing some spring cleaning in your yard full of twigs, so you should also be thinking of cleaning out your soul for Easter Sunday. Lent is a good time to come to Confession along with your fasting and penances. Your fasting is training your body to be more controlled by your soul, so you can control your bodily desires and passions. It is the cravings of your body that can draw you into sin and addictions. Pray to Me to help you control your addictions and your bad habits. By cleansing your imperfections, you can keep a pure soul. Keep your desires restrained for the rest of your Lenten time with Me.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing a tunnel and a wheel which was a sign of a life review of the events of your life. This is another sign of My coming Warning experience. All of the people on earth will experience this life review and a mini-judgment. This will be My mercy on My people, and a chance for souls to be converted before they could be lost in hell. If people do not accept Me and change their ways, then they will not receive a cross on their foreheads. Without this cross of the faithful, people will not be allowed into My refuges. Those people, who are faithful and repent of their sins, will be marked with a cross by My angels. Only My faithful with the cross on their foreheads will be allowed into My refuges. You will have six weeks after My Warning to quickly train your family members in the ways of the faith. If they are not converted to the faith, then they will be risking a loss in hell. You can work hard to convince them to wake up, but in the end it will be their free will choice if they want to be one of My disciples. Keep praying for your family and friends to be saved.”


Thursday, March 30, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, during the Exodus of the Jewish people in the desert, it was hard to understand how they would have food and water. The people needed faith in Me as Moses struck the rock with his staff to produce water. They also had manna on the land, and they received quail at night for meat. While Moses took a long time to receive the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai, the people built a golden calf to worship instead of Me. There was a division in the people, and those people, who worshiped the golden calf, were slain. In your world today, you have people who are worshiping other idols than Me. People are worshiping idols of money, material things, and fame. Whenever you spend a long time on something other than Me, you are worshiping your addictions instead of Me. At times your entertainment, computers, drugs, smoking, or any other addictions are controlling you. You need to break away from these things, and let Me lead you in what you should do. You have many distractions in your world, but do not be a slave to them. Your place is to follow Me and worship only Me, instead of any earthly idols. When you worship such idols, you are sinning against My First Commandment, which says you are only to worship Me and no other false gods. By living your lives according to My Will and My ways, you will see that My ways are always better than man’s ways.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this is a second message about an important figure who will die soon. The empty outdoor white wicker chair was empty as a sign of a missing person. This second message is a confirmation of the first message. The time and identity will come as this event happens.”

Jesus said: “My people, you had some serious revelations at your recent conference. Those people, who have copies of the video, need to listen closely to what was said. Fr. Michel gave a good mission at Holy Spirit Church, and some interesting talks at your conference. Many people came and there were some healings when you were blessed by Fr. Michel. You all need to be thankful for Fr. Michel’s coming, as he touched and healed some souls of their problems. Pray for his mission and the success of his seminary and the seminarians.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a view of the stars in the heavens, because you may be able to see an unusual event with binoculars or a good telescope. This event will be a sign to you of one of My prophecies that I gave in previous messages. When you see this event in the sky, you will know of its significance.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is an ongoing war in the Middle East that is involving your troops, but the extent of your troop involvement is not being fully reported. There is an ongoing goal to take out the ISIS troops, and this effort is being stepped up. This is why more funds are being requested for your Defense Department. There is a planned build up of your Defense forces, which were badly depleted by your previous President. Pray for your country to be prepared for some future wars, and terrorist activity.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large spike on a seismograph is a warning of a coming severe earthquake that could take some lives. You have been having reparation Masses for the victims of natural disasters who will not have any time to prepare for their judgment before Me. Your Masses will help these souls who will be in dire need of your help. When people are killed suddenly in natural disasters, be ready to pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet for these souls. Any severe disaster could affect your people in the rest of your country. Keep praying and offering Masses for these victims.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some significant testing of missiles in both North Korea and Iran. This is presenting a nuclear threat to North Korea’s neighbors and Israel. Such testing could lead to another war with possible pre-emptive strikes against these rogue countries. Pray for peace, but the devil is stirring up trouble in these areas.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a surge in the buying of rifles, hand guns, and the ammunition. Your country is becoming an armed camp because of the many divisions and terrorist attacks. People want to defend themselves at their homes. Your current President is defending the right to bear arms, but these weapons could be used if there was a revolution between your divided people. Pray that such an internal struggle does not happen, because it could result in a takeover of your country. When your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges.”


Friday, March 31, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are not long before Holy Week, when you will read again about how much I suffered and died for saving My people from their sins. In the vision you are seeing how God the Father sent His only Begotten Son to save you from your sins. My coming is a blessing for all sinners who repent and seek the forgiveness of their sins. I truly died even for those people who do not love Me, but you can pray for such souls to be saved. Just as I came to evangelize sinners, so I am also calling on My faithful to reach out and evangelize people to the faith. Even if you cannot go out physically to evangelize, you can still pray for the conversion of poor sinners. You also have a duty to pray for the poor souls in purgatory so they can come to heaven sooner. I have told you before that saving sinners with My help, is your most important task on earth. All of My faithful are called to save souls, so listen to My words, and act on them.”

Jesus said: “My people, hell was prepared for the fallen angels, and it is truly eternal in My now outside of time. I am showing you this vision so people can understand how horrific it is to be in hell. The soul bodies are all black and ugly from the constant flames of hell. A person recoils in pain when that person is burned by a flame or touches a hot oven. Imagine every inch of your body on fire but not being consumed by the flames. You would be in extensive pain for all eternity. The demons torment these souls, and there is only hate with no love. These souls have no hope of ever leaving this torture, and they will never see Me, a good angel, or anyone else but more condemned souls. The demons there are also black and hideous. All souls who come to hell are there because they chose it of their own free will. Prayers will not help these condemned souls, and you will not get any word from these souls. There is a fixed abyss between heaven and hell. In the Warning, sinners who have a mini-judgment to hell, will feel what hell is all about, so they will know what they are choosing. Keep praying to save sinners from hell, because you do not want to see anyone go to hell. This is why My faithful should be working hard to save as many souls from hell as you can.”


Saturday, April 1, 2017:
Jesus said: “My son, in this vision you are seeing a new three stage ballistic missile being set up for a launch. This new development would give North Korea the ability to send a nuclear missile to hit America. This also could be used to cause an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack that could shut down your electronic devices for years. Such a launch would cause a great threat that could even precipitate a pre-emptive strike on such facilities. As more countries acquire nuclear weapons and the long range missiles to hit America, you will have your electric grid in even more danger of being destroyed. Your country’s viability depends on electricity for your electronic devices. This could be another reason to add more protection to your grid. Pray for your country’s protection from such harm.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are finally seeing a little sun after days of clouds and heavy rains. You can see a long stem flower in your vision, and even some flowers are breaking through the surface in your own backyard. After a long winter snow, it is good to see the green grass and buds dropping off the trees. You are still enduring the fasting and your penances for a few more weeks of Lent. You see that you can get by on less eating, but it still takes work at night to avoid snacks. You can also see that it is possible to control your free will, if you are adamant about doing it. This is the lesson of your Lenten devotions, that you can change your lifestyle. Call on Me in your prayers to help you follow My ways, instead of falling weak to your body’s desires.”


Sunday, April 2, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all so happy to be alive to experience your warm sunny day after so many cloudy, rainy days. In the Gospel I was weeping over the death of My friend, Lazarus. Mary and Martha were sad that I did not come sooner to heal Lazarus, their brother. I asked Martha if she believed that I could raise Lazarus from the dead. Then I said: ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me, even if he die, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die.’ (John 11:25,26) I later had the people roll back the stone from the tomb, and I called: ‘Lazarus come forth!’ Lazarus was renewed by the Spirit, and he was unwrapped from his burial clothes and alive. This raising someone from the dead is an example of how at the judgment, all of My faithful will be raised up in their glorified bodies. You are My Easter people, so rejoice that you will be raised up in the Spirit one day, and never to die again.”


Monday, April 3, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many cases where people have been falsely accused of a crime that they did not commit. It is even more of an injustice for those evil people who purposely frame people to hide their own crimes. You are seeing more fake news accusations in your current politics, which is another form of harassment. In the Book of Daniel you saw how Daniel confronted the two lustful judges, and he had them put to death as they tried to put Susanna to death for not sleeping with them. They were convicted of their own perjury when they answered falsely to Daniel’s questions. In the Gospel, people wanted to stone an adulterer to death. I wrote the crimes of those people in the dirt, and I told them to only cast a stone if they had no sin themselves. I did not condemn the woman, but I told her to avoid the sin she committed, and sin no more. There are many people who are committing fornication, adultery, homosexual acts, masturbation, or using birth control devices, which are all mortal sins. These sins need to be confessed in Confession before receiving Holy Communion. So do not accuse other people of sins, because you are all sinners. I am the only judge of people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the vision how a man was desperate to get down from a tall skyscraper, and he was half way down. The building was on fire from a major terrorist attack, and it was difficult to come down the elevator. Many people were in danger of being killed in this event. The whole vision seemed very real, and you could feel the tension in the people trying to escape this building. These types of incidents are hard to prepare for, so pray for the souls of the victims in such terrorist attacks. You will be seeing more terrorist attacks that could lead your country into another war.”


Tuesday, April 4, 2017: (St. Isidore)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Exodus, the Israelites were not happy with the manna they had in the desert, and they even called it ‘wretched food’. As a punishment I sent seraph serpents that killed some of the people. The people complained to Moses of their sin, and he fashioned a bronze serpent on a pole, and told the people, whoever looks on it, will be healed of their snakebite. There are two messages for My faithful who will be protected by My angels at My refuges. Do not complain about the food that you will have, because I will be sending you daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels. You will have My very Self in this manna of the tribulation. My refuge builders will have other food as well in cans, MREs, or dehydrated food. The second gift will be that you will have either a luminous cross in the sky or healing spring water. When you look on My luminous cross or drink the spring water, you will be healed of all of your ailments, so you will not need any pills or doctors. My angels will make your refuges invisible to your enemies, and people without crosses on their foreheads cannot enter or harm you. Be thankful for how I will protect and feed My faithful at My refuges, during the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you two signs of My refuges. The shield in the vision represents the invisible shield that My angels will place over My refuges so the evil ones cannot see you. This shield will also protect you from bombs, deadly gases, and deadly viruses. My refuges will not be destroyed by any natural disasters either. The wrench in the vision is not a weapon, but it is a sign to My faithful to bring the tools of their trade to My refuges, so they can help people, and they could be multiplied. It is good to bring these useful things, because there will be no stores to go out and buy things. Those people, who have trade skills, will be assigned the work they know best. Other jobs will be rotated so everyone shares in helping with the less desirable jobs. You all will contribute something to help run My refuges, as everyone will have to work. My refuge builders will be the worker who will assign the needed jobs for your survival. I will multiply the food, water, clothes, fuels, and bedding needs. You need to bring some hygiene needs that will also be multiplied. Give thanks and praise to Me for providing your protection, and your physical and spiritual needs at My refuges.”


Wednesday, April 5, 2017: (St. Vincent Ferrer)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision I am showing you a seaplane taking off from the water. This represents how I am saving you not only from drowning in the water, but My grace is also saving you from drowning in your sins. I lift you up in life, even when you are down in your depression or your trials. Sometimes when you are carrying your cross and you fall down, you need to pick yourself back up, and struggle on with My help. In the first reading from the Book of Daniel, you saw an act of faith in Me that I rewarded the three Jewish men by saving them from the fire in the white hot furnace. These men refused to worship the king’s statue because it is idol worship against My First Commandment. I blessed them for their faith in Me by sending them an angel to protect them from the fire. The king realized that I am truly the God of the universe by this miracle. It is not easy to trust in Me when your lives are at stake, but it is better to die as a martyr, than openly deny your Lord. Those people, who die as martyrs for My sake, will become instant saints in heaven. Remain faithful to Me in all that you do, and you too will be rewarded in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are two meanings for this vision. The first could mean one country is initializing a nuclear attack on another country. You have seen in Syria how they are using chemical weapons against the rebel dwellings. Nuclear weapons could be used if one side is desperate for a victory. Such weapons could spread radiation over a wide area, and many people could die of radiation sickness. The other meaning of this vision could signal how the Republicans in the Senate want to use the nuclear option to block a Democrat filibuster, so Judge Gorsuch could have a vote on his nomination. This will be the first time one party forced a filibuster on a Supreme Court nomination, and the first time a nuclear option was used to overturn such a filibuster. Pray that nuclear weapons are not used, and pray that you see a more bipartisan government work together.”


Thursday, April 6, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Genesis, I made a covenant with Abraham and his people that he would be a father of nations, and I would be their God. Then the people would have to abide by My laws and My covenant with them. You are seeing this fork in the road that represents man’s free will to obey Me or not. I call all of My people to come to Me down the narrow road, by obeying My Commandments, and allowing Me to be the Master of their lives. The people, who follow My covenant, will see their reward in heaven. The other road at the fork is called the broad road of defiance of My laws that leads to hell. Those people, who refuse to repent of their sins, and do not let Me lead their lives, are calling down My justice on them, that only leads to a path to hell. If you love Me and desire to be with Me for all eternity, then you need to take the right fork down the narrow road, and you will be joined with Me forever in peace and love. By keeping your end of My covenant, you will see Me as I AM. I will always love everyone, as I keep up My end of My covenant with man.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I told you in previous messages that you would see one disaster after another. You have seen high winds, snowstorms, multiple days of heavy rain, and tornadoes. Your weather has been very unusual in its severity. You are seeing damage from power outages, downed trees, and flooded basements. Some of these disasters are a punishment for your many sins. When you have severe flooding, it is very difficult for your farmers to plant their crops in muddy fields. Pray for less problems in your weather, and for people to repent of their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a hard battle in your Senate to confirm Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. You are seeing history made with the first filibuster of a Supreme Court nomination. You are seeing further history when the 60 vote mandate for a Supreme Court candidate was changed to only a simple majority. Your court vacancy needs to be filled to break the four to four deadlock on many issues coming before the court.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing on your news all the pictures of floods and tornado damage. Many people have lost their homes, or they had to evacuate their homes to a dry location. These events can cause people to lose their jobs, as well as access to their homes. Other areas like your own, are still cleaning up downed trees and branches. You have so much tree damage that it is overwhelming your town trucks and labor, as limbs and trees have not been removed for weeks. Pray for the victims of these disasters so they can find food, water, and shelter until they could rebuild their homes. It will be hard on insurance companies, and state and national aid to clean up all of this damage.”

Jesus said: “My people, your infrastructure has suffered from storms and poorly maintained bridges, roads, and railroads. You have heard many mayors and governors seeking extra funds that are needed to pay for bridges, roads, and railroads that need repairs. It is not easy with local taxes to finance all that needs to be fixed. This is why your National government needs to help finance your infrastructure repairs. It is hard to find funds that are competing with other parts of your Budget. You are seeing this battle in your Congress. Pray for your people to have the right priorities in your National Budget to get the most needed things done.”

Jesus said: “My people, for many years your corporations have been exporting your jobs to the cheap labor of China and other countries. Many countries have taxes and restrictions on selling goods, that has caused your country to have billions of dollars in deficit of payments. This means that your imports far exceed your exports, and wealth is being drained from your country. Your President is trying to make better trade deals to keep your jobs in America. Pray for his success because your country’s economy is at stake.”

Jesus said: “My people, your previous President was trying to discourage your coal power plants with over restrictive regulations. Coal power plants produce 30% of your electricity to run your homes and factories, so it is hard to replace this need with new natural gas plants, solar and wind. Your new President has stopped this burden of regulations on coal power plants and your pipe lines. Be thankful that some changes are helping your people and their jobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are coming close to Holy Week this weekend, and you need to make plans to attend as many services as you can. This is the most important week of My death on the cross in your Church Year. Try to get to Confession for this coming week, and keep up your Lenten fasting and prayers. This time of Lent has passed very fast, so make the best you can of these last weeks of Lent.”


Friday, April 7, 2017:

Jesus said: “My people, you now know the new red line against Syria in using sarin gas against women and children. Your President had your ships launch many missiles at the Syrian airbase that launched the sarin gas attack. This use of such a deadly nerve gas attack on women and children, was in defiance of UN laws against these weapons. Your President’s response is understood by many people, but such action could have more serious reactions by Syria and Russia. This attack did put other countries on notice that the U.S. is not reluctant to use military force. It is sad that such a war is going on against Syria’s own people, and it is not sure what action will be taken next. It is dangerous that Russia and Iran could get more involved in this ongoing conflict. Pray that this war does not expand, but the battle against ISIS is still being pursued. War and killing in this area has been going on for years, but it is not My desire to see such killings.”

Jesus said: “My people, seeing this tunnel makes you think of how people will be coming to My Light at the end of a tunnel in the Warning. The children playing in the tunnel represents how I want My people to have faith in Me like a child loves his or her parents. Just as I love everyone as they are, even in sin, so I want you to love Me despite your imperfections. You do not have to know all the books about Me in theology, but you only have to love Me with even the little you know about Me. Indeed, even knowing Me as a God-man is truly a mystery, and beyond your human comprehension. My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, and the Blessed Trinity are mysteries to know as well. It is important to have a love relationship with Me, as that is enough to get you into heaven. Repenting of your sins in telling Me how sorry you are for offending Me, is another way of showing your love for Me. I love all of you all of the time, because you are My creations made in love.”


Saturday, April 8, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, the Jewish leaders were perplexed when they received the report that I had raised Lazarus from the dead. As a result, many people came to believe that I was a prophet, and even some thought I was the Christ, the awaited Messiah. This fame of Mine was alarming to the Sanhedrin, who thought I needed to die to save the nation from the Romans. I went off to hide from them, but I would return to Jerusalem for the coming Passover feast. In the vision you saw the face of Putin, the Russian leader. It is serious that America bombed the Syrian airbase where Russia is supporting the Syrian leader. Russia moved one of their ships into the Mediterranean next to possibly confront the American ships. There is now a strained relationship between Russia and the United States. Pray for peace without a widening of the Syrian war.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass Palm Sunday) Jesus said: “My people, when you read about My suffering and death on the cross, you understand a little about how much I love all of you to die for your sins. I have mentioned before how much I want a large crucifix on every altar, an do not be afraid if there is red blood on My Body. Even My Agonizing Cross is more realistic than your crosses, because I suffered many wounds. Your crosses without the corpus and the resurrected crosses are a disgrace to My real love for you. When you pray the Stations of the Cross every Friday, you are reminded how much I suffered in sacrificing My life out of love for My people.”

(Laura Lynch funeral memorial) I could see Laura moving up in purgatory with prayers and Masses so she did not suffer the flames. She committed suicide, but Jesus had mercy on her soul. Jesus asked our little group to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for her soul. Jesus said: “My people, you heard a tragic story about Laura’s life, but I did allow her into the lowest part of purgatory at first. Your prayers and Masses have allowed her to move up in purgatory. These souls have to suffer a certain length of time in the lower parts of purgatory until some reparation is made for her sins. Keep praying for her soul, and have Masses said for her.”


Sunday, April 9, 2017: (Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, this death of Mine on the cross is a sign of how much I love everyone in the past, present, and future. I told you how I died outside of time, so everyone can share in My pain on the cross. You read in the account of today’s Gospel how once I died, there was an earthquake that split the curtain in two that was in the Temple. This flashback of seeing your miraculous veil over the Crucifixion Station of the Cross in your chapel, is a reminder of the veil in the Temple when it was split in two. This adds a little more importance to this event that happened in your Eternal Father chapel. Now, you are at the beginning of Holy Week, so give Me some extra time in your prayers at My services.”


Monday, April 10, 2017: Jesus said: “My people, in Holy Week you have another reading that talks about My death. As Mary anointed My feet with an expensive oil, Judas remarked how the oil could have been sold, and the money given to the poor. I remarked how she was anointing Me for My burial, which was coming soon. I was at the house of Lazarus, the one whom I raised from the dead. The Jewish leaders also wanted to kill Lazarus, because his miraculous restoration to life was causing many to believe in Me. This week should be one of extra prayer and fasting because you will be sharing in My Paschal mystery of My death and Resurrection. My whole purpose for becoming a God-man was so I could sacrifice My life as the unblemished male Paschal Lamb. My sacrifice of My life to God the Father, is the most perfect sacrifice that could be offered up for all the sins of mankind. Because of one man, Adam, sin came into the world. Now, because of one man in Me, sin is being conquered. Death is a consequence of this sin, and I am conquering death with My Resurrection. Before I raised Lazarus from the dead, I told Martha that ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life’ for all souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, your military people and politicians are naive to think that Iran, Syria, and Russia will abide by any treaties. These nations still have their chemical and nuclear bombs which they did not reduce, and Iran is still working toward making nuclear bombs. Iran is using your money to further their terrorist threats. Syria is still bombing its people, and even the hospital used to help the gassed victims. The various forces fighting in Syria and Iraq are hard to tell apart. Both Russian and American technical people are helping opposite parties in these wars. It is just a matter of time before America will be drawn into a war with Russia, Iran, and Syria. Your supposed allies do not want to get drawn into another long and costly war. Your President is right in that they should be paying for their own defense. Pray that the current fighting does not spread into a larger war.”


Tuesday, April 11, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are moving closer to My death on Good Friday, as Judas was identified as My betrayer to the Jews. Satan was allowed to enter Judas, as he was led to hand Me over for thirty pieces of silver. I also told St. Peter that he would deny Me three times, when he said he would not betray Me. Judas did not think I would forgive him, so he went out and hanged himself. Later, St. Peter would be asked to love Me three times, after his three denials. St. Peter did love Me, and he denied Me to save his life, but he was sorry for his sin. Even today, many of My people deny Me in their sins, and even some do not realize how much they offend Me when they sin. You have My sacrament of Reconciliation to seek My forgiveness and repent of your sins. I know how you are all weak to sin, but you can renew your love and friendship with Me in the confessional. Keep your soul pure, so you will be stronger against your temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many sins around the earth in fornications, adulteries, homosexual marriages, and euthanasia acts. The demons are attacking many souls, and souls are being lost in hell in this black vortex of evil in the vision. You need to trust in Me that the devil’s time is almost up before he will be chained in hell. Just as I conquered death and sin in My Resurrection, so I will conquer all the demons at the end of the tribulation. All the demons and evil people will be cast into hell when I bring My Comet of Chastisement. So take courage and have patience and hope in My ultimate victory. In My Era of Peace there will be no evil on the earth, as you will be training to be saints in heaven.”


Wednesday, April 12, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to share in the Triduum services of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. In today’s Gospel you are reading of Judas’ betrayal again, according to St. Matthew’s Gospel. Yesterday, you read a similar betrayal, according to St. John’s Gospel. The betrayal by a friend or disciple hurts you more because that person was someone you trusted. I knew that Judas was My betrayer for a long time, since he would be an instrument of My death on the cross. This is why I came into being a God-man, so I could sacrifice My life as the Lamb of God for all of mankind’s sins. Tomorrow, you will be celebrating My Last Supper, which is truly the first Mass of the Passover. Every Mass is a re-enactment of My Last Supper as I consecrated the bread and wine into My Body and Blood for the first time. I told the people that unless they eat My Body and drink My Blood, they could not have eternal life with Me. In the vision you saw Me scourged at the pillar, as the whips took bits of flesh off of My back and chest. The soldiers mocked Me as a king by placing a crown of thorns on My head. I was later condemned to death by Pilate. I had to carry My heavy cross down the Via Dolorosa to Calvary where I was crucified on the cross. I suffered all of this pain and death as reparation for your sins. This is truly a sign of My love for all sinners, even those sinners who do not accept Me. Pray for all sinners so they could be saved by seeking My forgiveness.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a view of a depiction of a tar pit of hell with souls burning in the flames. You just made a DVD of a movie about hell, and you were struck by the descriptions of the souls who were in hell briefly, before I brought them back to life on earth. The one man said there is one choice between heaven or hell. I love every soul, but it is your free will choice which destination that you want for your soul. I prefer that you come to Me out of love, rather that out of the fear of hell. There is no way out of hell, and it is eternal to suffer there. You would much prefer heaven, but each soul needs to repent of his or her sins, and accept Me as your Master to be saved from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how important water is for people to survive. In the same way My well of graces are always available to you in My sacraments. I have told you that unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you cannot have eternal life with Me. I forgive your sins in Confession, and you receive My sanctifying grace in Holy Communion and Confession. My grace is your spiritual lifeblood for the soul, and you feed on Me as the Bread of Life.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you have been called to pray and fast to protect your soul from the devil’s temptations. I have called you to pray quietly in contemplative prayer to listen for My words to you. You can also read some spiritual books as the Liturgy of the Hours, and the Imitation of Christ. Speak to Me in your informal prayers in addition to your formal prayers. Prepare for the most holy days of the Triduum.”

Jesus said: “My people, on the Easter Vigil you will see how the priest puts My five wounds of My hands, feet, and My side on the Easter Candle. This service is performed in the dark, representing the sin in the world. Then a fire is started and a new fire lights the Easter Candle which is a symbol of how My Light disperses the darkness of sin. On Good Friday you carry My crucifix to the altar that again represents how I suffered for your sins. You come forward to kiss My cross to show Me how much you love Me. Take time to come to all of these services.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you in the Northern States are happy the snow has melted away, and new spring flowers are coming through the soil. This new life in nature can also encourage you in your own new spiritual life that has been cleansed by your Lenten devotions and Confession. As Easter approaches, you are seeing longer days of daylight, symbolizing My Light coming into the world. Rejoice as you see the Easter lilies trumpeting My victory over sin and death.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some areas of tornadoes and high winds, you are still in need of a spring cleanup. It has been difficult to remove all the debris from your fallen trees. Even some homes and cars will need some repairs. Be grateful if you avoided serious damage, and pray for the victims who have either lost their homes, or had some power outages.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read how much blood I lost in My scourging and My crucifixion. I am not the only life that was offered up, because your country has the blood of your abortions on your hands. You are seeing a procession carrying My crucifix on Good Friday on the anniversary of My death. Your mothers and doctors are killing a million of My unborn babies every year. Pray for the stoppage of your abortions, and that your mothers will give birth to their babies. Life is too precious to discard these babies for any reason. Each baby has a soul and My Presence in them, and each soul has My plan for his or her life. Keep struggling and praying that you can overturn this disgrace in your Supreme Court.”


Thursday, April 13, 2017: (Holy Thursday)

Jesus said: “My son, you had a vision of the actual Upper Room in Israel where I offered the Passover as the first Mass with My apostles. You see the depiction of the Last Supper in many artists’ renditions. I offered the bread and wine, and I consecrated them into My very Body and Blood for all time. You also saw the priest wash the feet of twelve people, who represented My apostles. This was a sign of My love to be the servant of My apostles, so they could do this for others as well. You have made some sacrifices for Lent in your fasting and penances. Soon Lent will be over in a few days, but you could do your fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year, and you could give up your sweets on those days as well. You were happy to visit the churches for Holy Thursday, and you shared the angels in your chapel with your priest friend. This is a beautiful and peaceful service, as you shared these precious moments with Me tonight.”


Friday, April 14, 2017: (Good Friday)
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing many visions of your trips to Jerusalem. You saw the Upper Room of My Last Supper. You saw the rock in the Garden of Gethsemene where I prayed. You saw the various Stations that were commemorated on the Via Dolorosa. You visited the place where I was scourged. You also saw the place where I was crucified in the Holy Sepulcher. Not far away is another commemoration of My burial place and where I resurrected. In a further vision you saw the miraculous veil of light over your Station of My Crucifixion. All of these experiences made My suffering and death real for you, because you saw the places where this occurred. You and all of My people should be grateful to Me for all that I went through to bring salvation to all sinners. It is up to each soul to give his or her free will ‘yes’ to accept My gift, and seek My forgiveness for each person’s sins. You all can offer up your suffering, and unite it with My suffering on the cross. You all have troubles, as you are tested in life, so call on My help to assist you in carrying your cross.”


Saturday, April 15, 2017: (Easter Vigil 8:00 p.m. Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, you know that death had no power over Me, so I arose after three days according to My Word and other prophecies. You saw Me in the vision of My Glorified Body coming out of the tomb in a flash of Light that blinded the soldiers. The soldiers were like dead men, and later they could not find My Body. Mary Magdalene saw Me in the morning, so I told her to notify My apostles that I rose from the dead just as I had told them. Once I arose, many other souls were allowed to rise and come to heaven because of My victory over sin and death. You are My Easter People when you believe that I am the Resurrection and the Life. Rejoice as you are singing Alleluia once again after your Lenten fasting. Now you will be celebrating Easter for fifty days until Pentecost Sunday.”


Sunday, April 16, 2017: (Easter Sunday 8:00 a.m. Mass)
Jesus said: “My son, it is true that all of heaven is celebrating more than ever on Easter, that commemorates My Resurrection. As you share in all the festivities of this most holy day of Easter, this is an example of how all of My faithful will also be resurrected in their own glorified bodies on My Last Day of Judgment. Sing and rejoice in My Alleluia verses, as even the sun and nature are triumphant in My victory over sins and death. It was My Resurrection from the dead that was My greatest miracle for everyone to understand that I am truly God’s Son, and the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity. My apostles were overwhelmed with joy when they saw My empty tomb with the burial cloths wrapped neatly. It took some time and My personal visit in the flesh for all of My apostles to believe that I truly rose from the dead. Some of them did not recognize Me at first, because I was in My glorified Body. They finally saw and believed in Me. Give praise and thanks to Me for bringing salvation to all of My people. Your joy should know no bounds as well. I love all of you so much, that I died to save all of you from hell.”

(Easter Sunday 11:30 a.m. Mass, Demi’s Baptism, my great granddaughter) Jesus said: “My people, My Resurrection feast day brings almost everyone in the family to church. Now that you see your relatives at church, you realize how important it is for My prayer warriors to pray that all of your family members could be saved. You have seen in some pictures, movies, or visions how awful hell is, and you do not want to see anyone, let alone your family, be lost in hell. You need to be persistent in your prayers for your family, so they can come to Me in faith. You want them to have faith to receive a cross on their foreheads to get into My refuges. Helping to save your family’s souls should be your first priority in your prayer intentions.”


Monday, April 17, 2017:

Jesus said: “My people, after My feast of Easter you should be sharing My words of mercy and love, but all you see in your news, is how various nations are beating drums for more wars. You have ongoing conflicts in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. All of the latest bombs and troop movements are only signaling the possibility of more wars, and extended conflicts. As you increase your spending for defense, you are preparing for more wars and making more arms for war. You would be better off spending money to feed the poor, instead of killing people in wars, abortions, and euthanasia. Satan is using your pride and power to get you engaged in more fighting in wars. Keep praying for peace and to help save souls from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, the best way to have people come to believe in Me, is to have someone give a personal testimony on how and why that person came to believe in Me. You all have free will and I will not violate what you choose to do for your life. If you truly desire to come to heaven with Me, you need to ask Me to forgive your sins, and let Me be the Master of your life. Giving your will over to Me takes great faith, but you will have your eternal reward with Me in heaven. Your people prefer to hear a personal testimony because you all are familiar with your human condition. This is another reason why I became a God-man so you would know that I went through all of what you have experienced. I gave you testimony that I was God by My miracles, and I showed you My love relationship by dying for all of you on My cross. I want all of you to seek a love relationship with Me, because I am all loving with everyone. Whenever you pray to Me, you are showing Me your love and thanks for all that I do for you every day.”


Tuesday, April 18, 2017: (Funeral Mass of Mary Firpo)
Mary Firpo said: “I am so happy my son, Fr. John, could offer up my funeral Mass. As a mother of a priest, I am so fortunate to have my son serving for a lot longer than I served in the Army. I am so proud of Fr. John. I love all of my family very much, but I have a special place in my heart for Fr. John. I want to thank all of the people who came to my funeral Mass. I also want to thank all of the people who cared for me in my later years. I saw Jesus coming to take me home, much like Carol’s mother saw Jesus coming for her, as she died at about 97 as well. God bless all of you, and I will be praying for all of my family and friends.”

Jesus said: “My people, your allies and your troops are trying to rid ISIS from the Iraqi cities, but it is getting hard to root them out because they hide behind the civilians. These battles do not have clear cut lines of who controls which areas. Street to street clearing of ISIS is difficult when there are so many places to hide. Your troops have similar problems riding ISIS from the many caves the enemy has constructed in Afghanistan. Your President does not want to commit ground troops when you can use drones and air cover for the local troops. These wars in the Middle East have gone on for years without any clear victories. It is difficult to have peace when the factions want to keep fighting. Keep praying for peace where Satan is keeping the hatred alive by his evil ways. Even in America you are still seeing little bursts of terrorism, and your politicians still refuse to call it what it is.”


Wednesday, April 19, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, it is good to look at yourself in a mirror and meditate on whether you are following your ways or My ways. If you want to be a good Christian, you need to give your will over to My Will, so I can use you for My purposes. Looking into the mirror is also a good way to see where you are in your life if you were to die today. Do you keep a pure soul with frequent Confession so you are ready to face Me at your judgment? Do you make sufficient prayer time every day, so you can be united with Me in love, and share your troubles and your prayer intentions? Do you see the big picture of your life as to whether you are headed to heaven, hell, or purgatory? By answering these questions honestly, you can see what you need to work on in order to please Me in your life’s actions. When you see the images in the mirror upside down, you are seeing how difficult it is to live in your world today, because people may see you as not being politically correct in your actions. Your laws are upside down when they are compared to My Commandments. Your courts allow abortion which is killing unborn babies, and this is against My Fifth Commandment of not killing anyone. Your courts allow homosexual marriages, and many live in fornication, which are sins against My Sixth Commandment. You should be living in a proper marriage in My Church where children should be born out of love, rather than out of lust. Some states allow euthanasia and recreational marijuana, which are killing old people and ruining the young people’s lives with drug addictions. Pray for sinners with your St. Michael prayer of deliverance for all people with addictions, so they can be returned to My love.”


Thursday, April 20, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have such beautiful readings after Easter that is a witness of My Resurrection and My healing power. St. Peter spoke out to the people that it was by the power of My Name that the lame man was healed. St. Peter also gave witness that I am the Messiah, the Son of God, who died for their sins. He told the people how I rose from the dead with the greatest miracle of all. In the Gospel I appeared to My apostles in the Upper Room, and I showed them My wounds and ate some fish to prove that I rose from the dead. I appeared in the flesh, so they could go forth and tell the people that I am alive. I conquered sin and death, and My apostles were called to convert people to this new way of Christianity. Being a Christian is not easy, because you need to deny yourself and follow My ways. You need to detach yourself from worldly possessions, and seek the forgiveness of your sins from Me. You need to repent of your sins and carry your cross of life for My sake. Obey My Commandments and encourage others to do the same. Those people, who are faithful to Me, will also be resurrected in body and soul as your everlasting reward. Give glory and praise to your risen Lord, even as you are also joyful to be numbered among My Easter people.”


Friday, April 21, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I am the cornerstone, and you are My Church, My followers. My early Church was rejected and persecuted. Because I founded My Church, I have protected it and I have allowed it to flourish over the years. As you are approaching the end times, you are seeing the faith in people that is waning. Today, you have many people worshiping the idols of this age in all of your electronic devices, and many addictions led by the demons. This decrease of people who are coming to church, is a sign of the end times. I even said: ‘Will I find much faith in the people when I return?’ You will be seeing a division in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. As this split proceeds, My faithful will have to come to your prayer groups and your refuges for Mass and prayers together. This is why I am showing you a refuge chapel that will be protected by My angels. This is also why it is important for My faithful to help each refuge in their needs. You will all be living in refuges during the tribulation, so you need to do what you can to help support My refuge builders. I love all of My people, and these refuges are My means of protecting My faithful from the Antichrist, and the evil ones who want to kill you. Share what you have so all of My refuges will have what they need both physically and spiritually. I will multiply what you need, and you will have daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels. Give thanks and praise to Me for all that I do for you every day.”


Saturday, April 22, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating Easter which is a celebration of My Resurrection from the dead. No one had ever come back from the dead under their own power. Only a few people by My grace were allowed to return to life. This is why it was hard to believe in My Resurrection, even for My apostles. I appeared to Mary Magdalene, and also to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, but still My apostles did not believe. Only when I appeared to them in the flesh, did they believe. I told My apostles that they believed because they saw Me, but blessed are those people who believe in My Resurrection and did not see Me. Belief in My Resurrection takes faith, and this faith is a gift of My grace. My people need to rejoice in My Resurrection, and do not be afraid to spread My Word to all the people. My disciples, St. Peter and St. John, were tested by the Sanhedrin for healing a cripple in My Name. They answered their leaders by saying it is better to obey Me rather than obeying these men. St. Peter and St. John refused to stop talking about My Name and My Resurrection. My Easter people also need to be fearless in proclaiming My Name, despite any persecution from atheists or your authorities. It would be better to die as a martyr, than to deny Me before men.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you fast moving spokes of a wheel that means your events are going to be speeded up as time will be going by faster. The spiraling down on a road, is a sign that the evil events will be getting worse leading up to the Antichrist’s takeover. I told you that you would have a short reprieve before the evil ones would be allowed to control the earth for a short time. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when your lives will be in danger. Wars, a division in My Church, and evil dictators will be influencing your world leading up to the Antichrist’s declaration when he will reign for a short time. Do not be afraid because I will protect My faithful at My refuges. Be patient through this trial because soon I will bring My victory, and Satan and the evil ones will be chained in hell.”


Sunday, April 23, 2017: (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first vision you saw how crowds of people came to hear My words, and I healed them in both body and soul. Even today, I call all of My people to listen to My words of love, as I shower down My mercy and graces upon you on this Divine Mercy Sunday. I gifted St. Faustina with this devotion to My Divine Mercy. You can read about My visitations to her in her Divine Mercy diary. It would be a good recommendation to read these pages from time to time. In the Gospel I asked St. Thomas to put his had into My wounds, and believe in My Resurrection from the dead. He responded: ‘My Lord, and My God.’ This is what you respond when the consecrated Host and the Wine are elevated at the Consecration. St. Thomas believed because he saw My risen Body, but blessed are those people who believe, and have not seen Me. I called My apostles then and My people of today to go out to all the nations and share My Good News of salvation.”

To Elizabeth Parker: Jesus said: “My people, Elizabeth died with a suffering heart for all of her family, because there were many difficulties in the family. She will be praying for all the souls of her family. She needs some prayers and a few Masses to pass from purgatory to heaven. She loves all of her children, and she will be watching out for their souls. Pray to her as an intercessor for your prayers.”


Monday, April 24, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you great signs in nature when big events happened in My life, and in the life of My Church. When I died on the cross, a great earthquake occurred that split the curtain of the Temple in two. A great darkness came over the land that frightened the people. The splitting of the curtain is a sign of a new Covenant by My death, that no more sacrifices would be necessary, because I am the supreme sacrifice that is offered up for your sins. In the Gospel you see another earthquake and a great wind when the Holy Spirit came down over My apostles in the form of tongues of fire. This will be celebrated on Pentecost, but My disciples were given the power and strength to proclaim My Good News. In today’s world you saw lightning strike twice on the Vatican when a Pope was elected. These natural events that occur, are drawing your attention to the importance of spiritual events that are occurring simultaneously. You will see great signs also on the day of the Warning, and at the end of the tribulation, when My Comet of Chastisement will strike the earth. Have hope and trust in My protection, as I will always be guiding My people on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of opening a window, is all about how open you are to Me, and to good change in your life. Some people think they are open, but they are only open as long as they are comfortable. As soon as I call some people to do something outside of their comfort zone, they do not want to follow Me in being open to good change. I am all love and I love everyone, even those people who reject Me. It is hard for some people to love Me because their actions are against My Commandments, and they love their sins more than Me. If you are truly open to hearing My Word, then you need to analyze your actions to see if they are sins or not. I know you are weak sinners, but you need to confess your sins to have a pure soul. There are people in hell who totally ignored My love, and My Presence in their earthly lives. In order to save souls, My prayer warriors need to pray persistently, especially for their family members. I call on everyone to be open in their hearts so I can enter. Those people, who love Me and repent of their sins, will find Me in heaven. Those people, who reject My love or ignore Me, are on a path to hell. Reach out to save the lukewarm souls with your prayers and your good example.”


Tuesday, April 25, 2017: (St. Mark the disciple)
St. Mark, my guardian angel, said: “I am Mark and I stand before God. I am always at your side, guarding you from the evil spirits and any other attack from people’s actions. You are called by Jesus to be holy, and center your life upon Him. You need to be a good example to others, and show Jesus’ love to everyone. You are faithful to God most of the time, but you can always try to do better. Continue your daily prayers and keep telling Jesus how much you love Him.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am gracing you with this opportunity for your guardian angel, St. Mark, to give you a message. My angels and I will not interfere with your free will, but all of my people need to know they each have their own guardian angel protecting them. People may not know the name of their guardian angel, but they can give them a name. Remember they are all called saints, like My son’s St. Mark. Give praise and thanks to Me that I love all of you enough to die for you, and to give each of you at least one or more angels to guard you from the evil ones and even physical harm. Your angel, St. Mark, helped you to get your carbon monoxide meter, so you knew the danger you were in by your basement. Thank St. Mark for all that he is doing to protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would be seeing disasters happening all over the world. Earthquakes and volcanoes have been occurring with a higher frequency. In the vision I am showing you a place of ruins with white columns in Italy. The earthquake will be setting off a huge volcanic activity. It is hard to prepare for a good size earthquake. Pray your reparation Masses for the people who will die suddenly in these natural disasters.”


Wednesday, April 26, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some dangerous signs of a potential war in North Korea as the U.S. naval ships are concentrated around this area. There is a major concern if North Korea can test an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile that could hit the United States. There is even the possibility of a pre-emptive attack on such facilities in North Korea. If such a war broke out, the people in Seoul would have to evacuate because this city is too close to the military guns of North Korea. It is unclear whether North Korea would try to attack the U.S. to cause an EMP destruction of America’s grid. My people need to pray that such a war does not start, because there could be consequences if other nations are drawn into such a conflict.”


Thursday, April 27, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading all of the beautiful Easter readings about My Resurrection. Not only is it a miracle that I rose from the dead, but My suffering and death have set all of you free from the bondage of your sins. In the vision you are all being set free from a prison for your sins. I have given you salvation, but now you must seek My forgiveness for your sins, and be sorry for offending Me. I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation so you can be absolved of your sins by the priest in Confession. You also are to allow Me to be the Master of your life so you can fulfill the mission that I have planned for each soul. Those people, who have fulfilled the requirements for Divine Mercy, will receive a plenary indulgence to wipe away all reparation due for your sins. This will shorten any purgatory time when you die at your judgment. Rejoice that you are My Easter people who are now free to go about your mission.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in the older churches you see more ornate stained glass windows that have been there for many years. The artisans who make such windows and ornate wood designs are very few today, and it would cost a lot of money to have one made today. This is why your old stained glass windows are beautiful in your chapel. The more beautiful you make your chapel, the more glory that is given to God. These artifacts in your churches are real treasures today. When you come into your chapel, you can feel the holiness of all of your treasures.”

Jesus said: “My son, today it is very difficult to obtain the relics of the saints that you have acquired over the years. You have the papers for their authenticity. Many of the saints have died as martyrs, so such relics are even greater treasures. You can read about the saints’ lives, and understand all that they suffered for My Name’s sake. You can also imitate the lives of the saints, and you can venerate the relics by kissing them.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have fulfilled many of the projects that I have asked you to do for your new refuge. You were fortunate to have funds given to you so you could afford to build your refuge. You were able to bring most of it together in less than a year. Give thanks to Me and all the people who contributed items for your refuge. Your new DVD shows all the stories that go along with all of your chapel items.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you many common sense suggestions for the basic needs at a refuge. You need a source of water, some food, fuels, bedding places, and hygiene needs. All of your items will be multiplied so all the people will have what they need for survival. You also have stored spiritual things as rosaries, scapulars, Mass needs of bread, wine, and candles. You also have books for the readings at Mass and song books. You have some monstrances for Adoration and many beautiful pictures and statues. Even where refuges do not have these items, My angels will provide food, water, and bedding. So do not worry because you will have all that you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing terrorist attacks by radical Muslims all over the world. These terrorists kill people indiscriminately, as they continue to kill infidels who do not convert to their faith. The Antichrist is a Muslim, and you are seeing why it is necessary to have a safe place as a refuge, so My angels can protect My faithful. Be thankful that I am calling many refuge builders to set up refuges all over the world to protect My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, the devil and the demons are constantly stirring up wars of hate so they can keep many people unsettled, and it is a means of reducing the population. Your countries are developing all kinds of deadly weapons to kill people as you have seen recently with sarin gas that attacks the nerves. Even some countries are developing nuclear weapons, that could kill many people. I have asked My prayer warriors to pray for souls, but you also need to pray for peace without wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see many colored flowers on your altars that are giving you a feeling of joy to see new life. As you look around, you are seeing many beautiful flowering trees, tulips, daffodils, and pansies in your gardens. Later, you will see lilacs, rhododendrons, and roses. Be grateful that you have all of these colored flowers to behold every spring and summer. You, My son, enjoy taking pictures of all these beautiful flowers. Other people enjoy planting all of these flowers in their gardens. When you come to heaven, you will see even more glorious colors and flowers.”


Friday, April 28, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel reading I took compassion on the people who came to hear Me, and I provided them food. I blessed the loaves of bread and the fish, and I distributed the multiplied bread and fish to the crowd. This is another sign of how I know all of your needs and troubles. Call on Me in prayer, and I will assist you to fix your needs and problems. Have faith that I will provide for your needs, and I will answer your prayer requests in My time and in My ways. Give praise and thanks to Me when your prayers are answered.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you see this vision of an in ground swimming pool, I do not want you to drown in your sins. I want you to come up for air, and seek the forgiveness of your sins in Confession. After you are absolved of your sins by the priest, you need to work on avoiding any occasions of sin, and struggle to keep a pure soul. Living in this world, you have many temptations and distractions that could lead you away from Me. By your daily prayers, sacrifices, and fasting, you can work to minimize your sins, and keep your focus on Me. Do not give in to your earthly tendencies, but let your spiritual strength overcome your human weaknesses. This is why your daily rosaries, Masses, and Adoration, can help keep your focus on Me. I love all of you so much, so show Me your love by keeping a pure soul with frequent Confession. By staying prepared to meet Me at your death, then I will be happy to invite you into your heavenly reward with Me for all eternity.”


Saturday, April 29, 2017: (St. Catherine of Sienna)
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were in a boat and they were afraid of the storm all around them. I was on the shore, and I came to calm their fears by walking on the water. At first they thought I was a ghost, but then I called St. Peter to come to Me on the water. St. Peter started out toward Me by walking on the water, but then his faith faltered and he began to sink in the water. He called out to Me to save him, so I caught him by the hand, and I led him to safety. There is one lesson that I am always available to help you in your daily problems. Another lesson is to have faith in My help that I will rescue you out of any danger. I admonished St. Peter for his lack of faith, that he could have continued walking on the water. So it is for all of My people, in that you need to have more faith in Me to help you in all of your trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the parable about the wheat and the tares. The farmer planted wheat in his field, but the enemy planted weed seeds as well. When the wheat came up, the weeds came up as well. Instead of trying to pull out the weeds, the farmer allowed both to grow up together. This represents how I allow the good people to live along side of the evil people with a possibility of the good people saving the bad people. At the harvest I gather the wheat into My barn, but the tares or weeds are burned up in the fire. This represents how at the judgment, I will separate the good people from the evil people. The good people I will welcome into heaven, while the evil ones, who reject Me, will be cast into the flames of hell for all eternity. Keep praying constantly for your family members and you could help save their souls.”


Sunday, April 30, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have a beautiful reading of My two disciples who I visited on the road to Emmaus. I recounted to them all the readings of the Old Testament that referred to My coming. Their hearts were burning with love for Me as they listened to My words. It was at the breaking of the bread at supper that My disciples recognized Me. Then I disappeared from their sight. I want all of you to give praise to My Kingship when you visit Me in My Real Presence in Adoration in the monstrance and the tabernacle. Whenever you receive Me in Holy Communion, you also recognize Me in My Real Presence. Receive Me worthily by not having any mortal sin so you do not commit any sacrilege. I am happy to congratulate you for your anniversary of My Kingship at this Shrine.”


Monday, May 1, 2017: (St. Joseph the worker)
Jesus said: “My people, you should be thankful for all the scribes who wrote down My words of the Gospel. The evangelists wrote them, and the monks copied them for many years until the people had printing presses. You all should be thankful also for all the prophets and St. Paul who gave you their writings and epistles. Even, My son, is giving you My words by inner locutions. The people in My hometown did not know of My birth at Bethlehem in My Incarnation as a God-man. This is why they did not have faith in My healing gifts, and it is why I could not heal them. I have My ways, but man has his own ways that do not always follow My plans. Unless people open their hearts for Me to enter, it will be difficult for them to carry out My missions for them. You also have difficulties abiding by My Commandments when your societies are controlled by Godless people. If you truly loved Me, you would not kill your babies, your old people, and allow homosexual marriages. You can still obey My Commandments, despite your society’s evil laws. You may be persecuted for following My laws, but you will save your soul by doing so. Reach out to help save souls around you. By following My ways, you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a combination of the coming Warning, and when the Antichrist will broadcast his control over the networks of an event at a football stadium. I have given you a sequence of the Warning happening first. This is the last grace for the conversion of sinners before events will lead up to the declaration of the Antichrist, as he will reign during the tribulation. The Warning is a life review for everyone with a mini-judgment to heaven, hell, or purgatory. There will be an opportunity for six weeks to be converted in the faith. You will be warned not to take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist. You will see a famine, a division in My Church, a martial law, and mandatory chips in the body. You will need to get rid of your TVs, computers, and cell phones so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes. My faithful will be called to My refuges for protection. The Antichrist will control the networks, and those people, who look at his eyes, could be hypnotized to worship him. He will reign for less than 3½ years before I will bring My victory of My Comet of Chastisement. Then the evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Follow My angels to the protection of My refuges, and you will not be harmed.”


Tuesday, May 2, 2017: (St. Anthanasius)
Jesus said: “My people, just as you saw St. Stephen stoned for his belief in Me, so My faithful are being persecuted for My Name’s sake. The world and your society are so secular, that you are facing many atheists and non-believers every day. You need to love everyone, but people may criticize you for your religious beliefs. I am the Bread of Life, and I am your source of strength through any trials or persecutions. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, I give you the grace to get through your day. Even as you are seeing so many rainy and cloudy days, I am the sunshine in your lives that lifts up your spirits. So call on Me in your needs, because I am always right by your side.”

Jesus said: “My people, in My day the people asked Me to give them a sign, but the only sign I give is the sign of Jonah. For at the preaching of Jonah, the whole town of Nineveh repented of their sins, and they fasted and sat in sackcloth and ashes. They turned from the evil at hand, and they changed their lives so they could be saved. This is a witness to all of My people, because you are all called as Jonah to go out and proclaim My Good News to all the people. By your preaching and example, you could also encourage sinners to repent and lead Christian lives by changing their evil ways, just as the people of Nineveh changed their lives. When I see sinners repent and follow Me, I will set them free of the bondage of their sins. All of heaven rejoices when even one sinner converts his or her life to being a Christian. That sinner was lost, but now that soul can be found in the repenting of sins in Confession.”


Wednesday, May 3, 2017: (St. Philip & St. James)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been witnessing many missile launches and underground nuclear bomb tests coming from North Korea. It is just a matter of time until they have the capability of launching an ICBM with a nuclear bomb toward America. You are seeing in this vision where North Korea could send a missile toward the United States. This could definitely send your country into war against North Korea, possibly with nuclear weapons because of their large army. My people need to pray that such a war does not happen, or millions of people could be killed in a war that could lead up to World War III.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were anxious to get out in your local park to take some pictures of the flowers, trees, and the animals. Spring flowers are so beautiful, and you enjoy experiencing My creation by taking your pictures. You have been away for a week, and you had many cloudy days. Today, was a beautiful, sunny day to take in all the beauties of My creation. You were a little late for some of the flowers and flowering trees, but you still had nice pictures of the lilacs and other flowers. Every part of your spring puts forth different varieties of flowers at various times. Rejoice every year when you have an opportunity to witness My paintbrush of colors among your spring flowers.”


Thursday, May 4, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, water is precious because you need a source of fresh water for your survival. In areas where water is plentiful, it is taken for granted. In desert areas it is treated with more respect. In your area you are seeing a 50% increase in your rainfall, and you are seeing flooding problems and lake erosion. In the first reading you read how St. Philip baptized the Ethiopian eunuch in the water, and then St. Philip disappeared. You use water to drink, for cooking, for washing clothes and dishes, and for flushing your toilets. At your refuges water will also be a necessity for many people on limited land. You are fortunate to have a spring on your land for drinking and washing. Your water usage will be limited, so you will need the outhouse with holes that will be dug in the future. This is another reason to get your outhouse roof piece cut and screwed into place. You also need brackets to lift it into a place over the hole in the future. I will multiply your water and your latrine facilities for more people. Trust in Me to multiply your food, clothes, bedding, and even more buildings.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing cooler temperatures and excessive rains that are causing floods in many of your states. You are seeing more vegetation than normal. When the hot winds of summer come, these green things will dry out, and this brush could be a fuel for more fires. It is difficult for farmers to plant their crops with the excess rain, making it difficult for the tractors to move through the mud. Pray that you will have drier weather with some sun to grow your crops.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of damage from tornadoes and high winds. You also are seeing many rainstorms that are unusual to last so long. Many of your jet streams are carrying storms that appear to be caused by the HAARP machine, because low pressure systems keep going over the same areas one after another. Pray that these severe rains will lessen back to your normal weather.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is important that the Health Care mandate is being changed because people were having to pay penalties to avoid paying high premiums. Some people had insurance, but with high premiums and high deductibles, it is becoming unaffordable with no real coverage. People needing more care will have to pay more in premiums, even with some subsidies. Your current Health Plan was failing as exchanges were closing. This is a difficult problem to satisfy everyone. It remains to be seen what will happen in the Senate. Pray for a solution with lower premiums and lower deductibles than the current Obamacare.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people have had to go to shelters for their needs, when their homes were flooded. You may be asked to help fund these families until flooded places could be restored to normal. You can pray for these families, and contribute to your local food shelves who are providing food for these needy families. Many areas will require Federal funds for any flood control with sandbags. Where possible, you may share your homes with these victims.”

Jesus said: “My people, there appears to be little or no compromise between your two political parties. Each party does not want to give in to the other party, because their differences are so far apart. This gridlock in your Congress could stifle any progress to move your country forward. Eventually, some compromise will be needed to get any needed legislation passed. Continue to pray for your leaders to settle their differences for the sake of your people’s welfare.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your people have difficulty running their businesses because they have regulations that force them to do things against their faith. It is hard when some businesses do not want to sell abortion pills, or hormone pills to stop conception because this goes against their faith. Such pills could be purchased elsewhere. These cases are coming to your Supreme Court, now that it has nine justices. Pray for a fair ruling so people are not restrained in their beliefs.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Resurrection is a focal point of your faith because I died for your sins, and My faithful will all be resurrected as well on judgment day. All of the people who believe in Me and love Me by repenting of their sins and following My Will, will receive their reward in heaven. This is your goal to be with Me forever in My peace and love. I want My prayer warriors to reach out to convert all souls who are wandering in the darkness of their sins. Those people, who ignore Me or reject Me for following their own ways, are on the path to hell. Wake these souls up before it is too late, and they could be lost.”


Friday, May 5, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I told you in past messages how you would see continuous disasters. You first saw a major wind storm with plenty of power outages. Then you had a heavy snow storm, and now you are witnessing unusually heavy rains that are causing floods in several places. Your weather is changing dramatically, as you are seeing one record being broken after another. In the first reading of Mass, you read the account of Saul’s conversion to the faith, and his name was changed to Paul. He became one of My strongest missionaries for Christianity. His epistles are read constantly at your Masses. In the Gospel some of My disciples left Me when I told them how they had to eat My Flesh and drink My Blood. This belief in My Real Presence and the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood, takes faith to believe, because it is a mystery for you to comprehend. Even though there does not seem to be any difference in the appearances of the bread and wine, you still believe the consecrated bread and wine are My Body and My Blood. I am giving you your spiritual food which sustains your soul and your body with My grace. Give praise and thanks to Me for this gift of Myself, that you can have Me as a part of your life in love. Receive Me often in Holy Communion, and you can visit Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament.”

Jesus said: “My son, this whirling motion is another sign of the coming Warning, so My people are ready to leave for My refuges at the proper time. It is one thing to be ready, but do not leave until I give you My inner locution to tell you when to leave. Some refuges do not have a source of water on the land. Do not worry, since I will have springs of water come up so you will need a short digging to have water. I have shown you My son, the area where you have a spring of water. Water will be available, but not enough for everyone to have a shower. You will be taking sponge baths for most of your washing. When you have a lot of people in a confined area, you will all have to be patient with each other getting food, water, and at your outhouse. This tribulation will only last a short time, so bear with your crowded conditions.”


Saturday, May 6, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I do not know why your people are not complaining more about all the chemicals your government is spewing all over your people. Since the turn of the century, you have seen chemtrails all over your skies. They are spreading aluminum oxide, polymeric fibers, barium ions, and many viruses in these trails. This is why people are having memory problems, and upper respiratory problems. If you knew the exact relationship of chemtrails to your health problems, more people would be complaining. This is supposed to be a global warming project, but the real reason is to lower your immune systems for making people sick. It is in combination with the HAARP machine that these things are meant to eventually reduce the population. When you read investigations of this, it never gets into your news because these are secret projects controlled by the one world people. Pray that more light uncovers the real reasons behind these detriments to your population.”

Jesus said: “My son, when you look around, you can see how you are controlled in many ways. The use of chipped credit cards and your cell phones can already tell your communications people where you are, and where you bought things. Your credit cards can be hidden in aluminum shields, but once you use them, people know where you are. Your cell phones are directly linked to cell towers and satellites. The police have used these devices to track thieves and drug people. Even your social media tells others all about who you are. Your computers can trace where you are as well over your internet. My son, this is why you have avoided cell phones and GPS equipment. Your money and investments are electronically controlled, and someone could wipe out your accounts. Your privacy today is being invaded by your electronic devices. The one world people and the Antichrist can use these things to control even your soul, so do not ever take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in your body. When you come to My refuges, your devices will not work, so leave them at home. My angels’ invisible shield will block signals, smells, and infra-red signatures. So after the six weeks after the Warning, get rid of your TVs, computers, cell phones, and GPS gadgets so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes. Allow Me to control your lives and souls, and do not let the world control you, or allow addictions to control you. So follow Me and avoid your devices when I call you to My refuges. Trust in Me and I will provide for all of your needs.”


Sunday, May 7, 2017: (Good Shepherd Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, I am truly the Good Shepherd, for My sheep hear My voice, and you follow Me. I am the Gate, and people can only enter heaven through Me. At the Warning, everyone will know that I am the only way into heaven, no matter what they believe. I also told you, unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you will not have eternal life in heaven. I am guiding My sheep on the path to heaven, but they must repent of their sins and accept Me as the Master of their lives. You have seen Me leave the ninety-nine sheep in the desert to go after and find My lost sheep. I call everyone to follow Me, and those people who do, will have eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing many rainstorms that have caused a lot of flooding. I am showing you a parting of the clouds as a short reprieve of your recent storms. Pray for the victims of your natural disasters. After this reprieve, you will see a resumption of your disasters, but they will increase in severity. Have your refuges prepared, because you will be seeing an increase in dangers to your lives. When these dangers get worse, there will come a time when I will warn My faithful that it is time to come to My refuges. When I give everyone the sign to leave, then you need to leave immediately so you are not captured by the men in black. Call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you safely to My refuges. Have no fear, because I will guard My faithful from the evil ones.”


Monday, May 8, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter was given three visions about eating meat, and signs to accept and convert the Gentiles to the faith. This was a big change in the scope of the mission of My Church, because I originally came to save the lost people of the Jews. Now, both with St. Peter and St. Paul, the Gentiles are being welcomed into My Church. Give thanks and praise to Me because many Americans would not otherwise be a part of My Church. St. Peter and St. Paul were great missionaries for the Gentiles, and they each had visions to promote converts among the Gentiles. The faith kept spreading thanks to My apostles, and the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of these new converts. Give thanks also that the Holy Spirit has come into the lives of all of My faithful. As you celebrate My Resurrection and My being the Good Shepherd, know that I am watching out for all of My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you could see one of your small wars expand into a world war. You are seeing the 100th Anniversary of Fatima when the sun was spinning, and it came close to the earth and dried up the rain. One of the prophecies of the Blessed Mother was if the people did not convert and pray the rosary, that some nations would be annihilated. You are approaching the possibility of a world war, and more nations have nuclear weapons. Most nations do not want to risk nuclear war, but you have some rogue nations as Iran and North Korea who could be foolish enough to use nuclear weapons. North Korea has made many threats to America. Iran also wants to destroy Israel and even America, who is a great Satan in their eyes. If nuclear weapons are used in a war, you could see this Fatima prophecy come true. Pray that such a war does not happen, because millions of people could be killed.”


Tuesday, May 9, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in My early Church My disciples had to struggle with persecutions and non-believers. But I allowed St. Peter and My apostles to perform great miracles as raising people from the dead. Many people came to believe in Me because of these miracles. At Antioch My disciples were called ‘Christians’ for the first time. It was not easy to be a Christian because these people had to hide, or they could be martyred. Even now, My faithful are being persecuted for being Christians. A time is coming when My faithful will have to hide at My refuges as the Antichrist and the evil ones will try to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President has been trying to build up your defenses that have been neglected for some years. You have many places where you are defending people in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and South Korea. Your forces have been depleted, and they need to be rebuilt. You have been careful not to put many boots on the ground to fight these wars. You have a lot of firepower, but it is expensive to keep using these weapons. You really do not have a large army to make a big effect on these battles. This is why if any of these small wars are expanded, you may have to use nuclear bombs to hold off any aggressor. Keep praying that nuclear weapons are not used, so many people are not killed.”


Wednesday, May 10, 2017: (St. Damien)
Jesus said: “My son, you had a problem with your lawn mower not working, and it was difficult to start. In pulling the cord you strained your shoulder, but I told you not to worry, because I will heal it. Just have faith in My healing power, and you will be feeling better. You have also been tested with your cars, but you will resolve your problems. Each day everyone has to struggle with their daily trials, but I am always at your side to help you. Call on My help in your prayers, and I will help you work out your problems. In the first reading you are reading how My disciples worked with the Holy Spirit in spreading the faith and converting souls into My Church. In today’s world you are seeing the opposite, in that people are falling away from their former faith ways. My prayer warriors are being called to help re-convert the fallen away Catholics. You are seeing evil forces putting curses and spells on people. If the lukewarm people do not pray and come to Sunday Mass, then they will be drawn away to the world’s distractions and addictions. You need to pray deliverance prayers for these fallen away Catholics, to wake them up to how the devil is influencing them. If they listen to your suggestions, and you keep praying for them, then they have a chance to come back to Me. Do not give up on any soul, because all souls are worth saving.”

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are well aware that you are celebrating the hundredth anniversary of my messages given to the three children at Fatima. These messages were not just given for that time, but they apply to your time in the world, today. Many messages have been given, but they are not being heeded or taken seriously by your people. This is why I want you, my son, to research and find all of the messages that I gave to the children on the 13th of the month from May to October in 1917. Read them so you can see that they apply to your times, now. I thank your friends for sharing my message of preparing for some difficult times. My children need to pray their three rosaries and Divine Mercy Chaplet every day. Wear my scapular, and my rosary on your person. You can also carry a St. Benedict Blessed Cross to protect you from the spells and curses of the demons and evil people. Attending daily Mass and occasional Adoration can also help you. Coming to frequent Confession is also important to keep a pure soul. When you go out to evangelize people, you are re-enforcing my messages at Fatima to try and convert as many souls as possible. Continue to praise my Son, Jesus in all that He does for you.”


Thursday, May 11, 2017:
Jesus said: “My son, as you read all of the accounts of My disciples traveling from city to city in the Acts of the Apostles, you recognized a familiar story in your own evangelization efforts as you travel from state to state. My disciples would have gone further and faster, if they had your cars and planes of today. I send you out, My son, to share My Word with all the people who you meet. Be thankful that you have this gift of My inner locutions that you are sharing and encouraging people in the faith. My words are straight forward, and they are always reaching out to save souls out of love and not fear. I have many messengers guiding My people with similar warnings of being prepared for the coming tribulation. Do not be concerned about dates, but have your souls always ready to meet Me in a pure soul, so you are ready for My Warning experience. Events will be getting more serious, but do not be afraid because I will protect you, and help you through your trials. If you encounter demonic situations, then pray your St. Michael prayer, and call on Me to send you My angels to defend you. Go forward and preach My Good News to all the nations. You can thank Me for getting your car to the repair shop.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the Masons at the high level who belong to the one world people. Some of them even worship Satan and carry out his plans. There are also Masons infested in the Vatican, and they will be instrumental when My Church is divided between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Pray much for your Pope and the hierarchy in the Vatican.”

Jesus said: “My people, I call on My faithful to build up My Church in evangelizing souls to be baptized. The real Church are the people who come to share at My Eucharistic table. I am the cornerstone on which My Church rests. My believers are the ones to spread My Good News, and invite people to come to Me to be initiated into the faith with Baptism. Bring your children,grandchildren and great grandchildren to the church for Baptism. You can encourage them to come every Sunday to Mass because it is part of My Third Commandment to honor Me every Sunday.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother is reminding you to pray at least three rosaries every day so your constant prayers can help save all of your family members. It is My prayer warriors who have the heavy responsibility to keep praying for their family members, even those who do not come to Sunday Mass. Keep giving your family good example in your daily rosaries and Sunday Masses. Be careful in your speech so your family does not hear you swearing or getting violent. Live good Christian lives so you do not look like hypocrites.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing flood damage, tornado damage, and fires in Florida. Some people have been forced out of their homes, and they need your help and your prayers. Your people need to realize that some of these natural disasters are punishment for your sins. Some of your people ignore Me and the atheists do not even believe that I exist. Pray for these people to come to Me so they are not lost in hell. You are celebrating the 100th anniversary of Fatima, and the children were given a vision of hell. If you saw how much the souls in hell suffer, this would be an inspiration for you to evangelize as many souls as possible. Every soul that you save from hell will thank you forever.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been having wars throughout man’s history, and the weapons you make are more deadly than ever. Your nuclear weapons are the most dangerous in the hands of those people who would even consider using them. In Japan in World War II you saw how vicious radiation poisoning was on the people. Even sarin gas and other poisonous gases are also inflicting many deaths on the people in Syria. Keep praying to stop all wars, but your country needs to provide a defense for your people.”

Jesus said: ‘My people, your society has become very dependent on your electricity to run your heaters, lights, ovens, and air conditioners. You need power to run your internet and your banking system. You are also vulnerable to any power outages that could come from many causes. It would be prudent to have some back up means for heating your houses with wood, propane, etc., and some candles or oil lamps for light. You also should have some extra food stored so you would not starve in a long power outage. It is just a matter of time when your power could be destroyed, so you need to think about having water, food, and fuels for your survival. My refuge builders are preparing for independent living when I will multiply your needs. Be ready to leave for My refuges when I give you the word.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were given instructions to read the Blessed Mother’s messages that were given at Fatima between May 13 and October 13 in 1917. You also saw the Blessed Mother’s Peace plan to stop the wars. This information can be found on the internet, and it would be useful to read these messages because they are appropriate for your times as it was in 1917. You may want to list the Blessed Mother’s Peace plan after this message.”

Our Lady’s Peace Plan:
Consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Offer up your daily tasks as a sacrifice in reparation for our own sins and the sins of others. Pray the Rosary every day. Wear the brown scapular. Make the five First Saturdays (Confession, Holy Communion, and rosary) with 15 minutes of meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary. Make visits to the Blessed Sacrament.
Pray the Fatima prayers of Our Lady:
“O my God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love you. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love you.”
“O Most Holy Trinity I adore you. My God, my God, I love you in the Most Blessed Sacrament.”
“Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the Tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference whereby He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.”


Friday, May 12, 2017: (Sts. Nerues, Achilleus, Pancras)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is read at many funeral Masses. (Jn 14:1-6) I told My apostles that there are many mansions in heaven, and I go to prepare a place for every soul who is worthy of heaven. When St. Thomas asked Me how he would know the way to follow Me, I told him.
‘I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.’ (Jn 14:6) When I was explaining the Warning to you in your life review, I said that you can only come into heaven through Me. I am the Gatekeeper, and it does not matter what faith you believe, because you have to know and love Me in order to enter heaven. You need to repent of your sins, and allow Me to be the Master of your life before you can enter heaven. Many souls may require purification in purgatory to make up for the reparation due for their sins during life. This is why I call My faithful to have a pure soul with frequent Confession. You can also minimize your time in purgatory by gaining a plenary indulgence when you fulfill the Divine Mercy devotion on Divine Mercy Sunday. Pray the chaplet, come to Confession, and pray the Divine Mercy Novena.”

Jesus said: “My people, the devil’s time is running out, so you will soon see events moving toward the time of the Antichrist’s reign. This darkness that the door opened up to, will be an evil time that you have yet to experience. You need to have your soul purified, when I will bring My Warning experience to everyone. You will be warned not to take a chip in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist. You will be working at a fever pitch to have your family members converted and come to Confession. It will not be long after My Warning that I will call you to come to My refuges of safety. Call on Me to help you bear this time of evil that I will shorten for the sake of My elect. Do not be frightened by the evil ones because their time will be short. Once you live into the time of tribulation, you will be assured of living in My Era of Peace, whether you are martyred or not. Look forward to this reign of Mine that will prepare all of you to be saints, ready for heaven. The evil ones will be cast into hell and they will be chained there. You will see more marriages and babies born in My Era of Peace, where you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. There will be no more survival of the fittest, but you will have peace and love for each other, even among the animals.”


Saturday, May 13, 2017: (Our Lady of Fatima-100th anniversary)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, today I have tears of great joy, and tears of great sorrow. I am happy that you are celebrating the 100th anniversary of my messages given to the three children at Fatima in 1917. You have given me another opportunity to share My rosary, my scapular, and the Five First Saturdays. I was happy to hear your priest say that he will have Mass on the first Saturdays in my honor. You can also understand my sadness as many of my children are not praying every day, and some have even fallen away from coming to Sunday Mass. I want to thank all of my faithful prayer warriors who are still praying their three rosaries every day for families and peace in the world. You, my son, have been faithful at your Blue Army meetings, and your own Blue Army cell prayer group for over forty-three years. I love all of you so much as I bring all of you to Jesus through me.”


Sunday, May 14, 2017: (Mother’s Day)
Our Lady of Fatima said: “My dear children, I am still sad for the state of your world in all of its sin, but I am joyful as a mother to all of you on your celebration of Mother’s day. Heaven is happy for all the faithful prayer warriors who are still praying my rosaries every day for my intentions. Remember to offer up all of your children in your family to my care, and I will place my mantle of protection over them. Keep praying for your family members, and pray to double your prayers for sinners and the souls in purgatory. Your world is at a crossroad, as you see the evil ones of the tribulation who are about to have their reign. Pray for My Son’s protection for all of my faithful children at my Son’s refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many different kinds of cyber attacks that steal data, destroy files, destroy hard drives, and now you are seeing ransomware to pay money to unlock files. This attack has paralyzed hospitals and some banks. A solution was found to free the data without paying the ransom, but this is only temporary. This is another case of determining how valuable your files are. Your work files that you type in, should be backed up on several computers and different hard drives so it can be replaced and not lost. You can also have problems with data if you have a power outage for an extended time. Then you could not access your money or medical files in a hospital. This disruption could also happen with an EMP attack that could paralyze all of your technology, including your cars. At My refuges you will not have any working electronic machines, so the evil ones cannot control you. Give thanks and praise to Me for your protection, because all you need is My love, and My multiplication of what you need to survive.”


Monday, May 15, 2017: (St. Isidore)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how St. Paul healed a lame man who was born with that condition. It was the miracles of healing in My Name that caused many to come to the faith. Even when I was on the earth, I healed many people. The apostles also had gifts of healing that helped to convert many souls. Even in your world of today, you have witnessed miracles of healing when people have faith in My healing, and can be healed. You have also seen a few miracles in your chapel that are a sign of the miracles to come in the tribulation time. The greater miracles are the miracles of people who are converted or re-converted to the faith. The healing of sinners causes great celebration in heaven for each soul that is saved from hell. This is why it is important each day to pray for the conversion of poor sinners. These souls, who were saved from hell, will be thanking you and praying for your souls.”

Jesus said: “My son, this last week has really tested your patience when you hurt your shoulder on a lawnmower that would not start. You also had a serious problem with one of your cars that needed a valve job on one of the cylinders. You now have another electric start lawnmower, and your car should be fixed shortly. Even your painful shoulder is back to normal, just as I told you I would heal it. You can see that even in your trials, I have worked them out for you, so you are right with all of your problems. This is another example why you should have no worries, but trust in My help in all that you do. Other people have problems also with health, finances, or their cars and homes. This is a part of your lives, but do not lose hope or get depressed, because if you stay close to Me in your daily prayers, I will work things out for you. Remaining faithful to Me is more important than what happens to your health or your possessions. Give thanks and praise to Me for working out all of your problems.”


Tuesday, May 16, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the communist symbols of the hammer and sickle. The communist dictators have pride in suppressing their people, so they can spend money on weapons and control of their people. In North Korea the people are fortunate to find enough food to eat. Their leader is threatening all countries, including America, with their nuclear tipped missiles. The communist mentality is affecting the people of Venezuela who are also finding it hard to get food, because of the tyranny of its leaders. All of the people who have a progressive leaning, are favoring Godless socialism or communism, yet they prefer having all of the conveniences of their Democratic Republic. When you see the face and live in a communist country, then people would realize how evil is behind such a Godless control. You need to pray the rosary for peace, like My Blessed Mother warned at Fatima, or Russia and other communist countries will spread their errors all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, you recently celebrated the 100th anniversary of My Blessed Mother’s messages to the children at Fatima on May 13, 1917. One of the visions that was seen by the children, was a vision of hell. This was given to show the world that hell and the demons do exist. Hell is eternal, as it was made originally as a place for the punishment of the fallen evil angels. I have just shown you another vision of hell as it looked like lava in a volcano. Souls, who are sent to hell, will never be heard from again. These condemned souls will suffer in the flames of hell for all eternity. There is no escape from hell, which is full of hate and anger with no love. They will never see My face again, or ever know love again. Souls choose to go to hell of their own free will. I want My prayer warriors to pray for all of their family members, because you do not want to see any member lost in hell. You can pray for all sinners as well. You have seen visions of hell, and you saw movies like ‘To hell and back’ where souls had near death experiences in hell. By My grace I have allowed certain souls to have a second chance after being in hell a short time. This vision of hell should be an inspiration to My faithful, to pray harder for sinners, so they are not lost forever in hell.”


Wednesday, May 17, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I have a little box that I keep for every soul. It is My treasure box that I store all of your tears of joy and tears of sadness. Whenever you share your troubles and prayer requests with Me, I listen intently for your concerns, and I decide how to answer you. I answer you in My way and in My time, but every request does get answered, even if the answer is no. I answer requests according to what is best for your soul or others. In your treasure box I also store My graces and My Word that I give to you, so you can share them with others in converting souls to the faith. I also keep a list of all of your good deeds, and I store the merits of these deeds in your treasure box. So when you come to Me in judgment at the end of your life, this treasure box will be opened to offset the sins of your life. Rejoice, because this treasure is a lot more valuable than anything you have on earth. Your soul is your most valuable possession, so guard it well from the devil’s temptations with frequent Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is a serious vision because it is a sign of the destruction of My churches, and My people may soon have to leave for My refuges. My churches will be persecuted by your authorities, and they will be closed or destroyed by one world hoodlums. It will soon be hard to find a church for Mass, and My churches will be disappearing. As your lives become endangered, I will be sending out My inner locution message to all My faithful to come to My refuges. I will then protect you from the Antichrist and the demons. At My refuges My angels will protect you with an invisible shield. I told you in the Bible that you will not travel to the towns of Israel, before I will bring My judgment. The destruction of My churches will be one of the signs when you will see the beginning of the tribulation.”


Thursday, May 18, 2017: (St. Pope John I)
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of poor countries where people go to bed hungry because they do not have access to much food. Because there are large populations concentrated in big cities, there is not enough food being produced to feed everyone. Without much employment and living facilities in some cities, it is hard to have enough money to feed the poor who cannot find work. This problem of feeding the people is seen in third world countries, and countries with high densities of people. This problem of not enough food is spreading all over the world because governments are not caring for their people. Even in America your food shelves cannot keep up with the demand for food because there are not enough donations. Some of your people are more concerned with buying things and entertainment than working to help feed the poor. Many of your homeless people rely on food shelves instead of getting welfare. You are seeing how hard it is to break out of a poverty cycle when people do not have a desire to work, or look for food shelves to have something to eat. Pray for the poor and give regular donations to your food shelves who need your donations desperately to keep going.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you come to many Masses which are truly sacrifices of My Body and Blood. There are many graces given out for the Mass intention, and for the people who worthily receive Me in Holy Communion. In some churches you have both species of My Body and My Blood. This vision is just the opposite in a black mass that is offered to Satan. These people also offer up a sacrifice of humans or animals, and they drink the blood. Evil comes out from such services, and you can pray to shield this evil from other souls. You are in a constant battle of good and evil, and you are seeing the opposing sacrifices. My power is greater than these evil ones, so pray for My grace to overcome these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen this CERN machine and a fusion experiment that could cause a black hole of evil. Man is constantly experimenting with dangerous sources of power, as well as your microchips and nano technology that could control people’s minds and souls. Call on My angels to protect you from any evil forces that could control people’s minds and souls. Avoid taking any chips in the body, and avoid being influenced by experiments that use this black energy from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to avoid looking at the Antichrist because he is a demon incarnate, and his eyes could hypnotize you into worshiping him. After the six weeks after the Warning, I want you to get rid of all of your TVs, computers, and cell phones so you do not see his eyes or hear his voice. Again, do not take any chips in the body because they could control your mind and your soul. Also, avoid occult meetings, Ouija boards, and any other New Age teachings, statues, or evil potions. By wearing your scapular, rosary, and Benedictine Cross, you can defend yourself from any evil curses, spells, and hexes. If you are attacked by demons, call on Me, and I will send My angels to protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages and visions to show you that hell and the demons do exist. I have given you these visions so you may be inspired to help save as many souls as you can from hell. Some people are being blinded from this evil by the distractions of riches, possessions, and fame. Do not allow addictions to control you because they are connected to demons. Pray every day and consecrate yourself and your actions to My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. There is much evil in your world, and you need to pray for the conversion of poor sinners, and especially for your family members.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you some of the evil in the world, but I want you to focus more on My power and My graces that you receive when you adore My Blessed Sacrament, and when you worthily receive Me in Holy Communion. My adorers of My Blessed Sacrament are My special people who recognize My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. My daily Mass faithful also have a special place in My Heart. If you truly desire to have a close love relationship with Me, you will desire to be with Me as much as you can at Mass, Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, and your daily prayers and consecration. I give all of you the protection of your guardian angels that you can pray to every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing all the wars, weather manipulation, and the many abortions and sexual sins occurring in the world. I am allowing the evil people to grow up with My faithful, and I pray that some people could be converted through My faithful. I am asking you every day to pray for peace, the stoppage of abortion, the conversion of poor sinners, and for those souls in purgatory to be brought to heaven. Trust in My answering your prayer requests. I desire to save all souls by My death on the cross, but I do not force anything on your free will. Keep praying persistently to help save your family members from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you this hope in My coming victory over the Antichrist, the devil, the demons, and the evil people. This will be a glorious white flash of My power, as I will protect My faithful from the comet by raising you up into the air. The evil ones will be cast into the fires of hell. I will then recreate the earth from man’s destruction, into a new garden of Eden, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. All of My faithful will be vindicated in My victory. You will all be prepared to be saints so you can enter heaven after your death. Give praise and thanks to Me for letting My faithful see My glory in your lifetime.”


Friday, May 19, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, as you have been reading the accounts of the Acts of the Apostles, a decision had to be made if the Gentiles had to obey all the Mosaic laws. It was decided by the power of the Holy Spirit that the Gentiles did not have to undergo all the Mosaic laws. When the Gentiles received this letter from Jerusalem, they were joyful indeed. It is not easy to convert people from the worldly distractions that afflict men and women from the devil. It is much easier to evangelize people without the extra Mosaic laws of circumcision. This was just one trial for My Church. You have seen many different heresies that have also confronted My Church leaders. Today, it is even harder to evangelize souls because you have so many more distractions, divorce, and the many sexual sins that are rampant in your society. People in your day do not always have good roots of faith from their families. Many people ignore Me, or they do not even acknowledge My existence. This is why My faithful need to pray constantly for the conversion of poor sinners, or they could be lost in hell. Use your Christian example to show people how they should live according to My Commandments.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to set up a refuge with water, food, fuels, and bedding for a lot of people. When the people first come to your refuge, you will have to calm them down from all the danger they just faced. Once I perform some miracles at your refuge, this will give the people some confidence that I am protecting them. You remember when I performed miracles before My apostles, that the miracles strengthened their faith in Me. You will need to have the leader of each refuge assign jobs for everyone to help with the survival of that refuge. It will not be easy for people to do their jobs at first, because it will take some practice. I will see to it that you have enough food and water, as I will multiply what you have. Your people need to stay calm and have patience with My help. You will have Adoration around the clock, so pray to Me for any answers that you need for your problems. You need to have faith in My angel protection, and be patient, because this trial will last only a short time.”


Saturday, May 20, 2017: (St. Bernardine of Sienna)
Jesus said: “My son, when you read about St. Paul and Barnabus traveling around on their evangelization mission, you can see the similarity to your own mission. In today’s reading St. Paul had a vision to go over to Macedonia to spread the Good News of My Resurrection, and he went there. I called on you, My son, to do My work and you agreed to follow Me wherever I led you. In the Gospel you also read how I have chosen you to follow Me, and I even gave you a personal invitation. You gave Me your ‘yes’, so I have enabled you to travel in good health, and with many angels for your protection. Bring My joyful Good News to the people, and inspire them to share My Word with others as well. When you come to Me at the end of your mission, I will show you all the people who I have allowed you to reach, and were saved by your evangelization efforts. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that you have accomplished.”

St. Therese said: “My son and daughter, thank you for all of your prayer requests when you pray my 24 Glory Be prayers for your family and friends. Just as Jesus told you that He likes your informal prayers from the heart, so I also love to hear your informal prayers as well. You are doing a great work for my Jesus in your traveling to various places for your talks. When you are out on these quiet farms, you hear the birds singing, and you try to do everything for my Jesus. You know about my ‘Little Way’ in how I offered every little thing in my life up to Jesus. This is how you should try to live as well, by not wasting your time, but think about how you can help people in your prayers and actions. You can see how many years have passed by already, and you see how short this life is. This is why you all will have to account for all the time that the Lord has given you. Make every moment count in your prayers, Masses, and your talks. The Lord wants you to share His messages, and even His miracles, as well as how He has helped you in all of your trials. The more you give Jesus the credit for all that He does for you, the more you please Him with your life. Confide in Jesus for all of your needs, and He will help you through everything. I love all of you, and you can talk to me anytime.”


Sunday, May 21, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, the priest at Mass told you how there were eight new priests ordained in Cleveland, Ohio yesterday. This is great cause for celebration, because you are in great need of My priest sons to replace the priests who are dying, or are incapacitated. My priest sons take My place on earth, especially in Confession and at Mass. These men are gracious in giving their lives to My service and for the people. You need My priests as leaders of My Church, and for your daily and Sunday Masses. They also are instrumental at weddings, funerals, and the blessing of the sick. They are also needed for Confession, and some are used in deliverance for removing the demons from people or places. You need to honor and respect My priest sons for all that they do, and give them your support in your prayers and the collections for the churches and their personal needs. Keep praying for vocations to the priesthood, and for the priests to remain faithful to their vocation. I also send out My messengers and prophets to help spread My Word. I call all of My faithful to evangelize people to the faith by their Baptismal and Confirmation gifts. By living your faith every day, you give good example to others, and you please Me in your love for Me, and your love for your neighbor.”


Monday, May 22, 2017: (St. Rita of Casia)
Jesus said: “My people, I appeared to My apostles several times after My Resurrection, and I promised them that I would send the Holy Spirit of God upon them when I would leave. Now, this week you will be celebrating Ascension Thursday, when I rose up into heaven. The angels told you that I would return on the clouds, even as I left going up into the clouds. My faithful have been waiting many years for My return in victory over the evil ones. This time between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost is a special novena of the Holy Spirit. I am reminding My faithful to locate this novena, even if you need to print it off the internet. Then you can pray this novena starting after Thursday. My apostles stayed in Jerusalem waiting for the Holy Spirit to come to them in tongues of fire. This novena is a great preparation for Pentecost, when you will remember your own Confirmation and reception of the Holy Spirit and His gifts. Give praise and thanks to Me and the Holy Spirit for all that We do to help you in your daily mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some students who are graduating from their studies. I am using this as an example for all of you, because you all are students of life. You have been given the faith through your parents and religious teachers. You have also been given a lifetime of time to share your faith and live your faith in following My Commandments. I have given you My sacraments and My very Self in My Eucharistic Host. You have an opportunity to evangelize souls and bring your children up in the faith. You do not know how long you have to live, so you need to keep your soul pure with frequent Confession. It is at your death that you will be graduating into your next life. If you die before the tribulation, your life’s deeds will determine your destination of heaven, purgatory, or hell. Keep praying to help save all of your family members. My faithful are struggling to be with Me in heaven, and you will have your reward in heaven.”


Tuesday, May 23, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I am preparing My apostles for when I would leave them in My Ascension into heaven. I told them that I had to leave so the Holy Spirit, or the Advocate could come down upon them. You also are preparing for Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came down among the apostles in tongues of fire. My faithful already have received the gifts of the Holy Spirit at Baptism and Confirmation. You all are Temples of the Holy Spirit, and you receive the Blessed Trinity in Holy Communion. The account of St. Paul and Silas in the Acts of the Apostles was quite dramatic when the earthquake opened the prison cells and freed their chains. They kept the jailer from killing himself, and they baptized and converted him and his family to faith in Me. The jailer was grateful for being saved, and he tended to the wounds of St. Paul and Silas, and fed them a meal. In the same way My faithful also need to be grateful for their gift of faith, and they can thank Me by sharing their faith in converting others. In this way you can share your love with Me and your love for your neighbors.”


Wednesday, May 24, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read about My scourging at the pillar, and you are seeing it in this vision. My Church people are also being persecuted, and some physically as My apostles and St. Paul. If they insulted and persecuted Me, the evil ones will do the same to you. Following My Will and My laws, is not easy for men and women, because you are torn between the desires of the body and the desires of the soul. This is why some people rejected My message from My evangelists, especially when people were called to believe in My Resurrection, and believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. Many of these mysteries require faith in My Word, even though it is hard to understand fully. So when My faithful try to evangelize souls, remember that you will also face disbelief and persecution. The devil will also fight against you because you are struggling to take souls away from him. Call on My help and My angels to defend you from the evil spirits, so My Word will fall on good soil in the hearts of the people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen another suicide bomber kill some people in Manchester, England. Most of these terrorists have been Muslim, or radicalized by Muslims. This is not just profiling, but it is the fact of which people are committing these crimes. Many of these people are on watch lists, and are known to the authorities. It is hard to identify someone who is carrying a bomb, unless you had some kind of x-ray machine as in the airports. Recent bombings have been in parking lots or the outside of event buildings. It is difficult to prevent these bombings, unless certain people are tracked. Wherever you have crowds of people as at airports, train stations, sports events, or night clubs, these places have been the soft targets of choice. You have seen trucks and car bombs used as well. Your security people will have to guard these events where crowds seem to draw attacks. Pray for the people who were killed and for their families. Continue your reparation Masses for those people who could be killed suddenly from terrorist attacks or natural disasters.”


Thursday, May 25, 2017: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, it was hard for Me to leave My apostles, but I had to leave so the Holy Spirit could come down upon them. Right before I left, I urged My apostles to go out to all the nations to preach My Good News of My Resurrection. Later, when My apostles received the Holy Spirit, they had the gifts to go out and preach My Word, even though many of them would be martyred for My Name’s sake. The angels told My apostles that I would return on the clouds, when I will bring My victory over the evil ones. I told My apostles to remain in Jerusalem until I would send the Holy Spirit down upon them. They received the Holy Spirit as tongues of fire came over them. I am reminding My faithful to start praying the novena to the Holy Spirit, from tomorrow until Pentecost.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing several priests being ordained about this time in various dioceses. You also are seeing new assignments being appointed in June for the priests. Every diocese needs new priests, especially to replace those priests who have died. You have just lost one of your priests in Fr. Michael Costanzo. He died suddenly of cancer, and he is a great loss for your community who loved him dearly. Pray for his soul and for all the priests who need your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see the loss of so many innocent people who were killed by this suicide bomber. There were many injured people as well. Pray for these souls with your Chaplet of Divine Mercy. After every terrorist attack your security people can take lessons from the kind of people who commit these crimes. They usually are attracted to crowds to kill the most people. Pray for your security people to be vigilant for any other suicide bombers.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been reading about how your previous President is forming a new group to harass your current President’s plans. The one world people and the progressives are intent on destroying President Trump’s plans, because he is changing your government away from socialism. These people actually want to cause chaos or a civil war, so they can oust your President from power. These are the same people trying to impeach your President for no apparent reason. There is no compromise in your Congress, and the Masons will try and block his health plan and his tax reform. Pray that you do not have a civil war, and pray that your authorities can control any unlawful riots.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President is trying to get your European NATO members to pay their fair share for the defense of Europe. He is asking members for only 2% of their GDP, while America is paying 4% of your GDP. With Russia, and Iran causing problems in the Ukraine and in Syria and Iraq, it is important to have a defense against this current aggression. Pray for peace, but be ready to defend the freedom of the people in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.”

Jesus said: “My people, your current Obamacare is forcing people to buy insurance from the government, and it is failing badly as various insurance companies are leaving the exchanges. The premiums and deductibles are becoming unaffordable. Once Obamacare fails, there will be no other choice but to start a new Health Care program. Until people realize this is a disaster, your new legislation will not be passed. There also is a new tax reform that is coming, as there is a need to help get rid of the many injustices in the tax code. Pray that your Congress can work out a compromise that will be fair to everyone.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is another milestone for your prayer group to be celebrating forty-four years. Your world needs prayers more than ever, and I am pleased with your Chaplet of Divine Mercy, your three rosaries, and your Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I have had My hand watching over your prayer group along with your prayer group angel, St. Meridia. Continue to encourage people to come to pray for the reparation of the sins of the world. I also want to remind you again to start your Novena to the Holy Spirit that starts tomorrow.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more divisions forming in your country between those people who believe in Me, and the atheist people who are defying My laws. Your political correctness does not want to see Me in the picture at all, and this is the battle of good people against evil people. Everyone has to take a position whether you will be following My laws, or the sinful laws of the world and man’s ways. Those people, who want to follow Me, will be persecuted for their stand against the evil laws. But those people, who follow Me, will have their reward in heaven. You will need to come to My refuges for safety during the tribulation.”


Friday, May 26, 2017: (St. Philip Neri)
Jesus said: “My people, yes, I am showering you with My many graces and blessings, but how many people are listening to Me to take advantage of these blessings? Those people, who are living in mortal sin, cannot receive My graces. How long do you expect Me to put up with all of your mortal sins? You have women and doctors killing a million babies a year with no remorse in your country. You have men living with men, and women living with women with homosexual acts that are an unnatural abomination. You have heterosexual couples living together in fornication without marriage. You have married couples using birth control devices and sterilizations. You have doctors killing older patients with euthanasia, even if it is against the law. You even have transgender people also defiling their bodies with even further abominations. These acts are all mortal sins, and need to be confessed in Confession before receiving Holy Communion. I told you that if you do not reverse your sinful Supreme Court decisions, then I will change them for you in My way. You are about to see My punishment against your country in bad natural disasters, wars, and further terrorist attacks. My Blessed Mother also told you, if you do not pray, repent, and change your ways, then there will be serious consequences that could annihilate countries. You had World War II, but now you are at the door of World War III.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a lot of people who will be lost to the Antichrist and his power to control souls. You have read several passages in the Bible where it says ‘Many are called, but few are chosen.’ The chosen are the faithful remnant who believe in Me and love Me. Unless a person is faithful, or they have a family member praying for them, they could be lost to the evil ones. This is why I will be sending My Warning experience to give every sinner one last chance to be saved. Fallen away baptized Catholics will have the better chance of being saved because they know their roots, and I will allow them to see how their sins are offending Me so much. You all have free will and I will not force My love on anyone. Keep praying for your family members, and they could be saved from hell. Those people, who choose to reject Me, and refuse to repent of their sins, are on a path to hell.”


Saturday, May 27, 2017: (St. Augustine of Canterbury)
Jesus said: “My people, you know that I am all love, and I share My love with the love of every family. The family of mother, father, and the children should be the basic unit for your society. I have given you examples with Adam and Eve, and My Holy Family. The traditional family of a man and a woman are married in My Church with the sacrament of Matrimony where I am the third partner. The modern day family has come under attack from divorce, and homosexual marriages. The love between spouses needs to be encouraged so there is no infidelity. Another attack on the family is there are couples who do not get married, but they live together in fornication, which is bad for their souls and any children who are a result from this union. Because people are not following My Commandments, your families are not complete, and they have only one parent at home in some instances. These situations make it hard for your children to find love, and you have a lot of influence from addictions to drugs and electronic devices. As a result the children have problems with their education and getting meaningful jobs. Because prayer was taken out of the schools, and fewer people are coming to church, there are many people who ignore Me, or do not seek Me in love. There is a great need for Me to be in everyone’s lives to help them, but they need to invite Me and repent of their sins. Until your country can restore proper marriage to your society, you will not have peace and a normal life. Put Me into your lives, if people want to come to heaven. Encourage your children to have families with a marriage commitment without living in sin. By following My Commandments of love, then you will have peace and harmony among your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the blinds on a window that can either be open or closed. This represents a soul who can either be open to Me so I can come in, or I can be closed out, and I am not able to enter. This is the free will decision of every soul. There is also another door that can close Me out to that soul, and that is when a soul is in mortal sin. In that case there is no grace in a soul, and the soul is in total darkness, and more susceptible to further sin. So if you want to allow Me to enter your heart and soul, you need to open the door to your soul, and confess any mortal sin on your soul. When a soul is united with Me in a love relationship, I can help that soul with My graces, and your guardian angel can help you as well. Mortal sin turns off these relationships, and that is why it is so important to confess your mortal sins immediately, and your venial sins at least once a month in frequent Confession. You also could be loving Me in your daily prayers and intentions. Consecrate all of your actions to Me every day, and I will be helping you through all of life’s struggles.”


Sunday, May 28, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, this weekend is remembering all the soldiers who died in fighting for your country. It is sad to lose so many lives in fighting wars, but they were noble in fighting for your freedom from tyrant dictators. It is proper that you should honor these brave soldiers. War is a scourge of mankind, and that is why I am always asking you to pray for peace. I told you a person is blessed who dies for his neighbor. Just as these soldiers died for your physical freedom, so I died on the cross for the salvation of all souls who will accept Me. You have My tomb in the Holy Sepulcher Church, but I rose from the dead to give all of you hope in your own resurrection on judgment day. Give praise and thanks to Me for dying for your souls, and give thanks to all of your soldiers for dying for your freedom.”


Monday, May 29, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, the brutality of Islamic terrorists on Christians has been horrible, especially in Arab states. Such hate is just the opposite of My love, and this is why it is so hard to watch. You have read about the killing of Christian pilgrims in Egypt. This is just another senseless killing of innocent people that you have witnessed all over the world. The killers in most cases have been Islamic terrorists, and they continue to kill random people in crowds for the sake of killing. There is an evil behind these killings that causes these suicide bombers to act as they do. This is not normal behavior, and these kind of killings will be stopped when I bring My victory at the end of the tribulation. Pray for peace even among such violent people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this wrist watch as another sign that time is running out both for the devil, and for some major events to occur. I do not give you exact dates, but you can see that there is something big about to happen. I keep telling My people to keep their souls pure with frequent Confession, because you want to be prepared for the Warning or any other event that could threaten your lives. You are living in dangerous times where a major war could break out which could include nuclear weapons. When your lives are in danger, I will warn My people to come to My refuges with your guardian angels. Pray for all the sinners who need prayers to save them.”


Tuesday, May 30, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a tall cliff is a warning message to take caution not to go further, or you could go over this cliff. You are seeing threats of war which your country is barely able to prepare for. You have the radical left doing everything to block your President’s plans. Your Congress and the one world people are trying to stop your Health Plan make over, and any tax reform. There even is a struggle over the National Budget and the National Debt limit. With all of this division and resistance to your President, it will not be easy for him to go forward. You need to pray for your President and your Congress that they do the right thing for your people to get your necessary legislation passed. Pray also that you do not have a civil war started by the anarchists behind any future destruction.”

(Traditional Memorial Day) Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of an old style of antiaircraft guns, it reminds you of how planes and guns were made at the time of World War II. This is the traditional celebration of Memorial Day, when you honor the soldiers who died in your wars, especially World War II. Today, your ships have missiles and other kinds of guns like rail guns, and your planes are jet powered with various armaments as plane to plane missiles, and anti-ship missiles. You still are fighting wars today, and soldiers are still dying. It is one thing to honor those soldiers who died for your freedom, but it would be better if you did not have wars, and you prayed for peace. In some cases you have to defend yourselves from dictators who want to kill you, so you have to provide weapons and soldiers to defend yourselves. The devil is behind those people who are causing wars to happen. He inspires the one world people to cause wars, and they supply both sides to bring war on innocent people. Keep praying for peace, because in the end My victory will overpower the evil ones.”


Wednesday, May 31, 2017: (Visitation of Mary to St. Elizabeth)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear son, you remember well when you made a trip to Ein Karem in Israel where you visited the Church of the Visitation. You also remember seeing on a wall over thirty different translations of my ‘Magnificat’. This Gospel reading of my ‘Magnificat’ is repeated many times in the evening prayers of the Liturgy of the Hours. It is always in the back of your Magnificat books with the readings for the daily Masses. I do not have many quotations in the Bible, but this prayer is the most important. St. John the Baptist leapt in St. Elizabeth’s womb when I came in with Jesus in my womb. You can see the distance that I had to travel from Nazareth to Ein Karem was not easy in my condition. I was doing what I could do to help St. Elizabeth in her late pregnancy. St. Gabriel told me about St. Elizabeth being in her sixth month at my Annunciation. This is the last day of the month of May when you honor me in your May crowning. On this one hundredth anniversary of my Fatima messages to the children, I encourage my children of today to pray the full fifteen decade rosary, wear my scapular, and make the five First Saturdays with Confession.”

Jesus said: “My son, at all times I am always at your side, so you should have no fear of what is coming. This darkness that you are walking into on the stairs, represents the unknown of the future. The darkness also represents the coming evil of the Antichrist, and how he will threaten many souls. I will not leave My faithful remnant orphans during the tribulation of evil. Instead, I am directing My faithful to places of refuge where My angels will protect you, and I will multiply your food and water. I will call many people to your refuge, and they will be happy to have a place of protection, and a place to have their necessities. Be thankful that you will have healing of your infirmities by looking upon My luminous cross. You will also have daily Holy Communion, and perpetual Adoration where you will need to assign two people for every hour around the clock. Rejoice that you will have your physical and spiritual needs taken care of by My angels.”


Thursday, June 1, 2017: (St. Justin)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading St. Paul used some knowledge of the Pharisees and Sadducees to cause a dispute, so the Sanhedrin would not convict him. He told them the he was a Pharisee, and he was on trial for teaching about the resurrection of the dead. The Pharisees believed in the resurrection of the dead, but the Sadducees did not. So there was a serious dispute between the two parties. The tribune had to rescue St. Paul from these people. These same Jewish leaders were constantly testing Me as well. They knew the people did not like paying taxes to the Romans. So the Pharisees tested Me by asking if it was proper to pay taxes to the Romans. I confounded them when I told them: ‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s.’ In many other ways I was able to avoid the taunts of the Jewish leaders. I applaud My faithful who are brave enough to witness My Name among the unbelievers. At least they heard of My Word and they were given a chance to be saved. You will be seeing a worsening persecution of Christians by atheists and Muslims. But fear not, because I will protect you at My refuges.”

(Funeral Mass for Fr. Michael Costanzo) Fr. Michael said: “I am happy to meet Jesus and all of my deceased relatives and friends. I thank all of my friends and family for coming to my funeral Mass. My niece and nephew had great words about me, but I told them to be brief. I also want to thank Fr. Graf who was a true friend to me. I want to thank my sister and all the people who took care of me. I am with Jesus now, and I can understand more about your mission, John. Thank you for your friendship and all of the prayer group at Lise’s place. I am thankful for all of my life’s experiences, and for all of the people who I met in life. I will be praying for my family and friends so you all can meet me in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, some people were taken back by your President when he withdrew from the Paris Accords on Global Warming. There are many nations who signed this accord, but like China, there is still a lot more pollution going on. You were choking on the smoke in one of China’s cities. There is no enforcement of these accords, and the whole purpose was to establish carbon credits which would set up a world welfare program. There truly are many injustices in these accords. You can pray to preserve your resources and stop pollution, but the one world evil people are behind this movement.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw your military drop a huge bomb on the tunnels in Afghanistan that killed some Taliban soldiers. It appears this latest car bomb was also massive and made a huge crater that killed and injured many people in Kabul, Afghanistan. It could have been a retaliation for the first bomb. Getting through all the security, puts a question on how this happened. The terrorists kill people just to show their power, and they carry out their jihad according to the Koran. Pray for less killing, and make reparation for those souls who were killed before any preparations for death could be made.”

Jesus said: “My people, about the same number of people died in Manchester, England and in Egypt. The one bombing in England was covered all over the world. Very little was mentioned how Christian pilgrims were killed ruthlessly, and even children were machine gunned by Muslim terrorists. Most all of the killings you have read about were carried out by Islamic terrorists. Pray for less killing and peace in your world where hate and anger are inspired by the devil.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see the hate of your liberal press when a woman was photographed with a mock beheading of your President. This was so violent and over the line display of hatred that both of your political parties were strongly opposed to it. This woman was recently fired from one job because of her vile action. You have seen many attacks against your President by the left liberals, and it is becoming hard for your President to carry out his plans. Another fake news attack has been to try and impeach your President with no proof for such an action. Pray for your President because he is still being attacked by witches with their hexes, spells, and curses.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of wind, floods, and tornado damage all across your country. Many areas have seen record rainfalls or droughts as in Florida. Some of this destruction is part of a punishment for all of America’s mortal sins of abortion, fornication, homosexual acts, and euthanasia. Millions of babies are being killed in the womb, and you still ask why you are being punished? If your people do not stop your sinful living and start praying, you will see worse punishments for your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many spring flowers blooming in your gardens. This is a part of the beauty of My creation, and you need to take time to thank Me for all of these beautifully colored flowers. Amidst all the troubles in your world, it is calming to take in all of the beautiful spring flowers that are right in front of you. Take a moment to look at the beauty of My creation, and thank Me for all that you are viewing.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have only a few more days of your Holy Spirit Novena to go before you celebrate Pentecost Sunday. Keep remembering your prayers for this feast day of the Holy Spirit. Think of all the gifts that the Holy Spirit bestows upon all of you. He has helped you in writing down these messages, and he strengthens you to evangelize souls for the faith. I encouraged My apostles to spread My Good News among the nations. It was the coming of the Holy Spirit that gave My apostles the inspiration to carry out My desire to save souls.”


Friday, June 2, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Gospels how Judas betrayed Me and St. Peter denied Me three times. Judas could have sought My forgiveness, but he was led by Satan to commit suicide by hanging himself to death. St. Peter denied Me in a different way for fear of his life. Later, he was sorry for his denial of Me, and he told Me three times how he loved Me. Then I told him to feed My sheep, because he would be Pope and leader of My Church. I have instituted the sacrament of Reconciliation when I told My apostles that whatever they bind on earth would be bound in heaven, and whatever they retained on earth would be retained in heaven. I call all sinners to return to Me in Confession to the priest, so I can forgive their sins and restore sanctifying grace to their souls. You need to make time to come to Confession at least once a month. You also need to make a good Confession by reviewing your past sins, and have a properly formed conscience. You all have the opportunity to come to Confession, so there should be no souls with mortal sin. Some souls ignore Me, or they were not trained about Confession. But those souls, who know better, should not forget to guard their souls, and have it cleansed in frequent Confession. I love all of you, and I wish to restore My friendship with all of you in the confessional with My forgiveness.”


Saturday, June 3, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, many of you are aware of My First Commandment where I told you: ‘I am the Lord, your God, and you should not have any false gods before Me.’ Some people believe in Me, but others have let things of the world as possessions, sports, or fame become gods for them. When people come to Me in My Warning experience, they will see that they can only come into heaven through Me. People, who have different beliefs or are atheists, are going to see that I am the only God of the world. I love all of you so much that I died for your sins, and this is a historical fact that God has visited you in person. No other god can have this love for you, and I am the only power who created everything, and I can overpower all of the demons. So follow Me and love Me,and you will be on the right path to heaven.”


Sunday, June 4, 2017: (Pentecost Sunday)
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Spirit of God, the Paraclete, and the Consoler. You receive Me, Jesus, and God the Father every time you receive Holy Communion worthily. I am honoring your wish to send you the tongue of fire over you, as I did for the apostles. I am happy that you call on Me to help give your talks, just as Jesus said not to worry about what words to speak, because I would give them to you. I also help you to write down your messages, even as I inspired all the writers of the Bible to write down their words, as in the vision. You know how much We love all of you, and I am truly the Spirit of love that moves you to love Us and your neighbors. In the Gospel you read how a great wind went toward the upper room where the apostles and the Blessed Mother were present. They all received tongues of fire, and the apostles were even able to speak different languages that the various peoples could understand. It is My Spirit of love that enters all of your hearts so you can speak the language of love to Us and your neighbors. It is the love in the family that brings forth children, and you are inspired to pass your love and faith on to your children. When I bless you, especially at Confirmation, I bestow My seven gifts upon you to help you in spreading the words of salvation to all the nations. So go forth, and I will truly give you the words to proclaim in your evangelization efforts.”

Jesus said: “My people, for about three hundred years after My death, Christians were killed or martyred for My Name’s sake. This is why Christians sought out the catacomb caves as a hiding place from the authorities. It was not easy to live a Christian life in search of saving souls. Today, you have some persecution of Christians, but mostly in Arab countries. Christians in America are criticized, but their lives are not threatened. As more churches will be closed, it will be harder to find a church for Mass, let alone places of Adoration. You will be seeing more criticism, and eventual persecution as you approach the time of the tribulation. You have seen in vision how the authorities will use Guillotines to martyr Christians for their faith. When your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges and even caves. These places of hiding will be your new catacombs. I will have an angel guarding each refuge so you will be protected from anyone trying to kill you. Call on Me so I will lead you to safe havens where you will have food and water multiplied for your survival. Seeing the catacombs is a preview of how you will be hiding from the authorities. Pray for My protection throughout the coming tribulation.”


Monday, June 5, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you an empty grave because you need to remember: ‘You are not ready to live, until you are ready to die.’ You all know that one day your physical body will pass on, but you do not know when you will die. Because you do not know which day I will call you home, you need to have your soul pure and always ready to meet Me at your judgment. This means you should confess your sins at least once a month, or sooner if you have any mortal sin. My faithful need to keep their focus on Me, and consecrate all of their days and actions over to Me. Follow My Commandments and repent of your sins, and you will have your eternal reward with Me in heaven. I love all of you and I want you to keep on the narrow road to My love. I also want you to reach out to evangelize as many souls as you can so they can be with Me also in heaven. Live your life to the fullest while you are still alive.”


Tuesday, June 6, 2017: (St. Norbert)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these empty milk bottles to represent how it will be hard to find milk and food for many people. I told you in many messages how there will be a famine, earthquakes, and pestilence as signs of the end times. This famine will be caused by natural disasters, and eventually there will be rationing and chips in the body to buy food. This is the same reason that I have warned My faithful to have a year’s supply of food on hand for every person in your household. If you do not have enough storage space or the money to buy the food, then I will multiply your food to avoid starvation. This is a preparation before the tribulation, because you may not find food available, or you will not take the mark of the beast that will be required to buy the food. My refuge builders are also storing food at My refuges so I will multiply it during the tribulation. You know I will not leave you orphans, and I will see to your needs. Trust in My help and protection at My refuges, when you are called to come.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember the account in the Book of Genesis when I had Noah build a huge ark for his family and all the male and female animals that I wanted him to save. I intended to kill all the evil people with a flood, but I would spare Noah and his family who were righteous people who loved Me. Once the flood subsided, Noah and his family would repopulate the earth. In a similar manner I am about to bring a punishment of the Antichrist’s tribulation upon the earth, because of your sins. I will spare My faithful remnant from the evil ones by providing you with refuge arks of protection with My angel’s invisible shield. My refuge builders are storing food, water, and fuels that I will multiply for your survival. Then at the end of the tribulation I will bring My Comet of Chastisement upon the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. I will protect My faithful in the air, and I will bring you down into My Era of Peace. Give thanks and praise to Me for sheltering you in My refuge arks, and bringing you into My new Garden of Eden in the Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, June 7, 2017:
Jesus said: “My son, you have had to endure being without your car for four weeks, but in the end you did not have to pay anything to have it fixed. You were fortunate that the repair was covered by warranty and the good will of your dealer. Now, you are thankful to have your car back in good running order. I told you not to worry, because I would work things out for you. You were patient and you were happy with the result. This should be everyone’s reaction to difficulties in your life. Pray for My help in your troubles, and I will work them out for you. You need to be patient and do not get angry over any difficulties in your life. When you are calm and trusting in Me, your lives will be much happier. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you in your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, these dark night scenes represent the evils going on every day in your society. It is difficult to live a Christian life with all the distractions and evil actions of the people around you. I gave the sign of Jonah as an example of how your people should live. The people of Nineveh prayed and fasted, as well as they changed their evil lives. Many people in your society have ignored Me, and they are not coming to Sunday Mass. You see declining numbers in your churches, and your families are breaking up with divorce, living in fornication, or homosexual marriages. The darkness of your sins is represented in your dark nights. My faithful prayer warriors are spreading the Light of My Good News, but there is a great need for more people to be praying. Your younger generations are praying less and are not coming to church. You need to continue to pray for your children and grandchildren to follow your good example. I will bring My Light into the world when I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones. I will cleanse the earth of all the evil ones, and I will renew the earth for My faithful to come into My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, June 8, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading a beautiful story about the marriage of Tobiah and Sarah from the Book of Tobit. It is a long story involving the Archangel St. Raphael, Tobias the father, Anna the mother of Tobiah, Tobiah, and Sarah the daughter of Raguel, the kinsman of Tobias. St. Raphael helped catch a fish, and the gall of the fish was used to heal the father’s blindness. Sarah had been married seven times to her kinsmen, but the demon, Asmodeus killed the seven husbands before they could consummate the marriage. The father, Tobias and Sarah were both in grief. He was sad over his blindness, and she over her seven dead husbands. They prayed to God and their prayers were answered when the father was healed, and Sarah had a husband who lived a long life. St. Raphael was instrumental in getting rid of the demon so the son, Tobiah would not be killed. After Tobiah and Sarah were married, they prayed to God on their wedding night that they would live a long life together. They did live a long life, and Tobiah’s prayer could be used by all married couples so they could be married in a commitment for a lifetime. Couples need to keep Me in their marriage so there is less chance of a divorce. This same love between a husband and wife is a model for My love of My Church as My bride, and I am the Groom. Love should be the harmony that unites all of My people, even following My Commandments of love of God and love of neighbor.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you have been asked to arrange your statues and relics in a new way by the pastor. This is only a small change to give more honor to My Blessed Sacrament. Once you explained the reason for the change, your people understood.”

Jesus said: “My people, this net around your Liberty Bell represents how your freedom of speech will be more restricted by who you may offend in your audience. There will come a time when if you do not speak ‘politically correct’, the authorities will arrest you for hate speech, and you could be put in jail. If you speak My Name or mention sins to avoid, you could also be jailed. You are seeing daily how many of your rights are being taken away. This is just the beginning of the persecution of Christians.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how the liberal press and the opposition party are continuing to make up stories about your President that are fake news with no proof. This has been an attempt to try and impeach your duly elected President with no proof as well. This whole array of false news is intended to keep your President and Congress from carrying out your President’s plans. It is also being funded by the one world people to try and remove your President from office.”

Jesus said: “My people, your House passed a Health Bill, but your Senate is not trying to pass any Health Bill. I told you before that until Obamacare is impossible to continue, it will be hard to pass any replacement Health Plan. Unfortunately, until a Health Plan is passed, it will be hard also to take up any tax reform as well. This means it could take a year or more until these subjects could get to your President’s desk. Pray that your people are able to eventually have a reasonable Health Plan and your tax reform.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Defense people are putting anti-missile systems in place to counter the nuclear threats from North Korea. It is amazing that South Korea’s leaders are not behind this defense move. You have had some success with these missiles knocking down ICBMs, but there is no guarantee that you could defend against multiple missiles. Keep praying that such a nuclear war does not happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, your enemies and even everyday people will soon be sending out encrypted transmissions to avoid being listened to by any of your secret intelligence agencies. It will be difficult to monitor encrypted messages until such a means can be deciphered. Until encryption is added, all of your communications will be continually monitored. This is another attack on your freedom of speech. Pray for a fair monitoring that does not harass your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned in previous messages (4-19-01, 9-7-03, 11-10-04, 8-7-13) that a time is coming when the words of Consecration will be changed so that I will no longer be Present in these Hosts. When this happens, you will no longer have My Real Presence in your Hosts, or in your tabernacles. This will be brought on by the Masons who will cause a division in My Church. Once this happens, My faithful will need to come to home true Masses with the proper words of Consecration that will have My Real Presence. Eventually, you will have to come to My refuges to have My Real Presence in your Hosts. Remember if you do not have a faithful priest praying the proper words of Consecration, I will have My angels bring you daily Holy Communion with My Real Presence.”


Friday, June 9, 2017: (Donald Vigna Funeral Mass, Marie brother)
Jesus said: “My people, you are here to celebrate Donald’s life, and I am escorting him to his prepared place in heaven. In the vision you could see all of Don’s deceased relatives and friends looking down on you. They are happy to come with Me to welcome Don to his new home. He is free of all of his pains and problems, and he is at peace with Me. This represents the Communion of Saints that join the souls of heaven, purgatory, and earth. They are with you at every Mass, but you may not realize it. Don thanks you for attending his funeral, and he will be praying for all of you. Give praise and thanks to Me for the gift of Don’s life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would have a short reprieve before you would see more disasters. As your temperatures start to warm up, I am showing you some wild fires that you will see as the vegetation dries out with the heat. This is why you are seeing a plane spreading flame retardant over the fire in the vision. As your ocean waters heat up and winds are more favorable, you also could see a chance of hurricanes developing. If you continue to see warm summers, you could also have problems supplying enough electricity to run your air conditioners. Pray that you do not see much destruction from your weather conditions.”


Saturday, June 10, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are seeing the story of the Widow’s Mite in how she placed all she had to live on into the Temple treasury. Whenever you tithe your donations, you are storing up treasure in heaven. You are thanking Me in love for what you have. Even as you give donations to the poor, you also need to mention them in your daily prayer intentions. Some people only give token donations, but when you can afford to give ten per cent of your income to charities, you will truly be blessed. I love a cheerful giver who is willing to give one’s time and labor as well to help people. When you can share your faith with people, you are sharing the best gift that you could give to the rich or the poor. Give praise and thanks to Me for taking care of all of your needs.”


Sunday, June 11, 2017: (Most Holy Trinity)
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Spirit of God, and I am speaking on behalf of God the Father, and Jesus as you celebrate this feast of the Holy Trinity. You are also celebrating your pastor’s fortieth anniversary of his priesthood. We are Three Persons in One God, and We are always together. When you think of One of Our Persons, the other Two are there also. Your ‘Glory Be’ prayer is the best tribute to the Blessed Trinity, as well as the Sign of the Cross. Many times you refer to yourselves as Temples of the Holy Spirit. Keep close to Us in your daily prayers as We are always watching over you. When you pray, you are showing Us how much you love Us.”

Jesus said: “My people, this cloud is more than just a sign of bad weather, but it represents a hurricane of evil with many possible sources. You could see people manipulating the HAARP machine to cause earthquakes, a tornado, or a drought. You will be seeing more terrorist attacks all over the world. You could also see North Korea start a war with a missile attack against any number of countries, including an EMP attack on America. Your country has been warned many times about how vulnerable your electric grid is to such an attack. Still your military and your infrastructures have not taken any measures to protect your grid from an EMP attack. Such an attack could leave a lot of people dead from starvation, because very few people are prepared. Pray for the souls of your people, because your punishment is coming for all of your abortions and sexual sins.”


Monday, June 12, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, this summer will be similar to last year, only you will be seeing continuous heat waves, especially in the cities. You may even see some difficulties with brown outs or power outages, as many people will be using air conditioners. These heat waves could be mild disasters for those people who cannot get cooled off. With more heat you could also see fires, and more violent storms. Be prepared for some inconveniences from less power, and possible crop damage without enough rain. You are seeing some unusual weather that could be a result of several HAARP machines around the world. Pray for My protection, and I will provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, both North Korea and Iran have a desire to send a nuclear tipped missile over your country to cause an EMP attack. If they do not use an ICBM capability, they may launch a shorter range missile from a closer platform. You could retaliate with EMP attacks as well, but if you cannot knock down their missiles, you would suffer more damage to your electric grid than your enemies. Such an attack could come at any time, which is why you have been testing anti-missiles. If such an attack is imminent, I will warn My faithful to come to My refuges. An EMP attack on America could be fatal, because many people could die without enough food storage. America needs to protect its grid more, and store a year’s supply of food for each person in your household. At My refuges I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. I told you to be prepared for a big event, and such a war is possible.”


Tuesday, June 13, 2017: (St. Anthony of Padua)
St. Anthony said: “My dear sons and daughters, some of you have had the experience of visiting my tomb in Padua, Italy. Some feel vibrations or a slight electric shock. Your one pastor fell down twice when he touched my tomb. I have helped many people find things. You remember when you found your lost luggage before a fourteen day cruise. Your wife twice prayed to me to materialize a lost ear ring and a miraculous piece of glass that was lost. They truly materialized where they had not been before. You know I have a sense of humor when I reminded your daughter of who the saint is for finding things, even on my feast day. You need to have true faith that I can find things, in order to have things found. I know also how you have thanked me many times for such answers to your prayers. The best story of ‘lost and found’ is the parable of the Prodigal Son. The son took his share of his inheritance and squandered it on sinful living. Then he returned to his father to ask his forgiveness. The father was pleased to have him back home safe. His son was lost in sin, and now he is found in forgiveness. I did hear your request to find your wife’s lost ear ring.”

Jesus said: “My people, as in the Gospel, you are the salt and the Light of the earth, because you are sharing your faith and My love with all the people of the earth. So do not keep your faith to yourself, but you must share it with others. In the same way that you put a light on a lamp stand to light the whole room, so you also must be a Light to the world by sharing My Good News. So do not hide your light under a bushel basket, but you must go out into the streets to proclaim My message of love. You are to be a shining example of My love, so people can come to know and love Me by your witness to My Light. Give praise and glory to Me for feeding you and lighting your path to heaven. I feed you My very Self in your daily Holy Communion, which is truly your Bread of Life.”


Wednesday, June 14, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, your readings today are speaking of the first covenant with Moses that is being fulfilled in My second covenant of My death and Resurrection. The moral code of the Ten Commandments will always need to be followed, because I told you that My words are forever. My second covenant is showing you how much you are all loved by Me, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. I am offering you eternal life with Me if you eat My Body and drink My Blood worthily in Holy Communion. You receive the Blessed Trinity in every Holy Communion, and you have Our Real Presence within you. You no longer need sacrifices to Us as in the Old Testament, because you have My Sacrifice that atones for all of your sins. You are now focused on following My words of the Gospel, and you will have your eternal reward with Me in heaven. Rejoice that you have an eternal promise with Me for all the people who follow My Word, and keep it in their daily actions of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen terrorists killing many people, no matter who they were. Some attacks have been against your police authorities. Today, you are seeing a planned attack against Republican leaders in the House of Representatives, and the gunman showed hate for your President and your Republican Party. Using an assault rifle he shot one of the Republican leaders, some aides, and two policemen. The gunman was shot, and he died later in the hospital. You have seen some very hateful speech against your President by your liberal press and television networks. Some have displayed an image of a beheading of your President. You are even seeing a play mocking an assassination of your President. With all of this hate speech, this is even inspiring deranged people to shoot their political enemies. All of this hate and attempts to kill those in power, has crossed the line of decency and rule of law. You have laws against hate speech, but the left radicals who perform destruction are not being prosecuted in court. The one world people and your left progressives are trying to remove your President, even if they have to use violence and attempts to cause a civil war or martial law. Those people, who are promoting socialism, are using communist tactics to remove their enemies from power. My people need to pray for peace and a stop to all of this hate speech against your President. He needs to be allowed to make his plans without being harassed every day by your left media. I chose your President for this time to turn the tide against Godless atheism, socialism, and communism. It is by My power and grace that America could be made great again. Your country needs to repent of its sins, and change its evil ways.”


Thursday, June 15, 2017:
At St. Charles Borromeo after Holy Communion, I could see someone going to Confession. Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I was emphasizing how people need to stop calling people derogatory names to insult them. You may not kill them, but your words violate the love you need to have for everyone. This is what is wrong with your current political hate speech. You are even seeing how this hate is turning into violent shootings. It is time to make amends with anyone who you may have caused hard feelings by your bad remarks. You can even come to confess your sins to the priest before receiving Me in Holy Communion. Before receiving Me, you could pray a sincere Act of Contrition for your venial sins. You need to receive Me worthily without any mortal sins on your soul to avoid any sin of sacrilege. In heaven only sinless souls are allowed in, after purgatory may be necessary to make reparation for their sins. If this is required for heaven, you should also respect Me in My Real Presence in My consecrated Host.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the opposition party behind all of the hate for your President. Now, you are seeing the violence of hate carried out in an attempted assassination of one of your Republican leaders in the House of Representatives. He was shot by a gunman who hated your President. The Congressman is still in need of your prayers because he is in critical condition. Pray for the soul of the gunman who died of his wounds. This is another sign of how evil is fighting against the good of your President who is against abortion and Godless socialism.”

Jesus said: “My people, the opposition party and the leftist media barely were saddened by this latest shooting of your Republican leader in the House of Representatives. They did not want to admit that it was their hateful words and actions that could have prompted this crime. They quickly brought leaked news of a possible obstruction of justice by your President to change the headline of this shooting. They could not stand the wrong headline stealing their thunder of more hate. These Democrats and your liberal media have only one obsession, and that is to get your President out of the White House. Pray for more peace and love, instead of allowing the devil’s hate to rule your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, your current Administration is taking a stronger stand against terrorists, especially ISIS. More weapons and possibly more troops might be deployed to fight ISIS in all of their conflicts. You are seeing more terrorist attacks in Europe, and they are seeing the need to fight Muslim jihadists. You will see more money spent on your Defense Budget to pay for pushing this war against ISIS. You are continuing to see a constant battle of good and evil in your world. Keep praying for peace, but you need to be strong to stand up against these terrorists.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is the plan of the one world people to overthrow your government so they can bring the Antichrist into power. These evil ones are following the devil’s orders, because they worship him. They are pouring millions of dollars into protests of hate that are trying to divide your country between the socialist left and those people supporting your Constitution. By fomenting such hate and division, their goal is to use a civil war or martial law to bring down your government. I will send My angels to support your government against these evil ones so your President can stand up for what your Constitution says with your words about Me in your documents. Only America under God will lead your people to a better way of life against Godless socialism.”

Jesus said: “My people, your world is in constant turmoil that is seeing a potential war with Muslim and Christian nations. The Middle East has been in constant war as more countries are being drawn into this conflict. You are also seeing a proliferation of nuclear weapons, especially in Iran and North Korea. It is very possible that you could see a nuclear war because of a miscalculation of motives. The devil is short on time, and he is encouraging hate for a war all over your world. Pray for an end to this evil because the Antichrist’s reign will be brief. You know the end of this story when I will bring My victory, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to give My faithful hope and confidence in My power over the demons and the evil people. Be not afraid My people, because I will protect My faithful at My refuges. My angels will defend My refuges with shields of invisibility. There will be some martyrs during the tribulation, but they will be resurrected to enter into My Era of Peace. Have patience and pray to save souls, because the evil ones will have a short reign before I will cast all of them into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon see the two witnesses of Elijah and Enoch who will come upon the earth to condemn the evil ones. They will be slain, but later they will rise again in power to lead My armies against the evil armies. I will be victorious over all evil, and you can be assured of this. Evil will have a short reign before I will bring My Comet of Chastisement. The evil ones will be placed in hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as their reward. Trust in My power and be patient but a moment in time.”


Friday, June 16, 2017: (Mass intention for Anne Schuerman)
Anne said: “My dear family and friends, I am thankful for Tim to have this Mass offered up for my intention. I always thought of your prayer group as my second family. I found great peace working with all of you. I was sorry that I could not see you, but you know how families are. I thank you for having a relic of St. Kateri Tekakwitha present to venerate. She was one of the saints who greeted me in heaven, and we had a beautiful embrace. You know how I dedicated my life to work for her sainthood to be acknowledged by the Church. You know how I also had an adventuresome spirit, just as your wife has. Thank you for your prayers and this Mass. I will be praying for my family and all of my friends. I am waiting for the day when I can embrace all of you when you come to heaven. I love all of you.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were helped by your friend to put the rest of your roof on your outhouse. Now, you need to put in the toilet seat and braces on the sides so your people could lift it into position at the proper time. You have fulfilled most of your projects to get your refuge ready. You may still need to purchase a generator to provide power for the winter months when your solar panels are covered with snow, and you have less light to recharge your batteries. Do not get complacent about your refuge mission, even though you have not seen the Warning or the tribulation. You are getting a sense that evil is getting worse, and the hate is generating more violence. Keep praying for the conversion of sinners, because saving souls is the most important mission.”


Saturday, June 17, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing a hole or a rut at the edge of the road when it is difficult to get back on to the main road. I am giving you this example because sometimes you get stuck in sinful bad habits, and it is hard to break them. First you need to realize, as you look at your life, that you have a sinful bad habit. Recognizing the problem is the first step. This means that you should have a properly formed conscience to know when you are offending Me in your sins. The next step is to make a plan how to change or avoid any sinful habits. This should involve coming to frequent Confession so you can have your sins forgiven, but you must make an intention to avoid that sin in the future. You have to avoid any occasions that lead you into sinful situations. It may even take prayer and fasting to be delivered from your bad habit. You could even seek counseling on how to change your life from a bad habit. The main goal is that you want to desire to break any bad habit, no matter how much you are drawn to that sin. Once you have stopped your bad habit, pray to Me for the grace that you do not fall back into that same rut of sin.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass, Corpus Christi) Jesus said: “My son, I know you love Me very much, because you attend daily Mass, and you see Me nearly every day at Adoration. You also believe in My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament, and you want to be with Me as much as you can. You are giving a good example to other Roman Catholics who may not be as strong in their faith. When you come to extra Masses more than just on Sunday, you are coming because you want to, and not just out of obligation. In the same way you make many visits to My Blessed Sacrament because you desire to be close to Me. It is a blessing for you that you receive an inner locution message every time that you receive Holy Communion, or you come to Adoration. You receive My graces and you are fulfilling My promise: (Jn 6:54) ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’”

Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed eight years of socialism under your previous President, and now these same socialists are trying to force their ideas and way of life on to your new President and your people. These latest hate tactics have gone to a new level when liberal Democrats are encouraging acts of violence, as when your Republican leader of the House of Representatives was shot. These liberals are using an old communist tactic. If you tell a lie long enough, the people will begin to believe their fake news and lies. You may not recognize what the left is doing, but they are like the communists who desire to take power any way they can get away with it. If your people cannot live peacefully, then you are inviting the anarchists to cause a civil war over your divided country. Pray for peace, or you could get what the left wants in a war.”


Sunday, June 18, 2017: (Corpus Christi)
Jesus said: “My people, when I was present as a God-man on the earth, there were a fair number of My followers who left Me. They did not understand the mystery of the transubstantiation of the bread and wine being changed into My Body and Blood. The people, who left, thought I was calling them to believe in cannibalism. This is a mystery that My followers need to accept on faith. I have allowed many miracles of My Eucharist to occur to help people, including priests, to understand in My Real Presence in the Host. In some cases My Blood actually appears on the Host. You have seen in Lanciano, Italy how the bread was changed into the actual flesh of the heart. The wine was turned into globules of dried blood. This blood was analyzed as AB blood type when it was liquefied, and it had all the characteristics of live blood. The Host was actually myocardial tissue of the heart with no rigor mortis, even though this miracle happened 1,300 years ago. These miracles were meant to help people truly believe in My Real Presence. If I am truly Present, then you would want to be with Me as often as you could come to Mass and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Rejoice that I am with you always, and pray that you keep the proper words of Consecration. Also, you need to receive Me in Holy Communion with no mortal sin on your souls, or you would commit a sin of sacrilege. Come to Confession often to keep your souls pure for receiving Holy Communion, and to be prepared if you should die today.”


Monday, June 19, 2017: (St. Romuald)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the rain that waters your crops. Since water is necessary for your survival, this rain is like My grace pouring out all over your people. These steps are to remind you of your traveling through life to come to heaven. Every hour and every day brings you one step closer to your goal of heaven. It may seem a long time to come through a lifetime on earth, but look how fast you have come to your present age. Time ages everyone, and you do not realize how old you are getting, until you see your hair turning grey and then to white. Your time on earth is limited, and you need to make the best use of your time in prayers, Masses, and good deeds. You cannot take your money or possessions past the grave, so you need to guard your most precious possession of your soul from the evil one. Your destination should be to come to Me in heaven, because you were made to know, love, and serve Me in this life. Those faithful people, who follow My Commandments, repent of their sins, and allow Me to be the Master of their lives, will have their reward with Me in heaven. Rejoice when you have fought a good fight during life, and have finished the course of your life, for your place awaits you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is being tested with heat waves, heavy rains, tornadoes, and a tropical storm. During the summer months your hot weather can generate some violent rain storms with hail, and tornadoes which you have been seeing for the last few months. Your country’s terrain forms more tornadoes than any other place on earth. The ocean waters are also heating up, giving fuel to a new tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico. You could see some heavy rainfalls along the Gulf coast with some strong wind damage. Your people have been warned to prepare to leave if necessary. Every year these disasters take their toll on your homes and insurance losses. Pray for the safety of your people to avoid any fatalities. Some areas have much higher than normal rainfalls, and some have droughts. Pray that your farmers receive enough rain to grow their crops for your food.”


Tuesday, June 20, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, just as you see all the people in the vision watching a baseball game, so you have all the souls in heaven and purgatory who are watching you every day on the stage of life. You are united with these souls in the Communion of Saints at Holy Communion time, but they are also present to you all of the time. This is why you need to be on your good behavior all of the time, because you are My faithful souls to give good example to others. You need to practice what you preach in all of your actions. In today’s Gospel I am asking everyone to love their enemies and their persecutors. To love one’s friends is expected, but it is harder to love those people who do not love you. I am all love, and I love all of you enough to die for you. I love the just and the unjust people, because I love all of My creations. I want My people to imitate My perfect love by loving even the people who hate you, or persecute you. Your loving example could possibly break down any barriers of hate by the devil, and you may be able to evangelize people to believe in Me. If you do not try and reach out to such sinners, they may never have a chance to be saved. Try to save as many souls as you can by your love of Me and your neighbors.”

(Fr. Volino’s 25th Anniversary Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some dangerous terrorist attacks with suicide bombers, vans running over people, and knife attacks. Recently, in your own country you had a political assassination attempt on one of your Congressional leaders. The police bodyguards and first responders were able to keep those people at the ball game from being killed. This gunman had a list of Republican Congressmen that he wanted to kill. The police should be thanked and honored for defending the people, even when the police were wounded. The opposition party is still encouraging fighting, even with this kind of violence. Your liberal fringe people are literally being encouraged to harm Republicans any way they can. This is beyond civility. This party wants violence or any means to take over your government. Your people would be wise to take measures against people who are encouraging violence. Pray for your country because your politics have turned into outright shooting battles that will challenge your police authorities. Pray for the safety of your police, body guards, and first responders.”


Wednesday, June 21, 2017: (St. Aloysius Gonzaga)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a continuation of disasters from nature, as this is a reflection of the violent hate in some elements of your people. This tropical storm is causing heavy rainfalls, tornadoes, and flooding along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. This is the season for such storms, but it is difficult for your people when these storms hit the mainland. You could also see a flood of money that tried to push a Democrat into a position that had a Republican voter plurality. The office was vacated by a current Cabinet member, but the people resisted trying to be bought by the one world money donations. This was another setback by a party that is obsessed with obstructing everything your President is trying to change. Pray for peace in your country where radical violent forces are trying to take over your government.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President has taken away many of the restrictions on burning coal at power plants. There is a gradual replacement of coal plants with natural gas plants, but it is too expensive to replace all of your coal plants. Coal is still fueling 30% of your power plants. So it is still a needed part of your power grid. Keeping the coal mines open, also is providing some needed jobs. China and many other industrial nations are still burning coal, and they supposedly signed this Global Warming Paris accords. There is no real enforcement for global warming, which is why your President left these accords, because you were at an unfair trading advantage. There are many unfair trade practices that are being uncovered by your President, and these common sense changes should have been corrected years ago. Be thankful that you have a President with a business background to deal with your trade imbalances. Pray for your country’s workers and employers, so you can all have a fair wage to live on.”


Thursday, June 22, 2017: (St. John Fisher & St. Thomas More)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast day honors St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More who were both beheaded because they would not accept the new church set up by King Henry VIII. This resulted in a split in My Church for the king’s own purposes. You will be seeing another split in My Church of today between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will teach New Age principles, and it will declare that sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. If you see any such movement in your church, then leave that church for My places of My faithful remnant. My faithful will have secret meetings in the homes, and later at My refuges. My faithful will be persecuted for not going along with the schismatic church, and they will be threatened with guillotines just as St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More were beheaded. This is why you will have to flee to the protection of My refuges. The Antichrist will have a short reign before I will defeat him, and he and the evil ones will be cast into hell. Stay with My faithful remnant, and you will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your society has turned so evil that it is calling bad, good, and good, bad. You have some hate laws to protect people, but this is not a license to condone sin. Even in America, pastors can be accused of a hate crime by preaching how homosexual acts are sins. You all are familiar with My Ten Commandments, and you know how abortion, fornication, adultery, and homosexual acts are all mortal sins. Some people may try to hide behind your evil Supreme Court decisions, but I will hold people accountable for these sins at their judgment. People try to hide their sins, and their conscience is reminded when you call out these actions as serious sins. I am the only judge of your souls, but you can try to help people to avoid these sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you hear Allah being invoked by Muslim terrorists as they commit their crimes, it is obvious that these jihadists are excusing these crimes with a reference to their religious beliefs. Calling on religion does not justify such evil killings,and these terrorists are badly mistaken. They will pay for their crimes because these sins are evil actions on innocent people. Many of their claims of killing infidels is not right according to My laws. When these people see Me at their judgment, they will know the true laws of God. Pray that your people can be protected from such terrorists, or any other killings.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Congress has become so divided, that there is practically no room for compromise on the major issues as health and tax reform. Your present Health Plan is forcing people to buy health insurance, or pay a heavy penalty. It is not fair that people are forced to pay high premiums with high deductibles. Even some insurance companies are pulling out of your exchanges because they are losing money. It is hard to justify a failing Health Plan, but a new plan may be needed to replace it. Pray that your Congress can support a proper health plan that will be fair to all of your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, pray for all the victims of this latest tropical storm Cindy, and help them where you can. This storm is just the beginning of your hurricane season, as your people need to be prepared for every storm that comes through. This is another reason to have extra food on hand, and some means of providing power during power outages.”

Jesus said: “My people, with Russian and American planes in such close proximity, you could have these incidents turn into an all out war between these forces. Keep praying for peace because such a war could kill many people. The longer your wars continue, the greater the chance of a more serious war. Your people should try to have a peace treaty in this Syrian war.”

Jesus said: “My people, the more violence you see, the more people who are being killed. You have seen terrorists with high power explosives, assault rifles, car bombs, and suicide bombers. These things are hard to defend against, so your security forces also need heavy weapons to respond. Minimizing these incidents is hard to accomplish when you have so many weapons and explosives available. Pray for love to be used to fight all the hate that the devil is encouraging. I am even calling you to love your enemies.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of these terrorists use killings of innocent people to cause fear among your people. Do not be afraid of these people, but more can be done to prevent these people from entering your country, and you could monitor suspects who are training in foreign countries. In the end My power will overcome all of these killers, but you may need My protection at My refuges before I come.”


Friday, June 23, 2017: (Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I called people to come to Me all of you who are burdened with this life, and I will give you rest. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. This is the feast day of My Sacred Heart, and you can see how much I love all of you, because I died on the cross for the reparation of your sins. I have chosen all of you to be My evangelists. You did not choose Me. I created each of you out of love to know, love, and serve Me. Your parents conceived you, but I placed your soul into your body to give you life. This whole month of June is dedicated to My Sacred Heart, so remember Me in all that you do for Me. Follow the love of My Sacred Heart, and that of My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart, that you could celebrate tomorrow. The picture of Our Two Hearts in your computer room is a devotion for the both of us, and thank you for honoring us, and praying to us every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, ultimately, there are two kinds of people who are walking your streets, those people who believe in God, and those people who do not believe in God. Those people, who do believe in Me, need to do more than just call ‘Lord, Lord’ to be saved. They need to repent of their sins, pray daily, and show Me by their good actions how they truly love Me. The faithful people are being marked by My angels with an invisible cross on their foreheads. My faithful will be tested by the devil and the Godless people. I will give you sufficient graces to ward off any temptations or attacks by the devil and the evil people. You also can reach out to souls to try and convert them to faith in Me. You should know that there is a battle for souls going on between Me and the devil. I am more powerful than the devil, but I do not force My love on your free will. Everyone has to make a choice whether they love Me or not. It is unfortunate that your children are being taught and brainwashed with hate for Me in schools and colleges. Unless your children pray to Me every day, they will find it hard to counteract the atheism taught in schools and colleges. If you do not encourage your children in their faith, then they will not come to church or go to Confession. This is part of the reason that your young people are losing their faith. Pray for all of your family to be saved from hell every day, especially those people who are not coming to Sunday Mass.”


Saturday, June 24, 2017: (The Nativity of St. John the Baptist)
St. John the Baptist said: “My faithful children of God, you are reading about my miraculous birth from my parents St. Zachariah and St. Elizabeth. My coming birth was announced by St. Gabriel the Archangel to my father, and he was made mute until after my birth because he did not believe the impossible could happen. The Blessed Virgin Mary came to help my mother, and as she arrived with Jesus in her womb, I leapt in my mother’s womb to announce the coming of the Messiah in Jesus. I was called John as the angel told my parents. Later, you see me baptizing sinners in the vision, but I baptized with water, and I called the people to ‘repent’ of their sins. I was told that when I saw the Spirit of God in the Holy Spirit come down upon the Holy One of God, I would baptize the Messiah. This was my mission to prepare the way for Jesus’ coming. I would decrease while Jesus must increase. This means that Jesus should always be the most important person to follow in your life. After I baptized Jesus, I told the people that He was the ‘Lamb of God’, and His disciples started to follow Him. Later, I proclaimed the coming of Jesus to all the people. I was imprisoned by Herod because I told him that it was unlawful to marry his brother’s wife. My fellow faithful also need to speak out about the Good News of Jesus’ Resurrection regardless of any threats by the evil ones. Remember that you are to obey God first before any edict of man. So do not be afraid, but trust in the protection of Our Lord for your individual missions. Give praise and glory to God every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you live on the Gulf coast, you know you are vulnerable to hurricanes and tropical storms. Places around New Orleans are dependent on their pumps to drain any waves that come ashore. These areas are suffering mostly from the heavy rains and flooding. There was some damage from a few tornadoes. It will take some time to assess the damage, but the people are struggling to get back to normal. You need to pray for all the victims who suffered flood damage. This storm was the first to hit the U.S. mainland. Each storm takes a toll on the people near the coast. You should be thankful that this storm did not have hurricane force winds. There will be more disasters this year as a punishment for your sins. Pray for the conversion of poor sinners.”


Sunday, June 25, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel (Matt. 10:26-33) I want you to pay attention to this quotation: ‘And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.’ You are aware of the temptations of the devil and the demons who can lead you to serious sin and possibly to hell. Many addictions have demons attached to them. So those people, who encourage people to take drugs or encourage abortions should also be avoided. You should also avoid occult meetings, taking evil potions, or using Ouija boards. These things can bring demon possessions on people. All of those people, who teach atheism or mislead children to avoid God, should also be avoided. By being aware of those people or things that can lead you to hell, then you can avoid them and only follow My ways.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are going to see more natural disasters as punishments in the areas of greatest sin. This vision is in the San Francisco area, and you are seeing a serious earthquake along the San Andreas fault. There has been little activity in this area, and the stress has been building up over the years. A severe earthquake in this area could also trigger a possible eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano that could kill a lot of people, and send a lot of dust over your crops in the Midwest. When this happens, it will give little notice. This again is why you are having your reparation Masses for the people who will die suddenly, without any preparation for their soul’s judgment before Me. Keep praying for these souls so they can be saved from hell. I have given you several messages about this area before, but the sin is getting so great there, that I find it hard to even look at the black souls in this part of your country. The punishment for the sins of abomination in homosexual acts has been overdue. I have given many opportunities for these sinners to change their lives, but their actions are getting worse. There are other areas of great sin in your large cities that are also crying out for My punishment. Keep praying for the conversion of poor sinners before it will be too late to save them.”


Monday, June 26, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you can learn from Abram how to be obedient to My Word. When I called him to leave his home and go to a foreign land, he did not question My Word, but he left at once to follow Me. This is how I desire that all of My children would follow My directions. Just as I called you to set up a refuge, you accepted this new mission and carried out the projects that I gave you. You also need to be obedient to Me in the spiritual things as well. I call you to help people to see the need to convert their lives to following Me. You also need to keep your own spiritual house in order. This is why you need to be obedient to a spiritual director so you are not just doing things out of your own desire. Obedience to a higher power in Me and a priest, will give you comfort and assurance that you are on the right path. In the Gospel I am reminding My people that I am the only true judge of everyone. It is enough for each of you to guard your own soul and your own actions. You may notice how others are acting around you, but do not judge them because you do not know everything in their lives that are directing them, as I do. You can advise your brother or sister how to live a better life, but do not look down on others as if you are better than they are. Treat everyone equally as I treat you with no discrimination. You all are at a certain progress in faith in your own lives. Be willing to accept advice from people without your pride getting in the way. You need to love everyone and help souls to come to heaven when you can. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you in your life.”

(Blessed Fr. Solanus Casey’s tomb) Jesus said: “My people, it is not an easy life to live as a Franciscan. It truly is a detached life from worldly things, and you are called at times to do menial tasks. You need to give your will over to Me, and follow My way for your life. This is a total giving of oneself over to Me, so I can lead you on a path to heaven. This is hard for most people to give up their own personal desires, and follow My ways. There are saints who have renounced their own family wealth or their personal wealth, so they could be totally dependent on Me. There are even some saints who have survived on only receiving Holy Communion for their food. People are praying for Blessed Fr. Solanus Casey to be canonized a saint by the Church. He is a saint in heaven, but the Church is slow to canonize saints, which can require three miracle healings.”


Tuesday, June 27, 2017: (St. Cyril of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, you are reading the passages in Genesis when Abram and Lot divided up the land between them. Abram gave Lot the first choice, and Lot pitched his tents near Sodom that was well watered. Later, you will read of the people of Sodom who even wanted to have homosexual acts with the angels of God who would bring destruction on Sodom. The sins of Sodom were so great that I brought fire and brimstone down upon those sinners who defied My laws. In the vision you are seeing a bright light of a nuclear bomb that brought fire upon the sinners of one of your cities in America. I have called your people to repent of their sins, but a good share of your people love their sins more than they love Me. Just as I brought fire down on the homosexual sinners of Sodom, so I will bring fire down upon your people who are aborting babies, fornicating outside of marriage, having homosexual marriages, and those who are killing the old people. The stench of your sins has reached heaven, and your punishment will soon come upon your land. I will protect My faithful at My refuges during the tribulation of the evil ones. Pray for the conversion of sinners before I will punish the earth for its great number of mortal sins.”


Wednesday, June 28, 2017: (St. Irenaeus)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is very straightforward when I told you good trees only bear good fruit, and bad trees only bear bad fruit. Just as you see this in nature, it is also true about good people bearing good deeds, while bad people perform evil deeds. So it is by a person’s fruits of their actions that you will know if that person is good or evil. You all are sinners, so at times you may fall into sin, but you know enough to come to Me in Confession to purify your souls. You can see the sincerity of a person by whether they have a good heart in helping people or not. In the same way I look into every person’s heart to see the true intentions of that person’s actions. If a person loves Me in prayer and follows My laws, I will reward that person in heaven. But if a person rejects Me and commits sins without repentance, then I will see the evil deeds and judge that person according to their crimes. It is one thing to know about Me in the Scriptures, but a truly good person will bear good deeds out of love for Me and love for the neighbor. Continue to love Me from your heart, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember how I changed the six jars of water into wine for the wedding feast at Cana. You were at Cana in Israel to see how huge and heavy these water jars were. Different countries have their own cultures in how they have their weddings. You do not see a lot of Catholic Church weddings because your people are not always following My Commandments. I originally instituted Matrimony as a sacrament for marriage of a man and a woman in My Church. Some people are living in the sin of fornication, or in homosexual marriages. Others are remarrying after divorces, or they are married in other churches, or by a justice of the peace. I prefer couples to marry with My sacrament of Matrimony in My Church, so I can be a third partner in the marriage. There are too many couples living in sinful relationships that are committing sins of fornication, adultery, and homosexual acts. The children suffer in these environments because the sins cause a bad example, and there is usually very little love for Me when they do not come to Sunday Mass. Confession is needed to forgive these sins before you can receive Holy Communion. Encourage your children to get married properly in My Church, so they can give good example without living in sin. Some souls are lost in hell because of these sexual sins where people are not repentant. Pray for the souls who are living in sin, that they change their lifestyle, and come back to My sacraments.”


Thursday, June 29, 2017: (St. Peter and St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I asked My apostles: ‘Who do you say that I am?’ St. Peter said boldly: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I was surprised at his answer, but it was My Father in heaven who revealed this to St. Peter. It was then that I told St. Peter that he was the rock on whom I would build My Church, and the gates of hell would not prevail against My Church. This power has allowed My Church to stand the test of time and the demons could not remove it. St. Peter became the first Pope, and many Popes have succeeded him. I instituted the sacrament of Reconciliation where priests can forgive sins, as I am acting through them. St. Paul was My great missionary among the Gentiles, as many people were converted to the faith by these two pillars of My Church.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you finally received your fixed lawnmower that caused a shoulder injury when you pulled too hard on the cord. You learned to clean out the gasoline at the end of the year so it did not clog the engine. Now you have a backup lawnmower or one to sell. You had to buy another mower to cut your grass while the other one was being repaired for four weeks. This is another example of having patience to get things fixed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had a few cool weeks to start your summer, but your warmer weather is on its way. Any rain that you receive could cool your summer, but the heat has yet to warm up to the 90’s as you had last year. You may need some air conditioning if you have such equipment available. After a hot year last year, you know how hot, muggy air is difficult to endure. Pray that your people can find a cool place when it is needed.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are planning a refuge, you are concerned with staying warm in the winter. You will not have your natural gas during the tribulation, so you will be busy cutting wood for your fireplace. You also will be using kerosene burners in other parts of your house. I will multiply your fuels for the time when you will need heating. If you have solar power, you could run your fans in the heat of the summer, but you will not have enough power to run your air conditioners. You will have to be resourceful to find ways to cool your house down in the summer. All of the refuges will be facing these extremes in your cold and hot weather. Pray that I will help you with these trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, your current Health Plan of Obamacare is having trouble finding funding and insurance companies to keep it running. There are certain people who are not paying for their health care, and it will be difficult to cut back generous subsidies that may not be available in the new plan. The states do not want to pay for all of the Medicaid and Medicare aid that will be needed. There will be many young people who will not buy insurance, once the penalties are no longer forced on the people. Passing a new Health Care bill will be difficult to get enough votes when there are so many who do not want to compromise. Keep praying that a fair Health Plan can be put in place to help people with their health needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, your current investigations have not provided any proof of wrongdoing, but they are consuming precious time from your Congress. Many of these investigations are preventing Congress from working on real issues as Health Care, tax reform, and infrastructures. It is unfortunate that you have too many obstructionists that are keeping your government from working on jobs and issues needed by your people. Pray that your Congress can move forward with your needed legislation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a decline in Sunday Mass attendance, but it is getting harder to get your young people to come to Sunday Mass, let alone to Confession. The children and young adults are not getting a proper faith education in your schools or in the homes. There are too many distractions as sports and electronic devices that are occupying the time of your children. There is very little time for prayers and Mass because of these distractions. It is hard to find religious education teachers to teach the faith to the children. Many teachers in the colleges are teaching atheism instead of promoting the worship of God. If your people do not make a better attempt to teach children the faith, then you will have even fewer people coming to church.”

Jesus said: “My people, illegal drugs and recreational marijuana are causing more addictions, and killing more people. The illegal drug market run by your cartels are bringing more drugs into your country than ever. It is hard to stop this influx because there is too much money involved. More marijuana availability is going to ruin young lives and cause more accidents. Instead of making drugs legal, you should be stopping such a flow of drugs. The drinking of alcohol is another problem that is ruining families and causing car accidents. Pray to minimize these addictions that are ruining lives and your economy. The demons are behind these addictions so you should work to stop people from starting, and counsel those people who need to stop drugs and excessive drinking of alcohol. These people need deliverance prayers to get rid of the demons, and a desire by the addicts to stop their bad habits.”


Friday, June 30, 2017: (First Martyrs of the Catholic Church)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I healed a leper of leprosy which was so dreaded a disease that lepers had to live away from other people. In your society AIDS and cancer have become your dreaded diseases, and these sicknesses have also isolated people from other people. People need to have more compassion for the sick and help them instead of forgetting them. Pray for the sick to recover, as well as those people with leg or hip problems. In addition to physical problems, you have leprosy of the soul with your sins in spiritual problems. Sinful people also need to be healed by My forgiveness in Confession. Sinful addictions can hold people trapped, and they may need counseling and deliverance prayers to heal them. Getting sinners to come to Confession becomes more difficult when they get deeper into their sins. It takes a miracle of grace or a spirit filled person to lead sinners out of their depression in coming to Confession. Cleansing your souls with frequent Confession is the best solution for any spiritual sickness.”

Jesus said: “My people, every family inherits all the good and bad traits from their ancestors. Some are strong in the faith and they are needed to help pray for the souls who are weak and fallen away from Me. You also inherit tendencies to various sins or addictions such as drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking, and other weaknesses. I have given you messages on how to pray to break addictions such as excessive drinking of alcohol. You can pray your St. Michael long form prayer as a deliverance prayer to break such a generational sin of drinking. After you pray the prayer, you place holy water over a picture of your relatives. By constantly praying for your relatives, you can be instrumental in helping to save your family members from hell. You all are intertwined with your family tree, but My prayer warriors are responsible for all the live members of your family.”

For those who do not know the long form of the St. Michael prayer, here it is: (An exorcism prayer) (+) Use the sign of Cross
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in “our battle against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places’. (Eph. 6:12)

Come to the assistance of men whom God had created to His likeness and whom He has redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil. The Holy Church venerates you as her guardian and protector; to you, the Lord has entrusted the souls of the redeemed to be led into heaven. Pray therefore the God of Peace to crush Satan beneath our feet, that he may no longer retain men captive and do injury to the Church. Offer our prayers to the Most High, that without delay they may draw His mercy down upon us; take hold of “the dragon, the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan,” bind him and cast him into the bottomless pit “that he may no longer seduce the nations”. (Rev. 20:2-3)

In the Name of Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Blessed Michael the Archangel, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and all the Saints that are powerful in the holy authority of our ministry, we confidently undertake to repulse the attacks and deceits of the devil. God arises; His enemies are scattered and those who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is driven away, so are they driven; as wax melts before the fire, so the wicked perish at the presence of God.

V. Behold the Cross of the Lord, flee bands of enemies
R. The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the offspring of David hath conquered.
V. May Thy mercy, Lord, descend upon us.
R. As great as our hope in Thee.
We drive you from us, whoever you may be, unclean spirits, all satanic powers, all infernal invaders, all wicked legions, assemblies and sects.

In the Name and by the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ, + may you be snatched away and driven from the Church of God and from the souls made to the image and likeness of God and redeemed by the Precious Blood of the Divine Lamb.

+ Most cunning serpent, you shall no more dare to deceive the human race, persecute the Church, torment God’s elect and sift them as wheat.
+ The Most High God commands you, + He with whom, in your great insolence, you still claim to be equal.
“God who wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Tim 2:4)
God the Father commands you. + God the Son commands you. + God the Holy Ghost commands you.
+ Christ, God’s Word made flesh, commands you; + He who to save our race outdone through your envy, “humbled Himself, becoming obedient even unto death” (Phil. 2:8); He who has built His Church on the firm rock and declared that the gates of hell shall not prevail against Her, because He will dwell with Her “all days even to the end of the world.” (Mt. 28:20)

The Sacred Sign of the Cross commands you, + as does also the power of the mysteries of the Christian Faith.
+ The glorious Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, commands you; + she who by her humility and from the first moment of her Immaculate Conception crushed your proud head.

The faith of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and of the other Apostles commands you. + The blood of the Martyrs and the pious intercession of all the Saints commands you. +

Thus cursed dragon, and you, diabolical legions, we adjure you by the living God, + by the true God, + by the holy God, + by the God “who so loved the world that he gave up His only Son, that every soul believing in Him might not perish but have life everlasting” (Jn 3:16) stop deceiving human creatures and pouring out to them the poison of eternal damnation; stop harming the Church and hindering her liberty.

Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man’s salvation. Give place to Christ in Whom you have found none of your works; give place to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church acquired by Christ at the price of His Blood. Stoop beneath the all-powerful Hand of God; tremble and flee when we invoke the Holy and terrible Name of Jesus, this Name which causes hell to tremble, this Name to which the Virtues, Powers and Dominations of heaven are humbly submissive, this Name which the Cherubim and Seraphim praise unceasingly repeating: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord, the God of Hosts.

V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto Thee.
V. May the Lord be with Thee.
R. And with thy spirit. Let us pray.

God of heaven, God of earth, God of Angels, God of Archangels, God of Patriarchs, God of Prophets, God of Apostles, God of Martyrs, God of Confessors, God of Virgins, God who has power to give life after death and rest after work: because there is no other God than Thee and there can be no other, for Thou art the Creator of all things, visible and invisible, of Whose reign there shall be no end, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy glorious Majesty and we beseech Thee to deliver us by Thy power from all the tyranny of the infernal spirits, from their snares, their lies and their furious wickedness. Deign, O Lord, to grant us Thy powerful protection and to keep us safe and sound. We beseech Thee through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

V. From the snares of the devil,
R. Deliver us, O Lord.
V. That Thy Church may serve Thee in peace and liberty:
R. We beseech Thee to hear us.
V. That Thou may crush down all enemies of Thy Church:
R. We beseech Thee to hear us.

(Holy water or blessed salt is sprinkled on the pictures.)


Saturday, July 1, 2017:(St. Junipero Serra, 1st Saturday)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you see how important it is to have faith in My power to do the impossible. I promised Abraham that he would be a father of many nations, and his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. I waited until Sarah was beyond her childbearing years to have Isaac to show My miraculous power. In the Gospel I met a centurion and he requested that I heal his sick servant from a distance. He amazed Me with his faith when he said: (Matt. 8:8) ‘Lord, I am not worthy that Thou should come under my roof; but only say the word, and my servant will be healed.’ This quotation is recited right before Holy Communion is given out during the Mass. Today is first Saturday, and My Blessed Mother also had faith that she could be the Mother of God.”


Sunday, July 2, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, every time your relatives get together at Mass, or to celebrate a party or cookout, you should be reminded to pray for all of their souls to be saved from hell. I have told you many times of how your souls are your most important possession, and you need to guard them from the devil. The readings talk of a reward in heaven for following a good life on earth. To gain heaven, you need to repent of your sins, and love Me and your neighbor with good deeds. You may have family members who do not pray, or do not worship Me on Sundays. These are the souls who need your prayers to be saved. You do not want to see any of your family members languishing in the flames of hell. This is why I am depending on the prayer warriors of each family to pray for saving the souls of your family from hell. At the judgment every soul has to accept loving Me, or the other option is to be lost in hell. Keep praying persistently every day to save your relatives’ souls from hell. By your prayers you will all find your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called you to follow the narrow straight road to My Kingdom of heaven. This road is long, meaning there is a lot of time for you to get tested in this life with all kinds of disasters. As you look back on your life, no one escapes suffering some trials. You could see sickness and death among your family and friends. You could suffer some personal financial losses, or some personal health problems. Whenever you are doing good things for Me, you could see the devil attack you, or those people who help you. This is all part of your life, but you need to keep focused on following the narrow road, even if you have detours or bumps in the road. I love all of My people, and I will have My angels guard you from any distractions of the evil ones. Keep loving Me in your good deeds and your prayers, and you will have My heavenly reward.”


Monday, July 3, 2017: (St. Thomas, 52nd Wedding Anniversary)
St. Thomas said: “My son and daughter, I am delighted to wish the both of you a happy 52nd Wedding Anniversary. You have both been dedicated to doing the Lord’s work in your mission. Many people call Me the ‘doubting Thomas’, but you know I was not the only one who found it difficult to believe in Our Savior’s Resurrection. St. Mary Magdalen, the two apostles at the tomb, and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus witnessed Jesus and the empty tomb, but the other apostles did not believe either. It was only when Jesus appeared to us in the upper room that we truly believed in His Resurrection. I was not there at the first appearance, but on the second appearance I felt Jesus’ wounds and I believed. I said: ‘My Lord, and My God’, and I am happy John, that you recite these words at the Consecration of every Mass. You remember reading this in your old Mass missal. I also asked Jesus how we were to know the way to follow Him to heaven. Jesus said: (Jn 14:6) ‘I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.’ These mysteries had to be taken on faith, but I wondered how they would physically take place. Many of you have had similar questions, but I just voiced them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a railroad track going around a corner in the vision. My people want to stay on the right track without any detours, or falling off the track. In life you have many distractions, and you could easily get misled if you are not careful. Trust in Me with your prayers, and focus on loving Me and your neighbor. Start with your morning offering, and consecrate everything over to Me. When you are faithful to Me, you will have My protection from any temptations. When you are curious with your own desires, then you are allowing the evil one to lead you astray. I love all of you, and you need to keep on the right track to heaven.”


Tuesday July 4, 2017: (Independence day)
Jesus said: “My people, there are occult meetings going on where humans and animals are sacrificed to Satan in a black mass. You may not see this evil going on, and it is causing bad things to happen from their curses and hexes that they place on people. People are drinking evil potions, and they are causing demons to possess them. I know there is a lot of sin going on, but the evil sacrifices and curses are spreading worse evil among your people. I will be bringing down punishment on America for its sins, but I could destroy these covens with fire before I bring a general disaster on all the people. If you start seeing fires burn up places of black masses, do not be surprised. You will see My wrath pour out on the evil ones because I have limits where evil can only go so far. Trust in My protection from the worst evil among you.”

Jesus said: “My people, many lives were lost in the Revolutionary War that freed you from the oppression of England’s unfair taxes. You had another battle in your Civil War over the right to own slaves as property. There were other wars as well when Americans had to die to stop Hitler and similar dictators. You have a Democratic Republic which was formed by your forefathers, and it has stood the test of time because My blessings are upon your country. You have My Name in your documents and in your National Anthem. Do not allow Godless socialism or communism to ruin the plan of your forefathers, and My plan for your country. Encourage your people to pray for your country to maintain its freedom of speech and its freedom of religion.”


Wednesday, July 5, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, when Sarah was barren, Abraham was given the Egyptian slave, Hagar so there could be descendants. Hagar had a son, Ishmael, who was blessed by God. Later, when Sarah had a miraculous birth of Isaac, there was a concern by Sarah that she did not want Ishmael to have any inheritance. She had Abraham exile Hagar and Ishmael. God the Father came to the rescue of Ishmael and He made Ishmael into a great nation of Arabs. Today this is why there is still a struggle over the land of Israel between the Jews and the Arabs. In the Gospel I cast the demons out of the demoniac into the pigs for their number was Legion. The demons drove the pigs off the cliff into the sea, so the townspeople asked Me to leave their area. They did not appreciate My healing of the demoniac at the cost of losing their pigs. This casting out of demons by My power was passed on to My disciples. A few times My disciples had difficulty in casting out more powerful demons. I told them that this kind of demon required prayer and fasting. In all healing and deliverance, you need to have faith in the power of My healing to be successful. Give praise and thanks to Me for giving this gift to My chosen ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people watch sports games, or they play in the games themselves. Playing games is good exercise, and watching games is entertaining. A problem comes when you spend too much time playing or watching games, and this becomes an addiction at the expense of other things in your lives, like prayer time. You know how I dislike games played on Sunday morning when people should be coming to Sunday Mass. I have mentioned before to be aware of anything that controls your time, because this could become an addiction. Addictions have demons attached to them, and this is why they are hard to break. You need to guard your prayer time from any earthly distractions or addictions. If you have an addiction, you need to pray your St. Michael long form prayer for deliverance. You can also pray this prayer for others who may be addicted to drugs, alcohol, or even sports. Your time is a precious gift, and you need to use it wisely so you are making the best use of it, especially for praying for people. Keep close to Me in your prayers, so you can evangelize souls for Me.”


Thursday, July 6, 2017: (Maria Goretti)
Jesus said: “My son, you were outside in a batting cage, and you were hitting softballs. You were putting pressure on your left knee, and now you are limping when it swelled up from spraining your knee. Sometimes you feel good, and you do not realize that your age is affecting how you are limited in your activities. Your knee has been giving you pain after driving for five hours, so it is not like when you were younger. You are learning how your body is not always as good as you would like it to be. Learn from this experience, and do not strain your knee with certain activities. I have given you good health, but you need to be careful not to injure your limbs that can affect your mobility. You can think of your spiritual limitations in the same way. Do not seek curiosities that could lead you into occasions of sin. Your body has certain cravings, but the soul needs to restrain any desires that could lead to sin. Keep focused on Me to control both your physical and spiritual desires. Listen to the good prompting of your guardian angel to lead you on the right path.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with My parable about the wheat and the tares that an enemy sowed in a farmer’s field. Instead of pulling out the weeds which would pull up the wheat as well, the farmer left the two to grow up together. This is similar among the good and bad people who I allow to grow up together. At the judgment the tares are separated and cast into the fire. The evil people also are separated and they will be cast into the flames of hell. The wheat will be gathered into My barn, much like My faithful people who will be brought into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how North Korea has gradually perfected an ICBM launch vehicle that could reach the United States mainland. This is a new threat to your country which your President is deciding what action to take against North Korea. China wants you to stop military exercises with Japan, and South Korea before North Korea would stop its nuclear plan. This was not acceptable for your country. Pray that a war does not start between your country and North Korea.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your troops and Iraqi troops who are rooting out ISIS from Mosul and other cities. This has been a long campaign assisted by your planes and troops that have successfully taken these cities. You also are seeing more troops being sent into Afghanistan to fight the Taliban. These areas have been in constant warfare without an end to these wars. Pray that you could have peace in these conflicts.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen riots and street problems in many countries. Now in Chicago you are seeing large numbers of homicides, and even some of your police are being assassinated. Some elements in your society are trying to cause a division in your country between the races. Your troops and police need to keep order to stop any riots from causing a martial law. These one world people want a government takeover, and they will be trying to carry out their plan. Pray that your police and troops will be successful in putting down any uprising.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some complaints to take down a cross that is on public land. Your country has been founded on freedoms for all of your citizens. It is difficult to see how a few atheists can use their influence to remove holy objects as crosses from public lands. My people need to stand up for your faith, even when you are faced with lawsuits over traditional beliefs. It may take private land to put up anything religious, but you need to stand up against these atheists who are trying to control you and your freedoms.”

Jesus said: “My people, the liberal teachers in your colleges are brainwashing your children against anything that mentions My Name, and they are teaching atheistic socialism unless your children are strong in their Christian beliefs. It will be hard to continue their faith in coming to church on Sunday. You need to pray for your schools and colleges to allow prayers and conservative speakers to speak, or the students will all follow the Godless ways of evil in your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading how I brought fire and brimstone down upon Sodom and Gomorrah because of their homosexual sins. Even in your country, you have legalized homosexual marriage in your Supreme Court decision. These same sex marriages are an abomination in My eyes, and it is not beyond My power to bring punishment down upon your country for these sins. You have even seen an article about French fries with rainbow colors on the holder to promote the gay parades. America needs to repent of its sins, or you could see fire come down on your cities for your abominable sins of the flesh.”


Friday, July 7, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, God the Father tested the faith of Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, on an altar. Abraham was obedient, and he was about to kill Isaac with a knife, when an angel of God stopped him. Now, God the Father knew that Abraham was even willing to kill his son at the Father’s request. This is similar to when God the Father wanted to offer Me, His only Begotten Son, as a sacrifice for the reparation of all the sins of mankind. I am your Savior, and I was incarnated as a God-man so I could give up My life for all of you out of My love for you. I am calling on all of My faithful people to give up their will to follow My Divine Will. This is your personal sacrifice that you can share with Me on My cross. It is not easy to live a Christian life, but you can show Me your faith like Abraham, by repenting of your sins and doing good works for your neighbor out of love for Me. By your own suffering, you will gain your eternal salvation in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am giving you another experience of what your Warning will be like. In this vision you are traveling outside of your body, and you are traveling through time in a black hole. Then you will be witnessing every moment of your life in a life review. You will wonder why you made so many bad decisions in your sins. You will see how these sins offend Me, and you will see all the good and bad deeds of your life. At the end of your life review, you will see the destination of your soul in how I would judge you, as if you died today. Many people will be shocked at where they are going, but I will give all of you a second chance to change your lives, when you are returned into your body. After remembering all of your unforgiven sins, many people will desire to come to Confession, or however they know how to repent of their sins. After this Warning experience, some souls will have better lives, while others will get worse in their sins. Help your family members come back to the sacraments to keep them from going to hell. Those people, who change their lives for the better, will be very thankful that I gave them a second chance to change their lives.”


Saturday, July 8, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you My very Self in My Real Presence of My Eucharist. I only ask that you receive Me in Holy Communion without any mortal sin on your soul. I have instituted My sacrament of Reconciliation for confessing your mortal and venial sins. Take advantage of this grace in at least monthly Confession. I call all of My faithful to be with Me at Holy Mass on Sunday or Saturday evening. This is My Third Commandment that you give worship to Me on every Sunday. If you do not come to Mass on Sunday, you need to confess this in Confession. You need to make time for Me for at least one hour a week at Mass. You should pray your prayers each day to show Me how much you love Me for all that I do for you. Doing good deeds for people and praying, is your way of thanking Me for My gifts to you. You should rejoice at every Mass to be with Me when I come into your heart and soul at Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, North Korea is now showing off its ICBM capability, and it will soon threaten the US mainland with a possible nuclear attack. Your Air Force is showing its anti-missile capability, along with the threat of long range bombers to retaliate any attack on you or your allies. With both North Korea and the United States threatening attacks, it would not take much of an accident to precipitate an all-out war on the Korean peninsula. North Korea has a very large army that would necessitate the possible use of tactical atomic bombs to defend South Korea from the North. Continue to pray for peace in this area, or many lives could be lost.”


Sunday, July 9, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how most people, who work, get paid in money and benefits. There are also some people who volunteer their services to help people without getting paid. You also give donations of money to those people in need, or to your relatives and friends. I am making a point of not using people, just for your own gain. Some people abuse their friends for donations, and then use the money for something other than the original request. Some people also use someone’s services for free without thanking them, or they think it is expected. You all have life’s burdens, and you need to help each other. You need to do things out of love and respect for people, and be ready to compensate people for their work, unless they do not want to be paid. By sharing your time and money with people, you are showing Me how much you love Me, and your neighbor.”


Monday, July 10, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read about two successful healings because they had faith in My healing power. The one woman had hemorrhages for many years, and she believed if she just touched the tassel on My cloak, then she would be healed. I did heal her both physically, and in her soul. The other man asked Me to bring his daughter back from the dead, and this took an even greater faith in My healing. After I put the non-believers out, then I raised the daughter back to life. I have passed on these healing gifts to My disciples, and they healed people, even raising some people from the dead. Even today, you have witnessed people being healed by miracles of faith. You have even heard about some people being raised from the dead. Some near death people have been given a second chance to return to life, so they could be saved. Even more souls could be saved by My healing power in the coming Warning experience. Remember to have faith in My healing power, and you will see more people healed because of their belief in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I look on all of My people as equal. You do not get into heaven by being famous, and you cannot buy yourself into heaven. Those people, who are humble, repent of their sins, and perform good deeds for people, are the ones who will come to heaven. I look into the heart for the intentions of your actions, and you need to do everything out of love for Me. Accumulating wealth and striving to be famous, will not win heaven. You need to store up treasure in heaven with your prayers and good deeds. Seek Me first in your life, and everything else will be given to you. Saving souls from hell should be your primary occupation, because your most prized possession is your soul. Remember that those people, who exult themselves, will be humbled, and those people, who humble themselves, will be exulted.”


Tuesday, July 11, 2017: (St. Benedict)
Jesus said: “My people, when I cast out a demon from someone, then that person could speak and was no longer mute. The people around Me marveled that I controlled demons, but instead of being grateful, they said it was by Beelzebub that I cast out demons. I quickly told them that Satan’s kingdom would fall from a division from within, if I cast the demons out by Beelzebub. They then realized that it was by the Word of God that I cast demons out of people. They could even hear the demons fearing Me, when I commanded them to leave people. My son, you know that Beelzebub is the ‘Lord of the flies’, and you had such an attack of thousands of flies on your chapel before it was exorcised. Rejoice that you have My priests to exorcise demons, and you have blessed salt and holy water for your defense against the demons. Your relic of the True Cross, your scapular, and your St. Benedictine blessed cross are also useful weapons to fight the demons. This is St. Benedict’s feast day, and you can call on his protection. You can also pray the long form of St. Michael’s prayer for deliverance from demons and addictions. Use your blessed rosary to pray for sinners as well. You have My weapons, so use them to fight the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, your bodies are vulnerable to many diseases, bone problems, and addictions. You are seeing many cases of cancer at all ages. Some of these problems could be a result from your environment, as pollution, and some could be caused by what you eat, as your modified crops. You have seen people require hip or knee replacements. Others have heart attacks or poor circulation. You can comfort people with your care and your prayers. Some people have financial problems, and you could help your relatives or friends when you can. Those people, who have addictions to alcohol or drugs, are much harder to help. You have clinics to help these people, but they need to have a desire to stop their bad habit and change their lives. Pray your deliverance prayers to help free them from any demons behind these bad habits. By reaching out to help people with your actions, prayers, and donations, you can store up treasure in heaven for your good deeds.”


Wednesday, July 12, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Genesis you have read the story of how Joseph was sold as a slave by his brothers to the Egyptians for twenty pieces of silver. Joseph interpreted the Pharaoh’s dream about the seven fat cows and the seven thin cows. It meant that there would be seven years of plenty, followed by seven years of famine. Joseph was made governor to store plenty of grain during the good years in preparation for the seven years of famine. This account is similar to the world famine that is coming to this time. That is why I have been encouraging people to store at least one year’s supply of food for everyone in their households. All of My refuge builders are storing water, food, and fuels. The time of tribulation and pestilence will ravage the land, and just like in the time of Joseph, the people will be desperate to find food for their survival. I will multiply the food, water, and fuels at any refuges, so have trust in Me as I warn My people to be prepared for the coming famine. Be thankful for My advice on all of the refuges for their preparations. My angels will protect you, and help you in your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, many countries have nuclear bombs and the ICBM missiles to deliver these bombs. You have gone through many years of a cold war, because it would be suicide for everyone to start a thermonuclear war. You still will see conventional weapons used in combat, but a new war threat will be the use of EMP weapons. This attack could come from a neutron bomb exploded high in the air that could destroy microchips, and it could shut down your electricity, computers, and vehicles. Such weapons could be fired from submarines or other ships besides using an ICBM attack. This explosion could cause a famine, when people do not have enough food and water. It would be hard to shoot down such missiles before they explode. Smaller EMP weapons could also be used against ships with a localized effect, and this could be used against your carrier ships. There will be a need to defend your electronic equipment with Faraday cages to avoid any EMP effects. Losing your electricity for a long time will be devastating, and that is why My angels will be shielding My refuges from EMP, bombs, viruses, and any means of detection. The evil ones have a plan to take over America, but they are vulnerable to EMP attacks as well. When your lives are in danger, I will warn all of My faithful to come quickly to My refuges. Trust in Me because My power is greater than the demons, and all the weapons of man. I will protect My faithful with My angel power, so have no fear of anyone.”


Thursday, July 13, 2017: (Aline Samson)
Jesus said: “My people, continue to pray and have Masses said for Aline, for she still needs your help to get out of purgatory. In today’s first reading about Joseph and his brothers, you could see how Joseph took pity on his brothers in their need for food during the famine. Joseph forgave his brothers for selling him as a slave to the Egyptians, and he even sobbed over seeing them. This is a good lesson for all of you that you are to forgive one another, even if someone has harmed you or insulted you. It is not easy to forgive, but I want you to love everyone, even your enemies. In all families, I want you to make peace with each other, and do not hold grudges or hard feelings toward your family members. Pray for all the members of your family because you do not want any of them to be lost in hell.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, at some time many of you have had a leg or knee injury. It is hard to heal from a leg injury because you need to get around with crutches or in a wheelchair. These injuries can take a long time to heal, and they make it difficult to have patience with your poor mobility. You, My son, have been healing from a leg injury, so you know how painful this can be. Pray for a speedy recovery, and pray for all the people who are suffering from leg injuries.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Midwest, the L South, and the Northeast you have been seeing a steady number of rainstorms with some occasional tornadoes. You have even seen flooding where heavy rainfalls have occurred. In the West you are seeing near record amounts of burned acres with many fires. You have seen firefighters battling the fires with air drops of flame retardants. This occurs every year, but there have been larger fires. Pray for all the people who have suffered injuries, or have lost their homes to these natural disasters. Help donate to any funds that are helping these people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Iraqi troops and your forces who have fought a long time in battling ISIS forces to win Mosul, Iraq from their hands. This has been one of the few battles where ISIS has been beaten back from one of their strongholds. It took constant street fighting to takeover this city from ISIS. There has been much fighting in Iraq over the years, and ISIS is losing its influence. Pray for a cease fire in Iraq and Syria.”

Jesus said: “My people, you always have sick people in the hospital, and some are requiring surgery. It is kind to comfort people with health problems. Those people, who visit the sick and the care givers with food, will have treasure in heaven. Visiting the sick and the elderly are corporal works of mercy, and I encourage people to continue helping others with your good works.”

Jesus said: “My people, your home is your place of rest, and you share meetings with your family and friends. To lose your home means a loss of your physical things as furniture, cars, and electronic things. It is difficult to rebuild, especially if that area is prone to further disasters. In some cases as with tornadoes, you are fortunate to survive any damage. It would help if friends and relatives could reach out to help such victims resettle in a new home. Pray for these victims so they can get back to a normal life.”

Jesus said: “My people, your garage sales are one inspiration to try and clean out houses, and share your belongings with those people who could use them. It is not always a profitable enterprise, but it gives cheap prices for people who may not have much money. This is another means to help the poor when you make donations to your good will stores, or other charities. You can also share donations of money and food with your local food shelves who help feed the poor. By praying and caring for the poor, you are doing more corporal works of mercy.”

Jesus said: “My people, once school is out, your people look forward to relaxing with summer vacations. When you can travel together with your family for entertainment, it gives you a break from your stressful lives. Pray for safe travel and enjoy the company of your friends and relatives. Even while you are on vacation, do not forget your daily prayers, and coming to Sunday Mass. I am always at the center of your lives, and I want you to keep loving Me in all of your activities. I watch out for you all of the time because I love you so much.”


Friday, July 14, 2017: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you could see how Joseph was helping his people to survive with the grain during the famine. Jacob and his family migrated to Egypt, and they settled in Goshen where they had food to eat. Joseph helped his people until a new Pharaoh began to enslave the Jewish people. In the Gospel you read how I encouraged My disciples to go out and preach My words about the Kingdom of God. I told them that they would be persecuted for speaking in My Name, but the Holy Spirit would give them the words to speak to the people. Through the years I have preserved My Church, and I have provided leaders and prophets to carry on the faith in My Word. Today’s St. Kateri also helped the Mohawk people, as they suffered through a smallpox epidemic. She died young from the same disease. Many of your people remember how your own Anne Scheuerman was instrumental in working for St. Kateri’s sainthood by the Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your water line stops working because you do not have a chip in your body, then you will no longer be able to use your flush toilets. This is why I have advised many of My refuges to buy an outhouse for your latrine service. My son, you have had a nice outhouse made, but it is quite heavy and you will need a means to move it to a place over a hole that you will dig when needed. You have heard of several ideas such as skis, several hard plastic pipes, or some wheels. They all involve wheels or something supporting the weight of the outhouse. You saw different kinds of wheels used to move your shed that could also be applied. Spend some time to research various ways to roll your house. It is too difficult to lift, so using braces may not be workable. You will be needing this help to move your house to various holes. So learn the best way now. When it is needed and you cannot move it physically, My angels would help lift it into place so you can use the outhouse for its purpose.”


Saturday, July 15, 2017: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading the account of Joseph, and how he forgave his brothers for trying to kill him. It was My plan for Joseph to prepare the grain to save the Jews from the famine. Once Joseph died, the Pharaohs enslaved the Jews in the brick pits of Goshen to build the Egyptian cities. After some years of captivity, Moses was raised up as the ‘Deliverer’ to free the Jews from the bondage of the Egyptians. There is also a parallel of My Incarnation as a God-man when I became the Savior of all of mankind from their sins. Even the Passover of the Jews when they were freed, was the first Mass at the ‘Last Supper’. Then My crucifixion and Resurrection freed souls to enter heaven, and My sacrifice has made reparation for all of your sins. Rejoice that I am your Savior to lead you all on a path to heaven.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is the parable I gave about the Sower sowing seeds. Some seed fell on rocky ground, but it withered and died because of a lack of roots. Other seed fell among thorns, but when it grew up, it was choked by the thorns. The remaining seed fell on good soil, and it yielded thirty, sixty, and one hundredfold. You realized that the Seed was My Word, but it is important to notice how My Word was received. I plant My Word in your hearts, and as in the vision, I water My Word with My graces to help you grow in faith. I explained this parable’s meaning to My disciples. The seed is the Word of God. The seed that fell on rocks and the hard path, are people who hear My Word, but the devil takes it away. They do not have strong faith, so temptation causes them not to bear fruit. The seed, that fell among the thorns, are people who first rejoice in My Word, but their faith is choked by the cares, riches, and pleasures of life. They also do not bear any fruit. The seed that fell on good soil, are the true faithful who accept My Word, and they bear many spiritual fruits according to their talents. I spoke many parables to the people, and I used figures of speech and nature so they could understand My examples. My disciples had the parables explained to them so they could write down the meaning in the Gospels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in great need of more priests, which is why I want you to pray for more vocations to the priesthood. I am showing you a priest’s black shirt without the Roman collar in the vision. Pray also for all the seminarians so they can complete their intention of becoming a priest. Be thankful for these vocations, because these men are remaining celibate for My sake. Pray also for all of your active priests, so they can remain in their priestly vocation. You need to help support your parish priest with your donations, your prayers, and any physical help with your church. The best places to have fertile ground for vocations to the priesthood, is where you have constant Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. You should be grateful for all the priests who give you daily Mass, and Sunday Mass. Thank the priests also who give you Confession, baptize your children, and marry your adult children. You also need to thank your bishop for confirming your children with Confirmation. Even at the funeral Masses, your priests are there to console your grieving families. Your priests are your best friends because they act in My place at Mass and for your sacraments. My gift of My Eucharistic Presence is made possible by your priests. Pray for the spiritual protection of your priests to have pure souls, despite any attacks of the devil.”


Sunday, July 16, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of all of the immigrants who have come into Europe, and especially into France. You also have seen how fewer people in Europe are coming to church on Sunday. There have been several terrorist incidents in Paris, France where people have been killed. This is why I am showing you another incident that will be happening more frequently in Europe, as terrorists are infiltrating with all of the immigrants. The Muslims are having more children than the people in the European countries, and these countries are becoming ripe for a takeover. The one world people are even using Satanic rituals, as you saw with the new train tunnels. This evil will be spreading throughout Europe, as the forces of the Antichrist are preparing for a world takeover. You will be seeing more signs of the Antichrist’s power, as more continental unions will be forced on the people, modeled after the European Union. Pray for your people in America to hold onto your religious roots with Me. Do not let the worldly distractions take you away from your daily prayers and Sunday worship.”


Monday, July 17, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, on this theme of killing newborn children, you have seen history repeating itself, even until today. Egypt’s Pharaoh was fearful that the Hebrews’ population was dangerous because it was increasing more than their own. He sent out an edict to kill all the Hebrew male children at the time of the Book of Exodus. At another time Herod wanted to kill Me because I was a newborn king, and a threat to his Kingdom. So Herod ordered all the newborn boys of Bethlehem to be killed. In more modern times you saw Hitler trying to kill the Jews and others in the ‘Holocaust’. Today, you are seeing boys and girls being killed by the millions in abortion. Even for a while in China they killed the girl babies because parents could only have one child in the cities, and they preferred boys. Life is too precious to be killing children, the unborn, or the elderly. Pray to stop abortion and euthanasia that are being legalized in your court decisions.”

Jesus said: “My people, this triangle in the vision represents the Blessed Trinity. You are seeing the earth through the Blessed Trinity’s eyes, and there are black souls in mortal sin all over the earth. There are white spots thinly spaced all over the earth which represent My places of refuge. The white light comes from the angels who are shedding their light, which is protecting each refuge even now from any natural disasters. When I call My people to the safety of My refuges, your guardian angels will lead you with a small flame to the nearest refuge. Once they arrive, some counselors will calm the people so they can each be assigned their work for the day. Some people will be preparing the fuels needed to keep the refuge warm in the winter and heat for cooking the meals. Some people will be assigned to preparing food for the rest. Some people will be washing clothes and setting the tables. Others will help with the bedding and hygiene needs. You saw how some will help dig holes and move your outhouse over them. You may have some electricity from your solar panels, but be ready to use your lamp oil for lighting the lamps at night. You will need water for drinking and bathing. My angels will multiply what you need, so trust in Me to help you to survive this trial. The angels or a priest will provide daily Holy Communion which you could even survive on if necessary.”


Tuesday, July 18, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have watched the movie industry’s presentation of the ‘Ten Commandments’. You can see how the producers exaggerated the Biblical story to make their own view of the real events. Moses did lead the people out of Egypt with the power of My plagues on the Egyptians. The Passover is the biggest commemoration of these miracles, and it is carried over into the sacrifice of the Mass. The Ten Commandments are My covenant with all of mankind, and not just for the Jews. The laws are My directives on how I want you to live your lives. None of My laws will ever be changed for a better hearing, because My words are forever. I have given you My First Commandment of not putting false gods or idols before Me, as riches, fame, or sports. I have given you My Third Commandment of worshiping Me on Sunday. Your abortions and euthanasia are violations of My Fifth Commandment of ‘Thou shall not kill anyone.’ My Sixth Commandment includes all sins of the flesh such as adultery, fornication, homosexual acts, and birth control. Because you are weak to sin, I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation so you can have your sins forgiven. You can see how evil your society is, by how you are violating My laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading (Matt.11:21-24) I am listing the woes to the cities of Corozain, Tyre, Sidon, and Capharnaum. Their people committed worse sins than the city of Sodom, and they did not repent of their sins. In Genesis (18:23-33) I talked with Abraham and after starting with fifty just men, I relented to accepting if ten just men were in Sodom, I would not destroy it. My angels led Lot and his family out of Sodom, and then I brought fire and brimstone down upon Sodom to destroy it. You have seen My justice also on the world of sinners, when I saved Noah and his family, and I drowned the others with a great flood. There is a parallel with the sinful world of today. Because there are just people among the sinners, I have not brought My justice on the earth. When I call My people to My refuges during the tribulation, then I will bring plagues of justice against the evil ones. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement upon the earth, after I raise up all of My faithful off the earth. The comet will kill the evil ones, and their souls will be cast into hell. Then I will recreate the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, July 19, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, today, in the Book of Exodus, you are reading how Moses met God the Father in the burning bush. God the Father told Moses to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground on Mt. Sinai. He also asked Moses to lead the Hebrew people out of the oppression from the Egyptian Pharaoh. The Hebrews were enslaved with hard labor for many years to build the Egyptian cities. God the Father would go with Moses to help him. In today’s world I have given you My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts of the Eucharist. At every Mass the priest consecrates the bread and wine into My Body and My Blood. When you come to receive Me in Holy Communion, I want you to respect My Real Presence by bowing or genuflecting. It is permissible to receive Me in the hand, but it is more reverent to receive Me on the tongue. Whenever you enter a Catholic Church, or when you come by My tabernacle, you should genuflect to give praise and honor to My Hosts in the tabernacle. Those of you, who love Me so much, can even visit Me in My tabernacle, or when I am exposed in the monstrance. My daily Adorers often come to daily Mass so they can receive their daily spiritual Bread to have My graces for the day. My daily Mass people and daily Adorers have a special place in My heart. Remember to respect My Blessed Sacrament by always receiving Me in Holy Communion without any mortal sin on your souls. Those people, who receive Me unworthily, are committing a sin of sacrilege. You can cleanse your soul in Confession, and then you can receive Me with a pure soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been telling you for years that there would be a split in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This schismatic church will be teaching New Age beliefs, and that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. This schismatic church will be teaching many heresies that you do not have to follow. If a cleric tells you a heresy, you do not have to believe such a falsehood, and you can disobey any heretical order. Pray for discernment to the Holy Spirit so you can determine the validity of all teachings that you hear. If what you hear does not sound right, then look for this subject in your Catechism of the Catholic Church to confirm any heresy. You eventually will be coming to your prayer groups, or a place of refuge to find the truth.”


Thursday, July 20, 2017:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to tell you how I appreciate the honor you give Me in your chapel and your prayer group. I am coming today because in your first reading from the Book of Exodus (3:15) I spoke to Moses about who I am. ‘God replied: ‘I AM WHO AM.’ Then He added: ‘This is what you shall tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you.” This is the same name that you have on your chapel door. Later on, Moses brought his people out of Egypt to Mt. Sinai where I gave him My Ten Commandments. This is why I asked you through My Son, Jesus to have the Ten Commandments displayed in your chapel. Of all the signs of Me that you have, your new tablets of the Ten Commandments on the wall, best display My covenant of love for all the people. I want you to keep your focus on My Name and My Commandments when you think of Me. This is why these readings are very powerful for how to live your lives.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the children today have to run several gauntlets in order to survive. The first test is to avoid being an aborted baby. The next test is in the school system that teaches Godless socialism which is taught by most teachers. A third test is to avoid any addictions to drugs or alcohol. It is the parents who are most responsible for teaching the faith to their children. As parents become weak in their faith, they give bad example when they do not come to Sunday Mass. This is why fewer children are taught the faith, and many do not come to Sunday Mass. Pray your St. Michael long form prayer for the salvation of your family’s souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, My crucifix with a corpus on it, is so important to be kept on the altar, and in your homes so you can remember how much I suffered to save your souls. I love all of you enough to die for each soul. By having a large crucifix on your altars, My love is always displayed in your eyes. In the same way you need a crucifix in your homes to remember My gift of My life every day. This is why crosses without My corpus and the resurrected crosses, do not show how much I suffered, and they should be replaced. My cross is powerful in healing, especially relics of My True Cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year you see a few people brought to the faith in your RCIA groups at Easter. There are more people leaving the faith than are being converted. This is why I am calling on all Christians to reach out and strive to make conversions or re-conversions, even in your own families and friends. Call on the Holy Spirit to spread the faith to as many people as you can. You may be the only opportunity to invite people to know and love Me. Those converts, who become strong in their faith, will thank you so much to opening their hearts to My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Confession, you see very few people coming, and you usually see the same few people coming often. Your priests should be encouraging their parishioners to come to frequent Confession at least once a month. Some priests make themselves more available for Confession before or after morning Mass. By telling about all the graces and help that comes from Confession, more people would take the trouble to have a pure soul. By keeping your souls pure, you can come to daily Mass and Holy Communion, and you can be ready to meet Me at your judgment whenever you die.”

Jesus said: “My people, every person has a soul created in the likeness of My Image with a free will to choose to love Me or not. You are all important in My eyes, and I am constantly battling the devil to win as many souls as I can for heaven. You also should see how precious each soul is to be loved and not forgotten when someone dies. See to it that you pray for each deceased soul with prayers, Masses, and especially a Divine Mercy Chaplet. You have seen many souls saved with My Divine Mercy Chaplet. It is important for every family to give all of your deceased family members a proper burial service with a Mass and the sacrament of the sick.”

Jesus said: “My people, these Senators need to change or improve your present Health Plan before it fails. If they cannot come up with the right bill to pass, they are risking losing their seats in the Senate for a lack of action. The first hurtle is to bring it up for debate and amendments. People should not be forced to buy a bad Health Plan, and have to pay penalties for not signing up. It may take a failure of Obamacare to get these Senators to take any action. Pray for a quick resolution to have a plan that is fair to the people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned several times that when people come to My refuges during the tribulation, you should bring the tools of your trade so you could share your skills with your refuge people. You will not be able to go out to the store to buy what you need. But if you bring your tools and supplies, I could multiply them to last for awhile, and you could share them with others. You all have certain skills that you could use at a refuge, so do not forget to put your trade tools and supplies in your backpacks so you will have them at your refuge. I love all of you, and I will even provide any tools that you need, if you should forget them.”


Friday, July 21, 2017: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision I am showing you what you call the ‘Last Supper’, but I was celebrating a Passover Meal according to the Jewish custom established by Moses. There were some changes because instead of using an unblemished lamb for the sacrifice, I was sacrificing Myself the next day as the Lamb of God. At the first Mass I used bread and wine, but when the priest consecrates the bread and wine, it is transubstantiated into My Body and My Blood. This Eucharistic Service is also a perpetual Sacrifice that is performed at every daily Mass. It is by My power that you have My Real Presence in every consecrated Host. As in the Gospel, I want all of you to worship Me on Sunday, and give respect to that day by avoiding any unnecessary work. Give praise and thanks to Me because I am with you always in My Eucharistic Hosts in My tabernacle.”


Saturday, July 22, 2017: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My people, this reading of the Gospel is read on Easter Sunday. You remember how Carol’s Father told you in a message that all of heaven is rejoicing even more than normal on Easter Sunday to celebrate My Resurrection. At that moment I conquered sin and death, because death had no hold on Me. St. Mary Magdalene was gifted to be the first person in the Scriptures to see Me in My glorified Body. This is the same vision that I gave to My apostles on Mt. Tabor in My Transfiguration. Mary instantly believed in My Resurrection, but My disciples did not want to believe her. Later, when I appeared to all of My disciples, they believed also. It was hard for My disciples to understand the Mystery of My Resurrection, but later the Holy Spirit inspired them to preach My Good News. My conquering sin and opening the gates of heaven are truly Good News for every soul to desire to be with Me for all eternity in heaven. This is My mission to die for all of your sins, and to bring salvation to all sinners who believe in Me and accept Me into their lives. I want all of My faithful to be willing to go out to all the nations to share My Good News, and convert souls to believe in Me.”

Kateri said: “My son, I remember years ago when you bought a statue of me, and you gave it to your daughter. I remember your intention also to help pray for your daughter’s soul. I have been watching out for her, and I am praying to Jesus for her soul to be saved. Thank you again for visiting my shrine and tomb here in Canada. You have been coming now for several years, and I thank you for honoring me with your presence, and that of your group of pilgrims. Today, you were able to get here without as much traffic as last year. It takes some time and planning for this trip, and thank you for remembering me in your trips. I will pray for all of your members, and for all of your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.”


Sunday, July 23, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision I want you to look at this very high stairway as the steps toward your being with Me at your judgment. As each year passes, you move up one step. Your lifetime seems like a long time to know, love, and serve Me. You can see as you grow older, how quickly this life passes on. I want you to use your time well in prayer and good deeds for your neighbor. As you advance in your years, I want you to strive to grow holier in your spiritual life. As you get closer to the last years of your life, you should work to keep a pure soul with frequent Confession. When you come to Me at your judgment, you want to be among My faithful wheat, who will be gathered up into My barn of heaven. Pray for your family’s souls so they do not become like the weeds, who are burned up and cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a drawbridge over a moat of water and demons represents My link of salvation for souls. I have died for your sins, and My death and Resurrection have set you free, and now I am providing a bridge from earth to heaven for you. I do not want My faithful to fall into the abyss of hell and the demons, so I am making it possible to cross over from this life of temptation into a new life with Me in heaven. This is a miracle by My grace that I allow those souls who are worthy to enter into eternal life with Me. I love all of My people, and I desire to bring all souls to heaven. But I have given you all free will to accept Me in love or to reject Me. If you do not accept Me in love, then you are locking My drawbridge so I cannot put it down for you. Those people, who do show Me their love, will have My drawbridge put down to welcome them into eternal life with Me in heaven as their reward. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I am doing for My faithful, both on earth and in heaven.”


Monday, July 24, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing My great miracles that protected My people from being killed by the Egyptians. My Shekinah flame held back the chariots of the Egyptians, while I opened the Red Sea for the Israelites to pass through on dry land. When the flame diminished, the Egyptians went into the path, but then the waters closed in on them and drowned the soldiers. This same protection that I gave the Israelites, I will also see to the protection of My faithful during the tribulation. You will be led by your guardian angels with a small flame to the nearest refuge. A shield of invisibility will protect you from the evil ones. Later, the evil ones will be cast into the flames of hell, while I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. In the Gospel I told My people that the only sign I will give, is the sign of Jonah. Unless the people repent and ask for My forgiveness, they cannot enter into heaven. I told them that they had a greater person than Jonah was here in Me. The Queen of the South visited the wisdom of Solomon, but they had a person greater than Solomon here in Me. Give praise and glory to Me for My protection and My graces.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a vision of demons attacking My Church, and you are wondering how can this be? I have told you that I will not allow the gates of hell to destroy My Church. I am allowing a coming division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. It is the faithful remnant that will be protected from the demons, and you will see this protection at My refuges. The Masons are infecting My Church with their heresies and lies. Avoid staying in any of the schismatic churches because they will be lost by their own free will. Remain faithful to My Commandments, and do not follow any evil laws of man that the devil has infected with his lies. You are seeing evil all over the world in abortions and the sexual sins. Your courts and governments have legalized abortion, homosexual marriages, and euthanasia. No matter how much your evil people claim that these things are legal, they are still mortal sins in My eyes, because My Commandments are not changeable. When you stand up against what is morally wrong, you will be persecuted for standing up for My Holy Name. Do not be afraid of the evil ones because I will protect you. Your good example will be a bright flame of truth that you will shine forth through the darkness of sin. Even if you may face being martyred for your faith, never deny Me before anyone. Your faith is a gift, and your soul desires to be with Me in heaven. Guard your soul against evil and cleanse it frequently in Confession.”


Tuesday, July 25, 2017: (St. James)
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a second message about the evil ones who are entering My Church. In the vision you are seeing large evil demons attacking My Church on the altar. My faithful remnant are protected by My veil of invisibility. Any services in the schismatic church will not have a true Holy Communion, because they will not have the proper words of Consecration. This schismatic church will be teaching New Age, and it will be giving allegiance to the Antichrist. My faithful will be leaving these false churches to follow Me in their homes and eventually in their refuges. As this evil spreads, you will soon see My Warning to give all sinners an opportunity to change their lives. As the lives of My faithful are in danger, I will warn them that it is time to come to My refuges. Do not be afraid, but trust in My angels to protect you from the evil ones. My punishment will soon fall on the evil ones, as My victory will then cast the evil ones into hell, and My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing all the people processing by the Stations of the Cross on the hill with their candles lit. It was a beautiful sight to see all the lights moving up the hill. The people come every year to honor St. Anne’s feast day. You will be having a hard time to plan any future trips because the hotel is changing ownership. This difficulty in getting a room, is another sign of how close the events are that will lead up to the tribulation. No matter how evil the people will become, you must trust in My protection. Once you see the Continental Unions formed by the one world people, begin to take over, then you will soon be called to My refuges. My angels will protect My faithful, and you will soon be brought into My Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, July 26, 2017: (St. Anne and St. Joachim)
St. Anne said: “My dear children, I am the mother of Mary and the grandmother of Jesus, and I am happy to greet you on my feast day. You see me pictured as holding my daughter, Mary, or teaching her the Scriptures. I am pleased to see all of your happy faces, and I will carry all of your prayer requests to my grandson, Jesus. This is a beautiful Shrine to honor me, and I bless all of you, especially for safe travel on your way home. I will be with you to comfort you in all of your trials of the events leading up to the coming tribulation. Have faith in the Lord’s protection and His healing power for your body and soul. God bless all of you in all that you do for God’s glory.”

Jesus said: “My son, from time to time I am giving you glimpses of what your Warning experience will be like. Your first vision was of a circling picture of your galaxy with its many stars, and a location of the earth next to your sun. Your second vision was looking at a time line where you could see all the events of your life at various ages. You were seeing your work experiences in your lab with crystal clear detail. During your Warning experience you will be outside of your body and outside of time. You will revisit every moment of your life, and you will see all the good and bad things that you did in your life. You will remember all of your unforgiven sins and your sins of omission. At the end of your life review, I will show you where you would go if you were to die right now. You will have a strong desire for confessing your sins. The Warning will give all souls a chance to change their lives when they return into their bodies. You will also experience what your destination would feel like, whether in heaven, purgatory, or hell. I am asking My people to go to frequent Confession so your Warning experience will be less severe. You will need to help souls come back to the true Church during the six weeks for conversions. Trust in Me and you will have your reward in heaven.”


Thursday, July 27, 2017: (Funeral Mass for Earl Leone)
Earl said: “My dear family, I am sorry that I had to leave you, but it was my time to go. I am grateful that you had all of these moments of remembrance, and that you could all make it to my service. It was a nice touch that you had a proper burial service, and I appreciated the military honors for my service in the army. Thank you for leaving my hat and the poppy with my remains. I want to ask forgiveness from anyone who I may have hurt in my life. I did not want to go to my grave with any unforgiveness. I love everyone of my children and grandchildren. Thank you again for all of your sacrifices to be here, and for your help in arranging this service. I thank you for this Mass that has moved me up in purgatory. I thank you for all of your prayers and Masses to help me. I will be praying for all of you, and watching out for you as well.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you were just traveling to St. Anne de Beaupres’ Shrine, and there were many people there to celebrate the feast of St. Anne. In order to carry out the candlelight processions, you need to have a place to sleep overnight. The hotel Auberge was being closed and sold to new owners. This will not be able to be used next year. The rector also is closing the support for campers, so there is no place for RVs to be set up overnight. It is sad that this could reduce the number of pilgrims who could come to this Shrine with few places to stay. Pray that these accommodations could be restored, but this is another sign of the decline in the faith.”

Jesus said: “My son, even in your own parish of Holy Name, you saw that it was closed after being open for fifty years. You had enough money to keep it open, but the politics of not having enough priests to stay there, have caused it to be closed. You have seen other churches closed to pay for pedophile cases against some priests. Instead of needing to build new churches, you are seeing many churches closing for a lack of people and priests. I want My people to spread the faith, but you are seeing fewer people coming to Sunday Mass because of their lack of faith. Pray for an increase of faith to stop the decline in attendance.”

Jesus said: “My people, in years past you thought it was expected to bury a person in a casket in the ground or in a mausoleum. In certain cases cremations were done because of the expense of moving a casket over a long distance to a grave. In other cases people are using cremations to save money on a funeral expense. The dead deserve a proper burial service without worrying about saving a few thousand dollars. If the family is poor and there is little money, then it is understood to have a cheaper funeral. Most families have enough money to afford a decent funeral, so there is little excuse not to have a Mass and a normal funeral. You may have to specify such a funeral in your will in order to have things done properly.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some homes along Lake Ontario, there has been flooding and loss of land due to the lake level that has risen two feet or more. It is hard to increase the flow out of Lake Ontario because dams can only release so much water. Some homeowners are being helped by emergency funds for such damage. Many people do not have enough money to pay for flood damage insurance. Pray that this flooding problem can be resolved before more people could lose their homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing homes being lost to fires, tornadoes, and hurricane threats. It is hard for people to rebuild their homes, especially if they cannot get insurance companies to pay any coverage for such disasters. Some families have had to rely on donations from friends or family in order to rebuild their homes. Pray that such victims are able to find a new home to live.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see many people who have health problems, and they are in great need of prayers, healings, or Masses for any solutions. In some cases operations or medications can help people recover from any illness or bone problems. You can pray your novenas for people to get better, or you could physically get them moved for an operation. I hear your prayers to heal the sick or injured people. I will answer your prayers in My time and in My ways.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is good that your family is coming together for a summer vacation. You need a break from your daily routines to build up your spirits and take away any depression. Seeing this play about ‘Jonah’ is a good biblical lesson in how to change your lives away from sin. Your other activities give you a change of scene to see how other people are living their lives. You need to help each other in your families to provide for your needs. Pray for safe travel and some welcome entertainment. I love all of My children, and I like to see you share your time in loving each other.”


Friday, July 28, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, God the Father wrote the Ten Commandments on the stone tablets as a permanent record for His people to follow. You remember when the Israelites made the golden calf to worship, and there was a division between those who wanted to follow Moses, and those who worshiped the idol. The people against God were killed, and the rest of the people obeyed Moses and the Ten Commandments. The tablets of this covenant of love of God and love of neighbor, were placed in a special ark. The people carried the ark, and it was kept in a special tent of the Holy of Holies. This is a precursor for now when you place My consecrated Hosts in a special tabernacle, and you genuflect before My Real Presence. These Ten Commandments are not only a guide for your lives, but they also serve as a preparation for Confession, so you can remember your sins. You have three Commandments for the love of God, and seven Commandments for the love of your neighbor. Sinners will need to make reparation for their sins, but you can be forgiven in Confession. Give honor and praise to Me for showing you how to live and love in this world.”


Saturday, July 29, 2017: (St. Martha)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read about how Moses was reading from a scroll which was the Word of God to the people. The people would roam for forty years in the desert before coming to the Promised Land. It is important to have faith in My Word, but it is also important to perform good works for your neighbor. Just as you saw Mary listen to My words, Martha was serving the people. You need both following My Word of love, and serving Me in your deeds. I call all of My people to go out to all the nations and spread My Good News.”

(5:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I described the Kingdom of heaven as when a fisherman hauls in a net of fish. What is bad is sorted away from what is good. This is what it will be like at the judgment when the good souls will be separated from the evil souls. The vision of thorns on a cross represents how each person suffers through life to carry one’s cross. It is how you react to situations that I see the intentions in your heart. Your actions are all judged on the intentions in your heart. It is your sins that you need to be sorry for when you come to Confession. If you love Me, you will consecrate everything you do to My greater glory. At your judgment you will be weighed on My scales of justice. Your good deeds will be weighed against your sins. Those people, who love Me, will find their reward in heaven. Those people, who ignore Me or do not accept Me, will be judged to hell. You are either with Me or against Me, that is your free will. But your destination will be judged on this decision in life.”


Sunday, July 30, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember earlier this year that I gave you a message (3-21-17) that something big would happen this year. This vision of Niagara Falls is a sign that the big event would be a natural disaster,and it would have a large significance, meaning a catastrophic event. I am still not giving a date, but it would be good for all souls to have themselves confessed frequently in case you should die suddenly. You have been praying your Reparation Masses for all the souls who could die suddenly in a major event, and they will not have time to prepare for their judgment. Pray for all souls who could be victims of a natural disaster. You are moving into the end times, and the Warning and the tribulation will be coming soon.”


Monday, July 31, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision of the tree with green leaves, this represents a time of plenty. The vision of three figures in the sand represents a time of famine that was caused by a drought. The volcano shapes represent the disasters that will be sent as a punishment for sin, and the demons will be spewed out from the volcanoes in the time of tribulation. Just as Joseph in Egypt interpreted the dream of seven fertile years and seven years of famine, so My people need to store up food in your time of plenty, so you can be prepared for a world famine. I have given you several messages of how to prepare My refuges for the coming tribulation. My angels will help multiply your food, and put a veil of protection over My faithful to protect them from the evil ones. Rejoice in My coming victory over evil, as I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, August 1, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, this message has to do with the vaccine medicines given to your young babies. You have seen many incidences of autism, ADD, and other side effects coming with your children as a direct effect from these vaccines. You should have these shots spaced out instead of all at once to minimize any side effects. Most of the autism is being caused by the mercury preservatives, and the vaccine that is being made in cultures of human fetal tissue. These shots are not improving your baby survival rates, which are poorer than over ten countries. You also need to avoid flu shots for the babies, children, as well as your adults. These shots also are causing side effects you may not know. Your modern medicine is extending your lives, but you are spending more money for the same health as other industrial countries. You need to have more independent research done on your vaccines to see the good and bad effects on your children. Pray for the health of your children, despite what your health people are telling you.”


Wednesday, August 2, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how the face of Moses became radiant after he was conversing with God the Father. It so frightened the people that he wore a veil over his face, but he took the veil off when he talked with God. In a different manner, I showed My bright glorified Body to My disciples on Mt. Tabor in My Transfiguration. After My Resurrection, My glorified Body was so different that people did not recognize Me at first. St. Mary Magdalene and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus did not recognize Me until the ‘breaking of the Bread’. In the same way I appeared to My disciples in the Upper Room and they thought I was a ghost. After they saw Me, and St. Thomas touched My wounds, and I ate fish before them, they knew I was flesh and bones. At the last judgment My faithful souls will be rejoined with their glorified bodies. My people also should feel radiant when you receive Me in Holy Communion, or when you are in front of Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Give thanks and praise to Me in sharing your lives with Me during all of your contacts with Me in My sacraments and in prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My refuge builders to be prepared to accommodate some people at their refuges. A cave for a refuge could be limited in space, but it usually has running water. You may have to use your tent to stay warm from the damp cold. You also may have to stay near the opening of the cave for sufficient air to breathe. Caves could be good bomb shelters, but My angels will have a veil of protection over you. Trust in Me because I will multiply your food and water for your survival. I will protect your refuges from harm, and all My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, August 3, 2017: (Mass for Earl Leone)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you saw how God the Father was always present to the people in the Ark of the Covenant that contained the Ten Commandments. A special tent was placed over the Ark, and only Moses could go in to talk with God. A cloud would come down over the tent during the day, and when it lifted, the people would move again. At night there was fire over the tent to light their way. In the desert Moses struck the rock for water, and they had manna in the morning, and quail at night. This is contrasted with your churches of today, where I am always Present to you in My consecrated Hosts in My tabernacles. I have instituted My Eucharist so that you could receive Me at every Mass. This Blessed Sacrament is My gift to you of My very Body and Blood. Later on at My judgment, My faithful will see the Blessed Trinity in the glory of My Kingdom in heaven. Give praise and glory to Me every day in your prayers.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you will be fortunate to have a good priest to sacrifice Mass. Make sure that you have songbooks at your refuges so you can sing along with the priest during the Mass. When you sing, you are praying twice. In the morning you will have the Bread of My Eucharist in morning Mass. At night you will have the deer for meat. Trust in Me that you will have enough food to survive.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were wondering if you should buy a generator to obtain some electricity during the winter. In the cold months you will have snow on your solar panels, and very little light to generate any power. You need to buy a propane/gasoline generator along with some propane tanks. You could provide some lights, and I will multiply your fuels. See if you could find an electrician who could help recharge your batteries in the winter. This will be one more project to work on. I will find help for you to supply this backup.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Liberty Bell is a symbol of how your people struggled to be free from England in the early days of your government. You had some scholarly men draw up the Declaration of Independence for your freedom. Your Congress also set up a Constitution of America that is controlling your government today with the judicial, legislative, and executive branches. Your Democratic Republic has succeeded for a long time, but your people need to protect your government from any dictatorial attempts to break up your long standing precedents. Pray for your country to abide by My plans, and keep ‘Under God’ in your pledge of allegiance.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country today is made up of many small businesses that have provided many jobs. You read about and visited this Hershey chocolate company and a caramel company. You saw how the candy was made, and how it prospered with many products that you have today. It is difficult to have a successful business, and to have it succeed for years. Pray for your country and your jobs to keep your economy running.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good to celebrate your saints as St. Anne, and St. Kateri Tekakwitha on your trip to Canada. At times you can visit the tombs of the saints as St. Brother Andre in Montreal. All of your trips with your family were very successful, and all of you were enlightened by your travels. Give thanks to Me for your safe travel.”

Jesus said: “My son, as you traveled around the country, you could see different cultures of how people lived, such as the Amish people. When you watched the ‘Jonah’ presentation, you could see how I used Jonah to help the people of Nineveh come to Me in repentance. Even though Jonah was disappointed that I did not destroy their enemies, he was instrumental in bringing My Word to the people. This is a short account, but it is a lesson in how My faithful need to keep evangelizing people with My Good News. These biblical productions are beautiful to make the Bible come alive for everyone.”


Friday, August 4, 2017: (St. John Vianney, Cure d’Ars)
Jesus said: “My people, this destruction of an altar and the pews with a large bomb crater, is a sign of how your churches are going to be attacked. You have seen churches burned by evil people in the past, and you could see more terrorist attacks on churches to come. You are also seeing churches closed for lack of attendance. Some of these closed churches could be torn down for other buildings. This vision can also represent more attacks on My churches from a spiritual point of view, when the schismatic people take over the churches. Their New Age teachings will force My people to go to other churches, and eventually to homes or refuges. You will soon be witnessing a division in My Church, when My faithful will have to have Masses in the homes or in My refuges. You will have to choose between Me or the false New Age teachings of a schismatic church.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a vision of hell with the flames throughout a large hole into an abyss. I am also showing you a vision of purgatory which is also in a large hole. The flames are only at the bottom of purgatory. Those souls in hell are in the flames forever, with no hope of ever getting out. The souls in purgatory are saved to be in heaven one day, but their souls need to be purged of their sins and the reparation due for their sins. You can also pray for the souls in purgatory, and you can have Masses said for their intentions. Prayers and Masses can help raise these souls out of purgatory. Alexander has his soul in purgatory, and he will need a lot of prayers and Masses to be released.”


Saturday, August 5, 2017: (Gabriella Margaret Schmidt Funeral)
Jesus said: “My people, some people have trouble dealing with pain, and they take too many pain killers to alleviate the pain. Some people take too much because they want to end their chronic pain. This was more accidental, but I am understanding her situation. She is in purgatory for some time, and she needs Masses and prayers. She is in no more pain physically, but she is sorry to leave her family. She will be watching over her family. Keep her beautiful picture around so you can remember to pray for her.”

Jesus said: “My people, this area off the coast of Seattle, Washington is prone to earthquakes, and it could easily cause a tsunami against the coast. You are seeing a rumbling on the ocean floor which is a sign of a possible earthquake there. You have seen very little activity along this part of the ring of fire, and there is a stress on these tectonic plates. If there is a sufficient size earthquake, you could see a possible tsunami. Be prepared for such an event that could happen at any time. Pray that these people could get to high ground before any waves could drown them.”


Sunday, August 6, 2017: (Feast of the Transfiguration)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I gave My apostles a glimpse of My glory, and they saw Moses and Elijah with Me. St. Peter, St. James, and St. John were awed by My appearance, and they heard the voice of God the Father when He said: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ In the pictures you have seen painted of My Transfiguration, Moses was carrying the Ten Commandments, and Elijah was carrying a knife because he killed four hundred priests of Baal. I told My apostles not to tell anyone of this vision until I rose from the dead. You had your friend paint this picture of the Transfiguration because this is the scene that God the Father wanted for your Eternal Father prayer group. In your chapel you have the signs of the Burning Bush, the Alpha and Omega, and ‘ I AM WHO AM’ on your glass doors. You also have the tablets of the Ten Commandments on the wall that were given to Moses. Give praise and glory to Me for this display of My covenants.”

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to greet all of you on this feast of My Beloved Son’s Transfiguration. The three apostles were overwhelmed with this vision of Moses and Elijah. I then spoke to them: ‘This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.’ When the apostles looked up, only My Son was in front of them. The Ten Commandments are My laws of love of God, and love of neighbor. This is My covenant with all of mankind, and not just the Israelites. Having the Ten Commandments in your chapel is important to display My laws, and you have them well displayed on the two tablets. The large crucifix of My son on the cross is a second covenant that has brought salvation to all of mankind who accepts and loves Me. These two covenants are My plan for saving all souls. So when you listen to My Beloved Son’s words in the Gospel, you are listening to Me as well. Rejoice on this feast, especially for all of My faithful who have visited this place on Mt. Tabor.”


Monday, August 7, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, when people have to work hard together for a common good, like helping the Right to Life cause, it is not easy to please everyone with a good working condition. Many times you have to accept what you have, and make the best of your situation. You will always hear complaints about things that are not good, but keep working on to do your best. Moses had a different problem when his people were trying to survive in the desert. You remember when the people complained about the manna, and God the Father sent snakes to bite the people as a punishment. Moses raised a bronze serpent up on a pole so they would be healed when they looked on it. Later, they received quail for meat at night. In the Gospel I multiplied the five barley loaves and the two fish so that 5,000 men could be fed, along with the women and children. This was a prefigure of My consecrated Bread in My Eucharist. The people coming to My refuges should learn from Moses, and do not complain about the food. You will have Me in daily Holy Communion, and you will have deer come into your camp for meat. I will also multiply your food and water so you will be able to survive. Trust in Me in all of your trials, and I will provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have mentioned before to buy a propane/gasoline generator for some electricity during the winter. You also should buy some extra propane tanks to run it. When it is cold in the winter, you will not have access to natural gas during the tribulation. You will be heating your house with wood in the fire place, and some kerosene burners. It will be important to try and cut down on any heat loss through your windows. You need to purchase enough plastic and tape to cover most of your windows. Some windows may need to be open a little for air. You could obtain some battery run carbon monoxide meters near your heaters. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival, and My angels will protect you from the evil ones.”


Tuesday, August 8, 2017: (St. Benedict)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I am showing My disciples that it is more important to follow Me in obedience than to worry about burying the dead, or looking back at your old work. This is another way to speak about your commitment to Me in faith, and even your commitment to your vocation in life. If you are committed to loving Me, you will remember Me in your daily prayers, and follow My Commandments. You can also come to Confession at least once a month to seek My forgiveness for your sins. There are three general vocations in life: the religious life, the married life, or the single life. If you are a priest, a nun, or other religious, you are called to be faithful to this vocation. If you are married, then you are committed to be faithful to your spouse in your love relationship, and to love and care for any children. Single people also can be committed to Me in their vocation as well. You all are called to share My love with your neighbor, and even reach out to share your faith by evangelizing souls for Me. By living your life committed to Me in your vocation, you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how your credit cards and passports now have smart chips in them. The next change will involve taking coins and dollars out of circulation. This will put full reliance on your credit and debit cards for your everyday transactions. Even your checks will be eventually eliminated in favor of using credit cards. Once these changes have occurred, you will see a move for voluntary chips in the hand. Then you will see mandatory chips in the hand for everyone. This is the mark of the beast that will control people’s minds and souls with microchips. You have seen some articles recently on the mark of the beast where some companies are asking their employees to take chips in the body. I do not want My faithful to ever take any chips in the body for any reason because they will control your minds, and violate your free will. Some doctors are also encouraging their patients to take chips in the body for medical identification. You are also seeing some health jobs forcing their workers to have flu shots or wear masks. I have warned you not to take flu shots because they could harm your immune system. My faithful need to be aware of how the one world evil people are trying to control your lives, especially through chips in the body. The Antichrist will control these people who are chipped. You can remove these chips before the Antichrist declares himself, but after his declaration, you will not be able to remove them. Once you see mandatory chips in the hand, you will soon be moving to My refuges for your protection from the authorities who want to force this on everyone. Trust in Me to protect you from this control by coming to My refuges.”


Wednesday, August 9, 2017: (St. Teresa Benedicta)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your intelligence officials suggest that now North Korea could put a small nuclear bomb on its missiles. The leader of North Korea has threatened to target missiles on Guam. Your President has answered this leader with similar threats. Tensions have grown high over what to do with a nuclear North Korea. The UN has placed sanctions on North Korea that could slow trade to that country. You have a very dangerous threat of a possible war in Korea that could kill millions of people. Pray that war does not start there, and for less tensions between North Korea and America.”


Thursday, August 10, 2017: (St. Lawrence)
Jesus said: “My people, you just read in the first reading of how I love a cheerful giver. When you give money to support My Church, you should give a fair share for your donation, and not just a token amount. This support of My Church is part of the Third Commandment, when you are to remember to keep the Sabbath holy, and attend Mass on Sunday to honor and praise Me. Your churches depend on the Sunday collections to keep them open. You are seeing a decline in your church attendance, and it is becoming harder to support churches with fewer people donating in the basket. I also call My people to help the poor with your donations so they have food to eat, and a place to stay. The more you give to My Church and the poor, the more treasure you store up in heaven. So do not be selfish, and give a fair donation, and tithe (10% of income) your income if you can afford to do so.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard some dangerous rhetoric coming from North Korea and America, so tensions are high between both countries. A while back you had a cold war with Russia, and you had a ‘Mutual Assured Destruction’ strategy that neither side wanted to start an atomic bomb war because of the consequences. Now that North Korea and America can launch ICBM missiles with nuclear warheads, you have a similar cold war with North Korea. Pray that neither side will start a war that could kill many people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you celebrated the feast day of St. Teresa Benedicta yesterday. She was one of the victims at Auschwitz, Germany who was killed in the gas chambers. You have seen several dictators who killed many people while they were in power. Now, you have more dictators who are causing their people to die of starvation in North Korea and Venezuela. Pray for the victims who are suffering today from the harsh ruling by these dictators.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to get a generator for the winter so you could have some backup electricity. You just recently put an order in for a propane/gasoline generator. You also ordered two more carbon monoxide meters to place near your heaters in the winter. You also purchased some plastic to seal your windows to save more heat from being lost, when you are heating only with your fireplace and kerosene burners. I thank you for acting quickly on these projects because events are getting close.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were given some extra time for your refuge preparations, when I allowed your current President to be elected. This was a miracle as you now have recognized it. You are seeing increasing tensions between Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and America. One miscalculation and you could see a huge war between these countries. My refuges need to be ready when any major events could trigger the Antichrist to declare himself. My faithful will need to come to My refuges for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have practiced living in your tent, and you tried just one of your breakfast meals. I want you to use your stored food and water for your three meals one day, and try to avoid using your electric devices on that day. You need to test how you will live during the tribulation. By going through this practice run, you can be better prepared to live through this trial. Trust in My help and My angels to support you.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have practiced how to live with your physical life in eating your foods and sleeping on your cots and beds. Now, I want you to practice on your spiritual life with your prayer life, your spiritual reading, and your Adoration without your computer. You will receive daily Holy Communion from a priest or from My angels. You also will have My Blessed Sacrament to adore all the time at My refuges, and you will assign at least two people to adore Me at all the hours of the day and night. It will be your prayer life and My Real Presence that will get you through the trial of the coming tribulation. It may be difficult to practice, but you could try and see how a prayer group could live together all day and night. These are all preparations for how you will be living at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, several of these messages tonight are trying to make you appreciate how important it will be to start seriously thinking what refuge life would be like. This is why I have been encouraging you to make some practice runs to see how you could adapt to this lifestyle. You all have been spoiled living with all of your electrical conveniences. This time of the tribulation is closer than you think. If you know what refuge you are going to, you could practice bringing your backpacks with others to see how you could get to your refuge. Otherwise, you will rely on your guardian angel to lead you to the nearest refuge. Trust in Me and My angel protection to keep the evil ones from harming you.”


Friday, August 11, 2017: (Collette Kappler Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, you are grieving your loss of an aunt, and a cousin in Collette. She was happy to see her relatives and friends come to her funeral. She helped a lot of people in her good deeds, and she suffered in her last days. She has found her reward with Me, as I have prepared a place for her. She will be praying for all of her family.”

(Barbara Ann M. Memorial Mass) Jesus said: “My son, Barbara Ann invited you on her radio program many times, so it is fitting that you had a Mass offered for her intention. She was very strong in sharing her faith with others, and she did what was necessary to keep her radio program going. You saw a large metal container of holy water which represents that she needed to wash her soul of any sins. She is in purgatory, but she will be released soon.”


Saturday, August 12, 2017: (St. Frances de Chantal)
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Gospel that those people, who have true faith in My power, can achieve impossible things for mankind. You do not realize how the forces of evil will be trying to remove all the people who believe in Me. The events of the tribulation will appear impossible for the good forces to survive. But I will not leave My people orphans, and I will protect you in this modern day Exodus much like I helped Moses and his people overcome the Egyptian soldiers in the old Exodus. In the readings you are seeing the importance of having a strong faith in My power. When you are dealing with evil in people, you will need prayer and fasting for deliverance of demons from people. When you will be tested by those people, who want to kill you, I will call you to My refuges of protection. Then you will see My angels put a shield of invisibility around you, and your enemies will not be able to enter your refuges. This will take great faith by My people to trust in My protection from the evil ones. I can do the impossible, and you will see My hand fight for you as I did against the Egyptian soldiers.”


Sunday, August 13, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you one of the events to come with a large amount of smoke that was covering a large city with skyscrapers. You could see flames in one of the buildings. The smoke is coming from more than one fire, and it is from a terrorist bombing and arson. These attacks are hard to prevent, and you will be seeing more such events. They could precipitate a local martial law to deal with any violence. Pray for the victims of these attacks as they happen, and pray that your authorities can restore calm to your people.”


Monday, August 14, 2017: (St. Maximillian Kolbe)
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating a beautiful and loving soul in My priest son, St. Maximillian Kolbe. You are viewing two incidents in his life. In the first incident his monastery was miraculously protected from any destruction by an atomic bomb blast in Nagasaki, Japan that killed many people. Take note of this destruction because you are dealing with this possibility with North Korea. More people died from radiation sickness. In the second incident you are seeing how he offered his life in place of a father of a child and his wife. This was similar to how I offered up My life for all of your souls, and you can now find salvation from your sins. You saw the destruction of so many lives in WW II from the atomic bomb and the Holocaust of Hitler in Germany. Yet, today you are killing so many babies in your abortions and your many wars. Life is too precious for such killing, and you need to pray for the stoppage of abortion, and for peace to stop your killings in your wars. Live your lives in love of each other because your lives and souls are so valuable to Me. Fight the devil with your prayers and good deeds, so you can show Me how much you love Me and all of your neighbors.”

(Vigil Mass of the Assumption) Jesus said: “My people, you remember, how you first started out near broke with little or no possessions. When you came into this world, you had nothing. When you leave this world, you will leave with nothing. So do not be concerned with what you are to eat, what you will drink, what clothes you will wear, or where you will stay. I know all of your needs, and I will help you to provide for what you need, both physically and spiritually. So do not worry about having enough money or possessions, because in the end they will not help you to reach heaven. Instead focus on loving Me in your prayers, and loving your neighbors in your good deeds.”


Tuesday, August 15, 2017: (Assumption)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am truly calling you to get closer to my Son. You are familiar with ‘To Jesus through me’. By praying your rosaries and letting me keep my mantle of protection over you, you can stay close to my Son in faith. Today, you are celebrating my Assumption into heaven after my death. This was a blessing from my Son, so I did not suffer corruption in my body. Pray for all the dying people around you because they will need your prayers to get out of purgatory. Give praise and glory to Jesus for all that He does for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing another sign of the end times when you see your places of Adoration closed down. You will also see attempts to even shut down your prayer group Adoration. Where you have Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance, you will see it discouraged. Later, you will not see the Hosts kept in the tabernacles. Then you will see the schismatic churches not praying the proper Consecration prayers, and I will no longer be Present in these unfaithful churches. Just as you pray in front of a video of My Blessed Sacrament exposed in a monstrance in your chapel, My refuges will soon be your only places for Adoration. I have been giving you some last minute preparations for the hard times that you will be facing. Last week’s messages about some practice runs for living in the tribulation were not just for fun. I really want you to prepare better how to accept what is coming, by seriously getting ready to live a refuge life. Trust in Me, and My angels will protect you as I have promised.”


Wednesday, August 16, 2017: (St. Stephen of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, the faith in My people is growing weak, even in America because they are not being attentive to their daily prayers. I love all of you every day, and I pray that you love Me every day also. Your daily prayers are like love notes to Me, so do not just come to Me for only one hour on Sunday. I am your God every day, so tell Me how much you love Me every day in your prayers. In the Gospel I told you where two or more are gathered in My Name, I am there in their midst. This is why you come to daily Mass and Adoration, so you can be with Me in the greatest prayer of all in the Mass. You pray for many intentions, but the most important intentions are to help save souls, especially in your own family. If you are persistent in praying for the souls of your family, you could help save their souls. Encourage your family and others to pray daily. They also need to come to Sunday Mass and monthly Confession. It is because people are praying less, that they are losing their faith all over your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, this fertile field with many crops reminds you of the time of Joseph when he saw in a dream when there would be seven years of plenty, and seven years of famine. This vision and dream are similar for now, because My people need to prepare your food for the coming world famine. You have three kinds of food stored at your refuge: dehydrated food that requires heat and water to reconstitute, meals ready to eat (MRE) that can be used any time, and your canned foods. This is why I have asked you to test how these foods could fit into your diet. Do not worry about having enough food for all of your people, because I will multiply what you have. You will have daily Holy Communion and deer will come into your camp for meat. Even though your refuge life will be difficult to adjust to, I assure you that you will not starve. Trust in Me for all of your needs.”


Thursday, August 17, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I want all of you to know that you will be held accountable for all of your actions, when you did not forgive someone. You do not want to go to your grave with unforgiveness in your heart. You had better make amends with anyone now, or you will have to suffer some purgatory time for any unforgiveness. You also can come to Me in Confession to cleanse any sins of grudges, or acts of unkindness toward your neighbor. Just as I have forgiven your debts of sin, so you must be willing to forgive the debts of others. You must be willing to seek My forgiveness for your sins, the forgiveness of others for your misdeeds, be able to forgive others for their misdeeds, and to forgive yourself. By having a free conscience, then you can bring your gift to Me at My altar.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, most of you are familiar with the Civil War between the North and the South. The North wanted to free the slaves, but the South did not. These statues of Confederate military leaders are being seen as supporting slavery. The two groups were at odds over whether to remove the statues or not. There are one world people behind the scenes who are trying to start a war between the races. This was a staged event to make your President look bad.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing another terrorist act when a van drove through many pedestrians, killing some and injuring many more in Barcelona, Spain. Two people were being held, and another van could have been involved. Europe has been seeing even more terrorist acts than America. Several recent attacks have used cars, vans, and trucks to run people over. Such attacks are hard to prevent, but pray for the victims, and for the authorities to try and prevent these incidents.”

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for obtaining your generator for providing electricity in the winter. You also received your window coverings, and your two carbon monoxide meters. These things will be needed for electricity and to save your heat that could be lost through your windows. The carbon monoxide meters are for safety when you are burning fuels inside your house, or if your gas heater has another blockage in the exhaust. Now, you need to get an extra supply of propane to run your generator. You may find such a propane cylinder where you bought your oxygen cylinder. Pray for the multiplication of your fuels in the winter.”

Jesus said: “My people, your financial markets have reached some lofty levels based on your new President’s plans. If your Congress does not act soon on Health Care and Tax Reform, you could see a large drop in your markets when such promises may not be kept. Many important issues such as your debt ceiling and your National Budget need the action of your Congress. Pray that your government acts on these issues, or there could be some large declines in your markets.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see more elections to replace some U.S. Senators who went to your President’s Cabinet. There is a thin difference between the ruling party and the other opposition. If the ruling party cannot control its members, you will see little done in your Congress. If they do not act soon, they could get voted out of office for doing nothing. Pray for your leaders to do the right thing for your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My refuge builders to prepare to live in your houses independent from your grid and other services. You are seeing a wood burning stove as you have, so you need to have a ready supply of wood on hand. You may have to cut up the wood on the side of your house so it will fit into your fireplace cradle. I have given you many instructions to provide for your people. Trust in Me to help you with food, water, and fuels for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, last week I suggested that your prayer group could plan a practice run overnight to see what refuge living would be like. It would be prudent to try and do this within the next month. Events will be happening quickly and you need this time to test your preparations. By trying this plan, you will see if you need to get anything else while you still can buy something. Remember that your spiritual preparations are just as important as your physical ones.”


Friday, August 18, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the beginning I made man and woman, and the husband was to leave his parents, and cleave to his wife, and the two are to be one flesh. This is the love a man and woman should have in marriage, and I am the Third Partner in the sacrament of Matrimony. The promises in marriage are an intended commitment to live together until one should die. Instead of focusing on love, the people in the Gospel asked Me if it was proper to divorce a spouse because Moses allowed it. I told them that Moses allowed it because of their hard hearts. There are certain case allowed if the marriage was improper, as in an annulment. My Church also allows separations without marrying again. It is difficult to continue a marriage if there is physical harm, excessive verbal abuse, or there are cases of infidelity. If a couple truly loves each other, they could work out any differences and remain faithful to their marriage vows. Just as you love Me, a couple should keep their love as a commitment to one another. A proper marriage is the place to have children and sexual unions. All relations outside of marriage, as fornication, adultery, and homosexual unions are mortal sins, and they require Confession before receiving Me worthily in Holy Communion. Your society is in an evil way because of your abuses against My Commandments. Seek the forgiveness of your sins, and live a proper life in loving Me, your spouse, and your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been preparing you for the coming events for your refuge. You still need to get more propane for your propane generator to run. You also need to cut up your wood so it will fit in your fireplace. After you take care of your driveway and fertilizer, you need to finish up your winter preparations. Your outhouse also needs a means to move over to a future hole, so it is ready to use. There will be a lot of maintenance needed to keep your refuge viable. Be prepared for these coming times, but your people and My angels will help you in your needs.”


Saturday, August 19, 2017: (Jeanne Marie Bello 2nd anniversary)
Jeanne Marie said: “I am happy to see Al and all of my friends come to the Mass of my intention. I love Al so much, and I am satisfied with all he has done around the house. Tell Al how I am watching over all he does, and he better do all the things I taught him. Thank all of you for coming to my church. You could feel my strong presence among you. John and Carol were my trusted friends, and thank you for your prayer group that allowed Al and I to meet. I will be praying for all of you, and I am waiting to see all of you in heaven.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is a little hard to understand because I was called to be the Messiah for the Jewish people. A Canaanite woman came up to Me so I could heal her daughter from a demon. I did not answer her at first because she was a Gentile. Later, I told her that I was sent to heal the lost sheep of Israel. After she pleaded more, I told her that it is not right to take the children’s bread and give it to the dogs. But the woman said that even the dogs eat the scraps from their master’s table. Because of the woman’s faith, I healed her daughter from the demon. Later, in My newly formed Church with St. Paul, even the Gentiles were accepted. You can see how I came to save all sinners, and not just the Jews. My mission was made clear after My Resurrection when I told My apostles to go out to all the nations, and tell the Good News. This is also My call to all of My followers, to go out and share your faith with everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were reading about how the Israelites complained to Moses how it was hard to survive in the desert. They even asked Moses why he led them out into the desert when they had bread and meat in Egypt. How quickly they forgot about how they were freed from the slavery of the Egyptians. My faithful will be suffering as well at My refuges when you will be limited to one space, and you will be living independently from all of today’s comforts. Enjoy your comforts now, because living with many people in one place may test your endurance. You will appreciate the trials of the Israelites who had to live in tents in the desert with little food and water. So in the tribulation you will be thankful for My protection from the evil ones, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.”


Monday, August 21, 2017: (St. Pius X)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are honoring St. Pius X, and according to Church history he issued a decree in 1910 that the age for receiving Holy Communion was changed from twelve to seven at the age of reason. He also encouraged Confession before Holy Communion, and he stood up against modernism and relativism. In the Gospel I told the man all the Commandments to follow. These Commandments are a good preparation for going to Confession. I also told the man to share his money with the poor, but he went away sad because he had many possessions. My people also need to share your money with the poor, and share your faith with everyone. By doing so, you will store up treasure in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard your President change the rules of engagement without telling the terrorists how and when he will attack them. With a long drawn out war, it is hard to say what a victory would look like. Your President is focused on beating the terrorists without dictating a war. He is letting his generals fight his battles. Your President is trying to get support from your politicians and those countries involved. His plans may be addressing a difficult situation, but you may get more deeply involved with more wars, and larger wars. It is hard to have peace with Islamic terrorists who want to kill you. In time you will see if any strategy could shift the winning of the war. Wars are always destructive with a loss of lives. Keep praying for a peaceful solution to these ongoing wars.”


Tuesday, August 22, 2017: (Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, in today’s Gospel it spoke of my Annunciation when I gave my ‘fiat’ acceptance to God to be His mother. In a similar way I am calling all of my children to give their will over to my Son, Jesus, so they can consecrate everything over to Him. You all try to carry out His message of love in all that you do for Him. I am blessing your publisher, Queenship Publishing, for all that they are doing in my honor and for the glory of God. You just saw an eclipse of the sun by the moon, and you can see how close this came to my feast day. I am the Blessed Virgin dressed in the sun as in the Book of Revelation, and expressed in the miracle on Juan Diego’s tilma in Guadalupe, Mexico. This eclipse is a sign of my triumph that will join with my Son’s victory over Satan when I will crush his head.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been urging you to finish up your preparations for your refuge, and especially your winter preparations. You are seeing how the one world people are trying to purposely cause race riots over nothing but statues. They also are trying to block health plans, tax reform, and infrastructure solutions so your President cannot succeed in his office. Your party in power is not coming together, when important issues need to be passed by your Congress. I have mentioned before that if there is no success passing legislation, then the current party may lose its control when the people see no action. Be prepared for more false flag events that are meant to overthrow your President. If martial law does result, then My faithful will need to come to My refuges for your protection.”


Wednesday, August 23, 2017: (St. Rose of Lima)
Jesus said: “My people, I call all of My faithful to go out and work in My vineyard. During your lives you need to find jobs so you can support yourself and your family. It is not easy to toil day after day at your job, and put up with any inconveniences to keep your job. You appreciate your employers who keep paying you for your work week after week. Your jobs give you an opportunity to be creative in coming up with new products to help people. You may work to help charities in your spare time. In a spiritual sense I give everyone an equal opportunity to gain heaven, even if they are converted in the last hours of their lives. This is My true generosity to give people the grace to save their souls from hell, and to be with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that Satan’s time is running out, so he is making one last push to get the world under the control of the Antichrist. I will allow him to go only so far, so My faithful are protected. Your President has tried to stem the tide of evil from the one world people. He is fighting even NAFTA and the North American Union. This is why you are seeing so many attacks on your President, as the evil ones are trying to cause a martial law takeover to stop your President. You will be seeing natural disasters and more severe wars as part of a world takeover by the Antichrist. I have been warning My refuge builders to finish up their projects, because you are seeing signs of a coming takeover. You have seen communist takeovers before, and these evil ones are poised to take you over. Once your lives are in danger I will warn My people to leave for My refuges. Before the Antichrist comes into power, I will send My Warning to all sinners, to give them one last chance to convert their lives to My ways. Be ready to leave for My refuges when I give you My sign.”


Thursday, August 24, 2017: (St. Bartholomew)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a vision of the earth from space, and you are seeing it as a dark globe without light, because a shadow of evil has come over it. You are about to see the evil ones take control of the earth for a short time, under the reign of the Antichrist and the one world evil people. You will be seeing more natural disasters, wars, and governments taken over. This shade of evil will endure throughout the tribulation. This is why many people, as refuge builders, have been rushed to finish their preparations. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement that will kill people, and cause the three days of darkness. The evil ones will be cast into hell, but My faithful will be raised up to protect them from this destruction. I will then recreate the earth, and it will be under My white Light again, as I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the strongest hurricane to strike your country in over ten years. You have many oil rigs and refineries in this area. You could see major flooding that could kill some people and cause great damage. It will take a while for your refineries to recover. Pray for the victims who could be harmed or killed in this storm. You may want to contribute to help any homeless people.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have done well in fulfilling My suggestions for your refuge. You just purchased some propane tanks for your generator, and you repurchased two carbon monoxide meters that were lost. Your prayer member helped you in cutting up your wood, so it would fit in your fireplace. You also put some finishing touches on the inside of your outhouse. You may need to buy another chainsaw for cutting up any wood for your fireplace in the future. Trust in Me and My angels to multiply your food, water, and fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am happy that you are going forward with your plans for a practice overnight trial to see how you could adapt to refuge living. You will try to use your stored water, food, and your bedding supplies. Living together in a group will take some getting used to, but you can trust Me that you will have all that you need to survive. Keep in mind in the tribulation, that My angels will be protecting you from the evil ones with a shield of invisibility. You will be praying in front of your monstrance, without the Host for now, around the clock. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have had their plans of a United States takeover thwarted by your current President’s actions. The one world people wanted to form the North American Union between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. This is why they are doing everything to overthrow your President. You are actually seeing an almost communist style revolution against your government. Many of the paid radicals are causing riots in your streets. You may be on the edge of a civil war or martial law. Once you are taken over, the Antichrist will soon declare himself, and you will need to seek the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, part of a punishment that will come upon your country, will be a collapse of your leadership when all of your leaders will be captured or assassinated by the one world people and their minions. It will be at that time that the North American Union will be brought about. After the Warning, you will need to seek out My refuges to protect your lives and souls from the evil ones. I will shorten the Antichrist’s reign, and I will bring all of My faithful into My Era of Peace. Do not fear the evil ones because their reign will be brief.”

Jesus said: “My people, after My Warning, you will see several events that will lead up to the Antichrist coming into power. One of these events will be a division of My Church into a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. It will be the faithful remnant that will be protected from the gates of hell. My faithful will leave the schismatic churches, and you will be protected in My refuges. Keep close to Me in your prayers and home Masses where I will be with you always. Trust in My angel protection during the tribulation, and you will be saved for My Era of Peace and entry into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My faithful people, do not be afraid of the evil ones in this coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Evil may appear to be winning in some ways, but the Holy Spirit and I will be giving you the graces to endure the coming trials. There may be some martyrs for the faith, but My faithful will be given the courage as My apostles had in order for My Church to survive. Trust in Me because I will bring My victory over Satan, the Antichrist, and all the demons and evil people. The evil ones will be separated into hell, and My faithful will see My Era of Peace, and heaven later. I am with you at all times, so have no fear.”


Friday, August 25, 2017: (St. Louis)
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see the devastation of the Texas shore from high winds, rain, and storm surge waves. The people in this area have not seen such flooding in a long time, and many have had to prepare quickly. The people in vulnerable areas need to evacuate quickly. If people heed the warnings of your weather people, you could see fewer lives lost. These people need your prayers, and they will need some financial help to restore any damage. You have seen what water damage has done to your shores on Lake Ontario, but this coming storm will continue for days. Flooding and wind damage will be the worst. This will be one of the big natural disasters that I warned you about.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two incidents portrayed by a clock. In the first scene you are seeing the minute hand and the hour hand rotating around at a fast pace. This represents your Warning experience and how fast time is passing by. As you look close at a time line of your life, you will see every action you did during every year of your life. At the end of your life review, you will see how you would be judged, as if you were to die today. You will be placed back into your body in time, and you will be given another chance to improve your life, as you learned from your mistakes. In the second scene you are seeing the clock move slowly to twelve o’clock. This is a sign that you will see a war, and the tribulation that is about to start as the Antichrist declares himself. I call on My faithful to have no fear, and be prepared to come to My refuge for your safe haven. The Antichrist will have a short reign before I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. Those people, who are faithful to My Word, will receive their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”


Saturday, August 26, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have prided yourself with all kinds of rich buildings without much concern for natural disasters that occur in this area along your coastlines. You have many refineries and deep water oil rigs where you know historically that hurricanes come in there in the Gulf of Mexico. You have become complacent with your storm preparations, because you have not seen any major hurricanes recently. Because of your pride and complacency, you could be seeing some serious damage and loss of life with this latest hurricane. You have made some changes to prepare, but you were not ready for a 130 mph hurricane on the Texas shore. You are praying for these people in your storm prayer, and your government may have to help with the flood damage. Even donations may be encouraged to help those people who lost their homes. This storm could be a shared punishment, if your gas supplies are threatened for any length of time. Let this be a lesson for all of your Southern coastlines that could be struck by such a storm. You could see more such natural disasters in the future. Trust in Me to help you through your daily trials.”

Jesus said: “My son, I could see you trying out your new chainsaw, once you charged the batteries and put oil in it. You also were getting your new generator ready for running with your propane tanks. You have also ordered some more food cans when you saw how one of your cans only fed thirteen people. You need to be able to use all three kinds of your food to have a variety. Having a large kettle of soup may be easy for serving people. You may have to limit yourselves to two meals a day so your food will last longer. You also need to limit your water usage for the same reason. You will be planning how to use your cots and beds for when people have to sleep. You may want to get twenty wind-up flashlights so people could move around at night. Trying to supply enough water and food will be a challenge, so you need to have Me multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. Trust in Me and I will provide for your needs. You could also survive with even just receiving daily Holy Communion as some of My saints have done in the past. Do not worry, because you will have enough of what you need to survive.”


Sunday, August 27, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many events going on around you, as this current Hurricane Harvey. I told you that you would be seeing serious natural disasters, and struggles in various countries, along with threats of wars. The vision today relates to the swirling events of your lives, that you will see in your individual Warning experiences. The vision of dirt means that you will see great changes in the earth that will occur when I recreate the earth as it was in Adam’s time. You are living in the end times, and My Warning will come before the events leading up to the Antichrist’s declaration. Not long after the Warning, I will call My faithful to My refuges. It is good that you are practicing with an overnight stay with your water and stored foods. You will need to assign jobs, prepare bedding, prepare meals, and plan your prayers and Adoration hours. I will be giving you messages to help calm your people in the time of tribulation. I will be sending you to various refuges in bi-location, as you have seen some people experience. You will learn a lot of what is needed by making this effort to experience refuge life. Trust in My angel protection, and My multiplication of what you will need.”


Monday, August 28, 2017: (St. Augustine)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in all of My glory, much like I showed Myself to My apostles at the Transfiguration, before My crucifixion and the persecution of Christians. You are about to see another time when all of My faithful will be persecuted for believing in My Name. At first the evil ones will attack the priests and religious, and all those people who openly profess My Word. All of your prayer groups will need to be conducted in the secrecy of your homes. This means the evil ones will close all the public churches of worship. It will be nearly impossible to go out and give your talks, or you will be placed in prison. Your website will be closed down, and you will need to stay at the safety of your refuge. This persecution will also signify the time of My coming Warning experience. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, before you consecrated your chapel, you saw an attack of Beelzebub with thousands of flies. Once you got rid of the flies, you had your priest friend exorcise any remaining evil influence. You have had a few problems that could have been the evil one trying to upset your peace. You are being protected by My angels from any natural disasters, as you survived your heavy winds without any damage. You also need to pray that no evil is brought in on people who come into your refuge. You are praying daily as you have followed My directions. Praying before My monstrance and your Adoration DVD is needed, especially during the tribulation to protect your souls from any evil influence. I told you that your chapel is holy ground, as you have seen several miracles on your walls. Continue to follow all of My recommendations for what you will need for your refuge. Your time for making preparations is almost over, and then you will have to rely on My angels and My multiplications. Keep praying for My protection from the evil ones.”


Tuesday, August 29, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I chastised the Scribes and Pharisees for being hypocrites and blind guides. I told the people to listen to their words about My law, but do not follow their actions. I made the outside of your body and the inside of your soul. Many times the Pharisees did things for show, but the intentions in their hearts were just the opposite. So be humble in your actions, and sincere in the intentions in your heart. If you are fasting, do not tell people, but keep it to yourself, and My Father will reward you. When you greet people in love, do not talk about them behind their back. You need to love everyone all the time, even if they mistreat you. You also need to be willing to share your wealth and your faith with people. It is not easy to live a good Christian life, because you will be criticized for believing in My Name. When you follow My ways, they are not like man’s ways. So continue to follow My commands to love Me and love your neighbor as yourself.”

(5:00 p.m. Mass) (Passion of St. John the Baptist) Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read how Herod had St. John the Baptist beheaded by an executioner to satisfy his wife’s daughter’s request, because of Herod’s oath in front of his guests. Even in your world today you are seeing jihadists beheading Christians, because they feel justified to kill infidels. These are brutal killings that are never justified in My eyes. You see these killings in Arab countries now, but during the tribulation, there will be demon led people who want to kill all the people who believe in Me. When you read Chapter 20 in the Book of Revelation, you are reading about those people who will be beheaded for My sake as martyrs. They will be raised up from the dead, and they will join My people in My Era of Peace. So do not have any fear of these evil ones, because even My martyrs will be raised up from the dead during the tribulation.”


Wednesday, August 30, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I could hear some of your people speak of the floods in Texas as in Biblical proportions. One place had over fifty inches of rain which set a national record for four days of rain from a hurricane. This slow moving Hurricane Harvey has brought destruction over a huge area of Texas that will take a long time to clean up. This event has definitely got everyone’s attention, but not everyone understands this event as a punishment for the sins of your country. There will be lasting effects of this storm, similar to the destruction in New Orleans years ago. The difference is that there were a lot fewer deaths in Texas than with Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Your storm warnings were able to allow people to reach higher ground, but many did not leave soon enough. You are seeing many acts of kindness with neighbors helping each other to reach shelters. My refuge builders will also be helping My faithful to reach places of safe havens, and My angels will be protecting you from the evil ones. As you see the flood problems, you will see worse persecution from evil people. Trust in My help to overcome your problems, and supply your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, I understand your concern to practice moving your outhouse, and possibly seeking other sources of water. You have prepared to lift your outhouse onto your new platform truck. You will see if your plans are successful. You have stored a large number of 55 gallon barrels of water, but you are seeing how much water you drink and use for washing. You will have some water for sponge baths, but not enough for showers. You will use your individual pails with a small amount of water for washing and brushing your teeth. You need to look into acquiring other sources of water, even if it is for only wash water. I will multiply your water, food, and fuels, but you need to have faith that I can do this for you. You will need your little wind-up flashlights for light, as well as your oil lamps, especially if you need to go to the bathroom in the dark of night. In the winter you will be concerned with burning your wood, and using your kerosene. You may need your new saw to cut up any available wood. You could use your generator for some electricity, and to recharge your saw and solar batteries. Trust in Me to help all of you to survive the coming tribulation.”


Thursday, August 31, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel from St. Matthew (24:44-45) you have: ‘Therefore you also must be ready, because at an hour that you do not expect, the Son of Man will come. Who dost thou think, is the faithful and prudent servant whom his master has set over his household to give them their food in due time?’ This Gospel is encouraging you to be watchful for the signs of the end times. I am also warning you to be ready for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. My coming will occur at the end of the tribulation time. It is during the tribulation that I will be having your guardian angels lead you to My places of safety at My refuges. I have asked My refuge builders to store some food, water, and fuels. I will multiply what you have so many people will be able to survive during this time of evil. My angels will protect you with a shield of invisibility. This reading is very timely for your practice run in feeding your people from your stored food. Refuge life will have more time for prayer, because it will seem like an extended retreat time. All of you will be responsible for preparing meals, helping with the bedding to sleep at night, washing yourselves with proper hygiene, washing clothes, and providing water and fuels for heating in the winter. You will be assigned your hour of Adoration that will run all the hours of day and night. Your preparations will not be in vain, meaning that you will need to use them at the proper time after My Warning experience. Trust in My protection, and have faith in My multiplication of the things that you will need to survive.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen reports of some deaths and over 100,000 homes that were destroyed in Texas. You are still seeing many rescues from flooded homes. The rivers and bayous still are rising in some areas. You have also seen some refineries closed as gas prices will be rising for a while. Many are forecasting over one hundred billion dollars of damage. You also are seeing huge losses for those people without flood insurance. Your government will donate flood aid, but it may not completely restore people’s homes and cars. Keep praying that no more people will die from this hurricane. Pray also that the people will find shelter, food, and water for their survival. You may want to donate to some authentic aid groups to help these victims.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are about to test your people with an overnight stay in a refuge practice run. You have laid out some cots, and you will be using your dehydrated food and MREs for your food. You also are planning how to move your outhouse, and you are looking into obtaining more water sources. You have more food that will be coming in a week. With this experience, you may learn of any more needs that you may have to buy so you are fully ready to receive My faithful people. Remember that I will finish any projects that you may not get done, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how fresh water was one of the most needed items for the people to survive. Having a secure place to sleep is another need that My angels will help you with. If you need to expand your living accommodations for more people, My angels will provide for your building. Food also is another need for your flood victims. By seeing other people’s needs, you can see what you will need. Trust Me that I will tell you whatever other projects that you will need.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen abortions, euthanasia, homosexual marriages, adulteries, fornications, and many other mortal sins as pornography and prostitution. It is because of your many mortal sins that you are seeing My punishments come upon your people. You still could see more hurricanes and possible earthquakes to test your people. You also are seeing continuing wars that could get worse. Pray for your people to convert their lives before My Warning will try your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a dictator in North Korea who is threatening to bomb your country and your allies as he is seeking recognition as a nuclear power for his own fame. As each side tries to outdo the other, you could see a possible EMP attack from North Korea. You have some anti-missile defenses, but war can only make your world a more dangerous place to live. Pray to stop any war that could kill a lot of people.”

Jesus said: “My people, soon your students will be returning to school and college. Every year the tuition and board are increasing, and it is getting harder to finance a college education. Some states are trying to pay tuition for your state schools. Taxpayers are supporting more ways to educate your children and young adults. You need to pray for your students and teachers to be successful in their studies to gain a good education.”

Jesus said: “My people, I appreciate all those people who have given of their time and physical effort to help build My refuges. All of My refuges could use some physical labor in completing the refuge building that is needed. Some refuge builders have sufficient funds, but physical labor could be most useful. My refuge builders should not be embarrassed to ask for help when they need it. Time is getting close to end all of your projects. After your completion, My angels will need to finish any remaining projects. Trust in Me to help all of your refuges to succeed in helping My faithful in their needs.”


Friday, September 1, 2017: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are seeing another message to be watchful and be prepared for the tribulation that is about to come. You are familiar with the parable about the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins who were waiting for the Groom at a wedding feast. The five wise virgins prepared their oil lamps by buying extra oil. The five foolish virgins did not buy extra oil, and they were locked out of the feast when they went to buy the oil. This is similar to your practice refuge run when you filled your lamps with enough oil for light at night. The main message of America’s natural disasters is to ‘Repent’ of your sins. You are being punished for your sins, because you are not converting your lives to following My Commandments. You have seen how the people of Noah’s time suffered the flood, and the people of Sodom were punished by fire and brimstone. I will allow the Antichrist to punish the world with a brief tribulation, while I protect My people at My refuges. This is why I wanted My prayer groups to have a practice run to see what your refuge life would be like. Have no fear of this time, because I will not leave you orphans, but My angels will protect you, and I will multiply what you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to have someone signed up for each hour of the day and night, because you will have My consecrated Host with you in My monstrance during the tribulation. You will also receive Holy Communion, every day from a priest or My angels. I will be Present with you all of the time in My Host. Where you have My Presence, you will also have the Holy Spirit and God the Father. The flames of your candles and oil lamps represent the power of the Holy Spirit, and He will be strengthening you with His gifts. During your tribulation time, you will be praying more, and learning how to live together as a Christian family. I will be helping you by multiplying your food, water, and fuels. You are seeing the events around you that could easily lead into a martial law. Some people may criticize you for your preparations, but when you lose your electricity, you will be like the wise virgins who prepared for the coming of the Groom in Me. Pray for the souls who need to be saved, especially those souls in your own family.”


Saturday, September 2, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the expression of the Promised Land being a place of milk and honey to describe a place of plenty. My people, when you are at My refuges, you will be thankful to have any food, let alone if it is to your liking. You are seeing which foods work best for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You are even seeing how to make bread in your propane oven. You had some trouble trying to safely move your outhouse, so you will need some professional movers, and see what kind of equipment for jacking it up on wheels that you would need. You also should further investigate how to have a well drilled for your wash water. Many of your problems should be listed so you have better lights for the night. Trust in Me that this experience was useful to see your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many scenes of destruction from Hurricane Harvey in your memory, and you can imagine how difficult it will be for your people in Texas to recover from such a loss of homes and cars. This is the first major storm to hit your mainland in a long time. This is not the end of the destruction that will befall your nation. You are at the peak of your hurricane season and more storms are on the way. Your government has been restrained from making much progress in any of your legislation. Your agenda will be changed to one of restoration from all of your destruction. With all of your ongoing problems, you may be facing some activists or terrorists who could be causing further destruction. They will be taking advantage of the divisions between races, immigrants, and liberals vs conservatives. Because many people are not coming to Me in prayer and love, they are choosing man’s ways which are sinful lifestyles. All of the destruction that I have shown you, is the punishment that your people are reaping from your lives of mortal sin. You will first be tested by My Warning experience. Then you will endure an evil that you have yet to see, when My faithful will be grateful to have My refuge for their protection and survival. You will be happy to have any food when you may be faced with starvation. You will be living a modern day Exodus, and you will be facing a trial of faith in how I will provide for you. Thank Me for all that I do for you every day.”


Sunday, September 3, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have just learned of how the North Korean leader has directed a test of a hydrogen bomb which caused a 6.4 earthquake. They now have the capability of delivering such destruction with their ballistic missile tests. If a conventional war breaks out in Korea, it would be difficult to use nuclear weapons to stop the North Korean soldiers, or they could retaliate against America. This capability could embolden North Korea to attack South Korea, or they could strike first against Japan or America with EMP high elevation atomic weapons. EMP attacks would devastate all of your electric grid, and there would be more deaths by starvation. Keep praying that war does not start, because millions of people could die if nuclear weapons were used. Keep praying your reparation Masses for the souls that could die suddenly, because they are not prepared for their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Exodus, Moses had to deal with complaining people who had to have faith in Me to give them water, manna, and quail for meat. My people of the modern day Exodus will also have to have faith in Me at My refuges to supply water, food, shelter, and heat in the winter. I thank your prayer group for being faithful to all of your plans to use your stored food, and no lights using electricity. The food was acceptable, and you used your cots for sleeping, and your wind-up flashlights to see your way at night. You even baked some bread in your propane oven. You used your buckets and wash water from your bathtubs. You were fortunate to have summer weather without any heating. If you want to be prepared for the rest of the year, you could plan another practice run during the winter, if time permits and people are available. A winter practice run will test how you could endure the cold with your wood burning stove, your kerosene burners, and your electric heater when you have electricity from your solar panels, or your propane generator. This will require that you use all of your preparations. You will have to trust in Me in prayer to multiply your water, food, and fuels during the whole tribulation.”


Monday, September 4, 2017: (Labor Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you had a discussion about when I would take people up into the air. Some people believe that they will be taken up before the tribulation, and they would not suffer the trial of the Antichrist. I have given messages before that I will send My Comet of Chastisement at the end of the tribulation. This will be My victory over Satan and the Antichrist, and all of the evil ones who will be cast into hell at that time. In order to protect My faithful from being killed by this comet, I will raise up My faithful into the air, and you will still be alive. This taking of people up into the air will be at the end of the tribulation. This is described in today’s reading: (1Thes 4:17) ‘Then we who live, who survive, shall be caught up together with them (raised dead) in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall ever be with the Lord.’ This rising up is also spoken of in (Matt. 24:37-41) ‘And as it was in the days of Noah, even so will be the coming of the Son of Man….Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken, and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the millstone; one will be taken, and one will be left.’ In both of these readings the live people will be taken up at the end of the tribulation. After the evil ones are removed, I will recreate the earth, and I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace. At the end of this era, you will have the last judgment, and My faithful will be brought into heaven for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My people, your hurricane season is continuing to form major hurricanes that will cause more destruction to your cities in America. Your southern coast of Florida is in line for the next attack. America is being punished for its many sins with a constant barrage of natural disasters that includes earthquakes. Many of your sins are bringing these punishments upon you. It is the HAARP machine that is being used to enhance and strengthen these storms. Many of your coastal cities are not prepared for the coming devastation, nor are the souls prepared. Pray for the victims’ souls, and for the reparation of their sins.”


Tuesday, September 5, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you earthquakes before on the San Andreas Fault and on the New Madrid Fault. Even some of your fracking is causing earthquakes in Oklahoma, and you had some serious earthquakes in Idaho recently. This latest vision is showing you some skyscrapers falling over in a city from an earthquake. You are seeing disasters from your hurricanes, but even more disasters will be coming in America from earthquakes. These disasters are a result of your mortal sins, but your people are not seeing the connection between your punishments and your sins. Your country needs more than just a day of prayer. You need to change your sinful lifestyles, or you will see even further destruction. America needs to repent now for its sins, or suffer the consequences.”

Jesus said: “My son, your first attempt at trying to load your outhouse onto your metal cart was too dangerous to keep it from falling over. In the vision you are seeing round fence posts used to move the outhouse. By moving one post in front of the other, you will be able to move it gradually to where you want it. You may have had a shed mule move it, but it would be expensive, and there were no ridges for the back wheels. You will need a good number of men to hold your outhouse from tipping over with some ropes or cords. They will have to push it over the posts. You can make the posts work at any time, by storing them for when you need them again. Your other project is to move ahead with getting a water well dug. This could provide your extra wash water. You could see in your practice run how much water you used every day. You need to get both projects done before the snow comes. Continue to call on My help to get these projects done in a timely manner. Providing for your refuge takes time and effort, and I thank you for helping the people who will come to your refuge.”


Wednesday, September 6, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I healed many people as you read in the Gospel, and I also exorcized the demons out of people as well. You read how I rebuked the evil spirits not to reveal that I was the Holy One of God. You also have evil spirits in people in your day, and you are seeing the evil around you in addictions, killings, abortions, and wars. There is so much evil in your lifestyles of fornication, adultery, and homosexual marriages. You even are hearing more about transgender people. You also have many divorces, pornography, and occult influences. With all of this evil around you, now you are understanding why so many punishments of natural disasters are falling on your people. You can use your weapons of the rosary, blessed salt, holy water, and the long form of the St. Michael prayer to help in deliverance for people who are possessed or influenced by evil. America needs to wake up and repent of its sins. If you refuse to change your lives to following My Commandments, then you will continue to call down My wrath upon you. I love you, but these disasters may wake you up and repent. I have given many messages to change your ways, but because you refuse to listen to My Word, you will suffer the consequences.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have followed your friend’s advice, and you bought and delivered ten 4 inch diameter 8 foot long round fence posts so you could roll your heavy outhouse over these posts. Now you need a plan when to move it further into the back part of your yard. You also will need cords to pull it and keep it from tipping over. Your second project is to see if someone could drill a water well. This water would be mainly for washing. I will multiply your fresh water, but this will serve as a backup if more people come to your refuge. Remember that you need to get working on these projects, so they can be finished before the snow comes. I have encouraged all of My refuge builders to get their projects done as quickly as possible because time is getting close for severe events that could allow a takeover of your country. My refuges are meant to provide your protection with My angels, and all that you will need to survive the tribulation. In certain cases where projects were not completed, I will have My angels finish your projects for your survival. Trust in Me to provide your water, food, shelter, and fuels for your needs.”


Thursday, September 7, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, this latest Hurricane Irma is one of the most severe hurricanes to come up in the Atlantic Ocean. My son, you have a sense of dread for all the people who could be killed, or lose their homes in this storm. This storm is bearing down on Florida and the islands. Many parts of Florida are not much above sea level, so a storm surge could be devastating. Your people have been warned to leave, and many have evacuated. Those people, who do not leave or prepare, are in danger of being killed. Pray that those people will find a way to survive, and pray for the souls of those people who may die suddenly. You have been praying for souls dying in disasters at your reparation Masses, so keep praying these Masses. I keep reminding your people that these natural disasters do happen naturally, but their extra severity is a punishment for your sins. Your people need to change their sinful lifestyles to save their souls. Let My Word of warning reach out to all souls in mortal sin to repent while they still have time.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, only a few weeks ago you were preparing for Hurricane Harvey that caused tremendous flooding in Texas, especially around Houston. Now, you are preparing for Hurricane Irma that is headed for Florida. You have already seen damage to the Carribean Islands with some deaths. Many have evacuated Florida, but those who remain, will be challenged with a surge of water, high winds, and plenty of rain. You need to pray for all the people who will be affected by this hurricane. Pray for their souls as well.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am glad that you are moving ahead with having a water well dug in your backyard. You have a plumber coming to put a device on your water input to prevent any other water source from backing up into your line. You do not need a permit, so you can soon have someone dig a water well for you. This well will provide the wash water that you will need for the people who come to your refuge. By getting this project done soon, you can have it done before the snow comes.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have taken advantage of a sale on buying some more dehydrated food. This replaced some of the food that you used in your practice refuge run. You also realized how well your wind-up flashlights worked, as well as your battery powered lanterns. You are seeing a need to buy more of these lights, and others are voicing a desire to order these lights as well. By having these lights available, your people will have light to get around in the dark of night. After your practice run, you are making some improvements to help people who come to your refuge. Trust in Me to help you with all of your needs and to finish your projects.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were surprised when your President reached out to the Democrats to help pass legislation for hurricane recovery funds and an increase in the National Debt Limit for three months. Your President is now reaching out to both parties to get something done that is needed before your funds run out. This took his party by surprise, but it is a wake-up call because they have not passed any meaningful legislation. Such bi-partisan agreements are going to be needed for tax reform and other legislation. Pray for your lawmakers to do the right thing which is needed by your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen an impasse in this latest threat from North Korea. If North Korea starts a war, you could see a severe conflict that could take many lives whether with a conventional war or a nuclear war. You also could see a possible EMP attack on America that would cause worse problems than your hurricanes. Pray that a war does not start, but be ready for any consequences of a war with North Korea.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing hurricane damage, fires, and threats of war all going on at the same time. Many people are being dislocated from their homes, and you are seeing continuing earthquakes in Idaho. Your country is being tested as a punishment for your sins. You saw people coming back to church after your Twin Towers attack, but then they returned to their old ways. If your country does not change its evil ways, I will bring you to your knees with My punishments that you are seeing. Wake up America, and repent of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am encouraging all of My refuge builders to hurry up and complete all of their projects so you will be ready for the coming tribulation. I am not giving a date, but I have told you that this time is almost here for the Antichrist to declare himself ruler of the earth. This reign of the Antichrist will be brief before I will bring My victory. When your lives are in danger, I will direct My faithful to come to your refuges. I have told you before that you will get to use all of your refuge preparations. This is why I have asked you to do a practice run so you will have all that is needed for your refuge. Trust in My help, and do not be afraid of the evil ones because I will control them so they do not harm you at My refuges.”


Friday, September 8, 2017: (Nativity of the Blessed Mother)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you have all the people facing Hurricane Irma in your prayers. There are some who will die suddenly, and there will be great damage. Pray for their recovery from this storm. You are celebrating my birth nine months after the feast of my Immaculate Conception on December 8th. Your country is facing the fallout from two major hurricanes. You are praying for the restoration of these two states of Texas and Florida. Pray also that there are no exploitations of martial law, or other presumptions of power over your people. I call all of my children to pray a rosary for the intentions of these suffering people. You will be seeing more disasters, so be prepared for all the punishments that will be placed on your people for all of their sins. My Son and I love you very much, and we are calling you to repent of your sins, and convert your sinful lifestyles.”


Saturday, September 9, 2017: (4:00 p.m. Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many signs of a coming war between North Korea, South Korea, and America. I have told you in the end times, you will see wars and rumors of wars. Such a war could easily lead into a world war, but pray that you do not see nuclear weapons used. You have seen another missile launched by North Korea, and rocket launchers for the coming war. Be prepared for this coming war, and pray that you do not see an EMP attack that could ruin your electric grid. Any future war could take many lives, so pray for any souls that will die without proper preparation for their judgments. You are also seeing devastation from all of your hurricanes and more lives will be taken. Pray your Divine Mercy chaplets for those people who will die soon. Your world is going to be in constant chaos from wars, storms, fires, and earthquakes. Keep your souls holy with frequent Confession because you will have your lives threatened in the end times. After My Warning experience and six weeks of conversions, you will soon be called to My refuges. Have no fear, but trust in My angel protection.”


Sunday, September 10, 2017:
Jesus said: “My son, I am calling you and My other faithful to defend the faith, and reach out to evangelize souls wherever you are sent. I know you are praying to save all the souls of your family, and you have been persistent in praying for them. You could speak out to warn them that they do not have much time left, and they need to see My Light and get close to Me before the Warning comes. Today’s Gospel of going to help someone who is astray, reminds you of your experience with a priest who mentioned three times in his homily that hell was not eternal. You went back to see why he said this, and he said that God’s mercy is greater than hell’s punishment. He also said hell would eventually disappear with all the souls. I pointed you to the Catechism of the Catholic Church where it says that hell is eternal, and I told you to show this to the priest. At another time St. Michael the archangel explained to you that before man was created, he placed Satan and the demons into hell for all eternity. You told the priest again and showed him the Catechism quote, but he refused to change his story. You then were told in a message to go to a higher authority, and you reported this heresy to the local bishop of the Church. My faithful need to speak out against all heresies, no matter who says them. You first go to your brother or sister to correct them one on one, and if they refuse to change, then you go to a higher authority in the Church. This is your duty, and you will save your soul for correcting people. If your brother listens and changes his thinking, then you have won him over to save his soul. If he does not convert, then he will answer to My justice, and he could be lost. Pray for him to change so his soul could be saved. This heresy of hell is not eternal, has some great consequences, because there would be no punishment for sin, and there would have been no need for My death to save your souls from your sins. This heresy is serious, and do not ever believe that hell is not eternal, because hell will always be eternal for those judged to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a gambling wheel that you would see in a casino. Be careful not to gamble with your physical life nor your spiritual life. You are risking your physical life if you allow your body to be taken in by any addictions such as: drugs, drinking, pornography, smoking, sports, gambling, computers, cell phones, or television. Many demons control people through addictions, so do not allow the demons to control your lives. You are called to follow My plan for your life, so do not waste a lot of your time on selfish addictions. When you use up your time with too many activities, you do not allow enough time for your prayers, which is your love and communication with your Lord. Do not gamble with your soul either in your spiritual life. You have only one soul and one lifetime, so make the best use of your lives for love of Me, and love of neighbor in your prayers and good deeds. You have free will to choose Me in heaven or reject Me in hell. I desire to save all souls, and I give you every opportunity to be saved by My grace. But it is by your free will that you choose your final destination. Choose life if you want to be with Me for all eternity. Do not gamble on coming to Me later in life, but come to Me now, because you may not be alive tomorrow.”


Monday, September 11, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, the division in My Church will start before the Warning experience comes. I am concerned that many of My faithful could be deceived by a schismatic church that will be teaching heresies and New Age doctrines. My faithful remnant will split away from this schismatic church. When you see heresies about hell is not eternal, or when the priests say you can receive Holy Communion without Confession of sexual sins, then you need to leave that church. When the priest does not use the proper words of Consecration, I will not be present in that Host, and leave that church. You need to have a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church by St. John Paul II. This contains all the proper teachings of My Church, so you can discern any heresies being taught in your churches. Eventually, you will not find a proper teaching church, and you will need to come to your homes or prayer groups for a proper Mass from a faithful priest. As the persecution of My faithful endangers your lives, then I will have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges that will be protected by My angels of the refuges. Do not be deceived by clergy who do not teach My proper Word, or who teach heresies, or New Age teachings. My faithful need to be alert to what is taught in the churches. In the end times I will allow the evil ones to take over the churches, but My faithful will be led to My refuges. Trust in Me to be with you in daily Holy Communion at My refuges. This message is to be put out so My faithful are not deceived.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you are witnesses of all the destruction and loss of life in your recent Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Today, you have the anniversary of your Twin Tower tragedy in New York City where there was much loss of life and destruction of your buildings. The current tragedy came from natural disasters, while the 2001 tragedy came from men’s evil actions. In both cases they were directed on you as a form of punishment for all of your sins. They also are calling your country to repent of your sins, and seek My forgiveness. In 2001 your people were frightened and a good number of people returned to church. Once their fear was over in about a month, they returned to their former ways of sin. You may see this now after your hurricanes. I want My people to come to Me in love all of the time, not just when you are frightened in bad times, but also in good times without any fear. You need to trust in Me all of the time, because you are about to see a great evil that you have never seen before in the tribulation. The demons will test your faith when even some of My elect will reach a breaking point. Fear not, because I will never test you beyond your endurance. I will give you sufficient graces to endure the tribulation, but you must choose by your own free will to remain faithful to My Divine Will. I love all of you, and I wish to save as many souls who will choose to love Me.”


Tuesday, September 12, 2017: (Most Holy Name of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, you have just heard Pope Francis give out a new Canon Law that would allow bishops to make changes in the liturgy of the Mass to go into effect on October 1st. I gave you a message about the same time that said when you see changes made to the words of Consecration, then you need to leave that church. Once the words of Consecration are changed from what I gave My apostles, then I will no longer be Present in that Host and Wine. It is very important to keep this tradition of My words of Consecration. This change will be about the time that you will need to come to home Masses, and eventually Masses at My refuges. These changes are more signs that My Warning is coming soon, and the tribulation will follow after. Put your trust and hope in Me that I will never leave you. You will receive daily Holy Communion at My refuges, and you will adore Me in My Real Presence as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been viewing the damage from Hurricane Irma after it passed over the Carribean Islands and Florida. You saw some interviews of people who had lost their homes, but they were determined to clean up and start building another home. Many did not have flood insurance, but they were hoping to get distress home loans from the government, or the banks. It will be difficult to clear all the debris and start over, but the people have determination to find another home. Your churches and many charity organizations are asking for people to donate what they could to help rebuild the lives of the hurricane victims. Pray for these victims that they will be able to return to a normal life.”


Wednesday, September 13, 2017: (St. John Chrysostom)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Me separating the goats from the sheep at the first, or particular judgment when you die. The goats represent the evil people who had all that they wanted in this life. The sheep are the people who suffered persecution and abuse in this life for My sake. The evil ones are judged to hell, while the good people are purified in purgatory, and then come to heaven. The last judgment is when My faithful will be resurrected with their glorified bodies in heaven. The evil ones will be joined with their earthly bodies in the resurrection to hell. Strive to love Me and your neighbors while you are living a good Christian life, and you will be rewarded by being with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two major addictions that some people are misled by the devil. It is desirable for some to live in comfort for the body, and you know it takes money to live such a life. Some people worship money as a god. They are violating My First Commandment, which states that you are to worship only Me, and you shall have no other gods before Me. There is another addiction to sex when some people are craving to look at pornographic pictures or movies. This has broken up families when such viewing perverts one’s morals. When you see people addicted to money or sex, you need to pray for them, and try to show them that these things are sinful actions against Me and My Commandments. It is better to love Me and their families, than ruin their lives with selfish addictions. Pray deliverance prayers for such addicts to break them free from the demons who are controlling them.”


Thursday, September 14, 2017: (Exultation of the Holy Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, I call on all of My faithful to take up your daily cross and offer up your sufferings, and share them with Me on My cross. You have noticed these last two trips that you have had to suffer some sicknesses for the souls that you would meet. Offer up any trials for the souls of your family and friends on your travels. Call on My grace to strengthen you in your driving and for your talks. I will give you the graces that you need to accomplish your mission. You do need to take some rest for your trip tomorrow.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your weather people are watching this storm which could still affect your Eastern Coast. With enough prayer this storm could swing out to sea. New England and Canada will be fortunate to avoid this storm. Your country has already taken two hits from this hurricane season. America has not been hit for over ten years, but now you will have a long way to recover from this damage. You have seen the effects on your gas prices, and you will also suffer from higher prices of your fruits. Pray for all the victims of these storms.”

Jesus said: “My people, I keep asking you to pray that you do not have a war in Korea. Any war could kill thousands of people. Pray also that you do not see any bomb attacks on your cities. Should North Korea attack America, you could see a massive retaliation from America. The devil is trying to start a war, but your rosaries can overcome this evil action.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to move forward with your plans to have a water well dug so you can have plenty of wash water for your refuge people. You had a plumber install a backflow valve on your water input, so any new water will not contaminate your town water supply. You also have made arrangements to have someone drill a water well in your backyard. You have ordered some battery lanterns, and you have already distributed them to your prayer group tonight. You also have wind-up flashlights coming as well. Thank you for working quickly on your refuge needs. Many people will be thankful for your work.”

Jesus said: “My people, your previous President set up your DACA program without help from Congress. Now, your current President is trying to make a better plan that Congress could pass. By reaching out to both parties, your President is trying to break down the gridlock on important legislation. He is more concerned with what the people need, than who will take credit for any passed legislation. Pray for your leaders to continue to pass bills that are needed by your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, it would be impossible to raise enough money to repair all the damage from the recent storms. Your military is already reaching out to help by using large equipment and aircraft carriers for the heavy loads. Your neighbors are helping each other to clean debris and rebuild their homes. It is a large recovery project, but government and local businesses are working together to get the recovery on the road. You are seeing how your neighbors are working to help each other to rebuild their homes.”


Friday, September 15, 2017: (Our Lady of Sorrows)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more missiles fired over Japan from North Korea. They are doing everything to provoke a war with Japan and America. It is just a matter of time when you will see a war on the Korean Peninsula. If North Korea sends missiles toward America or its allies, you know that America would respond with a massive attack on North Korea. If nuclear weapons are used, you would truly see the wasteland in your first vision. Keep praying for peace, because war could kill thousands of people.”


Saturday, September 16, 2017: (St. Cornelius & St. Cyprian)
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard in today’s Gospel how you have good people and evil people. It is by the fruits of a person’s actions that you will truly know a person. The strength of a person, both physically and spiritually, is based on one’s faith and trust in Me. One man, who does not have faith in Me, will build his house on sand, and he will live by his own will. Another holy man will build his house on rock, as the rock of St. Peter, and he will follow My Will. It is how you prepare the foundation of your life that will allow you to fulfill the mission that I have for you. If you follow My Will, and not your own will, you will have a holy life. You need to base your faith on My Ten Commandments, and My sacrifice on the cross for all sinners. I have given you the Gospels of My evangelists to know how to live your lives of love of God and love of neighbor. By living My Word and performing good works for your neighbor, you will find your reward in heaven. Be humble and prudent in life so your actions and prayers can lead others to Me. Share your faith and evangelize as many souls as you can to know, love, and serve Me.”


Sunday, September 17, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is all about My infinite love, and My infinite mercy to keep forgiving the repentant sinner. The king forgave his servant his whole debt, when the servant begged him for more time. But that servant did not forgive a much lesser debt from another. In response, the king had the servant put in prison until he paid off the original debt. Every time that you come to Me in Confession, I forgive you many times. The apostles asked Me how many times they should forgive their neighbor, and I answered not seven times, but seventy times seven times, or all of the time. My faithful may have a tendency to limit their love and mercy on people, when it comes to forgiving people. I have asked you to love Me and your neighbor, and even to love your enemies. When you refuse to forgive someone, or hold a grudge against someone, then you will suffer time in purgatory for your unforgiveness. I know you are human, and you may put limits on your love and forgiveness, but I am calling you to imitate My infinite love and My infinite forgiveness. The more you can imitate Me, the closer you will come to your spiritual perfection that will be required for My saints to enter heaven. This is why there is a purgatory, so all souls who enter heaven, will be perfected of all of their imperfections.”

St. Padre Pio said: “My dear children, you are seeing many people taking pictures of my relics. Some people do not truly understand the pain that I suffered every day with my stigmata, which are the five wounds of Jesus Christ. I suffered the most on Good Friday of Holy Week. In the vision you saw pictures that were out of focus, and this is very much like your society of today where people are not fully focused on my Lord. When you receive Jesus in the consecrated Host, or when you adore His Real Presence in the monstrance, you have a taste of heaven, and you need to invite Him more into your lives. It is in quiet contemplation that you can listen to His voice speaking to your heart. If you desire a good love relationship with Jesus, you could receive Him daily at Mass, and visit Him often in Adoration of His Blessed Sacrament. You know how I spent many hours in the confessional hearing the people’s confessions. So I desire that you come to Confession as often as you can.”


Monday, September 18, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you saw the centurion who was seeking Me to heal his servant. Once he found Me, he asked Me to heal his servant at home, but he told Me I did not have to come to his house. He had faith that I could heal his servant, because he knew I had authority to heal, as he had authority over his soldiers. I was amazed at the centurion’s faith, and I healed his servant at that hour. In the vision you are seeing many people travel through life as if they were on a subway train, and they did not take time to pray, or even search that I exist. When parents do not come to Mass on Sunday, it is hard for the children to know about Me, if they are not taught. I am love itself, and I am so loving that I died for all of mankind on the cross so I could save your souls from hell, and bring you to heaven. I created the world and all the people who are in it, but it is sad that many souls do not know Me, or even seek My love. You, who have faith in Me, are being called on to evangelize souls with My love. You first must reach the parents to show them My love, and their real purpose in life is to know, love, and serve Me. Once the parents know My love, only then will you be able to reach the children in your CCD classes or Bible study. If the children do not see love and devotion to Me in prayer at home, it will be hard to help them know that I even exist. Your society is buried in materialism and only survival, but there is more to your spiritual life than this earthly existence. It is your soul’s destination that is the most important fact of your life. Listen to My call to faith in loving Me and your neighbor in My Commandments. Love Me in obedience and good deeds, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, back on September 11, 2001 you saw a horrific destruction of your Twin Towers that killed nearly 3,000 people. Where you are, there is a memorial for over thirty people who were killed in this tragedy. Pray for all the souls who were killed, and pray for the stoppage of any future wars, especially in Korea.”


Tuesday, September 19, 2017: (St. Januarius)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more destruction and death in the Carribean Islands from Hurricane Maria. Your people need to pray for the victims of these storms, as you are seeing a very active hurricane season with two category five storms now. As the people are seeing the damage from these storms, you can remember other storms that you have encountered in your life. Keep in mind how I calmed the storms miraculously for My apostles, and in today’s Gospel I raised the widow’s son back to life. You have called on Me to calm your own storms with the Storm Prayer in your Pieta prayer book. I am a calming force in your lives when you call upon Me to help you. I am always at your side to call on Me for help in enduring your trials. When you have faith in Me, I can heal all of your ills and imperfections. Trust in Me every day, and I will help you to achieve your sainthood in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that you will be seeing one disaster after another. Today, you are even seeing two disasters at once; a 7.1 earthquake near Mexico City, and Hurricane Maria as it is causing damage to the Caribbean islands. Some disasters are happening in America, but major earthquakes have been occurring in Mexico. They are also receiving punishment for their sins as well. Keep praying for all the souls who are being killed by these natural disasters. Your sins are being reported to Me, and My judgment is being carried out in these disasters. Those people, who say these disasters are not from Me, as a punishment, do not know My workings of justice. These things are not a result of global warming either.”


Wednesday, September 20, 2017: (St. Andrew Kim & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing people in all kinds of living conditions. As you traveled through some big cities, you saw houses and tall buildings close together. Some poor people were selling things to pedestrians, and the rich were in their penthouses. I am calling people to pick up their crosses in life and carry it in faith for My sake. You have some people who are being persecuted for believing in Me in communist or Arab countries. Even now you are also seeing people suffering from hurricanes that are destroying homes and flooding other homes. You are also seeing people being killed in storms and now earthquakes in Mexico. People are being affected all over America with higher gas and fruit prices. Much of the storm damage will be affecting your overall economy. Pray for people all over the world who are suffering from natural disasters or from persecution of their faith. These are hard crosses to carry when your homes are lost, or damaged, and people are dying as well.”


Thursday, September 21, 2017: (St. Matthew)
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you still have some earthly kings, and they rule over their people sometimes with a heavy hand. I am more of a spiritual King, and My rule is all over the universe. I love all of you enough to die to save your souls. I call all of you to love Me and your neighbor. Those people, who follow Me and My Commandments, will have an eternal reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen severe damage in the Caribbean Islands, especially Puerto Rico. Some lives have been lost as well. Many of these islands are tourist places, but it will be difficult to recover. Texas and Florida are still trying to recover from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. These hurricanes have caused so much destruction, that it will be difficult to find enough money for the repairs and rebuilding. Pray for the victims’ survival, and that they can find a home. Pray for the dead with your Chaplet of Divine Mercy and your St. Michael prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many buildings that collapsed, and buried almost 300 people who died in Mexico. The authorities are still trying to rescue those people who are trapped under the rubble. These people will also need medical attention, food, and water. Two major earthquakes in a short time is testing the endurance of the Mexican people. Pray for these victims, and send any aid that you can afford.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people are hurting financially where the hurricanes have destroyed homes and businesses. Your government needs to step forward to offer low interest loans for your small businesses and homeowners to get back into another home. Many military vehicles could help remove the water damaged things. Pray that your people will help each other to get back to normal. Trust in Me that I am looking out for every family to survive.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a war of words going on between your President and the leader of North Korea. My people need to pray hard to avoid any war on the Korean Peninsula. Both sides have demonstrated that they each have nuclear missiles that could endanger the lives of many people if a war should start. Pray that these leaders will not start a nuclear war that could endanger many lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people are weeping at the funerals of those people who died in your latest storms. There is another concern that you have had over the last few messages which have seen plots to attempt to assassinate your President. You continue to have evil people who want to take over your country. Your President has stood in the breach to confront the one world people. He has been protected by Me, but eventually the evil ones will have their hour because their time is running out. Continue to pray for the safety of your President because there are many evil forces who want to remove him from power.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your astronomers are noting some great signs in the constellations of the stars for September 23. You saw an eclipse of the sun by the moon as well. These are dire signs of coming problems for the people on earth. You will continue to see natural disasters, but the evil of the coming Antichrist in the tribulation will be an evil that you have yet to see. I will allow a brief reign of the evil one before I will bring My victory over all the evil ones. Have faith in My protection at My refuges, but you will all be tested dearly. Be patient during this trial, because I will soon bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”


Friday, September 22, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard in the first reading of St. Paul to Timothy how money is the root of all evil. Love of money or a sin of avarice can control people’s lives, if they allow it to be a god for them. Some money is needed to pay bills and to buy food for survival. When you desire money for buying things that you do not really need, or you accumulate money as a miser, or for power, then money will control you. In the beginning of the reading, it said that you came into this world without anything, and you will die, and leave this world without your money. There is another problem with money and power, where the rich people try to control people and governments with their wealth. Even money itself is manipulated in debts and interest. In your stock markets there is much greed, and swindling of the stockholders. You have seen how ‘debt’ money is made up in bonds and currency for control of your country’s finances through the bankers ‘Federal Reserve’. This is not part of your U.S. Treasury. When you had ‘free’ money not tied to debts, your country thrived even more. There are evil forces controlling your money, and people kill for money and steal money for their own gain. Trust in Me that I will provide for your needs, and do not worry about needing more money than is necessary.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are asking a difficult question, because I give everyone free will to choose to love Me or not. In the first place the youth of today have many distractions with their electronic devices. They are searching for love and peace from their soul, but they allow their addictions to hold them only at a worldly level. Your soul will only find true peace in Me, but many youth of today substitute a love of things in place of loving Me. A person first has to love themself and hold themself in high esteem. Then you are able to love others and possibly find a spouse to get married. Your love can then expand into the spiritual world in a desire to find love in Me. You need to be seeking My love to find Me, and when you do, you will find true peace. I have a mission for every soul, but until you are ready to give your life over to Me, it will be hard to fulfill My mission. Each soul must understand the need to want to know, love, and serve Me. Once you have a working love relationship with Me, then I can use you to spread My Gospel message to convert souls to the faith. The youth today can be led to Mass, but as they get older, they have to make a personal commitment to know and love Me. Your children need your persistent prayers to help save their souls. Give them your good example of Mass and prayers often. They need to see how you love them, and you are willing to help them in things of life, and encourage them to pray and come to Mass. Many souls are being lost because no one is praying for them. Tell your children that you love them so much that you are praying for them every day to save their souls. I hear your prayers and I will give your children every opportunity to be saved.”


Saturday, September 23, 2017: (St. Padre Pio)
Jesus said: “My people, the Mass is the most complete prayer of My Catholic Church. You have been talking about prayer and its meaning, so remember that the Mass truly is a prayer of worship. In the vision of the priest consecrating the Host, it is important to remember that you believe that the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood. When you receive Me worthily without mortal sin on your soul, you are receiving Me intimately into your mind, body, soul, and spirit. Treasure this moment because for a short time you are experiencing heaven on earth with Me. This is a taste of heaven and a special moment when you can be one with Me, as I help you through the day’s trials. This intimate union is how you love Me so much, so I can be a part of your life. Listen to My Word in your hearts and literally take My Gospel to heart. You are the good seed in fertile soil, and your fruit is to go out to evangelize souls to the faith. The more souls you can bring to Me, you are adding to My greater glory. Give praise and thanks to me all day long in all that you are offering up to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy at times to help your children and grandchildren with your financial generosity as best you can. But I love it when parents realize their need to pray for all the souls in the family to be healed in their hearts and souls to know and love Me. Parents are responsible for the souls of their children and grandchildren. I know they all have free will to choose to love Me or not, but your persistent prayers can go a long way toward saving their souls from hell. If parents pray together as a family every day, you can bring many blessings and graces upon all of your family members. Continue to pray your long form of the St. Michael Prayer for your family, and place a cross of holy water on all of their pictures. You can also pray your rosaries for your general intentions of all sinners, the souls in purgatory, stoppage of abortion, and peace from wars. You are still praying your Chaplet of Divine Mercy for all the souls who are dying from natural disasters, and there have been many. I want My faithful to also reach out with donations to help people in distress, and evangelize as many souls to the faith as you can. When you come to Me with your hands full of good deeds, I will tell you, well done My good and faithful servant. Enter into the glory of your Master in heaven, so you can join Me in love with all of My saints and angels.”


Sunday, September 24, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is a sign of how I send My gifts to a few missionaries and priests, and then they reach out to save others. I also call on My prophets and lay people to spread My message of My Word in the Gospels to all the people around them. There are two kinds of people who are represented in the Gospel reading. People are called to believe in Me in faith at various ages of their lives. There are others who have a higher calling as the religious in priests, nuns, and brothers. Even still I also call My prophets and evangelists into My vineyard. You have heard Me say how the harvest of souls is great, but the laborers are few. Call on Me to send more laborers into My vineyard for the harvest of souls. It is the special souls that I call on to go out to evangelize as many souls as they can. Those souls, who bring souls to Me, will have the same wage as all of My followers who will receive their reward in heaven. The souls, who have been saved, or released from purgatory, will be very grateful to those who converted them, or prayed for their souls. This gratitude will be a further reward for My evangelists. My good servants will get to see all the souls that they helped to come to heaven. I thank all of the souls who were instrumental in bringing souls to Me. If you are still alive on earth, you have further work to do in My vineyard to help save souls.”


Monday, September 25, 2017:
Jesus said: ‘My people, a war with North Korea is about to break out, and North Korea’s intent is to take out the electric grids in Japan, and America. They know America could overwhelm North Korea with nuclear weapons, so their best chance to defeat you, is to take down your electric grid with an EMP attack. You have not protected your grid, and if your anti-missiles do not take out multiple missiles, you could be devastated without electricity. There is also a possibility that your forces could try a pre-emptive EMP attack against North Korea before they could launch their missiles. The aggressive talk from both of your countries will result in a war, and your people should be ready for an attack of some kind. There could be a spread of war if China and Russia come into this conflict. You have been weakened with hurricanes, but war could take many more lives. Keep praying to stop any war with North Korea, but the forces of evil are preparing for war. Trust in Me to protect My people, even if you are called to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen many hurricane attacks and serious earthquakes in Mexico, and many lives have been taken in these natural disasters. You have yet to see the big event that I told you would come this year. You could see a major earthquake, a volcanic eruption, or some serious bombing from a war with North Korea. Any man-made event will be a free will decision by either side. Be prepared if such an event will trigger a martial law. If a national martial law is called, My faithful will need to come to My refuges for your protection. Fear not any of these events, because My angels will be protecting all of My refuges from any harm. Be ready to leave for My refuges when I warn you, and when your lives will be in danger. Trust in My protection, no matter what the evil ones are planning.”


Tuesday, September 26, 2017: (St. Cosmas & St. Damian)
Camille said: “Hello everybody, I am still here to comment on your world in chaos. Your priest had some trouble pronouncing my name. I am happy everything is settled with the house, and it was good to see that big tree come down. It is too bad they are not using my garden space. You have been seeing unusually strong hurricanes and earthquakes. Your events are getting more serious with a possible war. You are getting your place ready for people to come, and the family should get back to church and Confession before the Warning comes. Lydia and I say hello also to Sharon, Vic, and Carol. We love you. Thank you, John.”

Jesus said: “My people, on Good Friday you can see an empty tabernacle when the consecrated Hosts are kept in a special tabernacle. This vision of an empty tabernacle has a different meaning. This is a sign that a time is coming when the schismatic church will not be pronouncing the proper words of Consecration over the bread and wine. There is a new Canon law that is going into effect on October 1st that will allow bishops in their own country to change the liturgy of the Mass. Once the words of Consecration are changed, I will no longer be Present in the Host. Even if they put hosts in the tabernacle, I will no longer be present in the schismatic churches. This means My faithful will need to come to a home Mass where a faithful priest will pray the correct words of Consecration. You will then soon come to My refuges when your lives and souls will be in danger.”


Wednesday, September 27, 2017: (St. Vincent de Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, this month you are being called on to help your bishop’s fund, and those people in Puerto Rico who were devastated by Hurricane Maria. Today’s St. Vincent de Paul also helped the poor of his time. You have many demands on your funds to run your family’s expenses, but some causes demand your attention to help those people who are less fortunate without a home. Give some thought to helping the storm victims with your prayers and donations. Those people, who you help, will be grateful, and you will gain more valuable treasure in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have choices in life as to what is most important in your life. Some people are more worldly than others, so they measure success by how much money and possessions they have. Those people, who are more spiritual, are content to have only enough money to get by, and they prefer more time for prayer and good deeds. By letting Me direct your life, you will be better able to fulfill My mission for you. Do not be so focused on accumulating as much wealth as you can. You only need a bare minimum to survive, and it is better to rely on My help, than on your own wealth. I measure your success on your prayer life, and how many good deeds you can accomplish. I have told you that money cannot buy you into heaven. You cannot take any money past the grave, but you will leave it to your heirs. So focus more on following My Will, and you will be richer in heaven with what is truly more valuable.”


Thursday, September 28, 2017: (St. Wenceslaus)
Jesus said: “My people, ever since your President was put in office, the one world people have been trying to undermine and stifle all of his plans to improve your country. This latest attempt to repeal your current Health Plan is another example of the one world people stopping this effort. Your President has been so frustrated trying to get his party moving on the issues, that he has resorted to talking with the opposition party to get votes for his legislation. He is even using Executive Orders to get what is needed. Because the one world people control the media, the media people have also been harassing your President, even with fake news. Your President is now trying to move forward with tax reform, and you will see how the one world people will react to that also. These evil people know that if little is accomplished, they will control his changes of any real effect on their takeover plans. The evil people want the North American Union, and your President is opposed to this plan. You will soon see which side will win out. Keep praying for your leaders to do the right thing for your people, rather than following the wrong plan of the evil one world people.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you may have had a knee injury, or you know of someone who has knee pain. You, My son, had a knee sprain, and it still gives you a minor pain. Some people take calcium pills or other means to ease the pain. When you have bone on bone, some people have had artificial knee replacements. If you have a choice, it may be better to have the operation than suffer many years of pain. Pray for a healing to relieve your pain.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing your President and Congress proposing some new tax reform. Your President is already inviting bi-partisan support to change your complicated tax forms with all of its deductions. The initial plan is to make your tax return less complicated, and to try and cut your high corporate taxes. It is hard to find a fair compromise because different options have their own lobbies to protect their deduction. It will also be difficult to not build up more deficits. Pray for less taxes that are fair to all segments of your people.”

Jesus said: “My son, the man, who called you from Puerto Rico, was calling to have you say prayers for the hardships of the people without water, food, and gasoline. He did store some food and water when he listened to your talk. For that he was grateful. You may be able to help this man and his neighbors if you could get supplies to him. You have a contact who may be able to help him. You could ask for some donations, once you could contact him.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is easier to get supplies to Texas and Florida over land. It is more difficult to get supplies to Puerto Rico, and even harder to get supplies to the interior parts of the island. Help is coming by ships, and a hospital ship is planned. Do some research to see a good trustworthy group to get needed supplies to Puerto Rico. Their economy was already in trouble, and they will need even more financial help than the affected states. Continue to pray and send regular donations to trusted groups.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people see a great need to send vehicles and supplies using your military and ships to carry them to help hurricane victims. This is why some funds have been made available for various agencies to carry out the aid to the people of Puerto Rico. This has been a year of great destruction, and it is not possible to pay for all the damage. Basic infrastructure needs are needed for electricity, and survival food and water. Instead of complaining about what was not done on time, it is better to provide what help is available. Pray that these hurricane victims can find what they need to survive.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have put out many books to your publisher, Queenship Publishing. You should still make your Glory Be novenas for the success of this book. Your prayers to St. Therese have helped your previous books as well. It is difficult to know how many more books you will have time to get published. So treat each book as if this is going to be your last book. Be thankful that you have been allowed a long time to have people read My messages to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you love to receive or even look at a pretty bouquet of flowers in a vase with water. They look beautiful for awhile, but soon they wilt and have to be discarded. This story of the life cycle of flowers is a little like your lives. You first spring up with youth as flowers in spring. You then mature over time, and just as the flowers wilt, you also grow old, and you are less active. My faithful need to shine and use your time to share your faith while you are still alive. You all have to die, but you can prepare yourselves with frequent Mass and Confession. Be thankful for your life while you are living, and do everything to make the best use of your time to save souls and pray for the souls in purgatory. As your year comes to a close, you need to think more of how to prepare your soul for your judgment.”


Friday, September 29, 2017: (St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael)
St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God. I do all the Lord’s bidding, and I am protecting your country. You call on me every day to protect you and your family from the attacks of the devil. You also call on my protection when you go out to give talks. You know how the evil one attacks those people who try to spread the Lord’s Gospel. I am there for you in all of your work to help save souls. You have given out my long form prayer of deliverance to those people who suffer from the evil one. My prayer is also helpful in breaking addictions by removing the demons attached to these addictions. Trust in my help and the Lord’s direction, and you will be saved along with your family members.”

Jesus said: “My son, watching your ‘War Room’ movie has given you some better insights in how to pray. You are seeing first how you need to surrender all of your life over to Me. You need to trust Me more in how I am leading you through life. You should pray more with your wife, and make time for prayer together. You are faithful to Me in your daily prayer, but there is more power in prayer when you pray together. You have a beautiful and blessed chapel, so pray more together. Try to pray your St. Michael prayer for your family every day. This is his feast day, so you can remember this request. Keep praying your Stations of the Cross on Friday, and your novena prayers to St. Therese for your next book. I love how you carry out My requests, so continue to do so, and I love you and your family so much.”


Saturday, September 30, 2017: (St. Jerome)
Jesus said: “My people, this boat of St. Peter represents the Church in how I have protected it throughout the centuries. You will see My Church traveling into rough waters. Today, this boat represents My faithful remnant that will be protected from the evil ones, when you will see a split away from a schismatic church. This coming division in My Church will separate the lukewarm who will go with the schismatic church which will teach New Age, and that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. This schismatic church will discard many traditions, and could even mislead some of My elect with their many heresies and denials of My Divinity. Follow My faithful remnant who will follow the teachings of My apostles. My remnant church will follow the true faith described in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You may eventually have to leave the false churches for your home Masses and prayer groups. Later, you will be coming to My refuges during the tribulation. I will be with you in daily Holy Communion from a faithful priest or My angels. You will be adoring Me in perpetual Adoration at My refuges. Trust in My protection both for your bodies and your souls, until I will bring you into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel the father gave the same order to both sons to go out into the field to work. One son chose to follow his father’s order, but the other son did not go out. You all have the same opportunity to follow My Commandments, but it is your obedience that will put you on the right path to heaven. Sometimes you may falter in your sins, but I will forgive you, if you seek My forgiveness. Try to learn from your mistakes, so you do not repeat your offenses. Be more willing to obey My laws from the start, and do not lie about your bad intentions, because I can read the intentions in your heart for all of your actions. You also need to give a good example to others, so they can see you are sincere in living a good Christian life. By struggling to do the right thing, My Father will reward you in heaven.”


Sunday, October 1, 2017: (Respect Life Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, I thank your people for honoring all of My creations of man and woman made in My image with free will. You should treat all lives with respect from those formed in the womb until those who die. You are killing a million babies in the womb every year by abortion. This is denying the right to life to these defenseless little ones. The guardian angels of the aborted children come before Me to testify to their deaths. It is this sin of abortion that has brought My wrath down upon America. At the other end of your lives, you have some states that allow euthanasia. Even when you have laws that allow such taking of life, these killings are still mortal sins in My eyes. My people need to respect life in all of the various countries, and pray for a stoppage of abortion and euthanasia. Your lives are all equal to Me, so treat every life as precious in your eyes.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are evil people who want to bring down your country, and they know how vulnerable your electric grid is. This power grid failure in the Northeast will be a result of a terrorist attack, or an EMP attack on your Niagara Falls power station. You had one of these power outages before, but it did not last long. This coming power outage will be a lot longer, and you will know what it is to be without power like the people in Puerto Rico. This is why I have asked people to have solar power with batteries, as well as backup generators. Many people are not prepared with food and water. Without electricity, you could see a famine that could cause many deaths. This is another warning to store food and water for more disasters that could shut down your electric grid. This could also precipitate a martial law, that could send My faithful to the protection of My refuges. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, even during the tribulation.”


Monday, October 2, 2017: (Guardian Angel feast day)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been listening all morning about a lone gunman who killed fifty or more people, and wounded over four hundred people in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was high in a tall hotel shooting down on a crowd of over twenty thousand people at a concert. There were a lot of concert people who helped the wounded to get to a hospital. Some people were badly wounded, so the death toll could rise. Your announcers are already claiming that this was the most deadly shooting in recent American history. There is a lot of evil going on all over the world, but this was a horrific crime with the shooter firing multiple weapons toward the backs of the concert goers. Pray your Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the dead and seriously wounded people. This presents a threat to outside concert crowds.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing one event after another, as serious events have happened in Texas, Florida, and now Puerto Rico. Now, you just had the most people killed and injured in a recent shooting than ever before. I have also warned you about the possibility of more severe earthquakes and volcanoes, especially along the Ring of Fire. I am showing you a vision of lava flowing down a volcano. Be alert for more natural disasters that could occur at any time. Keep praying for all the souls that are dying from any number of causes.”

(Guardian angel feast day) Mark said: “I am Mark, and I stand before God, while I watch over you. Your spiritual director was concerned about your health, as you are traveling to your talks. You have seen a few people with messages being told to stay close to home by the end of this month. I will help you in discerning if it is safe to travel after this month. If you are seeing serious events that could endanger your life, it may be wise to stay home at your refuge. I am protecting you, but do not take any trips that could be the time for major events to start. Trust in My direction and discernment for your future travel plans.”


Tuesday, October 3, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, at times the evil of the people in the world gets you down, and it appears that evil is winning. No matter how evil the people get with all their killings, I am still with you like the sun to give you rays of hope. Even if it appears that evil is winning, this is only for a short time, before I will bring My victory and vindicate My faithful people. So do not despair or get despondent, because I will be with you to raise you up with My grace. The evil ones will have their hour, but in the end My Sacred Heart will be victorious over all those people who refuse to love Me. Be faithful to Me during this tribulation, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven. Pray for strength today, so you can endure all that you will be suffering now amidst the evil of your day.”

Jesus said: “My people, now is the time to mourn the loss of all of those people who were killed. They need a proper burial. The wounded need care and many have donated blood to help them. You need to thank the persons who stopped the shooting, and those nurses and doctors who are struggling to save those severe cases. There is always a question about gun control laws, but they only control law abiding citizens. Criminals and people with psychiatric problems will find guns illegally, since laws do not keep them from stealing guns. Lives are precious, and your people do not want to stop abortions. You kill millions of babies every year, yet where is the outrage over all of My lost little ones. You are seeing evil ones causing these mass killings, but My people need to love Me and their neighbors. When there is more love in your society than hate and division, then you will have less killings. Pray for peace and love among your people. Repent of your sins, and convert your sinful lifestyles.”


Wednesday, October 4, 2017: (St. Francis of Assisi)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your flags flying at half mast in honor of the lost lives in Las Vegas. This purple curtain of your vision is a sign of even more deaths to come in the various natural disasters and any terrorist attacks. You are about to see even more chaos in your country that is being stirred up by the one world people. They are trying to cause more fear, and any events that could trigger a martial law takeover. Pray for the safety of your people, and trust in My protection for the events that are coming.”


Thursday, October 5, 2017: (Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos)
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of the Miracles of My Eucharist, when blood has appeared on consecrated Hosts. These miracles are performed to help the people to believe in My Real Presence in My consecrated Host and the consecrated Wine, that are transubstantiated into My very Body and Blood. You have this miracle performed at every Mass. So when you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, you have My intimate Presence in your heart and soul. This truly is My real joy in your hearts. There are many trials in the world, but know that I have conquered death and sin with My death and Resurrection. So do not be fearful of the evil ones, but trust that I am always in full control of everything. I will only allow the evil ones to go so far, before I will stop them from harming your souls. When evil attacks, call on My power, and My angels will protect you. I will be victorious in the end, so be patient and endure the evil of the day with My graces that will sustain you. I love you so much, so trust in My power over all the evil ones.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, America’s forefathers have given you your Constitution and its Bill of Rights, and this is guarding your country’s freedoms. You still have ‘under God’ in your Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, and ‘In God We Trust’ is on your money. Many soldiers had to die to give you your freedoms of today. Keep praying for your country’s protection as My archangel St. Michael is watching over you.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your football players have been kneeling instead of standing at attention when your national anthem was sung. When your President spoke out about criticizing these players for their disrespect for your country’s flag, then others were upset by his remarks. This is not the time to make political statements when you are respecting your country. Many soldiers have died for your freedom, so your people should respect the people who protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen all the damage in Puerto Rico from hurricane Maria. There is very little electricity, and people are being asked to send donations for food and water to these people in need. This island government will need billions of dollars in aid to rebuild their infrastructure. There is much need to provide homes and remove any debris. Their crops have been badly damaged, and they are in need of imported food. Pray for these people and send what donations you can share.”

Jesus said: “My people, at first people donated heavily to help the flooded people in Texas. Then weeks later, you had another disaster in Florida that called for more donations. Now with a third hurricane disaster in Puerto Rico the donations are diminishing because of so many donations requested. These continuing storms are taking a toll on your people’s charity, and the destruction of so many homes. It is not easy for poorer places to rebuild and recover from such destruction. Even though it is harder to keep giving donations for so many places hit by hurricanes, think of how difficult it is to survive with little food and water. The more you give, the greater will be your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would see one event after another, and you have not seen the end of your storms. Your people need to be ready for more storms on your Southern coasts. Pray that these people will be spared any more deaths, and that the people will evacuate any dangerous spots on the coasts. See these trials as a result of your sins, and pray that the people will repent, and seek My forgiveness.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of death and destruction from your storms, and now the latest mass killing. If these events do not bring you to your knees in prayer, and you continue in your evil lifestyles, then you are calling down My wrath on your country. If you do not pray for forgiveness and change your ways, then you will see more such events until you will come begging Me to help you. Without prayer and My help, your destruction will get worse. Pray for a lessening of storms, and the stoppage of the evil killings that are going on. Pray also to stop your abortions and the killing of your older people.”


Friday, October 6, 2017: (St. Bruno)
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of My people, and I do not want to lose one soul to the evil one. When the Jewish people worshiped false gods, instead of Me, I allowed the Babylonians to conquer them, and start the Babylonian Exile. When your children are disobedient, they need to be reprimanded for their own good. The parents love their children, but sometimes they need tough love in punishment to correct them. My people of America are also being punished with your recent storms, fires, and mass killings. I mentioned before that you are worshiping idols of money, pleasure, and sports which are against My First Commandment. You also are seeing many people who are no longer coming to Mass on Sunday. This is a sin against My Third Commandment, which calls on My people to give worship to Me on Sunday. Because you are disobeying My laws, and you are not repenting of your sins, you will continue to see more disasters as a punishment for not obeying My commands. I love all of you, but I want you to love Me in return, and your neighbors as yourselves.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the devil wrapped around the New Year’s Pole in New York City is linked with your human pleasures and traditions. There is a hidden meaning in this vision that could link a year of evil that could lead up to the tribulation. The devil’s time is running out, and he will have a brief reign through the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Another meaning of this scene is that the time will be speeded up to lessen the trial of this evil time. The devil thinks he is in control of the earth, but I am only allowing him a brief reign, because My power is greater than the devil’s power. My faithful will have one last chance to convert sinners after My Warning experience. Work in haste to lead your family members back to Me, so they are not lost to the evil one. Only people of faith will have a cross placed on their foreheads so they are enabled to enter My refuges. Call on My grace to evangelize souls while you are still able to do so.”


Saturday, October 7, 2017: (Our Lady of the Rosary)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am coming to comfort you as you are mourning the loss of life in Las Vegas and in all of your hurricanes. You are celebrating my 100th Anniversary of Fatima, and I am still bringing you the same message to pray the rosary and wear my brown scapular. These are your best weapons to fight the evil of your day. I always bring you to my Son, Jesus, as He shines His graces on you when you receive Him in Holy Communion. This morning’s rain is also my blessing as I send God’s graces upon all of you. God sends His Word and His call for conversion out to everyone, even as you all share the same rain and sunshine. It is up to each soul to receive my Son into his or her soul and heart, and respond with love for my Son and me. It is this enduring love that is missing from your society, and this is why you have so much division and evil actions. Learn from history, my little ones, as I am repeating my warnings at Fatima. If your people do not turn to Jesus in prayer, then you will suffer from wars and natural disasters. We love all of you so much, and we desire your love in return. We bless all of you, and we are calling you to prayer, Mass, and Confession of your sins to the priest.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see someone drowning in deep water, you will do everything to try and save that person’s life. When you see someone drowning in their sins, you should have the same spontaneous desire to save that person’s soul. You need to call on My help to throw lifelines to that person. Your first try may be to convert such a person to the Catholic faith, and have them come to Confession. There are other lifelines such as praying for that soul, or having a Mass said for them. You can give them your good example as a Christian believer. You can try to have them wear a brown or green scapular. You may even pray over such a person with holy water or blessed salt. You can invite them to a prayer group or a Mass. If they have some deep seated evil, you can pray deliverance prayers, or have a priest exorcize them. Saving a life in this world is only the first step. It is even more important to save souls. Even when I prayed over people when I was on the earth, I healed a person’s soul first, and then I healed that person’s illness. This is why I send out My faithful to save as many souls as you can, because the soul and its destination is your most important possession.”


Sunday, October 8, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much, and as this search light shows you, I am like the hound of heaven ever searching to save every soul. You are seeing in the Gospel, how I started My Church with St. Peter as the rock, and now I am preparing you for the great harvest of souls. I call on all of My faithful that I am asking all souls to produce a great fruit of your labors from My vineyard. It is by your fruits that I will know if you are a good servant, or an evil one who rejects Me. In the Warning you will have a life review that will reveal all the fruits of your life’s work. I will weigh your sins against your fruits of good deeds. After your life review, you will see My mini-judgment for your destination of heaven, hell, or purgatory. If you do not change your life, then this judgment will be your final judgment as well. You will be placed back into your body, and you will be given a second chance to improve on your life’s destination. Come close to Me now while you are still living, and do not wait until tomorrow, because you may die today.”


Monday, October 9, 2017: (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast day of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, who was known to have a great devotion to My Sacred Heart. In the vision I am showing you My Sacred Heart of burning love, just as you see Me in the picture on your wall in the room that you are writing this message. I want you to focus on this picture as you see an eternal flame of love, a crown of thorns around My Heart, and Blood flowing out from My Heart, as when the soldier pierced My side with a lance. In the vision you are seeing Me crying over all of the people who are rejecting My love. I respect everyone’s free will choice to accept Me or reject Me. When you come to Me, you need to count the cost, because those people who want to be with Me, must give their will over to My Divine Will. You must follow My laws and seek My forgiveness of your sins. Those people, who choose to love Me, will have their reward in heaven. I call My faithful to love Me and your neighbors as yourselves. Those people, who reject Me, are on a path to hell, and I am crying for the potential loss of their souls. I am like the father of the Prodigal Son, waiting for repentant sinners to come to Me for forgiveness. I pray for all souls to seek out My love, because their souls are seeking peace, and they will only find peace in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I gave you a message before that when I warn everyone to leave for a safe place, this will come as an inner locution to everyone when you will hear My voice. I will warn you when your lives will be in danger. Once you hear My inner locution warning, I want you to call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a small flame to the nearest refuge. You need to leave in your vehicle within twenty minutes. If you hesitate a while, you will see the men in black coming house to house to try and force the mark of the beast or a microchip on everyone. Do not take this chip, or it will control your free will. If you are captured and you refuse to take this chip, they will take you to the death camps to be martyred. When you see these men in black coming, then go quickly out the back door, as these people in the vision, and call on your guardian angel to lead you to the nearest refuge. Your angels will put an invisible shield around you to protect you from any harm. This vision of people running in the street, are the people who are leaving too late for My refuges. I am giving this message again, because you are approaching the time that will lead up to the tribulation. I want you to be prepared with frequent Confession for the Warning, and have your backpacks ready to leave for your refuges. You are doing practice runs at your refuges, so you will be prepared for a refuge lifestyle. This is also why I said that you will be fortunate to have time to do a winter practice run with your refuge, when you will be using your wood and kerosene burners. Pray for your protection, as I will be protecting you from the evil ones with My angels at My refuges.”


Tuesday, October 10, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, this is a serious vision because it is showing you very graphically how the churches will be broken when the schism or the division comes in My Church. When they will not be pronouncing the proper words of Consecration, the hosts in those churches will not have My Real Presence. This is why I am showing you a broken altar. The schismatic church will be teaching New Age worship of things, and not Me, the Creator, as in the reading. They will teach that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. I have told you when you see heresies, or when the words of Consecration are changed, you will need to leave that church. Eventually, all of these schismatic churches will be controlled by evil teachings. My faithful will have to come to home Masses, and finally to Masses at My refuges with faithful priests. At My refuges I will have My angels bring you daily Holy Communion, if you do not have a priest. It will take discernment from the Holy Spirit for My faithful to understand when it will be necessary to leave these schismatic churches. I have been warning you that this day is coming, because the Antichrist will try to destroy all of the churches. Only My angel protected refuges will go unharmed. Be prepared for My coming Warning experience, and the following tribulation of the Antichrist. Have no fear, because your guardian angels will lead you to My refuges of protection, where I will provide for your protection, and all that you will need to survive. The evil ones will soon be conquered and cast into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I made Adam and Eve, they were placed in the Garden of Eden, and there were two trees. The one tree was the ‘Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil’. It was this tree that they were not supposed to eat from, or they would die. The devil tricked Eve into eating from this tree, and she gave it to Adam. For this sin they were cast out of the Garden. There was a second tree called the ‘Tree of Life’, that when they ate from this tree, they could live a long time. Once they were outside the Garden, they did not live long without having the fruit from this tree. After this sin, a promise of a Redeemer was given, and I came on the earth much later. I died on a tree of the cross, and I became a new Tree of Life when I gave you My Eucharist as a new spiritual food for you. At the end of the tribulation I will place all the evil ones in hell, and I will lift up My faithful into the air. Then I will recreate the earth with its perfection as I made it before, without man’s GMOs and his imperfections. You saw Me on the cross as I will lead My faithful down into a new Garden of My Era of Peace. There will be no evil, and there will be many Trees of Life. You will eat from these trees, and you will live a long life. Everyone has to die once, but you will be prepared to be perfected as saints, so when you die, you can go straight to heaven. Rejoice in My Tree of Life both in My Host now, and in My Era of Peace from the Tree of Life.”


Wednesday, October 11, 2017: (St John XXIII)
Jesus said: “My son, as you are reading the story of Jonah, you can see some of your own problems. Jonah did not want to warn Nineveh to repent, because the people of Nineveh were their enemies. After being stopped from fleeing his mission, he told the people that they would be destroyed in forty days, if they did not repent. The king and the people repented in sackcloth and ashes, and they changed their evil lifestyles. I then relented in My punishment, but Jonah was disappointed. I gave him a gourd plant also for shade, but the next day it died. Jonah wanted to die, but I took care of his needs. So, My son, you are concerned about your illness, and your difficulty in sleeping. Do not be concerned, because I am giving you a blessing so you can offer up your troubles with Me on the cross for the souls in purgatory, and the souls you are praying for at your Conference in California. I will give you the strength in My Eucharist to allow you to get along even without much sleep. So do not complain, but be humble, and see how I am using you as My instrument of grace. You have been persistent in your prayers and carrying out your mission very well. Continue to trust in Me for all that you will need on this trip and others. I give you My angels to protect you and guide you in your travels.”


Thursday, October 12, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a possible incident that could trigger a war with North Korea. Such a war is one of the possibilities I gave you on September 25, 2017 that would be the big event of this year. North Korea has threatened to shoot down any aircraft that comes close to their country. It is just such a miscalculation on either side that could develop into a major conventional war with South Korea. Many people have been praying that such a war will not start. With all the sanctions being placed on North Korea, they could react in defiance, rather than stop their nuclear plans. They could start a first strike against South Korea, Japan, or the United States. Be careful when you back such a dictator into a corner, because North Korea could react violently, and it could precipitate a world war. Keep praying to stop such a war, but be prepared if a war should come.”

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am happy to greet your little group today, as you prepare to celebrate my 100th Anniversary of Fatima tomorrow on October 13, 2017. I thank Juliet and her helpers for all the efforts she is making for your coming procession. You are all coming together to share the words of your speakers at your Conference. I want you to listen closely, because you are entering the end times, and you all need to be prepared in Confession for the coming Warning and the tribulation. Today, you were shown Alan Robinson’s map of the places that would be annihilated. I have mentioned in my messages at Fatima that because of your sins, certain nations would be annihilated. Please wear your scapulars for your protection from the evil one, and pray your rosaries for the souls who could die suddenly without preparation for their judgment. You will have a beautiful Conference, so share your faith and love with each other. You can also share what you learned with your friends back home. My Son and I will be watching over all of you, and we will lead you to your protection at my Son’s refuges.”


Friday, October 13, 2017: (Our Lady of Fatima)
Our Lady said: “My dear children, I want to thank all of you for celebrating my 100th Anniversary of my messages to the three children at Fatima. You are going to process through the streets to give public witness to your Blessed Mother. I love all of you, and I am happy to be with you and bless you. In the vision you are seeing My Immaculate Heart, and I am joined as one with my Son, Jesus’ Sacred Heart. You have seen us as two hearts in many pictures. We long for all of our children to be joined with our two hearts. When you make your Consecration to me, you are joined with my Immaculate Heart. Today was a beautiful day for your Conference, and you received many graces from Jesus and myself at your Mass. Some people are thinking that something should happen now, but do not be worried about dates, because it is only for your heavenly Father to know the times of coming events. Just trust in Jesus and everything will work out for you. It is your faith and my Son’s sacrifice that will save you. So do not have any fears, worries, or anxieties, because these things come from the evil one.”


Saturday, October 14, 2017:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is giving you this message. This message is all about how I understand suffering people. You remember when Moses was asking Me about the Hebrews who were suffering the slavery of the Egyptians. I knew their suffering because I know how every person suffers. I sent Moses as the ‘Deliverer’ for his people to be released from the Egyptians. So today, I see the people who are suffering death and the loss of their homes in the fires of California. I want My people to pray your Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the souls who have died in these fires. Also, pray for all the people who have lost their homes, and those who are suffering in breathing the smoke in this area. Have compassion as I do for these suffering people. You have seen one disaster after another in fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Your sins have brought many of these disasters upon your country, but you can still help these suffering people with your prayers and your donations. My Son, Jesus, suffered much for all of humanity on the Cross of Crucifixion. So My friends, you all have suffering in your lives, but I want you to realize that you can offer up your suffering to save souls. Do not waste your pain, and see that your suffering can be a blessing to unite your pain with Jesus on the Cross. Your suffering can then be changed into redemptive suffering to help save souls among your relatives and friends. So do not complain about your sufferings, but see them as opportunities of grace to help souls. Now you truly understand why My Son, Jesus, had to suffer on His cross to bring salvation to all the people who accept us into their lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you invite someone into your house, you are very careful to dust and polish everything so your house is presentable. When you go out socially, you are careful to groom yourself, and have presentable clothes. You clean the outside of your body, but you need to cleanse the inside of your soul even more. When you come to receive Me in Holy Communion, you are about to invite Me into the home of your soul. I am holy, and I expect My faithful to be holy and cleansed with Confession. So do not have any mortal sin on your soul. Do not receive Me in Holy Communion with mortal sin, or you will commit another mortal sin of sacrilege. In the Gospel you saw how the man, who was not dressed with a proper wedding garment, was tied and cast out into the dark. When you come to My Wedding Banquet at every Mass, you also need to have your soul dressed properly with a pure soul from Confession. Give praise and thanks to Me that you can receive My Real Presence in an intimate union with your soul. As was mentioned earlier, this Prayer house is truly a refuge as I have told you before. At one time you saw a stadium full of people coming to this refuge. Rejoice that the people of this area will be protected at this refuge by the angel’s invisible shield.”


Sunday, October 15, 2017:
Jesus said: “My son, I want you and everyone to make some quiet time for Me every day, either in the morning or at night, but not when you are tired. I want you to learn about contemplative prayer, which is truly a prayer of being quiet, so you can listen to My words of love. Many people allow too many distractions to take up their life, so it is very difficult to listen to My voice. Once you are listening to Me, I want you to consult with Me on everything you do each day. You are My faithful servant, so you need to give your will over to Me, so I can lead you on the right path to heaven. It is only when you let Me run your life, that you will be able to fulfill the mission that I have planned for you. When you do everything out of love for Me and your neighbor, that is when you are learning the ways of heaven. I told My apostles that I wanted them to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. I know that you are human, and you have inherited Adam’s weaknesses, but I still want you to strive for perfection, because only saints can enter heaven. I also want My faithful to trust in Me for all that you need in life. You will have difficulties at times, but when you trust in Me, you can accomplish many things for My greater glory. You join Me in your daily prayer, but you must trust that I will lead you to do the right thing every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some farmers put hay around their houses as a means of insulation for the cold of winter. Hay is a good insulator, and even the Holy Family used the hay in the barn to keep them warm in the winter. When you put your own Nativity scene on your porch, you also put hay around the statues to celebrate Christmas. I have shown you to have tape and plastic on your windows during the winter, when you are heating with wood and kerosene to keep the heat in the house. Now, I am showing you about putting hay around your house to save more heat. You need to be prepared for a severe winter, especially if you do not have electricity, or natural gas for your normal heater. By being prepared with alternative heating, then you will be ready to stay warm for this winter. I will multiply your wood and kerosene, if it is needed for your survival. Trust in Me to provide for your necessities.”


Monday, October 16, 2017: (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to continue to pray for all the people affected by the fires of California. Pray also for all the people who you will meet along the way at St. Gabriel Mission, and the community around the Luminous Cross. When you are traveling as a religious group, I want you all to be on your good behavior, and remember you are pilgrims and not tourists. Keep humble and act as Christians all of the time, but especially as you represent Me to other people. I love all of My faithful servants, and you need to be good examples of My love. Enjoy your trip and your experiences, but keep focused on Me in all that you do.”

St. Gabriel said: “I am Gabriel, and I stand before God. You just had my feast day on September 29, when you honored St. Michael, St. Raphael, and myself. I am the guardian of this mission. You know that I was the messenger to ask the Blessed Virgin Mary if she wanted to be the Mother of Jesus. She gave me her fiat to fulfill the plan of God. I also was a messenger to tell St. Zachariah that his wife, St. Elizabeth, would have a son, St John the Baptist. St. Zachariah did not believe me, so I struck him mute for his unbelief. I want to thank you and your prayer group for placing my statue, and all three of us archangels on the altar at your prayer meetings. I confirm the message to Fr. Michel that the day of the Warning is drawing near. Remember to call on us for your protection.”
Note: Fr. Michel said St. Gabriel was awaiting with the others in heaven for the Word of the Father to happen.

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told the people of My day that the only sign that I would give, is the sign of Jonah. To the people of today, I am the greatest sign because you have a greater than Solomon or Jonah here in My Blessed Sacrament. You are privileged to see My Luminous Cross because I am the Light that disperses the darkness. This miracle is a gift of My Spirit of love, and you have seen miracles of healing here. This same image will be present in the sky over My refuges. Only My faithful, who are marked with the angel’s cross on the forehead, will be allowed into My refuges. When you see the cross in the sky, you will be healed of your venial sins. You need Confession to forgive mortal sins. Only if there is no priest available, will you be healed of mortal sins. After healing the soul, I will heal all of your physical problems, and you will have full health. Even those people, who need dialysis, will have new working kidneys. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you with an invisible shield, and I will provide for all of your needs at My refuges.”


Tuesday, October 17, 2017: (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
Jesus said: “My people, I love you so much that I died for your souls. You are seeing one of My martyrs in St. Ignatius of Antioch. These beautiful souls loved Me so much, and they were willing to die for My Name’s sake by the beasts who killed them. When a person is martyred, their soul goes straight to heaven in all of My glory. These souls have a high level in heaven because of their great love for Me. In the end times you may see some people martyred also out of love for Me. I tell My faithful, do not fear if you should be called to be a martyr for Me. You may suffer a moment of pain, but you will be with Me for all eternity in heaven. In an instant you will be with Me that day, like I promised the good thief on the cross. Those faithful people, who remain on the earth, will be protected at My refuges, and they will later be brought into My Era of Peace, and finally into heaven. My faithful need to rejoice that you will have your reward in heaven for all that you have done for Me in faith.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you these cots because you will be needing them soon, when events will be bringing people to your refuge. I have been preparing you to have things ready for your refuge. You have seen your angel warning you about being careful to discern if it is safe to go out on more talks after this month. I also told you about a big event to happen this year, and you are running out of months. This event (earthquake, volcano, or North Korean war) could be serious enough to cause a national martial law. This is why you need to check before you leave for any future trip. Until I tell you to stop traveling, you could plan to travel. You need a few more preparations as your water well, so follow up on your original plans. If you cannot finish, My angels will finish your water project. Keep trusting in Me, and be vigilant of your current events, so you will know what to do.”


Wednesday, October 18, 2017: (St. Luke)
Jesus said: “My people, you could see a lot of cars that were evacuating to avoid a flood that was caused by a wave of water. I have warned you about some coming earthquakes, and they could cause tsunami waves, if they were severe enough. Tsunamis travel very fast, so once you are warned, you need to move inland to higher ground as quickly as you can. That is why the cars in the vision are moving as fast as they can. Remember how I told you to live further inland away from the coasts. When you saw the hurricanes in Texas and Florida, you also saw many cars evacuating before the damage occurred. Be on the watch for any such incidents, so you are ready to move to higher ground.”


Thursday, October 19, 2017:(St. John de Brebeuf, Isaac Jogues, etc)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing polluted water, which is a sign of the pollution of evil in your society. In the readings it speaks about how many prophets and faithful people were killed for their faith in Me. They would rather die a martyr’s death, than give up their faith. Even today, you are still seeing Christians being killed in foreign lands. The persecution in America will worsen because many have lost their faith, and they do not want to be shown their sins. When evil people see you praying and going to church, they will want to kill you, because they do not want to be reminded of how evil they are living. This is why My faithful will be led to the protection of My refuges during the tribulation. Trust in My protection, and pray for all sinners.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, since your President has been elected, the left wing radicals, and the one world people have been harassing and criticizing your President in every way possible. If they do not have a real criticism, then they make up a non-issue. In November there are radicals trying to cause a martial law uprising. Pray that your troops and police can put down this disturbance. I will protect your country from those who want to harm you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing former presidents and other politicians continue a steady barrage of criticism against your President. The left thinks if they can keep a steady flow of criticism going against your President, that they could impeach him out of office. Your President is standing in the way of implementing the one world people’s North American Union. Trust in Me to protect you, even if you need to go to My refuges for safety.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some serious damage in Ireland from tropical storm Ophelia where thousands of people are without power. In England there were some unusual sun pictures when the sand from Africa caused some red and orange colors. Pray for the people who are suffering any damage from this latest storm.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some serious fires in California that have killed some people, and they have destroyed homes and businesses. The winds and dry conditions have caused many fires in California. Many people are sick from the smoke, and many have had to evacuate from their homes because of the fires. Pray for the firefighters and those people who lost homes or loved ones in these fires.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you have seen many mail requests to help the hurricane victims with their many hardships. Even though it is hard to help all causes, pick a few worthy causes to support these storm victims. Every kind donation or prayer can help support these peoples. Do not just give a token donation, but give what you can afford. Many of these victims have no homes, and they will need shelters to survive. So have compassion upon these people when you are helping them.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother’s requests at Fatima are focused on praying the rosary for sinners, wearing your brown scapular for conversions, and making the five First Saturdays of Confession, Holy Communion, and consecrations to Mary. You have many abortions and sexual sins that need your prayers, or you will face more punishments. Listen to My Blessed Mother’s requests, especially as you celebrate 100 years since Fatima’s miracle of the sun.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called certain people to set up refuges as safe havens for My faithful during the tribulation of the Antichrist. It takes dedication and considerable work to set up a refuge. A builder needs to have the land consecrated, and find a source of water on the land. There will be a need for extra bedding, food, and heating supplies and burners for winter. I will multiply your food and fuels for your survival, and My angels will put shields of protection over My refuges. You will have perpetual Adoration at all the refuges, and you will have miracles of healing when you look upon My Luminous Cross. Living a refuge life will put a strain on your faith, but trust in Me to provide for your needs, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace.”


Friday, October 20, 2017: (St. Paul of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel reading it said that everything will be revealed. All things spoken of in secret will be heard from the rooftops. This is indeed a description of what will occur during the Warning experience, when I will show people their own sins. Once you come before My Light outside of time and outside of your body, I will show you every act you committed during your whole life. This will be an illumination of your conscience, or a life review from the moment of conception to the present. I will overlook all of your forgiven sins, but your unforgiven sins will be imprinted in your memory. You all will have a strong desire to seek the forgiveness of your sins. At the end of your life review, you will be shown a mini-judgment to heaven, hell, or purgatory based on your life’s actions. You will feel what it is like at your destination. You will be placed back into your body in time, and you will have a second chance to change your life’s destination. If you do not repent and change your life, then your mini-judgment will be your final judgment. Those people, who confess their sins, will be saved. Those people, who reject Me, are on a path to hell in Gehenna. This will be your opportunity to help save the souls in your family by encouraging them to come to the true faith in Me. You will thank Me for giving you a second chance to see how your sins offend Me, and you can change your life. Give glory and praise to Me for all that I am doing to help convert all sinners.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you have a lot of dehydrated food and MREs, but it would be good to have some fresh vegetables. You will have plenty of time to dig out a garden, and use your heirloom seeds to grow vegetables. Have some tools and some fertilizer to grow your vegetables. You may want to only use fertilizer without any poisons. You may even want to buy some more fresh heirloom seeds to back up your other seeds. You also need to call the man for the water well to have him come and dig it out. You could also get a good rope to help steady your outhouse when you move it. Be thankful for any wood that you could store for heating your house. I will continue to keep giving you projects to help with your needs. I will even multiply any fresh produce that you could grow in your garden.”


Saturday, October 21, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, My faithful remnant are going to be tested by the coming schism in My Church. Do not let anyone deceive you about the truth of My words. Those people, who are living in sin with fornication or adultery, should not receive Holy Communion, unless they come to Confession and stop their sinful lifestyles. You also should discern if heresies are taught, or the words of Consecration are changed. Leave those churches, if you see such errors. You also should be wary of a one world religion that could compromise the teachings of My Church. You may be tested when people will persecute you for living a Christian life. If you are imprisoned for your faith, rely on the help of the Holy Spirit to give you what to say, but never deny Me for any reason. I will give you the grace and the strength to endure the tribulation, but you will need to come to My refuges of protection.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospels you see how the Pharisees tried to accuse Me of falsehoods as they tried to trap Me in My speech. When they asked Me if people should pay the census tax or not, I confounded them when I said: ‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, but give to God what is God’s.’ Whenever you speak the truth, or stand up against abortion, fornication, and homosexual marriage, you will be persecuted by the authorities, and even some church leaders. Do not worry about such persecution, because it is better to obey God’s laws, than man’s corrupt laws. Your society is full of evil, and the evil ones shy away from your Light of truth. In defiance of My laws, they will persecute you, and even try to put you in jail for not following man’s false and evil laws. Anyone, who does good in My eyes, will have My reward, even if the evil ones harass you. If they persecuted Me for the truth, then the evil ones will persecute you also. Trust in My protection, despite all the actions of the evil ones against you.”


Sunday, October 22, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the young children who are singing and reading the Scriptures for the Mass. These innocent children need a proper teaching of the faith, but they need adult leadership from their parents. It is sad that some households have only one parent to watch over the children. Grandparents also need to step up to help teach the faith to your grandchildren as well. Parents and grandparents need to be good examples of Christian life for the children to imitate. When there is no direction in faith for the children to follow, then these innocent children could be misled by their peers and worldly desires. The devil takes advantage of children in addictions and evil temptations. This is why you need to be watching what your children are learning, and how their friends are influencing them. Children need to know how they are dependent on Me in their prayers. There is more to life than toys and good times. You need to direct your children closer to Me, and show them a good example in your own prayers and attendance at Sunday Mass. Parents are responsible for the souls of their children, so keep praying for them, and guard them from bad temptations. At your judgment, you will have to account for these souls and your own soul.”


Monday, October 23, 2017: (St. John of Capistrano)
Jesus said: “My people, many of you are taken up with a desire for riches and new possessions. You crave the new homes, cars, and the latest electronic devices. Once you acquire them, they soon become old and break down. Then you want more new ones. This is the endless cycle for new possessions. Your focus should be more on what I want you to do, than spending your time and money on possessions. Do not let riches, fame, and possessions become gods for you. You are still dependent on Me for everything. Your life here is only temporary, because you could die at any time, just as the rich man in the Gospel. You need to make the best use of the time that you do have, by your prayers and helping to convert sinners. Riches and possessions are temporary also, and they can control you, if you let them. Use your gifts to help people, but do not let things or people take you away from your prayer time, or away from your mission for Me. You need to depend on Me, and not on your money and your talents. Give Me the glory for your accomplishments, so you can keep humble without pride controlling you. By keeping Me in the right focus over your possessions, then you will receive a more meaningful treasure in heaven. Trust in Me every day in all that you do.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen some movies that have shown how weather can be manipulated to cause damaging storms. You also are aware of how Nicholas Tesla was able to control weather with microwaves. You already have weather control through the use of the HAARP machine that uses multiple antennae and powerful microwaves. You have seen it enhance hurricanes and tornadoes. It can also cause massive earthquakes. With such a weapon in the hands of the one world people, they could cause enough damage to cause a martial law for their takeover of America. Do not be surprised if you see major earthquakes, or drastic changes in your weather to cause severe damage, that could paralyze your electrical grid. Do not fear the plans of the evil ones, because I will protect My faithful at My refuges. Trust in My protection and My providing for your survival needs.”


Tuesday, October 24, 2017: (Funeral Mass for Barbara LaForce)
Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to lose a mother and a grandmother, who is the heart of the family. She had a good life of 45 years of marriage with her husband and children. Her mother was also sad to see her daughter pass. Her children gave a beautiful eulogy for their mother. Remember her with your pictures, and pray for her. Give thanks to Me for her life among you, and she loves you all so dearly.”

Jesus said: “My people, Satan and the people who worship him, are behind the death culture movement. They are using abortion, euthanasia, wars, viruses, and killings as a means to reduce the population. All of this killing of humans is against My plan for man to multiply and subdue the earth. Because man and governments are trying to control the population, you are having a problem with lower fertility. Once a country goes below replacement averages for fertility, that nation will slowly decline in population. Many countries are below 2.1 children per couple, so the total population of the world will peak and start to decline. Life is too precious to kill either in the womb, or at the later stages of life. Because people are living longer, your population decline has slowed. Keep praying for the protection of life from killing in abortion, or killing people with euthanasia. By opposing your death culture, you can save more lives for conversions.”


Wednesday, October 25, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading, St. Paul is asking people if they are slaves to sin, or slaves to Me. In order to come to heaven, you must be obedient to Me in following My Commandments. You also are called to love Me and your neighbors. Because I love you enough to die for you, I call you friends and not just slaves. In the Gospel I am warning people always to be ready with a pure soul, because you do not know when you will die, or if I am coming on the clouds for your judgment. The last line in the Gospel is even harder to achieve, because those people, who are given much, much will be expected from them. Those people, who are given little, only little will be expected. If you have been given the grace of faith, and many talents, then I will hope that you use your talents to help save many souls. You are not just here to be entertained, but you need to work hard in My vineyard for the harvest of souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see lost lives and lost homes because of the fires in dry California. Many people have been forced to evacuate, or they could get trapped on roads with fires on both sides. The winds have spread these fires so fast, that some people have died in the flames. You can buy another house, but you cannot risk your life to stay in a home with surrounding fires. Pray for these people who have lost homes and loved ones. When you see the inferno with these fires, how can anyone choose to suffer all eternity in the flames of hell. People need to consider the consequences of their actions in life. Those people, who reject Me and do not seek My forgiveness of their sins, are on a path to hell. At the Warning, all sinners will be given an opportunity to change their lives for the better. This may be the last chance for sinners to be saved. If they refuse My love and My help, they could be facing hell fire as the consequences of their poor choices. Keep praying for sinners that they will see My Light and be converted.”


Thursday, October 26, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel speaks about how My Word could bring division into a household. There are some people who accept My love and the Gospel with open arms, but there are some others who are more comfortable with their sinful lifestyles, than loving Me. When you hear My Word, you will either accept it or reject it. This is what can divide families over how they want to live. In the vision you are seeing an open door, and this represents how My faithful people are opening the door to Me in their loving hearts. When you love Me and obey Me, you will have great joy both on earth and in heaven. It is when people do not open their hearts to Me, that they become hard hearted and selfish. You have some people in your family who do not come to Sunday Mass. It is your duty to pray for all the souls in your family persistently, and you could help save their souls.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you witnessed several miracle healings at your California Conference. Fr. Michel prayed over a woman in a wheelchair who had severe neuropathy. After praying with her four times, she was able to walk normally. There were other healings that came forward later. Give praise and thanks to Me, as I used Fr. Michel as My instrument for healings.”

Jesus said: “My people, there were many people who were touched by Fr. Michel’s teachings, and they were impressed with his stories of personal healings. You are fortunate to have witnessed My priest son, who has many gifts that you now know. Not only were there physical healings, but there were some spiritual healings in Confession. Pray for more vocations to the priesthood.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have not seen much legislation passed by the current Congress. You finally are seeing some compromises on passing a Budget in the House of Representatives. Health care has problems, but tax reform has a chance to pass. It will be the details that need to be worked out to find a fair compromise. Pray that your members of Congress can do the right thing to help the American people.”

Jesus said: “My people, reason has finally prevailed in making use of one of your plentiful energy sources in using your large supply of coal. Your previous President tried to shut down the coal mines, but this supplies 30% of your electricity. Over regulation was being used to close the coal mines. Now the mines are open and providing your needed fuel to generate your electricity. Your country has become more self sufficient in finding new ways to obtain gas and oil. Your people are also using solar power to generate more electricity at home. Be grateful for all of your new technology to gain adequate energy supplies to provide your electricity.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you may be prospering with your physical economy, but your people are in great need of repentance for your many sexual sins. Unless your country changes your sinful lifestyles, you could see continual punishments from your weather disasters and earthquakes. Pray that your storms will lessen, and you can stop your abortions and euthanasia. Pray also that you do not have a major war that could kill thousands of people.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people heat their houses with natural gas, but these heaters require electricity to keep working. Some people have backups with generators, wood burners, and kerosene burners. If there is a long power outage, many people are not prepared, and they would need shelters for keeping warm. If possible, I have asked My refuge builders to have another practice run in the winter to see how reliable your backup heating sources are. Trust in My help if you have to endure some long power outages.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this morning’s Gospel I spoke of the division in your households between those people who believe and come to Sunday Mass, and those people who ignore Me, and do not come to Sunday Mass. There is another division even between various groups in My Church. My faithful remnant are following the true beliefs of the faith taught by My apostles. There will be a schismatic church that will change the words of the Mass and promote New Age teachings that really worship things instead of Me. You will have to discern with the help of the Holy Spirit to leave churches that are teaching heresies. Trust in Me and My angels to protect My faithful remnant from all the demons and evil ones who will try to lead you astray. I will be protecting My faithful remnant from the gates of hell because I am more powerful than the evil ones.”


Friday, October 27, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of men conspiring in secret, is how the one world people are planning the demise of America. Once they can bring down America, these evil ones want to combine America with Mexico and Canada to form the North American Union. I told you in previous messages that before America is taken over, the one world people will find a way to take down your electrical grid. Your banking, fuels, and food distribution are all dependent on electricity. Many people do not have stored food, and they would give in to taking chips in the body for their survival. My faithful will be protected at My refuges where you would not need refrigeration of your food. When you see mandatory chips in the body to buy food and make transactions, then you will need to come to My refuges. This is when all of your preparations will be needed, and My angels will protect you. The end times are coming upon you, but trust in My help at My refuges during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, this scene of two suns in the sky will frighten many people, and some could even die of fright. Soon after this sign, everyone all over the world will have their Warning experience of seeing their whole life flash in front of them. You will all be taken out of your body and out of time, as you come to My Light through a tunnel. When you come in front of Me, you will have a life review from your conception to the present. You will focus on your unforgiven sins, and then you will see your mini-judgment of where your sins are leading you. Some will experience hell, or purgatory, and only a few will see heaven. You will be warned not to take a microchip in the body, and to come to My refuge when I will call you. You will be placed back into your body in time, so you could improve your destination. You will have six weeks after the Warning for people to repent and change their lives. This will be the best time to evangelize your family members so they can receive a cross on their foreheads. Only My faithful people will be allowed into My refuges with a cross on their foreheads. After the six weeks, remove all of your TVs, computers, and cell phones so you do not look at, or hear the Antichrist. Then you will see a world famine, a division in My Church, a martial law, and mandatory chips in the body. All the one world people’s unions on each continent will be given over to the Antichrist. He will have a different name, and when he declares himself, this will start the tribulation. His time will be brief before I will bring My chastisement over the earth. I will separate the evil ones into hell, but I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, October 28, 2017: (St. Simon & St. Jude)
St. Jude said: “My dear son, I hear your prayers for your daughter, Donna’s healing. It is difficult when you have confusing symptoms, and tests of possible problems with internal organs. Many people pray to me for difficult problems. I will be an intercessor for your daughter. Keep praying for her healing.” Note: Fr. Michel prayed over Donna on Sunday to heal her kidneys.

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how caves could be used to make a refuge. You may need to stay close to the entrance for air, and maybe use a tent to keep warm from the cold dampness of a cave. In the flashback visions you could see in Bethlehem that I was born in a cave at the Church of the Nativity. You could also see another cave near Cairo, Egypt where our Holy Family stayed while we were hiding from Herod. You also visited this cave on one of your cruises. I have called many people to build refuges, and caves are just one more place. There are refuges at homes, on farms, monasteries, and shrines. My angels will protect My refuges, and guide you in what to store for your survival. Give thanks and praise to Me for providing safe havens for My faithful to stay during the tribulation.”


Sunday, October 29, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you need your headlights on your car to provide light on the road. I am your Light not only to see in the dark of night, but I also provide Light and protection from the darkness of evil that is all around you on earth. By following My Light, I will lead you on a path to heaven through all of your life’s experiences. Call on Me in all of your troubles, and I will lead you by the hand, as I protect you. Be not afraid when you have Me by your side at all times. You are entering the end times, and this is why I have been encouraging My faithful to prepare refuges to protect you from the evil ones. You will see miracles of My angel protection, and I will multiply all of the food and fuels that you will need for your survival. Remember to discern your travels with prayer, and prepare for your winter night sleep over with another practice run with your heaters. Trust in Me to help you, and be faithful to your daily prayers and Adoration.”


Monday, October 30, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see the tensions between North and South Korea along their border. There are many troops and artillery guns on each side that are ready for war. North Korea’s missile tests and South Korea’s military exercises have heightened the potential for a war in this area. If missiles from North Korea strike South Korea, Japan, or any United States’ territory, this could start a massive war of retaliation. Many lives are in peril of such a war, especially if nuclear bombs are used. Keep praying hard that such a war does not start.”

Jesus said: “My son, you know how important it is to have water to drink, as it is necessary for your survival. When you did your first practice run with your prayer group, you realized how much water you need not only to drink, but also to add to your dehydrated food. You need even more water for washing dishes, your clothes, and your body as well. Because of this need for water, you are continuing to work on having a water well dug. You may be able to use a mechanical pump if the water well is not too deep. This water and your rain water could be used for washing. If necessary, you can use your filter to purify more water for drinking. By preparing your water, food, and fuels, you will have the basic needs that I can multiply for your survival during the tribulation. By using your practice runs in summer and winter, you can be prepared for accepting refuge life for your survival at My refuges. Trust in Me for all of your physical and spiritual needs.”


Tuesday, October 31, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the protection and preservation of My Church down through the years from St. Peter, the first Pope. I will continue to protect My remnant Church, even if it has to go underground into hiding from the Antichrist. You are familiar with the prophecies of a tribulation time of less than 3½ years in the Book of Revelation. This means there will be a great persecution of My Church, and all of those people who believe in God. After the Warning, you will see some conversions with the help of My faithful. I have called some faithful to build refuges both small and large. This is so you can receive My believers into your homes, and My angels will shield you from the evil ones. All of My refuges will be places of independent living within the borders of your refuges. You will need water sources, food, and fuels for winter. My angels will help with your water wells, and they will make you invisible to the evil ones. Do not worry, because I will multiply your food, water, and fuels by your faith in Me. I know your needs before you ask, so I will see to your survival. You will have My Luminous cross in the sky to look on, so you will be healed of your ailments. You will have perpetual Adoration at all of My refuges, so you will need to assign hours for everyone. If you have a priest, you can have daily Mass. If not, My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. You could even live on My consecrated Host without any other food, if necessary. Trust in Me to provide for the survival of My remnant Church, even as I have protected My Church in the past.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have had a feeling that you will not have your electricity much longer. I have told you there are any number of ways that your authorities could turn off your power. You could even see an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack from any number of countries. You are seeing a plan to shut down your grid as a practice run for an EMP attack, or an eruption from the sun. Whenever they practice such a trial, it could easily be an excuse to use the real shutdown for a takeover of your country. Such a shutdown of your electricity would trigger a martial law. If you see such an event, this will be a sign to come to My refuges immediately, because many could die trying to find food and water. My angels will protect My faithful from the authorities, and those thieves trying to steal food and water. I will multiply what you need. You may not have much power in the winter from solar panels because of the snow, clouds, and little daylight. If your natural gas is not available, you will need to rely on burning wood and your kerosene. Trust in Me to provide for your survival.”


Wednesday, November 1, 2017: (All Saints’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you know how difficult it is to live in this life, with all of your trials, pains, and temptations to sin. Every person is faced with the same struggles that you have. Some are persecuted more, and some live in poorer conditions than others. Those people, who rise above their trials, are rewarded in heaven for their faith in God. There are people of faith whom you look up to in imitating their holiness. By your prayers and good deeds, you can be good examples to inspire conversions to the faith. All of My faithful have a desire to be saints in heaven one day. Even if you need to be purified in purgatory, it is possible for My children to reach sainthood in heaven. I know you are not perfect, but you can strive for perfection in reaching for the higher levels of heaven. By keeping faithful to My love in the Commandments, you can be crowned a saint one day in heaven. Heaven celebrates every soul that is converted to the faith, so work to help bring souls to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing evil in its worst form of how the demons are encouraging people to kill others for their evil beliefs. Satan is trying to kill as many people as possible to reduce the population with abortion, wars, viruses, euthanasia, and terrorist killings. The one world people are planning mass killings as a means for a martial law takeover. They also are trying to create division between races, genders, and any means to undermine governments. By breaking down the society, families, and religion, they hope to give themselves a chance for a takeover of your government. Then they plan to setup the North American Union with America, Canada, and Mexico. This is all focused on giving power over to the Antichrist as he will start the time of the tribulation. My power is greater than the evil ones, and I will bring My victory during the three days of darkness. This will be a punishment of evil that I do not want you to look at. My refuges will not be harmed by My Comet of Chastisement. I will separate My faithful from the evil ones, and My faithful will be at My refuges. The evil ones will be cast into hell. I will take My faithful up into the air so I can renew the face of the earth. I will then bring them down into a new earth of My Era of Peace. This will be your reward for being faithful to My laws. Trust in Me to protect you, and bring you into heaven at the end of your lives on earth.”


Thursday, November 2, 2017: (All Souls’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been to many wakes and funerals, and you have seen many of your friends and relatives die and get buried. There is a finality to a life that has passed, because you will never see that person again in this life. As you look at the dead person in the casket, there is always the thought that one day, you will be there as well. Death is a part of life, yet it is a person’s destination that is so important. When you die, you will see Me at your particular judgment, and you will have a life review. All souls are weighed at My judgment seat to see if they are worthy of heaven or not. Some souls are so evil, or they never knew Me, so they are condemned to hell forever. Other souls loved Me to some extent, but they need purification in purgatory in order to be worthy of heaven. Today’s feast honors the souls in purgatory. Few souls come to heaven directly, and they are the souls who led saintly lives, or because they suffered their purgatory on earth. Those faithful, who live through the coming tribulation, will suffer their purgatory on earth at My refuges. Some people, who are martyred for their faith in Me, will come immediately into heaven for their reward. Even if you need some purification in purgatory, I want you to strive for perfection, and for the higher levels in heaven. It is important to love Me and your neighbor to be worthy of heaven, so repent of your sins in Confession, and seek My forgiveness of your sins. You are also called to convert as many souls as possible, so they can be saved from hell. Pray especially for all of your family members, so you can help save them from hell as well. With persistent prayer, even souls away from Me can be saved.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, in your vision you could see a big vortex spinning around as many events were happening at the same time. The one world people will be inspiring more false flag events in a more frequent manner to try and cause fear among your people. You will be seeing more natural disasters and there will be threats against your country, especially from North Korea. Continue to pray that war will not start, and to control your terrorist attacks.”

Jesus said: “My people, China and other nations are preparing to use EMP devices on missiles to disrupt the response of your ships in the Pacific Ocean. Many of your electronics on your ships are vulnerable to EMP attacks. Your Navy needs some counter measures to back up your navigation electronics. Even a backup system using vacuum tubes would not be affected by EMP that could destroy your microchips. You could also use Faraday cages to protect your electronics from EMP. Your Navy has new weapons as rail guns to knock out missiles. Pray for the safety of your military from EMP attacks.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have not heard of any progress on fixing the radiation that is flowing into the Pacific Ocean from the failed nuclear plant in Japan. The extent of radiation that is affecting your fish and other pollutants has not been made public routinely in your news. Do some research to see what is being done, and how the radiation is measured in the Pacific Ocean.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Congress is finally taking up tax reform that could help your country have a more even trading field with other nations. It will take some compromises to fix the many problems in your tax code. If the opposition party does not seek to help this process, then it will be difficult to pass such legislation in the U.S. Senate. This should be a bi-partisan attempt to pass something that could reduce taxes for your people. If this fails again like the health bill, then the current party in power could lose seats in the next election. Pray that your lawmakers can resolve their differences to help your businesses and your individual taxpayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President has taken measures to stop your lottery for foreign Arab immigrants to enter your country. You are seeing more terrorists who are being trained abroad and allowed back into your country. After your killings in New York City, there will be more attention given to apprehend ISIS terrorists who are behind most of your terrorist incidents. Pray for your people’s protection from these car and truck attacks.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not assume that most souls go directly to heaven. In fact very few souls go directly to heaven after they die. Some souls go to hell, and another share of souls need purification in purgatory. You can best remember your deceased people with prayers and Masses, so you can help them get released from purgatory. Keep their pictures in sight, so you can remember to pray for their souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are approaching the end times or the tribulation of the Antichrist. You will be reading of My coming back to the earth to bring My victory over the demons and evil people. In November My faithful need to think more about being ready with a pure soul for when I will call you home in death. This is why I am encouraging My faithful to come to frequent Confession so your souls will be ready any day that you could die and come to your judgment. Many people are not prepared in their souls to meet Me at their judgment. Pray for these souls in your Masses of reparation. Keep focused on loving Me and your neighbor every day of your life.”


Friday, November 3, 2017: (St. Martin de Porres)
Jesus said: “My people, I performed many healing acts over the sick and the lame, but the Pharisees were disturbed when I healed people on the Sabbath. They considered healing as work, and they were following the letter of the law, and not the spirit of the law. Some of the Pharisees did not always practice what they taught, and that is why I told people not to follow their actions. Worshiping Me on Sunday is required by My Third Commandment, but if you are sick or have trouble getting to Mass, I will have mercy on you. There are some faithful who have healing gifts, but they need to use their gifts in prayer, or they could lose their gifts. When you pray over people, have faith in Me that I could heal them, and you will see many healings. The people, who you pray over, also need to have faith that I can heal them. When you pray over people, pray for their souls as well as for their bodies. This is how I healed people, by healing their souls first.”


Saturday, November 4, 2017: (St. Charles Borromeo)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision I am showing you when I spoke to St. Peter, and three times I asked him if he loved Me. This was because he denied Me three times when I was taken prisoner. St. Peter had a special mission as leader of My Church, and that is why I told him to feed My sheep. All of My apostles were given instructions to be priests and confess the sins of sinners. The Gospel is all about being humble and taking the last place at banquets. Coming to Confession frequently is also humbling, because it is hard to admit that you are a sinner. You are weak to sin as a consequence of Adam’s sin, but you need to seek My forgiveness in Confession, so you are worthy and pure of soul to receive Me in Holy Communion. There are a lot of weak sinners who do not come to Confession often, and they are receiving Holy Communion in mortal sin. Some people are living together in fornication without marriage, and they have many mortal sins, but they do not accept they are sinning. My people need to look at their lives, and examine their consciences, so they can humble themselves by coming to Confession. Cleanse your souls so you can receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. Those people, who receive Me in Holy Communion with mortal sin on their souls, are committing another mortal sin of sacrilege. I love all sinners, but they need to recognize their sins, and seek My forgiveness in Confession to the priest.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, one of the best ways to keep your family together, is to pray the family rosary together. You see today how there are many attacks by the devil on the family as an institution. It has been expected over the years to have a couple in love get married in the Church, but you are seeing some couples living together without marriage. You are also seeing same-sex marriages, which are against My Commandments, and they are abominations in My eyes. The devil is attacking marriage to try and cause divorces, which is why I am encouraging the family rosary to be prayed to keep the family together. Encourage your young people to get married in the Church, to avoid living in sin with other unacceptable relationships. When your families break down, your society will break down as well. So pray for families to pray and stay together, and that your young people will follow your example of getting married in My Church.”


Sunday, November 5, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading of Malachi, you are seeing a curse put on the people of Israel because they refused to follow the ways of God. America also is being cursed for your abortions and sexual sins against the Fifth and Sixth Commandments. Your laws are against My laws, and this has brought a curse on your nation. Unless America repents and changes its sinful laws, you will continue to see disasters, and your nation will be taken away from you, as the Jews were punished with the Babylonian Exile. You will be taken over and given to the Antichrist, as you will soon face the tribulation. Be prepared to come to My refuges so you will be protected from the evil ones who want to kill you. This evil reign will be brief, when I will bring My victory over evil, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be preparing to celebrate your Thanksgiving Dinner with your relatives. As your children have girlfriends and boyfriends, your family is expanding. You make many preparations for your meal by buying your food. You even share food with the poor people. In the vision you are seeing even more preparations for meals as you are stocking up food for your refuges. I have told you to initially prepare for forty people at your refuge. I will multiply what you will need, and I will have My angels build more buildings when more people come. Be thankful that My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges from the evil ones during the tribulation. As you see more events occurring, you are sensing how close you are to the tribulation. Be not afraid, and give thanks for all the people who have prepared refuges for My people.”


Monday, November 6, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you further visions to ponder the end of your life, as you are coming to the end of the year. Your first thought is how you will face Me at your judgment, as you think of all the things you did in your life, both good and bad. When you go through your life review at the end of your life, I will weigh all of your good deeds against your sins. If you have been faithful to Me, you will avoid hell, and only suffer some time in purgatory. Those people, who have done evil and were not faithful, are on their path to hell. Only if people were praying for such souls, could they be saved. Once you die and you are in your casket, you are relying on your relatives and friends to pray for you, and have Masses said for your soul. You may want to put a request for Masses in your will, to insure Masses will be offered up for your soul. This will help you in getting released from purgatory at an earlier time. You also can pray for a plenary indulgence on Mercy Sunday to remove the reparation due for your sins. Thinking about your destination with Me after your death, is the best plan you could make to be with Me in heaven for all eternity. You also need to make a good friendship with Me now, because only My friends will be invited to My banquet in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just witnessed another mass killing in Sutherland Springs, Texas by a deranged gunman who was killing young children. He was chased down and died in his car. This is the third mass killing incident in a short time. You saw a false flag staged mass killing in Las Vegas where many died and were wounded. You also saw an ISIS terrorist kill and maim more people in New York City with a rented truck. Now you have another deranged gunman who killed people in a church service. The focus has been on guns, but it should be on how ISIS people are not followed, and how mental people need to be treated. There are a lot of questions around how these people acquired their weapons and ammunition. It is difficult to prevent attacks on what are called ‘soft’ targets. You can see that these gunmen are all seeking crowds to kill more people and gain notoriety. These events are being caused on purpose to cause fear and divide your society. Pray for the souls of those killed, and comfort the families of the deceased. Pray for peace and less division in your country.”


Tuesday, November 7, 2017: (Election Day)
Jesus said: “My people, today is election day and you are voting for your local offices and propositions. You should be thankful that you are living in a democratic republic where your people can elect their office holders. In the Gospel I am calling out to people to come to My banquet in heaven, but many are giving various excuses not to come. I then called everyone to make a choice to love Me, or the world. Many were called to My banquet, but only a few are found worthy to enter. Only those people, who love Me and repent of their sins, will be allowed into My final banquet in heaven. Others are called, but they rejected Me, or their sins blocked them from entering. You need to give your will over to Me, and let Me lead you to heaven. You also are called to bear fruit in good deeds for your neighbor. I also need faithful souls to evangelize people to faith in Me. Other faithful are being called to set up refuges for My people during the tribulation. America, as a nation, is being called to renounce your corrupt laws and repent of your sins. Without a changing of your evil lifestyles, you are calling down My wrath on you in all manners of destruction. Your choice is to love Me or not, but you will suffer the consequences of your evil actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am calling all of My children to pick up your individual crosses and carry them as you unite your sufferings with Me on My cross. I lived a human life on earth in a different time, but I know what you are going through with the restrictions of the body. You have physical needs of food, water, and a place to call home. You need to earn money from your job to pay for your house, your car, and to help your spouse and children if you are married. You need to take care of yourselves with doctors when you are sick or need operations. You share your money and your faith with your neighbors in need. Your lives are constantly changing, but when you pray and come to Mass, I give you the strength you need to bear all the burdens of your life on earth. It is this spiritual life of your soul that needs care, just as your body needs care. You cleanse your soul with Confession, and you have a taste of heaven when you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. My Body and Blood are your spiritual food to satisfy your soul, and I am the only One to give you peace of mind. I am always at your side to help you in your daily needs and troubles, so call on Me at any time. Trust in Me for all that I do for you, and share your gifts with others.”


Wednesday, November 8, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who block Me out of their lives, like this large black wall in the vision. Unless you take down this wall, and open your hearts, how can I come into your lives with My love? You are the ones who can open the door of your heart from the inside to greet your Lord. By loving Me and allowing Me to lead you in life, then I can help you fulfill the mission I have planned for your life. You need to be quiet in prayer, so I can speak to your heart what I want you to do. This involves loving Me and your neighbor by following My Commandments. It is not easy to give up your life and your will over to My Will. By letting Me be the center of your life, you can accomplish great things with My help. You have to count the cost to give everything over to Me. So when you have achieved great things, remember to thank Me and give Me the glory for what you have done. Do not let possessions control you, because I will provide for all of your needs. I know what you need for your survival before you ask, so I will give you the talents you need to do your work. Be not afraid, but trust in Me for everything, both in your physical and spiritual lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you are in the darkness of night, it is hard to find your way without a point of reference. I am the Light of the world, and I disperse the darkness that can represent evil. As you approach the winter solstice of December 21, your nights are longer and it gets worse as you go further north. I have asked My refuge builders to secure enough wind-up LED flashlights for each person at your refuge. This was very helpful in your practice run without electricity, or they can be useful in power outages. Even your bright battery powered lanterns were also helpful. These lanterns were better and safer than your oil lamps. Your oil lamps also had trouble keeping the wicks burning. You needed your flashlights to see your way to the bathroom at night, and when you had two people at Adoration during the night. Be thankful that I give you the light of the sun for some warmth as well as light. You also use fuels to heat your houses during the winter, and if you burn wood, you get light from the fire. You are just entering the cold weather, and it is good to have alternate sources for heat, if you lose your electricity. You have wood and kerosene, and the appropriate burners to keep you warm. You could use these heaters for your winter practice run. Be sure to store some extra amount of batteries to power your LED lanterns. Trust in Me to multiply your fuels and batteries during the tribulation.”


Thursday, November 9, 2017: (The dedication of Lateran Basilica)
Jesus said: “My people, it is good to recognize your body as the house for your soul and spirit. The human person is made up of body, soul, and spirit. Just as the angels are spirits without bodies, you are also spirits contained in an earthly body. I have given you this lesson before, but you need to remember how all three make up a human person. The spirit is how you are conscious of Me, and it is seen as intuition, conscience, and communion with God. The soul is how you are conscious of self, and it is seen in the mind, emotions, free will, and the intellect. The body is how you are conscious of the world through all of your senses. This is why you can think of the body as a holy temple. You all need to respect this life in every person, whether you are poor or rich, and whether you are young or old. This is why you need to protect life in the womb of the unborn child from abortion, and protect the elderly from euthanasia. Your laws and court decisions are against My Commandments that say you shall not kill another. Your killing is still a mortal sin, whether it is legal in your laws or not. It is always better to obey My laws before man’s evil and corrupt laws. Life is too precious to kill, and you need to stand up for My Will before man. Pray to stop abortion and euthanasia.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, after a few lost governorships in Virginia and New Jersey, the Republicans are being pressed to make progress on their tax reform bill. It appears that it will take longer to get some compromises, and bring it to a vote. Even the word about taking longer on tax reform caused your markets to falter. Pray that your Congress can pass some form of tax code that will help individuals and your corporations.”

Jesus said: “My people, this crime was so evil because this man intended to kill all the people in the church. He fired thirty clips of bullets in less than seven minutes at point blank range. He had a record that should have not allowed him to buy weapons, but the Air Force did not report him. He was an atheist and had a dislike of his in-laws at that church. Because he was shot, he stopped his killing, but died later when he shot himself. Keep praying for the deceased and their families.”

Jesus said: “My son, your research showed that radiation is still being poured into the Pacific Ocean, as there has been no attempt to fully stop this pollution. The amount of radiation in the Pacific Ocean is getting worse and it is spreading. Marine life is being affected, and it could be dangerous to eat contaminated fish. The UN and other nations should try to force a meaningful repair to stop this continuing radiation contamination from entering the Pacific Ocean. If something is not done, this ocean will become too contaminated to eat the fish. Pray for a solution to this problem.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President has made many enemies in your establishment and among the one world people. Even your Congress is struggling to pass any legislation that would make him look good. Now you are hearing reports of some people who want to kill your President. These people are being examined, but I am sending My angels to protect him. You have had earlier messages that such attempts on the President’s life would be coming. Pray for your President’s protection from harm.”

Jesus said: “My people, there have been many threats by North Korea and the U.S. that could precipitate a possible nuclear war. Keep praying to stop this war that could kill millions of people. There has been little activity recently, but both sides are on a heightened alert for a war. Your President has tried to have China influence North Korea to subdue their missile tests. Trust in My protection of all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, your freedom requires defending at times in various wars with dictators and communist regimes. You have had to fight communists in Korea and Viet Nam. You have had wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan to fight ISIS and Al Qaeda. If you do not resist these fighters, more will be attacking Europe and America. Support your military people who are fighting your battles, and give them respect on Veterans Day. Keep praying also to minimize wars and the death of your troops.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen an unusual amount of rain and wind in your Northeast area. These weather patterns are continuing to be turbulent as you have picked up a lot of tree limbs. Some areas have had power outages, so be prepared with your backups for electricity and heating. You also need to be ready for a cold and windy winter. This is one reason to see if your weather could restrict your traveling. Do not be surprised if you have to cancel some trips because of the severe weather. You have been warned to discern any of your travel plans. Trust in My protection from such weather problems.”


Friday, November 10, 2017: (St. Leo the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, I give everyone an opportunity to search for Me in your life. Your soul is always seeking to find Me and love Me. It is My peace that your soul is searching for. You always have a choice to love Me or not. I do not force My love on anyone. I want you to love Me by your own free will. Once a person truly believes in Me all the time, My angels will place an invisible cross on the forehead of that person. As time draws near to the time of the tribulation, you will be faced with another choice between following a schismatic church, or coming to My faithful remnant at My refuges. I will be separating the non-believers from My true believers. My faithful will be directed to come to My refuges for protection from the Antichrist and his followers. This information will be given to My faithful in their Warning experience. Some people may have a difficulty in seeing the need to come to My refuges, but they will soon learn that this will be for their protection for their body and their soul. My refuge builders are preparing to accept people into their homes. With the Lord’s help, they will be providing all the supplies that will be needed to survive independently from all of your present services. Trust in My help to make the right decisions for your souls to be saved in heaven.”


Saturday, November 11, 2017:

Jesus said: “My people, many of My refuges are found in rural areas away from the cities. It is difficult to have refuges in the cities or suburbs, but with Me, all things are possible. Every refuge will have an angel for protection. This angel may also be the protector of prayer groups as well. My refuges will be safe havens of protection during the tribulation. My faithful will be led to My refuges by their guardian angels. You will look on My luminous crosses, and you will be healed of your ailments. My angels will put a shield of invisibility all around My refuges, and no one will harm you. The angels will only allow people with crosses on their foreheads to enter. Those people without crosses, will not be allowed into the refuge. This is why My faithful need to bring their relatives into the faith, so they can have crosses on their foreheads and be allowed to enter My refuges. My faithful need to keep praying persistently for their families so they can be saved from hell. Give praise and thanks to Me so My faithful will have a place of protection during the tribulation.”

(Sunday anticipation Mass) Jesus said: “My people, when someone commits a crime in your society, you put them in jail to pay for their crime. Even in your family, you sometimes have to use tough love in punishments for your children to teach them a lesson. It is similar how I treat souls for their sins as well. I am always willing to forgive repentant sinners, but there is still the reparation due for their sins. When these sinners die, they face Me at My judgment seat. This is why many souls have to be purified in purgatory to make up for all of their sins. This is similar to various prison sentences, only some souls suffer in flames for years, while others need a few Masses and prayers to be released from purgatory. Suffering in purgatory is difficult because these souls are suffering outside of time, and these souls have no way of telling how long they have suffered, nor how much longer they will be in purgatory. These souls are dependent on your prayers and Masses to move up and out of purgatory. So remember to pray for the souls in purgatory, especially for your own relatives. Those souls, who you have helped get out of purgatory, will be indebted to you, and they will pray for your soul. You all will receive a fair and just judgment, but you can store up treasure in heaven with your good deeds.”


Sunday, November 12, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I instituted the sacrament of Baptism so people could enter into My Church, and so everyone could be cleansed of the original sin of Adam and Eve. You had a flashback of when you took a trip to Israel, and you went to the Jordan River where St. John the Baptist had baptized people. Your vision of St. John the Baptist baptizing Me is one of the few times in Scripture when the Holy Trinity was present. You saw Me in the water, a Dove representing the Holy Spirit in the air, and God the Father said: ‘This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him.’ This is why you recite the Sign of the Cross when you are baptizing someone. It is the gift of Baptism that calls you to convert souls to the faith so they can be saved from hell. Your soul is pure and clean after your Baptism. You renew this pure soul at every Confession, when your sins are cleansed by the absolution of My priest sons. You can be baptized at any age, and all the saints and angels rejoice over one soul who repents, and is converted to faith in Me. Rejoice at receiving any sacrament, because you have My grace shining in your soul. By keeping close to Me in frequent Confession and Holy Communion, you are on a path to My eternal Presence in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you have the priest for Mass, he brings Me to you in My Blessed Sacrament in Holy Communion. I am the center of your life in your prayer communication with Me. You look forward to receiving Me at daily Mass, and I come into your soul and heart for an intimate union to share My love with you. You have read from St. John the apostle in his Gospel in the sixth chapter: ‘Unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.’ (Jn 6:54,55) When you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, this is a unique sacrament when you have My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. Not everyone believes in My Real Presence, so I have allowed Eucharistic miracles for people to see My physical Body and Blood on the Host. At Lanciano, Italy you saw such a miracle where the Host was changed into the myocardial tissue of the heart without any rigor mortis. You saw the wine changed into My Blood that was even analyzed as AB blood type. These miracles were to help non-believers believe that I am truly Present in My Eucharist. Those faithful, who love Me so much, not only seek Me at Mass, but they long to take time to adore Me at Adoration of My Host in the monstrance, or in My tabernacle. My adorers are My special lovers who hold Me close in all of their activities. I love everyone as My created souls, but those people, who show Me such love, are My favorite souls who will have a special place in heaven. Keep close to Me in your prayers and daily Mass,and I will be blessing you in all that you do each day.”


Monday, November 13, 2017: (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast day of St. Mother Cabrini, who is a patroness of immigrants. You are aware of how she set up orphanages and schools for the immigrants of New York City. She also founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I have asked My faithful to imitate the lives of My saints. You see how she had a great love to help people, and share her love of Me with others. So My faithful can also reach out in love to welcome people, and share their love of Me with others as well. You are going to face people who are angry, and hard to love, but you need to love everyone, and see Me in every soul. This is not easy to live My love for even your enemies and persecutors, but I am asking you to strive for perfection by loving everyone as I do. I am all love and this is why I love you, and why I want you to love your neighbors as yourselves. My Commandments are all about love of Me and love of neighbor. So even if people do not love you in return, you still need to reach out and love people.”


Tuesday, November 14, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the same misty spirit that you see standing next to the caskets at people’s funerals. Their bodies are cold like the winter snow, because there is no more life in their body. You will still feel alive after death, but your spirit will be separated from your body. After the spirit stays around the body a few days, it is called before Me for its particular judgment. It is then that each person will see their death’s life review, and you will receive a fair judgment to purgatory, heaven, or hell. My faithful may have to be purified in purgatory, because more is expected from those people who have received more gifts and graces. Over time My faithful will all join Me in heaven. Those people, who live through the tribulation at My refuges, will have their purgatory on earth. You will then be rewarded in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven. The evil people will be judged to the eternal flames of hell, where the demons will torment these souls forever. Keep praying for your relatives and friends so they can be saved from hell. Trust in Me to guide you on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you about earthquakes and volcanoes. You had a 7.3 earthquake on the Iraq/Iran border that has killed almost 500 people. You had another 6.5 earthquake in Costa Rica in a less populated area. Now, you are seeing a volcano erupting close to Mexico city. If this volcano has a major eruption, it could endanger 20 million people. These events are the natural disasters that I have been warning you about that could endanger your lives in your travels. Keep alert in your news as you travel to your talks. Some of these events are natural, but some can be triggered by the HAARP machine. Give thanks to Me when My angels protect you from any disasters.”


Wednesday, November 15, 2017: (St. Albert the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is all about healing in faith, but also about giving thanks to God for all of your blessings. Many people pray for healing of themselves or others. You may also pray to get a job or some financial help. You are very sincere in your prayer requests, and your prayers could be answered because of your faith in Me. But once you receive what you have been praying for, only a few remember to come to Me in thanksgiving. This is true when the ten lepers were healed, and only a Samaritan returned to give Me thanks. You need to be just as sincere in your thanks, as you are in your prayer requests. There are many things that I bless you with which you did not ask for, but you need to thank Me for all the good things in your life. There are even trials that I send you that change your life, or help other people. Thank Me for all that I send you, both good and bad.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been warned that from now on, you need to discern if it is safe to travel or not. You also will be tested more by the evil ones who want to keep you from giving your talks. I have told you to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer, especially on route to your talks. You forgot this prayer on your last trip, but your rosaries protected you. The souls in purgatory were most appreciable for your extra rosaries. You had a long flight time, and you even had more time for some rosaries. Remember not to waste your time on frivolous activities. When you are traveling in your van, it is easier to remember your prayer in the glove compartment. Even when you are not traveling to a talk, you could still pray for safe travel. You have My angels with you, so you could invite them to protect you, and guide you on to the right roads. Take your time and drive carefully. When you rush too much, you make mistakes. You have seen many severe accidents on the road, so try to avoid any accidents around you. The evil ones are trying to attack you, and this is why I am giving you all of these precautions.”


Thursday, November 16, 2017: (St. Margaret of Scotland)
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles asked Me about the Kingdom of heaven, and when I would return. I told them the Kingdom of heaven was upon them in My Presence. Once I died on the cross and resurrected, I lifted the bonds of sin, and I opened the gates to heaven. Now, you have My Real Presence in My Host at the Mass, and I am always with you sacramentally in My tabernacle. You are temples of the Holy Spirit, who keeps you alive, but We are Present with you in your spirit and soul. Your soul’s light of grace is not present in mortal sin, so confess your sins to renew your soul’s grace. At the end of time, you will see My return with Light in the sky, as I will come in spirit on the clouds, just as I left My apostles in My Ascension into heaven. Do not look for Me sooner, because the devil and the Antichrist will try to imitate My coming. Be prepared for My return with a pure soul from frequent Confession. You do not know when I will return, and you do not know the day nor the hour. Be like the wise virgins who had extra oil for their lamps, and not like the foolish virgins who were locked out of My wedding banquet.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, today you had to use your own monstrance to hold My consecrated Host. This was because the old monstrance is being upgraded, and it was not present. Seeing My Host in your monstrance, is a forerunner for when you will have perpetual Adoration in your refuge. Then you will be allowed to have My consecrated Host in your chapel. During your practice run, you had people praying every hour, but without My Host. Your refuge people will have daily Holy Communion either from a priest or from My angels. Rejoice in your Adoration hour to be united with Me.”

Jesus said: “My son, for many years your daughter, Jeanette, and her family have driven to your house for Thanksgiving Day dinner. Now, you are going to her house for a change. When her children have grown up, it is hard to get them to come together with college and work schedules. Pray for safe travel, and enjoy being with your daughter and family.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many shootings with near automatic weapons. Now five more people are dead in California. In many of these cases such people should not be able to purchase weapons with their violent history. Even when the police were warned about this man firing many rounds at his house, they should have searched the house, and they should not be stopped at just a closed door. People with violent histories should be checked more when neighbors and others are threatened.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just saw the House of Representatives pass their version of tax reform for businesses and individuals. The Senate’s tax reform bill is somewhat different, and there are some Republicans voicing their opposition. You have not had any tax reform legislation since President Reagan. If the Republicans cannot push such tax reform through the Congress, then their party could lose power to voters who are frustrated without them passing any meaningful legislation to the President. Pray that a better tax code could be found to help your individuals and your businesses.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people will be traveling for Thanksgiving week all over your country. In the Northeast you are seeing some forecasts of lake effect snow, and some windy conditions. My son, you need to pray for safe travel and keep an eye out for bad snow storms on your return. Many people will be on the roads that could cause some accidents in bad weather. Pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer both going and returning home from your daughter’s house.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you have a lot to be thankful for in your jobs and your many possessions. You also should thank Me for having your beautiful families. When you have so much, you need to share your prayers and donations with those people who are less fortunate. You have been giving many donations to all the hurricane victims in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico. The poor also need your help, especially at your local food shelves. Do not forget to share what you can for the poor this Thanksgiving.”

Jesus said: “My people, your shopkeepers are preparing for another Christmas shopping season. Some of you also need to make preparations for winter weather with hats, gloves, boots, and good coats. You may have to get new things if you cannot find last year’s clothes. Advent season is also a good time for Confession in addition to preparing your gifts. You soon will be getting out your Christmas decorations, and I love those families who present My Nativity Scene, which is the reason for your season. Keep focused on the coming end time readings as you approach the beginning of Advent.”


Friday, November 17, 2017:
Jesus said: “My son, when you look at the length of time you live on the earth, it is a very short time. You have lived for seventy-five years, and it is hard to say where all the time went. You are married and have children, and now you are seeing them bring up their own children. You worked for over thirty-five years, and now you have spent over twenty-four years working on My mission of saving souls. You are seeing how important it is to save souls from hell. Your prayers also are important when you pray for sinners, the souls in purgatory, the stoppage of abortions, and for peace in the world. Coming to Mass in the morning, adoring Me at night, and praying your three rosaries and your Divine Mercy Chaplet are your daily Presence with Me. I wish everyone could be so faithful. People need to work on loving Me, and loving their neighbors with their good deeds. You can help people physically with any of your skills. You can pray for them, or give them donations. Try to do everything out of love for Me, and you will gain more merits in heaven. As you look at your life, you can thank Me for all of My gifts, graces, and all the opportunities to help people. I thank you also for all that you have accomplished with the gift of time that I have given you. Continue to pray for your relatives and friends, and keep striving for your perfection with My help. I am interested in following all of your lives every day. Keep Me close in your heart, and keep your souls pure with frequent Confession.”


Saturday, November 18, 2017: (Dedication of St. Peter and St. Paul Basilicas)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I said: ‘When I return, will I find any faith on the earth?’ In your world of today you are seeing signs of evil all over in your abortions, euthanasia, wars, mass killings, pornography, and many sexual sins of prostitution, fornication, adultery, and homosexual acts. The worst sign is how fewer people are coming to Mass on Sunday, and fewer people are coming to Confession also. You will see the faith of people declining with churches closing, and a division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Heresies and New Age teachings will come into the churches, and My faithful remnant will eventually have to have Masses with the proper words of Consecration offered in the homes by a faithful priest. Later, you will need to come to My refuges for protection from the evil ones by My angels. You will see an increase in the persecution of Christians, and some people will be martyred for My sake. Trust in My protection, as your guardian angels will lead you to My refuges at the proper time. This is the end times, and you need to keep the faith amidst all the temptations of the demons and evil people.”


Sunday, November 19, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, when you come into the world as an infant, you are baptized into the faith that will mature later in life. You have an opportunity to train in college for whatever profession that you desire. If you get married, you can use your physical talents to support your spouse and your children. You can also use your gift of faith to bring your children up in the faith, and help save souls from hell. You can also share your talents and donations with those people in need. The more talents you are given, the more that will be expected of you at your judgment. In the Gospel you saw the one person ,who was given five talents, was able to earn five more. But do not be like the third person, who buried his master’s money, because those people who do not use their talents, will answer to Me. If they refuse to believe in Me and refuse to love Me, then they are on a path to judgment in hell. Use your talents and faith well, and you will have My reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages of an earthquake along the San Andreas fault line. What is new about this vision, is the immediate destruction along this fault. You have not seen much activity in this area, and it is overdue for a major earthquake. Such a large event could trigger a martial law because of the damage. I have also shown you in past messages that such a severe earthquake could trigger a possible eruption of the super volcano under Yellowstone National Park. Such an eruption could kill thousands of people and ruin your crops with much dust, that could even change your weather. You have been praying your Reparation Masses for the souls who will die suddenly without preparation for their judgment. Continue to pray for such souls for all the disasters all over the world. Trust in My protection during the coming tribulation. You will see many disasters, and the evil ones killing people, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”


Monday, November 20, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Gospel how I asked the blind man, Bartimaeus, what I could do for him. He asked that he could see. Then I healed him so he could see, and he rejoiced, and gave praise to God. He then followed Me and witnessed to his healing. There are many people, who are blind to seeking Me in faith. Some people wish to remain in their sin, and are blind to Me as their Lord. Those people, who love Me and see Me clearly in faith, are on the right path to heaven. Those people, who ignore Me, or reject Me, are on a broad path to hell. The Israelites worshiped false gods, and I punished them with all kinds of destruction. When your people of today worship false gods of pride, possessions, and fame, then you will see many natural disasters as a punishment for violating My First Commandment. You are to worship only Me, and you will suffer for worshiping things that will pass away. See your Lord first, for I am eternal, and if you are faithful, you can rest with Me in heaven for all eternity after this life. Seek My Light and avoid your blindness of sin in the darkness of evil.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are starting to get a few inches of snow, even as you are seeing icicles and snow in your vision. The leaves have been slow to fall because you had a warm fall. You will be fortunate to rake up your leaves before the snow will stay on the ground. As fall comes to a close in another month, your next season of winter is coming upon you. You may want to put some insulation around the outside of your house to help preserve the heat you generate. Be always prepared to use your backup heaters, if your power is out for longer than a week. You have wood and kerosene for your heaters, as well as your propane generator. You have seen people putting in natural gas generators for backups, as long as natural gas is available. All of My refuge builders also need to have backup heaters and fuels to keep warm this winter. If you have time for a winter practice run, you can see how warm you will be if you turn off your natural gas heater, and use your alternate heaters. Trust in Me to provide for your heat and fuels, as well as your water and food.”


Tuesday,November 21, 2017:(Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read the story of the rich man, Zacchaeus, who climbed a sycamore tree to see Me. I told him that I would stay at his house tonight, and he changed his life in converting to the faith in Me. When I was on the earth, I healed people, and I converted many people to believe in My way of love. I sent My apostles out to evangelize souls, and I am sending out My faithful of today to work on converting souls. In the vision you could see the flames of hell at the bottom of a chimney. You do not want to see any soul lost in hell, so you need to share your faith with as many people as possible. By reaching out to save souls, you can keep them from being lost forever in the flames of hell. Call on My help and My angels to save as many souls from hell as you can.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this is still the month of November when you honor all the veterans of your wars. It is not easy to go into combat where you could be killed in war. Thank those people who died, and those soldiers who survived their wounds. You still have troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. You also have troops stationed in South Korea. Pray that there is no war with North Korea.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for your Congress people and your Senators that they are able to find a compromise to pass some major legislation that is needed for your tax reform and other budgets to keep your government running. I am showing you the President signing a major bill that is needed for your country’s prosperity. Pray for all of your government people to do their jobs properly.”

Jesus said: “My people, at all of My final refuges, you will see a Byzantine shaped cross in the sky that is giving light by itself. When My faithful come to My refuges, and look upon this luminous cross in the sky, they will be healed of all of their ailments. In the vision you are seeing a man healed of an injured foot. Give praise and thanks to Me for any healing that you receive.”

Jesus said: “My people, on Thanksgiving Day many of your relatives come together to celebrate a meal and enjoy each other’s company. You have many things to be thankful for in your health and when prayers have been answered. Remember to give thanks to Me when I answer your requests. Be like the Samaritan leper, who was healed, and returned to thank Me for a healing. You can thank Me for your faith, and all the things I have given you.”

Jesus said: “My people, those refuge builders, who had enough money to start and finish their refuges, need to give Me thanks that they could build what is needed for people to come to a safe place. My builders are given the inspiration and finances to carry out My call to set up a refuge. Every refuge requires planning and materials to build what is needed. I send you angels and the project ideas how to build what is needed for the people who will come. Even if your projects are not completed, I will have My angels finish them for the people to use them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may have to leave for your refuges in less than twenty minutes. This is why My faithful will need to pack a bag for your journey to the nearest refuge. Keep it handy so you can put it in your vehicle and leave quickly. When you hear My inner locution to leave, you must leave immediately. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a small flame to the nearest refuge. The angel will put an invisible shield over you so you will be protected from the evil ones, both on your way and at your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are so fortunate to live in a country that has a democratic government of three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. You have freedoms under your Bill of Rights that is much better than atheistic communist countries. You can vote for your leaders, and you also have freedom of religion. As you remember things to be thankful for, you can be thankful that you live in a free country founded by your forefathers who gave you your Constitution and Declaration of Independence from England. You also can thank Me for protecting you from any persecution.”


Wednesday, November 22, 2017: (St. Cecilia)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Maccabees you read how seven brothers and the mother were martyred for their Jewish customs and beliefs. They believed in God, and they preferred to be killed rather than give up their traditional beliefs. St. Cecilia was also martyred for her faith in Me. As you approach the end times, you will be persecuted for your belief in Me. You need to ask yourself if you are ready to die for your faith, if you were forced to decide between believing in Me, or living in an evil world. This will test how strong you believe in Me, and love Me. I will provide protection for My faithful at My refuges, so I will not leave you as orphans. Trust in Me, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President has won his office, but the Republicans cannot keep together to push legislation through the Senate. They have control of the House and Senate, but there are enough establishment people to block any serious legislation. If a single party cannot pass tax reform, your President may try reaching out to the Democrats to pass some compromised tax reform. I mentioned before that your President will have difficulties getting his legislation through Congress. Compromising with the Democrats, may be his only chance to pass tax reform. If there is no sign of passing tax reform legislation, your markets may come under downward pressure. If the markets drop 20% or more, you may see your legislators move faster to protect your economy by passing some form of tax reform. Your markets are patient, but they will not wait forever. Some of the rise in your markets has come from expecting a change in your tax code. If there is no reform, there will be consequences. There may be more changes in these bills, because the rich corporations stand to gain more than individuals. Some see the rich getting more favored treatment, so individuals may need more help than your corporate gains. Pray for a fair treatment of your middle income people, who are paying most of the taxes.”


Thursday, November 23, 2017: (Thanksgiving Day)
Jesus said: “My son, as you think about all of your blessings, you have a lot to thank Me for, just as the healed leper thanked Me. You have a wonderful family of your wife, your children, your grandchildren, and even your great grandchildren. You have many friends in your neighbors and your prayer group. You have been blessed with a gift of faith, your mission in My messages, and now your refuge. You were blessed with a good job and several inheritances. You also are blessed with good health and a healthy spouse. You are blessed again with living in a free country. You have everything you need, and you have been generous is sharing your faith, time, and donations with others. Your prayer life is a wonderful gift to Me, as well as your ‘yes’ to My missions. Keep praising and thanking Me for all of your blessings. Continue your prayers for yourself and your family.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you My planned wedding banquet in heaven where My feast will be better than any of your feasts on earth. You think you have a great feast at your Thanksgiving Dinner, but it does not compare to heaven. Only purified faithful souls are allowed through the gates of heaven. Life here on earth is passing away, but life with Me is forever glorious in heaven. Do not be attracted to things of the earth, because they have no value in heaven. Only your good deeds and a holy life will have value in heaven. Your life here is very short compared to eternity, so make the most out of your life while you still have time. You all will meet Me at your judgment when you die, so keep your soul pure with frequent Confession. I love all of you, and I desire to save all of you, but I cannot force your free will to love Me. You need to confess your sins, and ask My forgiveness in order to come to My eternal banquet.”


Friday, November 24, 2017: (St. Andrew-dung Lac)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you heard how My zeal for the Lord’s house consumes Me, when I turned over the tables of the money changers in the Temple. At that incident the Jewish leaders wanted to kill Me, but the people were attentive to My words and My healings. You are about to see another evil come into My churches, when New Age teachings and heresies will be dividing My Church. These evil ones will be in line with the Antichrist, so My people will need to have secret Masses in the homes. Later, as My faithful remnant will be persecuted for believing in Me, they will need to come to My refuges for the safety of body and soul. Trust in My protection during the tribulation.”

(Black Friday) Jesus said: “My people, your country is known for having many shoppers with expensive tastes on a low budget. Most people, when they shop for gifts, are trying to get the most value for their money. Materialism is running rampant, especially around Christmas. Many of the ads and business people are trying to entice you to buy many things that you do not need, but you are attracted to the newest things that many people are buying. If you take away the lights and excitement of buying something new, you may see deep down, you do not have to have the latest new gadgets. Do not be controlled by new things, and only buy what you truly need. You also need to buy only those things that you can afford. You should see that loving Me is much more satisfying for your soul, because I offer you eternal life, while the devil only offers you temporary pleasures. When you realize how new things quickly become outdated and need constant repair, then you see how they have a false facade to attract you. So do not make gods out of your money or material things, because you depend on Me for everything. Trust in Me, and I will provide you with what is needed for your survival.”


Saturday November 25, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, the Pharisees and Sadducees did not believe that I was the Son of God and the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. The Pharisees believed in the Resurrection, but the Sadducees did not believe in the Resurrection. The question of which of the seven brothers would be the woman’s husband in the next life, would only have meaning for the Pharisees. I told them that they were badly mistaken, because the faithful, who become saints in heaven, are like angels, and they would no longer get married. You will be giving Me praise and glory in heaven, and you will thank Me for being in heaven by My death and Resurrection. I have offered you My sacrament of forgiveness in Confession, and I have opened the gates of heaven. So keep your souls pure and holy by frequent Confession, so you can come to heaven with Me for all eternity. After the end of time, and at My last judgment, then all of My faithful will be resurrected with a glorified body. Rejoice to live after your death, because I am building your mansions in heaven.”


Sunday, November 26, 2017: (Christ the King)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast of My Kingship shows you My power over all of creation, including the devil and his evil angels. Today’s Gospel is a preparation for My coming in the end times. All of you will be judged, and you need to see if you are My sheep, or one of the goats. This means whether you love Me and your neighbor, or you ignore Me and refuse to love Me and your neighbor. If you want to come to heaven, you need to do more than just call Me: ‘Lord, Lord.’ You need to show Me your love in your actions, and come to Me every day in prayer to acknowledge Me as Lord of your life. Make friends with Me now, because you do not want to hear Me tell you: ‘I do not know you,’ since those people will be sent to hell. You also need to show Me how you loved your neighbor. You could love them by providing food and water to the victims of your hurricanes. You could help your less fortunate neighbors by supporting your local food shelves of soup suppers as you feed the poor. You could share your old clothes to clothe the naked. You could also share your faith in teaching children in your CCD programs, or help new converts in your RCIA programs. You could help the homeless find shelters. You may even have to help your family and friends financially when they lose their jobs or they are sick. When I see how you love people with good deeds, you are helping Me in them. These loving souls will have their reward in heaven. Woe to those people who ignore loving Me, or who refuse to help their neighbors, because these people are on their way to hell. My faithful need to be ready by loving Me and others with your daily actions. Then at the judgment, I will welcome you into My great wedding banquet in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of you for praying the rosary, even in this cold weather, as you celebrate My feast of Christ the King. In the vision you see how My Blessed Mother leads you to Me through the rosary. The Mysteries of the rosary are all about the major events in both My life and that of My Blessed Mother. I thank all of you who pray all the 15 Mysteries every day. My Kingship is a foreshadowing of My coming judgment. I will cleanse the earth of all the evil ones. Evil may appear to be winning for a while, but I am allowing this time to test My faithful. In the end you will see My victory, as My power is greater than any creature. Rejoice in My Kingship over the universe, and keep your focus on Me on your path to heaven.”


Monday, November 27, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, when I will come on the clouds, you will see Me as Christ the King, and the angels will be singing My praises at that time. You are getting close to the end of the Church Year, and you are reading the end time readings. Next week begins Advent, and you will be preparing for Christmas with all of your Christmas songs. Already your shop keepers are having continuous Black Friday sales to draw people into their stores. There is more to Christmas than buying gifts for your family and friends. You can also pray for the saving of souls in your families. It is a nice gesture to send gifts and Christmas cards to share your love with family and friends who live at a distance. Rejoice on these feast days when you are singing many beautiful hymns.”

Jesus said: “My people, at certain points in your younger life you desired to have the newest and best electronic devices that you could buy. After you bought your devices, there was a big let down, because they did not really give you the joy that was anticipated. It was the craving before your purchase that kept your interest. Now you see that such earthly cravings never really satisfy your needs. Your old devices work just as well, and you really did not need the newest device to get your work done. Your spiritual cravings to be with Me are always satisfied in your soul in Holy Communion. I satisfy your desires much better than any earthly object. It is My love for your soul that you enjoy the most. Earthly objects are cold, and they are not capable of loving you. You can always trust Me that I will always love you, and I will give you the grace to accomplish your mission. You are never frustrated with Me, as you may be frustrated by your friends or your physical things. You can depend on My love, but human love can fail you at times. So cling to Me in all that you do, and I will get you through your problems. When you love Me and seek My forgiveness of your sins, you will see My reward in your lives. You may be tested at times, but you will learn from your mistakes. Seek Me first, and everything else will be given to you.”


Tuesday, November 28, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when all the leaders of the nations will be seated at a round table with the Antichrist, and they will be smoking cigars and proud of themselves. Then the Antichrist will betray all of them, and they will be killed, so he can assign his own leaders. You are about to see an evil that you have never seen before. When the Antichrist declares himself and the tribulation begins, most of My faithful will already be at their refuges of protection. The Antichrist will have all believers in Me killed, if they did not reach their refuges. Those people, who do not serve this evil one, will also be killed. Be thankful that My angels will shield My refuges from harm, and they will finish any buildings, and provide food and daily Holy Communion to My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before that your life on earth is like you are acting on a stage with everyone looking at you. In this vision you are seeing all the saints and angels who are looking down on all the actions of the people on earth. This is how St. Therese was looking down on My son’s actions, and how she gave some messages on how to correct his life. You truly are on a stage, but you did not realize how all of heaven is watching every person. In a similar way, all the souls in purgatory are watching you as well. This is how all the souls on earth are linked with the Communion of Saints, both in heaven and in purgatory. This is another reason to be on your good behavior at all times, because these souls are watching your every move. You can call on the saints in heaven to be intercessors for your soul to gain spiritual help, and for protection, as with St. Michael. These saints are better mentors than anyone you could find on earth.”


Wednesday, November 29, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Daniel, you read how the king mocked Me by drinking from the sacred vessels that were taken from the Temple of Jerusalem. He also praised gods of gold, silver, and wood. As a punishment, there was a hand writing on the wall: Mene, Tekel, and Peres which was a sign interpreted by Daniel. This was a sign of the downfall of the king’s reign, as he was soon to die and be taken over by the Medes and the Persians. There is a lesson here for America because many of your people are worshiping false gods of money, possessions, fame, and sports. You are killing My babies in the womb, and you are mocking marriage by living together in fornication and homosexual marriages. In the vision you are seeing a tsunami on the West coast, caused by an underwater earthquake. This is a sign on the wall of how America will be brought down by natural disasters. When your lives are in danger, I will warn My faithful to come to the nearest refuge for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, now that North Korea has a capable ICBM that can carry several warheads, they are in a position to use their technology to take down America’s electric grid. With multiple warheads exploded up high, they could cause an EMP attack on America’s electrical grid that is vulnerable to such an attack. If any missiles come close to America or its allies, you could see a massive war that could involve nuclear weapons. Seoul is the capital of South Korea, and this city could be destroyed in any conventional war. Any war could involve thousands of people being killed. Unless there is an initial attack by North Korea, South Korea would not start a war. America would only strike back if North Korea makes an aggressive move. Keep praying that these missiles are not used to start a war. With both sides on full alert, there could be one mistake or miscalculation that could trigger a war.”


Thursday, November 30, 2017: (St. Andrew)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more natural disasters all over the world, as with this huge volcanic explosion in your vision. There is a large volcanic disturbance on Bali island in Indonesia, where airplanes are not flying near it. The recent earthquake activity in this area has triggered this volcano. Sometimes the smoke and dust can affect the weather in this region. When you will see major earthquakes on your West coast, you will see tsunamis and possible volcanic activity as well. This is a preview of what is to come. In the Gospel for the feast day of St. Andrew, you are seeing Me call My apostles: St. Peter, St. Andrew, St. John, and St. James. They all dropped what they were doing, and they followed Me. When I called you, My son, you were happy to give Me your ‘yes’ to your mission, even though you did not know what it would be. When people follow Me in faith, there is no care about the consequences. You just go forward with My Word. Those people, who are called, need to have a good prayer life every day, so they do not lose their gifts, nor the direction of their missions. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for My faithful souls. They will have their eternal reward with Me in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been given many messages from various visionaries that are telling you to repent and change your evil ways of living. In order to get your attention to change, I am unleashing some angels to send more natural disasters upon the earth. These earthquakes, famine, and pestilence are also signs of the coming end times. Be prepared with Confession, as you will soon see an increasing persecution of Christians by atheists and Muslim terrorists. Be prepared also to come to My refuges for safety.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have heard your groaning about the evil on earth, and you keep asking Me why am I allowing such evil. It is My Will at what time I will bring My Warning to show people their sins. The evil things have gotten worse over time, and your sins are crying out for My justice. The Warning will be very difficult for people to see their sins as I see them. Some people will be frightened, but others will not change their ways. You will see My first judgment on your souls, and some people will repent and be converted. The Warning will be the beginning of the many events that will test your faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, one day you will see Me in Spirit as I will enter through the Golden Gate of Jerusalem to bring My judgment against all of your evil nations. I will be leading My angels and holy people against the Antichrist and the evil ones at the Battle of Armageddon. Evil will be defeated and I will bring My Comet of Chastisement against the earth, and there will be three days of darkness. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will renew the face of the earth. I will then bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, I see your people praying before Planned Parenthood abortion clinics. I hear your prayers, and I will be changing hearts in the Warning so only a few abortions will occur. Those people, who continue to defy My laws after the Warning experience, will suffer more severe punishments. Evil will increase greatly when the Antichrist declares himself. I will protect My faithful at My refuges, but some will be martyred for believing in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are ending your Church Year, and you will soon start your Advent Season in preparation for Christmas. You can see some people have already put up their lights for Christmas outside. Some people are also putting up their Christmas trees and Nativity Scenes. God bless those faithful people who put up Nativity Scenes on their porches to witness My true coming at Christmas. I am happy that you are again wishing people a ‘Merry Christmas’ despite those people who are calling for politically correct words.”

Jesus said: “My people, you spend a lot of time and money to share gifts with your family and friends. You are generous to show your love for people. When you give cards with your gifts, tell each person that you are going to pray a rosary for that soul. This spiritual gift will be much more valuable than any expensive gifts. It is very beautiful to bring all of your families together to celebrate My birthday at Christmas.”

Jesus said: “My people, listen closely to the beautiful readings at Mass during your Advent Season. You could come to daily Mass, confess your sins in Confession, and do a little fasting between meals. Take time during Advent to do some extra spiritual reading, and some extra prayers for those members of your family who are away from Me. Pray for their conversions constantly to help save their souls. You can also do some extra deeds of charity by helping people with their problems. At the end of Advent, then you can bring your gifts to My crib at Christmas.”


Friday, December 1, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a vision of a black, ugly tar pit, that represents the mortal sins on many souls. I want you to see what I have to look at every day. All of these souls have the potential to seek My forgiveness, and stop living in their daily sins. The problem is that these people enjoy the pleasures of their sins more than loving Me and experiencing My love for them. Because of man’s turning away from Me, you are seeing the need for Me to send My Warning upon the earth. The people do not see the connection between their sins and My punishments in their disasters. This is why I will have to awaken all souls to see how much their sins offend Me. The Warning will save some souls, but there will still be a lot of souls being lost, if no one prays for them.”


Saturday, December 2, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the last day of the Church Year, and you are being reminded of how I will one day come on the clouds to judge all of humanity. The Book of Daniel speaks about the beasts who will come, and they will be allowed a brief reign of less than 3½ years. In the Book of Revelation it speaks of the coming Antichrist and the False Prophet who will reign over the world during the tribulation. Everyone will live through the suffering of the tribulation, and some of My faithful will suffer martyrdom for My Name’s sake. I will not leave My faithful as orphans, because many of My faithful are being called to set up refuges for this end time tribulation. I will separate My sheep from the goats, as all of My faithful will be led to My refuges, and they will enter with a cross on their foreheads. Once the evil ones are separated from My faithful, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement upon the evil ones as a victory over the Antichrist and the evil ones. The evil ones will be cast into hell. Then I will raise My faithful up into the air, and I will renew the face of the earth. I will then bring My faithful down into a new earth of My Era of Peace. There you will live a long time, and be prepared as saints to enter heaven at your death. Rejoice in My victory, as My faithful will share their reward with Me in heaven for all eternity.”


Sunday, December 3, 2017: (First Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel speaks of watch and prepare for My coming. My first coming is all about the preparation for the coming of a Redeemer that was promised ever since Adam’s sin. This is the beginning of the Season of Advent, and the beginning of another Church Year. My people also need to be watchful today for when I will come on the clouds to judge everyone on the earth. During this Advent Season, you could be more concentrated on prayer and fasting, much like you do during your Lenten Season. You could make some extra sacrifices as coming to daily Mass, and fast between meals for the souls in purgatory. You can make some extra sacrifices of helping the poor either through your food shelf, or direct donations to poor people. All of these extra sacrifices can be thought of as gifts that you bring to My crib. You are helping Me in the poor people who you are reaching out to. You can also reach out in prayers for the poor, and even share your faith in converting souls to the faith. I love all of My faithful, and I thank you for all that you do to help your neighbors.”


Monday, December 4, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, I want My people to love Me and your neighbors as yourselves. I also want you to love your enemies and persecutors. You remember when I told you if someone slaps you on one cheek, you are to turn the other cheek. I want My people to apply this love every day. You are to be humble and kind to everyone, so you can practice your patience. You can defend yourself within reason, but do not make a defense if people criticize you for believing in Me. Those people, who commit evil against you, will have to deal with My justice. Do not judge people, but leave that up to Me. By loving everyone, you will be imitating My love for all the people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I allowed your President to win to give you a reprieve from the liberal one world atheists. You can see how liberal one world people are instrumental in fighting your President over everything he does. He is trying to push through a needed tax reform that would allow your businesses to be on more of an equal playing field with other countries that you trade with. He is trying to push through the oil pipeline, control your immigration of radical Muslims, and take back the land given away by your previous Presidents. The one world people are trying to stir up an impeachment, but your President is winning in some of his battles. There is a possibility of a civil war led by the one world people against your President, but the military is standing behind him. Pray that God-fearing people will win for awhile, before the evil one will be allowed his brief reign. Trust in Me, and come to My refuges when your lives are in danger.”


Tuesday, December 5, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, for three hundred years after My birth, Christians were being persecuted and killed. This is why My faithful were hiding in the catacombs where they buried the dead. You have been to Rome to see the catacombs, which were underground tunnels and caves. You are about to see another time, when you will again see the Christians persecuted, and even martyred as in some countries today. This is why I am having My faithful set up refuges for a safe place to hide from the evil ones, who want to kill God’s people. My faithful will be hiding in caves as well. You are looking at your future with this vision of the catacombs. Trust in Me and My angels to protect My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have some delicate electrical components that run your power grid. When you have a power surge, it acts like a short circuit, and all of your power could go down. I have talked about EMP attacks from bombs and solar flares. If you had too much power put into one line, or if the power is not in the right phase, you could have a short circuit to your power grid. You have prepared yourself with solar panels and batteries to store your generated power. Solar panels do not work well between December and March. This is why you need a propane generator to give you some power for short periods of time. You have a back up source of heat with your wood burning stove. You also have a kerosene burner with both fuels for awhile. You would need multiplication of your fuels, food, and water for people to survive at your refuge. You may not be able to rely on your natural gas if the pumps stop working. You have some propane that would need multiplying to run your generator. You have plenty of trees that you could cut down for heating. Be thankful that I have directed you to prepare all of your backups. Trust in Me to feed you, and keep you warm during the tribulation.”


Wednesday, December 6, 2017: (St. Nicholas)
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the feast of St. Nicholas who was known to share gifts with the poor and the children. This is part of the tradition you have in sharing gifts with your family and friends on Christmas. In the Gospel I was healing the sick and the blind. Then I wanted to feed the people who were with Me for three days. So I multiplied the seven loaves of bread and the two fish so everyone could be satisfied, and still they collected seven baskets of fragments. Even then people did not waste any food. This is a sign of giving out Holy Communion when I share My Body and Blood with all the people at every Mass. Even at My refuges, I will multiply the food, water, and fuels for your survival. My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion if you do not have a priest. You could even survive only on receiving Holy Communion. This is your spiritual food that is needed more than your physical food. I satisfy all of your needs, because I know what you require for your body and soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you get older, you may need to buy reading glasses to see more clearly. You know the difference when you wear your glasses. Imagine if you could not see at all, as a blind person. I healed the blind, and they were so happy to be able to see things. Rejoice in My many ways that I help you to see your mission clearly with spiritual eyes. I magnify your hearts of love for Me and your neighbor. By appreciating My love for you, you can thank Me in your prayers and good deeds. When you come to adore My Real Presence in Adoration, you have a chance to be quiet, and listen to My words of love. My love puts your mind at ease, and you have true peace in your soul and spirit. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you every day.”


Thursday, December 7, 2017: (St. Ambrose)
Jesus said: “My son, today’s Gospel speaks of having a good foundation for your faith as you would build your house on rock instead of on sand. Today’s feast of St. Ambrose reminds you of when you were married at St. Ambrose’s church in 1965. Getting married in the Church is another foundation for your life to have a help mate in faith. Your children and grandchildren are My blessings upon your marriage. Now, you are called to have your family members have a good foundation in Me as yourselves. Give them a good example, and pray for the souls of your family, so you can help save them from hell, even if they wander away from Me. Having a strong faith in daily prayer and daily Mass is definitely building your faith on a solid rock foundation. Call on Me and My Blessed Mother to watch over the souls of your family with your daily prayers for them. Remember to tell them how you will pray a rosary for their souls on your gift cards.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it appears that every time there is a deadline for a budget in the Congress, they are rushing at the last minute to get it done. There is also a tendency to postpone deadlines with a small number of weeks of money to sustain your government. These people in Congress have enough vacation time, but they are slow to pass budgets, tax reform, and decisions on health care. There are many distracting issues that are holding up their work. Pray that your legislators can do their job in a more timely manner.”

Jesus said: “My son, you know that the old monstrance is being worked on for an upgrade, so you need to remember to bring your own monstrance. It is an extra step to remember every Thursday, so you may want to keep your monstrance in a more visible spot. You remember the church key, so you may put the key next to the monstrance. Otherwise, you are starting a little late. Call on Me to help you when it is time for your prayer group.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President wants to move your embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He is meeting some resistance from the Palestinians. Jerusalem is the main city, so it is a reasonable plan. You are seeing people object to every move of your President, and this is just another example. Pray for peace in the Middle East.”

Jesus said: “My people, on this date of December 7, 1941, you saw the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor which brought America into World War II. World War II killed a lot of U.S. service people, and it caused a lot of deaths and destruction to the European cities. America was fortunate not to be invaded, but your people suffered a lot of casualties to stop Hitler, Japan, and Italy. It was unfortunate that it took nuclear bombs to stop the war against Japan. As you look at more possible war in Korea, My people need to pray some novenas to stop any war.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Advent Season is very short, and Christmas will be here in a few weeks. You are seeing people putting up their Christmas decorations, lights, and shopping for gifts. Some people are preparing to send out their Christmas cards. This is a joyful time to prepare to celebrate My coming at Christmas. Remember to show My Nativity scene in your decorations. I have even encouraged you to keep a small Christmas scene year around where you have your prayer room and your statues. Keep Me in your heart the whole year long also.”

Jesus said: “My people, as Christmas is coming, you remember how My angels were singing ‘Glory to God in the Highest’ to the shepherds. You also come to your concerts to hear the songs of the ‘Messiah’. All of heaven rejoices with you as you celebrate the remembrance of My birth. Even your radios and TVs play your familiar Christmas songs. When you think of ‘Peace on earth’, you should share your love with each other, instead of your ongoing wars and anger toward each other.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother brings Me to you in all of her feast days. You remember Bernadette who received My Blessed Mother’s words that confirmed she was immaculately conceived, so she did not have original sin on her soul. My Blessed Mother did not have any sin, so she was the perfect Ark of the Covenant to carry Me in her body. Give honor to My Blessed Mother for accepting her role as My mother in My Incarnation as a man on earth. I am the promised Redeemer as you celebrate My coming into this world of sin. Rejoice that I chose to bring salvation to all of mankind by My death on the cross.”


Friday, December 8, 2017: (Immaculate Conception of Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am honored by God to have been immaculately conceived without original sin, and to be the Mother of Jesus, the Son of God. My Son and I were together in my pregnancy, and we are joined as Two Hearts. My being without sin, made me the perfect tabernacle for Jesus. My feast is a good preparation for when you celebrate the remembrance of my Son’s birth on Christmas. Just as I am the Mother of Jesus, I am also the mother of all people, when Jesus called me to be St. John’s mother at the foot of the cross. Today, you will be praying your Hour of Grace, so pray for the souls of all of your family and friends. I hear all of your prayer petitions, and I give them over to my Son, who is always listening to me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a large dark hole in the ground, and there were thousands of flies coming out that represented Beelzebub, or the lord of the flies. This time of evil will be getting worse, as the tribulation is about to start. I will send My angels to protect My faithful from the demons, but those people, who are in mortal sin, will be constantly tormented by the demons. You can come to Confession to rid all of your sins on your soul with the priest’s absolution. When your soul is pure and not totally black, then your guardian angels will protect you from the demons. Keep praying and fasting for those people in your family who need conversion. You can also pray your St. Michael prayer in the long form to help exorcize any demons, or help people minimize their addictions. I hear all of your intentions, and I will help the souls you are praying for.”


Saturday, December 9, 2017: (St. Juan Diego)
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the feast day of St. Juan Diego who had the miraculous picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe on his cloak. There was also a conversion of many Native Indians when they stopped offering their children up to their gods. This feast is a preparation for My Blessed Mother’s feast on December 12 of ‘Our Lady of Guadalupe’. My son, you just recently went to this shrine in Mexico City, Mexico. My Blessed Mother’s feast is for all the Americas in this hemisphere. She is also reminding you about stopping your abortions, because you are killing your babies, and offering them up to your gods of money, possessions, and convenience. This is the same reason why My Blessed Mother came to save the Indian babies. America is suffering your own disasters as a punishment for killing My little ones of the unborn. Pray for the stoppage of abortion.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist came to prepare the way for My mission on earth. In the first week of Advent you heard the word ‘Watch’ for I am coming. Now, this second week of Advent you are hearing the word ‘Repent’ and prepare your souls to be cleansed as in Baptism or Confession. When you prepare to meet Me at Christmas, you want to have a pure soul, so you can have Holy Communion worthily without any mortal sin. The people were eager to have a Redeemer come to save them from their sins, and the sin of Adam. Before I came, souls could not enter heaven, but they had to wait in Sheol until I opened the gates of heaven with My Divine Sacrifice. Once I made atonement for all the sins of mankind, only then could souls enter heaven, if they were worthy. So the people rejoiced at My coming, so souls could come to heaven.”


Sunday, December 10, 2017: (Second Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My son, I know this is an unusual vision, but I am holding this aluminum foil to remind everyone to protect your chipped charge cards with some aluminum foil. This thwarts thieves from using microwave readers to steal your charge card information, which they could use to rob your accounts. If you see unusual charges, you can change your cards. If you have debit accounts, thieves could steal money out of your accounts directly. Identity thieves also try to get your information on the internet as well. Do not give out your information to strangers who have no real need from you. Your electric grids are also vulnerable, but My refuges are being protected even now. Your grid could be protected, but the one world people are blocking this, so they could take over America with an EMP attack. Such an attack would stop your vehicles, your banks, gas pumps, and stop food from being moved to your stores. This is why you need backup means for electricity, food, water, and fuels, which are also protected at My refuges. In the winter you will need alternate heating sources as well. Be prepared physically and spiritually for all the evil that will be coming upon your country. Pray for My angel protection at all times.”


Monday, December 11, 2017: (Angelo ‘Jim’ Scarantino Funeral)
Jim said: “Hello everybody, I am happy that all of you could make it to my last party at this funeral and reception. You remember my favorite saying: ‘He, who is content, is crazy.’ I am so sad to leave Lil and the family, because I love all of you so much. I will be watching over you and praying for your souls. I gave all of you a good example to follow by coming to Sunday Mass and praying to God. If you are faithful to God, He will be faithful in helping you with your needs. I am in heaven, as my cancer was my purgatory on earth. I love the freedom from my body, and I am ready to dance with Lil when her time comes. Keep a picture of me so you will always remember my love.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have a similar feeling as I do when I have to send souls to their eternal punishment in hell. I give every soul many opportunities to come to Me for forgiveness, but I cannot change people’s free will. There is a day when I will send My Warning, so all sinners can see what hell is like. When some sinners love themselves more than Me, they are on a path to this place of the evil ones. Seeing hell and how their sins offend Me at the Warning, will wake up some souls, but not all souls will change. I do ask My faithful to pray for these lost souls, because your persistent prayers can save your family members. I am seeking the love of every soul, but some souls are not listening to My words of love, because they are full of hate and worship of earthly things. You need to pray hard for the lost souls before they die, because they cannot be helped once they are lost in hell at their death. The souls in purgatory can also be helped by your prayers and Masses. When people die, you can pray your Chaplet of Divine Mercy for their soul. You are also praying the long form of the St. Michael prayer for the souls in your family. Keep praying for them, and give them good example by your holy life of Mass and prayer.”


Tuesday, December 12, 2017: (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
Our Lady said: “My dear children, many of you have come to my Shrine of Guadalupe in Mexico City, Mexico. You witnessed my image on a material that should have decayed years ago. But this is a miraculous picture that I gave to St. Juan Diego with roses in winter to prove to the bishop there were true messages given to him. This image of a pregnant Indian woman, was a sign to the Indians to stop killing their children who were being offered up to their gods. It is also a sign to all women to avoid having abortions when they worship the gods of money and possessions. Children in the womb and outside the womb are too precious to be killed. You hurt my Son very much when you kill his little ones. So keep praying and fight to save these little babies who are being killed every day. It is because of your many abortions that you are bringing so many natural disasters down upon your country. Love these little ones and reach out to the pregnant mothers to have their children live. Abortion is causing a lower birth rate that will not even replace enough people who die. Love one another and do not kill your babies.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have a sense that there is a continuing threat of a large earthquake that is coming along the San Andreas fault. In the vision you are seeing tsunamis and swarms of earthquakes continuing along this fault line. With a severe earthquake, you could see parts of California fall into the ocean, especially around San Francisco. You have had many visions and messages about this earthquake, and it is just a matter of time before it happens. The fires and mud slides are also contributing to the instability of the land that could enhance an earthquake. Keep praying for the souls who are killed in disasters with your reparation Masses. Trust in Me to warn you when you need to come to My refuges for protection.”


Wednesday, December 13, 2017: (Fr. Fred Bush’s Funeral Mass)
Fr. Bush said: “My friends, I am so happy to see so many beautiful people who took the time to say good-bye. I love all of you so much, and I thank you for coming. My sister, Mary, is the joy of my life, and I thank her and all the people at St. Joseph’s for helping me in my later years. My friend, John, I will get to read one last message from you. I thank you for asking me to be your spiritual director. I remember your family back at St. John the Evangelist in the old church. I was happy to see you when you visited me at St. Joseph’s, but I missed you toward the end. I am with Jesus now, and I am happy to have a better memory now. You heard many of my childhood stories, like Fr. Erdle shared at the Mass. I was always happy to share my old neighborhood stories. I did love history and seeing all the beautiful people here at Holy Spirit Church. God bless all of you as you struggle through life. I will be waiting to meet all of you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, unless you have love for Me and your neighbor in your heart, it will be very difficult to face the troubles in life. When you love Me, and center your life around Me, I will help you with all that you need in life. I love all of you, and it warms My heart to see My faithful love Me in return. I give all of you free will to chose Me, or the world. It does not take long for you to realize that possessions and worldly things will never satisfy your peace, and they cannot love you as I love you. When you have Me in your heart, I will give you the peace and love that your soul and spirit are searching for. You can only find true peace in Me. You have Christmas signs that say ‘Peace on Earth’. I am the only One who can bring true peace on earth, and My faithful are the only ones who truly appreciate My gifts. My faithful need to reach out to the other souls so you can share My peace with them. Once they see the joy I bring to your soul, then they may desire to be with Me as well in sharing My peace. It is love, trust, and My help that will inspire souls to desire My love. Christmas time is a very beautiful time when you share My birth with everyone by saying ‘Merry Christmas’.”


Thursday, December 14, 2017: (St. John of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, at one point I told My apostles that the Son of Man would have to die and be raised up on the third day. Some of My apostles did not want Me to be killed, but I told St. Peter, ‘Get behind Me Satan’ because he did not understand why I came on the earth to bring salvation to all of mankind by My death. In another instance, two of My apostles wanted to be on My right and My left hand in heaven. I asked them if they could drink from My cup of suffering that I am showing My faithful in today’s vision. I am also asking My faithful to drink from My cup of suffering in this world, so you can be with Me in heaven. You need to die to self, and carry out the mission I have given to each of you. You will face many trials on earth, but you need to share your suffering with My suffering on the cross. Today’s feast day of St. John of the Cross shows you one of My saints who followed Me on the cross, and this was the delight of his life. I love you all enough to die for you, now you have to die to self to be saved.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you are blessed to have My consecrated Host in front of you for Adoration, no matter where you find Me. The vision of a chandelier is a makeshift light for an Adoration room in the rural parts of Trinidad. This was a vision you told a priest without even seeing this room. You saw it later as a confirmation of your messages for this priest. Give praise and glory to Me in My Real Presence at your local Adoration service.”

Jesus said: “My son, your last project is to have a water well dug in your backyard so your people will have enough water to wash, and possibly another source of water for drinking. You had your backflow installed, and you had your worker come out to your house to see that his truck could come in. You also got approval from your neighbor to use her driveway. Now, you can call up the drilling team to come out and start drilling. Pray that your well will give you enough water for your refuge purpose.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to see your friends and relatives pass, but they all lived long lives into their eighties and nineties. They all had physical suffering before their deaths, so this was their purgatory. You will be having a Mass offered for your wife’s Uncle Irvin around Christmas when your family comes together. Keep praying for his soul as you remember him.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a high bridge get shaken down by a severe earthquake. You have seen a lot of earthquake activity recently, but it is when they occur in populated areas that more lives could be lost. Earthquakes will increase as you approach the beginning of the tribulation. This is one of the end time signs, and you need to pray for all the souls who die suddenly in such disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some headlines that are pointing to a compromise tax reform in your Congress. You have seen such words before on previous legislation that did not have enough votes to pass. Until the actual votes are counted in both the House and Senate, this bill could meet the same fate of not enough votes. It is possible that such a bill could lower your taxes, but some people are complaining how it will help the rich more than the middle class. Let your representatives decide on the merits of this bill.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can tell how cold your winter is by the amount of natural gas you are consuming to heat your houses. You could add some more insulation to keep the heat in that you generate, so less heat will escape. Your windows lose the most heat, so you may want to put plastic over them. You may still want to have a winter practice run at your refuge. You will see how hard it is to keep your house warm, even for a short time. You can have your people wear several layers of clothing to keep warm. You may have to assign people to keep your fireplace going through the night. You may want to check your burners to see that they are working properly. Pray that you will see how to survive in such weather without electricity.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Advent Season is about a week shorter than usual, so you have less shopping days for buying your Christmas gifts. Be grateful that you can bring your family together to share My birth on Christmas. You will be sharing gifts and good meals. You also will have your priest friend offer a Mass for your wife’s Uncle Irvin. Since it would be hard to travel to his house in North Carolina, this Mass will be for your family to grieve his loss, and remember his soul. Pray for him and at his Mass.”


Friday, December 15, 2017:
Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to get your water well dug, and now you have all that you need to get started. Now, you need to make arrangements for setting up a date that meets your schedule and your drilling team. You also need to put your straw in bags around your house so you can keep it warm for the winter. You are seeing already how you have had some cold snow storms. Your one prayer group member told you how her house was a lot warmer with the straw around her house. You can compare your natural gas usage from last year to measure the cold temperatures. Both your water well, and your straw are good helps for your refuge use, especially for your winter practice run. Trust in Me to give you good advice with your projects.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are planning to have another practice run to see how your people can deal with keeping your house warm through the night in the winter. I told you that you would have to assign people to keep adding wood to your fire in the fireplace overnight. You need to bring in some sticks from the snow so you could use them to start your fire. Try a little fire to check how much heat you can get from your fireplace. Light you kerosene burner to see how well it works in the cold. You could also try your lithium batteries to see how long your lanterns work on one set of batteries. You have plenty of wind-up flashlights for everyone to get around at night. If your water well is working, you could check the flow rate to see if you will need a cistern to store some water, and check the quality of your water. All of your plans are helping you to get familiar with what is needed in the winter. Your people are more vulnerable during the winter without electricity, so the evil ones may attack your grid during the winter. Do not be afraid because I will multiply your wood and kerosene to keep you warm in the winter. My angels will also be protecting you from harm from these evil people. Continue your hay insulation project as well. By trusting in Me, I will provide for the people who come to your refuge.”


Saturday, December 16, 2017: (4:00 p.m. Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, after you eat your supper, you have to wash the dishes from any food left on them. Your soul also gets dirty with all of your sins, so you need to wash your souls with the grace of Reconciliation in Confession to the priest. You need to cleanse your sins, and seek My forgiveness. Advent is a good time to repent and come to Confession. You want your souls to be white and clean, so you can receive Me worthily on My feast of Christmas. You can send Me praise and thanksgiving, but I respect a humble, contrite, sinner who is seeking My mercy and forgiveness. Try to invite other sinners to come to Confession, so they can cleanse their souls as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, in these visions you could compare these two houses to the five foolish virgins and the five wise virgins who did buy extra oil for their lamps. I have been calling My refuge builders to store food, water, and fuels for heating, especially in the winter. I asked you, My son, to check your heaters, and it was good that you did. When you tried to get your older kerosene burner to work, it would not light, even with new batteries, more fuel, and a flame. You fortunately bought two new kerosene burners, and you were able to get one of them working. This will be usable now for your winter refuge practice run. You may have to test your fireplace after your Christmas gift celebration, but do not forget it. Your projects are being carried out well, so you will be ready any time that the tribulation comes. It is better to be like the wise virgins who were prepared for the wedding feast.”


Sunday, December 17, 2017: (Third Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to travel on foot in Israel, especially when someone is pregnant. It was the decree of the Emperor of the Romans that called St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Bethlehem. This was to fulfill the prophecy of Micah 5:1 ‘But you, Bethlehem-Ephratha too small to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for Me One who is be ruler in Israel; whose origin is from of old, from ancient times’. Give thanks to St. Joseph for taking care of My Blessed Mother in finding a place to stay.”


Monday, December 18, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph was tested when he saw that My Blessed Mother was pregnant before their marriage. He was about to divorce her quietly, when an angel from God told him to accept My Blessed Mother into his house, because she conceived Me by the power of the Holy Spirit. Later on, the Roman Emperor demanded a census for all the people to be registered from the House to which they belonged. Since St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother were from the House of King David, they had to travel to Bethlehem, which was a difficult journey for a pregnant woman about to give birth. This was all part of My Messianic plan that I would be born of a Virgin in Bethlehem to fulfill all the foretelling of the prophets. (Is 7:14) ‘Therefore the Lord Himself will give you this sign, the Virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name Him Emmanuel.’ Once My parents were in Bethlehem, you saw another miracle after My birth, when a Star led the Magi to visit Me with royal gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Rejoice in this Christmas scene of My birth, as you see Me bring My spiritual Peace on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large tsunami wave coming into San Francisco is a sign of a major earthquake alone the San Andreas Fault. Many people could be killed with such a disaster. I have given you so many messages about strong, severe earthquakes in California. I have also said that it is just a matter of time until this earthquake happens. This could also affect Yellowstone super volcano as I have mentioned before. Such a catastrophic disaster would call for a martial law, and time to come to the protection of My refuges. Keep praying your Reparation Masses to help save the souls who will die suddenly. Trust Me to protect you during these coming trials of the tribulation.”


Tuesday, December 19, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, today I am showing you a vision of the many fires in California that have killed some people, and have destroyed many homes and businesses. They have fires there, but these fires are setting records for damage, length of time, and acres burned. Just as I talked of earthquakes, so these fires are also a punishment for all the sexual sins going on in California. You have a homosexual problem, and your movie makers are spreading their ‘R’ movies all over the world. You also have pornographic movies made there as well. When you see the extent of sin in California, now they are feeling the consequences of their sins. Pray for these sinners, but they are experiencing a hell on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not focus your attention on money, possessions, fame, or status in your society. You should instead focus your attention on Me as the center of your lives. Those people, who are rich and famous, are more focused on themselves than on Me. Do not worry if you are poor without many possessions. The things of this world are passing away. I will bring down the rich and the famous, and I will lift up the lowly to high places in heaven. You remember the story of the beggar Lazarus and the rich man, Divies. In life the rich man had everything, but he did not help Lazarus. Lazarus had little to eat, and the dogs licked his sores. At the judgment, Lazarus was welcomed into heaven next to Abraham, but the rich man was judged into the flames of hell. The real riches in this life are My spiritual gifts, and My Eucharist that you receive in Holy Communion. These spiritual things and My words last forever, but the physical things of this life will rot away into nothing. So choose to focus on Me in love, and you will receive your eternal reward with Me in heaven.”


Wednesday, December 20, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how I allow people to have free will, but I am so hurt by how many people who reject Me, or ignore My love. I still love everyone equally, even if they do not love Me. I am also pleased to enjoy the souls who love Me and follow Me in all that I ask. My faithful are My joy in humanity, and I am relying on you to reach out and pray for souls who would otherwise be lost. I know also how you want to have control over your life, but your soul and spirit are willing to let Me lead your life. My ways are always better than your ways, so when I lead you, it will be for the best direction for your soul’s salvation. During this Christmas Season some of the lukewarm souls find their way into church. Encourage your family to come to Christmas Mass, especially those souls who do not come every Sunday. It is the least that they could do to show Me a little love. I give everyone so many gifts every day, but I do not see much thanks for My love. My faithful need to pray persistently for the fallen away souls, so they are predisposed and open to My love. If they could see My Light of love, maybe they could open their hearts for Me to enter. There are many cold hearts out in the world, and My faithful need to warm up these hearts to My love. Bring them in to the heat of My love from the cold of their indifference, and lack of love for Me and their neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing the black eyes of the Antichrist, and you could sense how evil he is, because he is a demon incarnate. I have warned you in many messages not to look at his eyes, because he could hypnotize you into worshiping him. Do not worship him, and do not take the mark of the beast, which is a computer chip in your body. At the end of six weeks after the Warning, I advised you to get rid of your cell phones, your TVs, and your computers and monitors, so you do not look at the Antichrist’ eyes nor listen to his voice. When it is time, I will call My faithful to My refuges, so My angels can protect you from the Antichrist and his demon angels. This is a real danger to your life and soul, so follow My advice for your protection. As the Antichrist starts to gain power, warn others around you when it is time to come to My refuges. People, who believe in Me, will receive an invisible cross on their foreheads from My angels, so they can enter My refuges. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from the Antichrist. Those people, who come through this tribulation, will receive their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”


Thursday, December 21, 2017: (St. Peter Canisius)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you see this streak of lightning from the sky to the earth, and it causes light as I disperse the darkness of evil. You are also reminded of My Star of Bethlehem that led the Magi to find Me in a stable. If you pay attention to My voice and the words of the Gospel, I will lead you on the right path to heaven. You are seeing today the longest night, so that from now on, the nights will get shorter with more daylight. My feast of Christmas is a story of My Light, as it grows stronger from now until June 21. I truly am the Light of the World, not only physically, but I enlighten all hearts and souls with My love. Christmas is a sign of My coming as a Redeemer for all of your sins. Call on Me and I will forgive all repentant sinners. Prepare for My feast of Christmas that brings Light and peace to the earth, as heaven rejoices with you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My people and My refuge builders to have some alternative burners ready with the proper fuels, so you can provide heat in your home in case you experience a power outage. In the vision you are seeing a potbelly wood stove being used to keep a family warm. You could see some power outages with ice storms or accidents to your power lines in the winter. Many people would be without heat if their natural gas burner was without electricity. I told you that your preparations are not done in vain, meaning you will have to use your alternative heating means.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have not seen any new nuclear plants built because of your previous regulations. Now some nuclear plants will be used, as well as some coal plants that were shut down. You need various sources of power, and now there will even be oil drilling in northern Alaska. Your country needs electricity to run your businesses, so now there will be more sources of power.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Republican controlled Congress has finally passed a new tax reform bill that will lower people’s taxes and allow your corporations to compete with a lower tax rate. Congress is also preparing to pass another budget extension to keep the government open until the middle of January. Once your President receives these documents, he intends to sign them into law. It will take some time to see the effects of this legislation. Pray for your people so they will have plenty of jobs to support their families.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for safe travel for your families who are coming a good distance to be together. Your weather can be a problem with snow and ice on the road. You even saw what happened to the Atlanta, Ga. airport when the power went out due to a fire. Continue to pray also that they may be able to return to their homes safely. You do not see all of your family that often, so enjoy each other’s company for your Christmas and New Year’s feasts.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of respiratory sicknesses among your people in this winter season that just started. Many of you are taking vitamins and other herbs to protect your immune systems. Be thankful that there are medicines available to help heal these symptoms. It is not easy to be patient with illnesses that take weeks to heal. Offer up any suffering to Me to be shared on My cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, many families will be sharing presents with each other on Christmas. As you celebrate My birth, you are happy to give gifts to your relatives and friends. I am happy that you are praying rosaries as spiritual gifts for your families. This was an excellent suggestion to write on your Christmas gift cards. It would be a good gift for future years as well.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were able to see that your new Lithium batteries kept your LED lantern lit for over six days. This is even safer and easier to use for light at night than your oil lamps that had problems with your wicks, and a more dangerous open flame. You are stocked up with many batteries for light at night at your refuge. You also will be having a water well dug in your backyard in the next few weeks. These are needed projects to provide enough water and light at night for your refuge people. Give thanks to Me and your refuge builders for providing what is needed at your refuges.”


Friday, December 22, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is the Magnificat of My Blessed Mother when she went to help her cousin St. Elizabeth who was pregnant with St. John the Baptist. This scene is called the Visitation in the Mysteries of the Rosary, and St. John leaped in his mother’s womb, when My Blessed Mother and I arrived. This was the first announcing of My coming from St. John the Baptist. St. Elizabeth recited part of the Hail Mary prayer on our arrival. My Blessed Mother attended to the needs of her cousin in St. Elizabeth’s late pregnancy that was a miracle birth. My son, you have been to Ein Karem, Israel which is a good distance from My Blessed Mother’s home in Nazareth. You saw the writing of the Magnificat in many languages on the wall opposite the Church of the Visitation. My Blessed Mother went to her cousin, because the angel Gabriel told her that St. Elizabeth was in her sixth month at the Annunciation. This Magnificat prayer is also said in the night prayers of the Liturgy of the Hours, or the Divine Office of the priests. Give praise and thanks that I came to the earth to redeem all mankind from their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, in all of your discussions about desiring good or evil, it comes down to a persons’s free will decision in how they decide to obey My laws of love or not. If you want to come to heaven, you need to ask My forgiveness for your sins, and be willing to give up your will over to My Diving Will. Many Christians are being persecuted, and this will only get worse. You first choose whether you want to be with Me or not. You then have to decide if you want to stand up for My existence as God in front of your peers. A further question is if you are willing to die for your faith, if you were forced to decide. If you truly love Me as I love you, then you will need to show Me in your prayers and your good deeds.”


Saturday, December 23, 2017: (St. John of Kanty)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are seeing the time of St. John the Baptist’s circumcision. It also was the time to name the child, and his father had to confirm the name ‘John’ as the angel had told him. Since Zachariah was still unable to speak, he had to write it down. After this he was able to speak, and he recited a Canticle that is used every morning in the Liturgy of the hours. St. John the Baptist would become My messenger crying in the desert to tell the people to repent and be baptized. He prepared the way for My coming at Christmas. The people of Israel were waiting thousands of years to receive their Redeemer, but they did not recognize Me, even despite all of My miracles, and Me telling them I am the Son of God.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are seeing many ripples sent out when one stone is thrown into the water. There are times in history when one man had a large effect on many people. In the beginning you saw how one man’s sin in Adam caused original sin on all of humanity. When I came on the earth, I was one man, and by My death on the cross, I was able to offer everyone salvation, if they obeyed My laws. There is another man coming in the Antichrist, and he will try to control everyone’s soul to worship him. But I will allow My faithful to be protected by calling on My help and My angels at My refuges. My faithful need to see how they can send out ripples of love where My grace can help convert souls. It is My love in your hearts that can draw others to love Me. So use your faith influence to touch as many souls as you can.”


Sunday, December 24, 2017: (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, today is the last day of Advent because tomorrow you are celebrating My feast of Christmas. All of your gifts have been bought and wrapped, as some families exchange gifts on Christmas Eve. Many of your shopkeepers make most of their money on the Christmas Season. I hope everyone would give Me some time in their day for even a small prayer. In the vision you are seeing a pipe shape break up into two pieces. This represents how I pray that people would detach themselves from the love of money and so many unnecessary possessions. I know you need certain things and food to survive, but do not desire more wealth and possessions that you do not need. There is a strong desire to have the latest and most expensive things that people can buy. You even judge people’s success by how much money and possessions they have. Your true goal should be how much spiritual treasure you can store up in heaven from your kindness and good deeds. You cannot buy yourself into heaven, and it does not matter how rich or poor you are, because I love all of you equally. When you look at people, you need to see Me in everyone, because you all are Temples of the Holy Spirit. You also need to pull yourself away from the world, so you can pray to Me in silence, and listen to My voice. I look into your hearts to see your intentions in how much you love Me and your neighbors as yourself. Prepare your hearts and souls to receive Me on this coming Christmas day.”

(10:00 p.m. Christmas Eve) Jesus said: “My people, Christmas should be all about mending bridges and friendships out of love, even with your enemies. You see many signs of ‘Peace on Earth’, but peace needs to start with you. Every time you reach out to love people, do not expect people to love you back. At least you made the effort to do your part to bring peace on earth. Look at Me in how I came on the earth to show you how much I love you, as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. But I was persecuted and even crucified because the religious leaders of My time did not want Me to threaten their power. I love all of you so much that I died to save all of you from your sins. So show your love to Me and your neighbors because you are a loving and kind person. I will reward your love by giving you eternal life in heaven.”


Monday, December 25, 2017: (Christmas Day-Nativity of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for celebrating My birthday as I came into this world incarnated as a God-man with both a Divine and earthly nature. This is more than just a day to share gifts, but it is to rejoice that your Savior is born, as I came to save all of mankind from their sins. I bring peace on earth, if you follow My commands to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. Your world is full of pride and greed for more things than you need. You are fighting over land and possessions, but in the end it is your eternal destination that matters the most. In the vision you are seeing My saints and angels celebrating My birth, and they are looking down on all the people to see who is giving praise and glory to God. It is My prayer that more people would love and thank Me as their Creator. Those people, who do love Me, will have a reward in heaven. Those people, who do not acknowledge Me, will not be acknowledged before My heavenly Father. If those people ignore Me, they better have someone praying for them, or they could be lost in hell. Keep praying for all sinners, especially those souls in your family who do not worship Me on Sunday.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some fruit trees bearing fruit in one scene. In another scene I could see that the trees had disappeared, and all that was left was the bare soil. This is a sign of the coming world famine, that will make it hard for people to find any food. There will be two events that will cause a scarcity of food. The coming earthquakes will cause the Yellowstone supervolcano to explode, and this will send ash all over America and temperatures will be colder. You will also see mandatory chips in the body, so people without the chip, will not be able to buy food. Both of these events will be reasons to come to My refuges for food and protection. At My refuges you will have food, water, and fuels for heating. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs.”


Tuesday, December 26, 2017: (Memorial Mass for Irvin H.)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast of St. Stephen, who was one of the first martyrs for his faith in Me after My Crucifixion. He had a strong faith, and he gave testimony to Me, as the others could not out debate him. He was brave to stand up for his faith, even though he was risking his life for Me.”

I could see Irvin come to me in a younger body. Irvin said: “Hello everyone, I am sorry I did not have a chance to say good-bye to my family members in Rochester, N.Y. I love all of you, and I thank you for your many years of friendship, especially on your trips here in North Carolina. I will remember you, and I thank you for this Mass and your prayers. They are helping me in dealing with my suffering in purgatory. I will be watching over Carol, Bruce, and your Uncle Bill, along with the rest of the family. Keep praying for me and keep my picture around you. God bless all of you.”

Jesus said: “My son, I warned you earlier that you are going to see a colder than usual winter (10-15-17 & 12-14-17). I even recommended putting some hay or straw in bags around your house to keep it warm. You have your kerosene and wood burners in working condition, in case you have a power outage. You also may expect to pay a higher heating bill when you have colder weather. Keep praying that you do not have a power outage. You will soon be planning your winter practice run, but you might want to wait until your real cold weather passes. Your people will be truly tested if you need to keep a wood fire going all night. It is also more difficult to keep your kerosene burner going when you need to add kerosene in the dark or in a deep cold. Be grateful if your natural gas heater continues to work properly. I will help you to keep warm no matter what the weather brings.”


Wednesday, December 27, 2017: (St. John the Evangelist)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel St. John the Evangelist and St. Peter rushed to My tomb after My Resurrection. They both went into the tomb, but My Body was not there. They saw My burial clothes, and they believed that I resurrected. Even when My apostles told the rest of My followers, they still did not want to believe that I resurrected. Only when I appeared to all My apostles in the Upper Room, did they believe. This is why I told them that they believed because they saw My live Body, but blessed are those people who believe in My Resurrection, and they did not see Me. St. John also took care of My Blessed Mother in Ephesus, Turkey. He also was the only apostle to die a natural death on Patmos. Blessed are My faithful who believe in Me and proclaim My Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, your police are your first line of defense against terrorists. This is why some elements of the terrorists are choosing to ambush police in their patrol cars. If they can terrorize your police, then they can threaten your first line of defense. You are seeing many shootings to cause a threat to people having guns. The thieves will always find weapons illegally, so your gun laws have no effect on criminals. You are also seeing more heavily armed special forces to combat the terrorists. If enough shootings occur, they could cause a police state, or a martial law. If martial law occurs, then My faithful will need to come to My refuges for protection from any violence. The one world people are planning a takeover of America, but your President is causing them to change their plans. I told you in other messages that the evil ones will try to assassinate your President if that is their last resort. They have made several attempts to try and impeach your President, but this is not working. My faithful need to pray for the safety of your President, so he can continue to help your country without violence.”


Thursday, December 28, 2017: (Holy Innocents)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of the Holy Innocents honors all the babies who were killed by King Herod in Bethlehem. This was all about Herod’s pride because he was trying to kill Me to avoid another king taking his throne. My Kingship is spiritual as well as physical, and I am King of the Universe, despite what people believe. You had another holocaust in the killing of millions of Jews in World War II. But your worst holocaust is the killing of millions of babies in abortion. It is because of this killing of the babies in the womb, that America will pay a great price. You are seeing more natural disasters, as your fires, snow storms, and frigid cold weather, as a punishment for your sins. So remember to keep praying to stop your abortions, and your Supreme Court decision that is a testimony against you. I am reminding you how I will stop your abortions, if you do not do it on your own. You do not even have death certificates for these dead babies. Life is too precious to take away, so stop all of your abusive killings.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated My feast day of Christmas. Now, in the vision you are seeing the Magi bringing Me their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. I invite all of My faithful to bring your gifts to My crib. Pray for all the intentions that were mentioned tonight. You all are gifts to Me in your lives, and you are gifts to each other as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you celebrate the feast of the Holy Innocents, pray for all mothers who plan to abort their babies, that they could have a change of heart to allow their babies to live. These lives are so precious, and I want to save them from the abortionist. When you see the little babies at birth, they are so cute, and you wonder how anyone would want to kill them. Keep praying to stop the abortion of My little ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are times when your friends need help to move their things from an apartment to a house. These times are opportunities of grace that you could help someone. Be open to people who are in need, and I will bless your kindness with a treasure in heaven. You can also help the homeless by providing shelter and giving them food during this cold winter. Donations to your local food shelves could help the poor as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, your prayer requests are being heard, and I thank you for these spiritual gifts that you are offering for needy souls. These souls of your intentions are most grateful for your prayers. Sometimes you get some response for your prayers, and you are happy and thankful when these people
thank you for your prayers that were answered by Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are suffering from colder temperatures than normal, and you need to dress well to avoid any frostbite or overexposure to the cold. When you plan to come to the March for Life on January 22, you need to bring warm clothes, water, and some food, in case you have an emergency on the road. Check the forecast so you can get to your destination safely. Remember to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer both before and after your trip. I thank all of My faithful for giving testimony against your abortion decision in the Supreme Court, when you come to this March for Life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful tonight for all of you here who came to pray at My crib. I bless all of you for your prayer efforts. When you celebrate in prayer, you are united with all of us in heaven. I thank you also for all the many years of your prayer group meetings on every Thursday. All of heaven rejoices to see all of you praying. You are giving a good example to all of My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have so much evil going on in your world, that you need to double your prayer efforts. You can pray to Me to double your prayers for the conversion of sinners. Continue to pray to stop any terrorist attacks, and pray to stop the wars. Pray for your President’s safety, and for all of those people who are traveling the highways. There will be threats to your government, so pray for your military and first responders to help your people. Be prepared for more natural disasters that will become more severe. I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”


Friday, December 29, 2017: (Funeral Mass for Donald Murphy)
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the life of Donald Murphy, one of My special adorers, who was faithful to Me throughout his whole life. He loves his family so much, and he will be praying for all of them. He is happy to be free of his body, and he is grateful to be with his loving Jesus in heaven. He had a wonderful life, and he was happy that he could help so many people during his life. He was also grateful to Jim and all of his care givers in his later years. He gives the family his blessing to carry on the faith in all of their lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember several times how I directed My apostles to cast a net to get a large catch of fish. They marveled at the size of the catch of fish at each miracle. I then told My apostles that now they would be catching men instead of fish. They followed My plan by going out two by two to evangelize people to My new Way of love. After My apostles received the Holy Spirit, then they were strong in spirit to go out and preach the Kingdom of God is here. St. Peter was given the keys to My Church as the first Pope. I have enabled My Church to survive all through these years. I am also calling on My faithful to go out and preach My Gospel to convert sinners to the Church so they can build up My Church. I am also warning My people that there will be a division in My Church coming. You will see a schismatic church on one side, and My faithful remnant on the other side. Pray for discernment when you will need to come to your homes for a true Mass. As the persecution grows worse, you will need to come to My refuges for protection from the evil ones who are dividing My Church. Trust in Me that I will protect My remnant church from the demons, and the schismatic church.”


Saturday, December 30, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing an older nun dressed in a black habit that could be fifty years ago. In those days the Catholic schools were flourishing, and the nuns were the teachers, as they stayed in their convent. The nuns did not take a salary, but they were given stipends, and the parish supported them. Today, there are fewer Catholic schools, and it is hard to find any nuns, let alone nuns dressed in a habit. Once the nuns went to ordinary clothes, they were giving up part of their identity. This is why your children are finding it hard to get a good education in the Catholic faith. It is the parents who are teaching the faith, but fewer parents are strong in the faith. You have some Bible study groups, but they are few in number also. This is why you have more evil, because the faith is weak, and many people have stopped coming to Sunday Mass. Pray for a faith renewal to save your children.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have done well on your projects, and now you have put your straw in bags, and you have placed them around your new addition. This will help keep your house warm, especially in this cold winter weather. You have another project coming when the drilling team will try to dig your water well. You will have to remove some of the snow that would make it difficult for a truck to get into your backyard. You will have to set up a time, and see if it is too cold to work. Pray that these men will be able to work on your water well. It is not easy to drill and obtain water without the water freezing in cold weather. You may have to wait for a little warmer weather than these frigid temperatures. I will be with you to see this work through, but you may need some patience.”


Sunday, December 31, 2017:(Holy Family of St. Joseph, Mary,& Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, after My birth at Christmas, My parents took Me to the Temple as a family for My circumcision. It was there that we met Simeon and Anna, who were promised to see Me before their deaths. This part of the Gospel was not read in church, but it is the main account of today’s Gospel reading that you read by yourselves. Your people only come to Mass for a short time, and it is sad when you have to shorten the readings. This is a celebration for all families, even amidst your many trials. Pray for all of your family members to remain faithful to what you taught them about Me. It is sad also when the children stop coming to Mass on Sunday, so pray for their souls. In the vision you are seeing another missile launched by North Korea as they try to perfect an ICBM missile that could reach America. It appears that more incidents could lead to a possible war on the Korean peninsula. Pray that missiles are not launched on America or your allies, or a serious war could ensue.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are always curious about what will happen in the new year. I will give you some signs, but I will give more descriptions later on. In the vision you are seeing a severe earthquake that will bring down some buildings. I did not show you where this will happen. You also saw a lot of money in bills spread all over the ground. You had the feeling that this represented a crash of some country’s currency, or a crash of some country’s stock market. These events will cause an emergency rule of order for the protection of the people.”


Sábado, 22 de Fevereiro de 2025

Mulher Vestida de Sol